PKIZE MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862; was awarded to MESSRS. VIRTUE, ^^P"*^. for the " publication of WEALE'S SERIES." See JURORS' REPORTS, CLASS XXIX. 'MB RUDIMENTARY, SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, AND CLASSICAL WORKS, §J| >A«&t FOR COLLEGES, HIGH AND ORDINARY SCHOOLS, \f3t '^^S SELF-INSTRUCTION; pRflNKLiN Institute L'brart FHIL/IbELFHI/l Class Book./ ) 0 H 0 0 H 1 8 12 -inch paving- tiles . 0 Hi 0 llj 0 14 13 0 10-inch ditto 11 0 9f 0 0 1 8 9 Pantiles^ 0 104 0 64 0 Of 2 5 Pantile laths, per 10 -feet bundle . 120 0 0 u 0 1 4 6 Ditto, 12-feet ditto 144 0 0 0 1 5 0 N.B. A bundle contains twelve laths. Plain tiles, per bundle 500 0 0 1 0 3 0 Thirty bundles of laths make a load. To ascertain the quantity of brickwork contained in a well^ take the diameter^ allowing the thickness on one side, three times of which, and one-seventh, will be the circumference. This should be multiplied by the deptli^ and the contents brought into brick and half work. BRICKLAYING. 17 To find what quantity of \yater a well will hold^ mul- tiply half the circumference by half the diameter ; this should be multiplied by the depth^ and will give the number of cube feet which wall contain 6 gallons and 1 pint each. We so far have endeavoured to explain the various tools and principal materials used in the trade of a bricklayer, and at the same time would impress upon, the young artisan to give some attention to geome- trical drawing ; for, unless he has some knowdedge of this useful auxiliary, he will never be enabled to read or comprehend the design he may be entrusted with to execute. For, even in the simple turning of an arch over a centre already fixed for him, unless he knows that every brick should radiate to a centre and knows how to find that centre, he wdll never be certain of making sound work to his arch. We have endea- voured to show this in two diagrams shown on Plate XVI., figs. 4 and 5. Let 1 — 2 be the opening or span of the segment of an arch ; e f the rise ; stretch a line, or apply a straight edge, from 2 to r, and mark the centre c; apply the square, and where it intersects the centre of your rise, b f will be centre for the arch ; consequently, b will be the converging point for all the bricks on that arch. Fig. 5 merely exemplifies the same principle applied to the ellipsis, as it should to every other description of arch. 18 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. CHAPTER III. CARPENTER. The business of the carpenter consists in framing timber together for the construction of floors^ parti- tions, roofs, &c. The carpenter^s principal tools are the axe^ the saw, and the chisel, to which may be added, the chalk- line, plumb-rule, level, and square. The work of the carpenter does not require the use of the plane, which is one of the principal tools of the joiner; and this forms the principal distinction between these two trades, the carpenter being engaged in the rough frame-work, and the joiner on the finishings and decorations of buildings. Probably the first occupation a carpenter will have in a building is the preparation and laying of bond- timber, making and fixing of centers, &c. Bond-timber and wood-bricks were formerly used as the only means for providing against irregular settlement in the brick- work. There is, however, a great objection to the use of timber in the construction of a wall, as it shrinks away from the rest of the work, and often endangers its stability by rotting. Instead of bond-timbers, hoop- iron bond is now very generally used. This is formed CARPENTRY. 19 of iron-hooping tarred^ to protect the iron from contact with the mortar^ and hiid in the thickness of the mortar joint. This forms a very permanent longitudinal tie, and has all the advantages^ with none of the disad- vantages, of the bond-timbers. Floors. The assemblage of timbers forming any naked flooring may be either single or double. Single flooring is formed with joists reaching from wall to wall, where they rest on plates of timber, built into the brickwork, and called wall-plates. The floor-boards are nailed over the upper edges of the joists, whose lower edges receive the lathing and plastering of the ceilings. Double floors are constructed with stout binding joists, a few feet apart, reaching from wall to wall, and supporting ceiling joists, which carry the ceiling, and bridging joists, on which are nailed the floor-boards. In double framed flooring, the binders, instead of resting on the walls, are supported on girders. Single flooring is in many respects inferior to double flooring, being liable to sag or deflect, so as to make the floors concave ; and the situation of the joists occasions injury to the ceilings, and likewise shakes the walls. This may be prevented in single floors by herring-bone, trussing them, and introducing an iron rod from wall-plate to wall- plate, asshown and described on Plate XIX., figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Fig. 5 shows the method of applying sound boarding puggings, &c., to prevent any sound passing be- tween the upper and lower floors. In double floors, the so ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. stiffness of the binders and girders prevents botli de- flection and vibration, and the floors and ceilings hold their lines, that is^ retain their intended form much better than in single flooring. If it were not for the increased expense it would be much better for all the joists of a single floor to be laid on a plate supported by projecting corbels, which prevents the wall being crippled in any way by the in- sertion of the joists. The plates of basement floors are best supported on small piers carried up from the footings. This is an important point to be attended to, as the introduction of timbers into a wall is nowhere likely to be productive of such injurious effects as at the foundations^ where from damp and imperfect ventilation all woodwork is liable to speedy decay. Partitions, The partitions forming the interior divisions of a building, may be either solid walling of brick or stone, Or they may be constructed entirely of timber, or they may be frames of timber^ filled in with masonry or brickwork. It would always be best for durability, and security against fire, to make the par- titions of solid walling; bnt this is not always prac- ticable j and in the erection of houses they are generally made of timber. The principles to be kept in view, in the construction of framed partitions, are very simple. Care must be taken to avoid any cross strain, and they should not in any way depend for support upon subordinate parts CARPENTRY. 21 of the construction^ but should form a portion of the main carcass of the building, and quite independent of the floors which should not support, but be sup- ported by them. When a partition extends through two or more storeys of a building, it should be as much as possible a continuous piece of framing, with strong sills, at proper ^ heights, to support the floor-joists. Where openings occur as for folding-doors, or where a partition rests on the ends of the sill only, it should be strongly trussed, so that it is as incapable of settle- ment as the walls themselves. From want of attention to these points, we fre- quently see in dwelling-houses, floors which have sunk into curved lines, doors out of square, cracked ceilings and broken cornices, and gutters that only serve to conduct the roof-water to the interior of the building, to the injury of ceilings and walls, and the great discomfort of the inmates. Roofing. In roofs of the ordinary construction, the roof- covering is laid upon rafters, supported by horizontal purlins, which rest on upright trusses, or frames af timber, placed on the walls at regular distances from each other. Upon the framing of the trusses depends the stability of the roof. The arrangement of the rafters and purlins being subordinate matters of detail. The timbering of a roof may be compared to that of a double-framed floor; the trusses of the former corre- 22 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. sponding to the girders of the latter, tlie purlins to the binders, and the rafters to the joists. Timber roofs may be divided into two heads : — First. Those which exert merely a vertical pressure on the walls on which they rest. Secondly. Those in which advantage is taken of the strength of the walls to resist a side thrust, as in many of the gotliic open-timbered roofs. Trussed roofs exerting no side thrust on the walls, consist essentially of a pair of principals, or principal rafters, and a horizontal tie-beam, and in large roofs these are connected and strengthened by king and queen posts and strutts. The collar beam roof is the most simple truss, in which the tie is above the bottom of the feet of the principal, which is often done in small roofs for the sake of obtaining height. In this roof the feet of both common and principal rest on a wall-plate, and the tie is called a collar. The purlins rest on the collar, 'and the common rafters butt against a ridge running along the top of the roof. This kind of truss is only suited for very small spans, as there is a cross strain on that part of the principal below the collar which is rendered harmless in a small space by the extra strength of the principal ; but which, in a larger one, would be very likely to thrust out the walls. In roofs of larger spans the tie-beams are placed below the feet of the principals, which are tenoned into and bolted or strapped to them. To keep the beam from sagging, or bending by its own weight, it is suspended CARPENTRY. 23 from the head of the principal by a king-post of wood or iron. The lower part of the king-post affords abut- ments for strutts^ supporting the principals immediately under the purlins, so that no cross-strain is exerted on any of the timbers in the truss, but they all act in the direction of their length, the principals and strutts being subjected to compression, and the king-post and tie- beams to tension. The common rafters butt on a pole plate, the tie-beams resting either on a continuous wall- plate, or on short templets of wood or stone. Where the span is considerable, the tie-beam is supported at additional points by suspension pieces called queen- posts, from the bottom of which spring additional strutts, and by extending this principle ad infinitum we might construct a roof of any span, were it not that a prac- tical limit is imposed by the nature of the materials. Having in a cursory manner described the principles of framing, we will now endeavour to describe some of the principal joints made use of in framing. Timbers that have to be joined in the direction of their length, are what is termed scarfed together, that is, an oblique cut is made across the width of one piece at the end proposed to be joined, and a corresponding one to the piece proposed to be added to it, with bird^s-mouth bevels at each end, and notches in the middle to admit of oak or iron wedges ; these are then placed together and secured either by iron bolts or straps. The king-post is connected with the tie-beam by a tenon and mortice, and the post should be cut somewhat short, to give the power of screwing up the framing after the timber has ERECTION OE D^TELLIXG-HOUSES. become fully seasoned. The tie-beam may be suspended from the king-post either by a bolt or by a strap passed round the tie-beam^ and secured by iron wedges or cotters passing through a hole in the king-post ; this last is the more perfect, but at the same time the more expensive of the two methods. The king-post is generally cut with joggles for the principal rafters and strutts to abutt against and frame into. The ends of the principal rafters and strutts should be cut off as nearly square as possible, and tenoned into the joggles — otherwise when the timber shrinks, which it will more or less, the thrust is thrown upon the edge only, which splits or crushes under the pressure and causes settlement. The wall-plates are halved and dove-tailed together, and the tie-beams cogged upon them, the purlins bridged upon the principal rafters, and the common rafters notched upon the purlins. And it should be observed, as a general rule, all timbers should be notched dovrn to those on which they rest, so as to prevent their being moved either lengthways or side- ways. Where an upright post has to be fixed between two horizontal sills, as in the case of the uprights of a common framed partition, it is simply tenoned into them, and the tenons secured with oak pins driven through the cheeks of the mortice. The carpenter requires considerable bodily strength for the handling of the timbers on which he has to work ; he should have a knowledge of mechanics, that he may understand the nature of the strains and thrusts CARPENTRY. 25 to which his work is exposed, and the best method of preventing or resisting them ; and he should have such a knowledge of working drawings as will enable him, from the sketches of the architect, to set out the lines for every description of work for centering, framing, &c., that may be entrusted to him for execution. In measuring carpenter^s work, the tenons are included in the length of the timber. This is not the case in joiner^ s, in which they are alloAved for in the price. Carpenter^s Avork is generally measured by the square of 100 feet, and the cubical contents of every square taken out; and not anything is to be deducted for chimneys, as the extra thickness of the trimmers will make good for the deficiency, and in a quarter parti- tion the braces and extra thickness of the door posts will make good for the opening, but the head and sill must be taken separate ; and if the joists or quarterings in roofs or partitions are 13 inches asunder, one-twen- tieth of the quantity found is to be taken off — that if placed within 11 inches, one-twentieth must be added. And in measuring the work for labour, only take the extreme verge, including the bearings, one way, and make no deductions for well-holes, chimney-breasts, door-ways, &c. The tiuiber to be collected the full length and size, and charged as cube fir without labour. The following tables should be constantly borne in mind by the young carpenter : — Lineal or running measure contains 12 inches in 1 foot, 3 feet in 1 yard, 2 yards 1 fathom and 1760 yards or 5280 feet in one mile. 26 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Superficial measure contains 144 square inches in 1 foot^ 9 feet in 1 yard^ and 100 feet in 1 square of flooring, roofing, partitioning, &c.; 272 J feet in ] rod or pole, and 160 poles in 4840 yards, or 48560 feet in 1 acre. Cubical measure comprises tlie length, breadth, and thickness, and contains 1728 inches in 1 cubic foot, 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard, 282 cubic inches in 1 gallon, and 6 gallons and 1 pint in each cubic foot. To measure round timber, multiply the mean or quarter girt by itself, and that product by the length by cross multiplication, and the cubical quantity will be ascertained. For instance : suppose a piece of timber to girt 6 feet, one-quarter of this will be 1 foot 6 inches, which, multiplied by 1 foot 6 inches, will give 2 feet 3 inches superficial, which, multiplied by the length (say 20 feet), will give the contents — 45 feet cube; and in the same way for any other size. A TABLE Of quantities of Timher each maTcing One Load. 50 feet cube of square timber. 600 feet of 1-incli planking. 40 feet ditto of round or rough. 30 12-feet S-inch deals. 150 feet of 4 -inch planking. 170 feet of S^iDch ditto. 200 feet of 3-inch ditto. 240 feet of 2i-inch ditto. 300 feet of 2-inch ditto. 26 14-feet ditto ditto. 18 20-feet ditto ditto. 25 12-feet 3-inch plank. 21 14-feet ditto ditto. 18 16-feet ditto ditto. 400 feet of 14-inch ditto. I 15 20-feet ditto ditto. The following quantities of Material will eachy on an average, iveigh One Ton:— 30 feet cube of oak timber. i 48 feet of ash timber. 50 ditto of fir [ 35 12-feet 2i-inch deals. 60 ditto of elm 45 feet of ash 60 feet of beech 30 ditto 3-inch ditto. 46 12-feet 2 J -inch battens. 38 ditto 3-inch ditto. CARPENTRY. 27 The number of Cube Feet in every Square of Flooring^ Foofing, or Quarter Partitions of the following different dimensions, the timbers whereof are one foot apart, ivhich should not be more in either. Roofs and Quarter Partitions. inches. 2 by 24 . cube ft. . 2 in. 104 inches. 3 by 44 . . cube ft. . 6 in. 10 2 „ S . . . 3 4 4 „ 24 . . . 5 8 'i „^. . 4 3i 4 „ 4 . . . 8 4 3 „ 3 . . . 5 (5 4 „ 44 . . . 9 1 . 5 7 4 „ 5 . . . 9 94 3 „ 4 . . . 6 8 Naked Floor without Girder. inches. cube ft. . 7 in. inches. 9 by 24 . cube ft. . . 12 in. iH 5 „ 3 . . . 8 4 9 „ 3 . 15 0 6 „ 24 . 8 74 10 „ 24 . . . 14 4| 6 „ 3 . . . 10 0 10 „ 3 . 16 3 7 „ 2i . 10 4i ^2 11 „ 24 . . . 15 94 7 „ 3 . . . 11 8 11 „ 3 . 18 4 8 „ 24 . 11 6 12 „ 24 . . . 17 3 8 „ 3 . . . 13 4 12 „ 3 . 20 0 The above tables of different scantlings will be found very useful to those who are unacquainted with taking and squaring and cubing dimensions ; as also to such as have to make an estimate in a hurry^ as they .are the common dimensions of fir scantling for joists^ rafters^ and quarters for roofs and partitions^ of second thirds and fourth-rate houses : but we would advise the young carpenter to take the dimensions of the timber required for any stated work, and square and cube them himself. 28 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. CHAPTER IV. MASON. The business of the mason consists in working the stones to be used in a building to their shape and set- ting them in their places. The works connected with the trade of the mason are those of the stone-cutter^ who hews and cuts large stones roughly into shape preparatory to their being Avorked by the mason^ and of the carver^ who executes the ornamental portions of the stone-work of a building, as enriched cornices, capitals, &c. Where the value of stone is considerable it is^ sent from the quarry to the building in large blocks, and cut into slabs and scantlings of the requit'ed size with a stone-mason's saw, which differs from that used in any other trade in having no teeth. It is a long thin plate of steel, slightly jagged on the bottom edge and fixed in a frame, and, being drawn backwards and forwards in a horizontal position, cuts the stone by its own Aveiglit. To facilitate the operation a heap of sharp sand is placed on an inclined plane over the stone, and water allowed to trickle through it so as to wash the sand into the saw cut. Of late years machinery worked by MASONRY. 29 steam-power has been used for sawing marble into slabs as well as stone to a very great extent^ and has almost entirely superseded manual labour in this part of the manufacturing of chimney-pieces. Some freestones^, as Bath stone^ are so soft as to be easily cut with a toothed saw worked backwards and forwards by two persons. The harder kinds of stones^ as granites and gritstones^ are brought roughly into shape at the quarry^ with an axe or scalping hammer, and are then said to be scalped. The tools used by the mason for cutting stone, consist of the mallet and chisel of various sizes. The mason^s mallet differs from that used by any other artisan, being similar to a dome in contour, excepting a portion of the broadest part, which is rather cylindrical ; the handle is short, being only sufficiently long to enable it to be firmly grasped. In London the tools used to break the faces of the stone are the point, which is the smallest description of chisel, being never more than a quarter of an inch broad on the cutting edge; the jnch tool; the boaster, which is two inches wide, and the broad tool, of which the cutting edge is three and a-half in. wide. The tools used in working mouldings, and in carving, are of various sizes according to the nature of the work. Besides the above cutting tools, the mason uses the banker or bench, in which he places his stone for convenience of working, and straight-edges, squares, levels, and templets, for marking the shapes of the blocks, and for trying the surfaces as the work proceeds. Any angle greater or less than a right angle is called a 30 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. bevel angle, and a bevel is formed by nailing two straight- edges together at the required angle ; a bevel square is a square with a shifting back, which can be set to any- required bevels. A templet is called a mould, moulds are commonly made of sheet zinc carefully cut to the profile of the mouldings with shears and files. For setting his work in place the mason uses the trowel, lines, and pins, the square and level, and plumb, and battering rules for adjusting the faces of upright and battering walls. The mason^s scaff'old is double, that is, formed with two rows of standards, so as to be totally independent of the walls for support, as putlog holes are inadmissible in masonry. During the last fifteen years the construction of scafi'olds with round poles lashed together with cords, has been superseded in large works by a system of scaff'olding of square timbers connected together by bolts and dog-irons. The hoisting of the materials is performed from these scafl*olds by means of a travelling crane, which consists of a double travelling carriage running on a tramway formed on straight sills laid on the top of two parallel rows of standards. The crab winch is placed on the upper carriage, and by means of the double motion of the two carriages can be brought with great ease and precision over any part of the work lying between the two rows of standards. The facilities which are aff*orded by these scaff'olds and travelling cranes for moving heavy weights over large areas, have led to their extensive adoption, not MASONRY. 31 only in the erection of buildings, but on landing wliarfs, masons^ and iron-founders^ yards, and similar situations, "where a great saving of time and labour is effected by their use. Scaffolding of square timbers appears to have been little used in England before a.d. 1837, when Messrs. Cubitt, of Gray^s Inn Hoad, applied it to the erection of the entrance gateway of the Euston station of the North Western Hallway. Since then it has been very generally used in large works, amongst which may be mentioned the Reform Club House, and the Nelson Column, — where it was carried up in perfect safety to the height of 180 feet ; and it has been used on a very large scale at the new Houses of Parliament, now in progress of being finished. The moveable derrick crane is also much used in setting mason^s work. It consists of a vertical post supported by two timber back-stays, and a long move- able jib or derrick hinged against the post below the gearing. By means of a chain passing from a barrel over a pulley at the top of the post, the derrick can be hoisted to an almost vertical, or lowered to near a horizontal position, thus enabling it to command every part of the area of a circle of a radius nearly equal to the length of the derrick. This gives it a great ad- vantage over the old gibbet-crane, which only com- mands a circle of a fixed radius, and the use of which entails great loss of time from its constantly requiring to be shifted as the work proceeds. Derrick cranes appear to have been first introduced at Glasgow, in 1831, by Mr. York, since which time 32 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. their original construction has been greatly improved upon^ and they are now very extensively used. In hoisting blocks of stone they are attached to the tackle by means of a simple contrivance called a lewiSy which consists of a tapering hole being cut in the upper surface of the stone to be raised^ the two side pieces of the lewis are inserted and placed against the sides of the holes [which being made in the form of a dovetail^ and the aperture in the stone made to correspond), a centre parallel piece is then dropped in and secured in its place by a strong pin passing through all three pieces, and the stone may then be safely hoisted, as it is im- possible for the lewis to draw out of the holes. By means of the lewis, in a slightly altered form to this de- scribed, stone can be lowered and set under water with- out dilBculty, the lewis being disengaged by means of a line attached to the parallel piece, the removal of which allows the other to be drawn out of the mortice. In stone-cutting the workman forms as many plane faces as may be necessary for bringing the stone into the required shape with the least waste of material and labour, and on the plane surface, so formed, applies the moulds to which the stone is to be worked. To form a plane surface the mason first knocks off the superfluous stone along one edge of the block until it coincides Ayith a straight-edge throughout its whole length — this is called a chisel draught. Another chisel draught is then made along one of the adjacent edges, and the ends of the two are connected by another draught, a fourth draught is then sunk across the last. ^ MASONRY. 33 which gives another angle point in the same plane with the other draughts, and the stone is then knocked off between the outside draughts until a straight-edge coincides with its surface in every part. To form cylindrical or moulded surfaces^ curved in one direction only^ the workman sinks two parallel draughts at the opposite ends of the stone, to be worked until they coincide with a mould cut to the required shape, and afterwards work off the stone between these draughts by a straight-edge applied at right angles to them. The formation of conical or spherical surfaces is much less simple, and requires a knowledge of the scientific operations of stone-cutting, a description of which would be unsuited to the elementary character of these pages. The reader who wishes to pursue the subject, is therefore referred to the volume of this series on masonry and stone-cutting, where he will find the required information. The finely grained stones are usually brought to a smooth surface, and rubbed with sand to produce a perfectly even surface. In working soft stones the surface is brought to a smooth face with a drag, which is a plate of steel in- dented on the edge like the teeth of a saw, to take off the marks of the tools employed in shaping it. The harder and more coarsely grained stones are generally tooled, that is, the marks of the chisel are left on their face. If the furrows left by the chisel are dispersed in regular order, the work is said to be fair-tooled ; but if c 3 34 ERECTION OF D\yELLING-HOUSES. otherwise^ it may be random tooled^ or chiselled, or boasted^ or pointed. If the stones project beyond the points, the work is said to be rusticated or reticulated. Granite and gritstone are chiefly worked with the scalping hammer. In massive erections, where the stones are large and effect is required, the fronts of the blocks are left quite rough, as they come out of the quarry, and the work is then said to be quarry pitched. Many technical terms are used by quarry-men, and others engaged in working stone; but they need not be inserted here, as they are mostly confined to particular localities, beyond which they are little known, or perhaps bear a difi*erent signification. When the mason re- quires to give the joints of his work greater security than is afi'orded by the weight of the stone and the adhesion of the mortar, he makes use of joggles, dowels, and cramps. Stones are s?ad to be joggled when a proje^ction is worked out on one stone to fit in a corres- ponding hole or grove in the other ; but this occasions great labour and waste of stone. Dowels are chiefly made use of, which are hard pieces of stone cut to the required size, and let into corresponding mortices in the two stones to be joined together. Dowels may be pins of wood, metal, or stone, used to secure the joints of stone-work in exposed situations, as copings, pinnacles, &c. The best material is copper ; but the expense of this metal causes it seldom to be used. If iron be made use of it should be thoroughly tarred, to prevent oxidation, or it will sooner or later burst or MASONRY. 