THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY From thk library of Frank Simpson SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. CATALOGUE \ THE FIRST SPECIAL EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL PORTRAITS ENDING WITH THE REIGN OF KING JAMES THE SECOND ON LOAN TO THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Ai-ril 1866. [ THIRD THOUSAND. ] LONDON: PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AND WALDEN, CASTLE STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE. Price One Shilling. ' vi # X^lh * f'l *v * • 4 : . pv ^-.A' •.* '^^ 4 - s»'*- • i •>; a 'V, ^ ' 'ja r I’-’ >: - ■^’•V./.JIjff l .'■'/ Vf>«' !)P''<"t. f- ■*' -5;. * r*.:> S'**-- '1yJi ri (»*if:^. i*- V*. « '■ '/ '^.'.*C :'M- - ^2 J /" tii.' Ai ». L ' )7 - to% ^ 1/ T«j.|i^ouGEm' CENTER < Ar^' !rate^,^, INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. The appended minute describes the origin, scope, and objects of the Exhibition. The collection for this, the first year’s exhibition, commences with some of the earliest known English Portraits. I'hey have been selected chiefly from depositories where they have been long known, and have acquired a claim to authenticity ; and they have been multiplied by copies, and by engravings, for the illustration of historical and biographical works. These first portraits, or painted memorials, rarely possess the character of representations taken from the individual ; nor can many of them be said to be even contemporary works. They are mostly reproductions of a very early period from the carved figures on tombs, limnings in manuscripts and missals, and paintings on glass, which have been accepted as true resemblances of the persons represented. They have little claim to rank as works of art ; but in most cases are rudely drawn by a skilled hand, in the conventional manner of the herald painters and illuminators, and are, like the heraldic decorations of the time — the dresses, jewels, and other ornaments, enriched with gilding ; and the colour in crude masses, without any attempt to give roundness to the forms, or effect by light and shade. Some such representations, chiefly those of a later period, are, however, purely imaginary : groups of portraits have been produced in order to decorate our public halls and other edifices, or to gratify IV INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. the tastes of individuals. Their origin is at once apparent. Few can be misled by them, and, to any who believe in them, the illusion is harmless. Granger, a reliable authority, says, of a portrait of “Johannes Balliol — Fundator Coll. Balliolensis anno Dom. 1263: I have heard it asserted, that this Portrait of John Balliol was drawn from a Blacksmith, who lived at Oxford ; but of this I have no direct proof,” and he adds that, “ Devorgillia, his wife, was drawn from Jenny Reeks, an apothecary’s daughter, at Oxford, who was esteemed a beauty.” There would, indeed, be no difficulty in filling a gallery with notables of this quality, commencing with a dramatic full-length of Alfred the Great. Of these latter works, none possess any claim to a place in the Exhibition, but in the former class are many of high interest ; the earlier of them, though rude, are full of character, and impress us with their truth : the persons themselves are before us, wearing the very dress and ornaments of their time; and as we advance, we trace the steps by which, with these first qualities, an art was combined, that has not yet been excelled in some of the essential qualities of portraiture. Then the interesting question arises, who were the painters of these great works ? Though portraiture, imitating the features and expressions from the life, was known on the continent in the beginning of the sixteenth, and even in the middle of the fifteenth century, such art appears to have been little practised in England before the reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. It is said, though it is very ques- tionable, that de Mabuse came to England at this time, and the small picture usually called “The Children of Henry VII.” ful- filling all the conditions of true portraiture, is ascribed to his hand. It has a place (No. 58) in the Exhibition. In the following reign, Holbein was induced to settle in England, and from this visit, and the great pre-eminence to which he attained, nearly the whole art of the reign has been attributed to him. We have, however, the names of other foreigners who were then in England. Sotto Cleeve spent a short time in our metropolis, though the o'nly accounts we know of him are very meagre and con- flicting — in Her Majesty’s collection at Windsor are two fine por- traits from his pencil, Lucas Cornelius was another painter of whose works we know little, but who is said to have taught Holbein to INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. V paint in miniature, and must have been an artist of merit ; and there is a portrait in the Exhibition by Lucas Penni^ who was also in Eng- land during Henry’s reign. The date of Holbein’s death has become an important considera- tion in determining by whom many very fine portraits of this period were painted. It had been almost universally stated to have taken place in 1554, when, in 1862, a will was discovered, which is con- cluded to be Holbein’s. This will would prove his death to have happened in 1543, a date which has been supported by many col- lateral facts very learnedly brought to bear upon the question. There is yet, we venture to think, just sufficient absence of absolute proof of the identity of the Testator with the Painter to allow of that further examination of a question of so great interest which the present collection very opportunely offers. 'I'he distinguished antiquaries who have come to the conclusion that Holbein died eleven years earlier than the date hitherto accepted, have felt the difficulty as to the painters to whom must be attributed the portraits of the latter end of the reign of Henry VIII, and during the reign of Edward VI. : and they name, chiefly from the household books of the former sovereign, some painters, also mentioned by Walpole, who they think might have been the painters of these works, and whose reputation has been merged in the fame of Holbein. But it would not be difficult to show that these were mere craftsmen, employed in painting the heraldic devices of the time, whose art had nothing in common with the art of Holbein. Up to this time the question has been left in the hands of the antiquary. No distinguished painter has expressed any opinion ; yet it is one on which the artist is well qualified to judge. He would hardly admit that it is possible there could be a second Holbein, and his professional knowledge would enable him to trace the technical manner of painting, and the characteristics which constitute the originality of all true genius ; and thus determine, with as much certainty as with regard to hand-writing, whether the earlier and the later works which have been usually attributed to "Holbein, are the productions of the same mind and the same hand. In Queen Mary’s short reign. Sir Antonio More painted in England; he was brought here by Philip II. ; and on the VI INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. death of Mary, returned with him to Spain. He is reputed to have been an imitator of Holbein, but his originality is well maintained, and there are some very fine portraits by him in the Exhibition. Of Queen Elizabeth, we have many portraits, some of them ap- parently contemporary works, by different hands. Lucas de Heere^ a Fleming, was her Court Painter, and his careful drawing and delicate manner may be readily traced in the portraits of the time. Federigo Zucchero also came to England in her reign, it is said in 1574, and was employed both by the Queen and her Court. But it is difficult in the dissimilar works which bear his name to identify satisfactorily his manner. There is also in the Exhibition a remarkable portrait of Elizabeth as princess, which has always borne the name of Holbein in the Royal Catalogue, though this is quite inconsistent with the earlier date now assumed for his death (No. 247). To these may be added the name of Cornelius Ketel, with others of less note. We have not yet mentioned one native artist, but the Exhibition contains a careful portrait, in oil, by Nicholas Hilliard^ Queen Eliza- beth’s own painter and the founder of the great school of English Miniaturists ; and in the reign of James I. Sir Nathaniel Bacon^ the brother to the Lord Chancellor,' is distinguished as an amateur. His portrait by himself shows none of the timidity of the amateur, and proves him to have been an excellent artist (No. 41 1). James, though with little taste for art, was fortunate in the great painters who came to England in his time, and by whose art, himself, his family, and the notables of his reign, are perpetuated. Of the works of these men — Paul Vansomer^ Cornelius "Jansen^ and Daniel Mytens^ the Exhi- bition contains many noble examples. In the reign of Charles I., notwithstanding the calamities of the time. Art flourished in England. Sir Anthony Vandyke settled in England under the patronage of the King, and died here. His King Charles and his Queen Henrietta Maria, with the groups of their children, and the distinguished men of the time, are among the great ornaments of the Exhibition, unequalled for beauty of colour and refined grace of drawing and composition. At the same time, his fellow-pupil in the studio of Rubens, George 'Jamesone (b. 1586, d. 1644), flourished in Scotland ; and a school of painters, their pupils and followers, grew up, giving rise to a succession of native INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. VU artists, of whom William Dobson (b. i6io, d. 1647) who became distinguished. During the Commonwealth, Robert Walker^ called ‘ Cromwell’s Painter,’ produced some fine portraits, rarely exceeding a head-size, which are marked by a simple, truthful originality of manner ; but so little is known of him, that we are unable to state with accuracy the year even of his birth or death. Sir Peter Lely^ who came to England in 1641, succeeded Vandyke in favour and patronage, and was the first painter of the Restoration, but quitting the grand manner of the painters of James’s reign, and the truthful graces of Vandyke, he ran into a gaudy extravagance, which has little either of truth or nature. -The works of the native artists of the time, though cast into shade by his glar- ing extravagance, were not without sterling merits ; and the portraits in the Exhibition by yohn Riley (b. 1646, d. 1691), yohn Greenhill (h. A. Michael Wright circa 1655, d.c. 1700), and some others, possess more truth and careful finish, with none of Lely’s bravura of false art. But Sir Godfrey Kneller^ another foreigner, to the exclusion of these men, monopolised the great patronage which Lely hau enjoyed ; and in his hands portrait-art suffered a positive degradation in the senseless allegory which became the fashion. With his works the present Exhibition, extending no further than the Revolution of 1688, concludes. The works of our native painters, which occupy little space in this year’s Exhibition, will fill a conspicuous place in the next. We have noticed the harmless inventions of the likenesses of men who were distinguished long before portrait-art was k nown in England ; but the inventions of later days are far more mis- chievous. Old portraits are now vamped up, and christened with great names ; spurious copies are manufactured, and passed off as originals, while numerous fine works, that can never be replaced, have been utterly destroyed by so-called restorations and repairs. In family collections, even, the identity of portraits has been lost — the names changed. In the present collection instances will be found of this, as well as of portraits of the same person contributed from different collections — and collections of note too — under different names, t It has not, however, been thought right towards those who have graciously lent their portraits, to presume to make any alterations in vm INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. such cases ; and the rule adopted has, therefore, been to exhibit every portrait accepted under the title, and with the name of the painter, given by the possessor, and probably long so traditionally known. For this reason it must not be assumed that the Catalogue adds any authority on these points. SAMUEL REDGRAVE. N.B. The Exhibition for the next year will commence with the portraits of the Reign of William and Mary ; and will include, as supplementary, the portraits of any distinguished persons who are not duly represented in this year’s Exhibition. Offers of portraits for exhibition next year may be addressed to The Secretary, Department of Science and Art, South Kensington ; or they will be received in the office ot this Exhibition at the eastern end of the Galleries. IX SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON. NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION IN l866. The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have determined to hold a National Portrait Exhibition at South Kensington in the Arcades overlooking the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens, which will be opened in April 1866. This Exhibition is based upon the suggestions made by the Earl of Derby in a letter dated 6th May, 1865, from which the following extracts are made : — “ I have long thought that a National Portrait Exhibition, chrono- logically arranged, might not only possess great historical interest by bringing together portraits of all the most eminent contemporaries of their respective eras, but might also serve to illustrate the progress and condition, at various periods, of British Art. My idea, therefore, would be to admit either portraits of eminent men, though by inferior or unknown artists, or portraits by eminent artists, though of obscure or unknown individuals. 1 have, of course, no means of knowing, or estimating, the number of such portraits which may exist in the country; but I am persuaded that, exclusive of the large collections in many great houses, there are very many scattered about by ones and twos and threes in private families, the owners of which, though they could not be persuaded to part with them, would willingly spare them for a few months for a public object.” “The question of one, two, or three exhibitions in consecutive years, would, I apprehend, be mainly decided by the result of future inquiries as to the probable number of pictures which could be obtained, and the space which could be found for their exhibition. But whether the period over which each exhibition (if more than one) should range, be longer or shorter, the point on which I should set the greatest value, in an his- torical, if not in an artistic point of view, would be the strict maintenance of the chronological series. I shall be very happy if any suggestions of mine should lead the Committee of Council to take up seriously, and carry out, with such alterations of detail as experience might suggest, a scheme which I think could hardly fail of being generally interesting : and I should have much pleasure in placing temporarily at their disposal any portraits from my collection at Knowsley which they might think suitable for their purpose.” My Lords have constituted a Committee of Advice, consisting of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, and other noblemen and gentlemen as follows ; — • COMMITTEE. Th£ earl or DERBY, K.G. (President). *The Lord President of the Council. The Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The Duke of Marlborough. The Duke of Leinster. The Duke of Wellington, K.G. The Duke of Cleveland, K.G. The Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G. The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. The Marquis Camden, K.G. The Marquis of Hertford, K.G. The Marquis of Exeter, K.G. The Earl Percy. The Earl Cowper, K.G. ♦The Earl Stanhope. The Earl of Darnley. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. The Earl of Hardwicice. The Earl Delaware. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl Spencer, K.G. The Earl of Clarendon, K.G. The Earl of Verulam. The Earl Brownlow. *The Earl Somers. b X ♦The Earl of Dudley. The Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. ♦The Viscount Cranborne, M.P. ♦The Lord Stanley, M.P. ♦The Lord Elcho, M.P. ♦The Lord Bishop of Oxford. The Lord Wharncliffe. The Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. The Lord Talbot de Malahide. The Lord Taunton. The Lord Houghton. The Lord Chancellor of Ireland. The Master of the Rolls. The Hon. R. Curzon. The Hon Algernon Egerton, M.P. The Hon. Spencer C. B. Ponsonby. ♦The Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. ♦The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Spencer Walpole, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bt., M.P. The Rt. Hon. W. Cowper, M.P. The Rt. Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir W. Gibson Craig, Bt. The Rt. Hon. C. S. Fortescue, M.P. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor. Sir Percyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart. Sir John S. Hippisley, Bart. Sir Sibbald D. Scott, Bart. Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart., M.P. ♦Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. ♦Sir Charles L. Eastlake, P.R.A. Sir Frederick Madden. Sir F. Grant, P.R..^. The Vice Chancellor of Oxford for the time being. The Vice Chancellor of Cambridge for the time being. The Dean of Westminster. The Dean of St. Paul’s. The Dean of Windsor. The Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The Provost of Eton. Mr. George Archdale. Mr. W. R. Baker. Mr. C. Sackville Bale. Mr. A. Barker. Rev. J. Beck. Mr. E. A. Bowring, C.B. Mr. John Bruce. Mr. R. Burchett. ♦Mr. Thomas Carlyle. ♦Mr. W. H. Carpenter. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Mr. H. Cole, C.B. Mr. Dominic Colnaghi. Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. Mr. G. W. Dasent. Dr. Hugh W. Diamond. • Are Trustees and t Secretary Mr. H. Doyle. Mr. James E. Doyle. Mr. H. Farrer. Mr. Richard Fisher. Mr. John Forster. Mr. A. Fountaine. Mr. A. W. Franks. Mr. J. A. Froude. Mr. W. H. Gregory, M.P. Mr. Edward Hailstone. The Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Mr. Thomas Duffus Hardy. Mr. George Harvey, P.R.S.A. Mr. J. Hey wood Hawkins. Mr. A. Helps. Mr. M. J. Higgins. Mr. R. S. Holford, M.P. Mr. A. I. B. Beresfbrd Hope, M.P. • Mr. F. Y. Hurlstone. Prof, the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Mr. Charles Knight. Mr. J. P. Knight, R.A. Mr. David Laing. Mr. A. H. Layard, M.P. Mr. William Longman. Mr. Norman MacLeod. Mr. Alfred Morrison. Mr. John Murray. Mr. A. Panizzi. Mr. J. R. Planche. Mr. J. H. Pollen. Lieut.-General Rawdon. Mr. R. Redgrave, R.A. Mr. S. Redgrave. Mr. H. Reeve. Mr. Richmond, A. R.A. The Very Rev. Dr. Rock. Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. W. Russell. ■{■Mr. G. Scharf. Mr. H. D. Seymour, M.P. Mr. R. F. Sketchley. Mr. Catterson Smith, P.R.H.A. Professor Goldwin Smith. Mr. R. H. Soden Smith. •Mr. W. Smith. Mr. R. Sneyd. Mr. James Spedding. Mr. Godfrey Sykes. Mr. Tom Taylor. Mr. W. J. Thoms. Mr. William Tite, M.P. Mr. Henry Vaughan Mr. Edmund Waterton. Mr. G. F. Watts. Mr. J. Webb. Rev. Dr. Wellesley. Mr. B. B. Woodward. Mr. R. N. Wornum. of the National Portrait Gallery. Mr. Samuel Redgrave, to whose valuable labours the successful formation of the Collection of Portrait Miniature.s is chiefly due, has undertaken the special charge of directing the Exhibition, and Mr. Sketchley will act as Secretary. • By order of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. *«* The Catalogue has been compiled by Mr. R. H. Soden Smith, the Rev. J. Beck, and Mr. R. F. Sketchley, thrm Members of the Committee. XI ARRANGEMENTS APPROVED FOR THE EXHIBITION. 1. The exhibition is specially designed to illustrate English history, and the progress of art in England. It may be divided into two or three sections representing distinct historic periods exhibited in successive years, depending upon the number of the portraits received and the space available for their proper exhibition. 2. It will comprise the portraits of persons of every class who have in any way attained eminence or distinction in England, from the date of the ear- liest authentic portraits to the present time ; but will not include the por- traits of living persons, or portraits of a miniature character. 3. In regard to art, the works of inferior painters representing distin- guished persons will be admitted ; while the acknowledged works of eminent artists will be received, though the portrait is unknown or does not represent a distinguished person. 4. The portraits of foreigners who have attained eminence or distinction in England will also be included, with portraits by foreign artists which represent persons so distinguished. 5. The exhibition will be held at South Kensington in the spacious brick building used for the Refreshment Rooms of the International Exhibition in 1862 ; and these galleries, which are perfectly dry, will be fitted up especially for the exhibition, and patrolled day and night by the police. 6. All charges for the conveyance of pictures accepted for exhibition by the Committee will be defrayed by the Department of Science and Art. 7. The exhibition will be opened early in April 1866. The portraits, for the purpose of proper arranging and cataloguing, will be received not later than the second week in February ; and will be returned at the end of August at the latest ; but though the exhibition will continue open to that time, any owner who requires the return of his contributions at the end of July will have them forwarded to him at once. 8. In accordance with the usual practice, the Science and Art Depart- ment, unless the owner objects, will take photographs of such portraits as may be useful for instruction in the Schools of Art, and allow them to be sold in the Museum ; but no permission will be granted to any private person to photograph, without the owner’s express sanction. Two copies of each photograph taken will be presented to the owner of the picture photographed. 9. As was the case at the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862, (and as is usual at the Royal Academy and other exhibitions), the Department cannot be responsible for loss or damage, but every possible care will be taken of works lent ; and it may be added that the numerous paintings lent for exhibition in 1862 were collected and returned by the same agency as will be now employed, free from any injury or damage of any kind. 10. All correspondence marked on the cover “ National Portrait Exhibi- tion,” should be addressed to the Secretary of the Science and Art Depart- ment, South Kensington Museum, London, W. NOTICE. Sale of Season Tickets. Season Tickets il. Admission on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, is. each; on Tuesday^ 2s. bd. each. Transferable Tickets for a single admission may be obtained of the Money-Taker. The Season Tickets are sold upon the understanding that at any period the hours and charges of admission may be subjected to the Museum regulations. Hours, from lO till 6. Visitors wishing to examine the Collection in Chronological sequence should take the Galleries in the following order, com- mencing up-stairs. 1. EASTERN CORRIDOR. 2 . EASTERN GALLERY. 3 . EAST CENTRAL CORRIDOR. 4. CENTRE. 5. WEST CENTRAL CORRIDOR. 6. WESTERN GALLERY. 7. WESTERN CORRIDOR. Downstairs, 8. LOWER WESTERN GALLERY. 9. LOWER EASTERN GALLERY. CATALOGUE. EASTERN CORRIDOR. {Nos. i to ^g.) Plantagenet Reigns — 1152-1485. In the Catalogue, “ three-quarter size ” is applied to a picture, not in the technical sense of a little more than head-size, but as meaning more than half length. Looking to r. or to 1. means to right or left of the person represented. 1 ROSAMOND CLIFFORD. ^ LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). The “ Fair Rosamond,” favourite mistress of Henry II., daughter of Walter de Clifford, a Baron of Herefordshire ; commonly said to have been poisoned through jealousy by Queen Eleanor ; shortly after Henry’s marriage she retired to the Convent of Godstow, where she seems to have d. about 1173. Her two sons by Henry were William “Long Espde,” afterwards E. of Salisbury, and Geoffrey, nominated Bishop of Lincoln. To waist, profile to 1 ., dress and tippet edged with fur, open ruff. Can- vas, 29 X 24 in. 2 SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, Kt. Mr. Robert Vans Agnew. Scottish warrior and patriot : 2nd son of .Sir Malcolm Wallace, of Elderslie ; b. about 1270; brought up at Uunipace in Stirlingshire, and afterwards at Dundee ; in 1297 outlawed for killing the son of the Sheriff of Clydesdale in a skinnish ; carried on a guerilla war against the English, who had then possession of Scotland ; won a great victory at Stirling, and ex- pelled them from his country- ; elected Governor of Scotland ; defeated by Edward I. at Falkirk ; betrayed by Sir John Monteith ; carried to London and executed as a traitor, 1305. Bust in armour, with tartan scarf fastened by a brooch, inscribed “ Libertas.” Canvas, 2 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. Stated to have been formerly the property of the Abbacy of Glenluce, Wigtonshire : on the suppression of the monasteries passed to the family of Hay of Park, whose representative, in 1810, gave it to the uncle of the present possessor. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 3 EDWARD III. Her Majesty (Windsor). Son of^Edward II.; b. at Windsor, 13th Nov. 1312; sue. 1327; married Phdippa, daughter of the Count of Holland and Hainault ; d. at Shene (Richmond), 21st June, 1377, aged 64 ; bu. at Westminster. Bust, ermine tippet over gold-edged robe, crowned. Panel, i ft. 6 in. x 10 in. B I 2 PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. JOHN OF GAUNT, DUKE OF LANCASTER. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Beaufort. Luca Cornelli. 4th son of Edward III., by his Queen Philippa; b. 1340; married, ist, Blanche, daughter of Henry D. of Lancaster, his son by whom was Henry E. of Hertford, afterwards Henry IV. ; 2nd, Constance, daughter of Pedro, King of Castile and Leon, through whom he claimed to be heir to that title ; 3rd, Katharine, daughter of Sir Payne Roelt and widow of Sir Hugh Swynford ; d. 1 399. Three-quarter size, in armour, helmeted, with emblazoned surcoat, sceptre inr. hand, 1 . resting on sword : s. of arms, showing in a Shield of pretence the arms of his 2nd wife, and inscription on background. Canvas, having been, in 1840, removed from panel, 3 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft. 8j in. 5 WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Mr. Baldwin J. P. Bastard. Architect and Statesman; b. at Wykeham in Hampshire, 1324; went to school at Winchester in 1356 ; surveyor of Edward Ill.’s works at Windsor; ordained, 1362; Keeper of the Privy Seal and secretary to the King, 1364; Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor, 1367 ; founded Winchester School and New College, Oxford ; rebuilt, employing William Wynford, most of Winchester Cathedral ; d. 27th Sept. 1404. Three-quarter to r., nearly full face, hands gloved, r. raised in benediction, rich crozier in 1 ., jewelled cope, morse and mitre ; in background, Winchester College and Cathedral. Panel, 3 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Inscription with date of birth and death. 6 JOHN WYCLIFFE. V Earl of Denbigh. ' ' Divine and Reformer; probably b. near Richmond in Yorkshire, 1324; entered at Queen’s College, and aftei^vards at Merton College, Oxford ; dis- tinguished in scholastic philosophy and divinity; in 1360 or 61 Master of Balliol Hall; about 1375 became Rector of Lutterworth, Leicestershire; translated the Bible from Latin into English ; protected by John of Gaunt from the hostility of the Romish Church, whose discipline and doctrine he vehemently attacked; d. 31st Dec. 1384. Half-length, three-quarter-face to r., black cap and gown, book in r. hand, staff in 1 ., gloved. Panel, 2 ft. 3 in. x 1 ft. si in. 7 RICHARD II. Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Son of Edward the Black Prince, grandson of Edward III.; b. at Bor- deaux, 1366; succeeded his grandfather, 1377 ; married, ist, Anne, daughter of the Emperor Charles IV. ; 2nd, in 1396, Isabel, 2nd daughter of Charles VI. of France; deposed by Henry of Bolingbroke, 1399; murdered 14th Feb. 1400. Large life-size, seated, in royal robes, diapered with a crowned R. ; globe in r. hand, sceptre in 1 . Panel, 7 ft. X 3 ft. 7 in. This portrait used to hang in Westminster Abbey, above the Lord Chancellor’s pew, on the south side of the choir, next to the pu^it ; it was removed in 1775 to the Jerusalem Chamber, where it has hung ever since : it is supposed to represent the King in the coronation chair on the Feast of the Translation of King Edward the Confessor. PLANTAGENET REIGNS, I I54-I485. 3 8 GEOFFREY CHAUCER. LENT BY ' PAINTER. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Poet ; b. in London ; believed to have been partly educated at Cam- bridge ; was in the service of King Edward HI. j patronised by John of Gaunt ; married Philippa Rouet, daughter of a Knight of Hainault ; im- prisoned on occasion of the persecution of the Lollards ; d. 25th Oct. 1400 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter miniature, looking to r., white head-covering and dress ; inscribed “ Caucer, 1400.” Panel, i ft. 2 in. x loj in. 9 GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Mr. J, P. Seddon. (S^£ No. 8.) To waist, small life-size, face three-quarters to r. ; dated 1400. Panel, 19 X 14 in. Stated to have been preserved for more than three centuries in the family of Stokes of Llanshaw Court, Gloucester ; given in 1803 to Benjamin Uyke. 10 HENRY IV. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Surnamed Bolingbroke, from the place in Lincolnshire where he was born; only son of lohn of Gaunt, D. of Lancaster; b. 1366; sue. 1399; d. 20th March, 1413. Bust, with hands, small life-size, three-quarter face to r., green dress, trimmed with gold and miniver, head covered with red hanging scarf, edged with pearls, red rose of Lancaster in r. hand, sceptre in 1 . Panel, 22 X 17 in. 1 1 THOMAS ARUNDEL, or FITZALAN, ARCH- BISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. 3rd son of Richard Fitzalan E. of Arundel ; b. about 1352 ; educated at Oxford ; at 22 years of age was Bishop of Ely ; in 1386, Chancellor ; banished by Richard II.; returned with Bolingbroke (Hcnr>- IV.), and aided him in obtaining the crown ; Constable of Queenborough, 1408 ; d. 19th Feb. 1414. Half-length, black cap, episcopal robes, furred tippet and cuffs, open book before him, and gilt cushion, red Lancastrian rose in r. hand ; mitre and crozier in background. Panel, 3 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 12 JAMES, EARL OF DOUGLAS. Marquis of Queensberry. Warrior ; the Douglas of “ Chevy Chase ;” son of Wm. E. of Douglas, by Margaret, Countess of Mar ; passed his life “ in harness,” but, at length, was killed at Otterburn, 19 Aug. 1388, when a “dead Douglas” won the field. Head, profile tor.; black cap, collar of pilgrim shells; inscribed, “the Earle of Douglas, surnamed the Illack.” Canvas, 12J X 13J in. 13 HENRY IV. Earl of Essex. Similar to No. 10; underneath is inscribed “ Henry the Fourth, King of England, who layd the first stone of this hous,” (Hampton Court, Hereford- shire), “ and left this picture in it when he gave it to Lentall, whoe sold it to 4 PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. Cornwall of Burford, whoe sold it to the Auncesters of the Lord Coningesby in the reign of Henry the 6th.” Rowland Lentall was Yeoman of the Robes to Henry IV., and distin- guished himself at Agincourt. Panel, 2 ft. x i ft. 6 in. 14 HENRY V. Eton College. Henry of Monmouth, eldest son of Henry Bolingbroke, D. of Lancaster, afterwards King Henry IV. ; b. 9th of Aug. 1388 ; sue. his father, 1413 ; mar- ried Katharine, daughter of Charles VI. of France ; d. 31st Aug. 1422, aged 34. Bust, with hands, small life-size, profile to 1 ., furred robe, crimson sleeves, collar. Panel, 22 X 16 in. 1 5 HENRY VI. Eton College. Henry of Windsor, only child of Henry V.; b. 1421 ; sue. his father, 1422 ; married Margaret of Anjou, daughter of Regnier, or Ren^, titular King of Sicily, Naples, and Jerusalem; deposed, 1461 ; d. 21st May, 1471 ; founded Eton College and King's College, Cambridge. Bust, showing hands, small life-size, three-quarter face to r., dark dress and cap, miniver-trimmed, S.S. collar and pendant. 4 S. of arms. Panel, 29 X 21 in. 16 MARRIAGE OF HENRY VI. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Altar-piece, representing marriage of the King with Margaret of Anjou, 22 April, 1445 ; John Kemp, Archbp. of York, afterwards of Canterbur>-, and Cardinal, is performing the ceremony; behind are Humphrey, D. of Gloucester (No. 27), and the Cardinal Beaufort, Bp. of Winchester. Panel, 37 X 34 in. Probably painted after the death of Henry ; it belonged to Horace Walpole, by whom it is described in detail. 17 EDWARD GRIMSTON. Earl of Verulam. • Petrus Christus. B. about 1420-21 ; held a Capitainerie near Calais ; Ambassador to the Duchess of Burgundy under Hen. \’l., and mentioned with Dr. Thomas Kent as framer of the treaty of intercourse between England and Burgundy. To waist, miniature ; black cap, with black roundlet and scarf or fall at the side, green dress, red collar and sleeves ; r. hand holding silver Sb. collar ; in a room with raftered ceiling ; s. at each side, with the arms of Grimston ; an inscrip, at back reads : “ Petrus Christus me fecit, anno 1446 ;” painted during his residence at the Court of Burgundy. Panel, 12 x 9 in. 18 SIR JOHN DONNE AND LADY DONNE. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. / Van Eyck. Triptych ; Sir John Donne and his wife kneeling, wearing collars, from which depend, as badges, the white lion of the house of March, believed to have been painted in Flanders when Edward I\'., in whose service Sir John Donne was, retired there to escape the E. of Warwick, 1470. Panel, 28 X 27. PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485, 5 19 JOHN TALBOT, ist EARL OF SHREWSBURY. Marquis of Northampton. A great soldier, the “Achilles of England 2nd son of Sir Rd. Talbot ; 1373 ; in 1413 suppressed a rebellion in Ireland ; fought in France under Henry V. ; successful in 40 battles or skirmishes ; baffled at the siege of Orleans by Joan of Arc ; created E. of Shrewsbury and Marshal of France for subsequent successes, also E. of Wexford and Waterford ; at length fell with his son in a disastrous battle at Chatillon, 20 July, 1453, aged 80 years : his body was found by his herald, who had ser\ ed him 40 years ; he took off his tabard and flung it over his dead master. Half-length, bareheaded, wearing brassarts and a tabard ; hands as in prayer, looking to a glory to the r. Panel, 2 ft. 4 in. x i ft. 1 1 in. There is a replica at the Heralds’ College, which is said to have hung over the tomb of Lady Shrewsbury in old St. Paul’s. 20 MARGARET BEAUCHAMP, COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. Marquis of Northampton. Eldest daughter of Richard Beauchamp, E. of Warwick ; 2nd wife of the famous Sir John Talbot, ist E. of Shrewsbury (No. 19) ; her eldest son, Ld. Lisle, perished in the fatal battle at Chatillon, refusing to leave his father, who urged him to save himself; d. 14 June, 1468, and was bu. in Jesus Chapel, St. Paul’s Cathedral. Half-length ; head-dress, a caul diapered with representations of lions ; dark ermine-trimmed dress, mantle like a tabard, hands as in No. 19. Panel, 2 ft. 4 in. x i ft. loj in. 21 SIR JOHN FORTESCUE, Kt. Earl Fortescue. Eminent judge and legal writer ; son of Sir John Fortescue of Shepham, Devon, and brother of Sir Henry Fortescue, Lord Ch. Justice of Ireland; studied at Lincoln’s Inn ; Ch. Justice of King’s Bench, 1442 ; attainted for ad- herence to Henry VI., and fled abroad, where he probably wrote (1461-1470) his work “ Ue Laudibus Leg. Angl. ;” taken prisoner at the battle of Tewkes- bury, 1471 ; d. in Gloucestershire, aged 90, as is said. To waist, small life-size, three-quarter face to 1 ., furred red robe, hands /as in prayer. Panel, 16 X 12 in. 22 WILLIAM WAYNFLETE, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. New College, Oxford. Son of Richard Pattyn of Waynflete, Lincolnshire ; educated at Win- chester School and Winchester College, Oxford ; ordained 1441, and took the name of the place where he was born ; in 1429, Head Master of Winchester School ; one of the original Fellows of Eton College, and afterwards Provost ; Bishop of Winchester, 1447; Lord Chancellor, 1456; founded Magdalen College, Oxford; d. ii Aug. i486; partisan of the Lancastrian family, but submitted to Edward IV. and to Richard III. Three-quarter size, episcopal robes, jewelled mitre and cope, hands gloved, crozier in r., book in 1 . ; cathedral in background. Canvas, 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. 6 PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. 23 RICHARD NEVILL, EARL OF WARWICK, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Hastings. The most powerful noble of his time, called the “ Kingmaker son of Richard E. of Salisbury ; b. about 1420 ; married Anne de Beauchamp, sister and heir of Henry E. and D. of Wanvick ; created E. of Warwick ; K.G. ; aided in placing Edward IV. on the throne ; reinstated Henry VI., 1470 ; killed at the battle of Barnet, 14 April, 1471. Three-quarter size ; black cap, white feather, whitish-figured doublet, over red gold-laced jerkin. Canvas, 3 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 10 in. 24 EDWARD IV. Her Majesty (Windsor). Eldest son of Richard U. of York ; great-grandson of Edward 111.; b. at Rouen, 29 April, 1441 ; .’married Elizabeth Woodville (No. 29), privately, I May, 1464 ; d. 9 April, 1483 ; in person he was very tall and handsome. Bust ; beardless ; black jewelled dress and gold diapered robe. Panel, I ft. 10 in. X I ft. 5 in. 25 GEORGE PLANTAGENET, DUKE OF CLARENCE, K.G. Marquis of Hastings. 3rd son of Richard D. of York, who was killed near Wakefield, 1460; younger brother'of Edward IV.; created D. of Clarence, 1461; K.G. ; Constable of Queenborough Castle, 1470 ; married Isabel, eldest daughter of Richard E. of Warwick and Salisbury, the “ Kingmaker ;” attainted and murdered, 1477. Three-quarter size, in armour, with badge of K.G. ; standing in the opening of a tent ; s. of arms, and titles on background. Canvas, 45 X 36 in. 26 ISABEL NEVILL, DUCHESS OF CLARENCE. Marquis of Hastings. Eldest daughter of Richard E. of Warwick, the “ Kingmaker ;” married, 1470, George Plantagenet D. of Clarence. (No. 25.) Half-length, full face, diapered greyish dress, square-cut body, with jew- elled edge, open sleeves miniver-lined ; angular jewelled head-dress, and black fall behind, i ft. 10 in. x i ft. 5J in. 27 HUMPHREY PLANTAGENET, D. OF GLO’STER. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. 4th son of Henry IV., uncle to Henry VI., during whose minority he was regent ; known as “ the good ” Duke of Gloucester ; opposed by his uncle. Cardinal Beaufort, and Margaret of Anjou ; imprisoned and murdered, 1 447- Altar-piece, in the wings of which the Duke of Gloucester is represented kneeling, and in character of a pilgrim. Panel, 33 X 52 in. PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. 7 28 MARGARET PLANTAGENET, COUNTESS OF SALISBURY. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Hastings. Dau. and eventually sole heir of Geo. D. of Clarence, by Isabel Ncvill, dau. of Rd., E. of Salisbury and Warwick ; mar. Sir Rd. Pole, K.G. ; heir to her brother Edw., behd. in the Tower by Hen. VH., 1498 ; restored, in 1513, as Countess of Salisbury and Warwick; attainted, 1539; beheaded, 1541, refusing to lay her head on the block, saying, “ So should traitors do, but I am none the executioner “was constrained to fetch it off slovenly.” To waist ; low black dress, white mantle, diamond-shaped head-dress ; in 1 . hand a honeysuckle, in r. a W-shaped jewel. Canvas, 26 X 20 in. 29 QUEEN ELIZABETH WOODVILLE. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Qu. of Edward IV., dau. of Sir Rd. Woodville by his 2nd wife, jaquetta, Duch. of Bedford; mar. 1st, Sir John Grey; after his death attracted the attention of the King, who mar. her at first privately, 1464 ; after the King’s death, to escape the plots of Richard III., she was obliged to take sanctuary in Westminster ; d. 1488. One of the founders of Queens’ Coll. Cambridge. To waist, showing hands, smalt life-size, low dark dress, thin veil and gold- embroidered head-dress, cuffs and shoulder ornaments. Panel, 14J X 9J in. 30 QUEEN ELIZABETH WOODVILLE. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Similar to No. 29, but larger, and with falling veil behind. Panel, 31 QUEEN ELIZABETH WOODVILLE. OuEENs’ College, Cambridge. (6W No. 29.) Three-quarter size, face three-quarter to r., dress nearly as in No. 29, but edged with pearls, hands folded. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 32 MARGARET PLANTAGENET, DUCHESS OF BURGUNDY. Society of Antiquaries. Daughter of Richard Plantagcnet, D. of York, by Cicely Nevill, daughter of Ralph Earl of Westmoreland ; sister of Edward IV. ; married, as third wife, to Charles the Bold, D. of Burgundy. Head; cap, with veil, jewelled collar and pendant. Panel, 18 x 13 in. 33 JANE SHORE. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Wife of a young citizen of London, named Shore, commonly said to have been a baker ; mistress to Edward IV. ; celebrated for her beauty and wit ; Sir T. More mentions that she could read and write — unusual acquirements in her day. After the king’s death, in 1483, lived with Ld. Hastings ; com- pelled by Richard III. to perform public penance. D. in old age, and, it is said, extreme poverty, in 1 527. 8 PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. Three-quarter size, looking to r. ; black hat, showing side of pearl head- dress, large ruff, black diapered crimson dress, dark cloak, hands crossed. Panel, 3 ft. 3 in x 2 ft. 5 in. 1 5 34 JANE SHORE. LENT BY Eton College. Similar to No. 35. Canvas, i ft. 6J in x i ft. ij in. PAINTER. 35 JANE SHORE. King’s College, Cambridge. {St-e No. 33.) Bust, undraped ; brown hair, pearl necklace, rich jewelled collar and pendant, jewelled hair ornaments. Panel, 17 x 12J in. 36 SIR THOMAS LYTTELTON, K.B. Lord Lyttelton. Eminent Lawyer ; eldest son of Thomas Westcote and Elizabeth de Lyt- telton ; b. at Frankley, Worcestershire ; studied at the Inner Temple ; Ser- jeant-at-Law, 1453: Judge Com. Pleas, 1466; K.B. 1475; d. 23 Aug. 1481. .Author of “The Treatise on Tenures,” on which Sir E. Coke wrote his “ Commentary.” Full-length, black cap and ruff, judge’s robes. Canvas, 6 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 8 in. Inscribed with name and title. 37 SIR HENRY WENTWORTH, K.B. ’Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Of Nettlested, Sussex ; son of Sir Philip Wentworth ; served in Edward IV.’s expedition to France; K.B. 1477 ; Constable of Queenborough, 1485 ; married Anne, daughter of Sir John Say, Kt.; employed under Henr>’ VII. with the E. of Surrey in the co. York. Half-length ; black cap, gold-edged under-dress, black surcoat, gold chain ; paper in r. hand, 1 . on table ; s. of arms and inscription. Panel, 44 X 34 in. 38 RICHARD III. Earl of Derby, K.G. Richard Plantagenet, D. of Gloucester, son of Richard D. of York ; b. at Fotheringay Castle, Northamptonshire, 1450; usurped the crown, and caused his nephews to be murdered, 1483 ; married Lady Anne Nevill, daughter of Richard E. of Warwick ; killed at the battle of Bosworth, 22 Aug. 1485. Bust, with hands, small life, three-quarter face to 1 ., dark furred robe and cap, jewelled collar, drawing ring off his r. hand. Panel, 2 ft. x i ft. 6 in. 39 HY. CHICHELEY, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY. Viscount Strangford. Statesman and Scholar; b. at Higham Ferrers, 1362; Archdeacon of Salisbur) ; Bp. of .St. David’s, 1407 ; Archbp. of Canterbur>\ 1414 ; crowned Henry VI. 1422 ; d. 12 April, 1443. Three-quarter small life-size, wearing the pallium and giving the bene- diction ; his archbp’s, cross in 1 . hand ; s. of arms to his r. Panel, 19 X 15. Copied, 1837, by Herbert Smith from the original at Lambeth. i PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I485. 9 EASTERN GALLERT. (Nos. 40 to 377.) 40 HUGH OLDHAM, BISHOP OF EXETER. LENT BY painter. Corpus Christ: College, Oxford. B. at Oldham (?), Manchester; educ. at Oxford and Cambridge; Pre- bendary of Salisbury, and Canon of Lincoln, 1495 : Chaplain to Margaret, Countess of Richmond (No. 47) ; Bishop of Exeter, 1504; d. 1519; bu. in Exeter Cathedral, in a chapel erected by himself. Founded the Grammar School at Manchester ; enriched Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Three-quarter size, surplice, narrow fur tippet, 1. hand on staff, r. on book. Panel, 44 X 34 in. 41 SIR ROBERT CHESTER, Kt. (1510-1574). Mr. Harry Chester. Eldest son of Edward Chester of Derbyshire, who sold all his estates, and lent the money to help Henry VI 1. to the throne — he was not repaid ; b. 1510; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Henry Vlll. ; led the royal corps of Archers in the expedition against Boulogne; knighted, 1552, by Edward VI. ; d. 25 Nov. 1574 Bust ; r. hand resting on his broad gold chain ; flat cap, embroidered ruff, furred and jewelled black dress ; dated 1562, age 52. Canvas, 22 x 17J in. 42 THOMAS STANLEY, ist EARL OF DERBY. Earl of Derby, K.G. Eldest son of Thomas, ist Ld. Stanley ; married, ist, a daughter of Rd. Nevill, E. of Salisbury ; 2nd, Margaret of Lancaster (No. 47) ; was in the confidence of Henry, E. of Richmond, when he landed to take the crown from Richard 111 ., and with his brother, Sir Wm. Stanley, raised his ad- herents ; his eldest son, Ld. .Strange, being in Richard’s power he did not openly declare himself till the moment of the battle of Bosworth, when he received a message that Richard had sworn to cut off his son’s head if Stanley did not instantly Join him ; he replied, he had more sons and could not Join him at that time, and immediately united his force to Richmond’s and de- cided the victory : his son, however, escaped ; created E. of Derby, 1485 ; Constable of England ; d. 1 504. Bust ; black cap and dress ; collar K.G. ; white stick in r. hand : costume, temp. Henry Vlll. {see also No. 386.) Panel, 19 X 14 in. 43 QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK (1466-1502). Mr. Charles Winn. Elizabeth Plantagenet, called the “White Rose of York ;” eldest daughter of Edward IV. by his Queen, Elizabeth Woodville ; b. at Westminster, II Feb. 1466; married to Henry VII. in i486; d. ii Feb. 1502; bu. in Westminster Abbey. To waist ; crimson Jewelled dress, ennine-lined, diamond-shaped head- dress, with lappets; white rose of York in r. hand. Panel, 22 X 15 in. lO PLANTAGENET REIGNS, II54-I509. 44 EDW. STAFFORD, 3RD D. of BUCKINGHAM, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Bath. {See No. 71.) To waist ; black cap, crimson-furred robe, blue slee%'fts ; badge of K.G. Canvas, 30 X 24 J in. 45 JOHN MOWBRAY, DUKE OF NORFOLK, K.G. Her Majesty (Windsor). Son of John Mowbray, 4th D. of Norfolk of his family ; E. Marshal ; K.G. ; killed at the battle of Bosworth, 1485, on the side of Richard III. Bust, red dress, black cap, inscribed with name and circumstance of death, and the doggerel rhyme about Jockey of Norfolk. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 46 RICHARD FOX, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Johannes Corvus. B. 1466, at Ropesley, Grantham, cduc. at Pemb. Coll. Camb., and at Paris, where he became the friend of Bp. Morton ; he returned to England with Hen. E. of Richmond, afterwards Hen. VII., and made in succession Bp. of Bath and Wells, Durham, and Winchester ; introduced Wolsey to notice of Hen. VIII. ; founded Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf. ; d. 14 Sept.. 1528. To waist, looking downwards ; episcopal habit ; hands resting on stick ; verses beneath alluding to his foundation of the college. Panel, 30 X 19 in. 47 MARGARET BEAUFORT, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND AND DERBY. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Daughter and heir of John Beaufort, D. of Somerset ; b. 1441 ; married, 1st, Edward Tudor, E. of Richmond, and was mother of Henry, afterwards Henry VII.; 2nd, Sir Henry Stafford; 3rd, Thomas Stanley, ist E. of Derby; lived till after the accession of her grandson, Henry VIII. ; d. 12 July, 1509 ; buried in Westminster. Founder of Christ’s College and St. John’s, Cambridge; instituted there the “Lady Margaret” Professorship of Divinity, and another lectureship at Oxford. Half-length, face three-quarter to r. ; dress of a recluse, according to the vow she took before her 3rd marriage ; diamond-shaped lawn head-dress, muffling the chin, with a wimple, black robe ; book partly open in her hands, titles and date of death; “ Kalend. Julii,” inscribed on the old frame. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 48 MARGARET BEAUFORT, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND AND DERBY. Earl of Derby, K.G. {See No. 47, to which this is very similar). Hands as in prayer, book open on desk before her ; on background s. of arms, and motto, “ Sovvent me sovvient,” pnd date of death, “ 3 calen Julii.” Panel, 29 X 24 in. engraved. 49 ARTHUR, PRINCE OF WALES (1486-1502). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. Eldest son of Henry VII.; b. 20 Sept, i486; married, 14 Nov. 1501. REIGN OF HENRY VII. I485-I509, II Katharine of Arragon (No. 74), Infanta of Spain, daughter of Ferdinand II. ; d. 2 April, 1 502, without issue. Bust, with hands, small life-size, three-quarter face to 1 ., red furred robe, red cap, jewelled collar. Panel, 15 X 1 r in. 50 RICHARD FOX, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Head, similar to that of No. 46. Panel, 15x12 in. 51 QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK. Christ Church, Oxford. Bust, small life-size, showing r. hand ; diamond-shaped head-dress, as in No. 43, red dress, ennine-trimmcd. Panel, 15 X u in. 52 HENRY VII. Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. ^ Jan de Mabuse. Henry Tudor, E. of Richmond, son of Edmond Tudor, E. of Richmond, and Margaret, great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, son of Edward III. ; b. at Pembroke, 26 July, 1457 ; proclaimed King after the victory of Bos- vvorth, 22 Aug. 1485 ; married Elizabeth of York (No. 43) ; d. at Riclimond, 21 April, 1509. Panel, 22 X 16 in. Bust ; grey hair, black cap with jewel, red dress, sable-lined surcoat ; inscribed “ Kynge Henry ye seventh Johan de Maubeuse F.” Panel, 23 X 18. 53 MARGARET TUDOR, QUEEN OF SCOTLAND. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). (S^’£ No. 90.) Full-length, standing ; furred robe, with a marmoset sitting on her hands ; age 26. Canvas, 94 X 55 in. 54 HENRY VIE, & FERDINAND OF ARRAGON. Mr. Henry Musgrave. Hans Holbein. (For Hen. VII. jz’t No. 52.) Ferdinand of Arragon, b. 1452 ; husband of Isabella of Castile ; was a valued ally of Henry VII, whose son, Arthur P. of Wales, married the Infanta Katharine, Ferdinand’s fourth daughter ; Ferdi- nand d. 23 Jan. 1516. As Holbein never saw Henry VII., and was but a child when that King died, it has been suggested, to explain the title given to this remarkable picture, that it was composed from likenesses on medals. Panel, 32 X 31 in. 55 HENRY VII. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Nearly similar to No. 59. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 56 HENRY VII. Christ Church, Oxford. Bust ; face three-quarter to 1 . ; grey hair, black cap, gold-embroidered jewelled robe, narrow fur tippet. Panel, 1 ft. 8 in. X i ft. 4 in. 12 REIGN OF HENRY VII. I485-I5O9. 57 QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. B. J. P. Bastard. Bust, small life-size, similar to No. 43. Panel, 21 X 16 in. ' 58 THREE CHILDREN OF HENRY VII. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). -V Jan de Mabuse. Prince Arthur, in the centre. (Nos. 49). Prince Henry’, afterwards Henry VIII. (No. 75). Margaret, afterwards Queen of James IV. of Scotland. (No. 90). Half-length, small portraits, at a table, playing with oranges and cherries. Panel, 13 X 17 in. 59 HENRY VII. Mr. Charles Winn. {Si:c No. 52.) To waist, small life-size ; black hair, black cap with Jewel, crimson robe furred and jewelled, red rose in r. hand. Panel, 22X15 in. 60 JOHN COLET, D.D., DEAN OF ST. PAUL’S. University Library, Cambridge. Founder of St. Paul’s School, 1512 ; son of Sir Henry Colet, Ld. Mayor of London ; b. 1466 ; eldest of 22 children ; entered at Magdalen College, Oxford ; friend of Linacre (No. 96), and of Erasmus (No. 143), who intro- duces him in one of his dialogues ; ordained, 1497 ; Dean of St. Paul’s, 1505 ; narrowly escaped death on charges of heresy ; d. at Sheen near Richmond, 1 1 Sep. 1519. I Bust ; black cap and dress, furred tippet. Canvas, 34 X 24 in. 61 JAMES IV. OF SCOTLAND. Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. D. Mytens. {See No. 63.) Half-length ; face three-quarter to r., long hair, black cap, red dress and cloak furred ; hawk on 1 . hand ; on arched top is “ In my defens.” Canvas, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 fl. Stated to have belonged to Charles I. 62 HENRY VII. Christ Church, Oxford. Bust, showing hands ; grey hair, black cap, red furred robe, red rose of Lancaster in r. hand. Panel, i ft. 3 in. x 1 1 in. ; on back is “ the gift of Ld. Frederick Campbell to Christ Church, Oxford, 1808.” 63 JAMES IV. OF SCOTLAND. Marquis of Lothian. Hans Holbein. Son of James III. and his Queen, Margaret, daughter of Christian, King of Denmark ; b. 1472 ; succeeded his father 148S ; married the Princess Margaret, daughter of Henry VII. , 1502 (Nos. 52, 53); killed in the fatal defeat of Flodden Field, 9 Sept. 1513. To waist, small life-size, three-quarter face to r., dark cap and robe, showing red under-dress and white shirt, holding a “ marguerite ” in r. hand. Panel, 14x11 in. A REIGN OF HENRY VII. I485-I5O9. 13 64 JOHN ALCOCK, BISHOP OF ELY. Jesus College, Cambridge. B. at Beverley, Yorkshire ; studied at Cambridge ; Rector of St. Mar- garet’s, Fish St. 1461 ; Dean of St. .Stephen’s Chapel, 1462 ; .Ambassador to Castile, 1470 ; Bp. of Rochester, 1472 ; Ld. Keeper, 1472 ; Ld. Chancellor, together with Bp. Rotherham, April to .Sept. 1475 ; Bp. of Worcester, 1476; Tutor to the young Edward, son of Edward IV. ; President of Wales ; Chancellor to Henry VII.; Bp. of Ely, i486; founded Jesus College; d. i Oct. 1500: “a man of singular holiness of life.” Kneeling, with mitre and open book before him, and crozier ; a cock (his crest) in background. Panel, 35 X 26 in. 65 SIR CHARLES SOMERSET, ist EARL OF WORCESTER, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. Natural son of Henry, 3rd D. of Somerset ; in 1485 privy councillor to Henry VII. ; married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William Herbert of Ragland, and bore the title of Ld. Herbert ; made Lord Chamberlain for life by Henry VIII.; E. of Worcester, 1514; d. 15 April, 1526; bu. at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Three-quarter size ; black cap, red dress, furred cloak, collar K.G., white wand in r. hand ; s. of arms over 1 . side. Canvas, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. 66 MARY HUNGERFORD, BARONESS HUNGER- FORD, AND AFTERWARDS HASTINGS. Marquis of Hastings. Daughter and heir of Thomas Hungerford, son and heir of Robert 3rd Ld. Hungerford ; married Edward, afterwards Ld. Hastings ; she styled her- self Lady Hungerford, Hornet, Botreaux, Moels, Molines, and Peverell, as heir of these baronies and co-heir of Moels ; her husband died 1507. Three-quarter size, in widow’s cap, dark furred robe, red sleeves, coral rosary in 1 . hand, in r. red rose of Lancaster, for which party her father and husband had fought. Panel, 33 X 36 in. 67 GEO. HASTINGS, 3RD BARON AND ist EARL OF HUNTINGDON. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Francois Clouet (Janet). Son of Edward, 2nd Ld. Huntingdon, by Mary, daughter of Thomas, Baron Hungerford ; attended Henry \'l 11 . in 1513 in his French expedition ; created, 1529, E. of Huntingdon ; mar. Lady Anne Stafford, daughter of Henry, 2nd D. of Buckingham, and widow ofSir Walter Herbert, Kt. ; d. 21 July, 1544. To waist, small life-size ; dark cap and dress, showing white shirt, sable- lined surcoat ; gloves in 1 . hand. Panel, 15^ X 13 in. 68 SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt., the elder. Bodleian Library, Oxford. (See No. 98.) Head almost profile to 1 . ; black beard and hair, partly bald ; throat and neck bare. Panel, 17 X 13 in. H REIGN OF HENRY VII. I485-I5O9. 69 GEORGE LORD STRANGE. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Bust ; cap and collar of K.G. with pendant ; close frill, dark doublet, miniver-lined mantle. Panel, 19 X 13 in. 70 THOMAS, 2nd EARL OF DERBY, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. Eldest son of George, Baron Strange, K.G. ; succeeded his grandfather as E. of Derby, 1504 ; appointed by Henry VI I. ’s commission to hold a chapter of the Garter, 7 May, 1502 ; attended Henry VIII. in his expedition to France, 1513 ; on occasion of the visit of the Emperor, Charles V. to Henry VIII., at Dover, Ld. Stanley bore the sword of state on the royal progress to Canterbury. Bust, showing r. hand holding white stick ; black jewelled cap and red plume ; small frill and close white doublet, dark furred cloak, collar K.G. {■See No. 136). Panel, 19 X 14 in. 71 EDWARD STAFFORD, 3RD DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, K.G. Marquis of Hastings. Hans Holbein. Son of Henry, 2nd D. of Buckingham ; restored, i486, his father having been attainted ; Ld. High Constable ; K.G. ; attainted and beheaded. 1521. Bust ; collar K.G., r. hand resting on dagger-hilt. Panel, 23 X 18 in. 72 NICHOLAS KRATZER. Viscount Galway, M.P. . Hans Holbein. Astronomer; b. in Bavaria about 1487 ; employed by Henry VIII., and long resident in England ; erected a dial at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1550. To waist, three-quarter to 1 ., black cap, dark dress and surcoat, compass in r. hand, portion of a dial in 1., various instruments on table before him and in the background. Panel, 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. ; formerly the property of the E. of Holland and Warwick, whose seal of his arms is at the back. On the death of the Countess of Warwick, wife of .Addison, it passed to the family of Eyre, Derbyshire ; next to that of .Monckton. There is a drawing of him among the Holbein heads at Windsor, and another portrait existed by Holbein. Hans Holbein. 73 HANS HOLBEIN. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). B. about 1498, as is beheved, at .Augsburg ; studied under his father, a painter, and accompanied him to Basle; in 1526 came to England, being known to Erasmus and Sir T. More; in 1528 employed by Hcnr>'VllI.; executed portraits in oil, crayon, and miniatures in water-colour ; was skilled in carving and in architecture ; in 1539 settled in England ; d., as is thought, in 1543. Half-length, small life-size, black cap with a jewel, dark-brown close beard and moustache, dark surcoat, sable-lined, with gold aiglets and chain, ^love in 1 . hand. Signed, “HB. A.D. 1539.” Panel, i ft. 4 in. x ni in. 74 QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. Mr. Walter Moseley. Hans Holbein. The Infanta, daughter of Ferdinand 11 ., and Isabella of Spain : married, 1st, Arthur Prince of Wales, 1501, who died in a few months ; 2nd, in 1509, REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 15 Henr)’, afterwards King Henry VIII., and had one daughter, who succeeded as Queen Mary, 1553 ; divorced in 1533 ; d. at Esher in Surrey, 6 Jan. 1536. To waist, small life-size, three-quarter face to r., open black dress, with gold medallion. Panel, 17 X 13 in. 75 HENRY VIII. LENT BV PAINTER. Duke of Manchester. Hans Holbein. 2nd son of Henry VII. and Eliz. of York ; b. 28 June 1491 ; succeeded his father 22 April, 1509; mar., 1st, 3 June, 1509, Kath. of Arragon, widow of his elder brother, Arthur ; 2nd, Anne Boleyn, 25 Jan. 1533 ; 3rd, Lady Jane Seymour, May, 1536; 4th, Anne of Cleves, Jan. 1540 ; 5th, Lady Katharine Howard, Aug. 1540 ; 6th, Lady Kath. Par, 12 July, 1543 ; d. 28 Jan. 1547. Half-length ; black jewelled cap, fur-lined gold and silver-laced frock, fastened with jewelled clasps, and showing puffed sleeves, gold-headed staff in 1 . hand, gloves in r. ; jewelled collar. Panel, 35 X 25 in. 76 CHARLES BRANDON, DUKE OF SUFFOLK, K.G. AND HIS WIFE, THE PRINCESS MARY TUDOR. Mrs. Branfell. Hans Holbein, (See No. 80.) Bust-portraits, small life-size; her 1 . hand clasped in hisr. ; a grotesque mocking figure in the background ; beneath is wTitten : — Cloath of Gold doc not despise, I Cloaih of Frize be not too bold, Tho* thou are matcht to cloath of frize. | Tho’ thou art matcht to cloath of gold.” Panel, 30 x 22 in. 77 HENRY VIII. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle.) Half-length ; dark diapered and puffed doublet, mantle lined with ermine ; gloves in r. hand, 1 . on dagger. Panel, 35 X 27 in. 78 QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. Countess Delaw'arr. Hans Holbein. To waist, looking to r. ; hands resting on open book (See portrait of Margaret Roper in No. 163.) Panel, 26 X 20 in. 79 QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. National Portrait Gallery. To waist ; diamond-shaped jewelled head-dress, with black veil or kerchief behind, dark dress, square-cut, edged with jewels. In tempera, on panel, 23 X 17 in. ; from Mr. Barrett’s Collection at Lee Priory, Kent. 80 CHARLES BRANDON, DUKE OF SUFFOLK, AND HIS WIFE, THE PRINCESS MARY TUDOR. Earl of Yarborough. Jan de Mabuse. B. about 1485 ; the son of William, commonly styled “ Sir Wm. Brandon an early companion of Henrj- VIII. ; noted for his handsome person and skill in arms ; created Viset. L’lsle, 1513, and D. of Suffolk ; 4 times mar- ried, his 3rd wife being the Princess Mary, 2nd sister of Henry Vlll. ; in 1544 he commanded at the siege of Boulogne, and reduced it in 6 weeks ; d. 14 Aug. 1 545 ; bu. by command of the king, at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Canvas, 28 X 18 in. See No. 76, to which this is very similar, but without the figure in the background. The same lines arc written in gold at the base. 1 REIGN OF HENRY VIII. I5C9-I543. 81 SIR WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Kt. LENT BY PA inter- Duke OF Devonshire, K.G. 2nd husband of Elizabeth Hardwick, called “Bess of Hardwick” (No. 315) ; Commissioner for Visitation of Monasteries ; Kt. by Hen. V'lII. ; Privy Councillor under Mar>'. Half-waist, looking to r. ; black furred cloak, gloves in r. hand ; age given, 44. Panel, 33 X 24 in. 82 ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, EARL OF ANGUS. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Francois Clouet (Janet). Married Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots, daughter of Henry VII., widow of James IV. of Scotland ; his daughter was Margaret, Countess of Lennox, (No. 87) mother of Ld. Darnley. Bust ; small life-size ; crimson dress, dark cloak, white small frill ; wear- ing heart-shaped pendant, the Douglas badge, w'ith pearl hung from black ribbon. Panel, 14 X 10 in. * 83 QUEEN MARY OF GUISE (1515-1560). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Second Queen of James V. of Scotland (No. 106) ; eldest daughter of Claude, Duke of Guise ; b. 22 Nov. 1515 ; married, ist, Louis d’Orleans, Due de Longueville, and sister to the Cardinal de Lorraine ; 2dly, 1538, James V.,. and was mother of Mary Queen of Scots. On the death of James, in 1542, became Regent of Scotland ; her edicts against the Protestants excited revolt ; d. in Edinburgh Castle, 10 June, 1560. Bust, showing the hands, three-quarter face to 1 . ; dark dress, gold-em- broidered sleeves, fur tippet, white cap and bands. Panel, 19 X 14 in. 84 HENRY VIII. Lady Sophia Des Vceux. To waist, full face, brown beard ; embroidered doublet up to chin, sable tippet, crimson jerkin, puffed and jewelled sleeves, jewelled collar ; part of r. hand with gloves is seen. Panel, 25 X 22 in. 85 HENRY SOMERSET, 2nd EARL OF WORCESTER. Duke of Beaufort. Eldest son of Charles, ist E. of Worcester; distinguished himself in King Henry VIlI.’s expedition to France; Knighted there by Charles Brandon, D. of Suffolk (No. 80) ; d. 26 Nov. 1549. Three-quarter size ; black cap, dark robe and long fur tippet, crimson sleeves ; r. hand leaning on staff, I. holding gloves ; s. of anns to his I. Canvas, 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. 86 WILLIAM WARHAM, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY (1456-1532). Archbishop of Canterbury. Hans Holbein. Son of Robert Warham of Walsanger, Hampshire ; b. about 1456; educ. at Winchester and New College, Oxford ; Master of the Rolls under Henry VII.; 1502, Lord Keeper and Bishop of London; 1503, Lord Chancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury. Wolscy was often bitterly opposed to him ; Erasmus was his close friend. 1 ). 23 -\ug. 1532. To waist ; black cap, hands on cushion before him, sable tippet and cuffs ; REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 17 Archbishop’s cross to his r., mitre and books and an open breviary to his 1 . ; on scroll, date 1 527, age 70. Panel, 2 ft. 8 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. ; believed to have been presented by Holbein to the Archbishop. 87 MARGARET DOUGLAS, COUNTESS of LENNOX. LENT BY PAINTER. H. W. Diamond, M.D. Dau. of Archibald, E. of Angus, and Margaret Tudor, dau. of Hen. VII. ; b. 1515; educ. in England, and in 1530, ’31, ’32, Hen. VUl. bestowed on her, out of his privy purse, 6/. 13J. bd. “to disport her with” at Christmas ; her after life was full of anxiety and trouble ; mar. Matthew Stuart, E. of Len- nox ; mother of Ld. Darnley (No. 323); grandmother of James Land his cousin. Lady Arabella Stuart ; d. 1577-8. The inscription on her tomb in Westminster shows that by descent or alliance she was connected with 14 Kings or Queens. Bust, small life-size ; black head-dress, close frill, and frilled wimple, furred black surcoat, fastened with a jewel. Panel, 15 X 12 in. 88 JOHN FISHER, BISHOP OF ROCHESTER. Major J. H. Brooks. Hans Holbein. A pious Divine ; b. at Beverley, Yorkshire, 1459 ; educ. at Michael House College, Cambridge ; Confessor and Chaplain to Margaret Countess of Richmond (No. 47) ; Bishop of Rochester, 1504, which diocese he declined to change for more valuable preferment; refused to admit Henry Vlll.’s supremacy as head of the Church ; imprisoned and treated with extreme rigour ; received a cardinal’s hat from the Pope, but Henry said he should not have a head to put it on ; accordingly he was beheaded on Tower Hill, 22 June, 1535. Half^-length, small life-size, full face, furred gown, black cap, folded paper in 1 . hand. Panel, 13 X 10 in. 89 SIR JOHN MORE, Kt. Mr. W. B. Smythe. Hans Holbein. Probably son of John More, who rose from Butler to be Reader at Lin- coln’s Inn; b. about 1453; Seijeant-at-Law, 1503; Judge of Common Pleas, and afterwards of the Kin^s Bench. He was thrice married : by his ist wife, Johanna Hancombe, he had an only son, the celebrated Sir Thomas More ; d. about Nov. 1530. Half-length, small life-size ; flat black cap, dark furred dress, holding a fruit in his 1 . hand. Panel, i ft. 4 in. x i ft. .\ MS. letter of 1756 states that this picture “was Sir Christopher Mus- grave s, and sold by auction at his death.” 90 MARGARET TUDOR, QUEEN OF SCOTLAND. Marquis of Lothian. Hans Holbein. Eld. dau. of Hen. VIL, sister of Hen. VUL ; b. 29 Nov. 1489, mar. 8 Aug. 1503, James IV. of Scotland, who was killed At Flodden Field, 9 Sept, 1513, and left her by his will Regent of Scotland : mar. Archibald Douglas, E. of Angus ; obtained a divorce in 1525, and mar. Henry Stuart, son of Ld. Evandale. After a life of restless intrigue d. at Methven, near Perth, 1541, A mass of her secret correspondence exists in the Brit. Museum. {See No. 53.) Bust, with hands, small life-size ; red low dress, white sleeves, pearl and coral necklace, close pearl-edged head-dress. Panel, 14 X ii in. 91 SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt. (The Elder). Marquis of Hastings. Similar to No. 68 ; inscribed, “Syr Thomas Wyat,” s. of arms to his r. Circular, panel, diam. 19 in. {See No. 98.) C REIGN OF HENRY VIII. I509-I547. 18 92 JOHN FISHER, BISHOP OF ROCHESTER. LENT BV PAINTER. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Hans Holbein. (See No. 88.) Half-length, full face ; black cap and dress, showing narrow collar of shirt, gloves in 1. hand ; age 74. 28 x 24 in. 93 THOMAS CRANMER, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Jesus College, Cambridge. Hans Holbein. B. at Aslockton, Nottinghamshire, 2 July, 1489; at 14 entered Jesus College, Cambridge; became known to Henry VI II. on the question of his divorce from Katharine of Arragon ; Archdeacon of Taunton ; Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 1533 ; one of his 16 executors ; aided the Reformation ; attainted on Mary’s accession ; burnt at Oxford, 21 Mar. 1556. To waist, holding book open’in both hands, black cap, surplice, date 1537, age 50. Panel, i ft. 5J in. x i ft. 94 PETER MARTYR, (1500-1562.) Christ Church, Oxford. Protestant reformer ; b. at Florence, his family name was VermigH ; became an Augustine monk ; embraced reformed opinions and compelled to leave Italy ; invited to England by Edward VI. ; Professor of Divinity at Oxford ; retired to Zurich in Mary’s reign ; d. 1562. Bust, miniature ; grey beard, black cap and gown, red hood. Panel 12 X 10 in. 95 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Hans Holbein. (See No. 121.) Bust, miniature ; black cap, and dark dress with 2 lines of crimson puffs. Panel, 8^ X 6J in. 96 THOMAS LINACRE, M.D. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein or Qv. Matsys. A learned Physician; b. at Canterbur)-, 1460; studied at All Souls, Oxford ; M.D. at Padua ; taught Greek at Oxford ; Physician to Henry VII. and Henry VIII.; mainly founded the College of Physicians, and was its first President ; took holy orders, and became Prebendary of York and of Westminster ; d. 20 Oct. 1 524 ; buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral ; translated several of Galen’s writings from Greek into excellent Latin, and wrote learned works. Bust, showing the hands, small life-size, three-quarter face to 1., black dress and cap, white shirt, holding in r. hand a paper with “Anno 1527”. (?) Panel, 18 X 13 in. 97 ■ QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. 2nd wife of Henry \’III. ; youngest daughter of Sir Thos. Boleyn, or Bullen, by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Howard, 2nd D. of Norfolk ; b. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. I5O9-I547. 19 probably, 1501, and believed, on Throgmorton’s authority, to have been in the household of Margaret of Valois, in France ; maid of honour to Queen Katharine ; her beauty attracted the King, who married her privately, 25 Jan., 1533 and afterwards divorced Katharine ; her period of favour was short ; con- demned on unproved charges, she was beheaded on Tower Hill, 19 May, 1 536. Panel, 25 X 10 in. To waist ; fair reddish hair, wide hat, diapered dress and black tippet, little dog in her hands. Canvas, 24 X 19 in. From the Durazzo Palace, Genoa., 98 SIR THOMAS WYA 7 \ Kt. (the Elder). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Bruce. Poet and Statesman ; b. 1 503, at Allington, Kent ; educ. at Cambridge and Oxford; employed in diplomacy by Henry VI II. ; d. 1541; was the intimate friend of the E. of Surrey. His poems have considerable elegance; they are chiefly odes and love elegies : he also translated the Psalms into English verse. Bust, small life-size ; full face, brown hair, beard, and moustache, black cap and cloak, miniver-lined. Panel, i ft. 3^ in. X i ft. 99 HENRY VIII. Earl of Warwick. Three-quarter size, thin moustache and beard, touched with grey ; over robe, or “frocke,” fur-lined, laced with silver, “so that the ground little appeareth,” fastened with aiglets ; staff in 1 . hand, gloves in r. Panel, 36 .x 35. 100 SIR ANTHONY FITZHERBERT, Kt. Afterwards LORD FITZHERBERT. Sir William Fitzherbert, Bt. 6th son of Ralph Lord Fitzherbert ; Kt. about 1516 ; Judge of C. Pleas, 1522 ; Commissioner on the trials of Sir T. More and Bishop Fisher : he is said to have exacted a promise from his children, on his death-bed, not to .receive or purchase any of the Abbey lands ; d. 27 May, 1538; author of the “Grand Abridgment,” published in 1514, “ Dc Natura Brevium,” &c. Miniature, seated, black skull-cap, judge’s robes ; named, with date of death, “ 1538.” Canvas, 14X11 in. 101 SIR THOMAS BOLEYN, EARL OF WILTSHIRE AND ORMONDE, K.G. Mr. W. B. Stopford. Hans Holbein, Father of Queen Anne Boleyn, grandfather of Queen Elizabeth ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Howard, 2nd D. of Norfolk ; created by Henry VIII. Viscount Rochford ; E. of Wiltshire and Ormonde, 1529 ; K.G.; d. 1538. Bust, dark-brown peaked beard, close frill, black dress, furred surcoat ; s. of arms ; age 60. Panel, i ft. 8 in. x i ft. 5 in. 102 HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein, (S^e No. 1 21). Full-length, dressed in red, shirt embroidered in black. Panel, 76 x 52. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. iO 103 QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. LE.NT BY PAINTER. Earl of W.arwick.. To waist ; small life-size, three-quarter face to 1 . ; diamond-shaped, pearl and gold-edged head-dress, square-cut low dark dress. Panel, 14 X 12 in. 104 CHRISTINA OF DENMARK, DUCHESS OF MILAN. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. Widow of Francesco Sforza, D. of Milan ; the lady to whom proposals of marriage were made on the part of Henr>- VIII., but who considered that, ha\-ing only one head, she could not entertain his offer ; her portrait was paintrf 1539, by Holbein. To waist, small life-size ; black cap and dress, small neck and waist frills, holding gloves in her hands. Panel, 17 X 13 in. 105 MARY BOLEYN. Earl of Warwick. Daughter of Sir Thomas Boletm, or Bullen, created E. of Wiltshire ; sister of Queen Anne Bole\-n ; aunt of Queen Elizabeth ; married Wm. Carev', and was mother of Ld. Hunsdon (So. 238). To waist, small life-size, nearly full face, young ; black dress miniver- edged. with low squared body, diamond-shap^ head-dress, with dark fall or kerchief behind. Inscribed ‘*Mary Bullen." Canvas, i ft. x i ft. 2 in. 106 JAMES V. OF SCOTL.\ND and his 2nd OUEEN, MARY OF GUISE. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (Sfe So. 145.) Half-figures, standing, w ith cushions before them ; he looks to r. ; reddish hmr and beard, cloth of gold doublet puffed and jewelled, low across the chest. Jewelled collar confining shirt at neck, badge of K.T., furred cloak ; the Queen looks to r. ; reddish hair, jewelled caul-shap^ head-dress, with black kerchief behind, embroidered robe, ermine-lined ; pink in r. hand ; s. of arms ; titles and ages, 28 and 24. Panel, 4 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 7 in. 107 QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Sir Montague J. Chol.meley, Bt., M.P. Hans Holbein. Half-length, looking to L ; black jewelled cap, with white plume, dark blue dress, slashed with crimson, square low body ; hands folded ; dated 1530 ; signed with monogram HB.” Panel, 33 X 23 in. 108 SIR RICHARD SOUTHWELL, Kt. Mr. H. E. Chetwynd Stapylton. Hans Holbein. Eldest son of Francis Southwell, .Auditor of the Exchequer to Henry VIII.; friend of Sir T. More, called as a witness in his behalf; Pri\-y Councillor to Henr>- VH 1 . and Queen Mar)" ; assist, executor of Henr)- VIII.; Master of Ordnance to Queen Elizabeth. Half-length ; small life-size, three-quarter face to 1 . ; black cap and dress open and showing shirt, hands folded ; dated “x. Julii, anno H. A'lII. xx"viii®. etatis sua? anno xxxiii." Panel, 18 X 14 in. 109 - HENRY VIII. Her .Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. Half-length, position similar to No. 77 ; cloth of gold jerkin, puffed and jewelled, fur-lined surcoai, collar K.G. Panel, 39 X 29 in. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 21 no SIR WILLIAM BUTTS, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Hans Holbein. Of Fulham ; principal Physician to Hcnrj- \’ 1 I 1 .; the Dr. Butts of Shaks- pearc’s Henr>' \' 1 I 1 ., who points out to the king Archbp. Cranmer kept waiting among lacqueys; d. 17 Sept. 1545. His son Win. was Sheriff of Norfolk, served at the battle of Musselburgh, 1547, and received augmenta- tion of arms. Bust, looking to 1 . ; black cap, sable-lined dark .robe, gold chain ; in- scribed with age, 59. Panel, 18 X 14 in. 111 SIR NICHOLAS (called “WILLIAM^’) POYNTZ. Marquis of Ormonde. Of Iron Acton, Gloucestershire; married Jane or Joan, 2nd daughter of Thomas, 9th Ld. Ilerkeley, who had command at Pdodden Field, 1513 (his daughter Anne married Sir Thomas Heneage, Privy Councillor to Queen Elizabeth) ; mar. 2nd, Margaret Stanley, dau. of Edw., 3rd E. of Derby. To waist ; profile, black cap and feather, black doublet, gold chain ; in- scription at the side and at base in old French. Canvas, 2 ft. 3 in. x i ft. 6 in. named (wTongly) on the frame underneath, and dated 1535. 1 12 SIR RICHARD SOUTHWELL. Mr. Ralph N. Wornum. Micheli, after Holbein. Similar in position, dress, &c. to No. 108, but more elaborate in execution ; painted in Italy, 1835. Panel, 22 X 18 in. 1 13 THOMAS CROMWELL, EARL OF ESSEX, K.G. Duke of Manchester. Hans Holbein. Son of Walter Cromwell, a blacksmith, and afterwards a brewer of Putney; became known to Cardinal Wolsey ; elected M.P. ; made Chanc. of the Exchequer by Henry VIII.; in 1535 \’isitor-general of Monasteries; E. of Essex, 1539, and Ld. Chamberlain. His downfall was sudden : he was arrested 10 Jan. 1540, and beheaded on Tower Hill on the 20 July, on the charge, then customary, of treason. Head ; face, and cap, as in No. 126. Panel, 14 X n in. .114 OUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Earl of Denbigh. Hans Holbein. (See No. 97). Bust, miniature, three-quarter face to r., red surcoat, with open collar, showing low white gold-threaded dress, head-dress white and gold passing under chin and fastened at 1. ear with a jewel ; believed to have been painted in France at the age of 13. Panel, loJ x 8 in. I I 5 LADY BUTTS. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Hans Holbein. Dau. of John Bacon, Cambridgeshire ; wife of Sir Wm. Butts (No. no). Bust ; diamond-shaped head-dress, with black kerchief or fall behind, sable-lined mantle. Panel, 18 X 14 in. 1 16 ANNE ASKEW, OR ASCOUGH. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Protestant Martyr ; daughter of Sir Wm. Askew of Kelsey, Lincolnshire ; b. 1529 ; burnt, with four others, at the stake in Smithfield, 16 July, 1546. Bust ; close jewelled head-dress ; black high -shouldered dress, hands clasped ; inscribed, “ Rather deathe then false of fay the.” Panel, 27 x 21 in. 23 REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-1547. 117 CH. JUST. SIR EDWARD MONTAGU, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Lawyer; 2nd son of Thomas Montagu of Hemington, Northampton; 1 ). at IJrigstock ; entered at the Middle Temple ; 1539, Ch. Justice of King's Bench; in 1545 removed to the Common Pleas and Knighted; one of Henry Vlll.’s 16 executors ; sent to the Tower on Queen Mary’s accession ; d. 10 Feb. 1557. Three-quarter size, seated ; black cap and gown, sable tippet, very narrow frill; dated 1539. Panel, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. 118 HENRY VIII. Viscount Galway, M.P. Half-length, full face, grey beard and moustache, crimson dress covered with gold embroidery, ermine tippet ; attitude nearly as in No. 109. Panel, 35 X 27 in. Along the top are his titles and date 1 547, the year of his death. 1 19 QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. Duke of Northumberland. {See No. 125.) Bust ; diamond-shaped head-dress, with bl. veil or kerchief, red dress, low squared body, sleeves sewn with pearls. Panel, 14 X 1 1 in. 3 20 MARY TUDOR, QUEEN OF FRANCE, afterwards DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK. Earl Brownlow, {See No. 80.) Miniature; pearl-edged head-dress, with black kerchief, squared low dress, black, with puffed sleeves ; green background. Panel, 6i in. X SJ in. 1 21 HEiMRY HOWARD, E. OF SURREY (1518-1547). Countess Delawarr. Hans Holbein. Poet and Soldier ; b. about 1518; eld. son of Thomas, 3rd D. of Norfolk, by Eliz. dau. of Edw. Stafford, 3rd D. of Buckingham ; mar. Frances Vere, dau. of 15th E. of Oxford ; K.G. 1542 ; had command in the army with which Hen. VIII. invaded France, and was made Gov. of Boulogne. His court favour soon ceased; he was suddenly arrested, 12 Dec. 1546, and, on frivolous charges, executed in the prime of his youth on Tower Hill, 19 Jan. 1547. The friend of literary men in his day, and himself a graceful poet. Full-length, leaning on broken column ; dated 1540; age 29. Canvas, 6 ft. 9 X 4 ft. 3 in. 122 JOANNA FITZALAN, LADY ABERGAVENNY. Mr. John Webb. Hans Holbein. Daughter of Thomas, E. of Arundel ; married George Nevill, Ld. Aber- gavenny, K.G. (his 1st wife) ; d. before 1519. To waist, looking to r. ; diamond-shaped jewelled head-dress, with dark gold-edged kerchief or veil behind ; red dress, square cut low body, trimmed with pearls, pink in r. hand. 16 X 12 in. 123 CHARLES BRANDON, DUKE OF SUFFOLK, K.G. Earl Brownlow. {See No. 80.) Miniature; grey hair and beard, black cap, black mini- ver-lined robe ; green background. Panel, 7 in. x 6 in. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-1547. 23 124 HENRY VIII. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. Half-length : head, but not the eyes, slightly to 1 . ; reddish hair, beard, and moustache ; age about 40 ; v'est or doublet cut square across the chest and puffed, white jewel-edged shirt, sable-furred jerkin, ruffed sleeves, holding on a crimson cushion before him a scroll, inscribed with the last v. of St. Mark's Gospel. Panel, 28 X 22 in. On the back of this remarkable picture is a paper, with “ Changed with my Lord Arundel, 1624,” in writing of the time ; was in Charles I.’s collection. 