1 ■T- •• ' AV \ N A R H A 1^ 1 \ E Of THE OPERATIONS AND RECENT DISCOVERIES IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. LONDON : FRUNTEU BV IHO.MAS DAVIbO.S, WHITEFRIAKS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/recentdiscovpyraOObelz ;.^^V Z^«y^«, Puhltxked bl,J Murrwy. Dec I /<9>.'/ N A RR ATI V E OF THE OPERATIONS AND RECENT DISCOVERIES WITHIN THK PYRAMIDS, TEMPLES, TOMBS, AND EXCAVATIONS, IN EGYPT AND NUBIA; AND OF A JOURNEY TO THE COAST OF TJIE RED SEA, IN SEARCH OF THE ANCIENT BERENICE; AND ANOTHER TO THE OASIS OF JUPITER AMMON. BY G. BELZONI. THIRD EDITION. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: JOHN xMURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1822. PREFACE. As I made my discoveries alone, I have been anxious to write my book by myself, though in so doing the reader will consider me, and with great propriety, guilty of temerity ; but the public will perhaps gain in the fidelity of my narrative what it loses in elegance. I am not an Englishman, but I prefer that my readers should receive from myself, as well as I am able to describe them, an account of my proceedings in Egypt, in Nubia, on the coast of the Red Sea, and in the Oasis ; rather than run the risk of having my meaning misrepresented by another. If I am intelligible, it is all that I can expect. I shall state nothing but the plain matters of fact, as they occurred to me in these countries, in 1815-16-17-18 VI PREFACE. and 19. A description of the means I took in making my researches, the difficulties I had to encounter, and how 1 overcame them, will give a tolerably correct idea of the manners and customs of the people I had to deal with. Perhaps I have spoken too much of the obstacles thrown in my way, by the jealousy and intriguing spirit of my adversaries, without considering that the pubHc will care httle about my private quarrels, which to me, of course, appeared of the greatest consequence on the spot, in these countries. But I hope that a little indulgence may be allowed to my mortified feelings, particularly when I reflect that it was through them that I was compelled to leave Egypt before I had completed my plans. I must apologize also for the few humble observations I have ventured to give on some historical points ; but I had become so familiar with the sight of temples, tombs, and pyramids, that I could not help forming PREFACE. Vll some speculation on their origin and con- struction. The scholar and learned traveller will smile at my presumption, but do they always agree themselves in their opinions on matters of this sort, or even on those of much less difficulty ? Much has been written on Egypt and Xubia by the travellers of the last century, by Denon, and the French scavans, whose general account of these countries has scarcely left any thing unno- ticed ; and by Mr, Hamilton, to the accu- racy of the latter of whom I can bear the most ample testimony. But what can I say of the late Sheik Burckhardt, who was so well acquainted with the language and manners of these people, that none of them suspected him to be an European ? His account of the tribes in these countries is so minutely correct, that little or nothing remains for observation in modern Egypt and Nubia. I have, however, one more remark to make on myself, which I am afraid the Vlll PREFACE. reader will think very vain : it is this, that no traveller had ever such opportunities of studying the customs of the natives as were afforded to me, for none had ever to deal with them in so peculiar a manner. My constant occupation was searching after anti- quities, and this led me in the various trans- actions I had with them, to observe the real character of the Turks, Arabs, Nubians, Bedoweens, and Ababdy tribes. Thus I was very differently circumstanced from a common traveller, who goes merely to make his remarks on the country and its anti- quities, instead of having to persuade these ignorant and superstitious people to under- take a hard task, in labours, with which they were previously totally unacquainted. My native place is the city of Padua : I am of a Roman family, which had resided there for many years. The state and trou- bles of Italy in 1800, which are too well known to require any comment from me, compelled me to leave it, and from that PREFACE. IX time I have visited different parts of Europe, and suffered many vicissitudes. The greater part of my younger days I passed in Rome, the former abode of my ancestors, where I was preparing myself to become a monk ; but the sudden entry of the French army into that city altered the course of my education, and being destined to travel, I have been a wanderer ever since. My family supplied me occasionally with remittances ; but as they were not rich, I did not choose to be a bur- then to them, and contrived to hve on my own industry, and the little knowledge I had acquired in various branches. I turned my chief attention to hydraulics, a science that I had learned in Rome, which I found much to my advantage, and which was ulti- mately the very cause of my going to Egypt. For I had good information, that a hy- drauhc machine would be of great service in that country, to irrigate the fields, which want water only, to make them produce at any time of the year. But 1 am rather an- ticipating. In 1803 I arrived in England, soon after which 1 married, and, after re- X PREFACE. siding in it nine years, I formed the reso- lution of going to the south of Europe. Taking ]\Irs. Belzoni with me, I visited Portugal, Spain, and ]Malta, from which latter place we embarked for Egypt, where we remained from 1815 to 1819. Here I had the good fortune to be the discoverer of many remains of antiquity of that primi- tive nation. I succeeded in opening one of the two famous Pyramids of Ghizeh, as well as several of the tombs of the Kings at Thebes. Among the latter, that which has been pronounced by one of the most di- stinguished scholars of the age to be the tomb of Psammuthis, is at this moment the principal, the most perfect and splendid monument in that country. The celebrated bust of young jNIemnon, whicli I brought from Thebes, is now in the British Mu- seum ; and the alabaster sarcophagus, found in the tombs of the kings, is on its way to England. Near the second cataract of the Nile, I opened the temple of Ybsambul; then PREFACE. XI made a journey to the coast of the Red Sea, to the city of Berenice, and afterwards an excursion in the western Elloah, or Oasis. I now embarked for Europe, and after an absence of twenty years, returned to my native land, and to the bosom of my family ; from whence I proceeded to England. On my arrival in Europe, I found so many erroneous accounts had been given to the public of my operations and discoveries in Egypt, that it appeared to be my duty to publish a plain statement of facts ; and should any one call its correctness in ques- tion, I hope they will do it openly, that I may be able to prove the truth of my asser- tions. PREFACE SECOND EDITION. Having experienced the public con- descension towards me, not only in the acceptance of my Narrative, but in their general approbation, I conceive it my duty to express my sincere feeUng of gratitude and devotion towards the British nation ; and should chance again put me in the way of dedicating my humble services to Great Britain, I shall never fail to remember the generous enthusiasm by which the simple account of my operations, Sec. has been re- ceived. I think it also my duty to make some remarks on events which have hap- xiv PREFACE TO THE pened since the publication of my work, and which are calculated to strengthen my opinion in various points, in particular con- cerning the Temple of Jupiter Amnion in the Oasis el Cassar, and on the Egyptian Labyrinth. According to the descriptions of my old guides, Herodotus and Diodorus, I was led to suppose that the Oasis el Cassar might have been the seat of Jupiter Ammon, as I mention in vol. ii. page 210. It agreed in all points — in its products, and in the distance from the sea, mentioned by Herodotus, cap. clxxxi. Speaking of the Libyans who inhabited the sea-coast, he tells us, that penetrating the Desert for ten days' journey west, pillars of salt are dis- covered, from the summits of which flows a stream of water equally cool and sweet ; he speaks also of the celebrated Fountain of the Sun, which I mention in my Narrative, vol. ii. page 215. The amazing quantity of salt, the distance, and the fountain, together with many other concomitant circumstances, would have been sufficient proof to induce SECOND EDITION. XV a hasty writer to conclude that he had readied the seat of Jupiter Amnion ; but as I do not possess either the talent or the skill to enable nie to judge at first view, caution is therefore the only method I can adopt previous to giving my firm opinion. The Oasis named Siewha was the only rival to that of El Cassar ; its distance from the sea, its situation and products, combined to favour a supposition that it might have been the seat of Amnion, though it has not the above fountain. ^Nlr. Brown, the cele- brated traveller, and Hermann, have visited that Oasis ; but neither asserts positively that place to have been the seat of Jupiter Amnion. 1 have the pleasure to acquaint my kind reader, that since my first edition has been published, intelligence has been received that ^Mahomed Ah, the Pacha of Egypt, had sent an expedition of three hundred soldiers to Siewha ; and that two European XVI PREFACE TO THE travellers, Messrs. Linoii and llicci, took that opportunity to visit the above Oasis ; and that having examined it at their leisure, they found but scanty and insignificant re- mains of antiquity. Admitting, therefore, that Siewha is not likely to be the sacred spot where Amnion had his temple, what other can it be in these deserts but that which I visited ? There are, indeed, two other Oases, that of Siout and that of Esne, (the Augila and the Garamantes mentioned by Herodotus, cap. clxxxii.) ; but these are so situated that they confirm me in my first opinion. According to that author, the first is about ten days farther on from the Oasis el Cassar ; and the second is at other ten days from that, which is towards the Lotophagi. Having considered all these circumstances, with the ruins and tombs I found in the Oasis el Cassar, which has not yet been visited by any European, I hope my reader will not condemn me if I venture to assert, that the seat of Jupiter SECOND EDITIOX. XVU Amnion cannot be any other than the Oasis el Cassar, described in vol. ii. pages oil 019 The next is the Egyptian Labyrinth. There is scarcely any point in the various opinions of the antiquarians which has been so much disputed as this : the seat of the Egyptian Labyrinth is so elaborately de- scribed by Herodotus and Pliny, that one would suppose one could go straight to it, and find it there ; but to the disappointment of travellers, there is not a single vestige whatsoever left to prove its situation. Many industrious antiquarians have formed various conjectures on that subject, but none give us a positive idea of the seat of this stvq^endous edifice. INIany inquiries have been made of me since the appearance of my publication, and I have been almost blamed for not having found its seat. One of the northern journals supposes that I have positively trod upon it, according to VOL. I. b XVlil PREFACE TO THE my own description, without perceiving that I was on these magnificent ruins. This the writer suj)poses to be that very place which I called the city of Bacchus, as de- scribed in vol. ii. page 158, and plate 23. The supposition, which arose from the circumstances of my having found several cellars under ground, which would agree thus far with the description of the Laby- rinth, is very ingenious and fair from one who has not seen that place ; but to prove that I have not committed such an error, I shall only refer to the description of those magnificent ruins, given by Herodotus in cap. cxlviii. and to the description I give of several cellars constructed under ground of sun-burnt bricks, and not more than ten or twelve feet square : as I think the compa- rison with these 1500 apartments, courts, and stupendous halls covered with white marble, of a subhme workmanship, will fully persuade my reader, that the most enthu- SECOND EDITION. xiX siastic mind could not find the smallest ground to suppose that spot to ,have been the great Labyrinth of Egypt. The next, and perhaps the most interest- . ing point, will give more ground to cri- ticism than any other part of this work. It is my asserting that the Egyptians knew ho^v to form arches with the key-stone. I must certainly acknowledge, that in an en- lightened age and country like this, it is somewhat presumptuous on my part, to make an assertion which will, if proved right, change the epochs and the origin of arches. I had time to reflect ; I took the opinion of many wise and learned men on this sub- ject ; and I fully ascertained that they are still in the dark as to whether the Egyp- tians did or did not know the construction of arches with the key-stone. The arches I have described to be in Thebes are sup- posed by some to be Koman, by others Sa- racen ; but none can decide, or give any other reason that the Egyptians did not b 2 XX PREFACE TO THE know the use of arches, than that they built no bridges ; and that the Greeks themselves had no bridges, till a certain epoch, for want of knowing how to make arches. In the midst of all these several supposi- tions, I beg my reader to permit me to give my humble opinion, as it is said that every one can speak his own. In the first in- stance, I beg to observe, that the manner of building and erecting walls, by the Egyp- tians, is so totally different from that of any other nation, that if any traveller please to pay a little attention to all he sees in Egypt, particularly on what is known to be done by other nations, and then to com- pare them with the Egyptian works, he will find that there is a peculiarity in the latter, which renders them totally distinct from any other. I will not enter on the stony works, as that would carry me too far to explain the point intended ; but con- fine myself to the brick work, as my prin- cipal document, by which I shall endeavour SECOND EDITION. XXI to persuade my reader, that the Egyptians knew how to construct arches by the key- stone, as we do in these days. The reason I give in this volume, at page 273, will per- haps be convincing enough to any one who will go and make his observations on the spot, as he will see clearly that none but the Egyptians could have taken the amazing trouble and labour to erect such walls, to no other purpose than to enclose their tombs ; and it cannot be said that the Greeks built those arches in Thebes ; for if the Egyptians had not known that art, the Greeks must have been equally ignorant of it. The Komans are the only people who, according to some, could have erected these arches. I cannot agree with such supposi- tion, as I cannot find a reason why the Ro- mans should make such laborious work to preserve the Egyptian tombs, at an epoch when the Egyptian nation was almost ex- tinct, and regarded by the Romans them- XXll PREFACE TO THE selves as a conquered nation, and espe- cially, when their old rites and customs were almost lost in oblivion. I cannot see, I repeat, what interest the Eomans could have for so doing : I must therefore persist in observing, that these works are so totally different from the Roman manner of build- ing, and so peculiar to the Egyptians, that I am certain if any impartial traveller will make the above observations in examining: the difference of the works of other na- tions, particularly the Saracens, which are to be seen in various places in Thebes, and indeed, near to these very arches, and built with the same bricks from the ruins of the Egyptians, he will not hesitate to conclude that these arches were built by the Egyp- tians. The only point which could be produced, perhaps, against my assertion is, that the Greeks might come to the knowledge of the arch, and introduce it into Egypt at an epoch when the rites and religious ceremo- SECOND EDITION. xxiii nies of the Egyptians were still in force, I mean under the early Ptolemies ; but how this can agree with the epoch of the first invention of the arch, I leave to others more instructed than myself to consider, and even then it still will prove that these arches now existing in Thebes were made by the Egyptians, Further Observations on the Arches erected with Keifstones. Since the publication of my work on Egypt, &c. intelligence has been received from that country, stating that Maho- med Ali's expedition reached Dongola. Some English and French travellers, who followed these troops, observed several small pyramids on each side of the Nile : connected with which they found some small temples, which, according to their account, are erected on vaults or arches with keystones. As the fronts of these temples are of Egyptian architecture, and connected with the said vaults, the arches themselves must consequently have been erected by the Egyptians, a circumstance which strongly corroborates my opinion given in vol. i. page 273. viz. that the Egyptians were* acquainted with the use XXVI of arches made with keystones, previous to the time of the Greeks. It would not be improper to observe that we have no account of any other nation beside the Egyptians, having erected pyramids in Egypt or in Ethiopia. From the latitude in which these monuments are situated, they must be of the most primitive ages, probably, long previous to the invasion of the Greeks of these coun- tries ; and as the temples are connected with the pyramids, none but the Egyptians could have erected them. I hope that some more able antiquarian than myself, will take this observation into notice, and by his own more correct re- marks prove to the lovers of antiquity and the fine arts, that architecture in some of its branches, is probably of earlier origin than Vitruvius himself has stated it to be. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. FIRST JOURNEY, Arrive at Alexandria, 1. Description of the plague, 2. Departure for and arrival at Cairo, .5. Visit the Pyramids — view from the top, 0, 7. Excursion to the Pyramid of Dajior — return to Cairo, 8. Become acquainted with Mr. Burckhardt, 10. ^^^ounded by a Turk on horseback — observations on the Moors from IMecca during my confinement, 10, 11. Presented to the Bashaw — rebellion of part of his army, 12, 13. Danger in proceeding to Cairo — confined to the house in con- sequence of the revolution — description of it, 16, 17. Commenced hydraulic operations, 18. Soubra, chief residence of the Bashaw, 20. His manner of living, 2 1 . He is electrified — description of Zulfur Carcaja, governor of Soubra, 24, 25. His mode of curing diseases — marriage ceremonies and festi- vals of the Arabs in Soubra, 2'», 27- Arabian play and farce.. 29^ 30. XXVI CONTENTS. Shot at by a soldier, 31. A young lady shot by a soldier, 33. Complete the water machine, 34. The English consul arrives in Cairo, 34. Decision of the Bashaw on the hydraulic machine — his frolic with it — the Irish lad's thigh broke in consequence, 35,36. Decided on ascending the Nile, 37. Undertaking to remove the colossal bust, and received in- struction, 4 1 . Left Boolak for Thebes — saw Hermopolis — arrived at Mon- faluth, 45, 4b". Siout, description of it, 47,48. Saw Gow — a curious interview v.ith the Cacheff of Acmin, 49, 50. Arrival at and description of Dendera, 52. Arrival at Kenneh — arrival at and description of Thebes, 58. Begin operations for removing the bust of young Memnon, 63. First interview with the Cacheff of Erments — his objection against the removal, 64, 65. Farther difficulties encountered, 66. Begin the operation of removing it, GS. Removed from its original place and put upon a car, 69. Removed out of the ruins of the Memnonium — delay in con- sequence of indisposition — works resumed, 70,71- The Fellahs prevented from working by order of the Cacheff, 73. Insolence and duplicity of the Caimakan, 74. Account of a Turkish dinner in Ramadan time, 76. Obtain a firman and again proceed in the works, 7s, "p. Arrival of the great Colossus on the banks of the Nile, 79- First visit to a Mummy Cave, 60. CONTENTS. XXvii Preparations for departing to the first Cataract of the Nile, SO. Visit to Khalil Bey at Esne, SG. Arrival at and description of the ruins of Edfu, 88, Distant view of Assouan — tradition relating to an ancient King, 93,91. Arrive at Assouan, or first Cataract, g4. Description of the Aga of Assouan — description of the island of Elephantine, Q6, QJ. Difficulties in obtaining a boat to proceed to the second Ca- taract, 98. Set off for the isle of Philoe, 102. Continue the voyage — alarmed by the natives, 103,104. Conti- nuation of the voyage, and arrival at El Kalabshe, 105, 100. Description of it, loO". Arrive at Garba Dandour — proceed to Garbah Merieh — arri^•^l at Garba Gyrshe, and descrip- tion of it, lOG— 110. Arrival at and description of Dakke — Greek inscription, 113, 114. Arrive at Meharraka, or Offelina — Greek inscription — curious figures on an ancient wall, 114, 115. Arrival at and description of Seboua — arrival at and account ofKorosko, 116", 117. Arrival at Deir — interview^ with Hassan Cacheff, 11/, 118. Leave Deir — arrive at Ibrim, 121. Continuation of the voyage, and description of the country, 121. Arrive at and description of Faras, and the temple of Ybsam- bul, 124. Arrival at the village of Ybsambul — interview with Davoud Cacheff — description of the natives, 12", 128. First introduce money into the country, 130. Further description of the natives, 131. .\ XV 111 CONTENTS. rroceed towards the second Cataract^ 134-. Arrive at Wady Haifa, 136,137. Excursion by land on camels up the Cataract — view of it — visit to the isle of INIainarty, 138. Frighten away the natives, liO, 141. Ascend the Nile against the eddies and current— visit the Rock of Apsir, Ul— 143. View of the Cataract from it — go on to the island of Gulge, 143. Foundation of a Greek church on the island — return to Mainarty — leave it and descend the Nile — arrive at Iskus, 144. Interview with Osseyn Cacheff, 14G, 147. Leave Iskus — return to the village of Ybsambul — description of a small temple opposite it — endeavour to persuade the natives to open the temple, 148. Begin operations at the tem^jle, 149. Difficulties encoimtered from the natives^ 1.50. Embavrassment of the Cacheff in fixing the price of a sheep, 153. He drinks wine for the first time, 155. The natives come to work in great numbers — their ideas on the treasure to be found, 156. ' Attempt to rob the boat, 1.57. Causes for quitting the works at the temple, and leave Yb- sambul, 158. Hailed and received letters sent by a soldier from Deraou, 160. Proceed to Cardassy — return to the first Cataract — take pos- session of a small obelisk and various other blocks of stone in the island of Philoe, 162, 163. Return to Assouan — visit the granite quarries in the moun- tains, 165, 166. CONTENTS. Xxix Discover ii Latin inscription on a column in the quarry — the little knowledge they have of diamonds, 166. Prepare to depart, 168. Observation on the manners of the Arabs, 169. Leave Assouan and arrive at Luxor— proceedings taken to obtain a boat to convey the bust of Memnon to Alexandria, 172. Works recommenced in Carnak, 174. Secure a boat — beginning of discoveries, 176. Count de Forblu, 178. Description of the place where I first discovered the lion- headed statues, 179. Further proceedings in Carnak, 181. Meet Khalll Bey on the Nile, 183. Conversazione with the Bey and his court, 185. Account of a dinner with him, 185. Description of the sepulchres in Gournou and jNIedlnet Aboo, 188, 169. First excursion in the valley of Beban el Malook — first dis- cover the tomb of a king, 192, 193. Description of the mountains round the valley — water de- scends from the desert, 194, 195. Further difficulties in obtaining a boat, 195. Curious Incident by which the boat was obtained, 198. Trial respecting the boat, ai>d decision in favour of the author, 199, 200. Works recommenced in Gournou — embark the colossal bust of Memnon, 205. Preparations for departing to Cairo — Ophthalmia — leave Thebes for Cairo, 208, 209. Arrival in Cairo — leave Cairo for Alexandria, 209,210. Arrive In Rosetta — l>oga?e — and in Alexandria — landed and XXX CONTENTS. lodged the colossal head in the Bashaw's magazine ready to be embarked for England — farther proposal to ascend the Nile, 210—212. Return to Cairo — account of Captain Cabillia's operations at the Pyramids, 213. SECOND JOURNEY. Left Cairo for Thebes, 219. Stopped at Tabeen and Boorumbol, 220, 221. Description of an Arabian dance — arrival at Minieli, 222. Arrival at Eshmounein, and sudden departure for Luxor, 224, 225. A forced march to Thebes, 226". Account of Bedoween horsemen and tlieir tents, 227. Disagreeable consequences occasioned by the interpreter omitting to send a letter to the Defterdar Bey, 229. Another interview with the Cacheff of Erments — miracles performed by a Santon, 233. Further proceedings in Luxor, 235. Description of the temple of Carnak, 23 G. Further proceedings in Thebes, 239. Description of the natives, and tombs of Gournou, 211. Observations on the mode of discovery of the tombs, 242. Further account of the natives — manner of the Fellahs mak- ing their researches, 24-8. Purchase two metal vases from a chief of the Fellahs, 250. Further operations and discovery of lion-headed sphinxes in Carnak, 252. Iron sickle discovered under one of the sphinxes, 252. Further knowledge acquired on the discovery of tombs — Herodotus's description of mummies, 25/. CONTENTS. XXxi Observations on the various classes and descriptions of mum- mies, 260, 2fil. Of animal mummies, 20 1 . Of mummy priests, 265. Mummies discovered in their original position, 206. Further account of mummies, 266, et seq. Their decorations — linen manufactures — enamelling, gilding and other arts, 268. Art of painting, 271- Sculpture, 272. Architecture, and knowledge of arches with a key-stone, 273. Sculpture, 278. Uncover the foundation of a temple in the waste of Gournou — curious manner in discovering a tomb, 279, 280. Description of a night's lodging in the tomb, 281. Happiness of the natives of Gournou, 282. Their preparations for a wedding, 2S4. Proceedings in Carnak — discovery of a colossal head — accu- mulate various articles, 28(3. Arrival of the Defterdar Bey at Ganiola, and his orders — receive information from the Sheik of Gournou, 287, 283. Present a letter from the Bashaw to the Defterdar Bey, 288- The Bey visits Thebes, 283. He visits Medinet Aboo, 290. His barbarous conduct towards the Sheik of Gournou, 293. He ascends the Nile, and returns to Thebes, 296. Interview with the Bey on his return from Deraou, 297. Arrival of two of the fathers of the Propaganda at Thebes, 299- Description of a whirlwind, 303. Mirage, 30 k XXXIJ CONTENTS. Locusts — deception of Defterdar Bey in issuing a firman for men to work, 305 — 307. Preparations for and departure to the island of Pliiloe— fur- ther account of its monuments, .'i08, et seq. Preparations for Ybsambul — arrival of Captains Irby and Mangles, 314. Celebration of the birth-day of his Majesty George III. — leave Philoe, and arrive at Ybsambul, 315, 31 6. Proceed to the second Cataract — combination of the natives and boatmen to extort money, 317. Return to Yl)sambul — arrival of the Cacheffs, Daoud and Khalil — displeasure of Khalll — preparations for opening the temple, 318, 319. Commence opening the temple, 320. Works stopped by the Ramadan — resolve to work ourselves, 322. Visits from strange Cacheffs, said to be from I brim, 324-. Their conduct, 325. Works continued — entry into the temple— description of the interior, 327 — 330. Description of the exterior, 331. Leave Ybsambul, 333. Arrive at Tomas — return to Deir, 334. Arrive at Almeida — ^return to Kalabshe — opposition of the natives to our entering the temple, 336. Arrival at Hindau, 337, Arrival at Debod, and return to Philoe — descend the cataract to Assouan — visit the granite quarries and tlie Latin in- scription, 338, 339. Departure from Assouan — pass Edfu — landed at Elethias — description of it, 339, 340. CONTENTS. xxxiii Return to Luxor, 342- Return to Erments to obtain a firman for labourers to work at Gournou — the Cacheff is displaced by the Bey, 343. Commence searching for the kings' tombs, 31-5. Description of the valley of Beban el Malook, 31-9. Nimiber and description of the tombs, 34-9. Further discovery of tombs, 352, Arrival of travellers, 355. Their visit to a newly discovered tomb, 355. Recommence operations, and point out the spot where the great tomb is found, 357. Further proceedings, 358. Enter the tomb, 359. Further entrance, and description of its various apartments, 561, et seq. Discovery of the sarcophagus of alabaster, 366. Description of the entrance into the tomb of Psammuthis, 367. Description of the various representations in the tomb, and figures in sculpture on the walls, 368. Painting — method taken for procuring a. fac simile of the tomb, 371. Description of the various figures, 372. Dr. Young's discovery of the name of the tomb, 375. Continuation of the description of the figures, 376, et seq. Mahomet Aga visits the tomb, 381. Unfortunate fate of the stones prepared to be taken from the isle of Philoe, 384. Arrival of a noble family and the consul at Tbebes — set oflF for and arrive at Boolak, 386 — 368. Meet with Count de Forbin, 389. Despatches arrive from India, 39 1. VOL. I. c XXXIV CONTENTS. Farther account of Count de Forbin, 392. Transmit to Europe, by the Count, on account of his pro- ceedings, 393. Visit the Pyramids — reflection on the possibility of penetrat- ing that of Cephrenes, and motive which induced the author to undertake it, 395. Difficulties encountered, 397. Observations on the Pyramids, 399. Mode of obtaining permission for the operation, 400. Caution observed not to let the proceedings be known, 401. Begin the undertaking, 403. Foundation of a large temple discovered, 404. Tedious operations without any prospect of success — first discovery of an entrance, 405, 40/. Disappointment, and determination still to persevere, 4'11. Calculation by which the true entrance was discovered, 412. Again resume the work — Arrival of ChevaUer Frediani, 413, 414. Discovery of the blocks of granite belonging to the true entrance — discovery of the true entrance, 415. Difficulties in entering — description of the portcullis, 41G, 417. Description of the interior — the sarcophagus found in the great chamber, 418 — 420. Arabic inscription observed on the wall of the chamber — translation of it, 421, 422. Bones found in the sarcophagus — place from whence the stones have been taken for building the Pyramids, 42fi, 427. Accounts of the Pyramids, 428, et seq. The supposed purpose for which they were erected, 430 Their dimensions, 432. CONTENTS. XXXV Opinion on there not being hieroglyphics on the Pyramids, 432. Their coating-on their being surrounded by the Nile- operation on the third Pyramid, 433, 435. Preparations for a third journey to Thebes, 43d. Set off for Thebes, 438. RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. FIRST JOURNEY. We sailed from Malta on the 19th of May, 1 1815, and arrived at Alexandria on the 9th of June following ; Mrs. Belzoni, myself, and James Curtain, a lad, whom I brought with me from Ireland, formed our party. The principal cause of my going to Egypt was the project of constructing hydraulic machines, to irrigate the fields, by a system much easier and more economical than what is in use in that country. On entering the harbour of Alexandria, the pilot informed us, that the plague was in the town. To an European who had never been in that country, this was alarming intelligence. As I wished to have some information con- VOL. I. B '2 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS ceriiing the state of the disease, we did not land till the next day, when two European gentlemen came alongside in a boat, and in- formed us, that it was rapidly diminishing. We accordingly landed, but with much caution, as in our way to the French Occale, where we were to perform quarantine, we had to pass through the town. Fortunately, St. John's day, which is the 24th of June, was not far off; and on that day the plague is supposed to cease. Some superstitious persons attribute this to the power of the saint himself; but it is too well known, that extreme heat checks the plague in the same manner as the cold season ; and I observed myself, that when the heat of summer was not so great as usual, the plague lasted longer ; while, on the other hand, when the cold season lasted longer, the plague came later. The necessity of putting ourselves into a voluntary prison ; the caution we w^ere obliged to take, not to touch any person, or suffer any one to touch us ; the strict order to be observed in receiving any thing that came from out of doors ; and the continual perfumes with which we were regaled, to prevent the plague, as they say, were extremely strange to a novice in the customs of the country. We IN EGYFI, NUBIA, Sec. 3 were confined to our apartment, and for three or four days no one came near us. We were really sick, but I took the caution not to let it be known ; for the plague is so dreadful a scourge, and operates so powerfully on human fears and human prejudices, that, during its prevalence, if a man be ill, he must be ill of the plague, and if he die, he must have died of the plague : no inquiry is made, no examination takes place. Accordingly, had the people of the Occale come to the knowledije of our beinsr indisposed, and particularly that we vomited, they would have concluded, though it was merely the effect of a new climate, that we had caught the pestilence in passing through the town ; and the whole Occale would have been struck with terror, thinking the enemy was within the gate. The Occale is an enclosure of several houses, so disposed as to form a square. There is no entrance to the area of the square but by the great gate, leading to a common staircase, above which a gallery takes you to every house. In plague time, the people of these habitations must communicate with each other without touching : no provision can enter without being- passed through water, nor must bread be touched whilst warm. The disease is so easily B '2 4 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS caught, that a piece of thread blown by the wind is quite sufficient to infect the whole country. Had it been known that we were ill, no one would have come near us, except the Arabs, who go in case of sickness indiscri- minately to every one ; and are thus likely to spread the plague, by giving it to those who had it not. Many die the victims of neglect, merely because every disease is taken for the plague : others are victims of a different kind, of the atrocious, interested views of their relatives, who, profiting by their death, may take what advantage they please, even by poison, as no investigation takes place in any instance. *' He died of the plague" is the general cry, what- ever may be the disease ; and as several hun- dreds perish daily, they are all carried away without distinction. After the 24th of June, called the great St. John, the plague nearly ceased ; and as my principal view was to reach Cairo, we hired a boat, in company with Mr. Turner, an En- glish gentleman, who was going up the Nile. We sailed on the 1st of July, but, owing to contrary winds, were brought back the same evening. The next day we re-embarked, and were then obliged to land at Aboukir, in consequence of high winds. We visited IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 5 the place, where many a brave fellow had fallen a sacrifice to the war, and to the glory of his country. Human bones were scat- tered here and there. Continuing our voyage the same day, we entered the mouth of the Nile, and landed at Rosetta ; four days more brought us to Boolak, within a mile of Cairo. Though our eyes began to be accustomed to the sight of the Arabs in Alexandria, the bustling scene here was still more striking. The majestic appear- ance of Turkish soldiers in various costumes, without regularity or discipline, Arabs of many •tribes, boats, canjeas, camels, horses, and asses, all in motion, presented a striking picture. I landed, and went immediately to Cairo ; and as the holy fathers of the convent of Terrasanta could not receive women within their walls, we were accommodated in an old house in Boolak, belonging to Mr. Baghos, to whom I was recommended. He was the principal in- terpreter of Mahomed Ali, and director of all foreign affairs : a man of great acuteness of understanding, and so well disposed towards strangers, particularly Europeans, that it was soon arranged, that on such a day I was to be presented to his highness the Bashaw, to make my proposal. Tlie house we inhabited was so 6 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS old and out of repair, that I expected every moment it would fall on our heads ; all the windows were shut up with broken wooden rails ; the staircase was in so wretched a con- dition, that scarcely a step was left entire ; the door was fastened simply by a pole placed against it, having neither lock nor any thing else to secure the entrance. There were many rooms in it, but the ceiling in all of them was in a most threatening state. The w^hole furni- ture consisted of a single mat in one of the best rooms, which we considered as our draw- ing-room. We had mattresses and linen with us, otherwise we must have adopted the Arab method of sleeping : as no chairs are to be had in this country, we sat on the ground ; a box and a trunk served as a table : fortunately, we had a few plates, as well as knives and forks, which we had provided to use in the boat ; and James, our Irish lad, bought us a set of culinary utensils, of pottery. Such were our accom- modations. Though my principal object was not antiqui- ties at that time, I could not restrain myself from going to see the wonder of the world, the pyra- mids. I took an opportunity of going with Mr. Turner, who obtained an escort of soldiers from the Bashaw to accompany us. We went IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 7 there to sleep, that we might ascend the first pyramid early enough in the morning to see the rising of the sun ; and accordingly we were on the top of it long before the dawn of day. The scene here is majestic and grand far beyond description : a mist over the plains of Egypt formed a veil, which ascended and vanished gradually as the sun rose and unveiled to the view tliat beautiful land, once the site of Memphis. The distant view of the smaller pyramids on the south marked the ex- tension of that vast capital ; while the solemn, endless spectacle of the desert on the west in- spired us with reverence for the all-powerful Creator. The fertile lands on the north, with the serpentine course of the Nile, descending towards the sea ; the rich appearance of Cairo, and its numerous minarets, at the foot of the Mokatam mountain on the east ; the beautiful plain which extends from the pyramids to that city ; the Nile, which flows magnificently through the centre of the sacred valley, and the thick groves of palm trees under our eyes ; all together formed a scene, of which very imperfect ideas can be given by the most elaborate description. We descended to ad- mire at some distance the astonishing pile that 8 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS stood before us, composed of such an accumula- tion of enormous blocks of stones, that I was at a loss to conjecture how they could be brought thither ; and presently we entered the pyramid: but I must reserve for some other time the more minute account of this wonderful work. We went round the second pyramid, examined several of these mausoleums, and returned to Cairo with the satisfaction of having seen a wonder, which I had long desired, but never supposed I should have the happiness to behold. A few days after we made a party of Eu- ropeans, to go as far as Sacara by water, and after visiting the pyramids of that place, the party returned to Cairo, except Mr. Turner and myself, who went to see the pyramids of Dajior. These are considerably smaller than the large ones, I believe in the proportion of about one to six. One of them is of a different form, as it has a curve in the angles, which brings it to a perpendicular near the ground. This, and those at Sacara, which appear like hanging galleries, differ from the generality in point of shape ; but the two of Dajior are in better preservation than any of the rest. I ob- served also near Sacara and Betracina, which I believe to be the central part of Memphis, the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 9 remains of other pyramids, which, by their dilapidated state, induced me to suppose, that they are of an earlier date than any of the rest. At this time I had no opportunity of visiting the pits of the embalmed mummies of birds ; but a Fellah brought us one of the earthen vases that contained a bird, which I believed to be a hawk by the shape of the bones. The vase was so perfect, that we laughed at the Arab for his attempting to impose on us. Seeing that he could not sell his piece of an- tiquity, and that he was laughed at besides, he broke the vase before us, to show what con- noisseurs we were of antiques. We overshot the mark this time ; for the caution that had been given us, never to credit what an Arab says, made us disbelieve the truth. On our returning towards the Nile, we passed by the broken pyramid of sun-baked bricks ; and it appeared to me, on examining it afterwards, that it did not decay gradually, like the other pyramids, but by large masses of the bricks separating at a time from the rest. . On our arrival at the Nile it was quite night, and we had to pass several villages to come to a place where we could embark for old Cairo. Our road was through a cluster of palm trees, which by moonlight had a most solemn effect. 