35 f split the work it is intended to protect. Dowels are often secured in their places with lead poured in from above^ through a small channel cut in the side of the joint for that purpose; but a good workman will eschew lead, which too often finds its way into bad work, and will prefer trusting to very close and workmanlike joints, carefully fitted dowels, and fine mortar : dowels should be made tapering at one end, which ensures a better fit, and renders the setting of the stone more easy for the workman. Iron cramps are used as fastenings on the tops of copings, and in similar situations ; but they are not to be recommended, as they are very unsightty^ and if they once become exposed to the action of the atmos- phere, are powerfully destructive agents ; cast-iron is, however, less objectionable than wrought for this purpose. In measuring mason's work, the cubic contents of the stone is taken as it comes to the banker, without deduction for subsequent waste. If the scantlings are large, an extra price is allowed for hoisting. The labour in working the stone is charged by the super- ficial foot, according to the kind of work, as plain work, sunk work, moulded work, &c. Pavings, landings, &c., and all stones less than three inches, are charged by the superficial foot. Copings, curbs, window-sills, &c., are charged per lineal foot. Cramps, dowels, mortice holes, &c., are always charged separately. A journey-man mason will receive from 4^. to 5^. %d, per day, and the labourer from 2^. &d, to 3^. per day ; 36 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. but masons working piece-work, or at any work requiring particular skill, will often earn mucli more. The remuneration of a stone carver is dependent on his talent^ and the kind of work he is engaged upon. The following table of the weights of the different lands of stone^ will convey an idea of their relative hardness^ and of the labour required to work them : — TABLE Of the Weifjlds of different hinds of Stone. 13 cubic feet of marble ..... v.'eigh one ton. 13 J of granite 14 of Purbeck stone . . • ^ 144 of Yorkshire stone . . . . 16 of Derbysliire grit , . • 17 of Portland stone . . . . 18 „ of Bath ditto . ^. . . „ ,, 58 feet superficial of 3-incb York paving . . 70 of24-inc]i ,, . . PLUMBER. The work of the plumber chiefly consists in laying sheet lead on roofs^ lining cisterns^ laying on water to the different parts of a building, and fixing up pumps and water-closets. The plumber uses but few tools^ and those are of a simple character, the greater number of them being similar to those used by other artificers, hammers, mallets, planes, chisels, gouges, files, &c. The principal tool peculiar to the trade of the plumber is the bat, which is made of beech, about eighteen inches long, and is used for dressing and flattening sheet lead ; for soldering also, the plumber uses iron ladles of various sizes for melting solder, as well as lead and grozing PLUMBING. 37 irons for smoothing down the joints. The sheet-lead used by the plumber is either cast or milled^ the former being generally cast by the plumber himself out of old lead taken in exchange, whilst the latter, which is cast lead, flattened out between two rollers in a flatting mill, is purchased from the manufacturer. Sheet-lead is described, according to the weight per superficial foot, as 51b. lead, 61b. lead, &c. Lead-pipes, if of large dimensions, are made of sheet- lead dressed round a wooden core and soldered up. Smaller pipes are cast in short lengths, of a thickness three or four times that of the intended pipe, and either drawn or rolled out to the proper thickness. Soft-solder is used for uniting the joints of lead- work ; it is made of equal parts of lead and tin, and is purchased of the manufacturer, by the plumber, at a price per lb., according to the state of the market. Laying of Sheet -lead. In order to secure lead-work from the injurious efi'ect of contraction and expansion where exposed to the heat of the sun^ the plumber is careful not to confine the metal by soldered joints, or otherwise. All sheet-lead should be laid with a sufficient current to keep it dry ; a fall of one inch in ten feet is sufficient for this purpose, if the boarding on which the lead is laid be perfectly even. Joints in the length of the current are made by dressing the edges of the lead over a wooden roll, and joints in the length are made with drips. 38 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Flashings are pieces of lead turned down over the edges of other lead-work^ which is turned up against a wall, and serve to keep the wet from finding its way between the wall and the lead. The most secure way of fixing them is to build them into the joints of the brick-work, but the common method is to insert them about an inch into the mortar joint, and to secure them with wall hooks and cement. A very important part of the business of the plumber, consists in fitting up cisterns, pumps, and water-closet apparatus, and in laying the diflferent services and wastes connected with the same. Plumber^s work is paid for by the cwt. weight, milled- lead being rather more expensive. Mere cast-lead pipes are charged per foot, lined according to size. Pumps and water-closet apparatus are charged at so much each, according to description, as also basins, air-traps, washers and plugs, spindle, valves, stop-cocks, ball-cocks, &c. TABLE Of the Weight of Lead Pipes per Yard. Bore. lbs. ozs. Bore. lbs. ozs. i-inch . . .33 li-incli . . . 11 0 |-incli . ..57 li-incli . . . 14 0 l-mcb . . .8 0 2-inch . . . 21 0 The wages of a journeyman plumber are from 5^. to 65. per day, and the plumber^s labourer receives from 3^. to 3^. 6d. per day. ZINC WORKER. The use of sheet-lead has been to a certain extent ZINC-WORKER, — SMITH AND IRON-FOUNDER. 39 superseded by the use of sheet-zinc, which, from its cheapness and lightness, is very extensively used for almost all purposes to which sheet-lead is applied. It is, however, a very inferior material, and not to be depended on. The laying of it is generally executed by the plumber, but the working of zinc, and manufactur- ing of it into gutters, rain water-pipes, chimney-cowls, and other articles, is practised as a distinct business. SMITH AND IRON-FOUNDER. The smith furnishes the various articles of wrought- iron work used in a building, as pileshoes, straps/screw- balls, dog-irons, chimney-bars, gratings, wrought-iron railways, and iron ballustrades for staircases. Wrought- iron was formerly much used for many purposes, for which cast-iron is almost exclusively employed ; the improvements effected in casting during the present century having made a great alteration in this respect. The operations of the iron-founder have been much improved since the middle of the last century, when the smelting of iron was carried on with wood charcoal, and the ores used were chiefly from the secondary strata, although the clay iron-stones of the coal-measures were occasionally used. The weald of Kent and Sussex contained many iron-works during the seventeenth century, that at Lamberhurst, near Tunbridge Wells, Sussex, is noted as having furnished the cast-iron rail- way round St. PauPs Cathedral. The tilt hammers used in forging bar-iron were chiefly worked by water power. 40 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. A large pool in Beeding Forest^ near Horsham, Sussex, still retains the name of the hammer pond, and the former sites of many old forges in the Wealden district, may still be traced by the heaps of cinders which yet remain here and there, and by the local name to which the works gave rise. The introduction of smelting with pit-coal coke during the last century, caused a complete revolution in the iron trade. The ores now chiefly used are the clay-iron stones of the coal measures, and the fuel pit- coal or coke. Steam power is almost exclusively used for the pro- duction of the blast-furnaces and for working the forge hammers and rolling mills. For the production of wrought-iron in the ordinary manner, two distinct sets of processes are required : 1st, the extraction of the metal from the ore in the shape of cast-iron ; 2nd, the con- version of cast-iron into malleable or bar-iron by remelting, puddling, and forging. The conversion of bar-iron into sheet is effected by placing it in contact with powdered charcoal in a furnace of concentration. Cast-iron is produced by smelting the previously calcined ore in a blast furnace by its greater specific gravity. The lime-stone and other impurities float on the top of the melted mass, and are allowed to run oS", forming slag or cinder. The melted metal is run ofl* from the bottom of the furnace into moulds where castings are required, and into furrows made in a level bed of sand, where the metal is required for conversion into malleable iron ; the bars thus produced being called pigs. SMITH AND IRON-FOUNDER. 41 In the year 1827^ it was discovered that by the use of heated air for the blasts a great saving of fuel could be effected as compared with the cold heat process. The hot blast is now very extensively used, and has the double advantage of requiring less fuel to bring down an equal quantity of metal, and of enabling the manufac- turer to use raw pit-coal instead of coke; so that a saving is effected both in the quantity and cost of the fuel. For a considerable time after its introduction it was held in great disrepute ; which, however, may be chiefly attributed to the inferior quality of metals used, the power of the hot blast in reducing the most refractory ores offering a great temptation to obtain a much larger product from the furnaces than was com- patible with the good quality of the metal. The use of the hot blast by firms of acknowledged character has greatly tended to remove the prejudice against it, and in many iron-works of high character nothing but the hot blast with pit coal is used in the smelting furnaces, the use of coke being confined to the subsequent processes. Perhaps it may be laid down as a general principle, that where the pig-iron is remelted with coke in the cupola furnace for the purposes of the iron founder, or refined with coke in the conversion of forge-pig into bar-iron, it is of little consequence whether the reduc- tion of the ore has been effected with the hot or cold blast ; but where castings have to be run directly from the smelting furnace the quality of the metal will, no doubt, suffer from the use of the former. 43 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Cast-iron is divided by the iron-founder into three qualities : No. 1, or blank cast-iron^ is coarse-grained^ soft, and not very tenacious. When remelted it passes into No. 2, or grey cast-iron. This is the best quality for castings requiring strength. When repeatedly re- melted it becomes excessively hard and brittle and passes into No. 3, or white cast-iron, which is only used for the commonest castings, as sash weights, cannon balls, and similar articles. White cast-iron if produced direct from the ore, is an indication of derangement in the working of the furnace, and is unfit for the ordinary purposes of the founder, except to mix witli other qualities. Girders and similar solid articles are cast in sand moulds enclosed in iron frames or boxes, each mould requiring upper and lower boxes. A mould is formed by pressing sand firmly round a wooden pattern, which is afterwards removed, and the melted metal poured into the spaces thus left through apertures made for that purpose. The moulds for ornamental work and for hollow castings are of a more complicated construction, which will be better understood from actual inspection at a foundry than from any written description. Almost all irons are improved by admixture with others, and there- fore where superior castings are required they should not be run direct from the smelting furnace, but the metal should be remelted in a cupola furnace, which gives the opportunity of suiting the quality of the iron to its intended use. Thus for delicate ornamental work SMITH AND IRON-FOUNDER. 43 a soft and very fluid iron will be required, whilst for girders and castings exposed to cross strain the metal will require to be harder and more tenacious. For bed-plates and castings which have merely to sustain a compressing force, the chief point to be attended to is the hardness of the metal. Castings should be allowed to remain in sand until cool, as the quality of the metal is greatly injured by the rapid and irregular cooling which takes place from exposure to air if removed from the moulds in a red-hot state, which is sometimes done in small foundries to economise room. Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Derbyshire afford the best iron for castings. The Scotch iron is much esteemed for hollow wares, and has a beautifully smooth surface, which may be noticed in the stoves and other articles cast by the Carron Company. The Welsh iron is principally used for conversion into bar-iron. The conversion of forge pig into bar iron is effected by a variety of processes, which have for their object the freeing of the metal from the carbon and other impurities combined with it, so as to produce as nearly as possible the pure metal. We do not propose to enter in these pages into any of the details of the manufacture of bar-iron, or of its conversion into steel, as our business is rather with the iron-founder than the manufacturer; it may, however, be proper to state that new processes have lately been patented, by which malleable iron and steel may be produced directly from the ore without the use of the smelting furnace, a plan ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. whicli is likely to be attended with beneficial results^ both as regards economy and quality of metal. Besides cast-iron columns^ girders, and similar articles which are cast to order^ the founder supplies a great variety of articles which are kept in store for immediate use^ as cast-iron palings^ balconies^ rain water-pipes^ and guttering, air-traps^ coal-plates, stoves, stable- fittings, iron sashes, &c., &c. Both wrought and cast-iron work are paid for by weight, except small articles kept in store for immediate use, which are valued per piece : — One cubic foot of cast-iron . . . weighs about 450 lbs. Ditto ditto of wrought . . . 475 Ditto ditto of closely-hammered • 485 The coppersmith provides and buys sheet copper for covering roofs, copper-gutters, and rain water-pipes, washing, brewing coppers, copper cramps, and dowels, for stone-mason^s work, and all other copper work in a building; but the cost of the material in which he works prevents its general use, and the washing-copper is frequently the only part of a building which requires the aid of this artificer. Sheet copper is paid for by the superficial foot, copper in dowels, bolts, &c., at per pound. Warming apparatus, steam and gas-fittings, and similar kinds of work are put up by the mechanical engineer, who also manufactures a great variety of articles which are purchased in parts, and put together and fixed by the plumber, as pumps, taps, water-closet apparatus. SLATING. 45 SLATER. The business of the slater chiefly consists in covering the roofs of houses with sTates ; but has of late years been very much extended by the general introduction of sawn slates as a material for shelves^ cisterns^ baths, chimney-pieces^ and even for ornamental purposes. Vv^e propose here to describe only those operations of the slater which have reference to the covering of roofs. Besides the tools which are in common use among other artificers^ the slater uses one peculiar to his trade called the zax^ which is a kind of hatchet with sharp point at the back. It is used for trimming slates and making the holes by which they are nailed in their places. Slates are laid either on boarding or on narrow battens from two to three inches wide, the latter being the more common method on account of its being less expensive than the other. The nails used should be either copper or zinc ; iron nails, though sometimes used, being objectionable from their liability to rust. Every slate should be fastened with two nails, except in the most inferior w^ork. The upper surface of a slate is called its back, the under surface the bed, the lower edge the tail, the upper edge the head, the part of each course of slate exposed to view is called the margin of the course, and the width of the margin is called the gauge. The bond or lap is the distance which the lower edge of any course overlaps the slates of the second course below, measuring from the nail-hole. 46 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. In preparing slates for nse^ the sides and bottom- edges are trimmed^ and the nail-holes punched as near the head as can be done without risk of breaking the slate^ and at a uniform distance from the tail. The lap having been decided on^ the gauge will be equal to half the distance from the tail to the nail-hole, less the lap ; thus a countess slate measuring nineteen inches from tail to nail, if laid with a three inch lap, would show a margin of eight inches. The battens are of course nailed on to the rafters at the gauge to which the slates will work. If the slates are of different lengths, they must be sorted into sizes and gauged ac- cordingly, the smallest size being placed nearest the ridge. The lap should not be less than two inches, and need not exceed three inches. It is essential to the soundness, as well as the ap- pearance of slater^s work, that the slates should all be of the same width, and the edges perfectly true. The Welsh slates are considered the best, and are of a light sky-blue colour ; the Westmoreland slates are of a dull greenish hue. Slater^s work is measured by the square of 100 super- ficial feet, allowance being made for the trouble of cutting the slates at the hips, eaves, round chim- neys, &c. Slabs for cisterns, baths, shelves, and other sawn work, are charged per foot, superficial, according to the thickness of the slab, and the labour bestowed on the work. Eubbed edges, grooves, &c., are charged per lineal foot. SLATING. 47 A journeyman slater receives about 5^. per day^ and his labourer about 2^. per day. TABLE Of the Sizes of Roofing Slates, \ 9 o i 3 ^ Size. i ' % o Description- it pe Ton M 5 a? id to Length. Breadth c8 <1> O O m < li u ft. in. ft. in. Doubles 1 1 0 6 2 3 4 480 48^ Ladies . . . . 1 4 0 8 44 u 280 280 Countesses . 1 8 0 10 9 2 176 352 Duchesses 2 0 1 0 10 3 127 254 Imperials . 2 6 2 0 Rags and Queens 3 0 2 0 1 f A Ton will cover 2 J to 21 Westmoreland of yarious squares. sizes 1 Inch slab per foot superficial we ghs 1 4 lbs. We have now endeavoured to explain the various trades employed^ and the materials required for the carcass of a building, and will commence with the finishing. Finishings. The work of the plasterer consists in covering the brickwork and naked timbers of walls, ceilings, and partitions with plaster, to prepare them for painting, papering, or distempering, and in forming cornices, and such decorative portions of the furnishings of buildings as may be required to be executed in plaster or cement. 48 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. The plasterer uses a variety of tools, of wliicli the following are the principal ones : — The drag is a three-pronged rake, used to mix the hair with the mortar in preparing coarse stuff. The hawk is a small square board for holding stuff on, with a short handle on the under side. Trowels are of two kinds, the laying and smoothing tooly with which the first and the last are laid, and the gauging trowel used for gauging fine stuff for cornices, &c., &c. : these are made of various sizes, from three to seven inches long. Of floats, which are used in floating ceilings and other work. There are three kinds, viz., the Derby, which is a rule of such a length as to require two men to use it. The handfloat, which is used in furnishing stucco, and the quirk-float, w^hich is used in • floating angles. Moulds, for raising cornices, are made of sheet copper cut to the profile of the moulding, to be formed and fixed in a wooden frame. Sloping and picking out tools are made of steel, seven or eight inches long, and of various sizes. They are used for modelling, and for finishing mitres, and returns to cornice. Materials, Coarse stuff, or lime and hair, as it is usually called, is similar to common mortar, with the addition of hair from the tanner's yard, which is thoroughly mixed with the mortar by means of the drag. PLASTERER AND OF MATERIALS. 49 Fine stuff is made of pure lime; slaked ^Yitll a small quantity of ^yater; after which sufficient water is added to bring it to the consistence of cream. It is then allowed to settle^ and the superfluous water being poured off^ it is left in a bin or tub to remain in a semi-fluid state^ until the evaporation of the water has brought it to a proper thickness for use. In using fine stuff for setting ceilings^ a small portion of w^hite hair is mixed with it. Stucco is made Avith fine stuff and clean washed river sand. This is used for finishing work intended to be painted. Gauged stuff is formed of fine stuff mixed with plaster of pariS; the proportion of plaster varying according to the rapidity with which the work is required to set. Gauged stiff is used for running cornices and mouldings. Enrichments, such as pateras^ centre flowers for ceilings, fec.^ are first modelled in clay, and afterwards cast of plaster of paris in wax or plaster moulds. Papier mache ornaments also are much used, and have the advantage of being very light, and being easily and securely fixed with screws. The variety of composition and cements made use of by the plasterer is very great. Roman cement, Portland cement, and lias cement, are the principal ones used for coating buildings externally. Martin and Keene^s cements are well adapted for all internal plastering where sharpness, hardness, and delicate finish are required. 50 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Operations for Plastering. When brickwork is plastered, the first coat is called rendering. In plastering ceilings and partitions, the first opera- tion is lathing. This is done with single^ one-and-a-half, or double laths, these names denoting their respective thicknesses. Laths are either of oak or fir; if of the former, wrought-iron nails are used, but cast-iron nails may be employed with the latter. The thickest laths are used for ceilings, as the strain on the laths is greater in a horizontal than in an upright position. Pricking-up is the first coat of plastering of coarse stuff upon laths ; when completed, it is well scratched over with the end of a lath, to form a key for the next coat. Laid work consists of a simple coat of coarse stufi^" over a wall or ceiling. Tivo-coat work is only roughed over with a broom, and afterwards set with fine stuff, or with gauged stuff in the better description of work. The laying on of the second coat of plastering is called floating, from its being floated or brought to a plain surface with the float. The operation of floating is performed by surrounding the surface to be floated with narrow strips of plastering, called screeds, brought perfectly upright, or level, as the case may be, with the level or plumb rule ; thus, in preparing for floating a ceiling, nails are driven in at the angles, and along the sides, about ten feet apart. PLASTERING. 51 and carefully adjusted to a horizontal plane, by means of the level. Other nails are then adjusted opposite to the first, at a distance of seven or eight inches from them. The space between each pair of nails is filled up with coarse stuff, and floated perfectly true with a floating rule ; this operation forms a screed, perfectly level throughout. Other screeds are then formed, to divide the work into bays about eight feet wide, which are successively filled up flush, and floated level with the screeds. The screeds for floating walls are formed in exactly the same manner, except that they are adjusted with the plumb rule instead of the level. After the work has been brought to an even surface with the floating rule, it is gone over with the hand-float and a little soft stuff*, to make good any deflciencies that may appear. The operation of forming screeds and floating work, which is not either vertical or horizontal, as a plaster floor laid with a fall, is analogous to that of taking the face of a stone out of winding, with chisel, drafts, and straight edges in stone-cutting, the prin- ciple being in each case to find three points in the same plane, from which to extend operations over the whole surface. Setting, When the floating is about half dry, the setting or finishing coat of fine stuff is laid on with the smoothing trowel, which is alternately whetted wdth a brush, and worked over with the smoothing tools, until a fine surface is obtained. D 2 52 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Stucco is laid on with the largest trowel and worked over with the hand-float, the work being alternately sprinkled with water and floated until it becomes hard and compact, after which it is finished by rubbing it over with a dry stock brush. The water has the efi'ect of hardening the face of the stucco, so that after re- peated sprinklings and trowelling, it becomes very hard, and smooth as glass. The above remarks may be briefly summed up as follows. The commonest kind of work consists of only one coat, and is called rendering, on brickwork, and laying, if on laths. If a second coat be added, it be- comes two-coat work, as render set, or lath lay and set. Where the work is floated it becomes three-coat work, and is render float and set for ceilings and partitions, ceilings being set with fine with a little white hair, and walls intended for paper with fine stuff" and sand : stucco is used where the work is to be painted. Rough stucco is a mode of finishing staircases, pas- sages,' &c., in imitation of stone. It is mixed with a large proportion of sand, to give the appearance of stone. Rough-cast is a mode of finishing outside work, by dashing over the second coat of plastering, whilst quite wet, a layer of rough cast, composed of well-washed gravel mixed up with pure lime and water till the whole is in a semi-fluid state. Pugging is lining the spaces between floor joists with coarse stuff', to prevent the passage of sound, or between two stones, and is done on laths or rough boarding. PLASTERING. 53 In the midland districts of England reeds are much, used instead of laths^ not only for ceilings and parti- tions, but for floors, which are formed with a thick layer of coarse gauged stuff upon reeds. Floors of this kind are extensively used about Nottingham, and, from security against fire afforded by the absence of wooden floors, Nottingham homes are proverbially fire- proof. Plasterer^s work is measured by the superficial yard cornices by the superficial foot, enrichments to cornices by the lineal foot, and centre flowers and other decora- tions at per piece. Memoranda. The wages of a journeyman plasterer are from 4^. 