JA: 2 . A. 22- u. MU?:* W P/ROTECHNIA f Or aDifecurie ofarfificiall } Fire worker for Pleaflire Irupyrounels o^y jfrb' are ■n^airiefy anti -peripicucuflv lata downed loyelher'i v Jundrj fief (Fiction) (tol/i* (?dia Cl amt) >. r jV & pr o Circular, ' yeyermed by y deLyc* (Ft re. a^ are^neb to CejyitntL in any Cf&rCDij CcusrJdcCtiii? CinitP exlanb yv any {(anyuaje 'WCerevnlo 3 ) annexed a *T* 1 r P r* 4 extraction ’eomei marc . r xrx%m loooo yiori 'Written g§g§C('"v^g Aaxi ■ah' '• : « '•> i«S “ \ j*J Io:.‘ ’ W.grfOjjinfto- • \w^ -A V;V:v.; '// C ‘ S'- - -ro oT ’cM ' 1 . )oili: .coo • • • ) o>; - ■ • «V > *V*V.V ".V-, "1 * . . ;r X- nn c t..* X )v* AtwWcV! y- ' r i:r{ ,Z A D 1 f f. ii.:‘ !' * 1 -V'^h U, V '■* -vkfr\ : Ci>f- .S . f 1 • ~ ' \ — ' v ^ -3T- ■ ^ A •>.<* „ sStf* v*S> A i ■ VI 0 a vt; , .1 V • ; j A. ;'i -ivil C H ‘ T A* H ? *■■ x OH* A :azx:ki '.'fojXl •; i \ \ / TO THE RIGHT HONOV- RABLE, THE EARLE OF JMettporf, Mailer of his Majefties Ordnance, my lingular good Lord, Honourable ; Am not induced to prefent this Treatife to your Lordlhip for any worth that is either in it, or in my felfe,the Author of it; the thing be- ing of fmall moment, and my felfe ©fas little account ; but your Lordfhips Angular clemency to all, and your Honourable favour vouchlafed to me in particular, hath made me thus bold, and hath caufed me thus farre to prefume. I have beene for ceftaineyeeres paft, and fo at pie' fent am, one of the inferiour Gunners of his Map ftie } . and ever fince I held that place, I have endea- voured to gainefoch skill and experience, as I e- fteemed moft recjuiiite for that lervice. And to that end I have bellowed fome time and expence, as my occafions and ability would permit, in the pradlifo of 'tA ftiUery and Fire-rnrhes , wherein though I have chiefly aymedat fuch conclufions as might be ufefullagainll an enemy in the field, yet thefe halcyon dayes of peace and tranquility, which through y ' TheE piftle Dedicatory. through thegoodnefie of God we havefoTciwen- joyed, have given mee occafion to invent and & pra- <5tife fuchalfo as thefe following; which howfoever they may feeme to ferve onely for delight and exer cife, yet as by the handling of thefe there may bee gained knowledge in the natures and operations of the feverall ingredients and their compofitions- fo thedueconfideration of the ordering of them may excite and ftirre up in an ingenious minde, fondry inventions more ferviceable in times of* warre Now becaufe your Lord flop hath of late, by the gratious providence of the Almighty, for your ex- traordinary wifedome and worth, beene advanced to that eminent place, upon which I have fome de- pendance, and to which I ftand obliged by my fpe- ciall fervice (to which alfo all workes o fTyrotech- me may feeme to have relation)I hold it my bouii- den duty to prefent thefe firft fruits of my labours to your Honour, as an unfayned teftimony,and an undoubted evidence of my faithfull obfer vance, and fingular refpedt to your Lordihip : which if ’you lhall beplealed to take into your fpecial Patronage and protection, I lhall be in good hope to be freed both from the venomous tooth of Mamin, and from the malevolent afpedt of Zoilus, and from the poyfoned breath and ftingingof the reft of that vi- perous brood,and lhall alwaies remaine Your Honours in all dutijdll objeryance^ Iohn Babinot os. / TO THE READER Courteous Reader, i y * or name owne private recreati- on^ [pent fome vacant boures in the finely and contemplation of tbofe ar- tificial! Fire-works which are dif- • courfed of in the enfuing Treatife • f held it requijite for my further and better Jath facti- on > as any opportunity did offer it felfe , to make expe- riment of fome of the particularities there fet downe^ and 1 did accordingly now and then bring into A& that whereof before l had but a nicer e Notion, and the bare and naked Theorie ; which becaufe it could not be done fo privately, but that of necefiity fome times it would come to the view of others • by that meanes it is come to paffe , that more notice thanf was ever wil- ling to , hath beene taken, thatff ha’Ste beflowed feme thoughts upon that fubiett, and takpn more than ordi- nary paines in it. And not foonely, but thereupon alfe feme of my intimate friends and acquaintance, who have afpeciall intrejl in me, haye beene very infant and urgent with me that f would make my labours more pub tike , and communicate them to the world, by committing them to the Treffe : whereto though f was a T o the Reader. a long while utterly unwilling, as being confcious to my felje of mine owne inability and infujjictency to devi/e and contrive any thing worthy to come to fucb publih view, yet their importunity hath at lijljo Jarre pre - Vailed with me, thatthofe rude and unpoljjhed lines are now like to fee the Sunne^and to come abroad to be [canned andeenfured by others, ff thou Jhalt hskp upon them with a fair e and favourable eye, Ifballbee encouraged to beflow mypatnes upon Jome other thing, which may happily give thee more content, and in the meane while jball reft Thy true friend and well- wilier,’ Iohn B A * I N G T <) N, Gunncf i In laudem Autboris Ioann is Babinqton c Jmiri & in sArte CMathefios celeberrima Socii. T He pleafapt objea of clofe ardent Bo wres, Envelloped with Florae’s fragrant flowres, The goodly Profpea of Skie-kifsing Hils, Or fertile Plaines vein'd ore with purling Rils ; More raviih not my fences with delight. Then doth thy Pjrotecbnie.Mzny write Of Arts inthemlelves worthy, buttheir worth Is much impairdeby thofe that fetthem forth , Wholly unskill’d in Mcgatbologic> . . The very foule of each deepeMyftetie- I wiih fuch (hallow men would meddle lefle. And with their fenfele(Teftuffe notcloyihePrefTe. All fuch his Schoole to paffe by Plato wude In beautifull Geometric not skild. Well haft thou then my Friend enpreft thy At , Since this rare Science hath the greater part Shar'd in thy Wotke, giving it winged fare, To mount it up-aloft,and deck th e?y re • With fplendent ftars, filv er and golden (howers , Thefe are th'effeas of Mathematkk powers Which crown their Authors temples, no? w - y > But with a wreath of flats and fulgent rayes. Fairly goe on,«hy felfefuchTrepfoer reate. That neither time not E>rw may outweate; Tboi StuteviU. pbilomathesl Vnto his worthy Friend, and induftrious Artift, Matter Iohn Baring ton. W Hen as I did thy Books by chance effie. With divers figures gr act, moft curioufly Qontriud,aU new ,and of thine own invention > With Jmdry Engine s made by iuft proportion ; 1 did admire thy skilly thy attive braine, \ Whereby thofe things thou didft Jo Well dttaine ; Juftly 1 mighty for of no Nation yet , There s any bath this path fo fully beat * Nor laid thofe grounds that thou haft done y whereby We might attaine to things that tend fo high. For Jenceleffe things with life thou feemft to filly Making them wondred at by commonskill. Thou fundry doubts unfoldft , and with mucheafe , Thou teachcfl its to meajure Land and Seas. When as 1 thought on theft , and knew how rare Men thus addicted, and thus given were , My mind, my band, my hand did force my pen, T* offer my mite of thankes ’mongtt other men, Accept it then, and let it no lejfe bee Fleafing,then greater gifts are unto thee. v Thy truly afFeftionate , and wel- wifhing Friend, John T&ate-j* In commendationsof his worthy Friend Matter fohn Babington Gentleman. I f I were worthy to extol! the Name 0 f him that fpcnds the’Elixcrof hisfpirits, H ow rate definde, I fhould fee forth the fame, N ere Ihould 1 flinch* for why tby great demerits B ravely ttiould armc me boldly to oppofe A gainft thy Criticks and back- biting foes , B rave man of worth proceed .• the rareft wits, 1 f thy rare Worke doe come but in their view, N ere doubt, but they as foone as God permits, G reat love and aid will then exprefle to you, T hat fpends your time, fpirits, and great cxpcncc O n Countries good for love, not rccompence. N ow tell me thou that haft a Tallent lent. Which was receiv’d from God Omnipotent , And hor’dft it up, burying it with thy Name, It there takes Period, ending with thy frame. When this my Authors fame, Iiuftprcfage, Shall flourifh Rill, and not wcareout with age. t Thy Friend Iohn Hicks, alias Bridghampton Gunner, i /A, r t ■ - *. ' • j i ‘ . • J «£- \'■ , .fort : ■ i o ’•v*> r; • J * v T . ?i * i; ■ 5Q fx r . ’ 4 . » ■ ,Snh >N" ' \ >0\ If • . * Hi i ..,rt l* c > » i • tij i !' * r ,/ ■Uj, > jjf r*i ♦.■ $: \ ... • •: y v -r /; ' ■■ rt'JffVv • , ; .r»n,/p ■ i\ / •• IP • " . ‘ \ C H A P. A Tabic of the Contents. H 2 3 ,4 5 6 8 9 i° 11 12 13 4 1 15 1 6 17 18 IP 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 2 P 3° 31 32 33 34 35 Ow to make all forts of moulds in a true proportion with the Rollers. and --drift. . . P3 § ei How to make your Cofines of paper. P *4 How joHjbadchoake a Rocket. , . . , \ em The manner of driving a Rocket .with the moments belongwgto thefame^ The manner of beading a Rocket .with the order of capping the fame. p .7 The manner of finding a Rocket. . , . P* 8 The manner offering Rockets , »** */ - A# P* ^ ^ Divers compofitions for flarres. The manner of making the heft fort of ftarres. p. The manner of making filver and golden rame. p. 1 4 Howto make ff gigs which feme call Serpents. laem How to make the reports or breakers. P" 5 How to make a Runner on the Line. P* Themannerof firing your Runner. n* T a Howto compofe a tvheele. P * 1 ' How to make a ground wheele. ■ P* Another manner of ground JVheeles. p,X The manner of making a fixed tvheele which fhaU give divers reports. p.2» How to make a fixed tvheele which /ball caft forth many Rockets *Howto make a fixed tvheele which {hall caft forth divers fif gigs .and like wjfe ThemmleVof making a tvheele to r untie two w dyes, which u forward and ^Themanner of compofing a tvheele . which having fnifted hU' revolution, ; How toZprefent a Coat tf eArmes in fire which having burnt af mall while, the [aid Coat fhal appear e in per f eft colours. and fhal continue fo a long How to reprefent an ant Usance by the helpe of fire , which J hall moovetn a Another way for making an antickjance which is not fo violent at the former, ' P*2 P How to compofe a Caftle of fireworks, with the manner of placing the Tvorg How^o reprefent divers motions in a Caftle of Fire-worke. P- 3 0 l Another lay to performe the fame Motions, and will not be fo violent as the ~Hwto reprefent the forme of an oArmy of an hundred men marching.whoch [hall prefent and fire at on certaine place appointed. . . , ia , eai How to reprefent Mufique playing {by the helpe of fire) with anttek* dan- • P*3 ^ C How to make a Dragon or any other creature run on the Iwe , by the he ¥*f Zno.horv,., fir nuking a, firry Dragon to fajfr on Min. Mon, the hrlp. £ £ J * J / Howto reprefent Saint George fighting with a T>ragon on the line, p .3 7 How to make a trunks of fire , which [hall caft forthdivers fire- h f s 'P'*t I Themamerof making a Club which [halt caft forthdivers fmallworkes or rr ■ P‘4 2 fifg'V- -ity 3htch I caR Iacke inaboxe. 7 P P- 4 ? , 4 *^ „ w> >« 3S,ft * tt '*"** ^ -** *•» .«* v 4|3 40 K>w „ Wl fe a halfetnootte of rockets appear e in theatre. J' 4 * 41 makeacafe of rockets to rife I once. 7 £47 4 :PoZ U ' , ~’ herein theayre, after the^J™, 43 £&» to reprefent a figure of the Sun )C aJfin £ fath his b,*™*, « * £ " s ? ^-!=i'S£ , ;ias -* —— ,k; ^M ndf0rt \ thei t fi I ° ^ ° ther '"^greJviouL C **"***b M *9 H ow to snake a buckler, which (hall call forth a /,,, j j r v • IcJem making his report. 1 7 * ****** **r 50 Mow tomakethe C nr t lax, fruiter, or Fauchion M J the neater reieh £ rea?Jl 5 2 eaSrenter h all rthich [halt Jheot forth many retorts Wcn > 59 H z;;xxS:'- w ^ 23* ^ S ** ^ -;2 <0 «,w » i7«» .r Mermaid plat ine on the renter £* } Z~SZ£2E*ft.Z$£ ttsir'-*- *••5' *'2£sg&itr**' L * 4a. «-r;: 6 5 The manner of making °f *9 66 Another engine for the fame. * idem ^7 *sf third Engine for the false. P- 7 * 68 Another Engine for trying the firength of powder by water. ' A Treatife of ARTIFIGIALL FIREWORKS, mod of them being invented and ap- proved by the Author. Chapter I. How to make all forts of moulds, in a true proportion, with the fowlers and Drifts. Hat I may fet downe the true procee- ding in Fircworkes, it is requifitc in the firft place to lay downe the true order and forme of making ail forts of moulds, afwell greater as leffe : and to proceed , youmuft get of the beft drie Box you can finde 5 if not, offome other tough wood, as Crabbc- tree, Holly,or fuch like wood, which when you have provided according to your fize you meancto ufe it behoveth in the next place to be known, of what diameter you will have the heighth of your bore, and from thence all the reft is derived: For example, I defirc to have one bored of an inch high, which I get bored by fomc Turner ; and to know of what length it rauft be, I take for the fay d length fix diameters of the bore, which maketh fix inches, and for the thickneflc it ought to be halfc a diameter on each fide, fo that being turned true round, it contayncs two inches in diame- ter. Then have you to provide a bottome, which is to be fitted in fuch fore as you fee deferibed in this figure : the proportions heerafcerfollow. A is the foot of the mon/d, And is in heighth two diameters, which muft bee two inehes ; and one diameter and ~ in breadth , whether it bee fquare or round. B ferveth only for a ft ay, and muft arife one inch into the mould, which is one diameter, andfo proportional/ in all other forts. C is for the mouth of the rocket, and is in diameter j of the bore • fofetting one foot of the compares in the center, deferibe the arch , which is the fuH heighth required. EE V ,Vw' t vi vVi.i ^ . > nil. nU .lx . How to make your coffins of paper* having explained the manner and forme of the moulds, with the reft of the dependants, I come now to (hew the ufe of them in their fevc- rall orders : and firft for the ufe of the rowlcr, which is deferibed by the letter A. Y ou muft provide fomc good ft rong paper, as old Law books, which are bothftrongjand large j and cut out your fizes of paper for your work.* now to know what length your paper muft bee, let it bee alwayes the length of your mould : fo (ball you have one diameter left above the mould, the ufc whereof (hall be fhewn in his proper place. Now having provided your paper in length ready, take your rowlcr, and one length of paper, and begin to rowle. when you have rowlcd one fticer, vou Figure i\ G. muft have a board ro rowlc it with (the board is marked in the fccond figure * ) which muft be done in this manner : you muft hold the rowlcr in your left hand, and with your right hold the board s then lay down your rowlcr upon fomefraooth chcft, or table, or fuch like - which when you have done, lay on your board, and rowle it very hard, only one way j which having done, rowle another length, and fo proceed in row- ling between every fhect, till you have fowled on fo much as will fill the mould very ftraight ; when you have fo done, draw forth your rowlcr one diameter, which in this place is one inch ; and then take the other part of the rowler, which is fhort, and marked with D, and put it in as you fee deferibed • and there have you a place left for the choaking of your rocket,of which we come now to fpcak: Chap* III. How you [ball cboak a rocket. Hen you come to choak your rocket, you muft have a ring to ferew into forne poll, at which you muft: tie your cord, which muft be bigger or leflcr.aceor- ding to the bignefle of your rocker, by reafon that a fmall cord will not choak a great rocket for want of iftrength 5 and again, a great cord will not ferve f6r a final!, in regard that it will make too great a cboak- ing • fo that you muft have a bigger and leffc ; which when you have fo provided, tying one end to the ring, you muft about a yard off tic a ftick, infaftiion of a handle for afwing, which muft bee ftrong, by rea- fon that it muft beare the whole weight of the body, (the letter G in the ^l^a.K-fccond figure expreffeth the fame •) which when you have provided, put 6 ,c Pj>rotechnia , or, put the fticke bet wccnc your legges, and windc the cord about the roc- ket cafe in the place appointed, which is betweene the long rowlcr and thefhorc, when you have fo done, girt it by degrees, ever turning your fouler, to the end it may come together more clofc and neat (the man- ner is expreffed in the third figure, by the letter K ) fo when you have Fh rez choaked it fufiScicntly, draw forth your fliorc rowler, and where your * K* 5 * choaking is,tyc it about with firong packthrcd*, and fo drawing forth your rowlcr, you have a coffin ready to be filled when occafion fervetb, the forme whereof folio weth. And becaufc the choaking of a rocket is very laborious and dangerous, in regard of the breaking of the cord, which often hapnethjl haue therefore invented a ccrtainc Engine, wber- by a childe may choake the ftrongeft rocket. The parts ofit arc a ferew roovingawhcclc,on theaxcltrce of which isfaffened your cord tor choaking, with the other end of the cord fattened to a ftaplc on the fame Figure p j, oor( j ; the f ormc whereof you (hall findc deferibed in the third figure, B - by the letter B.C. Figure $. ^ t y C offin of a Roeket who Hi fnified, with his checking. B The forme of an Engine for choaking a Rocket . C The mannner of ufing the Engine . F Is ameafuremade of home or fatten. G Is afunnell with a hAndleto fill fmall Rocket /, And other [mall works', H Is a fine Pearce, with a receiver to feArce your ingredients. I Isa morter to mealeyour fowder, and your other ingredient s t which muft he of wood , with a peftle. 5 Having deferibed the order and formes of all things ncceflary to the making of a rocket, it refteth now that wc know the man ner of driving ir, as alfo what ingredients arc molt proper for every fize. Chap, IV. fhc manner of driving a Rocket, with theinfiruments belonging to the fame, ►Hen you have finifbed your coffin of paper, take it, and with your hollow rammer force it downe clofe into your mould, which when you have done,(trike two or three fmatt blowes to fettle the paper into his right forme: which being done, you muff begin to fill your coffin, in doing whereof, you muff have a great care, al waics providing a mcafure, which may containe part of your whole Rocket- fo by that raeanes you Qaall not fade, but every Rocket (hall have a true proportion alikc^as for Example, I have a coffin, which being filled, will hold an ounce of mixture or ther- abouts. I take the twentieth part, and when I findc what quantity it is, I make a meafure of home, which ffiall containe fo much, and then I beginne to fill my coffin with one meafure at a time, and putting in my ' v ram- / aA rtificiall FireAVor^es. 7 rammer, ftnkefoure or five fmarcblowcs with a good ftrong mallet, and Figure 3. then ! fill another meafurc, and ftrike againe, fo I continue til! I come to Mi the top of the needle, then l take the fad rammer, and fo continue with it, ti ill come to the top of the mould': now the paper which is above the top ofrhe mould, muft be turned dewne, and beaten hard down,which being done, the Rocker is finifhed from the mould- which force out, with as much cafe you can, for the lefle you force it (being filled, and the needle taken omj the better it is, for knocking loofens the powder, and fo caufcs the Rocket to faile: now it refts to know the rcceits proper for every fort of Rockets. And firftfor Rockets of one ounce, you may take only powder duftjscing ve- The ingredi - ryfine fearced • which rifes very fwiftybut carries no taile of fire with it,and eats for ordi- ojten times br cakes, unlejfe they be very thicke of paper : but the befi andfu - nary Rockets, refi way is,to allay your powder with coale dufi being wellfearced, which catt- fes a more glorious (btw\ and you may ufe it at your diferetion. The ordinary allay for f mall Rockets is, I l.of powder, two of coaledufi, which ferves till you come to Rockets of four e ounces, then muflyou take to every 1 1, of powder 2'. ^ of coledufi, continuing that quantity till you come to Rockets of tenue ounces , and from tenne to fixtee ne ounces, which is one poHnd'.your Allay muft be to one pound of powder, three ounces of coale. No w when you have provided your powder, you muft firft mcale it, and then fcarcc it, fo that it may be free from any cornc though never fo fmall. Like wife take good dry coalc, well burnt, and beat it to duft, fearcingit very fine, which when you have done, mixe them according as youroccafion ferveth, and as your directions arc. C h a p. V. The manner of heading a pocket , with the order of capping it. Ow we come to (hew the manner of heading a Roc- ket, in which we are to ufe our thicke Roler, fpecifi- cd in the fccond figure, and marked with F. Vpon which you muft role fome paper or fine paft-board, and paft itfo thatit may bee very clofe, and then choake it at the length of the thicker part, fo that it may come clofe to your fticke in the [leflfer part, which will fit to be tyed to the top of your Rocket, fo fhall you have a coffinc to put in your workes, which muft bee of di- vers forts. That being done, you muft provide Taper caps, which muft be adjoyned to the top of the large coffin. The ufe of them is to keepe in your workes, and to caufe them to pierce the ayre more fwiftly; The manner of making thefccaps,is,to take a paircofCompafles,and deferibe a circle in paftboard, then cat it forth with a paire of (heeres, and that fhall make two cappes, being cut in the middle, and turned one corner under the other, and fo paftcdj and let them fo pafted, be put in a napkin preflc. Tjrotechnia , or, preffe till they be dry, and when they be dry, cot out a fcmicirclc in pa- per, which (hall fit round about the faid cap, and (hall ferve to pafte on the cap to the coffin: the forme whereof is exprefled in the fourth figure, by the figure 14. and 1 5. fo have you all things ready to the finifhing of your Rocket, which muft be done as folio weth. Chap. 6 . The manner offinijhing a ${ocket* HenyoBr Rocket is driuen, as I have (hewed you, with the paper turned downe, you (hall firft prime it, which muft be with cotton wickemadc for the faid purpofe, which you (hall put up into the vent, leaving a peece to hang lower than the mouth of your Rocket, by three or foure inches, which being done, tye a piece of paper over the mouth, to the end it fall not outrnow having primed your Rocket, you may proceedc to the heading of it, and that is done after this man- ner.Takeyour Rocket, and on the head (where I told you, you (hould turne downe the paper, you muft with a bodkin, pierce two or three holes, to the intent that the Rocket having fpent bitnfelfc, yourworkes which are on his head, may take fire* which holes, prime with a little powder duft, and then put on his head, with the choaking fitted to your Rocket, which muft come over the Rocket, in fuch manner, that the bottome of the greater part muft come even with the top of the Rocket; which tye faft toyour rocket with threcd, and then put in your workes: but before you put in your workes, whether they be ftarres,or any other workes, you muft put in a little cotton wooll, being rowlcd in powder duft, to the end your ftars may fire, and likewife may blowout: which having done, put in your ftarres, or other workes, and if you makemore than one tire (as you may doe of your ftarres) then muft you put more cotton rowled in powder duft amongft them, or betweenc every tire, to the end they may all take firej then take your cap (o provided as I have formerly (hewed, and fill the hollow place with cotton, becaufe it is light, and likewife will fire quickly: which being fitted, pafte it clofeto the top of the coffin, in fuch manner, that it may ftand very uprightjthen muft you fir on your fticke, for the pealing of your Rockct,which ought to be about eight lengths of your Rocket without the head. You muft get the fmootheft and Iightcft you can, fuch as basket makers ufc; which when you have got, you muft make veryftrait, and then cutting one fide of it, fiat at the great end, make two notches on the round fide, pro. vided that the one be differing from the other, fo much as is betweene the choaking of your Rocket, and the end of the vent j becaufe if you (hould tye it upon the vent, it would (oofen the powder, and focaufc it to breake in the firing. Now that you tye not the wrong end of your Rocket 'Pyrotechnic or, Rocket uppermoft, as fome fooliflily have done, for want of better in- ftru£Hons,you muft alwayes tye the end downewards, which ischoaked, and with a piece of ft rong thred tye it faft to the lower notch, juft about the choaking, fo (hall you be fare your ftickes (hall not fail off, neither will it indanger the hurting of your rocket. When yoa have tyed that, then proceed to the tying of it higher, which as I fay, muft be fotnewhat higher than the top of the vent, and let your fiicke come even with the top of your rocketj which having done, peafe your rocket, which rouft be after this manner. Lay it on your finger two or three inches or more fromthc mouth, and if you findc the flick be too heavy , cut it (horter,fill you findc your Rocket to ballance your fticke, for the fticke being too heavy, caufcs your rocket tefiugge, and being too lighr, it makes a rocket fall before he is halfcup: thefc things being provided, you have your rocket ready to be fired, which muft be after this manner. Chap. VII. T be manner of firing Rockets , with the defection of a fiaffe for the firing ofthem. Rovide a long ftaffc with a pike at one end, which maft be thtuft hard into the ground, and a three legged ftaffc with a hollow hoope at the top, to let this long ftaffc Hide up and downe, to the end that having rockets, whofe ftickes arc longer then youe Paid ftaffc, yet by raifing it through the faid iron hoope, you may make it foure or five foot longer than it would be ftanding on the ground.Now this long ftaffe muft have a Hiding peccc cut with feveraH points, which muft be neere the top; and at the bottome there muft be a ring of wyer,to let the fticke goe through, which muft be madelikewife to Hide up and downe; fo thrufting the fmall end through the faid ring, your rocket will reft upon that part a- bove, which muft be juft oppofite in a ftraight line, fo open the mouth of your rocket, and pull out the end of your cotton wickc, and with a pccceof match, fattened in a Linftockc, give fire to the faid wicke, and by degrcees, you (hall fee it fire your rocket; which being well ordered, will mount very ftraight and high : now having (hewed the whole order ofconapofing a rocket, with the firing of the fame, I will (hew you an order for making of your ftarres, and other workes which are neccffary for the heads of your rockets; and fir ft of all I will (hew you the making of divers forts of ftarres, with their compofitions; and fincc wee cannot make them without the compofitions, I will firft fet downe the compo* fitions, and then proceed to themanner of making them. CHAP. II < l A rtificiall FireJVor^es* Chap. VIU. Divers Qomp options for flarres. A Compofition for ftarres of a blew colour, with red. Ake of powder mealed , Salt peter , Sulphur vive. Meale thcfe very fine, and mixe them together with a g. of aqua vitc,and 3 g.of oyle of fpickc, which let be very dry before you ufeit. Another Compofition which maketh a white fire and beautiful]. Take powder , Salt peter , Sulphur vive t Camphire , Meale your ingredients, and mixe them; now to powder your Cam- phirc, you rauft dip your peftle in oyle of Almonds, or fuch like oyle : you muft not ufe your wooded peftle for this, becaulc that oyle will foake into it, which is an enemy to fomeworkes* therefore take a brafle peftle and mortcr, and dipping the peftle in oyle of Almonds, put it to your Camphitc,and fo ftirring if by degrees, it will powder- which when you have done, keepe it very dofc from ay re, till fuch time as you uic it, othetwife the Camphire willlofe his fpirit, and become of no ufe. Another white fire which lafteth long? Take powder, 4. g Saltpeter, j / Sulphur vive^ S § f'ampbur, 2 g Ojle of peeter, sg Meale thofc which are to be mealed, very fine, and mixe them accor- ding to the former dire&ions; Pyrotechnic or, CHAP. IX. The manner of making the bef fort offlarres . O w having fct downc the coropofitions for ftarres, it rc- fteth to know how thefc ftarres arc made, which is di. vers waics, but I will fee you downc oncly two waics both which arc very good, fo that you may take your choycc. The firft is this, you muft make little fquarc pie- ces of brownc paper, which fill with your compoficion F| . 4 you intend, and fo double it downe, rolling it till you make it fomewhat & n. g, round, about the bignefle of a nut or bigger, according to the fize of your rocketiyou may putina dozen on the head ofa fmall rocket; when you have made them up in this.formc,you mud birckthem round with fmall thred, which done, draw through a cotton wickc prepared for priming, as hereafter (hall be fhewne. The fecond fort are made after another manner, which is thus; you muft have a rowlcr, as big as an ordinary arrow, which (hall be to rowle a length of paper about it, and with a little mouth glue, or pafte, paftc it round ;fo have you a hollow trunkc of paper, which you (hall order af- ter this manner: Fill it by little and little with your fmall fonnell, ftill tfarufting it very hard, till you have filled it to the top; which done, cut it into fhort pieces, about halfe an inch in length; then having in rcadi- nefle cither hot glue, or fize mingled with red lead, dip one end of your fhort pieces, to the end, that both ends of your ftarre fire not, and alfo that it may not blow out; which being fo finifhed, fet to dry till you ufe them, and then putting the other end into powder duft, you may put them on your rocket, in one or two tier; alwaics provided, as I faid be- fore, that you put in powder duft bctwcenc every tier, to the end they may all fire; thus have you the manner of making your ftarres, the formes whereof you (hall have deferibed hereafter. Priming for The priming before fpoken of, is made after this manner; take oyle of 'Rockets. Camphirc, and foakefome cotton wicke in it, then take it out being rnoy ft, and rowle it in fine powder duft, which having done, you (hall hang it up till it be thorow dry, fo have you prepared a very good pri- ming, which muft be kcptclofc from ayre, till fiich time you have occ> fion, otherwife tbcfpiritof the Camphir will decay. The defeription of the ftaffe for firing of Rpckets. A The long ftaffe to rife through the ring. t th4t the mouth of one may joy ne to the tayle of the other. It isefpeciallytobe noted, that thefe wheelcs muft run upon a very plain horizon, fuch as the place for the game of Pall Maile at St. Iamfa, or fome other very finooth place 5 by rcafon that after the fitfl finngoi a rocket, his violence is over, and foa fmall thing will Bay him. There ate alfo fundry forts of whccles, which do perform divers offices s fome fot delaying of a Coat of Atmes, and others for fitting of divers circular works, fome of them I will fpeak of } and firfl I will (hew the manner of making a horizontal wheele, which with one firing fhatl give divers reports, and fhall (land fixed. Ch ap» 2 z . Tyrotechnia , or. Chap. XVIII. The manner of making a fixed wbeele, which Jball give divers reports • O V muftfirft get a whede turned by fomc work- man, which muft be two foot in diameter, (or as you pleafe to augment or diminlfh your work) which muft have a groofe turned out of the upper fide, of halfc an inch wide, and likewife as deep • to which groofe you muft have a pecce of wood fo fitted, that it may juft Aide in, which pecce of wood muft havefo many fmall holes bored in it asyou will have reports about it, alwayes provided, you fetthem not too neere together, becaufcthc firing of one may not beat down the other 5 when you have thus provided your whcele, make a conveyance or hollow trunck of paper which will iuft fill it, which muft bee filled with fome of your flow mixtures for ftarres, and then putting on the cap of wood fo fitted with holes, and made very faft with glew, pierce every hole into your hollow conveyance, fo that putting a quill into eve- ry one, they may take fire, and to the faid quill fatten a report, fofhall you have a pcale of Chamber* placed in a fmall roome, which being Figure 6, once fired, will follow in order till the whole train be fpent, The form A- you fhall fee exprefled in the fixe figure marked A, Chap. XIX, Howto make a fixed wbeele which fballcafi forth many rockets into the ayre . Here is likewife another fort of wheelc not much unlike to the former, which fhall give fire to divers rockets (landing circular, the order differs nothing from the former, only you muft make a hole for every flick to paffethorow, 3nd therefore it muft be made fbmewhat broader, which will effcift the fame as the other doth, by conveying fire from one rocket to another, till they bee all (pent ; the mix- ture for this conveyance ought to bee very flow, wherefore I advife you to take this enfuing, which is both flow and fare; 'Take Roch peter, g-r Sulphur vive, , « Camp hire, \ £ Fine powder duft t * 9 Mealc which haying finifhed his reyolution } fhall nprefenta (bat of Arnes. Ake a whcele of fome light board, fo that it may be without any fpoakes, and upon one fide of it, let be drawne,that Coat of Armes you intend to re- prefent, then boarc fo many holes in the wood, as may conveniently Hand on the traced lines, then on the other fide, neere the top, fhall a place bee made, which may containc your rockets, with a hole pierced thorow where the laft rocket muft reft. This being done, place your rockets round about, fo that the laft rocket may be placed on the vent which muft bee primed carefully, to paffe thorow to the other fidcj having placed on the rockets, fill thefe holes on the other fide with forae flow mixture, fuch as is for your ftars, or the like, then cover it over