> CATALOGUE THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL WORKS OF ART, ARMOUR & ARMS, STAINED GLASS, BRONZES, JBworatibc (©bjMts anil jfnnutmc OF JOHN WILLIAM SPREAD, ESQ. Deceased, late of 27 Pembridge Crescent, W. {By Order of the Executors ); AND A COLLECTION, THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM SPBEAD, ESQ.: WHICH mill b t %olb bg glutton bg At flKK ©HEAT HQ1QM8, 8 KING STREET ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1898, And Two Following- Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James s Square , S. W. 21 ^ 1 - 02 -L CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o -- I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. TII. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V, The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. . —<0 « —- On WEDNESDAY,! APRIL 27, 1808, at one o’clock precisely. SILVER —At per Oz. 1 pair of old plain gravy-spoons .... 2 A soup-ladle and pair of sauce-ladles, with shell bowls and chased handles— old Dublin . . . 3 Three sauce-ladles, with shell bowls and feathered-e^e^ handles—1759 ...••• pO 4; A pierced fish-trowel— old Irish sterling metric . • 5 A wine-funnel, with gadroon border . . . 6 A small open wire sugar-basket, with a cow, birds and foliage in applique work—1770 ; and two shell caddy- spoons . 7 A plain cream-jug, with threaded border and handle 4 8 A flat-shaped milk-jug, chased with foliage and flowers^. 9 9 A shaped coffee-pot, chased with baskets and festoons of flowers—1768 . 27 10 A pair of boat-shaped salt-cellars, with scroll ends, on oblong feet. 11 A Sauce-Boat, chased with branches of foliage and flowers, in scroll panels, the handle formed as a sea monster— old Irish sterling metric—by Walsh . yv 13 B 2 oz. dwt, 2 m. j . - o 12 12 /f 10 4 SILVER-GILT. 02. dwt. 12 A Charles II. Ctlindrical-Shaped Cup and Flat Cover, with corded edge, chased scroll handles, and on three ball feet, the barrel and cover with pierced and chased scroll foliage, flowers and birds in applique work —circa 1680— maker's marie T.I., with escallops above and belotv . . • aJiJTL In mahogany box / * y s- 13 Twelve silver-gilt dessert-knives, with faceted brown V ' /o , 0 agate handles S3 FOREIGN SILVER. 14 A small tea-pot, partly fluted and repousse with scroll f foliage —Haarlem .... .&A 7 15 A vase-shaped canister, nearly similar— Haarlem. U&.3 6 K-jJrry&sQ /o 0 16 A sugar-bowl, on round foot, repousse with coronets^ 2 birds and flowers .... 17 An oblong canister, chased with flowers and partly fluted ...... 5 10 PLATED. i & , 018 A vase-shaped coffee-pot, chased with laurel festoons; and a large jug and cover, partly fluted d , Yieuyielle, killed at the Battle of Auburn Chase, 18th September, 1643 From Strawberry Hill Collection From the Portland Collection From Lord NortJicote’s Collection y . 21 Miniature, in oils, of a gentleman, with periwig and red coat ^25 A circular enamel of a nymph, in brilliant colours—in ebonised and gilt frame—3 in. diam. 0 26 Portrait of a gentleman, in armour, engraved on ivory 0 27 An old English fan, painted with a garden scene and ladies- ivory mount fitted with a thermometer A small Louis XYI. fan, of mother-o’-pearl, carved with scale /? pattern and inlaid with eight panels, pierced with figures and trophies of implements in coloured gold 29 A Louis XVI. fan, painted with shaped panels of Cupids and ladies, mounted with white silk embroidered with spangles, and pierced ivory mounts slightly overlaid with gold 30 An oval horn pique snuff-box,slightly inlaid with scrolls in mother- o’-pearl, lined with silver-gilt; and a circular Louis XVI. ivory and horn snuff-box, with blue enamel top with festoons of flowers in gold ^31 A small kidney-shaped tortoiseshell pique box, with storks and scrolls in gold; and an oval tortoiseshell patch-box, con- taining a small Wedgwood plaque mounted in gold y- ^2 A circular medallion, with portrait of the Saviour, of embossed /\ o c~~ 6, o silver ^ 33 An oval cameo of Pope Pius VII.; and two small shell camei 84 An oblong Chinese casket, of mother-o’-pearl, carved and pierced with vine ornaments and squirrels, engraved with diaper orna¬ ments round the borders, gilt scroll handle 0 35 An ivory box, entirely carved with conventional scroll foliage Indian, early 18 th century X- 6 2 7 ‘ / /, /. ' /of ✓f '4 A, ' A. At 62 , */“, 74 A Persian rug, with six borders in brilliant colours, geometrical A . ornaments in the centre tJ . O 10 /, & 75 ^ George II. blue satin waistcoat, brocaded with silver rounds ^ the edges 76 A panel of white brocade, with panels of flowers in