FOURTH EDITION. CHTRLOCUE OF J hotagraphic Reproductions OF WORKS OR HR!. PUBLISHED BY THE SniILE FHnTIIERflFH EIIMFRNY, Successors to JOHN P. SOULE, 338 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 3amtarn, 1SS7. W. B. EVERETT. Part Jirst. IV S. SOULE. IIS THREE PKRTS. Reproductions of Original Paintings, Frescoes, and Designs, by the Old Masters. Part ^cronb. Sculpture, Architectural Subjects, and Miscellaneous Views. Part Sljirb. Reproductions of Engravings, Drawings , Etchings, and Modern Paintings. jfcg-Please preserve this Catalogue, which is constantly re- ceiving additions, for which supplements will be duly issued. I la order that persons unfamiliar with our productions may order through the mails, with confidence that they will receive the best work of its kind in the market, we publish a few words from eminent men who have made personal use of our goods. The following from Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, of Harvard College: — Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 27, 1382. Soule Photograph. Co ., Boston : — Gentlemen, — Your photographic reproductions of ancient and modern works of art are of great value to the student and amateur. Their size makes them convenient for use; their price brings them within the attainment of persons of moderate means, aud their trustworthiness and excellent technical quality make them admirable illustrations of any history of the Fine Arts. I recommend them constantly in my college classes. I am very truly yours, C. E. NORTON. From Prof. E. S. Frisbee, President of Wells College: — Aurora, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1382. The Soule Photograph Co. : — Gentlemen, — It gives me great pleasure to learn of the additions you are constantly linking to your already large and valuable list of publications. For the past three years I have made extensive use of your pictures, mostly the cabinet aud medium Bizes, for the purpose of illustration in the class-room. They are cheap, convenient, most excellent in all that is possible to the photographer’s art, accurate in their reproduction of the originals, aud altogether well-nigh indispensable both to the student and the teacher of the history of art. I cannot but feel the deepest interest in your enterprise, and I not only congratulate you on your success thus far, but hope and confidently expect that you will meet with the appreciation of the art-loving public according to the high merit of your work. I remain very truly yours, E. S. FRISBEE. From Prof. W. T. Harris, Lecturer on Art : — Concord, Mass., Not. 10, 1882. The Soule Photograph Co. : — You are doing a great service to the education of the American people, by offering them a selection of thousands of pictures from originals, the best engravings and drawings, at a uniform price so low that all may begin a collection at once, and soon come to own hundreds of pictures, the 6tudy of which is indispensable to the education of the taste. Separated ns we are by an ocean from the museums and art-galleries of Europe, it becomes very important that we shall learn to know' these conventional symbols of culture and refined taste by means of reliable pictures. Your photographs represent in convenient form the most important masterpieces of the world’s artists in painting, sculpture, and architecture. Wm. T. HARRIS. From Prof. E. N. Ilorsford : — Cambridge, Nov. 11, 1882. Soule Photograph Co. : — Gentlemen, — 1 have great pleasure In saying that the photographic copies you have made for me are uble specimens of the perfection to which the art has attained in your hands. The work you have done for me includes a considerable variety of eichings, engravings, paintings, aud photographs, aud has been in all respects most satisfactory. J am very truly yours, E. N. IIORSFORD. Lantern Slides, or transparencies for the Stereopticon. We manufacture, to order, slides of any of the subjects mentioned in our catalogue at a week’s notice. Parties wishing to order slides may have unmounted cabinet-size photo- graphs of the subjects desired sent them, and, if satisfactory, slides will be furnished from the same negative. Price of slides, 50 cents each ; $0.00 per dozen. On single orders of 50 slides 10 per cent, discount. “ “ “ “ 100 “ 20 “ “ fiJ (/*AAv INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING. 1st. Write your full name plainly, with name of Post-Office, County, and State, on each order. 2d. State amount of money sent. 3d. State how you wish goods forwarded, whether by open mail, regis- tered mail, or express. If by registered mail ten cents should be sent for registration fee. 4th. When mounted goods or albums are to be sent by mail, sufficient money should be enclosed to cover postage. If too much is sent the balance will be promptly returned. Our Terms Are strictly cash with order, or C.O.D. by express. How to seucl Money. Money may be safely sent by registered letter, post-office order, ex- press money order (which can be obtained at any of the American, United States, or Wells, Fargo express offices), certified check, or draft on Bos- ton or New York made payable to the Soule Photograph Co., Boston. Amounts less than five dollars may be sent by postal note, but if lost cannot be duplicated. • Transportation. Unmounted goods will be sent post-paid. Mounted photographs and albums, when the method of transportation is left to us, will be sent by mail or express as seems cheapest and best. Exchange. Unmounted cabinet and medium sizes may be exchanged if not satisfac- tory, provided they are not retained over ten days, and are received by us in good condition. No mounted or large unmounted photographs will be exchanged or credited if returned. Patrons wishing to order large scraps, mounted goods, or slides for stereopticon, may have small unmounted copies of subjects desired sent for examination, which will be charged out when sent, and credited in full when returned in good condi- tion. Do not fail to write full name and address on the outside of all return parcels. Order blanks will be sent when requested. PRICES. Those prices apply to all the subjects iu this Catalogue, unless otherwise specified. Unmounted Photographs, or “Scraps.” Cabinet size, about 4 X 6 inches Medium size, about 6X8 inches Large size, about 9X12 inches Extra size, about 12 X 15 inches Mounted Photographs, Cabinets on imperial, or on 8 X 10 tinted mounts. . Mediums, on 11 X 14 tinted boards “ on 8 X 10 maroon panels Large size, on 16 X 20 white boards Extra size, on 20 X 24 “ “ Each. Per doz. $ .15 $ 1.50 .30 3.00 .80 1.25 .20 2.00 .40 4 00 .60 6.00 1.00 1.50 N.B. — Ten per cent, discount will be made on cash orders to the amount of twenty dollars if purchased at one time. Half-a-dozen or more cabinets or mediums may be figured at dozen rates. INDEX TO PART FIRST Albani Albcrtinclli Page 1 28 10 Angelico, Fra . . . . 7 Angelo, Michael. . . Baroccio .... 7 Bartolommeo, Fra. 16 Bassano Battoni Becquer Bellini, Gen 9 Bellini, Gio Berchem Bocacciuo Bonheur Bonifazio Bordone Botticelli Boucher Breton Bronzino Bugiardini Cagliari Cagnacci Cam pan na Cano Caravaggio Carducho Carpaccio Carracci, A 27 Catena Champagne Chardin Cbiari Cignani 30 Cima Cimabue Claude Lorraine. . . Coello, A. 8 38 Coeilo, C Corot 43 Correggio Cranach Credl 15 Crivclli David Dclaroche 43 Denner 38 Dolce , 29 Domcuichiuo 28 Dow Duccio DUrcr Early Painting . . . . Espinosa Faore 42 Fabriano 7 Flandrin 43 Fragonard Francesca 9 Franceschiui Fraucia, F 13 Francla, J Fungal Gaddi, A 7 Gaddi. 'J' Gainsborough 46 Garbo Garofalo 20 Gentileschi 29 t Page Gerard 42 Gerini 7 Ghent, Justus van 31 Ghirlandajo 13 Giordano 30 Giorgione 19 Giotto 4 Girodet 42 Gleyre 43 Goya 41 Gozzoli 9 Greuze 42 Griraani Breviary 46 Grimoux 41 Guercino 29 Hals 35 Head 46 Heist 35 Herrera 39 Hobbema 36 Hogarth 46 Holbein, elder 36 Holbein, younger 37 Honthorst 35 Ingres 43 Jansen 46 Jordaens 33 Juanes 3S Kauffmann 38 Kcyser, de 85 Koninck 35 Landseer 46 Largilli&re 41 Lawrence 46 Le Brun 42 Lippi, F 15 Lippi, F. F 8, 12 Lochner 36 Lopez 41 Lorenzetli 7 Lorraine, Claude 41 Lotto 20 Luini 15 Luti 30 Mantegna 10 Maratta 30 Marconi 18 Martini 6 Martino 27 Masaccio 8 Matsys, Jan 31 Mats ys, Q 31 Meccheriuo 24 Mcmling 31 Memmi 7 M engs 38 Mctsu 36 Mieris, van 36 Mignard 41 Milano, Andrea da 25 Millet 43 Morales 38 Morctto 26 Moro 32 Mosaics 3 Mu 1 ready 46 Murillo 40 Muzlano 27 Nattier 41 Oggiono 16 Orcagna 7 Orley 32 Pacchia, del 20 Pacehiarotto 16 Palma, J 27 Palma Vecchio 18 Pantoja 38 Paolino, Fra 25 Parmigiano 26 Pater 41 Perugino 11, 12 Pinturicchio 14 Piombo 24 Pollajuolo 10 Pordenone 24 Potter 36 Prud’hon 42 Raphael 20, 24 Rembrandt 35 Reni, Guido 28 Reynolds 46 Ribera 39 Rioult 43 Romano 25 Rosa 29 Rosselli, C 11 Rossclli, M 28 Rousseau 43 Rubens 32 Iiuysdael 36 Santi 11 Sarto, del 24 Sassoferrato 29 Schedone 29 Scbdngauer 36 Sesto 20 Signorelli 11 Snyders S3 Sodoma 19 Sogliaui 25 Stanfield 46 Stamina 7 Stcuerbout 35 Sustermans 33 Teniers 34 Terburg 35 Tintoretto 26 Till 28 Titian 18 Troyon 43 Turner 46 Unknown, Italian 16 Unknown, Spanish 41 U wins 46 VanderFaes 31 Van der Meer 36 Van dcr Velde 36 Van der Werff 36 Van der Weyden 30 Van Eyck, H 30 Van Eyck, J 3u Van Veen 32 Velasquez 39 Vernet 43 Veronese 26 Vinci 14 Vivnnni, A 9 Vivarinl, L 9 Watteau 41 West 46 Wilhelm von Kbln 36 Wouvermon 36 Wynauta 35 Zu baron 39 INDEX TO PART SECOND, Algeria Asia Minor Assyrian Sculpture Austria Azores Belgium Brazil Burruah Ceylon Chili :::::::::::::: Etruscan Sculpture France Germany Grffico-Rornan Sculpture, Great Britain .... Greece Greek Sculpture Holland Page . 125 . 129 . 48 . 04 . 66 . 66 . 137 . 129 . 129 . 137 . 125 . 80 . 53 . 68 . 75 . 64 . 80 . 98 . 49 . 99 India Ireland Italy Japan Mexico Modern Sculpture Norway Palestine Peru Portugal Russia Scotland Spain Straits Settlement. Switzerland Syria Turkey United States U.S. of Columbia Uruguay .... v Page 130 91 100 131 135 69 115 133 137 116 116 93 117 134 121 134 124 135 137 138 INDEX TO PART THIRD. Page Albums 208 Animal Studies 203 Book Illustrations 194 Christ in Art 209 Collections 206 Dance of Death 204 Dickens Illustrations. 194 Elaine Illustrations 196 Engravings 139 Etchings. Dusseldorf 193 “ Modern 189 “ Old Masters 185 Flower Studies 202 Framing 207 Greek Illustrations 198 Heads from Drawings 205 Modern Paintings 139 Niebelungen Lied 196 Page Passion Play at Oberammergau 202 Portfolios 205 Portraits of Authors 177 “ Crowned Heads 180 “ French Royalty, etc 182 “ Miscellaneous Persons .. . 183 “ Musical Composers 178 “ Painters and Sculptors... 179 “ Presidents of the U.S 183 “ Royalty and Nobility .... 181 Raphael’s Hours and Days 200 “ Bible 199 Reliquary of St. Ursula 202 Reynard the Fox 199 Schiller Gallery 195 Shakespeare Illustrations 194 Works of Hans Holbein 204 “ William M. Hunt 201 We have just published a new Art Book, Entitled : {Some Famous Paintings and their Homes. A COMPILATION PROM LEADING- AUTHORITIES, BY MARY GRAHAM DUFF. 'This work is a description of some twenty leading paintings by the old masters, with what is known of their history, and also a description of the Church or Gallery where each is now located. Blank leaves are left for the insertion of unmounted photo- graphs illustrating the painting described and the present home of the work, The novel and attractive feature of this book is the fact of its combining a valuable text and reference book, with a most inter- esting art scrap book. Blank leaves are left for seventy-two photographs, which may be purchased with the book or added, a few at a time, as the student progresses. The photographs are inserted by attaching them to the blank leaves by one edge only, using a very thick boiled four paste, as described in the preface. Printed on heavy paper, with broad margins, and handsomely bound in doth. $1.50 Peb Copy. Special rates for six or more copies for class use. r* u r r first PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, FRESCOES, AND DESIGNS BY THE OLD MASTERS. The following subjects are kept in stock, unmounted only; but can be furnished mounted in any style at short notice. The arrangement of this part is chronological, the artists being sepa- rated into schools. In ordering from Part I. give number of picture, and whether cabinet or medium size. Medium. Cabinet. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 To avoid confusion of numbers with those of our earlier lists, please mention 1887 catalogue. EXAMPLES OP EARLY PAINTING. Greek Painting'. Bust of the Muse Polymnia. Etruscan Museum , Cortona. Byzantine. Magdalen. Academy , Florence. St. Luke (?). Madonna. Basilica S. M. Maggiore, Rome. First Century Fresco. Mercury saving Io, guarded by Argus. Palace of the Caesars , Rome. Fourth Century Frescoes. A figure (called Christ) holding a scroll, and woman drawing water (Woman of Samaria). Catacomb of St. Calixtus , Rome. Christian Inscriptions with figures and emblems. Catacombs , Rome. U it «( «( «< t< (< Sixth Century Fresco. Head of Christ. Catacomb of Generosa , Rome Ninth Century Frescoes. Christ, St. Cecilia, and Pope Urban. Catacomb of St. Calixtus , Rome. Head of Christ. “ Pontianus , rt The above frescoes are all badly damaged, and conse- quently the photographs are not attractive in appear- ance. MOSAICS. Fifth Century. Jacob demanding Rachel. S. M. Maggiorc, Rome. The Good Shepherd. Tomb of Galla Placidia, Ravenna. Four Angels, etc., Archbishop's Pal. “ Baptism of Christ, etc. Dome of Baptistery , “ 44 44 44 Ch. of S. M. a Cosmedin, 44 Large. 4 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. QJ a Cab. 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 v 24 24 48 39 Mosaics. ( Continued .) Sixth Century. In San Vitale , Ravenna. Sacrifice of Abraham. “ “ and other figures. “ Abel and Melchisedec. “ “ “ and other figures. Emperor Justinian (group). “ “ (head). Empress Theodora (group). “ “ (head). Christ seated with Saints Vitale and Ecclesio. In St. Appolinare Nuovo , Ravenna. Life of Christ. Worship of the Magi. “ “ Saviour enthroned with Saints and Angels. “ “ Head of Christ, from the above. “ “ Prophets and Procession of Virgins. “ “ Various Prophets and Palace of Theodoric. Portrait of Emperor Justinian. St. Appolinare preaching. St. Appolinare in Classe , Ravenna. Sacrifice of Abraham, Abel and Melchisedec. St. Appolinare in Classe , Ravenna. Two Apostles. Tomb of Galla Placidia , “ Seventh Century. Head of Christ, witli Angels and Saints. Baptistery of St. John Lateran, Rome. St. Sebastian. Church of St. Peter , “ Ninth Century. Madonna and Saints, with Pope Paschal. S. M. Dominica , Rome. Christ and Saints. St. Cecilia in Trastevere , “ Twelfth Century. Christ, Virgin, Apostles, and Saints. St. Cecilia in Trastevere , Rome. ITALIAN SCHOOLS. Cimabue, Giovanni. 1240-1302. Florentine. Madonna. Ch. S. M. Novella , Florence . Visitation. (Drawing.) TJjfizi , “ St. Cecilia and four scenes from her Life. “ “ Madonna and Child. Acad. “ Madonna and Child, with Saints and Angels. Assisi. Madonna, Child and Angels. Madonna. Louvre. Duccio di Buoninsegna. (Painted in 1282.) Sienese. Madonna and Child. Perugia. Madonna and Child. Siena. Giotto di Bondone. 1276-1336. Florentine. Portrait of Dante. Fresco , Nat' l Museum , Florence. “ “ (Before restoration.) Madonna and Child, with Angels. Academy , “ The Baptism of Christ. Meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anna. S. M. Novella, “ Large. Part First. 5 Med. Cab. 53 54 55 56 57 58 68 59 60 60 61 '62 63 64 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 84 85 85 86 87 87 88 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 105 106 106 Giotto. ( Continued .) Frescoes in Santa Croce , Florence. Coronation of the Virgin. St. John raising Drusiana. St. John ascending to Heaven. Zacharias writing the name of the Infant St. John. St. Francis appearing to St. Anthony. Death of St. Francis. St. Francis in the presence of the Sultan. Confession of St. Francis. St. Louis of Toulouse. St. Louis, King of France. St. Elizabeth of Hungary. St. Clara. St. Francis returning his clothes to his father. Infant Christ appearing to St. Francis on Christmas Eve. Frescoes in the Arena or Scrovegni Chapel, Padua. St. Joachim driven from the Temple. St. Joachim among the Shepherds. Prayer of St. Anna. St. Joachim accomplishes the Sacrifice. Dream of St. Joachim. Meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anna. Birth of the Virgin. Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Receiving the Rods from the High Priest. Adoration of the Rods. Marriage of the Virgin. Wedding Procession of the Virgin. Angel of the Annunciation. Virgin “ “ Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth. Nativity of Christ. Adoration of the Magi. Purification of Mary in the Temple. Flight into Egypt. Massacre of the Innocents. Christ among the Doctors. Baptism of Christ. Marriage at Cana. Raising of Lazarus. Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Christ driving the Profaners from the Temple. Judas receiving the Silver. Last Supper. Christ washing the Feet of his Disciples. The Kiss of Judas. Christ conducted before Caiaphas. Christ crowned with Thorns. Christ conducted to Calvary. Crucifixion. Entombment. Resurrection. Ascension of Christ. The Pentecost. Universal Judgment. Paradise. Large. 6 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 120 121 122 123 124 A Giotto. ( Concluded .) 6 107 107 Group of the Blessed. (Detail of above.) 108 108 The Infernal Regions. 109 Madonna and Child. 110 The Marquis Scrovegni giving the Church to RR. PP. Gaudenti. 111 Hope. 112 Despair. 113 Hope and Despair. 114 Charity and Envy. 115 Faith and Infidelity. 116 Justice and Injustice. * 117 Temperance and Anger. 118 Strength and Weakness. 119 Prudence and Imprudence. 120 The Crucifix. Frescoes in Lower Church , Assisi. 121 Poverty. 122 Chastity. i Four scenes representing the Virtues and 123 Obedience. j Triumphs of St. Francis. 124 Glorification. J 125 Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth. 126 Christ disputing with the Doctors. (Attributed to Taddeo Gaddi.) Martini, Simone de ( Memmi ). 1283-1344. Sienese . 127 Annunciation. Uffizi, Florence. Frescoes in Spanish Chapel , S. M. Novella , Florence. 128 128 The Church Militant and Triumphant. 129 Christ in Glory. (Detail of above.) 130 Entrance into Paradise. “ “ 131 Worldly Pleasures. “ “ 132 Group of the Faithful. “ “ 133 Figure of Cimabue and others. “ “ 134 Portrait of Cimabue. “ “ Gaddi, Taddeo. 1300-1366? Florentine . 135 Nativity and Crucifixion. Berlin. Frescoes in Spanish Chapel , S. M. Novella , Florence. Allegory, — Religion and Philosophy. Group of Virtues and Sciences. (From the above.) 138 138 Crucifixion, and Descent into Hades. 139 Upper Central Section. (From the above.) 140 “ Left hand “ “ 141 “ Right hand “ “ 142 Christ conducted to Calvary. “ 143 Descent into Hades. “ 144 The Resurrection. 145 The Church as a Ship or St. Peter. 146 The Ascension of Christ. 147 The Last Supper, and Descent of the Holy Ghost. Frescoes in Santa Croce , Florence. 148 Meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anna. 149 Birth of the Virgin. 150 150 Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. 151 Marriage of the Virgin. 136 136 137 Part First. 7 174 Med. i o 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 158 159 159 160 161 162 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 173 174 174 175 176 176 177 178 179 180 180 181 182 183 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 189 190 190 Italian Schools. ( Continued .) Lorenzetti, Pietro. {Flourished 1328.) Sienese. Madonna enthroned, with Child and Four Angels. Caih'l, Cortona. Madonna, Child, and St. Francis. Lower Church , Assisi. (Attributed by Vasari to Cavallini.) Me mini, Lippo. -1356. Sienese. St. Anthony, St. Fina, and St. Paul. San Gem. Gaddi, Angiolo. 1325-1396. Florentine. The Circumcision. Uffizi , Florence. Adoration of the Magi. “ “ Nativity. Cath'l , Prato. Orcagna ( Andrea di Clone). 1329?-1389. Florentine. The Last Judgment. Campo Santo, Pisa. The Triumph of Death. “ “ “ Group of Monks. (From the above.) “ “ “ Inferno. “ “ “ Glory of Paradise. Strozzi Chapel, S.M. Novella. Group of Saints. (From the above.) Florence. Stamina, Gherardo di Jacopo. 1354-1408. Florentine. Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Cath'l , Prato. Bartolo, Taddeo di. 1362-1422. Sienese. St. Christopher. Palazzo Pubblico, Siena. Spinello, Aretino. 1316-1408? Arezzo. Madonna del Soccorsa. Ch. S. M. delle Grazie , Arezzo. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Pinacotheca, “ Gei ini, Niccolo di Pietro, -1401? Arezzo. Martyrdom of St. Matthew. Ch. San Francesco, Prato. Miracle of St. Matthew. “ “ “ St. John the Evangelist. “ “ 44 St. Luke. “ “ “ St. Mark. “ “ “ Fabriano, Gentile da. 1370-1450? Venetian. Adoration of the Kings. Acad., Florence. Fra Angelico, Giovanni ( da Fiesole). 1387-1455. Florentine . Frescoes, etc., in Museum of St. Mark, Florence. Madonna della Stella. (With frame.) “ “ “ (Without frame.) Coronation of the Virgin. The Annunciation. Christ and his Disciples at Emmaus. (Attributed to Fra Bartolommeo.) Christ bearing his Cross. The Crucifixion. Group. (Detail of the above.) Adoration of the Kings. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Adoration of the Magi. Treason of Judas. Christ with Symbols of the Passion. St. Peter, martyr. The Crucifixion, with S. Dominico. Coronation of the Virgin. Uffizi, Florence. Madonna of the Great Tabernacle. “ “ Large. 8 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 195 196 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 212 213 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Fra Angelico. ( Concluded .) Angel sounding Trumpet. (Detail of the above.) Angel touching the Tambourine. Angel playing the Violin. Angel playing the Organ. Angel beating the Tambour. Angel sounding the Bugle. Angel in Adoration. Angel in Adoration. Angel with Cymbals. Angel with Tambour. Angel with Cithern. Angel with Trumpet. Zacharias writing the Name of the Infant St. John Uffizi . Flo Marriage of the Virgin. “ Deat(i of the Virgin. # “ Angel. (Drawing.) “ St. Michael. Acad ., Descent from the Cross. “ Group of Men. (Detail of the above.) “ Group of Women. “ “ “ “ Flight into Egypt. “ Last Judgment. Gallery Aniica, Paradise. (Detail of above.) “ “ Madonna, Child, and four Angels. “ “ Annunciation. Church of Jesus, Cortona. Group of Prophets. Cathedral , Orvieto. Coronation of the Virgin and Miracles of St. Dominick. Louvre. 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 226 227 228 229 230 236 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 Frescoes in Chapel of Nicolo V., Vatican, Rome. St. Lawrence ordained by Pope Sixtus II. St. Lawrence receiving Treasure from the Church. St. Lawrence giving Alms. St. Lawrence brought in to be Scourged. Martyrdom of St. Lawrence. Consecration of St. Stephen, and Almsgiving. St. Stephen Preaching. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Masaccio ( Tommaso Guido), 1402-1429. Florentine . Portrait of himself. Uffizi , Florence. “ “ Mus., Naples. Frescoes in S. M. del Carmine, Florence. Assisted by Filippino Lippi. Adam and Eve. St. Peter the Cripple. Tribute Money. Central Group. (Detail of the above.) Expulsion from Paradise. St. Peter distributing Alms. “ healing the Sick. ** in the Papal Chair. Miracle of St. Peter and St. Paul. Lippi, Fra Filippo. 1412-1469. Florentine. Portrait of himself. Museum , Berlin. Large. Part First. 9 240 a o 238 239 240 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 258 259 259 200 260 261 261 262 262 263 264 265 265 266 266 267 267 268 268 269 270 270 271 272 273 273 274 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 282 283 283 1 Fra Filippo Lippi. ( Concluded .) Museum , Berlin. u « < Acad., Florence. Uffizi , Madonna in the Wood. Madonna del Cardellino. Coronation of the Virgin. Lower Centre. (Detail of the above. ) Upper Left. 44 “ 44 44 Right. 44 44 44 44 Centre. 44 44 44 Portrait of the artist. The Virgin and Archangel Gabriel. Madonna and Child, with Angels. Virgin and Child. (Drawing.) Virgin and Child. Pitti Gal., 44 St. John the Baptist and Six Saints. Nat' l Gal., London. The Daughter of Herodias dancing before Herod. Cathedral, Prato. Two Scenes from the Life of St. Stephen. 4 ‘ 44 Ordination, Miracles, and Preaching of St. Stephen. Cathedral , Prato. Obsequies of St. Stephen. 4 4 44 Francesca, Pietro della. 1415-1509? Umbrian, Portrait of Battista Sforza. Uffizi, Florence. Female Portrait. Nat'l Gal., London. Female Portrait. 44 44 4 4 Bellini, Gentile. 1421-1507. Venetian, Portraits of Giov. and Gentile Bellini. Louvre. St. Mark preaching in Alexandria. Brera, Milan. Procession in the Piazza di San Marco. Acad., Venice. Miracle of the Cross. 4 4 44 Portrait of the Doge Foscari. Museo Civico, 44 Yivarini, Antonio ( da Murano), (Painted 1440- 1470.) Venetian, Angel of the Annunciation. Virgin of the Annunciation. Coronation of the Virgin. Vivarini, Luigi. Madonna, Child, and Saints. Gozzoli, Benozzo. 1424- St. Augustine taken to School. St. Sebastian. 4 4 4 4 “ Death of St. Monica. Ch. of St. Augustine, 4 4 44 The Vintage of Noah. Fresco, Campo Santo, Pisa. La Vergognosa. (Detail of the above.) Fresco, 4 4 44 4 4 Group. (Detail of the above.) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Building of the Tower of Babel. 4 4 44 4 4 44 Worship of the Magi. 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 Journey of the Magi. (Centre). Palazzo Riccardi, Florence. Lorenzo the Magnificent. (Detail of the above.) Group of Angels in Adoration. 4 4 44 44 Group of Angels in Adoration. Group of Angels singing. Group of Angels singing. Michele Paleologo. Monks and a Woman (drawing). The Rape of Helen. Acad., Venice. C< «( -1500(?) Venetian . Acad. , Venice. -1485(?) Florentine, Fresco, San Gemignano. Uffizi, Florence. Nat' l Gal., London. Large. 10 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 284 285 285 286 287 288 288 289 289 290 290 291 291 292 292 293 293 294 295 295 296 297 298 299 299 300 300 301 301 302 303 303 304 304 305 305 306 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 31? 318 318 319 319 320 321 321 322 322 323 323 324 325 325 326 326 Italian Schools. ( Continued .) Crivelli, Carlo. (Painted about 1475.) Venetian . Dead Christ supported by Angels. Nat' l Gal., London. Altar-piece. “ “ “ Madonna and Saints. Brera , Milan. Bellini, Giovanni. 1426-1516. Venetian . Portrait of himself. Uffizi , Florence. Christ Mourned by Angels. Mus., Berlin. In Ch. of the “ Redent ore,” Venice. Madonna and Sleeping Child, with Angels. Angel on the Left. (Detail of above.) Angel on the Right. “ “ Madonna and Child, with St. John and St. Catherine. St. Catherine. (Detail of the above.) Madonna and Child. In the Academy , Venice. Madonna and Child, with St. George and St. Paul. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child, Mary Magdalen, and St. Catherine. Madonna and Child. In Ch. S. M. de' Frari, Venice. Madonna and Child. (Detail of No. 303.) Angels. “ “ “ Piping Angel. “ “ “ Madonna and Saints. Angel with Mandolin. (Detail of above.) Madonna and Child. Ch. of the Scalzi, Venice. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Ch. of St. Zacharias , “ Acad, of Fine Arts , Milan. a u t( <( Madonna and Child The Dead Christ. Madonna and Child, with Saints and Angels. Louvre. Portrait of the Doge Loredano. Nat' l Gal ., London. Mantegna, Andrea, 1430-1506. Paduan. Judith, with the Head of Holofernes. Mus., Florence. Ascension of Christ. Uffizi, “ St. George. Acad., Venice. The Dead Christ. (Drawing.) Mus., “ Dead Christ mourned by the Maries. Brera, Milan. St. James Baptizing. Eremitani Chapel , Padua. St. James before the Judge. “ “ “ Madonna of Victory. Louvre. Madonna and Child, St. John the Baptist, and Mary Magdalen. Nat' l Gal., London. Verrocchio, Andrea, 1432-1488. Florentine . Baptism of Christ. Acad., Florence. Angel, from the above, painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Female Head. (Drawing.) Uffizi , Florence Pollajuolo, Antonio, 1433-1498. Florentine. St. Sebastian. Pitti Gal., Florence. Annunciation. Berlin. Virgin adoring Child. Nat' l Gal., London. Large. Part First. 11 Med. A ?! o Italian Schools. ( Continued .) Santi, Giovanni. About 1440-1500. Umbrian. 327 Dead Christ supported by the Virgin. Inst, of Fine Arts, Urbino. 328 Pieta. «( (( li n 329 329 Madonna and Child. Nat'l Gal., London. Kosselli, Cosimo. 1439-1506. Florentine. 330 330 Moses and the Israelites after the Passage of the lied Sea. Fresco , Sistine Chapel , Rome. 331 331 Moses giving the Law. n n «i «< 332 332 Sermon on the Mount. ll It It II 333 333 The Last Supper. (( «< (( II 334 Servants of the Virgin. Ch. Annunciation , Florence. Signorelli, Luca {da Cortona). 1441-1524? Florentine. 335 335 Madonna and Child, with Saints and Angels. Pinacoteca, Arezzo. 336 330 History of Antichrist. Fresco , Cath., Orvieto. 337 337 Paradise. II II II 333 338 Inferno. a a a 339 339 Resurrection. a n it 340 Group from the above. 341 <« <( a ii 342 342 Entombment of Christ. Ch. of S. Niccolo, Cortona. 343 Immaculate Conception. Ch. of Jesus, “ 344 Christ and St. Thomas. Sacra Casa, Loreto. 345 Flight of iEneas. Acad., Siena. 346 liansom of Prisoners. U 11 347 Holy Family. Uffizi, Florence. 348 348 Moses and Zipporah on their way to Egypt, and Circum- cision of their Son. Fresco, Sistine Chapel. 349 349 Last Meeting of Moses and Joshua. “ “ “ 350 Central Group. (Detail of the above.) In Museum , Berlin. 351 Two Groups of Saints. 352 352 St. Clara, St. Jerome, and Magdalen. 353 St. Clara and Magdalen. 354 354 St. Augustine, St. Anthony of Padua, and St. Catherine. 355 St. Augustine and St. Catherine. Perugino, Pietro ( Vanucci ). 1446-1524. Umbrian. 356 356 Portrait of himself. Uffizi, Florence. 357 357 Assumption of the Virgin. Acad., “ 358 S. Benedict and S. Michael. (Detail of above.) 359 359 S. Michael. Head. n a 360 Two Angels. a a 361 361 The Entombment. Pitti Gal., Florence. 362 Magdalen. 4 4 4 4 4 4 363 363 Madonna in Adoration. 44 44 44 364 Crucifixion. S. M. Maddalena de * Pazzi, “ 365 365 Christ on the Cross. (Detail of above.) 366 366 St. Bernard and the Madonna. “ “ 367 367 St. John and St. Benedict. 4 4 4 4 368 368 St. John. 4 4 4 4 369 Children. (Drawing.) Florence. 370 370 Baptism of Christ. ' Iresco, Sistine Chapel. 371 371 1 Christ giving the Keys to Peter. “ “ “ 12 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Perugino. ( Concluded .) 373 376 377 384 389 391 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 400 401 402 404 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 1 414 415 416' 416 117 417 418 419 420 406 408 409 411 413 Christ and Peter. (Detail of above.) Head of St. Thomas. “ “ Madonna, Child, and Four Saints. Resurrection of Christ. Christ surrounded by Saints. Christ and Apostles. The Virgin at Prayer. (Drawing.) Angels. “ Annunciation. Ch. of S. M. Nuova , Fano. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Belvedere, Vienna. Vatican. Mus ., Venice. << (« 420 “ “ “ “ “ Louvre. Altar-piece. Nafl Gal., London. Tobias and the Angel. (Detail of above.) Virgin adoring the Child. 44 44 St. Michael. “ “ Perugino and Fra Filippo Lippi. Deposition from the Cross. Botticelli, Sandro ( Filipepi ). 1447-1515. Florentine , La Madonna Incoronata. Uffizi, Florence. Madonna and Child, with Angels.* Adoration of the Kings. Uffizi, Florence. Madonna and Child, with Saints. “ The Annunciation. 44 Judith. “ Birth of Venus. 44 Calumny. “ Holy Family, with Angels. Pitii Gal., Portrait of Bella Simonetta. 44 “ Coronation of the Virgin. Acad., Tobias, and three Angels : Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Acad., Florence. Madonna enthroned with Angels and Saints. Acad., 44 Allegory. Gallery Antica, “ “ St. Augustine. Ch. d' Ognissanti, “ Frescoes in Sistine Chapel, Rome. Moses killing the Egyptian, and driving the Shepherds from the Well. Female head. (Detail of above.) Punishment of Korali, Dathan, and Abiram. Head of Moses. (Detail of above.) The Temptation of Christ. Moses drawing Water for Jethro’s Daughters. Head of Daughter of Jethro. (Detail of above.) Moses, with his Family and Followers. Family of Moses. (Detail of above.) Head of Moses. “ “ Head of a Young Man. “ “ Child of Moses. “ 44 Moses and the Burning Bush. Head of Moses. (Detail of above.) Madonna and Child. Mus. Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan. Portrait of Julian de’ Medici. Berlin. Madonna, Child, and the two St. Johns. 44 * Thi* nli:tux« 1* Berlin. Large. Part First. 13 450 Med. X) i O 421 422 422 423 424 424 425 420 427 428 429 42 a 430 430 431 432 433 433 434 434 435 435 436 437 438 439 439 440 440 441 442 442 443 444 445 445 446 447 448 448 449 449 450 450 451 451 452 452 453 454 455 455 450 450 457 457 458 459 459 400 460 401 461 4G2 462 463 463 404 464 465 465 466 467 468 468 Botticelli. ( Concluded .) Virgin, Child, and St. John. Louvre. Gliirlamlajo, Domenico ( Bigordi ). 1449-1408? Florentine . The Calling of the Apostles on the Lake of Gennesareth. Fresco , Sistine Chapel. Figure of Christ. (Detail of above.) The Last Supper. Alus. of St. Mark , Florence. Adoration of the Kings. Uffizi , “ Madonna enthroned with Angel Gabriel. “ “ Adoration of the Shepherds. Acad., “ Death of St. Francis. Fresco, Ch. of S. Trinita, “ Frescoes in S.M. Novella , Florence. Life of the Virgin. (Seven sections.) Birth of the Virgin. Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Marriage of the Virgin. Visitation. Life of John the Baptist. (Seven sections.) Birth of John the Baptist. Detail of the above. St. Giovacchino driven from the Temple. St. Jerome. Ch. A c3 a o 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530] 531 532 532 533 534 534 535 535 536 537 537 538 539 540 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 555 556 556 557 558 559 560 560 561 561 562 Pinturicchio. ( Concluded .) Sibylla Delphica. Sibylla Cimmeria. Sibylla Persica. Sibylla Erythraea. Frescoes in Piccolomini Library , Siena. Assisted by Raphael. Eneas Piccolomini setting out for Basilea or Bale. Eneas Piccolomini presented to the King of Scozia. Eneas Piccolomini at the feet of Pope Eugene IV. Marriage of Barbarossa and Eleanor of Portugal. Eneas Piccolomini made Cardinal by Pope Calixtus III. Eneas Piccolomini made Pope, with the name of Pius II. Assemblage at Mantua for the Crusade against the Turks. Canonization of St. Catherine of Siena. Credi, Lorenzo di. 1459-1537. Florentine. The Infant Jesus adored by Angels. Acad., Florence . Portrait of Andrea Verrocchio. Uffizi, “ “ Messer Alessandro Braccesi. “ “ Nativity. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Munich. 1460-1510. Sienese. Acad., Siena. 1460-1530. Lombard. Louvre. i 4 Ambrosiana , Milan. Brer a, Fungai, Bernardino. Assumption of the Virgin. Luini, Bernardino. The Nativity. Madonna and Child. Madonna and Child. Tobias and the Angel. (Drawing.) St. Catherine. Madonna of the Rose. Entombment of St. Catherine. Madonna Enthroned. Academy of Fine Aids, “ The Last Supper. Lugano. Marriage of the Virgin. Sanctuary of Virgin, Saronna. Nativity. “ “ “ “ Christ disputing with the Doctors. Sanctuary “ “ “ Modesty and Vanity. (Formerly attributed to Da Vinci.) Pal., Sciarra, Rome. Christ disputing with the Doctors. (Formerly attributed to Da Vinci. ) Nat' l Gal . , London. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Esterhazy Gal., Pesth. Columbine. St. Petersburg. Lippi, Filippino. 1460-1505. Florentine . In S.M. del Carmine , Florence. St. Paul visiting St. Peter in Prison. St. Peter delivered from Prison. Crucifixion of St. Peter. , Madonna and Child, with Angels. Corsini Gal., Florence. Virgin appearing to St. Bernard. La Badia, “ Angel. (Drawing.) Uffizi, “ Head of Antonio. (Detail.) Canto al Mercatale, Rome. Christ appearing to his Mother. Munich. Garbo, liaffaellino del. 1466-1524. Florentine. Madonna and Child, with Saints. Mus., Berlin. Madonna and Child, and two Angels. “ “ Large. 16 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 583 598 Med. i o 563 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 569 570 571 571 572 572 573 573 574 575 576 576 577 577 578 578 579 579 580 581 581 682 583 583 584 585 586 587 588 588 589 589 590 591 592 592 693 594 594 595 696 697 597 598 598 599 599 600 601 602 603 604 604 605 605 Italian Schools. ( Continued .) Cima da Conegliano. 1470-1517? Venetian . Madonna and Child, with Saints. Acad., Venice. Madonna and Child, with Saints and Angeh. “ “ St. John the Baptist. Ch. S.M. del Orto , 44 Tobias and the Angel. La Badia , 44 Madonna and Child. Fra Bartolommeo. 1469-1517. Florentine . Portrait of himself. (Drawing.) Mus ., Weimar. Portrait of Savonarola. Mus. of St. Mark , Florence. Acad. Pitti Gal., Uffizi , S.M. Nuovo, “ Louvre. S. Martina, Lucca. Portrait of Savonarola. Pieta. Marriage of St. Catherine. Two Angels. (Detail of above.) St. Mark. Resurrection of Christ. Holy Family. Prophet Job. Prophet Isaiah. Draped Figure kneeling. (Sketch.) St. Bridget of Sweden. Marriage of St. Catherine. Madonna Enthroned. Angel. (Detail of above.) “ “ Ecstasy of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Mary. Pinacoteca , 44 Madonna della Misericordia. S. Romano , “ Oggioue, Marco d* ( Uggione ). 1470-1530? Milanese . Archangel. (Detail.) Brer a, Milan. Last Supper. (Copy of Leonardo da Vinci.) Bugiardini, Giuliano. 1471-1554. Florentine . Madonna of the Well. (Formerly attributed to Raphael.) Uffizi , Florence. Albertinelli, Mariotto. 1474-1515. Florentine. The Salutation. Uffizi, Florence. The Trinity. Acad., “ Pacchiarotto, Giacomo di Bartolomeo. 1474-1540. Sienese . Ascension of Christ. Carmine , Siena. Unknown. Martyrdom of Savonarola. Mus. of St. Mark , Florence. Michael Angelo ( Buonarroti ) 1475-1564. Florentine. Uffizi, Florence. Portrait of himself. Fortune. (Drawing.) Portrait of Vittoria Colonna. “ “ 44 A Fury. 44 “ “ Holy Family. “ 44 The Three Fates. Pitti Gal., “ Portrait of himself. Capitol, Rome. Anatomical Study. (Drawing.) Museum, Venice. Two Male Figures. “ “ 44 Study of a Female Figure. 44 Gal. of the Archduke Charles, Vienna. Moses. (Drawing.) 44 Madonna. Na fl Gal., London. Entombment of our Lord. 44 44 44 I Part First. 17 608 618 635 Med. Cab. 606 607 607 608 608 609 610 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 618 619 619 620 620 621 621 622 622 623 623 624 624 625 625 626 626 627 627 628 628 629 629 630 630 631 631 632 632 633 633 634 634 635 635 636 636 637 637 638 638 639 639 640 640 641 641 642 642 643 643 644 644 645 645 646 646 647 647 648 648 649 649 to to 654 654 655 to 668 Michael Angelo. ( Continued .) Moses. (Drawing.) Michael Angelo’s Dream. Judgment. (Drawing.) British Mus ., London. Fame suggests Groups of Last Mus . , Weimar. Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel , Rome. (Detail of the above.) The Last Judgment. Altar piece. Figure of Christ. Central Figures. Upper Left Group. Upper Right Group. Lower Left Group. Lower Right Group. Lower Central Group. Left Central Group. Right Central Group. The Entire Ceiling. Sections of the Ceiling. Sibylla Erythraea. “ Persica. “ Libica. “ Cumaea. “ Delphica. Joel. Ezekiel. Jeremiah. Jonas. Daniel. Esaias. Zachariah. Creation of Light. Creation of the Sun and Moon. Separating the Water from the Land. Creation of Adam. Figure of Adam. (From the above.) Creation of Eve. “ “ “ with four decorative figures. Fall and Expulsion from Paradise. Sacrifice of Noah. Deluge. Intoxication of Noah. Creation of the World. (Three compartments in one.) Creation of Man. Temptation and Expulsion. (Three compartments in one.) Sacrifice of Noah. Deluge and Intoxication of Noah. (Three compartments in one.) Judith and Holofernes. David killing Goliath. Elevation of the Brazen Serpent. Execution of Haman. | Decorative Figures (or Youthful Athletes.) Large. 18 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. T3 a> S 4 o Michael Angelo. ( Concluded .) 609 Lunettes from the Above. Naason and Another Figure. 670 David and Solomon. 671 Josaphat and Jorara. 672 Manassas and Amon. 673 Jeconias and Salathiel. 674 Azor and Sadoc. 675 Eleazar and Matthan. 676 Jacob and Joseph. 677 Achim and Eliud. 678 Abiud and Eliachim. 679 Joatham and Achaz. 680 and Abia. 681 Boaz and Obeth. 682 Aminadab and Another Figure. 683 Angles from the Above. Jesse. 684 Asa. 685 Esechias. 686 Josiah. 687 Zorobabel. 688 Hosea. 689 Koboam. 690 Salmon. 691 Marconi, Rocco. Died 1505. Venetian. Descent from the Cross. Acad., Venice. 692 Head of Virgin. (Detail of the above.) “ “ 693 Palma, Jacopo, 11 Veccliio. 1475-1528. Venetian. Supper at Emmaus. Pitti Gal., Florence. 094 694 St. Barbara. Ch. S. M. Formosa, Venice. 695 695 “ “ (Half length.) “ “ “ 090 696 “ “ (Head.) “ “ “ 697 697 Christ and the Widow of Nain. Acad., “ 698 Saint Peter enthroned. “ “ 699 699 Madonna and Saints. “ 700 Lucretia. Belvedere, Vienna. 701 Violante. “ “ 702 Francia, Jacopo (Jlaibolini) . -1557. Bolognese. Madonna and Child with St. Catharine. 703 703 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). 1477-1576. Venetian. Portrait of himself. Uffizi, Florence. 704 Portrait of Caterina Canaro. “ “ 705 705 Flora. “ “ 706 706 Madonna and Child, with St. John and St. Anthony. 707 Uffizi , Florence. Landscape. (Drawing.) Museum, “ 708 708 Magdalen. Pitti Gal., “ 709 709 Head. (Detail of above.) “ ** “ 710 710 Bella. “ “ “ 711 Portrait of Philip II. of Spain. “ “ “ 712 Portrait of Pietro Aretino. “ “ “ 713 713 Sacred and Profane Love. Borghcse Gal., Rome. 714 Profane Love. (Detail of the above.) “ “ “ Part First. 19 716 718 748 716 717 718 722 723 728 729 730 731 732 737 738 739 743 744 745 746 748 749 zoo 756 757 759 760 761 762 763 765 766 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 Titian. ( Concluded .) Acad., Venice. Manfrini Palace , “ Royal Palace , Holy Family, with St. Lucia and St. Jerome. Colonna Gal., Rome. The Assumption of the Virgin. Acad., Venice. Virgin. (Detail of the above.) Head of the Virgin. “ “ “ Angels. “ “ “ <( (< <( <« (< (< <« (< Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple. Acad., Venice. The Virgin. (Detail of the above.) High Priest. “ “ “ Group of iSenators. “ “ “ Group of Women. “ “ “ The Egg-seller. “ “ “ St. John in the Wilderness. The Entombment. St. Mark. Madonna of the Pasaro Family. S. M. dei Frari, St. Christopher. Ducal Palace, Sketch of Wild Boar. (Drawing.) Museum, “ Young Jesuit at Prayer. Belvedere , Vienna. Allegorical Portraiture. “ “ Portrait of a Lady. “ Madonna of the Palm. “ Allegory. Munich. The Tribute Money. Dresden. Maiden with a Fan. “ Equestrian Portrait of Charles V. Mus ., Madrid. Salome with Head of John the Baptist. “ “ Adam and Eve. “ “ Mater Dolorosa. “ “ Marquis del Vasto addressing his Soldiers. A Woman at her Toilet. La Bacchanale. Head of an Old Man. (Drawing.) Madonna and Child with Saints. Nafl Gal., London. Venus before a Mirror. Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Giorgione ( Giorgio Barbare/li), 1477-1511. Venetian . Louvre. Louvre. Pal. Giovanelli, Venice. Pitti Gal., Florence. << (< (< Milan. Treviso. Cast elf ranco, Veneto. Giorgione’s Family. The Concert. Nymph pursued by a Satyr. Portrait of a Young Lady. Dead Christ supported by Angels, Madonna enthroned with Saints. Madonna and Child. (Detail of above.) Martyrdom of St. Stephen. Verona. Cavaliers and Ladies around a Fountain. (Drawing.) Albertina Col., Vienna. Male Portrait. Munich. M$>oi\e>\\\‘<\(Bazzior Bazzi). 1477-1549. Sienese . Portrait of himself. Vffizi, Florence. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. “ “ Altar-piece. Ch. of St. Catherine , Siena. St. Catherine in Ecstasy. (Detail of above.) St. Catherine in the Arms of Nuns. “ “ St. Catherine praying for Soul of Beheaded Man. 44 Large. 20 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 790 791 794 808 809 785 787 788 790 791 792 793 794 796 797 798 803 805 806 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 78 - 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 80 / 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 Sodoma. ( Concluded .) Ch. of S. Spirito , Siena. Acad., “ ii ( C S. Bernardino , “ St. James. Descent from the Cross. Flagellation of Christ. St. Antonio. St. Ludovico. St. Francesco. Coronation of the Virgin. Sacrifice of Abraham. Holy Family. Alexander’s Marriage with Roxana Farnesina Villa , Alexander in the Tent of Darius. “ “ Cathedral , Borghese Gal., Pisa. Rome. 1477 . Sienese . S. Bernardino, Siena. Academy, “ 1480 - 1521 . Lombard. Mus. , Vienna. Bergamo . Brer a, Milan. 1480 - 1558 . Del Pacchia, Girolamo. Annunciation, The Virgin. Annunciation, The Angel. St. Bernardino. Annunciation and Visitation. Sesto, Cesare da. Cupids. (Drawing.) Lotto, Lorenzo. Portrait of a Lady. 11 Garofalo ( Benvenuto Tisio). 1481-1559. Ferrarese . Male Head. (Drawing.) Mus., Florence. Kaphael Sanzio d’IJrbiiio. 1483-1520. Roman . Portrait of himself. Uffizi , Florence. Portrait of Maddalena Doni. “ St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. “ Madonna del Cardellino. “ Christ’s Entrance into Jerusalem. Madonna della Sedia. Pitti Gal., Madonna del Granduca. Madonna del Baldacchino. Madonna and Child. (Detail of above.) Boy Angels. (Detail of the above.) Holy Family, called “dell’ Impannata.” Vision of Ezekiel. Angiolo Doni, a Florentine Merchant. Portrait of Pope Julius II. “ Leo X. and Cardinals. “ a Lady. “ Donna Gravida. “ Tommaso Inghirami. “ Maddalena Doni. “ Cardinal Bibiena. The Last Supper. (Attributed.) Egyptian Mus. Marriage of the Virgin. Lo Sposalizio. Brera, Mi Virgin and High Priest. (Detail of above.) St. Cecilia. Bologna. Head of St. Cecilia. (Detail of above.) Heads of St. Paul and St. John. “ “ The Fornarina. Barherini Gal., Rome. The Entombment. Borghese “ The Four Sibyls. Fresco, S.M. della Pace, Boy. Fresco, Acad, of St. Luke, St. Luke painting the Madonna. “ “ “ Triumph of Galatea. Farnesina Villa, la} Part First. 21 • V a Med. 1 Raphael. ( Continued !.) 817 817 Coronation of the Virgin. Vatican, Rome. 818 818 Madonna di Foligno. “ “ 819 819 Cherub holding Tablet. (Detail of above.) “ “ 820 820 The Transfiguration. “ “ 821 821 Christ and the Prophets. (Detail of above.) “ “ 822 Lower left-hand Group. “ “ 823 823 Lower right-hand Group. “ “ 824 824 Portrait of Pope Gregory IV. “ “ 825 Faith, Hope, and Charity. “ “ 826 826 Madonna della Tenda. Royal Gal., Turin. 827 827 827 Madonna di San Sisto. Dresden. 828 828 828 Madonna ^nd Child. (Detail of above.)* “ 829 829 829 St. Barbafa. “ “ “ 830 830 830 St. Sixtus. “ “ “ 831 831 831 Cherubs. ** “ “ 83» 832 Madonna di Colonna. Mus., Berlin. 833 833 Madonna di Terranuova. “ “ 834 834 Madonna of the Meadow. Belvedere , Vienna. 835 835 Head. (Detail of the above.) “ “ 836 Madonna del Canigiani. Pinacoteca , Munich. 837 Madonna di Tempi. “ “ 838 838 Madonna of the Fish. Mus., Madrid. 839 Holy Family under the Oak. “ “ 840 840 Holy Family of the Pearl. “ “ 841 841 841 Bust in Wax. (Attributed.) Mus., Lille. 842 842 Portrait of a Young Man. Louvre. 843 “ Jeanne d’Arragon. “ 844 “ Count Balthazar Castiglione. “ 845 St. Michael. “ 846 Figures of St. John and St. Peter. (Drawing.) “ 847 847 Holy Family of Francis I. “ 848 848 La Vi&rge au Diademe. “ 849 Madonna and St.John. (Detail o£ above.) “ 850 La Belle Jardiniere. “ 851 851 St. John in the Desert. “ 852 St. George and the Dragon. “ 853 853 St. Marguerite. “ 854 St. Catherine. Nat'l Gal., London. 855 Madonna, Infant Christ, and St. John. “ “ “ 856 856 Portrait of himself. Hampton Court, “ Frescoes in the Stanze of the Vatican. Note. — Three of the Stanze were painted by Raphael, and one chiefly by Giulio Romano, after the death of the master. Stanza of the Incendio del Borgo. 857 857 The Incendio del Borgo. 858 858 Group of Men. (Detail of above.) 859 Group of Women. “ “ Stanza della Segnatnra. 860 860 Theology, or the Dispute of the Sacrament. 861 The Redeemer in Glory. (Detail of above.) 862 862 Poetry, or Mount Parnassus. 863 863 Philosophy, or the School of Athens. 864 864 Portraits of Raphael and Perugino. (Detail of above.) 865 865 Plato and Aristotle. “ “ * Also in Extra size. Large. 22 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Med. Cab. 866 867 867 868 868 869 869 870 870 871 871 872 872 873 873 874 874 875 875 876 876 877 877 878 879 879 880 880 881 881 882 882 883 884 885 885 886 886 887 887 888 888 889 889 890 890 891 891 892 892 893 893 894 894 895 895 896 896 897 897 898 898 899 899 900 900 901 901 902 903 904 904 905 905 906 907 907 908 908 909 910 910 911 912 913 914 915 Raphael. ( Continued .) Head of Plato. (Detail of above.) Jurisprudence. Fall of Man. Punishment of Marsyas. Astronomy. Judgment of Solomon. Theology. Poetry. Philosophy. Justice. Ceiling. Stanza of Heliodorus. The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. Heliodorus and the Angel. (Detail of above.) Miracle or Mass of Bolsena. Leo I. preventing Attila’s entrance to Rome. The Deliverance of St. Peter. Angel. (Detail of above.) Soldiers. “ “ Central Group. “ “ Sala de Constantine. Victory of Constantine. . The Cross appearing to Constantine. The Baptism of Constantine. Charity. Clemency. Eternity. Innocence. Justice. Moderation. Prudence. Truth. Pope Damase I. Raphael's Cartoons, South Kensington Museum, London. Christ’s Charge to Peter. Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate. St. John. (Detail of the above.) Boy with Doves. “ 11 “ Mother and Child. “ “ “ The Cripple. “ “ “ Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. Boys. (Detail of the above.) Heads of Boys. “ “ “ Elymas struck blind. Death of Ananias. Wife of Ananias. (Detail of the above.) Paul preaching at Athens. Drawings and Sketches by Raphael , Museum, Venice. Samson and the Lion. Job Comforted. The Christ Child. The Virgin Kneeling. The Virgin. Giulio Romano. << Francesco Penni. Fart First. 23 Raphael. ( Continued .) 916 The Virgin and Child. 917 Head of Christ. 918 Christ and Mary Magdalen. 919 Study for the Descent from the Cross.) * 920 “ ** “ “ “ / 921 St. Paul struck blind. 922 Drapery of St. Paul. 923 Study for Murder of the Innocents. 924 St. Sebastian — head. 925 St. Sebastian — upper part. 926 St. Sebastian — lower part. 927 A Saint?) 928 Man with Book. 929 A Roman Girl. 930 Cupids. 931 Cupids with a Pig. 932 Sketch of Raphael at twelve, and other Heads. 933 Profiles of Women. 934 Apollo and Marsyas. 935 Homer. 936 Aristotle. 937 Ptolemy. 938 Virgil. 939 Seneca. 940 Plato. 941 Cicero. 942 Study of Male Figures. 943 Two draped Figures. 944 Female Figure draped. 945 Head of a Woman. 946 Male Figure and Foot. 947 Head and Hand. 948 An open Hand. 949 Bagpipe Boy. 950 The Fencer. 951 Trumpeter. 952 Standard-bearer. 953 The Combat. 954 St. Paul. 955 Slaying the Bull. 956 Head of a Man. 957 Mother and Child. 958 Study of a Male Figure. (Nude.) Drawings, Museum, Vienna. 959 959 Figures. From Incendio del Borgo. 960 960 Group. “ “ “ “ 961 Transfiguration. (Drawing in the nude.) 962 Two Male Figures from Transfiguration. 963 964! 965 1 966 967* 963 964 965 966 967 Frescoes in the Farnesina Villa. Story of Cupid and Psyche. Venus pointing out Psyche to Cupid. Cupid showing Psyche to the three Graces. Venus vainly seeking aid from Juno and Ceres. Venus on her way to seek assistance from Jupiter. Venus imploring aid of Jupiter. Mrs. Jameson says these are Mantegna’s. Large. 24 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Med. Cab. 968 968 969 969 970 970 971 971 972 972 973 973 974 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 986 987 988 988 989 990 991 991 992 993 993 994 994 995 996 996 997 997 998 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1005 1006 1006 1007 1008 1009 1009 1010 1 1010 lion Raphael. ( Concluded . ) Mercury descending in search of Psyche. Psyche ascending from the lower regions. Psyche presenting Proserpine’s box to Venus. . Jupiter embracing Cupid and promising him aid. Mercury conveying Psyche to Olympus. Council of the Gods. Feast of the Gods; or, Nuptial Banquet of Cupid and Psyche. Raphael and his Scholars. Frescoes in the Loggia of the Vatican. Giulio Romano. Raphaellxno. Francesco Penni. Giulio Romano. Pelegrino da Modena. Gal. of Vatican , Rome. Borghese Gal., 44 Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s Dream. Moses saved from the Nile. Flight of Lot. Temptati n of Adam and Eve. Creation of Eve. Meeting of Jacob and Rachel. Coronation of the Virgin. Group of Archers. Pordenone ( Giov . Antonio Licinio ). 1483-1539. Venetian. St. Lorenzo and Four Saints. Acad., Venice. Birth of St. John. (Drawing.) Florence. Group of Boys. “ The Family of Pordenone. Hampton Court, London. Piombo, Sebastian del. 1485-1547. Venetian. An Italian Lady. Hampton Court , London. Fornarina. (Formerly attributed to Raphael.) Uffizi, Florence. Meccherino ( Domenico Beccafunii). 1486-1550. Sienese. Marriage of Joseph and Mary. S. Bernardino , Siena. Madonna and Saints. “ 44 Sarto, Andrea del ( Vannucchi). 1488-1530. Florentine. Portrait of himself. Uffizi, Florence. St. James. 44 Madonna of St. Francesco. “ Madonna and Child. (Detail of the above.) “ St. John (before Restoration). “ St. John (Restoration, by M. Luperina). Pitti Gal., Portrait of himself. Holy Family. 4 4 4 4 Madonna and Child, with Saints, etc. Annunciation. Virgin in Clouds, with Angels and Saints. Assumption of the Virgin. Tobias and the Angel. Annunciation. Two Cherubs. Four Saints. St. John Preaching. Birth of the Virgin. Journey of the Magi. 44 44 St. Philip giving clothes to a Leper. icad 4 4 Convent of the Scalzt Ch. della Annunziata Large. Part First. 25 Med. Cab. 1012 1013 1013 1014 1014 1015 1016 1016 1017 1018 1019 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1023 1024 1025 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1030 1031 1032 1033 1033 1034 1034 1035 1035 1036 1037 1037 1038 1038 1039 1039 1040 1041 1041 1042 1043 1043 1044 1045 1045 1046 1046 1047 1047 1048 [1048 1049 1049 1050 1050 1051 1052 1052 1053 Del Sarto. ( Concluded .) Death of St. Philip. Ch. della Annunziata, Florence. Madonna del Sacco. Cloister of the “ “ The Last Supper. Convent S. Salvi , “ Portrait of Macchiavelli. Fal. Boutourlinn, “ St. Agnes. Cathedral , Pisa. St. Catherine. “ “ Holy Family. Barberina Gal.., Rome. Holy Family. Pinacothek , Munich. Charity. Louvre. Portrait of himself. Nat' l Gal., London. Fra Paolino ( da Pistoia ). 1490-1547. St. Thomas receiving a Girdle from the Virgin. Acad., Florence . Romano, Giulio ( Pippi ). (About 1491-1556.) Hainan, Portrait of himself. Uffizi , Florence. Virgin and Child. “ “ Dance of Apollo and the Muses. Pitti Gal., “ A Sacrifice. Hampton Court, London. Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio. 1492-1554. Florentine • Crucifixion and Supper of the Apostles. Mus. St. Mark, Florence. Andrea da Milano ( Solario ). 1515? Milanese . Madonna and Saints. Milan. Portrait of a Venetian Senator. Nat' l Gal., London. Catena, Vincenzo. (About 1531.) Venetian, Madonna and Child, with St. John and St. Jerome. Acad., Venice. Correggio ( Antonio Allegri). 1493-1534. Farina • Madonna della Scodella. Pinacoteca , Parma. The Day. “ II Giorno.” “ “ Descent from the Cross. “ “ Madonna adoring the Child. Repose in Egypt. Head of a Boy. Danae. Cupids. (Detail of the above.) Christ seated in the Clouds. Madonna and Child. Io and Jupiter. Handkerchief of St. Veronica. Madonna of St. George. Madonna of St. Sebastian. Reading Magdalen. Holy Night. “ La Notte.” Marriage of St. Catherine. Sleep of Antiope. Mercury instructing Cupid in the presence of Venus. Nat'l Gal., London. Ecce Homo. “ “ Holy Family. “ “ Bonifazio ( Veneziano )• 1494-1563. Venetian. The Saviour Enthroned. Acad., Venice. Uffizi, Florence. 4 < 44 Pitti Gal. , ‘ ‘ Borghese Gal., Rome. 4 4 44 44 Vatican, “ Brer a, Milan. Belvedere, Vienna. (Attributed.) Gal. Berlin. Dresden. Louvre. << 26 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 1 Med. Cab. 1054 1054 1055 1056 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1069 1070 1070 1071 1072 1072 1073 1074 1074 1075 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1080 1081 1081 1082 1083 1083 1084 1084 1085 1085 1086 1086 1087 1087 1088 1089 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1094 1095 1095 1096 1096 1097 1098 1098 1099 1099 Bonifazio. ( Concluded . ) Angel playing Lute. (Detail of above.) Acad., Venice. Lazarus and the Rich Man. “ “ Adoration of the Magi. “ “ Moretto, 11, da Brescia (Alessandro Boni- cino). 1500-1547? Brescian . Madonna and Child. Milan. The Virgin staying the Plague at Brescia. Dresden. St. Justina and the Duke. Belvedere , Vienna. Supper in House of Pharisee. (Central Part.) Venice. “ “ “ (Left-hand Part.) “ “ “ (Right-hand Part.) Bordone, Paris. 1500-1576. Venetian . Man in Venetian Costume. Corsini Gal., Florence. Fisherman presenting Ring to the Doge. Acad., Venice. Portrait of a Young Lady. “ Vienna. Portrait of a Genoese Lady. Natl Gal., London. Bronzino, Angiolo. 1502-1572. Florentine. Descent of Christ into Hades. Uffizi, Florence. Prince Don Garzia di Medici. “ “ Marie de* Medici, daughter of Cosmo I. “ “ Ferdinando, son of Cosmo I. “ “ Portrait of Cosmo di Medici. Pitti Gal., “ Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time. Natl Gal., London. Female Head. (Sketch.) Louvre 4 Parmigianino ( Francesco Mazznoli). 1504-1594. Venetian. Marriage of St. Catherine. Pinacoteca, Parma. An Italian Lady. Hampton Court, London. Female Figure. (Drawing.) Woman and Child. “ Mary, Elizabeth, Infant Jesus, St. John, and Saints. (Drawing.) Tintoretto (. Jacopo Bobusti). 1512-1594. Venetian. S. Maria del Orte, Venice. Ducal Pal., Presentation in the Temple. St. Agnes working Miracles. Marriage of St. Catherine. Forge of Vulcan. “ Mercury and the Graces. “ Minerva driving back Mars. “ Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne. ** Venice, Queen of the Sea. “ The Crucifixion. School of St. Roch, Central Group. (Detail of above.) Adam and Eve. Madonna and the Faithful Ones. Last Supper. Venus, Cupid, and Vulcan. Portrait of himself. Portrait of a Man. Miracle of the Slave. (Drawing.) Veronese, Paolo ( Caliari ). Acad., “ <« << San Martino, Lucca. Pitti Gal., Florence. Louvre. Mus ., Madrid. Portrait of himself. Madonna and Child. Madonna Enthroned. St. John. (Detail- of the above.) 1528-1588. Venetian . Uffizi, Florence. Pitti Gal., “ Acad.f. Venice. ** ‘A Large. Part First. 27 1126 T3 4 a 6 1100 1100 1101 1102 1103 1103 1 104 1105 1105 1106 1106 1107 1108 1109 1109 1110 1110 mi 1111 1112 1113 1114 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1124 1125 1125 1126 1126 1127 1128 1129 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1135 1136 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 Veronese. ( Concluded .) Acad., Venice. Ceiling , Ducal Pal., (Detail of the libove.) Ceiling, Ducal Pal., Feast in the House of Levi. Central Group. (Detail of the above.) Portrait of himself. Glory of Venice. Family of P. Veronese. Moderation. Recompense. Vigilance. Simplicity. Rape of Kuropa. Saviour/ln Glory. La Musica. jGenius of Music. (Detail of the above.) Martyrdom of St. Marcus and St. Marcellinus. Ch. St. Sebastian, ** Madonna, Child, and St. Anthony. “ “ Marriage of St. Catherine. Ch. St. Catherine, “ Vanity. Gal. of St. Luke, Rome. Venus, with Satyr and Cupid. Borghese Gal., “ Susannah and the Elders. “ Worship of the Kings. Gal., Dresden. Marriage at Cana. “ “ Madonna enthroned with Saints and Donators. “ Cleopatra. Pinacothek, Munich. The Girl in Black. Louvre. Marriage at Cana. “ Supper at Emmaus. “ Vision of St. Helen. Nat' l Gal., London. Bocaccino, Cainillo. - 1546 . Cremonese • Madonna and Child, with four Saints. Acad., Venice. Martino, Giovanni. - 1547 . Angel of Annunciation. Acad., Venice. Muziano, Girolamo. 1528 - 1592 . Homan, Portrait of Vittoria Colonna. Colonna Gal., Rome. Baroccio, Federigo. 1528 - 1612 . XJrbino, Infant Child of Federigo d’Urbino. Pitti Gal., Florence. Virgin and Child. (Drawing.) Uffizi, “ Entombment. “ “ “ Last Supper. Cathedral , XJrbino. St. Sebastian. “ “ Allori, Alessandro (II Bronzino ). 1535 - 1607 . Florentine. Portrait of himself. Uffizi Gal., Florence. Palma, Jacopo ( Giovane ). 1544 - 1628 . Venetian, St. George and Saints. Carracci, Annibale. 1560 - 1609 . Bolognese, Jupiter and Juno. Fresco, Farnese Pal., Rome. Genius and Fame. Dresden. Forge of Vulcan. (Drawing.) Louvre. Carracci, Ludovico (and Annibale ). 1555 - 1619 . Bolognese, Frescoes, Farnese Pal. , Rome. Diana embracing the Sleeping Endymion. Galatea coming to Polyphemus, charmed by his music. Polyphemus hurling rock at Acis, fleeing with Galatea. 28 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Large. Med. A 6 Italian Schools. ( Continued. ) Bassano. Leandro da Ponte. • 1558-1623. Venetian. 1143 The Shepherds. Acad., Venice. Caravaggio, 11 ( Michelangelo Amerighi), \ 1569-1609. Neapolitan. 1144 1144 The Lute-player. Liechtenstein , Vienna. 1145 Entombment. Vatican , Rome. lieni, Guido. 1575-1642. Bolognese . 114611146 Portrait of himself. Uffizi, Flcrt'cncc. 1147 1147 Persican Sibyl. 4 4 4 4 1148 Lucretia Iiomana. Corsini Gal., “ 1149 1149 1149 Beatrice Cenci. Barlerini Pal., Rome. 1150 1150 1150 Aurora.* Fresco. Rospigliosi Pal., “ 1151 1151 1151 St. Michael. Ch. of the Cappuccini, 44 1152 1152 Contemplation. Corsini Gal., 44 1153 Sleeping Cupid. tt <( tt 1154 St. Agnes. Colonna, Gal., 44 1155 Magdalen. Capitol, 44 1156 1156 St. Sebastian. yck, Anthony van. 1599-1641. Antiverp . Portrait of himself. Uffizi , Florence. Charles I. and Henrietta of England. Pitti Gal., “ Repose in Egypt. “ “ “ Head of the Virgin. “ “ “ Son of Charles I. (Study by Canevari.) Gal. of St. Luke, Rome. Madonna, Child, and St. Anthony. Brer a, Milan. Vienna. Prince Rupert of the Rhine. Portrait of Caspar Gevartius. Portrait of a Young Man. Holy Family. Pieta. Portrait of himself. Portrait. Portrait of Charles I. of England. Portrait of Henrietta of France. Portrait of a Man. Children of Charles I. of England. (Drawing.) Albertina Mus., Pinacothek, Munich. Dresden. Berlin. Large. 34 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 1419 1420 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1436 1438 1440 1441 1447 1448 1450 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 Van Dyck. ( Concluded .) Pieta. Male Portrait. Equestrian Portrait of Francis de Moncade. Madonna, Child, and Donators. Portrait of a Lady. Martin Snyders and his Wife. Van Dyck and the Count of Bristol. Amelia, Princess of Orange. The Duchess of Oxford. Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange. Children of Charles I. of England. Portrait of Mrs. Seamans. Portrait of Gevartius. Portrait of William II. of Nassau. Children of Charles I. of England. Portrait of a Boy. Wife of Charles I. of England. Portraits of Gentleman and Child. Portrait of a Lady. Kneeling Figure and Hand. Child’s Head. (Sketch.) Champagne, Pliillippe de. Museum , Antwerp. Louvre. Gal.. Cassel. Mus., Madrid. Pinacoteea, Turin. Hampton Court. Nat' l Gal., London. Hermitage. Amsterdam. Last Supper. Countess of Olonnes. Cardinal Richelieu. 1602 - 1674 . Brussels, Louvre. Nat'l Gal., London. Teniers, David, the younger. 1610 - 1094 . A ntwerp • Louvre. The Prodigal Son. St. Peter denying Christ. Village Dance. A Dinner of Monkeys. The Ducal Gallery at Brussels. Temptation of St. Anthony. Lady Playing Guitar. Card-players in a Tavern. Interior of an Inn. Spring. Summer. “ “ The Duet. Van der Faes, Peter ( Sir Peter Lett/), 1618 - 1680 . Soest. Portrait of Oliver Cromwell. Pitti Gal., Florence. Full-length Portrait of a Girl. Nat'l Gal., London. Munich. II Mus., Vienna. Royal Mus., Berlin. Royal Gal., Turin. Nat'l Gal., London. Han Princess Mary, as Diana. Nell Gwynne. Duchess of Richmond. (La belle Stuart.) Duchess of Cleveland, as Minerva. Countess of Sunderland. Lady Denham. Countess of Ossory. Mrs. Middleton. Countess of Rochester. pton Court. Large. Part First. 33 1487 14G1 1461 1462 1463 1465 1470 1471 1476 1478 1482 1483 1485 1487 1500 1501 1502 1462 1463 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 DUTCH SCHOOL. Steurboudt {or Bouts ), Dierick. 1410-1470. Haarlem. Meeting of Abraham and Melchisedek. Pinacoteca, Munich. First Celebration of the Passover. ' Berlin. Elijah in the Wilderness. “ Hals, Franz. 1584-1666. Haarlem. Singing Boys. Gallery , Cassel. Portrait of a Young Lady. “ “ Portrait of a Man with slouch hat. “ “ Male Portrait. Dresden. A Cavalier. Museum , Brussels. Family Group. Munich. Bohemian Woman. Louvre. Portrait of an Old Lady. llonthorst, Gerard ( Gherardo dalle Nott’i). 1592-1662. Utrecht. Uffizi, Florence. Gdtl. of St. Luke , Rome. Amsterdam. Museum , Brussels. Dresden. Haarlem. Adoration of the Shepherds. La Musiea. l)e Keyser, Theodor. Portrait of a Lady. Two Cavaliers. Wy nants, Jan. Evening Landscape. Rembrandt van Ryn. Portrait of himself. Magdalen. Portrait of himself and Wife. Portrait of his Mother. Portrait of Govart Flinck. Sacrifice of Abraham. The Night Watch. Portrait of himself in Officer’s Dress. Portrait of his Wife. City Standard-Bearer. Man in Armor. Male Portrait. Portrait of a Woman. Portrait of himself. Portrait of an old Woman. A Jewish Rabbi. Queen Artemisia. Nun and Child. Portrait of a Man. Jewish Bride. “ “ “ The Burgomasters. Terburgf, Gerhard. 1608-1681. Haarlem.. Head of a Man. (Drawing.) Albertina Mus., Venice. Koninck, Solomon ( Koning ). 1609-1668. Leyden. Hermit Reading. Dresden Gallery. Heist, Bartholomew van der. 1613-1670. Amsterdam. Portrait of a Man. • Munich. Dow, Gerhard. 1613-1675. Leyden. Portrait of himself. National Gal., London. The Poulterer’s Shop. “ 44 4< 1606-1669. Leyden. Uffizi, Florence. Seminary , Venice. Dresden. Vienna. Pinacothek, Munich. Amsterdam. Mus., The Hague. Cassel. Louvre. C 4 National Gal., London. Museum , Madrid. Hermitage , St. Petersburg . Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. •d 0) a 4 o Dutch School. ( Concluded . ) 1504 Dropsical Woman. Louvre. 1505 1505 The Quack Doctor. Munich. 1506 1506 A Monk. Dresden. 1507 Old Woman reeling Yarn. St. Petersburg. 1508 A Monk. <( it 1509 Portrait of himself, looking from a Window. Metsu, Gabriel. 1615-1667? Leyden. 1510 Mother of the Artist. Mus., Berlin. Wouverman, Philip. 1619-1668. Haarlem. 1511 Hunting Party. Madrid. Bercliem, Nicholas (Berghem). 1624-1683. Haarlem. 1512 Pastoral. (Drawing.) Florence. Potter, Paul. 1625-1654. Amsterdam . 1513 1513 Bull. Museum, The Hague. 1514 Cows. Louvre. 1515 I)e2r Hound. St. Petersburg. 1516 Cattle. Gallery , Turin. 1517 Landscape with Cattle. Nafl Gal. y London. ltuysdael, Jacob. 1625 . Haarlem. 1518 Landscape. The Hunt. Dresden. 1519 1519 Landscape and Waterfall. u 1520 Marine. Louvre. 1521 1521 Windmill. Meer, Jan van der. 1632-1695. Delft. 1522 Young Woman reading at a Window. Dresden. 1523 Landscape. “ Velde, Willem van de. 1633-1707. Amsterdam. 1524 Ships at Sea. Louvre. 1525 1525 The Cannon-shot. Mieris, Franz van. 1635-1681. Leyden. 1526 1526 Two Old People eating. Uffizi, Florence. Hobbema, Meindert. 1638-1709. Amsterdam. 1527 Mill. Louvre. 1528 Avenue of Trees, Middelharnis. Nafl Gal., London . 1529 1529 Water-wheel. Werff, Adrian van der . 165 -1722. Rotterdam . 1530 1530 Group of himself and Family. Dresden. 1531 1531 Expulsion of Ilagar. a 1532 1532 Expulsion of Hagar. Munich. GERMAN SCHOOL. Koln, Wilhelm von. 1378. Cologne. 1533 Votive painting, Christ on the Cross. Darmstadt. Lochner, Stephan ( Loethener ). 1451. Cologne. 1534 Presentation of the Infant Christ in the Temple. Darmstadt. 1535 Sts. Matthew, Catherine, and John. Nafl Gal., London. Schongauer, Martin. 1420- 1488. Colmar. 1536 Portiait of himself. Munich. 1537 1537 Madonna of the Rose Garden. Church at Colmar. Holbein, Hans the elder. 1460-1524. Augsburg. 1538 1538 Annunciation. Munich. Part First. 37 — o a 1539 1541 1542 1543 1544 1549 1553 German School. ( Continued .) 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 154 ; 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 155 1558 1563 1557 1558 1563 1564 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1585 1586 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 Munich . Nuremberg. 1471-1528. Nuremberg . Munich. Fresco , Rathhaus , Nuremberg. Mus., Vienna. Mus., Madrid. Corsini Gal., Rome. Uffizi, Florence. Presentation. Madonna, Child, and two Angels. Diirer, Albrecht. Portrait of himself. St. John and St. Peter. St. Mark and St. Paul. A Knight. The City Musicians. The Holy Trinity. Portrait of H. lioltzschuer Portrait of Jacob Muffel. Eve. A liabbit. The Apostle James. The Apostle Philip. Adoration of the Magi. “ “ Drawings. Street Scene in Nuremberg. Nuremberg. Figure of a Man. Back view. “ Owl. Head of Old Man. Mus ., Vienna. Praying Hands. Portrait of his Father. A Monk. A Male Head. Lucretia. Grasses. The Crucifixion. Museum , Basle. A Rabbit. Portrait of himself at the age of thirteen. Head of Mary. An Apostle. Wolgemuth, Durer’s Master. Durer’s Wife. Lion. Cranach, Lucas ( Sunder ). 