4^ A HISTORY OF THE IDouse of Douglas Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/historyofhouseof01maxw_0 A HISTORY OF THE 1bou0c of Douglas FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES DOWN TO THE LEGISLATIVE UNION OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND BY THE Right Hon. Sir HERBERT MAXWELL Bart., M.P., F.R.S., LL.D. PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY W. A. LINDSAY, Windsor Herald IN riVO FOLUMES DoUime ! LONDON FREEMANTLE & CO. 217 PICCADILLY W MCMII Charles Alexander Doii^las-Home, 12th Earl of Home, 2nd Baron Douglas of Douglas, etc. DEDICATED TO CHARLES ALEXANDER DOUGLAS XII EARL OF HOME %ovb Bouolas of 2)ouGla8 IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE ASSISTANCE RENDERED BY HIM IN COMPILING THIS WORK / 1 CONTENTS PAGE List of Illustrations in the Text ...... xiii List of full page Illustrations ...... xiv List of Coloured Shields ....... xiv Principal Authorities quoted ...... xvii The Principal Individuals of the House of Douglas referred to in this Work ......... xix Introductory Notice by the Editor . . . . . . xxiii Author's Preface ........ xxvii CHAPTER I The making of Scotland, a.d. 1054-1263 — Foreign settlers, 1 100-1200 — First appearance of the name Douglas, ii 74-1 199 — Doubtful origin of the family — Suggested connection with that of Moray — Meaning of the name of Douglas — i. William de Douglas, c. ii'J4-c. 1214 — The family of Scoti of Piacenza — ii. Brice de Douglas, Bishop of Moray, 1203-1222 — iii. Sir Archibald de Douglas, c. 1214-c. 1240 — St. Bride's Church of Douglas — iv. Sir William de Douglas, " Long-leg," c. 1240-1274 — V. Hugh de Douglas, c. 1274 — vi. Sir William de Douglas, " le Hardi," c. 1274- 1302 — Abduction of Eleanor de Ferrers, 1288 — Swears fealty to Edward, 1291 — The sack of Berwick, 1296 — Douglas imprisoned, 1296 — Wallace's rising, 1296 — The submission of Irvine, 1297 — Second imprisonment of Douglas, 1297 — His death in the Tower, c. 1302 ....... 1-28 CHAPTER II vii. "The Good" Sir James of Doulgas, died 1330 — Declares for Bruce, 1306 — Battle of Methven, 1306 — Raid of Brodick, 1307 — The Douglas larder, 1307 — Second assault on Douglas Castle, 1307 [?] — Affair of Raploch Moss, 1307 — Battle of Loudon Hill, loth May 1307 — Third assault on Douglas Castle, 1307 [?] — Capture of Thomas Randolph, 1308 — Battle of Pass of Brander, August 1308 — vii viii CONTENTS Capture of Roxburgh Castle, 6th March 1314 — Battle of Bannockburn, 24th June 1 3 14 — Pursuit of King Edward by Douglas, 24th June 13 14 — Repeated raids into England, 1314-1316 — Affair of Lintalee, 1316 — Single combat with Nevill, 1316 — Siege and capture of Berwick, 1 31 7 — The " Chapter of My ton," 13 19 — Secret treaty with Lancaster, 1320 — Edward 11. invades Scotland, 1320 — Battle of Biland, 14th October 1322 — The Emerald Charter, 1324 — Campaign of Weardale, 1327 — Douglas's Camisade, August 1327 — Treaty of peace, 1328 — Death of Robert i., 7th June 1329 — Expedition with the Heart of Bruce, 1330 — Death of Sir James Douglas, 25th August 1330 . 29-65 CHAPTER III viii. William, Lord of Douglas, died 1333 — ix. Hugh, "the Dull," Lord of Douglas, c. 1 294- 1 342 — X. Sir Archibald Douglas, "the Tine- man," Regent of Scotland, c. 1296- 13 33 — The disinherited Lords, 1332 — Reappearance of Edward Baliol, 1332 — Camisade of Annan, December 1332 — Sir Archibald appointed Regent, 1333 — Battle of Halidon Hill, 19th July 1333 — xi. Sir William, ist Earl of Douglas and Earl of Mar, c. 1327-1384 — Slaughter of the Knight of Liddes- dale, August 1353 — War renewed with England, 1355 — The Burnt Candlemas, 1356 — Battle of Poitiers, 19th September 1356 — Libera- tion of King David, 3rd October 1357 — Douglas created Earl, 26th January 1358 — Marries Margaret of Mar, c. 1357 — Douglas takes arms against the King, 1363 — Negotiations with Edward iii., 1363 — Renewed disaffection of Douglas, 1363- 1369 — Douglas resigns lands of Dalkeith, 6th April 1370 — Disputes the Succession, 1371 — Becomes Earl of Mar, c. 1374 — Disturbance on the Border, 1378-1380 — Capture of Sir Thomas Musgrave, 1377 — Douglas invades England, 1380 — Capture of Lochmaben, 4th February 1384 — Death of the Earl of Douglas and Mar, 1384 ..... 