ISp Slutfjorttp. CATALOGUE OP THE PICTURES IN E NATIONAL GALLERY. By AUTHORITY. A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES IN THE NATIONAL GALLE11Y. MDCCCXLVI. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, 14, CHARING-CROSS, FOB HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. Price Four-pence, CATALOGUE. No. L SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO (Veneziano). Born 1485. Died 1547. The Resurrection of Lazarus. The Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, afterwards Clement VII., for whom Raphael painted the " Transfiguration," being desirous of presenting an altar-piece to the cathedral church at Narbonne, engaged Sebastian to execute a work of the same dimensions, selecting for his subject " The Resurrection of Lazarus." The compo- sition of this grand picture was entirely the work of Buonarotti, and the execution of the figure of Lazarus " rejects the claim of every other hand." Before this celebrated picture was sent to Narbonne, it was exhi- bited in competition with the last work and the chef d'eeuvre of Raphael, and excited universal admiration. It was placed in the Orleans Collection by the Regent of France, and subsequently purchased by Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 12 feet 6 inches high. 9 feet 6 inches wide. No. 2. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 16S2. A Landscape with Figures. This picture represents the Reconciliation of Cephalus and Procris at the instigation of Diana. Cephalus is receiving from Procris the hound Lelaps, and the magic dart which caused her death ; both given her by the Goddess. This was one of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 3 feet 4 inches high. 4 feet 5 inches wide. No. 3. TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli). Born 1480. Died 1576. A Concert. This picture, usually thus designated, is more pro- bably meant to represent a musical professor, or maestro di Capella, instructing his pupils. On canvas. 3 feet 2 inches high. 4 feet 1 inch wide. b 2 4 CATALOGUE OF No. 4. TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli). Born 1480. Died 1576. The Holy Family. From the Borghese Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. "William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet 5h inches high. 4 feet 8 inches wide. No. 5. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. An Italian Sea-port at Sunset, with Figures. One of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas, 3 feet 3 inches high. 4 feet 3 inches wide. No. 6. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. A Landscape with Figures. Supposed to represent Sinon brought prisoner to Priam. From the Chigi Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet 9 inches high. 6 feet 2 J inches wide. No. 7. COPREGGIO (Antonio Allegri) . Born 1494. Died 1534. A Study of Heads. This and the companion picture were formerly in the Collection of Queen Christina, of Sweden, and subse- quently in those of the Duke of Orleans and of Mr. An- gerstein. On canvas. 5 feet high. 3 feet 6 inches wide. No. 8. MICHAEL ANGELO BUONABOTTI. Born 1474. Died 15G4. Michael Angelo's Dream. That Michael Angelo designed this subject is ascer- tained by means of an old Italian print, by Bonasoni, of some rarity. It represents the vices disclosed at the Judgment. It is probable that the picture is not painted by the hand of this great designer. It was formerly in the Barberini Palace, and was bequeathed by the Rev. William Plolwell Carr. On wood. 2 feet 1 inch high. 1 foot 9 inches wide. No. 9. ANNIBALE CAEACCL Born 1560. Died 1600. Christ appearing to Simon Peter after his Eesurrcction. This event is recorded in the early history of the church. Peter, flying from Rome to avoid persecution THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 5 was met, at a short distance from the city, by the Sa- viour, who rebuked his pusillanimity, and commanded him back to that metropolis, where he suffered martyr- dom. This picture was formerly in the Aldobrandini Palace ; it subsequently passed into the hands of Lord Northwick and of Mr. Hamlet, from whom it was pur- chased by Parliament, with two other fine works of art. On Avood. 2 feet 6 inches high. 1 foot 9 inches wide. No. 10. CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri). Born 1494. Died 1534. Mercury instructing Cupid in the presence of Yenus. The subject of this picture requires little explanation from the pen. The wings given to Venus arc warranted by ancient gems and medals, in which the goddess is thus represented. This picture was purchased by Charles the First from the Duke of Mantua, with the rest of that nobleman's collection. At the death of the king it was sold with his other pictures, and became the pro- perty of the Duke of Alva, in whose family it remained till the occupation of Madrid by the French, when it was obtained from their descendant by Murat, who carried it with him to Italy when he assumed the sove- reignty of Naples. It was procured by Lord London- derry with the "Ecce Homo " (No. 15 of this catalogue) by the same master, and other pictures, from the ex- Qucen at Vienna, and from him purchased by Parlia- ment for the National Collection. On canvas. 5 feet 1 inch high. 3 feet wide. No. 11. CUIDO (Reni). Born 1574. Died 1G 12. St. Jerome. Engraved whilst in the possession of Gavin Hamilton, at Home. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet 10 £ inches high. 3 feet wide. No. 12. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1GU0. Died 1GS2. A Grand Landscape. The subject represented is that of Rebecca halting with her attendants and followers, and awaiting the arrival of Isaac, who is seen advancing in the distance, to celebrate their marriage. From the Collections of the Duke de Bouillon and Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 4 feet 1 1 inches high. 6 feet 7 inches w r ide. G CATALOGUE OF No. 13. MURILLO (Bartolomeo Estevan;. Bom 1613. Died 1685. The Holy Family. The Saviour in early youth, having the Virgin seated on his right side and Joseph kneeling on the other, is represented standing on the ruined base of a column, looking fervently towards heaven, where the Almighty appears seated on clouds surrounded with angels. The Holy Ghost is descending to the Redeemer in a glory. This picture was painted for the family of the Marquess de Pedrosa, and embellished his mansion in Cadiz. It was purchased by Parliament for this Collection in 1837. On canvas. 9 feet 6 inches high. 6 feet 10 inches wide. No. 14. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. A Magnificent Sea-port. The figures in this picture represent the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba, on the occasion of her visit to Solomon. This and the companion picture (No. 12) were painted at Rome for the Duke de Bouillon ; were purchased from that family by the elder Monsieur Erard, and by him sold to Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 4 feet 1 1 inches high. 6 feet 7 inches wide. No. 15. CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri). Born 1494. Died 1534. The " Ecce Homo." This picture was purchased in the early part of the French Revolution from the Colonna family, at Rome, by Sir Simon Clarke, who, not succeeding in removing it from Italy, was induced to part with it to Murat. It was bought with the picture No. 10, by the same mas- ter, from his widow, by the Marquis of Londonderry, and from him by Parliament. There is a masterly engraving from this picture by Agostino Caracci. On wood. 3 feet 2\ inches high. 2 feet 7^ inches wide. No. 16. TINTORETTO (Giacopo Robusti). Born 1512. Died 1594. St. George destroying the Dragon. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 5 feet 2 inches high. 3 feet 3 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. No. 17. ANDREA DEL SARTO (A. Vannucci). Born 1488. Died 1530. The Holy Family. This picture formerly ornamented the Aldobrandini Palace. It was one of the Rev. William Holwell Carr s Collection, and was bequeathed by him to the public. On wood. 3 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. No. 18. LEONARDO DA VINCI. Born 1445. Died 1520. Christ disputing with the Doctors. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Palace, and engraved for the " Schola Italica." Bequeathed by the Rev. Wil- liam Holwell Carr. On wood. 2 feet 4h inches high. 2 feet 10 inches wide. No. 19. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 16S2. A Landscape. The story represented is that of Narcissus viewing himself in the water. It was formerly in the Col- lection of P. Delme, Esq., and was presented by Sir George Beaumont. On canvas. 3 feet 1 inch high. 3 feet 1 1 inches wide. No. 20. SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO (Veneziano). Born 1485. Died 1547. Portraits of Cardinal Hippolito de' Medici and of Sebas- tiano del Piombo. Formerly in the Borghese Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 4 feet 6 inches high. 3 feet 8 inches wide. No. 21. BRONZINO (Christofano Allori). Bom 1577. DiedlG21. Portrait of a Lady. From the collection of the Duca di San Vitale, Parma. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot II inches high. 1 foot 6 J inches wide. No. 22. GUERCINO (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri). Born 1590. Died 1666. A Dead Christ with Angels. This is a favourite subject of the master, who re- peated it more than once. This picture was formerly in the Borghese Palace, and was one of the fine Collec- 8 CATALOGUE OF tion bequeathed to the nation by the Rev. William Hoi- well Carr. On copper. 1 foot inches high. 1 foot 5J inches wide. No. 23. CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri). Born 1491. Died 1534. The Holy Family. The infant Saviour, seated on the lap of the Virgin Mary, is looking with eager gratification in the direction of the spectator, whilst the mother bends her head to- wards her son with the expression of maternal pride and tenderness. Joseph is seen at work in the background. This picture formed a part of the Royal Collection of Spain, and was given by Charles the Fourth to Emanuel Godoy, the Prince of the Peace, who parted with it to an English collector, upon the advance of the French to Madrid : it was eventually purchased by Parliament for this Gallery. On wood. 1 foot 1J inch high. 10 inches wide. No. 24. SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO (Veneziano). Born 1485. Died 1547. Portrait of Giulia Gonzaga. This lady was of a noble family of Florence, and was much celebrated for her acquirements as well as beauty. She is represented in the character of a Saint, holding the palm of martyrdom, and, from the circumstance of a pair of pincers lying on the table, perhaps of Saint Apollonia. It belonged to the Borghese Collection, and was bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet high. 2 feet 6 inches wide. No. 25. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Born 1560. Died 1609. St. John in the Wilderness. From the Orleans and Angerstein Collections. On canvas. 5 feet 5 inches high. 3 feet 1 inch wide. No. 26. PAULO VERONESE (P. Cagliari). Born 1530. Died 1588. The Consecration of St. Nicholas. This picture is said to have been painted for the church of St. Nicholas, at Venice, but afterwards was brought to Rome. It was purchased by the Governors of the British Institution, and by them added to the National Collection. On canvas. 9 feet 5 inches high. 5 feet 9 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 9 No. 27. RAFFAELLE (Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino). Born 1483. Died 1520. Portrait of Pope Julius II. Julius II. was endowed with great courage and reso- lution, and he became less solicitous in following his religious duties than in promoting the objects of ambi- tion. But he has the merit of having advanced to the highest offices men of most unblemished characters : above all he was eminently distinguished as the munifi- cent patron of literature and the fine arts ; and he shared with Leo X. the honour of having been the patron of RafTaelle and Michael Angelo. This picture was purchased in the early part of the Revolution from the Falconicri Palace ; and subsequently formed one of the Angerstein Collection. On wood. 3 feet G inches high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. No. 28. LUDOVICO CARACCI. Born 1555. Died 1619. Susanna and the Elders. From the Orleans and Angerstein Collections. On canvas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 3 feet 7 inches wide. No. 29. BAROCCIO (Fcdcrico). Born 1528. Died 1G 12. The Holy Family. This is the well-known picture called " La Madonna del Gatto," and formed one of the ornaments of the Cesare Palace at Perugia. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. It is engraved by Cardon. 3 feet 9 inches high. 3 feet wide. No. 30. CLAUDE (Gclee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. The Embarkation of St. Ursula. Painted for the Barbcrini Family, whose Palace it adorned till about the year 1 760, when it was purchased from the Princess Barbcrini, with several other valuable works of art, by Mr. Lock, of Norbury Park. It sub- sequently came into the possession of Mr. J. J. Anger- stein, from whose son it was purchased by the Govern- ment. On canvas. 3 feet 8 inches high. 4 feet 1 1 inches wide. b 3 10 CATALOGUE OF No. 31. GASPAR POUSSIN (Dugliet) 'Born 1600. Died 1663.1 A Landscape, with Figures ; representing Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac. From the Colonna Palace ; and the Collection of J. J. Angerstein, Esq. On canvas. 5 feet 3 inches high. 6 feet 6 inches wide. No. 32. TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli). Born 1480. Died 1576. The Eape of Ganymede. From the Colonna Palace ; and the Angerstein Col- lection. It is engraved in the " Schola Italica." On canvas. 5 feet 8 inches square. No. 33. PARMIGIANO (Francesco Mazzuoli). Born 1503. Died 1540. The Vision of St. Jerome. The Virgin sitting in the clouds, with the youthful Christ resting on her lap ; St. John the Baptist kneeling below, and St. Jerome in penitence, with his crucifix, lying on his back. Painted for the Buffalini Family in 1527, for the altar of their church at Citta di Castello. In 1790 the church was destroyed by an earthquake, and the picture was purchased from among the ruins by Mr. Durno, an English artist, who sold it shortly after to the Marquis of Abercorn for 1500 guineas. It became subsequently the property of Mr. Hart Davis, and of Mr. G. Watson Taylor, at whose sale it was purchased by the Directors of the British Institution for 3050 guineas, and presented by them to the Nation. In 1 527, when Parmigiano was painting this picture, Rome was sacked by the Emperoi Charles V., and when the soldiers entered his apartments they were so struck with the beauty of his work, as well as by the composed conduct of the artist, that they retired without offering him the slightest injury. On wood, 1 1 feet 6 inches high. 5 feet wide. No. 34. TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli). Born 1430. Died 1576. Venus and Adonis. From the Colonna Palace. There is an old print from this picture with an inscription stating that the figure of Adonis is the portrait of Philip II. of Spain. Titian has repeated this subject more than once, but THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 11 with some material variations. This picture was one of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 5 feet 9 inches high. 6 feet 2 inches wide. No. 35. TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli). Born 1480. Died 1576. Bacchus and Ariadne. The God, returning from a Sacrifice, attended by Silenus, Nymphs, and Satyrs, is struck with the beauty of Ariadne, and is represented in the act of leaping from his car to approach her. Sir Joshua Reynolds in his Discourses has occasion to refer to this picture to illustrate a point in the science of colouring, which is here carried to a great degree of perfection. It was formerly in the Aldobrandini Collection, afterwards in that of Lord Kinnaird, and was purchased by Parlia- ment from Mr. Hamlet. On canvas. 5 feet 9 inches high. 6 feet 3 inches wide. No. 36. GASPAR POUSSIN (G. Dughet). Bom 1600. Died 1663. A Land Storm. From the Lansdowne and Angerstein Collections. On canvas. 4 feet 11 inches high. 6 feet wide. No. 37. CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri). Born 1494. Died 1543. A Study of Heads. See No. 7. On canvas. 5 feet high. 3 feet 6 inches wide. No. 38. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Bom 1577. Died 1640. The Abduction of the Sabine Women. Romulus, to people his rising city, invited the neigh- bouring Sabines to public games ; when, at a signal, his soldiers were instructed to seize the virgins and forcibly take them for their wives. The war that en- sued between the two nations, in consequence, is repre- sented in a kind of episode in the background. This picture is noticed by Sir Joshua Reynolds in his " Tour through the Low Countries." There is an old French print of it, but one of little merit. From the Angerstein Collection. On wood. 5 feet 7 inches high. 7 feet 9 inches wide. 12 CATALOGUE OF No. 39. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Born 1594. Died 1665. The Nursing of Bacchus. This spirited picture is one of three bequeathed by George James Cholmondeley, Esq. On canvas. 2 feet Gi inches high. 3 feet I inch wide. No. 40. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Bom 1594. Died 1665. A Classical Landscape. This picture is supposed to represent Phocion, in an undyed robe, washing his feet at a public fountain, an emblem of the purity and simplicity of his life. His trophies are hung upon the trunk of a tree at a little distance in the background. This was a favourite pic- ture of Sir George Beaumont, who presented it to the Nation. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 3 feet 4 inches wide. No. 41. GIORGIONE (Giorgio Barbarelli). Born 1477. Died 1511. The Death of Peter the Martyr. From the Orleans Collection. Bequeathed by the Eev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet 4 J inches high. 4 feet 9 J inches wide. No. 42. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Born 1594. Died 1665. A Bacchanalian Scene. Silenus seated under a cluster of trees in a warm classical landscape, supported by Sylvans, and Bacchus sleeping on the ground surrounded by Nymphs, Satyrs, and Centaurs, form the subject of this picture, which was one of a series of three painted by Poussin for the Duke de Montmorenci, of which the other two are in the collection of Lord Ashburnham. It was one of the capital pictures of the Angerstein Collection. On can- vas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 3 feet 1 inch wide. No. 43. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1674. Christ taken down from the Cross. This picture was in the Collection of Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, at whose sale Sir George Beaumont became the purchaser of it, and afterwards presented it with the rest of his Pictures to the Nation. There is an inscrip- THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 13 tion on the back of it quoting a drawing by Rembrandt of the same subject and size, which is stated to have been made on various small pieces of paper, and joined together. This drawing is now in the British Museum. On wood. 1 foot 1 inch high. 1 1 inches wide. No. 44. JULIO ROMANO (Giulio Pippi). Born 1492. Died 1546. Charity. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Palace at Rome. Be- queathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 10 inches high. 1 foot 1 inch wide. No. 45. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn) . Born 1606. Died 1674. The Woman taken in Adultery. This extraordinary performance of the master was painted for his friend and patron the Burgomaster Six, and remained in the possession of the family, preserved with almost religious care in a cabinet (of which the owner kept the key) until the Revolution, when it was purchased by M. La Fontaine, and carried first to Paris, and then to London, where it was bought by Mr. Angcrstein. It was purchased from that gentleman's executors by Parliament, with the rest of his collection. On wood. 2 feet 9 inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. No. 4G. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1640. Peace and War. An Allegory. This fine picture was presented by Rubens to his patron Charles L, as appears from the Catalogues of that Monarch's Collection. It was sold during the troubles, and found its way to Genoa, where it enriched the palace of the Balbi Family. During the early period of the occupation of Italy by the French it was brought to this country, and formed a distinguished feature of the collection of the first Duke of Sutherland, then Marquess of Stafford, who liberally presented it to the Nation. It represents Peace, attended by Wealth and Plenty, nou- rishing her children from her bosom, and offering them the fruits of the earth ; whilst Hymen unites them in his ties, and Civilization softens their rugged nature. Minerva defends her from the approaches of War, in whose train appear Famine and Discord from amidst lightning and devastation. On canvas. 6 feet 6 inches high. 9 feet 9 inches wide. c 14 CATALOGUE OF No. 47. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1674. The Adoration of the Shepherds. One of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 2 feet 1 inch high. 1 foot 10 inches wide. No. 48. DOMENICHINO (Domenico Zampieri). Born 1581. Died 1641. Tobias and the Angel in a Landscape. Formerly in the Colonna Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On copper. 1 foot 5^ inches high. 1 foot 1J inch wide. No. 49. VANDYCK (Anthony) . Born 159S-9. Died 1641. The Portrait of Rubens. Formerly in the Collection of Sir J. Reynolds, by whom it was highly valued. The father of Rubens was a native of Antwerp, and one of the seven patrician families which enjoy the privilege of being magistrates of the city. But in consequence of the civil wars which prevailed in the Low Countries, he retired to Cologne, where his son was born on the feast of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, whose names he received at the baptismal font. One of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 3 feet 9 inches high. 3 feet 9 inches wide. No. 50. VANDYCK (Anthony). Born 1599. Died 1641. The Emperor Theodosius refused admittance into the Church by St. Ambrose. After the Massacre of Thessalonica the Emperor Theodosius was placed under the Ban of the Church ; and being of a superstitious turn and impatient of this dishonour, he made a vain attempt to enter the Cathe- dral of Milan, for the purpose of absolution, being repulsed at the very threshold by the resolution and firmness of Archbishop Ambrose. Formerly in the pos- session of the Scarborough family ; subsequently in that of Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 4 feet 10 inches high. 3 feet 9 inches wide. No. 51. REMBRANDT (Van~Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1674. A Portrait, said to be that of a Jew Merchant. One of the valuable Collection presented to the Nation THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 15 by Sir George Beaumont. On canvas. 4 feet 5 inches high. 3 feet 5 inches wide. No. 52. VANDYCK (Anthony). Born 1599. Died 1641. Portrait of a Gentleman. Supposed to be that of Gevartius, a friend of Rubens and Vandyck. One of the Angerstein Collection. On wood. 2 feet 7 inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 53. CUYP (Albert). Born 1606. Died . A Landscape ; Evening ; with Horses, Cattle, and Figures. From the Collections of Sir Lawrence Dundas and Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 4 feet 4 inches higru 6 feet inches wide. No. 54. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1674. A Woman Bathing. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 2 feet high. 1 foot 6j inches wide. No. 55. CLAUDE (Gelec de Lorraine). Bom 1600. Died 16S2. A Landscape. The figures represent the death of Procris. Presented by Sir George Beaumont, Bart. On canvas. 1 foot 3 inches high. 1 foot 7 inches wide. No. 56. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Born 1560. Died 1609. A Landscape with Figures. From the Collection of Prince Cellamare, at Naples. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 3 feet 1 \ inch high. 4 feet 4^ inches wide. No. 57. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1640. St. Bavon. The Saint is causing alms to be distributed to the needy, and embracing the monastic life. Formerly in the Cornega Palace, at Genoa, and bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 3 feet 5J inches high. 5 feet 5| inches wide. c-2 16 CATALOGUE OF JNo. 58. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. A small Landscape, with Cattle and Figures. This picture appears to be a study from nature, and was perhaps painted in the fields. Presented by Sir George Beaumont, Bart. On canvas. 1 foot 8J inches high. 1 foot 4 inches wide. No. 59. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1640. The Brazen Serpent. Moses and Aaron are in the act of staying the plague of the serpents at the moment when the venomous rep- tiles are exerting their poisonous influence over the horror-stricken populace. This celebrated work of the great Fleming, well known by the masterly en- graving made from it by S. a Bolswert, probably under the eye of Rubens, was painted by him in the full vigour of his powers, after his mind had been enriched by his visit to Italy. It was purchased by Parliament in 1837. On canvas. 6 feet 2 inches high. 8 feet 9 inches wide. No. 60. LEANDRO BASSANO. Bom 1559. Died 1623. The Building of the Tower of Babel. Bequeathed by Lieut. -Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On canvas. 4 feet 6 inches high. 6 feet 2 inches wide. No. 61. CLAUDE (Gelee de Lorraine). Born 1600. Died 1682. A small Landscape, with Figures. The story represented has been thought to be that of Hagar in the Desert, but the scene does not correspond with that suggestion. It was presented by Sir George Beaumont, who held it in such esteem, that it was his travelling companion during a great part of his life. After seeing it placed in the National Gallery lie ob- tained leave to take it with him to his country residence, where he died soon afterwards ; and it was returned to its place, according to promise, by his widow. On canvas. 1 foot 8 inches high. 1 foot 5 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 17 No. 62. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Born 1594. Died 1665. A Bacchanalian Dance. This classical composition is arranged in so admirable a manner as to require no elucidation. It is one of N. Poussin's capital performances; and was formerly in the Collection of Compte Vaudrieul, afterwards in those of Monsieur de Calonne and of the late Lord Kinnaird, and was purchased by Parliament from Mr. Hamlet. t On canvas. 3 feet 3 inches high. 4 feet 8 inches wide. No. 63. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Bom 1560. Died 1609. A Landscape, with Horsemen and Figures. They are supposed to represent Prince Giustiniani returning from a hunting party. From the Palace of the family at Rome. It formed a part of the Rev. William Holwell Carr's bequest. On canvas. 3 feet 5 inches high. 4 feet 5 inches wide. No. 64. SEBASTIAN BOURDON. Born 1616. Died 1671. A Landscape. In this picture, which was a bequest by Sir Joshua Reynolds to Sir George Beaumont, is represented the return of the Ark of the Covenant. It was bequeathed by Sir George to the Nation. On canvas. 3 feet 5 inches high. 4 feet 5 inches wide. No. 65. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Born 1594. Died 1665. Cephalus and Aurora. Aurora, enamoured of the charms of Cephalus, en- deavoured to detach him from his wife Procris ; but failing in her attempt, became the mortal enemy of the latter, and caused her death by the hands of her adored husband. This classical subject is treated with all Poussin's poetry, and was a bequest to the Nation, together with two other pictures, by George James Cholmondeley, Esq. On canvas. 3 feet 2 inches high. 4 feet 3 inches wide. No. 66. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Bom 1577. Died 1610. A Landscape, with an old Flemish Chateau. This picture is believed to represent a mansion of the 18 CATALOGUE OF painter, in the country between Antwerp and Brussels, which latter is partially seen in the distance. It deve- lopes a luxuriant country illuminated by the rising sun,, which spreads a glow over the scene, and is enriched with appropriate figures painted, equally with the land- scape, in a vigorous and masterly manner. This picture (with No. 46, by the same master) was obtained from the Balbi Palace at Genoa, and became the property of Sir George Beaumont, w T ho presented it, with the rest of his select Collection, to the public shortly after the formation of the National Collection. On wood. 4 feet 5 inches high. 7 feet 9 inches wide. No. 67. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Bom 1577. Died 1640. The Holy Family, with St. George, a Female Saint, and Angels. From the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 4 feet 1 inch high. 5 feet 4 inches wide. No. 68. GASPAR POUSSIN (G. Dughet). Born 1600. Died 1663. A Landscape. A view near Albano. This picture was formerly in the Corsini Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 1 foot 7 inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 69. PIETRO FRANCESCO MOLA. Born 1609. Died 1665. St. John Preaching. From the collection of Monsieur Robet, at Paris. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 1 foot 8J inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 70. PADUANINO (Francisco). Born 1552. Died 1617. Cornelia and her Children. Bequeathed by Lieut. -Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On canvas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 4 feet wide. No. 71. JOHN BOTH. Born 1610. Died 1650. 1 A Landscape. A grand and mountainous scene, with muleteers and other figures and animals, in the early morning. It was THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 19 presented to the Nation by the late Sir George Beau- mont, and is engraved by Byrne. On canvas. 3 feet 9 inches high. 5 feet 3 inches wide. No. 72. REMBRANDT (VanRyn). Born 1606. Died 1674. A Landscape, with figures representing the Story of Tobias and the Angel. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot 10 inches high. 2 feet 10 inches wide. No. 73. ERCOLE DI FERRARA. Born . Died . The Conversion of St. Paul. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot 1 1 inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. No. 74. MURILLO (Bartolomeo Estcvan). Born 1613. Died 1635. A Spanish Peasant Boy. Formerly in the Collection of the Marquess of Lansdowne. Presented by M. M. Zachary, Esq. On canvas. 1 foot 9 inches high. 1 foot 3 inches wide. No. 75. DOMENICHINO (Domcnico Zampieri). Born 1581. Died 16 11. A Landscape. The figures represent the Story of Saint George and the Dragon. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot 8}j inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 76. CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri). Born 1491. Died 1534. Christ praying in the Garden. One of the Angerstein Collection. On wood. 1 foot 2 inches high. 1 foot 4 inches wide. No. 77. DOMENICHINO (Domcnico Zampieri). Born 1581. Died 1641. The Stoning of Stephen. From the Collection of Lucien Bonaparte. Be- queathed by the Rev. AVilliam Holwell Carr. On can- vas. 2 feet 1 inch high. 1 foot 7 inches wide. 20 CATALOGUE OF No. 78. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Bom 1723. Died 1792. The Holy Family. Painted for Mr. Macklin, and engraved by Sharp in a masterly manner. It was purchased at the sale of Lord Gwydir, by the Governors of the British Institu- tion, who presented it to the National Gallery. On canvas. 6 feet 5 inches high. 4 feet 9^ inches wide. No. 79. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Born 1723. Died 1792. The Graces. The three beautiful daughters of Sir William Mont- gomery are represented near the altar of Hymen, deco- rating a terminus of that divinity with a wreath of flowers. The erect figure, near the altar, represents the youngest daughter, afterwards Marchioness of Townshend ; the Honourable Mrs. Gardner, the mother of Lord Blesin- ton, occupies the centre of the picture ; she was the eldest sister, and died before her husband became Lord Mountjoy : the kneeling figure on the left is the portrait of Mrs. Beresford, the second sister, married to a bro- ther of the Marquess of Waterford. This picture re- mained in the Blesinton Family until the death of Charles John, the late Earl, who bequeathed it to the public for the National Collection, of which it now forms a distinguished feature. On canvas. 7 feet 8 inches high. 9 feet G inches wide. No. 80. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH. Born 1727. Died 1788. The Market-Cart. Bought by the Governors of the British Institution, and by them presented to the public. On canvas. 6 feet £ inch high. 5 feet J inch wide. No. 81. GAROFALO (Benvenuto Tisi). Born 1481. Died 1559. The Vision of St. Augustin. The Saint, being seated on the margin of the deep writing his treatise of " the Trinity," observed a child taking water with a ladle from the sea, which he emptied into a small hole in the sands. Being questioned by St. Augustin as to his motive for that singular action, the boy said he was emptying the sea into that hole. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 21 Impossible ! said the former. If you find this impossi- ble, rejoined the child, how much more so is it for you to elucidate that which God chooses to keep a mystery ? The child disappeared in a glory, and the saint recog nised in him the young Saviour. This picture was formerly in the Corsini Palace, and was bequeathed by the' Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 2 feet 1 \ inch high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. No. 82. MAZZOLINO DI FERRARA. (Born 1481. Died 1530. The Holy Family. Formerly in the Durazzo Palace at Genoa. Be- queathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot 9 inches high. 1 foot inches wide. No. 83. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Bom 1594. Died 16G5. Phineus and his Followers turned to Stone at sight of the Gorgon. Perseus having rescued Andromeda from a sea-mon- ster, claimed her for his bride, according to a promise from her father, Cepheus, who gave a magnificent feast to celebrate the nuptials. In the midst of their re- joicings, Phineus, to whom Andromeda had been be- trothed, broke in upon the assembly at the head of his armed friends, and a combat ensuing, Perseus, being hard pressed by the intruders, warned his friends, and producing the head of Medusa, the adverse warriors who confronted it were immediately turned to stone. This classical production of Poussin was presented by Lieutenant-General William Thornton. On canvas. 5 feet G inches high. 8 feet wide. No. 84. SALVATOR ROSA. Born 1614. Died 1073. Mercury and the Woodman. In a rich woody landscape Salvator has introduced the well-known fable of iEsop. This picture was for- merly in the Colonna Palace at Rome, and became the property of the late Sir Mark Sykes. It was recently purchased by Parliament from Mr. Byng. On canvas. 4 feet 1 J- inch high. G feet 7h inches wide. c 3 22 CATALOGUE OF No. 85. DOMENICHINO (Domenico Zampieri). Born 1581. Died 1641. St. Jerome with the Angel. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 1 foot 8 inches high. 1 foot 3| inches wide. No. 86. LUDOVICO CARACCI. Bom 1555. Died 1619. The Entombment of Christ. Bequeathed by Lieutenant- Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On copper. 1 foot 5 inches high. 1 foot 1 inch wide. No. 87. GUIDO RENI. Born 1574. Died 1642. Perseus rescuing Andromeda. Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus, having been doomed by lot to exposure to a sea-monster, was seen by Perseus chained to a rock, who became enamoured of her charms, and, upon receiving a promise of her hand by her parents if victorious, attacked and destroyed the monster, and obtained his reward, after a vain attempt by her betrothed husband, Phineus, to prevent their union. This picture was, with its companion, No. 90, presented to the Nation by His Majesty William IV. On canvas. 9 feet 3 inches high. 6 feet 9 inches wide. No. 88. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Born 1560. Died 1609. Ermenia discovering the Shepherds. The story represented is from Tasso's " Jerusalem Delivered/' and forms a beautiful episode in' that ad- mired poem. This picture has been attributed by many to Domenichino, but bears unequivocal marks of being by the pencil of the great painter whose name it now bears. It was brought many years ago from the Conti- nent, where it had a considerable reputation, and was one of the Angerstein Collection. On canvas. 4 feet 10 inches high. 7 feet wide. No. 89. VELASQUEZ (Diego). Bom 1594. Died 1660. Portraits. It is said that they represent Ferdinand (of Medicis), THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 23 second Duke of Tuscany, and his wife Victoria della Rovere, heiress of the Dukes of Urbino. This is, however, doubtful, as is the fact of its having been by the hand of Velasquez. From the Angerstein Collec- tion. On canvas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 4 feet 2 inches wide. No. 90. GUIDO RENI. Born 1574. Died 1642. Venus attired by the Graces. The Goddess seated, with Cupid near her, is receiv- ing from the Graces those adornments becoming her celestial origin, rather than enhancing her charms. This picture is well known by the fine engraving from it by Sir Robert Strange, and, with that of Perseus and An- dromeda, by the same master, No. 87, were presented by His Majesty William IV. On canvas. 9 feet 3 inches high. 6 feet 9 inches wide. No. 91. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Bom 1594. Died 1605. A Sleeping Nymph, with Cupid and Satyrs. The subject of this picture has been thought to be Jupiter, under the form of a Satyr, surprising Antiopc during her sleep. It was one of the Collection be- queathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On can- vas. 2 feet 2 inches high. 1 foot 8 inches wide. No. 92. ALESSANDRO VERONESE (Turchi). Born 1600. Died 1670. Cupid and Psyche. Bequeathed by Lieutenant- Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On black marble. 1 foot J inch high. 1 foot 5 inches wide. No. 93. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Bom 1560. Died 1609. Silenus. Formerly in the Lancillotti Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On wood. 1 foot 9t inches high. 2 feet 11 inches wide. No. 94. ANNIBALE CARACCI. Bom 1560. Died 1609. Pan teaching Apollo to play on the Pipes. From the Lancillotti Collection. It is said that this picture formed part of a decoration of a harpsichord. 24 CATALOGUE OF It is painted in distemper colours, but has been satu- rated with oil. The design is in the style of the Antique Gems. It was one of the Angerstein Col- lection. On wood. 1 foot 2 inches high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. No. 95. GAS PAR POUSSIN (Gaspar Dughet). Born 1600. Died 1663. A Landscape. The Figures, representing Dido and jEneas in the storm sheltering themselves in the cave, are by Fran- cisco Albano. Formerly in the Falconieri Palace. Bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 4 feet 10 inches high. 7 feet 4 inches wide. No. 96. LUDOVICO CARACCI. Bom 1555. Died 1619. The " Ecce Homo." This is a copy from the fine picture, by Correggio, in this gallery, No. 15. There may be a doubt whether it be by the hand of Ludovico ; but it was so considered by the Rev. Mr. Carr, by whom it was bequeathed. On canvas. 3 feet 4£ inches high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. No. 97. PAULO VERONESE (P. Cagliari). Born 1530. Died 1588. The Rape of Europa. This is a finished study for a large picture now in the Imperial Collection at Vienna. It was formerly in the Orleans Collection, and afterwards in that of the Rev. William Holwell Carr, by whom it was bequeathed to the public. On canvas. 1 foot 1 1 inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. No. 98. GASPAR POUSSIN (G. Dughet). Born 1600. Died 1663. A Landscape. A view of Larici or L'Aricia. This, with its com- panion, No. 68, was obtained from the Corsini Palace. They were bequeathed by the Rev. William Holwell Carr. On canvas. 1 foot 7 inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 99. SIR DAVID WILKIE. Born 1784. Died 1841. The Blind Fiddler. This admired picture was one of the early works of THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 25 this master, and which tended in a great measure to establish his reputation. It is full of interest and cha- racter, and was painted expressly for Sir George Beau- mont, and was one of that gentleman's munificent gift of pictures to the public. On wood. 1 foot 1 1 inches high. 2 feet 7 inches wide. No. 100. J. S. COPLEY. The Death of Lord Chatham. Presented by the Right Honourable Charles Cecil, Earl of Liverpool. Engraved by Bartolozzi. On canvas. 7 feet 6 inches high. 10 feet I inch wide. Nos. 101, 102, 103, 104. LANCRET (Nicolas). Born 1690. Died 1743. The Four Ages of Man. Bequeathed by Lieutenant- Colonel John Harvey Ollney. No. 101. Infancy. No. 102. Youth. No. 103. Manhood. No. 104. Age. On canvas. 1 foot 1 inch high. 1 foot 5J inches wide, each picture. No. 105. SIR GEORGE BEAUMONT. A small Landscape. Presented by the Dowager Lady Beaumont. On wood. 7 2 inches high. 9 1 inches wide. No. 10G. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Born 1723. Died 1792. A Man's Head. This is a study from nature, painted from a person who was Sir Joshua's model for the figure of the Count Ugolino in the celebrated picture by this master at Knowle Park. It was presented by Sir George Beau- mont. On canvas. 1 foot 1 1 inches high. 1 foot 6 inches wide. No. 107. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Born 1723. Died 1792. The Banished Lord. So called on a print of the time of the painter. This picture was presented by the Rev. William Long. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. 26 CATALOGUE OF No. 108. WILSON (Richard). Born 1714. Died 1782. View of Maecenas' Villa at Tivoli. Presented by Sir George Beaumont, Bart. On can- vas. 3 feet 10 inches high. 5 feet 6 inches wide. No. 109. GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). Bom 1727. Died 1788. A Woody Landscape, with Cattle and Figures. This picture is known as " The Watering-Place/' and was the donation of the late Right Honourable Lord Farnborough, G.C.B., &c. 4 feet 10 inches high. 5 feet 11 inches wide. No. 110. WILSON (Richard). Born 1714. Died 1782. A Landscape, in which is represented the story of Niobe. Presented by Sir George Beaumont, Bart. On can- vas. 3 feet 10 inches high. 5 feet 6 inches wide. No. 111. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Born 1723. Died 1792. Portrait of Lord Heathfield. The last exploit of this great military commander was the defence of the important fortress of Gibraltar against an armament which exceeded that of any former siege. It consisted of a fleet of nearly fifty sail of the line, with innumerable frigates and smaller vessels ; and on the land side stupendous batteries and works mounting 200 pieces of heavy ordnance, assisted by an army of 40,000 men, commanded by a victorious general, and animated by the presence of two princes of the blood royal of France. To oppose this armament, the garrison had only 7,000 veteran soldiers, commanded by officers of approved courage and activity. The result is well known to have been one of the most glorious achieve- ments recorded in history. On canvas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 3 feet 8 inches wide. No. 112. HOGARTH (William). Born 1698. Died 1761. His own Portrait. The painter has introduced into this picture his favourite dog " Tray." There is an engraving of it by himself, of which few copies remain, it having been THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 27 altered by the artist into a satirical print of Churchill. It was one of the Angerstein Collection. It remained in Hogarth's family till the death of his widow, when it was purchased at an auction by Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 