p fijcf 1 Kef, F ! CATALOGUE OF THE ART COLLECTIONS, LITERARY PROPERTY, ETC., BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SAMUEL BRADFORD KALES, Esq., Of Philadelphia, Penna. , TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, By order of Lewis Stover, Esq., Executor, BEGINNING WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 9, at 8 o’clock, AT CHICKERING HALL. ON FREE EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th, AT Our New Art Galleries, Nos. 845 and 847 Broadway, Between 13TH and 14TH Streets. . L , M D M ;■ I A,. / *• THOS E. KIRBY & CO., - - Auctioneers, NEW YORK. 1881. / NEW YORK : d. J. LITTLE & CO., PRINTERS, IO TO 20 ASTOR PLACE. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY THE FALES’ COLLECTIONS. The important objects described in this catalogue, embracing nearly three thousand lots, comprise the entire art collections and literary property of the late Samuel Bradford Fales, Esq., of Philadelphia, a gentleman well known for his devotion and liberal patronage to the Fine Arts. Nothing has been added or will be introduced during the sale other than the propeity belonging to the estate. Never to our knowledge has such a large, varied and valuable collection of art property been sold by auction in this country. We will not attempt to enumerate the objects, or to criticise the collections, deeming it best that the public should exercise that right. In compiling the catalogue of the department of art, we have made use of all the notes of the late owner that were in any im¬ portant manner connected with the objects. The descriptions are as full as circumstances would permit, and as plain and simple in manner as possible. The engravings and books have been catalogued by expeits, and their remarks in connection therewith will no doubt be read with interest. All of the paintings and water colors have been newly framed, in keeping with the pictures ; nothing but the best framing ma¬ terials have been used. The sale is made by order of the executor, and is a peremptory one. Each and every article will be sold without exception or limit. The catalogue, of which a limited edition has been printed, will, in this instance, be charged for at the rate of fifty cents per copy. Parties unable to attend the sale can have orders to purchase faithfully executed, free of charge, by the undersigned. JAMES F. SUTTON, THOS. E. KIRBY & CO. SAMUEL BRADFORD PALES was born in Boston, Mass., 1808. He was the son of the late Samuel Bales, a successful and highly esteemed merchant in that city, who died in 1848. On his father’s side he is the seventh in de- sc nt from Wm. Bradford the first Governor of Massachusetts, and he was a’so descended from the Kales’ family who arrived in Bos¬ ton about 1636. On his mother’s side he traces his descent from Dr. Otis of Scituate, cousin of James Otis of revolutionary fame, and also from Walterus de Haliburton of Scotland, who lived in 1207. Thomas Halibu'ton, author of Sam Slick, was his first cousin. Mr. S. B. Kales was educated at the Boston Latin School, and subsequently entered Harvard University, whence he gradu¬ ated in 1825. fie afterwards studied medicine for two years with Dr. John Gorham of Boston ; but, having no taste for the profes¬ sion, discontinued his readings, and in 1832 went to Philadelphia, where he entered into the importing and commission business, being associated with Eliphalet Williams, under the firm of Kales and Williams. The partnership expired, by limitation, in 1834, and was not renewed ; indeed, the senior partner at this time retired altogether from mercantile pursuits. He next turned his attention to the fine arts, and studied for a number of years, but, findin : his health impaired, desisted. Nevertheless, desirous of occupying his mind with some favorite object, he commenced by making a col¬ lection of engravings, then paintings in oil and water colors, bronzes, and articles of vertu. flis devotion to these studies was recognized by his being elected a director of the Pennsylvania Academy of Kine Arts, which he held during the presidency of the late Hon. Henry D. Gilpin. It was while holding this posi¬ tion that he availed himself of unusual opportunities of procuring many fine examples in oil and water color paintings, the works of celebrated artists of Europe, then exhibiting at the academy. On the breaking out of the rebellion, he ranged himself on the side of the government, and, by his unselfish devotion to the interest of the soldiers, won for himself a proud and enviable record. Kor V THE FATES COLLECTIONS. five years his entire time, day and night, was devoted to the welfare and success of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon and its adjuncts. He was treasurer of its funds, which were raised by the voluntary contributions of private citizens—neither city, State, nor United States’ patronage being given to it. By his own per¬ sonal exertions the greater part of the funds were collected ; and, when all is taken into consideration, the enormous operations of this saloon, with its three hospitals, its bathing facilities and other accommodations afforded the sick and weary soldiers, the funds necessary to carry on the enterprise could not have been meagre. As many as seven thousand men have been fed on its premises within twenty-four hours, and scarcely a day elapsed during the long period of the four years of the war, and the year subsequent when the troops were mustered out and were returning from the field, that the beneficent aid of this noble monument of the patriotism and philanthropy of Philadelphia was not called into play. Sick or well, white or black, Union soldier or Confederate prisoner, all were relieved ; and of the sufferers who closed their eyes in death within the hospitals, their remains were carefully and sorrowfully laid away to rest in the lot provided by the managers for that purpose. Through all these years Samuel B. Tales worked unweariedly as Corresponding Secretary and General Financial Agent. In October, 1865, his associates of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon passed a series of resolutions, beautifully en¬ grossed, and presented to him, testifying to the prominent part he took in the great work. He was, likewise, the recipient of many com¬ plimentary letters, especially from his college classmates, who bear witness to the fact, that in all his unselfish devotions to the sol¬ dier’s comfort he has reflected the teachings and honored the es¬ cutcheon of his Alma Mater. He was one of the very few civil¬ ians who have been honored with a membership of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and was a mem¬ ber of the council of that commandery. During the time of the Centennial Exhibition, no one took more interest in the further¬ ance of this great and successful undertaking than he. He visited the building daily, and many are the objects of art and industry purchased by him from the different departments. He was a true lover and patron of the fine arts; he purchased objects, not because they were antique, nor for their historical value ; if it was beau¬ tiful and artistic, and suited his taste, he purchased it, no matter. VI SAMUEL BRADFORD FAZES. when or where it was made, or who was the artist ; and when once purchased and placed with his collection, it was never parted with. Consequently he gathered together a large and most valu¬ able museum of artistic and literary property which has for years been a source of pleasure and gratification not only to its pos¬ sessor, but also to his friends and die public. Up to the time of his death, which occurred on the morning of Sept. 14, 1S80, after a short illness, Mr. Fales was engaged in adding to his col¬ lections, and had about completed an extraordinary collection of cut and engraved glassware. He lived and died surrounded by his beautiful and rare possessions ; and the fact that they are now to be dispersed will cause a feeling of deep regret to his many lriends, and the thousands who have had the pleasure of seeing his Art Treasures. ARTISTS REPRESENTED OIL PAINTINGS. Allen, J. W., 16. Anatasi, Aug., 118. Angelo, Michael, 18, 19. Baptista, P. G., 12. Barker, B., 175. Boddington, H. J., 36, 104. Bosch, E., 150, 159. Bosschaert, N., 58. Boucher, A., 65. Braekeleer, F. de, 128. Brissot, F. S., 73, 85,119, 1C2. Burkel, Henri, 25, 80. Camphausen, W., 170. Caron, Pauline, 24, 98. Clater, F., 60. Couture, Thos., 171. Couturier, P. L., 27, 81. Crayer, T., 64. David. J. L., 96. De Dreux, A., 141. De Hooge, Peter, 114. De Groat, F. A. Brenhaus, 30. Deshayes, Eugene, 51, 105,140. De Beaumont, E., 112. Diaz De Le Pena, N., 127, 145. Faed, Thos., 120. Ferguson, VY. J., 10. Frere, E., 147. Frere, Theo., 71. Gabe, H., 116-117. Gesselschap, E., 37, 124. Girardet, Karl, 67, 79. Guillemin, Alex., 106. Haliburton, Mary, 3. Hargitt, E., 121. Hassenclever, J. P., 142, 164. Hassenpflug, C., 151. Hayes, H., 62. Henry, A., 14. Herman, L., 47. Heyligers, A. F., 68. Hinckley, Thos. H., 17. Hough, Wm., 28. Hoguet, C., 52, 109, 13S. Hubner, Carl, 74. Ilulme, F. W., 32. Isabey, L. G. E., 149. Jacque, Chas., 156. Jutsum, Henry, 94, 133. Kauffman, Angelica, 63. Kensett, J. F., 143. Krause, F. R., 46, 125. Lambinet, E., 23. Lanfant, de Metz,-72. Leikert, C. H., 8. Lewis, E. D., 6, 42, 89. Lenning Gode, 2, 152. Luminais, Ev., 139. MacCulloch, H., 44. Maaten, J., no. Maeten, P., 75. Mayer, F., 129. Moran, E., 7, 48, 82, 103, 144. Moran, Peter, 11. Nicol, Erskine, 102,173. Noel, Jules, 31. Oakes, J. W., 169. Ortmans, A., 122, 172. Peale, Rembrandt, 88. Peetz, H. G., 166. Pourbus, Peter, 45. Raeburn, Sir Henry, 97. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. viii Rechisson, C., 40, 174. Reyntjens, H. G., 83. Robbe, L., 59, 95. Rolfe, H. L., 22. Rosseau, Jas., 108. Rothermell, P. F., 54. Schleich, E., T30. Schmidt, E., 56. Shayer, Wm,, Senior, 33, 113, 155. Smedt, 41. Smith, Xanthus, 4,91. Sonderman, H., 49. Stammel, E., 99, 146. Stanfield, G. C., 92. Sully, Tlios., 76, 107,123. Tait, A. F., 43. Tenkate, H., 158. Thuro, F., 9. Tielmans, L.,69. Trayer, J. B., 163. Unknown, 5, 87, 137. Van Aelst, Wm., 20. Vanderberg, 160. Vanderleer, 55. Vandyck, Sir A., 165. Van Goyen, John, 66. Van Haanan, R., 50. Van Hove, ., 35, 61, 90. Verboeckhoven, E. J., 13, 50, 122,14S, 172. Verschuur, W., 134, 135. Verveer, G. L., 34. Waldrop, A., 77. Wauters, Constant, 132. Weber, Paul, 1, 15, 29, 38, 57, 7S, 84. 101, 115, 126, 131, 153, 16S. Weiss, B., 53. Weissenbruch, Jan., 26. Welch, S. B., 21. Whittredge, W., 100. Wittkamp, B., 70, 86, 136. Wulfraet, M., 111. Wustlick, O., 161. Wynderoth, 39. WATER COLORS. Anker, 190. Austin, Samuel, 204. Ballve, H., 184. Chambers, Geo., 191. Collingwood, Wm., 212, 227. David, J. Lewis, 226. D’Egville, J. II., 229. De Jonghe, J. B., 231. Delacroix, A., 211. Duncan, E., 181. Faed, Thos., 194, 232. Garvarni, G, S., 193. Helf, S„ 215. Jenkins, Jas. J., 220. Jutsum, Henry, 182, 213, 222. Leitch, W. L.; 224. Lewes, 201. Lewis, John E., 180. Maron, Ferd., 225. Meissonier, J. L. E., 233. Morton, P., 176. Nicol, Erskine, 197. Pearson, C., 189, 196, 209, 214, 221, 230. Prout, Samuel, 199, 228. Prout, Skinner, 188. Pyne, Jas. B., 192,207. Richardson, T. M., 179, 185, 203, 217, 223. Robins, T. S., 178, 202, 206. Rowbotham, Thos. L., 198, 210. Soule, E., 195. Stanfield, Clarkson, 200. Sutcliffe, Thos., 183. Turner, J. M. W., 218. Unknown, 216. Van Starkenburgh, W. T., 186. Verboeckhoven, E. J., 231. Voillmot, E. 205. Weber, Paul, 177. Wittkamp, B., 1S7. Woolnooth, E., 20S, 219 ORDER OF SALE. At Chickering Hall. Admission Free. No Reserved Seats. Wednesday Evening, Nov. 9th, at 8 o’clock, Oil Paintings. Lots 1 to 75. Thursday Evening, Nov. 10th, at 8 o'clock, Oil Paintings. Lots 76 to 151. Friday Evening, Nov. 11th, at 8 o’clock, Oil Paintings and Water Colors. Lots 152 to 233. ^ T~ At our Art Rooms, 845 and 847 Broadway. Monday Afternoon, Nov. 14th, at 2)4 o’clock, Collection of Glass Ware. Lots 234 to 443. Tuesday Afternoon, Nov. 15th, at 2)4 oclock, Japanese and Chinese Art. Lots 444 to 643. Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. i 6th, at 2)4 o’clock, Japanese and Chinese and Miscellaneous Art. Lots 644 to 842. Thursday Afternoon, Nov. 17th, at 2)4 o’clock, European Ceramic Art. Lots 843 to 1043. Friday Afternoon, Nov. 18th, at 2)4 o’clock, European Ceramic Art. Lots 1044 to 1229. Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 19th, at 2 o’clock, Bronzes, Stat¬ uary and Cabinet Specimens. Lots 1230 to 1429. Monday Afternoon, Nov. 21st, at 2)4 o’clock, Miscellaneous, Bric-a-Brac, Furniture, Collection of Canes, Fishing Tackle, etc. Lots 1430 to 1679. Monday Evening, Nov. 21st, at 7)4 o’clock, Books. Lots 2322 to 2574. Tuesday Afternoon, Nov. 22d, at 2 o’clock, Engravings. Lots i 58 o to 2001. Tuesday Evening, Nov. 22d, at 7)^ o’clock, Books. Lots 2575 to 2837. Wednesday Afternoon, Nov. 23d, at 2 o’clock, Engravings. Lots 2002 to 2321. Orders to Purchase. In addition to the Auctioneers, the following named will attend to orders to purchase Books and Engravings : Messrs. Bonaventure & Co , No. 2 Barclay Street, Astor House, New York. James O. Wright, 15 Astor Place, Clinton Hall, New York. IX CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any disputes arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required , in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the re¬ mainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other¬ wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, piece of Furni¬ ture, Work of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy of delivery, no Lot can, on any account, be removed without presentation of the bill. 6. Failing to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited. THOMAS E. KIRBY & CO. ijjT The measurements are given in inches, and the width precedes the height. CATALOGUE. * j, _ WEDNESDAY EVENING’S SALE, AT CHICKERING HALL, Commencing at Eight o'Clock prompt. Oil Paintings. I WEBER (Paul) Philadelphia Sketch from Nature. Not dated. Canvas 13 x 10 2 LENNING (Gode) Marine Moonlight. Dated 1852. Panel 14 x 9 2 THE FALLS COLLECTIONS. k 3 HALIBURTON (Mary).Rome Head of an Italian Peasant Girl. Not dated. Canvas 8J x ioj * 4 SMITH (Xanthus) Philadelphia Fruit. Dated July 4th, i860. Panel 10x6 5 UNKNOWN Head of St. Sebastian. Not dated. Canvas 12 J x 15 J 6 LEWIS (Edmund D.) ..Philadelphia Tropical Scenery—Cuba. Original Sketch. A View on William Stewart’s Plantation. Dated i860. Canvas 13^ x 16J OIL PAINTINGS. 3 MORAN (Edward), N. A.New York Pulpit Rocks, Nahant, Mass. Not dated. Canvas 24 x 17 Painted to order for the late owner. 8 LEICKERT (C. H.) Antwerp Winter Scene. Not dated. Panel n{ x 9 9 THURO (F.) Munich Sunset, Stamberg Lake. Dated 1853. Panel 134 x ro FERGUSON (W. J.).London A Leafy Nook on the Thames, in Berkshire. Dated 1857. Canvas 15 x 19 Purchased at the American Exhibition of British Art, held in the Penn¬ sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1858. 4 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. II MORAN (Peter).Philadelphia Scene near League Island, Philadelphia. Not dated. Canvas 16 x g 12 BAPTISTA (Piezetta Gavani).Rome Head of a Venetian. Not dated. Canvas 16 x 19! 13 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph), dec’d.Brussels Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Michael of Bavaria, and of Christ of Portugal. Decoration ol the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. t Petersburg. Born, 1799. Died, 1880. Landscape with Deer. Dated 1S52. Panel 14 x n From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings and Statuary, New York, 1853. OIL PAINTINGS. 5 14 HENRY (A.).London View on the Severn. Not dated. Canvas 16 x 12 15 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Morning on the Susquehanna. Dated 1853. Canvas 30 x 20^ 16 ALLEN (J. W.).London Landscape. Dated 1849. Canvas 18 x 12 17 HINCKLEY (Thomas H.).Boston Dogs and Game. View near Milton, Mass. Blue hills in the distance. Dated 1854. Canvas 48 x 36 Painted to order for the late owner. 6 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 18 ANGELO (Michael), dec’d, called II Campidoglio.Rome Born at Rome, 1610, was a scholar of Fioranti and was called II Campidoglio from an office he held in Campidoglio or the capitol of Rome. Died 1670. Fruit Pieces. Not dated. Canvas 18 x 14 19 ANGELO (Michael), dec’d, called 11 Campidoglio.Rome Companion to the Above. 20 VAN AELST (ffm.), deceased. Born, 1620. Died, 1679. Still Life. Holland Not dated. Panel 28 x 19! 21 WELCH (S. B.) Philadelphia Regret. Not dated. Canvas 9 x ll| i OIL PAINTINGS. 7 22 ROLFE (H. L.).London Trout, Black Perch and Minnow. Not dated. Canvas 14J x 12 J 23 LAMBINET (Emile), deceased.Paris Medals 1843, ’53, ’57. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Born, 1810. Died, 1878. The Rector’s Farm. Dated 1858. Panel 19^ x 13 24 CARON (Pauline, Mdlle.).-...Paris Pupil of Edouard Frfere. The First Lesson in Sewing. % Not dated. Panel 124 x 16 25 BURKEL (Henri).Munich Honorary Member of the Academies of Munich, Dresden and Vienna. Born, 1802. Died, 1869. Banditti Attacking Travelers in the Tyrol. Not dated. Canvas 21 x i6g 8 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 26 WEISSENBRUCH (Jan).Antwerp A Street Scene in the Hague. Not dated. Canvas 20 x 14I 27 COUTURIER (P. L.).Paris Pupil of Picot. Medals 1855 (E. U.), 1861. The Poultry Yard. Not dated. Canvas 22^ x 28 From the First Exhibition of Paintings, by Artists of the French School, New York, 1S57. 28 HOUGH (Wm.). .London The Wayside, Autumn. Not dated. Canvas 19 x 15 Purchased at the American Exhibition of British Art, held in the Penn¬ sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1858. OIL PAINTINGS. 9 29 WEBER (Paul). .Philadelphia Arched Trees near Frankfort on the Main. The Rhine and a village in the distance. Not dated. Canvas 18 x 23 30 DE GROAT (F. A. Brenhaus).Hague Coasters in a Squall. Dated 1850. „ Canvas 55 x 41 * 31 NOEL (Jules).Paris Pupil of Charrioux de Brest. Medal, 1853. Honorably mentioned, E. U. 1855. Landscape. Not dated. Canvas 15x9} 10 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 32 HULME (F. W.) R. A.London Pupil of his Father. Born, 1816. A Day Dream. A Scene in North Wales. Painted in the open air. Dated 1857. Canvas 22\ 29^ From the American Exhibition of British Art, held in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1858. 33 SHAVER (Win.), the Elder .. * .London The Old Roadside Inn. Sign of the Crown. Not dated. Canvas 24 x 20 34 VERVEER (S. L.).Dusseldorf Chevalier of Order of Leopold.' Scene near Delphe, Holland. Dated 1846. Panel 10 x 8 From Crystal Palace Exhibition, New York, 1853. OIL PAINTINGS. 11 VAN HOVE (H.). A Steward in his Room. Belgium Not dated. Panel l\ x 9-$- From Crystal Palace Exhibition, New York, 1853. 36 BODDINGTON (H. J.).'..London An English Landscape. Not dated. Canvas 30 x 22| 37 GESSELSCHAP (E.). The Christmas Tree. Dusseldorf Not d a ted Canvas 17-$- x 25 38 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia An Indian Summer Sunset. At Spring Mill on the Schuylkill River. Not dated. Canvas 25^ x i8| Painted to order for the late owner. THE FALES COLLECTIONS. I 2 39 4 WYNDEROTH.Paris Abdel-Kader’s Arab Steed and Groom. Not dated. Canvas 31^ x 25^ This picture was painted in competition for a prize with Edward Landseer and Horace Vernet. Vernet’s Crusader took the prize. 40 RECHISSON (C.).Paris French Forest a Century ago. $ Not dated. Panel n x 9 41 SMEDT. Pair Antique Panels. Not dated. Panels io£ x 9! LEWIS (E. D.) 42 Philadelphia The Valley of the Yumuri. Dated i860. Canvas 18J x 10^ OIL PAINTINGS. 43 TAIT (A.F.), N. A. The Happy Family. Dated 1855. ■% 44 MacCULLOCH (Horatio), deceased.Glasgow Member Royal Scottish Academy. Born, 1805. Died, 1867. Bothwell Castle at Sunset. Not dated. Canvas 18 x 14 Purchased from Williams, Stevens and Williams, New York, 1854. New York Canvas 24 x 19J 45 POURBUS (Peter), deceased. Born, 1510. Died, 1584. Portrait. Not dated. Bruges Canvas 15-i- x19 KRAUSE (Fr.) 46 Berlin Threading the Needle. Not dated. Canvas 19^ x 264 14 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 47 HERMAN (L.).Munich Coast Scene. Not dated. Canvas 12 x 9! * 48 MORAN (Edward), N. A.New York Boston and Boston Harbor. v Not dated. Canvas 20 x 8 Painted to order for the late owner. 49 SONDERMAN (H.).Dusseldorf The First Snow. Dated 1863. Canvas 23 x 28 H. SONDERMAN. NO. 49. THE FIRST SNOW. * ■ OIL PAINTINGS. 15 50 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene.Joseph), deceased.Brussels VAN HAANEN (Remi).Vienna Joseph Eugene Verboeckhoven. Born, 1799. Died, 1880. Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Michael of Bavaria, and ot Christ of Portugal, Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Remi Van Haanen. Born, 1812. Member of the Royal Academies of St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, Milan, and Venice. Honorary Member of the Art Society of Utrecht. Various Medals. The Sea Shore at Scheveningen. Not dated. Canvas 25^ x 27 From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings and Statuary, New York, 1S53. i6 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 51 DESHAYES (Eugene)...Paris Early Morning. Scene near Brittany. Not dated. Panel 12^ x 7 52 HOGUET (C.), deceased.Berlin Medal, 1848. An Interior. Dated 1858. Panel 7x5 53 WEISS (B.), deceased. An Original Painting on Copper. Dated 1772. Size 9^ x I 2 [ This picture represents Weiss’s studio, the Artist being engaged in paint¬ ing the portrait of his friend, Georgius de Marees. 54 ROTHERMEL (Peter F.).Philadelphia The Model, or the Artist Studio in the Palazzo Colonna at Gennezzano, near Rome. Dated 1857. Canvas 24J x 29 OIL PAINTINGS . 17 55 VAN DER LEER...Belgium Warrior of the 17th Century. Not dated. Panel 8 x io 56 SCHMIDT (E.) Dusseldorf Marine. Not dated. Canvas 12x9] From the old Dusseldorf Gallery, New York. 57 WEBER (Paul) Philadelphia Indian Rock, Wissihickon. Not dated. Canvas 14I x n BOSSCHAERT (N.) 58 Old school Flowers. Not dated. Canvas 30 x 43 Once the property of E. Leutz, N. A., deceased. V 18 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 59 ROBBE (Louis) Brussels Chevalier of the Legion of Honor Officer of the Order of Leopold. Landscape with Sheep. Not dated. Panel 5^x5 60 CLATER (F.).London An old Fisherman Mending his Nets. % Prize Painting of the Art Union of Glasgow, July, 1854. Not dated. Canvas 23 x 30 6l VAN HOVE (H.) Antwerp Interior of a Room. Not dated. Panel 8x6 62 HAYS (Henry) London A View on the Thames. Dated 1852. Canvas 12 x 8 F. CLATER. NO. 6o. AN OLD FISHERMAN MENDING HIS NETS OIL PAINTINGS. 19 63 KAUFFMAN (Angelica), R. A.London Born, 1742. Died, 1807. Music and Painting. Not dated. Canvas 29 x 34 64 CRAYER (T.).Paris Le Livre d’lmage. Not dated. Canvas 9! x 12 65 BOUCHER (A.).Paris Medals 1877, ’78. The Bacchanalians. Not dated. ’ Panel oval, 10 x S 66 VAN GOYEN (John).Belgium A River View. Not dated. Panel 8|x 6 20 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 67 GIRARDET (Karl).Paris Grand Medal of Honor of Prussia. Two medals at Paris Salons and an Honorable Mention at the Expo¬ sition of 1855. Born, 1810. Died, 1871. Swiss Landscape. Not dated. CanvasiS{x10^ 68 HEYLIGERS (A. F.). Allons, il faut partir. Brussels Dated 1863. Panel 14! x 11$ 69 TIELMANS (L.).Antwerp The Guard Room. Sunlight effect. Dated 1853. Panel 17 x 13! 70 WITTKAMP (B.). Antwerp Les Miserables, or at the Convent Door. Dated 1861. Canvas 28| x 38 CARL HUBNER. NO 74. THE INTERCEPTED LOVE LETTER OIL PAINTINGS. 2 I 71 FRLRE (Theodore).Paris Pupil of Cogniet Medals 1848,’ 61. Not dated. Sponge Fishing in the East. Panel 14-J- x S$ 72 LANFANT DE METZ.Paris Medal 1861. A Mousquetaire. Not dated. Panel x 10^ From the First Exhibition of Paintings by Artists of the French School held at the old Art Union Rooms, New York, 1857. 73 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (F. S.).Paris Evening. Landscape with Cattle. Not dated. Panel 25 $ x 19 74 HUBNER (Carl).Dusseldorf Pupil of Yon Schadow and Sohn. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Professor of Dusseldorf Academy. The Intercepted Love-letter. Dated 1852. Canvas 23 x 27 From the World’s Exhibition, Crystal Palace, New York, 1S53. 75 MAETIN (P.).Munich The Itinerant Troupe. After the Performance. THURSDAY EVENING’S SALE, AT CHICKERING HALL, Commencing at Eight o' Clock prompt. 76 SULLY (Thos.), deceased.Philadelphia Childhood. An Original Sketch. Dated 1S57. Panel 7 x 8-i 77 WALDORP (A.), deceased.Belgium Chevalier of the Lion of Netherlands, the Crown of Oak and the Order of Leopold. Born, 1803. Died, 1867. View near the Hague. Dated 1866. Panel n^x From the Crystal Palace Exhibition, New York, 1S53. 78 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Original Sketch. Not dated. Canvas iS£ x I2| OIL PAINTINGS. 23 79 GIRARDET (Karl), deceased.Paris Grand Medal of Honor of Prussia. Two Medals at Paris Salons. Honorable Mention Exposition Universelle, 1855. Born, 1810. Died, 1871. Landscape. Not dated. . Panel ii£ x 80 BURKEL (Henri).Munich Honorary Member of the Royal Academies of Munich, Dresden and Vienna. The Wagoner in Trouble. Not dated. Panel xo x 7 8l COUTURIER (P. L.).Paris Pupil of Picot. Medals 1855, ’61. Chickens. An Interior. Not dated. Pane’, g} x 12 24 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 82 MORAN (Edward), N. A.New York Swallows Cave, Nahant, Mass. Not dated. Canvas 26 x 18 83 REYNTJENS (H. G.).Antwerp The Guard Room. Intercession. Dated 1S52. * Panel 19 x 15^ 84 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Sunset, Chester County, Penn. Dated i860. Canvas 35 x 23 85 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, (F. S.).Paris Landscape. Not dated. Canvas 16 x 13 OIL PAINTINGS . 2 5 86 WITTKAMP (B.).Antwerp Little Red Riding Hood. Dated 1861. Canvas 24! x 30! 87 UNKNOWN. The Artist’s Studio. Not dated. Panel 8 x io£ 88 PEALE (Rembrandt), deceased..Philadelphia Pupil ot his Father and Benjamin West. Born, 1778. Died, i860. Head of a Child. Not dated. ... Canvas 9! x 13 89 LEWIS (E. D.).Philadelphia A Sunset in Cuba. Dated 1870. Canvas 32 x 18 26 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 90 VAN HOVE (H.).Antwerp A View near Bois-le-Duc. Not dated. Panel 13 x 9 91 SMITH (Xanthus).Philadelphia The Artist’s Door. Dated 1859. Panel 7| x 11 92 STANFIELD (G. C.).London Son of Clarkson Stanfield, R. A., dec’d. Beelstein on the Moselle. Not dated. Canvas 25 x 17 93 BROWER (Adrian), after. The Gamblers. An antique Painting on Glass from the original painting in the collection of the Marquis of Westminster. *-|M NO. 94. FIRST OF OCTOBER. OIL PAINTINGS. 27 94 JUTSUM (Henry), deed__ First of October. London Dated 1855. Canvas 45 x 29 (.Extract from a letter of the Artist to the late Mr. Fates.) “ I have packed and sent your picture to-day. I hope it will be in time for the packet that sails on the 12th of the month. I hope it will reach you safe, and it will give me pleasure to hear that I have succeeded in giving you satisfaction. I assure you I have had great pleasure in using every endeavor to do so, and 1 hope from the opinions expressed by my friends, that it is one of the best pictures I have painted. A picture should not require an explanation but tells its own story ; but I may just say that I intend it for luncheon-time somewhere near mid-day—the day ‘ First of October/ the first day of pheasant shooting—the woods just turning into varied color from the deep, rich green to the rich autumnal tints ; the large old oak-tree marks the trysting-place, and the sportsman and keepers assemble there to the noonday-meal which the boy is bringing down the hill on the left.” 95 ROBBE (Louis).Brussels Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Cattle. Not dated. Panel 26 x 20 96 DAVID (J. L.), dec’d. Attributed to..Paris Man Playing Flute. Not dated. Canvas 18 x 22 Said to be a portrait of Greer, an eminent musical composer, and painted by David from a miniature. 28 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 97 RAEBURN (Sir Henry), clec'd.Edinburgh Born, 1756. Died, 1823. Portrait of Lord Galloway. Not dated. Canvas 23^ x 28^ 98 CARON (Pauline, Mile.).Paris Pupil of Edouard Frere. The First Lesson in Art. Not dated. Panel 12^ x 16 99 STAMMEL (C.).Dusseldorf All’s Lost. Not dated. Canvas 34 x 30 100 WHITTREDGE (Worthington), N. A.Rome A Scene near Brunnen on Lake Luzerne, Switzerland. Embracing a View of Mount Brunnen and Town of Swartz. Dated Rome, 1S57. Canvas 54 x 38^ 5 'JD vO > w r c in H OIL PAINTINGS. 29 IOI WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia View in the Tyrol. A Sunset on Mount Gall. Dated 1852. Canvas 4S x 36 A faithful representation and considered by the artist a masterpiece. In this region the mountains have a peculiar shape, and from every point of view the scenery unfolds itself in new and varied forms. The Gall is from almost every side difficult of ascent, and from many very dangerous. The little Gall is 5538 feet in height, and the great 7968. This summit, compared with its broad-backed neighbors, appears like a beautiful arched cupola, resting on a fourfold stone, for even so many mas¬ sive, white-gray cold rock ridges run out almost symmetrically from the Gall. This peculiar form makes the Gall the most splendid point of the Salzburg mountain panorama. 102 NICOL (Erskine), A. R. A.. . Medal 1861 (E. U.). Edinburgh The Irishman. Dated 1853. Panel 7x9 Painted to order for the late owner. 103 MORAN (Edward), N. A. The Smuggler’s Cave. New York Not dated. Canvas 30 x 20 CO THE TALES COLLECTIONS. o 104 BODDINGTON (H. J.).London An English Lane. Not dated. Canvas 32 x 23 105 DESK AYES (Eugene).Paris Brittany Landscape. Dated 1859. Panel 20 x 9! 106 GUILLEMIN (Alexandre-Marie).Paris Student of Gros. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Les premiere Lettres. Not dated. Canvas 10^ x 13+ 107 SULLY (Thos.), dec’d.Philadelphia Gypsy Girl with Tambourine. Dated August, 1868. Canvas 20 x 24 Presented to the late owner by the artist. OIL PAINTINGS. 3 1 108 ROUSSEAU (James), dec’d.Paris f Roman Ruins. Not dated. Canvas oval 35J x 45J James Rousseau, a French artist, visited England in company with La Fosse Baptiste, the flower painter, and Largellier, and was employed and engaged with his companions by the Duke of Montegne to adorn and deco¬ rate his house in Bloomsburg, and his (Rousseau’s) paintings in several parts of that noble building are sufficient proof of his merit, he ornamented his landscapes with edifices of the Roman caste of architecture. 109 HOGUET (C.), dec’d Berlin Medal, 1848. View on the Elbe. Dated 1852. Canvas 18-J x 13 110 MAATEN (J.) Paris Passage avec Betaille. Landscape with cattle. Not dated. Canvas 19}x 13^ 32 THE FATES COLLECTIONS . Ill WULFRAET (Matthias).Holland Not dated. An Old Toper. Canvas 13i x 15^ Exhibited in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1813. 112 DE BEAUMONT (E.).Paris Not dated. Medals 1870, ’73, ’77. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Madonna at the Fountain. Canvas 9^ x 12J IJ 3 SHAVER (Wm., Senior).London Dated 1838. Donkey, Boy and Dog. Panel iS x13^ 114 DE HOOGE (Peter).Amsterdam Not dated. The Card Players. Panel 13^ x l6^ Purchased at the sale of the personal effects of Edward D. Ingraham, de¬ ceased, Philadelphia, 1S5S. OIL PAINTINGS. 33 115 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Portrait of the Artist. Not dated. Canvas 5x6 116 GABE (H.).Paris A Brisk Gale. Dated 1854. Panel 17^ x 9^ 117 GABE (H.).Paris A Calm. Dated 1854. Panel 171 x gi Il8 ANASTASI (Auguste).Paris Pupil ofDelaroche and Corot. Medal 1848. Not dated. 3 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Moonlight on the Elbe. Panel 14 x 9 34 THE TATES COLLECTIONS. 119 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (F. S.). ' .Paris Landscape with Sheep. Not dated. Panel 16 x 124 120 FAED (Thos.), R. A.London Lift me up. Not dated. Panel 74 x 104 Painted to order for the late owner. 121 HARGITT (E.).Edinburgh View at Eastburn, Cheshire, England. Dated September, 1S52. Canvas 184 x 12 From the American Exhibition of British Art, held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1858. E. GESELSCHAP. NO. 124. THE GHOST STORY. OIL PAINTINGS. 35 122 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph), de'cd.Brussels ORTMANS (A.).Brussels Eugene Joseph Verboeckhoven. Born, 1799. Died, 1881. Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Landscape with Sheep. Dated 1854. Canvas 29 x 2i| From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings, New York, 1S55. 123 SULLY (Thos.), deceased Philadelphia Little Red Riding- Hood. Dated 1S5S. Panel 7 x Si 124 GESSELSCHAP (E.). The Ghost Story. Dusseldort Dated 1859. Panel nix 14! 36 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 125 KRAUS (Fr.) .... Berlin The Bridal Gift. Not dated. Canvas 20^ x 25^ 126 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Chiem See in the Tyrol near Salzberg. Dated 1852. Canvas 4b x 30 The village seen in this Painting is called Priem, and was built on the site and ruins of the castle of Chiem-gan, and is still extant. In the central part of the gan lies, in a deep basin, a long-stretched sea (or lake). Woody heights surround its shores ; the bases of Alp-horns also are so near, and their summits rise so high in the clouds, that the whole moun¬ tains are mirrored in the waters of the lake. Around the lake lie some small villages, and the site of one of them was formerly the seat of the old Count of Chiem-gan ; but the principal ornaments of the lake are two not inconsiderable islands, which extend in a direction from east to west, near the middle of the lake, but nearest its northern side. The greater isle is called “ Herrenworth,” and sometimes “ Herren Chiem-See ; ” the smaller one “ Nonnenworth.” (These names may be Anglicized “ Lords- worth” and “ Ladiesworth,” and had their origin in the facts recorded, that on the one stood in olden time a renowned Abbey, and on the other a Mon¬ astery, both founded in the eighth century.) On the mainland opposite Non¬ nenworth dwelt the noble and beautiful lady Adelheid. Every morning, when the Abbey bell struck, Adelheid crossed the lake in a ferryboat to per¬ form her devotions. The old ferryman fell sick and his son Mienfried took his place, and fell deeply in love with the beautiful lady. He pined away in his hopeless love. The lady Adelheid joined the nunnery and took the veil, and when he had ferried her over for that purpose, he sailed away upon the lake and was never more seen ; but, as the legend says, still in calm nights may be heard on the shores of the lake the plaintive, longing notes of the song which Mienfried used to sing there. NO. 128. LES PETIT VOLEURS, OIL PAINTINGS. 37 127 DIAZ DE LA PENA (N.), deceased Paris Medals 1844, '46, ’48. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of deceased Artists. Exposition Universal, 1878. Born, 1804. Died, 1876. Une Allee dansle Forest de Fontainebleu. Not dated. Canvas i6£ x 2r£ 128 BRAEKELEER (Ferdinand de) Antwerp Member of the Royal Academy at Antwerp. Director of Museum of same city. Les Petit Voleurs. Dated 1852. Panel igfx 15-J From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings, New York, 1S53. 129 MAYER (Ferdinand) Munich The Loan of a Bite. Dated 1867. Canvas 23 x 29^ 38 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 130 SCHLEICH (Eduard), deceased.Munich Royal Professor of Bavaria. Born, 1812. Died, 1S74. Stamberg Lake. Dated 1851. Panel 21 x 131 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Original Sketch. Not dated. - Canvas 14-4 x 11 132 WAUTERS (Constant), deceased.Brussels Pupil of F. De Braekeleer. Le Bain. Dated 1S52. Panel 9! x xi^ Has certificate of Artist on back and the following description and criti¬ cism of painting: A young Roman woman is in the act of taking her boy out of the bath she has made him take in a rustic water basin ; in the foreground, charming Scenery surrounds the group, showing a Roman Park with monuments and statues in the background. The painting, although small, may be considered as a jewel for the bril¬ liancy of its colors and neatness of execution. From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings and Statuary, New York, 1852. CONSTANT WAUTERS, (dec’d). NO. 132. LE BAIN. OIL PAINTINGS. 39 133 JUTSUM (Henry), dec’cl. A Highland Glen. London Dated 1856. Canvas 45 x 29 Painted to order for the late owner as a companion to No. 94 on this cata¬ logue. (.Extract from an article in the New York “ TribuneApril 12th , 1879 , headed* Scottish Painters, Landscapes at the Royal Academy.) “ As a final example of the Scottish painters, let us turn to a ‘ Lowland Moor ’ for the sake of the purple tinge of the heavens which gives a tone to the picture and leaves a mellow light upon the far-off hills seen nowhere else I am told, as it is seen in Scotland. I can only at present recollect one painting in America in which it is illustrated—a Scotch scene in the Gallery of Mr. Fales, Philadelphia.” 134 VERSCHUUR (W.), dec’d. Medals 1861, 1866. Brussels High Life. Les Chiens de Monsieur. Not dated. Panel 1 135 VERSCHUUR (W.), dec’d.Brussels Medals 1861, 1866. High Life. Les Chiens de Madame. 40 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 136 WITTKAMP (B.) Antwerp Filial Affection. Not dated. Canvas 31 x 26 An incident taken from the Spanish war with the Netherlands, mentioned in Motley’s History. “ The troops of the Duke of Alva ravaged the environs of the city of Wooms (a Dutch city near the village of Westzave). The inhabitants fled, canying with them their most precious possessions. The soldiers pursued a young man who was dragging after him in a frozen swamp a bundle on a hand barrow, and when they overtook the fugitive discovered that his treasure was a sick old mother, benumbed and almost dead with cold.” 137 UNKNOWN. An English Landscape. Not dated. Canvas 13x9^ 138 HOGUET (C.), dec’d Paris The Rocks of Elselat, France. Dated 1863. Canvas 37 x 21 LUMINAIS OIL PAINTINGS. 41 139 LUMINAIS (Evariste-Vital). Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medals 1852, ’55, ’67, ’68. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. “ Haup la, Haup la,” or “Gee up.” Not dated. Panel 16 x 12^ 140 DESHAYES (Eugene).Paris Twilight in Valle de Brien near the Seine. Dated 1859. Canvas 28 x 16 141 DE DREUX (Alfred), dec’d.Paris Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Born, 1812. Died, i860. The Frightened Steed. Not dated. Canvas 32 x 38* Purchased from the artist in 1854 by Gen. Hector Tyndale, deceased, of Philadelphia, from whom it was procured by the late owner. 42 THE FAZES COLLECTIONS. 142 HASSENCLEVER (J. P.), deed.... .Dusseldorf Hieronimus or Jeronimus Jobs as Night Watchman. Dated 1852. Canvas 41^ x 31 (.Extract from the Artist's letter to the late owner) “ Hieronimus Jobs is the hero of a German humorous and satirical poem. His parents (small town people), had great ideas with respect to young H.’s abilities, and sent him to a German university in order to study theology. Jobs was idle and dissipated and learned very little. Ilis examination, when candidate fora parsonship, turned out in his disgrace, and his father grieved him-elf to death. Jobs instead of becoming a reverend gentleman was made schoolmaster in the village of ‘ Nosense,’ from which situation, however, he was driven by the villagers who were enraged at his having at¬ tempted to introduce new ideas and tendencies into the school. Jobs then turned night watchman in the small town of Shielv Borough. In this capac¬ ity he is spoken of as follows in the poem : ‘And when Hieronimus blew his horn and sang his song, The good people all awoke, tho’ ever so fast asleep, And all over the town was heard the bray of brass and voice.’ “ The picture of the watchman Jobs is painted as he crosses the bridge bel¬ lowing with all his might the well known watchman’s song, commencing thus ‘Hear me ye folks’ etc., the town, the peace and safety of which is confided to him, lying at his feet. Everybody and everything are at rest, save a" few cats, who still hold mewing converse on the roof. It is the be. ginning of March—the moon is just rising above the town (in the sign of the lion). “ The three chief incidents of the Jobsiade, as mentioned alcove, were painted in equal size. The picture of the ‘ Examination ’ is still in my pos¬ session, those of the ‘Schoolmaster’ and the ‘ Watchman Jobs ’ are in New York Crystal Palace. They were painted by myself and are consequently originals. (Signed.) “ Dusseldorf, Nov. 25th, 1853.” “J. P. HASSENCLEVER. OIL PAINTINGS. 4 143 IvENSETT (John Frederick), N. A., dec’d.New York Born, 1818. Died, 1873. Off Newport Harbor. Dated 1859. Canvas 24 x 14 Painted to order for the late owner. 144 MORAN (Edward), N. A.New York The Ship Samuel Fales Entering Boston Harbor. Dated 1858. Canvas 45 x 30 Mr. Moran the artist describes the above painting as follows : “ The Samuel Fales is represented as entering Boston Habor. She is in the act of going about ; her topgallant sails are loose. On the right is Fort Independence and the city of Boston, in the middle distance on the left of ship Samuel Fales is a frigate at anchor. Still farther to the left is Deer Island, a pinky beating to windward—also the Nellie Baker coming in from Nahant.” 145 DIAZ DE LA PENA (N.), dec’d.Paris Medals 1844, ’46, ’48. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma lo the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universal, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. t Turkish Children at Play. Dated 1859. Panel i6£ x 11 44 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 146 STAMMEL (E.).Dusseldorf The Pause. Dated i860. Canvas 13! x ii$ > 147 FRERE (Edward).Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals 1851, ’52, '55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Le Pottage. Not dated. Panel 11 x 14 From the Berlin Exhibition, 1856. 