4 ^lAiujaum TradejcantianumJl A collection RARITIES. » At South'. Printed by foh» Grift^kd, and are to be fold by N athapfael Sro»ke at the Angel in Corohiil M^BC, ivi, * <^nagh Joannes Tradescantus# Arte notus, annis cedas. NatUjTa, inftans es : ^cedo. Ii4t.0ra^;r---~S.e.».ex, DX A LOCUS. • Nau ^Tr^fte WXUS ^XE jm Mtolii VirinJ^uedeMcwf^firi fAvort. maxim*. beatui Pri»cipis ; t^mwe cHlm mnifUfUj : \ SlB^^ariaultrA^ttrrAtp*idJl!a*ftySmtX, . I^^Wi^m quod erfKt M/apet f ' Cedas, moleJUne funt, . tmq»$f%lin^nuwdmtmLj. Sen.NATURA, ES INSTANS :a fuarir^.M'/AM' Irade^, klivendupthtCoHeclion piwjiuint b a clscru iri Cfiamen/ %d/rii i M — ^/i£ zpctj ^und dronTiil VI ft£T lovd £tl i^rfiieth, ^ t j I ^ ■ IV \ CL. ORNATISSIMISQUE VIRIS PRiESIDI&SOCIIS QoUegti tSAd^edicomtU) Londinenfiuni : f.T. Honoris ergo D.Dq, To the Ingenious F Or fome reafons I ap^ prehend my felf cnga^ ged to give an account o( tm things, that refer to the enfuing piece: The one, for not publijhing this Ca^ talogue until! now : The other, of the mode 6c man<* ner thereof, beiug partly Latine^ and partly Snglijh* About three yeares a-* go^> Ttththgeniottt Header. goe, by the perfwafion of (ovsxQ friends ) I was re- folved to take a Catalogue^ of thofe^^rto and Cu- riojlties which my Father had fccduloufly coJleBed , and my felfe with conti- nued diligence have aug-^ mentedy 6c hitherto f refers ved together : They then prelTedme with that Ar-| gument, That the enuyne'\^ ration ofthefe parities y(^he^ ing tnore for variety than] any one place ^own in Eu'*i rope could afford ) Tpould bi\ Td the ingemeus Reader* an honour to our 3^ation^ and a henept to fuch ingenu om perfons as ‘ts>ould become further enquirers intothe^ yariom modes of Ufatures admirable lO^orkps^ and thc^ curious Imitators thereof z I readily yeilded to the thing fo urged, and with the aC- fiftance of two worthy friends (well acquainted' with my defign,) we then began it, and many examu, nations of the materialis themfelves, & their, agrees ments with feverall Au- f > a thbrs' < ' i- T0 the ingenitus Re Ader. thors compared^ a Draught was made, which they gave into my hands to examine over. Prefently thereupon my onely Sonne dyedpnt of my Friends fell very Jic!^ for about ayeare^ and my other Friend by unhappy LaW'fuits much difturbed. U pon thefe ac- cidents that JirJl Draught lay negle(5ted in my hands another year. Afterwards my faid Friends call again upon me, and the defigne of TrintinZi a-new contri ved To the ifigeniout Render» vedy onely the prefixed TiSures were not ready, and I found my kinde friend HoUar then en- gaged for about tenne Moneths, for whofe hand to finifh the T^lateSy I was neceffarily con drained to day untill this time. Now for the materialis ihemfelves I reduce them unto two forts • one 3^a^ turaliy of which fome are more familiarly known & named amongd us, as dir- vers forts of Birds, foure- az footed To the ingeniom Redder, 1 ' footed Beafts and |;o whom I have given ui fual Snglijh names. Others are lefle familiar, and as yet unfitted with apt Eri' glijh termes , as the ftielh Creatures, Infedls, Mine- rails, Outlandifti- Fruits, and the like , which are part of the Maiena Me- dica • Encroachers uponi that faculty, may try how they can crack fuch fliels.) I The other fort is Artifici- alis ^ as Vtenfills, Houfe-j holdftulfe, Habits, Inftru-I ments Te the ingenious Reader. mentsof ufedby feverall Nations, rare cu- riofities of Art,6cc. Thefe are alfo exprcfled in glijh^ (favirig the Coynes, which would vary but little if Tranllated) for the ready fatisfying whom- foever may defire a view thereof. The Qatulogue^ of my (garden 1 have alfo added in the Conclufion (and given the names of the T^lants hoih. in Latine and Engltjh') that nothing may be wanting which at ^ a 3 pre^ TV the ingenieus Reader, fent comes within view, and might bee expedtcd from %ur ready friend JOHNlRADESCANTt \ A A view of the whole. 1 . |r> Irds with their eggSy heakjt feather clawesl Xj fpurres. 2. Fmrfooted beafis with [me of their hide/, horaes, and hoofs. 5« 3. Divers forts of firange FiJbfS. 8. 4. Shell- creatures^ whereof fame are caBed^HoVa, fame Cruftacea, others Teftacea, of thefe^arehtls univalvia, and bivalvia. 10« ^anelytra. 5 . Sever aU forts of In- ^ coleopcera< feils^ terrefiriall — ^^aptera. &-apoda. 14^ 6 . Mineraffs, and thofe ofneare nature with themj, as Earths^ Cofallt, Salts, Bitumens, Petrified things, choicer Stones, femmes, iji 7. Outlandifh Fruits from both the Indies, with Seeds, Qummes, Roots, Woods, and divers Ingrem dients Medicinad, and for the eArt of Dying. 26. 8. Atechanickj, choice pieces in ^arvings, Turnr ings. Paintings, ^ 6 » 9. Other variety of Rarities. 42. 10 Warlike Infiruments, 6 uropean,lndian,(^c, 44. 1 i.Garmtnts, Habits, Vefis, Ornaments, 47. li,Vtenftls,and Houfieldfiufft. 52. The Table. KuBtifinata, Cojnes antient and^ImperiaS moderntbothgold, filver, a»d cop-< and pag. fer^HehrtV^j Greeks , l^oman lroth^Confft/ar.$S<\ 14, MedaUtfgold^Jtlver^ copper^ and lead. 66. \ Hortus Tradefcantiahus. 15^ enumeration of his Plants, Shrubs, and Trees both in Englijh and Latine* 73 .? ,1^. ACAtilogneef his Benefaflors, 179,1 TradescantianumJ Some klnies of Birds their Egges y Beaks, Feathers, clams, and S^urres, V^Aflawary, or Emeu, vide v> 4 Urovi p.>’42. Jiarveam, G.A, Crocodiles, Eftridges, Divers forts of Egges from Turkic : one given for a Dragons egge. Eafter Egges of the Patriarchs of fern- faltmj. 2 . BEAKS, w HEAT>Si CafTawary, or Emeu, Griffin, Pellican, Shovcler, and thirty other fe- verall forrain forts, not found in any Author. B Aracafa mx> 2 Mufdttm TrAdefcAntidnuvC Aracari of Brafi/, his beak four inihes long, almoft two thick, like a Turkcs fword. . , Ardeola Brafih his beak three inches long, dtfcrihed^ Margrav:$.iS. Guara of jCfarahoon Brafih his beak like a Fo/W fword. '}Ahki, Brafitli beak eleven inches long, Macucagua, Brafil: Margrav: 5 .i 3 • . Soeo, Brafil: Margrar. 5. 5. Tamatta, Brafil: Margrav: 5.10. Sixteen feverall ftrange beaks offiirds from the Eaft India’s. FEATHERS. Divers carious and beautifully colour- ed feathers of Birds from the Weft In- dia’s. The breaft of a Peacock from the Wei India's. A white Plume. Two feathers of the Phoenix tayle. rwhite and black Herne Tods of the^hlack and milke-whit ^ i Herne. Feathers of divers curious and ftrang forraign Bir . Many feverall forts of Herhes and E Bridges feathers. 4. CLAfVBl Idtifitum TrddefcantUnum, 5 4. C LAwE S. The claw of the bird Rock; who, as Authors report , is able to truRe an Elephant. Eagles clawes. , “ Cock fpurrs three inches long. A Icgge and claw of the Caflawary or Emeu that dyed atS.fames’s,fVefir»i«fier, Twenty feverall forts of clawes of o- ther ftrange birds, not found deferibed by Authors. y. fvhole B IRD S. Kings- fiflier from the mfl luMas. Divers Humming Birds, three forts whereof arc from Virginia. A black bird with red Ihoulders and pinions, from Virgi'-ia. Matuitui, the bignefs of a Thru(h,(horC neck and legges. Bitterns two forts Batts — ^from Virginia. Red and blew Birdj Penguin, which never flies for want of wings. Pufiin. Pellican. Shovelcr. Tropick bird. Apous. Fulica. 5 2 Dodar,^ 4 Mnfettm Trd'kfcamiakti"^^^ Dodar, from the iHand Mmriiiu- is not able to flie being fo big. Vv .Jtt Pari^ndgc. Spanilb Farixidge, Wood Fei ker from the we(h rirngiis degentes, Afdro: . 