J) wow e ax. '. /Ce^> : (AT enTlv^W \-*^k CJLa j-^Cu^ C- .p , (4 Y*w ^ C fU-*ll t ^ M vm' 5 z , fe few f "t i r^" ^ iv ^ \ £-~ •2-C ff . k^ ■»-•*. '(I a ■ (, H -1 CATALOGUE / m GG? LoQkH THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Objects op Art of THE BEY. W. BENTINCK L. HAWKINS, DECEASED, LATE OF BRYANSTON SQUARE, COMPRISING British and Foreign Orders of Knighthood, Miniatures, Jewellery, Snuff-Boxes, Gold and Silver Watches, AND A CHOICE COLLECTION OF WATCHES BY BREGUET: which (by Order of the Executor) Mill lie Solti bp Auction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT Tmm ©EEAT 8 KING STBEET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JULY 8, 1895, AND FOLLOWING DAY, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - oo'&i oo- May be viewed the Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S.W. 2M2-111 CONDITIONS OP SALE, - 0 -- I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is,; above Fire Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to giro in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in th© settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re sal© shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGU E, First Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, JULY 8, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK l'RECISELY. MINIATURES. 1 Portrait of a Lady, in yellow dress, with blue fillet in her hair 2 Portrait of a Child, in a white cap, seated in a landscape—in gold locket 8 A Lady, in blue and white dress and large black hat—in small gold frame and mother-o’-pearl back 4 Two Children, with a donkey, in a landscape, after Gains¬ borough 5 A Lady, in white dress, with pearl necklace ; a circular miniature, in frame edged with pearls 6 A Lady, in white dress and yellow sash, in oval frame with blue enamel back 7 Mrs, Perceval Lockwood, in white dress and cap and mauve sash, in oval gold frame B 2 4 8 Lady Bulwer Lytton, in oval gold locket set with pearls, an $ blue enamel back 9 Lady Manners, in gold frame with opal back 10 Lady Charlotte Campbell, in gold locket set with pearls, and blue enamel baek 11 Mrs. John Macdonald, in gold locket set with pearls, and blue and red enamel and seed pearls at the back 12 Mrs. Sheridan, in gold locket set with pearls 13 A Gentleman, in blue coat, in oval locket with band of blue enamel 14 A Boy, in blue dress, holding a rose, in oval gold locket edged with pearls, and opal and blue enamel back 15 The Young Pretender, in armour: an oval miniature in gold frame 16 The Prince Begent, in engraved gold locket set with pearls 17 An Officer, in military uniform, in gold frame with initials in seed pearls 18 A Gentleman, in green coat, with powdered hair, in gold frame 19 The Duchess of Rutland, in white dress, in engraved blue and white enamel locket set with pastes, blue enamel back, with a miniature of a lady and gentleman surrounded by pearls JEWELLERY. 20 A Pair of Single-Stone Brilliant Earrings 21 Three Opal Studs, gold mounted 22 Three onyx ditto, surrounded by diamonds 23 A pair of onyx sleeve-links ; a pair of ditto, inlaid with diamonds ; an onyx Maltese cross ; and four ditto buttons 24 Two pearl studs, with blue enamel borders 25 A Brooch, with a cameo head of a Bacchante 5 PINS. 26 Two Gold Scarf-Pins, eacli with a cat’s-eye and diamonds 27 A Scarf-Pin, with an opal and diamonds 28 A Ditto 29 A Pin, with a large pear-shaped pearl 30 Two Ditto, each with large pearls 31 A Gold Pin, with a sapphire; and one, with a moonstone 32 A Pin, with a large black pearl in claw setting 33 Two Pins, with baroque pearls 34 A Pin, with a ruby and four brilliants 35 A Pin, with a pearl in border of diamonds and red enamel 36 A Pin, with a pearl in enamel serpent setting 37 A Pin, with a cabochon ruby 38 A Pin, with a spinel ruby RINGS. 39 Two signet rings, each with a bloodstone engraved with a coat- of-arms 40 A gold ring, with onyx cameo head of Minerva; one, with an intaglio male head; and one other 41 A plain gold ring, with a sapphire ; and one, with a cat’s-eye 42 A gold ring, with ah emerald engraved with a coat-of-arms; and an onyx ditto 43 An onyx cameo ring, with a head of Christ; and one, with a head of Ajax 44 A ring, with a sapphire enamelled at the back ; and two plain gold rings, with cat’s-eyes 45 A ring, with an emerald in border of diamonds; a ditto, set with pastes ; and one other 46 A chased gold ring, with a carbuncle; a ditto, with intaglio Roman head ; and one other 47 A Chased Gold Ring, with a square emerald and two brilliants 6 48 A Plain Gold Ring, with a yellow brilliant 49 