Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpictuOOcanf A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES AT CANFORD MANOR IN THE POSSESSION OF LORD WIMBORNE PRIVATELY PRINTED 1888 PrtHled by R. & R. Clark, Ediniurgk. CANFORD PICTURES I. FRANCESCO ALBANO. 1 5 78- 1 666. Bacchus and Cupids. Canvas — Size, i ft. x i ft. 3^ in. Bought from Mr. Morley. A group of six boys are carrying an infant Bacchus crowned with ivy. 2. ALTERGRAFFER. Knight Sleeping. r . 1 . Panel— Size, i ft. 6^ in. x i ft. 5 in. 32<)^ /V».-.i.^ Bought at Munich 1868. The knight is grasping the pole of a lance, his sword is by his side. He lies on a red cloak, and three enormous white featliers appear from behind his head. B 1 2 CanforD Pictuceis 3- MICHAEL ANGELO, called II CAMPIDOGLIO 1 6 10-1670. Fruit Piece. Canvas — Size, i ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. Bunches of large white and black Grapes on a table. 4- GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BARBIERI. CALLED GUERCINO. 1591-1666. Assumption of the Virgin. Canvas — Size, 6 ft. x 4 ft. 7 in. The Virgin is rising from an open tomb, on a cloud, supported by angels. Cherubs are scattering flowers from above. GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BARBIERI, CALLED GUERCINO. 1591-1666. Male Portrait. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 2 in. Purchased from W. Spence, Esq., in 1865. A man dressed in black, seated in an armchair, and extending his right hand. CanforD pictures 3 This picture has been attributed to Murillo, and to other painters of the Spanish school, but was known as a Guercino in the Guadagni Collection, whence it was obtained by W. Spence, Esq. 6. FRANCIS BAUT and N. BOUDEWYNS. About 1700. Landscape. Panel — Size, io| in. x i ft. i in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Rural scene, on the border of a Lake. 7- / FRANCIS BAUT and N. BOUDEWYNS. About 1700. I Landscape. Panel — Size, \o\ in. x i ft. i in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Rural scene with hawking party introduced. Companion to No. 6. 8. S. BENDIXEN. 19th Century. Charity. Canvas — Size, i ft. 9 in. x i ft. 5 in. An alabaster group representing Charity surrounded by wreaths of flowers. Signed, "S. Bendixen, 185 I." 4 CanforD pictureis 9- GIOVANNI BATTISTA BENVENUTI, called L'ORTOLANO (the gardener). ? 1470-1525. St. Joseph presenting the Infant Christ to the Virgin. Panel — Size, 7 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. 7 in. Brought from the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili, Ferrara, in the year 1866. St. Joseph is kneeling and presenting the Child, who holds a lily in his hand. The Virgin stands upon a step and bends forward towards the Infant Christ, extending her right hand as if in the act of blessing him. Around them are five Saints and Martyrs, three on one side and two on the other. From an inscription on the picture we learn that they are St. Castorius, St. Claudius, St. Sinfurianus, St. Nicostratus, and St. Simplicius, and that four of them were stonecutters. They appear to have been the patron Saints of the person for whom the picture was painted, and whose name was Tagliapietra (stonecutter), of the family of Giraldoni. This group of figures stands in a kind of portico, beyond which is a landscape with hills. This picture, considered, by writers on the Ferrarese school of painting, as the Master-piece of L'Ortolano, was formerly in the church of S. Niccolb at Ferrara, where it formed the altar-piece of the Chapel of the Giraldoni family. According to the inscription it was dedicated in the year 1520. It is thus described by Laderchi, in his work entitled La Pittura Ferrarese, p. 100: " Finero con la descrizione della tavola Costabiliana tante volte da me nominata. La scena del quadro rappresenta 1' avanzo d'un antico edifizio, forse un tempio pagano, con un' areata di travertino scuro sostenuto da pilastri dello stesso 0\ \A U .' CanforD Picture0 s marmo, attraverso la quale vedesi la campagna, con montagna in lontananza, e paesaggio di finissima esecuzione. Sono sparsi sul suolo pezzi di colonne : dalle pilastrate laterali si veggono usciti, e compariscono sul davanti della scena, cinque martiri, due a destra e tre a sinistra, con corona in capo, meno 1' ultimo a sinistra. Tutti contemplano, in una specie di estasi, cio che si opera nel mezzo della scena. Quivi san Guiseppe s'inginocchia in atto di presentare il santo bambino alia sua divina madre. Esso scherza vezzosamente col giglio simbolico del padre putative. Ella, ritta in piede sur un luogo alquanto piu elevato (pare uno scaglione di marmo) raccolte al seno con la sinistra le vesti, alza la destra come in atto di benedire al figliuolo, in cui tiensi fissi gli sguardi, con una espressione di santita, di modestia, ed affetto, superior! all' umano, e propri soltanto della predestinata madre del redentore. Sur uno dei sassi giacenti in terra si leggono queste parole. — ' Questi santi se chiamano li quattro INCORONATI MARTIRI CHE FUNG TAJAPREDE, S. CaSTORIO, S. Claudio, S. Sinfuriano S. Nicostrato, S. Simplicio' — piu abbasso : — ' Mi Gio. Andrea Tajapreda vei Giraldoni da TrEMICO DE LaGO DE CoMO feci per Ml K MIA EREDI 1520'. ' Non puu non fare mcraviglia cotcsta iscrizionc, ovc li sanli incoronali martiri si dicono quattro, sebbcnc poi li nonii e Ic figure siano cinque. Per conoscere donde nasce I'equivoco giova sapere, che i cinque martiri qui rappresentati e norainati furono veramenle sommi scultori, i quali ottennero la palma del martirio in Roma i nella persecuzione di Diocleziano per non essersi voluti piegare a scolpire le statue degli idoli, ne ad adorare il simulacro del Sole. Nel luogo ove furono sepolti, venncro due anni dopo tumulati pure li santi quattro coronati Severe, Severiane, Caqjoforo, e Vitterino fratelli, martirizzati anch' essi sotto le stesso Imperatore. E nella chiesa intitolata in Roma a questi quattro si custodiscono pure i corpi di quei cinque, e la festa degli uni e degli altri si celebra nello stesso giorno ; agli otto di Novembre. Questa vasta tavola, con figure di grandezza quasi naturale, adornava altre volte un altare gia della famiglia Giraldoni, poi dei signori Dallafabra nella chiesa oggi chiusa di S. Niccelb. Viene 6 CanforD Pictures ricordata dal Baruffaldi, dal Lanzi, e da tutte le guide di Ferrara come un capolavoro dell' Ortolano. Ed e veramente uno de' piu splendidi, se non il primo ornamento della Galleria Costabili. Per essa puo sempre piu comprendersi, come 1' idea del bello nel suo piu alto grado non si raggiunga che per le vie semplici : i tipi dei volti, le attitudini delle figure, la scelta cosi addattata delle vestimenta, lo stile largo e modesto de' panneggiamenti, la grazia e soavith. de' contorni, e tutti gli accessorii, sembrano cospirare ad un solo fine, quello d' inalzarci fino all' idea della celeste puritL Anche la scelta del luogo mostra di accennare misteriosamente che, ove scorgevano gli idoli, e ne' loro tempii, si sarebbe (juindinnanzi seduto come in trono il redentore. Ma quello che sovra tutto ne richiama a sentimenti di religiosa devozione e la bellezza e I'affetto spirante dalla figura e dal volto della Vergine. II pittorc raccolsc quivi tutte le sue forze, e non rimase al disotto di qualsivoglia piu celebrato maestro. V ha nell' atto di quel volto un misto di compiacenza e di tristezza che sparge su tutto il quadro una tinta melanconica non esprimibile a parole. Sembra che nel benedire al vispo fanciulletto il cuore della madre presenti e ricordi il fine per cui venne al mondo, la prova da Dio riserbatagli, 1' ignominia dal Calvario. E questo concetto cosi delicato, cosi proprio delle anime pietose solite a meditare sui misteri della passionc, era convenientissimo in un quadro votivo rappresentante la visione, a cui sono in ispirito esaltati que' santi martiri." Baruffaldi writes, " Nella chiesa di S. Niccolb all' altare gi^ de' Giraldoni ed ora di quelli dalla Fabbra, compib una stimatissima tavola con molta diligenza. In essa oltre 1' immagine di Maria Vergine, e del Bambino Gesii, espresse li quattro santi coronati, i quali furono di professione tagliapietre. ^ I loro nomi per non essere essi molto noti alia pietk de' fedeli, furono notati nella base della tavola con insieme il nome di chi fece erigere quell' altare in questa guisa — Quesii Santi si chiainano li quattro incoronati tnartiri, che furono taiaprede. S. Castorio, S. Claudia, S. Sinphuriano, S. 1 11 riformatore di queste vite aggiunse che questi Santi scolpirono, come abhiamo dai atti, il sepolcro del niiracoloso S. Antonio di Padova. CanforD pictures 7 Simplicio. Mi Gio. Andrea taiapreda de Giraldoni da Tremico de lago di Como fed per mi e mia eredi." ^ This picture is described in Kiigler's Handbook of Painting, Italian Schools, p. 356, 5 th Ed. 1887. 10. BLANKENBURG. Rustic Scene, Panel — Size, 2 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 2 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A Dutch village, with a group of peasants listening to a preacher. I I. JOHN FRANCIS VAN BLOEMEN, CALLED ORIZONTI. 1656-1740. Land.scape. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 2| in. x i ft. 8 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, Ijoiight in 1846. Italian Landscape, with figures and sheep in the foreground. At the back are some buildings on a hill. 1 Questa bella tavola tiovasi nella galeiia Costabiliana. II conte Laderchi da una piu esatta descrizioiie tanto del quadro quanto dcH' epigrafe, che reca 1' anno 1520, dimenticata dal Barufifaldi. I Santi sono cinque, e difatli ai nomi esposti dal nostro autore deve aggiungersi quelle di S. Nicostrato. Stanno tutti in mezzo a pilastrate di bella architettura, e sono intenti alia scena principale clie rappresenta Maria Santissima, cui S. Giuseppe presenta il S. Bambino. Barufifaldi, Vite de' Pitlori e ScuUori Ferraresi (vol. i. pp. 173, 4). CanfotD Pictutes 12. JOHN FRANCIS VAN BLOEMEN, CALLED ORIZONTI. 1 65 6- 1 740. Landscape, Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 2^ in. x i ft. 8 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. Companion to No. 11. 13- PETER VAN BLOEMEN, called STANDARD. 1 649-1 719. Landscape. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 5 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A hawking party is introduced in the foreground. 