363*. , Umbilicus, Rond: Urtica parva cinerea, Rottd: V. InfeBk ^ Serpentes» A Lx fcarlettae. Aranea Virginiana. Araneae d^ns; Buceros. Bucbu Iduptum TrAdelcantUnum» 15 Brachas viridis. Biicroides. Cicadae variae. Cantharides. Catena ex mafcis Hifpanicis. Cerambyx. Enena,BraiRl: 2d. 3d. Margr: z^j. Erioceros hyacynthinus. Erucae nodofae. Guaruca eremembi Brafii:finer,^^r: p.»Sy. Gritlo talpa tardUgradus. Grillus ex fufco nigricans. Hyppocampus. Hydrocantbarus major Anglicus. Jatatinga,curuculum, H.Al 6 . Locufta. Locuftae Hifpaniciae. Locuftaeperigrinae. Mololontbic. viridulu's. Mufcatella armata Virginiana^ Nalicornis Virginianus. Naflcornium fpecies variae pulcherri* mae. Papiliones variae. Oeftrus. Phalaena cum penna ex capite.' Papilio* i6 Jduytunt Tudefcantknuml Papilionum plurima genera. ! Paipai Gaaca,Braril: Margx 255? Phalangium. Phalangii Virginiani capuC. Pediculi coeci. Platyceros. Profcarobaeus, cornu refleso. v Quicimiri. Infedum parallelogram’ tOZyAldrcv: Qaici,Brani: cornutus , 20 interno* diis, Marg: 254. Scarabaei Virginiani cornua. Scarabaeus nafo inftar roftri navalis cornuto. Scarabaus inftar bufonis Virginianus. Scarabaeorum varia genera* Orientales. Occidentales. Scolopendra,Brafil:iJii*r^: 1.2. c.S, Scorpio terreftris. Stellae marina variae. Tipula. Tambeiva Brafil ; iofeflum, avellanae mole; 255.' Ammodytes, Jdttfiettm TrsdiJedfJtiaftm, 17 Ammodytes. Atnphisb^na. Caecilia. Cenchris Belfonii. Dipfas, Grevini. Dryinus. Seps. Serpens marinm^ AUrovl Anguis ^fculapii. Ova, fceleton,' ^ VI. F RuftuIum miners' auri. r Dendrites. ChryfammoniteSi^Ammonis (forna c effigie, Ramentum tniherx argenti. < Helcyfma. Arg,roaenite»i,rii^2rS: Conchites argentei obfcuri coloris,' yp ; Sminera. Pompholyx. Lepis* Diphryges. Viride sris. Santerna. C Pyrites J,Meulli~ M. i8 Mufmm tradefvmlanuml rcefleiiatus. Pyrites aerofus Jutnbilicatus. globofas--* j pyriformis. . Ccarycoidcs.; Ctarbinatur. Pyrites™4boS“’ Cornu Ammonis ftriatum armatui itnea iucente. Beletnnites hoplites. Orichalcum. Stanni minera. Stannum Anglicumcum fluoribus v: riis. Biacca Alexandrina. Stelechites cum mineri ferri. Fluores varii cum miner d ferri. Cochleae & conchae fideroites ex agt CantabrigienO. Chamites & turbinites Hderites. Siderocarites. Sideromycetes. Lapides ferruginei varii. Stomoma, fquama chalybis. Ferrugo. Plumbi vena variis mixta. Glandes plumbariae diverfiformes. Chamites molybdoites. Stibini 19 Mttallitt MupeUnt Trade fc4fit(4ijutht Stibiam foiCle. Cerufla cinerea. CChry litis. Lithargvrii fpecies Chamaep«dinites. Succinites, Conchitcs, Turbinites. Rhombites. Oph Mufeum Trade femianunT, 2 j Ophytes varii ex Whithy in agro Ebo- icenfi. Spongites^ Ecbinitum differentia; decetn. Martnoris differentiae variae. Marmor Eboracenfe macnlofum^ Magnetesvarii. Lapis minii, vel cinnabaris foflilis. Cnephfiticus. Lapis dorum. Malacados. Mangoftans, Jambos, mole aurantii. Mangas, ovo anferino major. Meben becbene cum capillis. Meben betbene line capillis. Mongo nigrum. Moringa frudus pedalis. Mandubignacu, nux purgatrixi! Mucuna, Braf; Margzi^, Meyney vel neqoamel. Mecaxucbitl , piperis oblongi indar mifcecur cocco. Myrobalani Nux 30 Mufdum Thdefcantidnuml Jraolchatacararaace,'Indica.’ (.Piftachia, vomica. Nimbo inftar olivac fublater. Palmeto fylvcftris ffuflus. Phafeoli varii. Phafeolus arborefcens. Phafeolps Indicus. Pochicria Virgmiana. R/idices. TCaopeba, Brafil: Chin*. Contrayarvse. Dariagen. Radices i Jalapiae. I LabrundinK. i * Macaliftx. Mecboacan. Sarfaparill. i(,Tagion Guine*. MifctUnen» Folia Thee. Boletus cervi. Pila fiagnaiis. Orabanche. c prai. LignA MufimTrddefcaMmfm, 31 Ligna]' Agailochum. Afpalathum gummofum.' Caoba, i. e. faccharinum.’ Cocpgola. Colubrinam. Cinnamomi lignum^ Bdellium. Corylinum tortilatam? Cupreffinum. Fztidum. Guajacum. Hebenum. LevilBmum e Siam: ^ Nephriticum. Rhodium. Santalinum. Strumofa ligna varia. Semina. Ammeos. Amomi. Bombacis. Cardamom! utriufqae. r hederae. Iparidis. royrci. Carj 3 i Mnpem fradefcmknuml Carthatni. Catapatise. utriufqiK. Colocynthides. Citrulli. Cucomenis utriufqae. Cucurbitae. Cumini. Dauci utriufque. Fcenugraci. ^Gnidia. V Pstsdy ^Kettnes. Harmel. Hyofcyami. Hyperici. Laureolae. Lentes. Lithofpermi. Lini. Lolii. Loti. Lupini: Magiftrantiae^ Mezerei. Milii. Napi. Panici. Paeoniae. Pfyllii. Rapi. Santonci Mttfaum THdefcantianaml 3 j Santonici. Sefami. Sefeleos. Sumach. Staphydis agriar. Thlafpios. Gummaitk', Aloes. Ammoniacam. Anime. Arabicam. Alfa festida. Bdeilium. Benzoinum. Bezetta rubraV Cancarnum. Caranna. Cate. Ceraforum. Coopal. Colophonia. Elemi. Euphorbiam. Galbanum. Gamboja. Guayaceni. Hederae. Juniperi. Labdanum. £> Lacca^ Lacca. Manna. Maftiche. Maftlach Tarcaram. Mummia. Myccha. Olibanum. Opopanax. Opium. Sagapenum. Sarcocolla. Scammonium. Styrax. Tacamabaca. Tragacanthum. Materialis of Dyers and Painters; I. ForBUeks, yjCopporas. V.Seacoale. Black of See. Mufdum TraiefsdntUmnK jy 2. iorXeUowett Old Faftick. Weede Woodwaxen, or Greenings «ed. ^ Pinke. I^^laRicutc. Woould. Orpcmeflt. J. ForBsets. Alchanec. Madder. Brafil. Redwood. Cocliinell. Campeigiana. Campeichia. Braliletto: Orchail. Arnocco. Flores Carthatni. Minium. Cinnabrium. 4 * FwBUmt, Lapis Lazuli. Ulcramarin. Virditer. Woade. D 2 NeleJ ^6 Mufemiy^efeafitiamm, Nele. Indico, divers forts. Logwood. 5 . FerfVhite. CerafTa. Album. VII. tJiiechamck drtijic'uR Works i»C4i 'uingSt Turnings^ Sewings and Paintings. S Everall Heads cut on Agates. Divers Figures cut on Shells. Variety of Figures cur in cryftalls. Divers forts ofDoublets. Div«i forts ofS Flye Arabers, with ^Spiders b A Bird fitting on a pearch naturali. Comclian-cup. Amber-cup, and Amb bottle turned. A Cryftall bottle. Severall things rarely cut in Corail. Divers forts of Corail, one with Mo in it. Divers things cot on Plom.ftones. Heliotropian fpoone. Many cups of Agates. Cornelian thora-cafes of the Turks. Splc Mufeum Tradefuntianum, 37 Several carious paintings in little fornjs, rery antient. Splene- ftones, divers forts, The Indian lip- ftone which they wear :be in iip. A little Box with the 12 Apoftles in it. A filver Box with 6 divifions. Turkifli Alkaron in a filver box. The Roman raeafure called LiguU. Divers forts of Parfes of Outlandilh work in gold and filver. Jupiter j Jo and Mercury wrought in Fent-ftitch. Divers forts of Straw-worke wrought with a needle. Cloath fpun of the downe of yellow feathers. Chirurgeons Inftruments framed upon the points of needles. Halfc a Hafle-nut with 70 pieces of houfboldftuffe in it. A Cherry- ftone holding 10 dozen of Tortois-fhell. combs, made by Edward Gibbons, A neft of 52 wooden-cups turned with- in each other as thin as paper. A Hollow cut in wood , that will fit a round, fquare and ovall figure. 3 $ Jinfsmn frAdifcmtimim, The ftoryoftheProdigatt fon carve' in wood : Ancient. Perfim and tAndrmein carved in a Ivory table. i Figures and ftories neatly carved op on Piun3-ftones,AprH:ock-ftones,Cberrj ftones. Peach- ftones,&c. A Cherry- ftone, upon otte fide S. (7«^ and the Dragon, perfcdly cut ; and o; the other fide 8 8 Emperours faces. The martyrdome ofthe Biftiop of Ans phipolit carved in Alabafter. Sevetall Landskips, Beafts, Cidesi Rocks, naturally wrought in ftones. 1 LandskipsO Stories — feut in Paper by fome 4 Trees — ^ the Emperours . Figures Divers rare and ancient pieces carveji in Ivory. ‘ Two figures carved in ftone by Hi#4 Holden. i A large piece of Fortification cut iji wood. A Deskeof one entire piece of woc( rarely carved. A tnodall of the Tower of Strafing curved in wood. A rare piece of hollow carved work in fafiiipn ofa Book. i A Cherry* ftone with a dozen of woo- len-fpoons in it. r ‘A dozen otf fiiver Spoons in^ little box. j Flea chains of ^ives and gold with 300 links a piece jind yet bjut an inch long* t A dozen of little Sheers. I little chains of iilyer^gold. and ftraws, mail as haire. I' Divers curiofities ofS Amber, turned worke|n ^Ivoyy. A little wheele and fpindie turned in Amber. A cup turned in a pepper corneand ;arni(hed with Ivory. A fet ol ChelTe men in a pepp€r*corn :umed in Ivory. Divers forts, of Ivory-bails tpr^wd one x^ithin another, fome 5 , fome la/olds; very excellent work. Rolls of the Barkes of Trees wherein ire graved the China, Arabian, andEa- ftern Languages. cGold. Plates engraved in< Silver. <^Copper. Divers medalls caft of in feverall me* tails. A Copper- plate enameled with the fto- ry of the Salutation. D 4 Divers 40 hdufam 'Tradefcamiamm. rGoId. Divers richenamell’d ^Silver, plates of—*—— iCopper. j^Braffe. An ancient annointing Box of guiii brafle. Effigies of divers Perfonages ofhono note and quality. Severail figure», heads, and effigies ca of in plaifter of Paris. Several forts of imboft Wax-works ci rious. Fha'eten with his Chariot and Horfe excellent wax- works. IDivers figures moulded aud painted. A glafTe-hatt-band fpun in fine tbred A glaffe- basket full Of feverall fruits. Back- work wrought upon glaffe. Variety of glaffe in many curio forms. Backfidc work acht upon cryftall. Two feverall modells of theSepulch at Jerufalem j one in wood ; the other plaifter. Mofaick work of divers forts. Severail draughts and pieces of pair ing offundry excellent Mafters A fmalt Landskip drawn by Sir Na\ Bacon, Seve Mufeum tradefcantianum, 41 The figure of a Man finging , and a Woman playing on the Lute,in 4° paper; Thelhadowof theworkc being Davids Pfaltnes in Dutch. Prince of Oranges pidure (hadowed with writing in the afore-recited manner. Old Parrels pidure. A Booke of Mr. Trade scant’s choiceft Flowers and Plants, exquifitely limned in vellum, by Mr. Ahx:Marfhatt. A Book of all the Stories in the glafle- windowes of San£la Sophia^ lim’d in vel- lum by a Jew. Divers forts of pidures wrought in feathers. A little Box made of ftraw and filke. Indian books made of Philljrta. , VGralfes. Indian paper made of from Turkey. Stclettoj Souldiers Coat of Armour. Skaling ladders 6 forts of wood ann ropes, and iron puliies ; 2 with joints 0 wood doled in a ftaffe. A Sempitan or Trnnck wherewith the; execute men to death with poyibned Ac- rowes. GanwMts. MfffeftmT’rddefiantiatKtms 47 X. Garinents^ Vejiures^ Habits^ Ornaments» A n Arabian veft. A Ruffian veft. A Portugall habic. A Turkiffi veft. A Brackmans veft of Leaves of Aloes.' A Virginian habit of Beafes<-skin. A Babylonian veft. A Greinland^^habic. CFeathersi .ftoin , ‘Dwr-riun.' CCandida^ Match- coat from GretnUnd of the In- trails of Fifties. P ohatan^ King of Virginias habit all embroidered with ftielis, or Roanoke. / A Match-coat of Virginia made of* Ra« eoune-skins. Clndian. Crownes< ^Amazonian. Swabesfuit. c Stirrups.