66-98 CHAPTER IV xii. James, 2nd Earl of Douglas and Mar, c, 1 358-1388 — Arrival of French knights in Edinburgh, April [?] 1384 — French expedition to Scotland, May 1385 — Richard 11. invades Scotland, 1385 — Douglas leads the French into Cumberland, 1385 — Raids Cockermouth, 1386 — Fresh invasion of England, August 1388 — Douglas captures Percy's pennon, August 1388 — Battle of Otterburn, 12th [?] August 1388 — Death of the Earl of Douglas, August 1388 . . . 99-1 13 CHAPTER V xiii. Sir Archibald "the Grim," 3rd Earl of Douglas, Earl of Wigtown and Lord of Galloway, c. 1325- 1400 — Taken prisoner at Poitiers, 1356 — Appointed Constable of Edinburgh Castle, c. 1361 — Sent as CONTENTS ix envoy to France, 1369 — Receives the lordship of Galloway, 1369 — Purchases the earldom of Wigtown, 1372 — Marries Joanna Moray, heiress of Bothwell, 1371 — Builds the Castle of the Thrieve, c. 1372- 1379 — Amends the codes of Galloway and the Marches, 1385 — Succeeds as 3rd Earl of Douglas, 1388 — Invades England with the Earl of Fife, 1389 — Stands umpire in a duel, c. 1395 — Refuses a dukedom, 1398 — Anarchy in Scotland, 1398 — The Duke of Rothesay's marriage, 1400 — Death of Archibald "the Grim," 1400 — xiv. Sir William Douglas, Lord of Nithsdale, od. c. 1392 — Marries Egidia, daughter of Robert il., 1387 — Expedition to Ireland, 1388 — Killed at Danzig, c. 1392 — xv. Sir William Douglas, 2nd Lord of Nithsdale, c. i388- 34> 35- Seals of James Douglas, Earl of Morton, Regent . . 286 36. Signature of James Douglas, Earl of Morton (1565) . . . 287 37. Seal of Elizabeth Douglas, Countess of Morton . . . 293 37A. Signature of Matthew, Earl of Lennox (1565) . . • 293 xili xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland, 1572-1581 Frontispiece Arms of Moray and Douglas, Both well Castle . . Facing page 1 1 Tomb of *'the Good Sir James" in St. Bride's Church of Douglas ...... The Thrieve, Galloway .... Tomb of Margaret, Countess of Douglas, in Lincluden Church x\rmorial bearings on Countess Margaret's tomb Tomb of James "the Gross," 7th Earl of Douglas, in St Bride's Church of Douglas ... Arms and Inscription on the tomb of James " the Gross " Bothwell Castle, Lanarkshire . . . . , Hermitage Castle, Liddesdale Morton Castle, Dumfriesshire Tomb of 1st Earl and Countess of Morton in Dalkeith Church ...... Monument to Lady Margaret Douglas James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton (Regent), from a painting at Dalmahoy . . . . . • 5, », 253 LIST OF COLOURED SHIELDS Charles Alexander Douglas-Home, 12th Earl of Home, 2nd Baron Douglas of Douglas, etc. . . . Opposite Dedication Sir James de Douglas 1330) .... Facing page 14 Moray of old . . . . . . . 14 Douglas of Dalkeith {c. 1300) Sir Henry Douglas of Lochleven {ob. 1350) Enrico Scotti-Douglas, Conte d'Agazano (1900) Sir George Douglas of Pittendreich, Master of Angus (1550) Douglas of Mains (1590) ..... Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie, afterwards 9th Earl of Angus (1587) . John Douglas of Bonjedward {c. 1450) William Douglas of Drumlanrig (141 2) Archibald Douglas of Cavers (141 2) . William Douglas of Whittingham (1567) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XV William Douglas, Earl of Wigtown (142 1 ) . . . Facing page 143 William Douglas, 9th Earl of Angus (i?!^. 1591) . . ,, ,,143 William, 1st Marquess of Douglas ( 201 Hugh Douglas, Earl of Ormond {ob. 1455) . . . ,, 201 PRINCIPAL AUTHORITIES QUOTED ABBREVIATED REFERENCE. Acts of Pari. Scot. Atuhinleck . Bain .... Barbour . £00/: of Carlaverock . Border Papers Bower Bowes Calderwood . Diurnal of Occurrents. Exchequer Rolls . Fcedera FORDUN . VOL. I The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1844- 1 875. 12 vols. Ane addicioun of scottis CornikUs and Deidis (usually known as the "Auchinleck Chronicle"), edited by Thomas Thomson. 1819-1877. Calendar of Documents relating £0 Scotland, 1 1 08- 1 509, 4 vols., edited by Joseph Bain, H.M. General Regis- ter House, Edinburgh. 1881-88. The Brus, writ be Master Johne Barbour. Spalding Club, 1856. The Book of Carlaverock, by William Fraser. 