125 QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. Countess Delawarr. Third wife of Henry VIII. ; eldest daughter of Sir John Seymour of Wolfe Hall, Wiltshire ; Maid of Honour to Queen Anne Boleyn, and supplanted her in the favour of the King as she had supplanted Queen Katharine ; married. May, 1536 ; d. 12 Oct. in the year following, 12 days after the birth of her son, afterwards Edward VI. Half-length, small life-size; diamond-shaped head-dress as in No. iig, squared low red over-dress, open sleeves netted with gold cord, puffed and ruffled under-sleeves, pearl necklace and jewel pendant ; hands folded. Panel, 24 x 19 in. 126 THOMAS CROMWELL, EARL OF ESSEX, K.G. . Countess of Caledon. Hans Holbein. {See No. 1 13.) Seated, three-quarter face to r., black cap and robe, fur tip- pet ; to his 1., on table, a richly-bound book, pen, and a paper with his titles ; Latin eulogy on label above. Panel, 30 x 24J in. 127 SIR RICHARD BROKE, Kt. Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton. Sir Antonio More. 4th son of Thomas Broke of Leighton, Cheshire ; studied at the Middle Temple ; Sergeant-at-Law, 1510 ; M.P. 1515 ; Judge C. Pleas, 1520 ; Knighted; Ch. Baron of the Exchequer, 1526; d., probably, 1529. Half-length, black cap, close ruff, judge’s furred robes. Panel, 2 ft. 10 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. 128 SIR WILLIAM PETRE, Kt. Mr. H. De Grey Warter. Son of John Petre, of Torbrian, Devon, and Alice Collins ; educ. at Exeter College, Oxford ; Principal of Peckwater’s Inn ; one of the Principal Secre- taries of State, and of the Privy Council, under Henry VI 11 ., Edward VI., Mary and Elizabeth ; made Chancellor of Garter by Queen Mary ; 7 times ambassador abroad ; married (i) to Gertrude, daughter of Sir John Tirrel of Warley, and (2) to Anne Browne, widow of John Tirrel, of Heron Place, Essex; d. 13 Jan. 1571-2. Half-length ; black cap, sable tippet, r. hand resting on stick, badge K.G., red book on table to his 1 . Panel, 35 X 28 in. 129 SIR HENRY GUILDFORD, Kt. Mr. John Webb. Hans Holbein. {See No. 149.) To waist ; black cap, black doublet and surcoat, with wide collar ; ring pendant from gold chain ; 1. hand resting on gold-headed stick. Panel, 34 X 25 in. 24 REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 130 CARDINAL WOLSEY (1471-1530). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. {See No. 148.) Profile to r. ; Cardinal’s beretta cap and rochet ; roll of paper in r. hand. Canvas, 2 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. I 31 QUEEN KATHARINE PAR (1512 ?-iS48). Mr. Richard Booth. Hans Holbein. 6th and last wife of Henry VIII. ; daughter of Sir Thomas Par of Kendal, and widow, ist, of Edward Borough, son of Ld. Borough; 2nd, of John Neville, Ld. Latimer ; b. about 1512 ; married King Henry, whom she survived ; and afterwards Thomas, Ld. Se)Tnour of Sudeley ; d. 5 Sept. 1548; bu. in the Chapel of Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire. In 1545 she published “ Prayers and Meditations,” a vol. many times reprinted ; also the “ Lamentation of a Sinner,” &c. Full-length ; small jewelled head-dress, low over-robe, with wide furred sleeves ; holding pink in her hands. Panel, 70 x 34 in. 132 QUEEN ANNE OF CLEVES. Mr. Charles Morrison. Hans Holbein. 4th wife of Henr)' VIII. ; daughter of John, 3rd D. of Clevcs ; married, Jan. 1540; but Heniy, being disappointed of the beauty he had e.xpected from Holbein’s miniature of her, and from Thomas Cromwell’s report, de- clared, through his Parliament, the marriage void (10 July, 1540) ; she resided at Richmond till her death in 1557. To waist, to r. ; close jewelled head-dress, with black kerchief and veil, low dark dress, crimson ruffed sleeves ; hands folded. Panel, 28 X 22 in. Stated to have been “for many years in the possession of the Royal Family of Sardinia, and supposed to have been formerly in the collection of Charles I.” 133 SIR HENRY WYAT, Kt. Earl of Romney. Of Allington, with the cat that is said to have fed him in prison. Half-length ; small life size, in prison ; to the r. is the cat pulling a pigeon in through the iron grate of the window ; a doggerel verse, in Latin and English, relates the stor>-. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 134 HENRY VIII. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Hans Holbein. Cartoon, full length, life-size ; in the background is his father, Henr)' VH. (See Nos. 135, 144.) Canvas, 8 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. 135 HENRY VIII. AND QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Van Remee after Holbein. Hcnr>' VII. and Queen Elizabeth of York in background ; small full- length figures ; copied, by order of Charles II., 1667, by Van Remee, from a full-sized original of Holbein, which was painted on the wall of the privy- chamber at Whitehall, and lost when that palace was burnt. Canvas, 39 x 36. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 25 136 THOMAS RADCLYFFE, EARL OF SUSSEX, K.G. Mr. Martin Colnaghi. Sir Antonio More. Statesman ; eld. son of Hen. Radclyffe, 2nd E. of Sussex of his name, and loth Baron Fitzwalter, by Eliz. dau. of Thos. 2nd D. of Norfolk ; b. 1526 ; Ambas. from Q. Mary to Chas. V., and to Philip II. ; Ld. Dep. of Ireland ; K.G. ; in 1569 Pres, of the North ; Ld. Chamberlain 1572 ; d. 9 June, 1583. Bust, showing r. hand resting on white stick ; jewelled cap and red feather, white close doublet, furred surcoat, badge K.G. Panel, 23 X 20 in. 137 FRANCES SIDNEY, COUNTESS OF SUSSEX. SiDNEY-SuSSEX COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Daughter of Sir Wm., sister of Sir Henry Sidney, aunt to Sir Philip Sidney ; b. at Penshurst, Kent ; 2nd wife and relict of Thos. Radclyffe, E. of Sussex (No. 136); Foundress ofSidney-Sussex College, Cambridge; d. 1588. Full length, standing in front of embroidered chair ; fur-trimmed robe, little dog to her r. Panel, 75 x 42 in. 138 WILL SOMERS. X 5 Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. Jester to Mr. Wm. Fermor, afterwards to Henry \T 1 1 , who confiscated his former master’s property ; when Hen. \TII. was on his deathbed, Somers let fall some words about his old master, that touched the king’s conscience, and he ordered restitution of the property to be made, which was done by Edward VI. Bust, showing the hands, full fhce, grinning through a window-grating ; black dress and cap. Panel, 28 X 23^ in. Represented also in the remark- able picture of Henry VII 1 . and family (No. 152), “a fool at the left side, in the door, with a jackanapes on his shoulder.” 139 THOMAS RADCLYFFE, EARL OF SUSSEX, K.G. Sir Brook. W. Bridges, Bt., M.P. F. Zucchero. Bust ; nearly similar to No. 136, hand not shown.* {See No. 70.) Panel, 26 X 20 in. 140 THOMAS LORD AUDLEY, K.G. Magdalen College, Cambridge. Created Baron Audley of Walden, 1538 ; Ld. Chanc. 1532 ; K.G. ; d. 1544. Half-length, seated; black cap; sable-furred black robe; date, 154.2. Canvas, 39 x 30 in. 141 SIR WILLIAM SIDNEY, Kt. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Hans Holbein. Only son of Nicholas Sidney and Anne, daughter of Sir Wm. Brandon ; became Esquire to Henry VIII. ; Chamberlain and Gentleman of the Privy Chamber ; knighted ; had command at Flodden ; obtained a grant of Pens- hurst, Kent, from Edward VI. Three-quarter size ; close-curled light hair, black dress fastened with aiglets, r. hand on helmet, 1. gloved ; on panel to his r. is name, age 36, and “Holbein, f. 1523.” Panel, 48 X 38 in. 142 THOMAS CRANMER, ARCHBISHOP OF Captain H. Byng. CANTERBURY. Hans Holbein. {See No. 93.) Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit, sable tippet, open book in hands, books and letter with address before him. Canvas, 36 x 29. 26 REIGN OF HENRY VIII. I509-I547. 143 ERASMUS (1467-1536). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). G. Penz. A great Scholar ; Desiderius Erasmus, b. at Rotterdam, 1467 ; visited England, 1497, lived among the most eminent men of his time ; again invited over by Henry VIII., 1510; appointed Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge ; Greek Lecturer ; resided with Sir T. More (No. 157), and wrote his “ Moriae Encomium” (Praise of Folly) ; d. at Basle (where, in 1516, his great work, the edition of the New Testament in Greek, had been published) 12 July, 1536: his “Colloquies,” directed against the evils of the church in his day, are the most celebrated of his writings. Bust, showing the hands, three-quarter face to r., black cap and loose robe, furred : inscribed with date of death, and signed “15 G. P. 37.” Panel, 23 X 18 in. 144 HENRY VIII. Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. Nos. 134, 135.) Life-size, standing; black jewelled hat and feather, doublet richly diapered and with small puffs, short crimson cloak furred with sable; gloves in r. hand, 1 . on dagger ; rich curtains to his 1 . Panel, 92 X 53. 145 JAMES V. OF SCOTLAND. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Son of James IV. and his Queen, Margaret, daughter of Henry VII. ; succeeded his father, 1513: married, ist, the Princess Madeleine, youngest daughter of Francis I. of France; 2nd, Mary of Guise (No. 106), widow of the Due de Longucville ; d. 13 Dec. 1542, leaving his only sui^ iving child, Mary Queen of Scots, an Infant eight days old. Full-length, as a child, black cap and grey plume, doublet close to the throat, with ruff, trunk hose, r. hand resting on table. Canvas, 3 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. • 146 HENRY VIII. Royal College of Physicians. To waist ; gold-embroidered, dark crimson “frockc,” narrow sable tippet ; both hands resting on staff. Panel, 24 X 19 in. 147 NICHOLAS WOOTTON, LL.D., DEAN OF CANTERBURY. Dean of Canterbury. Dean of Canterbur>', 1 540 ; the i st Protestant Dean ; Privy Councillor to Queen Elizabeth. Three-quarter size, standing near table ; clerical robes and hood of LL.D. ; paper with title, &c., on table. Panel, 36 X 28 in. 148 CARDINAL THOMAS WOLSEY (1471-1530). Christ Church, Oxford. Statesman; b. at Ipswich, Mar. 1471; early marked by his talents; obtained employment and preferment from Henry VI L, and for years gov- erned England under Henry Vlll. ; Archbishop of York and Ld. Chancellor REIGN OF HENRY VIII. I509-1547. 27 in 1514; Cardinal, 1515 ; appointed by Leo X. Legate a latere; candidate for the Popedom ; lost King Henry’s favour, and d. at Leicester Abbey, 28 Nov. 1530. Profile to 1 . ; scarlet cap and robe ; r. hand raised in benediction ; Cathe- dral of Christ Church in the distance ; s. of arms in background. Panel, 42 X 36 in. 149 SIR HENRY GUILDFORD, K.G. (1478—). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. Soldier and Scholar ; b. 1478 ; served with reputation in the wars with the Moors in Spain ; appointed, 1528, Master of the Horse to Heniy VIII. ; friend of Erasmus (No. 143). Half-length, looking to 1 . ; black cap, dark surcoat, sable tippet ; collar K.G. ; staff in r. hand, green curtains behind, and vine spray ; dated 1527, age 49. Panel, 32 x 26 in. 150 SIR JOHN MORE AND SIR THOMAS MORE. Sir Henry R. Vane, Bt. Hans Holbein. (3'^^Nos. 89, 157, 163.) Life-size, seated figures; Sir John in Judge’s scarlet robes; dated 1530; age 77. Sir Thomas as L. Chancellor, in purple, with sable tippet, and collar of S.S. ; dated 1530 ; age 50 ; s. of arms between. Canvas, 55X 48 in. 15 I SIR THOMAS POPE. Countess of Caledon. Hans Holbein. A sagacious politician and courtier; b. 1508; served Henry VII L, Edward VI., and Queen Mary; Lord Treasurer; friend of Sir Thomas More, and the bearer to him of the tidings of the day fixed for his execution ; founded Trinity College, Oxford, 1554; d. 29th Jan. 1559; his motto, “quod taciturn velis nemini dixeris,” is inscribed on the background. Three-quarter length ; black cap and robe, lined with miniver, open collar, gold chain, gloves in r. hand. Panel, 47 X 33 in. 152 HENRY VIII., PRINCESS MARY, & WILL SOMERS. X Earl Spencer, K.G. Half-length figures, table before them, with rich Persian cover, on which lie a bunch of grapes and an apple ; Somers the jester (see No. 138) holds a little dog, with collar of bells. Canvas, 63 x 50 in. 153 EDWARD STANLEY, 3RD E. OF DERBY, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. Son of Thomas, 2nd Earl ; b. 1506 ; placed under the charge of Cardinal Wolsey ; succeeded his father 1521; attended Henry VIII. in France; suppressed the north-western insurrection in 1536; K.G. by Edward VI.; Lord High Steward by Queen Mary ; noted for his charity to the poor, of whom it is stated that for thirty-five years 2700 received on Good Friday meat, drink, and money; d. 24th Oct. 1574. Camden says, that with his death “the glory of hospitality seemed to fall asleep;” and his great de- scendant, the 7th Earl, writes, that he “ left so excellent a name behind him, that no fault or vice is of him at all remembered.” Head ; open ruff, furred dress. Panel, 13 X 10 in. 28 REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-I547. 154 SIR JOHN CHEKE, Kt. (1514-1557). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Manchester. Hans Holbein. One of the revivers of learning in England in the 16th centur>- ; b. at Cambiidge 16 June, 1514 ; educ. at St. John’s College ; became first Pro- fessor of Greek in the University ; in 1554 tutor to P. Edward ; Kt. in 1551 : Sec. of State and Pri\y Councillor, 1552 ; imprisoned by Queen Marj- ; d. 13 Sept. 1557. To waist, small life-size ; reddish forked beard, black cap and dress, sable tippet, gloves in 1. hand. Panel, i ft. i in. x gi in. 155 LADY HELEN LESLIE. Marquis of Lothian. Sir Antonio More. 2nd daughter of George, 4th E. of Rothes ; married Mark Ker, Abbot of Newbattle, (No. 160). To waist ; small life-size ; dark dress, red sleeves, close white cap ; hold- ing in 1. hand a tablet with musical notes ; dated, 1551. Panel, 16 X 1 1 in. 156 HENRY VIII. Christ Church, Oxford. To waist, brown beard, hands leaning on staff, crimson dress, ermine tippet. Panel, 30 x 24 in. Presented by Henry Mordaunt to Christ Church. ' 1 57 SIR THOMAS MORE (1480-1535). Mr. Henry Huth. Hans Holbein. Only son of Sir John More (No. 89) ; b. in Milk Street, Cheapside, about 1480 ; educ. at the Hospital of St Anthony ; received into the house- hold of Cardinal Morton, Arclibp. of Canterbury ; sent to Oxford ; studied at New Inn and Lincoln’s Inn ; in Parliament, 1504 ; employed in Flanders by Henry VI 11. ; about 1516 published his “ Utopia Speaker of the House of Commons, 1523 ; Chancellor, OcL 1529 ; the king frequently dined with him familiarly at Chelsea, but refusing to approve the marriage with Anne Boleyn he fell into disgrace, was imprisoned, charged with high treason for denying the king’s supremacy, and beheaded on Tower Hill, 5th July, 1535. To waist, looking to 1. ; fur tippet, collar .S.S., crimson sleeves ; paper in r. hand, green curtain behind. Panel, 29 X 23 in. 1 58 LADY DOROTHY DEVEREUX (—1566). Mr. Reginald Cholmondelev. Daughter of George Hastings, E. of Huntingdon, by Anne Stafford, daughter of Edward, U. of Buckingham ; married Richard Devereux, eldest son of Walter, Viscount Hereford ; godmother of Robert, E. of Essex, Queen Elizabeth’s favourite ; died, 1 566. Bust ; high-crowned black hat, ruff and lace collar, black-embroidered kirtle. Panel, i ft. 4 in x 1 1 in. I 59 william, 1ST LORD PAGET (1506-1563). Duke of Manchester. Hans Holbein. The Emperor Charles V. is said to have declared that Sir William Paget “ deserved to be a king as well as to represent one.” His father was Ser- geant at Mace to the Coiporation of London. B. 1506; educ. in St. Paul’s REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-1547. 29 School and Trinity Hall, Cambridge; employed by Bishop Gardiner; in 1543 Knighted and Secretary of State; one of Henry VIII. ’s 16 executors; K.G. ; created Baron Paget ; imprisoned on the fall of his friend the Pro- tector Somerset ; in favour with Queen Mar\" ; d. 9 June, 1563. Half-length, small life-size ; brown forked beard, dark surcoat with high collar, sable tippet, paper in r. hand. Panel, 12J in. x in. 160 MARK KER, ABBOT OF NEWBATTLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Lothian. Sir Antonio More. 2nd son of Sir Andrew Ker, of Cessford ; took orders ; Abbot of New- battle, 1546 ; adopted Reformed doctrines, 1560, but held his benefice ; Vicar of Lintoun, Co. Peebles, 1564 ; extraordinary Ld. of Session, 1569 ; d. 1584. Three-quarter small life-size ; dark dress and cap, narrow white throat and wrist frills, glove in 1 . hand ; dated 1551, act. 40. Panel, 15 X 12 in. 1 61 SIR JOHN THYNNE, Kt. Marquis of Bath. Hans Holbein. Eldest son of Thomas Thynne of Stretton ; .Secretary to Edward Seymour, D. of Somerset ; Knighted for service in the war against Scotland, 1547 ; he built Longleate, Wiltshire, 1567 to 1579; M.P. 1588; ardent favourer of the Reformation; married, ist, Christian, sister of Sir Thomas Gresham (No. 273) ; d. 21 May, 1580. Half-length, bareheaded ; white slashed doublet, high collared sable-lined surcoat, black ribbon with medallion ; dated 1566, age 51. Canvas, 50x39 in. 162 SIR NICHOLAS CAREW, K.G. Earl of Yarborough. F. Pourbus. Only son of Sir Richard Carew, Kt. Banneret and Lieut, of Calais ; about 1518 in the household of Henry VIII. ; K.G. 1521 ; M. of the Horse, 1524, and Lieut, of Calais ; in favour for many years ; in 1538 “ he fell,” as Fuller says, “ from the top of the king’s favour to the bottom of his displeasure, and was bruised to death thereby.” Executed on a charge of treason, 3 Mar. 1538. Three-quarter size looking to r., long forked brown beard and mous- tache, black cap, figured doublet and surcoat, with gold tags, glove on r. hand ; dated 1 549 age 35 ; {see date of death). Panel, 3 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. 163 SIR THOMAS MORE AND HIS FAMILY. Mr. Charles Winn. Hans Holbein. Life-size figures. Sir T. More, aged 30, and his father, .Sir John More, aged 76, seated {see No. 150) ; to r. of picture Alice. Lady More, wife of Sir Thomas, aged 57 ; Margaret Roper, eldest daughter cf Sir Thomas, aged 22, holding open in her hands Seneca’s tragedy of “ CKdipus,” at a "fine passage of the chorus, act iv. ; Cecilia Heron, 3rd daughter, aged 20 : to 1 . is Mrs. Clements, wife of Dr. John Clements (Ver maiden name was Gigey), and Elizabeth Dancey, 2nd daughter of Sir John, aged 21, with a vol. of Seneca’s Epistles under her arm ; behind are John More, aged 19, son of Sir Thomas and Henry Pattison, Sir Thomas’s jester ; next to him John Harris, with a roll of paper in his hand. Sec. to Sir Thomas, and friend of .Mr. Roper for whom this picture was painted ; in an inner room is a young man reading. Canvas, 1 1 ft. 6 x 8 ft. 3. This picture painted, according to the dates, in 1530, was in .Andrew de Loo’s collection, the contemporary’ of Holbein, after- wards at Well Hall, Eltham, the home of the Ropers, thence came by mar- riage to Sir Rowland Winn. I REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1506-I547. T 30 164 WILLIAM TYNDALE (i477-i536> LENT BY PAINTER. British and Foreign Bible Society. Learned Scholar and Reformer ; said to be son of John Tyndale, of Hunt’s Court, Gloucestershire ; b. about 1477 ; believed to have studied at Magdalen Hall, O.xford, and afterwards at Cambridge ; tutor at Sir John Welch’s, in Gloucestershire ; aided by Humphrey Monmouth, in London, a friend of the Reformed opinions ; went to Saxony, lived at Antwerp, and wrought at his translatiorr of the New Test., first published 1525 or ’26 ; im- prisoned near Brussels, 1534; believed to have suffered death as a heretic, at Vilvorde, 1536 : his English style is idiomatic and expressive. Half-length, resting 1. hand on book, to which he points with his r. ; black skull-cap and dress, narrow ruff. Panel, 3 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. ; motto on scroll ; inscription in his praise, with place and date of his martyrdom, “ Wiffordae prepe Brussels, 1536.” 165 THOMAS HOWARD, 3RD DUKE OF NORFOLK. Eldest son of Thomas, 2nd D. of Norfolk ; created E. of Surrey in 1513 ; distinguished himself at sea; Ld. High Admiral; commanded at Flodden; in 1521, Ld. Dep. of Ireland; E. Marshal, 1534; attainted on the disgrace of Q. Kath. Howard, his niece ; the warrant for his death despatched 29 Jan. 1547, but Henry d. the night before its intended execution ; in prison till Mary’s reign ; d. 1554; father of Surrey the poet (No. 121); patron of Holbein. Half-length ; black cap, fur-lined surcoat, collar K.G., gold stick in r. hand, white stick in 1. Panel, 30 X 22 in. ; inscribed with name and title. Similar portrait in possession of E. of Carlisle, and four others named by Walpole. 166 PHILIPPE DE VILLIERS DE L’ISLE-ADAM. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. 43rd Grand Master of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem ; b. 1464 ; 1510 shared command of the fleet that defeated the Turks in the Gulf of Ajaccio ; 1513 Ambassador to France; 1521 Grand Master of his Order; defended Rhodes against Soliman with extraordinary resolution ; compelled at length to capitulate, he ultimately established his Order at Malta ; visited England to support its interests; d. 21 Aug. 1534 His epitaph is, “Ici repose la vertu victorieuse de la fortune.” Bust ; rosary in hands, black robe, with cross of his Order. Oval, 29 x 24. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Bust, fifll face, white tunic with small puffs, chain and collar. Panel, 19 X 16 in. 168 EDWARD SEYMOUR, D. OF SOMERSET, K.G. “THE PROTECTOR.” Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. Eldest son* of Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall, Wiltshire; brother to Queen Jane Seymour, and thus uncle to Edward VI. ; created E. of Hertford and K.G. by Henry \TII. ; one of his 16 executors ; became “Protector of Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. HENRY VIII. REIGN OF HENRY VIII. 1509-1547. 31 the Realm, and Guardian of the King,” D. of Somerset and E. Marshal ; charged with treason ; beheaded 1552. Half-length, reddish-brown hair, and small peaked beard, deep ruff, doublet and trunk hose, gold-laced. Panel, 2 ft. 1 1 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. 169 THOMAS, 1ST LORD WENTWORTH. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Eldest son of Sir Richard Wentworth, K.B. ; served in France, in Henry VIII. ’s expedition, 1523, and was knighted; Ld. Wentworth of Nettlested, 1529; attended Henry to Boulogne, 1532; married Mary, daughter of Sir Adrian Fortescue, K.B., and had 8 sons and 9 daughters ; Ld. Chamberlain to Edward VI., and Privy Councillor; d. Mar. 1 550-1 ; bu. in Westminster. Half-length ; black doublet and surcoat furred with miniver ; chamber- lain’s stick in 1. hand, little way to his r. ; inscribed and dated, 1 547, s. of arms to his 1. Panel, 38 X 29 in. 170 HENRY VIII. AND HIS FAMILY. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. “ Little entire figures,” in pillared hall ; Henr)' VIII. seated. Prince Ed- ward beside him ; Queen Jane Seymour ; Princess Mary, afterw'ards Queen ; Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen ; Will Somers with a monkey; his wife at the other side. Canvas, 1 1 ft. 6 X 5 ft. 6. Sold in the Commonwealth time for 15/. 171 SIR EDWARD MONTAGU, Kt. Duke of Manchester. {See No. 117.) Three-quarter length; judge’s robes, furred white collar of S.S. ; gloves in 1. hand ; d. 1556. Pane^ 43 X 32 in. 172 EDWARD VI. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. Son of Henry VIII. by his 3rd wife. Queen Jane Seymour ; b. at Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 1537; succeeded his father, 1547 ; d. 6 July, 1553, aged 15 ; bu. in Westm. Abbey ; the young king’s diary is preserved in the Bnt. Musm. To knees ; full face, dark eyes, black cap and white feather, gold-em- broidered close doublet, crimson ermine-trimmed robe, r. hand resting on dagger; wearing jewel shaped as a P. of Wales’s plume ; landscape to r., with church and castle. Panel, 40 x 32 in. 173 SIR THOMAS SMITH, Kt., LL.D. Eton College. P. Fischer after Hans Holbein. B. 28 Mar. 1512 (?) ; stu. at Queen’s College, Camb. ; Prof, of Greek at 19; Dean of Durham, 1546; Sec. of State to Edward VI. and Elizabeth; Ambassador to France ; Prov. of Eton ; author of Act respecting University and College Estates ; wrote “ De Repub. Anglorum,” &c. ; left library to Queen’s College; d. 12 Aug. 1577. Half-length, small life-size, r. hand resting on a globe. Panel, 2 ft. 5 in. X I ft. 1 1 i in. Presented to Eton by Lady Bowj'er Smijth, of Thorpe Lee. Copy by P. Fischer, 1856, from picture by Holbein in possession of Sir W. Bowyer Smijth, Bart. REIGN OF EDWARD VI. I547-I553. 174 EDWARD SEYMOUR, D. OF SOMERSET, K.G. “THE PROTECTOR.” Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. (See Nos. 168, 181.) Bust; reddish forked beard, black cap and dress ; inscribed with verses in his praise, and in blame of his execution. Panel, 21 X 16 in. (See No. 172.) Bust, profile, small life-size ; blue eyes, reddish hair, black jewelled cap and white feather, small neck frill, reddish dress, edged with miniver, gold-laced; inscribed “e.r ICH DIEN ;” dated 1546; age 8. Panel, 1 1 x 1 1 in. Half-length, as a child, full face, dark blueish eyes, crimson velvet hat tied under chin, small ostrich-feather, crimson gold-embroidered jerkin, ruffed sleeves ; r. hand open and raised, beneath, in Latin verse, is an unfulfilled prediction of future greatness, signed “ Richard Mor. Car.” Panel, i ft. loj in. X I ft. 4J in. At 9 years of age. Bust, showing hands ; full face, blue eyes, yellowish hair ; red gold-embroidered dress, slashed sleeves, black cap with gold orna- ments and white feather. Stated to have been the property of Sir Anthony Mildmay, Chamberlain to Elizabeth ; given, 1837, to Christ’s Hospital, by Thomas Nixon, Esq. Panel, 20 X 16 in. 178 THOxMAS, 2ND LORD WENTWORTH. Mr F. Vernon Wentworth, B. 1524 ; eldest son of Thomas, ist Lord (No. 169) ; Governor of Calais under Edward VL, and again under Mar)', when it was besieged by the D. of Guise, and compelled to surrender, 1558; impeached but acquitted ; sat on trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. Half-len^h ; white slashed doublet, black cloak; dated 1564, age 44. Panel, 58 X 26 in. Almost the same as No. 172, but with curtains in backgd. Panel, 40 x 30. Half-length, black cap and white feather, black gold-embroidered doublet and surcoat, ermine-lined ; collar K.G. ; gloves in r. hand, sword-hilt in 1 . ; inscribed with titles, civil and ecclesiastical, and date, 1547. Panel, 2 ft. 4 in. X 1 ft. 9 in. LENT BY PAINTER. 175 Earl of Hardwicke. EDWARD VI. Hans Holbein. EDWARD VI. Earl of Yarborough. Hans Holbein. 177 Christ’s Hospital. EDWARD VI. Hans Holbein. 179 Christ’s Hospital. EDWARD VI. Hans Holbein. 1 80 Duke of Manchester. EDWARD VI. Hans Holbein, REIGN OF KING EDWARD VI. I547-I553. 33. 181 THOMAS LORD SEYMOUR OF SUDELEY, K.G. LENT BY , PAINTER. Marquis of Bath. Hans Holbein. 3rd son of Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall, in Wiltshire, and brother of Lady Jane Seynnour, 3rd wife of Henry VI 11 . ; held high command during Henry’s invasion of France ; on the accession of his nephew, Edward \’I., became Ld. High Admiral, Baron Seymour, and K.G. ; married Queen Katha- rine Par, widow of Henry \'IIL, and aimed, during the minority of the king, at the power held by his brother, “ The Protector” .Somerset (No. 168); committed to the Tower, 1549 ; executed on the 20th March following. Bust, similar to No. 174, but with two copies of verses on background. Panel, 23 X 1 7 in. 182 SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt. (The Younger). Earl of Romney. Only son of Sir Thomas Wyat (No. 98) ; b. 1520 or ’21 ; his youth w’as irregular, but he afterwards served with credit under his friend, the accom- plished E. of Surrey (No. 121) ; in 1554, led the Kentish rebellion against the government of Queen Mary ; was taken in an attempt to surprise Ludgate ; executed ii April, 1554. Circular, profile head ; hair, moustache, and small beard, brown ; in- scribed “Sir Tho. Knt., son of Sir Tho. Wiat.” Panel, diam. 15 in. 183 LADY JANE GREY (1537-1554). Earl Spencer, K.G. Eldest daughter of Henry, Marquis of Dorset (No. 189) ; b. 1537 ; educ. by Aylmer, afterwards Bp. of London ; could write and speak Greek, Latin, and other languages; married, 1553, Lord Guildford Dudley (No. 191) ; nominated by Edward VI. as his successor; executed 12 Feb. 1554. Half-length miniature ; seated in a room near a window ; rich crimson dress, with square-cut low body ; r. hand turning leaves of a missal open on a desk beside her ; tall, gilt-covered cup on table to her 1 . Panel, 21 x 15 in. 184 LADY JANE GREY. Colonel Tempest. Mark Garrard. Bust ; fair hair, dark turban-shaped hat with large sapphire, open collar to bodice, fastened with Jewel. Canvas, 23J in. x 17J in. 185 REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE (1500-1558). Archbishop of Canterbury. Reginald Pole, 4th son of Richard Pole, Ld. Montagu, by Margaret, daughter of George D. of Clarence ; b. March, 1500, at Stoverton Castle, in Staffordshire; at 12 years old entered Magdalen College, Oxford; travelled in Italy and h'rance, and at the time of Henry VIII.’s divorce wrote against it with vigour and eloquence ; Cardinal in 1536. His family were persecuted by Henry, and his aged mother put to death (No. 28). On the accession of Mary returned to England, to aid in restoring Romanism ; in 1556, Archbp. of Canterbury; d. 18 Nov. 155S. Three-quarter size, seated ; costume as Cardinal ; paper in. r. hand ; Latin motto to r. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 186 SIR ANTONIO MORE (1519-1575). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Antonio More. Portrait painter; b. 1519 ; of Dutch family ; worked much in England ; ^■^S7S- t. Three-quarter length ; black doublet and trunk hose, massive gold chain l\ead of large dog to r. of picture, on which his 1 . hand rests. Panel, 45 x 33 in. 34 REIGN OF KING EDWARD VI. 1547-1553- 187 EDWARD VI. (1537-1553). LENT BY PAINTER. King’s College, Cambridge. To waist ; probably intended to represent him not long before his death ; ermine-trimmed crimson robe, badge K.G. Canvas, 26 x 21 in. 188 HENRY DE LA POLE, LORD MONTACUTE. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Eldest son of Sir Richard Pole, K.G., and Margaret Plantagenet, Coun- tess of Salisbury ; brother of Cardinal Pole ; summoned to parliament 1533 and ’36 as Ld. Montagu; attainted; imprisoned in the Tower; beheaded there, 1539. Bust, looking upwards to 1 . ; high black hat and black dress ; view of the Tower in the distance. Panel, 30 x 23 in. 189 HENRY GREY, 3RD MARQUIS OF DORSET AND DUKE OF SUFFOLK. .Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Mark Garrard. Father of Lady Jane Grey (No. 183) ; eldest son of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset ; succeeded to that title 1530; divorced his first wife in Older to marry Lady h'rancis Brandon, daughter of Charles, I), of Suffolk, and niece of Henry VI 11 . ; on the death of Edward VI. joined in the treason of the I), of Northumberland ; imprisoned in the Tower, but soon released ; joined Sir Thomas Wyat’s rebellion and again proclaimed his daughter, Lady Jane (irey, queen ; executed on Tower Hill, 23 Feb. 1554. Half-length ; white gold-laced doublet, close frill, furred and jewelled d.irk cloak ; collar K.G. ; cap with white feather. Panel, 30 X 23 in. 190 LADY JANE GREY (1537-1554.) Bodleian Library, Oxford. (6Vi? No. 183.) Bust; small life-size; flat black head-dress, black dress lined with white fur. Panel, 14 X iii in. 191 LORD GUILDFORD DUDLEY. Colonel and Baroness North. Son of John Dudley, E. of Northumberland ; married Lady Jane Grey, and was involved in the ruin brought upon her by his ambitious father ; executed in the Tower on the morning of the same day as his accomplished wife, 12 Feb. 1554. (-SVf No. 183.) Half-length, small life-size, ruff, doublet, and surcoat black, with dark fur, white gold-embroidered sleeve, gloves in r. hand. Panel, 14 x ii in. 192 EDWARD VI. PRESENTING CHARTERS. Bridewell Hospital. Hans Holbein. Presenting at Whitehall, in 1552, charters to the three hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas. The Lord Mayor, Sir George Barnes, and the two sheriffs, are receiving the charter ; the Town-clerk in fun-ed gown to 1 . ; Thomas (Goodrich, Bp. of Ely, Lord Chancellor, on the king’s r., holds the (jreat Seal ; .Sir Rt. Bowes, Master of the Rolls, on the king’s 1 ., holds a roll and bag ; William, 1st E. of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, wears the Garter; Hans Holbein is to r. of the picture ; two Yeomen of the Guard are behind. Full-size figures. Canvas, 8 ft. 10 in. X 9 ft. 7 in. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY, I553-I558. 35 193 LADY JANE GREY (i537-i554.) LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Houghton. {See No. 183.) Half-length ; red over-dress, showing diapered skirt and puffed sleeves. Panel, 30 x 24 in. 194 SIR EDWARD GRIMSTON, Kt. Earl of Verulam. To waist, hglding skull in 1 . hand ; high black hat and black dress, thin white beard ; dated 1590 ; age 61, apparently much older. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 195 REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE (1500-1558). Lord Arundell of Wardour. 1'itian. Half-length miniature, seated ; red barretta cap and rochet {see No. 185). Panel, 13 x 8 in. 196 OUEEN MARY (1515-1558). Mr. Charles Winn. Sir Antonio More. Daughter of Henry VIII. by his ist wife, Katharine of Arragon ; b. at Greenwich, 8 Feb. 1515 ; sue. her half-brother, Edward VI., 6 July, 1553 ; married Philip 11 . of Spain, 1554 ; d. 17 Nov. 1558, aged 43 years. Miniature, three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair covered with em- broidered green velvet ; reddish hair, black velvet over-dress, open single ruff, black head-dress, flattened over the forehead, rising behind and jew- elled ; red rose in r. hand. Panel, 13J x loJ in. 197 HENRY FITZALAN, EARL OF ARUNDEL, K.G. Marquis of Bath. Soldier and Statesman ; last E. of Arundel of his name ; only son of William, 9th or nth E. by Anne, daughter of Henry Percy, 4th E. of Nor- thumberland ; created Baron Maltravers, 1533; Field-Marshal of Henry VIlI.’s army at Boulogne, 1544; Governor of Calais; one of the King's 16 executors ; President of the Council under ( 2 ueen Mar)', and High Constable and High Steward under Elizabeth ; d. 1580. Half-length ; reddish-brown beard and moustache, black doublet, black surcoat fur-lined ; collar K.G. ; date 1558, age 56. Panel, 3 ft. x 2 ft. 4J in. 198 LADY ELEANOR BRANDON. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Lucas de Heere. Daughter of Charles, D. of Suffolk, and Mary Tudor, Dowager Queen of France ; married Henry E. of Cumberland (his ist wife) ; d. 1547. Three-quarter size ; auburn hair, black jewelled head-dress, with sm.all plumes, close frill and thickly jewelled surcoat, high on the shoulders, kirtle sewn with pearls, locket with black ribbon in 1. hand ; s. of arms over her r . ; date, 1565. (See date of death.) Panel, 38 X 23 in. 36 REIGN OF QUEEN MARY, I553-I558. 199 QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Three-quarter size, standing in front of a rich chair ; dark reddish hair, inarone surcoat with wide sable-furred sleeves, showing the embroidered and puffed dress beneath ; book and gloves in her hands. Panel, 36 / aSj in. 200 PHILIP II. OF SPAIN. Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. Sanchez Coello. B. 21 May, 1527 ; son of Charles V. and Isabella of Portugal ; married Mary Tudor, 1554, his 2nd wife, who died 1558 ; sue. to the throne of Spairr on his father’s abdication, 1556 ; fitted out the Spanish Armada for invasion of England, 1588 ; d. 13 Sept., 1598. Three-quarter size ; short beard touched with grey, richly inlaid armour ; badge of golden fleece ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 43 a 36 in. 261 STEPHEN GARDINER, BP. OF WINCHESTER. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. (SVt No. 202.) To waist, small life-size, episcopal habit, red book in r. hand. Panel, 19 X 14 in. 202 STEPHEN GARDINER, BISHOP OF Lord Taunton. WINCHESTER. Hans Holbein. Statesman; b. at Bury St. Edmunds, 1483; studied at Trinity Hall, Cambridge ; Secretar)- to Cardinal Wolsey ; secured the favour of Henry VUI. ; employed in the matter of his divorce from Queen Katharine ; 1531, Bishop of Winchester ; opposed the Reformation ; imprisoned in Edward VI.’s reign ; released and made Lord Chancellor by Queen Mary, whose persecutions he aided; d. 12 Nov. 1555 - To waist, small life-size, dark furred gown and flat cap, holding a pink in 1 . hand. Panel, 13 X 10 in. 203 WM. POWLET, 1ST MARQUIS OF WINCHESTER. Mr. John Webb. {See No. 207.) Bust ; small forked brown beard, black cap, small plume and jewelled band, narrow frill, black high-collared surcoat with gold studs, white stick in-r. hand ; badge of K.G. Panel, 224 x 16 in. 204 HUGH LATIMER, BISHOP OF WORCESTER. Dean of Canterbury. Son of a farmer in Leicestershire; b. about 1475 ; graduated at Cam- bridge ; preached Reformed doctrines, and was protected by Thomas Crom- well (No. 1 13) and Anne Boleyn (No. 97), who appointed him her Chaplain ; made Bishop of Worcester, I5'35 ; imprisoned for six years, till Edward VI.’s reign ; again imprisoned by Queen Mary, and, though at least eighty years of age, burnt at the stake at Oxford, 16 Oct. 1555. Three-quarter size, grey beard and moustache, black cap, surplice and black scarf, stick in 1. hand, book carried from his belt ; s. of arms ; name inscribed, with date of martyrdom and a text. Panel, 28 X 20 in. REIGN OF QUEEN MARY, 1553-I558. 37 205 QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). LE.\T BY PAINTER. Society of Antiquaries. Three-quarter size ; flat head-dress, with hanging kerchief, high brown gold-embroidered dress, sewn with pearls, sable-trimmed wide sleeves ; back- ground a red curtain. Panel, 40 x 30 in. 206 REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE. Earl Spencer, K.G. Pierino del Vaga. ( 5 "^^ No. 185.) Three-quarter size, seated ; long grey beard, dark baretta cap and rochet ; books to his 1 ., green curtain at back. Canvas, 45 X 36 in. 207 WILLIAM POWLETT, ist MARQUIS OF WINCHESTER, K.G. Soc. OF Antiquaries. Eldest son of Sir John Powlelt, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Poulet ; b. 147; ; Comptroller of the King’s household in 1533— the first fact remaining of his life; created Baron .St. John of Basing, in Hants, 1539; K.G. 1541 ; one of Henry’s executors; created under Edward VI. E. of Wiltshire and Marquis of Winchester ; contrived to retain position and favour with Queens Mar>- and Elizabeth ; d. 10 Mar. 1572, aged 97, having lived in seven reigns ; “ in all times of his life increasing in greatness of honour and preferment.” Bust ; black cap, dark dress, small neck-frill, collar of K.G. ; treasurer's staff in 1 . hand, inscribed with name and titles. Panel, 16 x 12J in. 208 PRINCESS MARY TUDOR, afterwards O. MARY. Marquis of Exeter, K.G. Hans Holbein. Three-quarter miniature ; reddish-brown hair, close head-dress, jew- elled, small open frill, surcoat black, high-shouldered, trinuned with miniver ; square body, jewelled collar and girdle, holding heart-shaped locket in her hands ; dated at back, 1544. Panel, 12 x 9 in. 209 PHILIP II. OF SPAIN. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Antonio More. To waist, small life-size, looking to r. ; black furred-edged doublet ; r. hand on table. Panel, 25 x 18 in. 210 SIR EDWARD GRIMSTON, Kt. Earl of Verulam. Comptroller of Calais, 1552. When Calais was taken, in 1558, he was carried prisoner to the Bastile, from whence he made his escape by the help of a file and a rope, conveyed to him by his servant ; d. at the age of 98. Three-quarter size ; black cap and gown, full ruff, gloves in r. hand ; poetic inscription on background ; dated 1548, aet. 50. Panel, 35 X 28 in. 21 I EDWARD, 1ST LORD NORTH. Colonel and Baroness North. Only son of Roger North ; b. about 1496, probably in London, where his father was a merchant ; entered at Peterhouse, Cambridge ; studied for the bar ; knighted and M.P. in 1541 ; one of Henry Vlll.’s 16 executors, and in 38 REIGN OF QUEEN MARY, I553-I558. Mary’s reign created (1553) Baron North, of Kirtling, in Cambridge. D. at his house in the Charter-house, London, 31 Dec. 1564; gave the parsonage of Ellington to Peterhouse College. Bust ; black cap, fur tippet, gold chain. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 212 QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. B. Stopford. Lucas de Heere. Flat jewelled head-dress, with black hanging kerchief, black surcoat edged with fur and jewels, jewelled glove in 1. hand, folded paper in r., in- scribed, “ The Supplication of Thomas Hungad.” Panel, 44 x 35 in. 213 ALICE JUDDE, LADY SMYTHE. Viscount Strangford. Daughter of Sir And. Judde, Kt. ; married Sir Thomas Smytheof Westen- hangcr (No. 221). In right of this lady the Visets. Strangford are hereditary members of the Skinners’ Company, and Lords of the Manors of Ashford and Westure. Half-length ; close ruff, black dress, peacock-feather fan in L hand. Canvas, 45 x 34 in. 214 SIR THOMAS WILSON, Kt. Sir T. M. Wilson, Bt. LL.D. of University of Padua ; Sec. of State and Ambassador under Queen Elizabeth ; Master of St. Katharine’s Hospital ; Lay Dn. of Durham ; sent, after D. of Norfolk’s execution, with Wm. Lord De la Warr and Sir R. Sadler, to remonstrate with Mary Queen of Scots for continuing to quarter the arms of England ; condemned to the stake at Rome ; escaped by a tumult, on account of the death of the Pope. Bust ; blk. cap, dark furred dress, close frill ; dated 1575. Panel, 20 x 16. This picture was repaired, 1777. 215 WILLIAM WHITAKER, D.D. (1547-1595). St. John’s College, Cambridge. ^ (See No. 222.) Bust ; black cap and dress, close ruff, open red book in hands. Panel, 22 J x 17 in. 216 SIR WALTER HUNGERFORD. Sir Hungerford Pollen, Bt. Of Farley Hungerford Castle ; son of Sir Walter, Ld. Hungerford, of Heytesbury, who was attainted and beheaded with Cromwell, E. of Essex, under Henry VIII. 1541. Small full length, in complete armour, mounted on dark-brown horse, with greyhound and hawks ; curious inscription on the old frame. Panel, 38 X 38 in. 217 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). F. Zucchero. Daughter of Henry VIII. by his 2nd wife. Queen Anne Boleyn ; b. at Greenwich, 7 Sept. 1533 ; sue. on the death of her half-sister, Queen Mary, 1558 ; d. at Richmond, 24 June, 1603, aged 70 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Full length, in fancy embroidered dress, sandals sewn with pearls ; various mottoes on tree to r. ; verses on escutcheon to her 1. Canvas, 7 ft. 3 x 4fL lo- REIGN’ OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. 39 218 SIR GAWEN CAREW, KT. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. N. Hilliard. Son of Edmond, Baron of Carew ; d. in E.xcter, 1 583. Head to r. ; black beard and close hair; black dress and close ruff. Panel, 13.I x n in. 219 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Lucas de Heere. Full-length small figures ; an allegory of the Queen and the goddesses of Power, Wisdom, and Beauty, outshone at her approach ; the Queen advancing with her attendants, Juno retiring hastily, Minerva and Venus awaiting her; dated 1569; signed with monogram. Panel, 33 X 25 in. 220 FRANCOIS, DUC D’ALENgON, D’ANJOU, See. Mr. John Bruce. Francois Clouet (Janet), Son of Henri 11 . and Catherine de’ Medici; b. 1554; called by his mother “ Le Moricaud” {//le Brown), from the marks of small-pox; a suitor for the hand of Queen Elizabeth about 1572, but proposals rejected on account of massacre of St. Bartholomew ; electecl sovereign of the Netherlands, 1581, and renewed his suit in person, 1582 ; splendidly entertained by the Queen for some months ; expelled from Netherlands soon after his return ; d. 1584. Head ; black cap, small white plume, close ruff, black dress. Panel, 16 X 13. 22 1 SIR THOMAS SMYTHE, Kr. (1522-1591). Viscount Strangford. B. about 1522 ; son of John Smythe of Corsham, farmer of customs under Queen Elizabeth ; a man of science ; stated to have fitted out, at his own cost, the first Arctic expedition ever sent from England, and which dis- covered and named “Smith’s Sound ;” married Alice, daughter of Sir And. Judde, Kt. (No. 213) ; d. about 1591. Half-length ; flat black cap, crimson-furred surcoat ; in 1 . hand a silver- headed staff, which is still in possession of his heir-at-law, the possessor of the portrait. Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 222 WILLIAM WHITAKER, D.D. Chetham Hospit.\l and Library, Manchester. B. at Holme, Lancashire, 1547 ; educ. at St. Paul’s School and Trinity College, Cambridge ; Reg. Prof, of Divinity, Cambridge ; Chanc. of St. Paul's, 1579 ; Master of St. John’s, Cambridge, 1587 ; d. 1595. Bust ; black eared-cap and dress, close frill. Canvas, 23 X 19, in. 223 SIR NICHOLAS BACON, Kt. Earl of Verulam. 2nd son of Robt. Bacon, of Drinkston, Suffolk ; b. at Chislehurst, Kent, 1509 or ’10 ;-went early to Corpus Christ! (Bene’t) College, Cambridge, where he began his friendship with Cecil, afterwards Lord Burghley ; studied at Paris and at Gray’s Inn; employed by Henry VIIL; had a grant of llie manors of Redgrave and others on the dissolution of St. Edmundsbury monastery ; knighted and made Lord Keeper by Elizabeth ; held the Seal for 20 years ; d. 20 Feb. 1579. He was very corpulent, and the Queen used to say “ his soul lodgeth well.” Bust ; black cap, deej) ruff, furred robe, staff in r. hand. Panel, 23 x 16 in. 40 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 224 HENRY FITZALAN, EARL OF ARUNDEL, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. No. 197.) Small full-length, on white horse, in armour; titles and date 1581. Panel, 42 x 33 in. 225 WM. SOMERSET, 3RD E. OF WORCESTER, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. .Son of Henry, 2nd E. of Worcester, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Anthony Brown, Kt., Standard-bearer to Henry Vll. ; in 1573, sent toFrance with a christening present from Queen Elizabeth, of a fount of gold, for the daughter of Charles IX. of France ; married Christian, daughter of Edward L. North, of Cathledge ; d. 21 Feb. 1589. Three-quarter size, in suit of gold-enriched armour, white neck and wrist frills ; badge of K.G., with narrow blue ribbon ; white staff in r. hand ; s. of arms over 1 . side ; dated 1569, age4(.?)4. Panel, 37 x 29 in. 226 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bt. Nicholas Hilliard. Three-quarter size ; dark reddish-brown hair, close-jewelled head-dress, full ruff, figured stomacher, black dress with fardingale. Canvas, 42 x 31 in. 227 JOHN WHITGIFT, ABP. OF CANTERBURY (1530-1604). St. Peter’s College, Cambridge. B. 1530, at Great Grimsby ; cduc. at Wellow and Queen’s and Pembroke, Camb. ; early embraced the Reformed tenets ; Master of Trin. Coll. Camb., 1 567 ; answered “ An Admonition to Pari.,” by desire of Archbp. Parker, about 1572 ; Bishop of Worcester, 1576; succeeded Grindal as Archbishop of Canterbury, 1583 ; d. 29 Feb., 1604. Bust ; black cap, scarlet robe, with black high collar ; book in r. hand ; dated 1560. Panel, 20A X 17 in. 228 JOHN BULL, Mus.Doc. University of Oxford. Musician; b. 1562; educ. under William Blitheman, Organist to Queen Elizabeth ; one of the Gentlemen of her Chapel, 1585 ; Mus. Bac., Oxford, 1586; Mus. Dr. at Cambridge; 1591, succ. Blitheman as Organist; Prof, of Music in (iresham College, by the recommendation of Elizabeth ; in 1607, played the organ before James 1 ., dining at the Merchant Taylors’ Co. ; went abroad in 1613, engaging in the service of the Archduke of Austria ; d. abroad after the year 1622. His compositions arc vocal, and for the organ, virginal, &c. ; the tunc of the National Anthem is ascribed to him. Bust ; black embroidered falling collar, furred cape, black dress ; on Back- ground, death’s head and hour-glass ; age 27, date 1589; round the frame is “The Bull by force in field doth raigne, Hut Bull by skill goodwill shall game." ' Panel, i ft. 10 in. x i ft. 6 in. 229 QJJEEN ELIZABETH. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. F. Zucchero. Full-length, crowned ; dress patterned with animals, monsters, flowers, &c., jewelled feather fan in r. hand, gloves in 1 . Canvas, 7 ft. 6 x 5 ft. 6. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 41 230 SIR HENRY UMPTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Henry Nugent Bankes. Mark Garrard. Bust ; small life-size ; seated at a table, writing ; the background is crowded with details of the principal circumstances of his life; the cities on the Continent, &c. where he served ; a banquet with mummers ; his death- bed scene ; funeral procession and monument in a church ; Fame blows her trumpet and presents a crown. Panel, 28 X 63 in. 231 SIR EDWARD 'SOMERSET, 4TH EARL OF WORCESTER, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. Only son of William, 3rd E. of Worcester (No. 225); in 1591, sent as Ambassador to James VI. of Scotland, on occasion of the King’s marriage ; appointed Master of the Horse, 1601 ; Privy Seal, 1615 ; d. at his house in the Strand, 3 Mar. 1627-8. He was notable for his horsemanship and skill in tilting. Three-quarter size ; bald-headed, lace ruff, white doublet, gold-laced trunk- hose, badge of K.G. with broad blue ribbon. Canvas, 3 ft. 6 in X 2 ft. 9 in. 232 SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY. Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bt. F. Zucchero. Half-length; ruff, black dress, silvered sword-belt ; age, 30; No. 291), dated 1 599. Canvas, 42 X 33 in. 233 EDMUND GRINDAL, D.D., ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. Dean of Canterbury. Divine and Reformer; b. at Hinsingham, Cumberland, 1519; educ. at Cambridge ; President of Pembroke Hall, i 549 ; Prebendary of W’estminster, 1352 ; during Mary’s reign took refuge at Strasburg ; aided in drawing up the Liturgy ; Bishop of London, 1559 ; Archbishop of York, 1570; of Canter- bury, 1575 ; d. 1583 ; distinguished as a preacher. Three-quarter, small life-size, seated, bishop’s robes, a red book in his clasped hands, arms and date, 1580; age 61 on background, and inscription. Panel, 32 X 24 in. 234 SIR WILLIAM PADDY. St. John’s College, Oxford. Physician ; b. 1554 ; educ. at .St. John’s College, Oxford ; was present at the death of James I. at Theobalds, near Enfield, and wrote an account thereof in a Prayer-book preserved in the Library of St. John’s ; supported the privileges of the College of Physicians successfully before Sir Thos. Middleton, Lord Mayor, and Sir Henry Montagu, Recorder of London. Full-length ; black hat, doublet, and gown ; table, with watch and ana- tomical drawing to his r. ; date 1600, age 46. Panel, 7 ft x 4 ft. 2. 42 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 235 LADY HUNSDON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. B. Stopford. F. Zucchero. Wife of Henry Carey, Ld. Hunsdon (No. 238) ; mother of Robert Carey, E. of Monmouth (No. 237) ; Author of “ Memoirs of his own life he mentions being the youngest of 10 sons. Half-length ; black head-dress, large ruff, sable-lined black over-robe. Canvas, 40 x 23 in. 236 MARGARET DOUGLAS, COUNTESS of LENNOX. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. (See No. 87.) Full-length ; black-furred robe, clock on table to her r., little dog to her 1. ; date 1572, age 55; she mentions in her will various clocks, of which she seems to have had a number. Canvas, 7 ft. 8 X 4 ft. 6. 237 SIR ROBERT CAREY, AFTERWARD EARL OF MONMOUTH. Mr. D. Laing. Mark Garrard. 15. 1 5 59 or ’60; son of Henry- Carey, Ld. Hunsdon (No. 238); served against the Spanish .Armada, 1 588 ; at court when Queen Elizabeth d., and rode off hastily for Edinburgh, to be first with the news to James I ; created E. of Monmouth, 1625; sent after Prince Charles and Buckingham, who had started incog, for Spain ; d. 1639; author of autobiographical Memoirs. To waist ; black doublet and cloak, broad gold chain ; dated, 1596 ; age 33 ; to r. of background is Venus wafted along the sea. Panel, 29 X 24 in. 238 HENRY CAREY, LORD HUNSDON, K.G. Mr. W. B. Stopford. F. Zucchero. 15. 1525 ; son of Wm. Carey and Mary Boleyn (No. 105) ; cr. Baron by Eliz., 1559, whose ist cousin he was ; had charge of her person at Court and at Tilbury ; refused an earldom on his death-bed as unseasonable : d. 1 596. Black cap, jewelled band, small ruff, doublet fastened with jewelled studs, white stick in r. hand ; badge K.G. ; date 1591, age 66. Canvas, 36 x 29 in. 239 SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON, K.G. (1539-1591). Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham. Favourite of Queen Elizabeth, and Ld. Chancellor ; b. 1 539 or 40 ; son of William Hatton of Holdenby, Northampton ; entered at St. Mary’s Hall, O.xford, and at the Inner ^Temple ; noticed by Queen Elizabeth on occasion of a masque ; made Captain of her Body-guard and Kt. ; one of the Com- missioners for the trial of Mary Queen of .Scots; Ld. Chancellor in 1587; K.(j. 1588 ; Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 1588 ; d. 20 Nov. 1591. Full-length ; white gold-laced doublet, short black cloak sewn with pearls. Canvas, 76 X 44 in. 240 ELIZABETH, LADY WEN'l'WORTH. Marc^uis of Salisbury, K.G. Lucas de Heere. A daughter of William Cecil, Ld. Burghley (No. 242), sister to Robert, ist E. of Salisbury. Three-quarter length ; close curled brown hair, with pearl head-dress ; lace ruft', long stomacher and fardingale, stuffed diapered sleeves, fan in r. hand. Panel, 41 J X 35 in. 43 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 241 ROBERT DUDLEY, EARL OF LEICESTER, K.G., AND PAGE. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Bath. F. Zuccheho. (See No. 251) ; full length, in the door of a tent, with his page bearing his helmet and pistol. Canvas, 7 ft. X 4 ft. 3. 242 WILLIAM CECIL, LORD BURGHLEY, K.G. Marquis of Exeter, K.G. Mark Garrard. Queen Elizabeth’s great Minister; son of Richard Cecil ; Master of the Robes to Henry VIII. ; b. 13 Sept. 1520, at Bourne, Lincolnshire ; educ. at Grantham and Stamford, and at St. John’s College, Cambridge ; Secretary of State under Edward VI. and Elizabeth; created Baron of Burghley, K.G., and L. High Treasurer, which office he held for 30 years ; d. 4th Aug. 1598. Three-quarter size ; white beard, black cap, high ruff, crimson dress, mantle and collar K.G. ; Treasurer’s staff in r. hand. Panel, 43 x 34 in. 243 SIR PHILIP SANDYS, KT. Mr. Charles Winn. Secretary to Queen Elizabeth. Head ; close ruff, black cap and doublet; dated, 1590 ; age, 50. Panel, 17 X 13 in. 244 SIR WALTER MILDMAY, Kt. Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay, Bt. Of Danbury, Essex ; Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer to Queen Elizabeth ; founded Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; d. 31 May, 1589 ; bu. in St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield. Bust ; black cap and robe, small white ruff ; dated 1588. Panel, 20 x 14. 245 WILLIAM CECIL, LORD BURGHLEY, K.G. Bodleian Library, Oxford. (See No. 242.) Small life-size, riding on a mule ; pink and honeysuckle in r. hand ; s. of arms hung on tree to 1. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 246 THOMAS CECIL, EARL OF EXETER, with his Half-Brother, ROBERT, EARL OF SALISBURY. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. F. Zucchero. Bust, showing r. hand with staff ; dark cap and dress, close ruff, badge of K.G. with dark ribbon; white staff in Ld. Salisbury’s 1. hand, otherwise nearly the same as No. 259. Panel, 2 ft. x 2 ft 9 in. 247 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Her Majesty (St. James’s Palace). Hans Holbein. At the age of 16. Three-quarter size ; red dress with open sleeves over richly gold em- broidered skirt ; green book in her hand. Panel, 42 X 31 in. 44 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 248 JANE HECKINGTON, MRS. CECIL. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Daughter of William Heckington of Bourne, Lincolnshire; mar. Richard Cecil, ^^astcr of the Robes to Henry VI II. ; mother of the great minister. Lord Burghley. Bust, small life-size, aged, seated in chair, dark furred dress, ruff and black cap, apparently blind, staff in 1 . hand. Panel, i ft. 8 in. x i ft. 4 in. 249 JOHN JEWELL, BISHOP OF SALISBURY. .Merton College, Oxford. Learned Divine and Refonner ; b. 1522, in Devonshire ; educ. at Merton College, Oxford, under John Parkhurst, afterwards Bp. of Norwich ; under Edward VI. zealously promoted the Reformation ; fled to Frankfort and .Strasburg in Mary’s reign, and aided Peter Martyr in some of his works ; Bp. of .Salisbury soon after Elizabeth’s accession ; d. 21 Sept. 1571. His chief work is his “Apology for the Church of England.” Bust ; black cap, episcopal habit. Panel, 18 X 14 in. 250 SIR WALTER RALEIGH, Kt. (1552-1618). .VI.^RQUis OF Bath. {See No. 345.) Full-length; hat and plume, white doublet, red embroidered scarf ; pair of compasses in r. hand on a table with globe and an open book. Canvas, 7 ft. X 4 ft. 8. 251 ROBERT DUDLEY, EARL OF LEICESTER, K.G. , Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Mark Garrard. Courtier and favourite of Queen Elizabeth ; son of Dudley, D. of North- umberland ; b. about 1532; served Edward V’l. and Queen Mary; Master of the Horse to Queen Elizabeth ; K.G. 1564; created E. of Leicester; com- manded an unsuccessful expedition to the Low Countries, yet was made General of the army raised against the expected .Spanish invasion ; accused during his lifetime of many crimes, especially the murder of Amy Robsart, his wife ; retained the favour of the Queen till his death, 4 Sept. 1 588. Half-length ; white gold-embroidered doublet, dark cap and furred cloak; collar K.G. ; white stick of office in r. hand. Engraved. Panel, 43 X 34 in. 252 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533 1603). Earl of Hardwicke. Half-length, young ; hair dark brown, high Jewelled crown, winged head- dress, lace ruff, bl. dress covered with eyes and ears, twisted serpent on 1. si., sceptre in r. hand, book in 1 ., dark greenish mantle. Panel, 46 x 32 in. 253 ROBERT DEVEREUX, 2nd E. OF ESSEX, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. Favourite of Queen Elizabeth; eldest son of Walter, ist E. of Essex, by Lettice, daughter of .Sir Francis Knollys ; b. at Netherwood, 10 Nov. 1567 ; studied at Trinity College, Cambridge; received the highest honours and appointments from Queen Elizabeth ; at length lost her favour and made a wild attempt at insurrection ; executed for treason, 25 Feb. 1601. Bust; rich armour and scarf; dated 1599 ; s. of arms to his r. Panel, 24 X 19 in. REIGK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 45 254 MILDRED COKE, LADY BURL'EIGH. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. f'. Zucchero. A learned and accomplished lady ; daughter of Sir Anthony Coke, who, with the learned Sir John Cheke, was preceptor to Edward VI. ; married, 1546, William Cecil Lord Burghley, with whom she lived for nearly fifty years ; praised for her learning by Roger Ascham ; mother of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury (No. 259). Three-quarter length, three-quarter face to 1 ., white diapered dress to the throat, with close frill, black robe, jewelled chain and pendants, and head- dress, rose in r. hand ; s. of arms to her 1 . Canvas, 37 X 28 in. 255 THOMAS SACKVILLE, EARL OF DORSET. Countess Delawarr. Mark Garrard. {Sec No. 365.) Full length, with his secretary ; black furred robes ; ribbon and badge K.G. ; white stick as Ld. Treasurer in r. hand ; his secre- tary presents a letter addressed to him. Canvas, 7 ft. X 5 ft. 2 in. 256 QUEEN ELIZABETH CARRIED IN STATE TO HUNSDON HOUSE, i8 Sept. 1571. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Mark Garrard. Queen Elizabeth is seated in a canopy chair of state, dressed in white, and carried by si.v gentlemen, probably gentlemen-ushers of the privy chamber ; she is proceeding to pay a visit to her cousin-german, Ld. Hunsdon.' On the r. hand of the picture is Lady Hunsdon, dressed in white ; to her r. is Lady Katharine, daughter of Ld. Hunsdon, and wife of Ld. Howard of Effingham ; behind her, in a dark dress, is Lady Marj- Boleyn, mother of Ld. Hunsdon. Of the Knights of the Garter, the nearest to the Queen is Robert Dudley, E. of Leicester (No. 241), in pink, with a black cloak. Henry Lord Hunsdon (No. 238), in a green dress, bears the sword of state. William Cecil, Ld. Burghley (No. 242), wears a black cloak, and carries his white staff as Ld. High Treasurer. Charles Howard, afterwards E. of Nottingham (No. 357), is next before him, wearing a white dress and black cloak ; round his neck is a riband with a gem, on which is a profile of the Queen. Ld. Clinton is supposed to be represented in an orange dress, between Ld. Burghley and Ld. Howard ; he was K.G. in 1550 ; E. of Lincoln, 1573. Thomas Radclyffe, E. of Sussex (No. 136), is supposed to be the figure in a pink dress, in the 1 . corner of the picture ; he was K.G. in 1557. Francis, 2nd E. of Bedford, is supposed to be the figure seen between Ld. Hunsdon and Ld. Burghley ; he was K.G. in 1564. The Yeomen of the Guard follow, and the Gentlemen Pensioners, wearing their black cloaks, line the way. George Vertue, described this picture, seen by him at Coleshill, where it had been 50 or 60 years. The above particulars, as well as those respecting other pictures lent by Mr. Wingfield Digby, are taken from the catalogue compiled by the Hon. Louisa Portman. Canvas, 4 ft. 4 in. X 6 ft. 2 in. 257 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Earl of Warwick. Three-quarter size, crowned ; fair hair falling on shoulders, royal robes, close frill, jewelled collar, sceptre in r. hand, globe in 1 . Panel, 48 X 39 in. 46 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 258 SIR FRANCIS WALSINGHAM, K.G. (1536-1590). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). A sagacious and trusted Statesman of Q. Eliz. ; b. at Chiselhurst, Kent, 1566; educ. at King’s Coll., Camb. ; the principm agent against Mary Q. of Scots ; K.G. 1 587 ; d. 6 April, 1 590, very poor, and was bu. by his own desire privately. Bust ; black cap, ruff and dark dress. Panel, 22 x 17 in. 259 ROBERT CECIL, EARL OF SALISBURY, K.G. (1560-1612). Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. F. Zucchero. Statesman ; son of the great Ld. Burghley by his 2nd wife, Mildred, daughter of Sir Anthony Coke; b. about 1550; entered St. John’s College, Cambridge ; employed by his father in affairs of state ; in 1596 appointed by Queen Elizabeth Principal Secretary of State ; created by James I. Baron Cecil, V’iscount Cranborne, and in 1605 E. of Salisbury and K.G. ; d. 24 May, 1612. A man of weak constitution, yet of surprising powers of appli- cation to business. Half-length, three-quarter face to r., black dress, white ruff, ribbon of K.G., 1 . hand resting on the badge ; paper inscribed with his titles and offices on table to r. Panel, 35 X 27 in. 260 SIR GEORGE CAREW, Kt. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Half-length ; white slashed doublet, black surcoat, with broad tippet of whitish fur ; gloves in r. hand ; dated 1565, age 54 Panel, 39 X 30 in. 261 ROBERT DUDLEY, E. OF LEICESTER, K.G. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. No. 251.) Bust; beard and hair grey, plume and doublet white, lace collar; badge of K.G. Panel, 23 x 17 in. 262 ROBERT DUDLEY, E. OF LEICESTER, K.G. University Library, Cambridge. Bust ; dark beard and moustache, black hat, jewelled band, dark dress, small ruff ; collar of K.G. Panel, 18 x 15 in. 263 WALTER DEVEREUX, ist EARL OF ESSEX. Earl of Yarborough. Sir Antonio More. B. 1540; cr. E. of Esse.x, 1572 ; Earl-Marshal of Ireland ; mar. Lettice, dau. of .Sir F. Knolles ; suppressed rebellion in North of England ; d. in Dublin, 22 Sept. 1 576 ; supposed to ha\ e been poisoned by Dudley, E. of Leicester, who mar. his widow; his son was the unfortunate favourite of (|ueen Elizabeth. To knees, seated in arm-chair ; brown hair and beard, small frill, dark surcoat and hose, gloves in 1 . hand. Canvas, 48 x 34 in. 264 ■ JOHN GLANVILLE. Lincoln’s Inn. Judge of Com. Pleas ; father to Speaker Glanville in Parliament of 1640. Half-length; judge’s robes; s. of arms to his r. ; dated 1600, age 58. Panel, 48 x 33 in. REIGN OF CUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 47 265 GEORGE BUCHANAN (1506-1582). LENT BY PAINTER. University of Edinburgh. {See No. 266.) Bust, with r. hand holding paper ; grey beard, black dress and cap. Panel, 18 x ii in. 266 GEORGE BUCHANAN. Royal Society. F. Pourbus. Learned Jurist, Historian, and Poet ; b. at Killcarn, Stirling, Feb. 1506; sent, at 14 years of age, to the University of Paris, by his uncle, whose death, two years after, left him destitute, and he with difficulty returned home ; tutor to young King James VI. ; Director of Chancery, and Lord Privy Seal ; translated the Psalms ; wrote satires and other poems : his Latin style is singularly pure and elegant ; d. 28 Sept. 1582. Bust, full face, aged, short grey beard and moustache. Panel, i ft. 4 in. X I2i in. 267 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. F. Zucchero. t{See No. 252.) Half-length, face slightly turned to r. ; tall, plumed, and jewelled head-dress, with transparent winged sides, edged with pearl orna- ments, gold-coloured robe, scattered over with representations of ears and €ves, serpent on 1 . sleeve, rainbow in 1 . hand ; inscribed, “Non sine sole iris.” Canvas, 50 x 39 in. Engraved. 268 THOMAS HOWARD, 4 th DUKE OF NORFOLK. Earl of Carlisle. F. Zucchero. Son of Henry, E. of Surrey (No. 121); b. about 1536; graduated at Oxford in 1568 ; K.G. by Queen Elizabeth ; employed in the affairs of Scot- land ; was gained over by Mai^ Queen of Scots, when a prisoner in England, and hoped to marry her ; their correspondence was discovered ; he was tried and executed, 2 June, 1572. Half-length, cap and dress black, close neck and wrist frills ; badge of K.G. Panel, 42 x 32 in. • 269 MATTHEW PARKER, ABP. OF CANTERBURY (1504-1575). Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. A most learned Divine; b. at Norwich, 1504; cduc. at Corpus Christi (Bene't College), Cambridge; Dean of Stoke Clare, Suffolk, 1535 ; of Lin- coln, 1552; Master of Bene’t College, 1544; .(Vrchb. of Canterbury, 1559; the “Bishops’ Bible,” pub. 1568, was revised under his inspection ; d. 1575. Half-length, three-quarter face to r., flat black cap, episcopal robes ; book n 1. hand, staff in r. ; s. of arms on background ; motto and date on frame, 1572; age 69. Panel, 16 X 12 in. 270 JOHN FOXE (1517-1587). Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Author of the “Book of Martyrs;” b. at Boston, Lincolnshire, 1517 ; ■ntered at Brazenose College, Oxford; Fellow of Magdalen, 1543; became '^rotestant and was deprived ; tutor in family of Sir Thomas Lucy of rharlecote, and afterwards to the children of the E. of Surrey ; escaped ibroad in Mar\-’s reign ; on her death returned, and received a pension from lis former pupil, now D. of Norfolk ; Prebendary of Canterbury ; d. 1587. Bust, grey beard and moustache, high black hat, black dress, lace ruff. Tanvas, i ft. loJ in. x i ft. 5I in. 48 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 271 QUEEN ELIZABETH (as Princess). LENT BY PAINTER. ‘ Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Sir Antonio More. Three-quarter size ; small jewelled head-dress, open small ruff, richly- jewelled black surcoat, with puffed sleeves ; gloves in r. hand. Panel. 44 x 29. 272 HUBERT LANGUET (1518-1581). Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. B. at Viteaux, in Burgundy, 1518; through the teaching of Melancthon embraced the Reformed doctrine ; employed by Augustus of Saxony ; narrowly escaped during the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572 ; entered the service of the Prince of Orange ; corresponded with Sir Philip Sidney, whose friend and teacher he was ; d. at Antwerp, 1581. Half-length; dark dress, gold chain; dated 1564; age, 51. Panel, 36 X 26 in. 273 SIR THOMAS GRESHAM (1519-1579). Mercers’ Company. Merchant; builder, chiefly at his own charge, of the Royal E.xchange ; youngest son of Sir Richard Gresham, “ King’s Merchant ;” b. in 1519 ; educ. at Gonville and Cains College ; apprentice to his uncle. Sir John Gresham, a Merchant ; employed at Antwerp in public financial business under Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth ; Knighted by Elizabeth, who frequently visited him in Bishopsgate — the house he left as a College ; d. 21 Nov. 1579. Half-length ; reddish forked beard, black cap jewelled, narrow frill, black dress ; r. hand resting on a gold-embroidered purse, 1. on sword-hilt. Panel, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. 274 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586). Earl of Warwick. Soldier, Poet, and Statesman ; eldest son of S^ Henry Sidney (No. 304) ; b. 29 Nov. 1554; educ. at Shrewsbury' and Christchurch, Oxford ; invited to become a candidate for the crown of Poland ; 1 585, Governor of Flushing and General of the Horse under his uncle Leicester (N0.251) ; d. 7 Oct. 1586, of a wound received in a gallant action near Zutphen ; his Sonnets and “ Arcadia,” dedicated to his accomplished sister, are his best-known works. Half-length ; close ruff, gorget, gold-corded black doublet. Panel, 42 x 32. 275 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY(i554-is86). M.vkquis of F. Zucchero. Half-length ; gold enriched cuirass, red trunk hose ; baton in r. hand ; helmet to his r. ; inscription recording his death. Panel, 276 LADY MARY DUDLEY, WIFE OF SIR HENRY SIDNEY. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Eldest daughter of John Dudley, D. of Northumberland ; married Sir Henry (No. 304), and was mother of Sir Philip, Sidney ; d. 9 Aug. 1586. h'ull length ; high ruff, low dress, jewelled ; r. hand resting on a large lute, 1 . on chair. Canvas, 79 X 43 in. REIGN OF ftUEB-N ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 49 277 SIR RICHARD CLOUGH, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. J. Williams Ellis. Eminent Merchant ; b. in Denbigh, N. Wales ; employed by Queen Elizabeth and Knighted; partner with Sir Thomas Gresham (No. 279); is stated to have furnished the plans for the building of the Royal E.xchange, and supplied a portion of the funds ; also bricks and wood-carving, which he sent over from Antwerp ; married Katharine Tudor de Bereyne, cousin of Queen Elizabeth, grand-daughter of Henry VII.; d. 1570, at Antwerp, his heart was bu. at Denbigh ; he performed a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Three-quarter size ; brown beard, small frill, dark silver-laced doublet, white-embroidered under-coat and sleeves ; glove in r. hand ; s. of arms to his 1 . Panel, 3 ft. i in. x 2 ft. 3 in. 278 COUNTESS OF DERBY. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Lucas de Heere. Half-length ; wide black outer ruff, and lace open inner one ; black dress. Panel, 39 X 34 in. 279 SIR THOMAS GRESHAM (1519-1579). Mr. G. W. G. Leveson Gower, M.P. Sir Antonio More. {See No. 273.) Half-length, seated, looking to 1 . ; black dress ; gloves in r. hand. Panel, 43 X 35 in. 280 SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON, Kt. ( 1513-1570). Sir William Throckmorton, Bt. Soldier, Statesman, and Diplomatist ; 4th son of Sir Geo. Throckmorton ; b. 1513; Commanded at the Victoiy of .Musselburgh, 1547; Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth in France and in Scotland ; d. suddenly at the E. of Leicester’s, 12 Feb. 1570, with the suspicion, then usual, of poison. Bust, showing hands ; narrow forked beard, black cap, sable tippet ; age 49. Canvas, 26 x 20 in. 281 RICHARD COX, BISHOP OF ELY (1499-1581). Trinity Hall, Cambridge. B. 1499, at Whaddon, Bucks ; educ. at Eton and King’s College, Cam- bridge ; invited by Wolsey to Oxford, where he was imprisoned for adopting tenets of Reformers ; on his release became Master of Eton ; Tutor to Prince Edward ; Chancellor of Oxford, 1547 ; Dean of Westminster, 1549 ; deprived in Queen Mary’s reign, and retired to Frankfort, but returned on accession of Elizabeth, and made Bp. of Ely, 1559 ; one of the compilers of Liturgy, and engaged in translation of Bishops’ Bible ; d. 22 July, 1581. Half-length, small life-size ; grey forked beard, episcopal habit ; 1 . hand resting on red book, r. holding stick ; age 84. Panel, 22 J x 18 in. 282 FRANCES WALSINGHAxM, as LADY SIDNEY. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham ; b. 1550 : married, ist, .Sir Philip Sidney (No. 274) ; 2nd, Robert Devereux, E. of Essex (No. 253) ; 3rd, Richard de Burgh, E. of Clanricarde. Three-quarter, small life-size, three-quarter face to 1 . ; white dress, black E so REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. robe, overcoat, jewelled on the short puffed sleeves, holding in her hands a miniature, and wearing a rose and honeysuckle; dated 1572, aet. s. 22. Panel, 33 X 25 in. 1 283 SIR JAMES DUNDAS, OF ARNISTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Robert Dundas, of Arniston. 3rd son of George Dundas of Dundas, by Catharine, daughter of Law- rence, 3rd Ld. Oliphant; Governor of Berwick in the time of James VI. of Scotland. Red hair, black armour, gold enriched ; plumed helmet to his 1., s. of arms to r. ; date 1594, age 24. Canvas, 35 x 28 in. 284 MARY SIDNEY, COUNTESS OF PEMBROKE. Lord De LTsle and Dudley. The beloved sister of Sir P. Sidney, to whom he dedicated his “Arcadia daughter of Sir Henr)- Sidney (No. 304); b. about 1550; married Henry Herbert, E. of Pembroke (No. 492) ; carefully educ. in modern and ancient languages, including Hebrew ; wrote many verses, but the small pieces of her prose surpiss them ; d. at her house in Aldersgatc Street, 25 Sept. 1621 ; bu. in Salisbury Cath. Ben Jonson’s celebrated epitaph is not on her tomb. Half-length ; close-falling ruff, large cuffs, black dress. Canvas, 35 x 27. 285 CH. JUST. SIR JOHN POPHAM, Kt. (1531-1606). Duke of Manchester. Eminent Lawyer; b. about 1531, at Huntworth, Somersetshire; studied at Balliol College, Oxford, and at the Middle Temple; M.P. for Bristol, 1571; Solicitor-Gen. 1579; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1581. On being asked by Queen Elizabeth “ What hath passed in the Lower House?” he replied, “ If it please your Majesty, seven weeks.” Attomey-Gen. 1581; Ld. Chief Justice King’s Bench and Kt. 1592 ; d. 10 June, 1606. Half-length ; black hat, judge’s robes, collar S.S. ; stick in 1. hand ; s. of arms to his r. Panel, 45 X 33 in. 286 FERDINANDO, 5TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G., AND SIR THOMAS GERARD, Kt. Sir Robert Tolver Gerard, Bt. {See No. 289) ; Half-length figures, arm in arm ; black doublets, and open collars, ss. of arms and titles on background. Canvas, 47 X 61 in. 287 HENRY STANLEY, 4TH EARL OF DERBY. Earl of Derby, K.G. Eldest son of Edward, 3rd E. (No. 1 53), by Dorothy, daughter of Thomas D. of Norfolk; b. 1531 ; was in favour, when Ld. Strange, at the court of Edward VI. ; K.G. in 1575 ; employed by Queen Elizabeth in many impor- tant offices ; d. at Lathom, 25 Sept. 1593. To waist ; black cap and plume, black dress ; collar of K.G. Panel, 32 x 2$. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 5 ^ 288 ALICE SPENCER, COUNTESS OF DERBY. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Youngest of six daughters of Sir John Spencer, of Althorpe (No. 371)'; b. I5S6(.^) ; married, 1579, Ferdinando, 5th E. of Derby (No. 289) ; celebrated by Spenser under the name of “Amaryllis married, 2ndly, in 1600, Thomas Egerton, Ld. Chancellor Ellesmere, his 3rd wife ; received, 1602, a visit at Harefield from Queen Elizabeth ; d. 26 Jan. 1635-6. Milton wrote his beauti- ful little pastoral, “ Arcades,” to be acted in compliment to her. Reddish hair, small black head-dress, large ruff, sleeves and stomacher covered with lace ; feather-fan in 1 . hand ; date 1 598, age 42. Panel, 30 x 25- 289 FERDINANDO STANLEY, 5TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. Son of Henr)-, 4th E. ; married, 1579, Alice, daughter of Sir John Spencer, of Althorpe ; an accomplished man and a poet ; during the alarm of the Spanish invasion was Mayor of Liverpool, being then Lord Strange, and raised a large force of horsemen ; K.G. ; d. by witchcraft, as was said, perhaps by poison, 16 April, 1594; celebrated by Spencer under the name of “Amyntas.” Bust ; open lace-edged collar, black doublet. Canvas, 24 x 30 in. 290 SIR ANTHONY SHIRLEY. Sir Tho.mas Western, Bt., M.P. Eastern Traveller; b. at Weston, Sussex, 1565; embarked, in 1596, for the Antilles; introduced at Elizabeth’s Court by Essex, and sent to Italy,; from Venice he started, in 1598, with his brother Robert (No. 404) for Persia ; was well received by Shah-abbas, and sent by him as Ambassador to Europe ; he travelled by Astrachan and to Moscow, thence to Venice, where he was imprisoned ; the King of Spain created him Admiral of the Levant ; James I. recalled him to England but he did not obey ; is believed to have d. abroad about 1631. Half-length; bareheaded; gold inlaid armour, trunk-hose; date 1588, age 23. Panel, 35 in. x 24^ in. 291 SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY (1569-1604). Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bt. Mark Garrard. Son of John Trelawny, by Anne Reskymer ; b. 1569; High Sheriff of Cornwall, 1594; M.P. for Liskeard and for Cornwall; Kt. 1597; married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Killigrew ; d. 1604. {See No. 232.) Three-quarter length ; wide fluted ruff, white doublet, black short cloak ; s. of arms to his r. ; dated, 1585 ; age 16. Panel, 37 X 28 in. 292 SIR CHRISTOPHER WRAY, Kt. (1524-1592). Mr. W. T. Snosswell. Ld. Chief Just. Queen’s Bench ; b. 1524; cduc. at Magdalen College, Cam- bridge, which building his daughter Frances, Countess of Warwick, rinished and endowed with scholarships; admitted at Lincoln’s Inn, 1545; M.P. 1553 ; Speaker, 1571 ; Judge, 1572 ; Ch. Just, and Kt. 1574 ; d. 7 May, 1592. Bust ; judge’s robes and S.S. collar ; dated 1 582, age 59. Canvas, 21x19. 52 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 293 HENRY HOWARD, E. OF NORTHAMPTON, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. G. Nichols. A man of much and curious reading ; 2nd son of the accomplished E. of Surrey (No. 121); b. at Shottesham, Norfolk, 1539; educ. at King’s ColL and Trin. Hall, Camb. ; travelled for some years ; scarcely gained any favour from Elizabeth; but under James I., was Privy Coun. ; Warden of the Cinque Ports ; Constable of Dover Castle; E. of Northampton, 1605, and K.G. ; Ld. Privy Seal, 1609 ; d. 15 June, 1614 ; bu. at Dover Castle Church. Bust ; black hat and dress, large ruff; ribbon and badge, K.G. Panel, 23 X 17 in. 294 ROBERT CECIL, ist EARL OF SALISBURY, K.G. Earl of Derby, K.G. {See No. 259.) Half-length ; black dress, standing by a table, on which is the privy purse. Panel, 35 X 25 in. 295 HENRY HASTINGS, 3RD EARL OF HUNTING- DON, K.G. Marquis of Hastings. Eldest son of Francis, 2nd E. ; K.G., 19 June, 1579; Privy Coun- cillor under Queen Elizabeth ; President of the North ; one of the peers who had charge of Mary Queen of Scots; a benefactor to Emmanuel College, Cambridge; married Katharine, daughter of John Dudley, D. of North- umberland; d. 14 Dec. 1595. Three-quarter size, in rich gold-inlaid suit of armour, bare-headed, with small ruff ; dated 1588, age 52 ; s. of arms to his left. Panel, 3 ft. 7 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. 296 ROBERT DEVEREUX, 2nd EARL OF ESSEX, K.G. Earl Spencer, K.G. Isaac Oliver. {See No. 253.) Half-length ; white doublet and ruff ; badge of K.G. ; s. of arms to his 1 . Panel, 41 X 33 in. 297 SIR THOMAS CHALONER, Kt. (1515-1565). Mrs. M. G. Edgar. Sir Antonio More. B. in London about 1515 ; educ. at Cambridge; was at the court of Charles V. of Germany with Sir H. Knevet, and in Charles’s expedition to Algiers ; Kt. for valour in the battle of Musselburgh, 1 547 ; Ambassador to Germany and Spain ; attached to the Reformed opinions ; d. 7 Oct. 1565 : wrote in prose and Latin verse. To waist ; close frill, black dress ; holding scales with Bible outweighing a winged globe and gold chain; dated 1559 ; long inscription. Panel, 29 x 22. 298 ■ AMY GAINES, LADY POPHAM. Mr. F. L. Popham. Daughter and heir of Robert Gaines of Glamorgan, Esq. ; married Ch. Just. Sir John Popham (No. 285). Bust ; white lace collar, black dress, slashed sleeves. Panel, 29 x 23 in. REIGN OF yUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. 53 299 FULKE GREVILLE, ist LORD BROOKE. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Warwick. Patoun. “ Servant to Queen Elizabeth, Councillor to King James, and friend to Sir Philip Sidney;” son of SirFulke Greville ; b. 1554 ; cduc. at Shrewsbury with Sir P. Sidney, and at Oxford and Cambridge ; Kt. 1597 ; K.B. 1603 ; Under-Treasurer and Chanc. of the Exchequer, 1614 ; created Baron Brooke, of Beauchamp’s Court, co. Warwick, 1620-1 ; assassinated by a dependant, Ralph Heywood, in his house in Holborn, 1628. Half-length ; black hat and plume, large ruff, yellow dress, black cloak ; dated 1 586. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. 300 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, Kt. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Sir Antonio More. (Si'^ No. 274.) Full length, standing, r. hand resting on sword; white doublet, black cloak. Canvas, 82 x 46 in. XU4 ('ti.f',' If* 190.0 /iyofM Cr€- 301 SIR PHILIP SIDNEY AND HIS BROTHER, afterwards earl OF LEICESTER. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Full-length standing figures arm in arm; white doublets, purplish trunk- hose ; high plumed white hat to r. of Sir P. Canvas, 64 x 42 in. 302 AMBROSE DUDLEY, EARL OF WARWICK. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Hans Holbein. Soldier and Courtier ; 4th son of Dudley D. of Northumberland ; b. 1530 or 31 ; shared his father’s attainder in 1553, and was committed to the Tower; in 1557 distinguished himself at the battle of St. Quentin ; E. of Warwick, 1561 and 1562 ; K.G. 1562 ; defended Havre bravely, and there received an incurable wound from a poisoned bullet ; d. 20 Feb. 1589-90. Three-quarter size ; dark cap and dress jewelled, white neck and wrist frills, r. hand on book. Panel, 37X28 in. Compare date of Holbein (No. 73). 303 SIR HENRY WALLOP, Kt. Earl of Portsmouth. Nicholas Hilliard. Eldest son of Sir Oliver Wallop ; Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer of War in Ireland, and, in 1582, one of the Lords Justices ; entertained Queen Elizabeth, 1591, at Farley Wallop, co. Southampton; d. 14 April, 1599; bu. in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. Bust ; lace-edged ruff, black dress ; dated 1601, age 54. (Compare date of death) Panel, 24 x 18 in. 304 SIR HENRY SIDNEY, Kt. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. An able Statesman and Soldier ; son of Sir Wm. Sidney ; knighted by Edward VI. ; married Mary, daughter of Dudley, D. of Northumberland, 1568 ; Ld. Deputy of Ireland in 1568 ; d. 1586 ; father of Sir Philip Sidney. Bust ; black hat, close ruff, ribbon K.G. ; s. of arms to his r. Panel, 22 x 17. 