r ^RUBBER U18 iaie isso Maltese Gross Brand of Garbolized Rubber Fire Hose. Baker Fabric Rubber Lined Cotton Fire Hose. Rubber Lined and Plain Linen Hose. Elevator Belting. Asbago Packing. All kinds of Rubber Goods adapted to Mechanical Purposes. TRADE HARK THE GUTT1 PERCH END RUBBER MFG. CO. 23 Park Place, New York:, Robert Wetherill & Co., x CHESTER, :E=^_, Corliss Engine Builders, CONDENSING, J 4j» jHH HIGHEST Non - Condensing-, r ^^^^^fe^^^B^Hl " EFFICIENCY ■ COMPOUND. -^S^^^^^^^S^^^^ ECONOMY. BOILER MAKERS, HYDRAULIC RIYITING. Sheffield China Clay Company, MINERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF — White China Clay, Especially adapted to Paper-Makers' use. CLAYTON, Berkshire Co., Mass., U. S. A. ROBERT L. TAFT, Treasurer and Manager. Telegraph Address, Ashley Falls, Mass. THE DEANE Steam and Power Pumps Specially Adapted for Paper Mill Use. Independent Condensing Apparatus a Specialty. MANUFACTURED BY The Deane Steam Pump Co., HOLTOKE, MASS. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis. Send for New Illustrated Catalogue. David F. Coghlan's Holyoke Steam Boiler and Iron Works. Holyoke, Mass., U. S. A., Manufacture First-Class f^ldedandjlatTP j| PE BS pgOMSS No. i Ledger Papers and No. i Bristol Board. Also, two brands No. i Linen Papers, " Crown Leghorn " and " Fine Cream Laid," ruled and plain folded, in fancy boxes, also in folios. Can be furnished in any size or weight. Acknowledged by both foreign and domestic buyers to be the best Linen Papers in the market. We have also the following brands, ruled and plain, folded and flat, in wrappers, viz : "MASSASOIT," " HUNTINGTON/' AND "TREASURY," All of which are well known to the trade in this country, and fully appreciated. Special attention given to lines of paper suitable for the Export Trade. Correspondence Solicited Samples and Lowest Cash Price will be furnished on application. MASSASOIT PAPER MFG. GO. E. G. ROGERS, Treas. v Compliments of THE PAPER WORLD. THE DEANE Steam and Power Pumps Specially Adapted for Paper Mill Use. Independent Condensing Apparatus a Specialty. MANUFACTURED BY The Deane Steam Pump Co., zeioxj-^-oi^ie, mass. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis. Send for New Illustrated Catalogue. David F. Coghlan's Holyoke Steam Boiler and o U, £ 23 TJ 3 Nova Scotia, .... 70 France, .... 88-107 Ohio, .... 49~53 Florida, 14 Oregon, 53 Georgia, 15 Pennsylvania, . . . 53—59 German Empire, . . 108-141 Portugal, 184 Illinois, .... 15-17 Rhode Island, .... 59 Index to Advertisers, . . 5-6 Russia, .... 167-17 1 India, 185 Scotland 84-86 Indiana, .... 17-18 South Carolina, 59 Iowa, 18-19 Spain, .... 162-166 Ireland, 87 Sweden, .... «I79-i8i Isle of Man, .... 87 Switzerland, . . . 160-161 Italy, .... 172-178 Tennessee, . . . 59-60 Japan, 186 Utah, 60 Kansas, 19 Vermont, . . . . 60-61 Kentucky, . . . . 19 Virginia, 62 Lousiana, 20 Washington Territory, . . 62 Maine, .... 20-22 West Virginia, .... 62 Manitoba, 70 Wisconsin, . . . 63-64 v : s INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Page. Albany Steam Trap Co., Steam Traps, vm Albion Paper Co., Paper Manufac- turers, XXXIII Allis, Edward P. & Co., Steam Engines, v American Wood Paper Co., Chem- ical Fibre, - - - - xix Appleton Paper and Pulp Co., Print Paper, - - - xx Ashmun Screen Plate Co., Screen Plates, xxin Atterbury Brothers, Paper Stock, n Beebe, Ira L., Wood Pulp and Paper Stock, - iv Bredt, F. & Co., Felts, - - xv Bulkley, Dunton & Co., Paper and Paper-Makers' Supplies, - xiv&xxxiii Bushnell, G. H. & Co., Knuckle Joint Presses, - - - xxvm Cabbie, Wm., Excelsior Wire Man- ufacturing Co., - xxxiv Campbell Printing Press and Man- ufacturing Co., Printing Presses, XL Chase Turbine Manufacturing Co., Turbines, ----- ix Cheney Bigelow Wire Works, Wire Cloth, Dandy Rolls, etc., - - 66 Child, C. C, Paper Cutters and Printing Presses, ... xiv Clark, George P., Rubber Wheels, xxxvn Coghlan, D. F., Boilers, Digesters, and Rotary Bleachers, - 1 1 1 front Crane, Z. Jr. & Bro., Paper Manu- facturers, ----- xlii Cummer Engine Co., Steam En- gines, v Currier, Cyrus & Sons, Paper Mill Machinery, - xxvi Curtis, Gates, Water Wheels, - xxi Daniels Machine Co., Rag Cutters, xxn Page. Deane Steam Pump Co., Steam Pumps, - - - - in front DeWitt Wire Cloth Co., Wire Cloth, Dandy Rolls, etc., - - xxx Dowd, R. J., Paper Engine Bars and Bed Plates, - - - xxiv Eastwood Wire Manufacturing Co., Fourdrinier Wires, etc., - - xx Emory, P. P. & Co., Filter and Water Tub Combined, - - xxxvi Evans, T. J. & Co., Paper and Paper Stock, - iv Foster Bros., Paper Engines, En- gine Bars and Plates, - - xii Foster & Brown, Paper and Wood- Pulp Machinery, - - - xvi Gandy Belting Co., Belting, - xxi Gantz, Jones & Co., Paper-Makers' Chemicals, ... - 65 Gutta Percha & Rubber Manufac- turing Co., Rubber Belting, Packing, etc., - 1 front Hall & Sons, The Spray Feed Water Purifier, ... xxiv Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., - - - xxvn Heller & Merz, Ultramarine, - xvn Hoffman & Kiessig, Ultramarine, xvn Holly Manufacturing Co., Pumps, xxxii Holyoke Machine Co., Paper Ma- chinery, XLIII Huyck, F. C. & Co., Felts, - - xm Hyde, W. & Co., Wood-Pulp, - xvi Jamison, S. S., Steam Water In- jector, ----- xx Lambertville Iron Works, Steam Engines, ----- 1 Laney, James & Co., Paper Stock - - xviii Lieb Lubricating Co., The New Lubricant " Dux," - - - xi THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Page. Page. Lockwood, D. & J., Brass and Pratt, H. E. & Co., Paper Manu- Copper Wire, - II facturers' Agents, ... XXXVII Loewenthal & Morganstern, Paper Revere Rubber Co., Belting, etc., VII Stock, V Rice, Barton & Fales Machine Lyon, J. H. & Co., Paper Stock, - XVI and Iron Co., Paper Mill Ma- Lyon, J W. & Co., Paper Stock, II chinery, XXXI Massasoit Paper Manufacturing Ripley Manufacturing Co., Bind- Co., Paper Manufacturers, m front ers' Board, .... XLI Maynard, John Q., Hoisting Ap- Sheffield China Clay Co., White X China Clay, - in front McNeil, J. C, Globe Bleachers Shuler & Benninghofen, Felts, - IV and Boilers, - VIII Smith, J. C, Paper Machinery, 189 Merrill & Houston Iron Works, Standard Pulp Co., Pearl Pulp, - 7i Paper Machinery, XII Taber, Henry H., Norris' Patent Merrill, 0. E. & Co., Paper Ma- Pulley Cover, - 1 chinery, VIII Third National Bank, - 190 Metz, Philip, Paper Stock, etc., - II Tiemann, J. H., Lunar Oil, Prus- Moers, E. M., Paper Stock, IX sian Blue, etc., - IV Moore, George H., Filtering Ma- Tupper, W. W. & Co., Grate Bars, XII chine, XXXV Valley Pulp and Paper Co., Manilla Mt. Holly Paper Co., Commercial Paper, ... - XVI Safety Paper, - XXIX Van Duzen & Tift, Steam Jet Newark Filtering Co., Filters, VI Pumps, - XII Nonotuck Paper Co., Paper Manu- Van Noorden, E. & Co., Ventila- facturers, 191 tors, Skylights and Roofing, XXI Parsons Paper Co., Paper Manu- Ward, Owen & Sons, Paper- XXXIX Makers' Stock, - 11 Parker, S. Webber & Co., Paper- Waterbury, H. & Sons, Paper- Makers' Supplies, XXXVII Makers' Felts, - XXV Pickhardt, Wm. & Kuttroff , Paper- Westinghouse Machine Co., En- Makers' Chemicals, - XXXVII gines, - XXXVIII Pinkham, Theodore, Straw Board, Weston, Byron, Linen Record and XVIII Ledger Paper, - - - - III Platner & Porter Manufacturing Wetherill, Robert & Co., Engines, Co., Paper Manufacturers, XLI Boilers, etc., - - - in front Poole & Hunt, Water Wheels, Whiting Paper Co., Paper Manu- Shafting, etc., - XI facturers, 192 Powers Paper Co., Paper Dealers Whiton Bros, & Co., Felts, - XVI and Envelope Manufacturers, - 191 ANNEX. Augusta j Ga., . . Wood Pulp Manufacturing' Co. Wood Palp. Barnet, Yt., . . Gould & Somers. Wood Pulp. BOW, N. II., . . Moare, Brown & Co. ( P. O. address, Concord.) Wood Pulp. 20,000 lbs., (wet), 24 hours. Bradford, Mass., . . Haverhill Paper Co. (In construction.) Broadalbin, N. Y., . . Earle & Thompson. Mill burnt, August 3, 1883. BROWNVILLE, Ht. Y., . . Lord, Clarke & Co. Straw Wrapping. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Canaan, X. Y., . . Peaslee Stephen. Mill burnt. CLAREMONT, N. II. . . Jarvis R. Mill burnt and,not being rebuilt. Dayton, Ohio, . . Rutledg-e & Co. Failed. Detroit, Mich., . . Wolverine Car Roofing & Manufacturing- Co. Rebuilt and in operation. Elkton, Md., . . Singerly William M. Chemical Wood Pulp Mill. (In construction.) Fergus Falls, Minn., . . Crookston Paper Co. Succeeded by Red River Paper Co. FERNANDINA, FLA., . . Nassau Palm Fibre Co., instead of Palmetto Fibre Mill. Palmetto Fibre for Paper and other uses. Glens Falls, N. Y., . . Glens Falls Paper Mill Co. Mill destroyed by ex- plosion July 16, 1883. Rebuilding. Grand Mere Falls, Canada, . . Canada Pulp Co., Limited The. ( P. O. ad dress, 467 St. Paul St., Montreal.) Wood Pulp. Lambertville, N. J., . . Clear Spring- Paper Co. Failed. McCready, William, succeeds Lambertville Paper Manufacturing Co. McDowell & Son. Mill burnt August 19, 1883. Lancaster, Pa., . . Printers Paper Mill. Not in existence. LOWELL, MASS., . . Richmond C. B. & Co. Dissolved and mill dismantled. MlDDLETON, MASS., . . Ripley Bros., are operating the Middleton Paper Mill Mill River, Mass., . . Mill River Paper Co. Failed. Mill in hands of H. C. Hurlbut. 8 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. NAPAN0CH, N. Y., . . Schoonmaker Andrew. Paper Mill (in construction). NEW YORK CITY. . . Mather T. J., succeeded by the New York Paper & Felt Mills Company. Norway, Me., . . Evans Fibre Company. Wood Pulp. 10 tons, 24 hours. Oakdale, Pa., . . Lewis J. Howard. Mill burnt, August 22, 1883. Oswego, N. Y., . . Oswego Wood Palp Co. Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Passumpsic, Yt., . . Passumpsic Wood Pulp Co. Wood Pulp. Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, . . Mcllvaine Samuel. Failed. Sandy Hill, N. Y., . . Wait & Richards. Building new mill. South Lee, Mass., . . Hurlbut Paper Co. One mill burnt July 5, 1883. Springfield, N. J., . . Bidwell H. Mill burnt, August 16, 1883. St. Catherine's, Ont., Canada, . . St. Catherine's Pulp & Paper Co. Failed and sold to The Lincoln Paper Mills Co. Three Rivers, Mich., . . J. W. French Manufacturing Co. One mill burnt August 7, 1883. West Ware, Mass., . . Paper Mill. ( In construction.) THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. «o<>o« CALIFORNIA. AG-NEWS. Lick Paper Co., (P. O. address, 109 California street., San Francisco.) Car- tridge, Hardware, and Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. ALTA. Pioneer Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 10 tons, (wet), 24 hours. LOS ANGELES. Soledad Pulp Mills, Wood Pulp. SAN FRANCISCO. Taylor, S. P. & Co., Mill at Taylorville. Manilla, News and Hardware. 2,oco lbs., 24 hours. SARATOGA. King 1 , E. T., Straw Wrapping. 2]/ z tons, 24 hours. (Burnt April 15, 1883.) SOQUEL. O'^eil Bros. & Co., Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. STOCKTON. California Paper Co., (P. O. address, 'No. 4 California St., San Francisco.) News and Wrapping. 14,000 lbs., 24 hours. WATSONVILLE. Brown Bros. & Watson, (P. O. address, Corralitos.) Binders' and Straw Board. 2 tons, Straw Wrapping, 2 tons 24 hours. , J The Paper World. — The best journal of its kind in this or any other country. — Chicago Tribune. r IO THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. COLORADO. GOLDEN. Golden Paper Mills, Print and Wrapping, i ton, 24 hours. LITTLETON. Paper Mill. CONNECTICUT. BIRMINGHAM. Beard, T. E., Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Roberts, H. J., Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 2,400 lbs., 24 hours. Wilkinson Bros. & Co., (P. O. address, Nos. 72 and 74 Duane street, New York.) Two mills. Manilla and Colored. 10 tons, 24 hours. Pulp Mill. BRIDGEPORT. Cook, A. S. C, Hardware and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See New Milford.) Fairchild, D. & P. N. & Co., News. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Seaside Paper Co., Book, News and Hanging. 3 tons, 24 hours. BUCKLAND. Adams, Peter, Book. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. BURNSIDE. East Hartford Manufacturing Co., Writing. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Hanmer & Forbes Co., The, Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. Walker, F. R. & Son, Book. 4 tons, 24 hours. Case, Fred. L., Wrapping, Sheathing, Press and Album Board. 8,000 lbs., 24 EAST GLASTONBURY. Roaring Brook Paper Manufacturing Co., Binders' Board. 5,000 lbs., 24 The Paper World.— The most enterprising exponent of the rapidly developing paper business. — Boston Post. CHAPLIN. hours. v r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 1 1 BAST HAMPTON. Brown Brothers, (P. O. address, Comstock Bridge.) News, Manilla and Card. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Pulp Mill. Wood Pulp. 1 ton, 24 hours. EAST LITCHFIELD. Page & DaillS, White Tissue and Tissue Manilla. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. FAIRFIELD. Jennings Brothers, Straw Board. 3 tons per week. GREENVILLE. Chelsea Paper Manufacturing Co., (P.O. address, no Nassau street, New York.) Book, n tons, 24 hours. Yantic Paper Co., The, Manilla and Colored. \}i tons, 24 hours. HADDAM. House & Brother, Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. HARTFORD. Hartford Manilla Co., Manilla. 6 tons, 24 hours. Melony, N., (P. O. address, Willimantic.) Wood Pulp. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. HOTCHKISSVILLE. Winton, C. E., Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. MADISON. Cooper, E. W. & Son. Two mills. Cartridge and Manilla. 1 and 2 tons. Strawboard. 4 tons, 24 hours. MONTVILLE. Robertson, C. M. Two mills. Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEW HAVEN. Parker, Joseph & Sou, Blotting. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEWINGTON. Pickle Brothers, Binders' Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEW LONDON. Robertson, John. Two mills. Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Woodworth, Oliver. Two mills. Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World.— Its pages always contains something to instruct and amuse. Utica Herald. 12 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. NEW MILFORD. Cook, A. S. C, Hardware and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Bridgeport.) NORTH LYME. Bingham, James, Manilla. tons, 24 hours. NORTH MANCHESTER. Foulds, William, Album, Binders', Straw and Trunk Board. 4 tons, 24 hours. Keeney & Wood Manufacturing Co., Book and Writing. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Lydall & Foulds Paper Co., Straw Board and Sheathing. 4 tons, 12 hours. Oakland Paper Co., Writing. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. White & Keeney, Card, Book and Hanging. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. NORTHVILLE. Hill, Albert S., Straw Wrapping and Board. 1,500 lbs., 12 hours. NORTH WESTCHESTER. Strong", C. W., Sheathing and Binders' Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. NORWALK. Adams, Chas. M. & Co., Manilla, Roofing and Leather Board. 2 l / 2 tons, 24 hours. NORWICH. Hubbard, A. H. & Co., Colored Mediums. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. Reade Paper Co. Two mills. Book and News. 4 tons, 24 hours. POQUONNOCK. Hartford Paper Co., (P. O. address, Hartford, Conn.) Two mills. Book, News and Colored. 10,500 lbs., 24 hours. RAINBOW. Hodge, Will. C, White and Colored Tissue. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. House & Co., Press Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Springfield Paper Co., Book, News, Colored, and Tissue Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. RIVERTON. Ward Brothers. (In construction.) SCITICO. Stowe, J. D., & Sons, Manilla. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World.— Its success is well deserved and will doubtless be continuous. — Providence Journal. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. i-3 SEYMOUR. Beach, S. Y., Paper Co., Colored and Print. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Smith, W. W., Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTHFORD. Southford Manufacturing 1 Co., Straw Board. SOUTHINGTON. Bennett, D. C, Straw Board. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH MANCHESTER. Case Brothers. Five mills. Binders', Leather and Press Board. 10 tons, 24 hours. Chemical Fibre. 2 tons, 24 hours. Illg'alls & Co., Album, Chromo, and Binders' Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. Carrier, E. T., Binders' and Album Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. Rogers, H. E. Two mills. Binders', Press, Album and Leather Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. SOUTH WINDSOR. Garran & Thorn Paper Co., Book and News. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. SUFFIELD. White Paper Co., (P. O. address, Windsor Locks.) Manilla, White Tissue, Wrapping and Envelope. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. TRUMBULL. Tait & Son, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. UNIONVILLE. Cowles Paper Co., Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Delaney & Munson Manufacturing Co., The, Card, Collar and Book. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Platner & Porter Manufacturing" Co. Two mills. Book and Writing. 8,600 lbs., 24 hours. Ripley Manufacturing Co., Binders', Leather and Press Board. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. WESTVILLE. Harper, James, Njews and Manilla. 1,800 lbs., 24 hours. Thompson, John, Hardware and Wrapping. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. WINDSOR LOCKS. Dexter, C. H. & Son, Tissue Manilla and Colored Tissue. 10 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is an invaluable publication. — Hartford Evening Post. r 14 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. English, William, Wrapping. 700 lbs., 24 hours. Seymour Paper Co., Book, Colored and Writing. 12 tons, 24 hours. Whittlesey, Frank H., White, Colored and Manilla Tissue. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. DAKOTA. FARGO. Fargo Paper Mill Co., Building. 8 tons, 24 hours. DELAWARE. BEAVER VALLEY. Tempest, Francis, Tissue Manilla. 18 reams, 24 hours. NEWARK. Curtis & Brother, Book, Envelope and Colored. 2,400 lbs., 24 hours. WILMINGTON. Jessup & Moore Paper Co., (P. O. address, Philadelphia.) Three Mills. Book and News. 13 tons. Chemical Fibre. 30,000 lbs, 24 hours. (See Modena Pa.) YORKLYN. Marshall, Thomas S. & Sons, Manilla and Wrapping. 1,800 lbs., 24 hours. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON. Hill, George, Jr., Book, News and Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. FLORIDA. FERNANDINA. Palmetto Fibre Mill, Palm Fibre. V Thb Paper Would is a well edited periodical and a model of special publication, — Hartford CouraHt, THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. is GEORGIA. ATHENS. Pioneer Paper Manufacturing Co., (P. O. address, Paper.) News, Manilla and Wrapping. 2,800 lbs., 12 hours. ATLANTA. Glendale Paper Mill Co., Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. McNaugllt, William & Co., Two Mills. Manilla. 2,400 lbs., 24 hours. BOWENVILLB. Wilkinson, J. R. & Co., Manilla and Wrapping. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. CONYERS. Brown, A. 0., News and Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. MARIETTA. Marietta Paper Manufacturing- Co., Book, News and Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SAVANNAH. Savannah Palm Paper Manufacturing Co., (Office Washington, D. C.) Book News and Manilla. 5 tons, 24 hours. (See Valley Forge, Pa.) ILLINOIS. BATAVIA. Van Northwick Paper Co., News. 10 tons, 24 hours. DAYTON. Williams & Co., Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. ELMWOOD. Tracy, H. P., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. HANOVER. Hanover Paper Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) JOLIET. Riebling, Frederick H. Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Riebling & Kramer, Wrapping. 5,500 lbs., 24 hours. KANKAKEE. Kankakee Paper Co., Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World. — One of the most attractive of the trade journals.— New York Tribune. [6 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. LOCKPORT. Lockport Paper Co., Straw Board. 20 tons, 24 hours. MARSEILLES. Clark, John F., News and Wrapping. 24,000 lbs., 24 hours. Bickford, Bird, Two mills. Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. MILAN. Milan Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 14,000 lbs., 24 hours. MOLINE. Moline Paper Co., Print and Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 tons. MORRIS. Allan Paper Car Wheel Co., Straw Board. 15 tons, 24 hours. QUINCY. (Juincy Paper Co., Two mills. Building Felt, Straw Board and Straw Wrapping. 18 tons, 24 hours. ROCK PALLS. Church, Utley & Co., Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. ROCKFORD. Keeney Bros., Building and Straw Board. 8 tons, 24 hours. Rhoades, Utter & Co., Straw Wrapping. $ l / 2 tons, 24 hours. ROCK ISLAND. National Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 5 tons, 24 hours. Rock Island Paper Co., Mill at Milan. Wrapping. 16,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Burnt March 1883.) ROCKTON. Bradner Smith & Co., (P. O. address, Chicago,) Wrapping and Manilla. 14,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Kaukauna, Wis.) Keeney, M. D., & Son., Building and Straw Board. 10 tons, 24 hours. Northwest Paper Co., Straw Wrapping, Wrapping Manilla and Building. 8 tons, 24 hours. ST. CHARLES. Brownell & Miller, Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. SPRINGFIELD. Black, John, Straw Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. Bolton & Bacon, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. V The Paper World fills a place unsupplied by any other publication. — Chatham Cou- rier , Chat Jul in, N. Y. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. •7 STREATOR. Williams, S. W. Straw Wrapping. STERLING. Sterling" Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. VANDALIA. Yandalia Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. (In construction.) WALDRON. Waldroil Paper Mills Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. WILMINGTON. Keeney, M. D., Straw Board. 6 tons, 24 hours. YORKVILLE. Black & Clark, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. (In hands of assignee.) Fox River Paper & Pulp Co., Manilla and Wrapping. INDIANA. BROOKVILLE. Manilla Mill, Wrapping and Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Stewart Paper Co., News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. CANNELTON. Cannelton Paper Mill Co., Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. ELKHART. Beardsley, J. A., Book and News. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Smith, S. I., Straw and Lined Straw Board. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Elkhart Paper Co., News. 2 tons, 24 hours. Elkhart Straw Board Co., Tissue. 2 tons, 24 hours. Elkhart Tissue Paper Co., Tissue. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. Erwin, Lane & Co., Writing. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. EVANSVILLE. Funke, Ferdinand, Straw Wrapping, Wrapping and Tobacco. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World surprises us with the extent and variety of its interesting matter. — Boston Commomvcalth. t8 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. PORT WAYNE. Fleming, William, Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. INDIANAPOLIS. Salisbury & Vinton Paper Co., News and Book. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. LA PAYETTE. La Fayette Paper €0., Manilla, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 7 tons, 24 hours. LOGANSPORT. Logansport Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. MADISON. Watts & Barber, Straw Wrapping. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. MISHAWAKA. draylor A., Wood Pulp Co., The, Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Mishawaka Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. MONTICELLO. Tippecanoe Paper Co., Print and Wood Pulp. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. OTIS. Cattron, C. F., Straw Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. RICHMOND. Nixon, Martin IS,, Straw Wrapping and Manilla. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH BEND. Clark, Lucius & Co., News and Straw Pulp. 5 and 3 tons, 24 hours. (In hands of assignee.) Reynolds, E. S., News and Book. 2 tons, 24 hours. South Bend Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Burnt Jan. 18, 1883. (Rebuilding.) VALPARAISO. Simons, H. E., Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. IOWA, CEDAR PALLS. Cedar Falls Paper Manufacturing Co., Straw Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. v . y The Paper World is always as bright and pretty as a girl of sixteen on her way to a picnic— ConnectictU Farmer. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. CLINTON. Clinton Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Reckless & Kennedy, Straw Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. DECORAH. Booth, J. R., Straw Wrapping. 2% tons, 24 hours. DUBUQUE. Dubnque Paper Co., Straw Board. FORT MADISON. Fort Madison Paper Manufacturing Co., Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. IOWA CITY. Close, M. T. & Sons, Straw Wrapping and Board. 10 tons, 24 hours. LYONS. Lyons Paper Co., Straw Wrapping, Wrapping, Building, Carpet Lining, Trunk and Straw Board. 10 tons, 24 hours. ROCKFORD. Eggert Robert, Straw Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. TAMA CITY. Tama Paper Co., Manilla, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. BLUE RAPIDS. Smyth, W. A. & Co., News and Straw Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) LAWRENCE. Lawrence Paper Mill, Straw Wrapping. KANSAS. KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE. Bremaker-Moore Paper Co., Book. 6 tons, 24 hours. l)u Pont & Co., News. 10 tons, 24 hours. Isenberg Bros. Mill, Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper Worlu is edited with ability and published in excellent style. — Philadel- phia Ledger. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS. Louisiana Fibre Working* Co., Pulp from Bagasse. MAINE. BELFAST. Belfast Paper Mill, Manilla and News. 6^ tons, 24 hours. (Idle.) Sherman & Thompson, Leather Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. BRUNSWICK. Androscoggin Pulp Co., (P. O. Address, Portland.) Wood Pulp Board. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See North Gorham.) Bowdoin Paper Manufacturing Co., News. 7 tons, 24 hours. CANTON. Denison Paper Manufacturing Co., Chemical Fibre. 7 tons, 24 hours. (See Mechanic Falls.) CUMBERLAND MILLS VILLAGE. Warren, S. 1)., & Co., (P- O. address, Boston, Mass.) Two mills. Book. 30 tons, 24 hours. (See Gardiner.) FAIRFIELD. Somerset Fibre Co., Wood Pulp. 6 tons, 24 hours. GARDINER. HollingSWOrtll & Whitney Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Two mills. Manilla. 8,000 lbs., Chemical Fibre. 6 tons, 24 hours. (See Watertown, Mass.) Richards & Co., Book, Collar and News. 5 tons, 24 hours. Warren, S. I)., & Co., (P. O. address, Boston, Mass.) Book. 3 tons, 24 hours. (See Cumberland Mills Village.) HAMPDEN. Crosby, Holt & Co., Book. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. Crosby, J. B., & Co., Book. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. KENNEBUNK. Mousam Manufacturing Co., Leather Board. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Welchville.) V , J The Paper World is really the best and handsomest trade journal in existence. — New England Homestead^ Springfield, Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. LINCOLN. Lincoln Pulp and Paper Co., Chemical Fibre. LIVERMORE PALLS. Record, Alvill, Three mills. Leather Board. (3 tons, 24 hours. (Partially burnt May 10, 1883.) UmbagOg Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. MECHANIC FALLS. Denison Paper Manufacturing Co., Six mills. Water. Book and News. 8 tons, 24 hours. (See Canton.) NORTH GORHAM. Androscoggin Pulp Co., (P. O. Address, Portland.) Wood Pulp. 2,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. (See Brunswick.) PreSlimpSCOt Pulp Ware Co., (P. O. address, Portland, Me.) Pulp. 3 tons, 24 hours. NORTH SHAPLEIGH. Carrecabe, J. M., (P. O. address, Lynn, Mass.) Leather Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. SACCARAPPA. Davis, George E., (P. O. address, Boston, Mass.) Leather Board. 8,000 to 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. SKOWHEGAN. Ladd Brothers & Woods, Book, News, Manilla and Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. • Sliurtleff, W. K., Wood Pulp. 2,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. SNOW FALLS. Exeter Wood Pulp Co., Wood Pulp and Chemical Card Board. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. SOUTH PARIS. Jackson Mills Co., Wood Pulp Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH WINDHAM. Sebago Wood Board Co., Wood Pulp and Board. 9 tons, 24 hours. WATERVILLE. Kennebec Fibre Co., Wood Pulp and Wood Pulp Board. 10 tons, 24 hours. WELCHVILLE. Mousam Manufacturing Co., Leather Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Ken- nebunk.) The Paper World. — We have never seen it equaled. — Springfield Herald, Spring- field, Mass. 22 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. WEST GREAT WORKS. Penobscot Chemical Fibre Co., 20 tons, 24 hours. YARMOUTH. * Forest Paper Co., Chemical Fibre. 14 tons, 24 hours. MARYLAND. BECKLEYSVILLE. Beckley, Daniel, Book and News. 2 tons, 24 hours. BENTLEY SPRINGS. Abrahams, Joseph, Wrapping. 1,600 lbs., 24 hours. Dushane, John A. & Co., (P. O. address, Baltimore.) Eagle Mill. Straw Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Reisterstown.) Young, Daniel & James B., Roofing. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. CHESTERTOWN. Chestertown Straw Board and Manufacturing Co., Straw Board. 6 tons, 24 • hours. EASTON. Talbot Comity Paper Mills Co., Straw Board. 6 tons, 24 hours. ELKTON. Carter, I. D., News. 4 tons, 24 hours. Cecil Paper Co., Limited, Book and News. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Harlan Brothers, Binders' Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. ELICOTT CITY. Mentzel, Henry D., Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. FAIRHILL. Providence Paper Mills, News. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. PREELAND. Gore, H. M., Straw Wrapping. 1,800 lbs., 24 hours. Shaver, Abraham, Straw Wrapping. 1,800 lbs., 24 hours. GRAVE RUN. Hare, George H., Straw Wrapping. 500 lbs., 24 hours. HAGERSTOWN. Dushane & Stonebraker, Book 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. J The Paper World is altogether the most valuable and able journal published in the in- terests of paper-makers. — The tlousehold) Brattlcboro, Vt. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 23 HENRYTON. Jones, George F., Manilla and Straw Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. HOUCKSVILLE. Keller, Geo. W., Straw Wrapping and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. MANCHESTER. Tracy, John, Manilla. MORGAN. Dushane, John A., (P. O. address, Baltimore.) Two mills. Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. PARKTON. Bollinger, Valentine, (P. O. address, Shamberg.) Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Wise, William, (P. O. address, Whitehall.) Straw Wrapping. 1,600 lbs., 24 hrs. PAPER MILLS. Hoffman, William H. & Sons, Five Mills. Book and News. 12,000 lbs., Man- illa 4,000 lbs.; Wrapping 1,400 lbs., 24 hours. REISTERSTOWN. Dushane, John A. & Co., (P. O. address, Baltimore.) Manilla. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See Bentley's Springs.) RISING- SUN. Wells, Charles & Co., (P. O. address, Philadelphia, Pa.) Manilla. 6,000 lbs, 24 hours. (See Oxford, Pa.) WHITE HALL. Burke, A. J., Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs.. 24 hours. Wise, William, Straw Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. MASSACHUSETTS. ADAMS. Brown, L. L., Paper Co., Three Mills. Ledger. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See West Cummington.) BALDWINSVILLE. Small, Gould & Co., Roofing and Building. 3 tons, 24 hours. V ___ The Paper World takes a hi-^h rank among the progressive publications of the day. — American Garden, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. BANCROFT. Bulkier, Dunton & Co., (P. O. address, 74 John St., New York.) Two mills News, Manilla and Hanging. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. BRIDGE WATER. Holli 11 g"S worth, L. & Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Manilla. 2,500 lbs., 24 hr<=. CHARLES RIVER VILLAGE. Hill, Edward & Co., Sheathing. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Sampson, Edwin H. & Son, (P. O. address, Boston.) Leather Board. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See West Groton.) CURTISVILLE. Burgiiardt, Frederick, Wood Pulp. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. DALTON. Carson & Brown Co., Linen Ledger Paper. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Crane & Co., Two Mills. Bank Note. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. Coltsville Mill, runs exclusively on Distinctive paper for the U. S. Government. Crane, Z. Jr. & Brother, Writing. 2^ tons, 24 hours. Weston, Byron, Two Mills. Ledger. 3 tons, 24 hours. DRACUT. Parker & Basset, Manilla. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. EAST MEDWAY. Holbl'OOk, Silas P., Wrapping, Sheathing and Manilla. 1,500 lbs., 24 hour-. (See West Medway.) EAST WALPOLE. Bird, F. W. & Son, Hardware and Lining. 6 tons, 24 hours. Hollingsworth & Vose, Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See West Groton.) FITCHBURG. Crocker, Bnrbank & Co., Six mills. News. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Book, News, Card, 27,000 lbs., 24 hours. Chemical Fibre. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Fitchfourg Paper Co., Two mills. Hanging, Card, Book and Glazed. 15,000 lbs., 24 hours. Fitchfourg Wood Pulp Mill, Wood Pulp. 2 tons, 24 hours. Wheelwright, Geo. W. Paper Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) News. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See North Leominster.) FURNACE. Page Paper Co., Book and News. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. V The Paper World is a gem in its literary and mechanical make-up. — Gazette and Chronicle, Pawtuckct, R. I. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. HOLYOKE. Albion Paper Co., Book and Writing. 15 tons, 24 hours. Beebe & Holbrook Co., The, Writing. 3 tons, 24 hours. Chemical Paper Co., Manilla and Envelope, 24 tons, Chemical Fibre, 10 tons, 24 hours. Crocker Manufacturing Co., White and Colored. 4 tons, 24 hours. Dickinson & Clark Paper Co., 3%. tons, 24 hours. Dickinson, George R., Paper Co., Book and Writing. 10 tons, 24 hours. Excelsior Paper Co., Book. 3 tons, 24 hours. Franklin Paper Co., Colored, Writing and Envelope. 3 tons, 24 hours. Holyoke Paper Co., Writing. 7 tons, 24 hours. Massasoit Paper Manufacturing' Co., Writing. 3 tons, 24 hours. Newton, D. H. & J. C, Chemical Fibre. 8 tons, 24 hours. Newton Paper Co., Building, Carpet Lining and Wrapping. 12 tons, 24 hours. Nonotuck Paper Co., Book, Envelope and Colored Writing. 10 tons, 24 hours. Parsons Paper Co., Two mills. Bond 1 ton. Envelope and Writing. g}4 tons, 24 hours. Riverside Paper Co., Writing and Envelope. 4 tons, 24 hours. Syms & Dudley Paper Co., Book, Writing and Card. 10 tons, 24 hours. Union Paper Manufacturing Co., Writing. 4 tons, 24 hours. Valley Paper Co., Writing. 6 tons, 24 hours. Wauregan Paper Co., Book and Writing. 5 tons, 24 hours. Whiting Paper Co., Two mills. Writing. 20 tons, 24 hours. (See North Wilbraham.) Winona Paper Co., Book, Envelope and Writing. 12 tons, 24 hours. HOUSATONIC. Conistock, P. Gr., Straw Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. Owen Paper Co., Two mills. Writing and Bond. 1% tons, 24 hours. (New Mill, not in operation.) HUNTINGTON. Chester Paper Co., Writing. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. LANCASTER. American Shoe Shank Co., Leather Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) LAWRENCE. Bacon Paper Co., (P. O. Address, Boston.) Book, News and Colored. 15 tons, 24 hours. V The Paper World * * * For interesting editorial work it has no equal. — East- hampion News, EasthamMon, Mass. 26 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. * Dawson, S. F., Leather Board, i ton, 24 hours. Merrimac Paper Co., Book and News. 8 tons, 24 hours. Munroe Felt and Paper Co., Manilla, Hanging, Roofing and Carpet Lining 1 1 tons, 24 hours. Russell Paper Co., Four Mills. News, Lining, Blotting, Book and Writing. 16 tons, 24 tons. LEE. Baird, Prentiss C, Two Mills. Collar, Plate and Bristol Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Benton Brothers, Writing. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. Decker, John A., Ledger and Writing. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. Garfield, Harrison, Book and Ledger. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. May, E. & S., Bond, Card and Writing. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. May, William, Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Smith Paper Co., Six mills. Book, News and Manilla. 25 tons, 24 hours. Tanner & Faxon, Manilla. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. Yerran, John, Ledger. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. LOUDVILLE. Easthampton Paper Co., Book. 2 tons, 24 hours. Loud, Caleb, Manilla, Tissue Manilla and Colored Tissue. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. Watson & Chamherlin, Collar and Tissue. 1 ton, 24 hours. LOWELL. Richmond, C. B. & Co., Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. (Idle.) MIDDLETON. Middletoil Paper Mill, Colored. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) MILLERS FALLS. Allen, J. M., Wood Pulp. (In construction.) MILL RIVER. Berkshire Paper Co., Two Mills. Straw Print. y/ 2 tons. News. 2 tons, 24 hrs. Koilkapot Paper Mill, News and Book. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Mill River Paper Co., Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. Sissoil, H. D., Wood Pulp. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. MILTON. Tileston & Hollingsworth, (P. O. Address, Boston.) Three Mills. Book, Print, Colored Mediums and Plate. io}4, tons, 24 hours. (See Groton Centre.) V The Paper World. * * * Its success is demonstrated by the fact that its sub- scription list has amounted to between $200 and $300 in a single day. — New York Herald. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 27 MITTINEAQUE. A^awam Paper Co., Bristol Board and Writing. 3 tons, 24 hours. South worth €0., Ledger and Parchment. 1% tons, 24 hours. Worthy Paper Co., Writing. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. NEW BEDFORD. Acushnet Paper Mill, Carpet Lining and Sheathing. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEWTON LOWER PALLS. Crehore, Charles F., (P. O. Address, 87 Milk street, Boston.) Press and Card Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. Rice, F. W., News. 2 X / Z tons, 24 hours. Wiswall, A. C. & Sou, Manilla, Colored and Hanging. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. NEWTON UPPER PALLS. Keeuey, Hudson, (P. O. address, Everett.) Two Mills. Manilla. 6,500 lbs., 24 hours. NORFOLK. Campbell, Greorgfe, Carpet Lining and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. NORTH ADAMS. Glen Pulp and Paper Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, 24 hours. NORTH AMHERST, (ashman, A. R., Three Mills. Leather and Straw Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Roberts, W. L. & Co., Two mills. Straw Wrapping and Leather Board. 1,200 lbs., 10 hours. (One mill idle.) NORTHAMPTON. Vernon Bros. & Co., (P. O. address, 65 Duane street, N. Y.) Card and Glazed. 2 tons, 24 hours. (See Russell, Mass., and Ithaca N. Y.) NORTH DIG-HTON. Lincoln, L. & Co. Manilla and Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. NORTH LEOMINSTER. Harwood, J. A. & N., (Burnt April 1883. Rebuilding.) Wheelwright, George W., Paper Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Hook and Caul. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Fitchburg.) NORTH WILBRAHAM. Collins Mailllfaeturiug Co., Writing. 4 tons, 24 hours. (Operated by Whiting Paper Company, Holyoke, Mass.) The Paper World is a credit to our country. — Scholastic, Notre Dame, I ml. 28 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. NORWOOD. Ellis, Isaac, Colored, Hardware, Manilla and Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. PEPPERELL. Faircllild Paper Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Two mills. Book, News and Colored. 6 l /z tons, 24 hours. Middlesex Mill, Book, News and Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Parker, H. A. & Co., Wrapping and Leather Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. RUSSELL. Chapin & Gould, (P. O. address, Springfield.) Writing. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Vernon Paper Co., (P. O. address, 65 Duane street, New York.) Writing. 6 tons, 24 hours. (See Northampton, Mass., and Ithaca. N. Y.) SHIRLEY VILLAGE. Beaver Brook Mill, Leather Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Binney, B. S., Binders' and Leather Board and Sheathing. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH HADLEY. Jlldd Brothers, Manilla and Wrapping. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. Pearl Paper Co., Tissue. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH HADLEY PALLS. Carew Manufacturing' Co., Writing. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Hampshire Paper Co., Writing and Bristol Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. SOUTH LAWRENCE. Clegg & Fisher, Leather Board. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH LEE. Hurlbllt Paper Co., Two mills. Writing. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH NATICK. Flax Leather Manufacturing Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Leather Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. STOCKBRIDGE. Lyman F. S., Two mills. Wood Pulp. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. TOWNSEND HARBOR. Spaulding Brothers, Leather Board. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. TURNERS PALLS. Keith Paper Co., Writing. 5 tons, 24 hours. Montague Paper Co., Book and News, 18 tons. Wood Pulp, 12 tons, 24 hours. V . The Paper World is one of the best productions of its kind in America. — Stamford Mirror, Stamford, N. Y, THE PA^ER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 29 Turners Falls Paper Co., News. 5 tons, 24 hours. TYRING-HAM. Turkey Paper Mill, Manilla. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) WALPOLE. Lewis, H. N. & Co., Binders' Board. 4 tons, 24 hours. WALTHAM. Roberts, John & Son, Sheathing and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. WATERTOWN. Holling-swortll & Whitney Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Two mills. Manilla. 12 tons, 24 hours. WENDELL DEPOT. Farley Paper Co., Card Middle. 2^ tons, 24 hours. (*oddard Wood Paper Co., Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. McNeil & Co., Wood Pulp. 2 tons 24 hours. WEST CUMMINGTON. Brown, L. L. Paper Co., (P. O. address, Adams, Mass.) Writing. 1 ton, 24 hours. (See Adams.) WEST DUDLEY. Warren, W. J., Manilla and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. WESTPIELD. Crane Brothers, Writing. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Pultz & Walkley Co., (P. O. address, Plantsville, Conn.) Manilla and Wrap- ping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Spring-dale Paper Co., Writing. 2 tons, 24 hours. WEST CROTON. Holling-swortll & Vose, (P. O. address, Boston.) Manilla. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours, (See East Walpole.) Sampson, Edwin H. & Son, (P. O. address, Boston.) Leather Board. y/ 2 tons, 24 hours. (See Charles River Village.) WEST MANSFIELD. Robinson, (x. A., Leather Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. WEST MEDWAY. llol brook, S. P., (P. O. address, Boston.) Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. See East Medway.) The Paper World uses the best of material, employs the best of talent and turns out the best publication of its kind in the Universe. — Coolcy's Weekly, Norwich, Conn. 3o THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. WESTMINSTER. Wyman, Franklin, Two mills. (One mill burnt April '82, being rebuilt, when completed, product will be Book.) Card and Book. 6 tons, 24 hours. WEST TOWNSEND. West Townsend Leather Board Mill, Leather Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. MICHIGAN. ALLEGAN. Mather H. N., Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. ANN ARBOR. Cornwell & Brother, Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. BATTLE CREEK. Morgan & Lowell, Building and Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. BIRKETT. Birkett Manufacturing' Co., Wood Pulp. 2 tons, 24 hours. CONSTANTINE. Dodge, Levi, Straw Board and Building. 4^ tons, 24 hours. DETROIT. Wolverine Car Roofing 1 and Manufacturing Co., Book, News and Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Destroyed by explosion May, 1883.) DUNDEE. Jones, C. W., Straw Wrapping. T>/i tons > 2 4 hours. FLINT. Lewis, F. R., Straw Board, Building and Sheathing. 3 tons, 24 hours. GRAND RAPIDS. Childs, H. B. & Co., Wrapping and Straw Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. JACKSON. Emerson, R. H., & Co., Chemical Fiber. 4 tons, 24 hours. Jackson Paper Co., Manilla. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours Hammond W. A. & Co., Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours., KALAMAZOO. Kalamazoo Paper Co., Book, News, Card, Tea and Colored. 7 tons, 24 hours. V The Paper World is always full of valuable and interesting information about the paper business and paper men. — Haverhill Gazette, Haverhill, Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 3 Lyon B. F. & Co., News. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. MARSHALL. Rock River Paper Co., (P. O. address, Chicago, 111.) Roofing and Building. 4 tons, 24 hours. (See Beloit, Wis.) MONROE. Adams & Terry, Wrapping 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Mitchell, Andrew, Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. Richardson Paper Co., Straw Wrapping 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Waldorf, Frederick & Son, Rag Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. NILES. Excelsior Straw Board Mill, Straw Board. 8 tons, 24 hours. Michigan Wood Plllp Co., Two mills. Wood Pulp. 16,000 lbs., (dry). Wood Pulp Board. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. Niles Paper Mill Co., Straw Wrapping. 7 l X tons, 24 hours. Ohio Paper Co., Straw Board. PALMYRA. Mitchell & Son, Wrapping and Manilla. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. ROCHESTER. Barnes Brothers, (P. O. address, Detroit.) Book and News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Griggs & Worthley, Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. ST. JOSEPH. St. Joseph Paper & Pail Co., News, Manilla, Straw Wrapping, Wrapping and Binders' Board. 4 and 2 tons, 24 hours. TECUMSEH. Smith, Henry, Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. THREE RIVERS. French, J. W., Manufacturing Co., Two mills. Book and Print. 4,000 lbs. Manilla and Straw Pulp. 4 and 3 tons, 24 hours. UTICA. Dekay, S. L., Wood Pulp. 1 ton, 24 hours. VERNON. Newberry Brothers, Wrapping. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. YPSILANTI. Peninsular Paper Co., Two mills. Book and Print. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. V The Paper World is one of the most interesting special magazines we have ever read. — Free Press, Waver ly y N. Y. 32 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Ypsilanti Paper Co., Three mills. Book and News. 4 tons. Wood Pulp. 2 tons, 24 hours. MINNESOTA. AUSTIN. Austin Paper and Pulp Co. FERGUS FALLS. Crookston Paper Co., Straw Board. MINNEAPOLIS. Averill, Russell & Carpenter, (P. O. address, St. Paul.) Wrapping, Straw Wrapping and Manilla. 7,500 lbs. Wood Pulp. 6,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. (See Appleton Wis.) Warner, Newman & Warner, News. 5 tons, 24 hours. Minneapolis Straw Board Co., Straw Board and Wrapping. 7 tons, 24 hours. RED WING. Red Wing Paper Mill, Straw Wrapping. MISSOURI. CLARKSVILLE. Clarksville Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. NEBRASKA. WEST POINT. West Point Mills, Print and Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ASHLAND. Bailey, E. F., Leather Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. Batchelder, Natlianel P., Straw, Leather and Binders' Board. i]/ 2 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is rapidly taking the lead in this country, in its field. — Daily Her- ald, Elizabeth, N. J. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 33 Baker, S. C. Agt., Leather Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Wilder & Co., (P. O. address, Boston, Mass.) Three mills, Manilla. 5 tons. News. 2 tons, 24 hours. (See McLerans and Lyndon, Vt.) BATH. Conant & Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (wet), 24 hours. BENNINGTON. Barker, W. T. & Co., (P. O. address, 43 Federal street, Boston Mass.) Book. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. BERLIN FALLS. Forest Fibre Co., Two mills. Chemical Fibre. 35 tons, (dry), 24 hours. BRISTOL. Mason, Perkins & Co., Two mills. News, Poster and Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. New Hampshire Pulp and Paper Co., Three mills. Hanging and Manilla. 3 tons. Chemical Fibre. 5 tons, 24 hours. BOW. Moore, Brown & Co., Wood Pulp. CANAAN. Peaslee, Stephen, Straw Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. CLAREMONT. Jarvis, Bussell, Book, Card, News and Tinted. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Sugar River Paper Mill Co., News, Book and Writing. 8,000, lbs., 24 hours. CONCORD. Brown, B. Frank, Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (dry), 24 hours. CONTOOCOOK. Davis Brothers, Straw Board. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. CONWAY. Merrill, L. S., Straw Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) EAST JAFFREY. Shepard George A., (P. O. address, Bethel, Conn.) Wood Pulp. 3,300 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. , FRANKLIN. Franklin Falls Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 8 tons, 24 hours. V . The Paper World is an excellently edited journal and commands a large circle of readers. — Mercury Press , Albany, N. Y. 34 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Wiimipiseog'ee Paper Co., Four Mills. News. 16 tons. Wood Pulp 7 tons, (dry), 24 hours. GOFFSTOWN CENTRE. Cheney, P. C, Company, Wood Pulp. (See Manchester and Peterborough.) HAVERHILL. Haverhill Fibre Co., (P. O. address, Laconia.) Chemical Fibre. Haverhill Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. HINSDALE. Fisk, George C, Tissue Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Robertson Brothers, Tissue Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Robertson, (x. & G. A., Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. LANCASTER. Lancaster Manufacturing Co., Manilla, Straw Wrapping, Straw Board and Tissue. 2 tons, 24 hours. LISBON. Moore, J. (2., Wood Pulp. 5,000 lbs., (wet), 24 hours. MANCHESTER. Cheney, P. C, Company, Three mills. Card and Print. 7 tons. Wood Pulp. 24 hours. (See Goffstown Centre and Peterborough.) Hoyt, John & Co., Book and News. 5 tons, 24 hours. NEWMARKET. Wiswall, T. H. & Co., Hanging. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. NORTHUMBERLAND. Chase, Robert & Co., Straw Wrapping. \}i tons, 24 hours. OSSIPEE CENTRE. Canney, J. M., Straw Board. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. PETERBOROUGH. Cheney, P. C, Company, Wood Pulp. (See Manchester and Goffstown Centre.) Jacobs & Clark, Two Mills. Manilla. 1,500 lbs. Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (One mill burnt May 1883.) WEBSTER. Holt, J. S. & Co., (P. O. address, Boston, Mass.) Leather Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. V The Paper World has demonstrated its value and usefulness to the manufacturer and consumer of paper, fully and satisfactorily. — The Bookkeeper, N. Y. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 35 WEST CLAREMONT. West Claremoilt Paper Co., (P. O. address, Bellows Falls, Vt.) Manilla and Wrapping. 1,600 lbs., 24 hours. WEST HENNIKER. Contoocook "Valley Paper Co., Book, News and Card. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. NEW JERSEY. BLOOMFIELD. Davey, E. H., Trunk and Binders' Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. Weymouth Paper Mills, Manilla. 6 tons, 24 hours. (See Weymouth.) Wheeler, F. A. & Co., Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. BLOOMINGDALE. White, James & Soil, Tissue Manilla. 800 lbs., 24 hours. BOONTON. Booilton Paper Co., News, Manilla and Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. BRIDGETON. Mulford, I. W. & Soil, Manilla and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. CALDWELL. McEwan, R. & Son, Straw, Trunk and Binders' Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. CAMDEN. West Jersey Paper Manufacturing Co., The, Roll Manilla and Cartridge. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. FRANKLIN. Kill lis land, J. & R., Writing. i}4 tons, 24 hours. HARRISVILLE. Harris, Richard C, Hardware. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. HOBOKEN. Reynolds, J., (P. O. address, 194 Fulton street, New York.) Manilla. HOHOKUS. White & Co., Tissue Manilla. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. . ; ' The Paper World is beautifully printed, very ably edited, and deserves as it has re- ceived, the liberal patronage of the public. — Chicago Tribune. 3* THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. JERSEY CITY. Davey, William 0- & Sons, (P. O. address, 115 Wall street, New York.) Binders' Board. 5 tons, 18 hours. Jersey City Paper Co., Two Mills. White and Colored Tissue and Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. LAMBERTVILiLE. Clear Spring 1 Paper Co., Manilla and News. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. Lambertville Paper Manufacturing- Co., Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. McDowell & Son, Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. Union Mills Paper Manufacturing Co., Tissue Manilla and Colored Tissue. 6 tons, 24 hours. Weeden, J. C. & Co., White and Colored Tissue. 1 ton, 24 hours. MILLBURN. Campbell, Wellington, (P. O. address, Short Hills.) Collar, Hanging and Card. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Canoe Brook Leather Mill, Leather Board. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Diamond Mills Paper Co., (Office, 44 Murray street, New York.) White and Colored Tissue. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See New Hampton, N. Y.) Henderson, William S., Binders' Board. 6 tons, 24 hours. Munker Mill, Binders' Board. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Wade, U. N., Binders' Board. 6 tons, 24 hours. MORRISTOWN. Brandt, Elam R., Wrapping, 500 lbs., 24 hours. Muir, Josiall F., Binders' and Trunk Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. PATERSON. Ivanlioe Manufacturing Co., Writing, Book and Copying. 5 tons, 24 hours. PLEASANT MILLS. Pleasant Mills Paper Co., (P. O. address, Philadelphia, Pa.) Manilla and Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. RIEG-ELSVILLE. Riegel, John L. & Son, Manilla. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. Warren Manufacturing Co., Manilla. 4 to 5 tons, 24 hours. SCOTCH PLAINS. Seeley, E. A., Binders' Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World wins a well deserved success and completely fills the place for which it was intended. — Enterprise, Easthampton, Mass. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 37 SOUTH ORANGE. Phoenix Mill, Hardware. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SPRINGFIELD. Bid well, H., Binders' and Trunk Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. Meeker, J. Edgar, Binders' Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. New Jersey Felt Mills Co., Roofing. 7 tons, 24 hours. WEYMOUTH. Weymouth Paper Mills, Two Mills. Manilla. 13 tons, 24 hours. (See Bloonifield.) WHIPPANY. Coghlan, Robert J., Colored and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Coghlan, Mary, Colored and Manilla. 3 tons, 24 hours. ACCORD. Davis £ tons, 12 hours. COEYMANS HOLLOW. Briggs, A. B., Straw Wrapping. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. COHOES. Cohoes Pulp Works, (Jerome Garland.) Wood Pulp. 1 ton, (dry), 24 hours. Cohoes Straw Board Co., Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. Gilbert & Bell, (P. O. address, Waterford.) Wood Pulp. 10,000 lbs., (wet), 24 hours. COOPBRSTOWN. Otsego Paper Works, Tissue Manilla. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. CROWN POINT. Scott, Wymail & Be Poutee, Wood Pulp. 2 tons, 24 hours. DANSVILLE. HolliligS worth, H., Wrapping. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. Knowlton, Amos, Wrapping and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Woodruff Paper Co., Two Mills. Straw Pulp. 2 l A tons. News. 2 tons, 24 hours. EAST CHATHAM. Palmer, E. G., Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. ELBRIDGE. Paddack, S. B., Jr., Straw Board. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. PALL SBURG-. Lefever, Newton, Straw Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Linlithgo.) FAYETTEVILLE. Beard, Crouse & Co., Two Mills. Book, News, Tea and Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. FONDA. Thompson, S. P. & Co., Tobacco and Manilla. i}4 tons, 24 hours. FORT EDWARD. Burnham, B. S., Wood Pulp. Tilton, F. G. & Co., Straw Print. 4 tons, 24 hours. FORT MILLER. Wagman, Thorpe & Co., Hanging. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World contains some of the best written articles on the paper trade. — Reg- ister and Norfolk County Journal^ Franklin^ Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 41 FORT PLAIN. Nestell & Bauder, Straw Board. FRANKLIN. Boyce, John, Straw Board. 600 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) FREEPORT. Smith, John A., Straw Board. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. FULTON. Victoria Paper Mills Co., Two mills. Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 1,500 to 5,000 lbs. Wood Pulp. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Waugh, William & Brother, Straw Wrapping. Hardware and Manilla. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. GAROGA. Long", Minard, Straw Board. % tons, 24 hours. Trumbull, E. S., Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. G-ERMANTOWN. Bingham, C. E., Two mills. Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. GHENT. Ghent Paper Co., (P. O. address, 178 Fulton street, New York.) Straw Wrap- ping. 3,800 lbs., 24 hours. GIBSONVILLE. West, George W., Wrapping, Manilla and Tea. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. GLENS FALLS. Glens Falls Paper Mill Co., News. 6 tons, 24 hours. GREAT BEND. Great Bend Paper Co., Hanging. 3 tons, 24 hours. GREENWICH. Angell & Safford, Hanging. 3,400 lbs., 24 hours. HADLEY. New York Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 7^ tons, (wet,) 24 hours. Rockwell Falls Fibre Co., Chemical Fibre. 5 tons, 24 hours. Sacondaga Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, 24 hours. HART LOT. Hart Lot Paper Co., Book and News. 3 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is conducted with ability and good typographical taste. — Printing Inter est } New York. 42 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. HEMPSTEAD. Smith, Valentine, (P. O. address, Freeport.) Straw Board. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. HERKIMER. Herkimer Paper Co., Limited, News and Colored Poster. 5 tons, 24 hours. (See Lyon's Falls.) HIGH FALLS. Newcomb, A. S. & Co., Manilla. 6 tons, 24 hours. HONEOYE FALLS. Neal Bros. & Brooks, Straw Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. (See Lockport.) ISLIP. Hawkins, E., Straw Board. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. ITHACA. Vernon Bros. & Co., (P. O. address, 65 Duane street, New York.) Book and Card. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Northampton and Russell Mass.) JORDON. Putnam, 0., Straw Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. KECK CENTRE. Coughnet, James H., Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. (Idle.) Keck, Joseph, Straw Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) Moore, Mrs. John, (P. O. address, Sammonsville.) Straw Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) KEESEVILLE. Clark Brothers, Wood Pulp. LAONA. Alexander, P. B., Print. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. LE ROY. Jones, William F., Wrapping and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. LINLITHGO. Lefever, Newton, (P. O. address, Fallsburg.) Binders' and Leather Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Fallsburg.) LITTLE FALLS. Kingston, William, Straw Wrapping, Wrapping, Roofing Sheathing and Carpet Felt. 2 tons, 24 hours. Waite, E. B. & Co.'s Paper Works, Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. V. The Paper World is a beauty as well as an excellence. — Journal, Northficld, Minn. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 43 LOCKPORT. Cascade Wood Pulp Co., Wood Pulp, • 2> l A tons, (dry,) 24 hours. (See Middle Falls.) Neal Bros. & Brooks, Straw Board. 15,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Honeoye Falls.) Peterson & Brown, Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. LUZERNE. Hudson River Pulp and Paper Co., (P. O. address 45 Beaver street New York.) Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (wet), 24 hours. (See Palmer Falls.) LYONSDALE. Ager, J. W., News, Manilla and Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. Lyonsdale Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. LYON'S PALLS. Herkimer Paper Co., Limited, Wood Pulp. 9 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Herkimer.) Gould, G. H. P., Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (wet), 24 hours. Shue Bros. & Co., News and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. MALDEN BRIDGE. Peaslee, H. W., Straw Wrapping and Board. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. MALONE. Wead Paper Co., Two mills News and Wrapping. 6,000 and 3,000 lbs. Wood Pulp. 4,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. MANLIUS. Lee & Giles, Straw Board. i*4 tons, 24 hours. Manlius Paper Co., Wrapping and Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Paddock, S. D. Sr., Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. MARCELLUS FALLS. Lawless, M. J. & Co., Two mills. Wrapping. Straw Wrapping, Carpet Lining and Sheathing. 10 tons, 24 hours. Sherman Brothers, Straw Wrapping. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. MAYPIELD. Close B. & Sons, Straw Wrapping and Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. MECHANICSVILLE. Hudson River Water Power and Paper Co., Two mills. Chemical Fibre. 15 tons. Straw, News and Manilla. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. v The Paper World is brim full of interest. —Pittsfield Sun, Pittsjield, Mass. 44 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. MEDUSA. Milton & Co., Straw Wrapping. 2,400 lbs., 24 hours. MELLENVILLB. Smith, Leonard, Straw Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. MIDDLEBURGH. Krum, Franklin, Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. MIDDLE PALLS. Cascade Wood Pulp Co., a x A tons, 24 hours. (See Lockport.) Ondawa Paper Co., Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. SpragOie, W. N., Two mills. Leather Board. 4,000 lbs. Wood Pulp. 2,oco lbs., (dry), 24 hours. MIDDLE GROVE. Gray, William & Co., Two mills. Straw Board. 3X tons, 24 hours. MIDDLEPORT. McClean, Henry, Straw Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. MONTGOMERY. Walker, F. R., (P. O. address, 16 Reade street, New York.) Manilla. 5 tons, 24 hours. MOOERS. Fitch Brothers, Wood Pulp. 1% tons, 24 hours. MORICHES. Smith, G. F., Straw Board. 3 tons per week. MOUNT PLEASANT. Hudson River Manufacturing- Co., (P. O. address, Longyear.) Wood Pulp. 6 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Winchell Falls.) NAPANOCK. Young", George, Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. NAPLES. Workmeister & Heifer, Wood Pulp. (Idle.) NEW BALTIMORE. Crosswell & Parsons, Hanging. 1,400 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is one of the most substantial and agreeable of " worlds" known to the paper-making and book-making public. — The Souths New York. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 45 NEWBURG. Adams & Bishop, Book. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Ramsdell, H., Powell, Book. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. Townsend, James A., Writing. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Walsh, John H., Writing. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. (In hands of assignee.) NEW HAMPTON. Diamond Mills Paper Co., (P. O. address, 44 Murray street, New York.) Col- ored and Manilla Tissue. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. (See Millburn, N. J.) NEW YORK CITY. New, Tobias, Roofing and Sheathing. Mather, P. J., (9 Elm street.) Manilla and Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. Cataract Manufacturing" Co., Wood Pulp. 8 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Hill & Murray, Wood Pulp. 13 tons, (wet), 24 hours. Niagara Falls Paper Manufacturing' Co., Print. 6 tons, 24 hours. Niagara Wood Paper Co., Wood Pulp. 2,500 lbs., (wet), 24 hours. Pettebone Paper Co., (In construction.) Qllig-ley, John F., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Stevens & Thompson, Hanging and Print. 5 tons, 24 hours. Walloomsac Paper Co., Hanging and Print. 10 tons, 24 hours. OGDENSBURG. Wadding-ton Mill, News. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. OSWEGO. Macfarlane & Co., Wood Pulp. 3,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. Nutting* & Wright, Print. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Hudson River Pulp and Paper Co., Three mills. News and Hanging. \\y 2 tons. Wood Pulp. 10 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Luzerne.) Hand & Ellsworth, Tissue and Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. NIAGARA PALLS. NORTH HOOSICK. PALMER PALLS. PATCHOGUE. Haven, J. S. & C. S., Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. PEEKSKILL. PENFIELD. Lawless, D. T., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. The Paper World covers, to a considerable extent, the whole realm of the paper indus- tries and kindred topics. — The Western Paper Trade. 4 6 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. PENNY AN. Cave, Charles J., Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. (See Cairo.) Fox & Curtis, Straw Wrapping. 4^ tons, 24 hours. Russell & Andrews, Straw Wrapping. 5 tons, 24 hours. PHILMONT. Rogers, Harper W., Straw Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. Philmont Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. PITTSTON. McLoughlin, Thomas, Hanging, Tissue and Wrapping. PLATTSBURGH. Allen & Sherman, (P. O. address, Port Henry.) Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (wet), 24 hours. Clark & Smith, Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. PULASKI. Albion Pulp Mill, Wood Pulp. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Cornell, W. N. & Co., Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Outterson Brothers, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. RICHMONDVILLE. Westover & Foster, Straw Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. RIDGE WOOD. Mallory, E. A. & Co., Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. RIVERHEAD. Hallett, Charles, Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. ROCHESTER. Burghardt, E. H., Wood Pulp. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. Rochester Paper Co., News and Wood Pulp. 10 and 5 tons, 24 hours. ROCK CITY FALLS. Kilmer, Clarence B., Straw Print. 8,500 lbs., 24 hours. • ROCKWOOD. Stahl & Young, Straw Board. ij4 tons, 24 hours. ROSLYN. Valentine, Myers, Straw Board and Sheathing. 4,000 lbs., 12 hours. SALAMANCA. Salamanca Wood Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (wet), 24 hours. The Paper World is the best paper of its kind in the English language. — Woodcocks Reporter, Nezv York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 47 SAMMONSVILLB. Hillabrandt, Joseph & Son, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. Wemple & Quackenbusll, Straw Board. 2^ tons, 24 hours. SAND LAKE. Smart, A. J., Straw Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. SANDY HILL. Allen Brothers, Hanging. 8 tons 24 hours. Howland & Co., Manilla. 8 tons, 24 hours. Wait, N. W. & Son, Hanging. 6 tons, 24 hours. SAUGERTIES. Sheffield J. B. & Son, Two mills. Card, Writing and Envelope. 8 tons, 24 hours. SCHAGHTICOKE. Wiley & Button, Two mills. Straw Wrapping. 3^ tons, 24 hours. SCHUYLERVILLE. Bullard, D. A. & Sons, Straw Print. 5 tons, 24 hours. SHAWANGUNK. Beach, J. C. & Brother, Book and news. 2)4 tons, 24 hours. SHELBY. Sonn, I. H. & Co., Manilla and Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. SHORTSVILLE. Jones, James, Wrapping, and Straw Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. Star Paper Co., Two mills. Wrapping and Print. 10 tons, 24 hours. SIDNEY PLAINS. Palmer & Johnson, Straw Wrapping, Wrapping Manilla and Tea. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. SKANEATELES. Lakeside Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 4 tons, 24 hours. Skaneateles Paper Co., Book and News. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Weeks, F. (x., Two mills. News. 2 tons, 24 hours. SOUTH AVON. Harned, S. L. Agt., (P. O. address, Avon.) Straw Board. tons, 24 hours. STANFORD VILLE. Ketcham, D. P. Agent, Straw Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is an ably conducted magazine. — The Monthly Journal, New \ork. 43 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. STILLWATER. Mosher & Judd, Manilla, i y z tons, 24 hours. Pemble, D. & W., Straw Board. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. ST. JOHNSVILLE. COX, Dewitt C, Straw Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. STOCKPORT. Rossman, J. W. & Son, Two mills. Straw Wrapping. 5 tons. Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Van de Carr, H. S., Straw Wrapping. 3 to 4 tons, 24 hours. STONE RIDGE. NewCOlIlb & Bllddington, Straw Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. TICONDEROGA. Glens Falls Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Lake George Pulp and Paper Co., Wood Pulp. 6 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Co., Chemical Fibre and Wood Pulp. 6 tons, (dry), 24 hours. TROY. Manning, John A., Manilla. 7,500 lbs., 24 hours. Manning & Paine, Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Manning & Peckham, Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Orrs & Co., Two mills. Hanging, News and Book. 6 tons, 24 hours. Smart, R. T., Two mills. Straw Wrapping. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. UTICA. Graham, E. A., News and Poster. 3 tons, 24 hours. (Idle.) VALATIE. Davis, C. F., Straw Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. VALLEY FALLS. Valley Falls Paper Manufacturing Co., Straw Wrapping. 2^ tons, 24 hours. WALES VILLE. Bradley, Horace, Wrapping and Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. WARRENSBURG. Burnham, J. H., Wood Pulp, (wet.) 6 tons, 24 hours. WATERFORD. Gilbert, Frank, News. 3 tons, 24 hours. Moore & Wilson, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. V , The Paper World is one of the handsomest publications that comes to our table. — The Monthly Union, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 49 WATERTOWN. Knowltoil Brothers, Book and Glazed Mediums. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Remington Paper €0., News. 8 tons, 24 hours. Taggart Brothers, Wood Pulp.' 1 ton, (dry). Manilla and News. 4^ tons, 24 hours.. Watertown Paper Co., Book and News. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. WAVERLY. Kirby, Selim, Book and News. 2,800 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) WESTPIELD. Taylor, Bradford I., Print and Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. WESTPORT. Westport Pulp Co., Limited, Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. WILLSBOROTJGH. Champlain Fibre Co., Chemical Fibre. 10 tons, 24 hours. Irwin, William, (P. O. address, 152 Broadway, New York.) Wood Pulp. y/ 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (Idle.) WINCHELLS. Hudson River Manufacturing 1 Co., (P. O. address, Longyear.) Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Mt. Pleasant.) WOODVILLE. Clark, James, Straw Wrapping. 1,500 lbs., 12 hours. NORTH CAROLINA. CHARLOTTE. Tiddy, W. & R., Three mills. Print. 1,600 lbs. Writing. 1,500 lbs. Book and Colored. 3,600 lbs., 24 hours. NEUSE. Askew, W. F., Book, News, Manilla and Wrapping. 3,600 lbs., 24 hours. OHIO. AKRON. Akron Straw Board Co., Straw Board. 15 tons, 24 hours. Phillips, Thomas & CO., Manilla. 2% tons, 24 hours. V > « The Paper World is a finely printed, well edited and attractive monthly. — American Machinist, New York. So THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. CANTON. Canton Paper Co., The, Wrapping. 6,500 lbs., 24 hours. CHAGRIN FALLS. Adams & Co., Manilla. 2}4 tons, 24 hours. Chagrin Falls Paper Co., Manilla. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. CHILLICOTHE. Ingham, Mills & Co., News and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., and 500 lbs., 24 hours. CLEVELAND. Cleveland Paper Co., Four mills. Manilla. 4X tons. Book and News. 7 tons. Wood Pulp. 2 tons, 24 hours. (See Cuyahoga Falls.) CLIFTON. King, David, Straw Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. COLUMBUS. Anderson, Yeatman, Print. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. CONNEAUT. Conneaut River Paper Mills, Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. COSHOCTON. Coshocton Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. CUYAHOGA FALLS. Cleveland Paper Co., (P. O. address, Cleveland.) Wrapping, Roofing and Hardware. 4 tons 24 hours. (See Cleveland.) Cuyahoga Paper Co., Three mills. Colored, Wrapping and Manilla. 10,500 lbs., 24 hours. DAYTON. Hawes, C. L., Straw and Binders' Board. 16 tons, 24 hours. Levis, W. P., Book and News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Mead Paper Co., Three mills. News and Book. 15,000 lbs., 24 hours. Chem- ical Fibre. Rutledge & Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. DELAWARE. Randall & Edsall, Two mills. News. 2,500 lbs. Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. DELPHOS. Delphos Paper Co., Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. / The Paper World is a valuable paper, and conducted with great intelligence, enterprise and energy. — The Printer and Publisher, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. FRANKLIN. Eagle Paper Co., Book and News 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Franklin Paper Co., Two mills. Book and News. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. Friend & Forgy Paper Co., The, Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Harding Paper Co., Two mills. Writing. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Perrine Paper Co., Manilla and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. GRAND RAPIDS. Ohio Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. HAMILTON. Beckett, Laurie & Co., Colored, Glazed Medium, Poster and Tobacco. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Skinner, J. C. & Co., Carpet Lining, Roofing and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Snider, Louis' Sons, Three mills. Book, 4,500 lbs. News. 10,500 lbs., 24 hours. Tangeman, George P. & Co., Wrapping, Roofing, Carpet Lining, Straw Board and Hardware. 20,000 lbs., 24 hours. KENTON. Kenton Paper Mill Co., Building, Carpet Lining, Straw Board and Roofing. 12 tons, 24 hours. LIMA. Lima Paper Mills, Two mills. Straw Board. 14 tons, 24 hours. LOCKLAND. Friend & Fox Paper Co., (P. O. address, Cincinnati.) Three mills. Book and News. 10,500 lbs., 24 hours. Manilla, Roofing and Wrapping. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. Friend, George H., Roofing and Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. (See West Carrollton.) Haldeman Paper Co., Two mills. Manilla. Carpet Lining, Roofing and Wrapping. 22,000 lbs., 24 hours. Tangeman, J. H. & Co., Carpet Lining, Colored, Roofing, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. MANSFIELD. Bard, Samuel, Manilla and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. MASSILLON. Massillon Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. J The Paper World is an unusually handsome monthly, indispensable to the paper trade and manufacturer, and to all classes of readers. — The Industrial Navs, Nciv York. 5 2 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. MEDWAY. Hoglen Bros. Pulp Co., (P. O. address, Dayton.) Straw Board and Pulp * 3 tons, 24 hours. MAIMISBURG. Maimi Valley Paper Co., Book and News. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Ohio Paper Co., Two mills. Book and News. 4 tons. Straw Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. MIDDLETOWN. Globe Mill Paper Co., Manilla and Wrapping. 5,500 lbs., 24 hours. Middletown Paper Co., Manilla. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Oglesby, Moore & Co., Two mills. Book and Blotting. 5,000 lbs. Roofing and Wrapping. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. Sutpllin & Wrenn, News, Book and Blotting. 5 tons, 24 hours. TytllS Paper Co., Manilla. 11 tons, 24 hours. Wardlow, Thomas & Co., Manilla. 12,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEWARK. . Newark Paper Co., Straw Wrapping. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEW PHILADELPHIA. Judy, Knisely & Co., Straw Wrapping. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. NEW PORTAGE. Portage Straw Board Co., (P. O. address,. Akron.) Straw Board 24 tons, 24 hours. PIQUA. Orr, Spencer & Wall, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 3 tons 24 hours. Piqua Straw Board and Paper Co., Straw Board. 8 tons, 24 hours. PLAIN CITY. Plain City Paper Co., Straw and Rag Wrapping, Ham and Roofing. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. PORTSMOUTH. Wiley, Clarence A., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. SANDUSKY. Sandusky Paper Co., Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. SOUTH TOLEDO. Claflin Paper Co., Two mills. Book. 3 tons. Wrapping and Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. \ The Paper World is always interesting, and is gaining in popular favor every month.— Patriot Wooiisocket, R. I. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 53 SPRINGFIELD. Hastings Paper Co., Wrapping. 6 tons, 24 hours. STEUBENVILLE. Hartje, A., News and Wrapping. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. TIPPECANOE CITY. Tipp Paper Co., The, Straw Board. 8 tons 24 hours. UPPER SANDUSKY. Upper Straw Board Co., Straw Board. 12 tons, 24 hours. WEST CARROLLTON. Friend, George H. & Son, Three mills. Book and Tobacco. 8,000 lbs. Ma- nilla. 9 tons, 24 hours. (See Lockland.) WOOSTER. Imgard, Albert, Straw Board. 6 tons 24 hours. XENIA. Xenia Paper Co., Hardware, Straw Wrapping and Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. ZANESVILLE. (xlessner & Gilbert, News, Roofing and Wrapping. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. Mathews, E., News and Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. OREGON. BRIDAL VEIL. Columbia Paper Co. OREGON CITY. Clackamas Paper Co., Manilla, News and Wrapping. \ l / 2 tons, 24 hours. PENNSYLVANIA. ARDMORE. GJandy, >yilliam, Two mills. Manilla and Tissue. 700 lbs., 24 hours. ATGLEN. Young 1 , (x. F., Binders' and Straw Board. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. s ; _y The Paper World covers a wide range of individual subjects, all of which it discusses in a manner alike sprightly and entertaining. — Republican, Winona, Minn. r 54 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. BEAVER PALLS. Metzger & Co., Manilla, Roofing and Hardware. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Idle.) BRIDGEPORT. Dager & Cox, Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. Mdliness, Hugh, Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. CATAWISSA. Catawissa Paper Co., Manilla. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. (Burnt April 19, 1883.) CHAMBERSBURG. Heyser, W. L., Straw Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. Heyser, William, News and Book. 2,500 lbs.. 24 hours. Lehman, A. S., Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. CHESTER VILLE. Doud, William H., Manilla. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. Lysle, Wilson, Book and News. 600 lbs., 24 hours. Cullen, L. C, Roofing and Carpet Lining. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Garrett, Harvey S., Hardware and Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. COATESVILLE. Eachus, James, Binders' Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. CORYDON. Jamestown Wood Pulp and Paper Co., Wood Pulp. DARBY. Garrett, E. T., Tissue Manilla. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. DORLAN'S MILLS. Dorian, Samuel B., Hanging. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. DOWNINGTON. Kicking, S. Austin, Binders' Board. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Guie, James & Sons, Manilla. 4 tons, 24 hours. Miller, Frank P., Binders' Board. 2%. tons, 24 hours. Garret, C. S., Hanging and Manilla. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Newtown and Upper Darby.) Broomell, Joshua B., Binders' and Box Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is an artistically printed periodical. — Daily American, Waterbury, Ct. CHEYNEY. ERCILDOUN. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 55 Wilson, Jabez, Binders' Board. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. Young", I). S., Binders' Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. ERIE. Watson, H. F., Building and Manilla. 20,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Fairview.) FAIRVIEW. Watson H. F., (P. O. address, Erie, Pa.) Manilla, Building, Roofing and Wrap- ping. 10,000 lbs.,24 hours. (See Erie.) PALLS CITY. Stewart Bros., Wood Pulp. 3 tons, 24 hours. GLEN MILLS. Willcox, J. M. & Son, (P. O. address, 509 Minor street, Philadelphia.) Two mills. Bank Note, Parchment and Print. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. HICKORY HILL. McDonald, J. C, Straw Board and Manilla. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. INDIANA. Hawkhurst & Ray, Straw Board. 1 y 2 tons, 24 hours. Sutton, John W. & Brother, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. KENNETT SQUARE. Wright, John, Binders' Board. 1 ton, 12 hours. KIMBERTON. Lona Paper Co., Binders' Board. 2}4 tons, 24 hours. Sheeder, J. Frederick, Binders', Trunk, Album and Box Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. LANCASTER. Printers' Paper Mill, Manilla. Shoher, John A., Book. 4 tons, 24 hours. LATROBE. Peters, James & Co., Roofing, Manilla, Sheathing and Wrapping. 16,000 lbs., 24 hours. LEWISVILLE. Megargee Brothers, (P. O. address, 20 South Sixth street, Philadelphia.) Book and Colored. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Modena.) LIGHT STREET. Trench, Thomas & Son, Manilla. 1 ton, 24 hours. V_ The Paper World is an able advocate of the paper interest. — Woman 1 's Word, Philadelphia. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. LOCK HAVEN. Pennsylvania Pulp and Paper Co., (P. O. address, Philadelphia.) Two mills. Manilla, Book, News and Chemical Pulp. 12 tons, 24 hours. LOWER MERION. Stelwag"On, Joseph's Sons, (P. O. address, 525 Commerce street, Philadelphia.) Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Philadelphia.) MANATAWNY. Connard, Gc. B., (P. O. address, Reading.) Book. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See Reading.) MARKLETON. Markle, C. P. & Sons, (P. O. address, Pittsburg.) Chemical Fibre. 30 tons, 24 hours. (See West Newton.) (In hands of Assignee.) MERION. Abraham, T. D., Binders' Board. MIDDLESEX. Witmer, Abraham, Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. MODENA. Jessup & Moore Paper Co., (P. O. address, Philadelphia.) Book. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Wilmington, Del.) Megargee Brothers, (P. O. address, 20 So. Sixth street, Philadelphia.) Book, News and Card. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Lewisville.) MONONGAHELA CITY. Culbertson & Hartrick, Straw Board. 6% tons, 24 hours. MONTOURSVILLE. Starr, William, Kirk & Starr, Straw Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. Mount Holly Paper Co., Two mills. Writing. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Mnllin, W. A. & A. F., Book. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. MOUNT VERNON. McHenry, W. H., Binders' Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. NEWCASTLE. Newcastle Paper Co., Limited, Manilla and Wrapping. 2 tons, 24 hours. NEW LONDON. Rudolph, Philip, (P- O. address, 8 Decatur street, Philadelphia.) Manilla and Wrapping. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is conducted with marked ability and a reflex of the interest existing in regard to the production of paper. — Gazette, Frankford, Pa. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 57 NEWTOWN. Garrett, C. S., Card and Hanging. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Ercildoun and Upper Darby.) NORRISTOWN. Shannon, Joseph, Binders' Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. NORTH-EAST. Cochran & Young", Book, News and Manilla. 1 ton, 24 hours. NOTTINGHAM. Graves, Harvey, Straw Board. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. OAKDALE. Lewis, J. Howard, Book and News. 4,500 lbs., 24 hours. OXFORD. Wells, Charles & Co., (P. O. address, 6 Decatur street, Philadelphia, Pa.) Man- illa and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Rising Sun, Md.) PENNSBURG. Leidy, Joseph K», Wrapping. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. PHILADELPHIA. Am. Wood Paper Co., Manayuuk Chemical Fibre Works. Location in Manayunk. Chemical Fibre. 20 tons, 24 hours. (See Spring City.) Baeder, Adam son & Co., Manilla. Butler, William & Co., Book. 3 tons, 24 hours. Hamilton, W. C. & Son, Book and Envelope. 8,000 lbs., 24 hours. Harding', William W., News and Book. 4 tons, 24 hours. Chemical Fibre. Lang", John, Roofing. 1 1 tons, 24 hours. McDowell, George, News. 6,500 lbs., 24 hours. Morehouse Brothers, Book. 4 tons, 24 hours. Nixon, Martin & William H., Two mills. News and Book, 15 tons. Manilla and Wrapping, 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. Rudolph's S. A., Sons, Book, News, and Chemical Fibre. tons, 24 hours. Stelwag-Oll's, Joseph Sons, Carpet Lining and Roofing. 11,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Lower Merion.) Balfour, Alexander, (P. O. address, 18 Decatur street.) Two mills. Book and Colored. 10,000 lbs., 24 hours. PITTSBURG. Godfrey & Clark, Two mills. Manilla. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is one of the finest printed magazines that comes to this office.— Advertiser, Woodvillc, N. H. 58 fHE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. PITTSTON. Rommel, G. B., News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. READING. Biushong- Paper Co., Limited, Three mills. Book and News, 13,000 lbs. Manilla, 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. Van Reed, Charles L., Two mills, Book and News. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. ROARING SPRING. Morrison, Bare & Cass, News. 7 tons, 24 hours. (See Tyrone.) RUSSELL VILLE. Coates, Warrick, Straw Board. 1,600 lbs., 24 hours. McHenry, M. E., Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. SCHUYLKILL. Williams, B. F., Binders' Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SHICKSHINNY. KOOUS Brothers, Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 12 hours. SHIPPENSBURG. Shryock Brothers, Straw and Binders' Board and Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. SMITHTON. Smith, J. H. & Co., Straw Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. SPRING CITY. American Wood Paper Co., The, Chemical Fibre, Card and Manilla. 9 tons, 24 hours. (See Philadelphia.) SPRING FORGE. Gladfelter, P. H., Book and News. 15 tons, 24 hours. STROUDSBURG. Chemical Pulp Co., Blotting, Chemical Fibre and Manilla. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. TYRONE. Morrison, Bare & Cass, Book and News. 9 tons, 24 hours. (See Roaring Spring.) UHLERSVILLE. Uhler, Sydney K., Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. UPPER DARBY. Garrett, C. S. & Son, (P. O. address, 12 Decatur street.) Book and Card. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. - > The Paper World gives to the general reader a vast amount of information concerning journalism, printing and literature. — Student Life, Washington University, St. Louis. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 59 VALLEY FORGE. Palm Paper Co., (P. O. address, Washington, D. C.) Book and Manilla. 2^ tons, 24 hours. (See Savannah, Ga.) WEST CHESTER. Bowers Brothers, Manilla. 1 ton, 12 hours. WEST NEWTON. Markle, C. P. & Sons, (P. O. address, Pittsburg.) Three mills. Roofing, Lin- ing, Hardware, Print and Chemical Fibre. 24 tons, 24 hours. ( See Markleton.) YORK. Codorous Mill, Writing. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. York Mill, Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. (Idle.) RHODE ISLAND. PAWTUCKET. Bridge Mill Paper Co., (P. O. address, Providence.) News and Card. 3 tons, 24 hours. PROVIDENCE. Richmond Paper Co., (In construction.) SOUTH CAROLINA. BATH. Barrett Manufacturing 1 Co., The, (P. O. address, Augusta, Ga.) News, Manilla and Wrapping. 5,000 lbs. Wood Pulp. 3,500 lbs., 24 hours. GREENVILLE. Jones, W. R., News, Manilla and Wrapping. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. TENNESSEE. KNOXVILLE. Rayl & McKinney, Manilla and News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is the leading organ of the paper making and paper-using interests of the country. — Evening Gazette, Brockton, Mass. 6o THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. MANCHESTER. Stone Fort Paper Co., Book and News. 7,000 lbs., 24 hours. NASHVILLE. Tennessee Paper Co., Two mills. Book, Blotting, News and Manilla. 7.500 lbs., 24 hours. UTAH TERRITORY. BUTLER VILLE. Beseret News Company, (P. O. address, Salt Lake City.) Print and Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. VERMONT. BELLOWS PALLS. Fall Mountain Paper Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Six mills. News, Card and Manilla. 27 tons, 24 hours. Wood Pulp. 19 tons, 24 hours. Flint, Wyman & Sons, Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 2,700 lbs., 24 hours. Moore, Arms & Thompson, Manilla. 8 tons, 24 hours. Moore, John T., Tissue Manilla. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. Robertson, John & Son, Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Russell, Willard & Co., Two mills. Manilla. 5,000 lbs. Wood Pulp, 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. BENNINGTON. Vermont Fibre Co., Wood Pulp. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. BRADFORD. Bradford Paper Manufacturing" Co., Manilla and Wrapping. 1 ton, 24 hours. BRATTLEBORO. Vinton, Timothy, News. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. DERBY. Burant & Adams, Manilla. 1,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See Wells River.) ESSEX JUNCTION. Hunter & Shiland, Hanging and Curtain. 2 tons, 24 hours. J The Paper World is a wonderfully good periodical. — Daily Mercury, New Bedford, Mass, r ~^ THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 6 1 LYNDON. Wilder & Co., (P. O. address, Boston.) Wood Pulp. 4 tons, 24 hours. (See Ashland, N. H., and McLerans.) McLERANS. Wilder & Co., Wood Pulp. 3 tons, 24 hours. (See Ashland, N. H., and Lyndon.) MIDDLEBURY. Burlington Manufacturing Co., Pulp. Green Mountain Pulp Co., Two mills. Wood Pulp. 50,000 lbs., (wet), 24 hours. MORRISVILLE. Morrisville Pulp Works, Chemical Fibre. 1 ton, 24 hours. NORTH BENNINGTON. Bennington Falls Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, (wet), 24 hours. Stark Paper Co., Two mills. Hanging and Curtain. \%. tons, 24 hours. PASSUMPSIC. Clishmau, F. A., (P. O. address, Lebanon, N. H.) Wood Pulp. 2,250 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. PITTSFORD. Franklin, J. B., Wood Pulp. PUTNEY. Cole & Gougll, Manilla and Tissue Manilla. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. Robertson, William & Sons, Tissue Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. READSBORO. Deerfield River Co., Wood Pulp. 10 tons, 24 hours. ST. JOHNSBURY. Pierce, A. A. & Son, Straw Board. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. SALISBURY. Dunmore Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (wet), 24 hours. Kingsley Brothers, Wood Pulp. 1 ton, (dry), 24 hours. SOUTH WALLINGFORD. Ely, Edward P. & Co., Wood Pulp. 5 tons, 24 hours. WELLS RIVER. Durant & Adams, Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. (See Derby.) The Paper World is the best trade journal in the country. — Daily Saratogian, Saratoga Springs, New York 62 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. VIRGINIA. RICHMOND. Manchester Paper Co., Tissue Manilla. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. Bichmond Paper Manufacturing Co., Book, News and Blotting. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Smith, James C, Blotting, Manilla and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. WINCHESTER. Winchester Paper Co., Straw Board. 7 tons, 24 hours. WASHINGTON TERRITORY NEW TACOMA. Paper Mill. WEST VIRGINIA. HALLTOWN. Eyster & Son, Straw Board. 7 tons, 24 hours. PARKERSBURG. Kanawha Wood Pulp Co. West Virginia Fibre Co., Chemical Fibre. 6 tons, (dry), 24 hours. SHEPHERDSTOWN. Tan Alstyne & Ryan, Straw Board. 7 tons, 24 hours. WELL SBURG-. George, S., Manilla. 4,000 lbs., 24 hours. Harvey & Brother, Straw Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. WHEELING. Hanna & Clemens, News and Tea. 2,500 lbs., 24 hours. Wagener, David, Straw Wrapping. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. J The Paper World is an elegant monthly. — Winsted (Ct.) Herald. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 63 WISCONSIN. APPLETON. Appletoil Flour and Paper Co., Writing. (In construction.) Appleton Paper and Pulp Co., News. 14,000 lbs., 24 hours. Atlas Paper Co., Three mills. Manilla and News. 8 tons. Wood Pulp. 10 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Billing's & Morrison, Building and Straw Board. 5 tons, 24 hours. Kimberly & Clark Co., Two mills. Book. 4 tons, 24 hours. (New mill in construction.) Will make Book and News. (See Neenah.) Patten Paper Co., Limited, Book and News. 8 tons, 24 hours. (See Neenah.) Richmond, G. N. & Brother, Manilla. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Valley Pulp and Paper Co., Two mills. Manilla. 4^ tons, 24 hours. ASHLAND. Carrier, E. G. & Son, Wood Pulp. 3 tons, (dry), 24 hours. BARABOO. Brewster, E., Straw Board. 7 tons, 24 hours. BELOIT. Beloit Straw Board Co., Two mills. Straw and Building Board. 12 tons, 24 hours. Rock River Paper Co., Three mills. Building, Lining, Straw Board, Manilla and Wrapping. 24 tons, 24 hours. (See Marshall, Mich.) Eau Claire Pulp and Paper Co., Book and News. 4 tons, 24 hours. GRAND RAPIDS. Hyde, W. & Co., (P. O. address, Appleton.) Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Bradner Smith & Co., (P. O. address, Chicago, 111.) Two mills. Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Rockton, 111.) Kelso, George F., Wood Pulp. 1 ton, (dry), 24 hours. Fox River Paper & Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 3 tons, 24 hours. Frambach, H. A., Manilla. 3 tons, 24 hours. Union Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 12 tons, (dry), 24 hours. CBNTRALIA. Wisconsin Wood Pulp Co., Wood Pulp. 4 tons, (dry), 24 hours. EAU CLAIRE. KAUKAUNA. The Paper World is certainly the most comprehensive magazine of its kind ever issued. — Daily Recorder, Meriden, Ct. r 6 4 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. MARINETTE. Marinette and Menominee Paper Co., The, Three mills. Manilla and Print. 9 tons. Wood Pulp. 8 tons, (dry), 24 hours. Gilbert & Whiting 1 , Book, News and Colored. 5 tons, 24 hours. Menasha Paper & Pulp Co., Wrapping and Manilla. 9*4 tons, 24 hours. Kimberly & Clark Co., Two mills. News. 10,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See Apple- ton.) Patten Paper Co., Limited, Book and News. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Apple- ton.) Winnebago Paper Mills, Book, News and Colored. 5 tons, 24 hours. SPARTA. Newton, 0. I., Wrapping. 6,000 lbs., 24 hours. WHITEWATER. Denison & Tanner, News and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is brimful and running over with useful and practical information.— Sentinel and Witness, Middletown, Ct. MENASHA. NEENAH. v. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 65 1883. ESTABLISHED 1849 -34 YEARS. 1883. GANTZ, JONES & CO., NO. 176 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Importers and Commission Merchants IN Special Contracts made for Stated Periods with Select Houses. N. B.— At all times ready to give very low quotations for Cash. V The Paper World is an exceedingly interesting and instructive Publication. Daily Avalanche, Memphis, Tenn. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED 1842. CfieqeiJ BigeloW Wife Wor 1 ^ -4. SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U. S. A. The Paper World is an admirable journal. -Long Island Traveler, Southold, L. I. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 67 DOMINION OF CANADA. ONTARIO. BELLEVILLE. Lazier, S. A., Straw Wrapping. 2,000 lbs., 24 hours. CAMPBELLFORD. Keeler, Thomas P., Straw Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. Northumberland Paper Co., (In construction.) CORNWALL. Toronto Paper Manufacturing Co., Writing and Book. 5 tons, 24 hours. DUNDAS. Fisher, John & Son, Print, Hardware and Manilla. 3^ tons, 24 hours. Chemical Fibre. FRANKFORD. Sills Brothers, Straw Wrapping. 3,200 lbs., 24 hours. GEORGETOWN. Barber, William & Brothers, Two mills. Book, News, Manilla, colored and Hanging. 5,000 lbs., 12 hours. Lincoln Paper Mills Co., Limited, (P. O. address, St. Catherines, Ont.) Man- illa and wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. Blordan, John, Two Mills. News and Wrapping. 6 tons News. 2 tons Wrap- ping, 24 hours. LINDSAY. Lindsay Paper Mill Co., (P. O. address, Montreal.) Manilla. MERRITTON. The Paper World is a very interesting journal. — Snow Flake, Dunbarton, N. H. r 68 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. NAPANEE MILLS. Napanee Mills Paper Manufacturing* Co., Book and News. 5,500 lbs., 24 hours. (See Newburg.) Thompson Brothers, (P. O. address, Newburg.) News and Book. 2 tons 24 hours. NEWBURG. Napanee Mills Paper Manufacturing- Co., News and Colored Print. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. (See Napanee Mills.) PETERBORO. Usborne, W. & Co., Wood Pulp. 11,000 lbs., 24 hours. ST. CATHERINES. St. Catherines Pulp and Paper Co., Limited, News, Manilla, Wrapping and Straw Board. 9,000 lbs., 24 hours. THOROLD. Thorold Wood Pulp Paper Co., Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. TORONTO. Taylor Brothers, Two Mills. Book, News, Manilla, Wrapping and Roofing 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. Taylor, Thomas B., News, Manilla and Wrapping. 1,400 lbs., 24 hours. TRENTON. Miller Brothers & Ford, Straw Wrapping and Board. 1,200 lbs., 24 hours. WEST FLAMBORO. Stutt, James & Sons, Two Mills. Manilla and Wrapping. 3,000 lbs., 24 hours. Wood Pulp. QUEBEC. CHAMBLY CANTON. Yule, John, Manilla. 2^ tons, 24 hours. EAST ANGUS. Angus, William, (P. O. address, 214 St. James St., Montreal.) Chemical Fibre. 6 tons, 24 hours. FRASERVILLE STATION. Fraserville Manufacturing Co., Wood Pulp. 8 tons, (dry), 24 hours. The Paper World is an excellent periodical, which has proved a complete success. — Evening Register, Hudson, N. Y. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 69 JOLIETTB. Crilly, John & Co., (P. O. address, 389 St. Paul street, Montreal.) Blotting, News and Manilla. 2 tons, 24 hours. LACHUTE. Wilson, J. C. & Co., (P. O. address, Montreal.) Manilla, Wrapping, News and Colored. 5,000 lbs., 24 hours. MADDINGTON FALLS. Three Rivers Paper Co., (P. O. address, Three Rivers.) Wood Pulp. 2 tons, (dry), 24 hours. (See Port Neuf.) MONTREAL. Canada Paper Co., Limited, Three mills, Book, News, Manilla, Wrapping, Writing and Roofing. 10 tons, 24 hours. Dominion Leather Board Co., The, Leather Board. 1 y z tons, 24 hours. Dominion Paper Co., Book, News, Hanging, Colored and Manilla. 14,000 lbs., Chemical Fibre. 5 tons, 24 hours. MURRAY BAY. CilllOIl, S. X., Wood Pulp. 4,000 lbs., (dry), 24 hours. PORT NEUP. Ford, Joseph & Co., Two Mills. Wrapping and Roofing, 2,500 lbs. Wood Pulp and Wood Pulp Board, 2 tons, 24 hours. Three Rivers Paper Co., (P. O. address, Three Rivers.) Two mills. News, Manilla and Wrapping, 2 tons. Wood Pulp, 1% tons, 24 hours. (See Mad- dington Falls.) QUEBEC. Reid, J. & W.j News, Roofing, Lining, Wrapping and Sheathing. 5 tons, 24 hours. STE. JEAN DE NEUVILLE. Dlipont, Lewis, Wood Board. 1 ton, 24 hours. Hamelin, F. X. T., (P. O. address, Port Neuf.) Two mills. Carpet Lining, Roofing and Wrapping, 1%, tons. Wood Pulp and Wood Pulp Board, 1 ton, 24 hours. ST. JEROME. DeLisle & Co., Wood Pulp Roofing, Straw Board and Wrapping. 3 tons, 24 hours. Holland Paper Co., Book and News. 3 tons, 24 hours. SAULT AU RECOLLECT. McNeven & Cole, (P. O. address, Montreal.) Carpet Lining, Roofing, and Straw Board. 2 tons, 24 hours. The Paper World is a publication of a high order of merit. — Daily Monitor, Fall River Man 70 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. SHERBROOKE. Ferguson, John & Co., Wood Pulp. 8 tons, (wet), 24 hours. VALLEYFIELD. Hunt ill, Alexander, Three mills. Book, News, Manilla and Writing. 6%, tons, 24 hours. MANITOBA. BRANDON. Cameron & Larkin, (In construction.) PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. Mcllvaine, Samuel, Building. 5 tons, 24 hours. NEW BRUNSWICK. ST. JOHN. Harris, James & D. Breeze, Wrapping, Manilla, News and Leather Board. 3 tons, 24 hours. NOVA SCOTIA. ELLERSHOUSE. Ellershausen, Francis, Pulp mill. MILL VILLAGE. Nova Scotia Wood Pulp & Paper Co., Limited, Wood Pulp. 1,000 lbs., 24 hours. The Paper World is thoroughly representative ot the paper interests.— Dry Goods Bulletin. New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 71 PEARL PULP This article has been in use now more than four years at some of the best mills in the country, and has given Entire Satisfaction. Although we sell it cheap we guarantee it to be the Best ma- terial now in use, whether for- eign or domestic, for increasing the weight of paper, improving the finish, and making the sheet more opaque. THE STANDARD PDLP CO, Springfield, Mass. PEARL PULP The Paper World is a sort of paper king, ruling over the world wherever paper is used. — Holyoke Herald, Holyoke, Mass. 7- THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. CENTRAL AMERICA. CUBA. HAVANA. Castro, H. & Co., Wrapping. MEXICO. CITY OF MEXICO. Aristi, Carlos. Benfield, Breker & Co. Concurso de Francisco de la Fuente. Ludert, Frederico. Maillefert, Carlos. Villa, Genero. Zavalza, Manuel. SOUTH AMERICA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BUENOS AYRES. Alcantara, Manuel, (7 Mejico street.) Wrapping. Llurite & Co., (50 California street.) Wrapping. The Paper World is an A No. 1 journal in the field which it represents.— Hubbard's Printers' 1 Advertiser. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 73 Abbott & Co., Pilton, Barnstaple. Royal Hands and Browns, i machine. Allen, John & Sons, Ivybridge, Devonshire. Writing and Envelope. 3 machines. Allnut, Henry & Son, Two mills. Maidstone, Kent. Writing, Blotting, Cheque and Print. 2 machines, 1 Vat. Almond, William & Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Browns and Grocery. 2 machines. Ambler, Timothy & Son, near Keighley, Yorkshire. Glazed Boards. 2 Vats. Annandale, John & Sons, Shotley Bridge, Durham. Two mills. Writing, Envelope, Print and Blotting. 5 machines. Arnold, Joseph, Eynsford, Kent. Hand made. Writing and Bank Note. 3 Vats. Ashdown & Hobday, Dover. Writing and Cartridge. 1 machine. AsllWOrtll & Co., Church, Lancashire. Manilla and Glazed. 2 machines. Aston Paper Mills Company, Rocky Lane, Birmingham. Manilla and Wrap- ping. 1 machine. Atlas Paper Mills Company, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Wrapping, Glazed Casings and Caps. 1 machine, 1 vat. Austin, George, Rickmansworth, Herts. Three mills. Fine Small Hands, Royal Hands and Print. 4 machines. Avalon Leather Board Company, Somerset. Leather and Glazed Boards. 1 machine. Bagshaw, G. & R. G., Norwich. Browns, Royal Hands, Middles and Wrappers. 1 machine. Bainbridge, C. T. & Son, Yarm, Yorkshire. Browns, Mill Wrappers and bag Paper. 1 machine. Baldwin, James & Sons, Kings Norton, near Birmingham, Wrapping, Gun Wadding and Bag Papers. 3 machines, 1 vat. Balston, W. & R., Maidstone, Kent. Hand made Writing. 16 vats. Batchelor, J. & Son, Charing, Kent. Hand made Writing. 2 vats. Bateson, Roger, near Garstang, Lancashire. Browns. 1 machine. Bath Paper Mills Company, near Bath. Print and Cartridge. 1 Machine. The Paper World is rich with interesting facts and a hright oasis in the paper w< rid. — Argus, Mount Vernon, N f Y. 74 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Billing, Martin & Son, Newport, Salop. Middles and Wrapping. I machine. Binns, Ellen, Durham. Small Hands, i machine. Birkhead, Mark, Branthwaite, near Cockermouth. Browns, i machine. Birmingham Paper Mills Company, Catties Grove, Nechells, Birmingham. Glazed, Manillas and Tobacco Papers. 2 machines. Bishop, William, Eashing. Fine Middles and Cartridge. 2 machines. Black, James, Wells, Somerset. Browns, Middles and Millboards. 2 machines, 1 vat. Bonsor, Barthrop, Stalybridge, Lancashire. Print. 1 machine. Bracken, Jonathan & Sons, Dean Mills. Luddenden, Halifax. Browns, Man- illas, Wrapping, Bag, Mill Wrappers and Tube Papers. 4 machines. Bracken, T. H. & Co., Halifax, Yorkshire. Four mills. Writing, Print, Man- illa, Browns and Colored. 6 machines, 6 vats. BriggS, Charles, Tamworth, Staffordshire. Manillas, Hardware and Middles. 2 machines. Brittain, Thomas & Son, Hanley, Staffordshire. Tissue. 2 machines. Broadbent, William & Sons, Limited, Little Lever, near Bolton, Lancashire, Wrapping and Cartridge. 3 machines. Brown, David, Fourstones, Northumberland. Book and News. 1 machine. Buckinghamshire Millboard Co., Wooburn, Bucks. Browns and Millboards. 2 machines, 14 vats. Burnley Paper Works Co., Burnley, Lancashire. Wrapping. 2 machines. Burt, H. C, Wunbourne, Dorset. Wrapping. 1 machine. Bury Paper Making and Cotton Spinning Co., Bury, Lancashire. Writing, Book and News. 2 machines. Busbridge, Geo. F. & Co., East Mailing, Kent. Two mills. Ledger and Writing. 2 machines. Butterfield & Renton, Bishop Monkton, near Ripon, Yorkshire. Mill and Glazed Boards. 2 vats. Cannon, Alfred, Sanford-on-Thames, near Oxford. Browns and Royal Hands. 1 machine. Carlisle, Son & Co., Clitheroe, Lancashire. Book and News. 2 machines. Chadwick, William & Sons, Pendleton, Manchester. Two mills. Book, News and Colored 5 machines. Chadwick & Taylor, Salford, Lancashire. Book and News. 3 machines. Clanna Millboard Mill, Sydney, Gloucestershire. Mill Boards. 