BRITISH INSTITUTION. EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF ANCIENT MASTERS AND DECEASED BRITISH ARTISTS. MDCCCLXVII. PRICE SIXPENCE. BRITISH INSTITUTION FOR PROMOTING THE FINE ARTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 52, PALL MALL. IDatron, THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. HifstUcnt, TIIE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARQUESS OF WESTMINSTER, K. G. T7ifHPresrtient, THE RT. HON. LORD BROUGHTON, G.C.B. LONDON: PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 1867. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. PATRON, THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. PRESIDENT, THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARQUESS OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. VICE PRESIDENT, THE RIGHT HON. LORD BROUGHTON, G.C.B. HEREDITARY GOVERNORS. The Marquess of Abercorn, K.G. The Earl of Ashburnham. Sir George Baker, Bart. The Rev. James Baker. John Bayford, Esq. Wentworth B. Beaumont, Esq. M.P. Director. H. Bradshaw, Esq. Sir T. H. L. Brinckman, Bart. Earl Carysfort. Lord Carrington. Miss Burdett Coutts. Col. H. Dalrymple While, C.B. General Sir William Davison. Villiers Dent, Esq. Edward L. Denys, Esq. Charles Devon, Esq. Sir P. M. G. Egerton, Bart. M.P. Director. Sir Walter R. Farquhar, Bart., Director. Miss Gostling. Mrs. James Harrison. * John Hambrough, Esq. Mrs. Hibbert. Henry Hoare, Esq. Sir J. Clarke Jervoise, Bt. M.P. Charles JollifFe, Esq. Lord Kinnaird, Director. Frederick Winn Knight, Esq., M.P. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart. Thomas Legh, Esq. Mrs. Egerton Leigh. Rev. G. S. L. Little. * Samuel Long, Esq. * William Long, Esq. Arthur Loftus, Esq. Pryse Loveden, Esq. The Duke of Marlborough, Director. * Sir Francis Bernard Morland, Bart. The Earl of Normanton. Onley Savill Onley, Esq. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M.P., Director. The Earl of Powis, Director. * Hon. Edward Petre. Rev. John Louis Petit. Lord Viscount Ranelagh. * The Earl of Rosebery, K. T, * Jesse Watts Russell, Esq. Sir Claude E. Scott, Bart. Henry Danby Seymour, Esq., M. P. Director. Benjamin Leigh Smith, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. William Pole Thornhill, Esq. Charles Marsh Vialls, Esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. M.P. Frederick Webb, Esq. William Henry Whitbread, Esq. William Wilberforce, Esq. George F. Wilbraham, Esq. Robert Williams, Esq. Earl of Zetland, Director. Those marked * have signified their consent to the recommendation of the Directors, to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their lives, LIFE GOVERNORS. James Hughes Anderdon, Esq. Miss Atherton. Henry Baring, Esq. M. P. Thomas Baring, Esq. M.P. Director. Joseph Bond, Esq. Miss Bredel. Henry Broadwood, Esq. Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. Sir William Curtis, Bart. Robert Henry Daubeney, Esq. Lord Dufferin, Director. Enoch Durant, Esq. Henry H. Gibbs, Esq. William Haldimand, Esq. John Moyer Heathcote, Esq. John Moyer Heathcote, Esq., jun. Frederick Hodgson, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. Director. Edward N. Hurt, Esq. Thomas Kibble, Esq, Lord Leconfield. T. Potter Macqueen, Esq. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Miss Middleton. The Duke of Northumberland. Charles Offley, Esq. Benjamin Oliveira, Esq. F.R.S. Lord Overstone, Director. The Duke of Portland. Sir Matthew White Ridley, 1 Director. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart. J. B. Scott, Esq. T. P. Smyth, Esq. Charles Towneley, Esq., Director . Henry Vaughan, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. GOVERNORS OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The following are the Names of Hereditary Governors , now deceased , who did not consent to allow their interest in the Institution to terminate with their Lives. The Earl of Aylesford. Lieut.