10 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS Some of the Arabs were dancing to the usual tunes on the tambourines ; and, forgetting per- haps the slavish condition in which they are held by the Turks, were happy for a while. We took a small boat, and arriv^ed in old Cairo before day. Two days after I was to be pre- sented to the Bashaw on the subject of my hydraulic project; and accordingly I went to the house of Mr. Baghos, where I first became acquainted with the late Mr. Burckhardt. This acquaintance w^as a fortunate circumstance for me, as the various and important information I acquired from him proved to be of tlie greatest service to me in that country, and I shall ever remember it with the deepest gratitude. Going to the citadel with Mr. Baghos, we had to pass through several of the principal streets, which are always crowded with people, and for this reason a stranger supposes the capital to be very populous ; but except these streets and the bazars, the rest of the town is quite deserted, and a great number of falling houses and much rubbish are to be seen every where. We were mounted on our asses, the most convenient and only mode of travelling for Franks in that city. We met a soldier on horseback, who, when he came near, gave me such a blow with his stirrup upon my right leg, tliat I thought he had cut IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 11 it in two. The stirrups of the Turks, which are like shovels, cut very sharp ; and one of the corners, catching the calf of my leg, tore off a piece of flesh in a triangular form, two inches broad, and pretty deep. After this he swore two or three oaths at me, and went on as if nothing had happened. Tlie blood ran out copiously; and, instead of seeing the Bashaw, I was taken to the convent of Terrasanta, as the nearest Christian place I could go to. It is to be remarked, that, at this time, there was a great discontent among the soldiers against the Bashaw, for having given orders, that they should learn the European military evolutions ; and, as I was in a Frank's dress, I suppose the fellow paid me for what he had learned of Eu- ropean figliting. From the convent I was taken home to my house in Boolak, where I remained under cure for thirty days, before I could stand on my legs. During my confinement in this house, I had an opportunity of observing at some distance the manners of the Arabs, who passed under our window. Our house stood in a good situation, where we could observe all the landina; from the boats that came from Alexandria and Rosetta. All the goods which went or came passed our residence ; and the caravans of the Moors from 12 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS Mecca halted for several days in this place. It was a strange sight for us, to observe these people in their tents, living in separate families, while their chief occupation was sitting on the ground, smoking, singing, and saying prayers, which I observed lasted sometimes three or four hours, besides the ceremonial prayers, repeated standing and kneeling. I did not make any minute observations, for, as I have said, my first occupation was with a different view; nor did I expect at that period, that I should ever have any thing to do with these people, as a traveller. AVhen I recovered, I was presented to Maho- met Ali Bashaw, who received me very civilly. Seeing that I walked lamely, and being told the cause, he said, such accidents could not be avoided where there were troops. I made an arrano-ement with him, and undertook to erect a machine, which would raise as much water with one ox, as the machines of the country with four. He was much pleased with my proposal, as it would save the labour and expense of many thousands of oxen in the country; a matter of importance, since these animals are scarcely of any other use than working ; for, though they are in pretty good condition, they are seldom killed for food, the Turks eating mutton, and the Arabs buffalo's flesh, when they can afford it. The IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 13 Bashaw was just returned from Arabia, where he had conquered some of the Wahaby tribes, and deHvered the holy cities of Mecca and Medina from the Infidels. He himself con- ducted the war till lately, when his son Ibrahim Bashaw^ conquered some of the great chiefs, who were taken prisoners, and sent to Constantinople, where they were executed. Notwithstanding this, I am of opinion, that Mecca will be to the Turks, what Jerusalem is to the Christians ; for unless a strong army be kept there, the croisades of Mahomet Ali wdll have no better effect than that of our Godfrey of Bouillon. During the time that I was engaged in pre- paring my hydraulic machine, one morning I went on the road towards Cairo, and, to my surprise, found a perfect silence, instead of the continual confusion of noise and bustle of every description. The boatmen were getting their boats ready, as if to set off immediately. No camels appeared to carry water to Cairo ; no ass-drivers were seen ; no shops open ; and no person in tlie streets. I could not conceive what was the reason of this singularity, nor could I inquire of any one, as no person was in the way ; but, being Friday, I concluded it might be some particular holiday with the Ma- hommedans. I went on, and still met no one. 14 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS The distance from Boolak to Cairo is about a mile through an open country; and midway is a bridge, near which I found a group of soldiers. I continued my walk without noticing them ; one of them, however, levelled a gun at me, and all the rest laughed at the idea of frighten- ing a Frank. I passed on till I entered Cairo. When I reached the Franks* quarter, both gates were shut ; but through tlie small door I observed a Frank, engaged like myself in the act of peep- ing, and who proved to be Mr. Bocty, the Swedish consul-general, who was surprised to see me. I could not imagine what all this meant. At first I concluded, that a violent plague had broken out, and that every one kept his house : but the Mahommedans do not se- clude themselves on such occasions ; so I was at a loss what inference to draw. Mr. Bocty anxiously inquired of me how I happened to be there, whence I came, and what I had seen on the road ; and he was not a little surprised, when I told him, that I came from Boolak, and did not see any thing particular on the w^ay. I had not been at the door long, before we heard a great noise in some of the streets, and a volley of musketry discharged. I was then hurried into the Franks' quarter, and the gates were IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 15 closely shut. I was soon informed, that a revo- lution had broken out among; the soldiers against the Bashaw, and that some of the troops were in pursuit of him to the citadel, whither he had retired for safety. Strange as it may appear, it proved, that by our not communicating with any body in Boolak, we knew nothing of what passed in the morning at Cairo ; and it so hap- pened, that at the very place where the revolu- tion had begun, which was the seraglio, in the Esbakie, no one was visible when I passed ; for after the Bashaw had retired into the citadel, all the soldiers ran after him ; and as to the rest of the people, no one came out of their houses. All the Franks in their quarter were alarmed, and prepared for defence, in case the gates should be attacked. I went to the house of Mr. Baghos, in the same quarter, as I had business with him, and he was not a little surprised to see me, knowing where I lived. I was much concerned for Mrs. Belzoni, whom I had left at home with only James and an Arab ; and though Mr. Baghos endeavoured to persuade me to stop with him all night, I in- sisted on returning almost immediately. I went off unperceived by any one in the house ; but at the gates of the quarter I found great diffi- culty in having the door opened ; and no sooner 16 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS was I out, than it was instantly closed after me. I took the same road that I came, and had not gone far, when I met a body of armed soldiers running towards the centre of the town. Ad- vancing further, I heard several muskets dis- charsced in a street near, and manv others at some distance ; indeed there was a continual firing kept up. On my approaching the Esba- kie, I saw several soldiers running towards the seraglio, and others hastening towards me. When they came up, one seized the bridle of my donkey, while another took me by the collar, and the rest were busied in rifling my pockets. I had but a few dollars in my possession ; and my pocket-book contained only letters and passports, of which I know not how they have disposed : but what principally drew their atten- tion was a white topaz brooch, which I had in the frill of my shirt, and which they took for a brilliant. I kept in good humour with them ; and when I perceived their attention to the topaz, I began to move in order to depart. I do not know whether I had reason to fear they would call after me, suspecting that I marked them so as to recognise them again : but I proceeded, and nothing further happened to me on the road. For several days we kept ourselves close in IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. I7 the house, as we were advised by a friendly Turk, our neighbour, not to be seen. During this time, the soldiers plundered the shops in Cairo, and the Bashaw sent the Syrian horse against them, now known under the appellation of Tartoor. These were the only troops faith- ful to him ; but being mounted, they could not follow the Albanians, who were posted in ploughed fields between Cairo and Boolak. One day the cavalry advanced and the Albanians retired towards Boolak. Our house was so situated, that from the upper part of it we could see the firing of the troops on one side, and on the other the confusion of the people, who had taken to the boats, which were soon crowded with them, and in the hurry many of them went adrift. It was expected, that the troops would plunder the place, if they entered it : in such case, I depended on the appearance and ruined state of our habitation, which I had reason to think, would rather deter the soldiers from en- tering it, lest it should fall on their heads, than invite them to plunder. Besides, we had no treasure with us, unless they had taken our kitchen furniture of earthen pots, &c. There was a universal cry among the people, and the troops advanced to the very entrance of the town ; but, fortunately, they were prevented VOL. I. c 18 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS from coming in by the cavalry, who, by making^ a circuit, had taken post on the road. The confusion continued in this manner for several days : at last, after having plundered and ravaged Cairo at their pleasure, the troops re- tired to their camps, and in a few days more matters were arranged again. I have reason to think, that the Bashaw knew who the chief in- stigators of this insurrection were, for we found that several persons shortly after died of sudden deaths ; and, indeed, many of the Chiefs and Beys disappeared. The discontented troops were all sent to encampments in various stations at a distance from Cairo, and part towards Mecca ; but the European exercise, which was said to have been the cause of the revolt of the troops, was wholly abandoned, and consigned to oblivion. Turks are averse to control of any sort, and particularly to what is not the result of Mahommedan customs. I was never more amused, than when I saw our military evolutions attempted by men, whose large trowsers are peculiarly unsuited to our light motions. When all was quiet again, I recommenced my hydraulic preparations. The place, where I was to erect my machine, was in Soubra, at the garden of the Bashaw, on the Nile, three miles from Cairo. We went to reside there, in a IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. [() small house within the walls of the governor's palace, which was closed at night by large gates, something like the Occales in Alexandria. I had many provoking difficulties to encounter, before I became acquainted with the people of the place, as they supposed, that the introduc- tion of such machines into the country would throw many of them out of work j consequently I was not welcome among them ; and the very persons who were to furnish me with what was necessary in wood, iron, carpentry, &c. would be the first to suffer by it, if the machine suc- ceeded. It may, therefore, easily be imagined that I had to contend with many obstacles, be- sides the prejudice against all strangers, or innovations in the customs of the natives. As a proof of this may be cited the iron hydraulic machine already in Soubra, sent as a present from England to the Bashav/ of Egypt, which is said to have cost ten thousand pounds. It was neatly put up, though the engineer, who was in charge of it, met with many difficulties before he effected it. At last it was set to work ; but as it was imagined that an English machine would inundate the whole country in an hour, the quantity of water raised was not adequate to tlieir expectation, and it has been left useless ever since. For my own part, I have c 2 so RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS no doubt, that the machine mio-ht have been made to draw up more water, if the person who constructed it could have seen the place and situation in which it was to act. The failure in this instance had given me an early surmise of what might be my own fate ; and I was not mistaken. During my stay at Soubra I became ac- quainted with many Turks, and in particular with the governor of the palace, as w^e had our house within his walls. The garden of the Bashaw was under his care, and a guard was kept at the gates. The seraglio is so situated, that the front looks over the Nile : at the back of it is the garden, which is under the care of Greeks, who in a few years have brought it to great perfection. There are beautiful alcoves, made in form of cupolas, entirely covered with plants ; and the water machines, which are constantly at work, keep up a perpetual ver- dure. There is a fountain in the European style, and a great quantity of fruit, particularly grapes and peaches ; but they never grow to any size like ours, for many get rotten and fall before they are ripe ; in consequence, the Turks eat them green. The Bashaw is in continual motion, being sometimes at his citadel, and sometimes at his IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. qi seraglio in the Esbakie ; but Soubra is his principal residence. His chief amusement is in the evening a little before sunset, when he quits his seraglio, and seats himself on the bank of the Nile, to fire at an earthen pot, with his guards. If any of them hit it, he makes him a present, occasionally of forty or fifty rubies. He is himself an excellent marksman ; for I saw him fire at and hit a pot only fifteen inches high, set on the ground on the opposite side of the Nile, thouo-h the river at Soubra is con- siderably wider than the Thames at Westmin- ster Bridge. As soon as it is dark, he retires into the garden, and reposes either in an alcove, or by the margin of a fountain, on an European <;hair, with all his attendants round him. Here his numerous buffoons keep him in continual high spirits and good humour. By moonlight the scene was beautiful. I was admitted into the garden whenever I wished, by which means I had an opportunity of observing the domestic life of a man, who from nothing rose to be viceroy of Egypt, and conqueror of the most powerful tribes of Arabia. From the number of Hghts I frequently saw through the windows of tlie seraglio, I supposed the ladies were at such times amusing them- selves in some way or other. Dancing womei) 22 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS are often' brought to divert them, and some- times the famous', Catahmi of Egypt was in- troduced. One of the buffoons of the Bashaw took it into his head one day, for a froUc, to shave ^his beard j which is no tiifle among the Turks ; for some of them, I really believe, would sooner have their head cut off than their beard : he borrowed some Franks' clothes of the Bashaw's apothecary, who was from Europe, and, after dressing himself in our costume, pre- sented himself to the Bashaw as an European, who could not speak a single word either of Turkish or Arabic, which is often the case. Being in the dark, the Bashaw took him for what he represented himself to be, and sent immediately for the interpreter, who put some questions to him in Italian, which he did not answer : he was then questioned in French, but no reply j and next in the German and Spanish languages, and still he was silent : at last, when he saw that they were all deceived, the Bashaw not excepted, he burst out in plain Turkish, the only language he was acquainted with, and his well known voice told them who he was ; for such was the change of his person, particu- larly by the cutting off his beard, that otherwise they could scarcely have recognised him. The Bashaw was delighted with the fellow ; and, to \ IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. '-^3 keep up the frolic, gave' him an order on the treasury for an enormous sum of money, and sent him to the Kaciabay, to present himself as a Frank, to receive it. The Kaciabay started at the immensity of the sum, as it was nearly all that the treasury could furnish : but upon questioning this new European, it was soon per- ceived who he was. In this attire he went home to his women, who actually thrust him out of the door ; and such was the disgrace of cutting off his beard, that even his fellow buffoons would not eat with him till it M'^as grown again. The Bashaw seems to be well aware of the benefits that may be derived from his encourag- ing the arts of Europe in his country, and had already reaped some of the fruits of it. The fabrication of gunpowder, the refining of sugar, the making of fine indigo, and the silk manu- facture, are introduced, much to his advantage : he is constantly inquiring after something new, and is delighted with any thing strange to his imagination. Having heard of electricity, he sent to England for two electric machines, one with a plate, the other with a cylinder. The former was broken by the way ; the latter was dismounted. The physician of the Bashaw, an Arminian, did not know, though it was so easy a matter, how to set it up. Happening to be 24 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS at the garden one evening, when they were attempting it, and could not succeed, I was re- quested to put the several pieces together ; and, having done so, I made one of the soldiers mount on the insulating stool, charged the machine, and gave the Turk a good shock ; who, expecting no such thing, uttered a loud cry, and jumped oiF, as much terrified as if he had seen the devil. The Bashaw laughed at the man's jumping off, supposing his fright to be a trick, and not the effect of the machine ; and when told, that it was actually occasioned by the machine, he affirmed positively that it could not be, for the soldier was at such a distance, that it was impossible the small chain he held in his hand could have such power. I then desired the interpreter to inform his High- ness, that if he would mount the stool himself, he would be convinced of the fact. He hesitated for a while whether to believe me or not; how- ever he mounted the stool. I charged well, put the chain into his hand, and gave him a pretty smart shock. He jumped off, like the soldier, on feeling the effect of the electricity ; but immediately threw himself on the sofa in a fit of laughter, not being able to conceive how the machine could have such power on the human bodv. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 25 The governor of Soiibra, Zulfur Carcaja, was a Mamelouk of about sixty-five years of age, and an instance of the promotion of one of that body of men, who for so many centuries ruled Egypt. His political conduct towards the Ba- shaw procured him the place of governor of a village, which contained the residence of the Bashaw himself, and a vast tract of land, the cultivation of which was entirely under his di- rection. He was a learned man among the Turks, and had a considerable portion of know- ledge in agriculture, which I suppose to be the cause of his continuing to enjoy the Bashaw's favour. He had travelled a great deal in the Ottoman dominions, and had acquired much information ; which is uncommon for a Turk : but the prejudices of his nation, and the super- stitions of his religion, notwithstanding all this, did not quit him an instant. At night I used to go to his divan, or conversazione , to chat, drink coffee, and smoke a pipe. We agreed in many points ; but on that of the hydraulic machine I could make no impression upon him, as it was against his interest to be convinced. He was one day taken very ill ; and as there was no physician nearer than Cairo, he sent to know whether we could do something for him. As it was only a violent cold, Mrs. Belzoni sent ^0 KESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS « him a negus, which he Hked so well, that he continued the medicine for several days. Some time after this, Mrs. Belzoni had a pain in her side. One evening, I went to his divan ; and as he always inquired after the health of his physician, I informed him of the circumstance : upon which he assured me, that it was nothing but what he would find a remedy for immediately; and he rose and went into an inner room, from which with all imaginable pomp and devotion he brought out a book. The Sheik of the mosque was present; and, after turning over and over again the leaves of this book, they concluded on what was to be done. Three pieces of paper were cut in a triangular form, the size of a playing card, and tlie Sheik wrote on them several words in Arabic. Of these pieces of paper, he told me, that Mrs. Belzoni must fasten one to her fore- head by a string, and one to eacli ear. He then fetched a piece of the skin of a lamb, that had been sacrificed during the feast of Bairam. The Sheik wrote on this also, and it was to be applied to the part affected. I thanked him very much for his kindness, and brought away the amulets, which we keep to this day, as a memorial of the Turkish method of curin his descendants were slain by the Mamelukes ; and that he was a boy when Baram died. We left Deir about noon ; and a few hours brought us to Hafee, where the river flows from the south-west. The country all tlie way from Deir to this place is tolerably productive of dhourra and dates, and furnishes also a great deal of cotton, which is gathered, and sent to Cairo. The sugar-cane is not cultivated here, which I know not whether to attribute to the laziness of the natives, or to the country being too hot for that plant ; but I am inclined to think the former is the real cause. Proceeding onward, we came to Ibrim. This place stands on a high rock, nearly perpen- dicular, and forming the bank of the Nile. The town is surrounded by a wall of sun-baked bricks. The houses are all in a ruined state, having been uninhabited ever since the Mamelukes made it their abode on their retreat to Dangola (see Plate 27)- Close to the water-side are several chambers, not unlike sepulchres, hewn out of the rock ; some of which have been painted, apparently by the Greeks, and retain their 122 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS colour remarkably well. The cultivated land on the south side of the river in some parts extends not more than two hundred yards in width ; but it is thickly set with palm-trees, producing dates, which are esteemed the best in Egypt, and in which the Nubians carry on a considerable trade. The northern bank is quite barren, except a few date and acacia trees. In my voyage from lb rim to the second ca- taract I must entreat the reader's indulgence. I noted down the names of all the villages we passed, as they were given to me ; and thus I lay them before the public, as I am not aware, that they have been yet described by any tra- veller. Messrs. Legh and Smelt, who were the first to penetrate to any extent up this country by water, did not proceed beyond Ibrim ; and Norden has given a correct account of all the villages and districts he passed only as far as Deir. Above a league above Ibrim we came to the village of Vady Shubak on the east, and Mosmos on the west. The country on the east continued to be covered with dates as far as Bostan, but on the west it is quite a desert. From Toske we saw several rocks in the plain toward the east, which resembled so many pyra- mids of various sizes ; and I should not wonder if these suggested to the Egyptians the first IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 128 idea of this form. Some of them appear to be about two hundred feet high. We went on shore at Ermyne, on the west of the river. The banks here are covered with the thorny acacia, tamarisks, and palm-trees, and some cultivated ground. Next day we saw the island of Hogos. On this island are the ruins of an ancient tower, which must have commanded the whole Nile, as the river is not very wide here, and the island is exactly in the centre of it. The blocks of stone are not so large as those in the temples in Egypt, but they are well connected together. After this we reached Formundy, a district extending on both sides of the Nile as far as Saregg. At For- mundy the river turns to the north-east, for two leagues only; but we had as much trouble to pass this place as we had at Korosko, the current and wind being both against us. I cannot omit mentioning the hard labour these Barabra boatmen had on this occasion. Tliey were continually in the water ; and, though good swimmers, they had great trou- ble in wading against the current to pull the rope from under the trees, which cover the banks in such a manner, that it is impossible to track it along on the shore. They are a people living very hardly, and eat any thing. They 124 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS chew the rock salt, or natron, mixed with to- bacco, putting the mixture between the front teeth and the lower lip. The natron is found in several parts of Egypt, and is one of their articles of trade. The Laplanders are said to be very filthy in their food, and I am sure these people are not unlike them in tliat respect. When we killed a sheep, I had sometimes the pleasure of seeing the entrails opened, pieces of which, dipped once into the water, were eaten by them raw. The head and feet, with the skin on, wool, hoofs, and all, were put into a pot, which is never washed, to be half-boiled, when they drank the broth, and devoured the rest. We fastened our bark to the shore in the dis- trict of Formundy, and I mounted a high rock, to have a view of the country round. I found, on the west of the Nile, an extensive plain, with low, isolated hills, in the form of sugar-loaves, covered with black, smooth stones, something approaching to basalt. Some of the stones are about five feet in length. The country is every where barren ; there are only a few date-trees near the water. Next morning we reached Faras, which we left on the east, and went to see the temples of Ybsambul on the west. As we crossed the Nile IN EGYFf, NUBIA, &r, 125 exactly opposite these temples, we had an op- portunity of examining and having full views of them at a distance (see Plate 42). In the front of the minor temple are six colossal figures, which make a better appearance at a distance than when near them. They are thirty feet high, and are hew^n out of the rock ; as is also the large temple, which has one figure of an enormous size, with the head and shoulders only projecting out of the sand ; and notwith- standing the great distance, I could perceive, that it was beautifully executed. On the upper part or frieze of the temple was a line of hiero- glyphics, which covered the whole front ; and above this, a range of figures in a sitting pos- ture, as large again as life. The sand from the north side, accumulated by the wind on the rock above the temple, and which had gradually descended towards its front, choked the en- trance, and buried two-thirds of it. On my approaching this temple, the hope I had formed of opening its entrance vanished at once ; for the amazing accumulation of sand was such, that it appeared an impossibility ever to reach the door. We ascended a hill of sand at the upper part of the temple, and there found the head of a hawk projecting out of the sand only to its neck. From the situation of this figure, I concluded it 126 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS to be over the door. From the size of the head, the figure must have been more than twenty feet high j below the figure there is generally a vacant space ; so that, with the cornice over the door and the frieze, I calculated, that the doorway could not be less than thirty-five feet below the surface of the sand ; and this di- stance would have accorded in proportion with the front of the temple, which is one hundred and seventeen feet wide. The sand ran down in a slope from one side to the other, and to attempt to make an aperture straight through it to the door would have been like making a hole in the water. It was necessary, therefore, to remove the sand in such a direction, that it might fall oflffrom the front of the door : but in doing this the sand from above w^ould continue to fall on the place whence that below was removed, and render it an endless task. Besides, the natives were wild people, totally unaccus- tomed to such labour, and knew nothing of working for money : indeed they w^ere igno- rant of money altogether. All these difficulties seemed such insurmountable obstacles, that they almost deterred me from the thought of proceeding : yet perseverance, stimulated by hope, suggested to me such means, that at last, after much exertion and two voyages thither, I IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 127 had the satisfaction of entering the great tem- ple of Ybsambul. Having taken a proper measurement of the front of the temple, and made a calculation, I found, that, if I could persuade the people to work with persevering steadiness, I might suc- ceed in the undertaking. I did not examine the small temple that night, as I wished early to reach the village of Ybsambul, and to see Osseyn Cacheff. The rocks out of which the temple is hewn continue for about two hundred yards southward, and then open into a flat country, where are some good spots of culti- vated land, on the banks of the Nile, abound- ing with palm-trees. We embarked, and soon landed at the village. I perceived a group of people assembled under a grove of trees, who, when I came near them, seemed to be somewhat surprised at the sudden arrival of a stranger. Having desired to see Osseyn Cacheff, for some time I received no answer ; but at last was told, that he who sat there was Daoud Cacheff, his son. I saw a man about fifty years of age, clad in a light blue gown, with a white rag on his head as a turban, seated on a ragged mat, on the ground, a long sword and a gun by his side, with about twenty men surrounding him, who were well armed with swords, spears, and 128 RESEARCHES AND OPERATION'S shields. A younger brother, of miicli inferior rank and dignity, was among them, who be- haved very roughly towards me. Some had garments, others had none, and they altogether formed a ragged assembly, by no means of most encouraging aspect. These people have no other employment, than to gather the im- posts of their master from the poorer sort of na- tives. The CachefF himself has nothing to do but to go from one place to another to receive his revenue ; and in every place to w^hich he goes he has a house and a wife. He is absolute master to do what he pleases : there is no law to restrain him ; and the life of a man here is not considered of so much worth as that of a cat among us. If he have not what he wants, he takes it wherever he can find it : if refused, he uses force ; if resisted, the opponent is mur- dered : and thus the CachefF lives. They are not easily led by promises, for there is so little faith among them, that what is not obtained is considered as imaginary. It was with such a race of people I had to deal ; and from whom I had to obtain permission to pene- trate into a place, and to carry on operations, the thought of which appeared to them like that of a madman. To persuade them to undertake work for money was still worse, as their only IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 129 mode of buying and selling is by bartering dhourra for dates, or dates for salt. It will be recollected that Messrs. Legh and Smelt did not think proper to go any higher than Ibrim, as it was useless to penetrate into a country, where money w^as of little or no use, which in fact was the case at that time at Deir, and much more so above that place. Daoud CachefF demanded of me what business brought me there. I told him I had a letter from the Cacheff, his uncle, directed to Osseyn Cacheff, his father ; and that I came into the country in search of an- cient stones. He laughed, and said that a few months before he had seen another man, who came from Cairo in search of treasure, and took away a great deal of gold in his boat ; and that I came for the same purpose, not to take stones: what had I to do with stones, if it were not that I was able to procure gold from them ? I an- swered, the stones I wished to take aw^ay were broken pieces belonging to the old Pharaoh people ; and that by these pieces we were in hopes of learning, whether our ancestors came from that country ; which was the reason of my coming in search of ancient stones. I thought this might serve as a good explanation of the motives by which I was induced to open the temple. He then asked where I meant to go VOL. I. K 130 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS in search of these stones. I told him the place in the rock had a door, and by removing the sand we could enter, and perhaps should find many stones there. Accordingly I proposed to have the place opened ; and on a promise, that, if I succeeded, he should receive a bak- shis, he consented on his own part ; but still his father remained to be persuaded, and then peo- ple to be procured, who would work at such a place without fearing harm from the devil. I told him, that those who w^orked would gain money. " What money do you mean ?'* said he, *' money from Mahomet Ali, Bashaw of Cairo ? what can we do with it ? we cannot buy any thing here, or at Dongola." I said, the money may be sent to Assouan, and there dhourra could be purchased with it. " But,'* replied Daoud, " if we do so, they keep the money, and send us no dhourra." I could scarcely believe, that they had so little faith, or notion of commerce : but the fact is, that what produce they carry to Cairo, Siout, or Esne, they exchange for other articles, which they send to the southern country of Nubia, and never receive any money for it. I produced a piastre, and showed it to some of the people, who by this time had increased in number all round, seated themselves in form of IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. iSl a crescent before us, and were staring me in the face, observing all my motions. I went on en- deavouring to persuade them of the advantages they would derive from such money, if they in- troduced it into their country. The CachefF, however, seemed convinced, that it would do no good ; for then, he observed, the people who were not contented to stay in Nubia could sell their cows and goats, and go and live in Egypt. I believe he was right in this point ; but it was certainly impolitic in him to make such a remark before his subjects. One of them took the piastre from my hands, and, after looking at it for some time, asked me who would give any thing for that small piece of metal. " Any one," I answered, " will give you a measure of dhourra for it, quite enough for a man to eat in three days." " That may be so in your coun- try," replied he ; *' but here I am sure no one will give six grains of dhourra for so small a bit of iron." I told him, if he went on board our boat, and presented it to any one there, he would get for it dhourra enough to suffice him for the time I had mentioned. Off he ran like a deer, and in a few minutes returned with the dhourra folded in a rag fastened to his waist. I had previously instructed the Reis of our boat what he had to do, if any of the natives k2 132 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS should come with money to fetch dhourra; and accordingly he gave him the measure so ordered for a piastre. This experiment had a good effect, not only on the minds of the people, but also on that of the Cacheff j though, barbarian- like, he was not yet thoroughly satisfied. He observed, that a man who laboured a whole day ouffht to have four times that measure for his share ; therefore, if I would give them four piastres a day each, he w^ould persuade the people to work. At length, with much ado, I made a bargain for two piastres a man. Daoud told me that a man who came there a few months before had left in his hands three hundred piastres, to open that place for him; but the people would not undertake the busi- ness, as no one cared for such small pieces of metal. On the traveller's return from Wady Haifa, he expected to have found the place open ; but Daoud gave him his pieces of metal back again, as he did not know what to do with them. I found afterwards, that the person who had been there was Mr. Drouetti, the ex-consul of France in Egypt ; and that in fact he re- ceived his money back, as the people would not work for it. The next and greatest difficulty was to per- suade Osseyn Cacheff to let us proceed; for IN EGY1>T, NUBIA, &c. 1,83 ^vithollt his consent nothino; could be done. He lived at Eshke, a day and a half up the Nile. That night we slept at Ybsambul, as I wished to strengthen the disposition of the Cacheif in my favour. Accordingly I sent him a measure of rice, about four pounds weight, three ounces of coffee, half a pound of sugar, and a few leaves of a particular sort of tobacco, called Tunny Djebel, from Syria, which the Barabra chew, and consider it a great luxury. In the evening we received on board some sour milk, and warm thin cake of dhourra bread. This is baked on a flat stone, eighteen inches square, raised from the ground by a small stone at each corner, so as to admit a fire under it ; and when it is at a certain degree of heat, the paste is laid on it, which being quite soft, or nearly liquid, spreads in a sheet all over the stone, and in one minute is firm enough to be turned, which is done with great dexterity without breaking it. As soon as one is baked, another is placed on the stone ; and they are pretty good if eaten while hot, but when cold they are quite sour and disagreeable. They are generally eaten with sour milk ; but if allowed to get cold they are broken to pieces, put into a bowl, and boiled lentils poured on them. This forms the general food of the country. 