■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/repertoriumsculpOOorla RET ERTO RIUM Sculpt He -Typicum : ORA Complete Collection and Explanation o F T h E Several Marks and Cyphers By which the Prints of the belt Engravers are diltinguilhed. WITH An Alphabetical Index of their Names, Places of Abode, and Times in which they lived. Tranflated from the AB CEB ARIO P ITTO R ICO of Pellegrini Antonio Orlandi. LONDON : Printed by S . G. for Sam. Harding, at the Bible and Anchor on the Pavement in St, Martin $-Lane. MDCCXXX. . .. .. . ;.) ... ~ . A * 1 The Several Marks and Cyphers O F ENG RAVERS, &c. V **♦ ♦** *** 1 *** ♦** **£ ♦** **£ *** ^ +M+ +*€ +#£ +*€ +k* *j* +H+ +tf* 1%* *** i- ti^n D=^ x _ HANS Scbaaflig, that is, John Scbaufig of Ncrdlingen in Germany* We find this Mark in a Folio Book, in which the Paflion, Refurre 61 ion, and Af- cenlion of our Lord are engraved, with Notes by Ulderic Finder , printed at Norim- berg in 1 507. He engraved in the Manner of Albert Durer. A a a. Stoltzius *• A. Gothic Talle. U) Stoltzius , he engraved in the 3 - ' J — * Michael Coxis, his Mark of certain Arabian Stories in 68 Plates, dated different Years* one is in 1 576. * noe8 4 " ( IUCO Noel Gamier , Engraver of Grotefques, Ornaments, and Figures, parti- cularly of Arts in 48 Pieces. DO y ' CAP Domenico Campagnola , a Veneti- an and Scholar to Vitian • we meet with fome of his Pieces engraved in 1518. His Brother Julio was alfo an Engraver. M iBi. Michael le Blon , of Frankfort , died in Amjlerdam , Anno 1650. *-j % / Boivin , engraved feveral Plates of Antient Foliages. - • 8. Jofcr ( r ) s- IBM John Maria da Brefcia y a Car- nelite Friar, in 150a he engraved a Virgin itting in the Clouds, and underneath three Saints of the Order of the Carmelites. He lad a Brother called John Antonio da Brefciay vho marked his Piates with the Letters fo. AN. BS. 1 538. MicamiOy an Engraver in the 9 - Gothic Manner. io * )yf ^ c/ Matthew Zagel y engraved everal Ornaments, and Grotefque Pieces, >er lo traverfo } or with Crofs Strokes y he ived in 1500. Cl. GF{ 7 r C&, Gafpar Reyerdin, or lavenfein y his Pieces are laicivious, and wo of them reprefent Curtezans fporting ogether. 12. Dirich - DXV Dirkh-Vander-Staren, li- ved in 1500. He marked his Plates with the Month and Year in which they were engraved; as in that of the Flood, and ano- ther where the Virgin is aloft, and St. Ber- nard at her Feet, marked 3d. OB. 1 524, and the other marked Amo 1544. He like wife ufed the Letter D in which was a V. 13 EE tRsM //WJL VJL t jL Hieronymus Mo- eetus y he publifhed the Refurre&ion of our Saviour, and feveral Battles. 14. Anthony Vuomace , a Painter of Cologn, lived Anno 1 525). He engraved the Twelve Apoftles, in a ftanding Pollure. U IMR Vuaer Van Hojfanen , en- graved 12 Round Plates of the Paffion, and underneath various Symbols of our Saviour, t t -r j t :r. He likewife engraved the Life of Chrift ir i 1 i 60 Plates. S, 16. Phi/ij ( 7 ) 1 6. Philip Adler Paticina with ;his Mark marked on S. Chriofajlnus . .7 -mor^ Cornelius Sichen , ufed ;hefe two Marks in 108 Plates of the Old Teftament, 1565). An unknown Mark on feve- ral Grotefque Pieces. This Mark differs /ery little from Number JJ, which is alfo anknown. Virgilio Sole engra- ved a great many Pieces in Copper and Wood, in Hi shin’s Tafte. He engraved the New and Old Teftament in 200 Plates. The Metamorphofes of Ovid in 170 fmall Plates. Hunting-Pieces in great and fmall, E $c. He fometimes made the Letter Y on j one Side of the Plate and S on the other. See Number 61. 20. A. EB ^ • ADA-J A. D. Bruin, in 1563. He en- graved Six of the Twelve Caefars and various Ovals in 1575). _! — 4 JL Larabreckt Hopfer , a German , engraved all kinds of Subjects : Sometimes his Mark is a V afe of Flowers in the midlf of the Letters L H, or the perpendicular, ftroke of the L in the fecond ftroke of the H. He engraved 27 Pieces on the Paffion.- MAAM ^ J. ^ Adrian Col Inert, he ufed various Marks, either in the OldTefta- ment, in Ornaments, in Freezes, Stories, ■Grotefque Subjects, or Deaths which are dragging away feveral Perfons. m Comet , made this Mark in Small Subjects of two Figures each, both Lame, and a Charity with her three Chil- dren. 24. Martin - JVE ( 9 ) 4 ’ J. T J—J Martin Hemskirk , his Mark in various Ornaments, in one of which are feveral Moles or Wants, 1 54$. Thefe two Marks are in va- rious Figures between Niches and Archi- tecture of Chapels. z6.