-General Angerstein. Viscount Barrington. The Earl of Bridgewater. Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. John Blackall, Esq. Thomas Bonar, Esq. The Marquess Camden, K.G. The Earl of Carlisle, K.G. Earl Cowper. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Miss Dehaney. William Joseph Denison, Esq. William Evans, Esq. Lord Feversham. Earl Fitzwilliam. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. Sir Robert FitzWygram, Bart. John Fuller, Esq. Sir Sandford Graham, Bart. J. H. Holder, Esq. Henry Hope, Esq. Henry Thomas Hope, Esq. Henry Philip Hope, Esq. The Earl of Liverpool, K.G. The Earl of Lonsdale, K.G. Thomas Lister Parker, Esq. Granville J. Penn, Esq. Charles Piescliell, Esq. Lord Sudeley. Richard Thompson, Esq. SUBSCRIBERS. Sir John Soane, R.A. - - £500 0 James Hall, Esq. - - 52 10 Sir Charles Bell - - 10 10 Charles Birch, Esq. - - 10 10 Miss Bredel - 100 0 John Craufurd, Esq. - - 10 10 Joseph Gwilt, Esq. - - 10 10 Charles Hatchett, Esq. - 10 10 J. C. Parker, Esq. - - 10 10 William Vaughan, Esq. - £10 10 Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart. - 10 10 James C. Fyler, Esq. - - 10 10 Mrs. Bacon - - arm. 5 5 William Ford, Esq. and Ed¬ ward Unwin Berry, Esq. as Executors of the late Wil¬ liam Samuel Woodburn, Esq. 500 0 Subscribers of 50 Guineas are entitled to be elected Governors for Life, and have the right of personal admission to the Gallery during the Exhibitions, of introducing two friends each day, and to Two Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 100 Guineas are entitled to the same privileges, and to Four Tickets for the Evening Exhibitions. Subscribers of 5 Guineas a year have the right of personal admission, and of introducing one friend each day to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscribers of 3 Guineas a year, or of 25 Guineas in one sum, have the right of personal admission to the Morning Exhibitions. Subscriptions an received by Messrs. Drummond, Bankers, Charing Cross. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The Duke of Manchester. The Duke of Northumberland. Eleanor, Duchess of Northumber¬ land. The Marquess of Ailesbury. The Marquess of Lansdowne. The Earl Brownlow The Earl of Charlemont, K.P. The Earl of Derby, K.G. The Earl of Strafford. The Earl of Warwick. The Lady Marian Alford. The Lord Berwick. The Lord Overstone. The Rt. Hon. Sir G. Hamilton Sey¬ mour, G.C.B. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. The Rt. Hon. R. C. N. Hamilton. Sir P. M. Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P. Sir H. St. John Mildmay, Bart. Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., M.P. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M.P. Colonel W. L. Grant. Colonel North, M.P. Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Samuel Addington, Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq., M.P. Joseph Bond, Esq. Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Wynn Ellis, Esq. E. B. Foster, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Stanley Howard, Esq. Thomas Howard, Esq. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. J. Lucas, Esq. Adam J. Macrory, Esq. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. W. T. Markham, Esq. —. Maskelyne, Esq. II. Nicol, Esq. C. R. Powys, Esq, G. Salting, Esq. G. E. Seymour, Esq. Ralph Sneyd, Esq. C. W. H. Sotheby, Esq. W. Stuart, Esq., M.P. J. Wardrop, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. R. N. Wornum, Esq. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH, A*»D ENGLISH MASTERS, WITH WHICH THE PROPRIETORS HAVE FAVOURED THE INSTITUTION. MAY, 1867. The Numbers on the Pictures commence at the Upper end of the North Room, and in the Middle and South Rooms on the left hand. No. Subjects. 1 Our Saviour healing the Blind 2 Portrait of a Lady 3 Cattle in a Landscape Painters. A. Carracci - Vandyke Paul Potter - 4 Landscape, with Buildings and Figures 5 River View, with Boats 6 Head of a Boy - 7 Landscape and Figures 8 Head of a Girl - 9 A Gale - 10 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures - G. Poussin - Cuyp - Greuze J. & A. Both Greuze J. Ruysdael - Berghem Proprietors. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Sir H. St. John Mildmay , Bart. W. Fidler Maitland, Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq., M.P* Thomas Baring,Esq.,M.P. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. ThomasBarinxj ,Esq., M.P. ThomasBaring,Esq.,M.P. C, B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. 8 No. Subjects. 11 Landscape and Figures 12 Portrait of a Senator - 13 Portrait of Himself 14 Figures and Cattle crossing a Brook 15 Landscape and Figures 16 A Storm - - - - 17 Live Fowls - 18 The Story of Phocion 19 A Winter Scene, with Figures Skating 20 Portrait of Thomas, Earl of Arundel 21 View on the River Maes 22 The Miracle of St. Zenobio Bishop of Florence 23 Landscape and Figures 24 Lady and Child 25 Landscape - 26 Live Fowls - 27 Christ and his Disciples at Emmaus 28 Portrait of his Mistress 29 Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 30 The Rosebud - 31 Landscape with Waterfall - 32 View on the Coast of Hol¬ land 33 Landscape with Cattle 34 La Course au Hareng 35 Portrait of a Man Proprietors. Lord Over stone. Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Lord Berwick. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. 4 W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Lord Overstone. Right Hon. Sir G. Hamil¬ ton Seymour, G.C.B. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. Joseph Bond, Esq. Earl of Warwick. Earl Brownlow. G. Salting, Esq. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. Earl Brownlow. Joseph Bond, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. Colonel W. L. Grant. W. T. Markham, Esq. Sir H. St. John Mildmay, Bart. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Right Hon. R. C. N. Ha¬ milton. Sir H. St. John Mildmay, Bart. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. Painters. Wynants Philip de Champagne Raphael Berghem Wynants Backhuysen - Hondekoeter- i- N. Poussin - Vander Neer Rubens Cuyp - Jacopo da Em- poli Bourgognone Vandyke S. Rosa - Hondekoeter - Nogari - Govart Flink - Pynaker Greuze Hobbima Backhuysen - Berghem W ouwermans Bassano 9 No. Subjects. 36 A Nymph - - - 37 Ignatius Loyola - 38 Landscape - - - 39 Landscape with Horses and Cattle 40 Exterior of a Cabaret 41 A Calm - 42 Interior - 43 The Death of Isaac - 44 Portrait of Himself - 45 The Tribute Money - 46 A Sea-port - 47 Landscape and Figures 48 Dido planning Carthage 49 Duke d’Olivarez . - 50 Landscape with Cattle and Figures 51 A Jew Rabbi - 52 Landscape with Riposo 53 The Virgin and Child, with Saints 54 Landscape and Figures 55 Portrait of himself 56 An Exterior with Figures - 57 Landscape and Figures / 58 View in Venice - 59 Landscape with Cattle 60 View on the Dutch Coast - 61 A Jew Rabbi - Painters. Carracci Titian - Claude - A. Vandevelde Proprietors. Joseph Bond , Esq. Duke of Manchester. Thomas Baring, Esq., M.P. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Metzu - W. Vandevelde Jan Steen Rembrandt - Spagnoletto - Titian - Claude - Waterloo and Lingelbach - Le Sueur Velasquez Berghem Rembrandt - Claude - Fra Bartolomeo Right Hon. R. C. N. Ha - milton. Earl of Derby, K.G. Thomas Howard, Esq. Earl Brownlow. Earl of Derby, K. G. Lady Marian Alford. C. R. Powys, Esq. Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., M.P. C. R. Powys, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. Ruysdael and Berghem Velasquez I. Ostade Wynants and Lingelbach Canaletto Berghem W. Vandevelde Rembrandt - Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Marquess of Lansdowne. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. M.P. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Sir H. St. John Mildmay, Bart. Earl of Derby, K.G. 10 J&tDtile l&ocmt. No. Subjects. 62 Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel 63 St. Sebastian and St. Jerome 64 Landscape and Figures 65 Cavaliers halting at an Inn door 66 A Dutch Family Painters. S. Rosa Perugino Wouwermans Cuyp - N. Maas 67 A Saint 68 River View Guido - Van Goyen - 69 Queen Henrietta Maria 70 Landscape and Figures 71 The Virgin and Infant Sa¬ viour 72 Landscape and Cattle Vandyke Vander Neer - Dominicbino - K. du Jardin - 73 Man playing the Guitar 74 Landscape with Figures 75 Head of a Man - - - 76 View of Dordrecht 77 Landscape with Horses and Figures 78 View in Venice - W. Mieris Vander Neer- Rembrandt - Vander Capella Cuyp - Guardi 79 Landscape, with Horses and Figures 80 Return of the Prodigal Son 81 Oysters and Fruit Wouwermans - Bassano De Ileem 82 Landscape Rembrandt - Proprietors. Lord Overstone. Lord Overstone. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Right Hon. R. C. N. Hamilton. Right Hon. R. C. N. Hamilton. R. S. Ho ford, Esq., M. P. Sir TV. TV. Wynn, Bart. M.P. Duke of Northumberland. Lord, Overstone. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. Sir II. St. John Mildmay, Bart. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. C. B.Lee Mainwaring, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Sir M. TV. Ridley, Bart. M.P. Rt. Hon. R. C. N. Hamil¬ ton. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq. M.P. Lord Overstone. Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. TV, Fuller Maitland, Esq. No. Subjects. 83 Portrait of a Gentleman 84 A Diptych - 85 Girl with a Parrot 86 The Bleaching-ground 87 A Dead Swan - 88 Interior, with Figures Dancing 89 A Forest Scene - 90 Interior, with Figures Play¬ ing at Cards, &c. 91 Our Saviour Raising the Widow’s Son 92 Mary at the Sepulchre 93 A Calm - - - - 94 View in Venice - 95 Soldier’s Head - 96 The Marriage of St. Cathe¬ rine 97 Landscape and Figures 98 Virgin and Child ! 99 Landscape and Figures 100 Landscape and Figures - 101 The Virgin and Infant Saviour 102 Countess of Cleveland, wife of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Cleveland T03 A Music Party 104 A Frost Scene with Figures 105 Portrait of Father Paul - 1106 Landscape with Stag Hunt 107 Interior of a Church 108 Landscape with Cattle and Figures Painters. Vandyke Mending G. Douw Teniers Weenix A. Ostade Vander Neer- A. Ostade L. Carracci - W. Vandevelde Guardi - Giorgione Luini W ouwennans Rubens- Zuccarelli Both Sassoferrato - Proprietors. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Rev. J. Fuller Russell. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Marquess of Ailesbury. Joseph Bond, Esq. E. B. Foster, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Thomas Baring , Esq., M.P. R. S. Holford, Esq. M.P. Earl of Warwick. C. B. Lee Mainvjaring,Esq. Rt. lion. R. C. N. Hamilton. Earl of Derby, K.G. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq. M.P. Earl of Derby, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. Earl of Charlemont, K,P. Lord Overstone. Earl of Warwick. Vandyke Earl of Strafford. P. de Hooge - Vermeulen - Rubens P. Neefs Berghem G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Right Hon. W. E. Glad¬ stone, M.I J . Sir IV. IV. Wynne, Bart., M.P. C. B. Lee Mainwaring, Esq. Earl of Derby, K.G. 12 No. Subjects. 