Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute « https://archive.org/details/rarebeautifulworOOphil /$L , I.WMTON . — — Sty A BY - - — /Ui _ M fmifc __- p.p __ _ — - — d VfflHHHNS J •- - /gto M THUliP* s -— tU- cjtftisrnfs l$li . ty Rufssu _ _ — Jf CHRISTIES — — ~ 19 to IPI^BJLS — EAJ)OCtAH' - — /p/,( - W. K&V - 7/ WWUC-HSY &.H .NQRLANb - H-.TAR R£R —- - - PE IA RUE - RARE WORKS OF ART, AND COLLECTION OF PICTURES, FORMED BY THE LATE JOHN SWABY, ESQ. A CATALOGUE OF THE RARE AND BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART, AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, OF THE LATE JOHN SWABY, ESQ. CONSISTING OF Jfcmitiful Jbitoge Siijjtiqaes attb 0%r f}iire feamplts, 100 FINE MINIATURES AND ENAMELS, MANY OF RARITY ; FINE PIQUE WORK, CARVINGS IN IVORY AND BOXWOOD, OLD CHASED SILVER & BIJOUTERIE, Agate, Crystal, & Jade Cups & Trays, mounted in Chased Silver & Metal Work ; A CABINET OF CHOICE MOUNTED CAMEI, INTAGLIE, AND GEMS, VALUABLE ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, AND OTHER A)ted)In |nlercsUn0 ®orhs of ItkbbtbM Art, SIX SUPERB EBONY WOLSEY r CHAIRS, AND CHOICE CARVED OAK, AND MAR QUEUE RLE FURNITURE, TOGETHER WITH THE COLLECTION OF 200 VALUABLE ANCIENT & MODERN PICTURES. Mljicjj foil! k Aofo k Auction for MR. PHILLIPS " At his great Rooms, 73, Hew Bond Street, On MONDAY, the 5th of MARCH, I860, And SEVEN subsequent Days, at ONE o’Clock precisely each Day, BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS. May be publicly Viewed Two Days prior to the Sale; and Catalogues, at One Shilling each, had at Mr. PIIILLIPS’s Offices and Rooms. J. D.wy ani> Sons, Printers, 137, Long Acre. 4 n L* CONDITIONS OF SALE. First. —The highest bidder to be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot to be put up again and re-sold. Second. —No person to advance less than Is. at each bidding; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so advance in proportion. Third.— The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down immediately a deposit of £10 per cent, in part payment of the purchase-money ; and, if required, the whole of the purchase-money ; or in default, the lot to be put up again and resold. Fourth. —The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser’s expense, within one day after each day’s sale, without reference to the identity of either subject or master. Fietii. —As this auction is made subject to the 4ith condition , the re¬ mainder of the purchase-money must be paid on or before the delivery of the lots. Sixth. —Upon failure of complying with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment will be forfeited, all the lots uncleared will be re-sold either by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any), together with all charges for such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Lastly. —Should any purchaser obtain his lot or lots, and leave the same, or any part, uncleared, or by any neglect omit paying for the same, such purchaser shall pay interest after the rate of £5 per cent, per annum on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale until the amount shall be discharged, together with all charges attending such neglect. J CATALOGUE. FIRST DAY’S SALE. On MONDAY, the 5th clay of MARCH, 1860, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ORIENTAL & OTHER PORCELAIN & MISCELLANIES. LOT 1 A pair of white Dresden Candlesticks, supported by birds 2 Four Tutenhage Candlesticks 3 An ancient embossed leather Box and a ditto Sheath 4 A French china Vase, blue and gold 5 A piece of Lapis Lazuli, a marble Paper Weight and an early English Sauce Boat 6 A Jar and Cover, of old grey Crackle china, with bronze belts, and gilt handles and tops 7 A Chelsea china Pedestal, an Oriental Cup and a Tea Pot 8 A Sarcophagus of Rosso antico, on a variegated marble stand 9 A fine old Chelsea china Figure of a Peacock 10 Two curious painted and gilt Boxes, containing roundel cards.— From Strawberry Hill 11 Two Carvings, in Rosso antico, of a Dolphin and a Sphinx 12 A fine old Capo di Monti Figure of Hercules 13 A carved amber Hour Glass, in its original leather case 14 A finely carved box-wood Figure of a Saint kneeling at prayer 15 A pair of small Oriental enamelled Ewers, with lizard handles.— From the Bedford Collection B 2 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 16 A finely executed Bust, in ivory, on a black marble pedestal 17 An early Flemish Bottle, ornamented with colours and figures of the Apostles, on a gold ground 18 A Bust of the Egyptian Bacchus, in terra-cotta 19 A Tutenhage Inkstand with branches, and a bronze Urn 20 A square Pedestal of red porphyry, with bands of chased or-molu 21 A pair of very elegant VASES, of Egyptian granite, with handles and mounts of chased or-molu; of the period of Louis XVI. 22 A circular Tazza, with handles of black marble 23 A Model of the Tomb of Scipio, in Giallo antico marble 24 A Sarcophagus and Cover, of Rosso antico, enriched with devices and flowers in various coloured marbles 25 A curious figure of a Monkey, in terra-cotta 26 A Bas-relief, in terra-cotta, by Clodion—Susannah and the Elders 27 A Medallion of Bristol porcelain, a Majolica Salt, Japan Cup, and a plaster Group of Horses 28 A steel Helmet, two fluted Breast Plates, and an Arm Piece 29 A marble Bust of Seneca, and a Verde Antique Pedestal 30 Four Malaga Figures 31 An oblong marble Cistern 32 A white marble Therm, beautifully inlaid, of ancient Moorish work 33 A circular Japan Table and a mahogany Picture Easel 34 Four small Etruscan Vases 35 A pair of beautiful Oriental Bottles, lavender ground, enamelled in birds and plants 36 A pair of ditto, smaller 37 A Cup of white jade, with handle in the form of a tree, elabo¬ rately carved and perforated 38 A smaller ditto, of similar form 39 A small Box and Cover, of red lacquer ware, with jade ornaments at top 40 A circular Incense Pot, of the rare Chinese enamel, ornamented with red flowers on a blue ground, and tripod feet 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 3 A tall Candlestick, of enamel, with flowers and scrolls in various colours A pair of Oriental Bottles, red ground pencilled over with gold, ornamented with medallions of figures and butterflies, and or-molu rims A pair of porcelain Jars, ornamented with black and pearl Japan lacquer A melon shape Tureen and Cover, red ground pencilled in gold, and a curious Tea Pot A Rustic Ornament, in green jade, in the form of a double Vase, carved and perforated, on an ivory stand A circular Basin, of white jade, beautifully carved and fluted A pair of leaf shape Cups, of pale green jade, with carved and perforated handles A circular Tray, of white jade, and 2 oval ditto A beautifully carved Dirk Handle, of pure white jade, ornamented with stones A pair of small bronze Bottles, with lizards A small Gong A china Jar, ornamented with pearl and black lacquer A Silver Box, containing curious miniature drawings of Costume Portraits Two small Silver Bottles, containing otto of roses A GLASS FRAME, of pale white jade , the hack beautifully ornamented with gold and precious stones—from Stowe CARVINGS IN BOX-WOOD. A beautiful Group of the Virgin holding the Infant Saviour in her arms A Poudriere, the belt enriched with a group