/; t 0~ T' t-J C if- J I' Z-J ^^Q.j ^ */ r t7 v- <_-* ^f~~ />' C1 c n % r ^~ cUc9r>~ 1844 • - I ,. ' T \ / / \ \ ! k- jf/ // v ^/ Xt // 22 c* ^ ^ z£?/? *,//%*/;£.< -j ^^Xx/./W V /'Y ’ ,_. S'l^f 02 s, , /* Y a / ^/<-o iv^rc > v XXs v s/ cj^ p y y 2 * 2 Y4 - £- s' X /* 6^. l— XX X ; X? - ^ c//s s ' CO 'T O J / C , r>~ , **. & Cftrr. a.^_,- / "/ /.fir,*)/ ‘~/ ‘ Z, . .' -*/ .<-' XX*. 2/f . /fSO XXXXy ~s *-S^ ^ /✓/. ■ c- a , ??/ / / 2/ /. ./ / // * /*- ' t /*■ <- < /2 2 ' +' / ~' /?a.*** /S«*x a/ i ^-’// V , / ///'/ - c , ■ s S ' //ff-Y/’t * /(■■■^^■•'/■e *.s y//cf'y? ' - I x /; c '- 7 - v_ - yX ^y ^ /( r y >- yirs-a- > 22 \ y,y^?/ y2 '*- /2 s? / yS YT d. 4T y * i 4 <2 /' , ^ / • / l/S’T'l- A yc SS* -, ^l.X S*- '4 f / xYi C-S' X 'e /? y /y 24 / /asi xs' stZ % sfZe'**'rz-esa- 2-^3^2*s-y t-^7/2st-eZ 77. Z'f2 2s 2 if^ Tfi^Z/TT) ~ 2 77^-23^ ^.ft^<-fs 2f M Zf# 2* - —2?7 \ 7 ( z3^z^ -/ z'zzTf^*^ tz*,.7/7.* —jy/ /2 2c-rv'Z^rri.^2'*-^' xjZ/z- -t, *^7 Z . /Z&2s -- 2^ ^ ^ /'Z* 2^Tf 22 ^s/ 7Z z-t tr Z^-C tS ^ ^A t- *7 £ . /Z&Z, - 3&5 ' S’ 2 t-f ? s t sTr s* ^ s / ^ «2 6 2 s * q y 4/ 3/7 _ ^J>/ &.*S ^2f^^.-Ay ~/ 77^3^7 ^.//^ x f*/s#z - — 33y *y f// £t /*-> *7 S/2'1- i J f *-r'Z ^'/ y 7z-cs'"Ze *.+s %_ - '//sn*s 2/, //?Z — / 3/ f/^ !^/:.// ^'Z 77^ 77-Zs ^ftyyZZ/ /j’tfZ, ^'Zt' r , /sYsi ls & Z 72 -t e yZ S' Z^y 2Z /Z /frZ SI 2 / C;i; S *-*- /fi- > I t.i. 2 72?,_ w S <- ~s x-*24 &*? 2' 4) - 2702, 7 4 3/3 3?f 37? 2 S^ / ^ -----\ s <. yj's-i y.s f /i * s Ir*-i 4> <-^ 4c c c, s 'i Ss At< y ^ t/?»-» /Zti Z-& ZZ, & 2 72 ? ?y2? ✓ *3't^x- > // <4^2 ^f I m m m m I J I *{ 9 § m C I I i* I m m t m at I I I I I s Catalogue OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, and DUTCH AND Select Drawings by Ancient and Modern Masters, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, going Abroad; COMPRISING Many high-finifhed CABINET PICTURES, in the highefl State of Prefervation, fele&ed with Talle and Judgment, at liberal Prices, including the Works of the Rubens, following Mailers, viz. Brouwer, De Witt, Vandyke , JVouvermans, Polembergh , Spagnolette , WynantSy Schweickhardt, Seb. Bourdon, Moucheron y Zachtleven , D. 'Teniers , V. de Velde , Greffier y OJlade , Storcky Vingoyen. Mierisy P. Neefs, Scc. 6cc. mtinci) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On Tuesday , December 1 6, \ 800, and following Day , AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed on Saturday and Monday preceding the Sale; when Catalogues may be had. - 0^453 CONDITIONS of SALE I. ^T'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; but Ihould any Difpute arife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be put up again and re-fold. *- ' > * r*“ **• XI. No Perfon to advance left than is. above Five Pounds, 2s. 6 d. And fo on in Proportion - , % Y* / . f i » » i ■> r * " 7 ^ I • - r 1' ^ IH. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment (hall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time fpecified, £hall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, (hall be made good by the Defaulters at the prefent Sale. YTTTTTT" O‘'O"O«" < 'O< > - > O O' > <$x>C) 0 O <, O l x©<^>pO<^>.xE>0<^i M g>0O< (< 4444444444444444444444444 44444c A Catalogue, &c, SS) Firft Day’s Sale, TUESDAY. DECEMBER the 16th, 1800. Cf o / - // - O /? ^ ^ •* /O - 3 » & ~ . ^ /l *- /-■ - /•• /c . 2 -A- ■ - S~~ - /2 ~ -v- ~v- /- z - / - 2 - X" *-' /£? «-* / ~ c3 ^ .V , '•’ /£P ~ A ^ /& - t3 - 0“ ‘ c - - 1 o £ n o - 4 u 6 _ u 7 Q C Watteau Spagnoletto a — 9 — 10 ri Bolognefe G. Cagnacci 1 z- — 13 — 14 _15 . 