2 feet 11 inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. Nos. 113, 114,115, 116, 117,118. HOGARTH (William). Born 1698. Died 1764. The " Marriage a la Mode." This series of pictures was painted for the purpose of being engraved, and was amongst the most popular of Hogarth's works. They were purchased from the painter by Mr. Lane, of Hillingdon, who bequeathed them to Colonel Cawthorne, and they were sold by the latter gentleman to Mr. Angerstein. No. 113. The Contract of Marriage. An old peer, to repair his dilapidated fortunes, mar- ries his son and heir to the daughter of a rich citizen, from whom he is receiving a large sum in return for the " Settlement Deed." The parties already show disgust with each other ; which is taken advantage of by Coun- sellor Silvertongue to commence his attentions to the lady. No. 114. After Marriage. The Viscount has returned at mid-day from a de- bauch, and joins his wife at breakfast, where every thing indicates disorder in his house, from late hours, cards, debts, &c. Both parties seem exhausted and ennuies. The steward has approached with his bills — but retires in despair with one solitary receipt on his file. No. 115. Progress of the Husband's Profligacy. The scene is laid in a Quack Doctor's apartment. The Viscount rallies a Procuress who has overreached him, and in her rage threatens his life. No. 116. The Toilet. Whilst the Peer (he has now succeeded to the title), emaciated with disease and debauchery, is surrounded with foreign musicians and parasites — his neglected Countess becomes the prey of the Counsellor, who is insidiously offering her tickets for a masquerade. d 2 2S CATALOGUE OF No. 117. The Duel. The guilty parties are surprised by the husband in a brothel. The Peer and Counsellor fight : when the former is killed, and the latter escapes by the window. No. 118. Death of the Countess. Her servant having brought to her the " Dying Speech" of the Counsellor (executed for murder), she swallows poison and expires. The scene is laid in the father's house in the city, where he is seen intent on taking from his daughter's hand a valuable ring. On canvas. 2 feet 3 inches high. 2 feet 1 1 inches wide, each picture. No. 119. SIR GEORGE BEAUMONT. A Landscape. The Figures represent Jaques contemplating the wounded stag. From Shakspeare's " As you like it." Presented by the Dowager Lady Beaumont. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 3 feet 4 inches wide. No. 120. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY. Born 1752. Died 1839. Portrait of Joseph Nollekens, Sculptor. Presented by the Rev. R. E. Kerrich. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 121. BENJAMIN WEST. Cleombrotus ordered into banishment by Leonidas. Presented by William Wilkins, Esq., R.A. On can- vas. 4 feet 6 inches high. 6 feet wide. No. 122. SIR DAVID WILKIE. Born 1784. Died 1841. The Village Festival. This picture represents an English inn-yard, where villagers appear carousing and amusing themselves, which gives occasion for the introduction of rich hu- morous groups, displaying an infinite variety of charac- ter and expression. It was painted for Mr. Angerstein. On canvas. 3 feet 1 inch high. 4 feet 2 inches wide. No. 123. WILLIAMS. A Landscape, with Figures, by Moonlight. Bequeathed by Lieut-Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On wood. 2 feet high. 2 feet 8 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 20 No. 124. JACKSON (John). Portrait of the Kev. William Holwell Can*. Painted by his direction, to be placed in the National Gallery. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 125. HOUSMAN (James). Bom 1656. Died 1696. Portrait of Izaak Walton. The original portrait of that amiable man and cele- brated angler, whose work on that art is found in every library. It was painted for and remained in his family until bequeathed by a descendant, the Rev. Doctor Her- bert Hawes, of Salisbury. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 126. B. WEST. Pylades and Orestes. Presented by Sir George Beaumont, Bart. On can- vas. 3 feet 4 inches high. 4 feet 2 inches wide. No. 127. CANALETTO (Antonio Canal). Bom 1697. Died 1768. A View in Venice. Presented by Sir George Beaumont. On canvas. 4 feet high. 5 feet 4 inches wide. No. 128. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Bom 1723. Died 1792. Portrait of the Right Honourable William Wyndham. The accomplished Orator and Statesman, and Secre- tary at War in Mr. Fox's administration. Bequeathed by George James Cholmondeley, Esq. One of the last pictures painted by this master. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 129. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Portrait of Mr. Anger stein. This gentleman was distinguished in his time as one of our most judicious and liberal collectors: he was at the same time a friend and admirer of living talent. Being endowed with great wealth, which he dispensed with no niggard hand, he was enabled to avail himself of the troubles prevailing in various parts of Europe, to acquire a most important and select assemblage of pic- 30 CATALOGUE OF tures by the great masters — principally of the Italian schools. After his death they were offered for sale; and the opportunity thus offered to the Government of laying the foundation of a National Collection of Pic- tures (a desideratum long felt by the public) was so apparent to the Earl of Liverpool, then First Lord of the Treasury, that, with the advice of the most compe- tent judges of the day of works of art, he brought the matter under the consideration of Parliament, and by unanimous consent secured these treasures to the Nation. Presented by His Majesty William the Fourth. On canvas. 3 feet high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. No. 130. JOHN CONSTABLE. Born 1776. Died 1837. A Landscape, with Figures, &c. This picture is known as " The Corn-Field," and was painted in 1 826, ten years before he died. It was purchased from the executors, some time after his death, by an assemblage of gentlemen, admirers of the talent of the artist, and was by their committee, of which Sir William Beechey was president, presented to the public through the medium of the trustees of the National Gallery. On canvas. 4 feet 8 inches high. 4 feet wide. No. 131. B. WEST. Christ healing the Sick in the Temple. This picture was painted for the Governors of the British Institution, and by them presented to the Nation. It is engraved by Charles Heath. On canvas. 9 feet high. 14 feet wide. No. 132. B. WEST. The Last Supper. Presented by His Majesty George IV. On canvas. 6 feet high. 9 feet wide. No. 133. HOPPNER. Portrait of an Actor The portrait of Mr. Smith, a comic actor of Drury Lane Theatre, who, from the cast of characters he repre- sented and the refinement he evinced in his acting, was distinguished by the appellation of " Gentleman Smith. He was the original " Charles Surface " in the " School for Scandal." It was presented by Mr. Serjeant Taddy. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 31 No. 134. DECKER. A Landscape, with Buildings and Figures. Bequeathed by Lieut. Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On wood. 2 feet 1 inch high. 1 foot 7 inches wide. No. 135. CANALETTO (Antonio Canal). Born 1697. Died 1768. Ruins and Figures. Bequeathed by Lieut. Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On canvas. 1 foot 10 inches high. 2 feet 5 inches wide. No. 136. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Portrait of a Lady. Presented by Francis Robertson, Esq., of Brighton, whose wife it represents. This was one of Sir Thomas Lawrence's early pictures. On canvas. 7 feet 10 inches high. 4 feet 10 inches wide. No. 137. VAN GO YEN (John). Born 1596. Died 1656. Landscape, with Figures. Bequeathed by Lieut. -Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On wood. 1 foot 4 inches high. 2 feet wide. No. 138. PAULO PANNINI. Born 1691. Died 1758. Ancient Ruins, with Figures. Bequeathed by Lieut.-Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On canvas. 1 foot 7J inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 139. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. Religion attended by the Virtues. This pleasing allegory was painted for J. Forbes, Esq., and was executed at Rome, to which city the paintress had retired after her marriage with Signor Zucchi. It was bequeathed to the Nation by Mr. Forbes, and was the first bequest available to the Trustees for the Public Collection. On canvas. 7 feet high. 9 feet wide. No. 140. VANDER HELST. Born 1613. Died 1670. Portrait of a Lady. Bequeathed by Lieut.-Colonel John Harvey Ollney. On wood. 2 feet 9 J inches high. 2 feet 2 J inches wide. 32 CATALOGUE OF No. 141. STEINWYCK (Henry). Born 1550. Died 1603. The Palace of Dido. JEneas presenting himself before the Queen. On copper. Bequeathed by Lieut. -Colonel John Harvey OUney. 1 foot 3^ inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. No. 142. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Born 1769. Died 1830. Hamlet apostrophizing the Skull. The painter has availed himself of the portraiture of the late John Kemble in delineating the " Royal Dane," to which he seems to have been led by the excellence of that great tragedian's performance of the celebrated character. Presented by His Majesty "William IV. On canvas. 10 feet high. 6 feet 6 inches wide. No. 143. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Born 1723. Died 1792. Portrait of Lord Ligonier. This distinguished officer accompanied George II. in his campaigns, and commanded a part of the army at the Battle of Dettingen. He was afterwards a Field- Marshal, Commander-in-Chief, and Master-General of the Ordnance. He was a General of considerable mili- tary talent and conduct, and much respected for his upright character. This picture was presented by His Majesty William IV. On canvas. 9 feet 2 inches high. 7 feet 10 inches wide. No. 144. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Born 1769. Died 1830. Portrait of Benjamin West. A duplicate picture, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, of a portrait painted by him for the United States of Ame- rica, of which Mr. West was a cherished citizen. Pre- sented by His Majesty William IV. On canvas. 8 feet 10 inches high. 5 feet 10 inches wide. No. 145. VANDER HELST (Bartholomew). Born 1613. Died 1670. A Man's Portrait. Bequeathed by Lieut.-Colonel John Harvey OUney. On wood. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 33 No. 146. STORCK. Born . Died 1703. A Sea-Port (Rotterdam). Bequeathed by Lieut.-Colonel John Harvey Ollney On canvas. 1 foot 1 1 inches high. 2 feet 5 inches wide No. 147. AGOSTINO CARACCI. Born 1560. Died 1609. Cephalus and Aurora. (A Cartoon.) Presented by the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton. No. 148. AGOSTINO CARACCI. Bom 1560. Died 1609. Galatea. (A Cartoon.) Presented by the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton. These two Cartoons are studies for the two chief lateral compartments in the fresco ceiling of the Farncse Gallery at Rome. No. 149. WILLIAM VANDERVELDE (the younger). Bom 1633. Died 1707. A Calm at Sea. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.CB. On wood. 8 inches high. 11 inches wide. No. 150. WILLIAM VANDERVELDE (the younger). Born 1633. Died 1707. A Fresh Gale at Sea. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.CB. On canvas. 9 inches high. 1 foot 1 inch wide. No. 151. PIETRO FRANCESCO MOLA. Bom 1603. Died 1665. Leda. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.CB. On canvas. I foot inches high. I foot 8 inches wide. No. 152. VANDER NEER (Arnold). Born 1619. Died 1683. A Landscape — Evening. The Figures introduced into this Landscape are by 34 CATALOGUE OF the hand of Cuyp, whose name appears on the picture. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On canvas. 3 feet 11 inches high. 5 feet 3 \ inches wide. No. 153. MAES (Nicholas). Born 1632. Died 1693. The Cradle. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On wood. 1 foot 3J inches high. 1 foot \ inch wide. No. 154. DAVID TENIERS (the younger). . Born 1610. Died 1694. A Musical Party. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On wood. 10 inches high. 1 foot 2 inches wide. No. 155. DAVID TENIERS (the younger). Born 1610. Died 1694. The Misers. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On canvas. 2 feet J inch high. 2 feet 9 inches wide. No. 156. VANDYCK (Anthony). Born 1599. Died 1641. A Study of Horses. The painter has had in view, in this picture, the horses of Achilles, Xanthus and Balius, the offspring of Zephyr. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnborough, G.C.B. On wood. 3 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 1 inches wide. No. 157. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1640. A Landscape, Sun-set. From this picture one of the small series of prints of Landscapes after Eubens was engraved by Bolswert. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farn- borough, G.C.B. On wood. 1 foot 7 inches high. 2 feet 9 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 35 No. 158. DAVID TENIERS (the younger). Bom 1610. Died 1694. Dutch Boors regaling. Bequeathed by the Eight Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On wood. 10 inches high. 1 foot 1 \ inches wide. No. 159. MAES (Nicholas). Bom 1632. Died 1693. A Dutch Housewife. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On wood. 13J inches high. 11} inches wide. No. 160. PIETRO FRANCESCO MOLA. Bom 1609. Died 1665. The " Riposo." This Picture was formerly in the Orleans collection. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On canvas. 1 foot high. 1 foot 6 inches wide. No. 161. GASPAR POUSSIN (G. Dughet). Born 1600. Died 1663. An Italian Landscape, with a Cascade. Formerly in the Colonna Palace in Rome. Be- queathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnborough, G.C.B. On canvas. 2 feet 8 inches high. 5 feet 5 inches wide. No. 162. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Bom 1723. Died 1792. The Infant Samuel. Bequeathed by the Right Honourable Lord Farnbo rough, G.C.B. On canvas. 2 feet 10 inches high. 2 feet 3J inches wide. No. 163. CANALETTO (Antonio Canal). Bom 1697. Died 176S. A Yiew on the Grand Canal, Venice. Bequeathed by the Right Flonourable Lord Farnbo- rough, G.C.B. On canvas. 4 feet 1 inch high. 6 feet S.\ inches wide. 36 CATALOGUE OF No. 164. JACOB JORDAENS. Bom 1594. Died 1678. The Holy Family. Presented by His Grace the Duke of Northum- berland, K.G. On wood. 4 feet high. 3 feet wide. No. 165. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Born 1594. Died 1665. The Plague at Ashdod. The Israelites being defeated in battle by the Philistines, and the Ark of the Covenant taken, and placed by the victors in the Temple of Dagon, at Ashdod, the idol fell to the ground, and the Philistines were seized with a loathsome plague. This picture was formerly in the Colonna Palace at Pome ; and was presented by His Grace The Duke of Northumberland, K.G. On canvas. 4 feet 3 inches high. 6 feet 8 inches wide. No. 166. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1674. Portrait of a Capuchin Friar. Presented by His Grace The Duke of Northum- berland, K.G. On canvas. 2 feet 10J inches high. 2 feet 1 £ inch wide. No. 167. BALDASSARE PERUZZI. Born 1481. Died 1536. The Adoration of the Kings. (A Drawing.) Presented, with the Engraving by Agostino Caracci, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Vernon. No. 168. RAFFAELLE (Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino). Born 1483. Died 1520. * St. Catharine (of Alexandria). St. Catharine, according to the monkish legends, was a Virgin of Alexandria ; and having been instructed in literature and the sciences, was afterwards converted to the Christian faith, at the time when the Emperor Max- entius persecuted such as were of that persuasion. Being called before the Emperor, she not only refused to sa- crifice to idols, but reproached Maxentius for his cruelty; for which she was scourged and imprisoned without sustenance seven days : when however neither promises, threats, nor imprisonment prevailed, she was condemned THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 37 to suffer death ; and the Emperor ordered her to be crushed between wheels made of iron, to which were fastened sword-blades : this measure was rendered abor- tive by the prayers of the sufferer : the wheels instantly broke asunder, the blades were scattered, and in a won- drous manner wounded the by-standers. Finding all other means of death were inefficacious, she was by the Emperor beheaded in the year 310, at the early age of eighteen years. Purchased by Parliament in 1839, with the two following Pictures, from Mr. Beckford. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Collection. On wood 2 feet 4 inches high. 1 foot 9rV inches wide. No. 169. MAZZOLINO DI FERRARA. Born 1481. Died 1530. St. Francis adoring the infant Christ. On wood. 2 feet J inch high. 1 foot GJ inches wide. No. 170. GAROFALO (Bcnvenuto Tisi). Born 1481. Died 1559. The Holy Family with St. John, accompanied by Saints and Angels. On canvas. 2 feet 6j inches high. 1 foot ll\ inches wide. No. 171. JOHN JACKSON. Portrait of John Soane, Architect. Presented by the Governors of the British Institution. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 172. CARAVAGGIO (Michael Angelo Amcrigi da). Born 1569. Died 1609. ! Christ and his Disciples at Emaus. From the Borghese Palace. Presented by the Right Honourable Lord Vernon. On canvas. 4 feet 7 inches high. 6 feet 5k inches wide. No. 173. JACOPO BASSANO (J. Da Pontc). Bom 1510. Died 1592. Portrait of a Gentleman. Presented by Henry Gaily Knight, Esq. On canvas- 3 feet 1 1 inches high. 3 feet 2 inches wide. 38 CATALOGUE OF No. 174. CARLO MARRATTA. Bom 1652. Died 1713. Portrait of a Cardinal. Presented by Henry Gaily Knight, Esq. On canvas. 