109 The Grimani Palace 110 Boors at Cards 111 A Philosopher - Painters. Canaletto Teniers - Spagnoletto - 112 The Holy Family with St. John 113 An Architect - Schidone Spagnoletto - 114 Playing at Nine-pins Teniers- 115 A Rocky Landscape S. Rosa- 116 The Madonna - 117 A Gale - 118 Landscape and Cattle 119 The Baptism of our Saviour 120 Head of a Warrior - Sassoferrato - W.Vandevelde Cuyp - Rembrandt - Falconi - 121 A Study for the Whitehall Ceiling 122 A View in Dresden - 123 Raising of Lazarus - 124 River Scene with Vessels - 125 Earl of Surrey 126 Prometheus - 127 Joseph’s Garment brought to Jacob 128 View on the River Maas - 129 Portrait of a Gentleman - 130 The Adoration of the Shep¬ herds 131 Fruit, &c. - 132 Landscape and Figures Rubens - B. Canaletto - J. Lievens W. Vandevelde Holbein Rubens and Snyders Rembrandt - Cuyp - Tintoretto Palma Vecchia Weenix G. Poussin - Proprietors. Lord Overstone. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Right Hon. W. E, Glad¬ stone, M.P. Earl of Warwick. Right Hon. W. E , Glad¬ stone, M.P. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. G. Cornwall Legli, Esq., M.P. Lord Overstone. Thomas Howard, Esq. Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Lady Marian Alford. Sir. W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. C.B.Lee Mainwaring,Esq. Colonel North, M.P. Wynn Ellis, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Duke of Manchester. Earl of Derby, K.G. Marquess of Lansdowne. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. C. W. H. Sotheby, Esq. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P . 13 Smitfj iftomn. -to. Subjects. Painters. 133 A Dutch Coast Scene Sir A. Callcott 134 A Ballad-singer holding a E. Penny Lantern .35 Head of a Man Tintoretto 136 Portrait of a Man De Vos - 37 Holy Family - Palma Veccliia 38 The Hay-cart - Wheatley 39 Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Sir W. Beechey Muse 40 Coronation of the Virgin - L. diCredi - 41 Scene from Hudibras Hogarth 42 Landscape Vander Hey den 43 Study for the Third Stage Hogarth of “ The Harlot’s Pro¬ gress ” 44 The Sick Chamber - Jan Steen 45 Old Coombs, aged 108 46 Landscape, (Italy) - 47 Portrait of a Man Hogarth P. Reinagle - Bassano 48 Landscape and Figures - 1 49 Christ with Martha and Mary 50 Guillaume le Taciturne and the ArtistJ G. Poussin - Rubens and Breughel K. du Jardin- Proprietors. Right Hon. R. C. N. Hamilton. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. Sir H. St. John Mildmay, Bart. - Maskelyne, Esq. Earl of Warwick. Lord Overstone. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. R. N. Wornum, Esq. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. R. S. Holford, Esq., M.P. Sir P. M. G. Eyerton, Bart., M.P. G. Cornwall Legh, Esq., M.P. I No. 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 14 Subjects. Painters. Proprietors. Portrait of the Marquess Sir J. Reynolds Earl of Charlemont , K.P. of Ailesbury A Storm - Vernet - Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. Charity - - - Carlo Dolce - Lord Overstone. View of Rotterdam ~ Backhuysen - Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., M.P. David and Bathsheba Guercino Wynn Ellis, Esq. Interior of a Church A. Delorme - Earl of Warwick. Head of a Girl Greuze - G. E. Seymour, Esq. Landscape - Crome - W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. The Thirty Pieces of J. Lievens Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Silver Morning - Morland Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Evening - Morland Samuel Wheeler, Esq. Stag Hunt - A. Hondius - John Lucas , Esq. Portrait of a Man - Tinelli - G. Cornwall Leyh, Esq., M.P. Returning from the Fair - E. Penny Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Portrait of a Gentleman - Sir H. Raeburn H. Nicol, Esq. Landscape and Figures Orizonti Earl of Charlemont, K.P. A Sea Coast Morland W. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Landscape ... Wilson Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Landscape - P. Nasmyth - Stanley Howard, Esq. Landscape - Wilson - Earl of Charlemont , K.P. Landscape and Figures P. Nasmyth - Joseph Bond, Esq. Portrait of a Lady - Gainsborough Samuel Addington, Esq. Earl of Mansfield, Lord Sir J. Reynolds W. T. Markham, Esq. Chief Justice King Edward. “ Come North cote Ralph Sneyd, Esq. hither, Bess, and let me kiss my boy.”— Henry VII., Part III. Act v. sc. 7. The Elopement.— Letitia Morland Adam J. Macrory, Esq. seduced from her Friends under a Promise of Mar¬ riage t- 15 No. 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 489 190 191 192 193 Subjects. The Virtuous Parents.— Letitia endeavours in vain to reconcile her Parents by Presents Dressing for the Mas¬ querade. — Letitia flies from Reflection to Public Amusement The Tavern Door.—Le¬ titia deserted by her Be¬ trayer is thrown upon the Town The Fair Penitent. —Le¬ titia, in Penitence, finds Relief and Protection from her Parents Cottage and Figures with a White Horse William Markham, Secre¬ tary to Warren Hastings, eldest son of William, Archbishop of York Landscape - Woody Landscape - Moonlight on the Coast A Groom and Horse Lieut.-Colonel David Mark¬ ham, fourth son of Wil¬ liam, Archbishop of York The Marquess of Granby giving Alms to a Soldier Portrait of a Gentleman Landscape and Figures Melrose Abbey Second stage ot “ The Harlot’s Progress ” • Landscape and Cattle Attorney-General Lee Painters. Mori and Proprietors. Adam J. Macrory , Esq. Morland Morland Morland Morland Gainsborough Adam J. Macrory , Esq. Adam J. Macrory, Esq. Adam J. Macrory , Esq. R. N. Wornum , Esq. W. T. Mar/chain, Esq. Wilson Earl of Charlemont, IC.P. P. Nasmyth - Joseph Bond, Esq. Ibbetson - Thomas Howard, Esq. Morland - i Thomas Howard, Esq. SirT. Lawrence E, Penny W. T. Markham, Esq. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Sir H. Raeburn James Wardrop, Esq. Orizonti - j Earl of Charlemont , K.P. D. Roberts - j Samuel Wheeler , Esq. i Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Hogarth Gainsborough Sir J. Reynolds Marquess of Lansdowne. C. B. Lee Maimvaring , Esq. 16 No. Subject. 194 Spanish Scenery—Evening 195 Summer - 196 Evening of the First of Sep¬ tember, Sportsmen at an Inn Door 197 The Lady’s Last Stake 198 Jerusalem 199 A Fox Hunt - If (Itedatv, 200 Winter - 201 The Infant St. John 202 The Gate of Calais - 203 Landscape and Figures 204 Italian Scenery—Morning 205 Admiral Keppel 206 Miss Gwatkin - 207 Fruit and Flowers 208 Moody in the Character of Father Foigard Painters. R. R. Reinagle, R.A. Wheatley Morland Proprietors. R. N. Wornum, Esq. —- Maskelyne, Esq. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq Hogarth D. Roberts ■ Gainsborough Wheatley Sir J. Reynolds Hogarth Wilson R. R. Rein¬ agle, R.A . Sir J Reynolds Sir J. Reynolds De Heem E. Penny Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Earl of Warwick. Eleanor Duchess of Northumberland. — Maskelyne , Esq. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. M.P. Earl of Charlemont, K.P. Earl of Strafford. R. N. Wornum, Esq. C. B. Lee Mainwaring Esq. John Lucas, Esq. Stanley Hoivard, Esq. Earl of Charlemont , K.P GEORGE NICOL, Secretary , London : J. B. Nichols and Sons. Printers, 25, Parliament Street. ' f 1 & S' o