(t, Luke Van Cramgio , or Luke Van Craen , Painter to the Duke of Savoy. His Mark is fometimes L C, with a Winged Dragon and the Year 1505?. At other times his Mark is two little Gothic Shields, or with the Mark in Number 35, or L.V.C. He engraved in Wood and Copper. v — J- A Mark placed over ifeveral Ornaments of Gothic Architecture. or ioBorM3 j cholas de Bruyn , he ufed three Marks, in dif- ferent Times. A 7 - B 29. Cue - " 9 • AA'i Sy >-^ Cuerenhert , his Mark in fe- veral Turkijh Stories, and various Subjects invented by Martin Hemskerk . 5 0 . -> Albert Durer , of Norimbergy Painter and Engraver, his Mark : He alio ufcd the Mark A. E. but in very few Plates. John Burchmayr AuguJlanOy made ufe of the former Mark- and Matthew Grunevald of Afcaffetnburghy who was cotemporary with Durer • as alfo Mark Antonio Raymondi , in the Life of Chrift, copied from that of Albert Durer , for which the latter accufed him be- fore the Senate of Venice. KB 3 x ; 1 tfJJP Hisbel Reuny an Engraver of Norimbergy called Hisbin : He ufed this Mark from 1513 to 1 545). Hans (or John ) S eh aid Beham alfo ufed the fame Mark in his Plates. Some are of Opinion that the Mark at Number 141 is Hisbin ' s Mark. Others, that there were two Engravers of the fame Name, and that their Marks differ’d by changing B in P. See in the Abcedario Pit- tor ico for Hans Sebaldy Page 220. 32. Albert ( II ) 5 l(il Aldograft > of Wejtpba - /w, a famous Engraver. 33 I&B iiz#J Brefank, engraved the Stories of the NewTeilament; and in 1619, the Twelve Apoftles, our Saviour, and St. Paul. $j Virgilio Sole , of BntJJels , under a dead Chrift, engraved on a large Plate in 1542. See Number 19. 6t. u The Mark found in an Old Teftament in 50 Sheets, fome of which arc marked ( 17 ) marked S. F. ’Tis likewife found in ioj Plates of the Roman Wars, and in i ap on dif- ferent Subjects with Latin Characters at Top and Bottom. This Artift likewife ufed the Mark I. A. A Gothic Mark. <4 M The Mark of a Print repre- fenting a Satyr piercing a Prieitefs of Bac- chus with an Arrow. 6 ? . _ CAD Theodore Zaghel , his Mark in a Woman with her Back towards you. Eve. A Mark in an Adam and BNP CKa. (M. 8i. yzv BjfcRl 83. @ 88 . JL. The Marks, or Characters, from Number 78 to 88, are found in certain Gothic Plates. Gio. Francefco Zabello , a famous Defigner of Bergamo, writ his Name, in the Year 1 J46 on a Dye. Scholar to Peter da Cortona. ivT 9 * 1 VX The Mark of a certain Mer- chant, who bought a great Number of Cop- per Plates, under which he fometimes put the Letters A. S. excudit. Anthony Sala- manca likewife made ufe of the fame Mark. 9 1 * Thefe two Marks are in Twelve Pieces copied from the Paintings of the Chapel of Pont ainb lean • on ( II ) on one fide is the firit Mark, fignifying S. Martin of Bologna , who was Francefco Pri - inaticcio , called Abbot of S. Martin ’s ; on the other is the fecond Mark, which Hands for Anthony Guernier the Engraver. The Reader will hereafter meet with the other ■Marks ufed by Abbot Primaticcio. G 2,. . . ' * JjlXL Adamo , a Sculptor of Tfo//- tua , engraved the Angels of Michael An - Wo Buonaroti in 73 Plates, and worked for i other Matters. 93* GW orMsl Thefe two Marks were ufed by Giorgio Ghift , of toz ; he fometimes put Gbifi-Mantovan , fecit. £ 94 Stephen Colbenflagh Sc. Roma. he engraved the Paintings of Domenichwo. 01 [ Gio. Benedetto Cafiiglione , of #00, a famous Painter and Engraver of all Subjeds. ( ** ) 9 6 - 'EorTT Of* JL Peter Tefta, of LacCa, a Painter and copious Engraver, ufed thefe two Marks. Cortona. He was Scholar to Peter da X The Mark of a Nativity, co- pied from ParmgianOy engraved by Luke Kilian. Andrew 98. Mantegna , of Mantua , or Padua , Painter and Engraver, his Marks: The fecond Mark is found in the 10 Plates of the Triumph of Julius Ctefar, engraved by himfelf, and af- terwards cut in Wood in 1599, by Andrew Andreani of Mantua , as we obferved in Number 47. 