3 feet 1 1 inches high. 3 feet 2 inches wide. No. 175. VANDER PLAAS. Bom . Died ■ . Portrait of John Milton. Presented by Capel LofFt, Esq. On canvas. 2 feet 4 inches high. 1 foot Hi inches wide. No. 176. MURILLO (Bartolomeo Estevan). Bom 1613. Died 1685. St. John. From the Collection of Monsieur Robit. On canvas. 5 feet 5 inches high. 3 feet 7 inches wide. Purchased by Parliament in 1840, from Sir Simon Clarke's Collec- tion. No. 177. GUIDO RENI. Born 1574. Died 1642. The Magdalen. Formerly in the Collection at the " Palais Royal." On canvas. 2 feet 7 inches high. 2 feet 3 inches wide. Purchased by Parliament in 1840, from Sir Simon Clarke's Collection. No. 178. WILLIAM HILTON. Bom 1786. Died 1839. Serena rescued by the Red Cross Knight, Sir Calepine. Purchased from the Executor, after his death, by an assemblage of Gentlemen, admirers of the talents of the Artist ; and by their Committee, of which Thomas Phillips, Esq., R.A., was President, presented to the Public, through the medium of the Trustees of the National Gallery. On canvas. 4 feet 7 inches high. 7 feet 7 inches wide. No. 179. FRANCESCO FRANCIA (Raibolini). Bom . Died 1535. The Virgin, Infant Saviour, and St. John, attended by Saints. Purchased by Parliament from the Collection of the Duke of Lucca. On wood. 6 feet 6J inches high. 6 feet wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 39 No. 180. FRANCESCO FRANCIA (Raibolini). Born . Died 1535. The Dead Christ supported by the Virgin and attended by Angels. Purchased by Parliament from the Collection of the Duke of Lucca. On wood. 3 feet 2 inches high. 6 feet 1 inch wide. No. 181. PIETRO PERUGINO (Vannucci). Born 1446. Died 1524. The Virgin with the Infant Jesus and St. John. Purchased from Mr. Beckford. On wood. 2 feet 2^ inches high. 1 foot 5 J inches wide. No. 182. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Bom 1723. Died 1792. Studies of Angels. These five heads were painted from Frances Isabella Ker Gordon, Daughter of Lord and Lady William Gordon. Presented by Lady William Gordon. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 1 inch wide. No. 183. THOMAS PHILLIPS, Esq., R.A. Portrait of Sir David Wilkie. Presented by Thomas Phillips, Esq., R.A. On can- vas. 3 feet 3 inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 184. RAFFAELLE (Raffaello Sanzio di Urbino). Born 1483. Died 1520. The Murder of the Innocents. Bequeathed to the Foundling Hospital by Prince Hoare, Esq., and deposited in the National Gallery for the use of the public, by the Governors of that Institu- tion. A Cartoon. 9 ft. 11 in. high. 9 ft. 3 in. wide. No. 185. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Bom 1723. Died 1792. Portrait of Sir William Hamilton. The property of the British Museum, deposited in this Gallery by the Trustees. On canvas. 8 feet 6 inches high. 5 feet 11 inches wide. 40 CATALOGUE OF No. IS6. JOHN VAN EYCK. Bom 1370. Died 1441. The subject of this Picture has not been clearly ascer- tained. Purchased by Parliament in 1842, from Major- Gen. Hay. On wood. 2 ft. 9 in. high. 2 ft. -| in. wide." No. 187. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1640. An Apotheosis. This Sketch has been said to be the first thought of the painter for the subject of the central compartment of the ceiling of the banqueting hall, (now the chapel,) of Whitehall, and to represent the Apotheosis of J ames I. On wood. Of a circular form. 2 ft. 1 in. in diameter. No. 188. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Born 1769. Died 1830. Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. Presented by her Friend, Mrs. Fitz-Hugh. On canvas. 8 feet 2 J inches high. 4 feet 8J inches wide. No. 189. GIOVANNI BELLINI. Born 1422. Died 1516. Portrait of the Doge Loredano. Formerly in the Grimani Palace. It was brought from Italy by the late Lord Cawdor, from whose hands it passed into those of the late Mr. Beckford, and was purchased from him by the Government in 1844. On wood. 2 feet high. 1 foot 5 J inches wide. No. 190. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). Born 1606. Died 1671. A Jewish Rabbi. Formerly belonging to the Duke of Argyle. Pur- chased by the Government at the sale of the late Mr. Jeremiah Harman's Collection in 1844. On canvas. 2 feet 6 inches high. 2 feet 2 inches wide. No. 191 . GUIDO RENI. The youthful Christ embracing St. John. Purchased by the Government at the sale of the late Mr. Jeremiah Harman's Collection in 1844. On canvas. 2 feet 3 inches high. 1 foot 7 inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 41 No. 192. GERARD DOW. Born 1613. Died 1G74. His own Portrait. From trie Collections of Dejonval and De Vinde. Purchased by the Government at the sale of the late Mr. Jeremiah Harman's Collection in 1844. On wood. An oval. 7 J inches high. 5| inches wide. No. 193. GUIDO RENI. Bom 1574. Died 1642. Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom. Formerly in the Lancillotti Palace. Purchased by the Government at the sale of Mr. Penricc's Collection in 1844. On canvas. 3 feet 9^ inches high. 4 feet 10 J inches wide. No. 194. RUBENS (Peter Paul). Born 1577. Died 1G40. The Judgment of Paris. Formerly in the Orleans Gallery. Purchased by the Government at the sale of Mr. Penrice's Collection in 1^44. On wood. 4 feet 9 inches high. G feet 3 inches wide. No. 195. Painted by an Artist contemporary with HOLBEIN, and resembling him in style. A Portrait, supposed to be of a Medical Professor. Purchased by Parliament in 1 845. On wood. 3 feet 2 inches high. 2 feet 5J inches wide. No. 196. GUIDO RENI. Bom 1574. Died 1612. Susanna and the Elders. Purchased by Parliament in 1845. On canvas. 3 feet 10 inches high. 4 feet 11^ inches wide. No. 197. VELASQUEZ (Diego). Born 1594. Died 1660. Philip the Fourth of Spain hunting the Wild Boar. Formerly in the Royal Palace, Madrid. Purchased in 1 846 from Lord Cowley. On canvas. 6 feet 2 inches high. 10 feet 3 inches wide. 42 CATALOGUE OF No. 198. ANNIBALE CAEACCI. Born 1560. Died 1609. The Temptation of St. Anthony. Formerly in the Borghese Palace, and in the Collec- tion of Lord Radstock. Purchased in 1846 from the Earl of Dartmouth. On copper. 1 foot 7^ inches high. 1 foot inch wide. No. 199. SCHALKEN (Godfrey). Born 1643. Died 1706. Lesbia weighing Jewels against her Sparrow. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 6J inches high. 5 inches wide. No. 200. SASSOFERRATO (Giovanni Battista Salvi) Born 1504. Died 1590. The Madonna. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On canvas. 2 feet 51nches high. 1 foot 11 inches wide. No. 201. VERNET (Joseph). Born 1712. Died 1786. A Sea-port. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On copper. 2 feet i inch high. 2 feet 9J inches wide. No. 202. HONDIKOETER (Melchior). Born 1636. Died 1695. Domestic Poultry. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On canvas. 2 feet 10 inches high. 3 feet 8 inches wide. No. 203. VAN HARP (Gerard). Born . Died . Conventual Charity. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 2 feet 7 j inches high. 3 feet 9| inches wide. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 43 No. 204. BACKHUYSEN (Ludolph). Born 1G31. Died 1709. A Brisk Gale. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On canvas. 3 feet 4} inches high. 4 feet 6f inches wide. No. 205. DIETBICY (Christian William Ernest). Bom 1712. Died 1774. The itinerant Musicians. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 1 foot 5-1 inches high. 1 foot 1 inch wide. No. 206. GREUZE (Jean Baptiste). Born 1726. Died 1805. The head of a Girl. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 1 foot 6 inches high. 1 foot 3 inches wide. No. 207. MAES (Nicholas). Born 1632. Died 1693. The idle Servant. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood- 2 feet 3J inches high. 1 foot 9f inches wide. No. 208. BREENBERG (Bartolomeo). Born 1620. Died 1660. A Landscape with figures. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 1 foot 4i inches high. 1 foot 10^ inches wide. No. 209. BOTH (John). Born 1610. Died 1650. A Landscape. The figures by Cornelius Poelemberg. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On canvas. 3 feet 3 inches high. 4 feet 3J inches wide. No. 210. CANALETXO (Antonio Canal). Born 1697. Died 1768. The Piazza of St. Mark, Venice. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On canvas. 2 feet 4 inches high. 3 feet 11J inches wide. 44 CATALOGUE OF THE NATIONAL GALLERY. No. 21 1. HUGTENBUKG (John Van). Born 1646. Died 1733. A Battle. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 1 foot 4f inches high. 1 foot 1 1 inches wide. No. 212. DE KEYS EE, (Theodore). Lived between 1595 and 1660. A Merchant and his Clerk. Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, Esq. On wood. 3 feet £ inch high. 2 feet inches wide. LONDON: Printed by W, Clowes and Sons, 14, Charing Cross, For Her Majesty's Stationery Oaice. r V