2 vats. Clark & Luke, Ripponden, near Halifax. Browns and Casings. 1 machine, Collins, C. R. & Co., Cullompton, Devon. Print, Collar and Cartridge. 1 machine. The Paper World is an admirably conducted journaj, which has deserved the favor it has evidently won. — Daily Courier , Lowell, Mq$$* THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 75 Collins Paper Mill Company, Limited, Darwen, Lancashire. Browns and Manilla, i machine. Colman, J. & J., Norwich, Norfolk. Small Hands, i machine. Compere, T. A. Jr., Glanaber, Crickhowell, Breconshire. Millboards. 3 vats. Cooke, Henry & Co., Richmond, Yorkshire. Blotting, Cartridge and Colored. 3 machines. Cooke, Leonard, Horwich, Lancashire. Wrapping and Bag Paper. 1 machine. Crabtree, Charles, Bingley, Yorkshire. Browns and Tube Paper. 1 machine. Crompton, Jas. R., Bury, Lancashire. Tissue, Print and Colored. 6 machines- Crompton, J. & T. B., Bolton, Lancashire. Book, News, Manilla and Browns. 8 machines. Cropper, James & Co., Burnside, Westmoreland. Two mills. Cartridge, En- velope and Glazed, 5 machines. Cudlip & Son, Brook Mill, Little Eaton, near Derby. Writing, News and Plate. 1 machine. Culling-ford, W. A., Norwich, Norfolk. Hardware, Middles, Mill Wrappers and Box Boards. 1 machine. Cuming", C. T., Bradninch, Devon. Caps, Browns, Royal Hands, and Mill Wrappers. 1 machine. Dartford Creek Mill, Dartford, Kent. News. 3 machines. Darwen Paper Mill Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Book and Browns. 5 machines. Deeply Vale Paper Manufacturing Co., Walmersley near Bury, Lancashire. News, Hardware and Middles. 1 machine. Delane, Magnay & Co., Norwich, Norfolk. Book, News and Cartridge. 3 machines. Dickinson, John & Co., Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Four mills. Book, News, Cartridge, Brown and Plate Papers. 12 machines. Dimmock, James & Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Book and News. 1 machine. Dixon, Peter & Son, Oughty Bridge, near Sheffield, Lancashire. Book and News. 1 machine. Dowding", W. J. & Sons, Slaughterford, Chippenham, Wiltshire. Wrapping. 1 machine. Drew, J. M. & Co., Silverton, near Cullompton, Devonshire. Book, News and Collar Paper. 2 machines. Duxbury, Andrew, Bury, Lancashire. News, and Browns. 2 machines. Duxbury, Y. & Sons, Hall-i-'th'-Wood, near Bolton, Lancashire. Wrapping, Caps, and Bag Paper. 2 machines. Eagley Paper Mill Company, Eagley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire. Print, News, Cartridges, Royal Hands, Small Hands, and Colored 2 machines. The Paper World is not only one ot the best printed, but one of the best edited publi- cations in Massachusetts. — Journal of Industry, Orange, Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. East Lancashire Paper Company, Limited, Radcliffe, near Manchester. News Print and Writing. 5 machines. Emmet, John & Co., Springfield Works, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire. Hard- ware, Casings, Cartridges and Wrapping. 3 machines. Epperstone Paper Company, Epperstone Mills, near Nottingham, Notts. Wrapping, Filtering, and Middles. 1 machine. Evans, Adlard & Co., Two mills. Winchcombe, near Cheltenham, Gloucester- shire. Blotting, Filtering, Sampling, and Colored. 2 machines. Evans, Samuel & Co., Derby. Writing, Print and News. 2 machines. Evans & Owen, Ely, Glamorgan, South Wales. Print and News. 3 machines. Fisher & Co., Tamworth, Staffordshire. News. 3 machines. Fletcher, Falconar & Co., Scotswood-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fletcher, Robt. & Son, Stoneclough, near Manchester. Tissue, Writing, Print and Manilla. 7 machines. Ford, Thomas B., Two mills. Loudwater, near High Wycombe, Bucks. Blot- ting. 1 machine. Ford Works Company, Hylton, near Sunderland, Durham. Writing, Book, News and Cartridge Paper. 2 machines. Gallon, Thomas & Co., Fellingshore, Durham. Wrapping and Hardware. 1 machine. Garnett Peter & Son, Otley, Yorkshire. Wrapping, Hardware, Manilla and Cartridge. 4 machines. Giles, F. G., Andover, Hants. Writing. 1 Vat. 1 machine. Gillespie & Mason, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. Book and News. 2 machines. Gillman & Co., Trew's Weir Mills, Exeter. Wrapping. 1 machine. Goldstraw, Samuel, Cheddleton Mill near Leek, Staffordshire. Tissue. 1 machine. 2 Vats. Grace, William & Co., Scotswood-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Wrapping. 2 machines. Green, J. B., Maidstone, Kent. Hand made Writing and Bank Note. 5 Vats. Greville, H. M. & Son, Wrexham, Denbighshire, North Wales. Hand made Writing and Bank Note. 4 Vats. Grime, Thomas & Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Wrapping and Hardware. 3 machines. Grosvenor, Chater & Co., Two mills. Greenfield, North Wales, and Wooburn. Bucks, Writing, Book, News, Bank Note and Plate. Grove Mill Paper Co., Stockport, Cheshire. Book and News. 1 machine. The Paper World is conducted with excellent judgment and taste. — North Adams Transcript^ North Adams, Mass* r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 77 Gurney, Henry, near Maidstone, Kent. Millboards. Gurney, Henry & Co., Yalding, near Staplehurst, Kent. Millboards, i machine. Haigll, Benjamin, Albert Mill, Retfort, Notts. Browns, small Caps and Royal Hands, i machine. Hall, Win. D. & Sons, Dobcross near Manchester, Yorkshire. Browns, Small Hands, News and Printing. 2 machines. Halstead Paper Mills, Halstead, Essex. Browns, Royal Hands, and Middles. 1 machine. Hargreaves, John, Two mills. Winkhill near Leek, Staffordshire, and Colly- hurst, near Manchester. Browns, Wrapping and Small Hands. 2 machines. Harvey, William, Romsey, Hampshire. Royal Hands, Small Hands, and Browns. 1 machine. Harwood, Lawrence, Turton, near Bolton, Lancashire. Wrapping and Hard- ware. 1 machine. Hastings, Edward, Morton, near Bingley, Yorkshire. Manilla, Browns and Skips. 1 machine. Hastings, John, Milnthrope, Westmoreland. Small Hands, Caps and Manilla. 2 machines. Hayes, G. W. & Co., Two mills. Hemel, Hempstead. Herts, Writing. Book and News. 1 machine. Hendon Paper Works Company, Sunderland. Music, Cartridge, Print, News and Writing. 1 machine. Henry, John & Co., Thatcham, Berks. Browns, Casings and Bag Paper. 3 machines. Heywood, Higginbottom, Smith & Co., Denton, Long Elephants. 1 machine. Hodgkinson, W. S. & Co., Wells, Somerset. Writing, Drawing and Bank Note. 12 Vats. Holden John Estate of, Pediham near Burnley, Lancashire. Wrapping Manilla and Rope. 1 machine. Holker, Samuel, Edenfield, Bury, Lancashire. Cartridge, Browns and Casings. 2 machines. Hollingbourne Paper Co., Hollingbourne, Maidstone. Writing. 1 machine. HollingWOrth & Co., Maidstone, Ledger. Writing and Drawing. 3 machines. Holman F. & H., Two mills. Ivybridge, Devonshire. Browns, Royal Hands and Caps. 2 machines. Hook, Charles T. & Co., Snodland, Kent. Writing, Book, News, Cartridge, Tis- sue and Manilla. 4 machines. Howard, William, Chartham, Kent Writing, Drawing and Envelope. 1 machine. Hurry H. & T. W., Bramford, Suffolk. Browns, .Royal Hands, and Middles. The Paper World is interesting and a model, typographically. — Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati* Ohio. machine. r 78 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Hill ton, M. & Co., Sunderland. Browns. 1 machine. Hythe End Paper Mill Co., Staines, Bucks. Browns, Cartridge and Middles. 1 machine. Ibotson, Percy & Sons., Colnbrook, Bucks. Plate and Print. 1 machine. Ilford Paper Mill Company, Ilford, Essex. Writing, Print and Cartridge. Ingham, James B. & Son, Shuttleworth, Lancashire. Browns, Casings and Colored. 2 machines. Inshaw, John & Sons, Birmingham. Browns and Manilla. 1 machine. Isaac, Wm. Warwick, Aylesford, near Maidstone. Millboards. Isherwood & Brindle, Preston, Lancashire. Browns and Casings. Jack, Michael, Grantham, Lincolnshire. Bowl Papers, Cartridge, Grocery and Browns. 1 machine. Jackson, James, Oaken Clough, Lancashire. Fine Small Hands, Caps, Colored, Browns. 2 machines. Jackson & Smith, Bourne End, Berks. Millboards. 1 machine. Jacob, Jas. & Co., Abergavenny, S. Wales. Millboards. 2 vats. James, John, Hurcott, near Kidderminster, Worcestershire. Writing. 4 vats. Jones, Johnson Roger, Caerwys, Flintshire. Writing and Cartridge. 4 vats. Joynson, William & Son, St. Mary Cray, Kent. Writing. 2 machines. Kensham Paper Mill Company, Cullompton, Devon. Print, News, Collar and Cartridge. 2 machines. King, William & Co., Sheffield. Browns. 1 machine, 2 vats. Lamb, J. E., Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. Tissue and Small Hands. 1 machine. Leather Paper Company, Cleobury, Mortimer, Salop. Blotting, Leather, Mill and Engine Boards 1 machine, 2 vats. List, William & Son, Barnstaple. Wrapping. 1 machine. Lloyd, Edward, Sittingbourne, Kent. News. 1 machine. Lunnon, T. & W., Bourne End, Bucks. Millboards. 9 vats. Macpherson, John, Woollaston, Gloucestershire. Writing, Print and News. 1 machine. McMurry, William, Three mills. News. 4 machines. Manico, E. S., Wallington, Surrey. Royal Hands, Browns and Middles. 1 machine. Mardon, John, Two mills; Pensford, Somerset, and Stanton, Drew. Middles, Royal Hands, Wrapping and Mill Wrappers. 2 machines. Marsden, Charles & Sons, Four mills. Sheffield. Caps, News, Print, Glazed and Wrapping. 6 machines. 1 machine. The Paper World is a handsome periodical and admirably arranged. — Boston Transcript. THE PAPER MI LLjDI RECTORY OF THE WORLD. 70 Marsden, Thomas, Smithies, near Barnsley. Wrapping and Mill Wrappers. 2 machines. Marshall, R. W., Owlerton. Rope. 2 vats. Martyn, Henry M., Exeter. Writing, Print, News and Cartridge. 1 machine. Mayfield, J. R. & A., Hull. Wrapping. 2 machines. Mead, James, Penryn, Cornwall. Print. Medway Paper Mills Company, Maidstone, Kent. Mill Wrappers and Car- tridge. 1 machine. Mendip Paper Mills Company, Wells, Somerset. Print, Writing, Colored, Music and Cartridge. 2 machines. Mercer, D. & R., West Drayton, Middlesex. Millboards. Mills, Humphrey B., Cullompton, Devon. Browns and Double Small Hands. 1 machine. Mitchell, John & Sons, Clitheroe, Lancashire. News and Print. 2 machines. Monckton, Walter & Co., Two mills, Ightham, Sevenoaks, Kent. Writing, Ledger, Bank Note and Drawing. 2 machines. Muggeridge, James S., Carshalton, Surrey. Writing and Ledger Papers. 4 vats. Nash, William, Kent. Writing, Envelope, Blotting and Cartridge. 1 machine. Neighbour, Theophilus, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Fine Small Hands. 1 machine. Neill, John & Co., Leeds. Browns, Casings, Wrapping and Small Caps. 1 machine. Nichols, S. S. & Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Small Hands, Caps and Skips. 2 machines. North Wales Paper Company, Oakenholt, near Flint, North Wales. Print and News. 2 machines. Ockleston, Robert, Mill Bank, Cheshire. Manilla, Wrapping and Hardware. 2 machines. Olive Brothers, Bury, Lancashire. Writing, Print and Cartridge. 4 machines. Olive & Partington, Two mills, Glossop, Derbyshire. Writing, Print, Cartridge, Wrapping and Rope. 6 machines. Parke, Thomas B., Withnell Fold, near Chorley, Lancashire. Print, News, Writing and Cartridge. 3 machines. Parr, Henry, Redditch, Worcestershire. Needle Papers only. 1 machine. Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co., Thetford, Norfolk. Paper ware. Pearson, R. L., Hampton Gay, Oxford. Browns and Cartridge. 1 machine. Peebles & Son, Rishton, Lancaster. Writing, Print and News. 2 machines. The Paper World is one of the best trade journals printed in the country.— Daily Blade Concord^ N. H. r 80 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Peile, Alfred, Workington, Cumberland. Small Hands. 1 machine. Pllipps, F. & Co., Two mills, Dover, Kent. Browns and Cartridge. 3 machines. Plaistowe, James, Loudwater, Bucks. Print and Blotting. 1 machine. Plaistowe, R. H., Loudwater, Bucks. Blotting. 1 machine. Portal, Messrs., Micheldever, Hants. Bank of England Papers exclusively. 7 vats. Pollitt, Samuel & Co., Ulverston, Lancashire. Browns. 1 machine. Potter & Co., Darwen, Lancashire. Writing, Print, Cartridge, News and Long Elephants. 4 machines. Price, A. Wallace & Co., West Drayton, Bucks. Browns, Royal Hands, Mid- dles, Mill Wrappers and Backings. 2 machines. Ramsbottom Paper Mills Company, Manchester. Print, News, Small Caps, Cartridge, Casings, Shop Papers, Frictioned Blacks. 3 machines. Randall & Co., Romsey, Hants. Leather Board and Rope. 2 machines. Rawlins & Co., Wrexham. Glazed Small Hands, Skips. 2 machines. Read, Samuel & Co., Haverfordwest, Pembroke, S. Wales. Browns, Manilla, Cartridge, Small Hands and Wrapping. 1 machine. Richardson, E. & Sons, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Rope, Carpet Felt and Tips. 1 machine. Richardson, William Henry & Albert, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Writing, Envelope and Print. 2 machines. Roach Bridge Paper Company, Samlesbury, Preston, Lancashire. Small Hands, Caps and Skips. 2 machines. Saunders, T. H. & Co., Six mills, Dartford, Kent. Writing, Drawing, Lith- ographic, Print, Bank Note and News. 3 machines, 18 vats. Schloesser, C. R. F., New Mills, Derbyshire. 2 machines. Scotshaw Brook Paper Company, Lower Darwen, Lancashire. Glazed Cas- ings and Rope. 1 machine. Seccombe, P., (Estate of) Totnes, Devonshire. Writing. 4 vats. Shackleton, J. & Sons, Bradford, Yorkshire. Rope and Wrapping. 1 machine. Simons & Pickard, Two mills. Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. Middles, Jacquard cards and Cartridge. 2 machines. Slack, John & Co., Two mills. Stockport, Derbyshire. Manilla, Casings, Tis- sue and Cartridge. 4 machines. Smith Brothers, Durham. Wrapping. 1 machine. Smith, Joseph (jr., Watford, Herts. Writing, Book, and Plate. 1 machine. Smith, Stone & Knight, Birmingham. Browns, Wrapping, Manilla and Car- . tridge. 2 machines. The Paper World is probably without a single exception, the ablest journal devoted to all that pertains to paper in this country. — Recorder, Conshohocton, Pa. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Si Sommerville, A. & R., Taunton, Somerset. Writing and Print. I machine. Soimnerville, W. & J., Bitton, near Bristol, Gloucestershire. Writing, Book and Envelope. 2 machines. Soper, Wheeler & Co., Loudwater, Bucks. Blotting. 1 machine. Spalding 1 & Hodge, South Darenth, Kent. Plate, Drawing, Lithographic, Print- ing, Chart, Music and News. 3 machines. Spicer, A. & Co., Godalming, Surrey. Print, News and Writing. 2 machines. Spicer, H. & W. R. & Co., Alton, Hants. Writing, Drawing, Bank Note and Parchment. 8 vats. Star Paper Mill Company, Feniscowles, Lancashire. News, Print and Long Elephants. 3 machines. Sun Paper Mill Co., Feniscowles, Lancashire. Book and News. 2 machines. Sweetapple, Edward, Carlisle, Cumberland. Print and News. 1 machine. Taylor, John, Turton, near Bolton. 1 machine. Tempest & Son, Little Eaton. Royal Hands, Tobacco, Browns, Small Hands, Glazed Casings and Manilla. 5 machines. Thomas Brothers & Co., Great Barlow, Bucks. Browns, Small Hands, Royal Hands, Cartridges, Mill Wrappers and Middles. 2 machines. Thomas, J. & E. & Green, Two mills. Wooburn, Bucks. News, Print and Writing. 2 machines. Thompson, Bonar & Co., Essex. Writing, Print and Cartridge. 1 machine. Toothill, A., Hosforth, Yorkshire. Wrapping and Rope. 1 machine. Tovil Paper Co., Maidstone, Kent. News and Print. 2 machines. TowgOOd, Alfred, Helpstone, Northamptonshire. Browns. 1 machine. TowgOOd Brothers, St. Neots, Huntingdonshire.' Writing. 2 machines. TowgOOd, Edward & Sons, Sawston, Cambridgeshire. Writing. 2 machines. Town, Joseph & Sons, Keighley, Yorkshire. Writing. 1 machine. Tremlett, Frederick & Co., Stoke Cannon, near Exeter. Manilla, Wrapping, Casings and Caps. 2 machines. Tremlett, W. & A., Exeter. Wrapping and Manilla. 2 machines. Turner & Co., Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Writing, Bank Note, Tissue and Draw- ing. 2 machines, 2 vats. Turner, Charles & Co., Sharpies, Lancashire. News, Print, Tissue, Manilla and Cartridge. 3 machines. Turner, John W. A., Newton, near Stockport. Wrapping, Collar, Cartridge and Casings. 1 machine. Turner, R. P. & Co., Tonbridge, Kent. Writing. 1 machine. Turney, John Goodson, Wooburn Mills, Bucks. Millboards. 1 machine, 7 vat-. The Paper World is a beautiful magazine. — Utilitarian, Margaretville, N. Y. r £ro., Paper Manufacturers, Da/ton, Mass. machine. JURA. 96 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. A. Mervant, Macornay. Wrapping. I machine. Yoinet, Montaine. Envelope. I machine. Barras, Sirod. Wrapping, i machine. Ch. Mervant, Vernois. Wrapping and Boards. I machine. LOIRE ET CHER. J. Vassier & Co., Freteval. News, i machine. J, Yassier & Co., Vendome. News. LOIRE. Montgolfier & Lioud, Bourg-Argental. Glazed and Wrapping. I machine. Pourreyron, Etivaliere. Writing, i machine. Vve. A. Chollet, Letra. Writing. I machine. H. Babourdin, Villeret-sur-Loire. Writing, Print and Hanging. 3 machines. HAUTE LOIRE. Martin Thollet, Pont Salomon. Wrapping. 1 machine. Norbert Teron, St. Didier-la-Suave. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. LOIRE INPERIEURE. Agrault, Nantes. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. LOIRET. E. Grimmont, Buges. Roofing Paper and Boards. 1 machine, 4 vats. E. Bourgeois, La Fosse. Straw Paper. 1 machine. J. Hollard & Fils, Loiret. Sugar Paper and Boards. 1 machine. LOT ET GARONNE. Em. Ballaude, Junior, Cavoudum. Wrapping. Caperony, Martiioque. Straw Paper and Boards. 1 machine. Em. Ballande, Senior, Pombie. Straw Paper and Boards. 1 machine. W. Brugere, Ratier. Print and Cigarette. 1 machine. MAINE ET LOIRE. Biibille & Fils, Bree. Print. 1 machine. Bilbille & Fils, Gouis. Colored and Print. 2 machines. MANCHE. A. P. Richer, Beauficel. Print and Colored. 2 machines. P. Lanos, Beauficel. Print and Colored. 1 machine. A. Heine Freres, Brouains. News and Colored. 2 machines. E. (xardye Fils, Senior, Jaunet. Envelope. 1 machine. V_ You are making so interesting and valuable a paper that I wish to bind and preserve it. — S. N. D. North of Utica, N. Y. t Herald Editorial Staff. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 07 Rene Piedor, Mesnil-Tove. Wrapping. I machine. Benoit, Pere et Fils, St. Maur de Bois. Writing and Print. I machine. Eug*. Breton & Co., St. Lo. Print. I machine. Dumaine Fils, Sourdeval. Board, i machine. MARNE. La P.apeterie de Chaintrix, Chaintrix. Writing and Print. i machine, 3 vats. Constant Poirot, Courlandon. Print and Envelope. 1 machine, 2 vats. Vve. Balthazard, Melette par Lepine. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. F. Francois, St. Martin d'Ablois. Colored and Envelope. 1 machine, 4 vats. HAUTE MARNE. Populus Voilmur, St. Martin. Wrapping. 1 machine. Dav. Nestor & A. Bidd, Villiers-Sur-Marne. Binders' Board and Wrapping. 1 machine, 1 vat. MEURTHE ET MOSELLE. Blum Freres, Champigneules. Boards. 1 machine. Vve. Cremel, Grand Moelins. Boards. 1 machine. Gfentil & Co., Mainbottel. Print and Envelope. 1 machine. MEUSE. Charles Fortin, Baillon. Wrapping. 1 machine. E. L. Dodo, Bel Air. Wrapping. 2 vats. De Condc, Schmid & Du Houx, Beurey. Boards. 1 machine. Mercier Freres, Cheppy. Wrapping. 1 machine. P. G. Tarin, Jean d'heurs. All Kinds. 3 machines. T. Fortin, Remivaux. Boards. 2 vats. Eug". Dodo, Seuzy. Wrapping. 1 machine. Louis Morlet, Seuzy. Envelope and Boards. 5 vats. T. Fortin, Survaux. Filter. 2 vats. De Beurges, Ville-sur-Saulx. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Hilaire Spelty Fils, Vijgneules. Wrapping. 1 machine. Yallet, Void. Envelope. 1 machine, 2 vats. MORBIHAN. L. Delion, Caradec. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Ch. Lemoine, St. Rivalain. Straw Paper. 1 machine. NIEVRE. Cr. Boulard, Corvol 1' Orguelleux. Print, Lithograph, Etc. 2 machines. The Paper World is a beautifully printed paper.— Peter S. Hoe of the far-famed printing press manufacturing firm of R. Hoe 6° Co. of New York and London, : 98 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. NORD. Dellone Freres, Anor. Envelope. 1 machine. Dalle Freres & Lecomte, Bousbecque. Roofing and Boards. 1 machine. Gust. Schive, Marquette. Writing and News. 1 machine. Scrive-Prevost, Marcq-en-Baroeul. Print. I machine. Horrie & Decaussenne, Maubeuge. Envelope. 1 machine. OISB. Chouannard, Etouy. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines, 3 vats. Neuville, Montataire et Nogent les Vierges. Lithographic and Sugar Papers. 1 machine. ORNE. Paul Pasquier, Beauchene. Hanging and Print. I machine. Jourdan, Bellelui. Wrapping. 1 machine. Lelievre, Canapville. Wrapping. 1 machine. Hedoux Freres, Canapville. Colored and Wrapping. 2 machines. Desplonges, Laigle. Needle Papers. 1 machine. Cornville, St. Victor-de Reno. Print. 1 machine. Abadie & Co., Theil. Cigarette Paper. 2 machines. PAS-DE-CALAIS. Cartonnerie Artes, Arras. Boards. 1 machine. Dambricourt Freres, Assenghem Hallines. Print and Writing. 5 machines. 9 vats. L'Hoinmel, Buyenghem. Wrapping. 1 machine. Avot-Vallee, Blandecques. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Westhove, Blandecques. Colored Paper. 1 machine. Em Avot, Elnes. Colored Paper. 1 machine. Verschave, Senior, Ecquerdes. Colored Wrapping and Jacquard Cards. 3 machines. Alloy, Pere, Fauquembergne. Wrapping. 1 machine. Viez-Lecoq, Lampugnoy. Wrapping. 1 machine. Andrien Fresnaye, Marenla. Envelope. 2 machines. P. Lalignant, Maresquel. Writing and News. 3 machines. Ad. H. Vigreux, Nielles-lez-Blequin. Wrapping. 1 machine. Avot-Macaux, Ouve Werquin. Envelope. 1 machine. Sag*ot Avot, Wawrans. Wrapping. 1 machine. Taruselli & Garbe, Warwans. Envelope. 1 machine. V The marvel to me is how you can afford to make so good a paper and of such genuine interest, and yet have it devoted to a specialty.— //'. O. Houghton of the celebrated book- fublishmg house of Houghton, Mifflin 6° Boston. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 99 PUY-DE-DOME. Tixier-Chabrier, Ambert. i machine. Costes Freres, Ambert. Print. I machine. Sauvade, Filliat & Co., Ambert. Colored Tissue. I machine, 2 vats. Tixier, Chabriet & Co., Ambert. Hand Made Paper. 3 vats. Tixier Fouilhoux, Ambert. Hand Made. 2 vats. Vimal du Bouchet, Ambert. Hand Made. 2 vats. Joseph Joubert, Ambert. Wrapping. 2 vats. Beuzelin & Co., Chamalieres. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Vandoit, Clermont. Cigarette Paper. 3 vats. E. Mazeron Fils, Senior, Croix de Ber. Bank Note. 3 vats. Sauvade Filliat & Co., La Combe. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Bonnefay-Joubert, Lafaurie. Filter Paper. 2 vats. Bonpe-Artand, Laufaurie. Filter Paper. 3 vats. Coste & Ledieu, Marsac. Writing. 1 machine. Em. Gaillard, St. Amand-Tallende. Bank Note. 1 machine. Voluisant Freres, St. Vincent Blanzat. Writing and Print. 1 machine. H. Comoy, Tallende. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Coste & Co., Tallende. 1 machine. Pedrigeon, Thiers. Bank Note and Cards. 10 vats. J. Pintrand & Co., Thiers. Bank Note. 8 vats. Ballande & Bougadoire, Thiers. Writing. 1 vat. L. Moimeret, Thiers. Envelope. 1 machine. Felix Mazeron, Thiers. Bank Note. 3 vats. Tixier Chabrier & Co., Valeyrie. Tissue Paper. 16 vats. Tixier Chabrier & Co., La Forie. Gray Tissue Wrapping. 1 machine, 7 vats. N. Delbos, Arudy. Wrapping. 1 machine. Mazure, Bosdaros. Wrapping. 1 machine. Baron Ovid Fils, Montaut. Envelope. 1 machine. Lagarde Freres, Moumour, Straw Paper. 1 machine. P. Medeville Laurent & Co., Orthez. Straw Papers. 2 machines. Papon, Rebenac. Wrapping. 1 machine. The Paper World I believe in. It seems to me the best journal devoted to a specialty of manufacturers that has ever come to my table. It was wanted. — Dr. J. G. Holland. BASSES PYRENEES. HAUTES PYRENEES. L. Duras & Co., Bagneres. Writing. 1 machine. Holland & Pauly, Beyre de Jumet. Tub Made. 2 vats. 100 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Ozun & Esperre, Sarrancolin. Straw Paper. I machine. Ferran, Soues. Boards. 2 vats. Larrue, Tarbes, Straw Paper. 1 machine. P. Abadie, Tarbes. Boards. 2 vats. PYRENEES ORIENTALES. P. Bardon, Job, Moulasse. Job's Cigarette Paper. 6 vats. Joseph Bardoil & Fils, Perpignan. Roofing Paper. 4 vats. Julius Parahy, Perpignan. Cigarette Paper. 3 vats. L. Molinier, Thuir. Cigarette Paper. 2 Vats. RHONE. Vve. Cliauuiartin & Courcelles, Beaujen. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Pierre Gambin, Beaujen. Envelope. 1 machine. J. H. Burnot, Beaujen. Envelope. 1 machine. F. Nitsche, Lyons. Cigarette Paper. 1 machine. HAUTE SAONE. Ch. Boisaux, Conflandey. Wrapping. 1 machine. B. Geiger & Co., Luxeil. Card and Tube Paper. 1 Machine. Em. Deloye & Co., Plancher-Bass. Writing. 2 vats. Outhenin, Chalandre Fils & Co., Savoyeux. Gelatine Sized Paper, 1 machine. SAONE ET LOIRE. Vve. Cardot, Cluny. Envelope. 1 machine. Rigollot Freres, St. Pontaleon. Straw Paper. 1 machine. SARTHE. Nil ma Manier, Basse sur Braye. Print. 1 machine. J. Bessou, Chapaignes. Wrapping and Card. 2 machines. Godiueau Tonellier & Co. t La Fleche. Writing and Print. 4 machines. Louvel & Juteau, Mans. Boards. 2 vats. H. Chauvin, Ponce. Print and Envelope. 2 machines. J. Yaisier & Co., St. Mars la Briere. Writing. 2 vats. SAVOY. Oirot Cadet, Bordeau. Wrapping. 3 vats. Forrest Freres, Bout du Monde. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Girod Aine, La Serraz. Vat Made Paper. 2 vats. C. Descote, La Serraz. Hand Made Writing. 3 vats. I esteem The Paper Wokld highly. It is the cleanest, nicest and most comprehensive of the trade journals. — Charles F. Clark, President Bradstreet Company, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. IOI HAUTE SAVOIE. J. M. AllSSedat, Cran. Writing, Wrapping and Print. 2 machines. SEINE. Vacquerel & Co., Aubervilliers. White and Gray Boards. 1 machine. P. Desfeux, Boulogne. Roofing Boards. 1 machine. Maurin & Co., Gravelle. Wrapping. 1 machine. Vve. Lecoursoniiais, La Glaciere. Wrapping. 1 machine. Eugene Vacquerel, La Villette. Card Boards. 2 machines. Milot, Paris. Card Boards. 1 machine. J. V. Lecoursoniiais, Paris. Wrapping. 1 machine. E. Dubois, St. Denis. Straw Board. 1 machine. Barbelet & Lonard, St. Denis. Boards. Humblot & Co., St. Denis. Roofing Boards. Lequard & Mignot, St. Maur. Railway Boards. 12 vats. Societe Anonyme des Papeteries de, Boissy-le-Chatel, Seine et Marne. All kinds of Paper. 7 machines, n vats. SEINE ET MARNE. Aug". Dufay Fils, Cerceanceaux. Sugar and Butter Paper. 2 machines. SEINE ET OISE. Dantier, Argenteuil. Card Boards. 1 machine. H. Larnaude, Aulnay. Tarred Paper. 1 machine. Franck & Co., Ballancourt. Print. 2 machines. Danjou & Co., Chaville. Hand Made. 2 vats. J. L. Hennecart & Co., Echarcon. Writing, Print and Colored. 3 machines. Darblay, Pere, Fils, & Beranger, Essonne. All Kinds, n machines. Berry, Genainville. Wrapping. 3 vats. Mussey, La Breteche. Envelope. 1 machine. Felicier & Dessaux, Linas. Cards. 1 machine and 2 vats. Neuville, Maule. Lamp Papers. 1 machine. Vve. Lizeray, Maule. School Paper. 1 machine. G« Conty, Ouiville. Lamp Paper. 1 machine. Borel, Port Marly. School Paper. 2 vats. Papeterie de St. Clair, St. Calir-sur-Epte. Wrapping. 1 machine. SEINE INPERIEURE. A. Duval, Auceaumeville. Hand Made Writing. 3 vats. Vve. Brigalent, Barentin. Envelope and Wrapping. 2 machines. v ^ A journal which has the ability, perseverance and energy which The Paper World has shown so far, cannot help but prosper.—^. W. Jones, Superintendent of Department of Public Printing and Binding, Harrisburg, Pa. 102 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Vve. Jacques Crusel, Dieppe. Straw and Tarred Paper, i machine. C. Guillebert, Grainville la Teinturiere. Wrapping. 3 vats. Gosse de Serlay & Co., Gueures. Writing and Envelope, 1 machine. Orzanne, Montiviliers. Hand Made Paper. 2 vats. Varrel & Co., Ponts et Marais. Blue and Wrapping. 2 machines. DEUX SEVRES. Ch. Pellerin, St. Mexent. Writing and Card. 1 machine. SOMME. Jos. Desoutes, Albert et Davours. Tarred and Wrapping. 1 machine. Gfrimvald, Doullens. Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Dllfourmantel, Gonty. Wrapping. 2 machines. Fabius- Boulogne, Loeuilly. Caps and Sugar Paper. 1 machine. Azoeuf & Minguet, Pierrepont-sur-Avre. Wrapping. 2 machines. J. Bernard & Co., Prouzel. Envelope and Needle Paper. 2 machines. TARN. L. Gary, Pere, Fils, & Combes, Brulats. Cigarette Paper. 1 machine, 3 vats. Clary & Taillefer, Castres. Print and Writing. 1 machine. TARN ET GARONNE. Delmas, St. Antonin. Wrapping. 1 machine. Cathala, St. Antonin. Hand Made. 3 vats. Nonorgues, St. Antonin. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Mine. Larieu, Gramont. Cigarette Paper. 3 vats. A. Teissiere & Co., Montech. News. 3 machines. VAR. JOS. Mathieu Fils, Aine, Barjols. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Marius Meires, Belgentier. Wrapping. 1 machine. Clement Voulant, Belgentier. Wrapping. 1 machine. Peupile, Dardennes. Wrapping and Tarred. 4 machines. Flety Artaud, Meounes. Fine Wrapping. 1 machine. Toulant, Meounes. Straw Paper. 1 machine. L. Borelly & Co., Pignans. Wrapping. 1 machine. Luc Boy, Sollies-Toucas. Wrapping. 1 machine. VAUCHISE. Garcin Freres, Chateau neuf de Gadagne. Envelope and News. 2 machines. Mense Fils, Chateau neuf de Gadagne. Common Wrapping. 1 machine. The Paper Wokld is a most excellent publication. — Root &* Tinker Publishers of American Exporter, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Barthes Fils, Courthezon. Straw Paper, i machine. Monrosier, Entrechaux. News, i machine. Barthelemy Cousins, Grillons. Straw Paper. I machine. Dop Freres, Grillons. Envelope, i machine. Favier Fils, Grommelle. Print and School Paper. 2 machines. Geoffroy Fils, Aine, Malaucene. Copying and Cigarette. 1 machine. Chancel, Pere et Fils, St. Albergaty. Sugar Paper. 1 machine. Bonnard Fils, Sorgues. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Garnet, Thor. Boards. 1 machine. Jules Faye,Vabrers. Boards. 1 machine. H. Achard, Valobre. Print. 1 machine. Nerson Freres, Valveas. White Boards. 1 machine. A. Jassot Fils, Vaucluse. Straw Paper. 1 machine. 1 Tacussel Cousins, Vaucluse. Phormium Paper. 1 machine. Tacussel Freres et Fils, Vaucluse. Muslin Paper. 1 machine. Js. Taccussel, Vve., Vaucluse. Cigarette Paper. 1 machine. Elisee Mille, Vaucluse. Envelope. 1 machine. VENDEE. A. Gouraud Fils, Antiere. White Papers. 2 machines. C. Biziere-Jublill, Chagnais-sur-Sevres. Hanging and Writing. 1 machine. Cll. Cirzire, Rapion, Wrapping and Paper Box. 1 machine. Girard Freres & Co., Tiffauges. Print and Hanging. 2 machines. VIENNE. Gigot DesieilX, Beaumont. Gray Wrapping. 3 vats. Dupont, Latille. Sugar Papers. 3 vats. Hivonnait Fils, Migne. Wrapping. 2 vats. N. Munier & Co., Papault. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Boucher, Tricherie par Beaumont. Tub Made Paper. 2 vats. Mine. BoildoilX, Vouneuil Sur Briard. Tub Made Papers. 2 vats. HAUTE VIENNE. Societe Centrale, Aixe-S-Vienne. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Camille Barataud, Bouchet. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Lacoste, Le Buis. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Degrassae, Chateauneuf. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Besse, Cotariat. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Thibaut & Defaye, Courrieres. Writing and News. 1 machine. V . I have read and re-read a sample number of The Paper World and must say that it comes up to my idea of what a trade journal should be. — E. G. H. Adams, Book and Job Printer, Spring Valley, Minn. r 104 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Trapineau, Lage. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Charles Freres, Limoges. Tub Made. 3 vats. Defaye Patry, Limoges. Board. 3 vats. Faye & Co., Limoges. Tarred Paper. 1 machine. James de Veyvialle, Les Vergnes. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Allelix, Maneux. Boards. 1 vat. Pommier, Mantait. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Leon Lautreix, Moulinde fer. Boards. 3 vats. Lemasson, Reyrat le Chateau. Straw Paper. 1 machine. (x. Durand, Rochechouart. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Labrousse Freres, Saillat. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Cephas Cadillac, Sampinet. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Barataud Freres, St. Junien. Straw Paper. 1 machine. A. Rigaud & Co., St. Junien. Straw Paper. 3 machines. Lanoille, St. Junien. Straw Paper. 1 machine. (iibaiin Jeune, St. Junien. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Perrin, St. Junien. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Roudier, GraYellat & Co., St. Junien. Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Yignerie & Co., St. Junien. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Ragaud Freres, St. Leonard. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Tandeau de Marsae, St. Leonard. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Rognerie Jeune, St. Leonard. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Veigneaud, St. Priest. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Laborderie, Dronion & Co., Val d' Enraud. Straw Paper. 2 machines. James de Yeyvialle, Vergnes. Straw Paper. 1 machine. A. Morel, Bercioux & Masure, Arches et Archettes. Fine Writing and Bank Note. 32 vats. Geoff roy & Co., Badlieu. Print, Lithograph, Colored and School. 2 machines. J. B. Alitoine, Beaumenil. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Jager, Beaumenil. Wrapping. C. Simonin, Chatel Sur Moselle. Chemical Paper/ 1 vat. E. Bichelberger, Champon & Co., Claire Fontaine et Etival. Writing and Print. 4 machines. Boucher Brocard, Docelles. Writing and Hanging. 1 machine. Ch. Claudel, Docelles. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Krantz Freres, Docelles. Writing and Print. 2 Machines. We believe The Paper World is by far the best of the trade papers. — Hampshire Paper Company, South Hadley Falls, Mass, VOSGES. V THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Herscll Freres, Epinal. Card Boards, i machine. Jacqucmin Freres, Grange de Plombiers. Wrapping, i machine. Henri Moilgeot, Lavel. Wrapping, Writing and Print, i machine. Societe Anonyme des Papeteries du Souche, Le Souche. All kinds. 3 ma- chines. Vve Lahache, Luxeuil. Wrapping. 1 machine. P. Paul, Mirecourt. Tub Made. 4 vats. Gadel & Geoffroy, Rambervilliers. Print. 2 machines. C. Metenett & Co., Raon V Etappe. Print and Colored Poster. 2 machines. Louis Geisler Fils, Raon V Etappe. Wood Pulp Paper. 1 machine. Mathieil Riyat, Rehaupal par Bruyeres. Print. 1 machine. Aug". Krantz & Cerveiller, Remiremont. Print. 1 machine. J. Picard Fils, St. Die. Boards. 1 vat. D'Heimezel & Cailley, Valleroy C. Sec. Print. 1 machine. J. N. Thiriet, Yvoua. Writing. 1 machine 1 vat. YONNE. Lombard Salmon, Avallon. Wrapping. 3 vats. Dubois, Avallon. Boards. 1 machine, 3 vats. CELLULOSE EIBRE MANUFACTURERS. Mios Wood Cellulose Manufacturing 1 Co., Bordeaux. ISERE. L. Orioli, Escoffier, Pontchara. MANCHE. Bichelberg-er & Co., Thar pres Granville. STRAW PULP MANUFACTURERS. Didot, Freres, Fils & Co., Au Menil pres Paris. Compagnie francaise de fondettes St. Cyr, Indre et Loire. ISERE. Sem & Co., Fejsin. Matussiere, Domaine. Breton, Freres & Co., Pont de Claix. We have been very much interested in The Paper World from its start, and read it from month to month with interest and instruction, — Wellington Smith, Treasurer Smith Pater Co., Lee, Mass. 1 06 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. MANCHE. Ellg. Breton & Co., Granville St. Lo. HAUTE SAONE. Outhenin, Chalandre Fils & Co., Seveux. Montebello Paper Mills, Paris. SAVOY. Orioli, Escoffler, Pontcharra. WOOD PULP MANUFACTURERS. AIN. Societe francaise ties pates, Bellegarde. DOUBS. Societe Anonyme, Mandeure. ISERE. A. Fredet & Co., Brignoud. Matussiere, Domene. Berg-es & Co., Lancey. Aury, Pontchara-sur-Breda. Houri, Pontchara-sur-Breda. JURA. Soc Anoiiyme, Bellerive. MAINE ET LOIRE. BilMlle & Fils, Gouis pres Durtal. MANCHE. Eug. Breton & Co., Thar, pres Granville. MEUSE. Be Conde, Schmidt & Du Houx, Beurey. PUY DE DOME. Coste & Ledieu, Marsac. SAVOY. M. Franck & Co., La Rochett par Pontchara. Horteur, Saint Remy par La Chambre. v I J I love a neatly printed, reliable paper and in The Paper World this attribute of love is fully realized. — Albert De Follett ^Editor of Woodcock? s Newspaper Reporter and Gazette THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 107 SEINE. P. Santerne, Aubervilliers. VOSGES. Chavelot Factory, Chavelot, pres Etival. Louis Geisler Fils, Chatelles, pres Raon-l'Etape. Favier, Clefey, pres Fraize. Rayel, Docelles. Vaucousan, Ivoux-la-Chappelle. A. H. Ferry, La Chapelle, pres Corcieux. Mongeot & Co., Lepange, pres Bruyeres. Thebes, St. Marguerite, pres St. Die. Baret, St. Remy, pres Etival. The Paper World is a firstclass journal and I hope it pays in proportion to its merits — George W. Childs, Proprietor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. 