Two Gold Rings, each with a sapphire 50 A Ring, with a jacinth surrounded by brilliants 51 A Ring, with a topaz surrounded by brilliants 52 A Ring, with a ruby with intaglio male head 53 A Ring, with a large cabochon ruby in enamelled gold setting 54 A Ring, with a cabochon ruby 55 A Ring, with a large spinel ruby 56 A Ring, with a spinel ruby and gold claw setting 57 A Ring, with ditto 58 A Ring, with a spinel ruby in gold claw setting 59 A Ring, with a fine specimen yellow brilliant 60 Another, with a pale yellow brilliant 61 A Gold Ring, with a ruby surrounded by brilliants, and forming a stud 62 A Plain Gold Ring, with large brilliant 63 A Gold Ring, with large brilliant 64 A Single-Stone Brilliant Ring SNUFF-BOXES. 65 A Louis XV L Horn Snuff-Box, mounted with chased gold borders, the lid inlaid with an oval enamel of Mme. de Sevigne 66 An Octagonal Snuff-Box, formed of two plaques of bloodstone, mounted with borders of chased gold 67 A Shaped Snuff-Box, of jasper, mounted with silver-gilt borders chased with scrolls and flowers 68 A small silver-gilt ditto, the lid inlaid with an agate plaque 69 A Shaped Amber Snuff-Box, the lid engraved with a coat-of- arms, mounted with gold 70 A Circular Box, of ivory and tortoiseshell, the lid inlaid with a medallion head of Louis XVI. • 1 Circular Horn Box, with an oval enamel of a gentleman in a red coat on the lid, gold mounted 7 72 An Oval Snuff-Box, with a miniature of a gentleman in black coat and wig on the lid, gold mounted 73 Another, with a portrait of Captain Aston, mounted with gold 74 An Oval Silver Box, with tortoiseshell lid inlaid with a medallion head of George II., containing a musical movement 75 A Shaped Gold Snuff-Box, chased with flowers and ornaments, partly enamelled w.th flowers in colours, the lid inlaid with an enamel portrait of Frederick the Great 76 An Oblong Engraved Gold Box, with N. and a crown in diamonds on blue enamel ground on the lid 77 A Circular Box, with portrait of Annibale Caracci, enamel by H. Bone, R.A., on the lid 77a An Oblong Silver-Gilt Box, engraved with cupids in medal¬ lions, the borders chased with foliage and ornaments, the lid enamelled with a coat-of-arms in colours in borders of green enamel, with gilt arabesques OBJECTS OF VERTU. 78 A Magnifying Glass, in bloodstone case with Louis XY. gold cage mount, chased with children with musical instruments, scrolls and flowers 79 An old silver snuff-box, inlaid with an onyx cameo male head ; an onyx cameo head of Napoleon ; and two others 80 An Etui, in fish-skin case mounted with silver, containing imple¬ ments; a double eye-glass, in tortoiseshell case; and a ruby glass scent-bottle, mounted with chased metal-gilt 81 A Mother-o’-Pearl Needle-Case, mounted with silver; a pair of gold-mounted pince-nez; and an inlaid rose-wood woik- box 82 Head of Charles I.: an oval relief in alabaster ; and a cameo head of Ctesar, in bloodstone 83 A small octagonal Limoges plaque, painted with the Education of the Virgin 8 CANES. 84 A Partridge Cane, with Louis XY. gold top chased with flowers, fruits and scrolls 85 A Tortoiseshell Stick, with Louis XY. gold mount chased with figures, sheep and scrolls 86 An Ebony Sword Stick, with plain gold top and band 87 A Partridge Cane, with gold top boldly chased with dancing female figures, masks and flowers 88 A Malacca Cane, with gold top chased with Diana, Paris, Cupid, in borders of scrolls and flowers 89 An ivory walking stick, carved as a blackthorn, with gold top 90 Another, the upper part carved with foliage in low relief, mounted with engraved gold crook 91 A dark-coloured Malacca cane, with ivory crook, and gold band chased with scrolls 92 Another, with Louis XY. gold top chased with the Judgment of Paris, masks and scrolls 93 A Clouded Malacca Cane, with gold top chased with classical figures, military trophy, &c. WATCHES IN GOLD CASES. 94 A Keyless Watch, with dial showing the months of the year, in plain gold case (35694) 95 Another, with dial showing the phases of the moon and the days of the week and month on the back, in plain gold case 96 A Keyless Watch, with patent dial, in plain gold hunter case (901169)- 97 A Repeating Watch, with silver dial, in engine-turned gold case (2000) 98 A Repeating Watch, by Archer, in chased and engraved gold case (4137) 0 0 ( J A Cuiuous Watch, witli enamelled revolving dials showing days of the week and month, and variation of mean and solar time, with seconds dial at the back, in plain gold case and outer case 100 A Watch, with open face, and enamelled dial at the back with thermometer, in gold case 101 A Watch, by Courvoisier, with engraved silver face, and three gilt dials and centre seconds hand, in engine-turned gold case. No. 50032 102 A Watch, with enamelled face, and three dials showing days of the week and month, centre seconds hand and automatic winding movement, in plain gold case 103 A Repeating Watch, with engraved silver dial, in engine-turned gold hunting case, No. 17780 OLD ENGLISH AND FRENCH WATCHES. 