with paper, and put in fome powder duft to fire it, and to break the paper, which being done,fopc it well over for fcare of fome fparkes lighting on the paper before the appointed time of firing, fo haveyou a wheclc ready which you muft put on an axeltrce, fo that it may ftand vertical!, and then firing ir, you fhall have your de- firc,for fo foone as the whcele hath fpent his moving work^, it will giue fire to the other fide 5 and then (landing ftill,you fhall fee a perfeft Coat of Armes in fire. Figure 7 . A. B- A Reprefents that fide of the whcele which hath the Rockets placed on it. B Reprefents the Coat of Armes 3 in which the round (pots fignifie the places to be filled with a flow mixture , which mufi bee moift, to the end it keepc clofcin. c Chap. and j hall continue Jo a long while . jrft caufc a board to be made foure fquare, of what dimenfion you pleafe, which let be jan inch thicke, and caufe a Painter or fome drafts man totrafeout what Armesor other figure you pleafe, upon the faid board* alfo let there be another which (hall bee an inch and 3 thicke, and of the fame breadth, which fatten to the t other| with fome fraall tackes, till you have boared fo many|holcsasyo« have occafion for, which (hall behalfe an inch afunder, and likewife halfc an inch boare- then boare your holes thorow your inch board, and let them enter an inch into the thicker plankc,then make foure fquare holes (one at each corner) in the thicker planke, to receive foure fquare pieces of wood, which mutt be an inch fquare, which glue faft into foure holes oppofite to the other in the thinner planke, to the end it may Hide to and fro* then Men an iron rod in the midft of the thinner, fo that it may come thorow the thicker planke, and be fattened to a piece of wood, which may turnc upon a joy nt; to the end you may draw the thinner fquare neerer as your fire confumcs, and mutt draw it too foot at leaft* then provide a fmall ar- row of two foot long, and upon it rowle fo much paper, till it fill your fmall holes cxaftly, then fill fo many as you have holes already provided in your fquare, and put them thorow the thinner piece, and the ends thereof into the thicker, which let be glued faft into the bottome of that, fo that they may ftand very faft, and likewife let them paffcfoeafily tho- row the other holes.that theboard may Hide nearer or furthcr,to or from thefirc,atp!eafurcsthcnfitapiece of paft-board, fo that it may come clofe about thefe rouled lances, and may fit asexaftly as the board doth at the other end. and let this come within halfc an inch of the firing end, then prime them all with quickc powder duft, and cover it over with paper, which having performed, you arc ready againft fuch time as you have occafion to fire it, which mutt be after this manner, obferving which fide the windc is; ftand on that fide, and fire it at the lower corner, fo that by the helpe of the winde, you fhali have it all fire at once; which ha- ving burnt a while, will come to the paft beard and fire it, fo that falling away, there will be rcprefentedaCoatof Armes in colours, clofe to your fire, which may be drawne in by one ftanding behindc, fo that it fhali feemealwaicsto be ftanding in one place, and the light not to grow fhorter till the laft. The forme of this frame is prefented in the feventh figure C D. A The frame without the fcutcheen or letters. B The btoke fide of the frame, with 4ft iron rod pajjing thorow it,(tndfafilentd c a ti ‘Pyrotechnic or. to the other part, And the moving part which flideth to and fro At occaftttt proffers. D The frame finifbed ready to put in your lances. F Reprefents the face of the frame , or thinner board. G The inner part of the fixed piece , with holes beared in each alike , to put in jour lances of row led paper , filled with flow compofit'ion . •. CHAP. XXIV. Hoyc to reprefent an antike dance , by the helpe of fire , wbicbfhall modern a circular forme. Aufc a board to bee made of two foot fquarc, fo that one fide of it may bee hollowed, (or grooved,) to lay your rockets in j then caufe another board to bee made of the fame largcncffe, fothat it may fit clofe on the other, the rockets lying bctweenc, and in the center of the fame board, place a brafle focket, which muft paffe thorowthe other for the center pinne to enter into it; then place your antikefigures on the top of the faid board, with wiers paffing thorow both; to the cad they may be turned about in their motion, by certaine pinnes placed in another board, which muftftand fixed; fo that moving about the faid board, the pinnes take hold of the wiers which come thorow, and turnc them backward and forward; but in regard of the extraordinary vio- lence of this motion, it will tcare all in pieces, unlefle you have a great care in making all things to runne very exa&Iy, which muft bee tried be- fore you come to ufeir. The order of this is reprefented in the feventh Figure by the letter E. ABCD The bottome board, which (lands fixed with a focket to put on 4 low pole , and hath a [mail pinne flan ding at each corner. E EE The under boardwhich movethjn which is placed the rockets. FF The uper board which is faftened to the other , wherein the rockets arc placed, G G The wiers paffing thorow both beards which are fafiened to the foot of each anticke. H H The other wiers which ftandfafl in the fixed beard, and are to turne a- botst the antick£s paffing by them. v CHAP. T <>Artificiall FireAVorb^s. chap. xxv. way for making an anticke dance, which is not fo (violent as the former* Akc one of your large fort of whceles, and fallen it on an iron axdtrec, fo that the whcele move the axeltree with his motion* then let there bee a ferew filed on the faid axeltree, which may bee fitted to a fmall whecle of tenne teeth or thereabouts as you pieafe, for the more teeth there is in the wheclc,the flower itgocth,andcaficr, ct centra : which wheelc let it be fo fattened to an axeltree, (on which the board bearing theantickes rauft ftand) that the fire whcele turning about verticall, may move your worke hirozontallj which will move follow, thatthefire whcele will betenne times about, before your Motion will move once about, which being done neatly, will prove a worke of great contentment. The forme whereof is expreffed in the feventh Figure by the letter F. A The fire wheels placed on an iron axA***** '* noi made f aft to it. B The ferew mad * tUfaui axeltree, or filed out of the fame ft up. C The wbeele which the a] ore faid ferew mufi he fitted to runne with, which mufi have fo men] teeth, as you intend tee fire wheelc fall move about for once of jour motion. t . , D The (cjuare hoard on which the anticke s fiand, and ts faftened to the axe tree which hath the wheele. E A place for a light to hurne fo long as the worke tndureth. F E F T he detent es or pieces which come thorow the hoard from the foot f or t ^ ie ^ ne t0 run in. Q HAP. XXXII. Another way for making a fiery Dragon to pajfe on the line with - out the help of fire. N the former Chapter, I fpakc of a Dragon of a fmall fifcc, of a foot in length, or thereabout * now I come to fpeak of thofc of a greater magnitude, which cannot fo cafily bee forced with fire, in a ftraightline, without fome artificial! help - for Art muft bee alwayes as a handmaid attending on Nature, to help her in her work j therefore having prepared a large dragon, you muft make divers hollow truncks of wood, within the body, which (hall bee to caft out fire, and on a fudden divers fmall bals of fire, other times a greae number of final! fisgigs. Now to make this run on the line, you muff have a hollow trunck faftned on the back, between the wings of your dragon, which muft bee fomewhat bigger than your cord, with a fmall hole ihorow each end s the ufc of thofe fmall holes is, tofaftena fmall cord, which muft be fo faftned, that one end thereof muft bee faftned at the bead of the Dragon, and fo pafle over a pulley ; (which pulley (hall bee faftned at the end of the line) and returning thorow that hollow trnnek in the back,, it (hall be put over another pulley at the other end of the line, and fo making a return, (hall be faftned to the hole in the hinder part of the trunck. Now one of thefe pulleys (hall have a handle or winch to turn it about, which (hall caufe the dragon to move, and (hall be a help to the drawing of it backward and forward at your pleafure • after this manner you may form many works on the line, which other- wife cannot be done, The form of this is fee down in the eleventh figure, by the letter A. D A : vJ rtifictall Bire-Wor\s. VT A reprefenteth the dragon ready finijhed, with alibis work / . B C the manner of the hollow trunckwhich the cord muft pa fie throw. B the place for faftning of a fmall cord, which mufi pa fie over the pulley , marked D. - D the manner of faftning that pulley which mufi bee at the further end of the line. ...» o o o o the manner of the paffing of the fay d line which is thorow the hollow trunckj, andfo over the pulley marked E, and then faftned to the other end of the trunck^marked G. t F a handle or winch belonging to one of the pulley s which maketh the dra- gon move forward and backward, as occafion profereth. H H the great line on which the dragon pafieth a and is only for keeping it fteaddy in the motion. CHAP. XXXIII. How to reprefent S. George fighting with a Dragon in fire on the Line. I Aving prepared your figures artificially made, you 1 muft make a hollow trunck thorow the body of each figure, for a great line to paffc thorow, and likewife for a fmallcr line to draw them to and from each other 5 which muft bee faftned in this manner : at the breaft of the dragon let one end of one cord be tied, which (hall paffe thorow the body of the George, and returning it about a pul- ley at the other end, faften it to the back of the George, and at the breaft of the George let another cord be tied, which (hall paffc thorow the bo- dy of the dragon, or a trunck on the back, and fo returning about a pul- ley at that end (hall be pulled ftraight, and faftned to the tayle of the dra- gon, foth3tas you turn that wheelc, the George and dragon will runne furioufly at each other ; and when youpleafeyou may caulc them to make a retreat, and come on againc divers times 5 but in all thefc works forget not tofopc your line extraordinary well, and likewife have a care that your work be not too heavy above the line, but that they may hang equilibria , otherwife they will turn their hceles up ward, which would bee a great difgracctothc work and workman : there might bee much written upon this fame fubieft, butto the ingcniousrl think it is (uffici- ent,thcy may order their works according to their own fancies \ only herds the ground of the matter. The manner of this is reprefented in the eleventh figure, by the letter B. C reprefening the George. E the [mail tine faftned to the head of the dragon , andpaffetb thorow the ho- dy of the George . dArtificiall FirefiV irkes, y the pulley which gnideth the [aid line 41 o thcr e [itefaftned t • 'the br^fl of the horfe, which pajfeth throw the ^UhfpZt fboufwSit paffeth, and ufaftned to the tayle of the dragon . K theplace of facing thefaid line to the dragon. . T T the treat tine which gtitdeth thefe two figures. M the winch or handle faftned to one of the pulleys, and ts for the moving them forward or backward. CHAP. XXXIV. How to make a trunck of fire y which fball cafl forth diners fire bals. Rovide a trunck of fours inch boare, and two foot ' long, with a hollow place in the bottom, of two inch boare, & as much deep,to the end it may be put on a ftrong poll \ let there be a bottom left be- tween the two boarcs, which (hall be two inches thick, fo that there wili be twenty inches left for your work, which fball bee filled as followcth- " - - firft fill it with cornc powder one inch, then put in vout ball, which lhall bee five inches and a halfe, and round about it pm powder dull, till you come to the top, then fill it two inches and a halfe with flow mixture, and on thm i wo inches of corn powder : then put in another ball, and after it flow mixture, which (hall be filled lo the iol and foreferve it for your ufe 5 note that you muft turn three iplacts for arming of it, which muft be done either with iron hoops or eife with cords, to theend the violence of your corn powder burft it not ; your upper ball (hall be made after this manner : Having made ready a cafe of caavas,fillitwiththis mixture following. Take iLoffaltpeter. 1 1. of powder daft. ‘ l.offulphurvive . a % ofcamphire. I % ofeyle of peter. Mix thefe very well, till itbecomc fomewhat tough, and then fill your ball, and arm it, leaving foure vents, into which you (ball put foure fmall fKcks, till fuch time you have coated ; the manner of coating is, to dip the ball in a mixture of pich, rofin, tallow, and fulphur, but this is for bals of longer continuance ; the coating for this ball lhall be as followeth , D 3 Take z Tjirotechnia , or. The receipt for coating, 1 1. of pitch. * l. of vernijb . 1 ^ offulphur vive. 2 ^ of powder duft. Melt your pitch and fulphur,and then poureinyour v«rni(h andpow. derduft, and while it is hot dip in your ball, and then caft a little fine powder duft over it, and fo let it coole a little, and then dip it lightly a. gaine, and fo you have it ready 5 whenyouufcit, pull out your foure flicks out of the vents, and fill them with powder duft, and fo put theta in. The lower ball which is laft fired, (hall be full of ftarres, with pow* der duft intermixed, to break the ball, thefe (hall be primed with cotton wick made of purpofe,to the end it may not fire the bal til it be up a good heighth, and then to break into a fho wre of ftarres. The receipt of the composition for the trwick. 1 1. ofroch peter. ? *f fine powder duft. \ of fulphur vivc. 2 % of camphir. I ^ of l infeed oyle; The forme of this erunck is reprefentedinthe twelfth figure by the letter A: A reprefents a trunckready fimjhtd , with two halt. B the hall which lieth uppermeft , and it filled with flow compofitioni C the lower hall , which is filled with ftarres t D the flow mixture at the top of the trunck E the corn powder to fend forth the upper ball. F the fecond lay ofeempofition. G the powder for fending forth the lower hall. 0 o o three places left for arming the faid trunek? H the bottom of the trunc h, which muft he two inches thicks 1 a place loft to put inapoft of weed fer it te ft and en. CHAf. XXXV. The manner of making a Club^ysbieb being fired, (ball caft forth divers /mail works, orfisgigs . Aufe apeece of wood to be turned of foure inches diame- ter, boarcit oneinch and ahalfcfrom the cop toward the bottom, only leaving a bottom of an inch thick, and like wife a place underneath to put in your club ftaffc, the length of this trunck may be eighteen inches ; then draw a circular or fpiral line, from the top to. the bot- tom, which let bee in the manner of a ferew, every thred being an inch and a halfeafunder, and in that line boarc (mail holes, (of the bigneffc of oncofyour fisgigsj till you come within a quarter of an inch of the hot- < tArtificiall Fire-Wor\s. tom of each hole \ and then pierce it with a fmall piercer, till you come to the foulc of the trunck. Having done this, make fmall wyers fuj to each hole, which let be faftned, lo that they may ftand oppolite to the faid holes, within two inches off from each hole 5 the ufe of them is, to keep your fisgigs more upright and fteaddy, which other wife would bee apt to fall out, by rcafon they muff bee put in very flack, or elfc they would not fo cafily come forth, when they fhould, then load your trunck with the flow mixture appointed in the former chapter (for a trunck^ and put in your fisgigs, priming each, and like wife each hole, and fo fi- ring it at the top, you (hall findc them come forth one after another, as your trunck burneth downwards, which (hall fcatter abroad after a con. fiifed manner. The form of this you fhall fee in the twelfth figure, by the letters £ I. E reprefents the form of the club without the wyers on, or Any other work* I is the /did club ready fini/hed with all his worh_. K the wyers placed for to ft ay each fisgig in his place . L the fisgigs placed. M the place of firing. N the clubfaft put into the bottom. I Chap; XXX VI. Another fort of club , which being firedy /bah give many reports. Rovide a club like unto the former, but let not the holes be boared fo big, but only that a fmall quill or pipe may go in for a vent to every breaker, then having boared your holes at proportionable dift ance , cut fo many hollow groofes with a googe or halfc round chifell, and fit them to your breakers of papec, and place fo many reports round about it • your reports or breakers for this work fhall bee madeas followetb 5 upon aro wlcr of halfean inch,row!efo much paper till you make it an inch thick, and better, choaking it clofe at one end, then fill it an inch and a halfc with good piftoll powder, choaking it at the other end, fo that it be very clofe at each end 5 then pierce a fmall holc.in the middle for a pipe to enter in, which muft bee filled with powder duff, and put into the fmall holesof your trunck, very clofe,then pitch them well round about, and poure pitch all over, that the work may not befeen ; and likcwife that it may hold your reports clofe toge- ther j this pitch hkewife when the fire commcth to it, will cafily fire, and make a very furious light, which will give great content. The form of this is reprefented in the twelfth figure by the letters O and V. O representing the club without the reports placed. A the groofes to put in the reports, with a hole in the middle of each groofe , to pnt in the quill. R a report with a quid ready to be placed in the club . ' ' q the < lArtificiall FireJVorJy. q the manner of the quill -which muft bee pu t into thofe [mail holes to fire the reports, V the club finifijedy -with the reports placed in it. B B the manner of the reports as they are placed in thefaid club . CH AP. XXXVII. ' Another > which I call lack in a box, HE order of making this is after this manner * provide a box of plate, of what largenefTe you plcafe, which let be fix inches deep, wkh a fockct at the bottom tp put in your ftaffc, then putting in a quantity of corn powder or powder duff, (in the bottom of the box) you (hall fill it with fis- gigs,or ferpents, leaving a place in the middle for a cane to go thorow to the bottom, which cane mu ft be filled with (low receipt, in which you lhall put a quantity of camphir, butnooylcs, in regard ofthc narro w paffage it hath to burn, without any other vent $ then put your cane down, leaving it an inch above the box, and take a peccc of thick paftebord, cutting a hole for the cane to pafle thorow, and gtew it clofe tpthe cane, to the end the fire pafle not thorow before the appointed time • this paftebord muft bee offufficientbreadthto cover your box quite over, then pat it on a ftaffe, and light your cane, which will apfJearc only -Wee a candle, and after a pretty diftancc of time you {hall h'earc a fuddcnjpy fc, and fee all thofe fwgigs flying feme one way , feme another. This toy hath given great content to the (pc&ators. The form bfthis'ls ftt down in the twelfth figure by the letters BCD; ' *r» " ■ '' * • ' ' i ; ' '■ 'll j.0 JffilSl ... ■» B the box without any thine in it. C the fis gigs placed in the box. D the box finijhed 3 with a cane puffing thorow sdtbediKteni2\ -iu T ' '.MsmH vJTY! A / — — criAP. xxxvm. Hoyp to reprefent the Sphere , moving in the ayre without any other Jupportation • life a Sphere to bee made fbmewhat light, and on the horizon place your rockets, and in the zenith or upper part, pet there bee a pinne pafle thorow the meridian, with aringfaftnedcoir, to hang it by $ this muft bee faftned to a large Kite, fo as the Sphere may hang fix foot under it, then fatten a match of cotton to the nofe ofthefirft rocket, and light it, which having done, raifeyonr Kite, and by Tjrotechnia , or, . - mf ' ' byfuchtimeas it is at the bigheft, the rockets (hall take fire, and (hall caufe it to make divers revolutions in theayrcjyou may place the midft ofthis fphere full of lights, which will feeme very ftrangc. The manner of this is reprerented in the twelfth Figure, by the letters K and S. K Represents the Kite which is fupported by the ayre, and to which the fphere it fafiened. S The fphere with aU his circle t, the rockets being placed about the horizon. H H T he horizontal! circle about which the rockets are placed. Chap. XXXIX. How to represent the fphere , with divers circles y Jome moveable , others fixed. Aufc a fphcarc to be made, either of wood or mettall, the out ward circles reprefenting the meridian circle with the horizon, the next within (hall reprefentthe Collurs with the cquino&iall, fikewife the tropicks and zodiac kc, whofc poles (hall be i j degrees | from the poles of the, world; by which meanes the cclip- ticke (hall bee , cxcentricke to the cquino&iall, (which (hall be exprefled) fo that fattening rockets about the equinocti- als, and placing two fmall lighten the zodiackc.the one reprefenting the Sunnc,the other the Moone: you (hall fee them move about the earth, (which is placed in the midft of the fpheres) according to the rules of Ticho Brahe, and (ball be according to their naturall manner of motion, which is continually riling and fetling in an oblique motion to the hori. zon and meridian, which alwaies ftand fixed, ana the reft moving on the poles of theequino&iall, although the ccliptickc bee framed from its ownepoalcs. The forme of this is reprefented in the twelfth Figure, by the letter T. M The fixed Meridian. A A The Horizon. £ E T be EcjuinoEliaH . £ E The E clipt icke with the S untie and Moone placed round. P P The poles or axeltree about which all the inner circles move, aJ rtificiall Fire^JVor^es, 47 C H A pi X L» ' HoW to make a halfe moone of pockets to appears in the ayre • Rovide a piece of plankc of two inch thickc, and turneittoa halfe round, then cutfo many groves (from the center to the circumference) as you in- tend to place rockets about it, and on the other fidejet there be rings for every rod ro paffe thorow, of which let one of each beeclofc to the top, and another ncerc the end of each rod; and note that the plankc muff be fo large, that the ends of all the rods muftmeet in the center; then prime each rocket with a quill filled with powder duft, and put on the top of each groofe, till you have placed your femicircle full; then having primed thefe groofes, (which comes from one center to the circumference ) pafte paper over them, and fo let it ftand till you fire it, which is done after this manner: fet this fame at the top of a poaft, about foure or five foot from the ground, and prime it (at the center) with a little cotton wicke prepared for that purpofe, and fi- ring it, you (hall fee them take fire all at one inftanr, and fo will flye cir- cular, in the forme of a halfe Moone. The forme whereof is reprefented in the thirteenth Figure, by the letters A B. <■ . * ■ 0 t*’ * ^ A Reprefents the forepart of the frame, in which one prefents the groofe s which paffe to each rocket. BD The quits filled with powder dufl, entring into the gr oof es with one end, and into the rocket with the other. * B Reprefents the backs fart of the frame. E £ The rings below. F F 'l he rings above. G G The rockets placed on the frame. CHAP. X LI. How to make a cafe of Rockets to rife at once. Aufeaframe to bee made about two foot fquare, with fmall groufes, two inches afundcr, and betweene each groofe s boarc holes for your rocket rods to pafle thorow* you may make tenne groofes, and in each groofe you may place ten rockets, fo you (ball hauc a hundred rockets in one ofthefe cafes, which {hall fire all at once; there mud bee a erode groofe made in the tniddeft, and in the center of that groofe, {ball you fire it, which (ball fuddenly fire all ovcr 9 being primed with a quickc trainc of powder : the charge is great, and quickly fpent, but it makes a very glorious (hew; The forme of this is reprefented in the 1 j Figure, by the letters G D. A A A A to make letters y or any other figure appear e in the ayre 7 after the {pending of a Rocket . Aving confidcredofwhatlargcnette yoy will have your letters or figures, make them of paftboard, leaving a hollow to put in fma!l quiis, ( which fiiall bee filled with adcare and ftrong mixture) then put in your quiis, and glue them faft in 5 and jndfo have you finifhed it, till you come to ufeit. There is another manner, which is thusiprovide a mould of plate, and cut out what letter you pleafe in waxc, which having done, fticke it full of quiis in an orderly forme, and put this on the head of your rocket: note this, that thefe arc onely to be ufed on Very large rockets. The forme of thefe are reprefemed in the thirteenth Figure E F. n m*i j sWnvoibbriid L. ; ;r;bisid: \'i ‘ ' The forme of the letters, the white fpots fignifying the place for fo many quits . \ filled full of flow mixture, to be placedin* . ~4r- " ; j CHAP. XL I II. How to reprefent a figure of the Sunne cafiing fort ft his beames , in fire* Aufea boxe to be made of plate, too inches long, and one inch diameter, which muftbefilled with your flow ompofition, and let the head be made with (mail groofes, croflSsg the center, to the end you may lay in certaine fprings of ftcele, fuch as they ufc to fmall Watches. Thefe fprings (hall bee a- bout fixe inches in length, and mull be fourc, lo that both ends of each appearing, will make cighr, which will make a circular forme, the boxc being the center- now to the end of every one of thefe fprings, muft be fattened oncofyour fraallFif- gigSj&then bent up clofe to the boxe, and fo pur into your coffinc at the F , fop 5© ^Pyrotechnic or, top of yonr rocket, with powder duft and cotton to fire and breake t he coffine, which as foonc as it breakes, the fprings will caft forth your Fif- gigs, and make them feeme like the fparkling beames of the funne, and the mixture in the center will fecrac as the body of the fame; this will continue a while, and then you (hall fecit breake with divers reports. This I had from a noble Captaineofthis City, namely Gaptainc Fore- flat , who invented the feme, the forme whereof is reprefented in the thirteenth Figure, by the letters L M. L 'Being the boxe with the fprings fafiened to the top , with a F if gig at the end of each. Mlhefaid boxe fnijbed with the fprings bent ready toputenthe head of a Rocket \the month of each F if gigmttfi come downe to the mouth of the boxe, and fi be put with their mouthes aH downewards . Having fpoken fufficiently of workes operating in theayrc,I will fhew you fomething which (hall ferve for ground workes. * CHAP. X L IV. How to make a pocket which firing it out of your bandy /hall con- tinually be in agitation on the ground fometimes >aml other whiles about in the ayre. Aving prepared a Rocket, with a report in the head, tycit to a bladder, fo that the end of the Rocket may come to the mouth of the bladder, and binde it over very ftrong- ly, then firing it out of your hand, caft it away from you, it matters not which way, for it will come to the ground, and by rcafon ofthe bladder, it cannot ftay,but prcfcntly rebounds upward, moviug to and fro, till it be all fpent. There is another fort, and that is a fmall Rocket put into a bladder, and fo blowne up round about it, and tycd about the necke of the Rocket. The forme of thefe are reprefented in the 1 3 Figure, by the letters G H. Gibe Rocket with the biadder at the taile of it, H The Rocket in the bladder, ' ’J Chap* dArtificiall Fire-ff^orfys. CHAP; XLV. How to make a ball "which J ball be in continuall agitation on the ground , till the fire isconjumsd. I Au Ce a ball to be made of fome light wood, which muft be made fo, as you may take it afufider juft in the midft, then make on each fide a hollow groofe to lay in two rockets (joyned together af- ter the manner of your runners) fo dole up your ball faft with glue; onely in the place where the two Rockets joy ne, (hall be a groofe, which (hall bepafted over with paper, thar the fccond rocket firing, may have a: vent, otherwife your ball will ferve but once. Then fire it, and you (hall have your defire. This is reprefented in the 13 Fi- gure by the letters I K. I Reprefents a pan of the ball, eu it is ready to place in the Rockets • K Reprefents the ball, with the Rockets placed in, fo that the other fide be. ingfiyned, makes a perfeSl round, C C C The vents to each Rocket, which beingclofed, muft have paper glued over them , that they be not feene, — *— - « *. •. 'T i . V.'VT ^ . . rtr* . 1 -n . nl , ■■ . CHAP. XLV I. How to make another jort of BaOes for the ground^ which will be a long time in their motion • Aufc a ball to be made of fome light wood, and let it bee hollowed, to make it the lighter; then fit in two pieces of wood, fo that you may make both fidcs equal], which pieces of Wood (ball be fo groofed, that you ttiay lay in fo many Rockets as may well be contained about it, pro- viding that at the end of each groofe or rocker, you may have a vent thorow your ball, then place in your rockets as I have (hew- ed you for the whcele: which having done, glue them faft in, to the end, that by the motion of the ball, they may not be difordered, then ioyne your ball together, and glue it faft with paper round about it, to the end the vents may be covered, onely leaving one open to fire if, fo have you this ball finilhed, which firing, will continue along while in motion, Figure 3 6 . AThe ball turned hollow with gr oof es to lay in your rockets, Ik The other part of the ball, with th'e rockets faftened in. C C C C The vents at the end of each rocket. e*: chap; Tjrotechnia , or. CHAP. XLVIL HoW to make a Dragon iffuing forth of a QaVe^ which frail cafi out much fire, IRovidca Dragon of fome light matter, as wicker rods or the like, which let bee made fo, that you may put into themidft of the body, one of your greateft rockets, and clofc under the belly let there be a couple of wheeles, which (hall bee fo placed in the belly of the Dragon, that no part may bee fcenc, but onely the bottoms which ccmcs to the ground; and let the rocket bee fo placed, that it may with trainesfireall parts of the body, as the eyes, mouth, and all o thcr parts; in which you (ball place divers final! workes, which firing fhall flycout,andmakca very great (he w, which (hall burne till all bee confumcd: this Dragon muft be fo placed, that he may come forth of a Teeming cave; which firing on a fudden, will make a great noy fc by rea- lonofthelargencffe of the rocker, and the hollowncfle of the cave hce comes forth of. The forme whereof is reprefen ted in the fourteenth Fi- gure by the letter G. G The 'Dragon ready fini/hed. A The wheeles on which it mufi rttnne, which mttft bee hid within thebodv 3 The rocket placed in the body of the Dragon, which canfcth the motion' G The vent whtch pafeth to this rocket for the fi ring. CHAP. XLVIII. Hew to make two Dragons to meete each other ^ from fey er all Caves , whic h frail (end forth their fire to each other with great njiolence, > Aving prepared two Dragons (both of one fize and weight) after the manner as I have fhe wed you in the for- « Chapter; it is requifite that you know how farre they f. wul runne, then place the Caves at fuch a diftanee one - ™e other, that they may meete each other in the , , m ro,d wa ^ l 8n J d th «y° u ra «y doc this the more neater, you fhall h*U be fiire, rhat if you hie it in the mtdfl, they will both take fire together; alwaics provi- ded you make a convey aoce ofpaper from theboard to the taile o! each Dragon, or to the mouth of each rocket, which being fired once, they (ball a Artificiall Fire-Works. (hall mccte, and caft forth their fite at each other with great violence* The forme of this is reprefented in the fourteenth Figure, by the letters A A. A A The two Dragons ready to runne. B B The two great rockets which forceth them. C C The wheeles which each Dragon runneth on. D The midft of their walke, with the groofe to each rocket. There are divers other workes which may bee performed after this manner, which for brevity fake I will omit. Likewife there arc divers motions to bee performed by the a&ion of man, as (ingle duels, to which appertainc the Buckler of fire, and likewife the Curtlax or Fauchion, the manner of which hath bcenc formerly de- feribed by divers Authors, almoftinall languages, and therefore will fceme more then requifite to relate thofc things fo large as they might be- for whata&ioncannQfcmanperformcby hisinduftry ? and therefore I leave every man to his owne order, oncly I will (hew you the making of one fort of Bucklar, which as yet hath not beene performed, and likewife the Fauchion or Curtlax, and firft for the Bucklar. Chap; XL IX. How to make a Bucklar 'tohich\ha\l caft forth a hundred Fifgigs > every one making his report. i ^ufc a Bucklar to bee made of fome light wood, which let be about two foot in diameter or more, asyoupleafe, then caufc a groofe to bee cut in it, from the center to the circumference in a fpirall or ' Terpentine forme, then fill that groofe with one of your flow competitions, fuch as hath neither oyle nor gummes, by rcafon the fume thereof may not offend the Bearers^ when you have filled it, fit in pieces of wood, which may have holes to receive a quantity of Fifgigs, let every one bee two inches afundcr, and let there be wycr rings to every one of your Fifgigs to hold them fteady, that they fall not our, till fuch time they fire, then put in your Fifgigs, into every hole one, till you come to the center, and then (hall you have a very great breaker, fo that firing it at the circumference, every Fifgig will flyc out as the fire comes to it, and will flye againft his adversary combatant, till they come both to the cen- ter, and then will they give a great report, and fo end. The forme of this is reprefented in the 14 Figure by the letters F G v F Reprefents the Buckler as it mu ft be grooved. G Reprefents the fame finifhed, with the Fifgigs placed about it. H H Reprefents the manner of ufing the faid Buckler , with the Fauchion. E? CHAP, a Artifictall Fire-lVor^s^ CHAP* L. How to make the Curtlax , Cimiter, or Faucbion . Rcparc a Curtlax either of wood, or plate, which let bee hol- lowed from back to edge, three inches, and let it bee fo thick, as it may ferve for your fmallcft fisgigs, then you (hall have a pcece of paftebord fo fitted on the back s that your work may be dole covered, only holes left for the ends of your fisgigs to come forth ; then you (hall lay in your lances of fire (which is nothing clfe but your flow compoficion for ftarresput into hollow truncks of .paper made on an arrow) and between every lance you (hall put two or three fifgigs, which (hall fly out fofoon as the fire commcth to them ; having done this, you have finilhed your Fauchion, which muft bee fired at the point, and fo burn downward towards the hilt. This hath been former* ly fet forth by Monfieur T hybavieh French Author, and fince by divers others. The forme whereof is reprefented in the fourteenth figure, by the letters I KL. I represents the Fauchion prepared, with agroofe in the bach. K reprefents the Fauchion, with holes to put in the works. L reprefents a Fauchion wholly finijhed, with the fifgigs placed ac they ought to flank . Having fpoken fufficiently of land works, I will come in the next place to (hew the making of fbtne works to bee a&ed on the water 5 and firft of all I will (hew you the making of the water bal$. Chap. LI. How to make a water hall , which /hall burn on the water , with great r violence . Ijlrftjhaving confidercdof what bignefleyou will ' have your ball, take the circumference and halfe it, and of that halfc make a circle, which cutting out in flrong canvas, (hall bee halfea cafe, (o that fewing two of them together, they (hall make a cafe according to your defirc • For Example 5 I have a pall to ma kc whofe di- ameter is fix inches, then the circumference (being as feveo to twenty two) muft be 18 «, fo the halfc will beep which muft bee the diameter of your cloth, and muft bee made true round, fo that fewing two together, and making a cafe thereof, it (hall bee alpsoft fix inches, which the arming will make good ; having made your cafe, you (hall proceed to the filling ofit, which (hall be done after this manner ; you (hall firft put in three or fouregood fpoonfuls 5} camphir. t -• - , .. 