^ Hemy the 8 hisi^Haukes-hoods.’ " cCloves, Barharj 4 $ Mafeum I'raJefcantiamm. Barhary Spurres pointed (harp like i Bodkin. ' K. great Porter’s Boots. Little ieffrejes Boots. Little lefrejes Masking-fuit. ? Lapland. iGreenland. )JILh[covj. \Baby Ionian. Boots from i( Ruffian. ^ Perfian. Shooes to walk on Snow without fink mg Sp^jrres from Turkey. A^oares Cap. Chappenes, 20 forts. Tartarian Whips. Scourges of Sinewes. Difciplines of wire, quilted cotton. ' A tryers Difeipline with filver rowelij A lacryraaticall Urne for Teares , c: glaffe. Girdles of the length of the Sepulchn Nunnes penitentiall Girdles of Haire. rfilke. ^pearlc. Cordelier Girdles of i^ftraw. /cotcon,curioii 1 worke. ' Rupeum tradefcanttamm. 49 Jewes girdle and purfe. Girdle,Tndian. Bor^cbios for wine. Hat'bands of Porcupine qoills beaten flat and dyde. A payre of Scotch gloves wraj^ up like a ball. A linnen Shirt yvoyen without either feam or ftitch, a yards long. A veftall Nunnes bead-^dreffe, of tif- fany curioufly crifped. Duke of Mufcevfs veft wrought with gold upon the breaft and armes. Cafe of Indian bands and caps made of the rinds of trees. Shirts and fmocks, Indian. Turkilh (balh. Brabant Womans cap and ciifFs. Polander Priefts cap- Handkerchiffs of feverall forts of cx- epllent needle- work. Edvard the Confejfors knit gloves. Anne of BuUens Night-vayle embroi- dered with lilver. K^nne of Battens lilke knkrgloves. Henrj%. hawking- glove, hawks-hood, dogs-collcr. Severall forts of girdles from /er»/4- letn weaVed in gold, filvcr, and filk. A Caule of haire, excellent ^ork. E Rujfia JO Muftum Tradefcamiamm»] Ruffia ftockens without heels. Hat of very fine ftraw or bent. A hat-band made of the fting*ray. Bands and cuffs of ftraw. Indian monteroes. ' fFerx. CatiatU. MtgttU* Chin*. fapan, CormandeH, Barbery. Turk). ^hooesfroin.» Venice. Rhede» Malta. Greneland. Poland. PortugaU. i Spaine. Rnjfta (hod with Iron. X^Eafi India. Sandals of wood, from China. Sandals made of twigs, Severall forts of Sandals. Choppenes for Ladyes from emce. Womans breeches from the Abiffenes Divers night-caps made of gtaffe, froi Indies, Turkil Mufdum TndefcMtkmm» 5 1 Twktfh belt wrought with gold. Rich veft from xSatgteat MogttU. Napkins made of the rinds of trees. Variety of Indian Crowns made of di- rers forts of feathers. Several! attires and ornaments made of EDoft beautiful! feathers. A Hat- band of glalTe fpun into fine breads. Variety of Chains^made of the teeth of ierpents and wilde beafts, which the In* iians weare. Bracelets from Guitty, Bracelets of Indian fruits. Severail fteel-chains of curious work, rom Spaine. Black Indian girdles made of Wampam )eck, the bcft fort. A Bracelet made of thighes of Indian lyes. Purfes of the barks and rindes of trees. A Purfe made of a T oad- skin , a hand- ulllong. Virginian purfes imbroidered with Roa» loake. A Coat lyned with Agnm Scythicus. Weft Indian thrcd. £ 2 Vtenfils 52 MitfdamTradefiamianU^, X. ■ - Utenfils, I I A Roman Lamp. A Lethern Tobacco-pipc. A Gimy Lanthorn. Indian Ladle. Di(hes of gourd {hells, Indian. Ginny drinking cups made of birch. Indian pillow. Chaffing-difh, gridiron, fpits, and uj iroaft eggcs and apples; ail to be domi with one fire, and all in a modcll of iron doakon-l-S Indian cradle. An Indian hollow low ftoolc. An Indian little round table. China ware, purple and green. Maz.tr dilhcs, Indian long pepper boxes. CRhinoceros^ Cup of < Unicorn, &>hornef. C Albado’s— 3 Divers dilhes of mother of pearle. A branched Candlefiick turned in I- vory. An Indian- difh made of excellent ret earth Mufeum ‘Trmiefcamidmm, earth, with a Neft of Snaked in the bot- tome. A casing bottle of roarbled-glaffe. Variety of China difhes. A Table, cloath of graffe very curi- oufly waved. Divers tranfparent Ivory- cups. Se verall cups of Amber turned. Cup made of Albado horn. Skades to Hide with. Hainaccoes, five feverall for^s. A Por#«i^4i5f-Whisk of bairc to beat a- way Hyes from horfes and xamels. rBrafil. / Tobacco-plpts, 3 ofo«sftom fe K^ey^mazonia. Vifnagoi a Spanifl* tooth- picker, Turkiih tooth-brufh. Gurgolets to poure water into their mouthes without touching it. Baskets to carry thofe Gurgolets ^ In- dian. Plates made of Rufhes, Turks budget. ATurkiflilnkhorn; ) An Italian lock, Cnfios pftdkitia. I 54 MufdUfj^Tradefcamiamm, ; An Vinbrella- rPalmtoUi^t. ^Turkifti feathers; of Straw. /Leather. CSedge. Indian ba<;kets 20 forts. German locks 6 forts Fannes of skins and rufhes. Tartarian faddle with ftirrups of woo with a hollow wherein he keeps his mes alwayes warm. Divers Torts of Indian Weights an skales. Beads ftrung upon ftifte wyers, and f< infour-fquare f rimes wherewith their dians caft accouncj A Turks travelling bucket of leather. An Iiid:ian leacbtr-cafc wrought i gold. 'Letccr-cafes ' made of the rindes c trees and graifFesii; ', ' A xdp^r L^dC'Cafe an inch long taken in the Ifle of Ree with a Letter in ii which was Twalloviied by a Woman, an found. A choice polifhed fteel ftk la looking giaffe in knTvdey frafne, cut in curiou figures. Diver < % UufduptTrAdefcdHtianum, 55 Divers forts of Looking* glafTes of fe* verall formes. A fteel-glaife that (ho^es a tong face on one ^ide, and a broad on the other. XI. Nomifmata • if/inna» Grdca. Lyfimachus. iritan- Ctmobelinas, «/tW; Camhd: Srit: ma. , . (Tal>:i. N.^, Alius, ibid: N. 8^ Sex, incerta. tatind. Scipio Africanos. Cicero. Auguffus. Nero. ' FI: Jal: Conftantuis^ FI: Valentinianus. FI: Gratianus. yalentioiaoQs Jum FI: Honorius. Arcadius. Piftinus^ Conftans & Confiantinuso Juftiniuius II. S.Cooftantinus VIII. 2 «Romanus. E 4^ 5 6 Muftum T rddefcantiamm. Mttiirna.Sextas V. Pont; Max: Clemens VIII. Pont: Max; Urbanus VIII. Pont: Max; Ferflinandus & Eliz: Hifp: Philippus II. Rex Hifp. Carolus Rex Francorum. Jacobus V.Rex Scotorum. Calimirus Rex Polon: Stephanas Rex Polon: Conradus II. Ro: Rex Dux & Gub; Reip: Gen: Emanuel Filib: DuxSabaud: Gulielmus Dux Mantuae. Ferdinandus Dux Mant: Ranut Far: Placent: Dux IV. Moneta Provinc: foeder: Belg: tAtirea. Weftfrifia:. Civitas Metenfis. ' Civkas Campen. Venetian Ducat, half Ducat. Spaniih* Piftoll. balfPiftolIt' French Piftoll. half Piftoll. Mftfeum Tradtfsamiamm^ j 7 Nemifmau Hehraicd, Argtntwn^. Sicltts^-^ ^Cbaraderibns Samaritanis Htmificlns- 3 lignatL J/f/i^^-^^Cbaraderibas Chal^icis Bemifieltu- 5 Ognati. Stater Nmifmata Grate*» dArgentum^, rAlexandr^. jAthenarum. lEphefiorum. tlMacedonum. Dtdrashma { Tarentinornm, Syracafanorum; Drachma 5 8 Mnftum t radefcantiMUmi ^Alexandri. vGxlenfinum. HSinpbtorum. Rbegiorum. '' Ma/filienfium. CAdiorum. rr««/»<*Hloni;«uo. JDyrracbinoruirr. LRbodinoram. ^rea. Demetrii. Lyfimacbit Atbenarum. Panormi. Syracufarum. Rbodi. Ncmifmata KomAna^ fecunia Familia» tArgentea. M*:AEMlLlus LEPidas. M. iEmilios LEPIDVS. M. ANTonius IMP. SANTonius. jAVGuftus IIIVIRvR, P. C. LEG. HID ANT Mapeum Trade fca$itUftum, 59 ANT. A VG. IIIVIR. R. P. C. LEG. VI. ANT. AVG IIIVIR.R P.CIEG. XIIII. ANT. AVG. IIIVIR. R P.C. LEG. XX. i4';AQVlLIiusM.F.MN. M: -^ureliusSCAVRus. Auguftus CiESAR. IMP. VII. Caftov & Pollux equitantes. L. Caiphurnius P SO FRVGl. C.CA'^Slus. L.CaffiusLONGlNusIIIV. Q. GASSIVS Longinus. Q. Caecilius Mcctellus Plus. 1.. GAESI VS. TI. CLAVDiusTI.F.AP.N, P.CLODIVS. M. F. T. CLOVLlus. C.COIL(Goelius)CALDus. M’. CORDIVS RVFVS IIIVIR. GN. Cornelias LENTulus. L. Cornelius SGlPio ASI Aticus. CN. DOMlTius Abenobarbus. •C. EGN ATIVS. CN. F. CN. N. C. FABIus. C F. N FABIVS CF.Piaori L.FLAMlNtusGILO. C. FVNDANius Fundulus. C. HOSSIDIus C. F. GETA. IIIVIR. Julius CAESAR. Eliph as Julius CAESAR. Anchifes L. Junius BRVTVS. 6o Mttfattm TradefcantUnwH. 