1 08 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. THE GERMAN EMPIRE. ANHALT. Gebr. Lailge, Bernburg. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Gebr. Klinz & Lolireilgel, Coswig. Straw Paper. 1 machine. B. Ehrig", Coswig. Boards. 1 machine. Fitzail & Co., Dessau. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Gebr. Biermann, Jessnitz. Boards. 2 machines. Julius Lange, Jessnitz. Writing and Print. 1 machine. O'Ho. Naumailll & Co., Raguhn, Print and Blotting. 1 machine. Gebr. Sachsenberg, Rosslan. Straw Paper. 3 machines. Muller & Schmidt, Rosslan. Straw Paper and Boards. 4 machines. Alldr. Brielmayer, Aach. Print and Hanging. 1 machine. G. Bruder & Soehne, Achern. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Sclierer, Banimenthal. Hanging. 1 machine. G. Braun's Paper Mill, Bruchsal. Print. 1 machine. G. Schell, Ebnet. Wrapping. 1 machine. Holzstoof & Papier Fabrik, Albruck. Print and Colored. 1 machine. C. F. Berger, Atzenbach. Boards. 1 machine. I. P. Sonntag 1 , Emmendingen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Gebr. Buhl, Ettlingen. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Vogel & Bernheimer, Ettlingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ferd. Flinsch, Freiburg i Br. Writing and Print. 1 machine. J. A. Muellei*, Gengenbach. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Herm. Weinlig, Genbenbach. Card Boards. 1 machine. Frd. Oberg'fell, Hornberg. Print and Boards. 1 machine. C. F. Reiliau, Kandern. Print and Card. 1 machine. A. Bregger, Kirchgarten. Hanging and Wrapping. 1 machine. C. Asal, Lahr. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. The Paper World is a well edited paper and seems to us an excellent organ of an important branch of trade. We read it with interest and profit. — L. Prang 6° Co., Art and Educational Publishers, Boston, Mass. BADEN. the Paper mill directory of the world. 1 09 Fr. Jaeger, Lauf. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. T. Sahler, Legelshurst. Wrapping and Card. 1 machine, Thurneisen, Maulburg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Bohlieilberger & Co., Niefern. Drawing, Print and Writing. 2 machines. Gebr. Stemmle, Oberachern. Wrapping. 1 machine. Steinmle & Metzger, Oberachern. Wrapping. 1 machine. August Koehler, Oberkirch. Print and Envelope. 1 machine. Johs. Sutter, Schopfheim. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Emil Zieg"ler, Thoma, Todtnau. Drawing, Parchment and Print. 1 machine. Gebr. Stemmle, Waldprechtsweier. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Lenz & Co., Wehr. Print and Colored. 1 machine. Barth & Haas, Weissenstein. Colored Envelope. 1 machine. Leop. Stein & Co., Zell a. Hammerbach. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Aktien-Papier Fabrik, Ailing. Writing and Print. 3 machines. Weiss Papier Fabrik, Aschaffenburg. Writing, Print and Colored. 1 machine. Sieber's Paper Mill, Augsburg. Print, Writing and Colored. 3 machines. Reck & Joachim, Bellevue. Straw Paper and Boards. 2 macnires. Oebr. Halbleib, Bruckenau. Press Boards, Etc. 2 vats. Karl Maclier, Brunnenthal. Boards. 1 machine. Job. Schleicher, Culmbach. Wrapping. 2 vats. Munich-Dachau Paper Mills, Dachau. All Sorts. 4 machines. Ph. Kauffmann, Damm. Filter and Print. 1 machine. Ludw. Kandler, Deggendorf. Wrapping and Writing. 2 vats. E. Halbleib, Eckarts. Wrapping. 2 vats. Passau Paper Mill, Erlau. Writing and Print. 2 machines. M. Eeindl, Erlau. Straw Wrapping. 3 machines. Job. Troetsch, Erlangen. Wrapping. 1 machine, 2 vats. A. Schopfer & Co., Fleck. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Eberhard, Feuerbach. Writing and Wrapping. 1 vat. H. Ehbinghaus, Forchheim. Writing and Hanging. 1 machine. Dr. Haerlin, Gauting. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Jacob Kelllier, Georgensmuend. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Greg. Fichtner, Gmund. Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Gruenthal. 1 vat. (Idle.) Oechelhaeuser & Scllllitzer, Hegge. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. BAVARIA. The Paper World is certainly a model trade journal and conducted with more enter- prise and good judgment than many of the more pretentious "literary" periodicals. — George H. Ellis, Printer and Publisher, Boston, Mass. no THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Gebr. Keischer, Hokfirchen. Straw Paper, i machine. Paper and Board Mills, Ismaning. Straw, Wrapping and Boards. 3 machines. L. Hock, Josefthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. M. Schachenmayr's Paper Mill, Kempten. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Ludw. Kutter, Lindau. Print and Tissue. 1 machine. Gg. Farnbacher, Lohr a. M. Print and Tissue. 1 machine. J. T. Stenger, Lohr a. M. Blotting. 1 machine, 2 vats. Fr. Schellenberger, Lohr a. M. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. Haug & Co., Louisenthal. Writing and Print. 1 machine. C. Haug & Co., Miesbach. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Seb. Egger's Paper Mills, Munich. Tub Papers and Boards. ' 1 machine, 6 vats. Munich -Dachau Paper Mills, Munich. Silk Papers. 1 machine, 6 vats. Braun & Leistner, Muenster-Schwarzach. Print and Writing. 1 machine. Fr. Stepf, Nuremberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Trompetter, Obergries. Board Covers. 1 machine. F. H. Schoeller, Soehne, Offingen a D. Wrapping. 1 machine. Mechanical Paper Mill, Pasiug. Writing, Print and Colored. 2 machines. Kiesling & Lechler, Prien. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Ferd. Huber, Regensburg. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. J. B. Jail, Ronsberg. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Dunkel, Soehne, Roemershag. Press Boards. 1 machine. Eugen. Lehnhoff, Roethenbach. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Ludwig Rosenthal, Roethenbach. Tobacco Paper. 3 vats. Georg Leinfelder, Schrobenhausen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Ad. Geipel, Selb. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ph. J. Loeschge, Stein. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. M. Ellern, Steinach. 1 vat. Boehm & Co., Thalham. Print and Colored. 1 machine. Fr. Quinat, Unterfichtenmuehl. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Anton Sporer, Weiding. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Stepf, Wendelstein. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Mill am Bauin, Baum. Boards. 1 machine. M. Rollbuehler, Augustenfeld. Boards. 1 machine. Teisnach Paper Mills, Gotteszell. Boards. 1 machine. Woolfelt Factory, Munich. Mill Boards. 1 machine. J. Plankenhorn, Ratisbonne. Straw Paper. 1 machine. We find The Paper World one of the best mediums for advertising that we know of. It has brought us orders from every part of the country and especially from large houses. — R. H. Smith 6* Co., Rubber Type Manufacturers Springfield, Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Ill RHENISH BAVARIA (PFALZ.) P. A. Michel, Soehne, Anweiler. Boards. 3 tubs. Ernst Mann, Apostelmuehle. Straw Board. 1 machine. Schiffer & Mann, Ebersheim. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. Noethlich, Eisenberg. Writing and Print. I machine. Geschw. Gossler, Frankeneck. Writing and Print. 1 machine. H. Gossler, Frankeneck. Writing and Print. 3 machines. J. J. Gossler, Frankeneck. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Heinr, linger, Gleisweiler. Hanging and Print. 1 machine. C. F. Friederich, Grosskarlebach. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Roedter & Co., Hardenberg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. L. Cordier, Ww., Jaegerthal. Print and Hanging. 1 machine. W. Werner, Klingenmuenster. Boards. 1 machine. F. Knoeckel, Nachf, Neustadt a H. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Ph. Knoeckel & Soehne, Neustadt a H. Writing and Print. 1 machine. H. Orb & Co., Pfortmuehle. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. C. Hauck, Sarnstall. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Adt, Schwarzenacker. Wrapping. 3 machines, 2 tubs. E. Zimmermann, Speier a Rhein. Wrapping and Straw Board. 2 machines. J. Wiesner, Ww., Delligsen. Straw Paper and Boards. 1 machine. Borsdorf & Muhle, Harzburg. Boards. 2 machines. Gebr. Hahn, Koenigslutter. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Vieweg", Wendshausen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. J. Sauter, Brunath. Colored. 1 machine. J. A. Heidenreich, Gauzau. Boards. 1 tub. Th. Friedrich, Geiselbronn. Straw Wrapping. 2 machines. L. Lehn, Gondelbruch. Boards. 1 tub. Gebr. Blum, Legersbach. Boards. 1 tub. A. Deveson, Ars a. d. Mosel. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Gebr. Weibel, Colmar. Boards. 1 machine. Ehrhardt & Gschwindt, Lutterbach. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Frenz & Co., Metz. Boards. 1 machine. Andreas Scherb, Orbey. Weavers' Tubes. 2 machines. Karl Herbster, Reichshofen. Envelopes. 1 machine. I desire to add my name to to the list of those who congratulate you upon the fine pulication you now issue— The Paper World. * * * Long may it wave.— G. E. fngalls 1 Bookseller and Stationer, Houlton, Me. BRUNSWICK. ALSACE LORRAINE. 112 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Zuber, Ricder & Co., Rixheim. Writing, Print and Hanging. 3 machines. H. Deckmann, Ruprechtsau. Straw and Paper Boards. 3 machines. New Strasfolirg Paper Factory, Ruprechtsau. Writing and Fancy. 2 machines. F. J. Bruecker, Scherweiler. Writing and Print. 1 machine. L. Schwindenhammer, Tuerkheim. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. Jundt & Sohn, Robertsaw. Card Board. 3 vats. HESSE. R. Jaeger, Oberschmitten. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Euler, Bensheim. Straw Wrapping. 2 machines. F. Bruecker, Reichenbach. Boards. 1 machine. Illig's Paper Mill, Eberstadt. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Philipp Heil, Eberstadt. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Apel, Kesselbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Finger & Co., Lauterbach. Press Boards. 1 machine. Wilh. Schneider, Nidda. Envelope. 1 machine, 1 tub. F. L. Hammersckmidt, Oberschnitten. Poster and Print. 1 machine. Gustav Rumpel, Osthofen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fred. Mueller, Pfungstadt. Straw Board. 2 machines. Apel & Press, Pfungstadt. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. Ludwig" Hoffmann, Schlitz. Press Boards. 1 machine. J. H. Mayer, Waldmichelbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. Karl Link, Wimpffen. Bast Paper. 1 machine. Paul Habicllt, Schlitz. Straw Boards. 1 machine. LUXEMBURG AND LIMBURG. SOC. Roy Hollde Papeterie, Arlon. All Kinds. 4 machines. Eug. Lamort & Co., Monternach. Writing and News. 1 machine. V. Burghoff & Co., Roermonde. Writing, News and Wrapping. 2 machines. Jaques Lamort, Senningen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. MECKLENBURG. Burmeister & Froinm, Buetzow. Straw Board. 2 machines. Crebr. Bleeck, Buetzow. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. Schoeller & Bausch, Doemitz a E. Writing. 2 machines. Richard & Soehne, Godendorf. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Laage. Wrapping. 1 vat. (Idle.) W. Krueger, Neubrandenburg. Wrapping and Sugar. 1 machine. Ant. Wernicke, Parchim. Wrapping. 1 machine. We do not think there is a better medium through which to advertise than The Paper Wokld. — Errwiti) Lane&> Co .^Manufacturers of First Class Writing Papers, Elkhart 7 Ind. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. "3 Dietrich Riedel, Rostock. Roofing Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Rottmanshagen. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Stavenhagen. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Busch, Wismar. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. OLDENBURG-. 0, J. Fimmen, Soehne, Carolinensyhl. Straw Paper. 1 1 machine. PRUSSIA. BRANDENBURG. F. Pappenf, Berlin. Boards. 7 machines. Rud. Wigankow, Berlin, Chaussee St. 4 a. Boards. 1 machine. A. Levin, Berlin, 69 Reinickendf St. Boards 1 machine. C. Hesse, Berlin. Wrapping. 3 machines. Krafft & Knust, Berlin, 96 Acker St. Wrapping and Print. 2 machines. Adolf Ismer, Berlin, 36 Hasenhaide. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. Edward Medlow & Co., Berlin. Wrapping and Boards. 4 machines. Karl Sclllimme, Berlin, Keibel St. 3 and 4. Boards. 2 machines. Debr. Damcke, Charlottenburg. Straw Paper and Boards. 3 machines. Buescher & Hoffmann, Eberswalde. Roofing Boards. 2 machines. J. G. Lautzke, Falkenbergi M. Wrapping. 1 machine. Weiss & Koelller, Guben. Boards. 1 machine. Gebr. Mueller, Hertelsan. Print. 1 machine. Patent Papier Fabrik, Hohenofen. Writing. 1 machine. Lewin Silberstein, Koenigswalde. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Mueller, Louisenau. Print. 1 machine. Franz Metzner, Luckenwalde. Wrapping. 1 machine. Geb. Hasenbalg- & Co., Mariaspring. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ferd. Boenicke, Berlin, Lehrter Str. 16. Press Boards. S. & M. Landsberg'er, Berlin, Blumenstrasse, 30. Boards. 1 machine. Aktien, Ges. f. Pappenf, Frankfort am. O. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Friedrich Bergmann, Neumuehle. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Ebart, Weitlage. Boards. 1 machine. Albert Dronke, Moabit. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. Berber's Papier Fabrik, Peitz. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Herre & Co., Potsdam. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines, 3 vats. We admire your enterprise, and like the looks of the pages of Thh Paper World — Crane Bros. , Manufacturers of Bank, Ledger and Bond Papers, Dalton, Mass, 114 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Baerwald & Steinbock, Pulverkrug. Envelope. 1 machine. Paul Steinbock, Sandow. Print. 2 machines. Kade & Co., Soran. Cuttings. 1 machine. Gebr. Ebart, Spechthausen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. A, Nitschke, Spremberg. Wrapping. 2 machines. W. Seebald & Co., Treuenbrietzen. Print and Writing. 1 machine. Louis Schlllze, Wilhemsthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. Marggraff & Eng'el, Wolfswinkel. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Will. Sclllueter, Woltersdorf. Boards. 1 machine. Hanoverian Paper Factory, Alfeld. Print, Writing and Hanging. 3 machines. Winter Paper Factory, Altkloster. Writing, Print and Card. 2 machines. J. F. Huntemueller, Barnsdorf. Wrapping. 2 vats. Gebr. Bunsing, Barsinghausen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. A. F. Froehlig", Brunkensen. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Brunkhorst, Buxtehude. Wrapping. 1 machine. Stroh Papier Fabrik, Dahlheim. Straw Paper. 1 machine. C. F. Hertwig", Duderstadt. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Ammelburg & Hoeber, Eisenhuette. Lignite and Hanging. 1 machine. J. H. Woge, Elze. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Emden Paper Mills, Emden. Straw Paper and Boards. 5 machines. L. Gruner & Sohn, Gretesch. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Hanoverian Paper Factory, Gronau a. L. Writing and Print. 1 machine. A. F. Woge's Widow, Gronau a. L. Wrapping. 1 machine. Wellberg* & Heidt, Gronau a. L. Straw Paper and Boards. 3 machines. Joli. Beckmann, Hampoel. Wrapping. 1 machine. Wm. H. Schmidt, Hasenberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Westerkamp & Eggemann, Hasenmuehle. Print and Board. 1 vat. Ludw. Wemmel, Hehlen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aug*. Keferstein, Ufeld. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Georg Brewsen, Lachendorf. Writing and Straw. 2 machines. Frd. Hallbach, Leer. Straw Paper. F. G. Hoppe, Luneburg. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Gebr. Hasenbalg & Co., Mariaspring. Wrapping and Boards. 3 vats. Paper Mill, Mettingen. Tobacco Paper. 1 vat. Schroeder & Heine, Moringen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Let me add my congratulations to the many you have received on the uniform excellence, editorially and otherwise of your valued paper, The Paper World.— James A. Townsend of Valley Forge and Highland Paper Mills, Newburg, N. Y. HANOVER. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 115 E(l. Plate, Neuhaus a. d. O. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Gr. W. Qllirll & Sollll, Nachfolger, Oesede. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Klingrath & Martens, Ottendorf. Tobacco and Boards. 3 machines. H. Mammes, Papenburg. Straw Paper and Boards. 1 machine. Oscar Andrae, Rellishausen. Filter, Tobacco and Writing. 3 vats. C. F. Hertwig, Rhumspringe. Ligneous Boards. 2 machines. W. Oldeiimeyer, Seedemuenster. Wrapping and Straw Paper. 2 machines. William Selllbrede, Suentelthal. Gray Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Knocll,. Uelzen. Writing and Wrapping. 3 vats. C. D. Huntemueller, Uslar. Print and Tissue. I machine. R. Rllbe & Co., Weende. Print and Hanging. 1 machine. Winter Paper Mill, Wertheim. Print and Writing. 2 machines. J. Barnscheidt, Wiedelah. Wrapping and Hanging. 1 machine. J. H. Eppen, Winsen a. d. L. Card, Writing and Print. 1 machine. Schroeder & Heine, Winzenburg. Straw and Boards. I machine. J. Wiesner's Widow, Dellingsen. Straw Boards. 1 machine. Kuederling" & Petersen, Bronzell. Wrapping. 1 machine. United Hessian Paper Mills, Cassell. Writing and Print. 2 machines. E. Pfeil, Dodenan. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Vereinigte Hessiche Pap. Fabriken, Guxhagen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Julius Bohle, Hachenburg. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. 0. Oruen, Haigershuette. Tobacco and Wrapping. 1 machine. C. P. Fues, Hanan. Envelope. 1 machine. W. Schaaf, Hofheim. Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Hohleborn. Pressboards. 1 machine. (Idle.) Aug*. Schumann, Hohleborn. Boards, Etc. 2 machines. C. Mittler, Huenfeld. Wrapping. 1 machine. Papier fabrik, Neuweilnau. Wrapping. 1 machine. S. H. Martin, Obershausen. Filter paper. 1 machine. Gebr. Dr. Dr. Pirath, Oberursel. Print. 1 machine. C. F. Discher, Rengshausen. Print and Hanging. 1 machine, 1 vat. Heydt, V. d. Sinn. Boards. 1 machine. Itter'sche Papierfabrik, Thaliter. Wrapping. 1 machine. Philip Schnell, Volkmarshausen. Hanging and Writing. 1 machine. It is most agreeable to see a special journal with such qualities as Thr Papfr World possesses. I am amazed at its literary ability and criticisms. — John Sivinton, Managing Editor of the New York Sun. HESSE NASSAU. n6 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. C. A. Juengst, Wallaw. Tobacco and Filter. 2 vats. P. Israel^ Wanfried. Bag Paper. 1 machine. C. Dornemanil, Weikersbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. W. J. Winipff, Weilburg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. I. P. Mottler, Wetter. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Staffel & Co., Witzenhausen. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Feyerabend, Niederhausen. Wrapping. 1 machine. HOHENZOLLERN. Kittelberger & Fischer, Gammertingen. Wrapping and Straw. 1 machine. POMERANIA. Coeslin Paper Mills, Coeslin. Writing, Printing and Board. 2 machines. Ullmann & Co., Driesen. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. €r. Hendess, Gollenberg. Wrapping and Boards. 2 vats. Pomeranian Paper Mills, Hohenkrug. Writing and Print. 2 machines. A. Dahlheim, New Zitzmin. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine, 1 vat. C. F. Meissner & Sohn, Raths-Damnitz. Writing and Print. 1 machine. C. F. Meissner & Sohn, Scharsow Damnitz. Ligneous Paper. 1 machine. Moritz Behrend, Varzin. Board and Ligneous Paper. 3 machines. Paper Mill Zuckau. Wrapping. 1 machine. (Idle.) Moritz Behrend, Kampmuehle. Wrapping. 1 machine. Kellmann, Stralsund. Wrapping. 1 machine. POSEN. Fliess & Co., Bromberg. Wrapping and Boards. 4 machines. Mirkow Paper Mills, Mirkow. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Carl Bllhrand, Bromberg. Boards. 1 machine. WEST PRUSSIA. F. Hoeltzel, Babalitz. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. R. Sterling", Jr., Gross Boelkau. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Jos. Schneider, Hulta. Print, Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Aktien Gesells Chaft, Kulm. Straw Paper and Boards. 3 machines. W. Schottler & Co., Lappin. 3 machines. F. A. Teichgraeber, Zuckau. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Paperfuss, Zuckau. Wrapping. 1 machine. EAST PRUSSIA. Arth. Julillg, Elbing. Wrapping. 1 machine. G. E. Thiel, Elbing. Writing. 1 machine. We esteem The Paper World very highly and read it with great pleasure.— Forbes Lithographic Company, Boston, Mass. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. T 17 Julius Coerces, Kiauten. Writing and Print. 2 machines. E. Riedel, Wischwill. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. UUmann & Co., Altkarbe. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. A. F. Frentzel, Koliebken. Boards. 1 machine. RHINE. F. Jagenberg" & Co., Altenkirchen. Writing and Wrapping. 2 machines. W. Hanebecll, Bg. Gladbach. Blotting. 1 machine. C. F. Wacheudorf, Bg. Gladbach. Straw Paper. 1 machine. J. W. Zanders, Bg. Gladbach. Drawing, Book and Colored Papers. 4 machines, 5 vats. Aug. Brueilillg', Bickenbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. Franz. Horis, Brachelen. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. (*eb. FUSS, Brohl. Wrapping. 1 machine. K. F. Forster, Broich. Writing and Print. 1 machine, (iebl*. Prilltzeil, Brueggen. Envelope Papers. 1 machine. A. Bachmanil, Buchholz. Wrapping. 2 vats. Forstmaim & Co., Burg a. d. W. Hemp Paper and Boards. 1 machine. Ed. Ullterharnscheidt, Cochenheim. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Paper Mill, Coslar. Wrapping. 1 machine. (>rebr. Boltersdorf, Creuzau. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Philip Strepp, Creuzau. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Fl*. Erfurt & Sohn, Dahlhausen. Hanging and Wrapping, i machine. Jill. Kathe, Dombach. Boards. 1 machine, 2 vats. E. Hoech & Schleicher, Dueren. Writing and Tissue. 2 machines, (xebr. Hoesch, Dueren. Writing and Tissue. 3 machines. Gebr. Hofsuemmer, Dueren. Writing and Print. 1 machine. (*ebr. Schmitz, Dueren. Cartridge and Posters. 1 machine. Fel. H. Schoeller, Dueren. Envelope, Writing and Tissue. 3 machines. H. A. Schoeller & Soehlie, Dueren. Writing and Tissue. 3 machines. Ulist. Eicllhoril, Duesseldorf. Straw Paper and Board. 2 machines. Schulte & Zinken, Duesseldorf. Sugar Papers and Wrapping 2 machines. A. Bagel, Egerscheit. Print. 1 machine. Stoecker & Kuhleu, Einbrungen. Boards. 1 machine. . Karl Caesar, Elberfeld. Hanging and Ticket. 3 machines. C. Remkes & Co., Elberfeld. Writing. 1 machine. F. J. Bernsau, Ekrath. Straw Paper. 2 machines. JOS. Katterbach, Eschweiler. Wrapping. 1 machine. The Paper World is a beautiful specimen of paper and typography. — Chambers, Drrs. & Co., Manufacturers of Newspaper Folding Machines, Philadelphia, Pa. r 118 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Ferd. Bauer, Gerhardsiepen. Wrapping, i machine. Fr. Steinliaeur, Gross-Duesslermuehle. Wrapping, i machine. M. J. Kuenster, Grimlinghausen. Boards. 2 machines. Ferd. Rath, Gruenenthal. Wrapping. 2 machines. H. Laakmann, Gruenenthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. L. & C. Steinmueller, Gummersbach. Card and Emery Paper. 1 machine. C. & H. Milchsack, Hedwigsthal. Print. 1 machine. A. J. Berends, Heinsberg. Writing. 1 machine. Gebr. Geldmacher, Hoffnungsthal. Hanging. 1 machine. W. Geldmacher, Homburg. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Gebr. Frantzen, Inden. Straw Paper. 3 machines. Gust Winter, Ingelbach. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine C. Eichhorn, Juelich. Straw Paper and Boards. 10 machines, 2 vats. Berber & Meyburg", Juelich. Hemp Paper, t machine. Schleipen & Erkens, Juelich. Print and Hanging. 1 machine. Stoecker & Koelller, Kaiserswerth. Press Boards. 1 machine. Mueller, Volkmar & Co., Ketwig a. R. Wrapping and Hanging. 2 machines. C. A. Koch, Kieppenmuehle. Writing. 1 machine. C. Eichhorn, Kirchberg. Straw Paper. 5 machines. F. C. Katterbach, Knippmuehle. Press Boards. 1 machine. Gebr. Strepp, Koppelmuehle. Wrapping and Boards. 3 machines. Gebr. Harff, Krauthausen. Boards. 1 machine. Jac Jumpestz, Krauthausen. Boards. 2 machines. J. Windelschmidt, Krauthausen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Gebr. Boltersdorf, Kreuzau. Wrapping. 1 machine. Herm. Weiner, Lamersdorf. Writing. 1 machine, 2 vats. W. Heuner-Greven, Langenberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aug. Noeckel, Langenberg. Boards. 1 machine. W. Scharpenberg, Langenberg. Boards. 1 machine. W. Schnepperhof, Langenberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. T. Hasenbalg", Lengrich. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Th. Kretzer, Mallendar. Wrapping. 1 machine. Geller & Waltdhausen, Malmedy. Writing. 1 machine. H. Steinbach & Co., Malmedy. Photograph and Writing. 2 machines. Ph. Strepp, Maubach. Wrapping. 1 machine. j J. A. Mueller, Mayen. 4 vats. I wish to congratulate you upon your success with The Paper World. It is a good paper, just what we need and has become a standard with our art. — Byron Weston, Manufacturer of Ledger and Record Papers, Dalton, Mass. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. II 9 Paper Mill, Mettengen. Tobacco. 1 vat. J. Hallll, Muenchen-Gladbach. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Rhenish Paper Mills, Neuss. Parchment, Writing and Print. 2 machines. Neuss Paper Mills, Neuss. Parchment. 1 machine. J. M. Frantzen, Oberschneidhausen. Tobacco. 1 machine. S. P. Pentsch, Pittburg. Straw Paper. 1 machine. H. Creldmacher, Ratingen. Wrapping and Board. 2 machines. Franz Schllhette, Ratingen. Writing and Print. 2 machines. W. Jul. Tomashoff & Co., Ratingen. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Aug. Bagel, Ratingen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. H. V. Randenborgh, Rees a. R. Straw Paper and Board. 2 machines. Geldmacher & Kleinjung, Ruenderoth. Wrapping. 1 machine. Julius Kathe, Schweinheim. Pasteboard and Tobacco. 3 vats. Peter Thuermer, Sinzig. Straw Paper. 1 machine. • W. J. Wehrfrik, & Sohn, Sobernheim. Filter and Tobacco. 3 vats. F. Jagenbreg" & Co., Solingen. Wrapping. 2 machines. Beirhans & Biel, Stotsheim. Straw Paper. 1 machine A. J. Pauen, Unterbruch. Wrapping. 1 machine. * El Kan & Hornemann, Viersen. Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Berger Soehne, Weltzen. Envelope. 1 machine. J. Barnscheid, Werden a. d. R. Wrapping. 1 machine. Grebr. Immenkoetter, Werl. Straw Paper. 1 machine. J. H. Kayser, Winden. Wrapping. 1 machine. Peitgen & Co., Winterborn. Board and Straw Paper. 1 machine. E. Bachmann & Co., Beckacker. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fried Spier, Beckacker. Boards. 1 machine. Gebr. Schulte, Duesseldorf. Wrapping, x machine. Ed. Mertens, Kirchberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Hahn, Maerk Gladbach. Straw Board. 4 machines. M. J. Josten, Maerk Gladbach. Straw Board. 1 machine. Willi. Schneider, Stotsheim. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Zuelpig Paper Mills, Zuelpig. Straw Wrapping. 2 machines. We consider The Paper World to be the best journal published in the interest of paper trade. — Jones 6* Skinner, Paper Dealers, New York. SAXONY. Fr. Schiede, Artern a. E. Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Bickel, Birkenbusch. Wrapping. 1 machine. J r 120 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Ferd Flilisch, Blankenberg. Writing and Print. I machine. Bruecklier & Co., Calbe, a. d. S. Writing and Print, i machine. A. Feige, Calbe, a. d. S. Wrapping and Board, i machine. Croellwitzer Paper Mill, Croellwitze. Writing, Print and Colored. 3 machines. J. Wiesner WW., Dellighausen. Parchment Paper. 1 machine. Eichholz Paper Mill, Dreibach. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. F. W. Steill, Friesdorf. Print. 1 machine. Cr. A. Bollmann, Groeningen. Print and Writing. 1 machine. H. W. Koch, Grossalze. Boards. 1 machine. E. Zillimermann, Halberstadt. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fessel & Co., Halberstadt Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. Hasserode Wood Pulp .and Paper Mill, Hasserode. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. (>}ebr. Marscllliausen, Hasserode. Wrapping. 1 machine. Th. D. Lovvs Soehue, Heiligenstadt. Writing and Print. 1 machine. C. Stolze, Herrenmuehle. • Envelope. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Kindelbrueck. Writing and Print. 1. machine. Chemical Factories, Leopoldshall. Writing and Print. 1 machine. F. W. Stein, Magdeburgerforth. Wrapping and Bag Paper. 2 machines. E. B. Hertel, Merseburg. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. W. Stein, Neumuehle. Colored and Sugar Paper. 1 machine. F. Bergmann, Neumuehle. Wrapping, Card, Filter and Writing. 2 vats. R. Fliess, Neustadt. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fessel & Co., Roders-dorf. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Dautzenberg, Schleusingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. Schilldler, Schleusingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. G. Schattenberg, Sillstedt. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Bud. Keferstein, Sinsleben. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. C. F. Seydel, Tennstedt. Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Weicher, Tornau. Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Veckensteadt. Wrapping and Hanging. 1 machine. H. A. Franke, Weddersleben. Straw Wrapping. 1 machine. C. F. Weber. Wehlitz. Roofing Paper. 2 machines. J. Koch, Weilar. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Dietrich, Weissenfels. Print, Poster and Wrapping. 1 machine. R. Wagner, Westerhuesen. Straw Wrapping. 2 machines. Wm. H. Bienengraeber, Wittenberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Your Paper World is certainly a very fine publication in matter and mannner of pro- duction. — Cambridgefort Diary Company % CambridgeJ>ort } Mass. V THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 12 1 Kolwes & Belirens, Wolmirstaedt. Bag and Straw Wrapping. I machine. Gabeke & Co., Zahna. Straw Wrapping, I machine. Aktion Papier Fabrik, Zoerbig. Straw Wrapping. 2 machines. Paper Mill, Zeitzer Grund. 2 vats. Eilenburg" Paper Mill, Eilenburg. Wrapping, r machine. E. Lampe, Schoenebeck. Boards. 1 machine. United Chemical Works, Stassfurt. Straw Board. 1 machine. H. Friedrich, Zahna. Straw Board. 1 machine. Herzogl Ratiborsche Papier Fabrik, Adamowitz. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. F. Kosclimieder, Altfriedland. Boards. 2 vats. Ullstein & Co., Altfriedland. Writing and Card. 2 machines. Heinr Richter, Arnsdorf. Writing and Print. 2 machines. F. Falch, Brieg. Wrapping and Board. 3 machines. H. Steudlier, Charlottenbraum. Boards. 2 machines. Dr. Salomon, Cunnersdorf. News. 1 machine. Fritz Lang*, Egelsdorf. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. R. V. Decker, Eichberg. Writing and Print. 2 machines and 2 vats. F. W. A. Marqiiardt, Eulau. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Hugo Falch, Felicienhuette. Wrapping. 1 machine. Wilib Lerch, Friedrichsgrund. Writing. I machine. F. Seliger, Giersdorf. Card and Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Mudrack, Gleiwitz. Straw Paper and Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Weinmann, & Co., Hermsdorf. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Grebr. Erfurt, Hirschberg. Hanging, Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. J. Erfurt & Altmann, Hirschberg. Hanging and Wrapping. 2 machines. Schumann & Winkler, Jannowitz. Envelope. 1 machine. W. Schlllz & Co., Krampe. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Wunsch & Schramm, Lomnitz. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Ph. Huettenmueller & Co., Lorenzdorf. Glazed Boards. 1 machine. Jul. Weise, Meffersdorf. Writing. 2 vats. Dierske & Heintzel, M. Melsteina. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. (x. Fischer's Ww., Muskau. Poster and Envelope. 1 machine. Fer Co., New York. WESTPHALIA. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 123 J. Juengst, Biedenkopf. Wrapping. 1 machine. Theod. Friedrich, Camen. Straw Paper. 4 machines. Max. Dresel, Dalbke. Envelope. 1 machine, 3 vats. Friedrich Yorster & Co., Delstern. Writing and Drawing. 2 machines. Neuenzeit & Rentstfl, Dorsten a. L. Roof Boards. 2 machines. J. W. Sondermann, Duemlinghausen. Straw Paper. 2 machines. M. Lion, Elisenmuehle. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Paper Mill, Freienohl. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Hanmelmann & Co., Froendenberg. Straw Paper. 4 machines. H. Laakmann, Gruenthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Rosenbaum & Co., Hagen. Pressing Boards. 2 machines. Weber & Eichenberg, Hemer. Writing and Print. 1 machine. • Heinrich Hoeborn, Hemer. Straw Paper and Wrapping. 2 machines. G. F. Halbrock, Hillegosen. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Fr. Hammerschmidt, Himmelwert. Straw Paper. 1 machine. H. Hammerschmidt, Himmelwert. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Bongard & Scherkamp, Hoecklingsen. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Dormann, Hoexter. Wrapping. 1 machine. Kissing & Moellmann, Iserlohn. Straw Paper. 1 machine F. W. Ebbinghaus, Letmathe. Writing. 1 machine. F. Rath, Lieberhausen. Boards. 1 machine. L. Schoenwald, Lippapringe. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. C. Kuhlmann, Luebbecke. Straw Paper and Board. 3 machines. Gebr. Wersebeckmann, Muenster. Straw Paper. 2 machines. W. Kuhlhoff & Co., Neheim. Wrapping. 2 machines. C. F. Gregory, Plettenberg. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Gebr. Hanebeck, Plettenberg. Straw Paper. 2 machines. W. Kuehne, Plettenberg. Straw Paper. 1 machine. W. Schulte, Plettenberg. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Heinrich Hoeborn, Roedinghausen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Siegen. (Idle.) Jac. Oechelhaeuser, Siegen. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Ulrich & Co., Stadtberge. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Franz Severin, Stemel. Straw Paper and Board. 2 machines. Braselmann & Vorster, Stennert. Writing. 2 machines. H. & A. Scheffen, Sundern. Wrapping. 1 machine. M. Bloome, Sundern. Wrapping. 1 machine. We consider your journal one of the best, if not the best trade paper published.— Carter } Rice & Co., Boston. r 124 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. C. F. Hasenbalg, Teklenburg. Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Hammerschmidt, Terenk. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Hartwig 1 & Suellwald, Vlotho. Tobacco Paper. 