104 A Repeating Watch, by Meuron, in engraved gold case, and open dial of silver and gold, chased with a figure of a boy who strikes the gong, a fox and other animals 105 An Old English Repeating Watch, by de St. Leu, in metal- gilt case and shagreen outer case 106 A Repeating Watch, by Arnold, in gold case beautifully enamelled at the back with ornaments in dark blue, white and green, and engraved with a coronet and monogram 107 A Repeating W atoh, by Paul Dury, in pierced gold case engraved with a boar hunt, and outer pierced gold case chased with medallions, heads, coronets and doves 108 A Watch, by C. Clays, in agate case mounted with gold and cut steel, with chatelaine formed of agate beads and cut steel links 109 A Watch, by T. Reynolds, in hexagonal-shaped case inlaid with plaques of cornelian, moss agate and other stones, and partly enamelled in colours 10 110 A Watch, by T. Hunter, in gold case, and outer case of ruetal- gilt, and blue enamel back, and trophy of musical instruments in gold 111 A Watch, by Ilberry, in gold case with ornaments and coloured enamel, enamelled at the back with two girls and a youth butterfly bunting 112 A Watch, by French, in metal-gilt case, and outer case of tortoiseshell, mounted with metal-gilt 113 Another, by G. Prior, in silver case, and outer case of tortoise¬ shell mounted with silver 114 A Ditto, by Graham, jewelled in two holes, in silver case, and outer case of tortoiseshell inlaid and mounted with silver 115 A Repeating Watch, by Le Roy, with the dial inlaid with chased gold and green ename , in p reed and chased silver case, and outer case of tortoiseshell silver mounted WATCHES BY BREGUET. 116 A Repeating Watch, in engine-turned case, No. 3899 117 A Keyless Watch, with compensated balance, in plain gold hunter case, No. 1529 118 A Repeating Watch, in plain gold case and chased border, No. 2248 119 Another, with silver dial, in engine-turned gold case, No. 2311 120 A Smaller Ditto, repeating the minutes, in similar case, No. 2927, with short gold chain and key attached 121 A Repeating Watch, in engine-turned gold case, No. 3152 122 A Watch, repeating the minutes, with silvered dial and engine- turned gold case, No. 2489 123 Another, repeating the minutes, in engraved gold case, No. 1356 124 A Large Repeating Watch, with enamelled dial, in engine- . turned gold case 125 A Repeating Watch, in plain gold case, No. 197 126 Another, with engraved gold dials and thermometer, in engraved gold case with dark blue enamel border, No. 1860 11 128 A 127 A Repeating Watch, with engraved silver dials showing the days of the week and month, &c., in plain gold case Repeating Watch, with open face, ahd containing a musical movement, No. 1(5406 Large Watch, with engraved and enamelled silver dials showing the days of the week and month and age of the moon, in engine-turned gold case with pointer for the use of the blind, with short gold chain and key attached 130 A Lady’s Watch, with compensated balance and silver dial, in 129 A — li Q engine-turned gold case enamelled with initial M. and coronet's ' in blue, No. 3542, with short gold chain and key attached Made for the Duke of Marlborough. With certificate of November 21, 1820 ; confirmed July 25, 1890 131 A Repeating Ditto, in similar case, showing days of the month, with short gold chain and key 132 A Smaller Ditto, with silver dial, compensated balance, in engine-turned gold case, No. 3062 133 A Lady’s Keyless Watch, repeating minutes, with compensated balance, in plain gold case, No. 5352 134 A Lady’s Small Repeating Watch, with silver dial, in engine- turned gold hunting case, No. 2648 135 A Repeating Watch, with enamelled and engraved silver dials showing days of the month and age of the moon, in engine- turned-gold case, with short gold chain and key attached, No. 3833 136 A Large Watch, with centre seconds hand, and engraved silver dials showing mean and solar time, compensated balances, 1/ the inner case engraved with a calendar, in engine-turned***^*^*- ^ f gold case, No. 2794, with short gold chain and key attached ** i 137 Another, similar, No. 2788, with short gold chain and key tfO 138 A Repeating Chronometer