5L.MANLIVS PROQ. ^L. Cornelius SVLLA. L. Marcias PHILIPP VS. L. MEMMius GAL. Q;_Minutius THERmus M. F. M, Papirius CARBOnus. M. PLAETORIUS CESTianus. SQ. POMPEIus Q^F. RVFVS. ^L.Cornelias SVLLA. C. Porcius CATO. Manii filius. L. RVBRIus Doffenus. L. SCRlBONius LlBO. TI. SEMPRONI VS GRACCVS IIIVIE C. SERVILIus M. F. C. SERVILIus. C. F. Q^Servilias CAEPIOnus. C SVLPIClus. C. F. L. THORIVS BALBVS, QjTITIus. L. TITVRlusSABINus. P. Titurius SABlNus. C. VALerius FLACcus. L. VALERIUS FLACCus, C.VIBIVS.C.F. PANSA. Mf*fe»mtradefcamiamm, 6i Nffmijmata Imptratornm. Argentea. C. Julius Caefar. Marcus Antonius. Auguftus. Tiberius. Nero Claud: DrafusGern): Caius. Claudius. Nero. Ser: Galba. M. Otho. A. Vitellius. Vefpafianus. Titus. Domitianus. Nerva. Trajanus. Hadrianus. Sabina Hadriani. Antoninus Pius. Fauftina Pii; M.Aur; Antoninus. Fauftina Marci. Lucilia Veri. L. iEl; Aurei: Commodus.' Grifpi- 6t MnfMtntrddefamhnm, Crifpina Commodi. P. Helvius Pertinax. L. Sept: Severus. M. Aorel: Antoninus Caracalla Caracallae Caput barbatum. P. Septim: Geta. M. Aur: Antoninus Elagabalus. Elagabali Caput barbatum. Julia Mxfa. Julia Maroaea. M. Aurel: Sever: Alexander^ Maximinus. M. Clod: Pupienus Maximus. M. Ant: Gordianus. M. Jul: Philippus. M.OtacilIa Severa Philippi. M. Jul: Philippus. Jun: Q, Trajanus Decius. C.Herennius Etrufcus Mcs:Dec C. Vibius Trebonianus Gallus. C. Vibius Volufianus. P. Licinius Valerianus. P. Licinius Gallienus. Corn; Solonina Gallieni. P. Licipius Valerianus. M. C affius Latienus Poftumus. FI: Julius Conflandus. FI: Julius Conflans. Magnentius. FI: Claud: Julianus. Julian 24» fatim 'fraJefcamianum» 6% Juliani Caput barbatum. Valentinianus. FI: Gratianus. FI: Magnus Maximus. ‘ Honorius. Valens. Theodofius. Arcadius. Pope Clement VIII- Pope Uurban VHP» Elizabeth the daughter of A® drew Poland. Upon the Coronation of King Cha r. l e s in Scotland, Sil- Muptum Tritdefcamtamiif0 6y Silver. Mofes! SDavid& Batbfheba! ^Lot & his 2 daughters. Priam. Hellen. Pallas. Alexander. Mithridates. Camillus Didator. Lucretia. Artimeiial Dido. Julius Cxfar. fflcrod and ^Jofias KingefJviAeL. Pope Clement Vni. Ptf/ifjUrban VIII. CMaximiiianusMagtianimus. V Firre tree. rt*. 3 fFeaialtj TMas. Southernwood. Fceraina. Cfeamac Cyparif- Tus. Lavender Cotton. Ungoentare. Silyeftre. Conmon Sou^ Vbrotanutii< them weed. I Inodorum. Z/nfaverj Sou- thern wood, Arhtxekens.Trie Southern Wood. Marinum. Romane Wornt- ; L wood. AbHn- 74 Mufgum TradefcantUmm, Ablin- thiutn— Romanura tenniiblom. Romtu TVornmood '^ith fine leaves. Marinum, /f.Serephiom. Sea- fVormwMd. Marinu folio Lavcndulac. Sea- ^ mrmevfoed vith Lavender- leaves. V ulgare. Commen Wormwood, Umbellatum Clufii, pajim hu white Wormwood. Tridentinum Lobeli, his oAu- L firian wormwood. Acaciai The binding Bean-tree, Acacia Indica. ^Sylveftris. The wilde Beares \\ breech. AcanthusP®'‘'^“®’ Branca Urfi- W na. The manured Beares breechi \ Aculeatos. Prickly Beares ( breech. ( Ma/us Latifolium, five Pfeudo- ; platanus. The great Maple or Cycamore tree. Minus vulgare.Ty&e comon Maple Acer.^ tree. Virginianum Tradefcanti. Trer defcant's Virginian Maple, Virginianum alterum , his ethet .L Virginian Maple. Acetofa MufemtradeffantidHum. 75 ; f Hifpanica ai3ijor, great Spanifi Sorrell. Franca rotundifoi: lobel: romd-leafed Sorrell. ^cetofa^ Indica, fen veTcicaria ; Indian or American SorreU. Vulgare, common Sorrell. Minima, five Oxalis minima % - Sheeps Sorrell. Acinos Anglica, o»r Snglijh wild Bafil. 'Hyemale, winter Wolfes^ hane. Salutiferum, five Anthora, wholfome Helmet florvre. Luteum ponticum majus , the greater jellow Wolfes- hane. Luteum ponticum minus, the leffer yellow Wolfes- bane. Aconitum <5 Cxrulcum , fc. Napellus, blew Helmet flowre. ^accife! u, five Chriftopho- riana 5 herb ^hriftopher. Americanum racemofum fr uftu albo; Indian bran- ched Wolfes- bane with white frnit. Flore Delphinii , Wolfes- bane with Larkes-heele- [ t flowers. A- •J6 MuputthtrUdefcdhtl^ik, r Verus, five calamus aromaticui % officinarurd j Acdrusc fia^ge. ^aluftris ; jeltm iv/iter’-flagge. L oy Flore de Luce ^ Ageratum flore luteo j jellew Maud line. Agnus caftus vitex ; the Chafi tree. Agrimonia, Agritmny. Alaternus s ever^green Privet. Alcea5^®”^^* ’ Mdloi». c vulgaris; Verifine Mallow. Alcbithilla, pes l.ton\%i Ladies Mantle. AHrekeftgi, tyinter’ cherries. Afliari^ , fauce alone, the hedge. Allioporrum, flve Scorodopraflbn ; or great Turkey Gar lick. ^Sativum, ^arlkk. v^Latifolium.urfinurn, Ramfous. Allium ^^‘•veftre tenuifolium , Crow- J Carlick- I majos Scorodopraflbn ; great ^ Tierksy Gar lick. Aloe HifpiOi'ca, Aloes of Spaine. rmaxima Anglica , greateH Englifi) Fox-tailegraffe. Aropcctfrbscmfnima , leafi Fox-taile~ } grap. Cfpica afpera. Alflne MH[4Um Tr44ef(l4»m»um^ 77 fh9CC^t2L^berrylfear.mg Chick: I jw?^4 ' j baccifera repeos, Clufii. Caca- 1 h&lnmVlmu. gr^ent/preadift^ I Chickmed. I m«x.im9.ygre4teft Chickjveed. Alune^ iQjijor , grtoit ^hickweed. hederacea. Ivy Chiekjveed. foliis yctoakx/peedmllChiek^ meed. aquatica major , great fVetfer- Chickmeed. hirfuca Myofotis. Ad: Motif- L ear4 Chickmeed. vulgaris, comato» Marjh Mai- loyves. I arborea ilore Purpureo, turtle Althaea^ tree Mallow. arborea fiore aibo, fundo Pur- pureo, montiSfOlfai*. ^montis Olbi, Morini, (^pio/coridis,^4;<^»70rl of Diof- ^ly®““lciuffifGaleiii j Gakns Mad- 5c wari accordiug to (flufitu. Amatapthus purpureus major paniculis fparfis ; great Fleramour or purple fiowre gentle. Amara- 78 Mtt[iittnn 7 rAdefeantlamm, Amaiacock, live Clematis Virginianai the Virgnian Gljmert erPaj fionflorvre. 'major purpureas j great pnypt F lorvre gentle» ! purpureus minor elegans; net le^er purple Flowre gentle. tricolor; ifotted or variat Florere gentle. purpureus major panicul Ama- Tparfis, great Flo'^re At ranthusi moitr^ »r purple Floreri gentle. viridis Novae Angliae gret Florere gentle from England. holofericus • cHmfon- velvet Florere gentle. i^criftatus. Araelanchier Lobeli ; French honj freet reort. Ammi vulgare, Dod: Bljhops med. Araomum Plinii, Pfeudocapficum Dt donai i winter Cherrj‘ tree. ‘Amygdalus j the Almond-tree. fcenuifolia flore caerulo I Monelii, 2{arrere-ler^i Pimpernell with hie Anagailis<( fowres. I flore caeruleo mat : Monel 1 irii M»/xm T rddefcamiamm. 79 mas florc Phoeniceo ^ male red PintpernelL foemina flore caeruleo ; fe- male bier» PimpernelL - Aoagallis ^ » jelUr» florere ^ Pimperttell. aquatica vulgaris, live Be- cabuDga •, Water Pim^ pernelf or Brool^ljme, aquatica, live Becabunga niajorjr/&^^rM/ey Brook- Ijme. Anagyris foetida fl inking beane Tree- foile. Andro- faemon' live Climenutn Italoru ; Tut- fan or Park' leaves- ^inagnum ; Tut fan , or great St, Johns wort. ’latifolia pavot; ma: flore pleno • great double 0- range tarvnj Anemone^ with broad leaves, latif: Chalcedonica flo'.ple- no ; ^uble 0>'ange tar»- Anemone^ ney Anemone 0/ Conflian- - tinople, or Spanifh Ma- 8o M0f«m»7‘r4defi40i4iMm* Cviolet , peachf ■ AmmottesJJEMcarnadiug^ ^yghite , ama- ^ {rantk I^if: Rofea iiorq pUno, dottklg Rofe^coloured A nentQDC Mth hroadleavei lacif: aU)icai|s flo: pieno i dfinhU p4t bltijh A}>f/\ ntQne with broad leaves, j lacif: coccin«a flo: pleno|| double fear let tAnemetk', vsith broad leaves. lacif: potoriae flo: pleao. [lacif: Cyparifiaflo: pleno Anemone double Anemone of Ql-\ prus. lacif: Coaftantiriop<^ flo:| pie: double broad leave6\ Anemone from Confiantb mple> lacifolia alia diverfx fpe*' cies } divers other forts oyiuemone's ioith bro4\ leu>tes% cenot&Ua cubro flore pie*! np ; double red A»tmoM\ with thiu leav/tSf cenuif:ali }0 flo; plen: doublt white Afftmone with thin leaves^ Mupeiott T* r4defcmi4nnm» S i Anc- ^ mtMic cenuif'.albo dilut; flore pleno ^ double white mingled Anemone with thin leuves. cenuif: mutabilis flore pleno ^ double changet^le oyintmone with thin flowers. tenaiflviridis flo: pleno ; double greenijh Anemone with thin leaves. cenuif: carnea viva: flore pi; dotd>le carnation Anemone. cenuif: Icarlata flo: pleno. cenuif: Pink^coUnr pleno.' cenuif: pl:Coma>aroarantbina ; double fur pie velvet Anemont andftriped. cenuif: flore pie: Rofea ; double Rofe^eoloured Anemone with thin leaves, cenuif: flore pleno variegata ; double party-coloured Anew»' ne with thin leaves. Ceouif: flore pleno purpureo ; double purple Anemone with thin leaves. cenuif: flore pieno purpureb dilucior j double purple mixed . Anemone with thin leaves, cenuif: flo: flmplici, Brancibn. Aibe« Ss MufdMm Trddefcatttunum; Anemone florc fimp: dtverf* fpecies divers forts of fngU Anemonei Anethum vulgaris ^ fDiU or Anet. rfativa, garden Angelica. ( nivefiris, wiide ^Angelica. Anife. \ao(Ay Reft harrow. vide O ion»$. Angelicas /filve Anifum, Anife. Anonis /non f^aofi^Reft harrowVoith L