2 machines. W. Weitmann, Vlotho. Wrapping. 1 machine. Warburg" Paper Mill, Warburg. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Gebr. Ebbing-haus, Westig. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Stute & Schelle, Westigerbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. Bruening-haus & Loeffcken, Wetter a. d. Ruhr. Straw Paper and Board. 2 machines. Carl Bachmann, Holthausen. Wrapping and Board. 1 machine. M. Herzheim, Ruethen. Hand Made Paper. M. Cramer's Wittwe, Sundern. F. Linneborn, Sundern. F. W. Schroeder, Sundern. Emil H. Petit, Abtmuehle. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. C. A. Hockel, Auerbach, i. V. Boards. 1 machine and 2 vats. Ver. Bautziier Papier Fabriken, Bautzen. Plate Papers. 3 machines. Oebr. Dietzel, Beyermuehle. Bag Paper. 1 machine. W. Kunze, Berthelsdorf. Wrapping. 2 machines. Aktien Papier Fabrik, Buchholz. Print. 1 machine. Breyer & Saupe, Braunsdorf. Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Crottendorf. Boards. 1 machine. Ed. Rasch, Dittersbach. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ver. Bautzner Papier Fabrik, Doberschau. Print. 2 machines. Hermann Host, Dippoldiswalde. Wrapping. 1 machine. Dresden Paper Mill, Dresden. Writing and Print. 2 machines. C. A. Mueller, Dretschen. Blotting. 1 machine. Chemnitz Paper Mill, Einsiedel. Writing, Print and Card Board. 2 machines. M. Wetter, Elterlein. Cards. 1 machine. Mil Men 111 Papier Fabrik, Frieberg. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Gr. Baumann, Gelenau. Boards. 1 machine. C. Henschel, Glauchau. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. A. Schroeder's Paper Mill, Golzern. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Adolf Knothe, Goeritzhain. Boards. 1 machine. J. H. Kuehn, Grunau. Wrapping. 1 machine. F. W. Strobel, Griesbach. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. SAXONY, (KINGDOM OP.) The Paper World is splendid. — Allen Bros., Sandy Hill, New York. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 12 5 Thode Paper Mills, Hainsberg. Writing and Print. 5 machines. F. Goetz, Hartmanndorf. Wrapping. I vat. C. F. Petzold, Helmsdorf. Bag Paper. 1 machine. Max. Dreverhoff, Herlasgruen. Glazed Wrapping. 1 machine. Otto Meyer, Herrnsdorf. Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Hilbersdorf. Wrapping and Bag. 1 machine. Hugo Hoescll, Huetten. Writing. 2 machines. Jul. Hobeda & Co., Jerisau. Wrapping and Board. 1 machine. Clement Ebert, Kl. Zschachwitz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Eichhorn & Co., Koettewitz. Writing and Print. 3 machines. Gfustav. FlillSCll, Kospuden. Wrapping. 1 machine. Kuebler & Niethammer, Kriebstein. Writing and Print. 3 machines. J. G. Schlenzig, Krumbach. Envelope and Card Board. 2 vats. Meyll & Beda, Lastau. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Titus Wettengel, Markneukirchen i. V. Wrapping. 2 vats. Medingen Paper Mill, Medingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. F. Fischer, Mittelmuehle. Wrapping. 1 machine. Heiliecke, Gotthard & Co., Muldenthal. Writing and Print. 2 machines. C. F. Mehlier, Naundorf. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aug. Menzel, Neihardsthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ferd. Reuter, Neudorf. a. Spr. Boards. 3 machines. Gesser & Kreuzig, Niederschlag. Rope Papers. 1 machine. C. F. Leonhardt, Niederschlema. Print and Hanging. 2 machines. C. F. Weber, Nonnenmuehle. Board and Print. 4 machines. G. Eichhorn, Nossen. Wrapping. 2 machines. Rossberg & Co., Nossen. Print. 2 machines. Pappen & Papier Fabrik, Oberau. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ver. Bautzner Papier Fabrik, Obergurig. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Holzstoff Papier Fabrik, Oberschlema. Print and Writing. 2 machines. C. G. Schwarz, Olbersdorf. Wrapping. 1 machine. Patent Papier Fabrik, Penig. All kinds. 5 machines. Aug. Giepel, Piauen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Jul. Naumann, Pockau. Wrapping. 2 vats. Louis Gessner, Poehla. Leather Paper. 1 machine. Porschendorf Paper Mill, Porschendorf. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Max. Mohn, Radeberg. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Radeburg. Wrapping and Envelope. 1 machine. We think highly of The Paper World ; it is exceedingly well gotten up. full of Yaluable nformation and in typographv,wood-cuts, general dress, etc., etc. is most admirable.— BtiUdcy, D union 6* Co., Paper Afanufaetiirers and Dealers, New York, r 126 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Mania & Graeser, Remse. Print. 3 machines. Wenzel & Junghaus, Rittersgruen. Boards. 2 vats. Robschuetz Paper Mill, Robschuetz. Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. J. E. Hoelinel, Rochsburg. Wood Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Rueckerswalde. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. C. H. Brueckner, Scheibenberg. Lignite Boards. 1 machine. H. Greifenliagen, Schlettau. Boards. 1 machine. Plaen & Lewy, Schmiedefeld. Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Schoenheide. Print and Hanging. 1 machine. Aktien Papier Fabrik, Sebnitz. Print, Writing and Wrapping. 3 machines. Seifersdorf Paper Mill, Seifersdorf. Wrapping and Colored. 1 machine. C. F. Hertel, Stein. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Bernll Poetsch, Stein. Boards. G. Eichhoni, Steyermuehle. Blue and Wrapping. Paper Mill, Tannenberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. W. Paul, Taubenheim. Boards. 1 machine. W. Seume & Elllert, Technitz. Hanging and Boards. 2 machines. M. Hellinger, Untersachsenfeld. Boards. 1 machine. C. E. Gulich, Waltersdorf. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. La Ferme Frd Flinsch, Weesenstein. Cigarette and Tissue. 2 machines. Freiberg 1 Paper Mill, Weissenborn. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Til. Klippgen, Wiesenbad. Bag Paper and Colored. 1 machine. Gus. Toelle, Wildenfels. Hanging and Boards. 1 machine. C. F. Hartenstein, Wilkau. Writing. 1 machine. Carl Wendler, Willischthal. Print and Writing. 1 machine. E. Krakau, Wilthen. Wrapping and Bags. 1 machine. F. W. Krause, Wolfersgruen. Wrapping and Board. 1 machine. H. Berger, Wurzen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Eichler & Suhle, Zwickau. Hanging and Envelope. 1 machine. Osw. Meyll, Zwickau. Lignite and Board. 1 machine. Sendig & Reussmannj, Zwoenitz. Writing, Print and Press Board. 1 machine. F. W. Dietrich, Zwota. Boards. 1 machine. F. E. Weideilinueller, Antonsthal. Print. 1 machine. C. B. Reichel, Blauenthal. Th. Landmann, Lauter. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. G. Klinge, Leubetha. I am sure that I am only one of your many patrons in our line of trade who feel proud that we are so ably represented by a journal which ranks at the head in its tone, character and quality, and as the representative journal for the paper trade and kindred interests.— L. J. Powers, Springfield, Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 127 SACHSEN-ALTENBURG. A. Drache, Fockendorf. Print, Writing and Wrapping, i machine. Paper Mill, Geiersdorf. Wrapping, i vat. Paper Mill, Treben. Print and Card, i machine. C. A. Kellner, Kahla. Boards, i vat. SAXB-COBURG. I, H. A \ maun, Lauter. Wrapping and Boards. I machine. Emmel & Knoerr, Mittelberge. Writing and Print, i machine. Karl Huelsemann, Ohrdruf. Print, i machine. Paper Mill, Thai, i machine. SAXE-MEININGBN. J. A. Schneider's Wittwe, Themar. Wrapping. I machine. Henkel & Dorn» Wernshausen. Writing, Print and Envelope. I machine. Aug". Geipel, Wichmar. Wrapping, i machine. SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH. Paper Mill, Neustadt a. O. Print and Wrapping. I machine. F. M. Classen, Oberweimar. Print and Writing. I machine. E. Stalll, Remda. Boards, i machine. F. Brehm, Vacha. Boards, i machine. LIPPE-DETMOLD. Max. Dresel, Dalbke. Envelope and Lignite Paper. 2 machines. E. Hoffmann & Co., Salzieflen. Boards. REUSS-GREIZ. Otto. CrUenther, Greiz. Writing and Print. 1 machine. SCHWARZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN. Liebmann & Kiesewetter, Arnstadt. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine- A. Hecker's Successor, Leutenberg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. S. Baumbach, Jesuborn. Boards. 1 machine. WALDECK. Carl Hanweg, Wrexen. Wrapping and Colored. 1 machine. ' C. 1). Haupt, Wrexen. Wrapping. 1 machine. WURTEMBURG. Paper Mill, Baienfurth. Writing and Print. I machine. Paper Mill, Uettingen. Writing and Print. 2 machines. W. Til. Kutter, Engelsthal. Press Boards. 1 machine. We believe The Paper World to be the most valuable publication a printer can take. Bacon & Company, San Francisco, Cal. r 128 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Leopold Marx, Ehrenstein. Wrapping. 1 machine. Krafft & Stapf, Eislingen. Tissue and Wrapping. 1 machine. Ch. Weiss & Co., Enzberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ch. Weiss & Co., Enzweihingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. M. Mayer, Esslingen. Boards. 1 machine. C. Beckh Soehlie, Faurndau. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Alb. Berzner & Co., Gemmrichheim. Glazed, Wrapping and Board. 2 machines . Rlld. Broem, Goenningen. Wrapping and Envelope. 1 machine. G. Krum, Goeppingen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Gebr. Rauch, Heilbronn. Card and Writing. 2 machines. C. Scliaeilffelen, Heilbronn. Writing, Card and Tissue. 1 machine. R. A. Ruemelill, Laufen. Boards. 1 machine. Til. Hopf, Markgroeningen. Boards. 1 machine. Gebr. Mueller, Mochenwangen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Aktien Papier Fabrik, Moeckmuehl. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ph. Wissmanil, Neckarthailfingen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gebr. Palm, Neukochen. Print. 1 machine. C. Scliaeilffelen, Oberlenningen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Joll. KrailSS, (estate of) Pfullingen. Writing and Book. 2 machines. Gebr. Laibliu, Pfullingen. Writing. 2 machines. U. C. Gradmann, Ravensburg. Wrapping. 2 vats. Chr. Allteiirieth, Roigheim. Press Board and Card. 1 machine. Aktiengesellscliaft, Salach. Print and Writing. 3 machines. Waltlier & Kraemer, Scheer a. D. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. L. Illig" & Sollll, Steinbach. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. , Aktieilg'esellscliaft, Suessen. Print. 1 machine. Ch. Raeucllle, Tullau. Boards. 1 machine. Hainlen & Flanim, Unterhausen. Boards. 1 machine. Jos. Vollmer & Sollll, Unterhausen. Boards. 1 machine. Ullterkochen Paper Mill, Unterkochen. Print. 1 machine E. Troetsclier, Unterkechen. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. F. Brucker & Co., Unterkochen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aktiengesellschaft, Wildbad. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. F. Klltter & Co., Wolfegg. Print and Writing. 1 machine. We have been subscribers for some time to The Paper World and find in it a great dea of useful information afid much pleasant reading, and consider it worthy the patronage of the trade. — D. A. Bullard 6-* Sons, Paper Manufacturers, Schuylerville, N. Y, THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 12 9 CHEMICAL AND CELLULOSE FIBRE MAN- UFACTURERS. BADEN. Gr. Sclllllz & Co., Gernsbach, Emil Ziegler, Todtnau. Gebr. Vog-el, Zell i-W. BAVARIA. Joint Stock Co., Aschaffenburg. Fischer, Deii^g" & (^winner, Passau. ALSACE. Geb. Weibel, Kaysersberg. PRUSSIA. BRANDENBURG. Paper Mill, Wofswinkel. HANOVER. Gebr. Woge, Alfeld b. Gronau. C. F. Hertwig*, Duderstadt a. H. Muenden Cellulose Mill, Muenden. HESSE NASSAU. F. Wetz. Loehnberg. SAXONY. Wood Pulp Mill, Klein-Rueckerswalde. Cellulose Mill, Koenigstein. Wenzel & Zung-lians, Rittersgruen. Oswald Meyh, Zwickau. WURTEMBERG. Cellulose Mill, Esslingen. Alb. Bezner & Co., Kirchheim a. M. Alfons Simonis, Wangen im Algaeu. We have taken The Paper World almost from the commencement of its publication ami find its contents both useful and instructive. Would not like to be without it. — W. H. H. St owe//, Secretary and Treasurer of Atlas Paper Co., Applet on, Wis. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. STRAW PULP MANUFACTURERS. ANHALT. Straw Pulp Mill, Bernburg. BADEN. Bloch & Offenheimer, Gengenbach. Alb. Mayer & Co., Seelbach. BAVARIA. Dachau Paper Mills, Dachau-Munich. Passau Paper Mills, Erlau. Passau Paper Pulp Mill, Passau. Fischer, Dengg & Gwinner, Passau. BRUNSWICK. Gebr. Vieweg, Wendshausen. ALSACE. Zuber, Rieder & Co., Rixheim. HESSE DARMSTADT. Heyer & Pistor, Ingelheim. Bloch & Offenheimer, Rheinduerkheim. Karl Link, Wimpfen a. N. MECKLENBURG. Straw Pulp Mill, Rottmannshagen. PRUSSIA. BRANDENBURG. G. Pauckert, Treuenbrietzen. Marggraff & Engel, Wolfswinkel. HANOVER. Winter's Paper Mills, Altkloster. Hanoverian Paper Mills, Gronau. Winter's Paper Mills, Wertheim. We have been subscribers to The Paper World from its inception and we consider it the best journal we have in connection with the paper trade. — Kennedy, Strome 6° Co., Book- sellers and Stationers^ Winnefeg y Manitoba. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. HESSE NASSAU. C. P. Flies, Hanau. Kassel Paper Mill, Kassel. • RHINE. F. Zag-enberg" & Sons, Altenkirchen. F. H. Schoeller, Dueren. H. A. Schoeller Sons, Dueren. Rhenish Joint Stock Co., Neuss. SILESIA. Berlin Joint Stock Paper Mills, Altfriedland. C. A. Linke, Hirchberg. Zopf & Konrad, Kleinschwein b. Korn & Boek, Sakrau. C. G. Kallert, Sprottaw. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Christiansthal Paper & Pulp Mill, Christiansthal. C. F. Walther, Flensburg. Paper Mill, Oldesloe. G. A. Theine, Uetersen. SAXONY. Joint Stock Paper Mills, Croellwitz. Paper Mill, Nordhausen. F. W. Keferstein, Sinsleben. W. Lautenschlager, Weissenfels a. S. Bautzen United Paper Mills, Schlungwitz. Sebnitz Joint Stock Paper Mills, Sebnitz. A. Fiegel, Taubenheim. Freiberg Paper Mill, Weissenborn. SACHSEN-ALTENBURG. K. Heynold & Co., Lucka. Anton linger & Co., Dohna. Joint Stock Paper Mill, Einsiedel. CI. Lehnert, Frohburg. J. Scheerer, Goeritzhain b. Thode's Paper Mill, Hainsberg. Pcnig Pat. Paper Mill, Penig. Enclosed find $2.00 to renew our subscription to the best trade publication in existence. — State Journal Co., Lincoln, Neb. r 3 2 THE PArER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. WURTEMBERG. Zecll & Co., Heilbronn a. Neckar. Gebr. Mueller, Mochenwangen. Chr. Autenrieth, Plochingen. German Publishing' Co., Suessen. WOOD PULP AND WOOD PULP BOARD MANUFACTURERS. ANHALT. Gr. E. Keller, Harzgerode. 0. Naumann & Co., Raguhn. BADEN. Wood Pulp Manufacturing Co., Albbruk. H. A. Ficke, Freiburg i. Br. Tschira & Co., Hornberg. Emil Zieg-ler, Todtnau. BAVARIA. J. Bacharach, Andlermuehle. D. Dornier, near Kempten. J. B. Prinstner, Beilngries. A, Wilde, Blankenstein. Riesling- & Puettmann, Brueckmuchl. Gr. Medicus, Deutenhofen. A. Schopfer & Co., Fleck. Dr. Wildberger, Grafenau im Bayr Wald. Merg-entau Board Mills, Kissingen. C. Haug" & Co., Miesbach. J. R. Loesche, Noeswartling. J. Haeussler, Oberstaufen. Gr. Straub, Olching. Gr. V. Kiesling* & Co., Partenstein. Frz. Rischner, Prien am Chiemsee. J. N. Schneider & Co., Regenstein. We recently shipped a number of thousand cards to Cheltenham, England, through an advertisement in The Paper World, and we have received many letters from foreign coun- tries requesting samples and prices that we can trace directly to its readers. — New England Card Co., 75 and 77 Nassau street, New York. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 133 GrUido Freiizel, Roehrenhof. Jos. Hagen, Schmerold. W. Wocher, Schuettendobel. J. Krafft, Schwarzhammer. Stefan Woerle, Siebelsdorf. Em. Pfaff, Sterneck. K. Fischer, St. Zeno. Gust. Werner, Theisnach. B. Sylvester, Tuerkheim. J. Reindl, Weidach. Jos. Leiss, Westerham. J. Steininger, Westerham. J. Semler, Windisch-Eschenbach. Gfebr. Sapper, Wittislingen. J. Wildberger, Louisenfels, (P. O. address, Spiegelau im Bayr Wald.) BRUNSWICK. B. Benkendorf, Braunlage a. H. Harzburg- Holzstoff Fabrik, Harzburg. C. Eickhoff & Co., Harzburg. E. Lueders & Sohn, Langelsheim. A. Koenigodorf & Co., Langelsheim. Marienthal Holzstoff Fabrik, Marienthal. J. & L. Frank, Oker a. H. Ad. Stern, Oker. a. H. Richard Fluegge, Okerthal. H. Kiel, Okerthal. Borsdorff & Muhle, Radauthal. Wood Pulp Mill, Treseburg. F. A. Deike, Treseburg. ALSACE-LORRAINE. Gebr. Weibel, Kaysersberg. PRUSSIA. BRANDENBURG. N. L. H. Boesig, Bulow. Dr. A. Mueller, Hertelsaue. V The Paper World pleases me greatly. The style and make up eclipses anything of the kind we have over here. A good feature is a fair admixture of philosophical matter, the clear ring and masculinity of which are very striking and admirable. — William Tur/on, Overton, Frodsham, Cheshire, England. 134 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. HANOVER. Carl Kiilll, Andreasberg a. H. C. F. Hertwig", Duderstadt a. H. Herm Horn, Goslar. Amelnng & Bente, Goslar. Eduard Lueders & Sohn, Goslar. F. M. BmUlenberg", Kunkenmuehle. E. Thiele, Osterode a. H. C. Hempel, Osterode a. H. C. Schineing', Plantelluenne. G. A. Heubel, Pohlandsmuehle. Fr, Thiele, Windhausen. Aug". Kloenne, Dortmund. W. Thiele, Ebershausen. Hameln Holzstoff Fabrik, Hameln a. Weser. HESSE-NASSAU. 0. Dittmar, Allendorf a. W. Hartmann & Co., Allendorf a. W. C. & G. Engelhardt, Kassel. P. Schmick, Kinzigmuehle. Fr. Wetz, Loehnberger Huette. G. A. Siebrecht, Mittelschmalkalden. C. A. Koether, Speele. HOHENZOLLERN. Bingen Holzstoff Fabrik, Bingen. POMERANIA. B. Behrend, Fuchsmuehle. C. F. Meissuer & Sohn, Scharsow. Moritz Behrend, Vazin. Joint Stock Co., Altdamm. Chemical Wood Pulp. Coeslin Paper Mills, Coeslin. Chemical Wood Pulp. C. F. Meissner & Son, Raths-Damnitz. Chemical Wood Pulp. PRUSSIA (EAST AND WEST.) Otto Kuehnemann, Bethkenhammer. M. Morwitz, Jr., Dantzic. The Paper World is received by us regularly with much satisfaction, and its opinions and suggestions are regarded by us of importance in considering the general interests of the paper manufacturers.— P. C. Cheney, Treasurer, P. C. Cheney Co. Manchester, N.H. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. T 35 Cellulose Mill, Dantzic. Chemical Wood Pulp. Julius Georges, Kiauten. R. Steimig, Jr., Boelkaw. W. Schottler & Co., Lappin. RHINE. H. Zansen, Zuelich. Joli. Meller, Zuelich. Carl Laufs, Zuelich. Gebr. Busch, Nuttlar. E. Hoesch & Schleicher, Duren. Chemical Wood Pulp. Kade & Co., Deutz. Chemical Wood Pulp. A. Zoeller, Oberhausen. Matheis & Yirmond, Olef. Rud. Haas, Schleiden. Th. Wechsels, Eversum. SAXONY. A. Schuebeler, Abberode. H. Nuschenpickel, Olesmuehle. F. A. Springer, Pulvermuehle. Paper & Wood Pulp Mill, Hasserode. Lewin's Fabrik, Herzberg. Springer & Rasche, Ilsenberg. F. W. Keferstein, Sinsleben. Chemical Wood Pulp. A. Fink, Sinsleben. W. Dautzenberg & Co., Schleusingen. Chr. Niewertll, Wernigerode a. H. Ziegenrueck Holzstoff Fabrik, Ziegenrueck. F. W. Keferstein, Sinsleben. SILESIA. Rauch & Co., Altweistritz. E. Schneider, Arnsdorf. C. Winzer, Boberroehrsdorf. Tamm & Ruppert, Brueckenberg. Erase & Schenkendorf , Egelsdorf. Fritz Lang, Egelsdorf. Frd. Seliger, Giersdorf. I take great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt at this Consulate of The Paper World, and am greatly pleased with its general appearance and its subject matter. — Judson A. Lewis, U. S. Consul, Sierra Leone, Africa. r 136 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. A. Kleinert, Hammer. A. Feist, Hermsdorf. J. G. Lassmann & Soehne, Herhsdorf. Fr. Greilich, Hemsdorf. Scholz & Dartsch, Hernsdorf. Akt. Gesell. f. Holzstoff Fabrikateon, Hirschberg. Count Hugo Henckel Von Donnersmarck, Hugohuette. Chemical Pulp. Count Stollberg's Wood Grinding Mill, Jannourtz. C. Grosser, Krumhuebel. A. Zibelius, & Co., Loos a. Queis. Prause & Co., Neuweistritz. Gebr. Fuenfstueck, Niederneundorf. Schleimann & Schueller, Ober-Giersdorf. Ant. Logler, Ober-Giersdorf. A. Neumann, Oberloeschen. Isidor Wolff, Oberschwefeldorf. A. Schmidts Wittw, Olbersdorf. 0. Mitscherlich, Oklitz. Chemical Pulp. Fr. Hoffmann, Olbersdorf. R. Roseher, Penzig. C. Steinberg & Co., Penzig. Th. Hitze, Petersdorf. Paul Gloos, Petersdorf. C. Libig, Petersdorf. G. Griesch & Tiebold, Petersdorf. Prince Hohenlohes Woodboards Fact, Rauden. W. v. Loebbecke's Wood Pulp Mills, Rueckers. G. Grosser, Schmiedeberg. 0. Opitz, Schreiberhau. C. Grosser, Steinseifen. Fr. Haver, Thiergarten. C. Kretschmer, Ullersdorf. C. W. Speil, Urnitz. Aug. Heinke, Urnitz. Ferd. Hoffmann, Voigtsdorf, Otto Goedsche, Warmbrunn. We have been much interested in The Paper World from its beginning ; it has grown upon us month by month, and we regard it as ranking very high in plan, editing, the information k gives and in its mechanical execution. — G. 6° C. Mcrriam &> Co., Publishers of Webster 1 s Unabridged Dictionary. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. *37 C. A. Lincke, Weltende. H. Richter, Querseifen. Count Ziethen, Ziegenhals. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. H. Butenschoen, Gluecksburg. Gr. A. Theine, Uetersen. WESTPHALIA. Bering- & Klagges, Alme. C. Scheele, Arnsberg. Wolfg-ang- Kapp, Dahl. Th. Wehsels, Eversum. A. Linneborn, Freienohl a. d. Ruhr. V. (1. Beeke, Klag-g-es & Reuter, Hemer (mill at Wildhausen, Oeventrop). H. C. Kuhlniann, Luebbecke. M. Busch, Meschede a. d. Ruhr. Fr. Vassen & Co., Rumbeck. C. Chelius & Co., Rumbeck. Jul. V. Stockhausen, Wennemen. Heinrich Thomee, Werdohl. JR. Hymmen, Westig. Gebr. Busch, Nuttlar, Aug*. Severin, Stemel. Max. Dressel, Dalbke. Kuehn & Merz, Abtmuehle. C. C. Stein, Altzschillen. Kuebler & Schmidt, Antonsthal. F. E. Weidenmueller, Antonsthal. Oswald Koehler, Baerenstein. A. Frantz, Baerenstein. Gebr. Richter, Baeren Klause. Wilh. Kunze, Berthelsdorf. L. C. Reichel, Blauenthal. Schnicke & Strobel, Borstendorf. Breyer & Co., Braunsdorf. Eug. Holzmann, Breitenhof. As a monthly record of current events on matters pertaining to the trade in all of its various departments, The Paper World is superior to all the trade journals, and should not fail of being received and preserved, and it is of historical value, everything being presented in its most attractive form— N. W. Taylor, President Cleveland Paper Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SAXONY. r •38 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Julius Mauersberger, Buchholz. Hermann Hippe, Buschmuehle. Brodmeier & Junglians, Burgmuehle Hnth & Weisker, Crottendorf. Ida Kling-enberg", Dittersdorf. M. V. Phiele, Elbersdorf. Nestler & Breitfeld, Erla. Alb. Klotzscll, Erlabrunn. Speisebecher & Co., Falkenhorst. Gus. Toelle, Faehrbreucke. Ernst Henke, Felsenmuehle. H. F. Schnicke, Floeha. V. E. Richter, Frauenstein. L. Friedrich, Friedrichsmuehle. Aug". Lorenz, Geiersdorf. Clemens Gerber, Geiersdorf. H. Ronitzky, Glashuette. Holzstoff & Pappen Fabrik, Gleisberg. J. Scheerer, Goeritzhain. Ewald Berthold, Goeritzhain. X. Leichsenring", Goeritzhain. A. Knothe, Goeritzhain. F. W. Strobel, Griesbach. F. Bergl'eld, Grosspoehla. Kuebler & Schmidt, Grosschlaisdorf. Hammer & Toelle, Gruenau. W. Kuehne, Grunau. Trump & Co., Hammerbaerenklau. C. A. Hippe, Heselicht. Gebr. Lorenz, Hirschleithe. F. E. Weidenmueller, Hirschstein. Wilh. SchoepllS, Hohnstein. C. Pflugbeil, Huetten. Oscar Bauer, Johanngeorgenstadt. Jul. Beureuther, Johanngeorgenstadt. Osw. Heidenfelder, Johstadt. Domstift Bautzen, (Bautzen Cathedral), Kirschau. Our compliments to The Paper World, which is always wholly alive, we find, to the advancement of the best interests of both paper manufacturers and dealers. — Charles O. Brown , President Carson 6^ Brown Co., Dadon, Mass. r The paper mill directory of the world. '39 J. H. Sachse, Klingenberg. F. W. Kuehn, Klostermuehle. Kummer & Guenther, Koenigswalde. W. Schoephs & Kaul, Kohlmuehle. Bernard Kuelm, Kolkau. J. G. Schlenzing', Krumbach. F. A. Boehmer, Langwolmsdorf. C. Schobert, Lauter. J. G. Kling-er, Leubetha. Gust. Meyh, Lichtenhain. Win. Schoephs, Lichtenhain. Hugo Fischer, Lichtenwalde. Holzstoff & Holzpappen Fabrik, Limmritz-Steina. Weber & Niezel, Lohmen. Wilhelm Vog*el, Lunzenau. Tahn Auer & Lindemuth, Lunzenau. H. Hammer, Mahlitzsch. K. A. Eismann, Markersbach. Lauge, — Metzdorf. Carl Weber, Mittweida. Eismann & Demmler, Mittweida. F. A. Georgi, Mittweida. Gust. Mueller, Mittweida. Gebr. Heller, Moosdorf. W. Kunze, Mulda. Louis Gessner, Siegelhof. Ernst Dittrich, Sosa. 0. H. Kratze, Neudoerfchen. Guenther & Richter, Neustaedtel. Richter & Heintze, Niederschlema. F. W. Kuehn, Nossen. P. & R. Schmidt, Oberau. C. Fischer, Obergruna. F. A. Muenzer, Obergruna. Fried. Braun, Obermittweida. E. Bruckner, Obermittweida. B. Huth, Obermittweida. The editor of The Paper World has succeeded in getting together a most readable lot of matter, interesting, not only to the paper dealers, printers and publishers, but even to the general public, who will find in its pages much that they did not know before.— Eastern Toronto Enterprise^ Ontario. r 140 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Peter Richter, Obermittweida. Carl Weber, Obermittweida. Ed. Wussing', Obersachsenfeld. Rob. Schuster, Olbernhau. Ch. Braun, Pischwitz. Th. Ficker, Pischwitz. Jul. Naumann, Pockau. Fedor Theile, Polenz. Herm Kenipf, Poehla. Emil Freitag, Raschau. G. H. Brueckner, Raschau. C. W. Breitfeld, Rittersgruen. Pfahl & Martsching", Rittersgruen. Wenzel & Junghanns, Rittersgruen. J. G. Schlenzig, Roehlitz. Paper Pulp and Board Mills, Rochsburg. E. J. Hennig's Wwe, Schirgiswalde. Ed. Wasing, Sachsenfeld. C. Reiche, Scharfenstein im Erzgebirge. Gebr. Mueller & Co., Schlettau. E. Freitag, Schlottwitz. B. & R. Schmidt, Schoenbrunn. G. Bretsclmeider, Schoenhaide. Carl Deiiner Sons, Schwarzenberg. Hensel & Braun, Schweta. W. Schoephs & Kaul, Sebnitz. Kempf, — Siebenhofen. B. Poetzsch, Stein. Speisebecher & Co., Stolpen. A. F. Kreisig", Tannenfeld. Anton Brettschneider, Tannenfeld. W. Seume, Technitz. Carl Mueller, Teufelstein. G. Toelle, Thiergarten. Haelsig & Co., Ulrichsberg. Alb. Kunert, Wallsdorf. Wilhelm Kunze, Weigmannsdorf. The Paper World is rilled fb the brim with first-class matter, well written and of interest not only to the general world, but more particularly to the trade, and in fact to many trades. — St. Catherine's Daily News, Ontario. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 141 E. B. Koehler, Wiesa. Ernst. Zweigler, Wildenau. Aug. Rothe, Wildenau. Gust. Toelle, Wildenfels. ' Borges, — Wildenthal. Tuscherer & Zeuner, Wilzschthal. C. H. Frenzel, Wittigsthal. F. A. Krause, Wolfersgruen. H. C. Kunert, Woellsdorf. C. G. Mehner, Zschopau. Osw. Meyh, Zwickau. E. Hoffmann & Co., Salzuflen. Otto Guenther, Greiz-Reuss. J. A. Schneider Wwe, Themar-Saxe-Meiningen. A. Otto, Wasungen-Saxe-Meiningen. Henkel & Dorn, Wernshausen-Saxe-Meiningen. F. Frommelt, Burgau. R. Maempel, Arnstadt. WURTEMBBRG. Ferd. Zuppinger, Friedrichshafen. J. M. Yoith, Heidenheim. Gebr. Mueller, Mochenwangen. Ph. Wissinann, Neckarthailfingen. P. Lemppenau & Co, Neuenbuerg. A. Gasser, Neumuehle. J. Poschenrieder, Neu Ravensburg. J. Albrecht & Co., Plochingen. Carl Schaal, Scheer a. d. Donau. Walther & Kraemer, Scheer a. d. Donau. Wood Pulp Mill, Schwarzhalden. J. G. Kessler, Suessen. Emhard Haug, Vaihingen. Gebr. Ebbinghaus, Wangen in Allgaen. The Paper World is a marvel of size and typography. That so large and so good a paper can be published successfully tells at sight of a vast amount of wealth in the paper and printing line in America — The British Whig, Kingston, Ontario. r 142 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. BOHEMIA. Eichmann & Co., Arnau. Writing etc. 1 machine. Elbemuehl, Imperial, (private, ) Arnau. All sorts. 4 machines. Chris. Geipel, Asch. Wrapping. 2 tubs. F. Bichter, Bausnitz. Wrapping. 1 machine Jordan & Soehne, Birkigt. Writing, Print and Envelope. 2 machines. F. A. Beyrenther, Breitenbach. Cellulose Fiber. J. Reimann, Brettgrund. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ignaz FucllS, Boehm-Kamnitz. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. Ignaz Spiro & Soehne, Boehm-Krumau. Sugar and Wrapping. 2 machines. J. F. Paul, Boehm-Kunnersdorf. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. F. Paul, Boehm-Lipa. Writing and Print. 1 machine. J. Rooessler, Boehm-Friedland. Wrapping. 1 machine, and 1 vat. J. F. Paul, Boehm-Zwickiu. Board and Wrapping. 3 machines. C. & W., Weiss, Bukowee. Writing, Hanging, etc. 1 machine. Leeks Cheidt & Paul, Buergstein. Wrapping and Board. 1 machine. Franz Kneifel, Dun Kelthal. Boards. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Elbemuehl. Straw Pulp. Jordan & Sons, Fetschen. Straw Pulp. P. Piette, Freiheit. Tissue and Cigarette. 4 machines. Anton Roessler, Friedland". Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine, 1 vat. M. Schuetz, Hinterwasser. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. A. Riesling", (estate of) Hohenelbe. Wrapping. 2 machines. E. Winternitz & Sons, Jacobsthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Eggferth, Zicdec. Tub and Filter Paper. 1 machine Elbemuehl, — Zungbuch. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Kubik, Kaisermuehle. Writing and Tissue. 1 machine. J The Paper World is a more readable trade journal than any other we know of.- ery Trade Review, Edinburgh Scotland. . — Station- THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 143 S. Engelmann, Karolinenthal. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. M. Gelinck, Komotau. Sugar and Wrapping. 1 machine. Sattler & Co., Krinsdorf. Wrapping and Filter. 1 machine. Will. Lercll, Kwasney. Wrapping and Colored. 1 machine. M. GrOetzel, Lauterwasser. Board and Jacquard. 2 machines. f J. Spurny, Ledec. Boards, Cartridge, etc. 1 machine, 2 vats. Gebr. Fraenkel, Lischney. Sugar, Print, etc. 2 machines. Buescher & Hoffmann, Mariaschein. Roof Boards, etc. 1 machine. G. Boeder & Co., Marschendorf and Vienna. Writing, News, and Boards. 2 machines. Eman Weiss, Mittellangenau. Writing and Print. 1 machine. W. Fischer, Morchenstern. Wrapping. 1 machine. Wz. Peterinichl, Neuern. Writing and Wrapping. 1 mach.. .. Ignaz Spiro, Neuhaus. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Joll. Jaresch, Buhumilin. Tub Made Paper. Fuerth & Gellert, Fuerstenmuehle. Straw Paper and Boards. J. Nawratil, Gbell. Roof Boards. F. Knirsch, Graenzendorf. Print and Boards. 1 machine. L. Knirsch's Widow, Nieder Haninchen. Boards. (Idle.) 1 machine. P. Wonka, Horitz. Roof Boards. Wenzel Geisler, Kloket. Tub Made Paper. K. Nemecek, Koeniggratz. Roof Boards. J. Weleba, Koeninghof. Roof Boards.- F. Scllindler, Krugsreuth. Tub Made Paper. M. Mikschick, Kundratitz. Straw Boards, etc. 1 machine. Joh. 0. Suttner, Kurschitz. Tub Made Paper. U. Trinks, Nieder Leitensdorf. W. Keisliu^, Lochowitz. Envelope and all kinds Wrapping. 1 machine. Jos. Buclltele, Nedeschin. Tub Made Paper. Andreas Muller, Oberbrand. Tub Made Paper. F. E. Kaeferstein, Nieder-Einsiedel. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine, 2 vats. Anton Waehner, Niedergrund. Colored Wrapping. 1 machine. Seidel, Reinscll & Klier, Obergrund. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. P. Gfrossmanu, Oberlangenau. Wrapping. 1 machine. Joll. Wuertz, Pflanzen. Wrapping. 1 machine. Fuerth & Gellert, Pilsen. Wrapping and Straw Paper. 5 machines. P. Piette, Pilsen. Tissue and Straw Pulp. 1 machine. Each succeeding issue of The Paper World seems to be an improvement on its predeces- sor; its pages being literally crammed with interesting trade intelligence. — Printing Times and Lithograper, London, England. J r 144 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Llldwig Fiedler, Pirken. Wrapping. 1 machine. K. C. Menzel, Podol. Wrapping and Sugar. 2 machines. Const. Lanzberger, Puerstein. Wrapping. 1 machine. Franz Tichy, Ronsberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Karl Pollak, Rothredschitz. Sugar and Wrapping. 1 machine. Grebr. Kollll & Co., Schlan. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Greifenhagen, Schroebersdorf. Boards. 3 machines. J. Eggerth, Stubenbach. Filter. 2 vats. M. Wodicka, Tabor. Boards. 1 machine. Em. Rieger, Tannenberg. Card* 1 machine. JOS. Kuehnel, Tellnitz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Desseildorf Paper Mills, Tiefenbach. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Joh. Ullrich, Trautenau. Boards and Roof Boards. I machine Rud. Reissig, Weipert. Print and Filter. 1 machine. J. E. Purkert, Weisskirchlitz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Em. Mickschik, Welhartitz. Sugar. 2 vats. Grebr. Haase, Wran. Writing, Colored and Cigarette. 3 machines. Poikenhammer Mills, Carlsbad. Hand Made Paper. Spitz, Fuchs & Taussig, Pisek. Print and Straw Board. Josef. Brosche, Prague. Straw Board, Etc. J. Nekwassil, Prague. Roof Boards. C. Sterba, Prague. Roof Boards. S. Engelmann, Prague. All kinds. 2 machines. Bergmann & Co., Roth-Recitz. Print and Writing. 1 machine. J. Wagner, Schwatz. Roof Boards. N. Hitte, Tetschen. Boards. Jordan & Sons, Tetschen. Print and Fine Wrapping. 2 machines. Wattetitz Paper Mills, Wattetitz. Hand Made Paper. F. Lamberger, Welhartitz. Wrapping and Hanging. 1 machine. Paper Mills, Laudskrona. Print and Writing. 1 machine. A. Slavik, Postulitz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Czerlany Paper Mills, Czerlany. Writing, Print and Lignite. 2 machines. Kamesnitz Paper Mill, Kamesnitz. Print, Wrapping etc. 1 machine. United Paper Mills, Leki. Straw Paper. 1 machine. United Paper Mills, Osiek. Wrapping. 1 machine. The Paper World is edited in better taste than a majority of the American trade journals. — Griffin's Colonial Printer's Register, New Zealand. GALICIA. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. '45 Weiser & Holzer, Sassow. Writing and Lignite. I machine. C. F. Schroeder & Sohn, Saybusch. Wrapping. I machine. Lask, Mehrlaender & Co., Wadowice. Straw Paper and Boards. 3 machines. SigHl. Kotkowski, Lemberg. Boards. Countess Voil Borkowska, Osiek. Boards. 1 machine. Count Von Fredro, Pacykow. Boards. Count D. Dzieduszycki, Sachowice. Hand Made Paper. N. Komaszkan, Straszow. Hand Made Paper. Josef Schneider, Zawadow. Boards. Count J. Kledecky, Lemberg. Print and Wrapping. CARINTHIA. A. L. Moritsch, Obertellach. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. P. J. Tengg", Obertellach. Boards. 1 machine. Alex. Ebner, Poitschach. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. Pachten, Poelling. Cellulose Boards. 1 machine. A. L. Moritsch, Spital a. D. Cellulose Fiber. KRAIN. Leykaill Josef Sthal, Goertschach. Print. 1 machine. Leykam Josefstlial, All kinds. 3 machines. Edmund Terpin, Niewitz. Writing. 1 machine. Racach Paper Mill, Racach. Writing and Print. 1 machine. W. Grundner, Ladni. Hand Made Paper. KUESTENLAND. Count V. Zohony, Podgora. Straw Pulp. COASTLAND. Hitter Von Zahony, Podgora. Writing. 3 machines. Isidoi'O Pagliaruzzi, Caporetto. Hand Made Paper. MORAVIA. N. Ziska, Batelau. Wrapping. 1 machine. Leopold Keller, Daubrawnik. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Mart Kink & Co., Heimrichsthal. Writing, Print and Colored. 2 machines. Ignaz Weiss, Langendorf. Writing and Print. 1 machine. JOS. Haase, Littau. Wrapping. 1 machine. Joint Stock Co. Mills, Olleschau. Tissue and Cigarette. 1 machine. J. E. Friedmann & Bro., Tassau. Straw Paper. 1 machine. The Paper World is certainly a well edited publication, and if we may judge of the specimen copy before us, we can easily understand how in so short a time this journal has attained the position it has in the publishing world. — The Peterborough and Huntingdon- shire Standard, England, 146 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. C. M. Kopriwa, Tischnowitz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aug. Fundulus, Trebitsch. Straw Board and Wrapping. 2 machines. Ant. Schmidt, Ullersdorf. Felt Papers. 