fa . * * -. 0-A.T^.LOG-XJE //. THE COLLECTION OF OLD PICTURES OF E. W. MacLeod Fullarton, Esq., Q.C. Deceased, late of 1 Holland Park Avenue (Sold by Order of the Executors); ALSO ©lb pictures anb fllbobern pictures, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN WHO IS GIVING UP HIS HOUSE IN TOWN; AND FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES: (m J > & UCb\ WHICH Mill b* ^>olb bu ^Vuftion b£ Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT fill® ©SEAT E©OMS s 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ■ — -XX- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. JV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall he immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of the late R. W. MACLEOD FULL ART ON, Esq., Q.C. n-.- l /o. - 2 //-. - 3 /*- 4 , 5 - - c - 8 _ 9 jo. - 10 v- - 11 nr. (, 12 /. - 13 /- - 14 S'. - 15 ENGLISH SCHOOL. A Rocky Gorge, with a heron A River Scene, with fisherman : Sunset /^s-v- Portrait of a Gentleman, in official robes, holding a book A Landscape g Kg' A River Scene, with a man fishing A Small Landscape, with churchy */o Durham Cathedrai/ox/v- The Yale of Temper A River Scene, with old pollards and village inn /cxi<+ A View near Warwick, with felled timber 3c*sl> A River Scene, with round tower, and peasant ploughing 3-V- *30 A Swiss River Scene, with buildings and figures ^^.^3 A Woody Landscape, with horseman and cows^f’AS^ A River Scene, with a village, barge and grey horse A View off a Port, with boats /SxsO- R 2 J-XteZcL cLcx*jjzJI£ < 9?UAsnAyjzA U-H- /o 6/o- // T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 16 A Suffolk Landscape, with figures and cow: Evening CONSTABLE. 17 A View on the Stour ^.cx3£ 18 A River Scene £>&* V- HOLBEIN. 19 Portrait of a Lady, in black dress and ruff SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A. 20 Portrait of a Lady, in blue dress and white lace cap and frill REYNOLDS (After), 21 A Girl with a Spaniel &&XZ-C hja/jOl, /6xAo 59 The Adoration of the Shepherds 60 A Procession 61 The Madonna and Child, with a vase of flowers tgtfi- 62 Thm Assumption of the Virgin /6x/a- 63 Head of the Saviour to 64 Jupiter 65 Noli me Tangebe 6o*~^t 66 Christ Bound to the Column 67 Washerwomen at the door of a House *-VX*3o GIROLAMO GENGA. 68 The Virgin and Child, with St. John and Angels on koxt+fr i&cori-rissi' dbtCfiuM, panel 8 4 , 3 . - JL! '7 MURILLO. 69 Head of a Man GIOVANNI MANSUETI. 70 The Virgin and Child, with donor, St. John and St RAFFAELLE (After). 71 La Belle Jardiniere /*/$. . h rancis DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. B. MARSHALL. 72 Huntsman and Hounds So /£ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 73 A Rooky River Scene, with figures AoXXf- BARKER (of Bath). 74 A River Scene, with cattle Sox. A /XZO RUBENS and SNYDERS. 79 A Lady and Child in a Stobe Room, with fruit and vege- q/A tables £ N. MAES. 80 POBTBAIT OF A LADY ^ 4 MIEREVELDT. 81 POBTBAIT OF A BUBGOMASTEB A J. POCOCK. 82 Shipping TA GAINSBOROUGH. 83 A Landscape, with a sportsman, and a woman and child r0ad on a jAy^ *7 CROME. 84 A Landscape, with cottage and trees on the right Jh^ f^O W. PETERS, R.A. 85 An Angel taking the Spibit of a Child to Heaven Engraved by Dickinson yo<&v ^'^icXoUCi'is^O- - „ - REYNOLDS. 86 POBTBAIT OF HlMSELF WJ4 10 /fr. J-A /o 7 *4- ir / J/ SPANISH SCHOOL. 87 A River Scene, with figures and sheep us-xyx BAREND GAEL. 88 A Village Fair J. LE DUC. 89 A Musical Party 90 A Concert /8*x0-ASiC 94 Dead Game G. VAN DEN EECKHOUT. 95 A Rabbi 33 xx 7 11 G. POUSSIN. : fS~' — 96 A River Scene, with figures and animals 3cf HUDSON. - 97 PORTRAIT OF EARL CoWPEB /iT' — GUEROINO. 98 Joseph’s Coat r SNAYERS. 99 A Battle Piece —on panel /FXtUy- BOTH. 100 A Woody Landscape, with muleteers and animals Iv-x3c & - SPANISH SCHOOL. 