6c?. to 5^. &d. per day; those engaged on modelling and ornamental work will earn much more. A labourer receives from 2^. Qd, to 3s. per day ; and a plasterer^s boy about 1,9. Lathing. — One bundle of laths and 384 nails will cover 5 yards superficial measure. Rendering, — 187^ yards require \\ hundred of lime, 2 double loads of sand, and 5 bushels of hair. Floating requires more labour, but only half as much material as rendering. Setting, — 375 superficial yards require \\ hundred of lime and 5 bushels of hair. Render Set. — 100 yards superficial require IJ cwt. of lime, 1 double load of sand, and 4 bushels of hair. Plasterer J labourer, and boy, 3 days each. 51 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Lath Lay and Set, — 130 yards superficial of lath lay and set require 1 load of laths, 10,000 nails, 2| cwt. of lime, 1| double load of sand, and 7 bushels of hair. Plasterer, labourer, and boy, 6 days each. Twenty per cent, profit is allowed upon all materials. JOINER. The work of the joiner consists in framing and join- ing together the wooden finishings and decorations of buildings, both internal and external ; such as floors, staircases, framed partitions, skirtings^ solid door and window frames, hollow or cased window frames, sashes and shutters, doors, columns and entablatures, chim- ney-pieces, &c. The joiner's work requires much greater accuracy and finish than that of the carpenter, and differs mate- rially from it in being brought to a smooth surface with the plane wherever exposed to view, whilst with the carpenter's work the timber is left rough as it comes from' the saw. The joiner uses a great variety of tools : the principal cutting tools are saws, planes, and chisels. Of saws there are a great variety, distinguished from each by their shape and by the size of their teeth. The ripper has 8 teeth in 3 inches ; the half ripper 3 teeth to the inch; the hand -saw, 15 teeth in 4 inches; the panel-saw, 6 teeth to the inch. The tenon-saw, used for cutting tenons, has about 8 teeth to the inch, and is strengthened at the back by a thick piece of iron to keep the blade from buckUng. The sash-saw is similar JOINERY. 55 to the tenon-saw, but is backed with brass instead of iron, and has 13 teeth to the inch; the dovetail-saw is still smaller, and has 15 teeth to the inch. Besides the above named, other saws are used for particular pur- poses — as the C077ipass-saiv for cutting circular work, and the Iceyhole-saio for cutting small holes. The car- case-saiu is a large kind of dovetail-saiu, having about 11 teeth to an inch. Planes are also of many kinds : those called bench planes — as the jack-plane ^ the trying-plane, the long plane, the jointer, and the smoothing -plane — are used for bringing the stuff to a plane surface. The jack- plane is about 18 inches long, and is used for the roughest work. The trying-plane is about -22 inches long, and used after the jack-plane for trying-up — that is, taking off shavings the whole length of the stuff. Whilst using the jack-plane, the workman stops at every arm^s length. The long plane is about 2 feet 3 inches long, and used when a piece of stuff is to be tried-up very straight. The jointer is about 2 feet 6 inches long, and is used for trying-up or shooting the joints, in the same way as the trying-plane is used for trying up the face of the stuff. The smoothhip -plane is small, being only about 7 J inches long, and is used on almost all occasions for cleaning or smoothing-off finished Avork. Rebate-planes are used for sinking rebates, and vary in their size and shape according to their respective uses. Rebate-planes differ from bench- planes in having no handle rising out of the stock, and in discharging their shavings at the side. Amongst the 56 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. rebate-planes may be mentioned the moving fillister and the sash fillister ^ the uses of which will be better understood from inspection than description. Moulding- planes are used for sticking mouldings^ as the operation of forming mouldings with the plane is called. When mouldings are worked with chisels instead of with planes^ they are said to be worked by hand. Of the class of moulding-planes, although kept separate in the tool chest, are hollow and rounds, beads, &c., of various sizes. There are other kinds of planes besides the above- named, as the plough, for sinking a groove to receive a projecting tongue; the bead, for sticking beads; the snipers-bill, for forming and cleaning out quirks ; the com- plasS'pane and the f or kstaff -plane, for forming concave and convex cylindrical surfaces. The shape and use of these and many other tools used by the joiner will be better understood by inspection than description. Chisels are also varied in their form and use : some are used merely with the pressure of the hand, as the paring chisel; others by the aid of a mallet, as the socket chisel [so named from the iron at the top forming a socket to receive an iron handle), for cutting away superfluous stuff ; and the mortice chisel, for cutting mortices : the gouges are curved chisels. The joiners use a great variety of boring tools, as the brad-aivl, gimlet, and stock and bit. The last form but one tool, the stock being the handle, to the hollow of which may be fitted a variety of steel bits of diflPerent bores and shapes, for boring and widening out holes in JOINERY. 57 wood and metal^ as countersinks^ rimers, and taper shell-bits. The screw-driver, pincers, hammer, mallet, hatchet, and adze are too well known to require description. The gauge is used for drawing lines on a piece of stuff parallel to its edges. The bench is one of the most important of the joiner'^s implements. It is furnished with a vertical sideboard, perforated with diagonal ranges of holes, which receive the bench-pin, on which to rest the lower end of a piece of stuff to be planed, whilst the upper end is firmly- clamped by the bench-screw. The mitre-box is used for cutting a piece of stuff to a mitre, or an angle of forty-five degrees, with one of its sides. The joiner uses for setting out and fixing his work, the straight edge, the square, the level or square with a shifting blade, the mitre square, the level, and plumb rule. In addition to the tools and implements above enumerated, the execution of particular kinds of work requires other articles, as cylinders, templets, cramps, &c., the description of which would unnecessarily extend the limits of our present object. The principal operations of the joiner are sawing, planing, dovetailing, morticing, and scribing. The manner of forming a dovetail is by projecting a part, called the tenon, gradually tapering from the outer edge to the inner, and a corresponding hole made to receive it, which is called a socket. D 3 58 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. Morticing is executed by forming a hole in a piece of timber to receive the end of another piece, called the tenon. The tenon is sometimes pinned in its place with oak pins driven through the cheeks of the mortice. But in forming doors, shutters, &c., the tenon is secured with tapering wedges driven into the mortice, which is cut slightly wider at the top than the bottom, the adhesion of the glue with which the tenon and wedges are first rubbed over, making it impossible for the tenqn afterwards to draw out of its place. Joints in the length of the stuff may be either square, rebated, or grooved and tongued, which is executed by a groove made with a plough and iron on each edge of the two pieces of stuff, and then a slip of wood, which is called the tongue, being inserted before the joint is glued up. Scribing is the drawing on of a piece of stuff the exact profile of some irregular surface to which it is to be made to fit ; this is done with a pair of compasses, one leg of which is made to traverse the irregular surface, the other to describe a line parallel thereto along the edge of the stuff to be cut. In the execution of circular loork, or as it is frequently termed siveep work, there are four different methods by which the stuff can be brought to the re- quired curve : — Firstly. It may be stamped and bent into shape. Secondly. It may be glued up in thicknesses which must, when thoroughly dry, be planed true, and, if not to be painted, covered with a thin veneer, bent round. JOINERY. 59 Thirdly. It may be formed in tliiu thicknesses bent round and glued up on a mould. This may be considered the most perfect of all the methods in use. Lastly. It may be formed by sawing a number of notches on one side, by which means it becomes easily bent in that direction, but the curve produced by this means is very irregular^ and it is an inferior mode of execution compared to others. When a number of boards are secured together by cross pieces or ledges nailed or screwed at the back, the work is said to be lodged ; lodged work is for common purposes, as cellar-doors, outside shutters, &c. Framed work consists of styles and rails morticed and tenoned together, and filled in with panels, the edges of which fit in grooves cut for the purpose in the styles and rails, . Work is said to be clamped when it is prevented from warping or splitting by a rail at each end. If the ends of the rail are cut off it is said to be mitre-clamped. There are several ways of laying floors practised by joiners. In laying what is called a straight-joint floor, from the joints between the boards running in an un- broken line from wall to wall, each board is laid down and nailed in succession, being first forced firmly against the one last laid with a flooring cramp. Folding floors are laid by nailing down first every fifth board, rather closer together than the united widths of four boards, and forcing the intermediate ones into the space left for them by jumping on them. 60 ERECTION OF DAVELLING-HOUSES. This method of laying floors is resorted to when the stuff is imperfectly seasoned and is expected to shrink^ but it should never be executed in good work. The narrower the stuff with which a floor is laid the less will the joints open^ on account of the shrinkage being distributed over a greater number of joints. The floor boards may be nailed at their edges^ and grooved and tongued or dowelled, if it is desirous to make a very perfect floor. Dowelling is superior to grooving and tonguiug^ because the cutting away the stuff to receive the tongue^ greatly weakens the edges of the joint^ which are apt to curl. Glue is an article of great importance to the joiner, the strength of his work depending much upon its ad- hesive properties. The best glue is made from the skin of animals, that from the sinewy or horny parts being of inferior quality. The strength of the glue increases with the age of the animals from which the skins are taken. Joiner^s work is measured by the superficial foot, according to its description. Floors by the square of 100 feet superficial. Hand-rails, small mouldings, Avater-trunks, and similar articles, per lineal foot. Cantilevers, trusses, cut-brackets, scrolls to handrails, &c., are valued per piece. The wages of a joiner are from 5^. to 6^. per day. The following memoranda relative to joiner^s work may be found useful : — JOINERY. 61 One Square of Flooring ivill take — ■ 94. 10-feet boards at . 5 J 5) at . - in on f 1 iff. A 1 7 >) ) > at . '7-inpTi fli+.f.A— XV/ JLII* YV CVJJ. uCV-i • i-O 5 J >> at . 13 >) >) at . 9-incli ditto — -2 ft. 6 in. wanted. 12 >) 5) at . . 10- inch ditto. 20 12 -feet boards at . . 5 -inch gauge. 14 3 J at . 6 -inch ditto— -4 ft. wanted. 12 •> >> at . 7 -inch ditto— -2 ft. wanted. 12 )> J> at . . 8 -inch ditto— -4 ft. wanted. 12 >» >» at . . 9 -inch ditto— -1 ft. wanted. 10 > ) )) at . . 10-inch ditto. N.B. One square of flooring will take 200 nails. To make them tough they should be heated in a fire-shovel or the like, with a bit of tallow or grease in them. 120 twelve feet deals make one hundred ; and the readiest way of calculating the price of a single one^ is to consider every pound per hundred as two-pence per deal : thus if deals are 40/. per hundred, they are 40 times two-pence each, or 80 pence, which is 6^. 8cf. for each deal; or if 36Z. 10^. per hundred they would be 36i times two-pence each, double of which, for pence, would be 73, or 6^. \d. each deal, and in the same way for any other given price. TABLE Of the Relative WeirjJu of Timher, 24 cubic feet of mahogany . weigh 1 ton. 39 of oak >> J) 45 of ash . . >) > J 60 ,, of elm )> J ) 65 of fir . . . )) ? ) 50 of fir timber . >> 1 load. 62 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. 120 12-feet 3-incli deals . . equal 5f loads of timber. 400 superficial feet l^-incli deals v/eigh 1 load. Planks are reckoned to 11 inches wide. Deals ,, n 9 Battens 7 A reduced deal is in. thick, 11 in. wide, and 12 feet long. A square of flooring laid rough requires 12^ floor- board. Ditto, edges shot, 12 J. Ditto wrought and laid folding, 13. Laid straight joint, 13 J. Wrought and laid straight joint, and ploughed and tongued, 14. If laid with 12 feet battens, wrought and laid folding, 17, and with straight joint, 18. Sawing, The sawer is to the carpenter and joiner what the stone-cutter is to the mason. The pit saw is a large two-handed saw fixed in a frame, and moved up and down in a vertical direction by two men called the top -man and the pit-man, the first of whom stands on the timber that is to be cut, the other at the bottom of the saw-pit. The timber is lined out with a chalk line on its upper surface, and the accuracy of the work depends mainly on the top-man keeping the saw to the line, whence the proverbial ex- pression top-saivyer, meaning one who directs any undertaking. In sawing of deals and battens into thicknesses for the joiner^s use, the parallelism of the cut is of the utmost importance, as the operation of taking out of SAWING^ IRONMONGERY. 63 winding a piece of uneven stuff, causes a considerable waste of material, and much loss of time. Circular-saws, moved by steam-power, are now much used in large establishments, timber-yards, &c., and effect a considerable saving of labour over the use of the pit-saw, where the timbers to be cut are not too heavy to be easily handled. The saw is mounted in the middle of a stout bench furnished with guides, by means of which the stuff to be cut is kept in the required direction, whilst it is pushed against the saw, which is the whole manual labour required in the operation. IKONMONaERY Is charged for, generally, with the work to which it is attached ; the joiner being allowed 20 per cent, profit upon the prime cost. The principal articles of ironmongery used in a building, consist of nails^ screivs^ sash-pulleys, bolts, hinges, locks, latches, and sash and shutter -furniture, besides a great variety of miscellaneous articles which we have not space to enumerate. Of the different kinds of hinges may be mentioned hook-and-eye hinges for gates, coach-house doors, &c. ; butts and back-flaps for doors and shutters; cross garnets, -which are used for hanging lodged doors and other inferior work ; H and H hinges, whose name is derived from, their shape ; and parliament hinges. Besides these, are used rising-butts for hanging doors to rise over a carpet or other impediment, projecting- 64 ERECTION OF DWELLIXG-HOUSES. buttSy used when some projection has to be cleared^ and spring-hinges and swing centres for self-shutting doors. The variety of locks now manufactured is almost infinite. We may mention the stock-lock, cased in wood for common work^ and rim-Jocks, which have a metal case or rim_, and are attached to one side of a door ; they should not be used when a door has suffi- cient thickness to allow of a mortice-lock^ as they often catch the dresses of persons passing through the door- w^ay. Mortice-locks, as the name implies^ are those which are morticed into the thickness of the door. The handles and escutcheons are called the furniture of a lock, and are made of a great variety of materials^ as brasSj bronze, ebony, ivory, and glass, &c. Of latches, there are the common thurab-latch, the boiv-latch with brass knobs, the brass pulpit-latch, and the mortice-latch. There are also a great variety of other articles^ both useful and ornamental, kept in stock and supplied by the furnishing ironmonger. GLAZIER. The business of the glazier consists in cutting glass, and fixing it into lead-work, luood-ioork, or wood sashes. The former is the oldest method of glazing, and is still used, not only for cottage windows and inferior work, but for church windows and glazing with stained glass, w^hich is cut into pieces of the required size, and set in a leaden framework ; this kind of glazing is called fretwork. Glazing in sashes is of GLAZING. 65 s comparatively modern introduction. The sash bars are j formed with a rebate on the outside for the reception of 1 the glass, which is cut into the rebate, and firmly beaded j and back-puttied to keep it in its place. Large squares ! are also sprigged or secured with small brads driven { into the sash bars. Glazing in lead-work is fixed in leaden rows called cameSy prepared for the use of the glazier by being passed through a glazier^s vice, in which they receive the grooves for the insertion of the glass. The sides or cheeks of the grooves are sufficiently soft to allow of their being turned down to admit the glass, and again raised up and firmly pressed against it after its insertion. For common lead-work, the bars are soldered together so as to form squares or diamonds. In fret- work, the bars, instead of being used straight, are bent round to the shapes of the different pieces of glass forming the device. Lead-work is strengthened by being attached to saddle-bars of iron, by leaden bars soldered to the lead-work and twisted round the iron. Putty is made of pounded whiting beaten up w^ith linseed oil into a tough tenacious cement. The principal tool of the glazier is the diamond, which is used for cutting glass. This tool consists of an unpolished diamond fixed in lead, and fastened to a handle of hard wood. " • The glazier uses a hacking-knife for cutting out old putty from broken squares, and the stopping -knife for laying and smoothing the putty w^hen stopping-in glass 66 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSES. into saslies. For setting glass into lead-work^ the setting -knife is used. Besides the above, the glazier requires a square and straight edge, and a pair of compasses, for dividing the tables of glass to the required sizes. Also, a hammer for springing large squares, and brushes for cleaning off the work. The glazier^ s vice has already been mentioned. The luter-kin is a pointed piece of hard wood, with which grooves of the cames are cleared out and widened for receiving the glass. Cleaning windows is an important branch of the glazier^s business in most large towns : the glazier taking upon himself the cost of all glass broken in the operation. Glazier^s work is valued by the superficial foot, the price increasing with the size of the square. Irregular panes are taken of the extreme dimensions each way. Crown glass is bloivn in circular tables, from 3 feet 6 inches to 5 feet diameter, and is sold in crates, the number of tables in a crate varying according to the quality of the glass. A crate contains 12 tables of best quality. Ditto ditto 15 „ second ditto. Ditto ditto 18 third ditto. Plate gTass is cast in large plates on horizontal tables, and afterwards polished. The manufacture of sheet or spread glass, which was formerly considered a very inferior article, has of late PAINTING. 67 years been mucli improved. Much is now sold, after I being polished, under the name of patent plate. PAINTER, PAPER-HANGER, AND DECORATOR. The business of the house-painter consists in cover- ing with a preparation of white lead and oil, such por- tions of the joiner^s, smithes, and plasterer^s work as require to be protected from the action of the atmo- sphere. Decorative painting is a higher branch, re- quiring a knowledge of the harmony of colours, and more or less of artistic skill, according to the nature of the work to be executed. The introduction of fresco painting into this country, as a mode of internal decoration, has led to the employ- ment of some of the first artists of the day in the embellishment of the mansions of the nobility, and the example thus set will no doubt be extensively followed. The principal materials used by the painter are — wJdte lead^ which forms the basis of all the colours used in house-painting ; linseed oil and spirits of turpentine, used for mixing and diluting the colours ; and dryers^ as litharge, sugar of lead, and white vitriol, which are mixed with the colours to facilitate their drying. Putty, made of whiting and linseed oil, is used for stopping or filling up nail holes and other vacuities, in order to bring the work to a smooth face. The painter^s tools are few and simple : they con- sist of the grinding 'Stone and muller, for grinding colours ; earthen pots, to hold colours ; cans for oil and turps; pallet knife, and brushes of various sizes and 68 ERECTION OF D^VELLING-HOUSES. descriptions. In painting wood, tlie first operation consists in killing the knots, from wliich the turpentine would otherwise exude and spoil the work. To effect this, the knots are covered with fresh slaked lime, which dries up and burns out the turpentine ; when this has been on twenty-four hours, it is scraped off, and the knots painted over with a mixture of red and white lead mixed with glue size. After this, they are gone over a second time with red and white lead mixed with linseed oil ; when dry, they must be rubbed perfectly smooth wdth pumice stone, and the work is then ready to receive the priming coat. This is composed of red and white lead, Aveli diluted with linseed oil. The nail holes and other imperfections are then stopped with putty, and the succeeding coats are then laid on, the work being rubbed down between each coat with pumice stone, to bring it to an even surface. The first after the priming is mixed with linseed oil and a little turpentine. The second coat with equal quantities of linseed oil and turpentine. In laying on the second coat where the work is not to be finished white, an approach must be made to the required colour. The third coat is usually the last, and is made with a base of white lead, mixed with the requisite colours, and diluted with one-third of linseed oil to two-thirds of turpentine. Painting on stucco, and all other work in which the surface is required to be without gloss, has an addi- tional coat mixed with turpentine only, which from its PAINTING. 69 drying of one uniform flat tint is called a flatting coat. If the knots show through a second coat tli^y must be carefully covered with silver leaf. . Work finished as above described would be techni- cally specified as knotted^ primed^ painted three oils, and flatted. Flatting is almost indispensable in all delicate interior work, but it is not suited to outside work, as it will not bear exposure to the weather. Painting on stucco is primed with boiled linseed oil, and then should receive at least three coats of white lead and oil, and be finished in a flat tint. The great secret of success in painting stucco is, that the surface should be perfectly dry, and as this can hardly be the case in less than two years after the erection of a building, it will always be desirable to finish new work in distemper, which can be washed off* whenever the walls are suflriciently dry to receive the permanent decorations. Graining is the imitation of the grain of various kinds of wood, by means of graining tools, and, when well executed and properly varnished, has a handsome appearance, and lasts many years. The term graining is also applied to the imitation of marble. Clear coling is a substitution of size for oil, in the preparation of the priming coat. It is much resorted to by painters on account of the ease with which a good face can be put on the work with fewer coats than when oil is used, but it will not stand damp, 70 ERECTION Ol' DWELLING-HOUSES. which causes it to scale off; and it should never be used except in painting old work, which is greasy or smoky, and cannot be made to look well by any other means. Distempering is a kind of painting in which whiting is used as the basis of the colours, the liquid medium- being size; it is much used for ceilings and walls, and will require two, and sometimes three coats, to give it a uniform appearance. Painter^s work is valued per superficial yard, according to the number of coats, and the description of work, as common colours, fancy colours, party colours, &c. Where work is cut on both edges, it is taken by the lineal foot. In measuring railings, the two sides are measured as flat work. Sash panes are valued per piece, and sashes per dozen squares. The manufacture of scagliola, or imitation marble, is a branch of the decorator^s business which is carried to very great perfection. Scagliola is made of plaster of paris and different earthy colours, which are mixed in a trough in a moist state, and blended together until the required effect is produced, when the composition is taken from the trough, laid on the plaster ground, and well worked together with a wooden beater and a small gauging trowel. When quite hard, it is smoothed, scraped, and polished, until it assumes the appearance of marble. Scagliola is valued at per foot superficial, according to the description of marble imitated and the execution of the work. PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. 71 Gilding is executed with leaf-gold, whicli is furnislied by the gold-beater in books of twenty-five leaves, each leaf measuring 3^ by 3 inches. The parts to be gilded are first prepared with a coat of gold-size, which is made of Oxford ochre and fat oil. The operations of the paper-hanger are so simple as to require little description. There are as great a variety of patterns as there are of prices, and the expense of hanging them is generally regulated by the value of the paper, as the most expensive papers require more time and attention than the plainer sorts. A piece of paper is twelve yards long, and is twenty inches wide when hung, and covers six feet superficial, hence the number of superficial feet that have to be covered divided by sixty, will give the number of pieces required for any description of work. 72 CHAPTER V. GEOMETRY. Haying in a cursory manner endeavoured to describe the principal tools and materials used in the erection of dwelling-houses, in which we have alluded to the neces- sity of the young artisan giving some attention to lineal drawing, we are now desirous of conveying our opinion [founded upon many years^ experience, both theoretically and pract ically ,) of its utility and import- ance j and in doing so, we may not probably assume too much, by stating that not any mechanic in the building department, or in fact in any other, can ever be efficient in his business unless he fully comprehends the application of scales and the elementary principles of geometry. Until late years there was not that attention paid to this art its general application and usefulness demanded, it being considered more an acquisition for the mathe- matician, artist, or amateur, than the mechanician, but the progress that has been made within the last half century in every branch of mechanical art has caused such praiseworthy and meritorious emulation to excel, and the inability to do so without an elementary know- ledge of theoretical information combined with prac- tical experience, not only stimulated the artisans and GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. 78 students who possessed sucli laudable ambition to apply themselves for the required information^ but also the Government^ under whose auspices there is now a number of schools opened, at merely a nominal expense , for the instruction of this important auxiliary to the various branchical arts of design and ornamentation. That geometrical drawing to the young mechanic may at first be considered a dry and useless study is admitted, but he must recollect that no one ever rose to eminence in any of the arts or sciences without per- severance and intense application, and although the study here particularly alluded to may be considered dry and disinteresting at first, it will be rewarded by the pleasure and confidence it gives to its possessor hereafter. It is a well-known fact that without a knowledge of scales and their application, and an elementary ac- quaintance with the principles of geometry, no one, however well-informed on other subjects, can convey the emanation of his mind for any practical mechanical purpose. He certainly may be enabled in a cursory manner to sketch out his ideas, but they cannot with any certainty be carried into practical execution, without they are geometrically delineated to a scale. Having thus expressed our Adews upon the usefulness and appli- cation of drawing, we will now endeavour to explain the paper in general use for drawing, and the particular use of such scale and mathematical instruments, as are essential for him to possess in the practice of his profession. E 74 DRAWING PAPER. A Table of the Dimensions of Dra wing-Paper.