16 ...... . . - 1*7 Raphael , Schlingeland ^ Brooking — 18 — 19 — 20 PICTURES. TTHIRTEEN drawings, and 3 prints Two, a Cupid, and a Holy Family Portrait of Lady Lynch, and 2 others Eight Heads —-- Eight Landfcapes —- Venus and Satyr, and 5 others Holy Family, three Conventions, and 3 others A Crucifixion, and infant Chrift fleeping Converfation, and Italian Peafants Man peeling Onions, and a Portrait of King Charles on horfe-baclc--— A Charity, oval; and a fea-Port, with figures Landfcape with dancing Nymphs, and 1 more Landfcape— ^2*—- A Landfcape, and I more, Ruins and Figures- /frzv The Magdalen and a Battle Piece—---* J^%***^ ; Two Landfcapes and 2 Sea-pieces-- Four Landfcapes --—--- Four Heads, Teniers, &c. &c. — The Galatea, after, and 1, Coyyel- Lady at her Toilet- A fea-Piece - --- —- ( 4 ) ■£> ^ c/ 2 ~ Z 2 : tfRubcns A) ^6- - / >■'• Cy x-. Campidoglio • Amiconi /£> c Pordenone — <2 - i - __ / // i-' Hondius — w ' /7 ~ Coypel — / ■■ fa —-— : _ 2? *. /c *- V. Velde — Z - 2 / - /fr / •• (? 2 .. /f c^r.. j V ogelfang — Trevifani — P. da Cortona — Vinckaboom — \Z " Breughel, and Van Dalen Modern — y •' v " Carre — <3 3 «-* Teniers — / - //~/t revifani — ‘ ’ //t ‘ <^Braemer —. *■- "'Teniers —. 2 ~ /O *r Metzu — ^ - Morland — A * /0 ** Van Bloemen — 2 •• /2 . ^Rathbone — Z <. /£? - Dietrich — v - ^ », Tillemans — ,2 •• /2 - uBreckelcamp — /& '•/J Flusmann — .• /& u Viftor — ■4- ' P. Panini — - 2 - 3 - P- Vandcrelft — i3"~~ V. der Pool — ^ /tj «.'^>Ramfay —» i3 ~ /3. ^L. Giordano — ^ v. ^Schweickhardt — 3 ^ Moucheron — S X^^^Vierpile — ^ — Ibbetfon — £/ 4/''/0 *£ 21 — 22 -23 24 25 26 —27 28 29 —SO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Roman Charity, after - Judgement of Paris— Hagar, and Ifmael — A Flower-Piece -- Continence of Scipio- The Three Graces-— A Landfcape and Figures; a vintage feene A Stag-hunt- The Mufe Calliope-— A Turkish Sea-port- A Storm.- A Landfcape and Figures- A Magdalen, and the Heliodorus from Raphael St. Rocque-:- A March of Cavalry—---—-- The Elements_I-1- View on the Thames with {hipping- A Land Storm with Cattle - - A Village Feaft-———- A Magdalen.- Jeptha’s Vow—;---t-— Boors at Tric-trac —-- A Man playing on the Violin- The Interior of a Farmer’s Stable- A Camp with Horfes piqueted —— A Landfcape and Figures- A Landfcape and Waterfall, with figures— - • -ZTzyA ^0^,7 - . a tt € cr~' '€(<-4^6. t-V /'finZ' t/U ***<**- ira-rr^ (2 0~— Zdarii-cZZ T&irr-' The Manege and companion, a pair - - A Dutch Kitchen, with women peeling turnips- A pair of River Scenes -- St. Sebaftian—----- Ruins and Figures Adoration of the Magi--- Boors at Backgammon--- A pair of Kitchen Scenes with ftill life -- Portraits of their Majefties, a pair, whole length- Jofeph and Potiphar’s Wife-- Sheep in a Landfcape-—- Diana and Califto-,-— A Gentleman Playing on the Viola di Gamba- Shipwrecked Sailors- T -- t&yr-r' c2c — 2 ty/j 7%a qi *-' 6'q / I CT. & > A . 2 - y> <■ Schalken r Berghem - yV. Goyen Le Saeur > Kalf 2 — ~ ^Canaletti tJ *• y^T- Oftade «* / ^ ynants —/J~*^Storck Cf" ' -/J 1 ^lolinaer Spagnoletto ^ “ /A • t; Domenichino 2 /C ^ Rubens /2 ~ /2 - Berghem y ». //7- ^Rubens /.. //. /t eniers $ O ^ Seb. Bourdon /j >• /C — Swaneveldt 1 */*> i/ cr/-rtpf*x a o — View of a Village in Holland, with boats and figures - Pygmalion v----- Exterior of a Dutch Houfe-—-- A View in Venice ——--- A Dutch Village Feaft, with many figures- Interior of a Church --- a. /ixr A Mufical Converfatiop —-- View in Holland, during Hay-harveft Dutch Family at Dinner- A Landfcape, view from nature—- Italian Sea Port —- —-- A Merry-making, with many figures St. Jerome-*- : -- An Allegory, ftyle of —- War, an Allegory, after-- Cattle and Figures-- - Entombing of Chrift — ^V*^7V/ cO £-y ■ /da - j. fa View in Flanders, with figures regaling Soldiers Gaming --- An oval landfcape and figures __ Landfcape,cattle and figures -- Ditto, the companion --- /it - Qr~ A Landfcape and Figures, a rich warm fcene The Earl of Arundell and his Son -- Pan and Syrinx-—pi- t ~r ~7 The Triumph of Galatea —--- j/ T* 94 The Aurora, an elegant copy ---?