of figures regaling, admirably carved in high relief, on a circular foot Another, with a group of Shepherd and Sheep, and a Peasant spearing a Wolf A beautiful Figure of Young Bacchus seated on a wine barrel, holding a jug and cup in his hands, the head entwined with grapes and vine leaves, on a carved plinth 4 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 60 A pair of Medallions, in Alto-relievo, exquisitely carved, representing a Boor teaching a Monkey to play the flageolet; and the companion, a young Girl with a Youth playing the flute 61 A Crozier, finely carved in medallions representing the Life of the Saviour 62 A pair of small Panels, forming the wings of a Diptich,, carved in medallions, representing the History of Adam and Eve, and on the reverse the Passion of our Saviour 63 A set of fourteen beautifully carved box-wood Portraits of the Emperors of Germany, Electors of Saxony, &c., by Holbein— from the Strawberry Hill Collection 64 A medallion Bust of a Man with a beard, beautifully carved in relief, by Holbein— from the Strawberry Hill Collection ORIENTAL EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN. From the Beckford and Strawberry Hill Collections. 65 An egg-shell Plate, with deep centre, enamelled in figures, borders of gold and rich colours, and pink back, of the finest quality 66 A ditto ditto, similar 67 A beautiful Bottle, white ground with figures in enamel, representing Chinese Ladies engaged in various pursuits 68 An egg-shell circular Fruit Dish, white ground with a group of Cocks in the centre, and border of pale green, pink back 69 A ditto ditto, similar 70 A ditto ditto 7 i A ditto ditto 72 A ditto ditto 73 A ditto ditto 74 A ditto ditto, the centre enamelled in flowers 75 A ditto ditto, similar 76 A ditto ditto 77 A ditto ditto 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 5 BRONZES. A small Figure of a Gladiator, Head of Minerva, and a Figure of a Frog An antique Bronze of Bacchus, on a marble pedestal A ditto of a Gladiator, on a similar pedestal A very fine bronze JUG, in the form of a chimera A Figure of a Dolphin, on a black stand A pair of spirited Florentine Bronzes —The Centaur Teaching the Young Achilles; and companion , on wood pedestals A clever Bronze, Cupids Disputing the Heart , on plinth A pair of small Chinese Beakers, with feathered edges and inscriptions A fine old Roman bronze Bust of Seneca, on white marble stand A ditto ditto—Demosthenes An old Italian Bronze of Hercules A ditto ditto—The Marine Venus A ditto Group—The Centaur of the Capitol A ditto Figure—The Fighting Gladiator A ditto ditto—Antinous A curious brass Jug, in the form of a Lion MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES. A Bust, in giallo marble, of a Faun, a fine antique work A circular Urn and Cover, of red porphyry An antique bronze Grecian Lamp, of fine form, with 7 burners, and handle, with ram’s head and other masks in relief A circular Tazza, of rosso antico, on fluted giallo pedestal A curious bronze Tea Urn, engraved over in masks and arabesque work, on a stand, and a ditto Tea Kettle, engraved A terra cotta Vase and Cover, a ditto Ewer, and three Figures 6 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 100 A SUPERB MEDALLION, of ANCIENT FLORENTINE MOSAIC, representing Apollo conducting the Chariot of the Sun, surrounded by the Signs of the Zodiac, and rich border of flowers, in a gilt frame 101 A Bust of a Female, in relief, of Della Robbia ware 102 A pair of very spirited terra cotta Groups of Stags attacked by Dogs, and a Bas Relief 103 An oval Font, of white marble, 3 ft. long 104 A circular Tazza, of Oriental alabaster, on black marble stand 105 A ditto, of verde antique marble, with handles 106 A square Tazza, of Rosso antico, fluted, on a porphyry pedestal 107 A small marble Figure of a Sleeping Cupid 108 A finely executed Bust of Bacchus, in Giallo antico marble; a fine antique work 109 A fluted Candlestick, of Giallo antico, and a small Tazza of the same 110 An antique BUST of a NEGRO, the head of black basalt and the draperies of Oriental alabaster 111 An ancient marble Cinerary Urn with a Cover, ornamented with scroll work and an inscription 112 A Pane of Glass from Newstead Abbey, with the names of the Byron Family inscribed thereon 113 Thirteen yards of ancient Lace 114 An antique Bust of Juno, carved in rosso antico 115 A carved oak Panel with a bust in centre, and two Panels inlaid with mother-’o-pearl 116 An Ancient Persian Cabinet, of sandal-wood, beautifully inlaid with ebony and ivory, fitted with drawers 117 An ancient Sarcophagus, of Egyptian granite 118 A ditto, small, of Oriental alabaster 119 Two ancient Frescoes from Pompeii 120 A quantity of or-molu and metal Mountings for cabinets, vases, &c. 121 A Frame, carved in fruit and flowers, in bold relief, sight 7^ in by 5 in. FIRST DAY’S SALE. 7 122 A small square Casket, beautifully inlaid with flowers, of Italian Marqueterie 123 Seven packs of ancient playing Cards —from Strawberry Hill 124 A pack of English Cards, of the time of Queen Anne —from Strawberry Hill 125 A large Panel of ANCIENT GOBELIN’S TAPESTRY, partly worked with gold thread, representing St. Paul at Ephesus, 19 ft. long and 11 ft. 8 wide —from the Earl of Harrington's Sale 126 Fifty yards of figured blue Silk and four pieces of Lining 126* Two Persia Rugs END OF THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. SECOND DAY’S SALE. On TUESDAY, the 6th day of MARCH, 1860, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. LOT 127 An Oriental porphyry Torso, on verde antique stand 128 A carved wood bird cage. Model of a Church, and sundry pieces of Carving 129 A six-leaf Japan Screen 130 Three ancient Halberds, sundry Breast-plates, Gauntlets, Spear Heads, &c., 24 pieces, and sundry iron work in a box 131 A Figure of Venus with the Apple, in plaster, and a black pedestal 132 An ivory Poudriere, and an ivory Knife Handle, inlaid with silver scrolls 133 A pair of small round serpentine Pedestals, with or-molu rims 134 Three red porphyry ditto 135 A small illuminated MS.—The Shaster, or Holy Book of the Hindoos, and one other 136 A Roman glass Lachrymatory, 10 small Egyptian Deities and a coral Miniature Frame 137 Six specimens of Amber, 2 Tobacco Jars and a circular Mirror 138 A round slate Pedestal, and a marble ditto 139 A pair of early Neapolitan ware Pedestals 140 A satin-wood Box with 3 trays, containing a collection of shells • SECOND DAY’S SALE 9 VENETIAN AND GERMAN GLASS. 