* Inches. Inches. Demy 20 by 154 174 m 22 23 234 26 27 31 48 Medium ....... 22J Royal 24 Super Royal 27^ Imperial 30 Elephant 28 Columbier ....... 35 Atlas 34 Double Elephant 40 Antiquarian . . . . . . . 53 Emperor 68 HINTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF DRAWING PAPER. The first thing to be done preparatory to the com- mencement of a drawing is the preparation of the paper, that is^ the stretching it evenly upon a drawing- board, the edges of the paper should first be cut straight, and as near as possible at right angles with each other. Also the sheet should be so much larger than the intended drawing and its margin, as to admit of beings afterwards cut from the board, leaving the border by which it is attached thereto, by glue or paste, as we shall next explain. The paper must be thoroughly and equally damped with a sponge and clean water on the opposite side from that on which the drawing is to be made. When the paper absorbs the water, which may be seen by the wetted side becoming dried, as its surface is viewed slant-ways against the light, it is to be laid on the drawing-board with the wetted side downwards * It is assumed that the student is fully acquainted with the use of the drawing-boards, T squares, set squares, and parallel rulers. DRAWING PAPER. 75 and placed so that the edges may be nearly parallel with those of the boards otherwise in using a T square an inconvenience may be experienced. This done, lay a straight-edge on the paper with edge parallel to and about half an inch from one of its edges. The straight- edge or ruler must now be held firm while the said projecting half-inch of paper is turned up along its edges^ then a piece of glue, having it partially dissolved by holding it over boiling water for a few seconds^ must be passed once or twice along the turned up edge of the paper; after which^ by sliding the ruler over the glued border^ it will again be laid flat^ and the ruler or straight-edge being pressed down upon it that edge of the paper will adhere to the board. If sufiicient glue has been applied the ruler may be removed directly, and the edge finally rubbed down by an ivory book-knife, or any clean polished substance at hand, which will then firmly cement the paper to the board. This done, another but adjoining edge of the paper must be acted upon in a like manjtier, and then the remaining edges in succession : we say the adjoining edges, because we have occasionally observed that when the opposite and parallel edges have been laid first, without continuing the process progressively round the board, a greater degree of care is required to prevent undulations in the paper as it dries. Sometimes strong paste is used instead of glue ; but as this takes a longer time to set, it is usual to wet the paper also on the upper surface to within an inch of the paste mark, care being taken not to rule or injure E 2 76 DRAWING PAPER. the surface in the process ; the wetting of the paper in either case is done for the purpose of expanding it, and the edges being fixed to the board in its enlarged state acts as stretcher upon the paper while it contracts in drying, which it should be allowed to do gradually. All creases or undulations by this means disappear from the surface of the paper, and it is a smooth plane to receive the drawing. In mounting paper upon canvas, the latter should be well stretched upon a smooth flat surface being damped for that purpose, and its edges glued down as was recommended in stretching drawing paper, then with a brush spread strong paste upon the canvas, beating it in until the grain of the canvas be all filled up ; for this, when dry, will prevent the canvas from shrinking when subsequently removed. Then, having cut the edges of the paper straight, paste one side of every sheet and lay them upon the canvas, sheet by sheet, overlapping each other a small quantity. If the drawing is strong it is best to let every ^heet lie five or six minutes after the paste is put on it, for as the paste soaks in, "the paper will stretch and may be better spread smooth upon the canvas, whereas, if it be laid on before the paste has moistened the paper, it will stretch afterwards and raise blisters when laid upon the canvas. The paper should not be cut oflP from its ex- tended position till thoroughly dry, which should not be hastened, but left in a dry room to do so gradually if time permit, if not, it may be exposed to the rays of the sun, unless in the winter season, when the assistance PENCILS, 77 of a fire is necessary, provided it is not placed too near a scorching heat. In joining two or more sheets of paper together by overlapping, it is necessary, in order to make a neat joint, to feather-edge each sheet, this is done by carefully cutting with a knife half-way through the paper near the edge and on the sides which are to overlap each other, then strip off a feather edge or slip from each, which, if done dexterously, will form a very neat and efficient joint when put together. The fol- lowing method of mounting and varnishing drawings or prints may be considered useful. Stretch a piece of linen on a frame, to which give a coat of isinglass or common size, paste the back of the drawing or print, which leave to soak and then lay it on the linen. When dry give it at least four coats of well-made isinglass size, allowing it to dry between each coat. Take Canada balsam diluted with the best oil of turpentine, and with a clean brush give it a full flowing coat. Pencils. In selecting black pencils for use, it may be remarked, that they ought not to be very soft nor so hard that their traces cannot be easily erased by the India rubber. Great care should be taken in the pencilling, that an accurate outline be drawn, the pencil marks should be distinct, yet not heavy, and the use of the rubber should be avoided as much as possible, for its frequent application ruffles the surface of the paper and will destroy the good effect of shading or colouring, if any is afterwards to be applied. 78 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. The Compasses, The compasses or dividers are instruments so well known ; tliat it would be superfluous to enter into an accurate description of them^ or of the various uses to which they may be applied. The best are constructed with joints of two different metals^ as steel and brass, whereby the wear is more equal, and the motion of the legs uniform and steady, and not subject to sudden jerks in opening or shutting; this motion will occasion- ally require some adjustment to render it uniformly smooth, and to move stiffer or easier at pleasure ; but so that they may keep steadily any position that may be given to them, the adjustment is performed by the application of a turn-screw to this axis of the joint. In the common compasses a simple screw forms the axis upon which the legs move, and may be turned with a screw driver of the ordinary construction ; but in the best made instruments a steel pin passes through the joints, having at one end a head of brass riveted fast upon it, and on the other end a similar plate is screwed, which is therefore a nut, on a diameter of which is drilled two rensall holes for the application of a lever of a particular description. The points of a well-made instrument should be of steel, so tempered as neither to be easily bent or blunted; not too fine and tapering, and yet meeting closely when the compasses are shut. As some of the COMPASSES, 79 numerous uses to which this instrument may be applied^ the following may be mentioned : — To take any extent or length between the points of the com- passes^ and to set it off or to apply it successively upon any line. To take any proposed line between the points, and by applying it to the proper scale, to find its length. To set off equal distances upon a given line, to describe circles, intersecting arcs, &c. To make an angle equal to any given angle ; to lay off an angle of a given quantity upon an arc of circle from the line of cords, &c. ; to construct any proposal in plotting, or drawing plans, &c., &c. The Hair Compasses. This instrument is represented in the adjoining ^ engraving, and is constructed in the same man- ner as those above described. The only differ- ence consists in a contrivance 5, whereby the lower point or half one shank, can be moved a very small quantity, either towards or from the other point which is useful when a distance is required to be taken with the utmost possible exactness. This contrivance consists of a fine spring and screw, by which, when the compasses are opened nearly to the required extent by the help of the screw 5, the points may be set to the I greatest precision, which cannot be done so well 1 by the motion of the joints alone. so COMPASSES. Compasses with moveable points. In the smaller and move portable cases of drawing instruments^ it is customary to insert a larger sized pair of compasses^ of which the point of half of one of the legs is never moveable^ to admit of adapting singly a pen or pencil^ or dotting points. The pen point is used for drawing circles or arcs with ink^ and is constructed like the drawing-pen which will be hereafter described ; the pencil point is alike adapted to hold a piece of black lead pencil or crayon for describing circles or arcs that are not to be permanent^ and the dotting point consists of two blades similar to those of the drawing pen, but rounded at the points^ between which revolves a small wheel with numerous points round its circumference resembling the rowel of a spur. The space between the blades being supplied with Indian ink^ and the wheels rolled upon paper^ as the compasses describe a circle or arc; each point as the wheel revolves will pass through the ink and transfer it to the paper beneath, making equi-distant dots in the circle which the com- passes describe. The moveable points have a joint in them just under that part which locks into the shank of the compasses, by which the part below the joint may be set perpen- dicular to the plane on which the lines are described when the compasses are open. An additional piece called a lengthening bar is frequently applied to these compasses, which by lengthening the moveable leg BOW COMPASSES. 81 enables them to strike larger circles^ or measure greater extents than they otherwise would perform. When this is applied^ the moveable part has a joint similar to those on the pen and pencil points, and for a similar purpose the annexed dia- gram represents this instru- ment and its appendages. A. The compasses with a moveable point at b ; c and J), the joints to set each point perpendicular to the paper ; e the pencil point ; F the pen point (this is represented with a dot- ting Avheel, the pen point, and the dotting point are similar in shape to each other) ; o the lengthening bar. iQ Bow Compasses. These are a small pair having a point either for ink or pencil. They are used to describe small arcs or circles, which they do more conveniently than large compasses, not only on account of the size, but also from the shape of their head, which rolls easily between the fingers and can be turned round as delicately as they require to be moved for drawing very minute circles. E 3 82 BOW COMPASSES. The adjoining figures represent the pencil bow as suited for describing arcs of different radii. r\ Fig. I. is a construction adapted for corresponding with the joint a in Fig. I. The spring of the two blades is then kept in obedience by an adjusting screw by which the two points may be set to any required degree of minuteness^ and very small circles may be described with a precision that could not be expected or scarcely attempted by the construction of Fig. I. The pen bows are represented in the annexed engrav- ing; their construction is similar to the pencil bows last described. In the pen point of Fig. I. there is a second joint just below letter a, by which; when the instrument is open for use, the pen may be set per- describing arcs of a radius inter- mediate between those described by the above-named compasses^ and those capable of being produced by the bows represented by Fig. II. In Fig. I. the pencil point and the centre point f, can be opened a considerable width by the joint a, whilst in the other construction, Fig. II., the corresponding points E and G are limited in their opening, the two blades carrying the points, being formed out of one solid piece of steel, and tempered so as to form a spring at the upper part TUBULAR COMPASSES. 83 pendicular^ or nearly so^ to the paper^ which is essential in the use of the drawing pen. This is a corresponding contrivance with that before^ as appli- cable to the compasses^ with moveable points. In Fig. II. b shows the spring blades carrying the points o and and the adjusting screw, to set these points to the required radius. Tubular Compasses. The engraving on the other side re- presents this admirable instrument. It may be used as an ordinary pair of com- passes, either with two fine points, a pen point, or a pencil point, and is capable of describing circles to any extent of radius from an eighth of an inch to fourteen inches and a-half, and with the advantage of reversing points which may be changed from pen to pencil, &c., without deranging the setting of the instrument when opened to any definite extent. A and B are the two principal legs of the instrument, consisting of tubes moveable about a very nicely con- structed joint at c. Within these are two sliding tubes E and D, which draw out their whole length, and are accurately fitted to the principal tubes a and b, so that they may be drawn out to their required extent with a smooth and steady motion, not subject to sudden stop- pages, or to move with equally sudden jerks, a proof of bad workmanship, but uniformly, and not too easy. 84i COMPASSES. To assist in this, their inner extremities are made to act as springs within tubes, wherein they slide, thus in- creasing their friction. The outward extremity of each of the sliding tubes e and D, terminates in a square headed joint, a and h ; upon these move the pieces c and which carry the point limbs of the compasses. The joints a and h in this instrument cor- respond with the joints c and d of the compasses, with move- able points as before described, and are used for a similar purpose, namely, to set the point limbs perpendicular to the paper, and consequently parallel to each other, at what- ever opening the legs of the compasses may be extended to. In our engraving, the two point limbs ^, A, and ^, to the two carrying pieces which are jointed to the tubes at a and 6, their pivots also give the means of inserting the position of the points ; that is to say, the limbs can be turned upon these pivots so as to make the points e and or / and li change places. By this simple and ingenious contrivance, the draftsman, after having used the two fine points e and for fixing PORTABLE COMPASSES. 85 with precision the opening of the compass to his required radius, may obtain a pencil point to describe a corresponding arc or circle^ by simply turning the pencil limbs h, f, round on its pivot d, which will cause the point of a pencil or crayon placed in the tube hy to change places with the fine point / of the compasses^ and as the pivot is (or ought to be) at right angles to a line connecting the points f, and of the pencil at h, the latter will exactly take the place of the former^ at the same extent or openings f. In like manner^ by turning the pen limb e, g, round its pivot Cy the pen point may be made to occupy the position of the fine point or whatever the compasses may have been set to in the first instance. The milled- head screw, represented at ky is for the purpose of fixing a pencil firmJy in its tube h; the screw i is for adjusting the blades of the pen-point g, between which the ink is inserted to any required degree of fineness, so as to produce a corresponding fine or coarse circular line. The joint by removing alto- gether the screw gives the means of opening the blades for the better cleansing them after use, and is the same as applied to most drawing pens. Portable or Turn-in Compasses. This forms in itself a complete portable case of draw- ing instruments, consisting of a large pair of compasses with moveable points, which are also so contrived that one forms in itself a small pencil bow and the other a pen bow ; and when the whole instrument is put toge- 86 PORTABLE COMPASSES. ther and folded up (or the points turned in, from whence is derived the name of turn-in compasses) they occupy but a space three inches long, and may be car- ried in the pocket without being an incumbrance. The annexed engraving represents the instrument when all its parts are together. The principal legs of the instrument are f and o^ moveable, as usual, by a joint at A. The lower joints, b and c, afford the means of set- ting the front limbs, d and e, perpendicular to the paper, as explained before when describing the last instrument. Each of the point limbs may be removed from the legs e and g, and by means of their joints b and c form perfect instruments — the one a pen bow, represented at h, and the other a pencil bow, shown at J K. The points of these lesser instruments are all SCREW DIVIDERS. 87 adapted to slide into the principal legs^ f and of the larger one, which are made hollow for their re- ception. A section of the limb f is shown at to convey to the reader a better idea of the arrangement. It may easily be seen from the engraving, that by reversing either of the points in the principal instru- ment,, as may be, leaving the other fine or plain point, E or D, to act as a centre. A sheath or case is some- times applied to insert the instrument for carriage. There are also various forms and arrangements of the parts occasionally given to the instrument to suit the fancies of individuals ; but the one we have described above will give the reader a correct notion of the general character of this class of instruments. Large Screw Dividers. ^ We have now to describe another class of compasses such as are used for accurately dividing lines, &c., into a definite number of equal parts, or for setting off equal distances. The first of these is the large screw divider represented in the adjoining figure ; a is the centre, about which the legs a c and a b open or shut ; B and c are joints by which the point limbs may be set perpendicular as usual. The extent or opening between the points is regulated by a screw passing through a socket, f, and terminated at the other extremity by a milled head, by which the screw is turned round. Between this milled head and the nearest point limb is fixed what is called a micrometer head, decimally divided round its outer or cylindrical 88 DTVIDERS. edge. One turn of the screw carries the micrometer head completely round ; therefore^ when part of a turn only is given to the screw_, the divisions on the head show what fraction of a turn has been given, and if it be known what number of turns or threads of the screw are equal to one inch, the points of these com- passes may be thus set to aity small definite measure of length with the utmost precision. The index or zero for reading the fraction of a turn of the screw is marked on the point limb below b : thus this instru- ment may be considered as a beam compass of small dimensions and minute accuracy. Spring Dividers, This instrument^ represented in the accompanying diagram^ is particularly useful for repeating divisions of a small but equal extent — a practice that has the COMPASSES. 89 name of stepping^ for which a small pair of hair compasses would also be found useful when fj the head is constructed as shown in the adjoin- ing figure, or similar to that of the bow compass before described, and for reasons before stated. The upper part forming the handle is composed of brass or silver, whilst the lower part from a towards the points is made of one piece of steel of a spring temper, whereby the two points are always endeavouring to recede from each other, or open by their elasticity, which is counter- acted by the adjusting screw b, by which it may be set to the required opening. This acts in the same manner as the micrometer screw, described as belonging to instruments before explained, but with this difference — that it has not the means of pointing out the measure of the material, or extent between the fine points of the compasses, which must therefore be taken from a suitable scale. Wholes and Halves. Having explained the general construction of the most approved instruments of the smaller kind for describing circles and dividing lines, we come now to allude to those employed in copying and reducing drawings. And first of the instrument represented in the annexed engraving, which is the simplest form of proportional compasses, and capable of reducing or en- larging in one proportion only — namely, one-half, from whence its name of wholes and halves is derived. 90 COMPASSES. The points a and e are one piece of metal : likewise the points b and n are at the extre- mities of another piece of metal, and straight lines connecting these points pass through the centre, c. The legs of the instrument are connected together by a joint of the usual form at c, placed one- third of the whole length from one extre- mity : consequently, whatever may be the extent of the opening of the points a and b, it will always be double the extent of the opening of the other two points, n and e. Therefore, if the whole length of any line be taken between the opening of the two |/ M former points, the interval between the two j| I latter points will be exactly one-half the [ B A . length of the same line ; consequently, this instrument affords the readiest means of dividing a line into two equal parts, or vice versa. Its usefulness in dividing lines does not rest here ; for, if the original line has to be di\ided into any number of parts — 2, 4, 6, 8, &c., by constantly taking the half of the half in the same manner as taking the half of the original line in the first instance, the requisite number of sub- * divisions may be obtained. Proportional Compasses, This instrument is a very useful and necessary ap- pendage to a case of drawing instruments, and although rather expensive in its original cost, it very soon repays PROPORTIONAL COMPASSES. 91 its owner in saving both time and trouble. The pro- portional compasses consist of two equal and similarly- formed parts or limbs, a e and b d [see the accompanying engraving)^ which are repre- sented as opening upon a centre and forming a double pair of compasses or points, A E D. When shut up, the two limbs ap- pear as one, and a small stud fixed on one fits into a notch made in the other, and re- tains the instrument exactly in its closed position, the two points also at each ex- tremity then coincide and become as one point. When thus closed the dove-tailed slits shown in the engraving as made in each limb, both equal and similar, also coincide and appear as one slit, and in this position only can the adjustment be made for any required proportion ; that is to say, the instrument must always be closed in order to slide and fix the centre c in its proper place, and the opening of the small points e d at the other extremity. The centre consists of pivot or steel pin which passes through dove-tailed pieces of brass, nicely fitted to slide in the before-named slits, and also through a circular nut or collar on each face which answers the double purpose of keeping the dove-tailed pieces of brass in their slits, and also firmly clamping them together by means of the milled head, c, when they are moved to the position required for the centre to occupy ; on the 92 PROPORTIONS. dove-tailed pieces a line is drawn for the zero to set the centre by^ which in our engraving is represented as coinciding with the division on the limb marked 2^ and nearly with the one marked 12. On the face of each limb there are two sets of division, one denominated lines, a second circles, a third planes, and the fourth solids. When the zero of the centre on the dove- tailed sliding-piece is set to the division marked 1, on the line of lines, then the proportion between any opening of the large points a b, will be two to one, or twice as great as the opening of the smaller points d e, and consequently any extent taken between the large points may be accurately divided into two parts by the smaller ones. Also when the zero is set to the division marked 3, on the same lines, the proportion of any opening will be three to one, or that of the smaller points will be one-third of the extent of the larger points, and the same of the remaining divisions on the line which extend to ten of the line marked circles^' on the opposite edge of the same face of the instrument ; the divisions are numbered from 6 to 20, and the index of zero being set to any number, the points will open in the proportion of the radius of a circle to the side of an inscribed polygon of that number of sides. Thus if it be set to the division marked 8, and the points A B are opened to the radius of any circle, the opening of the smaller points n e, will divide the cir- cumference into eight equal parts. The other lines of divisions, namely, those marked planes and ^^solids,^^ are on the other face of the instru- PROPORTIONS, 93 ment^ these are in fact lines of square aad cube roots. The line of planes'^ or squares^ ^ shows the proportion between the areas of similar plane figures. Thus, set the zero to the division marked 3, and measure the side of the square in the large points a the opening of the short ones, n e, will then be equal to the side of a square, which will be one-third the area of the other. The same of triangles, circles, or any other regular plane figure. To find the square root of a given number, shut the compasses and set the zero to the number given upon the line of planes, open the instrument, and from any scale of equal parts take the number between the larger points A B, then apply the smaller points n e, to the same scale, and the distance between them wdll be equal to the square root of the distance between the points of the larger legs a b. The mean proportional between two given numbers is the square root of their product, and may be found by the proportional com- passes ; thus, required the mean proportional between 2 and 4^ : — Open the compasses with the zero or index set against 9, the product of two given numbers, till the distance between the larger is equal to 9, taken from some scale of equal parts, then the distance between the. smaller points will be equal to 3 of the same scale, and is the mean proportional between 2 and 4|, for as 2 : 3 : : 3 : 41. The line of " solids expresses the proportions between cubes or spheres. Thus, set the zero to the division marked 2 on the line of solids, then measure TRIANGULAR COMPASSES. the diameter of any sphere^ or the side of a cube which will have one half the solid content of the former. In like manner by. setting zero to the divisions marked 3, 4, &c.; the interval between the larger and smaller points of the instrument will show respectively the diameters^ &c.; of spheres^ of which one shall have three or four times the solid of the other. Also the cube root of any number may be found by setting zero upon the given number upon the line of solids^ &c.; as described for obtaining square root by means of the line of planes ; proportional compasses of the best construction are sometimes made with a clamp and tangent screw for setting the zero with the utmost precision^ this however is seldom used, and the instru- ment we have described is the kind in general requi- sition. Triangular Compasses, The adjoining figure represents this instrument as it appears when closed up for packing in its case. That which appears in the engraving as one limb, A, consists of a pair of compasses precisely of the ordinary construction ; the single point limb b, has a compass joint at a, by which its points may be opened at right angles to the plane of the pair of compasses a, when the three points will form a triangle. The com- pass point at a is firmly attached to the centre of the compasses a, which^ by means of a nut or screw b, may be turned round without moving the limbs^ of which it is the centre. The double motion thus given to TRIANGULAR COMPASSES. 