1 54 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 305 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS (1542-1587). LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Nicholas Hilliard. Only child of James V. of Scotland ; b. 1542 ; married, ist, the Dauphin of France ; 2nd, in 1565, Henry, Ld. Darnley (No. 323) ; 3rd, in 1567, the E. of Bothwell ; beheaded at Fotheringay Castle, 8 Feb. 1587. Full length, standing near a table, on which her r. hand rests, looking to r. ; white cap, lacc-edged transparent veil falling over her black dress to the ground, full lace ruff open in front ; dated 1578, age 36, year of her captivity 10. Panel, 77 X 41 in. 306 GENERAL HARRY VAUGHAN. Lady Frances Harcourt. Governor of Brecknock Castle ; Ld.-Lieut. of Breconshire, time of Queen Elizabeth. Half-length ; armour ; long brown beard, broad gold chain ; halbert at back ; baton in r. hand ; plumed helmet to his r. Panel, 39 X 29 in. 307 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Head Master of Westminster. Bust ; jewelled head-dress, with transparent kerchief ; small ruff, white dress. Panel, 19 x 16 in. 308 WILLIAM WICKHAM, BP. OF WINCHESTER. Mr. William Wickham. Mark Garrard. B. about 1539 ; Fellow of Eton, and King^s College, Cambridge ; Preben- dary of Windsor, 1551 ; Dean of Lincoln, 1577; Bp. of Lincoln, 1584; preached the funeral sermon at the bu. of Mary Queen of Scots, 1587 ; Bp. of Winchester, 1594-95 ; d. 11 June, 1595. Bust ; black cap, robe as Chancellor of the Garter ; s. of arms, and date, 1591 ; age 65. Panel, 22 J x 17 309 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS.”” Earl of Cathcart. Head, crowned ; full ruff. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. 310 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Half-length ; small head-dress, gold-laced and jewelled ; black surcoat, showing red skirt and the neck-frill, wrist ruffles, and sleeves of a gold- embroidered under-dress ; hands folded holding gloves ; background a green curtain, showing part of s. amis ; dated 1563, age 24, signed “ H.E. arched top. Panel, 53 x 31 in. (Compare dates. No. 305.) 31 1 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Earl of Leven and Melville. Francois Clouet (Janet). Bust ; dark reddish-brown hair, jewelled winged head-dress, edged with pearls, close ruff, red dress thickly jewelled ; inscribed, “ F. Qouet, dt. Janet.” Canvas, 23 x 20 in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 55 312 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS (1542-1587). LENT BY PAINTER. Jesus College, Cambridge. Bust ; flat cap, transparent wimple over black dress ; s. of amis to 1. 13J X in. 313 RICHARD CAREW. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. B. 1555 ; Author of Survey of Cornwall ; d. 1620. Bust, holding book in h hand ; inscribed, “ invita morte vita black doublet, broad gold chain ; on background a diamond on an anvil and hand out of a cloud holding hammer over it, “Chi verace durera dated 1586, age 32. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 314 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Mr. Keith Stewart Mackenzie. Full-length ; position and dress as in No. 305, but turned to 1. ; dated 1580, 38 of her reign. Canvas, 87 x 49 in. Known as the Brahan portrait. 315 ELIZABETH HARDWICK, COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. National Portrait Gallery. Called “ Bess of Hardwick daughter of John Hardwick, of Derbyshire ; b. 1520 ; married, ist, Richard Barley, and inherited his great estates ; 2nd, Sir Wm. Cavendish ; 3rd, Sir Wm. St. Loo, and inherited his wealth ; 4th, George Talbot, E. of Shrewsbury. Erected Chatsworth, Hardwick, Oldcotes, Bolsover, and Worksop; d. 1607. Half-length, black head-dress, with kerchief behind, large ruff, black dress, chain of pearls. Canvas, 3 ft. 2 in. x 2 ft. 4 in. 316 xMARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. ^ Captain G. H. W. Carew. Full-length, standing with her son, James VI., as a child at her r. side, looking to 1. ; large jewelled head-dress ; wide, stiff, lace collar, black surcoat, showing red-embroidered skirt and stockings, jewelled shoe- rosettes : James is dressed in long red gown, full ruff, holding high-crowned white hat in r. hand, white shoes. Canvas, 74 X 40 in. 317 DAVID RIZZIO. Mr. Keith Stewart Mackenzie. A Piedmontese Musician, who came to Edinburgh in the train of the Ambassador from Savoy ; made Secretary to Mary Queen of Scots, with whom he gained great influence and excited the jealousy of Darnley ; assas- sinated 9 Mar. 1566, at Holyrood, in the Queen’s presence, by Darnley, Ruthven, and others, and his body, pierced with sixty wounds, flung on a chest at the bottom of the private staircase of the Queen’s closet. To waist, with violin and bow in his hands ; dated 1565. Canvas, 27 x 22 56 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 318 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS (1542-1587). LENT BY PAINTER. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Bust ; black cap and dark low dress ; cambric falling collar. Panel, 22J X i6i in. 319 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Scottish Corporation. F. Zucchero. Full-length, standing ; position and dress as in No. 305. Canvas, 82 x 45. 320 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Lord Taunton. Lucas Cornelli. To waist, looking to r. ; black dress, square-cut body, white under-dress and sleeves ; high single white ruff ; close, black, white-lined cap, peaked in centre, raised at sides on the fair hair, which is drawn back from the face. Panel, 18 x 14J in. 321 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). FRAN901S Clouet (Janet). Bust, looking to 1 . ; close-curled brown hair, showing under the sides of the flattened white cap, from which hangs a white veil fastened under the throat, and wholly covering the bust. Panel, iiJ X qJ in. 322 HENRY STUART, EARL OF DARNLEY, AND HIS BROTHER, CHARLES STUART. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). L. de Heere. Full-length miniature portraits, standing in a gallerv' ; Darnley, aged 17, in black doublet and hose, close white neck and wrist frills ; r. hand on his brother’s shoulder ; Charles Stuart, afterwards E. of Lenno.x (see No. 4*6), aged 6, in black gown to the ground ; inscribed with names, age, &c.,“ Thes be the sones of the,” &c., and dated 1563. l^anel, 24J x 14^ in. 323 HENRY STUART, E. OF DARNLEY (1546-1567). Mr. Keith Stewart Mackenzie. King of Scotland as the husband of Mary Queen of Scots ; son of Matthew Stuart, E. of Lennox, grandson of Margaret, Queen of James IV. of Scotland (No. 90) ; b. 1546, in England, where his father had taken refuge from his political rivals ; in 1565, Mary Queen of Scots saw him, and married him in July of that year. His share in the assassination of Rizzio, Mary’s favourite, was followed nearly a year afterwards, 9 Feb. 1567, by his own murder in the lonely house of Kirk of Field, near Edinburgh. Nos. 87, 317, 439). To knees, miniature, full face ; dark dress and cap, with white feather, glove in 1 . hand ; date 1555, age 9. Panel, 8i x 7 in. 324 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Mrs. Michie Forbes. Half-length, small life-size, face three-quarter to r. ; small jewelled head- dress, with black kerchief or fall, close frill, black high surcoat, jewelled collar and pendant, hands clasped holding a pink; dated 1562, age 191 Panel, 17 X 12 in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 57 325 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. David Laing. Mark Garrard. Bust ; young ; crowned, jewelled hair, winged cambric head-dress, open ruff, stuffed sleeves, jewelled. Panel, 12 x 9 in. 326 HENRY STUART, EARL OF DARNLEY (1546-1567). Earl of Home. Full-length, as a boy ; large falling lace collar, gold-embroidered dress and red-lined cloak, hat with large plume in 1 . hand. Canvas, 69 X 38 in. (Compare Nos. 322, 323.) 327 MARY ANNE WALTHAM. Earl Spencer, K.G. Friend and attendant of Mary Queen of Scots during her imprisonment in Fotheringay Castle. To waist ; black head-dress and dress, with low open body ; pink in her 1 . hand ; dated 1572. Panel, 22 X 18 in. 328 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Mr. a. Stuart of Inchbreck. To waist ; holding crown in r. hand, crucifix in 1 . Canvas, 31 X 24 in. 329 JOHN KNOX (1505-1572). Lord Torphichen. Scottish Reformer; b., 1505, at Giffard, East Lothian: educ. at Had- dington and the Glasgow University; in 1 542, renounced Romanism; preached successfully; retired to Geneva; in 1559, urged the demolition of all eccle- siastical buildings, and the books, MSS., registers, — the sepulchres were not spared ; d. 24 Nov. 1572 ; wrote a History of the Reformation in Scotland. Bust ; long beard, black cap, clerical habit ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 330 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616). Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. B. at Stratford upon Avon, 1564 ; d. 23 April, 1616. Bust ; dark dress, white collar. Canvas, 28 x 24 in. 331 MARY BEATOUN. Earl of Suffolk. Sir Antonio More. Niece of Cardinal Beatoun, Primate of Scotland ; Lady of the Bedchamber to Mary Queen of Scots. Three-quarter size, standing in front of chair ; white cap and close ruff, dark over-dress, holding gold girdle chain in her r. hand. Panel, 43 X 32 in. 332 BEN JONSON (1573-1637)- Sir John Lawson, Bt. Jacob Jordaens. {See No. 333.) Head, three-quarter to 1 . ; white collar, dark dress. Panel, 19 X 16 in. 58 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 333 BEN JONSON (1573-1637). LENT BY PAINTER. Lord St. Leonards. Dramatist and learned Scholar; b. at Westminster, 1573; said to have been educ. at Westminster School, and at Oxford and Cambridge ; went early on the stage, but was unsuccessful; in 1598 “Every Man in his Humour” was first played; appointed Poet- Laureate, 1619; his life was mostly spent in poverty ; d. in 1637 ; bu. in Westminster. Bust, full face ; black dress, white collar. Canvas, 22 x i6iin. 334 CHIEF-JUST. SIR EDiMUND ANDERSON, Kt. Earl of Yarborough. 3rd son of Edw. Anderson of Flixborough, Lincolnshire ; b. about 1530 ; educ. at Lincoln College, Oxon, and Inner Temple ; Queen’s Serjeant, 1579 ; Ch. Just. Com. Pleas and Kt. 1582, till 1605, when he d. i Aug. A diamond ring, given him by Elizabeth, whom he entertained at Harefield, in Middle- sex, was long kept in his family. Half-length ; black cap, judge’s robes ; collar of S.S. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 335 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616). National Portrait Gallery. Bust ; dark dress, white collar. Canvas, 21 X 17 in. On a paper at the back is written : — “The Chandos Shakspeare was the property of John Taylor the player, by whom, or by Richard Burbage, it was painted. The picture was left by the former in his will to Sir Win. Davenant. After his death it wa.s bought by Betterton the actor, upon whose decease Mr. Keck of the Temple purcha.sed it for 40 guineas; fiom whom it was inherited by Mr. Nicholls of .Minchenden, J^uthgate, hliddlescx, whose only daughter married James, Marquis of^Cacmarvon, afterwards Duke of Chandos, father to Anna Eliza, Duchess of Buckingham.” It was purchased at the- sale at Stowe, Sept. 1848, for 355 guineas, and presented by the E. of Ellesmere to the National Portrait Gallery. Copied by Sir Godfrey Kneller as a present to Drj den ; several times engraved. 336 EDMUND SPENSER (1553-1599). Earl of Kinnoull. B. in London about 1553; entered Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, as a sizar, 1569; introduced to .Sir P. Sidney, and through him went to Ireland as Secretary to Arthur Lord Grey of Wilton ; lived at Kilcolman Castle, co. Cork ; introduced by Sir W. K.aleigh to Queen Elizabeth on the occasion of his going to London to publish part of the “ Faery Queen ;” in Oct. 1598 the Irish rebels burnt his house, and in it one of his children and his papers ; d. broken-hearted a few months afterwards, Jan. 1599. Bust, small life-size, three-quarter face to 1., black cloak, high lace ruff. Panel, 13 X ii in. 337 RICHARD BURBAGE ( -1619). Dulwich College. Richard Burbage. Actor and Painter (.9^’^’ No. 335) ; the original performer of Shakspeare’s tragic characters ; son of James Burb.age, an actor, to whom with four others. Queen Elizabeth, in 1574, granted the first royal patent to play- ers. Richard Burbage’s name, connected with that of Shakspeare, frequently occurs in the theatrical records of the reigns of Elizabeth and James ; he was joint partner in the Globe Theatre. D. March, 1619. Head, looking to r. ; white collar. Canvas, 12 X 10 in. I REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. 59 338 MICHAEL DRAYTON (1563-1631). LENT BY PAINTER. Dulwich College. B. 1 563, at Atherston, Co. Warwick ; educ. at Oxford ; early devoted himself to poetr\- ; writer of the “ Shepherd’s Garland,” “ Poly-Olbion,” and other poems, highly esteemed at the time; Poet- Laureate, 1626; d. 1631; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Bust ; crowned with laurel ; falling collar, black dress. Canvas, 21 x 16. 339 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616). Lord St. Leonards. Bust ; open white collar, similar to No. 335. Canvas, 22 X 18 in. 34^ JOHN DEE, LL.D. (1527-1608). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Astrologer ; Queen Elizabeth’s Secret Intelligencer; b. in London, 1527 ; Chancellor of St. Paul’s ; Warden of Manchester College ; d. 1608. His son wrote “a faithful relation” of what passed between his father and some spirits. His magic stone, a piece of polished canncl coal, was at Strawberry Hill, and is now in the Brit. Museum. Bust ; white peaked beard, black skull-cap and dress. Canvas, 29 x 24. 341 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. Three-quarter size ; light beard and brown hair, blue eyes, lace-edged collar and cuffs, doublet, gold-embroidered, with points ; 1. hand holding black hat. Panel, 37 X 28 in. 342 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. Her M.a^jesty (Hampton Court). Half-length ; rich dress, falling lace ruff ; r. hand holding dagger ; age 34. Panel, 29 x 24 in. 343 MARGARET RUSSELL, COUNTESS OF Bodleian Library. CUMBERLAND. 3rd daughter of Francis, Earl of Bedford ; married George Clifford, 3rd E. of Cumberland, and was mother of Anne, the celebrated Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery. (No. 512.) Half-length ; black puffed dress, with long stomacher, wide ruff ; date, 1588. Panel, 36 x 30 in. ' 344 ELIZABETH VERNON, COUNTESS OF SOUTHAMPTON. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Cornelius Jansen. Daughter of John Vernon of Hodnet, Salop, by Elizabeth, sister to VV alter Devereux, iSt E. of Essex ; wife of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd E. of South- ampton (No. 366). Three-quarter size ; pearl head-dress, edged with yellow lace ruft and 6o REIGN OF ^ 2 UE£N ELIZABETH, I558-1603. t gauntlet-cuffs of the same, black brocaded dress, red-feather fan in r. hand. Panel, 44 X 33 in. Believed to have been formerly at Holm Lacy. Walpole praises the picture as at Sherborne Castle in 1762. 345 SIR WALTER RALEIGH, Kt. (1552-1618). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Hardwicke. Distinguished in action, in courtly gallantry, and in literature ; b. at Hayes, Devon ; entered at Oxfd., but left it to assist the French Protestants ; rose high in Elizabeth’s favour; imprisoned for 12 years by James 1.; re- leased to undertake an expedition to Guiana ; returned unsuccessful, and was unjustly e.\ecuted at Westminster, 29 Oct. 1618. His “History of the World,” written during his weary imprisonment, remained unfinished. Half-length, bareheaded, young, armour, jewelled baldric, baton in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 27 in. 346 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE (1541 (?)-i595). Lord Houghton. {See No. 361.) Bust ; armour ; white collar. Canvas, 26 X 22 in. 347 RICHARD HOWLAND, BP. OF PETERBORO’. Bishop of Peterborough. Master of St. John’s College, Cambridge ; Bishop of Peterborough, 7 Feb. 1584-5 ; d. 23 June, 1600. Bust, grey beard and moustache, black cap, narrow ruff, episcopal robes ; date of Consecration given as 16 Mar. 1584. Canvas, 2 ft. X i ft. 6 in. 348 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lord Methuen. Three-quarter size, seated ; face worn and dejected, head resting on r. hand, furred and jewelled robes, above are two cherubs holding the crown raised off her head, and the sceptre, a wreath of laurel'over the crown ; to r. Is Time, asleep, his sand-glass broken ; to 1. Death leaning over her chair, holding a glass with the sand run down. Canvas, 44 x 38 in. 349 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Viscount Strangford. Half-length ; head-dress, with kerchief or scarf sewn with pearls, black dress covered with jewels, low body, jewelled gauze neckerchief and over- sleeves feather fan in r. hand. Panel, 34 X 26 in. Believed to have been presented by Queen Elizabeth to Sir P. Sidney, from whose niece, married to the 1st Viset. Strangford, it descended to its present owner. 350 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Christ Church, Oxford. Three-quarter size, late in life ; open lace ruff, set with pearls, pearl chain and jewelled stomacher, large puffed sleeves, fan in 1 . hand. Panel, 36 X 30. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 61 351 SIR MARTIN FROBISHER, Kt. ( -1594). LENT BY painter. Governors of Dulwich College. Naval Hero and Discoverer; b. near Doncaster; brought up to the sea; aided by Ambrose Dudley E. of Warwick (No. 302) set out on an ex- pedition to find a N.W. passage to China ; discovered some ore, which led to the sending two other expeditions ; knighted by Lord Howard of Effing- ham next day after the 3rd sea-fight with the Armada, 1 588 ; wounded in an assault on the fort of Croyzon, near Brest ; d. when returning to Ply- mouth, Nov. 1594. Half-length, black hair, small beard, and moustache, wide lace ruff, white doublet, gold chain, black coat. Canvas, 2 ft. 9 in. x i ft. 1 1 in. 352 THOMAS SUTTON. (1530-1611). Sir Thomas Bateson, Bt. M.P. Founder of the Charter House; b. at Knaith, Lincolnshire, 1530; Secretar)' to the E. of Warwick, 1569, and distinguished himself in the suppression of the Northern Rebellion; 1573, was engaged against Edin- burgh Castle ; afterwards acquired a great fortune in business, by privateer- ing, and by successful purchases of coal-mines; purchased for 13,000/. the dissolved Monastery of the Chartreuse (Charter House), which he richly endowed ; d. at Hackney, 12 Dec. 1611. Dark dress, gorget, gold-embroidered sword-belt ; date 1 596, age 67 ; s. of aims to his 1 . Panel, 43 X 35 in. 353 SIR RICHARD GRANVILLE, Kt. ( -1561). Rev. Lord John Thynne. A gallant Soldier and Admiral; served in Hungary with distinction; fitted out a squadron for Florida, 1585 — his relative. Sir W. Raleigh, probably inciting him to the enterprise; in 1591, Vice-Admiral under Ld. Thomas Howard ; attacked at the Azores by a large Spanish squadron, and after a heroic resistance his ship, the Revenge, was reduced to a wreck ; d. of his wounds three days afterwards. Half-length ; embossed armour, red trunk-hose ; baton in r. hand ; date 1571* age 29. Canvas, 42 x 28 in. 354 SIR WILLIAM PELHAM, Kt. ( -1587). Earl of Yarborough. F. Zucchero. Distinguished Military Commander ; 3rd son of Sir Wm. Pelham by his 2nd wife, Mary, daughter of Wm. Lord Sandys ; served in 1560, under the D. of Norfolk, at the siege of Leith, and with Ambrose, E. of Warwick (No. 302), in France; Kt. 1579, for services in Ireland; Ld. Justice, 1580; Field Marshal, 1585 ; d. at Flushing 24 Nov. 1587. Half-length ; Field- Marshal’s baton in r. hand ; armour ; s. of arms to his 1 . Panel, 40 x 18 in. 355 ROBERT DEVEREUX, 2nd EARL OF ESSEX. Earl of Verulam. {See No. 253.) Three-quarter size ; full lace-edged ruff, gold-embroidered black doublet, black cloak ; dated 1 594. Panel, 44 x 35 in. 62 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 356 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Bust ; red dress, white front, jewelled, high lace ruff, sleeves with Tudor rose in the diaper. Panel, 20 x 18 in. 357 CHARLES, 2ND LD. HOWARD OF EFFINGHAM, EARL OF NOTTINGHAM, K.G. Lords of the Admiralty. Ld. High Admiral of England, and the vanquisher of the Spanish Armada ; eldest son of \Vm. Ld. Howard of Effingham ; K.G. 1574 ; commanded the fleet against the Spanish Armada, 158S; created E. of Nottingham, 1596; d. 1624. Full-length, standing, white staff in hand ; robes and collar K.G. ; stormy sea and ships in background. Canvas, 8 ft. 3 x 3 ft. 10. 358 ALEXANDER NOWELL, DEAN OF ST. PAUL’S. Head Master of Westminster. Divine and Reformer ; b. atWhalley, Lincolnshire, 1506 ; Head Master of Westminster School, 1543-1555; Prebend, of Westminster, 1551 ; fled to Strasburg during Mar)’'s reign ; Dean of St. Paul’s by Queen Elizabeth, 1560 ; Author of the Church Catechism ; Founder of 13 Scholarships at Ox- ford, and a Free School in Lancashire ; d. 13 Feb. 1601. Half-length, before a table ; high black hat, and dark robe furred ; s. of arms to his 1. ; inscription with date of death, and age 95, stating that his faculties remained perfect to that advanced age ; his fishing-rods over his head. Canvas, 27 X 20 in. 359 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Marquis of Exeter, K.G. Mark Garrard. Bust ; age about 65 ; yellow hair (wig), high jewelled head-dress, with large red jewel (i*) at top, wide starched, and wired ruff, and lace-edged collar, open at neck ; dress, with low body, jewelled. Panel, 22 x 1 7j in. 360 CHARLES CHUTE. Mr. W. L. Wiggett Chute. * M.P. for Thetford, Norfolk, time of Queen Elizabeth. Bust ; wide falling ruff ; black dress. Panel, 30 X 24 in. 361 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, Kt, (1541 .?-i595). Corporation of Plymouth. Admiral and Navigator ; said to have been b. at Tavistock, 1541 ; served as an able seaman; employed by Sir John Hawkins; in 1577, sailed from Plymouth and circumnavigated the world, returning in 1 580, when he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth ; had a principal share in the destruction of the Spanish Armada ; d. 28 Jan. 1595. To waist ; close ruff, black dress ; r. hand on globe, wearing medallion with profile of Queen Elizabeth; date 1594, age 53; poetical inscription beneath. Panel, .p x 32 in. REIGN OF QUEEN fiLIZABETH, 1558-1603. 63 362 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). LENT EY PAINTER, Earl of Verulam. Three-quarter si2e ; close black head-dress, wide, full, open ruff, pearl sto- macher, black jewelled dress with fardingale, fan in r. hand. Panel, 46 X 33. 363 QUEEN ELIZABETH. University Library, Cambridge. Bust ; yellow wig, jewelled head-ornaments and gauze falling veil, small ruff. Canvas, 24 x 19 in. 364 SIR WILLIAM HARRIS, Kt. Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond. Gerard Lucas Horebout. Commanded one of the ships against the Spanish Armada, 1588. Half-length; white spotted doublet, open collar; dated 1596. Panel, 34 X 28 in. 365 THOMAS SACKVILLE, EARL OF DORSET. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Poet and Statesman; only son of Sir Rd. Sackville ; b. 1536, at Buck- hurst, in Sussex ; educ. at Oxford and Cambridge, and studied at the Inner Temple; created by Queen Elizabeth Baron Buckhurst (1566) ; imprisoned through Leicester’s enmity; K.G. 1589; High Treasurer (1598) on the death of Burgjiley ; created by King James E. of Dorset, 1604 ; d. suddenly at the Council-table, 19 April, 1608. Wrote, together with Norton, the first regular English tragedy, and his “Induction to a Mirrour for Magistrates” was imitated in matter and style by Spenser. White beard, black hat, furred robe ; ribbon and badge K.G. ; treasurer’s staff in r. hand. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. 366 HEN. WRIOTHESLE Y, 3RD E. OF SOUTHAMPTON. Mr. G. D. Wingfield Digby. The friend of Shakspeare ; 2nd son of Henry, 2nd E. of Southampton, by Mar)', daughter of Anthony Browne, ist Viscount Montagu; b. 6 Oct. 1573 ; entered, at 12 years old, at St. John’s College, Cambridge; graduated in 1589; knighted by the E. of Essex for his gallantry at Villa Franca in 1601 ; joined Essex in his hasty insurrection ; imprisoned in the Tower; rose in King James’s favour ; K.G. 1603 ; went with a force to the Low Countries ; d. at Bergen-op-Zoom, 10 Nov. 1624, while returning home with the body of his son. Armour, half-length, bareheaded ; lace-edged ruff, purple-embroidered scarf. Panel, 35 X 26 in. 367 SIR GEORGE HARRINGTON. Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Bust ; black dress ; ribbon and badge K.G. Panel, 22J X 16J in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 04 368 SIR HENRY PALMER, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. David Laing. Mark Garrard. Comptroller of the Navy to Queen Elizabeth, 1599 ; his son, Sir Henry Palmer, married Ann, daughter of Dr. Isaac Bargrave, Dean of Canterbury. Bust ; green dress, stiff ruff, high-crowned hat, with pearl hat-band ; s. of arms, and date, 1586, to r. Panel, 24 X 18 in. 369 EDWIN SANDYS, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. Bishop of London. y Eminent Divine of the Reformation ; b. near Hawkshead, Lancashire, 1519; educ. at St. John’s College, Cambridge; Vice-Chancellor, 1553; abroad during Mary’s reign; Bishop of Worcester, 1558, of London, 1570; Archbishop of York, 1576; one of the Translators of the Bishop’s Bible; d. 1588. Bust ; hands on cushion, r. holding book ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 29 x 24 370 WILLIAM CAVENDISH. Mr. Charles Winn. Cornelius Jansen. Full length as a boy ; red dress, falling wide lace collar, (costume, time of James I.) ; ships in the distance. Canvas, 5 ft. X 3 ft. 2. 371 SIR JOHN SPENCER. Earl Spencer, K.G. G. Stretes. Father of Robert, ist Baron Spencer; he married Mary, daughter and heir of .Sir Robert Catelin, Ld. Ch. Just, of England ; d. 1599. Half-length; dark dress; pendant jewel from dark ribbon; dated 1590, age 57. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. 372 MRS. VERNON (1543-1583). Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Daughter of Sir Richard Devereux son of Ld. Hereford, by Dorothy Hastings; b. 1543; married John Vernon of Hodnet ; d. 1583. Bust ; open lace ruff, black dress ; holding locket in r. hand. Panel, 23 X 15 m. 373 ADMIRAL SIR JOHN WALLOP, K.G. Earl of Portsmouth. Hans Holbein. Eld. son of Stephen Wallop of Farley; Knighted before 1511 ; Ambas. to the Low Countries, afterwards to France, Poland, &c. ; Captain of a vessel under Sir Edw. Howard; .Admiral, 1514; devastated the coast of Nor- mandy, burning 21 villages; Governor of Calais; served in Tangier, in France, &c. ; K.G. 1543; d. at Guisnes, July 1551, having served his king all his “lief truly and faithfully,” and spent the “revenues and profytts of his owne lands ” in that service. Bust ; short brown beard, cone-shaped cap, with lace edging, large falling ruff, black dress. Panel, 24 x 17 in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 65 374 LADY HARRIS. LENT BY PAINTER, Rev. J. M. St, Clere Raymond. Wife of Sir Wm. Harris. (No. 364.) Half-length ; open ruff, figured dress, long stomacher ; wallflower in r. hand, fan in 1 . Panel, 34 X 27 in. 375 HUGH O’NEILL, EARL OF TYRONE. Mr. C. De Gernon. Son of Matthew, Baron of Dungannon ; leader of the Northern Irish against the English rule ; overcome at length, he abandoned his country, 1607, and d. at Rome, 1626. Half-length, in shirt of mail and crimson jazerine gold-studded jacket ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 42 in. 376 SIR EDMUND VERNEY, Kt. Sir Harry Verney, Bt., M.P. B. 1535 ; father of King Charles I.’s standard bearer (No. 525) ; d. Half-length ; close ruff, black gold-laced doublet and chain ; dated 1594, age 59. 377 SIR MARTIN BOWES (1500-1566). Goldsmiths’ Company. Wm. Faithorne. b. 1500; descended from an old Yorkshire family; an eminent Goldsmith; Alderman and Lord Mayor in the reign of Eliz. ; zealous Reformer and de- stroyer of images ; munificent benefactor of the Goldsmiths’ Co. ; d. 4 Aug. 1566. Three-quarter size ; black cap, scarlet furred robes ; collar and badge ; date of death, 1 566 ; age 66 ; presented by the artist to the Company. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. EAST CENTRAL CORRIDOR. (Nos. 378 to 403.) 378 HUGH O’NEILL, EARL OF TYRONE. Mr. C. De Gernon. {See No. 375.) Bust ; bald head, long grey beard. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 379 LADY OWEN AND CHILD. Mr, Reginald Chol.mondeley. Daughter of Robert Needham, of Shenton, sister of Robert Needham, ist Viset. Kilmorey ; married Sir Roger, son of judge Owen and M.P. for Shrewsbury, and afterwards Salop. Half-length figures ; wide lace ruff, head-dress and cuffs ; boy, with lace ruff and cuffs. Canvas, 40 x 34 in. 380 EDWARD SOMERSET, 4TH EARL OF WORCESTER, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. {See No. 231); Half-length; bald-headed; white doublet; yellowish trunk hose ; ribbon and badge, K.G. Canvas, 42 X 33 in. F 66 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 381 SIR EDWARD TRAFFORD, Kt. LENT BY ^ PAINTER. Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt. B. 3 June, 1526. Three-quarter size ; black hat, white doublet, dark short cloak and trunk- hose ; s. of arms to his r. ; dated 1 572, age 45. Panel, 45 X 35 in. 382 THOMAS OWEN, JUDGE COM. PLEAS. Mr. Reginald Cholmondelev. Son of Richard Owen, of Condover, Salop ; cduc. at Oxford and Lincoln’s Inn; Queen’s Serjeant, 1593; Judge Com. Pleas, 1594; d. 21 Dec. 1598; bu. in Westminster. His “ Reports” were published 1650. Half-length ; black cap, Judge’s robes ; s. of arms and laudatory inscrip- tion on background. Canvas, 40 X 29 in. 383 COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Half-length ; wide open ruff, long stomacher, chains of pearls ; fan in r. hand. Canvas, 43 X 35. 384 JOHN NAPIER OF MERCHISTON (1550-1617). University of Edinburgh. Son of Sir Archibald Napier ; b. at Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, 1550 ; entered the University of St. Andrews, 1562-3 ; published, in 1593, an Inter- pretation of the book of Revelation ; in 1614, published his famous discovery of the method of Logarithms ; d. 3 or 4 April, 1617. Three-quarter size, seated ; small ruff, black dress ; r. hand on open book; dated 1616, age 66. Canvas, 47 x 39 in. 385 SIR OLIVER WALLOP, Kt. Earl of Portsmouth. N. Hilliard. Son of Stephen Wallop and brother of Sir John (No. 373) ; Kt. for his gallantry at the battle of Musselburgh, 1547; Sheriff of co. Southants in 1557; d. 1565. Bust ; small peaked beard, flat ruff, dark dress. Canvas, 28 X 22J in. 386 HENRY DE BEAUFORT, 3RD DUKE OF SOMERSET, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. Lancastrian Leader ; son of Sir Edmond de Beaufort, 2nd D. of Somerset ; attainted, 1468 ; restored subsequently, but taken and beheaded, 3 April, 1463, after the battle of Hexham. Three-quarter size ; black cap and dress, furred high-collared robe ; collar of K.G. ; white staff in r. hand (compare No. 42). Panel, 37 X 27 in. 387 - ELIZABETH, LADY TRAFFORD. Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt. Wife of Sir Edward Trafford. (See No. 381.) Three-quarter size; jewelled head-dress, close frill, fur- lined surcoat, showing over-sleeves of gauze ; dated 1571, age 36 ; s. of arms to her r. Panel, 45 X 32 in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, I558-1603. 67 388 SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Hastings. 3rd son of Sir Wm. Yelverton of Rougham, Norfolk, by Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Fermor ; b. 1536 ; studied at Gray’s Inn, and rose to distinction! in the law; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1597; Queen’s Sergeant, 1598; Judge of the Queen’s bench, 1602; Kt. by James 1 .; d. Nov. 161a, at Easton-Mauduit, Northamptonshire. Half-length ; black cap, judge’s robes ; date 1602, age 66. Panel, 42 x 3L- 389 SIR THOMAS HOLTE, Bt. (1571-1654). Mr. J. Yeomans Robins. ‘ Van Somer. R. 1571 ; Bt. 1612 ; finished building Aston Hall, near Birmingham, 1635; quarrelled so bitterly with his 2nd son for marrying the daughter of Ur. King, Bp. of London, that King Charles interceded for him in an autograph letter a staunch Royalist ; entertained the King before the battle of Edgehill, 1642 ; compelled to surrender to a Parliamentary force, 1643 ; fined and imprisoned by the Parliament ; d. 1654. Full-length; open lace-edged collar, white doublet, green trunk-hose; view of Aston Hall in background. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 390 L.-CHANCELLOR SIR THOMAS BROMLEY, Kt. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Only son of Geo. Bromley of Hodnet, Salop ; b. about 1530 ; studied at the Inner Temple ; Solicitor-Gen. 1569; succeeded Sir N. Bacon, 1579, and had the rank of Ld. Chancellor ; presided at the trial of Mary Queen of Scots ; d. 12 April, 1587 : a man noted for his ready wit. Bust ; lace ruff,, scarlet robes, roll in r. hand. Panel, 26 x 20 in. 391 THOMAS DOVE, BP. OF PETERBOROUGH. Bishop of Peterborough. Dean of Norwich ; Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth, who called him her dove with the silver wings ; Bp. of Peterborough. Bust ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 27 x 22 in. 392 EDWARD WYNGATE. Mr. George Pearse. Employed under Edward VI. ; was “Clerk of the Cheque of the Gard t» Queen Elizabeth ;” bu. in St. Martin’s in the Fields. To waist ; close ruff, bl. dress ; s. of arms to his 1 . ; date 1597, age 76. Panel, 31 X 24. 393 JOHN BANISTER, AJ.D. Royal College of Surgeons. Cornelius Jansen. Bachelor of Physic, Oxford, July 1573 ; relative of Richard Banister, wh» published, 1621, a Treatise on Diseases of the Eyes. To waist ; falling lace-edged ruff, dark dress ; surgical instrument in c. hand, box in 1 . ; date 1620, age 50. Panel, 35 x 27 in. 394 HENRY, 5TH LORD WINDSOR. Baroness Windsor. B. 1562; 2nd son of Edward, 3rd*Ld.,and Lady Katharine deVere, da lighter of John, i6th E. of Oxford; accompanied Henry, E. of Derby, in his embassy 68 REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. to invest Henry III. of France as K.G. ; succeeded his brother Frederick, 4th Ld. 1585 ; named to serve in Ireland under Essex ; d. 6 April, 1605. Half-length ; armour; falling embroidered collar, rich baldric ; various animals in landscape to his r. ; dated 1588, age 26. Panel, 36 X 29 in. 395 • SIR MARTIN FROBISHER ( -1594). LENT BY PAINTER. University Galleries, Oxford. Cornelius Ketel. {See No. 351.) Full length, standing; yellow doublet and trunk-hose; pistol in r. hand, globe behind him ; date 1577, age 39. Canvas, 82 X 38 in. 396 CHIEF JUST. SIR JOHN POPHAM, Kt. (1531-1606). Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. {See No. 285.) Judge’s robes ; staff in 1 . hand, gloves in r. Panel, 35 X 27. 397 GEO. CLIFFORD, 3RD E. of CUMBERLAND, K.G. Bodleian Library, Oxford. / B. 8 Aug. 1558, at Brougham, Westmoreland ; educ. at St. Peter’s, Cam- bridge, under Whitgift {see No. 227); one of the Peers at Mary Stuart’s trial, 1586; succeeded Sir H. Lee as queen’s champion, 1590; wore the queen’s glove, set in diamonds, in front of his high-crowned hat on days of tourna- ment ; made K.G. 1591 ; sent to suppress Essex’s rebellion, itoi ; married Margaret Russell {see No. 343) and left one child, Anne {see No. 512); d. 30 Oct. 1605 ; bu. at Skipton, 30 March, 1606. Bust ; wide plumed hat, showing the jewelled glove ; gorget and jewelled doublet. Panel, 27 X 22 in. 398 SIR BERNARD GRANVILLE, Kt. (1563-1636). Rev. Lord John Thynne. B. 1563 ; eldest son of the gallant Sir Richard Granville (No. 353) ; High Sheriff for Cornwall, 1595; M.P. for Bodmin; married Elizabeth, heir of Philip Bevil of Killigarth ; Kt. , d. 1636. Three-quarter size; annour ; falling lace collar; date 1593, age 30. Canvas, 41 X 28 in. 399 EDWARD LORD HASTINGS (OF LOUGH- BOROUGH), K.G. Marquis of H.\stings. 2nd son of George Hastings, ist E. of Huntingdon ; created, 15 Jan. 1558, Baron Hastings of Loughborough, K. G. ; d. the same year. Half-length ; black jewelled cap, black dress laced with gold, ermine- lined cloak ; collar of K.G ; 1 . hand on sword hilt ; s. of arms to r. Panel, 2 ft. 10 in. X 2 ft. 2 in. 400 ' SIR JEROME BOWES. Earl of Suffolk. Lucas de Heere. Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to the Czar of Muscovy. Full-length ; high black hat and plume, white doublet and hose, gold-laced short cloak. Dated 1583. 89 x 51 in. REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. 69 401 SIR HENRY NEVILLE, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Yarborough. Of Billingbcre, Berkshire ; introduced at court of Eliz. by Ld. Burghley ; ambas. to France, 1599; attached to the E. of Essex, and imprisoned on an accusation of misprision of treason, and heavily fined ; d. 10 July, 1615. Bust; deep ruff, white doublet, gold embroidered surcoat. Panel, 26 x 21. 402 L. CHANC. SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON, Kt. Mrs. Henrietta Coffin. {See No. 239.) To waist ; black cap, jewelled, open ruff, white gold-laced doublet, black surcoat, or short cloak ; dated 1 589 ; s. of arms. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 403 ROBERT SCARLETT. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. “ Old Scarlett,” Sexton of Peterborough Cathedral. D. 1586. Some un- couth verses upon him, by way of epitaph, mention “ that he inter d two queens and the town’s householders twice over.” The queens were Katharine of Arragon, ist wife of Henry VI II., d. 1535, and Mary Queen of Scots. Full-length, with his spade and mattock ; anns of Peterborough See to his r. Canvas, 76 X 54 in. CENTRE ( Nos . 404 to 449.) 404 SIR ROBERT SHIRLEY. Sir Thomas B. Western, Bt., M.P. Eastern Traveller ; younger brother of Sir Anthony Shirley (No. 290) ; b. about 1570; accompanied his brother to Persia, where he was employed by the Shah ; in 1609, returned to Europe and was created a count palatine by the Emperor Rodolph ; in 1612, came to James I.’s Court ; the remainder of his life was spent partly in Europe, partly in Persia, where he d., 23 July, 1627 ; a man of great enterprise and endurance. Hakluyt’s Voyages and Purchas’s Pilgrims contain some of his and his brother’s travels. Full-length, in Oriental costume. Canvas, 76 x 44 in. 405 LORD WILLIAM HOWARD. Earl of Carlisle. Called “ Belted Will Howard 3rd son of Thomas, 4th D. of Norfolk ; married Elizabeth (No. 429), daughter of Wm. Lord Dacres, and inherited Naworth Castle; Warden of the Western Marches ; d. 1640. From him the Carlisle branch of the Howards descend. Full-length ; black doublet and hose, open white collar, books open to his r. Canvas, 83 x 43 in. 406 LADY THERESA SHIRLEY. Sir Thomas B. Western, Bt., M.P. Wife of Sir Robert Shirley (No. 404) ; stated to have been a Persian Princess, given to him in marriage by the Shah of Persia, brought by him to England to the Court of James I. in 1612. Full-length ; white dress, red scarf, high Jewelled head-dress, and long hanging veil. Canvas, 76 X 42 in. 70 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 407 SICELE TRAFFORD. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt. Sister to Sir Cecil Trafford. (No. 449). Half-length ; figured red dress and fardingale. high lace ruff, hair dressed with flowers and jewels ; dated 161 1, age 13. Panel, 35 X 28 in. 408 RICHD. BANCROFT, ABP. OF CANTERBURY. University Library, Cambridge. B. at Farnworth, Lancashire, Sept. 1544; educ. at Christ’s and Jesus Colleges, Camb. ; Prebendary- of St. Paul’s, 1589; Bp. of London, 1597; present at the Hampton-court Conference, 1603 ; succeeded Whitgift as Archbp. of Canterbury, 1604 ; one of the divines engaged in transl. of Bible, 1607 ; Chanc. of Oxfd. 1608 ; a stout opponent of the Puritans ; d. 2 Nov. 1610. Bust ; black cap, episcopal habit. Panel, 21 X 16 in. 409 JANE FITZGERALD, COUNTESS OF DESMOND. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Rembrandt. Celebrated for her longevity-. The story- of her life is commonly given as follows : — B. in Co. Waterford ; wife of the 14th E. of Desmond ; at the court of Edward IV. 1461-1483 ; danced with Richard, D. of Gloucester (Richard 111 .) ; at 140 years of age journey ed from Bristol to London ; d. in tlie reign of James I. (1603-1625). Bacon and Raleigh mention her. Bust ; dark head-dress, furred dark dress. Canvas, 24 X 18 in. Rem- brandt was a child when the Countess of Desmond is believed to have died, and could not, therefore, hav-e painted her portrait from the life. 410 SIR JOHN HARRINGTON. Mr. J. W. Townroe. Poet ; b. 1561 ; Translator of Ariosto ; d. 1612. Bust ; large full ruff, black dress. Panel, 25 X 20 in. 41 1 SIR NATHANIEL BACON, K.B. Earl of Verulam. Sir Nathaniel Bacon. Painter; son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, half-brother to Lord Bacon; studied painting in Italy ; “a gentleman whose rare parts and generous disposition, whose excellent learning in this and good arts, deserves a never-dyinge memory;” married, ist, Anne, natural daughter of Sir Thomas Gresham; 2nd, Dorothy, daughter of Sir George Hopton. Full length ; seated at a table, holding paper in left hand, with books and pallet before him ; a dog looking up from beneath the table. Canvas, 6 ft. 9in. X 5 ft. 412 GEORGE ABBOTT, ARCHB. OF CANTERBURY. Rev. Charles Kingsley. See (No. 520). Bust ; episcopal habit. Panel, 23 X 17 in. 413 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Bodleian Library, Oxford. Isaac Oliver. {See No. 423.) Bust; white open ruff, black doublet. Panel, 22 x 16J in. Van Jan. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 71 414 ARTHUR HILDERSHAM (1563-1631). LENT BY PAINTER,. Mr. Wm. Harrison. Puritan Divine ; b. at Steckvvorth, Cambridgeshire, 1563 ; educ. at Christ’s College ; disinherited by his father for embracing the reformed opinions ; Fellow of Trinity Hall, 1586 ; received the living of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1593, from the E. of Huntingdon ; wrote lectures on Psalm li. and John iv. and sermons ; more than once suspended on account of his opinions ; d. 1631. Bust ; dark dress, close ruff ; red book in 1 . hand ; s. of anns ; date 1619, age 56. Panel, 23 x 18 in. 415 LADY BACON. Earl of Verulam. Sir Nathaniel Bacon. Wife of Sir N. Bacon (No. 41 1). Bust, profile ; fair hair drawn off the face, lace peaked head-dress and ruff, green embroidered kirtle, r. hand holding handkerchief. Panel, 18X14. 416 LADY ARABELLA STUART (1577-1615). Duke of Northumberland. Celebrated for her beauty and misfortunes ; only child of Charles Stuart, 5th E. of Lennox (No. 322), great-grandson, by his mother Margaret (No. 87), of Henr\' VII. ; b. about 1575. Her royal descent made Queen Elizabeth and King James jealous of her ; married, privately, Wm. Seymour ; (No. 746) both were immediately imprisoned ; their plan of escape,’ 3 June, 1611, failed ; Se)Tnour reached Flanders, Lady Arabella was brought back a prisoner to the Tower, where her reason and health gave way. D. Sept, 1615. Miniature, whole length, standing between crimson curtains; reddish- brown hair, low black embroidered dress, open ruff. Panel, 19 x 12 in. 417 PRINCESS ELIZABETH, Afterwards OUEEN Earl of Craven. OF BOHEMIA. B. 19 Aug. 1596, in Scotland; daughter of James I. and Anne of Den- mark ; married to Frederick V., Elector Palatine, 14 Feb. 1613; crowned King and Queen of Bohemia at Prague, Nov. 1619 ; driven from the throne by Emp. Ferdinand, Nov. 1620, and took refuge in Holland ; Frederick d. 1632, and Elizabeth remained at the Hague educating her children ; she was the object of Ld. Craven’s long and chivalrous devotion, and was called from her grace and beauty, the “Queen of Hearts ;” returned to England, May, 1661, and d. Feb. 1662. Half-length, as a child ; open lace ruff, low flowered dress, red surcoat. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. (See No. 445.) 418 QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Van Somer. Daughter of Frederick II., King of Denmark; b. 1574; married, 1590, James VI. of Scotland, ist of England, by whom her children were Prince Henry, d. 1612, Charles, aftenvards King, and Elizabeth, married to Frederick Elector Palatine; d. Mar. 1619. Full length, with dogs, and black attendant holding her horse ; age given, 43 ; signed, “ P. Van Somer, 1617 ;” view of Oatlands in background. Can- vas, 104 X 81 in. 72 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 419 QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). LENT BY PAINTER. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Bust ; wide open rufif, hair dressed high off the face and jewelled. Panel, 23 X 18 in. 420 JAMES I. (1566-1625). Society of Apothecaries. Only son of Henry Stuart, E. of Darnley and Mary Queen of Scots ; b. in Edinburgh Castle, 1566 ; crowned when a child as James VI. of Scotland ; sue. to the crown of Great Britain in 1603 ; d. 1625, age 61. Bust ; high black hat, Jewelled, flat wide lace ruff, jewelled collar. Panel, 21 X 14 in. 421 JAMES I. Mr. David Laing. Head, small life-size, young ; as King of Scotland ; large lace-edged ruff, jewelled cap, red dress. Panel, 10 X 8 in. 422 LADY ARABELLA STUART (1575-1615). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. J.SV^ No. 416.) Half-length, as a child, holding a doll; cap and dress jewelled ; dated 1577 ; age, 23 months. Panel, 22 x 16 in. 423 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Lucas de Heere. Eldest son of James I. and Anne of Denmark ; b. in Stirling Castle, 19 Feb. 1 594 ; his young life promised much ; he excelled in manly exercises ; sought to be just to his dependents, and self-restrained in speech, saying once, that “ all the pleasure in the world was not worth an oath friend to Sir Walter Raleigh, then kept in prison by James ; his popularity was great, especially with the Puritan party ; d. in his 19th year, 6 Nov. 1612 ; bu. in Westminster. In piyson he was handsome, and of a good figure. As a boy, about to kill a stag, with attendant (Lord Harrington), horse, and dog. Canvas, 72 x 63 in. 424 SIR THOxMAS HAMILTON, ist EARL OF HADDINGTON. Earl of Home. Called “ Tom of the Cowgate eldest son of Sir Thos. Hamilton, by Elizabeth, daughter of James Hcriot ; b. 1563 ; studied law in France ; Ld. of Session, 1592; Commissioner to treat of the Union, 1604; Sec. of State, 1612 ; created E. of Melrose, 1619, which title he was permitted to change for that of E. of Haddington ; amassed a great fortune, partly from the dis- covery of mines on his estates ; d. 1637. Bust ; close ruff ; comet seen to his 1 . ; date 1618, age 55. Panel, 23 X 19. i REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 73 425 SIR THOMAS FAIRFAX. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr, Charles Wykeham Martin, M.P. {See No. 555.) Bust ; gorget, with flat collar, dark dress. Panel, 22 X 16 in. 426 JOHN SWINBURNE. Sir John Swinburne, Bt. Stabbed at Meldon, 18 Feb. 1643; posthumous son was the first Bart. Bust ; wide lace-edged ruff, embroidered doublet ; s. of arms to his r. ; dated 1614, age 25. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 427 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES. Earl of Hardwicke. (See No. 423.) Bust ; reddish-embroidered doublet, with red points, lace ruff. Canvas, 24 x 18 in. 428 SIR JULIUS CiTSAR (1557-1636). Mr. Harry Chester. Master of the Rolls ; eldest son of Ca:sar Adelmare, Physician to Queens Mary and Elizabeth, by his wife Margaret Perin, or Perient ; b. at Tottenham, Middlesex, 1557 ; studied at Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; of the Inner Temple, 1580 ; Master in Chancery, 1588 ; Master of St. Catherine’s, 1596 ; Kt. 1603 ; Master of the Rolls, 1614. till his death, 18 April, 1636 : noted for his charity to the poor, who used to follow him in crowds. Bust ; black conical cap, with deep lace-edging, white beard, deep ruft‘, black dress. Canvas, 25 x 20 in. 429 LADY ELIZ. DACRES, WIFE OF “BELTED WILL.” Mr. Chas. G. Fairfax. B. 1 563, sister and co-heir of George, last Ld. Dacres of Gilsland ; married at the age of 14, to Ld. William Howard {see No. 405) ; known in the north as “ Bessy with the braid apron,” from the vast possessions she brought into the Howard family ; they lived together 6o years, d. within a year of each other, and had 10 sons and 5 daughters. Half-length ; lace head-dress, wide ruff, brown figured surcoat, showing black puffed skirt and sleeves. Canvas, 40 X 32 in. Dated 1578, age 14. 430 WILLIAM HERBERT, 3RD EARL OF PEMBROKE ('1580-1630.) Countess Delawarr. Poet and Courtier ; eldest son of Henry, 2nd E., by Mary (No. 284), sister of Sir Philip Sidney; b. at Wilton, 8 Feb. 1580; educ. at New College, Oxford ; in favour with Queen Elizabeth ; K.G. on the accession of James ; continued in court employment in his reign and that of Charles I., till his sudden death, 10 April, 1630. Of his poems a small volume remains, con- taining graceful verses ; Lord Clarendon’s character of him is remarkable for its elegant commendation. Bust, r. hand leaning on treasurer’s staff ; jewelled cap with white plume, dark blue ribbon of K.G., furred mantle. Panel, 28 x 23 in. 74 REIGN OF JAMES 1. 1603-1625. 431 WILLIAM PARKER, LORD MONTEAGLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Webb. Van Somer. Son of Edward, Baron Morley; summoned to Parliament, 1605, as Ld. Monteagle ; for him the letter supposed to give information of the Gunpowder Plot was prepared, and on which the “ British Solomon,” James 1 ., was invited by Cecil to exercise his sagacity ; d. 1622. Half-length ; wide flat collar, lace-edged, richly-embroidered and pearl- sewn doublet and trunk-hose. Panel, 43 X 32 in. 432 GEORGE VILLIERS, ist D. OF BUCKINGHAM AND FAMILY. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Cornelius Jansen. Half-length figures ; the Duke, his Duchess, with infant in her arms and his daughter, Lady Mary Villicrs. Canvas, 49 X 74 in. 433 LADY DOROTHY NEVILL. Marquis of Exeter, K.G. 2nd daughter of John Nevill, Lord Latimer ; 1st wife of Thomas, ist E. of Exeter (No. 434.) Half-length ; black dress, low body, with white open wide collar and ruffles ; roses in her hand. Panel, 52 X 42 in. 434 THOMAS CECIL, ist EARL OF EXETER, K.G. Marq^uis of Exeter, K.G. Cornelius Jansen. Eldest son of Lord Burghley (No. 242) by his ist wife, daughter of Sir John Cheke, Kt. ; b. 1542; M.P. for Stamford; one of the noblemen who received the Due d’Alengon ; distinguished himself in the wars of the Low Countries, and served against the Armada ; K.G. 1601 ; created E. of Exeter by James L, 4 May, 1605, his younger half-brother having been created E. of Salisbury on the morning of the same day ; d. 7 Feb. 1621-22 ; bu. in West- minster Abbey : benefactor to Clare Hall College. Half-length ; high black hat and black dress, standing in front of red curtain ; ribbon and badge K.G. Panel, 52 x 44 in. • 435 GEO. VILLIERS, ist D. OF BUCKINGHAM, K.G., AND VARIOUS MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Gerard Honthorst. Full length small life-size figures in a gallery. Canvas, 49 X 61 in. George, D. of Buckingham (jct No. 455) ; his duchess. Lady Catharine Manners, only daughter of Francis, 6th E. of Rutland, and afterwards (1635) wife of Randall, ist Marquis of Austria; his daughter, Mary, wife, ist, of Charles Ld. Hubert ; and 2nd, of James Stuart, D. of Richmond and Lenox ; his eldest son, George, 2nd D. (No. 904); his elder brother, John, Viset. Purbeck, married Francis, daughter of Sir Edward Coke ; his mother, Mary Beaumont, 2nd wife of Sir George Villiers, Kt. of Brokesby created Countess of Buckingham ; his youngest brother, Christopher, created Baron \'illiers and E. of Anglesey, 1623 d. 3 April, 1630 ; and his sister, Susan, wife of Sir William Feilding, created E. of Denbigh. REIGN OJ JAMES I. 1603-1625. 75 436 LAUNCELOT ANDREWS, BISHOP OF LENT BY WINCHESTER. PAINTER. Jesus College, Oxford. A learned Divine ; b. in London, 1 565 ; educ. at the Coopers’ Free School at Ratcliff, at Merchant Taylors’, and at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge ; distin- guished as a preacher ; appointed Dean of Westminster ; Bp. of Chichester, 1605 ; of Ely, 1609 ; of Winchester, 1617 ; wrote much, and was one of the translators of the Bible ; d. at Winchester House, Southwark, 25 Sept. 1626 ; bu. in the church of St. Saviour. Half-length, black cap, episcopal habit ; book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 40 x 35. 437 THOMAS HOWARD, EARL OF SUFFOLK, K.G. Countess Delaware. Younger son of Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk ; summoned to Parliament, 1597, as Baron Howard de Walden; E. of Suffolk, 1603; K.G. ; Ld. High Treasurer to James 1 . ; married Katharine, daughter of Sir Henry Knyvett, Kt. ; d. 1626. ' Bust ; white collar ; badge K.G. ; treasurer’s stick in 1 . hand ; oval. Panel, 27 X 21 in. . 438 GIDEON DE LAUNE, M.D. Society of Apothecaries. Apothecary to Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I. ; founder of the Apothecaries’ Hall. Half-length ; wide white collar, black dress and cloak ; date 1640, age 76. Canvas, 40 X 32 in. 439 JAMES I. AT HIS father’s (Lord Darnley’s) tomb. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Small life-size figure kneeling ; Darnley’s father and mother and younger brother (?) are kneeling at head of the tomb {see Nos. 87, 322). Canvas, 57 X 89 in. 440 LUCY HARINGTON, COUNTESS OF BEDFORD, Mr. Alexander Barker. AND CHILD. Celebrated for her taste and accomplishments ; eldest daughter of John, 1st Ld. Harington; married Edward Russell, 3rd E. of Bedford, 1594, who d. 1627, leaving her a widow; her brother John, 2nd Ld. Harington, d. in 1614, leaving her his heir. SI. Daniel, Ben Jonson, and Dr. Donne wrote verses in praise of her talents and acquirements, {See also No. 507). Full-length ; long hair falling down her back, low-embroidered dress, figured red scarf ; child to her r. with bunch of grapes. Canvas, 69 X 44 in. 441 JOHN KING, BISHOP OF LONDON. Christ Church, Oxford. B. 1559 at Wornall, Bucks; son of Philip King and Elizabeth Conquest; educ. at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford ; Chaplain to Queen Eliza- beth ; Dean of Christ Church, 1605; Bp. of London, 1611 ; James 1 . used to style him “ the king of preachers ;” and Ld. Chief Just. Coke, declared that he “was the best speaker in the Star Chamber in his time ;” d. 30 Mar. 1621. Bust ; black cap, grey beard, episcopal habit. Panel, 22 X 17 76 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 44 ^ RICHARD, 1ST EARL OF CORK (1566-1643). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The “ Great Earl of Cork 2nd son of Roger Boyle ; b. 1 566 ; studied at the Middle Temple ; embarked for Ireland ; obtained the favour of Eliza- beth ; knighted ; in i6i6, created Baron Boyle ; 1620, E. of Cork ; Ld. Trea- surer of Ireland ; built churches, schools, &c., made roads, and for a time succeeded in civilizing the southern part of Ireland ; d. at Youghal, Sept. 1643. Bust ; white hat and doublet, furred cloak. Panel, 22 x 16 in. 443 QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). , Van So.mer. Full length ; pearl stomacher, low dress and fardingale, feather-fan in r. hand ; architectural background ; age 44. Canvas, 94 x 57 in. 444 JAMES I. (1566-1625). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Van Somer. Full length ; royal robes, crowned, with sceptre and orb. Canvas, 88 x 57- 445 ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA, “THE OUEEN OF HEARTS.” Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Gerard Honthorst. Full length ; pearl-trimmed head-dress, and low dress gold-embroidered. Canvas, 88 x 54 in. On the back is written, “ Feb. 21, anno 1635, this picture was given to Prince Charles by Sir Henry' Wootton’s last will for a legacy.” 446 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Earl of Craven. Van Somer. (See No. 423.) Full length ; white doublet, embroidered in red, red hose, wide open lace collar ; badge K.G. Canvas, 67 x 45 in. 447 RICH. BANCROFT, ARCHB. of CANTERBURY. Jesus College, Cambridge. ( 6 'ee No. 408). Bust ; episcopal habit ; s. of arms to his r. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 448 SIR DAVID MURRAY, Kt. Mr. David Laing. Cornelius Jansen. Of Gorthy; in the household of Prince Henry, eldest son of James I. ; author of poems published in London, 1611. Bust ; short red beard, black doublet, open lace-edged ruff; dated 1603, age 36. Canvas, 21 x 17 in. 449 SIR CECIL TRAFFORD. Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt. Half-length; high white hat, with jewelled band; dated 1611, age 12; figured doublet and trunk-hose, red scarf. Panel, 35 X 27 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 77 WESr CENTRAL CORRIDOR. {Nos. 450 to 466.) 450 THOMAS HOBSON (1544-1630). LENT BY PAINTER. Corporation of Cambridge. The Cambridge University Carrier, on whom Milton wrote two epitaphs ; b. about 1544; travelled monthly with his “team-ware,” which he inherited from his father, between Cambridge and the Bull Inn, Bishopsgate, till, during a period of compulsory rest, when the plague was in London, and he was forbidden to travel — “ Death was half glad when he had got him down,” I Jan. 1630-1. “ Hobson's choice” originated in the rule he rigidly observed, that the horse next the stable door must be the one taken out for hire ; he gave a Bible to the Church of St. Benedict, and the site of the “ Spinning House” to the University. Full length, small life-size, mounted on a black horse ; inscribed on the back is, “ This picture was hung up at the Black Bull, in Bishopsgate London, upwards of a 100 years before it was given to J. Burleigh, 1787.” Steele, Spectator 509, mentions a fresco of him at the same Inn. Panel, 66 X 57 in. 451 FREDERICK ELECTOR PALATINE, KING OF BOHEMIA. Earl of Craven. Gerard Honthorst. {See No. 417.) Full length ; crowned royal robes. Canvas, 85 X 56 in. 452 CHIEF-JUST. SIR ROBERT HEATH (1575-1649). St. John’s College, Cambridge. B. 20 May, 1575, at Brasted, Kent ; educ. at the Grammar School, Tun- bridge, and at St. John’s College, Cambridge ; called to the bar, 1603 ; Soli- citor-Gen. and M.P. 1621 ; Kt. by James I. ; Attorney-Gen. 1625 ; supported King Charles with ability ; Ch. just. Com. Pleas, 1631 ; joined the King at York in 1642 ; appointed Ch. Just. King’s Bench ; fled to France, 1646 ; d. there, 30 Augt. 1649. Bust ; wide ruff, black cap, judge’s robes ; collar S.S. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. 453 HENRY HOWARD, E. OF NORTHAMPTON, K.G. Earl of Carlisle. {See No. 293.) Bust ; high crowned black hat, ruff co'.iar, K.G. ; dated, 1606. 454 PRINCESS LOUISA OF BOHEMIA. Earl of Craven. B. 1623 ; daughter of Frederick, King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth’ of Eng- land ; studied painting under Gerard Honthorst and was justly celebrated as an artist ; became a Roman Catholic, 1663, and was made Abbess of Mau- buisson, at Ponthoise ; d. 1709. Full length, in dress of a recluse, with open missal to her r. ; dated 1629, age 31 (compare date of birth). Canvas, 84 X 46 in. 78 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 455 GEORGE VILLIERS, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Cornelius Jansen. Son of Sir George Villiers ; b. at Brokesby, Leicestershire, 28 Aug. 1 592 ; first seen by K. James I. in 1615 ; %von his favour by his handsome person and courtly address ; Master of the Horse, 1616, K.G. and V’iset. Villiers ; E. of Buckingham, 1617 ; and Marquis, 1618 ; set out in 1623 with Prince Charles to Spain, on a romantic journey to see the Infanta (No. 533); created D. of Buckingham, 1623 ; commanded an expedition to the west coast of France, but with no credit; assassinated by John Felton, 23 Aug. 1628 ; pre- sented a collection of Arabic MSS. to the University of Cambridge, and formed, with the aid of Rubens, a splendid collection of pictures. Bust ; falling lace ruff, robes and collar, K.G. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. {See Nos. 432, 435. 517, 564)- 456 . JOHN LYTTELTON. Lord Lyttelton. Father of Sir Thos. Lyttelton, Kt. and Bart. ; d. 1601. Half-length, as a child, with large dog. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 457 ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA. Earl of Craven. Gerard Honthorst. (See Nos. 417, 445.) Full length, looking to r. ; black dress ; crown and globe on table to her r. Canvas, 84 x 56. 458 SIR ROGER WILBRAHAM, Kt. (1554-1616). Mr. George Wilbraham. 2nd son of Richard Wilbraham of Nantwich ; b. 1554 ; an able Lawyer ; Solicitor-Gen. for Ireland under Queen Elizabeth ; Master of Court of Re- quests, 1600 ; d. 1616. Bust ; close ruff, black dress ; dated 1604, age 50. Panel, 26 X 20 in. 459 ESME STUART, ist DUKE OF LENNOX. Earl of Came over to Scotland, as Ld. d’Aubignd in France, and created Duke of Lennox by his relative, James VI., who made him Governor of Dumbarton ; hereditary High Chamberlain and High Admiral of Scotland ; married Catharine, daughter of Will, de Balzac, Ld. of Entragues and Marcoussis, in Auvergne ; d. 1 588. Bust, small life-size; close ruff, black doublet. Panel, 27 X 22 in. 460 WILLIAM, 1ST EARL OF CRAVEN. Earl of Craven. Vandyck. Son of Sir Wm. Craven, Ld. Mayor of London, 1611 ; b. 1608; distin- guished himself in service abroad ; Kt. 1626, and created Baron Craven ; E. in 1663 ; d. 9 April, 1697, in his 89th year. P'ull length ; armour ; baton in r. hand, 1. on helmet. Canvas, 84 X 52- REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 79 / 461 SIR JAMES DUNDAS, LORD ARNISTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Robert Dundas of Arniston. George Jamesone. Son of Sir James Dundas (No. 283) M.P. for Co. Edinburgh ; Judge of the Court of Session, with the title of Ld. Arniston, though he had not been brought up to the law ; refused to sign the Declaration against the Covenant, and lost his seat on the Bench ; at a private audience with the King, to give him an opportunity to explain his reservations or scruples, he refused, saying, “ if my subscription is to be public, I cannot be satisfied that the salvo should be latent d. 1679. Bust ; armour, lace collar, blue gold-edged scarf ; signed and dated, 164a Canvas, 26 X 24 in. 462 MICHAEL HARCOURT. Rev, W, Vernon Harcourt. Governor for some years of Sir Robert Harcourt’s colony of Guiana. To waist ; wide falling ruff, brown scarf; dated 1624; age 23. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 463 ROBERT SIDNEY, EARL OF LEICESTER, K.G. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Van Somer. 2nd son of Sir Henry Sidney by Marj", daughter of Dudley, D. of Nor- thumberland ; brother of Sir P. Sidney; created ist Baron Sidney of Pens- hurstand Viscount Lisle; ist E. of Leicestcr,of his name, 1618; K.G. ; d. 1626. Full length ; ennine-trimmed robes ; s. of arms to his 1 . Canvas, 79 X 51. 464 FRANCIS BEAUMONT. Rev, W. Vernon Harcourt. Dramatist and Lyrical Poet; 3rd son of Francis, Judge of Com. Pleas; b. 1586; educ. at Breadgate’s Hall (Pembroke College), Oxon, and at the Temple; “There was a wonderful consimility of phansy between him and Mr. John Fletcher, which caused the dearenesse of friendship between them ;” in 1607, when Beaumont was 21, the friends published their first play, and so well woven together are their compositions that they cannot now be put apart ; d. 1616, before he was 30. {See No. 470) To waist, seated ; red hair and beard, black dress. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 465 THOMAS, 1ST LORD ARUNDELL OF WARDOUR. Lord Arundell of Wardour. Vandyck. Surnamed “ The Valiant ;” son of Sir Matthew Arundell of Wardour ; early distinguished in the wars against the Turks in Hungary ; created Count of the Empire by Rudolph II.; Baron Arundell, 1604; d. 7 Nov. 1630. To waist ; white falling ruff, black dress, silver-headed stick to his r. Canvas 32 x 26 in. 466 SIR GEORGE CAREW, EARL OF TOTNESS. Capt. G, H. W. Carew. F. Zucchero. Son of George Carew, D.D., Dean of Exeter and Windsor ; served with reputation in Ireland ; President of Munster, 1600 ; Master of the Ordnance to Queen Elizabeth ; Vice- Chamberlain to the Queen of James I. ; made 8o REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. Governor of Guernsey by James I. ; 1605, created Baron Carew of Clopton ; E. ofTotness, 1626; d. 22 Mar. 1629. Three-quarter size ; white-embroidered doublet, red trunk-hose ; inscribed with titles. Canvas, 48 x 38 in. fVESTERN GALLERT.—(^Nos. 467 to 663 ). 467 CHIEF JUSTICE SIR HENRY HOBART, Bt. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Lothian. 2nd son of Thomas Hobart, of Plumsted in Norfolk, and great grandson of Sir James Hobart, Henry VII.’s Attorney-fien. ; admitted at Lincoln’s Inn, 1575; Steward of Norwich, 1595; M.P. for Yarmouth, 1597 ; Kt. by James 1 . ; Attorney-Gen. 1606, when Bacon served under him and longed for his promotion ; Bart. 161 1 ; Chief Just. Com. Pleas, 1613 ; d. 26 Dec. 1625. Half-length ; judge’s robes ; collar of S.S. Canvas, 48 x 43 in. 468 LORD BACON (1561-1626). Earl of Verulam. Van Somer. Son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Ld. Keeper; b. 1561 ; Ld. Keeper in 1617 ; created L. Verulam and Visct. St. Alban’s, and made Ld. Chancellor in 1618 ; published his “ Novum Organum,” 1620 ; d. 9 April, 1626 ; bu. in the ancient church of St. Michael, Verulam, near St. .Vlban’s. Full length ; high black hat, robes ; great seal on table to his 1 . Canvas, 6 ft. 9 X 4 ft. 2. 469 LADY HOBART. Mr. W. W. B. Beach, M.P. Cornelius Jansen. Daughter of Sir Robert Bell of Beauprd Hall, Norfolk ; married Sir Henry Hobart, Bt. (No. 467), and had 16 children, 12 sons and 4 daughters. Half-length ; black head-dress, veil, and dress, wide ruff, book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 39 X 31 in. 470 JOHN FLETCHER (1576-1625). Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Dramatist and Lyrical Poet ; son of Richard, Bp. of London ; b. in Northants. 1576; educ. at Cambridge; the friend of Beaumont (No. 464), and with him joint author of upwards of 50 plays ; assisted Ben Jonson in his “Widow,” and Shirley in the plots of his pieces ; d. of the plague, 1625. Reddish-brown hair ; black dress, small falling ruff ; inscribed paper on table to his r. Panel, 34 x 27 in. 471 SIR ROBERT BRUCE COTTON, Bt. (1570-1631). Trinity College, Cambridge. B. 22 Jan, 1570, at Denton, Hants ; educ. at Trinity College, Cambridge; began early to collect and study ancient charters, &c. ; the friend of Camden, Speed, &c. ; knighted by James, 1603, and Bt. 161 1 ; sent to Tower, 1629, on suspicion of being author of a work, “how a prince may make himself an absolute tyrant,” and deprived of his library ; released, 1630, on the discovery that Sir R. Dudley was the author. His imprisonment hastened his death. His celebrated library was removed, 1753, to Brit. Mus. D. 6 May, 1631. Bust ; short dark beard, falling ruff black dress ; inscription round and date, 1637. Panel, 22 J X 17 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 81 472 THOMAS EGERTON, BARON ELLESMERE. LENT BY PAINTER St. John’s College, Cambridge. (See No. 476.) Bust ; black hat, judge’s robes. 25 X 22 in. 473 WILLIAM CAMDEN. Bodleian Library. Mark Garrard. (6'^^ No. 490.) Bust; grey short beard, skull-cap and dress black, full ruff ; s. of arms ; inscr. with verses, &c. ; signed “Marcus Gheeracdts pinxit.” Panel, 30 x 23. 474 SIR DUDLEY CARLETON, LD. DORCHESTER. Hon. R. Carleton. Cornelius Jansen. Statesman and Diplomatist; b. loth March, 1573; educ. at West- minster and Christ Church, Oxf. ; ambas. to V'enice, 1610 ; succeeded by Sir H. Wotton ; to the States General, 1616-28, and present at Synod of Dort ; Baron Carleton, 1626; Vise. Dorchester, 1628; Prin. Sec. of State; d. 15th Feb. 1632. His state papers and letters were pub. by Ld. Hardwicke. Half-length ; flat lace-edged ruff, black doublet ; s. of arms to his r. ; dated 1627, age 31. Panel, 34 X 25 in. 475 SIR HENRY SAVILE, Kt. Eton College. Scholar and Mathematician ; b. at Bradley, Yorkshire, 1549 ; studied at Oxford ; Warden of Merton College for 36 years ; and for 26 years Provost of Eton, the statute requiring priest’s orders being specially dispensed with ; Kt. by James I. ; one of the translators of the Bible ; published at Eton his. edition of the works of St. Chrysostom; d. there, 1622 ; Founded the Savi- lian Professorships, Oxford. Full-length ; black robes, lace ruff ; embroidered gloves in r. hand ; dated' 1621, age 72. Canvas, 82 x 48 in. 476 THOMAS EGERTON, BARON ELLESMERE, VISCOUNT BRACKLEY. Earl Brownlow. Eminent Lawyer; natural son of Sir Rd. Egerton ; b. 1540; studied at Brasenose College, Oxford, and at Lincoln’s Inn ; Solicitor-Gen. 1581 Attorney-Gen. 1592 ; Kt. and Master of the Rolls, 1594 ; Ld. Keeper, 1596 ; Ld. Chancellor, 1603 ; in 1616, created Viset. Brackley. Camden mentions an anagram of his name, “ Gestat honorem.” The wits of Westminster, w'ho disliked his judgments, called him Viset. Breaklaw. D. 15 Mar. 1617 : his grandchildren are Milton’s three characters in “ Comus.” (See Nos. 288,753.) Half-length ; high hat, chancellor’s robes ; r. hand resting on great seal. Panel, 36 x 28 in. 477 JAMES I. (1566-1625). Earl of Craven. Van Somer. Full-length ; black dress, crown and sceptre on table to his 1 ., armour to his r. ; dated 1618. Canvas, 78 X 49. 478 SIR HUGH MYDDLETON, Bt. Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond. Cornelius Jansen. 6th son of Richard Myddleton, of Denbigh, and Jane, daughter of Richard Dryhurst ; belonged to the Goldsmiths’ Company, and followed that trade in London ; obtained, by working mines in Cardiganshire, wealth, G 82 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. which he spent on his great project of supplying London with water, from Chad well and Amwell, by means of the “ New River having succeeded, James I. created him a Baronet : he did not in his lifetime reap the profit of his wcll-dcviscd scheme ; d. 1631. Three-quarter size ; white hair, small peaked beard, large falling ruff, dark dress; 1. hand on shell, with f antes Fodine alluding to his New River Company. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 479 CH. JUST. SIR EDWARD COKE (1550-1634). LENT BY Painter. Trinity College, Cambridge. A learned Lawyer ; author of the “ Institutes,” or Commentary on Lyttle- ton ; b. at Milcham, Norfolk, 1550; educ. at Norwich and Trinity Hall, Cambridge ; student at Clifford’s Inn and Inner Temple ; M.P. ; Speaker of Parliament, 1 592 ; employed on the trials of Essex and Raleigh ; rival of Ld. Bacon ; Ch. Justice, Com. Pleas, 1606 ; d. 3 Sept. 1634. Bust ; high ruff, judge’s robes, collar of SS. ; Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 480 SIR HENRY YELVERTON, Kt. Marquis of Hastings. An eloquent and learned Lawyer ; eld. son of Sir Christopher Yelverton, Judge K.B. (No. 388) ; b. 29 June, 1566 ; studied at Oxford and Gray’s Inn ; Recorder of Northants. and M.P. 1613; Solicitor-Gen., Kt., and Attomey- Gen. 1617 ; in disfavour with the favourite Buckingham ; fined and im- prisoned by the Star Chamber; reconciled and Judge Com. Pleas, 1625 ; d. 24 Jan. 1630. Half-length ; black cap, judge’s robes, gold-laced gloves in r. hand. Panel, 45 X 33 >n. 481 ELIZABETH, OUEEN OF BOHEMIA, AND HER HUSBAND. Earl Spencer, K.G. John Breughel. (S'^^Nos. 417, 451). Small mounted figures, with large group of attendants, from the Court of the Hague, going out hunting; Sir Dudley Carleton (No. 474) is one of the party. Canvas, 38 X 63 in. 482 JAMES I. Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay, Bt. Cornelius Jansen. Full-length; embroidered doublet and trunk-hose; crown and orb on table to his 1. Canvas, 85 X 51 in. “ One of the collection of pictures given by Charles I. to Sir H. Mildmay of Wanstead.” 483 ELIZABETH OLMSTED, LADY MYDDLETON. Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond. Cornelius Jansen. Daughter of John Olmsted of Ingatestone, Essex; married Sir Hugh Myddleton, Bt. (No. 478), and was mother of 16 children. Half-length ; high black lace-edged head-dress and black dress, gold chain ; feather-fan in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 39 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 83 484 LUDOVICK STUART, DUKE OF RICHMOND AND LENNOX, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Van Somer. Eldest son of Esme Stuart, D. of Lennox ; b. 29 Sept. 1574; succeeded as Hereditary Great Chamberlain, and High Admiral of Scotland, and 2nd D. of Lennox in Scotland in 1583; Ambassador to Henry IV. of France, 1601 ; K.G. 1613 ; E. of Newcastle and D. of Richmond, 1623 ; found d. in his bed, 12 Feb. 1624, when James I. was earnestly enquiring why he was absent from court, that day being fixed for the opening of Parliament. Full-length ; close lace-edged cap, red dress, treasurer’s staff in 1 . hand; date 1623, age 59. Canvas, 85 X 52 in. 485 EDWARD, 1ST LD. MONTAGU OF BOUGHTON. Earl of Sandwich. Eldest son of Edward Montagu of Boughton, grandson of Sir Edward Montagu (No. 117) ; created Baron Montagu by James i., 1621 ; d. 1644. Bust ; lace-edged ruff ; judge’s robes, resting on his r. hand, ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 486 SIR WM. DRUMMOND OF HAWTHORNDEN. Earl of Home. Cornelius Jansen. Scottish Poet ; son of Sir John Drummond of Hawthornden ; b. 13 Dec. 1585 ; educ. at Edinburgh University ; studied law at Bourges ; returned, in 1610, to devote himself to literature ; the death of his betrothed bride on the eve of their intended marriage caused him to leave his home for eight years ; in 1619, received a visit at Hawthornden from Ben Jonson, of whose conver- sations he left an account. His sonnets are the most admired of his poems. D. 4 Dec. 1649. Wide lace-edged open ruff, dark doublet. Panel, 23 x 18 in. 487 SIR HORACE VERE, LD. VERE OF TILBURY. Marquis Townshend. Cornelius Jansen. A skilful General ; youngest brother of Sir Francis Vere ; b. at Kerby Hall, Essex, 1565 ; accompanied his brother to Holland, 1585 ; also to Cadiz and was Knighted ; in 1604, took Sluys in the face of great difficulties ; opposed, in i&>5, to Spinola, and was said by his skilful adversary to have “ escaped with 4000 men from between his fingers sent by James 1 ., 1620, to attempt the defence of the Palatinate ; created by Charles 1 . Baron de Vere of Tilbury ; d. suddenly as he sat at dinner, 2 May, 1635. Bust ; flat white ruff, black dress, blue gold-edged scarf. Panel, 26 X 23. 488 FRANCES HOWARD, DUCHESS OF RICHMOND. Marquis of Bath. Vandyck. Celebrated for her beauty and vanity ; only child of Thomas Howard, Viset. Bindon ; b. about 1578; married, ist, Henry Prannel, son of an alderman of London ; 2nd, Edward Seymour, E. of Hertford, who was more than sixty years old ; 3rd, Lodovick Stuart, D. of Richmond (No. 484), whom she survived ; d. 8 Oct. 1639 ; bu. with the Duke in Westminster, under a monument erected by herself. Sir George Romney of Somersetshire killed himself when she married Seymour. Full-length. 84 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 489 SIR W. DRUMMOND, of HAWTHORNDEN. LENT BY PAINTER. All Souls College, Oxford. {See No. 486.) Bust ; Single lace-edgcd ruff. Panel, 22 X 17 in. 490 WILLIAM CAMDEN. The Marquis Camden, K.G. Ctwva<>L»- 4 twA Kxl 3 W* , Learned Antiquary and Historian ; b. in the Old Bailey, where his father was a Herald painter and member of the Painters’ Co. (See No. 519), 2 May, 1551 ; educ. at St. Paul’s School and at Oxford ; Under-master at Westmin- ster, when he published his “Britannia Head-master in 1592; Clarencieu.x King-at-Arms, 1597; d., 9 Nov. 1623, at Chiselhurst, Kent; bu. at West- minster. The “Camden” Professorship of History at Oxford was founded by him. Bust ; grey short beard, skull-cap and dress black, full ruff ; s. of arms to his r. ; inscription and date 1622 : formerly at Camden Place, the residence of William Camden ; presented to Charles, 1st Ld. Camden, by Rev. James West. Canvas, 28 x 22 in. 491 WILLIAM BISHOP, D.D., BP. OF CHALCEDON. Archbishop Manning. B. 1553 ; Bishop of Chalcedon, ist Vicar Apostolic of England ; Author of “ A Defence of the King’s (James I.) Honour and his Title to the Crown of England,” and other works ; d. 13 April, 1624 age 71. Three-quarter size, seated ; episcopal habit ; books and crozier in back- ground ; inscribed with date of death. Canvas, 45 X 36 in. 492 HENRY HERBERT, 2nd E. OF PEMBROKE, K.G. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Vansomer. Eldest son of Wm. 1st E. ; his 3rd wife was Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Sidney and sister of Sir Philip (see No. 284) ; d. 19 Jan. 1600-1. Seated, to knees ; falling lace ruff and cuffs, black dress, blue ribbon K.G. ; Canvas, 52 x 40 in. 493 SIR RICHARD BROKE, Kt. Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton, Bt. Cornelius Jansen. Master of the ceremonies to James I. Full-length ; red gold-laced doublet and trunk-hose, yellow falling lace ruff ; plumed hat in r. hand. Canvas, 78 X 48 in. 494 JOHN WILLIAMS, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, LORD KEEPER. Dean of Westminster. Youngest son of Edm. Williams ; b. at Aberconway, Carnarvonshire, 25 Mar. 1582 ; studied at St. John’s College, Cambridge, with extraordinary diligence; Chaplain to Ld. Chancellor Ellesmere, 1611 ; Dean of Salisbury, 1619; Dean of Westminster, 1620; Ld. Keeper and Bp. of Lincoln, 1621 ; fell into disfavour at court, 1637, and was heavily fined by the Star Chamber »nd imprisoned ; created Archbp. of York, 1641 , fortified Conway Castle for the King ; d. 25 Mar. 1650. He was remarked to be “a perfect diocese in himself, bishop, dean, prebendary, and parson.” Half-length ; black hat, close ruff ; dated 1621. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 85 495 THOMAS JONES, ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Charles Compton W. Domvile, Bt. Ld. Chanc. of Ireland, 1606 ; father of ist Ld. Ranelagh and Mrs. Domvile. Half-length, seated ; high black hat, episcopal habit ; great seal to his r. Canvas, 47 X 36 in. 496 SIR HENRY WOTTON, Kt. Eton College. . B. at Borton Hall, Kent, 1568 ; educ. at Winchester and New College, O.xford ; Sec. to the E. of Esse.x ; Ambassador to Venice and the Low Countries from James I. ; 1634 Provost of Eton ; d. there 1639. Half-length, seated, head resting on 1 . hand. Canvas, 51 X 41 in. 497 SIR WM. STANLEY, 6th EARL OF DERBY. Earl of Derby, K.G. Younger son of Hen., 4th E. ; b. 1561 or 62 ; early showed a spirit of adven- ture ; is said to have travelled in France, Spain, Italy, as a mendicant friar, ki Eg\'pt, Palestine, and Turkey, where he was cast into prison, and in Russia ; had difficulty in claiming his estates on his return ; mar., 1 594, Eliz., eld. dau. of Edw. Vere, 7th E. of Oxford ; d. 29 Sept. 1644. Full-length ; black hat and feather, maroon gold-embroidered doublet and trunk hose ; badge K.G. Canvas, 8r X 42 in. 498 HEN. PERCY, 9TH E. OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Earl of Denbigh. Vandyck. Bust ; position and dress similar to No. 500. Canvas, 24 X 29 in. 499 JAMES HAY, EARL OF CARLISLE, K.G. Earl of Kinnoull. {See No. 538.) Half-length ; cuirass, crimson gold-embroidered scarf ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 49 in. 500 HEN. PERCY, 9TH E. OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Earl of Carlisle. Son of Hen., 8th E. ; fitted out ships to act against Armada, 1588 ; serv. at siege of Ostend ; impris. by Jas. 1 . for 15 years on suspicion of complicity in Gunpowder Plot ; a lover and patron of learning ; mar. Dorothy Devereux, sister of Robt., E. of Essex, and widow of Sir T. Perrot, Kt. ; d. 5 Nov. 1632. Full-length, seated, leaning on r. hand ; robes as chancellor of University of Cambridge. Canvas, 61 x 54 in. 501 SIR THOMAS CONINGSBY, AND “CRICKET,” His Dw^arf. Earl of Essex. Son of Humphrey Coningsby of Hampton Court, Essex ; married Anne Inglefield ; kt. by Queen Elizabeth, 1591 ; d. 1625. Full-length figures, standing ; r. hand resting on the dwarf, his foot on a little dog. 84 X 48 in. 86 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 502 CORNELIUS JANSEN. LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Ravensworth. Cornelius Jansen. Portrait Painter; b. at Amsterdam, 1590; visited England, 1618; much employed at court of Jam. I. and in Kent ; returned to Holland, 1648 ; d. 1665. Bust, showing 1 . hand ; dark dress. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 503 ROBERT CAR, EARL OF SOMERSET, K.G. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Son of Mr. Car, of Farnherst in Teviotdale ; page to James I. and made K.B. July, 1603 ; Ld. Treasurer of Scotland, 1610 ; Viset. Rochester and K.G. 161 r ; E. of Somerset, 1613 ; and same year married Lady Frances Howard, the “poisoning Countess” (see No. 505) ; sent to the Tower, 1616, and con- victed with his countess of the murder of Sir Thos. Overbur)' (No. 51 1), in the year 1613 ; pardoned and released, 1622 ; d. July, 1645. Bust ; black dress, ribbon, and robe of Garter. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 504 ROBERT DEVEREUX, 3RD EARL OF ESSEX. Rev. Lo d John Thynne. Parliamentary General ; only son of Queen Elizabeth’s favourite (No. 253) ; b. 1592 ; restored to his father’s forfeited honours, as 3rd E. of his name, by James I., 1603; cduc. at Merton College, Oxford; unhappily married at 14 to the afterwards notorious Lady Frances Howard (No. 505), from whom he was divorced ; served in the Palatinate ; General of the Parliamentary Army, 1642 ; resigned 1645 ; d. 14 Sept. 1646. Three-quarter size, age about 18, dark hair in thick curls, black dress, lawn ruff, silver-wrought sword-belt. Canvas, 3 ft. 4 in. X 2 ft. 5 in. 505 FRANCES HOWARD, COUNTESS OF ESSEX, Earl of Essex. afterwards of SOMERSET. Daughter of Thos. Howard, ist E. of Suffolk, by Catharine Knevet ; mar., 1st, Robert Devercu.x, E. of Essex, from whom she obtained a divorce; and 2nd, Robt. Car, E. of Somerset, 26 Dec. 1613 (see No. 503) ; d. 23 Aug. 1632. Bust ; large lace ruff, dress very low, trimmed with lace, red scarf. Panel, 23 X 17 in. 506 CHIEF JUSTICE SIR HENRY HOBART, Bt. Mr. W. W. B. Beach, M.P. (See No 467.) Half-length ; judge's robes ; collar S.S. ; r. hand on seal. Canvas, 56 X 46 in. 507 LUCY HARINGTON, COUNTESS OF BEDFORD. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (See No. 440.) Half-length, seated ; black dress ; resting head on r. hand. Canvas, 57 X 41 in. Similar picture at Woburn, painted by Honthorst. 508 FRANCES HOWARD, COUNTESS OF ESSEX, afterwards of somerset. Edward Kenealy, L.L.D. (See No. 505.) Bust ; flat gauze ruff, black and white low dress. Panel, 14 X 10 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 87 509 REV. RICHARD CRAKANTHORPE, D.D. LENT BY PAINTER. Queen’s College, Oxford. Learned Divine and distinguished Preacher ; b. at Strickland, Westmore- lahd, 1567 ; admitted at Queen’s Coll., Oxf., 1583 ; Fellow, 1598 ; Chaplain to P. Charles ; d. 1624 ; pub. a defence of the Eng. Church, and other works. Bust ; black gown ; r. hand resting on a paper. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 510 EDWARD SOMERSET, 4TH E. OF WORCESTER. Duke of Beaufort. {See No. 380.) Half-length ; high black hat, wide ruff, black dress ; letter in r. hand ; badge K.G. ; age given, 50. Panel, 39 X 30 in. 51 1 SIR THOMAS OVERBURY, Kr. Marquis of Bath. F. Zucchero. B. at Cpmpton Scorfen, Warwickshire, in 1581 ; studied at Queen’s College, Oxford ; in 1601, visited Scotland and became acquainted with Car, afterwards favourite to James I. ; Kt. in 1608 ; offended the Countess of Essex (No. 505), who offered 1000/. to have him murdered, and at length succeeded in having him poisoned in the Tower, 15 Sept. 1613. He was a scholar and wrote some clever verses. Bust ; flat wide lace ruff, red lace-edged scarf. Panel, 22 x 17 in. 512 ANNE CLIFFORD, COUNTESS OF DORSET. Countess Delaware. Van Somer. Countess of Dorset, Pembroke, and Montgomery ; a talented lady ; sole heir of Geo., 3rd E. of Cumberland ; b. 30 Jan. 1590 ; carefully educ. under her mother by Samuel Daniel’; man, ist. Rich., 3rd E. of Dorset (No. 514 ) ; 2nd, Philip, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery ; left on her Westmoreland estates noble memorials of liberality and charity; d. 22 Mar. 1675. Full-length ; low black dress, open white-lined sleeves, with rose in her 1 . hand, and vase of roses beside her. Canvas, 84 X 51 in. 513 SIR GODFREY RODES, Kt. OF GREAT HOUGHTON. Lord Houghton. Son of Francis Rodes, Judge of the Com. Pleas, by his second wife, Mary Charlton ; Kt. by James 1 . in 1615 ; mar. four wives ; one of his daughters, Eliz., was the 3rd wife of Thos. Wentworth, ist E. of Strafford (No. 579). To knees, seated ; in landscape ; black dress, lace ruff, and cuffs ; robin to his r. ; 1 . hand resting on head of a dog. Panel, 44 X 38 in. 514 RICHARD SACKVILLE, 3RD EARL OF DORSET. Countess Delaware. Son of Robert, 2nd E. ; b. 28 Mar. 1589, in the Chartreuse (Charter House) ; married Lady Anne Clifford, daughter of George E. of Cumber- land ; travelled on the Continent ; afterwards lived luxuriously at Knowle in Kent ; companion of Henrj' P. of Wales ; d. 28 Mar. 1624. Full-length; black dress, ruff and trimmings of yellow lace; hat with yellow plume on table to his r. Canvas, 84 x 50 in. 88 I REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 515 SIR HEN. MONTAGU, ist E. OF MANCHESTER. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Manchester. 3rd son of Sir Ed. Montagu, Kt. ; educ. at Christ’s College, Cambridge, and Middle Temple; Kt. 1603; M.P. for London, 1604; Kin^s Sergeant, 1612; succeeded Sir Ed. Coke as Ld. Ch. Just. 1616; Ld. Treasurer and Barcn Montagu of Kimbolton, 1621 ; Ld. President under James and Charles; E. of Manchester, 1626, and Ld. Privy Seal, 1627 ; d. 7 Nov. 1642. Half-length ; full lace-edged ruff, black dress. Panel, 43 X 32 in. 516 LADY BASSET. Lord Houghton. Three-quarter size ; high full ruff, dark dress ; chain of jewels ; fan in r. hand, white rose in 1 .; s. of arms to herr. ; dated 1591, age 31. Panel, 45 X 35. 517 GEORGE VILLIERS, ist D. OF BUCKINGHAM. Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. {See No. 455.) Three-quarter size ; black dress ; ribbon and badge K.G. ; r. hand resting on table. Canvas, 46 X 36 in. 518 LIONEL CRANFIELD, EARL OF MIDDLESEX. Countess Delaware. Son of a London Merchant; Master of Court of Wards, 1618; Baron Cranfield and Ld. Treasurer, 1621 ; E. of Middlesex, 1622 ; impeached by H. of Commons; fined and imprisoned, 1624; mar., ist, Elizabeth Shepherd; 2nd, Anne Bret ; d. 6 Aug. 1645. Full-length ; falling lace, edged ruff; Treasurer’s stick in 1 . hand; robes of office and seal. Canvas, 86 X 46 in. 519 WILLIAM CAMDEN. Painters’ Company. {See No. 490.) To waist, in herald’s tabard ; r. hand resting on vol. of “ Britannia.” Canvas, 66 x 33 in. Camden was a member of the Painters’ Co., by patrimony, and gave to the Co. a silver cup, still in their possession. 520 GEORGE ABBOTT, ARCHB. OF CANTERBURY. Earl of Verulam. B. at Guildford, 29 Oct. 1 562 ; educ. there, and at Balliol, Oxon ; a rigid Calvinist, and opponent of Laud ; Master of University College, 1604 ; one of translators of Bible, 1607 ; Bp. of Lichfield, 1609 ; translated to London, 1610, and to Canterbury, 1611 ; published reasons for opposing divorce of Ld. and Lady Essex (Nos. 503, 50^ 505) ; prohibited the reading of the Book of Sports in the churches of his diocese, 1618 ; d. 4 Aug. 1633. Half-length ; flat black cap, episcopal habit. Canvas, 52 X 41 in. 521 WILLIAM PORTINGTON. Carpenters’ Company. “ Carpenter in the office of His Majesty’s buildings ; served in the place 40 yeares ;” d. 28 March, 1628 ; inscribed, date 1626, age 81. To waist ; ruff, dark dress ; pair of compasses and a scale in his hands ; given to the Company, 1637. Panel, 41 X 31 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 89 522 JAMES, 2ND MARQUIS OF HAMILTON, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). B. circa 1578; succeeded 1604; married Anne, daughter of James, 7th E. of Glencairn ; created E. of Cambridge, 1619 ; K.G. 1623 ; d. 1625. 523 SIR HORACE VERE, LORD TILBURY. Sir H. B. P. St. John Mildmay, Bt. Cornelius Jansen. {See No. 487.) Full-length ; red dress ; spear in r. hand ; given by Charles I. to Sir H. Mildmay of Wanstead. Canvas, 84 X 50 in. 524 ARTHUR LAKE, BP. OF BATH AND WELLS. New College, Oxford. B. 1550, at Southampton ; son of Almeric Lake, and brother of Sir Thos. Lake, Kt. ; Principal Secretary of State to James I. ; educ. at .Southampton, Winchester, and New College, Oxford; Fellow of New College, 1589, and Warden ; Fellow of Winchester, 1600 ; Master of St. Cross Hospital, 1603 ; Archdeacon of Surrey, 1605 ; Dean of Worcester, 1608 ; Bp. of Bath and Wells, 1616 ; d. 4 May, 1626. Half-length ; episcopal habit ; r. hand resting on book ; dated 1616. Canvas, 46 x 40 in. 525 SIR FRANCIS VERNEY. Sir Harry Verney, Bt., M.P. Velas^^uez. Son of Sir Ralph Verney, brother of Sir Edmund, the standard-bearer, who was killed, 1643, at Edgehill ; went abroad on a privateering expedition and visited Algiers ; was said to have turned Mohammedan. Full length, leaning on a gold stick ; rich-embroidered dress, doublet and trunk-hose ; plumed cap at back. Canvas, 85x51 in. 526 FRANCIS GODWIN, BISHOP OF HEREFORD. Christ Church, Oxford. Learned Ecclesiastical Historian ; son of Thomas Godwin, Bp. of Bath and Wells ; b. at Havington, Northampton, 1561 ; student at Christ Church, Oxford, 1578 ; Bp. of Llandaff, 1601 ; Bp. of Hereford, 1617 ; d. April, 1633. Half-length, black cap and small frill, bishop’s robes, boolc in I. hand ; date, 1613 ; age 51. 527 SIR WILLIAM ROPER, Kt. Duke of Manchester. Of Eltham and St. Dunstan’s ; eld. son of Thos. Roper ; mar. Catharine, dau. of Sir Anthony Brown, Kt. Half-length ; lace ruff, black dress ; gloves in r. hand ; dated 1610. Panel, 44 X 33 in. 528 SIR GEORGE STIRLING. Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. G. Jamesone. {See No. 535.) Bust; wide lace falling collar, figured dress; date 1637, age 22. Canvas, 27 X 24 in. 90 REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 529 ANNE STANLEY, COUNTESS OF ANCRAM, LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. 2nd daughter of William, 6th E. of Derby ; married, ist, Sir Henry Portman of Somerset ; 2nd, Sir Robert Kerr, E. of Ancram. Bust ; wide open lace collar, low red dress, slashed sleeves. Canvas, 26 X 24 in. 530 REV. ROBERT BURTON. Brasenose College, Oxford. Author of the “Anatomy of Melancholy son of Ralph Burton of Bindley, Leicestershire; b. 8 Feb. 1576; educ. at Nuneaton and Brasenose College; an almost universal student ; Calculator of Nativities, and amongst others of his own, which he pretty accurately fulfilled, by dying in his rooms, Christ Ch. — the students said purposely — at the time foretold, 27 Jan. 1639-40. Bust ; close ruff, black dress ; book open before him ; date 1635, age 62 (compare date given above.) Canvas, 30 X 26 in. 531 COUNT GONDOMAR. Mr. J. H. Gurney. Spanish Ambassador in the reign of James 1 . ; adviser of the Spanish match ; “ Incomparably the ablest and most unscrupulous diplomatist of the time.” Granger says that for political purposes he became all things to all men, and that he ought to be represented with a looking-glass in his hand. Full-length, close ruff, dark dress, dog to his r. ; date, 1621 ; age 54. Canvas, 86 x 58 in. • 532 INFANTA OF SPAIN. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Bust ; wide open ruff, red slashed dress. Panel, 23 X 17 in. 533 INFAN'I'A MARIA OF SPAIN. Earl of Denbigh. 2nd daughter of Philip 111 . of Spain ; a negotiation for her marriage with Prince Charles of England, afterwards Charles I., was set on foot by James 1 .; the romantic journey to Madrid (1623) of the Prince and Buckingham, travelling under the names of John and Thomas Smith, was undertaken in order to see her ; but “ Mr. John Smith,” while at Paris on his way, fell in love with the Princess Henrietta Maria, who afterwards became his wife, and the negotiation was ultimately broken off {see No. 539). Bust ; fair hair, large ruff, embroidered white dress, large jewelled cross ; stated to be the picture painted for the D. of Buckingham. Panel, 22 X 16 in. 534 NATHANIEL FIELD. Dulwich College. One of Shakspeare’s company at the Globe Theatre ; Author of two comedies and, together with Massinger, of the “ Fatal Dowry ;” in 1600, one of the children of the chapel, or “ Children of the Revels,” who acted plays before the court ; much of his life seems to have been passed in poverty ; no account of him after 1641. Bust, showing r. hand ; open collar, embroidered dress. Panel, 22 X 16 in. REIGN OF JAMES I. 1603-1625. 91 535 HON. MARGARET NAPIER, LADY STIRLING. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bt., M.P. G. Jamesone. Eld. daughter of Archibald, ist Ld. Napier ; b. 1615 ; Mar. 1630, Sir Geo. Stirling of Keir ; d. 1633 ; bu. in the chapel at Holyrood. Her epitaph, now effaced, is given in Monteith’s Theatre of Mortality. Bust ; low lace-edged dress, red ribbon bows. Canvas, 27 X 24 in. 536 ROBERT DE VERE, iqth EARL OF OXFORD. Mrs. M. G. Edgar. Cornelius Jansen. Son of Hugh dc Vere ; sue. his cousin Henry', i8th E. 1626 ; d. 1632. Bust ; armour ; wide falling collar, red scarf. Panel, 29 X 24 in. 537 JOSEPH HALL, BISHOP OF NORWICH. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. B. I July, 1574, at Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; educ. at Em. College, Cambridge; Dean of Worcester, 1617 ; one of the deputies to Synod of Dort, 1618 ; Bp. of Exeter, 1627 ; translated to Norwich, 1641 ; sent with twelve other prelates to the Tower, by the Parliament, for protesting against laws made in their forced absence; released, 1642 ; but treated with much harshness, and robbed of the revenues of his see ; d. 8 Sept. 1656. Bust ; r. hand holding book ; episcopal habit ; gold medallion of Synod of Dort. Canvas, 30 X 24. 538 JAMES HAY, EARL OF CARLISLE, K.G. Lord Lyttelton. 2nd son of Sir Peter Hay, of Melginch ; educ. partly in France ; Gen- tleman of the Bed-chamber; Comptroller of Scotland, 1608; created, 1609, Ld. Bewlie, Viset. Doncaster, and E. of Carlisle ; K.G. ; his 2nd wife was Lady Lucy Percy, celebrated by Waller and others ; noted by Ld. Clarendon “ for expense in the excess of clothes and diet,” and as “ the original of all those inventions from which others did but transcribe copies d. 1636. Full-length ; black dress and cloak, open sleeves. Canvas, 81 X 50 in. 539 JOHN DIGBY, 1ST EARL OF BRISTOL. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Cornelius Jansen. B. at Coleshill, in Warwick, Feb. 1580; educ. at Magd. Coll., Oxf. ; Ambas. in Spain when P. Charles and Buckingham arrived in Madrid that Charles might sec the Infanta whom it was proposed he should marry — Ld. Bristol was as sincere in the negotiation as they were reverse, and received therefore slender thanks ; banished from court on his recall home, yet when the civil war broke out embraced the Royal side ; his castle at Sherborne was taken by the Pari, forces in 1645 ! retired to France ; d. at Paris, 21 Jan. 1653. Half-length, young ; large falling ruff, black slashed dress. Canvas, 48 X 39. 540 WILLIAM LORD COMPTON, ist EARL OF NORTHAMPTON, K.G. Marquis of Northampton. Cornelius Jansen. Eldest son of Henry-, Ld. Compton, by Lady Frances Hastings, daughter of Francis, E. of Huntingdon ; one of ()ucen Elizabeth’s Privy Council ; ap- pointed by James I. Ld. President of Wales and three adjoining counties ; E. of Northampton, 1618 ; K.G. by Charles I. 1629 ; d. suddenly, having 92 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. “ gone in a boat, with others, to wash himself in the Thames,” after he had waited on the king at supper, 24 June, 1630 ; married the daughter and heir of Sir John Spencer, L. Mayor of London, called the “ Rich Spencer.” Full length ; large falling ruff, crimson ermine-trimmed robes ; coronet to his r. Canvas, 73 X So in. 541 SIR JOHN FINETT (1571-1641). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Gervase Wright. Cornelius Jansen. Son of Robert Finett of Soulton, of Siennese origin ; b. 1571 ; in favour for his wit and songs with James 1.; employed in France; Kt. 1615;' Master of the Ceremonies under Charles 1. 1626, concerning which he wrote a book, “ Fineti Philoxenes,” published 1656 ; d. 12 July, 1641. Half-length ; lace-edged ruff, dark dress, book in 1. hand ; view in Venice to his r. ; age 38. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 542 THOMAS WENTWORTH, E. OF CLEVELAND. Earl OF Verulam. Vandyck. 13. 1591 ; created Ld. Wentworth by James I. 1610, and E. of Cleveland by Charles I. 1625; warmly espoused the royal cause; captured after Worcester fight, and imprisoned in the Tower ; at the Restoration attended Charles in his triumphal entry into London, and held the same high offices he had done under James and Charles 1. ; married (i) Anne, daughter of Sir John Crofts, Kt. ; (2) Catherine, daughter and heir of Sir John Wentworth ; his granddaughter. Lady Henrietta Wentworth, was the D. of Monmouth’s mistress ; d. 25 March, 1667. Full-length ; black dress, ribbon of Bath ; dated 1636, age 44. Canvas, 82 X 50 in. 543 MARGARET, LADY CROKE. Earl of Verulam. 2nd daughter of Thos. Bennet, Kt., of Bechampton, Bucks, and Mary Taylor ; married Sir George Croke, Kt. When her husband, in 1636, hesitated as to his judgment on the question of ship-money, for fear of the king’s dis- pleasure, she persuaded him “ nobly to do right, whatever might follow.” Three-quarter size; wide full ruff and cuffs, black dress; dated 1626. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 544 CHRISTOPHER GIBBONS, Mus. Doc. University of Oxford. Son of Orlando Gibbons ; celebrated for his skill on the organ ; appointed at the Restoration organist to the King and to Westminster Abbey ; received degree of .Mus. Doc. O.xon, on the recommendation of Charles II., conveyed in an autograph letter ; is said to have instructed Dr. Blow on the organ ; d. 1676. Bust ; academic dress as Dr. of music ; roll of music in r. hand. Canvas, 29 X 25 in. 545 SIR JOHN COKE. Colonel Holden. Cornelius Jansen. Secretary of State to Charles I. Bust, looking to 1., with conical cap, lace-edged ; dark dress. Canvas, 26 X 21 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 93 546 JOHN, LORD BERKELEY of STRATTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Gough Nichols. Of I 5 enton Co. Somerset; Gov. of James, Duke of York; Gen. for Charles I. in Cornwall ; victorious at Stratton in that Co. and created Ld. Berkeley of Stratton by Charles II., 1658; Ld. -Lieut, of Ireland, 1669; ambass. in France ; d. 1678. Half-length ; yellow buff jerkin, falling lace collar; medallion of Gustavus Adolphus from gold chain. Canvas, 41 X 30 in. 547 RICHARD CORBET, BISHOP OF NORWICH. Christ Church, Oxford. Cornelius Jansen. Full length ; black gown, s. of arms on background ; dated 1635. Canvas, 79 X 50 in. 548 CHARLOTTE BRABANTINE DE NASSAU. Earl of Derby, K.G. Daughter of William Prince of Orange, and of Charlotte of Bourbon, daughter of Louis Due de Montpensier ; married Claude Due do Trcmouille, and was mother of the celebrated Charlotte de la Trcmouille, Countess of Derby (No. 554.) Black, low head-dress, very wide full ruff and wimple, black dress ; dated 1626. Canvas, 29 X 22 in. 549 HENRY LAWES (1600-1662). University of Oxford. Musician ; son of Thomas Lawes ; b. 1600, at Salisbury ; Gentleman of the Chapel Royal, 1625 ; distinguished rather in secular than sacred com- positions ; friend of Milton and Waller, whose verses he set to music, “and tuned their happiest lines in hymn or story ;” Organist to Charles IL, and composer of his coronation anthem; d. 2i Oct 1662. Milton addressed his 13th sonnet to him. Bust ; white collar, black dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 550 ISAAC BARGRAVE, DEAN OF CANTERBURY. Dean of Canterbury. Cornelius Jansen. B. 1586 ; educ. Clare Hall, Cambridge ; acted in comedy of “ Ignoramus” when James I. visited Cambridge, Mar. 1615 ; made Dean of Canterbury by Charles L, 1625 ; Chaplain to Sir H. Wotton at Venice ; suffered great hard- ships under the Commonwealth ; imprisoned and cruelly treated, 1642, by the Parliamentary Col. Sandys (whom he had saved from hanging) ; d. of a broken heart in prison, Jan. 1643. Bust ; clerical dress and red hood. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 551 WM. FIENNES, ist VISCOUNT SAYE & SELE. Rev. Lord Save and Sele. Van Somer. Son of Richard, Lord Saye and Sele; b. 1583! Viset. 1624; took part against Charles I.’s policy ; received the Parliamentary leaders at Boughton (in 1640, between the Short and Long Parliaments) to resist the King^s measures ; d. at Boughton, 1662. Three-quarter size ; falling lace ruff and cuffs, slashed black dress ; age 44, 1628. Canvas, 39 X 30 in. , 94 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 552 CECILIA CROFT, MRS. KILLIGREW. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. R. H. Cheney. Vandyck. Maid of Honour to Henrietta Maria in her exile, and first wife of Thomas Killigrew, the Jester ; she died of small-pox, at Spa, in 1654. Bust ; three-quarter length to r. ; low dress, fur tippet, jewelled collar. Canvas, 25 X 20 in. 553 LADY FRANCES CECIL, COUNTESS OF CUMBERLAND. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Old Stone. Only daughter of Robert Cecil, ist E. of Salisbury (No. 259) ; married Henry Clifford, 5th E. of Cumberland. Bust ; low dark dress, slashed sleeves, bows of red and buff ribbon, rich lace neckerchief. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. 554 CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, COUNTESS OF DERBY. Earl of Essex. Rubens. Celebrated for her heroic defence of Lathom House against the Pari, forces ; dau. of Claude de la Tremoiiille, Due de Thouars, and Charlotte Braban- tine de Nassau, of a Huguenot family ; married, 1626, James Ld. Strange, afterwards 7th E. of Derby (No. 689) ; twice besieged in Lathom House ; compelled to surrender the Isle of Man, where she had retired with some of her children, and which she held after the base execution of her husband ; was the last person to submit to the Parliament ; d. 22 Mar. 1663. Half-length, looking to 1 ., young, in a garden ; cap and plume, white satin jacket, fan in r. hand ; hollyhocks to r. of picture. Canvas, 42 x 34 in. 555 THOMAS, IST LORD FAIRFAX. Mr. Thomas Fairfax. Son of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Kt. of Denton, Yorkshire, and Dorothy, daughter of George Gale, of Ascham Grange ; served with the troops sent to aid Henri IV. of France; knighted before Rouen for his braver), 1591 ; served in Germany in campaigns against House of Austria ; married Ellen, daughter of Robert Ashe, Esq. ; created Lord Fairfax of Cameron, i8th Oct. 1627. Bust ; close ruff and gorget ; grey hair. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 556 CHARLES II. JAMES II. AND PRINCESS MARY. Her Majesty (Windsor.) Vandyck. As children, full-length standing figures, with two King Charles’ dogs. Canvas, 51 X 58 in. 557 CHARLES I. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Vandyck. Small full length, on horseback, in armour. Canvas, 38 x 33 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 95 558 HENRY SEYMOUR, PAGE OF HONOUR TO CHARLES I. LENT BY / / \ PAINTER. Mr. H. Danby Seymour. B. 1612 ; a faithful adherent of Charles I. ; fought at Sherburn under Lord Hertford ; followed Prince of Wales to Holland ; the bearer of the Prince’s letter to his father, which he delivered a few hours before his execu- tion ; to him the king entrusted his last message to his son ; at Restoration M.P. for East Loe ; d. 9 Mar. 1686. Bust, showing r. hand ; falling lace-edged ruff, rich embroidered dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 559 ALEXANDER, ist LORD PITSLIGO. Sir John H. Forbes, Bt. Jamesone. D. 1635. Bust ; large falling ruff, slashed dark dress, reddish hair, long love lock. Canvas, 27 X 22 in. 560 PHILIP, 5TH EARL OF PEMBROKE, AND 2ND OF MONTGOMERY. Viscount Galway, M.P. 2nd son of Philip, 4th Earl {See No. 589), by Susan, daughter and coheir of Edward Vere ; E. of Oxford ; succeeded his father, 1650; married, ist, Penelope, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Naunton, Kt., and widow of Paul, Viscount Banning ; 2nd, Catherine, daughter of Sir W. Villiers, Bt. of Brokesby ; d. 11 Dec. 1669. Half-length ; cuirass, red jerkin, opon sleeves, crimson gold-laced scarf. Canvas, 42 X 33 in. 561 KING CHARLES I. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Vandyck. 2nd son of James ist, by his Queen Anne, daughter of Frederick, King of Denmark; b. at Dunfermline, 19 Nov. j 6 cx>; married Henrietta Marie, daughter of Henry IV. of France, i May, 1623; executed 30 Jan. 1649. Full-length, on horseback in armour, with attendant bearing his helmet. Canvas, ii ft. 8x8 ft. 5. A replica of this fine work is at Windsor and another at Warwick ; in the commonwealth time one of them was sold from Hampton Court for 46/. ; another from Somerset House for 200/., to Sir Balthazar Gerbier, the painter. 562 SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR, 3RD Bt. Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. Son of Sir Edward Seymour and Dorothy, daughter of Sir H. Killigrew of Laroch ; married Anne, daughter of Sir W. Portman ; M.P. for Devon in the two last Parliaments of Charles I., and a staunch loyalist ; d. 7 Dec. 1688. Bust ; falling wide lace collar, black slashed dress. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 563 SIR BEVIL GRANVILLE, Kt. Mr. Bernard Granville. Gallant Royalist Leader ; eldest son of Sir Bernard Granville ; b. 1 595 ; educ. at Exeter College, Oxford ; M.P. for Cornwall and for Launceston ; 96 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 1638 raised a troop of horse to serve with Charles I. against the Scots, and was knighted ; in 1642, secured Cornwall for the King by many brilliant suc- cesses, but was killed in action at Lansdowne Hill, Bath, still, however, victorious, 5 July, 1643. Half-length ; half armour, wide lace ruff, red trunk-hose. Canvas, 41 x 28. 564 GEORGE VILLIERS, ist D. OF BUCKINGHAM. LENT BV PAINTER. Marquis of Northampton. Vandyck. Head ; represented as in bed, a corpse, after his assassination by Felton. Canvas, 24 by 28 in. 565 ADMIRAL SIR JOHN PENNINGTON, Kt. Mrs. W. Willes. Served under Sir VV. Raleigh in his expedition to Guiana, and under the 1st D. of Buckingham; Governor of Sandown Castle, Kent; L. High Admiral after Algernon, D. of Northumberland. D. 1646. Bust ; black-skull cap ; cuirass ; sea-fight in background. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 566 HENRIETTA MARIA, QUEEN OF CHARLES L Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Vandyck. 6th and youngest child of Henry IV. of France, by Maria de Medici ; b. 29 Nov. 1609 ; married Charles I. at Notre Dame, ii May, 1625 ; d. at the Castle of Colombe, in France, 10 Aug. 1669 ; bu. in the Abbey of St. Denis. Full-length, in white satin dress ; crown and vase of flowers on table beside her. Canvas, 81 X 51 in. 567 CHARLES L, QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA, AND INFANT. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). D. Mytens. Full-length miniature figures in a chamber ; the King standing, the Queen seated with child ; mistletoe on the table and floor. Panel, 18 X 22. 568 PRINCE CHARLES (CHARLES I.) AS DUKE OF YORK. St. John’s College, Cambridge. Half-length, wide lace ruff, gold embroidered doublet and lace cuffs. Panel, 27 x 2ok in. 569 - GRACE, LADY GRANVILLE. Rev. Lord John Thynne. Vandyck. Daughter of Sir George Smith ; married Sir Bevil Granville. Three-quarter size ; rod dress with low body, dark surcoat, l.Tce cape, collar, and sleeves ; dated 1636, age 38. Canvas, 42 x 29 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649, 97 570 VENETIA, LADY DIGBY (1600-1633). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Spencer, ll G. Vandyck. Celebrated for her beauty, and, together with her husband. Sir Kenelm Digby(No. 575), more frec|uently painted than most persons of her time. Youngest daughter of Sir Edward Stanley, b. at Tong Castle, in Shropshire, 1600. She is mentioned by Ld. Clarendon as a “ lady of extraordinary beauty, and of as extraordinary' fame” — rumour, or perhaps slander, having been at one time busy with her name. She was found dead in her bed 1633, and is so represented in a remarkable miniature by Peter Oliver resembling this portrait, and now in Mr. Wingfield Digby’s possession. Bust ; represented resting on r. hand as if asleep, as she was found dead in her bed ; white and blue drapery. Canvas, 28 x 29 in. 571 ANNE, COUNTESS OF MORTON. Earl Spencer, K.G. Daughter of Sir Edward Villiers, and wife of Robert Douglas, 8th E. of Morton ; Governess to the Princess Henrietta, who was entrusted to her care a fortnight after her birth at Exeter, 1644; secretly withdrew with the Princess to France in 1646, in the disguise of a poor French servant ; con- sidered one of the beauties of her day, and celebrated in the poems of Waller. Half-length ; low dress, yellow drapery. Canvas, 41 X 32 in. 572 SIR ANTHONY VANDYCK, Kt. Earl Spencer, K.G. Rubens. Portrait and Historical Painter ; b. at Antwerp, 22 March, 1599 ; son of a Glass Painter ; stu. under H. Van Balen, and Rubens, and in Italy ; visited England, 1629, again in 1632, on the invitation of Charles I., through Sir Kenelm Digby ; lodged at Blackfriars, where Charles sat to him; Kt. 1632 ; mar. Mary, dau. of Ruthven, E. of Gowrie ; d. 9 Dec. 1641 ; bu. in St. Paul’s. Bust ; long hair, red scarf, white collar, yellow dress. Canvas, 24X 19 in. 573 JAMES GRAHAM, MARQUIS OF MONTROSE. Colonel Tempest. R. Walker. (See No. 588.) Bust ; small life-size ; annour. Oval, canvas, 13J X iij in. 574 HENRY RICH, ist EARL OF HOLLAND. Earl of Verulam. 2nd son of Rob., ist E. of Warwick, by Penelope, dau. of Walter Devereux, E. of Essex ; served in Low Countries ; mar. Isabel, dau. and heir of Sir Walter Cope ; Baron Kensington, 8 March, 1622 ; negociated marriage with Henrietta Maria, 1623 ; E. of Holland, 1624 ; K.G., Dec. 1625 ; changed sides during Civil War, looked upon with suspicion by both parties ; ap- peared in arms for King, taken prisoner at Kingston, 1648, beh., 9 Mar. 1649. Wide falling lace collar, gold-embroidered slashed reddish dress ; hat, wit’.i red plume in 1 . hand. 60 X 42 in. 575 SIR KENELM DIGBY, Kt. AND FAMILY. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Vandyck. i\ man of varied accomplishments, distinguished as a soldier, scholar, and courtier ; b. June, 1603 ; only son of Sir Everard Digby, executed for his s’aare in the Gunpowder Plot ; he was entered at Gloucester Hall, Oxford, but went abroad early, and on his return in 1623 was Kt. ; commanded a small squadron successfully in the Mediterranean in 162S ; during the Civil H 98 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-I649. war was obliged to retire to France ; at the Restoration returned and lived at his house in Covent Garden till his death, ii June, 1^65; was an original Member of Council of the Royal Society ; in person he was hand- some and of extraordinary personal strength. For Lady Digby, see No. 570. The two sons represented in this Picture are Kenelm, who was killed in the Civil war in a cavalry skinnish near St. Neots, Huntingdon ; and John, who was disinh. by his father, but ultimately succeeded to a portion of the property. Half-length figures, seated ; Venetia, Lady Digby, has her hand round her eldest boy’s neck. Canvas, 57 x 87 in. 576 LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Vandyck. (See No. 662.) To waist; red low dress, sable tippet; hand on white roses before her. Canvas, 41 X 32 in. 577 HENRY HASTINGS, LORD LOUGHBOROUGH. Marquis of Hastings. 2nd son of Henrj-, 5th E. of Huntingdon ; a leading Royalist ; created Ld. Loughborough ; d. 1666. Bust ; long hair, flat ruff, black slashed dress ; dated 1628. Panel, 21 J X 17. 578 SIR WILLIAM BRERETON. Colonel Tempest. Member of an old Cheshire family ; a successful Parliamentary General ; commander at Hopton Heath, near Stafford, 19 March, 1642 ; defeated Ld. Capell, in Cheshire, 1643 ; in conjunction with Sir Thomas Fairfax, forced Ld. Byron to raise siege of Nantwich ; defeated Prince Rupert, 18 Aug. 1645. Half-length miniature ; black doublet and cloak, wide lace ruff and cuffs. Canvas, 16 X 13 in. 579 THOS. WENTWORTH, ist E. OF STRAFFORD. Earl of Home. Vandyck. Statesman ; b. 13 April, 1593 ; son of Sir W. Wentworth, of Wentworth Woodhouse ; educ. at St. John’s College, Cambridge; married, ist, i6u, Margaret Clifford, daughter of Francis, E. of Cumberland; 2nd, 1623, Arabella Hollis, daughter of E. of Clare, and 3rd, about 1632, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Godfrey Rodes ; joined the popular party, but afterwards attached himself to the King, who made him L. President of the North, E. of Strafford, and Ld. Deputy of Ireland, 1631 ; impeached by V\'. P>Tn, 1640, at the Bar of the House of Commons, of high treason, and beheaded on Tower Hill, 12 May, 1641. Full length ; in half amour; riding-boots; baton in 1 . hand; group of horse and tent in distance. Canvas, 84 X 50 in. 580 PRINCESS ELIZABETH, Daughter of CHAS. I. Duke of Northumberland. Sir Peter Lely. 2nd daughter of Charles ist, confined as a prisoner in Carisbrooke Castle, where she d. of grief at the age of 1 5. Her body was found a few years ago in the parish church. Bust, showing r. hand ; blue low dress, open sleeves. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 581 ELIZ, RODES, COUNTESS OF STRAFFORD. Lord Houghton. Daughter of Sir Godfrey Rodes, Kt., of Great Houghton (No. 513), and married, about 1632, to Thomas Wentworth, E. of Strafford, soon after he had been appointed Ld. Deputy of Ireland. Bust ; close curled hair ; low dress. Canvas, 28 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 99 ^82 HENRIETTA, DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. “La Belle Henriette.” LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Sir Peter Lely. B. 16 J une, 1644, at Exeter ; youngest daughter of Charles I. ; when 14 days old, entrusted to the care of Anne, Countess of Morton (No. 571); married Philip, Due d’Orleans, brother of Louis XIV. in 1660 ; came to Dover in May, 1670, (much against her husband’s wish) on a political mission from Louis to her brother Charles II. ; a few weeks after her return, she died in great agony — poisoned, it was said, by her husband; d. June, 1670. The subject of, per- haps, the finest of Bossuet’s “ Oraisons Fun^bres.” Seated in landscape as Minerva, with plumed helmet and spear. Canvas, 68 X 40 in. 583 WILLIAM LAUD, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY- Archbishop of Canterbury. Vandyck. B. 7 Oct. 1 573, at Reading ; educ. there and at St. John’s, Oxford ; Dean of Gloucester, 1616; Bp. of St. David’s, 1621 ; held conference with Fisher the Jesuit, 1622 ; Bp. of Bath and Wells, 1626 ; Chan, of University of Oxford, 1630 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1633 ; impeached by the Long Parliament, and illegally condemned, 1640; beheaded 10 Jan. 1645. Half-length ; episcopal habit ; dated 1633. Canvas, 50 X 39 in. 584 FRANCIS LORD COTTINGTON. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. 4th son of Philip Cottington of Godmonston, Somersetshire ; educ. under Sir Charles Cornwallis while in Spain ; in 1616 sent to Spain to replace Sir John Digby ; Bart. 1622 ; Chanc. and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer in 1629 ; created Ld. Cottington of Hanworth, 1631, and sent Ambassador to Spain ; Ld. Treasurer, and again Ambassador ; d. at Valladolid, 1649. Full length ; black dress, gold chain. 84 x 50 in. Formerly, with other portraits, as Nos. 579 and 637, in the collection of Lord Clarendon the Historian. 585 LADY BYRON. Mr. J. Whatman, M.P. Cornelius Jansen. Daughter of Sir Charles Lambert, Governor of Breda ; b. in Nimeguen, Holland, 1631 ; married Sir Nicholas Byron, uncle to John, Ld. Byron. Bust ; fair hair, bl. dress, open body, lace collar, red bows. Panel, 27 X 24. 586 ANNE ARUNDELL, LADY BALTIMORE. Lord Arundell of Wardour. Vandyck. Daughter of Thomas, ist Ld. Arundell, wife of Cecil Calvert, Ld. Baltimore (No .590), who founded the colony of Baltimore ; d. 1649, aged 34. Bust ; blue dress, white sleeves. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 587 HENRIETTA MARIA and PRINCESS ELIZABETH. Mr. Edward Wood. Old Stone. Half-length, seated ; blue low dress, with Princess as a child to her L Canvas, 49 X 39 in. (Compare No. 719.) 588 JAMES GRAHAM, MARQUIS OF MONTROSE. Mr. John Bruce. B. i 6 i 2 ; educ. in France ; joined the Covenanters in Scotland, 1637, but repenting of his error, declared for the King, and was victorious at Perth, 100 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. Aberdeen, and Inverlochy ; retired abroad on his defeat by Gen. David Leslie, 1645, but returned to Scotland with a commission from Charles II. ; was utterly routed at Invercarron, fled into the Highlands, where he was basely given up by Macleod of Assynt, a former adherent, and executed at Edinburgh, 21st May, 1650. Bust ; armour ; long hair, white collar. Canvas, 13 X ii in. 589 PHILIP HERBERT, 4TH EARL OF PEMBROKE AND 1ST OF MONTGOMERY (1597-1650). LENT BV PAINTER. Earl of Yarborough. Vandyck. {See No. 560.) 2nd son of Henry, 2nd E. by his 3rd wife Mary, sjster of Sir Philip Sidney; educ. at home and at New College, O.xford; married (ist) Susan do Vere, dau. of Edward, 17th E. of Oxford ; (2nd) Anne, Countess of Dorset, (No. 512); created E. of Montgomery 1605; K.G. 1605; Ld. Chamb. to Char. I. ; sat as M.F. for Berks when the H. of Lords was abolished by Cromwell ; d. 23 Jan. 1650. Full length miniature ; r. foot raised on step ; dark cloak with star of K.G., stick in I. hand. Canvas, 20 X 15 in. 590 CECIL CALVERT, 2nd LORD BALTLMORE. Earl of Verulam. Son of George, Ld. Baltimore, the founder of the Colony of Maiy land, who dying, 15 April, 1632, before the completion of the Grant by Charles I., the patent was made out in his son’s name, 20 June, 1632, and the colony named Maryland in honour of the Queen ; d. 1676. Three-quarter size, standing ; large white falling ruff, black dress and short cloak. Canvas, 62 x 40 in. 591 FAxMILY OF CHARLES I. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Vandyck. Prince Charles, James, Maria, Elizabeth, Anna. Canvas, 64 X 79 in. Signed A. Vandyck, 1637. 592 HENRIETTA MARIA AND HER SISTER. Mr. Edward Wood. Full length figures, as children, in rich-laced and gold-embroidered dresses. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 593 SIR HUMPHREY DE TRAFFORD. Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt. Head ; long brown hair, white collar, dark dress. Canvas, 18 X 13 in- 594 LORD JOHN AND LORD BERNARD STUART. Duke of Richmond. Two of the five sons of Esme, D. of Lenox and Catherine Darcy, all gallant soldiers in the royal army. Ld. John Stuart, commander of the Light Horse, was killed in an attack upon Waller, at Cheriton Down, 29 March, 1644, and buried at Christ Church, Oxon, by the side of his brother George, Ld. Aubigny, killed at Edgehill, 23 Oct. 1642. Ld. Bernard Stuart, created E. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 10 of Lichfield ; commanded the King’s Horse Guards at Naseby, 14 June, 1645, and again at Rowton Heath, Chester, 26 Sept. 1645, where he was killed, having first secured the King’s safe retreat. Full length ; miniature figures, in landscape. Canvas, 24 X 18 in. 595 SPENCER COMPTON, 2nd E. of NORTHAMPTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Northampton. Cornelius Jansen. B. May 1601 ; son of William, ist Earl, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Spencer, Kt., Lord Mayor ; married Mary, daughter of Sir F. Beaumont ; a brave Royalist soldier ; killed at Hopton Heath, Stafford, 19th March, 1643. Bust ; wide falling lace collar, yellowish dress ; ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 30 X 2} in. 596 LETTICE, viscountess FALKLAND. Mr. G. B. Lambert. Cornelius Jansen. B. about 1611 ; daughter of Rd. Morrison, Esq., of Tooley Park, Co. Leicester, and wife of Lucius Cary, 2nd Visct. Falkland (No. 619 ) ; she sur- vived him about three years ; d. Feb. 1646. Bust ; low black lace-trimmed dress, open sleeves. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. iottcly. ^.7. (il&) 597 colonel william strode. Mr. E. C. Strode. William Dobson. M.P. for Beeralston ; sat in the last two Parliaments of James, and in those of Charles ; an active opponent of the court, and one of the fiercest men of the party ; engaged in drawing up the Grand Remonstrance, 1641 ; one of the “ Five Members styled by Ld. Clarendon “one of those Ephori who most avowed the curbing and suppressing of Majesty.” Half-length, seated at a table with scroll in r. hand ; black dress. Canvas, 43 X 35 in- 598 RICHARD WESTON, E. OF PORTLAND, K.G. Mr. Henry Bankes. Vandyck. Only son of .Sir Jerome Weston of Skynes, Essex ; studied at Middle Temple ; Ambassador to Prague and to Brussels ; Treasurer of Exchequer, 1624; Ld. Weston of Neyland, 1628, and Ld. High Treasurer; K.G. 1631 ; Governor I. of Wight ; E. of Portland, 1633 ; an able administrator but of a restless and dissatisfied temper ; Charles loaded him with favours, he spent all and sought more ; d. 13 Mar. 1634. Full length ; black dress, full ruff ; ribbon and badge K.G. ; Ld. Treasurer’s stick in 1. hand. Canvas, 85 x 53 in. 599 THOMAS LORD COVENTRY, LORD KEEPER. (1578-1640). Mr. W, H. Pole Carew. William Dobson. A learned Judge; eldest son of Sir Thos. Coventry, Judge of the Com. Pleas; b. at Earies-croome, Worcestershire, 1578; entered Baliol College, Oxford, 1592; was successful at the Bar; in 1617 Solicitor-Gen. and Kt. ; Attorney-Gen. 1621, and Ld. Keeper, 1625; created Baron Coventry, 1628; supported Charles 1. in his views of prerogative; d. at Durham House Strand, 14 Jan. 1640. Bust ; wide lace-edged ruff, black dress. Panel, 24 x 20 in. 102 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 600 ROBERT DAVIES OF GWYSANEY. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Whitehall Dod. T. Leigh. Son of Robert Davies of Gwysaney ; b. 19 Feb. 1616 ; royalist ; several years High .Sheriff for Flint ; garrisoned his family mansion of Gwysaney in the civil war, and for some time resisted the ParL forces under Sir Wm. Brereton : nominated one of the Kts. of the Royal Oak ; d. 4 Oct. 1666. Bust, life-size, three-quarter face to 1. ; brown doublet, slashed sleeves, falling white collar ; signed “T. Leigh, fecit, anno, 1643.” Canvas, 27 X 22. 601 SIR HENRY VANE, THE ELDER (1587-1654.) Mr. H. Morgan Vane. Mirevelt. B. 1587 ; son of Henry Vane; Kt. by James I. i6ii ; M.P. for Carlisle ; Ambassador to Holland, 1625 ; to Denmark, 1631 ; to Sweden, 1632 ; enter- tained Charles I. at Raby Castle ; Treasurer of Household ; Principal Sec. of State ; Ld. Treasurer, 1641 ; d. 1654. Bust ; wide lace-edged collar, black slashed dress. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 602 PRINCE RUPERT, K.G. (1619-1682). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Mytens. Nephew of Charles 1. and a brilliant cavalry' leader in the civil war ; 3rd son of Frederick, Elector Palatine, by the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (No. 445) ; b. 17 Dec. 1619 ; served under Henry Frederick, Prince of Orange ; commanded the horse in the royal army', and was distinguished at the sieges of Worcester, Cirencester, Birmingham, Bristol ; created D. of Buckingham, K.G. ; out-gencralled by Cromwell ; retired abroad ; after Restoration, had naval command and defeated the Dutch, 1673 ; d. at his house in Spring Gardens, 29 Nov. 1682 ; he was a chemist, and has also the credit of the invention of mezzotint engraving. Full length as a boy, yellow doublet and trunk hose. Canvas, 48 X 41 in. 603 PRINCE MAURICE. Earl of Craven. Vandyck. 3rd son of Frederick of Bohemia, and Elizabeth (see No. 417) ; actively engaged in the Royalist army, gained the victory at Lansdowne. Full length ; buff coat, crimson trunk-hose ; r. hand resting on baton. Canvas, 84 X 51 in. 604 JOHN PYM. Sir Henry Wilmot, Bt. (See No. 609.) Bust ; black dress, square-cut wide collar, flowing brown hair. Oval, canvas, 29 X 23 in. 605 HENRIETTA, DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. Earl of Home. (See No. 582.) Full length, seated ; blue robe lined with ermine. Canvas, 84 X 48 in. 606 JOHN HAMPDEN (1594-1643). Earl of St. Germans. Patriot ; eldest son of Wm. Hampden of Hampden, Buckinghamshire, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Cromwell and aunt of the Protector ; b. 1594 ; cduc. at Thame and at Magdalen College, Oxford ; studied at the Inner Temple ; elected to the Long Parliament ; resisted the imposition of REIGN OE CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 103 ship-money, 1636 ; killed in a skirmish with Prince Rupert on Chalgrove field, 18 June, 1643. Bust ; cuirass and buff coat ; dated 1643. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 607 ATTORNEY-GEN. SIR WILLIAM NOY, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. Mrs. Davies Gilbert. Cornelius Jansen. (Sec No. 627.) Bust ; wide falling lace ruff, slashed black dress. Oval panel, 23 X 17 in. 608 PRINCE RUPERT, K.G. Earl of Craven. Vandyck. (See No. 602.) Full length ; buff coat ; ribbon and badge K.G. ; r. hand resting on baton. Canvas, 84 X 52 in. 609 JOHN PYM. Marquis Townshend. Of Brj'amore, Somerset; b. 1584; educ. at Pembroke Coll., Oxf ; M.P. for Tavistock under Jam. I. and Char. I. ; mar. Anne, dau. of John Hook of - Bramshot — she d. 1620 ; one of the Managers who imp. D. of Buckingham, 1626 ; impeached L. Strafford in the Long Parliament, Nov. 1640 ; one of the Authors of the Grand Remonstrance, Dec. 1641 ; one of the Five Members (Hollis, Haselrig, Pym, Hampden, Strode) whose attempted arrest by Chas. I. Jan. 1642, was the immediate cause of Civil war ; d. 8 Dec. 1643. Bust ; black cloak, square-cut collar. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 610 SIR JOHN ELIOT, Kt. Earl of St. Germans. B. 20 April, 1 590, at Port Eliot ; educ. at Exeter College, Oxford ; mar- ried 1611 to Rhadagund, daughter of Mr. Richard Gedie, of Trebursey; M.P. for St. Germans, 1614 ; Knighted and made Vice-Admiral of Devon, 1618; in Parliament boldly stood up for the liberty of the subject; sent to the Tower for his protest on the Tonnage and Poundage Bill, 1628 (see his biography by Mr. John Forster) ; styled by Hallam, “the most illustrious confessor in thecaus^ of liberty whom that time produced ;” d. in the Tower, 27 Nov. 1632. Bust ; wide ruff, small peaked dark beard ; dated 1628. Canvas, 29x24. 61 1 ROBERT BERTIE, isr E. OF LINDSEY, K.G. Earl of Warwick. (See No. 617.) Bust ; bald-headed ; ribbon and mantle K.G. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 612 SIR RALPH VERNE Y, Br. Sir Harry Verney, Bt, M.P. Cornelius Jansen. Son of Sir Edmund Verney, the standard-bearer at the battle of Edgehill (No. 632) ; created a Bt. 1661 ; Author of “ Pencil Notes of the Long Parlia- ment, wTitten in the House.” Bust ; wide lace falling ruff, bl. dress, showing 1 . hand gloved. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 613 JOHN HAMPDEN. Bishop of Hereford. (See No. 606). Half-length ; armour ; r. hand on helmet ; skirmishers in distance. Canvas, 49 x 40 in. 104 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 614 LORD KIMBOLTON, 2nd E. OF MANCHESTER. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Manchester. Vandyck. Edward Montagu, son of 1st E. ; summoned 1626 as Ld. Montagu of Kimbolton ; K.G. ; active leader on the Parliament side ; associated with the 5 members whom Charles I. tried to seize (see No. 609) ; commanded at Marston Moor; assisted the Restoration ; d. 5th May, 1671. Half-length ; cuirass, buff jerkin, open sleeves ; baton in r. hand. Can- vas, 49 X 40 in. 615 PRINCE RUPERT. Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G. Jan Steen. (See No. 602.) Head ; foiling lace collar, white red-lined dress, long dark falling hair. Panel, 17 X 14 in. 616 JOHN SELDEN. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Dan. Mytens. B. 16 Dec. 1584, at Salvington Sussex; cduc. at Chichester, Hart Hall, Oxford, and the Inner Temple ; M.P. for Lancaster, 1623, for Bodmin, 1628 ; actively engaged in drawing up the Petition of Rights, 1628, and Remonstrance against Tonnage and Poundage Bill, 1629; M.P. for University of Oxford in Long Parliament, 1640; opposed the impeachment of Ld. Strafford ; Chief Keeper of the Tower Records, Nov. 1643 ; sat as layman in the Westminster Assembly ; the valued friend of Ld. Clarendon ; Author of “Table Talk,” “ .Mare Clausum,” &c. ; d. 30 Nov. 1654 Half-length, seated ; black dress, white collar. Canvas, 40 X 30 in. 617 ROBERT BERTIE, ist E. OF LINDSEY, K.G. Lady Stuart de Rothesay. Cornelius Jansen. B. 16 Dec. 1582; son of L. Willoughby d’Ercsby ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, ist Ld. Montague; served at .\miens under Sir John Baskerville and Sir Arthur Savage ; at Cadiz under Earls of Essex and Nottingham, when he was Kt. ; in the Low Countrieswundcr Prince Maurice ; Ld. High Admiral, 1635 ; ^d. High Chamberlain ; (ieneral of Royal Army ; mortally wounded at Edgehill ; d. 23 Oct. 1642. Bust, to 1 . ; wide collar, armour, blue scarf. Panel, 27 X 21 in. 618 SIR HARRY LEE. Sir Harry Verney, Bt. M.P. Cornelius Jansen. Of Ditchley ; a devoted loyalist ; the Sir Harry Lee of Sir. W. Scott’s “Woodstock.” Bust ; wide lace collar ; black slashed dress, and cloak. Canvas, 30x24 619 LUCIUS CARY, 2ND VISCOUNT FALKLAND. Lord Arundell of Wardour. Vandyck. Soldier, Statesman, and Author ; b. 1610 ; son of Henr)% ist Viset. Falk- land, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir L. Tanfield ; cduc. at Dublin and Oxford ; married Lctitia, daughter of Rd. Morrison, Esq. (No. 596) ; M.P. for Newport, 1640 ; Secretary of State, 1642 ; the most beloved of all Ld. Clarendon’s friends ; fought at Edgehill, 1642, and Gloucester ; killed at Newbury fighting in the front rank of Ld. Byron’s regiment, 20 Sept. 1643. Half-length, seated ; black dress, open sleeves. Canvas, 48 x 42 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 105 620 SIR THOMAS MALET, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Gerard. Judge, King’s Bench, 1641 ; a royalist and relative of Archbp. Juxon ; arrested on the bench at Maidstone ; imprisoned by the Cromwell party for 12 years ; released at the Restoration, and sat on the trial of the Regicides. Bust ; black cornered hat, judge’s robes. Canvas, 30 x 24. t 621 COLONEL THOMAS HOWARD. Mr. Philip H. Howard. B. 1618: Eldest son of Colonel Sir Francis Howard, Kt. of Corby; a brave royalist officer in his father’s regiment of “Horse Hargobuziers ” (arquebusiers), and contributed to the victory of Atherton Moor, where he was slain, 30th June, 1643. Bust ; armour, long hair, small collar. Canvas, 30 X 24. 622 EDWARD, 1ST LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY. Earl of Powis, {See No. 628.) Bust ; dark cap and cloak diapered with stars. Oval, canvas, 28 X 24 in. 623 GEORGE VILLIERS, 2nd D. OF BUCKINGHAM AND HIS BROTHER FRANCIS. Earl of Warwick. Vandyck. (See No. 904.) Full-length figures, the elder in red, and the younger in yellow dress. 'Canvas, 62 X 51 in. 624 EARL OF STRAFFORD, AND HIS SECRETARY SIR PHILIP MAINWARING, Kr. Sir H. Mainwaring, Bt. Vandyck. (See No. 579 for Strafford.) Half-length, seated figures, Strafford holds paper in 1. hand, his Secretary is writing. Canvas, 51 X 55 in. 625 CHIEF JUSTICE SIR JOHN BANKES, Kt. Mr. Henry Nugent Bankes. Son of John Bankes, of Keswick, Cumberland, b. 1589; entered at Queen’s College, Oxford ; student at Gray’s Inn, 1607 ; M.P. 1628 ; Kt. 1630 ; Attorney- Gen. 1634, having a great reputation for eloquence, judgment and learning ; prosecutor in Hampden’s trial; Ch. Just. Com. Pleas, 1641 ; joined King Charles at York, and was at Oxford with him where he d., 28 Dec. 1644; bu. in Christ Church Cathedral. Lady Bankes defended Corfe Castle with heroic resolution during two sieges from parliamentary troops ; it was ultima- tely taken and dismantled 1645. Bust; ruff, judge’s robes; collar, S.S. ; dated 1643; age, 54. Canvas, 29 X 23 in. io6 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 626 SIR BULSTRODE WHITELOCKE (1605-1676). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. George Whitelocke Lloyd. Author of “ Memorials of English Affairs” in his own time ; only son of Sir James Whitelocke, Judge of the King’s Bench ; b. 6 Aug. 1605, in Fleet Street ; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ School, and at St. John’s College, Camb. ; student at the Middle Temple, 1619 ; member of the Long Parliament, 1640 ; on the parliament side in the civil war ; one of the four Commissioners for the Great Seal, 1648 ; opposed Cromwell’s dissolution of parliament, 1653 ; ne- gociated a treaty as Ambassador to Sweden ; served and abandoned Richard Cromwell ; saved himself at the Restoration, and was allowed by Chas. 1 1 . “to live in the country, and take care of his wife and i6 children.” D. 28 Jan. 1676. Black hair, flat lace-edged ruff, black dress ; date 1634, age 28 ; s. of arms to his r. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 627 SIR WILLIAM NOY, Kt. (1577-1634). Exeter College, Oxford. A most learned lawyer ; b. about 1577 ; M.P. for Helston, and aftenvards for St. Ives, and “the stoutest champion of the subjects’ liberty, until King Charles entertained him to be his attorney,” in 1631 ; he drew the writ for levying ship-money, resisted by Hampden ; author of sev'eral legal works ; d. 6 Aug. 1634. Left his fortune to his son, “ to be squandered as he shall tliink fit. 1 leave it to him for that purpose, and 1 hope no better from him.”^ Accordingly the young man was soon killed in a duel. Bust ; wide falling lace ruff, black slashed dress. Can\ as, 29 x 24 in. 628 EDWARD, 1ST L. HERBERT OF CHERBUR Y, K.B. Earl of Powis. Metaphysician and Historian ; b. 1581, at Eyton, .Salop ; son of Richd. Herbert of Montgomery Castle and Magdalen, Newport ; educ. at University College, Oxon ; served in the Low Countries, 1610-14 ; twice .Ambassador to France; created Baron Herbert of Cherbury, 1629; published 1624, his deistical work, “ De Veritate,” &c. ; wrote a history' of Henry VI 11 . and Memoirs ; sided with the Parliament but soon retired ; d. 20 Aug. 1648. Full length ; red dress and cloak, open lace collar. Canvas, 85 X 45 in. 629 ROBERT DEVEREUX, 3RD EARL OF ESSEX. Earl of Denbigh. ( 5 ^^No. 504.) Bust; wide collar, lace-edged black cloak; gloves in r. hand. Canvas, 28 X 22 in. 630 COLONEL RICHARD LOVELACE (1618-1658). Dulwich College. A Poet of some repute, and author of “ Lucasta,” under which name he compliments Miss Lucy Sacheverel ; b. i6i8, in Kent ; son of Sir W. Love- lace ; educ. at Charter House and Gloucester Hall, Oxford ; served under L. (ioring, 1636 ; deputed by the county to present the Kentish Petition to House of Commons, for which he was confined in the Gate House ; raised a regiment for the service of the French King, and wounded at Dunkirk ; returned to England, 1648, and again imprisoned ; having spent his fortune in the royal cause, he was reduced to great straits, and died in poverty, 1658. Bust ; armour ; red scarf, long dark hair. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. IO7 631 HENRY, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. LENT BY • PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Vandyck. B. 8 July, 1640, at Oatlands ; youngest child of Charles 1 . Herbert describes the pathetic parting of Charles with the young duke and his sister Elizabeth, the night before his execution ; a prince of great promise ; for some time after the king’s death kept in custody by the Parliament ; d. a few months after Restoration, 1660. Full length as a child, standing in a landscape, with fruit and flowers. Canvas, 54 X 48 in. 632 SIR EDMUND VERNEY, Kt. Sir Harry Verney, Bt. M.P. Standard-bearer to Charles I. ; M.P. for Wycombe and Knight Marshal of the household ; raised the Standard at Nottingham, and was killed de- fending it at Edgehill, 23 Oct. 1642. {See No. 525.) Half-length, armour ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 54 X 43- His staff is placed beneath the picture. 633 HENRY DANVERS, EARL OF DANBY, K.G. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Vandyck. B. 1572 ; son of John Danvers and Elizabeth, daughter of John Nevil, L. Latimer ; served in Low Countries under Prince Maurice ; in France under Henri IV., when he was knighted ; in Ireland under E. of Essex, and Charles, L. Mountjoy ; made by James I. Lord President of Munster and Governor of Guernsey, 1621 ; and by Charles I. Earl of Danby and K.G., 1625 ; founded the Physic Garden at Oxford ; d. at Corn bury, 1643. Full length ; robes and collar, K.G. ; small patch on 1 . cheek. Canvas, 82 X 51 in. 634 JAM. STUART, D. OF RICHMOND and LENNOX. Duke of Richmond. (No. 720.) Bust ; wide collar, dark dress ; ribbon and badge, K.G. Canvas, 28 X 24. 635 SIR JACOB ASTLEY, LORD ASTLEY. Mrs. Branfell. Son of Isaac Astley, of Melton, Constable, and Mary Waldegrave ; mar- ried Agnes Imple, a German lady ; served under Gustavus Adolphus ; one of the first to join the royal standard ; created Baron Astley of Reading shortly before the battle of Naseby, 1645 ; defeated, with remnant of royalist army near Stow-on-the-Wold, 1646 ; d. 1651. Bust ; cuirass, small white collar, 1 . hand on sword-hilt. Canvas, 30 X 27. 636 COLONEL THOMAS DAVIES. Mr. Whitehall Dod. Son of Robert Davies of Gwysaney, Flint, by Catherine, daughter of George Ravenscroft of Bretton ; married D. Morgan of Golden Grove ; raised a troop for Charles I. on the breaking out of the civil war ; Constable of Hawarden Castle, 1643. Full-length ; rich-embroidered doublet and trunk hose, red scarf ; armour to his 1 . Canvas, 81 X 45 in. io8 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 637 SIR ORLANDO HEATH. LENT BY ^ Earl OF Home. •* 7 ?.'^ , ^ PAINTER. Selected by Charles 1 . to succeed Sir John Bramston, as Ch. Just, of the King’s Bench {sue No. 652). Large ruff; judge’s robes ; collar, S.S. ; at back, “this belongs to Ld. Hyde.” Canvas, 48 X 40 in. 638 MRS. USHER. Mrs. Stowe. Wife of Archbishop Usher ; mother to Lady Tyrrell. Bust ; black dress, squared low body, lawn wimple. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 639 JAMES USHER, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Eldest son of Arnold Usher, one of the six clerks in the Irish Court of Chancery; b. 4 Jan. 1580, in Dublin, and cduc. there ; ordained, 1601, by his uncle the Archbp. of Armagh ; soon distinguished for his great acquirements ; made Bp. of Meath, 1620; Archbp. of Armagh, 1624; after the Irish Re- bellion of 1641 he lived in England, publishing most learned works ; d. at Reigate, .Surrey, 21 Mar. 1656 ; bu. in Westminster. Half-length ; clerical dress, full ruff ; books on table before him ; date 1644, age 64. Canvas, 37 X 31 in. 640 HENRY SOMERSET, ist MARQ. OF WORCESTER. Duke of Beaufort. Cornelius Jansen. .Son of Edward, 4th E. of Worcester ; married Anne, daughter of John, Ld. Russell ; created Marquess of Worcester, 1642 ; defended his castle of Ragland against General Fairfax, 1642-46 ; suffered a loss of 100,000/. for his loyalty ; d. 1646. Three-quarter size, standing by table ; high black hat, jewelled hat-band, white plumes, white doublet, black cloak. Canvas, 43 X 33 in. 641 GEORGE HAY, ist EARL OF KINNOULL. Earl of Kinnoull. Mytens. 2nd son of Sir Patrick Hay, of Melginch, nephew of James Hay, E. of Carlisle (No. 538) ; educ. partly in France, under the care of his uncle, Edmund Hay, Rector of the Scottish College, Douay ; made Gentleman of the Bed-chamber, and knighted by James VI. of .Scotland ; aided in saving the King from the Gowrie plot, 1600 ; Ld. High Chancellor of .Scotland, 1622 ; created by Charles I. Viset. Dupplin and Ld. Hay, 1627 ; E. of Kinnoule, 1633 ; d. in London, 16 Dec. 1635. Full-length ; ruff and sable-lined black mantle; great seal of Scotland to his 1 . Canvas, 81 X 52 in. 642 THOMAS LORD COVENTRY, LORD KEEPER. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Cornelius Jansen. Half-length ; robes as L. Keeper ; r. hand resting on Great Seal, large ruff. Canvas, 50 X 41 in. 643 SIR JOHN BOYS. Rev. Thomas Boys. Of Bonnington and Sandwich ; Gentleman of the Privy chamber to Charles 1 . ; defended Donnington Castle, Berkshire, for the king, against REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. lOQ Jeremiah Horton, 1644 ; received an augmentation to his arms in con- sequence ; employed in the negotiations for the return of Charles II. Bust : cuirass, brown hair, gold embroidered sleeves. Canvas, 28 X 24 in. 644 SIR GEORGE LISLE, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Carlisle. Sir P. Lely. Son of a London bookseller ; served in the Low Countries ; joined the Royal army ; Kt. by Charles on the field for his bravery at Newbury, 1643 ; bravely defended Colchester in concert with Sir Charles Lucas, and was basely shot by order of Fairfax, 28 Aug. 1648. Bust ; long flowing brown wig, armour. Canvas, 28 X 24 in. 645 HENRY SPENCER, ist E. OF SUNDERLAND. Earl Spencer, K.G. B. 1620; son of William, 2nd Ld. Spencer and Lady Penelope Wriotheslcy ; educ. at Magdalen College, Oxford; succeeded his father, 1636, and married (1639) Lady Dorothy Sidney (see No. 662) ; present at the setting up of the Royal Standard at Nottingham, 22 Aug. 1642 ; and at Edgehill, Oct. 1642 ; created E. of Sunderland, June, 1643; killed at ist battle of Newbury, 20 Sept. 1643. Annour ; long black wig ; tents and horsemen in distance. Canvas, 49 X 41 in. 646 SIR KENELM DIGBY. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Vandyck. Seated, looking to 1 . (sc£ No. 575), sphere to his r. Canvas, 58 x 49 in. 647 EDWARD SOMERSET, 2Nd MAROUIS OF WORCESTER. Duke of Beaufort. Active Royalist ; created by Charles E. of Glamorgan during his father’s life, and sent with extraordinary powers to raise troops in Ireland ; succeeded as 2nd Marquis 1646 ; author of “ A Century of Inventions,” published 1665, in which is an allusion to the power and application of the steam-engine ; married, ist, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir W. Dormer, Kt., 2nd, Margaret, daughter of Henry O’Brien, E. of Thomond ; d. 3rd April, 1667. Half-length ; dark armour ; baton in r. hand, addressed letter in 1 . Canvas, 49 X 37 in. 648 SIR HARDRESS WALLER, Kt. Rev. J. T. Waller. Son of Sir (i. Waller, Kt. by Mary Hardress ; sat as one of the judges on the King’s trial, Dec. 1648, for which he was tried and banished ; retired to Ireland, and sat in Irish Pari. ; mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir J. Dowdall, Kt. Bust ; dark doublet and brown cloak, white bands. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 649 SIR CHARLES LUCAS. Lord Lyttelton. A brave Royalist Officer ; son of Thos. Lucas, brother to the ist L. Lucas ; engaged at Newbury, Tetbury, &c. ; Governor of Colchester, which he bravely defended for 3 months against General Fairfax, who basely ordered him to be shot, the day he entered the town, without even a day’s respite to prepare for death, 28 Aug. 1648. Bust ; armour ; long dark hair, white lace-edged collar. Canvas, 27 X 21. no REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 650 SIR CHARLES LYTTELTON, Bt. LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Lyttelton. B. 1630; son of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, ist Bt. and Catherine Compton ; an active Royalist within the walls of Colchester, when besieged by Cromwell; escaped to France, but returned 1659 ; taken prisoner, and confined in the Gatehouse, Westminster ; in great favour with Charles II. ; Knighted, 1662 ; Brigadier-Gen. till Revolution, when he resigned ; Ld. Clarendon said “ he was worth his weight in gold d. 2 May, 1716. Half-length armour, with Moorish page. Canvas, 50 X 42 in. 651 SIR HENRY VANE, THE ELDER. Sir Henry R. Vane, Bt. Vandyck. {See No. 601.) Half-length, seated ; black dress ; Treasurer’s stick in r. hand. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 652 CHIEF JUST. SIR JOHN BRAMSTON. Earl of Home. Ch. Just, of the King’s Bench, but removed by Charles I., on account of his refusal to sit upon a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, to attaint E. of Essex and others, of high treason. His reason was, because he was bound by recognizance to attend Parliament on an accusation there against him ; he was succeeded by Sir Orlando Heath {see No. 637). Black cap, ruff, judge’s robes, collar, S.S. Canvas, 47 X 40 in. 653 VENETIA, LADY DIGBY. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Vandyck.. {See No. 570.) Full length, seated; cupids holding a wreath of laurel over her head ; Envy bound, and cupids at her feet ; a serpent in her r. hand, a dove in her 1. ; the allegory alluding to the peculiar and not ver>' creditable passages of her life, and her presumed triumph over calumny ; the small study for this fine picture is mentioned by Walpole. Canvas, 83 X 58 in. 654 FAMILY OF ROBERT DORMER, ist EARL OF CAERNARVON. Rev. George Musgrave. Robert, 2nd L. Dormer, created E. of Caernarvon, 1628 ; took up arms as a valiant Loyalist ; his plate and jewels were seized while on their way to the King at Oxford, 1642, and the silver coined for the Parliament ; com- manded as general of cavalry at Gloucester ; killed at Newbury, 20th Sept. 1643 ; when dying, being asTced if he had any request to make to the king, he replied, “ 1 will not die with a suit in my mouth but to the King of kings ;” by his untimely death “ the king found a sensible weakness in his army.” Charles Dormer, his son, d. without issue, 1709. Family group in a hall, at a table spread with fruit, &c. ; musicians in a gallery above ; dated 1633. Canvas, 32 X 39 in. 'rho Earl of Caernarvon is seated to r. of the picture ; his wife, Anna Sophia, Countess Caernarvon, is in black, with left arm extended ; Philip Herbert, E. of Pembroke, her father, with long drinking- class in hLs hand ; the boy carrying a plate of oranges is Charles, son of the earl ; the Countess of Pembroke is seated to r. of her husband ; Elizabeth, wife of Edward Somerset, afterwards Mi^uis of W'orcester, is believed to be the lady to r. of £. of Caernarvon ; her husband is standing behind her ; other figures not known. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. Ill 655 SIR HENRY VANE, THE YOUNGER. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Henry R. Vane, Bt. B. 1612 ; son of Sir H. Vane (see 651), a leader of the Independents; expelled from H. of Commons by Cromwell, April, 1653 ; beheaded for high treason, 14 June, 1662. Three-quarter size ; reddish drapery. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 656 LORD KEEPER, EDWARD LYTTELTON. Earl of Home. X'iA . ? ^ Able Advocate and Judge ; eldest son of Sir Edward Lyttelton ; b. at Hounslow, 1589 ; entered Christ Church, Oxford 1606; studied at the Inner Temple ; in 1621 succeeded his father as Ch. Just, of N. Wales ; M.P. 1626 ; Recorder of London, 1631; Solicitor- Gen. 1634, and Kt. ; delivered a learned argument against Hampden in the case of Ship-money ; Ch. Justice Com. Pleas, 1640 ; Ld. Keeper, 1641, and created Ld. Lyttelton ; fled from the Parliament and joined King Charles at York ; in 1644 raised and commanded a regiment ; d. 27 Aug. 1645. Half-length ; large ruff, Judge’s robes, collar of S.S. Canvas, 45 x 38 in. 657 ELIZABETH LADY HERBERT. Duke of BeaufGrt. Only daughter of Sir Wm. Dormer, by Alice, daughter of Sir Richard Molineux of Sefton ; married Edward Somerset, Ld. Herbert of Ragland, and afterwards 2nd Marquis of Worcester, the celebrated author of “ A Century of Inventions.” Half-length ; low white dress, narrow tippet of sable. Canvas, 43 x 40 in. 658 LUCIUS CARY, LORD FALKLAND. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. [Sec No. 619.) Half-length, looking to 1 .; slashed dark dress. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. 659 JAMES GRAHAM, MAROUIS OF MONTROS?. Mr. C. E. Dalrymple. 7. 12. . _ Bust; scarlet dress, wide falling lace collar; dated 1637. Signed “G.” Canvas, 28 X 24 in. 660 EDMUND WALLER, THE POET, 1605-1687. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Poet, b. 3 March, 1605, at Coleshill ; son of Robert Waller, and Hampden (sister to John Hampden) ; educ. at Eton and King’s College, Cambridge ; M.P. for Amershani, under James I. and Charles 1 . ; and in the Short and Long Parliaments of 1640; one of the Parliamentary Commissioners in Treaty of Oxford, 1643; engaged in “Waller’s Plot ’’against Parliament, May, 1643 ; sent to Tower and condemned to death, but reprieved and fined ;£io,ooo; retired to France, but returned, 1653; sat as M.P. under Charles II. and James II. ; courted the Lady Dorothy Sidney, under the name of “Saccharissa” (No. 662) ; d. 21 Oct. 1687. Bust, looking to r. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 661 PRINCE RUPERT. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). {See No. 602.) Half-length, looking to his r. ; buff coat, baton in 1 . hand. Canvas, 47 X 37 in. I 12 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 662 LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY, COUNTESS OF LINT SUNDERLAND. PAINTER Earl of Bradford. Vandyck. B. 1617 ; daughter of Robert Sidney, 2nd E. of Leicester ; the “Sacchar- issa” of Waller’s poems ; married at Penshurst, 20th July, 1639, to Henry Lord Spencer, of Wormleighton, created E. of Sunderland 1643 (No. 645), and killed same year at the battle of Newbur>' ; afterwards married Richard Smythe, of Bounds, Kent, whom she survived ; bu. at Brington, Northants, 1684. Half-length ; low red dress, open white sleeves, blue drapery. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 663 SIR JOHN MINNES, Kt. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Vandyck. B. 1 March, 1598; son of Andrew Minncs, Esq. of Sandwich ; educ. at Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; Comptroller of the Nav>- under Charles L, and served both in military and naval command in the Civil War ; Knighted at Dover, 1641 ; dismissed for refusing to obey Ld. Warwick, 1642 ; at the Restoration, he was again employed in important commands ; known as a poet, and author of the ballad on Sir John Suckling’s defeat. Half-length, looking r. ; cuirass, red scarf and jerkin. Canvas, 40 X 32. 664 SIR JOHN GLANVILE, Kt.- Lincoln’s Inn. B. 1590; son of John Glanvile, of Tavistock ; educ. at Oxford and Lin- coln’s Inn; M.P. for Plymouth for many years; Sergeant-at-law, 1639; Speaker of the Short Parliament, 1640 ; knighted, Aug. 1641 ; followed the King to Oxford ; imprisoned by the Parliament, 1645, but released, 1648 ; at Restoration again made King’s Sergeant ; d. 2 Oct. 1661. Half-length ; scarlet robes ; mace before him ; dated 1643, 55. Can- vas, 45 X 34 in. WESTERN CORRIDOR ( Nos . 665-684). 665 SIR JAMES CAMPBELL. Ironmongers’ Company. Henry Cooke. Mast, of Ironmonger’s Comp., 1615-23-41 ; Sheriff 1619 ; Ld. Mayor 1629. Half-length ; crimson-furred robes and badge. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 666 SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, Bt. Mr. J. G. Fanshawe. (SViT No. 852.) Bust; blue dress and cloak, white collar. Oval, canvas, 30 X 24 in. 667 WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT. Dulwich College. Actor and bookseller ; played in “ Othello” and “ Henry IV : ' bequeathed to Dulwich College several pictures in the present collection. Half-length, seated ; holding his dog's head between his hands. Canvas, 40 X 32 in. 668 ' SIR JOHN HOBART. Rev. Sir Cavendish Foster, Bt. Great-grandson of Sir Henry Hobart (No. 467) ; mar. (ist) Mar}', dau. of John Hampden ; (2nd) dau. of his uncle. Sir John Hobart. Half-length ; cuirass, buff coat ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. ”3 669 SIR GEOFFREY HUDSON, Kt. (The King’s Dwarf). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Ct.). D. Mytens, landscape by Jansen. B. 1620 ; served up in a pie, when 7 years old and 30 inches high, at Burleigh on the Hill, and presented by the D. of Buckingham to O. Henrietta Maria ; served as Capt. in Royal Army ; attended the Queen to France, 1644, and shot Mr. Crofts in a duel ; returned to England at Restoration and imprisoned on suspicion of being engaged in the Popish Plot ; d. 1682. Full-length ; red dress ; landscape background ; dated 1650. Canvas, 84 X 57 in. 670 SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR, Bt. Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. .Son of Sir Edward, ist Bt. ; grandfather to Sir Edward Seymour,' Speaker of the House, 1673-78 ; knighted at (Greenwich, 1603 ; ambassador to Den- mark, from James ist; M.P. for Devonshire; and for Killington and Totness; married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Killigrew ; d. 1659. Half-length; figured doublet and wide lace collar, black cloak. Canvas, 49 X 39 in- 67 I COLONEL JOHN KYNASTON. Mr. John Kynaston Edwards. Sir Peter Lely. Younger son of Ralph Kynaston, B.D. Prebend, of Llanvair, Denbigh- shire ; served as Officer on the Parliamentary side ; Lt. -Colonel ; served in Wales under Major-Gen. Mytton and took Rudland Castle and was made Governor ; w-ent over to Dublin in 1647 ; Deputy Governor of Dublin under Col. Michael Jones ; d. Feb. 1650. Bust ; bareheaded ; cuirass and buff jerkin ; date 1648, age 39 ; oval. Canvas, 27 x 24 in. 672 DOROTHY KILLIGREW, LADY SEYMOUR. Mr. H. Danby Seymour, M.P. Dau. of Sir Henry Killigrew, of .Sarrake in Cornwall ; mar. Sir Edward Seymour of Bury Pomeroy No. 670.) Half-length, seated ; red dress, r. hand holding leaf of book open before her. Canvas, 42 X 38. 673 FRANCES, LADY VANE. Sir Henry Ralph Vane, Bt. Vandyck. Dau. of Thos. Darcy, of Tolleshunt Darcy, co. Essex ; married Sir Henry Vane (No. 651) ; d. 2 Aug. 1662. Half-length; black dress, wide collar, pearl ornUmcnts. Canvas, 45 X 36 in. 674 WILLIAM HERBERT, 3RD EARL OF PEMBROKE. Earl of Verulam. {See No. 430.) Half-length ; black dress ; Treasurer’s stick in 1. hand ; Chamberlain’s key ; ribbon and badge, K.G. Canvas, 62 X 41 in. 675 MARGARET HOWARD, LADY ORRERY. Rev. George Crabbe. Sir Peter Lely. Lady Margaret Howard, daughter of Theophilus, E. of Suffolk ; about whom Sir John Suckling wrote the ballad beginning, “ I’ll tell thee, Dick.” Seated ; low dress ; resting on r. hand. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. I REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 1 14 676 LUCY DAVIS, COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDON. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Hastings. Daughter of Sir John Davis, Kt. of Englefield, Berks ; married Ferdinand Hastings, 6th E. of Huntingdon. Half-length ; white gold-embroidered dress, long fair hair, pearl necklace and head-band ; hands folded, dark gloves ; dated 1623. Canvas, 31 X 25. 677 DAVID ROTH, R.C. BISHOP OF OSSORY. Mr. G. L. Bryan. B. in Kilkenny, 1573; educ. at Douay, in the Irish secular College; re- turned to Ireland about 1600 as a priest ; appointed Protho-notary Apos- tolic and Vicar-General of Armagh ; R. C. Bp. of Ossory about 1618 ; Member of the Supreme Council ; d. 1650 ; mentioned for his antiquarian learning by Usher ; author of several historical and other essays in Latin. Bust, open book in hands ; ecclesiastical dress, white collar ; inscribed with texts ; date 1644 ; age 72. Canvas, 678 ANNE, LADY FANSHAWE. Mr. J. G. Fanshawe. (SW No. 852.) B. 28 March, 1625 ; daughter of Sir John Harrison of Balls, Herts ; married Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bt. at Wolvercote, Oxon, 18 May, 1644. Her Memoirs contain many curious anecdotes of the great personages of the time. D. 20 Jan. 1680. Bust ; low dark dress, open lace collar, rose in hair. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 679 CHARLES I. Sir Charles E. Isham, Bt. Vandyck. Full-length ; with horse and attendants ; sea view in distance. Canvas, 106 X 81 in. 680 SIR BEVIL GRANVILLE, Kt. Rev. Lord John Thynne. (Stre No. 563.) Half-length, cuirass ; red trunk hose ; leaning on baton. Canvas, 38 X 27 in. 681 SIR HENRY MARTEN, LL.D. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Judge of the Admiralty • M.P. for .St. Ives, Hunts, in the last Parliament of Charles 1 ., in which he did his best to moderate the misunderstanding between the King and his subjects ; his son was the notorious Col. Henry Marten, the regicide. Bust ; white peaked beard, cone-shaped, lace-edged, yellow cap, ruff and furred robe. Panel, 27 X 21 in. 682 SIR JOHN SUCKLING, Kt. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. W. Dobson. Royalist, Soldier, and Poet ; b. 1609, at Whitton ; served under Gustavus xVdolphus ; spent 12,000/. in raising a troop of horse, who behaved so ill in an action with the Scots, 1639, to occasion Sir John Minnes’s lampoon, “ Sir John he got him an ambling nag obliged to leave England for attempting the escape of Strafford from the Tower ; d. of a broken heart, 7 May, 1641. Bust, young ; wide lace collar, red scarf. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 115 683 SIR THOMAS POPE, afterwards 3RD E. OF LENT BY DOWNE, 1598-1667. PAINTER. Mr. C. M. Caldecott. W. Dobson. OfWroxton, Oxford; b. 1598; great nephew of the Founder of Trinity College ; 2nd son of Thomas, ist E. of Downe ; Kt. 1625 ; on royal side in Civil War ; receiver of money for Prince Rupert’s Horse, 1642 ; Trinity College gave him a present of money. Dr. Wharton remarks on these donations in the Government of Dr. Robert Harris, Presbyterian President; became a Bt. and 3rd. E. of Downe, 1660 ; d. 1667. Half-length ; long grey hair, holding cap and comb in his hands ; age 6a Canvas, 49 X 40. 684 LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY, COUNTESS OF SUNDERLAND. Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. {See No. 662). Half-length ; seated ; yellow and blue drapery, and han 4 resting on urn. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. LOWER GALLERT WEST (Nos. 685 to 825). 685 GENERAL THOS. PRESTON, VISCT. TARAGH, Viscount Gormanston. B. 1583 ; 4th son of Viset. Gormanston ; General of the Confederate Irish Catholics in Charles I.’s reign ; created Viset. Taragh, 1650; excepted front pardon by Cromwell. Bust; armour, falling collar ; dated, 1644 ; age 59 ; painted in 1750 front an original. Canvas, 29 x 23 in. 686 SIR WILLIAM FAIRFAX, Kt. Mr. Thomas Fairfax. Son of Sir P. Fairfax of Steeton, Yorkshire, and the Hon. Frances Sheffield ; mar. a dau. of Sir T. Chaloncr of Guisboro’, Yorkshire ; a brave Parliamentary officer, in com. of a regiment at Edgehill, 1642 ; killed in raising the siege Montgomery Castle when invested by the Royalist, John, Ld. Byron, Oct. 1644, Full-length ; cuirass, buff jerkin, green scarf ; baton in r. hand ; skir- mishers in background. Canvas, 82 x 51 in. 687 CHARLES STANLEY, 8th EARL OF DERBY. Miss Ffarington. Vandyck. Eldest son of James, 7th E. of Derby (No. 689) ; b. 19 Jan, 1627 ; mar, 1650, Dorothea Helena, Maid of Honour to the Queen of Bohemia (No. 417X and daughter of John Kirkhoven, Baron of Rupa in Holland; lived retired after his father’s execution ; the estates his gallant father had lost in the ser- vice of the King were not restored at the Restoration ; d. 21 Dec. 1672. To waist, as a child ; blue dress ; aged 10. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 688 SIR JOHN BYRON, ist LORD BYRON, K.B. Mr. James Whatman, M.P. • Cornelius Jansen, M.P. Nottingham under James I. and Charles I. ; a trusty Loyalist ; Lieai, of Tower, 1641, in room of Sir Thos. Lunsford, but the appointment was not allowed by Ho. of Com. ; created Ld. Byron, 1643 ; Field-Marshal, General, and Governor to the young D. of York ; d. at Paris, 1652. Bust ; falling lace-edged collar, bl. doublet, red ribbon and points. Panel, 27 X 23 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. .1 16 689 JAMES STANLEY (LORD STRANGE), 7TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Vandyck. A brave and loyal soldier ; eldest son of Wm. 6th Earl ; b. 1596 ; married, 1626, Charlotte de la Trcmouille (No. 696); M.P. 1627 ; disapproved Chas. I.’s arbitrary measures, but, when the king retired to York, joined him ; his in- fluence in the north-west was such, that a force of, it is said, 60,000 men joined him ; fought many actions ; protected the Isle of Man ; helped to .raise the siege of Lathom House ; exhausted his private resources in the service of the king ; fell into the hands of the Parliament ; was basely executed at Bolton, 15 Oct. 1651 ; the scaffold was made of timber from his house at Lathom ; some of his noble and pathetic letters to his wife and children are preserved. He wrote “ The History and Antiquities of the Isle of Man,” left, however, incomplete. Full length, three-quarter face to r. ; long flowing hair, black dress and -•cloak ; sea coast in distance. Canvas, 76 X 49 in. 690 LETTICE BARONESS OF OFFALY. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Distinguished for the courage with which she held her castle of Geashill, King's Co., during the Irish rebellion. Lady Lettice Fitzgerald was daughter of Gerald Ld. Offaly, eldest son of Gerald, i ith E. of Kildare, by Catherine, daughter of Sir F. Knollys, K.G. ; married Sir Rt. Digby, of Coleshill, War- wickshire ; created, in 1619, Baroness Offaly for life ; in 1642 was twice fruitlessly besieged in Geashill Castle by the rebels ; d. 1658, at Coleshill. Half-length, seated ; mourning dress, book open beside her at Job. xix. 26. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 691 JAMES STANLEY, 7TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G. .Earl of Derby, K.G. Vandyck. (Ytv No. 689.) Bust, armour, r. hand resting on helmet ; badge K.G. rCanvas. 28 x 23 in. '692 THOMAS MORTON, BISHOP OF DURHAM. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B. 20 March, 1564 ; educ. at York, Halifax, and St. John’s, Cambridge ; a learned Controversialist ; Dean of Gloucester, 1607 ; of Winchester, 1609 ; Bishop of Chester, 1615 ; of Lichfield and Coventry, 1618 ; and of Durham. 1632 ; suffered great hardships during the Commonwealth, but voted an annuity of 800/. by parliament ; said to have been author of the “ Book of Sports,” in James I.’s reign ; d. at Easton Mauduit. Northants, 22 Sept. 1659. Bust ; black cap, episcopal habit, small ruff. Canvas, 22 x 18 in. 693 JULIA, LADY MUSGRAVE (1606-1659). Rev. George Musgrave. B. 1606; daughter of Sir Richard Hutton, Kt. of Goldsborough, Yorkshire ; Just. Com. Pleas ; married Sir Philip Musgrave, Bt. a distinguished Royalist, and .aided the Countess of Derby in the defence of the Isle of .Man ; d. 5 Mar. 1659 ; bu. at Eden Hall. Bust ; wide falling lace collar, covering low body of black dress, red ribbon bows. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. I 1 7 ‘ % 694 CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, COUNTESS OF DERBY. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. (See No. 554). Half-length; in widow’s dress, black veil; date, 1658. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 695 BLANCHE SOMERSET, LADY ARUNDELL OF Duke of Beaufort. WARDOUR. Sir Peter Lely, B. 1583; 5th daughter of Edward Somerset, E. of Worcester; and wife of Thomas, 2nd Baron Arundell, killed at Battle of Lansdowne, 19 May, 1648 ; with a garrison of 25 men, she bravely defended Wardour Castle for 9 days against Sir Edward Hungerford, and when summoned to surrender, replied, that she had a command from her lord to keep it, and she would obey his command ;” d. 28 Oct. 1649. Half-length, seated ; low yellow brown dress, lilac scarf. Canvas, 49X39. 696 CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, V COUNTESS OF DERBY. Earl ^ Derby, K.G. Vandyck. (See No. 554.) Bust ; low white dress, hung with pearls, jewelled band. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 697 SIR JOHN MAYNARD, Kt. (1602-1690). Exeter College, Oxford. B. 1602, at Tavistock ; educ. at Exeter College, Oxford ; M.P. for Totnes, 1640; engaged in impeaching Strafford and Laud ; sat in Assembly of Divines ; sent to the Tower, 1647, and again in 1653 for opposing the Parliament measures ; strongly pleaded for the life of the King ; King’s Sergeant and Kt. 1660; engaged in impeaching Will. Viset. Stafford, 1680; actively pro- moted Revolution, although 87 years old ; one of the Commissioners of Great Seal, 1689 ; M.P. for Plymouth, 1690 ; was thrice married ; d. 9 Oct. 1690. Bust ; black skull cap, red robe. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 698 SIR SIMON HARCOURT, Kt. Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Eldest son of Robert Harcourt; killed in conducting the siege of Carrick- maine, in Ireland, 1642. Bust ; low dress ; cuirass, and lappets ; purple scarf. Panel, 29 X 24 in. 699 JAMES, 1ST DUKE OF HAMILTON, K.G. Earl of Carlisle. Vandyck. B. 1606, son of James, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton ; the intimate friend from boyhood of Charles I. ; married Mary, daughter of William, ist E. of Denbigh ; created Duke, 1643 > Leader of the moderate Presbyterians and Commander of Royal Fleet ; suspected of betraying the King when the Scots sold him to the Parliament ; to wipe off this disgrace, raised forces and entered England ; defeated by Cromwell and Lambert at Preston, 17 Aug. 1648 ; afterwards surrendered ; tried before Bradshaw and beheaded, 9 Mar. 1649. Full length ; bl. slashed dress, white stick ; badge K.G. Canvas, 80 x 46. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 118 700 ROBERT BERTIE, ist E. OF LINDSEY, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Home. {See No. 617.) Full-length ; armour, baton in gauntleted r. hand. Canvas, ?4 X 50 in. 701 ANNE VERE, lady FAIRFAX. Mr. E. Wood. Mary Beale. Daughter and co-heir of Horatio, Ld. Vere of Tilbury, and ist wife of Thomas, 3rd Ld. Fairfax (No. 706) ; disapproved of the proceedings of Repub- lican party ; when Ld. Fairfax was called as a Judge at the King's trial, she exclaimed “ that he had more wit than to be there,” and when on the expres- sion in the impeachment was used, “all the good people of England,” she answered, “ No, nor the hundredth part of them,” upon which Col. Axtel ordered the guard to fire into the gallery whence the voice proceeded. Bust ; low dress, blue scarf. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 702 ROBERT WALLOP. Earl of Portsmouth. B. 1601 ; married Anne, daughter of Henry Wriothesley, E. of South- ampton ; M.P. for Andover; one of the Judges on the King’s trial, but refused to sign warrant for the execution ; sentenced at Restoration to be imprisoned in Tower for life ; to be drawn once a year on a sledge to Tyburn with a halter round his neck ; d. in the Tower, 16 Nov’. 1667. Head ; falling lace collar, red silver-wrought scarf ; date of b. and d. Oval, panel, 10 X 8 in. 703 COLONEL JOHN PENRUDDOCK. Miss Gerard. One of the three sons of .Sir John Pcnruddock of Compton Chamberlain, Wilts, who died in the King’s service ; look up arms at Salisbury and pro- claimed Charles at Blandford ; entered Canterbury with a few horse when the assizes were held and made prisoners of the judges and sheriffs ; attacked by Col. Unton Croke ; captured and beheaded in violation of a promise of quarter, 16 May, 1655. Head, crayon ; white falling collar, black dress. Paper, 18 X 14 in. 704 THOMAS PARR. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. ‘“Old Parr,’ son of John Parr of Winington ; b. 1483, in the parishe of Alderbury, in the southe of Shropshire was a labouring man and wrought at husbandr)' for more than 130 years ; Ld. Arundel brought him to London and he was presented to Charles L, being then 152 years old ; at this time Taylor, the Water Poet, published an account of his life ; he d. about a month afterwards, 1635 ! Westminster. Ur. Harvey examined his body, which was remarkably healthy ; his likeness was taken by Rubens. Robt. Parr, his grandson, b. 1633, is said to have lived 124 years. Bust ; conical cap and dress brown ; white collar ; at the age of “ 1 52 years and odd months, 1635.” Canvas, 23 x 18 in. 705 COLONEL THOMAS SANDERS. Mr. JorfN Sanders. R. Walker. Of Ireton and Caudwell, Co. Derbyshire ; M.P. for that county ; Colonel on the Parliament side in the civil war ; d. 1695. Bust, looking to 1 . in buff Jerkin, with cuirass. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 119 706 THOMAS, 3RD LORD FAIRFAX. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas Fairfax. B. 1611, at Denton, Yorkshire ; son of Ferdinando, 2nd L. Fairfax, and Lady Mary Sheffield ; educ. at St. John’s, Cambridge ; served in Holland under Horatio, L. Vere, whose daughter Anne (see No. 701) he married ; served under his father at Marston Moor, 1644, &c. ; succeeded E. of Essex as Commander of Parliamentary army ; commanded at Naseby, 1645 ! ceived Charles I. from the Scots near Nottingham, 1647 ; refused to act on Charles’s trial ; disgraced himself by sentencing Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle to be shot after siege of Colchester ; a commissioner for pro- moting Restoration ; d. 12 Nov. 1671. Half-length ; dark armour ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 707 FERDINANDO, 2nd LORD FAIRFAX. Mr. Thomas Fairfax. Bower. Son of Thomas, ist Ld. Fairfax, and Ellen Ashe ; married, ist. Lady Mary Sheffield, daughter of Edmund, ist E. of Mulgrave, and, 2nd, Rhoda, daughter of Thomas Chapman, Esq. ; an active Parliamentary general ; defeated E. of Newcastle, 1642, L. Byron, 1643, Col. Bellasyse at Selby, iith April, 1644; commanded at Marston Moor, 2nd July, 1644 ; d. 13th March, 1648. Half-length, seated in robes ; armour beside him ; signed “ F. Bower.” Canvas, 52 X 41 in. 708 SIR THOMAS AND LADY FAIRFAX. Mr. Charles Gregory Fairfax. Wm. Dobson. Sir Thomas Fairfax of Walton, was created (1629) Viset. Fairfax of Emeley, Co. Tipperary ; married Alathea, daughter of Sir Philip Howard, Kt., eldest son of Belted Will No. 405). Half-length, seated ; hands joined, flowers in her 1 . hand. Canvas, 59 X 56 in. 709 RICHARD GIBSON (1615-1690). Rev. J. E. Waldy. Cuyp. Miniature Painter and Court Dwarf to Charles I. ; b. 1615 ; married Ann Shepherd, Court Dwarf to Queen Henrietta Maria, the bride being given away by the King ; the statures of this “ compendious couple,” amounted together to 7 ft. ; Waller wrote some often quoted verses for the occasion, and Sir P. Lely painted the little pair hand in hand ; 5 of their 9 children lived and grew up to ordinary size ; (jibson was a good artist, studied under De Cleyn at Mortlake ; d. 23 July, 1690. Small, full length ; high black hat and short cloak. Canvas, 18 X 13 in. 710 WILLIAM LILY, THE ASTROLOGER. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. B. 1602, at Derseworth, co. Leicester ; pupil of Evans the astrologer, 1632 ; says of himself, “that he engaged body and soul in the cause of the Parliament consulted by both sides in Civil War ; his Almanacks in great repute ; his “ Merlinus Anglicus, Junior,” was read to the Republican troops in Scotland, as promising victory {see his life by himself) ; d. 1681. To waist, looking to r. ; paper and pen in hand ; age 45. Canvas, 29 x 25. 120 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 71.1 WM. CAVENDISH, D. OF NEWCASTLE, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Vandyck. 15 . 1 592 ; eldest son of Sir Charles Cavendish, by Catherine, daughter of Cuthbert, L. Ogle; educ. at St. John’s Camb. ; made K.G., 1610; E. of Newcastle, 1627; Governor to Charles Prince of Wales, 1638; defeated Ferdinand, L. Fairfax, at .\therton Moor ; created M. of Newcastle, Oct. 1643 >■ retired abroad after the defeat at Marston Moor, and settled at Antwerp; returned at the Restoration, and made D. of Newcastle, 1665; married, 1st, Elizabeth, daughter of William Bassett, of Blore, and 2nd, Jilargaret, daughter of Thomas Lucas, of Colchester ; d. 25 Dec. 1676. Full-length ; black dress, open sleeves, wide lace-edged falling collar. Canvas, 7 ft. X 4 ft. 2 in. 712 THOS. HOWARD, E. OF ARUNDEL & SURREY, K.G., ALETHEIA, HIS COUNTESS, & THEIR CHILDREN. Lord Stafford. Fruytiers after Vandyck. B. 7 July, 1592 ; son of Philip, E. of Arundel (who d. in the Tower, 1595) and Anne Uacre ; married the Lady Aletheia, daughter and heir of Gilbert Talbot, 7th E. of Shrewsbury; d. 4 Oct. 1646. Their eldest son, James, Ld. Mowbray and Maltravers, K.B. (d. 1624), is presenting to his father the sword of James IV. taken at Flodden Field in 1513, by Thomas, 1st D. of Norfolk. — Henry Frederick (b. 1608), aftenvards E. of Arundel, married (1626) to Elizabeth, daughter of Esme Stuart, D. of Lennox ; d. 1652. — William Howard, afterwards Visct. Stafford No. 978). They hold the famous shield (now in possession of the D. of Norfolk) pre- sented byGrand D. of Tuscany to Henr>', E. of Surrey, at a tournament, and carry the helmet of J ames I V. taken at Flodden. Portraits of Thomas, ist D. of Norfolk, and of Henry, E. of Surrey, be- neaded 1547, are hanging up near the canopy. Painted in distemper; signed “.\n. A’andyke inv.” and “ Ph. Fruytiers fecit, 1642.” Vellum, 15^ X 22 in. 713 NICHOLAS LANIERE. University of Oxford. N. Laniere. Painter, Engraver, and Musician ; Italian by birth ; patronised by Charles I., who named him Court-musician and Inspector of his Cabinet of Miniatures ; he possessed an important collection of original drawings ; in 1636, pub.a series of his ow,i etchings, and in 1638 copies after Julio Romano. Bust ; brown hat and dress, with pallet and brush in hand ; piece of music to his r. ; signed, “Nich. Lanier.” Canvas, 26 x 23 in. 714 SIR THOMAS LEIGH, ist BARON LEIGH OF STONELEIGH. Sir Charles E. Isham, Bt. B. 1594; son of Sir John Leigh and Ursula Hoddesdon ; succeeded his grandfather as 2nd Bt. i Feb. 1625 ; married Mar}-, daughter and co-heir of Sir Thos. Egerton ; M.P. for co. Warwick, temp. Charles L, who for his zeal in the Royal cause created him Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh, 1643 5 d. 22 Feb. 1671. Half-length ; black drapery ; 1 . hand pointing to a skull beside him. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. I 2 I 715 WILLIAM, 2ND DUKE OF HAMILTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Brother of James ist. D. (No. 699) ; dn the royal side in Civil War; mortally wounded at the battle of Worcester, 1651. Half-length, seated ; ribbon and cloak with star ofK.G. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 716 JAMES COMPTON, 3RD E. OF NORTHAMPTON. Countess Delawarr. Vandyck. Son of the brave Spencer, 2nd Earl, by Mary, dau. of Sir F. Beaumont ; mar. ist, Isabella, dau. of Richard, E. of Dorset ; and, 2nd, Marj-, dau. of Baptist Noel, Visct. Campden ; when M.P. for Warwick, 1641, voted against attainder of Ld. Strafford, and was expelled the House ; fought under the Royal banner ; attended Chas. II. on his entry into London, 29 May, 1660, at the head of 200 gentlemen ; d. 15 Dec. 1681. Half-length, armour ; crimson sash, r. hand resting on large dog’s head. Canvas, 48 X 37 in. 717 HENRY LAWES (1600-1662). Rev. Richard Ores, D.D. (See No. 549). Half-length, seated, with lute in r. hand. Canvas, 33X 23 in. 718 MARGARET LEMON. Earl Spencer, K.G. The mistress of Sir Anthony Vandyck, who is said to have painted several portraits of her. She is reported also as the mistress of Endymion Porter, Groom of the Bed-chamber to Charles I. Half-length, three-quarter face to r. ; blue dress. Canvas, 41 x 34 in. 719 ALGERNON, ioth E. of NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. COUNTESS AND CHILD. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Vandyck. Made L. High Admiral, 1637, but dismissed 1642 ; sided with the Parlia- ment against the king, but did not take part in his execution ; favoured the Re- storation ; married Elizabeth Howard, dau. of Theophilus, 2nd E. of Suffolk. D. 13 Oct. 1668. Half-length figures; Lady Northumberland seated, with roses in her lap. Canvas, 69 X 51 in. (Compare No. 587.) 720 JAMES STUART, DUKE OF RICHMOND AND LENNOX. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Vandyck. B. 1612; son of Esme, D. of Lennox; created D. of Richmond, 1641 ; faithfully attended upon Charles till 1646 ; one of the four noblemen who offered their lives to save the king ; allowed to attend his funeral ; retired abroad, andd., it is said, of a broken heart, 1655. (See No. 634.) To waist ; white shirt, pomegranate inl.hapd. Canvas, 40X32. 721 PETER OLIVER. ' -X) I Her Majesty (Hampton Court). G. Hanneman. Eldest son of Isaac Oliver, miniature painter under whom he studied ; attained skill even greater than his father as a miniature painter ; also copied in water colours the works of several Italian painters ; d. 1660. Bust, showing r. hand ; dark cloak. Canvas, 29 X 21 in. 122 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 722 ROBERT GREVILLE, 2nd LORD BROOKE. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Warwick. Son of Fulke Greville, Esq., of Thorpe Latimer, co. Lincoln ; M.P. for boro’ of Warwick, 1627 ; succeeded his kinsman, the ist Baron {see No. 299), 1628 ; married Catharine, daughter of Francis, 4th E. of Bedford, a brave Parliamentary General ; had a command at Edgchill, 1642 ; killed in storming the Cathedral Close at Lichfield on the festival of St. Chad, the patron saint, 2 March, '643. Three-quarter size ; cuirass, buff jerkin, red scarf. Canvas, 42 x 32 in. 723 THOMAS HOWARD, EARL OF ARUNDEL AND SURREY, K.G. Earl of Warwick. Rubens. (.y^^No. 712.) Half-length, armour, r. hand leaning on baton. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 724^ SIR RICHARD LANE, Kt. LORD KEEPER. Mr. G. N. W. Heneage. j t Son of Richard Lane of Courtenhall, Northants ; studied at the Middle Temple; Attorney-Gen. to the Prince of Wales, 1634; defended L. Strafford with great ability ; Kt. ; L. Ch. Baron, 1644 ; sue. L. Lyttelton (No. 656) as L. Keeper, 1645 ; d. in exile in France, 1650. Half-length, black dress, holding Great Seal ; dated 1645. Canvas, 49 X 40. 725 Drs. dolben, allestry, and fell. Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. Sir Peter Lely. During the Usurpation, these three divines constantly perfonned divine service, and administered the sacraments according to the Liturgy of the Church of England, to the gi'eat comfort of the royalists resident in Oxford. The house in which they met, was that of Dr. Thomas Willis (opposite Merton College), the celebrated physician and brother-in-law to Dr. Fell. Half-length figures, seated at a table, with books. Canvas, 52 X 75 in, John Dolben, Archbishop of York. — B. 20 March, 1625, at Stan- wick, Co. Northampton ; cduc. at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford ; in arms for the King till the forces were disbanded ;*took holy orders 1656 ; remained in Oxford till the Restoration, when he was made Canon of Christ Church, 1660; Dean of Westminster, 1662; Bp. of Rochester, 1666; L. High Almoner, 1675 i Archbp. of York, 1683 ; d. of small pox at Bishop- thorpe. II April, 1686. Dr. Richard Allestry, Provost of Eton. — B. at Uppington, Salop, 1619; educ. at Coventry and Christ Church, Oxford, under Dr. Busby; in arms for the King, 1641 ; fought at Kington ; expelled from Oxford, 1648 ; actively employed as agent between the royalists and exiled King ; made Reg. Professor 4)ivinity, 1663; Provost of Eton, 1665; d. 28 Jan. 1681, bu. in the chapel. John F"ell, Bishop of Oxford. — B. 23 June, 1625, at Longworth, Berks ; educ. at Thame and Christ Church, Oxford ; ensign in the army at Oxford; ordained 1643; deprived 1648; remained at Oxford with Drs. Dolben and Allestry ; Dean of Christ Church, 1660; Bp. of Oxford, 1675 ; builder of “ Tom Gate,” at Christ Church ; d. 10 July, 1686. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 123 726 SIR THOMAS BROWNE, Kt. M.D. (1605-1671). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. A most learned Antiquary and Physician ; author of “ Religio Medici,” and “Vulgar Errors;” b. in Cheapsidc, 19 Oct. 1605 ; educ. at Winchester and Broadgate Hall (Pembroke College), Oxford ; took degree of M.D. at Leyden, 1633; at Oxford, 1637; Hon. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1664; Kt. by Chas. 11. 1671 ; settled at Norwich, 1636; d. there 19 Oct. 1671. Bust ; flowing dark brown hair, white collar, black dress. Panel, 23 x 19. Presented to the Coll, by his son. Dr. Ed. Browne, who was Pres. 1703-8. 727 JOHN MILTON. Countess Delawarr. Mary Beale. (See No. 820.) Bust, looking to r. ; young, brown dress, open collar. Canvas, 19 X 15 in. 728 GEORGE DIGBY, EARL OF BRISTOL, AND WILLIAM, EARL OF BEDFORD. Earl Spencer, K.G. Vandyck. Sec. of .State and Privy Counc. to Ch. II. during Interregnum, but forfeited both offices on joining the Ch. of Rome ; friend of Clarendon, and styled by Swift “The Prototype of Ld. Bolingbroke d. 15 March, 1672. William, 5th E. of Bedford, mar. Anne, daughter of Robert Carr, E. of Somerset, by Frances, Countess of Essex ; K.G. 1672 ; D. of Bedford, 1694 ; father of William Lord Russell {sec No. 979) ; d. 7 Sept. 1700. Full-length figures ; Ld. Bristol in black, Ld. Bedford in red dress. Canvas, 98 X 62. These are the portraits to which Evelyn alludes in his “ Memoirs.” 729 COLONEL HUTCHINSON. Earl Manvers. Officer in the Parlmty. army. Life written by Lucy Hutchinson, his wife. Bust ; armour ; long dark hair or wig, red scarf. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 730 SIR HENRY SPELMAN. Earl of Hardwicke. Learned Antiquary ; b. at Congham, Norfolk, 1561 ; educ. at Trin. Col- lege, Cambridge, and at Lincoln’s Inn; devoted himself to antiquarian studies; his “Glossarium Archaiologicum” is his most valuable work; d. 1641 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Bust ; yellow cone-shaped cap, edged with lace, ruff, black dress. Panel, 22J X 19 in. Bequeathed to Philip, L. Hardwick, Ld. High Chancellor, by E. Spelman. N 731 SIR HENRY SPELMAN. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Half-length, seated (see No. 730), with roll in r.' hand ; dated 1632. .. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. 732 FAMILY OF THE ist EARL OF BOLINGBROKE. Earl of Morley. Vandyck.. Seven half-length figures of children ; Oliver St. John, created, 1624, by James 1. E. of Bolingbroke, mar. Eliz. Poulett, sister to John, Ld. Poulett, and had four sons and three daughters ; Oliver, killed in 1642, near Kington, 124 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. Warwickshire; in arms against the King; Poulett, K.B. at coronation of Charles 1 ., wearing collar of his Order; Francis ; Antony; Dorothy, married to John, Ld. Rochfort ; Elizabeth ; Barbara, who is reciting to the others. This picture was presented to John, L. Boringdon, by his uncle, the Hon. Orme Poulett, whose great aunt, Elizabeth, was the Countess of Bolingbroke, mother of the persons here represented. In a garden. Canvas, 43 X 63 in. 733 WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. Cornelius Jansen. No. 756.) Half-length, seated, looking to r. Canvas, 52 X 42 in. 734 SIR WILLIAM ST. LEGER. Mr. W. H. Blaauw. One of the Lords Justices in Ireland time of Charles I. Half-length ; cuirass, buff coat, cavalier scarf, baton in r. hand. Canvas, 46 X 38 in. 735 COLONEL FRANCIS HACKER. Earl Cathcart. Republican Soldier of Fortune ; much trusted by Cromwell and his party ; had custody of the King during his trial, and led him on to the scaffold ; at the Restoration he was tried, and executed at Tyburn, 19 Oct. 1660. Bust ; buff coat, white collar. Oval, canvas, 29 X 23. 736 J. PETTIWARD. Mr. R. J. Pettiward. F. Cleyn. Bust ; long hair, brown drapery, white cravat. Canvas, 29 X 24. in. 737 JOHN BRADSHAW. Mr. George J. A. Walker. R. Walker. B. 1586 ; educ. at Gray’s Inn ; Prosecutor by order of Parliament, of the Irish Rebels, 1644, and of the loyalist Judge Jenkins, 1647 ; made SerJ.-at- Law, 1648; L. President of High Court of Justice for Trial of the King, I Jan. 1649 > strongly opposed seizure of supreme power by Cromwell ; d. ii Oct. 1559, bu. with great pomp in Westminster Abbey. Head ; wide white collar. Panel, 14 X 10 in. 738 COLONEL MATTHEW TOMLINSON. Mr. 'F. E. 'Fwisden. Mytens. A Parliamentary officer ; one of the 135 commissioners named for the High Court of Justice for the trial of the King, but did not act as such ; to his custody the King was committed during the trial, and by him given up to Col. Hacker and others, on production of the death-warrant ; his be- haviour was kind and respectful to the King, who acknowledged it at the time. Bust ; armour ; long dark hair. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 125 739 WILLIAM JUXON, ABP. OF CANTERBURY. LENT BY PAINTER. St. John’s Coll. Oxford. The pious and faithful friend of Charles 1 . ; b. at Chichester, 1582 ; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ School and at St. John’s College, O.xford ; friend of Archbp. Laud (No. 583) ; Bp. of Hereford, 1633, afterwards of London ; L. High Treasurer, 1635 ; attended Charles I. on the scaffold and received , his last commands ; at the Restoration made Archbp. of Canterbury ; d. 1663. To knees, seated ; broad black cap, episcopal habit ; book on table to 1 . ‘ Canvas, 57 x 43 in. 740 CHARLES I. All Souls College, Oxford. Half-length, seated ; high black hat, ribbon and badge, K.G. Canvas, 54 X 42 in. On the back is written : “ K. Charles the first as he satt at his tryall in Westminster Hall, 1648, an original, G. C.” 741 ARTHUR CAPELL, ist EARL OF ESSEX. Duke of Beaufort. Son of Arthur Lord Capcll {see No. 794) ; executed after the siege of Colchester; L. Lieut, of Essex, 1664; E. of Essex, 1661 ; L. Lieut, of Ire- land, 1672-8 ; 1st Commissioner of Treasury, 1679 ; opposed court measures and sitting of parliament at Oxford, 1 680-1 ; accused of complicity in Rye- House Plot, and committed to Tower, July, 1683, where he was found mur- dered a few days after. Bust, armour, long dark hair ; dated 1647. Oval, canvas, 29 x 25 in. 742 CORNET JOYCE. Mr. G. J. a. Walker. Wm. Dobson. By profession, a tailor, and afterwards a Cornet in the Republican Anny ; carried off the King from Holmby House, Northants, when in charge of the Parliamentary Commissioners, 3 June, 1647, and delivered him up to the army at Triploe Heath, Cambs. Bust ; buff jerkin, pistol in hand, alluding, probably, to his insolent reply when Charles asked* him to show his warrant, this, he said, pre- senting a loaded pistol, was his warrant. Canvas, 34 X 26 in. 743 WILLIAM PRYNNE. Marquis of Hastings. B. 1600, at Swanswick, Somerset ; educ. at Bath, Oriel College, Oxford, and Lincoln’s Inn; violent Political Writer; hostile to “Bishops, players, long hair, and lovelocks ;” for his work, “ Histrioma Arix,” was sentenced by Star Chamber, 1633, to the pillory and loss of ears ; again pilloried and im- prisoned in Jersey, 1637 ; released, 1640 : Cl ief Manager at Laud’s trial ; opposed Cromwell’s assumption of supreme power ; aided in the Restoration ; appointed Keeper of Tower Records, 1690 ; d. 24 Oct. 1699. Bust ; black dress, white flat collar. Canvas, 20 x 18 in. 744 dr. william DENTON. Sir Harry Verney, Bt. M.P. Political writer ; physician to Charles I. ; brother of Mr. Alexander Denton, ancestor of Coke, E. of Leicester ; accompanied Charles to the North. To waist ; reddish drapery ; fair wig. Canvas, 28 X 24 in. 126 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 745 SIR THEODORE TURQUET DE MAYERNE. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. Physician and Chemist ; b. at Geneva, 1573 ; Physician to Henry- IV. of France ; on his death came to England ; appointed Physician to James I. and Kt. ; aided, by his chemical knowledge, his countryman, J ean Petitot the enamel painter, to prepare colours for his miniatures ; Physician to Charles I. and Charles II. ; d. 1655 ; bu. in the vaults of St Martin’s in the Fields; bequeathed his library to the Royal College of Physicians. Half-length ; close black cap, holding skull in 1. hand. Canvas, 49 x 35. 746 WM. SEYMOUR, MARQUIS OF HERTFORD, K.G- AFTERWARDS DUKE OF SOMERSET. Duke of Beaufort. B. Sept. 1688 ; 2nd son of Ed. L. Beauchamp and Honora Rogers ; secretly married to Lady Arabella Stuart, 1610 ; after her death in prison. 27 Sept. 1615, married Lady Francis Devereux, 1617 ; succeeded as E. of Hertford, 1621 ; fought gallantly for the King; offered his life to save his master ; one of the four noblemen who bore him to the grave ; K.G. at Res- toration ; Duke of Somerset by reversal of his grandfather’s attainder ; d. Oct. 1660. Half-length ; armour ; baton in L hand ; dated at back, 1658. Canvas, 51 X 39 in. 747 LORD KIMBOLTON, 2nd E. OF MANCHESTER. Col. Holden. (See No. 614.) Bust ; cuirass, buff coat, long bl. hair. Canvas, 24 X 19 in. 748 JAMES HARRINGTON. Mr. Gervase Wright. B. 1611 ; grandson of Sir Wm. Lanvell, Groom of Bed-chamber to Charles I. ; Political Writer ; Author of “ The Commonwealth of Oceana,” against which Baxters “ Holy Commonwealth” was avowedly levelled ; after Rest. mar. Catherine, daughter of Sir Marmaduke Dorrel ; d. ii Sept. 1677. Bust ; long hair, dark dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 749 WILLIAM VILLIERS, VISCT. GRANDISON. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Vandyck. B. 1614 ; son of Sir Edw. Villiers ; succeeded in right of his mother, Bar- bara St. John, as 2nd Viset. Grandison ; on the royal side in the Civil War ; wounded at the siege of Bristol, 1643, and d. at Oxford in August following ; bu. in Ch. Ch. Cathedral, where is a monument to him erected by Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, his only daughter (No. ) ; noted not only for valour, but for uprightness of life. Full-length, red dress, lace collar, plumed hat in r. hand. Canvas,84X 5* 750 WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. Jesus College, Cambridge. {See No. 756.) Half-length, seated ; sable-furred robe. Canvas, 46 x 33 in. 751 INIGO JONES. Lieut.-Col. Inigo W. Jones. Vandyck. {See No. 752.) Given by Mr. Speaker Onslow to the grandfather of the present possessor. Bust, looking to 1. ; white collar, black dress. Canvas, 23 X 18 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 127 752 INIGO JONES (1572-1652). LENT BY PAINTER. Lt.-Col. Inigo W. Jones. Vandyck. Architect ; b. near St. Paul’s, London, 1572 (?) ; patronised by Wm. E. of Pembroke ; visited Denmark, 1604 ; appointed Architect to the Queen and Prince Henry ; again visited Italy in 1612 ; built the Banqueting House at Whitehall, the Surgeon’s Hall, &c. ; d. 21 July, 1652. Miniature, half-length, three-quarter face to r. ; monochrome ; paper in 1 . hand. Panel, 8 X 6J in. 753 LADY ALICE EGERTON. Earl Brownlow. nth daughter of John Egerton, ist E. of Bridgewater, and granddaughter of Ld. Chancellor Ellesmere; “the lady” in the “Mask of Comus,” the brothers were Ld. Brackley and Hon. Thomas Egerton. Bust ; low white dress, r. hand holding blue scarf. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 754 THOS. CAREW & SIR WM. KILLIGREW, Kt. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Vandyck. Thomas Carew, the Poet. — B. 1589, of a good Gloucestershire family ; educ. at Corpus College, Oxford ; attached to the court as Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and Server to the king ; Author of several poems ; his masque, “Colum Britannicum,” performed at Whitehall, 1633 ; d. 1639. Dramatic writer ; b. 1605 ; son of Sir Robt. Killegrew; brother of Thomas “the Jester” (No. ) ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Oxford ; Gov. of Falmouth and Pendennis Castle ; suffered for adherence to Charles I. ; Kt. at the Restoration, and Vice-chamberlain ; d. 1693. Half-length seated figures ; Carew is reading. Canvas, 51 X 56 in. 755 SIR HENRY LYTTLETON, Bt. Lord Lyttelton. Son of Sir Thomas Lyttleton, and Catherine Crompton ; a staunch adherent of the King ; who suffered 17 months imprisonment in the Tower for his loyalty; married, ist, Philadelphia Carey; and 2nd, Elizabeth, daughter of Francis, Viset. Newport ; d. 1703. A child, as Cupid, playing with a dog. Canvas, 49 X 38 in. 756 WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. University College, London. Mirevelt. Discoverer of the Circulation of the Blood; b. i April, 1578) At Folke- stone ; educ. at the Grammar School, Canterbury, Caius College, Cambridge, and at Padua; in 1628 published his great discovery; is believed to have made it known in his Lumleian Lectures, 1615, and its principal propositions are stated in a MS. of his, dated 1616, now in the British Museum ; in 1632 appointed Physician to King Charles I. ; d. 3 June, 1657; left his library and property, with which the Harveian Lecture is founded, to the College of Physicians. Bust, with long grey hair, dark dress. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. Engraved by Hall. Bequeathed to the College by Mr. George Field ; was in pos- session of Mr. John Linnell Bond, Architect to Admiral Sir E. Har\'ey; to whom it descended through Dr. Har\ ey’s 2nd brother. 128 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 757 ABRAHAM COWLEY. LENT BY PAINTER. St. John’s College, Cambridge. B. 1618, in London ; educ. at Westminster and Trinity College, Camb. ; early distinguished as a Lyric Poet; ejected by the Parliament, 1643, and became a zealous royalist ; attended the queen into exile ; was medium of communication between her and the king ; returned secretly to England, 1656, and imprisoned, but bailed by Dr. Scarborough ; at Restoration ob- tained lease of a farm at Chertsey, where he died, 28 July, 1667. Head ; long brown hair, white collar. Canvas, 15 X 12 in. 758 JOHN TAYLOR, THE WATER POET. Bodleian Library, Oxford. John Taylor. B. 1580, at Gloucester; apprenticed to a Waterman; served in Navy under Ld. Essex, at taking of Cadiz, 1 596 ; retired to Oxford at commencement of Civil War, 1642 ; and, after the surrender, kept a victualling-house in Phoenix Alley, Long Acf^^ti loyalist, and assisted the King's cause by his lampoons ; d. 1654. Bust ; black cap and dress ; dated 1655. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 759 JOHN TAYLOR, Portrait Painter. Galleries, Oxford University. John Taylor. Bust, figure in profile ; dark greenish dress held in 1 . hand ; signed, “John Taylor, pinxit, 1655.” Canvas, 29 X 23 in. • 760 ALGERNON PERCY, E. OF NORTHUMBERLD- E.arl of Essex. Vandyck. Full-length, similar to figure in No. ; 1 . foot resting on an anchor ; ships. on fire in distance. Canvas, 7 ft. X 4 ft. 2 in. 761 LADY CHUTE. Rev. N. Toke. To waist, seated ; with feather fan in 1 . hand ; dress trimmed with wide lace. Canvas, 27 X 21 in. 762 SIR GEORGE CHUTE. Rev. N. Toke. To waist; wide falling lace edged collar; slashed dress. Canvas, 29x23. 763 MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD MASSEY. Mr. J. F. Basset. Vandyck. 5th son of 18 children, of John Massie, a Presbyterian leader in the civil war ; Governor of Gloucester in its obstinate defence against the royal forces 1643 : dismissed by the self-denying ordinance ; escaped, after a short im- prisonment to Holland, and entered Charles ll.’s service; returned to England with rank of Major-General, and wounded a few days before the Battle of Worcester, 1651 ; captured, but again escaped ; we have no further record of him ; said to have settled in Ireland. Full length ; cuirass and buff jerkin, r. hand resting on cane ; skirmishers in distance. Canvas, 78 X 51 in. REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 129 764 JAMES SHIRLEY. LENT BY PAINTER. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Dramatist; b. 1594, in London; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ and St.John’s Coll., Oxf., where he was noticed by Laud, then President of the College; after- wards joined Church of Rome, and turned dramatic writer; patronized by Henrietta Maria and William E. of Newcastle. He and his 2nd wife were forced to quit their house in Fleet Street by the Great Fire, Sept. 1666, and d. of terror within 24 hours of each other, Oct. 1666. Half-length, seated, head resting on r. hand. Canvas, 37 X 32 in. 765 WILLIAM DOBSON AND HIS WIFE. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). William Dobson. Painter; b. 1610; studied under Robt., afterwards Sir Robt. Peake; in- troduced to Charles 1 . by Vandyck, and succeeded on his death to the king’s favour, who called him the English Tintoret, and appointed him Sergeant Painter ; in difficulties on the breaking out of the Civil War ; d. in distress, 28 Oct. 1646. Half-length figures, seated, under a rock ; black and white drapery. Canvas, 49 X 57 in. 766 SIR WILLIAM WALLER, Kt. Duke of Richmond. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1597; educ. at Magd. Coll., Oxf.; an active Pari. General ; defeated at Lansdowne and at Roundway (hence called Runaway) Down, Devizes, July 1643 ; defeated Ld. Hopton at Alresford, 29 Mar. 1644 ; d. 9 Sept. 1668. Bust, looking to r. ; armour ; signed, “ P. Lely.” Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 767 HENRY CALVERLY. Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, Bt. B. 1604; son of Walter Calverly, who“murdred 2 of his young children, stabbed his wife into the bodie, with full purpose to have murdred her, and instantly went from his house to have slaine his youngest child at nurse.” This is the “brat at nurse,” whom the father repents he has not killed in the “Yorkshire Tragedy,” attributed to Shakespeare; d. i Jan. 1661. Bust ; dark dress, wide collar ; dated 1638 ; age 34. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 768 REV. JOHN OWEN, D.D. Baptist College, Bristol. Learned Nonconformist Divine; b. at Stadhampton, Oxfordshire, 1616 ;• studied at Queen’s College, Oxford ; joined the Parliamentary party with much zeal ; preached before the House of Commons on the day after the execution of Charles I. ; Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 1651 ; deprived at the Restoration; had a congregation in Leadcnhall Street, 1673; 1683. Wrote much and learnedly ; Exposition of the Epist. to the Hebrews, &c. &c. Bust, looking to r. ; clerical dress. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 769 HUMPHREY CHETHAM. Chetham Hospital and Library, Manchester. A wealthy Manchester Merchant, who left funds to purchase the Col- legiate Church from the Derby family. He founded the Hospital and the Chetham Library ; d. 1653. To waist ; yellow embroidered cap, falling wide collar, dark dress ; gloves in r. hand. Canvas, 32 X 25 in. K 130 REIGN OF CHARLES I. 1625-1649. 770 SIR PHILIP MONCKTON, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Galway, M.P. B. at Heck, Yorks.; knighted, 1644; M.P. for Scarboro’ ; of a loyal family ; twice banished, and often imprisoned during the Civil Wars, his grandfather, father, and himself, being all at one time sequestered by Crobiwcll ; fought at Marston Moor, Rowton Heath, Pontefract, &c. ; treated with great ingratitude at the Restoration; married, in 1658, to Anne, daughter of Robert Eyre, Esq. ; d. Feb. 1678. Full length ; cuirass, and red jerkin ; skirmishers in background. Can- vas, 87 X 57 in. 771 REV. WILLIAM BATES, D.D. Baptist College, Bristol. Nonconformist Divine ; b. 1625 ; studied at Emmanuel and King’s College, Cambridge ; distinguished as a preacher amongst the Presbyterians ; Vicar of St. Uunstan’s-in-the-West ; d. at Hackney, 14 July, 1699 ; published sermons, &c., and edited a valuable collection of biographies, 1081. Bust ; black skull-cap and gown. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 772, OLD THOMAS PARR. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. {See No. 704.) Half-length, looking to r. ; brown dress ; stick in r- hand ; age 152. Canvas, 42 x 31 in. 773 DOROTHY SIDNEY Countess of SUNDERLAND. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Vandyck. No. 662). Half-length; plucking roses; wide hat ; garden hoe in 1. hand. Canvas, 40 X 46 in. 774 RALPH, LORD HOPTON. Mr. W. B. Stopford. Brave royalist officer ; served in the Low Countries in the same camp with Sir W. Waller ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Arthur Capcll, and widow of Sir Justinian Lewen ; victorious at Stratton, 1643; created Baron Hopton same year ; defeated by Waller, at Alresford, 1644, and by Fairfax, at Torrington, 1645; followed Charles to Jersey; d. at Bruges, Sept. 1652. Half-length ; black dress ; port-crayon in r. hand. Canvas, 33 X 28 in. 775 DR. EDWARD POCOCK. Bodleian Library, Oxford. B. 1604, at Oxford ; son of Edward Pocock, vicar of Chcveley, Berks ; educ. at Thame, Magdalen Hall, and Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; friend of Laud, who nominated him Professor of Arabic about 1636 ; married Miss Burdett, 1646; Hebrew Professor and Canon of Christ Church, 1648; allowed to hold his professorship under Commonwealth, but deprived of canonr)-, to which restored June, 1660 ; edited and translated several Arabic works ; d. 10 Sept. 1691. To waist ; square blk. cap, Hcbr. Bible open in his hand. Canvas, 34 X 29. COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 776 REV. JOSEPH CARYL. LENT BY PAINTER. Baptist College, Bristol. Nonconformist Divine; b. in London, 1602; educ. at Exeter College; Oxford ; preached at Lincoln’s Inn ; ejected, 1662 ; gathered a congregation near St. Magnus, London Bridge ; d. 1673. Wrote “ Exposition of the book of Job,” 1648-66. Bust ; black skull-cap and dress, squared collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 777 SIR ROGER TWYSDEN, Kt. and Bt. Rev. Lambert Larkin. B- 1597 j son of William Twysden ; a learned Antiquary and collector of MSS. ; imprisoned seven years for his loyalty ; Author of “ Historical Defence of Church of England d. 7 June, 1672. To waist ; square-cut collar, black dress ; gloves in r. hand ; date 1648 ; age 51 ; s. of arms to his 1 . Canvas, 31 X 25 in. 778 ADMIRAL SIR FRANCIS BASSET. Mr. J. F. Basset. Vandyck, Sheriff of Cornwall and an eminent Loyalist ; suffered much in Civil war. Full-length; black dress, wide lace collar, white leather boots. Canvas, 78 X 51 in. 779 SIR HENRY MILDMAY, Kt. Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay, Bt. 3rd son of Sir Humphrey Mildmay ; married to Anne, daughter and co-heir of Sir Leonard Haliday, Kt. ; Master of Jewel Office, under James and Charles I. ; sat as a Judge on King’s trial, but did not sign warrant ; at Restoration, sentenced to be drawn once a-year on a sledge, with halter round his neck, to Tyburn ; to be imprisoned in the Tower, and degraded from all his honours ; d. at Antwerp, where a friend had this portrait painted to confute the popular notion that no regicide could die a natural death. Full-length ; taken after death, representing him as a corpse laid out, partly covered with a pall. Canvas, 47 X 83 in. 780 • PHILIP SIDNEY LORD LISLE, ALGERNON AND ROBERT SIDNEY. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Vandyck, Full length, as children ; Algernon holds a dog by a cord. Canvas, 44 X 4a 781 MRS. JANE LANE. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Mary Beale. Daughter of Mr. John Lane, of Bentley, co. Stafford, about 12 miles from Boscobcl ; well known for the courage she displayed, with her brother CoL John Lane, in aiding the escape of Charles IL after the fatal fight at Worcester ; disguised as her servant, the King rode before her from Bentley to Bristol ; she afterwards married a royalist. Sir Clement Fisher, Bt. of Packington ; d. 9 Sept. 1689. Half-length ; standing near a tree. Canvas, 45 X 3 ^ >n. 782 HENRY IRETON, LD. DEPUTY OF IRELAND. Earl of Sandwich. Wm. Dobson, {See No. 789.) Half-length, looking to r. ; cuirass, red scarf and jerkin. Canvas, 43 X 34 in. (Compare portrait of Sir John Minnes, No. 663). 132 COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 783 COLONEL PHILIP JONES (1618-1674). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Robert Oliver Jones. B. 1618, in Co. Brecknock ; on the Parliament side in South Wales ; Governor of Cardiff and Swansea; M.P. for Co. Brecknock, 1653; Member of Council of State under the Protector and his son ; Comptroller of House- hold and Governor of Charter-House ; High Sheriff of Glamorganshire after Restoration, having made his peace with Government and d. with a vastly augmented estate, 1674. Half-length ; black dress with silver clasps ; cane in r. hand. Canvas, 45 X 40 in. 784 SIR OLIVER CROMWELL, K.B. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Uncle of the Protector, but was on the royal side. Bust, as an old man ; ribbon and badge of K.B. ; dated 1647 ; age 48 (?). Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 785 BRIDGET CROMWELL, MRS. IRETON. Mr. Charles Polhill. B. 1624 ; eldest daughter of the Protector and Elizabeth Bourchier ; married, ist, to Hen. Ireton, Ld. Deputy of Ireland, 1 5 Jan. 1647 {see No. 789) ; and 2nd, to General Charles Fleetwood. Ld. Deputy of Ireland (No. 807) ; she long survived the Restor. ; d. at Stoke Newington and bu. there, 5 Sept. i68i. Three-quarter size, seated ; reddish low dress, green shawl. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 786 ELIZ. STEWARD, MRS. CROMWELL. Earl of Sandwich. Rt. Walker. Daughter of Mr. William Steward of Ely, and wife, ist, of William Lynne ; 2nd, of Robert Cromwell, a brewer of Huntingdon, by whom she was mother of the Protector. She had apartments in Whitehall, and, at her death, was honoured, contrary to her expressed wish, with a magnificent funeral by torch- light in Westminster Abbey. At the Restoration her body was dug up and thrown into a hole. D. 18 Nov. 1654. Bust ; white head-dress, black dress. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 787 HENRY CROMWELL (1628-1675). Mr. G. B. La.mbert. Theodore Roussel. {See No. 817.) Bust ; armour to r. ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 29 x 44 in. 788 LADY ELIZABETH CROMWELL. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Wife of Sir Oliver Cromwell {see No. 784). White cap, large falling collar, black dress; date 1646, age 58. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 133 789 HENRY IRETON, L. DEPUTY OF IRELAND. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Charles Polhill. Rt. Walker B. 1610 ; son of Mr. Ireton, of Attenton, Notts ; cduc. at Trinity College, Oxford, and the Middle Temple ; joined the Parliamentary Army at breaking out of Civil War; married 1646, Bridget Cromwell, daughter of the Protector; sat as one of the judges on the King’s trial, and signed the death-warrant ; Ld. Deputy of Ireland, 1650 ; d. of the plague before Limerick, 26 Nov. 1651. Three-quarter size ; dark armour, baton in r. hand, tents in distance. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. 790 OLIVER CROMWELL, THE “PROTECTOR.” Earl of Sandwich. Rt. Walker. Son of Robert Cromwell ; b. at Huntingdon, 1599 ; d. at Hampton Court, 3 Sept. 1658. Bust, armour, brown hair. Oval, canvas, 30 x 24 in. 791 Mr. ROBERT CROxMWELL. Earl of Sandwich. Rt. WalkeR- 2nd son of Sir Henry Cromwell, Kt. of Hinchinbrooke ; married Eliza- beth Steward {sec No. 786) ; and carried on for some years a brewery in Huntingdon, of which Borough he was M.P. (35th Elizabeth) ; his only sur- viving son was afterwards the Lord Protector. U. June, 1617. Bust ; black-skull cap and dress, large white collar. Canvas, 29^ X 24L 792 COLONEL NATHANIEL FIENNES. Rev. Lord Save and Sele. Mirevelt. 2nd son of William, ist Vise. Sayc and Sele ; educ. at New College, Oxford ; married, ist, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Eliot, Kt. of Port Eliot ; and 2nd, Frances, daughter of Rd. Tukeley, leader of the Independents, known as a “ Root-and-branch ” man ; Colonel in Parliamentary army ; tried and condemned for surrender of Bristol, but pardoned, and sat as Speaker of Cromwell’s House of Lords ; d. in retirement, at Newton Toney, Wilts, 1 6th Dec. 1669. 793 SIR FRANCIS ROUSE. Eton College. B. 1579 ; son of Sir Anthony Rouse of Halton, Cornwall ; M.P. for Truro under Charles I. ; sat as layman in the Westminster Assembly of Divines ; Speaker of Barebones’s Parliament, when he proposed to fonn English Com- monwealth after model of the Jewish, and invest regal power in Cromwell as a compound of the characters of Moses and Joshua; called “the illiterate Jew of Eton,” of which College he was Provost, 1643 5 there, 7 Jan. 1659. Half-length, seated ; in Speaker’s robes with mace before him. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 794 ARTHUR, 1ST LORD CAPELL, AND HIS FAMILY. Earl of Essex. C. Jansen. B. 1600 ; son of Sir H. Capoll, by Theodosia, sister of Ld. Montague ; M.P. for Hertford in L. Parliament; cr. Ld. Capell, 1641 ; married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of .Sir Charles Moryson, Kt. of Cashiobury; bravely de- fended Colchester against Gen. Fairfax, 1648 ; beheaded in Old Palace Yard, 9th March, 1649. Half-length figures ; the youngest child, an infant, in Lady Capell’s arms ; garden and park in distance. Canvas, 63 X 102 in. 134 COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. • 795 ANDREW MARVELL. LENT BY Mr. John Rhodes. {See No. 861.) Bust, showing r. hand ; dark dress. PAINTER. Hanneman. Canvas, 29 X 25 in. 796 JOHN BUNYAN. Rev. John Olive. J. Sadler. B. 1628, at Elstow, Bedfordshire; son of a travelling tinker; served in Parliamentary army at Leicester, 1645 ; joined Anabaptists, 1655, and turned preacher ; imprisoned at Restoration in Bedford Gaol, for contravening the laws against Dissenters; wrote the “ Pilgrim’s Progress” during his 12 years’ confinement ; the only books to which he had access were the Bible and Foxe’s “ Martyrs ;” released at last at the intercession of Dr. Barlow, Bp. of Lincoln (No. 1002), and travelled into several parts of England “to visit and confirm the brethren ;” d. 31 Aug. 1688. Bust ; holding book in r. hand at age of 56, “J. S. pinxit.” Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 797 ROBERT WALKER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Rt. Walker. {Sec No. 809.) Bust, three-quarter face to 1., holding paper. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 798 OLIVER CROMWELL, THE PROTECTOR. Mr. G. j. a. Walker. Sir Peter Lely. {See No. 790.) Bust ; armour ; falling brown hair. Canvas, 24 X 19 in. 799 OLIVER CROMWELL, THE PROTECTOR. Mr. Charles Polhill. Rt. Walker. {See No. 790.) Three-quarter size ; dark armour, baton in r. hand, 1. on helmet. Canvas 50 x 38 in. 800 GENERAL LAMBERT. Earl of Hardwicke. Rt. Walker. B. 1620; Parliamentary General; at Restoration banished to Guernsey, where he died, March, 1694. 801 THOMAS BELLASYSE, E. OF FALCONBERG. Mr. George Handford. Van der Helst. B. about 1633; son of Henry, ist Viset. and Grace, daughter of .Sir Thomas Barton ; married, ist, Mildred Sanderson, daughter of Nicholas, Viset. Castleton ; and, 2nd, Mary Cromwell, daughter of the Protector, at COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 135 Hampton Court, 18 Nov. 1657 ; one of the Council of State, 1657 ; Envoy to France, 1658 ; sent to the Tower, 1659 ; favoured the Restoration, and ap- pointed to the command of Sir A. Hazlerigg’s regiment, 25 1660 ; high in office under Charles II., but dismissed by James; restored by William ; and created E. of h'alconberg, 9 April, 1689 ; d. 31 Dec. 1700. Bust ; black dress, with square cut collar, open sleeves. Canvas, 27x25. 802 WILLIAM LENTHALL. LENT BY painter. National Portrait Gallery. B. 1691, at Henley ; cduc. at Alban Hall, Oxford, and Lincoln’s Inn ; M.P. for Woodstock in Long Parliament, 1639, and chosen Speaker ; held Mastership of the Rolls and other places of Emolument ; when Cromwell dismissed Long Parliament was chosen Speaker of the Rump Parliament, 1642, and Keeper of the Great Seal of Commonwealth of England ; pardoned at Restoration and retired to Burford, where he died, 1662. Half-length, seated ; robes as Speaker ; 4 Jan. 1642. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 803 OLIVER CROMWELL. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Samuel Cooper. {See No. 790.) Crayon head, looking to 1 . ; grey hair. Paper, 14 x 12 in. 804 ANDREW MARVELL. Mr. E. H. Reynard. Caspar Smitz. (See No. 861.) To waist; black doublet; gloves in 1 . hand. Canvas, 34 X 27 in. 805 WILLIAM PRYNNE. Marquis Townshend. {See No. 743.) Bust ; long flowing hair, small collar, black doublet. Can- vas, 29 X 24 in. 806 COLONEL WILLIAM CROMWELL. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Van Somer. Son of Sir Oliver Cromwell, the Royalist (No. 784), and cousin of the Protector. Bust ; armour ; red scarf. Panel, 28 X 23 in. 807 GENERAL CHARLES FLEETWOOD. Society of Antiquaries. Son of Sir Thomas Fleetwood, Kt., Cup-bearer to James I. and Charles I. ; early engaged against the King, but not a party to his trial ; at battle of Worcester, 1651 ; married Bridget Cromwell, widow of General Ireton, about 1652 ; Ld. Deputy of Ireland, 1654 ; removed, 1657; succeeded by Henry Cromwell ; one of Cromwell’s Lords ; favoured Charles’ return, but excepted from Act of Pardon and Indemnity at Restoration, d. 1692. Bust ; armour ; flowing fair hair. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 808 JOHN MILTON. Rev. R. C. Jenkins. No. 820.) Bust; dark dress, square cut white collar ; date, 1650; age, 42. Canvas, 27 X 23 in. 136 COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 809 ROBERT WALKER. LENT BY PAINTER. University of Oxford. Rt. Walker. Portrait Painter ; contemporary with V'andyck ; painted Cromwell and the principal personages of the Republican party. One of his portraits of Cromwell was purchased in his lifetime for the Pitti Palace, at Florence, for 500/. Had apartments in Arundel House ; d. a little before the Restora. Bust, three-quarter face to 1 . ; hand pointing to figure of Mercury ; signed, *• R. Walker.” Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 810 CHALONER CHUTE. Mr. W. L. Wiggett Chute. M.P. for Middlesex, 1656, and Speaker of H. of C. in Richard Cromwell’s Pari. ; a Lawyer of eminence ; mar. Dorothy, dau. of Dudley, Ld. North; d. 15th April, 1659. Full length ; black dress, hat in r. hand, wide collar. Canvas, 81; X 49 in. 81 1 SIR JOHN MAYNARD. Colonel Tempest. No. 697.) Half-length, seated ; robes ; mace to his r. Canvas, 35 X28 in. 812 JOHN THUllLOE. Mr. Charles Polhill. Old Stone. B. 1616, at Roding-Abbess, Essex; son of the Rector of the parish; appointed, Jan. 1645, one of the Parliamentary Secretaries at Treaty of Uxbridge; Secretary of Embassy to United Provinces, 1651 ; Secretar>- to Council of State, April, 1652, and Secretary of State to the Protector, 1653 ; M.P. for Ely, 1656, and for University of Cambridge, in Richard Crom- well’s Parliament of Dec. 1658 ; aided the Restoration, but did not undertake any public employment ; his “ Collection of State Papers,” in 7 vols. fol., is a work of great research ; d. 21 Feb. 1668. Bust ; square collar, black dress. Formerly belonged to Lord F. Camp- bell. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 813 GEN. JOHN DISBROWE, OR DESBOROUGH. Miss Disbrowe. B. 1608, at Eltisley ; 2nd son of James Disbrowe ; married, 1636, Jane, sister to Oliver Cromwell; a violent republican; Major-Gen. 1648; nomi- nated as one of the Judges at the king’s trial ; made Chancellor of Ireland by Richard Cromwell, but an active instrument in pulling him down ; often imprisoned under Charles il. and James; supposed to have survived the Revolution. Bust, young; open doublet and white sleeves; inscribed, “Lord John Disbrowe, Major-Gen. of the West.” Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 814 JERRY WHITE, CHAPLAIN TO OLIVER CROMWELL. Mr. G. J. a. Walker. Vandyck. B. 1629 ; educ. at Trinity College, Cambridge ; sided with Parliament ; preacher to Council of State, and Chaplain to Cromwell ; paid his addresses to the Lady Frances Cromwell, but Cromwell put a stop to his pretensions by marrying him to his daughter’s waiting-woman ; survived the Restoration, Revolution, and Union ; d. 1707. Bust ; black skull cap and dress, small collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Compare dates in No. 572. COMMONWEALTH, 1 649- 1 6 6o. 137 815 GEORGE MONK, D. OF ALBEMARLE, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. B. Monck. B. 1608, at Pctheridge, Devon ; in arms for the K. ; captured by Fairfax at Nantwich, and sent to the Tower till 1646, when he took “the Covenant,” at Dunbar under Cromwell, 1650; Com.-in-Chief in Scotl., 1654; and the chief agent in Restor., 1660; D. of Albemarle, K.G. with pension of 7000/. ; commanded the fleet, June 1666; mar. Ann Clarges, the dau. of a black- smith ; d. 3 Jan. 1670. Half-length, armour; attendant with horse in backgd. Canvas, 49X39 in. 816 ADMIRAL ROBERT BLAKE (1599-1657). Mr. Andrew Fountains. A most distinguished English Naval Commander, his fame at sea having wholly eclipsed his previous reputation as General Blake ; b. .-\ug. 1 599, at Bridgewater, Somersetshire ; cduc. at the Grammar School, and at St. Alban’s Hall, and Wadham College, Oxford ; candidate for a fellowship at Merton College, but failed because the Warden, Sir H. Savile, did not consider him tall enough ; M.P. in 1640 ; on the breaking out of civil war, 1642, raised a troop of dragoons on the Parliamentary side ; noted for his defence of Taunton ; first had naval command, 1649 > the Dutch war successfully encountered V'an Tromp and De Ruyter ; d. 17 Aug. 1667, on board the St. George. Bust ; large falling lace-edged collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 817 HENRY CROMWELL (1628-1675). Mr. E. W. Field. Sir Peter Lely. Lord Deputy of Ireland ; b. 20 Jan. 1628, at Huntingdon ; youngest son of the Protector ; cduc. at Felstcd ; entered Parliamentary army at sixteen ; accompanied the Protector to quell rebellion in Ireland, 1649; sat in Bare- bones Parliament, 1653 ; married, 1653, a daughter of Sir Fras. Russell, Bt. ; M.P. for Cambridge University, 1654 ; Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1657 ; after the Restoration lived in retirement at Spinney Abbey, Cambridgeshire, where he was visited by Charles 11., Sept. 1671 ; d. 25th March, 1675. Bust; small life-size ; armour; long dark hair. Panel, i6x ii in. 818 ADMIRAL ROBERT BLAKE. Wadham College, Oxford. (See No. 816.) Bust ; cuirass, long dark wig. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 819 JOHN MILTON. Countess Delawarr. Jonathan Richardson. Open collar, yellowish open vest, cloak held by 1. hand. Canv., 37 x 28 in. 820 JOHN MILTON. Mr. Edmund F. Moore. B. 1608, in Bread St. London ; educ. at St. Paul’s and Christ’s College, Cambridge; in France and Italy, 1638 ; married, 1643, ^ daughter of Sir Richard Powell, an Oxfordshire Royalist ; Latin Secretary to Council of State, 1649 ; married, 2dly, a Miss Woodcock, who died in childbed ; be- came blind, 1654 ; his safety at the Restoration has been ascribed to Sir Wm. Davenant ; married, 3rdly, Eliz. Minshull, 1660 ; pub. “ Paradise Lost,” 1667,” for which he was paid 5/. by Simmons, the bookseller ; d. 8 Nov. 1674. Bust ; long flowing hair, white collar, dark dress ; oval. Canvas, 23 x i3. COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1660. 138 821 ELIZABETH CROMWELL, MRS. CLAYPOLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. G. B. Lambert. Rt. Walker. B. June, 1629, at Huntingdon ; 2nd and favourite daughter of the Protector, and wife of John Claypole of Norborough ; she is said to have upbraided her father for his share in the King’s death, and his cruelty in sanctioning the execution of Dr. Hewit,the Royalist agent; bu. with great pomp in Henry VI I. ’s chapel, where her coffin was found, 1725 ; d. 6 Aug. 1658. Bust ; full lace-edged ruff, and dress trimmed with lace ; miniature of Oliver Cromwell. Canvas, 25 X 19 in. 822 SAMUEL DISBROWE, OR DESBOROUGH. Miss Disbrowe. B. 30 Nov'. 1619 ; 3rd son of James Disbrowe of Eltislcy ; went early to New England, but returned 1651 ; never took up arms in Civil War ; Keeper of the great Seal of Scotland, 1657 ; pardoned at Restoration and d. in re- tirement 10 Dec. 1690L. He was four times married. Bust ; black doublet and cloak, square-cut collar. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 823 GEORGE FOX (1624-1690). Mrs. Watkins. B. 1624, at Drayton, Co. Leicester; began public preaching, 1648; Founder of “Society of Friends,” first called at Derby, from their tremulous manner of speaking ; constantly imprisoned during Commonwealth and after the Restoration ; his followers formed into an united society on his release, 1666 ; married widow of Judge Fall, 1669, and went to America ; lived in retirement on his return ; d. 13 Jan. 1690. Bust ; brown hat and dress, eyes and hands uplifted. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 824 MRS. CLAYPOLE. Mr. G. J. a. Walker. Sir Peter Lely. (.5"^^ No. 821). Bust ; low blue dress. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 825 ADMIRAL ROBERT BLAKE. Mr. Raymond Pelly. (See No. 816.) Bust ; cuirass and buff coat. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. LOWER GALLERT , EAST ( S ^ os . 826-1030). 826 SIR THOMAS VYNER, Bt. Goldsmiths! Company. B. 1 588 ; descended from an old Gloucestershire family ; Ld. Mayor of London, 1653; created a Bt. at Restoration, 1660; a liberal benefactor to Christ’s Hospital; married, ist, Ann, daughter of Richard Parsons; 2nd, Honor, sister of Sir William Humble, Bt. ; 3rd, Alice Robinson, widow of Alderman John Perrin ; d. ii May, 1665. Half-length ; black cap, scarlet gown, sable fur tippet. Canvas, 47 X 38. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 166O-1685. 1 39 827 SIR SIR THOMAS ISHAM Bt. LENT BY Sir Charles E. Isham, Bt. PAINTER. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1657 ; eldest son of Sir Justinian Isham, Bt. of Lamport, Co. North- ampton, by Vere, daughter of Thomas Lord Leigh ; sue. his father as 3rd Bf. 2 March, 1674 ; “A young gentleman of a beautiful person and a sweet disposition d. unmarried, 1681. Half-length ; black drapery, white sleeve, red lappets. Canvas, 48 X 40. Formerly possessed by D. of Marlborough, who gave it to Dr. Edm. Isham, Warden of All Soul’s College, great uncle to Sir Charles E. Isham, the present owner. Comic Actress, said to have been the daughter of Col. Howard, son of the E. of Berkshire ; captivated Charles, in 1667, by singing “ My Lodging is on the cold ground,” in the character of Celania, a shepherdess mad from love, in Davenant’s play of “ The Rivals.” She had but one child by the King, Mary Tudor ; b. 1673, ^nd married, 1687, to h'rancis Ratcliffe, E. of Dcr- wentwater. Seated, holding a casket ; wide sleeves green-lined. Canvas, 50 X 39 in. Stated to have come from Bab May’s lodgings at Whitehall ; he was a brother of Hugh May, Architect of Cashiobury (seat of the E. of Essex.) 829 EDWARD MONTAGU, ist E. OF SANDWICH. B. 1625 ; son of Sir Sidney Montagu, Kt., by Paulina, daughter of John Pepys, of Cottenham; married Jemima, daughter of John, L. Crewe of Stene; was eminent as a general, an admiral, and a statesman ; commanded the fleet which brought back the King ; created E. of Sandwich at the Restora- tion ; K.G. and Vice-adm. of England ; fell in an action with the Dutch at Southwold Bay (Sole bay), 28 May, 1672. Full length ; collar and mantle of K.G. Canvas, 87 X 51 in. 830 CHARLES BEAUCLERK, ist D. OF ST. ALBANS. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. B. 8 May, 1670; natural son of Charles II. and Nell Gwyn, in whose apartments in Lincoln’s Inn Fields he was born ; created E. of Burford, 1676 ; Duke of St. Alban’s, 1684 ; married, 1694, to Lady Diana de Vere, sole heiress of Aubrey, 20th and last E. of Oxford; d. ii May, 1726. Full-length, as a boy ; yellow dress with blue scarf. Canvas, 53 x 39 in. Sir H. G. Seymour, Bt. G.C.B. B. 1638 ; daughter of John IV. of Portugal; married, 21st May, 1662, to Charles II., by whom she was treated with great indifference; resided for some time at Somerset House, after the King’s death, with Father Huddleston (No. 987) as her chaplain, and then returned to Portugal, of which kingdom she became Regent, 1704,00 the retirement of her brother, Don Pedro; d. 31st Dec. 1705. Seated, r. hand resting on orb ; crown to her 1 . Canvas, 45 X 37 in. 828 Earl of Essex. MOLL DAVIS. Sir Peter Lely. Earl of Sandwich. Sir Peter Lely. CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. 140 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 832 SIR FRANCIS THROCKMORTON, 2nd BART. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Wm. Throckmorton, Bt. Gen. Zoest. Son of Sir Robt., ist Bt., and Mary, dau. of Sir F. Smith, Kt. ; rebuilt the mansion at Coughton and resided there after the Restoration ; d. 1680. Bust ; full brown wig, red bow on his lace cravat. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 833 NELL GWYN (1650-1687). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely. “ Pretty, witty Nell,” as Mr. Pepys calls her when he records in his diary, 3 April, 1665, having sat next her, “ which pleased him mightily,” at the King’s House, i.c. Theatre. She was an “orange-girl” at the theatres; next, a clever and witty actress ; at length the mistress of Charles II. and mother of the 1st Duke of .St. Albans (No. 830) ; b. 2 Feb. 1650, according to Lilly’s horoscope of her nativity among the Ashmolcan Papers, of poor parents in a mean alley, the Coal-yard, off l 3 rury Lane ; d. Nov. 1687, aged 37, and left money to the poor, to whom also she had been kind in her life. According to popular tradition she suggested to Chas. II. the founding of Chelsea Hospital. To knees, seated ; r. hand on head of lamb ; Windsor in the distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 834' CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. ’ Earl of Cl.arendon, K.G. {See No. 831.) Bust; thick masses of dark hair falling on neck; black slashed dress. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. 835 WILLIAM CHIFFINCH or CHEFFING. Town Council, Salisbury. One of the disreputable favourites of Charles II. and the receiver of the secret pensions paid by the French Court to Charles II. ; his character is well drawn by Scott, in “ Peveril of the Peak ;” introduced Father Huddleston into the chamber of Charles II. for the purpose of administering extreme unction ; was a benefactor to the town of Salisbury. Bust ; long grey hair, black open dress. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 836 JAMES CROFTS, DUKE OF MONMOUTH, K.G. Earl of Essex. 15.9 April, 1649, Hague ; eldest natural son of Charles II. and Lucy Walters (or Waters); brought to England by the Q. dowager, 1662; D. of Monmouth, 1663, and K.G. ; mar., 1665, to Lady F. Scott, dau. and heir of Francis, D. of Buccleuch ; served in French army against the Dutch, 1673 ; defeated Covenanters at Bothwell Bridge, 1678 ; in ban. when Chas. died, 1685 ; invading England for the purpose of claiming the throne, routed at Sedgmoor, 5 July, 1685; taken pris. and behead., on the 15th, on Tower Hill. Ikist ; flowing wig, annour, ribbon, K.G. ; mole on r. upper lip ; dated, 1683. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 837 CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Huysman. (SV^No.83i.) f'ull-length, seated, with cupidsand a lamb. Canv., 84 x 58 in. 838 WILLIAM CHIFFINCH. Earl of Verulam. (See No. 835.) Bust ; long grey hair, falling collar. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. I4I 839 LUCY WALTERS, OR BARLOW. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Essex. Daughter of Richard Walters, a Welshman ; travelled to the Hague under the name of Barlow, for the purpose of attracting Charles’s notice. Her son, by Charles, was born at Rotterdam, 1649, created D. of Mon- mouth. It was currently reported that the Handsome Sidney was the father of the boy, and the mole on his face confirmed this opinion. She died in distress in Paris, while her son was yet a child. Half-length ; holding portrait of the D. of Monmouth (Xo. 836.) Canvas, 44 X 33 in. 840 HORTENSIA MANCINI, DUCHESS OF MAZARIN. Mr. H. Musgrave. Pierre Mignard. 3rd daughter of Lorenzo and Jeromina Mancini, b. in Rome, 1646 ; educ. at Paris by the wish of her uncle. Cardinal Mazarin, where Charles II. fell in love with her; married, i66i, to Armand Due de la Meilleraie, whom she left, 1668 ; came to England, 1675 ; lived and gambled extravagantly ; the first Italian opera was rehearsed at her house ; St. Evremond wrote her funeral oration, and at her request read it to her ; d. at Chelsea, 2 July, 1699. Bust ; a mass of dark hair falling on her shoulders ; dark low dress. Oval canvas, 26 X 22 in. 841 NELL GWYN (1650-1687). Marquis of Hastings. Sir Peter Lely. (See No. 833.) Half-length, standing, under a niche ; with ribbon and leaves in her hands. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 842 BARBARA VILLIERS, DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely. Daughter of William Viset. Grandison (see No. 749), and wife of Roger Palmer, created E. of Castlemaine (No. 1015); at the Restoration became Charles’s mistress, and was created Baroness Nonsuch, Countess of South- ampton and Duchess of Cleveland ; had 6 children by the king, i of whom was created D. of Grafton ; afterwards married “Handsome Fielding,” whom she prosecuted for bigamy ; d. 1 709. Three-quarter size, as Minerva ; r. hand on shield. Canvas, 48 x 40 in. 843 CHARLES II. Corporation of Winchester. Sir Peter Lely. Eldest son of Charles I., by his Queen, Henrietta Maria, daughter of King Henry IV. of France; b. at St. James’s, 29 Ma", 1630; restored, 1660; married Catherine, Infanta of Portugal ; d. 6 Feb. 1685. Full length, seated ; crown and sceptre to his r. Canvas, 844 ELIZ. HAMILTON, COMTESSE DE GRAMMONT. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely, Daughter of Sir G. Hamilton and Mary Butler ; sister of James, ist D. of Ormonde; one of the beauties of Charles ll.’s court; married, 1664, Philibert, Comte de Grammont, the celebrated wit ; her brother, Anthony Hamilton, was the author of “ Lcs Mdmoires de Grammont.” Three-quarter size, seated ; reddish drapery ; signed, with monogram, P.L. Canvas, 48 X 40 in. 142 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 845 DUCHESS OF PORTSMOUTH. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Gascar. (See No. 884.) To knees, seated ; holding flower-wreath in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 846 LADY FANSHAWE. Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. Sir Peter Lely. (See No. 852.) Bust, showing hands folded ; rich lace cape and cuffs. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 847 VICE-ADMIRAL SIR JOHN LAWSON, Kt. Lords of the Admiralty. Sir P. Lely. B. at Hull ; entered navy as a common sailor, and rose to be admiral ; a gallant officer ; served under Blake ; much esteemed by D. of York ; actively engaged against Dutch, and rewarded with a gold chain, 1653 ; Vice-Admired under E. of Sandwich ; commanded the “ London ” in the squadron which conveyed Charles 1 1 . to England ; d. of wound received in action with Dutch off Harwich, June, 1665. Half-length ; cuirass, buff jerkin, red sash, baton in r. hand. Canvas, 48 X 39. 848 WM. RICHD. GEO. STANLEY, LD. STRANGE. Afterwards 9TH Earl of Derby. Earl of Derby, K.G. 3rd son of Charles, 8th E. ; b. 18 Mar. 1654 ; succeeded his father at the age of 18 ; married Lady Elizabeth Butler, eldest daughter of James, ist Duke of Ormonde ; he appointed his Chaplain, who had also been his tutor, the excellent Dr. Thomas Wilson, Bp. ofSodorand Man in 1698 ; d. 5 Nov. 1702. Bust ; academic dress of a nobleman. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 849 ROBERT THOMAS STANLEY (1656-1686). Earl of Derby, K.G. 4th son of Charles, 8th E. of Derby ; b. 10 April, 1656 ; killed in a duel by Henry' FitzRoy, Duke of Grafton, 19 Feb. 1686. Bust ; young ; holding book in r. hand ; nobleman’s academic costume. Canvas, 29 X 25 in. 850 HENRY PIERREPONT, ist MARQUIS OF DORCHESTER. Royal College of Physicians. Son of Robert, 1st E. of Kingston ; b. 1606 ; cduc. at Flmmanuel College, Cambridge ; present with Charles 1 . in his garrison at Oxford and created Marquis of Dorchester, 1645 > eminent for his learning ; Honorary Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1658, to whom he bequeathed his valuable library ; d. I Dec. 1680, at his house in Charter-house Yard. Bust ; dark dress, squared collar. Oval, canvas, 29 X 25 in. 851 . BARBARA VILLIERS, LADY CASTLEMAINE, DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND. Mr. Andrew Focntaine. Sir Peter Lely. (See No. 749.) Full length, seated ; leaning on r. hand; white dress, blue scarf. Canvas, 67 X 45 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. H 3 852 SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, Bt. (1608-1666). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1608, at Ware Park, Herts ; son of Sir Henry Fanshawe ; educ. at Jesus’ College, Cambridge ; Sec. to Embassy at Madrid till 1638 ; in civil war ; attended the court to Oxford ; taken prisoner at Worcester, but re- leased ; Latin Sec. to Charles II. at Breda; M.P. for Cambridge, 1661 ; translator of Guarini’s “ Pastor Fido ; negociated marriage with Cath. of Braganza ; Ambassador to Spain, 1664 ; d. at Madrid, 1666. Bust, showing 1 . hand ; long hair, lace collar, black dress. Canvas, 31 x 25. 853 THOMAS WRIOTHESLEY, 4TH EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON, K.G. Marquis of Exeter, K.G. Wissing. 2nd son of Henr>-, 3rd E. of Southampton (No. 366) ; educ. at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford ; lived long abroad ; in 1641, declared against the proceedings of Parliament ; was sworn of the Privy Council and made Ld. of the Bedchamber to Charles I., honours he long refused ; exerted himself to the last in the Royal cause, and after the King’s execution was one of the four who bore him to his burial ; on the Restor. was made K.G. and L. High Treasurer ; he “disdained,” as Burnet says, “to sell places d. 16 May, 1667. Half-length, seated ; mantle and ribbon K.G. Canvas, 45 X 37 in. 854 JOHN WILMOT, 2ND EARL OF ROCHESTER. Col. Sir E. S. Prideaux, Bt. B. 1647 ; Courtier and Satirical Poet ; son of Henrj-, ist E. of Rochester (the Ld. Wilmot of the Boscobel narrative) ; educ. at Wadham College, Oxford ; served in the navy under Ld. Sandwich ; notoriously the most witty and daring profligate at Charles II.’s Court; frequently mentioned in Gram- mont and Pepys ; Burnet, who attended him on his death-bed, says he died repentant ; upon this prelate’s life of Rochester Ur. Johnson passed a high eulogium. U. 26 July, 1680. Bust ; young ; long golden hair, browm dress, open sleeves. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 855 GEO. VILLIERS,'2nd DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. Mr. C. Wykeham Martin, M.P. {See No. 904.) Bust ; armour, full brown wig ; dated 1664. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 856 JOHN PEARSON, BISHOP OF CHESTER. Trinity College, Cambridge. B. 12 Feb. 1613, at Snoring, Norfolk ; educ. at Eton, and King’s College, Cambridge; Chaplain to L. Goring, on breaking out of the Civil War; author of “an Exposition of the Creed,” 1659; Prebend, of Ely; Archdeacon of Surrey; Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, 1660; Member of the Savoy Conference, 1662 ; Master of Trinity College, 1662 ; Fellow of Royal Society, 1667 ; succeeded Dr. Wilkins as Bp. of Chester, 9 Feb. 1673 ; d. 16 July, i68d Full length, seated ; episcopal habit. 'Canvas, 87 X 52 in. 857 MRS. MARY BEALE. Mr. George Handford. Sir Peter Lely. Portrait Painter ; b. 1632, in Suffolk ; dau. of Rev. — Craddock, Minister of Walton-on-Thames ; is believed to have had instruction from Rt. Walker ; 144 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 166O-1685. imitated Sir P. Lely ; painted many notable ecclesiastics ; drew well in crayons ; her husband’s note-books afford curious particulars about pictures and painters ; d. 28 Dec. 1697. To waist ; low white dress and blue scarf. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 858 GEN. GEORGE MONK, DUKE OF ALBEMARLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Sandwich. R. Walker. (See No. 815.) Bust ; armour ; white cravat. Oval, canvas, 28 X 22 in. 859 SIR WILLIAM MORRICE, Kt. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. B. 6 Nov. 1602, at Exeter; aided the Restoration; Charles II. wrote to him from Brussels, 27 March, 1660, and speaks of his “more than ordinary affection to promote his ser\ ice ;” Secretarj- of State, 1660 to ’68; d. 12 Dec. 1676. Half-length ; brown falling wig ; diapered brown dress. Canvas, 44x39. 860 DUCHESS OF NEWCASTLE. Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Sir Peter Lely. (See So. 71 1); full length ; blue skirt, white satin low dress and train. Canvas, X in. 861 ANDREW MARVELL (1620-1678). Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. B. 1620, at Hull ; son of the Minister of the Parish ; educ. at Trinity College, Cambridge ; travelled for many years, and returned to England 1653 ; assistant to John Milton, 1657 ; Sl.P. for Hull in the Healing Par- liament, 25 April, 1660, and remained so until his death, receiving a pension from his constituents. Few men have borne a higher character for diligence and integrity ; in his controversial works, he was, perhaps, the greatest master of ridicule in his time ; d. 16 Aug. 1678. Bust ; short white cravat, dark dress, book in r. hand. Canvas, 29 X 24. 862 SIR GEORGE CARTERET, Bt. Rev. Lord John Thynne. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1599 ; spent 55 years in the active sere ice of Charles I. and II. ; Go- vernor and High Bailiff of Jersey, which he defended until authorised by Charles 11 . to surrender, 27 Dec. 1651 ; Vice-Chamberlain of Household to Charles II. ; Comptroller of the Navy ; d. 14 Jan. 1679. Half-length, seated ; black dress, chamberlain’s key. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 863 SIR WM. DUGDALE, Kt. GARTER KING OF ARMS. Mr. John Gough Nichols. B. 12 Sept. 1603, at Shustoke, near Coleshill ; educ. at St. John’s, Oxford ; Chester Herald, 1644; attended the King throughout the Civil war; Kt. at the Restoration and made Garter King of .Arms ; married Marger)-, daughter of John Huntbach of Seawall, Co. Stafford ; Author of “Monasticon .Angli- caniun,” “ Baronage of England,” &c. His “ Histor>' of Warwickshire” is a model for County Histories. D. 10 Feb. 1686. Bust ; black skull-cap, squared collar, black dress ; badge of Garter King at Arms. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. HS 864 MRS. APHRA BEHN. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Philip H. IJ-ward. Sir Peter Lelv. Daughter of Mr. jo'inson, Lieut. -Governor of Surinam, where she resided for some time ; married Mr. Bchn, a Dutch merchant ; employed in Holland as a spy by Charles II.; reported design of the Dutch to sail up Thames and Medway, but was not believed ; returned to England and wrote novels and plays, which are remarkable for want of decency and morals. D. 1689. Bust ; low dress. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. 865 SIR WILLIAM DOMVILE, Kt. Sir Charles Compton W. Domvile, Bt. Attorney-Gen. for Ireland, 1660 ; M.P. for Co. Dublin ; Privy Councillor and Speaker of General Convention of Ireland, at Restoration ; married a daughter of Sir Thomas Lake, of Cannons, Middlesex. Bust ; black skull-cap, long white hair, black gown and square cut collar. Oval canvas, 29 X 25 in. 866 ELEANOR LADY BYRON. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely. Daughter of Robert Needham, Viset. Kilmurrey, and widow of Peter Warburton ; 2nd wife in 1644 of John, 1st Ld. Byron. Pepys says “she was the king’s 17th mistress abroad, and did not leave him till she got an order for 4000/. worth of plate to be made for her, but by delays, thanks be to God, she died before she had it d. 1663. Three-quarter size, seated ; in character of St. Catherine. Canvas, 63 X 50 in. 867 RICHARD WISEMAN. Royal College of Surgeons. Sir Balthazar Gerbier. .Surgeon in the king’s army during civil war ; attended Prince Charles in exile in France and Holland ; prisoner at Worcester, 1651, but liberated 1652 ; after Restoration made Serjeant-Surgeon to the king ; an advocate for the efficacy of the royal touch in cases of scrofula ; d. after 1666. Bust ; black cloak, small white collar. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 868 SIR HARBOTTLE GRIMSTONE. Earl of Verulam. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1594, at Bradficld, Essex ; educ. at Lincoln’s Inn ; M.P. for Colchester, 1640 ; sat in Long Parliament ; refused to sanction the King’s trial ; retired till the Restoration ; Speaker of House of Commons, in what was termed “ The Healing Parliament,” 25 April, 1660 ; Master of the Rolls, Nov. 1660 ; maiTied, ist, Slary, daughter of Sir G. Croke, Kt. , and 2nd, Anne Bacon, niece of Ld. Bacon ; d. 31 Dec. 1683. Half-length, seated ; robes as speaker. Canvas, 48 x 38 in. 869 DOROTHEA HELENA VON RUPA, WIFE OF CHARLES, 8th EARL OF DERBY. E.^rl of Derby, K.G. Daughter of John Wirkhoven, Baron of Rupa, in Holland ; Maid of Honour to Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (No. 417) ; married Charles, Cth E. of Derby ; d. 1703 Bust, looking to r. ; white low dress, blue scarf. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. L 146 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 870 CHARLES STANLEY, 8th EARL OF DERBY. . ■ LENT BY P.MNTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Eldest son of James, 7th E. of Derby (No. 689) ; b. 19 Jan. 1627 ; married, 1650, Dorothea Helena, ^laid of Honour to the Queen of Bohemia (No. 445), and daughter of John Kirkhoven, Baron ofRupa, in Holland; lived retired after his father’s execution ; the estates his gallant father had lost in the ser- vice of the King were not restored at the Restoration ; d. 21 Dec. 1672. Bust ; cuirass ; open white-lined sleeve. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 871 CHIEF JUST. SIR RICHARD RAINSFORD, Kt. Lincoln’s Inn. Succeeded Sir Matthew Hale, as L. Ch. Just, of the King’s Bench, 1676 ; and resigned his post. May, 1678, when he was succeeded by Sir William Scroggs. Granger says that he was as much above his successor in point of integrity, as he was below .Sir M. Hale in point of learning. Half-length, seated ; Judge’s robes ; collar of S.S. ; paper and spectacles in 1 . hand ; date, ’78 ; age, 73. Canvas, 49 X 38 in. 872 SIR HENRY LYTTELTON, Bt. Lord Lyttelton. {See No. 755) ; bust ; armour ; lace cravat ; long brown hair. 29 X 24 in. 873 ANNE HYDE, DUCHESS OF YORK. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely. B. 12 Mar. 1637 ; daughter of Edward, ist E. of Clarendon, and Frances, daughter of Sir Thos Ailesbury ; accompanied her mother and brothers to join Ld. Clarendon at Antwerp, i May, 1649 > attached to the court of Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles I., 1654 ; contracted to James, Duke of York, at Breda, 24 Nov. 1659, and marriage avowed in London, 3 Sept. 1660 ; joined Church of Rome, 1669; two of her eight children survived, the Princesses Mary and Anne ; d. at St. James’s, 31 Mar. 1671. Full length, seated ; yellow dress. Canvas, 80 x 50 in. 874 CHARLES II. Dulwich College. J. Greenhill. {See No. 843.) Bust ; collar and mantle of K.G. Canvas, 28 X 24 in. 875 FRANCES THERESA, DUCHESS OF RICHMOND Duke of Richmond. AND LENNOX. Sir Peter Lely. “ La Belle Stuart dau. of Dr. Walter Stuart, son of Ld. Blantyrc ; Roettier, the King’s engraver, almost adored her, and her portrait, as Bri- tannia, appears on the coins ; mar. 1667, Char. Stuart, 6th and last D. of Richmond and Lennox, to the disgust of Char. 1 L, who vented his dis- pleasure upon Ld. Clarendon, as promoter of the marriage. 3rd wife of the Duke, d. 15 Oct. 1702. Bust ; low dress, red and dark-blue drapery, veil. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 876 JAMES CROFTS, DUKE OF MONMOUTH, K.G. National Portrait Gallery. Wm. Wissing. {See No. 836.) Bust; armour; long dark wig; blue ribbon of K.G. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 147 877 SIR THOMAS MALET, Kt. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Alexander Malet, Bt. * Judge, King’s Bench, 1641 ; a royalist and relative of Archbp. Juxon ; ar- rested on the bench at Maidstone ; imprisoned by the Cromwell party for 12 years ; released at the Restoration, and sat on the trial of the Regicides. Half-length ; black cap, judge’s robes ; 1 . hand resting on patent of King Charles ; date 1661, age 79. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 878 SIR WM. DUGDALE, Kt. GARTER KING OF ARMS. Earl of Warwick. {See No. 863). Bust ; black skull-cap and dress, white bands ; date 1676, age 71. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 879 SIR THOMAS CHICHELEY, Kt. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Wm. Dobson. Master of the Ordnance to Charles 11 . 1664 ; afterwards Kt. and Privy Councillor ; frequently mentioned in “ Pepys’s Diary.” To waist ; crimson scarf, r. hand on head of a large dog. Canvas, 41 X 32. 880 NELL GWYN. Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. {See No. 833.) Half-length ; low, yellowish dress, lilac scarf ; signed, “ P. Lely Pt.” Canvas, 50 X 39 in. 881 COUNTESS OF PORTLAND. Lord Lyttelton. Wife of Charles Weston, 3rd E. of Portland. Full length ; low white dress, vase of flowers on table beside her, wreath in 1 . hand. Canvas, 81 X 50 in. 882 SIR PETER LELY, Kt. (1617-1680). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. Or Peter Vander Faes, painter; b. at Soest, Westphalia, 1617; studied under Peter Grcbbcr ; state painter to Char. II., the “beauties” of whose court sat to him for their portraits ; d. i68t. Bust ; miniature, looking to 1 . iij X 9J in. 883 CARDINAL PHILIP HOWARD. Lord Arundell OF Wardour. Millar. 3rd son of Henry Frederick, E. of Arundel ; b. 1629 ; created a Cardinal ; Ld. Almoner to Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II. ; d. 1694. Three-quarter miniature size, seated ; cardinal’s habit. Panel, 14 X it in. 148 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 884 LOUISE RENEE DE KERHOUEL, DUCHESS OF PORTSMOUTH. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Richmond. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1644 ; one of the ladies in attendance upon Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, when she came to England, 1670 ; became the king’s mistress ; created Duchess of Portsmouth for life, 1673, by Louis XI\'. Duchess of Aubigny. Her son (by the king,*, Charles Lenno.x, b. 1672, was created D. of Richmond, 1675. (No. 913.) She alone, of all the king’s mistresses, be- haved respectfully to the queen. D. 1734. Full-length miniature, standing, with fountain in background. Canvas, 21 X 17 in. 885 CHARLES II. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. Sir Peter Lely. (SVi? No. 843.) Bust; miniature; as a child; ribbon and badge, K.G. Panel, 10 X 8 in. 886 WILLIAM, 6th lord PAGET (1637-1713). Lieut.-Col. Leopold Paget. SoILcLy ii .i (fov) B. 10 Feb. 1637 ; for some time Ambassador at Constantinople ; married Francis, daughter of Robt. Pierrepont, E. of Kingston ; d. 25 Feb. 1713. Half-length ; miniature ; cuirass, red scarf, flowing dark hair, dated 1665. 12X9^ in. 887 SIR ROBERT HOWARD, Kt. Earl of Home. B. Jan. 1626 ; younger son of Thos. E. of Berkshire ; educ. at Magdalen College, Cambridge ; kt. at Restoration ; M.P. for Stockbridge, May, 1661 ; Auditor of the Exchequer ; M.P. for Castle Rising, 1679 and 1688 ; strongly advocated the Revolution ; author of poems, plays, and political tracts ; d. 3 Sept. 1698. Black dress, white collar, ribbon of K.B. Canvas, 41 x 32 in. 888 JOHN WILMOT, 2ND EARL OF ROCHESTER. Earl of Warwick. (See No. 854.) Three-quarter size ; crowning his monkey with a wreath of laurel. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 889 HON. CHARLES STANLEY. Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Charles, 8th E. of Derby, brother of No. 849. Half-length ; armour, figured yellowish sash ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 890 HENRY MORE, D.D. Royal Society. Sir Peter Lely. B. 12 Oct. 1614, at Grantham ; educ. at Eton and Christ’s College, Cam. ; a man of vast learning, who refused all ecclesiastical preferment, devoting REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 149 himself to philosophical pursuits ; author of “Enchiridium Ethicum,” and “ Divine Dialo^e d. i Sept. 1687. Bust, showing r. hand ; dark dress ; d. Sept, i, 1687 ; age 73. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 891 SIR GEORGE MACKENZIE, Bx. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Keith Stewart Mackenzie. B. 1631; son of Sir John Mackenzie, ist Bt. and Margaret Erskine ; married .‘\nne, daughter of Sir Jas. Sinclair ; faithfully adhered to Charles 1 1, in his exile ; at Restoration made one of Privy Council of Scotland ; Ld. Clerk Register and Justice-Gen.; made by James 11. Visct. Tarbat, 1685; Ld. Advocate, 1691 ; Queen Anne made him E. of Cromarty and one of the principal Secs, of State ; strong Advocate for the Union ; retired, 1710 ; d. 1714. Bust ; black wig and claret coloured dress. Canvas, 31 X 24 in. 892 HENRY SIDNEY, ist EARL OF ROMNEY. Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. Sir Peter Lely. V'oungest son of Robt. Sidney, E. of Leicester ; called “ Handsome Sidney f in attendance upon Charles during his exile ; supposed to have been favoured lover of Lucy Walters, and father of U. of Monmouth, both had a mole on upper lip ; Master of Horse to Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, who, accord- ing to Pepys, was in love with him ; Ld. Lieutenant of Ireland and Master of Ordnance under William 111. ; d. 1704. Full length, as a child, in pseudo-classical costume, in a landscape, with large dog. Canvas, 66 x 50 in. 893 EDWARD HYDE, LD. CHAN. CLARENDON. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. Statesman and historian; b. 18 Feb. 1608; M.P. 1640; at first Joined the moderate popular party, afterwards to king; Chan, of Excheq. 1643; from this time lived in the trouble and prosperity of the court ; soon after Rest. crea. E. of Clarendon ; disgraced andd. in exile at Rouen, 9 Dec. 1674. Half-length, seated ; robes, great seal before him. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 894 SIR CHARLES STANLEY OF CHELSEA, K.B. Earl of Derby, K.G. Son of Sir Robert Stanley, K.B., and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Arthur Gorges ; grandson of Wm. 6th E. of Derby (No. 497) ; his father lived at Stanley House, Chelsea, and is bur. in the church there, as is also Sir Robert. Half-length ; black armour ; baton in r. hand ; view of Stanley House in distance, now the site of St. Mark's College. Canvas, 49 X 39 in.. 895 CHARLES II. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. Gaspard Netscher. {See No. 843.) Three-quarter small life-size ; dark annour ; crown to his 1. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 896 ANTHONY ASHLEY, ist E. OF SHAFTESBURY. Countess Delawarr. Riley. I Bust ; {See No. 908). Canvas, 29 X 23 in. ISO REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 897 PAINTER. JOHN GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE, LENT BY VISCOUNT DUNDEE. Mr. Charles Winn. B. 1650 ; a cadet of the family of Fintrie ; educ. at St. Andrews ; served in Holland under William, Prince of Orange (afterwards king), whose life he saved at the battle of St. Neff; on his return home, was appointed to a high command in Scotland ; created Viset. Dundee, 1687 ; at the Revolution, he raised the Highland clans for James, and fought General Mackay at Killie- crankie, where he received his death-wound, 17 June, 1689. HalFlength, looking to r. ; cuirass, brown scarf, white sleeves, r. hand on stick. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 898 ANNA MARIA, COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. Earl Spencer, K.G. Mary Beale. Daughter of Robert Brudenel, E. of Cardigan, and 2nd wife of Francis, nth E. of Shrewsbury, killed in a duel by George, 2nd D. of Buckingham, 16 March, 1667 ; it is stated that, dressed as a page, she held the lJuke’s horse whilst he fought her husband. She married, 2nd, George Rodney Brydges, Esq. ; d. 20 April, 1702. To knees ; low dress, red drapery, flowers to r. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 899 SIR ORLANDO BRIDGMAN, LORD KEEPER. Earl of Bradford. Riley. Son of John Bridgman, Bp. of Chester ; made King’s Serg. by special writ, and Ch. Baron of Excheq. 1660; Ld. Ch. Just, the same year; President at the trials of the Regicides; received the Great Seal from Charles II. with title of Ld. Keeper, on disgrace of Ld. Clarendon, 1667 ; disgraced for refusing to affix the seal to the King’s declaration for liberty of conscience, 1672 ; succeeded by Ld. Shaftesbury ; d. about 1682. Three-quarter size, seated; robes as Ch. Just. Com. Pleas. Canvas, 49 X 39 in- 900 HENRY, LORD CORNBURY, AND THEODOSIA, HIS WIFE. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. B. 2 June, 1638 ; eldest son of Ld. Chancellor Clarendon ; married, 1660, to Theodosia, daughter of Arthur, Ld. Capell, and, 2nd, to Flower, only daughter of William Backhouse, Esq. of Swallowfield ; Ld. Chamberlain to Queen Catherine; Ld. Privy Seal, 1685, and Ld.-Licut. of Ireland at end of the year; withdrew from public life during reign of William and Mary ; his diary 1687-90, has been published; d. 31 Oct. 1709. To knees, seated, in a garden. Canvas, 56 X 72 in. 901 EDWARD MONTAGU, ist E. OF SANDWICH. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). {See No. 829.) Half-length ; dark armour ; baton in r. hand, 1. on mortar ; ship in distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 902 MARY FAIRFAX, DUCHESS OF BUCKINGHAM. Lord Lyttelton. B. 1639 > daughter and heiress of Thomas, 3rd Ld. Fairfax (No. 706) and Anne Vere ; married to George Villiers, 2nd D. of Buckingham, REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. I5I 6 Sept. 1657 ; “a most virtuous and pious lady, in a vicious age and court.” By this marriage, the duke became repossessed of the forfeited estates of his father, granted by Parliament to Ld. Fairfax; d. 1705. Half-length, blue low dress ; open sleeves ; basket of roses. Canvas, 48 X 37 in. 903 HENRY BENNET, ist EARL OF ARLINGTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of 1 'ankerville. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1618 ; 2nd son of Sir John Bennet and Dorothy Crofts, whose sister married Killigrew, the Jester {see No. 923) ; educ. at Christ Church, Oxford ; joined the King’s army at Oxford, 1644, where he was badly wounded — all his portraits have the patch on the nose ; constantly employed under Charles II., whose tool he was ; joined the “ Cabal,” 1670 ; E. of Arlington and K.G. 1672 ; adviser of the “ Test Act,” which caused the Duke of York to throw up his employments; impeached but acquitted by House of Commons, 1673; Ld. Chamberlain, 1674 ; d. 1685. Half-length, seated ; yellow drapery ; patdi on nose. Canvas, 49 x 40 in. 904 GEORGE VILLIERS, 2nd D. OF BUCKINGHAM. Earl of Malmesbury. Michael Wright. B. 1627 ; son of the murdered Duke (No. 455) ; a gallant loyalist ; fought at Worcester, 1651, and attended Charles to Boscobel ; married, 1657, Mary, daughter of Thos. 3rd Ld. Fairfax (No. 902) ; became principal Minister on Clarendon’s disgrace, 1667, and one of the Cabal Cabinet, 1672 ; killed the E. of Shrewsbury in a duel, whilst Lady S., the cause of the quarrel, is said to have held his horse in the dress of a page ; d. 1687. Three-quarter size; ribbon of K.G. ; signed “Michael Wright, pinxit, a.d. 1660. Canvas, 55 x 47 in. 905 JOHN MAITLAND, ist D. OF LAUDERDALE, K.G. Scottish Corporation. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1616; son of John, ist E. of Lauderdale, and Isabel, daughter of Alexander, E. of Dunfermline ; in early life a zealous covenanter ; joined King’s party, 1647 ; taken at Worcester, and in prison till Restoration, when he was made K.G., L. High Commissioner of Scotland, and D. of Lauderdale, May, 1672; one of the “ Cabal ” Cabinet ; married, ist, Anne, daughter of Alexander, ist E. of Home; 2nd, Elizabeth, Countess of Dysart, 17 Feb. 1672 ; d. 1682. Half-length ; ermine robes ; collar, K.G. Given by Mr. James Kinniare, 1674. Canvas, 50 X 39 in. 906 THE “CABAL” MINISTRY. Mr. Charles Winn. Sir John Medina. So called from initial letters of the names of the five Peers, to whom Charles II. entrusted the management of affairs, 1672; Thomas, Ld. Clifford, of Chudleigh ; Henry, E. of Arlington {see No. 903) ; George, 2nd D. of Buckingham {see No. 904) ; Anthony Ashley, E. of Shaftesbury (j^^ No. 908); John, 1st D. of Lauderdale, K.G. {see No. 905). Group, full length, small life-size of the five members, with musical ih- struments ; a black servant to left. Canvas, 53 X 47 in. 152 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 907 JAMES SHARP, ARCHBP. OF ST. ANDREWS. LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. F. G. Sandys Lumsdaine. Sir Peter Lely. B. May, 1618, at Banff; educ. at University of Aberdeen; Professor of Philosophy, at St. Andrews ; took the solemn League and Covenant ; but changed sides at Restoration ; and on the overthrow of Presbytery by the Scottish Parliament, 1661, was appointed Archbishop of St. Andrews; his conduct raised him up some bitter enemies, who, headed by John Balfour, of Burley, brutally murdered him on Magus Muir, near St. Andrews, 3 May, 1679 - Half-length, seated ; black gown ; r. hand resting on open book. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 908 ANTHONY ASHLEY, ist E. OF SHAFTESBURY. Earl of Malmesbury. J. Greenhill. B. 22 July, 1621, at St. Giles’s, Dorset ; educ. at Exeter College, Oxford, and Lincoln’s Inn ; actively engaged in Civil wars and contributed to the Restoration ; one of the Commissioners for trial of Regicides ; Ld. Ashley, 1661; E. of Shaftesbury, 1672, and Ld. Chancellor; a Member of the “ Cabal ;” Author of the Habeas Corpus Act ; implicated in the Rye-House Plot, but withdrew before its discovery into Holland ; d. 22 Jan. 1683. Half-length, seated, looking to r. ; chancellor’s robes. Canvas, 50 x 39 in. 909 JAMES BUTLER, ist DUKE OF ORMONDE. Marquis of Ormonde. B. 1610 ; son of Thomas, Visct. Thurles, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Pointz, Bt. ; succeeded his grandfather as 12th E., 1632 — “one of those Royalists whose characters were never tainted;” on the ruin of the royal cause he retired abroad, but returned at the Restoration ; was created D. of Ormonde; and twice served as Ld. Lieut, of Ireland; his life was attempted by Col. Blood, 1670 ; d. 21 July, 1688. Full length ; robes and collar, K.G. ; Treasurer’s white stick in r. hand. Canvas, 87 X 48 in. 910 THOMAS GALE, F.R.S., DEAN OF YORK. Royal Society. Historical writer ; b. at Scruton, Yorkshire, 1636 ; educ. at Westminster and Trinity College, Cambridge ; in 1672 Master of St. Paul’s School ; i68r Sec. of the Royal Society ; 1697 Dean of York ; d. 1702. Bust ; clerical dress. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 91 1 DANIEL WHISTLER, M.D. Roy.vl College of Physici.vns. Probationer Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, 1639 ; Fellow of the College of Physicians. 1649; President, 1683; d. 1684. Bust ; black gown, long dark hair. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. Presented by Mr. Boulter, 1704. 912 . JACOB HALL. Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. A noted rope-dancer ; much admired, according to Granger, by the ladies, who regarded him as a due composition of Hercules and Adonis. Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, is said to have been in love with him, and to have settled a sum of money upon him. Bust ; long dark hair ; white dress, comb in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 24. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 153 913 CHAS. LENNOX, ist D. of RICHMOND, K.G. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Belmore. Sir Peter Lelv. B. 29 July, 1672; natural son of Charles II., by Louise de la Kerouel, Duchess of Portsmouth; created D. of Richmond, 1675, and D. of Lennox, the same year; K.G. 20 April, 1681 ; married (1692) to Anne, daughter of Francis Ld. Brudenel, widow of John Ld. Bellasyse ; d. 27 May, 1723. Full length, as a child ; in a fancy classical costume. Canvas, 43 X 30 in. 914 ANTHONY ASHLEY, ist. E. of SHAFTESBURY. National Portrait Gallery. John Greenhill. {See No. 908.) To waist ; holding paper in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 29 in. 915 THOMAS, EARL OF OSSORY, K.G. . Marquis of Ormonde. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1634; son of James, ist D. of Ormonde (No. 909) by Lady E. Preston, Countess of Dingwall ; married Lady Amelia Nassau, daughter of Louis, L. of Beverweart ; a celebrated commander by land and sea in the reign of Charles II. ; commanded English troops in the service of Prince of Orange, and greatly signalised himself; he was equally distinguished in the senate ; his speech in vindication of his father was much applauded ; d. 30 July, 1680. Full length ; robes and collar, K.G., Chamberlain’s key. Canvas, 86x 56. 916 THOS. HOBBES OF MALMESBURY (1588-1679). Society. A learned Scholar and Independent Thinker ; b. at Malmesbury, 5 April, 1588; educ. at Magdalen Hall, Oxford; tutor to Ld. Hardwicke (Duke of Devonshire), and after his death to his son ; in 1668, his “Leviathan” and other works appeared at Amsterdam and were equally abused and praised by his contemporaries. Cowley wrote an ode in his praise. D. at Chatsworth, 4 Dec. 1679, aged 91. The epitaph suggested for his tombstone was, “This is the Philosopher’s stone.” Bust ; long dark hair, small white collar and black. ■ Canvas, 27 x 22J. 917 THOMAS SYDENHAM, M.D. 1624-1689. Royal College of Physicians. Mary Beale. B. 1624, at Winford Eagle, Dorset ; educ. at Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; espoused the popular cause ; made Fellow of All Souls’ College, 1648 ; M.B. of Oxford, 1648 ; M.D. of Cambridge, 1676 ; Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians, and settled in London ; rose to great eminence in his profession, and wrote several works on the treatment of febrile diseases ; d. 29 Dec. 1689. Bust ; long grey hair ; white kerchief. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. Presented to the College by his grandson, 1747. 918 SIR MATTHEW HALE (1609-1675). Lincoln’s Inn. A celebrated Judge ; only child of Robert Hale of Alderley, in Gloucester- shire ; b. I Nov. 1609 ; entered at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1626 ; admitted at Lincoln’s Inn. 1629; council for Charles 1 . on his trial ; Chief liaron of the E.xchequer, 1660; Kt. 1671, and L. Chief Just.; d. 25 Dec. 1675-6; wrote much, as well on morals as on law. Half-length ; judge’s robes, black skull-cap. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 154 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 919 HENEAGE FINCH, ist. E. of NOTTINGHAM. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of V'^erclam. Son of Sir Heneage Finch, Recorder of London ; b. 1621 ; educ. at West- minster and Christchurch, Oxf. ; Solicitor-gen. under Cha. II. ; M.P. 1661 ; Attor-gen. Ld. Keeper, Ld. Chan. 1675 : E. of Nottingham, 1681 ; he is “Amri” in Dr>den’s “Absolom and Achitophel” ; d. 1682. Half-length, seated ; chan, robes ; scroll in r. hand. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 920 WENTWORTH DILLON, 4TH E. of ' ROSCOMMON. Earl Spencer, K.G. Carlo Maratti. Poet; b. 1633; son of James, 3rd E. and Elizabeth Wentworth, sister of ist E. of Strafford, whose godson he was; educ. in Yorkshire, and afterwards at Caen, under Bochart; Master of Horse to Duchess of York ; wrote “an Essay on Translated Verse,” epilogues, &c. ; translated “Art of Poetr>’,” and the “Dies Irae;” he expired while earnestly repeating two lines of the latter, 17 Jan. 1684 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Full length; in pseudo classical costume, with Roman sword. Canvas, 85 X 56 in. 921 THOMAS FLATMAN (1633-1688.) Countess Delawarr. T. Flatman. Poet and Painter ; b. in London about 1633 ; educ. at Winchester School ; Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1654 ; studied Law, but gave it up for Art and Poetry ; his miniature portraits chiefly gained him reputation ; published a vol. of Poems and Songs in 1674 ; d. 1688. Bust ; flowing brown hair ; black dress ; signed “ T. Flatman.” Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 922 ’ THOMAS OTWAY. Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Riley. Bust, looking to 1 . ; rich bro\vn hair ; dark cloak. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 923 THOMAS KILLIGREW, THE “JESTER.” Sir James Buller East, Bt. A Court Wit and Dramatic Writer ; second son of Sir Robert Killigrew of Hanworth, Middlesex; b. 1611 ; Page to Charles 1 . ; accompanied Charles II. into exile; resident for the King at Venice, 1650; on the Restoration appointed Groom of the Bedchamber ; was a favourite companion of the King, and commonly called his “Jester ;” d. 1682 ; wrote eleven plays, poor productions, now forgotten. Half-length, seated ; head resting on 1 . hand ; open book with name, &c., and vols. of his plays beside him ; dog to his r. Canvas, 49 x 38 in. This Portrait has descended to its present possession from his cousin, Miss Francis Maria Killigrew, who d., the last of her line, in 1819. 924 ARTHUR ANNESLY, E. OF ANGLESEY. Mr. G. Pearse. Sir Peter Lely. 2nd Viscount Valentia in Ireland ; created Baron Annesley and E. of Anglesey 1661 ; Sec. of State ; d. 1686. Half-length, seated ; gold-laced black robes. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 166O-I685. 15s 925 SIR GEOFFREY PALMER, Bt. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. G. L. Watson. B. 1598 ; M. of Long Pari, for Stamford ; com. to Tower on suspicion of plotting against Cromwell ; K. by Charles 1 1. 1660 ; Attorney-Gen. ; Ch. Just, of Chester; Bt. ; d. at Hampstead, 1670 ; vol. of “ Reports” in King’s Bench, pub. 1678, has his portrait, from a painting by Lely in pos. of Mr. Cambridge. Seated ; long yellow hair, black dress ; paper in r. hand. 47 X 39 in. 926 LADY FRANCES FINCH, VISCTSS. WEYMOUTH. Marquis of Bath. Sir Peter Lely. Eldest daughter of Heneage Finch, 2nd Earl of Winchilsea, by his 2nd wife. Lady Marj^ Seymour, 2nd daughter of William, D. of Somerset ; married Sir Thomas Thynnc, Viset. Weymouth (No. 931). To knees, seated, with little spaniel in her lap. 43 X 38. 927 HENRIETTA BOYLE, COUNTESS OF Earl of Home. ROCHESTER. Sir Peter Lely. Dau. of Rich. Boyle, E. of Burlington and Cork, and wife of Lawrence Hyde, E. of Rochester, 2nd son of the Chancellor Clarendon (No. 929). Half-length, seated, holding a glass with roses. Canvas, 49 X 37 in. 928 GEORGE SAVILLE, ist MAROUIS OF HALIFAX. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. Half-length ; black dress, lace cravat and ruffles. Canvas, 5 1 X 38 in. 929 LAWRENCE HYDE, EARL of ROCHESTER, K.G. Earl of Home. 2nd son of Edw. ist. E. of Clarendon (No 893) ; crea. E. of Rochester, 1682 ; Lord-lieut. of Ireland ; K.G. ; d. 17 ii. Half-length ; mantle and collar of K.G. ; Chamberlain’s stick in r. hand. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. ^ , » ^t 930 ROBERT DOD. if - Mr. Whitehall Dod. Sir Peter Lely. Son of Chas. Dod of Calverhall, Salop ; b. 1625 ; Royalist Officer ; d. 1684- Half-length ; dark armour, plumed helmet to his r. Canvas, 49 x 40 in. 931 SIR THOS. THYNNE, ist VISCT. WEYMOUTH. Marquis of Bath. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1640 ; eld. son of .Sir Henry Fred. Thynne of Kempsford, Bt., by Mar)-, daughter of Thomas, Ld. Coventry ; educ. at Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; 1674, M.P. for Oxf. Univ. ; created B. Thynne and Viset. Weymouth, 1612; d. 28 July, UI4- Half-length, in peer’s robes, with coronet in 1. hand. Canvas, 49 x 39 in. 932 SIR LEOLINE JENKINS. Jesus College, Oxford. Tuer. Leolineor Lluellin Jenkins, b. at Llantrissent, in Glamorgansh. of humble parents ; educ. at Oxford ; ambas. to the Hague under Charles II., and Sec. of State ; the D. of Monmouth sur. to him after the Rye House Plot ; d. 1685. Founder of Cowbridge Grammar School, and benefactor to Jesus ColL Half-length to knees, seated ; robes ; paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 48 X 37 in. Painted at Nimeguen. ts-(. 156 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 933 SIR FRANCIS WINNINGTON. LENT BY PAINTER, Sir T. Winnington, Bt. M.P. Sir Peter Lely. Son of Col. Francis Winnington; married, ist, Elizabeth Herbert; 2nd, Elizabeth Salwey ; Solicitor-Gen. to Charles 1 1 . ; moved impeachment of Ld. Danby, 1679 ; M.P. for many years for the co. and city of Worcester and for Tewkesbury ; d. i May, 1700. Half-length ; brown coat, hunting-whip in 1 . hand ; landscape and stag- hunt in distance. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 934 ROBERT SPENCER, 2nd E. OF SUNDERLAND. Earl Spencer, K.G. Carlo Maratti. B. 1640; son of Henry, ist E. of Sunderland, and Dorothy Sidney (Waller’s Saccharissa) ; married Ann Digby, daughter of George, 2nd E. of Bristol. “Too much cannot be said of his talents, nor too little of his prin- ciples.” Sent as .\mbas. to Paris, 1672, and again 1678 ; d. at Althorp, 1702. Full length, in classical costume; a bas-relief near him represents Cupid victorious over Time. Canvas, 85 X 56 in. 935 ISAAC BARROW, D.D. Earl of Hardwicke. .•V learned Divine and Mathematician ; b. in London, Oct. 1630 ; educ. at Charterhouse, Felstead, and Trinity College, Cambridge ; retired abroad 1655 ; Greek Professor at Cambridge, 1660 ; Lucasian Professor on its foundation, 1663 (the chair of which he resigned in favour of his pupil. Sir I. Newton, 1669, then 27 years of age) ; Master of Trinity College, 1672, and founder of its librar>- ; d. 4 May, 1677 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Head ; black dress, long hair. Canvas, X 936 ABRAHAM SIMON. Mr. Henry Musgrave. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Modeller and medallist ; b. in Yorkshire ; educ. for the Church ; patron- ised by Q. Christina of Sweden, who presented him with her likeness, which he wore from a gold chain ; worked in France and Holland ; designed the medal for the Knights of the Royal Oak ; d. in poverty some time after the Restoration Head, looking upwards ; long greyish hair and beard. Canvas, 2 1 X 18 in. 937 THOMAS OTWAY. Earl Spencer, K.G. B. 3 March, 1651, at Trotton, .Sussex; son of Rev. H. Otway, R. of Wool- beding ; educ. at Winchester, and Christ College, Oxford ; attempted the stage, 1672, but failed ; wrote “Venice Preserved,” and other tragedies, but was always in indigent circumstances; Granger says “that his tragedies were received not with loud applause, but with tears of approbation ;” d. in poverty, 14 April, 1685. Bust ; open collar ; purple brown drapery. Canvas, 20 X 14 in. 938 . SIR HENRY BLOUNT, Kt. Countess of Caledon. B. 15 Dec. 1602 ; the “Great Traveller”; 3rd son of Sir Thomas Pope Blount, of Tittenhanger ; educ. at St. Albans, and Trinity College, Oxford ; travelled over Europe and the Levant ; knighted by Charles 1 . 1640, and had charge of the young Princes at Edgehill ; after the king’s death, took office under Commonwealth, and sat on the commission for the improvement of 157 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. Trade and Navigation, Nov. 1655 ; married in 1647, Hester Wade, widow of Sir William Mainwaring, Kt. ; d. 9 Oct. 1682. Half-length, seated ; r. hand resting on large globe. Canvas, 50 X 38 in. 939 HORATIO, VISCOUNT TOWNSHEND. LENT BY painter. Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. 2nd son of Sir Roger Townshend, Bart, by Mary, 2nd daughter of Horatio Ld. Vere, of Tilbury ; an active Royalist during the Commonwealth ; one of the deputation to the Hague, to invite Chas II. to return ; fortified Lynn for his reception, and commanded the Royalist forces on the coast of Norfolk ; created \'isct. Townshend of Raynham, 1 1 Dec. 1662 ; d. 1687. Half-length ; black jerkin, brown drapery, long fair hair. Canvas, 49 X 39. 940 SIR ROGER PRATT, Kt. Rev. Jermyn Pratt. Sir Peter Lely. Only son of Gregory Pratt, by Theodosia, daughter of Sir Edw. Tyrrell, Kt. ; married Anne, daughter of Sir Edw. Monyns, Bt. ; inherited Ryston, 1664, from his cousin ; knighted by Charles II. for his exertions in rebuilding London after the fire of 1666 ; d. 1684. Half-length, seated ; r. hand resting on bust, 1 . pointing to a globe. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. 941 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN, Kt. Roy.xl Society. .Architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral ; b. 1632 ; early distinguished for me- chanical invention ; an original Fellow of the Royal Society ; in 1666 em- ployed, and constantly thwarted in his plans for rebuilding London after the fire; d. 25th Feb. 1723. Half-length, holding scroll ; St. Paul’s in background. Canvas, 49 X 40. 942 MATTHEW LOCK. University of Oxford. Pupil of Edward Gibbons ; composer of the music for Shakspeare’s “ Tempest” and “ Macbeth,” and the public entry of Charles II.; organist to Catherine of Braganza ; d. 1677. Bust ; black dress, long dark wig. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 943 RICH. BUSBY, D.D., and MATTHEW HENRY. Christ Church, Oxford. Richard Bu.sisy, D.D. — B. at Lutton, co. Lincoln, 1606 ; cduc. at West- minster and Christ Church, Oxford ; appointed Master of Westminster, 1638, and held the office 58 years ; celebrated alike for his abilities as a scholar and as an unflinching disciplinarian. His 2nd master for a time was Edward Bagshaw, the Fifth-monarchy man ; removed, 1658. At one time 16 of the whole bench of Bishops had been Busby’s pupils. I). 6th April, 1695. M.\ithf.\v Henry. — B. 1662 ; son of the celebrated Nonconfonnist, Philip Henry; educ. at Islington and Gray’s Inn; gave up the law and became Nonconformist preacher at Chester, 1687-1712, when he went to Hackney ; best known by his “ Exposition of the Bible d. at Nantwich, and bu. at Chester 22 June, 1714. Half-length figures ; clerical dress ; Ur. Busby pointing to open book. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 158 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 166O-1685. 944 JOHN COSIN, BISHOP OF DURHAM. LENT BY painter. Bishop of Durham. B. at Nonvich, 30 Nov. 1594 ; educ. at Nonvich and Caius College, Cam- bridge ; Master of St. Peter’s, Cambridge, 1634; Dean of Peterboro’, 1640; first clergyman deprived of his benefice by Parliament, 1642 ; ejected same year from the Mastership, for sending the University Plate to the King at York ; retired to Paris, 1643 > Restoration reinstated in his preferments, and raised to the See of Durham, of which he was a most munificent patron ; d. 15 Jan. 1672. Bust ; high black hat, red robe, white fur hood ; building in background. Oval, canvas, 28 x 22 in. 945 BRIAN DUPPA, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Christ Church, Oxford. B. 1 589, at Lewisham ; educ. at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford ; Dean of Christ Church, 1629 ; Tutor to Prince of Wales, 1638 ; successively Bp. of Chichester and Salisbury, 1641 ; attended the king in captivity ; said to have aided in composition of “ Eikon Basilike at Restoration made Bp. of Winchester ; visited, when on his deathbed, by Charles, who, on his knees, begged the prelate’s blessing ; d. 21 March, 1662. Half-length, seated, with mantle as chancellor ; K.G. Canvas, 50 X 41. 946 SIR ROBERT LONG, Bt. Earl Brownlow. Sir P. Lely. Youngest son of Sir Walter Long, of Draycot, and Elizabeth Master ; Sec. to Charles II. in his exile, and at the Restoration; made Auditor of the Exchequer, and sworn of the Privy Council; d. unmarried, 13 July, 1673 - Half-length, seated; full fair wig, brown drapeiy, white sleeve; signed “ Plely.” Canvas, 47 X 37 in. 947 ROBERT SANDERSON, BISHOP OF LINCOLN. Bishop of Lincoln. Divine and Casuist ; b. at Rotherham, Yorkshire, 19 Sept. 1587; educ. at Lincoln School, and at Lincoln College, Oxford ; Reg. Prof, of Theology ; much esteemed by Chas. I ; deprived by the Parliament ; on the Restoration, made Bp. of Lincoln ; d. 29 Jan. 1662-3. Izaak Walton wrote his life. Bust ; black cornered hat, episcopal habit. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 948 GRINLING, OR GRILLING, GIBBONS. Viscount Galway, M.P. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Sculptor and Wood-carver ; b. in Spur Alley, Strand, but it is believed of Dutch parents ; recommended by Evelyn to Charles 1 1 ., and employed by the King at Windsor ; executed much of the can ing for the choir of St. Paul’s; the statue in bronze of James II. behind the banqueting-house, Whitehall, is his greatest work ; d. 3 Aug. 1721. Half-length, with bust before him and compasses in his hand. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 159 949 CHARLES COTTON (1630-1687). LENT BY PAINTER. Col. Robert Holden. B. 28 April, 1630 ; son of Charles Cotton, Esq., of Beresford, co. Stafford; cduc. at Cambridge ; married, 1656, Isabella, daughter of Sir Thos. Hutch- inson, Kt., of Owthorp, Notts ; and 2nd, Mary, Countess Dowager of Ard- glass. Best known as friend and companion of Izaac Walton, and Author of Supplement to “The Complete Angler;” d. in London, 1687. Bust ; cuirass, lace collar, white gold-laced scarf and sleeves. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 95 ° SAMUEL PEPYS, F.R.S. (1631, 2-1703). Mr. S. Pepys Cockerell. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Author of the celebrated “ Diary ;” b. in London, where his father was a tailor, 23 Feb. 1631-2 : educ. at St. Paul’s School and Magdalen College, Cambridge ; married Elizabeth St. Michel and became known to Sir Edward Montagu (E. of Sandwich) ; in 1660, Clerk of the Acts of the Navy ; in 1680, Sec. to the Admiralty ; President of the Royal Society, 1684 ; d. 20 May, 1703. Bust ; long brown wig and dark dress. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 951 SIR JOHN MARSHAM, Bt. (1603-1685). Earl of Romney. B. 23 Aug. 1603, in London; educ. at Westminster, St. John’s, Oxford, and Middle Temple ; one of the six clerks in Chancery', 1638 ; deprived and suffered great losses for his loyalty ; lived in retirement after the King’s death, devoting himself to the study of history and chronology ; M.P. for Rochester in the “Healing Parliament” of 1660 ; restored to his office, and created a Bt. about 1663; married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir W. Hammond; d. 25 May, 1685. Bust ; skull-cap and black dress, white band ; within an escutcheon. Can- vas, 29 X 24 in. 952 JOHN GAUDEN, BISHOP OF WORCESTER. Mr. T. H. Bates. B. 1605, at Mayland ; educ. at Bury St. Edmunds and St. John’s, Cam- bridge ; Chaplain to E. of Warwick ; presented with silver tankard for sermon before House of Commons, 1640 ; appointed, 1641, by parliament, Dean of Booking, and confirmed by Laud, then a prisoner in the Tower; excluded from Westminster Assembly of Divines ; Bp. of Exeter at the Re- storation ; of Worcester, 1664; claimed authorship of “Eikon Basilike d. 20 Sept. 1664. To waist ; wide black hat, episcopal robes ; date, 1660 ; age 53 ; mitre to his r. Canvas, 32 x 26 in. 953 LADY LUCY THERESA HERBERT. Earl of Powis. Daughter of William, ist Marquis and E. of Powis; Superior of the English Augustine convent at Bruges, 1668 ; authoress of “several excellent methods of hearing mass.” Half-length ; white dress ; lighted brazier to her 1 . Canvas, 49 X 27 in. I i6o REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 954 THOMAS HOBBES (1588-1679). LEST BY PaISTER. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. No. 916.) Half-length, seated ; papers, pens and books before him ; date 1676, age 8^ Cam-as, 34 X 44 in. 955 ROBERT PLOT, LL.D. (1641-1696). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. B. 1641, at Sutton Baron, Kent ; educ. at Wye and Magdalen Kalk Oxford ; one of the best naturalists and antiquaries of the 17th centurj- ; Sec. of Royal Society, 1682 ; friend of Elias Ashmole, who appointed him first Keeper of his Museum; Historiographer to James II. 1688; Mowbray Herald Extraordinaiy and Registrar of Court of Honour, 1694. .Author of “Natural Histoiy of Oxon and Staffordshire zealously supported the Exclusion Bill ; and in June, 1680, publicly presented the D. of York as a recusant, in Westminster Hall ; carried the Bill up to House of Lords ; falsely accused of being en- gaged in “the Rye House Plot condemned and executed, 21 July, 1683. Bust, looking to r. ; long light-brown wig. Canvas, 27 X 23 in. 980 NATHANIEL TILSON AND FAMILY. Mr. Thomas Shaen Carter. Henry Tilson. {See No. 985.) His wife, daughter, son Henry, and younger son. Three-quarter-length figures. Canvas, 50 X in. 981 SIR RICHARD NEWMAN. Rev. E. H. Rogers. W. Dobson. Bust, showing 1 . hand ; black dress, white collar. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 165 982 WILLIAM CROONE, M.D. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. Mary Beale. B. in London; educ. at Emmanuel College, Cambridge; Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1675 ; ist Sec. of the Royal Society ; d. 1684. Bust ; long flowing brown wig, crimson furred gown. Canvas, 35 X 27. Presented by Dr. Woodford, Reg. Professor of Physic at Oxon, 1738. 983 LADY MARGARET WENTWORTH. Lord Houghton. Half-length, seated ; before her a vase with white flower. Canvas, 46x34. 984 JOHN WALLOP. Earl of Portsmouth. John Riley. Father of the ist. E. of Portsmouth ; d. 1694. Seated ; blue drapery, lace cravat. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 985 HENRY TILSON. Mr. Thomas Shaen Carter. Henry Tilson. B. in Yorkshire, 1610 ; son of Nathaniel, grandson of Bp. Tilson, pupil of Sir Peter Lely ; executed portraits in oil and pastel with considerable style ; went to Rome and copied many pictures in crayon ; committed suicide from disappointment in love, 1646. Chambers engraved his portrait. Bust ; showing r. hand, looking to r., open reddish dress. Canvas, 27 X 986 SIR JOHN GRANVILLE, ist EARL of BATH. Rev. Lord John Thynne. Son of the gallant loyalist. Sir Bevil Granville, killed at Battle of Lans- down ; actively employed in corresponding with Charles II. when in exile; at Restoration made E. of Bath, Groom of the Stole, Ld. Warden of the Stannaries, with pension of 3000/. ; d. 17 ii. Bust, armour ; large full wig. Oval, canvas, 29 X 24 in. 987 FATHER JOHN HUDDLESTON. Mr. W. B. Stopford. B. 1608, in London; son of Andrew Huddleston and Mary Hutton; educ. at Douai ; in arms for the king till his surrender by the .Scots, 1647 ; quitted England and took holy orders ; returned 1850, and attended Charles II. in his flight from Worcester, 1651 ; excepted by name in many proclamations against “ Romish priests ;” being at Whitehall in Charles’s last illness, was called in to administer extreme unction ; chaplain to the Queen-Dowager at Somerset House, until she left England, 30 March, 1692 ; d. 22 Sept. 1^2. Bust ; long grey hair ; holding crucifix in r. hand. Canvas 29 X 23 in. 988 TRADESCANT FAMILY. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. W. Dobson. Wife, son, and daughter of John Tradescant the elder. Half-length figures standing. Canvas, i66 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 989 WALTER CHARLETON (or CHARLTON,^ M.D. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians. B. 2nd Feb. 1619, at Shepton Mallet, of which parish his father was rector ; educ. at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, under Dr. John Wilkins {see No. 967) ; on breaking out of Civil War appointed King’s physician, and the same at Restoration ; one of the first members of the Royal Society ; in 1683 defended Har\ ey’s claim to the discovery of the circulation of the blood ; President of College of Physicians, 1689-91 ; d. 1707. Bust ; dark dress, squared white collar or bands. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 990 FRANCIS GLISSON, M.D. Royal College of Physicians. Distinguished Anatomist ; b. 1597 ; educ. at King’s College, Cambridge; M.A. Oxford, 25 Oct. 1627 ; President of the Royal College of Physicians, 1667-9 ; ^cg. Prof, of Physic, Cambridge ; d. 1677, at St. Bride’s, London. Bust ; black dress, large wig. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. Engr. by W. Faithorne. 991 ' ELIAS ASHMOLE (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. B. at Lichfield, 23 May, 1617 ; educ. there ; joined King’s army at Oxford, 1645 ; retired Oct. 1646, and devoted himself to Astrology ; thrice married, his 3rd wife being Elizabeth, daughter of Sir W. Dugdale, Garter King-at- Arms ; founded Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, to which he presented his Library, MSS., and the Tradescant Museum; wTote “History of the Order of Garter ;” d. 18 May, 1692. Half-length ; red dress ; chain and badge as Windsor Herald ; resting r. hand on vol. of his “History of the Order of the Garter.” Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 992 REV. JOHN FLAMSTEED, F.R.S. Royal Society. R. Gibson. Distinguished Astronomer ; b. at Denby, Derbyshire, 19 Aug. 1646 ; educ. at the Free School, Derby ; in 1674 obtained degree of M.A. from Cambridge, though it is not known that he was a student there ; in 1676 appointed “Astronomical Observator” at Greenwich, where he continued collecting his great series of observations till his death, 31 Dec. 1719. Half-length, seated ; clerical dress ; hand on a vol. entitled “ Obs. Cce- lestes, ab anno 1671-1712. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. 993 HENRY COMPTON, BISHOP OF LONDON. Marquis of Northampton. B. 1632 ; youngest son of Spencer E. of Northampton (see No. 595) educ. at Queen’s College Oxford ; served as Cornet under Aubrey de Vere, E. of Oxford ; afterwards entered the Church ; Bp. of Oxford, 1674, and Bp. of London, 1675; was called “the Protestant Bishop,” for the noble stand he made for the Church, in James’ reign ; carried off the Princess Anne to Nottingham, and raised a body of troops for her protection, Oct. 1688; crowned William and Mary, April, 1689; d. 7 July, 1713. Full-length, seated, episcopal habit. Canvas, 86 X ^in. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685, 167 994 THOMAS WHITE, BP. OF PETERBOROUGH. LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Peterborough. Bp. of Peterborough, 25 Oct. 1685 ; one of the prelates charged with ecclesiastical jurisdiction of diocese of London on Bp. Compton’s suspension, Sept. 1686 ; one of the “Seven Bishops,” June, 1688 ; deprived for refusing to take oath of allegiance to Wm. and Mary, i Feb. 1690; attended Sir John Fenwick on the scaffold at Tower Hill, 27 Jan. 1697. Bust ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 995 THOMAS LAMPLUGH, ABP. OF YORK. Queen’s College, Oxford. B. at Thwing, Yorkshire ; educ. at Queen’s College, Oxford ; Dean of Rochester, 1672 ; Dean of York, 1644, and then Dean of St. Paul’s ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1677; attended Charles II. on his deathbed ; one of the “Seven Bishops, 1688 ; one of the 8 non-juring prelates deprived on accession of William III. ; succeeded by Tillotson ; d. 24 Nov. 1693. Seated, in a library. Canvas, 86 X 58 in. 999 RT. CREIGHTON, BP. OF BATH AND WELLS. Corporation of Wells. Dean of St. Buriens, 1637 ; deprived on the breaking out of the Civil Wars; became Chaplain to Charles I. ; in exile with Charles II.; and, whilst abroad, 1646, made Dean of Wells, which he obtained at Restoration ; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1670 ; d. 1672 ; distinguished as a composer of sacred music. Half-length ; black skull-cap, episcopal habit. Canvas, 46 x 35 in. Presented to the city by Thomas Serel. j68 REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1660-1685. 1000 JOHN DRYDEN.’ LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Poet; b. 19 Aug. 1631, at Aldwinckle ; cduc. at Westminster under Dr. Busby, and at Trinity College, Cambridge; married daughter of 1st E. of Berkshire, Dec. 1663 ; Poet Laureate and Historiographer, 1670 ; Author of “Absolom and Achitophel,” :68i (wherein he satirizes D. of Monmouth as Absolom, Buckingham as Zimri, Shaftesbury as Achitophel) ; “ Hind and Panther,” 1687 ; to defend his conversion to Church of Rome ; Translation of Virgil, 1697 ; “Alexander’s Feast,” “ h'ables,” &c. ; d. i May, 1701. To waist, three-quarter face to r. ; grey hair. Canvas, 35 X 27. Be- longed to Jacob Tonson, Dryden’s publisher, and from him descended to its present owner. 1 00 1 MARY FAIRFAX, DUCHESS OF BUCKINGHAM. Mr. C. Wykeham Martin, M.P. No. .) Bust, looking to 1 . ; low white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 1002 THOMAS BARLOW, BISHOP OF LINCOLN. Oueen’s College, Oxford. B. 1607, at Langhill, Westmoreland ; educ. at Appleby and Queen’s College, Oxford ; Provost of Queen’s, 1657 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 1675 ; ^ learned man, but of most accommodating opinions ; held College office under the Commonwealth ; wrote against Popery under Charles 11 . ; praised Declaration of Liberty of Conscience by James II. ; punished non-juring clergy under Will. III.; d. 8 Oct. 1691. To waist ; square-topped black cap, black dress ; 1 . hand resting on table. Canvas, 35 X 29 in. 1003 L. KEEPER, FRANCIS NORTH, Ld. GUILFORD. Col. and Baroness North. Riley. 2nd son of Dudley, 4th Ld. North ; succeeded Finch, E. of Nottingham, as Ld. Keeper, 1682; created Baron of Guildford, 1683; d. 1685. Seated ; robes of office, mace and great seal before him. Canvas, 1004 GEORGE MORLEY, BP. OF WINCHESTER. Bishop of Winchester. Sir Peter Lely. B. 27 Feb. 1597, at London; educ. at Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford ; the friend of Ben Jonson (and familiarly known as one of his “sons”), Falkland, Clarendon and Chillingworth ; constantly attended Chari, till his death, when he retired to Holland, and resided in Ld. Clarendon’s family ; Dean of Canterbury, 1660 ; and Bp. of Worcester ; princ. manager of the Savoy Conference, 1661 ; Bp. of Winchester, 1662 ; d. 29 Oct. 1684. Half-length seated ; episcopal habit, r. hand resting on a book. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. - 1005 JOHN GREENHILL. Dulwich College. John Greenhill. Painter ; b. 1649, at Salisbury' ; the most promising of all the pupils of Lely, who is said to have looked upon him as a rival, and never allowed him REIGN OF JAMES II. 1685-1688. 169 to see him paint. Mrs. Behn wTote his elegy. Hastened his death by dissipation ; d. 19 May, 1676. Half-lengthj seated ; holding paper in his hands. Canvas, 40 X 32 in. 1006 WILLIAM LLOYD, BP. OF WORCESTER. LENT BY painter. Archbishop of Canterbury. B. 1627; educ. at Oxford; Chaplain to Charles II. 1666; Bp. of St. Asaph, 16^ ; one of the “ Seven Bishops trans. to Litchfield, 1692 ; Wor- cester, 1700; d. 30 August, 1717. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit, r. hand resting on Greek New Testament. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 1007 REBECCA HELE, LADY TRELAWNY. Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Wife of sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bt., Bp. of Bristol. {See No. loi i.) Half-length, seated ; lilac and yellow-brown drapery. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 1008 RICHARD BAXTER. Congregation of Independents (Kidderminster). B. at Rowden, Salop, 12 Nov. 1615 ; one of the most remarkable men of his time ; respected alike by Churchmen and Presbyterians ; Author of “ The Saint’s Everlasting Rest refused the Bprick. of Hereford ; Member of the Savoy Conference ; ejected by the Act of Uniformity, 1662 ; tried before Jeffreys, 1685, for reflections on Episcopacy in his “ Paraphrase on the New Testament,” when he was defended by John Wallop (No. 984) ; imprisoned for 18 mont hs ; d. 8 Dec. 1691. Bust; blk. cap, dress black, white-edged ; dated 1691, age 75. Canv. 29x24. 1009 JUDGE JEFFREYS. Earl of Tankerville. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Acton, Denbighshire; educ. at Shrewsbury; Ch. Just. 1683; Ld. Chan. 1685 ; infamous for his cruelties in the suppression of the Monmouth rebellion ; d. in the Tower, 1689. Full length ; robes ; holding great seal. Canvas, 1 010 THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, BP. OF CHESTER. Queens’ College, Oxford. B. I Sep. 1634, at Northampton ; educ. at Magdalen Coll. Oxf. ; at the Restor. appointed Chaplain to Hen. D. of Gloucester ; Prebend, of Durham, 1672 ; Dean of Ripon, 1677 ; made Bp. of Chester, 1686, for asserting that the king’s promises to Parliament were not binding ; sent with Bp. Crewe, to compel the Fellows of Magdalen Coll. Oxf. to elect Anthony Farmer, as their president ; fled at the Revolution ; attended James to Ireland, where he d. 15 April, 1689. Seated ; black college cap, episcopal habit. Canvas, 41 X 39 in. loi I SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY, Bt., BISHOP OF BRISTOL. Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Younger son of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bt. of Pelynt, Cornwall ; married Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Hele, Esq. of Bascombe, Devon ; became Bt. on death of his brother, 1680 ; Bp. of Bristol, 1685 ; one of the “ Seven Bishops ;” actively engaged in bringing over William of Orange ; made Bp. of Exeter, 1689, and of Winch. 1707, and Prelate of Order of the Garter at same time ; Bp. Atterbury ded. his sermons to Trelawny ; d. 19 July, 1721. Half-length, seated ; robes as Prelate of the Garter. Canvas, 49 x 41 in. CUUIm Ic. REIGN OF JAMES II. 1685-1688. l 73 1012 SIR EDMUND KING, Kt. M.D. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal College of Physicians, Sir Peter Lely. B. 1629 ; created M.D. by the Archbp. of Canterbury ; when Charles II. was suddenly seized with the illness, of which he died five days afterwards, Sir Edm. King immediately bled him with a pen-knife ; was ordered, by the privy council, 1000/. for his promptitude on the occasion, but it was never paid ; Hon. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1687 ; d. 1709. Seated ; flowing wig, bust to his 1 . Canvas, 49 x 39 in. Bequeathed to the College by himself. Engraved by Williams. 1013 HUMPHRY HENCHMAN, BISHOP OF LONDON- Earl of Clarendon, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1592 ; son of Thos. Henchman of London ; educ. at Clare Hall, Cam- bridge ; Prebend, of Sarum, 1628. To his care Mrs. Mary Hyde of Hele delivered Charles II. on Salisbury Plain after his escape from Worcester. At the Restoration made Bp. of Salisbury, and translated to London, Sept. 1663 ; d. Oct. 1675. Three-quarter size, seated ; black cap, episcopal habit ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 1 1014 JOHN, LORD CUTTS. JAr. Thomas Ball, W. Wissing. Son of Richard Cutts, Esq., of Matching, Esfex ; educ. at Cambridge ; Soldier and Poet ; served under Duke of Lorraine, and at capture of Buda, 1685 ; created Baron Cutts by Will. III., 1690 ; Capt. of Body-guard on dis- covery of Assassination Plot, 1696 ; served under Duke of Marlborough, 1703, and in Ireland under Duke of Ormonde, 1705 ; d. at Dublin, 26 Jan. 1707. Bust ; long dark wig ; armour. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 1015 ROGER PALMER, EARL OF CASTLEMAINE. Earl of Powis. Husband of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (No. 842) ; created E. of Castlemaine, 1661 ; sent by Jam. II. on a fruitless embassy to Rome, to reconcile these kingdoms to the Holy See ; d. 1705. Full-length, dictating to his secretary, Nicholas Wright ; red cloak, sea- view in background. Canvas, 75 X 56 in. 1015a JOHN EVELYN, 1620-1706. Mr. John Evelyn. R. -Walker. Author of the “ Sylva,” “ Memoirs b. 1620 ; d. 27 Feb. 1706. To waist, seated ; head leaning on r. hand, 1 . hand on skull Canvas, 34 X 24 in. 1016 RICH. TALBOT, E. and D. of TYRCONNEL. Lord Talbot de Malahide. Son of Sir Wm. Talbot ; created E. of Tyrconnell, 1685 ; succeeded Henry 2nd E. of Clarendon, as L. Lieut, of Ireland under James II. ; married, ist. Miss Mary Benton ; 2nd, the beautiful Frances Jennings, widow of Sir G. Hamilton, and sister of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough ; created Marquis and D. 1689, and Chief Gov. of Ireland for Jam. II. ; fought at Battle of Boyne; d. during siege of Limerick, 5 April, 1691 ; he was of a remarkably tall and stately figure. Half-length ; annour, mantle and ribbon, K.G. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. REIGN OF JAMES II. 1685-1688. I7I 1017 JOHN HOUGH, BP. OF WORCESTER (1657-1743). LENT BY PAINTER. Magdalen College, Oxford. B. 12 April, 1651 ; educ. at Magdalen College, Oxford ; Chaplain to Duke of Ormond in Ireland, 1678 ; elected, 1687, Pres, of Magdalen in opposition to Anthony Farmer, the nominee of Jas. II. ; ejected by the King ; restored at the Revolution ; Bp. of Oxford, 1690; of Lichfield, 1699 ; declined Archbe. of Canterbury, 1715 ; accepted Worcester, 1717 ; d. 8 Mar. 1743, aged 92. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit ; date 1734, aged 84. Canvas, 5 1 X 39. 1018 ARABELLA CHURCHILL, MRS. GODFREY. Earl Spencer, K.G. B. 1648 ; daughter of Sir Winston Churchill ; sister of John, D. of Marl- boro’, and mistress of the D. of York, by whom she was the mother of the famous James, D. of Berwick, and two other children. To knees, seated ; low dress, leaning on r. hand. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 1019 JAMES II. Mr. S. Pepys Cockerell. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Half-length ; armour ; ribbon K.G. ; ships in distance ; stated to be the picture for which James was sitting when the news of the landing of Wm., P. of Orange, was brought to him. “ I have promised Mr. Pepys my picture and I will finish the sitting.” Canvas, 48 X 40 in. 1020 JAMES, DUKE OF MONMOUTH. Lord Lyttelton. {See No. 836.) Half-length ; armour and buff Jerkin. Canvas, 49 X 39. 1021 MARIA D’ESTE. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. {See No. 1027.) To knees, seated ; in landscape ; r. hand on little spaniel. Canvas, 49 X 39. 1022 CATH. SEDLEY, COUNTESS of DORCHESTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Dau. of Sir Chas. Sedley, mistress of James II. who created her Coun- tess of Dorchester, 1686; her father promoted the Revolution, saying that in gratitude he should do his utmost to make his majesty’s daughter a queen, as James had made his own a countess. D. 26 Oct. 1717. Three-quarter size, seated ; low dress, red drapery. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 1023 JAMES II. Earl of Clarendon, K.G. W. Wissing. Half-length, arm. ; ribbon K.G. ; signed “ W. Wissing.” Canv., 49 X 39. 1024 HENRY SOMERSET, 1ST D. of BEAUFORT, K.G. Duke of Beaufort. Sir Peter Lely. B. 1629 ; son of Edw., 2nd Mar. of Somerset ; in favour with Char. II. ; K.G. 1672 ; D. of Beaufort, 1682 ; opposed D. of Monmouth ; refused oaths of allegiance to and Mary ; lived in retirement ; d. 21 Jan. 1699. Half-length ; full light wig, black scarf, white sleeve. Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 172 REIGN OF JAMES II. 1685-1688. 1025 PRINCESS MARY OF ORANGE, AFTERWARDS QUEEN OF ENGLAND. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Peter Lely. B. 1662 ; eldest daughter of Jas. Duke of York (James II), and Anne, daughter of the Chancellor Clarendon ; married Will. Prince of Orange, 4 Nov. 1677 ; ascended the throne, 1688 ; crowned, April, 1689 ; d. of small pox, 28 Dec. 1694. Three-quarter size, as Diana, with bow and arrow. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 1026 SIR GODFREY KNELLER, Bt. Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. 1648, at Lubeck ; pupil of Bol and of Rembrandt; came to England, 1674; knighted, 1692 ; d. 27 Oct. 1723. Bust ; scroll in 1 . hand ; from the Strawberry Hill, Coll : Canvas, 29 X 23. 1027 QUEEN MARY OF MODENA. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Godfrey Kneller. Full length ; r. hand resting on vase containing an orange tree. Canvas, 83 X 52 in. 1028 PETER MEW, D.C.L. BP. OF WINCHESTER. Bishop of Winchester. B. 1619, at Purse Cawndell, Dorset ; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ and St. John’s, Oxford ; in arms for Charles I. in civil wars ; in exile during Com- monwealth ; Bp. of Bath and VV’ells, 1673; translated to Winchester, 1684; in arms against D. of Monmouth, 1685 ; in great favour with James II., whom he deserted on arrival of William 111 . ; d. 1706. Three-quarter size, seated ; skirmishers to his r. ; badge as prelate of Garter ; black patch on 1 . cheek ; left at Farnham, to descend to the suc- cessors in the See, by the executors of Brownlow North, Bp. of Winchester, 1820. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 1029 JAMES II. AS DUKE OF YORK. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Honthorst. As a child ; red dress, yellow cloak, ribbon K.G. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 1030 LORD GEORGE SAVILLE. Earl of Hardwick.. Son of Sir George Saville, Bt., ist Marquis of Halifax, by Ladv Dorothy .Spencer, daughter of Henry, E. of Sunderland ; fell at tlie siege of Buda, 1688 ; serving under the D. of Lorraine. Half-length ; blue coat. Canvas, 48 x 39 in. London : — Printed by STKA^•GE^vAYs & Walden, Castle St. Leicester S \ \ Her Majesty the Queen, i, 3, 10, 24, 29, 30, 33, 45, 49, 53, 55, 58, 73, 77, 82, 83, 96, 102, 104, 109, 124, 135, 138, 143, 149, 165, 170, 172, 199, 209, 217, 219, 236, 247,258, 260, 278, 321, 322, 342, 409, 418, 423, 432, 435, 439, 443 , 444 , 445 , 455 , 484, 522, 556, 557, 561, 566, 567, 582, 591, 602, 631,646, 653, 661, 669, 715, 721, 754, 765,797, 833, 837, 842, 844, 845, 866, 873,901, 1025, 1027, 1029 Admiralty, Lords of the, 357, 847 Agnew, Mr. Robert Vans, 2 All Souls College, Oxford, 489, 740, 962 Ajitiquaries, Society of, 32, 205, 207, 807 Apothecaries, Society of, 420, 438 Arundell of Wardour, Lord, 195, 465, 586, 619, 883 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 340, 682, 710, 772, 955, 988, 991 Baker, Mr. W. R. 1000 Ball, Mr. Thomas, 1014 Bankes, Mr. Henry, 598, 625 Bankes, Mr. Henry Nugent, 230 Baptist College, Bristol, 768, 771, 776 Barker, Mr. Alexander, 440 Barnardiston, Mr. Nathaniel C. 968 Bassett, Mr. J. F. 763, 778 Bastard, Mr. Baldwin J. P. 5, 57 Bates, Mr. T. H. 952 Bateson, Sir Thomas, Bart. M.P. Bath, Marquis of, 44, i6r, 181, 197, 241, 250, 488, 5 1 1, 926, 931, 997 Beach, Mr. W. W. B., M.P. 469, 506 Beaufort, Duke of, 4, 65, 85, 225, 231, 380, 386, 510, 640, 647, 657, 695, 741, 746, 1024 Bclmore, Earl of, 913 Blaauw, Mr. W. H. 734 Bodleian Library, Oxford, 8, 68, 95, 190, 245, 318, 343,365, 397 , 413,473, 616, 639, 758, 764, 775, 960 Booth, Mr. Richard, 131 Boys, Rev. Thomas, 643 Bradford, Earl of, 662, 899 Branfell, .Mrs. 76, 635 Brasenose College, Oxford, 530 Bridewell Hospital, 192 Bridges, Sir Brook \V., Bart. M.P. 139 British and P'oreign Bible Society, 164 Brooks, Major J. H. 88 Brownlow, Earl, 120, 123, 476, 753, 946 Bruce, Mr. John, 98, 220, 588 Bryan, Mr. G. L. 677 Byng, Captain H. 142 Caldecott, Mr. C. M. 683 Caledon, Countess of, 126, 151, 938 Cambridge, Corporation of, 450 Cambridge, University Library, 60, 262, 363, 408 Camden, Marquis, K.G. 490 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 86, 185, 583, 1006 Canterbury, Dean of, 147, 204, 233, 550 N 174 INDEX OF LENDERS. Carew, Captain G. H. W. 316, 466 Carevv, Mr. W. H. Pole, no, 115, 218, 313, 599. 720, 859 Carleton, Honourable R. 474 Carlisle, Earl of, 268, 405, 453, 500, 644, 699 Carpenters’ Company, 521 Carter, Mr. Thomas Shaen, 980, 985 Cathcart, Earl, 309, 735 Cheney, Mr. R. H. 552 Chester, Mr. Harry, 41, 428 Chetham Hospital and Library, Man- chester, 222, 769 Cholmeley, Sir Montague J., Bart. M.P. 107 Cholmoncleley, Mr. Reginald, 50, 67, 1 16, 158, 174, j88, 356,372, 379. 382, 390, 704, 784, 788, 806, 861 Christ Church, Oxford, 51, 56,62,94, 148, 156, 350, 441, 526, 547, 943, 945 Christ Church, Oxford, Dean of, 725 Christ’s Hospital, Governors of, 177, 179 Chute, Mr. \V. Wiggett, 360, 810 Clarendon, Earl of, K.G. 166, 470, 584, 642, 658, 663, 749, 834, 893, 900, 1013, 1023 Cockerell, Mr. S. Pepys, 950, 1019 Coffin, Mrs. Henrietta, 402 Colnaghi, Mr. M. H. 136 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 261, 269, 270 Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 40, 46 Crabbe, Rev. George, 675 Craven, Earl of, 417,446,451, 454,457, 460, 477, 603, 608 Dalrymple, Mr. C. E. 659 De Gernon, Mr. C. 375, 378 ^ Uelawarr, Countess, 78, 121, 125, 255, 430, 437, 512, 514, 5'8, 716,727, 819, 896, 921 De L’lsle and Dudley, Lord, 1 1, 37, 141, 272, 276, 282, 284, 301, 304,463, 684, 773, 780, 830, 892 Denbigh, Earl of, 6, 114, 498, 533, 629, 1021 Derby, Earl of, K.G. 38, 42, 48, 69, 70, 153, 253, 287, 288, 289, 294, 497, 529, 548, 689, 691, 694, 696, 848, 849,869, 870, 882, 889, 894, 1026 Des Voeux, Lady Sophia, 84 De Trafford, Sir Humphrey, Bart. 381, 387, 407, 449, 593 Devonshire, Duke of, K.G. 18, 81, 106, 134, 145, 224, 229, 422, 442, 503, 507, 928, 954 Diamond, H. W., M.D. 87 Digby, Mr. G. Digby Wingfield, 256, 344, 366, 539,' 575, 690 Disbrowe, Miss, 813, 822 Dod, Mr. Whitehall, 600, 636, 930 Domvile, Sir C. Compton W., Bart. 495, 865 Dulwich College, 337, 338, 351, 534, 630, 667, 874, 1005 Dundas, Mr. Robert, of Arniston, 283, 461 Durham, Bishop of, 944 East, Sir James Buller, Bart. 923 Edgar, Mrs. M. G. 297, 536 Edinburgh, University of, 265, 384 Edwards, Mr. John Kynaston, 671 Ellis, Rev. J. Williams, 277 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 537, 976, 998 Essex, Earl of, 13, 501, 505, 554, 760, 794, 828, 836, 839, 979 Eton College, 14, 15, 34, 173, 475, 496, 793 Evelyn, Mr. W. J. ioi5« Exeter College, Oxford, 627, 697 Exeter, Marquis of, K.G. 208, 242, 359, 433, 434, 853, 972 Fairfax, Mr. Charles G. 429, 708 Fairfax, Mr. Thomas, 555,686,706,707 Fanshawe, Mr. J. G. 666, 678 Ffarington, Miss, 687 Field, Mr. E. W. 817 Fitzherbert, Sir William, Bart. 1 00 Forbes, Mrs. Michie, 324 Forbes, Sir John H., Bart. 559 Fortescue, Earl, 21 , Foster, Rev. Sir Cavendish, Bart. 668 Fountaine, Mr. Andrew, 117, 167, 271, 660, 731, 781, 816, 851, 879 Galway, Viscount, \I-P- 72, 118, 560, 770, 948 INDEX OF LENDERS. 175 Gerard, Miss, 620, 703 Gerard, Sir Robert Tolver, Bart. 286 Gilbert, Honble. Mrs. Davies, 607 Goldsmiths’ Company, 377, 826 Gormanston, Viscount, 685 Gower, Mr. G. W. G. Leveson, M.P. 279 Granville, Mr. Bernard, 563 Gurney, Mr. J. H. 531 Handford, Mr. George, 801, 857 Harcourt, Lady Frances, 306 Harcourt, Rev. W. Vernon, 462, 464, 698, 912, 922 Hardwicke, Earl of, 175, 252, 345, 427, 730, 800, 935, 1030. Harrison, Mr. William, 414 Hastings, Marquis of, 23, 25, 26, 28, 66, 71, 91, 295, 388, 399, 480, 577, 676, 743, 841 Hawkins, Mr. J. Hevwood, 330, 885,895 Heneage, Mr. G. N. W. 724 Hereford, Bishop of, 613 Holden, Colonel, 545, 747, 949 Home, Earl of, 326, 424, 459^^486, 579, 605, 637, 652, 656, 700, 887, 927, 929, 959 Houghton, Lord, 193, 346, 513, 516, 581, 983 Howard, Hon. Mrs. Greville, 52, 97 Howard, Mr. Philip H. 621, 864 Huth, Mr. Henry, 157 Independents, Congregation of, Kid- derminster, 1008 Ironmongers’ Company, 665 Isham, .Sir Charles E., Bart. 679, 714, 827, 964 Jenkins, Rev. R. C. 808 Jesus College, Cambridge, 64, 93, 312, 447, 750 Jesus College, Oxford, 436, 932 Jones, Lieutenant- Colonel Inigo W. 75>, 752 Jones, Mr. Robert Oliver, 783 Kenealy, Edward, LL.D. 508 Kidderminster, Congregation of Inde- pendents at, 1008 King’s College, Cambridge, 35, 187 Kingsley, Rev. Charles, 412 Kinnoull, Earl of, 336, 499, 641 Laing, Mr. David, 237, 325, 368, 421, ' 448 Lambert, Mr. G. B. 596, 787, 821 Lansdowne, Marquis of, 615 Larking, Rev. Lambert B. 777 Lawson, Sir John, Bart. 332 Leven and Melville, Earl of, 31 1 Lincoln, Bishop of, 947 Lincoln’s Inn, 264, 664, 871, 918 Lloyd, Mr. George Whitelocke, 626 London, Bishop of, 369 Lothian, Marquis of, 63, 90, 155, 160, 275, 467 Lumsdaine, Rev. F. G. Sandys, 907 Lyttelton, Lord, 36, 456, 538, 649, 650, 755, 872, 881, 902, 1020 • Mackenzie, Mr. Keith Stewart, 314 317, 323, 891 Magdalen College, Cambridge, 140 Magdalen College, Oxford, 1017 Mainwaring, Sir H., Bart. 624 Malet, Sir Alexander, Bart, 877 Malmesbury, Earl of, 904, 908 Manchester, Duke of, 75, 1 13, 154, 159, 171, 180, 285, 515, 527, 614 Manning, Archbishop, 491 Manyers, Earl, 729 Martin, Mr. Charles Wykeham, M.P. 425, 855, 1001 Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, IJart. M.P. 61, 200, 528, 535, 846, 852 Mercers’ Company, 273 Merton College, Oxford, 249 Methuen, Lord, 348, 957 Middleton, Admiral Sir G. B., Bart. 127, 493 Mildmay, Sir H. B. P. St. John, Bart. 244, 482, 523, 779 Monck, Mr. J. B. 815 Moore, Mr. Edmund F. 820 Morley, Earl of, 732 Morrison, Mr. Charles, 132 Moseley, Mr. Walter, 74 Musgrave, Mr. Henry, 54, 840, 936 Musgrave, Rev. George, 634, 693 INDEX OF LENDERS. 176 National Gallery, 958 National Portrait Gallerj’, 79, 315, 335, 802, 876, 914 New College, Oxford, 22, 524 Nichols, Mr. J. Gough, 293, 546, 863 North, Colonel and Baroness, 191,211, 1003 Northampton, Marquis of, 19, 20, 540, 564, 595, 993 Northumberland, Duke of, 119, 416, 580 Okes, Rev. Richard, D.D. 717 Olive, Rev. John, 796 Oriel College, Oxford, 971 Ormonde, Marquis of, iii, 909, 915 Owen, Mr. T. B. Bulkeley, 963 Oxford, University of, 228, 544, 549, 713,809,942 Oxford University Galleries, 395, 759 Paget, Lieutenant- Colonel Leopold, 886 Painters’ Company, 519 Pearse, Mr. George, 392, 924 Pelly, Mr. Raymond, 825 Peterborough, Bishop of, 347, 391, 994 Peterborough, Dean and Chapter of, 403 Pettiward, Mr. R. J. 736 Physicians, Royal College of, 130, 146, 726, 733, 745, 850, 91 1, 917,956,961, 982, 989, 990, 1012 Plymouth, Corporation of, 361 Polhill, Mr. Charles, 785, 789, 799, 812 Pollen, Sir Hungerford, Bart. 216 Popham, Mr. F. L. 298, 367, 396, 517 Portsmouth, Earl of, 303, 373, 385, 702, 984 Powis, Earl of, 622,628, 953, 1015 I’ratt, Rev. Jermyn, 940 Prideaux, Colonel Sir E. S., Bart. 854 Queensberry, Marquis of, 1 2 Queens’ College, Cambridge, 31 Queen’s College, Oxford, 509, 995, 1002, 1010 Ravensworth, Lord, 502 Raymond, Rev. J. M. St. Clere, 364, 374, 478, 483 Reynard, Mr. E. H. 804 Rhodes, Mr. John, 795 Richmond, Duke of, 594,634,766, 875, 884 Robins, Mr. J. Y. 389 Rogers, Rev. E. H. 981 Romney, Earl of, 133, 182, 951 Royal Society, 266, 890, 910, 916, 941, 967, 969, 970, 973, 992 St. Germans, Earl of, 606, 610 St. John’s College, Cambridge, 47, 92, 215, 383, 419, 452, 472, 532, 568, 692, 757 St. John’s College, Oxford, 234, 739 St. Leonards, Lord, 333, 339 St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Vestry of, 977 St. Peter’s College, Cambridge, 227 Salisbury, Marquis of, K.G. 189, 240, 246, 248, 251, 254, 259, 267, 302, 305, 492, 553, 719 Salisbury, Town Council of, 835 Sanders, Mr., John, 705 Sandwich, Earl of, 485, 782, 786, 790, 791, 829, 858 Saye and Sele, Rev. Lord, 551, 792 Scottish Corporation, 319, 905 Seddon, Mr. J. P. 9 Seymour, Mr. H. Danby, M.P. 144, 168, 341, 558, 562, 670, 672 Seymour, Sir G. H., Bart. G.C.B. 831 Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, •37, 803, 965 Smythe, Mr. W. B. 89 Snosswell, Mr. W. T. 292 Spencer, Earl, K.G. 152, 183, 186, 206, 296, 327, 371, 481, 570, 57 L 572, 576, 645, 684, 7J I, 718, 728, 880, 898, 920, 934, 937, 1018, 1022 Stafford, Lord, 712, 978 Stanhope, Earl, 966 Stapylton, Mr. H. E. Chetwwnd, 108 Stopford, Mr. W. B. loi, 212, 235, 238, 774, 987 Stowe, Mrs. 638 Strangford, Viscount, 39, 213, 221, 349 Strode, Mr. E. C. 597 ! Stuart de Rothesay, Lady, 617 Stuart of Inchbreck, Mr. A. 328 INDEX OF LENDERS. 177 Suffolk, Earl of, 331, 400 Surgeons, Royal College of, 393, 867 Sutherland, Duke of, K.G. 16, 27 Swinburne, Sir John, Bart. 426 Sydney, Viscount, G.C.B. 939 Talbot de Malahide, Lord, 1016 Tankerville, Earl of, 903, 1009 Taunton, Lord, 202, 320 Tempest, Colonel, 184, 573, 578, 81 1 Throckmorton, Sir William, Bart. 280, 832 Thynne, Rev. Lord John, 353, 398, 504, 569, 680, 862, 986 Toke, Rev. N. 761, 762 Torphichen, Lord, 329 Townroe, Mr. J. W. 410 Townshend, Marquis, 487, 609, 805 Trelawny, Sir John S., Bart. 226, 232, 291, 1007, lOII Trevelyan, Sir Walter C, Bart. 767, 975 Trinity College, Cambridge, 471, 479, 856 Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 201, 281, 681 Twisden, Mr. Thomas Edward, 738 University College, London, 756 Vane, Mr. H. M. 601 Vane, Sir Henry R., Bart. 150, 651, 655, 673 V’erney, Sir Harry, Bart. M.P. 376, 525, 612, 618, 632, 744 Verulam, Earl of, 17, 194, 210, 223, 355. 362, 41 1, 415, 468, 520, 542, 543, 574 590, 674, 838, 868, 919 Wadham College, Oxford, 818 Waldy, Rev. J. E. 709 Walker, Mr. George J. A. 737, 742, 798, 814, 824 Waller, Rev. J. T. 648 Warter, Mr. H. De Grey, 128 Warwick, Earl of, 99, 103, 105, 257, 274, 299, 61 1, 623, 722, 723, 878, 888 Watkins, Mrs. 823 Watson, Mr. G. L. 925 Webb, Mr. John, 122, 129, 203, 431 Weils, Corporation of, 999 Wentworth, Mr. F. Vernon, 169, 178, 198, 300, 310, 633, 860 Western, Sir Thomas B., Bart. M.P. 290, 404, 406 Westminster, Dean of, 494 Westminster, Dean and Chapter of, 7 Westminster School, Head Master of, 307, 358, 996 Whatman, Mr. J., M.P. 585, 688 Wickham, Mr. William, 308 Wilbraham, Mr. George, 458 Willes, Mrs. W. 565 Wilmot, Sir Henry, Bart. 604 Wilson, Sir T. M. Bart. 214 Winchester, Bishop of, 1004, 1028 Winchester, Corporation of, 843 Winchilsea and Nottingham, Earl of, 239 Windsor, Baroness, 394 Winn, Mr. Charles, 43, 59, 163, 196, 243, 370, 897, 906 Winnington, Sir T., Bart. M.P. 933 Wood, Mr. Edward, 587, 592, 701 Wornum, Mr. R. N. 112 Wright, Mr. Gervase, 541, 748 Yarborough, Earl of, 80, 162, 176, 263, 334, 354, 401, 589, 974 J Vi INDEX. No. II. — NAMES OF PAINTERS. The rule adopted in giving the Names of Painters has been to retain those names supplied by the owners of the works exhibited. (&e Preface, p. viii.) 7'/4r’ figures refer to the number of the Portrait. B.icon, Sir Nathaniel {See No. 41 1) (d. 1615), 41 1, 41 5 Battista, Giovanni, 964 Beale, Mary No. 857) (1632-1697), 701, 727, 781, 898,917, 937, 967, 982, 1022 Bower, — , 707 Breughel, John (Velvet Breughel) (1569-1625), 481 Burbage, Richard {See No. 337) (d. 1619), 337 Christus or Christopherus, Petrus, 17 Cleyn, Francis de (d. 1658), 736 Clouet, Francois (Janet), 67, 82, 220, 311, 321, 327 Coello, Sanchez (1515-1590), 200 Cooke, Henry (1642-1700), 665 Cooper, Samuel (1609-1672), 803 Cornelli, Luca (1493-1552), 4, 320 Corvus, Johannes, 46 Cuyp, Albert (1606-1667), 709 Dobson, William {See No. 765), (1610- 1647), 597, 599, 682, 683, 708, 718, 742, 765, 782, 879, 981, 988 Faithorne, William (1620-1691), 377, 820 Fischer, P. 173 Flatman, Thomas (.9^^ No. 921) (1633- 1688), 921 Fruytiers, Philip (1625-1677), 712 Garrard, Mark (1561-1635), 184, 189, 230, 237, 242, 251, 255, 256, 291, 325, 359, 368, 473 Gascar, Henry (1635-1701), 845 Gerbier, Sir Balthazar (1592-1667), 867 Gibson, Richard {See No. 709) (1615- ^ 1690), 992 Grcenbury, — , 524 Greenhill, John {See No. 1005) (1649- 1676), 872, 874, 908, 914, 1005 Hanneman, Adrian (1611-1680), 721, 795, 816 Heere, Lucas de (1534-1584), 183, 198, 205, 212, 219, 240, 278, 322, 400, 423 Hilliard, Nicholas (1547-1619), 218, 226, 303, 305, 385 Holbein, Hans {See No. 73), (1495- •543), 54, 63, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 101, 104, 107, 108, 109, no, 113, 114, 115,121, 122, 124, 126, 129, 131, •32, 134, 138, 141, 142, 144, 149, 150, •51, >53, '54, 157, 159, i6i, 163, 165, 170, 172, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 192, 202, 208, 236, 247, 302, 373 Holbein, Hans (after), 112, 135, 173 Honthorst, Gerard (1592-1660), 435, 445, 45 •, 457, 1029 Horebout, Gerard Lucas (1498-1558), 364 Huysman, Jacob (1656-1696), 837, 958 Jamesone, George (1586-1644), 461, 528, 535, 559 Janet (Francois Clouet), 67, 82, 220, 311, 321, 327 Jansen, Cornelius (S"^^ No. 502), (1590- 1665), 344, 370, 393, 432, 433, 434,448, 455, 469, 474, 478, 482, 483, 486,487, 493, 502, 523, 536, 539, 540, 541, 545, 547, 550, 585, 595, 596, 607,612, 617, 618, 640, 642, 669, 688, 733, 794, 961 Jansen, Cornelius (pupil of), 968 Jordaens, Jacob (1594-1678), 332 Kerseboom, — , 973 Ketel, Cornelius (1548-1602), 395 i8o INDEX OF PAINTERS Kndler, Sir Godfrey (See No. 1026), (1648-1723), 889, 936, 948, 950, 968, 1000, 1007, 1009, loii, 1019, 1026, 1027 Lani^re, Nicholas (See No. 713), (1568- 1646), 713 Largilli^re, — , 605 Leigh, T. 600 Lely, Sir Peter (See No. 882), (1617- 1680), 580, 582, 644, 675, 684, 695, 725,766, 798, 817, 824, 827, 828, 829, 833, 841,842, 843, 844, 846, 847,851, 852, 857, 860, 862,864, 866, 868, 873, 875, 880, 882, 884, 885, 890, 892, 893, 900, 903, 905, 907,913 , 9 > 5 , 924, 926, 927, 928, 930, 931, 933 , 940, 946, 949 , 957,966, 969, 1004, 1012, 1013, ioi8, 1021, 1024, 1025 Lens, P. 998 Loggan, David (1635-1693), 959 Mabuse, Jan de (1499-1562), 52, 58, 80 Maratti, Carlo (1625-1713), 920, 934 Matsys, Quentin (1460-1529), 96 Medina, Sir John (1659-171 1), 906 Memling, Hans (1425-1500), 18 Micheli, — ,112 Mignard, Pierre (1610-1695), 840 Millar, — , 883 Mirevelt, Michael J. (1568-1641), 601, 756, 792 More, Sir Antonio (See No. 186) (1519- 1575), 127, 136, 155, 160, 186, 196, 209, 263, 271, 279, 297, 300, 331 Mytens, Daniel, the elder (1590-1660), 61, 512, 514, 567, 602, 616, 641, 669, 738 Netscher, Gaspard (1639-1684), 895 Oliver, Isaac (1556-1617), 296, 413 Patoun, — , 299 Penz, Gregory (1500-1550), 143 Pourbus, Francis (1540-1580), 162,266 Rembrandt, Paul (1608-1669), 409 Richardson, Jonathan (1665- 1745), 8 19, Riley, John (1646-1691), 896, 899, 922, 984, 993. 1003 Roussel, Theodore, 787 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul (1577-1640), 554, 572, 723 Sadler, T. 796 Smitz, Gaspar (d. 1689), 804 Snelling, M. 956 Steen, Jan (1636-1689), 615 Stone, Henry (Old Stone) (d. 1653), 553, 587, 687, 812 Stretes, Guillim, 371 Taylor, John (See No. 759), 758, 759 Tilson, Henry (. 5 "^^ No. 985) (1619- 1655), 980, 985 Titian (1477-1576), 195 Tuer, H. 932 Tyssens, 1020 Vaga, Pierino del (1501-1547), 206 Van der Heist, Bartholomew (1613“- 1670), 801 Vandevelde, John (1598-1677), 974 Vandevelde, William (the younger (1633-1707), 974 Vandyck, Sir Anthony (See No. 572) (1599-1641), 460, 465, 488, 498, 499, 525, 542, 552,556, 557 , 561, 564, 565, 566, 570, 571, 575,576, 579 , 583, 586, 589, 591, 598, 603, 608, 614, 619, 623, 624, 631, 632, 633, 646, 651, 653, 655, 662, 663, 673,679, 689, 691, 696, 699, 711,712, 716, 719, 720,728, 732, 749, 75L 752,754, 760, 763,773, 778, 780, 814, 963, 972 Van Eyck, John (1370-1441), 18 Van Jan, 410 Van Remde (d. 1678), 135 Van Somer, Paul (1576-1621), 389, 418, 431, 443, 444,446, 463, ‘468, 477 , 484, 492, 512, 551, 610, 806 Velasquez (1599-1660), 525 Walker, Robert (See No. 809) (d. 1660), 573, 645, 649, 705, 737, 786, 789, 790, 79', 797, 799, 800, 809, 821, 858, 1015^1 Wissing, William (1656-1687), 853, 876, 1014, 1023 Wright, Michael (1655-1700), 904 Zoest, Gerard (1637-1681), 832, 970 Zucchero, Federigo (1543-1616), 139, 203, 217, 229, 232, 235,238, 241, 246, 254,259, 267, 268, 275, 319, 354, 456, 466, 511 INDEX. No. III.— PORTRAITS. The figures refer to the number of the Portrait. Abbott, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 412, 520 Abergavenny, Lady (Joanna Fitzalan), 122 Albemarle, Duke of (General George Monk), S I 5, 858 Alcock, John, Bishop of Ely, 64 Alenjon, Francis, Duke of, 220 Allestry, Dr. Richard, Provost of Eton, 725 Ancram, Countess of (Anne Stanley), 529 .Anderson, Sir Edmund, 334 Andrewes, Launcelot (Bp. of Winchester), 436 Anglesey, 1st Earl of (Arthur Annesley), 924 Angus, Earl of (Archibald Douglas), 82 Anjou, Francis, Duke of, 220 Anne of Clevcs, Queen of Henry VIII. 132 Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I. 418, 4 ' 9 > 443 Annesley, Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, 924 Arlington, Earl ot (Henry Bennet), 903, 906 Armagh, Archbishop of (James Usher), 639 Arnistori, Lord (Sir James Dundas), 461 Arragon, K-atharine of, 74, 78, 79 Arthur, Prince of Wales (son of Henry VII.), 49 . 5 * Arundel, or Fitzalan, Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, 1 1 Arundel, Earl of (Henry Fitzalan), 197, 224 Arundel and Surrey, Earl of (Thomas Howard), 712, 723 Arundel and Surrey, Earl of (Thomas Howard), his Family, 712 Arundell, Anne, Lady Baltimore, 586 Arundell of Wardour, Thomas, ist Lord, 465 Arundell of Wardour, Lady (Blanche Somer- set, 695 Ashley, Anthony, ist Earl of Shaftesbury, 896, 906,908,914 Ashmole, Elias, 991 Askew, or Ascough, Anne, 116 Astley, Sir Jacob, Lord . 4 stley, 635 Audley, Thomas, Lord, 140 Bacon, Francis, Lord Chancellor, 468 Bacon, Lady, wife of Sir Nathaniel Bacon, 415 Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, 41 1 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 223 Baltimore, Lady (Anne Arundell), 586 ' Baltimore, 2nd Lord (Cecil Calvert), 590 Bancroft,Rchd. Archbp. ofCanterbury, 408,447 Banister, Dr. John, 393 Bankcs, Sir John, Chief Justice, 625 Bargrave, Isaac, Dean of Canterbury, 5^0 Barlow, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 1002 Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, Bt. 968 Barnes, Sir George, Lord Mayor of London, 192 Barrow, Dr. Isaac, 935 Basset, Admiral Sir Francis, 778 Basset, Lady, 5 1 6 Bates, Rev. William, 771 Bath, ist E. of (Sir John Granville), 986 Bath and Wells, Bishop of (Robert Creighton), 999 • Bath and Wells, Bishop of (Thomas Ken), 997 Bath and Wells, Bishop of (Arthur Lake), 524 Baxter, Richard, lco8 Beale, Mrs. Mary, 857 Beatoun, Mary, 331 Beauchamp, Margaret, Countess of Shrews- bury, 20 Beauclerk, Charles, ist Duke of St. Albans, 830 Beaufort, Cardinal, Bishop of Winchester, 16 Beaufort, ist Duke of (Henry Somerset), 1024 Beaufort, Henry De, 3rd Duke of Somerset, 386 Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 47, 48 Beaumont, Francis, 464 Bedford, Countess of (Lucy Harington), 440, 507 Bedford, Francis, 2nd Earl of, 256 Bedford, William, Earl of, 728 Behn, Mrs. Aphra, 864 Bellasyse, Thomas, Viscount Falconberg, 801 Bennet, Henry, Earl of Arlington, 9C3, 906 Berkeley, of Stratton, John. Lord, 546 Bertie, Robert, ist Earl of Lindsey, 611, 617, 700 > Bess of Hardwick, Countess of Shrewsbury, 315 Bishop, Dr. William, Bishop of Chalcedon, 491 Blake, Admiral Robert, 816, 818, 825 Blount, Sir Henry, 938 Bohemia, King of (Frederick Elector Palatine), , 45 «., 4 *« Bohemia, Queen of (Elizabeth Stuart), 417, 443.457.481 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 182 Boleyn, Anne, Queen of Henry VIII. 97, 103, 107, 114 Boleyn, Mary, 105, 256 Boleyn, Sir Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde, 10 1 Bolingbroke, Oliver St. John, ist Earl of, and his Family, 732 Bowes, Sir Jerome, 400 Bowes, Sir Martin, 377 Bowes, Sir Robert, 192 Boyle, Henrietta, Countess of Rochester, 927 Boyle, Hon. Robert, 973 Boys, Sir John, 643 Bradshaw, John (President), 737 Braganza, Catherine of, 831, 834, 837 Bramston, Sir John, Chief Justice, 652 Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 76, 80, 123 Brandon, Lady Eleanor, 198 Brereton, Sir William, 578 Bridgman, Sir Orlando, 899 Bristol, Bishop of (Sir Jonathan Trelawny), ton Bristol, 1st Earl of (John Digby), 539 Bristol, Earl of (George Digby, 728 Broke, Sir Richard, 127 Broke, Sir Richard, 493 Bromley, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 390 Brooke, Fulke Greville, ist Lord, 299 Brooke, Thomas Greville, 2nd Lord, 722 Brouncker, William, Visct. 969 Browne, Sir Thomas, M.D. 726 Buchanan, George, 265, 266 Buckhurst, Lord, Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, 255, 365 Buckingham, Duke of(EdwardStafford),44,7i Buckingham, ist Duke of (George Villiers), 43 ^. 435 . 455 » 5 ' 7 , 564 Buckingham, 1st Duke of (George Villiers), his Family, 432, 435 Buckingham, and Duke of (George Villiers), 623,855,904,906 Buckingham, Duchess of (Mary Fairfax), 902, 100 1 Bull, Dr. John, 228 Bunyan, John, 796 Burbage, Richard, 337 Burghley, Lady (Mildred Coke), 254 Burghley, Lord (William Cecil), 242, 245, 256 Burgundy, Duchess of (Margaret Plantagenet), 32 Burton, Rev. Robert, 530 Busby, Dr. Richard, 943, 996 Butler, James, ist Duke of Ormonde, 909 Butler, Lady Elizabeth, Countess of Chester field, 966 Butler, Samuel, 960. Butts, Lady, 1 1 5 Butts, Sir William, 110 Byron, Eleanor, Lady, 866 Byron, Lady (wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon), 585 Byron, Sir John, 1st Lord Byron, 688 Cabal Ministry, 906 Caernarvon, i?t Earl of (Robert Dormer), 654 Cxsar, Sir Julius, 428 Calverly, Henry, 767 Calvert, Cecil, and Lord Baltimore, 590 Camden, William, 473, 490, 519 Campbell, Sir John, 665 Canterbury, Archbishop of (George Abbott), 412, 520 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Thomas Arundel, or Fitzalan), 1 1 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Richard Bancroft), 408, 447 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Henry Chicheley), 39 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Thomas Cranmer), 93 . Hi Canterbury, Archbishop of (Edmund Grindal ), *33 Canterbury, Archbishop of (William Juxon), 739 Canterbury, Archbishop of (John Kempe), 16, 27 Canterbury, Archbishop of (V/m. Laud), 583 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Matthew Parker), 269 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Cardinal Reginald Pole), 185, 195, 206 Canterbury, Archbishopof(Wm. Sancroft), 998 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Gilbert Sheldon), 959 Canterbury, Archbishop of(Wm. Warham), 86 Canterbury, Archbishop of (John Whitgift), 227 Canterbury, Dean of (Isaac Bargrave), 550 Capell, Arthur, Earlof Essex, 741 Capell, Arthur, Lord, and his Family, 794 Capell, Lady (Elizabeth Moryson 1,794 Car, Robert, Earl of Somerset, 503 Carey, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, 238, 256 Carey, Sir Robert, Eail of Monmouth, 237 Carew, Sir Gawen, 218 Carew, Sir George, 260 Carew, Sir George, Earl of Totness, 466 Carew, Sir Nicholas, 162 Carew, Richard, 313 Carew, Thomas, 754 Carleton, Sir Dudley, Lord Dorchester, 474 Carlisle, Earl of (James Hay), 499, 538 Carteret, Sir George, Bt. 862 Cartwright, Thomas, Bishop of Chester, 1010 Cartwright, William, 667 Cary, Lucius, Visct. Falkland, 619, 658 Caryl, Rev. Joseph, 776 Castlemaine, Countess of, Barbara Villiers, 842, 851 Castlemaine, Earl of (Roger Palmer), 1015 Catherine of Braganza, Q^een of Charles 11 . 83»..*34. 837 Cavendish, William, 370 Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle, 711 Cavendish, Sir William, 81 Cecil, Lady Frances, Countess of Cumberland, 553 Cecil, Mrs. (Jane Heckington), 248 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 246,259,294 Cecil, Thomas, Earl of Exeter, 246, 434 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 242, 245, 256 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 183 Chalcedon, Bishop of (Dr. William Bishop), 491 Chaloner, Sir Thomas, 297 Charles I. 557, 561, 567, 568, 679, 740 Charles 1 . Family of, 591 Charles II. 556, 591, 843, 874, 885, 895 Charlotte Brabantine de Nassau, 548 Charlton, Dr. Walter, 989 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 8, 9 Cheke, Sir John, 154 Chester, Bishop of (Thomas Cartwright), 1010 Chester, Bishop cf (John Pearson), 856 Chester, Bishop of (John Wilkins), 967 Chester, Sir Robert, 41 Chesterfield, Countess of (Lady Elizabeth Butler), 966 / Chetham, Humphrey, 769 Chicheley, Henry, Archbishop of Canterbury, 39 Chicheley, Sir Thomas, 879 Chiffinch, William, 835, 838 Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan, 1C4 Churchill, Arabella (Mrs. Godfreys, 1018 Chute, Chaloner, 810 Chute, Charles, 360 Chute, Lady, 761 Chute, Sir George, 762 Clarence, Duke of (George Plantagenet), 25 Clarence, Duchess of (Isabel Nevill), 26 Clarendon, Lord Chancellor (Edward Hyde), 893 Claverhouse, John Graham of, Viset. Dundee, 897 Claypole, Mrs. (Elizabeth Cromwell), 821, 824 Cleveland, Duchess of (Barbara Villiers), 842, 851 Cleveland, Earl of (Thomas Wentworth), 542 Cleves, Anne of. Queen of Henry Vlll. 132 Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 397 Clifford, Rosamond (Fair Rosamond), i Clifford of Chudleigh, Thomas, Lord, 906 Clinton, Lord, Earl of Lincoln, 256 Clough, Sir Richard, 277 Coke, Mildred, Lady Burghley, 254 Coke, Sir Edward, 479 Coke, Sir John, 545 ' Colet, Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul’s, 60 Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, 993 Compton, James, 3rd Earl of Northampton, 716 Compton, Spencer, 2nd Earl of Northampton, 595 Compton, William, 1st Earl of Northampton, 540 Coningsby, Sir Thomas, 501 Corbet, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, 547 Cork, Richard, 1st Earl of, 442 Cornbury, Henry, Lord, 900 Cornbury, Theodosia, Lady, 900 Cosin, John, Bishop of Durham, 944 Cotfmgton, Francis, Lord, 584 Cotton, Charles, 949 Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, 47 I Coventry, Thomas, Lord Keeper, 599, 642, Cowley, Abraham, 757 Cox, Richard, Bishop of Ely, 281 Crakanthorpe, Rev. Dr. Richard, 509 Cranfield, Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, 518 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 93 . >42 Craven, William, ist Earl of, 460 Creighton, Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 999 “ Cricket,’’ Dwarf of Sir Thos. Coningsby, 501 Croft, Cecilia, Mrs. Killigrew, 552 Crofts, James, Duke of Monmouth, 836, 876, 1020 Croke, Margaret, Lady, 543 Cromwell, Bridget, Mrs. Ireton, afterwards .Mrs. Fleetwood, 785 Cromwell, Colonel William, 806 ^Cromwell, Elizabeth, Mrs. Claypole, 821, 824 Cromwell, Henry, 787, 817 Cromwell, Lady Elizabeth, 788 Cromwell, Mrs. (Elizabeth Steward), 786 Cromwell, Oliver, 790, 798, 799, 803 Cromwell, Robert, 791 Cromwell, Sir Oliver, 784 Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex, 1 13, 126 Croone, Dr. William, 982 Cumberland, Countess of (Lady Frances Cecil), 553 Cumberland, Countess of (Margaret Russell), 343 Cumberland, 3rd Earl of (George Clifford), 397 Cutts, John, Lord, 1014 Dacres, Lady Elizabeth, wife of Lord William Howard of Naworth, 429 Danby, Earl of (Henry Danvers), 633 Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby, 633 Darnley, Earl of(Henry Stuart), 322, 323, 326 Davies, Colonel Thomas, 636 Davies, Robert, of Gwysaney, 600 Davis, Lucy, Countess of Huntingdon, 676 Davis, Moll, 828 Dee, Dr. John, 340 De Laune, Dr. Gideon, 438 Denton, Dr. William, 744 Derby, Countess of, 278 Derby, Countess of (Alice Spencer), 288 Derby, Countess of (Charlotte De La Tre- mouille), 554, 694, 696 Derby, Dorothea Helena, Countess of, 869 Derby, 1st Earl of (Thomas Stanley), 42 Derby, 2nd Earl of (Thomas Stanley), 70 Derby, 3rd Earl of (Edward Stanley), 153 Derby, 4th Earl of (Henry Stanley), 287 Derby, 5th Earl of (Ferdinando Stanley), 2S6, 289 Derby, 6th Earl of (William Stanley), 497 Derby, 7th Earl of (James Stanley, Lord Strange), 689, 691 Derby, 8th Earl of (Charles Stanley), 687, 870 Derby, 9th Earl of (William Richard George Stanley) 848 Desmond, Countess of (Jane Fitzgerald), 409 Devereux, Lady Dorothy, 158 Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex, 253,296, 355 184 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Devereux, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex, 504,629 Devereux, Walter, ist Earl of Essex, 263 Digby, George, Earl of Bristol, 728 Digby, John, 1st Earl of Bristol, 539 Digby, Sir Kenelm, 575, 646 Digby, Sir Kenelm, his Family, 575 Digby, Venetia, Lady, 570, 575, 653 Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon, 920 Disbrowe, or Desborough, General John, 813 Disbrowe, or Desborough, Samuel, 822 Dobson, William, the Painter, and his wife, 765 Dod, Robert, 930 Dolben, Dr. John, Archbishop of York, 725 Domvile, Sir William, 865 Donne, Lady, 1 8 Donne, Sir John, 18 Dorchester, Countess of (Catherine Sedley), 1022 Dorchester, Lord (Sir Dudley Carleton), 474 Dorchester, ist Marquis of (Henry Pierrepont), 850 Dormer, Robert, ist Earl of Caernarvon, 654 Dormer, Robert, 1st Earl of Caernarvon, his Family, 654 Dorset, Ann, Countess of, 512 Dorset, Earl of (Thomas Sackville, Lord Buck- burst), 255, 365 Dorset, 3rd Earl of (Richard Sackville), 514 Dorset, 3rd Marquis of, and Duke of Suffolk (Henry Grey), 189 Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Angus, 82 Douglas, Margaret, Countess ofLcnnox, 87, 236 Douglas, James, Earl of, 12 Dove, Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough, 391 Down and Connor, Bishop of (Jeremy Taylor), 962 Downe, 3rd Earl of (Sir Thomas Pope), 683 Drake, Sir Francis, 346, 361 Drayton, Michael, 338 Drummond of Hawthornden, Sir William, 486, 489 Dryden, John, 1000 Dublin, Archbishop of (Thomas Jones), 495 Dudley, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, 302 Dudley, Lady Mary, Lady Sidney, 276 Dudley, Lord Guildford, 191 Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 241, 251, 256, 261, 262 Dugdale, Sir William, 863, 878 Dundas, Sir James, of Arniston, 283 Dundas, Sir James, Lord Arniston, 461 Dundee, Visct.