141 A small circular Salt, blue and white variegated, and an amber colour Scent Bottle 142 A pair of purple and white Scent Bottles, with metal tops 143 A tall Glass, a round ditto, on stem, and a small Salver with ruby fillet 144 A tall Glass, with a portrait engraved, and the inscription A, Roelandt Seign r . d’Eynthout, on an embossed foot 145 A small Flacon, of the old ruby glass, silver gilt top and foot 146 A Goblet and Stand, of Schmeltze glass, and a ditto with blue ribbed ornaments 147 A flat Bottle, on a stem, with handle and mask ornaments, the belt ribbed with white 148 A beautiful Ewer, with shaped lip and serpentine handles, the belt engraved in flowers and figures 149 A circular Basin and Cover, the belt engraved with a Cardinal’s hat and coat of arms 150 A Flower Vase, in the form of a bunch of grapes, with blue ornaments 151 A tall Glass, and a globular shaped ditto, on blue and white ornamental stems 152 Four Wine Glasses, various, one with handles 153 A Bottle, with ornamented neck, the belt engraved in Chinese figures and arabesques 154 A globular ribbed Cup, with mask handles, the foot white with pink edges 155 A deep blue Ewer, with tall spout and handle 156 A shaped Tazza, small Glass with blue sides, and a Bottle with raised ornament o 10 SECOND DAY’S SALE. * ANCIENT PIQUE BOXES, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, &c. 157 A small tortoiseshell and gold pique Opera Glass 158 A ditto egg-shaped Bonbonniere 159 Two curious metal Boxes, the tops inlaid with pearl and agate 160 A silver gilt Paper Knife, with pique handle, and 4 pique Balls 161 A square tortoiseshell Snuff Box, inlaid with flowers and scrolls in gold and pearl work 162 A cylindrical Box, of tortoiseshell and gold pique, the interior revolves 163 A green jasper Snuff Box, in the form of a Frog 164 An agate Etui, with chased and gilt mountings 165 A square tortoiseshell Snuff Box, inlaid with gold scrolls and pique work 166 A ditto ditto , 167 A pair of rock crystal Burettes, mounted in silver gilt, finely chased 168 An oval Tray, composed of lapis lazuli, gilt mountings and serpentine handles 169 A Scent Bottle, the case of gold fillagree— from Stowe 170 An Opera Glass of tortoiseshell, inlaid with borders and insects of gold 171 A circular Box of Ancient enamel, with shell-shape top, mounted and lined with silver gilt, the exterior pencilled in landscapes, and raised gilt figures 172 A flat gold Box, with panels of Labrador and Egyptian pebble 173 A Knife and Fork, with agate handles and silver ferrules, in a black leather sheath 174 A ditto and ditto, with beautifully enamelled handles, designed in flowers, of Venetian workmanship Four box-wood Handles, finely carved in figures 175 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 11 176 A small Stiletto, the handle of rock crystal, and the sheath of red velvet, with chased silver mountings 177 A Knife and Fork, of chased steel, the handles of agate, with embossed silver ornaments 178 A jointed Spoon and Fork, the handles of iron, inlaid with gold and silver 179 A circular shell Box, with Apollo in his Chariot, and scroll border in silver, on the top 180 A tortoiseshell Box, of globular form, beautifully inlaid in gold pique work 181 A square ditto, with scroll work 182 A Knife and Fork, with gold enamel handles, ornamented with portraits, birds, fruits, &c., in their original case— from Mr. BernaVs Sale 183 A Knife, the handle carved in box-wood, a group of Cupids bearing an escutcheon; the sheath, also of box-wood, minutely carved in medallions of figures 184 A Knife, with steel blade, the handle formed of a finely carved figure in box-wood 185 A finely carved box-wood Sheath, containing two Knives, the handles of rock crystal, mounted with silver gilt, the ferrules encrusted with silver 186 Two silver Spoons, with fig shaped bowls, the handles richly chased and ornamented 187 A very beautiful tortoiseshell Box , of globular form , inlaid with the finest pique work in gold, and chased gold hinge and lip 188 A square tortoiseshell box, inlaid with gold and mother-’o-pearl 189 A curious Knife, finely wrought in steel, the handle inlaid with gold and silver, and a silver gilt Fork with crystal handle 190 Two Spoons, with agate bowls and handles, silver mounted 191 A silver Spoon, with a rock crystal handle, and a ditto with an agate bowl A small Knife and Fork, the handles of silver gilt and niello work 192 12 SECOND DAY’S SALE. LIMOGES ENAMELS. 193 A small Pax, of early enamel, in a metal gilt frame 194 A pair of circular Plaques for a purse, with Busts of Minerva and Ceres 195 An upright Plaque—Saint Augustine holding a crozier and at¬ tended by a Boy bearing a censor 196 A pair of large ditto, with whole-length figures of Saint John and Saint Catherine 197 A circular Medallion, with the subject of the Annunciation, rich in colours and gilding, by Pierre Remond 198 An upright Plaque of early enamel, subject—Christ before Pilate 199 A small ditto with arched top—Salvator Mundi 200 An oval Medallion—The Resurrection of the Saviour, brilliant in colour and gilding, by Suzanne Courtois 201 A circular Saucer with handles. In the centre the three Kings worshipping the Infant Jesus, surrounded by landscapes and Saints in medallions, the outside ornamented with landscapes 202 A sexagonal ditto, with centre of Nymphs and Satyrs, and white embossed scroll borders 203 An upright Plaque—The Three Kings with numerous attendants worshipping the Infant Saviour—10 inches by 9 204 A circular Saucer with handles. In the centre the Adoration of the Shepherds, by Pierre Nouailher, with border in medallions of landscapes and flowers; on the reverse a landscape with scrolls and groups of fruit \ 205 A circular ditto, with a Portrait of Anne of Austria in the centre, by Leonard Limousin, surrounded by a border of flowers; on the reverse, a landscape and an embossed border of flowers 208 A ditto, with St. John and the Lamb in the centre, and border in compartments 207 A set of six oval Medallions of the Apostles, in raised enamel, by Isaak Martin, very rich in colour 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 13 MAJOLICA WARE. Four circular Plateaux, with sunk centres, painted in Cupids and wreaths of flowers A Dish with deep centre, dark blue ground, with a Cupid and border of warlike trophies, and the date 1544 A Fruit Dish, of Urbino ware, with scolloped border, in the centre the subject of Leda Two ditto, one with the Sacrifice of Abraham Two ditto, one with Yulcan forging the arrows of Cupid A circular Plate with Cupids and arabesques, and a ribbed Dish A ditto Dish, with deep centre and metallic lustre, and the Belt of a Yase, subject Joseph sold by his Brethren A noble Yase with handles, of early Neapolitan ware, the surface curiously ornamented in raised work, in blue and yellow A pair of ditto, similarly ornamented in blue and white, on circular stands A Flower Yase of curious form, of Hispano Mauro ware, with brilliant metallic lustre ANCIENT STAINED GLASS. A small Window, of fine old German glass, with the Crucifixion in the centre, and borders of Saints and Biblical subjects,— inscribed Hans Schmidt, 1620 A ditto, with the Arms of the House of Hapsburg in the centre, supported by figures of Hope and Charity—inscribed HC. 1617 Two ditto, one with bust of St. James, and a circular ditto Three ditto, with coats of arms and inscriptions, one bearing the date 1600 Two ditto—Christ in the Garden, St. John the Evangelist, and three others Thirteen circular pieces, with figures, coats of arms, Ac. 14 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 SECOND DAY’S SALE. Seven small pieces. Masks, and 6 others various A circular Window, with coat of arms and oak leaf border, in green A heart-shaped ditto—a figure holding a shield » Nine ditto—shields with coats of arms Two Windows, with arched tops, with the Royal Arms of England and six other shields, and centre medallions represent Gideon at prayer, and the Knights Landing in the Holy Land —from Strawberry Hill Three circular