148 ISABEY (Louis Gabrielle Eugene), deceased.Paris Pupil of his Father. Medals 1824, ’27, ’55, [E. U.] Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Bay of St. Eusegat, Coast of France. Dated 1854. Canvas 2 "l\ x 19 E. STAMMEL. NO. 146. THE PAUSE. NO 147 LE POTTAGE, ijnmtM a Q O X u m O ffl W c/) < O o Q o i r\ 6 A OIL PAINTINGS. 45 149 VERBOECIvHOVEN (Eugene Joseph), dec’d.Brussels Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Michael of Bavaria, and of Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Born, 1799. Died, 1881. Sheep. Dated 1854. Panel 8J x Painted to order for the late owner. 150 4 . BOSCH (E.).'.Dusseldorf Dog as a Model. Dated 1858. Canvas 19x16 {Extract from “ Ruskin's Modern Paintersvol. j, page 262, referring to the above painting) ; “ I was pleased by a little unpretending, modern German picture at Dus¬ seldorf, by E. Bosch, representing a boy carving a model of his sheep dog in wood ; the dog, sitting on his haunches in front of him, watches the pro¬ gress of the sculpture with a grave interest and curiosity, not in the least caricatured, but highly humorous.” 46 I 5 I HASSENPFLUG (C.), deceased Halberstadt, Prussia 11 is father was a shoemaker, and apprenticed his son to the same business when about 14 years old. Objecting to that business or occupation, after a year’s apprenticeship he was taken by the hand by Crope as scene painter in Dresden, with whom he studied scene painting, and in 1828 was appointed scene painter for the Dresden Theatre. A Ruined Cloister on a Winter’s Evening. Canvas 39 x 52^ Dated 1855. The above is an ideal picture, does not represent any particular cloister. The artist commenced the painting on the istday of Jan¬ uary and completed it on the 12th day of February, the succeeding year. Thirteen months of careful and patient work. {Extract from the Philadelphia “ Evening Argus," 1856.) The Academy of Fine Arts. Twelfth Article. No. 142. A Ruined Cloister on a Winter’s Evening. * Hassenpflug Artist. “ If a general vote were taken with regard to the comparative merits of the pictures exhibited in the Academy, we believe that the verdict would place this picture first by a very large majority. We have taken a reportorial liberty and practiced a little eaves-dropping, for the purpose of learning the popular opinion with regard to it, and we are therefore able to some extent to say what the visitors think of it. It has been the subject of much criticism, both in the newspapers and from visitors generally. “ We may state our unhesitating conviction to be, that it has no equal as a representation of monastic and mediaeval architecture in this country,so far as we have had an opportunity of observing. It is not a ruined cloister, it is a single arch of a ruined cloister, and yet, in that little space, the artist has crowded incidents which will occupy hours in study. Into every nook and cranny Boreas has drifted the falling snow, and the desolated shrines and sacred images are palled in the wintry vestment. The deserted altars and the worn steps bear the mind away to the times when devout worshipers knelt there in adoration, and the pealing diapasons of the organ swept its vaulted chambers. The chief charm of the picture is its suggestiveness, as c. HASSENPFLUG, (deceased). A RUINED CLOISTER ON A WINTER’S EVENING. OIL PAINTINGS. 47 the tourist stands amid the broken arches and colonnades of Grecian temples or Roman baths, his mind wanders back over the pathway of time, to the period when the daily bustle and din of traffic or pleasure rolled along, where now everything betokens solitude and desolation. So in the present case, the spectator cannot gaze upon the fretted roof from which the plaster is slowly crumbling, without picturing to himself a time when the cowled monk told his beads at the tumbling altars and the solemn procession of holy recluses wound through these corridors. It whispers audibly of the past— now telling of some painful penance for the mortification of the flesh—now of some charitable deed by which sorrow was alleviated. To the Catholic it seems to bring back the days when the sacred relics attracted throngs to the convents which enshrined them. To the Protestant it has its story of cere¬ monials performed at day-dawn and its evening vigil, and to some suspi¬ cions of inquisitorial practices perpetrated in underground dungeons, never visited by light of day. To every spectator it suggests some peculiar fancy colored or real according to the bent of mind. “ We regard the 1 Cloister ’ as the gem picture of the year’s exhibition. We are not one of those who can fall into ecstacies over a broken-backed madonna, simply because it is a specimen of what in the cant of the day is called high art. As we believe that nature —the handiwork of the Almighty—is beyond human improvement, it necessarily follows that the highest style of art con¬ sists in the closest approximation to that model. We think that such build¬ ings as this are not only possible, but actually exist, and we therefore regard its fabricator as an artist of the very highest style. It is a theory, we are aware, which meets with little favor in this country, but it is one which strikes us as very sensible, and for that reason, a very proper one to hold.” FRIDAY EVENING’S SALE, AT CHICKERING HALL, Commencing at Eight o Clock prompt. 152 LENNIG (Gode) Marine. Dated 1852. Panel 14 x g WEBER (Paul) 153 9 Philadelphia Sketch from Nature. Not dated. Canvas 12 x ix 154 RAPHAEL, after Fornarina. Painting on Porcelain. Not dated. Size 7f x 10 OIL PAINTINGS. 49 155 SHAVER (Wm.), the elder London Cattle. Not dated. Canvas 36 x 2S 156 JACQUE (Charles) Medals 1861, ’63, ’64. Par's Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Fowls in a Barnyard. Not dated. Canvas 13 x 16 157 CRAYER, after The Gamblers. Painting on Porcelain. Not dated. 4 Size 54 x 4! THE FAZES COLLECTIONS. 5 ° 158 TEN KATE (Herman).Hague Pupil of Kruseman. Gold Medal at Rome, 1857. Medals at the Hague, Philadelphia, etc. Rembrandt’s Studio. The Artist is represented as painting the portrait of the wile of Burgomaster Six. Dated 1856. Panel 26 x 20J From the Exhibition at Ghent, 1856. 159 BOSCH (E.).Dusseldorf After The Day’s Hunt. Dated 1867. Canvas 17-J x 2if See criticism of Ruskin in Connection with Painting No. 150 on the Catalogue, by same Artist. l60 VANDERBERG Belgium A Sheep Stall. Not dated. Panel i8£ x 14 OIL PAINTINGS. 51 161 RENI (Guido), after, by O. Wustlick. The Sybil. Painting on Porcelain. Not dated. Size si x 6^ 162 BRISSOT De Warville (F. S.).Paris Street Scene, Cattle, etc. Not dated. Panel 9 x 6£ 163 TRAYER (J. B.).Paris Pupil of his Father. . Medals 1853, ’55 (E. U.). Le Dejeuner. Not dated Canvas 10^ x 14^ 5 2 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 164 \ HASSENCLEVER (J. P.), clec’d.Dusseldorf The First Visit to School. The Original Painting. Not dated. Canvas 44 x 35 From Ball, Black & Co. of New York, who purchased it direct from the artist. This is said to be the most successful of all Hassenclever’s works ; it is the only painting of this subject, and has never been copied. 165 VANDYKE (Sir Anthony), deceased. Antwerp Born, 1599. Died, 1641. Portrait of Himself. Not dated. Canvas 16 x 20 166 VANDYKE, After, by H. G. Peetz. Vandyke and Wife. Painting on Porcelain. Not dated. Size 8} x io| J. P. HASSENCLEVER, (dec’d). NO. 164. THE FIRST VISIT TO SCHOOL. OIL PAINTINGS. 53 167 SPAGNOLETTO, After. Mary. Painting on Porcelain. Not dated. Size 7 x 8f 168 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia Sunset on the Susquehanna after a Shower. Dated 1853. Canvas 30 x 21 169 OAKES (John Wright), A. R. A.London The Ford at Gorfai. Dated 1852. Canvas 36 x 32 54 THE Fa LES COLLECTIONS. CAMPHAUSEN (W.) 170 Dusseldorf A Knight and his Charger. Not dated. Canvas 8f x 7I 171 COUTURE (Thomas), deceased.Paris Pupil of Gros and Delaroche. Medals 1837, ’44, ’47, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1848. Born, 1815. Died, 1879. Les Naufrages. Not dated. Canvas 7x6 ' (.Extract from a letter received by the late Mr. S. B. Fales,from John IV. Ehninger of New York, Pupil of the artist Thos. Couture, deceased .) “ The oil sketch by Couture in your collection is the color study for a group (Les Naufrages), painted by him in the Church of St. Eustache in Paris. There are three pictures allegorical subjects, or perhaps more properly, one subject in three divisions. The work of painting them extended over a con¬ siderable space of time, but the portion of which yoursketch formed one of the color studies, was painted in the year 1852, at which time I was his pupil, and watched with great interest the progress of the work. “ I congratulate you upon the possession of so favorable and characteristic a specimen of the work of one whom I consider to combine more of the ele¬ ments of genius than almost any living painter.” ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. NO. 173. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON OIL PAINTINGS. 55 172 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph).Brussels ORTMANS (A.) ...Brussels Eugene Joseph Verboeckhoyen. Born, 1799. Died, 1881. Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. * Petersburg. Landscape and Sheep. Dated 1852. ' Panel 18 x 13 From the Belgian Gallery of Paintings and Statuary, New York, 1854. 173 NICOL (Erskine), A. R. A.London Medal 1867 (E. U.). A Partial Eclipse of the Moon (Honey-Moon). Not dated. Canvas 15x11 (.Extract from letter of Artist'.) “I now write to say that the subject I mentioned as that which I would paint for your friend Mr. Fales, viz., ‘ A Partial Eclipse of the Moon’ (the honey-moon), is now completed, and I am glad to say, is considered by my professional friends as one of the best little pictures I have painted.” June 7th, 1858. 5 6 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 174 RECHISSON (C.) Paris Forest. Not dated. Panel 11x9 175 BARKER (Benjamin).Bath, England Born, 1766. Died, 1838. A Landscape in Wales. Not dated. Panel 14 x 10 Water Colors. The measurements given are those of the painting exclusive of mat or other mountings ; the width precedes the height. 176 MORTON (P.) Munich The Prisoner. Not dated. Size 7| x 9 WATER COLORS. 57 177 WEBER (Paul).Philadelphia View on the Wissahickon. Dated 1840. Size 11x9 178 ROBINS (T. S.)..London Marine, off Portsmouth Buoy. Dated 1855. Size 19^ x 14 Painted expressly for Mr. Fales. 179 RICHARDSON (T. M.).London Member of the old Society of Painters in Water Colors. Deer Stalking in Ben-Nevis. Dated 1853. Size 14^ x 7-£• 180 LEWIS (John Frederick), R. A., dec’d. London President of London Water Color Society. Born, 1805. Died, 1876. Convent of St. Benedetto Subiaco, Italy. A Prize Painting. . Not dated. Size 14 x 10 4-|W 53 THE FAZES COLLECTIONS. 181 DUNCAN (Edward).London Member of old Water Color Society. Marine. Dated 1856. Size 20 x 13^ Painted to order for the late owner. 182 JUTSUM (Henry), dec'd.London The Village Well. Entrance to an English Village. Painted to order for the late owner. Dated 1856. Size iS x 12 18 3 SUTCLILLE (Thomas)..London The Banks of the River Wharfe, Bolton Abbey. Dated 1856. Size 12J x 19 From the American Exhibition of British Art, held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1858. WATER COLORS. 59 184 BALLVE (H.).Paris Venice in the XVIIIth Century. Not dated. Size 9 x I2| 185 RICHARDSON (T. M.) London Member of the old Society of Water Color Painters. William Tell’s Chapel, Lake Uri, Switzerland. Dated 1854. Size 2 \\ x 16J Painted to order for the late owner. 186 VAN STARKENBORGH (W. T.).Amsterdam Landscape and Cattle. Original Sketch. Not dated. Size 15x12 6o THE TALES COLLECTIONS. WITTKAMP (B.) 187 The Skaters. Not dated. Size 9x6; PROUT (Skinner).. 188 § Son of Samuel Prout. Hangman’s Hill. Not dated. Size x 7 PEARSON (C.)... 189 A Scene near Dolgalley, North Wales. Dated 1854. Size 24 x 16 ANKER. 190 An English Lane. Not dated. Size 7^r x 10^ WATER COLORS. 61 191 CHAMBERS (George).London Marine. Not dated. Size 8|x4 (Endorsejneiit on back of above picture.') “This water-color drawing belonged to Joshua Shaw, artist; was sold to James Hamilton, marine-painter, and purchased from him by Mr. Samuel B. Fales.” 192 PYNE (James B.), dec’d.London Member Society of British Artists. Born, 1800. Died, 1870. View in North Wales. Not dated. Size iG x 14! 193 GAVARNI (Chevalier Guillaume Sulpice).. Paris Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Born, 1804. Died, 1866. The Scotch Girl, or Lodgings to Let. Not dated. Size x 13 62 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 194 FAED (Thos.) R. A.London Figure of Boy. An original pencil sketch of one of the figures in painting of “ The Mither- less Bairn.” Dated January, 1858. Size 7 x 195 SOULE (Eugene). Paris The City of Cologne. Not dated. Size 3! x 4^ 196 PEARSON (C.).London On the Devonshire Coast. Dated 1853. Size 20 x 13 197 NICOL (Erskine), A. R. A.London Medal 1867 (E. U.). Landscape on the Liddle, Roxburgshire. Dated 1852. Size IO x 7 WATER COLORS. 63 198 ROWBOTHAM (Thos. L.), deceased.London Born, 1823. Died, 1875. View near Inverness, Scotland. Dated 1853. Size 13x9 199 PROUT (Samuel), deceased.London Member of the Society of Painters in Water Colors. Born, 1785. Died, 1852. The Priest’s Corner, Nuremberg. Not dated. Sizeiixi 63 200 STANFIELD (Clarkson), R. A., deceased.London Born, 1793. Died, 1867. Coast Scene. Not dated. Size gl x 6 } 64 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 201 LEWES.London Rural Scene in England. Not dated. Size 18^x12 202 ROBINS (T. S.).London View near Hastings. Not dated. Size 11^ x 7^ 203 RICHARDSON (T. M.).London Member of old Water Color Society. The Mountain Torrent. Dated 1851. Size 14! x 11 204 AUSTIN (Samuel).London The Old Mill. Not dated. Size 21 x 14^ The original painting, brought to this country by Joshua Shaw. WATER COLORS. 65 205 VOILLEMOT (E.).Paris The Satyrs in Fancy. Not dated. Size io x 7 206 ROBINS (T. S.).London Maplin Sand’s Light-house. Not dated. Sixe 12 x 207 PYNE (James B.), deceased.London Member of the Society of British Artists. Born, 1800. Died, 1870. The Mill. Dated 1833. Size 10 x 7I 2o8 WOOLNOTH (E.).Scotland Loch Lomond, from Montrose Park. Not dated. Size 19 x 12 5 66 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 209 PEARSON (C.).London Scene in Wales. Not dated. Size 19 x ti£ 210 ROWBOTHAM (Thornes L.), deceased.London Born, 1823. Died, 1875. View near Hastings. Dated 1853. Size 12* x 8] 211 DELACROIX (A.).Paris Grandmother’s Pet. Dated 1843. Size 8 x 10 212 COLLINGWOOD (William).London The Young Heir, Speke Hall, near Liverpool, England. Dated 1854. Size 30 x 22 Interior view of Speke Hall. Built in the sixteenth century; described in S. C. Hall’s “ Old Mansions of England.” WATER COLORS. 67 213 JUTSUM (Henry), deceased.London Entrance to an English Village. Dated 1855. Size 18 x 12 Painted to order for the late owner. 214 PEARSON (C.).London Roslyn Castle. Dated 1855. Size 24 x i6£ 215 HELF (S.) .Rome Roman Ruins. Not dated. Size 17^ x n 216 UNKNOWN. Morning on the Chesapeake, near Baltimore. Ink Sketch. Not dated. Size x 4 68 THE FALLS COLLECTIONS. 217 RICHARDSON (T. M.) London Member of old Water Color Society. Craig Miller Castle. Sunset View near Edinburgh. Dated 1853. Size 12^ x 9 2lS TURNER (Joseph M. W.), R. A.London Born, 1775. Died, 1851. A Lake View in Cumberland, England. Sunrise. Not dated. Size n| x 8 The above water color by Turner was brought to this country by Joshua Shaw, a well-known English artist. It was painted in 1835-40, and was pro¬ cured by Mr. Shaw direct from Turner. Daniel Robinson, Esq., deceased, of Philadelphia, purchased it from Mr. Shaw, and May 28, 1856, the late Samuel B. Fales purchased it. At the sale of Mr. Robinson’s private collection of paintings, etc., the following note was appended to description of the picture in catalogue of the sale : “This matchless and indescribable water color gem of the great Turner (known as the ‘ English Claude ’), executed by him in his prime, was brought to this country by the late Joshua Shaw, who had it from Mr. Tur¬ ner. The present owner purchased it immediately upon his arrival here, in the year 1S43. It is as perfect in every tint as the day it was executed ; an extraordinary characteristic of the drawings of Turner, and one which causes them to be more highly prized abroad at the present day than his oil pic¬ tures, many of which, it is a well-known fact, have faded materially, and lost much of their original brilliancy and effect.” A more detailed history in the late owner’s handwriting will be handed to the purchaser of the picture at this sale. WATER COLORS. 69 219 WOOLNOTH (E.).Scotland The Glen. View near Inverness, Scotland. Not dated. Size 19I x 14! 220 JENKINS (Joseph J.) London Member of the old Water Color Society. Hold Fast, or a Bologne Shrimper. Dated 1857. Size 23 x 16 Painted expressly for the late owner. 221 PEARSON (C.) London On the East Lyn, North Devonshire. Dated 1854. Size 20 x 13 70 THE FATES COLLECTIONS . 222 1 JUTSUM (Henry), deceased.London Entrance to a Scotch Village. Cheviot Hills in the Distance. Dated 1856. Size 17^ x 11J Painted to order for the late owner. 223 RICHARDSON (T. M.).London Member of old Water Color Society. View near Dunkeld. Not dated. Size 12^ x 8| 224 LEITCH (W. L.).London Member of the Institute of Painters in Water Colors. Atone time teacher of Painting to her Majesty Queen Victoria. An Original Sketch. Dated 1833. Size 10 x 6 From the First Exhibition of British Art held in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1857. WATER COLORS. 71 225 MAROHN (Ferdinand).Paris A Carmelite Monk. Dated 1848. Size 9 x 12 226 DAVID (J. Louis), deceased. Paris Born, 1748. Died, 1825. Page and Falcon. Not dated. Size io|- x 15 Purchased in Paris, 1856. 227 COLLINGWOOD (Wm.).*7.London “ Cotele,” Cornwall. A baronial mansion of the time of Queen Elizabeth. Dated 1854. Size 37 x 25 The above picture is historically interesting as showing the style of ai-chi- tecture, furniture, costumes, etc., of that period. The walls are covered with tapestry and paintings, and the oak presses, quaint wares, andirons, etc., are all curiosities of the time. A 72 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 228 PROUT (Samuel), deceased.London Member of Society of Painters in Water Colors. Born, 1785. Died, 1852. Entrance to the Orleans Cathedral. View taken from the porch. Not dated. Size 11 x i6| 229 D’EGVILLE (J. H.).London San Pietro di Castello, Venice Evening. Dated 1857. Size 36 x 18 From American Exhibition of British Art, held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philidelphia, 1858. 230 PEARSON (C.).London “ Ridal Water.” From the west side of Lake Westmoreland, Hartley Coleridge’s Cottage on the right. Dated 1855. Size 20 x 13 Painted expressly for the late owner. WATER COLORS. 73 231 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph), dec’d.Brussels DEJONGHE (J. B.).Brussels Eugene Joseph Verboeckhoven. Born, 1799. Died, 1881. Medals 1824, ’41, ’55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of Michael of Bavaria and of Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. John Baptist De Jonghe. Born, 1788. Died, 1844. Medals at Expositions in Paris, Lyons, Brussels, Amsterdam, the Hague and Vienna. Landscape and Sheep. View on the Meuse near Dinant, Belgium. Sepia Drawing. Dated 1843. Size 18 x 13 4 Sheep and figure by Verboeckhoven. Landscape by De Jonghe. 232 FAED (Thomas), R. A.London The Cottage Girl. Not dated. Size 6| x 9^ 74 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 233 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medals 1840, ’41, ’43, ’48. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Grand Medal of Honor Paris Exposition, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856. Member of the Institute of France, 1861. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of London. Grand Medal of Honor Paris Exposition, 1867. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor Paris Exposition, 1878. Le Garde du Copse. Not dated. Size 6x8 Painted to order for the Princess Willgenstein, and obtained from her personally. GLASS WARE. 75 f SALE OF MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEM¬ BER 14th. COMMENCING AT 2 : 30 O’CLOCK AT OUR ART ROOMS, 845 & 847 BROADWAY. Collection of Elegant Glass Ware. Bohemian, French, English, and Miscellaneous. 234 Cologne Sprinkler, iridescent, from Scotland. 235 Antique Ruby Bohemian Glass Flagon, richly enameled. 236 Richly Cut Goblet, diamond star pattern, medallions and edge of dark green. 237 Choice iridescent Glass Goblet. 238 French Hock Glasses, finely cut, green bowls. 239 Richly Cut Cordial or Sherry Glasses, English. 13 pieces 240 Old English Lemonade Glasses, finely cut. 25 pieces 241 French Liqueur Tumblers, engraved initial F. Baccarat manufacture. 242 Heavy English Salt Stands, richly cut, globular form on base. 8 pieces 243 Richly cut English Champagne Bowls. 15 pieces 244 - Others, larger, diamond pattern. 9 pieces 245 - Others, different shape. 6 pieces 246 Very fine cut Tumblers, English. 12 pieces 247 Finest French Tumblers, neatly cut. Baccarat, Paris. 32 pieces 248 - Others, heavier, finely cut. 249 -Others, diamond pattern. 250 Old English Tumblers, richly cut. 251 Very fine blown Glass Tumblers, French. 252 -Others, cut and engraved. 253 French Whiskey Glasses, engraved. 254 Old English, heavily cut Tumblers 2 patterns. 9 pieces 11 pieces 9 pieces 12 pieces 6 pieces 5 pieces 4 pieces 76 TME FALES COLLECTIONS. 255 Richly cut old English tall Champagne glasses. Two patterns. 6 pieces 256 Heavy Goblets, finely cut, engraved. 6 pieces 257 Fine French Goblets. 6 pieces 258 Wine Glasses to match, cut stems. 12 pieces 259 Sherry Glasses to match. 5 pieces 260 French Glass, small Pitchers, engraved. 3 pieces 261 Finely cut Claret Glasses, English. 10 pieces 262 Pair richly cut English Glass Claret Flagons. 2 pieces 263 Pair French Decanters, handsomely cut. 2 pieces 264 Fine Bohemian Whiskey Jug, ruby and white. 265 -Another, blue and white. 266 Pair very fine cut Claret Flagons, English. 2 pieces 267 Very richly cut, heavy English Glass Water Bottles. 10 pieces 268 Pair French Claret Flagons, richly cut. 2 pieces 269 Pair richly cut old English Decanters. 2 pieces 270 Finest French Finger Bowls, handsomely cut; diamond pattern. 12 pieces 271 Richly cut heavy English Glass Finger Bowls. 6 pieces 272 Handsomely cut Pitcher. 273 Pair English Pitchers, richly cut, antique shape. 2 pieces 274 Small Pitcher, to match above. 275 Pair English Spoon Vases, finely cut, diamond pattern. 2 pieces 276 - Others, different pattern. 2 pieces 277 Elegant and elaborately cut French Glass Fruit Tray, oblong form, wiih handles. 278 - Another, same size and form, but not so elaborately cut. 279 Very richly cut heavy English Glass Fruit Basket and Tray, antique form. 280 Finely cut Pitcher. 281 -Another, larger, same pattern as above. 282 -Another, medium size. 283 Pair richly cut Glaret Flagons. 2 pieces 284 -Another pair, larger. 2 pieces 285 Pair handsome Decanters, cut to match above, quarts. 2 pieces GLASS WARE. 77 286 Tail' handsome Decanters, cut to match above, pints. 2 pieces 2S7 Pair exquisitely cut Decanters, tall graceful forms, very in¬ tricate and delicate workmanship, by Baccarat of Paris. 2 pieces 288 Pair English Decanters, richly cut, antique design. 2 pieces 289 Pair Beautiful Cologne Bottles, richly cut. 2 pieces 290 Antique Decanter, finely cut, diamond pattern ; once the property of Commodore David Paul Jones. 291 Pair Small Decanters, English Glass, finely cut. 2 pieces 292 Small English Glass Pitcher, finely cut, very heavy. 293 Pair richly cut Pitchers, antique form, manufactured by Baccarat, of Paris. 2 pieces 294 English Glass Ewer, handsomely cut, star pattern. 295 Pair French Glass Preserve Trays, beautifully cut and en¬ graved, diamond pattern. 2 pieces 296 Rich Toilet Bottle, elaborately cut. 297 Beautifully cut Spoon Vase, antique form, Baccarat, Paris. 298 Pair richly cut Ruby and White Decanters. 2 pieces From the English Department, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 299 Pair Claret Flagons, very heavy and finely cut. 2 pieces. 300 Pair very rich Decanters, choice form, elaborately cut. 2 pieces. 301 Small Ewer, English Glass, finely cut, star and diamond pat¬ tern. 302 -Another, antique pattern. 303 - Another, different. 304 Pair handsomely cut Ewers, English. 2 pieces 305 Pair richly cut Ewers, by Baccarat of Paris. 2 pieces 306 Pair handsome Cologne Bottles, tall forms, richly cut. Bac¬ carat of Paris. 2 pieces 307 Superb French Glass Fruit Stand, high form, elaborately and richly cut, diamond pattern, medallions beautifully en¬ graved, height and diameter 10 x 10 inches. 308 Pair very rich Berry Bowls, French glass, beautifully cut and engraved, height and diameter 4-J x 8J- inches. 2 pieces 78 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 309 Magnificent elaborately cut French glass Punch Bowl and Tray, diamond pattern, height and diameter of Bowl 8-^-x 14 inches; Tray, 21 inches in diameter. Prize Specimen from the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 310 Pair richly cut ruby and white Toilet Bottles. 2 pieces 311 Rich blue and white Liqueur Set, finely cut, comprises large and small Decanters, Sugar Bowl and Cover, two Glasses, and round Tray, French Crystal Glass, by Baccarat. Series of Elegant Table Glassware. Never Used. 312 Richly cut heavy French Glass Goblets, diamond and star pattern. 15 pieces 313 Champagne Bowls to match. 15 pieces 314 Claret Glasses to match. 15 pieces 315 Wine Glasses to match. 2 pieces 316 Cordial Glasses to niatch. 12 pieces 317 Antique Bohemian Goblet, gold lined, finely cut, and orna¬ mented with green and white enamels and gold. 318 Pair very richly cut Goblets, Gothic style. 2 pieces Purchased from Messrs. Green and Nephews, English Department, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 319 Pair handsomely cut French Glass Flower Vases. 2 pieces 320 Pair French Decanters, richly cut, quarts. 2 pieces 321 -Another Pair to match, pints. 2 pieces 322 Wine Glasses to match. 15 pieces 323 Covered Bowls cut to match. 2 pieces 324 French Glass Ewer, finely cut, engraved. 325 -Another, larger, different pattern. 326 -Another, smaller, different. 327 Pair richly cut, heavy Glass Preserve Dishes, oblong forms. 2 pieces 328 Set French Glass Preserve Trays, finely cut. 3 pieces 329 Pair finely cut Spoon Vases, Grecian border. 2 pieces GLASS WARE. 79 330 Handsome cut and engraved ruby and white Finger Bowls. 12 pieces 331 Pair heavily cut English Decanters, tall forms, quarts. 2 pieces 332 -Another pair to match, pints. 2 pieces 333 Magnificent Tray, round form, richly and elaborately cut. Diameter, 20 inches. An extraordinary specimen, by Baccarat, of Paris. 334 Elegant antique Bohemian Ruby Glass Vase, artistic in¬ taglio cutting, “Spirited Stag Hunt.” Height and diam¬ eter, 14 x 6 inches. 335 Ruby Glass Panel, rich and artistic engraving. Subject, “St. George and the Dragon.” 10 x 15 inches. % MAGNIFICENT SPECIMENS OF BOHEMIAN EN¬ GRAVED GLASS. SAID TO BE THE FINEST EVER SENT TO THIS COUNTRY. DESIGNED AND ENGRAVED BY JOSEPH FLEAGLE, AT HAIDA, BOHEMIA. 336 Pair rich Amber Color Fruit Stands. Artistic engraving of deer, foliage, ferns, flowers, etc. Height and diameter, 10 x 11 inches. 2 pieces 337 Cake Stand and Cover. Engraving of tropical scene. Storks, flowers, grasses, etc. Height and diameter, ij x 11 in. 338 Barrel-shaped Cracker Jar. Similar design of engraving as above. 339 Large Claret Flagon. Subject of engraving, farm-house, chickens, ducks, etc. 340 Whiskey Jug. Large size, exceedingly fine miniature en¬ graving. See illustration. 341 -Another, smaller, similar form and subject of engraving. 342 Round Tray, fine specimen of scroll engraving. Diameter, 8 inches. 343 Cheese Dish and Cover. Subject of engraving, domestic animals, fowls, etc. Another, farm-yard scene, figures, cows, etc. 344 8 o THE FALKS COLLECTIONS. 345 Whiskey Jug, engraving of fox and duck. 346 Magnificent Fish Vase, ovoid form, with handles. Subject of engraving, fishes, shrimps, aquatic plants, etc. Height and diameter, 13x8 inches. See illustration. 347 Elegant Ice Cream Dish, round form, on feet. Richly en¬ graved. Diameter, 13^ inches. 348 Pair Large Fruit Stands. Engraving of deer, foliage, etc. Height and diameter, 8}4 x 9inches. 2 pieces 349 Pair Toilet Bottles. Engraving of deer and foliage on one ; dog, partridge, etc., on other. 2 pieces 350 Whiskey Jug. Very fine miniature engraving. 351 Finely formed Pitcher. Fine engraving of birds, flowers, etc. 352 Goblets to match. 2 pieces 353 Whiskey Jug, subject of engraving, wild horses. Floral wreath on reverse side. 354 Pair Decanters, quarts, engraving of cupids, flowers, etc. 2 pieces 355 -Another pair, engraving of monkeys, etc. 2 pieces 356 Pair pint Decanters, subject of engraving, horses, foliage, etc. 2 pieces 357 Pair Claret Flagons, engraving of setters and pointers. 2 pieces 358 Pair Claret Pitchers, profuse and very fine engraving of tropi¬ cal plants, serpents, birds, etc. 2 pieces 359 Pair Decanters, pints, subject of engraving, cupids fishing and gathering grapes. 2 pieces 360 Water Jug, engraving of cupids. 361 -Another, engraving of wild horses. 362 -Another, engraving of fighting stags. 363 Pair of Bottles, subject of engraving, wild horses, foliage, etc. 2 pieces 364 Pint Decanter, fine shape, engraving of tropical scene. 365 Pitcher, engraving of running deer, etc. 366 Claret Jug, very fine miniature engraving. 367 Pair quart Decanters, subject of engraving, stag chase, etc. 2 pieces elegant glass fish NO. 340. WHISKEY JUG, MINIATURE ENGRAVING. NO. 44I. MAGNIFICENT BOHEMIAN GLASS VASE, INTAGLIO CUTTING. NO. 346. VASE. GLASS WARE. 81 368 Handsome Ewer, engraved ferns, pheasants, etc. 369 Claret Pitcher, miniature engraving of cupids, floral wreaths, etc. 370 Whiskey Glasses, engraving of deer, etc. 4 pieces 371 Ale Glasses, engraving of cupids. 5 pieces 372 Goblet, subject of engraving, Birth of’76. Souvenir of Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76. 373 Large Tumbler, engraved monogram, S. B. F. 371 Heavy Goblets, intaglio cutting of deer, etc. 2 pieces 375 Feather-weight Goblets, engraved with turf scenes. 5 pieces 376 Toilet Bottles, engraving of horses, cows, etc. 2 pieces 377 Celery Vase, rich fern design. 378 -Another, engraved with tropical plants, birds, etc. g, 379 Pair Goblets, engraving of stags at combat, etc. 2 pieces 380 -Another pair, subject of engraving, tropical birds, plants, etc. 2 pieces 381 -Another pair, cupids, grape vine, etc. 2 pieces 382 -Another pair, engraving of birds and flowers. 2 pieces 383 -Another pair, subject of engraving, stag hunt. 2 pieces 384 -Another pair, engraved with horses. 2 pieces 385 -Another pair, engraving of figures of cupids. 2 pieces 3S6 -Another pair, subject of engraving, horse, goat, etc. 2 pieces 387 Goblets, engraved decoration of tropical plants, birds, etc. MISCELLANEOUS GLASSWARE. 388 Elegant Ewer, antique form, richly cut and engraved. Purchased at i^ie Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76, from Messrs. Green & Nephews, of London. 389 Handsome Goblet to match. 390 Claret Jug, fine miniature engraving. From same Exhibition. 391 Goblet, subject of engraving, birds and plants. 6 82 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 392 Goblet, heavy, richly cut, and engraved, Mexican horse¬ man, etc. 393 Beautiful Vase, antique form, exquisitely engraved. From the Government manufactory, made by Baccarat of Paris, for the French Exposition, 1S7S, purchased by the advice of M. Rose, Manager of the Works. 394 Exquisite Teapot, delicately engraved. Same make as above, and purchased at French Exposition, 1S7S. 395 Pair Goblets, delicate engraving, floral design. 396 Claret Glass, scroll engraving. 397 Rare old Venetian Wine Glasses. 4 pieces Over 150 years old. 398 Wine Glasses, engraved monogram, S. B. F. 6 pieces 399 Blue Bohemian Glass Plate, handsomely enameled in white. Diameter, 7 inches. *400 Green and gold Bohemian Plate, ornamented with exquisitely painted porcelain medallion. Diameter, 7 inches. 401 Ruby and Gold Rate, ornamentation same as above. The above three plates were purchased in the Austrian Department, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76. 402 Superb Vienna enameled Glass Vase, Moorish design. Height and diameter, 5P x 6P inches. 403 -Another, smaller and different shape. 404 Small Bottles, same manufacture as above. 405 -Another, different shape. The above four lots, Nos. 402-5, were purchased in the Austrian De¬ partment, Paris Exposition, 187S, as representative specimens. 406 Small Glass Pitchers, finely cut. 2 pieces 407 Elegant cut and engraved Ruby and White French Glass Finger Bowls, extra heavy quality. 24 pieces 408 Cut glass individual Butter-plates. 19 pieces A' 409 -Others, engraved. 12 pieces 410 Antique cut Goblets, assorted patterns. 4 pieces 411 Pair Ruby Toilet Bottles. 2 pieces 412 Pair French Claret Flagons, finely cut. 2 pieces 413 Farge and elegantly cut Fruit Stand. NO. 436 PUNCH SERVICE, FROM PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. GLASS WALE. 8 d 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 Pair elegant Fruit Stands, to match above, smaller size. 2 pieces -Another pair, larger. Set (6) round Preserve Trays, cut to match. 6 pieces Set oval Preserve Trays to match. 6 pieces Rich Fruit Plates to match. 12 pieces Preserve Saucers to match. 24 pieces Pair Fruit Stands to match, round, low form. 2 pieces. Pickle Jar, cut to match. Pair Celery Vases, to match. 2 pieces All of the above, 413-422, fine quality, made by Baccarat, Paris. Pair finest French Cordial Decanters, neatly cut. 2 pieces Finely cut Wine Glasses. 8 pieces Set richly cut, heavy, French Glass Fruit Dishes, round form, elaborate diamond pattern. 3 pieces Pair elegant Celery Vases to match. 2 pieces Pair handsomely cut Decanters, English manufacture. 2 pieces -Another pair, different pattern. 2 pieces Set small Pitcher, Spoon Vase, and Sugar Bowl. 3 pieces Pair finely cut Toilet Bottles. 2 pieces Cheese Dish and Cover, finely cut. French Glass Mugs. Engraved ruby and amber medallions. 2 pieces Handsomely engraved Pitcher. Elegant heavy French Glass Tray, oval form, richly cut. Elaborately cut Cheese Dish and Cover, diamond pattern. By Baccarat of Paris. Magnificent Punch Set, comprising large blue and white round Tray, 26 inches in diameter, Punch Bowl and Cover, 22 x 15 inches, and 20 Punch Glasses. All elab¬ orately engraved, and finely cut ; intagliated figures and bacchanalian designs in blue, on ground white surface. The above manufactured for and exhibited at the Paris Exposition, 1867. See illustration, opposite page. 437 Ruby Bohemian Champagne Glasses. 6 pieces 8 4 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 438 Bohemian Spoon Vases. Ruby and engraved. 439 Pair richly cut Toilet Bottles. 2 pieces 440 Engraved Bohemian ruby Glass Vase. 441 Magnificent Bohemian Glass Vase with Cover, rich ruby color, artistic intaglio cutting in white, of forest scene, group of deer, etc. Height and diameter, 31x8 inches. See illustration. 442 -Another, not quite as tall, similar form and color, in¬ taglio cutting, subject, spirited hunting scene, stag at bay. Height and diameter 24 x 8 inches. 443 -Another, larger, same form, beautiful amber color, very fine intaglio cutting, subject, imperial hunting party capturing wild boar. Height and diameter 31x9 inches. Extract from note of the late owner. These three Vases were brought to this country by the artist for the purpose of exhibition at the Centennial Exhibition. Not having applied previously for space, he was prevented from placing them on exhibition. Sadly disappointed, he came to me, showed the Vases, and offered them for sale. Recognizing their value as choice specimens, I at once purchased them. The artist was engaged over one year in cutting the above vases. NOVEM- SALE OF TUESDAY AFTERNOON, BER 15th. COMMENCING AT 2:30 O’CLOCK, AT OUR ART ROOMS. Japan and China. Representative Specimens of Ceramic Art, Rare Curios, etc. 444 Old Bleu de Nankin Teapot, unique form, incised decoration on sides. 445 Chinese porcelain Plate, rich decorations in fine enamels. Diameter 10 inches. 446 Satsuma Plate, finely decorated with figure of Buddhist priest, monkey, eagle, etc. Diameter 9 inches. 447 Japanese Egg Shell Cups, decorated in India ink. 448 Fine Japanese porcelain Saki Saucer, decorated with figure of God of Plenty. 449 Pair fine Cloisonne enamel small Vases, emblematical de¬ signs on black and imperial yellow ground. 2 pieces 450 Antique Hezin porcelain Vase, gourd shape, fine decoration of figures of birds, foliage, etc., in India ink and colors. Height 9 inches. 451 Very fine Satsuma Bowl, decorated with boldly drawn head of Buddhist priest, gold embossed work on robe and out¬ side of bowl. 452 - Another, similar decoration and equally as fine. 453 Kaga Saki Cups, tall form, finely decorated in crimson and gold on celadon glaze. 454 Fine Satsuma Perfume Jar, exquisitely decorated in very fine colors relieved by gold. 455 Pair handsome Jardinieres, globular forms, cloisonne art on Kioto ware. 2 pieces 86 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 456 Antique Bleu de Nankin large Bowl, figures and flowers in deep blue beneath glaze. Height and diameter 5^ x 13 inches. 457 Elegant Ohta Kora, globular form, figure of rain dragon in bold relief. Height and diameter 10 x 10 inches 458 Very old Chinese egg-shell Cup and Saucer, decoration of willow tree in salmon and gold. 459 -Another, different subject of decoration. 460 Very fine old Chinese Porcelain Bowl, Kang-he period, deco¬ ration in fine colors, imperial dragons in green and crim¬ son, has teak wood-stand. 461 Antique Pekin enamel Cup, floral design on imperial yel¬ low ground. 462 Antique Pekin enamel Saucer, floral design on imperial blue ground. 463 Chinese Teapot of unique form, medallion decoration. 464 Choice old Chinese Plate, green family. Diameter 9 inches. 465 Small Cup and Saucer, very old Chinese, decoration of flowers, etc., in brilliant colors. 466 - Another, equally as fine, floral and bird decoration. 467 Very old and valuable Chinese Celadon Bowl, artistically decorated by Japanese artist with bold figure of Buddhist god, gilt edge and crackle glaze. Diameter 7 inches. 468 -Another, same size and form, subject of decoration, Buddhist god and priest, equally as fine as above. 469 Very fine old Satsuma Teapot, high form with side handles, decorated with bold figures in medallions, ground work of embossed enamels. 470 Rare old Satsuma figure, Japanese Priest, finely modeled and exquisitely decorated. 471 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Bowl, superbly decorated with figure of Daimio, etc., a festive gathering, drawing and colors very fine, profuse application of precious metals. Diameter 5-J inches. 472 -Another, equally as fine, decorated inside with boldly- drawn scene, combat between Japanese huntsman and tiger; remarkably fine decoration on outer surface in en¬ amels, etc., of flying storks, turbulent water, etc. Diam¬ eter 5 inches. JAPAN AND CHINA. 87 473 Shiba Vase, remarkable ornamentation in raised work, figures of turtles at archery practice, etc. Height 7 inches. 474 Banko Yaki Teapot, illustrating the process of the cloisonne enamel art. 475 Ancient Corean Bowl, raised work decoration inside and out, fish, persimmon fruit, etc. 476 Corean Bowl, not as old as above, ornamentation of wasp's nest and wasp, in raised work, with very natural effect. 477 Finely decorated Satsuma Plate, figures of Daimio lady and child and priest, landscape view, etc. Diameter 9 inches. 478 Royal Kaga Saki Goblet,body decorated in blue beneath glaze, bowl decorated in pure gold cn deep crimson ground. 479 Pair old Satsuma Saki Cups, lotus leaf design, decoration in gold and colors, crabs, grasses, etc. 2 pieces 480 Rare and fine old Satsuma Tea Jar, globular form, decorated in heavily embossed work with ceremonial scenes, etc., gold treatment. 481 Finely carved Ivory Group, illustrating the manner of travel¬ ing in Japan. Comprises figure of two coolies pushing jinrikisha (carriage), in which are seated Daimio, wife and child, the whole mounted on gourd-shaped lacquered stand. 482 Small Kioto porcelain Saki Cup, with cloisonne work on outer surface. 4S3 Old Satsuma Saki Cup, exquisitely decorated with flowers, etc., in fine enamels on gold ground. 484 Pair tortoise shell Paper Knives, exquisite gold lacquer orna¬ mentation. 2 pieces 485 Japanese pottery Bowl, handsomely decorated with embossed work of gold and enamels in gray glaze. 486 Ancient Corean Bowl, remarkable ornamentation, in raised work, of fruit, insects, etc., crackle glazed. 487 Very fine old Satsuma Bowl, raised work ornamentation of dragon, fish, frog, etc. 488 Fine Nagasaki Cups and Saucers, rich crimson and gold de¬ coration, blue medallion, finest porcelain. 12 pieces 489 Old BleudeNankin Cups, with covers, willow pattern. 8 pieces 88 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 490 Japanese pottery Water Flask or Canteen, finely decorated. 491 Satsuma gourd-shape Vase, beautifully decorated in brilliant colors relieved by gold, Japanese domestic scenes, land¬ scape view, birds, flowers, etc. Height and diameter 16 x SJ inches. 492 Handsome lacquered oval Tray, curiously inlaid with shark skin. 10 x 16 inches. 493 Antique cloisonne enamel Bowl, fine in colors and workman¬ ship. 494 Very fine royal Irnari porcelain Bowd, beautifully decorated outside with crests, animals, dragons, etc., blue decoration inside, beneath glaze. 495 Handsome Ota Bowl, with handles, cloisonne enamel band, with stork design, enameled floral decoration. Diameter 9 inches. 496 Pair Hizen porcelain Tiles, butterfly and floral decoration on crimson glaze, square forms. 