1 % ofoyle of peter, l%of pyl of linne, 3 hof ojle of frike. 2 h ofcolophoma. The forme of this ball is reprefented in the fifteenth figure by the let* ters A B. A A the canvai ready cut, to be fewed together. B the ball fini/bed . CC the two vents, D a peece of cord left to hold it by whilfiyon coat it, and likewife tohan% it ttp being fini/hed. CHAP. LI I. A water ball which ft all ftoot forth many reports. Aufe a ball to be made of wood, which fhall bee in two pccccs, fo that you may joy nc it dole together at pleafure ; this ball muft have fmall holes boared round about it, to put in your quils, which muft fire your reports * the reports or breakers (ball bee made of paper choakcdat both ends, and primed thorow the midft 5 they fhall bee faftned round with pitch, and fo covered round about, that no water may pafle in 5 you fhal fil this bal in two halfcs, to. the end you may force it very clofe together, and when it is filled, giew it faft, and arm it well with nealed wyer, then put io your breakers, with a quill which dA rtifciall FireAVt )rkes, 5 7 which dial enter into the bal, and likewife into the breaker ; the forme whereofyou (hall fee in the fifteenth figure, by the letter C. The receipt for this bal muftbe fomewhat flower than the laft, by reafon of the ma- ny vents it wil have, as the reports paffc away. The receipt for this ball. T akf I /• ofrochpeter, 4 h of powder daft. 3 ^ offulphar vive. 2% of cantphir, . I %of linfeed oyle. 2% of rofen. I ^ of oyle benedick^ Powder that which is to bee powdered, and incorporate them well to°ethcr, and by little and little fprinckleiyour oy les,til you have wrought itUkcapafte,and then make ufe of it 5 yourquils which you prime with flial be filled only with powder duft, to the end it fire fuddenly before the quil come to (brink up, which wil be with a flow mixture. A the month of the ball where it is to be fired. B B B the reports or breaker s, beingmadeof paper, and filled with come powder. CCC the quits, which are printed with powder daft, and ferve for firing the reports . V the hollow of the ball , being filled with the flow compofition CHAP. L 1 1 1. I foyto mdeaWater ball , which, after a certaine time of firings (ball ca(l forth divers rockets into the ayre . Reparc a ball of wood, of eight inches diameter, and boare a hole in the midft (of an inch and a halfe) and let it come within one inch of the bottom, and round about that great hole you (hall boare eight fmallcr holes of an inch, fothattbey may bee fit for eight rockets • thefe holes (hall be an inch from the greater, and (ball all meet in one at the bortom 5 whercfofe you (hall cut off the bottom of the ball, and fit another to it, which may be fo hollowed, thacyour mixture may be conveyed to all the rockets, then fatten on the bottom (having filled it with your mixture ) and put in your rockets, with the mouth of each rocket down ward, : pafting paper round about it, which (hall bee coated with rofin and tallow, and over each hole where the rockets are placed, let it be foaped over the tallow, to the end that being fired, the fparks may noteafiiy take fire of the paper, which other wife would make fome confufion ; having done this, fit in a pecce of wood to the greater boare of your ball, leaving only a fmallcr vent, of halfcan inch, and by this meanes j Pyrotechnist, or, mcancs the fire will come out with more violence, and having fpcnt ft felfe, within one inch of the bottom, it (hall fire the eight rockets placed about, which by their force Chall break the paper of each, and afeend in- to the ayre, a (mail heighth, and after lie tumbling on the water. *This ball is reprefented in the twelfth figure by the letter D. A the place of firing the ball, B B thepeece of wood put in to leffen the vent, C the greater hollow to be filled with the flow composition as the former. D D the bottom, which is loofe , and to bee hollowed to receive part of the flow mixture, E E the holes boared to put in the rockets, which mufi bee covered with paper. 1 F F the rockets placed in , with their mouthes downward. G G the place of fitting the rockets. CHAP. LI V. Another fort of water baU> which fballcafl forth rockets at two Jundry times , and if ter it isfini[bed , (ball give a great report* |His bail (ball be made alter the manner of the other,' but (hall bee a foot in diameter, and {hall have iwb circles ol rockets placed roundabout, fothat the lower circle fhall be one inch from the higher, and likewife {hall go down into the ball an inch lower, and under that row of rockets there {hall be placed abreaker of iron, which {hall bee one inch from the lower tyer, fo that the ball being fired, {hall after a certain time, call forth a dozen of fmall rockets, and then continue a while longer, and then in regard of the larger circum- ference of that circle, it fhall caff forth twenty, and after that is ended, their fire comming to the chamber of iron, {hall caufe a very great re- port, and fo conclude. The form of this is layd down in the fifteenth fi- gure by the letter H. H the vent for firing the ball. 1 1 thepeece of wood fitted to the greater boare. K the hollow of the greater boare filledwith a flow compofition. L L the upper tyer of rockets. M M the lower tyer of rockets. N the breaker of iron. oooo the places to put in the rockets, which mufi bee covered with pttper wellfoaped^upon tallows Chap* 6 o 'Pyrotechnist, or. Chap. L V. Another fort of ball, with iron chambers } every one ca fling forth a fmall ball. Aufc a ball to be made, of twelve inches diameter, and in the midft boarc a large hole of two inches high, hollow, ing it within, and let it come within an inch of the bot- tom ; then boarc fmall holes of an inch from the top to the bottom, in a fpiral line, to put in your fmal cham- bers, which (hall be made of iron, each chamber having a broad plate at the mouth to faften it to the ball 5 thofc chambers fhal be loaden with a quantity of corn powder, and after that a final ball made up in canvas, and primed, as I have (hewed you for ftarres, then having filled the large concave with flow compofition, place in your chambers, whofc touch holes or vents muft bee juft at the breech, and fhal come al in toward the center of the ball, then coat it round with rofin and tallow, and fo baveyou thisbal finifhed • the form whcrcofis reprefenred in the fifteenth figure, by the letter A. The fir ft figure marked F, reprefents the infidc of the bal. F the mouth of it. B B the iron chambers, as they lie with the touch hole or vent of each cham- ber, at the breech of the fame. C the concave fitted with flow compofition. D a large chamber placed at the bottom : note , that this ball mu fl bee made in two peeces , to place in this chamber , and after glewed well, and bound about with wyer. The fccond figure marked G, is the bal finifhed, except theceating. G the vent At the mouth. B B the reports, with a plate of iron round the mouth of each , to nay le it Ufi. This bal being thus provided, muft be after covered with canvas, and then dipped in a mixture of three parts rofin, two parrs pitch, and one part tallow, which muft bee firft incorporated on the fire, and fo ufed : this bal may ferve as wcl for fcrvicc in warre, as for pleafure or triumph, by putting into each chamber a bullet of lead 3 and fo fhot out ofa Mor- tcrpeecc. a CHAP. and are to be /hot out of the Mor ter peece. N D becaufe the Mortcr pccce is often ufed in Fire- works, I will deferibe the manner of it, with the ufe thereof, as much as is requifitc to this place : and firft for the manner ; the manner of the Mor- tcr pcecc confiftctb only in his proportions, which arc "divers, according to the pleafurc of the work- man 5 butthofeof moft ufe for fire bals, are one andahalfe, and two diameters, in the length of the chafe, and one diameter in the length of the chamber, with halfe a diameter at the mouth of the chamber ; the reafon of this fliortncfle is, that one may come the more comtnodioufly to the firing of the ball j the proportion of this pcecc foiloweth in the fixteenth Figure. B is the farm of a%lorter pee$e lying on hu carriage, the quoyn being made to draw with a ferew, as I have wade ufe of. A A the diameter or h eighth of the boare, which i* \\ inches , or 1 00 farts of this fc ale. A B the length of the chafe , and is two diameters, or 8 * inches. B B the h eighth of the chamber , which is halfe a diameter of the Jhot, which is here two inches. BC the length of the chamber, which is one diameter of the Jhot , that is foure inches. C C the bottom of the chamber, which is one inch, or \ diameter. D D the diameter of the tr unions, which is halfe the diameter of the /hot, and it two inches. D E the length of the tr unions, and is two inches. The proportion of powder for this peece is 2 § for a ftone fhor, and 1 § for a Fire ball. CHAP. L V 1 1 . How to make a ball for tbe Morter peece, which /ball cafl forth a great jhowre of ftars at the breaking. His ball cruft bee made of canvas, and muft bee fo propor- tioned, that«bcing armed (as I have formerly (hewed) it may iuft fit the chafe of your peece, which being rea- dy, you fhal! proceed to the filling of it, which muft be after this manner j at the bottom of this ball putin an ounce of fine corn powder, and then putin fomeof your round ftarres well primed, and fo fill them up clofe about with powder duft, ftill putting in more of thofe ftarres, end in the midft put F one / qA rtificiall Fire^Workes. one ftarre which may be fome wbat great, fo filling it till you come within one inch of the top, then fill it up with a flow receipt, as I have formerly preferibed for balsj and few it clofe up , arming it with fine cord, or mar- linc,and pierce a vent in that place where your flow mixture lyeth, al* waics provided you pierce it not too deepe,that your ball breake hot be- fore his appointed time: then when you would ufe it, bade your niorter piece with one ounce ofcorne po wder, putting afrer a wad d and tampi- on, and put on your ball with the vent towards the mouth of your piece: fo elevating your piece toward the Zenith, you may proceed to the fi- ring of it, which muft be after this manner : provide two matches ready lighted, havingonc in each hand, and firft fire your ball with one hand, andprcfently give fire to your Piece with the other, alwaies holding your head under the horizontal! line of your Piece, for feare theblaft annoy you: this having done, you fhall fee your ball, mount very high, withafairetaileoffire,and whenitisathigheft s fhall breake forth into a goodly fbowreofftarres.* oneofthefc bals will oontaine almoft one hundred fmallftarrcs. The forme of it is reprefented in the \6 Fiigure, by the letter G. C Reprefenting the hall cut in funder , that you may fee the order of the fiars ^ ~EThe great fiarre in the midfi, with all the refi placed about it. Note every one of thefe fiars mnfi be primed thorow with cotton wicl^e, as I have formerly /hewed. . . . D The J low mixture, which commeth within one inch of the top . * CHAP. LVIII, jfnother fort of ball for the morter piece, which (ball cafl forth divers Rochets in the ayre. His ball muft be made of wood, according as I have formerly (hewed you,onely it mufibe made pro- portionable to the piece, and moreover the vent which in the other is required to be a flow mix- ture, in this muft bee more fwife, in regard it would otherwife continue till it came to the ground, wherefore the mixtute that this ball fhall be filled with, fhall be the fame that your rockets of one pound arc, which is 4 & of coleduft to a pound of powder, and one ounce of faltpetcr. Thefe muft be well mealed, and like wife muft be clofe driven, otherwife it will confumc too faft. This ball may bee made fomewhat cillindricall, in regard of the length of the rockets to be pla- ced init as you have made this for to caft forthonce, foyoumaymake another^ caft forth twife, as I have formerly Ihewed you for the wa- tcc ball. The forme is reprefented in the is Figure, by the letter D. Fa CHAP. f X " 1 * . 1 u B Reprefent s a Siren on the water. C T he wheeles which are loofe on the axeltree , being hollow , and filled halfe with fand or water. D D The rocket t placed in the axeltree which isfafi. There are many other workes to be performed on the water, by ma- nual art, or the hclpeofthe hand : fomeof which I will fliew, the reft I Qiall leave to theiudgementof judicious workemen in that arr 5 in regard there arc fe* fights, which are performed by gallics placed on the water, with thehelpeofMaiinersa&cdjand likewife Caftlcs placed both oa the water, and on the fhoarej all which doe reprefent fome former fto- ry of the like * yet know this, there are many motions, to be wrought by hand, after a more fecrct manner, which will caufc more admiration, and is done by certainc lines placed under the fupcrficics of the water, the ground of which I will fhewyou. < CHAP. LX I. How to reprefent a Dragon ijjuing out of a C a ftb> which /hall fmmme thorow the water , and be incountred by a bor/eman from the (hoare. | Aufe a Caftle to be made on certainc timber, fo as it may flotc, if it be in a flowing and ebbing water, snd let the botromeof the doore of this Caftle, with the ground plar, be two foot under the horizon of the water (the rcafons follow ) and at a foot high within the Caftle, let there bee a certainelinetyed, which may'paflethorow the body of the Dragon, and may bee fattened neere the (hoare, where you (hall have a floatc likewife funkc fo farre under water, that the line may not be perceived, then faften on your Dragon, as 1 have formerly (hewed you for the line, but fo that the head of this may alwaics be above the line, where that was under: then when the time appointed comes, there (hall be one ready within the Caftle to fire thofe parts of the Dragon which is requifitc, which being done by the hclpe of thofe pullies, (hall paffe it thorow the water, which fo fbone as it prefents it feife, Neptune (as being difplcafed to fee (0 monftrous a creature within his bounds) (hall come and encounter the (aid Dragon, ztnd 'm i /Ml/tH j>atv 66 vtd (fj *" ‘ n - ’ and is the flhorteft betweene the points. 5 A crooked line is that which being deferibed, a {hotter line may bcedrawnc betweene the two points, as this, R , T I • f • ^ ~ C * < '"‘sCun i 8* ah*i 4 irhu; A fuperfice is that which hath length and A & bredth oneIy 3 thus, <7 ■r. : - d : - ■ U^jn F' : A Collide, is that which hath lengthy bredth, y f~ , and thickneflfe, as this figure. a t t k T Jii j}- ■■■ Cr J k i : JC ..f An angle is the inclination of ,fi*oe liaises? concurring in one point, thus: of which feme xroTT^r* are right angled, and fomexsbliqoe: ; '7 iJS?. -a. I; :ii S \ dA TreatiJeofCjeometry . A right angle, is when one line falleth perpendicu- lar upon another, thus: the perpendicular being A B, let fall upon the line AG, it being right angled at A. B An oblique angle, is cither acute, or obtufe* acute when the angle is leffe than a right angle, as A. A thus, it being acute at A. An obtufe or blunt angle, is that which is more than a right angle, thus, it being obtufe at the point A. <. . A A circle is a figure determined with oncline, which is called circumference, as A E B. whole dia- meter is the largeft right line within the circumfc. A -fence. •a Afemtcircte,i$ balfc a circle, parted by the diameter, ai A EB. A cord, is a Ihortcr line than the femediameter: as the line F G. An arch, is that portion of the circumference, whichcomprchcndcth the cord line, as EF G. A triangle is a figure containing three tides, and of thefe figures there are divers forts, fomc right lined, and feme oblique : of right lined trian- gles there are alfo divers forts, fomc right angled, and fomc oblique; A right angled triangle is that which hath one right angle, and is called OrtktgMttm* An oblique angled triangle, is laid to bee ei- ther obtufe or acute. An obtufe angled triangle, is that which hath one angle obtufe, and the other two a- cute, and is called AmbUgtnium^ obtufe at theanglcA. An acute angled triangle, is that whole three angles are (aid to bceaciite 9 and iscalled Ox'tgsnium, and if the three (ides be cquall (as in this figure is manifeft) it is then called an equilatCK A ' A ti a x - lO But Aa Such I zA Treatije of Geometry. 4 - Such figures as have more than fourc (ides, arc generally called Folligons , which if their (ides bee equall, arc called Regular PaUigons\ of which fome are five fided, and arc called Pentagons. Thole who have fixe fides, are called Hexagons. A quadrant is the fourth part of a circle, and is made by letting two lines concurrc of equal! length, and making a right angle; and from that angle, dc- feribe fuch an arch as may touch at the other end of each Une, thus; £ N O w to know how to make thefc figures, and divers others, it is tequifitc that vre know what it is to let fall a perpendicular on a line affigned ; of which there are divers wayes and formes, fome of which I will Irnwyou. Problem i« To ere ft a perpendicular on the end of aground line. F Irfi, open the points of the CompafTcsto any diftance, letting one foot in the end oi the groundline.and with the other deferibean arch of a circle, interfering the ground line* that done, fet one foot in the point of interfe&ion, and from that point fet off the femidiameter of that arch twife, and fetting one foot of the Compaflcs in each point, with the other make an interfering arch, and from that point of interfeftion to . the end of the ground line, draw another j line which lhall be a true perpendicular to that bafe. F Example. Let the line given be A B.on which it is required to ere& a perpendi- cular, which lhall be from the point B. Firft, I open the Compares ta any difiance, deferibingthe arch C D. interfering the line A B. in F. then fetting one foot in F. I fet off B F. from F to C* and from C to D. that done, I fet one foot of my CompaHes in € and D, and with the other* to draw parallel 1 lines '. |7Irft open your Compaffes to the length of your line, which Pet down, *■ and draw that line, then knowing the diftance that you would make your parallel], open your Compaffa to that diftance, and Petting one foot inthccnd ofyour lincaffigncd, dcPcribc anarch, and with the Com- paffes unaltered, fet one Pootin the other end, and dePcribe another arch, then lay your Ruler Po, that itmay touch each arch without cutting ei^ thcr, and draw a line, which will be parallel! to the former. B Example. Prob. 9 ' a A Treatife of (jeome try. Prob. 9. In any right angled triangle > the mo conteyning tides being giyen , to finde the fubtendent . I N a right angled triangle, I call them the , contayning fides which do contayne the right angle, and the line fubrending the right 6 angle, I call the fubtendent, of which any two being given, you may finde the third* Example. Let the fides (E Dand C D) bee given, and the fide E C is required 5 to do this Geometrically, i» no other then making a right angle of the two fides, and from the extreme part of one to the extreme part of the other, to draw a right line, which (hall be the fubtendent, which (hall be double in power to the two contayning fides. c *\ • ' V' 1 * < Othermfc Arithmetically . Letthe fide E|D be g, and the fide CD d, and I defirc to know the fide AC* firft 1 fquare each fide, faying, $ times 8 is 64, and d times 6 is 3d, which added, makes 100, out of which I extract the fquare root, which is 10, and that is the fide required : Contrary, if one fide bee given with the fubtendent, and the other fide be required, I fquare each, alwayes fubtra&ing the fquare of the fide from the fquare of the fubtendent, and the remainer is the fquare of the other fide, whole fquare root is the fide required. Example, The fubtendent E C is to, thebafe E Dis 8, and there is required the perpendicular D C ; firft multiplying 10 in it fclfe gives 100, and ,8mul- tiplyed in it fclfe is 64, which fubftra&cd from 100, refts 3d, whofe fquare root is the fide required 5 fo that from hence is gathered, that the fubtendent is double in power to the two concaying fides, which is a maine propofition, on which doth depend a great part of Geometry. Ettclide 1. propofition 47. Prob. 10. To finde the center of anjarch of a circle prefiribed. L Et there be an arch of a circle wbofe center ils required j firft I divide the arch into twocquall parts, and then fetting one foot of the Com- pares I o <$A Treatife of (jeometry . paffcs in the extreme parts, I open the other foot fomewhat more than one fourth, and fo deferibe an arch above and beneath , and then removing my Compares, I fix one foot in the midft,and mark where it interic&cth in the other arches, then I draw two ftraight lines thorow the interfering arches, and where thole two lines cur each other, that is the center. Exitnplc. I v I » j Let A. C D bee the arch of which I dividcit into rw© equal! parts, in the point C, then fetringone foot at A, I extend the other iomewhar more than j between A and G, and there deferibe the intcilefting arches above and beneath, which are mar- ked withD F and DF ; fo ukewife I do the li-ke from, the point D, then I draw two ftraight lines D E and D F interfe&ing each other in the point B, which is the center ot that arch required; Prob. ii. 4 To finde out the chord lines in a circle , from the third to the tenth . L Et A B be the diameter of the circle, out of which the chords arc to be found, firft havipg drgwn thediaroeter,andyourCompaffc9ftand- ingatthefemidiamctct, fetone fbotin A, extending the other thereof both above and bcpeqtj), till it interfc&in the circumference, notethofe interfe- rons which here are C, D, drawing the line C D, which (hall bee the third chord, that done, crofle the diameter at right an- gles in the center with the line F G, and A from A to F draw a line, which fhall be the fourth chord : now to finde the fiftchord, fer one foot of the Compares in E, and ex- tend the other to F, fetting off the fame di- ftance from F to H, which fhall bee the fife chord ; the fixe is the fetnidiameter I F, the feventh is halfe the third chord, which is C E or D E * for the eighth chord lay your Ruler by the center I,and the interfettion K, and note where it cuttcth the circum- ference in L j then draw the line A L, which is the eighth chord $ then dividethearchlineCDimo three equall parts, as the line DM, which the ninth chord ; laftly, the line I H is the tenth, fo have you the chords from i to i o, which was required. I defire to finde the center. Prob. To meafure the Area or fuperficiall content of any Geome - tricall figure* Defim. To meafiire the Area or fuperficies of any figure, is to fhew how many fcverallfquarcs are therein contained, according to the icale affigned. Prob. 1 3. To meafure the Area, fuperficies , or content of a fquare, T O meafure aGcometricall fquare is nothing clfc, but a multiplyingthefidcin itfclfe, let A 6C D, be a geo metrical fquare, whofe fide A B, is 20. which multiplied in 10 it fclfc, produceth 400. the content of that figure. Prob. 1 4. Arithmetically tofindethe meane proportion betyteene typo numbers. T He meane proportion is found by multiplying the two numbers to- gether, and out of thcprodu&extra& the fquare root, which fhew- cth the demand. Example: Let the two numbers given be 3 2 and $0. which multiplied together, produce 160. whofe fquare root being extra&cd,is 40. which is the meane proportion betweene thofetwo numbers. Prob. 15; The fide ofafquare being ghen to find the length of the Diagonal L Ec A B C D, be a fquare given, whofe length of the Diagonall A D, is required.* firft, you (hall fquare A C, which is 20. fa. 400. which double alwaics in this cafe, fa. 800. the fquare root whereof is the Dia- gonal! A D,now forafmuch as 800 is a furde number, and hath no ‘per- fc& root, therefore finde the root in fourths, (o (hall you findc the root thereof to bee 113 fourths, and taking the £ of that number, is 28$ for the length lot the Diagonall. A D, as appcarcch in the former Diagram. ' it jv ji ;; Prob. « 6. ciguqaH s ibsilwii To meafure a long fquare . meafure the content of a long fquare, is to multiply the length in 1 the bredth, the produft givech the content required. Example. 4 $2 necre rational] 20 1. which multiplied by *4 produ- ccth the area ofthe Rhombus 498 which was required. Prob. iS. To meafure anirregular Rhombus . L Et A B C D, be an irregu- lar Rhombus, whole fides (hall bcaif. and let the propo- fition bee to caft up the content thereof : firft let fail the perpen- dicular BE, which applied to the fame fcale from whence the fide A B, was taken, will be found to be 9 ~ which if you multiply by the fide 2 ii.it gives you the content ofthe Rhombus, which is 205 1. that divided by 60. giveth one acre 45 perches; B ' Prob, / y tlj/ A t/ /...J B D ao oJ Treatifeof (geometry . Prob. 19. To meafure a ^hombqydes. pVcry Rhomboidesis meafured, as long fquarcs and Rhombus arc A-'mcafured, by multiplying the perpendicular in the bale. Let A B C D, be a Rhomboides to be meafured, whofe fides are 49 f. and«5 e firft let fail the perpendicular EC, which being applied to the fame leak (from which the other fides were taken) it fliall bee found to containc 31 which multiplied by the bafe 49 ,* produceth 1559 which being reduced to acres, as I have mewed, is 9 acres 1 19 4 perches! 4 i !•/ i ■ ' ' , Prob. 20: To meafure a right angled triangle. A LI triangls whatfoever confifting of right lines, **are meafured by multiplying* the bafe with B o the perpendicular, or halfc the perpendicular with 3 thcbafc,orclfemultiplyingbothtogcthcr,andtake J halfc that produft Cheweth the content, wherfore A aa c ifyou multiply 1 5 by 10 which is halfc the bafe fa. 150 for the contcntof the triangle ABC, which, was required. Prob. 21. To meafure an Equilater triangle without fndingtbe length of the perpendicular, \JVltipIy ; ofoncofthc fides in itfclfe, and that ^-■produft againe by the *, that number multi- plied in halfc the perimeter, and from that produ& the fquare root cxtra&cd, anfwereth the demand. , Ai Ex &tnple. Let A B C, be an equilater triangle to bee meafured, whofe fides are *0, which being halfcd is 10, whofe fquare is 100. which multiplied againe by 10 fa. 1000. and being multiplied by \ the perimeter, which is 30.fa. 20 p 173 for the content of the triangle ABC, which was required. Prob. 22.’ The dimeter of a circle being green to finde out the circumference. E Very circumference is more than triple his diameter, by fuch proportion as is more than and Idle than'^. but the neareft rati- onal! proportion betweene the diameter and circumference, is as 7 to 22; A Example; Let A B C D, be the circumference given whofe length is required, and let A C, the diameter be 28. I demand the length of the circumference 5 multiply alwaies the diameter by 22; and divide that product by 7. you have your defire; fb 2 8. by 22. fa.6x*. which devidedbyz. the quotient is* 88. for the circumference required. Prob. 2 3. To meafurea circle . . • ..O' • i D C Very circle is of the fquare made of his E' diameter, therefore fquare the diameter, which (hall be 28. fa. 784. which multiplied alwaies by 1 f . and that fumme divided by 14. the quotient will be 616. for the area or con- tent of the circle, ABC D. B A C - - ■ - ■ — " - - - r *• 1 *- Example oft be ftcond. be a portion of a circle to be mcafured, now for that it is not included I wuh tvvo femediameters and an arch line, therefore you muft draw the two femediameters A D,and B D,fo (hall you included triangle A B D, more then the cantcll A B G,now firft mcafure the whole figure A C BD, by thelaft propofition, whofe Area will be y 1 82. Then mcafure the Ifofcheles triangle A B D, whofe Area will bee y 72 Q2 and neerc rational!, 84 1 which taken from i8i.leavethp7 *. for the Area of the Cantcll A C B. Example of the tbirb. Let A B C, be a portion of a circle, whofe Area is required; now for that the wholcconfiftcth of an arch line, anda chord line; therefore firft Undo our the center D, then dray the two femidiameters Da and pC.andfindethecontentofthefigure CAD, and B, by rauhiplvi!e 5 thcarchhne A BC, which containeth 140 degrees, and lb confeoiirn? iy is 58 j whole ; multiplied by 14. the femediame“r!"he wili b . 4 1 0 , for the area of A B C and D, to which the triangle being added wnofe area is y 7105. and ncere rational! *4 > maketh 495 x for the whole area or portion of the circle ABC, which was required. ® i Exam - <$A 'Treatife of (feometry. A Example of the fourth i $ Let A B CD, be a portion Qfa circle to be mealured* now for. that; . the perimeter thereof confiftcth of two arch lines, arid two chord lines ^therefore firft the center is to A. befound, which let bcE,then draw the fourc femediameters, (o flaall you reduce that figure or portion of a circle like unto the firft Exam- ple, all which foure figures being meafured, as hath bcenc taught, you (hall finde the content of the whole figure to bc‘41 1 . $§.\ Exmplt of the fifth. 6 Let A B C D, be a portion of a circle to be meafured, being inclofed, in which arc two chord lines, and two arch lines, but whereas in the o- ther Example, Jaft before the center was in the figure, in this the center is without, yet as in all the reft, fo in this the center is to be found, which let be E, then draw the fourc femediameters, fo (hall you reduce the figure A B C D, and E, into three figures like the firft example, and one Ifofchelcs triangle E B C, thefe three figures arc to be meafured, as hath becne before taught, and from thefupcrficies thcrof, the triangle A D E, is to be fubtra&cdjthc remainder (he weth the area of the figure A B C D, which was required. i . . , * V \i . < 1 * • * ' . . , Example of the fixth . *> ’ Let A b C D, be a figure given to be meafured, firft let the center bee found, then draw the femediameter A E,andE C, fo (hall you include a figure like ro that in the full example, that done, mcafurc the content of inlce Prob. 2 8; Hot> to reduce a long fquare into a Geometric call fquare y THc operation of this is the fame with the other, for ifyouadde together the length and breadth, and on that line de- A fcnbea femicirclc, and from the concur- ring point crc& a perpendicular till it cuts ^ the arch.the length of that line (ball be the & «. M tide of the Geomctricall fquare containingthe long fquare. Example 20 whichmultiplied together produce 64, whole rquare Root is 8. the fideof the Geometricall fquare, which was required. Prob. 19* How to reduce a Qeometricahjquare, into a long fquare, ■whofe length or breadth U given. Example, Let the Geometricall fquare A B C D be given , to be reduced into* long] fquare whofe breadth lhall be D M, firft I ln "8* * e ' * ,l towards K thenfetting downe the breadth from DtoG, I draw the line G B.whicb I divide into twoequall parte in the point H,*nd 00 that I "reft the perpendicular, extending it till it concurre in the point I.which let be the centre of a circle, ^ - fo that letting one foot in a the point i , and extending the other unto G, dclcribc the arch G B K , and from DtoK is the length of the long , whofe breadth was c throng fquare^L h/ch equalltothe Geometricall fquatj: A BCD, which was required to be done, Arithmetically. Becaufe as it aforefaid the fide ol the Geometricall fqunre isamean pro- portion between the two fides of the long fquare. Therefore j. A 1 which is here tenne, fa. io», and dividing the produft by the fide D M, which lhall be 8, there comtneth 10 the quotient 1 » ; for the length ol the long fquare , whofe breadthisi. andWig multiplied together will produce too, which is equal! to the Geometricall fquare A BC D. f 40, and necre Rationail is 6 f which is the fide of the Geometrical! fquare C I , which was required. Prob. 33. To reduce a Trapezium into a Geometricall fquare. I F in a Trapezium, a line be drawne from any one angle,and of that line a parallelogram be made comprehending the Trapezium , and parallcll to the line fo drawne, halfc that parallelogram is equal to the Trapezium, fo that finding the mcane proportion betweene the two (ides of the long fquare, you (hall have the fide of a Geometricall fquare. . Ex, Treatife of (jeometry. K.