Windows, with subjects, borders and inscriptions Two upright ditto, with coats of arms and the date 1610 Two ditto, with figures kneeling A set of three ditto, representing Scriptural subjects, with the date 1659; very rich in colour Two ditto, with the date 1652 Two ditto with arched tops, with the Crown and Tudor Rose, and a ditto forming a centre Two ditto with figures—inscribed Zurich, 1613 Seven ditto, with shields and coats of arms Ten ditto, various Two ditto ditto Five ditto, with subjects and figures A quantity of broken pieces END OF THE SECOND DAY’S SALE. THIRD DAY’S SALE. On WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of MARCH, 1860, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ANTIQUE GEMS, CAMEI, AND INTAGLIE, MOUNTED IN GOLD AS RINGS. LOT 241 A female Figure kneeling behind a terminus— cornelian; and a head of ACneas— sard 242 Head of Queen Anne— cornelian 243 A Bacchanalian riding on a Goat— cornelian; and a Head of Hercules 244 Cupid, with a bow and arrow, riding on a Stag— nicolo 245 Head of Hercules— sard; Figure seated before a bust— cornelian; and a Chimera, 2 goats 246 A whole length figure of a Female holding serpents— striated onyx 247 Head of a Bacchante— sard 248 Figure of Ceres with a cornucopia— blue clialcedoriy; and 3 others 249 A cameo head of Asculapius — onyx; and one other 250 An Intaglio, Vulcan, Mars, Venus, &c.— cornelian 251 A Female head— nicolo , in gold enamelled setting; and a cameo head of a Female 252 Hercules destroying the Serpent— sard; and 2 others— cornelian 253 A fine Intaglio, Victory in a Biga— sard 16 THIRD DAY'S SALE. 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 f ■ $. a 273 a- 0274 A 6 - <’275 //.. f.h o 276 An Intaglio head of a young Faun— cornelian; and a cameo of a Negress— onyx Two Intaglie, Tragic and Comic Masks— cornelian A fine cameo head of Socrates— onyx A ditto Female head— onyx Head of Cupid, a fine cameo—garnet Romulus and Remus suckled by the*wolf, intaglio — cornelian; and 2 others Hercules and the Nemean Lion, cameo—sardonyx A Sacrifice to Pan, intaglio—cornelian Tritons and Sea Nymphs, a fine cameo—sardonyx A Centaur, intaglio—sardonyx A bust of a Female, a beautif ul intaglio , by Pickier— cornelian A full-length figure of Omphale, with the attributes of Hercules, cameo—striated onyx Eagles supporting a wreath, intaglio — cornelian; and 2 others A figure of Pegasus— onyx of 3 strata; and a head of young Bacchus— nicolo Hercules conquering Cerberus, intaglio — onyx; and 3 others A Female head, of fine workmanship, intaglio—Peridot A full-length figure of Ganymede, intaglio — sard A bust of a Female, intaglio — cornelian; and 2 others A Faun kneeling, intaglio — sardonyx; and one other MINIATURES. Samuel Cooper ... Isaac Oliver P. Oliver . P. Oliver . King Charles II. when young, in a gold fillagree case (rkJ^ - King James I. wftr ^ The Duchess of Cleveland ,in a white dress, with a blue scarf , The Countess of Derby_ d' - THIRD DAY’S SALE. 17 s 1 13/ 282 23.^'. 283 " / I // a- ‘"A't- 4- arabesques in medallions, with a border of cupids and chimera; fiztf ^ ^ on the reverse the following inscription ALFONSO. PAT A- c \f(f-*- tL NACCI. FECIT. XJRBINI. IN. BOTTEGA. DI. JOS. ' 4/~ ^-*/< - BATISTA. BOCIONI., 1607.—27 inches %/*j t 322 A circular Urn of Urbino ware, with serpentine handles I , £ • ° 323 A Jug, with shaped lip and handles, ornamented with arabesques l < l> ^ 324 A ditto, with serpentine handles, painted in blue and yellow, in the centre a female seated, and a unicorn A large square Inkstand, supported by four winged figures, painted in blue and yellow, with medallions of arabesques and rich If- {&>' °S25 1^: r- S laze 326 A circular Salt, in blue and yellow, supported by three griffins on £ cr l -, triangular base f 327 A circular Cup on foot, with serpentine handles, ornamented with arabesques lij 328 A cylindrical Drug Vase, painted in arabesques, with the date 1593 M H 329 An oval Inkstand, supported by four terminal figures, painted in blue and yellow, and ornamented with arabesques jjvtu+t, f ^ 52 i- n ANCIENT SILVER AND SILVER GILT. 2^2- 330 A silver gilt Hookah ornament, perforated, and finely chased, with chain attached ^ 7 4*4 a, 331 A pair of Busts in high relief, in oval black frames b • ^ ° 332 A Medallion en repousse , representing the Virgin and Child, with angels 333 A pair of BEAUTIFUL DISHES, of exquisite workmanship in silver gilt, having in the centres the busts in relief of Henry the VUIth, and Queen Anna Boleyn, surrounded by ' richly chased and perforated borders (A,. L/c iL~ aP h — ^ ' v L _ > ^ ^ (> l c *' l ♦"'tV 20 THIIID DAY’S SALE, 334 A silver gilt Ornament, chased in figures, of Chinese workman¬ ship 335 A pair of small silver Plaques, chased in high relief, representing pastoral subjects 336 A circular Medallion in silver gilt. Boors regaling, after Ostade 337 A silver Pomander Box, in the form of an egg, exquisitely chased in figures, scrolls, &c. of Italian work— from the Strawberry Hill Collection 338 An oval Cup, with handles, chased in scrolls and flowers 339 A Rococo Brooch, chased in figures and enamelled, set with rubies and pearls 340 A ditto Handle for a Cane, richly enamelled, and set with stones 341 A silver enamelled Figure of a Warrior, the body formed of a large pearl, on a pedestal of Oriental alabaster IVORIES. 342 A Medallion, of octagonal form, representing a Dutch Boor smoking, carved in high relief, in an ebony frame 343 An upright Plaque, of carved wood, with a Magdalen, in ivory, seated before a crucifix 344 A fine Group, of Italian work of the fifteenth century, representing the Virgin, with the Infant Saviour on an Ass, journeying to Egypt, a portion of colour and gilding still remains 345 A small casket, of ebony, enriched with ivory ornaments, of exquisite workmanship, in friezes, figures, fruits, &c. 346 The INFANT JESUS, his right foot trampling on the serpent, and his left on a skull; an exquisite work by FIAMINGO 347 A finely modelled Figure, in ivory, of a Captive bound with chains, on a black pedestal 348 A ditto, forming a companion 349 A Figure of a Female holding a vase, the expression of the face and the draperies admirably rendered; Italian work of the fifteenth century, on a wood pedestal THITID BAY’S SALE. 21 350 A small upright Medallion, with arched top, carved in medallions, representing the Birth and Adoration of the Saviour, the Crucifixion, and the Creator above, in an ebony and ivory frame 351 A pair of small Figures of Boys, in a sitting posture, blowing trumpets, on box-wood stands 352 A pair of small Vases, of globular form, exquisitely carved with figures, landscapes, birds, &c. in medallions 353 An oblong Medallion, Silenus on an Ass supported by two satyrs, and preceded by a young faun, in a gilt frame 354 A Figure of a Warrior, on horseback, carrying a shield, on an ebony stand 355 A small Figure, in ivory, of a Dancing Boy, in the manner of Fiamingo, on a gilt stand 356 A Belt for a Tankard, finely carved in Figures, Tritons and Sea Nymphs, in bold relief 357 A pair of Figures, Bacchus and Ariadne, on box-wood stands 358 A ditto, Cupid leaning on his bow, on an ebony and ivory stand End of the Third Day's Sale . FOURTH DAY’S SALE. On THURSDAY, the 8th day of MARCH, 1860, ♦ AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. MISCELLANIES. LOT 359 Two Lac Japan Boxes, 2 small Gourd Bottles, and a small Cross, inlaid with pearl 360 Two chased Or-molu Stands for mounting 361 Two Musical Boxes 362 A pair of carved ivory Medallions of Charles II, and Catherine of Braganza; another of Sir Isaac Newton, and one other 363 A small Arabic MS., silver mounted morocco Purse, two Minia¬ tures, a Carving in wood, and a Microscope 364 A Snuff Box of matrix of amethyst, porporina Ditto, and a red porphyry Paper Weight 365 A shaped Bowl of plum-pudding stone 366 A Box containing specimens of jasper, bloodstone, lapis lazuli, porphyry, &c.