brilliant A. /J~. or 0010018 a / * |J ( 77 A Chinese robe, embroidered with dragons in gold ^ 78 A George III. cloth coat, richly embroidered with flowers in coloured silks /. / t O 79 A panel of corded white brocade, with-sprays of roses in brilliapt colours / / ■£, ^80 Three squares of pale green brocade, with conventional asters brilliant colours / §1 A panel of cerise and white brocade ; a length of pale blue and white brocade, of Louis XYI. design ; and a small oblong <7 - linen panel, embroidered with flowers in coloured silks , 82 A small square-shaped panel of petit point needlework, with a vase of flowers, temp Charles II. VENETIAN AND GERMAN GLASS. <4 * /* r~ 83 A pair of cylindrical beakers, enamelled with coats-of-arms and Gothic ornaments—10^ in. high —on chased or-molu bases , 84 A large green glass drinking goblet—8f in. high ^ /? / 85 A Schmeltz glass cup, on silver filigree foot—5^ in. high " /- /- U 36 A barrel-shaped vessel, pewter top ; and a ewer—8 in. high 87 A spirally fluted mauve bottle, with pewter top ; a small sapphire blue tazza and cover ; and a fluted two-handled cup '88 A standing cup and cover, with spiral ornaments on the stem and cover—20 in. high; and three covers, of similar work¬ manship i ^89 A standing cup, with openwork stem—9f in. high; one, the stem shaped as a monster—10 in. high; and two other cups (imper- feet ) /. A o /90 A cylindrical cup and cover, with gilded stem; a beaker, with S fj spiral ornaments in blue at the base—8^ in. high; and a 9 -y'V l - glass, with vase-shaped stem 9 / 11 t 92 f /A 93 A small splashed glass table candlestick—81 in. high; a ruby glass ewer; a Vitro di Trina ewer; and a Schmeltz glass, with open lip A spirally fluted avanturine bottle; a small two-handled bowl; a white opaque goblet; and a small Vitro di Trina bottle and cover A fluted glass vase, with ruby edges; a pair of goblets, with globular stems ; a goblet, with blue ornaments round the base of the cup—5£ in. high ; and a goblet, with spirally fluted vase-shaped stem—6 in. high / 4 /+ //' //- 94 95 96 97 98 A turquoise-blue vase; a goblet, painted with a coat-of-arms in , grisaille; and two other goblets ( imperfect ) A German glass goblet, with a hunting scene in gold; and one, with spiral bands of flowers in translucent colours A German glass mug, engraved with a coat-of-arms and inscrip¬ tion, pewter cover— 6 in. high; and one, nearly similar An old German glass vessel, with ribbed ornament, brass cover A ribbed glass decanter, engraved with flowers; and a dark ^ A mauve bottle ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS— Framed. y _ 99 Plan of the Attack, by Lord Nelson on the Combined Fleet, ^ ° October 21st, 1805; a miniature of Nelson ; and a View in y Venice, by J. Callot 3 * 6 6*100 The Hon. Mrs. Stanhope, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Caroline ^ V/V Watson —proof / y/, 101 Sir F. Seymour Haden, by H. Herkomer, R.A .—signed 'proof-, ' .y / and two Views in Dinan, by W. Spread 3 V ' \ / , O 102 The Old Paper Shop, Faubert’s Place : A Passage in St. Albans; / * and Age and Contentment, by W. Spread 3 ? cZ/v 103 A Street in Bruges ; and An Old Shop, Vitre, by W. Spread 2 Exhibited at the Chicago Exhibition, 1893 VI WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. /104 A Lake Scene, with a ruined castlo l 14^ in. by 21ijr in. ^ ^105 Little Red Riding Hood 18 in, by 14 in. E. HILDEBRANDT, 1846. \l06 A Coast Scene, with cottages and figures 10 in. by 14 in. G. HOWES. 107 A River Scene, with cows and bridge 8£ in. by 15 in. V. F. POOLE, R.A. L08 An Irish Peasant Girl 12 in. by 9^ in. T. M. RICHARDSON. (109 A Road Scene, with cottages and figures in. by 13^ in. I H. P. RIVIERE. 110 An Irish Peasant Girl 20 in. by 111 in. H. P. RIVIERE. Ill Kept in y y 15 in. by 10’ in. //J 13 E. TUCKER. 112 A Sea Piece, with fishing boat and frigate 7 in. by 11 in. E. TUCKER. 113 A Sea Piece, with frigate 9 in. by 13^ in. DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS. ALONZO CANO. 114 Design for part of the Escurial —pen and bistre, ivashed ^ /£ . o From the Wellesley Collection - ^ Hk / P. DEL VAGA. 115 Designs for Arabesques —pen and ink 8 in. by 5^ in. From the Collection of Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A, / ' J. DE wit. 116 Boys Holding a Medallion —grisaille 4-j in. by 9 in. From the Wellesley Collection 0. GATTI. 117 Design for the Arms of Cardinal Antonio Babarini —pen and wash 13 in. by 18 in. GUERCINO. 118 The Virgin and Child —red chalk—in carved wood frame O 8 in. by 7| in. / 14 /* fi 1 -. V GUERCINO (After) 119 Three Women and a Child, by Bartolozzi —red chalk, 8^ in. by 11 in. From the Bale Collection A Aw. us MICHEL ANGELO. 