ostt prides. leguminofa flo: luteo, Kid nej Ketch ^ with jeBoi fiowres. leguminofa flore rubro Hi fpanica , Kidney Fetch e AntbylHs ^ Spaine with red fiowres. • leguminofa ereda flo: rn hrOtUpright Kidr-ej Fete} with red fiowres. legum: Zilondica ma; i LcntifoMi^KidnyFetch toit I t LentiB leaves. \ 'majus flore albo , greats Snapdragon with whit Antirrhinu. ' majus flore rubro, greati Snapdragon with rti fiowres. majo Muptum TridefcMtiahum, majus flore rwhtWOy fear let or light red Snaf dragon. .medium Hifpanicam flore albo, middle white-jtowred Snapdragon o/Spaine. I vulg: i.Math. medium flore purpureo., middle Snap- A’nCirrbtnu dragon with purple flowres. minimum , the lea^l Snap- medium florc incarnato , ' middle incarnadine Snap- dragon. minus flore Vitiegito/mall party-coloured Snapdragon. minus flore albo , (malt white Snapdragon. Apaeba, yeBow wilde Vetch. Apios. Latbyrus. fhortenfe, gardtn-Pa<'(lej. ampl; & anguftifolio , large fiarrow- leafed ParJlej. crifpum, curled Parjley. Virginia num,F#r^i»i4 Pat^Jley. filvcftre,five thiflclinum,w*7c/e Parfiey. felinum Venetorum, Venetian Parfiey. perfoliacu feuSmirninm Cre<- tieum , thotOTP^-ledfed Parfiey ^ 0/ Candy. G 2 Ap;& Apium ^ ^4 Muftumtridffcmianum, Apium five Pahidapium , Smallage* Americanum', Amerieat. ApOcynum< Dogs hame. c alterum. f Virginiaoa, Virginian Co- lutwine* variegata albo Sc purpu- reo, firiped Columbia '^hite and pftrple. variegata albo & rubro, party- coUstred Colnmbitt white and red. / , Aqailegia<{ rofea variegata variabiKs, I Rofe Columbine. roleo flore multiplici vari- orum QolotxxTQjoubleRofe Columbine in feveratt co- lours. - ! 1 Yolg;diverforum colorum, ordinary fingle Columbines of divers colours- Arabis five Draba, Arabian Afujlardl Bxticus, the Spanijh ehiehling Peas. Aracus clcmatitcs, the running wiUe , chkhling Peas, Atboc Mufam Tradefantlmum^ 85 t vitae vel Tbuy«, Tree of life, Judae flore rubro, fudat tree with red flowres. r fenfittva elegantifliina, the fen- j, , P fitiveplatit, Heroa ''fenfittva humilis, frm Barba- ti dos, the lot» fenfitive/hruh. Arbutus, fiveVirido, the Strawberrj- tree. ^capitu’o rotundiore, romd- ^ headed Bafiard with Top- Argemone^ pie- Jcapitulo longiore, long-bea- Z, ded Bafta^ with Poppie. Argentina five Potentilla, Silver weed^ ^ildeTanfey. /f clematitis , the running- rooted Birthwort. „ , , , ^rotunda radice , round Ariftolochia| Birthwort. I' longa, long rooted Birth- V wort. ( holoferica , crimfon Sweet- fViSiams. florc pleno, double flowred Armcria J ^ iViUims. flo'.fimpl: magna diverfitas, great variety of Sweet ivil- Hams with Jingle fl'>wres. ^fylveftris, *Deptford Tinke. G 3 Arte- 8i5 Mttfeum TradefcantUnfun* Arcetnilia vulgaris, cemmen Magwort. /'vulgare, fVak,e Robin^Cnck^m' finite- maculis nigris, bUcke ifotteo Arum^iVefFfl«Wroo/. ^iperu ®2flor€ caEruleo,^/fw tv'oodreof. minor, Clufii’ his [matt A[- w fhodilU Arphode-iLufctanicus, PortHgall 4r lijs \ phodi/t. if Ind icus nondum deferiptus, V Morini. Afplcnium, Mufiettm TfMdefcMtUttum, 87 Afplemuro, Ctterach^ Spleen rport, Afplcnii & Polytrici * fpecies qainque, Jpforini» ! Italorum, ItnlUn SUrrvort. Virginianus frudicofus , Ger; emafc; fruaicofoj, Ger: ema: prcco- cior. caeruleus ferocinus frudicans. f Baeticus , C!u(ii;&^ Spnnijb Ao^ , j milke Vetch. Aftragulus Sea Spnnijh milkf t Vetch AKiAy\i9y^ifiafffThifile> Cmajor, greater Ar^ , .. J rache. 'bacciferalack._Ff$reheu»d. ^cScumerina. Balfaroina35<»//rfw tApp^e of I ^ernfelem-). Bairamutn Aipinam,Cef: Gamer; Sweet APonutaine Rofe. Barba Jovis, frutex, the fiver hn/h. Barba Hirci, fc: Tragapogon , Geates- 'Seard. ^mojor^the greater Bttrdoek: Bardana:afte> horcenfis flore rubro variegata, red garden firiped Dafie- Beilis po Mftfeum TrdJefcafttUuum» f bortenfis flore albo pleno, n>ht garden Dafie with a ebnh flewre» horcebfls flore albo prolifer ma: exautica flo: abfoleco, Aioth Mullein (^c. flore purpureo, p«rp/e Moth MuUein. ^ florc caeruleo mioiina , the lettSi hle'io fiowred Moth MuMein. major flo: luteo, |re4r Moth CMuUein, maxima oderataflo: luteo, great fweet jellow Moth Mullein. "album fylveftre minus , fmaS wiide white Blite> rubrum iy\y fmall wild red Elite. Blatiria Blitum < Polyfpermon, wiide Elite with much feed. ^.majus albo, great white Elite. Bolbonacb. live Viola iunaris,t/[)e white fattin flowre. Bonus Henricus , common or EngUJb Mtrcury, Bora* 9i MuftmuTrAdefcamidnum, “flore cxraleo & flore albo hlsw and white Borage. foliis variegatis. Borage m\ varioeu leaves- feniper vivens, ever-living Bongo ^ Borage. minima femper vivens, fe fymphitum minus , the leal ever living Borage. flore caeruleo minima, Borage, Botrys Mexicano, the Mexican Oake < Jer$d<>le*x->» f fylveftris, veilde Coleworts, marina latifolia, fea Colewort. Braflica <» ^ttioXxeXOi^therm- leafed Col wort. foliis crifpis , Colewort witt curled leaves. flriata, ridged or furrowet Colewort. Hifpanica,i'p4»Z/J Colewort Sabaudica, varietas , Savo;, Cubages. Bryonia/"!'”' ^ \l»gra, ilack,Brionj. Cfativumji^r^Ze» Bugloffe. Boglofux luteum, Ger.* lang de Beef. (^fylveftre, wilde Buglejfe. Bugufa Mftftitm Tudtfsdntiamim» 95 S vulg:flo:c3ernIeo, or dinar j him Jlorrred Bugle. flore albo. Bugle with a '^hite fiowre. flore carneo. Bugle with Uufh* eolouredfimreu ^inajus, great earth Chef- Bulbocafta*^ >nut. nutn-— Aminos vulgare, le^er earth Ch^ut. Baphtbalmium verum Delacamp.* vel Chryfantbemu Valenkinum Clu- fii, true Oxtye^er Cttiflus hii Sfa- nijfh Corne Marigold. u f C major vulgaris, common Shep- T herds purfe. ® fmad Shepherds purfe, ^yat^ great Box. vaoit,fmall Box. Bums 2 ^ ^tauracns alter foHis minoribus, another fort of gilded Box ^ith [mail leaves. Cabbage- 94 M»f*um TrddefcAHUantm. C C Ahbagt tree from Sarbadoi. Cacalia. Coltsfoot. Cachrys vera, /<•.• libanotis Ferulx ft . ho, fennel leafed herb Frankji fence. r montana prxftancior, gret \ nfoumaine CaUmint. ■ Gtlamin < montana pulegii odore,^e< tha J Calamint. Caquatica, voater Qalamint. Calamagroftis, Sheergras. C&kco\aitAuix,ZadjesJlipper. / max: flore pleno, i^e4te u double Marigolds. // maxip: flo.* luteo , greats ^ yellow Marigold. Caltba paluftris, flore pieno, J^ub Marjh M^yigold. Camelina, Treade IVormefeed. rlsdefcens Perflci folia flc I cxrwko^blewpeaeh-leaft Campanu-”< fiowre. la I ladcfccns Perf; flbrc alb I white peached leafed Be. V. ftowfe, Cai Mitfeum Trade fcantiditum. C minor rotondifolio , fmall )ampanQla< Belfiowre. / iad'.minor five rapuncnles. rfativa,/wii Hemp. Canabis^^^*^*'** ®^*S*”*» baflari y Hemp» ^aquat: heater Hemp. rindica flore rubro , redfiowred Canna Ind^n C*ne. ilndica flore luteo, jellorv Indi- L <»» Cam. Capillus veneris, ctmmo» Maidenhaire. Capparis. I Germanicum flore rubro ferocinQm,r/7« German red indented Honifuckje. Italicum perfoliatum prs* cox. douhle Italian early Caprifoliu^ ripe Henifckie. ' vulgare, ordinary Woodbine. Virginianum arbor, Virgi- nian Woodbine-tree. furredum frudu robro,re<^ upright Honifucl^le. Capficumlndicum, Ginny paper. Capficum rotundum furredum , Mo- rini. Capflcum alterum, Morini. Cardamine flore pleno, double Ladyes- gS MMfdmnTniefe^Mum. { ^trifolia, three-leafed Lad^ fntock* minus five Siiim minus in Cardamine^ pautns, impatieitt Ladp I /moek- 1 vulgare , common Ladja t fmeck- Cardiaca, Jklotherwort. Carduorum diverfar fpecies, Mvers otbe forts ofThifilei. padeus S.Mariar, Ladj Thifilt dobofus.fpberocepbalui^ma perrennis, GloheTIuBle. ' Stellatus, StarreThijlle. Benedidus, hUfed Thifile, Mofcbatus, MoskfThifle. Solftitialis , Saint Barnahiis Thifile. Lanceatus, ^}eare Thifile, ^vulgaris, way Thiiile. Carlina major, fen Cbamaeiion album. greater Car line Thifile, Carohfrom Barbados, Carum flore albo, white-fiowred Cara Cardu’ Cmontana, Clufii. hit red CaryophilQ ntonntain Avens, lata jvulgMis, common 9 /fvehs. L herb Bennet. Caryo- Caryopfail- loram M»fa»m trade fesmlauum, 97 rhortenfium flore pleno va> rio in colore differ: doulje ij^arnetions or GiBijlowers of v4rio$u colour s> flore firoplici vario in coIo> re different: fingle Carna- tioUf or Gihflmersoffe’" veratt colours. elegantium magna varie- tas, feveraU forts of great daintjf GiBifiowers or Car- it natious. rmarinos mv.fmallThrift, . j t>r SeorGiU^lorrer. Caryopliillas/globofas latifolius, Gl^c J GiBtfiower rrith broad L. kat/eS. ^vulgans, Chefnut-tree. Catanance, crimfongrajfe Fetch. ^fliajor, great rough wiUi Caucahs Parfl^. .