— lbs. 367 An old French Pier Table, finely carved 368 A carved Glass Frame 369 A pair of iron Fire-Dogs 370 A pair of Doors, with iron work panels 371 A box of sundries FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 23 ANCIENT ARMS. 372 A Spanish Rapier, with perforated cup hilt and straight guard, the blade inscribed Aquirens Toledo 373 A Ditto, ditto, with chased pommel 374 An Ancient Gun, with wheel lock, the stock finely inlaid with pearl and ivory 375 A short fighting Sword, with a pierced steel guard 376 A Ditto, with plain guard, ornamented with the double Eagle and Coronet 377 Five ancient Swords, various 378 And old French Sword, the hilt chased in trophies and ornamented with gold, and an iron Mace 379 A small Stiletto, with steel blade, and handle finely chased, in a shagreen case 380 A Spanish Rapier, with cross guard 381 Another, equally fine, with basket hilt and steel pommel 382 A fine Persian matchlock Gun, the barrel richly chased, and inlaid with silver, the lock painted and damascened 383 A Rapier, with basket hilt and cross guard, elaborately wrought in open work 384 A Mace, with seven projecting plates, the handle of chased steel 385 An ancient Gun, the barrel richly ornamented in silver, chased in figures, masks and scrolls of beautiful work 386 A LONa Rapier, with plain steel cup and interior perforated hilt, the blade inscribed Joannes Coll. 387 A Ditto, with shell-shape hilt and straight guard, inscribed Solingen 388 An old French Sword, the hilt and guard chased and ornamented with gold, the blade inscribed “ Fonasse, au roi de la Chine , sur le Font St. Michel a Paris ” 389 A Sword, with shell-shaped hilt, handle and pommel finely per¬ forated 390 A Turkish Scimitar, with fine Damascus blade, the handle and sheath of silver finely engraved 24 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 391 A Malay Kriss, with curiously ornamented blade 392 An Italian Dagger, with triangular blade, ornamented with silver 393 An early Italian steel Shield, damascened with silver in figures and scroll work —-from the Earl of Pembroke*s Collection 394 A DITTO DITTO, of the finest Cinque-Cento work , inlaid with gold and silver, the figures in bold relief, representing the subject of Horatius Codes defending the Bridge —from the Strawberry Hill Collection 395 A Malay Kriss, with waived blade ornamented with gold 396 A tortoiseshell Dress Stick, with pique top ANCIENT METAL WORK. 397 A steel Plaque, inlaid with gold and silver, and another, with scroll work, en repousse 398 Two Ditto, with subjects in relief, finely chased 399 A Ton quin Box and Cover, chased in birds and figures 400 Three ancient bronze Ewers 401 A pair of beautiful Venetian CANDELABRA, of metal gilt, with branches for three lights each, supported by figures of boys, on triangular bases with lions, and surmounted by figures of Venus on a dolphin 402 A small steel Box of Milanese work, inlaid and studded with gold and silver, and a Dirk handle, similar 403 A steel Gorget, beautifully chased in birds and flowers, and studded with silver —from the Bernal Collection 404 A small Poudriere of metal, richly ornamented with enamel 405 An ancient Ciborium of copper gilt, with cross at the top, chain and bolt complete, 14 inches high 406 A pair of beautiful Venetian Candlesticks on square bases, with fluted columns in blue enamel, ornamented with festoons of flowers and scrolls in chased silver 407 Another pair, similar 408 A ditto ditto (faulty) FOUHTTI DAY’S SALE 25 409 A small Venetian Ewer of white enamel, ornamented with flowers in embossed silver 410 A small Casket, turret shaped, of Milanese work, of steel inlaid with gold 411 A BYZANTINE RELIQUAIRE, of metal gilt, enriched with 5 plaques of enamel, representing the Saviour and the four Evangelists, and inscriptions round the sides; on the reverse the Saviour with the Apostles 412 Four ancient Nails, and 5 bronze fragments LIMOGES ENAMELS. 413 A very beautiful Plate by Jean Courtois; in the centre are figures engaged in agricultural pursuits, emblematical of the month of October, surrounded by a border of griffins and sphinxes; on the reverse, chimera and terminal figures 414 Another by the same artist, representing the month of November, ornamented in similar style 415 A circular Dish, with deep centre, by Pierre Reymond—subject, a Lady at her Toilet, attended by three women, with border of cupids, scrolls and cornucopige; on the reverse scrolls with cherubim’s heads in grisaille 416 A superb TRIPTICII, by JEAN PENICAUD; the centre represents the Taking down from the Cross, the Virgin sup¬ porting the body of the Saviour, and near her the Magdalen and St. John. On the right wing is represented Saint Sebastian, and on the left Saint Catherine. A work of great beauty, in a perfect state of preservation— from the celebrated Collection of Van Huerne of Ghent; engraved in Shaw's “ Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages ” 417 An oval Dish, with rich border of birds and flowers, the centre with a beautiful medallion of the Shepherd’s Offering, by Jean Laudin E 26 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 FOURTH DAY S SALE. PALISSY WARE. An oval Dish, ornamented in relief with fish, shells, reptiles, frogs, •and plants, size 12 in. by 10 A quadrangular SALT, ornamented with mask heads and groups of fruit, and supported by four terminal figures, height 6 in. by 5 in .—from Slraivberry Hill A circular Fruit Dish, the centre perforated and ornamented with masks, leaves, and scrolls A ditto, ditto, with borders of raised flowers, grotesque heads in medallions, and raised ornament in the centre A circular Dish, on foot, perforated and ornamented with scrolls A ditto, with centre of young bacchanals and panther, and ribbed border A Medallion, representing the Return of the Prodigal Son A circular Dish, on foot, with ornamented raised border, and a mythological subject in the centre Two blue and white Gres de Flandres Jugs, one with a metal cover ETRUSCAN WARE. A large and fine Vase, with triple handles, subject a Warrior in a chariot drawn by four horses, 18 inches high The companion Vase, similar height A tall Amphora, with handles and wide lip, male and female figures before an altar, 18 inches high A Vase, with triple handles, painted in figures, 12 inches high A ditto ditto, 11 inches high 27 FOURTH HAY’S SALE. 432 Two small Vases, with handles and covers 433 Three small ditto 434 A ditto Ewer, with handle, on the belt three figures, one bearing a vase 435 A ditto Urn, with handles, and another with two handles painted in figures 436 A ditto ditto of large size, the belt painted in figures, with leaf borders 437 A ditto Vase, with handles, with figures on both sides 438 A ditto, 18 inches high 439 A ditto, smaller ANCIENT PLATE AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. 