120 Four Male Heads — pen and ink heightened with white j / / ^ 4£ in. by 7 in. 1 ' f PARMIGIANO. 121 Design for an Altar Piece 15 in. by 9 in. From the Wellesley Collection 1 PARMIGIANO. 122 Lot and his Daughters —pen and ink 7^ in. by 11 in , / * , -z> PORDENONE. 123 Warriors on Horseback — pen and wash heightened with white 11 in. by 164 in. From the De Sabacs and Esdaile Collections D. TENIERS. a / / p ~ tp 324 Festa du Yilliage — sketch .'i y A • . ^ ^ " n in. by lot in. f—'U YANDYCK. 125 Three Musicians —pencil 7 in. by 10^ in. From theWellesley Collection , I860. 15 DRAWINGS —In the Folio. ^J.26 J. B. Huet : Figures and Cattle —in red; Berghem : A Pair of Landscapes —in red—from Esdaile's Collection ; S. Rosa : Figures; &c. 10 ^ /y 6 127 w. Van der Velde : Sea Pieces, with shipping— pencil; Pro- / oaooini : Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery —in red ; ^J&s~ -> Design for a Ceiling —in red ; &c. 8 y a ^128 S. Rosa : Warriors; F. Mille : Landscape ; The Assumption of the Virgin— from Lord Hampden’s Collection ; Designs for Ceilings— in sepia — from the Wellesley Collection ; &c. 10 129 J. D. Harding : Amiens and four other Pencil Sketches; six £) Etchings, by Whistler, B. Debaines, &c.; and various Prints and Drawings / / ' •'* Jr- - / A PICTURES. J. BARRY, R.A. ON 39 in . by 49 in . 130 Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida ; and the Engraving ? 2 •" * " V — • ’ - • J7 r T. S. COOPER, R.A., and F. R. LEE, R.A. /131 A Farm Scene, with cattle and goats 35 in . by 27 in . / ir/y T. HUDSON. ✓ 132 Portrait of a Gentleman, in blue coat with brass buttons, and ,y ■ * wig Cupids ; Cupids representing the Seasons in the four corners J&r- _ / 19^ *«. by 24 in. /* f. c) A. BEGEYN. 139 Studies of Rams’ Heads 9 in. by 12^ in. BORGOGNONE. 140 Cavalry Engagements— a pair if'/ & . & 15 in. by 22^ in. 17 DOMENICHINO. 141 St. Agnes 19 in. by 15 in. From the Gallery of Lucien Bonaparte Ft died in the Catalogue published 1812 f (?y F. GUARDI. 142 The End of the Grand Canal, with the Salute and the zj Dogana 61? in. by 12 in. A. HONDIUS. 143 Dogs Fighting oyer a Dead Buck /< . O On panel — 13^ in. by 16 in. 4 JOSEPH VEENET. 144 An Italian Seaport, with boats and figures: Sunset « y —; zJ 12 in. by 19 in. (U From Lord Bessborouglis Collection VIVIANI. , 145 A Classical River Scene, with temple, figures and ruins V , £ , a 24 in. by 41 in. , A. VAN DIEST. 146 An Italian Coast Scene, with figures and boats 1 V / & 18 in. by 38 in. VANDYCK. 147 The Virgin and Infant Saviour '?> S'. / 30 in. by 22 in. Fnd of First Bay's Sale. C Second Day’s Sale. /. c/A /* *■ ^' /. £ . ^ . y • £ , of , On THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. JAPANESE NETSUKfiS IN WOOD AND IVORY. P 150 A split bamboo, with insects; a rat and mushroom; a toad and young ; Hotei and child /y'ls&tS&C '4 O 151 A peasant girl with children— signed ; a Musume and children ; a button with Jurokin and girl— signed ; ditto, with Yebishu and Diakoku— signed - ^ 4 ^152 Kinko-a-Rishi on the carp ; berries ; Chinese boys with elephant, slightly jewelled— signed fa- / 153 A wild boar ; a street procession— signed ; rats and Indian corn 154 A priest— si gned— slight inlay of ivory; a toad; a priest and , & witch before a fire; a mask of a Musume , 4 Exhibited at the Japanese Exhibition at the Fine Art Society 19 LACQUER. ; / , ^55 A tortoiseshell box, with waves and birds in gold; two b>xes, shaped as birds 3 \. Z&56 An oblong box, with peasants and wisteria, kiku on the borders; and a gold lac box, shaped as two books 2 / 157 A box, shaped as a group of three shells, fish in raised gold and mother-o’-pearl ; and a box, shaped as a group of two shells, of similar design */&, o 158 A circular gold lacquer box and cover, with an iris and pod, inlaid with mother-o’-pearl; and a chi-re, of wood, inlaid with wisteria in tortoiseshell and mothor-o’-pearl 2 £ 159 A gold lacquer cabinet, containing three drawers, autumn flowers in raised gold , /S'. 