A^JH^JLj. JL JL JrmJm. "C JL J DVCHETT # SON, B° Bui 3"g a llon amber or cane- glazed cistern with raised orna- ment to match, galvanised iron brackets, brass chain and guide ring and porcelain pull, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only Complete including Pedestal having raised ornament, with S or P outlet, in all white ware, fitted with polished mahogany or teak seat, flap, and skirting, 3-gallon white ware cistern with raised orna- ment to match, polished gun- metal brackets, copper chain, ebony pull and gunmetal guide ring, and 5ft. of ijin. polished copper flush pipe and clips Pedestal only £3 5 £0 17 £4 o £1 1 £6 0 £1 6 sborne" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) Complete including Pedestal with. S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, fitted with painted and varnished hinged seat, 3-gallon amber or cane-glazed cistern, ware brackets, brass chain and porcelain pull, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead flush pipe and clips . . Pedestal only Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or pane- glazed ware, white inside, fitted with polished mahogany seat and flap, 3-gallon amber or cane-glazed cistern, ware brac- kets, brass chain and guide ring and porcelain pull, aiid 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only . . . . £3 0 0 £0 15 O £3 15 o £0 18 6 Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with polished mahogany seat and flap, 3-gallon white- ware cistern, white-ware brack- ets, copper chain, ebony pull and brass guide ring, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. polished copper flush pipe and clips Pedestal only £5 0 0 £1 3 6 "Kensington" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) 5 Complete including Pedestal in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with special brass plate secured to outlet with set screws, with 81bs. lead branch attached, painted and varnished hinged seat, 3-gallon painted iron cis- tern, painted iron solid-web brackets, galvanised iron chain and pull, and 5ft. of i-Jin. lead flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with special out- let fittings) £3 5 0 £1 10 0 Complete including Pedestal in amber or cane-glazed ware, white in- side, fitted with special brass plate secured to outlet with set screws, with 81bs. lead branch attached, painted and varnished hinged seat, 3-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brack- ets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with special out- let fittings) ' . . £4 0 £l 15 Complete including Pedestal in all-white ware, fitted with special brass plate secured to outlet with set screws, with 81bs. lead branch attached, hinged seat in polished mahogany or teak, 3-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with special outlet fittings) . . U 10 0 £2 0 0 adial" Combination 6 Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in pine, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3- gallon painted iron cistern, painted iron solid-web brackets, galvanised iron chain and pull, and 5ft. of i|in. lead flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished birch, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of i^in. lead or gal- vanised iron flush pipe and clips ^2 10 0 £3 5 o Pedestal only (with insertions) . . .£1 3 6 Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished mahogany or teak, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of i^in. lead or gal- vanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . £3 10 0 £186 "Wellington" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) 7 Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in pine, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 2 gallon painted iron cistern, painted iron solid-web brackets, galvanised iron chain and pull, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished birch, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 2 -gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or gal- vanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions).. . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished mahogany or teak, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 2-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets with solid webs, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead or gal- vanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . £210 O O 0 £3 5 o £1 3 6 £3 £1 10 0 chool" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) 8 Complete including Pedestal with side outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with 4in. brass inspection cap and inserted rim strips, 2-gallon painted iron cistern and brackets, galvanised iron chain and pull, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only and brass cap) (with insertions Complete including Pedestal with side outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with 4in. brass inspection cap and inserted rim strips in polished birch, 2-gallon galvanised iron cistern, brackets, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of ijin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only and brass cap) (with insertions Complete including Pedestal with side outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with 4m. brass inspection cap and inserted rim strips in polished teak, 2-gallon galvan- ised iron cistern, brackets, chain, pull and guide ring, and 5ft. of i-jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips £2 17 6 £1 7 6 £3 12 6 £1 11 £3 17 6 Pedestal only (with insertions and brass cap) .. .. .. .£1 16 O "Access" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) 9 1J.Ducketf/ & Sod, Ltd. Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, fitted with painted and varnished hinged seat, 2-gallon painted iron cistern with brass rod and galvanised iron weights attached, painted iron brackets, and 5ft. of i}in. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, white inside, fitted with polished mahogany hinged seat, 2-gallon galvanised iron cistern with brass rod and gal- vanised iron weights attached, galvanised iron brackets, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only . . . . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with polished mahogany or teak hinged seat, 2-gallon white ware cistern with polished brass rod and weights attached, ware brackets, and 5ft. of i^in. polished copper flush pipe and clips . . . . Pedestal only £3 10 0 £0 15 o £400 £0 18 6 £500 £1 3 6 "Seat Action" Combination (WASH-DOWN PEDESTAL) 10 -7 V Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in pine, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3 gallon cane or amber cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, white inside, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished birch, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3 gallon cane or amber cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with insertions) . . Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished teak, secured with countersunk brass bolts, 3 gallon white ware cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of ij-in. polished brass flush pipe and clips £3 10 0 £100 £3 l 5 o £1 3 6 £5 o Pedestal only (with insertions) . . "Windsor" Combination (SUITABLE FOR ASYLUM USE) 1 1 iJ.Ducketr & Sod, Ltd. 5urnle Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, fitted with pitch- pine seat secured with special brass box hinge, 3-gallon cane or amber cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only ^ 15 Complete including Pedestal Avith S or P outlet, in amber or cane- glazed ware, white inside, fitted with polished birch seat secured with special brass box hinge, 3-gallon cane or amber cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips . . . . . . £A 5 Pedestal only .. .. . £0 18 Complete including Pedestal with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with polished mahogany or teak seat secured with special brass box hinge, 3-gallon white ware cistern, ware brackets, special brass pull, chain and tube, and 5ft. of ij-in. polished brass flush pipe and clips .. ^5 10 Pedestal only £l 3 Malvern^ Combination (SUITABLE FOR ASYLUM USE) 12 Complete including Pedestal, having lug for building into wall, in amber or cane-glazed ware, outlet fitted with special brass plate secured with set screws and 81bs. lead branch attached, painted and varnished hinged seat, 3-gallon amber or cane-glazed cistern, ware brackets, brass chain and porcelain pull, and 5ft. of i^in. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with special out- let fittings) Complete including Pedestal, having lug for building into wall, in amber or cane-glazed ware, white in- side, outlet fitted with special brass plate secured with set screws and 81bs. lead branch attached, polished mahogany hinged seat, 3-gallon amber or cane-glazed cistern, ware brac- kets, brass chain and guide ring and porcelain pull, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips Pedestal only (with special out- let fittings) £l 15 U 10 0 £2 0 0 ictoria" Combination (SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL USE) Complete including Pedestal, having lug for building into wall, in all- white ware, outlet fitted with special brass plate secured with set screws and 81bs. lead branch attached, polished mahogany or teak hinged seat, 3-gallon white ware cistern and brackets, cop- per chain, ebony pull and brass guide ring, and 5ft. of i^in. polished copper flush pipe and clips £6 0 0 Pedestal only (with special out- let fittings) £25 14 Complete including Pedestal, having raised ornament, with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with inserted rim strips, 3 gallon cane or amber cistern, supported by painted cast-iron shield, having remov- able cover, special brass pull- chain and tube, and 5ft. of i-|-in. lead flush pipe, enclosed in painted cast-iron shield Complete including Pedestal having raised ornament, with S or P outlet, in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with inserted rim strips in polished birch, 3 gallon cane or amber cistern, supported by painted cast-iron shield, having removable cover, special brass pull-chain and tube, and 5ft. of I Jin. lead flush pipe, enclosed in painted cast- iron shield Complete including Pedestal, having raised ornament, with S or P outlet, in all-white ware, fitted with inserted rim strips" in polished mahogany or teak, 3 gallon cane' or amber cistern, supported by painted cast-iron shield, having removable cover, special brass pull-chain and tube, and 5ft. of 1 Jin. lead flush pipe, enclosed in painted cast-iron shield £5 5 Pedestal only (with insertions) . . £1 £5 10 Pedestal only (with insertions) . . £j (5 £5 15 Pedestal only (with insertions) . . ^1 1 1 "Ripon" Combination (SUITABLE FOR ASYLUM USE) 15 Dearnley" Syphonic Closet Range Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, with painted and varnished fixed pine seats, suitable automatic syphonic tank in galvanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipes, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons £ s._ d. 7 15 0 10 7 6 12 10 0 14 12 6 16 15 0 Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, with polished birch fixed seats, suitable automatic syphonic tank, brackets, and flush pipes in galvanised iron, lead air- extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 751bs. each. 8 10 0 11 10 0 14 0 0 16 10 0 19 0 0 16 Cliviger " Syphonic Closet Range (SUITABLE FOR UPPER FLOORS) Pedestals in amber of cane-glazed ware, with painted and varnished fixed pine seats, suitable automatic syphonic tank in galvanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipes, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop-tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 „ ' 6 £ 7 10 12 10 14 12 16 15 d. 0 6 0 6 0 Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, with polished birch fixed seats, suitable automatic syphonic tank, brackets, and flush pipes in galvanised iron, lead air- extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons . . 8 10 0 3 •• 11 10 0 „ 4 „ •■ 14 0 0 5 •■ 16 10 0 6 .. 19 0 0 Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 751bs. each. 17 "Sabden" Syphonic Closet Range Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with polished birch inserted seats ; suitable automatic syphonic tank in galvanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipes, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for persons £ s. d. 7 15 0 10 7 6 12 10 0 14 12 6 16 15 0 Pedestals Range for 2 persons in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with polished birch inserted seats ; suitable automatic syphonic tank, brackets and flush pipes in galvanised iron, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 481bs. each. 8 10 0 11 10 0 14 0 0 16 10 0 19 0 0 DlVlSlOnS as illustrated, 6ft. Oin. x2ft. 6in., in painted iron, 30/- 6ft. Oin. x 3ft. 6in. „ „ 40- in galvanised iron, 35 45/ eacli 18 "Sabden" Syphonic Closet Range Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with polished birch fixed seats ; suitable automatic syphonic tank in gal- vanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipes, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware connecting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 £ 7 10 12 10 14 12 16 15 Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with polished birch fixed seats ; suitable automatic syphonic tank, brackets and flush pipes in galvanised iron, lead air-extractor pipe, access and stop tap, and ware con- necting pipes and syphon complete. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 „ 6 Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 481bs. each. Divisions 8 10 0 11 10 0 14 0 0 16 10 0 19 0 0 as illustrated, 6ft. Oin. x2ft. 6in., in painted iron, 30/- ; in galvanised iron, 35/- each. 6ft. Oin. x3ft. 6in. „ „ 40/-; „ „ 45/- „ 19 Range of Closets on Levelling Tank Principle or Gravitation Feed Range of Closets consisting of cane and white pedestals, either I2in., isin., or i6hio- high and fitted with either inserted, fixed, or hinged pine seats, 2 J or 3 gallon painted cast-iron cistern to each closet (without ball-tap or overflow), painted cast iron brackets, 5ft.' of ijin. galvanised iron flush pipe and clips, galvanised chain and pull, and suitable galvanised iron levelling tank fitted with ball-tap and overflow and galvanised iron horizontal supply pipe with tees and branches to each cistern. A draw-off pipe and tap may be fitted for emptying the range in case of frost. Range for 4 persons 5 6 7 8 £ s. d. 16 0 0 19 5 0 22 10 0 25 15 0 29 0 0 Divisions as illustrated, 6ft. Oin. x2ft. 6in., in painted iron, 30/- ; in galvanised iron, 35/- each. 6ft. Oin. x3ft. 6in., „ „ 40/-; „ „ 45/- „ Doors as illustrated, 5ft. Oin. x2ft. 6in., in pine, hinged complete, 22/6 each. 20 Separately. Trapped Closets in Ranges (NON-SYPHONIC) Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with inserted rim strips, secured with countersunk brass bolts ; suitable automatic tank in galvanised iron ; painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipes, all complete and ready for fixing. Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with inserted rim strips, secured with countersunk brass bolts ; suitable automatic flushing tank, brackets, and flush pipes in galvanised iron ; all complete and ready for fixing. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . 7 0 0 3 9 0 0 4 ■ 10 10 0 5 • 12 5 0 6 14 0 0 Range for 2 persons . 7 15 0 3 • 10 5 0 4 • 12 0 0 5 • 14 0 0 6 16 0 0 Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 561bs. weight each. 21 Separately^Trapped Closets in Ranges (NON-SYPHON1C) Pedestals £ s. c in amber or cane-glazed ware, fitted with polished birch Range for 2 persons . . 7 0 seats and brass pillar hinges ; suitable automatic tank „ 3 „ ..90 in galvanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush .. 4 „ .10 10 pipes, all complete and ready for fixing. „ 5 „ . . 12 5 6 „ .. 14 0 Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, fitted with Range for 2 persons . . 8 10 polished mahogany seats and brass box-hinges ; suitable „ 3 „ ..117 automatic flushing tank, brackets and flush pipes in „ 4 . . 13 10 galvanised iron, all complete and ready for fixing. ., 5 „ . . 15 17 6 .. 18 5 Pedestals (which may be placed at any centres) 561bs. weight each. Painted Galvanised White y-», , , Iron. Iron. Enamelled. JJlVlSlOnS as illustrated, 4ft. 6in. x2ft. 6in., each 25/- 35/- 40/- 22 Separately^Trapped Closets in Ranges with side outlets and brass accesses (NON-SYPHONIC) Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, with side outlets and 4in. brass inspection caps ; fitted with inserted rim strips, suit- able automatic tank in galvanised iron, painted cast iron brackets and flush pipes, all complete and ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 „ £ s. 7 12 9 17 11 15 13 15 15 15 Pedestals in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, with side outlets and 4m. brass inspection caps ; fitted with inserted rim strips, suitable automatic tank, brackets and flush pipes in galvanised iron, all complete and ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons „ * 3 4 5 8 7 11 2 13 5 15 10 17 15 0 23 Automatic Latrine Complete including vertical pans, i2in. x8in. oval connecting pipes, inlet, centre, and outlet basins, and 6in. outlet trap, all in salt-glazed ware. Automatic tank in ware or galvanised iron, 6ft. of 4-in. diam. painted iron fall pipe, and painted and varnished fixed pine seats. Complete as above, but with amber-glazed plain pans and inserted rim strips . . Complete as above, but with amber-glazed fluted pedestals, and painted and varnished hinged pine seats Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 Extra per person Extra per person £ s. d. 5 0 0 6 10 0 7 15 0 8 15 0 9 15 0 5 0 7 6 24 Automatic T Complete including inlet and outlet pieces, necessary lengths of intermediate sections, and 6in. outlet trap, all in salt-glazed ware ; suitable automatic tank in galvanised iron, painted cast-iron brackets and flush pipe, and fixed hardwood rail. Complete as above, but with painted and varnished fixed ring seats. Complete as above, but with painted and varnished hinged seats. rough Closet £ s. d. Range for 4 persons (12ft. Oin.) .. 7 0 0 5 (15ft. Oin.) .. 7 17 6 6 (18ft. Oin.) .. 8 15 0 7 (21ft. Oin.) .. 9 12 6 8 (24ft. Oin.) .. 10 10 0 Range for 4 persons (12ft. Oin.) .. 7 15 0 5 (15ft. Oin.) .. 8 15 0 6 (18ft. Oin.) .. 9 15 0 7 (21ft. Oin.) .. 10 15 0 8 (24ft. Oin.) .. 11 15 0 Range for 4 persons (12ft. Oin.) .. 8 0 0 5 (15ft. Oin.) .. 9 2 6 6 (18ft. Oin.) .. 10 5 0 7 „ (21ft. Oin.) .. 11 7 6 8 (24ft. Oin.) .. 12 10 0 25 "Severn" Urinal Range Urinal in cane or amber, having back and sole in one piece, with open front channel and tread, ware or galvanised iron automatic cistern, galvanised iron brackets and flushing pipes, ware ducts and rims, galvanised iron hinged grate and ware trap, all ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons 24in. centres. £ s. d. 12 17 6 18 10 0 24 0 0 29 10 0 35 0 0 Urinal in white, having back and sole in one piece, with open Range for 2 persons front channel and treads having mosaic inlays, half „ 3 „ hexagonal white ware automatic cistern with raised „ 4 „ ornament, polished gunmetal brackets, copper flushing „ 5 „ pipes and clips, ware ducts and rims, brass hinged grate „ 6 „ and ware trap, all ready for fixing. - Returned end (as illustrated) in cane or amber, 15/- ; in white, 22/6 18 10 26 10 34 10 42 10 50 10 26 Trent" Urinal Range Urinal with back and sole having rolled front edges in one piece of white glazed ware, Sicilian Marble division slabs, white glazed treads with Mosaic inlays, half hexagonal white ware cistern with raised ornament, galvanised iron brackets, polished copper flush pipes, gunmetal hinged dome grate and ware trap to each stall. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 24in. centres. £ 15 22 29 s. d. 0 0 36 0 43 0 Urinal with back and sole having rolled front edges in one piece of white glazed ware, Rouge Royal Marble division slabs, white glazed treads with Mosaic inlays, half hexagonal white ware cistern with raised ornament, polished gun- metal brackets, copper flush pipes, gun-metal hinged dome grate and ware trap to each stall. Rans;e of 2 persons „ 3 4 5 6 17 0 25 0 33 0 41 0 49 0 Returned end (as illustrated) in Sicilian Marble, 20/- „ „ „ Rouge Royal „ 25/- 27 Tyne" Urinal Range Urinal in cane or amber, having back and sole in one piece, with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron brackets, copper flushing pipes, ware ducts and rims, galvanised iron hinged grate and ware trap to each stall. " A " size. " B " size. 22in. centres. 2Gin. centres. Range for 2 persons \\ Q 15 15 20 5 25 0 29 10 d. 0 0 0 0 0 £ s. d. 13 0 0 18 15 0 24 5 0 30 0 0 35 10 0 Urinal in white, having back and sole in one piece, treads having Mosaic inlays, half hexagonal white ware cistern with raised ornament, polished gunmetal brackets, copper flush pipes, ware ducts and rims, polished gunmetal hinged dome grate and ware trap to each stall. Range for 2 persons 16 7 23 7 30 7 37 7 44 7 18 26 34 0 42 0 50 0 Returned end (as illustrated) in cane or amber, 15/- ; in white, 22/6, 28 'Avon" Urinal Range Urinal with back and sole having rolled front edges in one piece of cane-glazed ware, with cane-glazed division columns and fluted and dished treads, ware or galvanised iron automatic cistern and brackets, galvanised iron flush pipes, hinged dome grate and ware trap to each stall as per section 'A,' or if preferred, continuous channel the length of the range and one outlet as per section 'B.' Urinal with back and sole having rolled front edges in one piece of white glazed ware, with white glazed division columns and fluted and dished treads, half hexagonal white ware cistern with raised ornament, polished gunmetal brackets, copper flush pipes, gunmetal hinged dome grate and ware trap to each stall as per section 'A,' .or if preferred, continuous channel the length of the range and one outlet as per section ' B.' Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 0 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 24in. centre. £ s. d. 14 0 20 10 27 0 33 10 40 0 16 0 23 10 31 0 38 10 46 0 Returned end (as illustrated) in cane, 15/- ; in white, 22/6 29 1J.Duckett & Sod, Ltd "Pendle" Urinal Range Urinal In Cane or Amber, with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron brackets, copper flushing pipes, ware ducts and rims, galvanised iron hinged grate and ware trap to each stall, all ready for fixing. Urinal In White, with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, ware or galvanised iron brackets, copper flushing pipes, ware ducts and rims, brass hinged grates and ware traps to each stall, all ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons 3 4 Range for 2 persons 3 5 6 " A " size. '•B " size. 22iii. centres. 26in centres £ S. d. £ s. d. 10 10 0 12 15 0 15 0 0 18 5 0 19 5 0 23 15 0 23 15 0 29 5 0 28 0 0 34 15 0 15 7 6 17 12 6 21 17 6 25 5 0 28 7 6 32 17 6 34 17 6 40 10 0 41 7 6 48 5 0 Returned end (as illustrated) in cane or amber, 15/- ;■ in white, 22/6 30 m Alpha m Urinal Range Urinal in cane or amber, having back and sole separate, with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron brackets and flush pipes, ware ducts and rims, galvanised iron hinged grate and ware trap, all ready for fixing. " A " size. " B " size. 22in. centres. 26in. centres. £ s. d. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons 8 10 0 10 10 0 3 11 15 0 14 15 0 4 15 0 0 19 0 0 5 18 5 0 23 5 0 6 21 10 0 27 10 0 Urinal in white, having back and sole separate, with Range for 2 persons white ware cistern and cover, galvanised iron „ 3 „ brackets, copper flushing pipes, ware ducts and „ 4 „ rims, brass hinged grate and ware trap, all ready „ 5 ,. for fixing. „ 6 „ 12 12 6 14 12 6 17 15 0 20 15 0 22 17 6 26 17 6 28 0 0 33 0 0 33 2 6 39 2 6 Returned end (as illustrated) in cane or amber, 15/- ; in white, 22/6 31 "School" Urinal Range Urinal in cane or amber, having backs and soles separate, with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron brackets and flush pipes, ware ducts and rims, gal- vanised iron hinged grate and ware trap, all ready for fixing. Range for 2' persons 3 4 5 6 18in centres. £ s. d. 7 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 16 0 19 0 Urinal in white, having backs and soles separate with ware or galvanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron brackets, copper flushing pipes, ware ducts and rims, brass hinged grate and outlet trap, all ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 Returned end (as illustrated) in cane or amber, 12/6 ; in white, 17/6 each. If back and sole in one piece, add 10%. 11 0 0 15 0 0 19 0 0 23 0 0 27 0 0 32 Trough Urinal and Divisions Urinal with trough 9in. x6in., having high back placed at 2ft. 3m. centres, divisions 2ft. 6in. x if t. iin., floor channel ioin. x 5m., all in amber or cane-glazed ware, suitable automatic tank in ware or galvanised iron, brackets and copper flushing and outlet pipe and clips, galvanised iron hinged grate and 4m. outlet trap, complete and ready for fixing. Urinal 11s above described but in all-white ware, with fittings complete, 25% extra. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 8 10 0 3 11 15 0 4 .. 15 0 0 5 . . 18 5 0 6 .. 21 10 0 33 Slab Urinal oft. 6m, high) and Divisions Urinal with slabs 3ft. bin. high, placed at 2ft. oin. centres, having I2in. returned ends, divisions 3ft. oin. x ift. 2in., floor channel ioin. X5U1., and ware flushing rims, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, suitable automatic tank in ware or galvanised iron, brackets and copper flushing pipes and clips, galvanised iron hinged grate and 4m. outlet trap, complete and ready for fixing. Urinal as above described but in all-white ware, with fittings complete, 25% extra. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 8 15 0 3 „ .. 12 5 0 4 „ 15 15 0 5 .. 19 5 0 22 15 0 34 Slab Urinal (2ft. 6m. high) and Divisions Urinal with slabs 2it. 6in. high, placed at ift. Sin. centres, having I2in. returned ends, divisions 3ft. oin. x ift. 2in., floor channel ioin. X5U1., all in amber or cane-glazed ware, suitable automatic tank in ware or galvanised iron, brackets and copper flushing pipes and clips, galvanised iron hinged grate and 4m. outlet trap, complete and ready for fixing. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 £ s. d. 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 Urinal as above described but in all-white ware, with fittings complete, 25% extra. 35 Slab Urinal Urinal with slabs 2ft. Gin. high, 1ft. Gin. wide, floor channel 10in. x4in., all necessary angle pieces and stop ends in amber or cane-glazed ware, galvanised iron hinged grate and ware trap, complete and ready' for fixing .. .. .. .. 10/6 P er lineal foot. Urinal as above, but with slabs 3ft. Gin. high .. .. .. .. .. .. 15/- Urinal as above, but with slabs 4ft. Gin. high, and 2ft. Oin. wide . . . . . . 25/'- If in all-white ware, 33-J% extra. 36 J.IiucketT & Sod. Ltd. Complete including back, base, and side pillars in one piece, cap and flushing rim, in amber or cane- glazed ware, with ware or gal- vanised iron cistern and cover, galvanised iron bracket, flush pipe and hinged grate, and ware trap £S 10 o Complete including back, base, and side pillars in one piece, cap and flushing rim, in all-white ware, with white, ware cistern and cover, galvanised iron bracket, polished copper flush pipe and clips, brass hinged grate, and ware trap £7 Gisburn" Corner Urinal 37 Fig. 1. Complete including white porcelain basin 30in. x22in., supported on white porcelain pillar, and fitted with hot and cold nickel-plated gun- metal screvvdown taps and nickel-plated special waste . . . . £^ ij q 38 Fig. 2 Complet e including white porcelain basin 29£in. x20|in., supported on white porcelain pillar, and fitted with hot and cold nickel- plated gunmetal screwdown taps, and nickel-plated special waste . . . . . . ■ £5 0 0 39 Complete including white porcelain enamelled basin 2iin. X13U1., fitted with hot and cold nickel- plated gunmetal screw down taps, and nickel-plated rod waste, grated overflow and P trap, Sicilian marble top (2ft. oin. X 2ft. oin.), shaped frieze and 15m. back, supported on nickel-plated gun metal legs, £14 o o Extra if in Rouge Royal Marble, £2 0 0 „ for nickel-plated brush and comb rack, tum- bler and tooth brush holders, £1 10 0 for Sicilian dished base. Marble £2 10 0 for Rouge Royal Marble dished base, £3 10 0 Fig. 3 40 * Complete including white porcelain enamelled basin 26in. x icjin., supported on nickel-plated gun- metal legs, and fitted with hot and cold nickel-plated gunmetal screw down taps, and nickel- plated removable standing waste and P trap, £6 10 o Extra for Sicilian Marble back slab, £1 10 0 ,, for nickel-plated brush and comb rack, tum- bler and toothbrush holders, £1 10 0 ,, for Sicilian Marble dished base, £2 10 0 Fig. 5 Complete including two white porcelain enamelled bashis 21in. x 13in., each fitted with hot and cold nickel-plated gunmetal screw-down taps and nickel plated removable standing waste and P trap, Sicilian Marble top (5ft. 6in. x 2ft. Oin.) frieze and 12iu. high back, the whole supported £ s. d. on nickel-plated gunmetal brackets . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 0 Extra if in Rouge Royal Marble .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 for two nickel-plated brush and comb racks and one sponge holder .. 1 10 0 , , , , Sicilian Marble dished base - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 , , Rouge Royal Marble dished base .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 42 Fig. 6 The "Overflow" Lavatory Complete including 18in. X 15in. basins, supported on painted iron brackets, or if preferred having lugs to build into wall, in white porcelain enamelled fireclay, with weir at back to ensure constant flow of clean water during the time of washing, each basin fitted with accessible outlet, gun- metal screwed dome grate and tailpiece, Jin. stop tap and loose key. Range for 2 persons 3 5 £ s. d. 4 15 0 7 2 6 9 10 0 11 17 6 43 Fig. 7 "Twin" Lavatory Complete including 30m. x i6in. twin lavatory in amber or cane- glazed ware, supported on painted iron brackets, with Jin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains, and stays, and vulcanite plugs. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete Range for 2 persons 4 6 8 Range for 2 persons 4 6 8 £ s. d. 3 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 3 3 0 6 6 0 9 9 0 12 12 0 including 30m. xi6in. twin lavatory, in white ware, supported on galvanised iron brackets, with iin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains, and stays, and vulcanite plugs. Range for 2 persons 6 3 7 6 6 12 6 9 15 0 12 17 6 44 Fig. 7 A. " Double » Lavatory Complete Including 27in. x 20in. double basins in white porcelain enamelled fireclay, supported on painted cast-iron standards, |in. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, with brass hinged grate to overflow, suitable horizontal waste pipe in painted iron with brass screwed access and bend. (Separate waste pipe from each basin discharging into floor channel may be supplied if preferred). £ s. d. Range for 4 persons (2 double basins) . . 10 15 0 „ „ 6 „ 3 „ „ 15 10 0 „ „ 8 „ 4 „ „ 20 5 0 „ 10 „ 5 „ 25 0 0 45 Fig. 8 Complete . , ' £ s. d. including 24111. XI 8m. basins having raised ornament Range for 2 persons .. 6 15 0 on front, supported on pedestals 21 in. or 24m. high, all r 0 10 " in amber or cane-glazed ware, with |in. hot and cold » 3 ,. . . 9 12 6 brass taps, self-contained open overflow with brass- v 4 , .. 12 10 0 hinged grate, washers, chains, and stays, and vulcanite _ plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets " " in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. 15 7 6 Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete includirg 24m. xiSin. basins having rcised ornament on front, supported on pedestals 2iin. cr 24m. high, in all-white ware, with iva. hot and cold nickel -plated taps, washers, and safety plugs, self-contained open overflow with hinged grate, suitable horizontal waste pipe sup- ported on brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 9 5 13 5 17 5 21 5 7 5 0 10 10 0 13 12 0 16 15 0 46 Fig 9. Complete £ s. d. including 24m. Xi8in. basins having raised ornament on Range for 2 persons .. 