99 - ■ jyx or\^ Mark Antonio Raimondi, of Bologna , called of France , Ra- phael Urbin’s Engraver, his Marks ; which Pieces he marked with the Letters R.S.M. F. intimating by the two firft Letters, Ra- phael ( T-l ) phael SanciOy by the two laft Marco Francia , or Marco fecit. He likewife employed other Marks, i. e. B. S. fignifying Bononienfis Sculp- tor. In his Plates copied from Buonaroti he put MI. AG. FLO. i. e. Michael Angelas Flo - rentinus , and afterwards for his own Mark he employed that of Mantegna , exprelled in Number p8, which in like manner may alfo lignify Marcus Antonins fecit. In the Life of Chrill engraved by him, and copied from the Plates of Albert Durer of Venice , he marked the Leaves with Albert Durer' s Mark. , 0 ° 'feordrA. o„. Vino Alberti Borghegiano , that is da Borgo S. Sepolcro , ufed thefe two Marks. He engra- ved the Works of Raphael , Michael Angelo , Polidore , and others. Sthefiro da Ravenna , Marc Antonio's Scholar and Imitator, from 1 535 to 1560. He employed himielf wholly in en- graving the Pieces of Raphael. and Julio Ro- mano. r-02, The 101 ( 1 + ) • JWcftn The firft of thefe Marks is of Bernardo Cafielli , a Genoefe Pain- ter and Inventor. The fecond of Cammillo Congio , an Engraver, whofe Mark was alfo C. C. fecit. 103- Lewis Valefto , of Bologna , I Painter and Engraver } his Mark was alfo i VAL. vS Painter and Engraver, Raphael Scaminojfi , , Odoardo Bialetti Fecit. He was a Painter and Engraver of Bologna. I0 ^- Two different Marks ufed by S ah' at or Rofa , a Neapolitan Painter ind Engraver. 107. A ( ) ]$fF 107. im/ „ T A Mark under a St. SebaJUan engraved by Michael of Lucca, after the Manner of Michelagnolefco 1550 • and we find the fame Mark in a Modem of Raphael, and after it, ERRT. ext. i°8. g? of all Subjects. Bernard Paffero, Engraver ,o 9 . Martin Rota Sabinenfe, fometimes marked with thefe Words, Saben- zanus fecit. II0 . oCV) Luca Penni Romano , or Lu- ca P. R. was Raphael Ur bin's Scholar, and Brother to Fattorino-, he invented very beau- tiful Subjects, which were engraved by Gi- orgio Ghtft of Mantua in 1556. hi. XVIX Henry Goltzius : This cele- brated Dutch Engraver imitated the manner of feveral Matters who lived before him. D ' He ( »0 He engraved Raphael's Paintings, and thofe of other Mailers. | J 2. Raines Grand' Homme, engra- ved the Portraits of the Herejiarchs , and others after Rembrandt's Manner; at other times he marked thus, J. G. Van XJliet. •1 113 Cornelius Berghem , or Ber- chen , is fomething like the Mark 102. 1 14. The Mark of Albert Fla- men in certain Plates of Birds, Beafts, and Fifhes. Alexander Badiali the Painter and Engraver of Bologna , and Anthony Bofs a Na- tive of France , likewile ufed this Mark. I IT- Wor90 Two Marks of Peter Vander Nelpe , an Engraver of all Sub- jects. 1 1 6. '■Theodore ( *7 ) TT Theodore Van Tuldett , likewife an Engraver of all kinds of Sub- jects. Ms T T *J /• Francis Vtllamena of Af- fize , an excellent and expeditious Engraver. He likewife ufed the following Letters F. V. F. or F. Viliam F. II 8. David Van Boons , Tiro, and after this Mark we read Oons ; his Plates were engraved by P. Servuter Sc. 9* 1. (?. Bronchorts , in certain Landskips, in which we likewife find«the Letters C. P. i. e. Cornelius Pulemburgh pinxit. Lake Vorjlerman , Pain- :er and Engraver of Antwerp, was advifed )y Peter Paul Rubens to apply himfclf to en- graving; he engraved the Works of the aid Rubens, as alfo thofe of Raphael, and r andyh. D 2 I2i. The ( *8 ) 1 1 1 ' * Or hP nP The Mark of So- tnredan. , a Dutchman ; he fometimes ufed the Letter I. with an S. entwin’d about it. His Chriftian Name being Hans ox John. He died in 1607. T/T< ■Ivl James de Ghiin excudit , at Charles Mander’s 1608. 111 . The Mark of JElzheimer , who worked with Peter Bruguel. I24. M The Mark in certain Land- skips of Henry Cliuen or de Clef. Martin de Clef alfo made ufe of this Mark. I2 ^' C 6 G This Mark is of de a Bolfu'vert , and was ufed by him when he had not a mind to fubfcribe his own Name. * ^ : • JL\JL Rembrandt ; at other times he ufed to put ./?£/>/ He w as a Pain- ter and Engraver. 127* Near ( *9 ) ii7- " Near this Mark we read Olytt. and thefe are Landskips engraved by J. Van-Velde. «AV A Mark in certain Landskips, and Solitudes, lignifying Antho- ny Van Vuaterl Inventory 'tis fometimes join’d with the firft of the three Marks that follows next, i. e. H. S. P. made in one. ^rPorl^^orcxZ jc- feph Ribera , called Spagnoletto, ufed thefe three Marks at different Times. ^ 3 ^* The Mark of a Virgin en- graved by Cornelias Bofs , and underneath Michael Ange: inv. that is Baonaroti. See Numbers 48 and 54. 131 ¥1 The Mark of a Virgin Sitting, afcer the manner of Durer , and un- derneath 1510. 