14. ROSA BONHEUR. 19th Century. Labourage Nivernols. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 4 in. x 8 ft. 5 in. Purchased at Christie's. Two teams of oxen, composed of three yoke and two yoke respectively, ploughing. Replica of the picture in the Luxembourg, Paris. Signed, " Rosa Bonheur, 1850." CanforD Pictures 9 15- ALESSANDRO BONVICINO, CALLED IL MORETTO. ? 1514-1564. St. Jerome. Canvas-Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 4,in. E^U /} V. e..*, ^ Purchased from a private Collection at Brescia. From the Collection of the Moracchi family at Bergamo. A copy of this picture, by Moretto's pupil Moroni, is in the public Gallery at Bergamo. There is another copy in the Palazzo Boromeo on the Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore. The Saint, seated beneath a ruin, is reading in an open book which he holds before him with his left hand, his head resting on his right. In front of him is a crucifix. 16. PARIS BORDONE. 1 500- 1 5 70. A Venetian Lady and Knight. - / Panel — Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 10 in. if Copsx. t*". l\^U.. t. 1 71 2-1 774. Sacred Subject. Panel — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 2 J in. Bought at Mr. T. Fumell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. Christ making himself known to the disciples at Emmaus. 7 Canforn pictures 25 52. I E. VANDER DOEL. ' P . Marine Subject. Panel — Size, i ft. 2 in. x i ft. 9 in. A>-*n- - X^J < ^ t'^ Bought at the Sale at Studley Castle, 1865. (_ ■ Fishermen and their wives packing fish into baskets on the sea-beach. Boats, etc. Signed, " E. Vander Doel." 53- CARLO DOLCI. tW^ L^U»^ I6I6-I686. * Portrait of a Painter. Canvas — Size, i ft. 8 in. x i ft. He looks to the left, the head being turned to the right, wears a dark dress, with long flowing hair. 54. DRU DORSAY. 19th Century. Female Head, • Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x i ft. 10 in. Bought of Mr. Morant The head, "en profile," with long light hair, rests on her left hand. 26 CanforD Pictures 55- DOSSO DOSSI, AND HIS Brother GI AM BATISTA DOSSI. 1 480- 1 560. An Altar- Piece. Panel — Size, upper panels — 3 ft. 5 in. x i ft. 7 in. lower centre panels — 2 ft. i in. x i ft. 2 in. ^ . . - lower lateral panels — 2 ft. 4 in. x i ft. 2 in. [^ox f ^5'. Brought by Mr. Layard from Venice, and obtained from him by exchange in 1864. An altar-piece, in six compartments. In the centre panel of the upper part Christ is represented rising from the tomb ; on His right is St. Jerome, and on His left St. Blasius. The predella, or lower part, contains three subjects : the Holy Family, the Presentation in the Temple, and the Adoration of the Magi. A copy on canvas of the panel representing the Adoration of the Magi was at one time on sale at Bergamo as a work of Dossi. This altar-piece came from the Church of Montagnana near Padua, where it was called an early work by Sebastian del Piombo. 56. DOSSO DOSSI. ^ I 480- I 560. A>>.»/s^mL Portrait of Annibale Saracco. Ki ' ' Panel — Size, 2 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 8 in. \ Purchased from the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara • - , m 1866. CanforD Pictures 27 Annibale Saracco was Major-Domo in the house of Alfonso I. of Este, Duke of Ferrara. He is represented in a buff jerkin, bound at the waist by a leathern belt, which he holds with one hand. In the corner to the right of the picture is inscribed " Anibal Sarachiu. Anno Domini 1520." Half length ; full size. Mentioned by BarufFaldi as " Altro d' Annibale Saracco, colla data del 1520 " ( Vite de" Pittori e Sailtori Ferraresi, vol. i. p. 293, note). 57. DOSSO DOSSI. 1 480- 1 5 60. Portrait of a Boy. Panel — Size, 2 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 3 in. ^ . From the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara. / Probably Alfonso H. of Este, Duke of Ferrara, when a child. He is dressed in rich attire, and rests his left hand on a sword. Full ' ■ f^", length. Mentioned by Laderchi (La Pitfura Ferrarese, p. 70), "II luogo ova trovansi unite in maggior numero le pitture de' Dossi, b la quad- reria Costabili. Ivi contasi . . . il ritratto d'un principino della casa d'Este, ma non d'Alfonso I., come vuole il Cittadela, e ben ribbate il Laderchi, mentre Dosso nol pote conoscer fanciullo ;" and by Baruffaldi {Vite Pittori e Scultori Ferraresi, vol. i. p. 292, note). 58. DOSSO DOSSI. of. , 1480-1560. A ^^^^ ^cy St. John the Baptist. ^ ^ *^ Canvas — Size, 6 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft. 9 in. Bought from the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara, 1866. ■J 28 Canforti Pictureis He is clothed in a skin, and an ample red cloak falls from his loins. He is pointing with his right hand apparently to the setting sun. His left rests upon the rock on which he is seated, and holds a scroll on which is inscribed the word " DEI." In the landscape background are trees and hills, and several figures, some on horse- back. Life size. This picture is mentioned by Baruffaldi {Vi'te de' Pittori e Scultori Ferrarest, vol. i. p. 293, note) as "gran tavola, gik nel Palazzo Aventini alia Rosa, ove ^ espressa il Battista nel deserto in atto d'alzarsi additando la croce di canna," and by Laderchi {La Pittura Ferrarese, p. 70), see Kiigler's Handbook of Painting, Italian Schools, p. 359, 5 th Ed. 1887. Transferred from panel to canvas, and restored by Signor Pinti, 1867. i 59. DOSSO DOSSI. 1480-1560. Holy Family. Panel— Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 3 in. Bought of M. O. Miindler. The Holy Child is lying on the ground. The Virgin kneeling. St. *<,Mtf7vh> J John and St. Joseph are around him. Angels are descending from heaven. A castle is seen in the distant landscape. 60. GERARD DOW. 1613-1674, Old Woman warming her Hands. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 3! in. x i ft. io| in. Canforti Pictures 29 61. ALBERT VAN EVERDINGEN. 1621-1675. Scene in Norway. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A rocky scene, with fir-trees and cascade. Two men in the foreground fishing. 62, FRANCIS FRANCK, called the YOUNGER. 1 580-1642. The Discovery of Achilles. Panel — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 9 in. Bought at Mr. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. The floor and tables are strewed with objects of jewellery, glass, plate, china, musical instruments, rich brocades, etc., from which a group of nymphs are making their selections. Achilles is snatching the sword and buckler. Ulysses stands behind him. Signed, " D?. F. Franck in. et f." 63. JOHN FYT. 1625-167 1. Fruit and Game. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. 7 in. Bought of Mr. Morant. Fruits and dead game on a table. To the right, a parrot is screaming at two dogs in the foreground. 30 CanforD Pictureis 64. ( THOMAS Gainsborough] 1727-T788. The Children of Peregrine Bertie, 2nd Duke OF Ancaster. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. 2 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. Under the trees in Grimsthorpe Park, Peregrine, Marquis of Lindsey (afterwards 3rd Duke of Ancaster), is standing in shooting costume, and dead game lies scattered on the ground. His blind brother, Lord Albemarle Bertie, is seated ; near him stand two of his sisters. In a group to the right are seated Lord Brownlow Bertie (afterwards 5 th and last Duke of Ancaster) and his other two sisters. These four ladies are Lady Mary, married to Samuel Gretehead, Esq., of Guy's Cliff, Warwickshire ; Lady Albinia, married to Francis Bcckford, Esq. ; Lady Jane, married to General Edward Mathew ; and Lady Caroline, married to George Dewar, Esq. Lord Albemarle Bertie, is the original of the Blind Lord in Hogarth's picture of the cockpit. Notwith- standing his loss of sight from an accident in boyhood, he was considered the best judge of fighting-cocks in his time. 65. GENDO. Phcebus and Daphne. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 7^ in. Phoebus, arrayed in gold coloured drapery, is pursuing the nymph. Cupid is floating above, holding a torch. CanfotD Pictures 31 66. FRATE GHISLANDI, or FRA GALGARIO. Canvas — Size, i ft. 8 in. x i ft. 6 in. From the Collection of Count Lupi of Bergamo. Given to Lord Wimborne by Sir Austen Henry Layard. Probably a portrait. The boy wears a dark red dress and cap. Life size. This painter's works are chiefly found in Bergamo, of which city he was a native. Canvas stretched on Panel — Size, i ft. 10 in. x 1 ft. 4 in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March i866. A fountain formed of dolphins and decorated with bunches of various The Head of a Boy. 1655-1743. 67. JOHN PETER GILLEMANS. 1672. Fruit Piece. fruits. Signed, "J. P. Gillemans." 68. ERCOLE ROBERTI de" GRANDI. 1491-1531. A PlETA. Panel — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 4 in. Bought from the Costabili Gallery at Ferrara, 1866. 32 Canforn pictures The body of the dead Christ, on a sarcophagus, is supported by the Virgin Mary. To the right is St. Jqhn, clasping his hands in grief. Over the sarcophagus hangs the handkerchief of S. Veronica, with the impression of the head of the Saviour. Laderchi {La Pittura Ferrarese, p. 53) describes this picture as, "Un Cristo morto abbraciato dalla madre, presente S. Giovanni, quadro d'un' espressione la piu patetica e possente." 69. STYLE OF GREUZE. Child eating Bread and Milk. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 2 in. x i ft. 9 in. Bought of Mr. Morant. A curly-headed child, in the act of raising a spoon to his lips, is eating from a basin which he holds in his left hand. 70. STYLE OF GREUZE. Portrait of a Boy. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. Bought of Mr. Morant The boy, in a brown dress, is leaning over a table, and writing or drawing on a book. 71- FRANCESCO GUARDL 1712-1793. View in Venice. Canvas — Size, 9^ in. x i ft. 3 J- in Piazza di San Marco. CanforD ipictute0 33 72. FRANCESCO GUARDI. I 71 2-1 793. View in Venice. Canvas — Size, 9^ in. x i ft. 3! in. The Church of the Frari. Companion to No. 71. 73- FRANS HALS. ^^J^c^ rA*^ .«^23 1 584-1666. ^ Boy and Cat. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 2 in. x r ft. 8 in. A boy, in a hat and large drooping feather, holds a white cat. To his left is a man leaning on a crooked stick. 