160 A bowl, of gold lacquer, in the centre is a sage, slightly inlaid with mother-o’-pearl and stained ivory on the border the Tokugawa crest 161 An Oblong Box, of nashiji, containing a tray decorated in relief with fir branches and rocks — 18th century—glazed case £ , & V. o , O From the Collection of James Bowes, of Liverpool 162 An oblong gold lacquer tray, with herons and weeping willows; and one, with swallows and wisteria 163 An inro, of gold lacquer, with Jurojin and his stag in raised gold ; and a gold lacquer inro, with storks —signed 2 164 An inro, of gold lacquer, with storks in raised gold, fir trees and stxeam ; and an inrd, with storks and waves —signed 2 « / , ■ f. 165 A curious fluted gourd, lacquered with insects and leaves in gold ; and a gourd, with birds and sprays of leaves 2 0 166 A square-shaped perfume box, in four divisions, of gold nashiji, kiku in gold; and a gold nashiji netsuke —signed shrine, of gold nashiji, mounted with engraved copper-gilt, containing three figures of the Amida Trinity, carved and gilt— 18th century Exhibited at the Fine Art Society, 1888 C 2 I 67 A // , a 20 JAPANESE CARVINGS IN IVORY AND WOOD. 0 168 A pair of spill-vases, formed as figures of fishes with open mouths, the eyes inlaid in mother-o’-jie^rl, supported on wave-pattern bases—5f in. high «$.. / C? 183 A tortoiseshell snuff-box, carved with figures in relief; a fan- handle, of ivory, carved with a dragon ; and a soapstone snuff- bottle, mounted with silver 184 An Inro, in five divisions, of rock-crystal— 3J in. long —18 th ?. / 9 * ^ centur y i/b/Cz ^ ' Exhibited at the Japanese Exhibition at the Fine Art Society, 1888 CHINESE AND JAPANESE METAL WORK. 'f' ✓ 185 An octagonal plaque, of red bronze, inlaid with lotos and herons in gob), silver, shakudo and shibuichi— signed ' ♦ A-^186 An articulated red bronze figure of a crab *, / . O 187 A bronze figure of a spider crab ," ^188 A pierced and chased spill-vase, with the storm dragon and clouds — 5 j in. high \ . 7? 189 Two grotesque masks, of bronze, jewelled eyes ; a small hair-pin, with tea-pot; and a russet iron sword-guard, with a snake and toad in gold, silver and shakudo— signed 4 O 190 A cylindrical russet iron spill-vase and cover, damascened with A . flowers and diaper patterns in gold and silver, by Komai ^ /y » 191 A koro and cover, formed as a kylin—9^- in. high 191a A Mirror-Shaped Silver Dish, slightly fluted, with Ho-Ho t if . ^ birds, sacred jewel and prunus in relief, partly gilt— lltdi/P ' . century From Stowe Exhibited at the Fine Art, Society, 1888 CHINESE PORCELAIN. /tf/y. 192 A set of three cups and four saucers, enamelled with figures in f compartments ; and a cup, shaped as a lotos leaf, encrusted^ with flowers, the saucer enamelled with a cock t gr —^ 193 A cup and saucer, enamelled with flowers in shaped medallions on a ruby ground; one, nearly similar; and a cup and^^/^C 7 -!.sS' saucer, formed as a lotos blossom ( ^ £>194 A small cloisonne enamel stand, with key pattern on a turquoise ground; and a small ornament, shaped as a double gourd, / / . with bats on a yellow ground— circa 1660 2 22 , / 195 A small jardiniere, of old cloisonne enamel, with conventional asters in colours on a turquoise-blue ground—4^ in. diam .— carved wood stand 196 A small Nankin bottle, with the storm dragon—5 in. higher- dark wood stand /£/ , & 197 A sang-de-boeuf vase—6 in. high) and an apple-green crackle bottle, with gilt lip—4^- in. high*— dark wood stand ixs/t tK /re 198 Four cups, enamelled with figures of ladies, gold and pale blue diaper-pattern borders; two odd saucers; and a smalLspilK . vase, enamelled with flowers s A , 0 199 A Small Hexagonal Famille Yerte Tea-Pot, with panels of horses in relief 200 A Curious Famille Rose Tea-Pot and Cover, the handle and spout formed as kylins, lotos blossom ornament on a black flowered ground JAPANESE PORCELAIN. 201 A Ninsei double koro and cover, with kiri and scroll ornaments in V y j colours and gold—4^ in. high ; and a pair of globular Satsum'a^’"* chi-re and cover, with fan ornaments in colours and gold 3 202 A tripod Satsuma koro and cover, enamelled with boys, sur-* mounted by a Shi Shi—6 in. high ; a pair of small vases, with boys, and diaper ornaments in the neck— 3^ in. high ; and a pair of smaller vases, nearly similar 5 o 202a Thirty Japanese drawings in water-colours, of figures, birds and flowers - - kL-4 ENGLISH PORCELAIN AND WARE. 203 A Rockingham tea-pot and cover, with decoration in gold ; a Lowestoft bowl and cup, with coat-of-arms; two fluted blue and white cups and covers; two blue and white cups and saucers ; and a Worcester cup and cover f ?