1S4> RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS In the morning of the 11th, we passed near the ruined town of Adda, in a pleasant situa- tion, commanding a view of the Nile, and a considerable part of the country. It contains a great number of houses, built like those at Ibrim ; but the land on the east side is covered with sand. The western bank of the Nile is fertile, abounding with trees of various sorts, acacias, tamarisks, and many thorny groups. Farther on we came to the district of Kosko, on both sides of the Nile ; then to Endana, or Oddenham, Garba, Farras, and, a little farther, to the island of the same name j beyond which was Antero on the south, and above it on the same side Diberet, and the island so called. Here we passed the night. In almost all these parts we observed the left side of the Nile quite barren, except at Farras. On the right it is pretty full of palm-trees, and some dhourra is seen. The soil of the islands, however, seems to be the most fertile. We next morning reached Eshke, the re- sidence of the CachefF, and certainly the best spot of land above Ibrim and Assouan. The trees are very thick here, and a large tract of land is cultivated along the Nile, producing a great deal of dhourra and cotton, which, being cleaned and sent to Cairo, are exchanged for ready IN EGYIT, NUBIA, &c. 135 made lines, salt, and tobacco. On our arrival we were told, that Osseyn Cacheff was not at Eshke, but would return in a few days, as he was only at a small distance. As I did not like to go back to Ybsambul till I had an inter- view with him, w^e advanced to the second cata- ract, situated higher up. The Nile here turns to the south-west, the lands as we advanced still continued to be well cultivated, and the few huts, which were visible among the trees, were stronger and better built than tliose of the Arabs of Egypt. We fastened our boat to the shore, in the same district. We set off early next morning, and with a good north wind soon saw Aloanortis on the right, and above it on the left Debrous. A little farther on was an island of the same name; and higher up on our left the district of Angosh or Sukoy. I had expected, judging from the rocky nature of the country about the first cata- ract, to have seen the mountain of the second at a great distance ; but to my surprise we arrived at the very last district, without per. ceiving any thing but a flat country before us. The territory of Wady Haifa is the last on the Nile, on this side of the cataract. In the middle of the river is an island called Givarty, after this another called Mainarty, and beyond 136 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS these two others, named Genesap and Ennerty. These four are cultivated ; but there are others innumerable, which form the shellal or cataract, that are all barren. Some present nothing to the eye but bare stones and sand ; others a few sycamore trees and sunt j but there are no palm-trees, except in the four islands first men- tioned. About nine in the morning we made to the shore, as near as possible to the last cultivated land on the left, which is Wady Haifa. A few of the natives came to see us, whom I requested to bring some asses, that we might ride to the cataract, — a request they complied with without any difficulty. Mrs. Belzoni and myself (the Janizary and interpreter advancing before us) proceeded as far as the day would permit us, so as to return in proper time to the bark at night. We had many views of the cataract, and in dif.. ferent directions. I mounted one of the rocks, to have a distant view of the deserts j and as far as I could see it is a flat country, except a few rocks that project here and there, particu- larly at the river's side, but they are of small dimensions. Towards the desert we saw several wild antelopes, which kept at a great distance from us. As the Nile was high, the current had not so great a fall, as when it is low j but I be- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 137 lieve the cataract is not navigable at any time of the year. The rock forming this cataract differs from that of the first, for here is no granite, but a kind of black marble quite as hard. Some say it is black granite, but I can- not consider it as such : the grain of it is too coarse, and not so compact as that of granite. We returned to the bark after sunset, and immediately crossed to the island Mainarty, where we arrived at dusk. We saw fires and people at a distance ; but when we arrived we could not find any one. Their huts were left with all they had, which consisted only of dry dates, and a kind of paste made of the same, which they kept in large vases of clay baked in the sun, and covered with baskets made of palm-leaves. A baking-stove and a mat to sleep on were the whole of their furniture. They had pots and leathern bags to bring water from the Nile for their lands. Their settlement consisted of four men and seven women, with two or three children. They have no communi- cation with the main land, except when the water is low, for at any other time the current, being immediately under the cataract, is so rapid, as to render it impossible to ford itj and boats never go to these islands, seldom passing farther than Wady Haifa. They are 138 IlESE ARCHES AND OPERATIONS poor but happy : knowing nothing of the en- ticing luxuries of the world, and resting content with what Providence supplies as the reward of their industry. They have a few sheep and goats, which furnish them with milk all the year round; and the few spots of land they have are well cultivated, producing a little dhourra, which forms their yearly stock of pro- vision. The wool they spin into yarn ; wind the threads round little stones, and thus sus- pend them to a long stick fixed in an horizontal position between two trees, to form a warp ; and by passing another thread alternately between these fabricate a kind of coarse clotli, with which they cover the lower part of their bodies. I visited along with the Reis the whole of the island, which is about an eighth of a mile in length, and half as much in breadth. It was quite late when we found this poor but truly happy people. They had lighted a fire to make their bread, and it was this fire which directed us to that quarter. They were all hidden in a hole under some ruins of an old castle, which stands on the south side of the island ; and when we approached them, the women set up a loud scream through fear. Our Reis, who was a native of the lower part of Nubia, could talk their language, and pacified them : yet, not- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 139 withstanding this, we could not entice more than one man out of the place. Their fear was owing to some depredations committed by the robbers of Wady Haifa a few years before, who, at low water, forded over to the island, and did all the injury that could be done to such people. We assured them, that we were not like the robbers of Wady Haifa, but came only to get some one to show us the way to the cataract. At this, they were more afraid than ever ; and said, that it never happened that boats passed higher than Wady Haifa, which is at the beginning of the cataract ; it being im- possible to proceed farther, owing to the quan- tity of rocky islands. The Reis himself opposed my wish to ascend higher, fearing more for his boat than for our lives. At last it w^as con- cluded, that the Reis should leave his son on the island as a hostage for the two men, while they came on board, to show us the way up. They knew their way to these islands ; for at low water they frequent them, to collect some of the earth, from which they extract a sort of saltpetre, which they use in their food. I had reasons for not remaining at night with the boat fastened to the main land, and consequently preferred staying at the island. Early in the morning of the 14th, we took on 140 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS board the two men of the island, to pilot us towards the cataract as far as the boat could go, and then to show us the way we should proceed. We went on with the same strong north wind ; and as we had plenty of water, advanced with our bark till we found ourselves so tossed about by the different currents and eddies, as to pre- vent our farther progress ; and at the same time were so situated, that we could not return back, for fear of being driven against some of the rocks, which abounded on each side. Thus we were confined to one spot for about an hour. Sometimes we had a rapid start for a hundred yards; then all at once were stopped, and turned round, in spite of all our efforts, and of the north wind, which blew very hard. At last we were caught on a sudden in one of the eddies of water, and driven against a rock concealed about two feet below the surface. The shock was terrible ; and I must confess, having Mrs. Belzoni on board, I felt no small degree of alarm, as I thought the boat was split in two. For my own part, perhaps I might have swam on shore ; but Mrs. Belzoni was no small charge to me on this occasion. However, as it pleased God, and to my astonishment, there was no harm done. By crossing the rock we were on, we succeeded in getting to the other side of the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Sec. 141 river as quickly as possible, and when we ar- rived, forgot all the danger we had just passed. We landed, and took our route on foot ; Mrs. Belzoni, myself, the interpreter, the Janizary, the two men from the island, and four boys be- longing to the bark ; carrying with us some provision and water. We proceeded, on the rocks, and over a plain of sand and stones, till we arrived at the rock called Apsir, which is the highest in the neighbourhood of the cata- ract, and commands a complete view of the falls. The prospect from this spot is magni- ficent. The several thousand islands which are seen, of various sizes and forms, with as many different falls of water, running rapidly on- ward, while counter-currents return with equal velocity, exhibit a diversified appearance, truly grand. The blackness of the stones, the green of the trees on the islands, intermixed with the white froth of the water, form a fine picture, which can scarcely be described or delineated. Hence you see the four other cultivated islands, which lie on the south, or the most remote part of the cataract. They are named as follows : Nuba, Gamnarty, Ducully, and Suckeyr : on the north side are two others, called Dorge and Tabai. These islands are inhabited by a race of people who may be looked on as living in 14'2 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the most primitive state ; for no one ever goes to them, nor do they ever quit their island. They are very few in number — ^in some of the islands not more than five or six ; and they live on the produce of the few spots of ground they find on them, which they continually irrigate with the common machine named hade, con- sisting only of a piece of sheepskin and two sticks, by which they draw up the water. They have also a few sheep ; and fabricate a cloth from cotton produced in the islands, in the same manner as they make that of wool. On the left of the cataract the soil differs from that on the right. It consists of soft whitish stones and sand. From this spot it may be seen, that the course of the river is for a consi- derable extent among the rocks ; and the sum- mits of two high mountains are to be seen at a great distance. This part is not frequented by travellers ; for there is no mode of conveyance, and no inhabitants on that side of the cataract. Boats never venture thither : when the water is low, it is impossible ; and, when high, it would require a very strong north wind, to stem the rapid current against the boat. We returned slowly to the bark, and took our course towards the island we had left in the morning ; but unfortunately the wind, being IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 143 very strong, drove us to the island of Gulg6. The Reis wished to pass the whole night there ; but in the evening the wind shifting a little, we returned to the island we were at before. But again, notwithstanding the proof we had given of our harmless intentions, the natives were not to be seen ; and even the two men who had been with us in the boat no sooner landed than they disappeared. The son of the Reis, however, was preparing some food ; and we were glad to have escaped the danger of so many eddies and rocks. I forgot to mention that on the island Gulg6 I perceived the remains of an ancient wall, in the form of a church, and built of sun-baked bricks. It was in the centre of the island, and consisted of three divisions. — See Plate 32. loth. — In the morning we would not leave the island without seeing the inhabitants. The men soon appeared for their bakshis ; and at last came the women, to see Mrs. Belzoni, who made them presents of glass bead-necklaces, with Vv'hich they were wonderfully pleased : tliough, as it is their custom to take all, and give nothing, they did not even return us thanks for what they received ; but took their presents, laughed, and ran away immediately. We now descended the river with a strong 144 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS north wind against us ; and though some authors assert, that the Nile has no waves, but runs quite smooth, I can assure the reader, that we were this day tossed about as if by a gale at sea. The wind blowing fresh against a strong current na- turally caused this effect. We arrived in the afternoon at the village of Iskus, and went to see Osseyn Cacheff, who was returned, and to whom we had a letter from his brother Mahomet at Deir. I had landed with my interpreter and the Janizary, and entered a kind of house made in the shape of an angle of a propylaeon. These houses would not stand the weight of an upper apart- ment, if they were built perpendicularly ; for the clay walls, of which they are made, would fall outward. The CachefF*s house was adorned with an old mat spread on the ground as usual, a water jar, and a chain with two hooks made in a particular manner. This was that same Osseyn, who was one of the two brothers that caused Mr. Burckhardt to return from Tinareh. He was about sixty-eight years of age, five feet eleven inches high, stout and robust, and able to support the charge he was born to hold. He was surrounded by thirty men, all armed, some with matchlock guns and long swords, and some with spears and shields instead of guns. He IN EGYPT, NUBIA. 4c. 145 ' was clothed in a long tunic down to his feet, made of white woollen cloth, with a belt round his waist, to which his sword, flint, and steel were attached. Over his shoulder he had a long shawl, made of the same stuff as the tunic, thrown partly over his head, so as to cover it from the sun. He had also a red turban, and on his feet a pair of ragged shoes. Notwith- standing his dress, there was an air of supe- riority about him, which distinguished him at once above all the rest. It is worthy of ob- servation, that even among barbarians great re- spect is paid to superiors ; and those very men, who would murder a fellow-creature in a dif- ference about a few pipes of tobacco, almost tremble at the frown of a single and sometimes harmless old man. His inquiries concerning my business were very minute ; but I soon brought the affair of the temple forward, which did not a little surprise him. He said he knew the entrance into the place very well 5 that the round ball on the large head was the door of the great Dere, as he named it, and if removed I could immediately enter. This round ball was no other than the globe on the head of the hawk-headed Osiris, which stood over the door, as I mentioned before. At first he stated to me the great difficulty, if not impossibility of VOL. r. L 146 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS opening this place; and at last, when I had endeavoured to remove these obstacles, he made me promise, that, if I found the temple full of gold, I should give him half. To this I agreed, on condition that if I found only stones, they should be all my own property ; and he imme- diately assented, for he said he wanted no stones. Upon this he gave me a letter to his son at Ybsambul, and when I left him, and went on board, I sent him some trifling pre- sents, which he received with pleasure, and sent us a lamb. When I came to the bark I found it crowded with women, who had learned from our crew, as we passed upwards, that there was a w^oman on board ; and as soon as we arrived, on our return, they all ran to the shore. Mrs. Belzoni, not supposing they would come in such num- bers, made a present of some glass beads to one of the wives of the Cacheff. This was enough : they increased in crowds, and we had to please them all. Next morning we continued our voyage, and arrived very early at Ybsambul. I went to see a small temple on the south side, opposite the village ; but it is of no consequence, only it may be remarked as the last on the Nile on this side of the cataract. It has served as a chapel IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 147 to tlie Christian Greeks ; and the figures of the Apostles remain nearly perfect painted on tlie wall and roof. We crossed the river, and I went immediately to Daoud Cacheff. Having presented the letter from his father, he sent for the men who were intended to work. I found these people complete savages, and entirely un- acquainted with any kind of labour. They had changed their minds since I was there last ; and, thougli I had the authority of the Cachefti they would not work. My persuasion was of of no avail ; first, because they were not in- clined to such labour ; secondly, they did not know the value of money, &c. At last I pre- tended to give up my project, and go away. When the Cacheff saw that I meant to go, and that he should lose many a good present, he began to talk to them ; and at last, with much difliculty, reduced the payment to one half of what they had demanded before. On my agree- ing to this, they immediately insisted, that I should employ as many as they chose. It was in vain I told them, thirty were more than suf- ficient for my purpose ; they would not hear of less than a hundred. With this it was im- possible for me to comply ; so I rose, and took leave of the Cacheff, ordering the Reis to go on board, and set of^' immediately. This, how- L -2 148 KESEARCIIES AND OPERATIONS ever, was not satisfactory to the parties; they had still more to say, and at last it was con- cluded, that I should take forty men, who were to be at the bark before the sun rose next morn- ing, as it was nearly two miles from the village to the temple. I went on board, heartily wishing I had done with these people. 17th. — ^Early in the morning when I ex- pected to see these wild men, for such I must call them, I was greatly disappointed : the sun was very high, and no one appeared. I then returned to the Cacheff, to inquire whether the men meant to make a joke of the business, or to work. Not being accustomed to be dis- turbed so early, he rose very slowly, and sent a party of his soldiers to search for the men, some of whom at last made their appearance, while others pretended they could not come. Their excuse was, that they saw a Bedoween in the desert, and they were all on the watch. The day before they w^anted to be employed to the number of a hundred, and to-day they were unwilling to be employed at all. At length some arrived by land, some by water, but very late, and we went at last to the temple. I took it patiently, and began the work in such a di- rection, that the sand should fall off from the centre of the front of the temple, where na- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &.. 149 turally the door must be. They liail a long stick, with a cross piece of wood at the end, at each extremity of which was a rope. One man drew the long stick back, and another pulled it for- ward. This is the method they use in removing the earth in their cultivated ground, and 1 found it very useful in clearing away sand also. As it was the first day of our enterprise, they went on better than I expected ; and all their thoughts and talk were on the quantity of gold, pearl§, and jewels, we should find in the place. I did not discourage them in their supposition, as I considered it to be the best stimulus they could ha\ e to proceed. At noon I gave them some boiled lentils, and bread soup, with which they were pretty well pleased. The Cacheff, who attended to the work himself, partook of what I ate. At night I paid the men, and recom- mended them to be there again early in the morning. The CachefF and part of his court came on board, and we returned to the village for the night. 18th. — In the morning we went to the temple, and the Fellahs came after us rather late, and we began the w^ork again very slowly. I had to use a great deal of persuasion this day ; for the savages were led to think, they had laboured too hard on the first day, so that they were ob- 1,)U RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS stinate, and I had much ado to prevail on them to continue. As they complained of being very much tired, I promised, that they should not work the next day, but be allowed to rest them- selves. We ended this day's work before sun- set, and returned to the village. Finding our- selves but ill supplied with provision in this place, I offered more than usual for a sheep, but to no purpose : I was obliged to eat rice and water, and very little of that, as we had not much on board. Our stock of butter was quite finished, and milk was very scarce. 19th. — In the morning I went to see the Cacheff, to speak about some palm wood. I found him quite changed in his behaviour, start- ing a thousand difficulties ; in particular, that the Fellahs would not come to work any more, as it was useless for them to fatigue themselves for a little money ; adding, that it was im- possible to get any palm wood ; though at the same time we were surrounded by it. I answered, that this was not our agreement ; and, as I kept my word, and paid the Fellahs according to our first engagement, I expected them to perform their part of the bargain. After much debate, it was at last concluded, that I should see the Fellahs at night, and try myself what could be done, for lie could not serve me. In sliort, I IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 151 could make nothing of him ; but his interpreter soon gave me to understand, that all this dif- ficulty arose from my not having made him any considerable present; and the soldier who was with me from Siout told me, that I ought not to omit giving him a brace of pistols, or some other valuable thing. I saw their meaning immediately ; but I also knew that these people never feel grateful for any thing after they re- ceive it, but think only of contriving new tricks to extort more, if possible ; so that it is just the same whether you give or not. However, I took a middle course, and told the interpreter, that I would provide a good bakshis both for his master and himself, if they would interest themselves in my favour. In the afternoon the savages were all assembled, and I was sent for. The brother of the CachefF, whom I saw the first time we arrived at Ybsambul, was there : his behaviour however was altered, and much for the better ; so that he, who at first was rough, became smooth, and the smooth be- came rough. I inquired about the wood, and was told, that I must go to a place two leagues off, where I should find some ; but this was said only to start new difficulties, as I knew there was plenty in the village. With respect to the savages, I was informed, that they would 152 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS not come to work so hard, unless I doubled the numbers. It was in vain for me to tell them, that a man does not work more when alone, than when accompanied by multitudes. They were obstinate, and I could do nothing with them ; for had I consented to employ a hun- dred, I should soon have been called on to make it up two hundred. I promised to give bakshis to the brother of the Cacheff, who began to talk to them in their own language ; and to my astonishment all at once they agreed to come to the number of forty only ; on con- dition, however, that I should give them the sixth part of an ardep of corn to make bread with. The CachefF seemed displeased with the influence of his brother, and rose and walked off. A barbarian from Deir, who was a stranger in tlie island, and had come thither to cultivate a piece of ground, had bought some wood to build a sakias, or water machine ; but as he could not agree with the savages at Ybsambul, and was going away, he proposed to sell his wood to me; and I gladly availed myself of the op- portunity, and thus got over this difficulty. Next day (20th), in the morning the people came slowly to work, but upon the whole we went on very well, though I had much ado to make them proceed in the riglit way. The IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 15S CachefF, with his attendants, came to see how we were proceeding, and gave me to under- stand, that he intended dining with me. I told him I was very glad of his company, but had nothing except boiled rice, unless he would order his people to kill a sheep for us, which I would gladly pay for. They consulted about who could afford to part with a sheep, and re- ceive piastres in payment, and at last the order was given to an old man, who had five, which was a greater number than any body else. When the sheep was brought to us, the difficulty was to fix the price of it. Being the first ever sold for money in that place, to put a high price on it would have increased the value of sheep in general, and consequently would have been against the interest of the Cachefi"; for when he receives his revenue in these animals, he sets them at a very low price, that he may have the more given him. To estimate it at a low price would be worse, for it would be against them all in the exchange of sheep for dhourra with the other villages. Finding it a dangerous point to decide, it was at length resolved, that no price at all should be put upon the sheep, but that the man should make me a present of it, and I should give any thing I pleased in return. To prevent any standard being esta- 154 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS blished from what I gave the man, I paid him ill soap, tobacco, and salt. At dinner the sheep was brought in pieces in two wooden bowls, and the CachefF and his attendants seated themselves in a circle on the sand near the temple. The extremities of their filthy hands were soon washed in the liquor, and in a few seconds the whole was devoured. Not being accustomed to this unceremonious sort of feasting, I stood but a poor chance; but in subsequent occurrences of this kind I con- trived to take my share without interfering with their scramble. Soon after dinner coffee was brought up from the boat, and I went on board to take my dinner with Mrs. Belzoni, who had boiled rice and water for her fare, in preference to the chieftain's mess of mutton. In a short time the Cacheff' approached, and sig- nified his wish to speak to me in secret. We retired, and his principal interpreters were called to us. The great secret was this : on the night before, as he stood on the bank close to our boat, he saw me drinking a coffee cup of red liquor that I poured out of a bottle ; and having inquired what it was, was told it was nebet (wine). Now he had heard that the wine of the English was much better than what they made in their own country with dates j he IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 15.5 wished, therefore, to have some to drink also, but in a secret way. Fortunately I had a few bottles left from our stock in Cairo, which we preserved for extraordinary occasions ; and I sent my interpreter down to the boat to fetch one. When the wine was first poured out into a cup and presented to the Cacheff, he sternly looked at the interpreter, and told him to drink first. The interpreter, who was a Copt, and had been in the French army for several years, did not want much persuasion to make a libation to Bacchus ; so with a smile he soon convinced the CachefF of the purity of the contents of the bottle, and the CachefF did not hesitate to drink the next cup. At the first taste it did not appear to him so strong as he had supposed ; but at last he found it so good, that in three days my scanty stock was nearly finished. I had much reason to repent having taken a Janizary with me, for instead of assist- ing me in my dealing with these people, I found he was the first to suggest to them what they never would have tliought of. It is not to be supposed that a ]\Iussulman will ever take the part of a Christian dog, against any of his own religion, unless he is responsible for the life of the stranger ; and then he does it for his own sake, and not from anv attachment to the Eu- 156 RESK ARCHES AND OPERATIONS ropean. The work went on very slowly this day ; but altogether we had made a consi- derable advance in the sand, towards the centre of the front of the temple. Next morning (21st), the people took it into their heads to come in such numbers, that I could not employ them all, as the work was directed only to one point. There was warm debating on the subject ; but, as I would not spend one farthing more than I had promised from the first, they agreed at last that the pay should be divided amongst them all ; and thus, instead of forty men, I had eighty for the same price, which w^as less than sixpence a day. The anxiety to see the inside of the temple, and to plunder all that it might contain, brought the two brothers on board very early in the morning. They soon gave me to understand plainly, that all that was there was their own property ; and that the treasure should be for themselves. Even the savages began to lay their account in the division of the spoil. I assured them that I expected to find nothing but stones, and wanted no treasure. They still persisted, that, if I took away the stones, the treasure was in them j and, if I could make a drawing, or likeness of them, I could extract the treasure from them also, without their perceiving it. Some proposed. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 157 that, if there were any figure discovered, it should be broken before I carried it away, to see the inside of it. Thus I plainly perceived, that, on entering the temple, I should not be at liberty either to take notes of what was in it, or to make any drawings, much less to take away any statue, or any thing else that might be found. We went on with our labour, how- ever, and, as I made a palisade with the palm wood I had bought, I had no need of so many men, as they had only to clear the space between the palisade and the temple. In the course of the morning, two of the men left the work, and went down the Nile to our boat. Finding Mrs. Belzoni on board, with only a little girl from the village, they were rather impertinent to her, and attempted to go on board in s})ite of all she could say to them, in- tending to rob the boat. At last she presented a pistol to them, on which they immediately re- tired, and ran up the hill. She followed, but they mixed with a number of their fellow sa- vages, and it was impossible to find them out ; for they were all like so many lumps of choco- late seated on the sand at work, and not to be distinguished the one from the other. At night, when I paid the men, the Cacheff*s brother said, the money must be counted all in one heap, 158 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS before it was divided among the people. My interpreter, who was also my treasurer, accord- ingly counted the money on a piece of a ragged shawl, which he had no sooner done, than the Cacheff's brother threw himself on it, and seized every piastre. The men looked at each other, but no one dared to say a word about it ; and he took it all away with him. I observed to him, that his magic was much more sure in its operation than mine, for obtaining money. But I was pleased to find they had begun to know the worth of it so well. I naturally expected, that no one would come to work the next morning '(22nd) ; but in this 1 was mistaken. So much of the sand had been taken away, that the first palisade became use- less. I made another, therefore, directly be- fore the place where I supposed the entrance to be, to prevent the sand from falling against it. I now began to perceive clearly, that this work would employ more time than I could spare in that country, and the period I had meant to dedicate to it was already elapsed ; but this would not have deterred me from pro- ceeding, and no doubt I should have accom- plished my undertaking, had it not been for a material cause which compelled me to quit the work for a time. This was the want of that IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 15'J very article which, a few days before, was so despised and unknown ; and now I absolutely could not proceed without it. It was money, which, even here, had shown its usual power among mankind, of exciting avarice, and of w hich those wild people soon became very fond. I had some water brought up from the Nile, and poured down close to the wall over the door. This stopped the sand from running, till I had a hole made so deep, that I could per- ceive it required a longer time to reach the door than I could stay, and more money than I could then afford. I had by this time re- moved so much sand, as to uncover twenty feet in the front of the temple. The colossal statues above the door were completely exposed ; and one of the great colossi sitting before the temple, on the north side, which was buried in the sand, appeared with his face and shoulders like his companion on the south. Having obtained a promise from the Cacheff', that he would not let any one touch the place till my return, which would be in a few months, I contented myself with putting a mark where the sand was before I commenced the operation ; and after taking a drawing of the exterior of the temple, quitted it, with a firm resolution of returning to accom- plish its opening. We brought our boat to the l60 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS village, and, after making some trifling presents to the Cacheff, set off the same evening. We descended the Nile rapidly, as the cur- rent was very strong, which was a fortunate cir- cumstance for us, for we were almost without provisions on board. Two hours after we left Ybsambul, a Turkish soldier on a dromedary hailed us from the right bank of the Nile; but, without attending to him, we continued our voyage. He turned back, and followed us a considerable way ; and when he came to a place, where the current brought us near the shore, he fired a pistol, as a signal to stop. We were greatly at a loss to conjecture who he could be, as it was not to be supposed, that a Turkish soldier w^ould venture alone into this country. At length, as we drew near the bank, he said he had letters for me from the Bey of Esne. This was not true. He produced two letters in Arabic, signed by two different persons not in existence, which ordered me, in an insolent tone of com- mand, to desist from any work I might have begun in Nubia, and return to Cairo. The rea- son why these letters were sent to me, by whom, and for what purpose, is one of those mysteries w^iich, for the present, must remain unknown. The soldier came on board, and sent the dro- medary back by his servant ; for in that country IN EGYPT. NUBIA, &o. l6l every soldier has a servant, to take care of his camel, horse, or asses, if he have any. Thus, when a body of five thousand men marches against an enemy, there are always at least six thousand people more to encumber it, and eat up the provision : for not only every common soldier has a man, but every officer has two or three ; and those of the higher rank, as Beys, Cacheffs, &c. have ten or more. As the current was so rapid, the next day (2Sd), in the evening, we arrived at Ibrim, and early on the 24th at Deir. I went to see the temple, but in a cursory way, reserving my ob- servations to my next visit. We took in some provision, set off immediately, arrived in the evening at Nobat, and the next night (25th), stopped at El Kalabshe. Here we visited the temple a second time, but rather too late for much inspection. Next day (26th,) we visited the two temples at TafFa, my humble observations on which I shall give in my next voyage in Nubia. Here a barbarian, armed with a spear and shield, called to me to stop, which I did, as he said he had something to communicate. He demanded my money in a resolute manner, and with a savage look ; but when I made the interpreter inquire VOL. I. M 162 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS of him if he demanded the money per force, or as a voluntary bakshis, he laughed and ran off. Continuing our voyage, at Cardassy I saw the remains of some very extensive buildings, and of some quarries, where a small chapel is cut in the rock, containing many Greek in- scriptions, which I regretted I had not time to copy. We next came to Gamby, where, on the east, is a small temple, but almost even with the ground, and a few figures and hieroglyphics on the stones. This temple, that of Deir, and the one opposite Ybsambul, are all I have seen on the eastern side of the Nile above the first cataract. We came down to Deboude in the afternoon, and went to see the ruins of that place, as I shall describe in my next journey. Next day (27th), brought us to the Shellal, or first cataract. The soldier of Derow, who brought the letters, set off immediately, and I never saw him afterwards. I took particular notice of a small obelisk which was lying before the propylseon, and which, if brought to Eng- land, might serve as a monument in some par- ticular place, or as an embellishment to the me- tropolis. I sent for the Aga of Assouan, and a Reis who knew the channels in the Shellal, and in the meantime took a general view of IN EGYPT, NUBIA, .^c. iGS these superb ruins. I observed in the southern part of the island the remains of a small temple, quite in ruins, with blocks of stone scattered here and there, and remarked, that a part of the remaining wall contained the legs of several figures in basso rilievo finely finished. I ex- amined the blocks that had been thrown down from the wall, and found they contained the upper parts of the figures, which had formed a group of seven in all. When the Aga and the Reis came, I made an agreement with them to have the obelisk taken down the cataract ; but, for want of a boat, it could not be effected that season. The obelisk is twenty-two feet long, by two wide at the base ; so that it re- quired a pretty large boat to convey it. It was agreed, and perfectly understood, that I took possession of this obelisk in the name of his Britannic Majesty's consul-general in Cairo ; and I gave four dollars to the Aga, to pay a guard for it till my return. I entreat the reader here to pause, and to recollect what caution I took in securing this piece of antiquity ; as he will find, in the course of this work, that the obelisk in question has caused me more trouble and persecution than any thing else I succeeded in removing from Egypt. Indeed, it nearly cost me my life ; and M 2 1G4 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS for such disinterested exertions I received, in return, the meanest insults. Unfortunately such was my situation in Egypt, that some of the very people I had to deal with, though I was acting for the credit both of their country and of them- selves, could not restrain the impulse of jealousy, which they nourished in their breasts, and which always operated to my disadvantage. In a fu- ture work, that I intend to lay before the public, I shall perhaps unfold these matters ; so that any one who has common feeling will wonder how I could persist so long in my researches under such circumstances. The blocks of stone, which formed the com- partment of fourteen feet long and twelve wide, were twelve in number. When they were put together on the ground, they were a beautiful group, consisting of the great god Osiris seated on his chair, with an altar before him, receiving offerings from priests and female figures ; the whole surrounded by flowers and hieroglyphics. The blocks were three feet six inches long, and three feet wide : but as they were two feet three inches thick, they were too bulky to be em- barked whole. As they could be easily cut, being a calcareous gritstone, I made an agree- ment for one hundred piastres, to have them cut to six inches thickness. I left the money IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 16j in the hands of the Aga ; and it was understood, that these stones were to be embarked by the first opportunity of a boat, and sent down to Luxor. The Aga hinted, that he should be happy to know what 1 meant to give him for permission to take away the obelisk ; for though I was authorised by the firman of the Bashaw to take what stones or statues I pleased, yet these fellows think they have a right to demand something ; and if they cannot openly refuse, still they have it in their power to throw such obstacles in the w^ay, as to entirely defeat your undertaking. It was agreed, that he should give orders to the Sheik of the island to guard the stones and the obelisk, so that no one should injure them; for which guard, as before stated, he received four dollars ; and that on the re- moval of the obelisk he should receive three hundred piastres, equal to thirty dollars. Next day, the 28th of September, we came to Assouan by land ; just one month from the day on which we first entered that place. On our arrival, we were informed, that there were no boats to take us to Esne ; and, in spite of all our haste, we were obliged to wait till some came from the north. We therefore took another tour in the island of Elephantine, and on the next morning, (29th), I set off for the granite 106 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS mountain, about two hours and a half south- east of Assouan. I took an Arab of that place with me as a guide, and walked about the greater part of the day. I saw a great many granite quarries, w^hich plainly showed, that the ancients took the granite intended for the tem- ples, statues, and ornaments, from these places; and in one of these excavations I saw two large basins in the rough, cut out of the rock, one of which was ready to be taken away, as it was nearly finished. It appeared to me, by what I could observe, that the pieces of granite were procured by cutting a line with a chisel, about two inches deep, round the stone intended to be removed, and then by giving a great blow with some machine, which separated the part like glass when cut with a diamond. In this basin were pieces, which plainly showed the fact of this operation. On my return towards the west, I was fortunate enough to find a column lying on the ground, with a Latin inscription, as in the annexed plate. It proves, that the Romans used to take granite from these quarries, and, no doubt, chiefly for religious purposes, like the Egyptians. On my return to Assouan, no boat h.ad ar- rived, and I became impatient, for I wished to reach Thebes. We were seated under a grove IOMH\MMONI<.£NVBlDI IVNlONl atClNAf i\N^ORSVfc TVTELA HK MCNJESTtJvbf PRIM ITER S\(BIMPtR.lOPRl FELICIJ>'5IM0-.yAECVL0D'D NNIMX/ICTOR IMPPSEVIERlE' ANTONINIPIISSIMORVMAVCJC ETO^!vl iSSi 1VLIAED0MNAEAV(dMK' IVXSmPHILAS NOVAE LAPICAEDINAEADINVEM TAP TkACTAEQ«£SVNTFAW ^TATICAEETCOLVMNAE GR.ANDESETMOL-IAESVB 5VBKnAN0A<\VlLAE PRr AEG-CURAMAfefNEOPDOMINlC- AVREtHERACUO/^f DEC AL-f4^Vlt- r» f'r, r,r /ufi/' Ifif vfe f . 'iy,-4i/^ ,./■■ f ^'-ef IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. iGj of palm-trees, eating our soup of rice and meat witli the Aga, when an Arab came to him, and whispered in his ear, as if he had something of great importance to communicate. The Aga rose, though his dinner was not finished, and went away with the air of a man of great busi- ness. Half an hour after he returned, accom- panied by two other persons of distinction, and the old man who came before. They all seated themselves round me, and after introducing the affair with a degree of caution, I was asked, whether I wished to purchase a large piece of diamond. I considered, that I was no diamond merchant ; but in a case like this, I would have contrived to become a jeweller, and have pro- cured the money from Esne, if it had been to my advantage ; for, in the times in which we live, jewels are no despicable articles, if they can be obtained at a cheap rate. I told the Aga, that if the article were good, I would pur- chase it, if we could agree ; but it was necessary that I should see it. He said, the piece had been found by one of the natives of that place j and, as he was not in want of money, it had been preserved in the family for many years. This original proprietor being now dead, his successors wished to dispose of it. I requested to see it; so we retired some distance out of l68 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the way of the people. The old man then with great solemnity took a small wooden box from a pocket in his leathern belt. In this was a paper, which he unfolded ; after that, two or three others, till at last he opened the sanctum sanctorum. I took its contents in my hands with no small degree of expectation : but, alas ! how did I look, when I saw it was only part of the stopple of a common glass cruet, of the size of a hazel-nut, with two or three Httle gilt flowers on it ! All my hopes vanished ; and as the others were anxiously observing my mo- tions, they could not fail to see disappointment so strongly marked in my countenance, as de- cided their fate, and destroyed their great ex- pectations of wealth from this invaluable jewel. When I told them, that it was only a piece of glass, the words affected their minds like the unhappy tidings of some great misfortune: they walked off in solemn silence, not without giving me an inquiring look, to learn whether I were really in earnest. But I also shared their dis- appointment, and the smile on my face could give them no hopes. Another day passed, but no boat appeared. At last I thought of bespeaking two camels, and proceeding to Esne by land, with Mrs. Belzoni and the interpreter, and letting the Janizary re- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. l69 main there, to follow by the first boat, and bring the implements we should leave behind. But when the Aga saw, that I had taken this reso- lution, he sent for a boat, which was hidden about a league distant, and there were two or three more concealed in other places. I found, that all this was done to keep us a few days in that place for the benefit of the town, strangers being of course obliged to spend money while they are there. After the boat was hired, at a great price, I found it belonged to the Aga himself; and the Captain or Reis told us, after- wards, that he ordered him to hide it, to compel me to give what he liked for the hire of it. Some travellers give us the notions they have formed of the ^rabs and Berberys ; but it is to be observed, that there is a very great difference in the manner in which different persons travel ; and the methods pursued in going through a country may afford one more opportunities of seeing and judging than another. A traveller who has all the accommodation possible, and nothing to do with these people but in passing, can never judge of their ideas, their system of conduct, and their rapacious manners ; for in the little interval, and the limited business he has to transact with them, they do not appear to be the people they really lyO RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS are. Some travellers even receive civilities, ■with which they are mightily pleased ; without having time to discover, that the very persons, whom they suppose to be naturally civil, are so only to serve their own interested views. They pass on, and in their journal of remarks say, that they were received civilly at such and such a place. But let a traveller deal with them in any transaction, where their interest is con- cerned, and where their execution of any un- dertaking is required, he will soon find, that in every point they are the most cheating people on earth. Their deception is extreme. A tra- veller passing by a village stops his bark for an hour or two : what good people he finds ! Some bring him a small basket of dates, others a few eggs, another some bread and milk ; with which he is so pleased, that he immediately gives them five or perhaps ten times more than the worth of what he receives, without being aware, that it is through such an expectation they bring him these things ; and exclaims, that in Europe they do not treat a stranger so civilly. But let him take the smallest of these presents without giving any thing in return, or even no more than it is worth, they will not fail to murmur at him. If he give only double the price, they Ii.'ivc the art of returning the money with scorn IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. I7I and contempt, in order to shame him to give more : — and if he take the money returned, or give them nothing from the beginning, he must not expect, that they will let him go away with- out paying them for what they brought him. All this is unknown to a traveller merely passing by ; for there is no one in this character, who would be so mean as to accept any thing, with- out returning double or treble its value. From these trifles it may be presumed what they are in all their dealings : to-night one word for such a thing, to-morrow another : their intrigues are beyond description: they have the art of making- one thing appear like another so well, that it is very difficult to avoid falling into their trap. There are two extremes in travellers. One who is just arrived, has never before been in the country, and of course has no knowledge of customs and things, cannot see one-fourth of what he should see : the other is so thoroughly initiated into their customs and manners, that those things which strike at first sight, lose their effect on him ; he almost forgets his own ways, and does not reckon any thing he beholds ex- traordinary or worth attention, though perhaps even of great consequence. At last, after settling all my affairs with the Aga, and satisfying his demands of oil, \inegar, 17^ RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS and some empty bottles, we left Assouan in the morning of the 30th, and two days brought us to Esne, the current being very strong. Khalil Bey was not there, and his Hasnadar or trea- surer did not know any thing about the orders, which were sent to me in Nubia : but on seeing the Bey sometime after, he said he never sent me any such orders. On the morning of the 4th of October we arrived at Luxor. Seeing that no boat had arrived from Cairo, though the consul had sent me some money, I set off next day in the same boat to Gheneh, arrived there the next morning, and went to see Mr. Sokiner, a person whom I knew, and who served me much in this business. We went to the CachefF, who could not give me a boat, in consequence of a fresh order from Cairo to press all boats that passed ; and I was therefore obliged to despatch a courier again to Cairo, for an order from the consul to obtain one. On the 7th, in the morning, we endeavoured to obtain a boat, but we lost the whole day in this manner, and I was nearly despairing of success ; but, repairing the next morning to the Cacheff) I begged him to give me an order to press a courier, and he complied immediately, for he was of a very different cast from the CachefF of J£rments. The courier received his despatch IN F.GYPT, NUBIA. Ac. 173 about noon, and was to go and return from Cairo in sixteen days. He was on the point of setting off, when a large boat appeared, which brought Messrs. Jacque and Caliad, two agents of the French consul, who were going to As- souan. On inquiry I found that the boat was at liberty to be engaged after it arrived at As- souan. Accordingly I bespoke it of the Reis, before the Aga, who made him promise not to retract his agreement. The courier had not yet set off, and there was now no necessity of sending to Cairo, as I was assured of having this boat. On our arrival at Thebes, the boat happened to be fastened to the bank, where the colossal head was. I will not waste my time in de- scribing the remarks made by the two French agents of Mr. D., on seeing the head : suffice it to say, they positively declared, in spite of the evident mark it bore on its breast, that the French invaders did not take it away, because they thought it not worth the taking ! On hear- ing of my fortunate success in collecting several valuable pieces of antiquity, their Dragoman, a renegado Frenchman, observed to me, that, if I persevered in my researches, I should have my throat cut, by order of two personages ; one was the Cacheff of Erments, the other I sliall 174 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS not mention at present. I told him I was greatly obliged to him for his information, but did not believe any one would make such an attempt. They went to visit the soldiers, who lived in the tombs among the people at Gournou, and assembled several Arabs of that place before the two agents, who told them plainly in my pre- sence, that, if they sold any article of antiquity to the English party, they would have them well beaten by the CachefF of Erments, who com- manded over them. From this moment I per- ceived, that I should have much opposition and many difficulties to encounter ; but as my stay there was to be short, I did not regard them, and continued my business, after Mrs. Belzoni had been lodged in the house of an Arab at Luxor. The same day I w^ent to Carnak, and set twenty men at work on a spot of ground, that I chose according to a simple calculation I made, of which I shall have to speak hereafter. I re- embarked for Esne again, on board of the same boat, as I had to conclude the contract with the Reis of it, and to pay a part of the money as earnest. The two Frenchmen were on board also. We proceeded during the whole night, being favoured with a good strong wind, and arrived at Esne the next day at noon. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. J 75 I liope the reader will not think that I em- ploy my pen in useless accounts, or to make a display of the difficulties I encountered in my operations, merely to enhance any merit on my part : on the contrary, I can assure him, that I study, by all means possible, to be brief, and not to insert the least thing but what is neces- sary to be known, as will be seen. I went to the house where all the owners of the boats were assembled, w4io at first were of one ac- cord, that it was impossible to put the head on board the boat, alleging that it would break it to pieces, if such a mass of stone were placed in it. They then strove to persuade me to leave the stone, as they were disposed to believe that there was no gold in it ; and, if I took it, and found none after I had spent so much, I should lose all. Notwithstanding their simplicity, when I persuaded them that no accident would hap- pen, and that I took all risks upon myself, they -^did not fail to ask me an enormous sum for the hitv^ of the boat. I was in a dilemma, fearing, thai, if I missed this boat, I might lose the high wa/er, which would have obliged me to Avait tiy^ next year ; and in a country like this, c/.ianging from one day to another its govern- ment and way of thinking, I did not know what might happen. I therefore thought it best to 1/6 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS secure myself from any future extortion, and give an enormous hire for the boat. This was three thousand piastres, equal to seventy-five pounds sterling, from that place to Cairo. After all this was settled, and half the money paid down, the boat was to ascend the Nile as far as Assouan, to unload at that place, and to return immediately. I sent my Janizary with some presents to the Aga, and some trifles for Osseyn CachefF, to be forwarded to him at Yb- sambul, by the first opportunity from Assouan to that place ; thinking by this trifle he would be convinced, that I intended to return to that country to finish the operation, and be induced to keep his promise, not to let any one under- take the accomplishment of what I had begun. The Janizary was likewise to take on board the twelve stones which I left there to be cut, &c. AMien all this was arranged, I set off for Thebes at night, and arrived there the next morning. On my arrival, I went immediately to Carnak, to see what had been done the day before by the twenty men. Here, reader, was the beginning of those dis- coveries, which have caused me so much trouble, not from the exertion and arduous labour re- quired in these researches, but in the atrocious persecution they have drawn on me, from ma- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, tec 177 lice, jealousy, and envy to such a degree, that to this day, the very goddess Fortune, who has been apparently so propitious to me, I had rea- son to call barbarous and unkind. Notwith- standing which, I did not relinquish my under- taking, till I reached the accomplishment of my wishes. Let me add, I have further enterprises in view, which, I hope, will convince my adver- saries, that their persecution has had no other effect on me, than that of strengthening me to perseverance in my undertakings. Had I not determined to stand, like a pyramid defying the wind, against all their numerous attacks, which poured on me like a torrent, I should not have been able to proceed, even from the commence- ment. On the other hand, I must acknow- ledge, that at the moment when I was perse- cuted on one side, I received marks of kindness and good wishes on the other ; and fortunately, thank God, the well-disposed far outnumbered the others, though few like to enter into, or interfere with matters which do not concern themselves. Many travellers of various nations, at the time of my researches, witnessed, that the greatest difficulties I had to encounter were not in the discovery of antiquities, which I consider the smallest part of my task, but in controlling the complicated intrigues of my VOL. I. N 178 RESEARCHES AND OPERATION'S enemies and false friends. I am more inclined to excuse Count Forbin, as the erroneous and false accounts he gives are so confused and contradictory to the facts, that he openly ex- poses himself to ridicule and contempt, than to pardon some others, who should have been above such paltry proceedings. The works in Carnak were begun when I re- turned from Esne, but nothing was found, and there was no likelihood of finding any thing. The place whence the French had taken their lion-headed statues, at the time of the invasion, is where a temple stood, surrounded on three sides by a lake. It faces the avenue^ of the great sphinx to the north, and not a single wall or column remains standing. On the exterior side of the wall are several fragments of the above statues, which were there before the French army invaded Egypt, but they made some excavations on the east side of the temple, and made discoveries, the fruits of which are now to be seen in the British Museum, they having been captured at sea. The Count de Forbin asserts, that after all these sphinxes had been discovered they were covered up again by some French gentlemen who superintended the work. But the Count did not mention the names of those persons, for he knew very well IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 179 that no such thing ev^er took place. The ac- count he published of the statues, which he acknowledges to have been found twenty feet below the surface, and backed by a strong an- cient wall, was taken from my own letters, which I gave him myself in Cairo, of which I shall have to speak hereafter, and which he promised to give to the world as they were. Instead of this, tlie only use he made of them was to throw all the facts into confusion, and prevent the real truth from coming before the public. Now to more obvious facts. According to a calculation I had made, I dug on the w'est side of the temple, where no one had ever made any excavation before, nor did any traveller pre- vious to me take any thing thence but what was in sight ; the French having taken theirs from the east. The earth, bricks, and stones, were so strongly cemented together by time, particularly on the surface, that it clearly proved the ground never to hav e been touched from the earliest ages. In the course of a few days I discovered about eighteen lion-headed statues, six of which were perfect, and among them a white statue as large as life, supposed to be of Jupiter Amnion, which is now also in the British Museum. N 2 180 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS I here beg lea\e to make an observation which I hope will convince the world of the erroneous statement of Count de Forbin. The French Consul, Monsieur Drouetti, who had been making researches for fifteen years in that country, and who was naturally attached to the interest of France, had been to Thebes twdce previous to my arrival in Egypt. How was it, that, in the course of so long a period, he never came to know from the natives, that such sta- tues had been found there by the French, and covered up again ? and how happened it, that the person who covered them up never men- tioned it to him, or to any one else, even after a general peace took place ? We should suppose, that as soon as the seas were cleared of the English crusiers, whose watchful eyes did not let even a water-rat pass into France, there was no fear that these statues should have been taken, and thus a second loss incurred : but independent of all this, there was nothing to prevent Mr. Drouetti from bringing them safe to Alexandria, as he did other antiquities, which were the sole object of his ascending the Nile. I should not enter on this subject, had it not been for the petty means which have been employed to depreciate every thing I have done, and which are a compound of erroneous asser- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 181 tions, that I believe originated in the volcanic brains of Count de Forbin himself. The place where I found these statues must have been the interior of the pronaos j but there were many others in various places, and it is difficult to determine their original stations. In another temple in Gournou, which is yet unknown, and of which I shall speak in this work, I found several statues of the same sort, and by the pedestals it appears they were within the space from one column to another. The same may have been the case in this tem- ple. The situation in which I found them was by no means their original place, and it was clearly to be seen by their irregular positions, that they had been brought thither in great hurry and confusion. Some brick walls had been built, as if to hide them from the destruc- tive hands of an invader, and the white statue lay among the rest in an irregular manner. During the time of this excavation I scru- tinized the ruins of Carnak, and perceived a great number of spots that deserve digging. I saw the famous altar, with the six deities men- tioned in the great French work, and the colossal arm, both of which I formed the project of re- moving even at that period. Fortunately on this side of the water the difficulty of obtaining 182 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS people to work was less than I had found it on the other. The CachefF was ready to do all he could for me, and every thing went on very smoothly. The only impediment here was that the Fellahs of Carnak would insist upon com- ing to work in greater numbers than those of Luxor ; for they said the others had no right to come to labour on these grounds, and some- times this dispute ended in blows. These peo- ple were quite the reverse of those in Gournou, who, having become opulent by the trade in antiquities, and tricking travellers, were not so anxious to gain thirty paras a day. During the same excavation I turned up a fine standing colossus without a head, part of which projects above the ground, and which had not been seen by any body. For my part I think it one of the most finished pieces of Egyptian sculpture I ever saw. It would be too tedious to the reader, to mention all the particulars that occurred during my researches. Unfortunately I was again without money to proceed, and had to go to Esne, to borrow some from a Greek I happened to know in that place, who would supply me ■with any sum j but as I expected a remittance from the consul, I only took what was neces- sary to transport the lion-headed statues from IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 183 Carnak to Luxor, ready for embarkation. On my return to Carnak, I found, that an order had come from the Cacheff of Gous to the Caimakan of Luxor, not to let me take any thing away : this being contrary to the order I had from Mahomet Ali Bashaw, I set off for Gous immediately; and finding, on my arrival, that the Cacheff was gone to Gheneh, I directed my course to that place. As the current was very strong, we went on pretty fast. About midnight we saw two cangias coming up. I inquired what party it was, and was told it was Calil Bey, my good friend, on his return from Cairo. I was pleased at this circumstance, as I meant to complain against the conduct of the Cacheff; but, on approaching the cangias, I found that the Cacheff was there also. Calil Bey was well pleased to see me returned from Nubia, and was anxious to inquire how they received me in that country. I told him, that they obeyed his firman, and that I had done all I wished to do in respect to the temple at Ybsambul ; but not being able to finish my undertaking that year, I should return the next. He desired to know, whether the two brothers, Mahomet and Osseyn Cacheff, were friends again ; a question to which I was un- 184 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS able to reply j but I told him the country was perfectly quiet at that time. I returned to Gous with him, and the next morning took an opportunity to inquire of the CachefFthe reason of his sending the order to the Sheik not to let the English take away any thing that was found. He said, he knew no- thing about it ; although I had seen the order myself. However, he was ready to give me any order I pleased. No doubt this was in conse- quence of the Bey being there, otherwise I should not have found him so easy to deal with. Calil Bey was an Albanian, who had married the sister of Mahomet Ali, Bashaw of Egypt, and held the command of the provinces in Upper Egypt from Esne to Assouan ; and for a Turk was much attached to European tra- vellers. He was continually inquiring concern- ing things he did not know, and had a degree of sound judgment; a quality very scarce among Turks : but for all this he was a com- plete slave to superstition, and to the belief of magical powers. On our arrival at Gous, he took his seat in the garden of the Cacheff, under an arbour of vines, shaded all round by banana trees, which formed a very pleasing and cool IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 185 recess. A large mat was spread on the ground, and on this a line carpet, and cushions, as usual. The CachefF was seated at his right, and a Turkish Sheik on his left. Two Hadgees sat by the CachefF, and I was requested to take my seat near the Holy-man. Next to me was a Turkish merchant, and after him a fool or San- ton'quite naked. All the rest of the followers, soldiers, and attendants, stood in a crescent be- fore us. Pipes were brought in for the Bey, the CachefF, the Holy-man, and myself. Coffee was served all round to the persons who were seated, and the conversation turned on the har- vest, that was to be the next season, according to the inundation of that year. It was then the beginning of November. They were wondering at the great quantity of corn the Bashaw was sending continually to be embarked at Alexan- dria, particularly at this season. Some sup- posed, that the Europeans were about to make war against the Porte, and that, previous to the declaration, they made provision of corn, as without a supply from Egypt they would be unable to maintain their troops. Others ob- served, if this were the case, Mahomet Ali would not send them corn, till he knew for what purpose it was wanted. One said, he thought the corn was sent into Russia, as he 186 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS heard that the French had set all that country on fire ; and he then inquired of me, whether it were not so. I told him, that I did not know what the French did in that country ; but I knew that the corn was sent into Europe, in consequence of a scarcity in the harvest that year, through the whole of that quarter of the globe. The Bey agreed it must be so, and asked whether it would be the same the next season. I told him I hoped not, for, in general, after a scarcity came a plenty. Yes, says the Bey, but the Bashaw will sell the corn at a high price for three or four years to come, till your granaries are filled again. *' But pray," added he, smiling, " have you a scarcity of stones also in Europe, that you come here to fetch them away ?" I answered, that we had plenty of stones, but we thought those of Egypt were of a better sort. " O ho !" replied he, " it is because you find some gold in them perhaps, thank God !" This is the first instance of my hearing the word " perhaps" employed ; for they are so positive on this point, that they never make any doubt of it. The dinner was brought in a large tray. It consisted, as usual, of very poor rice soup, which, after eating three spoonsful, was taken away, and a dish of roast mutton brought for- IN EGYPT, NUBIA. Sec. 187 ward. No sooner had we begun to eat of that, tlian a man came in with his hand full of large green peppercorns, and let them fall on the tray, which, being of metal, sounded like a drum-head. After him came another, with half-a-dozen onions peeled, which he let fall in like manner, and they rolled about the tray like billiard balls ; and a third followed with peeled garlic, &:c. After eating the mutton, a dish of very small fried fish was served up. They were about half-a-dozen, and we were eight of us, so that we could not eat too much of this. It was soon removed, and a kind of tart was produced ; but neither the Bey, the CacheiF, the Sheik, nor myself, could eat a single bit of it. The fruit consisted of a water melon, which having demolished, they finished their repast by washing their beards. It was rather too mean to set before the Bey, as I have seen the CachefF take a better for himself at other times ; but it is a general system among these people, both Turks and Arabs, always to make themselves appear poor in the presence of their supe- riors. As the Cacheff had furnished me with an order for the Caimakan of Luxor to let me carry away what stones I pleased, I took my leave of the Bey and set off. On my arrival at Carnak, the work to be done 188 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS consisted only in transporting the six sphinxes and the white statue to Luxor for embarkation, a distance of nearly a mile, without a road. In many parts the water had left a soft ground where the statues had to pass ; and, as there was no mechanical power to assist, the Arabs had enough to do to carry them to the place of destination. With this all my labour at Carnak ended, in this voyage ; and while thus waiting for the boat from Assouan, and the cash from Cairo, I paid a daily visit to the tombs in Gournou. These sepulchres are excavated in all directions in the rocks, but generally with the entrance facing the east, as the chain of these mountains runs from north to south. They are intermixed of all sizes ; and some of them have porticoes hewn out of the rocks be- fore the entrance ; but, generally, they are within the outer door, which is most adorned with well-finished figures and hieroglyphics, and generally the watchful fox is represented at each side of the inner door leading to the grotto. Some of them are very extensive, and run down in various directions, something like winding stairs, having on each side, at regular distances of a few paces, small chambers to de- posit the mummies. Some have deep shafts, or wells, with excavations on each side of the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 189 shaft to receive the mummies ; and at the bot- tom of the wells are passages leading to smaller apartments, with endless winding recesses. It was here that I had first leisure to examine and find the means of ascertaining where the entrances were to many of the tombs, which had been hidden for centuries from the eye of mankind. The extensive ruins of Medinet Aboo are, in my humble opinion, best worthy the attentive scrutiny of a traveller of any on the west of Thebes. The descriptions given by Messrs. Hamilton and Denon are sufficient to convey a correct idea of these edifices, which contain propylaea, temples, and dwelling-places. It seems that here was the residence of some of the sovereigns of Egypt ; for in no other edifices of ancient Egypt have I seen the re- mains of habitations as they are in this place. There are two separate temples, of which the first that meets the view going from the Mem- nonium is of a less ancient date than the other. On the west side of the portal are stones with hieroglyphics upside down, evidently belonging to a former temple. The pronaos is surrounded by a portico of pilasters, at each side of which are two chambers : one on the right of the en- trance has been used as a Christian chapel. 190 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS The cella contains various apartments, quite dark ; in one of which, on the right side, is a monolite temple of red granite, without hiero- glyphics. It is wider than the door, and must have been placed there before the cella was erected. The hieroglyphics and figures of this edifice differ from those of the other temple in proportion as the two temples differ from each other. On the north side of this little temple was a small lake, or rather a tank for water, which is now filled up with earth and rubbish ; and there must have been statues all round it, as 1 found part of one and fragments of others in an excavation I made in that place. Perhaps it might have been used for the same purposes as the small lakes near the temple of Carnak, which may be supposed to have been the public baths destined for the religious visitors to the temple. On the south of these ruins is a build- ing something like a square tower, with a large gateway, which I opened and went through. It is nearly in a line with the gates leading into the great temple. Above the gateway is a chamber with two square windows, looking over it at each side. There are also two doors opposite each other on the sides. Above this chamber was another, with two windows like those below J but the fore part of the upper IN EGYPT, NUBIA, vS.o. 191 chamber is fallen in. There are recesses at the sides of the windows, no doubt to place the sluitters. No hieroglyphics are to be seen within this building, though on the outside it is every where covered with them. The two lateral walls in front of this place form an avenue to the gateway. Further on, about two hundred yards to the west, stands the great temple. There is a large propylagon, with the entrance into the inner yard. The walls are covered with hiero- glyphics, deeply cut. The gateway, whicli is also adorned in like manner, leads into a large yard, with a wall opposite to the propylseon, and a gateway into another yard. At each side of this yard is a portico. On the right are seven pilasters, with colossal figures before them ; and on the left eight columns, with capitals in the form of the lotus. Both of these porticoes are also adorned with hieroglyphics, deeply cut. The next yard has a gallery, or area, all round it, of pilasters and columns. The walls are beautifully embellished with battles, men on chariots, captives, and slaves ; together with which are distinctly visible procession offerings, initiations, and sacrifices so well described by Mr. Denon. The excavation of these works shows, that they are of a very ancient period. 192 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS The hieroglyphics are uncommonly deep, more so than any I have seen in other buildings in Egypt. In some parts the figures retain their colours pretty well, particularly in the ceiling on the capitals of the columns. This edifice has been used as a Christian church ; and the rude columns, employed in a more modern building within this yard, show the wonderful difference between the arts of the two ages. Further on, through the last gate, was the en- trance to the pronaos and cella : but now these are buried under the earth, and several Sara- cenic buildings have been raised on it. The exterior wall of these ruins is filled with histo- rical subjects, such as land and sea fights, lion hunting, processions of captives, and various national emblems. Further to the south of the town is a small temple, which now serves for the shepherds to keep their cattle in at night. The whole town, in my opinion, appears to have been rebuilt twice or three times successively on the ruins of the former. It was at this period, that I began to make some researches in the valley adjacent to that of Beban el Malook. I had seen all the tombs of the kings : as I did not go there, however, with any intention of making researches, my curiosity must have been greater than that of many who IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 193 had been there before, as I went into every little recess of these valleys. It was in the western valley that one of the French savans discovered a large tomb, which he found open, but was quite unknown before his time. I went to visit this tomb, and found it very extensive, and in pretty good preservation. My curiosity did not end here. I went farther on in the valley ; and in one of the most remote spots saw a heap of stones, which appeared to me detached from the mass. The vacancies be- tween these stones were filled up with sand and rubbish. I happened to have a stick with me, and on thrusting it into the holes among the stones, I found it penetrate very deep. I returned immediately to Gournou, and procured a few men, to open these places. Unfortunately, both Mrs. Belzoni and myself had been much afflicted for some time with the ophthalmia, which was so severe on me at this time, that I could scarcely see any thing before me. I took the men into the same valley the next morning ; but in consequence of my eyes being so bad, it was some time before I could find the spot again. On removing a few stones, we per- ceived that the sand ran inwards ; and, in fact, we were so near the entrance into a tomb, that in less than two hours all the stones were taken VOL. I. o 194 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS away. I had caused some candles to be brought, and I went in, followed by the Arabs. I cannot boast of having made a great discovery in this tomb, though it contains several curious and singular painted figures on the walls ; and from its extent, and part of a sarcophagus remaining in the centre of a large chamber, have reason to suppose, that it was the burial-place of some per- son of distinction. The tomb consists of three chambers, two corridors, and a staircase ; but the remote situation in which it was found renders it remarkable : and I declare, that I owe this discovery merely to fortune, not to any preme- ditated research, as I went into these mountains only to examine the various places, where the water descends from the desert into the valleys after rain. It is singular to observe, that though rain falls very seldom, perhaps not more than once or twice a year, yet such is the effect of the climate and the sun on the spots where the water passes, that they are as strongly marked, as if it were continually running over them, and much harder than the rest of the masses. The higher part of the mountain on the west of Thebes extends in wide plains, which rise gradually towards the west ; and when rain falls upon them, the water takes its course towards the Nile, descending into the valleys of Egypt. IN EGYPT, NUPJA, &c. 195 There are very few places in these mountains where water gathers in such quantities, as in the valley of Beban el Malook, and its ad- joining branch on the west side. For some time the water forms a small torrent, that carries every thing before it. Mr. Salt superintended the making of a road from the tombs of the kings to the Nile, for the purpose of transport- ing a large sarcophagus, and one of these falls of water from the desert destroyed the whole road. For the present, however, I shall leave this valley, as I shall have to speak of it in an- other part of this work, on my second journey to Thebes and Nubia. The time having elapsed, in which I expected to receive letters from Cairo, I was rather un- easv, and resolved to return to Kenneh. On my arrival at this place, I found the courier had just entered it. He brought me letters from Mr. Salt, with an order for money on the Seraf, or banker, of Kenneh. I quickly finished my business there, and speeded to Luxor, where I was pleased to find the boat returned from Assouan, to take the colossal bust on board : but I was soon informed by the proprietor, that it was loaded with dates, and that he was come himself from Esne, to return the money I had paid as earnest j for they could not think of o2 196 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS taking that large stone into the boat, as it would crush it to pieces. All my persuasions were useless ; and though I had a written agreement in my hands, they signified to me, that it was of no use, they never would take the stone on board. I had much to say to them, as may be imagined in such a case ; for I was so circum- stanced, that if the present opportunity of transporting the bust were lost, the water in the Nile would have become much too low, and the conveyance could not have been ef- fected till the next season. At the same time I was informed by my Janizary, whom I sent to Assouan in the same boat with the two agents of Mr. D., that it was owing to them the owner would not take the stone on board : for they told him he would lose his boat, and never receive any recompense for itj and that the agreement I made with them was good for nothing when in Cairo. In fact, these gentle- men had so much warped the minds of the crew, that they were resolved not to perform their contract. The twelve stones I had left in the island of Philoe, and which were to have been conveyed in the same boat, in like manner could not be embarked, as the Reis said there were no small boats to take them down the cataract : and I IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 197 afterwards learned, that this also was owing to the same influence. The unfortunate history of these stones will not be read without exciting sentiments of detestation towards the parties concerned : they had been mutilated, and ren- dered useless; how, and by whom, I shall men- tion hereafter. My situation with regard to the boat was far from pleasant, and I had no resource, but to take the owner to Esne and lay the case before Khalil Bey, who by this time must have arrived at that place : but even then I did not know how far he would interfere in compelling these people to keep to their agree- ment, as he had himself observed, that he thought the stone would break the boat. This, how- ever, was the only step I could take. Fortune sometimes brings troubles on man- kind merely that they may taste the fickleness of her nature and uncertainty of the favours she condescends to bestow on them. My vexation was great, thinking all my efforts and exertion in bringing the bust to the Nile were to no pur- pose, and that very probably it would never reach England, as the underhand machinations against it were so powerful. At that moment, however, a soldier arrived from Erments, ac- quainting me that the Cacheff was returned from Cairo ; and he gave me at the same time 198 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS a letter from him, with a present which he had sent of two small bottles of anchovies and two of olives. Strange as it may appear, it will be seen that the effects of a few salted little fish contributed the greatest share towards the re- moval of the colossus, which I had so much at heart, and which, in all probability, but for them, would not have been in the British Museum to this day. The letter contained a very gratify- ing invitation to a feast to be given by the Ca- chefF, and the present was in token of a friendly disposition towards me. I was not a little sur- prised at this change, but I soon discovered the reason. The soldier acquainted me, that the Cacheff was in a terrible rage with a certain correspondent and friend of his, a Frank, who for some time had raised his expectation of having some valuable presents sent him ; but, instead of this, he received at last only a few bottles of insignificant fish, which may be had in plenty from the Nile, and a few olives, not worth a pipe of tobacco. I took care, that this should not be told to the owner of the boats ; and, as it was arranged that we should go to Esne for the decision of the affair, I took them on board the little boat which I had hired, and we set off for that place, leaving the large one at Luxor. Knowing in what humour the Ca- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 199 cheff must be in from his disappointment, I thought to strike while his mind was hot. On our arrival before Erments I begged the two owners of the boat to wait a Httle, as I had business with the Cacheff of the village. It was already an hour after sunset, and the village is about a mile from the Nile. I took my interpreter and Janizary with me, and set off alertly to my anchovy and olive man. I found him seated on a mat in the middle of a field, a stick fastened in the ground with a lantern attached to it, and all his attendants standing before him. On seeing me, he made a great parade of compliments; I suppose because he thought, that, as he was disappointed of presents from one quarter, he would make the best market he could by try- ing the other. Pipes and coffee were brought as usual ; and an offer was made me, to send as many men as I liked to have to work, that I might take away the great head early the next morning, and the cover of the sarcophagus, or any thing else I pleased. Had I requested him to let me take the two large colossi of Thebes, Tommy and Dummy, as the Arabs call them, he would have had no objection to my putting them on board my little boat that night. I then introduced the affair of the boat, produced the written agreement I had drawn up at Esne goo RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS with the two owners, and mentioned the money I had paid, which amounted to half the sum of what they were eventually to receive. He im- mediately said, I need not go to Esne for the decision, the affair belonging to himself, as the boat was to be loaded on a bank in his province. The two gentlemen from Esne were sent for, and when they heard, that the cause was to be tried at Erments, they were thunderstruck. They considered the boat lost to them, though I re- peatedly told them, that I would be answerable for any damage that might be incurred in the embarkation or landing ; but it was all to no purpose. The Cacheff, however, insisted that they should keep their agreement with me ; and still more to accommodate matters, as they were at a loss what to do with the dates, offered them his canja, which would contain as much as was necessary to be taken out of the boat, as I did not wish to unload it entirely. Mean- while, as he did not like to appear too openly decided in my favour, he proposed that in the morning the owners should be summoned, and the case brought to a fair hearing. They then retired to pass the night on board. In con- tinuing his civilities and protestations of friend- ship, the Cacheff came to an explanation of his former conduct, and, in particular, of the letter IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 201 he sent to his brother respecting the sarco- phagus. It was written, he said, before he saw Mr. D. ; but now^ that he found how things were, I might have the sarcophagus, or any- thing else ; that he would guard it for me as long as I desired ; that no one else should have it ; and added a thousand other obliging things. So extraordinary a change led me to suppose, that Mr. Salt had made him some handsome present when in Cairo; but I was mistaken, for, a little after, asking him what he thought of the consul, to my surprise he told me, that he did not see him. The consul invited him, he said, to his house, and prepared a dinner for him ; but that, on the day he was to go, news arrived of the death of Tusoon Bashaw, the eldest son of Mahomet Ali ; and he was ordered to come away immediately, which put an end to the pleasure of seeing the consul, for he loved him like his right eye. The story was equally well invented, and well told ; and I saw plainly he was so ashamed of his late conduct towards me, that he could not face the consul. He caused dinner to be brought, and carried his civilities to such a height, that I began to be alarmed, suspecting him of some diabolical trick. On my thanking him for the bottles of ancho- vies and olives, he said, they were the whole of 202 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the French consuPs present to him while he was in Cairo. I took the opportunity of observing, that it would have been well for him, if, while he was there, he had called on the English con- sul. To which he replied, that he had been told the consul had a fine brace of pistols for him ; but that unfortunately it was out of his power to go to see him. T answered, I had no doubt he would make him some present when the stone should reach Cairo ; on which he im- mediately rejoined, that there was nothing he would not do either for him or for me ; but I must not think that what he did was with any view of interest. I said, I was quite persuaded of the contrary; and should trouble him for an order to be given to the people at Gournou to come to work. He protested he would comply with all I wished ; but added, with a smile, " What will you do, if the trial should go against you?" I told him I should proceed to Esne, where the agreement was made in the presence of the Sharif, and show that I was in the right. He laughed, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, " You may sleep in peace, for to-morrow I will myself see the boat unloaded of every date that is in it, and you may re-load it at your pleasure." I answ^ered, that I had no doubt he would do what was just, and, taking IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 203 leave, I returned on board the little boat for the night. 13th. — -In the morning I found him in his chamber of audience, surrounded by several Arabs, Sheiks of the village. He made me sit down on his right hand, and coffee and pipes were brought; for no judgment could be pro- nounced without these luxuries. He had ex- plained the cause to the gentlemen of the jury, who said, without hearing the other side, that what he intended to do was perfectly equitable, and they would have said the same whether I had been right or wrong; for these juries are not so deficient in politeness as to contradict the judge. The other parties came, and he received them politely, but with a frown on his brow, from which I have no doubt they sufficiently augured their fate. However, not to keep them in suspense, they were soon plainly told, that the bark, except only eighty ardeps, an in- dulgence to which I had agreed, must be un- loaded ; and he saw no other way of settling the business. He then referred to the gentle- men of the jury, to know whether they had any thing to say. To my astonishment they answered, that, as the other parties made no defence, they of course acknowledged them- selves wrong ; and, having nothing more to do, 204 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS they all instantly rose and walked off. The de- fendants then partook of what was before them ; but I believe never made a worse breakfast in their lives. They began to talk about where to find a boat, though they were obliged of ne- cessity to hire one of the CachefF, being fully aware of his design, which was to get the best part of the money for himself. The contract was soon made, and they paid him two-thirds of what they were to receive from me, which, indeed, they were glad to do, lest he should scrutinise the business, and, finding the freight to be double what was mentioned in the bill of lading, they should thus lose still more. I then took leave of the CachefF, that I might hasten to Gournou, to settle what business was to be done there. He had given me a tiscary for the soldier to furnish me with what I wanted, gave orders to the Fellahs to do all I desired, and take out the sarcophagus ; and on going on board, I found that he had sent me two sheep, a jar of cheese, and some bread. We set off immediately. One of the sheep died in the evening, the other next day, and the cheese was full of vermin. We arrived at Luxor in the afternoon, and a few hours after went to Gournou, and saw the Sheik el bellad of that place. I sent my Janizary to the soldier. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &e. 205 and it was concerted, that the Fellahs I wanted should be ready for me in the morning. Early on the 14th, I w^ent again to Gournou to begin the work, and was not a little sur- prised when I saw no Fellahs assembled. By one whom I met, I was told, that they were afraid, being ordered not to work for the En- glish. I applied as before to the soldier, who sent a man to collect the Fellahs ; but it was too late : they were all dispersed. Accord- ingly, I contented myself this day with only having the apparatus, necessary to embark the head, conveyed over from Luxor. The Ca- chefF*s boat from Erments arrived, and that at Luxor came also to Gournou to unload. 15th. — The next day we collected, though not without trouble, a hundred and thirty men ; and I begun to make a causeway, by which to convey the head down to the river side ; for the bank was more than fifteen feet above the level of the water, which had retired at least a hundred feet from it. Next morning a soldier came from the Ca- cheff, to say that I was not to pay the Fellahs any thing, as they were ordered to work for me for nothing as long as I required, and that he made me a present of their labour. I thanked him, but desired the soldier to tell him, at the 206 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS same time, that it was not my custom to have the labour of men for nothing, nor would the consul of England accept of such a present. I this day finished the causeway down the bank, and had the head brought to the edge of the slope, ready to be embarked. On the 17th of November, I succeeded in my attempt, and the head of the younger Memnon was actually embarked. I cannot help ob- serving, that it was no easy undertaking to put a piece of granite, of such bulk and weight, on board a boat, that, if it received the weight on one side, would immediately upset ; and this was to be done without the smallest help of any mechanical contrivance, even a single tackle, and only with four poles and ropes : the water was about eighteen feet below the bank where the head was to descend. The causeway I had made gradually sloped to the edge of the water close to the boat, and with the four poles I « formed a bridge from the bank into the centre of the boat, so that when the weight bore on the bridge, it pressed only on the centre of the boat. The bridge rested partly on the cause- way, partly on the side of the boat, and partly on the centre of it. On the opposite side of the boat I put some mats well filled with straw. I necessarily stationed a few Arabs in the boat. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 207 and some at each side, with a lever of palm- wood, as I had nothing else. At the middle of the bridge I put a sack filled with sand, that, if the colossus should run too fast into the boat, it might be stopped. In the ground behind the colossus I had a piece of a palm-tree firmly planted, round which a rope was twisted, and then fastened to its car, to let it descend gra- dually. I set a lever at work on each side, and at the same time that the men in the boat were pull- ing, others were slackening the ropes, and others shifting the rollers as the colossus advanced. Thus it descended gradually from the main- land to the causeway, when it sunk a good deal, as the causeway was made of fresh earth. This, however, I did not regret, as it was better it should be so, than that it should run too fast towards the water ; for I had to consider, that, if this piece of antiquity should fall into the Nile, my return to Europe would not be very welcome, particularly to the antiquaries j though I have reason to believe, that some among the great body of its scientific men would rather have seen it sunk in the Nile, than where it is now deposited. However, it went smoothly on board. The Arabs, who were una- nimously of opinion tliat it would go the bot- tom of the river, or crush the boat, were all at- 208 RESEARCHES A>rD OPERATIONS tention, as if anxious to know the result, as well as to learn how the operation was to be per- formed ; and when the owner of the boat, who considered it as consigned to perdition, wit- nessed my success, and saw the huge piece of stone, as he called it, safely on board, he came and squeezed me heartily by the hand. ** Thank Heaven !" I exclaimed, and I had reason to be thankful ; for I will leave it to the judgment of any engineer, whether it would not be easier to embark a mass ten times larger on board a competent vessel, where all sorts of mechanical powers can be procured, instead of being de- stitute, as I was, of every thing necessary. The boat then crossed the water to Luxor, for what was to be taken in there, which was done in three days, and on the 21st we left Thebes on our return to Cairo. I had just finished my business, when I was again so affected with ophthalmia, that for twelve days I kept myself shut up in the cabin of the boat, so that I can give no account of this voyage, till we reached Siout. I could then just peep at the light; but it gave me great pain whenever I attempted to open my eyes. At Siout I went to see the Deftardar Bey, to return him thanks for the firman he had given me when I ascended the Nile. I IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 209 found him in his tent in the middle of a field of high clover, which had nearly reached its growth, and his horses were all out at grass. He was pleased to hear that I had succeeded in my undertaking, and requested to be remem- bered to the English consul, to whom he sent a letter by me. Next morning we set off for Cairo, and reached it on the 15th of December, havinsj been twenty- four days from Thebes. Thus I had been five months and a half in continual activity and exertion ; but I must not let pass the unjust ob- servation made by the ever veracious Count de Forbin, who asserted, that I employed six months solely in taking the colossal bust on board the boat. It is true, I was absent five months and a half from Cairo, and six months had elapsed before I reached Alexandria j but this time was not all devoted to the removal of the bust, as I employed only eighteen days in that operation, and but a single day in embarking it : the greater part of the time was spent in more arduous re- searches ; and the various pieces of antiquity which I brouglit down the Nile will bear in- fallible testimony to my labour. At Cairo I found that the consul was gone to Alexandria, but had left with Mr. Beechey, his secretary, instructions and letters for me. VOL. I. P OlO RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS He requested, that every thing might be landed and lodged in the consulate except the bust. I could not conceive the reason of this distinc- tion, as I thought that all the articles I collected were to go to the British Museum. However, I made no inquiry into the business, and every thing was deposited as desired. The first hour of my arrival I had the pleasure of seeing my good and much lamented friend, Burckhardt, whose death has been a great loss to me. He was the most candid, disinterested, and sincere being I have ever met with ; totally free from that in- vidious and selfish disposition, which is so often to be found in travellers, who wish to be alone in one quarter of the world, to relate their story agreeably to the suggestions of their own ima- gination to the people of another. But Burck- hardt had none of that littleness of mind : he was a true explorer, and a hardy one, without pride, or the ambition to be thought more than he was. He made no parade of his knowledge, as his works plainly evince. Having prepared for my departure for Alex- andria, we left Boolak on the 3d of January, 1817, and arrived in Raschid, or Rosetta, on the 10th. There I had to land the colossus, and embark it again on board a djerm ; but as I had now some tackle, of which I was destitute IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 211 before, and proper people to work, I found it quite an easy operation. Besides, I took care to land it in a situation, that was advantageous for embarking it again. Having done so, I set oft' on board the same djerm, with the bust, and was fortunate enough to reach Alexandria two hours after sunset of the same day, which was the fourth after our arrival in Rosetta. That very day, above two hundred djerms came out of the Nile, some of which had been wait- ing for an opportunity of passing the bar above eiglity days. Mrs. Belzoni went by land, ac- companied by the Irish lad, and arrived the next day. I will not mention the kind recep- tion of the consul-general, and the under-consul, Mr. Lee. I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with a gentleman, Mr. Briggs, who received me into his house in the most hos- pitable manner, and was as much concerned for the success of my affairs as it was possible to be ; for he felt the pleasure of a true English- man, in seeing one of the most finished monu- ments of Egyptian art ready to be embarked for his native country. The next and final operation with respect to the bust, on my part, was to land it, and have it conveyed in safety to the Bashaw's magazine, there to await its embarkation for England. I p 2 212 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS had some difficulty in landing it, as the pier was much higher than the djerm, and the mo- tion of the sea did not permit me to erect any bridge. I was so fortunate as to procure the crew of a British transport, which was there at the time ; and with their help, with proper tackle, and a hundred men besides, it was landed safely. Having finished my operations, and whatever was necessary respecting the head, I proposed to the consul, to make another trip into Upper Egypt and Nubia, to open the temple at Ybsam- bul. Nothing could be more pleasing to me than to find, that my proposal was accepted ; as I thought I might have an opportunity of accomplishing the wishes I had formed, w^hich, to a certain extent, were with particular views ; though, as the consul has proved, no interested motives governed my mind. The only stipu- lation I made was, that, if I w^ere successful, he should give me an official letter of introduction to the Society of Antiquaries, when I should return to England ; with which he promised to comply. Thinking, however, I might be in- dulging hopes that would not be realized, he cautioned me against any expectations from that quarter. I told him, I was not rich ; but as I had no other view than to serve the nation IN EGYI^, NUBIA, &c. 213 at large, I intended to make certain proposals to the members of that honourable society. On this he again promised me the letter requested, and in a few days we all set off for Cairo. There the worthy Burckhardt would insist, that I should receive a present, half of which he obtained from the consul, as an acknowledgment for my success with regard to the colossus; of the general expenses attending which he paid a moiety. It was at this period that Captain. Cabillia had ventured into the well of the first pyramid of Gaza. His enterprise was hazardous and bold, and nothing but an enthusiasm for discovery could induce a man to take such a step. The consul, with Mr. Briggs, Mr. Beechey, and my- self, went to see the operations that were going on. Captain Cabillia's circumstances were much better than mine ; but he had no superfluous wealth at command, to continue what he had begun, which required a supply beyond his means. Mr. Briggs was the first who generously offered to furnish money for this purpose j and, after a consultation with Mr. Salt, tliey agreed to support the work to any extent that might be required. This gentleman not only encou- raged the undertaking at the pyramid, but has exerted his influence with Mahomed Ali for the gl4 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS general advantage of the commerce of Europe, as I shall have occasion to mention hereafter. The enterprise of Captain Cabillia is worthy the attention of every one interested in antiquities, as he has solved a question, by which the learned world has been puzzled for many centuries. The famous well, which has given rise to so much conjecture, turns out to be a communica- tion with a lower passage leading into an in- ferior chamber, discovered and opened by him- self. He first descended the well to the depth of thirty-eight feet, where his progress was stopped by four large stones. Three of these being removed, there was space enough for a man to pass through ; but the fourth he could not stir, though he had the help of Mr. Kabitsch, a young man in the employment of Mr. Baghos, who bore a share of the expense with the cap- tain. Twenty-one feet below this place they found a grotto, seventeen feet long and four high ; and seven feet below this, a platform, from which the well descended two hundred feet lower. The captain went down, and at the bottom found earth and sand : but from the hollow sound under his feet, he judged, that the passage must communicate with some other apartment below. He then set some Arabs at work, to remove the sand ; but the heat was so IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 215 great, and the candles so incapable of burning, for want of oxygen, that they were compelled to desist. The captain then turned his re- searches to another quarter, and began to en- large the entrance into the first passage of the pyramid. For this operation he was well re- warded ; for by it he found, that the passage continued downward; and having employed several men, and taken out a great deal of earth and rubbish, at last, after a long and arduous toil, he came in contact with the bottom of the well, where he found the baskets and rope which had been left there. The same day that this occurred was that on which we had agreed to visit the pyramids, and I had the pleasure to be an eye-witness of the arduous task of Captain Cabillia. Proceeding in his laborious researches, he found, that the passage led into a chamber cut out of the rock, under the centre of the pyramid. Captain C. made several researches round the pyramids also, but none exceeded his toil in uncovering the front of the great sphinx. He found a small temple between the two paws, and a large tablet of granite on its breast. The tablet is adorned with several figures and hiero- glyphics, and two representations of sphinxes are sculptured on it. Before the entrance into 216 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the small temple was a lion, placed as if to guard the approach. Farther on from this front of the sphinx is a staircase of thirty- two steps, at the bottom of which is an altar, with a Greek in- scription, of the time of the Ptolemies. At each side of the altar was a sphinx of calcareous stone, much mutilated. From the base of the temple to the summit of the head is sixty-five feet : the legs of the sphinx are fifty-seven feet long from the breast to the extremity of the paws, which are eight feet high. Forty-five feet from the first altar, he found another, with an inscription, alluding to the emperor Septimius Severus ; and near to the first step was a stone, with another Greek inscription, alluding to An- toninus. Notwithstanding his own occupation about the sphinx, Captain Cabillia employed other people to carry on other researches. He opened some of the mausoleums which were choked up with sand, and found several small chambers, with hieroglyphics and figures, some of them pretty well executed, and in good pre- servation. In one of the pits he found some mummies, in their linen envelopes, and various fragments of Egyptian antiquity. He also opened some of the smaller pyramids, and from the sug- gestion of Mr. Briggs to follow a certain direc- tion, he succeeded in finding the entrance intQ IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c 217 one of them : but it appears, that it was so de- cayed in the interior, he could advance only a few feet in it. No doubt this led into some chamber, or apartment, containing, perhaps, a sarcophagus, &c. I was then merely a spectator of the works of Captain Cabillia. The consul, Mr. Salt, pro- posed to me, to enter into the researches in con- cert with the captain ; but as I thought it would not be right to attempt to share the credit of one, who had already exerted himself to the utmost of his power, I declined. Besides, it would have been a poor victory on my part to enter into the field after the battle had been fought, and conquest gained by another. I contented myself, therefore, with hoping for a better opportunity to try my skill, independent of any one. Having got all things ready for my departure, the consul proposed that I should take Mr. Beechey with me up the Nile. Nothing could suit me better than to liave a companion in a young gentleman, with the prospect of whose society, from what I had seen of him, I had much reason to be pleased. I was fully satisfied that, after having weaned himself from those indulgences to which he was accustomed, he would make a good traveller ; though it is not easy, to one who is not accustomed to an 218 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS, &c. arduous life, to pass on a sudden from the ac- commodation of a comfortable house to that of a rough uneasy boat, and much less to a life that is so irregular. However, Mr. Beechey soon accustomed himself to the change, and in a few months became quite indifferent to the many inconveniences he had to undergo. As to Mrs. Belzoni, I left her at Cairo, in the family of Mr. Cochini, the British chancellor; and when all was ready, we took leave of the consul and Mr. Burckhardt. Alas ! I little thought it was the last time I should see my friend ; but so it was ordained. END OF THE FIRST JOURNEY. RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. SECOND JOURNEY. Having thus finished the account of my first journey up the Nile, I shall proceed to the nar- rative of my second. We set off from Boolak on the 20th of February, I8I7. Mr. Beechey had the stern of the boat well covered with mats, and close lined all round, with a curtain to the door from which we had light, which was occasionally shut up, to prevent the dust or wind from penetrating from any quarter; be- side, another cover over all, rendering it entirely secure, not only from the wind and dust, but also from the rain, if any should happen to fall. We had on board a Greek servant, a Janizary from the Bashaw, and a cook ; all persons who 220 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS never saw any necessity for economy in the article of provision, and who would make as much waste at Deir in Nubia as they would in Cairo. The result was, our provision, which was to last six months, began to fail at the end of one ; consequently, with all the caution we took, we were obliged to live on what the country afforded. Indeed, while we were at Thebes we had no reason to complain ; for there is a good supply to be had of meat, fowls, and pigeons : and, after the inundation, some greens, such as bamies, malokies, beans, &c. Our Reis and crew were Barabras, engaged to go and stop where we pleased. They were hired by the month, and had to find themselves in provisions. As to the Janizary from the Bashaw, we found him of so little use (as he did scarcely any thing except treat the Christian dogs with insolence), that we sent him back after a few days trial. Our departure from Boolak was attended with a contrary wind, which veiy seldom happens in going up the Nile, as the north winds prevail there at least nine months in the year. We passed the island of Roda, old Cairo, and all the pyramids ; but such was the slowness of our progress, that in four days we only reached Tabeen, a village on the eastern bank, opposite IN EGYPT, NUBIA. &c. QQl Dajior. AVe stopped at this place pretty early, as the wind would not permit us to proceed ; and it happened to be a situation so elevated, that it commanded a distant view of Cairo, the pyramids of Ghizeh, Saccara, and Dajior. I took this opportunity to make a sketch, which I humbly present to the reader (See Plate 22). One day more brought us near Lafachie, where we went to see a Bedoween camp. Hearing we were only travellers in search of antiquities, the Bedoweens were quite civil to us, as far as these people can be. Our business was imme- diately known to them from our servants and the crew ; for no secrecy can be kept in that country, owing to these persons. The Be- doweens told us, that at Boorumbol, the next village, there was a statue half buried in the sand, which they had seen themselves. Next day we came to this village ; and as we could not proceed, owing to a calm, we landed, and went in quest of the said statue. On our arrival we were shown a piece of rock, which had not the form of any thing. The Fellahs told us it was once a camel ; that God turned it into a stone ; and that the smaller ones which lay round it were water-melons, with M'hich it was loaded, and which were metamorphosed into stones also. Perfectly satisfied with the story, we returned to our bark. 222 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS In the evening we arrived at Meimond ; and, hearing the tambourine, went to see an Arabic feast in the village (See Plate 30.) We were introduced in front of the spectators. The per- formers consisted of about thirty men, all in a row, clapping their hands in concert, so as to form a kind of accompaniment to their song, which consisted of three or four words ; and with one foot before the other keeping a sort of perpetual motion, but without changing their positions. Before the men were two women with daggers in their hands, also in continual action, running toward the men and then re- turning from them with an extraordinary mo- tion, brandishing their daggers, and waving their garments. In this they persevered for such a length of time, that I wondered how they could support the exertion. This is a sort of Bedoween dance, and is the most decent of all that I ever saw in Egypt ; — but no sooner was it ended, than, in order I suppose to please us, they immediately began another, in the fashion of the country, which fully compensated for the extraordinary modesty of the first ; but we returned to our boat more disgusted than pleased with it. For three days we had a strong southerly wind, so that we advanced but a few miles, and did not arrive at Minieh till the 5th of March. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 223 It was necessary for us to land there, to see Hamet Bey, who has the command over all the boats on the river. He styles himself admiral of the Nile, and thinks himself as great as any British admiral on the sea. One day at a christian party in Cairo, the discourse happened to fall upon Sir Sydney Smith ; " Ah !" said Hamet Bey, " Sir Sydney is a very clever man, and holds the same rank as myself.'* From this great commander we had to obtain a protection for our Reis, to secure him from having his boat pressed while we employed it. We found him sitting on a wooden bench, attended by two or three of his sailors. He complied with our re- quest, and gave a hint for a bottle of rum. We sent him two, and he made a feast in high glee with them. We went to the house of Doctor Valsomaky, who distils aqua vita, and sells medicines wholesale and retail. He also col- lects antiquities from the Fellahs round the country, and disposes of them to any one, who chooses to buy them ; and it was in hope of purchasing something of tliis sort, that we visited him. There we saw two Copts dressed like Franks, as they had been in France with the army. They were employed by Mr. Drouetti, the ex-French consul in Alexandria, who sent them up the Nile in search of antiquities. 224 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS As we did not wish to interfere with these men, we set oif from Minieh immediately, and on the evening of the next day arrived at Ra- ramoun near Eshmounein, the ancient Hermo- poUs, where we went to see Mr. Brine, an EngHshman, who had introduced sugar-baking into the country. After encountering many obstacles, he had succeeded in purifying and refining the sugar to great perfection. His chief difficulties were to surmount the tricks played off against him by the Arab sugar dea- lers in that country, and to free the sugar from a particular smell occasioned by the soil, which, though not disagreeable, might retard its intro- duction into Europe. At his house we learned, that the two agents of Mr. Drouetti were makino; a forced march to Thebes, of their motives for which I was aware. They wished to arrive there before us, and purchase all that had been accumulated by the Arabs in the pre- ceding season ; so that we should have had no chance of buying any thing on our arrival. It was not on this account however I was uneasy, but because the spot, where I had been digging and found the sphinxes and statues, was so evi- dently pregnant with objects worthy the risk of excavation, that I had no doubt, if they reached Thebes before us, they would take possession IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 225 of that ground, and we should have no longer a right to explore it. The mode of travelling on asses or horses is much more speedy than the progress of our boat could be, so that we should certainly have no chance of regaining my old spot of ground where I found the statues. I was not long therefore in considering the matter, and re- solved to set off immediately, and by travelling day and night was in hopes to reach the place before them. Accordingly a horse and an ass were got ready, and taking with me the Greek servant, I left Mr. Beechey to come up in the boat at his leisure. By this time it was mid- night, yet we set off immediately, and forced marches brought us on the next evening to Manfalout. From this place we hastened with- out delay, and arrived at Siout before daylight. At sunrise we mounted again, and arrived at dark at Tahta. Here we rested in the convent for four hours, started afresh by the light of the moon, and arrived at Girgeh in the night. We resumed our journey at one o'clock in the morning, reached Farshiout at noon, and after a delay of four hours, in consequence of not finding beasts immediately, arrived at night at a village three leagues above Badjoura. Here we rested two hours, set off by moonlight, and VOL. I. Q OC)(') RESEARCHES AND Ol'EUATIONS arrived at Gheneh at three. Having dined, we proceeded onward, rested a couple of hours at Benut at night, and arrived at Luxor the fol- lowing noon. The whole of our journey occupied five days and a half, during which I slept eleven hours, and all the rest of the time we were hastening on with asses, horses, or camels, as we could procure them on the road. The principal places we passed in this journey were Manfalout, Siout, Aboutij, Tahta, Menshieh, Girgeh, Far- shiout, Badjoura, Gheneh, Copt, and Ghous. Any one who has been in the country may form some idea of the inconveniences a person must undergo, travelling through a tract entirely de- stitute of the necessaries of life. The fathers of the convents of Propaganda at Tahta, Gir- geh, and Farshiout, afforded great accommoda- tion to me on this forced march. They pro- vided me with beasts and provisions for the road immediately on my arrival, for which I felt my- self deeply indebted to them. The Arabs make every stranger welcome when they are at their meals ; and I generally took advantage of the custom, whenever opportunity served ; but on this occasion it would have caused the loss of that time I was so eager to gain. In places where there was no convent I went to the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. g-gy house of the Slieik el balet, where travellers of all sorts assemble at night. I was so fatigued and stiff, that any place of rest was acceptable to me. The bare earth generally afforded me a bed, and when I could procure a mat it was a luxury. I was refreshed one night with a few pieces of sugar-cane, whicli, after passing the torch where the juice has been extracted, be- comes pretty soft, and affords a tolerable bed. I was also regaled with sugar-canes as a dessert after a repast of bread and onions. The sugar- cane is pleasant at the first taste, but on press- ing it to extract the juice, if gives an acid that is not agreeable, and the flavour is rather in- sipid. The people of the country eat of it con- tinually, and are very fond of it. It is sold in the markets as fruit when in season. On the road between Siout and Tahta I met a body of Bedoween horsemen. I never had an opportunity of viewing these people to more advantage than at this time ; and I must ob- serve, that I never saw a finer set of men in my life. The horses were very strong, though not in full flesh. The riders were clothed only with a kind of mantle, made of white woollen, of their own manufacturing, which covered the head, and part of the body. They had very small saddles, contrary to the custom of this q2 228 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS country; were armed with guns, pistols, and swords ; and were going to Cairo to enter into the service of the Bashaw, who could find no other expedient for suppressing this body of freebooters than offering to give them good pay, horses, and arms, and to send them to Mecca. This proposal has had its due effect ; for all the young men have embraced it, and left the old men and women in the deserts. In this manner the Bashaw entertains hopes of getting rid of the greater part, if not all, of these people, who are detested in the country, and, in case of any insurrection, always avail themselves of it to plunder. I passed through their camp, at the time of their convention with the Bashaw, so that I escaped unmolested, and perhaps unnoticed, as I was covered with a large burnoose of their own fashion, and my beard was pretty long. Their tents consist of four sticks set in the ground, about a yard in height, to which is fastened one of their shawls as a cover, with another behind, so as to form a kind of shelter from the sun, wind, or dew. They generally pitch their camps near a fertile spot, but always at the foot of the desert, so that in case of sui-prise they are soon in their native country : like the crocodile, which en- joys the land, but when disturbed, or at the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 229 approach of any person, immediately plunges into the river, as a place of safety. The women were all uncovered, and the children entirely naked. They are very frugal in their diet, and never drink any strong liquor. They are Arabs but no more like the Arabs of Egypt than a freeman is like a slave. The Egyptian Arabs are accustomed to obey, but will not do any thing unless compelled by force. They are humbled, because they are continually under the rod ; and indolent, because they have no interest in any thing. But the wild Arabs, on the contrary, are constantly in motion, and labour to procure provision for their beasts and themselves ; and being in perpetual war with each other, their thoughts are incessantly em- ployed in improving their arts of defence, or in obtaining plunder. I must here mention a circumstance, which occasioned me so many unpleasant events, and so much loss of time, and unnecessary labour, that I would not undertake to go through the business again for the discovery of another tomb of Apis. This was merely in consequence of an interpreter's not choosing to take the trouble of writing a few lines. It will be recollected, that, on my return from Thebes to Cairo, I stopped at Siout ; and that the Defterdar Bey 230 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS sent a letter on board our boat for the consul. Previous to my return into Upper Egypt, I urged to the consul the necessity of sending some presents to the Bey, and in particular an answer to his letter from Siout. The consul, naturally thinking that his interpreter, who had been many years settled in the country, should know the customs of it better than myself, con- sulted him ; and this man, merely to save writing, told the consul there was no occasion for it. Relying on him, my remonstrances were of no avail. The Bey, whose pride was touched to the quick at not seeing any present, or receiving any letter, was exasperated at every thing belonging to our party. I do not mean to impute any neglect to the consul for not sending a present to the Bey, as I know he in- tended to make him one ; but the avaricious mind of the Defterdar did not place any re- liance on the future, particularly when he found no reply to his letter, which he certainly had a right to expect. On the other hand, our opponents took every advantage, and neglected no means of attracting the good will of the Bey, sending him continually something or other, so that he openly promoted their interest in every respect. Such, with what follows, is the real state of the case j and let the Count de Forbin IN EGYFr, NUBIA, Ac. 231 invent some otlier story to disguise the truth, if he can. On my arrival at Luxor, I found the Defterdar Bey had just passed, and, after having inquired which was the ground where I dis- covered the sphinxes, ordered it to be exca- vated, and returned to Siout ; leaving his physician, Doctor Moroki, a Piedmontese, and countryman of Mr. Drouetti, to superintend the work. I was not a little surprised, to see the advantage which had been taken of us by this intrigue ; and the Doctor, who was in the plot, ashamed, I suppose, of his own mean con- duct, told me, that what he found was for the Bey, who had taken it into his head to be an antiquary. Several sphinxes had been unco- vered, and more were to be found, while I was obliged to be a mere spectator of the operation, made on the very ground I first opened. Yet the Count de Forbin had impudence enough to assert, that they were discovered by a gentle- man, and covered up again, with other idle stories from his own school. Many sphinxes had been found in the Doctor's excavation, but only four were worth taking out. Having finished his operation, he left a guard to the statues, and returned to Siout, as he was or- dered by his master; but previous to his de- parture he went to the west side of Thebes, and 232 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS forbade the Fellahs with threats to sell any thing to the English. On finding that I had already purchased some articles, which I did immedi- ately on my arrival, he took such a spite against me, as he has not forgotten to this day. The conclusion of all this parade about the Bey, the Doctor, the statues, and the excavation, was, that though the statues were for the Bey, yet on the arrival of the agents of Mr. Drouetti (as will be seen hereafter), they took possession of them. Some time after the Doctor wrote me a letter, to inquire whether it were really true, that the agents of Mr. Drouetti had taken away the statues he had found in Carnak, and pre- tending to be quite shocked at their proceed- ing. I plainly saw that the Doctor did not wish to open my eyes, but, on the contrary, sent me the letter to blind me entirely, and make me believe, that he had no hand in the plot. But what could he say, when he as well as we saw Mr. Drouetti himself come to Luxor, and with great coolness take away these very statues or sphinxes, pretended to have been found for the Defterdar? I leave the farce to be explained by the veracious Count de Forbin, who may invent some other puff to cover a trick so openly exe- cuted. During this time I was not idle. I set a few IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 233 men to work on both sides of Thebes, and went to Erments to present to the CachefF the letter I had from Cairo, On my arrival he received me with much politeness ; and after the usual ceremonious protestation of friendship, I took the first opportunity of presenting to him the letter of the Bashaw. He was a little alarmed at first, and very anxious to know the contents ; but was relieved when he heard, that I had made no complaint against him, as his good be- haviour just before my departure retrieved in part the faults he had committed before. I then reminded him of the behaviour of the Caimakan of Gournou. He swore that he wouki punish him, and, if I pleased, would turn him out of his place. I said I did not desire him to do either on my account, but for the future wished to proceed in my business undisturbed, and we concluded, that the next morning he should come to Gournou, and settle the affair in a pro- per manner. He afterwards introduced to me one of those wonderful saints, who work miracles by dozens, catching scorpions, serpents, &c. This fellow brought a serpent without teeth, and the CachefF was much alarmed when he put it into his lap. I took it, and opened its mouth without utter- ing a word j but the wonder-worker understood *234< RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS me very well. We then went into a back room to see a miracle performed. He began with a long prayer, and after a few minutes stretched out his hand in a corner of the room, and to the great astonishment of the beholders produced a scorpion. I observed closely this wonder-work- ing saint, and saw clearly what was passing. The scorpion w^as kept in the enormous large sleeve of his garment, and being produced in an instant, it appeared as if it came out of the wall. We were now taken to see the apart- ments all through the house, and he practised the same deception over again. In a particular lower room the son of this Santon pretended to find a small serpent, but not being so adroit as his father, he contented himself with protesting that it had no teeth, which made me ask how serpents could live in this country without teeth. The Cacheff, I perceived, was a man who w^ould swallow the grossest impositions. He told me many stories truly ridiculous ; among the rest, he said, that this caste of San- tons were subjects to a king in the mountains of Cossara, and had such power, that if caught in a storm at sea, a calm was restored in a minute ; and if a cannon-ball made a hole in the ship, a Santon could stop it; that the Venetian zechins are made by the magic of these IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. QS5 Santons j and that one of them being with the Sultan at Constantinople, where the Persian Ambassador had been to announce war against the Porte, he said, that they would conquer the Persians, ind that on his thrusting out his finger, the sovereign of Persia should become blind. I left Erments and went to Luxor j and the next morning I met the Cacheff at Gournou, according to his promise. He gave orders to the Caimakan on every necessary subject ; not to threaten the Fellahs, if they sold me any papyri, &c. and to furnish me with men to ex- cavate in whatever place I pleased. The works in Carnak were going on, and I had begun to uncover one of the sitting colossi before the second propylaeon, beyond the large avenue of sphinxes leading into the great temple. I had it cleared all round, and found it to be twenty- nine feet high from the bottom of the chair ; it is of a white calcareous stone, and very hard. At the foot of the chair I found a sitting statue seven feet high. It represented a female figure, perhaps of Isis. Its head-dress, of enormous size, differed from that of the generality of the Egyptian statues, and from its style appeared to be of a very remote age. The bust was divided at the waist from the rest of the body ^36 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS and chair, I took out the bust, and intended to take out the chair, as soon as the boat ar- rived with the implements. Having then set the people to work in another direction, where also I had hopes, I took the opportunity to ex- amine at leisure the superb ruins of this edifice. In a distant view of them nothing can be seen but the towering propylaea, high portals and obelisks, which project above the various groups of lofty palm-trees, and even at a distance announce magnificence. On approaching the avenue of sphinxes, which leads to the great temple, the visiter is inspired with devotion and piety : their enormous size strikes him with wonder and respect to the Gods, to whom they were dedicated. They represent lions with heads of rams, the symbols of strength and in- nocence, the power and purity of the Gods. Advancing farther in the avenue, there stand before it towering propylaea, which lead to inner courts, where immense colossi are seated at each side of the gate, as if guarding the entrance to the holy ground. Still farther on was the mag- nificent temple dedicated to the great God of the creation. It was the first time that I entered it alone, without being interrupted by the noise of the Arabs, who never leave the traveller an instant. The sun was rising, and the long shades IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 237 from the various groups of columns extended over these ruins, intermixed with the rays of light striking on these masses in various direc- tions, formed such delightful views all round as baffle description. Plate SI will give a general idea of these extensive ruins ; and the small sketch, Plate 31, exhibits a small part of the in- terior of the great temple. I was lost in con- templation of so many objects ; and being alone in such a place, my mind was impressed with ideas of such solemnity, that for some time I was unconscious whether I were on terrestrial ground, or in some other planet. I had seen the temple of Tentyra, and I still acknowledge, that nothing can exceed that edifice in point of preservation, and in the beauty of its workmanship and sculpture ; but here I was lost in a mass of colossal objects, every one of which was more than sufficient of itself alone to attract my whole attention. How can I describe my sensations at that moment ! I seemed alone in the midst of all that is most sacred in the world ; a forest of enormous co- lumns, adorned all round with beautiful figures, and various ornaments, from the top to the bottom ; the graceful shape of the lotus, which forms their capitals, so well proportioned to the columns, that it gives to the view the most 238 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS pleasing effect ; the gates, the walls, the pe- destals, and the architraves, also adorned in every part with symbolical figures in basso re- lievo and intaglio, representing battles, proces- sions, triumphs, feasts, offerings, and sacrifices, all relating no doubt to the ancient history of the country ; the sanctuary, wholly formed of fine red granite, with the various obelisks stand- ing before it, proclaiming to the distant pas- senger, " Here is the seat of holiness ;" the high portals, seen at a distance from the openings to this vast labyrinth of edifices ; the various groups of ruins of the other temples within sight ; these altogether had such an effect upon my soul, as to separate me in imagination from the rest of mortals, exalt me on high over all, and cause me to forget entirely the trifles and follies of life. I was happy for a whole day, which escaped like a flash of lightning ; but the ob- scurity of the night caused me to stumble over one large block of stone, and to break my nose against another, which, dissolving the enchant- ment, brought me to my senses again. It was quite late when I returned to Luxor, to the hut of an Arab, who ceded to me part of his cham- ber, and a mat, which afforded me an excellent bed. The change from those ruins to the Arab's IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 239 hut was not less than that from the elevated ideas the sight of them inspired in me, to the thought of procuring my supper, if I could. By this time the two agents of Mr. Drouetti had arrived. They immediately set to work to take out the lower sphinxes, which the Doctor had discovered, and commenced their labours on a very extensive scale. The Bey had left his orders with the Caimakan and the Sheiks, and now scarcely a Fellah could be gotten for us. Mr. D.