74. FRANCIS HAYMAN. 1708-1777. Theatrical Piece. Canvas — Size, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. oi in. Bought in an old shop at Poole. The Doctor, Jobson, and Nell. Sketch for the large picture executed by him at Vauxhall. Engraved. D 34 CanfotD Pictures 75- HAYTER. 19th Century. icii^ f-W*< Head of Sir John Guest. ■7 C Caxton — Size, 9 J in. x in. This was the sketch for Hayter's large picture of the first reformed Parliament, in which Sir John, then Mr. Guest, sat as member for Merthyr Tydvil, 1832. 76. JOHN DAVID DE HEEM. 1 600- 1 674. Fruit Piece. Panel — Size, 2 ft. in. x i ft. 7^ in. Bought of Mr. Morant. A silver tazza stands on a stone pedestal, filled with pomegranates, lemons, and other fruits. Signed, "J. D. Heem, f. a., 1646." 77- JOHN DAVID DE HEEM. 1 600- 1 6 74. Still Life. Canvas — Size, i ft. 7 in. x i ft. 3 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Herring, onion, bread, and red wine. CanforD pictures 35 78. JOHN DAVID DE HEEM. 1 600- 1 6 74. Still Life. Panel — Size, i ft. 9 J in. x i ft. 5I in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. White jug on red velvet. 79. JOHN DAVID DE HEEM. 1600-1674. S'^f^ F,ffiJLU Fruit Piece. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 3 in. x i ft. 1 1 in. Bought at Mr. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. On a table, covered with blue drapery, are a bottle and glasses, a silver vase, and two earthenware dishes containing figs, lemons, etc. 80. BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. ^^^3-1670. (;ST)--Vc^, Van DER Helst and his Family. , fv>fW-tr Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 11 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. On the left of the picture the artist is seated, wearing a broad brimmed conical hat. His wife sits beside him, and, grouped around them, are their four daughters. All the figures are habited in black with 36 CanforD Pictures white collars, except the youngest girl, who is dressed in brown. The foregound is scattered with roses, and the male figure grasps in his two hands the stem of a plant, probably typical of the family tree. 8i. BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 1613-1670 Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. He wears a black dress with a white collar and a black hat. His left hand is raised to his breast. In the right he holds a glove. 82. BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 161 3-1670. Portrait of a Dutch Lady. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. She is in a black dress with large white collar and cuffs; the stomacher laced with gold bands ; a small white coif at the back of her head. She holds a small book in her right hand. 83- BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 1 61 3-1 670. Portraits of Himself and Family. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Purchased from Mrs. Morley in the year 1850. CanforD pictures 37 The painter, in a black figured dress and large white ruff, stands by the side of a table which is covered with a rich cloth. His left hand rests on the arm of his wife, who is seated on the opposite side of the table. She is in a black dress trimmed with fur, and wears a white frill and cap, and holds a tulip in her right hand. At her side stands her son. On the table is a Venetian glass with tulips, and in the background a window, through which some buildings are seen. The figures are life size. Signed, "B. V. Heist, se ipse. 1652." 84. BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 161 3-1670. Female Portrait. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft 3 in. The lady wears a black dress and coif with broad white collar and cuffs. Pearl ear-rings, and pearls in her hair. Her left hand rests on the arm of a chair. 85. BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 161 3-1 670. Ja^ Male Portrait. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 3^ in. A man in a black dress, with white collar and tassel, and long flowing hair. A hat, round which is a silver cord, stands on a table covered with a red cloth. Companion to No. 84. 38 CanforD pictures 86. ? VAN DER HELST. Female Portrait. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 3 in. x i ft. iji in. In black dress, trimmed with rich white lace, and white tippet, fastened in front with bows. Black coif, pearl ear-rings and two rows of pearls round the throat. Inscribed, "^tat. 32." 87. EGBERT HEMSKIRK. Born 1610 ; or the younger, 1645- 1704. Boors Carousing. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. r 88. EGBERT HEMSKIRK. Boors Carousing. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Purchased (through Mr, Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Companion picture to No. 87. CanforD Iptctureis 39 89. J. E. HERRING. 19th Century. Rural Scene. Canvas — Size, i ft. 7^ in. x i ft. ii| in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. A Landscape with cows. Signed, " J. E. Herring." 90. J. E. HERRING. 19th Century. Rural Scene. Canvas — Size, i ft. 6| in. x i ft. io| in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. Cows. A man leaning over a gate. A windmill in the distance. Signed, "J. E. Herring." 91- G. E. HICKS. Portrait of Lady Wimborne and Hon. Rosamond Guest. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 8 in. This is a life-size portrait of Lady Wimborne and her youngest daughter, painted in 1882. Signed. 40 Canfoto pictutes 92. G. E. HICKS. Family Group. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft. 8 in. I'orlrait of three of the children of Lord Wimborne, viz., Corisande Evelyn Vere, Ivor Churchill, and Frederick Edward. Woodland scene ; the girl leans against a tree, while her brothers lie near her, and toys are on the ground. 93- (^GERARD HONTHORST? 1592-1660. ei'^u^SS^^^ ' - Sleeping Soldier. k.-^ Panel — Size, 3 fl. 5 in. x 3 ft. i in. From the Althorpe Collection. The soldier is in armour, and wears an iron casque with a plume of white feathers. He has fallen asleep seated by a drum, and holding his sword in his hand. Signed, " Honthorst f. 1636." 94- GERARD HONTHORST. 1592-1660, Prince Rupert. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. x 4 ft. 8 in. Obtained from the Earl of Craven's Collection at Coombe Abbey, in exchange for a small picture of the Queen of Bohemia by Van Somcr. CanforD pictures 41 Full length, in complete armour, with a lace collar. The hair in the flowing style of the Cavaliers. His helmet is on a stone on the left. The picture is inscribed in gold letters, " Prince Rupert." Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 95- WILLIAM HOGARTH. 1697-1764. Female Portrait. Canvas — Size, 3ft. i in. x 2 ft. 7^ in. This portrait is considered to be that of the notorious Sarah Malcolm, executed March 7th, 1733, for the murder of her mistress and two others. This portrait was painted in Newgate after her condemnation. She is taken in a light brown dress, with white collar and stomacher, and with a white mob cap on her head. The well-known mark shows between the eyebrows. 4 96. ' HANS HOLBEIN.) ^ .(Lwoe.TH 1498-1554. Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Panel — Size, 4 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft. 4 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. The Duke, in a black dress trimmed with fur and embroidered with gold, and with a black cap on his head, is seated at a table covered with a red cloth. He holds a paper in his right hand and a book in his left. On the table lies a letter bearing a seal and superscription. In the background is a curtain, richly figured with flowers and fruit. 42 CanforD Pictures! 97- HANS HOLBEIN. 1 498-1 554. , Katherine, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, 4th ^. l-uL^^'t*^ WIFE OF Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and 2ND OF Richard Bertie. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. Bought at the Strawberry Hill Sale, 1842. Black and white dress and head-dress, with ermine on the sleeves. Katherine, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby in her own right, married first, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (as his fourth wife), and secondly, Richard Bertie of Bersted, Kent, son of Thomas Bertie, Governor of Hurst Castle. The escape of the Duchess and Mr. Bertie from England to Germany and Poland, from the religious persecution of Queen Mary, was one of the most romantic events of the period. Her son Peregrine Bertie, afterwards Lord Willoughby, and one of Queen Elizabeth's most celebrated generals, was born at Wesel, Germany, during the period of their exile or peregrina- tions. They returned to England on Queen Elizabeth's Accession. The Duchess died in 1580. CanforD Pxcture0 43 98. 1 498- 1 554. Queen Mary I. of England. HANS HOLBEIN. fl^ rwr-v. . ^^f^ Au:. Oof idu Panel — Size, i ft. x 9 in. In a black dress with white collar. A red coif on her head, decorated with jewels. A gold chain round her neck. 99. HANS HOLBEIN. 1498-1554- Portrait of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1 849. HANS HOLBEIN. 1498-1554- Male Portrait. Panel — Size, i ft. 5 in. x i ft. in. Bought from the Collection in the Manfrini Palace, 1868. A young man, in black dress and cap, is seated in an alcove, with richly decorated frieze, above which is the date 1553. He holds a silver cup in his right hand. In the background is seen a landscape with buildings. Both M. Miindler and Signer Morelli have accepted this picture as a genuine Holbein. Copper — Size, 4 in. x 3^ in. 100. 44 Canforn l^ictures lOI. JOHN JACKSON. 1778-1831. Elizabeth Countess of Lindsey. Panel — Size, i ft. 3 in. x i ft. Bought at the Stowe sale, 12th September 1838. She wears a red stomacher, laced in front, with pearls on her left arm, on which she leans her head. Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Lord Wharton, 2nd wife ^^l"^ ( of Robert, 3rd Earl of Lindsey. I 102. JOHN JACKSON. 1778-1831. Robert Bertie, 3RD Earl of Lindsey. Panel — Size, i ft. 3 in. x i ft. Bought at the Stowe sale, 12th September 1838. The Earl wears a brown dress with blue scarf. 103. JACOB JANSON. Latter half of i8th Century. vJi»v>Wir«.^ Landscape. 