95 the point limb b (both right angles to^ and parallel to the plane of the compasses a)^ par- take of the nature of an universal joint, and enables the three points of the instru- ment to be placed at the angular points of any shaped triangle whatever, be it ever so obtuse. AlsO; by the same means, the three points may be brought into one straight line. This instrument, it will be obvious from the description, is chiefly useful in transferring points from one paper to another, and is very serviceable in copying mechanical drawings. The two points of the compasses a being set upon such points of the drawing as are already copied ; the third point, B, of the instrument may be moved by its universal joint, a b, to rest upon any other point, and then by similarly applying the points of a to the corresponding points on the copy, the new point of the original may be correctly trans- ferred to it by means of the limb of the instrument b. Another form of triangular compasses is represented in the annexed engrav- ing, a, 6, c, is a solid tripod, having at the extremity of each arm a limb Cy dj and e, moving freely upon centres by which they may be placed in any position with respect to the tripod and each other. These limbs carry points at right angles to the plane of the instrument, which may be brought to coincide 96 BEAM COMPASSES. with iiny three given points on the original drawing, and then transferred to the copy as above described. Seam Compasses, The accompanying diagram represents this instru- ment which consists of a beam a a^ of any length required^ generally made of well- seasoned mahogany upon its face ; is inlaid, throughout its whole length, a slip of holly or box-wood a^ a, upon which are engraved the divisions or scales, either feet and decimals, or inches and decimals, or whatever particular scale may be required ; those made for use of the persons engaged on the ordnance survey of Ireland, were divided to a scale of chains, 80 of which being equal to six inches, which therefore represented one mile, that being the scale to which the survey is being plotted. Two brass boxes b, and c, are adapted to the beam ; the latter may be moved by sliding to any part of its length, and fixed in position by tightening the clamp screw e. Connected with the brass boxes are the two points of the instrument g and h, which may have any extent of opening by sliding the box c along the beam, and the other box b being firmly fixed at COMPASSES. 97 one extremity. The object to be attained in the use of this instrument is the nice adjustment of the points G and H to any distance apart ; this is accomplished by two verniers or reading plates, b Cy each fixed at the side of an opening in the brass boxes to which they are attached, and afi'ord the means of minutely sub- dividing the principal divisions a a on the beam which appear through those openings ; n is a clamp screw for a similar purpose as the screw e, namely, to fix the box B and prevent motion in the point it carries after adjustment to position; r is a slow-motion screw by which the point o may be moved any very minute quantity, for perfecting the setting of the instrument after it has been otherwise set as nearly as possible by the hand alone. The method of setting the instrument for use may be understood from the above description of its parts, and also by the following explanation of the method of examining and correcting the adjustment of the vernier 6, which, like all other mechanical adjustments, will occasionally get deranged ; this verification must be done by means of a detached scale. Thus, suppose for example that our beam compass is divided into feet, inches, and tenths, and sub-divided by the vernier to hundredths, &c. First set the zero division of the vernier to the zero of the principal divisions on the beam, by means of the slow-motion screw r. This must be done very accurately. Then slide the box c with its point G, till the zero on the vernier c exactly coincides with any principal division on the beam, as 12 inches or 6 98 INSTRUMEMS. inches^ &c.; which must also be done to a great nicety, {in some superior kind of beam-compasses , the box c is also furnished ivith a tangent or slow-motion screw, by which the setting of the ])oints or the divisions may be done with the utmost precision in the same manner as the vernier h, by means of the screw f,) then apply the points to a similar detached scale, and if the adjustment is perfect the interval of the points g h will measure on it the distance to which they were set on the beam. If they do not by ever so small a quantity, it should be corrected by turning the screw r till the joints exactly measure that quantity on the detached scale ; then, by loosening the little screws which confine the vernier b in its place^ the position of the vernier may be gradually changed till its zero coincides with the zero on the beam, and then tightening the screws again the adjustment will be complete. Knife, File, Key, and Screw-driver, The annexed engraving represents a very useful ap- pendage to a case of drawing instruments^ its use will be too apparent to need much description, a is the knife blade, b the file, c the screw-driver, and d the key, which is adapted to fit the heads of the compasses for tightening or loosening them as may be required. INSTRUMENTS. 99 Drawing Pens, These are made as represented in the accompanying engraving. The left-hand figure shows the form of the best kind, the handle is of ivory, and the blades have a joint whereby they may be opened for the purpose of more efiPectually cleaning them after use. The right-hand figure, which is in two parts, shows an older form of con- struction, the part a, to which is attached a pricker or protracting pin, screws into the part marked b, making the handle of sufficient length to use convenieatly as a drawing pen, thus combining two instru- ments in one. The milled head screw, which is repre- sented as connecting the blades together, is for the purpose of setting their points at any opening to draw a line of an assigned thickness. In using the pen, it should be slightly inclined in the direction of the line to be drawn, taking care, however, that the edges of both the blades touch the paper. These observations are equally applicable to the pen point of the compasses before described, observing, as before stated, that whenever a circle or an arc of more than about an inch radius is to be described, the point should be so bent that the blades of the pen be nearly perpendicular to the paper, and both of them touched at the same time. F 2 100 INSTRUMENTS. The Road Pen. This instrument consists of two pens, a and so arranged with a spring which gives them a ^ tendency to separate from each other to the extent of about half-an-inch, which tendency is counteracted by a screw, c, whereby the pen- points may be set to any required interval within the above limits. The screws a and b are for the purpose of setting the points of the blade to draw lines of any assigned degree of fineness, as before explained for the ordinary drawing pen. The use of this instrument is to draw two lines parallel and close to each other at the same time, whereby perfect parallelism may be secured. It is usually known by the p name of the Road Pen, having been originally designed to draw lines of roads upon maps, both sides being drawn at the same time. Por such purposes it is very convenient, as one side or fence may be drawn wdth a stronger line than the other, which is frequently done on general maps as a distinguishing mark for principal or turnpike-roads, &c. In like manner it is useful in drawing lines of canals, where bounding lines are generally more nearly parallel than on public roads ; besides which, it may be suc- cessfully used in mechanical and architectural draw- ings, where extremely close parallel lines are very frequently required. INSTRUMENTS. 101 The Dotting Point. The great expense of time in dotting by hand such lines upon a drawing as may be essential to be shown and not drawn in full^ may be obviated ^ by the use of this instrument. It in all respects resembles a drawing-pen^ except that the points are not so sharp, and the back blade, as seen in the engraving, is a pivot on which may be placed a dotting-wheel, a, resembling the rowel of a spur ; the screw, b, is for opening the blades to remove the wheel for cleaning after use, or re- placing it with one of another character of dot. The cap, c, at the upper end of the instrument, is a box containing a variety of dotting wheels, each producing a different shaped dot. These are used as distinguishing marks for different ^ classes of boundaries on maps ; for instance, one kind of dot distinguishes county boundaries, another kind parish boundaries ; a third kind distinguishes that which is both a county and a parish boundary. In using this instrument, the ink must be inserted between the blades of the dotting wheel, so that as the wheel revolves the points shall pass through the ink, each carrying with it a drop and marking the paper as it passes. It is sometimes stated as an objec- tion, that the wheel will often revolve many times before it begins to deposit its ink on the drawing, thereby leaving the first part of the line altogether blank, and in attempting to go over it again, the made dots are 102 INSTRUMENTS. liable to get blotted ; at all events^ the line is likely to consist of dots of diflerent sizes^ which is at least unsightly. This evil may be mostly remedied by placing a piece of blank paper over the drawing at the very point the dotted line is commenced upon ; then begin with drawing the wheel over the blank paper firsts so that by the time it will have arrived at the proper point of commencement^ the ink may be expected to flow over the points of the w^heel, and make the dotted line perfect^ as required. The Pricking or Tracing Point. This instrument consists of a pair of forceps^ which firmly hold a needle pointy or blunt pointy a, by means of a sliding ring, h* Its use^ which scarcely needs pointing out, is chiefly in copying drawings, the original being laid upon paper in- tended to receive the copy, and held down by w eights or pins to prevent its shifting its position. The principal points are transferred to the copy by pricking through the original with a very fine needle. This method of copying cannot be resorted to when the original is of considerable value. When such is the case, a common method of copying is by placing between the drawing and the intended copy a sheet of thin paper [such for instance as bank post paper), one face of which has been sprinkled with black lead and rubbed until it be uniformly covered, and then as much wiped off* as would come away with gentle rubbing. This being placed DRAWING PINS. 103 with the blackened part towards the intended copy^ a bkmt point substituted for the needle point in the instrument may be drawn with gentle pressure over the lines of the original without damaging it, and the blackened paper will leave corresponding lines on the fair sheet beneath ; by reversing the needle in the instru- ment, leaving the eye end instead of the point exposed, and using it edgeways, it will be found a fine and smooth tracer. These require but little explanation. They are used to fix paper down upon a drawing or other board in any required position, and in most cases answer better than heavy weights, which are frequently ..^-^^^ /?^^ may be shifted from place to place ^-^—^ without moving the paper. They consist of a brass head with a steel point at right angles to its plane, a represents it as seen edgeways, and e as seen from above. Drawing Pins, used for that purpose, as the board 104 ERECTION OF DWELLING-HOUSE!? Specification of the different Artificers^ Work required for the erection of two houses proposed to be erected on a plot of ground J situate for according with, and corresponding to the various drawings, comprising plans, elevations, sections, and details, made and combined with this specification for the purpose of such erection, and under the superintendence of CARCASS OF BUILDING. EXCAVATOR. The ground is to be excavated to the wliole of tlic extent of the principal building for the basement storey, and to the depth and dimensions shown, and described on the plans and section plates S and 3, which will average an area of about 50 feet by 50 feet, and 5 feet deep; and the trenches then to be dug out of sufficient breadth and depth for the construction of the founda- tions of the several walls, chimney breasts, piers for sleepers, Sec. To excavate when and where directed, according to the dimensions, the earth required for the formation of the rain-water tank, being about 11 feet long, 8 feet deep, and 8 feet wide, as well as for all pipes, drains, traps, syphons, or cesspools, that are, or may be hereafter, described or necessary. SPECIFICATION. 105 To fill in and well ram the earth or soil round all the foundations, piers, traps, gullies, syphons, &c., and to well puddle round and about the rain-water tank, suffi- cient to prevent the ingress or egress of water. To level all grounds and to cart away from time to time, as may be directed, all the superfluous earth or rubbish that accumulates round or in the buildings or grounds during their erection, and to leave them in a clean and perfect condition at the conclusion of the works. BRICKLAYER. Drains, Provide and lay six-inch glazed earthenware socket- jointed pipes, for conveying soil and waste-water into principal drain or sewer, in the position and to the depth shown on the block-plan and section, Plate III., with a fall of not less than 6 inches to every 100 feet, and to fix and make perfect and secure. No. 8 15 inch earthenware gully-traps, and No. 4 syphons of the best and most approved description. To lay a 6-inch similar connecting pipe from principal and servants^ water- closets, as well as 4-incli glazed pipes, from sink in back kitchens and front areas into the above named or principal drain, with all necessary bends, traps, &c., to render the drainage perfect. Build in 9-inch sound stock brickwork, the rain-water tank, and complete the same in the manner shown and described, and to the dimensions exemplified on Plate XIV., viz : The walls all round to be built in 9-inch brickwork in cement, P 3 106 BUILDING. and the bottom to be paved with two course of bricks laid flat in the same material^ upon which are to be two courses of tiles bedded in cement^ and the whole to be rendered all round with compo 1^ inch thick^ and all the external portion to be well puddled. To lay and lix complete 4 inch glazed earthenware socket-pipes^ from the zinc down-comers of roofs into the said tank, and a 6 inch waste ditto into the principal drain or soil pipe, with all necessary bends, neck, or traps, that may be requisite for the full completion of the conveyance of the water to and from the tank and the drainage. Building. The whole of the brickwork to be executed with sound hard-burnt stock bricks laid in well-made mortar, composed of Dorking lime (or any other that approxi- mates to the same quality), mixed in the proportion of one measure of lime to three of clean sharp river or road sand, free from loam or earthy particles. The whole of the external walls of the erection as high as the ground-floor line to be laid in old English bond and left rough for receiving Eoman cement stucco, and from thence to the top of the building, to be carried up in Flemish bond and prepared and left for tuck pointing. No four courses in either bond to rise more than 12 inches in height, and all the several walls, chimney-breasts, piers, &c., with their various footings, to be built and finished in the manner and according to the dimensions shown and described upon the ac- companying plates. FOUNDATIONS. 107 All openings below the ground-floor line to have rough skue-back arches turned over them, and all above^ both to front and back elevation, to have 14- inch arches of the best picked malms rubbed and set in putty. The foundations to be laid in three courses, and the piers for sleepers to be built 9 inches square, as shown and described on Plate XV. To provide and lay a course of slates between two beds of cement on all the walls at the level of the ground surface of the principal building to prevent the rising of the damp. Each storey of the feuilding to have two double tiers of hoop-iron bonds, of No. 12 gauge, properly tarred and bedded round and across all the walls of the building. To build up the bay-windows and porches to entrance- hall in cement, and according with the manner and dimensions shown and described on Plates XXII. and XXIII. No. 6 ail' bricks to be inserted between the floor joists of each storey in front, and the same number in the back elevations, for allowing ventilation to the floors. To turn over all door and window openings dis- charging arches closely set, and to each fire-place a 4J inch brick trimmer, and insert a wrought-iron chimney-* bar 2 inches wide by f of an inch thick, as shown on Plate XVII., to all the chimney openings ; the bars to have 4J inch bearing and to be turned up and down at the ends. Carry up all the flues as shown on section^ and in the 108 FOUNDATIONS. direction thereon described, and to properly core and parget the same. To thoroughly bed in mortar all the sleepers, wall- plates, wood, bricks, bond-timber, lintels, and all others requiring to be set or bedded in mortar, and to fix in and point with lime and hair all the door and window frames. A chasm in the brickwork of each house to be left where directed, from the ground to the principal water- closet, for soil and water-pipes. Kitchen Offices, The walls of these buildings to have two courses of footings, and carried up to their various heights one brick or 9 inches thick, and the flues to be taken, as shown on the section one tier of iron hoop bond similar to that described for the principal building, to be inserted all round the party and external walls. A 6-inch glaze earthenware soil pipe to be laid from servants^ water-closet into principal or main drain, and a 4-inch ditto from sink in back -kitchen into waste- drain, properly trapped and in connection with waste or soil-pipe of the above named closet. To carry up 4 J inch division or protection walls be- tween water-closet, coal-cellar, and back-kitchen. Also to 9-inch spandril brickwork, with necessary footings for the support of steps from ground-floor to garden. BASEMENT. 109 CARPENTER. All tlie timber used {except for the sleepers) to be tlie best Dantzic, Higa, or Memel fir. The sleepers to be of well seasoned oakj as free from knots^ shakes^ and sap as possible, and all tbe scantlings figured on the drawings or herein expressed to finish to their full dimensions. No ceiling joists^ quarters, or rafters are to be more than 12 inches apart. To provide and fix. all wood, bricks where and when required, as well as all necessary centres, screens, springing slips, and all othenfe articles necessary for the due execution of the carpenter^s work. BASEMENT STOREY. The sleepers to be of oak 5x3 inches, halved and spiked together, and bedded level and soundly on the brick piers, as shown and described on Plate XV. The floor joists to be 4x2 inches, bridged and well nailed to sleepers. Wood bricks to be inserted where requisite in jambs of doors, windows, &c., as well as round the walls for fixing the skirting and other joiner's work to. Lintels to be inserted over all the door and window- openings, 3 inches thick, and the width of the jamb ; and to have at least a 4-inch bearing on each jamb. 110 GROUND FLOOR. Ground Floor. Wall-plates 4-^ x 3 inches to be inserted the whole length of front and back walls^ to be halved and dove- tailed at the angles of the two external flank waUs, and return upon the same not less than 6 feet, to form a connecting bond with the front and back walls of the building. A wall-plate of the same scantling to be also inserted upon the top of the wall dividing break- fast room from kitchens. The floor-joists to be 9x2 inches^ and to extend from front to back wall of building and over-bay window, and to be bolted^and spiked to the wall-plates. The joists to be herring-bone trussed, and to have on the floors of each house No. 3, 1-inch wrought iron tension-rods inserted, as shown and described, with the trimmers on Plate XIX. It must be distinctly un- derstood that before the herring-bone trussing and iron tension-rods are applied, the joists on each floor must be shored up in the centre to form a camber of at least 2\ inches, when, after the trussing is filled in, and the above-mentioned rods screwed up, the shoring may be taken away. The wood trimmers before and on the sides of chim- ney-breasts to be framed and supported as shown and described on Plate XVI. It may, perhaps, be- as well to state, that they are framed at one end into the front one, and rest upon a stone corbel inserted purposely for their support at the other; and after being properly applied to their places^ are secured by CHAMBER FLOOR. Ill an iron bar being well spiked to the end of each end trimmer. The trimmers for well-hole of stairs to be of the same scantling, and supported from the flank walls in a similar manner. Lintels, bond, wood, bricks, and every other requisite to be inserted as before described for the basement floor. First or Chamber Floor, The wall-plates to be 4^ x 3 inches, and to extend the whole length of front and back walls of building, to be halved and dovetailed and well spiked at the angles, and to return upon the flank walls, not less than 6 feet, to form a connecting bond at the angles. The floor joists to be 9 x 3 inches, and to extend from front to back and over bay windows^ and to be notched and spiked to wall-plates. The joists to be herring-bone trussed, and wound up with wrought iron tension rods, as shown and described for the ground floor below. Also, the trimmers to be framed, fixed, and sup- ported in a similar manner ; at the same time pro- viding and fixing all necessary centres, bond, wood, bricks, and every other requisite. Attic, The wall- plates of this floor to be of the same scant- ling, and to be fixed on the walls in a similar manner, to that above described for the two floors below. The 113 DETAILS. floor joists to be also 9x2 inches^ and fixed, herring-bone trussed ^vitli the iron rods applied in a like manner to those before described^ as also the trimmers ; with all the necessary auxiliaries alluded to for the before-named floors. Quarter -partitions. The partitions to be framed and fixed in the manner shown and described on the Plates XXIV. and XXV. ^ and the floor joists notched and secured to the heads or sills thereof (as the case may be), which heads and sills are to rest on a stone corbel inserted in the party wall for that purpose, and connected together oy iron straps, as shown and described at fig. 3, Plate XXV. The scantlings to be of the following dimensions, viz. : — heads and sills, 7x3 inches; side and door posts, 4 X 3 J inches; braces, 3|x3J inches; filling in quar- ters, 3 J X 2 inches ; with all necessary bolts, ties, straps, &c., fix^d complete. Ciste^ms, A cistern to be framed and fixed in the roof over water-closet, and put together with white lead, as shown and described in Plate XXIV., figs. 4 and 5, and to be of the following dimensions, viz. : — 8 feet long, G feet wide, and 3 feet deep; the quarterings of the heads, sills, sides, and bottom, to be 3 x 3 inches, framed and put together in the usual manner, with 1 J by \ thick iron ties at all the angles, properly spiked ROOF. 113 thereto; the whole to be lined with 1| inch ploughed and tongued yellow deal boarding. A smaller cistern also to be prepared and fixed imme- diately under the one above described, but just above the water-closet, upon the quarter space of stairs be- tween the ground and chamber floors ; the size of which is to be 2 feet 6 inches long, 1 foot 6 inches wide, and 1 foot 6 inches deep — to be prepared from 1^ inch yel- low deal, ploughed, tongued, dove-tailed, and strapped in the usual manner. Roof to principal Building, The roof to be framed and fixed with wall-plates, tie- beams, queen and king posts, principal rafters, half principal ditto, pole plates, purlins, common rafters, diagonal ties, slips, ridges, &c., as shown and described on Plates XX. and XXI., and with the accompanying explanation, viz. : — Two whole pair of principal rafters to be framed and fixed at the intersection of the hips, and eight half principal rafters in the position shown on plan of roof to be framed into them ; the wall plates to be properly scarfed and wedged together with oak or iron wedges, and to be halved, dove-tailed, and well spiked at the angles, so that it may form and be a con- tinuous bond all round the external walls of the build- ing; the tie-beam and angular ties to be properly cogged down upon the wall-plate ; the principal rafters and half principal rafters to be framed with the neces- sary draft, and in the usual manner, with all the requi- site iron bolts, clips, straps, wedges, &c., fixed thereon ; 114 DETAILS. the pole plates to be scarfed and wedged together, and tenoned and fixed at the angles, so that it may make a continuous tie to the roof, in the same manner the wall-plate does to the walls, and the purlins to be scarfed where required, and fixed to hips in the usual way — and to be bridged down upon principal rafters ; the hip rafter to be framed into the dragging tie, and the common rafters to be notched on to purlins and pole plate. The ridge board and hip rafters to rise full 2 inches above the top or line of common rafters for dressing the lead round. The scantlings of the timbers for this roof are to be as follows : — The plate for fixing brackets to . . . . 4^ by 3| Wall-plate 4^ 4* Cantilevers, to be Lalved and nailed to feet of 4 „ 2 i) „ 4 7 „ 4 Pole plate and purlins . . . . . . 7 „ 4 4 „ 2 Queen and kingposts in clear of joggle.^ . . . 4 4 „ 3 2 Diagonal and dragging ties 44 „ 2 „ 3 4 7 „ 3 To prepare and fix to collar pieces of roof ceiling joists H 2 And to fix, as shown in Plate XX., all canting fillets, facia. as may be required, to their various sizes, &c. Kitchen Offices. To prepare and fix in jambs and other places re- quired, and where directed w^ood bricks for fixing and DETAILS. 