132. Thig ( 3 ° ) 1 3 This Mark is under a final! Virgin Handing on a Half Moon. a S. Veronica , holding the Holy Shroud. The former Part of this Mark is feen in fome Plates of Lucas Van Leyden. Parma, Engraver and Painter. Agojlino , a Venetian , Scho- lar to Antonio Raimondi in Rome, en- graved the Paintings of Raphael , Julio Ro- mano , and others. He alio marked with the Letters A. V. I. or A. V. 1 525. Bella, of Florence , a famous and whimlical Engraver. His other Mark is S. B. A Mark under Stephen Della 137. Julio ( 3i ) 137 Julio Cefarc Venenti , an Engraver of Bologna. ..U Jofeph Maria Metelli , of Bologna , a famous and tantaftical Engraver of all kinds of Subjects. 139- & Andrea Sahmncio , of Bologna , an Engraver, and Valejio’s Scholar. I 4 j0 * ’ JLJ ' Domenico Beccaftmi Sanefe , a Painter and Engraver : We alfo find this Mark in certain Wooden Cuts, copied from ‘Titian’s Paintings. He died in I 1 4 1 1* X^JL See Number 31 , where we find pretty near the fame Mark. (F for feveral Mailers. Francis da Poylli y engraved 143 . Anthony Anthony Salamanca , or Ant. Sal. exc. 1543. 4 - 4 1 * The Mark of Herman Coblent under the Four Evangelifts and other Plates • one of David, of Judith and Liter e- tia ; and afterwards Adrianus Hubertus exc. I57 6 - RapUelVM,^ celebra- ted Painter and Inventor, whofe Pieces were engraved by the grcatett Matters. In the prefent Mark he gives the Initials of his Name and Sirname. See Number yy. Hans Lie fr inch, who thus marked certain Plates representing Birds and Hunting-Pieces, with Ornaments. .147- Domenico Barriera, of Flo- rence, who going commonly by the Name ol Domenico F went mo, marked fome Plates D. F. 1647. ( 33 ) 1647* fame Mark was ufed by Dome- nica BonO'ixra , an Engraver of Bologna , and Domenico Bettini the Painter, in his Pieces of Flowers and Animals, 14.8. Anthony T’empejla, of Flo- rence, a famous Engraver: His Mark was fometimes a T. with an E. joined to the Leg of the T. • r 149. ringius fecit. I TO. ? heodori Engraver. Nicolas Beatrici Lotha- •e Crttger or Grenger , >»• JV Andreas Vande-Venne pin- nit. V V. Delft. Sc. that is, Wilielmus Delft Sculpfit. ^ JVl Henry Van Circen, or Gi- ven fe, or de Clef a Painter of Antwerp, who died in 1 j8p. ' E 1 53. Ma - 173 - M ( 34 ) Mathew Grunevald. , Sir- named of Afcafemburgh , Painter and Engra- ver after the Manner of Albert Durer } he liv’d in 1510. 1*4- A W The Mark of fcveral little Plates, reprefenting our Saviour’s My- fteries, engraved either by Agnes Frey, Al- bert Durer’ s Wife, or fome Scholar of his. I TS- Gio. or(~f fjohn) BatiftaGalleJl- Yiicci , of Florence, Engraver, inferted in the Ca- talogue of Roman Painters, in the Year 165a. Guido Ruggeri fecit . The Mark of feveral Pieces painted at Fon- tainbleau by Abbot Primaticcio , and engraved by the abovemention’d, who accompanied him into France. 177. \Y v The Mark of JuJhts Suds- ier. He fometimes ufed only this Mark ; at other ( 3 * ) other times he added, Sadeler. I. S. esc. is the fame. ' * V.t\ J Alexander Algardi y Sculp- tor of Bologna , in a Conclusion engraved by Francis da Poyll't , 1653. He at other times made ufe of the fame Mark, but without Francis Maria Francia , an Engraver of Bologna , now living. JEmas Vighi , of Parma. His other Marks are JE. E. \ .JE. Y. the G. E 2 The ( ) *up ©0 06 •3 © © © © * © © © © © © © © © © 4 © © © © © © © The Initial Letters ufed by Engravers for their Marks. AB. Thefe two Letters joined together , with an F ijfuing out from the E, is the Mark of Alexander Badiale of Bologna, Painter and Engraver. Ab. Bl. • ? Abraham Bloemart, an indefati - Ab. B 1 . m * S gable Dutch Engraver. A. Both. Andrew Both. A. C. P. Are all the Marks of Au - guftino Caracci of Bolog- na, a celebrated Painter and Engraver. A. C. A 2:0s. C. Ag: C. Ag: Bononise, __ A. D. J. F. Anthony de Jacquart Fecit. He engraved feveral Pieces. A. D. Bruin, fee Number 10. A.G. ( 57 ) A.G. Albert Glockentonius in the Twelve Plates reprefenting our Saviour's PaJJion. A. F. A Mark found in fome Plates of Albert Durer, fee Number 30. A. L. P. I. Anthony Licinio Pordenone inv, Edward Fialetti fc. A. P. M. A. Abas Primaticcius inv. Mark An- thony exc. This Mark is found in a Plate reprefenting a Shepherd lying under a Tree • and another holding his Hand on an univer- fal Plane Sphere. A. S. See Number po. JE. V. See E. V, Jignifying Eneas fee Number 160. A.V. 2 Agoftino the Venetian. See Nam- A. V. 1 . 