7 Panel — Size, i ft. 5^ in. x 2 ft. in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. Landscape with ruins. A man milking cows in the foreground. Signed, "J. Janson fecit, 1767." CanforD Pictures 45 104. JOHN VAN KESSEL. 1626-1 708. Flower Piece. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 3^ in. x 3 ft. 4 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Between bunches of flowers, hung up with blue ribbon, is a medallion of the Holy Family. Signed, "J. V. Kessel, fecit, a? 1649." 105. P. KODDE. j^^^M^ Dutch Family Group. ite^vc ^eervjr'. Panel — Size, i ft. iij in. x 2 ft. 6 J in. Bought at Cologne, 1868. An old lady, forming one of a group of nine figures, is seated in an apartment hung with pictures. In the corner of one of them is the signature of the artist, "P. Kodde, fee. 1625." 106. SIR GODFREY KNELLER. 1648-1723. (^^ ^f<^Wv^-w^»^^ Robert Bertie, i.st Duke of Ancaster. ' ' " Canvas — Size, 4 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 4 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. In Peer's robes and powdered wig. He holds the Lord Great Chamberlain's Wand. His Coronet is on a table beside him. 46 CanforD pictures Robert, Baron Willoughby de Eresby, and 4th Earl of Lindsey, created Marquis of Lindsey 1706, and Duke of Ancaster 1715. Died 1723. 107. SIR GODFREY KNELLER. 1648-1723. Mary, Duchess of Ancaster. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 4 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. In a blue dress with jewels, and red velvet drapery, which she holds back with her left hand, the arm leaning on a table. Mary, Duchess of Ancaster, wife of Robert Bertie, the I St Duke, was daughter of Sir Richard Wynne, Bart., of Gwy(h'r. 108. SIR GODFREY KNELLER. 1648-1723. Female Portrait. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. x 3 ft. 4 in. Bought of Mr. Hiley, Longfleet, near Poole. A young lady, seated, wearing an amber dress, with blue drapery. She holds a bunch of grapes. A dish with fruit stands on a table near her. CanforD Pictures 47 109. SIR GODFREY KNELLER. '^^^ 1648-1723. Portrait of Nell Gwyn. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Bought at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham, Ketton, near Stamford. She is dressed in an amber robe of brocade, and has on a necklace of clustered pearls. In her right hand is a basket of flowers, and she has a lamb at her feet to her left. 1 10. DON JUAN DE VALDEZ LEAL. 1 630- 1 69 1. H EAD OF John the Baptist. Canvas — Size, i ft. 7^ in. x 2 ft. o\ in. Bought of M. Miindler, Paris, 1867. The head of the Baptist is lying in a charger, on a table. III. VALDEZ LEAL. Skulls. Canvas — Size, i ft. 7 in. x 2 ft. Bought at Christie's. On a table are three skulls, one having the appearance of sleeping, one of yawning, and the third of grinning. A lamp is suspended above. In the corner to the right is the monogram. 48 Canforti pictures I I 2. Kj^' SIR PETER LELY. 1617-1680. Lady Elizabeth Bertie, Viscountess Campden. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. She is dressed in white satin, with a blue scarf round her shoulders, tied in front, and trimmed with lace. She holds roses in the folds of her gown. Her fair hair is in ringlets, and she wears a row of pearls round her neck. In the background a red curtain. Lady Elizabeth Bertie, daughter of Montague, 2nd Earl of Lindsey, married Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Campden. 113- SIR PETER LELY. 1617-1680. Portrait of Lord Lisle. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 3 I in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. In a black dress, with white linen collar and cuffs, and seated at a table. The picture bears the following inscription : — " John Lisle, one of Cromwell's Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Chief Justice to Oliver Cromwell. Member for the City of Winchester, 1640. One of the Judges on the trial of Charles I. Husband to Alice Lisle, who was beheaded at Winchester 1685, aged 70." CanforD pictures 49 114. SIR PETER LELY 161 7-1680. "7^^. A-jv-o^ The Duchess of Richmond. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. x 3 ft. 3 in. There is a replica of this picture at Hampton Court Palace. As Diana, in an evening dress of amber satin and pearls. She holds a bow in her left hand. 115. SIR PETER LELY. 1617-1680. •^'^ ^ '"^^^ The Duke of York, afterwards James II. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. x 3 ft. 6 in. The Duke wears a steel breastplate and leather doublet, over which is a red sash. Part of his dress is brocaded, having full white sleeves, and a lace cravat. He has a long flowing wig. 1 16. SIR PETER LELY. 1617-1680. Duchess of Richmond. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 8 in. The duchess wears a white and blue dress and is seated One hand rests on the back of a lamb, and in the other she holds a palm branch. A sketch for a large picture. E 50 CanforD IPictures 117. BERNARDO LICINIO. 1 484- 1 540. Holy Family. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. Purchased from the Manfrin Collection, Venice, 1868. The Virgin is holding the Infant Saviour in her lap. Two ladies in the Venetian costume, wearing very curious head-dresses (ap- parently made of white horse -hair), are on the right; a male figure with long dark hair on the left. In the background, on either side, are St. Joseph and the Baptist. CALISTO DA LODI. ? 1 500-1 556. A Holy Family. On Panel — Size, 2 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. Purchased in 1866. Virgin and Child, with St. Jerome, St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph in the background. From the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara, in which it was attributed to Palma Vecchio. Assigned by Signer Morelli to Calisto da Lodi — a painter whose works are chiefly found at Loid, his native place, and in other cities of Lombardy. Probably the heads are all portraits. 118. Canforo Pictures 51 119- LORENZO LOTTO. 1490-1560. Sacred Subject. Panel — Size, i ft. oj in. x i ft. 4 in. Bought of Monsr. Guggenheim at Venice, 1868. The first person of the Trinity, represented in the act of blessing. I QUINTIN MATSYS. 1 450- 1 5 29. ■ The Philosopher. Panel — Size, 5 in. x 7 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. An old man, in a red dress and red cap, sits at a table, his right hand raised to his cheek, his left hand resting on a skull. A clock on the wall. Books on the table. 121. LODOVICO MAZZOLINI. 1 480- 1 5 30, Holy Family and Saint.s. Panel — Size, i ft 3 in. x i ft. 2 in. From the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara. The Virgin has the Child on her lap. To her left stands St. Joseph, and to her right St. Rock and St. Sebastian. In the background are a marble frieze, with a subject representing a battle in relief, and a landscape with a church in the distance. The name of the painter and date are inscribed in gold letters on the picture : "LODOVIGO MAZOLII, PI. 15 11." C'3) U^- R i « 52 CanforD Pictures This picture is thus described by Baruffaldi ( Vita de' Pittori e Scultori Ferrarese, vol. i. p. 130): "Una tavoletta colla sacra famiglia, a sinistra della quale li SS. Rocco e Sebastiano, saettato : al di la di un arco omato di bellissimi finti bassi rilievi un vago paese con chiesetta in lontano : quadreto che avra al autore piaciuto in mode onde scrivervi, ' Lodovico Mazzolii, 1 5 1 1 '. Ed ecco la conferma che il suo cognome era Mazzoli, _o Mazzuoli, come si e gia osservato." Laderchi {La Pittura Ferrarese, p. 55), calls this picture "un prezioso quadretto;" and it is also mentioned in a note to the Life of Lorenzo Costa, in Le Monnier's edition of Vasari's Lives, vol. iv. p. 245. 122. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. ? (Copy.) 1426. Head of the Saviour. Panel — Size, 1 ft. 1^ in. x n in. The head is crowned with thorns. A rope is around the neck. The original picture, signed, is in the Academy at Venice. 123. FRANCIS MIERIS. I635-I68I. Boy and Bird. Panel — Size, 9 in. x 6| in. A boy, in a richly figured flowing dress and purple cap, sits with his right hand resting on a bird cage, and with a roll of bread in his left. A black and white dog is beside him. CanforD Pictures 53 1 24. SIR. J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. Portrait of Lord Wimborne. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. This was presented to Lord Wimborne by the Conservative Electors of Bristol in 1880, and is a full-length portrait. Signed. 125. JOHN MOLENAER. <^ mw. ^ 17th Century. ^'^(^ Dutch Interior. Panel — Size, i ft. 2 in. x 1 in. Bought at Mr. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. Interior of a Cabaret, with boors dancing. Signed, on a barrel, " Molenaer." I 26. PETER MOLYN. About 1600. ./ LUj Landscape. fu^-j Panel — Size, i ft. 2\ in. x i ft. 9^ in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A caravan attacked by Brigands. Signed, " P. Molyn fe." 54 CanforD Pictures 1 27. 0 fSui*JUev 1^ 5 66- GIAMBATTISTA MORONI. 1510-1578. Portrait of Giulio Gilardi. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft. 4 in. Purchased from Count Lodovico Belgiojoso of Milan, in October, 1865, on the recommendation of Sir Charles Eastlake, who was at one time in treaty for it for the National Gallery. Giulio Gilardi was a celebrated jurist or lawyer of Bergamo. He is represented, life size, in a black robe or gown, standing near a table, and holding a book, partly open, in his left hand. In a recess in the wall behind him are several books bound in vellum. 128. GIAMBATTISTA MORONI. 1510-1578. 1^1^ :>> Male Portrait. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 6 in. From the Manfrin Gallery, Venice. In a black cap and dress, with a white collar and cuffs. His hands rest on a table holding papers. On a letter to the left is the legend " Duritiem molitie frangit." (Millais offered ^500 for this picture.) I 29. NEWENHEIS. 19th Century. Little Red Ridinghood. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 9I in. x 2 ft. 6 in. A fancy piece. A little girl with light hair, her hands crossed, dressed in a red cloak and hood lined gray. CanforD pictures 55 130. PEDRO ORRENTE. 1 560-1644. Moses Striking the Rock. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 4 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Purchased at Madrid. Moses strikes the rock ; Aaron standing beside him. The Children of Israel with their vessels at the stream. 