1472-1553. Saxon, Adam. Eve. Judith with Head of Ilolofernes. Portrait of Martin Luther. Portrait of Luther’s Father. Portrait of Luther’s Mother. Portrait of Luther’s Wife. Holbein, Hans the younger. Uffizi, Florence, u (< Gal., Cassel. Eisenach. 1495-1543. A ugsburg, Uffizi, Florence. Portrait of himself. Portrait of Zwingli. Portrait of Martin Luther. Rome. Portrait of the Wife of Martin Luther. “ Head of Madonna. (Detail.) Venice. Male Portrait. Vienna. Madonna of the Burgomaster Meyer. Gal., Dresden. Madonna and Child. (Detail of above.) Madonna of the Burgomaster Meyer. Royal Fal., Darmstadt Madonna and Child. (Detail of the above.) Large. 38 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Holbein. ( Concluded .) 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1596 1597 1601 1602 1603 1604 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1615 1616 1617 1618 1618 1619 1620 1620 1621 1621 Burgomaster and Son. (Detail of the above.) Two Wives and Daughter. “ “ Two Sons. “ “ Anna Meyer. “ “ Last Supper. Gallery , Basle. Holbein’s Wife and Children. “ “ Portrait of Erasmus. Museum, “ Portrait of a Young Woman. Mus ., the Hague. St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and St. Barbara. Pinacothek, Munich. Annunciation. “ “ Presentation. “ “ Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Portrait of Henry VIII. Francis I. of France. Earl of Surrey. (Attributed. Lady Vaux. Portrait of an Abbess. Portrait of a Lady. Drawings in the Portrait of Jacques Meyer. <( a n Anna Zschekapurlin, Meyer’s Meyer’s Wife’s Mother. Meyer’s Daughter. Deimer, Balthasar. Portrait of an Old Man. Portrait of an Old Woman. Head of an Old Woman. Mengs, Raphael. Portrait of himself (pastel). Portrait of himself. Portrait of his Daughter. Kauffmann, Angelica. Portrait of herself. Portrait of herself. Portrait of herself. Portrait of herself and Child. Hampton Court. i< <( (< n u u Museum, Bdle. wife. 1685-1749. Hamburg. Munich. << 1728-1778. Dresden. Barberini Pal., Rome. 1742-1808. Uffizi, Florence. Acad, of St. Luke, Rome. Berlin. SPANISH SCHOOL. 1622 1623 1624 1626 1625 1626 1627 1628 1630 Prado, Bias del. 1497-1557. Toledo . Virgin, Infant Jesus, St. Joseph, and other Saints. Mus., Madrid. Morales, Luis de ( el Divino ). 1510-1586. Toledo. Pieta. Acad, of St. Ferdinand, Madrid. Virgin and Infant Christ. Royal Acad., Lisbon. Coello, Alonzo Sanchez. 1515-1590. Prince Charles, Son of Philip II. Mus., Madrid. Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II. Juanes, Juan Bautista. 1523-1579. Valencia. Entombment of St. Stephen. Mus., Madrid. Holy Family- Acad, of St. Ferdinand, Pantoja, Juan de la Cruz. 1551-1010. Madrid. Portrait of Philip II. at an advanced age. Mus., Madrid. Large. Part First. 33 1632 1633 1644 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1660 1661 1662 1664 1665 1666 1668 1670 1671 1672 1673 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 Spanish School. ( Continued .) Mus., Madrid. Castile . Dresden. Seville . e, Seville. Isabella de Valois, wife of Philip II. Lady of the time of Philip III. “ Carducho, Vicente. 1^72-1639. Saints Goncalo, Francis, and Bernardino. Herrera, Francisco de {sen). 1576—1656. L’Apostolat. Hospital de la Sangr . Ribera, Jos6 de {Lo Spaynoletto ). 1588-1656. Valencia Peter denying Christ. Cath., Seville St. Bartholomew the Apostle. Mus., Madrid St. Anthony of Padua. Acad, of St. Ferdinand , “ Diogenes. Dresden Gallery , St. Mary of Egypt. “ “ Adoration of the Shepherds. Louvre , Zurbaran, Francisco. 1598-1662. Seville , Apotheosis of St. Thomas Aquinas. Mus., Seville The Dead St. Francis. Mus., Madrid, A Mercenary Friar. Acad, of St. Ferdinand, “ Velasquez, don Diego de Silva. 1599-1660. Seville , Portrait of himself. Capitol , Rome Equestrian Portrait of Philip II. Pitti Gal., Florence Portrait of Wife of Velasquez. Mus., Madrid, Portrait of iEsop. Head. (Detail of above.) Portrait of Menippus. Head. (Detail of above.) Portrait of Prince Charles, son of Philip IV. Equestrian Portrait of Prince Charles. Court Fool of Philip IV. The Drinkers. Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV. u “ Duke of Olivaro. “ “ of a Lady. Portrait of Young Ferdinand of Austria. Infant Marie of Austria. Tapestry Weavers. Forge of Vulcan. Buffoon of Philip IV. Equestrian Portrait of Philip III. Portrait of a Girl. “ Count of Benevente. The Lances. Marie Anne of Austria. Head of a Child. Mus., Amsterdam Princess Maria Theresa. Royal Gal., Vienna Reunion of Artists. Louvre Infanta Marguerite. “ Portrait of Pope Innocent X. Hermitage , St. Petersburg, Young Peasant Laughing. “ “ Espinosa, Jaciutlio Jeronimo de Christ bearing Cross. Cano, Alonzo. Virgin adoring Child. 1608-1676. 1600-1680. Valencia. Dresden. Granada. Mus., Madrid. 40 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Large. Med. Cab. Spanish School. ( Continued .) 1676 1676 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. 1618-1682. Seville, Madonna of the Rosary. Pitti Gal ., Florence. 1677 1677 1677 Madonna and Child. “ “ “ 1678 1678 Marriage of St. Catherine. Vatican Gal., Rome. 1679 1679 1679 Madonna and Child. Corsini 44 “ 1680 1680 St. John and the Lamb. Vienna. 1681 1681 The Fruit-venders. Pinacothek, Munich. 1682 1682 The Dice-players. “ “ 1683 1683 The Melon-eaters. “ “ 1684 1684 The Grape-eaters. “ “ 1685 1685 The Bad Boy. “ 44 1686 1686 1686 St. Anthony and the Infant Christ. Mus., Berlin. 1687 1687 Madonna and Child. Dresden Gallery. 1688 1688 Immaculate Conception. Louvre. 1689 1689 Birth of the Virgin. “ 1690 1690 Virgin of Seville. “ 1691 1691 Liberation of St. Peter. Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Jacob’s Dream. “ “ 1692 1692 1693 1693 1693 St. Joseph and Infant Christ. “ “ 1694 1694 Holy Family. Nat'l Gal., London. 1695 1695 Infant Christ. (Detail of above.) “ “ 1696 1696 The Divine Shepherd. Mus., Madrid. 1697 1697 Immaculate Conception. “ 1698 1698 1698 Head of the Virgin. (Detail of above.) “ “ 1699 1699 Conception of the Virgin. “ “ 1700 1700 Holy Family of the Bird. “ “ 1701 1701 1701 Infant Jesus and St. John. '* “ 1702 1702 Apparition of the Virgin to St. Bernard. “ “ 1703 1703 Adoration of the Shepherds. “ “ 1704 1704 St. John the Baptist. “ “ 1705 1705 Madonna of the Rosary. 44 “ 1707 1706 1707 Infant Christ on the Cross. 44 “ Rebecca and Eliezer. “ “ 1708 1708 St. Francis de Paule. 4 4 4 4 1709 1709 Conception of the Virgin. 4 4 4 4 1710 1710 Education of the Virgin. 44 14 1711 1711 St. James, the Apostle. 44 “ 1712 1712 Vision of a Roman Patrician. 1713 1713 Acad, of St. Ferdinand, Madrid. The Patrician asking permission of the Pope 1714 1714 to realize his Dream. Acad, of St. Ferdinand, 44 St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 4 4 44 44 “ 1715! 1715 Baptism of Christ. Cathedral, Seville. 1716| 1716 Guardian Angel. 4 4 44 1717 1717 St. Anthony of Padua. 44 4 4 1718 1718 St. Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus. Mus., 44 1719 1719 St. Joseph and Infant Christ. “ “ 1722 1720 1721 1722 St. Felix of Cantalicio. 4 4 4 4 Adoration of the Shepherds. 44 44 Conception of the Virgin. 44 44 1723 1723 Jesus on the Cross embracing St. Francis. 44 4 4 1726 1724 1725 1726 St. Justina and St. Rufina supporting the Giralda. “ 44 St. Anthony holding the Infant Jesus. 4 4 4 4 Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. Augustine. 44 1727i 1727 La Vi6rge a la Serviette. 44 44 Part First. 41 Med. Cab. 1728 1729 1729 1730 1730 1731 1731 1732 11732 1733 1733 1734 1734 1735 1736 1737 1737 1738 1738 1739 1740 1740 1741 1742 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1746 1747 1747 1748 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1754 1755 1755 1756 1756 1757 1757 1758 1759 1759 1760 1761 Spanish School. ( Concluded .) riving alms. St. Thomas of Villanueva giving alms. Mus., Seville. Moses smiting the Rock. Charity Hospital , “ Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. “ “ “ Madonna of the Waistband. Gal. of San Telmo, “ Marriage of St. Catherine. St. Joachim and Infant Mary. The Annunciation. Coello, Claudio. Marie Anne of Austria. Marquez, Esteban. St. Joseph and Infant Jesus. Goya, Francisco. Portrait of Queen Marie Louise. Family of Charles IV. Cadiz. Mus. } Valladolid. 1635-1G93. Castile . Mus., Madrid. Died 1720. Mus., Seville. 1746-1825. Madrid. Palace , Madrid. Mus., “ Portrait of Tirana, the celebrated Actress. Acad, of St. Ferdinand , Portrait of Isabella, Queen of the Sicilies. Ladies in a Balcony. Lopez, V. Portrait of Goya. Becquer, J. Ferdinand, the Catholic. Isabella, “ “ Unknown Spanish. Portrait of Christopher Columbus. Mus. du Marine Gal. of St. Telmo , Seville. Mus., Madrid. Gal. of San Telmo , Seville. FRENCH SCHOOL. Claude Gel6e {Lorraine). 1600-1682. Landscape. Flight into Egypt. Dresden. Milliard, Peter {called the Roman). 1610-1695. Faith. Louvre. Madonna and Child. “ Largilliere, Nicolas de. 1G56-1746. Portrait of J. B. Rousseau. Uffizi , Florence. Griinoux, Alexis. 1680-1740. Born in Switzerland. A Young Pilgrim. Uffizi , Florence. A Young Pilgrim. (Female.) “ “ AVatteau, Antoine. 1684-1721. Bust of a Girl. (Drawing.) Louvre. Judgment of Paris. “ Clowns. “ Nattier, Jean Marc. 1685-1766. Mile, de Lambesc and Count de Brionne. Louvre. Ilenriette de Bourbon Conty. Mus., Versailles. Mme. Victoire, as Diana. “ “ Pater, Jean Baptiste Joseph. Conversations in the Park. Drouais, Francois Hubert. Mme. Pompadour. Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simon. Portrait of himself. Boucher, Francis. Child Jesus and St. John. 1696-1736. Louvre. 1699-1767. Mus., Orleans. 1699-1779. Louvre. 1704-1768. Uffizi, Florence. 42 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Large. Med. 4 o French School. ( Continued .) 1762 1762 Portrait of Mme. Pompadour. Mus. of Versailles. 1763 1763 Diana leaving the Bath. Louvre . 1764 1764 The Target. ii 1765 The Graces and Loves. i i Greuze, Jean Baptiste. 1725-1805. 1766 1766 Portrait of himself. 1767 1767 “ Mme. des Cars. 1768 1768 The Broken Pitcher. Louvre. 1769 1769 The Marriage Contract. ii 1770 1770 The Father’s Malediction. a 1771 1771 Return of the Prodigal Son. U 1772 1772 Head of a Girl. Nati Gal., London. 1773 1773 Girl with Orange. << (< << 1774 1774 Mme. Pompadour. Hampton Court. 1775 1775 Louis XVI. of France. ii ii Fragonard, Jean -Honors. 1732-1806. 1776 Bathers. Louvre. David, Jacques Louis. 1748-1825. 1777 1777 Portrait of Mme. Recamier. Louvre. 1778 Paris and Helen. i i 1779 1779 The Sabines. ii 1780 1780 Marchioness d’Orvilliers. 1781 1781 Portrait of Ingres. 1782 1782 Portrait of Marshall Macdonald. Le Brun, Mine, Vigee. 1755-1842. 1783 1783 1783 Portrait of herself. Ufkzi. Florence. 1784 1784 1784 Portrait of herself marked Virginia Le Brun. St. Luke's Gal., Rome. 1785 1785 Portrait of herself and Daughter. Louvre. 1786 1786 “ n n ii 1787 1787 Woman with Muff. ii 1788 1788 The Dauphin, Louis XVII. Petit Trianon. 1789 1789 Marie Antoinette and her Children. Mus., Versailles. 1790 1790 Portrait of herself. “ << 1791 1791 Louise Marie Adelaide. ii ii 1792 1792 Dauphin and the Duchess d’Angoule: me. “ 1793 1793 Portrait of Marie Antoinette. 1794 1794 Queen Marie Antoinette. 1795 1795 “ Countess of Ardlau. 1796 1796 “ Madame Elizabeth. (Attributed. 'I Prud’lion, Pierre Paul. 1758-1823. 1797 1797 Empress Josephine. Louvre. Pabre, Francois Xavier {de Montpellier). 1766-1837. 1798 Portrait of Vittoria Alfieri. Uffizi, Florence. 1799 1799 “ the Countess of Albany. «< (< Girodet, Anne Louis. 1767-1824. 1800 1800 Burial of Attila. Louvre. Gerard, Francois. 1770-1837. 1801 1801 Napoleon in Coronation Robes. Dresden. 1802 1802 Empress Josephine. Mus., Versailles. 1803 1 1803 Prince Imperial, King of Rome. <« << 1804: 1804 King of Rome and Empress Marie Louise. “ “ 1805 1805 Mile. Duchesnois. 1806; 1806 “ Mars. 1807' 1807 Cupid and Psyche. T 'iitonrp 1808' 18081 Mme. Recamier. J-JSJ nut c • ii Large. Part First. 43 Med. Cab. 1809 1809 1810 1810 1811 1811 1812 1812 1813 1813 1814 1814 1815 1815 1816 1816 1817 1817 1818 1818 1819 1819 1820 1821 1821 1822 1823 1824 1824 1825 1825 1826 1826 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1832 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 French School. ( Continued .) Mus . . Louvre. 1789- 1863. Louvre , 1790- 1855. Versailles. 1796-1875. 1797-1856. Louvre. 1807-1874. Louvre. Ingres, Jean -Dominique- Augustin. 1781-1867. Portrait of himself. Jeanne d’Arc. (Edipus and the Sphynx. La Source. Portrait of Madame de Vaucay. Vernet, Horace. Judith and Holofernes. General Poy. Kioult, liouis Edouard. Princess de Lamballe. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille Landscape with Cottages. Landscape with boat. Landscape with Figures. Avenue of Trees. Landscape with Horseman. Landscape. Willows. Delaroche, Paul. Children of Edward II. Gleyre, Charles Gabriel. Evening, or Lost Illusions. Dance of Bacchantes. Hercules at the feet of Omphale. Romans passing under the Yoke of the Helvetians. Flandrin, Jean Hippolyte. 1809-1864. The Pearl Diver, or A Study. Louvre. Portrait of Napoleon III. Mus., Versailles. Troyon, Constant. 1810-1865. The Turkey-keeper. Kousseau, Theodore. 1812-1867. Avenue of Trees. Plains of Comances. Marshes, with Cattle and Distant View of Pyrenees. Study of Trees. (From drawing.) Bida, Alexandre. Repast in a Greek Convent. (Drawing.) The Foolish Virgins. “ Ebimelech and Naomi. “ Boaz asleep. “ Paul preaching at Athens. “ Last Supper. 4 * Millet, Jean Francois. Potato-planting. Shepherdess Knitting. The Sower. The Close of Day. Sheep-shearing. Mother and Child. Girl Spinning. Shepherd and Sheep. Woman sewing by lamp-light. W ater-carrier. Going to Work. Returning to the Farm. Woman Churning. 1813 . Luxembourg. 1814-1875. Large. 44 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. 0) a £ «a o Millet. ( Concluded . ) 1855 1855 Feeding her Birds. 1856 1856 Pack-horse. 1857 1857 Killing the Pig. 1858 1858 Sleeping Love. 1859 1859 A Storm. I860 1860 Wood-chopper. 1861 1861 Buckwheat Harvesters. 1862 1862 Too Long Watching. 1863 1863 Feeding the Hens. Drawings. 1864 1864 Watering the Cow. 1865 1865 Shepherd directing Travellers. 1866 1866 Hanging out Clothes. 1867 1867 Potato Harvest. 1868 1868 Shepherd and Sheep. 1869 1869 Shepherdess and Sheep. 1870 1870 Goose-girl, or Young Bather. 1871 1871 The Wood-chopper. 1872 1872 Woman at her Wheel. 1873 1873 Sheep in Pasture. 1874 1874 Knitting-lesson. 1875 1875 Peasant-women warming themselves by a fire. 1876 1876 The Angelus. 1877 1877 Bringing Home the New-born Calf. 1878 1878 Phoebus and Boreas. 1879 1879 Keturning from the Field. 1880 1880 The Road Mender. 1881 1881 The Basket Maker. 1882 1882 Wood Fagoting. 1883 1883 Wood Fagoting. 1884 1884 Shepherdess Knitting. (Sketch.) 1885 1885 The Rest. 1886 1886 Study. 1887 1887 His own Portrait. 1888 1888 The Water-carrier. 1889 1889 Shepherdess Knitting. Art Museum , Boston. 1890 1890 Mother feeding Child. “ “ 1891 1891 Woman filling Water-jars. “ “ 1892 1892 Shepherdess watching Sheep. “ “ 1893 1893 Fagot-gatherers. “ “ 1894 1894 The Sower. “ “ 1895 11895 Woman Churning. “ “ 1896 1896 Gleaners. “ «* 1897 1897 Man with Wheelbarrow, “ “ 1898 1898 Close of Day. Pastels. 1899 1899 Cupids Dancing. 1900 1900 Sea-side Pasture. 1901 1901 Farmer’s Wife. 1902 1902 The New-born Lamb. 1908 1903 Barbizon House. 1904 1904 Daphnis and Chloe. Art Museum , Boston. Bonheur, Marie Rosa. 1822 . 1905 1905 Ploughing. Luxembourg. Part First. 45 S 1906 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1946 French School. ( Concluded .) 14reton, Jules Adolpli. 1827 . Blessing the Wheat. Luxembourg. The Recall of the Gleaners. “ The Gleaner. Historical Paintings in the Museum, Versailles. Beauge, A Entry of the French Army into Mexico. Bellange, H Review Day under the First Empire. Battle of YVagram. Couder, A Oath taken by the National Assembly in Jeu de Paume. Installation of the Council of State. Delacroix, E Battle of Taillebourg. Gautherot, C Napoleon wounded on the Battlefield of liatisbon. Gerard, F Battle of Austerlitz. Isabey, E Combat of the Texel. Mauzaisse Battle ofFleurus. Meynif.r Napoleon retiring to the Lobau after the Battle of Essling. Phillippoteaux, F. . . .Bonaparte at the Battle of Rivoli. Pils, A. A. I Battle of the Alma. Rouget, G Marriage of Marie-Louise. Tissier, J. B. A Napoleon III. liberating Abd-el-Kader. Vernet, Horace Battle of Isly. Occupation by the French Army of the Pass of the Mouziia. Combat of the Habrah. Attack on the Fort of Saint Jean d’ Ulloa. Battle of Fontenoy. Battle of Bouvines. Battle of Friedland. Napoleon at the Battle of Iena. Siege of Constantine. Enemy repulsed from Heights of Coudiat Ati. Siege of Constantine. Advance of Troops to the storming. Siege of Constantine. Taking of Constantine. Taking of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader. 1st part. Taking of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader. 2d part. Taking of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader. 3d part. Captain Dupin saving Commander Maurice’s Life. (From the above.) Daughter of Sidi-Embarak imploring Clemency. (From the above.) Vinchon, A. J. B Enrolling Volunteers in 1792. Yvon, A Battle of Magenta. Battle of Solferino. Entrance of the Tower of Malakoff. Storming of the Malakoff*. Curtain of the Malakoff*. Retreat from Russia. Large. 46 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. •6 V g £ o 1947 1947 1948 1948 1949 1949 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1955 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 1975 i 1976 ENGLISH SCHOOL. 1590-1676. Hampton Court. 1697-1764. Nat'l Gal., London. Jansen, Cornelius. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Hogarth, William. The Marriage Contract. Shortly after Marriage. The Countess’s Dressing-room. The Death of the Countess. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Portrait of two Gentlemen. The Age of Innocence. Angels’ Heads. Gainsborough, Thomas. Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. The Parish Clerk. Rev. Henry Bate Dudley. Landscape. Portrait of Col. St. Leger. Portrait of Fischer, the Composer. Head, Guy. 1801. The Rainbow. Gal. of St. Luke , Rome. West, Benjamin. 1738-1820. Peter denying Christ. Hampton Court. Queen Charlotte with her thirteen children. “ “ 1723-1792. Nat' l Gal., London. 1727-1788. Nat' l Gal., London. Hampton Court. t( << M already, William. Crossing the Ford. Stanfield, Clarkson. Entrance to the Zuyder Zee. Canal of the Cindecca, Venice. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. Turner, Joseph M. W. Landing of William of Orange. The Fighting Temaraire. Venice. The Dogana. Canal of Guidecca, Venice. Uwins, T. The Brigand’s Hat. Vernon Collection, London. Landseer, Sir Edwin. 1802-1873 Spaniels of the King Charles Breed. Vernon Coll., So. Kensington Mus., London War. Nat' l Gal., “ Peace. “ “ “ A Highland Piper and his Dogs. 1786-1863. Nat' l Gal., London. 1793-1864. Vernon Collection. Nat' l Gal., London. 1799-1830. Nat' l Gal., London. 1775-1851. Nat' l Gal., London. 1782-1857. Part First. o 47 x> a o THE GRIMANI BREVIARY- A Collection of Miniatures in the Library of St. Mark, Venice. [Bearing the numbers of the original collection.] 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000a 20006 2000c Jacob blessing Joseph. 26. St. John in Patmos. 29. Queen of Sheba before Solomon. 33. The Brazen Serpent. 35. Samson with the Brazen Gates. 37. Joseph receives his Brothers. 39. Tower of Babel. 41. Angels visit Abraham. 43. David Triumphs. 46. David elected King and Crowned. 48. The Ark of the Covenant. 51. David praising the Lord. 52. The Apostles. 53. The Virgin Martyrs. 56. Souls entering Heaven. 60. St. Andrew. 61. Purification of Mary. 65. Annunciation. 66. St. Philip and St. James. 68. Birth of John the Baptist. 70. St. Paul. 73. Mary Magdalen. 77. Magdalen at the Feet of Christ. 78. St. Christopher. 80. Peter delivered from Prison. 83. Archangel Michael. 95. Virgin and Child. 109. Gerard Van Metre. Artist Unknown. Hans Memling. Gerard Van Metre. Antonello da Messina. Hans Memling. Jan Livens. Hans Memling. Jan Livens. Hans Memling. 4 4 44 Gerard Van Meire. Hans Memling. Gerard Van Meire. t< <( u y <( <( «< Hans Memling. U U Gerard Van Meire. Hans Memling. 44 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 €i 4 4 NOTE. The mistake being frequently made , of persons ordering prints from Part First, when they would be more pleased with those from Part Third, the publishers beg to state that those from Part First are from Old Paintings , Etchings , etc., which in many cases are badly damaged by age , or otherwise , all of which imperfections show in the photograph ; whereas those from Part Third are mostly from Engravings or fresh Modern Paintings , and consequently have a more finished look , and will be much more satisfactory , except when photographs of the originals ARE ESPECIALLY DESIRED. PART SECOND SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURAL SUBJECTS AND MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS. 4 O 2001 2002 2003 2004 2003 200G 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ASSYRIAN SCULPTURE. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON. Second Period of Assyrian Empire. 909-745 B.C. Marble Slabs from Nimrud. About 884 B.C. Eagle-headed winged deity Asshur. The Monarch Asshurnazirpal seated on a bronze stool, attended by an officer of the court. Asshurnazirpal in Chariot, hunting lions. Campaigns of Asshurnazirpal — Men and horses crossing a river. Marble Lion, inscribed with dedication of Asshurnazirpal. Obelisk of Shalmaneser II., with name of Hazael, King of Syria, and tribute of Jehu, King of Judah, and annals of Shalmaneser. About 850 B.C. Marble head of winged bull of Asshurnazirpal. Marble, winged and man-headed lion. Third Period of Assyrian Empire. Siege of a City by Battering-rams and Archers. Marble Slabs from Kouyunjik. Attendant with horses. Hunting wild asses with dogs. Asshurbanipal on horseback, drawing a bow. Asshurbanipal sacrificing. Horsemen, and Lion let out of cage. Head of a horse. Musicians and attendants in garden of Asshurbanipal Kepose of Asshurbanipal and Queen in bower. 745-625 B.C. About 745 B. C. About 668 B.C. About 650 B.C. Part Second. 49 GREEK SCULPTURE. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON. The Elgin Marbles. This gallery contains the Bass-reliefs and Sculptures removed from the Parthenon in the Acropolis at Athens. It contains 16 of the 92 Metopes which were round the outside of the Parthenon, a considerable portion of the Frieze which runs round the cella ov body of the temple, and many of the figures which filled the Eastern and Western Pediments. The following Photographs take up (I.) the Metopes, (II.) the Frieze, and (III.) the Sculptures in the Western and Eastern Pediments, respectively. Note. — These sculptures are in a mutilated condition, the Metopes being the best pre- served portion of the collection. Metopes. The Metopes of the Parthenon are the Bass-reliefs in the square spaces between the Triglyphs on the entablature. Note. — The Parthenon was erected under Pericles, after the destruction of the former building by the Persians, and was completed 440 B.C. It was erected by the Masters Ictinus and Callistrates, and adorned with sculptures by Phidias. The Metopes in the Museum comprise 16 of the 92 which ran round the building, 14 of which were at either end, and 32 at each side of the building. Owing to the destruction of many of the Metopes, and damage by the weather to others, it is difficult to decipher their entire scheme. Groups of combatants form the fundamental idea of the sculptures. In these battles of the heroes, we recognize the prototypes of the youth of Attica, fighting, with their whole strength, against the powers of rude force opposed to moral order in the life of the state, such as the Amazons, who are hostile to marriage, and the Centaurs, dis- turbers of peace and robbers of women, the foes of Theseus, the founder of order and law — one of the most favorite subjects of Attic art. Med. Cab. 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026 2027 2027 2028 2028 2029 2029 2030 2030 2031 2031 2032 2032 2033 [2033 Subjects. A Greek successfully combating with a Centaur. A Greek successfully combating with a Centaur. A Centaur successfully combating with a Greek. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. A Greek successfully contending with a Centaur. A Centaur successfully contending with a Greek. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. A Centaur carrying away a female (Hippodamia). from the original now in the Louvre. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. Overthrow of a Greek by a Centaur. A Centaur carrying off a young female. A Centaur overpowering a Greek. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. A cast The Frieze of the Parthenon. The Frieze of the cella or body of the Parthenon represented in bass-relief the Pana- thenaic procession, which took place at the festival celebrated every four years at Athens inhonor of Athene (Miuerva), the slabs extending over 524 feet outside the cella. The slabs represent the festive procession which took place at the close of the festival ; and in which the victors of all previous days, the handsomest aud strongest Athenians of all ages, in chariots, on horseback and on foot, splendidly equipped, crowned with wreaths, and arranged in solemn order — the flower of civic community — presented themselves to the divinity of the state. In this procession the whole mass of the people took part and conveyed, in solemn form, the peplu*, or sacred veil, — which had been previously worked in the Acropolis by young virgins selected from the best families in Athens — to the temple of Athene Polias, where it was placed, probably, on the knees of the goddess. The actual procession mounting the Acropolis commenced at the south-west angle, and divided itself into two sections, one going round by the north, the other by the south, and met at the great eastern entrance. The slabs of the frieze take their subjects from the chief ma- terials of this procession. 50 Sculpture. ■S o 2034 2035 2036 to 2048 2049 to 2054 2055 Western Side. Those about to join the procession are represented as in different stages of prep, aration; some are shown mounted, hastening on; others bridle and hold back their horses ; others await the arrival of friends. Horsemen hastening to join the procession. Horsemen and youths who have joined the procession. | Horsemen who have joined the procession. ( From that portion of the procession where the victors of the games, in chariots, with attendant drivers, head the horsemen. Figures in the procession from the part representing the aliens resident in Attica, who had to undertake certain duties, such as bearing sunshades, chairs, vases, saucers, pitchers, etc., to remind them of their dependent condition. Southern Side. Representing the performers in the torch-race, arranged in different degrees of age, as youths, boys, and men. Continuing with the story, the slabs next represent the presid- ing magistrates, aud then the sacrificial animals brought by the deputation from the Colonies. 2056 to 2070 2071 to 2075 2076 2077 to 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 - Horsemen who have joined the procession. ' From that portion of the procession where the Victors in the games, in chariots, with attendant drivers, head the horse- men. Presiding magistrates. { Officers of the priesthood conducting to sacrifice cattle sent by the Colonies of Athens, with their deputations, to take part in the great Panathenaic festival. Eastern End. Chief magistrate marshalling the procession. Representing females carrying vases. Representing females carrying vases, and two men, probably mag- istrates, at the head of the stream of the procession, which had passed round by the north side. Chief magistrate of Athens. Centre part of eastern frieze of Parthenon, representing the culmi- nating point of the great Panathenaic procession ; the gods Hermes (Mercury), Poseidon (Neptune), Demeter (Ceres), and Hephais- tos (Vulcan), seated. Centre part of eastern frieze of Parthenon, representing the culmi- nating point of the great Panathenaic procession. The figures are Zeus (Jupiter), Hera (Juno), Nik6 (Victory), or Hebe, and three maidens. Centre part of eastern frieze of Parthenon, representing the culmi- nating point of the great Panathenaic procession ; two seated gods, and a priest, or the Archon Basileus, receiving from the hands of a boy the sacred peplus. | Chief Magistrates of Athens. From portion representing maidens carrying vases and gifts at the head of the stream of the procession, which had passed round by the south side. Part Second. 51 ,0 i O Sculptures of the Eastern Pediment. 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 North end of eastern pediment of the Parthenon; Helios (Hyperion) rising from the sea — by Phidias. (Fragments.) The figurative representation of Day and Night occupied other portions of the pediment. Herakles (Hercules) or, so called, Theseus, in the eastern pediment — by Phidias. Demeter, Persephone (Proserpina) and Iris, of the eastern pedi- ment — by Phidias. Nike in the eastern pediment, announcing the birth of Athene — by Phidias. Group of the Moirai, or Fates, in the eastern pediment. South end of eastern pediment ; head of a horse of Selene (the moon). Sculptures of the Western Pediment. This was filled with subjects representing the contest between Athene and Poseidon for the honor of giving a name to the city of Athens. 2099 Part of western pediment of the Parthenon; Cecrops, the first king and founder of Athens, and his wife Aglaure — by Phidias. 2100 The river-god llissus (Cephisus), by Phidias; south end of west- ern pediment. Miscellaneous Greek. 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 Archaic Undraped Figures from the Greek Islands. Probably 7th Century B.C. Apollo seated (oldest known portrait statue). About 550 B.C. Colossal Head of Horse. From Halicarnassus. About 300 B. C. Lion. From Halicarnassus. “ “ “ Artemisia, wife of Mausolus. Restoration by Mr. Storey, after the antique from Halicarnassus. Demeter (seated). From Cnidos. Colossal Lion. From Cnidos. About 300 B. C. Head of iEsculapius (?) Athlete. About 200 B. C. Apollo. Harpy Tomb. Chair of Dionysius. Marble Shield, Head of Medusa, and Amazonomachia, in which is the supposed portrait of Phidias. About 200 B. C. ATHENS. — Frieze of the Parthenon. 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 North Frieze. Slab No, {< ll ' ll n ll (( ll (( (( (( «( 11 (( It u t< <( ll ll «( U ll (C ll ll It ll East Frieze, West Frieze, 44 4 4 ....II. . . . IY. ... VI. . . . . X. XVII. ..XIX. XXIX. XXXI. .. VI. ...III. ... IV. 44 52 Sculpture. 13 0) 2 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2148 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2171 2172 2172 2173 2173 2174 2174 2175 2176 2177 2177 Athens. ( Concluded .) Sepulchral Monuments, Street of Tombs. Protonoe, Nikostrate, Eukoline. Female Figures. Four Figures. Three Figures. The Sisters Demetric and Pamphelia. Mother and Child. Two Female Figures. One Male and Two Female Figures. Dexilius. Two Females and Child. Male and Female Figures. Seated Figure. Male Figure and Child. Female Figure. Male Figure. Miscellaneous. Athena. Mercury. Apollo Nomios. Venus. (Statuette.) Philosopher Metrodorus. Siren. No. 1. “ No. 2. Pallas (Bust.) Demosthenes. (Bust.) Satyrs. (Relief.) Altar. Chair. Colossal Dog. (Tombstone.) Slab from Tomb in the Ceraraeicus. “ “ Frieze of the Parthenon. “ discovered in 1882. War Chariot. Bass-relief. Apollo of Thera. Nik 6 (relief), from Balustrade of Temple of Nik& Apteros. Nik6 “ “ Temple of Nike Apteros. Sarcophagus. Head of Discobolus. (Relief.) Trireme. Relief from Monument of Aristion by Aristokles. GLYPTOTHEK, MUNICH. -2E2gina Marbles. In 3 Plates, each figure being numbered. No. 62, Teucer; 63, Ajax; 64, Wounded Greek. No. 59, Minerva; 60, Patroclus ; 61, Ajax Telamonios ; 65, Hector. No. 66, Paris; 67, iEneas ; 68, Wounded Trojan. BERLIN. Olympian Sculptures. Hermes, by Praxiteles. Found in the Ileraion. “ (side view). 41 (head). (head). Profile. Also in Large and Extra sizes. Acropolis Museum. a u 44 44 44 44 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 44 44 44 Palace Garden. Theatre of Dionysius. C< (( u «( i Part Second. 53 Olympian Sculptures. ( Concluded .) 2178 Head of Apollo. 2179 Deidamia. 2180 Head (Antigone?) 2181 Nymph 2182 “ Profile. 2183 Nike of Paionios. 2184 Archaic Bronze Head of Zeus. 2185 “■ From West Gable , Great Temple of Zeus. Profile. ETRUSCAN SCULPTURE. 2186|2186 218712187 2188 2188 2189 2189 2190 2190 2191 2192:2192 2193:2193 2194 l 2194 Chimera. Group of Bronzes. (< (< Vase. “ Diagonal view. Warrior. Artemis. Bronze Figures. (< «< Egyptian Mus. } Florence. 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 44 “ Naples. <( «< British Museum. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 54 Sculpture. 2201 2202 2201 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2220 2211 2218 2225 2228 2232 2232 2233 2233 2237 2239 2241 2244 2247 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 GR-ffiCO-ROMAN SCULPTURE. Capitol, Rome. Antinous. Boy extracting Thorn. Bronze Wolf. Centaur. Cupid and Psyche. Dying Gladiator, or Gaul. Faun of Praxiteles. Galba. Hadrian. (Bust.) Homer. Innocence or Evil. Julius Caesar. Junius Brutus. Juno. Lycian Apollo. Marforio. Minerva Bellica. No 1. it it (( o “ from Velletri. Sarcophagus. “ and Bust of a Satyr. Venus of the Capitol. “ “ “ (Head.) “ dell’ Esquilino. Young Marcus Aurelius. (Bust.) Lateran Museum, Korne. Marsyas, or Dancing Faun. Belief. From Trajan’s Forum. “ The Pugilists. Sophocles. Spada Palace, Koine. Pompey. Vatican, Koine. ^Esculapius. Ajax. Amazon. Antinous Crowned. “ “ (Head.) Apollo Belvedere. “ “ (Head.) “ Citharaedus. “ Sauroetonus. “ Terpsichore and Calliope. Apoxyomenos. Bacchus. Caesar Augustus. Calliope. Caryatide, A. Ceres. (( Chariot and Horses. (La Bijra.) Clio. J Commodus. • Crouching Venus. Part Second. Large. ! Med. Cab. Vatican. ( Concluded .) 