3 ber 1 35. B. JohnSebald Beham. See Number 3 1 . Ab- bot Primatticcio, who in France was called of Bologna, ufed the Letter B for his Mark. ’Twas alfo ufed by il Bonafoni, and likewifeby Domenico Beccaiumi, interfering it with a Line , as was faid Number 140. BAL. SEN. BaldalTar Scnefe, i.e. Baldaf- far Peruzzi of Siena. B. B. Bartholomew Boham of Norimberg ; he engraved in Rome, and in Bologna with Mark Antonio Raimondi. Bartholomew Bifcaino a Gcnoeze Painter , alfo ufed thefe Letters Vighi ; and . ( ) Letters in faeh Plates as were of his own In - mention. B. B. A. F. Baccio Bandinelli a Florentine Architect. Belli fecit. James Belli. See J. B. F. B. C. Equ. Bartholomew Coriolanus o/Bono- nia, Knight. B. F. V. F. Baptift Francus Venetus fecit. B. M. V V Y. Bernardo Malpucci o/Mantua, Painter and Engraver ; he engraved in Wood with three Tools j with the fir jl he made the Profil, with the fecond the Shadows, and with the third the Lights. Bol. Inventor. T Julio Bonafoni of Bolog- Bonafo fc. 1545. ^ na. See J. B. F. B. P. Bartolomew Paflarotti of Bononia, a Painter. B. S. Bartolomew Shenius, or Bononcniis Sculptor. C. B. Cornelius Bofs. This Artijl engraved Julio Romano * j Bacchanal. See Number 13a . C. Bl. 7 Cornelius Bloemart, Son of the Corn. Bio. j famous Dutchman Abraham. C. Bleker. The Mark of Cornelius Bleker in certain Hiforical Lands kips 1636. C. C. Fecit. Camillus Congius. See Number 102. Charles Cignani of Bologna, Pai li- ter y ( 39 ) hfy Inv. alfo ufed two C’s, the one within the other. C. D. F. Carles David Fecit. Cl. Mell. in fc. Roms. Claudius Mellanus. See M. inv. C.P. Cornelius Pulemburgh pinxit. John Bron- chorts inc. See Number up. C. Schoenius, Martin Schoenio, a Calem- bach Painter , and Engraver in the Flourijb - ing of Albert Durer. He died tn i486. Some of the Curious think him to be the fame with Buonmartino. See Number 35). D. Domenichino of Bologna, a famous Pain- ter and Inventor. D. B. Bernard Gallo, called the Short , engra- ved federal Works ^ and among the reft Ovid’r Met amor phofes, and the Old and New Tejla- ment printed at Lyons 1 555). D. F. Domenico of Florence. See Number 147. D. H. David Hopfer, Brother of Lambert, noted down in Number 143. and of Jerome j all three German Engravers. D. M. C. Domenico Maria Canuti, a copious Painter of Bologna. DO. CAP. 1518. Domenico Campagnola of Venice. E.V. (40 ) E. Y. Eneas Vighi of Parma, engraved the Works of Roili, Titian, Buonaroti, Ju- lio Clovio, and of Baccio Bandinelli. E. V.H. Efaiah Van Huifen. F. B. Francis Briccio of Bologna, Painter } he engravd d the Pieces of Lewis Caracci. F. B. B. Father Bonaventura Bill of Bologna, called il Padre Fittorino, or the Painting Fryar. F. B. V. I. Frederic Barocci of Urbina inv. He fomet lines injlead of the I, put F, that is Fecit. Fr. Bol. Inv. Francis of Bologna Inventor, that is , Abbot Primaticcio. F. C. Francefchino Caracci of Bologna, youn- ger Brother to Auguftin and Hannibal. F. L. D. Ciatres exc. The Mark of a Dealer in Prints. F. P. Francis Primaticcio, or Francefco Par- megiano, who foraetimes put an F only, in his Wooden Cut sen grand d with three Tools. F. P. J.V. Bonaiius. Thefe Letters are pound in a Madonna of Francefco Primaticcio, engrav’d by Julio Bonafoni. F. T. F. Flaminio Torre fecit. He was a Painter and Engraver. F. V. F. ( 4-1 ) F V F ? ^ ranc ‘ s Vaiini Fecit. Francis * v .\, p. S* V illamena ufed this and thefol- i am. lowing Mark. See Number \ij. G. A. The Heirs of John Agucchia. G. F. Giorgio of Mantua Fecit. In a Piece o/Primaticcio\f, reprefentmg V ulcan\>' Forge. See Number 93. G. M. F. Giorgio of Mantua, in other Pieces of the aboVementioned Primaticcio, G. Pi George Pens. See Number 44. G. R. 7 Guido Rheni, of Bologna, a cele - G. R. F. j brated Painter , Fecit. G. R. B. C. F. Guido Reni, /# the Overthrow ) of the Giants , engrav'd by Bartholomew Co- riolano. G. S. F. Gio. or (John) Sirani Fecit. Guil. Baurn 1640, William Baur, Painter to the Emperour. G. V. S. G. Van Scheindel Fee. and V. V. Buytuvech. inv. Har. Holbenius. Holbenius of Haerlam. H. B. This Mark was ufed by Hans Burck- 'ftiair, who engrav'd 36 Hijlorical Pieces re- lating to the Empire. Hans Brofamer, who lived in 153 8, and Horatio Borgiani of Rome. See Number 36. F H. Boh Landskips. H. C. Hans Liefrinck, in certain Plates of Birds , and Parties of Hunting , in Freezes . Number 146. H. S. 1558. Hercules Septimius Mutinenfis. In certain Figures and Ornaments of Buil- dings. H. V. C. 1517. Hans Van Culmhac, was Al- bert Durer’i' Scholar. J. A. See Number 62. J. B. James Binckius. J. B. and a Bird, is another Mark of a different Author in a David, who fets his Foot on Goliah’i' Head , after ..Albert Durer’j manner. J. B. M. John Baptifta o/Mantua, was Scholar to Julio Romano j he en grav'd the burning of Troy, and other Pieces of his own Inven- tion. J. B. F. James Belli, a Frenchman , fecit, or Belli fecit. J. C. Proc. Inv. Julius Csefar Prccaccinus Inventor. Julio Bonafoni fecit. See other Marks at the Letter B. Bonafo 1544, was another of his Marks. J.G. ( 4 ? ) J.G. Bronchorts. See Number up. J. G. Van Uliet, is the fame as Janies Grand- homme. See Number 1 1 2. J. H. Jerom Hopfer. J. K. James Kerver. I. M. Ifrael Meek, in certain Subjects of the Paffion , and other Plates. See I. V. M. f The faid Mark was alfo ufed by Ifrael Mar- tino, fuppofed to be the fame with Bonmar- tino, who lived in 145)0. L. fee. Joannes Livius fecit. He engraved after Rembrandt’.