\ a \ G » H Example , , Let thercbe given the Trapezium A B C D , firit draw the line A C, then by the Angles B D, draw two lines parallel to A C, and from thc^ extreame partes of one to the other ^ — \ ^ draw the lines F H E G.fo haucyou g *> H a parallelogram double to the T ra- pezium, which if you cut in halfe by the line I K,you have the parallelo- gram equal! , fo that finding the me 3 nc proportion between* the two fides, you (ball have the fide H F , which is the fide of the Geometricall fquare as was required, and drawing the line EH, have a Triangle con- raining the lame proportion which is E G H, equall to the faid fquare. lA ritbmeticdlly. This may be reduced Arithmetically by making the p3rellclogran> s comprehending the Trapezium, which is E F G H Example, * Let theTrapezium A B C D be given firft,I draw the lines E F G H pa« rallcl to AC, which I find to be fixtic, & from the extreme parts of one to the other, I draw the lines E G F H, which 1 find to be 31, which being done I multiply \ of the one by the whole of the other , fothatitprodu- ccth 930, for the fuperficiall content, whofe fquare Root is y 9 \o neerc Rationall 30 * which is the fide of the Geometricall fquare equal! to the Trapezium, which was required. Prob. 34. ' 1 1 . * * I I . t • r*\ To reduce any \egular Pofligon-, into aGeometri- call fquare, A Regular Polygon is that which hath all his fides equal!, whether it be Pentagon , Hexagon, or Heptagon , now to reduce any of thofe figures, there is agenerall Rule, which is this, find the mean proportion betweene the Serriiperiraetcrand the perpendicular, and that is the fide of a Geometricall fquare containing the (aid Polligon. Example, Let there be given the Hexa- gon ABCDEF , firft I lay CL do wne the Semi perimeter K H, X / \ 3 and to that I adde the perpendi- cular G H, which makes the line K M,fo that I make that the dia- meter to the fcmicircle K A M, then I raife the perpendicular from 2^ Treatife of (feometry. from the point H, till it cut the circumference in N , fo that H N is the fide of the Geomctricall fquarc required, note that in all regular Poliigons the long fquarc made of the Semiperimeter , and the perpendicular is c- quall to the faid Polligon, as appeares by this figure. Arithmetically, Firft find out the perpendicular G H which you (hall find to be neere 8 j , then multiply that in the Semiperimeter, which is thirtie,fa.2 jy,for the content of the figure, whofc fquarc Root is 2 5 j, and neere Rationail fixtcen,for the length of HN, the fquarc whereof being made , Chall be cqualltothe Polligon given, which was reqaired. Prob. 35: To reduce a Circle given into a Geometrical! fquare. U Aving deferibed a circle, draw a diameter, which let be divided into *• •* fourteen parts , & on 1 1 of thufe parts cre& a perpendicular, which extend to the circumference a and from the point of interfe&ion draw a line to the extreame part of the diameter , which line fhall be the fide of the fquare containing the proportion of the circle. Example* Let the circle given be A C B A,the dia- meter A B being divided-into fourteene parts , take 1 1 of thofe parts which is at D,and ereft the perpendicular C D,then draw a line from the point G to the extrem part of the diameter which is to A, fo the line A C is the fide of the fquare propor- tionable to the circle which was requi- ted. Arithmetically Firft, let the diameter given to 1 8, which fhall be multiplycd in it felfe, and that produ& by 11, then divide the whole by fourteene, the quo- tient anfwcrcth to your queftion. Examfla Twenty eight multiplycd in it fclfc produccth 784, that multiplycd by II is 8*24, which divided by fourteen * the quotient is 616 , whofc fqaare Root is she length of the line A C y 6t6 t neere Rationail 24 J , a fquarc whereof being made will be cquall to the circle given. Prob. f <$A Treatife of (geometry . Prob. 3 < 5 . To reduce a Geometrical! fquare into a circle. H Aving laid downc a fquare to bcc re- duced into a circle, take any fide of it, and divide it into n. parts, deferibing a fcraicircle to the laid diameter, then on eight of thofc parts, erc& a perpendi- cular, which extend to the circumference of the fcmicirle, then draw a line from the extreame part of the diameter, interfering the perpendicular in the circumference of D the circle, and continue th2t line till it touch tlhe fide of the fquarc, fo that line will bee the diameter of a circle anfwcrablc to the fquarc. ^ Example; Let the fquare A B C D, be given, making C D, the diameter* I de^ feribethe femicircle C FD, then having divided the diameter into n cquallparts, I take eight of thofc parts, and there I ere& the perpendi- cular E F, then I draw a line (from the extreame part of the diameter) which interfe&cth the perpendicular in the circumference, which being continued,»gives the line D G, the diameter of the circle required. Arithmetically. Firft fquare the fide of the fquare given, which is here 10. fa. ioo; which muft be multiplied alwaies by 14, and produceth 1400. this pro- duft like wife muft be alwaies divided by 1 1, which make 123 f the fquarc root whereof is y 1*7 and ncere rationall ii?.. for the length of the line D G, fo that a circle made, whercol D G, is’the diameter, is equall to the fquarc ABC D, which was required. Of Addition Geometrical!. De finttio. Addition is the producing of many figures in one, and to rctainc the fame quantity. Prob. 37. To adds Ptoo fquares together . TT Aving the fidcs of two fquares, make thereof a right angle, and from ^thc two extreames, draw a right line, which (hall bee the fide of a fquarc, containing the other two. Exam- aA Treatife of Cjeometry Example. Let A B, be the fidcs of two fquares to bee added, and let C D E, be the right angle made of both thofe lines, then fhall the line C E,be cquall in power to both the lines, C D, and E D, which was required. Arithmetically. Square the two lines A B, adding their two fquares together, and from that fumme extra# the fquare root, which fhall be the fide required. Example, Lct'the line A be 6 . which fquared, fa. jtf.againc the line B, fhall bee 8. which fquared, (lull be 64. chcfc fquares being added, fa, loo. from whence extracting the fquare root, fa. ia which is the fide of the fquare equal 1 to the other two fidcs given, and is the line E O. Prob. 38. To adde divers fquares together . L Et A B C D, be the fevcrall lines whiph reprefent the fidcs of feverall fquares; firft, I make a right angle which is E F G,; and from the point G, to H, I fet off the; line A, and from the fame point toward I, I fet off the line B, then I draw the line H I, which contained both thofe fquares, then fetting off that line from G to L, and the line C from G to K, I draw another line & from thofe two points, which is K L, and doth containc thofe three fquares, then I take that line K L, and fet it off as I did the former, and the line D on theother fide, and draw the line M N, which containcth the fourc fquares made of A B C D, which was required. M K II Arithmetically, Square each line or fide particularly, then adde thofe fummes together, and from the whole, extra# the fquare root, which fhall bcc the fide of a fq j arc, containing all the other* Example. Let the fide A be ^whofe fquare is 9. aga'nc the line B fhall be 4 C 5 and D 6. the fquares of each being 9, 16, * 7,36. which added together, make P T, equall to thole two fqaarcs, then I fee off that line, namely from Qto V, and alfo the line MO,f the fide ofthc other fquarc) from Qjo W, and draw the line V W, which is the fide of the fquarc X YZO, and is equall to the three former figures which was required to be done* Arithmetically. Firft I finde the content of each of them feverally, then adde all thole contents together, and the product (hall be the torall to the demand, the fquare root of which fumme being cxtra&cd, lhall be the fide of the ge- ometricall fquare, containing the fame quantity of all the other; Example . Let the fide of the fquarc A B, be *o. then is the content 400. like wife the triangle EFG, being reduced, the fide of his fquare is found to bee 14. whofc content is 196. and the circle MON, being like wife reduced, the fide of his Iquare is 13. which produceth for the content, 1 69. thefe three liimmes being added, fa. 7 ^.whofe fquarc root being extracted is y 7 6y. and is neerc rationally * for thefide of the fquarc WX, which is equall to the three other figures. Prob.42/ jtgenerall way for adding all forts of figures whether regular or irregular . L Eft here be given what irregular figure you pleafe, you fhall firft draw' it forth into triangles, and then dbferve this, (that the mcanc proper- C 3 tiott 1 ° "which ferves for meafuring of Altitudes , Longitudes and Profundities . I N meafuring with the Gcometricall fquare it is to be noted, [that one fide of the fquaremuft alwayes (land parallel to the Horizon , and like wife your eye mart come dole to the centre, on which the Index playcth,if you meafure with a moveable Indcx,but if you meafure with a Thred and Plummet which will alwayes hang perpendicular to the Horizon, then it will be contrary , butlapproovc of the Geometrical! Square, with the Index before the Quadrant, with a plummet, efpccially for thefc rcafons, firft, bccaufe the Square may be fet on any Horizontal plane, where the other cannot, and fecondly , becaufe the holding of the Quadrant cannot be fo ftcady but it will caufe fome errour, and the third reafon is in regard that this may bcufed as a Quadrant at pleafure , and laftly this may be ufed flat when that with a plummet and thred cannot, wherefore I approve this as the beft; For the grounds of this inftrument it is taken from the fourth propofition of the fixth booke of Euclide t where he fayes, that of equiangied Triangles , the fides which are about theanglesare proportional I, wherefore I will notfland upon thar,onIy I will lay downc the forme of the inftrument in the Diagram or Figure following, and then will come to ftiew the ufe or application of ir. The ! Treatife of (jeometry. The forme of theOeometricaU Square. B C and C D being divided each into fixtie equall parts. A being the centre, on which the moveable index playcth. B D a Quadrant di- vided into ninetie degrees and minutes, which is placed within the Square; Tbeufe of the GeometritaU fquare in finding the height of a To we or Caftle which is accefstble. F Irft holding one fide of your fquare parallel to the Horizon , with the centre next to your eye , move the index upward , till through the fights thereof you perceive the top of theTowrc or Caftle, then lookc what parts is cut by the index,and what proportion that hath t© the Horizontal! fide , fuch proportion is there betwccncthc bafe and altitude required. E%mfle. Ex aw fie. Take 30 from 45. the remainder!*! 5; which multiplied by the fide of the fquare, which is 6o* fa. 900. which produft put in the firft place, then multiply the parts together, which is 44 and 30. fa* 1350* for the fecond, and the difiance of the two ftations, which is tenne yards for the third, fo the rule ftandeth thus : As poo is to 1350.(0 is xo to 15. 10 4 1 35(09 09 So that the quotient being 1 5. anfwereth the demand, and is the height of the tower A B, which was required. How to performs the fame, when tbeparts cut fall on the right tbadow. IF the parts cut in each ftation bee of right tbadow, which is very fcl- *dome,(ubftra& the lefier number of thofe from tbegreater, and put that in the firft place in the rule of three, that fide of the fquare in the fecond, and the ftationarie diftancc in the third Example. Exam- and there make another obfervation, which is found to be 40. that being done, divide the fide ofthe fquareby the parts cur fcvcrally, and fubftraft the lefler quotient from the greater, and by that which refts which is |,devide the ftationary diftance, whichis, 20 yards, the quotient will be 40 yards, for the height of the hill E F. Now feeing K H,to F : E, is in proportion as i to 1. in doubling the one and the other, the proportion (ball beasi to 2. by the fifteenth proportion ofthe fifth of Eucltde } fo that K H, being 20 F E, (hall be 40. And Treatife of (yeorrtetry. I N measuring ali forts of profundi- ticsjthe fquare muft be placed contra- ry to the aforefaid order ufed in taking ofaltitudes.tbatis the fide devidedin the fquaic,muft be turned downwards, whereas before it was upermoft,to take the profundity or depth of a Well, place your fquare on the top, fo that it may ftand horizontal!, and Jikcwife that fide next your eye may bee cquall with the fide of the Orifice of the Well, then move the index, till through the fights you fee the bottome of the Well on the oppofite fide to your fquare, that done, obferve the parts cut in the fquare, which will be of fliadow, and the rule will as the parts cut are to the wnoic tide, to is the diameter of the Orifice to the depth of the Well. And confequently to have the height E G,youmuftfollow the precedent rules’ by taking two obfer- vations, the firft be- ing at the point M, the fecond at O, which parts cut, are 36 and 30. devide them feveraily as before, the fide of the fquare, by the faid parts and fubfirad the lefler quotient from the greater, and by that which re- maines, which rs ; devide the ftationarie diftance O M, which iscigh- tecne yards, and you fhall have for the quotient, fifty foure yards the height E G, from which fubftrafting the height of the hill E F, which is fotty, the remainder will be fourtccne yards, the height of the tower F G, which was required. to meajure all forts of profundities Ij the faid fquare. H&Am* o/ Treatife of (jeometry. Example. Let the diameter of the Well be two yards, and the parts cut being found 24. 1 fay, As24is to 6o(o is 2 to 5. 2 120 & ZZ0 (s Z# So the depth found, will be five yards which was required. How to take a diflance by tbefaidjquare ; | N this cafe the fquaremuft beheld as in the foregoing chapter of ta- lking a profunditudcj but note, that this ferues but for a fhort diflance, wherefore place your inflrumcnt as high as you can from the horizontal! line of your bafe to be meafuredj that being done, move your index till youfccthecxtreamepartof the horizontall diflance at the bafe, and note the parts cat in the fqaare, which will be in the verfed (badow,thcn the proportion will bee thus, as the parts cut is to the perpendicular height of the eye from the bafe, fo is the whole fide of the fquare to the diflance Let there be a River, whofe bredth I defire to know, I make choice of a place for my Ration, where (landing on a banke, I obferve the fuperfi- cies of the water on the oppofite fide of the River, and note what parts is cut, which I finde to be 40.then I meafurc the perpendicular height from my eye to the fuperficies of the water, and I finde it to be eight foot, fo I fay as 40 is to 60. fo is 8 to i2.which is the bredth of the River required. How A Treatife of (jeometry* How to performs the fame by the Quadrant, -which is wrought by thefquare , and firfifor taking the altitude of a Towre hawing the diftance given. T N meafuring by the Quadrant placed on your fquare, you arc to hold it *in all refpc&s,asyou held icraeafuring with the fquare, fo that having made choice of a ftation, placeyour inftrument, as I have (hewed you for taking an altitude 5 moving the index till you fee the top of that you defire to mcafure • then obfervethe degrees cut in the Quadrant, which being found, the Rule ftands thus. As fine complement of the altitude is to the diftance, fo is the right fine to the altitude required. Example, Let there be a Towre whofe height is required, namely A B, and the diftance given B G being a ioo yards, I make my ftation at Q obferving with my Quadrant the degrees of altitude, which I finde to be thirty de- grees, whofe complement to ninety , or Radius is fixey degrees, then I fay thus : As Sine complement the altitude which isjtfo deg.Co. Ar ., 0614691 is to the fide given, which is zoo **,0000000 So is the right Sine 30 degrees, 9, 69 89700 to 57 li- the height required namely A B. ,1 > *9 7614194 To find the Altitude of a Towre orCaftle being inaccefsible, by the Quadrant. H Aving made choice of a place for your Reft ftation, obferve the degrees of altitude cut in the Quadrant, then going backe ten paces or yards make another obfcrvation , and note the degrees cut, that being done you have a Triangle, in which is given the angles <±A 7 reatije of (geometry* angles wichonc fide which isthc ftationarie diftancc,then the Rule hands thus : As the Sine of the angle ©ppofite to the ftationary diftance is to the faid diftance, fo is the angle laft obferved to the Hepothcnufall in the firft Triangle, which being found, the fecond workc will be thus. As Radius or the whole Sine being 90 degrees , is to the Hepothcnu- fall.fo isthc Sine of the firft obfervation to the altitude required. ~ j Eximple, Let the Towre whofc height is required, be A B , I make choice of a place for my firft ftation at C where I obferve by my Quadrant, and find the altitude to be 45 degrees, then falling back ward to D, I make another oblervation which I find to be 27 degrees, fo have I in theTriaoglc A D C the three angles, the obtufe angle C being the complement of 45 to 180 which is 1 3 5 degrees, which added to 27 degrees fa.i 61 that fubftrafted from 1 80 gives 1 8 for the angle DA C, which being done, I fay as Si 18 degrees, ocom.ar. 0,5*00 175 to io pa*— — — - 1,0000000 fo is Si. 27 degrees o * 9t 65 70468 to 14 -i* — —The Hipothenufall A G* t-i 670644 The fccond operation. As Radius Si. 90 , * To A C 14 -~i — 1, 1 670644 So is Si ^degrees, — 9,8494850 T 6 to fere — —1,0 1 65494 which is the height of the Tower A B. lo find the Longitude or diftance of any place inaccefuble , . by the Quadrant. § r/rJL .J6- Q Vppofea Gaftle placed at A, whofc diftance I defire to know in re- Ogard of placing my Ordnance, to makea battcrie again ft the fame, Firft T make choice of a convenient place for my ftation , which is B , where . placing 7 6 °3 2 Is to 8 ,903°9 So is Si.8o degreeso 9.99335 So that^hc^ftance oTihcThwre'?Bls4 7 rlsfeet which wasiequi. red. To find the Prof undine of any Well or Ditch by the Quadrant. < T Hi< i«; wrought after the fame manner as the aforegoing propofmon, °n.heto P 0f,h '^t' O nltS .heanglccut, from.hefuperficies.othebottome, the Well or Ditch, and meanmng the hread.h.heRulc ft^nde.h.has as the fine of .he angle cut ia to .he diameter of the Well, fois theline complement to the depth required. £x Ample. Let the Well whofe depth I defire to know, be E B GF , whole diameter EB is two yards or fix foot, and obfer- ving by my Quadrant, I find the angle cut to be twcntic two degrees, I defire to know the depth namely, E F, I fay. As Si. 2 a degreeso co.ar.-o,^^* 4 Is to 6 foot 9> 77$i$ SoisSi. 78* -9,96711 T014H5 1— 17*73 fo that the depth of the Well namely E F will be 1 4 & foot , which is five yards fere » Treatife of (geometry. Haying the heighth and difiance giyen to find the Diagonal Of length of a fcaling Ladder. 1 ^ Und fi L C r by thc P rccecJcnt Rules, fquarc each fide ftve- ihe fnuire R™? -uf k^V? 0, L rodu . a# ’ and from lh « fumrae extra# ihc iquarc Rooty which (hall be the Diagonal! required. Example* Let the height of the Towrc A B bee thirtiefootj and the difiance from the bale of the Tower to my Ration B C (hall bee fortic, thefe two (urns fevcrally fquared pro- duce poo and Itfoo, which being added, fa,2yoowho(cfquare Root being extracted Which i, 'the fidc e AC f ' he Diae ° na,lor rcaling L,dderfor ** place I I '* Divers vayesfir taking Altitudes and diflancesy performed h theplaine table, and firfl to find the Altitude by the %u- ler on the plaine table. X™ ? U,<:rs , wllCfc ^ *11 conclufionson thiiinflrumeot are petfotmed ctluimcl h ,hcn ?, Wi ' h fiand ! n 8 fi 8 h ". others wkh a kj. circle, and (omc with a channell or cover clofe to the edge, covered with 7 h tC ° F b f 2rd ’ thc laft ra ° a comm °nly received is that which thTSfJi? 6 t0 /P eakc ° f * F,rft having got thc Horizontall diftance to ^ e ^ arc - Thcnlheonc fi de of thc Ruler fianding upon the beginning of the divifions , place the other fight on fo many divifionsasfieK- Ranee to the bafe,that done, place thc table parallel to the Horizon which is done by a plummet placed on thc fide of thc Ruler , and having fee thc mcafurett ? * 8nd thc Vanc 00 tbc fu,,thcf % ht at (brae even Jh n k Clh !? 8 nCCf l thc Vppcr cnd> notc lhc Parts whereon it Ran” do ^T^c the ncerer fight to you, till through the hole thereof, and the pins head of the farther vanc , you fee the top of the al titude, and there Bote the parts cut by thc edge of that vanc whichmrre which fc'!ll h° rC wl ?' K0 " th c fa [ lhcr vane ftandeth , leave’th a number Ihen r,m fa '. CqU:l t0 ,he height required above the level! ofyooreyc, hl n nX?^' T «“ T' u P*g* !ne - till thorow thc hole thereof and hefrnarslTnf^"^' va " e >y°“ f “ ' he *>*& of the altitude, and note thele parts cut for theparts whereon the farther vane ftandeth taken out to give the diflance betweene two defired market. H Aving placed your tableat any didance, firft make a point reprefen- ingyour ftation, from which point draw aline to each feuerall marke, then meafurc the diflance to each marke feverally, and fet thofc diftancesby the fcale upon thofc two lines, fetting each diftance on his owne line, and from the extreame part of one, to the extreame of the o- ther, draw a line, which being meafured on the fame fcale, will bee the right diftance required. Example. Let A B, bee twomarkes, whofe di- ftance one from the other is required, the point C being theplacc of ftandmg, where I placing my inftrument, I draw the lines C G,and C F, that done, I meafurc the diftances from my ftation to each marke, and findetheone which is C A, 30. and the other C B, 44 which I fet off by fome fcale in the lines G G, and C F, which I finde to bee in G and H, that donc 3 1 draw the line G Hf, which meafured in the fame fcale, is found toi be 2 6 ’ the thing required. Divers mechamcall waies for finding the altitude or diftance of any place defired, and firft for fin> ding the diftance by the diagonall from the eye to the bafe. How to take a diflance without any inflrument » onely by the brimmeqfthehat . H Aving made choife of a place for your ftation, erc& your body as (freight as you can, that done, pull downc the brimme of your hat untill you fee the bafe from the borizontall line of your ftation, that done, turneyour body about without ftirring your hat, and note where it cutteth in the fame horizon, which being meafured, wilt be found equall to the diftance required, for the body being the center, and the brimme of the hat the circumference; and feeing all the lines dra wnc from the center to the circumference, arc eq.uall;it folio w«th then that thefe muft like wife be equall. Fa Example * 4 ■ be 43 1 S> 1 1 8 4. Prob. a. To find the Qube of any number by thefe tables > not exceeding 10000 . T Ooke yout number in the firft colume of Roots, and agffnfl it in the L third colume, being the colume of cubes, you (ball find the cube of that number. Thus you may 283852461*48* finde the cube of the forefaid nufnbcr, 6572 to bee Prob, <$A Treatife of (geometry. Prob. 3. To find the fquare %oot of a fquare number not exceeding 6 2500000000 , L Ookc in the columc of Squares for the number given } and rightagainft it in the firft colume being the colume of Roots , you have the root of that number . Thus I find the fquare Root of this number 43 1 9 1 1 84 to be 6572- Prob. 4. To find the Cubicke root of a Cubick number not exceeding 1000300000000 by thefe tables, \ L Ooke in the coluracof cubes for the number propofed , and right againftitintbecoiumc of Roots, you (half finde the cubit Root thereof. . . Thus you may find the cubick Root of theforefaid number 2 8385 24 <$1248 to be 6s 72. CEeke in the Table for the fquare of the Numerator of your fra&ion, ^and fetthat for Numerator , alfo the fquare of the Denominator for Denominator. So is this new fra&ion the fquare of the former. But if it be a fra&ion annexed to a whole number , and you defire the fquare of that whole number and fraction , reduce it into an improper fra&ion , and feeke the fquare both of the Numerator and of the Deno- minator as is aforefaid. Example, t: Let there be required the fquare df this fra&ion I find the fquare of its Numerator to be 431911841 which I fetior Numerator , alfo I find the fquare of 87 61 the Denominator so be 76790169 , which I fet for Denominator, and fol hauc this fra&ion being the fquare of Example, 2. Let there be required the fquare of this whole number and fra&ion annexed namely 1764 \ , I reduce it into an improper fra&ion,and fo it is whofc fquare will be found as before to be **t 9 .? 4 ** 3 i 9 ProbJ 7 ° to find thofe numbers , t . ft I* FXOuble the fquare of the halfe furome,and fubfirad it from the fore •■—'faid Aggregate, halfe theremayner is fquare of halfe the difference of thofe two numbers by the 9 2. of Euclide, Or , From 5 1 • the fumme is 78x2 the greater number, or if we fubft rad inhere remains 5510 the leflfer Prob. 13. The aggregate of the fquares of the halfe fumme , and balfe diffe- rence of two numbers given, together with one of thofe numbers to finde the other of them. pRom theaforefaid aggregate being doublcd,fubftra£t the fquare of the number given, the remainder is the fquare of the other number requi-. red, by the fame, G The 74 5. being 4225. and the fquare of 7c. being 5776. Iaddethem both togcther,the fumraeis roooi whofe rootfquare is ico. and fomewhat more, therefore I fay the hypothenufall B C, is 100. parts, and fomewhat more. Prob. 15. The hypothenufall and a fide given, to finde the other fide. A S in the triangle next following, let the hypothenufaU B C, be 100 parts, the fide C D, 6 j . and let there be required the other fide B D. From the fquare of the hypothenufall fubfirad the fquare of the fide given, the remainder is the fquare of the fide required. Thus the fquare of B C, too is 10000. from which fubftrading the fquare of C D, 6 5. namely^ 4125. there rcmaincs 5 77 5 . whofe root fquare is almoft 7 6. which is the fide B D, required. Prob. 1 6. The three fides of an obtufe angled triangle being given, to finde how far the perpendicular fals without the obtufe angle . pRom the fquare of B C, fubftrafl: the fquares of A B, and A C, and divide halfc the remain, dcr by A C, the quotient is A D, by the 12 prop. 2 Euclid. As let the fide A B, be 80 parts, the fide A C, 40. and B C,ioo, and let there be required A D. The fquare of A B, 80. is 6400. and of A D, 40. the fquare is itfoo thefumme of thefetwo fquares is 8000. which fubftra&cd from the fquare of B C, 100. namely from 1 0000. there remaincs 2 000. the halfe whereofis » 000. which divided by A C, 40. the quotient is. A D, is parts.* Prob. B Treatife of (geometry i Prob. 17. The three fades of an acute angled triangle 9 being given to finde where the perpendicular fals. pRom the famine of the fquares of AB,and A C, fubftraft the fquare B of 6 C, and devide halfc the remain- der by A C, the quotient is A D, by 13. a Euclid. As let the fide A B, be So parts, the fide A B C,40. and A C, ioo.and let there be required A D. The fquare of A B, 80. is 6400; the fquare of A G, loo. is 10000. the fumme 16400. from which fubftra&ing the fquare ofB C, 40. namely 1 600. there rcmaincs 4800. the halfe whereof is 7400- which divided by A C, 100. the quotient is A D, 74. Prob. is. Admit the femediameter of the earth to be 3436. miles , and that there is a mount aine in height one mile : how farre may that mountaine be feene upon plaine ground or at fia. H Eretothe femediameter of the earth 3436. adding one mile for the height of the mountaine, it is 3437*whofc fquare is 1181 zp£p.frotri which fiibftra&ing the fquare of 3436* namely 11 80609 6. there re- maines 6873. whofc root fquare is almoft 831 fo that that mountaine may be feene at (ea almoft 83 .miles. Prob. ip: Admit the femediameter of the earth to be 3436 miles, and that there is a mountaine jeene off at fea 83 miles 9 I demand the height of that mountaine • r ‘p He fquare of 3436*^ 1 1 $06096 the fquare of 83. is 6889. the fumme ofthefe two fquares is 1 18 12985. whofc root fquare is 3437.^ from which fubftra&ing the femediameter 3435. there refts 1 miles* that is a mile and little more for the height of the mountains Prob- ao. The diameter of a circle given to finde the area of that circle] I T is proved by Archimedes , that thcfquare of the diameter of a circle ft in proportion to the area of that circle as 1 4 to 1 r: As let the diameter of a circle be 2 1 inches* I demand the area of that circle. The fquare of 2 1 is 44 . 1 f3y then. ' G 2 As To divide a number bj extreme and meane proportion. * % A Vltiplv the fquare of your given number by 5. and devide the p.ro- by 4. and from the fquare root of the quotient, fubflraft the halfe of your given number, the remainder is the greater portion, which fubftra&ed from the whole, leavcth the lefle part. As fo divide this number 8117. fo proportionally I finde the fquarc of it to be 66031876. which multiplied by $.the produttis 330159380. which divided by 4. the quotient is 815:98 45. whofe root fquare wee may finde to be 9085 from which fubftra&ing the halfe of 8127 namely 3 i. there remaincs joi 1 f&‘. the greater part being almoft 50»i£.which fubftra&cd from the whole 8127. leavcth 3io5^|the IcfTer part. Prob. 22 i The dimeter of a circle given to finde tbe fides of the inferibed equilater , triangle , jquarepentagon^ and decagon, T Riplc the fquarc ofthe femcdiametcr, the root fquareof that product is the fide of the triangle', double the fquarc of the femediameter^nd the root fquare ofthe produft is the fide of the fquare. Devide the femcdiametcr by extreame and meane pro portion, the grea- ter part is the fide ofthe decagon, whole fquare added to the fquareof the femcdiametcr, and of that torail the root fquare cxtra&ed is the fide ofthe inferibed pentagon. Matter Digges of Geometricall follidcs, whofe name is worthy of reno wne. Example. as let the femcdiametcr of a circle bee 21 00. the fquare thereof is 4410000. which tripled is 1 3230000. whofe root fquare is 3^37^. which is the fide of the inferibed triangle- Againc, doubling ^41 oooo.it is 8 8*0000. whofe root fquarc is 2 9^9 tJs’I* whfehisthe fide of the in- feribed fquare Sundry other problcmcs of this nature touching the infeription and circumfcription of figures might bee propofed, which here wee pafic overj e A Treatife of (jeometry . Prob. i , If 1 45 00 be put into a fquare Battle, bow many Will there be in ranke and b - ; . ( Admit there he a Demicannon having its tore 6 ~ inches, and that it (hoot a bullet weighing 3 2 pounds , I demand the weight of that (hot that jeryes a Can- non of Si inches diameter. V H Ere as the cube of the one Diameter is in proportion to the cube of other/o is weight of one (hot to the weight of the otherrther- fore I feeke the cube of 6 5 or ^ and find it to be '¥21 . Alfo I feeke the cube of 8 \ or & and find it to be 4 2i|,I fay then by the -rule of Proportion. v As 1 ¥21 to ^i|»fois — pound to which improper fra&ion reduced into its integers is 80 or 80 j pounds almoft. Prolv 34. Admit a (hot 0/31 pounds weight ferye a piece ,the Diameter of wbofebore is C\ inches of what Diameter /had the bore of that peece be which (hoots a bullet of 80 i pounds, r jpHc cube of 6 $ is !£f ±5 1 fay therefore, As 32 pounds is in proportion to 80' pounds or • , fo is to wbofe cubick Root is ncetc 8 \ the Diameter of the bore rc- »i8 • « ' f quired. L * Sundry other queftions of like nature may be refolvcd in like manner, all which together with the more ample ufc of thofe Tables in fundry Algcbraicall and Geometrical Problcmes I muft at prefent pafle oucr, contenting my fclfc with thefe few examples here (hewed. I tent. R. Sq., , Cu. i \ 1 ' 1 1 4 ; 2 1 i ? i . 2 £ 4 ? 8 • C * 1 3 r 9 -? 5 27 c 4 \ 16 *4 *e« I 5 25 12 5 6 36 216 7 : 49 343 8 £4 512 9 * 81 ,729 IO 100 1000 it 121 1331 12 *44 1728 *3 169 2197 i+ 196 l 2 744 • 5 225 3375 1 6 256 4096 17 289 4913 *8 324 5832 19 361 *859 20 400 8000 2l” 44 i 9261 22 4 8 4 10648 2J 529 12167 24 S 7 * *3824 21. 67 5 >5625 2 6 676 1757* V 7 l 9 19683 28 784 2*972 29 841 24389 30 900 27000 961 29791 32 1024 32768 i 33 10^9 35937 34 1156 393°4 35 1225 4*825 3 ^ 12 96 48656 37 1369 50653 3 8 1444 54872 I 39 1521 554*9 40 1600 64000 ~ 1681 68921 42. 1764 74088 43 ; 1849 795°7 44 * 93 * 85184 45 - 2025 911x5 46 21*6 9733 * 47 : 2209 103823 t 48- 2304 110592. i 49 2401 117649 ;I 5 Q 2* .3025 3136 3249 33*4 • 34 8 l 3606 I 35 * 9 ^T • 146608* 148877 r i!<1 574 * 4 - 1 : _i* 737 U '*75616 185193 i ; 5 ^ 5 'l 33 ; | 205379 1 i i 6000 ' 1 61 62 *3. 64 *5 3 ? 2 * 3844 39*9 1 4096 4225 ! 216981 : 1 y 238328 2 5 6047 1 262244 [ 274625 ’ r 1 66 * 7 . 68 69 7 ° 4356 4489 4624 477 1 4900 287496 ,30075311 3 * 4432 329199*1 333000 • 7 11 72. 73 74 -: 1 75 15041 5184 *529 5476 5*25! ~ 3579 * * 373348 389017 465224 ? : 4 11875 76 77 78 2o 5776 5929 6084 6241’ 6400- ^ ■ - ■ ~ L L 43 8 97 * 1 45*533 474522 . 493039 1 5*2000 • 81 82. 8 3 8 4 8 5 86 87 88l 8 95 i 90 656 v 6724 6889 7056 7225 739 * 75*9 7744 792* 8100 53 * 44 * 550408 57 * 7 8 7 592604 614125 v 636056 f 648303 ' T *8*472 705669- 729000 I 9 «*- ; 9 *-‘-- 93 " 94 : 9 £ 8281 8464 8 649 8836; 9025 ■ 75357 *““ 778688 8043 r 7 1 ! 