Watch, with engraved silver dialsA showing mean and solar time, days of the week and month and age of the moon, in plain gold case, with chain and key j / £ p attached, No. 4112 ru Made for Mr. Goding. With certificate of June 1, 1829 ; confirmed January 5, 1872 12 139 h. ft** 141 142 143 144 145 146 A Lady’s Watch, with minute silver dial, in gold hunting ease finely enamelled with shell ornament in lavender, the loop set with pearls, No. 1114, with fine gold chain and key attached Another, with similar dial, in gold case enamelled with shell ornament in dark blue, and mounted with a diamond flower and arrow, pointer on revolving back for use of the blind, No. 695 Made for Lucien Bonaparte. With certificate of 3 Messidor , An. 9 ; confirmed September 30, 1890 A Minute Lady’s Watch, with engraved gold and silver dial, in engine-turned gold case, No. 2706, with short gold chain and key attached Made for the Queen of Naples. With certificate of January 24, 1814; confirmed February 4, 1892 A Thermometer, fitted in oval gold ring with chased border, shagreen case A Tourbillon Chronometer, in engine-turned silver case. The original model for the celebrated Tourbillon movement made by Breguet on a chronometer by Arnold, with the inscription “Premier regulateur a tourbillon de Breguet reuni a un des premiers ouvrages d’Arnold. Hommage de Breguet a la memoire reveree d’Arnold offert a son fils. An. 1808.” A Large Watch, with compensated balance and three dials, in plain silver case, No. 3675 A Clock Watch, of unusual size, with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, striking hours and quarters, the works chased and jewelled with rubies, in plain gold case, No. 650 The Companion, with chased gold key, in oblong tortoiseshell case End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. BRITISH AND FOREIGN ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 150 Austria-Hungary —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of St. Stephen ; another, of Maria Theresa; and a gold miniature cross of Leopold— all extra fine 3 151 Austria-Hungary —Badge of a Commander of the Order of the Iron Crown ; Commanders’ crosses of Leopold, St. John of Jerusalem, Francis Joseph ; and two miniature crosses of the last Order— all silver-gilt and enamelled Q 152 Brunswick— Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Henry the Lion ; Belgium —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Leopold; and two silver Chevalier’s miniature crosses— the first two extra fine 4 153 Bavaria —Silver-gilt cross of the Order of St. Hubert ; Brazil— Gold enamelled cross of the Order of the Southern Cross— both extra fine 2 154 Denmark —Gold badge of the Order of the Elephant— extra fine 1 J4 155 France —Gold cross of the Order of the Legion of Honour (Grand Officer), “ Bonaparte, Premier Consul, 19th Mai 1802 ”; gold Geneva cross, awarded to those who succoured the wounded, 1870-71— both extra fine, the former minus suspender 2 156 France —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Reunion —extra fine 1 “ This identical Order urns Marshal Ney’s ”—see accom¬ panying particulars 157 France —Gold enamelled crosses of the Order of the Legion of Honour; Grand Cross, with bust of Henry IV.; Officer’s Cross, with bust of Napoleon I.— the latter extra fine 2 158 Portugal —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Villa- Vicosa; France— Officer’s gold cross of the Legion of Honour; silver-gilt medal “ Vuleur et Discipline”; two metal crosses; and a badge —all extra fine 6 159 Greece— Gold enamelled cross, and silver star of a Grand Commander of the Order of the Redeemer— both extra fine 2 160 Greece —Gold enamelled crosses of a Knight Grand Cross, and a Knight of the Order of the Redeemer— both extra fine 2 161 Great Britain —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Bath ; gold miniature crosses of the Orders of the Bath and Distinguished Service —all fine 3 162 Great Britain —Gold enamelled jewel of the Order of the Thistle —very fine and very rare 1 163 Great Britain —The Lesser George of the Order of the Garter, gold —very fine and very rare 1 164 Great Britain —Field Officer’s gold medal for the battle of Orthes (Major Henry Bright, 87th Regt.) —extra fine and very rare 1 165 Hanover —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander (first class) of the Guelphic Order— extra fine 1 166 Hanover —Gold enamelled cross, and silver enamelled star (civil) of the Guelphic Order —the former incomplete 2 15 167 Hanover —Silver-gilt enamelled cross (civil) of a Commander of the Guelphic Order; and a gold