■ ^CpeucedantfokHtfV/f'rfr/Zfj. Cauda Equina, Horfe-taile. Cauda Moris, A^oufe-taile. Celaftfus,Alaternos,fwr-^r^f« privet^ r luteum perfoliaturo, jr/=' CcotaHfiud] < Centorj. ^vulgare , commoti Cen- iorj. 5*8 1 f minus vutgare, little com I mon C^ntory. \ I jus fol-. Helenii, coml^ Centaunu^ \^i^Q^great jtl 1 lowOntorj. I alarum Clufii, Clufiftth . i. Cevti^J' CcepeaLobeVi, L^bel't Orpine. j^flore ptleuO , double flowrt ^rJ Cheiri. Ccetafus< fc u Padus Theopl the chfired Cherry. Cae wfor iiro diverfae fpecies , diver i^ndeSiof Cherries, Cerefoliuro, common Cherviu. , flore luteo , jellore Hone ^ yrprt. ^ ^ . flore rubro , white Horn Cennthe x Ji wort. I flor^ vaiiiegato , flrtptd t n'eywort, Ceteracb, Afplenium, Spleen-wort. Chamacciftus flotluteo, Dwarfe-Cijii or little Sftfifitwer « Cbamxccrafus, Dwdrfe- Cherry. C fylveftris, fc: Tencni * . jmlde Germander,, ChamsEufys “vi^gjoiata , Germundt 0 .with 6ne cat leaves, c ^ Char Mufaum TridtfvdntUnMm, Cbamseirides variae , feveraU IhvArfe' Ftowerdelnces, Cbaniaeiris Conftandnopolltana. Motl Cbamelaea tricoccos, tVidow rvaite., . pfiore pleno i Cbamae*0 C^mmiU. tnelam ^ flore iimpli'd , fmgle fii^wred G~ CaaimiM, Cbamaeneriam, Rtfebaj iviSon». Cbamaepytis, j^flia jus laciniatufti, Chtlcdo- ^ fiium c/it Celandi/ie. I mas vulgare , ammo» male Calekdine* ! minus, pth'ifo i. majus fol: quernis, great t oake. leafed Celandine, , ^^dm Succory. Condriila < pur purca.f «rp/# gum- Sue- Cbriflopboriana, kerh Chrifiophet. Cbriftopho- S albo ? , , . . fianafraSu ZraSroS^””"- r Greticum, Ca/idj corn M Marygold. Cbryfancb Orient: flore casruleo mul- tiplici polyanthos. Orient: atro-rubcns. Orient;caule foliofa, hujhy fialked Orientali lacjnth. Hyacinthus^ Orient: flore cxruleo, OrieutaU lacynth. Peruvianus flore albo ftcl- laris, white ftarry lacynth ofPeu Peruv; flore caeruleo flella- ris, blew ftrrry lacynth of Peru. ftsllacus minor flore albo, fmad white jlarry lacjnth. ftcilatus flore caeruleo, So- meri dida, blew farry la- cynth, or Somers Jlarry la-- cyntb. ftelUtus flore purp; purple Jlarry lacynth- Hyacin- Mftfeum T rAdefcantianum^ 1 25 Aucamnalis minor Angli* cus, fmall Anwmne E»- gl’tfh lacy»th. Paniculatus, Panicke /4- cjnth. hyacinthus ■< Pyrenaeus flore albo, whitt Pyrenean laejnth, Pyrenaeus flore caeruleo, Hew Pyrenean lacy nth. florc obfoleto Clufii , Cl0~ fitu's whale lacynth. Indicus Bulbofus & tubero* fiis, Morini, Hyropiper, tArJmart. r albus rotundifolius, ^hite I roundleafed Henbane, niger, blacl(^ Henbane. Hyofi;yamus*{ luteus , Candy Henbane, vide Pack: fol. 364« Peruvianus, fc: Tabacum verum foeminae. albus medio purpureus. f r arborefeens. Tree S. Johns I wort. non perfoliacum Afeyrum didum, S. Peters wort. Hypericum ^ non perfoliatum Afeyrum I villofum fupinum didum, creeping S, Peters wort. Baccife- 126 MufarntTrudeft^mUnum. Baccifenim, fcil: Androfi mum , Tutfan of Park leaves, Hypericoidesdida five Ai dro^mum magnu(D>|rf< Hypericom-i S.fobns vport. vulgar is, common S. Jokt\ wort- \ «pens , creeping St. fohf\ vfort. CotoenCofom^n^eo/jr S. foh*\ , wort. Hypodiseris, Swines Snccarj. itiva, garden Hj^ope. roliftra, childing Hjffope. Hyfibpusxalba, white Hjffppe. | Jtem^oMA, thin* leaf edHjffopi t^COTWfil. i; f^inaxiflia odotalit great^fmet- Jcented K napweed, major lutea capite rpinofo^M- ter jellorv Knapweed with d lacea^l prkkjjhead. nigra. Knapweed Matefellon. aeAiva elegans , dainty Summer Knapweed. voJgariSjVel nigra, comon Knap- ) 'i, ^eedt r marina vulgo cinerario , Sed Ragwort. ^ common Ra^ort. Jacob3ea<< minor muralis, er Seggrunu. latifolia Baetica , ^road-leafed ^ Spanijb Ragwort. CHifpanicoffl flo: albo vulg: Jarminmn< common white Spanifl) Jaf- { mine. Americanum amplo flore Phoeuiceo. Indicum flore luteo odora* to, L^orini, Italicam luteum inodorum, jaimiflum . emfavorp yellow Italian I Je^mine. 128 IdiiftmT'radefcdntiMum. C Pcrficutn flb: violaceo, vU J afminnm P let-coloured Perjia» J^p- / mine. Iberis major, /c: lepidiora, great Scia tica Crefes. \\t\y the Holme O At- ^ , Impatiens herba Dodonei,/f;Perficaria filiquofa, wide ^err»rj, called pftii ck in hand. Imperatoria, common Afaftermrt- Irio, five Eryfiomm, Banke-Cre^es. _ Illecebra minor acris, v. vermicularis. Stone- crop fe. Irides majores variat, fe,verall [orts of great Tower de luces. ’“gloriofa, the goodly Flower de lace. Sufiana major, the Sttftan Flower de luce. , Clofii flore pleno, large Flower ae luce of Clufitti Iris bulbofa Anglica major florc albo, great white Bulbous F-ngUPo Flo- wer de luce. . t, bulbofa Anglica fiore caeruleo,5/ej» Bulbctff Fnglifh Flower de Mttfdum ’iradefcamUnura, i ip Perfica, Perfian Floiver Je luce. baibofa Africana,®«/^c«# African F Inver de luce. baibofa Anglica variegata, 5«/^«/« variable Flower de luce* tris< baibofa flore luteo, Bulbous jeSow Flower de luce, paluftris latea , water Flower de luce. maroioria Romano, Rowan Flower , \. d^luee. Iridis bulbofx alia; diverfitates, fevefal forts of Bulbous Flower de luces. |- Irides hamiles five Cbamacirides varix, divers kindes of d'^arfe Flower de luces. j cBacciferus, berrybearinr Juniperus^ funifer. ! 'tainot^cowwonjuniper'tree, Jacca Indica orientalis planta, £ 4 /?» Indian Jucca. Jacca Virginiana angafliore & brevio- re^ folio , The Virginian Juccst rrithjborter and narrower leaves. j 30 Hitfdum Trsdefcantisisutff* K, 'flore iQteo pkw, dtukU pJk ff'alfiower, Aore locco virefcente ma^ thegreattrgreeni/bjeJloTf Wa 1 fiovftr^ majus ferrugineo flo: ple': gre» J}ttttcol9ured double iVulflower ^ • jJ flore luteo fi rapIcxvuJg;«wwi ftnglefValflovtr. flore albo fioipkx, vhite tva JUwer. flore pleno pyramidate, theS} red double fV*lfio9fer. flore pleno vulgare, comnn double fVulfiorver. flore pleno auratu, - fyulfiowtr. L. ^ majus , greater Beant Tt Laburnum^ ^ /fjjer Beant Tt ^ /w7e. La^u Mufdum Tr4dtfiamia$tm» i j t / Aiiig: (ativa , xerhmon garden ^ JLettict. ladbca *6°**'® iatifplia, iroad Come-' \ Joliet, or Latnbs Lettice. / fylveftris,Eodiviae foliis, fndive ^ leafed wUde Lettki. r major foliis pennads, long-hedl ^ ded Harejfoot. Xagapus/ flore Tiibto,red fiomed Haret^ g. Lvulgaris, common tlaresfooi. (, fylveflrc flore albo, dlrchangeL ^ dead Nettle. \ flo: luteo, yeUpw Archangel. ^Pannonicum flo; rubro, Hnn- V gdrired^/irchangel. lampfana, Dock^Crtffe, Cfanguloeum, hlood'iPort. Eapathfi < hoctenfc. Monks Rnharf, ^acutuin, common Dock, Lappa. 'major, vtde Bardanai ^minor, fiveAraiom^i 132 Mufattm Trddefcantiantim, Lathyrus r cnajor latif: radice perpetua, great broad- leafed Chick-' ting, or Peafe everlajiing, major anguftifolius, gra^e- leafed C hichiing. . arvenHs repens cuberofus : ApiosFufchii, Tragi, Terra glandes, Pr vender. Lavcndula'^ flore caeruleo, blew- floweret Lavender. latifoba , broad leafed L4 vender. multifida , jagged Lavtm L der. Laureola, Spurge LaureU. Laurocerafus, Cherrj Baj. Laur^ J Muftum TradefcantUnum, i ^ ^ r vulgar: common'Baj-tree, I cinas, tvilde Bay. ( tinus LuHtanicus, folio glabro. Laurus ^ fmooth witde Bay of Portttgatt. Alexandrina vera, true Laur red of oAlexundrU. ^Gallica, French Bayes. Lens paluftris, wild Lentil! ^ Duc^s meat. Lepidium piperitis , Pepperwort or Dit- tander. Leucojatn fbulbofum triphyllon, Bul- bom-violet of three leaves. bulbofu Hexaphyilon, Bnl- bo -ts- violet of ftx / aves. bulb; Hexaphi raa: polyan- thcmum. bulbofum majus, greater bulbofu- violet. bulbofum minus, /f/fr BhI- ^ botu violet. arbor: flore pleno rubro, double red fioc\e Qilli- flower. arbo;flo;plcnoalbo, double white ftock. GillifLowtr. arbo: flo: pleno purpureo, double purple fiock. Cilli» fijwer. K 3 Lcuco- far bo: flo: pkno rubro va- riegato; danktefiriped red fiack GilUflmer. t«acoiam< P*!;® ^“77”’ ‘ ^ ^ mtiim firfiptoi ptirple fiock lipLower. ' macioutn, Seii fiock, GilU' flmer. ieyifticuu];, k ligufticum, Lovage. Libanotis, Thcopbraft: tke true herbe Frankinfence of Theophr^fiut» Lichen, Fiverworp^ Liguftcmn, vulgare, Brket, k^ii>Yt\\xlto,yeL’ow day Lillyt LiliafphO' jflore phcniceo, the old red delus day. Lilly, C flore albo, vhUe red Lilly. , album; whiee LilL], album latifolium rehite Lilly imtith a broad leaf. album polyanthemum Affrica* : num flor: multi p: the white nrany fiower Africa» Lilly r Convallium flore albo, whi'e Lilly Convall y ijhfay Lilly with white flower. Convallium flo: rubello, fear- let- Lilly of the Valley. flore luteo, yellow Lilli- ‘ - Lilium Lilium Jduptttm trsdtfcantknum» 1 3 ]> I ConftantinopolitanutR,.