830584^1 8 57375 9 * 1 98 99 ? ? , 100 92 r6 94<59 9604 9801 10000 884736 1 915*73 941*92 97°*99 ioooooo I l r Cent. I Cent. !L Sq. Cu. Sq. Ctt. 101 102 IOJ IQ«f 125 106 1 107 1 10 ^ 109 ! IIO 10201 10404 10609 1081 6 11025 1030301 1061208 1092727 1124856 n 57625 I?* 152 153 154 ?55 22801 23104 23409 23716 24025 3442951 3511808 35 8 i 577 3652264 3723875 11236 11449 1 1664 1188 1 1 2100 1191016 1225043 1259712 1295029 1331000 156 157 158 159 160 24336 24649 24964 25281 25600 3796416 3869893 3944312 4019679 4096000 iTi 112 113 1 14 115 12321 12544 12769 I2996 13225 ' 1367*3! 1 404928 1442897 148*544 1520875 161 162 163 1 6 s 165 25921 26244 26569 26896 27225 4173281 4251528 4330747 4410944 4492k 25 , 11 6 1 17 118 11 9 120 13456 13689 13924 I4l6l I44OO 1560896 1601613 1643032 1685159 : 17280OO 166 167 168 169 170 27556 27889 , 28224 28561 28900 4574 2 9<5 4657463 4741632 4826809 4913000 T21 1 121 123 124 125 126 ; i2 7 [ 128 129 130 14641 I4S84 15129 15376 15625 I771561 1815848 ! 1860867 l 1906624 ; 1953125 17 * 172 173 174 *_ 7 $ 176 177 178 *79 180 29241 29584 29929 30276 30625 3 *916 31329 31684 32041 32400 5000211 5088448 51777*7 5268024 5359375 15876' 16129 16384 16641 169OO 2000376 2048383 , 2097172 2146689 21 97 000 545177 * 5545233 5639752 5735339 ' 5832000 il? 134 m 134 135 I716I I7424 I7689 17956 18225 2248091 2299968 2352637 2406104 2460375 787 182 183 184 * 8 5 32761 33124 33489 33856 34225 5929741 6028568 6128487 6229504 633*625 136 n l 138 J 3 9 140 18496 18769 19044 1 932 1 19600 2515856 2570353 2628072 2685619 2744000 186 187 188 ; 1 89 190 34596 34969 35344 357*1 36100 6434856 6539203 6644672 6751269 6859000 141 142 J 43 144 145 I9881 20164 2O449 2O736 21025 2803221 2864288 2924207 2985984 3027525 191 192 193 194 l *l 36481 36864 37*49 37636 38025 6967871 7077888 7189057 7301384 7414875 146 147 148 149 15© 21316 21609 21904 22201 22500 3112136 3176523- > 3241792 33075*49 > 337500* 1 96 *97 I 9 8 ; 199 200 38416 3$$ 09 39204 39601 40000 7529536 7645373 7762392 7880599 SGOOOOO I l 2 Cent. fC | Sq. Cu. 20 202 2°3 20\ ?0<3 2 Q 5 2CJ 20§ 20) 21 - ^ 40 1 ’ 4C804 4 Z 20 C 7 4 161 6 ^2025^ .,2435 4:849 43*54 43581 44100 .8120601 8242408 ^365427 8^.89664 , 8615125 1 874181 6 SS69743 S 99891 2 9129329 9261000 21 1 212 313 214 2I 5 4452! 44944 453 ^ 45796 45225 9393931 9528128 9663597 9800344 993 S 375 2 1 5 217 2 l 3 219 220 46556 47089 47524 47961 48400 10077696 10218313 ; 10360232 10503459 . 10648000 221 222 223 224 '225 j 48841 49284 497 2 9 50176 50625 10793861 10941048 11089567 11239424 xi 390625 ; 225 - 227 22% 229 330 51076 5*5 2 9 51984 5 2 44i 52900 11543176 1 1697083 11852452 12008989 1 2 1 67000 . 23I 232 2 33 234 >£35 236 237 238 239 340 53361 53824 ^4289 54756 55225^ 55696 561 69 56644 5 ?I 2 I 57600 12326391 12487168 *2649337 12812904 *2977875 13*44256 *33*2053 13481272 *365*9*9 13824000 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 249 250 58081 58564 59049 59536 60015 60516 c 61009 <; 61504 62001 62500 *3997521- 14172448 *4348907' 14526784$ 14705*25: 14886936' .15069223 15252992? *5438249$ 15625600 . iCent. 5 R.. Sq. Cu. 251 252 253 254 251 63001 63504 64009 64516 65025 15813251 16003008 16194277 16387064 16581375 256 257 258 259 260 65536 66049 66564 67081 67600 16777216 16974593 : * 7 * 735*2 *7473979 17576000 261 262 263 264 265 68121 68644 69169 69696 70*25 * 77795 S* 17984728 18191447 18399744 18629625 266 267 268 269 270 70756 71289 71824 72361. 72900 18821096 19034163 19248832 19465 109 19683000 272 273 274 ' 2 ?' 5 ! 73441 - 73984 4 74529 75076 75625 1 99025 11 20123648 20346417 20571024 20796875 - 276 277 278 279 280 76176 ’ 76729 77284 77 8 4 * • 78400 21024576 21253933 21484.952 21717639 21952000 281 282 283 284 285 78961 i 79524 . 80089 8 065 5 81225 22188041 2242.5768- 22665187' ,22906304 ^ 3 i 49 i? 5 c 286 287 288 289 290 81796 82369 .82944 84I21 84100 23393656^ 2353 * 99 ^ 3 ? 238978^ 24 * 375*9 24389000; - - 2 292 293 294 84681 85264 85849 86436 < 87025 : 24*42 ^ 7 *c 2489708^,3 251537I7 c ^12184.3 25^72375 $ 296 297 298 2 99 i 3 °® 87616 88209 88804 89401 900Q0 259343 # : 26198073 - 26353592 26730899 27OOOOOQ 3 ; 4 5 $ Cent. R- Sq. €u. 1 FL Sq. Cu. 301 90601 27270901 35 * 123201 432435 ?T 302 91204 *7543608 • 352 123904 43614208 303 91809 27818127 353 124609 43986977 304 92416 28094464 354 125316 44361 864 305 93025 28372625 355 126025 44738875 306 93636 28652616 356 126736 45**8016 | 3°7 94249 28934443 357 127449 45499293 308 94864 29218112 358 128164 45882712 309 95481 29503629 359 128881 46368279 310 96100 29791000 360 129600 46656000 31T 96721 30080231” 361 130321 47045881 312 97344 3037*328 362 * 3*044 47439928 313 97969 30664297 363 131769 47832147 3*4 98596 30959144 364 132496 48228544 515 99*25 31255875 365 133225 48627125 316 99856' 31554496 36,6 133956 49027896 3*7 100489 31855013 367 134689 49430863 3*8 10 1 124 321574^2 368 * 354*4 49836032 3*9 101761 32461759 369 13616J 50243409 H 2 102400 32768000 370 136900 50653000 321 103041 33076161 37 * 137641 '51064813 32? 1 03684 33386248, 372 138384 5 1478848 3*3 10432^ 33698267, 373 * 39**9 5*895117 3*4 104976 34012224- 374 139876 52313624 215 105625 34328125 37 S 140625 52734375 326 1062716 34645976: 1 376 141376 53 * 573/6 3*7 106929 349657%- 377 14112 9 53582633 328 107584 35287552 378 142S84 540*015* 329 108241 35611289 379 143641 54439959 330 1 08909 35937000 380 144400 5487200a 33 * 1095611 36264691 381 145161 55306341 332 110224 36594368 383 145924 55742968 333 110889 36926037 383 146689 56181887 334 11 *550 37259704 384 147456 56623104 215 112225 -37595375 • 385 148225 57066625 336 1*2 896 37933056 386 148996 575**456 33 r 1 * 35^9 38272753 3«7 149769 57960603 338 1 14244 3861447* 388 150544 5841 1072 339 * * 49 * ^ 38958219 389 151321 58863869 24 ? 1 1 5600 39304000 m 152100 593*9000 34 * 116281 39651821 39 i 152881 5977647* 34a 116961 40001688 392 153664 60236288 343 I 17649 40553607 393 154449 60698457 344 118336 40707584 394 155236 61162984 345 119025 41063625 3£5 156025 61629875 346 119716 41421736 396 156816 62099136 347 I20409 41781923 397 157609 62570773 348 121104 42144192 398 158404 63044792 349 121801 42508549 399 159201 63521199 35a 132500 42875000 „ 400 1 6oaoo 64000000 1 5 Cent. j Cent. Sq. Cu. — ^ h. Sq. Cu. A 401 160801 64481201 45* 203401 9*733851 402 161604 64964808 452 204304 92345408 405 162409 65450827 453 205209 92959677 404 163216 65939264 454 2061 16 93576664 405 164025 66430125 455 207025 94196275 406 164836 66923416 456 207936 94818816 407' 165649 67419143 457 208849 95443993 408- 166464 679*7 3*2 458 209764 96071912 409 167281 68417929 459 210681 96702579 410 168100 68921000 460 2 1 1 600 97336000 I*"* 168921 69426531 461 212521 97972181 412 11 6 9744 69934528 462 2*3444 98611128 4 i 3 170569 70444997 463 2*4369 99252847 414: 17*396 70957944 464 21 5296 99897344 4 i 5 172225 7*473375 465 216225 100544625 416 173056 71991296 466 2171 56 1 01 194696 4 i 7 *738^9 72511713 467 218089 101847563 418 174724 73034632 468 219024 202503232 410 175561 73560059 469 219961 1O3161709 420 176400 74088000 47 ° 220900 103823000 421 177241 74618461 221841 104487m 422 178084 75*5*448 47 2 222784 *05154048 423 178929 75 686967 473 223729 105823817 424 179776 762250*4 474 224676 106496424 4»5 180625 76765625 475 225625 107171875. 426 181476 77308776 476 226576 107850176 427 182329; 778544% 477 227519 io8 53*333 428 183184 78402752 478 228484 109215352 4 J 9 184041 7 8 9535 8 9 4 79 2:29441 109902239 450 184900 79507600 480 230400 110592000 43 i 185761 80062991 481 231361 1 1 1284641 432 186624 80621568 482 232324 1 1 1980168 435 1 87489 81182737 483 233289 112678587 434 188356 81746504 484 234256 1 *3379904 435 189225 81312875 485 * 35**5 114084125 436 19009 6 82881856 [ * 4 86 236196 114791256 437 190969 83453453 487 237169 115501303 438 191844 84027672 L • *| 488 238144 116214272 439 192721 84604519 489 239*21 116930169 440 193600 85184000 490 940190 1 17649000 44 * 194481 85766121 49 *" 241081 118370771 442 195364 86350888 492 242064 119095488 443 196249 86938307 493 H3049 119823157 444 I 97 * 3 6 87528384 494 *44036 i 2 ° 5537 8 4 445 198025 88121125 495 245025 121287375 446 198916 88716536 45>6 24601 6 122023936 447 448 1 99809 200704 89314623 89915392 4 ^ 247009 248004 122763473 *2350599*1 449 201601 90518849 4 99 249001 ** 4 2 5 * 495 j 450 > 262506 91125000 500 250000 125000006! (* 3 ) 1 6 Cent . 6 Cent. ,Sc[. Cu. R. Sq. Cu. 5 P* 251001 125751501 55 i 303601 167284151 5 P* 252004 126506008 552 3 o 4704 168196608 5°3 253009 127263527 553 305809 169112377 504 254016 1 28024064 554 306916 170031464 525 255025 128787625 555 308025 170953875 5°6 246046 129554216 / 556 309136 17187961 6 1 P 7 257049 130323843 * 55 7 310249 172808683 508 258064 131096513 V - ■ 558 3II364 173741112 509 259081 131872229 559 3 I 248 l ' 174676879 =;io 260100 132651000 560 3I36OO 175616000 5 M 261121 133432831 567 3 * 47 2 * 176558481 5 « 2 262144 13 4217728 562 315844 177504328 5 i 3 2 61169 i 35 oo 5697 563 316969 *78453547 5*4 264196 135796744 564 318096 179306144 515 265225 136590875 i \ 565 319225 188262125 516 266256 *37388096 566 320356 181*21496 517 267289 138188413 567 321489 182154264 518 268324 138991832 568 322624 183150442 5*9 269361 *39798359 569 323761 184220009 520 270400 140608000 570 324900 185193000 5*1 271441 141420761 57 * 326041 1861 6941 1 522 272484 142236648 57 3 327184 187149248 5 2 5 273529 143055667 573 328329 188132517 524 274576 143877824 574 329476 1891 19224 m 275#25 144703125 575 330625 * 90*09375 526 27 6676 i > 4553 * 57 ^ 576 331776 191102976 527 277729 146363183 577 332929 192100033 528 278784 147197952 578 334084 193100552 529 279841 148035889 579 335241 194104539 5?0 280900 148877000 580 336400 195112000 5 T« 281961 149721291 5^7 337561 196122941 53 * 283024 150568768 583 338724 197137368 533 284089 151419437 583 339889 198155287 534 285156 152273304 584 341056 199176704 535 286225 1 53 1 30375 585 342225 200201625 53 6 287296 153990656 5$6 343396 201230056 537 288369 i 54 8 54 I 53 587 344569 202262003 538 289444 155720872 588 345744 203297472 539 290521 156590819 589 3469*11 204336469 540 291600 1 57464000 590 348100 205379000 541 29268^ 758340421 59 i '349281 29(6425071 W 293764 159220088 592 350464 207474688 543 294849 i 60103007 593 351649 208527857 544 29593^ 160989184 594 352836 209584584 “545 ^ 9 - 7 ° 2 5 161878625 595 354025 210644875 54<5 .298116 162771336 596 355216 211708736 547 299209 163667323 597 356409 212776173 548 300304 1645665^2 598 357604 213847192 c 549 30140*, 165469149 599 358801 3 * 49 2 J 799 550 ^302509 166375000 a.— i... , — - 600 360000 216000000 7 Cent. Sq. ; Cu. 601 602 60% 604 605 361201 362404 363609 36481(5 366025 217081801 218167208 219256227 220348864 221445125 606 607 60S 609 610 367236 368449 369664 370881 372100 222545016 : 223648543 224755712 225866529 226981000 6u 612 61 3 614 6*5 37332* 374544 375769 376996 378225 379456 380689 381924 383161 384400 228099131 229220928 230346397 2 3*475544 232608^74 616 6 17 6 18 619 620 233744896 234885113 236029032 237176659 238*28000 621 622 623 624 62 5 385641 386884 388129 389376 390625 239483061 240641848 241804367 242970624 244140625 626 6^7 628 629 630 631 632 ^33 634 <*35 391876 393129 394384 395641 396900 2453*4376 346491883 247673*52 248858189 250047000 398161 399424 400689 401956 403225 25123959* 252435968 253^*37 254840104 256047875 636 637 638 639 640 404496 40576 c? 4 ° 7 ° 4 f 408321 409606 35725945.6 258474853 25969407? 260917119 262144000 641 642 643 <$ 4.4 ^45 , 410881 412164 4*3449 414736 416025 .263374721 264609288 265847707 167089984 268336125 646 647 648 649 650 417316 418609 419904 421201 422506 1 *6958613^ ■*270840023 27209779$. 273359449 ; 27462509O 7 Cent. f — ■ — - ’i R. Sq. Cu.. J 65! 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 423801; 425104 426409 427716 429015 275894451 277I67808 278445077 279726264 381011375 430336 43 * 6+9 432*964 43428 1 435600 2823OO416 283593393 28489O3I2 286I9I 179 387496000 Wi 662 663 «j 664 665 436921 438244 439569 440896 442325 288804781 29OII7528 291434247 292754944 294079625 666 667 668 669 670 443556 444889 446224 44756 * 448900 295408296 296740963 298077632 29941,8309 3OO763OOO 671 672 673 674 £75 450241 451584 452929 45427 * 455625 30I1II7II 3O3464448 3O482I2I7 306l82O24 3O7546875 . 676 677 678 679 680 456976 458329 459684 461041 462400 308915776 3IO288733 3II665752 3I3O46839 5I4432OOO 681 682 683 684 685 463761. 465124 466489 467856 469225 315821241 317214568 3186U987 320013504 321419125 686 687 :688 689 690 470596 471969 473344 47472 i J 476100 -_4 322828856 3242427O3 325660672 327082769 328509000 ! '691 1 692 693 .*94 £95 696 i 697 698 *99 700 47748 H 478864 480 * 49 - 48 j 43(5 48302 ^; 32993937X 3 ?* 37 $ 888 332812557 3342553 8 4 '335702375 4844*6 485809 487304 48860| 49 & ^>oo 337 * 5353 * 338608873 340068391' 341532699 34300000a *5.-. . . 1 » -'i' • • 8 Cent . ICent . !L Sq. > Cm. JM Sq. 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[ Cu.- 1401 140a 7405 1404 1405 1962801 196560*: 1968409 1971216 1974025 2749884301 2755776808 2761677827 2767587264 2773505125 1 *454 * 45 * 1453 M 9 + *455 2105401 2108304 211 120 9 21 14116 2 1 1 702 5 305493685$ 3O6I257408 3O67586677 3373924664 3080271373 3086626816 3092990993 3 ° 9 f 3 ^ 3 Pi 2 3 Iu 5745579 3**2136000 1406 1407 1408 1409 I-jlO 1976836 1979649 1982464 1985281 1 988 roa 3 77943 * 4*6 2785366*43 2791309312 2797260929 2803221000 1456 *457 * 45 * *459 1460 2II9936 2122849 : 2125764 2128681 2131600 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1 99092 1 *993744 1996569 1999396 3002225 2809189531 1 2815166528 2821 151997 2827145944 2833148375 1461 1462 1463 •1464 *465 1466 *467 1 4 68 1469 1470 2134521 2137444 2140365, 2143296 2 146225 3**^535181 3 * 2 4943 i 28 3*3*359847 3*37785344 3 *44*19625 14 16 1417 1418 I 4 i 9 142a 2005056 2007889 2010724 *013561 2016400 2839159296 2845178713 2851206632 *857243059 2863288000 2149156 2152089 2155024 2157961 2160900 3150662696 3*^7114563 3*63 575232 3 ‘ 70044709 3176523000 1421 1422 »423 1424 > 4*5 2019241 1 2022084 3034929 2027776 3030625 2869541461 2875403448 2881473967 2887553024 289364062*; • * 47 i 1472 ; lJ fZ 3 *474 *475 1476 *477 1478 *479 1480 2 I63841 2166784 2169729 2172.676 2175625 3 18301 01 11 31895060^8 3196010817 3202524424 3209046875 3215578176 3222118333 3228667352 325225239 3241792000 1426 14*7 J 4 *S 1429 143 ° 2033476 £036329 2Q39184 £042041 2044900 2899736776 2905841483 * 9 ** 95475 * 2918076589 2924207000 2178576 2181529 2184484 2187441 2I904OO 1431 1432 *433 *434 *435 143d *437 1438 *439 1440 2047761 2050624 *053489', 20563 56 £059225 2662096 2064969 2067844 2070721 2073600 * 93 ° 34599 * 293*493568 2942649737 2948814^04 2954987875 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 2193361 2196324 2199289 1 2202256 j 2^05225 ! 3248367641 3254952168 3261545587 3268147904 3274759125 2961169856 2^67360453 2973559*72 2979767^*9 2985984000 i486 1488 1489 1490 £208196 ! 2211169 j 2214*44 ! 2217121 j 2220100 1 3281379256 3288008303 3294646272 3301293169 330794900^ 3314613771 3321287488 3327970157 3334661784 3741362375 3348071936 3354790473 33 ^* 5*7992 3368254499 3375000000 1441 * 44 * *443 *444 *445 2076481 2079364 20822491 2085136 2088025 i 2992209221 2998442888 301:^685307 3010936384 3017196135 149* *492 *493 *494 1495 2223081 2226064 2229049 3232036 2235025 1446 *447 1448 *449 1450 2090916 2093809 2096704 2099601 2102500 30234645*6 30^9741633 3 » 3 *r' 27:392 3042321849 3048625000 ] 1 - £ 1496 1497 1498 *499 1500 2) 2238016 224IOO9 2244004 2247OOI £250000 16 i ill yC, i M. yC. R. Sq. Cu. R. Sq. Cu. 1501 2253001 338*754501 * 55 * 2405601 3731087151 1502 2256004 33885*8008 1552 2408704 3738308608 1503 2259609 3395290527 *553 >411809 3745539377 1504 2262016 3402072064 *554 2414916 3752779464 1505 2265025 3408862625 *555 2418025 3760028875 1506 2268036 3415662216 1556 2421136 3767287616 1507 2271049 3422470843 *557 2424249 3774555*93 1508 2274064 3429288512 1558 2437364 3781833112 1509 2277081 3436115229 *559 2430481 3789119879 1510 2280100 3442951000 1560 2433600 3796416000 T5T1 2283121 344979583* 1561 2436721 3803721481 1512 2286144 3456649728 1562 2439844 3811036328 * 5*3 2289169 3463512697 1563 2442969 3818360547 15H 2292196 3470384744 1564 2446096 3825694144 * 5*5 2295225 3477265875 1565 2449225 3833037125 1516 2298256 3484156096 1566 2452356 3840389496 * 5 I 7 , 2301289 3491055413 1567 2455489 3847751263 1518 2304324 3497963832 1568 2458624 385512243a 1519 2307361 3504881359 *5 69 2461761 3862503009 1520 2310400 3511808000 * 57 ° 2464900 3869893000 1521 * 3 > 344 * 3518743761 * 57 * 2468041 387729241 1 152* 2316484 3525688648 *572 2471184 3884701148 1523 2319529 3532642667 *573 2474329 38921*95*7 1524 232257 6 3539605824 *574 247747 * 3899547224 15*5 2325625 3546578125 *575 2480625 3906984375 1526 2328676I 3553559576 [* 57 * 2483776 39 * 443097 * 1527 2331729 3560550183 *577 2486929 3921887033 1528 2334784 356754995a 1578 2490084 3929352552 1529 2337 8 4 > 3574558889 1579 2493241 3936827539 1530 2340900 3581577000 1580 2496400 3944312000 1531 2343961 3588604291 1581 2499561 395180J941 1532 2347024 3595640768 1582 2502724 3959309368 1 533 2350089 3602686437 1583 2505889 3966822287 1534 .2353156 3609741304 1*584 2509056 3974344704 *535 2356225 3616805375 1585 2512225 ^981876625 1536 2359296 3623878656 1586 2515396 3989418056 *537 2362369 3630961153 * 5 8 7 2518569 3996969003 1538 2365444 363805287a 1588 2521744 4004559472 1539 2368521 3645153819 *589 2524921 4012099469 jgi 2 2371600 3652264000 j' 1590 2528100 4019679000 1541 2374681 3659383421 1 ' 1591 2531281 4027268071 1542 2377764 3666512088 1592 2534464 403486668$ >543 2380849 3673650007 *593 2537649 4042474857 >544 2383936 3680797184 *594 2540836 4050092584 >545 2387025 3687953625 *595 2544025 4057719875 1546 2390116 3695119336 1596 2547216 4065356736 >547 2393209 3702294323 *597 2550409 4073003173 > 54 $ •2396304 370947859a *598 255^604 4080659192 >549 23994°! 3716671149 *599 2556801 4088314799 1550 ■ 2402500 3723875000 | 1600 2560000 4096000000 I Ale. 6. 2 Me. 6. R. Sq. | Cu. ' R. Sq. 1601 1602 1603 1604 i 605 2563:01 2566404 2569609 2572816 2576025 ‘ 4' 03684801 4111379208 : 41 I9083227 : 412 6796864 j 4 r 3 -f 520 i 25 ! 1 65! :^652 I 1653 l 6.54 1655 2725801 2729104 2732409 2735716 2739025 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 2579236 2582449 258*664 2588881 2592100 4142253016 4 1 49995 543 4 J 577477 12 4165509529 4173281000 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 2 74 2 336 2745649 2 74 8 9*4 2752281 2755600 1611 2595321 4181062131 l66l 2758921 , 1612 2598144 4188852928 l662 276224 j 1613 2601769 4196653397 4204463544 C 1663 2765569 1614 2604996 1664 2768896 1615 2608225 4212283375 1665 277222 1616 2611456 4220112896 1666 2775556 1617 2614689 4227952113 l 66'7 2778889 1618 2617924 4235801032 l668 2782124 1619 2621161 4243659659 1669 2785561 1620 2624400 4251528000 I 67O 2788900 1621 2627641 4259406061 1671 2792241 1622 2630884 4267293848 I672 27955 8 4 1623 2634129 4275191367 1673 2798929 1624 2637376 4283098624 1674 2802276 1625 2640625 4291015625 1675 1676 2805625 2808976 T 626 2643876 4298942376 ld*7 2647129 4306878883 1677 2812329 1628 2650384 43 i 4 8 25 i 5 a 1678 281568; 1629 2653641 4322781189 1679 2819041 T630 2656900 433 ° 747 000 l68o 2822400 1631 2660161 4338722591 l68l 282^761 1632 2663424 4346707968 1682 2829124 1% 2666689 43547 0 3 i 37 1683 2832480 1634 2669956 4362708104 1684 2835856 1635 2673225 437 ° 7 228 75 1685 2839225 2842596 1636 2676496 4378747456 1686 1637 2679769 4386781853 I687 2845969 1638 2683044 4394826072 1688 2849344 1639 2686321 4402880119 1689 2852721 1640 2689600 4410944000 I69O 2856100 1641 2692881 1 4419017721 1 69I 28^9481 1642 2696164 4427161288 1692 2862864 l6 A 3 2699449 4435 i 947 0 7 1693 2866249 *644 2702736 4443 2 979 8 4 1694 2869636 1645 2706025 4451411125 I695 2873025 1646 2709316 4459534136 1696 2876416 1647 2712609 4467667023 1697 2879809 1648 2715904 4475809792 1698 2883204 2886601 1*49 2719201 4483962449 1699 1650 2722500 4492125000 - (B 1700 ?) 2890000 1 7 ClT. 4500297451 4508479808 4516672077 4524874264 45330 86375 4541308416 4^9540393 4557782^2 ^566034179 4574296000 4582567781 4590S49528 4599141247 4607442944 461575 4625 462407629(7 4632407963 4640749632 4649101309 465 7463000 4665834711 4674216448 4682608217 4691010024 4699421^75 47 ° 7 8 4377 * 471^275733 4724717752 4733169339 4741632000 4750104241 4758586568 4767078987 4775581504 4784094 125 4792616856 4801149703 4809692672 4818245769 4826809000 4835382^71 4843965888 4852559597 48611 63384 48697773 75 487840153d 4887035873 4895680392 49P433509? 4913000000 T 1 3 i M.C. 7 . ~rT" Sq. Cu. R. Sq. Cu. 1701 2893401 4921675101 1751 3066001 536856775! 1702 28968 04 4930360408 1751 3069504 5377771008 1703 2900209 4939055927 >753 3073009 538698477 7 1704 2903616 4947761664 1754 3076516 5396209064 1705 2907025 4956477625 *755 3080025 540544387.5 1706 2910436 4965203816 1756 3083536 5414689216 17 °7 2913849 4973940243 >757 3087049 5423945093 1708 2917264 4982686912 1758 3090564 543321151a i 7°9 2920681 4991443829 1759 3094081 5442488479 1710 2924100 5000211000 1760 3097600 5451776000 17I1 2927521 5008988431 1761 3101121 5461074081 1712 2930944 5017776128 1762 3104644 5470382728 » 7 X 3 2934369 5026574097 1763 3108169 54797 0 i 947 1714 2937796 5035382344 1764 3111696 5489031744 1715 2941225 5044200875 1765 3115225 5498372125 1716 2944656 5053029696 1766 3118756 5507723096 1717 2948089 5061868813 >7 6 7 3122289 5517084663 1718 2951524 5070718232 1768 3125824 5526456832 1717 2954961 5079577959 1769 3129361 5535839609 1720 2958400 5088448000 1770 3132900 5545233000 1721 2961841 5697328361 1771 3136441 5554637011 1722 2965284 5106219048 1772 3139984 5564051648 1723 2968729 5115120067 *773 3143529 557347 ^ 91 7 1724 2972176 5124031424 1774 3147*76 5582912824 172S 2975625 513295*125 >775 3150625 5 S 923593 Z 5 1726 2979076 5141885176 1775 3154176 5601816576 l 7 2 7 2982529 5150827583 >777 3>57729 5611284433 1728 2985984 5159780352 1778 3161284 5620762952 1729 2989441 5168743489 *779 3164841 5630252139 1730 2992900 5 I 777 I 7 ®°° 1780 3168400 5639752000 1731 2996361 5186700891 1781 3171961 5649262541 1732 2999824 5195695168 1782 3175524 5658783768 >733 3003289 5204699837 17$ 3 3179089 5668315687 1734 3006756 52 i 37 I 49°4 1784 3182656 5677858304 > 73 ^ 3010225 5222740375 1785 3186225 5687411625 1736 3013696 5231776256 1786 3189796 5696975656 1737 3017169 5240822553 1787 3193369 5706550403 1738 3020644 5240879272 1788 3196944 5716135872 1739 3024121 5258946419 1789 3200521 5725732069 1740 3027600 5268024000 1790 3204100 5735339000 1741 3031081 52771120,21 I791 3207681 5744956671 > 74 2 3034564 5286210488 1792 3211264 57545 8 5 o 88 1743 3038049 5295319407 1793 3214849 5764224257 >744 3041536 5304438784 1794 3218436 5773874 i 8 4 1745 3045025 5313568625 >795 3222025 5783534875 1746 3048516 5322708936 1796 3225616 5793206336 >747 3052009 5331849723 1 797 3229209 5802888573 1748 3055504 5341020992 1798 3232804 5812581592 1749 3059001 5350192749 *799 3236401 5822285399 1750 3062500 5359375000 1800 3240000 5833000000 iM.C.8- R. Sq. Cu. 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 181 0 3243601 3247204 3250809 3254416 325S025 3261636 3265249 3268864 3272481 3276100 5841725401 58^1.461608 5861208627 5870966464 5880735125 5890514616 5900304943 5910106112 .5919918129 5929741000 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3279721 3283344 3286969 3290596 3294225 593 957473 1 5949419328 5959274797 5969141144 5979018375 3297856 3301489 3305124 3308761 3312400 5988906496 5998805513 6008715432 6018636259 6028568000 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 .1828 1829 1830 3316041 3319684 3323329 3326976 3330625 353427^ 3337929 334 i 5 8 4 3345241 3348900 6038510661 6048464348 6058428767 6068404224 6078390625 6088387976 6098396283 6108415552 6118445789 6128487000 1831 1832 1833 18 34 1835 3352561 3356224 3359889 3363556 3367225 6138539191 6148602368 6158676537 6168761704 6178857875 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 3370896 3374569 3378244 3381921 3385600 6188965056 6199083253 6209212472 6219353719 6229504000 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 3389281 339 2 964 3396649 3400336 3404025 6239666321 6249839688 6260024107 6270219584 6280426125 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 3407716 3411409 34*5104 3418801 3422500 6290643736 6300872423 63U112192 6321363049 6331625000 I M.C.8. 19 R. Sq. Cu. 1851 1852 *853 1854 1855 1856 185 7 1858 *85 9 i860 3426201 3429904 3433609 3437316 3441025 6341898051 6352182208 6362477477 6372783864 6383101375 3444736 3448449 3452164 3455881 3459600 6393430016 6403769793 6414120712 6424482779 6434856000 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 3463321 3467044 3470769 3474496 3478225 •6445240381 6455635928 6466042647 6476460544 6486889625 3481956 3485689 3489424 3493161 3496900 6497329896 6507781363 6518214032 6528717909 6539203000 1871 1872 18 73 1874 1875 3500641 3504384 3508129 3511876 3515625 6549699311 6560206848 6570725617 6581255624 6591796875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 3519376 3523129 3526884 3530641 3534400 6602349376 6613913133 6623488152 6634074439 6644672000 1881 1882 1883 I 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 18 89 1890 3538161 3541924 3545689 3549456 3553225 3556996 3560769 3564544 3568321 3572100 6655280841 6665900968 6676532387 6687175104 6697829125 6708494456 6719171103 6729859072 6740558369 6751269000 6761990971 6772724288 6783468957 6794224984 6804992375 6815771136 6826561373 6837362792 6848175699 6859000000 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 357P81 3579664 35^3449 3587236 3591025 3594816 3598609 3602404 3606201 3610000 20 \ MX y * x Al.Ctjt R. Sq. Cu. R. Sq. | Cu. 1901 3613801 6869835701 * 95 * 38064OI 7426288351 190a 3617604 6880682808 I 95 2 3810304 74377*3408 1903 3621409 6891541327 *953 3814209 7449150177 1904 3625216 690241 1264 *954 38l8ll6 746O598664 1905 3629025 6913292625 *955 3822025 7 472058875 1906 3632836 6924185416 1956 3825936 7483550816 1907 3636649 6935089643 *957 38298,9 7495014493 1908 3640464 6946005312 *958 3?33764 7506509912 1909 3644281 6956932429 *959 3857681 75*8017079 1910 3648100 6967871000 i960 38416OO 7529536000 1911 3651921 6978821031 1961 3845521 7541066681 1912 3^55744 6989782528 1962 3849444 7552609128 1913 3659569 7000755497 1963 3853360 7564163347 1914 3663396 7011739944 *964 3857296 7575729344 1915 3667225 7022735875 1965 386/225 7587307125 1916 3671036 70337432 96 1966 3865 156 7598896696 191 Za 3674889 7044762213 1967 3869089 7610498063 1918 3678724 7055792632 * 968 3873024 7622111232 1919 3682561 7066834555, *969 387696I 7633736209 1920 3686400 7077888 -DO 1970 3880COO 7645373000 1921 3690241 7088952961 * 97 * 3884841 7657021611 1922 | 3694084 7100029448 1972 3888784 7668682048 1923 ! 3697929 71 11 117467 *973 3892729 7680354317 1924 3701776 7122217024 *974 3896676 7692038424 1925 , 3705625 7133328125 *975 39O0625 7703734375 1926 3709476 7144450776 1976 3904576 7715442176 19271 3713329 7155584983 \977 3908529 7727161833 1928 j 3717184 7166730752 1978 3912484 I7738893352 1929 3721041 7177888089 1979 39*644* 7750636739 3724900 7189057000 1 980 3920400 7762392000 1931 3728761 720023745,1 1981 3924361 7774 * 59 * 4 * 1932 3732624 7211429568 1982 3928324 7785938168 1933 3736489 7222633237 *983 3932289 7797729087 1934 3740356 7233848504 1984 3936256 780953*904 1935 3744225. 7245075375 1985 3940225 7821346625 1936 3748096 7256313856 1986 3944196 7833*73256 1937 3751969 7267563953 1987 3948169 7845011803 1938 3755844 7278825672 1988 3952144 7856862272 1939 3759721 7290099019 1989 : 5956 l 2 I 7868724669 1940 3763600 7301384000 1990 3960100 7880599000 1-94 1 3767481 7312680621 * 99 * 3964081 7892485271 1942 3771364 7322988888 1992 3968064 7904383488 1943 3775 M 9 7335308807 *993 3972049 7916293657 *944 3779*36 7346640384 *994 3976036 7928215784 *945 3783025 7357983625 *995 3980025 7940149875 1946 3786916 7369338536 1996 3984OI6 7952095936 *947 3790809 ■7380705123 *997 3988009 7964053973 1948 3794704 7392083392 1998 3992OO4 7976023991 1949 3798601 7403473349 1 999 3996001 7988005999 1950 I 3802500 7414875000 2000 4000000 8000000000 2 . R, Scj. 1 Cu. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2OO7 20G§ 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2OI7 2015 2019 2020 400400 * &01 20 q 6 qO 3 4008004 8024024008 4012009 8036054027 4®i60I6 8048096064 4020025 8060150125 4024036 8072216216 4028049 8084294343 4032064 8096384512 4036081 8108486729 4040IOO 812060IOOO 4O44I 2 I 4048144 4052169 4056196 4060225 8132727331 8144865728 8157016197 8169178744 8 * 8*353375 4064256 4068289 4O72324 4O76361 40804OO 8193540096 8205738913 8217949832 8230172859 8242408000 202 r 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 20*7 2028 2029 2030 408444I 4088484 4092529 4O96576 4100625 4IO4676 4I08729 4II2784 4II684I 41 2O9OO &2 54655 261 8266914648 82791861 67 8291469824 8303765625 8316073576 8328393683 8340725952 8353070389 . 8365427OOO 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 4124961 4I29O24 4133089 4137156 4141225 837779579 * 8390176768 8402569937 8414975304 8427392875 2036 2037 *038 3039 2040 4145296 4149369 4153444 4 » 5 ? 52 i 4161600 8439822656 8452264653 8464718872 8477185319 8489664OOO 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 4165681 4T 69764 4173849 4*77936 4182025 8502154921 851 4658088 8527173507 8539701184 8552241125 2046 3047 2048 3049 2050 4186116 41 90209 4194304 4198401 4102500 856479333 6 8577357823 8589934592 8602523649 8615125OCID » iM . hi %i R. 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Cu. 1 R. Sq. Cu. 2201 4844401 '| 10662526601 2151 5067001 11405819251 2202 1 0677066408 2252 5071504 *14*1027008 2203 4855209 106916 19427 2253 5076009 1*436248277 2204 4857616 10706185664 2254 5080516 U45 1483064 2205 4862025 10720765125 2255 5085025 11466731374 2206 4866436 i° 7353 f 7 8 i 6 2256 5089536 11481993216 2207 4870849 10749963743 2257 5094049 1 1497268593 2208 4875264 10734582912 2258 5098564 115125575,2 2209 4879681 10779215329 2259 5103081 11527859979 2210 4884100 10793861000 2260 5107600 11543176000 2211 4888521 1080851993, 2 161 5112121 11 55S50558I 2212 4892944 10823192128 2162 5116644 1 1573848728 2213 4897369 10837877597 2263 5121169 11589205447 2214 4901796 10852576344 2264 5125696 11604575744 2215 4906225 10867288375 2265' 5130225 11619959625 22l6 4910656 10882013696 2266 5134756 "635357096 2217 49:15089 10896752313 2267 5 139289 11650768163 22l8 4919524 10911504232 2268 5143824 * 1666192832 2219 4923961 10926269459 2269 5148361 1 168163,1 09 2 220 49:8400 10941048000 2270 5152900 1 1697083000 2221 493284 1 10955839861 2271 5157441 1171 *548511 2222 4937284 10970645048 2272 5161984 1*728027648 2223 4041729 K0985463567 • - v 2273 5166529 11743520417 2224 4946176 1 10002 95424 2274 5171076 11759026824 2225 4950625 £1015140625 2275 £175625 "774546875 | 2226 4955076 11029999176 22 76 5180176 11790080576 2227 49595*9 11044871083 2277 5184729 11805627933 2228 4963984 11059756352 2278 5189284 1182118895a 2229 4968441 1 107465.4989 2279 5193841 11836763639 2230 4972 900 11089567000 2280 5198400 11852352000 2231 4977361 ? 110449239 1 I 2281 5202961 11867954041 . 2232 4981824 11119431168 2282 5207524 11883569768 2233 4986289 11134383337 2283 5112089 11899199187 1 2234 4990756 11149348904 2284 5216656 11914842304 2235 4995225 11164327875 2285 5221225 11930499125 2236 4999696 11179320256 2286 5225796 11946169656 2237 5004169 11194326053 2287 5230369 1196185390^ 2238 5008644 11209345272 2288 5234944 1*97755*872 22J9 5013121 11224377919 2289 5239521 "993263569 2240 5017600 11239424000 2290 5244100 12008989000 j 2241 5022081 11254483521 2291 5248681 12024728171 2242 5026564 11269556488 2292 5253264 12040481088 2243 5031049 11284642907 2293 5257849 12056247757 2244 505^36 11299742784 Z294 5262436 12072028184 2245 5040025 11314856125 2295 5267025 12087822375 224^ 5044516 1132998293 6 02 9# 5271616 12 103630336 2247 5049009 1 1345 1 23223 2297 5276209 12-ri 9452073 | 2248 5053504 11360276992 22-98 5280804 in 35287592 2249 5058001 II 375444149 2299- 5285401 121511368 99 225O 5062500 - » 1 11390625000 2200 5290000 ^I^OOOOOO - r I *4 iM. $C. iM 3 C. ; M ) Sq. Cu. R.. Sq. Cq. 111 5294601 12182S76901 2351 5527201 *299444955* 2302 5299204 12198767608 235.2 553*904 130110^8208 2303 2304 5303809 12214672127 2 353 5536609 13027640977 5308416 12230590464 z 354 5541316 .13044257864 13060S8S875 2305 2306 53 * 3 02 5 12246522625 *355 5546025 5317636 12262468616 2356 5550736 *30775340*6 2307 5322249 12278428443 *357 5555449 13094193293 2308 5326864 12294402112 2358 5560164 13110866712 2309 533 1 4 ^* 12310389629 2 359 5564881 131275542 79 231O 5336100 12326391000 2360 5569600 *3144:56000 2311 5340721 123*2406231 2361 557432 * 13160971881 2312 5345344 12358435328 5579044 13177701928 2313 5349969 ** 37 -» 4 7 82 97 2363 5583769 13194446147 2314 5354 * 9 * 12390535144 * 3^4 5588496 13211204544 2315 5359225 12406605875 2365 55 . 93 2 25 *3227977*25 2316' 5363856 12422690,96 2366 5597956 1324476^896 2 Vl 23*8 5368^89 1243878901 3 2367 5602689 1 3261564863 5373124 12 + 549 '*432 2368 5607424 1 3278380032 331 9 5377761 12471027759 2369 5612161 13295209409 2320 5382400 12487168000 2370 5616900 13312053000 2321 538704* *2503322161 237 * 5622641 *33289*0811 2323 <391684 1^51 9490248 2372 5626384 *3345782848 2323 5376329 * *25356-2267 , > 2 373 5631129 13362669117 !*3M 540 '.976 12551868224 t* 2374, 5635876 *3379569624 33*5 .5405625 12568078125 * 375 . 5640625 *3596484375 232 6 54*0276 12584301976 2376, 5645376 *H* 34 * 33 76 * 3*7 2328 54*4929 12600539783 2377 56 50.1,29 *3430356633 5419584 12616791552 2 ' 37 8 5654884 * 34473 * 4*52 23 29 5424241 12633057289 237 9 ' 56596*1 13464285939 2330 5428900 1:649337000 2380 5664400 13481272000 2331 5433561 12665630691 2381 566916 1 *3498272341 2332 5438-24 12681938368 2382 5673924 13515286968 2333 54.4288 7 ' 12698260037 2383 5678689 13532315887 233.4. 54475.56 * 27*4595704 2384 5683456 • 3549359*04 233.5 5452225 ; .12730945375 2 3 8 5 5688225 •’3566416625 .2336 5456896 12747309056 2386 5692996 '13583488456 *237 546*569 12763686753 2387 5697769 13600574603 2338 ' 5466244 1 278 -,'078472 2388 57 02 >544 136.17675.072 233 9 . 