2 vols. Privately printed, 1872. Calendar of Letters and Papers relating to the Affairs of the Borders of England and Scotland, preserved in H.M. Public Record Office, London. Edited by Joseph Bain. 3 vols. 1894- 1900. Johannis de Fordun Scotichronicon cum supplementis et continuatione Walt eri Bower i : cura Walteri Goodall. Edinburgh, 1759. The Correspondence of Robert Bowes of Aske, Esq., the Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth in the Cozirt of Scotland. Surtees Society, 1842. The History of the Kirk of Scotland, by Mr. David Calderwood. 8 vols. Edinburgh, 1843. A Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents that have passed within the Country of Scotland since the Death of James IV. till the year MDLXXV. Bannatyne Club, 1833. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, 1 264-1 507. 12 vols. H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh. 1878- 1888. . Fcedera, Conventiones, Literce, etc., accurante Thoma Rymer, 2nd edit. 20 vols. London, 1727. . Johannis de Fordzm Chronica Gentis Scotorum, 2 vols., edited by W. F. Skene. Edinburgh, 1871. b xviii PRINCIPAL AUTHORITIES QUOTED ABBREVIATED REFERENCE. Fraser Hamilton Papers Henry VIII. Letters . Historical MSS. Lane re OS t . Letters and Papers Melville . Memoriales Morton PiTCAIRN . PiTSCOTTIE Phiscarden Scalacronica Stevenson Wyntoun . The Douglas Book, by William Fraser, C.B., 4 vols. Privately printed, 1885. Letters and Papers illustrating the Political Relations of England and Scotland in the X Vlth Century, formerly in the possession of the Dukes of Hamilton, now in the British Museum. Edited by Joseph Bain. 2 vols. H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh. 1890. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIIL, Rolls Series. 1867. Repoj'ts of the Historical Manuscripts Com?nission. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Chronicon de Lanercost, MCCI.-MCCCXL VI. Mait- land Club, 1839. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the Eng- lish in Frajice dtiring the reign of Henry VI., Rolls Series. 1861, Memoirs of his own Life, by Sir James Melville of Hal- hill, MDXLix-MDXCiii. Bannatyne Club, 1827. Alemoriales of Transactions in Scotland, 1 569-1573, by Richard Bannatyne, Secretary to John Knox. Ban- natyne Club, 1836. Registrum Honoris de Morton, 2 vols. Bannatyne Club, 1853. Criviinal Trials in Scotland from 1488 -1624, by Robert Pitcairn. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1833. The Historie and Cronicles of Scotland, fro?n the slauchter of King James the First to the ane thousande fyve hundreith thrie scoir fyftein yeir, by Robert Lindesay of Pitscottie. 2 vols. The Scottish Text Society, 1899. Liber Plusca7'densis, edited by Felix Skene. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1877. Scalacronica, by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton, Knight. Maitland Club, 1836. Dociwients ilhistrative of the History of Scotland, MCCLXXXVI.-MCCCVL, edited by the Rev. J. Stevenson, H.M. General Register House, Edin- burgh. 1870. The 0?ygynale Crony kil of Scotland, by Andrew of Wyntoun, edited by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1872. THE PRINCIPAL INDIVIDUALS OF THE HOUSE OF DOUGLAS REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK ♦ VOL. PAGE i. William de Douglas, c. ii74-<:. 1214 . . . i. 9 ii. Brice de Douglas, Bishop of Moray, 1222 . • 14 iii. Sir Archibald de Douglas, ob. c. 1240 . . . 16 iv. Sir William de Douglas, " Long-leg," 1276 . • 18 V. Hugh de Douglas, married 1259 . . . - 19 vi. Sir William de Douglas, " le Hardi," c"^. 1302 . . 20 vii. Sir James Douglas, *' the Good," 1290-1330 . • ,> 29 viii. William, Lord of Douglas, 1333 . . • 66 ix. Hugh Douglas, " the Dull," 1 294-1 342 . . . ,, 69 X. Sir Archibald Douglas, " Tineman," i?^. 1333 . • ?> 71 xi. Sir William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas and Earl of Mar, c. 1327-1384 ,,76 xii. James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas, 1 358- 1388 . . ,, 99 xiii. Sir Archibald Douglas, " the Grim," 3rd Earl of Douglas, Earl of Wigtoun, and Lord of Galloway, c. 1325-1400 114 xiv. Sir William Douglas, 1st Lord of Nithsdale,