^»/^ of Cooftantimple, r;Knm<; cruentam Balbiferum, the re I I BulhoH* Lilly. rubrum, Lilly ^ fiery red bnl^ bed Lilly* candidum flore pleniflimo , Aiorini. Lilio Narciflus Indicus, Morini. Lilac — Matcbioli, Syringa, fipe-tree. Limonium minus anguftifolium, nitrrorf-leafed Lavender* Seamarch Buglof ^ ? , Park: 1234. Unaria 5 ®'’“*“' ^vulgaris, common Toadflax j Lingua cervina. Heart s-tongue. - Cfylveftre catharticum , Mill- Linums mountaine. Lvulgare fativum, garden-flax. Lichofpermu, Militu fobs, great Grum- heU. Locufla Virginiana arbor , Virginian Lochs tree. r i:„~ 5 ^ilburo, white Darnell. ^^^^^^^imhrum,redDarneU. r^tthotyNettletree. ^arbor Virginiana, Virginian Lotus ^ Nettle tree. iLibica, leffer pileTrefoile. t coronata maxima Hifpanica. K 4 Loiqs Lupinus^ Lupulus • 135 Mgfettm Tradefcantiamm. \ ^otasTetragonolobus, Pifum qQadrt tum, f juare codded Peafe. Lonchitis vulgans, rough Sfleeumrt. Lunaria minor, fnsalt Mootmon, '^Ibus fativus, white garden Lu pine. caeruleus latifolius, medius an- goftifohiutcus, Lupine. Indicus, Indian Lupine. candidus ex Candio, -uhite Lu- pine from Candj. flo: caruleo minor, /ejfer hleu , Lupine. jcultivus, garden Hops. >fylveftri$, wilde Hops. Lutea C retica, tVould er Diers tveed oi Candy. Lutum, herba luteola, Viers weed. l fylveftris flore albo multiplici, double wilde Campion with a white flower. fylveftris flore rubro multipl; double 'ieilde ^ampion with a red flo'icer. Lychnis-^ Chalce donica flo: miniato ple: double flower of BriftcU or Nonfuch. ■ Chalcedonica flo: miniato fim- fl[\c\ fingle Tdjnfuch or flower of Brifiolt or f'enflantinople. Lycbius Mufdum Tra^efcantiMttm. 1 37 Chalc:flo:albo, white Camficn of Conjlantineple. Coronaria flo e albo, white refe Campion. Coronaria flore rubro , red Lychnis < rofe Campion. Coronaria flore variegat: vd- riablt rofe Campion. fylvcftris flo: albo & flo; m- . t cllo, white and fear let veilde Campion. Marina Anglica,,f;4 rofe Cam- pion. fylvcftris Pyrenxa , the vnlde L Pyrenean Campion. ' j^jutea, yellow tpillow'^eed. galariculata caerulea, blew- headed Willow '^eed • fpcata caerulea, blewjpihd Willow weed filiqnofa folio falicis, codded Loofefirife , with WiSo-w .yfimachia<^ leaves. Virginiana lutea , jdlo'^ Willow herbe of Virginia. purpurea fpicata , purple Jpikeheaded Loofeflrife. filiquofa fylvcftris hirfuta, hairy wilde codded -Loo/e- Lyfimi- i^3 MnfdftmTrddefmntiamm, Lyfinwcbia Irtfqao^a glabra, fm$oth- codde W*llvw Treed- \ M. fannua nobiHs, tht^efijeay Ij Jl^arjaratnj, ■ nobilis perpetn'a, the befl e- vertafiing MsrjoranLj. ^ nobilis perpetua foliis va- . T\t&9X\Sttbe perpetuali be A Majorana^ changeable Afarjorantj. Yulgaris fobis luteis, the cemmonjeSorr Marjoram. AngHca femper virens, the I ever green EngU/b CAlar~ jorantj. Mali dowefticae fpecies rinx^very many fortPof choice Apple- tfees. rindica arboreteens, Indian tree ' HoUiock- nrajor vulgaris , great ordinary MaOore. pumila, thefmaRMallo'^. flore luteo ex Tartaria, Tarta*\ rianyellfftr Mallow. Crifpa, French Mallows. horteufls divcrforum colorum, I garden Mallowes of divers «: lours. Malva .> Malva Mttfdtnm f rx^fcAtHianttm^ 1 3 { maxima' Htfpamca ftriata, gredt M^hw. ^ ^''fegetum Luiicanica, the Portu- ^ gaU corn Mallow, auramium mapt, great Orange-' k tree. Malumclimmjittm, Lerntr-tree. '.am.^Pbmegranat'tree. .infatum frujdu porpiareo. Mandragoras, Mandrake. * albam vulgare, common n# L' j Horehound. Marrubium evn^. a- l- Jm gruar, Mallote, fttnktng C hlaek_ Herehoftnd. Macum, kerh Maftkk. f Pannonicum fpadaceum I bright red O^lartagca ef . flangary. Martaooni Martagon Pom- Martagon< or early red Marta- gon. flore aibo pundlato, the white Martagon. // flore pieuo , double Fether- Matricarial^^'"'® } /w. /f flore umplice vulgaris, corn-, y, monFetberfeWk Medic} 140 MufdumTraJefcdntianum, j-fpinofa major, greater thernj Medica or CUver. tranfvcrfis fpinis, the prickly y Medick^ , fcoparia, the brufh Medick. eligans Catalonica, dainty Ca‘ , talonian Claver. Medical |;niDor (plaoiijejfer thornyCla- ver. doliata echinata , the tublikt- hedghog Medic ki doiiata rumof&^the tub branch- ed Medick. _clypeata, the helmet Medick. Melampyram al6um, white Cow-wheat. fltalica flore luteo, Italian Melilote with yellow flow- er. Helilotos ^ Hifpanica flore albo. Spa- ni/h MtllUote with Vrhise flower. arborefeens flore albo,tr«' Mellilote with white flow- er. K.\u\giris, common Me/lilote. ^Turc'ca flore aibo, Turkje- Melifla s Balme with white flower. i^ynlguris^comm ngarden Balm. Mentha MenEba< Mercuriaiis< MttfaumTrAdefc Anti anum, 141 citrata live Ocimi odore , tht "Bafil fmelling Mint. jcrifpa, criffed of cur led Mint. horteons, gnrdtn Mint* Cniveu Anglicu, the white Mentaftrum< Ivuigare, ammon rvtlde , L Mint, mas, French male Mercury, ictVDARZ ^French female Mer- cury. SAnglica, bonus Henricus, , Bnglijh Mercury, ffrudu great Medr ler. frudu medio, middle fort of •( * Medler, ^ vu!g; feu minor , ordFarj [mail fort of Medler. aroniaNeopolitana, Med- L ler of Naples. Meam athamanticum,v^/ewor Spgntll. ^rubrum. femine nigro, I ifemine flavo. Millet rvithjel- Milium c low feed. 'album , emmon white Mil- let, Mille- 142 Iduptum Tn^fcantUnum. 'majus album, great whiu fiovered Tarrow. ma:purpurcum,jjrp«« fttrfL Tarrow. fflious Jutoim, fmalljelin Tarrow. blackjLarrevf. vulgare , Tarrow^ or MU foUe Hve Maracriphyilum, flor & femine Baccuucali a quac: water-FeHntl,(^rore L foot, Milfoilt. Millegraaa, AUjeed. / flore albo & purp; Jifarvei \ of Peru vith white an P purple flowers, y«flore luteo & rubro , Mm u veil of Peru ^ith yellth V and red flomrs. Mirabilia /row Barbados, ^Molj or Wilde ^arliel^ Moiy// Myrtle. /florida. Napellas 144 MuftHmTradefianmnum, . N. ^apellus, L^tnhs hood. r medio Groceus , meane jet- low D^ffod'll, Anglic: flo: pleno Wilmot: fVilmots d nble Duffodill. rofeus maximus flore plene Tradefcanti, Tradefeant*. great rofe Africanus odoratus, fweei D-ifodill of frica. Africanus major praecox great early African Daffo-l dm. Narciffus^ Indicus Jacobatus, Indiat D^iffodill. Capa bonac fpei , Daffodil from the Cape of good hope. tertius Matthioli, great white fea Daffodill. Montis Carmeli , Daffodil from Mount Carmel. Virginianus,F#V^»»w* Daff fedill. medio fimbriatus, mean rin 1 ged Daffodill. Robious major. Nar. Tradefurnianum, 145 Indicus bifoHus flore rubro , fquamofa radice, Morini. juncifolius luceo flore p!cno, greAtjdlo^' rti(h D ffodiU, humilis, d^arf e T) .ffodill. reflex flo: lut: jellow DafodiS whofe flowers turn upwards. relexflo: albo, white tu ning Daffodil/. oblong: calice flo;!uteo, jeZ/ow? Daffodill with a long cup. obIong:caIice flore albOj^^/^Z/e Daffodid with a long cup. calicc brevi, Jhort cupp'd Daffo- did. titefofc. va Hecuus. arcif- omnium maximus, great A'o«- fuchDaffodi/l montanus , meuntaine T)affo~ did. Non-parcil flore albo, white peerlfffe Daffoditl. Non- ^dL\ ei\,Nonpareill or peer- leffe DaffodilL Conftantinopolitanus, D.^ffa- did from Conflantinople. torus albus, mi’krwhite Daff^- did. 14 $ Mttf4um Trade fcanmnm* * Narciffus Matincfle , the Lady Matte- neve's DaffodUL LiUo Narciflus Indicus, Morini. nnikum^ India» Creffe. hortenfe crifpum, curled garden Crefe» ft . ] hortianguftifolium & la^- Narfturtium^ tifo!ium,^rf4f and fmaS leafed Crejfe. Hyemale, fc: Barbaraca, Bank Crejfe Nepeta, Mentha Cattaria, Nefpe. Nicotiana, S«gliflf Tobacco. Nidus avis , five Satyrion aboitlvum, Birds r.efl. f flo: plcno, double Nigella. - - ■ < " - - C> vcitrtr.a, yeffowifbfeeded Nigella. Nigella fimp!ici,/«//e TQgella. }Romana, Tenell flower, or Ro \ Z, man liigella. V major, great Moneywort Nummularia Eminor, flore purpurafcen: / te. j juglans Virginiana, jvallnut tf i Virginia. \ j veficarta, Bladder-nut. ' caftanea Equina, Horfe-Chef J uglans Canadcnfis , Walnut < Canada. Juglac JMuftum TrtdtfeAntitnnm, 147 Nux ^ Juglans Anglix novx , fValnat of New England. Juglans major, great fFafnut. Juglans aiimr,fmae walnut. O. C vulgare, common Bafil, Ocimum <(ylv;five Clinopodium vu’g: / wilde Bafil, Oculus Chrifti, wilde Clary, ^bulbofa marina venenofa’. Oenanthe < the foyfono m ft a D'opwort. X aquatica, water Dropwort. Sy^fativa, manured Olive. Olea ilde Olive, ^Bohemia, Bohemian olive. rflore albo , Roft~hay with Olfantlfr ) white flowers. Oleander rubro, Rofe hay with red flowers. Olus album, *J)ad. rcapuc Gallinaceum , Cock: Onobrichis n g purpureo, Cock- L Jhead. Ononis,non fpinofa Pyrenxa, thefmooth Pyrenean harrow. Ononis^ 14 $ MttfditmTradefcantUnum. non fpinofa oderata flore lu- teo, /«««fib withjeUew flowert. ' non fpinofa acftiva minor florc luteo , fmaO {ntooth Summer Refi- h^rrorv with jellow flow- ers. * fpinofa, pricJ^ly Rcfl harrow. Ophyogloflbn, «Adders tongue. Pphris, (iveBifolium, fmelilfias, Bee Orchis^ or Sa- tjrion. albo calcare oblongo, five Te* fticulus Vulpinus, gnat Saty- rion. flore albo odorato, LadjTra- . ces. Orchis*; (j^jiuteo oior^xo^adj Traces with yellow flower. palmata montana maculata, whtU-handedVrchis palmata paluftriS latifolia, Ma- rijh Satyrion» palmata paluflris maculata, fflotted'Marifb Satyrion, r Anglicanum , wilde Mar- ^ joram Origanum <^6rtulofom Canadenfe. iverurn Hifpanicu, true Spa- C nijh Marjoram. Orni- Ofnitho- Mafxum'iradefeahtiamm, 14 ^ 'Neopolitanum maj; great ‘ Sarre- flower of ?