;/S/ <-..v # - THE QUADRANGLE BY MOONLIGHT OR, MEDITATIONS IN MARISCHAL COLLEGE ; AND OTHER POEMS. By ALFRED LEACH. MARISCHAL COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. ABERDEEN : D. WYLLIE & SON. 1879. ALEXANDER BAIN, M.A., LL.D., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF LOGIC IX THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, 3/jitse |oms ARE, BY KIND PERMISSION, DEDICATED VERY RESPECTFULLY BY THE AUTHOR. ALEXANDER BAIN, M.A., LL.D, REGIUS PROFESSOR OF LOGIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, Homs ARE, BY KIND PERMISSION, DEDICATED VERY RESPECTFULLY BY THE AUTHOR. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/quadranglebymoonOOIeac PREFACE. This tiny publication is a first and, if unsuccessful, a last attempt ; from criticism I intend to learn either to improve or to cease. Some of the opinions herein expressed may require an apology ; in lieu of writing one I will avail myself of a quotation : — “ Either the voice of Nature lies, And science is a mere delusion, Or Faith o’er facts would tyrannize, Choose ! - which is real? — which illusion? For ’yond the veil none ever peered ; Who sits enthroned there, none can prove ; But not— a Being to be feared ! Whoever rules— His name is XiOVK I " (“Dogma, Doubt , and Duty,” by Chas. Hoare). A few of the shorter pieces are early compositions ; others were written recently to form part of this booklet : some may fail to afford pleasure ; some may succeed. A. L. 41£ Union Street, Aberdeen, November, 1879. THE GETTY CENTER UPRARY From the death of the old the new proceeds, And the life of truth from the rot of creeds.” '—J. G. Whittier. “ The fear o’ hell ’s a hangman’s whip To haud the wretch in order ; But where you feel your honour grip, Let that aye be your border.” — Burns. “ There lives more faith in honest doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds ."-Tennyson.