* manner. Jo. Guill. Baurn. John William Baurn. See ■ William Baurn. Jo. AN. BX. John Antonius Brixianus, „ 1538 . See Number 8. J. S. Julius Sadler exc. John Saenredan ufed the like Mark , joining the J to the S. See Number . 121. J. S. B. John Sebald Beham. See B, and Number 3 1 . I. V. M. Ifrael Van Mechelen, or Mechelini, or Van Meek, and of Lomazzo, fr nam'd of Mentz ; he lived before Albert Durer, and fometimes mark’d his Plates with his Name Ifrael, only. L. C. Ciu. F. with the firjl C in the perpendicu- lar Jlroke of the L, is the Mark of Ludovico F 2 Cardi, ( 4 * 4 * ) Cardi, ftrnam’d Civoli, a Florentine Pain- ter , in a Plate of the Supper of the Phari- fee. -a Lewis Caracci Inven- L. C. F. B. f tor. Francefco Bric- Lod. C. I. Fr. Bri. C cio intaglio, or en- J grav'd. L. C. ? Lewis Caracci, in his three Plates L. O. C. i en grav'd with his own Hand. L. D. In a Sacrifice , and Alexander the Great by Abbot Primaticcio. ^ C o Luke Van Cranogio, or Luke Yan > Craen, Painter in Savoy, Anno a i jop. See Number 16. L. H. Lambert Hopfcr. See Number n. L. K.A. Luke Lilian of Augufta, engrav’d TintoretS and SprangerS Works. L. ) Lambert Lombard, or Sufterman, or L.L.> Suavius, all which fignify the fame L. S. S Perfon. L. L. 7 Lorenzo Lolli , Guido ReniS Lollius. S Scholar. Lucas. P.R. Luke Penni, the Roman, Ra- phaels Scholar. See Number i io. L. V. Y. Luke Van Uden, in fome of TitianS Landskips . M. A. F. See Number pp. M. C. Martin de Clef, or Clivenfis Augufta- nus. M. D, ( 4T ) M. D. Vos. Martin de Vos, a celebrated In- ventor for Engravers. Mel. Gir. fee. Melchior Girardini fecit. He •was a Painter and Engraver in Rome. M. G. Matthew Greuter, Engraver , born in Argentina, Ann. 1566. &■ fr '? -^ re different Marks MelYn f Claudius Mellan Mel. fc. Romse. 1633. ^ °J ^ ans * MI. AG. FLO. Michael Angelo of Flo- rence, i. e. Buonaroti. M. L. Melchion Lorichius. M. Merian. Matthew Merian. M. 4 -. S. Martin de Secu, or Schonio, called by fome Bonmartino, and Albert Durer’x Mafler. See Number 39. M. R. Mark-Ravennate, or Ravignano, i. e. Mark of Ravenna, Scholar to Mark An- thonio Raimondi. See R. S. M. Z. Martin Zinkius, i.e. Zazingeri, 1 500. See Number 10. Nadat, has marked his Plates with a Mole cr Want-trap. N. B. Nicholas de Bruyn, See Number 28. N. B. L. F. Nicholas Beatrici Lotharingius fecit. See Number 149. N. C. F« (40 N. C. F. Nicholas Chapron, a Frenchman , fee. Anno 1645k H, e engraved Raphaels Galleries , painted in the V atican. N. M. D. Nicholas Manuel de Berna 1518. P* K ^ ^ ®^ ancus f eci ' c & incidit. P. C. Paul Caliari, i.e. Paul Veronefe, Pain- ter and Inventor. P. F. Paul Farinati of Verona, Painter and Inventor. P. H. Peter Hys, in certain Pieces of Devo- tion. Phil. Th. 15851. Philip Thommaiini. P. John Sebald Beham. See Letter B. and the Letters V. P. P. Quail. Peter Quail. See Number 43. Pi. Ss. Bart. Peter Santi Bartoli, Engraver of Perugino in Rome. P. S. F. Peter Stefanoni fecit. This Artijl engraved Caraccih Works. P. Y. Borcht. inv. & fc. Peter Van del Borcht. R. The Mark of Ravignano, and underneath R. V. I. that is , Raphael Urbino Inv. See MR. R. B. T. A. Robetta. R. S. M. A. 1 c Ar . R.S.M.F. S See Number 99. R.S. ( 47 ) R. S. Ravignanus Sculpfit. See M. R. R. S. M. R. Mark of Ravenna, put this Mark to Raphael Sancio Urbino’j Pieces . R. Y. A. Gaudenfis Sculp. The Mark of fe- deral Pieces invented by Peter da Cortona. 