GREEKa^d ROMAN PROM VASES . GEMS OF THE ! HQISE;S t workmanship. EM GRAYED on $6 PLATES, BY HENRYMOSES. LONDON PUBLISHED BY J TAYLOR N° 5Q. HIGH HOLBORN : :r>: id: id : r>: id: id: Z): -^®^^ c: : did: Ci : w :ci :c: : At AIM rna,Garde?t near tke Tomb ofrhe Borate,. PiMwTicdly ST. Motes .Tern "i.if„ 7 . PLATE R. fLilTE TIL PLATE TV. A Vase CTtaprlvatc Collection at 7to?ne. .Published hyS.Moses Janfj.itin. tf.ATE DC. Plate x MINERVA. In the Cabinet of the Emperor at Vienna . /W/W fyB.Mo.wj. Jan-h.rtij. PLATE jZ PALLAS* In the Florentine Cabinet . PubUrhed by EMosps. Jarij.181 7. PLATE JR. vlate zni. I PIRATE jjv. Augustus,, In the Str-ozzi* Cabinet . I'uMMmt by //JI British Museum Tnbh ss-ee..r,vvrij0i 7 . Plate jxxir. ULYSSES AND TIRES IAS. From die Villa silbtzni . PLATE XXXVI. 3 3125 00449 6747