547 0 g 2 I. 12796484219 2389 5707321 13634789869 2340 5475600 12812934000 2590 5712 100 13651910000 234.1 5480281 12829337821 239 * 5716881 13669062471 2342 5484964 12845785688 2 392 5721664 13686220288 2343 5489649 12862247607 2393 ■572 650250c 16503467336 16522921323 16542290592 16561875149 > 16581*375000 R. 2 5 5 1 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2$5 9 2560 1561 2562 . 2563 2564 2565 ' 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 257 6 2577 2578 2579 2580 2 M. 5 C. Sq. 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R Sq. Cu. R. 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R. Sq. Cu. 495 * 4952 4953 4954 4955 24512401 24522304 24532209 24542116 24552925 121360897351 *21434449408 121508031177 121581642664 121655283875 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 24561936 24571849 24581764 24591681 24601600 121728954816 121802655493 121876385912 121950146079 122023936000 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 34611521 24621444 24631369 24641196 24651225 24661156 24671089 24681024 24690961 24700900 122097755631 122171605128 122-245484347 122319393344 122393332125 122467300696 121541299063 122615327232 122689385209 112763473000 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 24710841 24720784 24750729 24740676 24750625 122837590611 12291 1738048 122985915317 123060122424 * 1 3*34359575 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 24760576 24770529 247804S4 24790441 2480040© 248103 6r 24820324 24830289 24840256 24850225 24860196 24870169 24880144 24890121 24900100 123208626176 123182922833 123357249352 123431605739 123505992000- 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 123580408141 123654854168 123729330087 123803835904 123878371625 123952937256 124027532803 124102158272 124176813669 1 2 425 1 499000 499 * 4992 4993 4994 4995 24910081 24920064 24930049 24940036 24950025 124326214271 123400959488 *24475734657 124550539784 124625374875 4996 4997 499 * 4999 5000 24960016 24970009 24980004 24990001 15000000 124700239956 * 2 4775*34973 124850059992 124925014999 125000000000 1 r - 5 m. R. Sq. 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Cu. * 5051 5052 5053 50H 5055 5056' 5°57 5058 5059 5060 25512601 25522704 25532809 25^42916 25553 02 5 25563136 25573249 25583364 25593481 25603600 1 28864147651 1 28940700608 12901 728. 1877 1 29093S97464 129170541375 129247215616 129323920193 129400655112 229477420379 129554216000 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 25613721 25623844 25633969 25644096 25654225 129631041981 129707898328 1 29784785047 1 29861702 144 129938649625 5066 5067 5068 5 ° 69 c 5070 25664356 25674489 25684624 "'15694761 25704900 13001 5617496 130092 635763 130169674452 I 3 02 4 6 743 S '°9 1 30323843000 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 2 57 I 5 ? 4 I 25725184 25735329 25745476 25755625 130400972911 130578133248 130555324017 i 3o6 3 25452H i 3°7°9796875 5076 ' 5°77 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5 °8 3 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 25765776 25775929 ! 25786084 25796241 i 25806400' 1307870 78976 130864391533 * 3 ° 94 I 73455 * 13101 9108039 131095512000 25816561 45826724 25836889 25847056 25857225 131173946441 131251411368 131328906787 131406432704 131483989125 25867396 2.5877569 25887744 25897921 25908 100 i 3 i 5 6i > 7^°56 131639.193505 13171 684 14/72 1.317945 ^969 131872229000 5 091 5092 5093 5094 5095 25918281 25928464 25938649 25948836 25959025 13 1 949 968 57*1 13202773 8688 1 3 2I °5539357 13^183370584 132261232374 5096 5°?7 5098 .50 99 ^IOO 25969216 25979409 25989604 25999801 26010000 132339124736 .*32417047673 132495001192 132572985399 1 3265'toooood 1 j* jAf. iC. 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Cu. 5201 5202 5 20 3 5204 520<) 27050401 37060804 27071209 27081616 27092025 140689135601 140770302408 140851500427 140932729664 14101^990125 *525* 5252 5253 5254 5255 27573001 27583704 27594009 17604516 27615025 144785^2^251 144868563008 M495 1329277 *45034127064 14511 6956375 5206 s 2cy 5208 5:09 5216 2710243 6 27112849 27123264 27133681 27144100 141095281816 181 176604743 181257958912 i8 i 339344 3 29 141420761000 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 27625536 27636049 27646564 27657081 27667600 145199817216 145282709593 145365633511 145448588979 *45531576000 5211 5212 5213 5214 -J215 27154521 27164944 2717^69 27185796 27196225 141502208931 141583688128 141665198597 ^1746740344 141828313375 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 27678121 1 276S8644 27699169 27709696 27720225 *45614594581 145697644728 145780726447 145863839744 *45946984625 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 27206656 27217089 27227524 27237961 27248400 141909917696 141 991553513 142073220232 42154918459 142236648000 52 66 5267 5268 5269 5270 27730756 27-741-89 27751824 27762361 27772900 146030161096 146113369163 146196608832 i 46 i 7988 oio 9 146363183006 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 27258841 27269284. 27279729 27290176 27300625 142318408861 142400201048 142482024567 142563879424 14:645765625 5271 5272 5273 5 * 74 < 5*75 2778344! 27793984 27804529 27 "Si 5076 27825625 1464465 17511 146529883648 146613281417 146696710824 146780171875 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 27311076 27321529 2 733 * 7 8 4 27342441 27352900 142727683176 142809632083 142891612352 142973623989 143055667000 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 27836176 27846729 27857284 27367841 278784.00 146863664576 *46947188933 147030744952 147114332639 147197952000 5231 5232 5233 5234 5 2 35 27363361 27373824 27384289 27394756 27405225 M 3 I 3774 * 37 * 143219847168 1 433 OI 9 8 4337 143384152904 1434^^352875 V 52S1 5281 5283 5284 5285 27888961 27899524 27910089 27920656 27931225 14728 1 603041 147365285768 1*47449000187 * 4753 2 74<%04 *47^*6524125 5236 5 2 37 5238 5 2 39 5240 27415696 27426169 27436644 2744712 1 27457600 143548584256 143630847053 143713141272 143795466919 143877824000 528 6 5287 5288 5289 5290 27941796 2795*569 *7962944 27973521 27984100 * 477 c 5 ° 333^56 147784174903 147868047872 14775*952569 148035889000 5241 W2 5*43 5244 524 $ 27468081 27478564 27489049 27499536 27510025 143960212521 144042632488 144125083907 144207566784 144290081125 5291 5292 5293 5294 5 J 95 27994681 28005264 18015849 28026436 28037025 148119857171 1482Q3857088 148287888757 148371952184 148456047375 5246 5247 5248 9 5250 27520516 27531009 27541504 27552001 27562500 144372626936 144455204223 144537812992 144620453249 144703 1 25006 (E0 5296 52 97 5298 5299 5300 280476 1 6 28058209 28068804 28079401 28096000 148540174336 148624333073 148708523592 148792745899 148770000000 1 4 5^5 ^ R. Sq. Cu. 5301 5302 53°3 53°4 5305 28100601 28111204 28121809 28132416 28143015 148961285901 149045603608 149129953127 149214334464 149298747625 53 °* 5307 5308 5309 5310 28153636 28164249 28174864 28185481 28196100 149383191616 149467669443 149552178112 149636718629 149721291000 53 11 53 12 53*3 53*4 53*5 28206721 28217344 28227969 281385 96 28249225 149805895231 14989053 1328 * 49975 * 99*97 , 150059899144 150144630875 53 ** 53*7 5318 53*9 5320 28259856 28270489 28281124 28291761 28301400 150229394496 150314190013 150399017432 150483876759 150568768000 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 28313041 28323684 28334329 28344976 28355625 *50653691161 150738646248 150S23633267 150908652224 *50993703125 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 28366276 28376919 28387584 28398241 28408900 *5*078785976 151163900783 151249047552 151334226289 151419437000 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 28419561 28430224 28440889 28451556 28462225 151504679691 I 5 * 5899543 ^ 8 151675261037 151760599704 151845970375 533 * 5337 533 s 5339 5340 28472896 28483569 28494244 28504921 28515600 * 5 * 93 * 373 0 56 152016807753 152102274472 15218777321 9 * 5 J *733 04000 534 * 5342 5343 5344 5345 28526281 28536964 28547649 28558336 28569025 152358866821 152444461688 152530088607 152615747584 152701438625 5346 5347 5348 5349 533 ° 285797*6 28590409 28601104 28611801 ' 28622509 152787161736 1528729I6923 152958704192 153044523549 *53*3°375ooo| 5 M. 3 C. R. Sq. Cu. 535 * 5352 5353 5354 5?55 28633201 28643904 28654609 28665316 28676025 153216258551 153302174208 153388121977 153474101864 153360113875 535 *97 167648736744 167739965875 5561 5562 5563 , 55*4 55*5 5566 55*7 5568 55*9 557 ° 30924721 50935844 30946969 30958096 30969225 171972373481 172065164328 172157988547 172250846144 17234^737125 5516 55*7 55*3 55*9 5520 30426256 30437289 30448324 3045936* 40470400 167831228096 167922523413 168013851832 168105213359 168196608000 30980356 30991489 31002624 31013761 31 024900 172436661496 172529619263 172622610432 17271 5635009 172808693000 5521 5522 5523 ' 5524 5525 30481441 30492484 30503529 30514576 30525625 168288035761 168379496648 168470990667 168562517824 168654078125 557 * 5572 5573 5574 5575 557 * 5577 55 7 8 5579 55 8 ° 31036041 3.1047184 31058329 31069476 31080625 172901784411 172994909248 17 3088067517 173181259224 173274484375 552<5 5527 5528 5527 553 ° 30536676 30547729 30558784 30569841 30580900 168745671576 168837298183 168928957952 169020650889 169112377000 31091776 31102929 31114084 ,3*12524* 31136400 * 733 * 774 2 97 * 173461035033 173 5 5436055 i * 73 * 477*9539 173741112000 553 * 5532 5533 5534 5535 30591961 30603024 30614089 30625156 30636225 169204136291 169295928768 *69387754437 169479613304 169571505375 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 . 3 ** 475*1 31158724 31169889 31181056 31192225 17383453794 * I 739279973 * 8 1740214902.87 1741 1 5016704 174208576625 553 * 5537 5538 5539 5540 30647296 30658369 30669444 30680521 30691600 169663430656 *69755389153 169847380872 169939405819 170031464000 558 * 5587 5588 5589 5590 31203396 174302170056 31214569. 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Cu. R. Sq . Cu. 6201 6 202 6 20$ 6204 6205 38452401 38464804 38477209 38489616 38502025 238443338601 238558714408 238674127427 238789577664 238905065125 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 39075001 39087504 39100009 39112516 39125025 *44257831251 244375075008 244492356277 244609675064 24472703137? 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 38514436 38526849 38539264 38551681 38564100 239020589816 2 39 I 3 ^ I 5 I 745 239251750912 239367387329 239483061000 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 39 i 3753<5 39150049 39162564 37175081 39187600 244844425216 244961856593 2450793 295 1 2 245*96831979 2 453 i 437 ^ooo 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 38576521 38588944 38601369 38613796 38626125 23959877193! 239714520128 239830309597- 239946128344 240061988375 6 261 6262 6263 6264 6265 39200121 39212644 39225169 39237696 39250225 ^ 4543 * 9575 8 1 2 45549576728 245667233447 245784927744 245902659625 6216 62 17 6218 6219 6220 38638656 38651089 38663524 38675961 38688400 240177885 696 240293820313 240409792232 240525801459 240641848000 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 39262756 39275289 39287824 39300361 39312900 246020429096 246138236163 246256080832 246373963109 246491883000 6 221 622i 6223 6224 6225 38700841 38713284 38725729 38738176 38750625 Z40757931861 240874053048 240990211567 241106407424 241222640625 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 39325441 39337984 39350529 39363076 39375625 246609840511 246727835648 246845 8684 17 346963938824 247082046875 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 38763076 3 8 7755 2 $> 38787984 38800441 38812900 241338911176 241455219083 24 i 57 I 5^4352 241687946989 241804367000 6276 6 2 77 6278 6279 6280 39388176 39400729 394 * 3 28 4 3942584 1 39438400 247200192576 2 473 18 3759 33 247436596952 2 47554855639 247673152000 6231 623a 6233 6234 1 235 6 236 *237 6238 6239 6240 38825361 38837824 38850289 38862756 38875225 241920824391 242037319168 2 4 2I 53^5 1337 242270420904 242387027875 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 39450961 39463524 39476089 39488656 39501225 247791486041 247909857768 248028267187 248146714304 248265199125 38887696 38900 1 69 38912644 38925121 38937600 242503672256 242620354053 242737073272 242853829919 242970624000 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 395*3796 39526369 3953 8 944 39551521 39564100 248383721656 248502281903 248620879872 248739515569 248858189000 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 38950081 38962564 38975649 38987536 39000025 243087455521 243204324488 243341230907 243438174784 M 35 * 5 i 5 6 i 25 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 39576681 39589364 39601849 39614436 39627025 3489769100 17 1 249095649088 2 492 i 44357*7 249333260184 24945212237* 6246 6247 6 248 6249 6250 39012516 39025009 39037504 39050001 39062500 243672174936 .243789231223 243906324992 244023456249 1 244140625000' JL£ L 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 39639616 39652209 39664804 39677401 39690000 *" — . j 249571022336 249689960073 34980893559* 249927948899 250047000000 6% 6 M j C. 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Cu. R. Sq. 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Cu. ■ — ■ 8151 | 8152 8153 8*54 8155 8 1 56 8157 8158 8*59 8160 6643S80X 66 455x04 66471409 66487716 66504025 665203 36 66536649 66552964 66569281 66585600 541642666951 541742007808 54x941397577 54*140836264 542340323875 *4*5398604x6 542739445893 5429390803 12 543 * 38763679 543338496000 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 66601921 666x8244 66634569 66650896 66667225 543538277^8! 543738107528 543937986747 544137914944 54433789*125 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 66683556 66699889 66716224 66732561 66748900 5 445379*8296 *44737993463 544838117632 *45 *38290809 545338513000 8171 8172 8*73 8*74 8*75 66765241 66781584 66797929 66814276 66830625 545538784212 545739*04448 5459394737*7 546139892024 546340359375 8x76 8177 8178 8179 8180 66846976 66863329 66879684 66896041 669 1 2400 546540875776 54674x441233 546942055752 547 * 4 * 7*9339 54734343 *®oo 8i8x 8182 8183 8184 8185 8x86 8187 8188 81 89 8190 66928761 166945124 66961489 66977856 66994225 67010596 67026969 6 7043344 6705972 1 67076100 547544 * 9374 * 547745004568 547945864487 548146773504 H ? 3477 3 1625 548548738856 548749795203 548950900672 549*52055269 549353*59000 8 191 8192 8193 8194 8195 67092481 67108864 67*25249 67141636 67x58025 54955451*871 549755 8 *3888 549957165057 550x58565384 5503600 14875 8196 8*97 8x98 8199 8200 67174416 67x90809 67207204 67223601 67240000 550561513536 55076306x373 550964658392 551166304599 55x368000000 8 . 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S M ? C- R. | Sq. Cu. R. Sq. 8301 1 68906601 57*99369490* 8351 69739201 8302 68923204 572200439608 835 * 69755904 8303 689^9809 572407234127 8 353 69772609 8304 68956416 572514078464 8354 697893 16 8305 68973025 572820972625 8,3 55 69806025 8306 68989636 57302 7916616 8356 69822736 8307 69006 249 573*34910443 8357 69839449 8 3 6 '3 J 6902286^ 57344 * 954 *** 8 ) 5 « 69856164 8309 j 6903948* 573649047629 8359 69872881 8310 69056100 573856191000 8360 6988 9600 8311 6907272 1 574063384231 8361 69906321 8312 6 9089344 574270627328 8.362 69923044 8313 69105959 $ 744779*0297 8363 69939769 8314 69122596 574685263144 8364 69956496 8315 691 30225 57489*655875 8365 69973225 8316 69155856 575100098496 8366 69989956 85*7 69172489 5753 ° 759 io *3 8367 70006689 1 8318 69189124 5755 * 5 * 3343 * 8368 70023424 83*9 69205761 5757 ** 7*5759 8369 70040161 8320 69222400 575930368000 8370 70056900 8321 69239041 576138060161 837* 70073641 832* 69255684 $76345802248 837* 70090384 OO UJ W 69272329 576553594*^7 8373 70107129 8324 69288976 576761436224 8374 701*3576 8 3?5 69305625 576969328125 8375 70140625 8326 69322276 577177269976 8376 7 OI 5737 6 8 3*7 69338 p *9 577385*61783 8377 70174129 83*8 69355584 577693303552 8378 70 1 908 84 83*9 69372241 577801395289 8379 70207641 ,8330 69388900 578009537000 8380 70224400 | 1 8331 69405561 578217728691 8381 7024116 1 8332 66^2^ i 24 5784259703 68 8382 70257924 8333 69438889 578634262037 8583- 70274689 8334 69455SS 6 578842603704 8384 70291456 833 5 69472225 ^79050995475 8385 70308225 8336 69 488896 579 * 59457 0 56 8386 70324996 8337 j 69505569 5794 6 79 * 87 S 3 8387 70341769 8338 69522244 579676470472 8388 70355544 8339 | 69538921 579885062219 s 389 7037 * 3 ** 8340 69555600 5 8009 3 704000 8390 70392 100 8341 69572281 580302395821 8391 70408881 8342 69588964 580511137688 8392 7042 5664 8343 69605649 580/19929607 8 393 70442449 8344 69622336 58092877*584 8394 70459236 i 8345 69639025 581137663625 8395 70476025 i 8346 69655716 58 1346605736 8396 70492816 1 8347 69672409 58 * 5555979*3 8397 70509609 8348 69689104 581764640192 8398 70526404 8349 69705801 58197373*549 I8399 70543*0* 8350 69722500 582*8*875000 , 8400 70560000 Cu. 58239206755-1 582601310208 582810602977 58301994^864 583229338875 583438782016 583648275293 583857818712 584067412279 584277056000 584486749881 5846964^3928 584906288147 585116132544 5853 ^6027 125 $8553597*896 585745966863 585956012032 586166107409 586 316253000 586586448811 586796694848 587006991117 587217337624 $ 8 742773 43 75 587638181376 587848678633 588059226152 588269823939 588480472000 588691170341 588901918968 5891 12717887 589323567101 589534466625 589745416456 589956416603 590167467072 590378567869 59° 589719000 59080092047 1 591012172288 59 1223474457 59*434826984 5916462293 75 59 * 8 57 68 3 i 36 592060186773 59228074079* 592492345199 592704000000 8. M 4 C t 8. Af. 4 Ci 85 R. Sq. Cu. R. Sq. Cu. 8461 840 a 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 S409 8410 70576801 7 0 * 936°4 706 1 0409 70627216 70644025 70660836 70677649 70694464 70711281 70728100 592915705201 593 1 27460808 593339266827 *93*51*23264 5937 6 J° 3 o |2 5 593974987416 594186995143 594399053312 594611161929 594823 3 21000 8451 8452 8453 8454 8 45 5 8456 8 457 8458 8459 8460 71419401 71436304 714532°^ 71470116 7 I 4 « 7 02 5 71 503 93 6 7*520849 7*537764 7 * 5 J 468 i 7 *S 7 i 6 oo 603565357851 603779641408 603993975677 604208360664 604422796375 604637282816 60485 1819993 60506640791 2 60 5281 046579 605495736000 841 a 841 z 8413 8414 84*5 8416 8417 8418 8419 8410 7074492* 7 0 76‘744 70775509 70795396 70812225 70829056 70845889 70862724 70879561 70896400 59503553053* 595247790528 595460100997 59567246*944 595884873375 5960973 3 5 2 96 596309847713 596522410632 596735024059 596947688000 8461 8462 ■ 8463 8464 8465 84 66 8467 8468 8469 8 47 ° 7*588521 71605444 71622369 71639296 71656225 71673156 7*690089 71707024 7172396* 71740900 605710476^18^ 605925 267128 606140108847 606355001344 606569944625 606784938696 606999983563 607215079232 6074302257^9 607645423000 8421 842a 84^3 8424 8425 70913241 70930084 70940929 70903776 70980625 597160402461 597373 * 6744 8 597585982967 597798849024 598011765625 8471 8472 8 473 8474 8475 7 * 7 S 7 8 4 i 7 * 7747^4 7*791729 71808676 71825625 607860671 1 1 1 608075970048 6082913 19817 608506720424 608722171875 8426 8427 8428 8429 8430 70997476 171014329 7103 1184 71048041 71064900 598224732776 f 984377504 8 3 598650818752 598863937589 599077107000 1 8476 8 477 8478 8479 8480 71842576 71859529 75876484 71893441 71910400 608937674176 609153227333 609368831352 609584486239 609800192000 843* 71081761 5992903 26991 8481 71^2736'i 61001 5948641 8432 71098624 599503597568 8482 71944324 71961289 61023 1756168 8 433 71115489 5997*6918737 8483 610447614587 8434 7 ii 3 2 3 56 599930290504 8484 71978156 610663523904 8 43s 71149225 600143712875 8485 7*995225 610879484125 8436 71 166096 600357185856 8486 7201 2196 61 *09,495256 8 437 71 182969 600570709453 8487 72029 169 ^** 3 *i 557303 8438 71199844! 600784283672 8488 72046 1 44 61 1527670272 8439 71216721 600,97908519 8 489 72063121 61 1743834169 8440 71233600 6012115 84000 8490 72080100 61 1960049000 844* 71250481 601425310121 8491 72097081 6121763 14771 8442 71267364 601639086888 8492 7211 4064 61239263 1488 8443 71284249 601852914307 8493 72131049 612608999157 8444 71301 1 36 602066 92384 8494 72148036 612825417784 8 445 71318025 602280721125 8495 72165025 613041887375 844 6 7 * 334**6 6024947' 'O53 6 8496 721 82016 613258407936 8447 71351809 602708730623 8497 72199009 613474979473 8448 7*3*8704 60292281 1392 8498 72216004 613691601992 8449 71385601 603136942849 I 8499 72233001 613908275499 8450 71402500 603351125000 1 c 8500 h 3) 72250000 1 614125000000 86 8 M . 5 c. S M 5 C- R. Cu. R. Sq. . Cu. 8yo x 722^7001 ^* 434*775501 8551 73 119601 62524570815* 8502 72284004 614558602008 8552 1 73*36704 625465092608 85:03 72301009 < 5*4775479527 8553 73*53809 625684528377 8504 723 1 801 6 614992408064 8554 1 73 i 7 ° 9*6 62 59040 1 5464 8505 72335° 2 5 6*5209387625 8555 | 73*88025 626123553875 8505 77352036 6*5426418216 8556 73205136 626343143616 8507 77369049 6*5643499843 8557 73222249 626562784693 8508 77286064 615860632512 8558 73239364 626782477, I2 8509 77403081 6160778162 29 8559 7325648* 627002220879 8510 72420100 61629*05 1000 8560 73 273600 627222016000 8511 7243712 * 6*6512336831 856* 73290721 627441862481 851a 7 Z 454 , 44 616729673728 8562 733 0 7844 62766*760328 8513 72471 169 616947061697 8563 733*4969 62788*709547 8514 72488196 617164500744 8564 7334*096 628101710144 S515 72505225 61 7381990875 8565 73 359225 62832*762125 8516 72522256 61759953*096 8566 73376356 628541865496 85*7 72539289 617817*24413 8567 73393489 628762020263 85:18 72556324 618034767832 8568 734*0624 628982226432 8519 7 * 57336 * 6 18252462359 8569 734*7761 629202484009 8520 72590400 618470208000 8570 73' 444900 629422793000 8521 72607441 618688004761 857* 7346204* | 629643*53411 8522 72624484 618905852648 8572 73479*84 629863565248 8523 72641*29 619*23751667 8573 73496329 630084028517 8524 72658576 61934170*824 8574 735*3476 630304543*24 8525 72675625 619559703125 8575 73*30625 6305*5109375 8526 72692676 6 * 977775557 ^ 8576 73547776 630745726976 8527 72709729 619995859183 8577 735649*9 630966396033 8528 72726784 620214013952 8578 73582084 631187**6552 8f 29 ,72743841 620432219889 8579 73599241 631407888539 f 8 — ° 72760900 620650477000 8580 73616400 63 1628712000 8531 72777961 620^68785291 8581 736 ? 356 * 63184958694* 8332 72795024 621087144768 8582 73650724 632070513368 8 533 72812089 62*305555437 8583 73667889 632291491287 8534 72829156 6215*4017304 8584 73685056 632512520704 8535 72846225 621742530375 8585 73702225 632733601625 8536 72863296 621961094656 8586 73710396 63 * 954734°56 8537 72880369 6221797101 53 8587 73736569 633*75918003 8538 72897444 622398375872 85 88 73753744 633397 * 5347 * 8539 72914521 622617094819 8589 7577 0 9 ** 633618440469 8340 72931600 622835864000 8590 73788 100 633839779000 8541 72948681 623054684421 8591 73 805281 634061 169071 8342 72965764 623273556088 8592 73822464 634282610688 8343 72982849 623492479007 8 JP 3 73839649 634*04103857 8544 72999936 623711453184 8594 73856836 634725648584 8545 73017025 623930478625 ? 5?5 73874025 634947244875 8546 73034116 624149555336 8596 73891216 635168892736 8 547 73051209 624368683323 8*97 73908409 63539059*173 8548 7306S304 624587862592 8598 739*5604 635612343192 8549 73085401 624807093149 8599 73942801 635834*45799 8530 73*02500 625026375000 1 8600 73960000 1 636056000000 S.M, 6 Q 8 . M. 6 (\ §7 R. Cu. R. sq* 860* 7397710* 636277905801 865* 74839801 6602 73994404 636499863208 8652 74857104 8603 7401 1609 636721872227 8653 74874409 8604 740288*6 636943932864 8s> 4 748917*6 8605 74046025 637166045125 8655 74909025 8606 74063236 637388209016 8656 74926336 8607 74080449 6376104*4543 8657 74943649 8608 74097664 6378326917*2 8658 74960964 8609 74*14881 ^380550*0529 8659 74978*81 8610 74*32100 638277381000 8660 74995600 8611 7414931* 638499803131 866* 75012921 86 s 2 74166544 638722276928 8662 75030244 8613 74*83769 638944802397 8663 | 75047569 8614 74200996 639*67379544 8664 75064896 8615 74218225 639390008375 8665 75082225 8616 74235456 639612688896 8666 75099556 8617 74252689 63983542*1*3 8667 75**6889 86*8 74269924 640058205032 8668 75 * 34**4 8619 74287161 640281040659 8669 75 * 5 * 56 * 8620 74304406 640503928000 8670 75 68900 8621 7432*64* 64072686706* 8671 75 18624* 8622 74338884 640949857848 8672 75203584 8623 7435*6129 641*72900367 8673 75*20929 8624 74373376 64*3959946,4 8674 75*38276 862^ 74390625 64* 6*9140625 8s 7s 75255625 8916 74407876 641842338376 8676 75272976 8627 74425129 642.065587883 8677 75290329 8628 74442384 642288889152 8678 75307684 8629 74459641 6425*2242*89 8679 75325041 4630 74476900 64273564700a 8680 7534 * 4 °° 8631 74494161 642959*0359* 868* 75359761 8632 74511424 643*826* 1968 8682 75377**4 8633 74528689 643406*72*37 8683 75394489 8634 74545956 643629784104 8684 75411856 8635 74563225 643853447875 8685 75429225 8636 74580496 644077163456 8686 7 5446 s 96 8637 74597769 644300930853 8687 75463969 8638 746*5044 644524750072 8688 75481344 8639 74632321 64474862* up 8689 7549872^ 8640 74649600 64497*544000 8690 755 * 6 ioo 8641 7466688* 6451965*8721 869* 7553348 * 8642 74684164 945420545288 8692 75550864 8643 74701449 645644623707 8693 75568249 8644 747*8736 945868753984 8694 75585636 8645 74736025 646092936*25 8693 75603025 8646 74753316 6463 * 7170*36 8696 1 5620416 8647 74770609 646541456023 8997 75637809 8648 74787904 j 646765793792 8698 75655204 8649 748052©* 646990*83449 8699 75671601 8650 74822500 1 647214625000 j 1 8700 175690000 Cu. 647459118451 6476^5663808 6 47888261077 648112910264 648337611375 648562564416 648787169393 649012026312 649236935179 649461896000 64968690878 I 6499*1973528 650137090247 650362258944 650587479625 65081-2752296 651038076963 651263453632 651488882309 ^5*7*4363000 65T9398957H 652165480448 652391*17217 652616806024 652842546875 653068339776 653294*84^33 653520081752 653746030839 653972022000 654198085241 654424190568 654650347987 654876557504 655102819*25 6553 2 9 i 3^56 65555549 8 7 G? 655781916672 656008386769 656234909000 j 656461483371 656688 *09888 656914788 557 657141519384 657368302375 657^9^37536 657822024873 358048964392 65827595^099 65850300000a S8 s.K 70 8. M. 7 Q. K. 8701 8702 8703 8704 870/ 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8 7*3 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8 7*9 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8732 8 733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 874* 8742 8743 8744 874? 8746 8747 8748 8749, 8750 bq. 75707401 7,724804 75742209 75759616 7; 777 oZ 5 75784436 75811849 75829264 75846681 75864100 75861521 75898944 75917869 75913796 7595JHJ 759.58656 75986089 76003524 76020961 76038400 76055841 76073284 76090729 76108176 76125 62$ 76143076 76160529 76177984 76195441 76212900 8 73* 76230361 Cu. 658730096101 658957244408 659184444927 65941 1697664 659639002625 659806359816 660093769243 660321230912 660548744829 66077631 1000 76247824 76265289 76282756 76300225 763 17696 76335169 76352644 76370121 76387600 76405081 76422564 76440049 76457536 76475025 76492516 ' 765100 9 ! 76527504 j 76545001 76562500 j 661003929431 66123 1600128 661459323097 661687098344 661914925875 662142805696 6623707378* 3 661598722232 662826758959 663054848000 663282989361 66351 1183048 663739429067 663967727424 664196078125 664424481176 664652936583 664881441352 665110004489 665238617000 [665567281891 665795999168 666024768837 666253590904 666482465 375 66671 1392256 666940371553 667169403272 667398487419 6676276 24000 667856813021 668086054488 668315348407 668544694784 668774093625 669003544936 66923304.8723 669462604992 669692213749 66992 1 875000 R. 8751 8752 8753 8 754 8 755 8756 8757 ! 8758 8759 8760 87 67 8 76 2 ! 8 7 3 8764 8 z! 5 ! 8766 8767 8768 ; 8769 8770 S 7 * 8771 8772 8 773 8774 8775 8776 8 777 877 & 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 878; 8786 8787 8788 8789 8790 76580001 76597504 76615009 76632516 76650025 76667536 76685049 76702564 76720081 86737600 767 >5121 76772644 76790169 76807696 76825225 76842756 76860289 76877824 76895461 76912900 76930441 76947984 76965529 76983076 77000625 77018176 77035729 77053284 77070841 77088400 8791 8792 8793 8794 8795 8796 8 797 8798 8799 8800 77105961 771*3 524 77141089 77158656 77176225 7719179 6 77211369 77228944 77246521 77264100 Cu. 670151588751 670381355008 670611173777 670841045064 6710709688 75 671 300945216 6 7i5 3 1 974°93 671761055512 671991189479 67**21 376000 67245161 3081 672681906728 672912250947 673142647744 6 73 j 73097 i 25 673603599096 ^ 73 ^ 34*53663 674064.760832 67429 5420609 674526153000 77281681 77299264 77316849 7733443 6 77352025 77369616 77387209 77404804 77422401 77440000 j 6 747 5 6 8 9 8 oi 1 ^ 749 8 77 i 5648 675218585917 6 754495 o 8824 675680484375 67591*512576 676142593433 676373726952 676604913139 676836 1 52000 677067443541 *77298787768 677530184687 677761634304 *779931 3662 5 6782 24691656 678456299403 678687959872 678919673069 6792 51439000 * 79383 * 5767 * 679615129088 679847053*5 7 680079030184 68031 1059875 680543 142336 68c>7;5*77573 681 007465 59 z 68123970639^ 681 472000000 8 .M 8Q ■ 8. M 8 C- , * 8? R. Sq. Cu. j R. sq* Cu. 38 oi 77457601 681794346401 | 88 fi 78340201 6933891 1905 1 $002 77 475204 681936745608 8852 j 78357904 693624166208 8803 77 * 9*809 682x69197(5x7 X853 1 78375609 ^93859266477 |8So4 7 75 r. >4i 6 68240x702464 8854 1 783933*6 6940944*9864 8805 775*8025 682634x601 25 8855 784^1025 6943 *9626375 8306 77545636. 6S286687061 6 8856 7842873 6 694564886016 8507 77563249 682099535943 # 8*7 78446449 6948001 98793 S 8 o 3 77*80864 683332x50112 8> 24 i 688231506789 8879 78836641 699990535439 8t»jo 77968900 688465387000 8880 j 788544°° 70022 7072000 * 8831 77986561 688699320191 8881 78872161 700463661 841 8832 78004224 688935306368 8882 78889924 700700304968 8333 78021889 689167345537 S8S3 78907689 70093700 1387 8834 78039556 6894014377°* 8884 78925456 701173751104 88*5 78057225 689635582875 8885 78943125 701410554125 8836 7807489 6 689869781056 8886 78960996 701647410456 8 S $7 78092569 690104032253 8887 78978769 701 8843 20103 8838 73 * 10244 | 69033833^47* 8888 78996544 702121283072 8839 78127921 | 690572693719 8839 79 °i 432 * 702358299369 8840 78145600 690807104000 8890 7903 2 loo 702595369000 8841 78163281 691041567321 8891 79049881 70283249197* 8842 78180964 691276083638 8892 ^79067664 703069668288 8843 78198649 691510653107 8893 79085449 703306897957 8844 78216336 691745275584 8894 79103236! 703544180984 8845 78234025 69197995**25 88>5 79121025 i 703781517375 8846 78251716 692**4679736 8896 79*38816 704018907136 8847 78269409 692449461423 8897 79*56609 704256350273 8848 78287104 692684296192 8898 79174404, 704493846792 8849 78304801 692919184049 8899 79192201 704731396699 8850 78322500 693*54**5000 8900 79210000 704969000006 9° . 8. AC 90 8. M. 9 Q. R . Cu. R. sq- Cu. 1 8901 7922780I 705206656701 895* 80120401 7 * 7 * 577 ° 935 * 8902 79245604 705444366808 8952 80138304 7*7398097408 18903 792^3409 705682130327 8953 8oi 56209 717638539177 I8904 79281216 705919947264 8954 801741 16 7*7879034664 i 8905 79299025 706157817625 89 J 5 80192025 7*8119583875 1 8906 79316836 706395741416 8956 80109936 718360186816 ' 8907 793 34^49 706633718643 8 957 80227849 71 8600843493 890 s 79352464 706871749312 8958 80245764 7*8841553912 S909 79370281 707109833429 8959 80263681 719082318079 8910 79388100 7 ° 734797 *ooo 8960 80281600 7^9323*36000 8911 794 0 59 21 707386162031 8961 80299521 7*9564007681 8912 79423744 707824406528 8962 80317444 7 * 9 804933128 8913 79441569 708062704497 8963 80335369 720045912247 8914 79459396 708301055944 8964 80353296 72028694534^ 8 9*5 79477*25 708539460875 8965 80371225 720528032125 8 916 79495056 708777919296 8966 80389156 710769172696 8917 79512889 709016431 213 8967 80407089 721010367063 8918 79530724 709254996632 8968 80425024 721251615232 8919 79548561 709493615559 8969 80442961 72*49*9*7209 8920 79566400 709732288000 8970 80460900 72*734273000 8921 79584241 709971013961 “897"* 80478841 721975682611 8922 79602084 7102097934.48 8972 80496784 722217146048 8923 79619929 710448626467 8973 80514729 722458663317 8924 79637776 710687513024 8974 80532676 . n- M , cri N O O r* N. f'. 8925 89655625 7^0926453125 8975 80550625 722941859375 8926 79673476 711165446776 8976 80568576 72318353817 6 8927 79691329 711404493983 8977 80586519 723425270833 8928 79709184 711643594752 8978 80604484 723667057552 8929 7971704 1 711882749089 8979 80622441 723P08897739 893° 79744900 712121957000 8980 80640400 724150792000 8931 79762761 7**361218491 8981 80658361 724392740141 8932 79780624 712600533568 8982 806763 24 72463424*168 ,S 933 79798489 712839902237 8983 80694289 724876798087 8934 79816356 713079324504 8984 80712256 7251 18907904 8935 79834225 7133*8800375 8985 80730225 725361071625 8936 79852096 7*3558329856 8986 80748196 725603289256 8937 79869969 7*3797912953 8987 80766169 725845560803 8938 79887844 7 * 4 ° 37549 < s 7 * 8988 80784144 726087886272 8939 79905721 7*4277240019 8989 80802121 726330265669 8940 79923600 7 1 45 16984000 8990 80820100 726572699000 8941 79941481 714756781621 .8991 8083 8081 726815186271 8942 79959364 714996632888 899* 80856064 727057727488 8943 79977*49 715236537807 8993 80874049 727300322 657 8944 79995136 715476496384 8994 80892036 727542971784 8945 80013025 715716508625 8995 80910025 7.77785674875 8946 80030916 7 * 595 ^ 57453 ^ 8996 80928016 778028431936 8947 80048809 716196694123 8997 80946009 778271242973 8948 80066704 716436867392 8998 80964004 778514107992 8945 80084601 716677094349 8999 80982001 778757026999 895° 00 0 0 M , Wl O O 716917375000 9000 81000000 729000000000 9 -K R. 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M f- s 5— 81920601 81938704 81956809 81974916 8*993025 82011136 82029249 820473*4 82065-4,81 8 20836 00 82101721 82119844 82137969 821 56096 82174225 82192356 82 210489 82228624 82246761 82264900 82283041 82301184 82319329 8233747* 82355*25- 8237377* 82391929 82410084 82428241 82446400 82464561 82482724 82506889 82519056 82537225 ** 2 W96 82573569 82591744 82609921 82628 100 82646281 82664464 82682649 82700836 82719025 82737216 S 2755409 82773604 82791801 82810000 91 Cu. 74*463359651 74 1 709148608 74*954991877 742 200889464 74244*841375 7426928476,^ 74293 §908/9^ 7 43*85023 1 12 743431*92379 - 743 * 774 * 6ccq 74392369398! 