5 . B. Stephen della Bella of Florence. See Number 1 36. S. B. D. Piclor. Under an Annunciation , in- vented by Peter Candido. S. C. Simon Cantarino, called of Pefaro, Pain- ter and Engraver. S. C. F. Stephen Carteron fecit, 1615. Sebenzanus fecit. This is Martin Rota of Sabina. See Number ic. Namier 124. Henry Blofeuvertus Friiius. Henry Goltzius, he died in 1617* Number in. Henry Hondius, born in 1.573. Henry Van Cliven, or de Clef. Number 1 J2. Herman Coblent. Number 144. Hercules Bazicaluva, of Florence, he lived in 1641. Hercules Septimius, H. S. or Hercules Setti, of Modena. Hisberto Venio. Hieronymus, or Jerome Mccetus. Number . I 3* Hisbel, or Hisbin. Number 31. Hoefnaghcl, Joris Hoefnaghel, a Painter of Antwerp, he died in 1600. Horace Borgiani, H. B. Number 36. Hiacinth Giminiani. See Giacinto. Hubert Audenacrd. Hubert Goltzius, he died about the Tear 15S3. Hubert Vincfcntini. H I. James ( *8 ) i. James Belli, I. B. F. or Belli fee. James Binkius, I. B. James de Gheyn. Number 132. J ames Mattamius, of Haerlem. He died in the Tear 1631. James Sandrart, of Norimberg. James Vander Hevden Auguftan. James Lutma, 16S1. James Grand Homme, I. G. Van Uliet. Number 112. James Kerver, I. K. James Bink, of Norimberg, 1 500. I. B. James Blondeau. James Callot, he died in 1635- J ames Laurenzani. James Lauri. James Ligozzi. James Maria Giovannini, of Bologna, he died in 1717. James Matham, ©/"Holland, he died in 1631. Jerome Mocetus. Number 13. Jerome Kopfer, I. H. J. Blondeau, that is James. J. G. V an Uliet : See James Grand Homme. John Covay. Number 72. John- Ladelpeldrickt. Number 45. John le Potrc, a Henchman , Engraver of di- vers Subjects. J. G. ( T9 ) J. G. Bronchorts, i.e. John. Number up. J. Gal. Nardois F. i.e. John Galeot Nardois fecit. John Abach, born in Cologn in 1556. John Baptift Brixianus, J. B, B. John Baptill; Mantuanus, J. B. M. John Culembach. John Francus Auguftanus. John George Walderich Auguftanus. fohn James Thourneillen, of Balil. [ohn Livius, J. L. fee. John (or Hans) Sebald Beham. Number 31. John Andrew Podefta. John Andrew Sirani, of Bologna. John Baron. John Baptill: Bolognini, a Painter r/Belogna. John Baptift Bonaccini. John Baptift Caftiglioni. John Baptift Conftantini. John Baptift Coriolani, an Engraver of Eo- logna. John Baptift Falda. John Baptift Galleftrucci. Number 1 55, Cohn Baptift Maggi. fohn Baptift, of Mantua, 1300. john Baptift Mercati. fohn Baptift Sorito, 1621. fohn Baptift Pafqualino. fohn Baptift Ricci, of Novaria. H 2 John ( ) John Baptiil Tcflana, john Baptift Vanni. John Baptill Zani, of Bologna. J ohn Benedict Cailiglioni, of Genoa. Num- ber py. John (er Hans) Bol, H. B. John Burckmayr d’Augufta, he ufed the*Mark of Albert Durcr, and did in 1517. Num- ber 30. John Calcar, he died in 1 546. John Csefar Telia, Nephew to Peter Telia. John Frederick Greuter, ^ Argentina. John Francis Caffioni, an Engraver in Wood. John Francis Venturing john Francis Zabeilo. Number 83. John George Nuvolllella Tedefco. • john Guerra, of Modena, he died about the Tear 1612. John William Baurn, fee Guil. Baurn. John Jofeph dal Sole, a Painter of Bologna. John James Coraglio, of Verona, an Imita- tor of Marcantonio Raimondi. John Lanfranchi, a Painter of Parma. John Lewis Valeiio, of Bologna, VAL. Number 103. John Lutma, of Amllerdam, 1681. John Maria, of Brefcia, 1502. Number 8. John Maggi, of Rome, a Painter and En- graver. John ( 61 ) John Miele. John Nicola, of Venice, IJJJ. John Orlandi, 1600. John Podelfa. John Sadder, he died in 1600. John Saenrcdam, of Holland. Number 121. John S*:horel Bavaro, he died in 1562. Number 60. John Trofchel, of Norimberg, he died in i6 33; John Viani, a Painter of Bologna. Jofeph Maria Metclli. Number 138, Jofeph Maria Roli, of Bologna, G. M. R. Jofeph Moretti, of Bologna, an Engraver in Wood and Copper. Jofeph Ribera. Number up. Jofeph Teitana. Jofeph Zarlati, of Modena. Joris Hoefnaghel, fee Hoefnaghel. Jolt Amon. Number 37*. Ilaac Major, o/ Franckfort, 1620. Ifrael Martino, I. M. Ifrael Meek, or Van Meek, I. M. Ifrael Silveftre. J. Van- Velde. Number 127. Julius Bonafoni, J. B. F. of Bologna, Julius Caei'ar Porcaccinus, J. C. Pore. In. Julius Cjeiar \enenti, of Bologna. Number i 37- Julius ( 6 % ) J uftus Sadeler. Number 157, I. S. E. ulius Campagnola, of Venice. L. Lambert Lombardo, L. or L. L. or L. S. Lambert Suave, or Sufterman, is the fame as Lambert Lombardo. • Lambert Hopfer. Number it. Leonard Gualtier. Number 70. Leonard Parafole Norlino, 1600. Lewis Caracci, L. C. Lewis Cardi Cigoli, L. C. C. Lewis Mattioli, of Bologna. Lewis Scalzi. Lawrence Loli, L. L. Lawrence Tinti, of Bologna, 1666. 