mi. ■ SsggjSHfcsfl •Xlii BY DONAH P:Y "Conie on in fellers. ’Tein’t so very cold!" CARTOONS \ M' Donahey’s Cartoons DRAWN BY J. H. DONA HEY Cartoonist lor The Cleveland Plain Dealer Published by T he Korner & Wood Co. CLEVELAND. These cartoons are published by courtesy of The Cleveland Plain Dealer. T HE cartoons in this volume are designed to illustrate in simple fashion the little joys and the little troubles that help to make up the sum total of life. The artist hopes that beneath their whim¬ sicalities and exaggerations there will be found an appeal to that touch of nature that makes us all kin. THE OLD FLAG AGAIN. Congress returns to their regiments the captured flags of the South. HUNTIN’ BAIT. A SUNDAY IN THE OPEN. T' JULY 4. orders tor an early call. ALL EYES ON AMERICA. 'W THEN—AND—NOW! — m mr&maaemmmm'r. y ** mm ~— ' ‘‘Something is going to happen at our house this week!" MSSSSSSSSSSBBESSSSSSBBBmm MR. CITIZEN WHO Always WALK* TO HiS OFFICE IN THE /^OIRNIN&S. THE NEIGHBORHOOD <-AT FIND^ A FROZEN FEAST. ITS A MANi TO CLEAN THE OFF HIS ' bKiOOOO. YOU ^ varmint: git / OUT O' THAT CREAM , 1 IT’S HERE ! aren't yon ashamed GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01506 2454