miniature cross of the same Order; Hesse— Gold enamelled cross of a Knight of the Order of the Golden Lion— all very fine 3 168 Italy —Silver-gilt enamelled cross, and silver star of a Grand Cross of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus; gold enamelled cross of a Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy; and a gold miniature cross of the same Order— all extra fine 4 169 Italy —Gold and silver star of a Knight of the Order of the Most Sacred Annunziata; gold enamelled cross of a Knight of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus; silver- gilt enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy —the first and last extra fine 3 170 Prussia —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of the Order of the Black Eagle ; gold enamelled cross of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; gold and jewelled star, and silver enamelled badge of the Order of the Sun and Lion ; Mexico —Silver-gilt enamelled badge of the Order of the Mexican Eagle —all very fine except the second 5 171 Prussia —Silver-gilt enamelled badge of the Order of the Red Eagle ; Persia —two silver stars and three miniatures of the Order of the Sun and Lion ; Siam —Silver-gilt badge of the Order of the White Elephant; and four gold miniatures of various Orders 11 172 Persia —Silver enamelled star, set with diamonds, of the Order of the Sun and Lion —extra fine and rare 1 173 Pontifical — Cross of the Order of Christ; Roumania — Chevalier’s cross of the Order of the Crown of Roumania; Servia —Commander’s cross of the Order of Takova —all silver-gilt and enamelled 3 174 Pontifical— Collar, cross and star of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre— all silver-gilt and enamelled, extra fine 3 16 175 Pontifical —Gold enamelled cross of the Order of Christ; another, of the Holy Sepulchre; Sicily—S ilver-gilt enam¬ elled cross of the Order of St. George of the Reunion —all very fine 3 176 Pontifical —Gold cross of the Order of Christ; another, of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; and a metal cross of the Holy Sepulchre— all enamelled, the first and last extra fine 3 177 Russia —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of the Order of St. Andrew ; Pontifical— Gold enamelled cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre— both extra fine 2 178 Russia —Gold cross of a Commander of the Order of St. Stanis¬ laus ; Pontifical —Silver-gilt cross ; and two gold miniature crosses of the Order of Christ —all enamelled and extra fine 4 179 Russia —Gold enamelled cross of the Order of the White Eagle —extra fine 1 180 Sweden —Metal-gilt cross of the Order cf the Seraphim; Sicily —Gold cross of the Order of the Two Sicilies— both extra fine 2 181 Russia—G old enamelled cross of the Order of St. Anne ; Spain —Silver and gold naval decoration with clasp Aguilas— both extra fine ' 2 182 Saxe-Weimar Eisenach —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the White Falcon ; Spain—S ilver enamelled star of the Order of Charles III.— the latter extra fine 2 183 Spain —Gold enamelled cross, set with diamonds, of a Commander of the Order of Charles III. —extra fine 1 184 Gold pendant badge, set with five diamonds, of the Order of the Golden Fleece —extra fine 1 185 Spain —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Charles III.; silver-gilt enamelled badge of the Order of Alcantara— the former extra fine 2 186 Spain —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Charles III. ; another, of military merit ; silver-gilt enamelled star of the Order of Isabella the Catholic 17 187 Mexico— Silvor-gilt enamelled star of the Order of the Madonna of Guadaloupe ; Sweden —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of the Order of the Seraphim —the former extra fine 2 188 Gold enamelled badges (8) of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, one British g 189 Three gold enamelled, one silver, and one onyx, crosses of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem —all very fine 5 190 Gold enamelled badge and star of a Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England —extra fine 2 191 Gold enamelled badge of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; gold Orange badge of William III. —both very fine 2 192 Gold enamelled badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in England, with gold suspender, engraved on the back— This badge of the K. of St. J. was worn by King George IV. of England—extra fine and rare 1 193 Spain —Gold enamelled and jewelled badge of the Order of the Golden Eleece —extra