Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofinterOOchri_O CATALOGUE INTERESTING OLD FRENCH & ENGLISH Miniature Portraits, (Bold %aus, (Etuis, Matcljcs,, jfans. AND OTHER OBJECTS OF VERTU, OLD ENGLISH & FOREIGN SlLYER & SlLYER-GlLT PLATE, &e. &e.: FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES: WHICH Mill be ^>olb by Jlurtion b|> Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street* St. James's Square, S. W. /So. UweZ'g L&QJa CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the wdiole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults jnd errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and tho deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ■o WATCHES, BOXES, AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. 2 ? 1 An old English watch, by Barraud (No. 5151), in plain gold case and outer case, with gold chaiu, key and Wo chased seals attached ) 2 A Repeating Watch, by Breguet (No. 371), with small enamelled zone and gold face, chased with figures of Time and a draped emblematic female which apparently strike bells, in plai gold case >- 3 A gold filigree necklet, partly enamelled black and white, with enamelled pendant set with coloured stones and pearl drop —17 th century / ^ 1 A vase-shaped crystal scent-bottle, with Louis XY. chased gold cage-mount. , cJ 5 A Louis XYI. watch, by Baillon, in engraved gold case, the back enamelled and painted with a girl and youth gathering fruit, in grisaille and pink _ ? 6 A Louis XV. miniature book-cover, of striated grey agate, with gold cage-mount chased with flowers and scrolls, in shagreen B 2 case 4 tJ/ * ^ 1 A Louis XV. vase-shaped gold patch-box, chased and enamelled with flowers, in shagreen case / Another, engraved with basket pattern, and enamelled with flower^ / sprays in dark blue VW A Louis XV. gold egg-shaped bonbonniere, chased with flowers . and scrolls in relief 2 J ?^10 A Louis XV. cylindrical-shaped etui, of pale brown moss agate, . with gold cage-mount chased with flowers and scrolls, in shagreen case jZ * & 11 An Old French Ivory Fan, delicately pierced and carved, with medallions of figures, birds, flowers and foliage, the mount painted with the Coliseum and other Roman ruins, in borders^^ of arabesque ornament 12 An old French ivory fan, carved and pierced, with wreathed columns, flowers and trophies, and inlaid with gold, the ^ mount painted with a landscape, figures and flowers MINIATURES. (*/, *f~. 0 13 Portrait of Major Swan, Mayor of Dublin (who arrested Lord Edward Fitzgerald during the Irish Rebellion of 1798), mounted m gold brooch Z31 j 14 A Louis XVI. Souvenir, of ivory, mounted with gold, ena- gilt frame with jewelled border Portrait of a Lady, with powdered hair, in white dress aj blue sash, an oval miniature in gilt frame Portrait of a Lady, with powdered hair, in white dress and blue sash, in oval gold locket with hair at the back Portrait of George III., in naval uniform, oval enamel by H. Bone, E.A., 1817, in oval silver-gilt frame Portrait of George IV. when Prince Regent, in uniform, oval enamel by H. Bone, R.A., 1818, in similar frame Portrait of H.R.II. the Duke of York, oval enamel by Charles Muss, 1824, after the Picture by Sir T. Lawrence, in similar frame Napoleon I., in uniform, wearing orders: a miniature in oval silver-gilt frame Nicholas I., Czar of Russia, when Grand Duke, in uniform, in similar frame Louis XVI., in embroidered lilac coat, in similar frame - Jr * Jh- ■ 6 l/s /*, ^ 36 JZ 43 J * 4-. ^ 44 45 , /0 . / ~ , O t o 62 A sappliire and diamond half-hoop bracelet "L- y ^ ^63 A gold brooch, set with brilliants and a large pink topaz in tlj^ /*' ^ ' centre /&*/<>• ^ A seed pearl suite, consisting of