2248 Cupid bending his Bow. 2249 Danaid, A. 2250 2250 Demosthenes. 2251 Diana beholding the Sleeping Endymion. 2252 2252 Discobolus. 2253 “ in Repose. 2254 Euripides. 2255 2255 2255 Father Nile. 2256 2256 Faustina, wife of Antoninus Pius. 2257 2257 Fortune. 2258 2258 Genius of the Vatican. Front. 2259 “ “ “ Side. 2260 2260 Juno. 2261 “ Sopita. 2262 2262 Jupiter Ortricoli. 22G3 2263 2263 Laocoon. 2264 Lucius. 2265 2265 2265 Meleager. 2266 2266 Menander. 2267 2267 2267 Mercury Belvedere. 226o 2268 2268 Minerva Medica. 2269 Nero. ('Bust.) 2270 Nerva. “ 2271 2271 Niobe. (Headless.) 2272 Paris. 2273 Penelope. 2274 2274 Posidippus. 2275 Pudicitia. 2276 Sarcophagus. Battle of the Amazons. 2277 “ Dance of Bacchus. 2278 Satyr playing a Flute. 2279 Silenus and Bacchus. 2280 2280 Sleeping Ariadne. 2281 2281 “ “ with niche. 2282 Socrates. (Bust.} 2283 Tiberius. 2284 Titus. 2285 2285 Torso Belvedere. 2286 Triton. 2287 Venus Anadyomene. 2288 “ of Cnidos. 2289 2289 “ coming from the Bath. 2290 Vespasian. (Bust.) 2291 2291 Young Augustus. (Bust.) Villa Dmlovisi, Koine. 2292 Arria and Paetus. 2293 2293 Group with a Gaul. 2294 2294 Head of Dying Medusa. 2295 2295 2295 Juno Ludovisi. 2296 Mars in Repose. 2297 2297 Orestes and Electra. Ullizi, Florence. 2298 2298 Apollino. 2299 Boy extracting a Thorn. 2300 Cicero. (Bust.) 2301 Crouching Venus. 2302 2302 Dying Alexander. 56 Sculpture. 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2325 1 2326 2327,2327 2329 2329 2331 2332 2334 2337 2338 2342 2343 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2357 12358 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 Uffizi. ( Concluded .) Faun playing the Seabellum. (< <( <( Head of a Horse. (Bronze.) Hermaphrodite. L’Idolino. (Front.) “ (Back.) Knife-grinder. Medicaean Vase. Niobe. “ Daughter. No. 1. << “ 2. U (( “ 3. Niobe. Daughter. No. 4. 2 ‘ “ “ “ with Wartzmann. 2773 2773 Kreuzstein. In River Traun. 2774 2774 Obersee. 2775 Prague. Bridge over the Moldau. “ “ “ “ The Tower. 2776 2777 “ Castle. 2778 “ Monument to Francis I. 2779 2779 Salzburg. From the Capuzinerbui^. 2780 2780 “ “ River. 2781 2781 “ Distant View. 2782 2782 “ Valley of the Salza, from Aigen. 2783 2783 “ Castle, called Hohensalzburg. 2784 2784 “ St. Peters, Friedhof, and Catacombs. 2785 2785 Traun See. 2786 2786 “ Ebensee. 2787 2787 “ Gmunden. 66 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. 1 -d Ol 3 fO cl O Austria. ( Concluded . ) 2788 2788 Traun See. Gmunden. From Weinburg. 2789 2789 “ Traun Kirchen. 2790 2790 Zell am See. AZORES. Fayal. 2791 General view of Horta and Monte da Guia. 2792 Horta, from the South. 2793 “ “ “ North. 2794 Port Pirn, with Wreck. 2795 Valley of Flamengos, Caldeira in Background. 2790 Caldeira. View of the Crater from the Summit. 2797 Valley of Flamengos, with Old Bridge. 2798 i< tt 2799 Fay alese Costumes ; Capotes. Pico. 2800 General view from Fayal. 2801 Peak of Pico, showing lava. 2802 Madalena. 2803 St. Matthews. 2804 Pico Packet. 2805 Water-carriers at a well. St. George. 2806 General view of Vellas. 2807 Calheta. 2808 Bocks near Vellas. 2809 Tower and Fountain. Terceira. 2810 General view of Angra. St. Michaels. 2811 Ponta Delgada, Entrance to Harbor. 2812 “ Custom House. 2813 “ Pra?a do Esperanza.” Public Square. 2814 “ “ Landing. 2815 “ Pra£a do Municipio.” 2810 “ “ Door of Principal Church. 2817 Sete Cidades. 2818 “ “ The Village. 2819 Pria. 2820 Rock Scenery. 2821 it <{ 2822 Valley of the Furnas. The Lake. 2823 “ “ “ Barocas. 2824 Santa Anna. Garden of St. Jose do Canto. 2825 “ “ it ti t( 2820 Hedge-row, showing Characteristic Vegetation. BELGIUM. Antwerp. 2827 2827 General View across the Basin. 2828 Bourse. Interior. 2829 2829 Cathedral. 2830 2830 “ and statue of Rubens. 2831 2831 “ High Altar. 2832 2832' Church of St. Jacque. Interior. Part Second. 67 | Large. Med. Cab. Antwerp. ( Continued . ) 283-1 Gate to Fortifications. 2835 Hotel de Ville. 2836 House of Rubens. 2837 National Bank. Front. 2838 2s38 “ “ Corner. 2839 Palace of Justice. 2840 2840 “ the Comte de Flandres.* 2811 2841 “ the Nation.* 2842 2842 Place de Hotel de Ville. House of Charles V. on the right. 2843 Prison of Steen. 2844 2844 Hue Steen. 2845 2845 Statue of Quintin Matsys. 2846 Theatre. 2847 Costume. Man. 2848 “ Woman. 2849 “ “ Spinning. 2850 “ Milk Woman. Brussels. 2851 2851 Bank, The. 2852 2852 Boulevard Anspach. 2853 Bourse. 2854 2854 Cathedral of St. Gudule. Fa 9 ade. 2855 2855 “ “ “ Throne of St. Gudule. 2856 2856 Column of Congress. 2857 2857 Hotel de Ville. 2858 2858 Maison du Sac. 2859 Mannikin. 2860 2860 Palace of Justice. 2861 2861 Park. 2862 2862 Porte de Hal. 2863 2863 Royal Palace. 2864 2864 “ “ Entrance. 2865 2865 Statue of Counts Egmont and Horn. 2866 2866 Theatre Royal. M iscellaneous. 2867 Bruges. 2868 “ Bell Tower. 2869 2869 “ Chapel of St. Sang. “ “ “ Interior. 2870 2871 “ Hotel de Ville. 2872 “ St. John’s Hospital. Reliquary of St. Ursula. 2873 2873 Ghent. Canal. 2874 2874 Laeken. Monument to Leopold I. 2875 Waterloo. The Belgian Lion on Memorial Mound. 2876 “ Chateau of Ilougoumont. 2877 “ “ “ The Stable. 2878 “ “ “ Gateway, No. 1. 2879 “ “ “ “ No. 2. 2880 “ “ “ Old Well. 2881 “ Farm of “ 2882 <( << (< 2883 “ La Ilaye Sainte. 2884 “ La Belle Alliance. 2885 “ Monuments on the Battlefield. 2886 “ Hotel de Haze. 2887 “ Old Mill. * These palaces are in Brussels. Largo. 68 Architectural Subjects, etc. & 6 2888 2888 28 s 9 2889 2890 2890 2891 2891 2892 2892 2893 2893 2894 2894 2895 2895 2898 2896 2897 2897 2898 2899 2899 2900 2900 2901 2902 2902 2903 2903 2904 2904 2905 2906 2907 2907 2908 2908 2909 2910 2910 2911 2911 2912 2912 2913 2913 2914 2914 2915 2915 2916 2916 2917 2917 29181 2918 2919 2919 2920 2920 2921 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2925 2926 2926 2927 2927 2928 2928 2929 2930 2931 2931 2932 2932 2933 2933 2934 2934 2935 2935 2936 2936 2937 2937 2938 2938 2939 2939 2940 2940 2941 2941 12942 2942 FRANCE. Paris. Panorama from Church of St. Gervais. Arch of Triomphe de l’Etoile. “ “ “ “Departure for War,’ by liude. “ “ “ “ Glory,” by Cortot. “ “ “ “War,” by Etex. “ “ “ “Peace,” “ “ “ du Carrousel. Avenue of the Champs Elysee. “ “ Opera. Bird’s-Eye View. (Engraving.) Boulevard des Capuchins, and Grand Hotel. “ de la Madeleine. “ Malesherbes, and Church of St. Augustine. Bourse. Chamber of Deputies. Church of Notre Dame de Paris. General View. “ “ “ Fa9ade. “ “ “ Hear View. “ “ “ Main Portal. “ “ d’Auteuil. Fa9ade. “ St. Ambroise. “ St. Augustine. “ St. Etienne du Mont. “ St. Germain l’Auxerrois. “ “ “ Fa9ade. “ “ “ Side. “ St. Laurent. Fa9ade. “ St. Sulpice. “ “ “ Interior. “ Menilmontant. Fa9ade. Columns of Ancient Barriers of the Throne. Column Vendome. Conciergerie. Eden Theatre. Equestrian Statue of Louis XIV. by Bosio. “ “ Henry IV. by Lemot. Fountain of San Michel. “ Moliere. Gare de l’Est. “ du Nord. Garden of the Tuileries. Fame on Pegasus. Mercury on Pegasus. Fa9ade. Side. Group, “ The Dance.” “ “Tragedy.” “ “ Poetry.” Stairway of Honor. Supports of Grand Staircase. Foyer. Fa9ade. Interior. Tomb of Napoleon. Grand Opera House. Hotel de Cluny. “ des Invalides. Part Second. 69 Large. I Med. Cab. Paris. ( Concluded .) 294;) 2943 Hotel de Ville. Facade. 2944 2944 “ “ Campanile. 2945 2945 lie de la Cite. 294G 2946 Louvre. Colonnade. 2947 2947 “ From Quay de Louvre. 2948 2948 “ Court Front. 2949 “ Pavillion Sully. 2950 2950 “ “ Jean Goujon. 2951 2951 “ Vestibule. 2952 2952 “ “ Detail. “ Genius of Arts.” 2953 2953 “ “ “ “ Merchant Marine.” 2954 2954 “ Gallery of Italian Schools. 2955 2955 “ “ Emperors. 2956 2956 “ “ Venus de Milo. 2957 2957 La Madeleine. Fa 9 ade. 2958 “ Interior. 2959 2959 “ Pediment. 2960 2960 Magasins au Printemps. 2961 2961 Palais du Corps Legislatif. 2962 2962 “ de l’lndustrie. 2963 2963 “ de Justice and Sainte-Chapelle. 2964 2964 “ de Luxembourg. 2965 2965 “ “ “ Fountain of the Observatory. 2966 2966 “ “ “ Fountain de Medicis. 2967 2967 “ Royal. Garden. 2968 2968 “ de Trocadero. Distant View. 2969 2969 “ “ “ Fa9ade. 2970 2970 “ “ “ Interior. 2971 “ des Tuileries, and Pont Royal. 2972 “ “ “ Court. 2973 “ “ “ After the Commune. 2974 2974 Pantheon. Fa 9 ade. 2975 2975 f ‘ Pediment. 2976 2976 Parc des Buttes Chaumont. 2977 2977 “ de Monceaux. 2978 2978 “ “ Entrance. 2979 2979 Place de la Bastille. 2980 2980 “ “ July Column. 2981 2981 “ Concorde. 2982 2982 Porte St. Denis. 29*3 “ St. Martin. 2984 2984 Rue de Rivoli. 2985 Sainte-Chapelle. 2986 2986 “ “ Rear View. 2987 2987 “ “ Choir. 2988 2988 “ “ Rose Window. 2989 2989 “ “ The Crypt. 2990 2990 Statue of the Republic. 2991 2991 Tour St. Jacque. Fontai n eb lean. 2992 2992 The Palace. 299) 2993 “ Court of the White Horse. 2994 2994 “ Chamber of Anne of Austria. 2995 2995 “ Chapel. 2996 2996 “ Gallery of Henry II. 2997 2997 “ Josephine’s Bed. 2998 2998 “ Salon of the Council of Ministers. Large, TO Architectural Subjects, etc. 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3007 3008 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3030 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 303 3038 3039 3040 3041 3012 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3049 3050 3050 Fontainebleau. ( Concluded . ) The Palace. Salon of Francis I. “ “ Guards. Henry IV. “ “ Glass. “ “ Marie Antoinette. “ Table on which Napoleon signed his Abdi- cation. “ Throne Room. The Park. Versailles. The Palace. “ and Orangerie. “ Chapel. “ Hall of Battles. “ Salon of Glasses. “ Bed of Louis XIV. “ “ Marie Antoinette. The Park. Baths of Apollo. Distant View. “ “ Near View. “ Equestrian Statue of Louis XIV. Grand Trianon. “ “ Dining Hall. “ “ Napoleon’s Bed. “ “ “ Chariot. “ “ “ Study. Petit Trianon. From the Garden. “ “ Maison de Seigneur. “ u n tt “ “ Temple of Cupid. “ “ House of the Miller. “ “ Dairy and Marlborough Tower. Miscellaneous. Albi. The Cathedral. “ “ “ Apsis. “ Bishop’s Palace. Amiens Cathedral. Distant General View. “ “ Fa 9 ade. “ “ Front Portals. “ “ South Side. South Entrance. “ “ “ “ Detail. “ “ Apsis. “ Figure of a Saint. “ “ Nave. “ “ Choir Stalls. “ “ “ “ Detail. Side Aisle. Rose Window in Transept. Relief. Life of St. Jacques. || || “ “ St. Firman. Removal of Remains of St. Firman. “ Life of John the Baptist. “ Beheading of John the Bap- tist. . “ “ Old and New Testament. Angers. Petit Chateau of the Dukes of Anjou. The Museum. Quadrangle. Part Second. 71 Med. rO Cj 3051 3052 3053 3054 3054 3055 3055 3056 3057 3058 3058 3059 3059 3060 3060 3061 3061 3062 3062 3063 3064 3064 3065 3065 3066 3066 3067 3068 3068 3069 3069 3070 3070 3071 3072 3073 3073 3074 3074 3075 3075 3076 3076 3077 3077 3078 3078 3079 3079 3080 3080 3081 3082 3082 3083 3083 3084 3084 3085 3085 3086 3086 3087 3087 3088 3088 3089 3089 3090 3090 3091 3091 3092 3092 3093 3093 3094 3094 3095 3095 3096 3096 3097 3097 3098 3098 3099 3100 3100 3101 3102 3103 3103 3104 3104 3105 3105 France. ( Continued .) Auvergne. General View. “ Orcival Cathedral. “ “ “ Notre Dame door. “ Issoire “ “ “ “ Interior. “ Church of St. Neetaire. “ Chambon Chapel. Avignon. The Papal Palace. Distant View. “ ' “ “ Section. “ Church of St. Peter. “ Fort of St. Andrew. “ Theatre. Bayeux Cathedral. Interior. “ “ Apse. “ Chateau de Fontaine Henri. Blois Cathedral. Castle. Chapel. Exterior. Fa9ade of Louis XII. from the Court. Quadrangle. The King’s Stairway. Equestrian Statue of Louis XII. Church of St. Madeleine. Observatory of the Queen and St. Nicholas. Bordeaux. Church of St. Croix. Facade. “ Cathedral of St. Andrea. “ “ “ Apse. “ Grand Theatre. “ Great Clock Towers. “ Palace Gate. Bourges. Cathedral. Side. “ Fa£ade. “ Entrance to Sacristy. Chateau of Charles VII. “ de Meillant. General View. “ “ Bear View. “ “ Dining Hall. “ “ Grand Salon. “ “ “ “ Chimney. “ “ Tower of the Lion. Detail. Church of Notre Dame. Hotel Lallemand. Stairway. Palais Jacques Coeur. F;»9ade. Rear. Tower of Grand Stair- case. Caen. Abbay aux Hommes. Abbaye aux Dames. Church of St. Peter. Apse. Hotel des Monnaires. Tower of the Gendarmes. Carcassonne. General View from the North. “ Tower of Justice. “ The Citadel. Approach to the Gate. Large. 72 Architectural Subjects, etc. — Med. Cab. 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3113 3114 3114 3115 3115 3116 3117 3117 3118 3118 3119 3119 312o 3120 3121 3121 312.' 3122 3123 3123 3124 3124 3125 3125 3126 3126 3127 3127 3128 3128 3129 3129 3130 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3135 3136 3136 3137 3137 3138 3139 3139 3140 3140 3141 3141 3142 3142 3143 3143 3144 3144 3145 3145 3146 3146 3147 3147 3148 3149 3149 3150 3150 3151 3151 3152 3152 3153 3153 3154 3154 3155 3155 3156 3156 3157 3157 3158 3158 3159 : 3159 3160 i 3160 3161 ; 3161 3162 ; 3162 France. ( Continued .) Charente. Brantome Tower. “ Perigieux Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral. “ “ Fa9ade. “ “ Interior. “ “ Choir. “ “ Interior. Detail. “ Chateau de Maintenon. “ “ Villebon. “ Porte Guillaume. Chateau d’Amboise. “ “ Quadrangle. “ d’Azay-le-llideau. From the East. “ “ “ Nearer View. “ de Chambord. West Pavilion. Lantern of Grand Staircase. “ de Chantilly. General View. “ “ Fa9ade in Profile. “ “ Principal Entrance. “ u «« “ de Chaumont. “ de Chenonceaux. North Fa9ade. “ East Side. “ “ Garden Side. “ de Cheverny. North Side. “ de Coudray, at Montpensier. “ de Josselyn. “ de Pierrefonds. General View. “ “ Nearer View. “ The Towers. “ Court of Honor. “ St. Honorat. “ d’Usse. Loire. “ de Vais. “ “ General View. “ “ Near View. “ Entrance. “ “ Distant View. Cherbourg. Chateau de Nacqueville. “ The Lodge. “ Martinvast. “ “ Tourlaville. Cluny, Towers of Abbey. Coutances Cathedral. “ General View. “ Church of St. Peter. Dinan. Chateau de Combourg. “ of the Duchess Anne. “ de Garonje. Tower. “ Le Ch 6 ne Vert. “ Church of the Saviour. “ Clock Tower. Dreux. Tomb of the Orleans Family. Falaise. Chateau. Church of the Trinity. “ Porte de Cordeliers. Havre. Bourse. Part Second. 73 Large. Med. Cab. France. ( Continued .) 3163 3 1 63 Havre. Hotel de Ville. 3164 3164 “ Jettee. 3165 3165 La Rochelle. Hotel de Ville. 3166 3166 “ “ “ Court Front. 3167 Le Puy. The Cathedral. 3168 “ “ Fa9ade. 3169 “ “ Cloister. 3170 “ Church of San Michel. Portal. 3171 3171 Lisieux. Cathedral of St. Peter. 3172 3172 “ “ “ Interior. 3173 3173 “ House of Francis I. 3174 3174 “ Old Houses on Grand Rue. 3175 3175 Loches. Upper Town. 3176 3176 “ Chateau Gate of XV. Century. 3177 3177 “ “ Tower of Louis XI. 3178 3178 44 Gate of Cordeliers. 3179 3179 “ Hotel de Ville. 3180 <180 Lyons. General View. 3181 3181 44 Bourse. 3182 3182 “ Church of St. Nizier. 3188 3183 “ Hotel de Ville. 3184 3184 “ Place des Jacobins. 3185 3185 “ Palace of Justice. 3186 Macon. Towers of Cathedral. 3187 3187 Marseilles. General View. 3188 3188 “ Bourse. 3189 3189 “ Cathedral. Fa 9 ade. 3190 3190 “ Church of Notre Dame du Garde. 3191 3191 “ Grand Hotel. 3192 3192 “ Harbor with Vessel. 3193 3193 “ Palais Longchamps. Fountain. 3194 3194 “ Promenade de la Corniche. 3195 3195 “ View of Bay, with Chateau d’lf. 3196 3196 Mentone. General View. 3197 “ Distant View through the Trees. 3198 3198 “ The Port. 3199 3199 “ Garden of Mme. Dugeon. 3200 3200 “ Promenade du Midi. 3201 “ Olive Tree at Cape Martin. 3202 <( (< 3203 44 Val du Caree. 3204 Moissac. Church of Sts. Peter and Paul. Detail of Porch. 3205 44 “ 44 44 Interior. 3206 3206 Monaco. General View. 3207 3207 “ Casino. 3208 3208 44 44 Distant View. 3209 3209 4 4 4 4 Entrance. 3210 3210 44 Concert Hall. Interior. 3211 3211 44 Gaming Room. 3212 “ 3213 3213 44 Garden facing Casino. 3214 3214 44 Palace Grounds. 3215 U C( U 3216 1 32 1C> Monte Carlo. General View. 3217 Mont Saint Michel. General View. 3218 (( * tc << «t 3219 3219 44 4 4 4 4 The Church, Apse. Large 74 Architectural Subjects, etc. *6 o % Cab. 3220 3220 3221 3222 3222 3223 3223 3224 3224 3225 3225 322(5 3220 3227 3227 3228 3228 3221) 3229 3230 3230 3231 3231 3232 3232 3233 3233 3234 3234 3235 3235 3230 3230 3237 3237 3238 3238 3239 3239 3240 3240 3241 3241 3242 3242 3213 3243 3214 3244 3245 3245 3240 3240 3247 3247 3248 3248 3249 3250 Q O ~ 1 3252 61 o I 3252 3253 3254 3254 32 ->5 3255 325(5 3250 3257 3257 3258 3259 3260 3201 3202 3263 3204 3205 3230 3260 3207 3267 3208 3209 3269 3270 Q07 1 3270 61 1 1 3272 61 ( 1 3272 3273 3273 3274 3274 3275 3275 3270 France. ( Continued . ) Mont Saint Michel. The Church, Interior. “ “ “ “ Cloister. “ “ “ “ Salon (lu Chevaliers. “ “ “ Porte de Roi and Tour du Guet. Montigny. Chateau in the Valley. “ “ “ “ North Side. Nancy. General View. “ Cathedral. “ Church of St. Evre. “ Ducal Palace. Musee Lorrain. “ Fountain of Neptune. “ Hotel de Ville. “ Palace of the Government. “ Porte de la Graffe. Nantes. Cathedral of St. Peter. Fa9ade. “ Chateau. “ “ Court Front. “ “ Entrance. “ “ de Clisson. Nice. General View. “ Cape Montboron. “ Chateau de Smith. “ Entrance to the Port. “ Pont des Anges. “ Quai des Palmiers, or Promenade Anglais. “ “ “ Near View. “ “ Opposite Hotel d’Angleterre. “ Restaurant de la Reserve. Orleans Cathedral. “ “ The Fa9ade. “ “ Nave, West. “ Equestrian Statue of Jeanne d’Arc. “ Hotel de Ville. Pleyben. Tower of Church. Poitiers. Church of Notre Dame le Grande. “ “ “ “ Fa9ade. “ “ St. Porchaire. Palace of Justice. Chimney. Provence. Church of St. Gabriels, liheims Cathedral. “ “ Lateral View. “ “ Nave, East. “ “ Nave, West. Fa 9 ade. “ Interior. “ “ Nave. Tomb of Richard Coeur de Lion. “ Gothic Staircase. Church of St. Ouen. General View. “ Fa9ade. “ Side. “ Interior. St. Germain. Bon-Secours. Fa9ade. “ Pulpit. Crosse Horloge. Equestrian Statue of Napoleon I. Rouen Cathedral. Part Second. 73 Large. Med. Cab. France. ( Continued .) 3277 3277 Rouen. Fountain de la Crosse. 3278 3278 “ “ of St. Marie. 3270 3279 “ Hotel Bourgtheroulde. 3280 “ “ “ Quadrangle. 3281 “ “ de Ville. 3282 3282 “ Old House, No. 1. 3283 3283 “ “ “ No. 2. 3284 “ Palace of Justice. Fa 9 ade of Grand Pavilion. 3285 3285 “ “ “ Detail. “ “ 3286 3286 “ “ “ Court of Assizes. 3287 3287 “ Porte Guillaume. 3288 3288 “ Tower of Jeanne d’Arc. 3289 “ “ St. Laurent. 3290 3290 Soissons. Church of St. Jean des Yignes. Fa 9 ade. 3291 3291 St. Cloud. Cascades. 3292 3292 St. Denis Abbey. Fa9ade. 3293 3293 “ “ Crypt. Statue of Louis XVI. 3294 3294 “ u “ “ Marie Antoinette. 3295 3295 “ “ “ Tomb of Francis I. and Claude de France. 3296 3296 “ “ “ Tomb of Louis XII. and Anne de Bretange. 3297 3297 St. Lo. Cathedral. Fa 9 ade. 3298 3298 “ “ Interior. 3299 Toulouse. Church of the Jacobites. 3300 “ Porch of St. Servant. 3301 3301 Tours Cathedral. 3302 “ “ Nave. 3303 3303 “ Tower of Charlemagne. 3304 3304 Treport. Chateau de Rambures. 3305 3305 Trouville. General View. 3306 3300 “ Bathing. 3307 3307 “ Grand Salon. 3308 3308 “ Normandy House. 3309 3309 Vichy. Chateau de Randan. 3310 3310 “ Rendezvous de Chasse de Moulemont. GERMANY. The Rhine. 3311 3311 Andernach. 3312 3312 “ Watch Tower. 3313 3313 “ The Castle. 3314 Bacharach. General View. 3315 3315 “ Old House. 3316 3316 Bingen. Looking toward the River. 3317 “ From the River. 3318 3318 Bonn. Rathaus and Market Fountain. 3319 3319 “ Cathedral. 3320 3320 “ Godesburg Castle. 3321 3321 (< (< (< 3322 3322 Boppard, with Sterrenberg and Liebenstein Castles. 3323 Braubaeh and Castle of Marksburg. 3324 Caub, with Pfalz and Gutenfels Castles. 3325 3325 Coblenz, Moselle Bridge. 3326 3326 “ St. Castor Church. 3327 3327 “ The Palace. 76 Architectural Subjects, etc. 3329 3330 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3336 3337 3341 3342 3363 3344 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3353 3354 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3370 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 Cologne. General View, with Bridge of Boats. “ Cathedral. Fa9ade. “ “ Side. “ ** General Yiew (Unfinished). “ Bear View. “ “ Front Portal. “ “ Second Front Portal. “ “ South Side. “ “ South Portal. “ “ Interior. “ “ Altar. “ Apostles’ Church. “ St. Gereon’s Church. “ St. Ursula’s Church. Interior. “ “ “ Bones of Eleven Thou- sand Virgins. “ Equestrian Statue of Emperor William I. “ Hahnenthor. “ Rathhaus. Drachenburg Castle. “ “ Near View. Drachenfels Castle. Ehrenbreitstein. “ From above Thai. Furstenberg. Lahneck Castle. (< (< Lorelei Rock. Mayence. General View from Castel. “ Cathedral. “ From the N.W. “ The Bahnhof. “ Fountain in the Market Place. “ Gymnasium. “ Holzthurm. Niederwald. The National Monument. Figure of Germania, from the above. “ Soldiers’ Farewell. “ “ Return. “ “ Wacht am Rhein. “ “ Rhenus and Moselle. “ “ War. “ “ Peace. “ Oberlahnstein and Marksburg Castle. Oberwesel and Castle of Schonberg. Rat Tower. Rheineck Castle. Rheinfels Castle. Rheinstein Castle. Near View. Schonberg Castle. Sooneck Castle. Stolzenfels Castle. From Curhaus. From the Road. “ and Oberlahnstein. “ “ Near View. St. Goar and the Cat. Part Second. 71 6 4 Med. Cab. The Rhine. ( Concluded .) 3384 St. Goar and the Cat. Nearer View. 3385 3385 Strasbourg. General View. 3386 3386 “ Cathedral. Fa 9 ade. 3387 3387 “ “ Side. 3388 “ “ Section of Side. 3389 3389 “ “ Side Portal. 3390 3390 “ “ Detail of Poof. 3391 3391 “ “ Great Clock. (Drawing.) 3392 3392 “ Iron Bridge. 3393 3393 “ Gutenberg’s House. 3394 3394 “ Old Houses. 3395 “ Storks. 3396 “ Costume. 3397 u a Nuremberg. 3398 General View, with the Burg. 3399 “ from the “ 3400 “ with Hallerthor and Burg. 3401 Adlers Strasse. 3402 3402 Bridges. Executioner’s Bridge. 3403 3403 “ King’s Bridge. 3404 “ Suspension Bridge. 3405 3405 Burg or Castle. 3406 Cemetery of St. John. 3407 “ “ “ Corner representing Calvary. 3408 3408 Church of St. Lorenz. Facade. 3409 3409 “ “ Portal. 3410 3410 “ “ Interior. 3411 3411 “ “ The Pyx. 3412 3412 “ St. Sebaldus. Bridal Portal. 3413 “ “ Tomb of St. Sebaldus, by Peter Vischer. 3414 3414 “ “ Balcony of Parsonage. 3415 Court-yard. 3416 3416 Diirer’s House. 3417 Diirer Platz and Distant View of the Burg. 3418 Fountain of the Virtues. 3419 Froschthurm. The Torture Chamber. 3420 3420 Frauenkirche. 3421 3421 “ Portal. 3422 Frauenthor. 3423 3423 Gansemannchen, or Goose Fountain. 3424 “ “ “ Nearer View. 3425 Germanicus Museum. Court-yard. 3426 “ “ Curious Figures. 3427 “ “ Top Story. 3428 Hospital and Pegnitz. From King’s Bridge. 3429 3429 Karolinen Strasse and War Monument. 3430 Market Place. 3431 Monument to War of 1870. Statue of Germania. 3432 Nassauerhaus. 3433 Old House. 3434 3434 Pellerschehaus. 3435 3435 “ Court-yard. 3436 Petersenhaus. 3437 3437 Schonbrunnen, or Beautiful Fountain. 3438 3438 Statue of Albert Diirer. Large. 78 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. Cab. 3439 3439 3440 3440 3441 3441 3442 3443 3443 3444 3444 3445 344G 3446 3447 3447 3448 3448 3449 3449 3450 345.. 3451 3451 3452 3452 3453 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3457 3458 3459 3459 34G0 3460 34G1 3461 34G2 3462 34T.3 3463 3464 3464 3465 3465 3466 3466 3467 3467 34G8 3468 3469 3469 3470 3470 3471 3471 3472 3472 3473 3473 3474 3474 3475 3475 3476 3476 3477 3477 3478 3478 3479 3480 3480 3481 3481 3482 3482 3483 3483 3484 3484 3485 3485 3486 3486 3487 3487 3488 3488 3489 3489 3490 3490 3491 3491 Nuremberg. ( Concluded .) Statue of Hans Sachs, the Cobbler Poet. Synagogue. Walls. Miscellaneous. Baden-Baden. From the New Castle. “ Concert Room. “ Conversationhaus. The Orchestra. “ Drink Hall. “ Greek Chapel. “ Leopold Square. “ Old Castle. “ Theatre Square. “ Victoria Hotel. Berlin. General View. “ Brandenburg Gate. “ Comedy Theatre and Schiller Place. “ Equestrian Statue of Fredk. Wm. the Great Elector. “ Equestrian Statue of Fredk. II. the Great. <( * U i 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 “ Memorial Column to the Heroes of the Franeo- Prussian War. “ MonumentofFredk.Wm.III. (Relief.) Museum. “ National Academy. “ Royal Bank. “ Statue of Goethe. “ “ “ Schiller. “ “ “ Queen Louise. “ Synagogue. “ University. Brunswick. St. Andrea’s Church. “ “ “ The Tower. “ St. Martin’s “ “ St. Katharine’s “ “ Ducal Palace. “ Old House. 44 44 44 “ Old Market. “ “ “ Fountain. “ Rathhaus. Charlottenburg. Mausoleum of Fredk. Wm. III. and Queen Louise. Cochem Castle. On the Moselle. Dresden. General View from the New City. “ Bruhl’s Terrace. “ Catholic Church. Fa£ade. “ Rear from the Z winger. “ Frauenkirche. “ Opera House. River Elbe and Landing-place of Steamers. “ Royal Belvidere. “ Palace in the Grosse Garten. “ Russian Church. “ Zvvinger. Ehrenburg Castle. On the Moselle. Eisenach. Wartburg Castle. Part Second. 79 Large. Med. i Germany. ( Continued . ) 3492 3492 Eisenach. Wartburg Castle. Luther’s Room. 3493 4 4 Luther House. 3494 3491 Frankfort-on-the-Main and Sachsenhausen. 3495 “ “ General View, with Cathecra 7 .. 349G 3496 “ “ Esclienheimer Tower. 3497 3497 44 “ Frankfort House. 3498 3498 44 “ Goethe’s House. 3499 44 “ Gutenberg Monument. 3500 3500 << “ Jews’ Quarter. 3501 3501 «< “ Luther’s House. 3502 3502 44 “ Monument to Goethe. 3503 3503 44 “ “ “ Schiller. 3504 3504 44 “ New Exchange. 3505 3505 44 “ Old House. 3506 3506 44 “ Opera House. 3507 3507 “ “ Palm Gardens. 3508 3508 ft 4 “ Ross Market. 3509 3509 “ “ Rothschild’s House. 3510 3510 44 “ Saalhof. 3511 3511 4 4 “ Schillerplatz and Zeil. 3512 3512 44 “ Staedel Picture Gallery. 3513 3513 44 “ Zoological Gardens. 3514 3514 Hamburg. Curhaus. 3515 3515 44 Elizabeth Fountain. 3516 3516 44 The Park. 3517 3517 44 The Schloss. 3518 3518 Heidelberg Castle and Town. 3519 3519 44 “ from the River. 3520 3520 44 “ and Bridge. 3521 “ General View. 3522 3522 44 “ Court-yard. 3523 “ “ Palace Front of Otho Henry. 3524 44 (( it (< (1 «< 3525 44 “ Columns of Charlemagne. 3526 3526 4 4 “ Blown-up Tower. * 3527 3527 44 “ The Ritter. 3528 3528 44 “ Terrace. 3529 3529 44 “ Elizabeth Gate. 3530 44 “ Restoration. (Drawing.) 3531 3531 44 “ Great Tun. “ 3531' 3532 44 “ The Student’s Prison. 3533 3533 Hildesheim. Rathhaus Platz. 3534 3534 44 Street in Town. 3535 3535 Lowen. Rathhaus. 3536 3536 Liibeck. Catharinekirche. 3537 3537 44 Holstein Thor. 3538 3538 Meissen. The Castle. 3539 Munich. General View from Maximilianeum. 3540 44 Glyptothek. 3541 44 “ Statues from Temple of 08 O 3713 3714 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3719 3720 3721 3721 3722 3722 3723 3723 3724 3724 3725 3725 372G 3726 3727 3727 3728 3728 3729 3729 3730 3730 3731 3731 3732 3733 3733 3734 3734 3735 3736 3736 3737 3737 3738 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3744 3745 3745 3746 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3756 3757 3758 3759 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3763 3764 3765 3766 Cambridge. ( Concluded .) Pembroke College. Pitt Press, The. Queen’s College. Front Quadrangle. St. John’s College. New Court. “ “ Chapel. “ “ “ Bridge of Sighs. ” Trinity College. Old Court. “ “ Library. Interior. v Liverpool. On the Mersey. No. 1. “ “ No. 2. S.S. Catalonia. S.S. Cephalonia. S.S. City of Home. S.S. Oregon. S.S. Servia. Landing Stage. Prince’s Stage with Tugs. Custom House. Clarence Dock. St. George’s Hall. L. and N.W. Station Hotel. Quadrant. Brown Museum. Exchange. Wellington Column. Oxford. General View. From Magdalen College Tower. All Souls’ College. From Radcliffe Square. “ “ South Front of Quadrangle. Balliol College. Brasenose College. In the Quadrangle. Broad Street. Castle, The. Cathedral. General View. “ Choir East. Christ Church Hall. “ “ “ Tom Tower.” Clarendon Building. Corpus Christi College. In the Quadrangle. Divinity School. Interior. Exeter College. Front. “ “ Chapel. The Screen. High Street. Indian Institute. Iffley Church. (Early Norman.) “ Old Mill. Keble College Chapel. “ “ New Buildings and Dining Hall. Magdalen College. From the River. “ “ From High Street. “ “ Founder’s Tower, from Quadrangle. Martyr’s Memorial. Merton College. From the Fields. “ “ Library. Interior. Large. 84 Architectural Subjects, etc. 3771 3783 3785 3786 3787 3798 3803 3804 3805 3806 3808 3809 3810 3811 3815 3816 3817 3820 3820 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 377 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3791 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 Oxford. ( Concluded .) Morton College and St. John the Baptist’s Church. New College. Back Quadrangle. New Examinations School. In the Quadrangle. “ “ “ Great Hall. Oriel College. In the Quadrangle. Pembroke College. Queen’s College. High Street. Radcliffe Library. Exterior. Schools Tower. St. John’s College. In Front Quadrangle. St. Mary the Virgin’s Church. From Radcliffe Square. “ “ “ The Porch. Trinity College Chapel. University College. Radcliffe Quadrangle. “ Museum. Worcester College. Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare’s House. “ “ Before restoration. “ “ Room in which he was born. Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. Holy Trinity Church. Grammar School. Memorial Theatre. 12 Views in One. Charlecote. Great Hall. Windsor. Castle. From the River. From the Loch. From the N. W. North Front. Interior. Avenue. Inscriptions on Tombs. From the River. From Home Park. Diagonal View. East Terrace. Quadrangle. Norman Gateway. Henry VIII. Gateway. Round Tower. Victoria Tower and South Side. Equestrian Statue of Geo. III. Long Walk. St. George’s Chapel. Exterior. Interior. Albert Memorial Chapel. Interior. Sarcophagus. White Drawing-Room. Crimson Drawing-Room. Presence Chamber. Waterloo Chamber. Grand Reception-Room. Queen’s Private Dining-Room. Van Dyck Room. Bust of Nelson and Part of Mast of the tory.” Throne Room. ‘ Vic' Large. Part Second. 85 Windsor. ( Concluded .) 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3820 3827 3828 3829 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3838 3839 3841 3842 3843 3844 3846 3856 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3821 3822 3323 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3818 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 Castle. Statue of Queen and Prince Consort. “ Waterfall. Virginia Water. Frogmore House. Distant View. “ “ Near View. “ “ Her Majesty’s Tea-Room. “ “ Indian Kiosk. “ “ Royal Mausoleum. “ “ Ruins. “ Duchess of Kent’s Mausoleum. Miscellaneous. Alnwich Castle. From the Pasture. Ambleside. General View. Arundel Castle. Court-yard. “ “ The Keep. “ “ 4 ‘ Interior. “ “ Entrance. Bath Abbey. From N.E. Berry Pomeroy Castle. Mt. Torenay. Beverly Minster. From S. VV. “ “ Choir and Nave, looking West. Percy Shrine. Sussex. From the S.E. From the River. On the Wharfe. Bodiam Castle. Bolton Abbey. Woods. Boston. From the River. “ Church of St. Botolph. << ii (< c< << <( From the Square. Interior. Brighton. The Beach. “ King's Road. “ Chain Pier. “ Pavilion. East Front. Bristol. St. Peter’s Hospital. Burnham Beeches. Canterbury Cathedral. From N.W. “ From S.W. “ South Porch. “ Norman Stairs. “ Christ Church Gate. “ Cloisters. “ Baptistry. “ Choir looking East. “ Tombs in Trinity Chapel. “ Tomb of Henry IV. “ St. Augustine’s Chair. St. Martyn’s Church. “ “ Showing Gate. “ “ Interior. “ “ Font. From the N.W. “ “ “ “ East. “ “ “ “ Deanery. “ “ Choir looking East. “ “ Reredos and Altar. “ Castle. Keep and Captain’s Tower. Castle Howard. From the Lake. Carlisle Cathedral. Large. 86 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. 4 o 3877 3878 ! 3878 3879 3880 i 3880 3881 3882 ! 3882 3883 3883 3884 3885 3880 3886 3887 3887 3888 3889 3889 3890 3890 3891 3891 3892 3892 3893 3893 3894 3895 3895 3896 3896 3897 3898 3898 3899 3899 3900 3900 3901 3901 3902 3902 3903 3903 3904 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3910 3911 3912 3913 3913 3914 3914 3915 3916 3916 3917 3917 3918 3918 3919 3920 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3925 3926 3927 3928 : 3928 3929 i 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 England. ( Continued .) Chartham Church. Chatswortk. “ From French Garden. Chepstow Castle. Chester Cathedral. “ “ West Front. “ “ Choir from the East. “ “ Interior. “ Eaton Hall. Duke of Westminster. “ “ From S.E. “ “ Chapel. “ King Charles Tower. “ Eastgate. “ Hawarden Castle. Gladstone’s Place. “ “ Old Castle. “ St. John’s Priory. “ Water Tower and Homan Remains. Chichester Cathedral. (< K «( (< Dartmouth Castle. Choir, East. Chapter House. “ “ and St. Petrox Church. “ Kingswear Castle. “ Old Lighthouse. Derwentwater, Friar’s Crag. “ Falcon Crag. “ Derwent Island. Castle Hill and Saddleback. Dover. The Cliffs. “ “ and Railroad Tunnel. “ The Castle. “ St. Mary’s Church in the Castle. Durham Cathedral. Side. “ “ From the Banks. “ “ From the Walk. “ “ and Castle. “ “ Nave looking East. “ “ Galilee Chapel. “ Bridge. “ Castle. Easby Abbey. Ely Cathedral. “ “ Distant View. “ “ West Front. “ “ Side View. “ “ Interior. “ “ Triforium Choir. “ “ Lady Chapel. “ “ Reredos. Eton College. “ “ Quadrangle. “ From the Thames. Exeter Cathedral. From S.E. “ West Front. “ “ Detail of Front. “ “ Interior. “ “ Choir Stalls. Large. Part Second. 87 England. ( Continued .) 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3945 3946 3947 3949 3957 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3967 3968 3969 3976 3978 3979 3980 3981 3934 3935 3936 393; 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 396; 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3982 3983 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3990' 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 Exeter Cathedral. Keredos and Altar. Falmouth. From Castle Hill. “ Fendennis Castle. “ At the Quay. Fountains Abbey. From the Surprise. “ “ General View. “ “ West Front and Tower. “ “ Great Cloister. “ “ Nave. Furness Abbey. General View. “ “ Entrance to Chapter House. “ “ From the West. “ “ From the S.W. “ “ Nave looking East. Glastonbury xibbcy. East View. “ “ St. Joseph’s Chapel. “ “ Abbott’s Kitchen. Gloucester Cathedral. From N.W. “ “ From S.W. “ “ South Porch. “ “ Choir looking East. “ “ Cloisters. Grasmere. From Rcdbank. “ Church. “ Tomb of Wordsworth. Haddon Hall. Distant View from the South. General View. The Approach. Entrance Front. Lower Court-yard. Terrace and Steps. Interior. Banqueting Hall. Harrogate. The Stray, from Whitehart Hotel. “ Sulphur Well and Hydropathic Establishment Hastings. On the Beach. “ The Beach West of Pier. ‘ 1 Breed’s Place, Pelham Crescent, and Castle Hill. Hereford Cathedral. “ “ Screen. “ “ Looking across Nave. Holy Island. Lindisfarne Priory. Hurstmonceaux Castie. Ilfracombe. From Lantern Hill. “ From above Rappare. “ Hotel. “ St. James Place. “ Watermouth Castle. Jervaulx Abbey. General View. From the Bridge. From the Road. From the Tilt-yard. Windows of Banqueting Hall. Court-yard. As it appeared in 1620. (Drawing.) Kenilworth Castle. 