fine and very rare 1 194 Spain —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of Charles III. ; another, of Isabella the Catholic— both extra fine 2 195 Denmark —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Danneborg— extra fine 1 196 Sweden —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Polar Star —extra fine 1 197 Portugal —Silver-gilt enamelled cross of the Order of Christ; another, of the Tower and Sword; gold enamelled cross of St. Benedict of Aviz ; and two miniature crosses of Isabella the Catholic 5 198 Denmark —Gold enamelled cross (4th class) of the Order of the Danneborg; gold miniature cross of the Swedish Order of Yasa; and two miniature crosses of the Osraanioh and Nishan-i-Imtiaz 4 C 18 199 Turkey —Silver-gilt enamelled cross and star (2nd class) of the Order of Osmanieh —extra fine 2 200 Turkey —Silver and gold badge of the Order of the Medjidie; and Star of the Order of St. Benedict of Aviz —both extra fine 2 201 Portugal —Gold enamelled cross of the Order of St. Benedict of Aviz —extra fine 1 202 Portugal —Gold enamelled cross of a Commander of the Order of the Tower and Sword; and another, of a lower grade— both extra fine 2 203 Gold enamelled badge of the Salim-Kyrbourg Family Order 1 204 Silver-gilt enamelled star and badge of the Sultan of Deldir 2 205 Gold enamelled cross of the Order of the White Eagle of the Duchy of Modena ; gold cross of the Sultan of Deldir 2 206 Portugal —Gold enamelled star and cross of the Order of the Tower and Sword (Commander) —extra fine and rare 2 207 Pontifical —Gold enamelled cross of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem —extra fine 1 208 Fine group of decorations, in case, containing gold medal of Frederick William III. of Prussia, with edge inscribed VERDIENSTORDEN ' VERLIEHEN * VON * KONIG ‘ VON * PREUSSEN * DEM doktor * Granville, 1828— with loop and pin; badge of the Order of the Crown of Wurtemburg; badge of the Order of the Lion of Zaehringen (Baden) ; and St. Michael Order of Merit of Bavaria —scarce 4 209 Gold miniature jewelled cross of the Order of Christ; another, of the Danish Order of the Elephant; and a small chain, with miniature crosses suspended of St. John of Jerusalem, Charles III. of Spain, Isabella the Catholic, and Tunis 6 210 Metal-gilt badges and crosses of uncertain attribution; silver- gilt brooch bars, &c., including gold buckles (5) ; suspender; locket; and button decorations (2) 30 211 Jewelled and enamelled pendant badge “Paschal Lamb”— in case; and two gold and enamelled badges of military merit of Wiirtemberg 3 10 212 Turkish star and badge, silver-gilt and enamelled, with crescent and Sultan’s Togbra in centre ; Portuguese silver star with gilt and enamelled centre; and miniature orders, mostly gold, of various nationalities (14) six being on a silver brooch bar 17 213 Gold and enamelled badges of the Order of St.John of Malta, of different grades 4 214 An early French enamelled (on gold) badge of Louis Quinze, with two interlinked L’s in centre of eight fleurs-de-lis —very fine and rare 1 215 Badges and decorations of the Primrose League, various grades, in silver and silver-gilt (11); Masonic gold badge “ Grand Lodge,” in case 12 ENGLISH SILVER COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS, Etc. 216 Charles I. Royalist badge ( oval gilt), bare-headed bust of King ? with lace collar, rev. Royal arms crowned within the Garter, with floral border, loop and ring ; another, smaller oval, with Kind’s bust crowned, and t. rawlins under Queen’s bust on rev., without border —both silver-gilt, fine and rare 2 217 Royalist badges of Charles I. and Charles I. and Henrietta Maria (3), two gilt ; Dr. Henry Sacheverell (Med. III. II. p. 367, No 210) ; and a curious and rare little heart-shaped box badge of Charles II .—mostly fine and rare 5 218 Fine engraved medal (oval) by Simon Passe , of Frederick, Count Palatine, the Princess Elizabeth, and their eldest son, below the three busts are the artist’s initials S. P. in monogram, and on rev. the armorial bearings of the Count and Countess, with lambrequins, &c. (Med. III. I. p. 218, No. 69) a fine piece of great merit, and very rare 1 20 219 Abp. Sancroft and the six Bishops, by G. Bower, on their incarceration in the Tower, 1688;— two varieties, one strucJc with plain edge, rare ; George III. on his jubilee, 1809 ; and two others, in frame and glazed, of Win. Pitt (Liverpool and Manchester Pitt Clubs) 5 220 George Walker, on the defence of Derry, 1683, “Apprentice Boys of Derry Club” ; three Orange badges of William III., “ The Glorious .Revolution,” one