(apUs. Arabicum, Starrs^wer of «Arabia. majus flo: albo, great white galum < Starre fl 'Wer. purpureum, purple Starre- Jlower. ^ fpicatum , ffi^ed Starre of L Bethleherru ', Ornitho- f majus, Bi^ da foot. podium \mms, fmall Birds foot. \ Venetus, blew upright ever la f- Orobus-^ ing T*eafe. V- ^Pannonicus Clufii, Hungarian, Offflunda regalis. Filix florida , water- Berne, or Ofmund Roy all. r Diofcoridis, fpinaalbama- Oxyacan-jJ^' . tha 'P'"® vbig; A Berberis. C berberis abfque nucleis, r flore albo , wood- Sorrell ^ with white flower. Oxystarifoliac flore liiteo carniculato, } yellow flowered Voood- C Sorrell. Pwa» 150 Mufeum Tradefianfidtittm. P. Paliurus, Chrifis Thorne. rmas, male hand Orch}t. Palma Q]\t\9i\sS perua. Papaver^' rbacas, flore finoplki , flngle Poppy. rhxas flore duplici, double Poppy. jdulaumTrddefcanttMUm» 151 nigram capic: rotandis, 'cornicalatum flore luteo, horti Papaver Poppj. Paralyfis rbaeas, ted Poppy, Cor» rofe. ^■florc viridante fimplic;/»^/^ ^ree» Cowjl p. (itxa, feolijh Cowjifp, er Jack’ an- Apts 0» Horjback: inodora geminata,(^c»^/f Ox- lips, or Hofe in Hofe. flo: & calice crifpo , carled t Cowfiips or Goikjtts. Parietaria, pelUtorj of the iVaH - r folio alfine vulgaris. Chicly Paronvrhia/ whitlow Chkkjwted. paronycDia^j^^j^ folio altera Ger: fe- { dum. Rue whitlow grajf ?• rlatif: fativa, garden 'Parfnip. ^latifol: fylveuris, great wilde Paftinacar Parfnip. ^aquatica, fc: Sium Diofcori- tl dis, water Parfnip. Pathenium, Feverfew. Peden veneris. Shepherds Needle, or Te- ntu Combe. [rubra, red Ratle, or Louft- *' Pedif u^flfric ^ wort* ^ ®r‘® >ratenfis lutea, /rZ/ow Ratle C. Coxcombe. L4 penra- l5^ Mufxum Trade fcdrstianum» "elatucn & heptaphyllum luteu eredum. repens vulg: flore luteo, je//ow Penta- \ creeping Cinquefojle^ or Five- phyllon leafed grajfe- minus, /«Id// Cinqueforle. rubrU paluftre, marfh Cinque- „ foils. n- Americanus luteus, yellow Pom- Pepo^ plan from America. ^Americanus viridis, green Ame- (y~ rican Pempian, Percbpier Angloiura , Parfley heakf- ftone. Perfoliata vulgaris, common Thorow- wax- /■ redum a.Clufii, upright Wood- ^ hine. Pericly-^' frudu ceracino. menura y.bortee\[e^ garden fVeodhine. n Germ:flo:rubro, red tVoodbine. ' fy Iveftris, wdde tVoodbine. Periploca, Dogs bane. fihquofa, codded Arfmart. maculofa, flore albo & rU' bro, f potted Arfmart with Ferficaria ■ j T^hite an^ red flower. 7 Urens, flore albo & rubro, white and red quick^tArf- mart. Perfica; Muptum T rddtfcAntUnum, 1 5 j Perficaria, Virginiana, VirginU» Arf. mart, Pe^fitis, Butter^hurre. Petrofclinum, vide Apiutn. Peucedanum, Hogs-femU^ or Sulphur- ^ort. Alobrogum Clufii, Savoy Spi- der-wort, iVirginianu Tradefcanti, Tra- _ defcantt Virginian Spiderwort. fativa, Canary feed, Phalaris*^ pratenfis minor , graft or Cow^nal^e. Indicus flo: ininiato,fcmine ni« Phalan- gium Phafeo- lus gro. ilndicus flore miniato femine _ variegato. Phafeolorum variae fpedcs. Philyrca anguftifolia, narow- leafed mock Privet, vulg; lingua Cervina, Harts- Phyllitis" tongue» Pilofella- multifida, Harts-tongue. "major Dod; great Moufeare. Jrepens, creeping Moufeare, '' r five fanguiforba maj. great ^ Burnet. Pimpinellac fanguiforba min: fmall or J little Burnet. Lfaxifraga, Burnet faxifr age. Pim* 1 54 Jdufditm Trade fcantldmm, ^garden Burnet. PimpineIU< agrimonotdes Coium. cfylv: vulg: cmmn Burnet. Pinus, Tint tree. Pinafter, dwarfe Pine tree, Pirola, 'ieinter green. r Smilacis folio. Piftolochia^ Virginiana,r*>^w<»» S n*ki { -ifeed. “ pctenne, Peafe everUSiing. * bacciferum. maculatum, Peafe, majUs, rouneivali Peafe. Pifum^ minus, field Peafe, quadraturo, lotus quad; fjuart Peafe. vulgare, garden Peafe. rroajor rofea, great rofe Plan, taue, rofea fpicata , five quinqm nervia tokiyjpiked rofe Rdh wort. Plantago ^ fetato folio, Plantane witl dented leaves. aquatica major, great reate) plantane. aquatica minor, fmall rvatt) Plantautf ^vulgaris, cottmon Plantane. i P\^m!myp lane tree. Poliun MufaumTtA^tfcamknnm, 155 Polium montanum, Foley mottntaine. Valentina, i-Clolii, ever- green Sene of Valentin. Polyga*-! Valentina, 2.Clufii. la « flore caeruleo, Milkjnort. flore albo, white Alilkjvort* flore rubro, red Milkyt>ort. r majus, figilium Soiomoms, bread leafed Solomons feaL anguftifoliu, narrow leafed Solomons feal. Polygona- minus, fmad Solomons feaU turn racemofum Virgtnianum , clftfier like Solomon's feale of Virginia, alterum. c vulgare, S olomons feal. ^marinum Lobelii , Lobel's fen- V Knotgrajfe. Polygo- Jmas vulgare, common Knot- num 0 gra^e. ^felinoides, Perpierre Angloru, ^ Parjley Pert. Pomum aureum, frudu luteo, Marini. Prickly Coflardi apple from Barbados. Poma amoris. Apples of Love. Pomum amoris medium , middle- fized Apples of Love. Pomum amoris frudu,Phoeniceo rubro. Morini. Populus 1^6 MBptum t raJefcdntU/iUfii. ’ ’’alba Virginiana Tradefcantf, Trude fcant’s vehite yirgimM Pep Ur, Populas"^ alba, white PopUrtree. nigra, hlacl^ Poplar tree,. creroula, fiveLybica, the&y^- Sfen tree. Porram vulgare, commu Leeks, ^marina, /#4 'Purflan. Portu ^ fativa, garden Tttrjlan. iaca paquat; five Alfine rotundifol: ^ water Parfian. fangottifol: fmnll Pond- Potarhogeiton< rvted. Oatif: great Pondweed, Potentilla, five Argentina, wUdeTanfej . ; ^veris, florc albo, white Prim» rofe. veris, albo, flore pleno, double white Primrefe. veris,flore pleno viride, : green Primrofe. veris, anguftifolia flore albo, narror» leafed white Prim- rofe. veris, anguftifolia florc rubro, (, narrow-leafed red Primrofe. veris, flo: viridi & albo fimpl: Jingle green and white Prim- rofe. Primula PriiQuIa, MuftumTradtfcAntidnum. 157 p- veris major, peld ^oTHfflips» 1 § veris minor, field Primrofe. nmuiaKygj.j5 vulg: flore purpureo , purple Primrofe. / fylveftris, BulUce tree. vl fylveftris frudu minore feroti- 'i- i' no, the Slorve tree, or hlacke rw- u Myrobolanus, pHrgiug Indian ' Plumme. runella S flore a ! bo, '^hite Selfeheale, ^vulgaris, Selfeheale. feudo-Didamnus, haiiard Dittany. feudo Narcifliis vulgaris , o»^ corntn^on Englijh wilde hafiard DaffodiU. fendo 'Rhabarbarum , Rbabarbaruai , Monachorum, Monks Rbubarbe. fyllium, Coniza, Fleawort. ar.ro r.\or.r. ^ doubU floVfered tarmica Jvulgaris , Snee^wert, hafiard ) PeOitory. ( flore duplici, A/brm. r Regale, Penjroyall, Pud- ^ dittggrafie. ilegium/minus vulgare, fmaU Penj-> } rojall. CCcrvinum, Harts Penjrojall. Pulmonaria 158 MufeMmTriulefcamamm. ^ rflore albo, v^t-fi\ Litngmrt. fiore purpureo maj: Ger ; manicuDi. florc purpureo vulg: com Pulroonariai pf^rpk pmed Lun^ ^ mrt Galloru Hieralitis, thelej fer French or golden Lun^ wort. madulofa, jotted Lung- "^ort. Ptti(atiHa- foot of ScUvenia. radice grumofa, folio rutse,flo: pleno. aquaticus hederaceus luteos, Jvj leafed reater-Cto'^foot. Ranun>^ bortenlis flore luteo pleno , cuius f double yellow garden-Crow- foot, vulg: repens flore pleno, ww. mon creeping Crowfoot with double flower. pratenfis, meddow C^o'X'foet. Virginianus , Virginian ^row- foot. aibus multiflorus, double white Crowfoot. i.Globofus, Globe ^rowfoot. Qaquaticus, water~RadiJh. ^igcr per annuflackRadfjb. Qlativus, garden- Radi/h. Rapiftrom arvoruro. Charlock. Cradice rotunda, round Turnips. Rapumn So^thiflU. ilavis lacifol: hrtad-leafed Sev^ C thiflle. Sophia Chirurgorum, Flix wed. r torminalis , emmo» Service- M tree. Sorbusclylveftr: Alpina,orntis,^;2«;f;^^«- a tree, Roane- tree, Wilde Service- K, tree. r ramofum Angl: hanched En~ Sparga- ) gUJh Burweed. num jram: Virgin: branched Virgi- C. nian Burweed. Spartum Anglicanu, great EngHJh Mat- weed or Helme. Speculum Veneris, Ventu Leokingglafe, Spinacbia, Spin age. Spina Solftitialis, Carduus Solftitialis. Spodyltum, Cove-Farfnip, Staecbys 1 70 Muftum T radefcMtUmm. /'Arabica, bafeHtrt- ^ hound. Spani/h b^fe Hore- U hound. ^ fpuria. Staphylodendron Virginianutn , Virgi- ninn BUdernut. Staebe Salamantica Clufii, Clujtus's Sp/t- nijh filver Knapweed. Stxcbas, Cajftdonj or French Lavender. Stellata aquatica, ^ater^^tarwott. Stra-S flore albo, white Thorne Apple. monia^flore purpur: purple Thorn- Apple. r Italica flore albo fimplici & ^ mult: Jingle and double Pipe- Syringa^ tree. jArabiutn flore caeruleo, blew L Pipe-tree of Arabia, T. Tabacum, Tobacco. T- .f '\lti\ki. Italian Tamarisk amari ^'^®2valgaris,or