88 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. Cab. England. ( Continued .) 3991 3991 Kenilworth Church. Norman Doorway. 3992 3992 Keswick. Crosthwaite Church. Southey’s Monument. 3993 3993 “ “ “ and Skiddaw. 3994 3994 “ Greta Hall. From River. 3995 3995 “ Tower and Derwentwater Hotels. 399 G Kipton Castle. 3997 3997 Knaresborough Castle. 3998 3998 “ The Dropping Well. 3999 3999 Lake Menteith. 4000 4000 Land’s End. 4001 4001 “ “ Cliffs. 4002 4002 “ “ Enysdodnan. 4003 4003 “ “ Pardeniek Point. 4004 4004 Leamington. The Bridge. 4005 4005 “ Jephson Monument. 400G 400G “ Parade. 4007 4007 “ Royal Pump Room. 4008 4008 Leeds. Kirkstall Abbey. 4009 4009 “ “ “ From the River. 4010 4010 “ Town Hall. 4011 Lichfield Cathedral. (Three Spires.) 4012 4012 “ “ West Front. 4013 “ “ Fa9ade. 4014 4014 “ “ West Door. 4015 4015 “ “ Nave East. 401G 4016 “ “ Choir. 4017 4017 “ “ Reredos and Altar. 4018 4018 Lincoln Cathedral. 4019 4019 “ “ West Front. 4020 4020 “ “ S.E. Porch. 4021 “ “ Interior. 4022 “ “ Entrance to Choir Aisle. 4023 “ “ Angel Choir. 4024 4024 Lizard. Beast Point and Lloyd’s Signal Station. 4025 4025 “ Lights and Polpeer. 4026 4026 “ Steeple Rock. 4027 4027 Manchester. Assize Courts. 4028 4028 “ Exchange. 4029 4029 “ Piccadilly. 4030 “ Town Hall. 4031 4031 Norwich Cathedral. 4032 4032 “ “ From the South. 4033 4033 “ Spire and Cloisters. 4034 4034 “ “ Choir Screen and Organ. 4035 “ “ Triforium Nave. 4036 Patricksbourne Church, near Canterbury. 4037 4037 Penrith Castle. From S.E. 4038 4038 “ Brougham Castle. 4039 4039 “ “ Hall. 4040 4040 “ Lowther Castle. 4041 4041 Penzance. From the Harbor. 4042 4042 “ Fishing-boats going out. 4043 4043 “ Parade. 4044 4044 “ Pier. 4045 4045 “ St. Michael’s Mount. 404G 4046 Peterborough Cathedral. From S.E. 4047 “ “ West Front. Part Second. 89 Large. Med. 1 Cab. England. ( Continued .) 4048 4048 Kaglan Castle. South Front. 4049 4049 “ “ Looking toward Fountain Court. 4050 4050 Richmond Castle. From Billv Bank Wood. 4051 4051 Ilievaulx Abbey. General View. 4052 4052 “ “ Nave and Transepts. 4053 Ripon Cathedral. 4054 4054 “ “ West Front. 4055 4055 “ “ Nave, looking East. 4056 “ “ The Choir. 4057 4057 “ “ From the River. 4058 Rochester Cathedral. 4059 4059 “ “ and Chatham. 4060 “ “ Choir, looking East. 40G1 4061 “ “ “ West. 4062 4062 4063 Rugby. Doorway of Head-Master’s House. 4064 Rvdal Mount. Wordsworth’s Seat. 4065 4065 Salisbury Cathedral. From the N.W. 4066 “ “ East End. 4067 “ “ West End. 4068 “ u Cloisters. 4069 “ “ Lady Chapel. 4070 “ “ Chapter House. 4071 “ “ “ “ Roof. 4072 “ “ The Screen. 4073 4073 “ “ Reredos and Altar. 4074 4074 Scarborough. From above Spa Buildings. 4075 4075 “ At North Bay. 4076 4076 “ Castle. 4077 4077 f * Lighthouse. 4078 4078 “ South Sands. 4079 4079 “ Spa Buildings. 4080 “ Valley Park looking East. 4081 Somerset. Cleveland Court. Interior. 4082 4082 Southampton. Netley Abbey. 4083 4083 “ Castle. 4084 4084 “ Hospital. 4085 4085 Southwell Cathedral. From N.W. 408(5 4086 “ “ Choir from the West. 4087 4087 “ “ Nave looking East. 4088 St. Alban’s Abbey. From S.W. 4089 4089 “ “ After Repairs. 4090 “ “ The Choir. 4091 4(91 St. Ives. Clodgey Point. 4092 4092 “ The Harbor. 4093 4093 “ From the South. 4094 4094 Stoke Pogis. Church and Churchyard of Gray’s Elegy. 4095 4095 “ “ Thomas Gray’s Monument. 4096 4096 Stonehenge. 4097 4097 “ Detail. 409* 4098 “ restored (after Dr. Stukeley). 4099 4099 Stoneleigh Abbey. 4100 4100 “ “ Gateway. 4101 4101 “ House. 4102 Tintern Abbey. 4103 4103 “ “ From Chepston Road. 4104 “ “ West Front. 90 Architectural Subjects, etc. — Med. & (8 o 4105 4105 4106 4106 4107 4107 4108 4108 4109 4109 4110 4110 4111 4111 4112 4112 4113 4113 4114 4114 4115 4115 4116 4116 4117 4117 4118 4119 4119 4120 4120 4121 4121 4122 4122 4123 4123 4124 4124 4125 4126 4126 4127 4127 4128 4129 4129 4130 4130 4131 4131 4132 4132 4133 4133 4134 4135 4136 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4140 4141 4141 4142 4142 4143 4144 4144 4145 4145 4146 4146 4147 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4152 4153 4154 4154 4155 4156 4156 4157 4157 4158 4158 4159 4159 4LGU ■ 4160 4161 ■ 41611 England. ( Continued .) Torquay. Gu) Old House, Wells Cathedral. Tintern Abbey. Nave West. . “ “ Arches in Nave. “ “ South Aisle. From Vane Hill. Higher Terrace and St. John’s Church. “ Imperial Hotel and Bathing-place. “ Natural Bridge. Tynemouth. The Priory. Ullswater. From S.W. “ By the Lake-side. “ Hotel. “ Lyulph’s Tower. “ Sty barrow Crag. Warwick Castle. and Cedars. From the Avon. From Guy’s Tower. From the Court-yard. From the Mound. Caisar’s Tower. Clock Tower. Cedar Drawing-Room. The Great Hall. Warwick Vase. ’s Cliff and Court-yard. The Avenue. The Mill. Guy’s Statue. Guy’s Well. Market Street. From the S.E. West Front. Tower and Palace Gateway. Fa9ade. Choir, looking East. Chapter House. Nave, looking East. Lady Chapel. The Deanery. Bishop’s Garden. From the South. From the East. “ “ Nave West. “ Harbor Mouth and Lighthouse. Winchester Cathedral. From S.E. West End. Choir, looking East. North Transept. South Aisle. Cardinal Beaufort’s Tomb. Wilberforce Tomb. From the River. From Edgar’s Tower. “ Nave, from West. “ Pulpit in Nave. “ Reredos and Altar. From the Jetty. Harbor. Whitby Abbey. Worcester Cathedral. Yarmouth. Large. Part Second. 91 Med. Cab. England. ( Concluded .) 4162 4162 Yarmouth. St. Nicholas Church. 4163 4163 York. St. Mary’s Abbey. General View. 4164 4164 “ “ “ and St. Olave’s Church. 4165 4165 “ Cathedral. From the S.E. 4166 “ “ From the S.W. 4167 4167 “ “ West Front. 4168 4168 “ “ Interior. 4169 “ “ Nave. 4170 “ “ Choir, looking East. 4171 4171 “ “ “ Screen. 4172 4172 “ “ Lady Chapel. 4173 4173 “ Bootham Bar. 4174 4174 “ Micklegate Bar. 4175 4175 “ On the Ouse. 4176 4176 “ Wnlmgate Bar. Isle of Wight. Alum Bav. The Needles. 4177 4177 4178 4178 Carisbrooke Castle. The Lodge. 4179 “ “ General View. 4180 “ “ Towers. 4181 4 '81 “ “ Royal Apartments. 4182 4182 Cowes. Royal Yacht Club. 4183 4183 East Cowes. Trinity Pier. 4184 4184 “ “ St. James Church. 4185 4185 Freshwater Bay. 4186 Godshill. 4187 4187 Osborne House. 4188 4188 “ “ Interior. 4189 4189 “ “ Corridor. 4190 Ryde. By the Sea. “ Royal Victoria Yacht Club. 4191 4191 4192 4192 “ St. Thomas’ Church. 4193 Ventnor. General View. 4194 4194 “ Crab and Lobster Hotel. 4195 4195 “ Boncliurch Pond. 4196 4196 “ Old Church, Boncliurch. 4197 U (( (« 4198 4198 Whippenham Church. Wales. 4199 4199 Abergell. Gwrych Castle. 4200 4200 Bangor Cathedral. 4201 4201 Beaumaris Castle. 4202 4202 Bettws-y-coed. General View. 4203 “ Waterloo Hotel. 4204 Carnarvon Castle. 4205 4205 Conway Castle and Bridge. 4206 4206 “ “ Towers. 4207 4207 “ “ General View. 4208 4208 Dollwyddelen Castle. 4209 4209 Holyhead. South Stack Lighthouse. 4210 4210 “ St. Cubis Church. IRELAND. Dublin. 4211 4211 Bank of Ireland. 4212 ! 4212 Chapel Royal. 4213 College Green. Large. 92 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. Cab. 4214 4214 4215 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4221 4222 4222 4223 4223 4224 4224 4225 4225 4226 4226 4227 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4238 4239 4239 4240 4241 4242 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4246 4247 4248 4248 4249 4249 4250 4250 4251 4251 4252 4253 4253 4254 4254 4255 4256 4256 4257 4258 4258 4259 4259 4260 4260 4261 4262 4262 4263 4263 4264 4265 4265 4266 4266 4267 4267 Dublin. ( Contin ued . ) Custom House. Four Courts. King’s Bridge Terminus. O’Connell’s Bridge. Phoenix Park. (4 44 Prince Albert’s Statue. Leinster Lawn. Rotunda. Sackville Street. St. Patrick’s Cathedral. General View. “ “ “ Choir. Trinity College. Front. “ “ Campanile. Killarney. General View of Lakes. Brickeen Bridge. Colleen Bawn Rock. << (< ri a U 463S 1 4638 463S ► 4639 464C > 4640 4641 4642 4642 4643 4643 4644 4644 4645 4645 4646 4646 4647 4647 4648 4648 4649 4649 4650 4650 4651 4651 4652 4652 4653 4653 4654 4654 4655 4655 4656 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4661 4662 4663 4663 4664 4665 4665 4665 4666 4666 4667 4667 4667 4668 4668 4669 4670 4670 4671 4671 4672 4673 4673 4674 4674 4675 4675 4676 4676 4677 4677 4678 4679 4679 4680 4680 4681 4681 4682 1682 4683 4683 4684 • 4684 4685 4685 4686 4687 4687 Amsterdam. ( Concluded .) Statue of Rembrandt. The Theatre. Yondel Park. Dutch Milk Wagon. Miscellaneous. The Hague. Panorama from Hotel Beau Sejour. “ Hotel des Loteries. “ Le Yivier. “ Le Lange Pooten. “ Le Nieuwehaven. “ National Monument. “ Palace of Justice. “ “ In the Wood. “ The Wood. Rotterdam. Panorama of Canals. “ Porte de Delft. “ Windmill at L’oostpoort. Scheveningen. The Beach. Zaandam. Prairie and Windmills. “ Windmills. “ “ and Canal. (< (< {< it ti |( ITALY. Rome. Panorama. From Trinita de’ Monti. “ “ the Capitol. Appian Way. “ “ Tomb of Cecilia Metella. “ “ “ Seneca. Aqueduct. Distant View. “ Near View. Arch of Constantine. “ Drusus. “ Janus Quadrifions. “ Septimus Severus. “ Titus. Showing Coliseum. Relief. Spoils from Jerusalem. Titus ►asilica of Constantine. “ St. John Lateran. a <( n ti <( (< a 1 Cosimo de’ Medici, L. Magi. 4945 Dante, E. Demi. 4946 C Donatello, G. Torrino. 4947 a I Francesco Guicciardini, L. Cartei. 4948 •- 1 ! Francesco Petrarch, A. Leoni. 4949 T. j Galileo, A. Castoli. 4950 4950 1> I Giotto, G. Dupre. 4951 Leonardo da Vinci, L. Pampaloni. 4952 4952 c Lorenzo, the Magnificent, G. Grazzini. 4953 4953 !» Niccolo Macchiavelli, L. Bartolini. 4954 4954 0> Niccolo Pisano, P. Fedi. 4955 a Pier Capponi, F. Bacci. 4956 4956 m | 1 Savanarola, E. Pazzi. 4957 4957 Via de’ Calzajuoli. Genoa. 4958 4959 Panorama. Showing Harbor to the Right. “ “ “ “ Left. 4960 Campo Santo. General View. 44 “ The Chapel. Exterior. 4961 4961 4962, 4962 “ “ “ “ Interior. 49 :: 4963 “ “ Gallery. 4964 ( “ “ Monument. (Casella), by Scirnzi. 4965 ( “ “ “ (Castelli), by F. Fabiani. 4966 ( 14 “ 44 (Fallabrini), by Villa. 106 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. Med. Cab. | Genoa. ( Concluded .) 49G7 Campo Santo. Monument. (Gerard.) “ “ “ (E. Piaggio), by Sacco- 4968 manno. 4969 4969 “ “ “ (E. Piaggio), by Scanzi. “ “ “ (R. Piaggio), by F. Fabiani. 4970 '4970 4971 4971 Cathedral of San Lorenzo. 4972 “ “ “ Nave. 4973 “ “ “ Main Portal. 4974 Church of St. Ambrogio. Fa 9 ade. 4975 “ “ “ Interior. 4976 “ “ “ Organ. 4977 Mazzini Gallery. Interior. 4978 4978 Monument to Christopher Columbus. 4979 Palazzo Doria. 4980 4980 “ Dueale. 4981 “ Reale. 4982 “ “ Dining Hall. 4983 “ della Universita. Stairway with Marble Lione. 4984 Piazza di Aquaverde. 4985 “ “ “ Nearer View. 4986 Porta dell Arco, XVI. Century. 4 87 “ Lanterna. 4988 “ del Molo, XVI. Century. 4989 4989 “ Pila. 4990 “ di Vacca. 4991 4992 Tower of Embriaci, XI. Century. Via Assarotti. 4993 San Lorenzo. 4994 Villa Pallavicini. Distant View. 4995 “ “ Chinese Bridge. 4996 “ “ Gothic Chapel. 4997 “ “ Grotto. 4998 “ “ Kiosk. 4999 5000 “ “ Obelisk. “ “ Temple of Diana. 5001 “ “ “ “ and Chinese Bridge 5002 5002 “ “ “ “ “ Kiosk. 5003 “ “ Tomb. Lake Region. 5004 5004 Lake of Como. General View. 5005 5005 “ Basin of Tremezzina. 5006 5006 “ “ Second Basin. 5007 “ “ Near Bellaggio. 5008 5008 “ “ Bellaggio. 5009 5009 “ “ “ From across the Lake. 5010 5010 “ “ “ Street View. 501 1 5011 “ “ Borgo Vico. 5012 5012 “ “ Cadenahbia and Villa Carlotta. 5013 5013 “ “ Cernobbio. 5014 5014 “ “ Como. General View. 5015 “ “ “ Cathedral. 5016 5016 “ “ “ “ Rear View. 5017 5017 “ “ “ “ Interior. 5018 5018 “ “ “ Dante and Beatrice Statue. 5019 5019 “ “ “ Port, or Landing. “ “ “ Porta Vittoria. 5020 5020 5021 5021 “ “ “ Volta Monument. Large. Part Second. 107 Med. Cab. Lake Region. (Concluded.) 5022 5022 Lake of Como. Mcnaggio. 5023 5023 “ “ “ View from above. 5024 5024 “ “ Torno. 5025 5025 “ “ “ From the Lake. 5023 5026 “ “ Varenna. 5027 5027 “ “ Villa d’Este. 5028 Lake Maggiore. View of the Lake. u (c a a 5029 5030 5030 “ “ Barromean Islands. 5031 5031 “ “ Isola Bella. 5032 5032 “ “ “ Pescatori. 5033 “ “ “ “ Nearer View. 5034 5034 “ “ Leveno. 5035 5035 “ “ Villa Melzi.* Milan. 5036 General View. 5037 5037 Arena. 5038 Bourse, or Exchange. 5039 5039 Piazza of the Cathedral. 5040 5040 Cathedral. General View. 5041 5041 “ Side View. 5042 5042 “ Rear View, showing Choir Window. 5043 5043 “ View of Roof. 5044 “ Portion of Roof. 5045 u cc ic 5046 “ Detail of Rampart. 5047 5047 ‘ ‘ Nave. 5048 5048 “ Interior. Cross Section. 5049 Church of San Alessandro. Interior. 5050 “ St. Ambrogio. Interior. 5051 “ S. M. della Grazie. 5052 5052 “ San Satiro. 5053 Equestrian Statue of Napoleon III. 5054 5054 Gallery of Victor Emanuel. Entrance. 5055 “ “ “ Interior. 505 G 5056 Monument to Cavour. 5057 5057 Monumental Cemetery. The Crematory. 5058 5058 “ “ General View. 5059 5059 “ “ Monument by Colla. 5060 5060 Royal Villa. 5061 5061 Simplon Arch. Arco della Pace. 5062 Statue of Leonardo da Vinci. 5063 5063 “ Napoleon I. By Canova. Naples. 5064 5064 Panorama, with Mt. Vesuvius. 5065 5065 U (( (( 5066 Amphitheatre at S. Maria, near Naples. 5067 5067 Church of San Martino. Interior. 5068 5068 “ “ “ Cloister. 5069 5069 “ S. Francesco di Paola. 5070 5070 Grand Hotel. 507 1 5071 Maccaroni Manufacture. 5072 5072 Martyr’s Column. 5073 5073 Medine Fountain. 5074 Municipal Palace and San Martino. 5075 Piazza di Plebiscito. 5076 Port, The. * This is on Lake of Como. 108 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. Cab. Naples. ( Concluded .) 5077 5077 lloyal Garden. “ Palace. 5078 5079 Rue St. Lucia, and Castle. 5080 5080 “ “ “ Hotels Russia and Rome. 5081 Strada del Carmine. 5082 5082 Theatre of San Carlo. 5083 Triumphal Arch. Erected to Alfonso. 5084 Farm Scene. 5085 Neapolitan Oxen. Pisa. 508G General View. 5087 5087 Baptistery, Cathedral, and Leaning Tower. “ General View. 50^8 5088 5089 5089 “ Interior. 5090 “ Portion of Sculptured Column. 5091 5091 “ Pulpit by Niccola Pisano. 5092 5092 Brother of Mercy. 5093 5093 Campo Santo. Court-yard. 5094 “ “ East Gallery. 5095 5095 “ “ Gallery of Chains. 5090 5096 “ “ Greek Sarcophagus. (Hippolytus and Phaedia.) 5097 5097 Cathedral and Leaning Tower. 5098 “ Bronze Door. 5099 “ “ “ By Gio. Bologna. (( (« «( (( u 5100 5101 “ “ Lamp of Galileo. 5102 “ Interior. 5103 “ “ Nave. 5104 “ Pulpit, by Nic. Pisano. 5105 5105 Church of S. M. della Spina. 5106 House of Galileo. 5107 5107 Leaning Tower. 5108 Ponte Nuovo. 5109 5109 Wine Cart. Pompeii. Bird’s-eye View. 5110 5111 General View. 5112 “ “ with Mt. Vesuvius. 5113 5113 Panorama, with Excavation of 1875. 5114 Amphitheatre. Exterior. 5115 5115 “ Interior. 51 16 (< << 5117 Cast of a Dog. 5118 5118 “ Human Body. <( u u 5119 5120 5120 Court of Justice. 5121 Excavation in Progress. 5122 Forum. 5123 (< 5124 5124 “ and Mt. Vesuvius. 5125 Fresco. Bacchus and Ariadne. 5126 “ Faun. 5127 “ Hermaphrodite, The. 5 1 28 “ Judgment of Paris. 5129 “ Orpheus. 5130 “ Sacrifice of Ipliigenia? Part Second. 109 T3 O 2 Cab. Pompeii. ( Concluded .) 5131 5131 House of Cicero. 5132 5132 44 Cornelius Rufus (excavated in 1863.) 5133 (< “ “ (Detail.) 5134 5134 44 Diomedes. 5135 5135 a the Faun, or New Excavations. 5136 u u «< 5137 5137 a the Great Balcony. Fountain. 5138 5138 << Marcus Lucretius. 5139 5139 <( “ Olconius. 5140 «( Meleager. 5141 a Pansa. 5142 5142 i i the Tragic Poet. 5143 n the Wild Boar. 5144 Interior of Baths. 5145 Mosaic. Beware of the Dog. 514G 5146 Oil Magazine. 5147 5147 Public Bakery. 5148 5148 line Stabienne. 5149 5149 School of the Gladiators. 5150 Street of Mercury. 5151 5151 44 Plenty. 5152 5152 <( Tombs. 5153 “ “ Tombs. 5154 Temple of Augustus, called the Pantheon. 5155 4 4 “ Frescoed Wall. 515G 5156 44 Fortune. 5157 5157 44 Isis. 5158 5158 44 44 5159 4 4 44 5160 5160 44 Jupiter. «{ 5161 44 51G2 5162 44 Mercury. “ Tomb. 5163 5163 44 51G4 5164 44 Venus. 5165 44 44 5166 44 44 51G7 5167 Tragic Theatre. Entrance. 5168 5168 “ Interior. Ravenna. 5169 Academy of Fine Arts. Statue of G. Guirdarelli. 5170 (< “ “ “ Head. 5171 5171 Ancient Tombs near Dante’s. 5172 5172 Basilica of St. Apollinare in Classe. Apse. 5173 5173 44 “ “ Interior. 5174 5174 44 “ “ Shrine. 5175 44 “ “ Inscription. 5176 44 “ “ Sarcophagus. 5177 5177 44 “ “ Mosaic in Apse. 5178 44 “ Nuovo. Interior. 5179 44 “ “ Byzantine Pulpit. 5180 44 St. John the Evangelist. Door, XII. Century 5181 Campanile of St. Agatha. 5182 Cathedral. Ivory Chair. 518315183 Church of Santa Maria in Porto. Facade. 5184 15184 44 San Maria in Porto Fuori. XI. Century. 15185 Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. Interior. *5186 Palace of Theodoric. Large. 110 Architectural Subjects, etc. 5211 5227 ilS9 5193 5202 o21 1 5212 5214 5222 5227 5228 5230 5235 5238 ol87 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 >193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 Ravenna. ( Concluded .) Public Library. Ivory Book-cover. V. Century. Temple of San Vitale. Portal. “ “ Interior. VI. Century. <( (< << “ “ Tribune opposite Organ. “ “ Grecian Bass-relief, Throne of Neptune. Tomb of Theodoric. Sicily. Girgenti. Temple of Castor and Pollux. “ “ Concordia. “ “ Giunone and Lucino. “ Tomb of Terone. Palermo. General View. “ Campanile. “ Catacombs. Interior. “ Cathedral. “ “ Side. “ Pretoria Fountain. Syracuse. Amphitheatre. “ Greek Theatre. Interior. “ Palace Montaldt. Gothic Windows. “ Tomb of Dionysius. Taormina. Greek Theatre. Siena. General View, with Cathedral. “ “ “ Campanile. Cathedral. General View. “ Fa9ade. “ Front Portals. “ Nave. “ Pulpit, by Niccola Pisano. “ “ Bass-relief. “ “ Supports. “ “ Balustrade, by Riccio. Mosaic Pavement. Death of Absalom, by P. del Minella, 1447. Palazzo Publico and Torre del Mangia. “ “ Interior. Venice. Bird’s-eye View. (From Engraving.) Panorama, with Campanile and Ducal Palace. “ “ Church of S. M. della Salute. Academy. Interior, showing Titian’s Assumption. Arsenal. Bridge of Sighs. Ponte de’ Sospiri. “ “ and Canonica Canal. * Bucentaur. Side View. “ Front View. Campanile. Ducal Palace, etc., with Gondola. “ The Loggetta. Fa 9 ade. “ Bronze Gates. Church of S. M. dei Frari. General View. “ “ “ Apse. “ “ “ Portal. “ “ “ Interior. “ “ Monument to Canova. Part Second. Ill o rO Venice. ( Continued .) a O 5239 5239 Church of S. M. dei Frari. Monument to Titian. 5240 5240 ( 4 Madonna dei Orto. Fa 9 ade. 5241 it the Jesuits. Interior. 5242 5242 ll St. John and St. Paul. General View. 5243 5243 4 c “ “ Tomb. 5244 5244 a St. Mark. Fa 9 ade. 5245 5245 “ “ With Campanile. 5246 <« “ From the Loggetta. 5247 “ S.W. corner. 5248 a “ N.W. “ 5249 5249 <( “ Main Portal. 5250 it “ Two smaller front Portals to the North. 5251 ll “ Two smaller front Portals to the South. 5252 14 “ Soutli Side. 5253 4 4 “ Two Columns of St. John of Acre. 5254 5254 *• “ Bronze Horses. 5255 (l “ Mosaics over Northern Front Por- tal. 5256 «* “ Interior. 5257 4 4 “ “ Diagonal View. 5258 “ Right Corridor. 5259 “ Left “ 5260 44 “ Baptismal Font. Front. “ “ “ Back. 5261 1 i 52G2 5262 U “ Byzantine Altar. 5263 44 “ Bronze Door to Choir, by Sanso- vino. 5264 44 “ Mosaic of St. Mark, in Vestibule. 5265 “ Capital of a Pillar. 5266 44 the Scalzi. Fa 9 ade. 5267 LL “ Interior. 5268 Li S. M. della Salute. 5269 i 4 “ “ “ from Piazetta. 5270 4 4 St. Zacharias. Fa 9 ade. 5271 Column of St. Mark. The Lion. 5272 5272 Custom House and Della Salute, from the Mole. 5273 5273 Ducal Palace. The Two Facades and Column of St. Mark. 5274 44 “ and Column of St. Mark. “ Fa 9 ade. Upper Gallery. 5275 44 5276 5276 44 “ Porta della Carta. Main Entrance. 5277 44 “ S.W. Corner. 5278 44 “ “ “ Adam and Eve. 5279 4 4 “ N.W. Corner. 5280 il “ “ “ Judgment of Solomon. 5281 4 4 “ S.E. Corner. Drunkenness of Noah. 5282 5282 CL “ Court-yard. 5283 4 4 “ “ Court Front. 5284 44 “ “ Giant’s Stairway. 5285 44 “ “ “ “ Side View. 5286 44 “ Salon of the Grand Council. 5287 Equestrian Statue of Bartholomeo Colleoni. 5288 <« 44 4( 44 5289 5289 Fish Market. 5290 5290 Grand Canal. Large. 112 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. 4 V Venice. ( Concluded .) 5291 5291 Grand Canal. From. S. Marcuola. 5292 5292 “ “ Gondola Regatta. 5293 “ “ And Ch. of S. M. della Salute. 5294 5294 Grand Hotel. 5295 La Punta. 52915 Lion of Athens. In front of Arsenal. 5297 5297 The Mole. From the Royal Garden. 5298 5298 Palace of Lucretia Borgia. 5299 Palazzo Ca d’Oro. 5300 5300 “ del Camello. 5301 “ Contarini Fasan, called House ofDesdemona. 5302 5302 “ Franchetti. 5303 5303 “ Justinian and Foscari. 5301 5304 “ Minelli. Winding Stairs. 5305 5305 “ Pesaro. 5306 Piazzetta, and View of St. George. 5307 5307 Public Garden. 5308 5308 Rialto, The. 5309 Rio di Canereggio. 5310 5310 “ San Barnaba. 5311 5311 “ di Wanaxel. 5312 Riva degli Schiavoni. 5313 5313 At San Trovaso. 5314 School of St. John. Court-yard. 5315 5315 Square of St. Mark. Panorama. Torre dell’ Orologio. Clock Tower. 5316 5317 5317 Boatman’s Family. 5318 5318 Family Group. Court-yard at Tolentini. 5319 5319 Fisher Boy. 5320 5320 Fisherman. 5321 5321 Fishing Vessel. 5322 5322 Gondola. 5323 5323 Gondolier. Type. 5324 5324 Gondoliers in Repose. 5325 5325 Toilet in a Door-way. Miscellaneous. 5326 Amalfi. General View from Capuchin Monastery. 5327 5327 “ “ “ “ Grotto of S. Cristofano. 5328 5328 “ Cathedral. Fa 9 ade. 5329 “ “ Pulpit. 5330 5330 Ancona. Arch of Trajan. 5331 5331 “ Cathedral. Dedicated to S. Giriaco. 5332 Arezzo. Cathedral. Altar, by Gio. Pisano. Front. 5333 “ “ “ “ “ Rear. 5334 “ Church of S. M. della Pieve. Fa 9 ade. 5335 “ “ “ “ “ Lunette. Bap- tism of Christ. 5336 Assisi. Monastery of San Francisco. Upper Church. “ “ “ “ Near View. 5337 5338 “ Temple of Minerva. Portico. 5339 5339 Baiae. Castle. 5340 5340 “ Lake Averne. Temple of Apollo, and Grotto of Cumaen Sibyl. 5341 5341 “ Street of Hercules and Baths of Nero. 5342 5342 “ Temple of Venus Genetrix, and Diana Lucifer. “ “ Diana Lucifer. 5343 5343 5344 Bologna. Basilica of St. Petronius. Large. Part Second. 113 Med. Cab. 5345 5346 5347 5348 5348 5349 5349 5350 5350 5351 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5360 5361 5361 5362 5363 5363 5364 5364 5365 5365 5366 5366 5367 5367 5368 5368 5369 5369 5370 5370 5371 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5375 5376 5376 5377 5377 5378 5378 5379 5380 5380 5381 5382 5382 5383 5383 5384 5384 5385 5386 5386 5387 5388 5389 5389 5390 5391 5392 5392 5593 5393 5394 5395 5396 Italy. ( Continued . ) Bologna. Casa Notari. “ Fountain of Neptune. By Gio. Bologna. “ Leaning Towers of Asinelli and Garisenda. XII. Century. “ Mercanzia. “ Palazzo del Governo. “ “ del Podesta. “ Church of St. Dominick. Tomb of St. Domi- nick. “ Church of St. Dominick. Tomb of St. Domi- nick. (Detail.) “ Church of Spirito Sancto. Portal. “ Portico dei Servi. “ University. Court-yard. Capri, Island of. Marina Grande. “ “ “ “ The Landing. “ “ Village of Capri. “ “ The Cape. “ “ Blue Grotto. Capua. Great Amphitheatre. Casamiccola. General View. “ Ruins from the Recent Earthquake. 44 44 44 44 44 Caserta. Royal Palace. “ “ First Basin and Grotto. “ “ “ Great Cascade. “ “ “ Basin of the Dolphin. “ “ “ Fountain with Water Spouts. “ “ “ Diana at the Bath. “ “ “ Acteon attacked by his Dogs. Fano. Arch of Augustus. Ferrara. Cathedral. Fiesole. Roman Amphitheatre. Excavated in 1882. “ Cathedral. Gradara. La Rocca. From the East. “ ** “ South. Herculaneum. General View. “ House of Argus. Loreto. Basilica of S. Casa. “ Farmacia “ Three Vases. Designs by Raphael. Murano. Church of San Donato. Apse. XVI. Century. Nisida, Island of. Cicero, fleeing from Rome, here met Brutus. Orvieto. Cathedral. Fa 9 ade. Paestum. Basilica. “ Temple of Ceres. General View. “ “ “ Fa9ade. “ l * Jupiter. “ “ Neptune. General View. “ “ “ Fa9ade. “ “ “ Interior. Pavia. Certosa, or Carthusian Monastery. Fa 9 ade. “ “ Fa 9 ade and Side. “ “ Apsis. “ “ Great Cloister. “ “ Sculpture of Choir, by Stefano de Sesto. Large. 114 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. & 6 Italy. ( Continued .) 5397 Pavia. Certosa, Mausoleum of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. 5308 Perugia. Arch of Augustus. “ Church of San Francesco. Facade. 5399 5400 “ Oratory of the Confraternita of Sts. Andrea and Bernardino. 5401 “ Statue of Pope Giulio III., by Vicenzo Danti. 5402 Piacenza. Municipal Palace. 5403 5403 “ The Cathedral. 5404 Pistoia. Cathedral. 5405 5405 “ “ Facade. 5400 5406 “ Church of San Giovanni. Baptistery. 5407 5407 “ Palazzo del Comune. 5408 5408 “ “ Pretorio. 5400 5409 “ “ “ Court-yard. 5410 5410 Pouzol. Amphitheatre. 5411 5411 Pozzuoli. Grotto of Posilippo. 5412 5412 “ Temple of Jupiter Sera pis. 5413 Prato. Cathedral. General View. 5414 '* “ Pulpit, by A. Rosellino and Mino 5415 da Fiesole. 5416 “ Pulpit. Detail. Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 5417 5417 Resina. General View. Built over the City of Hercula- neum. 5418 5418 Rimini. Bridge of Augustus. 5418.1 “ Castle of Sigismond, 1446. 5419 “ Temple of the Malatesti, now a Cathedral. 5420 San Remo General View. 5421 5421 Sorrento General View. 5422 5422 “ House of Tasso. 5423 5423 Tivoli. General View of Town and Falls. 5424 it si it It (( 5425 5425 “ Bernini Fall. 5426 5426 “ La Rocca. 5427 “ Ponte Lucano and Temple of Vesta. 5428 4> Temple of Vesta. 5429 *■ Villa of Hadrian. 5430 5430 Torcelio. The Canal, with Church of San Fosca and Campanile. 5431 5431 Campanile and Old Bridge. 5432 5432 “ Church of San Fosca, IX. Century. 5433 5433 Turin. Castello del Valentino, 1653. Court Front. 5434 5434 “ “ “ “ River “ 5435 5435 “ Church of Grand Madre di Dio. 5436 5436 “ “ Superca. 5437 “ Equestrian Statue of Charles Albert. 5438 a a a a tt 5439 5439 “ Palazzo Carignano. 5440 5440 “ “ Madama. 5441 5441 Piazza di San Carlo. Statue of Emanuele Fili- berto. 5442 5442 “ Piazza Castello and Via Roma. 5443 “ Villa della Regina. 5444 Tusculum. (Modern Frascati.) Villa of Cicero. 5445 Urbino. Church of St. Bernardino. 5446 5446 “ Ducal Palace. Part Second. 115 Large. Med. Cab. Italy. ( Concluded .) 5447 5447 Urbina. House in which Raphael was born. 5448 “ Room “ “ “ 5449 Verona. Amphitheatre. Exterior. 5450 “ “ Interior. 5451 5451 “ Castello. 5452 “ Cathedral of San Zeno. 5453 “ “ “ Portal. 5454 “ Gate of Bosari, 1600 years old. 5455 5455 “ Palace of Justice and Statue of Dante. 5456 “ Piazza dell’ Erbe. 5457 “ Tomb of the Scaligeri. 5458 5458 Vesuvius. View of the Mountain showing Railway. 5459 5459 “ Road to the Observatory. 5460 5460 “ Observatory and Summit. 5161 “ Cone and Lava. 5462 5462 “ Great Crater. 5463 5463 “ Crater of 1880. 5464 “ Eruption of April 26, 1872. 3.00 P.M. 5465 “ “ “ “ 3.30 “ 5466 “ “ “ “ 4.30 “ 5467 “ “ “ “ 5.00 “ NORWAY. Christiania. 5468 Parliament House. Bergen. 5469 General View, with the Floifjeld. 5470 Fish Market. 5471 Harbor. 5472 “ and Island of Asko. 5473 Holdt’s Hotel and the Floifjeld. Hardanger. 5474 Buerbrae and Hay-fence. 5475 Gravenvand. (Near Eide.) 5476 Simodalsfjord. 5477 Skjaeggedalsfos, 530 Feet. 5478 Skjrvesfos. (Near Eide.) 5479 Sorfjord. View from Ullensvang. 5480 “ Ednavos. 5481 “ Odde. 5482 “ “ Distant View. 5483 “ Tyssedal Landing. 5484 Vik or Eid Fjord. 5485 Voringsfos. 475 Feet. 5486 “ Near View. Lserdal. 5487 Bakkefos. 5488 Husum Station and Kariol. 5489 “ Road near. 5490 Laerdalsoren. 5491 Maristuen Station. 5492 Old Church of Borgund. 5493 Overhanging Rock on road between Husum and Haeg. 5494 Road between Haeg and Maristuen. 5495 Ravine near Borgund, showing New Church of Borgund Sog’iie. 5496 Bojumsbras. Large, j 116 Architectural Subjects, etc. 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 Norway. ( Concluded .) 5514 5514 5515 5515 1 5516 5516 5517 5518 5518 5519 5520 5521 5521 5522 5522 5523 5523 5524 5524 5525 5525 5526 5526 5527 5527 5528 5528 5529 5529 5530 5530 5531 5532 6533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5538 5539 5539 5540 5540 5541 5512 5542 5543 5543 Fjaerlandsfjord and Suphellebrae. Naerodal and the Jordalsnut, 3,600 Feet. “ “ Stalheimsklev. “ Sevlefos. Nserofjord. “ Gudnangev. “ “ Harbor. Valders. Nystuen Station, 3,252 Feet above the Sea. Skogstad “ Vangsmjosen and the Kramsklev. 3Iiscellaueous. Hammerfest. North Cape. Norwegian Carriage, called Stolkjaerre. Telemarchen. Farm Buildings. Tromsoe Laplander’s Hut. “ Laplander. “ Lap Boy. PORTUGAL. Lisbon. Belem. Monastery of St. Jeronimos. Principal Entrance. Cloisters. From Court. “ The Tower. Place Don Pedro. Statue of Camoens. Miscellaneous. Cintra. Castello da Pena. Gateway. Principal Entrance. Court of the Chapel. Thomar. Convent of Christ. Ct il (t Palace of Monserrate. Entrance. “ “ Gallery. General View. Fa9ade. Sculpture. Window. RUSSIA. St. Petersburg'. Alexander Column and the Generalty. Hermitage. St. Isaac’s Cathedral. “ “ “ Near View. Winter Palace and Alexander Column. Russian Coachman. Moscow. General View. From the Kremlin. “ “ With “ Arch of Triumph. Cathedral of St. Basil the Beatified. “ “ “ and Holy Gate. “ at Ostankino, near Moscow. Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin. Part Second. 117 6 to c flg •d 0) Russia. ( Concluded .) a o 5544 5544 House of the Romanoff Czars. 5545 5545 Iversky Gate. 554G 5546 Kremlin. General View, from Moskva Rekoi Bridge. 5547 5547 “ Cathedral of the Annunciation. 5548 5548 “ “ “ ' Archangel Michael. 5549 “ “ “ Assumption. “ “ “ “ Interior. 5550 5551 “ Court-yard, with Palace and Cathedrals. 5552 5552 “ Devitchy Convent. 5553 5553 “ “ “ and Holy Gate. 5554 5554 “ Large Palace and Treasury. “ “ “ “ Cathedral, from the River. 5555 5555 5556 “ “ “ Banqueting Room. 5557 5557 “ Redeemer’s Gate, or Holy Gate. 5558 5558 “ Tower of Ivan Veliki, and the Great Bell. 5559 5559 “ The Great Bell, Czar Rolokol. 5560 5560 Monument of Minine and Pojarsky. 5561 5561 Palace of Petrossky. 5562 5562 Public Museum. 5563 5563 Temple of the Saviour. 5564 5564 Tower of Soukareff. SPAIN. Madrid. 5565 Amphitheatre. Exterior. 5566 “ Interior. 5567 Armory. 5568 Armor" of Christopher Columbus. 5569 5569 Gate of Alcala. 5570 Museum. The Picture Gallery. 5571 5571 Prado. Fountain of Cibeles. 5572 “ “ Neptune. 5573 5573 Public Square. Gateway of the Sun. 5574 Royal Palace. “ “ Court-yard. 5575 5576 “ “ Grand Stair-way. 5577 “ “ Throne. 5578 Statue of Cervantes. 5579 “ Murillo. 5580 Street of Alcala. Burgos. 5581 5581 General View from the Castle. 5582 5582 Cathedral. 5583 5583 “ Gate of Pellegeria. 5584 5584 “ Towers. 5585 “ Cloisters. 5586 5586 “ Nave. 5587 “ Statue of St. Bruno. 5588 Court-yard of San Fernando. 5589 Great Square. Cordova. .'5590 General View. 5591 5591 Gate of Almodovar. 5592 Entrance to the City from the Bridge. 5593 5593 Court of Oranges, and Mosque. 5594 i( «( u Large. 118 Architectural Subjects, etc. *6 o a Cab. Cordova. ( Concluded .) 5595 Court of Oranges. Gallery. 5596 Mosque or Cathedral, Entrance, Gate of the Saints. oo9 / 5597 4( “ Porte des Chanoines. 5598 5598 it “ Interior. 5599 u “ Sanctuary. (Zancarron.) 5600 tt “ “ Door. 5601 u “ Choir Stalls. 5602 5602 44 “ Ceiling. 5608 5603 tl “ Detail of Walls. 5604 5604 Church of St. Laurent. Fa 9 ade. 5605 5605 “ St. Nicolas de la Ville. Tower. Granada. 5606 5606 General View from Square of St. Nicolas. 5607 Alhambra. General View. 5608 4 ( “ “ with Palace of Chas. V. 5609 5609 <« Apartments of the Moorish Queens. Exterior. 5610 5610 «« Balcony of Lindaraja. Great Door-way. De- tail. 5611 5611 <( Balcony of Lindaraja. Great Door-way. De- tail. 5612 5612 <« Court of Alber 9 a. Detail of Arch. 5618 5613 44 “ Lions. 5614 5614 <( “ “ Fountain of Lions. 5615 << “ “ and Pavilion. 5616 a “ “ Pavilion. 5617 5617 n “ “ “ Detail. 5618 5618 tt “ “ Left Hand Gallery. “ “ Bight “ “ 5619 n 5620 tt “ “ Capitals and Detail of Arch. 5621 5621 a “ “ Capital. 5622 5622 a “ Myrtles, and Tower of Comares. 5628 5623 tt “ “ Lateral Gallery. 5624 5624 it “ “ “ “ Detail. 5625 5625 (< Gate of Justice. 5626 5626 tt “ the Granados. 5627 u “ Vino, or Wine Gate. 5628 tt Generalife. Garden. 5629 C( Hall of the Abencerrajes. “ “ “ Alcove Arch. 5630 5630 << 5631 a “ “ “ Detail of Arch. 5632 5632 a “ “ “ “ Wall. 5633 a “ “ Ambassadors. 5634 5634 a “ “ “ Entrance No. 1. 5635 5635 “ “ “ “ “ No. 2. 5636 5636 «< “ “ “ “ No. 3. 5637 5637 014 6015 6016 6016 6017 6017 6018 6018 6019 6020 6020 6021 6022 6022 6023 6024 6025 6025 6026 6026 6027 6028 6028 6021) 6029 6030 6o30 6031 6031 6032 6033 6034 6034 6035 6035 6036 6036 6037 6037 6038 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6043 6044 6044 6045 6045 6046 6046 6047 6048 6048 6049 6049 6050 6051 6052 6052 6053 6054 6054 6055 <>055 6056 6056 6057 6058 6058 6059 6059 6060 6061 6061 (>062 6063 6063 6064 6064 6065 6065 General View, with Citadel. Citadel. Gate. “ and Tombs of the Marmalukes. Arab Cemetery. Tourab. Bab En-Nasr. (Gate of Victory.) Canal el-Merakan. Fountain and School of Valid6. Kiosk of Choubra (Shubra), near Cairo. Galleries. “ “ The Basin. Lattice Window. Mokattam Hills. Near Cairo. Mosque of Emir Akbar. “ El-Moayed. Interior. “ Mohamet-Ali. “ " “ Fountain. “ Sultan Hassan. “ “ “ Portal. “ “ “ Fountain of Ablutions. “ Touloun. “ “ Museum. lia-Em-Ke. Statue in wood 4000 years old. “ Ra-IIotep and his Sister Nefert. Cephren, Builder of 2d Pyramid at Ghizeh. “ Bust of Amenirites. “ Funeral Monuments. Outside Staircase. Showing Detail. Palace of Gezyret. Exterior of Pavilion. (Near Cairo.) “ “ Interior “ “ “ “ “ Portico. “ “ Palms and Cacti. Place Roumeliah and Mosque of the Citadel. “ “ “ “ Sultan Hassan. Plaster Mill. Street Scene. Touloun Quarter. u a Tomb-Mosque of Caid Bey. Tomb of Ala-Osman. “ Ibrahim Pasha. Tombs of the Caliphs. “ “ Marmalukes. <« «( (4 it <4 4 4 Gliizeli. Interior. Near View, at Imam-Chafey. Native Village. Distant View of the Pyramids, with the Nile. Great Pyramid of Cheops. Near View. “ During the High Nile. Sphynx, and Temple of Armachis. “ “ Ascent. (( 44 Pyramid of Cephren. “ reflected in the Nile. Sphynx, with Great Pyramid. “ “ and Second Pyramids. “ Second Pyramid. Part Second. 