“~ 204 A Chamberlain’s Worcester plate— part of the service presented by the ladies of England to Lord Nelson 23 , f 205 Two Turner ware shell-shaped dishes ; two ditto plates; a Grown ' Z'^ Derby cup and saucer; and a small Rockingham eup and y saucer A ~ 205a A small Chelsea heart-shaped scent-bottle, painted with sprays ' ' of flowers and surmounted by figures of doves—in shagr eey , case 20fi A Pair of Lowestoft Yases and Covers, with dragon handles, enamelled with festoons of roses and other flowers in colours and gold, surmounted by figures of kylins—114 in^ high 7 ^ — 2 , 207 A quatrefoil Staffordshire tea-pot; two ditto fluted milk-jugs ; two cups and covers, shaped as vegetables ; a scale-pattern ^ cup and saucer, green borders ; a small Bristol glass vase ; and a cottage-pattern cup and saucer / £T ~ ~ z> 208 A pilgrim bottle, of white glazed pottery— dated 1573 From the Collection of Joseph Marry at /, 0 O 209 A glazed jug, painted with birds in a landscape ; and a Lambetj* ware sack bottle— dated 1647—6 in. high t ^ Jhr- WEDGWOOD. /r. h & ^ 210 A sucrier and cover, with acanthus leaf ornaments in white on a pale blue ground—44 in. high ; and a cup and saucer, wit honeysuckle ornament in white on a pale mauve ground £,211 A jug, with a monogram and acanthus foliage in white on a grey-blue ground ; a basin, with honeysuckle ornaments ; and a black basalt cover, with leaf ornament in white A campana-shaped vase, with acanthus foliage in white on a blue ground—6 in. high ; and a tripod pastille burner, sup¬ ported by griphons in red and black : 7 2 A sucrier and cover, with band of vine ornament on a buff ground ; a milk-jug, similar ; and an octagonal black basalt bowl, with vine ornaments in terra-cotta 214 Three glazed granite vases, with festoons of laurels and medal-. ^^ lions, partly gilt 24 tf , J. J / 215 A pair of pedestals, with boys in white on a pale bine ground ; a 0 larger ditto ; and a pair of small flower-pots and stands, with chequer-pattern in white, blue and pale green 0 216 An oviform vase and cover, with goat’s-bead handles, and festoons , of laurel in white on a pale blue ground—94 in. high ; and vase, of similar form, darker blue CP 217 A bulb vase, with leaf ornament in white on a pale blue ground ; a tea-pot and cover, with boys playing, in white on, a pale / blue ground ; and a fluted cup and saucer /J' z ^218 A flower-pot and stand, with chequer and honeysuckle pattern in f pale blue and white —5 in. high ; and a smaller ditto, with — * spiral bands of laurel ornament in dark blue, Avhite and pale green £? 219 A pair of oblong plaques, with spirited acanthus foliage on a pale green ground J? , 6 220 A pair of oval plaques, with nymphs in white on a blue ground C>^ ~Z7 221 Twenty-four black basalt and other Wedgwood plaques 0 222 A pair of small oval plaques, with nymphs; an oblong plaque, with children playing ; a circular plaque, with nymphs; a circular plaque, with portrait of a gentleman ; and three , oblong octagonal plaques 223 Seventeen small medallions and plaques ; and nine small pieces ^ s> 224 A black basalt medallion of Nelson ; a medallion of Charles Macklen ; a ditto of Locke; a ditto of Miss Pole ; and one / other O 225 A Wedgw r ood plaque, with Hercules and Cerberus; an oval plaque, with a nymph and Cupid ; and two small Hack / , basalt portraits, in ebony frames O 226 A portrait of Josiah Wedgwood, in black basalt; a portrait Bergeman, in black basalt; and three fluted ink-stajids, of black basalt v , <£>227 A pair of black basalt vases, with festoons of laurels—8 in. high ; and a vase and cover, similar, with festoons of drapery • — in. high .Jry_. */r & 228 A pair of black basalt figures of sphinxes ; and a fluted vase with festoons of flowers round the neck £ . £ • /• /* /' / / /' / 6 25 ' /#, *229 *, * r 7 f .0 256 /. f . O 257 O 268 An oblong marqueterie casket, witli dome top, inlaid with flowprs in coloured woods—13^ in. long — Dutch , 18^/j century 7-*^^ A tortoiseshell Boulle bracket, mounted with chased or-moj^^^^^^/ A Spirited Carving of a Lion, in giallo antico marble— 8 in. high —on veined marble plinth Brought from Home by the Marquis of Chavdos From Stowe An upright plaque, of inlaid marbles, with aquatic birds, by H. Busch, 1696 A small altar frontal, of architectural design, the centre inlaid with a vase of flowers in coloured marbles, mounted with metal-gilt An Oblong Panel, embroidered and painted with the Holy Family, signed D. F. Piccino— framed and glazed, i Four Chinese silk panels, with buildings, figures and folhige, with carved and coloured soapstone figuies applique An oval Venetian glass mirror, with jewelled border c ? An upright mirror, with oak frame, gilt headings A pair of Louis XVI. carved and gilt wood wall lights, with branches for two lights, surmounted by urns VVJ? A pair, nearly similar, formed as flaming torches A An oak bracket, containing three upright panels carved with masks and strap work A pear-wood statuette, of the Virgin standing on the monster—. , early 17 th century O A small casket, with dome top, covered with old tooled leather