744*70026328 7444*641 3047 744662854144 744909349625 745155899496 745402503763 745*49*62432 745895875509 74**4 2643000 74*3 8946491 1 746636341248 746883272017 747*30257224 74737729*8 75 747*24390976 74787 i 53 ?S 33 748118742552 748366000039 748** 331 2000 748860678441 749*08099368 749355574787« 749*03104704! 7498 50689 125 750098328056 750346021505 7505937*9472 750841571969 751089429000 75 * 33734 o 57 « 75*585306688 75*833327357 75 2081402584 75232953*375 73 2 5777 ** 73 * 752825955673 753074149192 753322597299 75357*000000 io. Thoufand. lo. Thohfand . IV Sq* Cu. R. sq- Cu. 9101 82828201 7 * 3 8i 94573 oi 915* 8374080 1 766312069951 910a 82846404 754067969208 9102 83759104 766563319808 9103 82864609 7543*6535727 9*53 8 37774°9 7668 14624577 9 1 04 82882816 754565156864 9154 ! 83795716 767065984264 9105 82901025 754813832625 9*55 838x4025 767317398875 OI 06 82^19236 755062563016 9156 83832336 767568868416 9107 82937449 755311348043 9*57 83850649 767820392893 oroS 82955664 755560187712 9*58 83868964 768071972312 0 LOO 1 8292388 1 755809082029 9*59 8388728* 768323606679 S ' 1 9110 82992100 756058031000 9 1 60 83905600 768575296000 91 1 1 83010321 756307034631 9161 83923921 768827040281 9112 83028544 756556092928 9162 83942244 769078839528 9113 83046769 756805205897 9163 83960569 769330693747 9114 83064996 757054373544 9164 83978896 769582602944 9115 03083225 757303593875 9165 83997225 769834567125 9116 8310x456 757552872896 9166 84015556 770086586296 1 1 17 83 119689 757802204613 9167 84033889 770338660463 9118 83137924 758051591032 9168 84052 224 770590789632 9119 83156161 758301032159 9169 84070561 770842973809 9120 8 3 1 74400 758550528000 9170 84088900 771095213000 9121 83 192041 .758800078561 9 * 7 * 84107241 77*347507*1* 9122 83210884 759049683848 6172 84125584 77*59*856448 9123 832291*9 759299343867 9*73 84143929 771852260717 9 i2 4 83*47376 749549058624 9*74 84162276 772104720024 9125 83265625; 759798828225 9*75 84180625 77^35723437 5 9126 83283876 760048652376 9176 84198976 772609803776 9127 83302129 760298531383 9*77 842*7329 772862428233 9128 83320384 760548465152 9178 84235684 773 * , 5 * 077 S* 9129 83338641 760798453689 9*79 84* >404* 773367842339 9130 8 3356900 761048497000 9180 84272400 773620632000 9 * 3 1 83375*61 761298595091 9181 8429076 1 773873476741 9132 83393424 761548747968 9182 84309124 774126376568 19*33 8341 1689 761798955637 9183 84327489 774379331487 | 9 i 34 83429956 7620492 18x04 9*84 84345856 77463 * 34 * 5 0 4 9235 83448225 762299535375 9185 84564225 774885406625 9136 J 83466496 762549907456 9186 84382596 775*38526856 9137 834847 69 762800334353 9*87 8 44^0969, 77539 i 7 0 *203 0138 83503044 763050816072 9188 844*9344 77564493*672 9139 83521321 763301352619 9189 844377*1 775898218269 9140 83539600 763551944000 9*90 84456100 776151559000 9141 83557881 765802 590221 9191 84474481 776404954871 9142 83576164 764053291288 9192 84492864 776658405888 9*43 83594449 764304047207 9*9 3 8451 1249 776911912057 9144 83612736 764554857984 9*94 84529636 777165473384 9245 8363 1025 764805723625 9*95 84548025 7774 * 9089875 914* 83649316 765056644136 9*96 84566416 777672761536 9147 83667609 765307619523 9*97 84584809 777926488373 9148 83685904 765558649792 9*98 84603204 778180270392 9149 83704201 , 765809734949 9*99 84621601 778434107599 915 0 OO Us> w 0 0 766060875000 9200 I 84640000 77868S000000 . 9* A£ 2 C. 9. M . zi . K. Sq. 92 01 9202 9203 9204 9*05 9206 9207 9208 9209 9210 9211 921 2 9213 9214 9**5 9216 9217 92 1 8 9219 9220 84558401 84676804 84699209 8471 3616 84732025 8 47S°4? 6 84768849 84787264 84805681 848 24 1 00 84842521 84860944 84879369 84897796 84916225 84934656 Cu. 778941^47^01 779195P/0403 7794 ?°oo 84»7 779704121664 77995 8290 12^ 78021251 ^816 780466792743 780721126912 7809759163,9 781 22 9961000 78148446093 1 781739016128 781993626597 782248292344 782503013375 782757789696 8 497*5*4 8498996 1 85008400 9221 85026841 9222 850452S4 9**3 85003729 9224 85082176 9225 85100625 9226 85119076 9227 '85127529 9228 85155984 92 2 9 85174441 9230 85192900 9234 9235 9236 9237 9258 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9246 9246 9247 9248 9*49 9250 l 849530891 783012621313 783267508232 783522450459 78377744 8000 784032500861 784287609048 784542772567 784797991424 7850/3265625 7853035957^6 785^63980083 78*819420352 786074915989 786530467000 786586073391 786841735 168 78709745*337 787353224904 787609052875 9*32 | 852H361 9232,' 85229824 9*33 8524828 9 85266756 85285225 85303696 85322169 8534644 85359121 8537 7600 83396081 85414564 8 5433°4P 85451536 8547 0025 85488516 85507009 *5 5*5504 85544001 85562500 787864936256 788120875053 788376869272 788632918919 788889024000 789145*84521 78940 140048S 789657671907 789913998784 7P0170381 125 790426818936 7906833 12123 790939860992 791196465249 79*453*25ooo R. 9*5* 9252 9* 53 9*54 9*55 sq- 1 8558*001 85599504 85618009 85636516 __ 85655025 9256 1 85673336 9257 j 85692049 9 *j 8 1 85710564 9259 85719081 9260 85747600 857^6721 8S78 4 «4 4 85803169 85821696 85840225 Cu. 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 9267 9268 9269 9270 9271 9272 9*73 9*74 9*75 9*76 9*77 9278 9279 9280 (U 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9*88 9289 9*90 9291 9 92 9293 9294 9*95 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 858507^6 85877289 8589/824 85914361 8593* 900 85951441 8/369984 85988529 86007076 86025625 860441 76 86062729 86081284 86099841 861 18400 8613 6961 86155524 89*74089 79*709840251 79*966611008 79***3437277 79*480319064 79 -737256375 792994249216 79323*297593 793508401512 793765560979 79402*7760. o 7942800467^1 794537372728 794794754447 795052191744 795309684625 795567233096 795834837163 79608249683 2 796340212109 796597983000 7968558095*1 797** 3691648 79737*629417 797629622824 79788767*875 798x4^776^76 798403936933 7986621529^2 .798920424639 799*78752000 799437 * 35041 799695573768 - ' ~T~ I 79995406818; 86192656 1 8002*2618504 0621 1 225 I 800471224125 86229796 800729885656 86248369, 800988602903 86266944 8o* 247375872 66*85522 801506204569 86304IOO ; 80I76 5089OO0 86322681 802024029*71 8634I264 802283025088 6359849 802542076757 86378436 802801184*84 86399025 803060347375 8641541^ 8033*956633 86434209 80357884I07 86452864 80383817159 864714OI 80409755789 8649OOOO [ 804357OOOOO 94 r". p yf. ^ c. pM 5 C- S l l- 9301 86508601 86547X04 86545809 86564416 86583025 9302 91 03 9304 9305 9306 9307 930S 9309 86601636 86620249 86638864 8665748* 93 10 | 86676100 931! 866947:1 9312 93*3 93*4 93*5 9316 03*7 93*8 93*9 93 20 9321 9322 93*3 9324 9331 9326 9327 1 9328 ] 93*9 93 3 ° 86881041 86899684 8691 8329 86936976 8695562$ 86974276 86992929 87011584 87030241 87048900 933 * 933 2 9333 9334 93 J 5 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 87067561 87086224 87104889 87*23556 8714222$ 87160896 87179569 87198244 87216921 8723 5600 809818183161 810078854248 810339581267 810600364224 810861203125 811122097976 811383048783 811644055552 811905118289 812166237000 81242741 1691 812688642368 8129499*9037 813211271704 813472670375 8137341250 56 813995635753 814257202472 814518825219 814780504000 9341 87254281 9342 87272964 9343 87291649 9344 873*0336 9345 87329025 9346 87347716 9347 87366409 9348 8734 S *°4 9349! 87403801 9350 87422500 815042238821 81 5 3040 29' 688 8 1 5565876*607 815827779584 816089738625 816351753736 8166138249*3 81687595219* 817138135349 | 817400375000 Cu. 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M 4 C . p. M . 4 C . 95 R. Sq. Cu. 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R^ 1375 * 189090001 13801 190467601 13851 I 9*850201 13752 189117504 j 13802 190495204 13852 191877904 1 375 3 189145009 *3803 190512809 * 3 8 53 I91905609 x 37 54 189172516 13804 .190550416 13854 191933316 *3755 18920^025 *3805 190578025 *3855 191061025 13756 189227536 ! 13806 1 9060 5636 13856 191988736 *3757 1S9255049 | 13807 19063 3249 *3857 192016449 * 37 > 8 189382564 j 13808 1 90660864 . *3858 191044164 *3759 189310081 j 13809 190688481 13859 192071881 13760 189337600 13810 190716100 13860 I92O99600 * 37 6 * 189365121 1381 1 190743721 *3861 I92I27521 1376a 189392644 13812 190771344 13862 191155044 1 3763 189420169 * 3 8 *3 190798969 13863 I92182769 13764 189447696 13814 190826596 13864 192210496 * 376 > 189475225 13815 1.90854225 13865 192238225 13766 189502756 13816 19088 1856 13866 192265956 *3767 189530289 13817 190909489 13867 192293689 13768 189557824 13818 190937*24 13868 I9232I424 1376^ 189585361 13819 190964761 13869 I92349161 13770 189612900 1 38,20 190992400 13870 I9237690O 13771 189640441 13821 191020041 *387* I 924O4641 13772 189667984 13822 191047684 13872 I92431384 *3773 *89695529 13823 191075329 *3873 I92460129 *3774 1897230 76 1- ,13824 191102976 13874 I 92487876 *3775 189750625 , ! *3825 191130625 *3875 I91515625 13776 189778176 13826 191158276 13876 I92543376 *3777 189805729 *3827 191185929 *3877 I9357I 129 13778 189833284 13828 *91213584 13878 192598884 13779 189860841 13829 191241241 13879 I9262664I 13780- 189888400 * 3 ^o 191268900 13880 I92654OOO 13781 189915961 *3831 191296561 13881 192682161 13782 189943524 13832 191324224 13882 I92709924 33783 189971089 *? 8 33 191351889 (t 13883 I92737689 13784 189998656 13834 *91379556 13884 192765456 13785 1 90026225 *3835 191407225 13885 I92793125 13786 190053796 13836 1 91434896 13886 1928^)996 13787 190081369 13837 191462569 *38*7 192848769 13788 190108944 *383.8 19 1490244 13888 192876544 13789 190136521 13839 191517921 I 3*>9 192904321 13790 190164100 13840 191545600 13890 I 92932 I 00 * 379 * 1901 91681 13841 *91573281 *389* I92959881 *3792 190219264 13842 191600964 13892 1 92987664 *3793 190246849 13843 191628649 13893 I 93°*5449 *3794 *9027443 6 13844 191656336 13894 * 93 ° 33 2 3 6 *3795 190302025 * 3 8 45 191684025 13895 193071025 13796 190329616 13846 191711716 13896 1 93098816 *3797 190357209 13847 19*73940? 13897 193126609 13798 190384804 13848 191767104 13898 1 93 1 54404 *3799 190412401 13849 191794801 13899 193182201 *3800 j 90440000 13850 191822500 13900 19321000a \\ M . 9C. 1 4 M 12.7 / •< A 1 . 9 C . f R. 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Sq. 1405 1 197430601 14101 198838201 * 4 * 5 * 200250801 14052 197458704 14102 198866404 14152 2002-9104 * 4 ° 5 ? 197486809 14103 198894609 * 4*53 200307400 14054 197514916 14104 198922816 14154 200335715 14055 197543015 14105 198951025 *4155 200364025 14056 197571136 14106 198979236 *4156 200392336 14057 197599249 14107 199007449 1 4*57 200420649 14058 197627364 14108 199035664 14158 200448964 14059 197655481 14109 199063881 14159 200477281 .14060 ^97683600 14110 199092100 14160 200505600 14061 1977 1 172 1 14m 199120321 14161 200533921 1406a * 9773^44 14112 199148544 14162 200562244 14063 ^7767969 14113 199176769 14163 200590569 14064 197796096 14114 199204996 14164 200618896 14065 197824225 14115 199233225 14165 200647224 14066 197852356 14116 199261456 14166 200675556 14067 197880489 14117 199289689 14167 200703889 14068 197908624 14*18 199317924 14168 200732224 14069 1 97 9367 6 1 MU 9 199346161 14169 200760561 14070 197964900 14120 1 99^74400 14170 200788900 1 407 1 197993 04 1 14121 1 99402641 14171 200817241 1407a ,198021184 14122 1.99430884 1 4172 200845584 14073 198049329 14123 1^9459129 14*73 200873910 14074 198077476 14124 i 994 8 737 ^ 14174 200902276 14075 198105625 l 4 12 5 199515^25 14275 200930625 14076 198133776 • 14126 ^9543876 14176 200958976 14077 198161929 14127 199572129 * 4 J 77 200987329 14078 198190084 14128 199600384 14178 *01015684 14079 198218241 14129 199628641 * 4 ! 79 201044041 14080 198246400 14130 199656900 14180 201072400 14081 198274561 14131 199685161 14181 201100 761 1408a 19^302724 j 14132 1 99713424 14182 201129124 14083 ^198330889 * 4*33 19974*689 *4183 201157489 14084 198359056 1413.4 199769956 14184 201 185856 14085 198387225 14*35 199798225 14185 201214225 14086 198415396 14136 199826,496 14186 2012425 96 14087 198443569 , 4 I 37 199854769 14187 201270969 14088 198471744 14138 199883044 14188 201299344 14089 1,98499921 * 4*39 199911321 14189 201327721 140 90 198528100 14140 199939600 14190 201356100 1409 1 198556281 14141 199967881 * 4 * 9 * 201384481 14092 198584464 14142 199996164 14192 201412864 14093 ^98612649 14143 200024449 14193 201441249 14094 198640836 J 4*44 200052736 *4194 201469636 14095 198669025 24145 200081025 14*95 201498025 14096 198697216 14146 200109316 14196 201526416 14097 i, 9 8 7254°9 14147 200137609 * 4*97 2015548 op 14098 198753604 14148 200165904 14198 201583204 14099 198781801 14149 200194201 14199 201611601 1 14100 1 198810000 J 14150 200222500 14200 201640000 1 14 M 3 C . 1x9 14M. x 14 M . zC . R. Sq. M Sq. K . 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R. Sq.< R. Sq. R. Sq. 1435 * 205951201 1 440 1 207388801 * 445 * 208831401 14353 205979904 14402 207417604 14452 208860304 14353 206008609 14403 207446409 14453 208889209 *4354 206037316 14404 2074752 16 14454 208918116 14355 206066025 14405 207504025 *4455 208947025 14356 206094736 14406 2075328 36 * 445 * 208975936 *4357 296123449 14407 207561649 *4457 209004849 14358 206152164 14408 207590464 14458 209033764 *4359 206180881 14409 207619281 *4459 209062681 , * 43 *o 206209600 14410 207648100 14460 209091600 14361 206238321 14411 207676921 14461 209120521 * 43*3 206267044 14412 207705744 14462 209149444 14363 29*295769 14413 207734569 14463 209178369 143*4 206324946 * 44*4 207763396 * 44*4 209207296 143*5 206353225 * 44*5 207792225 14465 209236225 14366 206381956 14416 207821056 14466 209265156 143*7 206410689 14417 207849889 * 44*7 209294089 14368 206439424 144*8 207878724 14468 209323024 * 43*9 206468161 * 44*9 207907561 144*9 209351961 * 437 ° 206496900 14420 207936400 14470 209380900 14371 206525641 1 442 1 207965241 * 447 * 209409841 14372 206554384 14422 207994084 14472 209438784 *4373 206585129 14423 208022929 14473 209467729 *4374 206611876 14424 20805 1776 14474 209496676 *4375 206640625 14425 208080625 *4475 209525625 14376 206669376 14426 208109476 14476 209554576 *4377 206698129 14427 208138329 *4477 209583529 14378 206726884 14428 208167184 14478 209612484 *4379 20*755641 14429 208196041 *4479 209641441 14380 206784400 14430 208224900 14480 209670400 *4381 206813161 *4431 208253761 14481 209699361 14383 206841 924 14432 208282624 14482 209728324 14383 206870689 *4433 208311489 14483 209757289 *4384 206899456 *4434 208340356 14484 209786256 *4385 206928225 *4435 208369225 *4485 209815225 14386 206956996 1443 * 208398096 14486 20984419(5 14387 206985769 *4437 208426969 *4487 209873169 14388 207014544 14438 208455844 14488 209902144 14389 207043311 *4439 208484721 14489 209931121 14390 — 207072100 14440 208513600 14490 209960100 * 439 * 207100881 * 444 * 208542481 14491 20998908 1 14392 207129664 * 444 2 208571364 14492 210018064 *4393 207158449 14443 208600249 *4493 210047049 . *4394 207187236 *4444 208629136 *4494 210076036 14395 207216025 *4445 208658025 14495 210105025 1439* 207244816 * 444 * 208686916 14496 210134016 *4397 207273609 14447 208715809 14497 210163009 14398 207302404 14448 208744704 14498 210192004 *4399 107331201 *44 49 208773601 *4499 210221001 144010 207360000 14450 208802500 14500 210250000 ■ i 4 M. 5 C . 14 M , 5 C . 131 R. Sq. R. Sq. T R. 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I 4 M. 7 C. R. Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. 14651 214651801 14701 216119401 14751 217592001 14652 214681104 14702 216148804 14752 2I762I5O4 14653 14654 214710409 214 739716 14703 14704 216178209 216207916 >4753 >4754 2I765IOO9 2I76804J6 14655 214769025 14705 216237025 >4755 217710025 2I 7739536 14656 214798336 14706 216266436 14756 ^657 214827649 14707 216295849 >4757 217769049 14658 214856964 14708 216325264 14758 217798564 14659 214886281 14709 216354681 M 7.59 217828081 14660 214915600 14710 216384100 14760 217857600 14661 2 1494492 1 216413521 > 476 i 217887121 1466a 214974244 14712 216442944 14762 217916644 14663 215003569 1471 3 416472369 14763 217946169 14664 21 5032896 I 47 I 4 216501796 14764 2I 79756 p 6 14665 215062225 > 47>5 216531225 14765 14766 21800522? 14666 I 215091556 14716 216560656 218034755 14667 215120889 14717 216590089 14767 * 18064289 14668 215150224 14718 216619524 14768 218093824. 14669 215179561 > 47 J 9 21 6648961 14769 218123361 14670 2x520890a 14720 216678400 14770 218152900 14671 215238241 1472 1 2 16707841 > 477 > | 218182441 14672 215267584 14722 216737284 i 4 77 2 218211984 >4673 215296929 > 47-3 U6766729 >4773 218241529 14674 215326276 14724 216796176 14774 218271076 14675 215355625 M 725 216825625 >4775 218300625 14676 21 5 38497^ 14726 216855076 14776 218330176 14677 215414329 14727 <2, 16884529 14777 118359729 14678 215443684 1 14728 ^16913984 14778 218389284 14679 215473041 14729 216943441 >4779 218418841 14680 215502400 I 473 ° 216972900 14780 218448400 14681 2 I 553 I 7 6 * J 473 1 217002361 14781 218477901 14682 215561124 24732 217031824 14782 218507524 14683 215590489 24733 217061289 14783 218537089 14684 215619856 24734 217090756 > 47 8 4 218566656 14685 215649225 24735 217120225 14785 218596225 14686 215678596 14736 217149696 14786 218625796 14687 2 1 5707969 >4737 217179169 14787 2 18655369 14688 21 5737344 14738 217208644 14788 218684944 14689 215766721 i 4739 217238121 14789 2187145:1 14690 215796100 1 4740 217*67600 14790 218744100 14691 215825481 > 474 * H7297081 14791 218773681 14692 215854864 24742 217326564 >479 2 218803 *64 14693 215884249 >4743 217356049 *4793 218832849 14694 215913636 >4744 217385536 *4794 21 8862436 14695 215943025 >4745 217415025 14795 218892025 14696 215972416 14746 217444516 14796 218921616 14697 216001809 >4747 217474009 14797 218951209 14698 216031204 14748 217503504 14798 218980804 14699 216060601 14749 217533001 14799 219010401 14700 216090000 14750 217562500 14800 219040000 14 M. 8 C. 14 M, sc . 14 M.9C. 15} R. Sq. R. 1 Sq. R. Sq. 14801 2I906960I I 14851 220552201 ^4901 222039801 14802 219099204 14853 2205S1904 14902 222069604 14803 21 9128809 14853 220611609“ 14903 222099409 14804 219158416 14854 220641316 14904 222129216 i 4 g °5 219188025 14855 220671025 14905 222159025 14806 219217636 14856 22070073 6 14906 22218883 6 14807 219247249 14857 220730449 14907 222218649 14808 2I9276864 14858 220760164 14908 222248464 14809 219306481 * 4 8 5 9 2x0789881 14909 222278281 14810 219336IOO 14860 220819600 14910 222308100 14811 219365721 14861 22084932 1 14911 222337921 14812 219395344 14862 220879044 14912 222367744 14813 219424969 14863 220908769 149 13 222397569 14814 219454596 14864 220938496 *49 14 222427396 i 4 8, 5 219484225 14865 220968225 14915 222457225 14816 219 513856 14866 220997956 14916 222487056 14817 219543489 14867 221027689 14917 222516889 148 18 2I 9573 I2 4 14868 221057424 14918 222546724 14819 21 9602761 14869 221087161 14919 222576561 14820 2 19632400 14870 221116900 14920 222606400 14821 219662041 14871 221 I4664I 14921 222636241 14822 219691684 14872 22II76384 14922 222666084 14823 219721329 14873 221206129 14923 22269592b 14824 219750976 14874 2212358 76 14924 222725 776 14825 219780625 14875 221265625 M 925 22275562.5 14826 219810276 >14876 221295376 14926 .'22785476 14827 219839929 14877 22I325H9 14927 222815329 14828 219869584 14878 22 T 3 *4884 14928 222845184 14829 219899241 14879 221384641 *4929 222875041 148*0 219928900 14880 22 1 41440O 14^30 222904900 14831 219958561 1488 1 221444161 1493! 223934761 14832 21998822 4 14882 ^21473924 14932 222964624 i 4 8 33 220017889 14883 221503689 *4933 222994489 14834 220047556 14884 221533456 14934 223024356 "14835 220077225 14885 321563225 14935 223054225 148*6 220106896 1 4886 221592996 14936 223084096 14837 220136569 14887 22I622769 *4937 223113969 14838 220166244 14888 221652544 14938 223143844 14839 220195921 14889 221682331 *4939 225173721 14840 220125660 14890 22 17 1 3100 14940 223203600 14841 22025528! 14891 221741881 314941 — £_ 223233481 14842 220284964 14892 J 22I771664 ,14942 223263364 14843 220314649 14893 221801449 *4943 2:3593249 14844 220344336 14894 221831236 14944 223323136 14845 220374025 14895 221861025 *4945 22335302$ 14846 220463716 14896 221896816 14946 223382916 14847 220433409 14897 22I920609 *4947 2234*2809 14848 220463104 14898 22I9564O4 *4948 223442704 \14849 220492801 14899 2219802OI *4949 223472601 \14850 220522500 14900 222,010000 14950 223502500 *34 14 M 96'. 1 5 M. >5 M . 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Sq. 14951 22353 2401 15001 225030001 15051 226532601 1495a 223562304 15002 225060004 15052 226562704 *4953 223592209 15003 225090009 * 5°53 226592809 >4954 223622116 15004 225120016 15054 226622916 >4955 223652025 15005 225150025 15055 226653025 >4956 2236,81936 15006 225180036 15056 226683136 >4957 223711849 15007 225210049 15057 226713249 14958 223741764 15008 225240064 15058 226743364 14959 223771681 15009 225270081 15059 226773481 14960 223801600 15010 225300100 15060 226803600 14961 2238315 21 75011 225330121 15061 226833721 14962 2238614 4 15012 225360144 15062 2268638 44 14963 223891369 15013 225390169 15063 226893969 14964 223911296 >5014 225420196 15064 226924096 > 49^5 223951225 15015 225450225 15065 226954225 14966 223981156 15016 225480256 15066 226984356 14967 224011089 15017 225510289 >5067 227014489 14968 224041024 15018 225540324 15068 227044624 14969 224070961 15019 225570361 1 5069 227074761 14970 224100900 15020 225600400 15070 227104900 > 497 * 224130841 15021 225630441 > 5 ° 7 > 227135041 14972 224160784 15022 225660484 15072 327165184 >4973 224190729 15023 225690529 15073 227195329 *4974 224220676 >5024 22572057 6 15074 227225476 >4975 224250625 15025 225750625 15075 227255625 >4976 224280576 15026 225780 676 15076 227285776 >4977 224310529 15027 225810729 15077 227315929 14978 224340484 15028 225840784 15078 227346084 14979 22437044! 15029 225870841 15079 227376241 14980 224400400 15030 225900900 15080 227406400 14981 224430361 77031 225930961 15081 22743656* 14982 224460324 15032 225961024 15082 227466724 14983 224490289 >5033 225991089 >5083 227496889 14984 224520256 >5034 226021156 15084 227527056 >4985 224550225 15035 226051225 15085 227557225 14986 224580196 15036 226081296 15086 227587396 >4987 224610169 15037 2261 11369 15087 227617569 14988 224640144 15038 226141444 15088 227647744 14989 224670121 15039 226171521 15089 227677921 >4990 224700100 15040 226201600 15090 227708100 > 499 ^ 224730081 17041 226231681 1 5091 327738281 14992 224760064 15042 226261764 15092 227768464 >4993 224790049 > 5°43 226291849 >5093 227798640 >4994 224820036 15044 226321936 >5094 227828836 1499^ 224850025 15045 226352025 >5095 227859025 14996 224880016 15046 226382116 15096 227889216 >4997 224910009 15047 226412209 15097 22791 9409 14998 224940004 15048 226442304 15098 227949604 14999 224970001 15049 226472401 15099 227979801 15000 225000000 15050 226502500 15100 228 010000 1 5 M . i C. 15 M. iC. 1 5 M iC. 155 R. 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I 5 M . 8 , C . 1 39 I R. Sq. j R. Sq. 1 R- Sq. i 57 01 246521401 * 575 * 248094001 j 15801 249671601 i< 57°2 246552804 * 575 2 2481255 04 15802 249703204 i <5703 2465^4209 *5753 248157009 15803 249734809 i 57°4 246615616 *5754 248188516 15804 249766416 1 5 7 ° S 246647025 - 15755 248220025 15805 249798025 15706 2+6678436 15756 248251536 15806 249829636 15707 246709849 *5757 248283049 * 5 8o 7 249861249 1 S708 246741264 15758 248314564 15808 249892864 * 57 °? 246772681 *5759 248346081 15809 249924481 15710 246804100 15760 248377600 15810 249956100 15 fu 246835521 1576? 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R. | Sq. R. Sq. JR. Sq. - I585I 25I25420I 15^01 252841801 *5951 2 544344 01 ! 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I Q, , R. i . Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. 1 6001 .25603 2001 16051 257634601 36101 259242201 16002 2 ^6064004 16052 257666704 16102 259274404 56003 256096009 16053 257698809 16103 259306609 1 6004 2£6i 28016 16054 25773091 6 16104 259338816 16005 2561 60025 16055 257763025 i6jo£ 259371025 16006 2561 92036 16056 25779513 * 161 06 259403 236 16007 256224049 16057 257827249 16107 2 5 94? 5 449 16008 256256064 1 6058 257859364 16108 259467664 16009 25628S08-I 16059 257891481 16109 259499881 16010 256320100 1 6060 257923600 161 10 2 59532 ioo 1 60 11 256352121 1 6061 257955721 16m 259564311 16012 256384144 16062 257987844 16112 2 59595544 16013 25641 6169 16063 258019969 16113 259628769 1 6014 256448196 16064 258052095 16114 259660996 i6©i 5 256480225 1 6065 258084225 16115 259693225 16916 25*51225* 16066 258116356 161 1<5 259725456 16017 256544289 16067 258148489 l6n 7 259757689 16018 256576324 16068 258180624 1*118 259789924 1 6019 256608361 16069 258212761 1*119 259822161 1 6020 25 6646400 16070 258244900 1*120 259854400 16021 256672441 16071 258277041 16121 259886641 1602a 256704484 16072 258309184 16122 259918884 16023 2567365*9 16073 258341 329 16123 25995***9 16024 256768576 16074 *78373476 1*124 25998337 * 16025 256800625 16075 258405625 1*125 2*001562 5 16026 256832676 16076 *58437776 16126 260047876 16027 256864729 16077 25 8469929 I61-27 2600801 29 16028 156896784 16078 258502084 16328 260112384 ■ 6029 256928841 16079 258534241 l6j 29 260144641 16030 256960900 1 6080 25856640© 1*1 30 2601 76900 16031 256992961 16081 258598561 161 3 1 2*0209161 16032 257025024 1 6082 258630724 16132 2O0241424 i6o$j 257057089 16083 25 8662889 Idl 33 260273689 16034 257089156 16084 258695056 16^4 260305956 16035 257121225 16085 258727225 16135 2*0338225 I6036 257153296 16086 258759396 161 36 260370496 16037 257185369 16087 258791569 161 37 260402769 16038 257 H 7444 16088 258S23744 16138 260435044 16039 257249511 16089 258855921 16139 260467321 1 6040 257281600 16090 258S88100 16140 260499600 16041 1573 I 3 ^ 8 * 16091 2589.20281 16141 26053 1 88i 16042 2573457*4 16092 2589524*4 16142 260564164 16043 257377 8 49 16093 258984649 16143 260596449 16044 257409936 16094 259016836 16144 2606287^6 16045 257442015 16095 259049025 1*145 26066 1025 16046 157474 11 * 16096 25908121,6 16146 260693316 16047 257506209 16097 2 S 9 U 34 P 9 1*147 260725609 16048 157538304 16098 259145604 16148 2*0757904 *6049 157570401 16099 259177801 16149 2*0790*01 16050 257602500 16100 259210000 i6ijo 260822500 14 * N *4i i« JM. i ('. i« i C 16 1 C- J "r. 1 Sq. * R. Sq. R. Sq. x6x 51 2608 54801 1 6201 262472401 16251 *64095001 1 6r 5 2 260887104 16202 262504804 16252 2641 27504 16155 2609 1 9 409 16203^ 262537209 16253 2641 50009 16154 26095 1716 1 620-+ 262569616 16254 254192515 15155 260984025 16205 26260202 5 16255 26422 502 5 l 5 l 55 2610163 36 1 6206 262634436 16256 l5 4 l >7536 16157 261 048649 16207 262666849 x 6257 264290049 16158 261080964 16208 262699264 16258 264322554 1 6t 59 261113281 16209 262731681 16259 *64355081 1 6160 261 145600 16210 162764x00 16260 264587600 16161 26x1 77921 x 6211 262796521 16261 264420121 1 6161 261210244 16212 262828944 16262 *64452644 1 61 5 t 261 242 y 69 16213 262S61 369 16263 *64485x69 16164 261 2748^5 1 6214 262 893796 1 6264 *64517596 16165 261307225 1 621 5 262926225 16265 *64550225 1 6 i 65 261 3 395 56 16216 262958656 16266 264582756 16167 261 3 71 8 S 9 16217 26299x089 1 6267 *6461 5289 16168 261404224 16218 263023524 1 6268 264647824 161 69 261436561 16219 263055961 l6 2 6p 264680361 16170 261468900 1 6220 263088400 1627© 264712900 16171 261 50 1 241 16221 263x20841 1627* 26474 544 1 1 61 7* 26x533584 I 6222 *63 153 284 16272 264777984 16173 261 565929 16223 263185729 16273 264b 1 ©529 161 74 261 5982-76 I6224 2 63 2x8176 16274 264843076 16175 261530625 16225 263250625 16275 26487562 5 16176 26166 2976 16226 263283076 16276 264908176 16x77 26x695320 16227 263315529 16277 264940729 16178 261727684 16228 263347^84 16278 264973284 16179 261760041 16229 *63380441 16279 265005841 1 6180 261792400 I623O 26341 2900 16280' 265030400 16181 261824761 16231 2634453,51 16281 265070961 16182 26x857124 16232 263477824 16282 265103524 16183 261889489 I6233 263510289 16283 265136089 16184 261921856 I6234 263542756 16284 265x68656 16185 261954225 16235 263575225 16285 N 0 N 0 >-• vi 16186 261986596 I6236 263607696 l6z$6 2 6 5 l 3379 * 16187 26201 8969 I6237 263 640x69 16287 265266369 16188 262051344 I6238 263672644 16288 265298944 16189 262083721 16239 2637051 21 16289 265331 52X 1619° 262116100 I6240 2 ^ 73760 © x6 290 265364x00 1619* 26214S481 I624I 263,770081 16291 26539668 x 16192 262180864 >6242 253802 564 16292 265429264 16193 262213 249 I6243 263835049 1 6293 265461849 1 6194 262245636 I6244 263867536 16294 z6 5 4944 3 6 16195 262278025 X6245 2639000*5 16295 265527025 16196 262310416 I 6246 263932516 16296 265559616 16 x 97 262342809 I6247 263965009 16297* 265592209 16198 262375204 16248 2639 P 75°4 16298 26 5624804 16x99 262407601 I6249 264030001 16299 26 5 6 5 740 x 16200 >• 262440000 I625O 264062500 1 6300 26 5690000 1 6 $ C - 1$ 3 C* 16 J/M .4^ R. Sq* R. Sq. R. Sq. 16301 265722601 16351 2673 55201 1 640 1 168992801 16302 265755204 16352 267387904 16402 26902 5604 1 6303 265787809 16353 267420609 16405 269058409 16304, 26582041 6 1 63 54 267453516 16404 269091 216 15505 26585302 5 16355 267486025 1 6405 2691 24025 1 5506 265885635 16356 26751 8736 1 6406 2691 56836 1 5507 26591 8249 16357 267551449 16407 2691 S9649 15508 265950864 1 6358 2675841 64 16408 269222464 163 09 265983481 1 63 59 267616881 1 6409 26925 5281 15310 2660 1 61 00 1 6360 267649600 16410 2692881 00 15311 266048721 16361 267682521 16411 2693 20921 10312 266081 344 16361 267715044 16412 2 * 935?744 10313 2661 1 3969 16363 267747769 16^13 2*93 86569 15314 256146596 16364 267780496 16414 269419396 15315 2661 79225 1^6365 267815225 i6 4 i 5 2*9452225 1 53 15 266211856 16366 267845956 16416 269485056 15317 266244489 16367 267878689 16417 2*9517889 15318 2662771 24 16368 267911424 16418 269550724 15319 266309761 16369 267944161 16419 269583561 15320 266342400 16370 267976906 16420 2696 1 6400 1532I 266375041 16371 268009641 16421 269649241 1 5322 266407584 4 « 37 * 268042584 16422 269682084 15323 2664403 29 16373 2680751 29 16425 2*9714919 15324 266472976 163 74 268107876 1*414 269747775 15325 266505625 1637 $ 268140625 16425 2*9780625 15325 266 538276 I6376 2*8175576 16426 269813476 15327 266570929 16377 2682061 29 1 * 4*7 269846319 15328 266605584 16378 268258884 16428 2M79184 15329 266656241 16379 268271641 16429 269912041 15330 266668900 i 6380 268304400 16430 2 ^9 9449 00 163 31 266701 561 16381 2683371 61 16451 269977761 I6331 266754224 16382 268369924 1 6452 270010624 15333 266766889 16383 26840 2689 16455 2700434S9 15334 266799556 16384 26843 5456 16454 2700 763 *6 15335 266852225 16385 268468225 16 43 S 270109225 15335 266864896 16386 268500996 16436 270142096 15337 266897569 16387 268535769 16437 2701 74960 1 5 ; 38 266950244 16388 268566544 16458 270207844 ‘5339 266962921 16389 2685995 2r 16459 270240721 15340 266995606 16390 268652100 16440 270273600 I * 34 I 267028281 1639* 268664881 16441 270306481 15342 267060964 16392 268697664 16442 2763593*4 l *343 267095649 16393 268730449 **443 270372249 1 5?44 267126556 16394 268763256 16444 2704051 35 15345 2671 59025 16395 268796025 16445 ’ 270438025 1 5345 26719171 6 1 639^ 268828816 16446 27047091 6 15347 267224409 16397 268861609 16447 276503809 16348 267257104 1639* 268894404 16448 270536704 16349 267289801 16393 > 268927201 16449 270569601 16350 267322500 1640c > 268960000 I 16450 270602500 N 2 *44 I •« M 4 C- 16 s C. 16 R. Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. *6451 270635401 1 6501 272283001 i6 55 . 273935601 16452 270668304 16502 27231 6004 16552 273968704 16451 270701 *09 16503 272349009 * 5 553 27400180 9 15454 270734116 1 6504 272382016 i5 554 274034916 15455 270767025 16505 272415025 16555 274068025 15456 270799936 1 6506 272448036 16556 274101136 16457 270S32849 16507 272481049 16557 *74*34249 16458 270865764 16508 272514064 16558 274167364 *6459 270898581 16509 272547081 16559 274200481 1 6460 270931600 16510 272580100 16560 274233600 16461 270964521 16511 272613121 16561 274*66721 1 6462 270997444 16512 272646144 16562 274299844 1 646 5 271030369 16513 272679169 16563 274332 969 1 6464 271063296 16514 2727121 96 1 6564 *743 66096 1 6465 271096225 16515 * 7 2745225 16565 *74399225 1 5465 271129156 16516 27277825 6 16566 * 7443*356 15467 271 162089 *65*7 27281 1289 16567 *74465489 16468 271 195024 16518 272844324 **568 274498624 16469 1 271227961 16519 27287736, 16565, * 7453 * 7 61 15470 271 260900 1 65 20 272910400 16570 274564900 16471 271 293841 16521 * 7 * 94344 * 16571 27459804, 16472 271326784 16522 272976484 16572 274631184 16473 2 7 I 559729 16523 * 730995*9 * *573 274664329 16474 271392676 16524 *7304257 6 **574 *74697476 16475 271425625 16525 *73075625 16575 274730625 1 6476 271458576 16526 273108676 16576 *74763776 16477 27*491529 16527 * 73 * 4 * 7*9 16577 274796929 16478 2 7 * 5 * 448 4 *6528 *73 * 74784 16578 274830084 16479 27155744* 1 65 29 273207841 16579 274863241 1 6480 27*590400 *73240900 16580 274896400 16481 2716*3361 *653* *73273961 16581 274929561 16482 271656324 16532 *73307024 *6582 274962724 16483 271689289 *<*533 273340089 16583 274995889 16484 27172225 6 16534 * 73373 * 5 <* 16584 275029056 16485 271755225 *<*535 *73406225 16585 275062125 1 6486 271788196 16536 273439296 16586 275095396 16487 271821169 16537 273472 369 16587 2751 28569 16488 271854144 273505444 16588 275*61744 16489 271887121 *6539 273538521 16589 * 75*94921 16490 271 920 1 00 I6540 * 7357 i<*oo 1655,0 275228100 16491 27 i 953 ° 8 i' I654I 273*04681 1655,1 275*6128, 16492 271986064 16542 273637764 1655,2 275*94464 16493 272019049 I6543 273670849 **593 275327649 16494 272052036 I6544 2 737 o 393 * 16594 275360836 16495 272085025 *<*545 273737025 16595 275394®25 16496 272118016 16546 273770116 16596 275427216 16497 27*1 51009 16547 27380320 9 16597 275460400 1 6498 272184004 16548 273836304 16598 275493604 16499 27221 7001 16549 273869401 16599 275526801 16500 272250000 16550 273902500 16600 *75 560000 1 6 CM. 6 Q 16 6 Q. 16 7 £. R. Sq. R. 1 Sq. R. Sq. t 660 1 27559^201 I665I 277255801 16701 278923401 1 6602 27)626404 I6652 277289104 16702 278956804 I6603 275659609 16653 277322409 16703 278990209 1 6604 2756928 16 I6654 2 773557 i 6 16704 279023616 1 6605 2757.26025 16655^ 277389025 16705 279057025 i 6606 * 75759 * 3 * 166 56 277422336 16706 279090436 16607 275792449 I6657 277455649 16707 2791 23849 1 6608 275825664 I 6658 277488964 1 6708 279157264 16609 275858881 I6659 277522281 16709 *791906 81 16610 275892103 1 666 0 2775556 oo 16710 279224100 16611 275925321 16661 27758892 1 !67Tr 279257521 16612 2 75958544 1 666a 277622244 16712 279290944 16613 275991769 1 6663 277655569 16713 2793 24369 16614 276024996 16664 277688896 1*714 2 79 3 5 7796 1 661 5 27605 8225 1 6665 277722225 16715 279391 225 16616 276091456 16665 2 77755556 167x5 279424656 16617 2761 24689 16667 277788889 16717 279458089 16618 276157924 J6668 277822224 16718 27949 i 5 2 4 16619 276191 r 61 16669 277855561 16719 279524961 1 6620 276224400 16670 277888900 16720 279558400 16621 276257641 16671 277922241 16721 279591841 16621 276290884 16672 277955584 16722 279625284 1662$ 3763241 29 16673 277988929 16723 279658729 1 6624 276 S 5737 * 16^74 278022276 16724 279692176 16625 27639062 5 16675 27 8055625 16725 279725625 16626 276423875 16676 27S088976 16726 279759076 16627 27645712 9 16677 278132329 36727 279792529 16628 276490384 16678 278155684 16728 279825984 *6629 276523641 16679 278189041 16729 279859441 1 6630 2765 56900 16680 278222400 16730 279892900 16631 276590161 26681 278255761 36731 279926361 *6632 276623424 1 668 2 27S2891 24 16732 279959824 16633 276656689 1 6683 2783 22489 16733 27 9993*89 16634 276689956 16684 278355856 1 67 3 4 280026756 1663 5 2/6723225 16685 278389225 i6 73 5 280060225 16636 276756496 16686 278422596 16736 280093696 1 6637 276789769 16687 278455969 36737 2801171 69 16638 276823044 16688 278489344 16738 2801 60644 16639 276856321 I66S9 278 522721 16739 2801941 2i 1 6640 276889600 16690 2785 56100 16740 280227600 16641 276922881 16691 278589481 16741 280261081 *6642* 276956x64 16692 278622864 16742 280294564 16643 276989449 16693 278656249 36743 280328049 1 6644 27702273 6 16694 278 689636 16744 280361 536 X6645 277056025 16695 278723025 16745 280395025 16646 277089316 16696 278756416 16746 28042851 6 J 6647 277122609 1 6697 278789809 16747 280462009 16648 277155904 16698 278823204 16748 280495504 16649 277189201 1 6699 278856601 16749 280529001 16650 2772*2500 1 6700 j 278890000 16750 280562500 — — »/ N 3 *45 1 6 \ yl 4 , 7 (\ 16 8 £. 