necklace, two sprays, brooch, pair of earrings, and three small pieces ^ / r 65 A lady’s watch, by Rieussec, Paris, in gold case, with dark blue yY/ y p iL ^ enamel back, the borders set with pearls 66 A watch, by Yiner, repeating the minutes, with compensated balance, in engine-turned gold case (No. 4209) isated » /Phspi and A J/, 69 A miniature portrait of a lady, in white dress, in oval locket with hair at the back /rr./t. r , J <0 A set of eighteen Louis XVI. buttons, painted in grisaille with ^ named emblematic figures, in rose-wood case ? •> P- . & 1 1 An Oval Pendant Plaque, of Louis XIII. enamel, on gold, A with escalloped border and loop, finely painted with Pomona y ^ offering fruits to Venus, attended by Cupids ,/ * ^ A Paper Weight, of inlaid avanturine bloodstone and gold, Pv surmounted by a figure of an eagle with outspread wings of ' ^ chased gold, the body formed of a large baroque pearl A /O .0 i 3 A square-shaped scent-bottle, of silver-gilt, pricked with orna- / ment and inlaid with chased silver plaques in beaded borders / — German , 17th century 9 0 74 A malacca cane, with Louis XV. gold top, chased with flowers, and scrolls in relief r ith figures, f / head encircled by a serpent, and set with numerous precious is stones 75 A caDe sword-stick, with large ivory handle carved as a leopard’s SILVER—4* per Oz. oz. dmt. 76 A Coffee-Pot, chased with Chinese figures, foliage and flowers in relief, on matted ground— temp. George I. 77 An Old Irish Potato-Eing, pierced and chased with figures, birds, flowers and scrolls — Dublin, 1769 From the Collection of B. Kirk man Hodgson, Esq. 78 A Charles II. Beaker, engraved with strap and foliage ornament—1668 ...... 79 Six Queen Anne silver-gilt tea-spoons, with rut-tailed bowls and flat shield-top handles. SILVER —All at. & 80 Four early English silver slip-top spoons Found, in the bed of the Biver 81 A Silver Mace, with crown top, surmounted by small globe and crown, engraved with a shield-of-arms, and with short horn and ivory handle mounted with silver bands— temp, Charles II. 82 AN ELIZABETHAN JUG, of mottled brown stoneware, mounted J— p with silver-gilt neck-band cover and foot, chased with grotesque masks in scroll cartouches, groups of fruit, and foliage—9^ in. high—each piece of mount stamped with London hallmark f 1577 ; and maker's mark, W.C with cricket or grasshopper * below in shaped shield B 3 10 Vf- r- 83 An Elizabethan Cocoanut Cup, carved with three panels of , 0 —, * fruit and scrolls in low relief, and mounted with silver-gilt neck-band, vase-shaped stem, foot and cover chased with medallions of fruit and a cock crowing, strap and other orna¬ ment, and engraved with medallion heads, scroll foliage and flowers, the cover surmounted by a figure of a boy holding a^ 7 shield inscribed with initials and date 1591 111 n • ^ 81 An Old English Wooden Mazer-Bowl, the border engraved with * gy black letter inscription, “ Honor and Thankes for evermore, I give unto thy name, euen so be it Lord, be it so myghtye^ God of tyrne ”—and date 1610 From the Hailstone Collection FOREIGN SILVER. A? . ^ 85 , 6 86 y- // 101 A goblet and cover, on oak-branch stem, chased with foliage and relief —by Twcnlyman , Calcutta . 102 A small standing-cup and cover, chased with masks, 2? arabesques, fruits and scrolls, on fluted vase-shaped stem and round foot, the cover surmounted by a nude figure with an eagle— 101 in. high Nuremberg 48 15 29 18 10 12 103 A 104 A L? A * (P~i £> A Tankard and Cover, chased with subjects from the history of Samson, in scroll borders, vases of flowers, masks and fruit, the handle and billet chased with busts, a figure of a squirrel on the cover— German , lltli century ....... Large Parcel-Gilt Tankard and Flat Cover, the barrel chased with the Baptism of Christ and and the Conversion of Saul in relief, the borders chased with foliage and strap ornament, with scroll-handle and thumb-piece— Dantzic, 11th cen¬ tury ........ parcel-gilt ciborium or pyx, of globular form, on stem and foot engraved with interlaced strap orna¬ ment and fleurs-de-lys—5^- in. high — Italian , 16/^ century Silver-Gilt Thulible, in the form of a finger wearing two rings set with coloured stones, encircled at the base by a gothic coronet, and engraved “S-SARGII M-” on fluted and chased stem and hexafoil foot with pierced border—7§ in. high oz. dwt. 18 0 J 33 8 d he following are the Property of GEORGE MASJERMAN, Esq., deceased. 107 A 108 A Large Silver Tankard and Cover, chased with flowers, hops, and a race-horse and groom in medal¬ lion, and surmounted by a group of a mare and foal, a hound’s head under the spout . .^///lOS Victoria Club Hilliard Handicap, 1876. Won by G. Masterman, Esq. Race-Cup, formed as a parcel-gilt vase, on foot, chased with a frieze of classical figures round the rim, the handles cLased with f< liage . . 104 Grand National Steeplechase, 1891 f oz. dwt. The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. SILVER —At per Oz. ;; bowls 109 A salad-fork and spoon, with chased handles 110 A pair of Queen Anne table-spoons, with chased and flat handles—1708 .... O 3 111 A plain oval-shaped coffee-pot (weight 19 oz .); on cwal stand —all at 112 An open wire toast rack, with rings for egg-cups *7//£ 10 15 113 A plain tea-kettle, on tripod stand with lamp, with • /? / headed borders—1785 . . . 50 114 A milk-jug, fluted and chased with medallion heads ^ and beaded borders —Amsterdam . . 10 18 * ^ ^ * 115 A cylindrical tobacco-jar, chased with bands of flowers -p ' /SS and vines ..... . 11 12 \ € 116 A barrel-shaped mustard-pot, with ladle —foreign Af/fr 7 10 /£- ^ ^ * 117 A Set of Four Circular Salt-Cellars, chased wltli panels of flowers in high relief, and on mermaid feet —in leather case . 6 34 10 118 A pair of octagonal vase-shaped sugar-casters, engfaved with panels of ornament—1718 . • /9/6n s 119 A boat-shaped bread-basket, with pierced border, ch&ged with flowers and sciolls .... 21 8 120 A pair of plain sauce-boats, on oval-shaped feet, with gadroon borders—1771 33 7 121 A plain bowl, on foot— 8 \ in. diam.. . . 18 18 From the Duke of Sussex’s Collection. 122 A Plain Bowl, on foot— in. diam.—old Cork hall <7 ' // mark —fitted with cover .... 29 9 C - O Cr~. r? — >. r 126 A boat-shaped two-handled sonp-tureen and cover*/// 75 127 A plain circular salver, with shaped border—II in. diam. —1735 ...... fA 25 128 Another, the border chased with vines—12 in. dio/nxAA^ 35 129 A plain pint tankard, with reeded bands . . 6/~ 10 130 A tankard and cover, with spout, chased with fl>werj^^25 131 A Large Plain Tankaud, with dome cover, scrofl.- dwt. 7 P o 5 t'l 15 handle and billet—1731 32 132 A Queen Anne Plain Two-Handled Cup—6 in. high -1704 133 A Shaped Plain Cup and Cover, with scroll handles —1764—lOf in. high . . . 31 Engraved “ Coronation Cup” lt Given hy C. M. Klanert, on the Birthday of His Majesty King George IV., 1821 ” 334 A library candlestick, on fluted and chased stem and hexagonal foot—1771 . . . . 135 A Set of Four Table Candlesticks, of Louis' aV. desigD, on scroll stems and round feet, chased with shells, foliage and scale-pattern ornament, and with gadroon borders— 1749-51 91 136 A silver-gilt copy of a Louis XV. inkstand, chased \Am children, animals, and masks in high relief . r 30 137 A pair of silver-gilt vase-shaped sugar-casters, spifally fluted and chased in panels— foreign . 