131- PEDRO ORRENTE. I Se^ rwx. i-^ 1560-1644. ^ Departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 4 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Purchased at Madrid. In the foreground a child on a white mule ; sheep, etc. Companion to No. 1 30. 132. JAN VAN OS. 1 744- 1 808. Flower Piece. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. i| in. On a table stands a basket full of flowers and a stoneware jug. At the back is a group of statuary. Signed, " J. Van Os, feet." 56 Canfom Pictures 133- MARCO PALMEZZANO of FORLI. ? 1456-1537. The Baptism of Christ. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 7 in. x 2 ft. i in. Bought from the Gallery of the Marchese Costabili at Ferrara in the year 1866. St. John is baptizing the Saviour, who is standing on a stone in the water, with His hands joined in prayer. The Holy Dove descends above His head. An old man, wearing a blue turban, is preparing to leave the water, upon which a duck is floating. Behind the principal group are rocks, on both sides of which are distant land- scapes with buildings and figures. Tliis picture is one of the finest and best preserved works of the Painter. An early copy of it was at one time on sale at Venice, with some variations in the background and in the figure of the man leaving the water. 134- PANINI. View in Rome. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. 11^ in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. The bridge (Ponte S. Angelo) over the Tiber, with the Castel Sant Angelo. St. Peter's is seen in the distance. 135- PANINI. View in Rome. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. 11^- in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. The Roman Forum, with distant view of the Colosseum. Companion to No. 134. CanforD Pictures 57 136. PASQUALINO. 1489-1541. Virgin and Child, Panel — Size, 2 ft. 3 in. x i ft. 10 in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. The virgin, in a red dress and blue mantle (which reaches from her head), holds the infant Saviour, who has a small white bird in his left hand. Four cherubs' heads are in the clouds above. Signed. 137- BONAVENTURA PEETERS. 1614-1671. Sea Piece. Panel — Size, i ft. x i ft. 6\ in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A Fort, at the entrance of a harbour. A fishing smack sailing in. Signed, " B. P." 138. BONAVENTURA PEETERS. 1614-1671. Sea Piece. Panel — Size, i ft. x i ft. 6 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849 Fishing smacks at the entrance of a harbour. Companion to No. 137. 58 CanforD Pictures 139- GERARD PEETERS. 1580-1626. J^UIi»v>Wof^ Conversation Piece. » - Panel — Size, i ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. oj in. Bought at Antwerp, 1868. A man in a red dress, playing draughts with a lady. Spectators looking on. The artist's signature is on a picture in the background. 7 l'^) 140. GIOVANNI FRANCESCO PENNI, CALLED II FATTORE. 1488-1528. An Altar- Piece. " t2* {^i^J Panel — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 7 in. ^f-^iJJC^ Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. '>j ^i<:^x3 (^0) In the upper niche the Virgin is seated, holding the Saviour in her ^^.^J^^rS „ arms. On pedestals on either side stand two male figures. Above the frieze, which is ornamented with wreaths of flowers, etc., are two angels. Below the principal figure is that of a bishop. Cupids, with musical instruments, occupy the foreground. 141. ANDRES PEREZ. 1 660- 1 727. ll^U.v;,Vr had inherited it from her father. It was originally over an altar *f ^ in a church, and was damaged by fire. The lower part was so .'f '-^ much injured that it had to be removed, and the picture was restored by Signor Fabris, the Keeper of the pictures in the Ducal Palace at Venice. ' « — |*J ^-'■^ ~^K^^i y- • j There is a replica of this work in the Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista at Brescia, of which city the Painter was a native. 167. GIROLAMO ROMANINO. 1 504-1 566. A 'Pieta'. 13 a** Panel — Size, 6 ft. x 6 ft. / Bought from the Manfrin Collection, Venice, 1868. X "u^ JUL deo-d Christ, on a bier covered with a white cloth, is surrounded by a group of male and female figures, among whom are con- spicuous the three Maries and St. John, by whom he is upheld. It CanforD Ipictutes 71 On a tablet in the foreground is the inscription : " Hieronymi Rumani Brixiani Opus M.D.X. mensi Decembri." There appears also to be a legend on the hem of the Virgin's robe. There is a notice of this picture in a work entitled Le Scelte Pitture di Brescia, published by Averoldo, at Brescia, in 1700. It was then in the church of St. Lorenzo, and is fully described, the inscription being given. It was probably carried away from that church during the time of the French occupation at the end of the last century. M. Cavalcaselle (in his notice of Romanino and his works) says it is the earliest dated picture by the master that he has found, and he considers it a very interesting and important picture in the history of Art. Kiigler says, " It shows that he had not yet attained to the maturity of his powers ; but had profited as a colourist from his residence at Venice." See Handbook of Painting, Italian Schools, 5 th Ed. 1887, p. 575. 168. PETER PAUL RUBENS and JOHN WILDENS. I577-I640. I584-I644. Ui) 16^. A Boar Hunt. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft i in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. A man is spearing a boar which the dogs have brought to bay. In the background two horsemen are coming up. The men are clad in armour ; the dogs are clothed. 169. PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577-1640. Cupid, Canvas — Size, 3 ft. i\ in. x i ft. 9 in. Study for a large picture. 72 CanforD Pictures 1 70. DAVID RYCKAERT. 1615-1677. The Cobbler. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. The cobbler, in a red cap, is seated near a table, plying his trade. 171. ANDREA DAGNOLO, called DEL SARTO. 1488-1530. Virgin and Child. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 3 in. x i ft. 9 in. 172. FRANCIS SNYDERS. 1579-1657. The Council of Birds. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 7 in. x 5 ft. 7 in. Groups of birds of every description, terrestrial and aquatic, and in every position, apparently in debate over the body of a dead bat, which lies on the top of a wall in the centre of the picture. CanfotD Pictures 73 173- FRANCIS SNYDERS. / / > , 1579-1657. Boar Hunt. Canvas — Size, 6 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 174. ANTHONY STAEVAERTS, called PALAMEDES. 1604-1680. U4. u Conversation Piece. Panel — Size, i ft. 2 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. A man dressed in black, with a broad hat, and two other persons, are listening to a lady playing the guitar and seated. To the right is a table prepared for a repast. 175- THOMAS STOTHARD. Allegorical Subject. Canvas — Size, i ft. x 9 in. Bought at Christie's 1865. Group of four female figures, one holding a lamp in her hand. 74 CanforD lPicture0 176. JUSTUS SUSTERMANS. 1597-1681. Female Portrait. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from W. Spence, Esq., at Florence, in 1865. A Lady in a richly embroidered dress, standing by a table, on which is seated a small spaniel of the King Charles breed. Life Size. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 177. JUSTUS SUSTERMANS. 1597-1681. Male Portrait. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from W. Spence, Esq., 1865. A young man standing dressed in black. Life size. Companion to No. 176. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. CORNELIUS TAUSSEN. 1590-1665. Female Portrait. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 3I in. x i ft. 10 in. Bought of Mr. Morant. The lady is represented in a black dress, with a profusion of white lace, and a small white lace coif Only part of the right hand is shown. CanforD picture0 75 179. TAYLOR. Portrait of the Hon. Elaine A. Guest. Water colour — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 180. DAVID TENIERS the Elder. 1582-1649. The Quack Doctor. Canvas — Size, 7 in. x 5 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. The Doctor, dressed in a brown coat, and a red cap trimmed with fur, stands by a table, on which are bottles, galUpots, etc. 181. TENIERS, VAN KESSEL, and VAN BALEN. An Interior. Panel — Size, 2 ft 10 in. x i ft. 10 in. A satyr and a nymph seated at table. Dead game, fish, and fruit scattered in all directions. To the left is a buffet dressed with glass, plate, etc. Through arches at the back is seen the kitchen, with a party eating. 76 CanforD pictures 182. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Robert Bertie, ist Earl of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. Copy in small of the full-length picture at Uffington House. For Biographical Notice see No. 38. 183. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Montague Bertie, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. Copy in small of the full-length by Vandyck at Uffington House For Biographical Notice see No. 244. 184. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Albemarle Bertie, 9TH Earl of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. Copy of a picture in the possession of the Earl of Lindsey at Uffington House, Lincolnshire. For Biographical Notice see No. 158. CanfotD Pictures 77 185. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. iij in. x 2 ft. 3^ in. Copied from a picture belonging to the Earl of Lindsey, at Ufifington House, Lincolnshire. Katherine, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby in her own right, married first Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and secondly, Richard Bertie, of Berated, in Kent. The escape of the Duchess and Mr, Bertie from England into Germany and Poland from the religious persecutions of Queen Mary was a remarkable event of the period. They returned to England on Queen Elizabeth's accession. The Duchess died in 1580. 186. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby de Eresby. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. Copied in small from a picture at Uffington House. 