with hunting subjects, dc. in gold— Flemish , 17 th century 259 /. /# . * 260 and an old English cut-wood casket A small ebony and ivory cabinet, containing eight drawers and one folding door, containing plaques of verre eglomise, scrolls on a gold ground, ebony mouldings— yearly 17 thy century A model wherry a J, From the Collection of C. Stanfield , It. A. 27 7 7 * 261 A FINELY EXECUTED MODEL OF THE BATTLE¬ SHIP ST. GEORGE, built in 1702, the figure-head of ' box-wood, carved as St. George in Roman armour, and bearing a shield-of-arms with the quarterings of Great Britain, elaborate galleries on the stern, ornamented above with a band of box-wood, carved and pierced with Queen Anne seated in a chariot drawn by the lion and unicorn, a crowned shield on the side with the royal cypher A.R., two fighting decks and upper deck, the gunwale painted with arabesques in grisaille—16 in. high, 53 in. long, 12^ in. wide —glass shade and stand Exhibited at the Royal Naval Exhibition, 1891 At , ^ /£/* 77 / ANTIQUES. 262 Bronzes: a fiat axe, two spear heads, a small sickle, a socketed , celt, a stone axe, pin of a brooch, &c. 263 An (Enochoe, the handle terminating in a mask 1 264 Terra-cotta: two Athenian Lecythi, an (Enochoe of Nola ware, a small cylix, ferrale head, &c. 265 Bronze Egyptian figure of Osiris ; clay bottle in form of human figure (Peruvian) ; a Cingalese MS. on strips of palm leaf ; various fragments of bronze, terra-cotta, &c. 266 An early Irish bit » Found outside the Rath, the Fort of Lisnaratha, nearr yy y Langhane, Co. Cork, Ireland ' 266a A bronze fibula— found near Mallow, Co. Cork — 1 Ith century ; an early Irish key; a glass bead ; and an early emerald 7/777 intaglio BRONZES. 267 The Crouching Venus —7 in. high . $ 268 A Pair of Bronze Statuettes of Children, representing - Wine and Water— in. high — French, 18 th centuryj • ’ x O 269 A Plaque, formed of Neptune and a group of sea nymphs ; /‘Tr a cire perdue bronze—43. in hinh / 4 J in. high 28 / /f 70 A Buonze Statuette Representing Time —11 in.higfc—Frericfy, early 18 tli century —on giallo marble plinth / /y-, 1 A Bronze Group of Infant Bacchanals, by IIenchere,J.841y> ' ' ' —11 in. high *7 272 A GpvOup of a Panther and Dead Deer, by P. Jimene, on malachite plinth /, /o , 0 273 A cock crowing, by A. Cain ; the Florentine boar; and a figure -- of a fox-bound / r / ^ * 0 274 A pair of table candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and circuh}^ ^ bases, chased with Rennaissance ornament—6J in. high y' /£>275 A bronze mirror case, with allegorical plaque signifyiug abund¬ ance, after Donatello, mounted with metal-gilt steel mirror WROUGHT IRON AND OTHER METAL WORK. <$Zr— 276 A wrought-iron brank, or punishment mask, from Brussels 277 A door handle, of annular design, with scrolls, &c.; an embossed copper shield-shaped plaque, with the eagle, gilt; and a scroll-shaped ornament 3 278 A locksmith’s sign, formed as a key, in wrought iron, partly gili £279 A lock, of Gothic design, pierced and embossed with foliagei,^^*-!^^**-] / / f CP £280 A piece of wrought-iron scrollwork : and single branch for a y light 2 281 Two pieces of early English wrought-iron work, partly gilt; and four other pieces fir /' 6 * o £276 L 277 ?A 278 £§79 A / , o £280 A . / . 0 281 A . ^ . O 282 282 Two Louis XVI. vase mounts, of chased or-molu; twelve pieces of chasing, festoons of flowers and masks ; a mount, formed as a goat’s head ; one, shaped as a peacock ; a pair of gilt yL j metal capitals and bases; and five grotesque masks /0, + 283 An old Jewish brass lamp / 284 A circular brass dish, with raised centre and Gothic inscri ption, —18 in. diam .— German, 15 th century j q 285 An electrotype rose-water dish, with panels of Europa and the> - * Bull, Diana, &c. A . ^ 286 An oval plaque, of copper-gilt, embossed in high relief with the Virgin crowned, and holding the Infant Saviour— Italian, llth century —in ebony frame End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day’s Bale. o»- On FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. — - g ot EUROPEAN PORCELAIN. 290 Two Berlin cups and saucers, painted in grisaille with classical figures ; a Dresden cup ; a ditto ewer, encrusted with flowers ; a Capo di Monti boat; and a Hoclist Nassau cup and saucer \ /fy 0 ^ Vienna cup and saucer, painted with figures of Cupid on a marbled gros-bleu ground v £ / c? 292 Six Dresden cups and saucers, painted with bouquets of flowers in gros-bleu and gold borders j . 