a centenary medal; Wellington as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 1839; Marquis Camden as Chancellor of Cambridge University 6 221 Charles James Fox, 1806; William Sidney Smith, 1805 ; Wellington, as in previous lot; Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, on his visit to Canada, 1860— rare ; and Napoleon III. and Eugenie, on their visit to England in 1855 5 222 Alexander Davison’s medal for the Nile, 1798— hronze-gilt, set in gold frame and glazed; another, in silver, unglazed; Napoleon I., bronze medal, set in gold frame and glazed ; and a Five-Lire Piece of Napoleon I. as King of Italy, made into a box containing his portrait in oils —an interesting relic 4 223 The Prince and Princess of Wales, on their marriage in 1863; Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, oval medal surmounted with crown, commemorating his visit to India, 1875-6; and ft medallion of Nicholas I. of Russia, 1859, struck by order of Alexander II. to his memory, and said to have been presented to the famous composer Balfe 3 224 English and Foreign coins, &c., including a Broad of Charles I. (pierced) and a London penny of William I .—weight 8j oz. 225 Gold medal of Charles Frederick Grand Duke of Saxony, “ For Services ” 1 21 COPPER, Etc. * 226 Framed and glazed medallion of the Prince Consort; Masonic badge (silver-gilt) in case ; large metal-gilt plaque of Charles I.; bronze and white metal medals, various, some in cases, and including a few Roman brass coins, &c. 64 227 Masonic “ Grand Lodge” badge, in case; and another (silver); foreign double-headed eagle; Pitt Club gilt badge, with cameo portrait of Pitt (Samuel Churchill); Hungarian Apostolic cross ; silver medal of Dr. Mead ; and various gems, seals, stones and other odds and ends 14 MINIATURES. 228 George IY.; and The Marquis of Chandos 2 229 Marshal Blucher 230 Nai*oleon I.— on ivory 231 A Lady, in black dress, pearl necklace and high lace collar—in gold locket 232 A Lady, in large black hat and ruff, on blue background 233 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour and lace scarf, by Cooper 234 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell : an oval enamel 235 Robert, Earl of Oxford : oval enamel, by C. F. Zincko 236 A Gentleman, in blue coat and wig : oval enamel, in frame set with pastes and ribbon loop 237 Portrait of a Divine, in oval frame set with pastes 238 Portrait of Madame Elizabeth, as a peasant girl 239 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a grey coat, in gold locket set with pearls, and blue enamel back with M. M. in brilliants, and enamel ornament 240 A Lady, in a Gainsborough hat, in blue enamel frame set with pastes, and opal back 22 241 A Lady, in whito dress and black lace scarf, in gold and bluo enamel frame set with pearls 242 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons, in enamelled gold locket, with a trophy in pastes on blue enamel ground at the back 243 David Garrick, in puce-coloured coat and wig, in oval locket 214 A Lady, in large hat with feather, in gold locket with portrait of an officer on the back 245 Portrait of a Lady, in white dress, in gold frame 246 A Lady, in white dress sewn with pearls, and powdered hair, in silver frame mounted as a brooch JEWELLERY, Etc. 247 A gold pencil case, with gold top; and one other 248 A gold pencil, with leads of three colours ; and an engine-turned ditto 249 Two others, similar 250 A gold curb-pattern chain 251 A small curb-pattern gold chain; and a double eye-glass 252 A gold Albert curb and link-pattern chain, with key; a long neck-chain ; and a key, with horse’s hoof 253 Three chased gold seals; two other seals; and a watch-key 254 Two rings, a pin, and an earring, enamelled with Maltese crosses in white, in a case 255 A massive gold ring, with a Maltese cross and coronet; and one, with a Maltese cross in white enamel 256 Two gold signet rings, engraved with coats-of-arms 257 A ring, with a Maltese cross: and a plain gold ring 258 A gold memorial ring, with a cross in diamonds on black enamel ground; and one, with Latin inscription 259 A gold ring, with Masonic emblems on green enamel; a chased gold ditto, with an inscription on enamel ground ; and a plain gold ring, with turquoises 0 0 M WATCHES IN SILVER, CASES. 