78 Canfom pictures Peregrine Bertie, nth Baron Willoughby de Eresby, son of Richard Bertie of Bersted, and Katherine, Duchess- Dowager of Suffolk, was born at Wesel, in Germany, during the flight of his parents from the rehgious persecution of Queen Mary, on which account the name of Peregrine was given him. He was one of the most distinguished miHtary characters of his day. Naunton, in his Fragnienta Regalia, speaks of him as "one of the Queen's first swordsmen, and a great master of the Art miHtary." He commanded the second of the five armies sent into France by Queen EHzabeth in aid of Henry IV. of Navarre. He was Governor of Berwick, and died in 1601. 187. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Charlotte, Countess of Lindsev. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 1 1 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. This picture, which is only half-length, is copied from the large life- sized picture of herself and the Earl of Lindsey, painted in 181 5 by Sir Thomas Lawrence, in the Collection at the family seat, Uffington House, Lincolnshire. Charlotte Susannah Elizabeth, daughter of the Very Rev. Charles Peter Layard, Dean of Bristol, born 21st March 1780; married i8th November 1809, Albemarle Bertie, 9th Earl of Lindsey, and secondly, in 1821, the Rev. Peter William Pegus. Died 28th November 1858. CanforD Picture0 79 i88. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Portrait of Miss Guest. Canvas — Size, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. Charlotte Maria Guest, eldest daughter of Sir Josiah John Guest, Bart., born 3rd July 1834, married Richard Du Cane, Esq., 1859. This picture was done in the year 1835, and represents her in the pose and costume of one attributed to Titian, which belonged to the late Henry Danby Seymour, Esq. 189. JACOB THOMPSON. 19th Century. Portraits of the three eldest Children of Sir J. J. Guest. Cartoon — Size, i ft. 4 in. x 1 ft. The youngest child is seated on a sofa. The two elder ones are placing flowers on her head. Water colour. Signed, "Jacob Thompson, 1837." 8o CanforD Pictureis 190. THEODORE VAN THULDEN. 1607-1676. Adoration of the Shepherds. Copper — Size, 9 in. x 6| in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. The Saviour lies in a manger, surrounded by the Virgin, St. Joseph, and two female figures. In the foreground a shepherd kneels in adoration. Another shepherd carries a lamb. 191. GILES VAN TILBURG. 1578-1632 or 1625-1678. Dutch Fair. Panel — Size, i ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. i in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childc Okcford, 20th March 1866. Peasants attending a fair. A Mountebank is selling quack medicines. Beside him is a monkey on a pole. 192. BENVENUTO TISI, called GAROFALO. 1481-1559. The Annunciation. Panel — Size, i ft. diameter each. This picture is divided into two circular panels ; on one side is the Virgin, on the other the Angel. CanforD Pictures 8i From the Costabili Gallery at Ferrara. Formerly in the Church of S. Bernardino, in that city. Mentioned by Laderchi {La Pittura Ferrarese, p. 91), and by Baruffaldi, as " L'Annunciazione in due tondi riuniti." {Viie Pittori e Scultori Ferraresi, vol. i. p. 363, note.) Purchased in 1866. 193. TOMLhNSON. 19th Century. Martha, Countess of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. i in. x 4 ft. i in. Full length. A copy of the- picture belonging to the Earl of Lindsey, Uffington House, Lincolnshire. This lady was the daughter of Sir WiUiam Cockain, of Rushton, county Northampton, and widow of John Ramsay, Earl of Holderness. She died 1641. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 194. TOMLINSON. 19th Century. Montague Bertie, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. i in. x 4 ft. i in. Full length. A copy of the picture by Vandyck, belonging to the Earl of Lindsey, Uffington House, Lincolnshire. For Bio- graphical Notice, see No. 244. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 82 CanforD Pictures; 195. LUCAS VAN UDEN. 1595-1662. Landscape. Panel — Size, 10 J in. x i ft 2 J in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Wooded scene, with a cart guarded by soldiers ; on the covering of the cart is the date 1658. 196. UNKNOWN French Artist. Marie Leczinski, Queen of France. Canvas — Size, 5 ft. x 4 ft. Bought of Mr. Morant. Marie Leczinski (Queen of Louis XV. of France), in a gown of white flowered brocade, is seated and holds the infant Dauphin on her lap. The child has on a red dress, with lace of Point d'Argenton, and wears a lace cap. 197- UNKNOWN. Lady Holderness. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 2| in. x i ft. 8| in. Bought of Mr. Morant. The dress is of white, black, and pink, with lace and jewels. She wears a hat and feathers, and holds a black fan in her left hand. The picture is inscribed, ".^tatis suae 20, a.d. 1628." CanfotD pictures 83 198. UNKNOWN. The Hon. Charles Bertie. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 J in. x 2 ft. in. He wears a richly brocaded dress of red and gold, a gold belt, and lace cravat, and has long flowing hair. The Hon. Charles Bertie, 5th son of Montague, 2nd Earl of Lindsey, settled at Uffington, County of Lincoln, the seat of his descendant the present Earl. He was Envoy Extraordinary from Charles II. to Christian V., King of Denmark, to adjust the difference of the flag. In 1673 he was Secretary to the Treasury. In 1681 Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, which office he held near twenty years. He served thirty years in Parliament as burgess of Stanford, and died 22nd March 171 1. The beautiful Corporation Plate belonging to the Municipality of Stanford was his gift. 199. UNKNOWN. Elizabeth of Brabant. <^ ^e^x Panel — Size, i ft. 9 in. x i ft. 3 in. Oval. ' ' She is represented as a young girl in a black dress with red sleeves, a large white plaited ruff, and high coif head-dress of white lace. 84 CanforD pictures 200. UNKNOWN. The Duchess of Tyrconnel. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. i| in. In evening dress of light blue silk, with ermine over her left shoulder. Her hair is worn in curls. There is a duplicate of this picture at Althorpe, with the following inscription ; " Duchess of Tyrconnel, sister to Sarah, Duchess of Marlboro'. She was ' la belle Jennings ' in the Memoires de Grammonty 201. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Sir Edward Hobby, ficAU«^V- Panel — Size, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. . Lfi^f Bought of Mr. Morley. The knight is in full armour, with white lace collar. His right hand rests upon his helmet, by the side of which is a baton, with the inscription " Vana sine viribus ira," his left grasps the hilt of his sword. Through a window in the background is seen a fortress, from which issues Queen Elizabeth, wearing her Royal crown. On a scroll in her hand are the words " Recondutur no Retudutur." In front of her lies a military trophy. On the left of the picture are the knight's armorial bearings, above which is the inscription, "An?, d".' 1583. vEtatis su^ 23." Sir Edward Hobby, born at Bisham, in Berkshire, educated at Trinity College, Oxford, was one of the Commanders of our fleet against the Spanish Armada. CanforD Pictures 85 He was present at the taking of Cadiz ; and was Con- stable of Queenborough Castle, where he died in 1617. He was learned in theology and disputations, and translated several books. Camden dedicated his Hibernia to him. He distinguished himself in several Parliaments towards the close of the Queen's reign, and was made a gentleman of the Privy Chamber to King James I. His mother was Elizabeth Coke, sister to Lady Bacon and Lady Burghleigh. He married a sister of Lord Danvers ; and 2ndly the daughter of the ist Lord Hunsdon, cousin to Queen Elizabeth. He was buried at Bisham, without any monument, and left all his property to an illegitimate son, named Peregrine, whom, being a minor, he committed to the care of George Abbott, Archbishop of Canterbury. 202. UNKNOWN. Lady Philadelphia Bertie. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. A present from Colonel Tynte of Halswell, in 1845. In a brown dress with blue drapery, one end of which she holds in her right hand. Pearls round her neck and hair, which is dressed in ringlets. Lady Philadelphia Bertie, daughter of Robert 3rd Earl of Lindsey and Elizabeth, daughter of Philip, Lord Wharton. 86 CanforD Pictures 203. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Christina Von Wolden, Panel — Size, i ft. 5 in. x i ft. i in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1 849. In a red gown, over which is a black mantle, open in front, a white cap and frill. She wears rings on both hands. On the right is a coat of arms. This picture is inscribed, "Christina Von Wolden, sein ehefrow 1575, £Etatis 35." 204. UNKNOWN. Dutch Winter Scene. Panel, circular — Size, 7 in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. Buildings and leafless trees, with figures skating. 205. UNKNOWN. Knight in Armour. ^ |vv\^Nt>/*JU- Panel — Size, 2 ft. 6^ in. x 2 ft. i| in. Lcc From the Stowe collection, 1838. The knight wears a deep embroidered scarf over his armour, and a large collar of rich white lace. There is a shield of arms in the right corner. CanforD Pictures 87 206. UNKNOWN. Flower Piece. Canvas — Size, 6 ft. x 3 ft. 5 in. A trellis with various flowers, in the centre of which is a vase holding lilies. 207. UNKNOWN. Flower Piece. Canvas — Size, 6 ft. x 3 ft. 5 in. A vase in the centre, holding a pine apple, and surrounded by flowers on a trellis. Companion to No. 206. 208. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Sterne. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. $^ in. In a green dress, his right arm resting on a table ; his right hand holding a pen. 209. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Gay. ^ Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. in. In a brown dress and a red cap. 88 Canforn Pictures 2 10. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Shakespeare. Panel — Size, i ft. 1 1 in. x i ft. 6 in. In black dress and white ruff. 2 11. UNKNOWN. Portrait ok Mrs. Hutchins. Canvas — Size, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. i in. In a white dress. / Sarah, 2nd daughter of Thomas Guest, Esq., of Dow- lais, county Glamorgan, and sister of Sir Josiah John Guest, Bart., married to Edward Hutchins, Esq., and mother of the late Edward John Hutchins, Esq., some- time Member for Southampton. 