2 vats. Wolff sdorf Paper Mills, Wollsdorf. Print, Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines, 1 vat. A. Karger & E. Mahn, Aloisthal. Boards. 1 machine. Jos. Howorka, Julienfeld, (office Brunn.) Roof Boards. Mark ScllOStal & Co., Koenigsfeld. Roof Boards. M. Schuetz, Hinterwasser. Wrapping. 1 machine. Wm. Fritsche, Loschitz. Roof Boards. J. E. LOOS, Mohelno. Hand Made Paper. Amand Wolf, Nied Mohrau. Hand Made Paper. Ig. Exner, Mueglitz. Roof Boards. Joh. Fassmann, Roznau. 1 machine. H. Gabler, Wermsdorf. Hand Made Paper. C. Rheinboldt, Biedermannsdorf. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Leop. F. Leidesdorf & Co., Ebenfurth, (office Vienna.) All kinds. 2 machines. Leop. F. Leidesdorf & Co., Eggendorf. 2 machines, 2 vats. Leop. F. Leidesdorf & Co., Wiener-Neustadt. Print and Wrapping. 1 ma- chine. Imperial Private Mills, Ebergassing. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Neusiedel Co., Franzensthal, (office Vienna.) Writing and Colored. 2 ma- chines. Neusiedel Co., Klein-Neusiedel. Print and Bank Note. 4 machines. Alois Wuerz, Grosspertholz. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Mart. Kink & Co., Gumpoldskirchen. Press Boards. 2 machines. Fr. Kurz, Kehrbach. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. R. Horra, Leiben. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ed. Hoppe, Moedling. Cellulose Fibre. Joh. Blum, Ober-Agram. Cellulose and Copying. 1 machine. J. Lustig" & Co., Ober-Waltersdorf. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Wm. Hamburger, Pitten. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Pitten Imperial Private Mills, Pitten. Print and Wrapping. 3 machines. Gebl*. Markl, Rabenstein. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Jos. Kaiss, Rennersdorf. Boards. 1 machine. Imperial Private Mills, Schloegmuehl. Bank Note, Print and Colored. 4 ma- chines, 6 vats. LOWER AUSTRIA. V The Paper World contains more literary matter than any of i's cotemporaries, and this matter is invariably first-class. — British and Colonial Printer and Stationer. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. *47 Mathias Moser, Schottwien. Wrapping, i machine. Math. Salzer's Soelme, Stattersdorf. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Will. Lesigailg", Stattersdorf. Boards. I machine. Princess Liechtenstein, Stuppach. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Ellissen, Roeder & Co., Theresienthal. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Pitten Stock Co., Wampersdorf. Writing and Cards. I machine. Prince Liechtenstein, Wartenstein. Cellulose Fibre. KI. Neusiedel Paper Mill, Wienerherberg. Half-stuff. Will. Lesig'aug, Wilhelmsburg., Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. JOS. Spitzer, Floridsdorf. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. J. Kern, Gaudensdorf. Card Board. F. Kirschdorfer, Mitterwasser. Hand Made Paper. F. Henschel, Ottakring. Card Board. B. Storoczinski, 30 Brauhausgasse Vienna. Card Board. UPPER AUSTRIA. F. Hoffmann's Widow, Braunau a. I. Print and Envelope. 1 machine. Ludwig" Fink, Harrachsthal. Wrapping. 1 machine. Frz. Schuppler, Laakirchen. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Neumann, Marchtrenk. Writing and Tissue.- 1 machine. Aem. Weiss, Marchtrenk. Straw Pulp. J. Roemer & Co., Nettingsdorf. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Scheerer & Vielguth, Noitzmuehle. Writing and Wrapping. 3 machines. A. Neumann, Oberweis. Boards. 1 machine. Guertlei* & Rothmair, Schwanenstadt. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Josef Sugg , Sirning. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Bonifaz Fink, Steg. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Fr. Hoffmann, Steyr. Wrapping. 1 machine. Steyr Joint Stock Mills, Steyermuehle. Writing and Print. 5 machines. Count Von Falkenhayn, St. Wolfgang. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Franz Feuerstein, Traun. Tissue. 1 machine. C. J. Stuetzer & Wuertz, Wels. Writing and Print. 1 machine. C. C. Mueller, Obermuehl a. d. Donau. Wrapping. 1 machine. C. Mueller, Grafenau. Hand Made Paper and Boards. F. Frick, Neukirchen. Hand Made Paper and Boards. Johann Mueller, Ohlsdorf. Hand Made Paper and Boards. Anton Peyr, Pettighofen. Hand Made Paper and Boards. Joh. Pachinger, Sarningstein. Hand Made Paper and Boards. We know of no paper on our continent that can compare with The Paper World, if not in appearance, at least, in variety and extent ot matter. — Papier Handel, Switzerland. r 148 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. E Hoffmann, Ober-Schauersberg. Paper and Boards. 1 machine.. Joh. Koch, Schoendorf. Paper and Boards. 1 machine. F. Vog'g'enhuber, Stippelmuehl. Hand Made Paper and Boards. Joh. Pachinger, St. Nikola. Hand Made Paper and Boards. JOS. Baer, Traunleithen. Papers and Boards. J. V. Rauchenbuechler, (estate of) Lengfelden Print and Colored. 1 ma- chine. Sebastian Kaltner, Werfen. Hand Made Paper. Get. Fialkowsky & Twerdy, Bielitz. Print and Writing, r machine. Pollak & Serog", Raycza. Wrapping. 1 machine. Aug. Heller, Gastdorf. Bag Paper and Blotting. 1 machine. Ferd. Hoffmann, Graetz. Press Boards. 1 machine. Alb. Tepperwein, Taegerndorf. Boards. 1 machine. Ferd. Weiss, Klein Mohrau. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Dr. J. Mueller, Klein Mohrau. Boards. 1 machine. Baron Zawiscll & Son, Obersdorf. Boards and Wrapping. 1 machine. Jos. KozicPs Widow & Son, Hermanitz. Filter and Blotting. Joh. Hrdyn, Karlsthal. 2 vats. Jos. Niemczyk, Matsdorf. Boards. K. Kranz, Andritz. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Rommeney & Rathausky, D'Landsberg. Envelope and Poster. 2 machines. Heinr. Ritter von Drasche, Gairach. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. Leykam Josefthal Co., Gratwein. All sorts. 2 machines. Leykam Josefthal Co., Gratz. All sorts. 2 machines. Ad. Ruhmann, Guggenbach. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Leopold Leitner, Hoerbing. Straw Pulp. ( Idle.) F. Mueller & Co., Hoerbing. Colored. 1 machine. M. Diamant & Co., Muerzthal. Various Papers. 1 machine. J. Koch, Paels. Wrapping. 1 machine. Alex Ebner, Paeltschach. Wrapping. 1 machine. Carl Meditsch, St. Bartholme. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Gebr. Kranz, Voitsberg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. J. B. Steng"er, Frohnleiten. Colored, Wrapping, Print and Boards. 1 machine. SALZKAMMER. AUSTRIAN SILESIA. STEIERMARK. Enclosed please find $2 for which please send us The Paper World. When the sub- scription expires notify us, as we do not wish to be without your very valuable and interesting paper. — J. L. Regan & Co., Printers and Binders, Chicago, III. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 149 C. Haller & Sohn, Gratz. Hand Made Boards. A. F. Ohmayer, Gratz. Hand Made Boards. E. Pfeiffer, Gratz. Boards. Ignaz Stoelze, Voitsberg. Straw Paper and Boards. TYROL. Paper Mills, Absam-Innspruck. Wrapping. 1 machine. E. Recknagel, Baeumle. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. C. Blum, Bludenz. Writing. 1 machine. Tobias Netzer, Hall. Writing and Poster. 1 machine. Kant & Oertel, Hoerbranz. Tissue. 1 machine. Paper Mills, Imst. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Enrico Passerini, Mori. Wrapping. 1 machine. Gabriel Mallaun, Rangweil. Hanging and Poster. 1 machine. Lud. Jacob & Co., Roveredo. Writing and Lithographing. 3 machines. Guilia Te&tori's Widow, Roveredo. Wrapping. 1 machine. Bozone Fratelli, Varone. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mills, Wattens. Print and Writing. 1 machine. A, Barnahe, Biacesa. Klingenschmid, Breitenwang. Hand Made Paper. S. Brunner, Breitweg. Hand Made Paper. Fratelli Pozzoni, Foei del Varone. Wrapping. Jos. Mark, Imcspruck. Boards. Francesco & Antonio, Predazzo. Hand Made Paper. Castellini & Co., Riva. Print and Boards. F. N. Fiorio, 1 machine. Weiss, Pieiro & Franc, Scurelle. . Castellini Lucillo & Co., St, Giacomo. Rabbi Tullio, St. Giacomo. G. Colombari, Vela. Paper and Boards. C. G. Haltrich, Bargo-Prund. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine, 2 vats. Paul Gerig"k, Felek. Wrapping. 1 machine. KoenigS & Copony, Kronstadt. Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. We consider The Paper World a very valuable journal, and we think it would be hard to improve upon its present value. — T. S. White, Stationery Co., St. Paul, Minn. CROATIA AND SLAVONIA. Smith & Meyneir, Fuime. All kinds. 6 machines. G. V. Poosch, Fuime. Wrapping. 1 machine. SIBBENBUERGEN. r 150 THE fAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Imperial Private Mill, Orlat Writing and Print. 1 machine. Petersdorf Paper Factory, Petersdorf. Writing and Tissue. 2 machines. Kronstadt Paper Mill, Tarlau. Wrapping and Boards. 2 machines. KoenigS & Copony, Zernest. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Princely Paper Mill, Goergeny. Lozar Balazs, Scent Imre. C. J. Merkens, Bajna. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. C. J. Merkens, Boboth. Wrapping. 2 machines. Carl Michalik, Czmertz. Wrapping. 1 machine. Smekal & Co., Dechtitz. Straw Paper. 3 vats. M. Kolba & Son, Diosgyoer. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine, 3 vats. Imperial Hermanetz Paper Mill, Hermanetz. Writing and Print. 1 machine. M. Kolba & Son, Iglo. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Isidor Spiegel, Kis-Szeben. Wrapping. 1 machine. W. & F. Schoeller, Kremnitz. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Otto Engels, Kremnitz. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine, 3 vats. M. Spanniol, Lipese. Wrapping. 1 machine. Masniczko Paper Mill, Masniczko. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Julius Roxer, Nadabula. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Nagy-Slabos Paper Mill, Nagy-Slabos. Writing and Wrapping. 2 machines. Fr. Schoeller, Neczpall. Straw Pulp. Willi. Schoeller & Co., Netzpalle. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Johann Mathys, Pinkafeld. Wrapping. 1 machine. Pressburg Paper Mill, Prassburg. Wrapping and Straw Paper. 3 machines. Ludw. Bodrog & Roszi, Rima Kokowa. Straw Paper. 2 machines. Joh. Kling"eisen, Kl. Statina. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Temesvar Paper Mills, Temesvar. Straw Paper. 4 machines. Smekal & Co., Tyrnau. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Joan Zacsowic, Waitzen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Al. Starz, Waitzen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Adolph Ehrenfeld, Bajka. Hand Made Paper. Wolf Eisentaedter, Hammer. Boards. Karl Heidrich, Hradek. Hand Made Paper. Ignaz Loevy, Kokova. Hand Made Paper. Julius Walther, Kokova. Hand Made Paper. Spiegel & StrauSS, Kis-Szeben. Wrapping. 4 vats. Allow me to congratulate you upon the successful career of The Paper World, which has attained the foremost rank among journals devoted exclusively to the interests of the paper trade— George West, Paper Manufacturer, Ballston Spa, N. Y. HUNGARY. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Herm. Lindtner, Ochtina. Hand Made Paper. F. Gulter & Co., Ottenthal. Straw Boards, etc. Const. Werdenstaetter, Ottenthal. Boards. A. Donni, Klein Palugya. Hand Made Paper. Lad. Cziser, Poprad. Writing Papers, i machine. J. Hoffmann, Rajecz. Boards. Lad. Martinyi, Rochfalva. Boards. Spitzer & Co., Sochodnitz. Paul Gyuerky, Tiszolz Turocz. Hand Made Paper and Boards. Ant. Kroner, Tura. Hand Made Paper. F. A. Beyreuther, Breitenbach. J. Neumann, Doeberney. a. d. E. Ignaz Dix, Dunkelthal. Hofer & Lorenz, Dunkelthal. Adolf Dix, Gross-Aupa. F. Kneifel, Gross-Aupa. R. Wittiger, Hohenelbe. Gebr. Fraenkel & Seume, Klein Skal. Loetz & Pfisterer, Klostermuehl. Ig-natz Spiro & Sons, Krumau. Karl Baumann, Neudeck. Geutner & Co., Neudeck. Josef Kraus, Neudorf. W. Petermuehl, Neuern. D. Klauber's Son, Neumark. Ch. Braum & Eberhardt, Niederrochlitz. Jos. Loew & Son, Reichenau. Klug- & Hoffmann, Salmthal. Schreitter & Co., Salmthal. H. Greifenhagen, Schroebersdorf. J. Kraus, Schwarzenthal. Clemens Friemel, Stiebnitz. We think The Paper World fulfils its promise in every way. Its chief fault, if it may be so called, is that business men who have to give a full day's time to a day's business can't take it all in. — Rockwell &> Churchill, Printers, Boston, Mass. WOOD PULP MANUFACTURERS. BOHEMIA. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Leo. Gerber, Teschney. Brueder Roesler, Tiefenbaoh. J. Seidel & Reinisch, Warnsdorf. E. Klier, Warnsdorf. K. C. Menzel, Weisswasser. Franz Lemberger, Welhartitz. W. Kastranek, Klein Aujezd. (P. O. Roketzan.) P. Gl'OSSmann, Ober Langenau. GALICIA. S. Boehm, Kobiernitz. ( P. O. Kenty.) Baron V. Tuerke, Lemberg. Prince Sapieha, Lemberg. Yon Pollak Serog-, Robinsohn & Co., Czaniec Win. Gessner, Milowa. Theod. Primavesi, Raycza. Moritz Schroeter, Saybusch. Gebru. Fialkowsky & Twerdy, Saybusch. PebZj Lakopane. CARINTHIA. J. Laurer, Dellach. Jos. Moritzsch, Felixdorf. Jos. Goetz, Sachsendorf. J. Goetz, Stadelbach. Math. Fischer & Br. Kavallav, Unterberg. Ant. L. Moritzsch, Untertellach. J. Ahsbah, St. Veit. C. Pachten, Poelling. Alex. Ebner, Poitschach. Baron Zahony, Ponna. KRAIN. Ch. Moline, Neumarktl. MORAVIA. Groske & Co., Buczkovicz. A. Earner & E. Malm, Rabenau. C. M. Kopriwa, Prudka. Aug. Fundulus, Cichau. Martin Kink, Hansdorf. We are much interested in the news each issue of The Paper World brings us, and we think it is a very satisfactory publication. — Graham Paper Co., St. Louis, Mo. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. r 53 LOWER AUSTRIA. Ed. Hamburger, Blindendorf. Michl. Mangold, Einoed. Michael Haydn, Erlach. T. Kochel & Co., Forchdorf. Brueder Lukau, Gloggnitz. Gebr. Waissnic, Hirschwang. Franz. Burckhardt, Katzelsdorf. 0. Diethelm, Klein Hollenstein. a. d. Ybbs. A. Yolpini & Sons, Kottlach. W. Hamburger, Pitten. Brueder Vacano, Prinzthal. Gebr. Reedl, Purgstall. Gebr. Markl, Rabensteim. Kraemer & Walter, Scheer. M. Moser, Schottwien. Karl Allfmayr, Schwarzenberg. W. Liesegailg, Stattersdorf. Herm Wali, Steinmuehle. Em. Hamburger, Stuppach. A. Volpini & Sons, Stuppach. Gebr. Reedl, Traisen. Geb. Markl, Waasen. Jos. Reichardt, Wasserlueg-Klenizell. Carl Smrzka, Waidhofen. a. Ybbs. J. Oberdorfer, Edlach. (P. O. Reichenau.) N. Eisenhuber, Feistritz. Carl Mueller, Gleissenfeld. Fried Hoffmann's Wwe, Braunau a. Inn. Einsiedling Mills, Einsiedling. Ries & Zauner, Forchdorf. Job. Cll. Mueller, Grafenau. J. Ries & Zauner, Gruenberg. Baroness Beust, Gruenberg. Baron von Schoenerer, Gruenberg. Mor. Hoffmann, Hafeld. The Paper World is an exceedingly interesting and instructive publication.— Daily Avalanche. Memphis, Tenn. UPPER AUSTRIA. r 154 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Th. Endmoser, Lengfelden. Joh. Wuertz, Marchtrenk. Wood Pulp Mill, Muhi a. d. Donau. Fl*Z. Mailler, Neunkirchen. Scherer & Tielguth, Noitzmuehle. C. C. Mueller, Obermuehl. Emil Neumann, Oberweiss. Emil Neumann, Ramthal. J. Pistorius, Rietmuehle. Jos. Lammer, Rosenberg. C. Auffmeyer, Schwazenberg in Muehlkreis. C. Burckhardt, Schwazenberg in Muehlkreis. Gebr. Markl, Schwazenberg in Muehlkreis. Wood Pulp and Card Board Factory, Sonuleithen. Bonafacius Fink, Steg. Dr. Ed. Michlstetter, St. Wolfgang. Dr. Franz Feuerstein, Traun. Wood Pulp Mill Co., Sandhuebel. Dr. Joh. Mueller, Klein Mohrau. Carl F. Schroeter & Son, Seybusch. Pollak & Serog, Wigstadtl. SIEBENBUERG-EN. George Tuerk, Thoemoesthal. STEYERMARK. Franz & Co., Deutschlandsberg. Jul. Ahsbahs, Einoed. J. V. Steng'er, Frohnleiten. J. di. Centa, Lohomel. Alois L. Olbrich, Muerzzuschlag. J. Ebner, Poitschach. C. Pachten, Poelling. Ritter Von Felbinger, Prenning. Steng'er & Theiner, Roethelstein. Seb. Obermeier, Sonnleithen. Ig"naz Stoezle, Voitsberg. Jos. Bachmann, Waldstein. The Paper World is an A No. 1 journal in the field which it represents.— HubbarcVs Printers' Advertiser, New Haven, Conn. AUSTRIAN SILESIA. \ THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. I 55 TYROL. Josef Schmidt, Asam. J. Rokita, Jr., Jmst. Gebr. Broell, St. Gallenkirch. HUNGARY. Carl Ploy, Jr., Kremnitz. Prince Hohenlohe, Szepes Bela. J. Roxer, Nadabula. Joh. V. Masting 1 , Roekfalva. ThE Paper World shows care and ability both in editorial and mechanical work. — Daily Times, Bath, Me. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. THE NETHERLANDS. Van Brag-gen & Co., Apeldoorn. News. 3 vats. W. Be rends, Apeldoorn. Card Board. 2 vats. E. Van. Delden, Apeldoorn. News. 3 vats. J. Van. Delden Mz., Apeldoorn Card Board. 3 vats. J. B. Dykgraaf, Apeldoorn. News. 3 vats. G. Eikendal Dz., Apeldoorn. Wrapping. 1 machine. Van Gelder Zonen, Apeldoorn. News. 5 vats. R. Van Gerrevink, Apeldoorn. News. 4 vats. J. Van Hontum Az., Apeldoorn. News. 1 machine. D. Kamphins, Apeldoorn. Wrapping. 2 vats. F. Palm, Apeldoorn. Wrapping. 2 vats. Wed. H. Palm, Apeldoorn. News. 2 vats. Wed. J. Palm, Fz., Apeldoorn. News. 3 vats. G. J. W. Pannekoek, Apeldoorn. News. 4 vats. G. Van Riessen, Apeldoorn. News. 1 vat. I. Landers Zoon, Apeldoorn. News. 3 vats. Wed. G. J. Palm, Beekbergen. Wrapping. 2 vats. L. Van Gerrevinks Zonen, Berghiuzen. Writing and Sugar. 1 machine. P. R. Vandermade, Dordrecht. W T ood Pulp. Berns & Hlliskamp, Eerbeck. Wrapping. 1 machine. M. C. Sanders, Eerbeck, News. 3 vats. Wed. W. A. Sanders, Eerbeck. News. 3 vats. B. & J. C. SlykhiilS, Eerbeck. Wrapping. 3 vats. G. Palm & Co., Ernst. Writing. 3 vats. J. Van den Berg", Epe. News. 2 vats. Gebr. de Graaf, Epe News. 3 vats. M. Jacobs, Heelsum. Wrapping. 2 vats. N. Pannekoek & Co., Heelsum. Wrapping. 2 machines. I)e Erven M. Stfhut, Heelsum. Card Board. 2 vats. J. Bazerman, Heerde. Wrapping 1 vat. A. Uyt den Bogaard, Heerde. News. 3 vats. Hooites & Benkema, Hoogezand. Straw Boards. 3 machines. Geoctrooieerde, Kampen. Straw Paper. 1 machine. Stoom-Stroopapier Faorik, Kampen. Straw Paper. Simon Bakker & Co., Krommenie. News. 1 machine. The Paper World is a sort of a paper king, ruling over the world wherever paper is used.— Herald, Holyoke % Mass. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. '57 A. Kroesen & Co. Krommenie. Wrapping. 3 vats. H. Sanders, Laag Soeren. News. 2 vats. J. Cr. Kllipers & Co., Leeuwarden. Straw Board. 1 machine. I). Vail Delden, Loenen op de Velmoe. Wrapping. 2 vats. H. A. Schut, Loenen op de Velmoe. News. 2 vats. L'Hoest, LammenS & Co., Maastricht. All kinds. 3 machines. Tielens & Sclirammeil, Maastricht. News. 1 machine. J. M. Noppen & Z0011, Mechelen. News. 1 machine. B. Cramer, Ootmarsum. 1 machine. De Stroohallll, Raamsdonk. Straw Pulp. Le Succedane, Raamsdonk. Straw Pulp. W. Sanders Fz., Renkum. Wrapping. 2 machines. Vict. Burglioff, Roermond. News. 3 machines. A. Aarts, Rozendaal. Wrapping. 2 vats. H. Vail Delden, Rozendaal. Writing. 2 vats. Breyink, Beernink & Co., Tiel. Wrapping. 2 machines. L. Aarnink, Vaasen. Wrapping. 2 vats. J. Van Delden, Vaasen. Card Boards. 2 vats. J. A. Mentink, Vaasen. News. 1 vat. J. C. Mulder, Vaasen. Wrapping. 2 vats. Gr. Palm Gz., Vaasen. Wrapping. 2 vats. H. Pannekoek, Vaasen. News. 3 vats. Wed. J. Renvekamp, Vaasen. Wrapping. 2 vats. D. H. Westhoff, Vaasen. Wrapping. 2 vats. Wed. A. van Manen, Velp. News. 3 machines. J. A. van de Werve, Waddingsoeen. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Block & van del* Toon, Waddingsoeen. Writing and Wrapping. 2 machines. Spruit & Wernink, Waddingsoeen. Writing and Wrapping. 4 machines. A. Spruit V. Zooil, Waddingsoeen. Print and Writing. 2 machines. Ervail J. Van Zaneil, Waddingsoeen. Print. 3 machines. J. Bakker Cz., Waddingsoeen. Writing. 2 machines. Gebrs. de Jong 1 , Westzaan. Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. De Erven Dirk BlailW, Wormerveer. White and Wrapping. 2 machines. Van (jjelder Zoneil, Wormerveer. White and Wrapping. 1 machine. C. & J. Hoilig-ll Breet, Zaandyk. News. 3 machines. Jail Hoilitfh & Co., Zaandyk. Writing. 5 vats. W. Hissillk, Zutphen. Sugar and Wrapping. 3 machines. The Paper World reaches out over immense fields. — Factory and Farm, Chicago. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. BELGIUM. A. & E. Windelck, Alsemberg. Boards. 3 vats. J. L. GrOdin Freres et Soewrs, Andennes. All papers. 2 machines. Soc. Anonyme de Papeterie Beige, Basse-Wavre. All sorts. 4 machines. Sequiil-Tamminiaux, Bornisal. 1 machine. Victor Catala, Braine le Comte. Tarred Boards. 1 machine. E. Deleplanque, Bruges. Wrapping. 1 machine. Union de Papeteries Beiges, Chatnau pont d'oie. Writing and Colored. 2 machines. De Nayer & Co., Craenhem. Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Val Zerque, Dieghem. News. 1 machine. Math. Delsaux, Dinant. Print. 1 machine. A. J. V. Suehs, Dolhem. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ch. Stevens, Droogenbosch Print. 1 machine. E. GrOffin, Droogenbosch. Wrapping. 1 machine. Demenrs, Duffel. Writing. 1 machine. P. Vandercam, Ecaussines. Brewers' Paper. 1 machine. Cornil Frere & Co., Fleurers. Wrapping. 1 machine. Ch. Et. Catala, Fauquez s. Virgin. Writing. 1 machine. P. Delahaye & Co., Ghent. Wrapping. 1 machine. E. Desmedt & Co., Ghent. Writing. 2 vats. Van Hemelryck Freres et Soeurs, Hal. Print. 1 machine. J. L. GrOdin et Fils, Huy. All sorts. 9 machines. Gr. Demeurs & Fils, Huyssinghen. News. 1 machine. Papeterie de Jupille, Jupille. News. 1 machine. P. Stevens, Lembecq. Print. 1 machine. Gordine Freres, Liege. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Union de Papeteries Beiges, Mont St. Guibert. All sorts. 5 machines, 2 vats. Penart, — Nivelles. Parchment and Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Jaquet Sarton & Co., Nivelles et Ittre. Wrapping. 3 machines. The paper trade has in The Paper World an able advocate. — Chicago Specimen. *59 V. $ 0. Pennat, Nivelles. Tarred Paper, i machine. Debroux & Co., Noirhat. Print and Bank Note. I machine, 4 vats. A. Vail Renynghe, Paperinghe. Sand Paper. 1 machine. J. Demeurs Freres et Soeurs, Rhodes St. Geneve. News. 2 machines. E. Wielmaecker & Co., St. Servais. Writing and Print. 2 machines. F. Dekinder, Saventhem. Photographic Papers and Boards. 1 machine. Societe Anonyme, Saventhem. Print. 2 machines. Ducobu-Decaudin, Thulin. Tarred Paper. 1 machine. J. Demeurs, Tourneppe. Writing and Book. 2 vats. Lammens & Co., Vilvorde. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Olin & Fils, Virginal. News. 2 machines. C. Simonis & Co., Vise. Cellulose Paper. 1 machine. De Nayer & Co., Willebroeck. News and Writing. 2 machines. WOOD AND STRAW PULP MANUFAC- TURERS. Societe Anonyme de PUnion des Papeteries Belies, Arville. J. de Maegt, Brussels. De Nayer & Co., Brussels. Olin & Fils, Brussels. V. Zerque, Dieghem. Ch. Et. Catala, Fauquez de Virginal. Societe des Papeteries, Gastuche. Wood Pulp Mills, Hratival. (xodin Freres, Huy. Societes Anonyme des Papeteries Beiges, Mont St. Gibert. E. Wielmakers & Co., Namur. Societe Anonyme des Papeteries Beiges, Poix pres St. Hibert. Societe Anonyme de Succedanes, Raamsdonk. Joint Stock Co., Vise pres Liege. De Nayer & Co., Willebrock. The Paper World is certainly the most comprehensive magazine of its kind ever issued — Daily Recorder, Mcriden, Conn. r 160 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Jac. Mueller, Bremgarten. Envelope and Glazed, i machine. J. Hud. Huessy, Kreuzstrasse. Straw and Wrapping, i machine. J. Bickel, Rheinfelden. J. Widmer Waelti, Siegesmuchle. Writing and Print, i machine. Heinr. Zeller, Herisau. Wrapping, i machine. Stoecklin & Co., Bale. Wrapping and Boards. I machine. Straw Pulp Mill, Bale. Straw Pulp. Oser-Thurneisen, Bale. Print and Plate, i machine, 3 vats. Gebr. Duerring, Lausen. Boards, and Glazed Cards. 1 machine. Er. Hodel Wwe, Waldenburg. Boards and Glazed Cards. 1 machine. A. Yoerg & Braunwalder, Deisswyl. Wrapping. 1 machine. J. Ziegler-Thoma, Grellingen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Wood Pulp Manufacturing- Co., Grellingen. Wood Pulp. Aktiengesellschaft, Worblaufen. Writing and Print. 1 machine. H. Landerest & Co., Marly. Card Boards and Wood Pulp. 1 machine. T. B. Fenk, Eichberg. Wrapping. 1 machine. Heinrich Zeller, Rheineck. Wrapping. 1 machine. Joh. Jacob, Duebach. Wrapping. 1 machine. H. Weidmann, Rapperswyl. Card and Press Boards. 1 machine. Jos. Maier, Rapperswyl. Wrapping. 1 machine. Societe des Papeteries Reunies, La Batie. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Bristlin Freres, Versoix. Wrapping. 1 machine. G. Weber, Luxingen. Card Board. 1 machine. Geb. L. & J. Zweifel, Nettstall. Writing and Print. Fridolin Zweifel, Nettstall. Card Boards. 1 machine. Heng-g-eler, Haemmerli & Co., Landquart. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Horb Paper Mill, Horb. Wrapping. 1 machine. Joint Stock Paper Mill, Perlen. Writing, Print and Wood Pulp. 2 machines. The Paper World is the best paper of its kind in the English language. — Woodcocks Newspaper Reporter, New York, r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 161 Paper Mill, Serrieres. Writing and Paint. 2 machines. Biberist Paper Mill, Biberist. Writing and Wrapping. 3 machines. B. Ziegler, Kriegstetten. Wood Pulp and Wrapping. 1 machine. Thomaso FrailZOlli, Locarno. Writing and Print. 1 machine. A. Baldwin, Aawangen. Card Board and Wrapping. 1 machine. A. Harder, Degenau. Card and Tobacco Paper. 2 machines. Anton Blaettler, Hergiswyl. Card Boards and Print. 1 machine. Wood Pulp Mill, Bex. Wood Pulp. Societe des Papeteries Reunies, Bex. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Soeiete des Papeteries Kennies, Clarens. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Naters. Wrapping and Boards. 1 machine. Meinberg", Baar. Wrapping. 1 machine. Cham Paper Factory, Cham. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. Joint Stock Paper Co., Ander Limath. Wrapping. 1 machine. Zarich Paper Mill a. d. Sihl, Ander Sihl. Writing, Print, Colored, Tissue and Wrapping. 4 machines. Frey. Ziegler & Co., Elg. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Wuelfinger Paper Mills, Wuelfinger. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Societe des Papeteries de Lazarras, Lazarras. Wood Pulp. C. Weber, Luchsingen. Wood Pulp. Henggeler, Haemnierli & Co., Landquart. Wood Pulp. Wood Pulp Mill, Balsthat. Wood Pulp. Casp. Blaettler, Rotzloch. Wood Pulp. J. J. Homberger, Duebendorf. Wood Pulp. Pulp Mill, An der Sihl. Wood Pulp. Paper Pulp Mill, Truns. Wood Pulp. Joint Stock Paper Mill, Biberist. Straw Pulp. Wood Pulp Mill, Baetterdinder. Wood Pulp. Alb. Loeclier, Biel. Wood Pulp. Wood Pulp Mill, Frinwillier. Wood Pulp. The Paper World contains the most exhaustive amount of everything relating to paper, books and printing that we have seen for a long time. — Si. George Journal, Philadelphia. r 162 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. SPAIN. ALBACETE. Vieuda de Consalvez & Hyos, Villagor do del Jucar Roda. Writing, News and Envelope. 3 machines. GfOnsalvez Z. Hijos, Villagor do del Jucar Roda. Straw Pulp. 1 machine. Gregorio Ridaura, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. Jose Morcos, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 2 vats. Jacinto Abad, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 3 vats. Bantista Miro Berenguer, Alcoy. Wrapping. 8 vats. Viuda de Brutiuell, Cigarette Paper. 8 vats. Eduards Blanes, Alcoy. 5 vats. Viuda de Auto Ridaura, Alcoy. [ 1 vats. Rafael Santonjo, Alcoy. 3 vats. Diego Botella, Alcoy. 5 vats. Francisco Mollar, Alcoy. 3 vats. Jaime Tort, Alcoy. 18 vats. Miguel Botella, Alcoy. 16 vats. Francisco Moya, Alcoy. 12 vats. Viuda de Boronat e hijo, Alcoy. 8 vats. Francisco Boronat, Alcoy. 13 vats. Rafael Llacer hijo, Alcoy. 4 vats. Facunda Vitoria, Alcoy. 8 vats. Viuda de Rafael Llacer, Alcoy. 8 vats. Isidro Ferrer, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 8 vats. Viuda de Lorenzo Abad, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. Isidro Perez, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. Rigoberto Albori, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 8 vats. Jose Sempore, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 8 vats. Mig'Uel Botella, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 10 vats. The Paper World is a valuable paper, and conducted with great intelligence, enterprise and energy. — The Printer and Publisher, New York. ALICANTE. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. I6 3 Facundo Paya, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 8 vats. Ramon Arminaue, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 5 vats. Eduardo Pascual, Alcoy. Cigarette Paper. 1 machine. Orozea GrOmez, Vera. Esparto Pulp. BARCELONA. Pedro Prats, Hospitales. Wrapping. 2 vats. Viuda e hijos de Prats, San Sadurni. Writing and Wrapping. 9 vats. Hijos de Romani, Lavit. Writing. 8 vats. Almirall Hermanos, Capelladas. Wrapping. 4 vats. Bartolome Costa, La Pobla. Wrapping. 13 vats. Antonio Serra, Capelladas. Wrapping. 7 vats. Viuda e hijos de Serra, Orpi. Writing, Cigarette and Wrapping. 16 vats. Jose Ma Alier & Co., Palantordera. Wrapping. 1 machine. Sebastian Rosals, Molins de Rey. Wrapping. 1 machine. Jose Vilaseca, Capelladas. Writing, Wrapping and Colored. 16 vats. Jaime Creixell, San Fadurin. Wrapping. 3 vats. Ferrer y Rocca, Capelladas. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 8 vats. Antonio Bonastre, Lavit. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 8 vats. Pablo Fontanet, Cervello. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 8 vats. Wenceslao GrUarro, Geliola. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 7 vats. Jose Marra, Capelladas. Writing. 4 vats. Olivella y Torres, Bordeta. Writing and Cigarette. 5 vats. Juan Pocll, Hospitales. Writing Wrapping and Cigarette. 5 vats. BALEARIC ISLES. Domingo Anior, Palma. Pulp. Juan Vidal, Palma. Pulp. Ambrosio Carbo, Mahon. Pulp. BURGOS. San Pedro y Cia., Burgos. Writing. 2 machines. CASTELLON DE LA PLANA. Thomas Aen, (P. O. address,) Burgos. Wrapping. 2 vats. Domingo Cervera, (P. O. address,) Burgos. Wrapping. 4 vats. CORUNA. Neira Lanyurjo y Cia., Vigo. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Francisco Alsino, Santiago. Writing and Print. 1 machine. J The Paper World is a handsome, well printed and well conducted journal. — Coring ti< id Western News, Canaan, Conn. 164 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. GERONA. Jose Capdevilla y Cia., Olot. Writing, Print, Cigarette and Wrapping. 1 machine and 5 vats. Torras y Moragat, Banolas. Writing. 4 vats. Corominas y Antigas, Olot. Wrapping. 4 vats. Vila y hijos, Olot. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 12 vats. Sociedad La Aurora, Gerona. Print. 1 machine. Sociedad La Grerundense, Gerona. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 1 machine. La Gerona Sociedad, Gerona. Wood Pulp. Torras Hermanos, S. Juan fas Fons. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 12 vats. Juan Jover y Serra, S. Juan las Fons. Writing Wrapping and Cigarette. 4 vats. GRANADA. Wilhelmi y Lemme, Granada. Writing, Print, Wrapping, Cigarette and Straw Pulp. 2 machines, 4 vats. M. Moullor Hermo, Granada. Writing and Cigarette. 6 vats. Casamovas Hermanos, Huetor. Writing. 2 vats. Jose Lopez, Guentar. Writing. 2 vats. GUADALAJARA. Kleber Hermanos, Gargoles de Arriba. Writing and Print. 1 machine. GUIPAZCOA. Echazarreta y Cia., Tolosa. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Sociedad La Salvadora, Tolosa. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Arza y Cia., Tolosa. Writing and Print. 3 machines. Baldomero Olio, Tolosa. Writing, Straw Pulp and Print. 2 machines. Duras y Cia., Tolosa. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Jose Banarres, Tolosa. Writing and Print. 2 machines. Viuda Iglesias y hijos, Civica. Wood Pulp Boards. Emilio M. Velazeo, Morate de Tejuna. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Delate y Gonzalez, Manzanares. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Viuda e hijos de y Iglesias, Rasca Fria. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Viuda e hijos de y Iglesias, Madrid. Writing and Print. 1 machine. LERIDA. Paulino Taut, Lerida. Print 1 machine, MADRID. V The Paper World is brimful of interest. — Sun, Pittsjield, Mass. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. l6 5 MURICA. Tuail Berne, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Ezequel Cabrera, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Mateo Fortllll Robles, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Grines Oalleg'O, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. T. F. Howard, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Robert John so, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. La Palma Cartagena, Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Me Murray, — Aguilas. Esparto Pulp. Viuda de Ribert de llijo, Pamphlona. Writing, Print and Wood Pulp. 1 ma- Vinda de Jereg-lli, Pamplona. Print. 1 machine. P. P. de Zuberia & Cie., Alsacua. Card and Straw Paper 1 machine. ORBNSE. J. B. Fernandez, Carballino. News. 1 vat. OVIEDO. Lncias Meredies V aides, Villaviciosa. Wrapping. 1 vat. SEGOVIA. M. Gareia Martinez, Segovia. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. TARRAGONA. J. Marte Basco, Alfara. Print. 1 machine. De Saffont y Cia., Cattlar. Writing. 3 vats. Ant. Campo, La Riba. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 3 vats. Amat Trias y Victa, Tarragona. Writing and Cigarette. 4 vats. S. Bettors, Eortosa. Writing. 1 machine. Jose Marti, La Riba. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 2 vats. Jos. (Jnerreta, La Riba. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 4 vats. M. Ferrer y Roca, La Riba. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 3 vats. Pedro Grirona, La Riba. Writing, Wrapping and Cigarette. 4 vats. NAVARRA. chine. TERUEL. Ami res Bernal, Calamana. Wrapping 2 vats. Jose Briano, Calamana. Wrapping. 2 vats. The Paper World is a beauty as well as an excellence. — Journal, North field, Minn. i66 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. VALENCIA. Albors, — Onteniente. Wrapping, i machine. Nogliera, — Algemera. Wrapping, i machine. Rafael Comas, Onteniente. Cigarette Paper. 6 vats. VALLADOLID. Jose de Gfaraizabal, Valladolid. Writing, Straw Pulp and Print. 2 machines. VISCAYA. C. Serrano Aquinaga, Zalla. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. La Pena Paper Mill, Bilbao. Writing and Cigarette. 1 machine and 6 vats. ZARAGOZA. Villda Pablo de Usina, Zaragoza. Cigarette Paper. 3 vats. C. S. Pablo, Zaragoza. Cigarette Paper. 4 vats. Jose Canada Lopez, Almeria. Esparto Pulp. Luis Sanchez Morales, Almeria. Esparto Pulp. Maria Serrano, Almeria. Esparto Pulp. Holyoke is proud of many things, and has great reason to be proud of its Paper World. —Dry Goods Bulletin, New York. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. &7 GREAT RUSSIA. J. Grerneth, Archangel. Writing and Wrapping. 2 vats. Prince Gagarine's Paper Mill, Semibratow. Writing and Wrapping. 2 ma- chines. Joint Stock Paper Co., Ouglitsch. Writing, Print and Cigarette. 2 machines. Wigiloff, Ouleima. Writing and Envelope. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Tinelli. Writing, Print and Wrapping 2 machines. Paper Mill, Gorki. , Writing, Print and Wrapping. 2 vats. GUmtscharoff, Mediyn. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Suchodolsky, Nagorni. 1 machine. Nikiforova, Troitzko. 1 machine. Joint Stock Paper Co., Troitzko. Writing, Print, Card and Colored. 3 machines. Raspopin, Alexandrowsko. Writing and Envelope. 1 machine. Schekolldin Paper Mills, Kineschma. Wrapping and Print. 2 machines. Count Rotmorowski, Miropolje. Writing and Wrapping. 1 machine. Melgunoff, Bogorodsk. Writing, Print and Wrapping. 2 machines. Haidanoff S Paper Mills, Moscow. Print and Writing. 1 machine. N. Rochmanoff, Uspensk. Writing and Wood Pulp. 1 machine. Awdeef, Borki. Wrapping. 1 machine. Mary Paper Mills, Koscheli. Cellulose Paper. 1 machine. Passfourg & Reiner, Okulowka. Sugar and Envelope Paper and Wood Pulp. 1 machine. Soloyieff, Snamensk. Writing and Hanging. 