127 S3 V G066 6067 6067 6068 6068 6069 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 607716077 6078 6079| 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6085 6086 6090 6091 6092 6096 6100 6101 6102 6107 6113 6114 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6 iOG 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 Egypt. ( Continued .) Group of Palm Trees. Tliebes. Karnak. Great Temple. General View. “ Dromos and Second Pylon. “ Hypostyle Hall. Middle Col- umns. “ Hypostyle Hall. Colonnade. “ “ “ Reliefs. “ Sanctuary. Reliefs. “ Relief. Prisoners from Pales- tine. “ Relief. “ Two Columns. “ Temple of Khous Portal seen through Palms. “ “ “ Great Hypostyle Hall. “ “ “ Reliefs, Exterior Wall. “ “of Rameses III. and Pylon of Ptolemy. <( (( (( U (( «( “ “ “ Reliefs. Koornah. Temple of Ammon. From S.E. Luxor. General View, with Temples. 44 44 44 44 44 “ Pylon and Obelisk of Rameses II. Medinet-Abou. General View of Temples. 4 < it il (« «( “ “ Temple of Rameses III. First Court. “ “ “ “ Second Court. “ “ “ “ Second Court Columns. “ “ “ “ Second Court Galleries. “ “ “ Thothmes II. Entrance. Rameseum, or Memnonium. General View. “ with fragments of Colossal Statue of Ram- eses the Great. “ Interior of Hypostyle Hall. Statues of Memnon. From the East. “ “ “ West. Miscellaneous. Abydos. Temple of Sethos or Seti I. “ “ “ Relief. Portrait of Sethos. “ “ “ “ The Sacred Barque. Alexandria. Cleopatra’s Needle. (Now in New York.) “ Pompey’s Pillar. Beni Hassan. Northern Grottos. Front View. “ “ “ Side “ Bigeh. Island and Temple. Deir. Capital of Nubia. General View. Denderah. Temple of Hathor. “ “ “ Columns of Portico. “ “ “ Relief. Cleopatra seated. Edfou. General View. The Temple. Cleopatra, head. Portico. Great Court. 128 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. Med. 1 Cab. Egypt. ( Continued . ) 6116 6116 Edfou. The Temple. Great Court. Colonnade. 6117 “ “ Relief. Alexander Ptolemy with his Wife and Sister-wife. 6118 Esne. The Temple. Portion of Portico. 6110 Port Adda. Ruins. 6120 “ Mex. “ 6121 6121 Heliopolis. Obelisk of the Temple of the Sun. 6122 6122 Hermonthis. Arab Village. 6123 Ipsambul, or Abou Simbel. Great Rock Temple. 6124 6124 “ Great Rock Temple. Fa 9 ade. u a a <4 44 6125 6126 “ Statue of Raineses. 6127 “ Relief. Showing method of Braiding. 6128 “ Famous Inscription concerning Psammetichus and the Deserters. 6129 “ The Little Temple. 6130 Ismailia. Chalet of Count de Lesseps. 6131 Kircheh. The Temple. 6132 Kom Ombo. The Temple. West View. 6133 Korosho (a great caravan town). General View. 6134 6134 Libyan Mountains. 6135 Maharrakka. The Temple. West View. 6136 Rile. First Cataract. 6137 “ Second, or Great Cataract. 6138 “ Sixth, or last “ 6139 “ Dahabieh, or Nile Boat. 6140 4 4 4 fe 4 4 6141 6141 44 44 44 6142 6142 Philse. General View of Island and Temples. 6143 6143 “ “ “ “ “ Nile. 6144 U H ll ll (« t< 6145 6145 “ Temple of Isis, with Pylon. 6146 6146 “ “ “ Colonnade. 6147 “ “ Nectabeno. Colonnade. 6148 “ Kiosk, or Bed of Pharaoh. 6149 “ “ From the River. 6150 6150 “ “ Rear View. 6151 Port Said. Entrance to Suez Canal. 6152 “ Return of Prince of Wales from India. 6153 Sakkara. Two Pyramids. 6154 “ Great Pyramid. 6155 “ Tomb of Ti. 6156 6156 Suez Canal. Plan. 6157 U (« 6158 “ “ with Vessels. 6159 “ “ Lake Timsah. Types and Costumes. 6160 Arabian House. Interior. 6161 Beggars. 6162 6162 Caravan Halting in the Desert. 6163 “ Travelling. 6164 Dance of Alinees. 6165 Dealers in Sugar-cane. 6166 Egyptian Lady mounting an Ass. 6167 Fellah Woman and Child. 6168 Merchant in Beads. 6169 Native mounted on a Buffalo. Part Second. 129 ,0 cS o Egypt. ( Concluded .) 6170 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 Palm Forest. “ Trees along the Nile. Reliefs showing method of Slaughtering Cattle. Runners. Sheik Sadad (descendant of Mohammed). Snake Charmers. Travelling Bedouin. Venders of Refreshments. Water-carriers. Women of Cairo. 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 MOROCCO. Tangier. Panorama. “ General View. a it 44 44 44 4 4 “ Court-yard of British Consulate. “ Market-place. “ Mosque. “ Moors and Camels outside the Gates. “ Outside the Walls. “ Square in Front of the Mosque. t 6199 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6201 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 - 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 Cyprus. Ephesus. 4 4 44 44 Rhodes. Sardis. Rangoon. 44 44 44 44 Colombo. ti (« (< Kandy. ASIA. ASIA MINOR. Famagosta, Torre del Moro. Aqueduct in Ruins. Arch “ “ Castle on the Hill. Site of Temple of Diana. Theatre in Ruins. Street of the Knight Templars. Towers of Fortress. Acropolis. General View. Temple of Cybele. Two Columns. BTJRMAH. Monastery. Schway Dagan Pagoda. Burmese Actors. Fresco, Buddha and Forest Satyrs. The Paey, or National Dance. Buddhist Temple. CEYLON. General View. Banyan Tree. Fruits of Ceylon. Gigantic Bamboo. Hindoo Temple. India-rubber Tree Singhalese Cart. 130 Architectural Subjects, etc. 2 d 6213 6213 6214 6214 6215 6215 6216 6217 6217 6218 6219 6220 6220 6221 6222 6222 6223 6223 6224 6224 6225 6225 6226 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6230 6231 6231 6232 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6236 6237 6237 6238 6238 6239 6240 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6244 6245 6245 6246 6246 6247 6247 6248 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6252 6253 6254 6255 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 t 6263 Agra. Akbar’s Palace. India. INDIA. Dewan i-Am. Great Hall of Audience Throne Room. Dewan Khas. Hall of Select Audience. “ “ Khas Mahl. Hall of Private Audience. “ “ Black Marble Throne on the Terrace. Fort. Delhi Gate. “ Uinur Singli Gate. Little Pearl Mosque, Motee Musjid. Interior. Pearl Mosque. Exterior. “ “ Interior. Taj-Mahal, with Avenue of Trees. “ General View. “ Near View. “ Fa9ade. “ From the River. “ Entrance Gate. “ Ivory Screen. Tomb of Itimad-ud-daulah. “ “ Marble Cupola. “ “ “ “ Screen. Zenana Palace. Boudoir of Chief Sultana. Delhi. Chandui Chowk. Colonnade of Hindoo Pillars. Hall of Private Audience. “ Dewan-i-khas.” “ “ “ Interior. “ Public “ “ Dewan-i-Am.” Ilumayun’s Tomb. “ Jami Musjid.” General View. “ “ Near View. “ “ and View of the City. Kila Kona Mosque. Kootub. With Arch and Iron Column. “ From the South. “ First Gallery. Marble Screen. Miscellaneous. Allahabad. Asoka’s Pillar. Amritsir. Golden Temple. “ “ “ Fa9ade. Benares. General View from the River. “ “ Dassa Sumed Ghat.” “ Quays. “ Sumaree Temple. “ Temples on the Bank of the Ganges. Bombay. Bank. “ University Hall. Calcutta. General View. “ Council House Street. Equestrian Statue of Lord Harding. << «c «( << <( “ High Court. “ Hindoo Dancing Girl. Large. | Part Second. 131 India. ( Concluded .) 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6275 6276 6277 6265 6266 6271 6290 6291 6292 6298 6301 6302 6303 6305 6306 6307 6309 6312 6313 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 Calcutta. Native Village, near Calcutta. Cawnpore. Memorial Well. Futtypore Sikri. Entrance to the Palace. “ “ Hall of Audience. Remarkable Pillar. Jeypore. College. “ Palace. “ Umbere Palace. Entrance. Juggernaut. The Car. Lahore. General View of the Temples. Lucknow. Bailey Guard Gate, from Hospital. “ “ “ “ with Hospital, etc. “ “ Hooseinabad Emamberra.” Gateway and Garden. “ Kaiser Paisund “ Procession to Sir John Lawrence. 550 ele- phants. “ Residency. “ “ in ruins. Madras. General View. “ Agra Bank. “ Board of Revenue Building. “ Cathedral. “ Club. “ Parthasarathy Tank. “ “ Temple. “ Senate. House. “ Tomb of the Nabobs. Madura. Golden Lily Tank. “ Temple and Royal Sepulchre. “ “ Detail. “ “ Horse Court. “ Unfinished Temple. “ Zeppa Tank. Secundra. Tomb of Akbar the Great. Seringham. Pyramidal Temple. Tanjore. Temple. “ “ Famous Bull. (< <« <( <( “ Pyramidal Temple. Trichinopoly. The Castle. JAPAN. Nikko. Falling Fog Cascade. “ Kirifuri no taki.” Hokaito Tomb. Monument. “ to Tye Yasu, the First Shogun. “ “ “ Bronze Gates. Shogun’s Bridge. Temples of First Shogun. The Approach. Higurashi Gate. Yomeimon. Great Gate. “ Near View. Karaki Mon. 4< “ and Temple. Large. 132 Architectural Subjects, etc. 1 | *P 3 K Cab. Nikko. ( Continued .) 6314 6314 Temples of First Shogun. Yasha Mon. 6315 6315 “ “ “ Mawaridoro. Revolving Lan- tern. 6316 “ “ “ Temple of Music and Sacred Dancing. 6317 “ “ “ Temple Treasury Building. Tokio. 6318 6318 Asakasa. Daibutsu. 6319 6319 “ Pagoda. 6320 6320 “ “ and Bell Temple. 6321 6321 “ Temple. 6322 6322 Mitsui Bank. 6323 Prince Hotta Gardens. 6324 Shiba Temple. “ “ Gateway No. 1. 6325 6325 6326 6326 “ “ “ No. 2. 6327 6327 “ “ “ No. 3. 6328 6328 “ “ “ No. 4. 6329 “ “ Stone Washing Tanks. 6330 6330 “ “ Entrance to a Shogun’s Tomb. 6331 6331 “ “ “ “ “ “ 6332 “ “ “ “ Temple of Second Ty- coon. 6333 6333 Uyeno Daibutsu. “ Park. Shino Bazu no ike ” in background. 6334 6335 “ Temple Grounds, showing bronze garden lanterns. Miscellaneous. 6336 Hakodate. Panorama. 6337 6337 Hiogo. Kiyomori Temple and Daibutsu. 6338 Kagoshima. Prince Shimadzu Gardens. tc n n a 6339 6340 Kamakura. Dai Butsu. 6341 6341 Kioto. “ Kin Ivaku ji.’’ 6342 6342 “ “ Kiyo Midzu dera.” Clear Water Temple. 6343 6343 “ Ivurodani Cemetery. 6344 “ Mikado’s Palace and Gardens. 6345 6345 “ “ Nishi O-tani ” and “ Megane Bashi.” Specta- cle Bridge. 6346 6346 “ “ Rokukakudo.” Hexagonal Temple. 6347 “ Round Mountain. 6348 6348 “ Samraon Gateway. Entrance to Temple of Chi-on-In. 6349 6349 “ “ Tsurigane.” Bell at Temple of Daibutsu. 6350 6350 Kobe. General View from Ujiyama. 6351 6351 “ Shinto Temple. 6352 6352 Kumamoto. The Castle. 6353 “ “ 6354 Nagasaki. Panorama of Foreign Settlement. 6355 “ View from “ Kigo midsu dera.” 6356 6356 “ “ Dai-on-ji.” 6357 6357 “ “ Suwa-0 Torii.” 6358 6358 “ Suwa Temple. 6359 6359 Nagoya. “ Sachi-hoko.” Golden Dolphin in the Castle. 6360 6360 | Osaka. Castle Wall and Moat. 6361 6361 (< U (( tl 6362 “ “ Korai Bashi. ” Corea Bridge. 6363 “ Sennichi Temple. Part Second. 133 Large. Med, Cab. Japan. ( Concluded .) 6364 6364 Osaka. Shitennoji. 6365 6365 “ “ Taiko Baslii.” Drum Bridge. 6366 Sumida River. 6367 6367 Yokohama. Panorama, with Harbor. 6368 “ “ from Kanazawa. 6369 “ Bozu.” Priests. Buddhist Head-Priest and Assistant. 6370 “ Daiku.” Carpenters. 6371 Fire Department. 6372 Japanese Lady. 6373 “ “ Reclining. 6374 “ Carriage. 6375 “ Ova Fune.” Father Ship. 6376 “ Setta nooshi.” Cobblers. 6377 “ Yezo Dojin.” Aino Men. PALESTINE. Jerusalem. 6378 6378 General View from Mt. of Olives. 6379 6379 Church of the Ascension. 6380 6380 “ “ Flagellation. Interior. 6381 6381 “ “ Holy Sepulchre. 6382 6382 “ “ “ “ Cupolas. 6383 “ “ “ The Holy Sepulchre. 6384 6384 “ u Mater Dolorosa. j 6385 6385 Fountain of the Virgin. 6386 Garden of Gethsemane. 6387 6387 44 44 6388 6388 “ “ Olive Tree. 6389 6389 “ the Kings. 6390 6390 Gates of the City. Damascus Gate. 6391 6391 “ “ “ David’s, or Zion Gate. 6392 “ “ “ Golden Gate. Outside. • 6393 “ “ “ “ “ Inside. 6394 6394 “ “ “ Jaffa Gate. 6395! 6395 “ “ “ St. Stephen’s Gate. 6396 6396 Grotto of Jeremiah. 6397 6397 Jews’ Wailing-Place. 6398 6398 Mosque of Omar, or Haram ech Cherif. 6399 6399 “ “ Pulpit of Omar. 6400 6400 “ “ Mosque of El-Aksa. 6401 6401 Mount of Olives. 6402 6402 Place of the Stoning of St. Stephen. 6403 6403 Pool of Bethesda. 6404 6404 “ Gihon. 6405 6405 “ Hezekiah. 6406 6406 “ Siloam. 6407 6407 Rock of the Apostles, and Place of Treason of Judas. 6408 Russian Convent. 6409 Tomb of Absalom. 6410 “ “ and Tomb of Zachariah. 6411 6411 “ David. 6412 6412 “ the Kings. 6413 6413 “ and Chapel of The Virgin. 6414 6414 Tower of Antonio. 6415 6415 “ David. 641616416 Turkish Cemetery and Wall of Solomon. 134 Architectural Subjects, etc. 6 ® 3 Med. 1 Cab. Palestine. ( Concluded .) 6417 6417 Valiev of Gihon. 6418 “ Hinnon. 6419 “ Jehoshaphat. 6420 6420 Via Dolorosa. First and Second Stations. 6421 “ “ Third Station. 6422 6422 “ “ Fourth “ House of the Rich Man. 6423 “ “ Sixth “ 6424 “ “ Eighth “ 6425 6425 “ “ Ninth “ Coptic Convent. 6426 “ “ Arch ofEcce Homo. 6427 “ “ House of St. Veronica. 6428 Village of Siloam. Miscellaneous. 6429 Bethany. General View. 6430 Bethlehem. “ 6431 “ “ from Latin Convent. 6432 “ Convent of the Nativity. 6433 “ Place of Appearance to the Shepherds. 6434 6434 Capernaum. 6435 6435 Dead Sea. 6436 Hebron. Mosque Maekelah. 6437 Jaffa (Joppa). Water Side. 6438 6438 Jericho. Fountain of Elisha. 6439 “ Ruins of the Ancient City. 6440 Lebanon. The Cedars. 6441 Mar-Saba. Convent, from the Jericho Road. < ( i { 6442 6442 6443 6443 Mt. Tabor. 6444 6444 Nazareth. General View. 6445 Pool of Solomon. 6446 Ramleh. General View. 6447 6447 “ Tower of Forty Martyrs. 6448 6448 River Jordan. 6449 6449 Tiberius (Galilee). STRAITS SETTLEMENT. 6450 Penang. Native Temple. 6451 “ Malay House. 6452 Singapore. General View. 6453 “ English Church. SYEIA. 6454 6454 Baalbek. Acropolis. General View. 6455, 6455 “ Chambres Carrees. 6456 6456 “ Circular Temple. 6457 6457 “ Cyclopean Wall. 6458 6458 “ Quarry. “ Temple of Jupiter. 6459 6459 6460 6460 “ “ “ “ 6461 “ “ “ “ West Side. 6462 “ “ “ “ Inside. 6463 6463 “ “ “ “ Portal, with Keystone propped up. 6464 6464 “ Temple of the Sun. Large. Part Second. 135 r d Cab. 6*65 6466 (3467 6467 6468 6468 6469 6470 6470 6471 6471 6472 6473 6473 6474 6474 6475 6475 6476 6476 6477 6477 6478 6478 6479 6479 6480 6480 6481 6481 6482, 6482 1 6483 6484 6484 6485 6485 6486 6486 6487 6488 6489 6489 6490 6490 64911 6491 6492 6492 6493 6493 6494 6494 6495 6495 6496 6496 6497 6497 6498 6498 6499 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6508 Syria. ( Concluded .) Beyrout. General View. Damascus. Distant View. “ View from Mosque. “ Dervicherie. Stopping-place of Pilgrims to Mecca. “ English Consul’s House. Court-yard. “ Fountain in the Mosque. “ Jew’s House. Interior. (< << U it “ Prison of St. Paul. Palmyra. Arch of Triumph. “ “ “ “ and Colonnade. “ General View of Temples. “ Grand Colonnade. “ Mausoleum. “ Ruins of a Temple. “ Temple of Diocletian. NORTH AMERICA. MEXICO. Mexico. Cathedral. Fa£ade. “ Interior. Hernan Cortez’ Tree. National Palace. Sagrario. Facade. Square of Santo Domingo. Statue of Carlos IV. Equestrian. “ Columbus. Miscellaneous. Chapultapec Castle. Guadalupe. The Church. “ “ “ of Cerrito. “ Holy Well. Popocatapetl. Teotihuacan Plateau. Pyramid de la Luna. Vera Cruz. Palace, with Ships at Anchor. Aztec Antiquities. Chac Mool Statue. “ “ Calendar. “ “ Divinity of Death. “ “ Gladoaror’s Stone. Natives. “ Cooking. Orizaba Farm. UNITED STATES. California. Santa Barbara. Old Mission House. Yo-Semite Valley. General View. “ “ Down the Valley, from Union Point “ “ Agassiz Bock, Union Park. “ “ Ba^e of Big Tree. “ “ Bridal Veil Fall. Large. 136 Architectural Subjects, etc. Med. 1 Cab. California. ( Concluded .) 6509 Yo-Semite Valley. Cathedral Rocks. 6510 6510 “ “ “ Spires. 6511 6511 “ “ El Capitan. 3,600 feet. 6512 “ “ Glacier Point. 6513 “ “ Half, or South Dome. 6514 “ “ Mirror Lake and Mt. Watkins. 6515 6515 “ “ Nevada Fall, 700 feet. 6516 “ “ “ “ and Liberty Cap. 6517 6517 “ “ On the Road to Yo-Semite Falls. 6518 “ “ Ponderosa. Yellow Pine. 6519 “ “ Sentinel, The. 3,270 feet. 6520 6520 “ “ Three Brothers. 4,400 feet. 6521 “ “ Upper Yo-Semite Fall. 6522 6522 “ “ Vernal Fall. 350 feet. 6523 6523 “ “ Yo-Semite Falls, from Camp Ground. District of Columbia. 6524 Washington. Agricultural Department. 6525 “ Capitol. From the North. “ “ From the North-east. 6526 6527 “ National Museum. 6528 “ Patent Office. 6529 “ Smithsonian Institute. 6530 “ Soldiers’ Home. 6531 “ State, Navy, and War Departments. 6532 “ Treasury Department. 6533 “ U.S. Post Office. 6534 6534 “ Washington Monument. 6535 “ White House. Front. 6536 “ “ “ Rear. New Mexico. 6537 Cipauiluvi. 6538 Laquna. 6539 Oraibi. Eastern Court. 6540 “ The Women’s Dance. 6541 Pueblo of Santa Clara. 6542 “ Santo Domingo. 6543 “ San Filipe. 6544 “ San Ildefonso. 6545 “ Taos, North Town. 6546 “ “ South Town. 6547 “ Tesuque. 6548 Sitcomavi. 6549 Wolpi. A Moqui Town. 6550 “ Dancer’s Rock. 6551 “ A Moki Weaving. 6552 Zuni. General View. 6553 “ “ The Mesa” Site of Zuni. 6554 “ Water Carrier. 6555 “ “ Mad-heads.” 6556 A Navaio Jaganda. New York. 6557 New York. East River Bridge. From Brooklyn. 6558 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Pier. 6559 “ “ “ “ “ New York Pier. 6560 “ “ Harbor. From Ellis Island. 6561 “ “ Obelisk. Central Park. 6562 “ “ Post Office. Med. Part Second. 137 & New York. {Concluded.) o 65G3 New York. Shipping on North River. 65G4 6565 65G6 6567 6568 Niagara. General View of Falls. “ Canadian Fall. “ Falls from Below. “ Horseshoe Fall. “ Whirlpool Rapids. SOUTH AMERICA. BRAZIL. 65G9 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 6578 6570 6580 Rio de Janeiro. Docks and Arsenal. “ “ Harbor. “ “ Botanical Garden, Avenue of Palms. << <( << << u tt “ “ “ “ Fan Palm. Bahia. View of Bay from Upper Town. “ General View from Road between Upper and Lower Towns. “ Landing Stairs. “ Elevator between Upper and Lower Towns. Pernambuco. Reef and Harbor. “ Government Buildings. “ Residence at Caxanga. CHILI. 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 Santiago. Houses of Congress. “ Grand Hotel Inglis. “ “ “ “ and Plaza del Armas. “ Residence of Mme. Cousinos. Valparaiso. Plaza Victoria. “ Bank (H. Edwards). Railroad Bridge between Santiago and Valparaiso. PERU. 6588 Lima. General View, with Cathedral. 6583 “ Cathedral. 6590 6530 “ Church of San Francisco. 6591 “ Street Scene. 6592 “ Statue of Bolivar. 6593 “ Exposition Building. 6594 Callao. Mole and Harbor. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. 6595 655*0 6597 Panama. General View. “ Cathedral. Matuchin. Native Village on Panama Railroad. 138 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. 0) a Cab. Uruguay. URUGUAY, 6598 Montevideo. Public Square. 6599 4 4 Theatre. 6600 4 4 Cathedral. 6601 44 Governor’s House. 6602 44 Chapel in Cemetery. 6603 44 Quinta of Sr. Berro. 6604 44 “ “ Don Pancho Gomez. TO ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS. We issue in addition to this list a special ARCHITECTURAL CATALOGUE, of 8 X 10 photographs of American Architecture and Foreign Detail, Including American Country Houses, City Dwellings, Business Fronts, Public Buildings, Fine Interiors, and Church Architecture, A-bout Boston, Newport, New York, etc., also French and Italian Detail. CATALOGUES Eli EE OX AVELICATIOX . P A R T THIRD REPRODUCTIONS OF Engravings, Etchings, Drawings, and Modern Paintings. This collection embraces the Series A and B of our former catalogue and supplement, together with many new subjects. Cabinets are kept in stock, unmounted only. Mediums are kept unmounted, and mounted on 11 X 14 tea-colored cards. Large and extra sizes are kept mounted on 1(1 X 20 and 20 X 24 white cards, respectively, and can be furnished unmounted when desired. In ordering, give size and number only, and whether mounted or not. Subjects marked * were exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1886. GG15 Large. Medium. Cabinet. Artist. 6610 6610 Achenbach, A. ' 6611 6611 Adan, L. E 6612 6612 6613 6613 6614 6614 6615 6615 6615 661G 6616 6617 661?! 6617 Ademollo, C 6G18 6618 Albani, F 6619 6619 Albertinelli, M 6620 ,66201 Aligny, T 6621 6621 Allingham, Mrs. II. P., 6622 0622 6623 6623 Allonge, A 6624 6G24 6625 6625 6626 6627 6627 6628 6628 6629 6630 6631 6631 6632 6632 ,6632 Alma-Tadema, L 16633 6633 6633 66:; ; 6635 6635 6636 6636 6637 6637 Subject. The Ferryman’s Daughter. The End of the Journey. Abandoned. Eve of the Fete.* Approach of Winter.* and Garibaldi. Cupids dancing Tree. around a Jesus and the Good Samari tan. The Little Customers. In the Hayloft. Trees, "] Landscape, Oaks, Elms, Trees and Water, A Hillside, Mullens, Road in the W oods, Pond, Studies in Char- coal. Ancient Rome. In Confidence. First Whisper of Love. Pleading. A Roman Emperor. 140 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 1 Extra. Large. 1 6 a i Artist. Subject. 6638 6638 6639 6639 G640 6640 6640 6641 6641 Amberg, W Sappho. G642 6642 6642 Anders, E Domestic Pastime. G643 6643 6643 Anderson, Mrs Foundling Girls. 6644 6644 6644 6645 6645 Anderson, S Without a Cloud. 6646 6646 6646 6647 6647 Andreotti, F The Carousal. 6648 6648 6648 6(549 6(549 6650 6(550 Angeli, H. von Absolution Refused. 6651 6651 Angelo, Michael . . . The Fates. 6652 6652 6653 6654 6654 6654 6655 6655 6655 6656 6657 6657 6656 6658 6659 (5659 6660 6660 6661 6661 6(562 6662 6663 6663 6G63 6664 6664i 6664 Ansdell, R Morning, Ready to start for the Moors. 6665 6665 6666 6666 6667 6667 6668 6668 6669 6669 6670 6670 6671 6671 Antigna, Mme. H. M. . . How Love Holds. 6672 6672 6672 Appian, A Landscape. 6673 Arbo, P. N Walkyries, Battle Maidens of Scandinavian Mythology. 6674 6674 Archer, J Little Miss Primrose. 6675 6675 Armstrong, T Music Piece. 6676 6676 Aubert, Jean Coming Love. 6677 6677 6678 6678 6679 6679 6680 6680 6681 6681 6681 6682 6682 .5683 6683 6683! 6683 6684 6684 6684 6684 Love.* 6685 6685 Aublet, Albert The New Moon. 6686 6686 serve. 6687 6687 Bacon, Henry Arrival of the Pilot. G688 6688 6688 6688 6689 G689 Ballavoine, J. F The Interrupted Sitting. 6690 6690 6690 Barber, C. Burton . . .The New Whip. Extra. Part Third. 141 6691 6704 6705 6706 6714 6715 6718 6725 6728 6737 6738 6739 Large. Med. rO « o Artist. 6691 6691 6692 6692 6693 6693 Barnes, E. C 6694 6694 Barrett, J 6695 6695 6695 Barraud, Wm 6696 6696 6696 Barrias, Felix 6697 6697 Barth 6698 6698 Bateman, J ' 6699 6699 Battoni, Pompeo 6700 6700 6700 B AUDIT, P 6701 6701 Baudry, P. J. A 6702 6702 Baugniet, C 6703 6703 Baumeister, K 6704 6704 Baur, A 6705 6705 6705 Bayard, Emile 6706 6706 6706 6707 6707 Bazzani, L 6708 6708 6709 6709 Beaumetz, E 6710 6710 6711 6711 6711 Beauquesne, W 6712 6712 Beaux, Miss C. E 6713 67 13 Bechi, L 1 6714 6714 6714 Becker, Carl < 6715 6715 6715 6716 6716 6717 6717 6717 6718 6718 6718 6719 6719 6720 6720 6720 6721 6721 6721 6722 6722 6722 6723 6723 6724 6724 Becker, Georges 6725 6725 Begas, A 6726 6726 6727 6727 6727 6728 6728 6728 Begas, Oscar < 6729 6729 6729 6730:6730 6731 16731 Bellei, G ’ 6732 6732 6733 6734 6734 Benner, E ’ 6735 6735 6736 6736 Berne-Bellecour, E. . 1 6737 6737 6737 Bernier, C ' 6738 6738 6738 6739 6739 6740 6740 Bertier, f. e ; 6741 6741 Subject. A Scratch Pack. The Morning Call. Family Cares. Mrs. Fry Reading to the Pris- oners in Newgate, 1816. Tasso and the Two Eleanors. The First Lesson. Cecilia. Mater Amabalis. Reconciliation. House of Diomedes at Pom- peii. Pompeian Interior. The First Cannon-shot, Champigny, Nov. 30, 1870.* The Last Call, Champignv, Dec. 2, 1870.* Saved.* Brighton Cats. The Professor’s Eye-glasses. Othello. Romeo and Juliet. Marriage of Figaro. Petition to the Doge. Ave Maria. Maximilian Crowning Hutton, the Poet. Stud_y Head. Spanish Girl. He will Soon be Here. The Love Letter. Rizpah. Summer Toilet. Othello and Desdemona. Juliet. Greek Girl. Teacher and Pupil. Mother’s Joy. Breaking a Long Fast. An Interesting Book. The Latest Intelligence. Magdalen.’ Evening. Sunshine and Mist. Danseuse. RositaMauri in the Korrigane. Step of the Sabotidre.* Extra. 142 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 6759 6760 6792 6742 6747 6750 6786 6788 6742 6743 6745 6747 6748 6749 . 6750 1 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 (5751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785:6785 6786 6786 67«7 6788 6789 '6789 6790 6790 6791 6792 6792 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 Artist. Subject. Bertrand, M. J. .. Marguerite. Ophelia. Virginia. Marguerite in Prison. ... Lesbie. Beyschlag, Robt. Psyche with the Urn. Psyche Grieving. Psyclye and Pan. Woodland Vows. A Spring Sunday. Nuptials Festivity. A Difficult Decision. ... Homage. “ Where am I? ” Orpheus and Eurydice. Demanding Toll. Mother’s Pride. In the Garden. Spring has Come Again. Both Astonished. Soap Bubbles. Greek Maiden. The Shepherdess. Bida, Alex Sermon on the Mount. Calling of St. Matthew. The Prayer in Secret. The Rich Young Man. The Widow’s Mite. The Tribute Money. Jesus Washes the Feet of His Disciples. Jesus Sitting by the Sea. Jesus and the Child. . Jesus Teaching in the Synagogue. Jesus Heals the Man with the Palsy. Jesus Preaches from a Ship. Jesus Eats with Publicans and Sinners. The Man with the Withered Hand. Suffer little Children to come , unto Me. The Leper. Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. The Lord’s Supper. Going forth to Calvary. The Angel appears to the Holy Women. Biermann, G Esther. Blaas, Eugene DE.The Sisters. Carnival at Venice. Punch and Judy at the Convent. Blake, Wm Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims. Blinks, Tiiomas . .Here they Come! Blume-Siebert, L.On Board. Bodeniiausen, C. von. Listening to the Fairies. Extra. Part Third. 143 6793 6794 6795 6823 6827 Large. Med. 1 i & a O Artist. Subject. 6793 6793 6793 6794 6794 6795 6795 6795 6796 6796 6796 Bodenhausen, G. von. Hero and Leander. 6797 6797 Bodenmuller, A In Blooming Fields. 6798 6798 Bodenmuller, F Spring Greeting. 6799 6799 6800 6800 6800 6801 6801 Boehm, P ... .The Dancing Lesson. 6802 6802 Bole, Mlle. J At the Fountain. 6803 6803 6804 6804 6804 Bonheur, Auguste . . .Cows at a Watering-place. 6805 6805 6806 6806 6807 6807 6807 Boniieur, Rosa The Horse-fair. 6808 6808 6808 6809, 6809 6810 6810 6810 6811 6811 6812 6812 6813 6813 6814 6814 6815 6815 6815 6816 6816 6817 6817 6818 Denizens of the Highlands 6819 6819 bleau. (Cattle.) 6820 ' 6820 6821 682 1! 6821 6822 68221 6822 6823, 6823 6823 1 Head.) 6824i 6824 6824 key’s Head.) 6825 6825 6825 682 e: 6826 6827 6827 6828 6828 Bonifazi, A Ciccio. 6829 6829 Borckmann, A Beethoven and the Rusm- nowsky Quartette. 6830 6830 Boughton, G. H Puritans going to Church. 6831 6831 6832 6832 6833 68331 6834 6834 6834| Bouguereau, W. A. . .The Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John. 6835 6835 6835 6836 6836 6837 ; 6837 6838 6838 6839 6840 6841 6841 6842 6842 6843 6843 6844 6844 144 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. Extra. Large. | Med. & a O 6845 6845 6845 6845 6846 6846 6846 6846 6847 6847 6847 6848 6848 6849 6849 6850 6850 6850 6851 6851 6851 6852 6852 6852 6853 6853 6853 6854 6854 6855 6855 6856 6856 6857 6857 6858 6858 6859 6859 6860 6860 6861 6861 6862 6862 6863 6863 6864 6864 6865 6865 6866 6866 6866 6866 6867 6867 6868 6868 6869 6869 6870 6870 6871 6871 6872 6872 6873 6873 6874 6874 6875 6875 6876 6876 6877 6877 6878 6878 6879 6879 6880 6880 6881 6881 6882 6882 6883 6883 6884 6884 6885 6885 6886 6886 6887 6887 6888 6888 6888 6889 6889 6890 6890 6891 6891 6892 6892 6892 6893 6893 6893 6894 G894 6895 6895 6896 6896 6397 6897 Artist. Subject. Birth of Venus. Nymphs and Satyr. Nymphs. Boulanger, Gustav. .Appian Way. Braith, A Herd going to Pasture. Breton, Jules The Communicants. The Reapers. Group. (Detail of the above.) The W eeders.* Brittany Woman.* Breton, L Sea Shore. Bridgman, F. A Procession of the Royal Bull Apis-Osiris. “La Cigale.” Brittan. .Safe Quarters. Brochart, C Fountain of Love. Love Captive. Brockmann, F Mater Dolorosa. Ecce Homo. Buche, J High Austrian Girl. (Head.) Bdrck, H .Sappho and Alcaeus. Brock-La jos Ruth.* Burne-Jones, E. The Golden Stairs. Wheel of Fortune. Head of Fortune. (From the above.) Hope. .Head. (From the above.) Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Day. Night. Temperance. Head. (From the above.) Briar Rose. Beatrice. Venus’s Looking-glass. Thisbie. 'j Cupid. >- Set of three. Pyramus. J Spring or Flora. Pan and Psyche. Love and the Pilgrim. Beguiling of Merlin. Feast of Peleus. Head of Concordia. Flamma Vestalis. Dies Domini. Sea Nymph. Wood Nymph. Romance of the Rose. Study for the Masque of Cupid. Mary Magdalen at the Sep- ulchre. Extra. Part Third. 145 6D12 6904 6907 6908 6910 6926 6941 6945 6898 685)9 6900 6901 6902 6905 1)904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6898 6899 65)00 6J01 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 65)21 6922 6923 6924 65)25 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 Artist. Subject. First Day of Creation. Second “ “ Cabanel, Alex. 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 (>940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 (5947 1948 6949 ...Third “ “ ...Fourth “ “ ...Fifth “ “ ...Sixth “ “ . . .Marguerite. ...Aglae. . . .Flora. . . . A Florentine Poet. . . . Michael Angelo in his Studio. . . . Birth of Venus. . . .Patrician of Venice. Lucretia and Sextus Tarquin. Camphausen, W Tilsit and Sedan. Tilsit. (From the above.) Sedan. “ ** William, Emperor of Ger- many. .... Frederick the Great. Frederick the Great Elector. Study. Horse’s Head. No. 1. . .. . Study. Horse’s Head. No. 2. Capobianchi, V A Perfect Fit. Carolus-Duran The Kiss. . . On the Sea-beach. . . . The Awakening.* Carracci, A Madonna of Silence. Pieta. Carter, S. J Little Freehold. (Squirrels.) Little Foxes. InterestingFamily. (Rabbits.) Casenova, A Corner of a Garden. Cassioli, A Catch, Quick! Marie Stuart and Rizzio. Francesca di Rimini. Boccaccio. Castagnola, G Filippo Lippi Declaring Love to Luerezia Buti. Catel, F Martin Luther Destroying the Papal Bulls. Ckcconi, N A Pompeian Bath. Celli, E Attention ! Costume of the Empire. Between two Litigants a third seizes the Spoil. Oiiampney, J. W A Stitch in Time. Chaplin, Charles J. . .Love’s Messenger. Souvenirs. Chapman, John G Baptism of Pocahontas. Charadeau. A Life Boat. (Chickens.) Chatillon, Mme. de . .Jeanne d’Arc. Chavannes, Paris he. .The Sacred Wood, Dear to the Arts and Muses. Chialiva Horses in Pasture. Chierici, G The Veteran. Claxton, M In the Sepulchre. Extra. 146 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 6997 Large Med. ■8 o Artist. Subject. 6950 6950 Cleminson, R Victor of the Glen. (Stag.) 6951 6951 Clermont-Galle- 6952 6952 rande A Warm Scent.* 6953 6953 6954 6954 Clisenti, A Knitting. 6955 6955 6956 6956 6956 Coleman, W. S Happy Hours. 6957 6957 6957 6958 6958 Collin, R Floreal.* 6959 6959 6960 Collinson, R Absorbed inRobinson Crusoe. Compte-Calix, F. C. . .The Orphan. 6961 6961 Constable, John Valley Farm. 6962 6962 6963 6963 Conti, Tito The Ballad Singer. 6964 6964 6965 6965 Coomans, Diana Lesbie. 6966 6966 6967 6967 Coomans, Heva Delilah.* 6968 6968 6968 Coomans, J Fainting. 6969 6969 6969 6970 6970 697] 6971 6972 6972 6973 6973 6974 6974 days of Pompeii. 6975 6975 6975 6976 6976 6976 Matrons. 6977 6977 A Plot. 6978 6978 6979 6979 6980 6980 6981 6981 6982 6982 6983 6983 6984 6984 trician. 6985 6985 6986 6986 6987 6987 6987 6988 6988 6988 School of Pythagoras. 6989 6989 6989 Corcos, V Bon Voyage. 6990 6990 Corot, J. B. C The Pond. 6991 6991 6992 6992 6992 6996 6993 6993 6994 6994 6995 6994 6995 6996 6996 6998 6997 6997 Correggio Magdalen. (Reading.) 6998 6999 6998 6999 7000 7000 erine. Part Third. 147 Extra. Large. Med. Cab. Artist. Subject. 7001 7001 7001 7002 7002 7002 7003 7003 7003 7004 7004 7005 7005 7005 700G 700G 7006 7007 7007 7008 7008 7009 7009 7010 7010 7010 7011 7011 7011 7012 7012 7013 7013 7014 7014 Cortazzo, 0 Judgment of Paris. 7015 7015 Costa, G Costume of the Empire. 7016 7016 7017 7017 Coste, O A Merry Time. 7018 7018 Cot, P. A Spring. 7019 7019 7019 7020 7020 7020 7020 Courant, M The Coming Storm. 7021 7021 7021 7021 Sea Gull Rock. 7022 Courbet, G The Hunted Doe. 7023 7023 7023 Courten, A. de Night. 7024 7024 7025 7025 Courtois. G Flower Girl.* 7026 Crkspi, D Christ bearing his Cross. 7027 7027 7027 Crkswick and Ans- \ The Nearest Way in Sum- sdell j mer Time. 7028 7028 Curzon, A. de Psyche. 7029 7029 7029 Dahl, Hans The Slide. 7030 7030 7030 the Ice. 7031 7031 7031 7032 7032 7033 7033 7033 7034 7034 7034 7035 7035 7035 7036 7036 7036 7037 7037 7037 7037 7038 7038 7039 7039 7039 7040 7040 7040 7041 7041 Dantan, E A Sculptor’s Studio. 7042 7042 7042 Daubigny, C. F The Pond of Corbigny. 7043 7043 7043 7044 7044 David, J. L Napoleon Crossing the Alps. 7045 7045 De Andrea, J Daniel Explaining his Dream to Nebuchadnezzar. 704G 704G 7046 7046 Defregger, F Holy Family. 7047 7047 7047 7047 length.) 7048 7048 7048 7048 7049 7049 7050 7050 7051 7051 7052 7052 DEGErf*, Prof. E Queen of Heaven. 7053 7053 Extra. 148 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 7073 y 1 Large. 'O Mintiirop, T Filius datus est Nobis. All Angels praise God. Mion, L Venetian Beggars. Mochi, G Dante presenting Giotto to Guido Signore of Ravenua. Moes, W Spring Blossoms. Mols, R Port of Havre. Moore, Albert A Garden. Azaleas. Shells. Sea Gulls. Musician. Quartette. Follow my Leader. Moore, A. Harvey ...His First Audience. Moreau, Adrien Festival of the Burgomaster. The Walk. Return from Market. Moreau, Gustave Orpheus. Morgan, J Gentlemen of the Jury. Tug of W ar. Morris, P. R Shepherd of Jerusalem. Whereon they Crucified Him. Drift-wreck from the Ar- mada. Moseley David and Goliath. (Dogs.) Mousset Tired. M’ucke, C Little Pepita. Mucke, H Flight of St. Catharine. Muller, Carl Holy Family. Nativity. Madonna of the Grotto. Immaculate Conception. Part Third. 163 Extra. Large. Med. Cab. Artist. Subject. 7834 7834 7835 7835 7836 7836 7836 Muller, C. L Charlotte Corday. 7837 7837 ciergerie. 7838 7838 7838 7838 Terror. 7839 7839 Muller, F Madonna. 7840 7840 Munier, E A Merry Companion. 7841 7841 7841 7842 7842 7843 7843 7844 7844 7845 7845 7845 Munkacsy, M Milton Dictating Paradise Lost. 7846 7846 7846 7846 7847 7847 7848 7848 7849 7849 7850 7850 7850 7850 Murillo Magdalen. 7851 7851 7851 7852 7852 7853 7853 7854 7854 7855 7856 7856 7857 7857 7857 7857 Neal, David Oliver Cromwell Visiting Milton. 7858 7858 7859 7859 7860 7860 7861 7861 7862 7862 Steam. 7863 7863 7864 7864j Neide, E Charon and Psyche. 7865 7865 Neuville, E. de . .Engagement on a Railroad. 7866 7866 caded House. 7867 7867 7868 7868 7869 7869 7870 7870 7871 7871 7872 7872 7873 7873 7873 boyau. 7874 7874 7875 7875 7875 7876 7876 7876 7877 7877 7877 7878 7878 7878 7879 7879 7879 7880 7880 7880 7881 7881 Nicol, E Steady, Johnny, Steady! 7882 7882 7883 7883 ment. 1 7884 7884 164 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 1 Extra. | Large, j Med. •8 V Artist. Subject. 7885 7885 7886 7886 7887 7887 Nicol, J. W When a Man’s Single he lives at his Ease. 7888 7888 Trouble Begins. 7889 7889 Niczky, E Happy Spring Time. 7890 7890 7890 7891 7891 7892 7892 7893 7893 7893 7894 7894 Noble, J. S Forgotten. 7895 7895 7896 7896 Oesterley, C. H Jephtha’s Daughter. 7897 7897 Ohmichen, II The Village School. 7898 7898 7899 7899 O’Neill, G. B Driving a Pair. 7900 7900 7900 7901 7901 7902 7902 7903 7903 Oppenheim, M Noah. 7904 7904 Otto, C Do You Love Me? 7905 7905 Overbeck, F Lo ! I Stand at the Door and Knock. 