212. UNKNOWN. Copy of Domenichino's Sibyl. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. i in. CanfotD Pictutes 89 213. UNKNOWN. Finding of Moses. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. x 4 ft. 3 in. Pharaoh's daughter is surrounded by a group of attendants. Two females, in yellow and white dresses, are raising the child from the rushes. 214. UNKNOWN. Female Saint. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 5 in. x i ft. 9 in. The saint is in a red dress, in the attitude of prayer, and with a glory round her head. 215. UNKNOWN. Birth of St. Thomas Aquinas. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. in. x 4 ft. 2 J in. 216. UNKNOWN. Copy of the Head, said to be C^sar Borgia, by f (?) Bronzing. ^ Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 5^ in. x 2 ft. 10^ in. 90 CanforD pictures 2 I 7. UNKNOWN. Head of Charles I. Canvas — Size, i ft. 10^ in. x i ft. 4I in. 218. UNKNOWN. Cromwell on Horseback. Canvas — Size i, ft. 8 J in. x 2 ft. lof in. 219. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Sir Josiah John Guest, Bar,t. Canvas — Size, 4 ft 3 in. x 3 ft. 2^ in. 220. UNKNOWN. ^ — ^ ^^^^ Dutch Interior. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. ^ Canvas — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 4 in. A girl is breaking eggs into a bowl. A dog lapping milk in the foreground. CanforD pictures 91 221. UNKNOWN. 7u3.-M2/jHr* Canvas — Size, i ft. i in. x i ft. 5 in. ^ V ♦ ''^"*"7 Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866. An old Gardener, holding a basket of Vegetables. 222. UNKNOWN. Portrait. Panel — Size, 1 in. x 9^ in. Head of an old man. 223. UNKNOWN. Portrait. Panel — Size, 1 1| in. x 9I in. Head of an old man. Companion to No. 222. 224. UNKNOWN. W-^M UJU Fruit Piece. , r^ai^ f^r. Canvas — Size, 1 ft. 4 in. x i ft. Bought at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham at Ketton, near Stamford. « Peaches and other fruits lying on a table. 92 Canfom pictures 225. UNKNOWN. Ul.wxU<»^ Fruit Piece. ju . Canvas — Size, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. \H\ J Bought at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham at Ketton, near Stamford. Peaches and other fruits. Companion picture to No. 224. 226. UNKNOWN. Flower Piece. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 7 in. x i ft. 8| in. On the sill of an open window through which a landscape is seen, stands a glass vase filled with flowers. 227. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Lord Macartney. Size, 2 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. i in. Bought at the Sale at Studley Castle. In a light coloured coat, with the ribbon and star of the Order of the Garter, A powdered tie wig. 228. UNKNOWN. Animal Life. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. Ducks, fish, a dog crouching as if to spring, etc. CanforD pictures 93 229. UNKNOWN. fdU>MJ^(W- Male Portrait. '^^7 ' Panel — Size, i ft. 4! x i ft. i in. ^ r - ». ' Head of a man looking down, with loose red drapery over the left shoulder. 230. UNKNOWN. Animal Life. Canvas — Size, 3ft. 3f in. x 4 ft. i|- in. A group of domestic birds, peacock, duck, turkey, cocks and hens, etc. 231. UNKNOWN. Male Portrait. Black stone — Size, i ft. 2^ in. x i ft. oval. Bought from the Bouvier Collection at Amiens, 1867. Head of an old man in black skull cap, white collar, and long beard. 232. VENETIAN SCHOOL. Female Portrait. ^vrw , Panel— Size, i ft. ^l in. x i ft. 3 in. ^ ^-^nA^ Venetian lady in a red dress richly embroidered Pearls on her head f. II and neck. ' I 94 Canforn pictures 233- VENETIAN SCHOOL. Male Portrait. ^ Panel — Size, i ft. "j^ in. x i ft. 3 in. Young man in black with large plaited ruff. Companion picture to No. 232. 234- UNKNOWN. Flower Piece. Panel — Size, 6 in. x ii|in. Purchased at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham, Ketton, near Stamford. Group of roses and butterflies. 235. UNKNOWN. Flower Piece. Panel — Size 6 in. x 11^ in. Purchased at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham, Ketton, near Stamford. Group of roses, butterflies, etc. Companion picture to No. 234. CanforD l^ictutes 95 236. UNKNOWN. Dutch Interior. Panel — Size, i ft. i in. x io| in. Bought at Antwerp, 1868. : A lady seated at her toilet, with a small spaniel in her arms. 237- UNKNOWN. Sea Piece. Canvas — Size, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. i in. Bought at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham, Ketton, near Stamford. A Ship in a Calm. 238. UNKNOWN. CcUa. ^ i Belisarius. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. Blind Belisarius fiddling through the streets of Rome 96 Canfort) Pictures 239. UNKNOWN. King William III, U) I KvV« M»Ay,'t^wvc^ , Canvas— Size, 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. C^ty (.^"^j The King is riding a white horse. A battle is represented in the ' distance. On the frame is inscribed, " Battle of the Boyne, glorious I St of July 1690." 240. UNKNOWN. Conversation. » Panel — Size, i ft. x 10 in. A nurse is giving breakfast to two little girls sitting at a table. 241. UNKNOWN. Female Saint. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Bought of Mr. Waters. In a white and blue dress with red draperies. Jewels in her hair and round her neck. She holds a dish in her right hand and a palm branch in her left. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. CanforD pictures 97 242. UNKNOWN. The Annunciation. Canvas — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. Bought at the Sale at Studley Castle. The Virgin is in a blue dress, the angel bending before her. 243- UNKNOWN. The Merchants. Copper — Size, i ft. 6 in. x 9 in. Bought at the Sale of the Hon. Mrs. Grantham, Ketton, near Stamford. Two men, one of them seated at a table, the other looking over him, are counting money, etc. 244. ANTHONY VANDYCK. Montague Bertie, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. •'^fta^ Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. i in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. In complete armour. His right hand rests on his helmet. He wears his hair in the long flowing style of the Cavaliers of the period. Montague Bertie, 13th Baron Willoughby de Eresby and 2nd Earl of Lindsey, K.G., was son- of Robert the I St Earl, by Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, H / 98 CanfortJ Pictures ist Lord Montagu of Boughton. He was engaged in the Battle of Edgehill, and voluntarily surrendered him- self as a prisoner to attend on his father, who there received his death wound. He was himself wounded in the Royal cause at the Battle of Naseby. On the 25th July 1666 he died at Campden House, Kensington, the residence of his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Campden. Lord Lindsey married — ist, Martha, daughter of Sir William Cockain of Rushton, widow of John Ramsay, Earl of Holderness ; and 2ndly, Bridget Wray, heiress to the Barony of Norris. 245. ANTHONY VANDYCK. 1599-1641. Portrait of Philip Le Roy. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 9 in. Bought of Mr. Morant. The picture represents Le Roy in a black dress slashed with red, with white lace collar. His right hand is raised to his breast and holds a handkerchief. 246. ANTHONY VANDYCK. 1599-1641. Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. Purchased at Florence, from Count Cottrell, in 1866. CanforD Pictures 99 This picture came from the collection of portraits belonging to the Medici, to whom it had probably been sent by the English royal family. Like several of the same character that are found in England and elsewhere, it was probably painted in Vandyck's studio and finished by him. 247. VANDYCK. r After Portrait of Rubens'.s Mother. (.S'a^j i"dpv*-v- Canvas — Size, 6 ft. x 4 ft. 3 in. The lady is represented in extreme old age, seated in an armchair. She is dressed in black, with white collar and cuffs, and a black hood on her head. On the left, a dog is reaching up to her hand; another dog is standing on the right. On the base of a pillar in the background (from which hangs a red curtain), is the inscription, "^tat. s. 82. A. 1646." 248. BENJAMIN VANDERGUCHT. Died 1794. Lady Albinia Bertie, afterwards Beckford. faJUc^ 1 Canvas— Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. li in. C ^) ' ■ From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. In evening dress of light blue satin. Lady Albinia Bertie, daughter of Peregrine, 2nd Duke of Ancaster, married Francis Becicford, son of Peter Beckford, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Jamaica. She died 1754. f I oo CanforD Picturcis ^7 C^^«>) 249. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 1610-1685. Portrait. Panel — Size, 9^ in. x 7 in. Bought at Mr. T. Furnell's Sale at Childe Okeford, 20th March 1866 Portrait of an old man in a brown cap. On the right hand are the initials, " A. V. O." 250. DON DIEGO VELASQUEZ de SILVA. 1 594- 1 660. Male Portrait. Canvas — Size, 3 ft. x 3 ft. 6 in. Bought of Mr. Morant. In a black dress, with collar and cuffs of white Vandycked lace. His hair and moustache are dark. His right hand rests on his hip. 251. DON DIEGO VELASQUEZ de SILVA. 1 594-1660. Portrait of a Girl. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. i in. Purchased from Count Cottrell, at Florence, in 1865. Probably the portrait of a Princess of the House of Austria and Spain. She wears a richly-embroidered dress, and holds some flowers in her left hand. Full length ; life size. CanforD IPictures lOI This picture is said to have come from the Collection of Royal Portraits belonging to the Medici family. It may have been sent to a Grand Duke of Tuscany, as was the custom of the time, by the royal family to which the Princess belonged. 252. WILLIAM VAN DE VELDE the Elder. 1610-1693. Sea Piece. Panel — Size, i ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 4^ in. Purchased (through Mr. Barker) at a sale at Phillips's, 1849. A Dutch Man of War, in action, under sail. Other vessels in the distance. 253- ANDREW VERMEULEN. l^tw*.^ U- 1763-1814. S^,<^Arr^*> Dutch Winter Scene. Copper — Size, i ft. in. x i ft. 8 J in. A village, men with cattle, etc., and figures skating in the foreground Signed, "A. Vermeulen." 254. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET. 1 714-1789. Sea Piece. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. i in. x 3 ft. 7^ in. From the Bertie Mathew Collection, bought in 1846. Scene of a wreck, with a castle on a rock. f I02 CanforD Pictuteg 255. ROBERT WALKER. Montague Bertie, 2nd Earl of Lindsey. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. i in. In armour, the right hand resting on his Helmet. Half length. For Biographical Notice see No. 244. 256. G. F. WATTS. Portrait of the Painter. Crayon, on paper — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 7 in. Purchased at Christie's. Signed, " G. F. Watts." 257. G. F. WATTS. Portrait of Sir Ivor Guest, Bart. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 5 in. Sir Ivor Guest playing Tennis. He is dressed in a flannel suit, and holds a racket in his hand. Full length. 258. G. F. WATTS. Ariadne. Canvas — Size, 5 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 8 in. The Nymph is seated on a bank, two Leopards playing at her feet. Canforn ipictutc0 103 259. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century. The Tambourine Girl. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. Two girls are represented, with a tambourine, one of them resting her head on the other's shoulder. The picture was painted expressly for Sir John Guest. Signed, " Penry Williams, Rome 1837." A replica, subsequently made, exists in the Vernon Collection. 260. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century. The Shrine. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. This picture, representing a Roman mother in devotion at a shrine, holding the hand of a little girl who sits beside her, and with an infant asleep in the foreground, was painted for Sir John Guest. Signed, "Penry Williams, Rome 1830." Engraved for E. and W. Finden. / 104 CanfotD Pictures 261 TO 267. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century- 1885. Views of Waterfalls in the Vale of Neath. Canvas — Size i ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. These seven paintings of views near his native town (Merthyr Tydvil) were among the earliest of Penry WiUiams's productions, and were expressly executed for Sir John Guest. 268. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century. The Roman Christening. Canvas — Size, 4 ft. 3 in. x 5 ft. 2 in. A procession of Peasants in gay Italian Costume, are taking an infant into a church to be baptized. Signed, "Penry Williams, Rome 1831." This picture (which was painted expressly for Sir John Guest), was by the artist considered his best work. It was exhibited at Manchester. Engraved by L. Stocks for E. and W. Finden in 1839. There is an engraving of this picture by L. Stocks, entitled, The Procession to the Christening. A scene at L'Ariccia, near Rome. " Engraved from the original picture in the possession of Sir J. J. Guest, Bart., M.P., to whom this Plate is most respectfully dedicated by his obliged servants E. and W. Finden, London. Published Nov. I, 1839, by the proprietors, Nos. 18 and 19 Southampton Place, Euston Square. Sold also by G. F. Moon, 20 Threadneedle Street, and Ackerman and Co., Strand." CanfotD Pkture0 105 269. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century. The Love Letter. Canvas — Size, in. x in. The scene is laid in Rome. A girl is dictating a love letter to a professional Scribe. Painted for Sir John Guest. 270. PENRY WILLIAMS. 19th Century. Portrait of Lady Charlotte Guest. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. x i ft. 8 in. Taken in the Costume (temp. Charles I.) worn at the Court Ball 1844. Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Bertie, daughter of Albe- marle, 9th Earl of Lindsey, born 19th May 181 2, married 29th July 1833 to Sir Josiah John Guest, Bart. Secondly, loth April 1855, to the late Charles Schrei- ber, Esq., Member for Cheltenham 1865 to 1868, and for Poole from 1880 to his death in 1884. io6 Canforn Pictures 271. MICHAEL WOHLGEMUTH. 1434-1519. St. Katherine and St. Margaret. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. The saints are represented standing ; and with the emblems of their Martyrdom. St. Katherine with a wheel and sword. St. Margaret (crowned, reading a book) with a dragon under her feet. Small full lengths, on a gold ground. 272. MICHAEL WOHLGEMUTH. 1434-1519. St. Peter and St. Paul. Panel — Size, 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. The former carrying an elongated key, the latter a book and a cross. Small full lengths, on a gold ground. 273- MICHAEL WOHLGEMUTH. 1434-1519. St. Jcseph and Nicodemus. Panel — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 8 in. Saint Joseph of Arimathea is here represented holding the nails and a pair of pincers. Nicodemus has a white napkin in his hands. On a gold ground. CanfotD pictures 107 274. MICHAEL WOHLGEMUTH. 1434-15 19. The Three Maries. Panel — Size, i ft. 6 in. x i ft. 8 in. The Maries are represented holding small vessels for spices, incense, etc., on a gold ground. 275. q S^^r^ MARCO ZOPPO. 1445-15 1 7. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. in. Purchased from the Manfrin Collection, Venice, 1868. A characteristic picture . . . the head of the Virgin is finely conceived, \ and the details executed with careful minuteness. See Kiigler's Handbook of Painting, Italian Schools, p. 281, 5th Ed. 1885. The Virgin, wearing a red dress with blue drapery, and a crown on her head, is seated in an alcove and nursing the Holy Infant. Two . angels are holding festoons of fruit, and six others are playing musical instruments. On a scroll, in front, is the inscription, "Opera. Del. Zoppo. di. Sqvarcione." 276. FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO. 1539-1619. Female Portrait. Canvas — Size, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. in. The lady is in a dark dress with an enormous ruff of white lace, her hair curled, and decorated with flowers. io8 (ZTanforD Pictures 277. FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO. 1539-1619. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Panel — Size, 3 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 9 in. Bought of Mr. Morley. The Queen is represented in a high white lace ruff, large sleeves tied with alternate knots of pearls and rubies, and embroidered with spheres ; a long pointed stomacher, which, together with the front of the dress, is profusely ornamented with bunches of pearls and jewels, and a pearl necklace reaching below her waist. In her right hand is an olive branch, and on a table by her side the insignias of Royalty. Under the crown are the following in- scriptions : — " She had the triple crowne." c " She had a triple crowne "i \ And was a glorious monarch." j At the back of the picture is pasted the following printed notice, evidently cut from a catalogue, " 599. Genuine portrait of Queen Elizabeth, by Zucchero. This picture can be traced for a hundred and thirty years or more. It belonged to the family of Sir Thomas Rich at Eltham, and is painted according to the orders issued by herself: ' In a garden, with a strong light upon her, and the painter to put any shadow on her face at his peril' " 278. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. 1596-1662. Sta. Justa. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. CanfotD Pictures 109 Purchased through Mr. Robinson from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. The saint is in a brown and green dress with a rose-coloured mantle. She holds a piece of pottery in each hand, and bears the palm of martyrdom. Above, to the left, is inscribed, " S. Jvsta." S'.^ Justa was one of the girls employed in the Pottery Works of Triana, near Seville. She was a martyr for the Christian faith ; and there is a legend in the Romish Church that on the occasion of the devil having endeavoured to destroy the Giralda of Seville by a storm, she and her friend and fellow martyr, Rufina, rose from their graves and supported it in their hands. This incident is embodied in Murillo's beautiful picture in the museum at Seville. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 279. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. 1596-1662, Sta. Rufina. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. In an amber dress with green mantle, her light hair encircled with a wreath of roses. She holds in her hands rough earthenware dishes and bowls, and the martyr's palm. To the right is inscribed, " S. Rvfini." Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. I lO CanfotD Pictures 280. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. 1 596-1662. Sta. Ursula Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. In a dark dress with amber sleeves, and a large red scarf which falls in rich folds around her. The hem of her robe is decorated with pearls, and she wears pearls around her neck. She presses to her heart the arrow with which she suffered martyrdom. The picture is inscribed, " S. Vrsvla." Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 281. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. 1 596-1662. Sta. Dorotea. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. In a brown dress with gold-coloured draperies, and carrying in her hands a basket full of flowers and fruit. The inscription on the picture is, " S. Dorotea." Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. CanforD Picture0 1 1 1 282. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. • 1596-1662. Sta. Agnese. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. In a dark dress, pearl necklace, and flowers in her hair ; she holds a white linen cloth in her left hand and a dish in her right. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. 283. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN. 1596-1662. Sta. Cassilda. Canvas — Size, 7 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. Purchased from the Collection of the Duca de La Foes, Lisbon. In a gray dress, the right sleeve of which is fastened with a broad band of jewels. She bears a floral wreath in her hands. Destroyed in the fire at Canford, January 1884. P tinted by R. & R. Ci.ark, Edinburgh GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01063 2848