1 machine. Roussanoff Brothers, Tschernowa. Writing and Print. 1 machine. Diexelen, Tschrnowa. Colored. 1 machine. Paper Mill, Tschrnowa. Boards. 2 vats. Barischnikoff, Alexino. Writing and Wrapping. 3 vats. KoslOTa's Paper Mill, Kondrowka. Writing, Wrapping and Press Boards. 2 The Paper World is indispensable to paper manufacturers and dealers, and also full of information of interest to those not in the paper trade. — Gazette, New Milforil , C> Co., Printing Press Manufacturers, New York. r THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. The Paper World. A Monthly Journal of Information, Dis- cussion and Recital as to Paper. Established 1880 by Request of the Most Prominent Paper Manufacturers in the Country. Devoted to the interest of the Paper, Stationery, Printing, Lithographing, Publishing, Book Binding and all other trades connected with paper. Has a larger Circulation than any other Paper going to the Trade. Published Monthly, $2 per Annum. Clark W. Bryan & Co., Publishers, Holyoke, Mass., U. S- A. v. 1 88 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. The Builder A Journal for those who Build. Devoted to the interests of Architects, Builders, Carpenters, and all others connected with the Building Trades. Monthly, $2.00 Per Annum. E. 0. GARDNER, - - - EDITOR. CLARK W. BRYAN & CO., Publishers, HOLYOKE, MASS., U. S. A. The Manufacturer and Industrial Gazette Is the Very Best advertising medium in the United States for reaching Brewers, Saw Mills, Tanners, Silk Mills, Potteries, Wire Mills, Founders, Cotton Mills, Distillers, Thread Mills, Machinists, Woolen Mills, Bleacheries, Rolling Mills, Pump Makers, Planing" Mills, Boiler Makers, Oil Refineries, Iron Manufacturers, Gas Companies, Steel Manufacturers, Coal Companies, Soap Manufacturers, Sugar Refineries, Glass Manufacturers, Chemical Works, Wag-on Manufacturers, Mining* Companies, Cutlery Manufacturers, Water Power Companies, Carriage Manufacturers, Export Commission Merchants, Furniture Manufacturers, Purchasing Agents of Railroads, Hardware Manufacturers, Agricultural Implement Manuf'rs. It also goes to thousands of other Manufacturing and Mercantile establishments throughout the entire country. CLARK W. BRYAN & CO., Publishers, HOLYOKE, MASS. THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. 1 JOHN C. SMITH, Machinist and General Jobber. PAPER MILL WORK AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. MANUFACTURER OF Shafting;, Gearing:, Pulleys, Hangers, and Power Boiler Pumps. JORDAN ENGINES REFILLED. Also Manufacturer of Stock Cars, Paper Trucks, Felt and Sponge Washers, Resin Grinders, Felt and Jacket Stretchers, Couch Rolls, Press and Size Rolls, White Wood and Iron Pipe Rolls, Dolly Rolls, &c. Mortise Gears Cogged. Bolt Making of all descriptions promptly attended to. Patterns made and Castings furnished in Iron, Brass or Composition. Estimates always cheerfully given upon application. HOLYOKE, MASS., U. S. A. A HISTORY OF PAPER Its Genesis and Its Revelations. Origin and Manufacture, Utility and Cominercial Value of an Indis- pensable Staple of the Commercial World. OF INTEREST TO EVERY ONE THAT MAKES, BUYS OR SELLS PAPER. Bound in Cloth, - $1.00 In Leather Back and Corners, Red Edge, 2.00 Full Gilt Leather, 3.00 Sent by Mail on Receipt of Price. ADDRESS, CLARK W. BRYAN & CO., Publishers, HOLYOKE, MASS. 190 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. Third National Bank, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U. S. A. United States Depository. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $800,000. COMMERCIAL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Prompt Attention Given to Collections. GEER'S ANALYSIS OF THE Science of Accounts AN ADMIRABLE NEW WORK ON BOOK-KEEPING. This work covers the whole science of accounts, and the style is so clear and concise that a novice, who thoroughly studies it and indulges in accom- panying practice, can become a ready and efficient book-keeper. PRICE, $3.00. Sent by Mail upon Receipt of Price. CLAEK W. BEY AI & CO, Publishers, HOLYOKE, MASS. / \ THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY THE WORLD. 191 POWERS PAPER CO., SPRINGFIELD, MASS., Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers. MANUFACTURERS OF WRITING PAPERS, BLANK BOOKS AND ENVELOPES. A full line of Ruled and Flat Papers, Loft Dried and Engine Sized, including the follow- ing well-known brands, constantly in stock. RULED PAPERS.— Connecticut Valley, Crystal Lake, De Soto, and Silver Lake. ELATS. — Brunswick, Connecticut Valley and Silver Lake. LINEN FLATS. — Perfection and Brunswick. New York Office, 62 and 64 Duane St. onotuck Paper Co. Manufacturers of First Class -WHITE AND TINTED- Super Calendered Book, Also, Engine Sized Flat and Envelope Papers. HOLYOKB, MASS., U. S. A. J. S. McElwain, Agt. 92 THE PAPER MILL DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD. WHITING PAPER COMPANY, HOLYOKE, MASS., U. S. A. The Most Extensive Manufacturers of of the Present Day. ^tne ^faftonerp (papers a ^pectaffy ««< »» THREE MILLS WITH A TOTAL CAPACITY OF SO TONS D^.ILT. Send For Sample. DOUBLE LEATHER OR] RUBBER. Patented July 17, 1877. Cut under Norris' Patent with Up and Rebate. Applied Spirally (see cut) without disturbing pulley or shafting. Not affected by heat,' moisture or dust. Saves power, Belts, Lacing and Journals. Immensely Increases power and velocity of Machinery. Rivets and cement sent with each cover. Covers cut to fit pul- ley exact by sending diameter and face Send for Estimate, References and Infor- mation. These covers are in use in the following paper mills : Martin & W. H. Nixon, Manayunk, Pa. S her brooke Pulp Mills, Sherbrooke, Canada. Diamond Paper Mills Company, Milburn, N. J. HENRY H. TABER, 5 Barclay, Street, New York. Mr. H. H. Taber, 5 Barclay Street, City : New York, April 12, 1883. Dear Sir—\x\ reply to your request, we take pleasure in saying that the cover put on our 60x24 inch pulley is running entirely satisfactory. We consider it a great saving in power and wear on the belt. We have two or three other large pulleys that we wish covered as soon as we can spare them. Inclosed please find check for amount of your bill. Truly Yours, G. W. THOMPSON, Sec'y Diamond Paper Mills Co. lambertvIlTeTron works. ASHBEL 'WELCH, Manufacturer of 'm LAMBERTVILLE, KT« J. f D. & J. LOCKWOOD, CANNON'S STATION, CONN., On D. & N. R. R., Manufacturers of Pine Brass and Copper Wire. For Weaving and Jewelers' Brushes, and Brass wire Cloth of all sized meshes made to order and in stock, for Resin, Turpentine, Drugs, Milk, Emery. Starch and Sugar Straining. We have also added to our business the manufacture of Fourdrinier Wires, also wire cloth for covering Paper Makers' Cylinders and Cylinders covered to order. Ksta1)lislied i853» J. W. LYON & CO., Importers of -4* PAPER STOOK,^ Wood Pulp, Linen and Cotton Rags, Bagging, Jute Butts, Jute Waste, Shavings, Old Paper, — Books, Etc., on hand or to arrive. All Grades Woolen Rags. — 44 & 46 DUAKK STRKHT, ANO 34 ClXV H ALL PLACE. } NEW YORK CITY. Correspond ence Solicitecl. ROBERT B. ATTERBURY. HENRY ATTERBURY. ATTERBURY BROTHERS, - PACKERS OF — Domestic Paper Stock, 253 & 255 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. (Near Peck Slip.) OWEN WARD & SONS, Wholesale Dealers in and Packers of all kinds of Cotton f Woolen Rags, Paper Makers' Stock, — And all grades of Cut Cloth, Rope Bagging, Canvas, &c. — 448 & 450 West Thirty-Ninth St., New York, between 9th and 10th Avenues. ZB-^-^OI^r WESTOIT, DALTON, MASS., U. S. A., Has been awarded the Grand Prize Gold Medal, and recommended the Medal of Honor and Perfection, at Paris, 1878, this being the Highest and Only Award given for Linen Record M Ledger Paper SPECIALTT. This Paper has received the HIGHEST PREMIUM over all others from the Cincinnati Indus- trial Exhibition, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Franklin Institute of Philadel- phia, Louisville Exposition, Medal and Diploma from United States Centennial Commission, Medal of Progress American Institute, 1877, and Medal of Improvement and Progress, Boston, 1878. ITS PRINCIPAI, ADVANTAGES are as follows: — t. It contains more LINEN than any other Ledger Paper, has a longer fibre, and is, consequently, tougher. 2. Having a harder and better body, it frays less in erasure, so that by simply using the rubber after the eraser, the ink is prevented from spreading. 3. It is more uniform in Weight, Color and Finish. 4. It never cockles if properly bound. 5. Its non-chemical action upon ink is such that it both writes and rules up better. This Paper is Double Sized, and will stand any climate or the most acid of fluid inks. jgp^Send for sample sheet, Erase and Re-Write Four Times on the same spot. Each Sheet is Water-Marked with Name and Date. ^TIEMANN'S LUNAR OIL ^ Non-explosive, Pure Water White, 150° Fire Test. THE PUREST ILLUMINATING OIL IN THE MARKET. ALL IMPURITIES BEING REMOVED, IT DOES NOT CLOG THE WICK. DOUBLE REFINED, FREE FROM OFFENSIVE ODOR, AND DOES NOT SMOKE. Tiemann's Solnlole Prussian Blue, Soluble in cold water. Superior to anline for coloring Paper. J. H. TIEMANN, 34 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A. SHULER & BENNINGHOFEN, PIONEER MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICAN FELTS, FOR P^PEIfc MAKERS. Satisfaction. -^_l-v7-a-3rs Guaianteed. In ordering Felts, please mention kind of paper made and speed of machine. ESTABLISHED 1862. PACKER OF ALL GRADES OF Paper Stock, Bagging, 4» HOPE, T^7"IiTi:S, No. 195 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. IRA L. BEEBE, BROKER IN WOOD PULP, - AND - PAPER STOCK, 132 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. T. J. EVANS & CO., - DEALERS IN - PAPER, PAPER MAKERS 9 STOCK, - AND - BINDERS' BOARDS, 59 Gold and 22 Franklin Streets, NEW YORK. IV THE REYNOLDS -CORLISS ENGINE. Unequalled for ECONOMY and CLOSE REGULATION. Specially designed for manufacturing pur- poses where economy in fuel and perfect reg- ularity of motion are desirable. For prices and particulars address, EDWARD P. ALLIS & CO., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Also Sole Manufacturers of Reynolds' Independent Air Pump and Condenser and Reynolds' 1 Patent — Feed Water Heater and Purifier. — The Improved Cummer Automatic Engine. We build FIVE Classes of Engines. No Steam-Engine Establishment in the U. *, is as well equipped as ours for doing nrst-class work. Send for Catalogue No. 10. Please mention this paper. THE CUMMER ENGINE CO., Cleveland, 0. !, Clarke & Co., Boston, Mass., Eastern Agents, LOEWENTHAL & MORGANSTERN, 21 Beekman St., -j/J)^/\^>\^ ^ ew YorJc CMV- Packers of the Brands of Rags B. Loewenthal Bros. & Co., v Richard Loewenthal, io & i2 N. Canal St., Chicago, III. ioi \V. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. T H E #<- HYATT FILTERS -FOR- PAPER MILLS, CITIES, STEAM BOILERS, And all industries requiring Pure Bright Water. .C>0 CO Co On <^ Co o w en W 1-3 I— I bH t-i bd C/2 Steam Engines, Boilers, Mixers, and Gen- eral Outfit for Fertilizer Works. Shipping Facilities the Best in All Directions. POOLE & HUNT, N. B. Special Attention given to HEAVY GEARING. FOSTER BROTHERS FULTON, NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Paper Engine Bars and Plates, Rag Cutter and Paper Knives. Paper Mill Engines Complete, both Wood and Iron Tubs. BEST OF STO CK. SUPERIOR WORK. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GRATE BAR ^-2>T^r ZE^IIsTHD OIF 1 FUEL. GIVES MORE AIR SPACE! DOES NOT WARP OR BREAK! LASTS MUCH LONGER THAN ANY OTHER GRATE! SEND JFOTl CIE,CUL^IS. W. W. TUPPER 3 CO., 206 West Street (Cor. Harrison), NEW YORK. MERRILL & HOUSTON IRON WORKS, BZEXjOIT, WIGCOITSIH, Manufacturers of Cylinder and Fourdrinier PAPER MACHINES, Beater Engines, Rag Cutters, Paper Cutters, Pumps, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, &c. Chilled Rolls Guaranteed Equal to any Made. Plans and Estimates furnished, and special attention given to the execution of contracts for the en- tire machinery necessary to make any kind of Paper, set up and ready to run. Calenders and Press Rolls reground by special machinery. The attention of Water-power Users desiring the highest efficiency is especially directed to the HOUSTON TURBINE WATER WHEEL THE BEST STEAM PUMP FOR PAPER MILLS. Van Duzen's ratent Steam Jet Pump. Unlike other Jet Pumps and Ejectors. Incomparable in Cheapness and Efficiency. Needs no Care or Skill ; Cannot Get Out of Order; Has No Moving Parts. IS A SUPER/OR FIRE PUMP, Instantaneous and Powerful in action, ever ready. Extensively used for pumping all kinds of Hot or Cold Liquids, (as Lime Liquors, Bleach and Alkaline Solutions). Used also for Suction Boxes in Paper Mills. TEN SIZES. Prices, (All Brass,) $7.00 to $75.00. Capacities, 100 to 20,000 gallons per hour. State for what purpose wanted and send for Catalogue No. 59. VAN BU25EN & TIET, Cincinnati, Ohio. NOTE. — No. 8 " L " Pump, (Price $36,) elevates 7200 gallons per hour 50 feet, with 65 lbs. steam pressure. No. 6 " L " Pump, (Price, $20,) will force a solid steady stream 40 feet from 5-8 inch hose nozzle with 50 lbs. steam. No. 4 " L " Pump, (Price, $13,) elevates 12C0 gallons per hour 30 feet high with 50 lbs. steam pressure. XII KENWOOD FELTS, Manufactured by F. C. Huvck & Co., ALBANY, N. Y., U. S. A. Regular Sizes of Fourdrinier and Cylinder Wet Felts, Press Felts, and Jackets kept in stock. Our Fourdrinier Felts are especially adapted to fast running on wide machines. They will not stretch or narrow up, and for durability are un- surpassed. Rntire Satisfaction Guaranteed. Will Send Price List Upon Application. FRANK C. HUYCK. C. E. ARGERSINGER. XIII ACME PIPER Self-Clamping Hand and Self-Clamping Automatic & Foot Clamping FORTY SIZES AND STYLES. PRICES, $200 TO $1,600. SEE CUTS IN THE PAPER WORLD. ACHE Two-Revolution Cylinder Presses. THIRTEEN SIZES AND STYLES. PRICES, $900 TO $2,500. C. C. CHILD, NO. 64 FEDERAL STREET, - - BOSTON, MASS, U. S. A. BULKLEY, DUNT0N & CO/iT "EXCELSIOR" Felts, Felting, and Jacketing are Unsurpassed for ECONOMY, DURABILITY AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE, ALSO, THEIR "EUREKA" CANVAS, Is the Heaviest and Best article yet made for Drier Felts. P. O. Box 1784, or 74 John St., NEW YORK, U. S. A, #4 mar is XxJ Trademark. < fj\ ^ Jf e > WORKS, A % V Manchester, MANUFACTURERS OF FELTS FOR PAPER-MAKERS. Couch Roll Covers, W et and Dry Felts OF ALL KINDS. Woolen, Linen, and Cotton Cloths, FOR MACHINERY PURPOSES. SOL.E AGENTS IN UNITED STATES, F. BREDT & CO., «- 24 and 26 Murray St., New York, U. S. A. AGENT IN RUSSIA, ^ AGENT IN NORWAY AND SWEDEN, LEOPOLD WALSH, CARL CHRISTENSEN, MGSCOW. ^ CHRISTIANIA. FOSTER & BROWN, Manufacturers of Paper ! Wood-Pulp Machinery, saccaeappa, 2^-^i:lt:e. Specialties :— Improved Paper Enameling; Machines, The Merrill-Foster Noiseless Pulp Screen, 'Paper Slitting and Trimming Machines, Automatic Elevators, Shafting, and Mill Work Generally. Built under our own-supervision. John H. Lyon & Co., Importers and Dealers of PAPER STOCK. WOOLEN RAGS. Office: io & 12 Reade Street, 1 "\TT7Aa7 VMPF Warehouse: 35 Park Street, f 1\ H. VV I UJ\J\. WHITON, BRO., & COMPANY, 91 c2c 93 CoECLro-ercial Street, - EOSTOKT, MASS. Agents of WOODBERRY DUCK MILLS, Canvas Paper Felts, or Dryers, Canvas for Roofing, for Houses, Mills, Piazzas, Etc. More Economical and more Desirable — than Tin, Gravel, or Shingle. — — SAMPLES SENT ON APPL1CA TION — W. HYDE, Pres. D. M. HYDE, Sec'y & Treas. VALLEY PULP AND PAPER CO, MANUFACTURERS OF No. 2 Manilla, APPLETON, WIS. W. HYDE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD PULP, Grand Rapids, WISCONSIN. ^ XVI r \ Ultramarine Works HELLER & MERZ, PROPRIETORS, 55 Maiden Lane, New York, U. S. A. POST OFFICE BOX, 3508. ULTRAMARINE FOR PAPER A SPECIALTY. EOSINE, FUCHSINE, VIOLET HOFFMANN & KIESSIG, PROPRIETORS Germania Ultramarine Works Manufacturers of the a.p.r:tpaper blue. 79 Maiden Lane, - New York, U. S. A. r THEODORE PINKHAM, DEALER IN STRAW BOARDS, And Agent for Androscoggin Pulp Co.'s White Box Boards. 52 ELM and 24 FRIEND STREETS, BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. JAMES LANEY. M. J. BARKER. o u w CO m CO I J S I OUR PACKING GUARANTEED as REPRESENTED. CO H 3D m m H CO XVIII r ORIGINAL PATENTEES. The American WOOD PAPER COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Pure, Bleached Chemical Fibre. DRY IN ROLLS. SUITABLE FOR Book, Fine News and Writing Papers. For Samples and Terms apply to E. EMBREE, Agent, NEW YORK. MORSE BUILDING, 140 NASSAU STREET. Address to Post-Office Box 1809, XIX EASTWOOD WIRE MFG. CO., u -J > w J J w CO 2 jo PI MANUFACTURERS OF - FOURDRINIER WIRES, With Patent Safety Edge. Bolting Cloths, Tinned Wire Cloth, Bran Duster Cloth, Steel Wire Smut Cloths, Brass, Copper and Iron Wire Cloth of Every Description. All our Milling Cloths are made from the best quality of Steel Wire. Also make to order any mesh or width required. Send for Samples and Prices. New Orleans Exposition, 1872. Mechanics' Inventors' Fair, St. Joseph, 1872. Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Pa., 1876, for Simplicity. Patented, November, 1871. This Cut Represents Jamison's Steam Water Injector, a very simple and effective device for raising Water or other liquids by means of a jet of steam ; also used for pumping Lime-Water, Bleach and Alkalies ; also for Size and Vacuum Boxes. In use by a number of large paper companies. Send for circular and information. Address, S. S. JAMISON, Saltsburg, Indiana Co., Pennsylvania. —The Builder— A Monthly Journal, for those who Build. E. C. GARDNER, - - - Editor. Subscription Price, $2.00 per Year. Clark W. Bryan & Company, Publishers, HOLYOKE, MASS. APPLETON Paper and Pulp Co., MANUFACTURERS OF PRINT PAPER, APPLETON, WIS. John Van Nortwick, Prest. W. M. Van Nortwick, Vicc-Prest. H. J. Rogers, Sec'y & Treas. XX r VAN NOORDEN'S PATENT VENTILATORS, For Paper Mills, Factories, Foundries, Schocl Houses, Halls, &c. In Galvanized Iron and Copper. A power- ful and rapid exhaust Ventilator. Working Models mail- ed on receipt of 20 cents. HAYES' Patent METALLIC SKYLIGHTS, Neat, Light, Fire-proof and Durable. er rooms, &c. Send for Circulars and Pi ices. Corrugated Iron Roofing and Siding. Light Iron Buildings, with wrought-iron frames and corrugated iron coverings, suitable for fire-proof sheds, store-houses, boil- E. VAN NOORDEN & CO., 384 Harrison Avenue, BOSTON, MASS. GANDY'S PATENT American Cotton Machine Belting. Awarded Medals at Berlin, 1879; Ham- burg, 1887; Sydney, 1879; New Zealand, 1882 ; Cincinnati, 1879 ; New York, 1880. Made Perfectly Straight and any Length without Joints. For Main Driving it is the Best. Much Cheaper than Leather. Manufactured by Gandy Belting Co., Baltimore, Ml THE CURTIS i Water Wheel Is largely used in Pulp and Paper Mills through- out the Middle and Eastern states, which excels all other wheels used on hori- zontal shafts or draft tubes. Send for Circular. GATES CURTIS, XXI i«Daniels Rag Cutter Improved © 0. m o 30 ? -fc- IMPROVED i88l.~#~ MH IS Cut represents our improved Iron Frame Rag Cutter, with the iron frame and other im- provements which we have made on our Cutter within the last three months. We can say, with all confidence, we have the best Cutter in the UNITED STATES. Those having Wood Frame Cutters of our make which have become worn and shaky, can have Iron Frames and their Cutters thoroughly repaired by sending all the iron work to us ; and with the addition of the Iron Frame you can have a stronger and better Cutter than ever. Description of and Directions for Setting up and Using Said Cutters. OUR JSo. 2, ONE-BI.ADED CUTTER is the best adapted for cutting large and hard stock, such as large and hard Ropes and Sacking, without splitting them, as is necessary with other machines. They are self-feeding, and the feed is so arranged that by changing pulleys (which can be done in a very few minutes) the desired length of cut is obtained. An apron is attached to carry off the stock as it passes from the machine. This machine, running at a speed of 250 revolutions per minute, and well tended, with the feed set to cut two inches long, will cut 1,000 lbs. of sacking per hour. Weight of machine, 2,000 lbs.; driving pulley 22-inch diameter and 5-inch face. Should run 250 revolutions per minute. OUR No. 2, TWO-BIADED CUTTER is similar or nearly like the One-Bladed Cutter, excepting it has two blades on the cylinder intsead of one, making two cuts at every revolution, and is always in balance, and on soft and most kinds of hard stock, if run 300 to 350 revolutions per minute and well tended, will do nearly double the work of the One-Bladed Cutter. Weight of machine 2,000 lbs.; driving pulley 22-inch diameter and 5-inch face. Should run 300 to 350 revolutions per minute. OUR ISO. 3, ONE-BEADED ROPE KNOT CUTTER is manufactured expressly for cutting rope knots. Is self-feeding, and will not let a knot of one inch or more in size pass by the knives without being cut. They cut rope as well as our other machines, and sacking and other paper stock very well but not as fast. Weight of machine, 2,000 lbs.; driving pulley 22-inch diameter and 5-inch face. Should run 200 to 250 revolutions per minute. OUR No. 3, TWO-BLADED ROPE KNOT CUTTER has two blades instead of one upon the cylinder, making two cuts every revolution, and with few ex- ceptions will cut the same kinds of stock as the One-Bladed Cutter, cutting most kinds very much faster. Weight of machine, 2,000 lbs.; driving pulley 22-inch diameter and 5-inch face. Should run about 300 revolutions per minute. These machines we warrant superior to those now in use for durability and despatch of business. The reputation of these machines for their various uses is not surpassed by any others manufactured, premiums ever having been awarded them over others when exhibited. ^{. a e In be ^ s h°n n son. Daniels Machine Co., Mfrs., Woodstock, Vt. Jl^** Orders or communications promptly attended to. XXII OUR METHOD OF RENEWING WORN SCREEN PLATES MAKES THEM MORE DURABLE THAN NEW ONES, DUE TO THE COMPRESSION OF THE METAL. Economy, Durability, EVEN, SQUARE, AND SMOOTH SLOTS COMMEND OUR WORK TO THE BEST PAPER MANUFACTURERS. WE SOLICIT A TRIAL, AND WILL <^ // \ GUARANTEE OUR WORK. r The "SPRAY" M r FOR STEAM BOILERS. United States and Foreign Patents. Boilers are always kept clean. It absolutely prevents scale. Removes old scale. Saves fuel. "Compounds" are never required. Durable, Easily Applied, Small Cost, Reliable. Over four years extensive use has proven the Superiority of the "SPRA Y" Purifier over all competitors. The above shows the device attached to an ordinary boiler. Send for circular and references. HALL & SONS, BUFFALO, N. Y., U. S. A. — R. J. DOWD, - MANUFACTURER OF Paper Engine Bars, AND BED i»L AJTES, TRIMMING, R\G COTTER, STRAW COTTER, AND MACHINE KNIVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BELOIT, WIS., XT- S. XXIV r H. WATER BURY & SONS, ORISKANY, H. Y..U.S.A., MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED -NcWATERBURY**- EMPIRE FELTS FOR PAPER MAKERS. Our Super Felts, for Fine Writing and Ledger Papers, are unsurpassed, and we guarantee them Fully Equal to any Imported. For High Speed on Wide Machines, both Fourdri- nier and Cylinder, we claim the Lead. In ordering Felts, give kind of stock used, qual- ity of paper made, and speed of machine, and we will warrant Felts that will Please. Orders Promptly Filled. Price List Sent Upon Application. XXV z/B*- ESTABLISHED 1842. ;s ^*> Cyrus Currier t Sons, OFFICE, NO. 21 RAILROAD PLACE, UEWABK, ISTE"W" JEESEY, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders, Steam Engines, Shafting, Gearing, Pulleys, Elevators, &c, &c. Paper Mill Machinery A SPECIALTY. Fourdrinier and Cylinder Machines, Washing and Beating Engines, Roll Baxs, Bed Plates, Etc. Chilled Iron, Gun Metal, Paper and Rubber ROLLS. — ROLLS RE-GROUND. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Kingsland Refining or Pulping Engine, The best Refining Engine in the market. 300 in use by the best known paper manufact- urers. Costs less, and will do better work than any other make of Engine. XXVI Issues Policies of Insurance after a careful Inspection of the Boilers, COVERING ALL LOSS OR DAMAGE TO BOILERS, BUILDINGS and MACHINERY, ARISING FROM STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. The business of the Company includes all kinds of STEAM BOILERS. Full information concern- — ing the plan of the Company's operations can be obtained at the — COMPANY'S OFFICE, HARTFORD, CONN., OR AT ANY AGENCY. J. M. ALLEN. Pres. W. B. FRANKLIN, Vice-Pres. J. B. PIERCE, Sec. BOARD OF J. M. ALLEN, President. LUCIUS J. HENDEE, President ^Etna Fire Insurance Co. FRANK W. CHENEY, Ass't Treas. Cheney Brothers Silk Manufacturing Co. CHARLES M. BEACH, of Beach & Co. DANIEL PHILLIPS, of Adams Express Co. GEORGE M. BARTHOLOMEW, President American National Bank. RICHARD W. H. JARVIS, President Colt's Fire Arms Manufacturing Co. THOMAS O. ENDERS, Secretary TEtna Life Insurance Co. LEVERETT BRAIN ARD, of Case, Lockwood & Brainard. DIRECTORS : GEN. WM. B. FRANKLIN, Vice President Colt's Pat. Fire Arms Manufacturing Co. GEO. CROMPTON, Crompton Loom Works, Worcester. WILLIAM ADAMSON, of P.aeder, Adamson & Co., Philadelphia. HON. THOS. TALBOT, Ex-Gov. of Mass. NEWTON CASE, of Case, Lockwood and Brainard, Hartford. NELSON HOLLISTER, of State Bank, Hartford. CHARLES T. PARRY, of Baldwin Locomo- tive works, Philadelphia. HON. HENRY C. ROBINSON, Attorney, Hartford, Conn. XXVII G. H. BUSHNELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT KNUCKLE JOINT PRESSES. Power Rag Press. Power Press, Open. Cider Press. Electrotype Press. Power Press, Qlosed. Tankage Press. Press for Printers and Bookbinders. Hand Scrap Press. Power Scrap Press. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Circular. g WORCESTER, MASS. OFFICE AND WORKS, GOLD ST. NEAR SARGENT. XXVIII -McTHE*^ Commercial Safety Paper Prevents the raising- of checks, drafts, etc. From all other Safety Papers on the market, the ink or writing is as easily removed as from ordinary white paper, the only protection being* the changing of the tint or color. The Commercial Safety Paper is so treated chem- ically in its manufacture that the ink used in writ- ing upon it Combines with the Fibre of the Paper, And hence it cannot be taken out without removing the fibre of the paper as far as the ink penetrates. It is the only paper that has never been success- fully altered by the use of chemicals. Endorsed by Clearing House Authorities of Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Chicago. Send for Circular. Manufactured by MT. HOLLY PAPER CO., MT. HOLLY SPRINGS, PA., U. S. A. Also Manufacturers of Tub-Sized, Loft-Dried, Flat and Ruled Papers of Every Description. XXIX DE WITT WIRE CLOTH CO., 90 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, — MANUFACTURERS OF — Paper Makers' Materials. WE MAKE TO ORDER FOURDRINIER WIRES, DANDY ROLLS, OF PLAIN AND FANCY DESIGNS. CYLINDER and WASHER WIRES, CYLINDER MOLDS. ■ DUSTER WIRE CLOTH. — ■ m^iim....— Dandy Rolls and Cylinders COVERED AND REPAIRED. XXX RICE, BARTON & FALES Machine and Iron Co,, WORCESTER, MASS., U. S. A., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Paper Mill Machinery, OF THE MOST IMPROVED DESCRIPTIONS. #■ FOURDRINIER AND CYLINDER PAPER MACHINES, Wet Machines, Dusters, Washing and Beating Engines, Roll Bars and Bed Plates, Rag — Cutters, Paper Cutters, all kinds of — M CALENDERS, With Chilled Iron and Paper Rolls, Gun Metal Covered Rolls, for Couch, Press and Size Rolls, Hutton's Patent Wire Guides, Fan and Plunger Pumps, Improved Nickel and Special Mixture Screen Plates of the most durable quality, Expansion Pulleys, Steam Pressure Regulators, Hydraulic Presses from 7 inch to 12 inch Piston. SHAFTING, CUT AND CAST GEARING, Iron and Brass Castings, &c. The grinding of all kinds of Rolls by the J. MORTON POOLE GRINDER, A SPECIALTY. XXXI NEW Direct -Acting Steam Pump, mm. — A large number of these pumps have been put on every variety of service dur- ing the past three years, with the best results. The pump is simple in construction, having a smaller number of moving parts than others. It will work equally well under a light or heavy pressure, at a higher speed, with less noise than any other steam pump. We are now prepared to furnish all the leading sizes, and are constantly making additions to our patterns. Send for price lists and discounts to the HOLLY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LOCKPORT, NEW YORK, Or C. Cr. HILDKETH, Secretasy, I». O. Box 1372. 157 Broad-way, NEW YORK CITY. XXXII BULKLEY, DUNTON & CO.'S "EXCELSIOR" Felts, Felting, and Jacketing are unsurpassed for ECONOMY, DURABILITY AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE, ALSO, THEIR " EUREKA" CANVAS, Is the Heaviest and Best article yet made for Drier Felts. P. O. Box 1784* or 74 J oil 11 St., NEW YORK, U. S. A. ALBION PAPER COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Machine and Super-Calendered BOOK PAPER, ALSO ENGINE -SIZED FLAT PAPER. EDWARD C. TAFT, Treas. HOLYOKE, MASS., U. S. A. The paper upon which The Paper World is printed is made hy the Alhion Paper Company of this city, r. ESTABLISHED 1848. INCORPORATED 1870. 43 Fulton Street, NEW YORK CITY. WORKS, BROOKLYN, E. D. — MANUFACTURERS OF Superior Fourdrinier Wires, WASHER AND CYLINDER WIRES, DANDY ROLLS, CYLINDER MOULDS, BRASS, COPPER AND IRON WIRE CLOTH, BRASS, COPPER and IRON WIRE, &c. XXXIV FTLlHJHfl THE MOORE HAH. Extreme Height, 5 feet 6 inches, Diameter, 32 inches, Supply Pipe, 6 inches, Outlet 6 inches. "3 o 2 sr s jj n » }i s < 5- K 1 I Patented in the United States July 19, 1881, also in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Canada. The Only Filter in which the principle of " control " has been perfected. The Only Filter which exteriorly indicates the condition of the filtering material in it, and the precise position of the working parts. The Only Filter that will give large results with a low head of water. The Only Filter that can always be cleansed without removing the filtering material. It will operate freely without cleansing for a longer time than any other Filter. It is superior in its construction, operation, and in the quality and quantity of the filtrate furnished, to any other device yet invented. Public Comparative Test invited (in Holyoke) with any other Filter. For Further Particulars Address, G. II. MOORE, Norwich, Conn. XXXV P. P. EMORY 8t CO MANUFACTURERS OF THE Figure " K " represents the Sponge Case. ==S=: -lAf -£>/V\DL /-1Y-CO-SC Patent Water Filter \ Water Tub Combined. ALSO, OF THE PATENT LOCK- VALVE FOR RAG ENGINES. This Valve is admitted by those who use it to be the most perfect Valve in existence. Ficjl Particular attention given to lining ^ jy B ie. eh JD Jl Rag Engines with Copper, and to piping for Paper Mills. All kinds of Brass and Trv Composition Castings. Also Copper Work in all its branches. We are dealers in SHEET COPPER, BOLT COPPER, SHEET BRASS, BRASS RODS & WIRE, BABBITT METAL, BLOCK TIN, MACHINE BOLTS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Correspondence Solicited. Address, P. P. EMORY & CO., 48 Hampden Street^pring'field, Mass. COPPERSMITHS AND BRASS FOUNDERS. XXXVI H E. PRATT & CO., MORSE BUILDING, Corner Nassau and Beekman streets, New York, AGENTS FOR PIPER MANUFACTURERS. Correspondence Solicited with Manufacturers and Jobbers. CLARIS PAT. RUBBErn^HEEIA FOR STOCK BOXES AISD TRUCKS Save many times their cost in doing away with all splintering and wearing of floors caused by the use of the iron wheels. Made in different styles and sizes for every kind of Mill and Warehouse work. Special styles adapted for Stock Boxes in Paper Mills. HAND AND PLATFORM TRUCKS Of every description, mounted on Patent Rubber Wheels Illustrated Catalogue Free. GEORGE P. CLARK, WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN. S. WEBBER P^KEI^ $ C&, JH- (Successors to Butterworth & Smalley), 5 AND 7 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK, \ Importers of and Dealers in all kinds of Paper Manufacturers' Supplies. FEL TINGS— Sole Agents for Samuel Porrit & Son 's Fellings. WILLIAM PICKHARDT & KUTTROFF, 98 Liberty Street, NEW YORK, U. S. A., (Branches in Boston and Philadelphia), Importers of Anilines, Eosine, Carmine, Pulp Colors, N. C. F. Alum, Etc. Sole Agents in the U. S. for u EAGLE" ULTRAMARINE (Leverkus). V XXXVII GEO. WESTINGHOUSE. JR., President. WILLIAM LEE CHURCH, General Agent. H. H. WESTINGHOUSE, Vice-President. RALPH BAGALEY. Secretary and Treasurer. HARRIS TABOR, Superintendent. THE WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC ENGINE. Automatic Engines 40 tn 300 H. P , Throttling Engines, 4 to 100 H. P. May be coupled direct to Jack Shaft, as a Relay Power. Unequalled for Steady Motion, Simplicity and Low Cost of Main- tenance. Over 10,000 Horse-Power in use Send for I llustrated Circular and Reference List, and ask our Prices. THE WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO., Pittsburg, Pa. 92 & 94 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. 14 South Canal Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 401 Elm Street, DALLAS, TEXAS. XXXVIII The Parsons Paper Co At Their New Mill Make a Specialty of BOND, PARCHMENT, PAPERS. BANK NOTE, LINEN LEDGER The Quality of These is Not Excelled. SE^TID FOB SAMPLES. Makers of the Celebrated Scotch Linen Ledger, HOLYOKB, MASS., U. S. A. XXXIX ^ THE CAMPBELL TWO -REVOLUTION Job and Book Press, We are Demonstrating by constant daily use on the Finest Class of Book, Cut, and Color Work, in the largest and best offices in the country, that these machines stand without a rival for Perfection of ^EglgfE^ m DIgTipillTON, Evenness of Impression, Rapidity of Motion, Ease in handling, and Great Durability. This Book is Printed upon a Press as Shown in Above Cut. CAMPBELL PRINTING PRESS AND MFG. COMPANY 145 Monroe Street, CHICAGO. I 45 Beekman Street, NEW YORK, XL E. B. RIPLEY, President. F. A. CHAMBERLIN, Treasurer. PLATNER & PORTER MFG. CO., UNIONVILLE, CONN., U. S. A., rfi[if T '" LAID and WOVE SUPERFINE FLATS, Watermarked. Specially Desirable FOR COMMERCIAL USE, and for Manufacturing' Stat oners. The Celebrated "NOLIA MILLS," Folded Papers, Which enjoy a world-wide reputation. Other grades of Folded Papers in various wrappers. CLOVER LEAF LAID HHHHHB3HH B CELEBRATED FOR LINENS, STRENGTH, WOVE PARCHMENT RM^^^^^9^^Hwfi^^^^9 COLOR, SIZING And BOND Papers. WBBHhPIWIIKII^RsI^^B And Texture. ALDINE FLAX, the Best No. 2 LINEN in the Market. HORSE SHOE, or Alapalia Mills, Fine Flats. STRONG, HARD, WEIX SIZED. THICK FOR THE WEIGHT. ONE MILL runs constantly on Extra Machine-Finished BOOK PAPERS. SUNNYSIDE MILL, RIPLEY MFG. CO., UNIONVILLE, CONN., U.S. A- Binders Board, Jacquard Card**, Album, Button, Chromo, — Trunk and Eeather Board. — This mill is now running under the management of E. B. Ripley, President of the Platner & Porter — Manufacturing Co., and already their — B INDERS gOARD, has achieved success as a Hard, Stiff, Well-Finished, reliable BOARD, which can be depended upon for Service. JP^Used in the Covers of this Directory. r . w Oh «! Oh W N i a. Ik ■s CO •to fs. CO +i 1 ^ CO O CO Cb — S-S si «0 co S -6 Eh i— i a < 8 « P P3 X C3 ^ Oi W H 'II Ph £ Oh w O « P bJO In a substan HURD In han rea tioi In sepa En J XLII HOLYOKE MACHINE CO., HOLYOKE, MASS., MANUFACTURERS OF V Paper Machinery HERCULES TURBINE Rag Cutters, Rag Threshers, Pin Dusters, Railroad Dusters, Fan Dust- ers, Washing Engines, Beating Engines, Power Pumps, Stuff Pumps, Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic Presses, Machine Cal- enders, Breaker Calenders, Sheet Super Calenders, Web Super Calenders, Plating Calenders, Friction Cal- enders, Hammond Stop Cutters, Chilled Iron Rolls, Paper Rolls, Cotton Rolls, Safety Hatch Elevators, Common Elevators, Planed Gears, &c. DESCRIPTION AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE xi. in 3 3125 01360 2236