79001 7906 7906 Overend, W. II An August Morning with Farragut. 7907 7907 Palmaroli, V Dancing School. 7908 7908 7909 7909 Papperitz, G The Breakfast. 79 10 i 7910 7911 7911 7911 Parmagianino St. Agatha. 7912 7912 7913 7913 7913 7914 7914 Paton, Frank You’re no Chicken. 7915 7915 7916 7916 7916 7916 7917 7917 7917 7918 7918 7919 7919 7920 7920 Peerdt, E Pierrot and Pierrette. 7921 7921 Pelagi, Pelagio Education of Love. 7922 7922 7922 Perrault, L Sleeping Love. 7923 7923 7924 7924 7925 7925 7925 792G 7926 7926 7927 7927 7927 7928 7928 7928 7929 7929 Perugino Transfiguration. 7930 Peschel, C The Three Marys. 7931 7931 Pfannschmidt, C. C. . .Adoration of the Kings. 7932 7932 7932 Phillip, John Coming Home, a Highland Cottage Doorway. 7933 Photo, from Life . . . .Prince of Wales’ Dogs. 7934 7934 7935 7935 ing. Part Third. 165 H3 0) 4 ►3 3 o 7936 7936 7936 7937 7937 7938 7938 7939 7939 7940 7940 7941 7941 7942 7942 7943 7943 7944 7944 7945 7945 7946 7946 7947 7947 7948 7948 7949 7949 7950 7950 7951 7951 7952 7952 7953 7953 7954 7954 7954 7955, 7955 7956 7956 7957 7957 7957 7958 7958 7959 7959 7960 7960 7961 7961 7962 7962 7963 7963 7964 7964 7964 7965 7965 7965 7966 7966 7966 7967 7967 7968 7968 7969 7970 7971 7971 7971 7972 7972 7973 7973 7974 7974 7975 7975 f 7976 7976 7977 7977 7978 7978 7979 7979 7979 7980 7981 7981 7982 7982 7982 7983! 7983 Artist. Subject. Picou, H Anthony and Cleopatra. Love Lighter than a Butterfly. These are your Pleasures. Pierce, C. F Sheepfold. Piglhein, Bruno An Idyl. (Front.) An Idyl. (Back.) My Kitty. Boss Gone Out. Antipodes. Evening. The Darling. ... My Harlequin. Playmates. Snake Charmer. Recreation. Japanese Lady. ... .The Glance. The Lion’s Awakening. Pilot y, Carl Thusnelda in tho Triumphal Procession of Germanicus. Girondists on their Way to Scaffold. Mary Stuart Receiving her Death Sentence. Wise and Foolish Virgins. Pinwell, G. J Pied Piper of Hamelin. Be- guiling the Rats. Pied Piper of Ilamelin. Be- guiling the Children. Piombo, Sebastian del. The Raising of Lazarus. Plockhorst, B Christ and his Disciples on the Way to Emmaus. Christ takes Leave of His Mother. Easter Morning. St. John and the Virgin Mary. Gift from Heaven. Guardian Angel. The Holy AVomen at the Tomb of Christ. Poirson, Maurice . . . .The Wharf at Trouville. Poittevin, E. le Studio of Paul Potter. Studio of Van de Velde. Portaels, J Flight into Egypt. Pott, J Rose of Destiny. Potter, Paul Cattle. Bull. Head of a Young Bull. Study of Cattle. Poussin, Nicolas Seasons DancingbeforeTime. Powell, Wm. H De Soto Discovering the Mis- sissippi. Poy'nter, E. J Atalanta’s Race. Study Head. Pratere, E. de Thinking It Over. Preyer, Paul Meditation. Protais, P. A Before the Attack, Morning. 166 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 7987 8013 Large. Med. & n U 7984 7984 . 7985 7985 E 7986 7986 7986 E 7987 7987 7987 . 7988 7988 . 7989 79S9 7989 . 7990 7990 . 7991 7991 . 7992 7992 . 7993 7993 . 7994 7994 . 7995 7995 . 7996 7996 7996 . 7997 7997 7997 . 7998 7998 . 7999 7999 . 8000! 8000 . 8001 8001 . 8002 8002 . 8003 8003 8004 8004 8005 8005 8005 8006 8006 8007 8007 . 8008 8008 . 8009 8010 8010 . 8011 8011 . 8012 8012 8012 8013 8013 . 8014 8014 8014 , 8015 8015 8016 8016 8017 8017 , 8018 8018 8019 8019 8020 8020 8021 8021 8022 8022 8023 8023 8024 8024 8025 8025 8025 802G 1 8026 8027 ’ 8027 802£ ! 8028 802C 1 8029 803t ) 8030 8031 [ 8031 8035 1 8032 1 Artist. Subject. After the Combat, Evening. Ariadne. Transfiguration. “ Madonna di San Sisto,” .Madonna and Child. (Full length, from the above.) Madonna and Child. (Heads from the above.) St. Barbara. .St. Sixtus. .Two Cherubs. . Cherub (one wing). .Cherub (two wings). .“Madonna di Tempi.” .“Madonna di Granduca.” .“Madonna della Sedia.” (Chair Madonna.) .“Madonna dei Candelabri.” .“La Belle Jardiniere.” .“La Yierge au Donataire.” . “ Madonna di Foligno.” . “ Madonna del l’asseggio.” .Madonna of the Fish. .Madonna of the Legend. .Madonna of the Diadem. . Madonna and Sleeping Child. . Madonna of the Pearl. . Lord Cowpcr Madonna. .Panshanger Madonna. . Holy Family. .St. Marguerite. .St. Cecilia. .St. Michael. .Marriage of the Virgin. .The Visitation. .Via Dolorosa. . Christ Bearing the Cross. .Triumph of Galatea. . Heads of Christ Child. (From various Madonnas.) . St. Peter delivered from Prison. .Heliodorus Driven from the Temple. .Burning of Borgo. .Poetry, or Parnassus. .Jurisprudence. . School of Athens. .Christ’s Charge to Peter. . Miraculous Draught of Fishes. .Peter and John at the Beau- tiful Gate. .Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. . Elymas Struck Blind. .Death of Ananias. .Paul Preaching at Athens. Part Third. 167 8059 8060 8046 8048 8053 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8073 8072 8073 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8038 8039 8040 8041 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8055 8056 8058 18059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 8065 8067 8068 8069 8070 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8033 8034 8"35 8036 8037 803s 8039 8040 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 80851 Artist. Subject. Judgment of Solomon. . Adam and Eve. Third Hour of Day. Fourth Hour of Night. The Fornarina. Portrait of a Young Man. The Violinist. Massacre of the Innocents. Descent from the Cross. Two Women with Zodiac. Dido. Raupp, C With a Favorable Wind. Approach of a Storm. Recknagkl, O Thi Lucky Shot. Regnault, A. G. H. . .General Prim. Departure for the Fantasia. Reiniiold The Tramp’s Dream. Rembrandt The Night Watch. Anatomical Lecture. The Burgomasters. St. Matthew. Rembrandt and his Wife. Rembrandt’s Wife. Rembrandt’s Grandmother. The Mill. Reni, Guido Aurora. Mater Dolorosa. (Upturned face.) Ecce Homo. Beatrice Oenci. Persian Sibyl. Fortune. Cupid'. Annunciation. Penitent Magdalen. St. Cecilia. Doctors of the Church. Painting and Design. Christ on the Mount of Olives. Renouf, E The Helping Hand. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Angels’ Heads, or Cherub Choir. The Age of Innocence. The Strawberry Girl. Simplicity. Penelope Boothby. Elizabeth, Duchess of Dev- onshire. Lady Ann Bingham. The Countess Spencer. Countess Spencer and Lord Althorp. Duchess of Devonshire. Lady Anne Fitzpatrick. Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick. Lady Camden. 168 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 8102 8100 8102 8103 8086 8087 8088 8089 8105 8106 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8125 8128 8128 8134 8130 8134 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 810 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8086 8087 8088 8089 8U90 8091 8092 8093 8094 809 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 Artist. Subject. Miss Bowles. Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse. Cymon and Iphigenia. Samuel. The Coquette. Hope Nursing Love. Emily Pott, as Thais. The Infant Academy. A Snake in the Grass. Jane Fleming. Gypsy Fortune-teller. The Mask. Ribera, J. i>e . . .'.St. Mary in Egypt. Richter, E The Favorite of the Day. Richter, Gustav .Neapolitan Boy. Odalisque. Queen Louise of Prussia. 8122 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8134 8135 8135 (Head and bust.) 8104 Maria Paulowna of Russia. 8105 Study Head. 8106 Longing. 8107 Reverie. 8108 The Brothers. 8109 Christ Raising the Daughter of Jairus. 8110 Crimean Gipsy Girl. 8111 Richter, II Piccolo. 8112 Piccola. 8113 Petruccio. 8114 Look! Look! 8115 Riviere, Briton. . Persepolis. 8116 Night Watch. 8117 Daniel. 8118 Circe and the Friends of Ulysses. 8119 Sympathy. 8120 Imprisoned. 8121 Charity. “ Cave Canem.” (Beware of the Dog.) The Poachers. Robert, H. L. .. .Parable of the Sower. Robert, P Echo. Roe, Clarence. . .Midnight Challenge. Highland Solitude. Romano, Giulio . . Apollo and the Muses. Rosa, Salvator .. Diogenes in Search of an Honest Man. Rosenthal, T. E. Elaine. The Monk. He who laughs last, laughs best. (First.) He who laughs last, laughs best. (Last.) Arrest of Constance de Bev- erly. Alarmed Boarding School! 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 Extra. Part Third. 169 8153 8136 813: Artist. Subject. 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 8136 813 8173 8174 8171 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 8168 8169 8170 Morning Prayers in the Fam- ily of Sebastian Bach. Rossetti, Dante Ga- briel Head of Dante. Mary Magdalen at the House of Simon, the Pharisee. Girlhood of Mary the Virgin, Death of Lady Macbeth. Sphynx. Mrs. Rossetti, Senior, and Miss Christina Rossetti. “ Ancilla Domine.” Cassandra. “ La Donna della Finestra.” The Beloved. Study Head. Rossi, A. M “ Fetch It ! ” Rossi, L The Oldness of a Prince. Rotari Magdalen. (Head.) Rotta, A The Cage. Nothing to do to it. Rousseau, Tii Landscape. Royer, Lionel General Charette, at Patay.* Rubens, Peter Paul. . .Descent from the Cross. Elevation of the Cross. The Lion Hunt. Conversion of St. Paul. Crucifixion. Altar Piece, St. Ildefonso. Wife of Rubens. Perseus and Andromeda. Rudaux, E Fishing. Hunting. Sketching. Study of an Interior. Toll Demanded. * Passing Free. Never Without Game. Sabetelli, L Jupiter and the Gods Discuss- ing the Dispute between Greece and Troy. . A Pegged-down Fishing Match. .The Smile.* Salentin, H Shepherd Children. Madonna, Child and St. John. Salles, Jtjles Amalfi. In the Glaciers.* Saltini, P The Account. 8178.8178jSALZ.MANN A Wife in Every Port. 817918179 Sani, A Check-mated. 8180 8180 Sant, J Shakespeare at the Age of Twelve. 8181 8181! Easter Offering. 8182, Sartain, John Divorce of the Empress Josephine. 8183 8183'Scalbert, J On Land. 8171 Sadler, W. Dendy 8172 8172|Saintin, Emile 8173 8173 8174 8174 8175 8175 8176 8176 8177 8177 170 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 8208 8216 8228 Large. Med. Cab. 8184 1 8184 sis: i 8185 8l8t 1 8186 8187 ' 8187 8188 : 8188 8189 8189 ' 8189 8190 8190 i 8190 8191 8191 8191 8192 8192 8192 8193 8193 8194 8194! 8195 8195 8196 8196 8197 8197 8198 8198 8199 8199 8200 8200 8200 8201 8201 8202 8202 8203 8203 8204 8204 8205 8205 8206 8206 8207 8207 8208 8208 8209 8209 8209 8210 8210 8211 8211 8212 8212 8212 8213 8213 8213 8214 8214 : 8215 8215 ! 8216 8216 8217 8217 8218 8218 1 8219 8219 8220 8220 i 8221 8221 ! 8222 8222 8223 8223 8224 ; 8224 8224 IS 8225 , 8225 8225 8226 , 8227 i 8227 8227 { 8228 i 8228 8228 8229 8229 i 8230 8230 8231 1 3231 8231 i 8232 1 8232 8232 Artist. Subject. Does He Love Me? Drifting.* Summer.* Sch aching lilt, G Spring has Come Again ! llichildis. Senta. Bridal Jewels. First Children of Spring. The King. Schaei pi, S Autumn. Scheffer, Ary St. Augustine and his Mother. Christ the Consoler. Christ the Kemunerator. Temptation of Christ. Magdalen. Francesca di Bimini. Dante and Beatrice. The Three Marys. Christ and St. John. Hebe. Sciiiavoni, N Hebe. Schinckel Greece in her Glory. Schloesseu, C Beethoven in his Study. Schmalz, Herbert . . .Temple of Eros. How Long? Schmidt, M Happiness. The Parson’s Toilet. [iechen, H Beatrice. Flamen9a. Schneider, II. .Mozart and his Sister. .Michael Angelo Heading his Sonnets to Yittoria Co- lon n a. .Venus with Loves. Giinther and Brunhild. Siegfried and Kriemhild. Schopin, H. F Schrader, J. .Touch Me Not. .Nativity. • Cornelia and her Jewels. .Socrates Instructing Alci- biades. .Morning of the 18 th Bru- tuaire. .Queen Elizabeth Confirms the Death-Warrant of Mary Stuart. .Cromwell in Whitehall. .St. Anthony and Infant Christ. .Madonna and Saints. .Arab Shiek Travelling. .Arabian Outposts. Part Third- 171 2 M W Large Med. ■8 o Artist. Subject. 8233 8233 8233 8234 8234 8234 8235 8235 8235 8236 8236 8236 8236 8237 8237 8237 8238 8238 8238 8239 8239 8240 8240 8241 8241 8242 8242 Schrodl, N Field Flowers. 8243 8243 Schultz, W Eavesdropping. 8244 8244 Schwartz, A Christ and St. Peter. 8245 824o Schweinger, C Alone. 8246 8246 Schwoiser, E Henry IV. at Canossa. 8247 8247 8247 8247 Seifert, A Gossiping. 8248 8248 8248 8249 8249 825U 8250 8251 8251 8251 8252 8252 8253 8253 Seigert, A The Critic. 8254 8254 Simonsen, N Battle of Sangelmark. 8255 8255 Seymour, Walter. . . .Annunciation. 8256 8256 8256 8256 Sichel, N Medea. 8257 8257 8257 8257 Medea. (Head.) 8258 8258 8258 8258 8259, 8259 8259 8259 8260 8260 8260 8261 8261 8261 826^ 8262 8263 8263 8264 8264 8264 8265 8265 8265 8266 8200 8266 8267 8267 8268 8268 8269 8269 8269 8270 8270 8270 8271 8271 8272 8272 Sidley, S Alice in Wonderland. 8273 8273 8274 8274 8274 Siemiradzki, II Nero’s Torches. 8275 8275 Sinkel, H. J ... Madonna and Child. 8276 8276 8277 8277 8277 Sohn, C. Jr After Dinner. 8278 8278 8278 8279 8279 Solomon, S Love Awakening Memory. 8280 8280 that Watcheth. 8281 8281 8282 8282 8283 8283 8284 8284 Sonderland, F Forbidden Fruit. 8285 8285 8286 8286 Sorbi, R The Decameron. 8287 8287 8288 8288 172 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. eS W Large. Med. .o' 6 Artist. Subject. 8289 8289 8290 8290 Soulacroix, F In Confidence. 8291 8291 Spangenberg, G At Dusk. 8292 8292 Will-o’-the-Wisp. 8293 8293 8293 Spiridon, I Sappho. 8294 8294 8294 8295 8295 Staellert, J The Last Combat of the Gla- diators. 8296 8296 8296 Steffens, F Odalisque. 8297 8297 Steuben Napoleon at Waterloo. 8298 8298 8299 8299 Stevens, A Springtime. 8300 8300 Stewart, J The Hunt Dance. 8301 8301 8301 Full Speed.* 8302 8302 8303 8303 Stone, Marcus. Sunshine and Shadow. 8304 8304 8305 8305 8306 8306 8306 8307 8307 Storey, G. A Little Swansdown. 8308 8308 8309 8309 Tamburini, A The Blacksmith. 8310 8310 Teschendorff, E iEdipus and Antigone. 8311 8311 8312 8312 8312 8313 8313 8313 8314 8314 8314 8315 8315 8316 8316 Theod Pixis Isolde. 8317,8317 831818318 8319 183 1 9 8320 8320 8321 8321 8322 8322 Thiersch, L Suffer little Children to come unto Me. 8323 8323 8323 8323 Thompson, Mrs. Eliza- beth (Butler) The Roll Call, Crimea, 1854-f 8324 8324 8324 8325 832518325 8326 8326 8326 8327 8327 8327 8327 Thumann, Paul Springtime of Love. 8328 8328 8328 8328 mans from Teutoburgh Forest. 8329 8329 8329 8330 8330 8330 8330 8331 8331 8332 8332 8333 8333 8333 8334 8334 8334 astery. 8335 8335 8336 8336 8336 8337 8337 8337 8338 8338 8338 8339 8339^8339 Extra. : Part Third. 173 8340 8340 8341 8341 8342 8342 8345 8346 834718347 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344 Artist. Tidemund, A. 8345|Tissot, J. J. 8346 8347 Titian. 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8355 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8356 8357 8358 8360 8359 8360 8361 8361 |8362 8363 8363 8364 8364 8365 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8367 8368 8366 8367 8368 8366 8367 8368 8387 8370 8369 8370 8371 8372 8372 8373 i 8373 837418374 8375 8375 8376 8376 8377 8377 8378[8378 8379 8379 838018380 838118381 8382 8382 8383 8383 8384 8384 8385 8385 8386 8387 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 Todaro, V. Tofano, E Tojetti Toudouze, E Toulmonciie, A Trayer, J Trood, W. H. . Troyon, C. Trumbull, John. Tucker, Ada F. Turner, J. M. W Subject. .Study Head, No. 5. . “ No. 6. “ No. 7. .The Fanatics. . A Preacher in a Norwegian Cottage. .Faust and Marguerite. .Assumption of the Virgin. .Head of Virgin. (From the above.) .Bella. . Flora. .The Tribute Money. .The Entombment. Madonna. (Dresden.) .Holy Family, with St. Zacli- arias. .Madonna and Child. .Madonna and Child Adored by Angels. .Titian’s Daughter. . St. Peter the Martyr. .Sleeping Venus. (Head and bust.) .Briscola’s Ace. .At Last, Alone ! .The First Grief. .Love and Innocence. . Grandfather’s Birthday. .Honeymoon. .Tete-a-Tete. . A Sister of Charity. .Competitors. (Dogs.) .Home Rulers. (Cats.) .Cattle. .Fishing-Boat. .Landscape, with Cattle. .Battle of Bunker Hill. Declaration of Independence Playmates. (Kittens.) Approach to Venice. Venice. Ancient Italy. Modern Italy. The Old Temeraire. Temple of Jupiter. The Golden Bough. Dido Building Carthage. Mercury and Argus. Heidelberg. Dover. Hastings. Wreck of the Minotaur. Caligula’s Palace and Bridge. Regulus Leaving Carthage. Decline of Carthage. Death of Nelson 174 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 8392 8397 8414 1 1 Large. V S Cab. Artist. 8392 8392 8392 S WINSTEAD, G. H 8393 8393 8393 Unknown Artist 8394 8394 Vaga, Perino del 8395 8395 8395 Van Beers, J 839(5 839(5 8396 8397 8397 8397 8398 8398 Van Camp, V. E 8399 8399 Van den Bos, G 8400 8400 8401 8401 8401 8402 8402 8403 8403 Van der Lyn, John. . 8404 8404 Van der V elde, A 8105 8405 840G 840G Van der Werff, A. . . 8407 8407 Van Dyck, Anton. . . . 8108 8409 8409 8410 8411 8411 8412 8413 8413 Van Marcke, E 8414 8414 8415 8415 84 1G 8416 8417 8417 8418 8418 Van Willis 8419 8419 Vautikr, B 8420 8420 8420 8121 8421 8122 8422 8423 8423 8421 8424 8425 8425 Vecchio, Palma 842*5 8426 8427 8427 8428 Vedder, Elihu 842!) 8429 ! 8430 8430 8431 8432 8132: 8433, Velasquez 8434 8435 8435 Vely, A 8436 8436 8437 8437 8438 8438 Vernet, Horace 8439 8439 8440 8440 8441 8441 8442 8442 Vernet, J 8443 8443 8444 8444 Veronese, Paul '8415 8445 Subject. The Muses and the Pi6rides. The Siren. , “ Embarques.” At Ostende.* Autumn. Sweet Souvenir. Maternal Happiness. “ Au lie voir.” Adieu, Papa.* . Coast of Schevcningen. .Expulsion of Hagar. The Entombment. Sleeping Cupid. Family of Charles I. The Bag-piper. Marriage of St. Catharine. Cattle in a Marsh. Source of the Neslette, Nor- mandy. Watering-place at Treport. Pasturage at Soreng. Black Peter. Invitation to Dance. The Reluctant Confession. Without the Artist’s Permis- sion. The Toilet. St. Barbara. Lucretia. Violante. Questioning of the Sphinx. Memory. Cup of Death. An Old Saint. Landscape. A Spanish Lady. The Whispering Well. The First Step. Meditation. Daniel. Michael Angelo and Raphael in the Vatican. Prayer in the Desert. Pope Leo XII. in St. Peters. Misty Morning. A Tempest. Moonlight. Marriage at Cana. (Louvre.) “ “ (Dresden.) Part Third. 175 Extra. Large. Med. rt o Artist. Subject. 8446 8446 8447 8447 Vekveer, Elchanon. . .The Quarrel. 8448 8448 8448 Vibert, J. G The Missionary’s Story. 8449 8449 eur. 8450 8450 8451 8451 8452 8452 8453 8453 8454 8454 8,454 8454 Vinci, Leonardo da. . .The Last Supper. 8455 Bartholomew. 8456 8457 8458 8459 Simon. 8460 8460 Doctors. 84G1 8461 8461 8462T 8462 8463 8463 8464 8464 8465 8406 8466 8466 Vinea,F The Battle Painter. 8467 8407 8467 8468 8468 8469 8409 8470 8470 8471 8471 Vogel, C. L Children Playing. (Dres- den.) 8472 8472 8472 8473 8473 8473 8473 Vogel, Hugo Luther Preaching at Wart- burg. 8474 8474 Vollmar, L The Caught Mouse. 8475 8475 Volterra, Daniele da. Descent from the Cross. 8476 8476 Voltz, Franz Cattle. — The Lake. 8477 8477 8478 8478 8479 8479 8480 8480 8480 Von Tiioren, Otto . . .Lost Dogs. 84X1 8482 8482 8482 8483 8483 8483 8483 Wagner, Alex Chariot Pace, Circus Max- imus. 8484 8484 8484 8485 8485 8486 8486 8486 8487 8487 8488 848m 8489 8489 8489 Wagner, Carl Bismarck at Versailles. 8490 8490 Wagner, P On the Heath. 8491 J 8491 8492 8492 8493 8493 Wagrez, J The First Meeting. 8494 8494 8494 8494 Wahlberg Evening. 1 8495 8495 18495 Walker, F The Vagrants. Extra. 176 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. Large, j Med. Cab. 8496 8496 8497 8497 8498 8499 8499 8500 8500 8501 8501 8502 8502 8503 8503 8504 8504 8505 8505 8506 8506 8507 8507 8508 8508 8509 8509 8510 8510 8511 8511 8512 8512 8513 8513 8514 8514 8515 8515 8515 8516 8516 8516 8517 8517 8517 8518 8518 8519 8519 8519 8520 8520 8521 8521 8521 8522 8522 8523 8523 8524 8524 8525 8525 18526 8527 8527 8528 8528 8529 8530 8530 8531 8531 8532 8532 8533 8533 8534 18534 8535 8536 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8540 8541 8541 8542 8543 8543 8544 8544 Artist. Subject. .Harbor of Refuge. Wallis, II Chatterton. Wappers, Baron Death of Columbus. Waiter, J A Merry Drive. Watts, G. F Endy inion. Daphne. Time, Death, and Judgment. Love and Death. Hope. Orpheus and Eurydice. Psyche. Throne of Death. Love Triumphant. Love and Life. Fata Morgana. Paola and Francesca di Rim- ini. Portrait of Miss Tennant. “ Mrs. Percy Wynd- ham. Watchman, What of the Night? Weber, Otto Greedy Calves. Weber, Th Departure of the Fishermen. Return of the Fishermen. Wein, Robert Embarkation of the Pilgrims. Werner, A. von Congress at Berlin. Capitulation of Sedan. Werner, H Forester’s Daughter. Wertheimer, G The Flowers Avenged. Feeding the Lions.* Wilkie, Sir David. . . .Sheep Washing. Willems, F The Wedding Ring. Winterhalter, II The Infant Christ. Wittmer Raphael Painting the Ma- donna. Woltz, B Cross on the Mountain. Wynants, J Rural Landscape. Young, E Alpine Hunter. Zamacois, E Return to the Convent. The King’s Favorite. Show me your Hands and Pockets. Indirect Contribution. Demand in Marriage. Education of a Prince. Four Brothers. Three Fools. Fools Playing at Bowling. A Good Pastor. Zick, A Psyche and Charon. Ziem, Felix Venice. Zimmermann, E The Goose. Zucharelli Landscape, with Waterfall. Part Third. 177 Large, I •c 3 OS o PORTRAITS. Authors. 8545 About, Edmond Francis Valentine. Life Photo. 8546 8546 Addison, Joseph. P. Kramer. 8547 Ariosto, Ludovico. Ermini. 8548 Black, William. Life Photo. 4 4 4 4 8549 Browning, Robert. 8550 “ Elizabeth Barrett. 8551 8551 Bryant, William Cullen. 8552 Bulwer, Edward George, Earl Lytton. 8553 8553 8553 Burns, Robert. P. Kramer. 8554 a 44 Wm. Nicholson. 8555 8555 4 ( 44 8556 8556 8556 Byron, George Gordon Noel. P. Kramer. 8557 Campbell, Thomas. 8558 Carlyle, Thomas. Life Photo. . 8559 4 4 4 4 44 44 8560 8560 Cary, Alice. 8561 8561 “ Phoebe. 8562 Chamisso, Adelbert von. 8563 8563 Chaucer, Geoffrev. P. Kramer. 8564 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (Mark Twain.) Life Photo. 8565 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. P. Kramer. 8566 Collins, William Wilkie. Life Photo. 8567 Conway, Hugh. 8568 Cowper, William. Crabbe, George. P. Kramer. 8569 8570 8570 Dante. R. Giannetti. 8571 “ Giotto. 8572 <( Stefano Tofanelli. 8573 Daudet, A. IAfe Photo. 8574 Dickens, Charles. << < < 8575 Dryden, John. 8576 Dumas, Alexander. 8577 “ “ jr. 8578 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Life Photo. 8579 Evans, Marian C. (George Eliot.) 8580 44 44 44 Profile. 8581 Froude, James Anthony. 8582 8582 Fuller, Sarah Margaret (Ossoli). 8583 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. G. 0. May. 8584 8584 8584 4 A 44 4 4 44 C. Jaeger. 8585 8585 Goldsmith, Oliver. P. Kramer. |8586 Harte, Bret. Life Photo. 8587 8587 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 8588 Heine, Heinrich. 8589 Hemans, Felicia. 8590 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 8591 Hughes, Thomas. Life Photo. 8592 Hugo, Victor Marie. «( (< 8593 “ “ “ 033 9034 9035 9036 9037 )038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9u44 Miscellaneous Portraits. ( Concluded .) Jones, John Paul. (Am. Commodore.) Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton von. (Aus. Statesman.) Knox, John. (Scotch Reformer.) Kossuth, Louis. (Hungarian Statesman.) Lesseps, Ferdinand de. (Fr. Diplomatist.) Liddon, Canon Henry Parry. (Eng. Divine.) Lumsden, Sir Peter. (Eng. General.) Luther, Martin. (Ger. Reformer.) “ “ P. Kramer . MacMahon, Marshal de. (Fr. General and Statesman.) Manning, Henry E. (Eng. Cardinal.) Melanchthon, Philip. (Ger. Reformer.) Michel, Louise. (Fr. Communist.) Mill, John Stuart. (Eng. Philosopher- ) G. F. Watts. “ “ Life Photo. Muller, Max. (Eng. Professor.) Newman, John Henry. (Eng. Cardinal.) Northcote, Sir Stafford. (Eng. Statesman.'' O’Connell, Daniel. (Irish Statesman.) Our Saviour. (Only True Portrait.) Owen, Richard. (Eng. Professor.) Paganini, Nicolo. (Ital. Violinist.) Parker, Theodore. (Am. Theologian.) Parnell, Charles Stewart. (Irish Statesman.) Rachel, Elizabeth. (Fr. Actress.) C. L. Muller. Robsart, Amy. (Scott’s Heroine.) Salisbury, Marquis of. (Eng. Statesman.) Spurgeon, Charles H. (Eng. Divine.) Stanley, Rev. Arthur Penrhyn. (Eng. Theologian.) “ Henry M. (Am. Explorer.) Thiers, Louis Adolph. (Fr. Statesman.) Tyndall, John. (Irish Scientist.) Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. (Fr. Architect.) Washington, George. (Am. General and Statesman.) Webster, Daniel. (Am. Statesman.) Wellington, Duke of. (Eng. General.) (Head.) “ . “ (Full Length.) Wolseley, Sir Garnet. (Eng. General.) Part Third. 185 REPRODUCTIONS OF ORIGINAL ETCHINGS. BY OLD MASTERS. These Old Etchings are of little interest to the casual purchaser, their value lying in the fact that they are reproduced from rare plates. If or- dered for the subject only they will often be found disappointing. Kept in stock unmounted only. a 9048 9045 9046 9047 9048 9049 9050 9051 to 9057 9058 to 9064 9065 9066 9067 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 9085 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9080 9085 9089 Etcher. Subject. Berghem, N Dogs. Goat and Ram. Herd Crossing a Stream. Landscape, with Cattle. Man and Dog. 44 44 44 | Studies of Goats. | Studies of Sheep. Carracci, A Madonna and Child. Nativity. Durer, Albrecht . . .Adam and Eve. Christ Bearing the Cross. Christ Before Caiaphas. Christ Before Pilate. Christ Praying in the Garden. Christ Raising Adam and Eve from Hades. Christ Seized by the Jews. .Crowning with Thorns. Crucifixion. Descent from the Cross. Descent into Hades. Dream, The. Ecce Homo. Effect of Jealousy. Flagellation. Four Nude Women, with Globe. Frederick, the Great Elector. Gentleman and Lady Walking. Great Fortune. Great Horse. Holy Family. (Woodcut.) “ “ or Virgin with Butterfly. Knight, Death, and the Devil. Little Fortune. Madonna and Saint Paul. . . Man of Sorrows. 9093 9093 9094 9095 9996 9097 9098 “ Melancolia. ” Marriage of Joseph and Mary. Nativity. Nemesis. Peasant at Market. Peter and John Healing the Cripple. 186 Engravings, Modem Paintings, etc. 9105 9112 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9106 9107 9108 9109 9110 9111 9112 E.cher. Subject. 91 13 91 13 9114 9130 9114 9115 9116 9117 9118 9119 9120 9121 9122 9123 9124 9125 9126 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 9142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 9148 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 Pilate, Washing his Hands. Portrait of Archbishop Albert, of Mentz. “ Erasmus. “ Hans Sachs. “ Melancthon. “ Wilibald Pirkeimer. Prodigal Son. Rape of Proserpine. (Etched on Iron.) Resurrection. with a Death’s Head. Shield of Arms St. Anthony. St. Christopher. St. George. St. Hubert. St. Jerome in a Room, Writing. St. Jerome in Penitence. St. John Chrysostom. St. Sebastian. St. Simon and St. Philip. St. Thomas and St. Bartholomew • Virgin and Child, with Monkey. “ “ with Pear. “ with Child at Breast. “ “ holding Apple. “ Embracing the Child. “ Crowned by an Angel. “ “ two Angels. “ Nursing the Child. “ Sitting by a Wall. “ with Long Hair. “ with Short Hair. Dyck, A. van Christ Crowned with Thorns. Portrait of Adam van Noort. “ Erasmus. “ Francis Frank. “ Jodocus de Momper. “ John Breugel. “ John de Wael. “ John Snellinx. “ Justus Sustermans. “ Lucas Vostermans. “ Paul du Pont. “ Peter Breugel. Goltzius, II Christ Before the High Priest. The Flagellation. Portrait of H. Goltzius. Leyden, Lucus van. . .Adam and Eve. Cain Killing Abel. Christ Appearing to Magdalen in the Garden. Christ Before Pilate. Christ Bearing the Cross. David Playing before Saul. Duke of Leyden. Milkmaid, The. Monk Sergius Killed by Mohammed. Portrait of Lucas van Leyden. V a 91G3 9174 9175 9182 9184 9187 9189 9191 9195 9197 9203 9204 9205 9200 9207 9208 Part Third. 187 Etcher, Subject. St. Jerome. St. Jerome in his Chamber. St. Matthew. St. Sebastian. Virgil, the Magician, Suspended in a Basket. Lorraine, Claude . . . .Cattle Crossing a Stream. Dance under the Trees. Goat-herd, The. Jupiter and Europa. . . . Robbers, The. Seaport with Tower. Shepherd and Shepherdess. Wooden Bridge, The. Meciilen, Israel von .Christ Scourged. Mass of St. Gregory. St. Martin Dividing his Cloak. Ostade, A. van Man Looking out of a Door. Potter, Paul .Cattle. Cows. Rembrandt Annunciation to the Shepherds. Banker, or Gold weigher. Baptism of the Eunuch. Beggars at the Door. Beggar Couple. Blind Fiddler. Christ and the Samaritan Woman. Christ Driving the Money-Changers out of the Temple. Christ Healing the Sick. The 100 Gul- den Etching. Christ Preaching. Crucifixion, The. Crucifixion, The. Death of the Virgin. .Descent from the Cross. Descent from the Cross. Ecce Homo. Flight into Egypt. Good Samaritan, The. Jacob Lamenting the Death of Joseph. Joseph Relating his Dream. Landscape, with Draughtsman. “ with Mill. “ with Sportsman. “ with Three Trees. Musicians. Old Man with Fur Cap. Old Man with Split Cap. Old Woman. Pancake Woman. Portrait of Burgomaster Six. “ Catz. “ Clement de Jonge. “ Doctor Faustus. “ Great Coppenal. “ John Cornelius Sylvius. 183 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. a 9209 9209 9210 9211 9212 [9213 9214 9214 9215 9215 921G 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9224 9225 9226 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9228 9229 9230 9231 Etcher. Subject. 9242 Portrait of John Lutma. Rembrandt. “ in Fur Cap. “ in Persian Habit. “ and his Wife. Renier Hansloo. Young Haering. Presentation in the Temple, liaising of Lazarus (small). Ilembrandt’s Mother. Rembrandt’s Mill. Return of the Prodigal Son. Sacrifice of Abraham. Scholar, meditating by a lamp. St. Catharine. St. Jerome. Stoning of Stephen. Supper at Emmaus. Triumph of Mordecai. Village by the Roadside. Peter Repenting. St Jerome Hearing the Archangel’s Trumpet. Rosa, Salvator Jason and the Dragon. Man in Armor. Man in Armor Sleeping. Man with Bow. Man with Staff. Warrior Leaning on Sword. Woman and Child. Schongatjer, Martin. .Crowning with Thorns. Flight into Egypt. Nativity. Teniers, David Mountaineer. Waterloo, A Landscape. Ribera, J. de. Extra. Part Third. 189 Reproductions of Original Modern Etchings. Large. 'O o a e4 o Artist. 9243 9244 9243 9244 9245 9246 Abraham, T Adeline, Jules . . . Ales 9247 9248 9247 9248 9247 9248 Anderson, R 9249 9250 Appian, A 9251 9252 9252 9253 9254 9255 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9259 9260 9260 9261 9261 9261 9262 9265 9263 9264 9265 Armand Aufray, Alpheus. 9266 9266 9266 9267 9267 9267 9268 9268 9269 9269 9270 9271 Balfourier, A . . . . 9272 9272 9273 9274 Ballin, A Beauverie, Ch. . . . 9275 9276 9277 9277 9278 Besnus, A 9279 9279 9280 9280 9281 9282 Calame, A 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 92*9 9290 9291 Subject. Rouen, from the River. , Truth. .Dutch Fishing-boats. Hauling the Line. . An Autumn Day at Artemare. An Autumn Evening (near Ros- sillon ). Borders of a Brook at Rossillon. Cornfield, The. Evening. (Borders of the Rhone.) .Fishermen’s Cabins. (Coast of Italy.) , “L’Etang Neuf.” Pond with Scow. Port of San Remo. Road with Poplars. Rocks of Rix. Souvenir. (Windmills.) Trees and Water. Venice. (Inundation, Oct. 15, 1875.) Windmill at Midnight. Brook, The. Dutch Windmill and Canal. Evening. Home, Sweet Home. River Scene. .Sunset. , At Valdemusa. (Majorca.) Ravine in the Pontine Marshes. Borders of the Oise (near Ant- werp). The Oise (below Mery). Wheatfield. Family of Philosophers. Horses at Guide-board. (Halage.) Village in Brittany. Watering the Cows. Alpine Brook. Brook in the Valley. Cattle in the Stream. Horsemen Halting by a Pool. Landscape and Trees. Landscape near Geneva. Landscape with Pond. Mountain Road. Path around the Cliff. Path through the Valley. Souvenir of Ancient Rome. Extra. 190 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 9335 9341 9301 9302 9308 9309 9310 9313 9314 9292 9293 9294 9 .'95 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 )3 1 1 9312 9313 9314 9315 9328 9316 9317 93ls 9319 9320 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9328 9329 9330 933 1 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 933!) 9840 9341 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 9343 9344 9346 9343 9344 9345 9346 Artist. Subject. Study in the Alps. Study of Trees at Geneva. Temple of Paestum. View of the Alps, near Geneva. Water Carriers. Wood Interior. Carmiencke, H. ..Church-yard, The. Danish Farm-house. ... .Danish Washer-women. Deer on the Border of a Lake. Landscape and Pond. Old Danish Bridge. Old Biver-road. Old Ruins. Sportsman in the Woods. Study of Trees. Watermill. Cole, J. FoxcRorT.Flock of Sheep. Coleman, W. S. . .Maid and the Magpie. Corot, J. B. C. . . .Souvenir of Tuscany. Dkbaines, A. B. . .Street in Audemer. Delauney Notre Dame Cathedral. Side. “ “ “ Front. View of Paris, from Bridge of Austerlitz. Demarne, J. L. . . .Allegory. At the Watering-Trough. Country Seat, A. Cow and Calf. In the Pasture. Landscape and Oak. Mountain Brook. Rustic Bridge. Shrine by the Roadside. Study of Donkeys. View of a Public Street. Waterfall and Cave. Dktaille, E The Uhlan. Feyen-Perrin, A., Winnowers. Flameng, L Interior of a Carmelite Convent. Frkre, Edouard. .The Cooper. The Seamstress. Forel, Alexis. .. .Corner of a Yard. Fortuny, M. de. . .An Idyl. Hllwood, John. .Quivering Aspens. The Swallows’ Haunt. Gautier, Lucien. .Quay of the Old Port of Marseilles. Gravier, A Lady Teazle. Eel Traps. • • • • Thames Farm. Gravier, L Loch Lomond. Groiseilliez, M. I)E Low Tide at Conquet. Haden, Seymour. .Battersea. Breaking up of the Agamemnon. Brig at Anchor. Duck Pond. - } Extra. Part Third. 191 9347 9348 9349 93/iO 9351 9352 9354 935G 9358 9359 9361 9373 9377 9347 9348 9349 9350 )35 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 )357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 937 937 J 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 938'. 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 93.9 I 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 9 .98 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 Artist. Subject. . Entrance of the Chateau de My tton. .Greenwich. . Horsley’s House at Wellesley. .Lancashire River, A. .Little Boat-house, The. .Looking out of Study Window. .Lord Harrington’s House. .Sunset in an Irish Park. Sunset on the Thames. .Terrace Richmond Park. .Twickenham Church. .Whistler’s House at Old Chelsea. .Windsor. Bedouin, E Spring. Hkrkomer, H Souvenir of Rembrandt. Touched. Holbein, Theresa. C orner of a Peasant’s Yard. Drying Clothes. Haymakers. In the Wood. Landscape with Cottage. Landscape with Mountain. Peasant’s Hut. Rest by the Wayside. Return from Market. Thatched Cottage. Holloway, C. F. . .On the Thames. Jacque, Charles. .Ale-house, The. Angler, The. Boy and Donkey. Cattle. Coming Storm, The. Cows at a Watering-place. Driving Swine. Entering the Fold. Farm Maid, The. Feeding the Pigs. Fiddler, The. Friendship. Girl leading a Cow. Herd of Swine. Keeper of the Turkeys. Landscape with Cattle. Man Driving Cows. Morning. Noon-day Rest. Pigs in Mischief. Ploughing. Prodigal Son, The. Sheep. Sheepfold. . Street Musicians. Swineherd. Thatched Cottages. Watering-place, The. Windmills. Jacquemand, J. . . . A Council of Foot-gear. Extra. 