2 pieces 497 Antique Corean pottery Plate, raised work decoration of fish and crab. 498 Handsome Awata Ware Kora, globular form on feet, richly decorated in bright enamels gold, etc. Gilt Dogs Foo for handles, figure of chicken cock surmounting cover. Height and diameter 19 x 19 inches. 499 Pair very fine Tokio Vases. Rich Kaga decoration of fig¬ ures of the famous poets of Japan, exquisite border of crests, flowers, etc., all' painted in brilliant colors relieved by gold. Height and diame er 15 x 8 inches. 2 pieces 500 Hezin porcelain Sweet Meat Box, square form on butterfly feet, neat blue decoration beneath glaze. 501 -Another, round form, blue and gold decoration. 502 Fine antique Kiota Bowd. Enameled decoration of flying storks, chrysanthemum flowers, etc., gold clouding, crests inside. 503 -Another similar. 5C4 Most valuable specimen of Japanese cloisonne art. Splendid plaque, showing rich combination of colors and intricate workmanship. Diameter 18 inches. An extraordinary specimen, by Kin-ou-Ivin. JAPAN AND CHINA. 89 505 Antique Chinese porcelain Scent Bottle. Fine condition and choice colors in decoration. 506 -Another, salmon and gold decoration. 507 Rare and fine old Chinese porcelain Plate, decorated with the crest of the Boonhoff family, and inscribed Wilhelmina BoonhofF, Nicholas, Johannes Boonhoff. 508 -Another, similar. 509 Cup and Saucer to match. 510 -Another. 511 Small Tray, similar inscription. * 512 Old Chinese Plate, delicate blue decoration beneath glaze. Seal mark. 513 Cup and Saucer, old Chinese. Hexagonal form, fine floral design in panels. 514 Mandarin Opium Pipe Nankin porcelain, richly enameled in brilliant colors, imperial blue predominating, decorated with princely or five-claw dragon. 515 Fine antique porcelain Plate, Rose family. 516 -Another, octagonal form. 517 Very fine old Bleu de Nankin Cup, Cover, and Saucer. Flower mark Tou-Cheou period. 518 Exceedingly fine Satsuma Bowl. Raised work, ornamentation of shells inside, finely painted decoration on outer face of crayfish, etc., in net-work of gold. 519 --Another, much finer and older. Texture beautifully crackled, remarkably modeled ornamentation inside of wasp’s nest, and wasps, ants, etc., butterflies and other in¬ sects finely painted on outside beneath net-work of gold. 520 -Another, low, flat form, decoration of figure of Bud¬ dhist priest, landscape view, etc., in enamels, gold, and fine colors. Diameter 4 inches. 521 -Another, companion to the above. 522 Old Satsuma Saki Bottle. Remarkable raised work, deco¬ ration of fish, frog, etc. Pleight 7 inches. 523 Japanese Ivory Carving, figure of coolie pulling jinrikisha, in which is seated Daimio lady, usual form of traveling in Japan. 9 ° THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 524 Owari porcelain sectional Box, 3 compartments, blue deco¬ ration. 525 Another, oblong form. 526 Pair Satsuma leaf-shaped Trays, exquisitely decorated. 2 pieces 527 Black lacquer crest-shaped Tray, gold decorated, and inlaid with ivory and pearl. 528 Japanese mulberry wood small Tray, gold lacquer decoration. 529 Fine old Satsuma Vase, highly artistic decoration. Com- * bat between Japanese warriors, etc., in rich old colors. Height and diameter 16x8 inches. 530 Very fine lacquered Tray, remarkable imitation of iron, gold lacquer ornamentation and pearl inlaid. 9x12 inches. 531 Pair Hezin porcelain Tiles, decoration of butterflies and detached flowers on yellow glaze, burnished brass mount¬ ings. 2 pieces 532 Ancient specimen of Chinese Bamboo Carving, figures, pago¬ da, etc. Height and diameter 13x6 inches. 533 Fine old Satsuma Group, Japanese boys and dog, exquisitely decorated. 534 Old Corean Jar, boldly decorated with figures of Buddhist priests, etc. Height and diameter 6x5 inche's. 535 Antique Bizen Incense Burner, enameled and bright color decoration, open-work panels, Celadon glaze to handles and feet. Height and diameter x 7 inches. 536 Choice old Satsuma Teapot, quaint shape, decorated in deli¬ cate colors, and ornamented with finely modeled figures of turtles dancing, playing Samisen, etc., in relief. 537 Small Bowl, very fine Satsuma ware, choice decoration in gold and finely blended colors, Buddhist priests and lotus flowers in medallions, exceedingly fine texture. 538 Beautiful Japanese cloisonne enamel Vase, rich designs of birds, flowers, storks, Mount Fusi-yami, etc., on turquoise blue ground, fine combination of colors in bands. Height and diameter 13J x 5 inches. 539 Fine Nankin porcelain Plate, enameled decoration of butter¬ flies and insects, gold ground border. Diameter 7^ inches. 2 pieces JAPAN AND CHINA. 9 1 540 Large and very fine Bleu de Nankin Vase, choice color of blue beneath glaze, dragon handles. Height and diameter 30 x 17 inches. From the Cenntenial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76. 541 Chinese Flower Vase, curious form, souffle glaze. 542 Old Satsuma Incense Burner, globular form, on feet formed of heads of mythological beasts, fine decoration of Japan¬ ese festive scenes, etc., open work cover surmounted by gilt figure of Dog Fo. Height and diameter 9x8 inches. 543 Pair handsome Nagasaki Vases, exquisite decoration on royal blue glaze. Height 12 inches. 2 pieces 544 Antique Kioto Rice Pail, crackle beneath glaze, decoration of figures of Japanese priests, etc. Height and diameter i 3¥ x inches. 545 Fine Satsuma Bowl, profusely decorated with flying storks on gold ground inside and out. 546 - Another, similar. 547 - Another, older, choicely decorated with figures, flowers, etc. 548 Very fine Banko Yaki small Teapot, vine in relief forming spout and handle, bud in relief on cover. 549 Remarkably fine old Satsuma Tea Jar, relief and finely painted ornamentation, Japanese ceremonial scenes. 550 Fine Japanese blue and white Dish, odd shape, decoration of landscape scenery beneath glaze. 551 Choice Bleu de Nankin Bowl, octagonal form, decoration of sacred elephant, etc., in white reserve, Keen-lung period. 552 Very fine old Satsuma Bowl, enameled decoration of flying stork inside and out on gold ground. 553 - Another, different form and finer in texture, exquisitely decorated inside and out in brilliant colors. 554 Unusual Awata ware Tea Jar, panels decorated with figures of priests, etc., body engraved and lacquered in imitation of cinnabar. 555 Handsome Japanese cloisonne enamel Plaque, medallions of blue, with flowers, birds. Vines and mosaic designs on white ground. Diameter 12 inches. 9 2 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 556 Handsome Ota Vase, ornamentation of flying birds, flowers and blossoms on drab ground. 557 Elegant cloisonne enamel Bowl, beautiful in design and fine in colors. Finest Japanese workmanship. Height and diameter 3-J- x 9^ inches. 558 Japanese lacquered miniature Shrine, finely carved wooden figure of Buddha. 559 - Another, larger. 560 Large Awata ware Bowl, globular form, profusely decorated with figures of Buddhist priests, ceremonial gathering, etc. Height and diameter 11 x 11 inches. 561 Old Satsuma Tea Jar, raised and finely painted ornamenta¬ tion, exceedingly fine texture. 562 Corean pottery Bowl, very finely decorated with figures of Buddhist priests, etc. 563 Satsuma porcelain Saki Bottles, raised decoration of fishes, crabs, etc. 563 a Choice Nankin Plate, beautiful decoration of butterflies and insects, gold ground border. Diameter 10 inches. 563<5 Kioto Teapot, leaf-shape, floral decoration. 56-1 Superb Cup and Saucer, finest Kioto porcelain, rich Kaga decoration of flying storks, bamboo, etc., in black, crim¬ son and gold. 565 Small Bowl, Satsuma ware, exquisite decoration of flowers, in fan-shape medallions. 566 Very fine Awata ware iete-a-teie set, handsomely decorated with Japanese ceremonial and domestic scenes, etc. 567 Pair Japanese porcelain Saki Bottles, choice, deep blue dec¬ oration beneath glaze. 2 pieces 568 Fine Kioto porcelain Saki Cups, exquisite blue and gold decoration. 2 pieces 569 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Bowl, remarkable raised work, ornamentation of dragons, inside and out. 570 -Another, smaller, crabs inside, turtle and crayfish out¬ side. 571 --Another, larger, low form, plants and shells inside, em¬ bossed work outside. JAPAN AND CHINA. 93 572 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Bowl, similar form, flying bats and moon inside, flowers and crests outside. 573 Superb Kioto porcelain Candlestick Vase, rich Zogan decora¬ tion. Height 12 inches. 574 Exquisitely decorated Satsuma Teapot. Melon-shaped top bail. 575 Small Bleu de Nankin Perfume Box and Cover, crackle ex¬ tending through. 576 Choice Banko Teapot, manipulated with the fingers, and very light texture, exquisite decoration of flowers, birds, etc. 577 Fine Bleu de Nankin Shrine Incense Burner, open work top, blue beneath glaze, green enamel on top. Ring mark of Kang-he period. 578 Very fine Kaga Goblet, inside decorated with figure of Jap¬ anese poets, and birds of immortality, figures and landscape scenes outside. 579 Fine Awata ware Teapot, lotus leaf design, enameled orna¬ mentation of frogs, insects, etc. 580 Satsuma Incense Burner, very fine, exquisitely decorated with enameled storks, etc., gold clouding. 581 Old and exceedingly fine cinnabar lacquer Box and Cover, round form. Intricate carving and very choice in color, 2J- x 5 inches. Over one hundred years old ; came direct from a descendant of the old Fisher family, of Philadelphia. Mr. Fisher was en¬ gaged in the India trade. 582 Cups and Saucers, cloisonne enamel on porcelain. 3 pieces 583 Nankin Cup and Saucer, rich medallion decoration. 584 Handsomely decorated Awata ware Teapot. 585 Choice Japanese egg-shell porcelain Saucer, rich crimson and gold decoration. 586 Kaga Saki Cup, finely decorated with landscape view, text, etc. 587 -Others, different decoration. 2 pieces 588 Satsuma Teapot, melon-shape, fine decoration of Buddhist gods, etc. 589 Fine Owari porcelain Perfume Box and Cover, cloisonne en¬ amel ornamentation. 94 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 590 Kioto Teapot, enameled decoration. 591 Handsome royal Hezin Jar and Cover, richly decorated in brilliant colors and gold, cover surmounted with gilt Dog Fo. Height and diameter 18x9 inches. 592 Chinese “ Grains of Rice ” China Bowl and Cover. 593 Choice Japanese blue and white Plate, crest in relief. 594 Specimen of Jade Carving, teakwood stand. 595 Specimen of Chinese Carving in soap stone. 596 Old Celadon figure, Japanese warrior. 597 Pair Chinese crackle Vases, decoration in bright colors, do¬ mestic scenes, etc. Height 12 inches. 2 pieces 598 Fine Japanese lacquered Box, imitation of iron, inlaid with gold. SERIES OF VALUABLE BOWLS, SATSUMA AND CO- REAN. Exceedingly fine specimens in Raised Work and Decorative Art. 599 Corean pottery Bowl, raised work ornamentation, wasp's nest and wasps inside ; dragon fly, butterfly and locust outside. 600 Old Satsuma Bowl, decorated with bold head, rich coloring in robe, gold clouding; outer surface decorated with en¬ ameled flowers. 601 -Another, bold head with embossed gold work inside, enameled floral crests on gold ground outside. 602 -Another, similar style of ornamentation. 603 -- Another, figure of deity inside, in gold and enamels ; flying storks in relief outside. 604 -Another, bold head inside, enameled flowers outside. 605 -Another, Buddhist priest, waterfall, etc., in enamels in¬ side ; gold embossed work outside. 606 -Another, decoration of warrior, landscape scene, etc. 607 -Another, Howi bird, etc., inside ; gold embossed work outside. 608 -Another, eagle and water scene inside ; birds and water outside. JAPAN AND CHINA. 95 609 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Incense Jar and Cover, enam¬ eled and finely painted decoration, Japanese mythological scenes, etc. Rain dragon on cover, exquisite borders and network of white enamel. Height and diameter 13x9 inches. 610 Pair very fine Kioto porcelain Vases, decorated with boldly drawn figures of animals, dragons, serpents, etc. Height and diameter 13x6 inches. Rare and curious specimens. 2 pieces 611 Fine Korin Yaki Bowl and Cover, lotus leaf design, made in imitation of the dried leaf; serpent and frog in relief. 612 Superbly decorated old Satsuma Teapot, top bail, floral crests and figures in medallions. 613 -Another, similar form and decoration; finer texture. 614 Small Saucers, exquisitely decorated. 2 pieces 615 Handsome Bleu de Nankin square Bottle, storks, bamboo tree, etc., in panels. 616 -Another, decoration of flying storks, pine tree, etc. 617 Tortoise shell Dispatch Box, gold lacquer ornamentation. 618 Old blue and white Saki Bottle. 6 19 Antique Chinese Water Jug, from Thibet,curious splash glaze. 620 Choice antique Satsuma Box and Cover, temple drum shape, fine enameled decoration of flying storks. 621 Royal Ivaga Bowl, rich crimson and gold decoration outside ; blue decoration inside. 622 Fine Japanese pottery Cup and Saucer, outside of rich black lacquer with gold ornamentation ; crackle glaze inside, with splashes of green. 623 Fine black lacquer Saki Kettle, delicate decoration in gold ; silver handle. 624 Finely decorated antique Kioto Bowl, Japanese historical sub¬ ject. 625 Choice old Bleu de Nankin Teapot, top bail. 626 Richly decorated fine Ivaga porcelain Cup and Saucer. 627 -Another, smaller. 6g8 Very fine red lacquer Saki Saucer, ornamented with head of priest; seal on outer surface. 9 6 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 629 Very fine red lacquer Saki Saucer, ornamentation of Japanese historical scene. 630 -Another, decoration of flying storks, clouds, etc.; seal and text outside. 631 -Others. One decorated with mountain scenery, the other with religious emblems. 2 pieces 632 Superb old lacquer Cabinet, gold ground, with medallion or¬ namentation of birds and flowers. 4^ x 4^ inches. 633 Exquisite black and gold lacquer fan-shaped Box, ornamen¬ tation of holy mountain, Japanese village, etc. 634 -Another, similar form and ornamentation. 635 Small gold lacquer Perfume Box, exquisitely ornamented, figure of Japanese warrior, etc. 636 Fine antique Kioto Saki Pitcher, lotus leaf design, made in imitation of carved wood, frog in relief on cover. 637 Old Satsuma small Bottle, raised work ornamentation of dragon. 638 Superb ivory Cabinet, exquisite gold lacquer ornamentation of storks, flying birds, etc., silver mountings. 4^x4 inches. 639 Antique Chinese Snuff Bottle, finely carved dragon, bird, etc., red glaze. 640 Magnificent Pekin or Cinnabar lacquer Box, globular form, most exquisitely carved. Height and diameter 81 x 11 inches. A very old and exceedingly fine specimen. 641 Exceedingly fine antique porcelain Jar and Cover, orna¬ mentation in relief, and finely painted, Japanese mytho¬ logical subject. Height and diameter 13.x inches. 642 Large and handsome Nankin porcelain Vase, decorated with figures, flowers, etc., in brilliant enamels, gilt lizards in relief. Height and diameter 36 x 14 inches. From the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 643 Pair Canton Vases, enameled decoration of birds, flowers, fruits, etc., in fine colors, elephant head handles. Height and diameter 23 x 10 inches. From Centennial Exhibition. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE. JAPAN AND CHINA. (Continued.) 644 Owari porcelain Cup, bamboo design, celadon glaze, blue decoration. 645 Pair choice blue and white Vases, bottle shape. 2 pieces 646 Fine Nankin blue and white Teapot. 647 Araku Saki Bottle, decorated with figures, etc. 648 Ivutani Saki Bottle, fine colors in decoration. 649 Bleu de Nankin Teapot, top bail. 650 Fine antique Salsuma Box and Cover, handsomely decorated. 651 Handsomely decorated Kioto porcelain Vase, ornamentation of equestrian and Daimio figures, cherry tree in blossom, etc., locust handles. Height 12 inches. 652 Japanese lacquer Box, exquisitely ornamented with gold, ob¬ long form, with two compartments. 633 Fine old Corean pottery Bowl, crackle glaze, Japanese deco¬ ration of lotus flowers and plant in gold and enamels. 654 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Bowl, very artistic decoration of flying butterflies. 655 Owari porcelain cut Flower Pail, choice texture and blue decoration. 656 Rare Makudzu leaf-shaped Tray, crab in relief. 657 Miniature Shrine, with finely carved wooden figure of Buddha. 658 Fine old lacquer Smokers’ Cabinet, finely wrought silver mountings and fixtures. 659 Choice Kaga Saki Cup, fine decoration of Daimio figure on gold ground. C60 - Another, similar. 7 9 8 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 661 Banko Teapot, illustrating the process of cloisonne art, the interstices being only partially filled. 662 Exquisitely decorated Awata ware tete-a-tete set, bamboo design, comprises teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, and two cups and saucers. 663 Fine old Hizin porcelain Plaque, octagonal form, with open work panels, brilliant decoration. Diameter 9 inches. 664 Antique Japanese porcelain Saki Saucers, bamboo wicker¬ work covering outside. 3 pieces 665 Very fine old Satsuma Teapot, high form, handsomely deco¬ rated with figures of Daimio warriors, gold clouding, etc. 666 Exceedingly fine and valuable Satsuma Bowl, decorated inside and out with figure of rain dragon in raised work. Finely modeled. 667 - Another, equally as fine but more interesting ; inside is ornamented with raised work, dragon fly, locust and spider all life-like as possible, representation of spider's web in gold ; boldly modeled dragon outside. 668 Antique Satsuma plate, artistic decoration of head of Japan¬ ese priest, embossed ornamentation in gold with delicate tracings in same metal. Diameter 7-J inches. 669 -- Another, same size and similar style of decoration. 670 Very fine Cup and Stand, old Chinese, floral decoration in fine colors, Keen-lung period. 671 Cup and Saucer, fine old Chinese porcelain, very fine decora¬ tion of flowers, etc. 672 Fine antique Chinese Plate, round deep form, scolloped edge, decoration of figures and flowers in salmon and gold. 673 - Another, round deep form, decoration in blue, "old, and red, crest in center. An old family piece made over 120 years ago. 674 Exceedingly fine old Bleu de Nankin Plate, decoration of equestrian figures of warriors at combat. Paste and color of superior quality. Diameter 8^ inches. 675 Choice old Chinese Creamer, curious form, Rose family. 676 Cup and Saucer, fine old Chinese porcelain, octagonal form, enameled decoration in fine colors. NO. 6g<>. MAGNIFICENT GOLD LACQUER STAND, AND GROUP OF IVORY FIGURES. JAPAN AND CHINA. 99 677 Rare and fine old Satsuma Tea Jar, globular form, decorated with figures of Japanese children rolling snow ball, playing games, etc., fine texture. 678 Japanese Daimio Sword, superior blade, and finely wrought hilt and mountings, two small knives in scabbard. Presented to Captain Leeds of her Majesty’s ship Queen Victoria by Japanese owner, 1874. 679 Japanese short Sword, superior blade, finely wrought bronze mountings, small knife in scabbard. 680 Fine Satsuma Figure, God of Plenty, handsomely decorated. 681 Richly decorated Awata ware Incense Jar, cover in imitation of fabric tied on with cords. Height and diameter 8x7 inches. 682 Pair very fine old Satsuma Vases, hexagonal forms, figures of Japanese celebrities artistically painted on panels ofgold em¬ bossed work. Height and diameter 9x5 inches. 2 pieces 683 Exceedingly fine Bowl, Satsuma ware, decorated with boldly drawn head, rich embossed work and colors on robe. 684 - Another, an exceptional specimen ; inside decorated with figure of priest and child in gold ground, enameled figure of Dog Fo, flying storks, and water scene outside. 685 Splendid cloisonne enamel Plaque, beautiful floral design in rich colors, silver wires forming cloisonnes. Exceed¬ ingly fine specimen of Japanese finest workmanship. Di¬ ameter 12 inches. 686 - Another, companion to above. 687 Pair choice Ohta Vases, exquisitely decorated by the famous Tai-Zan. 2 pieces 688 Exceedingly fine Japanese egg-shell porcelain Cup, Saucer and Cover, beautifully decorated. A royal specimen. 689 Exquisitely decorated Ohta ware Cup and Saucer. 690 Magnificent Daimio gold lacquer Stand, and group of three exceedingly fine carved ivory figures, Japanese historical subject, representing the return of a victorious warrior, who is about being presented with a sword and floral tribute. Outside measurement of stand and group, 12x11x9 inches. Sold with plate glass and silver mounted case. See Illustration. IOO THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 691 Finely wrought Japanese antique bronze Incense Burner, priest on sacred bull. 692 Black and gold lacquer Box, raised ornamentation. 693 Unique antique Chinese pottery Vase, biberon form, deco¬ ration carved in relief in two colors of clay, text scrolls, etc. Height with teakwood stand, 10 inches. 694 Very fine antique Chinese Cup and Saucer, lotus design, floral decoration, stems and birds in relief. 695 Fine antique Chinese Plate, octagonal form, green family. Diameter 9 inches. 696 Rare Vase, formed of rhinoceros horn, and finely carved. Height and width, including teakwood stand, 7x8 inches. SERIES OF VALUABLE BOWLS. INCLUDING MANY EXTRAORDINARY SPECIMENS. 697 Old Corean Bowl, fine enameled and painted decoration, equestrian figures inside. 698 -Another, smaller, enameled decoration of flying storks on gold ground, inside and out. 699 -Another, very fine raised work ornamentation, inside and out, of life-like fish. 700 Exceedingly fine Satsuma Bowl, finely modeled raised work ornamentation, fish within net, inside ; frogs and crayfish outside. 701 -Another, decorated with boldly drawn head, enameled floral crests on gold ground on outer surface. 702 -Another, enameled decoration of dragon, water, etc., on black ground ; shells, grasses, etc., outside. A unique specimen. 703 -Another, bold head, with gold embossed work, inside ; enameled floral crests and gold glaze on outer surface. 704 -Another, very choice; decorated inside with figure of priest, rain dragon, etc.; crests outside. 703 --Another, figure of Buddhist priest, water fall, etc., in rich enamels inside ; gold embossed work outside. JAPAN AND CHINA. IOI 706 Extraordinary Satsuma Bowl, showing wonderful and intri¬ cate ornamentation in relief work and decorative art. Height and diameter 3x4^ inches. From an Exhibition held at Nagasaki, Japan, 1378. 707 Exquisite Chinese egg-shell Cup and Saucer, decoration in red and gold, two cocks crowing, chrysanthemum flowers, etc. Old and fine. 708 -Another, smaller, equally as fine, decoration of two deer, vase of flowers, etc. FINE IVORY AND WOOD CARVINGS. VALUABLE AND CHOICE CABINET SPECIMENS, ETC. 709 Old Japanese Ivory Carving, mythological subject, Dog Fo, dragon, wild beasts, etc., in relief. 9x4 inches. 710 -Another, finer, similar subject, warrior, dragon, eagle, etc. 9 x 3! inches. 711 -Another, equestrian figure of Japanese warrior, y\ x 4 inches. 712 -Another, god of longevity, and turtle. 5.JX 2 inches. 713 -Another, Daimio lady and dog. 714 —-Another, very fine, warrior destroying the imps of war. 3 x 1^ inches. 715 -Another, grotesque, skeleton fanning himself. 716 -Another, Daimio lady with Samisen. 717 -Another, Japanese deity. 718 - Another, equestrian figure of warrior and attendant. 719 - Another, finer, figures of two Japanese soldiers. 720 - Another, grotesque, monkey and group of five frog musicians. 2x3 inches. 721 - Another, very fine, Japanese domestic scene, groups of three figures. 2x2^ inches. 722 -Another, equally as fine, “ the Seven Worthies of bam¬ boo grove.” 102 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 723 Set of exceedingly fine ivory carvings, “the Seven House¬ hold Gods,” high class specimens, showing very intricate and artistic workmanship. 7 pieces 724 Carved ivory netsuke group of nine Masks. 725 - Another, sacred bull. 726 —Another, Japanese boy playing flute. 727 - Another, Japanese boy. 728 - Another, Japanese man preparing rice. 729 - Another, children at play. 730 - Another, one of the seven household gods. 731 Carved wooden netsuke, Japanese Mechanic. 732 -Another, mask. 732a Very fine wood carving, Japanese God of the Sea, enraged. 732 b Japanese bronze and Bamboo Pipe. 732 r. Chinese Opium Pipe. 732 d Ivory Perfume Box, exquisitely ornamented with gold lac¬ quer coral and malachite. 73 2e Very fine old Bamboo Carving, representing contentment, figure of Japanese and the three-legged frog. 9J x 5 inches. 732_/ Exquisite black and gold lacquer Perfume Boxes. 2 pieces 732g Antique Japanese Carving in Bamboo, figure of Japanese trying to catch a frog, using his sandal for a net. 732// Japanese Pipe Case and Tobacco Pouch. 732/ Choice Bleu de Nankin little Vase, figures and flowers in deep blue color, very fine texture leaf mark. 733 Fine Japanese gold lacquer Perfume Box, shell shape, ex¬ quisite penciling. 734 - Another, much finer and older, lozenge shape, delicate ornamentation of mountain scenery, etc. 735 Pair small Perfume Boxes, round form, fine black lacquer with ornamentation in gold. 2 pieces 736 Chinese Snuff Bottle, made of bamboo and exquisitely carved. 737 Old Japanese lacquer Inro or medicine case, inlaid with pearl and gold ornamentation, JAPAN AND CHINA. 103 * 738 Exquisite antique avanturine lacquer Perfume Box, three compartments, ornamentation in pure gold, of bamboo trees, blossoms, etc, 739 Japanese silver Pill Box, exquisitely inlaid with gold diaper patterns, round flat form. Diameter 2 J inches. 740 - Another, equally as fine, oblong form. 741 Inro or medicine Case, ornamented with Japanese figure with mask, in red and gold lacquer. 742 Very fine small Satsuma Vase, decorated with figures of death, fiery imps, etc., in raised work. A unique specimen. Height 5 inches. 743 Superb Ivory Cabinet, exquisite gold lacquer ornamentation of fishes, shells, etc. 2{x 3 inches. 744 Small Ivaga Cups and Saucers, decorated with figures of Japanese poets on gold ground. 2 pieces 745 Old and exceedingly fine cinnabar lacquer Box and Cover, round form, handsomely carved, and rich color. 4x4 inches. 746 Fine antique Chinese Toast Cup, exceedingly fine decora¬ tion of figures, etc. ; has metal stand, Ming period. 747 Kaga Saki Cup, decoration of boating scene, text, etc. 748 Very choice Satsuma Teapot, lotus leaf design, raised work ornamentation of turtle, crab, frogs, etc. 749 Banko Teapot, showing process of cloisonne art, interstices only partially filled. 750 Exquisite Kioto porcelain small Teapot, zogan decoration in imitation of inlaying of iron with precious metals. 751 - Another, different form and larger, finely painted medallion and zogan body. 752 Exceedingly fine Korin Yaki covered Jar, bamboo design, branches forming handles, green serpent encircling and toad in relief on top. Height and diameter 6x6 inches. The above specimen is the handicraft of Madame Korin, a Dai- mio lady, who practices pottery art for pleasure only. 753 Fine old Satsuma Incense Burner, globular form on base, pierced top surmounted by figures of Dog Fo, enameled decoration of flying eagle, storks, etc., in medallions. Height and diameter 9^x6^ inches. xc >4 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 754 Pair richly decorated Canton porcelain Pilgrim Bottles. Height 13 inches. 2 pieces 755 Very fine old Satsuma Plate, decorated with figures of Jap¬ anese children playing game of perfumes, enameled crests in white on gold ground border. Diameter 9 inches. 756 Ancient Japanese Sword, peculiar lacquered scabbard, inlaid iron hilt and bronze mountings. 757 Exceedingly fine old Satsuma Box and Cover, globular form, enameled decoration of rain dragon, flying storks, etc., clouds in black and gold. 4x6 inches. 758 -Another, similar. 759 Remarkably fine old Satsuma Teapot, high form, artistic decoration of Japanese mythological and historical subjects in embossed gold and finely blended colors. 760 Very rare and fine antique Chinese Cup, Cover, and Saucer, showing difficult reticulated work, decoration of flowers in fine colors relieved by gold. 761 Old Satsuma Incense Burner, globular form, on feet, hand¬ somely decorated. Height and diameter, 7J x 7 inches. 762 Exceedingly fine Satsuma Teapot, melon shape, exquisitely decorated. 763 -Another, different form, equally as fine in texture and decoration. 764 Handsome antique Satsuma Jar and Cover, very fine decora¬ tion, equestrian figures and Japanese historical subject in medallions, enameled dragon on cover. Height and di¬ ameter 12 x 81 inches. 765 Fine red lacquer Saki Saucer, gold ornamentation of fish, water scene, etc. 766 Satsuma Bowl, finely decorated with figures of deity, flowers, etc., inside, in rich enamels and gold. 767 -Another, smaller, very fine decoration inside of quail and flowers on gold ground ; crests and flowers outside. 768 -Another, equally as fine, enameled storks, bamboo trees and flowers on gold ground. 769 Arita porcelain Cuspidor, richly decorated. NO. 77O. EXTRAORDINARY SATSUMA FIGURE. NO. 777. MOST VALUABLE OLD SATSUMA TEMPLE JAR AND COVER, RELIEF AND ARTISTICALLY PAINTED ORNAMENTA¬ TION, JAPAN AND CHINA. io 5 770 Extraordinary Satsuma Figure, Japanese warrior in full suit of armor, decoration and modeling of a thoroughly artistic order. 13 x 84- inches. See illustration. 771 Remarkably fine Satsuma Vase, rain dragon in bold relief encircling neck. Height 9 inches. 772 -Another, companion to above. 773 Superb Kioto porcelain Candlestick Vase, beautiful cloisonne art body, floral designs in fine colors on green ground. Height 12 inches. 774 Exceedingly fine Satsuma Plate, lotus leaf design, extra¬ ordinary ornamentation in raised work, of life-like fishes and crab beneath and within network of gold. Diameter 9 inches. 775 -Another, similar form and equally as fine, crab shells, etc., within and beneath net; shells on reverse side. Same size as above. 776 Unusual Japanese faience Vase, green glaze, with decoration in black. Height and diameter 13x6 inches. 777 A most valuable specimen of old Satsuma ware, elegant Temple Jar and Cover, exquisitely decorated and orna¬ mented, figure of Buddhist gods, priests, Japanese children at play, bamboo trees, etc., in alto-relievo, mythological beast on cover. Exceedingly fine in texture and work¬ manship. Height and diame'.er 25x12 inches. The above is one of the finest specimens of genuine old Satsuma ever offered at Public Auction. See illustration. 778 Handsomely carved black-wood Pedestal, plush Top, made to order for the above Jar. 779 Pair very elegant Canton large Vases, antique forms, richest Chinese decoration of figures, flowers, birds, etc., gold ground borders. Gilt Dogs Foo for handles. Height and diameter, with teak-wood stands, 38 x 16 inches. 2 pieces io6 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. Curiosities and Miscellaneous Bric-a-Brac. 780 Ancient Powder Horn, curiously carved, used by an officer during the war with the French, 1754. 7S1 Genuine Meerschaum Pipe, finely colored, long stem and silver mountings. 782 New Meerschaum Pipe, silver mountings. 783 Fine Benares Brass Vase, repousse work. Height r6x6£ inches. 7S4 Specimen of Stalactite, taken from the cave at Gibraltar. 785 Antique Box, made of cocoanut shell, mounted and orna¬ mented in silver. 786 Antique Cap, woven gold and silver wires, silk tappets worked in gold. 787 Ancient Spanish Dagger, superior blade, finely wrought bronze Scabbard and handle. 788 Highlander's Weapon, finely wrought mountings, small knife and fork in sheath. Handles of bog wood, inlaid with Scotch pebbles. Once the property of a nobleman officer of the 71st Highlanders ; has the name of all the battles in which he was engaged, as well as his monogram, engraved on the blade. 789 Curious Water Jar from Brazil, called Belia, made of clay from Pernambuco. 790 Antique Mexican Pottery Vase, made by a tribe of Indians in the republic of Mexico, at a place called Yonato, about 12 miles Irom the city of Guadalajara. 791 Cups and Saucers, souvenirs of the centennial commemora¬ tive celebration of the Boston Tea Party, Dec. 16, 1773. Philadelphia, 1873. 2 pieces 792 Pair Stone Columns, Colonna Trajana and Colonna Antonina . 2 pieces 793 Ancient Tile, decorated in blue, 150 years old, from an old house in Nantucket. MISCELLANEOUS BRIC-A-BRAC. 107 794 Antique Copper Box, oblong form, finely engraved ornamen¬ tation of coat of arms, crests, etc., has been gold plated. 7x2 inches. 795 Ancient Brass repousse Box, same form as above. 796 Piece of black Marble, ornamented with finely engraved moonlight scene. 64- x 5^ inches. 797 Antique Terra Cotta Pompeiian Lamp. 798 -Another. 799 Antique Etruscan Vase, slightly defective. 800 Etruscan Pitcher Vase. 801 An old Idol, from Mexico. 802 Pottery Figure, grotesque, “The Greek Slave.” 803 Pottery Group, grotesque (defective). 804 Specimens of ancient Grecian Pottery, small Vase and Idol. 2 pieces 805 Ancient Japanese bronze Figure, sacred Bull, silver inlaid. 806 Pair finely wrought Italian bronze Pompeiian Lamps. 2 pieces 807 Rare antique Etruscan Patera, found in Herculaneum. 808 Meer.'chaum Pipe, finely colored, once the property of the Emperor Joseph of Austria. 809 Red stone Indian Pipe, and red clay Turkish Pipe. # 2 pieces 810 Smoking Caps, embroidered in gold. 3 pieces 811 Two pair Shoes and Slippers, from Hindostan. 2 pieces 812 Fine old wood Mosaic Panels. 2 pieces 813 Antlers, from California. 2 sets 814 - Others. 3 sets 815 Ancient Mexican Pottery Bowl, curiously decorated. 816 Pitcher, similar ware. 817 Italian marble PaperWeight, inlaid with marbles from cele¬ brated temples. 810 Handsome Karlsbad Jewel Box, composed of beautiful mar¬ bles, malachite, etc. 819 Antique inlaid wood Cigar Cabinet. 820 Paper Weights, made of Derbyshire spar. 2 pieces 821 Ancient brass Persian Jewel Casket, finely engraved, said to have belonged to the Shah of Persia, and over 400 years old. io8 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 822 Small Jewel Case, covered with chamois skin. 823 Two pair olive wood Candlesticks. 4 pieces 824 Piece of the Charter Oak. 825 Model in clay, “The Last of his Tribe,” by Edward Kurtz, deceased. 826 Terra-cotta Bust, “ Fortuny " the great painter, by Carl Stork, sculptor. 827 Handsome inlaid wood antique Tea Chest, three porcelain caddies inside. 828 Pair carved Vienna Wood Trays. 2 pieces 829 Verde antique Marble Figure, copy of the celebrated Lion of Thors walden. 830 Pair bronze bas-reliefs, Pheasant and Rabbit, finely wrought, by P. J. Mene. 2 pieces 831 Bronze Wall Brackets, eagle heads. 3 pieces 832 Ancient iron Battle Club. 833 Ancient iron military Flail of the eighth century, called “ Morning Star.” 834 Battle Axe, same century, finely engraved. 835 -Another. 836 Ancient Battle Spear. 837 -Sword. 83 8 -Dagger. 839 -Another, smaller. 840 Fac-simile of ancient Battle-axe. 841 Antique Mexican Water Jug, brought to this country by Baily, the sculptor, given by him to Christian Schuesselle, artist, and presented by him to Mr. Fales, 1856. 842 Ancient Pewter Dish. THURSDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE, NOVEM¬ BER 16th. AT OUR ART ROOMS. European Ceramic Art. 843 Pair Bisque Figures. 2 pieces 844 Fine royal Dresden Figure, female in chair asleep. Marcolini period. 845 -Another, “The Spinster,” same period. 846 -Another, “Gentleman of Court,” same period. 847 Rare and curious antique porcelain Group. 848 Very fine royal Dresden Bust, Madame Marionette, portions delicately reticulated in imitation of lace. Marcolini period, 1796. 849 Pitcher, made at Blois. Fac-simile of that made for Fran¬ cois Premiere, A.D. 1494, bears the monogram and crown with four points. Made for and purchased at the Exhibition held at the Palais d’lndustrie, Paris, 1876. 850 Bowl to match, from same exhibition. 851 Jewel Dish, made at same factory and purchased at same exhibition. The above lots, 849, 850 and 851, are of fine form and carefully decorated. 852 Choice old Lowestoft Cup and Saucer, crest and other deco¬ ration in blue and gold. Made about 1785. 853 -Another, different shape, neat floral decoration. 854 Handsome royal Worcester Jardiniere, quaint shape, reticu¬ lated panels and sides, ivory glaze, matte gold treat¬ ment, Japanese designs in decoration. 8x8 inches. I IO THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 855 Pair elegant royal Worcester Vases with Covers, moresque design, ivory finished, pierced panels and flowers, handles in form of swans, gold treatment, jeweled and gold bands, covers jeweled and pierced. Height and diameter 9 x 13 inches. 2 pieces Made for Paris Exhibition of 1878. 856 Handsome Plaque, a fine copy of the celebrated Palissy ware. Diameter 11 inches. 857 -Another, slightly different, same size. 858 Handsomely decorated Plate from Sweden, “ Rorstrand.” Octagonal form, enameled in oriental style, with Chinese figures, etc. Diameter 8 inches. 859 Pair rich ruby and gold Bohemian Vases, Grecian form, handsomely decorated porcelain medallions. Height and diameter 22x8 inches. 860 French porcelain Card or Flower Basket, pierced panels, neat decoration in blue and lavender. 861 Handsome royal Saxon icte-a-tete Set with Tray, blue decora¬ tion. 862 Sevres porcelain Plates, in the white. 5 pieces. 863 Trellis Jug, registered September, 1848. Charles Weigh. 864 Handsome blue and white Water Pitcher, trade mark in circle of bamboo, B. W. & Co. 865 Small Pitcher, same make as above, decorated in green and gold, and floral medallions. 866 French porcelain Pitcher, ivory white glaze, neat band of maroon and gold. 867 -Another, similar shape, corrugated, green and gold dec¬ oration. 868 -Another, blue glaze, Grecian band in black and gold. 869 -Another, plain white, with neat bands of gold, blue twisted handle. 870 -Another, smaller, green and gold decoration. 871 -Another, larger, Grecian band in black and gold. 872 Gien faience Fruit Stand, raised and neatly painted decora¬ tion, open work sides, circular form on feet. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 111 873 English Teapot, white biscuit, with basket work in blue, top bail. 874 -Another, different shape, decoration in green, metal cover. 875 Handsome Wedgewood Teapot, ornamentation in white re¬ lief on dull blue ground. 876 -Another, similar. 877 Cream Pitcher, to match. 878 English Pottery Pitcher, jet black glaze, with decoration in gold. 879 French porcelain After-dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers, vari¬ ous colors of glaze, and two shapes ; eight of one and four of another, in all 12 pieces 880 Majolica covered Box, boy and turtle. 881 Faience Crab Dish and Cover, coral top handle. 882 Handsomely decorated French China Water Fount, Basin and Soap Tray, with walnut hanging Bracket, complete. 883 Richly decorated finest French porcelain After-dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers, lavender, gold and black ornamenta¬ tion. 24 pieces 884 Dinner Plates, to match. 24 pieces 885 Deep “ “ “ 24 pieces 886 Elegantly decorated French porcelain Dinner and Tea Ser¬ vice, floral decoration, pink and gold bands, comprises 17 Cups and Saucers, 8 Dinner Plates, 6 Soup Plates, 18 Tea Plates, 17 Oyster Plates, 2 Cake or Bread Plates, 2 Meat Dishes, 1 Relish Dish, 2 Pickle Trays, 1 covered oval Tureen. 92 pieces 887 Handsome French Bisque Group “Night.” 888 Pair rich French porcelain Vases, cylindrical forms on feet, Cloisonne decoration of birds, flowers, etc., on Mexican blue ground, handles and feet of burnished and dull gold. Height and diameter 15x6 inches. 2 pieces 889 Handsomely decorated royal Worcester figure “Salome.” 890 Pair royal Worcester Bisque Candlesticks, figure of Cupid. 891 Elegant Flower Vase, Pate Tendr , double peacock form, copy of early faience, time Francis I., ground of pale cream color, with decoration in turquoise blue and green, rich blue and gold matte. I I 2 THE TATES COLLECTIONS. 892 Handsome Vase by H. Deck of Paris, Moorish design and decoration, circular form, with five necks. 893 Longwy covered Box, enameled in turquoise blue and canary yellow. 894 Royal Worcester Pilgrim Bottle, decoration of gold leaves on rich crimson ground, gilt feet and handles. 895 Small faience cylinder Vase, royal blue glaze, decoration in gold. 896 Longwy Vase, royal Sevres blue glaze. Grecian band in gold. S97 Wedgewood Flower Vase, sage green ground, with exquisite¬ ly modeled relief ornamentation in white. 898 Longwy Vases, crackle glaze, blossom decoration, Chinese design. Height 8 inches. 2 pieces 899 Handsome unglazed Sevres porcelain Vase, Grecian form, subject of decoration, from the Story of Telemachus. Height and diameter 15 x 10 inches. This Vase was purchased in France, after the downfall of Louis Phillipe, and when Changarnier was president. 900 Pair very elegant royal Worcester Vases with Pedestals and Covers, are of interesting forms, and beautifully decorated with blue and applique gold on ivory glaze, open work covers, surmounted with gilt dolphins. Height and di¬ ameter 18x8 inches. 2 pieces These two Vases are the originals. AVere made expressly for the Paris Exposition of 1878, and purchased for the P'ales col¬ lection. 901 Very fine and rare Plaque, oval form, copy of the celebrated Palissy Plaque in the Hotel de Cluny; made about 15 years ago. 18 x 26 inches. 902 Finest French porcelain After-dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers, rich decoration in pink and gold, with slight tracings in black. 23 pieces 903 Dinner Plates, to match. 24 pieces 904 Deep Plates, to match. 24 pieces 905 Pair Longwy Vases, oriental design, turquoise splash glaze, incised decoration. Height 8 inches. 2 pieces 906 Pair French porcelain small Trays, pink and gold decoration. 2 pieces EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. ”3 907 Pair French china Toilet Boxes, blue and gold decoration. 2 pieces 908 Scotch glass Ewer, mottled red. From the Leith Flint Works, Edinburgh. 