*s agents had employed them aU, and my remonstrances were to little purpose. From the moment these personages came to Thebes, I had a continual series of disagreeable circumstances to encounter, which I could not describe, were I to attempt it. Suffice it to say, that the Bey, who had the command of the whole country, made it a particular point, I have no doubt, to thwart our views ; and con- sequently took care to express his wishes, as to each party, to the CachefFs and Caimakans, who could not avoid obeying their superior. The petty advantage taken on this occasion soon showed me the characters of the persons I had to deal with. I do not mean the first two agents alone, who had arrived in Thebes, but those who had given them instructions, and others who were sent after them, consisting of European 240 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS renegadoes, desperadoes, exiles, &;c. People of this sort, under no restraint in any thing they do, were sent to obstruct my proceedings ; and met with every encouragement from the Bey, and of course from his subalterns. The first two agents, as I have said, begun their researches extensively ; and, as I could get but a few men to employ on the east side of the Nile, I determined to try what could be done on the west, as I had the good-will of the Cacheffs there j but unfortunately the boat with Mr. Beechey had not arrived, and I could not proceed for want of money, having, from pru- dence, as I came by land, taken but little with me. Accordingly, I left my interpreter, with instructions how to act with the few men I had engaged, and set off in a small boat to meet him. In twenty-four hours I arrived at Gheneh, as the wind happened to be in my favour, and had the good fortune to find him at that place. It took us three days to reach Thebes, when we moored our bark at Luxor, and I recom- menced my operations with what Fellahs I could obtain. The work at Gournou was continued also; and I must confess occupied a greater share of my attention than that at Carnak. Could it but be accurately known, with what a wretched set of people in these tribes tra- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 241 vellers have to deal, their mean and rapacious dispositions, and the various occurrences that render the collection of antiquities difficult, whatever came from thence would be the more prized, from the consideration of these circum- stances. The people of Gournou are superior to any other Arabs in cunning and deceit, and the most independent of any in Egypt. They boast of being the last that the French had been able to subdue, and when subdued, they compelled them to pay the men whatever was asked for their labour ; a fact which is corroborated by Baron Denon himself. They never would sub- mit to any one, either the Mamelukes or the Bashaw. They have undergone the most severe punishments, and been hunted like wild beasts, by every successive government of Egypt. Their situations and hiding-places were almost im- pregnable. Gournou is a tract of rocks, about •two miles in length, at the foot of the Libyan mountains, on the west of Thebes, and was the burial-place of the great city of a hundred gates. Every part of these rocks is cut out by art, in the form of large and small chambers, each of which has its separate entrance j and, though they are very close to each other, it is seldom -that there is any interior communication from VOL. I. a 242 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS one to another. I can truly say, it is impossible to give any description sufficient to convey the smallest idea of those subterranean abodes, and their inhabitants. There are no sepulchres in any part of the v^^orld like them ; there are no excavations, or mines, that can be compared to these truly astonishing places ; and no exact description can be given of their interior, owing to the difficulty of visiting these recesses. The inconveniency of entering into them is such, that it is not every one who can support the exertion. A traveller is generally satisfied when he has seen the large hall, the gallery, the staircase, and as far as he can conveniently go : besides, he is taken up with the strange works he ob- serves cut in various places, and painted on each side of the walls ; so that when he comes to a narrow and difficult passage, or to have to descend to the bottom of a w^ell or cavity, he declines taking such trouble, naturally sup- posing that he cannot see in these abysses any thing so magnificent as what he sees above, and consequently deeming it useless to proceed any fai^iher. Of some of these tombs many persons could not withstand the suffocating air, which often causes fainting. A vast quantity of dust .rises, so fine that it enters into the throat and IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 243 nostrils, and chokes the nose and mouth to such a degree, that it requires great power of lungs to resist it and the strong effluvia of the mummies. This is not all ; the entry or passage where the bodies are is roughly cut in the rocks, and the falUng of the sand from the upper part or ceil- ing of the passage causes it to be nearly filled up. In some places there is not more than a vacancy of a foot left, which you must contrive to pass through in a creeping posture like a snail, on pointed and keen stones, that cut like glass. After getting through these passages, some of them two or three hundred yards long, you generally find a more commodious place, perhaps high enough to sit. But what a place of rest! surrounded by bodies, by heaps of mummies in all directions ; which, previous to my being accustomed to the sight, impressed me with horror. The blackness of the wall, the faint light given by the candles or torches for want of air, the different objects that sur- rounded me, seeming to converse with each other, and the Arabs with the candles or torches in their hands, naked and covered with dust, themselves resembling living mummies, abso- lutely formed a scene that cannot be described. In such a situation I found myself several times, and often returned exhausted and fainting; till R 52 244 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS at last I became inured to it, and indifferent to what I suffered, except from the dust, which never failed to choke my throat and nose ; and though, fortunately, I am destitute of the sense of smelling, I could taste that the mummies were rather unpleasant to swallow. After the exertion of entering into such a place, through a passage of fifty, a hundred, three hundred, or perhaps six hundred yards, nearly overcome, I sought a resting-place, found one, and contrived to sit ; but when my weight bore on the body of an Egyptian, it crushed it like a band-box. I naturally had recourse to my hands to sustain my weight, but they found no better support j so that I sunk altogether among the broken mummies, with a crash of bones, rags, and wooden cases, which raised such a dust as kept me motionless for a quarter of an hour, waiting till it subsided again. I could not remove from the place, however, without increasing it, and every step I took I crushed a mummy in some part or other. Once I was conducted from such a place to another resembling it, through a passage of about twenty feet in length, and no wider than that a body could be forced through. It was choked with mummies, and I could not pass without putting my face in con- tact with that of some decayed Egyptian j but IN EGYPT, NUBIA, *c. ^45 as the passage inclined downwards, my own weight helped me on : however, I could not avoid being covered with bones, legs, arms, and heads rolling from above. Thus I proceeded from one cave to another, all full of mummies piled up in various ways, some standing, some lying, and some on their heads. The purpose of my researches was to rob the Egyptians of their papyri ; of which I found a few hidden in their breasts, under their arms, in the space above the knees, or on the legs, and covered by the numerous folds of cloth, that envelop the mummy. The people of Gournou, who make a trade of antiquities of this sort, are very jealous of strangers, and keep them as secret as possible, deceiving travellers by pretending, that they have arrived at the end of the pits, when they are scarcely at the entrance. I could never prevail on them to conduct me into these places till this my second voyage, when I suc- ceeded in obtaining admission into any cave where mummies were to be seen. My permanent residence in Thebes was the cause of my success. The Arabs saw that I paid particular attention to the situation of the entrance into the tombs, and that they could not avoid being seen by me when they were at work digging in search of a aew tomb, though 24(3 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS they are very cautious when any stranger is in Gournou not to let it be known where they go to open the earth ; and as travellers generally remain in that place a few days only, they used to leave off digging during that time. If any traveller be curious enough to ask to examine the interior of a tomb, they are ready to show him one immediately, and conduct him to some of the old tombs, where he sees nothing but the grottoes in which mummies formerly had been deposited, or where there are but few^, and these already plundered ; so that he can form but a poor idea of the real tombs, where the remains were originally placed. The people of Gournou live in the entrance of such caves as have already been opened, and, by making partitions with earthen walls, they form habitations for themselves, as well as for their cows, camels, buffaloes, sheep, goats, dogs, &c. I do not know whether it is because they are so few in number, that the government takes so little notice of what they do ; but it is certain, that they are the most unruly people in Eg^^t. At various times many of them have been de- stroyed, so that they are reduced from three thousand, the number they formerly reckoned, to three hundred, which form the population of the present day. They have no mosque, nor IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &e, 21-7 do they care for one ; for though they have at their disposal a great quantity of all sorts of bricks, which abound in every part of Gournou, from the surrounding tombs, they have never built a single house. They are forced to culti* vate a small tract of land, extending from the rocks to the Nile, about a mile in breadth, and two and a half in length ; and even this is in part neglected ; for if left to their own will, they would never take a spade in their hands, except when they go to dig for mummies ; which they find to be a more profitable employ- ment than agriculture. This is the fault of travellers, who are so pleased the moment they are presented with any piece of antiquity, that, without thinking of the injury resulting from the example to their successors, they give a great deal more than the people really expect. Hence it has arisen, that they now set such an enormous price on antiquities, and in particular on papyri. Some of them have accumulated a considerable sum of money, and are become so indifferent, that tiiey remain idle, unless what, ever price they demand be given them ; and it is to be observed, that it is a fixed point in their minds, that the Franks would not be so liberal, unless the articles were worth ten times as much ^s they pay for them. 248 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS The Fellahs of Gournou who dig for antiqui- ties are sometimes divided into parties, and have their chiefs over each ; so that what is found by any of the party is sold, and the money divided among them all. They are apparently very true to each other, and particularly in cheating strangers ; but when they can find a good opportunity, they do not scruple to cheat each other also. One day when I had to pur- chase some antiquities according to appoint- ment, and was going to the tomb of one of these companies, my guide told me by the way, that he had some papyri to sell, which he had himself found, previous to his entering into part- nership with his associates ; and it was agreed, that I was to repair to his house alone to see them. However, I took Mr. Beechey with me, and we had great difficulty to prevent those by whom we were observed from following us ; as it is the common custoni among these people to enter each other's houses as they please, and see and hear all that passes. In spite of all his caution, they suspected that the old man had a considerable hoard of papyri, and were per- suaded that he wished them not to know the large sum he was to receive for them. Accord- ingly they did not fail to watch our coming out, so that they might see what we purchased j and IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Sec. 249 when they saw we had nothing, they were aU surprised and disappointed. One of the chiefs, who was a favourite with the English, approached the interpreter, to know what had passed ; and when he heard that nothing had passed but words, he said, the old man dared not sell any papyri without the consent of the company, and that all they had to sell, and all he had, must be brought to us conjointly. They had no idea how this veteran had deceived them ; for other articles of consequence are so very seldom found, that they did not suspect his having any thing but papyri to dispose of. Age and experience, however, had naturally ren- dered him a greater adept in the art of deceit. When Mr. Beechey, myself, and the inter- preter, entered his cave, his wife walked out to watch if any one approached. The donkey- men, who brought us, were at some distance from the cave, and not a single being was near us. His dwelling was a grotto cut in the rock like the rest, and black as any chimney. He made us sit down on a straw mat, which is a luxurious thing in Gournou, and after a little ceremony, put into my hands a brazen vessel, one of the finest and most perfect pieces of Egyptian antiquity I have ever seen of the kind. It was covered with engraved hieroglyphics. 2.50 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS very finely executed. It was about eighteen inclies liigh and ten in diameter. Tlie compo- sition is extremely fine, and it sounds not unlike the Corinthian brass. I was most agreeably surprised, and could scarcely believe that I had such a treasure in my hands. I conceive it to be a sacred vessel used by the Egyptians. It has a handle something like our common baskets. We were examining it with astonishment, when the old man took it from our hands, and pre- sented us with another exactly similar to it. The sight of a pair of antiques like these, their admirable preservation, and the opportunity we had of purchasing them, delighted us so much, that the bargain with the old man was made in a few words. The great difficulty was to take them to our boat, which the old man promised to do in the night, after all were asleep. We returned to Luxor in high glee, from the ex- pectation of having in our possession two of the finest articles of metallic composition, that ever were to be found in Egypt. At night the old man did not come, which made me uneasy ; but he came in the morning, and said, that he could not bring the vases with him, as his com- panions were watching, but that he would not fail to bring them at night ; meanwhile he should be glad, he added, to receive the money and IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 251 the present we had promised ; and we paid him without hesitation, that he might not retract his bargain. At night, however, no old man came ; nor the next day did he make his ap- pearance. I thought it necessary therefore to go to his habitation. I found him at home, and he said, as before, he would not fail to come to us at night. Night, however, again arrived without him ; but early the next morning he brought the vessels to our boat. Some time after, one of his companions inquired of me what the old man had received for his antiques. We wondered how he came to know any thing of the matter ; when he informed us, the vessels belonged to the company, and the pretence of secrecy was a scheme of the old man to extract from us the present of a turbouse*, in which he had succeeded. After having described the tombs, the mum- mies, the rocks, and the rogues of Gournou, it is time to cross the Nile, and return to Carnak. Here we continued the work, as I mentioned before. Our opponents had taken away the four sphinxes, which the doctor had dug up, in the name of the Defterdar-bey, from the ground I had opened the year before, but had found *" A red cap, or bonnet. 252 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS nothing more, which is somewhat singular, con- sidering the number of men they had employed in their excavation. I now opened another piece of ground, in a line parallel with the point of the temple, and I was fortunate enough to find another line of sphinxes. From the frag- ments there w^ere probably twenty, but five only were in good preservation. Among them was a sitting figure of a young man nearly of the size of life, of gray granite ; but though the face, hands, and arms, were in good condition, the chest and lower parts were quite decayed, and the bust detached from the rest of the body. In the same place I found two small sitting figures of red granite, nearly two feet high, and a stone irregularly shaped, but flat and smooth on the surfaces. It is divided by lines into many little squares of half an inch, in each of which is a hieroglyphic, but all different from each other. This piece, in my opinion, might be of much service to Dr. Young in his undertaking of the discovery of the alphabet of the Egyptians, particularly in the advanced state at which he has at present arrived. Two other articles were found in this excavation, of which one is a tombstone, and the other an iron sickle, that I think worthy the attention of the anti- quary. It is certain, that tlie burial-places of IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 253 the Egyptians were on the west side of the Nile, for not a single place is to be found on the eastern side to indicate there having ever been a burial- ground there : yet among these sphinxes was a tombstone similar to those which are found in the tombs on the other side of the Nile, and probably, therefore, made to be taken to the tomb of some family on the west. But the iron sickle to which I would call the attention, was found under the feet of one of the sphinxes on its removal. I was present ; one of the men took it up and gave it me. It was broken into three pieces, and so decayed, that the rust had eaten even to the centre. It was rather thicker than the sickles of the present time, but exactly of the common shape and size of ours. It is now in the possession of Mr. Salt. The ques- tion is, at what time were these statues placed there? They could not have been deposited subsequently to the age of the Ptolemies ; for it appears, that since the time of Cambyses, who destroyed the Gods of Egypt, the country has never been invaded, so as to compel the people to conceal their idols ; and it is evident, that these statues had been hidden in a hurry, from the irregular and confused manner in which they lie. Now, as the sickle was found under the statue above mentioned, I think it a suf- ;254 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS ficient proof, that there was iron in the country long before the invasion of the Persians, since the Egyptians had enough to make instruments of agriculture with it. Sickles of the same form are to be seen in many agricultural representa- tions in the tombs ; but it does not follow, that they were taken from sickles of iron, like the one in question. I do not mean to decide this point by my own suppositions : I lay the fact before the reader, that he may form his own opinion upon it; yet there are circumstances that would destroy the conjecture, that might be drawn from this discovery. It is very sin- gular, if the Egyptians had iron in such abun- dance, as to make sickles, that they did not make instruments of war, and other articles for their common use, of the same metal ; for if they had done so, it is strange, that none are to be found among the various specimens of their manufacture. I continued the work as fast as I could with the few men I had, as I foresaw, that when the Defterdar came to the knowledge of my success he would put a stop to our proceedings by some intrigue or other. My daily employment kept me in continual motion. In the morning I used to give my directions for the works at Carnak. The Arabs generally come to work at the rising TN EGYPT, NUBIA, Scc. ^55 • of the sun, and leave off from noon till two or three o'clock. When I had many employed, I divided them into parties, and set an overseer over each, to see that they worked at the pro- per hours, and on the allotted spots of ground, which I had previously marked out ; but ge- nerally some of our people were obliged to be there, for no trust is to be reposed in the Arabs, if they should find any small pieces of antiquity. Before noon I used to cross the river and in- spect the works at Gournou. Having been there the year before, and had dealings with these people, I was at home in every part of Thebes, knew every Arab there, and they knew me as well. Mr. Beechey had taken possession of the temple at Luxor, without requesting per- mission from the Gods, and we made a dwelling- place of one of the chambers : I believe it must have been the sekos. By the help of some mats we procured a very tolerable accommodation, but could not prevent the dust from coming on our beds, and clothes, to which for my part I had lone: before become indifferent. We could not sleep any longer in the boat ; for in conse- quence of the provision we had on board, such quantities of large rats accompanied us all the way to Luxor, that we had no peace day or night, and at last they succeeded in fairly dis- ^56 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS lodging us. We thought to have been a niatdh for them, however, for we caused all the pro- vision to be taken out, and the boat to be sunk at Luxor, but as they were good swimmers, they saved their lives, and hid themselves in the holes of the pier ; and when the provision had been put on board again, they all returned cheerfully, a few excepted, and were no doubt grateful to us for having given them a fresh ap- petite and a good bathing. In Gournou, our researches continued among the mummies. Tlie Arabs had become quite unconcerned about tlie secret of the tombs ; for they saw it was their interest to search, as they were rewarded for what they found, and those who were duly paid were indifferent whether ■we or their brethren found a tomb. The men were divided into two classes. The most know- ing were making researches on their own ac- count, employing eight or ten to assist them. They indicated the ground where they hoped to find a tomb, and sometimes were fortunate enough to hit on the entrance of a mummy pit in the first attempt. At other times, after spend- ing two or three days, they often found only a pit filled with mummies of the inferior class, which had nothing among them wortliy of no- tice : so that, even to the most skilful explorer, IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 257 it was a mere chance what he should find. On the other hand, in some of the tombs of the better class they found very good specimens of antiquity, of all sorts. I met with some dif- ficulty at first in persuading these people to work in search of tombs, and receive a regular daily payment ; for they conceived it to be against their interest, supposing I might obtain the antiquities at too cheap a rate : but w^hen they saw, that sometimes they received their pay regularly, and I had nothing for it, they found it was rather in their favour, to secure twenty paras (three pence) a day, than run the risk of having nothing for their labour, which often happened to those who worked at adven- ture. It was from these works that I became better acquainted with the manner in which the Egyp- tians regulated their burial-places ; and I plainly saw the various degrees and customs of the divers classes, from the peasant to the king. The Egyp- tians had three different methods of embalming o their dead bodies, which, Herodotus informs us, were according to the expense the persons who presented the dead bodies to the mummy-makers chose to incur. This father of history thus ex- presses himself on the subject : *' Certain per- sons were appointed by the laws to the exercise VOL. I. s 2.58 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS of this profession. When a dead body was brought to them, they exhibited to the friends of the deceased different models, highly finished in wood. The most perfect of these, they said, resembles one, whom I do not think it religious to name on such an occasion ; the second was of less price, and inferior in point of execution ; the other was still more mean. They then in- quired after which model the deceased should be represented. When the price was deter- mined, the relations retired, and the embalmers proceeded in their work. In the most perfect specimens of their art, they extracted the brain through the nostrils, partly with a piece of crooked iron, and partly by the infusion of drugs. They then, with an Ethiopian stone, made an incision in the side, through which they drew out the intestines. These they cleansed thoroughly, washing them with palm-wine, and afterwards covering them with pounded aroma- tics. They then filled the body with powder of pure myrrh, cassia, and other spices, without frankincense. Having sown up the body, it was covered with nitre for the space of seventy days, which time they were not allowed to ex- ceed. At the end of this period, being first washed, it was closely wrapped in bandages of cotton, dipped in a gum, which the Egyptians IN EGYPT, NUBIA, ftc. v to seek for antiquities, without knowing where he went. As he appeared to be a little more disposed to hearken to what we had to say to 298 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS him, we complained of our situation ; stating to him, that in consequence of what he had done to the Sheik on the other side of the water, the Fellahs would not work, and that, although we had brought strong letters of recommendation from the Bashaw himself, we were without pro- tection, exposed to the insolence of our oppo- nents, and every one else, who thought they might act as they pleased towards us with im- punity. He inquired if any one had done us any injury ; and we informed him, that our in- terpreter had been beaten by the Fellahs of Car- nak, and that the Caimakan, after it had been proved, said he could do nothing to the assail- ants, as he was afraid of incurring the displea- sure of the Bey. He next asked, if I were dis- pleased because he had beaten the Sheik of Gournou. I said, it was not pleasant to see any one beaten without cause, for the Sheik had had no dealings with us, had not sold us a single ar- ticle of antiquity ; but he might treat his own people as he liked, for we had no business to in- terfere either with his orders, or with them, so long as they were not injurious to us. He then wished to know what we wanted. We said, that we wanted to be respected, and to be al- lowed to proceed in our researches. We did not wish to be treated with more favour than IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 299 our opponents ; but we were desirous of an or- der to the people of Gournou, that we might purchase antiquities as well as others ; and a farther order for the CachefTs of Assouan and Ibrim, as we intended to ascend the Nile ; with which he complied, and set off. On our return to Luxor I found two of the fathers of the Propaganda whom I had met with on my first journey from Redamont to Luxor, and who were come to see the antiquities. As they had treated me with civility on my journey, I felt it my duty to return the obligation. Ac- cordingly I went with them to all the places I knew, and in particular to the tombs of the kings, the Memnonium, Medinet Aboo, Car- nak, Luxor, &c. To me it was in general a source of pleasure to show these things to strangers, to hear their remarks, and to observe their astonishment and satisfaction, after com- ing so far to view what cannot be seen any where else ; at the same time no vexation can be greater to a lover of antiquity, than when he witnesses indifference even to what is most striking, which is often the case. These two holy fathers had been in the country for about ten years, and their place of residence was only at the distance of three days' journey from Thebes; yet they had never thought of taking 300 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the trouble of such a journey during all that time, and probably never would have done it, had it not been for my persuasion when I first saw them. Such neglect of antiquities would be not a little provoking to the travellers who come from Lon- don, Paris, Vienna, and Petersburg, to see these magnificent ruins. On arriving at the first tombs through the entrance, which is truly magni- ficent, the holy fathers, who had as much taste for antiquity as the animals that brought them, complained of being very much fatigued, though they had been carried by two very good asses. My attention was on the alert for the first bursts of their astonishment j but how I was disap- pointed ! They dismounted without taking any more notice of these magnificent places, than of a common building, or of the cloister of a con- vent. They sent immediately for the boy who had the bottle of aquavitae, and drank a glass each. I thought they meant to take it easily, and to examine every thing minutely, but I was soon undeceived, for the only observation they made was on the name of a friend they happened to know, which was scrawled on one of these sacred walls in charcoal. They ex- pressed their wonder how he had come thither, when he had been there, and so on; and al- though they were surrounded by Egyptian an- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 301 tiquities, hieroglyphics, figures, fine paintings, &c. all their occupation was to inspect the nu- merous other scrawls on the stones, to see whe- ther any more of their friends had been there. On our arrival at the great hall, they could not help observing the immense sarcophagus that lies there, and immediately inquired whether the body were still in it. On advancing a little farther, and perceiving it had been emptied, they concluded there was nothing worth seeing, as there were none of the kings' bodies to be found. At my request they cast their eyes on the painting, otherwise they would have walked out without knowing whether it were a tomb or a cellar : in the mean time a friend of theirs, who not being quite so anxious as the fathers to see these antiquities, had seated himself near the entrance, as he cared not about coming any farther, was calling to the holy friars to make haste, and wondered why they would waste so much time in examining such things. It may easily be imagined, that I was not only disap- pointed in the taste of my companions, but also provoked at their indifference ; and as I saw there was no remedy, I hurried them out of the tomb as fast as I could, to show them another more magnificent, in hopes to have better suc- cess. Accordingly I took them to see the most 302 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS remarkable of the tombs, and that which is reckoned the best. This tomb is truly grand ; it is distinguished from the others not only by its excellent state of preservation, but because it contains eight small cells cut in the rock, in the first passage on each side of it, in which are painted a multitude of articles used by the an- cient Egyptians, such as implements of war, domestic and ceremonial dresses, decorations, musical instruments, and in short all that was conducive to utility, ornament, or convenience, in their time, so as to give perfect ideas of their mode of living, &c. The ground is white, and the colours are so lively and striking, that we cannot fail to wonder at them. Farther on you pass through a long gallery, painted with the most beautiful hieroglyphics, in as good perfec- tion as the former ; and in the great hall lies an enormous sarcophagus, of one single piece of granite, measuring ten feet long, five wide, six high, and six inches thick, covered with hiero- glyphics inside and out. This is one of the largest sarcophagi remaining in perfection at this day. There are other apartments commu- nicating with the great hall, all of which deserve the attention of the traveller, for in them he sees various groups of figures and hieroglyphics in- dicating the manner of ]i\dng, agriculture, &c. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 303 On our entering I informed the fathers that this was the finest tomb, and that it contained paintings of the implements and other things of the ancients, which are very interesting. They passed the first corridor with the same apathy as the first tomb, holding a candle into each of the cells as they passed, and peeping in with their heads, but without entering. The only thing that struck their attention were the hasps on a little box, somewhat like those which con- tain large flasks for liquors. On coming out I took the road over the mountain, which is a little troublesome, but in a few minutes it brings you to the summit, and then descends to Medinet Abou. Having no better success here, I re- turned with them to Luxor. A strong wind that arose this day leads me to mention some particulars of the phenomena that often happen in Egypt. The first I shall notice is the whirluiiids, which occur all the year round, but especially at the time of the camseen wind, which begins in April, and lasts fifty days. Hence the name of camseen, which in Arabic signifies fifty. It generally blows from the south-west, and lasts four, five, or six days without varying, so very strong, that it raises the sands to a great height, forming a general cloud, so thick that it is impossible to 304 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS keep the eyes open, if not under cover. It is troublesome even to the Arabs ; it forces the sand into the houses through every cranny, and fills every thing with it. The caravans cannot proceed in the deserts ; the boats cannot con- tinue their voyages ; and travellers are obliged to eat sand in spite of their teeth. The whole is like a chaos. Often a quantity of sand and small stones gradually ascends to a great height and forms a column sixty or seventy feet in dia- meter, and so thick, that were it steady on one spot, it would appear a solid mass. This not only revolves within its own circumference, but runs in a circular direction over a great space of ground, sometimes maintaining itself in mo- tion for half an hour, and where it falls it ac- cumulates a small hill of sand. God help the poor traveller who is caught under it ! The next phenomenon is the mirage^ often described by travellers, who assert having been deceived by it, as at a distance it appears to them like water. This is certainly the fact, and I must confess, that I have been deceived my- self, even after I was aware of it. The perfect resemblance to water, and the strong desire for this element, made me conclude, in spite of all my caution not to be deceived, that it was really water I saw. It generally appears like a still IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 305 lake, so unmoved by the wind, that every thing above is to be seen most distinctly reflected by it, which is the principal cause of the deception. If the wind agitate any of the plants that rise above the horizon of the mirage, the motion is seen perfectly at a great distance. If the tra- veller stand elevated much above the mirage, the apparent water seems less united and less deep, for, as the eyes look down upon it, there is not thickness enough in the vapour on the surface of the ground to conceal the earth from the sight. But, if the traveller be on a level with the horizon of the mirage, he cannot see through it, so that it appears to him clear water. By putting my head first to the ground, and then mounting a camel, the height of which from the ground might have been about ten feet at the most, I found a great difference in the appearance of the mirage. On approaching it, it becomes thinner, and appears as if agitated by the wind, like a field of ripe corn. It gra- dually vanishes as the traveller approaches, and at last entirely disappears when he is on the spot. The third phenomenon is the locusts. These animals I have seen in such clouds, that twice the number in the same space would form an opaque mass, which would wholly intercept the VOL. 1. X SOG RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS rays of the siiii, and cause complete darkness. They alight on fields of corn, or other vegeta- bles, and in a few minutes devour their whole produce. The natives make a great noise to frighten them away, but in vain j and, by way of retaliation, they catch and eat them when fried, considering them a dainty repast. They are something like the grasshopper in form, about two inches in length. They are generally of a yellow or gold colour, but there are some red and some green. To return to our proceedings at Luxor. By this time our opponents were preparing to de- part for Cairo, at which we rejoiced, as we thought we should remain quite alone. We had written to Cairo, informing Mr. Salt, the consul, of all that passed with the Bey; but indeed, unless a person is present at such oc- currences, he can feel no interest in them, nor understand the disgust they excite. I had written also to Mr. Burckhardt on the subject, and from his answer I perceived, that the Bey's conduct excited in him no surprise. When at last we thought we should remain alone, and pursue our researches in peace, I made preparations for commencing our work at Gournou. After having, in some measure per- suaded the Shieks and the people of the place, IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 307 that they would not incur the displeasure of the Bey, as I had an order from himself, which per- mitted them to work for us, and sell us antiques, it was agreed, that all the Sheiks should meet in the morning, and hear the order read. Ac- cordingly, we assembled in the grotto, that usually serves as a public place for strangers, and a sort of exchange for buying and selling antiques. A great number of the Fellahs also came to hear the firman, which the great man had written wuth his own hand ; and in con- sequence of the example that had recently been made of their Sheik, they were very attentive. The firman had been kept by our interpreter well secured in his pocket, as the most mighty order that had ever been given ; and he often boasted of having it in his possession. At last it was produced, and put into the hands of the only person among the Sheiks who could read it. He first perused it to himself, that he might read it fluently to the assembly; but had not gone far, when he turned towards me a look of astonishment : however, he proceeded to the end, and then asked me whether he should read it aloud to the assembly; and upon my answer- ing in the affirmative, read nearly as follows : " It is the will and pleasure of Hamed, the Deflerdar Bey and present ruler of Upper Egypt, X 2 308 KKSEARCHES AND OPERATIONS that no Sheiks, Fellahs, or other persons, shall: from this moment sell any article of antiquity to the English party, or work for them ; on the contrary, it is hereby ordered, that every thing that may be found shall be sold to the party of Mr. Drouetti ; and whoever disobeys this order will incur the displeasure of the Bey." I need not inform the reader how I felt on hearing this mandate, the very reverse of what the Bey had given me reason to expect. Were I sure of not returning to Egypt again, I would explain farther how this happened, and what means had been employed to influence the Bey : but as I do not know what fate may attend my future proceedings, I shall say nothing on the subject till the proper season, when this and many other things, of which the world has not the smallest idea, shall be explained, and the various intrigues be exposed to light, that were darkly carried on against me by more than one description of persons. Under the circumstances I have stated, we deemed it of no use to attempt a renewal of our labours, and contented ourselves with writing to Cairo, and entering on our intended journey to the island of Philoe. I had suggested to Mr. Salt, that, if he could send us a supply of money, we would proceed to open the temple of Ybsam- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &;c. 309 bill ; a project that was deemed nearly ima- ginary, a castle in the air, as no one supposed any temple really existed there. After having secured all our collection in one spot, and built a mud wall round it, and covered it with earth, we left an Arab Sheik to guard it, and, on the 23d of May, set off for Assouan. As we intended to examine every thing on our return, we went straight on, seeing scarcely any thing except Edfu and Ombos. At Assouan, we took a general view of Elephantine, and the other islands, and proceeded to Philoe, as our station to await the answer to the letters we had sent from Luxor to Mr. Salt. On our way, we took a good view of the cataract. One of the principal falls at this season is about thirty feet in length, forming an angle of fifteen degrees. Small boats and cangiars can be drawn up or down at all times of the year. The prospect of the island of Philoe and its ruins is truly magnificent, particularly at some distance, though it is extremely barren. It is surrounded by rocks of granite in all directions, forming part of the main land, and part of other islands. The style of the hieroglyphics proves, that the edifice on it is of the last era of the Egyptian nation : in my opinion, of the time of the Ptolemies. There are reasons enough to 310 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS remove all doubts of this, if any were enter- tained : in particular, the peripteral temple, supposed to have been at the landing-place at the east of the island, is evidently of the last school, and not half finished. The work of the columns is in a much lighter style than the old Egyptian, evincing, if that nation had continued its existence, it would have im- proved gradually ; and in due course of time, by amalgamating the Grecian elegance with the vast and lofty magnificence of its own works of art, would have formed an architecture of which we have no idea, but, no doubt, most sublime. There are other proofs that this temple is a more modern structure, formed of