440 A pine-shaped Cup and Cover, on stem, enriched with open-work and chasing 441 A leaf-shape Cup, on stem and foot, ornamented with a border of flowers en repousse 442 A high Salt, of exquisite design, representing young Bacchus sup¬ porting a basket, ornamented with vine leaves and festoons of grapes, on shaped pedestal 443 An ancient Salt, the belt of rock crystal, on a foot of silver, forming a drinking cup, finely chased 444 A silver gilt and enamelled Tazza, supported by a figure of young Hercules strangling the serpents, the cup of Oriental agate, enriched with garnets and chrysophaz 445 A ditto, with handles of terminal figures, finely engraved, the bowl of jade, with border of malachite 446 A leaf-shaped Cup, with handle and foot of rock crystal, the mountings of chased silver gilt *447 A beautiful two-handled Cup, of rock crystal, engraved, on a foot, mounted with silver gilt A small Cup, of lapis lazuli, on a finely chased or-molu foot, supported by terminal figures 448 28 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 449 A beautiful ancient Watch, with chatelaine and seals attached, formed of old Dresden porcelaine mounted with gold, in its original case 450 A pair of turquoise enamel and silver Knife Handles 451 A superb ebony COFFER, the top and sides enriched with jive slabs of the rare old Florentine raised mosaic 452 A beautifully designed Metal Gilt Clock, turret shaped, enriched with slabs of onyx and ornamented with various coloured stones, the lower part forming a Cabinet 453 A ditto Cabinet, designed in similar taste 454 An Italian Mosaic Plaque, representing the Virgin and Child, and Joseph, formed of lapis lazuli, bloodstone, crystal, jasper, &c., arranged as a picture 455 A beautiful Cup , of ancient enamel , with raised figures and gold ornamentations, mounted in silver gilt 456 An ancient Silver Gilt Salt 457 A small Cup and Cover, of malachite, mounted in silver gilt, enriched with cameos and onyx 458 A pair of beautiful SQUARE JARDINIERES, of OLD SEVRES, white ground, with four medallion^ of trophies— from Stowe 459 A leaf-shape Tray, of Oriental agate, with silver gilt handles 460 An Oriental onyx Tazza, with silver gilt doves, on a silver gilt foot, supported by chased figures CARVINGS IN WOOD. 461 A pair of carved oak Tripod Stands 462 Three carved Elizabethan Panels 463 A portion of an ancient Italian Cassone, 3 pieces 464 A pair of carved Pillars, and 3 ditto Medallions of figures 465 A pair of carved Brackets, and a pair of ditto, gilt, supported by winged figures 466 A curious carved Box and a large Japan ditto 467 A finely carved Panel—Young Bacchanalians FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 29 468 A carved and gilt Table supported by terminal figure, with mosaic slab on top 469 An ancient Venetian Table, the top ornamented with a slab of ancient Mosaic, fitted with 3 drawers MARBLES. 470 A VASE AND COVER, of very elegant form, beautifully carved in festoons and scrolls, of the period of Louis XIV. 471 An ancient draped figure of CERES 472 A ditto ditto —APOLLO 473 A ditto ditto —A BACCHANTE 474 A ditto BUST OF MARCUS AURELIUS 475 Two ancient marble Chimney Pieces, one with finely carved friezes 476 An oval marble Font on stand, and 2 antique marble Cippi, with inscriptions 477 A pair of verde antique Marble Slabs, 3 ft. 8 by 1 ft. 10 478 A ditto Slab, 4 ft. 6 by 2 ft. and 2 others, smaller 479 A marble Slab, with inscription, a small carved ditto Panel, a semi¬ circular Slab of Oriental alabaster, and a porphyry ditto (broken) 480 A slab of Oriental Porphyry, a ditto of Giallo Marble, and a square ditto with green stripes 481 A large slab of Oriental Agate and 3 stone slabs with Egyptian figures and inscriptions 482 Two large Blocks of Bloodstone 483 Twenty pieces of ancient carved Marble 484 Four inlaid Slabs, of Agra marble 485 A large block of white Oriental Alabaster End of the Fourth Days Sale . FIFTH DAY’S SALE. On FRIDAY, the 9th day of MARCH, 1860, AT ONE o’clock PIIECISELY. ANTIQUE GEMS SET AS RINGS. LOT 486 Two—Warrior with a helmit, intaglio— sard; and a Figure running, intaglio— onyx of three strata 487 A Figure bathing, intaglio — niccolo ; and Head of Arsenoi, intaglio —sard 488 Cupid weeping, intaglio— sardonyx , and two others 489 Three Heads, intaglio— cornelian 490 A comic Mask, and one other, intaglio— niccolo 490* A Warrior with a shield, intaglio— amethyst , and three others 491 Head of an Old Man, intaglio— garnet , and two others 492 Head of a Bacchante — a beautiful carved sardonyx set in gold as a brooch 493 Bust of Inigo Jones, intaglio— sard , mounted in gold as a seal 494 Venus with the Apple, a whole-length figure, intaglio— cornelian 495 An Eagle on an Altar, intaglio — calcedony , and a Head— sard 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 . 516 H 517 518 FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 31 A rare and very beautiful Head of Charlemagne, intaglio— emerald A figure of a Lion, foreshortened, intaglio— chalcedony Hercules reposing, intaglio —cornelian in niello setting Achilles supporting Penthilisea, intaglio— chalcedony Head of Ariadne—a fine cameo sardonyx Head of Alexander— cameo onyx Head of an Egyptian Goddess, intaglio— green basalt, from the Straicberry Hill Collection Apollo and Daphne— cameo, by Benaglia, onyx of three strata Hercules strangling the Nemean Lion— sardonyx A Lion’s Mask, intaglio— cornelian , very deeply cut Cupid with a Lyre, and Head of a Satyr, intaglio— niccolo Perseus and his horse Pegasus, intaglio — sard A Dancing Fawn, with inscription, intaglio— chalcedony Comic Mask, intaglio— sardonyx ; and a Head of a Boy— chalcedony Pan seated near a tree, cameo—sardonyx Venus on a Dolphin, attended by Cupids, cameo—onyx, a work of great beauty Head of Seneca, intaglio —chalcedony A Lion’s Plead, intaglio— sard A large and fine Head of Neptune, cameo—garnet A triangular Seal, Head of Faustina— from Strawberry Hill, and one other ANCIENT MINIATURES. Bernard Lens ... Lady Mary Hyde, in a brown dress and blue scarf —from the Collection of E. Harman, Esq. Samuel Cooper ... King Charles II. in armour Samuel CoorER... Francis, Baroness Dudley and Ward —from the Harman Collection 32 FIFTH DAY’S SALE, i&d —- lu fuur 519 N. Hilliard Queen Elizabeth, in a rich costume ornamented with jewels, a miniature of the greatest beauty and in a perfect state of preservation—from the Harman Collection 520 N. Hilliard ufcMiAd Yl ^4-521 Liotard Lady Arabella Stuart, in a rich brocade dress, with an ear-ring and necklace of pearls, and a jewel pendant, an exquisite miniature in a gold enamelled case—from the Harman Collection * The Pretender, in armour, and on the reverse his Wife - 522 Isaac Oliver. ) tJUi' t Si j, ; 523 Isaac Oliver. "r 524 Dixon . 525 B. Lens . 39f - 526 B. Lens . 527 / 528 Gonzales . /3 * to# 529 S. Cooper, 1647 .. 3$l 530 531 Danckert . ;532 J. Hoskins. nj 533 H. Bone. tftj 534 H. Bone . 535 H. Bone . 