909 Fine Torquay Pitcher, handsomely decorated. 910 -Another, larger, Egyptian design, exhibition specimen. 911 Handsome royal Worcester Teapot, melon shape, vine and leaves in relief forming handles and cover, splash gold glaze. 912 Fine Parian Figure. 913 Pair Copeland Candlesticks, low forms. 2 pieces 914 -- Another pair, Egyptian style of decoration. 2 pieces 915 Very large Flemish Jug, style of the 14th century. Height and diameter 36 x 19 inches. Largest specimen at the Centennial Exhibition. 916 Scagliola marble Pedestal, for the above. 917 Very fine Belgian Plaque, artistic decoration, “The Sick Monkey,” by T. Denge. Oval form. 10 x 13 inches. 918 Handsome French faience Ewer, copy of antique majolica. 919 - Another, smaller. 920 Pair elegant green and gold Bohemian glass Vases, etrus- can shape, ornamented with finely painted porcelain me¬ dallions, Height 22 inches. 2 pieces 921 Pair Swedish Plates, from Rorstrand. Octagonal form, Chinese style of decoration. 2 pieces 922 Sevres blue Candelabra Vase, by Chas. Ficquenet. Fine incised and relief ornamentation. Height and diameter 14x8 inches. 923 Rare old Italian faience Tile. Decoration of Mars and Venus, copy from oil painting by A. Carraci and sim¬ ilar to Tile now in the Hotel de Cluny, Paris. 9 x 61 - inches. 924 Beautiful royal Dresden Cup, Saucer and Cover, canary yellow glaze, landscape medallions and gold penciling ; has morocco case. 925 Elegant Minton Plate, open work edge, body of turquoise blue and gold, finely painted center medallion, “View of Windsor Castle. ” Diameter 9 1 -inches. Has morocco case. Purchased at the Paris Exposition, 1S78. 8 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 114 926 Choice old Dresden Saucer, Marcolini period, decoration in imitation of marble. 927 Pair royal Worcester Tiles, round form, decoration in fine blue, neat band of gold. 2 pieces 928 Pair Candlesticks by C. Ficquenet, high form, turquoise blue glaze. 2 pieces 929 Minton Tray, strawberry ornamentation, jay bird in bold re¬ lief. 930 Pair handsome French faience Vases, with covers, richly en¬ ameled by C. Pauget, Paris. 2 pieces 931 Handsome Parian Bust, female. 932 Very old and fine Davenport Tray, open work edge, finely painted landscape view in center. Period about 1793. 933 French faience Plaque, copy of an early Italian majolica speci¬ men, decoration of figures, coat of arms, etc. Diameter 18 inches. 934 Fine French porcelain Toilet Tray, pink and gold decora¬ tion. 935 - Another, maroon and gold decoration. 936 Handsome Deck Plaque, finely decorated by Anker of Paris, “The Mousquetaire” “ D'Artagnan Diameter 13 inches. Purchased at the Paris Exposition of 1878. 937 Minton Tray, strawberry ornamentation, thrush in bold re¬ lief. 938 Handsome Haviland faience Vase, decorated by Bracque- mond, carved black-wood stand. Height and diameter 24 x 9I inches. 939 Pair elegant Copeland Vases with Covers, interesting in form and richly decorated with gold and choice colors. Height and diameter 16 x 9 inches. 2 pieces 940 Handsome faience Plaque, unusually fine decoration, land¬ scape, figures, etc., by Marx. Diameter 18 inches. 941 Fac-simile of an old Persian Ewer or Teapot, purchased at the Paris Exposition, 1878. 942 French faience Coffee-pot, Turkish design. 943 Magnificent Vase, by FI. Deck, of Paris, beautiful decora¬ tion of birds, flowers, etc., on turquoise blue. Height and diameter 15 x 14-inches. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. ”5 944 Pair very elegant royal Saxon Vases, antique forms, sporting scenes and deer in medallions, body of vase of canary yellow, delicate shades of green, pink and yellow on base, neat floral and burnished gold ornamentation. Height and diameter 19x14 inches. 2 pieces 945 Fine Wedgwood china Coupe, ivory finish, decoration of fowls. 946 -Another, decoration of snow scene and birds. 947 Copeland Plate, scolloped edge, decorated with brilliant colors and gold on ivory glaze. 948 - Another. 949 Porcelain umbrella Vase, bamboo design. Height and diameter 25x7 inches. 950 Copeland Bisque Group, Cupid and Psyche. Height 17 inches. 951 Royal Worcester Pedestal, fluted, turquoise and gold decora¬ tion. Height and diameter 8x7 inches. 952 Faience de Nancy Figure, greyhound. 953 Pure white Sevres porcelain Plate, round deep form, marked S. 50. Purchased at the Royal Factory. 954 Handsome French porcelain Plate, finely painted pastoral scene in center, border of crimson and matte gold. Diam¬ eter 9 inches. 955 French faience Pitcher, copy of an early Italian majolica specimen, melon-shape, with twisted handle. Height and diameter 14^ x 9 inches. 956 Elegant Limoges faience Jug, relief ornamentation. 957 Handsome faience plaque Sarguemines. Diameter 14-J inches. 958 Ancient Moorish Vase, bottle-shape. Height 10 inches. 959 Superb French porcelain Plate, fruit in center, flowers in panels on border, crimson and gold ground. 960 Handsome Haviland cream faience Vase, Moorish design, floral decoration. Height and diameter 13x8 inches. 961 Elegant porcelain large Plaque, beautifully decorated with portraits of Louis Phillipe and ladies of his Court, tur¬ quoise blue and gold ground, Sevres mark of royal period 1763. Diameter 19-J inches. THE FAZES COLLECTIONS. 116 962 Deck Coupe, neatly decorated, blue glaze. 963 Wedgwood china Pilgrim Bottle, blue decoration on ivory body. 13x9 inches. 964 -Another, same size, arabesque designs on ivory body. 965 Handsomely decorated French China porcelain Plate, flowers, leaves, butterflies and insects in center, blue and gold bands. 966 - Another, fruit, flowers, and butterflies in center. 967 Handsome Dresden china Coffee-pot, high form, finely painted medallions of pheasant and flowers. Rose de Barry ground and gold ornamentation. 968 Pair fine Longwy Vases, copy of the antique Assyrian. Height and diameter 15x6 inches. 969 French faience chocolate Pitcher, ring form, Louis XIV. style. 970 Handsome royal Vienna Cup and Saucer. Frederick the 1st style, decorated by Joseph Zasche, of Vienna ; subject “ Narcisse.” 971 Elegant royal Worcester Ewer. Hispano-mo|esque design. Ivory finish, gold and jeweled decoration, open work handle. Copy of Ewer in the Alhambra, Spain. 972 Finely modeled figure Ganymede, by Volpato, an Italian artist. 15 x 16 inches. Obtained from the Paff collection, New York, 70 years ago; been in Mr. Fales’ possession since 1835. 973 Royal Worcester Pedestal, fluted and raised ornamentation, turquoise and gold decoration. Height and diameter 8x7 inches. 974 Elegant Pitcher and Plaque, copy of early Italian majolica, by Sarguemines. 975 Handsome Etruscan Pitcher Vase. Height and diameter 19 x 7 l / z inches. 976 Small Cup and Saucer, Sevres porcelain. Louis Phil I ipe style. 977 Pair elegant Plates, Sevres porcelain, exceedingly fine deco¬ ration, by L. Malpaso, of Paris ; subject, male and female jugglers. 2 pieces 978 Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer, richly decorated with relief work, in gold and floral medallion, gold lined. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 1 17 979 Pair handsome royal Worcester Candlesticks. Tall form, ivory ground with raised ornamentation in gold and bronze. 2 pieces 980 Fine French porcelain Cup and Saucer. Embossed gold decoration on light green ground. 981 Copeland Cup and Saucer, exquisitely decorated with tur¬ quoise blue, gold, and pink. , 982 - Another, same shape, richly decorated in dark blue, gold, and yellow. The above are copies of those made by Copeland for the Bey of Tunis. 983 Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer. Portrait medallion, tur¬ quoise blue ground. 984 Moorish Bottle or Cologne Sprinkler, pate sur pate , by Deck, of Paris, rich decoration of tiger, lilies, birds, flow¬ ers, etc., on turquoise glaze. 985 - Another, similar. 986 Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer, leaf-shaped, floral medallion and turquoise blue body. 987 - Another, same shape and design, pink glaze. 988 Handsome Copeland Pitcher, Egyptian shape and style of decoration. 989 - Another, smaller, similar style of decoration. 990 Handsome royal Worcester Pitcher. Ivory ground pierced and jeweled, matte and burnished gold. Japanese design. 991 Exquisitely decorated Minton Cup and Saucer, Cupid in medallion. 992 Elegant royal Worcester Plate. Rich cobalt blue glaze, embossed work in gold and silver, design of storks, etc. Diameter 9 inches. • 993 Pair fine French porcelain Vases, odd shape. Subject of decoration, “ Les Pensio?viaires de Hotel des In vat ides." Height 7 inches. 2 pieces 994 Richly decorated Copeland Cup and Saucer, salmon and gold decoration. 995 - Another, similar. Fac-simile of those presented to the Bey of Tunis by the manufac¬ turers. 118 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 996 Handsome porcelain Plate, finely painted decoration of roses, butterflies, etc., in center, perforated border, tur¬ quoise glaze. Diameter 10 inches. 997 Minton china Vase, trumpet-shape, raised ornamentation of blackberries and leaves on yellow ground, stems form¬ ing feet. 998 French porcelain Cup and Saucer, pink glaze inside, decora¬ tion in gold. 999 Magnificent royal Worcester Vase, beautiful form, reticula¬ ted body and jeweled ornamentation, turquoise blue and pink glaze, panels decoiated with storks, serpents, etc., in gold and silver relief work. Height and diameter 15x9 inches. From the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1000 Pair elegant Russian majolica Vases, rich enameled and engraved decoration by L. Bojapschede. Height and diameter 16x7 inches. From the Imperial Factory at St. Petersburg. 1001 Fine Flemish jug. Copy of antique. 1002 Wedgwood Pottery, small Ewer and Basin, ivory ground, raised and gilt ornamentation. 1003 Pair French porcelain Trays, rich pink and gold decoration. 1004 Grotesque Group, “Judith and Holofernes.” 1005 Etruscan Coupe, black ground. 1006 Phosphorescent glass Jug, reproduction of those excavated by Prof. Schliemann. 1007 Handsome glass Ewer, mottled blue, made at the Leith Flint Works, Scotland. 1008 Fine Parian Bust, by Copeland. 1009 Curious faience Figure, Chinese Dog Foo, green and yellow glaze. 1010 Pair elegant Parian Wall Brackets, figures in relief. 2 pieces ion Terra cotta Figure, by Stork of Philadelphia, “Tuning up.” 1012 -Another, by same artist, “The Banjo Player.” 1013 French faience Coupe, copy of early majolica. 1014 Belleek Figure, sleeping Cupid. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 119 1015 Handsome Flemish Pitcher. 1016 Fine Doulton Vase, relief and engraved ornamentation, choice in colors. 1017 Finely modeled Bust, “ Shakespeare,” by Copeland. 1018 Rare and fine Venetian glass Vase, Etruscan form, fine in color. 1019 Fine Painting on porcelain, “The young Puritan,” by Mrs. E. Ross, nee Malpass, London, neatly framed. Received prize at London exhibition. 1020 Rare Teapot, bears the following inscription : “The elder Brewster Teapot. The original brought to America by ye May Flower, A.D. 1620, and has been exactly copied and reproduced by Richard Briggs, Boston. From ye ceramic collection of Governor Lyons, 1871.” 1021 Elegant old Spode Plate, rich floral center, gold border. Diameter 10 inches. 1022 Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, dark glaze, floral decoration. 1023 Rare and very fine old royal Saxon china Cup and Saucer, quaint in shape and decoiation. 1024 Pair richly decorated small Vases by Copeland, bottle shape. 2 pieces 1025 Fine Dresden Cup and Saucer, exquisitely decorated. 1026 Exquisite royal Worcester small Vase, exceedingly fine decoration of landscape by Cooper of London, gilt feet. 1027 Berlin Cup and Saucer, decoration of sprigs of flowers. 1028 Splendid royal Worcester Vase. Copy of a Roman antique gourge bottle. The original belonged to Victor Emanuel of Italy, who ordered too copies to be made by the Royal Worcester Company, and presented them on Easter Sunday, 1876, to all the members of his court, each one being marked with the king’s arms in cypher. 1029 Early Dresden Cup and Saucer, Marcolini period, floral decoration. 1030 Porcelain Box, by Deck of Paris, white and green floral dec¬ orations. 1031 Handsome Vase, by Les Nis of Paris, glaze in imitation of old Venetian glass, decoration of birds, insects, etc. Height and diameter 7! x 6 inches. I 20 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 1032 Pair handsomely decorated Gien faience Pitcher Vases. Height 12 inches. 2 pieces 1033 Fine Minton China Cup and Saucer, floral decoration. 1034 Choice pure white porcelain Cup and Saucer, fine shape. 1035 Small cylindrical Vase, bamboo design, cord and tassels in relief 1036 Doulton Pitcher Vase, engraved and raised ornamentation. 1037 Pair fine Meissen Jugs, choice blue decoration. 2 pieces 1038 Superb royal Berlin Cup and Saucer with cover, from king of Prussia manufactory, exquisitely decorated in gold and rich colors, by Unbekannt, gold lined. 1039 Splendid royal Worcester Vase, biberon form, ivory finish, reticulated body and neck, relief ornamentation in gold, bronze and platina of storks, insects, etc. Height and diameter 11 x 61 - inches. * • This original royal Worcester Vase was made for and exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1878, purchased there expressly for the Fales’ Collection. 1040 Elegant antique Wedgwood Pitcher Vase, light blue body, white figure of the seasons in bas relief. This Vase is over 50 years old, was made by Josiah Wedgwood and presented to a friend who brought it to this country in 1825 ; has been in his family up to this time,January nth, 1878. 1041 Magnificent faience Plaque, rich floral decorations by O. de Reviere, 1876. Diameter 23 inches. 1042 Handsome Copeland Vase and Cover, Etruscan shape and style of decoration on jet black glaze. Height and diam¬ eter 11 x 8 inches. (Cover been broken and repaired.) 1043 Pair large and handsome French porcelain Vases by Boujet of Paris, rich green glaze, finely painted hunting scenes in medallions. Height and diameter 28 x 12 inches. 2 pieces FRIDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. (Continued.) 1044 Berlin Cup and Saucer, leaf-shape, floral medallions, rich crimson glaze. 1045 - Another, same shape, dark olive, green glaze. 1046 Exquisitely decorated Minton Cup and Saucer, ornamenta¬ tions of butterflies, barley sheaf, etc., in bright enamels and embossed gold, on rich blue ground, pierced border. 1047 P a i r antique porcelain Pitchers, floral decoration, initials S. F. in gold. 2 pieces 1048 Small Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, exquisitely decor¬ ated on dull gold ground. 10 49 Quaint little Teapot, French porcelain, exquisitely decor¬ ated. 1050 Minton Cologne Sprinkler, oriental design, turquoise blue ground with raised ornamentation. 1051 Pen Tray by Deck of Paris, pate sur pate, floral design, cob¬ alt blue ground. 1052 Handsome royal Worcester Coffee Cup and Saucer, decor¬ ation in blue of flying storks, etc., op^dadl gold ground. 1053 Derbyshire spar Goblet, highly polished. \ 1054 Cologne Sprinkler, Persian design, French faience. 1055 Pair choice Meissen small Bottles, rich blue decoration. 2 pieces 1056 Royal Saxon Capo di Monti Cup and Saucer, coral handle. 1057 Royal Berlin Cream Pitcher, decorated with sprays of flowers. 122 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 1058 Fine French porcelain Vase, Celadon glaze, raised ornamen¬ tation of flowers in gold and blue. 1059 Imperial Saxon Cup and Saucer, exquisitely decorated. 1060 Handsome royal Worcester Plate, center decorated with Hawthorne flowers, etc., jeweled and open work border. Diameter 6 inches. 1061 Small Cups and Saucers, French porcelain, pure white glaze. 6 pieces 1062 Royal Worcester Cream Pitcher, quaint shape. 1063 Fine Danish Pottery Vase, copy of an ancient Persian fune¬ real vase. Height and diameter 4^x4^ inches. 1064 Very fine French porcelain Teapot, exquisitely decorated with flowers, insects, etc. Dull gold handle and spout. 1065 Rich Copeland Cup and Saucer, Chelsea style. 1066 Superb Sevres porcelain Plate, border of Bleu de Roi and gold. Diameter 10 inches. 1067 Imperial Saxon Cup and Saucer, choice form and very fine decoration. 1068 Handsome French porcelain Chocolate Pot, floral decora¬ tion, Louis XI. style. 1069 Haviland Cup and Saucer, Burmese design. 1070 Royal Worcester small Coupe, ivory glaze, reticulated bor¬ der, bronze lizards in relief. 1071 Exquisitely decorated French egg-shell porcelain Cup and Saucer, fluted pattern, butterflies and flowers on drab ground. 1072 Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, finely decorated. 1073 Choice Copeland small Pitcher, old Spode pattern. 1074 French China Plate, same pattern as those furnished to the Union League of Philadelphia, when first incorporated. 1075 Pair Parian Vases, lilies of the valley in relief. 2 pieces 1076 Rich royal Worcester Vase, three compartments, open work panels, decorated in gold, platina, and bronze, tur¬ quoise and gold ground. 1077 Handsome Chocolate Cup, Saucer, and Cover, pink glaze, with ornamentation in turquoise, green, black, and gold, gilt handle, rosebud in relief on cover. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 123 1078 Pair fine Jars, handsomely decorated and glazed. 2 pieces 1079 Superb royal Saxon Plate, pierced and engraved border, rich Bleu de Roi glaze, with Watteau medallion. One of three only made at the royal factory. 1080 Handsome Venetian glass Ewer. 1081 Glass Ewer, made at the Leith Flint Works, Edinburgh, blue and white mottled. 1082 Early Dresden Cup and Saucer, Marcolini period, floral dec¬ oration in rich blue and gold. 1083 Fine Berlin Cup and Saucer, leaf-shape, rich brown glaze, floral medallion. 1084 -Another, canary ground. 1085 Elegant Wedgwood Plate, sage green ground, raised orna¬ mentation in white and yellow. Diameter 9 inches. 1086 Terra cotta Group, “The Topers,” by Stork of Phila¬ delphia. 1087 French faience Vase, copy of an early majolica specimen, has three compartments. 1088 Rare and fine Doulton Jug, etched by Miss Bartlett, Mr. Doulton’s best animal designer. 1089 Handsome Venetian glass Pitcher Vase. 1090 Elegant Wedgwood Vase and Cover, fine shape, figures in white relief on dull black ground. Height and diameter 12x6 inches. 1091 Fine Parian Pedestal. 1092 Haviland pate tendre, figure I?Infant de Louvre. 1093 Pair handsome Sevres china Cups and Saucers, Japanese style of decoration in gold and fine colors, on rich ivory ground. 2 pieces 1094 Pair royal Worcester Vases, Japanese design, square form with lion’s head and ring handles, relief ornamentation in blue on white glaze. Height 11J inches. 2 pieces 1095 Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer, rich decoration in raised gold, and floral medallions, gold lined. 1096 Handsome Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, reticulated and finely decorated, marked S-76, Exposition Universelle> Paris, 1878. THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 1097 French porcelain Cup and Saucer, Egyptian style of deco¬ ration. 1098 Pair fine small Vases, French porcelain, exquisitely deco¬ rated, with Hawthorne blossoms, lilies, etc., in fine colors. Height 8 inches. 2 pieces 1099 Superb royal Worcester Jar with cover, body reticulated, medallions ornamented with birds, in bronze and gold matte. Height and diameter 10x6 inches. The above original royal Worcester Vase was made for and ex¬ hibited at the Paris Exposition, purchased there expressly for the Fales’ Collection. 1100 Pair handsome French faience Beakers, enameled decora¬ tion by Toul, of birds, blossoms, etc., on rich maroon glaze. Height and diameter 20 x 8 inches. 2 pieces 1101 Exquisite Cup and Saucer, French egg-shell porcelain, showing lace pattern beneath glaze, superbly decorated. From the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1102 Richly decorated Copeland Cup and Saucer, relief work in gold flowers in panels, green glaze. 1103 Minton Cup and Saucer, exquisitely decorated, “Rosa Bonheur’s Horse Fair.” 1104 -Another, very fine decoration, washing sheep, etc. 1105 Handsome Plate, finely painted decoration, butterfly and sprays of flower in center, gold border with floral medal¬ lions. Diameter 10 inches. 1106 Exquisitely decorated royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, jeweled edge. 1 toy Pair antique French porcelain small Cups and Saucers, floral decoration on buff glaze. 2 pieces 1108 Royal Saxon Capo di Monti Cup and Saucer. 1109 Handsome Minton china Cup and Saucer, flu tied pattern, floral and gold decoration. 1110 Quaint little Cream Pitcher, Copeland make, fac-simile of the first pattern made at the Spode factor)'. mi Elegant Minton Plaque, in imitation of Cloisonne enamel, turquoise blue ground. Diameter 10 inches. Made to order for the late owner. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 125 1112 Fine Danish pottery Va§e, copy of an ancient funereal urn. Height and diameter 5-3- x 4+ inches. 1113 Handsome royal Worcester Plate, landscape in blue, raised ornamentation in gold, and bronze of butterflies, spider¬ web, etc. Diameter 8-3 inches. 1114 Beautiful Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, sage green ground, festoons of flowers and ram's heads in white relief. 1115 Finely decorated imperial Saxon Cup and Saucer, marked A. R. 1116 Choice royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, couleur vert d’eau, decoration of apple blossoms. 1117 Handsomely decorated French porcelain Teapot, antique, decorated with flowers on buff ground. 1118 Minton china Coffee Cup and Saucer, floral decoration in brilliant colors. 1119 Royal Berlin Cup and Saucer, fine decoration in purple and gold. 1120 Handsome royal Worcester Bowl, Japanese design, lotus form, stem forming feet and leaves, three spouts, ivory finish with crests in gold. 1121 Superb Sevres porcelain Watch and Jewel Stand, exquisitely decorated and ormolu mounted. 1122 Handsome Doulton Vase, engraved and relief ornamenta¬ tion. Height 8 inches. 1123 Small Cups and Saucers, French porcelain, decorated with flowers on buff ground. 2 pieces 1124 Antique Wedgwood Teapot, black biscuit, enameled flowers in rich colors and dull gold. 1125 Handsome Doulton faience Vase, pilgrim bottle-shape, green body with flowers and grasses in rich colors. 1126 Splendid French porcelain lete-a-tele Set and Tray, Egyptian design, rich colors of glaze. Awarded gold medal at the Paris Exposition, 1867. 1127 French faience Pitcher Vase, antique form, floral decoration. 1128 Superbly decorated royal Vienna Cup and Saucer, decora¬ tion by Boucher. THE FALLS COLLECTIONS. 1 2 6 1129 Very fine French egg-shell porcelain Cup and Saucer. Dimity design beneath slate glaze decoration of blossoms, etc. 1130 Splendid Jug, by Deck, of Paris. Copy of an early Persian specimen. 1131 Glass Ewer, made at the Leith Flint Works, Edinburgh, Scotland. White and blue mottled. 1132 Handsome royal Saxon Cup and Saucer, decorated with detached flowers. 1133 Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, Egyptian style of decora¬ tion. 1134 Fine old Saxon Cup and Saucer, floral decoration in choice colors. 1135 Wedgwood pottery Cup and Saucer. Cream-white glaze, floral decoration. 1136 Antique French porcelain Sucre Set. F'loral decoration, comprises Tray, large Bottle, small Bottle, high Cups, » and Sugar Bowl. 1137 Terra cotta Group, by Stork, of Philadelphia. "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me." 1138 Pair handsome Parian Wall .Brackets, Dolphins. 2 pieces 1139 Handsome Flemish Ewer. Copy of antique. 1140 Phosphorescent glass Pitcher, reproduction of Prof. Schlie- mann’s excavations. 1141 Wedgwood faience Bowl, enameled decoration, Japanese design. 1142 Magnificent royal Saxon Dinner and Dessert Service, dec¬ orated in rich blue with bands of gold ; comprising 30 Din¬ ner Plates, 18 Soup Plates, 24 Dessert Plates, 1 very large Meat Dish, 10 assorted Meat Dishes, 4 covered Vegetable Dishes, oval, 4 covered Vegetable Dishes, round, with handles, Soup Tureen and Stand, 2 Sauce Tureens, 2 Pickle Trays, 2 Salad Bowls, 2 Fruit Baskets and Stands, and 4 Comports. 113 pieces The above and two following lots imported to order for the late owner, but never used. 1143 Handsome royal Saxon Beer Jug, antique form, blue dec¬ orations, metal cover and cap to spout. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 127 1144 Tea and Breakfast Service, royal Saxon china, decorated in deep blue ; comprising 12 Cups and Saucers, 12 Plates, 12 individual Butter Plates, and 2 Relish Dishes. 50 pieces 1145 After-Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers, royal Saxon china, fine blue decoration. 11 pieces 1146 Royal Saxon Preserve Plates, pierced borders, blue decora¬ tion. 6 pieces 1147 Elegant Vienna porcelain Plaque, framed. Very fine dec¬ oration. “Cupid making Bow.” 14 x 21 inches. Copy of painting by Mazzoli Francesco, by Zasche, of Vienna. 1148 Fine French faience Chocolate Pitcher, Fouis XIV. style. 1149 Beautiful royal Berlin Plaque, pierced lace work edge. View of “ Bastei ” in center medallion, groundwork of rich yellow and gold. Diameter 10 inches. 1150 - Another, same size and design. View of “ Wesen- stein ” in center ; ground work of pink and gold. 1151 Handsome Vienna Cup and Saucer, style of Frederick the 1st. Very fine decoration, by Zasche, of Vienna, sub¬ ject, “ EAmour des Italiens.” 1152 Set rare old Wedgwood jasper china, blue biscuit, white serpent handles, comprises Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer, and Cup and Saucer. 5 pieces 1153 Handsome Scotch glass Ewer, mottled pink. 1154 Fine antique royal Berlin Cup and Saucer, decorated with figures, inscriptions, etc., sprays of flowers around the border. 1155 Splendid Cup and Saucer, very fine decoration and shape. Manif ra Ginori a Doccia Presse, Firenze. 1156 Rich Plate, to match, from same factory. 1157 Elegant royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, canary ground, insects in medallions, jeweled border. 1158 Rare and fine Doulton Pitcher Vase, decorated by Mrs. C. Jane Edward, deceased. Presented to the late owner by Mr. James Doulton, who stated that Mrs. Edward was his best decorator, this specimen was the last she finished, and he considered it the finest work of art in Doulton ware he had made. THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 128 1159 French Cup and Saucer, black glaze, with Grecian decora¬ tion. 1160 Splendid royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, egg-shell, fluted pattern, ivory finish, ornamentation in gold and bronze. 1161 Minton china small Plate, floral decoration in brilliant colors. 1162 Wedgwood Coffee Pot, diamond shape, high form, de¬ tached flowers in crimson, yellow and black on ivory glaze. 1163 Choice Wedgwood Cup, neat decoration. 1164 Very fine Copeland Cup and Saucer, richly decorated, crim¬ son and gold ground, with blossoms in white reserve. 1165 -Another, white and gold ground with chrysanthe¬ mum flowers in crimson. 1166 Superb Minton Plate, Rose de Barry ground, with gold orna¬ mentation, finely executed decoration by Miss Coleman. 1167 Elegant Minton Cup and Saucer, flying storks, bamboo branches, etc., on turquoise blue glaze. 1168 Handsome Chocolate Cup, Saucer and Cover, finest French porcelain, raised garland of flowers, white and gold ground, with border of Rose de Barry. 1169 Elegant Plaque, pate tendre , made at Tourney, France, dec¬ orated with portrait of Madame Le Brun, by Monsieur Moisson , Paris. Copied from the original in the Masee de Loavre. Diameter 10 inches. 1170 Exquisite little Vase, Copeland’s egg-shell porcelain, Per¬ sian design, jeweled paneled, coral, turquoise, pearl and gold ornamentation, body of Vase, birds’-egg green with bands of magenta. Ornamented by Mr. Bull, the finest and best porcelain jeweler in England : purchased at the Paris Exposition of 1S78. 1171 Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, decorated in gold, with monogram of Louis Phillipe. 1172 Gallfi Nancy Pitcher, in form of parrot, canary yellow glaze with floral decoration, style Francis I. 1173 R°yal Worcester Tile, circular form, Japanese style of dec¬ oration. 1174 Fine Parian Pedestal. Heightand diameter 6 x 6| inches. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 129 1175 Handsome Deck Plaque, very fine decoration by J. Le Grain, Paris, subject “ Les Sources de l Amour” with frame 9 x i6£- inches. 1176 Exquisite Cup and Saucer, Copeland’s egg-shell porcelain, splendid jeweled decoration, couleur verl de Peau. Decorated by Mr. Bull, the best porcelain jeweler in England, expressly for the Paris Exposition of 1878 ; purchased there for the late owner. ii 77 Elegant roy5.1 Worcester Tray on feet, pierced and decor¬ ated in bronze and celeste, raised storks and flowers. Diameter 9^ inches. 1178 Cup and Saucer, octagonal shape, royal Worcester, ivory glaze with relief ornamentation of blossoms, bronze lizard for handle. 1179 Superb French porcelain Cup and Saucer, decorated in pencil work by the celebrated artist Frangenard p'ere , first artist in this class of work at Serves. 1180 Superb Bottle, from royal Worcester factory, oriental de¬ sign, open work body, penciled, jeweled, and burnished gold ornamentation on ivory ground. 1181 Richly decorated Sevres porcelain Cup and Saucer, marked S. 76. Louis Phillipe, chateau d’Eu. 1182 Exquisite royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, pink ground, with ornamentation in bronze and gold, quaint shape. 1183 Elegant tete-a-tete Set, Porcelain Nacre de Creme , by Bri- cencher of Paris ; comprises Tray, Teapot, Creamer, Sugar Bowl, and two Cups and Saucers. Purchased at the Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 1184 Pair small Minton Vases, Pompeiian style, ivory ground, with decoration in wild English meadow pink, with red sprays, buds and flowers. Height 6 inches. 2 pieces Prize from London Art Union. 1185 Superb royal Worcester Cup and Saucer, reticulated and jeweled ornamentation, burnished gold and matte work ; rich in color and finish. 1186 -Another, similar. 1187 Queen Cup and Saucer, ivory ground, with lilies of the valley, beautifully painted by Bender, of Paris. 9 130 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 11SS Rich French china Cup and Saucer, fine shape, pink and gold decoration. 1189 Elegant royal Saxon Capo di Monti Ewer and Plate. 1190 Handsome Cup and Saucer, to match. 1191 Fine Derbyshire spar Goblet, highly polished. 1192 Choice Minton Cup and Saucer, fluted pattern, exquisite decoration in gold and delicate colors, Forget-me-nots. 1193 Wedgwood Cup, neatly decorated. 1194 Handsome Doulton Vase, engraved and relief ornamenta¬ tion. Height 8jj inches. 1195 Beautiful Sevres porcelain tete-a-tete Set and Tray, Louis Phillipe, decorated with crown monogram. Decorated at the factory, and purchased there by the late Mr. Fales' agent. 1196 Handsome Parian large Bust, “Washington.” 1197 Superb Cup and Saucer, Louis XVI. style, pink ground, with jeweled ornamentation portraits of Louis XVI., Mme. Elizabeth , and Marie Antoinette in medallions, coat of arms on saucer. 1198 -Another, similar shape and style, rich dark blue glaze, with jeweled and gold ornamentation, portraits of Due de Bourgoyne and Duchesse du Maine. 1199 - Another, same style, turquoise blue ground, jewel or¬ naments, with matte gold; portraits of Henry II., Claude de France, and Gabrielle Estrees in medallions. f 1200 Magnificent royal Sevres Flower Vase, and candelabrum, ob¬ long form, beautifully decorated with figures, flowers, and landscape scene, ornamentation of solid silver wonderfully applied. 15x31 x 9 inches. An extraordinary example of mediaeval workmanship, from one of the French palaces, purchased by the late owner from an old French family. See illustration. 1201 Exceedingly fine Minton Tray, exquisitely decorated, cen¬ ter medallion copy of Gainsborough’s celebrated painting in the Royal Academy, jeweled ornamented border; has morocco case. Decorated by S. Bourne, Stoke-on-Trent, England. NO. 1200. ROYAL SEVRES VASE AND CANDELABPA. AN EXTRAORDINARY EXAMPLE OE MEDIEVAL WORKMANSHIP. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. 131 1202 French faience Ewer, Persian style, floral decoration on gray crackle glaze. 1203 Beautifully decorated Sevres porcelain Plate, S. 49, flowers in four crown shape, and center medallion, border of Bleu de Roi and gold. 1204 - Another, similar. Purchased at the Royal Factory. 1205 Exquisite Cup and Saucer, Copeland’s egg-shell porcelain, jeweled and enameled decoration. 1206 -Another, Minton egg-shell china, Japanese style of decoration, birds, flowers, fish, etc., in white and gold on red body, inside of cup pale blue glaze. From the Paris Exposition of 1878. 1207 - Another, Minton’s pate sur pate, turquoise blue ground with flying birds, branches, etc., in white and relief. Made for and exhibited at the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1208 Fine Parian small Pedestals. 3 pieces 1209 Finest French porcelain after-dinner Coffee Cups and Sau¬ cers, rich jeweled decoration. 20 pieces 1210 Dinner Plates, to match. 24 pieces 1211 Deep Plate, to match. 24 pieces 1212 Beautiful white Plate made at Limoges, Chinese design, with “Grains of Rice” effect. Diameter 8J- inches. Finest example of body ware exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1878. 1213 Elegant Wedgwood Vase, exact copy of the celebrated “Portland Vase,” figures in relief in white on dull black ground. Height and diameter io-| x 8 inches. 1214 Royal Worcester Pedestal, gold and turquoise ornamenta¬ tion. Height and diameter 8x7 inches. 1215 Pair exquisite Pilgrim Bottles, royal Worcester, pink glaze; ornamented with finely painted medallions, burnished gold, etc. 2 pieces 1216 Elegant Copeland Plate, octagonal form with pierced panels on border, exquisite decoration of pond lilies in center, gold and rich color on border. Diameter 9 inches. 1 3 2 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 1217 Elegant Copeland Plate, similar to No. 1216, floral center. The above plates, decorated to order for the late owner by C. F. Hiirten of England. 1218 Gem Teapot from the Royal Worcester Factory, reticulated body, exquisitely jeweled and penciled, turquoise ground. 1219 Superb antique Cup and Saucer, Austrian manufacture, decoration of the most exquisite character. The above Cup and Saucer were made in Austria, 1818, and were in possession of the family, from whom Mr. Fales procured it, over fifty years. 1220 Handsome royal Worcester Pitcher, ivory ground, pierced, jeweled and gold ornamentation, Japanese shape. 1221 Elegant pate tendreYX2.it, Tourney, France, decorated with figures of Venus, cupids and dolphin, flowers in gold on turquoise blue border. Diameter 10 inches. Decorated by Sabourin, expressly for the late owner. 1222 Pair elegant Minton Vases, pure white glaze, with decoration by L. Malpass, Paris, subject of decoration, male and female jugglers. Height and diameter 10x4 inches. 2 pieces 1223 Beautiful royal Sevres Vase, pate sur pate, fine biberon form. Height 12-|- inches. Purchased at the Paris Exposition, 1878. 1224 Fine Parian Pedestal, relief ornamentation. Height and diameter 6 x 6 inches. 1225 Royal Worcester Pedestal, rich ornamentation of turquoise blue and gold. Height 8f x 8 inches. 1226 Elegant Sevres Plate, pate tendre, richly decorated by Eugene Portevin. “ Lejeune noblesse.” Diameter 10 inches. Decorated for and exhibited at Paris Exposition, 1878, purchased expressly for this Collection. 1227 Minton China Tray, strawberry ornamentation, thrush in relief. 1228 Magnificent royal Worcester Vase, Hispano-moresque de¬ sign, exquisite treatment in dull gold and intricate reticu¬ lated work, rich ivory finish. Height and diameter 19 x 12 inches. Made from drawings of a glass vase in the Alhambra, finest specimen of royal Worcester exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1878; purchased there for the Fales’ Collection. See illustration. NO. 1228. MAGNIFICENT ROYAL WORCESTER HISPANO- MORESQUE VASE, MADE FROM DRAWINGS CF A GLASS VASE IN THE ALHAMBRA. EUROPEAN CERAMIC ART. x 33 1229’ Pair grand Vases, Louis Seize style, artistically and beau¬ tifully painted with birds, flowers, trailing vines, and blos¬ som in richly blended colors ; necks and bases of royal Sevres blue, with burnished and matte gold. Height and diameter 29 x 15 inches. 2 pieces Decorated by Albert of Paris for the Exposition of 1878, purchased from the artist by J. Albert Caldwell, Esq., of Messrs. J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, expressly for the late Mr. Fales. See illustration. SATURDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE. RARE CABINET SPECIMENS OF Fine Bronzes, Statuary, etc. 1230 Antique Snuff Box, harvest scene painted on top. 1231 Buhl inlaid Jewel Boxes. 2 pieces 1232 Small carved Wood Box. 1233 Antique Seal Intaglio, cut in glass, gold mounting. 1234 Silver Cup-holder, Turkish. 1235 Miniature ivory Carving, horse and dog. 1236 -Another, Ariadne. 1237 -Another, young deer. 1238 Antique silver Snuff Box, engraved and gold plated, tortoise shell panel in top and bottom. 1239 Ancient bronze Seal Stamp. 1240 Carved coral Pocket Piece, with gold Toothpick, turquoise mounted. 1241 Antique carved Egyptian marble Candlestick. 1242 -Another, different color. 1243 Carved wood and ivory Snuff Box, finely executed eques¬ trian figure and hounds in relief on cover. 1244 Ivory Paper Cutter, handle finely carved. 1245 Ancient wrought-iron Box, inlaid with gold and silver. 1246 Antique silver Snuff Box, onyx inlaid in cover. 1247 Rare old China Tray, exquisitely decorated with figures, etc., gold lined ; has old morocco case. RARE CABINET SPECIMENS , ETC. i35 1248 Antique Persian Segar Case. 1249 Mosaic wooden Egg. 1250 Very fine meerschaum Segar Tube. new. 1251 Handsome antique tortoise-shell Snuff Box, inlaid with gold and silver, Florentine mosaic medallions. 1252 Carved wood Tobacco Pouch, Japanese. 1253 Ancient Scarabei. 2 pieces 1254 -Another, mounted as Seal. 1255 Finely carved ivory Miniature, bas-relief, male head. 1256 -Another, female head. 1257 -Another, “ Beatrice Cenci.” 1258 Cut and engraved crystal Paper Weights, book form. 2 pieces 1259 Ancient silver Spoon, Persian manufacture. 1260 Antique silver Sugar Spoon, fine repousse work. 1261 Silver Sugar Sifter, antique. 1262 Elegant enameled Tea Cup and Saucer, turquoise blue ground. Made in Geneva, 1840. 1263 Rare and fine antique Egyptian silver Coffee-pot, high form, handsomely ornamented in wrought gold. 1264 Scent Holder, crocodile tooth, silver mounted. 1265 Small ivory Perfume Bottle, fine relief carving, stag hunt, etc. 1266 Ivory carving, Serpent, etc. 1267 Small Tray, Persian, finely wrought. 1268 Elegant Goblet, enameled on silver, Renaissance style, medallion portrait of Henry II. and Duchesse d’Etampes.. 1269 -Another, similar form and style, portrait of Francis I. and Diana of Poitiers. The above pair of goblets executed by Paul Soyer of Paris, as exhibition specimens for the Centennial Exhibition, purchased direct from the artist. 1270 Rare onyx Jewel Box, in form of carpenter’s plane. The above specimen of onyx was found in Brazil ; cut and pol¬ ished in Oberstein, Germany. 136 THE TATES COLLECTIONS. 1271 Finely wrought silver miniature Coffee-pot, La Pctile Cafe- tier e. From the Paris Exhibition of 1878. 1272 Antique silver small Basket, exquisitely wrought. 1273 -Another, different design, finer in workmanship. 1274 Very finely carved ivory Vase and Cover, goblet shape, spirited stag-hunt in relief. Height and diameter 6x2 inches. 1275 Ancient silver repousse Pocket Companion, furnished with Knife, Fork, Spoon, and other implements in miniature form. 1276 Valuable antique Watch-key, mounting of dwarf cocoanut, engraved with coat of arms of Napoleon le Grand. Presented by Napolhn le Grand to Madame le Fontanges, and given by her to the lady from whom the late Mr. Fales pro¬ cured it. 1277 Set (3) fine Intaglio, cut in glass ; head of Bacchante, head of Sappho, and Castor and Pollux. 3 pieces Cut by Pistrucci, a celebrated Italian artist, who resided in London at the commencement of the eighteenth century. He also designed and executed the Waterloo medal. 1278 Antique horn Snuff Box, exquisitely wrought silver mount¬ ings, large topaz inlaid in top. 1279 -Another, silver shield, with engraved initials “ S. F.” 1280 Very old and fine porcelain Perfume Box and Medallion. 2 pieces 1281 Carved ivory Ring, and set of three studs. 4 pieces 1282 Turkish pottery Saucers, gold text in relief. 2 pieces 1283 Ancient bronze Medallion. 1284 Valuable antique inlaid wood Snuff Box. Given by Martha Washington to Mr. James Marshall; by her to Mrs. Susan Ambler ; obtained from her by Mr. E. Kretzmar of Philadelphia, and presented by him to the late Mr. Samuel 13 . 1 'ales ; small box inside containing lock of Martha Wash¬ ington’s hair. 1285 Finely wrought antique silver Snuff Box (trick box), two compartments, gold lined. 1286 Antique gold Needle Case. RARE CABINET SPECIMENS, ETC. T 37 1287 Rare and finely carved antique ivory Tankard, bacchanalian scene in relief. Height and diameter 7x5 inches. 1288 Miniature statue of Michael Angelo. The figures are of solid silver, mountings of gold, and base of verde antique and rose-antico marbles. Executed by Marchessini of Florence. Exhibited and purchased at the Centennial Exhibition. 1289 Pearl Tablet, two Needle Cases, etc. 1290 Elegant enameled Goblet, by Paul Soyer of Paris, portraits in medallions of Francis II., Roi de France, and Elizabeth d’Autriche. 1291 -Another, same form and by same artist, medallion portiaits of Henry II., Roi de France, and Diana of Poitiers. 1292 Exceptional specimen of antique ivory, Powder Flask, artistically carved, hunting scenes in bold relief. x 4^ inches. 1293 Antique Snuff Box, embossed ornamentation, Le Tombeau de Voltaire . 