6 0 0 front, supported on brackets, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains ,, 3 ,, . . 8 15 0 and stays, vulcanite plugs, and self-contained open over- flow with brass-hinged grate, separate waste pipe from ,, 4 11 10 0 each basin, in lead or galvanised iron, discharging into ioin. X5in. amber or cane-glazed floor channel, having ,, 5 ,, .. 14 12 6 galvanised iron outlet grate and trap. Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 24m. X i8in. basins having raised ornament on front, supported on brackets, in all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washers, and safety plugs, self-contained open overflow with brass-hinged grate, separate waste pipe from each basin in polished brass or copper, discharging into ioin. X 5m. white-glazed floor channel, having brass outlet grate and trap. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Range for 2 persons >> 3 >> .4 5 6 10 0 9 10 0 12 12 6 15 12 6 8 5 0 12 2 6 15 7 6 19 15 0 47 J.Duckett & Son, Ltd. Fig. 10 Complete including 24in. xl8in. basins having raised ornament on front, in amber or cane-glazed ware supported on painted iron brackets, with iin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, vulcanite plugs, and self- contained open overflow with brass hinged grate, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 24in. X 18in. basins having raised ornament on front, in white ware supported on galvanised iron brackets, with lin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, vulcanite plugs, self-contained open overflow with brass hinged grate, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. £ s d. 2 persons . . 5 0 0 3 7 5 0 4 9 7 6 5 11 10 0 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 5 7 6 7 15 0 10 2 6 12 10 0 6 17 0 9 17 0 12 17 0 15 15 0 48 Fig. 11 Complete including 24in. X 18in. basins with raised ornament on front, having lugs to build into wall, in amber or cane- glazed ware, with Jin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, vulcanite plugs, self-contained open overflow with brass hinged grate, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. . Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 £ s. d. 4 17 6 7 0 0 9 2 6 11 5 0 Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Range for 2 persons . . 5 5 3 7 10 4 .. 9 17 5 „ .. 12 2 Complete including 24in. xl8in. basins with raised ornament on front, having lugs to build into wall, in white ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, vulcanite plugs, and self-contained open overflows with brass hinged grates, suitable horizontal -waste pipe and brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons .. 6 12 6 3 .. 9 10 0 4 12 10 0 5 „ . . 15 7 6 49 Fig. 12 Complete including 20m. x i6in. basins with raised ornament on front, supported on pedestals, isin. or i8in. high, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with iin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe, supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 4 a 5 >> £ s. d. 5 7 6 7 12 6 10 0 0 12 2 6 Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 2oin. x i6in. basins with raised ornament on front, supported on pedestals 15m. or i8in. high, all in white ware, with |in. nickel-plated cold water taps, washers, and safety plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe, supported on brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 0 8 10 11 0 13 10 7 15 0 10 17 6 14 2 6 17 5 0 50 Fig. 13 Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins with raised ornament on Range for front, supported on brackets, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. brass coid water taps, washers, chains ,, and stays, and vulcanite plugs, separate waste pipe from each basin in lead or galvanised iron, discharging into „ lOin. x 5in. amber or cane-glazed floor channel, having galvanised iron outlet grate and trap. „ £ s. d. 2 persons . . 4 17 6 3 7 0 0 4 9 5 0 5 11 10 0 Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins with raised ornament on front, supported on brackets, in all-white ware, with Jin. brass cold water taps, washers and safety plugs, separate waste pipe from each basin in polished brass or copper, discharging into lOin. x oin. white glazed floor channel, having brass outlet grate and trap. Range for 2 persons „ 3 „ 4 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 „ . 5 7 7 17 10 7 12 17 7 0 0 10 5 0 13 7 6 16 12 6 51 Complete Fig 14 including 20in.xl6in. basins with raised ornament on front, in amber or cane-glazed ware supported on painted iron brackets, with £in. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins with raised ornament on- front, in white ware supported on galvanised iron brackets, with iin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and staj^s, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe sup- ported on claw brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 4 10 0 3 6 10 0 4 8 7 6 5 10 5 0 Range for 2 persons ... 4 17 6 3 7 0 0 4 9 2 6 5 11 2 6 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 5 15 0 8 5 0 10 15 0 13 5 0 52 Fig. 1 5 Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins with raised ornament on front, having lugs to build into wall, in amber or cane- glazed ware, with £in. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 „ 4 £ s. d. 4 7 6 6 5 0 8 2 6 10 0 0 Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 20in. X 16in. basins with raised ornament on front, having lugs to build into wall, in white ware, with Jin. brass cold water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe and brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons „ 3 4 • 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 4 15 0 6 15 0 8 17 6 10 17 6 5 10 0 8 0 0 10 7 6 12 15 0 53 Fig. 16 Complete including 24.n1. X i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, supported on ware brackets, having lugs to build into wall, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, self-contained open overflow, with brass hinged grate, brass washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug £2 15 Complete as above, but with basin white inside £2 ii Complete including 24m. x i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, supported on ware brackets, having lugs to build into wall, in all-white ware, with -}in. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, self- contained open overflow with hinged grate, nickel-plated washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . £3 10 Complete including 24m. x i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, supported on ware pedestals 2iin. or 24m. high, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold taps, self-container! open overflow with brass hinged grate, washer, chain and slay, and vulcanite plug £3 5 Complete as above, but with basin white inside . . . . . . . . £2 Complete including 24m. X i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, supported on ware pedestals, 2iin. or 24m. high, in all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, self-contain- ed open overflow with hinged grate, nickel-plated washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite Ptag £4 5 54 Complete including 24UI. X i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, in amber or eane-glazed ware, having lugs to build into wall, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, self-contained open overflow with brass-hinged grate, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite P'"g Complete Complete £270 as above, but with basin white inside . . . . . . . . £2 including 24m. x i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, in all-white ware, having lugs to build into wall, self-contained open overflow with brass-hinged grate, Jin. hot and cold nickel- plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug 10 £2 17 6 Fig. 18 Complete including 24m. x i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, in amber or cane-glazed ware, supported on painted iron brac- kets, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, self-contained open overflow with brass hinged grate, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . . . £2 10 O Complete as above, but with basin white inside . . . . . . . . £ 2 1 3 Complete including 24m. X i8in. basin with raised ornament on front, in all-white ware, supported on galvanised iron brackets, self- contained open overflow with brass hinged grate, Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug ., £3 2 6 Fig. 19 55 Complete including 24m. X i8in. basin, supported on ware brackets, having lugs to build into wall, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, brass washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . Complete as above, but with basin white inside . . . . £2 10 £2 13 Complete Fig. 20 including 24in. X i8in. basin, supported on ware brackets, having lugs to build into wall, in all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, nickel- plated washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug £3 5 Complete including 24in. X i8in. basin, supported on ware pedestals, 2iin. or 24in. high, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold taps, brass washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite P lu g £3 0 Complete as above, but with basin white inside £3 3 Complete including 24in. X i8in. basin, supported on ware pedestals 2iin. or 24m. high, hi all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, nickel-plated washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . . . . . £4 o Fig. 21 56 Complete including 24in. x i8in. basin in amber or cane-glazed ware, hav- ing lugs to build into wall, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . . . £2 Complete as above, but with basin white inside £256 Complete including 24in. xi8in. basin, in all-white ware, having lugs to build into wall, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug £2 12 6 Complete including 24in. Xi8in. basin, in amber or cane-glazed ware, sup- ported on painted iron brackets, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug • . . . £2 5 0 Complete as above, but with basin white inside ",. £286 Complete including 24m. Xi8in. basin, in all-white ware, supported on galvanised-iron brackets, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . • • £2 IJ 6 57 Complete including 2oin. x 2oin. angular basin in amber or cane-glazed ware, having lugs to build into wall, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . £ 2 2 Complete as above, but with basin white inside . . . . . . . ■ £ 2 5 Complete including 2oin. x 2oin. angular basin in all-white ware, having lugs to build into wall, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug .. .. .. £ 2 12 Complete including 2oin. x 2oin. angular basin, supported on ware brac- kets having lugs to build into wall, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . £ 2 1 0 Complete as above, but with basin white inside .. .. .. .. £ 2 *3 Complete including 2oin. X 2oin. angular basin, supported on ware brac- kets having lugs to build into wall, in all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . . . £ 3 5 Fittings • a— f Jin. brass screw-down tap Jin. nickel-plated screw-down tap Jin. brass spring tap Jin. nickel-plated spring tap . . Brass washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug Nickel-plated washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . Brass washer and safety plug . . Nickel-plated washer and safety plug Screwed brass inspection cap . . s. d. 5 6 6 6 6 12 6 5 6 10 0 3 6 Fig 26 Complete including 2oin. x 2oin. angular basin in amber or cane-glazed ware, supported on painted iron brackets, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, brass washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug . . £2 5 Complete as above, inside but with basin white £2 Complete including 2oin. x 2oin. angular basin in all-white ware, support- ed on galvanised iron brackets, with Jin. hot and cold nickel- plated taps, washer, chain and stay, and vulcanite plug £2 17 6 Fig. 27 59 Fig. 28 Complete including 24in. x 18in. basins, supported on pedestals 21in. or 24in. high, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons „ 3 £ s. d. 6 5 0 8 17 6 11 10 0 14 2 6 Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Range for 2 persons . . 6 15 0 3 9 15 0 4 „ .. 12 12 0 5. „ . . 15 10 0 Complete including 24in. x 18in. basins, supported on pedestals 21in. or 24in. high, in all-white ware, with Jin. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washers, and safety plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons . . 8 15 0 3 „ 12 10 0 4 „ .. 16 5 0 5 .. 