16 cPH. 8 £ R. Sq. R. Sq. R. 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R. Sq. R. Sq. R. 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I 17 . 5 M. 1 £ * R. Sq. ' R. Sq. R. 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Sq. R. Sq. R. 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Sq. 20051 402042601 20101 4O40yO2Ol 201 51 406062801 20052 402082704 20102 4O4O9O4O4 201 5 2 1 4061 03104 2005; 402122809 20103 4O4I 306o9 201 53 406143499 20054 40216291 5 20104 4O4I7O 8l6 201 54 4061 8371 6 20055 40120302^ 20105 4O42 11025 20155 40622402 5 20056 402243 r 36 20106 4042 51 236 201 56 406264336 20057 402283 249 20107 4O429I449 20157 406304649 20058 402323364 20108 4O433I664 201 58 40634495,7. 20059 402363481 20109 4O437I88X 201 59 406585281 20060 402403600 201 IO 4044I 2100 201 60 406425600 20061 40244:721 2011 I 404452521 2ci6i 40646592 1 20062 4°24& 3844 20112 4-4492544 20162 406506244 20063 402523 969 20 I I 3 404532769 2CI63 406546569 20064 4025640|;6 20114 404572996 2OI64 406586896 20065 402604225 2011 5 40461 3225 20165 4066272 2 5 20066 4026443 56 201 1 6 404653456 • 20166 406667556 20067 402584489 201 I 7 404693689 20167 406707889 20068 402724624 201 i 8 4 ° 47 ?? 9 2 4 20168 406748224 20069 40-764767 201 1 9 404774161 20169 406/88561 20070 402 8*4900 201 20 404814400 201 70 406828900 20071 402845041 201 21 404854641 2017! 406869141 20072 402885184 201 2 J 404894884 201 72 406909584 2007} 4029253a 9 20 123 4049? 5129 20I 7? 406949929 20074 402965476 201 24 4°4975 576 20174 4069902 76 20075 403005625 201 25 40501 5625 20175 407030625 20076 403045776 2OI25 40505:587 6 201 76 .407070976 20077 403085929 201 27 4050961 29 20I77 407H1329 20078 403126084 201 28 4c 5136384 20178 4 ' 7 1 5 1 684 20079 403166241 20*29 405 ( 76641 20*79 4071 92041 20080 403^06400 201 30 4^5 2 16900 20180 40723 2400 20081 403246561 20131 405257161 201 81 407272761 20082 403286725 20*52 405297424 201 82 4073 13124 20083 403526889 20153 405557689 20183 4 ° 75554 8 9 20084 403367056 20134 405377956 20184 407595856 20085 403407225 2O155 405418225 20185 4074,4225 20086 40 544 7396 20135 40545S496 20186 4074745^6 20087 403487569 201 57 405498769 201 87 407514 969 20088 405527744 20138 405559044 201 88 4°7555544 20089 405567921 20139 40557952! 201 89 . 407595721 20090 40 36081 00 20140 405619600 20190 407636100 20091 403648281 20141 405659881 20191 407676481 20092 403688464 20142 40 5 700164 2 O I P 2 40771 6864 20093 403728649 20143 405740449 20193 407757 2 4 9 20094 403768836 20144 405780736 20194 407797636 20095 403809025 20145 40582 1025 20195 4078- 802 5 20095 403849216 20145 | 405861 31 6 20196 40787841 6 20097 I 403889409 20147 1 405901 609 201 97 407918809 2^-098 [ 403929604 20148 j 405941904 20198 407959204 20099 j 403969801 20149 | 405982201 20199 407999601 20100 1 404010000 1 20150 * 40602 2500 20200 408040000 2.o 4 oo 20630 425 596900 2053 1 421521961 20581 423577561 2063 1 425638161" 20532 421 563024 20582 423618724 20632 425679424 20533 421 604089 20583 423659889 2063 3 425720 689 20534 421645156 20584 42 37 oio 56 20634 425761956 20535 421686225 2058 5 423742225 2063 5 425803225 20536 421 727296 - 20586 423783396 20636 425844495 20537 421768369 20587 423824569 20637 425885769 20538 421809444 20588 423865744 20638 425927044 20539 421850521 20589 42390692 1 20639 425968321 20540 421 891600 20590 423948100 20640 426009600 20541 421932681 20591 423989281 20641 426050881 20542 421973764 20592 424030464 20642 4260921 54 20543 422014849 20593 424071649 20643 426133449 20544 422055936 20594 424112836 20644 4261 74736 20545 422097025 20595 424154025 20645 426 216025 20546 422138116 20596 424195216 20646 426257315 20547 422179209 20597 424236409 20647 42 6298609 20548 422220304 20598 424277604 20648 4263 39904 20549 422261401 20599 4243 1 88ot 20649 426381 201 20550 422302500 | 2060© 424360000 20650 426422 503 1 72 20 20 7 C 40 7 £ R. 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Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq/ 21X01 445252201 21 1 5r 447 ^ 48 oi 2 r 20 1 449482401 21 I 02 445294404 21152 447407104 21 202 449524804 21 IO3 44 533^09 21153 4474494 0 9 21203 4*9567209 21X04 445378816 21154 447491716 2 1 204 449609616 2r 105 445421025 211 55 447534025 21205 449652025 21106 445463256 ^21156 44757^336 21206 449694436 21 107 445504449 21157 447618649 21207 449736849 21108 4455476^4 21158 447660964 21 208 449779264 2f IO9 445589881 21159 447703281 2 1 2O9 449821681 IIIIO 445632100 21 1 60 44774 ) 6 oo 2I210 449864100 21 I II 445674321 21 161 4477 8 792 i 2 1 2 1 1 44990652 r 21112 4457^544 21 162 447830244 2121 2 449948944 2 IIIJ 445758769 21163 447372569 21213 449991 369 2IXI4 445800996 21 164 447914896 21214 450033796 21115 445843225 21165 447957225 21 21 5 45007622/ 2IIl6 4458S5456 21 166 4 47999556 21 21 6 4501 1 8656 21 I I 7 445927689 2II67 4480418 89 21217 450161089 211x8 445969924 21168 448084224 2l 21 8 450203524 21 119 44501 21 61 21 169 4481 26561 21 219 450145961 21 I 20 446054400 2H70 4481 68900 21220 450288400 2 1 1 2 1 446096641 * 21171 44821 1 241 21221 450330841 21 1 22 446x38884 21172 448253584 21222 450373284 21123 446181x29 21173 448295929 2 I 223 45041 5729 21 1 24 446223376 21174 44833827 6 2I224 450458176 2II25 446265625 21175 448380625 21225 450500625 21126 446307876 21176 448422976 2 1 226 450543076 2II27 446350129 21177 448465329 2l 227 450585529 21 I 28 446392384 21178 448507684 21228 450627984 21129 44643464 1 2 U 79 448550041 2*229 450670441 21 I30 446476900 21180 448592400 2I23O 450712900 2II3I 446519161 21181 448634761 2i23I 450755361 2II32 446561424 21182 44S677124 21 232 450797824 21*33 446603689 2x183 448719489 21233 450840289 21154 44664595^ 21 1 84 448761 856 21234 450882756 21155 446688225 21x85 448804225 2123 5 450925225 21136 446730496 21186 448846596 2I236 450967696 21137 446772769 21187 448888969 21237 4510101 69 21138 446815044 21188 448931344 21 238 451052644 21139 446857321 21189 44 g 97372 i 21239 451095121 21 140 446899600 2 1 190 449016100 2 1 240 451137600 2I141 446941 881 21191 44905S481 21 241 45 1 180081 2H42 4469841 64 21192 449100864 2I242 451322564 21143 447026449 21193 449143249 21 243 451 265049 21 144 447068736 21 194 449185636 2I244 451307536 21145 4471 11025 2 H 95 449228025 2*245 451350025 21146 447 1 5 33 1 6 21 196 449270416 21246 4513925^6 2H47 447x95609 21 197 449312809 2I247 451435009 21148 447237904 21198 4493 55 *04 21 24S 451477504 21149 I447280201 21199 449397601 2I249 451 520001 211 50 1447322500 1 21 200 f — , ■ , ■■ ■— — 449440000 21250 451562500 * 7 ^ zi z Q 11 5 C* 2,1 3 G R. | Sq. 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Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. 21401 458002801 21451 460145401 21501 462293001 21402 458045604 21452 460188304 21502 4623 36004 21403 458088409 21453 460231209 21503 462379009 21404 4581 31 216 21454 460274116 21504 462422016 21405 45 §i 74 ° 2 ? 21455 46031 7025 21505 46246 5025 21406 45821 6836 21456 46 0 359936 21506 462 50803 6 21407 458259649 21457 460402849 21507 462551 049 2i 408 458302464 • 21458 460445764 21508 462594064 21409 458345281 21459 460488681 21509 462637081 214XO 458388100 21460 460531 600 2 1 5 1 0 462680100 2I4I I 458430921 21461 460574521 2 1 51 1 462723121 2141 2 45847*744 21462 460617444 21512 462766144 JI 4 l 3 4585 i 6569 21463 460660365 2*513 462809169 21414 458559396 21464 460703296 21514 462852196 21415 458602225 21465 460746225 21515 462895 225 21416 458645056 21466 4607891 55 21516 4629382 56 21417 458687889 21467 46083 2089 215*7 462981289 21418 458730724 21458 460875024 21518 463024324 21419 4587735 ! 472584121 21 789 474760521 21839 476941911 21740 1 472627600 21 790 4748041 00 2I840 476985600 2174! 472671081 21791 474847681 21841 477029281 21742 472714564 21792 474891264 21842 477 0 72964 21743 472758049 21793 474934849 21843 477116649 2 i 744 472801 536 21794 474978436 21 844 4771 * 033 * 21745 472845025 21795 475022025 21 845 477294025 2 1 746 47288851 6 21796 475065616 21846 477247716 21747 472932009 21797 475109209 21847 477291409 21748 472975504 21 798 475152804 21848 477 335104 21749 473O19001 21799 475196401 21 849 477378801 21750 473062500 21800 475240000 21850 4774 2500 i So 11 JW. 8 Q ii 9 £ 11 J/M# 9 £ R. Sq. .A- Sq. \ R * Sq. ^ t S' 5 1 477466201 21901 479653801 21951 48 1 84 i+or 2l8?2 477509904 21902 479697604 2195, 481 890304 21853 47755 3 < 5°9 21903 479741409 21953 4819 34209 21854 4775973*6 21904 4797852x6 21954 481978116 21855 477641025 2 i 9 o 5 479829025 2x955 482022025 21856 47768473 6 21906 47987283 6 21956' 482065936 21857 4777 2 3449 21907 479916649 **957 482109849 ! 21858 47777 * 1 64 21908 479960464 21958 482153764 21859 477815881 2x909 480004181 21959 482197681 21860 477859600 21910 480048100 21 96c 482241600 21 861 4779037*1 21911 48009x921 21961 482285521 21862 477947044 21912 ,480135744 21962 482329444 21863 477990769 219 X 3 1480179569 2X 963 4 8 * 37?369 21864 478034496 21914 4802*3396 21964 4824x7296 21865 47S078225 21915 480257225 2 I965 482461225 21 866 478x21955 21916 4803x105 6 2X966 48*505156 21867 478165689 21917 4803 54889 2X967 482549089 21868 478209424 219 X 8 480398724 21968 482593024 21 869 478253161 2 * 9*9 480442561 21969 482636961 f w ft ! 00 Kj 1 0 478296900 21920 480486400 21970 482680900 2x871 478340641 21921 480530 241 ** 97 * 482724841 21 872 478384384 21922 480574084 21972 482768784 2I § 7 ? 478428129 21923 48061 7929 2x973 48281 2729 21874 478471876 21924 480661776 21974 48 2S56676 21875 4785*5625 21925 480705625 2x975 482900625 21 876 478559376 21926 480749476 21 976 482944576 2x877 4786031 29 21927 480793329 2*977 482988529 21 878 478646884 *1928 480837184 2x978 483032484 21879 47S690641 21929 480881041 21979 483076441 2 'X 880 478734400 21930 480924900 21980 483120400 2x881 478778161 ** 93 * 4S0968761 21981 483x64361 21882 478821924 21932 48101 2624. 21982 4832083 24 21 883 478865689 2*935 481056489 21983 483*52289 2x884 478909456 21934 481 1003 56 21984 483296256 21885 478953225 2 i ?3 5 481 144225 21985 483340225 21886 47 8996996 21936 481 188096 21986 4833841 96 21887 479040769 21937 481231969 21987 4834281 69 21888 479084544 21938 481275844 21988 48347**44 2x889 479**8331 2x939 4813 19721 21989 483516121 21890 4791 721 op 21940 48 1 3 63 600 21990 483560100 2x891 47921 5881 2 1 941 481407481 21991 483604081 21892 479*59664 2x942 4S1451364 2 T 992 483648064 21893 47930.3449 21943 481495249 21993 483692049 2x894 479347*36 21944 481539136 21994 483736036 21895 479391025 **945 481 583025 21995 483 780025 21 S96 4794348*6 21946 481 6269x6 21996 483824016 21897 479478609 21947 481 670809 2 X 997 48 3 868009 2x898 479522404 2x948 | 4817*4704 21998 483 91 2004 21899 479566201 21949 481758601 21999 483956001 2 IyoO 479610000 21950 481802500 22000 484000000 11 JM. R. Sq. 2 2 001 2 2 002 2 ?OOj 2 2004 22005 484044001 4840S8004 4841 32009 484176016 48422002 5 2200 6 22007 22008 2 2 009 22010 4842640 36 484308049 484352064 484396081 484440100 22011 22012 2201 3 22OI4 2201 5 484484121 484528144 4845721 69 48461 6196 4846602 25 2201(5 22017 22018 2201 p 22020 484704256 484748289 484792324 484836361 484880400 22021 22022 22023 22024 22025 484924441 4 849 6 84 84 485012529 485056576 485100625 2202 6 2 202 7 22028 22029 22030 485144676 485188729 485232784 485276841 485320900 2203 I 22032 22033 22034 2203 5 485364961 485409*24 485453089 485497156 4 ^ 5 H X 22 5 22036 22037 22038 22039 22040 485585296 4S5629369 485673444 4857 l 7 5 2 r 485761 600 2 2041 22042 22043 22044 2 2045 2 2 046 22047 2 204^ 22049 2 1O5O 485805681 485849764 485893849 4%5937936 485982025 486026116 486070209 4861 14304 4861 58401 486202500 it JM. R. Sq. 22051 22052 22053 22054 22055 486246601 486290704 486334809 486378916 48642 302 5 22056 22057 22058 22059 22060 4864671 36 48651x249 486555364 486599481 486*43600 22061 22062 22063 22064 22065 486687721 486731844 486775969 486S20096 486S64225 22066 22067 22068 22069 22070 4869083 56 486952489 486996624 487040761 487084900 22071 22072 22073 22074 22075 487129041 487x73184 487217329 487261476 487305625 22676 22077 2207S 22079 22080 487349776 4%73 9 3 9 i 9 48743 80&4 487482241 487526400 22081 22082 22083 22084 22085 487570561 487614724 487658889 487703056 487747225 22086 22087 22088 22089 22090 487791396 487835569 487879744 487923921 487968100 22091 22091 22093 22094 22095 4880122 8r 488056464 488100649 4S8144836 488189025 22096 22097 22098 22099 22100 48823 32x6 488277409 4883 11604 48836580X 488410000 11 cM, i Q t R. 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Sq. 22151 490666801 22201 492884401 22251 495107001 22152 49071-1 104 22202 492928804 22252 495 x 5 1 5°4 22x53 490755409 22203 492973209 22253 4951 96009 221 54 490799716 22204 4930176x6 22254 495*405 16 22155 49084402 5 22 205 49306202 5 22255 495*85025 221 5 6 4908883 36 22206 49 3106436 22256 4953*9536 22157 49093 2649 22207 4931 50849 22257 495374°49 221 58 490976964 22208 493195264 22258 4954x8564 22159 491 02 1281 22209 493239681 22259 4954630S1 22160 491 °6 5600 22210 493284100 22 3 60 495507600 22161 491109921 22211 493828521 22261 49555*121 22162 49 U 54^44 2221 2 49557*944 22262 495596644 22x63 491198569 22213 4954 1 75^9 22263 495641x69 22164 491242896 22214 495461 796 22 264 4956S5696 22165 491 2 8722 5 222x5 493506225 22265 495730225 22166 491 3.?x5 56 2 22l6 493550656 22266 495774756 22167 491375889 222x7 495595089 22267 4958x9*89 2 21 68 491420224 22218 493639534 22268 495863824 221 69 491464561 22 219 493683961 22269 495908361 22170 491 508900 22220 493728400 22270 49595*900 22171 491553241 22 221 49377 * 8 4 * 22271 49599744 * 22x72 491 597584 22222 493 Si 7284 22272 49604x984 22I 73 491 641929 22223 493861729 222 7? 496086529 22174 491686276 22224 493906x76 22274 49613x076 22175 49 i 73 0< 52 5 22225 493950625 32275 496 i 75625 22176 49 17 749 7 6 22226 4 93995076 22276 4962201 75 22177 49x8x9329 22227 494039529 22277 496 264729 221 78 4918636S4 , , 22228 494083984 22278 496309284 22179 491908041 2222 9 494128441 22279 496353841 22180 49x952400 22230 494x72900 22280 496398400 22lgl 49199676? 22231 4942 1 73 6 1 2228x 496442961 22i82 49 2041124 22232 494 2 6 i 824 22282 4964875*4 22183 492085489 22233 494306189 22283 496532089 22184 492129856 22234 494350756 22284 496576656 22185 492174225 22235 494395225 22285 496621 22 5 22j 86 4922x8596 22236 494459696 22286 496665796 22187 492262969 22237 494484169 22287 4967x0369 2*188 49 230734.4 22238 494528644 22 288 496754944 22189 49235x721 22239 494573 1 21 22289 496799521 22190 492396x00 22240 494617600 22290 49684410© 221^1 492440481 22 241 494662081 22291 496888681 22192 492484864 22242 494706564 22292 496933*64 22193 492529249 22243 494751049 22293 496977849 22194 492573636 22244 494795536 22294 497022436 22195 49261 8025 22245 494840025 22295 497067025 22196 492662416 22246 494884516 22296 497111616 22197 492706809 22247; 494929009 22297 4971 56209 22198 492751 204 22248 1 494973 5°4 22298 497*00804 2 21 99 492795601 22249 J 495018001 2 2 299 497245401 22200 j 492840000 22250 495062500 ' 2230O 497290000 il M .. 3 22, 3 ' 21 J 34 . 4 (y. R. Sq. R. Sq. -Kf Sq. 497? 346° 1 225*1 499567201 22401 501804801 22302 497379204 223*2 49961 1904 22402 501 849604 22 497423^9 223*3 4996566^9 22403 501 894409 22504 49 74^8416 22354 499 701316 22404 5019392 16 22505 497**3025 22355 499746025 22405 ; 501 984025 2250(5 497**7636 22356 499790736 22406 j 502028836 22507 497602249 22357 499835449 22407 502073 649 22?o8 49764(5864 223*8 499880164 22408 , 5021 1 8464 22509 497691481 22359 499924881 22409 , 502163281 22510 497736100 22360 499969600 22410 ' 502208100 22311 49778072* 22361 500014321 22411 502252921 22512 497825344 22362 5.00059044 22412 ; 502297744 22515 497S69969 22363 500103769 22413 j 502342569 22514 497914*96 22364 5001484 96 2 * 4 * 4 ; 502387396 22 5I5 4979*9225 22 365 500193225 2241 5 I 502432225 22516 498003856 22366 *00237956 22416! 502477056 22517 498048489 22367 500282689 22417! 502521889 22)l8 498093x24 • 22368 5003 27424 2241 8 I 502 566724 .22519 498137761 22369 500372161 22419 502611 561 2252O 498182400 » 2*370 500416900 22420 502656400 22521 498227041 - 22371 500461 641 22421 502701 241 22522 498271684 2237.2 *00506384 _ 22422 502746084 2 2525 498316529 22373 *90551 1 29 22423 502790929. 22524 498360976 22374 500595876 22424 502835776 22525 498405625 22375 *00640625 22425 502880625 22526 498450276 22376 -500685376 22426 502925476 22527 498494924 22377 .500730x29 22427 502970329 22528 498539584 22378 500774884 22428 503015184 22529 498584241 22379 500819641 22425? 503060041 2255O 498628900 22380 500864400 22430 5031 04900 2255I 498673561 22381 500909x61 2243 1 5031 4976L 22332 498718224 22382 500953924 224 32 *° 3 19.4624 22333 498762889 22383 500998689 22433 *03239489 22534 49880755 6 22384 501043456 22434 *03 2843.56. 22335 498852225 22385 501088225 2 * 4 ?* 503329225 22336 498896896 22386 5011 32996 22436 5 ° 3 3 74 ° 96 ~ 22337 498941 569 22387 5011777 69 22437 50341 8969. 22338 498986244 22388 501222 544 22438 503463844 22339 499030921 22389 501267321 22439 503 50S72 1 22340 499075600 22390 501312100 22440 503553600 2234I 4991 20281 22391 501 356881 22441 *03*98481 22342 499164964 22392 50140*664 22442 *03643364 22343 499209649 22393 501446449 22443 503688249 22344 499**4336 **394 50149 1 236 22444 5°?73 3 * 36 - 22345 499299025 2239* 50153602 5 22445 50377*025 22346 4993437*6 22396 5or 580816 22446 50382291 6 22347 4993 8 * 4°9 22397 501 62 5609 2*447 503867809 22348 499433104 23398 501670404 22448 503912704- 22349 499477 8 °* 22 399 501 71 5 201 22449 *039*7601 22350 499522500 22409 501760000 2245.0 504002500 2 2 . 4 c 2.2. 5 C zi J/H. 5 £ R. Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. S| 504047401 22501 50629560 1 22551 508547601 22452 504092504 22502 506340004 22552 508592704 2245? 504157209 22503 506385009 22553 508637809 22454 5041 821x6 22504 506430016 22554 508682916 22455 504227025 22505 506475025 2 25 5 5 508728025 22456 504271936 22506 506530036 22556 508773x36 22457 504316849 22507 506565049 22557 508818249 22458 504361764 22508 506610064 22558 508863364 22459 504406681 22509 5066s 5o8r 22559 508908481 22460 504451600 22510 506700100 32560 50895 3 600 22461 504496521 2251 r 506745121 22 561 50899872 x 22462 504541444 22512 506790144 22561 509043844 22465 504586369 22513 50683 5 169 22563 50^088969 2 2464 50463 1 296 225x4 5o688or 96 22564 5091340 96 22465 504676225 225x5 506925225 22565 509x79225 >2466 5047211 56 22516 5069702 56 22566 509224356 22467 504766089 22517 507015289 22567 509269489 2 2468 504811024 22518 507060324 22568 509314624 22469 504855961 22519 507105361 22569 5 ° 935976 i 22470 504900900 22520 5071 50400 22570 509404900 22471 504945841 22521 507x95441 22571 509450041 22472 504990784 22522 507240484 22572 509495x84 22475 5 0 5035729 22523 507285529 22 57 ? 509540329 22474 505080 676 22524 W330576 22 574 509585476 22 475 505125625 22525 507375625 22575 509630625 22476 505170576 22526 507420676 22576 509677776 22477 505215529 22527 507465729 22 577 509720929 22478 505260484 2252S 507510784 22578 509766084 22479 505305441 22529 507555841 22579 509811241 22480 505350400 2253° 507600900 22580 509856400 22481 5 0 53953 tfi 22531 507645961 22581 509901561 22482 505440324 22532 50769x024 22582 509946724 22485 505485289 22533 507736089 22583 509991889 22484 505530256 22534 507781156 22584 510037056 22485 505575225 22535 507826225 22585 510082225 * 22486 505620196 22536 507871 296 22586 510127396 22487 505665169 2 2 53 7 507916369 22587 510172569 22488 505710144 22538 507961444 22588 5x0217744 22489 505755121 22539 508006521 22589 510262911 22490 505800100 22540 508051 600 22590 510308100 1 505845081 22541 50809^681 22591 510353281 22492 505890064 22542 508141764 22 592 510398464 22 493 505935049 22543 508186849 22593 510443649 22494 505980036 22544 508231936 22594 510488836 22495 50602502 5 22 545 508277025 22595 510534025 22496 506070016 22546 508322116 2259 ^ 510579216 22497 506115009 22547 508367209 22597 510624409 2249S 506160004 22548 508412304 22598 510669604 22499 506205001 22549 508457401 22599 510714801 22500 1 506250000 22550 508502500 22600 510760000 11 6 £ 21 6 £*. 21 J 34 . 7 £ R. Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. 22601 5 10805201 22651 51 3067801 22701 5 i 53354 °i 22602 510850404 22652 513x13104 22702 51 5380804 22 603 5x0895609 22653 513158409 22703 5 1 542 62 09 22604 510946816 22654 513203716 22704 51 547 j *i 6 22605 510986025 2265 5 513249025 22705 5x55x7025 22606 51 1031 236 22656 513294336 22706 5x5562436 22607 511076449 22657 5 i 33 '9649 22707 515607849 22608 51 1 1 21 664 22658 51 3384964 22708 5 x 5653264 2 2 6 Dp 51 1 1 66881 2 2659 513430281 22709 51 5698681 22610 5 1 x 21 2100 22660 513475600 22710 5x5744100 2261 1 5 1 1 257321 22661 51352092 1 2271 1 515789521 2261 2 5 1 1 3° 2 544 23662 5 1 3566244 22712 515834944 2261? 5 * 1 347769 22663 513611569 22713 51 5880369 22614 511392996 2 2664 513*56896 22714 51592579 * 22615 51x438225 22665 5x3702225 22715 51597x225 22616 5x1483456 2 2666 51374755 * 22716 51 6016656 22617 511 528689 22667 7x3792889 22717 51 6062089 2261 8 5 X 1573924 2 2668 513838224 22718 5 16107524 22619 51 1619161 22669 5 x 3883561 22719 5x61 52961 22620 5 1 i 664400 2 2670 5x3928900 22720 51 6198400 22621 51 1709641 22671 5 1 397424! 22721 516243841 22622 511754884 22672 514019584 22722 51 62892 84 22623 51 1 8001 29 2 2 <57 3 514064929 22723 516334729 22624 511845376 22674 5x41 10276 22724 5x6380176 22625 5-11890625 22675 5x4x55625 22725 51 6425625 22626 511935876 22676 514200976 22726 51647x076 22627 511981129 22677 51424632 9 22727 516516529 22628 512026384 22678 514291684 32728 516561984 22629 512071641 22679 5x43 37 ° 4 i 22729 5166074^1 22650 51 21 I69O0 22680 514382406 22730 516652900 2263 1 5 I 2 I 62 I 6 I \ . , • - , 22681 514427761 22731 516698361 22632 5 12207424 22682 5 i 4473 i *4 22732 5x6743824 32633 512252689 2 2683 514518489 22733 516789289 22634 5 X 2297956 22684 514563856 22734 5x6834756 22635 5^343225 22685 514609225 22735 516880225 22636 5I2388496' 22686 514654596 22 736 516925696 22637 512433769 22687 514699969 2*737 5 i 6971 169 2263S 51*479044 22688 5 X 4745344 22738 51 /’o 16644 22639 512524321 2 2689 514790721 22 7 39 | 517062121 22640 512569600 2 2 69O 514836100 22740 517107600 22641 512614881 22£pi 51488x481 22741 517x53081 22642 512660164 22692 514926864 22742 517x98564 22643 512705449 22693 514972249 22743 517244049 22644 5 I 275073 6 22694 515017*3* 2 2 744 517289536 22645 51 2796025 22695 51506302* 22745 517335025 22646 51 28413I6 2 2696 51 5108416 22746 517380516 22647 51 2886609 22697 515153809 22747 517426009 22648 5I29319O4 22698 515x99204 22748 5x7471504 22649 5I 2977201 22699 515244601 22749 5 i 75 i 7 oor 22650 51 3O225OO 22700 51 5290000 12750 5x75*2500 lU 11 m . 7 q . Z2, 8 (7. 12. 8 £ R. Sq. ( R. Sq. R. Sq. 12751 51 760S001 22801 519885601 22851 522168101 227J2 517^53504 22802 51993*204 22852 5 22213904 22 753 5 1 7699009 22803 519976809 2285 3 522259609 22 7 54 517744515 22804 5 2002241 6 22854 522305 316 22755 517790025 22805 5200680*5 22855 5*2351025 22755 5178355?^ 22806 520113636 22856 5*2396736 22757 517881049 22807 5 201 59249 22857 52244244^ 22758 517926564 22808 520204864 22858 522488164 2275P 517972081 22809 520250481 22859 522533881 22750 5 1 8017500 22810 5*02961 00 22860 522579600 22751 51 8053! 21 22811 52034172! *2S6i 522625321 22752 5 1 8 io 8544 2281 2 520387344 22862 522671044 22753 5181 541 59 22813 520432969 12863 522716769 22754 5181 99595 22814 5 20478596 22864 52276*496 22755 518245225 72815 520524225 22865 5 2 28082 2 f 22755 j 518290755 22816 520569S56 22866 5228539^6 22757 518336289 22817 52061 5489 22867 522899689 22758 5^8381824 2281 8 5 *06611 24 *2868 522945424 22705? 518427361 2281 9 520706761 22869 52299U61 22 770 5,8472900 22820 520752400 2 2870 523036900 22 771 518518441 22821 520798049 2*871 523082641 22772 518563984 22822 520843684 22872 5***28384 22773 518609529 22823 520889329 22873 5 * 3 * 7 4**9 2 2774 518655076 22824 520934976 228 74 5232*9876 * 2 775 518700625 22825 520980625 *>8 75 5*32^5625 22775 518746175 22826 5 2 io *6276 22876 5 2 33 *i ?76 22 7 77 518791729 22827 521071929 21877 523357*29 2277S 518837284 22828 5 2 *JI 7584 22878 523402884 22775, 5 1 8882^41 22829 5**163241. 22879 523448641 22780 5 1 8928400 22830 521 208900 228S0 523494400 22781 518973961 2283 I 521254561 22881 5 2 354 OI < 5 * 22782 519019524 22832 52*300224 22882 523585924 2 27*3 519065089 22833 521345889 22883 523631689 2 2 7^4 5191 10656 22834 521391556 22884 5 * 3^7745 <5 22785 5 *91 562 2 5 2z8 35 52 i 437 22 5 22885 523723225 22785 519201 796 22836 521482896 22886 523768996 22787 5*924736$ 22g 37 521 528569 22887 523814769 22788 519292944 2283S 521574244 *2888 523860544 22789 5*9338521 22839 5216199*1 22889 523906321 22790 5*9384100 22840 521665600 22890 523952100 22 75 ? 1 5* 9429681 22841 52x711 281 * 28 pl 523997881 22 79* 5*9475264 22842 5**756964 2*892 524^43664 22 793 519520849 22843 521802649 2 2893 524089449 22794 519566436 22844 521848336 22894 524135*36 22 7 95 5 1961 2025 22845 521894025 *2895 524181025 22 795 519657616 22846 ; 521939716' 22896 524226816 22797 5,9703209 22847 1 521985409 22897 524272609 22798 519748804 22848 i 522031 104 22898 524318404 22799 5 *9 7944 ° 1 22849 ' 522076801 22899 524364201 22800 519840000 22850 1 5221 22500 32900 534410000 2i JM. 9 Q 21 JM. 9 Q. 25 R. Sq. / R. Sq. r 1 R; Sq. 22901 22902 22903 22904 22905 524455801 524501504 524547409 524593216 524539025 22951 22952 22953 22954 22955 526748401 526794300 526840209 526886116 526932025 23001 23002 23003 2 3004 23005 529046001 5 29092004 529 r 38009 5291 84016 529230025 22905 22907 22908 2 29 op 22910 524684835 5 24730549 524775454 524822281 5 24858100 22956 22957 22958 22 959 22960 526977936 527023849 527069764 52711 5681 5271 61 600 23006 23007 23008 23009 23010 5 29276036 5 29322049 529368064 529414081 529460100 2291 1 2291 2 22913 22914 22915 52491 3921 524 9*9744 525005559 525051395 525097225 525143055 5 2 5188889 525234724 525280551 525325400 22961 22962 22963 22964 22965 22966 22967 22968 22969 22970 527207521 527253444 5272993 5 P 527345296 527391225 2301 1 ' 23012 23 01 3 23O14 230x5 5 295061 21 529552144 529598169 5296441 96 529690225 5*973*256 529782289 529828324 529874361 5 29920400 22915 22917 2 2918 22919 22920 527437156 527483089 527529024 5 27574 56 x 52762O900 230x6 23017 23018 23019 23020 22921 22922 22923 22924 22925 525372241 525418084 525453929 525509776 525555625 22971 22972 22973 22974 22975 527666841 527712784 P 775872 9 527804 676 527850625 23021 2 3022 23023 23Q24 23025 529966441 53001 2484 53005852-9 530x04576 530150627 530196676 5 30242729 530288784 530334841 530380900 22925 22927 22928 22929 22930 525501475 525647329 5255931S4 525739041 525784900 22976 22977 2297S 22979 22980 527896576 527942529 527988484 5280.34441 528080400 23026 23027 23028 23029 23030 2293 1 22932 22933 22934 22935 525830751 525875524 525922484 525958355 526044225 22981 22982 22983 22984 22985 22^85 22987 22988 22989 22990 528126361 528172324 52821 8289 528264256 528310225 23031 23032 2^033 23034 2303 5 530426961 530473024 53°5 i 9o89 5305,651 56 53061x235 22935 22937 22938 22939 22940 526060096 526x05959 525151844 525197721 515243500 528356196 5 2 840 2 x 69 528448144 528494121 528540100 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 530657296 530703369 531749444 5317955 21 530841600 2 2941 22942 22943 22944 2 2945 525289481 52 6335364 525381249 525427135 526473025 22991 22992 22993 22594 22995 528586081 528632064 528678049 528724036 528770025 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 530887681 5309337*4 530979849 53 102 593 * $31072 025 531118116 5311 64209 531210304 531256401 531302500 ■ ■ ■■■■■ 22945 22947 22948 2 2949 22950 526518916 525554809 525510704 525656601 526702 500 22996 22997 22998 22999 23000 528816016 528862009 528908004 528954001 529000000 23046 23047 23048 23049 23050 187 188 cM* LJ I £ 13 1 £ R. Sq. R. Sq. R. Sq. 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Sq. R. Sq. R. 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Sq. R. Sq. ... -JR. Sq. 24701 6101 39401 24751 612612001 24801 61 5089601 24702 6101 88804 24752 612661 504 24802 61 5139204 24703 610238209 24753 61271 1009 24803 , 61 5188809 24704 610287616 24754 612760516 24804 61 523841 6 2470* 61033702 5 24755 612810025 24805 , 61 5288025 24706 610386436 24756 612859536 24806 j 6r 5337636 24707 610435849 24757 612909049 248071 615387249 24708 610485264 24758 612958564 24808 ; 61 5436864 24709 610534681 24759 61 300808 1 24809 : 61 5486481 24710 610584100 24760 61 3057600 24810 j 6l 5536100 2471 1 610633 521 24761 61 j 1 071 21 2481 1 615585721 24712 610682944 • 24762 6131 56644 24812 6 r 5635344 24713 610732369 24763 613 2061 69 24813 61 5684989, 24714 610781796 24764 613255696 24814 615734596 24715 610831225 24765 61330522 5 24815 61 5784225 24716 610880656 24766 613354756 24816 61 5833856 24717 610930089 24767 6.1 3404289 2481 7 61 5883489 24718 610979524 24768 6,13453824 2481 8 61 5933124 247 19 61 1 028961 2 4769 613503361 24819 61 59827,61 24720 611078400 24779 613552900 24820 616032400 24721 611127841 2477 1 613 602441 24821 6 1 6082041 24722 611177284 24772 613651984 24822 6161 31684 24723 611226729 24773 613701 529 24823 6161 8j 329 24724 611276176 24774 613751076 24S24 61 6230976 24725 611325625 24775 61 3800625 24825 616280625 24726 61 1375076 24776 613850176 24826 6163 30275 24727 6 11424529 24777 6r $ 899729 24827 616379929 24728 611473984 24778 613949284 | 24828 6i 6429584 24729 611523441 24779; 613998841 24829 616479241 24730 611572900 24780 t 5 14048400 24830 616528900 24731 611622361 24781 61409J961; 24831 61 6578561 24732 611671824 24782 614147524 24832 6x66 28224 2473 3 611721289 24783 614197089 . 24833 61 6677889 24734 61 1770756 24784 614246655 24834 616737556 24735 611820225 24785 614296225 24835 616777225 24736 61 1 869696 24786 614345796 24836 616826896 24737 61 1919169 24787 614395369 24837 616876569 24738 611968644 24788 614444944 24S38 616926244 24739 612018121 24789 614494521 M .839 61697 2 1 24740 612067600 ^4790 *>14544100 24840 61 7025600 24741 612117081 24791 614593681 24841 6 1 707-5 2 8 1 24742 61 2166564 24792 614643264, 24842 61,71 24964 24743 61 221 6049 24793 514692849 2484 3 61 71 24649 24744 612265536 24794 <* i 474 2 4 36 24844 617224336 24745 612315025 24795 6 14792025 24845 6 17274025 24746 612364516 24796 614841616 24846 61.7323716 . 24747 612414009 24797 614891 109 24.847 617373409 2474 s 612463504 24798 614940804 24848 6 174231 04 24749 61251 300I 24799 614990401 24849 617472801 24750 612562500 1 24800 615040000 1 24850 617522500 ioo 24 *#f. 8 C ' *4 9Q R. 2 4 8ji 24852 2485? 24854 2 4 g 57 . 24856 24857 24S58 24859 24860 24861 24862 24865 24864 24865 -Sq. 2,4 5 £ 617572201 6j 7621904 61 7671669 6r 7 ld x 5 1*6 61 7771025 61 7820756 617S70449 617920164 617969881 61 801 9600 618069521 61 8 x r 90 44 6181 68769 61 S21 8496 61 8268225 <5 i8 5 i 7 pT 6 618367689 6184x7424 61846715! 6 i 8$ i 6 £oo 61 8^666^.1 618616584 61 86661 29 6x8715876 61 8765625 24866 24867 2 4868 24869 24870 248-71 24872 24875 24874 24875 24876 618815576 24877 61 S865129 24878 24879 24S80 61 8914884 61 8964641 619014400 619064161 6191 1 5934 ^19165689 619215456 619265225 24881 24882 , 24885 24884 24885 ? 48S6 24887 24888 24S89 24890 24891 6195618^7 24892 I 619611664 24895 | 619661449 24894 I 61971 1 256 24895 I 619761025 619512996 619562769 61941 2544 619462521 61951 2100 24896 j 619810816 24897 1 619860609 2489S 619910404 2 4899 6x9960201 24900 620010000 R. 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