293 A Dresden cup and saucer, finely painted with port scenes in ( ' ' G brilliant colours and gold, and the arms of Silvestro Valier, Doge of Venice, 1700 From the Collection of the Em l of Pembroke t 0 294 A Large Dresden Equestrian Statuette of the Emperor Augustus the Strong — 16^- in. high / / f 295 Three Ludwigsburg groups of boys, representing the Seasons- 7 in. high, 296 A small Dresden figure of Time—5f in. high ; and a figure oLa * ^ * & boy, with basket of grapes—4£ in. high ••••' iROR /P 30 ' /d O 297 A. Dresden group of two children, representing Valour and Fortitude—5 in. high; and a small group of three representing Science—4^ in. high ^ 298 An oval Dresden trav, painted with a Watteau subject; two ditto -/s- ’ ^ saucers ; a milk-jug, with Cupid, scale-pattern borders ; and another, smaller ^ & 299 A Sevres Tea-Pot and Cover, painted with festoons of rosef^? in blue— 4^ in. high 0 300 A Sevres Sucrier, Cover and Stand, painted with festoons of roses, in blue gilt borders 301 A pair of oval Sevres biscuit plaques, with Cupid, stag and //*/ 0 • ° goat, by A. Beranger, 1796 majolica and faience. 4/. 302 A Small Majolica Saucer, painted with cows and herdsmen From the De Montferrand Collection . Illustrated in Catalogue, No. 319 1303 A bacinetti, of Castille Durante, the centre painted with the portrait of a lady, shell-shaped ornaments on the border—9 in. diam. /£ f & * 6^304 A fluted Lambeth ware rose-water dish, painted with a c^>at-of- arms in the centre in blue—15 in. diam . t J < ° 305 A cylindrical jar, of Urbino ware, painted with Kaffaelesque ornament, and dated 1593—81 in. high * 4 ' & 306 A gres de Flandres jug and cover, with faceted ornament round the centre—8 in. high ; and one, with cylindrical neck— —81 in. high ^ J- /s ' ^307 A gres de Flandres jug, with bands of strap ornament round the centre, pewter cover— 11 in. high ; and an oviform ditto, with A vandyked ornaments 308 A brown ware jug, with three circular shields-of-arms in relief, pewter cover and foot—16t/i century —7 in. high aV^at r-^. / 31 S 303 A large oviform grcs de Flandi’es jug, with rosette ornaments, , , 'V / pewter cover—19 in. Mali {3 ,r.j pewter cover—19 in. high From the Collection o f Herr Van Clefft 1 0 310 A jug, of similar form—16 in. high 311 An oviform jar, with flowers in blue, and the word Jonha; and two other glazed bottles ,,0,0 312 An oviform turquoise glazed jar y- : ?/f, ^ 313 A mug, painted with allegorical figures in blue ; a gres de ./*r, o Flandres pilgrim bottle ; and a ditto mug, with scrolls, / pewter cover , /314 A blue and white Delft dish, with circular panels of landscttpes, ^ 0 / 4 . > star in the centre - (315 Three tiles, with equestrian figures in dark mauve; and a tile, with a figure of a prelate , / /0 316 A pair of oblong terra-cotta plaques, modelled in high reliof with ^ ^ ^ Neptune and sea-horse 7 / f 317 Ten old Delft tiles, with panels of landscapes in blue on a powdered ground ^ ^ ? 318 A Damascus tile, painted with arabesques —from Diarhekir , near , / 7 6? Mosul; a Rhodian tile; and a small Anatolian tile— fromy^ y Brussa STAINED GLASS. y 3^9 Four oval shields-of-arms, of stained glass, of the Romans, the Briton, the Danes and the Saxons 1/ , cryv 320 Fourteen small shields-of-arms - fftz ^-321 Four oblong panels of glass, painted with'scenes from the lifeL, /. of the Saviour, in grisaille and colours—17/A century 0 322 A pair of upright panels, with allegorical figures, strap work, fruit and flowers —dated 1623 /323 An oval panel, painted in grisaille and amber with a bishop and / 0. 0\ prelate—17/A century (324 A square-shaped panel, with initials I.H.S., and the head of Hercules , ^325 Two upright panels, in columns, with figures of boys upholding ^ '//i coats-of-arms —dated 1616 32 S~, * with hearts, Ac.— German, 15 th century * CARVINGS IN IVORY AND WOOD. [339 A snuff-box, shaped as a shell, and carved with diaper ornaments ~ tem P Louis XIV - (340 A pair of small ivory and ebony busts, of Democritus and Heraclitus—on ivory plinths—4^- in. high From the Rickets Collection . J2> -' t^/a 341 A needle-case, shaped as a basket of fruit and flowers /^342 St. Veronica ; portions of a crucifix; and knife-handle, formed of amorini 3 —" / & t o 343 A circular snuff-box, carved in relief with Diana and Actieon ^ —temp Louis XV. A'j?