20 0 0 60 Fig. 29 Complete including 24in. X 18in. basins supported on brackets, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with |in. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, separate waste pipes from each basin, in lead or galvanised iron, discharging into lOin. x5in. amber or cane-glazed floor channel, having galvanised iron outlet grate and trap. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 £ s. d. 5 10 0 8 0 0 10 10 0 13 7 6 Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 24in. x 18in. basins supported on brackets, in all-white ware, with |in. hot and cold nickel-plated taps, washers, and safety plugs, separate waste pipes from each basin in polished brass or copper, discharging into lOin. by Sin. white-glazed floor channel, having brass outlet grate and trap. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 6 0 0 8 15 0 11 12 6 14 7 6 7 15 0 11 7 6 14 17 6 18 10 0 61 Fig. 30 Complete £ s. d. including 24in. x 18in. basins in amber or cane-glazed Range for 2 persons . . 4 10 0 ware supported on painted iron brackets, with Jin. brass 6 10 0 cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite » 3 ,, plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw 4 ,, 8 7 6 brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access g 10 5 0 and bend. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 24in. x 18in. basins in white ware supported on galvanised iron brackets, with iin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets, in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons . . 4 17 6 Q 7 0 0 4 9 2 6 5 11 5 0 Range for 2 persons . . 6 7 6 3 9 2 6 4 11 17 6 5 14 12 6 62 Fig. 31 Complete including 24in. xl8in. basins having lugs to build into wall, in amber or cane-glazed ware, with Jin. brass cold- water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 24in. x 18in. basins having lugs to build into wall, in white ware, with Jin. hot and cold brass taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe and brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 4 7 6 3 6 5 0 4 8 2 6 „ 5 10 0 0 Range for 2 persons . . 4 15 0 3 6 15 0 4 8 17 6 10 17 6 Range for 2 persons . . 6 2 6 3 8 15 0 4 11 10 0 5 14 2 6 C3 Fig. 32 Complete including 20in. X ICin. basins supported on pedestals 15in. or 18in. high, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with -Hn. brass cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 £ s. d. 5 2 6 7 5 0 9 10 0 11 10 0 Complete as above, but with basins white inside, and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins supported on pedestals 15in. or ISin. high, all in white ware, with iin. nickel- plated cold-water taps, washers, and safety plugs, suit- able horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons 3 4. „ 5 „ Range for 2 persons 3 4 » " 5 ,, 5 15 0 8 2 6 10 10 0 12 17 6 7 10 10 10 13 12 16 12 64 Fig 33 Complete including 20in. xl6in. basins supported' on brackets, all in amber or cane-glazed ware, with iin. brass cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, separate waste pipe from each basin in lead or galvanised iron, discharging into lOin. x5in. amber or cane-glazed floor channel, having galvanised iron outlet grate and trap. Complete as above, but with basins white inside and fitted with brass safety plugs. Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins supported on brackets, in all-white ware, with Jin. brass cold-water taps, washers and safety plugs, separate waste pipes from each basin in polished brass or copper, discharging into lOin. x Sin. white glazed floor channel, having brass outlet grate and trap. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 4 12 6 3 6 12 6 4 8 15 0 5 10 17 6 Range for 2 persons . . 5 2 6 3 7 10 0 4 9 17 6 5 12 5 0 Range for 2 persons . . 6 15 0 3 9 17 6 4 12 17 6 5 16 0 0 65 Fig. 34 Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins in amber or cane-glazed ware supported on painted iron brackets, with Jin. brass cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins in white ware supported on galvanised iron brackets, with lin. brass cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on claw brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. £ s. d. Range for 2 persons . . 4 5 0 6 2 6 7 17 6 9 12 6 Range for 2 persons . . 4 12 6 6 12 6 8 12 6 10 10 0 Range for 2 persons . . 5 10 0 3 7 17 6 10 5 0 12 12 0 66 Fig. 35 Complete £ s. d. including 20in. X 16in. basins having lugs to build into Range for 2 persons . . 4 2 6 wall, in amber or cane-glazed ware, with iin. brass cold- 3 5 17 6 water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite 7 19 plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe supported on brackets » 4 „ .. o in painted iron, with brass screwed access and bend. „ 5 „ . . 9 7 6 Complete as above, but with basins white inside. Range for 2 persons 3 4 5 Complete including 20in. x 16in. basins having lugs to build into wall, in white ware, with Jin. brass cold-water taps, washers, chains and stays, and vulcanite plugs, suitable horizontal waste pipe and brackets in galvanised iron, with brass screwed access and bend. Range for 2 persons . . 5 5 0 3 7 12 6 4 I 9 17 6 12 2 6 67 Drinking Fountain Complete including 19iin. x 13iin. fountain to build 4Jin. into wall, in amber or cane- glazed ware, with chain, patent anti-concussion press tap, brass grated waste, stay, and ebonite or tinned copper drinking cup. Complete as above, but with fountain white inside. Complete including 19Jin. x 13|-in. fountain to build 4iin. into wall, in all-white ware, with patent anti-concussion press tap, brass grated waste, chain, stay, and ebonite or tinned copper drinking cup. 68 1 * I Sink and Drainer Complete including beaded sink in amber or cane-glazed ware, supported on painted iron brackets, with canary-wood drainer fixed to angle iron against wall. As above specification, sink 30in. x20in., drainer 24in. x20in „ 36in. x20in., „ 24iu. x20in Complete including beaded sink in amber or cane-glazed ware, white inside, supported on galvanised iron brackets, with sycamore drainer fixed to angle iron against wall. As above specification, sink 30in. x20in., drainer 24in. x20in. „ 36in. x20in., „ 24in. x20in. Complete including beaded sink in white glazed ware, supported on white vitreous enamelled brackets, with oiled teak dramer fixed to white enamelled angle iron against wall. As above specification, sink 30in.x20in., drainer 24in. x20in. .. 36in. x20in., „ 24in. x20in 69 ■ I