115 completiug the joiner^s work^ and to prepare and bed lintels over all door and window openings ; the width of the jambs 3i inches thick^ and to lay 4^ inches on each jamb. The servants^ privy to have a wall-plate ii x 3 inches inserted, and to have floor x 2 inches notched thereon, and trimmed for pan of closet. The roofs over these buildings to be plain lean-to roofs, each declining from the party-wall, and to the same inclination, as that of the principal building, and to comprise a loall-plate, tie-beam, principal rafter, forming common rafter' as well, a purlin supported by a strut from the tie-beam, and ?i pole plate ; the whole to be battened for receiving slates, &c. The scantlings for these offices are to be of the follow- ing dimensions, namely : — Wall-plates, 4 J x 3 inches ; tie-beams 8x4 inches ; pole plate, 4 J x 3 inches; principal rafter, 8x3 inches ; common rafters, 3 J x 2 inches ; ridge-board, 6 x li inches ; and battens for slates, 2 x f inches. Two cisterns to be prepared and fixed in roofs over the sinks for receiving the water from the service and the rain-water tank; these cisterns are to be 4 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 2 feet 6 inches deep, and framed with skeleton angular framing ; that is, to have a head and sill all round with quartering, at all the angles similar to that described for the cistern in principal roof, with one upright in the middle, and a corresponding piece across the bottom, the whole to be lined with 1 J inch yellow deal, ploughed, tongued, and put together with 116 IRON WORK. white lead. A partition in eacli cistern prepared in the same manner, from one inch yellow deal, to be inserted and grooved into sides and bottom. To provide and fix when and where directed, all centres, bond, timber, wood, bricks, springing pieces, &c., and set ont all necessary work, and to do or cause to be done all and everything that is required of a carpenter in a building, providing all materials, the best of their respective qualities, and all requisite plant for the full completion of the M^ork. SMITH AND IRON-FOUNDER. All the iron work, except that particularly described to be cast, to be of the best malleable metal, as free from blister or any other imperfections as possible. To prepare, deliver, and assist in fixing No. 1 6 wrought iron chimney bars, of the dimensions of the opening shown on the various drawings, and of the form and manner described in the detailed plates, each bar to be 2 inches wide, and fth of an inch thick, to have a 4J bearing on each joint, and to turn up and down 2J inches at each end. To prepare and deliver No. 8 iron straps, 2 feet 6 inches long, 2J inches wide, and J thick, punched with holes for the necessary spikes, &c., for tieing heads and sills of partitions together, and as shown on Plate XXIV. fig. 2, prepare No. 6 iron clips for partition posts, 2 feet long, 3 J clip, 2 inches wide, and \ inch thick. To prepare, provide, and assist in fixing, No. 18, one inch wrought iron tension rods, to extend from front IRON WORK. 117 to back walls of the building, three of which are to be fixed in each floor of each house of the building, with 2-inch head, one inch thick at one end, and taped up at the other end at least four inches, with a nut of the same size as the head, with a pair of washers to each rod, 6 inches by 3 and J of an inch thick. See Plate XIX. To prepare and deliver No. 12 iron clips for feet of principal rafter as shown on Plate XXI., fig. 1, 18 inches long, 4 inches clip, 2 inches wide, and |-inch thick, pierced for the necessary spikes, &c. ; No. 4 clips for foot of queen posts, figs. 3 and 4, 2 feet long, 4-inch clip, 2 inches wide, &c., ^ inch thick, with mortice for wedges, I J inches deep, and f thick, and a pair of corresponding wedges to each clip. No. 4 pairs of iron straps to fix on to the heads of queen posts, stretching piece and head of principal rafter, made to the form shown on the same plate, 2 feet 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, \ inch thick, pierced for the requisite spike, &c. No. 4, I inch bolts for king posts, 2 feet long, taped down 3J inches, with 2 heads and washers, 4 inches by 3, and \ of an inch thick. No. 8, clip similar to those described for the whole principal rafters, to be provided for the half principal rafter. No. 8 clips also to be provided for the heads of the same, 1 foot 6 inches long ; clip 4 inches by 2 inches wide, and J inch thick, with all necessary spikes, nails, wedges, &c., for making the work complete. To provide and fix No. 8 angular irons to top and 118 MASONRY. sill of cistern in roof, 1 foot 6 inches upon each return, 2 inches wide, and 1-inch thick ; and also No. 8 for the two smaller cisterns, 1 foot long, 1^-inch wide, and j^^-inch thick. STONE MASON. To put to all the external doorways Yorkshire stone solid tooled steps, with mortice holes for receiving the ends of door-posts. To provide and fix No. 8 properly dished and holed gully stones, 15 inches square and 3 inches thick, when and where directed ; as also a 5-inch York landing, 10 feet long by 7 feet wide, or two stones to correspond to the same dimensions over the rain-water tank, with every preparation of receiving the slate filter, as shown on Plate XIV. To prepare and bed No. 20 Yorkshire stones, 1 foot 3 inches square and 1 foot 4 inches deep, for receiving trimmers to floors and heads and sills of partitions, tooled as shown on Plate XXIV. To prepare and fix 100 feet run of York throated coping, 12 X 3, to area of front and back elevations, and to kitchen offices ; also, 36 feet run of rough York, 1 foot 4 inches by 4 inches thick, to form core for the cornices of entrance porches and bay windows. To prepare, provide, and fix tooled, rubbed, and throated window sills, 8 inches wide and 4i inches thick, properly dished, to all openings of windows in front and back elevations and kitchen offices, according to the dimensions shown on the various drawings. PLUMBING. 119 To prepare and fix to the porches of entrance doors a 6 -inch tooled and rubbed landings with steps leading thereto, 12 inches by 6 inches, bedded to brick span- drils, as shown on Plate XXIII. Also, to fix a tooled landing 7 inches thick to the back or garden entrance, and the steps from thence to the garden, which are to be 2j inch tooled treads and risers securely bedded on brick spandrils carried up for that purpose. To provide and fix in back kitchen a stone sink, to size shown on plan and 6 inches deep, with a hole cut and dished to receive bell trap and waste water pipe. To cut on the stonework all necessary holes, mor- tices, rebates, grooves, as required, and all other work pertaining to the trade of a mason. PLUJilBER. All the slips and ridges of principal roof to be covered with 6 lb. milled lead, and to be laid down over the slate at least 6 inches on each side with the usual lap, and secured in the most approved manner. The dormer lights to attics to be also covered with 6 lb. lead, and the vertical sides of each with 5 lb. lead. All the flashings for this roof, as well as that over kitchen office, to be of 5 lb. lead, and to dress over the slates and up the side at least G inches, and where requisite to be let into the brickwork at least 1 inch, wdth all necessary solder, holdfast screws, nails, &c., with every other requisite for making the internal roofs impervious to wet, from rain, snow, or other causes. 120 ROOFING. SLATER The roof over principal building to be covered with duchess slating, with at least 3 inches lap, and the usual gauge of about 10 i inches securely fixed to the battens^ with 2 copper nails to each slate ; and to cover the kitchen office with lady slates, with the usual lap and gauge fixed to the battens, Avith 2 zinc nails to each slate, with all the necessary dressings to hips, valleys, and eaves, &c., and both roofs to be securely pointed with lime and hair. To provide, prepare, and fix No. 1.2, 3 inch slate canti- levers, to the size and form shown in the drawing of details for roof. To provide and fix in the rain-water tank a f inch slate filter, according with and to the dimensions described on the plan and section Plate XIV., with all necessary lifts, perforated plates, taps, &c., and apparatus complete. ZINC WORKER. To prepare and fix all round principal building a gutter of the best Belgian zinc of 15 inch gauge, to the form and dimensions shown and explained on Plate XXI., with all proper falls to the various dimensions^ and so manufactured in external appearance as to be level with the soffit of the projecting eave of the building, as shown on the before-named plate. To put up and securely fix No. 6 downcomers of 4 inch calibre in the position marked on plan of roof. FINISHINGS. 121 To provide and fix the said in the position marked on the plan of roof^ and each to have a suitable cistern head^ vrith all necessary shoes^ laps^ joints^ holdfasts^ and every requisite to connect them with the earthen- Avare pipes laid for conveying the water into the rain- water tank. The gutters and downcomers from the roof over kitchen offices of 3 inch calibre^ with corresponding cistern-head. Also to provide and fix a 2 inch downcomer, with every requisite bend from the flats of the bay windows and entrance porches to the drain in front area. FINISHINGS. JOINER'S WORK. Attic Floor. The dormer light in each room to be fitted up with two inch beaded, and rebated frames, and \\ inch chamfered sashes, suspended on pivots in the centre, with all requisite cords, pullies, fastenings, &c., for the opening and closing of the same, in an impervious and efficient manner. Floor, The floor to be 1 J inch white deal, and laid folding ; skirting ground 3 inches wide by | thick, chamfered to receive plaster, and as shown on Plate 26, fig. 2, to be fixed all round the rooms, and a similar description a 122 JOINERY. of ground to door and window joints^ which are to be covered with a 1 J inch mouldings to form an architrave and break the joints of plaster, and grounds, and to the ground rovmd rooms, is to be fixed a 6-inch square skirting-board. The jambs of doors to have a f inch beaded lining, and to have a slip braded on to form the rebate for doors, which are to be 1 J inch ; two panel square, hung with suitable butt hinges and fastenings. • Chamber Floor, The floor to be 1 J inch yellow deal, with a straight joint, and splayed heading, joints, with mitred borders to heartVs, a ground 2 inches wide by 1 inch thick, chamfered to be fixed all round the rooms for receiving the plaster and fixing the skirting to, and also one 3^ wide of the same thickness round all door and window openings. The small housemaid^s closet on this floor to be formed with a 1^ inch square panelled partition, and the door to correspond with the other described for this floor. The sashes and frames for the principal rooms on this floor, to be of the Venetian character, with the centre sashes of each window, double hung, and side sashes fixed. The frame to be deal cased, with oak sunk sills, brass cased pullies, with 1^ inch ovolo sashes hung with cast metal w^eights, patent cord^ &c., and the sashes and frames for dressing-room and stairs to be of a similar description and double hung. The finishing to all these windows to be as shown and described on Plate XXVI. The jamb lining for doors to be inch thick, beaded FINISHINGS. 128 and single rebated^ and to have IJ incli four-panel- square doors^ properly hung with 2J butt hinges. The skirting to be moulded 9 inches wide^ and fixed in the manner shown at fig. 2, Plate XXVI. Ground or Principal Floor, The floor to be inch yellow deal, straight jointed, splayed heading, joints edge-nailed, and mitred-borders to hearths. Grounds, Skirting grounds 2^ inches wide, by one inch thick, to be fixed all round the floors for receiving the plaster, and fixing the skirting to the upper edge, to be ploughed, and all angles to be dovetailed together, as well as the ends secured in a similar manner to the vertical grounds of doors and windows — (see grounds to Venetian window) Plate XXVI. Entrance Hall. The door frames to be 4 inches by 3^ inches, rebated and beaded, with double rebated transom head, and to be tenoned into stone step. The doors to be 2^ inch, two panel bolection moulded on both sides, |th panels, and to be hung with 8 pair of 2^ butt hinges. The fan-light to be a two-inch lamVs tongue moulded light and fixed above door, with grounds, linings, and architraves, corresponding with those shown and described for the floor on Plates XXVI. and XXVII. To put up with all the corresponding fittings, a pair of G 2 124 INTERIOR. two-incli sasli doors, with a suitable light above, to divide the entrance hall from passage and stairs. Also to provide and fix a two-inch sash door and partition to form the lobby under water-closet, and divide the stairs from the garden or back entrance to this floor, with all suitable finishings, and according to the one above described for dividing the hall from the stairs. The door frame from lobby to garden to be prepared for fan and side lights {as shoivn on elevation of back front), the external posts and head to be 3^ inches by 3 inches, and the two vertical posts, as well as transom head, to be 3^ inches by 2i inches, to be beaded, rebated, and tenoned into step, in a similar manner to that described for the front entrance door, and to have a two-inch sash-door fan and side-lights, with \\ inch framed boxing shutters as high as the transom head, the grounds, linings, and other finish- ings, to be similar to those shown on Plate XXVI., and described for the Venetian window in the back parlour. Bay-ivindowSy Front parlours. These windows to be fitted-up and finished in the manner shown, and described on Plate XXVII., with deal cased frames, oak sunk sills, and the centre position to have brass cased puUies, patent cords, and cast metal weights, and prepared to receive the sashes, which are to be 2-inch lamb tongue moulding, the middle sashes double hung, and those of the sides fixed. The other portions are to be prepared and fixed in the manner shown on the before-named Plate XXVII., FITTINGS. 125 for receiving metal, revolving shutters, and finished with the grounds, linings, soffit, skirting, architraves, as there shown and described. Back Parlour. The Venetian window in this room to be fitted up in the manner shown and described in Plate XXVI., fig. 4 ; the middle sashes to be double hung, and the side lights fixed. To have 1 \ inch moulded shutters hung W'ith brass, cased pullies, patent cord, and cast metal weights; and to have 1^ inch framed and moulded back. The grounds, linings, architrave, &c., in a corresponding manner to those described and shown for the front parlour or dining room. Doors. To prepare and fix 1\ inch double rebated and beaded jamb lining to the grounds for the folding-doors be- tween the two parlours. The doors to be 1^ inch double moulded, two panels in each door, and the grounds, architraves, &c., to be of the same description, and to correspond with those before described. The jamb- linings for the other doors to be of the same descrip- tion as before stated, and to have 1^ inch 4-panel doors moulded on both sides, with corresponding grounds and architraves. Skirting. All the skirting for this floor to be board wide and 1-inch thick, and to be surmounted with a \\ inch rebated moulding. 126 INTERIOR. Basement. Breakfast Room, — The floor to be 1 J inch yellow deal^ straight joints and splayed headings^ and mitred borders to hearth. The bay window to have sashes and frames similar to those described for dining room above^ and to have sliding shutters similar to those shown and explained for the back parlour windows, with door skirting, lining, and all others of a cor- responding character. Kitchen. The floor to be 1\ inch deal, folding and mitred border to hearth. Sash Frames, The sash frames to be of a similar description to those already described for the upper floor, and to have \\ inchovolo sashes, and 1\ inch square framed sliding or hung shutters with 1-inch grounds and 1^ moulding to break the joint and form architrave, as those described for the attic storey. Cellar Door. Under principal entrance and back entrance doors to have frame 3^ by 3 inches, beaded and single re- bated and tenoned into stone steps or sills, and to have a 1^ inch 4 panel bead and butt door. The back entrance door frame to be of similar scantling, but framed with a transom head for a 1^ fan light, and the door to this frame to be a 1^ inch sash FINISHINGS. 127 door with a lifting shutter ; and all other doors on this floor to be inch 4 panel square doors^ with lining and finishing as above stated for the attics. Stairs. The stairs from basement to ground floor to have 1^ wrought yellow deal strings^ with 1^ inch treads and 1 inch risers blocked and bracketed and securely housed into the strings in the usual manner. The partitions forming the spandril framings as well as those forming pantries and store closets, to be 1\ inch square panel, and to have a 6 inch f skirting- board, to correspond with others that are to run round the passage. Stairs from ground floor to chamber storey to be geometrical, with one circular string and quarter cir- cular on landing as shown on Plan, and to have 1\ inch yellow deal treads, risers, carriage and string boards, with all requisite carriage furrings to soflit, &c. The treads to have round and hollow nosings. The risers to mitre into the external string, w^hich is to be dove- tailed to receive the ballusters and the return nosing; the other end of both treads and risers to be housed and securely wedged into the external string; a full scroll curtail step, with veneered riser and circular part to frame into external string, to be firmly fixed at the starting of the flight, and the succeeding step to be gradually carved until they join the straight flyers. (See Ground Plan, Plate V.) The whole flight to have f X I inch square ballusters dove-tailed into the end 128 HOUSEHOLD. of tread and strings and covered with the mitred nosing. One ornamental iron balluster^ taped and to have nuts and screws complete^ to be securely fixed in centre of scroll of curtail step^ and No. 3 plain iron ballusters^ corresponding with those of deal before described, to be fixed where requisite on the flight. The whole to be surmounted with a 2i inch moulded Spanish mahogany hand-rail^ sunk to receive the bal- lusters and properly wreathed to well^ and to have a corresponding mitred cap over curtail step. The same description of skirting as described for rooms of ground floor to be fixed all round hall and passage^ and the same mouldings to continue up inside string of stairs : flnding and applying all necessary joints, screws, and every other requisite to make the work complete. Water Closet, On quarter space, — The partition dividing stairs from water-closet to be a 2-inch framed and moulded sash partition with sash doors to correspond^ prepared for receiving ground or stained glass, with the moulded skirting of stairs continued round on the stair side, and the whole to finish in accordance with the stairs. Inside, — The window-frame and sash to correspond with the one described for the chamber storey. To fit up the seat and riser with J \ inch Honduras mahogany, the riser to be properly dished out to the form of pan, and to have a beaded box for handle. This seat to be covered with a framed and beaded skeleton for the flap to hang to, which is to be 1^ inch selected mahogany, ACCOMMODATIONS. 129 hung with brass butts, and both frame and flap to have a projected moulded nosing; ^ inch beaded skirting 6 inches deep to be fixed round back and sides, as also on ground in front of riser. The whole to be fitted up with all necessary scantling, bearers, &c., for the sup- port of pan and apparatus, as well as the efficient support of the seat and riser, in the most approved manner* Also to fit up with 1-inch Honduras mahogany an an- gular wash-board and closet, the closet underneath with a 1-inch square panel-door, hung to a beaded and suitable skeleton frame, with all suitable appendages for receiving basins and depositing towels, &c., and also to fix over chasm of soil, w^aste and supply-pipe, a 1-inch mahogany-framed skeleton-ground, rebated and beaded for a corresponding board, to be slightly screwed to the same for allowing easy access to the before- named pipe, a small moulding, to be fixed over ground, and plaster to break the joint ; and to fix on all other articles that m&y be required for the full completion of the closet. Kitchen Offices. All the external door-frames to be 3^ x 3 in yellow deal, beaded and rebated, and tenoned into stone sills or steps. Those to servants^ water-closets, and to the lobby between kitchen and back kitchen to be framed with transom heads, and to have 1^ lights fixed therein. The whole of the external doors to be 1\ inch bead and butt, 4 panel doors framed flush on G 3 130 PLASTERING. one side, and square panel on the other. All internal doors to be fitted up in the same manner as those described for the attic. The doors for coal-shoots to have a small 2^ inch x 2 inch frame rebated and beaded, and 1-inch ledged doors. The sash-frames and sashes for kitchens to be of a similar description to those described for chamber- floors ; and each window to have a pair of 1 J bead, bead and flush-panel shutters hung to the frame on the outside. The small window to pantries, marked d d on the basement plan, to have 2^x2 inch beaded and rebated frames, and a Ih inch sack hung upon centres for ventilation. The servants^ water-closet, marked a on the same plan, are to have floor-joints 5x2 inches, and laid with yellow deal. The seat and risers to be also of 1^ inch deal, properly fixed and blocked to pan, and dished out in a corresponding manner; and a beaded box prepared for the pull ; a movable f beaded casing to be placed over pipes, with ^ery article to make the work complete. PLASTERER. Attic. Lath, plaster, and set the ceilings and parti- tions, and also render, and set the walls of the same. Chamber Floor, To lath, plaster, float, and set the ceilings and INTERIOR. 131 partitions, and render, float, and set the walls ; run a plain moulded cornice round the porch room of this floor of 6 inches girth, and one round back room of 5 inches girth. Ground Floor. Entrance and passage, lath, plaster, float, and set the ceilings ; the partitions to be lathed, floated, and set in stucco j and render, float, and set the walls in stucco; and finish the whole for painting; and a plain moulded cornice of 5 inches girth to be run all round so far as the break for stair will admit. The front and back parlours to have their ceilings and partitions lathed^ plastered, floated, and set, and to have a 10-inch plain moulded cornice run round both rooms. Basement Floor. The ceilings of this floor to be lathed, plastered, floated, and set ; and the walls rendered, floated, and set ; the front room, or breakfast parlour, to have a plain*moulded cornice of 5 inches girth run all round. Stairs. The stairs from basement to ground floor and all other contiguous conveniences, not before alluded to, to be finished as the rooms of the attic floor. The next flight from ground floors to chamber floors, with the lobby and water-closet included. To finish in the manner described for the entrance halls, that is to say, the sofiit of the stairs and ceilings to be lathed, 132 OUTSIDE WORK. plastered^ and set^ and partitions to be lathed^ plastered,, floated, and set with stucco ; and all the walls rendered, floated, and set in stucco, and finished for painting. The stairs from chamber floors to attic to be finished in a corresponding manner to that already described for the chamber floor. All the ceiling and soffits to be twice lime-whitened. Kitchen Offices. To lath, plaster, and set all the ceilings, and to render and set the walls. The ceiling and walls of these buildings to be twice lime-whitened. Outside TVork. The tops of chimneys to be stuccoed in cement all round, with fillet moulding and blocking, as shown on front elevation, Plate IX. The soffit of the eaves of principal building, to have a sinkiiig between each bracket to form a panel, as shown on section fig. 1, Plate XXT., and to be lathed, plastered, and set, the portion round flank and back to be finished plain. The string-course and frieze to be finished in stucco, with Atkinson's cement, and in the manner shown and described on the same Plate. The entrance porches and bay-windows to be finished in stucco as shown and described on Plates XXII. and XXIII., with cornice, piers, pilasters, spandrils, &c., all complete. The whole of principal front from basement to ground floor, line to be stuccoed with cement, and MASON^S WORK. 133 have returned reveals, sides of steps to entrance hall, and party wall of area with sunk joints, as shown on Plate XXII. MASON. Attics. To put to each fire-place in attic a hearth and back hearth of 3 inches Yorkshire stone, and to each opening jambs and head 5 inches wide and 1 inch thick, with a shelf of the same dimensions, properly cramped and fixed together. Chamber Floor. To provide and fix on this floor No. 4 marble chimney piece, with back-hearths, slabs, and shelves complete, to the value of 40^. each. Gi'ound Floor. Provide and fix on this floor No. 4 marble chimney pieces, with back-hearth, slabs, and mantel complete, to the value of £3 each. Basement Storey. To provide and fix in the breakfast-room No. 1 marble chimney piece, with back hearth, slab, and mantel complete, to the value of £2 10^. Kitchens. To fix complete, rubbed York chimneys, with mantels and hearths complete, to the value of £2 each, and to 134 IRONMONGERY WORK. the back kitchen chimney pieces of the same descrip- tion of stone to the value of 30^. each. To pave the lobby leading from kitchen to back kitchen, and the whole of the kitchen offices, as well as the front and back areas, with 2^ tooled York paving, FURNISHING IRONMONGER. Attic Floor, To provide and deliver for dormer lights on this floor No. 8, f-inch pivots, with side-plates, patent cord and pulleys for opening and closing the lights, as also No. 4 barrel 4-in. bolts, and requisite staples for fastening the same, with all necessary screws, nails, &c. Also to deliver No. 4, 6-inch iron-rim locks, with box staples, keys, and brass furniture, with all necessary screws and nails complete for the doors to these rooms. Chamber Floor. To provide and deliver all the brass cased pulleys, patent cord, cast metals, weights, &c., shown on the drawings, and described in the joiner's work for this floor, as well as 2-inch spring-fastenings to each sash. To provide No. 16 pair of butt-hinges, with all necessary screws, &c., as well as No. 4, 6-inch morticed locks, with brass furniture complete, for the principal doors ; No. 2, 4-inch brass spring and bolt latches for dressing rooms, and No. 2, 4-inch iron closet locks, with all requisite striking plates and furniture com- plete. FASTENINGS^ ETC. 135 Water-Closet. To provide the brass cased pulleys^ cords, weights^ fastenings^ &c., for this window^ as before described^ as well as one pair of 2^ butt-hinges for door^ and a 4| brass spring and bolt latch with furniture complete for door. Ground Floor. To provide the brass cased pulleys^ patent cord^ weights^ fastenings, &c., as before described for the sashes, as also a set of a similar description for shutters of back-parlour, and to provide and fix to the bay- window of this floor the metal revolving shutter shown on Plate XXVII., with all requisite machinery for their efficient action, as well as the necessary furnishing. To provide for entrance doors to hall No. 4 pair of 4-inch butt-hinges, with all necessary screws, &c., and a best 10-inch draw-back mounted lock, with staple and all necessary furniture complete; as also a 12-inch door-chain, with brass knobs and asp complete, and two 10 -inch barrel bolts, with staples and plates complete for top and bottom of door. The back entrance doors to have hinges, lock, bolts, and chain of a similar de- scription; the shutters to have 18-inch bow-latch shutter-bars complete, with every necessary, &c., and to provide for doors dividing lobby from stairs, a 3-inch brass spring bolt latch. To provide for shutters in back-parlour No. 4, 1-inch brass flush rings, with No. 2 brass clips for fastenings. To provide for doors not before alluded to on this floor 136 INTERIOR FITTINGS. No. 8 pair of 3-inch butt-hinges^ with all necessary screws, &c.