^ f 344 Two knife-handles, carved as groups of amorini, mounted with silver-gilt— 11th century ( 345 A Wing of a Triptych, carved and pierced with The Adora¬ tion of the Magi, Gothic canopies below with the Apostles— 14 th century C> 346 A Statuette of a Warrior, in Romanesque armour, his left hand resting on a shield, by Algardi—7^ in. high 347 A plaque, carved in the highest relief with infant Bacchanals riding a goat, by Gerhard Van Obstab— Flemish , early lltli century 348 An Ivory Oliphant, boldly carved with a portrait of Peter the /O o Great, and date 1689, imperial arms of Russia, St. George *f / and the Dragon, and animals fighting—28 in. long ^ 349 A Crucifix, of carved and painted wood, set with stones, on y ° - - 4. A. ebony cross—17 in. high — Spanish , early 11 th century Probably from Andalusia Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, 1881 350 A MARTYR BOUND : A statuette, in box-wood of high quality P —10 in. high — Italian, 16<^ century From the De Bruge Collection Vide Illuslrution r> 34 351 A CYLINDRICAL IVORY CUP, finely carved in low relief /A // • 0 witli a band of amorini sporting, mounted with base, stem and cover of metal-gilt, similarly chased and pierced with amorini, masks and strap work —probably French, 17 th century Exhibited at the Winter Exhibition at the Royal Academy, . . 1895 y^ y 0 351a A carving, in box-wood, of The Last Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci— in glazed case 352 A Momento Mori, of box-wood, half the face formed as a 4ull y,/ coudres, gauntlets, and closed helmet with corded comb, an umbril roped to fit the gorget— circa 1630 From the Stowe Collection, 1848, No. 255 / /A ORIENTAL ARMS. /387 A Malay kris, with grotesque hilt of ivory; and one, with ^ / flambovant. black and wooden hilt A ^ is a ( 3 flamboyant, black and wooden hilt 388 A Malay kris, from Borneo, the hilt of ivory carved as grotesque figure mounted with gold, watered blade, the scabbard of native wood called Kamoring From the Collection of Sir James Brooke, created Bajah of Sarawak /389 A battle-axe, of russet steel, damascened with arabesques in gold AC 390 A Persian lance head, damascened with scrolls in gold; and two other lances £, ^>391 A Wallasian sword, with silver hilt and scabbard mounts, ✓ embossed with flowers and scrolls 'JL , 0 392 An Indian tulwar, the hilt of russet iron damascened with hawks in gold f / * From the Collection of the Earl of Barrington, purchased at his residence in Whitehall 38 /, J . 0 393 A sword hilt, damascened with scrolls in gold ; and one, noarly . similar /^ 394 A scimetar, ivory grip, the hilt partly damascened with gold f and . one, the hilt damascened with silver ^ DECORATIVE OBJECTS AND FURNITURE. -z?395 ' „ 0— / J, /# . « 396 34 A Clock, in Empire case of chased or-molu, surmounted by a bust of Minerva and figure of Aristides, freize of.classical figures below—25 in. high /» A clock, in Empire case of giallo marble and or-molu, surmounted by the figure of a nymph reclining on a pedestal rea 0 , ^ 403 <^Zr-' 39 404 An oak panel, with Gothic tracery ; and a pair of ebony panels, with flowers & , O 405 A carving, in high relief, of festoons of flowers and fruit in the , • > style of Grindling Gibbons ' - # 406 A Louis XYI. carved and painted cornice, with quivers of arrows and doves upholding festoons of flowers <_-* & 407 A rose-wood secretaire, with curved legs and drawers, and fall- / down front 408 A mirror, in carved and gilt-wood frame of architectural design ^ ^ . /*, & 409 A pair of Empire fauteuils, the arms carved :as rams’ heads, ebonised and gilt, upholstered in Genoa velvet; and three chairs, nearly similar /y 7 , O 410 An oval wood plaque, carved in high relief with St. Joseph and . / the Infant Saviour—42 in. high ^ & 411 An X-shaped walnut-wood chair, carved in low relief with dolphins, acanthus foliage and lions’ masks, covered with ^^ ^ tooled leather— Italian, late 16th century i/T * 412 An old English chair, with turned legs and stretcher, the top of #-1 the back terminating in two masks, covered with old leather ^ studded with brass-headed nails— 11th century £>413 A curious stool, with figures of black swans on either side in ebony and ivory 414 A carved oak bracket— Flemish, VIth century; and a festoon of • oak panelling ff f 0 415 An oblong panel of old Flemish tapestry, with the subject of the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea— said to he from the lost cartoon ^ ^ yy ^ of Baphael /V: £>416 An Upright Oak Cabinet, with folding doors below, fluted yy. ‘sf / Corinthian columns at the sides, acanthus scrolls above 6 / ~~T~z? 417 An oblong panel, carved in high relief with a mask and festoons e ., of drapery & 7~z> 418 A small oak chest, carved with diamond ornaments _ 419 A Jacobean oak chest, with shaped mouldings, and panclsJnlaid . with chequer pattern in ebony and ivory 40 * c ^,^ 421 «/r v 422 -t . ^ , / fluted legs FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Slamford Street and Charing Cross.