the ma- terials of an older edifice. In one of the columns, opposite the gate in the portico which leads to the sanctuary, there is in the centre a stone, sculptured with hieroglyphics inverted ; and another stone of this kind is to be seen in the same column on the west side, near the ground. The whole edifice consists of two temples, nearly united together. The small temple, dedicated to Isis, is within the peristyle of the larger, which was dedicated, I believe, to the same goddess, to Serapis, and to the rest of the gods. The building faces the south, with a large portal or propylaeon, flanked by two porticoes or colon- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 31 1 nades, the capitals of the pillars of which are different from each other. At the entrance of the first portal lies the obelisk of granite, thrown down, as mentioned before, its pedestal having a Greek inscription on it, which is a complaint of the priests, addressed to Ptolemy and Cleo- patra, against the soldiers and the government of the place, and proves that the Egyptian priests had no influence in the government at that period. The inscription was discovered by an English traveller, Mr. Banks, who, not having time to dig it out, left it, and Mr. Beechey took a copy of it. Part of another obelisk and pe- destal are to be seen in the mud wall opposite. There are also two lions, of granite, which were at the sides of the stairs formed by four steps, that must have been in this situation, as I ob- served, that the bases of the colonnades are lower than the bases of the propylaea. After passing the first portal is the entrance to the pronaos ; on the west of which is the small temple of Isis, surrounded by square pillars, with the head of the goddess as the capital. The inner part consists of three apartments : the por- tico, the cella, and the adytum. The hierogly- phics on it are nearly perfect, but almost co- vered with mud, as it has served as a Greek chapel. On the east of the pronaos is a gallery 3l!2 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS with several cells, no doubt for the use of the priests ; and the north is the second portal, co- vered with colossal figures like the first. On passing this we come to the portico, which is reckoned the most perfect and beautiful part of this building. The liieroglyphics are entire and highly painted, as are the capitals of the columns, which are ten in number. The figures on the wall of this portico are all divided into several groups, forming compartments of five feet high ; those on the columns forming the ornaments of this hall are highly beautiful. There are other ruins on the west of the island, which formed the entrance into the temple by the water-side ; and on the north-east are the remains of three arches made by the Romans. Here must have been the landing-place to the island. The middle arch has fallen down. On tlie key-stones the words " sanctum, sanctum, sanctum," are cut ; affording clear evidence, that this island served as a holy seat not only to the Egyptians and Greeks, but also to the Romans. There are palpable marks of the whole temple having been fitted up for Chris- tian worship. The walls are covered with mud, to hide the hieroglyphics on them ; and some figures peculiar to the Christian religion were painted on this ; but time uncovered the hiero^ IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 313 glyphics again, as the mud lost its hold in several places. At the back of the temple, or on the north side of it, are the foundations of. a build- ing that served for a Greek church, and was formed of the stones from the ruins of the other buildings, as is obvious from the hieroglyphics on them. I cannot avoid observing, that this island is the most superb group of ruins I ever beheld together in so small a space of ground. The whole island, which is not more than a thousand feet in length, and less than five hun- dred in breadth, is richly covered with ruins ; and being detached from the other barren islands which surround it at some distance, has a very superb appearance. On the island to the west of Philoe are the remains of a small temple, which has also served for Christian purposes. There are but few hieroglyphics to be seen, and the remains of two sitting figures in granite much mutilated. On the south of this temple is a burying-ground, so much like that of Gour- nou, that I was led to suppose it may have been the burying-place of the inhabitants of Philoe, though there are other tombs in the mountains on the east of the island. During our stay in Philoe I made a model in wax of the portico of the great temple. The beautiful capitals and other ornaments of the 31 4- RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS columns induced me to do this. It was the month of May, and the heat was so great, that wax incorporated with resin could scarcely be kept in a mass of sufficient solidity to be re- duced into form. The thermometer stood as high as 1^4° of Fahrenheit in the shade ; but the mercury had risen to the top of the glass, so that we could not judge what degree it would have reached had the tube been longer. An Arab now arrived from Cairo with a letter from Mr. Salt. He had performed his journey in eighteen days, all by land. The letter brought us a supply of money ; and, to my great satis- faction, Mr. Salt complied witli my wishes of opening the temple of Ybsambul, which I had so often suggested to him ; and I must give him much credit for risking the expense of such an undertaking, the uncertainty of which would have deterred most people from doing it, par- ticularly as he himself entertained strong doubts of the existence of a temple there ; for he said, in the same letter, that he thought we should find no entrance, but that it would turn out to be like some of the mausoleums round the py- ramids. A few days previous to this the two captains, Irby and Mangles, had arrived in the island. They were going up the Nile, as far as the second IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &t. 315 cataract, and as there was some difficulty in ob- taining two boats, we made a joint party, and contented ourselves with one only. We had to send our interpreter to Esne for provision, nothing being to be had at Assouan. The fourth of June arrived, and our jolly com- panions. Captains Irby and Mangles, proposed to commemorate the birth-day of his Majesty George III. Accordingly we took an old flag we had in the boat, and planted it on the highest propylseon in the island. At noon we brought out all our fire-arms, and went through the re- gular salute of twenty-one guns. Having only five, we had to load them again immediately after being fired ; and from the heat of the fire and that of the sun, the barrels soon became so hot, that we could not touch them with our hands. At night we repeated our rejoicings, and frightened all the natives round, who could not imagine why we wasted so much powder without killing somebody. However, it convinced them, I believe, that we were well prepared in case it should be requisite to make our defence. The next day Mrs. Belzoni ar- rived from Cairo, a voyage which she performed accompanied only by the Irish lad, James. I could not contrive to take her higher up the Nile with us, as we had only one boat; and 316 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS therefore left her in the island till our return. The account of her stay there will be given by herself. On the l6th of June we left the island of Philoe. Our company consisted of Captains Irby and Mangles, Mr. Beechey, and myself; two servants, and Mahomed, a soldier sent to us by Mr. Salt. On our voyage up we had much trouble with our crew, who were five men and three boys, all of one family. On our arrival at Ybsambul, we found that the Cacheffs were not there, but at Tomas, op- posite Deir. We sent an express to inform them, that we were to open the temple, and meanwhile we proceeded to the second cataract. Previous to our arrival at Wady Haifa, or the se- cond cataract, we followed the west side of the Nile, as far as we could go with the boat, and then landed, and walked three or four miles to the Rock Upsir; for as I had seen such beautiful views there on my first voyage, when the water was high, I wished to see how they appeared at this season, and to show them to my companions. I found them not so interesting as the first time j the islands did not appear so numerous ; nor did the water form those foaming eddies, which so finely interspersed the views with white and green. Notwithstanding this, the whole was IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 317 very grand, and I was gratified in seeing it again. Having returned to our boat, we passed the night on the same side of the river. The next morning we crossed the water, and entered into an inlet of the Nile, where we moored our boat near the village of Wady Haifa. The crew took it into their heads to extort money from us by force, for which purpose they landed, and said we might return by ourselves if we liked. They knew we could not effect this without some difficulty, as the boat was surrounded by sand banks. AVe had intended to proceed by land to see the cataract on the east side, as I had done the year before, but under the pre- sent circumstances we deemed it imprudent to leave the boat, lest all we had in it should be plundered ; for the crew had collected several of the natives, who were apparently disposed to aid them in their undertakings. We would not give up to them, and they protested that they would not come on board, unless we first gave them some money. We then took the resolution to try what we could do ourselves, but it was more in appearance than reality, for we never could have got the boat out of that place. However, the appearance of our attempt to strike the sail, which must be done to fall down the river with SI 8 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the current, had the intended effect ; for these fellows immediately sent one of the crew to a parley. We told him, if they took the boat out into the middle of the river, we would give them a bakshis, but not till then. This was agreed on, and at last, after losing the whole day in this business, we returned towards Ybsam- bul. During this day the natives came to ex- amine every thing we had on board ; but they perceived that we were too well armed for them, and quite ready for defence in case of necessity. On our reaching Ybsambul we found that no answer had been sent from Mosmos. We waited three days, and on the fourth a messenger ar- rived on a camel. He said he came to see whe- ther I were the same person, from the English consul, who was there the preceding year, and wished to open the temple. On recognizing me, he returned immediately. Three days after, the two Cacheffs appeared, and took up their abode in small huts made of rushes, on a sandy bank of the river. We waited on their highnesses, and were well received, as we were much respected for what we might bring with us. We presented Daoud Cacheff with a fine gun, powder and ball, a shawl, some soap, and some tobacco. This distinction unfortu- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 3l9 nately caused a jealousy between the two bro- thers. Khalil considered himself his brother's equal since the absence of his father. I was not aware of this, as the first year he was merely an attendant on his brother Daoud. He was in a terrible rage, and informed us, that he was as great a man as his brother. We told him, that we would give him one of our guns ; but our endeavours to appease him were all to no purpose. We passed the whole day without knowing our fate. Daoud kindly insisted that we should stop and dine with him j but I de- clined it on account of his brother not beins: there, who had retired to his hut. He went over to bring him to dinner, but in vain. I then went myself to speak to him, and after much ado, I succeeded in making peace with this great potentate. He took one of our guns, and some powder and ball ; and it was con- cluded, that we should begin to work in the morning with thirty men. In the morning the men appeared rather late, but we recommenced the work at the temple with much enthusiasm and good hopes. I per- ceived the necessity of drawing the sand from the sides of the door, so that it might run off from the centre ; toward which, on the con- trary, if the sand were taken from the centre. 520 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS that from the sides would continually run. The enterprising Count de Forbin, who never was within five hundred miles at least of the place, judged that the sand might have been easily thrown into the river. I wish he had been there once in his life, and then he might have seen, whetlier it were such a trifle as he repre- sents it. It was a mass of sand accumulated by the wunds for many centuries, and to have had it removed, and thrown into the river, would have been an undertaking, that all the people the adjacent country afforded could not have effected in twelve months. I was con- tented to make it my principal object to reach the door, as the most speedy means of entering the temple. This day I divided the men into two parties, and stationed one on each side of the colossal figure that stood over the entrance. They worked pretty well, but were so few that the little sand they removed could scarcely be per- ceived. Seeing that it would be a very tedious business that way, in the evening I made a pro- posal to the Cacheff to pay three hundred piastres for opening the temple, which was agreed to by the Cacheff and the working men. They continued their labour for three days with much ardour, for they supposed they could finish it IN F.CYPT, NUBIA, &c. 3'21 in that time, as their number was increased to eighty by order of the CachefF; but on the evening of tlie third day there was as little pro- spect of seeing the door as on the first. They got tired at last, and under the pretext that the Ramadan was to commence on the next day, they left us with our temple, the sand, and the treasure, and contented themselves with keep- ing the three hundred piastres, which were partly paid to them previously to their begin- ning, and partly on the third day. During this time the Cacheffs dined with us. Our mess was in company with them and all their fol- lowers. Our banquet consisted of a small piece of mutton, the water in which it was stewed, some bread, and a little butter or fat. No sooner was the dinner set on the ground, than a scramble took place. Every one crowded round the earthen bowl : the Cacheff was the first to dip in his hand, and immediately the rest followed his example. We four, the two Captains Irby and Mangles, Mr. Beechy, and myself, contrived to keep as close togetlier as possible, that we might all eat out of the same side of the dish, and by this means have some chance of a cleaner meal. The Cacheff seeing that we stood no chance against his people, who at last plunged their hands into the dish from VOL. I. Y 322 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS all quarters, politely picked out the most fleshy parts from the bowl, which he distinguished from the bones by a squeeze with his hand, placed them on the sleeve of his gown, and then con- tinued to eat till the bowl was nearly emptied. When all had done eating, he presented each of us with a piece of the fleshy parts he had re- served as a compliment, which we gladly de- voured, as there was no other chance of our having a morsel to eat till the next morning. This day being the first of Ramadan, the Fellahs could not work, but they could feast according to their holy law ; for, though they know very little of religion, they keep their own festivals as correctly and as regularly as an European. The next day again nobody came near us, and the two Cacheffs Daoud and Khalil went away. From that time we took the resolution to work at the sand ourselves. We were only six, including the interpreter and the Janizary, but the crew offered their services, and thus our party amounted to fourteen in all. Finding that one of us did as much work as in the pro- portion of one to five of the Barabra, we were well satisfied, and resolved to continue. We rose every morning at the dawn of day, and left off two hours and half after sunrise. Our per- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 323 severance and independence drew some of the peasants, to offer their services, which we ac- cepted ; but as many of them were from the oppo- site side of the Nile, they could not agree with those of Ybsambul, and there was a perpetual warfare between them ; besides, from jealousy, they increased to such a number, that we could not employ them all, which gave rise to fresh dis- putes, so that we resolved to dismiss them all, and continue the work by ourselves. They still persisted in offering their services to what num- ber we pleased ; but we saw it would not pre- vent their having quarrels and fighting every dav, and we therefore refused their offer. One day we observed a boat on the opposite side of the Nile steering towards us, and as it approached we perceived, that it was filled with well armed men. After the Cacheffs of Ybsam- bul left us, there was a man of that village, who, in spite of their orders, still remained with us, and occasionally helped us in the work. His name was Musmar, which in English signifies nail. Mr. Nail was a great man ; told us won- derful stories of his astonishing courage ; gave us to understand, that, when the Bedoweens from the Desert attacked the village of Ybsambul he was the first to resist them ; and vaunted, that he was not afraid of any man in the world. Y 2 324 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS We were of course charmed at having such a gallant knight with us. On the approach of the boat he seemed agitated, and was very- anxious to know who the people were. While they were at a distance, he said no one dared come where he was. When they were nearer, and he might see distinctly who they were, he could not conceive what they wanted on this side of the water. As soon as they had nearly reached the shore, still pretending he was un- able to guess who they could be, he would ascend the mountain to observe them better. With this he took to his heels, and ran off as fast as he could scamper. The men landed, and ascended the hill of sand where we were. We seized our arms, for this is the only way to be respected by these gentry. They ap- proached. — The first was an elderly man, who had strong traits of resolution in his counte- nance. He held out his hand, which I imme- diately shook, according to the custom of the country. They were the CachefFs of Ibrim, father and son. They seated themselves on the sand, and the others stood. They appeared in greater style than our sove- reigns of Ybsambul, and had more swords and fire-arms. We were pleased to find them friends, particularly as we knew they were at war with IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 325 Hassan CachefFand his sons Daoud and KhalH. I perceived their disappointment, for our attire did not bespeak riches. Besides, seeing us at work like labourers, they concluded we were but poor people. They told us they were friends of Mahomed Ali, Bashaw of Egypt, and pre- sented us with two small and meagre sheep. I was not pleased at this, for I knew how the politeness of such gifts always ends : we re- turned this civility by paying the servant who brought the sheep twice as much as they were worth, and told the Cacheffs, that we were sorry we had nothing to give them, as we had ex- hausted every tiling, but that we should recol- lect them on our return to the country. They said, they did not come thither to have any thing from us, and hoped on our return to Cairo we would speak to the Bashaw in their favour. We answered, we could not say any thing against them, as they never did us any harm, or ever saw us before. Soon after they rose, and we gave them the usual salute, but they said they were going to see the small temple below. Our interpreter followed them, as the boat was near that place ; and when they reached the temple they took him aside, and told him, that they were the masters of the country ; that if the other Cacheffs killed one man, they killed 326 RESEARCHES AND OrERATIONS two ; they could stop, or let us proceed on our works, as well as the other Cacheffs, for they were more powerful ; adding, they knew we gave guns, powder, shot, soap, and tobacco to the others — therefore they expected we should do more for them, as they were superior, and we might expect the consequences of refusing to comply with their demands. At such pro- ceedings I thought we were in as bad a situa- tion as ever respecting our works at the temple, for we had nothing left to give these people. Ac- cordingly w^e sent them an answer, that we had nothing for them at present, but that they might depend on our words, that we would bring them something on our future visit to Nubia. They replied, we had no business to come into the country without written orders directed to them, as they were the true masters of it. We informed them we had a firman from the Bashaw, and sent our interpreter with it to show it them. They opened it, and looking at it said they could not understand one word in it ; besides it was not for them, and therefore was good for nothing, and even if we had one, it would be to no pur- pose, unless it w^as accompanied with presents of more value than we had given to the other Cacheffs. While all this was passing, the great potentates and their honourable followers walked IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 3^7 towards their boat, and hinted, that we must think on the business while thev were iroing; to the village of Ybsambul. We left off work at our usual time, and re- sumed our labour in the afternoon, expecting that we should have some interruption in our proceedings ; but on the next day to our astonish- ment we heard, that the great men were off at night. We continued our operations regularly, and in the course of a few days more we per- ceived a rough projection from the wall, which indicated apparently that the work was un- finished, and no door to be found there. At this the hopes of some of our party began to fail ; nevertheless we persevered in our exertions, and three days after we discovered a broken cornice, the next day the torus, and of course, the frize under, which made us almost sure of finding the door the next day ; accordingly I erected a palisade, to keep the sand up, and to my utmost satisfaction saw the upper part of the door as the evening approached. We dug away enough sand to be able to enter that night, but sup- posing there might be some foul air in the ca- vity, we deferred this till the next morning. Early in the morning of the 1st of August we went to the temple in high spirits, at the idea of entering a newly discovered ])Iace. We 5^28 RF.SEARCHES AND OPERATIONS endeavoured as much as we could to enlarge tlie entrance ; but our crew did not accompany us as usual. On the contrary, it appeared that they intended to hinder us as much as lay in their power ; for when they saw, that we really had found the door, they wished to deter us from availing ourselves of it: the attempt how- ever failed. They then pretended, that they could not stop any longer with the boat in that place, and if we did not go on board imme- diatel}^, they would set off with her and leave us» On our refusal they knelt on the ground, and threw sand over their faces, saying, that they would not stop an instant. The fact was, they had promised to the Cacheffs to play some trick to interrupt our proceedings, in case we should come to tlie door. But even all this would not do. We soon made the passage wider, and entered the finest and most exten- sive excavation in Nubia, one that can stand a competition with any in Egypt, except the tomb newly discovered in Beban el Malook. From what we could perceive at the first view, it was evidently a very large place ; but our astonishment increased, when we found it to be one of the most magnificent of temples, enriched with beautiful intaglios, painting, co- lossal figures. Sec. We entered at first into a IN EGYPT, NUlilA, &c, 3^29 Inrge pronaos, fifty-seven feet long and fifty- two wide, supported by two rows of square pillars, in a line from the front door to the door of the sekos (See Plate 43). Each pillar has a figure, not unlike those at Medinet Aboo, finely executed, and very little injured by time. The tops of their turbans reach the ceiling, which is about thirty feet high : the pillars are five feet and a half square. Both these and the w^alls are covered with beautiful hieroglyphics, the style of which is somewhat superior, or at least bolder, than that of any others in Egypt, not only in the workmanship, but also in the sub- jects. They exhibit battles, storming of castles, triumphs over the Ethiopians, sacrifices, &c. In some places is to be seen the same hero as at Medinet Aboo, but in a different posture. Some of the colours are much injured by the close and heated atmosphere, the temperature of which was so hot, that the thermometer must have risen to above a hundred and thirty de- grees. The second hall is about twenty-two feet high, thirty-seven wide, and twenty-five and a half long. It contains four pillars about four feet square ; and the walls of this also are covered with fine hieroglyphics in pretty good preservation. Beyond this is a shorter chamber, tljirty-sevcn feet wide, in which is the entrance 330 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS into the sanctuary. At each end of this chamber is a door, leading into smaller chambers in the same direction with the sanctuary, each eight feet by seven. The sanctuary is twenty-three feet and a half long, and tw^elve feet wide. It contains a pedestal in the centre, and at the end four colossal sitting figures : they are in good preservation, not having been injured by violence. On the right side of this great hall, entering into the temple, are two doors, at a short distance from each other, which lead into two long separate rooms, the first thirty-eight feet ten inches in length, and eleven feet five inches wide ; the other forty-eight feet seven inches, by thirteen feet three. At the end of the first are several unfinished hieroglyphics, of which some, though merely sketched, give fine ideas of their manner of drawing. At the lateral corners of the entrance into the second chamber from the great hall is a door, each of which leads into a small chamber twenty-two feet six inches long, and ten feet wide. Each' of these rooms has two doors leading into two other chambers, forty-three feet in length, and ten feet eleven inches wide. There are two benches in them, apparently to sit on. The most remarkable subjects in this temple are, a group of captive Ethiopians, in the western corner of the great IN EGYPT, NUBIA, etc. 331 hall, the hero killing a man with his spear, an- other lying slain under his feet, on the same western wall : the storming of a castle, in the western corner from the front door. The out- side of this temple is magnificent. It is a hun- dred and seventeen feet wide, and eighty-six feet high ; the height from the top of the cor- nice to the top of the door being sixty-six feet six inches, and the height of the door twenty feet. There are four enormous sitting colossi, the largest in Egypt or Nubia, except the great Sphinx at the pyramids, to which they approach in the proportion of near two-thirds. From the shoulder to the elbow they measure fifteen feet six inches ; the ears three feet six inches ; the face seven feet ; the beard five feet six inches ; across the shoulders twenty-five feet four inches ; their height is about fifty-one feet, not including the caps, which are about four- teen feet. There are only two of these colossi in sight, one is still buried under the sand, and the other, which is near the door, is half fallen down, and buried also. On the top of the door is a colossal figure of Osiris twenty feet high, with two colossal hieroglyphic figures, one on eacb side, looking towards it. On the top of the temple is a cornice with hieroglyphics, a torus and frize under it. The cornice is six SS2 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS feet wide, the frize is four feet. Above the cornice is a row of sitting monkeys eight feet high, and six across the shoulders. They are twenty-one in number. This temple was nearly two-thirds buried under the sand, of which we removed thirty-one feet before we came to the upper part of the door. It must have had a very fine landing-place, which is now totally buried under the sand. It is the last and largest temple excavated in the solid rock in Nubia, be- tween the first and second cataract, or Egypt, except the new tomb. It took twenty-two days to open it, beside six days last year. We some- times had eighty men at work, and sometimes only our ow^n personal exertions, the party consisting of Mr. Beechey, Captains Irby and Mangles, myself, two servants, and the crew, eleven in all, and three boys. It is situated under a rock about a hundred feet above the Nile, facing the south-east by east, and about one day and a half's journey from the second cataract in Nubia, or Wady Haifa. The heat was so great in the interior of the temple, that it scarcely permitted us to take any drawings, as the perspiration from our hands soon rendered the paper quite wet. Accord- ingly, we left this operation to succeeding tra- vellers, who may set about it with more con- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 333 venience than we could, as the pLace will be- come cooler. Our stock of provision was so reduced, that the only food we had for the last six days was dhourra, boiled in water without salt, of which we 'had none left. The CachefTs had given orders to the people not to sell us any kind of food whatever, hoping that we might be driven away by hunger. But there was an Ababdy, mIio lived in the village, and as he was of a different tribe, he was not so much afraid of disobeying the Cacheffs. He sometimes came at night, and brought lis milk ; but he was at last detected, and prevented from bringing any more. Great credit is due to Mr. Beechey, and the two Captains, for their laborious exertions in assisting me in the above operation. I must not omit to mention, that, in the temple, we found two lions with hawks* heads, the body as large as life ; a small sitting figure, and some copper work belonging to the doors. We left Ybsambul on the 4th of August, and did not stop at Ibrim, as we had seen it before. On passing Tomas, a village on the western banks of the Nile, we were told, that Daoud CachefF was there. We found he was ready to receive us, and came himself on board, entreat- ing us to go on shore, which we did, thoueh 334 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS not without hesitation, as he had not behaved well to us. He wished us to stop all night, and attempted to be very civil. We stated to him, that we had not been well treated by the people of Ybsambul ; to which he replied, hastily, that he knew nothing of the matter. But how could he be ignorant of it, when one of his men, who came to see us at work, and inquired what we lived upon, was at that moment standing by his side, as well as others, whom we recognized to have been of the party, and who came there to raise a disturbance f Perceiving we knew what he had done to us, he attempted to make us amends, presenting us with a sheep and a basket of bread ; and on quitting the place, I received a present from his wife for Mrs. Belzoni, of a milch goat, two small baskets, and a carpet made of palm leaves. I gave in return two pair of Turkish women's boots, and two small looking-glasses. On our arrival at Deir, we met Khalil Ca- chefF, who crossed the Nile in a boat, and hailed us, saying he would return to us very soon. By this time it was quite dark, and we went to see the temple immediately with candles, as we hoped to set off early in the morning, and avoid meeting such a sincere friend. On our return, we attempted to procure some provision, but it IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 335 was too late at night. About ten o'clock, Khalil returned, but we were asleep. Early in the morning we were told, that he had sent us some aqua vitas and a lamb. We were sorry for this, as it retarded us. Some time after he came on board, accompanied by his party. We returned him thanks for what we had received, but told him, that we could not give him any thing in return, as we were destitute ourselves, and that at Ybsambul we had lived on boiled dhourra for several days, as the peasants had refused to sell us any thing to eat. We knew very well that all this was done by his order, but he pretended, like his brother, not to know any thing of it. We did not think proper to say much, as we wished to be gone, and leave these affectionate friends on peaceful terms. At last, after examining our boat, and the strange figure we had found in the temple, he with great sorrow quitted us, and we set off imme- diately. It is to be remarked, that all his civility was out of opposition to his brother Daoud, in hopes that we should bring him something on our coming up again ; for it was plain to be seen, that it was all forced politeness. The temple at Deir is in a very ruinous state. I saw but one or two figures entire : the frasr- ments of the rest indicate, that it was dedicated 33G RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS to Osiris. There was a portico, with sixteen pillars, twelve of which are fallen down. It has a chamber, and a sanctuary, with two small chambers, one on each side. In about two hours we arrived at Almeida, the ruins of a small temple on the north of the Nile. The river there takes its course from north-west to south-east. It is a small temple, and has served for a Greek chapel. The hiero- glyphics are pretty well finished, but nearly co- vered with plaster by the Greeks. There are other apartments, of unburnt bricks, which served as a monastery to the works. Toward evening we arrived at Seboua. The ruins of the temple here I have described before. Four days more brought us down to El Ka- labshe. We landed, to visit the temple ; but the Fellahs, seeing our boat at some distance, gathered together at the entrance to the temple, determined that we should not go in, unless we first paid them for leave. We were accordingly stopped, and money was demanded. We re- fused to comply, but promised, that, if they would let us in, we would give them a bakshis afterward. As this did not satisfy them, and they behaved in a very insolent manner, we were returning to our boat, when our soldier said, that he would remember them. On this IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 33J their daggers were instantly drawn, and his gun was seized. A scuffle took place, which gave us something to do to rescue the gun from the one who had taken it from the soldier, and was endeavouring to decamp with it. On our ap- proaching the boat, some of them, perceiving our indifference whether we saw the temple or not, came to offer to let us enter, while others were of a different opinion ; but, as we had seen the temple before, we did not think it worth our while to venture to force our way into it. A\Tiile all this was going on at the temple, others at- tacked the boat ; but, as our people were armed with pistols and guns, they retreated. One man entered the boat with a drawn sword, but was turned out. Having left El Kalabshe, we passed by Taffa, but could not land there, as the narrow passage of the Nile did not permit us to approach the shore. There are two small temples at Taffa, which I had seen before. One consists of a single chamber, and two columns, one of which is not finished. The other has some few hiero- glyphics in a good style : it serves as a stable for sheep and cows. We arrived the same eveninoj at Hindau, where we saw an extensive wall, apparently made to enclose a vast build- ing, or probably more than one. There are VOL. I. z 338 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the remains of a portal on the north side, and a great quantity of ruins within. Coming down, we saw several quarries and ruins ; in one of which is a door cut in the rock in the Egyptian style, and a number of Greek inscriptions, writ- ten, I suppose, by some Greek workmen, and which I think serve to prove that the Greeks procured stones from this place. We observed the remains of a temple, of which six columns are standing, beautifully adorned with the lotus and other emblematic devices of the Egyptians. Farther down there is another column standing alone. In a few hours we arrived at Debod. This temple has a portico and a sekos, which leads into the cella, at each side of which is a small chamber. In the portico also are two chambers, and a staircase leading to the top. There are a few hieroglyphics ; and in the sekos are two monolite temples of granite. In the porch of the building are three portals, one before an- other. The whole building is surrounded by a wall. On the water-side is a quay, with an en- trance toward the temple. We arrived on the same day at the island of Philoe : Mrs. Belzoni went to Assouan by land, and we resolved to pass the cataract in the boat in which we came. The barbarians made ob- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 339 jections, and took some advantage, but they will do any thing for money. Accordingly we set off from the island, and began to take our course gradually among the rapids and rocks of the Shellal. As we advanced, we expected every moment to arrive at the spot where the great fall is ; but having passed over several rapids, one, in particular, a little stronger, but not more extraordinary than are seen in other rivers, we were agreeably surprised to find, that in less than an hour we were out of all danger. I have seen the great cataract on the west side when the water is low ; and its fall was then, in length, about six hundred yards, forming an angle of thirty or tlnrty-five degrees, divided by the in- terspersed rocks into various branches. On our arrival at Assouan w^e prepared immediately for our departure ; but meanwhile we visited the island of Elephantine once more, and in the evening went to see the column with the Latin inscription, which I discovered in the mountain of Assouan. We had some difficulty to find it again, as the guide conducted us by another road, different from that which I took the first time. Next day we left that place j and as the current of the Nile (it being now near its height) was very strong, we reached Thebes in three days. z Q 340 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS On our passage we visited Edfu once more ; and, farther down, we landed at Elethias, and took a cursory view of its ruins and grottoes. There is a high thick wall of unburnt bricks, which surrounds the whole town. It is a square enclosure of six hundred and seventy yards. We saw the ruins of three or four temples. One appears to have been very extensive ; but only six columns of the portico remain (See Plate 41), and part of the sekos of another. This town was formerly much more extensive than it is at present, as appears by its ruins. I observed part of the walls of ancient buildings at some distance from the great wall which sur- rounds the town. Among the ruins of the largest temple I noticed part of a large sphinx of white marble, with the head of a woman and body of a lion. There were also fragments of several statues, and other ornaments of the tem- ple, part of which are covered by its own ruins. On the east of this temple was a small lake, or rather tank, which perhaps was a public bath, as we may likewise presume of those near the temple in Carnak; but at present there is no water in it. On the west of the town is an- other building, of a later date, which extends from the great wall to the river. There are many ruins of houses with arches, but the walls IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 341 are inferior in point of size. The remains of a pier or landing-place are visible when the water is low ; and it appeared to me, that there had been a causeway from the stair at the water-side to the temple. The country round the town is pretty flat, and extends above a mile from the Nile to the mountains. It must have been all cultivated and fertile, as the few spots that are now in cul- tivation are very productive. Some excellent grapes are produced in this place ; and it is to be remarked, that, from the representations in the grottoes or sepulchres in the mountains, the dressing of vines appears to have formed one of the chief occiipations of the people. The sepulchres in these rocks are numerous, and several are much on the same plan as those of Gournou. Some contain various agricultural representations ; from which may be formed a more exact idea of their manner of living than I have seen any where else. The figures and colours are in pretty good preservation. I can- not say, however, that they can boast of any great perfection in their sculpture ; and it is evident that the dead deposited in those places must have been husbandmen. I am of opinion that this town had a communication with the Red 342 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS Sea J my reason for which I shall state here- after. One mile to the north of the town is a small peripteral temple, situated in the midst of an extensive plain, now covered with sand, but which evidently was once cultivated. The rock in which the tombs are cut forms a solitary hill, that commands the surrounding country. From its summit I could see an extensive plain of sand, extending north and south of the town nine or ten miles along the banks of the Nile, and a mile and a half in breadth from the river to the foot of the mountain. When the whole of this land was cultivated, it must have pro- duced provisions sufficient for a town of consi- derable importance. Three miles to the north of Elethias the rocks reach close to the Nile. There is a village named £1 Khab, which in- cludes the whole of the above-mentioned land, with the ruins of Elethias. On our arrival at Luxor we took up our for- mer abode in the sekos of the temple, and found ourselves at home again ; for Thebes was now become quite familiar to me. We received let- ters from Mr. Salt, by which we learned that he was purposing to ascend the Nile. The two Captains, Irby and Mangles, set off for Cairo, IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 343 Mr. Beechey began to take drawings of the different places, and I recommenced my re- searches. At Gournoii I found two more assents of Mr. Drouetti busied in digging the ground in all directions, and who had been tolerably success- ful in their researches for mummies. These agents were of a different cast from the two Copts who had been there before. Both of them were Piedmontese : one a renegado who had deserted from the French army when in Egypt, and entered the service of the Bashaw j the other had left Piedmont after the fall of the late government. I did not like to begin my work in any place near these people, and there- fore gave up the idea of prosecuting my re- searches in Gournou. It was fortunate for me I did so, and from that time I made the valley of Beban el Malook the scene of my researches, which is completely separated from Gournou by the chain of mountains, that divides Thebes from the valley. I went to this place quite alone, and spent the whole day in making ob- servations, the result of which