2G0 A Keyless Repeating Watch, in plain silver case; and a keyless watch, in black metal case 2 261 A Keyless Watch, with compensated balance, in plain silver case 262 A Ditto 263 A Keyless Chronoscope Watch, with compensated balance, in engine-turned silver case 264 A Newmarket Stop-Watch, in keyless black metal case; and a keyless watch, in engine-turned silver case 265 A Keyless Watch, by J. Walker, with compensated balance, in plain silver case (21414) 266 Another, with compensated balance, in plain demi-hunting silver case 267 A Large Keyless Watch, with compensated balance, and enamelled dials showing the days of week and month and age of moon, in plain silver case 268 Another, similar, repeating minutes (2138) Made for J. Walker 269 A Keyless Watch, with double face and eighteen dials, giving the time of various cities in the world, in black metal case 270 A Large Keyless Repeating Watch, by Dent, in plain silver case and outer leather case 271 A Table Watch, in tortoiseshell case; and a larger ditto, in octagonal glass case 272 A barometer, thermometer and mariner’s compass, in metal-gilt mount and leather case; and a pocket compass, in gilt case 24 WATCHES IN GOLD CASES. 273 A Watch, by Arnold and Frodsham, with four dials, in engine- turned case (7862) 274 A Keyless Watch, by Hunt and Roskell, in plain gold caso (11141) 275 A Repeating Watch, by Frodsham, in engine-turned case (02430) 276 A Watch, by Arnold and Frodsham, in engine-turned case (7262) 277 A Keyless Repeating Watch, in plain gold case (227873) 278 A Keyless Watch, in plain gold case (917916) 279 A Repeating Watch, by Arnold and Frodsham, in engine-turned case (6919) 280 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by Frodsham, in plain gold hunter case (06619) J 281 A Keyless Watch, by the same, in similar case (06077) 282 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by J. Macabe, with black dial and white numerals, in engine-turned hunter case (04040) 283 A Keyless Repeating Watch, made for J. Walker, in plain gold hunter case (222525) 284 A Watch, made for Klaftenberger, in plain hunter caso (10518) 285 A Keyless Repeating Watch, in plain gold case 286 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by Le Roy, in plain gold case (3507) 287 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by Philipps & Co., Geneva, with dials showing the days of the week, month, and phases of the moon, in plain gold hunter case 288 A Keyless Watch, with dial in front showing the days of the week, month, and phases of the moon, and with seven dials on the reverse showing tho time at various places in the world 25 289 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by Le Roy, showing the clays of the week and month, and containing a barometer, in plain gold case (48029) , 290 A Keyless Repeating Watch, by Hunt and Roskell, with dials showing the days of the week and month, and phases of the moon, in plain gold hunter case (13175) 291 A Large Keyless Repeating Watch, with dials showing the days of the week and month, months of the year, and phases of the moon, in plain gold case (25229) 232 A Keyless Watch and Barometer, by Leroy and Son, in plain gold hunter case (15797) 293 A Keyless Watch, by Frodsham, in plain gold hunter case (07471) 294 A Keyless Repeating Watch, in plain gold case, the dial mounted with two silvered figures of knights in armour striking bells, on black ground 295 A Repeating Watch, by Arnold and Dent, with compensated balance, engraved gilt dial, and engine-turned gold case (3934) 296 A Repeating Watch, by French, in engraved and chased gold hunter case (10367) 297 A Keyless Blind Man’s Watch, by Dent, in plain half-hunter case (25163) 298 A Repeating Watch, by R. Attenborough, with dial showing the days of the week and month, in plain gold case (3093) 299 A Lady’s Repeating Keyless Watch, by Leroy, with com¬ pensated balance, in plain gold case (39288) 300 A Keyless Watch, with enamelled dial showing days of the week and month and age of moon, in plain gold case (1429) 301 A Lady’s Geneva Watch, in engraved gold case (83712) D 26 CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Etc. 302 A Small Carriage Clock, in square tortoiseshell case mounted ■with pierced silver 303 Another, in square-shaped silver case chased with flowers, on hall feet 304 A Carriage Eepicating Clock, in upright silver case with glass panels 3J5 A Carriage Chime Clock, by Dent, with two dials, in plain metal-gilt case ' 306 Another, by J. F. Cole, with four dials and engraved and silvered face, in engraved metal- gilt case 307 A Regulator, going one year, by Frodsham, in carved hanging rose-wood case 308 A Skeleton Striking Chime Clock, by H. Bright, of Leaming¬ ton, in brass case of architectural design—on oval white marble plinth FINIS. London : Printed by Ww. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. NSTITUTE 3125 01074 5707