101 Head of an Old Man /fxrs- T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 1 / 102 Portrait of Philip Thicknesse, of Languard Fort, Suffolk, 1756^^-^*^ friend and biographer of Gainsborough 3c x iv- LUCAS VAN LEYDEN Up 103 The Adoration of the Magi— on panel JANET. rA 104 Portrait of a French Prince —temp Henri II. /4~X>'X. P. J. VAN BREE. 105 Portrait of the Artist, holding a'picture of L. Riquier, Professor of the Antwerp Academy, painted by himself; and The Head of a Dog 12 /%?. The following are the Property of A LADY. £/■ -2- - 106 An Italian Shephebd; and A Bandit— a pair Jgx/tf- 2 107 Roman Beggars /6k' i- /o*'^ 2 /. /O, - ) E. Y. RIPPINGILLE. 108 A Landscape ; and a drawing of A Monk’s Head 2 6~%. if. ovaP Jl. s. — E. V. RIPPINGILLE. 109 A Girl with a Veil tours' E. V. RIPPINGILLE. r /• -. - 110 A Man’s Head /if-K/t- //Oas ^ au Sf^AAMsu^ H. L. ROLFE. " A ^ - 111 Fish /fxa^ • $%c(fcyfr /. /«*: - C. S. 112 A Sea Piece, with shipping 3. - M. MATHEW. 113 A Spanish Fair Jh-njij J)o%3/o " <2. /o. - A. CARRACCI. 114 Christ and the Woman op Samaria U-OK3C /- /s. _ MARIN ARI. “ 115 The Madonna and Child . b-0^3iL ^ 13 116 A Battle Piece BORGOGNONE. CUMMING. 117 A View of a Town G. CATTERMOLE. 118 A Banquet Aex. A. PERRY. 119 A Roman Bullock Wagon E. Y. RIPPINGILLE. 120 A Scene in the Streets of Naples /Ckh+- BONIFACCIO (After). 122 An Altar Piece, by E. Y. Rippingille P. DA CORTONA. 123 The Madonna and Child, with St. Francis /x */« S. RICCI. 124 The Ponte Sisto 125 Christ Before Pilate '~C4 xa /O/kxAxy RAFFAELLE SCHOOL. 126 Boys Dancing /A x i (> LANFRANCO. 127 A Man’s Head Ao x. / 6 14 A. CANO. /fe- - 128 St. Francis in Ecstasy 3 V SPAGNOLETTO. £.■ / O . - 129 St. Franoi 8, with a crucifix ^c-nAxi MIERIS. 7’A 130 A Huckster and Cavalier /^X/5- D. TENIERS. 131 The Dentist W. VAN DE VELDE. £Ji /A 132 A Calm, with boats and figures 133 A Calm, with shipping /y-x/6 -2. /S'. - S$- The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN who is giving up his House in London. UNKNOWN. 134 A Scene from “ Much Ado about Nothing ” /P*/S' UNKNOWN. 135 Portrait of a Child, Maria Agustini —dated 1619 UNKNOW N: 136 Portrait of John Tradesoant— dated 1652 M 3C A 15 BLANKOFE. i- 137 View off a Dutch Poet, with shipping /Ax/^ D. CARGIOLO. /% 138 A Rooky Rivee Scene, with animals i CANALETTO. 139 The Capitol; and The Arch of Titus, &c .—apair 2 /tfiXZjD A. DARFOU. A 140 Spobtsmen and Dogs /xaT DENNER. — 141 Head of an Old Man 2c>x.n- A. FALCONI. ) 142 A Battle Piece D. FETI. A 143 Italian Figuees befoke a Building 2. y-%./& FYT. , _ 144 Dead Paktbidges E. G. /%. 145 Hounds /X* ?£" GUERCINO. ’/%. 146 The Madonna and Child /£a/> 16 Jib A/ t /- n(o &ZL F. HAYMAN. 147 The Kit-Cat Club * bo 9~ Go DE HEEM. 148 Still Life, on a table A. JACQUEMIN. 149 A Farm Yard, with poultry S9*/6 A. JACQUEMIN. 150 Figures at the Door of a House /Oxn~ %(£IC* SIE. J. REYNOLDS. a/ +JL __ yyi'CtAsriot+^L 151 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons, in white dress and blue sash, seated, holding a book 152 A Boy, with a dog SIR. P. LELY. 44 <& J. LINGELBACH. 153 A Harbour Scene, with shipping and figures /bxxtf- 154 On Board Ship V. MERCIER. G. NETSCHER. 155 A Lady, seated in a garden Signed, and dated 1683 /fx > V- C- fb L7 PARMIGIANO. 156 Venus and Nymphs Bathing fO- Sffi J. REYNOLDS. 157 Portrait op Mrs. Lushington as a Child //xo REYNOLDS (After). 158 Portrait of Mrs. Francis Griffith —oval P. DE ROSA. 159 Apollo and other Deities /4*X2-V- G. SCHALCKEN. 160 An Old Woman, with parrot, and gentleman offering a glass of wine —signed A. SCHIAVONE. 161 The Infant Saviour Sleeping /4tr 18 /4f. / VAN VITELLI. 165 View in an Italian Town, with numerous figures ZOFFANY, 166 Portrait of a Musician —small whole length FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.