^ and for folding doors No. 4, 12-inch brass flush-bolts^ with all necessaries, &c., as also to provide No. 6, inch mortice locks, with brass striking plates and furniture complete. Breakfast Room, To provide for the sashes brass cased pulleys, patent cords, and fastenings, as described above for back- parlour ; but the shutter will require 3 pair of brass cased pulleys with weights, fastenings, and cords com- plete ; the door of this room to be provided with a 6-inch mortice lock, and brass furniture complete. To provide for kitchen window and shutters the same number of brass c?ksed pulleys, cords, and fastenings, as before described for the back-parlour. To provide for the six back-entrance doors 9-inch iron spring-stock locks with staples complete, No. 6, 10-inch door chains, and No. 12, 10-inch barrel-bolts and staples all complete, as also No. 6, 6-inch iron rim stock locks with box-staples complete for the other doors, and to provide No. 24 pair of 3-inch butt-hinges, as well as No. 8 pair of 2^ ditto, with all necessary auxiliaries, &c. To provide one ornamental cast-iron balluster, IJ diameter, 3 feet 6 inches long, tapped at one end, with nut and plates complete for curtail step, and three other, I by f , two feet 5 inches long. It is to be distinctly understood that the furnishing ironmonger is to dehver all articles here expressed, and all others that may be requisite for the due execution of PLUMBING^ ETC. 137 the work into the possession of the joiner^ who will apply and fix the same in their relative positions, pro- viding and delivering as may be required glue^ brads, nails, screws, and materials generally supplied by the ironmonger. BELL-HANGER. To provide and hang bells with all proper springs, cranks, wires, &c., of the size required, and in the position when and where may be hereafter directed, to the value of £10. PLUMBER. To line the cisterns in roof of principal building, as well as the four smaller ones described for supply of water-closet and kitchen oflices, with six pounds milled lead, in the most efficient and workman-like manner, and to lay on from principal main to the large cistern in each house a 1 J lead main supply-pipe, with a 6-inch ball-cock properly applied at the cistern end, with a standing waste of the same calibre to be taken down and connected with principal drains. The house-service, to be 1-inch calibre, to be taken into small cisterns over water-closets, and from thence into cistern in roof of kitchen offices; each of the smaller cisterns to be furnished with a suitable ball- cock, standing waste and service with rose-tops, and every other requisite article. The water-closets to be fitted up with Beetson^s patent valve closets, with Warner^s registered valves and patent regulators fitted up 138 PLUMBING. complete^ and to have a 5 -inch soil-pipe connected and continued perfectly sound into principal drain ; and to complete the closet apparatus TV'ith all necessary bends, valves, traps, &c., to render them efficient and complete in all their actions, the service-pipes to be brought from the small cistern above, as well as two f -inch service-pipes to supply the water to the washing-basins in corner ; to provide and fix No. 2, 10-inch wash-basins, and fix to the f pipes suitable cocks, and to the basins a stop valve, with chain and waste pipe complete, into prin- cipal drain. To provide and fix to each house one of Warner^s vibrating lift and force pumps, with all necessary pipe, bosses, and fastenings for supplying the filtered rain water into the cisterns situate in roof over kitchen offices, &c., and bring from the said cisterns two 1-inch service pipes to sinks in washhouse, with all proper taps, &c., as well as the waste pipes from cisterns, and all other articles that are requisite to make the supply of water complete ; to provide and fit up in servants^ privies two single-valve-pan water-closets, with flush- ing apparatus, and pipes of 1-inch calibre for water brought from cisterns in roofs, with necessary bends, traps, joints, &c., for carrying soil into principal drain. The plumber to furnish and provide the water-closets as described, with all necessary traps, syphons, bends, pipes, lead, solder, joints, taps, cocks, bosses, roses, and every other article that is necessary for the full com- pletion of his work. GLAZING; PAPER-HANGING. 139 GLAZIER. To glaze tlie windows in attics with good seconds Newcastle glass, properly beded and back puttied, and the window in chamber-floor and water-closet with good crown glass, which is to be well beded, braded, and back puttied. Ground Floor. All the sashes on this floor to be glazed with 20-ounce crown glass. Basement Floor, The bay-window in breakfast-room to be glazed with 20-ounce glass, and all the other windows to be with the best Newcastle seconds glass. PAINTER. To knot, prime, and paint in three oils all the outside wood and iron work, and to flat any of the inside work when and where directed, and to finish the other in any colour that may be hereafter decided on. PAPER-HANGER. To prepare and hang [except the hall passage, stair- case, water-closet, and landing, ivhich are to be painted) the whole of the chamber floor with paper hereafter to be chosen, to the amount of Is, 6^?. a piece, and the front and back parlour on the ground floor, and the breakfast room on the basement floor, with paper to the amount of 2^. &d, per piece, hanging and bordering included. 140 GENERAL CONDITIONS. General Conditions, It is to be distinctly understood that the party or parties contracting for the erection of the buildings herewith described^ are to provide and deliver on the premises, all the materials, the best of their respective qualities, also to provide and furnish all necessary plant, scaffolding, labour, and all other articles that are re- quisite for the full completion and finishing of the work, according with the accompanying drawings and this specification ; and if anything should be shown in the drawings and not herein specified, or anything herein specified that is not shown on the drawings, the same to be executed as if fully shown and explained in both ; and if any alteration from the drawings or this specifica- tion should take place during the progress of the works, such alteration not to make the contract or estimate null and void, but the expense of such deviation to be added to, or deducted from {as the case may be), such estimate. It is requested that the amount for each particular trade, with a tarifi* of prices upon which such estimate is founded, shall accompany each tender. QUANTITIES, 141 Quantities of the various Materials, and the Excavation necessary, for the erection of two Houses proposed to be built on a plot of ground situate according to the various drawings [numbered from ] to 17 inclusive) and specifications made for that purpose. PRINCIPAL BUILDING— CARCASS. EXCAVATOR. Cube yards. £ at s. d. 573 To be excavated and carted away . Levelling, filling-in, pugging, ramming, and carting away earth, rubbish, &c. . BRICKLAYER. Rods. Super. Run. 200 200 28 at Of 6 -inch glazed socket-pipes, with requisite bends . Of 4 -inch ditto . . . . No. 8 15-inch gully traps No. 4 6-inch syphons , , Of reduced or standard brick- work .... Of rubbed malm arches 142 CARPENTER. Cube feet. Super. Run. at ^• 25 925 Of Englisli oak, for sleepers . 184 loads of Riga timber, framed in floors, partitions, roof, cisterns, &c., according to drawings and specifica- tion* .... * It perhaps is necessary to observe that this calculation embraces the net quantity of timber required for the erection of the carcass of the buildings, exclu- sive of any other article. SMITH AND IRONFOUNDER. Hoop-iron bond . Chimney bars . Clips and straps for partitions For tension rods, &c. For clips and straps to roof . For bolts, &c. Ties to cistern, &c. • 2759 lbs. = 24cwt. 711bs. Exclusiye of all spikes, holdfasts, nails, screws, and every other article requisite for the sound fixing of the above-named works, which are to be calculated in the estimate. PLUMBER. Of 6 -lb. lead, for flashings, &c. Ditto, to dormer lights 5- lb. ditto, to sides of ditto . 6- lb. flashings to lights and chimney, &c. ditto to cisterns 5143 lbs. = 45 cwt. 3 lbs. weight of milled lead, exclu- sive of any other article. at 143 MASON. Cube. Super. Run. at d. 50 70 Of tooled steps for doors . No. 8 15 -inch gulley-stones, properly dished, and five holes in each . . . . Of 5 -inch York landing for rain-water tank . 100 ... ... Of tooled York, for trimmers of floors, and heads and sills of partitions, &c. . . 50 Of 12 -inch X 3 -inch throated coping, for area walls, &c. . 36 Of stone core for cornice, 1 ft. 4 in. wide, 4 in. thick Of dished and throated window- sills . . ... 60 30 Of 6 -inch rubbed York landing, for entrance porches . 50 OO 75 71 No. 20 tooled and rubbed York steps, for entrance doors . Of 7 -inch tooled landing . , Of 2 4 -inch tooled treads, 13 in. wide, and Ditto, for riser, 7 in. wide, for steps from back entrance of ground-floor to garden . ♦ SLATER. Square. £ at s. d. 24J Of Duchess slating, with all cuttings and pointings complete No. 12 slate cantilevers or brackets, for principal elevation — (See details of roof, Plate 21) No. 1 sawn slate filter, as shown and described on Plate 14, with all necessary bolts, nuts, screws, rods, perforated plates, &c., com- plete . 144 ZINC WORKER. Super. Run. & at s. d. 168 210 80 Of 6 -inch gutter, worked and fixed as sliown on details of roof, Plate 21 No. 6 octagon heads, with shoes, &c., complete . ^ . . . . Of 4 -inch piping, for down-corners, fixed complete .... Of 3 -inch ditto, for ditto of entrance- porches and bay windows . Quantities of the various Materials requisite for finishing and completing the Carcasses of two Houses, before calculated for. JOINER'S WORK. Feet Super, Feet Run. No. FLOORS. £ at s. d 1304 3120 Or 13 square 4 feet of 1 J -inch white floor-boards, laid fold- ing in attic and part of basement stories Or 31 square 20 feet yellow deal floor-boards, laid with a straight joint and splayed headings, for chamber, ground- floor, and part of basement stories . . . 106 120 250 GROUNDS. Of J-inch grounds 2-inch wide, faced and chamfered, for attic Of 1-inch ditto, for chamber floor . . . . . Of 1-inch splayed framed ground, 3^-inch wide, for chamber floors . JOINERS' WORK continued. Feet Super. Feet Run. No. 164' 380 Of l-incli X 24-inch ploughed skirting groundSj for grouiid floor . . ... Of 1-inch ploughed and framed, and 5 inches wide, for door and windows (see plate 26) SASHES AND FRAMES. 54 Of champhered and rebated lights, with frames and finishings made complete according to the specifica- tion , . . . , VENETIAN AYINDOWS — CHAMBER FLOOR. 120 120 52 ... To front and hack windows, with frames 1 4 -inch, oval sashes, lining, and all finish- ing complete, as shown on the drawings and described in the specification Ditto for back-parlour and kitchen windows, with sashes, frames, suspended shutters, and all finishings complete . . . . Of small frames, sashes, and finishings complete, for small windows, &c. . BAY WINDOWS. 390 390 Of frames, sashes, lining, soffeet, and all other finish- ings complete, except the metal shutters With suspended shutters and finishings complete, for breakfast-room (see, for the finishings of these windows, plates 26 and 27, and speci- fication) . , , . 146 JOINERS' WORK continued. Feet Feet Xo. 60 256 ... 106 ... 75 280 183 95 126 40 40 729 140 "* 1 at Of 1-incli beaded Imings, with stops braided on, for attic I and part of basement story ; Of 1-inch beaded and single : rebated ditto ditto. . . ^ Of 1^-inch beaded and double rebated ditto ditto DOOR-FRAMES, DOORS, AND FINISHIIfGS. I Of 1^-inch two-panel square j doors, for attics and part of | basement . . . . Of ditto four-panel square doors, for ground-floor and part of basement Of 1 1 -inch four- panel, moulded on both sides, for ground- floor and breakfast-room For entrance-hall door frames, transom-head, fan-light, doors, and finishings, all complete {see specification) For back or garden entrance, door-fi'ame, sash-door, side- lights, fan-lights, boxing shutters, and all other finish- ings ci>mplete Of door frame, with IJ-inoh four- bead and butt complete, for cellar . . . . Frame, with transom-head light and 1 4 -inch sash door, lifting shutters, and all other finishings complete FRAMED PARTITIONS, WITH DOORS, COMPLETE. Of IJ-inch square panel, in- cluding 6 two-panel 1^-inch doors complete, for store- cluset and pantries Ditto, sash -partition and doors. 147 JOINERS' WORK continued. Feet Super. 130 160 220 270 Feet Run. 210 380 280 120 112 32 25 7 to divide stairs from lobby of garden entrance . Of l|-inch sash partition, to di- vide stairs from water-closet SKIRTINGS. Of l-incb skirting, six inches wide, for attic and part of basement floors . Of 1-inch ditto moulded, for chamber floors Of 1-inch rebated ditto, for ground- floor and breakfast- room .... MOULDINGS. Of 1 4-inch, to form architrave over grounds, and pilaster in attic story . . , . Of 2 -inch, for chamber floor Of 3|-inch, for ground -floors and breakfast-room Of 14 -inch, for basement WATER-CLOSET. Of mahogany seat and riser, dished to basin and handles Ditto mahogany-framed top, with moulded nosing, lining complete, and finished with skirting all round . Of mahogany wash-stand, with closet and shelves, &c., un- derneath * . Of mahogany doors to ditto Feet run of -|-inch skirting, six inches wide . Of rebated and beaded maho- gany box, to cover service and supply pipes . {See specification for these privies. ) H 2 148 JOINERS' WORK continued. Feet Feet ; Super. Run. No. 80 \ 40 ! to 40 936 i 133 STAIRS FROM KITCHEN TO GROUND-FLOOR. Of l^-inch treads, properly blocked .... Of l-inch risers Of l^-inch string boards with bracket housings and carriage complete .... GEOMETRICAL CIRCULAR WELL- STAIRS, FROM GROUND TO CHAMBER FLOOR. Of 1 J -inch yellow deal treads, risers, strings, and carriage ; therisers mitred into external j string, and treads moulded : and mitred to return nosings, ; and the whole completed as | shown on and described in j specification Blocked and veneered curtail step, with return to join external string Of 24-inch sunk mahogany moulded hand-rail, wreathed to circular well, as well as to curtail step, and to be mitred into a hand-work mahogany cap, with all bal- lusters complete to cham- ber landing, comprising the fixing of one ornamental bal- luster to curtail, and three plain ones on the flight STAIRS FRO'^I CHAMBER-FLOOR TO ATTIC -FLOOR. Of treads, risers, strings, and carriage complete . . . (See plan and specification.) PLASTERERS' WORK. Superficial Yards. Feet. Kun. 1018 iSi 65 70 596 240 188 236 20 9 3 60 34 47 200 320 46 42 12 50 50 50 10 44 Of lath, plaster, float and set to ceilings and partitions . Of render, float and set on walls Of cornice, 10 -inch girth Of ditto, 6-inch ditto . . Of ditto, 5 -inch ditto STAIRS. Of lath, plaster, and stucco, to hall, passage, and stairs Of render, set and float in stucco, on walls, &c. . Of lime whitening OUTSIDE WOUK, IN ATKINSON CEMENT. Of cornice, 5'inch girth, &c. . Of ditto, 3 -inch fillet, for chimney-top Of string-course, freize, avolo moulding, and sunk soffeet, under eaves of front eleva- tion . . . . . Of sunk dentules, to front ele- vation .... Of plain lathed and trowelled soff"eet, under eaves of sides and back elevation PORCHES. Of lath and float, to ceilings . Of cornice, on brickwork . To caps and bases of pilasters To bases of ditto . Of render, float, and jointed to spandrils of steps . Ditto, cliamphered and worked to steps {see plate 23) . BAY WINDOWS. With sunk joints to jambs . Plain work to top . Of cornice . . . . To front, rendered, floated, and sunk -jointed Ditto, to area walls . Of 6-inch string-course . 150 MASOX. Feet Supyr. No. £ at s. d. 10 397 ... 4 4 2 Of l-iDcb. rul)b6(i ^ort stoiiGj for chimney -pieces in attic Cbimney-pieces for chamber-floors Ditto ditto for ground- floors Ditto ditto for basement-floors . Of 24 tooled York, for paving to areas and cellars, including steps FURXISHING mONMONGER. v- ATTIC-FLOOR. } AO. 8 f -inch pivots, with patent cords, complete . 8 pair of brass-cased pulleys ... . . 24 yards of patent sash-cord ..... 16 metal sash-weights . . . . . . 8 2 -inch spring sash -fastenings .... I 16 pair of 24 butt hinge . . . . . . 2 4 -inch leaf spring latches ..... 2 4-inch iron closet locks . . . . . . 4 6-inch mortice-locks, with furniture, complete WATER-CLOSET. 4 pair of 2^ butts ....... 2 4 g -inch brass s^Dring latches, complete GROUND -FLOOR. ] 2 brass-cased pulleys . . . . . . 30 yards patent cord . ... 12 metal weights ....... 4 2 -inch brass fastenings ..... revolving shutters, with all requisite finishing, to be estimated at so much each. ENTRANCE-HALL AND BACK ENTRANCE. 8 pair of 4-inch butt hinges . . ... 4 best 10-inch draw-back mounted spring-]ocks 4 12-inch door-chains, brass-mounted, with asp, and j all complete ........ 4 10 -inch barrel bolts ...... 4 18 -inch bow-latch shutter-bolts . . . . 4 3-iach brass spring-locks ..... FURNISHING IRONMONGER continued. No. 4 4 SHUTTERS IN PARLOUK. 1-inch brass flush-riugs . . . . brass clips for fastenings, with requisite pins pair of 3 -inch butt hinges .... 3-inch flush bolts . . 6 -inch mortice locks, with furniture, complete BASEMENT-STORY. 10 pair of brass-cased pulleys 30 yards patent cord 20 metal weights .... 2 6-inch mortice locks . 6 9 -inch iron -rim locks, with furniture, 12 10 -inch barrel bolts, complete . 6 6-inch iron-rim locks, ditto . 24 pair of ;i-inch butt hinges . 8 pair of 2 J -inch ditto 1 ornamental cast baluster . 3 plain ditto ditto, 2 ft. 6 in. high. complete BELL-HANGER. {See specification.) PLUMBER. Feet at Run. £ s. d. 300 Of 1 J -inch service -pipe to principal cistern, with fittings-up, complete .... 140 Ditto of waste into water-closet 100 Ditto to water-closet cistern and kitchen To fit up, complete, two of Warner's patent water-closets, {see specification), and two single- valve closets, for secondary closets, in yard . . ^ 50 Of 1-inch servi?.e-pipe to the same . 152 GLAZIER. Super. ! at Feet. d. 233 361 Of Newcastle seconds glass, beded and well back puttied ...... Of 20-ounce glass, tbe greater portion to be braded, as well as back puttied {see specifi- cation) . PAINTER. Yards. No. £ at 346 4 8 11 4 Frames and saslies to attic Venetian frames and sashes . Ditto, usual size .... Times in oil . . . . . ^. d. 40 *4 8 11 OUTSIDE WOKK. To eaves, ka. ..... To doors, iron- work, ka. . . . Frames and sashes to attic Venetian frames and sashes . . . Ditto, usual size .... All properly prepared and finished ac- cording to specification. PAPER-HANGER. Yards. Pieces. £ at d. 30 27 14 For chamber-floor .... For ground-floor . . . . . For basement ..... s. These quantities only apply to the principal buildings {the kitchen offices not being mchided), and which may be executed for about 4O0/. each^ or 800/. the pair. 15i Plate II. 155 Plate III. BLOCK PLAN. SHOWING B U I L D 1 N CS . S^c. A. t?AlN WATER TAN K. 2B^^>C.^,_u^ yy -x\x y,L. SCALE OF. FEET SCALE OF FEET. Plate V. 157 GROUND FLOOR PLANS X V 9 -g xxjt. S C A L E o r FEET 158 Plate YI. PLANS DE CHAMBER FLOOR. 159 Plate YII. PLAN OF ATTICS. ^ C A L£r OF FEET . Plate VIII. i 160, 161 PLAN or ROOTS y r-, 0 10 SCAUC OF FC^T J,0 SCALE OF F EE T,, r 167 • Pmtk XVIII. 171 Plate XX. 173 SCALE OF FEET. i 177 Plate XXIV. TRANSVERSE SECTION SHOWING PARTITIONS FROM A. TO B. ON PLAN. o 2,0 0 scale: of feet '\ " 178 Plate XXV. SCALe OF FEET Plate XXVT. 179 181 CHAPTER VI. INSTRUMENTS. Having in Chapter V. endeavoured to explain the construction of such instruments as are used for the purpose of drawing lines^ whether straight or curved, and hence producing geometrical figures, we will now proceed to explain the best form of protractors which are essential for laying down angles. Protracto7's, The edge of the semicircular is divided into 180 degrees, and subdivided to half degrees, or 30 minutes, and numbered for the convenience of plotting. Round the edge is carried a vernier, which subdivides the prin- cipal divisions into single minutes. The vernier is at- tached to an arm, forming a radius to the semicircle, which is extended beyond the circumference, and has on tbe extended part a fiducial edge, on which the angular line is to be drawn. The centre of the instrument, which is visible from above, by the centre upon which the vernier radius moves, is a ring placed concentric with the centre. To use this instrument, it is only necessary H 3 182 INSTRUMENTS. to set tlie vernier to the given angle, then place the protractors so that the fiducial edge may in every part exactly coincide with the line already given, and the centre with the given angular point. A line then being drawn along the fiducial edge will be the direction of the line forming the angle required ; and upon moving the protractor, such line may be produced and connected wdth the angular point. In adjusting the fiducial edge upon the given line, so that the centre may exactly coincide with the given angular point, there is a certain degree of practical difficulty {we are noiv alluding to ivhenever great accuracy is aimed at) , It is not, therefore, essential, in setting the instru- ment, to have any regard to the given angular point, but only to set the edge nicely upon the given line ; then, with a needle point, make three punctures in the paper, one near the extreme point, a second at the circumference of the arc, and the third as nearly as possible at the centre. The protractor may then be removed; and if all has been accurately per- formed, these three points wdll be in one straight line, which may be transferred to pass through the given angular point by straight edge or ruler. The Circular Protractor. Is a complete circle, connected in its centre by four radii. Like the instrument last described, the centre is left open, and surrounded by a concentric ring or collar, which carries two radial bars. To the extremity of one bar is a pipion, working in a toothed rack, quite round PROTRACTORS. 183 the outer circumference of the protractor. To the opposite extremity of the other bar is fixed a vernier, \yhich subdivides the primary divisions on the pro- tractor to single minutes, and, by estimation, to 80 seconds. This vernier, as may readily be understood, is carried round the protractor by turning the pinion. Upon each radial bar is placed a branch, carrying at their extremities a fine steel pricker, whose points are kept above the surface of the papers by springs placed under their supports, which give way when the branches are pressed downwards, and allow the points to make the necessary punctures in the paper. The branches are attached to the bars with a joint, which admits of being folded backwards over the instrument when not in use, and for packing in its case. The centre of the instrument is represented by the intersection of two lines, drawn at right angles to each other on a piece of glass, which enables the person using it to place it so that the centre, or intersection of the cross lines, may coincide with any given point on the plane. If the instrument is in correct order, a line, connecting the fine prickiug points with each other, would pass through the centre of the instrument, as denoted by the before-mentioned intersection of the cross lines upon the glass, which, it may be observed, are drawn so nearly level with the under surface of the instrument, as to do away with any serious amount of parallax when setting the instrument over a point from which any angular lines are intended to be drawn. 181 PROTRACTORS. In using this instrument, the vernier should first be set to —zero [or the division marked 360), on the divided limb, and then placed on the paper, so that the two fine steel points may be on the given line [from ID hence other and angular lines are to be drawn), and the centre of the instrument coincides with the given angular point on such line. This done, press the protractor gently down, which will fix it in position by means of very fine points on the under sides. It is now ready to lay off the given angle, or any number of angles that may be required, which is done by turning the pinion till the opposite vernier reaches the required angle. Then press down the branches, w^hich will cause the points to make punctures in the paper on opposite sides of the circle; which being afterwards connected, the line will pass through the given angular point, if the instrument was first correctly set. In this manner, at one setting of the instrument a great number of angles may be laid from the same point. As described for the last instrument, it is not essen- tial that the centre be over the given point when ap- plied to the given line, provided the pricking points exactly fall upon the line ; for an imaginary line, con- necting the pricking points in this instrument, corre- spond with the line on the diameter of the protractor last described. Sometimes, instead of a rack and pinion motion, a third radial arm is attached to the centre at right angles to the other two, upon which is fixed a clamp and tangent screw^, by which the vernier PLAIN SCALES. 185 is not only fixed in position upon the circular limb of the instrument, but by the tangent, or slow motion screWj it may be set to the required angle with the greatest accuracy. Plain, Circular^ and Semicircular Protractors. Other and very useful protractors are made, con- sisting of a circle or semicircle, without verniers, slow- motion screws, or any other appendages, having simply a fiducial circular edge, nicely divided to degrees and half-degrees, or more minute subdivisions, if the instru- ment is sufficiently large to admit of them. A very useful instrument of this kind has a diameter of six inches, and will be found sufficiently accurate for most ordinary purposes, and not above one-third of the cost of the above-named instrument, which, however, must be resorted to when the utmost attainable accuracy is required. The Plain Scale, This instrument is usually made of ivory, 6 inches long, and If inches broad; it has on it two diagonal scales, one half the size of the other, on the same plane or face of the instrument, which, for distinction sake, we will call the upper side. These diagonal scales consist of eleven parallel lines, drawn equi- distant from each other, and divided by vertical lines into equal parts of an iuch long, and numbered from right to left — 1, 2, 3, &c. The top and bottom lines of the extreme half-inch space to the right is sub- 186 PLAIN SCALES. divided into ten equal parts by diagonal lines drawn from tlie tenth below to tlie ninth above^ from the ninth below to the eighth above^ from the eighth below to the seventh above^ &c.^ till from the first below to the nothing above, so that by these means the half-inch space is subdivided into 100 equal parts. Thus, if each of the first divisions of the half-inch spaces be considered to represent unity, each of the first divisions will express ~ of 1, and each of the subdi- visions taken on the diagonal lines, counting from the top downwards, wdll express — l^s^ subdivisions, Y^-^ of the half-inch spaces {or primary divisions). If each of the half-inch spaces (or primary divisions) be considered as representing 1 0, then each of the first subdivisions will express 1 {or unity), and each of the second -j-V of unity. Again, if each of the primarj^ divisions {or half-inch spaces) be considered to represent 100, then each of the first subdivisions will express 10, and - each of the second subdivisions 1, or unity, &c., &c. The method of taking distances from the scale may be thus shown : — Suppose the distance to be 347 on the diagonal, lined, joined to the 4th subdivision on the top line, count 7 downwards, reckoning the distance of each parallel as 1 ; there set one point of the compasses, and extend the other till it falls on the intersec- tion of the third primary division with the same parallel in which the other point of the compasses rests, and their opening will then express a line of 347, 34-7, or 3*47, according as we may have con- SCALES. 