192 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. 9437 Large, j 'd o a ■s o Artist. Subject. 9404 9404 Jongicind, J. B. . . .Kailway Port at Honfleur. 9405 9405 9406 9406 9407 9407 Lalanne, M Haarlem, Holland. 9408 9409 9410 Le Gros, A Old Spanish Monk. 9411 Lhermitte, L The Vintage. 9412 Londonis, F Pastoral. 9413 9413 Meryon Apse of Notre Dame, Paris. 9414 9414 Gallery “ 9415 9415 9416 9416 9417 9417 9418 9418 9419 9419 9420 9420 State.) 9421 9421 9422 9423 9423 9424 9425 9425 9426 Dame. 9427 Michelin, J Landscape. 9428 Millet, J. F Mother and Child. 9429 9429 Piranesi Arch of Constantine, Rome. 9430 9430 Protais, P. A Metz. (Meditation.) 9431 Schmidt, G. F. ... Portrait of G. F. Schmidt. 9432 Slocombe, E View from Tower Wharf. 9433 9433 9433 Slocombe, Fred. .Autumn in the Woods. 9434 9434 9434 Day. 9435 9435 9436 9436 9437 9437 9438 9438 9438 9439 9439 9439 9440 9440 9440 9441 9441 Turner, J. M. W. .Ben Arthur, Scotland. 9442 9442 9443,9443 9444 9444 9445 9445 9446 9446 9447 9447 9448 9148 9449 9449 9450 9450 9451 9451 tions. 9452 9452 9453 Veyrasset, J Ferry-boat, The. 9454 9455 9456 Part Third. 193 §0 E J T3 O s A a O Artist. Subject. 9457 9457 Watson, Chas. J. .Greenwich. 9458,9458 Weber, Otto Cattle. 9459 9459 Noondav Meal. 9460 9460 Whistler, J. A. M. Black Lion Wharf. (On the Thames.) 94G1 94G1 94G2 9462 9463 9463 9464 9464 9465 1 9465 Old Hungerford. “ 9466 9466 9467 9467 9468:9468 9469, 9469 9470 947119471 9472 9473 9474 94 75 9476 9477 9478 9479 9480 9481 9482 A ci O From Collection Published in 1841. of Original Diisseldorf Etchings. In Cabinet Size only. 9483 Title-page, Adolph Schi'ddter. 9484 Marriage of Cana, J. F'uhrich. 9485 In the Woods, J. W. Schirmer. 9486 Jacob receiving Joseph’s Coat, 9487 Entrance to Grand Canal, Venice, 9488 The process of etching, 9489 Scene on the Island of Riigen, 9490 Pilgrims planting a tree, 9491; Don Quixote charging the sheep, 9492 The Pilot examination, 9493jEvening in the Westerwald, 9494! Angel conveying the body of St. Catherine to Mount Sinai, 9495 Falls of the Isar, 9496iCrusaders beholding Jerusalem, 9497 Spanish Monk at a well, 9498 Baron Munchausen’s singular flight, 9499 Leukothea rescuing Odysseus (Ulysses) from the storm, 9500 Frederick of the Bitten Cheek fleeing from the Wartburg, 9501 Old Castle, 9502 Jason and Medea capturing the Golden Fleece, 9503 Meiringen, Switzerland, Alfred Rethel. A. Vollmer. E. Neurenther. Fr. Preller. C. F. Lessing. Adolph Schrodter. Rud Jordon. J. Becker. II. Mucke. Carl Wagner. II. Pluddemann . W. Gail. Adolph Schrodter. L. Schwanthaler. L. Haach. Rud. Wiegmann. J. B. Genelli. Rud. v. Normann . 194 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. Illustrations of Books on Art and Travel. We have illustrated the following books with the most prominent pictures suggested by a careful reading. A greater or less number may be used, at the option of the purchaser. We supply the photographs un- mounted at $1.50 per dozen, or mounted on plate paper ready for bind- ing at $2.00 per dozen. Hawthorne’s Marble Faun 56 Photos. Grimm’s Michael Angelo. Vol. 1 104 “ “ “ “ Vol. II G6 “ Mme. De Stael’s Corinne 116 “ Taine’s Italy. Koine and Naples 150 “ “ “ Florence and Venice 236 “ Andersen’s Improvisatore 99 “ Lew Wallace’s Ben Hur 21 “ Mrs. Jameson’s Legends of the Madonna 91 “ Geo. Eliot’s Ilomola 62 “ Byron’s Childe Harold 22 “ Mrs. Stowe’s Agnes of Sorrento 40 “ ( Others in preparation .) Illustrations of Books, Legends, etc. a & a O Dickens Illustrations. By J . Barnard. 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9511 9515 9516 9517 9518 9519 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 9525 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 Christmas Carol Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim. Cricket on the Hearth. .Caleb Plummer and his Blind Daughter. David Copperfield Miss Betsy Trotwood. Mr. Wilkins Micawber. Mr. Peggotty. Uriah Heep. Dombey and Son Captain Cuttle. Little Dorrit Little Dorrit. Martin Chuzzlewit. ..... Mrs. Gamp. Mr. Pecksniff. Old Curiosity Shop .... Dick Swiveller. Little Nell and her Grandfather. Oliver Twist Bill Sykes. Our Mutual Friend .... Hogue Riderhood. Pickwick Papers Alfred Jingle. Mr. Pickwick. Sam and Tony Weller. Tale of Two Cities .... Sidney Carton. Shakespeare Illustrations, Anthony and Cleopatra. Act III., Scene 9. As You Like It. Act II., Scene 1. Act IV., Scene 3. Act V., Scene 4. Cvmbeline. Act III., Scene 14. Hamlet. Act I., Scene 4. Act I., Scene 4. Act III., Scene 2. Act IV., Scene 7. Act V., Scene 1.* King Henry IV. Act II., Scene 2. Act IV., Scene 4. Henry Tresham. Wm. Hodges. Raphael I Vest. Wm. Hamilton. J. Hoppner. H. Fuseli. Carl von Hafften. Conrad Diehl. Ferd. Piloty. F. Stieler. R. Smirke. J. Boydell. * Also in Extra size. Part Third. 195 9534 9535 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 9544 9545 9546 9547 954X 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9507 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 9573 9574 9534 9535 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 9544 9545 9546 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9567 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 9573 9574 9575 9575 9576 9576 9577 9578 9579 9579 9580 9580 1 9581 9582 9582 9583 9583 9584 9585 9586 9586 19587 Subject. Artist. King Henry VI. 1st part. 2d part. 3d part. King Henry VIII. Act I., King John. King Lear. King Richard III. Act II., Act II., Act II., Act I., Act III., Act II., Scene 4. Act III., Scene 1. Act IV., Scene 2. Act III., Scene 1. Act IV., Scene 1. Act IV., Scene 1. ActV., Scene 7. Act III., Scene 4. Scene 3. Scene 4. Scene 5. Scene 4. Scene 3. Scene 5. Act III., Scene 5. Act IV., Scene 3. Macbeth. Act I., Scene 3. Act I., Scene 3. Act IV., Scene 1. ActV., Scene 1. ActV., Scene 3. Measure for Measure.- Act V., Scene 1. Merchant of Venice. Act II., Scene 5. Merry Wives of Windsor. Act IV., Scene 2. Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act IV., Scene 1. Othello. Act V., Scene 2. Act V., Scene 2. Act V., Scene 2. Romeo and Juliet. Act. V., Scene 2. Tempest. Act I., Scene 1. G. Romney. Act III., Scene 1. Wm. Kaulbach. Act III., Scene 2. “ “ Act IV., Scene 1. Joseph Wright. Timon of Athens. Act IV., Scene 3. John Opie. Troilus and Cressida. Act II., Scene 2. Geo. Romney. ActV., Scene 2. Ang. Kauffmnan. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act V., Scene 3. Winter’s Tale. Act III., Scene 3. Jos. Wright. Act IV., Scene 3. F. Wheatley. John Opie. J. Boydell. J. Northcote. John Opie. Sir J. Reynolds. J. Boydell. T. Stothard. Rev. Wm. Peters. R. Westall. Wm. Kaulbach. ii i i Jas. Northcote. Wm. Kaulbach. Benjamin West. Carl Piloty. J. Northcote. Wm. Kaulbach. II. Fuseli. Sir J. Reynolds. Wm. Kaulbach. it n Thos. Kirk. R. Smirke. James Durne. H. Fuseli. J. Boydell. J. Graham. F. Piloty. Goethe Gallery and 156. See Numbers 7455 to 7475 on pages 155 Schiller Gallery. (For set in folio see page 206.) Mitry Stuart, IK Kaulbach. Mother’s Love, A. Muller. The Farewell, U Jeanne d’Arc, W. Kaulbach. The Maiden’s Lament, C. Jaeger. The Youth at the Brook, Th. Pixis. The Return, A. Muller. Happy Moments, “ The Playing Infant, Th. Pixis. Courtship, A. Muller. The Bridal Procession, ( i Expectation, C. Jaeger. Wallenstein, 44 The Maiden from Afar, R. Beyschlag. The Robbers, C. Jaeger. 196 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. *6 & 3 6 9588 9589 9589 9590 9590 9591 9592 9593 9593 9594 9595 9596 9597 9598 9599 9600 9601 9602 From the 9603 A. 9604 B. 9605 C. 9606 D. 9607 E. 9608 F. 9609 G. 9610 H. 9611 I. 9612 J. 9613 K. 9614 L. 9615 M. 9616 N. 9617 O. 9618 P. 9619 Q- 9620 R. 9621 S. 9622 T. 9623 U. 9624 V. 9625 w. 9626 X. 9627 Y. 9628 Z. Subject. Artist. Don Carlos, C. Jaeger • Harvest Home, A. Muller • Mother’s Cares, “ William Tell, C. Jaeger. The Bride of Messina, “ Schiller at Weimar, IF. Tennyson’s Elaine. By G. Bore . King Arthur discovering the Skeletons of the Brothers. Lancelot approaching the Castle of Astolat. Lancelot relating his Adventures. Lancelot bids Adieu to Elaine. Elaine on her Hoad to the Cave of Lancelot. Torre and Lavaine bid Farewell to the Body of Elaine. The Body of Elaine on its way to King Arthur’s Palace. King Arthur reading the Letter of Elaine. The Remorse of Lancelot. The Niebelnngen-Lied. Frescoes by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, in the Royal Palace, Munich. In Cabinet Size only. Heinrich von Offterdingen (writing the Lay of the Niebelun- gen), and female figures typifying Narration and Song. Siegfried and Kriemhild. Gunther and Brunhild. Siegmund and Sieglind. (Siegfried’s Parents.) Ute (Mother of Gunther and kriemhild), with her sons Gemot and Geiselher. Hagen, Volker, and Dankwart. Etzel (Atilla) and Rudiger. Dietrich von Bern and Hildebrand. Siegfried’s triumphant Entry into Worms, with captives and spoils of war. Gunther and Brunhild arrive at Worms, and are received by Kriemhild. Nuptials of Siegfried and Kriemhild. Siegfried confides to Kriemhild the manner in which he de- prived Brunhild of her girdle. Brunhild and Kriemhild disputing their rank before the Cathedral door. Kriemhild implores Hagen to protect Siegfried during the fight, marking on the hero’s garment the spot where he is vulnerable. Siegfried takes leave of Kriemhild (his departure for the chase.) Hagen treacherously kills Siegfried. Hunting party returning with the body of Siegfried. Kriemhild beholds the body of Siegfried lying at her door. Messenger announcing to Siegmund the death of his son Siegfried. Kriemhild discovers Hagen to be the murderer of Siegfried, by the wound bleeding afresh at his approach. Hagen throws the Niebelungen treasure into the Rhine. The water-nymphs announce to Hagen the ultimate fate of the Bergundian host. The water-nymphs’ prophecy of the fate of the Burgundians. Hagen and Volker ignoring Queen Kriemhild’s salutation. Kriemhild bids the Huns charge the Burgundians. Hagen kills Ortlieb in presence of the Queen. Part Third. 197 £> m O 9629 9630 9631 9632 9633 9634 9635 9636 9637 9638 9639 The Niebelungen-Lied. ( Continued .) 9640 9641 9642 9643 9644 9645 9646 9647 9648 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 9654 9655 9656 9657 9658 9659 9660 9661 9662 9663 9664 9665 9666 9667 9668 9669 9670 9670 9670 AA. Death-struggle between the Burgundians and the Huns, be- fore the burning palace. BB. Fight on the burning staircase (death of Gernot and Rudiger). CC. Removal of the slain. DD. Hagen vanquished by Dietrich von Bern. EE. Dietrich leads the captives Gunther and Hagen before the Queen. FF. Kriemhild kills Hagen, but is herself slain by Hildebrand. GG. Lamentation of Dietrich, Etzel, and Hildebrand. HII. Etzel and his Court weeping over the body of Kriemhild. II. Return to Worms of the messengers, with the weapons of the slain. JJ. Bishop Pilgrim receives the news of the destruction of the Burgundians. KK. Bishop Pilgrim orders masses to be sung for the heroes. Heinrich Heine’s Book of Song's. By Paul Thu - maun. Berg Idylle I. Die Ileimkehr. Junge Leiden. a For set in Case, see Pago 206. Aus der Harzreise. Der Abend Kommt Gezogen. Mein Kind, wir waren Kinder. Dammernd liegt der Sommerabend. Die Wallfahrt nach Kevlaar. Traumbilder II. Die Grenadiere. Lyrisches Intermezzo. Auf Fliigeln des Gesanges. Mein Liebchen, wir sassen Beisammen. Cupid and Psyche. By Paul Thumann. Homage to Psyche. ] Psyche borne by Zephyr. Psyche at the Couch of Cupid. Psyche before Venus. Psyche and the Wood God. . Psyche in the Lower Regions. Cupid awakening Psyche. Cupid before Jupiter. Cupid and Psyche on Mt. Olympus. Cupid’s Conquests. By H. Los sow. Cupid. Amphitrite. Lurlei. Leda. Io. Danae. Ariadne. Venus Surprised. Bacchante. Cupid, the Marksman. “ the Fisher. “ Triumphant. Legend of the Storks. By T. E. Rosenthal. a. The Lake. b. Arrival at the Door. c. Reception of the Baby. Set of three pictures with poem in 10 X 12 portfolio. $1.50. For set in Case, see Page 206. Price, 198 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. Greek Illustrations. In Cabinet size only. a. Photographed from “Monuments inedits publies par l’lnstitut de Correspondance Archeologique.” Rome and Paris, 1839-1878. b. Prom Gerhard’s “ Greek Yase Pictures.” c. From Visconti’s “ Iconographie Grecque.” d. From Kekule’s “ Greek Figures in Clay.” e. From Flaxman’s Outline Drawings. Homer’s Iliad. 9671 9672 9673 9674 9675 9676 9677 9678 9679 Diomed casting his Spear against Mars, e Juno and Minerva going to assist the Greeks. Neptune rising from the Sea. e Ajax defending the Greek Ships, e Fight for the Body of Petroclus. e Andromache fainting on the Walls, e Hector’s Body dragged at the Car of Achilles. Priam trying to obtain the Body of Hector, e Funeral of Hector, e e e 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 9685 9686 9687 9688 9689 9690 9691 9692 9693 9694 9695 9696 9697 9698 9699 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704 9705 9706 9707 9708 9709 9710 9711 Homer’s Odyssey. Orestes slaying iEgisthus. b Odysseus (Ulysses) First Meeting with Nausicaa. b “ weeps at the Song of Demodocus. e “ giving Wine to Polyphemus, a “ blinding Polyphemus. Fresco in an Etruscan Tomb, a “ escaping from the Cave on a Ram. a “ calling up the Shade of Teiresias. a “ and the Sirens, a “ and his Dog. e “ killing the Suitors, e Mercury conducting the Souls of the Suitors to Hades, e Lyric Poets. Double Hermes of Homer and Achilochus. Sappho playing the Lydian Barbiton. Gem. Runners, Boxers, and Wrestlers. Panathenaic Yase. a Runners with Vases. Panathenaic Vase, a The Fall of Myrtilus from Pelop’s Chariot. Vase picture, a Drama. Dionysos and Akratos. b “ # and Komos leading Hephaistos back to Olympus, b Education of Komos. b Combat between Dionysos and two Giants, b Athene holds Theseus back while Dionysos leads off Ariadne as his Bride, b Boreas carries off Oritheia. b Erectheus and Cecrops hear the News, b The Dioskowroi draw Water in spite of Amyclos. Two views of a Bust of JEschylus. The fabulous Death of iEschylus. Prometheus Unbound. Vase picture, a Orestes at Delphi. “ “ Purification of Orestes. Vase picture, a Glaukos. Mosaic. “ “ a (Edipus and the Sphynx. “ “ a Euripides, c .a s: O 9712 9713 9714 9715 9716 9717 to 9721 9722 9723 9724 9725 9726 9727 9728 9729 9730 9731 9732 9733 9734 9735 9736 9737 9738 9739 9740 9741 9742 9743 9744 9745 9746 9747 9748 9749 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 9765 Part Third. 199 Greek Illustrations. ( Concluded .) Double Hermes of Aristophanes and Menander, a rheseus and Phaedra. Vase picture, a Bellerophon and Pegasus. Vase picture, a rhe Mad Herakles. “ “ a Jrestes and Pylades find Iphigenia in Tauris. Pompeian Fresco. Tanagra Figurines. Berlin Museum, d Pelops and Hippodameia. Vase picture, a \lcibiades. a Herakles and Auge. a Domic Version of the Judgment of Paris. Vase picture, a rhe Greeting of the Swallow in the Spring, a Goethe’s Reynard the Fox. By Win. Kaulbach . In Cabinet size only, rhe L;on and his Court. Reynard at Home. rhe Panther’s Complaint. rhe Chanticleer’s Complaint. Eleynard as a Monk, rhe First Summons. Bruin after the Honey, rhe Second Summons, rybalt’s Escape, rhe Parson’s Capon, rhe Wolf on the Rafter. Reynard's Confession. Reynard’s Relapse. Reynard’s Sentence. Offering the Crown to Bruin. Reynard’s Father and the Treasure, rhe Hare corroborates Reynard’s Story. Reynard receiving the Chaplain’s Blessing, rhe Relapse. Sacrifice of Bellyn, the Ram. rhe Festival. Reynard and the Rabbit. Reynard and the Crows, rhe Third Summons. Phe Mare and the Wolf. Phe King’s Closet, rhe Ass’s Mistake. l'he Wolf and the Crane, rhe Sick King. Phe Wolf driven from the Ape’s Den. Preparing for the Battle. The Battle. Congratulations. Receiving the Medal. The Wolfs Sympathizers. Reynard’s return Home. Raphael’s Bible. (Reproduced from the set of Griiner Plates.) In Cabinet size only. Old Testament. The Creation of Terra Firma. The Separation of Light from Darkness. The Creation of the Sun and Moon. 200 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. Raphael’s Bible. ( Concluded .) 9766 9767 9768 9769 9770 9771 9772 9773 9774 9775 The Creation of living Animals. Presentation of Eve to Adam. The Temptation. The Expulsion from Paradise. Adam and Eve. The Building of the Ark. The Deluge. Noah leaving the Ark. Noah’s Sacrifice. Abraham and Melchizedek. 9776 9777 9778 9779 9780 9781 9782 9783 9784 9785 Abraham commanded to count the Stars. Abraham and the Angels. The Flight from Sodom. God ordering Isaac not to go into Egypt. Abimelech watching Isaac and Rebekah, The Blessing of Jacob. The Blessing of Esau. The Vision of Jacob’s Ladder. Jacob covenanteth for Rachel. Rachel and Jacob. 9786 The Return of Jacob. 9787 9788 9789 9790 9791 9792 9793 9794 9795 9796 9797 9798 9799 9800 9801 9802 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 Joseph’s Dream. Joseph Sold. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife. Pharaoh’s Dream. The Finding of Moses. Moses and the Burning Bush. The Israelites passing through the Red Sea. Moses striking the Rock. Moses receiving the Two Tables of the Law. The Israelites worshipping the Golden Calf. The Cloudy Pillar standing at the Tabernacle Door. Moses presenting the Law to the People. The Dividing of the Waters of Jordan. The Fall of Jericho. Joshua commanding the Sun and the Moon to stand still. The Division of the Land by Lot. Samuel anointing David. David slaying Goliath. Triumph of David. David and Bathsheba. Solomon anointed King. The Judgment of Solomon. The Queen of Sheba’s Visit. The Building of Solomon’s Temple. New Testament. 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9819 The Adoration of the Shepherds. The Adoration of the Kings. The Baptism of Christ. The Last Supper. Raphael's Hours. (Also made in Medium size.'i First Hour of the Day. Second Hour of the Day. Third Hour of the Day. Fourth Hour of the Day. Fifth Hour of the Day. Part Third- 201 a O Raphael’s Hours. ( Concluded .) 9820 9821 9822 9823 9824 9825 9826 9827 9828 9829 9830 9831 9832 9833 Sixth Hour of the Day. First Hour of the Night. Second Hour of the Night. Third Hour of the Night. Fourth Hour of the Night. Fiftli Hour of th Night. Sixth Hour of the Night. Raphael's Days, Monday, Luna. Tuesday, Mars. Wednesday, Mercury. Thursday. Jupiter. Friday, Venus. Saturday, Saturn. Sunday, Sol. Set of Heads from Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper. From drawings by Johannes Niessen, of Weimar, after the Original Drawings by L. da Vinci, in the possession of the Duchess of Weimar, excepting three (Christ, Thaddeus, and Simon) which are in England. In Cabinet size only. 9834 Christ. 9835 John. 9836; Judas and Peter. 9837 Andrew. 9838 James the Younger. 9839 Bartholomew. 9840 1 'I homas and James the Elder. 9841 1 Philip. 9842| Matthew. 9843iThaddeus. 9844 Simon. T3 o S Cab. MISCELLANEOUS. Works of William Morris Hunt. 9845 9845 His own Portrait. Painted in 1879. 9846 9846 Bust of Lady, called St. Cecilia. 9847 9847 The Amazon. 9848 9848 Flight of Night. 9849 9849 First Love. 9850 9850 Charles River, with Bathers. 9851 9851 Horses and Cart on a Beach. 9852 9852 Mill-dam : Newton Lower Falls. 9853 9853 A Wreck: Fayal. 9854 Boy Chasing a Goose. 9855 Landscape, called “ Spring Chickens.” 9856 1 June Clouds. 9857i Hamlet. 9858 Charles River. 9859 Lute Girl. 9860] Boy Violinist. 202 Engravings, Modern Paintings, etc. I s a £ eg V Works of William Morris Hunt. ( Concluded .) 9861 9861 Charcoal Drawings. Anahita. (Bust.) Also made in Extra size. 98G2 9862 Azalea. 9863 9863 Boy with Violin. 9864 9864 Governor’s Creek, Florida. 9865 9865 Head, Study for a Sibyl. 9866 Spanish Boy. 9867 9867 Study of a Male Head.. 9868 9868 St. John’s River, Florida. 9869 9869 Sunset on St. John’s River, Florida. 9870 9870 Tiger. 9871 9871 Trees, Florida. 9872 9872 Turk’s Rest. 9873 9873 Flower Studies. (From Nature.) Gloxinia. 9874 9874 Iris. 9875 9875 Lilium Auratum. 9876 9876 Lily, White. 9877 9877 Marguerite. 9878 9878 Morning Glory. 9879 9879 Pirus Japonica. 9880 9880 Rhododendron. 9881 9881 Tulip. 9882 9882 Passion Play at Oberammergau, in 1880. Photographed from life. Proscenium and Chorus. 9883 9883 Adam and Eve. 9884 9884 The Brazen Serpent. 9885 9885 The Lord gives Manna to the People of Israel. 9886 9886 Vasliti and Esther. 9887 9887 The Sons of Jacob sell their Brother Joseph. 9888 9888 Departure of Tobias. 9889 9889 Christ brought before the High Priest Annas. 9890 9890 Christ on the Mount of Olives. 9891 9891 Christ is sold by Judas in the Council of High Priests. 9892 9892 Christ holds the Last Supper with His Disciples. 9893 9893 Christ is condemned to Death by Pilate. 9894 9894 The Bearing of the Cross. 9895 9895 The Crucifixion. 9896 9896 The Resurrection. 9897 Joseph Meyer, as Christ. 9898 Anastasia Krach, as Mary. 9899 Jacob Hett, as Peter. 9900 George Lechner, as Judas. 9901 Roclius Lang, as Ezechiel. 9902 Reliquary of St. Ursula. By Hans Memling . Arrival of St. Ursula at Cologne. 9903 Arrival of St. Ursula at Basle. 9904 Arrival of St. Ursula at Rome. 9905 Second arrival at Basle. 9906 St. Ursula protecting Young Virgins. 9907 Shrine of St. Ursula. 9908 Allegory of the Martyrdom of St. Ursula. 1 9909 Apotheosis of St. Ursula. Part Third. 203 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 - 9918 9919 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9929 9930 9931 9932 9933 9934 9935 9936 9937 9938 9939 9940 9941 9942 9943 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9951 9952 9953 9954 9955 9956 9957 9958 9959 9960 9961 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 99§7 9968 Animal Studies, Cats Cattle Deer Dogs, Donkey Fowl. . . Goat . . Hog... Horses (From Life.) In Cabinet size only. . Cats and Kittens. Striped Cat. .Bull. .Calves. Cadzow Forest. . Cow. .Cow Milking. . Herd of Cattle at a Brook. . “ “ Drinking. . “ “ in a Road. .Wild Cattle in Cadzon Forest. .Highland Ox. 44 44 .Flock of Deer. .Bull Terrier, “ Rocket. ** 44 (4 41 White. . .Coach Dog. ..Collie, Scotch. y. “ Shepherd. . .English Terrier. . .Fox Hounds, Pack with Horses. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 “ Terrier. “ “ at Rat Trap. Mastiff, “ Prince of Wales.” Newfoundland’s Head. Pointer, with Child. Pointers. A Brace. Pug. Russian Poodle. Skye Terrier, with Hedgehog. Spaniel “ “ St. Bernard. .with Cart and Children. .Flock of Ducks. “ Hens. (Hamburgs.) “ Pigeons. (Pouters.) Hen and Chickens. Swan. Turkey Gobbler and Hen. Single Goat Standing. Single Hog. Cart Horse’s Head. .Saddle “ “ (< << a o Dance of Death. ( Concluded .) 10024 10025 1002G 10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 1003G 10837 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 Death comes for the Judge. Death comes for the Councillor. Death comes for the Lawyer. Death comes for the Merchant. Death comes for the Pedler. Death comes at Sea. Death comes to the Teamster. Death comes to the Farmer. Death comes for the Miser. Death comes for the Robber. Death comes for the Drunkard. Death comes for the Gambler. Death comes for the Grandfather. Death comes for the Grandmother. Death comes for the Blind Man. Death will not come for the Beggar. Death comes for the Peasant’s Child. Death comes for the Lunatic. The Dance of Death upon a Dagger Sheath. Heads Reproduced from Drawings. Vignettes. . 1 Large. T3 o a Cab. Price, cabinet size, 20 cents ; mounted, 25 cents. “ medium “ 40 “ “ 50 “ 10043 10043 Correggio. Madonna and Child. 10044 10044 10045 10045 10045 Dolci, Carlo. St. Cecilia! 1004G 10046 Raphael. St. Cecilia. 10047 10047 10047 St. Paul. 10048 10049 10050 10051 10051 Rembrandt. Portrait of William Burggraaf. 10052 10052 10052 Titian. Sleeping Yenus. 10053 Vecchio, Palma. Yiolante. Portfolios. £ Leather, Cloth sides, to hold 8 X 10 photos GO “ “ “ 11 X 14 “ $1.00 “ “ “ 14 X 18 “ 2.50 “ “ “ 16 X 20 “ 3.00 “ “ “ 20 X 24 “ 4.00 Higher cost portfolios, in half or full Turkey, with flaps, also in stock or made to order. FOR THE HOLIDAYS We prepare photographic Novelties especially for Holiday gifts, and will mail any of the following goods to any address, on receipt of price. Reduced photographs, mounted on 3-inch circles or squares of card- board with gilt bevels. Subjects : Nativities, Madonnas, Angels’ Heads, etc., suitable to the season Price 20 cents each. Medium-size photographs, mounted on 8 X 10 heavy maroon panels with gilt bevels, for mantels or table easels. Subjects, as selected, from Part Third of catalogue Price 60 cents. Series of English cards, with designs and good wishes embossed in gold, reduced photographs, covering part of the surface. Subjects to suit the season and shape of card. This line is entirely new and unique. No. Size of card in inches. Embossed Design. Size of Photo- graph. 2.1 X 21 31 X 2 Price each. 4. 31 X 3J Passion Flow r er. 35 cents. 5. 35 X 33 Japanese. 35 “ 10 . 5 X 3| 5 X 3$ 25 X 21 35 “ 12 . Bird, Hen, and Chicken. 25 x 25 35 “ 13. 5 X3| Bat and Rabbit. 25 X 21 35 “ 24. 45 X 35 Decorative. 31 X 21 35 “ 25. 45 x 35 Renaissance. 3 X 21 35 “ 31. 5$ X 3g Floral. 3X11 50 “ 32. 5 h X 4g 65 X 41 Japanese Floral. 41 X 3 60 “ 50. Fra Angelico Angel. 4 X 31 50 " 53. 61 X 41 Motto only. 4X4 50 “ 47. 85 X 51 Thrush and May Blossom. 6X4 75 “ 48. 83 X 5.j Motto only. 6 X 4 75 “ Collections. Cabinet Size, on 8 X 10 mounts, in Portfolio. Medium Size, on 11 X 14 mounts, in Portfolio. Goethe Gallery, SchillerGallery, Turner Gallery, World’s Pictures, Raphael’s Hours, Raphael’s Madonnas, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Meyer von Bremen, Sir Edwin Landseer, Rosa Bonheur, Artists (Old Masters), Composers, Poets, Robt. Beysclilag, J. L. Gerome, J. Ooomans, J.E. Millais, A. de Neuville, Ed* Griitzner, Da Vinci’s Last Supper, M. Angelo’s Last Judgment, The Niobe Group. Masterpieces of Sculpture, 21 pictures Price. Cabinet. Medium. $ 1.00 21 “ 4.00 12 ** 2.50 $5.00 12 « 2.50 5.00 12 “ with key . 2.75 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 « 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 6.00 12 “ . 2.50 5.00 12 « 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 6.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ . 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ 2.50 5.00 12 “ with text . 3.00 11 “ “ 3.00 17 “ “ 4.00 12 “ “ 3.00 0.OG Collections in Cabinet Size. On Imperial Mount .v, in Red and Gold Canes. Cupid and Psyche. By P. Thumann. 9 photos., with text Cupid’s Conquests. By H. Lossow. 12 “ ... Modern Madonnas. By various artists. Id “ . Christmas Souvenir. “ “ n << $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Framing’. We have special facilities for framing photographs, and keep all the latest styles of mouldings in stock. We make a specialty of supplying framed pictures for gifts, and, where the selection of the frame is left to us, we endeavor to adapt the frame to the picture, and guarantee our work to be of the best, and prices as low as first-class work can be supplied. Pricee. Medium size photos., 11 X 14, framed in 1-inch cherry or ash “ “ “ “ “ “ bronze Large photos., 16 X 20, framed in 1 4-inch cherry or ash . “ “ “ “ 2-inch . $1.15 . 2.00 . 2.50 . 2.75 (( (( U (< Extra photos., 20 X 24, “ «( <« <( bronze cherry or ash . bronze 4.50 4.00 5.50 Many of the large and extra photographs look much better framed without showing any margin. In this case a wider frame is used, and, although it decreases the size of the picture, it strengthens its effect. AIL heads and many figure subjects and landscapes look much better framed in this way. Large photos., framed close, about 9 X 12, in 24-inch cherry or ash, with gold or bronze pearls inside ..... $4.00 Large photos., framed close, in 24-inch carved cherry or oak . 4.00 “ “ “ “ “ bronze .... 5.00 Extra photos., framed close, about 13 X 16, in 3-inch cherryor ash, with gold or bronze pearls inside ...... 6.00 Extra photos., framed close, in 3-inch carved oak .... 5.00 “ “ 44 44 44 bronze .... 6.50 “ “ “ “ “ plush with burnished gold pearls inserted 10.00 We frame all styles of pictures, and will furnish estimates on applica- tion. Gold, tinted, or plush mats made to order. New patterns of frames in white and gold. Mounting Photographs. The following prices for mounting photographs include the best double- face heavy Collins mount, entirely free from impurities, which tend to stain the pictures. It also includes burnishing, and spotting with india ink. Size of Cards. Tint. Price single. Price per doz. 8 X 10 Tea, gray, amber, blue, or white, 5 cents, $ 50 11 X 14 <( <( ti <( “ 10 44 1.00 14 X 18 (< << (< < 4 15 44 1.50 16 X 20 (< n «« 4 4 20 “ 2.00 18 X 22 ti ti 4 4 25 “ 2.50 20 X 24 H it 44 28 44 2.80 22 X 28 il 44 30 44 3.00 25 X 35 <( 50 44 5.00 Mounting in Albums. Where thin-leaved albums are used, such as our numbers 0 to 14, the photos, are pasted in by one edge only. Price, 3 cents each. $2.50 per hundred. Where card-stock albums are used the photographs may be mounted solidly or pasted all over. This is a difficult and trying operation, and needs much practice to prevent the leaves from warping. Price for 7 X 9 photos., or smaller, 4 cents each. $3.00 per hundred. “ 44 8 X 10 44 or larger, 6 “ 44 5.00 44 ALBUMS. For Art Collections. Photographic scrap-albums made of tinted paper, expressly to hold unmounted photos., in red and dark brown colors, neat and durable. No. 0 . 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 6 7. 8 . Cloth, 30 Leaves, 6£ X 8| inches £ Morocco, Cloth sides. 50 Leaves, 6£ X 8£ inches “ 50 £ Turkey Morocco, i Morocco, ^ Turkey Morocco, h, Morocco, £ Turkey Morocco 100 100 50 50 8* X 10i B. Same size as No. 0, in full Turkey Morocco, gilt edge h Morocco, Cloth sides, 100 Leaves, X 10£ inches h Turkey Morocco, “ “ 100 “ “ “ 8 B. Same size as No. 8, in Full Turkey Morocco, gilt edge 9. h Morocco, Cloth sides, 50 Leaves, 9| X 11£ inches 10. h Turkey Morocco, “ “ 50 “ “ “ 11. 4 Morocco, “ “ 100 “ “ “ 12. h. Turkey Morocco, “ “100 “ “ “ 13. h “ “ “ “ 100 “ 10 h X 13 “ 14. Same as No. 13, only oblong instead of square Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, G B, and 8 B, are generally preferred, to hold our cabinet and medium photographs. Numbers 9 to 13, being of larger size, are more suitable for holding foreign photos. Price. .60 $ 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.50 1.75 5.00 2.00 2.25 6.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.50 3.50 For Solid Mounting. In response to the great demand for albums made of card stock for solid mounting, we have added the following line of goods to our stock. They are all made of fine double-faced amber card board, hinged with linen, and bound in half Turkey Morocco, with cloth sides. No. 15. Oblong, 25 Leaves, 8 X 10 inches . Price. . $4.00 16. 4 4 50 “ 8 X 10 “ . 5.00 17. 44 25 “ 10 X 12 “ . 4.50 18. 4 4 50 “ 10 X 12 “ . 6.50 19. 25 “ 11 X 14 “ . 5.00 20. 44 50 “ 11 X 14 “ . 7.50 Directions for Inserting Scraps in Albums. Applicable to Nos. 0 to 14. The best method of mounting Photographs in scrap-albums is to paste the edge nearest the binding or back part of the book (using very thick boiled flour-paste') so that the print may turn with the leaves. This is easily done by laying the print on its face, and covering it with a sheet of thick paper, leaving about one-sixteenth of an inch uncovered, upon which the paste is spread with the finger. The print is then assigned its proper place in the book, indicated by pencil-dots, and pressed down with thin blotting-paper. If pasted across the leaf, or on the four corners, the photograph will wrinkle in turning the leaves. It is best to employ very thick paste , as this dries quickly, adheres firmly, and is less liable to cockle than if it were thin and watery. As unmounted photographs have a tendency to curl up towards the pict- ure side, they should be rolled so as to curl outward before being inserted in the album. This is done by gently drawing them across a tolerably sharp edge, such as the edge of a drawer, one hand pressing lightly on the photograph, until they are bent in the opposite direction. It is advisable to cover only one side of the leaf , as this will keep the photograph from injury. Christ in Art. A set of 27 cabinet-size photographs selected from the best works of a variety of masters, illustrating the chief events of the life of Christ. Descriptions, quoted from the best authorities, are printed on the mounts under the pictures. Compiled and arranged by Mrs. Ida E. Bailey. Price of the set mounted on 8 X 10 gray cards, in a neat, half- roan, portfolio lettered in gold ....... .$5.00 Price of the set mounted on amber, gilt-edged panels, in half- turkey morocco portfolio, with flaps ...... $8.00 Game of Artists and their masterpieces. Arranged by Miss L. DERBY. The game of Artists is played like the game of Authors. The pictures selected are the portraits and leading works of the oid masters. They are taken from Part First of our catalogue, are mounted on heavy cabinet cards with the proper printing under each to make the playing simple and practical. As a means cf educating the tastes of the young by making them familiar with the great artists’ works it is unsurpassed. Case No. 1 contains Fra Angelico, Giovanni Bellini, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, and Titian. 24 pictures . . . $4.00 Case No. 2 contains Raphael, Andrea del Sarto, Correggio, Paolo Veronese, and Guido Reni. 24 pictures .... $4.00 Nos. 1 and 2 are intended to be played as one game, but may be played separately. Full set $8.00 Full description of how the game is played accompanies each set. Vetffler Photographs. We have taken the selling agency of the reproductions of the famous works of Elihu Vedder, and will send a full list of the same on applica- tion. Prices range from one to three dollars each.