1294 Set, exquisitely wrought, oxidized silver Paper-knife, Pen¬ holder, and Seal, inlaid and mounted with gold. 3 pieces Made by Marchessini of Florence. Exhibited and purchased at Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 1295 Handsome Hispano-moresque silver bronze Coffee-pot, rich arabesque design. 1296 -Another, smaller. 1297 Valuable antique Snuff Box, circular form, made of ivory, lined with tortoise shell, finely painted miniature on top, portrait of General Lafayette. Presented by General Lafayette to a lady of New York, during his last visit to the United States. 1298 Another antique Snuff Box, similar form, ivory miniature on cover. Once the property of General Lafayette, and presented by him to its former owner. 1299 Handsome Scarf Pin, pink coral ball, with ornamentation of fly, very life-like. 1300 Exquisite enameled small Vase, cupids and figures in panels. After Jean Lemousin, by Paul Soyer, of Paris. THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 138 1301 Antique ivory Powder Horn, beautifully carved, wild boar hunt, etc., in relief. 11x3 inches. 1302 Ancient wooden Mummy, in excellent state of preservation. Found in a sarcophagus of a king. Stated by Mr. Gliddon, archae¬ ologist, to be over 3000 years old. 1303 Cannon Ball, from Valley Forge. 1304 Antique Mexican pottery Water Bottle, made by a tribe of Indians, at Yonato, Mexico. 1305 Burmese gilt Biberon. Height 12 inches. 1306 Superb Tazza or Jewel Stand, made of onyx, with finely wrought 18 karat gold mountings, inlaid and ornamented with rubies and turquoise. Made for Centennial Exhibition, by Marchessini, of Florence. 1307 Miniature Swiss Carvings in ivory, Spinning Wheels. 3 pieces 1308 -Others, Reels. 4 pieces 1309 Beautifully carved and polished Sienna marble Goblet. 1310 Carving in ivory and wood, Deer, Pinetree, etc. 1311 Pair finely modeled Portugese figures. Mendicants. 2 pieces 1312 Exceedingly fine ivory carving, figure of female leading blind man, dog, etc., mounted on black wood stand. Size, exclusive of stand, 3 x 6| inches. 1313 Carving in wood, “St. George and the Dragon.” Height 4 inches. 1314 -Another, Cupid. 1315 Miniature carvings in wood, Angel, etc. 3 pieces BRONZES, STATUARY, ETC. 1316 Finely modeled antique bronze figure of “Ariadne on the Panther,” fine Sienna marble base, with bronze feet. 1317 Finely wrought bronze Candlestick, antique form. 1318 Handsome bronze Arc de Triomphe. 1319 Antique bronze Statuette, male figure. 1320 Fine bronze Column Vendome. Height 10 inches. 1321 -Another, “ Egyptian Obelisk at Paris.” FINE BRONZES, STATUARY, ETC. i39 1322 Antique bronze Vase with Handles, rustic design. Height and diameter 5x8 inches. 1323 Exquisitely wrought antique bronze Tea Bell, relief orna¬ mentation of hunting scene. 1324 Fine Italian bronze figure “The Fighting Gladiator,” has marble base. Purchased at the sale of the effects of the Countess Blessington. 1325 Pair bronze Dogs, “Pointer and Setter,” signed by the artist, P. J. Mene. 2 pieces 1326 Pair very small bronzes, by same artist, “Greyhound and Stag.” 2 pieces 1327 Antique Italian bronze Inkstand, marble base. 1328 -Others, different. 2 pieces 1329 Pair bronzes, oxidized, “Bull-dog and Hound.” 2 pieces 1340 Pair small antique bronze Statuettes, “Crusaders.” 2 pieces 1341 Bronze Figures by P. J. Mene. Gazelle du Desert el Bouc. 2 pieces 1342 Antique bronze Seal Holder and Seal, “The Cardinal.” 1343 -Another. Figure with chicken. 1344 Bronze Hound, reclining figure, red marble base. 1345 Pair small Groups, by P. J. Mene. Rabbits feeding and geese feeding. 2 pieces 1346 Pair antique bronze Vases, vine leaves, etc., in relief. Height 5 inches. 2 pieces 1347 Pair bronze Candlesticks, high form, rustic pattern ; snake and lizard encircling standards. 2 pieces 1348 Handsome bronze Inkstand, pen rack, etc., finely mod¬ eled by P. J. Mene, represents stack of arms and military accoutrements. Drum for ink well, knapsack for pens, trumpet for seal, sabre bayonet for paper cutter, etc. 1349 Very fine antique bronze Figure, “ Flying Mercury,” after John of Bologne. Egyptian marble base. Height 22J inches. 1350 Handsome bronze Group, Cheval de Mar ley. 1351 Scagliola marble Pedestal. 1352 Very fine Casting in iron, “The Eagle Slayer.” Bronze finish, remarkable in modeling. 140 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 1 353 Scagliola marble Pedestal, for the above. 1354 Handsome Italian bronze figure, Finely modeled, “ Flying Mercury.” Black marble and bronze base, dancing fawns, etc., in bas-relief. Height 31 inches. 1 355 Pair fine bronze Figures, “Huguenot and Companion,” by A. Leveel, 1847. 2 pieces 1356 Finely modeled bronze. “ The Dying Gladiator.’’ 1357 Pair very fine bronze Figures, “Raphael and Michael Angelo.” Signed by the artist, A. Carrie, 1855. (Deniere F‘.) 2 pieces 1358 Scagliola marble Pedestal, black. 1359 - Another, yellow. 1360 Handsomely wrought bronze Pitcher, allegorical of water, relief figures cf Triton sea nymphs surrounding pitcher, handle formed of figure of Satyr, who was condemned to have water poured upon him whilst tied, for having got drunk. Marble and bronze base. 1361 Magnificent Vase, bronze and cloisonne art ; center of vase is circular form with beautiful cloisonne panels on both sides, design of eagle, tree in blossom, etc., on one side, and flying storks, water scene, flowers, etc., on the other, all executed in brilliant colors, flaring top base, and mountings of artistically wrought bronze. Dragons in bold relief at sides for handles. Height and diameter 33 x 22 inches. The above is an exact copy of a vase in the Imperial Summer Palace at Pekin, China. Was executed by Manblanc of Paris, and is considered the finest specimen of its class in existence. Purchased direct from the artist. See illustration. 1362 Elegant black wood Pedestal, finely carved and finished, maroon plush top, made expressly for the above vase. Height and diameter 38 x 20 inches. 1363 The Milton Shield (fac-simile of the original in silver repousse), manufactured by Messrs. Elkington & Co., Lon¬ don. Artist, Morel Ladeuil. MILTON’S PARADISE LOST. In the central medallion the Archangel Raphael recounting to Adam and Eve the defeat of the Rebel Angels. In the other divisions NO. 1361 . MAGNIFICENT VASE, BRONZE AND CLOISONNE ART, BY MANBLANC, OF PARIS. FINE BRONZES , STATUARY , ETC. 141 the events of the combat, and below the Archangel Michael vanquishing Satan, and the figures of him and Death ; above may be seen, among other things, the sign of the Zodiac. Height and width, 35 x 27 inches, of bronze and oxidized sil¬ ver, with bands gilt where damascened in the original. The above made for and exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1S76. The original shield in silver repoussd was purchased by the British Government for the South Kensington Museum. See illustration. 1364 Elegant Carrara marble Statue, “Love in Repose/’finely sculptured by Franco Franchi, da Carrara, 1840. Designed by Thorwalsden. Purchased at the sale of the personal effects of Commodore Hull, Philadelphia, April 30, 1850. MISCELLANEOUS. 1365 Gondola with figures. 1^66 Oxidized bronze Match Boxes. 2 pieces 1367 Pair finely sculptured Egyptian marble Lions. 2 pieces 1368 Small equestrian Figure of Knight in full suitof steel armor of sixteenth century, by Granger, of Paris. 1369 Small Figure of Knight in full suit of steel armor of six¬ teenth century. Imported from France, 1853. 1370 Handsome antique Jewel Casket, exquisite Mosaic work in woods inside and out, octagonal form on base. Height and diameter 10 x 7 inches. 1371 Vienna Tobacco Holder. 1371a Antique bronze Inkstand, finely wrought. 1372 Oxidized bronze Segar Holder, in form of mitraileuse. 1373 Silver bronze Match Boxes, Egyptian design. 2 pieces 1374 Vienna Pen Wipes. 2 pieces 1375 Antique Pen Wipe, bronze hand. 1376 Fine Carving in Wood, “ Dog,” by an English artist, about 1840. 1377 English Dog Whip, carved ivory handle. 1378 -Another, deer-foot handle, 137.9 Vienna Watch Stand, oxidized, trophy of arms. 142 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 1380 Handsome Vienna gilt Jewel Casket, turquoise and cameo ornamentation. 1381 Vienna gilt and oxidized Jewelry Box. 1382 Vienna gilt Letter Scales and Inkstand. 2 pieces 1383 Pair Vienna gilt and leather Letter Easels. 2 pieces 1384 Elegant antique Jewel Casket, Mosaic work in woods, urn shape, with handles ; exquisitely made and in excellent condition. Height and diameter 17 x 14 inches. 1385 Handsome Italian bronze Roman Lamp. 13S6-Another, different design. 1387 Pair zinc bronze Wall Brackets. 2 pieces 1388 Vienna gilt Calendar and Stamp Box. 2 pieces 1389 Pair Vienna gilt Letter Easels. 2 pieces 1390 Vienna carved wood Ruler, Wafer Box and Pen Box. 3 pieces 1391 Vienna gilt Jewel Case. 1392 Fine bronze small Group, “Hounds at Play,” by P. J. Mene. 1393 Bronze Segar Holder and Lighter, “ Soldier and Mortar.’’ 1394 Antique Italian bronze, “The Wolf of the Capitol.” From the Countess Blessington’s Collection. 1395 Finely wrought Italian bronze Pompeiian Lamp. 1396 Pair Vienna gilt Letter Easels. 2 pieces 1397 Pair Vienna gilt and Russia leather Match Stands and Segar Ash-holder. 3 pieces 1398 Handsome bronze Figure, “Andromeda chained to a Rock.” 1399 Pair artistic bronze (spelter) Figures, Cavalier and Compan¬ ion, black wood bases. 2 pieces 1400 French morocco Handkerchief Box, Scotch Needle Case, ivory Shoe Horn, embroidered morocco Spectacle Case, and two carved Wood Rings. 6 pieces 1401 Silvered bronze Match Boxes, Egyptian design. 2 pieces 1402 - Others, same. 2 pieces 1403 Pearl Paper Cutter, silver filagree Pendant, two Bracelets, and bamboo Chain. 5 pieces 1404 Vienna oxidized Inkstand, helmet shape, and round Tray, curiously ornamented with spider and web. 2 pieces MISCELLANEOUS BRIC-A-BRAC. i43 1405 Set sterling silver Knife and Fork, finely wrought, gold mountings and crystal handles, with morocco case. 1406 -Another set, similar. The above lots, 1405 and 1406, purchased from Green & Nephew, Department of Great Britain, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 1407 Vienna oxidized Pen Rack and pair of Candlesticks, sport¬ ing design. 3 pieces 1408 Vienna gilt Jewel Boxes. 4 pieces 1409 Small imported Cabinet, finely finished, ornamented with silver bronze bas-relief in door, has four drawers inside. 14 x 13 x ti inches. 1410 Set oxidized bronze Library Table Furniture, comprises Inkstand, Paper Weight, two tall Candlesticks and one low form Candlestick, sporting design. 5 pieces 1411 Zinc Bronze Wall Bracket. 1412 Large Object Glass, walnut mountings. 1413 -Another. 1414 -Another, silver mountings. 1415 -Another, tortoise shell mountings. 1416 Handsome Russia leather and Vienna gilt portable Bond Case. 1417 -Another, similar. 1418 Oxidized silver Paper Knife and Seal. 2 pieces 1419 Bronze and marble PaperWeight, Eagle and Crane. 2 pieces 1420 Vienna gilt Pen Racks and Penholders. 2 pieces 1421 Small bronze Coupe, with Cover. 1422 Pair Italian bronze Candlesticks, tall form. 2 pieces 1423 -Another pair, larger. 2 pieces 1424 Oxidized silver and Vienna 4 gilt Match Stand and Ash Tray. 2 pieces 1425 Antique Turkish repousse Ewer and Basin, inlaid with en¬ amels. 1426 Engraved brass Plate, “Bo Peep.” 1427 Bronze Group, “Combat between Lion and Tiger.” 1428 Barometer and Thermometer. 2 pieces 1429 Handsomely wrought bronze Inkstand, floral and basket design. MONDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE, NOV. 21st. AT OUR ART ROOMS. Miscellaneous. SOLID SILVER, GORHAM PLATED WARE, HANDSOME CHINA, ETC. Most of the following goods have never been in use, and are there¬ fore equal to new. 1430 Plated and cut-glass Horse-radish Cup, engraved. 1431 Plated Napkin Rings. 6 pieces 1432 Set sterling silver after-dinner Coffee Spoons. 12 pieces 1433 Pair antique silver-plated and cut-glass Mustard Cups. 2 pieces 1434 Fine silver-plated Dinner Caster, 6 cut-glass bottles, “Gor¬ ham ” make. 1435 Breakfast Caster to match, same make. 1436 Pair handsome Fruit Stands, silver-plated on nickel, cut- glass dishes. 2 pieces 1437 Handsome silver-plated Oyster Tureen, “Gorham '’make. 1438 Pair fine Entre Dishes, same make. 2 pieces 1439 -Another pair, similar. 2 pieces 1440 Pair Sauce Tureens and Covers, same make. 2 pieces 1441 Fine silver-plated Sauce Ladles, “Gorham” make. 2 pieces 1442 Ice Cream Knife, same make. 1443 Table Spoons, same make. 6 pieces 1444 Table Fork, same make. 6 pieces 1445 Handsome solid silver Soup Ladle, gold lined bowl. FURNITURE. T 45 1446 Pair sterling silver Pickle Forks. 2 pieces 1447 Silver Mustard Spoon and Sugar Spoon. 2 pieces 1448 Silver Salt Spoons. 7 pieces 1449 Fine silver-plated individual Salt Stands, gold lined. 8 pieces 1450 Set, fine Carving-knife, Fork and Steel, ivory handles, made by J. Russell-& Co., Green River Works, with case. 1451 Fine English Table Knives, ivory handles. 6 pieces 1452 Set Carving Knives and Fork, fine English make, ivory handles 3 pieces 1453 Two English Carving Knives. 2 pieces 1454 English steel Champagne Openers. 2 pieces 1455 Rubber handle Tea Knives. 6 pieces 1456 Silver-plated Butter Knife, Gorham make, and six ivory handle Nut-picks. 7 pieces 1457 Elegantly decorated French china Bedroom Service, crimson and gold decoration with medallions, complete t set, with small Pitcher and Basin, Jar, etc. 1458 Handsomely decorated French china Cuspidor, crimson and gold decoration, floral medallion. 1459 Rich French porcelain Bedroom Service, pink and gold decoration, complete with small Pitcher and Basin, Pail, etc. 1460 Pair French china Cuspidors, richly decorated, floral medallions, and pink and gold ground. 2 pieces. Furniture. ELEGANT CABINETS, TABLES, CASES, ETC. Made to Order and in excellent condition . In measurement of Furniture, the width precedes the height, and the height the depth. 1461 Handsomely carved cherry Cabinet, finished in black, plate glass all around, fine plush covering to top and shelves. Outside measurement 18 x 38 x 18 inches, ro * 146 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 1462 Handsomely carved cherry Cabinet, similar in style as No. 1461, with lions'* feet. Outside measurement 20 x 40 x 20 inches. 1463 Elaborately carved walnut Library Table, Egyptian design, green leather top, has twelve small and two large drawers. Extreme outside measurement 53 x 37 x 32 inches. 1464 Elegantly carved French walnut Library or Center Table, griffin legs, maroon cloth top, has drawer at each end. 48 x 36 x 30 inches. 1465 Walnut Easel, handsomely carved, French burl ornaments, can be used for three pictures. 1466 Handsomely carved black wood Table, oriental design, round form, with legs in representation of elephant’s head and trunk, tusks in polished white wood. Height and diameter 28 x 21 inches. 1467 - Another, same shape, design, and size. 1468 -Another, same. 1469 Handsome Cabinet, cherry ebonized, plate glass all around, crimson plush shelves and top, carved lion’s feet. Outside measurement 20 x 40 x 20 inches. Matches No. 1462. 1470 Elegantly carved walnut Library Table, similar to No. 1464, but smaller. 43 x 33 x 32 inches. 1471 Superior black walnut large Library Table, finely carved, green leather top. Outside measurement 56 x 36 x 30 inches. 1472 Chair to match, upholstered with green leather. 1473 Antique walnut Arm-chair, richly carved, upholstered in green leather. 3 pieces 1474 Large elaborately carved walnut Library Table, green leather top, has 12 small and 2 large drawers. Extreme outside measurement 60 x 42 x 32 inches. 1475 Handsome black walnut Cabinet, finely carved, handsome bronze bas-relief in door, subject “ Music; ” drawer in base. 26x41 x 21 inches. 1476 Elegant black walnut Cabinet, with wings, fine French plate glass in doors and sides. Extreme outside measurement 52 x 60 x 20 inches. 1477 -: Another, same size, match to the above. FURNITURE. 147 1478 Large and elegantly finished Cabinet, cherry ebonized, beveled plate glass in doors and sides, mirror shelves and back. Outside measurement, including wings, 62X72X 20 inches. 1479 Handsome walnut Pedestal, with enclosure, bronze medal¬ lion and ebonized trimmings, brocatelle marble top. 16 x 40 x 16 inches. 1480 Oiled walnut low Pedestal. 1481 Elegantly carved black walnut Cabinet, with wings, beveled plate glass in doors and sides, lined with mirrors. Extreme outside measurement 62 x 70 x 20 inches. 1482 -- Another, same size and design, beveled plate glass, but not lined with mirrors. 1483 Handsome oiled walnut bric-a-brac Table, with 2 drawers and lower shelf. 1484 -Another, to match. 1485 Elegantly carved French walnut library or center table, maroon cloth top, drawer in each end. Outside measure¬ ment 46 x 35 x 33 inches. 1486 Superior silver mounted Show Case, made for cabinet spec¬ imens, plate glass all around and patent movable shelf, ebonized stand. Extreme outside measurement 35 x 23 x 27 inches. 1487 Carved walnut bric-a-bac Table, oil finished, has 2 drawers and lower shelf. 1488 -Another, same design, smaller. 1489 Elegant Show Case, silver mounted, plate glass all around and shelf. Outside measurement 48 x 31 x 26 inches. Made expressly for engraved glass specimen. 1490 Walnut and ebonized Table, for the above. 1491 Elegant Show Case, similar to 1489, same size. 1492 Walnut and ebonized Table, for the above. 1493 Plandsome walnut bric-a-brac Table, has two drawers and lower shelf. . Another, to match. H94 148 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. Collection of Canes, many Rare and Curious. On Exhibition , commencing Tuesday , Nov. 15 ih. 1495 Fine Malacca Stick, even color, plain ivory handle. 1496 Very fine Malacca Stick, ivory handle, horse’s head finely carved. 1497 Harewood Cane, finely carved ivory handle, woman’s hand on back of snake’s head, etc. 1498 Orange Stick, carved ivory handle, game bag, dog’s head, etc. 1499 Fine Malacca Cane, long ivory handle, carved dog’s head. 1500 Choice black thorn Cane, horse’s head carved in ivory. 1501 Malacca Cane, long ivory handle, horn ferule. 1502 Beautifully mottled Malacca Cane, carved ivory handle, representing a coiled snake. 1503 Plain ivory handle Cane. Wood was taken out of the old Penn Mansion Mouse, in Second Street, Philadelphia, which was erected by Samuel Carpenter. Wm. Penn, upon his arrival in this country, in December, 1699, occupied this house as his dwelling place. 1504 Grape-vine Stick, carved ivory handle, mask in bas-relief. 1505 Algeria rose Stick, plain ivory handle. 1506 Thorn Stick, ivory handle, with buckle. 1507 Cocoanut Cane, ivory handle. 1508 Artificial carved Cane, ivory knob handle. 1509 Very fine Malacca Cane, carved ivory handle, horse’s head. 1510 White Malacca Cane, beautifully carved ivory handle, head of Bacchante. 1511 Palmetto Cane, plain ivory handle. 1512 Large rosewood Cane, ivory handle, with engraved initials “T. M.” (Timothy Matlock, deceased.) COLLECTION OF CANES. 149 1513 Black ebony Cane, silver handle. Designed by the late owner. 1514 Old fashioned bamboo Cane, silver head. Formerly the property of Isaac Jones. 1515 African orange Stick, carved elephant head for handle. 1516 Wild plum Stick, from Virginia, carved handle, alligator. 1517 Sheepwood Stick, stained, carved dog’s head. 1518 Stained thorn Stick, dog’s head, handle bronzed. 1519 Curious Cane. Found on the Island of Formosa, by a sailor, when the island was taken possession of by the English. Carved head of idol, with ball in mouth, for handle. Supposed to have belonged to a priest, as it was found in a priest’s hut. 1520 Egyptian root Cane, with horn handle. 1521 Malacca Stick, with grotesque head, carved in an elk’s horn. 1 22 Tamarisk Cane, from Damascus. Used by Arabs, when riding camels, to pick up things from the ground. 1523 Small Cane, from Ethiopia, a myth stick, natural handle, with name plate. 1524 Dark German Thorn, plate on handle. 1525 -• -Another, twisted. 1526 Light German Thorn, twisted. 1527 Palm-leaf Stick. 1528 Stained sheepwood Stick, imitation turtle shell. 1529 Dog-wood Cane, stained yellow. 1530 English Thorn Stick. 1531 English White Thorn Stick, pipe-shape handle. 1532 Grape-vine Stick, horn handle. 1533 Large jointed bamboo Stick, from Borneo, rubber handle, hare foot. 1534 Small English White Thorn Stick, silver-plated handle. 1535 Light-colored German Thorn, ivory top. 1536 Tea Stick, ivory top. 1537 Zebra-wood Stick, from Africa (69 rings). 1538^-Another, larger. THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 15 ° 1539 Oak Cane. Made out of a piece of the iron-clad “ New Ironsides,” burnt and sunk at League Island, Philadelphia. 1540 Oak Cane. Made from pieces of the ‘ Old Constitution,” gold head ; once the property of Commodore Hull, presented by him to D. C. Crox- all. 1541 White Oak Stick, carved dog’s head, leather strap and buckle. 1542 -Another, smaller. 1543 Plain Malacca Stick, finely carved, ivory handle, satyr’s head, grape-vine, etc. 1544 Small Malacca Cane, long plain ivory handle. 1545 Fine Malacca Cane, handsomely wrought gold handle, de¬ signed by the late owner. 1546 Brazilian dark thorn Cane, carved handle, snake, etc. 1547 Fine black palm Stick from Africa. 1548 Apple Stick, horn handle, with compartments for segars and matches. 1340 Oak Cane. Made out of a piece of joist from the “ Old Boat Shop,” used by the “ Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon,” Philadelphia, torn down Jan. 3, 1865. 1550 Mansaneta Cane. Presented to Professor Anderson by his friends in California upon his leaving that place in i860. The cane is made from a mansaneta tree that grew upon the spot where gold was first discovered, at Sutter’s Mill, California; the head is made out of the first gold found, and is inlaid with quartz, gold dust, etc. Was left by Professor Anderson as a legacy to his friend, a Mr. Mercher, from whom the late Mr. Fales purchased it. 1551 Stick from Mount Vernon, ivory head with inscription “ Mount Vernon, July, 1858.” 1552 Thorn Stick, silver head, with engraved monogram,— “ W. L. D.” 1553 Fine black wood Cane, handsomely wrought gold handle, with engraved name. * 1 554 German thorn Stick, carved head, bull-dog. 1 555 Curiously carved Cane, from the Sandwich Islands. , COLLECTION OF CANES. ! 5 i 1556 Fine Cane, handsomely wrought bronze head, bust of Bacchus. 1557 Antique Cane, over 125 years old, ivory and silver head. 1558 Two Sticks, date palm from Florida and manzaneta wood from California. 2 pieces 1559 Curious antique Cane, inlaid with pearl initial plates, ivory head. 1560 -Another, different, buck horn handle. 1561 Stick from the Old Court House, Second and Market sts., Philadelphia. 1562 - Another, from the old Penn mansion, Philadelphia. 1563 Curious Stick, from Tamatave, Island of Madagascar, Indian Ocean. Presented to the late owner by Commodore J. R. Goldsborough. 1564 -—-— Others, presented by the same gentleman. From Mahe, one of Seychelle group of islands, Indian Ocean. 2 pieces 1565 Cane made of wood from the first two story stone house built in Germantown, Philadelphia, built by Arents Klinc- ken, who came with William Penn from Holland, in 1682. For full description and history, see card attached to cane. 1566 Cane made of wood from the United States frigates “ Mer- rimac,” “ Congress,” and “United States.” 1567 Unique Cane, made by a Communist during the Siege of Paris. Composed of twenty-four specimens of different marbles, mala¬ chite, etc., as described on memorandum accompanying cane. 1568 Three Sticks, made of wood from the frigate “Alliance. 3 pieces 1569 Two curious Canes, grape vine. 2 pieces 1570 Assorted Canes, carved heads. 2 pieces 1571 - Others, orange wood and white thorn. 2 pieces 1572 - Others, one ivory handle and one horn handle. 2 pieces 1 573 Two large black thorn Sticks, cut November, 1868, in Lord Dufferin’s park, County Down, Ireland. 2 pieces 1574 Three German thorn Sticks. 3 pieces 152 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 1575 Fine white thorn Sticks. 4 pieces 1576 Very fine black thorn Sticks. 2 pieces 1577 Assorted Canes, 2 pieces vn OO 1 — Others, light weight. 3 pieces 1579 — Others, heavier. 3 pieces 1580 — — Others 2 pieces 1581 Thorn Sticks. 3 pieces 1582 Assorted Canes. 3 pieces t 5 8 3 — — Others, different. 3 pieces 1584 Fine black thorn Sticks. 2 pieces 1585 Assorted Canes. 3 pieces 1586 — — Others. 2 pieces I 5 8 7 — Others. 2 pieces 1588 White and dark thorn Canes. 2 pieces 1589 Black thorn Sticks. 2 pieces 159 ° — Others, heavier. 2 pieces 1591 Two assorted Canes. 2 pieces 1592 Assorted Canes. 2 pieces 1593 Dark thorn Sticks. 2 pieces 1594 White thorn Sticks. 2 pieces 1595 Two assorted Canes. 2 pieces 1596 Assorted Sticks, curious. 7 pieces 1 597 — Others. 5 pieces 1598 — Odiers. 5 pieces *599 — Others. 7 pieces Fishing Tackle, etc. On Exhibition, commencing Tuesday , Nov. 15/A 1600 Brass-mounted wooden Tackle Case, with four whalebone separaters. 1601 Minnow Net, fine. 1602 coarse. 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 i 6 35 1636 1637 FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Portable net Fish Cars. Minnow Net, on ring. C i ( c t c Shrimp Net “ Landing Net, screw socket. Silk Landing Net. Lot assorted Lines. Trolling Lines, on blocks. % Hand Lines “ Silk Lines “ Hair and silk-tapered Trout Lines, 40 yards each. Lot Hair Lines, on curious block. ( C (< ( C ( ( Furnished Book, with Gorge Hooks for Pickerel. “ “ “ Squids for Blue Fish. Small Fly Hooks. “ “ with Flies. Salt water Tackle Case, with Hooks. Leather Tackle Box, with Silk Lines. Lot silk worm Gut. “ milled Hooks. Tin boxes milled Hooks. Boxes, Sinkers and Hooks. Box Minnow Gangs. Tin boxes Hooks. “ “ “ and Gangs. “ “ Pearl Minnows. “ “ Hooks, assorted. Pearl Bait in leather box. Large Fly Book, furnished. Salt water Tackle Book, furnished. “ “ “ with lines. ( ( ( C ( ( C ( i < (< (i u a (( i ( x 53 2 pieces 4 pieces 6 pieces 4 pieces 2 pieces 2 pieces 2 pieces 6 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces 4 pieces with Blue Fish Hooks. J 54 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 1638 Hook Separators. 1639 Fishing Clasp-Knives. 1640 Pocket Knife, Fork, and Spoon. 1641 “ “ “ “ 1642 Steel Cleaving Knife. 1643 “ “ “ in case. 1644 Fish Scale. 1645 Lot Gaffs and Spear. 1646 Dozen Floats, assorted. 1647 Dozen Nettles, for netting. 1648 Clearing Rings. 1649 Machines for making Lines. 1650 100 yard Brass Reel, with line. 1651 Lot Sinkers and Leads. 1652 Three-piece Bait Rods. 1653 Five-piece Bait Rod. 1654 Four-piece English Fly Rod. 1655 Portable Cane Fishing Stool, 1656 English Minnow Rod. 1657 Rod of native wood, in leather case. 1658 Brass-mounted Fly Rod. 1659 Trolling Rod. 1660 “ “ in leather case, one piece wanting. 1661 Trimmers. 1662 Blocks and Set Line Spools. 1663 Large Creel. 1664 Small “ 1665 Minnow Pail and 2 Fish Baskets. 1666 Moleskin Shooting Coat. 1667 Tin Bait Boxes and Minnow Pail. 1668 Mahogany Cabinet, with drawers and partitions tackle, with leather cover. Very fine. 1669 Lot odd Fishing Tackle : Books, Hooks, Lines, 1670 Lot Cartridge Boxes, Game Bag, and Flask. 1671 Lot Shot and Melting Ladle. 5 pieces 4 pieces 12 pieces 12 pieces 2 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces 10 pieces 12 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces for fishing etc. FISHING TACKLE , ETC. 155 1672 Rod rest, etc. 1673 Large English Dirk Knife. 1674 Pair antique Pistols, damascened barrels. 1675 Fine Smith & Weston Revolver, silver plated, with box of cartridges and apparatus. 1676 Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, etc. 1677 Leather Segar Cases. 1678 -Others, larger. 1679 Pocket Segar Cases, assorted. 2 pieces 38 calibre, 5 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces 5 pieces SALE OF TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AF¬ TERNOONS, NOVEMBER 22d and 23d. COMMENCING AT 2 O’CLOCK, AT OUR* ART ROOMS. COLLECTION OF Engravings, Etchings, Lithographs, Photographs and Studies. On Exhibition , commencing Tuesday , November \^lh. We would call particular attention to the many rare old En¬ gravings and Etchings in fine state and condition, and to the choice Proofs, especially of the more modern schools that figure so conspicuously in this Catalogue, which is now presented to your consideration, with the assurance that it has been carefully made, and may be relied upon in every particular. We,make this note more especially, in the interests of out-of- town collectors and amateurs, whose orders will receive the best attention, if addressed to the Auctioneers, or to the compilers. BONAVENTURE & CO. New York, 1881. 1680 Teniers. Dutch Pastime. Collyer, Sc. 1681 Boucher. La Reveuse, and two others. 3 pieces 1682 Schiavonetii. Fidelia, and another. 2 pieces 1683 Raphael. Madonna Della Sedia. Very fine impression. 1684 Michael Angelo. David and Goliath, and another. 2 pieces ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. ! 57 1685 Guido Rent. Artemisia. Bause, Sc. 1686 Rubens. Le Couronnement de la Reine, and companion. 2 pieces 1687 Engravings. Various Subjects. 5 pieces 1688 Boucher. Venus et les Amours, and one other. 2 pieces 1689 Landseer. La Dime. Lithograph. 1690 Landseer. Le Retour de la Chasse. Line lithograph. 1691 Turner. The Temple of Minerva. Engraved by Will- more, A.R.A. 1692 Engravings after Berghem , Vernet. Carrachi, and others. 5 pieces 1693 Engravings after Douw, Metzu , and Ostade. 5 pieces 1694 The Loves of a Hero, and two others. 3 pieces 1695 Le/evre. Jeanne d’Aragon. Proof. 1696 Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, by Walker, and of James Heath, by Smith. 2 pieces 1697 Portrait. Fine old engraving by Windter, 1731. 1698 Rubens. Adoration of the Shepherds, and one other. 2 pieces 1699 Canova. Designs for Fresco. 8 pieces 1700 Morghen. Apollo and the Muses. 1701 Salvator Rosa. Original etching. Folio. 1702 Jackson. The Marriage in Cana. Beautiful wood-cut. Folio. 1703 Paul de la Roche. Marie dans le Desert. Engraved by Martinet. Very fine impression on India. 1704 Da Vinci. La Vierge au Bas-relief. Engraved by Forster. Fine. 1705 Christ led to Crucifixion, engraved from bas-relief. 1706 The Daughter of Herodias, and others. 3 pieces 1707 Pyramus and Thisbe. Canot, Sc. 1708 City of London in the time of Elizabeth. 1709 Rubens. The Lion Hunt. Bolswert, Sc. 1710 George II. Portrait engraved by Vertue. 1711 Rembrandt. Two fine Heads, engraved in mezzotint. 2 pieces 158 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 1712 1713 1714 1 7 1 5 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 ! 73 r 1732 1733 1734 r /35 1736 1737 173 s Portraits of Elizabeth and Tycho Brahe. Two fine Proofs. 2 pieces Lithographs. The Tooth-drawer and The School Examina¬ tion. 2 pieces Lithographs. Landscapes. India paper. 3 pieces. Lithographs. Views on the Rhine. Folio. 2 pieces Lithographs. Rustic Scenes. Folio. 2 pieces Lithographs. Marine Views. India paper. 2 pieces Lithographs. The Charlatan, and a Landscape after Ruys- dael. 2 pieces 2 pieces 5 pieces 2 pieces L’Enfant Ch£ri, 4 pieces Lithographs. Die Elfen, and one other. Lithographs. River Scenes in France. Porporati. Le Coucher. Ostade. The Merry Companions. De Lannay. Le Bonheur du Menage ; and others. De Lannay. Silenus, and three other engravings. 4 pieces L.empereur. Bacchus and Ariadne, and three other engrav¬ ings. 4 pieces Landscapes, after Claude and others. 5 pieces Fragonard. Le Temps Orageux, and two others. 3 pieces Herb Market and Fish Market. Mezzotints ; engraved by Earlom. 2 pieces A Fruit Piece, by Earlom, and other fine mezzotint. 2 pieces Ignis. Fine original copper-plate, engraved by J. Van de Velde. Ostade. Beautiful set of Etchings. 10 pieces Van Vliet. Fine old Etchings. 3 pieces Portraits of Painters. 6 pieces Mezzotints after Claude. Earlom, Sc. 9 pieces 745 French Painters: Portraits after Cochin. 12 pieces Cartouches. Bas-relievos in bronze, engraved by Rode;. Della Bella. Battle Scenes. 6 pieces Bartolozzi and Earlom. Cupids. Mythological subjects, and others. 5 pieces ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. *59 1739 Bartolozzi. Children at Play, Ideal Heads, and others. 5 pieces 1740 Bartolozzi'. The Twelve Months. 12 pieces 1741 Jupiter and Leda, and other small engravings. 10 pieces 1742 Landseer. Cipriani, and others. Various small prints. 8 pieces 1743 French School. Four fine engravings. 4 pieces 1744 Turner. India Proofs, on large paper. 15 pieces 1745 Turner. India Proofs, on large paper. 18 pieces 1746 Turner. India Proofs, on large paper. 15 pieces 1747 Ideal Heads. Large Paper. Proofs. 15 pieces 1748 Ideal Heads. Large paper. Proofs. 1749 Turner. Kenilworth Castle, and others. 4 pieces 1750 Turner. Views in France. 15 pieces 1751 Audran. The Judgment of Solomon, and the Horse Mar¬ ket, after Wouverman. 2 pieces 1752 Ostade. Dutch Cabaret. Proof by Canot ; and Villa d’Este, Tivoli. 2 pieces 1753 Claude Lorraine. Landscapes. Proofs. 2 pieces 1754 Teniers. Les CEuvres de Misdricorde, and one other. Le Bas, Sc. 2 pieces 1755 Death of Adonis, and two others. 3 pieces 1756 Dutch Pastimes, after Teniers and Savart. Proofs. 2 pieces 1 757 St. Christopher, engraved by Zuchi, and two others. 3 pieces 1758 National Gallery. Lot fine prints. 5 pieces 1759 National Gallery. Landscapes. 5 pieces 1760 National Gallery. Landscapes. 5 pieces 1761 National Gallery. Various subjects. 4 pieces 1762 Venus and Cupid, after Reynolds, and The Birth of the Thames, engraved by Tomkins. „ 2 pieces 1763 The Tooth Drawer. Proof after Douw, and three others. 4 pieces 1764 Sly Boots, and A Brace of Game. 2 pieces 1765 Paul de la Roche. Sainte Cecile. Engraved by Forster. Very fine impression, with full margin. 1766 Raphael. Holy Family. Engraved after Desnoyers. 1 60 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 1767 Carlo Dolci. Madonna. Engraved by William Sharp. Fine impression. 1768 Raphael. Holy Family. Engraved by Richomme, and one other. 2 pieces 1769 Durer. Original woodcuts. Folio. 4 pieces 1770 Durer . Original woodcuts. Folio. 4 pieces 1771 Morghen. Ludimus, Interea Celeri nos ludimur hora. After Poussin. Fine impression. 1772 Wollett. The Fishery. Fine sample of this famous en¬ graver. 1773 Thisbe. Proof, and companion. 2 pieces. 1774 Raphael. The Three Graces. Engraved by Forster. Slightly foxed. 1 775 Witte, J. G. Marquis de Marigny. Fine impression. Folio. 1776 Wllle,J. G. Frederick the Great. Beautiful impression. 1777 Portraits of the Court of Charles II. 9 pieces 1778 Schmidt. Prince Louis of Prussia. 1 779 Cherau. Cardinal Du Polignac. Fine old impression, without margin. 1780 Cherau. De Largillierre. Ipse Pinxt. Fine engraving. 1781 J Alice. Jean de Troy. Ipse Pinxt. 1782 Hondius. Cardinal Richelieu. 17S3 De Boissieu. Etchings. 5 pieces 1784 De Boissieu. Etchings. 8 pieces 1785 De Boissieu. Etchings. 10 pieces 17S6 De Boissieu. Etchings. 10 pieces 1787 Raphael. La Sainte Famille. Engraved by Schuler. India impression. 1788 Correggio. The Madonna of St. Sebastian. A very beau¬ tiful engraving by Lefevre. 1789 Jocund Peasants—a Dutch rustic scene. 1790 A Labor of Love, and two others. 3 pieces 1791 Wilkie . Village Recruits, and The Highlander’s Return. Fine. 2 pieces 1792 Speaking Eyes. Engraved by Jouanin, and one other. 2 pieces ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. 161 1793 The Defeat, and Cottage Musicians. 2 pieces 1794 The Frown, and the Smile. A well-known pair. After Webster. 2 pieces 1795 Saturday Night, and Sunday Morning. Painted by Absolom. Fine pair. 2 pieces 1796 Lessing. Le Matin. 1797 Kaulbach. Large Folio Photographs, with original auto¬ graphs. Charlotte. 1798 Kaulbach. Marguerite. 1799 Kaulbach. Iphigenia. 1800 Ansdell. The Death of the Stag. Open letter proof. Su¬ perb folio. 1801 Landseer. Horses at the Fountain. Beautiful impression. Folio. 1802 Landseer. The Woodcutter. Folio. 1803 Death-bed of Calvin. Large folio. Fine India impression. 1804 Bird’s-eye View of Rome. 1805 The Prayer. Mezzotint by Allais. 1806 Claude Duval. Engraved by Stocks. Fine impression on India. 1807 Da Vinci. The Last Supper. Folio. India proof en¬ graved by Dick. 1808 Correggio. Christ Crowned with Thorns. Beautiful India proof. Folio. 1809 Punch. Painted by Webster. Lemon, Sc. 1810 Punch. Painted by Webster. Lemon, Sc. 1811 Punch. Painted by Webster. Lemon, Sc. 1812 Frith. Life at the Seaside. Folio. Fine proof on India. 1813 Landseer. The Otter Hunt. Fine folio. 1814 Hogarth at Calais. Artist’s proof. Veiy fine folio. 1815 Landseer. The Sick Monkey. 1816 Da Vinci. Leda and Swan. Lithograph on India. 1817 Dresden gallery. Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces 1818 Dresden gallery. Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces XI 102 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1S27 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 18 39 1840 Dresden gallery. Dresden gallery. Dresden gallery. Dresden gallery. Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Dresden gallery. Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Dresden gallery. Folio lithographs on India paper. 4 pieces Narcissus. Figures engraved by Barjplozzi, and a curious old Landscape by Nicola de Bruyn. Scarce. 2 pieces Laomedon. Engraved by Robert Strange, after Salvator Rosa. Wille, y. G. Tricoteuse Hollandoise. Wills, y. G. La Cuisiniere Hollandoise. Wille, y. G. Bons Amis—Ostade, Pinxt. Wille, y. G. La Concert de Famille Schalken—Pinxt. Fine. Wille, y. G. La Managere Hollandoise. Gerard, Duow, Pinxt. Fine. Pietro del Vaga. Proofs. 2 pieces Boucher. Le Messenger Discret, and companion. 2 pieces Boucher. Les Amans Surpris, and two others. 3 pieces Rubens. The Assumption of the Virgin. Engraved by Pontius and Ecce Homo— by Bolswert. 2 pieces Rubens. The Triumph of the Church, four parts ; making two fine old copper plates, engraved by Bolswert and Lauwers. 2 pieces I.e Sueur. St. Protais Martyr, engraved by Audran. Fine folio. yules Romain. The Rape of the Sabines, and another after same artist. 2 pieces Views of Venice. Fine impressions. 12 pieces The Fall of Adam. Hell and Purgatory. Curious speci¬ mens of German art. 2 pieces 163 ENGRAVINGS , ETCHINGS, ETC. .s 1841 Morghen. Diana Hunting. Domenichino, Pinxt. 1842 Europa. Paul Veronese, Pinxt, and Venus Sleeping. 2 pieces 1843 Jouvenet. Christ Healing the Sick. 1844 Marine Views, after Van de Velde. 3 pieces 1845 Owen. The Old Beggar. Engraved by Ward. 1846 Carlo Maratti. Galathee. Engraved by Andran, and three other prints. 4 pieces 1847 Claude Lorraine. Morning, Evening, and one other en¬ graving. 3 pieces 1848 Rubens. Family of Satyrs, and two other very curious prints. 3 pieces 1849 Entrance of the Emperor Vespasian into Jerusalem, the de¬ struction of the same by Titus,and companion plates. Fine proofs printed in bistre ; very scarce. 5 pieces 1850 Louis de Boullongne. Fine portrait painted by himself, and the Marquis de Beringhen, after Mignard. 2 pieces 1851 Frederick of Orange. Engraved by Paul Pontius after Van Dyck, and a fine portrait after Rigaud. 2 pieces 1852 Queen Caroline. Engraved by George Vertue, after God¬ frey Kneller. 1853 Philip V. of Spain, by Schmidt, after Carl Vanloo, and an¬ other by Van Schuppen, both without margins. 2 pieces 1854 Schmidt. Fine old portrait. 1855 Pope Clement IX. Engraved by Hall. Gustavus Adol¬ phus, engraved by Bause. 2 pieces 1856 Death of Major Pierson. Engraved by Heath, full mar¬ gin, very fine. 1857 Le Brun. Two battle-pieces from the Birch Collection. Audran, Sc. 2 pieces 1858 Mandel. La Vedova. Very beautiful impression. 1859 Mandel. Charles I. Fine India impression. 1860 Francois. Mignon. 1861 Angelica Kauffman. The Exile ; original etching. 1862 Leconle. Dante and Beatrice ; fine impression. 1863 Wille, J. G. Musiciens Ambulans. D’apres Dielricy ; full margin, good impression. 164 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 4 1864 Wille, J. G. La Mere de G. Douw. Old impression; fine. 1865 Wille, J. G. Les Offres Reciproques. Old impression. ♦1866 Beauvarlel. La Fruitiere and Le Jardinier. 2 pieces 1867 Turner. Annual Tour. India Proofs on large paper. 15 pieces 1868 Turner. Annual Tour. India Proofs on large paper. 15 pieces 1869 Turner. Annual Tour. India Proofs on large paper. 15 pieces 1870 Turner. Annual Tour. India Proofs on large paper. 15 pieces 1871 Book Illustrations. Large paper. 23 pieces 1872 Book Illustrations. Large paper. 9 pieces 1S73 English Annual Plates. Large paper. 20 pieces 1874 English Annual Plates. Large paper. 15 pieces 1875 Diirer. The Little Passion. 36 original wood-cuts. The Passion complete. Title-page missing. 1876 John Sambuco. Arcus Aliquot Triumphal et Monimenta Victor. Classicae, in honor. Jani Austriae ; Antverpiae, 1672. Original binding in parchment. 1877 Boucher. The Pleasures of Fishing, and The Fortune Teller. 2 pieces 1878 Various engravings. 10 pieces 1879 Castle on the Rhine, and others. 4 pieces 1880 Curious old Maps. T 3 pieces 1881 Various Prints after Paul Potter, Berghem, and others. . 6 pieces 1882 Cupid Captive. Venus: engraved by Ghigi, and others. 5 pieces 1883 Brandard. Scraps of Nature. Complete set of etchings. . 17 pieces 1884 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces 1885 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces ENGRA VINGS, ETCHINGS , ETC. 165 1886 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces 1887 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces 1888 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces 1889 Lithographs from the Munich Gallery. Elephant folio on India paper. 2 pieces 1890 Canova. Cavallo. A pair. 2 pieces 1891 Canova. Two pairs Statues, antique. 4 pieces 1892 Canova. Statues from the antique. 4 pieces 1893 Canova. Statues from the antique. 4 pieces 1894 Canova. Beatrice, St. John, and others. 5 pieces 1895 Canova. Cupid and Psyche. Venus and Adonis, and one other. 3 pieces 1896 Canova. Venus. The Three Graces. Two pairs. 4 pieces 1897 Ganovo. George Washington, a pair; and William Hamil¬ ton. 3 pieces 1898 Canova. Hercules. The Centaur. Two pairs. 