—-— 95 Chrift wafhing the Feet of the Difciplcs, a grand com pofition --—-—- .96 Six picture frames _. - — tp- - ( 6 ) C)L> Second Day’s Sale, t WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER the 17th, 1800- / * 2~- / / ; C/ 3 7 ►' £7 fe_ XT ^ Guercino // - - *3 sT y £> ^ * - 2 - 2 ■ 2 / 2 4 > c 2 / 2 $ 4 a 7 Breughel — '2 - Bloemart —- 't 7 //*' — - y b PICTURES. Pair of fmall Landfcapes and Figures - A pair of Fruit-pieces, and 2 Portraits- __ _ _ w-fa Death of St. Sebaftian and I more, St. Catherine:- Two, Cleopatra, and Califto, in the Bath.- A Study of Boys --—- sv Portrait of a Lady-.—- --- 1 ( 1 ^****^ A Difplay of Fire-works, and an Italian Landfcape:— Sheep in a Landfcape ; a pair-- /0 Peter Wouvermans 2 Rathbone — 2 «•- Claude — . * Z> Bredael — 2 t , Rathbone — ... y - < Heemfkerk — 20 x. 4 ~ Coypel — 21 i' £ ^ Seymour — 22 ^ V. Orken — 23 ~//‘ 6 Rembrandt — 24 .. 2 1 ' A. Kauffman — 25 7 ^ Marlow — 26 i.

*> La Porte — 49 ~ 3 Cipriani — 50 2 w, /# ^ G. Occhiali — 51 UT - Clerifleau — 53 2* ^/ /£> <■ t> Heemfkerlc — ■ /4 ' c Guido. — *//t <> & V anden Bergen — '■ ^Ditto 3 -'77 *- Breemberg 7 < - 7 y Vahder Bergen (7 - * 77 « 6 Ditto y f Jordeans 3'77 «- fcQyintin Matfys 7 <■ //■■ £Wy nants /(pi " - ^Guardi /C 1 - 4 /Pynaker % /j /J-- •'A A 22 fj ~‘f Seb. Bourdon La Marne Ditto Wouverrnans Fabris \ L. Giordano — i 25 -2 • • Gavin Hamilton l 8 ) Dead Birds-•- A fmall Landfcapeand Figures- A pair of Landfcapes, with Horfes.— A pair of Views in Flanders .-n Cattle in a Landfcape - - Judgement of Midas i—-— Rape of Europa---- A L andfcape, with peafants and cattle' A fmall beautiful Landfcape-_~_ Dutch Cottage, with figures — ~~ Marriage of St. Catharine i - An Interior, with boors regaling —_ Z. Cupid reclining — Cattle and Figures ~L-i-- 66 67 68 .5 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76- 77 78 79 80‘ The interior of a Church, with figures; a high finijhed picture 81 Interior of a Dutch' Cabaret; Capital picture — -1—1 82 A pair of Landfcapes and Figures, beautiful cabinet pictures A highly-finifhed Landfcape —- £ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 - . 90 91 92 93 94 95 • 96 97 98 99 I .. v — 100 The Married Sailor’s Departure His Return, the companion — Journey to Mecca —1 - A high-finilhed Landfcape, with cattle and figures^- Ditto, the companion Holy Family The Mifers, a capital picture A' Landfcape and Figures^—- A pair of Views in Venicfe^__ _ A beautiful warm Landfcape Halt of-Italian Peafants A. Landfcape, with ruins* figures, and. cattle watering,' a beautiful cabinet picture ----— ; A Landfcape with a water-mill, ditto -- A Horfe-market, very highly finijhed- —-*-—- Zita* i v T NT T B ' ^/-/C2.//./ F 1 N 1 S - Printed by J. Smeeton, 148, St. Martin’* Lane. The Royal Family of Naples and Attendants viewing the game of Ballone, a very fingular picture _ The Battle of the Amazons, a very capital and fpirited' piCltire • •. _ . . . * The Interview of Paris and Helen, a very elegant and ■&tr/c+r' graceful compofiticn ' . / ffcAd/ -—» ,3 6*4- '^7 *v 6 2 UcL - -r^r SCS / q ~o »* M- > M • i