15 SILVER —All at. 138 A pair of large buckles, with open silver borders 16 * % 20 v/\ / iMj 15 £ 8 0 L 8 £ y 18 14 / 139 A pierced fish-trowel, with chased dolphin and spiral handle 140 A plain trowel, with ivory handle 2 141 Eighteen dessert-knives, with reeded handles 142 Eleven small steel knives and two-pronged folks, with silver- mounted facetted ivory handles, in black shagreen case A&fo* 143 A set of six engraved decanter-stands, with reeded bottlers At O 144 A Pair of Jacobean Sealtop Spoons— 1617 15 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of MRS. W J. O’E ONNELL, deceased, late of St James’s Place. SILVER— At per Oz. oz. dwt. 145 Two fiddle-pattern dessert-spoons ; six ditto tea-spoons ; and a pair of sugar-tongs .... £ 7 146 Twelve threaded and shell-pattern table-forks anit Four table-spoons ...... 51 147 A Tea and Coffee Service, engraved with festoons of flowers— by Odiot, Paris —consisting of tea¬ kettle on stand with lamp, tea-pot, coffee-pot, sucrier and cover, milk-jug and basin . . fi. 183 And an oval two-handled plated salver—en suite ' In polished oak case 148 A plated threaded and shell-pattern service, consisting j of twelve table-forks, twelve table-spoons, fifteen dessert-forks, twelve dessert-spoons, and twelve tea¬ spoons, and six small plain salt-spoons 0 ^ 0 DIFFERENT PIi OPEN TIES. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. dwt. 149 Three plain table-spoons, the howls slightly chased— . 1774 . ///C 5 10 150 Thirteen rat-tailed table-spoons—1714—27, Ac. • 21 10 151 Three William and Mary rat-tailed table-spoons, with flat notched handles —circa 1690 . . /Pf, 4 18 — ~ - 16 // 152 Four rat-tailed teaspoons 153 A Queen Anne Porringer, repousse with a shield/md cherub, corded band and spiral flutings round the lower part—1713 .... 9 ^11 From the Dymock Collection ' 154 A pair of Dutch silver-gilt spoons, with figure handles ; and a silver spoon, with spiral and figure top handle ....... / v/^ 4 155 A pair of plated serving-spoons, with embossed bo/ls —in case 156 An Old Irish Potato-Eing, pierced and chased wit! a shepherd, sheep, birds, branches of foliage and fruit, and scrolls— Dublin hall marie; maker s mark , J. L. monogram .... 16 157 A coffee-pot, chased with flowers, foliage and scrolls in relief, and with fir-cone top—1745 . • y*^A^,27 158 A tea and coffee-service, partly fluted, the borders 4eA pousse with foliage and flowers, consisting of tea¬ pot, coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug , //o 91 159 A circular salver, with shaped beaded border—16£ in. diam. —1776 ..... 160 A Set of Four Circular Extremet Dishes, with gadroon borders—114 in. diam.—by Pierre Platel, 1714. ^ 161 A Turkish silver bowl and cover, formed as a gourd, fluted, and embossed with flowers, and with branch knob ........ 12 10 0 / 2 ^ 68 £62 A Venetian incense-burner, formed as a vase, repousse with foliage, and chased with cherubs, mounted on tripod, and fitted with a lamp .... 163 A pair of table-candlesticks, of Louis XV. design, on spirally-fluted stems and feet —Dutch . 164 An oil and vinegar cruet-frame, with pierced galleiies, embossed with scrolls —Dutch .... 32 17 13 16 17 oz. dwt. ^L65 A larger ditto, with pierced borders, on feet, chased with masks ....... 11 166 A Louis XVI. oblong-shaped tureen and cover, on feet formed as terminal female figures, and chase; with masks at the corners —Paris 163 167 An Old Portuguese Silver Tea and Coffee SEjtvidE, spirally fluted and chased with flowers in relief, on 1? pierced and chased feet, consisting of large vase¬ shaped tea-pot and coffee-pot, with bird’s-head spouts, sugar-basin and cover, milk-ewer and cover, and bowl ....... 164 FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.