536 H. Bone. Henry, Prince of Wales, in a black dress, with a red drapery at back, on which is inscribed Anno Dom, 1595, JEtatis Sum 20 Lady Arabella Stuart, in a brocaded dress with a linen frill round her neck, the hair ornamented with jewels— from Earl Beau¬ champ’s Collection Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester- from the Harman Collection . '? ^ _ aJJLl The Duchess of Portland Portrait of B. Evrard Louis XV, and two others Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II, in oil The Earl of Pembroke, in armour Mary, Queen of Scots, in oil Henry, Duke of Gloucester General Davison, in armour ENAMELS. The Young Student, and a Portrait of a Lady The Marquis of Stafford ft Portrait of Mr. Heath Lord Liverpool FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 33 4 v \*jv) j*L 537 H. Bone J li 538 H. Bone 4 539 H. Bone 3 y 1 540 H. Bone 541 4 1 . 542 7/0 H. Bone H. Bone h * 543 Harding ) ✓*. ^ 545 H. Bone H. Bone 546 H. Bone 0 0 547 H. Bone 548 v w J 12 549 ZlNCKE. 550 ^ ' 551 * « j V , s - 552 U /S' 553 £» . 554 lilU - 555 ZlNCKE ZlNCKE ZlNCKE ZlNCKE /* I $ 556 ZlNCKE 3 , 557 - 558 ZlNCKE W t ^ 559 - v 560 Dixon , 561 Hone 562 Hone 563 Hone . Lord Russell . Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford . The Marquis of Winchester . The Earl of Brownlow, three quarter length . Sir Anthony Carlise ditto . Edward Clinton, Earl of Lincoln . Walter, first Lord Aston, water colour ...r A pair—Lord and Lady Russell . The Earl of Devonshire, full length - The Young Student . Queen Mary - Portrait of Maria Theresa . The Earl of Bristol, and another of a Gentle¬ man, in a case - A gold Miniature Case, with medallion of pearls in centre .... Portrait of Schalcken .... Portrait of a Lady in a blue dress - A miniature of a Lady, and another of Cupids .... Portrait of Addison .... Portrait of Horace Walpole, set in gold as a locket — A pair—A Lady and Gentleman y — A miniature of a General Officer, and another of a Lady .... Portrait of a Lady in a white dress — Portrait of a Lady, and another of a Gentleman .... Po rtrait of a Gentleman .... Portrait of a Gentleman, and another of a Lady, by “ Zincke” t .... Portrait of a Lady .... Portrait of a Lady in a white dress F 34 FIFTTI DAY’S SALE. PIQUE and OTHER SNUFF BOXES, and ORNAMENTS. 564 An oval silver gilt Bonbonniere, ornamented with musical trophies, en repousse 565 A small metal ditto, of octagonal form, inlaid with plaques of avanturine 566 A boat shaped Snuff Box of tortoishell, ornamented with stars of gold in pique 567 A beautiful oval gold Snuff Box , enamelled in dark blue, with scrolls, and chased medallions in gold, the top and bottom having medallions en grisaille of enamel— from the Stowe Collection 568 A small tortoishell Opera Glass, with rims and incrustations of flowers in gold 569 An oval mother o’ pearl Bonbonni&re, beautifully carved in figures of sea nymphs and tritons, the mountings and hinges of silver, finely chased 570 A round tortoishell Snuff Box, mounted and ornamented with silver 571 An oblong Snuff Box of Labrador stone, mounted in chased gold 572 A flat tortoishell Box, gold mounted, the top enriched with allegorical figures, in gold applique 573 A shaped Snuff Box, chased and engraved, the top and bottom of blood stone 574 A tortoishell Etui, gold mounted and ornamented with birds and insects in gold pique 575 A shaped tortoishell Snuff Box, beautifully inlaid with flowers and scroll work in mother o’ pearl and gold 576 An oval Snuff Box of variegated jasper 577 A tortoishell Box in the form of an egg, with mountings of gold and pique work 578 A shaped tortoishell Box, the top inlaid with silver and enamel scrolls 579 A Tortoiseshell Box, lined with gold, with a fine cameo on top of Jupiter Serapis 580 A papier machee Bonbonniere, with miniature on top, and an old Dresden Inkstand FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 35 ANCIENT FURNITURE. 581 A pair of EBONY WOLSEY CHAIRS, elaborately carved in scroll work, the backs perforated and supported by twisted columns, the seats covered with embossed silk 582 ANOTHER PAIR, SIMILAR 583 ANOTHER PAIR, SIMILAR 584 A BEAUTIFUL TABLE OF OLD ITALIAN MARQUE- TERIE, on a stand of carved walnut, beautifully designed and executed in the style of the Renaissance 585 A tulip wood Pedestal, on legs and standards, inlaid with marque- terie, and mounted with ormolu 586 A ditto Cabinet, on feet, with falling front, the interior fitted with drawers, beautifully inlaid with trophies in marqueterie, and mounted with ormolu 587 ' A CARVED OAK TABLE, of the period of HENRY VIII. —from Hill Hall, Essex, engraved in Shaw's work 588 A ditto Arm Chair, with panel back, medallion heads of Henry VII. and his Queen, and scroll work, and a Stool to match 589 An ancient Oak Box, finely carved in relief, the lid representing the Presentation in the Temple, the sides enriched with steel work 590 A Table of Italian work, supported by four figures, beautifully carved 591 A 7 ft. walnut wood Cabinet, the upper part enclosed by glazed doors, with drawers under 592 A 6 leaf Folding Screen, gold ground with flowers and birds 593 A carved Venetian Torchere, supported by a cupid, coloured and giit 594 A Cabinet, of old Italian Marqueterie a fleur, on standards and twisted column supports 595 A tulip wood Cupboard, with sliding front, fitted with drawer 596 A pair of hanging ENCOIGNEURS, of the rare old lac Japan, with or-molu mountings 597 A small Skeleton Clock, glass shade and stand 598 A pair of handsome Garden Vases, formed of lead, the belts orna¬ mented with Bacchanalian figures 599 A large and fine Tazza, of Giallo antico, on fluted stem SIXTH DAY’S SALE. On SATURDAY, the 10th day of MARCH, 1860, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. * ANTIQUE GEMS. LOT 600 A fine Cameo of four figures— sardonyx 601 A figure of Minerva, intaglio—chalcedony 602 Head of a Female, intaglio—agate 603 Head of Cleopatra, intaglio—sardonyx; and one other— cornelian 604 Four intaglie, various 605 A figure of a Warrior— cornelian; and one other— garnet 606 A Seal in the form of a Negro’s head— large and fine onyx of 2 strata , mounted with gold and set with rubies 607 Ismenus wounded by Apollo, throwing himself into the River, intaglio—sardonyx 608 Pyrene devoured by wild beasts, intaglio—cornelian 609 Yenus and Anchises seated on a rock, intaglio—sardonyx 610 Cyane dragging her father Cyanippus towards the Altar of Bacchus, intaglio—sardonyx 611 Achilles wounding Telephus, intaglio—sardonyx 612 A whole length figure of Ganymede, intaglio—cornelian 613 Head of Augustus, and one other, intaglie—cornelian 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 SIXTH HAY’S SALE 37 Apollo with the Lyre, intaglio — niccolo A Faun seated, with a vase; and one other, intaglie — sard A male Figure seated, intaglio — turquoise A figure of a Ram, with inscription— niccolo Head of Apollo, a beautiful cameo—chrysophraz A Female seated, with two vases before her, intaglio—onyx of 2 strata A full length figure of Pallas with a helmet and spear, and on the reverse a bust of Socrates, intaglio—niccolo A dancing Cupid holding a mask, intaglio , striated onyx Hercules strangling Cerberus, intaglio—amethyst A Lion’s mask, intaglio — garnet; and one other Heads of two Satyrs, intagUo—rosso antico s antique setting Cupid on a Lion, intaglio —sard Omphale, with the attributes of Hercules, intaglio—striated onyx; and one other A kneeling Figure holding a vase, intaglio—sard; and 2 others Six small Intaglie, various Head of a Roman, a fine cameo in high relief—sardonyx Head of Sappho, intaglio — chalcedony A seated Figure holding a butterfly, intaglio — niccolo; and a Llead— niccolo Venus and Cupid, intaglio — sard ; and 3 others Head of a Female, intaglio — rosso; and a ditto— sard ' Llead of Faustina, intaglio — cornelian ; and one other Sagitarius, intaglio—onyx; and one other Head of Brutus, intaglio — cornelian Minerva with a spear and shield, intaglio — sardonyx; and oiie other Cupid on a Dolphin, intaglio — garnet; and two others A Faun, with the Infant Bacchus, intaglio — sardonyx 38 sfxtfii Cay’s sale. ANCIENT LAC JAPAN. 