187 sidered the primary divisions to represent 100^ 10^ or unity. The smaller diagonal scale is formed by dividing the half-inch space into two^ and the further or left-hand quarter of an inch space is then diagonally divided as above described. On the same or upper face of the instrument^ a pro- tractor is formed x'ound its edges^ and after what has been stated upon that instrument^ nothing more than the mention of it is requisite in this place. On the under surface of the instrument a variety of scales are engraved, among which are the following : — Line of Chords marked Rhombs , , Tangents , , J , Sines , , , , Secants , , Longitudes ., Latitudes Inclination of ) Meridians ) " , J Hours , , Besides scales having the following number of equal divisions to the inch : — 30, 35, 45, 50, and 60. The line of chords serves either to set off an angle from a given point to any line, or to measure the quan- tity of any angle already laid down. The first is done by opening the compasses to the extent of 60 degrees upon the line of chords (which is always equal to the radius, the circle of projection), and setting one foot upon the angular point ; with that extent describe an C or C H. RH. T A. SL SEC. L 0 N. LA. IM. HO. 188 SCALES. arc ; then taking the angular quantity from the same chord line^ set it off from the given line upon the arc described; a right line connecting the given point with that upon the arc will form the angle required. To measure an angle already laid down, describe as before an arc of 60 degrees ; and then taking the extent with a pair of compasses between the lines which form the angle upon the said arc, the opening measured upon the same line of chords will denote the dimensions of the angle. The line of rhombs serves to lay down or measure on a chart the angle of a ship^s course in navigation. The lines of tangents^ sines,, and secants^ are used in the stereographical and orthographical projection of the sphere. The line of longitudes^ with the help of the line of chords, will show how many miles are contained in a degree of longitude at any latitude. Thus, with a pair of compasses take from the line of chords the number of degrees of the given latitude, and apply the opening of the compasses to the line of longitude, placing one point of the compasses on the last division, marked 60 on the longitudes, the other point will note upon the same line the number of miles in one degree of longi- tude at the given latitude. For example, if the given latitude be 60 degrees, take 60 from the line of chords, and applying one point of the compasses on the last division of the line of longitude {iinarked 60), the other point will fall upon the division marked 30 on the same line, showing that 30 miles is contained in one degree SECTOR. 189 of longitude at the latitude of 60 degrees. The lines of latitude, inclination of meridian, and of hours, are applicable to the practice of dialling, which does not fall within our present purpose. Plotting Scales and Rules. These need but few observations, as they are nothing more than scales of equal parts, the divisions being placed on a fiducial edge, by which any length may be pricked off on the paper without using the compasses, whose points, by frequent use, destroy the fineness of the graduation. Plotting scales are made of various dimensions, and of all varieties of graduation, to suit the purposes of the draftsman. Parallel rulers are also made of various constructions — some of them sliding, and others with rollers, each having its own advantages. The plain scale above described is frequently fitted with rollers, making it at the same time a convenient small parallel. The instrument shown in the engraving is so constructed and shown. The Sector, The sector derives its name from the fourth propo- sition of the sixth book of Euclid, where it is demon- strated that similar triangles have their like sides proportional. This instrument consists of two rulers, moveable round an axis or joint, from whence several scales are drawn on the faces of the rulers. The two rulers are called legs, and represent the 190 PROPORTIONS. radii^ and the middle of the joint expresses the centre of a circle. The scales generally put upon sectors may be dis- tinguished into single and double. The single scales are such as are commonly put on plain scales^ and may be applied in the same manner. The double scales are those which proceed from the centre ; each scale is laid twice on the same face of the instrument^ namely, one on each leg. From these scales, dimen- sions or distances are to be taken, when the legs of the instrument are in an angular position. The Decimal Scale. This scale lies on the edge of the instrument, and is of the same length as the sector when opened [one foot is the usual length for sectors placed in cases of instru- ments), and is divided into 10 equal parts or primary divisions, and each of these into 10 other equal parts^ so 'that the whole (foot) is divided into 100 equal parts. The Line of Artificial Nimibers. The line of numbers (marked n), or Gunter's Line, as it is commonly called, is a line of geometrical pro- portion divided into nine unequal parts, beginning at 1 towards the left hand, and numbered on with 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., to 10, about the middle of the line, where another radius begins, and the same divisions are repeated^ numbered as before to 10, at the end of the line on the right hand. Each of these primes, or first grand PROPORTIONS. 191 divisions, are subdivided, according to the same ratio, into ten other parts, and each of these divisions (if the line be of sufficient length) should again be subdivided into ten lesser parts. But upon pocket sectors, which, when opened, are twelve inches in length, only the part from 1 in the middle to 2 towards the right hand is a second time divided, and that but into five parts instead of ten, everv one of which must be accounted as two centesms in numbering; therefore, upon the line the figures 1, 2, 3, &c., which denote the primes, may be taken arbitrarily, either as units, tens, hundreds, or thousands, or thousandth parts of an unit. If 1, at the beginning of the line, be taken for unity, then 1 in the middle will be 10, and 10 at the end 100; but if the first 1 be accounted 10, then 1 in the middle will stand for 100, and 10 at the end for 1000. Again, if the first 1 be reckoned 100, then 1 in the middle will be 1000, and 10 at the end 10,000. When, therefore, the first, or prime, represents 10 units, the figures 2, 3, 4, &c. to 1 in the middle, will stand for 20, 30, 40, &c. ; and each tenth, or subdivision in the first radius of the line, will signify 1 unit ; and each centesm in those tenths (if there be any) will be one- tenth part of an unit ; 1 in the middle will be [as before observed) 100; and the figures 2, 3, 4, &c. following, 200, 300, 400, &c. ; each tenth, or subdivision in the second radius, will denote 1 0 units ; and each centesm 1 unit. Again, let the first 1 represent 100, then the 2, 3, 4, &c. following, 200, 300, 400, &c. ; 1 in the middle 1000; and 10 at the end 10,000. According 193 PllOPORTIONS. to this supposition^ in tlie first, each tenth of a prime will be 10 units^ and each centesm 1 unit; and in the second radius^ each tenth of a prime 100, and each centesm 10. In estimating decimal fractions upon the line^ if 1 in the middle be accounted as unity, then will each prime in the first radius denote -1, each tenth of a prime '01, and each centesm '001, If 10 at the end of the line to the right hand be accounted as unity, the whole first radius will represent 1, and 2, 3, 4, &c., in the second radius will represent 2, 3, 4, &c. ; every prime in the first radius, and every tenth of a prime in the second radius, will signify '01, or one hundreth part of unity, or centesm ; in the second, will denote •001, or thousandth part of unity. The numeration of the line thus explained, let it now be proposed to find the point thereon, answering to the number 436. For four hundred, take the first four primes next the left hand ; for the second figure, 3, take three tenths of the grand division between 4 and 5 ; and for the six units, reckon six centesms, or six parts of the next tenth, so that the extent from 1 at the beginning of the line to that point, will express the number 436. The same point will likewise represent the numbers 43*6, 4-36, or 436 ; if the first be accordingly accounted 10, 1, or of unity. To multiply upon the line, extend your compasses from 1 at the beginning, to the point representing the number of your multiplier. The same extent will SINES AND TANGENTS. 193 reach from the number of your multiplicand to the product. Thus^ if 125 were given to be multiplied by 42^ extend the compasses from 1 to 42, and the same extent will reach from 125 to 5250. To divide upon the line, extend your compasses backwards from the numbers of the division to unitj^ The same extent, laid the same way, will reach from the number of the dividend to the quo- tient. Thus, if 5250 were to be divided by 125, extend the compasses backwards from 125 to unity; the same extent will reach the same way, from 5250 to 42. The Lines of Artificial Sines and Tangents. The line of artificial sines {marked s) consists only of the logarithms of the natural sines, transferred from a table of logarithms to the scale. They are numbered from the left to the right, with the figures 1, 2, 3, &c., to 10, which stands about the middle of the line ; and so forward with 20, 30, 40, &c., to 90, at the end on the right. In the first part of the line, the grand divisions each represent one degree ; so that if each prime be subdivided into twelve parts {as they are commonly called upon sectors), each subdivision will represent five minutes. In the latter part of the line, the grand divisions, which are each ten degrees, being subdivided into ten parts, each of them will signify five minutes. In the latter part of the line the grand divisions, which are each ten degrees, being subdivided 194 SOLUTIONS. into ten parts, each of them will represent one degree ; and according as they are again subdivided into four, three^ or two parts, such second divisions contain fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes each. What has been stated of the line of sines, is likewise to be understood of the line of artificial tangents, [marked t), whose divisions begin also at 1, and run on to 10 in the middle of the line, signifying degrees. In the second part it runs on with 20, 30, &c., to 45, which stands at the end of the line ; then returns back again to 90, where it began. The use of these lines is in working proportions, whether arithmetical or geometrical, as well as in tri- gonometrical solutions. Thus^ in all proportions, three terms are given to find a fourth. Seek out, therefore, the first term, whether number, sine, or tangent, on its proper line; and in that point set one foot of the compasses, and extend the other to the second or third term, whichever of them is of the same name as the first : the same extent laid from the other term the same way, will reach to the fourth term required. Example, — As the sine of 52"^. 30' : 85 :: radius, or the sine of 90"" to the fourth number required. Set one foot of the compasses in the line of artificial sines on 52°. 30', and extend the other foot to 90° on that line ; the same extent will reach from 85 on the line of numbers to 107, the fourth term required. SCALES. 195 The Double Scales. These consist of the line of lines^ or of equal parts marked l ; the line of chords marked c ; the line of sines marked s ; the line of secants also marked Sj but placed on the reverse side of the sector ; the line of polygons marked Pol; a line of tangents to 45° marked t ; and also a second line of tangents from 45° to 75°. Each of these scales begins at the centre of the instrument^ and is terminated near the other extremity of each leg; viz. the lines at 10^ the chords at 60^ the sines at 90°^ and the tangents at 45°; the remainder of the tangents, or those above 45°, are on other scales beginning at J of the length of the former, counted from the centre, and marked with 45, and run to about 76 degrees. The secants also begin at the same distance from the centre, where they are marked with 10, and are con- tinued to as many degrees as the length of the sector will allow, which is about 75°. The angles made by the double scales of lines of chords, of sines, and of tangents to 45 degrees, are always equal. The angles made by the scales of upper tangents, and of secants, are also equal, and sometimes these angles are made equal to those made by the other double scales. The scale of polygons is put near the inner edge of the legs; their beginning is not so far removed from 196 INSTRUMENTS. the centre as the 60 on the chords is. The beginning of this scale is marked 4, and from thence is figured towards the centre of the instrument to 12. From this disposition of the double scales^ it is plain that those angles which are equal to each other when the legs of the sector are close^ will continue equal to each other at every opening of the instrument. Method of using the Double Lines on the Sector. When a measure is taken on any of the sectoral lines beginning at the centre^ it is called a lateral distance ; but when a measure is taken from any point on one line, to its corresponding point on the line of the same denomination on the other leg, it is called a transverse distance. The divisions of each sectoral line are contained within three parallel lines^ the innermost being the line on which the points of the compasses are to be placed, because this is the only line of the three which goes to the centre, and is therefore the sectoral line. Line of Lines, Multiplication, — With the compasses, take from any convenient distance from the scale of equal parts the length of one of the factors, and open the sector until the transverse distance between 10 and 10 is equal to it j then the transverse distance of the other factor [measured upon the same scale of equal parts) will repre- sent the product. Example, — Multiply 4 by 5, expand the compasses PROPORTIONS. 19T from the centre of the sector to 4 on the primary divi- sions {or take it from a7iy other scale of equal parts), and open the sector till this division becomes the transverse distance from 10 to 10 on the same divisions ; then the transverse distance from 5 to 5 measured upon the same scale as the former, will equal 2 or 20, the answer. Division. — Make the lateral distance of the dividend the transverse distance of the divisor ; the transverse distance of 10 will be the quotient. Eooample, — Divide 20 by 4. Make 20, taken from any convenient scale of equal parts, the transverse dis- tance of 4, then the transverse of 10 (measured upon the same scale) will be 5, the answer. It will readily be perceived for the multiplication or division of high numbers, aliquot parts of both factors must be taken, and the result multiplied by the same. The application of the sector to such common arith- metical operations is therefore very limited {and of doubtful utility). Proportion, — Two lines being given to find a third proportional. Example, — The given = 2 and 6, a third propor- tional required. Take between the compasses the lateral distance of the second term 6 {either from the line of lines on the sector, or any convenient scale), and open the sector until this distance becomes the transverse distance to the first term 2, then the transverse distance of the second term 6 measured upon the same scale as the former, will equal 18, the third proportional required. 198 PROPORTIONS. If the legs of the sector will not open so far as to let the lateral distance of the second term fall between the divisions expressing the first term^ then take ^, J, J, or any aliquot part of the second term {such as will con- veniently fall within the opening of the sector), and make such part the transverse distance of the first term; then, if the transverse distance of the second term be multiplied by the denominator of the part taken of the second term, the product will give the third proportional required. Thus, in the above example, take J of 6 = 2, which make the transverse distance of 2 the first term ; then the transverse distance of 6 the second term will be = 6, which multiplied by 3, will give 18, the answer. Three lines being given to find a fourth proportional, open the sector until the lateral distance of the second term, or some aliquot part thereof, becomes the trans- verse section of the first term, or some aliquot part there'of, becomes the transverse distance of the first term ; then the transverse distance of the third term will be the fourth proportional required, or such a sub- multiple thereof as was taken of the second term. Example. — To find a fourth proportional to the numbers 2, 6 and 10. Take this lateral distance of the second term 6 from any convenient scale of equal parts, and open the sector until that quantity, or any aliquot part thereof, becomes the transverse distance of the first term 2, then the transverse distance of the third term 10, taken from the same scale of equal parts will give 30, the fourth proportional required. PROPORTIONS, 199 To diminish a Line in any Assigned Proportion. Example. — Let it be required to diminisli a line of 4 inches in the proportion of 8 to 7. Open the sector until the transverse distance of 8 is equal to a lateral distance of 7. Mark the point where 4 inches will reach as a lateral distance taken from the centre, which will be in this case 6.86, and the transverse distance taken at the point will be 3 inches and a-half, the proportion re- quired, that is, 8 : 7 I : 4 : 3^. We may remark, once for all, that in all problems with the sector, if any given line is too long for the legs of the instrument, take J, or J, &c. of it, and the result multiplied by 2, 3, or 4, will give the quantity required. The use of the sector in reducing drawings may be thus shown : — Suppose a triangle was to be reduced to the proportion of 4 to 7. Take the length of one side of the triangle in the com- passes, and make it the transverse distance of 7 and 7 ; then take the transverse distance 4 and 4, which will be the length of the corresponding side of the reduced triangle. Next take the length of another side of the given triangles, and make the transverse distance of 7 and 7 as before. Then the transverse distance of 4 and 4 will be the length of the corresponding side of the reduced triangle, one point of the compasses being placed at the proper extremity of the first reduced line. PllOPORTIONS. describe :nnz a^c . vrith the leugtli bi ilie second line as radius. Lastly^ the third side of the given triangle being made the transverse distance of 7 and 7, and that of 4 and 4 being taken^ another arc intersecting the former one^ described from the opposite end of the first reduced line^ will give the point to be connected with each end of the first reduced line^ and the triangle will be completed. In the same manner^ any right-lined figure^ of how many sides soever^ may be reduced in any given pro- portion or augmented by the same rule. To divide a given line into any proposed number of equal parts : — Make the length of the given line the transverse dis- tance to the figures representing the number of parts reqnired ; then the transverse distance of 1 and 1 M^ill divide the given line as required. Example, — Suppose a line to be divided into 9 equal parts/ take the length of the given line in the com- passes, and open the sector until it becomes the trans- verse distance between 9 and 9 ; then the transverse of 1 and 1 will be -^th part of the given line, or such a sub-multiple of the -i^th part as was taken of the given line, br the -^th part will be the diff'erence between the given line and the transverse distance 8 and 8. The latter of these methods is to be preferred when the parts required falls near the centre of the instrument. To make the line of lines represent any scale of equal parts for drawing, plans, elevations, &c. Thus, sup- LINE OF CHORDS. 201 pose a scale of one to five chains^ or one inch to five feet were required. Take one inch in the compasses^ and, by opening the sector, make it the transverse dis- tances of 5 and 5, and then the transverse distance of any other corresponding points, as 6 and 6, 7^ and 7^ will be that number of chains, and links or feet, &c., to the scale required. Line of Chords. The double scales of chords upon the sectors are more generally useful than the single line of chords described on the plane scale : for, on the sector, the radius with which the arc is to be described may be of any length, between the transverse distance of 60 and of 60, when the legs are close, and that of the transverse of 60 and 60 when the legs are opened as far as the in- strument will admit of. But with the chords on the plane scale, the arc described must be always of the same radius. To protract or laj^ down a right-lined angle, which shall contain a given number of degrees, suppose 46°. Case 1. — When the angles contain less than 60 degrees, make the transverse distance of 60 and 60 equal to the length of the radius of the circle, and with that opening describe an arc. Take the trans versp distance of the given degrees 46, and lay this distance on the arc. From the centre of the arc, draw two lines, each passing through one extremity of the distance laid on the arc, and these two lines will contain the angle required. I 2 202 LINE OF POLYGONS. Case 2. — When tlie angle contains more than 60 degrees. Suppose^ for example^ we wish to form an angle containing 148 degrees. Describe an arc, and make the transverse distance of J or J, &c., of the given number of degrees, and lay this distance on the arc twice or thrice. Draw two lines connecting them, and they will form the angle required. When the required angle contains less than 5 de- grees, suppose 3^, it will be better to proceed thus with the given radius, and from the centre describe an arc, and from a given point lay off the chord of 60°, which suppose to give the point a ; and also from the first point lay off in the same direction the chord of 56^ degrees ( = 60° — 3^°), which would give the point b ; then through these two points draw lines to the point a, and they will represent the angle of 3^ degrees, as required. From what has been stated about the pro- tracting of an angle to contain a given number of degrees, it will easily be seen how to find the degrees or measure of an angle already laid down. Line of Polygons, The line of polygons is chiefly useful for the ready division of the circumference of a circle into any number of equal parts from 4 to 12, that is as a ready means to inscribe regular polygons of any given number of sides from 4 to 12, within a given circle. To which set off the radius of the given circle (which is always equal to the side of an inscribed hexagon), as the transverse distance of 6 and 6 upon POLYGONS. 203 the line of polygons. Then the transverse distance of 6 and 6 npon the line of polygons. Then the trans- verse distance of 4 and 4 will be the side of a sqnare ; the transverse distance between 5 and 5^ the side of a pentagon ; between 7 and 1, the side of a heptagon ; between 8 and 8 the side of an octagon ; between 9 and 9, the side of a nonagon^ &c. ; all of which is too plain to require an example. If it be required to form a polygon upon a given right line, set off the extent of the given line as a transverse distance between the points upon the lines of polygons, answering to the number of sides of which the polygon is to consist, as for a pentagon between 5 and 5, or for an octagon between 8 and 8 ; then the transverse distance between 6 and 6 will be the radius of a circle whose circumference would be divided by the given line into the number of sides required. The line of potygons may likewise be used in describ- ing, upon a given line, an isosceles triangle, whose angles at the base are each double that at the vertex. For, taking the given line between the compasses, open the sector, till the extent becomes the transverse dis- tance of 10 and 10, then the transverse distance of 6 and 6 will be the length of each of the two equal sides of the isosceles triangle. All such regular polygons, whose number of sides will exactly divide 360 (the number of degrees into which all circles are supposed to be divided) without a remainder, may likewise be set off upon the circum- ference of a circle by the line of chords. Thus, take 204 SINES^ TANOENTS. the radius of the circle between the compasses, and open the sector till that extent is the transverse distance between 60 and 60 upon the liiie of chords ; then having divided 360 by the required number of sides, the transverse distance between the numbers of the quotient will be the side of the polygon required. Thus for an octagon, take the distance between 45 and 45 ; and for a polygon of 36 sides, take the distance between 10 and 10, &c. Lines of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, Given the radius of a circle (suppose to two inches) ; required the sine and tangent of 28°. 30' to the radius. Open the sector so that the transverse distance of 90 and 90 on the sines, or of 45 and 45 on the tangents, may be equal to the given radius, viz. two inches ; then will the transverse distance of 28^. 30', taken from the sines;; be the length of that sine to the given radius ; or if taken from the tangents, will be the length of that tangent to the given radius. But if the secant of 38°.30' was required, make the given radius of two inches a transverse distance of 0 and 0, at the begin- ning of the line of secants, and then take the transverse distance of the degrees wanted, viz. 28°.30'. A tangent greater than 45 degrees (suppose 60) is found thus : — Make the given radius, suppose two inches, a trans- verse distance to 45, and 45 at the beginning of the scale of upper tangents, and then the required degrees (60) may be taken from the scale. SINES^ TANGENTS. 205 Given the length of the sine, tangent^ or secant of any degrees, to find the length of the radius to that sine, tangent, or secant. Make the given length a transverse distance to its given degrees on its respective scale. Then, If a sine ^ f„„„„ f 00 and 90 on the sines ^ will be If a tangent under 45° ! ^ i 45 and 45 on the tangents 1 the If a tangent above 45° rj^^ ® | 45 and 45 on the upper tangents ( radius If a secant J 0 and 0 on secants J sought. To find the length of a versed sine to a given number of degrees, and a given radius. Make the transverse distance of 90 and 90 on the sine, equal to the given radius. Take the transverse distance of the complement of the given number of degrees. If the given number of degrees is less than 90, sub- tract the complement of the sine from the radius, the remainder will be the versed sine. If the given number of degrees are more than 0, add the complement of the sine to the radius, and the sum will be the versed sine. To open the legs of a sector, so that the correspond- ing double scale of lines, chords, sines, tangents, may make each a right angle. On the line of lines, make the lateral distance 10, a transverse distance between 8 on one leg, and 6 on the other leg. On the line of sines, make the lateral distance 90, a transverse distance 45 to 45 ; or from 40 to 50 ; or from 30 to 60; or from the sine of any degrees to their complement. 206 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. On the line of tangents, make the lateral distance of 45 a transverse distance between 30 and 30. Having now endeavoured to describe the principal drawing instruments in general use, and the principal scales from which all others emanate, we propose at some future period to exemplify the simplicity of their application to all the trades engaged in the building art, accompanied by some useful diagrams and geo- metrical problems. The Author is desirous of soliciting a favourable con- sideration for any unintentional errors that may have inadvertently been made ; for, although every precau- tion has been taken to make the work correct, some inaccuracies will no doubt be found, and which are unavoidable in a work of this description. THE END. BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. In 1 vol. 4to., with 74 plates, extra clotli boards and lettered, price 21*., THE CAEPEETER'S NEW GUIDE : OR, THE BOOK OF LINES FOE CAEPENTERS, GEOMETRICALLY EXPLAINED ; OOMPRISINQ ALL THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES ESSENTIAL FOR ACQUIR^^^* A KNOWLEDGE OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF CARPENTRY. A NEW EDITION, FOUNDED ON THAT OF THE LATE PETER NICHOLSON'S STANDARD WORK; REVISED BY ARTHUR ASHPIT iSL, Architect, P.S.A., F.I.B.A. JOHN WEALE'S NEW LIST OF WOEKS SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRECEDING WORK ON BRIDGES, In large and thick 8vo. volume, uniform in half blue morocco, price 21. 10s. 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