confirmed me in the opinion, that there was a sufficient prospect to encourage me to commence my work. It will be recollected, that, when we left Thebes for the island of Philoe, we could not obtain any labourers, in consequence of the 344 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS orders of the Bey. Supposing the same would be the case at this time, I sought the CachefF of j Erments, to obtain an order to allow the men to work. I found that the old CachefF had fallen into disgrace with the Defterdar Bey, and was displaced and gone ; consequently I applied to the CachefF of Ghous, who had become ruler over the great city of a hundred gates. He was well aware, that to allow us to engage men to work would not please the Defterdar Bey ; but reflecting on the firman we had from the Bashaw himself, and the barefaced distinction made in favour of the opposite party, who had many men at work, he could not well refuse me a small number of Arabs. I accordingly obtained from him a firman to the Sheiks of Gournou, to furnish me with twenty men, with whom I began my operations in the valley above men- tioned. Here I entered upon an undertaking, that appeared rather presumptuous, when I re- collected, that many travellers had been there, and many had inquired as to the possibility of discovering more tombs, than were already known, even from the time of Herodotus and Strabo. The former speaks of the tombs as being above forty in number. In the time of Strabo not half so many were known to exist. Having found by experience, that the reports of ancient authors are not always to be de- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 345 pendecl upon, particularly when they speak from hearsay, I put them out of the account, and proceeded entirely on my own judgment to search for the tombs of the monarchs of Thebes. I began in the valley to the westward of Beban el Malook, near the same place where I discovered the tomb the vear before. Here I must acquaint my reader, that the only guide I had in these discoveries was the knowledge I had acquired in the continued researches for tombs I made in Gournou. In these I found that the Egyptians had a particular manner of forming the entrance into their tombs, which gave me many leading ideas to the discovery of them. Besides, the supposition that many of these tombs must have been buried under the stones and rubbish, which continually fall from the upper parts of the mountains, the great quantity of materials cut out of the tomb accu- mulated in considerable heaps in different parts of the valley, might give various suggestions of the spots where the entrance to the tombs was to be found, as is justly observed by Mr. Hamil- ton. But all these striking reasons it appears were insufficient to lead any traveller to perse- vere in the attempt, or to make the attempt at all ; and indeed it would have been the same 346 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS with me, had I not been acquainted with a more secure mode of proceeding. After a long survey of the w^estern valley, I could observe only one spot, that pi'esented the appearance of a tomb. Accordingly, I set the men to work near a hundred yards from the tomb which I discovered the year before ; and when they had got a little below the surface, they came to some large stones, which had evi- dently been put there by those W'ho closed the tomb. Having removed these stones, I per- ceived the rock had been cut on both sides, and found a passage leading downwards. I could proceed no farther that day, as the men were much fatigued, and we had more than four miles to return to Thebes. The next day we resumed our labour, and in a few hours came to a well- built wall of stones of various sizes. The fol- lowing day I caused a large pole to be brought, and by means of another small piece of palm-tree laid across the entrance, I made a machine not unlike a battering-ram. The walls resisted the blows of the Arabs for some time, as they were not Romans, nor had the pole the ram's head of bronze at its end ; but they contrived to make a breach at last, and in the same way the open- ing was enlarged. We immediately entered, and found ourselves on a staircase, eight feet IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 3 1<7 wide and ten feet higli, at the bottom of which were four mummies, in their cases, lying flat on the ground, with their heads toward the outside. Farther on were four more, lying in the same direction. The cases were all painted, and one had a large covering thrown over it, exactly like the pall upon the coffins of the present day. I went through the operation of examining all these mummies one by one. They were much ahke in their foldings, except that which had the painted linen over it. Among the others I found one, that had new linen apparently, put over the old rags ; which proves, that the Egyp- tians took great care of their dead, even for many years after their decease. That which was distinguished from all the rest, I observed was dressed in finer linen, and more neatly wrap- ped up. It had garlands of flowers and leaves, and on the side over the heart I found a plate of the metal which I have already described, soft like lead, covered with another metal, not unlike silver leaf. It had the eyes of a cow, which so often represents Isis, engraved on it ; and in the centre of the breast was another plate, with the winged globe. Both plates were nearly six inches long. On unfolding the linen, we still found it very fine, which was not the case with the other mummies ; for, after three or four fold- 348 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS ings, it was generally of a coarser kind. At last we came to the body, of which nothing was to be seen but the bones, which had assumed a yellow tint. The case was in part painted ; but the linen cloth covering it fell to pieces as soon as it was touched, I believe owing to the paint that was on it, which consisted of various de- vices and flowers. The cases were sunk four inches into the cement I have already mentioned. Some of the painting on the inside of the cases appeared quite fresh, as if recently done ; and there w^as generally a coat of varnish, whe- ther laid on over the colours, or incorporated with them, I do not know. For what purpose this tomb might have been intended, I cannot pretend to say : perhaps it was originally de- signed for one of the royal blood. It appeared by the entrance to have been commenced on a scale similar to those of the kings ; though it seems to have been finished for a more humble family. The result of my researches gave me all the satisfaction I could desire, of finding mummies in cases, in their original position : but this was not the principal object I had in view ; for, as I was near the place where the kings of Egypt were buried, I thought I might have a chance of discovering some of their relics. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 349 The sacred valley, named Beban el Malook, begins at Gournou, runs toward the south-west, and gradually turns due south. It contains the celebrated tombs of the kings of Egypt, and divides itself into two principal branches, one of which runs two miles farther to the westward, making five miles from the Nile to the extre- mity. The other, which contains most of the tombs, is separated from Gournou only by a high chain of rocks, which can be crossed from Thebes in less than an hour. The same rocks surround the sacred ground, which can be vi- sited only by a single natural entrance, that is formed like a gateway, or by the craggy paths, across the mountains. The tombs are all cut out of the solid rock, which is of hard calcareous stone, as white as it is possible for a stone to be. They consist in general of a long square pas- sage, which leads to a staircase, sometimes with a gallery at each side of it, and other chambers. Advancing farther we come to wider apartments, and other passages and stairs, and at last into a large hall, where the great sarcophagus lay, which contained the remains of the kings. Some of these tombs are quite open, and others in- cumbered with rubbish at the entrance. Nine or ten may be reckoned of a superior class, and five or six of a lower order. Strabo may have 350 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS counted eighteen, as may be done to this day, including some of an inferior class, which can- not be esteemed as tombs of the kings of Egypt from any other circumstance, than that of having been placed in this valley. For my part, I could distinguish only ten or eleven that could be honoured with the name of the tombs of kings, nor do I suppose when Strabo was told by the Egyptian priests, that there were forty-seven tombs of the kings of Egypt, they meant to say, these tombs were all in the place, now named Beban el Malook. In confirmation of this I would observe, that similar tombs, and perhaps even more magnificent ones, are to be found out of this valley, which are open to this very day. I do not mean the tombs in the western valley, that forms the other branch of Beban el Malook ; but those in Gournou, which the traveller seldom fails to see. There are various tombs at that place, which are worthy to be compared with those in Beban el Malook ; and I will venture to say, that there is one in Gournou far superior to any in that valley, being more extensive, and, from the fragments that remain, apparently of greater magnificence. But the frequent expo- sure to all sorts of injury from the various visi- tors, owing to their being nearer to the Nile, has reduced the tombs at Gournou to a state of the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 351 greatest dilapidation. From the besmoked and defliced walls it is easy to see, that they have been frequently visited and perhaps inhabited by herds of Arabs at a time, who retired to these recesses to escape the violent hands of their pur- suers. If we add the tombs in the valley above mentioned to those of the superior class at Gour- nou, I will allow, that the Egyptian priests w^ere right in their reports ; otherwise I must say, it is my firm opinion, that in the valley of Be- ban el Malook, there are no more than are now known, in consequence of my late discoveries; for, previously to my quitting that place, I ex- erted all my humble abilities in endeavouring to find another tomb, but could not succeed ; and what is a still greater proof, independent of my own researches, after I quitted the place, Mr. Salt, the British consul, resided there four months, and laboured in like manner in vain to find another. I think therefore I may venture to assert, that the whole forty or forty-seven tombs of the kings of Egypt could not be in this valley, but some of them were in various other places. One argument more I shall offer on this sub- ject. If the tombs of Gournou above mentioned, which are superior to those in the valley of Be- ban el Malook in size, in variety of apartments, 35^ RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS consequently in number, and I will add, from what now remains to be seen, in the excellence of the sculpture, were not for the kings of Egypt, what other person in that country could aspire to such high honours, and presume to have tombs superior to those of the kings ? If I maybe per- mitted to give my humble opinion on the sub- ject, I should conclude, that the tombs in the valley of Beban el Malook were erected sub- sequently to those in Gournou ; for I could scarcely find a spot in the latter place adapted to the excavation of another of the great tombs, and it may be supposed, that when all the best spots for large tombs in Gournou had been oc- cupied, the Egyptians went over the rocks to seek another situation in which to deposit their kings. Certain it is, that the tombs in the val- ley of Beban el Malook are in far better condi- tion than those in Gournou. Under these circumstances, reflecting on the possibility of discovering some of the tombs of the kings, I set the few men I had to work. On the 6th of October I began my excavation, and on the 9th discovered the first tomb : the apparent arrangement of the entrance indicated it to be a very large one ; but it proved to be only the passage of one that was never finished. The Egyptians, however, would not lose their IN EGYPT, NUBI\, &c. 353 labour, for they used it as a tomb notwitlistan cl- ing. Though it is not extensive, they plastered it very finely with white, and painted some very fine figures on it in the most finished style. This passage is ten feet five inches wide, and seventy- five feet from the entrance to the part where we come to evidently the unfinished work. From the appearance, as it stands, it is plain, that they intended to proceed, and that some particular event caused the work to be stopped. The painted figures on the wall are so perfect, that they are the best adapted of any I ever saw to give a correct and clear idea of the Egyptian taste. This tomb lies south-east from the cen- tre of the valley, and quite at the foot of the large rocks, that overlook Gournou. As I had several parties of Fellahs at work in different directions, I hoped to make farther discoveries; and indeed this first success gave me much en- couragement, as it assured me, that I was cor- rect in my idea of discovering the tombs. On the same day we perceived some marks of an- other tomb in an excavation, that had been bejrun three days before, precisely in the same direc- tion as the first tomb, and not a hundred yards from it. In fact, I had the pleasure to see this second tomb on the same day, the 9th. This is more extensive, but entirely new, and without VOL. I. A A 354f RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS a single painting in it : it had been searched by the ancients, as we perceived at the end of the first passage a brick wall, which stopped the en- trance, and had been forced through. After passing this brick wall you descend a staircase, and proceed through another corridor, at the end of which is the entrance to a pretty large chamber, with a single pillar in the centre, and not plastered in any part. At one corner of this chamber we found two mummies on the ground quite naked, without cloth or case. They were females, and their hair pretty long, and well pre- served, though it was easily separated from the head by pulling it a little. At one side of this room is a small door, leading into a small cham- ber, in which we found the fragments of several earthen vessels, and also pieces of vases of alabas- ter, but so decayed that w^e could not join one to another. On the top of the staircase we found an earthern jar quite perfect, with a few hiero- glyphics on it, and large enough to contain two buckets of water. This tomb is a hundred feet from the entrance to the end of the chamber, twenty feet deep, and twenty-three wide. The smaller chamber is ten feet square : it faces the east by south, and runs straight towards west by north. Several days before we received news, that IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 355 there were some English people coming up from Cairo, and we were anxiously expecting them, as we knew by letter from that place, that they were three English gentlemen. Early on the morning of the 10th they reached Beban el Ma- look, accompanied by Mr. Beechey, who was at Luxor, where they arrived the evening be- fore. Early on the next morning, the 11th, we be- gan the tour of Thebes. We went to see the tombs in Gournou, and the little temple in the valley behind the Memnonium. About twelve o'clock word was brought me, that a tomb dis- covered the day before was opened, so that we might enter it. On this we took the road over the rocks immediately, and arrived in less than three quarters of an hour. I found the tomb just opened, and entered to see how far it was practicable to examine it. Having proceeded through a passage thirty-two feet long, and eight feet wide, I descended a staircase of twenty- eight feet, and reached a tolerably large and well-painted room. I then made a signal from below to the travellers, that they might descend, and they entered into the tomb, which is seven- teen feet long, and twenty-one wide. The ceil- ing was in good preservation, but not in the best style. We found a sarcophagus of granite, with A A 2 356 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS two mummies in it, and in a corner a statue standing erect, six feet six inches high, and beautifully cut out of sycamore-wood : it is nearly perfect except the nose. We found also a number of little images of wood, well carved, representing symbolical figures. Some had a lion's head, others a fox's, others a monkey's. One had a land-tortoise instead of a head. We found a calf with the head of a hippopotamus. At each side of this chamber is a smaller one, eight feet wide, and seven feet long ; and at the end of it is another chamber, ten feet long by seven wide. In the chamber on our right hand we found another statue like the first, but not perfect. No doubt they had been placed one on each side of the sarcophagus, holding a lamp or some offering in their hands, one hand being stretched out in the proper posture to hold something, and the other hanging down. The sarcophagus was covered with hieroglyphics merely painted, or outlined : it faces south-east by east. Next day, the 12th, the party could not pro- ceed on their voyage, the wind being foul. On the 13th I caused some spots of ground to be dug at Gournou, and we succeeded in opening a mummy-pit on that day, so that the travellers had the satisfaction of seeing a pit just opened, IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 357 and receiving clear ideas of the manner in which the mummies are found, though all tombs are not alike. This was a small one, and consisted of two rooms painted all over, but not in the best style. It appeared to me that the tomb be- longed to some warrior, as there were a great number of men enrolHng themselves for soldiers, and another writing their names in a book. There are also several other figures, &c. In the lower apartment we saw the mummies lying here and there, without any regularity. To all appearance therefore this pit had been opened by the Greeks, or some other people, to plun- der it. The same day we visited another mummy-pit, which I had opened six months before. The con- struction is somewhat similar to what I have just described, a portico and a subterraneous cavity where the mummies are. Here the paintings are beautiful, not only for their preservation, but for the novelty of their figures. There are two harps, one with nine strings, and the other with fourteen, and several other strange repre- sentations : in particular, six dancing girls, with fifes, tainbourins, pipes of reeds, guitars, &c. On the l6tli I recommenced my excavations in the valley of Beban el Malook, and pointed out the fortunate spot, which has paid me for all 358 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS the trouble I took in my researches. I may call this a fortunate day, one of the best perhaps of my life ; I do not mean to say, that for- tune has made me rich, for I do not consider all rich men fortunate ; but she has given me that satisfaction, that extreme pleasure, which wealth cannot purchase ; the pleasure of disco- vering what has been long sought in vain, and of presenting the world with a new and perfect monument of Egyptian antiquity, which can be recorded as superior to any other in point of grandeur, style, and preservation, appearing as if just finished on the day we entered it; and what I found in it will show its great superiority to all others. Not fifteen yards from the last tomb described, I caused the earth to be opened at the foot of a steep hill, and under a torrent, which, when it rains in the desert, pours a great quantity of water over the very spot I have caused to be dug. No one could imagine, that the ancient Egyptians would make the en- trance into such an immense and superb exca- vation just under a torrent of water ; but I had strong reasons to suppose, that there was a tomb in that place, from indications I had observed in my pursuit. The Fellahs who were accustomed to dig were all of opinion, that there was nothing in that spot, as the situation of this tomb differed IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 359 from that of any other. I continued the work, however, and the next day, the 17th, in the evening, we perceived the part of the rock that was cut, and formed the entrance. On the 18th, early in the morning, the task was resumed, and about noon the workmen reached the entrance, which was eighteen feet below the surface of the ground. The appearance indicated, that the tomb was of the first rate : but I did not expect to find such a one as it really proved to be. The Fellahs advanced till they saw that it was pro- bably a large tomb, when they protested they could go no farther, the tomb was so much choked up with large stones, which they could not get out of the passage. I descended, ex- amined the place, pointed out to them where they might dig, and in an hour there was room enough for me to enter through a passage that the earth had left under the ceiling of the first corridor, which is thirty-six feet two inches long, and eight feet eight inches wide, and when cleared of the ruins, eight feet nine inches high. I perceived immediately by the painting on the ceiling, and by the hieroglyphics in basso relievo, which were to be seen where the earth did not reach, that this was the entrance into a large and magnificent tomb. At the end of this cor- ridor I came to a staircase twenty-three feet 360 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS long, and of the same breadth as the corridor. The door at the bottom is twelve feet high. At the foot of the staircase I entered another corri- dor, thirty-seven feet three inches long, and of the same width and height as the other, each side sculptured with hieroglyphics in basso re- lievo, and painted. The ceiling also is finely painted, and in pretty good preservation (See Plate 2). The more I saw^, the more I was eager to see, such being the nature of man : but I was checked in my anxiety at this time, for at the end of this passage I reached a large pit, which intercepted my progress. This pit is thirty feet deep, and fourteen feet by twelve feet three inches wide. The upper part is adorned with figures, from the wall of the passage up to the ceiling. The passages from the entrance all the way to this pit have an inclination downward of an angle of eighteen degrees. On the oppo- site side of the pit facing the entrance I per- ceived a small aperture two feet wide and two feet six inches high, and at the bottom of the wall a quantity of rubbish. A rope fastened to a piece of wood, that was laid across the passage against the projections which form a kind of door, appears to have been used by the ancients for descending into the pit ; and from the small aperture on the opposite side hung another, IN EGYPT, NUBIA, .^'2 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS as the best skilled in the Arabic language of any in Cairo, and requested them to compare the copy with the original on the wall. They found it perfectly correct, except the concluding word, which indeed appeared obscure ; but if it be considered how much that word resembles the right one, we shall find a correct sense, and the whole inscription made out. Traiislation of the Inscription by Mr. Salamc, " The Master Mohammed Ahmed, lapicide, has opened them ; and the Master Othman at- tended this {opening) ; and the King Alij Mo- hammed at first {from the beginning) to the closing up.*' * I must add, that the circumstance of the py- ramid having been again closed up agrees with what I have said of my finding it so. * The Arabic to Avhich I gave the meaning of these last words, " to the closing up," is not spelled correctly in the paper I saw, a fault which 1 attribute to the transcriber from the stone. It ought to be ••vV" \j«i instead of /O J '^y.£2-'^ } the latter word not being found in the Arabic language. The words between the parentheses in the translation are not in the original. A. S. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 423 On several parts of the wall the nitre had formed many beautiful arborizations like those in the passage, but much larger and stronger. Some were six inches long, resembling in shape a large endive-leaf, as I mentioned before. Under one of the blocks that had been re- moved, I found something like the thick part of a hatchet, but so rusty, that it had lost its shape. At the north and south sides are two holes, which run in an horizontal direction, like those that are seen in the first pyramid, but higher up. Returning out of this chamber we reached the passage below. At the bottom of the per- pendicular shaft were so many stones as nearly to choke up its entrance, and after removing these we found the passage running to the north, at the same inclination as above, an angle of 26°, as is to be seen in Plate 10. This passage is forty-eight feet six inches in length, when it joins an horizontal passage of fifty-five •feet still running north. Half-way up this pass- age on the right is a recess eleven feet long and six feet deep. On the left, opposite to it, is another passage, running twenty-two feet with a descent of 26° towards the west. Before we proceeded any farther toward the north, we descended this passage, and entered a chamber 424 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS thirty-two feet long, nine feet nine inches wide, and eight feet six inches high. This chamber contains many small blocks of stone, some not more than two feet in length. It has a pointed roof like that before mentioned, though it is cut out of the solid rock ; for it is to be understood, as I before observed, that, after we entered through the portcullis, all the passages, and the large chamber, as high as the roof, are cut out of the solid rock of calcareous stone. On the wall and roofs of this chamber are several un- known inscriptions, as there are in the upper chamber. They are perhaps Coptic. Reascend- ing into the horizontal passage, at the end of it we found grooves for a portcullis like the former ; but the stone of granite which served for this purpose had been taken down, and is to be seen under the rubbish and stones near the place. Passing the portcullis we entered into a passage, which ascended in a direction parallel with that above, as in Plate 10. This passage runs up forty-seven feet six inches. Here we found a large block of stone, placed there from the upper part ; and by calculation I found, that this passage ran out of the pyramid at its basis, as, from the upper part of this square block, I could perceive other stones, which filled up the IN EGYPT, NUBIA, Ac. 425 passage to the entrance, so that this pyramid has two entrances to it. Half-way up the horizontal passage, which leads into the large chamber, is some mason's work ; but I believe it to be only the filling up of a natural cavity in the rock. Having made all my observations, we came out of the pyramid with no small degree of satisfac- tion ; and I was highly gratified with the result of my labour, of very little more than a month, the expense of which did not amount in all to 150/., though I had accomplished a task, which was supposed would have required several thou- sands. The Chevalier Frediani went to Cairo the same day, and the news of the opening of the pyramid soon brought the Franks to visit its in- terior. As I had no fear that the Arabian wo- men would break the pyramid, I left the en- trance open (^pro bono publico J ; and in that place where the perpendicular descent, just in- side the portcullis, is, I made a stone step for the accommodation of visitors, leaving half of the passage to enter into the lower chamber. A young man of the name of Fieri, employed in the counting-house of Briggs and Walmas in Cairo, came the next day to visit the pyra- mid, and, having rummaged the rubbish inside 426 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS of the sarcophagus, found a piece of bone, which we supposed to belong to a human skeleton. On searching farther, w^e found several pieces, which, having been sent to London, proved to be the bones of a bull. Some consequential persons, however, who would not scruple to sacrifice a point in history, rather than lose a hon moti thought themselves mighty clever in baptizing the said bones those of a cow, merely to raise a joke. So much for their taste for an- tiquity. It has been stated also, that it might be supposed these large sarcophagi were made to contain the bones of bulls, as the sarcophagus which w^e found in the tombs of the kings at Thebes was of enormous size, and more fit for a bull than a human body. I cannot agree in this opinion, however, for if the person who made the observation had an opportunity of seeing and examining the cases and sarcophagi in which the Egyptians were buried, he would find, that the better classes of people had cases within cases, some nearly double the size requisite to contain one person ; and it is natural therefore to suppose, that the kings of Egypt had more cases than one or two, consequently the sarco- phagus, which was the outer case, must have been much larger than the rest, to contain them all. IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 427 Outside of the pyramid I observed the rock surrounding it on the north and west sides to be on a level with the upper part of the chamber; and, as the rock is evidently cut all round, it appeared to me, that the stones taken from it must have been applied to the erection of the pyramid. Accordingly I am of opinion, that the stones which seem to form these enormous edifices were not all taken from the east side of the Nile, as is supposed and mentioned by ancient writers. I cannot conceive why the Egyptians should be thought so simple as to fetch stones at seven or eight miles distance, and across the Nile, when they could have them from much nearer points ; indeed from the very spot where the pyramids stand. It is evident, that stones of an enormous size have been cut out of the very rocks around the pyramids ; and for what purpose were these stones extracted ? It might as well be asserted, that they were cut to build old Babylon of Egypt, or to fill up the vacancies in the quarries of the Mokattam. If any traveller will go within less than half a mile of the pyramids, particularly on the east and south sides, he may see many places, where the rock has been formerly quarried to a great length ; and he will find that there is stone enough to 1-28 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS build many other pyramids if required. It is true, that Herodotus says, the stones to erect the pyramids were brought from quarries on the other side of the Nile ; but I firmly believe he was misinformed on this subject, unless what he asserts is to be understood of the granite alone which must have been brought from Syene. And as to the causeways in front of the pyra- mids, said to have been made to convey the stones for the erection of these masses, I believe they were intended for the accommodation of visitors, particularly at the time of high Nile ; for if they were only to convey stones, the labour of making them must have been nearly equal to the erection of the pyramids. So much has been already said about the py- ramids, that very little is left to observe respect- ing them. Their great appearance of antiquity certainly leads us to suppose, that they must have been constructed at an earlier period than any other edifices to be seen in Egypt. It is somewhat singular, that Homer does not men- tion them ; but this is no proof, that they did not exist in his time ; on the contrary, it may be supposed they were so generally known, that he thought it useless to speak of them. It ap- pears, that in the time of Herodotus as little IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 429 was known of the second pyramid as before the late opening, with this exception, that in his time the second pyramid was nearly in the state in which it was left when closed by the builders, who must have covered the entrance with the coating so that it might not be perceived. But at the time I was fortunate enough to find my way into it, the entrance was concealed by the rub- bish of the coating, which must have been nearly perfect at the time of Herodotus : notwithstand- ing this we were as much in the dark in this present age, as he was in his. We know, how- ever, now, that it has been opened by some of the rulers or chiefs of Egypt ; a fact that affords no small satisfaction to the inquirer on the sub- ject of these monuments. Some persons, who would rather let this circumstance remain in obscurity, regretted, that I should have found the inscription on the wall, which proved it to have been opened at so late a period, as very little more than a thousand years ago; but I beg them to recollect, that the present opening has not only made known this very interesting circumstance, but has thrown much light on the manner in which these enormous masses were erected, as well as explained the purposes for which they were made. #. 430 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS The circumstance of having channbers and a sarcophagus (which undoubtedly contained the remains of some great personage), so uniform with those in the other pyramid, I think leaves very little question, but that they were erected as sepulchres ; and I really wonder, that any doubt has ever existed, considering what could be learned from the first pyramid, w^hich has been so long open. This contains a spacious chamber with a sarcophagus ; the passages are of such dimensions as to admit nothing larger than the sarcophagus ; they had been closely shut up by large blocks of granite from within, evidently to prevent the removal of that relic. Ancient authors are pretty well agreed in as- serting, that these monuments were erected to contain the remains of tw^o brothers, Cheops and Cephren, kings of Egypt. They are sur- rounded by other smaller pyramids intermixed with mausoleums on burial-grounds. Many mummy-pits have been continually found there j yet with all these proofs, it has been asserted, that they were erected for many other purposes than the true one, and nearly as absurd as that they served for granaries. Some consider them as built for astronomical purposes, but there is nothing in their construe- IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 431 tion to favour this supposition. Others main- tain, that they were meant for the performance of holy ceremonies by the Egyptian priests. Any thing, in short, for the sake of contradic- tion, or to have something new to say, finds its advocate. If the ancient authors had advanced, that they were erected for treasuries, the mo- derns would have agreed perhaps more in con- formity with the truth, that they were made for sepulchres ; and they would not have failed to see plainly those circumstances, which clearly prove the facts, and which are not noticed as they ought to be. I will agree with others thus far, that the Egyptians, in erecting these enor- mous masses, did not fail to make their sides due north and south, and consequently, as they are square, due east and west. Their inclina- tion too is such as to give light to the north side at the time of the solstice. But even all this does not prove in the least, that they were erected for astronomical purposes ; though it is to be observed, that the Egyptians connected astronomy with their religious ceremonies, as we found various zodiacs, not only among the temples, but in their tombs also. By the measurement I took of the second pyramid I found it to be as follows : 43^ RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS Feet. The basis .... 684 Apotome or central line down the front, from the top to the basis 568 Perpendicular . . . 456 Coating from the top to the place where it ends . . . 140 The circumstance of not finding hieroglyphics in or out of it makes it appear, that they were erected before this mode of writing was in- vented ; for, strange as it may seem, not a sin- gle hieroglyphic is found in all these enormous masses. Yet I must beg leave to remark a cir- cumstance, which perhaps will lead to the con- jecture, that it might not have been the custom of the Egyptians in that part of the country, who might perhaps be even of a different reli- gion from their countrymen, to put hierogly- phics on their monuments ; for there are many mausoleums round the pyramids, and some of them very extensive, without an hieroglyphic to be seen within or without them ; and I observed, that those which contain chambers with hiero- glyphics are evidently of a later date than the former. All this would seem to prove, that till a certain period subsequent to the building of IN EGYPT, NUBIA, i.c. 433 the pyramids hieroglyphics were not known. But what can be said when I assure the reader, that in one of tliese mausoleums, which stands on the west of the first pyramid, and which is so decayed that it has fallen in, and is in a very ruinous state, I saw and made others observe some hieroglyphics and figures reversed in one of the blocks, which formed that mausoleum ; and the hieroglyphics so preserved within, as if they were to be hidden from the view ? It cer- tainly must be concluded, that this stone had been employed in a building, which was adorned with hieroglyphics, and consequently proves that they were known previous to the erection of these mausoleums, though they were without any of these ornaments or inscriptions. This being the case, it may be supposed, that the people, who built the pyramids, were of the same way of thinking as those, who built the mauso- leums ; consequently nothing can be inferred respecting the age of the pyramids from the circumstance of their not having any hierogly- phics. It has been supposed, that the first pyramid, or that of Cheops, was not coated. I must agree in this opinion, for there is not the slight- est mark remaining of any coating. As to the VOL. I. F F 4Si RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS coating of tlie second pyramid, I had an oppor- tunity of investigating this subject in the exca- vation I made on the east side of it, where I found the lower part as rough as any of the up])er, below the remaining coating, which con- firms the account of Herodotus in this respect, who says, that the coating was begun from above ; and I believe myself that it never was quite finished to the basis, for if it had, I should have met with some below, as the accumulation of rubbish over the basis would have kept the stones in their places, or at least enough of them to show there was a coating, as was the case in the third pyramid, of which I shall have to speak presently. It is supposed, that the inundation of the Nile surrounded the pyramids, so that they re- mained like islands. I cannot say that it was not so, for the situation of the pyramids is like an island of rocks, separated from those on the west only by a valley of sand, which might naturally have been accumulated by the wind in the course of so many centuries. I think we cannot have a stronger proof of this than the sphinx itself, the basis of which is so much be- low the present surface, that if all the sand around the pyramids were removed on a level IN EGYPT, NUBIA, &c. 43.) witli it, I have no doubt the Nile must run round them, which probably was the case in the early ages. Having thus finished my operation on the se- cond pyramid, I felt a great inclination to have a cursory view of the third. I observed, that some one had made an attempt to penetrate it by excavations on the east side. I commenced my labours on the north side, and, after remov- ing a great quantity of materials, found a consi- derable accumulation of enormous blocks of granite, which had evidently formed the coat- ing. — Proceeding yet lower, as I cleared away the rubbish I found that part of the coating still remained in its place down to the bases. The removal of these blocks would evidently have brought me to the entrance into the pyra- mid, but it required more money and time than I could spare. By this time the consul, who was at Thebes, hearing of the opening of the pyramid, wrote to me, that he was coming down the Nile ; and at the same time Lord Belmore and family arrived at Cairo. It is somewhat singular, and 1 men- tion it with much satisfaction, that his Lordship arrived at Thebes one month after my discovery of the celebrated tomb of Psammuthis, and was the first British traveller who entered it. On i36 RESEARCHES AND OPERATIONS liis return from Nubia, he arrived at Cairo a little more than a month after my opening the second pyramid, and was the first British tra- veller M'ho entered this also. His Lordship and family had been at Thebes for some time, and had accumulated no small collection of antiqui- ties ; indeed, I esteem it the largest ever made by any occasional traveller. Dr. Richardson had taken the opportunity of observing the ruins of ancient Thebes at leisure ; and I be- lieve, by his minute remarks, he must have made himself well acquainted with many in- teresting points not yet explained, and I have no doubt his account will be highly interesting. The Earl and family set off for Jerusalem by way of the Desert ; and I prepared for my de- parture for Thebes, my old residence, which I knew better than any other place in Egypt. A few days after, the consul arrived, and, in half an hour after him, Colonel Fitzclarence, with despatches from India for England. The consul, Mr. Salt, would have been kind enough to have paid all the expenses I had incurred in opening the pyramid ; but this I positively refused, as I thought it would not be fair and right that he should pay for what he had nothing to do with. I had the pleasure of accompanying the Colonel in a visit to the pyramid, as described IN EGYPT, NUBIA, fee. 437 by himself in his account of his jonrney from India to England through Egypt. He had suf- fered many hardships on his journey, but did not appear fatigued in the least. His short stay in Cairo did not permit me to write a full ac- count of my labours ; but at night I made a hasty sketch as well as I could, and addressed it to the Antiquarian Society of London, which he was kind enough to take to England for me. Mr. Salt, the consul, took the same opportunity of sending an official account of my opera- tions in Egypt and Nubia to the ministers in England, I suppose because he had no oppor- tunity of sending any correct account before that time. My next and principal object was to make a small collection on my own account, and to take drawings of the tomb of Psammuthis, with im- pressions in wax of all the figures, emblems, and hieroglyphics, the whole of which are in basso relievo ; taking the colours exactly as in the originals, so as to enable me to erect a fac- simile in any part of Europe. This project de- served my serious consideration, not only in calculating the time that it would require to complete it, but the expense I must incur. However, though I was only in Cairo, I did not iSS RESEARCHES AND OrERATIONS IN EGYPT, &c. want means of finding supplies for what I in- tended to execute, and in a few days all was ready for my departure on my third voyage up the Nile ; when, having arranged my affairs with the consul, I set off for my old habitation among the tombs of Thebes. END OF VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED nv THOMAS DAVISON, WIMTEFRIARS. Icr-^J' The Getty fotdout/map not digitized JE