640 A Toilette Box and Cover, ornamented with gold flowers, raised 641 A Jewel Coffer of the finest raised work, the interior fitted with numerous trays and drawers, with silver handles and mountings 642 A shaped Box and Cover, highly ornamented with gold birds and trees 643 A square Card Box of black japan, the cover ornamented with a group of fruit in a basket in raised gold 644 A small Comfit Box in four compartments, with trees in gold, and two leaf-shape Trays 645 A Casket for Gems, the interior fitted with shifting trays, secret and other drawers, highly ornamented with figures, landscapes, birds, &c., in raised gold and gilt mountings 646 An oblong Box, with arched top, with a landscape in raised gold 647 A pair of square Boxes, avanturine ground, with landscapes in gold 648 A pair of ditto Toilet Boxes in five compartments, and a ditto with shaped ends 649 A square black and gold Box, and ditto Cup and Tray 650 A shaped Box and cover, black and gold 651 A pair of Toilet Boxes and Covers, each fitted with three interior boxes and a tray, delicately ornamented in gold, on a shaped stand to match 652 A square Box, in three compartments, avanturine ground, with gold spots 653 Two round Boxes, in compartments, and a Cup, cover and stand 654 Two beautiful leaf-shape Trays, with raised ornaments in black and gold— from Strawberry Hill 655 A pair of fan-shape Boxes, fitted with interior trays, on shaped stands 656 A large Dish, richly ornamented with gold 657 Three ditto oblong Trays 658 A painted Persian Fan Case, and an octagonal Box SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 39 BRONZES. 659 A very beautiful GREEK VASE IN BRONZE, with handles and masks, the belt ornamented with figures, and scroll borders 660 A Figure of a Warrior on horseback 661 A Group of a Boy with a swan 662 An antique Figure of Minerva, and another of Hercules 663 Head of Venus, a beautiful antique fragment, and a small Tripod Stand 664 Two antique Bronzes of Lions, and another of a Stag 665 An Elephant’s Head, two Lions, Figure, Lamp, and three Keys 666 A fine Italian bronze Group of Bacchus and young faun 667 A Byzantine Crucifix, enamelled in colours 668 A Bust of a Boy, finely sculptured in black marble 669 A Group in bronze, Venus and Cupid, on black pedestal 670 An ancient bronze Door Scraper, supported by eagles 671 A superb GROUP in BRONZE, representing BOREAS and ORYTHIA, on wood pedestal 672 The COMPANION GROUP, PLUTO and PROSERPINE, on ditto 673 A DITTO FIGURE, La Joueuse d’Osselets 674 A DITTO DITTO, the Crouching Venus 675 An ancient Bronze Group, The Rape of Dejanira, on wood pedestal MISSALS. 676 A Missal, with numerous large illuminations, curious borders and capitals; vellum 677 A Ditto, with rich illuminations, and borders heightened with gold; in fine state 678 Getyden, Psalmen, and Vigilien, with illuminations and capitals in gold, in fine condition 679 A Missal, with beautiful illuminations, capitals, and borders, red morocco gilt 680 Horse Diue Virginis, 17 large illuminations and 28 small ditto 40 SIXTH day’s SALE. MISCELLANIES. 681 A Yaseof fruit and flowers, a fine slab of pietra dura mosaic , in a gilt frame 682 A piece of Persian Embroidery, richly worked in gold 683 A beautiful china Bottle, purple ground, with fine old chased and gilt vine leaf mountings 684 A shaped Urn and Cover of Oriental Porphyry , with serpentine handles 685 A FINE EBONY COFFER, enriched with five plaques of fine Florentine mosaics of flowers, and or-molu mountings 686 An Egyptian designed Candelabra , 6 ft. high, of Angouleme porcelain 687 A ditto, of different design 688 A beautiful metal gilt Polyptich, chased in medallions of figures, representing the Life of the Saviour, on a blue enamelled ground; in fine preservation 689 A pair of imitation jasper Vases, with rich Louis XIY mountings 690 A FINE EBONY COFFER, enriched with seven plaques of the rare Florentine mosaics of fruit, insects, &c. 691 A piece of ancient Tapestry, representing St. Luke reading, and a Saddle Cloth, embroidered with gold 692 An early German Mug, with raised coloured ornaments 693 An Urn and Cover of Oriental alabaster 694 A ditto ditto, smaller 695 A brass Sextant in a case, Table Clock, and an Urn 697 A pair of Tazzi, formed of the Giallo antico marble , supported on three carved therms and tripod plynths 698 A ditto Figure of a Lion crouching, on plynth of the same 699 An ancient Watch, in engraved silver case, and a shagreen and silver dotted ditto SIXTH DAY’S SALE 41 ANCIENT METAL WORK. 700 An ancient Lock, the front chased in open-work, and a piece of ditto 701 The Hilt of a Rapier, finely chased in figures, 3 chased Sheath Mounts, and a Medallion with coat of arms 702 An oblong Brass Box, the top finely inlaid in scroll work in blue and white enamel 703 A circular Briot Dish, ornamented with scroll work and portraits in medallions 704 A small Brass Coffer, engraved 705 A Gothic Censor, and a portion of another 706 A Byzantine Metal Pax, with a cover, ornamented with enamel 707 A circular Iron Tankard and Cover, damascened with gold scroll work 708 A Brass Candlestick, with engraved scroll work and flowers, and medallion heads en repousse 709 A small Byzantine Reliquaire, in the form of a coffer, ornamented with enamel and 12 shields of angels, the heads of metal chased in relief 710 A Dagger and Sheath, of iron, finely chased in figures 711 A pair of very fine Venetian Candlesticks, of beautiful form, ornamented with arabesques and lines of white silver, 7 inches high —from the Bernal Collection 712 A Figure of a Lady, in Venetian costume, formed of copper gilt, engraved 713 A Cartouch Box, of steel, Milanese work, beautifully damascened in gold, and engraved with the subjects of the Temptation and the Crucifixion 714 A large and fine BYZANTINE CHASSE, of copper enamelled, and ornamented with fourteen shields 715 A Pommel of a Sword, fine wrought in steel, and a Book Cover a 42 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 SIXTH DAY’S SALE. ORIENTAL AGATES. A Cup and Saucer of fine Oriental agate, beautifully mottled Two ditto ditto, smaller An oval agate Cup, and a shaped white jade Tray Three small onyx Crps, and a bloodstone ditto A large Cup of brown agate, finely mottled A small Cup and Saucer of mottled agate, and a ditto cup on foot Three small agate Cups Three ditto dit.o A leaf shaped Cup, beautifully mottled, with pale green ribbed ornaments, carved in relief Sundries End of Sixth Day's Sale .