4 pieces 1899 Herring. Horses Drinking. Engraved by Landseer. In¬ dia proof. Folio. 1900 Turner. Venice. Fine impression. Folio. 1901 Kaulbach. Die Volkerscheidung, and another engraving. 2 pieces 1902 Dick. Sir Walter Scott’s Monument. 1903 Education. Four plates. 4 pieces 1904 Surrender of Calais. Folio. Engraved by Robinson. 1905 The Day’s Work Over. Lucas, Sc. Very fine engraving. 1906 Oliver Cromwell dictating to Milton. 1907 Shakespeare and his Friends. Painted and engraved by Faed. Very beautiful impression on India paper. 1908 Paul de la Roche. Pinxt. Three plates. “ L’Hemicycle du Palais des Beaux Arts.” Grave par Henrique Du¬ pont. Superb proofs on India paper, with full margins, and in perfect condition. Elephant folio. 3 pieces 1909 Landseer. The Cat’s Paw. Lewis, Sc. Open letter-proof. Very fine. THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 166 1910 1911 1912 1 9 1 3 1914 * 9*5 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 193 1 1932 1933 J 934 1 93 5 1936 Landseer. The Hawk Trainer. In perfect condition. Church. Superb Landscape. Engraved by Forest. Proof. English Merry-Making in the Olden Time. Painted by Frith. Engraved by Holl. Excellent impression and condition. Coming from School. Benedetti, Sc. Stanfield. Wind against Tide. Fine marine. by Willmore. Schinckel. Pinxt. India impression. Kaulbach. The Mad House. Unfinished Proofs. (Eau forte pure.) Landseer. The Deer Stalker’s Return. De Boissieu. Etchings. Etchings. The Golden Age of Greece. Engraved Beautiful 2 pieces De Boissieu. De Boissieu. De Boissieu. De Boissieu. De Boissieu. De Boissieu. Superb India proof. 10 pieces 10 pieces Ribera. Set of Original Etchings. Etchings. 10 pieces Etchings. 10 pieces Etchings. 10 pieces Etchings. 10 pieces Etchings. 9 pieces 12 pieces Portraits of Painters. Many very rare and not easily du¬ plicated. 100 pieces Curious old Copper-plates. 25 pieces Lot of rare and curious old Original Etchings by Diirer, Rembrandt , Van Leyden , Hollar, and others, from the col¬ lection of B. R. Haydon. 10 pieces Various old Engravings, Landscapes, Interiors, etc. 20 pieces Curious Old Prints. A very interesting lot—many of them scarce. 25 pieces Della Bella. 13 pieces Cornelius Visscher. The Sleeping Cat. Engraved from his own design. William Sharpe. Engraved by himself. Nanleuil. Two fine Portraits. 2 pieces Edetinck. Crispin, the actor. Fine impression. ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. 167 1937 Audran. Louis XV., and another excellent portrait. 2 pieces 1938 Portrait of Guenault. A superb impression. 1939 Houbracken and Van Dalen. Two fine portraits. 2 pieces 1940 Poilly. Proof Portrait. 1941 Nanteuil. Cardinal d’Richelieu. 1942 Wille. Marshal Saxe. Celebrated portrait. 1943 Vermeulen. A very beautiful portrait. 1944 Wille. Charles, Prince of Wales. Superb portrait. 1 945 Jeanne d’Aragon, and one other portrait. 2 pieces 1946 Morland. A Mad Bull. The Judgment of Paris, engraved by Sadeler, and several others. 5 pieces 1947 Claude, Poussin, and others. Landscapes. 5 pieces 1948 The Jews’ Harp, after Wilkie, and four other engravings. 5 pieces 1949 Rubens. Le Massacre des Innocents, and four others. 5 pieces 1950 Views of Bordeaux and Bayonne. Folio. 2 pieces 1951 Views of Venice. Fine. * 4 pieces 1952 The Baptism of Jesus, and two other fine subjects. 3 pieces 1953 Belloltos. Views of Dresden, a fine set. 10 pieces 1954 Greuze. La Cruche Cassee. Engraved by Revel. Very fine India proof. 1 955 Van Dyck. Portrait of Charles I. Superb engraving by Van Voep.st, printed on parchment. Very rare. 1956 Rubens. Proof with crest. Engraved by Bartsch. 1957 Morghen. “Poesie.” India proof, after Carlo Dolci— said to be the portrait of his daughter Agnese. 1958 Guido Reni. L’Assomption de la Vierge. Schuler, Sc. Fine impression. 1 959 Guercino. Sibilla Persica. Engraved by Perfetti. In ex¬ cellent state. 1960 The March of Silenus. Engraved by De Launay, and another. 2 pieces 1961 Strange. Joseph and Potiplmr’s Wife. (Slightly damaged.) 1962 Rubens. Centaur and Dejanira. Notin very good condi¬ tion. 168 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 1963 Mort de Demosthene. Fine. 1964 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1965 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1966 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India * paper. 4 pieces 1967 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1968 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1869 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1970 Lithographs. Fine specimens of Dresden gallery, on India paper. 4 pieces 1971 Mount FEtna, by Frommel. 1972 Canova. The Mother of Napoleon, Maria Louise, and others. 5 pieces 1 973 Canova . HebQ and Terpsichore. 2 pieces 1974 Canova. The Lion overcome by Love, and others. 4 pieces 1975 Canova. Statues from the antique. 4 pieces 1976 Canova. Concordia, Pietas, and others. 4 pieces 1977 Canova. La Beneficenza, and others 3 pieces 1978 Canova. The Dancing Girl. A set of four engravings. 4 pjeces 1979 Canova. Apollo. A set of three. 3 pieces 1980 Finden’s Gallery of British Art. Original subscription copy. Complete as published in thirteen parts, in perfect order. 1981 Portfolio. Containing a set of engravings, by Thulden, after designs by Rubens. This set is from the collection of Horace Walpole and was mounted by himself. 36 pieces 1982 Edwin Landseer. Set of original etchings of animals, pub¬ lished in 1848. India impressions. 17 pieces 1983 Engravings published in 1851-2, by the Royal Association of the Fine Arts in Scotland. 2 pieces 1984 The Cottar’s Saturday Night. Illustrated from designs by John Faed. ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. 169 1985 Marie de Medicis. Engraved by Masse after Rubens. 1986 Canova. Mars and Venus. Pair. 2 pieces 1987 Fresco Designs. A very desirable set. Engraved by Fes- sard. 12 pieces 19S8 Le Brun. Decorations of Palais Versailles. 5 pieces 1989 Modern steel engravings. Interesting subjects. 6 pieces 1990 The Enthusiasts. 4 pieces 1991 Rigaud. Two Portraits of this artist by himself. Engraved by P. Drevet. 2 pieces 1992 Nanteuil. Franpois Theo. deMasmond. President Mortier. 1993 Van Dyck. Charles I. Engraved by William Sharp. 1994 Van Dyck. Frederick, Prince of Orange. Engraved by Paul Pontius, and one other fine portrait. 2 pieces 1995 Reynolds. The Penn Family. Engraved in mezzotint by Charles Turner. 1996 Van Dyck. Francisci de Moncada. Engraved by Raphael Morghen. Fine impression. 1997 Van Dyck. Henrietta of England. Engraved by Robert Strange. 1998 Schmidt. Charles de Caylus. Very fine portrait. 1999 Vanderbanc. Beautiful Portrait of Sir Edmond-Bury God¬ frey. Without margin. 2000 Greuze. L’Accordde de Village, and companion. 2 pieces 2C01 Salvator Rosa. Belisarius. Robert Strange, Sc. Very fine. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON’S SALE, NOVEM¬ BER 24th. At 2 o’clock. AT OUR ART ROOMS. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 202 I 2022 Domenichino . St. John. Engraved by Muller, 1812. Van Dyck. A Gentleman of the Court of Charles I. Heath, Sc. Unfinished proof and print. 2 pieces Drevet. Christ on the Mount. Fine old folio engraving. Guido Reni. L’Enlevement de Dejanire, and companion. Engraved by Bervic. Very fine impressions, slightly foxed. 2 pieces Domenichino . Tineas. Engraved by Outkine. Beautiful proof. Poussin. John the Baptist. Engraved by Audran. Folio. Le Prince. Les Modeles. Engraved by De Longueil. Raphaels. La Fornarina. Engraved by Raphael Morghf.n. Battle Scenes. Designed and engraved by Rugendas. Also a fine mezzotint by Lucas. 2 pieces Windsor Castle. Engraved by Thomas Milton. Fine impression. Rome. Antique Views. 4 pieces Callol. A set of Battle Scenes, in folio. Scarce. 10 pieces Tintoretto. The Crucifixion. Scarce odd copper plate, folded. Portraits of English Poets. Portraits of English Poets. Portraits of English Poets. Portraits of English Poets. Portraits of English Poets. Portraits of English Poets. Various Portraits. Etchings by Weiss, Dielricy, etc. 20 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces 6 pieces 8 pieces ENGRAVINGS , ETCHINGS , ETC. 171 2023 Curious volume, containing over sixty mythological plates. Engraved by Bodenehr, 1693. 2024 Life, Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Designed by Martin De Vos. 2025 Les Amours de Psyche. Illustrated in outline from designs by Raphael. 2026 Protection, and My Dog. 2 pieces 2027 Panic Struck, and The Despatch. Artist’s proof. 2 pieces 2028 The Melody, and The Gig. A very amusing pair. 2 pieces 2029 Washington. Artist’s signed proof by Thos. B. Welch. 2030 Lincoln. Fine portrait on India, engraved by Halpin. 2031 The Prodigal Son. Engraved by Le Bas, after Teniers. 2032 The Politicians. Engraved by Lemon after Burr. 2033 The Piper, and The Clemency of Coeur de Lion. Two fine prints. 2 pieces 2034 The Greek Flower Girl. 2035 The Two Leonores, and The Mother’s Sorrows. 2 pieces 2036 Patrick Henry Delivering his Celebrated Speech. 2037 Meyer von Bremen. The Grandmother. Fine proof on India paper. 2 pieces 2038 Venice. Beautiful impression on India, after Turner. 2039 Landseer. The Hawk Trainer. 2040 Rosa Bonheur. Fine lithograph portrait of herself on India paper. 2041 The Prayer. Engraved by Allais. 2042 Washington Receiving a Salute on the Field of Trenton. 2043 Landseer. The Chiefs Return from Deer Stalking. 2044 Raising the May-pole. Engraved by Sharpe, after Goodall. 2045 Sir Walter Scott and his Friends. Engraved by James Eaed, after the painting by Thomas Faed. 2046 The Marriage of the Virgin, after Poussin , and another fine old folio engraving. 2 pieces 2047 Fairyland. Engraved by Fanoli, after Geudron. Proof on India. 2048 The Sunshine of Love. S. W. Reynolds, Sc. 2049 Scene in Italy. Very fine India proof. 172 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. b 2050 The Coming of Age. Engraved by Holl, after the painting by Frith. 2051 Landseer. Favorites. 2052 Landseer. Favorite Pony and Spaniels. Engraved by Thomas Landseer. 2053 The Playground. Engraved after Webster by Joubert. Fine. 2054 The Playground. Engraved after Webster by Joubert. Fine. 2055 Horses at the Fountain. Engraved after Landseer by Watt. 2056 Herring. The Baron’s Charger. Engraved by Graves. 2057 The Two Henrys. Engraved after Horsley by Lemon. 2058 The First Parting. Engraved after Brooks by Simmons. 2059 Ready for a Start. Engraved aiter Taylor by Lucas. Fine India impression. 2060 The Little Wanderer, and two others. 3 pieces 2061 The Crucifixion. Engraved after Poussin by Claudia Stella. Fine old copper-plate. 20^2 La Moderation est une Seconde Victoire. Engraved after Mignard , by Edelinck and Drenet. A very beautiful im¬ pression, slightly damaged. 2063 The Highland Ferry Boat. Engraved after Thompson by Willmore. 2064 Harvest in the Highlands. Engraved after Landseer by Willmore. 2065 The Sacraments, after Poussin. 2066 The Village Blacksmith. After the painting by Herring. 2067 The Introduction of Raphael to Leonardo Da Vinci. Allais, Sc. 2068 Christ Teaching Humility. 2069 Harvest in the Highlands. After Edwin Landseer. 2070 Life at the Seaside. Engraved by Sharpe. 2071 Christiana and her Children. From the painting by Hunt¬ ington. 2072 Noah’s Sacrifice. After Maclise. 2073 All-Hallow Eve. Engraved after Daniel Maclise by James Scott. 2074 The last days of Webster at Marshfield. ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. i73 2075 Munich Gallery. 2076 Munich Gallery. 2077 Munich Gallery. 2078 Munich Gallery. 2079 Munich Gallery. 2o8q Munich Gallery. 2081 Munich Gallery. 2082 Munich Gallery. 2083 Munich Gallery. 2084 Munich Gallery. 2085 Munich Gallery. 2086 Munich Gallery. 2087 Munich Gallery. 2088 Munich Gallery. 2089 Munich Gallery. 2090 Munich Gallery. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Lithographs. Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 2 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces Folio, on India paper. 4 pieces 2091 Mignard. Engraved by Schmidt, after Hyacinth Rigaud. Fine. 2092 Bossuet. Engraved by Drevet, after Rigaud, his master¬ piece. 174 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2093 Louis XIV. Engraved by Drevet, after Rigaud. Superb impression, unfortunately without margin. 2094 George I., and George Prince of Denmark. Two very fine portraits. Folio. 2 pieces 2095 The White-haired Man. Engraved by Masson, 1664. Fine impression. 2096 Frederick the Great, beautiful portrait, with companion. 2 pieces 2097 Le Tellier. Engraved after Pierre Mignard\ by Edelinck. Very find impression, without_margin. 2098 Louis XVI. Engraved by Bervic. Beautiful impression. Darriaged but very neatly repaired. 2099 Raphael. Portrait of himself. Engraved by Robert Strange. 2100 Portraits. Engraved by Nanteuil and Bause. 2 pieces 2101 Louis XV. Engraved by J. G. Wille, a very good im¬ pression. 2102 Cardinal Mazarin. Engraved by Nanteuil, original auto¬ graph of Mazarin on top margin. 2103 Portrait. Engraved by Cherau after Rigaud, and one other. 2 pieces 2104 Portrait. Beautiful proof after Gerard Honthorst. 2105 Wille. Portrait of him, engraved by J. G. Muller, and of Lowendahl by Larmessin. 2 pieces 2106 Cardinal Dubois. Engraved after Rigaud by Drevet, very fine. 2107 Francis Bosquet. Engraved by Nanteuil. 2108 Old Portraits. 3 pieces 2109 Titian. Very scarce old portrait, 1587. 2110 Edelinck. Fine portrait of Court of Louis XIV., superb im¬ pression, without margin. 2111 Galloche. Engraved after Tocque by J. G. Muller. 2112 Salvator Rosa. Two folio etchings. 2 pieces 2113 Van Schuppen. Holy Family, with two others. 3 pieces 2114 Wille, J. G. Musiciens Ambulans. Fine impression. 2115 Wille, J. G. The Good Woman of Normandy, and com¬ panion. A very fine pair. 2 pieces ENGRAVINGS , ETCHINGS , ETC. 1 75 2116 Edelinck and Nanteuil. “Moi'se,” after Philip of Cham¬ pagne. 2117 Jupiter and Leda, and Narcissus, engraved by Conte and Bartolozzi, a very beauiiful pair. 2 pieces 2118 Guido Reni. Liberality and Modesty. Engraved by Robt. Strange. 2119 Pygmalion. Engraved by Laugier after Girodet-Trioson. Beautiful India impression. 2120 Lucretia. Proof. Engraved by Sharp. 2121 Wide, J. G. The Satin Gown, old impression of this well known print. 2122 Guido Reni. Fortune. Engraved by Robert Strange. 2123 Angelica Kauffman. Portrait, engraved by Raphael Morg- hen. Very fine impression. 2124 Belisarius. Engraved by August Desnoyers. 2125 Danae and Venus, well known engravings by R. Strange. 2 pieces 2126 Rubens. Mary Magdalene. Fine mezzotint by Earlom. 2127 Maratti. Apollo and the Muses. Engraved by Facius. Good. 2128 Guido Reni. The Offerings of Love. Engraved by Robert Strange. 2129 Rubens. St. Francis Xavier. Old copper plate. Folio. 2130 The Lord of the Vineyard. Fine. Engraved in mezzotint by Gillbank. 2131 English Historical Prints. In the time of Queen Catharine. 3 pieces 2132 The Raising of Lazarus. Folio copper plate, by Audran. 2133 Rubens. Diana in the Chase. Engraved by Bolswert. 2134 Raphael. Ste. Cecile. Engraved by Beisson. 2135 The Judgment of Paris. Engraved in mezzotint by Ear¬ lom, and another fine print after Howard. 2 pieces 2136 Gainsborough. The Woodman, and companion engraving, and two landscapes after Claude. 4 pieces 2137 Innocence. Engraved by Bervic. 2138 Raphael. The Triumph of Galatea, and companion. En¬ graved by Ricaomme A fine pair. 2 pieces 176 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 2139 Landscapes, after Wouverman. 3 pieces 2140 Angelica Kauffman. The Vestal. Said to be her own portrait, and two other engravings. 3 pieces 2141 Mary and Elizabeth, after Mi guard. ; and St. Peter. 2 pieces 2142 Head of Christ in outline ; and another print. 2 pieces 2143 Old mezzotints. Mythological and otherwise. 5 pieces 2144 Silenus. Engraved by Bolswert; and two Madonnas, one an unfinished proof. 3 pieces 2145 Del Sato. La Madonna del Trono. Engraved by Fel- sing. Very fine. 2146 Angels appearing to the Shepherds. Blcenuzrt , Pinxt. S/ENREDAM, Sc. 2147 Teniers’ Kitchen. Engraved by Michel ; and another fine interior. 2 pieces 2148 Belisaire. Engraved after David by Morel. Fine impres¬ sion. 2149 Cipriani. The Death of Dido ; and another superb en¬ graving by Bartolozzi. 2 pieces 2150 Bartolozzi. Miscellaneous. 4 pieces 2x51 Bartolozzi. Venus attired by The Graces and Venus. Cupid and Satyr. 2 pieces 2152 Bartolozzi. Venus, Cupid, and Clytie. 3 pieces- 2153 Lithographs, after Troyon , Diaz, Rousseau, and others. 29 pieces 2154 Curious old Copper Plates. 4 pieces 2155 Landscapes by Bolswert, Vivares, and others. 4 pieces 2156 Old Religious Prints. Fine. 4 pieces 2157 Landscapes after Turner, Van de Velde, Perffle, and others. 4 pieces 2158 La Fortune. After Salvator Rosa and Belisarius. En¬ graved by Bettelini. 2 pieces 2159 Poussin. Moses Striking the Rock, and the Death of the Virgin. Folio. 2 pieces 2160 Various engravings after Boucher, Fragonard, and others. 5 pieces 2161 Landscapes after Teniers, Mantua, and others. 3 pieces V M 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 21 75 2176 2177 178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. 1 77 Admiration of The Antique, and two other engravings. 3 pieces The Knife Grinder. Engraved after Teniers; and four other interesting subjects. 5 pieces The Bagpiper. Engraved after Teniers ; and three others. 4 pieces The Storm. Engraved after Horace Vernet; and three others. 4 pieces The Leaning Tower of Pisa. St. Peter’s, Rome. Interior view ; and four others. 5 pieces Battle Scenes. Folio. 3 pieces Old Costumes. Folio. 2 pieces Thisbe, and Venus and Adonis. 2 pieces Old Copper-plates. Folio. 3 pieces Beauvarlet. The Death of Tancred. The Rape of the Sa¬ bines. After Poussin, and others. 5 pieces Hagar and Ishmael. Apollo dnd the Muses, and others. 5 pieces Volpalo. Frescos from the Vatican. 10 pieces Raphael. The Third and last Part of the Foggie of the Vati¬ can. Engraved by Volpato. The Miller’s Daughter Engraved by Lemon, after Thos. Faed. The Blind Piper. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds, and an¬ other. Fine engraving. 2 pieces At the Fountain. Engraved by Chevalier, and another. Proof. 2 pieces A Literary Party at Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by Thompson. Robinson Crusoe. Engraved by Lewis, after the well-known painting by Alexander Fraser. landseer. The Highland Shepherd’s Home. Engraved by Gibbon. A very beautiful print. Folio. Wellington. Fine portrait. Folio. Engraved by Cousins, after lucas. Dutch Cottagers. The Burial of Harold, and the Villa of Lucullus. 3 pieces 12 i 7 8 THE FALLS COLLECTIONS. 2184 Bassanio and Porta. Engraved by Gf.o. T. Doo, after the painting by Newton. The Keeper’s Daughter. Engraved by Ryall, after the painting by Frith and Ansdell. 2 pieces 2185 Turner. Italy. Superb India impression. Engraved by WlLLMORE. 2186 St. Catharine. Engraved by Felsing. India impression. Folio. 2187 Penserosa. Engraved by Joubert. Very fine print. 2188 Pe'erins. Engraved by Francois. Beautiful impression. 2189 Ideal Head. Engraved by Cousins. India proof, with stamp of The Printsellers’ Association. 2190 Marguerite. Painted by Ary Scheffer. Engraved by Caron. 2191 The Weary Pilgrims. Good impression on India paper. 2192 Don Quixote, engraved bv Manceau, and The Parting, engraved by Best. 2 pieces 2193 Confidence, and two others. 3 pieces 2194 York Minster. Fine view. 2195 Come Along. Engraved by Hole, after Jenkins ; and The Villa Fountain. Two fine prints. 2 pieces 2196 The Trapper’s Last Shot. Engraved after Ranney by Booth. 2197 The Tight Shoe, and a River Scene. Engraved by Lucas. 2 pieces 2I19S The First Born. Beautiful engraving by Vernon, after Cope . 2199 A Water Party, engraved by Willmore, after Chaloti; and The Villa Fountain, engraved by Forest, after Leitch. 2 pieces 2200 The Kittens, after the painting by Meyerheim, Berlin. 2201 The Young Caricaturist. Fine proof. Engraved by Gira- det ; and The Italian Shepherd Boy, engraved by Man- del. 2 pieces 2202 Evangeline. Engraved by James Faed, after the painting by Thomas Faed. Superb India proof. 2203 The Warrior and his Child. Engraved by Mandel. Fine. 2204 Meissonier. L’Amateur de Tableaux and Les Bons Amis. A very interesting pair by this artist. 2 pieces ENGRAVINGS , ETCHINGS , ETC. 1 79 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 Turner. Mercury and Argus. Superb engraving. Folio. By Willmore. Two Landscapes, after Lessing. 2 pieces Landscape, after Lessing. India print. The Scenery of Central Italy. Lithographed from drawings by Henry Cook, mounted on Bristol board. Fine set. Complete. 20 pieces Stanfield. Views in Italy and France. Proofs on India paper. 30 pieces English Annual Plates. Proofs. 10 pieces English Annual Plates. Many proofs. 15 pieces English Annual Plates. Many proofs. 20 pieces Stanfield. Views in Italy and France. Mostly proofs. 25 pieces Hogarth. A Catalogue of his original works, with portraits, specimens of his engravings, and an original autograph, with other matter. A curious lot. 2215 Callol. Portrait and original etchings. 17 pieces 2216 Art Miscellany. A collection of Portraits of Painters, an autograph letter of Henry Thomson, R. A., and other interesting data. 20 pieces 2217 Various old Prints. 17 pieces 2218 Teniers. Portrait and engravings after his works. 15 pieces 2219 Marlin de Vos. A collection of curious plates, engraved by Sadeler, Corn, Galle, and others. 32 pieces 2220 Oudry, J. B. Hunting Scenes. 20 pieces 2221 Berghem. Cattle Scenes. 16 pieces 2222 Portraits of Painters. 10 pieces 2223 Miscellaneous old engravings. 25 pieces 2224 Miscellaneous old engravings. 18 pieces 2225 Portraits of Painters. 20 pieces 2226 Teniers. Portrait and curious specimens after his works. 2227 Miscellaneous scrap Prints. 2228 English Annual Plates, and others. 2229 English Annual Plates. Large paper. 17 pieces 25 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces i8o THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 2230 Portraits of Painters. 12 pieces 2231 Miscellaneous Portraits. Many among them very scarce. 15 pieces 2232 Miscellaneous Portraits. 12 pieces 2233 Scrap Prints. Illustrative of Daphne and Chloe, and others. 7 pieces 2234 Religious engravings, Madonnas, and others. 4 pieces 2235 Ceremony of a Nun taking the Veil, and companion. 2 pieces 2236 Venus and Cupid, and three others. 4 pieces 2237 Fine old Mezzotints. pieces 2238 Adoration des Rois. After Paul Veronese, and three others. 4 pieces 2239 Historical. Interesting Views of the French Revolution. 4 pieces 2240 Various old Prints. 7 pieces 2241 The Twelve Months. Sadeler. A curious set. Complete. 6 pieces 2242 Diana Hunting, and other engravings by Bartolozzi. 5 pieces 2243 Statues from the antique. 21 pieces 2244 Miscellaneous. 5 pieces 2245 Van Vliet. An original etching, and two fac-similes on glass. Framed. 3 pieces 2246 Wilson’s Fugitive Sketches in Rome. Twelve lithographs. Folio. Complete in one volume. 2247 Lithographs. Various. 5 pieces 2248 Birdseye View of Paris. 2249 Views in France. Small folio Lithographs. 11 pieces 2250 Views of Boston ; both folio. One very scarce. 2 pieces 2251 The Seven Ages of Shakespeare, and The Star Spangled Banner. Both illustrated. 2 pieces 2252 Lithographs on India paper. Elephant folio. Fine. 3 pieces 22 53 Venus de Milo, and three others. 4 pieces 2254 The Loan of a Bite, after Mulready, and the First Ear¬ ring, after Wilkie. 2 pieces ENGRAVINGS , ETCHINGS , ETC . 181 2255 Lithographs. Folio. Fine. 3 pieces 2256 Lithographs. Folio. Fine. 3 pieces 2257 Lithographs. Colored European Views. 19 pieces 2258 Lithographs. Various subjects. 5 pieces 2259 Lithographs. Artists’ studies. 6 pieces 2260 Undine. After the painting by Muller. 2261 Venice. Engraved by Muller. 2262 Carlo Dolci. The Christ Child, and two others. 3 pieces 2263 Miss Eliza Peel. Engraved by Cousins, after Landseer. A beautiful proof. 2264 Jackson. Portrait, engraved by Thos. B. Welch. Proofs in four states. 4 pieces 2265 The Water Lily. Mercy's Dream. Engraved by Ritchie, and the Litde Coquette. 3 pieces 2266 Henry IV. at the Tomb of Flora, and five other engravings. 6 pieces 2267 The Coronation of Marie de Medicis, after Rubens, and others. 4 pieces 2268 Art Journal Plates, and others. 25 pieces 2269 Colored Fruit Pieces. 6 pieces 2270 Foreign Portraits and Views. 15 pieces 2271 American Portraits, many proofs. 25 pieces 2272 Salmon Fishing, a pair. Painted and engraved by Newton Fielding. 21 pieces 2273 American Portraits and Views. 14 pieces 2274 American Portraits. Folio. Proofs. 2 pieces 2275 Thorwaldsen. Fine portrait folio. Engraved after Krueger. 2276 Scott, General Winfield. Artist’s proofs in three states. En¬ graved by Thos. B. Welch. 3 pieces 2277 Grant, U. S. Artist’s proof. Engraved by Gugler. 2278 Washington. Artist’s proofs in three states, outline in crayon and arms. 5 pieces 2279 Portraits of Painters, and others. 5 pieces 2280 Lithographs. Cattle Pieces. 2 pieces 22S1 View of Mount Vernon, and a lot of old Philadelphia views. 7 pieces 182 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2282 The Barber’s Lesson, and others 2283 Various old engravings. 2284 Small Annual Prints. 2285 Small Annual Prints. 2286 Original Drawings. Studies. 2287 Original Drawings. 22S8 Original Drawings. 2289 Original Drawings. 2290 Original Drawings. Water colors, etc. Water colors, etc. Water colors, etc. Water colors, etc. Water colors, etc. 5 pieces 5 pieces 15 pieces 20 pieces 8 pieces 4 pieces 4 pieces 4 pieces 9 pieces Studies. Studies. Studies. Studies. 2291 Study from Life, by G. Persico. Very fine pencil drawing. 2292 Photographs. Various. 12 pieces Various. 8 pieces Marine Views. 7 pieces Architectural. Folio. 15 pieces Architectural. Folio. 15 pieces After Meissonier. Fine. 6 pieces 2298 The Indian Tribes of North America. Complete in sixteen parts, slightly damaged and Part Four missing. 2299 Portfolio. Containing many old and curious engravings. 27 pieces 2300 Portfolio. Containing lithographs, engravings, and photo¬ graphs. 28 pieces 2301 Decorative Subjects and Designs. 27 pieces 2302 Pen Drawings, by a Carmelite Monk at Augsburg. 6 pieces 2303 Portfolio and Stand. Elephant size. 2293 Photographs. 2294 Photographs. 2295 Photographs. 2296 Photographs. 2297 Photographs. 2304 Folio Stand. Medium. 2305 Folio Stand. Medium. 2306 Portfolios. Small. 29 pieces 2307 Portfolios. Medium. 7 pieces 2308 Portfolios. Medium. 4 pieces 2 0 c>9 Portfolios. Large. 3 pieces 2310 Portfolios. Extra large. 3 pieces 2311 Portfolios. Extra large. 2312 Portfolios. Large. 2 pieces 23 r 3 John Gilpin, Engraved by Worthington after Slot hard. ENGRA RINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. 18- 2314 Portrait, mounted in passe-partout. Very fine. 2315 English Historical Portraits. 15 pieces 2316 Miscellaneous scrap prints. 14 pieces 2317 CEdipe — Giroust, Pinxt. Morel, Sc. Fine print. Foxed. 2318 Turner. Ancient Italy, and Modern Italy. Superb India impressions. 2 pieces 2319 Telemaque. Engraved by Beauvarlet, and fine Landscape by Wollett. 2 pieces 2320 La Demande Acceptee, engraved by Bervic. Fine. 2321 The Vatican. Fine old engraving, elephant folio, 1774. & FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Of the five hundred items described in the following pages, at least two-thirds are the choicest editions, —clean, and often uncut. The Ruskin’s “ Modern Painters ” is peculiarly an illustra¬ tion of this fact. The volumes which it is desirable to have in their first state on account of the plates (vols. 3, 4 and 5), are first editions ; the two first volumes which were never illustrated, are chosen from the edition which exhibits the best typography. This work is supplemented by the writings of Burnet, Kugler, Bryan, Pilkington, etc., the Catalogue Raisonne of Smith, and the rare work on American Arts of Design by Dunlap. Nearly every book in the collection has been chosen for the beauty of its illustrations. The best views of American and European scenery, including the fine works illustrated by Prout, Harding, Roberts, Bartlett, etc., etc., and the best poeis illustrated by Meadows, Bartolozzi, Tenniel, Gilbert, S.othard, Westall, Maclise, Faed, and others. The lovers of Antique Gems will find the choicest of European collections, including the Orleans and Smith cabinets ; and the disciple of Izaak Walton will not only find the choice Pickering edition of the Complete Angler (1836), but a good selection of minor works on the same subject. Among the larger books of engravings may be mentioned the superb plates after Vander Meulen,and the Musee Royal, Orleans, ♦ PREFACE. 185 Duchess de Berry, Farnese and Florence galleries, also a superb edition of Ovid, with exquisite plates. The exceedingly rare Vecellio’s costumes is so seldom met with in earlier editions that the specimen here included should be well appreciated. Every book has been described without unnecessary elaboration, and they will be on exhibition in time to afford collectors an op¬ portunity of verifying the descriptions. Non-residents of this city may have any additional particulars on application to the auctioneers. J. O. WRIGHT. MONDAY EVENING’S SALE, NOV. 21st. AT O’CLOCK, AT OUR ART ROOMS. On exhibition on and after Tuesday , Nov. 15. 2322 Abelard and Heloise ; Letters of, with an account of 1 heir Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes. Plates by Van der Gucht. i2mo, calf. London, 1788 2323 Ackermann (R.) Westminster Abbey; its History, An¬ tiquities, and Monuments. With 70 finely colored engravings from Drawings by Pugin, Mackenzie, and others. 2 vols. impl. 4to, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1812 2324 Adam (Alex.) Roman Antiquities. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1814 2325 FEsop. Fables d’Esope, avec sa Vie. \t,q copper plate etch¬ ings, the text also engraved. 2 vols. in 4to, half morocco. Paris, n. d. 2326 FEsop. Fables. New version, by the Rev. T. James. Over 100 illustrations by Tenniel. 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 A most elegant edition. 2327 Ainsworth. Latin Dictionary. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1818 2328 Allibone (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Liter¬ ature, and British and American Authors living and de¬ ceased down to the latter half of the nineteenth century, containing over 46,000 articles, and 40 Indexes. 3 vols. impl. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1859-71 This elaborate work is, without exception, the most complete and reliable of its kind that has yet appeared in the English or any other language. It comprises a Dictionary of English and Amer¬ ican authors, with, in most cases, a succinct biography of each ; a complete list of their works, with the dates of issue of all the different editions ; extracts from the opinions of competent critics ; copious Indices by which the student may ascertain what authors have written upon the particular subjects in which he is interested. BOOKS. 187 2329 Allom’s China, in a Series of Views, displacing the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits of that Ancient Empire. About 150 fine plates, by T- Allom , with Descriptions by Wright. 4 vols. in 2, 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 2330 Allom. Constantinople, and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. Illustrated in a series of Drawings from nature by T. Allom, nearly 100 fine Engravings, with Description, and historical Account of Constantinople by Dr. R. Walsh, 2 vols. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 2331 Allom (T.) Views in the Tyrol. 45 steel plates and a map. 4to, cloth. London, n. d. 2332 Allom’s Constantinople, with the plates removed from Vol. 1. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. London, n. d. 2333 Alston (J. W.) Hints in the Study of Landscape Paint¬ ing. \o plates. 121110, boards. Rare. London, 11. d. 2334 American Shooter’s Manual. 121110, beards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1827 ANGLING BOOKS. 2335 Angler in Ireland : in the Summer of 1833. Map , etc. 2 \ols. crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 2336 Angler's Souvenir, by P. Fisher, Esq [W. A. Chatto.] With upwards of bo beautiful steel Engrav¬ ings. and every page surrounded by appropriate woodcut devices. Leap. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. London, 1835 2337 Angler’s Almanac for 1S4S. Woodcuts. i8vo. New York, 1S48 2338 Best’s Art of Angling. 12th ed., revised by Jackson. Illustrated. 121110, cloth. London, 1838 2339 Blaine (D. P.) Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports; or, complete Account of Hunting. Shooting, Fishing, Racing, etc. With upwards of 600 woodcuts, from drawings by A lken and Landseer. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1840 2340 Book of Fishes; Art of Ang’ing; Angler's Guide, etc. 7 vols. 121110, etc. 188 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2341 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling. 135 woodcuts. Post Svo, calf. Third edition. London, 1770 2342 Colquhoun (J.) The Moor and the Loch, with an Essay on Loch-Fishing. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 2343 Davy (Sir Humphry). Salmonia ; or, Days of Fly Fishing, in a series of Conversations; with some Account of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the Genus Salmo. Woodcuts. Fcap. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1831 2344 Hofland (T. C.) British Angler’s Manual ; or, the Art of Angling in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Numerous fine engravings arid woodcuts. Damaged. Post Svo, half morocco. London, 1839 2345 Medwin (T.) Angler in Wales; or, Days and Nights of Sportsmen. Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 2346 Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing. Woodcuts. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1839 2347 Rennie (J ) Alphabet of Scientific Angling. Wood- cuts. i2tno. cloth. London, 1833 2348 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher’s Entomology. With 20 plates, representing over 12 o different Flies. Beautifully colored. Svo, cloth. London, 1839 2349 Salter (T. F.) Angler’s Guide. Portrait and 83 woodcuts. Svo, boards, uncut. Seventh Edition. London, 1830 2350 Salter. Angler’s Guide, with the Art of Trolling for Jack or Pike. Illustrated , i2mo. paper covers. London, n. d. 2351 Smith (J. V. C. ) Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Woodcuts. Post Svo, boards. Boston, 1833 Embraces “ A Practical Essay on Angling.” 2352 South (Theo.) Illustrated Fly-Fisher’s Text-Book. With exquisite illustrations on steel. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841 BOOKS. 189 2353 WALTON and COTTON. COMPLETE ANGLER ; or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation ; being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish Ponds, Fish and Fishing, written by Izaak Walton ; and instructions how to angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Charles Cotton ; with Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, C. M.G. Portraits, Views, and Engravings 0/ Fish by Slot hard and Inskipp. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Very scarce. William Pickering, London, 1836 This is, without doubt, the most beautifully illustrated edition of “Honest Izaak’s” charming Pastoral ever published. To the publisher, Mr. Pickering, its production was literally a labor of love. Neither time nor expense were spared to render it worthy of the arts and the importance of the subject; and the result was a union of literary and artistic talent which has rarely been equaled and never surpassed. “A work the most singular in its kind, breath'ng the very spirit of contentment, of quiet and unaffected philanthropy, and interspersed with some fine relics of old poetry, songs and ballads.”—B owles. 2354 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Edited by Major. Portraits, plates, and ivoodcu/s. Post 8vo, red morocco. London, 1844 2355 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler. Lives, etc., by Hawkins. Edited by Rennie. Portrait. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1836 2356 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes and Lives. Portraits, plates, and woodcuts. Crown Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1842 2357 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler. Miniature edition. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 321110, morocco, gilt. London, 1S 3 7 2358 Wilson (J.) The Rod and the Gun. Beautifully illustrated. Crown Svo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1840 GEMS. 2359 Antique Gems. Gemmae Selectae Antiqu® c Museo Jacobi de Wilde. Etched portrait and 50 plates, each containing four specimens. 4to, calf. Amst. I 7°3 Presentation copy with autograph. o,> 190 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2360 Antique Gems. Veneres uti observantur in Gemmis Antiquis. 70 plates of an erotic character. Small 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. Lugd. Batv. n. d. 2361 La Chau et Le Beoxd. Description des principals Pierres Gravees du Cabinet du Due d’Orleans. _ With 237 beautiful engravings by SI. Aubin after designs by Cochin. 3 vols. folio, half calf extra. Scarce. Paris, 1780-84 Fine copy. The plates are bound separately. 2362 ENGRAVED GEMS. Dactvliotheca Smithiana. Historiam Glyptographicam, auctore A. F. Gorio. 100 fine plates, engraved by Brustolon. 2 vols. folio, calf. Venetiis, 1767 Exceedingly rare. 2363 Antique Gems. Museium Odescalchium sive The¬ saurus Antiquarum Gemmarum. Bartolos fine plates, 102 in number. 2 vols. folio, half calf. Romae, 1751-52 2364 Stosch (Phillippe de). Pierres Antiques Gravee-, sur lesquelles les Graveurs ont mis leurs noms. Des- sinees et gravees en cuhre par Bernard Picart. Ex- pliquees par M. Phillippe de Stosch. Text in Latin and French. Containing 70 large plates by Picart and several vignettes, brilliant impressions. Folio, old calf. Amsterdam, 1724 Fine copy. “Ouvrage assez recherche.”—B runet. From the Heber Library. 2365 [Gems]. Gemmae et Sculpture Antique depictae ab L. Augustino; add. earum Enarratione, in Lat. versa ab J. Gronovio. Nearly 2pO engravings from antique Gems , Statues, etc. 2 vo's. small 4to, vellum. Amst. 1685 2366 Ancifnt Ballad of Chevy Chase. With 12 plates by J. Franklin, qto, cloth. London, 1836 2367 [Apperly.] The Chase, the Turf, and the Road, by “Nimrod.” Portrait by Maclise, plates by % Alktn. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1837 68 [Apperly.] Nimrod’s Northern Tour. 8vo, cloth, un¬ cut. London, 1838 BOOKS. 191 2369 Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Translated from the Arabic, with copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. Illustrated by many hundred Engravings on wood , from Original De¬ signs by William Harvey. Illuminated titles by Owen Jones. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Murray , London, 1847 “ Mr Lane’s version is, beyond all doubt, a most valuable, praise¬ worthy, painstaking, learned, and delightful work. The Notes throw more light upon the mystery of Arab Life than perhaps all other works in the language.” 2370 ART UNION JOURNAL, from 1849 June, 1861, inclu¬ sive. Several thousand exquisitely beautiful engravings and woodcuts. vols. roy. 4to. 6 vols cloth, 5^ vols. un¬ bound. London, 1849-61 This exceedingly beautiful and interesting work comprises the most extensive and elegant illustrations of the modern British School of Painting and Sculpture, and other Fine Arts, ever published. 2371 Art Journal; 21 numbers , with 55 steel plates. 4 to, un¬ bound. London, 1854 2372 Atlas. Cabinet Atlas. 42 colored maps. 4 to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1S30 2373 Autograph Etchings by American artists; 12 photo, illustra¬ tions after Durand, Darley, Kensett, Bough ton, etc. 4 to, cloth. New York, 1859 2374 Babes in the Wood, in Verse (by Lady Waterford), ele¬ gantly printed in Black letter, on Drawing Paper , and illus¬ trated with beautiful tinted engravings. Roy. 4 to. Extia bds. gilt leaves. London, 1849 2375 Barnard (George). The Theory and Practice of Land¬ scape Painting in Water-Colors. Illustrated by a series of 26 Drawings and Diagrams in Colors, and numerous wood- cuts. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1855 2376 Barry (Jas., Historical Painter') : Works ; including his Cor¬ respondence with Burke, Essays, Lectures, etc., with Life. Portrait and numerous engravings. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1809 2377 Bartlett (J. R.) Literature of the Rebellion : a Cata¬ logue of Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating^ to the Civil War in the United States, together with works on American Slavery, etc. Roy. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1S66 192 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2378 Barti.ett (W. H.) American Scenery ; or, Land, Lake, and River Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature. From Drawings by IV. H. Bartlett, Engraved in the first style of Art. 2 vols. 4to, mor., gilt edges. London, 1840 2379 Bartlett. Canadian Scenery Illustrated, with Descrip¬ tions by N. P. Willis. 120 beautiful and highly finished engravings, from drawings by JV. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1842 2380 Bartlett. Ireland, its Scenery and Antiquities, with Descriptions by Stirling Coyne. 120 highly finished engrav¬ ings, from Drawings by IV. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to, mo¬ rocco extra, gilt back and sides. London, 1838 2381 Bartlett. Syria, the Holy Land, and Asia Minor. Illus¬ trated in a series of 1 20 fine engravings on steel, after Draw¬ ings from Nature bv Bartlett, Purser, and Allow, good impressions, with Descriptions by J. Carne. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco. London, 1836 2382 Bartlett. Beattie’s (Dr.) Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Views, by Allom, Bartlett, and M'Cullough. 120 beautiful and highly finished engravings, original impres¬ sions, with Descriptions. 2 vols. 4to, gilt edges, morocco extra. London, 1838 2383 Bartoli et Bellori. Le Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de Nasonii nella via Flaminia. 35 plates. Folio, vellum. Roma, 1680 2384 Bartolozzi. Italian School of Design. A Series of Se¬ lect Studies engraved by F. Bartolozzi and others, from the Original Pictures and Drawings of Guercino, Michael Angelo, Domenichino, the Carracci, Da Cortona, Maratti, etc. With 91 plates. Folio, half red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1842 2385 Bates (S. P.) Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. Numerous steel portraits and plates. Roy. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1875 2386 Bates. The same on Large Paper, printed within red borders. 4to, brown morocco antique, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1875 2387 Baron Munchausen’s Adventures. Curious plates. Post 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. BOOKS. i 93 2388 Beattie (Wm.) The Danube Illustrated; its History, Scenery, and Topography. With nearly 120 highly-finished Engravings f rom Drawings by Bartlett , and numerous beauti¬ ful woodcuts , fine early imfressions. Thick 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1844 2389 Beattie.^ The Danube. Another copy. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1844 2390 Beattie (W.) Castles and Abbeys, of England from the National Records, Early Chronicles, and Standard Authors.. Both Series illustrated by upwards of 400 Engravings on steel and wood. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London. 1842. A beautiful and very interesting national work, illustrating the oldest and most famous of the Castles and Abbeys. 2391 Beckford (P.) Chart, illustrating the Architecture of Westminster Abbey, folded in small 4to case, red cloth. 2392 Beckford (P.) Thoughts upon Hunting. Woodcuts. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, n. d. Beckford has always been considered by the sporting world an unquestionable authority on everything relating to hunting. “ He has so well described our present practice of hunting, and given such solid and rational advice on the subject, that his treatise has, fiom the day of its publication, become a general text-book.”— British Field Sports. 2393 Bell (Sir Charles). The Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Arts. With numerous Illustrations. Impl. Svo, cloth, leaves loose. London, 1844 2394 Bell (J. ) New Pantheon ; or, Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-Gods, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Antiquity. Many fine Engravings after Antique Statues, etc. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1790 The most useful body of Mythology in the Language. 2395 Bellori. Triumphal Arch of Augustus. Vetrus Arcus Augustorum Triumphis insignes, ex reliquiis quae Rornae adhuc supersunt, etc. 52 fine old copperplate Illustrations. Folio, half morocco. Romas, 1690 “ Ouvrage recommandable a cause des belles planches qu’il con. t i n e n t. ’ ’— Bru n et. 2396 Bellori et Bartoli. Sigismundi Augusti Mamtuam adventis profectis ac Triumphas. 25 plates after Julius Romano. Folio, boards. Romae, 16S0 13 194 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2397 Beranger’s Songs in English, with Life, etc. i2mo. Half gilt. Philadelphia, 1844 2398 Bewick (Thos.) History of Quadrupeds, with good im¬ pressions 0/the famous woodcuts (upwards of 200). Royal 8vo, calf. Newcastle, 1800 Large paper copy of the Fourth Edition. Portrait inserted. 2399 Bewick. General History of Birds and Quadrupeds. 128 woodcuts. Svo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1824 2400 Billings (R. W. ) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiqui¬ ties of Scotland. Containing 260 plates of Old Abbeys, Castles, Cathedrals , Churches , Toivers, Priories, Universities , Houses, Hospitals, Nunneries, Palaces, Chapels, and Colleges of Baronial and Architectural Antiquity, with descriptive Letterpress detailing the Locality, History, Legends, etc., of each. 4 vols. 4to, cloth. Plates loose. London, 1852 Mr. James Fergusson, in the new edition of his History of Archi¬ tecture in all Countries, writes of Mr. Billings’s work as “ that beautiful work by R. W. Billings, entitled the Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, which is certainly the most correct and beautiful that has yet appeared on the subject.” 2401 Biographical Encyclopaedia of Pennsylvania of the nine¬ teenth century. 100 steel portraits. 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1874 2402 Blair (H.) Lectures on Rhetoric, etc. Portrait. Svo, sheep. New York, 1814 2403 Boissardo. Antiquitatum Romanorum. 150 fine plates by De Bry. Folio, parchment. Francfurt, 1600 2404 Book of Nature. The Animal Kingdom : profusely illus¬ trated by colored and plain plates, etc. 2 vols, 4to, half calf. Philadelphia, 1834 2405 Book of the Months. Beautifully illustrated by Harvey. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844 2406 Book of the Poets, from Chaucer to Lady Hastings, with Essays' on English Poetry. Numerous very beautiful engrav¬ ings. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1842 2407 Boyd (P.) Book of Ballads, from the German. Beauti¬ fully printed and illustrated. Svo, cloth. Dublin, 1848 2408 Boyer. French and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Paris, 1821 BOOKS. T 95 2409 Brainerd (Rev. Thomas). Life of, by M. Brainerd. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. 3 copies. Philadelphia, 1870 24ic Brand (J.) Popular Antiquities. Revised and enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1S48 2411 British Naturalist. Woodcuts. 2 vols. post Svo, cloth. London, 1830 2412 Brockett and Vaughan. Woman’s Work in the Civil War. 16 steel plates. Svo, half calf, gilt. Rochester, 1867 2413 Brockett. Another Copy. Half calf, gilt. 2414 Brockett and Vaughan. Another Copy, with autograph letter of the author inserted. Calf extra, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1867 2415 Brooks (C. T.) The Jobsiad : a Grotesco-Comico-Heroic Poem, Illustrated. , i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1863 2416 Brown (Thomas). Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. Andover, 1822 2417 Browne (J.) History of the Highlands and of the High¬ land Clans, with an extensive Selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers, with 66 Engravings, those of Tartans colored, besides numerous woodcuts. 4 vols. royal Svo, cloth. London, 1851 2418 Bruli.iot (F.) Dictionnaire de 1 MonograMxY.es, Chiffres, Lettres initiales, et Marques figurees sous lesquels les plus celebres Peintres, Dessinateurs, et Graveurs ont designe leurs noms. Both parts complete, with the Supplements. Many hundred engraved Marks, Monograms, etc. 4 to, boards. Rare. Munich, 1832 2419 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biogra¬ phical and Critical, with List of their Works. Portraits and Engravings of the Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks used by each Engraver. 2 vols. 4to, calf, neat. London, 1816 “A most valuable work, characterized by accuracy, research, and ability. The sketches are admirably written ; forming a com¬ pendium and index of arts and artists, unequaled as far as we know, in any language.”— Lit. Gaz. 196 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 2.120 Bryan (Michael). Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Revised by Stanley. Por¬ trait and Monograms. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 2421 Buchanan (W.) Memoirs of Painting. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half calf. London, 1824 2422 Bulwer-Lytton (Lord). Leila; or. the Siege of Granada, also Calderon the Courtier. Illustrated with 16 beautiful Engravingsfrom Drawings by eminent Artists. Svo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1847 2423 Bulwer-Lytton (Lord). Pilgrims of the Rhine. With Numerous beautiful Engravings from original Drawings by D. Maelise. and D. Roberts . Svo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1840 2424 Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, a Series of 22 Illustrations to, by II. C. Selous, engraved in outline for the London Art Union. Oblong folio, half morocco. London, 1844 % 2425 Burger’s Leonora, Illustrated by Maelise. Trans, in Verse by Julia Cameron, elegantly printed in Gothic type on thick paper, every page surrounded by Floriated Borders , with Il¬ lustrations. 4to, cloth. London, 1S47 2426 Burke (J. & J. B.) Encyclopaedia of Heraldry of Eng¬ land, etc. Illuminated Frontispiece. Royal Svo, cloth. London, 1851 2427 Burnet (J.) Treatise on Painting, in four parts, viz.: On the Education of the Eye ; and Practical Hints on Composition, Chiaroscura, and Color. With 130 Etchings from celebrated Pictures of the Italian, Venetian, Flemish , Dutch, and English Schools , some colored, also woodcuts. 4 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1837-45 “ A more interesting work than his ‘ Practical Hints on Paint¬ ing ’ has never come under our notice. To the professor these remarks must be invaluable ; and the library of no lover of the Fine Arts can henceforth be considered complete without Mr. Burnet’s work.”— Literary Gazette. 2428 Burnet. Landscape Painting in Oil Colors, explained in Letters on the Theory and Practice of the Art, by John Burnet. Illustrated by Examples from the several Schools ; tinted plates. 4to, cloth. London, 1849 BOOKS. 1 97 2429 Burnet. Illustrated Edition of Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Lec¬ tures on Painting, with valuable Notes by the Editor, etc. 12 fine Plates after the Great Masters. 4to, cloth. London, 1842 “ His admirable Discourses contain such a body of just criticism on an extremely difficult subject, clothed in such perspicuous, elegant, and nervous language, that it is no exaggerated pane¬ gyric to assert that they will last as long as the English tongue, and contribute not less than the productions of his pencil, to render his name immortal.”— Northcote. 2430 Burnet. Turner and his Works, Illustrated with Exam¬ ples from his Pictures, and critical Remarks on his Princi¬ ples of Painting, by J. Burnet, with Memoir by Peter Cunningham. Numerous Plates, and Catalogue of Pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy, etc. 4to, cloth. London, 1852 2431 Burnet (J.) Rembrandt and his Works, comprising an Account of his Life, with a critical Examination into his Principles and Practice of Design, Light and Shade, and Color. With fine Examples from his Etchings, by J. Burnet. 4to, cloth. London, 1849 2432 Burnet. Practical Essays on various Branches of the Fine Arts, with Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of Sir David Wilkie. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 2433 Burnet. Practical Hints on Portrait Painting, Illus¬ trated by Examples f rom Vandyke and other Masters. 12 Plates. 4to, cloth. London, 1850 2434 Burns (R.) Works, with Life by Cunningham. Portrait , etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2435 Burns (R.) Tam o’Shanter, with 7 highly finished steel En¬ gravings by Slocks and Stephenson , after the beautiful paintings of John P'aed. Proof s on India paper. Folio, fancy boards. Edinburgh, 1855 2436 Burns (R.) Soldier’s Return, with 6 highly finished En¬ gravings by Lemon, Stocks, etc., after the beautifid paintings by J. Faed. Folio, cloth. Edinburgh, 1857 2437 Burns (R.) Auld Lang Syne, with 5 highly finished Engrav¬ ings by Stocks, etc., after the beautifid paintings by Sir G. Harvey. Proofs on India paper. Folio, c'oth. 1859 198 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. fc 2438 Burns (R.) Illustrated Songs, with 5 highly finished En¬ gravings on sled, by Stocks , tic., after Paintings by Nasmyth, Harvey, Nicol, etc., and portrait. Proofs on India paper. Folio, cloth. Edinburgh, 1861 2439 Burton (E.) Description of the Antiquities, etc., of Rome. 2 vols. in 1, post 8vo, vellum. Florence, 1830 2440 Byron (Lord). Works. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1820 First collected edition. 2441 Byron. Childf. Harold, with the Notes. Murray’s beau¬ tiful Illustrated Edition, printed on thick paper , with 62 ex- ]uisite vignette Engravings by Finden. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1841 Perfect gems of the Art of Engraving ; from pictures by Creswick, Warren, and other eminent painters. 2442 Byron. Thirty Illustrations to Childe Harold, from the Original Drawings by Tenniel, Cope, Ansdell, etc. 4to, boards. London, 1855 2443 Byron. Poems. Illustrations to. 21 plates by Richter, etc., in 8vo, morocco, case. 2444 Cabinet of Natural History. American Rural Sports, with numerous illustrations on steel and wood, some colored. 2 vols, 4to, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830-2 2445 Clarabella (Baroness de). Evenings at Haddon Hall ; ivith 24 exquisite illustrations by Cattermole. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1848 Original edition ; scarce. 2446 Callcott (Mrs.) Essays towards the History of Painting. Crown 8vo, half russia, gilt top, uncut edges. Moxon, London, 1836 Complete with the Continuation by Lady Callcott, 1838. 2447 Callot (J.) Miseries of War: a series of 18 etchings by this celebrated artist. Oblong 4to, unbound. Rare. n. d. 2448 Campbell (Thomas). Poetical Works. Elegantly printed on thick paper, and illustrated 'With 20 exquisitely beautiful Engravings from Designs by Turner. Square 8vo, morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Moxon, London, 1837 2449 Campbell. Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other Poems. Fron¬ tispiece and vignette. Square 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1842 M BOOKS. 199 2450 Canadian Scenery, Illustrated. 120 fine Engravings from Drawings by IV. //. Bartlett, with Descriptions by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1842 2451 Canova’s Works in Sculpture and Modeling, with De¬ scriptions by the Countess Albrizzi, and Life by Cicognara. ICO beautiful outline Engravings by H. Moses and portrait by Worthington. 2 vols. impl. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1824 2452 Carlyle (T. ) German Romances. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1841 2453 Carne (}.) Journal of a Tour through Switzerland and Italy. 8vo, cloth. London, 1840 2454 Carter’s Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in this Kingdom, from the earliest period to the Reign of Henry VIII. 120 large Engravings {some colored), original impressions. Roy. folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1838 2455’ Carter’s Universal Traveller. Numerous maps and plates. Folio, calf, no title. 17— 2456 Catalogue of the London Exhibition of 1851. Profusely illustrated. 4to, unbound. London, 1851 2457 Caulfield (J.) Calcographiana ; the Printseller’s Chro¬ nicle and Collector's Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits. Portrait. 8vo, boards un¬ cut (only 350 copies printed). London, 1814 2458 Cellini (Benvenuto). Memoirs of. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 2459 Cervantes. Don Quixote. Translated by Jarvis. Pro¬ fusely illustrated by Tony Johannot. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1837 2460 Cervantes. Don Quixote. 4 vols. i6mo, sheep. * New York, 1814 2461 Chaffers (W.) Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern Periods, with Historical Notices of each Manufactory ; and the Vasa Fictilia of the Greek, Romano-British, and Mediaeval Eras. Sixth edit., enlarged, with 3000 Potters Marks and Illustra¬ tions. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London, 1876 200 THE TATES COLLECTIONS. 2462 Chaffers. Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, with fac-similes of the stamps of Standard Plate of English and Foreign Manufacture. Fifth Edition, revised and consi¬ derably augmented. Roy. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 Contains also Tables of annual date letters, employed in the prin¬ cipal Assay Offices of Great Britain and Ireland. 2463 Chamier (Capt.) The Arethusa. 2 vois. i6mo, boards. Philadelphia, 1837 2464 Chants et Chansons Populaires ; Notices par Dumersan ; Accompagnement de Piano par H. Collet. Profusely il¬ lustrated by steel Engravings after designs by E. de Beaumont, Boi/ly, Daubigny, Meissonnier , Staal, etc. Large and thick imperial 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Paris, s. d. In this fine edition the whole of the Chants and Chansons are en¬ graved, in conjunction with the illustrations. 2465 Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales; with an Essay on his Language and Versification, Notes, Glossary, etc., by 1 '. Tyrwhitt, second edition, finely printed in large type. Portrait. 2 vols. 4to, half russia. gilt top, uncut edges. Oxford, 1798 “ By far the best edition of the Canterbury Tales is by Thomas Tyrwhitt, who has prefixed to them an Essay and Introduction which, with the learned Notes and Glossary, add much to the value of the work.” 2466 2467 Chesterfield (Lord). Letters to his Son. 4 vols. post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1821 Christmas with the Poets. Songs, Carols, etc. Beautifully printed within gold borders, with 50 illustrations by Birket Foster. Royal 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1851 First edition. 2468 CLAUDE’S LIBER VERITATIS. 300 Prints after the original Designs of Claude, in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire, the British Museum, etc., engraved by Ear- lom, in the manner and taste of the originals, and por¬ trait of Claude, fine impressions. 3 vols. folio, half mor¬ occo, gilt edges (pub. £31 10s.). London, 1819 The plates in this copy are beautiful impressions. 2469 Coleridge (S. T.) Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illus¬ trated in 20 plates by J. N. Paton for the Art Union of London, with the Poem. Oblong folio,cloth. London, 1863 BOOKS. 201 2470 Colleen Bawn, Johnson's Dictionary, Lionel Wakefield, 2 vols. ; Paul and Virginia, Tooke’s Pantheon, Table Talk, etc., 10 vols. i6mo. n. d. 2471 Collins (W., R. A.) Memoirs of the Life of, with selec¬ tions from his Journals and Correspondence, by his Son. Portrait and vignettes from his pictures. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 2472 [Combe.] Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Pictures¬ que. Illustrated by “ CrowquillP Post Svo, cloth. Scarce . London, 1844 2473 Cooke (W. B.) Views in London and its Vicinity, 48 highly finished Engravings by G. and IV. B. Cooke , from Drawings by Callcott, Stanfield, Prout, Harding, Roberts, etc. Royal 4to, cloth. London, 1S34 2474 Cooper (Sydney). Cattle Subjects: Sheep, Cows, Oxen, Bulls, Goats, Horses, Asses, etc., for the Embellishment of Landscapes. 32 plates. Oblong folio, half bound. London, n. d. 2475 Cooper (T. S.) Subjects of Cattle, etc. Designs for Pictures. 26 large and beautiful tinted plates, exhibiting characteristic groups of Cattle, drawn f rom nature by this celebrated Painter. Impl. folio, half morocco. London, 1839 2476 Cooper. Drawing Book of Animals, etc. 32 plates. Oblong 4to, boards. London, 1836 2477 Costello (Miss). Rose Garden of Persia, being Poetical Translations from Sadi, Hafiz, and other celebrated Persian Poets. Very elegantly printed , each page decorated with borders in gold and colors. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1845 2478 Costume, The Book of ; or, Annals of Fashion, from the earliest period to the present time, by a lady of Rank (Countess Blessington). Illustrated with upwards of two hundred engravings on wood, by eminent artists. Svo, cloth, uncut. Colburn , London, 1847 2479 Costumes of the Popes and their retinue. 30 plates in gold and colors. i2mo, cloth. n. d. 202 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 24S0 Cruikshaxk’s Universal Songster ; the largest Collection of the most popular ancient and modern English Songs (,upwards of 5,000), with 87 humorous Engravings on steel and wood ’, by George and Robert Cruikshank . 3 vols. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, n.d. 2481 [D.] Account of all the Pictures exhibited in the British Institution from 1813 to 1823. Crown Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1828 2482 D. (W.) Ligan ; a Collection of Tales and Essays. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 24S3 David (F. A.) Museum de Florence, ou Collection des Pierres Gravees, Statues, Medailles et Peintures en le Cab¬ inet du Gran Due de Toscane. Upward of 600 Engrav¬ ings of Statues, Pictures , Medals, Gems, etc ., by David. 8 vols. 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1787-1802 2484 Da Vinci (L.) Treatise on Painting, with Life, etc. Por¬ trait and 34 plates. Svo, calf. London, 1721 2485 Da Vinci. Treatise on Painting. Trans, arid Digested under proper Heads, by J. F. Rigaud, R.A., with Life by J. W. Brown. Portrait and 22 plates of the Human Fig¬ ure, besides other cuts. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1835 2486 Deceased British Artists. A Series of 30 plates by Lin¬ ton. 4to, cloth. Art Union, London, i860 2487 Deceased, etc. The same, minus plates 29 and 30. 2488 Deceased, etc. Another copy, with the plates on India paper. 24S9 Defoe (D.) Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated by Stothard. 8vo, morocco an ique, red edges. London, 1845 2490 [Dodge (Pickering).] Painting, its Rise and Progress; also Sculpture and the Plastic Art. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt. Boston, 1846-50 Presentation copies from the author.— Rare. 2491 Dublin Exhibition Catalogue. 16 steel plates and numer¬ ous woodcuts. 4to, cloth. London, 1853 2492 Dufief (N. G. ) Nature Displayed, in her Mode of Teach¬ ing Language to Man. 2 vols. Svo, boards. London, 1830 2493 Dumas (Alex.) The Camelia Lady, i 21110, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 BOOKS. 203 2494 Dunlap (A.) Admiralty Practice. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1850 2495 Dunlap (S. F.) Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man. Svo, cloth. New York, 1858 2496 Dunlap. Sod. The Mysteries of Adoni, and the Son of the Man. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1861 2497 Dunlap (Wm.) History of the Rise and Progress of thf. Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols. Svo, boards, uncut. New York, 1834 Very scarce. 2498 Dowie Dens o’ Yarrow. With 12 fine steel Engravings by Noel Paton. Proofs on India paper. Folio, cloth. Edinburgh, i860 2499 Duppa and De Quincy. Lives of Michael Angelo and Raffaello. Portrait. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1846 2500 Edinburgh Panorama. Five feet long; folded in case. 2501 Eisen's Plates. Les Sens. Poeme en Six Chants. With Frontispiece and 9 Vignettes. Svo, calf. Londres, 1766 Also in this volume “ Lettre du Lord Velford,” etc. 2 plates and 3 vignettes by Eisen. Paris, 1765 2502 Elliott (Hon. W. ) Carolina Sports. 12010, cloth. Charleston, 1846 2503 Ellis (G.) Specimens of the Early English Poets, with Notes and Historical Sketch of English Poetry and Lan¬ guage, and a Biography of each Poet. 3 vols. foolscap Svo, calf antique, red edges. London, 1845 2504 Elmes (}.) General and Biographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts. Svo, half calf, neat. London, 1826 2505 Emblems. Boissardi (Jani Jocobi). Emblematum. With Portrait and 53 curious Etchings on copper , by Theo. de Bry. Small 4to, calf, gilt. Francofurti, 1^693 2506 English Connoisseur. Accounts of Curious Painting and Sculpture in England. 2 vols. izmo, calf. London, 1766 2507 Etty (W. ) Life of, by Alexander Gilchrist. 2 vols, post Svo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1855 2508 Evans (F. \V.) History and Description of an Ambu¬ lance Wagon. 6 plates. Svo. Paris, 1868 2 04 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. 2509 Fables. Original and Selected. Edited by G. M. Bussey. Illustrated by Grandville. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1842 2510 Fairholt (T. W.) Dictionary of Terms in Art. 500 woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 2511 Fereal (V. de). Mysteres de l’Inquisition. 200 illus¬ trations. Royal Svo, cloth. Paris, 1845 2512 Fenn (J.) Paston Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. Containing many curious Anecdotes and Notes. New Edition, with additions by A. Ramsay. Portrait, fac-similes , and wood- cuts. 2 vols. square post Svo, in one, morocco antique, goffered gilt edges. Knight, London, 1840 2513 Field (George). Chromatography; or, a Treatise on Colors and Pigments, and of their Powers in Painting, etc. Colored frontispiece, .etc. 4 to, half calf. London, 1855 Very scarce. Highly commended by Ruskin. 2514 Field. The same. New Edition. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1841 2515 Fielding (H.) Complete Works. Life by Roscoe. Plates by George Cruikshank. Royal Svo, cloth. London, 1848 2516 Fielding (T. H.) Painting in Oil and Water Colors for Landscape and Portraits, including the preparation of col¬ ors, vehicles, varnishes, etc., method of painting in Wax or Encaustic, etc. With many plates (some colored ). Ro¬ yal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854 2517 Fortnum (C. D. E.) Catalogce of the Majolica in the South Kensington Museum. With Marks, etc., and beau- tiful plates, many in the original colors. Thick imp. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1873 2518 Fresnoy (C. A. du). Art of Painting. Translated, etc.? by Dryden. Frontispiece by Gribelin. Svo. calf. London, 1716 2519 Fresnoy. The same. Printed on large and thick paper. 8vo, calf. London, 1716 BOOKS. 205 2520 Froissart (J.) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and adjoining countries. Translated, with additions, Life of Author, etc., by T. Johnes. With 116 woodcuts from Ancient Illuminations. 2 thick vols. royal 8vo, cloth, un¬ cut. London, 1848 2521 FROISSART’S CHRONICLES. Illuminated Illustra¬ tions of Froissart, selected from the Manuscripts in the Brit¬ ish Museum, the B.bliotheque Royale, Paris, and from other Sources, by H. N. Humphreys. 74 fine plates, beautif ully illuminated in gold and colors , in facsimile of the original Miniatures, ivith Descriptions. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, half morocco gilt top. Very scarce. W. Smith, London, 1S45 2522 Fuss (J. D.) Roman Antiquities. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1840 2523 Galeria nel Palazzo Farnese in Roma. Dipinta da Anni¬ bale Caracci, intagliata da Carlo Cesio. 30 plates, contain¬ ing 49 fine Engravings. Folio, calf. Rome, 1753 2524 Galerie de la Duchesse de Berry. Upwards of 120 fine lithographic plates , on India paper . 2 vols. imp. folio, half morocco. Paris, 1822 2525 Galerie des Tableaux du Due d'Orleans. Pubdee par Vatout et Quenot. 150 large and exceedingly beautiful lithographic plates of the splendid pictures in the Palais Royal. India proofs. With Descriptions. Large paper. 2 vols. impl. folio, half morocco. Paris, 1825-9 2526 Gell and Gandy's Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. Both Series complete. With upwards of 200 fine plates, maps, etc., by Cook, Heath, etc., etc. ; fine early impressions with the vignettes. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1824-32 Fine Large Paper Copy, very scarce in this state. The Vignetles on India paper. 2527 Gems of European Art. The Pest Pictures of the Best Schools, with Descriptions by S. C. Hall. 90 large and beautif ul line Engravings by first-class artists. 2 vols. impl. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1846 A beautiful drawing-room table book of a superior class, compris¬ ing the finest pictures by Wilkie, Callcott, Delaroche, and other modern painters, as well as by Murillo, Claude, and other old masters. 2o6 THE FALES COLLECTIONS. % 4 2528 Gersaint. Catalogue and Description of the Etchings of Rembrandt. Portrait. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1752 2529 Goethe’s Faust, in two Parts. Transla'ed into English Verse, with Notes, by John Birch. 40 outline Engravings after Rctzsch. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 2530 Goethe’s Reineke Fuchs. Finely illustrated by numerous highly spirited Engravings by Palm and Schleich, from the celebrated designs by Kaulbach. Royal 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. Munich, 1864 2531 Gilpin (Henry D.) Memorial of. Portrait, etc. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, i860. Privately printed. 25 32 Goldsmith (O.) Poetical Works, with Life and Notes by Bolton Corney, profusely illustrated by highly finished wood Engravings after Cope, Creswick, Horsley , Red¬ grave, and Tayler. Sq. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. London, 1846 2'33 Goldsmith. Poetical Works, edited with Memoir and Notes by B. Corney, finely printed , with numerous beauti¬ ful wood Engravings from designs by members of the Etching Club. Sq. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1845 2534 Goldsmith. The V:car of Wakefield. With 32 Illus¬ trations by William Mulready , R.A. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 Very scarce. 2 535 Goldsmith. History of the Earth and Animated Na¬ ture. Portrait and 56 plates, 8vo, boards. London, 1835 2536 Goldsmith. The Traveler. With 30 fine Illustrations by Gilbert, Frost , Lcitch, etc. 4to, boards. London, 1851 2537 Grammont (Count.) Memoirs of the Court of Charles II., with Notes by Walter Scott ; and the Boscobel Con¬ temporary Tracts, by T. Blount, etc. Portrait of Nell Gwynne. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1846 2538 Gray (Thos. ) The Bard. Illustrated by the Hon. Airs. Talbot. 8vo, cloth. * London, 1837 BOOKS. 207 2539 Gray. Elegy. Written in a Country Graveyard. 33 woodcuts by Gilbert. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1846 2540 Haliburton (T. C.) Account of Nova Scotia. Map, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Halifax, 1829 2541 Hall (S. C.) Book of Gems. The Poets and Artists of • Great Britain, edited by S. C. Hall. With 150 beautiful Engravings after Turner, Mulready, Eastlake , Trout , Stanfield, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1840-46 A perfect gem in illustration, and one of the books issued at the * time when steel engraving (at its zenith) was diffusing its charms through such works as Rogers’ Italy and Poems, Campbell’s Poems, Watts’ Lyrics, Byron’s Childe Harold, etc. 2542 Hall. Book of British Ballads, comprising all the most celebrated Ancient Ballads, Songs, etc. Edited by S. C. Hall. Every page richly embellished with very beautiful Engravings. Both series. 2 vols. royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1842 * First edition. Very scarce. It is scarcely possible to imagine a more attractive volume. The decorations are of the very highest class from designs by Cres- wick, Gilbert, Franklin, Corbould, etc. 2543 Hall (Mr. # and Mrs. S. C.) Ireland. Its Scenery, Le¬ gends, and Tales. Superbly illustrated by 500 beautiful Engravings on steel and wood after drawings by Creswick, Harvey , etc. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1841 Original edition. 2544 Hall (S. C.) Old Mansions of England. With 235 Engravings on wood. Folio, cloth. London, 1856 2545 HAMILTON (Wm.) Collection of Engravings from ANCIENT VASES, mostly of pure Greek Workmanship, discovered in Sepulchres in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but chiefly in the Neighborhood of Naples. 260 plates, some colored, with Descriptions in English and French. 2 vols. atlas folio, half morocco, gilt tops. Naples, 1766-67 2546 Hargus (Wm.) South Australia, its History, etc. Maps and numerous Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 208 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2547 Harding (J. D.) Principles and Practice of Art. With 24 large and beautiful engraved progressive Plates, com¬ prising many Examples , numerous Illustrations on wood and colored Diagrams. Imp. 4 to, cloth. Scarce. London, 1845 2548 Harewood (Harry). Dictionary of Sports. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835 2549 Harvard Memorial Biographies. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1866 2550 Hawker (Col.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen. Guns and Shooting. Numerous Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. ‘ London, 1838 2551 Haydon (B. R.) Life; from his Autobiography and Jour¬ nals. Edited and compiled by Tom Taylor. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 “ For the artist, the critic, and the lover of Art, the narrative of the struggles of Haydon, even though it ends with his utter failure, has "hardly a rival—certainly nothing in English can be compared with it ; and this not merely because English Art Bi¬ ographies are usually flabby to a degree, but on account of the in¬ trinsic qualities of the ‘ Autobiography,’ which is one of the most vivid of books, and only to be matched in vitality by Cellini’s audacious narrative, while it is far more, pathetic, because the hero, a sort of Ajax in his way, died under shield.”— Athenaum. 2552 Haydon (B. R.) Miscellanies ; on the Fine Arts. 4 vols. 8vo, unbound. London, 1831-4 2553 Hayter (C.) Introduction to Perspective Drawing, Painting, Mixing of Colors, etc., with Full and Practical Directions. Portrait and colored plates, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2554 Head (Sir E.) Handbook of the LIistory of the Spanish and French Schools of Painting. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 2555 Helps and Hints how to Protect Life and Property. Illustrated by Cruikshank, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1833 2556 Henslow (J. S.) Bouquet of Souvenirs. 25 colored plates of Flowers. Crown 8vo, morocco, gilt t?dges. London, 1840 BOOKS. 209 2557 [Hey (Mrs.)] Moral of Flowers ; or, Thoughts gathered from the Fields and Garden. 23 beautifully colored plates. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1836 2558 [FIey (Mrs.)] Spirit of the Woods. 26 colored plates. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1837 2559 Hogarth (William). Works. In a Series of 150 Steel Engravings by the first Artists , wiih Descriptions and Comments on their moral tendency, by Rev. John Truss- ler; to which are added Anecdotes of the Author and his Works, by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. 2 vols. 4to, mo¬ rocco, full gilt. London, 1833 2560 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey. Translated with Notes, by Buckley. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 2561 Horatii. Opera, cura H. H. Milman. Elegantly printed on fine paper, the pages embellished unth Floriated and Etruscan borders after designs by Owen Jones, and the text illustrated by nearly 500 beautiful woodcuts from the antique by G. Scharf. 8vo, boards, uncut. Murray, London, 1849 Very rare. 2562 Horace. Woijks of. Translated by Smart. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1850 2563 Houghton Gallery. Description of the Collection of Pictures belonging to Sir Robert Walpole. 3 Portraits and ^ plans. 4to, half calf. London, 1752 Includes a Sermon on Painting, etc., and the Catalogue of the Boy- dell .Gallery, 1779. 2564 Houssaye (A.) Philosophers and Actresses. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1852 2565 Howard (F. ) Science of Drawing Trees and Animals. Plates. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Pickering, London, 1S39 2566 Howard. Sketcher's Manual; or, the Whole Art of Picture Making reduced to the Simplest Principles. Nu¬ merous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1841 2567 Howard. Color as a Means of Art. Being an Adapta¬ tion of the Experience of Professors to the Practice of Amateurs. Numerous colored Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 14 2 10 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 2568 Howard. Imitative Art; or, the Means of Representing the Pictorial Appearances of Objects for the Use of the Amateur Sketcher and the Man of Business. Many wood- cuts. Crown Svo, cloth. London, n. d. 2569 Howitt (W.) Book of the Seasons, nmo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1842 257.0 Howitt (W.) Rural Life of England. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 2571 Humphreys (Noel). Art of Illumination and Missal Painting. Plates in gold and colors. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 TUESDAY EVENING’S SALE, NOVEMBER 22d, AT 7| O’CLOCK, AT OUR ART ROOMS. On Exhibition on and after Tuesday , Nov. \Jh. ILLUMINATED BOOKS. 2572 Illuminated Words of Truth and Wisdom. i 2 pages in gold and colors. Small 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges. Cundall , London, n. d. 2573 The Good Shunammite. 20pages in gold and colors, with miniatures. Small 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges. London, 1847 2574 Fruits from the Garden and Field. The text printed in gold, with 12 colored plates of Fruit. 7 he designs by Owen Jones. Royal' 8vo, stamped covers. London, 1850 2575 Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts. 14 beautiful colored plates of Flowers, designed by Owen Jones. The Poetical Text by Bacon, in gold letters. Royal 8vo, stamped covers. London, 1848 2576 Book of Christmas Carols. Beautifully printed in gold and colors, with miniatures. 8vo, boards. London, n. d. 2 577 The Sermon on the Mount. Beautifully illuminated by S. Stanesby, and printed in gold arid colors by T. Bcssent. Square i2mo, morocco antique, gilt edges. London, 1845 2578 Parables of Our Lord. 32 pages beautifully printed in black letter, with borders in gold and colors by Humphreys. Square i2mo, stamped morocco an¬ tique, gilt edges. London, 1847 * 2 i2 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2579 Preacher (The). Beautifully 'printed in gold and col¬ ors from the designs of Owen Jones. Imp. Svo, em¬ bossed oak boards. London, 1849 25S0 Illuminated Calendar for 1845, from the Hours of Anne of Britanny, an Illuminated Manuscript, exe¬ cuted about 1380. 36 splendid illuminated pages, consisting of 12 pictures and 24 borders. Edited by W. N. Humphreys. Imp. Svo, red morocco extra. London, 1845 2581 Illuminated Calendar for 1848. 37 pages, with minia¬ tures and borders beautifully printed in gold and colors , and 9 pages in black letter, rubricated. Imp. Svo, cloth extra. Longman, London, 1848 The designs in this beautiful book are taken from the “ Hours” of the Duke of Anjou, now in the Bibliotheque Royale. 2582 Industrial Art in the S. Kensington Museum. Illustrated. Crown Svo, cloth. London, 1876 2583 Ireland Illustrated. Thefull series of plates to Bartlett's Ireland. Proof impressions on India paper. Folio, mo¬ rocco extra, gilt edges. 2584 Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic, by Leitch Ritchie, with 39 highly finished Engravings after the beautiful drawings of D. Maclise and T. Creswick. 2 vols. Svo, velvet. Scarce. London, 1837-8 25S5 Irving (Washington). SketchBook. Illustrated by Darley. Small 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1849 2586 Irving. Tales of a Traveller. Illustrated by Darley. Small 4to, green morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1850 2587 Irving. Knickerbocker’s History of New York. With Darley s illustrations. Small 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1850 2588 Irving. Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. With 12 plates in outline by F. O. C. Darley. 2 vols. ob¬ long 4 to, boards. New York, 1848-9 BOOKS. 21 3 2589 Italy, Classical, Historical, and Picturesque. Illus¬ trated in a series of Views from Drawings by Stanfield, R.A., Roberts , R. A. , Harding , Prout , Leitch , Brockedon, Bar¬ nard, etc., etc. With Descriptions of the Scenes. Preceded by an Introductory Essay developing the Recent History and Present Condition of Italy and the Italians. By Camillo Mapei, D.D. Folio, morocco extra. Leaves loose. Edinburgh, n. d. 2590 Jackson (J.) Treatise on Wood Engraving. Historical ,and Practical. With upwards of 300 illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Charles Knight, London, 1839 The original edition of this capital book. The illustrations are very brilliant, and some have been inserted. The history of Wood Engraving is a noble volume, unique in its way, and no library will be complete without it. Mr. Jackson’s reputation rests upon a firm basis—his name is attached to some of the brightest and best of the modern engravings. He is one of the few living pupils of Bewick—and one -who follows in the steps and supports the reputation of his celebrated master.’’— Polytechnic Journal. 2591 Jackson (Mr.) Essay on Engraving and Printing in Chiaroscura. 8 colored plates. 4to. Unbound. Very- rare. London, 1754 2592 Jacquemart (Albert). History of the Ceramic Art ; the Pottery and Porcelain of all Ages and Nations. With 200 woodcut illustrations, 12 exquisite etchings and 1000 marks and monograms. Impl. 8vo, cloth extra. London, 1S73 2593 Jameson (Mrs.) Companion to the most celebrated Private Galleries of Art in London. Containing accurate Cata¬ logues, with Introductions, Essays, etc. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1844 Contents : Royal, Bridgewater, Sutherland, Grosvenor, Lans- clowne, Peel, and Rogers Collections. 2594 Jameson. Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2593 Jameson. Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. With 50 beautijul vignette etchings. 2 vols. post Svo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1835 “ Mrs. Jameson is lively, eloquent, and discriminating. A the me mu. 214 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2596 Jardine (Sir W.) Game Birds, and Perches. Colored plates. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1834-5 2597 Jarves (James Jackson). Art Studies : The Old Masters of Italy ; Painting. Copperplate illustrations j ornamented title. 8vo, cloth uncut. Derby and Jackson , New York, 1861 2598 Jesse (E.) Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies. Beauti¬ fully illustrated. Crown 8vo, boards uncut. London, 1847 Principally Windsor and Eton. 2599 Johnson (D.) 'Sketches of Field Sports in India. Frontis¬ piece. Svo, calf, gilt. London, 1822 2600 Johnson (Sami.) Lives of the most eminent English Poets. 4 vols. post Svo, boards uncut. Edinb. 1818 2601 Johnson (T. B.) Shooter's Companion. Illustrated. Post Svo, morocco. London, 1834 2602 Junius (F.) The Painting of the Ancients. Small 4to, calf. London, 1638 Exceedingly rare. 2603 Junius. Letters ; including those under other Signatures, and his Private Correspondence with Wilkes and Woodfall, with a new evidence as to the authorship, by Wade. Fac¬ simile letters. 2 vols. post Svo, cloth. London, 1S50 2604 Kane (Ur. E.) Arctic Explorations of 1853-55, in search of Sir John Franklin, with portrait, maps, and upwards of 300 graphic illustrations on steel and wood from sketches by the author. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 2605 Kennett (Basil). Rom.e ■ Antiqu.® Notitia ; or, the Anti¬ quities of Rome. Portrait, plates of Coins, Ceremonies , Antiquities, etc. Svo, calf. London, 1737 2606 Knight (Chas) Pictorial History of London, Ancient and Modern. With 700 engravings of celebrated Buildings, Antiquities, Costumes, Curiosities, etc., etc. 6 vols. imp. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841 Original edition. 2607 Knox (R.) Manual of Artistic Anatomy, Illustrated. Po£ Svo, cloth. London, 1852 2608 Knox (V.) Moral and Literary Essays. 3 vols. post Svo, calf, gilt. London, 1821 BOOKS. 21 5 2609 Kugler (F.) Handbook of-the Italian Schools of Paint¬ ing, translated by Lady Eastlake, with notes, by Sir C. L. Eastlake'; third ed. with more than 100 woodcut Illustra- % tions from the Old Masters. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 261c? Kugler (M.) Handbook of Painting, the German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish and French Schools. Notes by Sir E. Head. Numerous plates. 2 vols. crown 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1854 2611 Lairesse (G. de). Art of Painting in all its branches. 71 plates , 4to, calf. London, 1778 2612 Landseer (Thomas). Engravings of Lions, Tigers, Pan¬ thers, Leopards, Dogs, etc., chiefly after Sir E. Landseer, by his Brother, Thomas Landseer. 39 spirited pla,tes. 4to, cloth. London, 1853 2613 Landscape Annual. With 140 highly finished Engravings after Drawings by S. Prout, f. D. Harding , David Rob¬ erts ., and fames Holland. With Descriptive Tours by T. Roscoe. 6 vols. 8vo, morocco. London, 1830, etc. Contents :—Switzerland and Italy, France, Granada, and Portugal. 2614 Lanzi (F) History of Painting in Italy. Translated by T. Roscoe. Best large type library edition. 6 vols. im¬ perial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1828 Fine large paper copy. 2615 Lanzi. History of Painting in Italy. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1847 2616 Le Blanc (C.) Manuel de i;Amateur d’Estampes. 9 Parts. 8vo, unbound. Paris-, 1850-7 2617 Leicester Gallery. Descriptive Catalogue of, by W. Ci|rey and Sir R. C. Hoare. Plates. Royal Svo, half rus- sia, uncut. London, 1819 2618 Lempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary. Svo, sheep. London, 1820 2619 Le Sage. Gil Blas. Translated by Smollett, with Memoir. Illustrated Edition. With several hundred spirited En¬ gravings by f. Gigoux. 2 vols. royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1836 2l6 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. i 2620 Le Sage. Gil Blas. Frontispiece, etc. 2 vols. i6rno. calf. London, 1809 2621 Leslie (C. R.) Autobiographical Recollections. Edited with a Prefatory Essay on Leslie as an Artist, and Selec¬ tions from his Correspondence, bv Tom Taylor. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. London,' i860 2622 Leslie (C. R.) Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, Esq., R. A. Composed chiefly from his Letters. Por¬ trait and Engravings from Lis Pictures. Small 4 to, doth, uncut edges. London, 1845 2623 Lever (C ) Charles O'Malley. Illustrated by “ Phiz.” 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1840 2624 Lever. Tom Burke. Illustrated by “Phiz.” 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half calf. Dublin, 1844 Original edition. 2625 Lever (C.) Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Plates by “Phiz.” 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 1839 Original edition. 2626 Lever. Arthur O'Leary. Illustrated by George Cruik- shank. 8vo, cloth. London, 1845 2627 Light (W.) Views of Pompeii. With 35 plates. Folio, cloth. London, 1828 2628 Livius (Titus). History of Rome. Translated by Spillan, Edmonds, and M’Devitte? Portrait. 4 vols post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 2629 Lockhart (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads. With fine portrait , and numerous beautiful illustrations by W. Allan, D. Roberts , etc., and colored borders and ornamental vig¬ nettes by Owen Joties, in colors. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1842 2630 London and Adjacent Villages. Large map, liounted on linen. Folded in case. 2631 London Panorama. Seventeen feet in length. Folded in cloth covers. 2632 Lossing (Benson J.) Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America. Several hundred finely executed Engravings on wood, from sketches by the Author. Vols. 1 and 3, imperial 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1866 BOOKS. 217 2633 Lossing. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. With several hundred Engravings on ivood. by Lossing and Bar¬ ret. chiefly from original sketches by the author. . 2 vols. royal Svo, half calf. New York, 1851 Fine early copy. 2634 Lossing. Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812. With several hundred Engravings on wood. Royal Svo, half calf. New York, 1869 2635 Maberly (J.) Print Collector. An Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of Ancient Prints, with Prices and care of Prints, and a Catalogue Raisonne of Books on Engravings and Piints. Woodcuts and plates 0/monograms. Small 4to. cloth. Scarce. London, 1844 2636 Mac Ian (R. R.) The Clans of the Scottish Highlands. Illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their Dress, Tartans, Arms, Armorial Insignia, and Social'Occupations, from original sketches ; with Descriptions by James Logan, F.S.A. Containing 72 large and beautifully colored plates • 2 vols. folio, half red mdrocco, gilt edges. London, 1857 “One of the most reliable and interesting works of modern times. The portraits are painted by a veritable Highlander, and an artist of the true stamp, who is familiar with his subject.”— Art Union. 2637 Maclise (D., R.A.) Story of the Norman Conquest. 42 oblong plates. 4 to, cloth. Art Lnion, London, 1866 2638 Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. Numerous steel por¬ traits and plates. Royal Svo, morocco, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1S75 2639 Martial Deeds. The same, on Large Paper. Printed within red lines. 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1875 2640 “Martingale.” Sporting Scenes and Country Charac¬ ters. Numerous illustrations. Square Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1840 2641 Maunder. Treasuries of Knowledge. Scientific and Literary, Biographical, Historical, Natural History, etc. Numerous woodcuts. 5 vols. thick post 8vo, cloth. London, '1845-48 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 218 2642 Maxwell (W. H.) Legends of the Cheviots and the Lammf.rmuir. Plates by Leech , and woodcuts. 2 v'ols in 1. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 2643 [Maxwell (W. H.)] Wild Sports of the West. Plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1833 2644 Maxwell. Field-Book ; or, Sports and Pastimes of the British Islands. Numerous Engravings. 8vo, cloth. London, 1833 2645 Mayer (J.) Sportsman’s Directory. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 2646 Mazois (F.) Les Ruines df. P0MPF.i1. Upwards of 100 fine plates , 2 vols in 1. Atlas fulio. Half morocco. Paris. 1824 2647 Medailles du Regne df. Louis XV., et les Glorieuses Campagnes. 85 fine copper-plate Engravings, par Gos- mond, etc. Folio, calf. Paris, %'j — ♦ 2648 Medailles sir i.es Principally Evenements du Regne de Louis le Grand. Over 275 medal vignettes. Folio, calf. Baden, 1705 2649 Mf.yrick (S. R.) Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armor. From the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire, after the Drawings and with the Descrip¬ tions of Sir Samuel R. Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton, F.S.A. Portrait and 154 plates. 2 vols. folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1830 2650 Michael Angelo. CEuvres completes, et choix de Baccio Bandinelh et D. de Volterre. Upwards,of loo plates. 4to, cloth. Paris, 1844 2651 Milton (John). Poetical Works, with Life. Portraits and Turner s fine plates. Post 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1843 2652 Minstrelsy of the English Border. A collection, of Ballads, Ancient, remodeled, and original, founded on well-known Border Legends ; with illustrative Notes by F. Sheldon. ' Sq. 8vo, morocco antique, red edges. London, 1847 2653 Mitelli (G. M.) Proverbi Figurati. 72 curious etchings on $PP er. Folio; vellum. Roma, 1678 BOOKS. X 219 2654 Modern British Drama. Tragedies, Comedies, Operas and Farces. By the best writers. Edited by Sir W. Scott. Beautiful vignettes. 5 vols. royal 8vo, calf. Covers loose. London, 1811 2655 Monstrelet’s Chronicles. The Civil Wars between Or¬ leans and Burgundy ; the Possession of Paris and Nor¬ mandy by the English ; their Expulsion, etc. (in continu¬ ation of Froissart). By Johnes. Many woodcuts. 2 vo's. imp. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1840 2656 Montgomery (James). Poems. With 100 beautiful illus¬ trations by Birket, Foster, etc. 4to, cloth, gilt. > London, i860 2657 Moore (Frank). Women of the War. Steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1867 2658 Moore (Dr. J. ) The Kimeliad. A Poem. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1S6 7 26^9 Moore (Tom). Poetical Works, with Life, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, f'842 2660 Moran (E.) Land and Sea. With 72 miniatures of paint¬ ings by this artist. Royal 4 to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871 Autograph of Moran on title^age. . 2661 Morton (Rev. James). Monastic Annals of Teviotdale ; or, the History and Antiquities of the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melrose, and Dryburgh. Illustrated with 19 En¬ gravings. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1832 2662 Moses (H.) A Collection of Antique Altars, Paterae, Tripods, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, etc. Engraved on 170 plates. Square Svo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 2663 Mudie (Robert.) Feathered Tribes of the British Isl¬ ands. Numerous colored plates. 2 vols. crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1834 5664 Mudie. Natural History of Birds. Colored plates ami woodcuts- i2ino, cloth. London, 1834 2665 MUSEE ROY ^L, Recueil de gravures d’apres les plus beaux Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs de la Collection Royale, par Laurent. Original edition, with brilliant impressions of the 161 beautiful plates. 2 vols. atlas folio, half morocco, uncut. Paris, iS 16-18 «• 220 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. a 2666 Mytton (John). Life, with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, etc., by Nimrod (Apperley). 8vo, cloth. Ackermann, London, 1835 2667 Napoleon. Medallic History of. A Collection of all the Medals, Coins, and jettons relating to his Actions and Reign, from the year 1796 to 1815. Engravings of sev¬ eral hundred coins , etc. Royal 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1819 2668 Northcote (J.) Fables. Original and selected. 280 beautiful woodcuts after his charming compositions. Fcap. Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1833 Second Series. 2669 Northwick Gallery. Catalogue of Lord Northwick’s Col¬ lection of Paintings, etc. 4to, cloth. London, 1859 2670 Nuttall (T.) Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada Land and Water Birds. With nu¬ merous cuts. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Very scare#, v Boston, 1834-40 2671 Old Ballads. Edited by J. P. Collier. Songs and Bal¬ lads. Edited by Mackay ; and Search for Money, by W. Rowley. 3 vols. in 1. Post Svo, half morocco, gilt. Percy Society, London, 1840 2672 Oram (W.) Art of Coloring in Landscape Painting.^ Plates. 4to, boards. London, 1810 2673 Oriental Annual. Scenes in India by Gaunter. With 22 steel plates by Daniell. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1835 2674 Opie (John). Lectures on Painting. With Memoir by Mrs. Opie. 13 portraits of Painters. 4to, half morccco. London, 1809 2675 OVID. LES METAMORPHOSES DOVIDE, Traduc¬ tion nouvelle avec le Texte Latin, suivie d'u'ne Analyse de I'Explication des Fab es, de Notes Geographiques, His- toriques, Mythologiques, et Critiques, par G. T. Villenave. Ornc'e de gravures d'apres les dessins de MM. Lebarbier, Monsiau, et Moreau. 4 vols. 4to>*uncut. Imprimerie de Didot, Paris, 1806 Large Paper. One hundred and forty-four plates. In vols. 1 and 2 the plates are smaller than the text, and have the inscription under each plate. Vols. 3 and 4 are full size, and proofs before letter. BOOKS. 22 r 2676 Ovid. Works of. Translated, with Notes, by Riley. Frontispieces. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1851-2 Comprises the Metamorphoses, Fasti, Tristia, Heroides,' Amours, Art and Remedy of Love, and Minor Works. 2677 Ovid’s Metamorphoses Translated. Frontispiece. 121x10, morocco, gilt. London, 1826 2678 Ovid’s Metamorphoses ; Hoole’s Tasso ; Johnson's Ram¬ bler, 2 vols. Goldsmith’s Essays; Ossian's Poems ; Cowper’s Poems ; Chapone’s Letters ; and Practical Moral¬ ity. Frontispieces and vignettes. 9 vols. i6mo, half russia. v London, 1820 2679 Paley (W. ) Philosophy. Svo, sheep. Boston, 1821 2680 Palliser (Mrs. B.) China Collector's Pocket Com¬ panion. Marks and Monograms. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1874 2681 Parker (W. B.) Unexplored Texas. 121110, cloth. Philadelphia, 1S 5 6 2682 Paul de Kock. Barber of Paris. Frontispiece , etc. i6mo, morocco, gilt. London, n. d. 2683 Peale (Rembrandt). Notes on Italy. Svo, boards. Philadelphia, 1831 2684 Peale. Portfolio of an Artist. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1839 2685 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, from the first Catalogue and Exhibition, 1810, to the year 1869, when Fox purchased the Academy. 5 vols. Svo, half morocco, and a large number of unbound pamphlets, in connection with the Academy Reports, etc. Philadelphia, 1S10—69 Nearly two complete sets are included in the above lot, besides other Academy Reports, etc , etc. ft 2686 Pictures of the French. Literary and Graphic Deline¬ ations of French Character, by Jules Janin, Bdzac, Cor- menin, etc. With 230 clever characteristic Engravings, drawn on the wood by Gavarni, Monnier , and Meissonier. Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. London, 1840 The full-page illustrations are on India paper. 222 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2687 Pictorial Book of Ballads. Traditional and Romantic, with Introductions, Glossary, and Notes by J. S. Moore. Illuminated Title , and numerous Engravings. Thick 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1849 2688 Pilkington (M.) Dictionary of Painters. Greatly enlarged and improved by J. Barry. 410, russia gilt. London, 1798 26S9 Pilkington. Dictionary of Painters. Comprising Memoirs of their Lives and Works. Enlarged by Allan Cunningham. 8vo. half calf. London, 1840 2690 Piranesi. Campus-Martius Antique Urbis. 45 grand Etchings. Atlas folio, boards. Roma, 1762 2691 Plutarch's Lives. With Notes, and a Life of Plutarch, by the Langhornes. 8 vols. post Svo, boards, uncut. London, 1821 2692 Poems. Edge-Hill, by R. Jago, 1767. Resignation, by Mrs. B.. etc. 4to, boards. 2693 Poems and Pictures. A Collection of Ballads, Songs, and other Poem'. Illustrated by English artists, elegantly printed and every page ornamented with Engravings. Small 4to, morocco extra, gilt leaves.. London, 1846 2694 Poets' (The) Pleasaunce. ♦ A Collection of Poetical Extracts from the Old and Modern Poets, relating to Flowers, by Eden Warwick [the late G. Jabet of Birming¬ ham]. Every page surrounded by beautif ul floriated woodcut borders , besides other splendid woodcuts. '1 hick square 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1847 2695 Poetry. Milton’s Works, 2 vols. ; Moore’s Lalla Rookh ; Young’s Night Thoughts ; Burns’s Poems, 2 vols. ; Vol¬ taire's Ilenriade ; Scottish Minstrel ; Moore’s Irish Melo¬ dies ; and Falconer’s Shipwreck. 10 vols. 24mo. n. d. 2696 Pope’s Homer's Iliad. 2 vols. 24mo, ca’f. Bahimore, 1812 2697 Portraits in the Versailles Gallery. 216 portraits. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Paris, n. d. Water-stained. BOOKS. 223 2698 Portraits of Washington (engraved) ; by W. S. Baker. With Notices of the Originals, and brief Biographical Sketches of the Painters. Crown 4to, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1880 Only 500 copies, beautifully printed. The list is arranged chro¬ nologically, and enumerates accurately the portraits of Washing¬ ton, which number 436. 2699 [Proctor.] English Songs, etc. By “ Barry Corn¬ wall.” i2mo, calf gilt. Boston, 1844 2700 Prout (S.) Sketches at Home and Abroad. Hints on Freedom of Execution, etc., in Land-cape Painting, and on Color. 50 lithographs on India paper. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. 'London, 1844 2701 Prout. Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition, etc., in Landscape Painting. 22 plates , printed in tints. Folio, cloth. London, 1847 27C2 Rabelais (Francis). Works. Translated by Urquhart and Motteux ; with Notes by Duchat, Ozell, etc. Por¬ traits of Rabelais and Urquhart. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1851 “ Beyond a doubt Rabelais was among the deepest as well as bold¬ est thinkers of his age. His buffoonery was not merely Brutus’s rough stick which contayred a rod of gold ; it was necessary as an amulet against the monks and legates. * * I class Rabelais with the great creative minds of the world, Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, etc.’’— S. T. Coleridge. * 2703 Radcliffe (F. P. D.) Noble Science of Fox Hunt¬ ing. Numerous beautiful illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839 2 lo \ Raimond la Face. Recueil des Meilleurs Desseins. 35 fine plates engraved by Audran, Simmoneau , etc ., and a mezzotint portrait. Imp. folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1683 2705 Ramsay (Allan). The Evergreen. A Collection of Scots Poems. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1761 First edition. Rare. Sylvia and other Poems. i6mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1857 2706 Read (T. B.) 224 THE TALES COLLECTIONS. 2707 Reade (J. E.) Prose from the South. Tour through Switzerland, Italy, and Naples. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 Notices of objects of Art in Rome, Pompeii, Florence, etc., etc. 2708 Reid (Thos.) Works. Life, etc., by Dugald Stewart. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1822 2709 Rembrandt and his Works. Comprising an Account of his Life, with a critical Examination into his Principles and Practice of Design, etc., by John Burnet. Illustrated by \ 9 fine plates from his Etchings. Royal 4 to, cloth, uncut. London, 1849 Large paper copy ; only fifty printed. The plates are proof impressions on India paper. 2710 Reports from the Select Committee on Fine Arts, etc., 1841-3. Folio, half calf. London, 1841-3 B. R. Haydon’s copies with his Autographs and Marginal Notes. The Report for 1S42 has the presentation Autograph of Sir Charles Eastlake. 2711 Rf.tzsch (Moritz). Umrisse zu Goethe’s Faust. Erster und zweiter Theil. With 40 plates. Oblong 4to, cloth. Stuttgart, 1S36 2712 Retzsch. Umrisse zu Schiller’s Lied von der Glockf., nebst Andeutungen. 43 plates. Oblong 4to, cloth. Stuttgart, 1849 2713 Retzsch. Umrisse zu Burger’s Balladen. 15 plates . Oblong 4to, cloth. Leipzig, 1840 2714 Retzsch. Schiller’s Pegasus im Joche, nebst Andeu¬ tungen. 12 plates. Oblong 410, boards. Stuttgart, 1840 2715 Retzsch. Gallery to Shakespeare’s Dramatic Works, with English and German Text. 100 plates. 2 vols. oblong 4to, stitched. Leipzig, 1847 2716 Retzsch. Outlines to Schiller’s Fkidolin. 8 plates .<$ Oblong, 4to, cloth. 2717 Retzsch. Outlines to Schiller’s Fight with the Dragon. 16 plates. Oblong 4to, cloth. 2718 Retzsch. The same, with a Translation by J. P. Collier. The plates on India paper. 4 to, cloth. London, 1S25 2719 Retzsch. Illustrations to Goethe's Faust. 26plates . Oblong 4to, cloth. London, 1843 BOOKS. 225 2720 Reynard the Fox. After the German Version of Goethe, by T. J. Arnold, with spirited Etchings by Joseph Wolf. 8vo, half Roxburghe morocco. London, 1855 2721 Reynard the Fox, and his son Reynardine. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 2722 Reynolds (Sir J.) Life. Comprising Original Anecdotes of many distinguished Persons, an Analysis of his Dis¬ courses, etc., by J. Northcote, R.A. Portrait. 4to, half calf. London, 1813 2723 Richardson (J.) Works on Painting. With an Essay on the Art of Criticism, the Science of a Connoisseur, etc. 12 Portraits of eminent Painters by Worlidge. 4to, calf. London, 1792 Intended as a Supplement to Walpole’s Anecdotes. 2724 Rickman (T.) An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, etc. Numer¬ ous illustrations on steel and wood. Svo, cloth. , London, 1848 2725 Ritchie (Leitch). Windsor Castle and its Environs; including Eton College. Numerous highly finished steel blates. Royal Svo, cloth. London, 1848 2726 Rochette (Raoul) Lectures on Ancient Art. Illus¬ trated. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1854 2727 Rogers (S.) Poems and Italy Embellished with exquisite engravings after the designs of Turner and Stot hard. First impressions. Foxed here and there, as is common with the first edition. 2 vols. crown Svo, morocco, gilt edged. Not uniform. London, 1830-4 The Poems has the title-page written across. 272S Rogfrs (S.) Italy, a Poem. With Turner and Slothard’s exquisite vignettes , brilliant impressions, unusually free from spots. Crown Svo, calf, gilt edges. London, 1830 First edition. 2729 Roscof. (Thomas). The .Tourist in Spain. Illustrated from drawings by David Roberts. Published as “Jennings’ Landscape Annual.” Illustrated with 84 fine Engravings and numerous vignettes, containing Granada, Andalusia, Biscay and the Castiles, Spain and Morocco. 4 vols. crown 8vo, full morocco, gilt. London, 1835-38 15 226 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2730 Rosetta Stone. Report of the Committee appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania to translate the Inscription on the Rosetta Stone. 137 lithographed pages, many colored. 4to, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1859 2731 Ruskin (John). Modern Painters. Vol. 1, Of General Principles arid of Truth. Vol. 2, Of the Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties. Vol. 3, Of Many Things. Vol. 4, Of Mountain Beauty. Vol. 5, Of Leaf Beauty, of Cloud Beauty, of Ideas of Relation. 5 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1856-60 Best edition ; illustrated zoith about 200 beautiful Etchings and woodcuts, some in colors, mostly after designs by f. M. IV. Turner and Ruskin. Vols. 3, 4, and 5 are first editions. 2732 Ruskin (John). True and Beautiful in Nature, Art, etc. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, i860 2733 [Ruskin.] Essays upon Art. nmo, cloth. New York, 1849 Presentation copy from Thos. Sully, the artist. 2734 Ruskin. Elements of Drawing. i2mo, cloth. , New York, 1877 2735 Ruskin (J.) Notes on the Turner Gallery, at Marlborough House, 1856-57. 2 vols. 8vo, unbound. Scarce. London, 1857 2736 Say (J. B.) Political Economy. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1824 2737 Schiefertafel-Bilder zu deutschen Kinder-Liedern nach Arnim, Brentano, S.mrock, etc. 24 comic illustrations. Oblong 4to, boards. Leipzig, 1842 2738 Sch revelii. Greek and Latin Lexicon. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1808 2739 Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Views, by Allom, Bartlett, etc., with Descriptions. Upwards of 120 highly finished Engravings. Early impressions . 2 vols. 4to, mor¬ occo gilt. London, 1838 2740 SCOTT'S WAVERLY NOVELS. The celebrated Abbotsford edition, with 2000 fine engravings on steel and wood after paintings by Wilkie, Landseer, Roberts, Allan, Nasmyth, etc. 12 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.. Fine clean copy. Edinburgh, 1842 BOOKS. 227 2741 Scott’s Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. Comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of Former Ages, accompanied by Descrip¬ tions, together with Illustrations of Remarkable Incidents in Border History and Tradition, and Original Pcetry by Walter Scott. 98 beautiful Engravings. 2 vo's. Do, red morocco gilt edges. London, 1814 2742 Scott. Marmion. A Tale of Flodden Field, with Notes. Printed on thick paper and illustrated by 50 engravings. 8vo, Morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1840 2743 Scott (W. Id.) British Field Sports ; embracing Shoot¬ ing, Hunting, Coursing, Racing. Fishing, etc. Numerous beautiful plates and woodcuts, some by Bewick. 8vo, cloth. London, 1820 2744 Seventy-Six Society. Papers in Relation to the Case of Silas Dean. 1S55 -Examination of Joseph Galloway. Edited by T. Balch. J S 55 - Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the American Revolution. 1856 Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1855-6 Only 250 printed. 2745 Shakespeare. Works. Knight's Pictorial Edition, and a Life of the Poet, by Charles Knight. With tipwards of 1200 illustrations. 7 vols. royal Svo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1842 Original edition. 2746 Shakespeare (Wm.) Dramatic Works. Edited by Isaac Reed. With beautiful Frontispieces by Thurston. 12 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1821 Frontispiece to last volume missing, and VoL II. slightly stained on bottom margin. 2747 Shakespeare’s Plays. The Text of Stevens and Malone, with Glossary. Frontispiece by Stothard. Post Svo, mor¬ occo, gilt edges. London, 1827 2748 Shakespeare. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden). Concordance to Shakespeare; being a Verbal Index to all the passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. Thick royal Svo, cloth, uncut. New York [London], 1S46 228 THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2749 Shakespeare Illustrated. A scries of 45 beautiful line Engravings of Landscapes and Architectural Subjects, from designs by G. E- Sargent, with Notices of the several locali¬ ties by various Authors. Impl. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. How & Parsons, London, 1842 2750 Shakespeare. Songs and Ballads. Illustrated by ///^ Etch¬ ing Club, consisting of 35 most beautiful Etchings on 18 plates. India Proofs. The Text printed in red ink. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1S43 These charming Etchings were issued to the subscribers only. 2751 Shakespeare's Seven Ages. Illustrated by Maclise. Ob¬ long, 4to, boards. Art Union , London, 1850 2752 Shakespeare’s Seven Ages. With 9 illustrations by Mill- ready, etc. 4to, cloth. Van Voorst , London, 1840 2753 Shee (M. A.) Rhymes on Art. 121110, boards. London, 1806 2754 Shee. Elements of Art. A Poem. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1809 2753 Sheridan (R. B.) Dramatic Works. Portrait. 3 vo’s. i2mo, half calf. Paris, 1828 2756 Siegfried the Dragon Slayer. Heroic Life and Exploits. 8 plates by Kaulbaeh. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1848 2757 Silliman (B.) Visit to Europe in 1851. Portrait , etc. 2 vols. 121110, cloth. New York, 1854 2758 Smith (A.) Theory of Moral Sentiment. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, sheep. New York, 1822 2759 Smith (John). Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most eminent Du ch, Flemish, and French Painters ; with a copious description of their principal pictures, etc. Por¬ traits and illustrations. 9 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1829-42 Very rare. A very limited edition published. A valuable and indispensable work to the art student. 2760 Smith (Dr.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Numerous woodcut illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1849 2761 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; secontl edition, enlarged, with numerous wood engravings. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1849 BOOKS. 229 2762 Smollett (T.) Miscellaneous Works. Life by Roscoe. Portrait, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1841 2763 Somerville (W.) The Chase, a Poem, with 13 exquisite woodcuts by Bewick. 4to, half calf. Bulmer , London, 1796 2764 Songs of the Chase, etc. 2 plates. Post 8vo, morocco. London, 1811 2765 Spooner (S.) Biographical Hintory of the Fine Arts; Memoirs of the Lives and Works of eminent Painters, Fin- gravers, Sculptors and Architects. Portrait. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1853 2766 Sporting Oracle and Almanac of Rural Life. Edited by “ Vates.” Woodcuts. 3 vols. i2mo. London, 1840-T-2 The plates missing. 2767 Sportsman’s Vocal Cabinet. Plates on India paper. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1834 2768 Stafford Gallery. Catalogue Raisonn6 of the Pictures by J. Britten. Frontispiece , etc. Royal 8vo, half russia. London, 1808 The Historical Account of Corsham House by the same author, bound in the above vol. 2769 Starke (M.) Travels in Europe. Maps. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1836 2770 Statues et Bustes Antiques des Maisons Royales. 18 fine plates by Mellon. Folio, vellum. Paris, 1679 First part only. 2771 Stewart (D.) Philosophy of the Human Mind. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1821 2772 Stille (C. J.) Memorial of the Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary Commission. Photograph. 4to, cloth. Philadelphia, 1864 2773 Stothard (T.) Life of; with Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray [his daughter-in-law], with numerous beau¬ tiful illustrations from his Works , and Portrait. Small 4to, boards. London, 1851 2774 Stowe Catalogue : Priced and Annotated by H.R. Foster. Illustrated, 4to, half morocco. London, 1848 2775 Strawberry-Hill. A Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole, with Inventory. Plates 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Strawberry Hill, 1784 230 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 2776 Strawberry-Hill Catalogue. The Walpole Collection, priced in MS. Portrait. 4 to, boards. London, 1842 2777 STRUTT’S WORKS on COSTUME. Dresses and Habits of the English, from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time ; with an historical and critical Inquiry into every branch of Costume. 153 Engravings from authentic sources, carefully colored. 2 vols. Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England ; au¬ thentic Representations of all the English Monarchs from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII., with many other Great Personages. 72 Engravings from Ancient MSS., Monuments, etc. carefully colored. Together 3 fine large vols. royal 4to, half morocco uncut, top edges gilt, uniform. London, 1842 The above are the new editions, greatly improved, with critical and explanatory Notes by J. R. Planche, Esq., F. S. A. “ The amusing pages of Strutt entitle his memory to great re. spect ; and, borrowing the idea of Dr. Johnson, I will boldly affirm that he who wishes to be informed of the curious and interesting details connected with Ancient Manners and Cus¬ toms, Costume, Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, ‘ must devote his days and his nights to the volumes of Strutt.”’ — Dibdin' s Decam eron. 2778 Strutt's Sylvia Britannica et Scotica; or Portraits of For¬ est Trees distinguished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty, drawn from Nature. With 50 highly finished Etchings, brilliant impressions, on India paper. Imp], folio, half mo¬ rocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1826 2779 Strutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of Eng¬ land from the earliest period. With 140 curious Engravings of Recreations, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, etc. 8vo, cloth. London, 1838 2780 Stuart (Gilbert). Life and Works of. By Geo. C. Mason. 14 portraits on India paper. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1879 One of the handsomest specimens of book making in America. 2781 Sypher (J. R.) School History of Pennsylvania. Wood- cuts. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 2782 Syria, the Holy Land, etc. 36 plates by Bartlett, etc. Vol. I. 4to, cloth. London, 1836 BOOKS. 2 3 l 2783 Tennyson. Idylls of the King. 16 outline plates by P. Priolo. Oblong 4to, boards. Art Union , London, 1863 2784 Thomson (J.) Seasons, with Life and Critical Essay by R. Heron. Beautifully printed in large type, with Portrait and numerous fine plates from Paintings by Corbould and Colton. Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Perth, 1793 2785 Thomson’s Seasons, with Life by Murdoch, and Notes by Bolton Corney. Numerous beautiful illustrations from Designs drawn on wood by Bell , Cope, Creswick, Howley , Knight , Webster, etc. Square 8vo, morocco exira, gilt edges, by Ha \ 'day. London, 1847 2786 Thomson's Castle of Indolence, and the Seven Cartoons by Paton, Scott, Scharf, etc. 18 large and beautiful outline Engravings. Folio, half morocco. London, 1845 2787 Tuckerman (Id. T.) Artist-Life. Sketches of Ameri¬ can Painters. i2mo, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1847 2788 Turner and Ruskin. Harbors of England. 12 fine plates from Turner s Drawings, engraved by Lupton . Text by Ruskin. Folio, cloth. London, 1856 2789 U. S. Centennial Exhibition Official Catalogue. Svo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1876 2790 Van Ivampen. History of Holland and Belgium. Plates by Bartlett. Royal Svo, cloth. London, n. d- 2791 VANDER MEULEN. A Collection of 140 superb Engrav¬ ings f rom the best work of this great master , with an elegant Portrait engraved by Von Schuppen, 1687. 3 vo s. atlas fo io, calf. 16S5, etc. Many of these superb plates are five feet long, and are engraved by Cochin, Baudoins, Bonnart, Entinger, etc., etc. From the Collection of Earl Waldegrave. 2792 Vasari (G ) Lives of Painters Sculptors and Archi¬ tects. By Foster. Portraits. 5 vols. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1850 2793 VECELLIO (Cesare). HABITI ANTICHI overo Rac- colta di Figure delineate dal Gran Titiano, etc. Over 400 plates of Costume. Fine impressions. 8vo, calf, antique, red edges. Venetia, 1764 Fine copy, exceedingly rare. The last 13 plates represent the early inhabitants of America. THE FATES COLLECTIONS. 2794 Vedutf. degli Obelischi, Scelte Fontane, e Chiostri di Roma, designate D. Amici. 150 plates. Folio, half calf. Roma, 1839 2795 Voyage Pittoresque de l’Italie. 126 fine plates. Imp. folio, half morocco. No title 2796 Vue de Naples et Sicile. Upwards of 250 fine plates. Imp. folio, half calf. No title 2 797 Waagen (Dr.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain. Being an Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated MSS., etc., in 3 vols., with supplemental Volume of Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1S54-57 279S Walker (A.) Beauty. Illustrated by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman, with Hypotheses re¬ specting Beauty, by Da Vinci, Mengs, Winkelmann, Hume, Hogarth, etc. With 22 beautiful tinted plates by Gauci and Lane , after drawings from Life by H. Howard. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edge*. London, 1846 2799 Wallace (H. B.) Art, Scenery, and Philosophy in Europe. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1855 2800 Walpole (Horace) and Vertue’s Anecdotes of Paint¬ ing in England, and Catalogue of English En¬ gravers, with laves and Notes. Fine impressions of the numerous beautiful Portraits. 5 vols. small 4to in 3, calf, neat. Strawberry Hill, 1765 Rare Stawbf.rky Hill Edition. This fine set comprises the scarce fourth volume of Anecdotes, which was also piinted at Strawberry Hill nearly ten years subsequently. 2801 Washington’s Farewell Address. Illustrated and printed within colored borders. 4 to, boards. Philadelphia, 1858 2802 Webster (Noah). American Dictionary of the Eng¬ lish Language. The entire Corrections and Improve¬ ments. Revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich. Pictorial Illustrations, with Portrait. 4 to, russia. t Springfield, 1868 BOOKS. 2 33 2803 Webster-Parkman Trial. 3 pamphlets. New York and Boston, 1850 2804 Wells (N. A.) Picturesque Antiquities of Spain. Described in a Series of Letters. With 29 Illustrations on steel and wood of Moorish Palaces , Cathedrals , and other Monuments of Art in Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville . Imperial 8vo, cloth. London, 1846 2805 Wilkie Gallery. A Selection of 66 finely engraved plates by Greathead and others, from the Works of Sir D. Wilkie. With Notices, Biographical, and Critical. Portrait. Im¬ perial 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 2806 Wilson (Alex.) American Ornithology ; or, Natural History of the Birds of the United States. 3 vols. Svo, half calf; and 76 fine plates, colored after nature. In folio. Together, 4 vols. half calf. New York, etc., 1828-9 2807 Wilson. American Ornithology. Notes by Jardine. Additions by Brewer. Numerous Illustrations. Small Svo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1840 2808 WlNKELMANN (G.) MONUMENTI AnTICHI InEDITE. 2o8 fine plates. 2 vols. in one, folio, half morocco. Roma, 1767 Flaxman’s Copy, with his Notes. Bound with the above. Basso- relievo della Villa Albany, Plates. Roma, 1773 2809 Windsor Castle. Large folded plates and Descriptive Text, with 12 Views. 4to, cloth. Windsor, n. d. 2810 Woodland Gleanings. Beautiful woodcut Illustrations. Post Svo, cloth. London, 1837 2811 Woodcuts. Gems of Wood-Engraving, containing tip- ward of 100 of the finest Specimens of Wood-Png raving ever produced , after Ancient and Modern Painters, with a His¬ tory of the Art of Wood-engraving, Ancient and Modern, by W. A. Chatto. Folio, enameled boards. London, 1849 An elegant Table-Volume, containing subjects of History, Land¬ scape, Portrait, Still Life, Architecture, Animals, and Imagi¬ native Composition. 2812 Worcester (J. C.) Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage. Unabridged Edition. Portrait. Thick 4to, russia. Boston, 1867 THE PALES COLLECTIONS. 2 3 4 2813 Wordsworth (Dr. C.) Greece. Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. With upward of ^ 50 fine wood Engrav¬ ings, and 28 beautiful steel plates after Copley, Tie/ding, Creswick, D. Cox, Meissonier, etc . Imperial 8 vo, mo¬ rocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1844 2S14 Wright (G. N.) Mediterranean; the Shores and Islands of the. Upward of 60 well-executed Engravings after Drawings by Sir G- Temple, JV. L. Leitch and others, with Descriptions. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1841 2815 Wright and Janin. France Illustrated, i 32 steel Engravings by Allom and Land. 4 vols. in 2. 4 to, red mo¬ rocco, extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 2816 Novels. Handy Andy and others, by Lover, Marryatt, Lever, etc. 17 vols. 2817 Pottery. Handbooks and Sale Catalogues. 2818 Handbooks to Australasia. 6 vols. 2819 Bunker-Hill Monument. Sufferings of Prisoners of War, etc. 2820 Descriptions of Famous Paintings, exhibited in New York and Philadelphia. 2821 English Art Union, and Scotch Fine Art Reports. 2822 Catalogues. National Academy of Des gn, New York, Artist Fund of Philadelphia, Apollo Society, American Art Union, etc., etc. 2823 Catalogues. Royal Academy. 15 Parts (including the rare fi'th). Liverpool Academy (3), Water color Paint¬ ers (8), Scottish Academy (4), British Artists (6), New Society (8). 2824 Picture Galleries. Catalogues of the Soult, National, Munich, Louvre, British Museum, Musee Royal, Dul¬ wich, Sloane, Sheepshanks. Luxembourg, Anvers, Exhibi¬ tion of 1851, Dresden Salon, e,c. 2825 -Catalogues of the Cardinal Fesch, Morland, Cosway, Flaxman, Etty, and other Codec ions. 2826 Painting Exhibitions. Catalogues of the Bryan Collec¬ tion, Arundel Exhibition, etc. BOOKS. 2 35 2827 Catalogues of the Sowerby, Ingraham, and other Li¬ braries, also numerous Coin Catalogues. 2828 Lot of Magazines and Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 2829 The Crayon, and Cosmopolitan Art Journal. Odd num¬ bers. 2830 Catalogues of Paintings sold by Auction in the United States. 2831 Another Lot. Priced. 2832 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition Catalogues. 37 vols. 2833 Handbooks of Painting by Penley, etc., etc. 12 vols. 2834 Parnell's Poems. Card Playing Laws, Shenstone’s Poems, etc., etc. 10 vols. 2835 Patent Office Report, etc. 5 vols. 2836 Count Fathom, Rasselas, Sterne's Journey, Telemachus, etc., etc. 8 vols. 2837 Beauties of the Bosphorus, Bartlett’s Ireland, etc., etc. 12 vols. No plates. ) / r V GETTY CENTER LIBRARY