1 Louvemont. Luke Ciamberlano. Luke Cranogio, or Van Craen, or V. C. or L. V. C. Number 26 and 35. Luke de Leida, called of Holland. Number 34 * Luke Kilian Auguftano, dr L. K. A. Num- ber 97. Luke Kruger, a German , 1516. Luke Penni, or Lucas, P. R.. Number no. Luke Van Uden, L. V. V. Luke Vorfterman, of Antwerp, 1610. Num- ber 120. Lewi#- ( 6 ? ) Lewis Gomie. Lewis Scaramuccia Perugino. Lewis Valefio, or VAL. Number 1 03. M. Marc Antonio Chiarini, of Bologna- Marc Antonio Raimondi, or M. A. F. Num- ber 99. Marc da Ravenna, M. R. Marottus. Martin de Clef, M. C. Martin de Secu, or M. + S. Number 39. Martin de V os, a celebrated Inventor for En- gravers. Martin Hemskirk, a principal Inventor for En- gravers. Number 19. Martin Rota, of Sabina, icp. Martin Zinkius, or Zazingeri, M. Z. or Z. A. 1500. Mafo Finiguerri, of Florence,, one of the firfl Engravers on Copper , in 1460. Matthew Grunevald , of Afcaffemburg. Number 30, and 153. Matthew Greuter, of Argentina, he died in 1628, M. G. Matthew Merian, born in Barbary, in 135)3, M. Merian. Matthew Kufel, of Angufta. Matthew Piccioni. Matthew ( <^4 ) Matthew Zagel, M. Z. Number i o. Maurice Oddi. Number 134. Melchior Girardini, Mel. Gir. Fee. Melchior Kufel, Brother to Matthew. -Melchior Lorichio, M. L. Micarino. Number 9. Michael L’Afne. Number 75. Michael Le Blon. Number o. Michelangelo Guidi, Son 0/ Raphael. Michael Cocxie. Number 3. Michael Lucchcfe. Number 107. Michael Natali da Lodi. Michael Volgemut, of Norimberg, Albert Durcr’j- Majier. Mr. Lane. Mr. Rolet. Mr. V anfculp. N. Nicholas Vicentino, he engraved the Works of Parmigiano. Nicholas Chapron, of Paris, N. C. Nicholas Manuel di Berna, N. M. B. Nicoletto da Modona. Nicholas Beatricetto. Nicholas Beatrici, of Lorrain, N. B. L. F. Number 149. Nicholas Bylli. Nicholas de Bruin, N. B. Number 2.8. Nicholas Dorigni. Nicholas ( 6s ) Nicholas la Fas, a Frenchman. Nicholas Laigniel. Nicholas Mignard; Nicholas Pcrrelle, a Frenchman , Engra- ver to Nicholas Pouffin and others. Nicholas Poilly, a Frenchman. Noel Gamier. Number 4. O. Oliver Gatti, an Engraver , of Bologna. Oliver Doifin, he died about 165)3. P. Padre Angelo Lorenzini, Min. Conv. Bol. Paul Brill. Paul Bianchi, P. B. F. Paul de Ponte, of Antwerp. Paul Maupini. Perjecouter. Number 40. Peter Aquila. Peter Artfen. Peter Breughel. Number 123. Peter Cottart. Number 46. Peter Daret. Number 74. Peter de Jode, the Elder , lorn in the lei vr 1602, and died in 1634. Peter del Po. Peter Hys, P. H. I Peter ( 66 ) Peter Ifelburgh, of Cologn, 1620. Peter Lombard. Number 71. Peter Mercand. Number 42. Peter Mignard. Peter Quail. Number 43 • Peter Santi Bartoli, P. SS. Bart. Peter Saudtman. P. Servuter. Peter Simon. Peter Stefanoni, P. S. £ Peter Stivens. Peter Telia, of Lucca, he died in 1651. Number 96. Peter V ander Borcht, P. Y. Borcht. Peter Vander-Nelpe. Number 115. Peter Vanlickleer. Peter Voerior. Number 53. Philip Adler Paticina. Number 1 6. Philip Abiati, of Milan. Philip Napolitano. Philip Pafiari. Philip Thommafini, Phil. Th. R. “Raphael Guidi, of Tufcany. Raphael Sadeler, born in 1 555. Raphael Scaminoffi. Number 104. Raphael Sancio, an Inventor. Number 145 - Raymond La Fage. . Ra- (« 7 ) Ravtnftein, or Gafpar Reverdin. Num- ber 1 1. Rayner Perfino, of Amilerdam, a Companion of Cornelius Blomaert. Ravignano, fee Mark da Ravenna, R. S. Regnallon. Rembrandt, or Van. Rhin. he died in 1670. Number 1 26. Remigio Cantagallina. Reynold Boivin, alfo Renato. Number 7. Reynold Lochon. Number 69. Ralph Brein Tigurino. Ralph Mayr, in 1638. Robert de Vorft, 1628. Robert Nanteuil, a Frenchman , he died in 1678. Roberta, R. B. T. A. R. V. A. Gaudenlis. S. Saenredam, fee Hans (or John) Saenredam. Salvator Rola, a Painter , Engraver, and Po- et, of Naples. San Martino, of Bologna, this Artift was Ab- bot Primaticcio, of S. Martini. Number o Samuel Hainzelmanus Auguftanus. Schelde a Bolfuvert. Number 125. Scupenius, of Paris. I 2 Se- ( 63 ) Sabenzanus. Number iop. Silvcftre da Ravenna. Simon Cantarini, called of Pefaro, S. C. Simon Frilio. Simon Guillain, S. G. Simon, of Paris. Sinibaido Scorza, of Genoa, he died in 1631. Siito Badalocchio, of Parma, 1607. Spagnoletto, fee Jofeph Ribera. Number lap. Stephen della Eella, of Florence. Number 1 36, S. B. he died in 1664. Stephen Baudet. Stephen Carteron, S. C. F. Stephen Colbenftagh. Number 94. Stephen du Perach, o^Paris, he died in 1601. Stoltzius. Number a. Svaneburgh, he engraved the Works of Ru- bens. Sufanna Sandrart, o/Norimberg, 1670 T. Theodore Connard, 0/ Amilerdam, he died in 159 °- Theodore Cruger, or Greuger, T. C. Num- ber 1 jo. Theodore dalla Croce, 0/ Holland. Theodore Mattamio, of Haerlem, 1663. Theodore Van Tulden. Number 116. Theo- (