(John Graham of Claverhouse), 897 Duppa, Brian, Bishop of Winchester, 945 Durham, Bishop of (John Cosin), 944 Durham, Bishop of (Thomas Morton), 692 Edward III. 3 Edward IV. 24 Edward VI. 170, 172, 175, 176, 177, I 79 » 180, 187, 192 Edward VI. presenting charters to hospitals founded by him, 192 Egerton, Lady Alice, 753 Egerton, Thomas, Baron Ellesmere and Viset. Brackley, Lord Chancellor, 472, 476 Eliot, Sir John, 610 Elizabeth, Queen, 170, 217, 219, 226, 229, 247,252,256, 257, 267, 271, 307, 325, 348, 349 ^ 350. 356. 359 . 362, 3<>3 Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of Charles I. 580, 587, 591 Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I. Queen of Bohemia, 417, 445, 457, 481 Elizabeth Woodville (Queen of Edward IV.), 29, 30, 31 Elizabeth of York (Queen of Henry VII.), 43. 51. 57 Ely, Bishop of (John Alcock), 64 Ely, Bishop of (Richard Cox), 281 Ely, Bishop of (Thomas Goodrich), 192 Erasmus, Desidcrius, 143 Essex, Countess of (Frances Howard), 505, 508 Essex, Earl of (Thomas Cromwell), 113, 126 Essex, 1st Earl of (Walter Devereux), 263 Essex, 2nd Earl of (Robert Devereux), 253, 296, 355 Essex, 3rd Earl of (Robert Devereux), 504, 629 Essex, Earl of (Arthur Capel), 741 Evelyn, John, loi 5'), 619, 658 Fanshawe, Anne, Lady, 678 Fanshawe, Lady, 846 Fanshawe, Sir Richard, Bt. 666, 852 Fell, Dr. John, Bishop of Oxford, 725 Ferdinand of Arragon, 54 Field, Nathaniel, 534 Fiennes, Colonel Nathaniel, 792 Fiennes, Wm. ist Viset. Saye and Sele, 551 Finch, Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, 919 Finch, Lady Frances, Viscountess Weymouth, 926 Finett, Sir John, 541 Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 88, 92 Fitzalan, Henry, Earl of Arundel, 197, 224 Fitzalan, Joanna, Lady Abergavenny, 122 Fitzalan, or Arundel, Thos. Archbishop of Canterbury, I I Fitzgerald, Jane, Countess of Desmond, 409 Fitzherbert, Sir Antony, 106 Flamsteed, Rev. John, 992 Flatman, Thomas, 921 Fleetwood, General Charles, 807 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 185 Fleetwood, Mrs. (Bridget Cromwell), 785 Fletcher, John, 470 Fortescue, Sir John, 21 Fox, George, 823 Fox, Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 46, 50 Foxe, John, 270 Francis, Duke of Alenyon and of Anjou, 220 Frederick, Elector Palatine and K. of Bohemia, 451,481 Frobisher, Sir Martin, 351, 395 Gaines, Amy, Lady Popham, 298 Gale, Thomas, Dean of York, 910 Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, 201, 202 Gauden, John, Bishop of Worcester, 952 Gaunt, John of, Duke of Lancaster, 4 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, 25 Gerard, Sir Thomas, 286 Gibbons, Christopher (Mus. Doc.), 544 Gibbons, Grinling, 948 Gibson, Richard, Painter and Dwarf, 709 Glanville, John, 264 Glanville, Sir John, 664 Glisson, Dr. Francis, 990 Gloucester, Duke of (Humphrey Plantagenet), 16, 27 Gloucester, Henry, Duke of, son of Charles I. 631 Godfrey, Mrs. (Arabella Churchill), 1018 Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, 977 » Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Hereford, 526 Gondomar, Count (Spanish Ambassador), 531 Goodrich, Thomas, Bishop of Ely, 192 Graham, James, Marquis pf Montrose, 573, 5S8, 659 Graham of Claverhouse, John, Visct. Dundee, 897 Grammont, Comtesse de (Elizabeth Hamilton), 844 Grandison, Viscount (William Villiers), 749 Granville, Grace, Lady, 569 Granville, Sir Bernard, 398 Granville, Sir Bevil, 563, 680 Granville, Sir John, ist Earl of Bath, 986 Granville, Sir Richard, 353 Greenhill, John, 1005 Gresham, Sir Thomas, 273, 279 Greville, Fulke, ist Lord Brooke, 299 Greville, Robert, 2nd Lord Brooke, 722 Grey, Henry, 3rd Marquis of Dorset, and Duke of Suffolk, 189 Grey, Lady Jane, 183, 184, 190, 193 Grimston, Edward, 17 Grimston, Sir Edward, 194, 210 Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, 868 Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, 233 Guildford, Lord Keeper (Francis North), 1003 Guildford, Sir Henry, 129, 149 Guise, Mary of, Qu^een of James V. of Scot- land, 83, 106 Gwyn, Nell, 833, 841, 880 Hacker, Col. Francis, 735 Haddington, Earl of (Sir Thomas Hamilton), 424 _ Hale, Sir Matthew, 918 Halifax, 1st Marquis of (George Saville), 928 Hall, Jacob (the Rope Dancer), 912 Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Norwich, 537 Harney, Dr. Baldwin, 956 Hamilton, Elizabeth, Comtesse de Grammont, 844 Hamilton, James, ist Duke of, 699, 715 Hamilton, James, Marquis of, 522 Hamilton, Sir Thomas. Earl of Haddington, 424 Hampden, John, 606, 613 Harcourt, Michael, 462 Harcourt, Sir Simon, 698 Hardwick, Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury, 3«5 Harington, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, 440, 507 Harrington, James, 748 Harrington, Sir George, 367 Harrington, Sir John, 410 Harris, Lady, 374 Harris, Sir William, 364 Harvey, William, M.D. 733, 750, 756 Hastings, Baroness (Mary Hungerford), 66 Hastings, Geo. 1st Earl of Huntingdon, 67 Hastings, Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon, 295 Hastings, of Loughborough, Edward Lord, 399 Hastings, Henry, Lord Loughborough, 577 Hatton, Sir Christopher, Lord Chancellor, 239, 402 Hay, George, ist Earl of Kinnoull, 641 Hay, James, Earl of Carlisle, 499, 538 Heath, Sir Orlando, 637 Heath, Sir Robert, 452 Heckington, Jane, Mrs. Cecil, 248 Hele, Rebecca, Lady Trelawny, 1007 Henchman, Humphrey, Bishop of London, 1013 Henrietta, Maria, Queen of Charles I. 566, 567. 587. 592 Henrietta, Princess, daughter of Charles I. Duchess of Orleans, 582, 605 Henry IV. 10, I 3 Henry V. 14 Henry VI. 15, 16 Henry VI. marriage of, 16 Henry VII. 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62 Henry Vlll. 58, 75, 77, 84, 99, 109, 1 18, 124. ' 34 > > 35 . > 44 . >46. >52, 156, >67, 170 Henry VIII. Family of, 170 Henry, Matthew, 943 Henry, Prince, Duke of Gloucester, son of Charles I. 63 i Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James I. 413, 423. 427. 446 Herbert, Elizabeth, Lady, 657 Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, 492 Herbert, Lady Lucy Theresa, 953 Herbert, Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mont- gomery, 589 Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke, 430, 674 Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Lord, 622, 628 Hereford, Bishop of (Francis Godwin), 526 i86 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Hertford, Marquis of (William Seymour), 746 Hildersham, Arthur, 414 Hobart, Lady, 469 Hobart, Sir Henry, 467, 506 Hobart, Sir John, 668 Hobbes, Thomas, of Malmesbury,9i6,954,975 Hobson, Thomas (the Cambridge Carrier), 450 Holbein, Hans, 73 Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of, 574 Holte, Sir Thomas, 389 Hopton, Ralph, Lord, 774 Hough, John, Bishop of Worcester, 1017 Howard, Cardinal Philip, 883 Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, 256 Howard, Colonel Thomas, 621 Howard, Frances, Countess of Essex, afterwards of Somerset, 505, 508 Howard, Frances, Duchess of Richmond, 488 Howard, Henrys Earl of Northampton, 293, 453 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey, 95, 102, 121 Howard, John, Duke of Norfolk, 45 Howard, Lord William, of Naworth, 405 Howard, Margaret, Lady Orrery, 675 Howard, Sir Robert, 887 Howard, Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, 165 Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, 268 Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 712, 723 Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, his Family, 712 Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, 437 Howard, William, ist Viscount Stafford, 978 Howard of Effingham, Charles, 2nd Lord, Earl of Nottingham, 357 Howard of Effingham, Lady (Katharine Huns- don, 256 Howland, Richard, Bishop of Peterborough, 347 Huddleston, Father John, 987 Hudson, Sir Geoffrey (the King’s Dwarf), 669 Humphrey, Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, 16, 27 Hungerford, Mary, Baroness Hungerford and Hastings, 66 Hungerford, Sir Walter, 216 Hunsdon, Lady, 23c, 256 Hunsdon, Lady Katharine, wife of Lord Howard, of Effingham, 256 Hunsdon, Lord (Henry Carey), 238, 256 Huntingdon, Countess of ( Lucy Davis), 676 Huntingdon, ist Earl of (George Hastings), 67 Huntingdon, 3rd Earl of (Henry Hastings), 295 Hutchinson, Colonel, 729 Hyde, Anne, Duchess of Vork, 873 Hyde, Edward (Lord Chancellor Clarendon) 893 Hyde, Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, 929 Infanta of Spain, 532 Infanta Maria of Spain, 533 Ireton, Henry, 782, 789 Ireton, Mrs. (Bridget Cromwell), 785 Isham, Sir Justinian, 964 Isham, Sir Thus. Bt. 827 James I. 420, 421, 444, 477, 482 I James I. at his Father’s Tomb, 439 I James II. 556, 591, 1019, 1023, 1029 I James IV. of Scotland, 61, 63 James V. of Scotland, 106, 145 ! Jane Shore, 33, 34, 35 Jansen, Cornelius, 502 Jeffreys, Judge, 1009 Jenkins, Sir Leoline, 932 Jewell, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 249 Jones, Colonel Philip, 783 Jones, Inigo, 751, 752 Jones, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin, 495 Jonson, Ben, 332, 333 Joyce, Cornet, 742 Judde, Alice, wife of Thomas Smythe, 213 Juxon, Wm. Archbishop of Canterbury, 739 Katharine of Arragon, 74, 78, 79 Kempe, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 16, 17 Ken, Thos. Bishop of Bath and Wells, 997 Ker, Mark, Abbot of Newbattle, 160 Killigrew, Dorothy, Lady Seymour, 672 Killigrew, Mrs. (Cecilia Croft), 552 Killigrew, Sir William, 754 Killigrew, Thomas, 923 Kimbolton, Lord, 2nd Earl of Manchester, 614, .747 King, John, Bishop of London, 441 King, Sir Edmund, M.D. 1012 Kinnoull, ist Earl of, George Hay, 641 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Bt. 1026 Knox, John, 329 Kratzer, Nicholas, 72 Kynaston, Colonel John, 671 Lake, Arthur, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 514 Lambert, General, 800 ] Lamplugh, Thomas, Archbishop of York, 995 ‘ Lancaster, Duke of (John of Gaunt), 4 ; Lane, Mrs. Jane, 781 Lane, Sir Richard, Lord Keeper, 724 Languet, Hubert, 272 Laniere, Nicholas, 713 Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 204 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 583 Lauderdale, 1 st Duke of (John Maitland ) , 90 5, gc6 Lawes, Henry, 549, 717 Lawson, Vice-Admiral Sir John, 847 Lee, Sir Harry, 618 Leicester, Earl of (Robert Dudley), 241, 251, 256, 261, 262 Leicester, Earl of (Robert Sidney), 301, 463 Leigh, Sir Thomas, ist Baron Leigh of Stone- leigh, 7 14 Lely, Sir Peter, 882 Lemon, Margaret, 718 Lennox, Charles, ist Duke of Richmond, 913 Lennox, Countess of (Margaret Douglas), 87, 236 Lennox, ist Duke of (Esme Stuart), 459 Lennox, Earl of (Charles Stuart), 322 INDEX OF Lenthall, William, 802 Leslie, Lady Helen, 155 Lily, William, the Astrologer, 710 Linacre, Dr. Thomas, 96 Lincoln, Bishop of (Robert Sanderson), 947 Lincoln, Bishop of (Thomas Barlow), 1002 Lincoln, Earl of (Lord Clinton) 256 Lindsey, ist Earl of (Robert Bertie), 611, 617, 7CO Lisle, Lord (Philip Sidney), 780 Lisle, Sir George, 644 Lloyd, William, Bishop of Worcester, 1006 Lock, Matthew, 942 London, Bishop of (Henry Compton), 993 London, Bishop of (Humphrey Henchman), loi 3 ' London, Bishop of (John King), 441 Long, Sir Robert, Bt. 946 Loughborough, Lord (Henry Hastings), 577 Louisa, Princess, of Bohemia, 454 Lovelace, Colonel Richard, 630 Lucas, Sir Charles, 649 Lyttelton, Edward, Lord Keeper, 656 Lyttelton, John, 456 Lyttelton, Sir Charles, 650 Lyttelton, Sir Henry, Bt. 755, 872 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas, 36 Mackenzie, Sir George, Bt. 891 Mainwaring, Sir Philip, 624 Maitland, John, 1st Duke of Lauderdale, 905, 906 Malet, Sir Thomas, 620, 877 Manchester, ist Earl of (Sir Henry Montagu), 5'5 Manchester, 2nd Earl of (Lord Kimbolton), 614, 747 Mancini, Hortensia, Duchess of Mazarin, 840 Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 47, 48 Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. 16 Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury, 28 Margaret Plantagenet, Duchess of Burgundy, 3 * Margaret Tudor, Q^ieen of James IV. of Scotland, 53, 58, 90 Maria, Infanta of Spain, 533 Marsham, Sir John, 951 Marten, Sir Henry, 681 Martyr, Peter, 94 Marvell, Andrew, 795, 804, 861 Mary I. 152, 170, 196, 199, 205, 208,212 Mary II. 1025 Mary of Modena, Queen of James II. 1021, 1027 Mary of Guise, Qi^een of James V. of Scot- land, 82, 106 Mary, Princess, Daughter of Charles I. 556, 59 * Mary, Princess, afterwards Mary II. 1025 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, 305, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, 316, 318, 319, 32c, 321, 324, 328 DRTRAITS. 187 Mary Tudor, Queen of France, afterwards Duchess of Suffolk, 76, 80, 120 Massey, Major General Edward, 763 Maurice, Prince, 603 Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de, 745 Maynard, Sir John, 697, 81 1 Mazarin, Duchess of ( Hortensia Mancini), 840 Mew, Dr. Peter, Bishop of Winchester, 1028 Middlesex, Earl of (Lionel Cranfield), 518 Milan, Duchess of (Christina of Denmark), 104 Mildmay, Sir Henry, 779 Mildmai, Sir Walter, 244 Milton, John, 727, 808, 819, 820 I Minnes, Sir John, 663 Monckton, Sir Philip, 770 Monk, General George, Duke of Albemarle, 81 5, 858 Monmouth, Duke of (James), 836, 876, 1020 Monmouth, Earl of (Sir Robert Carey), 237 Montacute, Lord (Henry Pole), 188 Montagu, Edward, ist Earl of Sandwich, 829, 901 Montagu of Boughton, Edward Lord, 485 Montagu, Sir Edward, 117, 171 Montagu, Sir Henry, ist Earl of Manchester, 5'5 Monteagle, Lord (William Parker), 431 Montrose, Marquis of (James Graham), 573, 588, 659 More, Dr. Henry, S90 More, Sir Antonio, 186 More, Sir John, 89, 150, 163 More, Sir Thomas, 150, 157, 163 More, Sir Thomas, Family of, 163 Morley, George, Bishop of Winchester, 1004 Mortice, Sir William, 859 Morton, Anne, Countess of, 571 Morton, Judge, 963 Morton, Thomas, Bishop of Durham, 692 .Moryson, Elizabeth, Lady Capell, 794 Murray, Sir David, 448 Musgrave, Julia, Lady, 693 Myddleton, Lady (Elizabeth Olmsted), 483 Myddleton, Sir Hugh, 478 Napier, John, of Merchiston, 384 Napier, Margaret, Lady Stirling, 535 Nell Gwjn, 833, 841, 880 Nevill, Isabel, Duchess of Clarence, 26 Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 433 Nevill, Richard, Earl of Warwick, 23 Neville, Sir Henry, 401 Newman, Sir Richard, 981 Newbattle, Abbot of (Mark Ker), 160 Newcastle, Duke of (William Cavendish), 711 Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of, 860 Norfolk, Duke of (John Howard), 45 Norfolk, 3rd Duke of (Thomas Howard), 165 Norfolk, 4th Duke of (Thomas Howard), 268 North, Edward, 1st Lord, 211 North, Francis, Lord Keeper Guildford, 1003 Northampton, Earl of (Henry Howard), 293, 453 Northampton, ist Earl of (Lord Compton 1, 540 i88 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. Northampton, 2nd Earl of (Spencer Compton), . 595 Northampton, 3rd Earl of (James Compton), 716 Northumberland, Countess of, 719 Northumberland, Earl of (Algernon Percy), 719, 760 Northumberland, Earl of (Henry Percy), 498, 500 Norwich, Bishop of (Richard Corbet), 547 Norwich, Bishop of (Joseph Hall), 537 Nottingham, Earl of (Charles Howard), 256 Nottingham, Earl of (Lord Howard of Effing- ham), 357 Nottingham, Earl of (Heneage Finch), 919 Nowell, Alexander, Dean of St. Paul’s, 358 Noy, Sir William, Attorney-General, 607, 627 Offaly, Lettice, Baroness of, 690 Oldham, Hugh, Bishop of Exeter, 40 Oliver, Peter, 721 Olmsted, Elizabeth, Lady Myddleton, 483 O’Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, 375, 378 Orleans, Henrietta, Duchess of. Daughter of Charles I. 582, 605 Ormonde, James Butler, 1st Duke of, 909 Orrery, Lady (Margaret Howard), 675 Ossory, Bishop of (David Roth), 677 Ossory, Thomas, Earl of, 915 Otway, Thomas, 922, 937 Overbury, Sir Thomas, 51 1 Owen, Lady, 379 Owen, Rev. Dr. John, 768 Owen, Thomas (Judge), 382 Oxford, Bishop or (Dr. John Fell), 725 Oxford, Earl of (Robert De Vere), 536 Paddy, Sir William, 234 Paget, Sir William, 1st Lord Paget, 159 Paget, William, 6th Lord, 886 Palmer, Roger, Earl of Castlemaine, 1015 Palmer, Sir Geoffrey, 925 Palmer, Sir Henry, 368 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 269 Parker, William, Lord Monteagle, 431 Par, Katharine, Queen of Henry Vlll. 131 Parr, Thomas, 704, 772 Pearson, John, Bishop of Chester, 856 Pelham, Sir William, 354 Pemberton, Sir Francis, 976 Pembroke, Countess of (Mary Sidney), 284 Pembroke, William, 1st Earl of, 192 Pembroke, 2nd Earl of (Henry Herbert), 492 Pembroke, 3rd Earl of (William Herbert), 430, 674 Pembroke and Montgomery, 4th Earl of (Philip Herbert), 589 Pembroke, 5th Earl of (Philip Herbert), 560 Pennington, Admiral Sir John, 565 Penruddock, Colonel John, 703 Pepys, Samuel, 950 Percy, Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, 719, 7po Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland, 498, 500 Peterborough, Bishop of (Thomas Dove), 391 Peterborough, Bishop of (Richard Howland), 347 Peterborough, Bishop of (Thomas White), 994 Petre, Sir William, 128 Pett, Phineas, 974 Pettiward, J. 736 Philip II. of Spain, 200, 209 Pierrepont, Henry, 1st Marquis of Dorchester, 8;o Pitsligo, Alexander, ist Lord, 559 Plot, Dr. Robert, 955 Pocock, Dr. Edward, 775 Pole, Cardinal Reginald, Archbishop of Can- terbury, 185, 195, 206 Pole, Henry, l.ord Montacute, 188 Pope, Sir Thomas, 151 Pope, Sir Thomas, 3rd Earl of Downe, 683 Popham, Lady (Amy Gaines), 298 Popham, Sir John, 285, 396 Portington, William, 521 F’ortland, Countess of, 881 Portland, Earl of (Richard Weston), 598 Portsmouth, Duchess of, 845, 884 Powlet, William, ist Marquis of Winchester, 203, 207 Poyntz, Sir Nicholas (called “ William ”), 1 1 1 Pratt, Sir Roger, 940 Preston, General Thomas, Viset. Taragh, 685 Prynne, William, 743, 805 Pym, John, 604, 609 Radclyffe, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, 136, 139, 256 Rainsford, Chief Justice Sir Richard, 871 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 250, 345 Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland, 574. Richard II. 7 Richard III. 38 Richmond and Derby, Countess of (Margaret Beaufort), 47, 48 Richmond and Lennox, Duchess of (Frances Howard), 488 Richmond, Duke of (Charles Lennox), 913 Richmond and Lennox, Duke of (James Stuart), 634, 720 Richmond and Lennox, Duke of (Ludovick Stuart), 484 Richmond, Frances Theresa, Duchess of, 875 Rizzio, David, 3 17 Rochester, Bishop of (John Fisher), 88, 92 Rochester, Countess of (Henrietta Boyle), 927 Rochester, Earl of (Lawrence Hyde), 929 Rochester, 2nd Earl of (John Wilmot), 854, 888 Rodes, Elizabeth, 3rd wife of Earl of Straf- ford, 581 Rodes, Sir Godfrey, of Great Houghton, 513 Romney, 1st Earl of (Henry Sidney), 892 Roper, Margaret (daughter of Sir Thomas More), 163 Roper, Sir William, 527 Rosamond Clifford (“ Fair Rosamond ”), l INDEX OF Roscommon, 4th Earl of (Wentworth Dillon), 920 Roth, David, Bishop of Ossory, 677 Rouse, Sir Francis, 793 Rupert, Prince, 602, 608, 615, 661 Russell, Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, 343 Russell, Rachel, Lady, 972 Russell, William, Lord, 979 Rycaut, Sir Paul, 957 Sackville, Richard, 3rd Earl of Dorset, 514 Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst and Earl of Dorset, 255, 365 St. Albans, ist Duke of (Charles Beauclerk), 830 St. Andrews, Archbishop of (James Sharp), 907 St. John, Oliver, 1st Earl of Bolingbroke, and his Family, 732 St. Leger, Sir William, 734 Salisbury, Bishop of (John Jewell), 249 Salisbury, Bishop of (Seth Ward), 971 Salisbury, Countess of (Margaret Plantagenet), 28 Salisbury, Earl of (Robert Cecil), 246, 259, 294 Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 998 Sanders, Col. Thomas, 705 Sanderson, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, 947 Sandwich, ist Earl of (Edward Montagu), 829, 901 Sandys, Edwin, Archbishop of York, 369 Sandys, Sir Philip, 243 Savile, Sir Henry, 475 Saville, Lord George, 1030 Saville, George, ist Marquis of Halifax, 928 Saye and Sele, ist Visct.(William Fiennes), 551 Scarlett, Robert (Sexton of Peterborough Cathedral,) 403 Sedley, Catharine, Countess of Dorchester, 1022 Selden, John, 616 Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset, 168, 174 Seymour, Henry (Page of Hon. to Charles L), 558 Seymour, Jane, Queen of Henry VIII. 119, >»5> *35. >7° Seymour, Lady (Dorothy Killigrew), 672 Seymour, Sir Edward, Bt. 562, 670 Seymour, William, Marquis of Hertford and Duke of Somerset, 746 Seymour, of Sudeley, Thomas, Lord, 181 Shaftesbury, ist Earl of (Anthony Ashley), 896, 906, 908, 914 Shakspeare, William, 330, 335, 339, 341, 342 Sharp, James, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 907 Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 959 Shirley, James, 764 Shirley, Lady Theresia, 406 Shirley, Sir Antony, 290 Shirley, Sir Robert, 404 Shore, Jane, 33, 34, 35 Shrewsbury, Anna Maria, Countess of, 898 PORTRAITS. 189 Shrewsbury, Countess of (Margaret Beau- champ), 20 Shrewsbury, Countess of (Elizabeth Hardwick), 3'S Shrewsbury, Countess of, 383 Shrewsbury, ist Earl of (John Talbot), 19 Sidney, Algernon, 780 Sidney, Frances, Countess of Sussex, 1 37 Sidney, Henry, ist Earl of Romney, 892 Sidney, Lady (Frances Walsingham), 282 Sidney, Lady (Lady Mary Dudley), 276 Sidney, Lady Dorothy, Countess of Sunderland, 576, 662, 684, 773 Sidney, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, 284 Sidney, Philip, Lord Lisle, 780 Sidney, Robert, 780 Sidney, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 301, 463 Sidney, Sir Henry, 304 Sidney, Sir Philip, 274, 275, 300, 301 Sidney, Sir William, 141 Simon, Abraham, 936 Simon, — , Architect, 965 Smith, Sir Thomas, Provost of Eton, 173 Smythe, Alice Judde, wife of Thomas, 213 Smythe, Thos. 221 Somers, Will(Jester to Henry VIII. ), 138, 152, 170 Somerset, Blanche, Lady Arundell of Wardour, 695 Somerset, Countess of (Frances Howard), 505, 508 Somerset, Duke of (Henry de Beaufort), 386 Somerset, Duke of (Edward Seymour), 168, 174 Somerset, Duke of (William Seymour), 746 Somerset, Earl of (Robert Car), 503 Somerset, Edward, 2nd Marquis of Worcester, 647 Somerset, Henry, ist Duke of Beaufort, 1024 Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester, 85 Somerset, Henry, 1st Marquis of Worcester, 640 Somerset, Sir Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester, 65 Somerset, Sir Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, 231, 380, 510 Somerset, Wm. 3rd Earl of Worcester, 225 Southampton, Countess of (Elizabeth Vernon), 344 Southampton, 3rd Earl of(Henry Wriothesley), 366 Southampton, 4th Earl of (Thos. Wriothesley), 853 Southwell, Sir Richard, 108, 112 Spelman, Sir Henry, 730, 731 Spencer, Sir John, 371 Spencer, Alice, Countess of Derby, 278, 288 Spencer, Henry, ist Earl of Sunderland, 645 Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland, 934 Spenser, Edmund, 336 Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, 44. 7» Stafford, 1st Viscount (William Howard), 978 Stanley, Anne, Countess of Ancram, 529 Stanley, Charles, 8th Earl of Derby, 687, 870 Stanley, Edward, 3rd Earl of Derby, 153 O INDEX OF PORTRAITS. 190 Stanley, Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, 286, 289 Stanley, Henry, 4th Earl of Derby, 287 Stanley, James, Lord Strange, 7th Earl of Derby, 689, 691 Stanley, Lord Robert Thomas, 849 Stanley, Hon. Charles, 889 Stanley, Sir Charles (of Chelsea), 894 Stanley, Thomas, ist Earl of Derby, 42 Stanley, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby, 70 Stanley, William, 6th Earl of Derby, 497 Stanley, William Richard George, 9th Earl of Derby, 848 Steward, Elizabeth, Mrs. Cromwell, 786 Stirling, Lady (Margaret Napier), 5J5 Stirling, Sir George, 528 Strafford, Countess of (Elizabeth Rodes), 581 Strafford, ist Earl of (Thomas Wentworth), 579 . 624 Strange, George, Lord, 69 Strode, Colonel, William, 597 Stuart, Charles, Earl of Lennox, 322 Stuart, Esme, 1st Duke of Lennox, 459 Stuart, Henry, Earl of Darnley, 322,* 323, 326 Stuart, James, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 634, 720 Stuart, Lady Arabella, 416, 422 Stuart, Lord Bernard, 594 Stuart, Lord John, 594 Stuart, Ludovick, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 484 Suckling, Sir John, 68z Sudeley, Thomas, Lord Seymour, of, 181 Suffolk, Duchess of (Mary Tudor), 76, 80, 120 Suffolk, Duke of (Charles Brandon), 76, 80, 123 Suffolk, Duke of, and Marquis of Dorset (Henry Grey), 189 Suffolk, Earl of (Thomas Howard!, 437 Sunderland, Countess of (Lady Dorothy Sidney), 576, 662, 684, 773 Sunderland, ist Earl of (Henry Spencer), 645 Sunderland, 2nd Earl of ( Robert Spencer), 934 Surrey, Earl of (Henry Howard), 95, 102, 121 Sussex, Countess of, Frances Sidney, i 37 Sussex, Earl of (Thomas Radclyffe), 136, 139, 256 Sutton, Thomas, 352 Swinburne, John, 426 Sydenham, Dr. Thomas, 917 Talbot, John, ist Earl of Shrewsbury, 19 Talbot, Richard, Earl of Tyrconnel, 1016 Taragh, Viset. (General Thomas Preston), 685 Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor, 962 Taylor, John, the Water Poet, 758 I'aylor, John, the Painter, 7(9 Throckmorton, Sir Francis, and Bart., 832 Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 280 I'burloe, John, 812 Thynne, Sir John, 161 Thynne, Sir Thomas, ist Viset. Weymouth, 931 Tilbury, Lord (Sir Horace Vere), 487, 523 Tilson, Henry, 980, 985 Tilsoti, Nathaniel, and his family, 980 Tomlinson, Colonel Matthew, 738 Totness, Earl of (Sir George Carew), 466 Townshend, Horatio, Viset. 939 Tradescant, John, the Family of, 988 Trafford, Elizabeth, Lady, 387 Trafford, Sicele, 407 Trafford, Sir Cecil, 449 Trafford, Sir Edward, 381 Trafford, Sir Humphrey de, 593 Trelawny, Lady, (Rebecca Hele), 1007 Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, 232, 291 Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, Bishop of Bristol, 10 1 1 Tremouille, Charlotte De La, Countess of Derby, 554, 694, 696 Turquet de Mayernc, Sir Theodore, 745 Twysden, Sir Roger, Bt. 777 Tyndale, William, 164 Tyrconnell, Earl and Duke of(Richard Talbot), 1016 Tyrone, Earl of (Hugh O’Neill), 375, 378 Umpton, Sir Henry, 230 Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 639 Usher, Mrs. 638 ' Vandyck, Sir Anthony, 572 ' Vane, Lady, 673 I Vane, Sir Henry, the Elder, 601, 651 Vane, Sir Henry, the Younger, 655 j Vaughan, General Harry, 306 Vere, Anne, Lady Fairfax, 701 Vere, Robert de, Earl of Oxford, 536 Vere of Tilbury, Lord (Sir Horace Vere),48y, 523 Verney, Sir Edmund, the Elder, 376 Verney, Sir Edmund, the Younger, 632 Verney, Sir Francis, 525 Verney, Sir Ralph, Bt. 612 Vernon, Elizabeth, Countess of Southampton, 344 - Vernon, Mrs. 372 Villiers, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, 842, .8S« Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 43 Z. 435. 455. 5 « 7 . 564 Villiers, George, ist Duke of Buckingham, his family, 432, 435 Villiers, Geurge, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 623, 851;, 904, 906 Villiers, Lord Francis, 623 Villiers, William, Viscount Grandison, 749 Villiers de L'lsle Adam, Philippe de, 166 Vyner, Sir Thomas, Bt. 826 Wales, Arthur, Prince of, son of Henry VII. 49. 58 Wales, Henry, Prince of, son of James I. 413, 423. 427. 446 Walker, Robert, 797, 809 INDEX OF PORTRAITS. I9I Wallace, Sir William, a Waller, Edmund, 660 Waller, Sir Hardress, 648 Waller, Sir William, 766 Wallis, Dr. John, 970 Wallop, Admiral Sir John, 373 Wallop, John, 984 Wallop, Robert, 702 Wallop, Sir Henry, 303 Wallop, Sir Oliver, 385 Walsingham, Frances, Lady Sidney, 282 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 258 Walters, Lucy, 839 Waltham, Mary Anne, 327 Walton, Izaalt, 958 Ward, Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, 971 Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 86 Warwick, Earl of (Ambrose Dudley), 302 Warwick, Earl of (Richard Nevill), 23 Waynflete, William, Bishop of Winchester, 22 Wentworth, Elizabeth, Lady, 240 Wentworth, Lady Margaret, 983 Wentworth, Sir Henry, 37 Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Cleveland, 542 Wentworth, Thomas, Lord, 169, 178 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford, 579, 624 Weston, Richard, Earl of Portland, 598 Weymouth, ist Visct. (Sir Thomas Thynne), 931 Weymouth, Viscountess (Lady Frances Finch), 926 Wharton, Thomas, 961 Whistler, Dr. Daniel, 91 1 Whitaker, Dr. William, 215, 222 White, Jerry, Chaplain to Cromwell, 814 White, Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough, 994 Whitelockc, Sir Bulstrode, 626 Whicgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 227 Wickham, William, Bishop of Winchester ( 1 6lh Century), 308 Wilbraham, Sir Roger, 458 Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester, 967 Williams, John, Archbishop of York and Lord Keeper, 494 Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester, 854, 888 Wilson, Sir Thomas, 214 Wiltshire and Ormonde, Earl of (Sir Thomas Boleynl, loi Winchester, Bishop of (Launcelot Andrewes), 436 Winchester, Bishop of (Cardinal Beaufort), i6 Winchester, Bishop of (Brian Duppa), 945 Winchester, Bishop of (Richard Fox), 46, 50 Winchester, Bishop of (Stephen Gardiner), 201, 202 Winchester, Bishop of (Peter Mew), 1028 Winchester, Bishop of (George Morley), 1004 Winchester, Bishop of (William Waynflete), 22 Winchester, Bishop of (William Wickham, 16th century), 308 Winchester, Bishop of (Wm. of Wykeham), 5 Winchester, ist Marquis of (William Powlett), 203, 207 Windsor, Henry, 5th Lord, 394 Winnington, Sir Francis, 933 Wiseman, Richard, Surgeon, 867 Wolsey, Cardinal, 130, 148 Woodville, Elizabeth (Queen of Edward IV.), 29, 30, 31 Wootton, Nicholas, Dean of Canterbury, 147 Worcester, Bishop of (John Gauden), 952 Worcester, Bishop of (John Hough), 1017 Worcester, Bishop of (Hugh Latimer), 204 Worcester, Bishop of (Wm. Lloyd), 1006 Worcester, ist Earl of (Sir Chas. Somerset), 65 Worcester, 2nd Earl of (Henry Somerset), 85 Worcester, 3rd Earl of (William Somerset), 225 Worcester, 4th Earl of (Sir Edward Somerset), 231, 380, 510 Worcester, ist Marquis of (Henry Somerset), 640 Worcester, 2nd Marquis of (Edward Somerset), 647 Wotton, Sir Henry, 496 Wray, Sir Christopher, 292 Wren, Sir Christopher, 941 Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, 366 Wriothesley, Thos. 4th Earl of Southampton, 853 Wyat, Sir Henry, 133 Wyat, Sir Thos. (the Elder), 68, 91, 98 Wyat, Sir Thos. (the Younger), 182 Wycliffe, John, 6 Wykeham, William of. Bishop of Winchester, 5 Wyngate, Edward, 392 Yelverton, Sir Christopher, 388 Yelverton, Sir Henry, 480 York, Archbishop of (Dr. John Dolben), 725 York, Archbishopof (Thomas Lamplugh), 995 York, Archbishop of (Edwin San'dys), 369 York, Archbishop of (Lord Keeper Williams), 494 York, Duchess of, .\nne Hyde, 873 London : — Printed by Stkanoeways & Wacuen, Castle St. Leicester Sq. TABLE showing ist, Number of Persons represented in each reign ; 2nd, Number of Pictures in each reign ; 3rd, Number of Painters in each reign; 4th, Number of Pictures, with Painters’ Names given; 5th, Number of Pictures, with Painters’ Names wanting. CA V) s e u to ol ^ .S 00 00 VO 00 vO (S O' ’i '2 c 0 ^ V n 6 .5 ^ CO cs 00 » ^ N 00 a g 3 S ^ CO O' '■o O' 0 0 0 CO VO so l CS *(£ 0 NH cs 00 CO CO VO CO cs c^ 0 d S: C . 0 "O « w 0 X bj Z > > c H Ui HH C/5 Ui Vi Ui H >• ei > < >■ CO < N c/5 P^ 0 s 1-} PC CO Ui < z z pC < s < S < nJ Ui Ui Q < X 0 X < Oh ac a: W U u u SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. CJrJLOGUE OF THE SECOND SPECIAL EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL PORTRAITS COMMENCING WITH THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY AND ENDING WITH THE YEAR M D C C C. ON LOAN TO THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. May I, 1867. [SIXTH THOUSAND.] LONDON : PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AND WALDEN, CASTLE STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE. SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, Cromwbix Road, South Kensington. Lord President^'Wii, Grace the Duke of Marlborough. / ’’Uc^Prcsidait of the Committee of Council on Education — The Right Hon. Lord Robert Montagu, M.I List of Officers of the Science and Art Department. Office hours xo to 4 . General Administration. Secretary — Henry Cole, C.B. Assistant Secretary — Norman MacLeod. Chief Clerk h. Duncoinbe .protein.) First-Class Clerks— Percival 13. B. Peilc, ccrtiAcated in Science ; E. P. Bartlett, certificated in Science A. J. R. TrendclI. Second-Class Clerks’— H. Gasparini ; C. A. Pierce, certificated in Art ; A. S. Cole, certificated in .Science also in Art; T. Chesman, 13. A., LL.B., certificated in Science. Supplementary Clerks’^^. Bclshaw, certificated in Art; W. Burtt, certificated in Science ; G. G. Millanj certificated in Science. Assistant Clerks — W. H. F. Stratton; C. Comyns; C. G. Quinton. Accountant — A. L. Simkins. Book-keeper — H. W. Williams. AssistaJit—^'T, A, Bowler. Storekeeper— \V, G. Groser. Deputy — Lloyd. Science Division. Off cial Inspector for Science — Captain Donnelly, R.E. Occasional hispectors — J. F. Isclin, M..4. ; F. J. Sidney, LL.D. ; Captain Harris, E.I.C. \^Naviy;ation.) Ojfcial Examiner — G. C. T. Bartlc>% certificated in Science; also in Art. Professiotial Examiners for Science — Professors T. Bradley; Rev. B. M. Cowic, B.D. ; A. W. Hofm.*uul LL.D., F.R.S. : T. H. Huxley. F.R.S.; J. Percy, M.D., F.R.S. ; A. C. Ramsay, F.K.S.; W. N\ Smyth, M.A., F.R.S.; T. Thomson, F.R.S.; J. Tyndall, F.R.S.; Rev. Joseph Woolley, LL.D. 1 Or^anizin^ Master of Science Classes— j, C. Buckinastcr, F.C.S, Art Division. Inspector-General — Richard Redgrave, R.A. Omcial Inspectors— H. A. Bowler; R. G. Wyldc, certificated in Art. Occasional Inspectors— A. Hart, R.A. ; Eyre Crowe ; F. B. BarucU. Official Examiner — G. F. Duiicombc. Occasional Examiners — John Marsh.all, F.R.S., F.R.C.S. ; Rev. J. H. Edgar; T. Clack; G. M, Atkinson 1 ])(| G. Stewart; G. R. Redgrave; Christopher Dresser, Ph.D. ijenaj. j Professional Examiners — Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. ; Daniel MaclUe, R. A. ; J. C. Horsley, R. ; Richai! Redgrave, R.A. ; F. Leighton, A. R.A. , R.E. South Kensington Museu.m. Director— Wtnry Cole, C.B. Assistant Directors — R. A. Thompson ; P. C. Owen; CapUiin E. R. Festinj Director of Ne7v Buildings — Lieut. *Col. Scott, R.E. Decorative Artists — J. Gamble; R. Townroe. Art Referees for the Museum— Redgrave, R.A. ; J. C. Robinson, F.S.A. | Editor of Catalogues and Referee for Libraries — J. H. Pollen, M.A., late Fellow of Merton College, Oxfon Pfovisional Librarian for Art Library— H. Soden Smith, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin, F.S.A. Division Keepers of Museum Collections — G. Wallis; W. Matchwick ; H. Sandham; R. Laskey. Assistant Keeper of Museum Collections—^. B. Worsnop. Supplementary Assistant Keepers— C. C. Black, M. A., Trinity College, Cambridge: R. F. Skelchlcy, B.A Exeter College, Oxford ; H. E. Acton ; J. W. Appell, Ph. D. ; A. C. King, F.S.A. ; D. Craven. Clerk of Collections— ]. B. Rundcll. Supplementary Clerks — H. Vernon; A. M;isson; F. Coles, certificated in Science ; F. Groser, certificated Art; W. G. Johnson. Agent for Sale of Examples—}. Cundall. Official Photoi^rapker — C. Thurston Thompson. lion. Surgeon — F. Seymour Hadcn, F.R.C.S. F National Art Training School. Head Master — Richard Burchett. Deputy Head Plaster — R. W. Herman. Mechanical and Architectural Dra7ving—\i. B. Hagrccn. Geometry and Perspective— C. M. Clarke. Painting, Freehand Draxving of Ornament t etc.^ the Figure and Anatomy, and Ornamental Design R. Burchett ; R. W. Herman ; W. Dcnby ; R. Collinson ; C. P. Slocombc. Modelling— y. M. Miller. Lady Superintendent of Female Students — Miss Trulock. Female Peachers — .Mrs. S. E. Casabianca ; Miss Channon. ^ Lecturer on Anatomy — J. Marshall, F.R.S., F.R.C.S. ^ Christopher Dresser, Ph.D. (Jena'. • l Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Itupector-General and Director of Studies— Joseph Woolley, LL.D. Principal — C. W. Mcrrificld, F.R.S. Vice-Principal— Mtvixy Martyn Taylor, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Instructor in Naval Drcnving—\i . B. Raskeomb. Instructor in Eugiuecring DfaunHg—}ch\xi Maxton. Instructor in Marine EngiHeerifig—\. F. Cottcrell. Instructor in Practical Chemistry— Davidson. Instructor in French — M. Penon. Cl opi h til fcs 41 / INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. The second year’s Exhibition of National Portraits, following chronologically the first, commences with the reign of W’illiam and Mary, and terminates with the last century. Unlike the collection of the preceding year, it occupies a period in which both the persons represented and the painters arc more gencrall>- known, and their identity is less a matter of question and opinion. The same rule as last year has, however, been observed : the portraits arc strictly labelled and catalogued as described by their owners, and it has not been deemed proper to supply the name of the painter, if not given by the owner. The first part of the collection falls upon the most ban'cn period of art in England. The pupils and followers of Vandyke — Dobson, Riley, Greenhill, and Joseph Michael Wright, men of much promise, and our earliest native painters — had all died early in life, and before the period embraced by this year's Exhibition. Lely, followed by Kneller, had for many j-ears monopolized the practice among the great and the fashionable, and now the long career of the latter was drawing to a close. His art, however meretricious, possessed at least a spirit and a vigour which descended to no worthy successor, though it found many imitators, and his portraits arc conspicuous in the early part of the collection. He died 1723. Michael Dahl, a Swede (b. 1656, d. 1743), succeeded to the Court favour and general patronage. He was of the Kneller school, but solid and heavy in his manner — wanting in taste and e.xprcssion, yet giving to his portraits the impression of a faithful likeness. Among his works in the E.xhibition, his Queen Anne- and her Soti, (No. 80), may be pointed to as a favourable example of his art. Another foreigner gained at the .same time distinction here, — Sir John dc Medina, a Eleming (b. 1660, d. 1711), came to this country at the age of twentj-, and settled in Edinburgh. His portraits are spirited, well drawn and coloured, and are distin- guished among the mediocrities of the period. Several of them find a place in the collection. Three other foreigners practised in London about the beginning of the i8th centuiy, whose works and names are rem.embcrcd in connexion with the portraiture of IV INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. our country — John Vauda-bauk, John Baptist Vanloo, who met with especial patronage, and Joseph Vanakin, who found employment chiefly as a drapery-painter, and was of such value to our half-taught artists, that Hogarth satirized them attending his funeral in a body. Some native painters now again made themselves known, and first among them Charles jervas (b. 1675, d. 1739), who, while he had no claim to the e.xaggerated praises of his friend Pope’s verse, has been, perhaps, too much depreciated since. His art was founded on the traditions of his predecessors. His heads are well drawn, but without expression ; his draperies solid and crudely painted ; his works without invention — one and all alike. Jonathan Riehardson (b. 1665, d. 1745), was contemporary with him, and the two ranked at the head of their profession. Jervas excelled in female portraiture; Richardson in the careful truthfulness of his male heads, in which there is evidence of an attempt to study nature more literally than his predecessors. Sir James Thornhill (b. 1676, d. 1734) must also be men- tioned : he is well known by his decorations at Greenwich Hos- pital and St. Paul’s Cathedral, but he also painted some portraits. Portraiture, which, under the able artists who early resorted to this country, has left us such cherished remembrances of our great men, such true images of their mind and character, had now sunk down to mere face-painting, our painters being satisfied with the mere form alone. Fuseli said, that he who follows another must be behind, and they had so long followed one another that they were far behind indeed, and equally so from truth and nature. At this time William Hogarth (b. 1697, d. 1764), having served his apprenticeship as an engraver on plate, made a run-away match, and tried to support his young wife by portrait-painting — • an art which has never failed to find encouragement. Hating all the old traditions, he resolutely determined to follow his own • path, and to paint nature as he saw it. Several of his portraits, I and of his so-called “ conversation pieces,” will be examined with I interest in this collection. They show the germs of that original 11 /'ll 1 m I n o f in Viic ** \Tn‘i'iner/> n In /'nm^ ■ art which- culminated in his ‘‘Manage d la mode,” and com- tl menced a new epoch and the foundation of a school of native il painters. ; * But it is hard to oppose fashion, and following the old track, ' among several painters of less repute, Thomas Hudson (b. 1701, INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. V d. 1799) now took the lead. He was deemed the first portrait- painter of the day. His art was tame and lifeless, representing the very dregs of the old traditions. It is said that it extended no further than the head of his sitter, and that all the rest was the work of the drapery-man. At the same time, George Knapton (b. 1698, d. Francis Cotes (b. 1725, d. 1770), and John Russell, his pupil (b. 1744, d. 1806), were reputed chiefij- for their portraits in crayons. In contemporary notices of the art of Cotes, a portrait of the Queen, with the Princess Royal on her lap, is always spoken of in terms of high praise. This work is in the present collection (No. 459), and giv'es a pleasing impression of the artist’s ability. Such were the representatives of Plnglish art during the earliet years of George the Second's reign, which towards its close was graced by the genius of Reynolds and Gainsborough, names imperishable in the records of our art. Sir Joshua Reynolds (b. 1723, d. 1792) was the pupil of Hudson, whose teaching and stale traditions he soon abandoned, and, devoting himself to the study of nature, he sought, by the force of his own original genius, to imitate her true beauties and grace, making ever}' work a new study, trying new colours, new mediums, and new methods, un- satisfied even with his great success. Hence new and hurried processes, used in order to catch beauties beyond his reach, experi- ments which time would not sanction, fading colours, and a decaying surface, leaving only the wrecks of past beauties. All this is but too obvious in the present Exhibition ; yet Reynolds’s fame is sustained by numerous brilliant exceptions, and of many so-called faded works the ruin is due, not to the painter, but to the cruel hand of the repairer, who, though his skill may preserve much, can never restore that which is gone. Thomas Gainsborough (b. 1727, d. 1788), called in his lifetime a landscape-painter, stands side-by-side with Reynolds in por- traiture. His great genius was obscured during his life by the brilliant talents and fame of Reynolds, and it was not till our day that his pre-eminent merit as a portrait-painter has gained general recognition. In simplicity, grace, and truth, he has equalled Reynolds, and if behind him in power, he probably excels him in individuality as well as in purity and sweetness of execution, v/hile his works have this great advantage, that they have resisted the effects of time. "VI INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. Contemporary with the above two eminent painters were several artists who practised portrait-painting with much success, and examples of whose works find a place in the Exhibition. Of these the chief were Allan Ramsay (b. 1709, d. 1784), a Scotch- man, whose portraits, though wanting in grace, are manly, unaf- fected, and show much power ; Naihanicl Dance (b. 1730, d. 1801), who drew well, and produced a good likeness, but ha\ ing married a wealthy lady, early abandoned his profession ; Johann Zoffany, a native of Frankfort (b. 1733, d. 1814), who had much practice in London, and for a time in India, painting portraits and small portrait groups with much original ability ; George Romney ■(b. 1734, d. 1802), a man of genius, but deficient in executive power, yet for a while the rival of Reynolds; and Joseph Wright of Derby (b. 1734, d. 1797), who painted some good portraits, and also subject pictures. To these we may add the historical painters, John S. Copley (b. 1737, d. 1815), and Benjamin West (b. 1738, d. 1820), both of whom occasionally painted portraits. Sir Thomas Lawrence (b. 1769, d. 1830) was the direct suc- cessor of Reynolds, and began very early a career of great success. Some of his works come within the scope of this Exhibition, but he must be judged by his later and more formed style, as shown in his portraits painted in the present century, which are reserved for the third year’s Exhibition, completing the series. The foregoing are then the portrait-painters who, for nearly two centuries, were recognised as the heads of the profession in this country. They painted all who were distinguished by talent, rank, or beauty. Many of their most esteemed works find a place in the present E.xhibition ; and it does not appear probable that such a collection, especially of the portraits of Reynolds and Gainsborough, has ever before been brought together. SAM. REDGRAVE. N.B. The Cat.ilogue has been compiled by Mr. R. H. Soden Smith, and Mr. K. Forster Sketchley, the .Secretary, who arc both Members of th.e Committee. The Exhibition for the nc.xt year will commence with the portraits after 1800 ; and will include, as supplementary, the portraits of any distinguished persons who have not been duly represented in the previous Exhibitions. Offers of portraits for exhibition next year may be addressed to The Secretary, Department of .Science and Art, .South Kensington ; or they will be received in the office of this Exhibition at the eastern end of the Galleries. Vll SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON. NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION IN 1867. The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have determined to hold, in the Spring of 1867, a Second National Portrait Exliibition at South Kensington, in the Arcades overlooking the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens. This Exhibition will consist of the Portraits of persons living between the years 1688 and 1800, and is the second of a series based upon the sug- gestions made by the Earl of Derby, in a letter dated 6th May, 1865, from which the following extracts are made : — ■“ I have long thought that a National Portrait Exhibition, chrono- logically arranged, might not only possess great historical interest, by bringing together portraits of all the most eminent contemporaries of their respective eras, but might also serve to incttrate the progress and condition, at various periods, of British Art. My idea, therefore, would be to admit either portraits of eminent men, though by inferior or unknown artists, or portraits by eminent artists, though of obscure or unknown individuals. I have, of course, no means of knowing, or estimating, the number of such portraits which may exist in the country; but I am persuaded that, exclusive of the large collections in many great houses, there arc very many scattered about by ones and twos and "threes in private families, the owners of which, though they could not be persuaded to part with them, would willingly spare them for a few months for a public oljject. “The ejuestion of one, two, or three exhibitions in consecutive years, would, I apprehend, be mainly decided by the result of future inquiries as to the probable number of pictures which could be obtained, and the space which could be found for their exhibition. But whether the period over which each exhibition (if more than one) should range be longer or shorter, the point on which I should set the greatest value, in an his- torical, if not in an artistic point of view, would be the strict maintenance of the chronological series. 1 shall be very happy if any suggestions of mine should lead the Committee of Council to take up seriously, and carry out, with such alterations of detail as experience might suggest, a scheme which I think could hardly fail of being generally interesting : and I should have much pleasure in placing temporarily at their disposal any portraits from my collection at Knowsley which they might think suitable for their purpose.” The Committee of Advice, as now constituted by my Lords, consists of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, and the following other noble- men and gentlemen : — The earl or DERBY, K.G. (President). ’’’The Lord President of the Council. The Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The Duke of Leinster. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. The Earl of Hardwicice. The Earl Delaware. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl Spencer, K.G. The Earl of Clarendon, K.G. The Earl of Verulam. The Earl Brownlow. *l'he Earl Somers. The Earl Granville, K.G. The Earl of Dudley. The Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. The Duke of Wellington, K.G. The Duke of Buckingham. The Duke of Cleveland, K.G. The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. The Marquis of Hertford, K.G. The Earl Percy. The Earl Cowper, K.G. ♦The Earl Stanhope. The Earl of Darnley. VIU *The Viscount Cranborne, M.P. *The Lord Stanley, M.P. The Lord Elcho, M.P. *The Lord Bishop of Oxford. The Lord Wharncliffe. The Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. The Lord Talbot de Malahide. The Lord Taunton. The Lord Houghton. The Master of the Rolls. The Hon. R. Curzon. The Hon Algernon Egerton, M.P. The Hon. Spencer C. B. Ponsonby. The Rt. Hon. H. T. Lowry Corry, M.P. *The Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. ♦The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Spencer Walpole, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bt., M.P. The Rt. Hon. W. Cowper, M.P. The Rt. Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir W. Gibson Craig, Bt. The Rt. Hon. C. S. Fortescue, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Maziere Brady. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor. Sir Percyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. Sir Charles J. F. Bunbury, Bart. Sir John S. Hippisley, Bart. Sir Sibbald David Scott, Bart. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bart. ♦Sir Courts Lindsay, Bart. Sir John P. Boileau, Bart. Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart., M.P. •Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. Sir Frederick Madden. •Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Sir Benjamin S. Phillips. Sir George Harvey, P.R.S.A. The Vice Chancellor of Oxford. The Vice Chancellor of Cambridge. •The Dean of Westminster. The Dean of St. Paul's. The Dean of Windsor. The Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The Provost of Eton. The President of the Roy. Hibern. Acad. Mr. George Archdale. Mr. W. R. Baker. Mr. C. Sackville Bale. Mr. A. Barker. Rev. J. Beck. Mr. E. A. Bowring, C.B. Mr. John Bruce. Mr. R. Burchett. ♦Mr. Thomas Carlyle. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. Mr. H. Cole, C.B. Mr. Dominic Colnaghi. Mr. J. T. Gibspn Craig. Mr. G. W. Dasent. Dr. Hugh W. Diamond. Mr. H. Doyle. Mr. James E. Doyle. The Very Rev. Canon Estcourt. Mr. Richard Fisher. Mr. John Forster. Mr. A. Fountaine. Mr. A. W. Franks. Mr. J. A. Froude. Mr. W. H. Gregory, M.P. Mr. Edward Hailstone. The Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Mr. Thomas DufFus Hardy. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. Mr. A. Helps. Mr. M. J. Higgins. Mr. R. S. Holford, M.P. ♦Mr. A. j. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. Mr. F. Y. Hurlstone. Prof, the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Mr. Charles Knight. Mr. J. P. Knight, R.A. Mr. David Laing. Mr. A. H. Layard, M.P. Mr. William Longman. Mr. Norman MacLeod. Mr. Alfred Morrison. Mr. John Murray. Mr. A. Panizzi. Mr. J. R. Planche. Mr. J. H. Pollen. Mr. R. Redgrave, R.A. Mr. S. Redgrave. Mr. H. Reeve. Mr. Richmond, R.A. The Very Rev. Dr. Rock. Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. W. Russell. •fMr. G. Scharf. Mr. H. D. Seymour, M.P. Mr. Henry Shaw. Mr. R. Forster Sketchley. Mr. Catterson Smith. Mr. George Smith. Professor Goldwin Smith. Mr. R. H. Soden Smith. •Mr. W. Smith. Mr. R. Sneyd. Mr. James Spedding. Rev. Montague Taylor. Mr. Tom Taylor. Mr. W. J. Thoms. Mr. William Tite, M.P. Mr. Henry Vaughan Mr. Edmund Waterton. Mr. G. F. WatK. Mr. Albert Way. Mr. J. Webb. The Hon. R. Sackville West. Mr. B. B. Woodward. Mr. R. N. Wornum. * Arc Trustees and t Secretary of the National Portrait Gallery. Mr. Samuel Redgrave, to whose valuable labours the successful formation of the Col- lection of Portrait Miniatures is chiefly due, has undertaken the special charge of directing the Exhibition, and Mr. Sketchley will act as Secretary. By order of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education. IX ARRANGEMENTS APPROVED FOR THE EXHIBITION. 1. The Exhibition is specially designed to illustrate English history, and the progress of art in England. It maybe divided into two or three sections, representing distinct historic periods, exhibited in successive years, depending upon the number of the portraits received and the space available for their proper exhibition. 2. It will comprise the portraits of persons of every class who have in any way attained eminence or distinction in England, from the date of the ear- liest authentic portraits to the present time ; but it will not include the por- traits of living persons, or portraits of a miniature character. 3. The portraits of foreigners who have attained eminence or distinction in England will also be included, with portraits by foreign artists which represent persons so distinguished. 4. The Exhibition will be held at South Kensington, in the spacious brick building used for the Refreshment Rooms of the International Exhibition in 1862 ; and these galleries, which are perfectly dry, will be fitted up especially for the exhibition, and patrolled day and night by the police. 5. All charges for the conveyance of pictures accepted for exhibition by the Committee will be defrayed by the Department of Science and Art. 6. The exhibition will be opened on ist May, 1867. In order that the portraits may be properly arranged and catalogued, they will be required not later than the Twentieth of March. They will be returned in the month of September at the latest ; but though the exhibition will continue open until the end of August, any owner who may wish his contributions returned after J uly will have them forwarded to him at once. 7. In accordance with the usual practice, the Science and Art Depart- ment, unless the owner objects, will take photographs of the portraits for the purpose of instruction in the Schools of Art, and for sale to the public through the medium of the Arundel Society ; but no permission will be granted to any private person to photograph without the owner’s express sanction. Two copies of each photograph taken will be presented to the owner of the picture photographed. 8. As w'as the case at the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862 (and as is usual at the Royal Academy and other exhibitions), the Department cannot be responsible for loss or damage, but every possible care will be taken of works lent ; and it may be added, that the numerous paintings lent for exhibition in 1862 were collected and returned by the same agency as will be now employed, free from any injury or damage of any kind. 9. All correspondence, marked on the cover “ National Portrait Exhibi- tion,” should be addressed to the Secretary of the Science and Art Depart- ment, South Kensington Museum, London, \V. X NOTICE. Sale of Season Tickets. Season Tickets, lOi. Admission on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, ir. each ; on Tuesdays^ 2s. 6d. each. Transferable Tickets for a single admission may be obtained of the Money-Taker. The Season Tickets are sold upon the understanding that at any period the hours and charges of admission may be subjected to the Museum regulations. Hours from lo till 7. Visitors wishing to examine the Collection in Chronological sequence should take the Galleries in the following order, com- mencing — Ground-floor. I. NORTHERN GALLERY. . (Nos. 1 to 95.) ( „ 96 to 130.) ( „ 131 to 158.) ENTRANCE HALL . 3. INNER HALL 4. EA.STERN GALLERY 5. CENTRAL HALL . . 6. WE.STERN GALLERY ( » 15910380.) ( >,381 to 397.) ( „ 398 to 500.) Upstairs 7. CENTRAL CORRIDOR 8. E.A.STERN GALLERY 9. EA.STERN CORRIDOR (Nos. 501 to 542.) ( » 543 to79i-) ( » 792 *0 824.) 10 and II. EA.STERN ROOMS . . 82 5 to 866.) CATALOGUE. Growul-pcr — No. i. NORTHERN GHLLERr (^ Nos . I to 95). Reign: of William III. — 1689-1702. In the Catalogue, “three-quarter size” is applied to a picture, not in the technical sense of a little more than head-size, but as meaning mure than half-length. Looking to r. or to 1. means to right or left of the fers-m represented. 1 GOD.\RT DE R. DE GINKELL, ist E.\RL OF ATHLONE ( -1702-3). LEN-T BY • PAINTER. .Mr. J. H. Arkwright. Sir Godfrey K\f.ller. Of an ancient Uiitch family, general of cavalry of the United Provinces ; accompanied \Vm. Pr. of Orange to England ; appointed Lieut. -Gen. of the Forces in Ireland to carry on the war after Wm. had left ; took Baltimore ; Atlilone ; gained the battle of Aughrim ; took Galway ; received the sur- render of Limerick ; thanked by the House of Commons, 1691-2 ; created L. of Athlone, 1692; accompanied William to Flanders to command the Dutch horse ; present at the battle of Landen, 1693 ; succeeded Pr. Nassau Saarbruck as of the States-Gcncral ; d. 10 Feb. 1702-3. Half-length ; rich inlaid armour ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 52 X 41 J in. 2 DANIEL FINCH, 2nd EARL OF NOTTINGHAM AND 6th earl of WINCHILSEA (1647-1730). .Mr. George Finch. Michael Dahl. Son of Sir Hcneage Finch, ist E. of Nottingham ; b. 1647 ; educ. at Christ Ch. Oxford; M.P. for Lichfield and for Newton ; First Comm, of the .Admiralty and Privy Councillor, 1680 ; succ. as 2nd E. 1682 ; one of the three Commis- sioners sent by James II., 1687, to treat with the I’rince of Orange at Hunger- ford, and finding on their return to London that James had fled, joined with other Privy Councillors in undertaking the government till William's arrival ; declined the Lord Chancellorship ; principal Sec. of State till 1693-4 ; Privy Councillor to Oueen Anne, and principal Sec. of State ; Lord President of the Council, 1714 ; thanked by the University of Oxford and by the Bp. of London for his reply to .Mr. Whiston the controversialist ; d. 1 1 Jan. 1729-30. Half-length, seated ; crimson and ermine robe ; inscribed with name and date, 1727. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 12 Reign of William III. and Qijeen Mary II. 1689-1702. 3 WILLIAM III. AS A Boy (1650-1702). LENT BY PAINTER Earl Howe. Cornelius Jansen. Son of William, P. of Orange, and Henrietta Maria, dau. of Charles I. ; b. at the Hague, 14 Nov. 1650; 1672, Stadtholder of Holland and General against Louis XIV.; 1674, defeated at Senef ; 1677, baffled at Charleroi; 1678, marr. Mary, eldest dau. of James II. ; 1688, landed at Brixham ; dis- possessed James 1 1 ., and was crowned with his Queen, Mar)', 1689 ; 1690, de- feated James II. at the battle of the Boyne ; d. at Kensington Palace, 8 Mar. 1702, from the effects of a fall from his horse. Bust ; wide lacc-edged collar ; yellow dress. Canvas, 24 x 28 in. 4 WILLIAM III, WHEN Young (1650-1702). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Adrian Hanneman. {See No. 3.) Full-length, standing ; annour ; r. hand resting on baton. Signed, “Adr. Hanneman, f., an°. 1664.” Canvas, 74 X 40 in. 5 WILLIAM BENTINCK, ist E. OF PORTLAND, K.G. (1647-1709). Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Rigaud. Son of Hcnr)’ Bentinck, Heer van Dipenham in Oveiyssel ; b. 1647 ; accompanied W'm. of Orange to England ; created E. of Portland, 1689 ; held command at the battle of the Boyne, 1690 ; K.G. 1697 ; d. 23 Nov. 1709. Three-quarter length; armour; red sash; ribbon of K.G. ; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 49J X 40 in. 6 NATHANIEL LORD CREWE, BP. OF DURHAM (1633-1722). Bodleian Library, Oxford. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 5th son of John, ist Lord Crewe; b. 1633; Bp. of Oxford, 1671 ; Dur- ham, 1674-1722 ; succeeded his brother as 3rd Lord Crewe, 1697 ; member of the Privy Council of James II., and excepted from the Act of Indemnity ; afterwards pardoned ; d. 18 Sept. 1722. Half-length, standing; scarlet robes; coronet in r. hand. Canvas,. 50 X 40 in. 7 HON. JAMES MURRAY (Titular EARL OF DUNBAR) ( -1770). Earl of Mansfield. 2nd son of David, 5th Vise. Stormont, and bro. of William Murray, E. of Mansfield and Ld. Ch. Just. (No. 487) ; M.P. for Elgin, 1710; and subsequently acted as one of Q. Anne’s Commissaries for settling the trade with France ; lived afterwards at the Court of the Pretender, who made him E. of Dunbar in reward for various ser\'ices ; d. at Avignon, Aug. 1770. Bust to r. ; red drapery ; fair wig. Canvas, 29^ X 24! in. 8 JAMES DALRYMPLE, ist VISCOUN T STAIR (1619-1695). Earl of Stair. Sir John B. de Medina. Son of James Dalrymple of Stair; b. May, 1619; educ. at Univ. of Glasgow ; served in E. of Glencairn’s Regt. ; Prof, of Philos, at Glasgow ; Ground-Jioor,'] Northern Gallery, Nos. 1-95. 13 stud, law ; sec. to the commis. to Breda who invited Ch. II. to Scot. 1649 ; recommended by Monk to Cromwell as a judge, and appointed 1657; appointed Lord of Session by Char. II. 1661 ; Bart. 1664; Pres, of Court of Session, 1671 ; M.P. for Wigton, 1681 ; retired to Holland, 1682, and published his “Philos. Nov. Exper. returned with P. of Orange, 1688; Visct. Stair, 1690; d. 25 Nov. 1695; bu. in St. Giles’s, Edinburgh; pub. “ Institutes of the Law of Scotland ” &c. Bust to r. ; scarlet ermine-edged judge’s robe ; long dark wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 9 MISS PITT. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Godfrey Kneller. One of the beauties of the court of William and Mary, painted by Sir G. Kneller. {See No. 15.) Full-length, standing; fountain to her r. ; lizard in 1. corner. Canvas, 92 X 56 in. 10 ENTRANCE OF KING WILLIAM III. INTO LONDON. Visct. Galway, M.P. Vander Meulen. The king, in a state carriage drawn by six grey horses, is advancing along the Surrey side of the Thames ; his suite in scarlet unifonns on foot and horseback, and groups of spectators ; in the distance is the river, and London, with St. Bride’s spire, St. Paul’s dome (which was not completed till after Wm’s death), and other buildings. Among the persons in the suite is Mr. Robert Monckton, who came over with the P. of Orange, an active promoter of the RevoL, afterwards M.P. for Pontefract and Aldborough. Canvas, 95 X 54 in. 1 1 REV. WILLIAM CARSTARES (1649-1715). University of Edinburgh. Wm. Aikman. B. at Cathcart, near Glasgow, 11 Feb. 1649; educ. at Edinburgh and Utrecht ; remained in Holland, gained the confidence of William, Prince of Orange, and went on many missions to England and Scotland ; appre bended after the Rye-house Plot, and examined by torture before the Scottish Privy Council, but did not reveal the secrets entrusted to him ; became Chaplain to the Prince of Orange, whom he accompanied to England ; nick- named “ Cardinal Carstares,” from his great influence with the King ; became Principal of Edinburgh University, 1704 ; was four times elected Moderator of the General Assembly; d. 28 Dec. 1715. His State Papers were pub- lished 1774. Seated ; clerical dress ; Testament open at the Gospel of St. John. 49i X 39 in- 12 HENRY (DE NASSAU) D’AUVERQUEROUE, 1 ST EARL OF GRANTHAM ( -1754)^ Earl Cowper, K.G. Son of Henry (de Nassau) D’ Auverquerque ; Master of the Horse to Wm. III. ; created E. of Grantham, 1698 ; d. 1754. Three-quarter length, to 1. ; armour ; fair wig ; baton in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 14 Reion of William III. and Queen Mary II. 1689-1702. 13 JOHN GRAHAM OF CLAVERHOUSE, VISCOUNT DUNDEE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. and Lady Eliz. Leslie Melville Cartwright. B. 1650 ; cduc. at St. Andrews ; served in Holland under William, P. of Orange, whose life he saved at the bat. of St. Neff ; held Military- Command in Scotland ; crea. Viset. Dundee, 1687 ; at the Revolution, raised the High- land Clans for James ; fought Gen. Mackay at Killiecrankie, where he was mortally wounded 17 June, 1689. Bust, tor. as a young man with long dark hair; armour. Canvas, 30X25 in. 14 ROGER NORTH (1650-1733). Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. Sir Peter Lely. 6th son of Dudley 4th Lord North ; b. about 1650 ; studied at the Middle Temple ; Steward of the Courts to Archbishop Sheldon ; published “ Ex- amen,” &c., in reply to Bishop White Kennet, and in vindication of Charles 11 .; d. I Mar. 1733; wrote Lives of his brothers, Lord-Keeper North, Sir Dudley, and Rev. John North, published 1742-4. Bust to r. ; brown drapery ; dark wig. Engraved by Vertue. Canvas, 30 X .25 in. 1 5 LADY MIDDLETON. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eliz., dan. of Sir T. Wilbraham ; m. Sir T. Middleton of Chirk Castle ; one of the beauties of the court of Wm. and Mar}'. “Of the beauties of Hampton Ct. the thought was the Queen’s, during one of the King’s absences ; the famous Lady Dorchester advised the Queen against it. saying ‘ Madam, if the King was to ask for the portraits of all the wits in his court would not the rest think he called them fools?’” — Watfiole. Full-length, standing ; low red drapery ; lamb to her r. Canvas, 94 x 58 in. 16 ARMAND FREDERICK, DUKE OF SCHOMBERG, K.G. (1619-1690). Earl Spencer, K.G. m. Wissing. B. 1619; of a German family, but his mother was of the English house of Dudley ; ser\ed on the .Swedish side in the Thirty Years’ War ; after- wards under Henry Pr. of Orange and his son William ; 1650, went into the service of France, and in 1675 was made Marshal of France ; 1685, on the revoc. of the edict of Nantes, being a Protestant, retired to Brandenburg ; 1688, joined William of Orange, crea. D. and K.G. ; killed at the battle of the Boyne, in his 82nd year, 1690 ; bu. in St. P.atrick’s Cath. Dublin. Half-length, standing to 1 .; cuirass; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 17 VICE-ADMIRAL JOHN BENBOW (1650-1702). Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Shrewsbur}', 1650 ; was early noticed by James 11 . ; distinguished himself in an action with a Barbary pirate ; employed by Wm. 111 . ; in an engagement, Aug. 1702, with the French Admiral Du Casse, his leg was carried away by a chain-shot, and some of his captains failing to do their duty, after a running fight of four days he was obliged to discontinue the action ; his wound and the disappointment he suffered caused his death, 4 Nov. 1702. Half-length ; cuirass drawn, cutlass in r. hand ; 1 . on gun ; ship in dis- tance. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. Ground-Jloor.~\ Northern Gallery, Nos. 1-95. 15 18 WILLIAM III. (1650-1702). LENT BY Earl Spencer, K.G. To waist, as a boy, full face ; bl. cap and red feather, in. {Sec No. 3.) 19 PATRICK SARSFIELD, EARL OF LUCAN ( -1693). Lord Talbot de Malahide. Charles Le Brun. B. in Ireland ; served in the English Life Guards, and on the Continent ; against Monmouth at Sedgmoor ; member of James II.’s Parliament in 1689 ; commanded the Irish horse at the Boyne ; advised the defence of Limerick ; after its capitulation sailed for France, and entered the service of Louis XIV. ; fought at Steinkirk, 1692 ; mortally wounded at Landen, 1693 ; a tall man, and of great personal strength. Bust to r. ; cuirass over red unifonn. Canvas, 22 x 18 in. Dated on frame, 1680. 20 ANDREW FLETCHER OF SALTOUN (1653-1716). Earl of Stair. Son of Sir Rt. Fletcher ; b. at Saltoun, E. Lothian, 1653 ; educated under Burnet (No. 37), at this time minister of Saltoun ; travelled on the Con- tinent ; had a seat in the Scottish Parliament ; opposed the Government ; withdrew to Holland ; outlawed ; Joined the I), of Monmouth, 1685 ; in a private quarrel shot the Mayor of Lyme, and ded abroad ; served with braver)- in Hungary ; returned with the Prince of Orange, 1688 ; M.P. for E. Lothian; opposed the Union; d. 1716; author of various political writings ; in the “ Conversation on Government ” occurs the remark about the importance of a ballad-maker in comparison with a law-maker. Bust to 1. ; reddish and blue draper)- ; long fair wig ; dated at back, 1707. Canvas, 24 x 29 in. 21 JAMES FITZJAMES, MARSHAL DUKE OF BERWICK, K.G. (1670-1734). Duke of Marlborough. Nicholas Cassana. Nat. son of James, D. of York (James II.), and Arabella Churchill, sister of 1st U. of Marlborough ; b. at Moulins, 21 Aug. 1670; educ. in France; serv. in the Aust. army ; creat. U. of Berwick and K.G. 1687 ; accom. James II. to France on his abdication ; served in krcland, 1689-91 ; Lt.-Gen. in Fr. service, 1693; served with distinction in .Spain ; Marshal of France, 1706; victory of Almanza, 1707 ; opposed U. of Savoy in Uauphiny and Provence with great skill ; killed at siege of Philipsburgh, 12 Ju. 1734. His memoirs to 1716 written by himself. Half-length, standing ; armour ; ribbon K.G. ; 1. hand resting on baton. Signed, “ Nic"* Cassana, F.” Canvas, 49 X 38 in. 22 ADM. SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL (1650-1707). Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Michael Dahl. B. near Cley, Norfolk, about 1650; Lieut, under Sir John Narborough, 1675, destroyed the shipping belonging to the Uey of Tripoli ; obtained in consequence the command of a ship ; Rear-Adm. ; engaged in the battles PAINTER. Rembrandt. Canvas, 25 J X 22 i6 Reign of William III. and Queen Mary II. 1689-1702. of Bantry Bay, La Hogue, and Malaga ; with the E. of Peterborough (Nos. 100, 129), in his Expedition to Spain ; in command of the Mediter. fleet, 1707 ; and on 27 Oct. was wrecked on the Scilly Isles, while returning home ; his ] body was brought to London and bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length ; naval uniform ; staff in r. hand ; ship-of-war in distance. I Canvas, 50 X 40 in. I 23 SIR ISAAC NEWTON, Kt. (1642-1726). LENT BY PAINTER. i Earl of Dartrey. Sir Peter Lely. B. at Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, 25 Dec. 1642 ; educ. at Grantham, and entered as a Sizar at Trin. Coll. Camb., 1661 ; discovered the method of Fluxions, 1665 ; succ. Dr. Barrow as Lucasian Prof, of Mathematics, 1669 ; F.R.S. 1672 ; explained his discovery about light in 1669-71 ; presented the 1st book of his “ Principia” to the Royal Soc. 1676 ; M.P. for Camb. University, 1689-90 ; Master of the Mint, 1699 ; Pres. Royal Soc. 1704 ; Kt. 1705 ; d. at his house at Kensington, 20 March, 1726, aged 84. His body lay in state in the Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster, and was bu. in the Abbey. To waist, young; looking to 1 . ; long brown hair, broad falling collar, bl. gown, white sleeves ; hands resting on globe. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 24 JOHN TILLOTSON, ABP. OF CANTERBURY I (1630-1694). Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Robert Tillotson, a clothier of Sowerby, Yorksh. ; b. 1630; ent. at Clare Hall, Camb. ; Fellow, 1651 ; Tutor and Chaplain in the family of ' Edmund Prideaux, Att.-Gen. to the Protector, 1656 ; submitted to the Act of Uniformity in 1662 ; Preacher at Lincoln’s Inn; Lecturer of St. Law- rence, Jewry; noted as a preacher; D.D. 1666; Chaplain to Charles II. ! 1669 ; Preb. of Canterbury ; Dean of Canterbury, 1672 ; Dean of St. Paul’s, 1689 ; Archbp. Sancroft being one of the non-juring prelates, he was con- i secrated Archbp. of Canterbury in his room, 1691 ; author of controversial I works and sermons; d. 22 Nov. 1694. I Half-length, seated to r. ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 1 25 WILLIAM COWPER (1666-1709). Coll, of Surgeons. Anatomist ; youngest son of Richard Cowper of Hampshire ; b. 1666 ; studied anatomy and medicine, and settled in London ; published various anatomical works ; contributed to the “Phil. Trans.” papers on anatomical I and surgical subjects ; d. 1 709. Bust to 1 . ; dark drapery ; large brown wig. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. I 26 JAMES BUTLER, 2nd D. OF ORMONDE, K.G. (1651-1745). Duke of Beaufort. John Riley. I Eldest son of Thomas, the celebrated and accomplished E. of Ossoiy', ' grandson of James, ist Marquis of Ormonde ; b. 1651 ; succ. his grandfather, 1688 ; joined the Prince of Orange : K.G.; Ld. High Constable on the day of the Coronation of K. William and Q. Mary ; present at the Battle of the ' Boyne ; at Landen, where he received several wounds, and was taken Ground-Jioor.'\ Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-95). 17 prisoner by the French ; Commander-in-Chief against France and Spain, 1702, and destroyed the French and Spanish vessels in the harbour of Vigo; thanked by Parliament; succeeded D. of Marlborough, 1712, as Com- mander-in-Chief ; removed shortly after the accession of Geo. I.; impeached, 1715, and attainted ; d. at Madrid, 16 Nov. 1745, aged 94. Bust to 1 . ; armour ; ribbon of K.G. Canvas, 28 X 25 in. 27 MARY SOMERSET, DUCHESS OF ORMONDE. (1665-1733). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Beaufort. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Dau. of Henry, ist Duke of Beaufort ; b. 1665 ; marr. James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde (No. 26) ; d. 1733. Bust ; low blue dress fastened with brooch. Canvas, 25 X 28 in. 28 JOHN LORD SOMERS, LORD CHANCELLOR (1650-1716). Earl Cowper, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Worcester, 1650 or 52; educ. at Walsall, Staffordsh. and Trin. Coll. Oxford ; studied at Middle Temple ; 1681 wrote a vindication of the two last parliaments dissolved by Charles I. ; 1688 was Counsel for the Seven Bishops ; 1689 M.P. for Worcester, and Solicitor-Gen.; 1692 Attorney-Gen. and Keeper of the Gt. Seal ; 1697 Lord Chancellor, and creat. Baron Somers ; 1700 removed, impeached, and acquitted; Pres, of the Roy. Soc. ; 1708 Pres, of the Council ; d. 26 April, 1716. Half-length, standing to r. ; plum-coloured coat ; white cravat. Signed, “ G. Kneller, Eques f.” Canvas, 43 X 49 in. 29 SIR ISAAC NEWTON, Kt. (1642-1726). Marquis of Exeter. Lewis Crosse. {See No. 23.) Bust, to 1 . ; holding an open book resting on a globe ; pen in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 30 JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704). Lord Sherborne. B. at Wrington, Somersetshire, Aug. 1632 ; educ. by his father, and at Westminster, and Ch. Church, Oxford ; studied medicine and chemistry ; went to Brandenburg as Sec. to Sir W. Vane ; in 1666 commenced his friend- ship with Ld. Shaftesbury, whose Sec. he became in 1672 ; took refuge in Holland, 1683, being accused of having written against the government ; returned with the fleet that conveyed the Princess of Orange, 1689 ; latterly lived with Sir Francis and Lady Masham, at Oates, in Essex, his health preventing his remaining in London ; d. in their house, 28 Oct. 1704 ; bu. at High Laver, Essex. His first “ Letter on Toleration ” was pub. 1689 ; the “Essay on the Human Understanding” in 1690; other works at various intervals ; and some of his writings appeared after his death. The Essay was censured at Oxford, and forbidden. ** Each fierce logician still e.Kpelling Locke " Bust to r. ; brown and bluish drapery ; grey hair ; signed and dated at back 1697. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. n i8 Reign of William III. and Queen Mary II, 1689-1702. 31 THOMAS TENISON, ABP. OF CANTERBURY (1636-1715). LENT BY PAINTER. Archbishop of Canterbury. B. 1636 at Cottcnham, Cambridgesh. ; cduc. at the Grammar School, Norwich, and at Corp. Chris. Coll. Camb. ; ord. about 1659 by Dr. Duppa Bp. of Winchester ; \'icar of St. Martin’s-in-the- Fields, 1680; founded a free school, built and furnished a librar)- ; Archd. of London, 1689 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 1691; succ. Tillotson (No. 24), as Archbp. of Canterbury, 1694 ; wrote against Hobbes, also “Baconiana,” &c. ; d. 1715. Half-lengtli, seated, holding an open book on his knees ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 32 HUMPHREY PRIDEAUX, D.D. DEAN OF NORWICH (1648-1724). CcL. Sir E. S. Prideaux, Bt. Ascribed to Sir G. Kneller. B. at Padstow, Cornwall, 3 May, 1648 ; educ. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; pub. in 1676 “Marmora Oxoniensia,” the inscriptions from the Arundel marbles ; Rector of St. Clement's ; Heb. Lecturer at Ch. Ch. ; Preb. of Norwich, 1681 ; Archd. of Suffolk, 1688 ; D. of Norwich, 1702 ; d. i Nov. 1724; bu. in Norwich Cathedral; pub. 1715-17, “Connection of the History of the Old and New Testament “ Life of Mahomet,” 1707, &c. Bust to r. ; clerical dress. Came from Ford . 4 bbey, seat of Edmond Prideaux. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 33 SIR ISAAC NEWTON, Kt. (1642-1726). Earl of Portsmouth. Sir Godfrey Kneller. No. 23.) To waist, showing r. hand ; long grey hair ; br. gown. Signed, “ G. Kneller, 1689.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 34 ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, ist D. OF ARGYLL ( -1703)- Duke of Argyll, K.l'. .Son of Archibald 9th E. of Argyll, who was executed at Edinburgh 1685 ; sat in the Convention of 1689 ; one of the Commissioners to offer the crown to the P. of Orange ; Lord of the Treasury ; extraor. Lord of Session, 1694 ; raised a regiment of his own clan, which was distinguished in Flanders ; created D. of Argy ll 1701 ; d. Sept. 1703. Small life-size, three-quarter length ; semi-classical costume ; crimson scarf ; rocky landscape background. 24 X 19J in. 35 SIR ISAAC NEWTON, Kt. (1642-1726). Trinity College, Cambridge. Sir James Thornhill. {See No. 23.) Half-length, seated, looking to r. ; yellowish drapery. Inscribed, “.Et. 69, 1710. R. Ber.tleius Coll, r^lagh” Canvas, 50 X 40I in. Ground-floor. ~\ Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-95). 19 36 RICHARD CUMBERLAND, D.D., BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH (1632-1718). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Peterborough, B. in London, 1632 ; educ. at St. Paul’s School and Magdalen Coll. Camb. ; Rector of Brampton, Northamptonshire ; of All Hallows, Stamford, 1667 ; Bp. of Peterborough, 1691 ; d. 9 Oct. 1718. Author of “ De Legibus Naturae,” 1672, written to oppose the opinions of Hobbes ; an Essay on Jewish measures, weights, and monies, 1686 ; and other learned works. Bust to r. ; clerical dress. Canvas, 23J x 27J in. 37 GILBERT BURNET, BISHOP OF SALISBURY (1643-1715). Earl of Hardwicke. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Edinburgh, 18 .Sept. 1643 ; educ. by his father and at King's Col!.. Aberdeen ; travelled abroad ; in 1665 Fellow of the Royal .Soc. ; ordained .Minister of Saltoun, 1665 ; Professor of Divinity at Glasgow, 1669 ; declined a Scottish Bishoprick ; Chaplain to Charles 1 1 . 1673, afterwards removed ; declined the Bishoprick of Chichester ; attended Lord Wm. Russell on the scaffold, 1683, was dismissed from the Preachership of the Rolls; retired to Paris on the accession of James II. ; was trusted and employed at the Hague by Wm. Prince of Orange, whom he accompanied as Chaplain to England ; Bp. of Salisbury, 1689 ; appointed tutor to the D. of Gloucester (No. 85), son of the Princess Anne, and offered to resign his Bishoprick ; d. 17 March, 1715 ; bu. in .St. James’s, Clerkenwell. Author of “ Hist, of the Reformation,” “Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articels,” “Hist, of his own Time,” &c. &c. Dr)den, in the “Hind and Panther,” gives a sarcastic sketch of him, and .Swift attacked him. Full-length, seated ; robes as chancellor of Garter. Canvas, 87 x 56 in. 38 HENRY PURCELL (1658-1695). Rev. Charles Burney. John Closterman. Musician ; son of Henry Purcell, gentleman of the Chapel Royal ; b. in London, 1658 ; educated as a chorister of Westminster ; succeeded Dr. Christ. Gibbons as organist there, 1676 ; composed at this time much sacred music; in 1690 wrote the music for “Theodosius” and “The Tempest,” and continued to produce songs, overtures, glees, &c. ; published 12 sonatas in 1683 ; his house was in St. Anne’s Lane, Westminster, and there he died, Nov. 1695 ; bu. beneath the organ in Westminster. His widow published his works, under the title of “ Orpheus Britannicus.” Small life-size ; three-eiuarter length ; seated near a harpsichord, holding miniature in r. hand. Canvas, 21 J X 17I in. 39 HENRY ALDRICH, D.D., DEAN OF CHRIST CHURCH (1647-1710). Christ Church, Oxford. B. 1647 ; educ. at Westminster under Dr. Busby, and Ch. Church, Oxf. ; Canon of Ch. Ch. 1681 ; Dean, 1689 ; architect, musician, writer on •logic and theology ; architect of the Chapel of Trin. Coll., All Saints’ Ch., Oxford, &c. ; composed anthems and services, the “ Bonny Christ Church Bells,” &c.; one of the editors of Clarendon’s “ Hist, of the Rebellion d. 14 Dec. 1710. Bust to r. ; bands and bl. gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 20 Reign OF William III. AND Queen Marv II. 1689-1702. 40 JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704). LENT BY PAINTER. Christ Church, Oxford. Sir Godfrey Kneller. (See No. 30.) Half-length, seated, looking to r. ; grey hair; darkbrovm gown. Canvas, 47 X 36 in. 41 EDWARD STILLINGFLEET, BISHOP OF WORCESTER (1635-1699). Rev. H. J. W. Stillingfleet. Ascribed to Joseph Buckshorn. • B. at Cranbournc, Dorsetsh. 1635, ^ Yorksh. family ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; Fell. 1653 ; took orders ; pres, to the living of Sutton, Bedfordsh. 1657 ; Preacher at the Rolls; Rector of St. Andrew, Holborn; Prcb. of St. Paul’s ; Archd. of London, 1677 ; Dean of St. Paul’s, 1678 ; Bp. of Worcester, 1689 ; d. at Westminster, 1699 ; bu. in the Lady Chapel, Worcester Cath. A divine of great learning ; author of “ Origines Sacrae,” pub. 1662, when he was only 27 years old; “Origines Britannicae ;” Sermons, &c. Bust to 1 . ; clerical dress, when a young man. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 42 ELIZABETH PERCY, DUCHESS OF SOAIERSET (1666-1722). Duke of Northumberland. . Sir Godfrey Kneller. Only daughter and sole heir of Jocelyn Percy, nth Earl of Northumber- land, who d. 1670; b. 1666; marr. ist. Lord Ogle; 2nd, Thos. Thynne, Esq. ; 3rd, Charles Seymour, 6th D. of Somerset ; d. 1722. Three-quarter len^h, seated near rocks ; red dress, blue drapery. Canvas, 47 X 34 in. 43 ADMIRAL EDWARD RUSSELL, E. OF ORFORD (1651-1727). Mr. J. T. Lucas. Nephew of Wm. ist Duke of Bedford ; b. 1651 ; Gentleman of the Bed- chamber to James, D. of York ; resigned his post after the execution of his- cousin, Wm. Ld. Russell ; promoted the Revolution ; gained the battle of La Hogue, 1692 ; commanded the English fleet in the Mediterranean ; created E. of Orford, 1697 ; first Ld. of the Admiralty; d. 1727. Half-length; armour, to 1 . ; leaning r. arm on cannon. Canvas, 47 X 36 in. 44 WILLIAM III. ('1650-1702). Mr. Baldwin J. P. Bastard. John Wyck. (See No. 4.) Small life-size, on horseback ; mounted troops in the back- ground. Signed, “Wyke.” Canvas, 32^ X 39 in. 45 WILLIAM III. (1650-1702). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). (See No. 3.) Three-quarter length; armour; baton in r. hand; black attendant behind him. Canvas, 60 x 4ii in. Ground-Jloor.\ Northern Gallery (iVcj. 1-95). 21 46 QUEEN MARY II. (1662-1694). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Wm. Wissinc. Dau. of James, D. of York, afterwards James II., and Anne Hyde, dau. ■of Lord-Chan. Clarendon ; b. at St. James’s, 30 April, 1662; marr. her first cousin, Wm. P. of Orange (No. 3) ; 1677 crowned with her husband ; d. of smalLpox at Kensington Palace, 28 Dec. 1694 ; bu. 5 Mar. 1695. Three-quarter length, seated ; blue dress ; ermine-lined crimson drapery ; signed, “ W. Wissing, fecit.” Canvas, 47 X 38 in. 47 WILLIAM CAVENDISH, ist DUKE OF DEVON- SHIRE, K.G. (1640-1707). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Son of William, 3rd E. of Devonshire, and Elizabeth Cecil, daughter of William, 2nd E. of Salisbury ; b. 25 Jan. 1640 ; as Wm. Lord Cavendish he attended Charles II. on his coronation; served at sea under the D. of York ; M.P. for Derbyshire ; Privy Councillor, 1679, but obtained leave to withdraw, with Wm. Lord Russell and two others, soon after ; appeared in Lord Russell’s favour at his trial ; succ. as E. of Devonshire, 1684 ; aided the Prince of Orange ; also the Princess Anne, when she fled to Nottingham from James II. ’s court ; Lord Steward of the Household and K.G. 1689; created D. of Devonshire, 1694 ; d. 18 Aug. 1707 ; bu. in Derby. He built Chatsworth after his own plans, and was accomplished as a linguist and a musician. Three-quarter length, standing ; armour ; r. hand leaning on baton. Canvas, 49} X 40J in. 48 HENRY BOOTH, ist EARL OF WARRINGTON (1651-1693). Mr. G. F. Wilbraham. Wm. Wissing. Eldest surv. son of George, ist Baron Delamere ; b. 1651 ; charged with treason in the reign of James II. ; tried before Jeffreys, but acquitted ; one of the deputation to James II. at Whitehall, to require him to remove thence, 17 Dec. 1688 ; Priv. Coun. and Chan, of Excheq. 1689 ; E. 17 April, 1690; pub. a “Vindication of Ld. Russell,” &c. ; d. 2 Jan. 1693-4. Half-length to 1 . ; dark armour ; baton in r. hand ; 1 . resting on helmet. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 49 ANNE DIGBY, COUNTESS OF SUNDERLAND ( -1715)* Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. Youngest dau. of George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol ; marr. Rober Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland, K.G. ; friend of Evelyn and of Mrs. Mid- dleton ; d. 1715. Three-quarter length, standing ; low dress ; red and yellow drapery. Canvas, 50 X 41 in. 22 Reign of William III. and Queen Mary II. 1689-1702. 50 THOMAS OSBORNE, ist DUKE OF LEEDS, K.G. (1631-1712). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Only son of Sir Edward Osborne, Kt. and Bt., of Kiveton, Yorkshire, and his 2nd wife, Anne Walmesley ; b. 1631 ; Lord High Tre.osurcr of England ; created Viset. Latimer, 1673 ; E. of Uanby, 1674 ; K.G., 1675 ; Marquis of Carmarthen, 1689 ; I), of Leeds, 1694 ; d. 26 July, 1712. Half-length, seated ; robes and collar K.G. ; white stick in r. hand. Canvas, 48 x 40 in. 51 JOHN LORD SOMERS, LORD CHANCELLOR (1650-1716). Earl of Mal.mesbury. (See No. 28.) Three-quarter length, seated beside table on which is a bust ; black dress ; gloves in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 52 CHARLES MONTAGU, ist E. OF HALIFAX, K.G. (1661-1715). 'Erin. Coll. Cambridge. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 4th son of George Montagu, 5th son of Henry, ist E. of Manchester; b. at Horton, 16 .April, 1661 ; educ. under Dr. Busby at Westminster, and at Trin. Coll. Camb. ; pub. some poetical pieces ; M.P. for Durham, afterwards for Malden ; marr. the Countess Dowager of Manchester (widow of the 3rd E.), 1688; Ld. of the Treas. 1691; Chanc. of Excheq. 1695; originated Excheq. Bills in 1696; crea. Baron flalifax, 1700; impeached, together with Lords Somers, Portland, and Orford, 1701 ; the charges of corruption were not pressed against him; suggested the purchase of the Cotton. MSS. and the formation of a Pub. Lib., which issued in the estab. of the Brit. Mus. ; crea. E. of Halifax, 1714 ; d. 19 May, 1715. Half-length, standing to r. ; dark dress ; brown drapery. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 53 ELIZABETH SPENCER, COUNTESS OF CLANCARTY ( -1704). Earl Spencer, K.G. John Riley. 2nd dau. of Rolxrt 2nd E. of Sunderland ; marr. 1684, Donogh Macartjv Earl of Clancarty ; d. 1704. Three-quarter length, standing ; red and blue drapery ; orange flowers in r. hand. Canvas, 52 x 37 in. ^ 54 EDWARD COLSTON (1636-1721). Corporation of Bristol. Jonathan Richardson. B. at Bristol, 1636 ; brought up as a merchant, and made a large fortune in the Spanish trade ; erected and endowed various charitable institutions 'at Bristol ; augmented 60 small linngs, and bestowed money on various London hospitals ; d. 1 1 Oct. 1721 ; bu. at All Saints’, Bristol. • Half-length ; yellow draper)- ; 1 . arm leaning on bracket. Canvas, 5oi X 40 in. Ground-Jiocr.'] Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-95). 23 55 SIMON PATRICK, BISHOP OF ELY (1626-1707). LENT BY PAINTER. Archbishop of Canterbury. Son of a mercer at Gainsborough ; born there 8 Sept. 1626 ; educ. at ( 2 ueen’s Coll. Camb. ; Vicar of Battersea, 1658 ; Rect. of St. Paul’s, Cov. (iarden, 1662 ; remained in town during the plague ; took his degrees in Divinity at Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; Chap, to the King, 1668 ; Preb. of Westm. 1672 ; D. of Peterborough, 1679; opposed the religious designs of Jas. II., who wished to gain him over ; consulted by Will. III. ; Bp. of Chichester, 1689, and of Ely, 1691; wrote “Paraphrase” and “Comments” on the Old Testament, and many devotional works; d. at Ely, 31 May, 1707. Half-length to r. seated ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 49 x 39 in. 56 JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, K.G. AND HIS DUCHESS (1649-1721). Sir P. de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bt. M.P. Sir G. Kneller. Only son of Edmund, 2nd E. of Mulgrave ; b. 1649 > succ. as 3rd E. 1658 ; distinguished by his bravery at .Solebay ; commanded the Royal Catherine ; K.G. 1674 ; Gentleman of the Bed-chamber to Charles II. ; com- manded the forces sent to Tangier; Priv. Councillor to James II. and Lord Chamberlain of the Household ; after the Revolution, Priv. Coun. to William III., and created M. of Normanby, 1694; created by Q. Anne, 1703, U. of Nonnanby and D. of the Co. of Buckingham ; d. 1721. Wrote both prose and verse ; praised by Dryden, but now forgotten. Catharine Darnlcy, Duchess ; b. 1683 ; d. 1742. Three-quarter length ; figures seated ; the duke holding a plan, the duchess a basket of flowers. Canvas, 56 X 5 1 i in. 57 JOHN DALRYMPLE, 2nd VISCOUNT and ist EARL OF STAIR ( -1707). Earl of Stair. Lawyer and Statesman ; son of James, ist Vise. Stair (No. 8) ; Lord Advocate under Jam. II. and Judge ; supported the Revol. ; Sec. of State for Scotland under Wm. III., when the order for the massacre of Glencoe was , given ; aided the union with England ; creat. Earl, 1703 ; d. suddenly, 1707. Half-length to r. ; judge’s ennine-lined robes. Canvas, 50J X 40 in. 58 SIR JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, P.R.S. (1630-1701). Royal Society. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Bridekirk, Cumberland, about 1630 ; educ. at Westminster and Queen’s Coll. Oxford ; M.P. for Rochester; after the Restoration, Sec. to Sir Edward Nicholas and to Lord Arlington; Keeijcr of the State Paper Office; aided in establishing the “London Gazette,” originally called the “Ox- ford Gazette,” and first pub. 1665 at Oxford ; succ. Lord Arlington as Sec. of State ; succ. Lord Brounckor as 2nd Pres. Roy. Soc. 1677 ; committed to the Tower in 1678 on a cltarge of granting commissions to Popish recusants, but released on the day of his imprisonment ; d. 1701 ; left 6000L and a coll, of MS. to Queen’s Coll, and 500/. to found a Mathematical School at Rochester. Half-length, standing to r. ; full dark wig. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 24 Reign OF William III. AND Queen Mary II. 1689-1702. 59 JOHN SHARP, ARCHBP. OF YORK (1644-1714). LEST BY PAINTER. Mr. T. B. L. Baker. B. 1644, at Bradford, Yorkshire ; educ. at Ch. Coll. Camb. ; Chap, to Sir Heneage Finch, Attor.-Gen. ; Archd. of Berkshire, 1672 ; Preb. of Norwich, 1676; D.D. and lecturer of St. Lawrence, Jewry, 1679; Dean of Norwich, 1681 ; suspended by James II. 1686; D. of Canterbur>’, 1689; Archbp. of York on death of Ur. Lamplugh, 1691 ; preached the sermon at Q. Anne’s Coron.; d. at Bath, 1714; bu. in York Cath. Sermons published after his death. Half-length to 1 . ; clerical dress ; 1 . hand resting on book. Canvas, 50 X 40J in. 60 WILLIAM III. (1650-1702). Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. Sir Godfrey Kneller. (.S^rr No. 3.) Small figure ; full-length, on horseback, galloping to 1 . ; mounted troops in background. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 61 THOMAS BETTERTON (1635-1710). Earl of Mansfield. Alex. Pope, after Sir G. Kneller. Actor; son of an under-cook of Char. I.; b. Aug. 1635, in Tothill St. Westm. ; appren. to a bookseller named Rhodes, formerly stage-prompter at Charing Cross, who obt. in 1659 a license for a company of Players at the Cockpit, Drury Lane ; here Betterton performed in Beaumont and Fletcher’s plays ; his success in Shakspeare as Hamlet, Othello, &c. was great ; marr. an actress named Saunderson, whose reputation also stood high, 1670 ; built a new theatre by subscription, and opened if, 1695 ! 1709, then in his 74th year, he performed in Congreve’s comedy of “ Love for Love;” again, Apr. 1710, as “Melantius” in “The Maid’s Tragedy,” having been on the stage 51 years ; this last effort caused his death, 28 Apr. 1710 ; bu. in the cloisters of Westminster. Praised by Mr. Pepys and others as the greatest of actors. Bust ; dark dress ; long fair wig ; showing r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 62 GUSTAVUS HAMILTON, ist VISCOUNT BOYNE ( -1723). Viscount Boyne. Youngest son of Sir Frederick Hamilton, Gov. of Ulster ; entered the army ; attended the D. of Ormonde to O.xf. and rec. deg. of LL.D. ; Priv. Councillor to James II., but left his service and raised si.x regiments for Wm. III.; ser\ed at the Battle of the Boyne, Siege of Londonderry', Athlone, &c. ; Brig.-Gen. 1696; Priv. Councillor; M.P. for Co. Donegal, 1703; created by Geo. I. Baron Hamilton, 1715 ; Viscount Boyne, 1717 ; d. 16 Sept. 1723. Half-length, standing to r. ; armour ; r. hand on helmet. Canvas, 50 X 38 in. . 63 ROBERT SOUTH, D.D. (1633-1716). Rev. Canon Mansel. B. at Hackney, 1633; educ. under Dr. Busby at Westminster, and at Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; priv. ordained, 1658 ; appointed Chap, to Ld. Clarendon ; Ground-Jloor.~\ Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-95). 25 Preb. of Westminster, 1663 ; Canon of Ch. Ch. Oxf. 1670; went to Poland as Chaplain to Lawrence Hyde, the Ambas., 1676 ; Rector of I slip, Oxf. ; declined an Irish Archbprk. ; also the Bprk. of Rochester and Deanery of Westminster; d. 8 July, 1716; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Noted for wit as well as learning ; author of sermons and controv. writings. Bust ; bands and black gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 64 JOHN DRYDEN (1631-1700). LENT BY PAINTER. Bodleian Library, Oxford. {See No. 65.) Bust ; black dress, lace cravat. Oval, canvas, 30 X 26 in. 65 JOHN DRYDEN (1631-1700). Mr. C. B. Dryden. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Erasmus Dryden ; b. at Aldwincle, Northamptonsh., 9 Aug. 1631 ; educ. at Westminster under Dr. Busby, elect. Sch. Trin. Coll. Camb. 1650; pub. “ Heroic Stanzas”on Cromwell, 1658 ; “ Astrasa Redux” on Charles II.’s Restoration; marr. dau. of ist E. of Berkshire; Poet Laureate, 1670 ; wrote much for the Stage; satirized by D. of Buckingham as “Bayes” in the “Rehearsal;” pub. 1781, “Absalom and Achitophel,” wherein the D. of Monmouth is Absalom, Buckingham is Zimri, Shaftesbury Achitophel ; “Hind and Panther,” 1687, to defend his conversion to the Ch. of Rome; “Trans, of Virgil,” 1697; “Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day,” &c. ;d. i May, 1700. Half-length, standing in library ; 1 . hand resting on pedestal. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 66 DANIEL WILLIAMS, D.D. (1643-1716). Dr. Williams’s Library. Presbyterian Divine ; b. at Wrexham, N. Wales, about 1644 J "cnt to Ireland, and was Minister of a Congregation in Dublin for about 20 years ; came to London, 1687 ; Minister at Hand Alley, Bishopsgate Street, 1688 ; consulted by William III. about settlement of Ireland, and corresponded with Harley, E. of Oxford ; Preacher at Pinners’ Hall, 1691, and afterwards at Salters’ Hall ; founded by his will the Library in Red Cross Street, London, named after him, bequeathing for it Dr. Bates’s Library, which he had purchased ; d. 26 Jan. 1715-16. Author of many Sermons and Tracts. Bust ; small bands ; bl. gown. Canvas, 30 X25 in. 67 THOMAS BETTERTON (1635-1710). Countess Delawarr. Sir Godfrey Kneller. {See No. 61.) Bust to r., showing r. hand ; full dark wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 68 PRINCESS SOPHIA DOROTHEA, afterwards ELECTRESS OF HANOVER (1630-1714). Countess Delawarr. Gerard Honthorst. I2th and youngest child of Frederic, King of Bohemia, and the Princess Elizabeth, dau. of K. James I. ; b. at the Hague, 13 Oct. 1630; marr. 30 Sept. 1658, Ernest Augustus, Duke of Hanover, created Elector in 1692 ; she was declared by the Act of Settlement heir to the British crown in succession to the Princess Anne, and survived to 1714; died sud- denly as she was walking in the gardens of Herrenhausen, 8 June, in the 84th year of her age, a few weeks previous to the death of Q. Anne, whom she would have succeeded ; her son became (ieorge I. ; she was a learned and accomplished lady. Bust to r. ; low dress edged with broad lace. Canvas, 23J X 29J in. 26 Reign OF William III. AND Queen Mary II. 1689-1702. 69 SIR PATRICK HUME, ist EARL OF MARCH- LENT BY MON I' (1641-1 724). PAINTER. Lord Torphichen. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eld. son of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth ; b. 13 Jan. 1641 ; succ. his father, 1648 ; M.P. for lierwicksh. 1665 ; imprisoned from 1675 to 1679 for opposing D. of Lauderdale’s government ; after the execution of Russell and Sidney obliged to hide himself for some u-ecks, first under the church at Polwarth, where his dau. Grizel brought him food, and afterwards in a hole under his own house ; escaped to the P. of Orange in Holland ; joined the E. of Argyll in his expedition to Scot. 1685 ; a reward was after- wards set on his head ; escaped abroad, where he educ. his children, till he joined the P. of Orange, 1688 ; sat in the Convention Pari. ; Priv. Coun. ; created Ld. Polwarth, i6go; High-Chan, of Scot. 1696; E. of Marchmont, 1697 ; Commis. for the Union ; d. i Aug. 1724. “He was much e.xtenuatc, and had always been a thin, clever man.” Half-length, seated in library to 1 . ; bl. cap ; yellowish gown ; Bible in his 1 . hand, open at the Psalms. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 70 GEORGE BULL, BP. OF ST. DAVID’S (1634-1710). Exeter College, Oxford. B. at Wells, 25 March, 1634 ; educ. at the Gram. School and at Tiverton ; entered Exeter Coll. Oxford, but refused to take the oath to the Common- wealth, and retired to Somersetsh. ; ordained by Ur. Skinner, ejected Bp. of Oxford ; promoted the Restoration ; presented by Ld. Chan. Clarendon to vicarage of Suddington St. Peter, Bristol ; pub. his doctrinal work, “ Har- monia Apostolica,” 1669, which met with much opposition ; Prebendary of Gloucester, 1678 ; .\rchdeacon of Llandaff, 1679 > “ Uefen ; Fidei Xic pub. 1685; pub. “Jiithcium Ecc. Cathol.” 1694, and received the thanks of the clergy of France through Bossuet, Bp. of Meaux ; Bp. of St. David’s, 1705; d. 17 Feb. 1710 ; bu. at Brecon. His sermons were pub.after his death. Bust, to r. ; bands and black gown ; act. suae 66, 170a Canvas, 30X 25 in. 71 SIR JOHN LOWTHER, Kt., ist Visct. LONSDALE, (1655-1700). EaRL OF Derby, K.G. Grandson of Sir John Lowther, M.P. ; b. 1655 ; 31st Kt. of the family in almost direct succession; Priv. Coun. on accc.ssion of Wm. 111 .; Lord- Lieut. of Westmoreland and Cumberland ; ist Com. of Treas. 1690 ; Visa. Lonsdale, 1696; d. 10 July, 1700. Bust ; dark greenish embroidered dress. Canvas, 28 X 25 in. 72 JAMES OGILVIE, 4TH EARL OF ^'INDLATER AND IST EARL OF SEAFIELD, K.T. (1664-1730). College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Sir John B. de Medina. Son of James, 3rd E. of Findlater ; b. 1664; studied law; travelled abroad ; one of the fi\ e members of the Convention Pari, who voted in favour of James II. ; practised at the Bar; Sol.-Gen. for Scotland, and Kt. 1693 ; Sec. of State, 1695 ; crea. Visa. Seafield, 1698 ; E. of Scafield, 1701 ; succ. as E. of Findlater, 1711 ; promoted the union with England m the Scottish Pari. ; Priv. Coun. to Q. Anne ; Ld. High Chan, of Scotland ; Kt. ; six times elected a representative peer ; moved for leave to bring in a bill to dissolve the union, lost by a majority of 4 out of 138 ; Keeper of Gt. Seal of Scotland ; d. 1730. Half-length, to r. seated in arm chair ; robes and seal before him. Can- vas, 51x41 in. Ground-fioor.'\ Northern Gallery {Not. 1-95). 27 73 SIR JOHN BAPTIST DE MEDINA, Kt. (1660-1711). LENT BY PAINTER. College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Sir John B. de Medina. Painter; Juan liaptista, son of Medina de I'Asturias, an officer in the Spanish sen icc; b. atjBrussels, 1660; stud, under Krant^oisdu Chatcl ; painted history and landscape, but is chiefly known as a portrait painter ; came to London and pursued his art also in .Scotland, under the patronage of the E. of Leven ; knighted by the E. of (2uecnsberry, Lord High Commis. for Scot- land ; d. 1711. His portrait by himself, sent by the U. of (lordon to the Grand I), of Tuscany, is in the Florentine Gallery. Bust to 1. ; purple-brown, and bluish drapery ; inscribed scroll to 1. with name, titles, and d. of painting, 1708. Canvas, 29 J X 24? in. 74 ARCHIBALD PITCAIRN, M.D. (1652-1710). College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Sir John B. de Medina. B. at Edinburgh, 1652 ; educ. there and at Paris ; Prof, of Physic at Leyden, 1692; settled at Edinburgh ; Fell. Coll. Surgeons, Edin., 1701 ; a Jacobite in politics ; author of “ Elcmcnta Medic. Physico Maihemat.” &c. ; d. 16 Oct. 1710. Bust to 1. ; dark gown ; large fair wig ; act. 16, 1701. Canvas, 29J x 24.I in. 75 HENRY SIDNEY, isr EARL OF ROMNEY ( -1704)- Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. Youngest son of Rob. 2nd E. of Leicester ; younger brother of Algernon Sidney ; created Vis. Sidney, 1689 ; E. of Romney, 1694; d. unmarr. 1704. Full-length, in semi-classical costume, with two greyhounds in leash, signed “ P. Lely, ft.” Canvas, 72 X 53 in. 76 SIR WILLIAM TRUMBULL, Kt. (1638-1716). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at East Hampstead, Berksh. 1638 ; stud, at O.xf.: Knt. 1684; Sec. of State, 1695; employed in Diplomacy in Paris and Constantinople; d. 14 Dec. 1716. A friend of Dryden and of Pope. Bust to 1. ; black draper)-. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 77 SIR ROBERT SOUTHWELL, P.R.S. (1635-1702). Royal Society. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Kinsale, 1635 ; educ. at Queen’s Coll. Oxf., afterwards stud, law; Cl. of the Priv. Conn. 1634; Knighted, 1635 > employed in diplomacy; Envoy- Extraor. to Portugal, 1672 ; appointed by Wm. III. Prin. Sec. of State for Ireland; Pres. Roy. Soc. 1690; contributed to the “ Phil. Trans.” papers chiefly on physiological and chemical subjects ; and to the Museum pre- served at Gresham Coll.; d. 1702. Half-length, seated to 1. ; full dark wig. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 78 SARAH JENNINGS, DUCHESS OF MARL- BOROUGH (1660-1744). Duke of Marlborough. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 2nd dau. of Richard Jennings, or Jenyns, Esq. of Sandridge, co. Hereford ; b. 1660 ; at 12 years old was received, with her sister, into the household 28 Reign of Queen Anne, i 702-1 714. of Mary, Duchess of York, and became attendant to the Princess Anne ; marr. 1678, Col. John Churchill, afterwards D. of Marlborough (No. 81) ; appointed Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess, 1683, whom she accompanied in her flight from the Court on the landing of the P. of Orange ; a correspondence was carried on by the Princess and her, under the names of Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Freeman ; on the accession of Q. Anne she interfered much in political matters ; supplanted by her cousin, Mrs. .Masham ; finally left the Court, 1710 ; wrote memoir of her Court life ; d. Oct. 1744. Half-length, seated ; low black dress ; part of Blenheim in distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 79 JAMES DOUGLAS, DUKE OF HAMILTON, K.G. (1658-1712). LENT BY PAINTER. College of Surgeons, Edinb. Sir John B. de Medina. Son of Lord William Douglas, E. of Selkirk and D. of Hamilton ; b. II April, 1658 ; educ. at Glasgow University; made the tour of the Con- tinent ; Gentleman of the Bed-chamber to Chas. II. ; Envoy extraordinary to Louis XIV. ; K.T. ; adhered to James II. ; twice sent to the Tower, but discharged without prosecution ; became D. of Hamilton, 1698, his mother surrendering her titles ; opposed the Union ; Priv. Councillor to Q. Anne ; created D. of Brandon, 171 1 ; K.G. 1712 ; killed in Hyde Park in aduel with Ld. Mohun {see No. 123), who died on the spot, and whose second was believed to have stabbed the Duke, Sunday, 15 Nov. 1712. Half-length; armour; ermine-lined mantle ; baton in r. hand; signed, “Jo. Medina, fecit, 1703.” Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 80 QUEEN ANNE and Her Son, WILLIAM, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Michael Dahl. {See Nos. 85 and 103). Half-length, seated ; low dress, ermine-lined ; dark -blue drapery. D. of Gloucester, a child, to her left. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 81 JOHN CHURCHILL, D. OF MARLBOROUGH, K.G. ( 1650-1722). Earl Spencer, K.G. J. B. Vanloo. Son of Sir Winston Churchill, and Eliz. dau. of Sir J. Drake, Kt. ; b. at Ashe, Devonshire, 24 May, 1650 ; Page of Honour to the D. of York, and obtained an Ensigney in the Guards ; served at Tangier, 1671 ; and under the D. of Monmouth against the Dutch, 1672 ; created Ld. Churchill, 1682, by the influence of James then D. of York; on James’s accession appointed Ambas. to France ; Baron Churchill, 1685 ; aided in defeating the D. of Monmouth ; joined the P. of Orange, and voted in the “ Con- vention” Pari.; Priv. Councillor; E. of Marlborough, 1689; appointed by Q. Anne Capt.-Gen. of her forces ; after his campaign of 1702 created D. of Marlborough ; gained the victory of Blenheim, 1704 ; Ramillies, 1706 ; Oudenarde, 1708 ; .Slalplaquet, 1709. The manor of Woodstock was settled on him, and '.he palace of Blenheim erected for him ; marr. Sarah (No. 78), dau. of R. Jennings, Esq. ; lost the Queen’s favour and retired abroad, but was reinstated by George I. ; d. 16 June, 1722. Half-length, standing ; r. hand resting on bUton ; helmet to his r. Can- vas, 50 X 40 in. I Ground-floor. Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-95). 29 82 SARAH, DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH, and LADY FITZHARDINGE. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Marlborough. Sir Godfrey Kneller. I {See No. 78.) Half-length, seated, playing at cards. Signed, “ G. . Kneller, fe : 1691.” Duchess of Marlborough to r. of picture. Canvas, I 57 X 43 in. I ‘ 83 JAMES STANLEY, ioth EARL OF DERBY [ ( -1735-6)- Earl of Derby, K.G. Hamlet Winstanley. Son of Charles, 8th Earl, and Dorothea Helena, daughter of John, Baron de Rupa ; b. 1664; succeeded, 1702, his brother William as loth Earl ; d. •without issue, 1735-6. At his death, the Isle of Man and Barony of Strange devolved upon the D. of Atholl. I Half-length ; standing in coronation robes, holding coronet. 50 X 40 in. 1 84 GEORGE, PRINCE OF DENMARK, K.G. (1653-1708). w/ I Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Michael Dahl. Youngest son of Fred. III. of Denmark ; b. 21 April, 1653 ; husband of the Princess Anne (afterwards Q. Anne), (No. 103) ; marr. 28 July, 1683; K.G. ; Ld. High Admiral ; Warden of Cinque Ports ; d. 28 Oct. 1708. j Bust ; armour ; long dark wig ; ribbon K.G. Oval, canvas, 30X25J in. \ \ 85 WILLIAM, D. OF GLOUCESTER, K.G. (1689-1700). I Mr. J. Fairfax Chinnery. Sir Godfrey Kneller. i Youngest child of the Princess Anne (afterwards Q. Anne) and P. Geo. of Denmark, 16 others having d. in infancy; b. 24 July, 1689, at Hampton Ct. ; resided for about 5 years with his mother at Campden House, Kensing- I ton; in his 9th year Wm. III. assigned him a separate establishment, with i the E. of Marlborough as his Governor (No. 81), and Bp. Burnet (No. 37) his preceptor ; was a sickly child, and over-exerted himself on his birth-day, 1700 ; d. 30 July, at Windsor. The Jacobite party considered his death the removal of the chief obstacle to the “ P. of Wales’s” succession. Bust, as a boy ; armour ; ribbon K.G. ; ermine-lined scarf. Canvas, 30 X 25J in. 86 MARY CHURCHILL, DUCHESS OF MONTAGU. ' Earl Spencer, K.G. Charles Jervas. 4th dau. of John, ist Duke of Marlborough (No. 81) ; marr. John Montagu of Boughton, Duke of Montagu, K.G., 1709 ; d. 1751. Three-quarter length, seated ; head resting on 1. hand ; white dress. Canvas, 50 x 43 in. [ 30 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702- 1714. 87 1ST DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH and GENERAL JOHN ARMSTRONG. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Marlborough. Sir Godfrey Kneller. (For D. of Marlborough, see No. 81.) GENERAL JOHN AR.MSTRONG (1674-1742). Eldest son of Robert Armstrong, of a family settled in Ireland; b. at Ballyard, King's Co., 31 Mar. 1674; served under Marlborough and P. Eugene ; distinguished himself at the siege of Bouchain ; succeeded General Cadogan (No. 131) as Quar.-Mast.-Gen. 1712 ; served with Lord Cobham at Vigo, 1719; Major-General, 1739; Master-Gen. of the Ordnance; Chief Engineer of England ; Lt.-Gov. of the Tower ; Col. i8th Regt. ; founded the Roy. Arsenal at Woolwich, 1716 ; d. at the Tower, 15 April, 1742. Geo. II. ordered a monument to his memory in the chapel there. Full-length figures; Marlborough seated at table, while General Arm- strong is showing him the plan of the siege of Bouchain. Painted for the D. of Marlborough. Canvas, 95 X 79 in. 88 PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY (1663-1736). Duke of Marlborough. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Francois Eugene of .Savoy, b. at Paris, 1663 ; intended for the Church, but entered the service of the Emperor of Austria as a volunteer against the Turks ; appointed to the command of a regiment of dragoons ; General of the Army in Hungary ; Louis XIV. sought his services, and made him great offers, which he refused ; united in command with Marlborough (No. 81) and shared in the victories of Blenheim, Oudenarde, &c.; expelled the French from Italy, and gained various important places ; defeated the Turks at Peter- waradin, 1716; reduced Belgrade ; in 1733 commanded on the Rhine ; d. 1736. Bust ; rich suit of armour, and Order of Golden F'leece. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 89 SARAH JENNINGS, D. OF MARLBORO’ (1660-1744). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. {See No. 78.) Bust ; low white dress ; blue drapery. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 90 SARAH JENNINGS, D. OF MARLBORO’ (1660-1744). E. arl Spencer, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. {See No. 78.) Bust ; low, open drapery ; supporting her long hair with r. hand. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 91 LADIES HENRIETTA and ANNE CHURCHILL. Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Henrietta, eld. dau. of John, 1st D.of Marlborough (No. 81) ; marr.Francis, E. of Godolphin ; succ. her father, by act of Parliament of 1706, as Duchess of Marlborough, and heir to his palace of Blenheim ; d. 24 Oct. 1733. Anne, 2nd dau. of John, ist D. of .Marlborough (No. 81) ; b. 1683 ; marr. (his 2nd wife) Qiarles .Spencer, 3rd E. of Sunderland (No. 186), 1702, and was mother of Charles .Spencer, 5th E. of Sunderland and 2nd D. of .Marlborough (No. 396) ; d. 1716. Full-length figures, as children, in a garden ; Lady Henrietta with basket of flowers and sprig of jessamine in her hand ; Lady Anne seated to her 1 . Signed, “G. Kneller, fecit 1688. •’ Canvas, 53 X41J in. Ground-foor.'] Entrance Hall {Nos. 96-130). 31 92 MATTHEW HENRY (1662-1714). LENT BY PAINTER. Dr. Williams’s Library. .Son of the Nonconformist Minister, Philip Henry ; b. 1662 ; educ. by his father, and at a school at Islington ; studied Law at Gray's Inn, but continued the study of Divinity, and became Nonconformist Preacher at Chester, 1687-1712, when he went to Hackey ; published “ Exposition of the Old and New Testament,” and many sermons ; d. at Nantwich, and bu. in Trinity Church, Chester, 22 June, 1714. Bust, small ; bands ; black gown. Canvas, 12J X iij in. 93 ST. GEORGE ASHE, BP. OF DERRY ( -1718). Archbishop of Armagh. 2nd son of Thos. Ashe of .St. John’s co. Meath ; Bp. of Cloyne, 1695 ; trans. to Clogher, 1697 ; trans. to Derry, 1717 ; is stated to have married Dean .Swift and Esther Johnson (“ .Stella”) in the garden of the Deanerj' of St. Patrick’s, Dublin, 1716; d. 1718. Bust to 1 .; clerical dress ; dated 1697. Canvas, 21 X 172 in. 94 WHITE KENNET, BP. OF PETERBOROUGH (1660-1728). Rev. Emilius Bayley. B. at Dover, 1660 ; entered St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1673 ; Vicar of Amersden, Oxfordsh. 1684; Rector of Shottesbrooke, Berks, 1693 ; Minister of St. Botolph, London, 1699 ; D. of Peterborough, 1707 ; Bp. 1718 ; d. 1728. M'rote on Antiquities, Church questions. History of England, &c. Bust to 1 . ; bands ; black gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 95 JOHN HOLLES, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, K.G. (1661-2-171 1). Duke of Newcastle. Eldest son of Gilbert, 3rd E. of Clare ; b. 1661-2 ; marr. Margaret Cavendish, dau. of Henry, 2nd D. of Newcastle ; created D. of Newcastle, 1694; inherited the possessions of Denzell, Lord Holies, of I field ; K.G. ; d. in consequence of a fall when hunting, 15 July, 171 1. Three-quarter length, seated ; robes and collar K.G. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. No. 2. ENTRANCE HALL. (^Nos. 96 to 130.) 96 JOHN, 4TH BARON & ist EARL POULETT, K.G. (1663-1743). Mr. Baldwin J. P. Bastard. Ascribed to Sir G. Kneller. Only son of John, 3d Baron, and .Susan, dau. of Philip Herbert, E. of Pembroke; b. 1663; Priv. Councillor to Q. Anne; one of the Commissioners for the Union of England and Scotland ; created Earl Poulett, 1706; K.G. 1712 ; Lord Treasurer; Steward of the Household ; d. 28 May, 1743. Half-length ; with white stick of office in r. hand ; painted about 1712. Canvas, 50 X 41 in. 32 Reign OF Queen Anne, 1702-1714. 97 HONORA BAKER, VISCOUNTESS CHETWYND. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. H. E. Chetwynd Stapylton. H. Verelst. Dau. of Wm. Baker, Esq. Consul at Algiers, and Deborah, dau. of Sir Leonard Robinson, Kt. ; mar. Wm. Rich. 3rd Visct. Chetwynd, resident at the republic of Genoa, 1714. Full-length, as a child ; crimson dress, green sash. Signed and dated, “ H. Verhclst, 1698.” Canvas, 49J X 39! in. 98 ROBERT HARLEY, E. OF OXFORD (1661-1724). British Museum. Son of Sir Edw. Harley, opponent of the Court in the Long Parliament ; b. 5 Dec. 1661 ; joined his father in raising a troop of horse for the Prince of Orange on his landing; M.P. for Tregony, and afterwards for Radnor; opposed the King’s policy in Pari. ; Speaker in 1702, and retained that office when Sec. of State, 1704 ; accused of correspondence with the Pretender ; forced with his friend, Henry St. John (No. 109), to resign, 1708; aided by his cousin (Abigail Hill, Mrs. Masham) to regain his influence with the Queen ; Chanc. of the Exchequer, 1710; gained popularity in consequence of Guiscard’s attempt to stab him in the Council Chamber, 1711 ; created E. of Oxford, 1711 ; Lord High Treasurer same year ; concluded the Peace of Utrecht ; supplanted by Bolingbroke, and dismissed, 1714 ; impeached of high treason, and imprisoned in the Tower for 2 years ; at length acquitted by the Peers, and released ; d. 21 May, 1724. Friend of Swift ; praised by Pope ; a diligent collector of books and the MSS. known as the Harleian Collection, now in the British Museum. Half-length, standing ; robes and collar K.G. ; Treasurer’s white stick in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 99 SIR WILLIAM WYNDHAM, Bart., CHAN- CELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (1687-1740). Rev. W. Bury. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. 1687, of an ancient Somersetshire family; educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxford; M.P. for Somersetsh., joining the Tories under Bolingbroke ; Sec. at War, 1712; Chan, of the Ex. 1713; in the quarrel between Oxford and Bolingbroke sided with Bolingbroke ; on the acc. of Anne opposed the Gov. ; in 1715 arrested on suspicion of being concerned in a projected rising in Somersetsh. ; escaped, but afterwards surrendered and committed to the Tower, but never tried ; leader of the opposition to Walpole delivering powerful speeches against the Excise Bill and Septennial Act ; retired from Pari. 1739; d. at Wells, 17 Ju. 1740. His reputation for eloquence was great ; Pope speaks of him as “ master of our passions and his own.” Three-quarter length, seated ; Chancellor’s robes. Dated 1713. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 100 CHARLES MORDAUNT, EARL OF PETER- BOROUGH (1658-1735). Mr. W. B. Stopford. Son of John, Ld. Mordaunt ; b. about 1658 ; entered the Navy ; distin- guished himself in the defence of Tangier ; accompanied the P. of Orange to England; created E. of Monmouth, 1689; succeeded to Earldom of Peterborough on the death of his uncle, 1697 ; commanded the English forces in Spain ; took Barcelona, &c. ; d. 1735. Bust to r. ; red embroidered dress. Canvas, yi x 26 in. Ground-floor. Entrance Hall {Nos. 96-130). 33 101 SIDNEY, 1ST EARL OF GODOLPHIN, K.G., LORD HIGH TREASURER (1630-1712). LENT BY Painter. Earl of St. Germans. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Sir Francis Godolphin ; b. in Cornwall about 1630; educ. at Oxford ; Groom of the Bed-chamber to Chas. II. 1660 ; Lord of the Trea- sury, 1679; Sec. of State 1684; ist Lord of the Treasury, 1684; again 1690-7 ; again 1700; created Baron Godolphin, of Rialton, 1684; Viscount Rialton and E. of Godolphin, 1706; Lord High Treasurer, 1702; K.G. 1704 ; opposed by Harley (No. 98) ; suddenly dismissed from office, 1710; d. 15 Sept. 1712 ; friend of Alarlborough, whose eldest dau. married Ld. (ilodolphin’s son ; assisted the establishment of P. of Orange on the throne ; shared in negociating the Union with Scotland. Bust ; mantle and collar K.G. ; Treasurer’s white stick. Canvas, 30X 25 in. 102 SIR JAMES DALRYMPLE, Bt. Earl of Stair. Sir John B de Medina. Of Borthwick; 2nd son of Jas. 1st Viset. Stair (No. 8) ; creat. Bt. 1698. Author of “ Collections concerning Scottish History.” Bust to 1 . ; fair wig, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25. in. 103 QUEEN ANNE (1665-1714). Duke of Marlborough. E. Lilly 2nd dau. of James II. and Lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Lord Chancellor Clarendon ; b. at St. James’s, 6 Feb. 1665 ; married at St. James’s, 1683, George Prince of Denmark (No. 84) ; succeeded her brother-in-law, Wm. III. 8 March, 1701-2 ; d. i Aug. 1714, all her children having previously died young. Full-length ; standing in royal robes ; sceptre in r. hand ; signed, “ E. Lilly, fecit, 1703.” Canvas, 95 X 59 in. 104 GEORGE GRANVILLE, ist BARON LANSDOWNE (1667-1734-5). E. V. Kenealy, LL.D. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 2nd son of Bernard Granville and grandson of Sir Bevil Granville ; b. 1667 ; went to France under the tuition of Sir Wm. Ellys, and to Trin. Coll. Camb. 1677 ; composed verses at 12 years of age ; M.A. at 13 ; acquiesced in the Revolution of 1688, but lived retired, writing amatory and dramatic pieces; M.P. for Fowey, 1702; for Co. Cornwall, 1710; Sec. at War, suc- ceeding Sir Rob. Walpole (No. 247); created Baron Lansdowne, 1 71 1 ; Compt. and Treasurer of the Household to Q. Anne, 1712, till her death, 1714 ; com- mitted to the Tower, 1715; suspected of favouring the Pretender; released, 1716-17; retired to France. 1722; d. 30 Jan. 1734-5. Author of “ A Vin- dication of Sir Richard Greenville,” &c. Uncle of Mrs. Uelany (No. 708). Pope, whose genius he early discovered, speaks of him as “Granville the polite,” and dedicated to him “Windsor Forest.” Bust ; dark reddish dress ; white cravat. Oval, canvas, 36 X 27^ in. 105 ROBERT HARLEY, AFTERWARDS E. OF OXFORD. Lady Langdale. {See No. 98.) Bust ; black cap ; s. of arms to his r. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. c 34 Reign OF Queen Anne, 1702-1714. V 106 FRAN. ATTERBURY, BP. OF ROCHESTER (1662-1731). LENT BY PAINTER. Christ Church, Oxford. Son of the Rev. Lewis Atterbun', Rector of Milton, Bucks ; b. there 6 Mar. 1662 ; educ. at Westminster ; elected to Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxf. ; trans. Ur>den’s “ Absalom and Achitophel ” into Latin ; wrote on the origin of the Reforma- tion ; Chaplain to William and Mary, 1694 ; distinguished as a preacher ; engaged in controversy with Dr. Wake (afterwards Archbp.) and with Bp. Hoadly; aided Hon. Ch. Boyle (No. 172) in his controversy with Bentley (No. 180) on the Epistles of Phalaris ; Archd. of Totnes, 1700; Can. of Exeter, Chap, to Q. Anne ; D. of Carlisle, 1704 ; D. of Christchurch, 1711 ; U. of Westminster and Bp. of Rochester, 1713 ; refused to sign the Bishops’ Decla- ration of Allegiance to George 1. ; offered to proclaim the Pretender as King James ; suspected of conspiring in his favour ; committed to the Tower, 1722 ; tried 1723, and banished ; went to Brussels and to Paris, where he died 15 Feb. 1731 ; his body was privately bu. in Westminster ; friend of Pope, Bolingbroke, &c. and an able speaker and writer. Bust to r. ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 107 WILLIAM AIRMAN (1682-1731). National Gallery of Scotland. Wm. Airman. Artist, of Carney, Forfarsh. ; b. 1682 ; intended for the law ; preferring art, sold his estate and went to Rome to study, 1707 ; on his return sue. Sir John B. de Medina (No. 73), as portrait painter in Edin. ; settled in London, and received full employment there ; intimate with Swift, Pope, Ramsay, Kneller, &c. ; d. 1731. Bust to 1. ; dark yellowish drapery ; light wig. At one time in possession of Mrs. Forbes, the artist’s dau. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 108 JAMES, 1ST EARL STANHOPE (1673-1720-1). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eldest son of Hon. Alex. Stanhope ; b. 1673 > accom. his father to Spain ; served in Flanders as a volunteer; M.P. for Cockermouth, 1701 ; served in Spain, 1705 ; commanded the Brit, forces there, 1708; reduced Port Mahon in Minorca ; Sec. of State, 1714; ist Ld. of the Treasury and Chan, of the Excheq. 1717; created Vis. Stanhope, 1717; E. Stanhope, 1718; d. 5 Feb. v/ 1 720-1 ; bu. at Cheveniiig, Kent ; monument in Westminster. Half-length, standing ; peer’s robes ; holding coronet in 1. hand. Can- vas, 37 X 41 in. 109 HENRY SAINT JOHN, ist VISCOUNT V BOLINGBROKE (1678-1751). Lord Bagot. Son of Sir Henry St. John, afterwards (1716) Viset. St. John, and Lady Mary Rich ; b. at Battersea, 1678 ; educ. at Eton and Ch. Church, Oxf. ; M.P. for Wootton Basset, 1707; Sec. at War, 1704; Sec. of State, 1710; creat. Baron St. John and V’iset. Bolingbroke, 1712; had a principal share in the ncgociations of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 ; on the acces. of Geo. I. deprived of his office and his papers searched ; withdrew to France; impeached of high treason in his absence, and attainted; Ground-foor.~\ Entrance Hall {Nos. 96-130). 35 received into favour, and returned, 1725; attacked Sir Robert Walpole in the “Craftsman,” and various pamphlets; d. at Battersea, 15 Dec. 1751 ; wrote on political subjects, lectures on the study and use of History, &c. ; was intimate with Swift and Pope, who addressed to him his “ Essay on Man,” and alluded to him in his epistles, — “There my retreat the best companions grace, Chiefs out of war and statesmen out of place ; There St. John mingles with my flowing bowl. The feast of reasoa and the flow of soul.” Half-length, standing ; peer’s robes ; coronet on table to his 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. no CHARLES SACKVILLE, 6th EARL OF DORSET (1637-1706). LENT BY PAINTER. Countess Delaw arr. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Richard, 5th Earl; b. 1637; educated privately; travelled through France and Italy ; M.P. for East Grinstcad, 1665 ; served under the D. of York against the Dutch; created Baron Cranfield and E. of Middlesex, 1675 ; joined the Prince of Orange; K.G. ; died at Bath, 19 Jan. 1705-6; author of some short poems and songs. Full-length, standing ; robes and collar K.G. ; white stick in r. hand. Canvas, 94 X 59 in. Ill SIR RICHARD STEELE, Kt. (1671-1729). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. in Dublin, 1671 ; educ. at the Charterhouse; obtained an Ensigney in the Guards; in 1702 wrote his first comedy of “Grief k la Mode;” began the “Tatlcr,” 1709, under the name of “Isaac Bickerstaff,” aided by Addison ; wrote in the “ Spectator” and “ Guardian ; ” M.P. for Stockbridge ; expelled for writing “ The Englishman and the Crisis;” Kt. on acces. of George I. ; M.P. for Boroughbridge, Yorksh. ; lived on Haverstock Hill ; d. at Llangunnor, Carmarthensh. 1729. One of the series of portraits of the Kit- Cat Club {see Nos. 1 12, 1 1 5, 116, 1 18, 1 19, 122, 123, 147 ; for acet. of the club see 145). To waist; r. hand resting on pedestal. Signed, “ G. Kneller, 1714.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. I 12 SIR JOHN VANBRUGH (1666-1726). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Architect and Dramatist ; b. in Cheshire, 1666 ; entered the Army ; his first play, “ The Relapse,” succeeded ; the “ Provoked Wife ” was produced 1698 ; various others and transla. from the French followed ; appointed Clarencieux King-at-Arms, 1716; Comptroller-Gen. of his Majesty’s Works ; held various other offices ; as an architect his most remarkable works are Blenheim Palace, Castle Howard, St. John’s Church, Westminster ; d. 26 Mar. 1726, at Whitehall. The well-known epitaph for him is said to have been written by Dr. Evans, — “ Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Laid many a heavy load oa thee.” To waist ; holding compasses in r. hand. One of the series of portraits of the Kit-Cat Club {see No. iii). Canvas, 36 X 28J in. 36 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. 1 1 3 PRINCE GEORGE OF DENMARK and DR. GEO CLARKE, HIS SECRETARY. LENT BY PAINTER. All Souls’ Coll. Oxf. Sir James Thornhill. GEORGE CLARKE, D.C.L. {See No. 84 for Pr. George.) Fell, of All Souls’ Coll. Oxon. ; M.P. for the Univ. in 5 parls.; Judge Adv. Gen. to Chas. II. and his three successors ; Sec. of War to Will. III. ; Sec. to P. Geo. of Denmark ; Lord of the Adm. in the reign of Anne ; made the designs adopted for the Hall of All Souls, the Lib. of Ch. Ch., and the Chapel, Hall, and Lib. of Worcester Coll., to which last he gave 1000/. and his large collection of books and MSS., with other benefactions ; to the same Coll, bequeathed his estates in Wilts for the endowinent of six Fellow- ships and three Scholarships ; d. 22nd Oct. 1736. Half-length ; Pr. George standing ; robes and collar K. G. ; his Sec. seated, pen in r. hand, letter in left ; painted, 1705. Canvas, 58 X 54 in. 1 14 CHARLOTTE MIDDLETON, COUNTESS OF WARWICK ( -1731). Earl of Bradford. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Only dau. of Sir Thos. Middleton, Bt. of Chirk Castle, Denbighsh. ; mar. I St, Edward Rich. 3rd Earl of Holland and 6th Earl of Warwick, who d. 1701 ; 2nd, Rt. Hon. Joseph Addison (No. 115) ; d. 7 July, 1731. Half-length, standing; low white dress ; blue drapery ; r. arm extended. Canvas, 40 X 34 in. I 15 JOSEPH ADDISON (1672-1719). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Lancelot Addison, Dean of Lichfield ; b. at Milston, Wiltsh., I March, 1672 ; educ. at the Charterhouse and Queen’s CoIL Oxford ; became known to Dr>den, to Montagu Ld. Halifax (No. 52), and to Ld. Somers, who obtained for him a pension to enable him to travel on the Continent ; on his ret. pub. his travels in Italy ; wTOte the “Campaign,” in celebration of .Marlborough’s victor)- of Blenheim ; went to Ireland as Sec. to the Marquis of Wharton ; on his return planned with Swift (No. 139) the “Spectator,” 1711 ; his tragedy of “Cato” was produced in 1713; Sec. to the Lords Justices on the death of Q. Anne ; Sec. of State, 1717 ; marr. the Countess of Wanvick (No. 114), 1716 ; d. 17 June, 171^ Pope, Steele, and Lady Mar>- Wortley 3Iontagu, speak of the charm of his conversation. To waist, resting on r. hand ; blue coat. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. I 16 WILLIAM CONGREVE (1669-1728). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller, B. 1669 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin ; entered at the Mid. Temple ; pub- lished in 1693 his first play, “ The Old Bachelor,” under the patronage of Dryden : in 1697 published “The Mourning Bride;” “The Way of the World," in 1700; held several Government sinecures ; left 30,000/. to Hen- rietta, Duchess of Marlborough, who had a wax figure of him made as a memorial ; a handsome man of polished address and reputed the greatest wit of his time ; d. 1728, partly from the effects of his carriage being upset. To waist, turned to 1. ; pointing with r. hand ; signed, “ G. Kneller, 1709.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. Ground- floor Entrance Hall {Nos. 96-130). 37 I 17 THOMAS PITT ( -1726). LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. G. M. Fortescue. Sir Godfrey Kneller, Of Boconnock, Cornwall ; son of the Rev. — Pitt ; b. at St. Mary’s, Blandford, Dorsetshire ; Governor of Fort St. George ; Governor of Madras ; brought from India the “ Pitt” diamond ; sold it, 1717, to the Regent Or- leans ; Governor of Jamaica ; M.P. for Old Sarum ; grandfather of the ist E. of Chatham ; d. 1726. Full-length, seated ; armour on floor to his r. ; diamond in his hat. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 1 18 THOMAS WHARTON, ist MARQUIS OF WHARTON (1640-1715). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eldest son of Philip, 4th Baron Wharton ; b. about 1640 ; made the tour of the Continent ; M.P. for Buckinghamshire, 1678 ; marr. by his father’s desire the daughter of Sir Henry Lee, of Ditchley, whose religious verses were praised in her day ; signed the invitation to the P. of Orange to come over ; appointed Priv. Councillor, Comptroller of the Household, &c. ; sus- pected and watched by the Tory party ; Commissioner of the Union with Scotland, 1706 ; created E. of Wharton, 1706 ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1709, Addison accompanying him as his secretary; satirized by Swift ; Priv. Seal, 1714, under Geo. 1. ; created Marquis of Wharton, 1715 ; d. 12 April, 1715 ; Member of the Kit-Cat Club ; a patron of the Turf ; reported to have been the author of the song “ Lilliburlero,” which had so much effect in Ireland that it is said to have “ sung a prince out of three kingdoms.” To waist, looking to r., showing r. hand ; blue laced coat. Signed, “ G. Kneller, f.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 1 19 CHARLES DARTIQUENAVE ( -1737). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Called Darteneuf ; a notable epicure and punster ; friend of Swift, Steele, and Addison {see Nos. iii, 115, 139) ; is stated to have written for the “Tatler,” and to have printed and dedicated to Charles II. some Greek and Latin verses, &c. of his own composition ; joined the Whig party ; Pay- master of the Board of Works, and Surveyor of the Royal Gardens, «S;c. 1736. Pope, alluding to his epicurism, says, — Each mortal ha.«i his pleasure, none deny : Scarsdale his bottle, Darty his ham-pye.” And Ld. Lyttelton, in his “ Dialogues of the Dead,” introduces him com- mending the Ham-pye in a dialogue with Apicius. D. 1737. To waist, showing r. hand ; green coat ; red drapery. Canvas, 36x28 in. 120 SIR GODFREY KNELLER, Bart. (1648-1723). ^ University Galleries, Oxford. B. at Lubeck, ab. 1648 ; studied at Leyden for a military life, but his inclination for painting prevailed ; placed under Bol at Amsterdam, and is said to have had some instruction from Rembrandt ; visited Italy, 1672 ; painted portraits at Venice ; came to England, 1674 ; patronized by the D. of Mon- mouth and Charles II., by James II. , William 111., Anne, and George I. ; Knighted by William III. (1692), and presented with a gold medal and chain ; Bart.; d. 27 Oct. 1723, and his body, after lying in state, was bu. 38 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. at Whitton, near Hampton Court. Painted the Beauties of the Court of William III. (see Nos. 9, 15), the 48 members of the Kit-Cat Club (see No. Ill), the portraits of ten sovereigns, and almost every notable person in England in his time. Half-length, standing to r. ; wearing the broad gold chain and medal- lion of William III., given to him in 1692. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. I 21 WILLIAM, 1ST EARL COWPER, LORD CHANCELLOR ( -1723). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Cowper, K.G. Jonathan Richardson. Eldest son of Sir Wm. Cowper, Bt., M.P. for Hertford ; M.P. for Hertford, 1695; acquired a great legal reputation; Ld. Keeper, 1705; Baron Cowper, 1706; one of the Commis. for the Union ; Ld. Chan. 1707, again in 1714; resigned the Seals on the removal of Ld. Godolphin from the Treasurership ; Ld. High Steward for the trial of the Lords concerned in the rebell, of 1715; Vise. Fordwich and Earl Cowper, 1718, on again resign- ing the Seals ; opposed the South Sea Bill and the prosecution of Atterbury ; d. loth Oct. 1723, at his seat at Colne Green, Herts. Full-length, standing ; Chancellor’s robes ; great seal on table to his r. Canvas, 89 x 54 in. I 22 SIR SPENCER COMPTON, E. OF WILMINGTON, K.G. ( -1743)- Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of James, 3rd E. of Northampton ; Speaker of the H. of Com. 1714, and subsequently Paymaster-Gen.; Baron Wilmington, 1728; Ld. Privy Seal, Earl, and Ld. Pres, of the Council, 1730; K.G. 1733; a Ld. Justice during the King’s visit to Hanover ; Gov. of the Charterhouse ; d. July, 1743. To waist, looking to r. ; showing 1 . hand. Signed, “ G. Kneller.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 123 CHARLES MOHUN, sth LORD MOHUN ( -1712). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Charles, 4th Lord Mohun, and Philippa, dau. of Arthur, E. of Anglesey; tried for the assassination of Capt. Richard Cooke, and acquitted ; tried with a Captain Hill for killing Mr. Montfort, the actor, on his way to Mrs. Bracegirdle’s house, and acquitted ; marr. a niece of Charles, Ld. Macclesfield; quarrelled with the D. of Hamilton (No. 79) about the dis- posal of the Macclesfield property ; they fought a duel in Hyde Park, and were both mortally wounded; Lord Mohun died on the spot, 15 Nov. 1712. Lady Mohun is said to have e.\prcssed her displeasure when her husband’s corpse was brought home at its being placed on her best bed ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. , To waist; blue coat ; snuflf-bo.x in 1 . hand. Signed, “G. Kneller.” Can- vas, 36 X 28 in. 124 JOHN RADCLIFFE, M.D. (1650-1714). Radcliffe Library, Oxford. B. at Wakefield, Yorkshire, 1650; entered Univer. Coll. Oxf. ; obtained a Fellowship at Lincoln Coll. ; took his M.U. and removed to London, where he obtained the highest reputation ; Fell, of Coll, of Phys. 1687 ; when attending K. Wm. told him, “ 1 would not have your Majesty’s two legs for Ground-foor.'] Entrance Hall {Nos. 96-130). 39 your three kingdoms;” M.P. for Buckingham, 1713; d. 1714; bu. in St. Mary’s Church, Oxford. Founded at Oxford the Radcliffe Lib., Hosp., and Observatory. Half-length, seated ; bl. coat, gilt buttons ; r. arm on table. Canvas, 54 X 48 in. 125 CHRISTOPHER CODRINGTON (1668-1710). LENT BY PAINTER. All Souls’ College, Oxford. Sir James Thornhill. B. at Barbadoes, 1668 ; admitted at Christ Church Coll. 1685 ; Fellow of All .Souls, 1689 ; entered the army ; Capt.-General of the Leeward Islands ; d. at Barbadoes, 1710, and buried there. In 1716 his body was brought to England and interred in All Souls’ Chapel, to which college he bequeathed a library ; was a benefactor also to the Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel. Full-length ; blue dress ; red drapery^. Canvas, 94 X 60 in. 126 HENRY SACHEVERELL, D.D. (1672-1724). Magdalen College, Oxford. Son of Rev. Joshua Sacheverell, Minister of St. Peter’s, Marlborough ; b. about 1672 ; educ. at the Grammar School there, and at Magdalen Coll. Oxf., where he was intimate with Addison ; obtained a fellowship ; held the living of Cannock, Derbyshire ; Preacher at St. SaviouFs, Southwark, 1705 ; delivered a sermon at Derby, 15 Aug. 1709, and another on the 5th Nov. before the Lord Mayor, which offended the Whig ministry, and he was im- peached, tried, and condemned to 3 years’ suspension from preaching ; the popular feeling was with him, and his progress through the country was a triumph ; the new House of Commons appointed him to preach before them, and Queen Anne presented him to the Rectory of St. Andrew, Holborn ; he is stated to have plotted for the Stuarts with his friend Atterbury ; d. 5 June 1724- Bust ; clerical dress, long fair wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 127 RALPH THORESBY (1658-1725). Society of Antiquaries, Antiquary'; b. at Leeds, 1658; educ. there, and at Rotterdam as a merchant ; devoted his leisure to the study of the antiquities of Leeds ; F.R.S. ; pub. “ Ducatus Leodiensis” and “ Vicaria Leodiensis d. 1725. Bust ; dark wig; brown dress. Canvas, 21 X 17J in. 128 REV. NICHOLAS BRADY, D.D. (1659-1726). Rt. Hon. Mazxere Brady. Son of a Roy'alist officer; b. at Bandon, co. Cork, 28 Oct. 1659 ; educ. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Oxford ; resided in Dublin ; Chaplain to Bishop Wettenhall ; Prebendary of Cork ; active on the side of the P. of Orange in Ireland; came to England at the Revolution; Chap, to William 1 1 1. and Mary; .Minister of Richmond, Surrey, and of Stratford-on-Avon; d. 20 May, 1726. Author with Nahum Tate of the new version of the Psalms as used in churches ; also of various sermons ; and trans. of the “ ^Eneid.” Bust ; bands and black gown. Canvas, 24J X 30 in. 129 CHARLES -MORDAUNT, EARL OF PETER- BOROUGH (1658-1735). Viscount Boyne. {See No, 100.) Half-length to 1. ; armour ; pointing with sword in r. hand ; ships in distance. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 40 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-17 14. 130 EDWARD HYDE, LORD CORNBURY, afterw. 3RD EARL OF CLARENDON ( -1723). PAINTER. Sir J. S. Pakington, Bt. M P. Only s. of Henry, 2nd E. ; Master of the Horse to P. George of Den- mark ; Gov. of New York in the reign of Anne ; marr. Catherine, dau. of Henry, Lord O’Brien, eld. son of Henry, E. of Thomond ; is said to have dressed himself in woman’s clothes in order to represent her Majesty Q. Anne at New York ; d. 31 March, 1723. Half-length, standing ; in female dress, with low body and jewels. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. No. 2- INNER HALL (ATw. 131-158). I 31 WILLIAM CADOGAN, ist EARL CADOGAN ( -1726). National Portrait Gallery. Lewis Laguerre. Eldest son of Henry Cadogan, Barrister ; entered the army ; ser\ ed under William 111 . at the battle of the Boyne, and in Flanders; under Marl- borough in the Low Countries, at the battle of Hochstet, &c., 1704 ; M.P. for Woodstock, 1705 ; served at Tirlemont and Ramillies ; Minister Plenipo- tentiary to the Netherlands, 1707; Lieut.-General, 1708-9; contributed to the victory at Mons, 1709 ; served under the D. of Ormonde, 1712, and in Scotland; K.T. ; crea. Baron Cadogan, 1716; Privy Counc. 1717; E. Cadogan, 1718; Ambass. Extra, to the Hague; succ. Marlborough as Comm.-in-Chief, 1722 ; d. 17 July, 1726 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter length, standing ; amiour ; leaning r. hand on baton. Canvas, 64 X 48 in. 132 HENRY WISE (1653- ). Mr. H. C. Wise, M.P. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Of Brompton Park, and afterwards of the Prior)', Warwick ; b. 1653; Gardener to Q. Anne; Dep. Ranger of Hyde Park; laid out Hampton Ct. Gardens, Kensington, Hyde Park, Blenheim, &c. Bust to r. ; greyish coat, gilt buttons ; signed “ G. K.” Canvas, 30 X 2 1; in. 133 HUMPHREY WANLEY (1671-2-1726). Bodleian Library, Oxford. Thomas Hill. Son of Rev. Nathaniel Wanley, author of “Wonders of the Little World,” 1678 ; b. at Coventry, 21 March, 1671-2 ; early employed himself in reading and copying' old MSS.; sent by Bp. Lloyd to St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; re- moved to University Coll. ; Under- Librarian in the Bodleian Library ; Librarian to Robert Harley, E. of Oxford, and to his son ; drew up a Catal. of Anglo-Saxon MSS. ; commenced the Catal. of the Harleian MSS. ; kept a diary, now in the Brit. Mus., from March 1714-15 to 1726, the year of his death; d. 6 July, 1726. Bust to r. ; dark gold-corded coat, white cravat. Canvas, 25 x 30 in. 41 Ground-floor^ Inner Hall (Nos. 131-158). 134 JOHN KYRLE, “ The Man of Ross ” (1637-1724). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W, Hutcheson Collins. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Walter Kyrle of Ross, Herefordsh., Barrister and J. P. ; b. May, 1637, at Whitehouse, Gloucestersh. ; educ. at Balliol Coll. Oxf. ; High Sheriff of Herefordsh. 1683 ; d. 1724 ; bu. at Ross, 7 Nov. where a mon. was erect, to him, 1776. Celebrated for his philanthropy by Pope (“ Moral Essays ”) as “the Man of Ross.” Bust to r. ; long dark hair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 135 JOHN, 2ND MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE. (1645-1713). Marquis of Tweeddale. Gerard Soest. Eldest s. of John, ist Marquis ; b. 1645 ; marr. Lady Anne Maitland, only child of John, I), of Lauderdale, 1666 ; Col. of the East Lothian regt. 1685 ; P. C. and Sheriff of Haddington, 1689; High Treas. of Scot. 1695 ; sue. 1697 ; High Chan, of Scot. 1704 ; High Comm, to represent Q. Anne in the session of Parliament when the Act of Security became law ; actively promoted the Union ; repres. peer, 1707 ; d. at Yester, 20 April, 1713. Half length, to r. ; robes as Chancellor. Canvas, 50 X 42 in. 136 ALEXANDER POPE (1668-1744). Fitzwilliam Mus. Cambridge. Jonathan Richardson. B. in Lombard Street, London, 22 May, 1688, where his father had been a successful linen-draper ; was a delicate and diminutive child, and never had robust health ; taught by Taverner, a R.C. priest, and at Twyford, near Winchester; early showed his power of writing verse, and resolved to be a poet ; trans. 1st book of the Thebais, and .Sappho and Phaon at 14 ; pas- torals pub. by T onson (No. 1 47), 1 709 ; “ Rape of the Lock,” 1 7 1 1 ; trans. of the “Iliad,” 1715-20; pub. trans of “ Odyssey,” 1725, of which he did 12 books; “ Dunciad,” 1728 ; pub. his letters, 1737; involved in many quarrels with rival writers or persons whom he satirized, as Dennis, Ambrose Philips, Addison, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Hervey, &c. ; d. 30 May, 1744, at Twickenham, where he had resided nearly 30 years. Bust to r. small life-size ; red furred gown. Canvas, 13 x 1 1 J in. 137 CHRISTOPHER CATT. Mrs, H. W. Hutton. Sir Godfrey Kneller. The Pastrycook of Shire Lane, Temple Bar, at whose house the members of the Kit-Cat Club first met, and from whose name it has been thought they took the title of their club. It is also said that his sign was the Cat and Fiddle. He removed to or near the Fountain Tavern, Strand, and at length to the tavern itself, and there the 48 members and their secretary, Jacob Tonson, w'ho was his friend, were accustomed to meet every week. Cele- brated for his mutton pies, “ immortal made as Kit Cat by his pies,” and these w'ere called “ Kit-cats.” The Club seems to have died away about 1720. Sir G. Kneller remarked that “mine host” would make the best portrait of them all, and accordingly painted this picture. (See Nos. in, •45» I47-) Bust to 1. ; white napkin tied round his head ; dark coat ; glass of wine in 1. hand. Canvas, 30J X 25J in. 42 Reign of Queen Anne, i 702-1 714. 138 MATTHEW PRIOR (1664-1721). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Hardwicke. Sir Godfrey Kneller. To waist ; standing at writing-table ; looking to 1. ; holding a book en- titled “ Traites.” Canvas, 30 X 36 in. 139 JONATHAN SWIFT, D.D., DEAN OF ST. PATRICK’S (1667-1745). Mr. E. Meade. .Son of Jonathan Swift, of an Eng. royalist family, and Abigail Erick, a Lcicestersh. lady ; b. at Dublin, 30 Nov. 1667 ; educ. at Kilkenny and Trin. Coll. Dublin, at the charge of his uncle, Godwin Swift, who d. in 1688 and left him penniless ; received by Sir Wm. Temple, and lived as his Sec. with the exception of a short period till Temple’s death, 1699; pub. the “Tale of a Tub,” 1704; joined the Tory party and wrote “ The Conduct of the Allies,” and other political pamphlets on their side ; Dean of St. Patrick’s, 1713 ; is stated to have marr. Esther Johnson (“Stella”) privately, 1716 {see No. 93) ; pub. the “ Drapier’s Letters,” 1724; 300/. reward offered by Gov. for discovery of the author; popularity great in Ireland; “Gulliver’s Travels,” 1727 ; his latter years were unhappy, and at length his mind gave way ; founded in Dub. an asylum for lunatics, of which he ultimately became an inmate ; d. 19 Oct. 1745. Mon. and bust in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. bust, as a young man in student’s black gown, when a student at Trin. Coll. Dublin. “ Given to Dr. Percy, Bishop of Dromore, by Archdeacon Trail in Ireland.” Canvas, 26 x 24 in. 140 JONATHAN SWIFT, D.D., DEAN OF ST. PATRICK’S (1667-1745). Bodleian Library, Oxford. Charles Jervas. (.SV^ No. 139.) Bust to 1. ; clerical dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. I 41 MATTHEW PRIOR (1664-1721). Rev\ W. V. Harcourt. Michael Dahl. B. in London, 1664 ; educ. at Westminster ; sent by the D. of Dorset to St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; wrote, with Charles Montagu (No. 52), the “ Country Mouse and City Mouse,” a burlesque on Dryden’s “ Hind and Panther ;” Sec. at the Congress at the Hague, 1690; appointed by Wm. III. Gentleman of the Bedchamber ; Sec. at the 1 reaty of Ryswick ; Sec. to the Embassy at Paris ; M.P. for E. Grinstead, 1700 ; wrote with Swift and others the “ Examiner ;” Min. Plenipo. to France, 1711 ; arrested, 1715, by order of H. of Com. and imprisoned; released, 1717, without trial; d. at Wimpolc, the seat of Ld. Oxford, 1721. Wrote, besides his poems, the History of his own time. Bust to I. ; open skirt ; wearing dark cap. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 142 ESTHER OR HESTER JOHNSON, “ STELLA” (1681-1728). Judge Berwick. Stated to be dau. of a London merchant ; b. at Richmond, 1681 ; came with her mother to Moor Park (Sir Wm. Temple’s), where Swift was residing as Sec. No. 139) ; he assisted in her educ. ; gave her the name of “ Stella,” which he uses in his Journal written for her perusal when she resided near Ground-floor.'] Inner Hall (A^m. 131-158). 43 his living of Laracor, Meath ; marr. her, 1716, as is said, in the Garden of the Deanery, Dub. ; she d. 28 Jan. 1727. Bust, full face ; low blue dress ; red draper)- ; long dark hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. , 143 JONATHAN SWIFT, D.D., DEAN OF ST. PATRICK’S (1667-1744). LENT BY Painter. Judge Berwick. Bindon. {See No. 139.) Bust to 1 . ; bands and bl. dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 144 BERNARD SCHMIDT. University of Oxford. Organ-builder ; native of Germany ; called “ Father Smith” in England to distinguish him from his nephews, Gerard and Bernard, who came over with him as assistants ; his first organ here was for the Roy. Chapel, White- hall ; Harris, who arrived from France, became his rival ; each built an organ, for the Temple Ch. ; after a severe competition Father Smith’s was preferred, Mr. Jeffreys, afterwards Ld. Chan., giving the decision in his favour, about 1682 ; built the organ for St. Paul’s Cathedral, for Ch. Ch. and St. Mary’s, Oxf., for Trin. Coll. Cambridge. To waist, looking to r. ; reddish drapery, lace cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25. 145 MEMBERS OF THE KIT-CAT CLUB. Baroness Windsor. Aicribed to Sir Godfrey Kneller. (A^^Nos. 1 1 1, 1 15, 137, 147, 247.) The Kit-Cat Club was instituted about 1700; was composed of friends (called by Walpole “ patriots who saved England ”) who used to meet at the pie-man Christopher Catt’s tavern, at first in Shire Lane, Temple Bar, afterwards at Jacob Tonson’s at Barn Elms, who built a room for their reception, in which their portraits originally hung ; the Club ultimately numbered 48 members, whose portraits were painted by Sir God- frey Kneller, and were presented to Jacob Tonson. This Picture is described as a “scene in Christopher Cat’s house, Chelsea Walk; Steele, Ld. Orford, Addison, and his stepson little Ld. Warwick, Sir G. Kneller, and others, at tea.” Group of eight full-length figures in a room, seated and standing about a card-table, and drinking tea ; E. of Wanvick as a child. Canvas, 77 X 60 in. 146 ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744). Rev. W. V. Harcourt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. {See No. 136.) To waist, leaning on r. hand ; crimson cap, green gown ; at back is copy of a letter from Pope to Simon Ld. Harcourt, stating that he had seen Sir G. Kneller, and that Lord Harcourt was to have the portrait he had painted of him. Canvas, 24 X 29 in. 147 JACOB TONSON ( -1736). Mr. W. R. Baker. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of a Barber-Surgeon in Holborn ; appren. 1670, to Thomas Basset, a bookseller ; pub. Dryden’s “ Spanish F riar,” 1681, but having to pay 20/. for it, was obliged to admit another bookseller to a share ; bought the copyright of “Paradise Lost,” half in 1688 and the remainder 1690; pub. Dryden’s 44 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. trans. from the Classics ; they quarrelled frequently about payment, and on one occasion Dryden sent him a triplet of such bitter personal satire, with a message threatening more verses, that he paid the poet’s demand ; Sec. to the Kit-Cat Club, which he is said to have originated ; they first met at Christo- pher Catt’s {see No. 137), afterwards at Barn Elms, Tonson’s country-house, where he built a room for their meetings ; the portraits of the forty-eight members painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller, and presented to Tonson, hung in this room till his death ; they were of one size, thence called Kit-Cat ; he had them engraved by Faber and pub. in 1723 ; d. 1736. To waist, seated, holding vol. of Milton in r. hand ; red cap and green gown, showing white shirt. Canvas, 28 x 36 in. 148 JOHN PHILIPS (1676-1708). LENT BY Painter. Rev. W. V. Harcourt. John Riley. Poet ; son of Archdeacon Stephen Philips ; b. at Bampton, Oxford, 1676 ; educ. at Winchester and Christ Ch. Oxf. ; studied natural history, especially botany ; published in 1703 his poem, “ The Splendid Shilling “ Blenheim ” in 1705, in rivalry of Addison’s “ Campaign “ Cider” in 1706 ; d. 15 Feb. 1708. Sir Simon (afterwards Lord Chancellor) Harcourt erected his monu- ment in Westminster Abbey. Bust to 1. ; dark long hair, and dark dress. Oval, canvas, 30J X 25J in. 149 ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744). Sir Henry S Wilmot, Bt. Jonathan Richardson. {See No. 136.) Bust, profile to r. ; furred dark dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 150 JOSEPH ADDISON. Magdalen College, Oxford. Bust to r. ; dark blue coat, open, and showing white shirt. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 151 SIR RICHARD BLACKMORE, M.D. (1650 ?-i729). College of Physicians. John Closterman. Son of Robt. Blackmore of Corsham, Wiltshire ; b. 1650 ; entered at Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1668 ; M.U. at Padua ; settled in London ; Fellow of Coll, of Physicians, 1687 ; pub. a poem, “ Prince Arthur,” 1^5, and “King Arthur,” 1697; Physician to Wm. 111. and knighted; pub. many other poems and prose writings ; his “ Creation,” a poem, is praised by Addison ; much assailed by the satirists of his time ; Pope alludes to “ Blackmore’s endless line d. 8 Oct. 1729. Bust ; dark dress, full br. wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 152 . MARTHA AND TERESA BLOUNT. Mr. M. H. Blount. “ The faifhaired Martha and Teresa brown.”— G ay. Daurs. of Lister Blount, Esq. of Maple Durham, co. Oxford ; (Teresa, b. in Paris, 15 Oct. 1688 ; d. 7 Oct. 1759: Martha, b. 15 June, 1690; d. 12 July, 1763); educ. at Hammersmith and at Paris; formed a Platonic friendship with Pope, which lasted from 1707 to his decease, 1744; after which they Ground-floor^ Inner Hall i^Nos 131-158). 45 removed from their mother’s house in Welbeck Street to Berkeley Square, where they dwelt for the remainder of their lives. Half-length figures; one holding a wreath entwined with a blue ribbon inscribed, in gold letters, “Martha Teresa Blount, sic positae quoniam suaves 1716.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 153 THOMAS TICKELL (1686-1740). LENT BY PAINTER. Queen’s College, Oxford. Poet ; son of a clergyman ; b. at Bridekirk, Cumberland, 1686 ; educ. at Queen’s Coll. Oxford, and became Fellow ; secured by some of his verses the notice of Addison, in whose politics he also agreed, and who praised his translation of the ist book of the “ Iliad,” to the annoyance of Pope ; accom- panied Addison to Ireland; became Under-Sec. of State, 1717, and in 1725 Sec. to the Lords Justices ; d. at Bath, 23rd April, 1740. His poem on the death of his friend Addison, addressed to the E. of Warwick, is one of his best productions. Half-length, standing, looking to r. Canvas, 62 X 44 in. 154 ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744). Lord Lyttelton. Jonathan Richardson. {See Nos. 136, 14^, 149.) Seated, resting on r. hand, holding open book in left ; his dog “ Bounce” looking up at him. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 155 SIMON, 1ST VISCOUNT HARCOURT, LORD CHANCELLOR (1660-1727). Rev. W. V. Harcourt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Sir Phil. Harcourt and Anne, dau. of Sir Wm. Waller, the Par- liament. general ; b. 1660 ; educ. at Shelton, Oxfsh. and Pembroke Coll. Oxf. ; called to the Bar, 1683 ; recorder of Abingdon ; disapproved of the Convention Pari. ; M.P. for Abingdon and for Cardigan ; took the oaths to Wm. and Mary ; managed the impeachment of Lord Somers (No. 28) 1700-1 ; Sol.-Gen. and Knt. 1702 ; LL.D. Oxf. ; conducted the prosecution of Defoe for his tract, “The Shortest Way with the Dissenters,” 1703 ; Att.- Gen. 1707; counsel for Dr. Sacheverell, 1710; Ld. Keeper, 1710; Priv. Coun. ; creat. Baron Harcourt, 1711 ; Ld. Chan. 1713; deprived on access, of Geo. 1 . and lived for a time retired; creat. Visct. 1722, and P. C. ; friend of Bolingbroke, Pope, Gay ; it was in a house belonging to him at Stanton Harcourt that Pope translated his “ Iliad ;” d. 28 July, 1727, at his house in Cavendish Sq. ; bu. at Stanton Harcourt. Half-length, standing ; Chancellor’s robes ; great seal to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 1 56 CATHARINE HYDE, DUCSS. OF QUEENSBERRY (1700-1777). Earl of Essex. Prior’s “ Kitty, beautiful and young,” and the friend of Swift and Gay, the latter of whom lived in the Duke’s house for some years before his death ; celebrated for her beauty, wit, and eccentricity ; 2nd dau. of Henry, E. of Clarendon and Rochester, and Jane Leveson Gower, Swift’^ “principal 46 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. Goddess b. 10 Feb. 1700 ; Lady of the Bedchamber to Q. Anne ; marr. Chas. 3rd D. of Queensberry, 1720; resigned her place and took up Gay’s cause when the success of his “Beggars’ Opera” became offensive to the Court ; d. in Savile Row, July 1777. Three-quarter length, seated ; low blue dress, as shepherdess, with crook and lamb to her 1. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 157 NICHOLAS ROWE (1673-1718). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. W. V. Harcourt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Dramatic Poet ; son of John Rowe, SerJeant-at-Law ; b. at Little Beck- ford, Bedfordshire, 1673 ; educ. at Westminster under Dr. Busby ; entered at the Mid. Temple ; produced his first tragedy, the “ Ambitious Stepmother,” 1700 ; “ Tamerlane,” 1702 ; the “ Fair Penitent, ’ “ Jane Shore,” &c. ; Under- Sec. when the D. of Newcastle was Sec. of State ; Poet Laureate on accession of George 1. ; translated Lucan, &c. ; published an edition of Shakspeare ; d. 6 Dec. 1718 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length, standing to r. ; dark wig ; yellowish-brown draper)', held by 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 158 JOHN ARBUTHNOT, M.D. (1675-1734-5). College of Physicians. Charles Jervas. Son of a clergyman ; b. at Arbuthnot, near Montrose, 1675 ; educ. at Aberdeen, and took degree of M.D.; came to London and taught mathe- matics until he could commence the practice of his profession ; F.R.S. 1704 ; became physician to P. George of Denmark ; appointed physician to Q. Anne, 1709, and became F. Coll, of Physicians, 1710; engaged with his friends I’ope and Swift in the plan of the projected Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus; wrote various political satires; pub. Tables of Ancient Coins, &c. 1727 ; d. 27 Feb. 1734-5- Half-length, seated to 1. ; hands resting on closed book ; pen in r. Canvas, 46 X 36 in. No. 4. EASTERN GALLERT {Nos. 159-380). I 59 RACHAEL RUSSELL, DUCHESS of DEVONSHIRE. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Dau. of William Lord Russell, executed on a charge of high treason, and Rachael Wriothesley, 2nd dau. of Thomas, E. of Southampton ; b. 1674 ; marr. Wm. Cavendish, 2nd D. of Devonshire, K.G. ; d. 28 Dec. 1725. Half-length, seated ; r. arm resting on pedestal. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 160 ELIZABETH CHURCHILL, COUNTESS OF BRIDGEWATER ( -1713-14). Earl Spencer, K.G. Charles Jervas. 3rd dau. ofjohn, ist D. of Marlborough (N0.81); mar. Scroop Egerton, E., afterwards ist D. of Bridgewater ; d. 22 March, 17 13-14. Pope speaks of “ Bridgewater’s eyes.” To waist; young; looking to 1. ; low blue dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground- floor ^ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 47 161 CAPTAIN WILLIAM DAMPIER (1652-1712). LENT BY PAINTER. British Museum. Thomas Murray. B. 1652, of a Somersetshire family ; went to sea ; served against the Dutch ; went to the West Indies ; overseer of a Jamaica plantation ; en- gaged in the logwood trade at the Bay of Campeachy ; crossed the Isthmus of Darien with a party of buccaneers, 1679; sailed from Virginia, 1684; doubled Cape Horn ; reached Bencoolen, and returned to England ; pub- lished his voyage round the world, 1691 ; appointed commander of a King’s sloop, and surveyed the W. and N.W. coasts of Australia ; wrecked on his way home ; returned to England, 1701, and published account of his voyage ; at sea again till 1711 ; believed to have died 1712 ; voyages pub. 1697-1709. Bust ; holding vol. of his voyages in r. hand. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 162 RIGHT HON. WILLIAM BROMLEY, SPEAKER ( -1732). Christ Church, Oxon. Son of Sir Wm. Bromley, K.B., of Baginton, Warwicksh. ; educ. at Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; B.A. 1681 ; trav. abroad ; at Rome, 168S ; M.P. for Warwicksh. 1689 ; one of the 92 members who refused to recognise Wm. III. ; opposed the D. of Marlborough ; supported the High Church Party ; Speaker, 1710 ; Sec. of State ; d. 1732. Three-quarter length, standing ; claret-coloured coat ; blue drapery. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 163 MICHAEL DAHL (1656-1743). Mr. T. S. Carter. Michael Dahl. Portrait Painter ; b. at Stockholm, 1656 ; had some instruction from Ernstraen Klocke ; visited England, 1678 ; Paris and Rome, where he painted the portrait of Queen Christina ; returned to England, 1688, Knellcr being then the fashionable painter ; patronised by Q. Anne and P. George of Denmark, whose portraits he painted ; d. in London, 1743, at the age of 87. Bust to 1. ; dark fur cap. Canvas, 25 X iSJ in. 164 THOMAS GUY (1644-1724). Governors of Guy’s Hospital. Vanderbank. Son of a lighterman of Horsleydown ; b. 1644 ; brought up to the business of a bookseller ; traded in the importation of Bibles from Holland, and sale of those printed at Oxford ; speculated successfully in South Sea Stock ; spent about 200,000/. on “ Guy’s ” Hospital, Southwark ; erected almshouses at Tamworth, and left money to Christ's Hospital, &c. ; d. 1724. Bust, showing 1. hand; large wig; white neckerchief; dated 1706. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 165 ANTHONY HENLEY, M.P. ( -1711). Lord Henley, M.P. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eldest son of Sir Robt. Henley, M.P. for Andover, 1679 ; educ. at Oxford ; friend of Swift, Pope, and the wits of his time ; an accomplished musician ; patron of Garth and other writers, and a contributor to the “Tatler,” the “Medley,” &c. ; marr. Mary, dau. of Hon. Peregrine Bertie; M.P. for Andover, 1691, and afterwards for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis; opposed to the Tory party ; d. Aug. 171 1. Half-length, standing ; long dark hair ; lavender-coloured coat, yellowish drapery. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 48 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. 166 DR. WILLIAM BEVERIDGE, BP. OF ST. ASAPH (1638-1708). LENT BY PAINTER. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Benjamin Ferrers. B. at Barrow, Leicestershire, 1638 ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Cambridge ; pub. at the age of 20 a treatise “ De Linguarum Orient. ordained 1660 ; Vicar of Ealing, and there wrote his work on Chronology ; Rector of St. Peter’s, Cornhill, 1672 ; Prebendary of St. Paul’s, 1664 ; Archdeacon of Col- chester, 1681 ; Chap, to Win. III. and Mary ; Bp. of St. Asaph, 1704; d. at Westminster, 5 March, 1708 ; bu. in St. Paul’s ; his “ Private Thoughts upon Religion,” and other devotional works, and his sermons, were pub. after his death ; bequeathed property to the Societies for Promoting Ch. Know, and for the Propagation of the Gospel. Bust ; episcopal habit. Oval, 30 X 25 in. Painted after death, as he had always refused to sit, by B. h' errors, a deaf-and-dumb artist. 167 LT.-GEN. CHAS. CHURCHILL. Mr. F. Hanbury Williams. ,Gov. of Plymouth; Groom of Bedchamber; M.P. for Castle Rising, 1714-1742. Bust ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 168 ANNE OLDFIELD (1683-1730). Mr. F. Hanbury Williams. Actress; b. about 1683; app. to a seamstress in Westminster; early showed talent for the stage; seen by Farquhar, and played in one of Vanbrugh’s pieces, 1700; had great success as Lady Betty Modish, in . Cibber’s “ Careless Husband,” 1704-5 ; afterwards in many characters in comedy and tragedy ; noted for her beauty, and musical voice ; set the fl' fashion in dress ; is “ Flavia” in the “Tatler,” and “ Narcissa” in Pope ; d. |l 23 Oct. 1730. Her body lay in state in the Jerusalem Chamber, and was bu. i 9 with great ceremony. ; Half-length ; low dress, held by a chain of pearls and jewels ; crowned flij I with bay ; paper in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. -Bl i 169 ADMIRAL SIR JOHN LEAKE (1656-1720). Il|‘ Trinity House. Jonathan Richardson. Wjl B. at Rotherhithe, 1656 ; was in Sir E. Spragge’s action with Van ■ I Tromp, and in the battle of La Hogue ; serv'ed with distinction on the ^ Spanish coasts in the War of Succession ; succ. Sir Cloudesley Shovel (No. J 32) as com.-in-chief of the fleet, 1707; Rear-Adm., Ld. of the Admiralty, f * and Mast. Trinity House, 1709; d. i Aug. 1720. , -l| C Half-length, seated ; long grey hair ; ship in distance to 1 . Canvas, Ji 50 X 40 in. I ■ ^ 170 JOHN ROBINSON, BISHOP OF LONDON ' (1650-1723). f’lj - Bishop of London. | T " B. at Cleasby, co. York, 1650; educ. at Oriel Coll. Oxf. : domestic chap. ] v to the embassy in Sweden, 1683 ; ambas. there until 1708 ; Dean of Windsor, J Regr. of the Order of the Garter, and Preb. of Canterbury, 1709; Bp. ofl'l '' Ground-floor !\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 49 Bristol, 1710 ; Ld. Privy Seal and P. C. 1711 ; ist. Plenipo. for the Peace of Utrecht ; Bp. of London, 1714 ; founded exhibns. at Oriel Coll, and added to its buildings ; d. at Hampstead, 1 1 April, 1723 ; bu. at Fulham. Bust ; broad bands, bl. dress. Painted in Sweden when he was ambass. there. Canvas, 24 X 21 J in. 171 SAMUEL CLARKE, D.D. (1675-1729). LENT BY PAINTER. St. James’s, Westminster. B. II Oct. 1675 ; Divine and Metaphysician ; son of Edw. Clarke, aider- man of Norwich ; cduc. at the Free School there, and at Caius Coll. Camb. ; translated Rohault’s “ Physics,” and added notes on the Newtonian system, 1697 ; succeeded Whiston as Chaplain to John Moore, Bp. of Norwich, 1698 ; Rector of Drayton, Norwich ; preached the Boyle Sermons, 1704 and 1705 ; Rector of St. Bennet’s, London, 1706 ; of St. James’s, Westminster, 1709; d. 17 May, 1729. Edited for Jacob Tonson (No. 147) an edition of Caesar’s “ Commentaries,” and part of the “ Iliad translated Newton’s treatise on Optics ; wrote in reply to Hobbes, Dodwell, Collins, &c. His metaphysical writings and his “ Doctrine of the Trinity ” occasioned much controversy ; his works, in 4 vols. fol., were published 1738. Half-length, standing in library ; resting 1 . hand on book. Canv'as 50 J X 40 J in- 172 CHAS. BOYLE, 4TH EARL OF ORRERY, K.T. (1676-1731). Christ Church, Oxford. 2nd s. of Roger, 2nd E. ; b. at Chelsea, 1676 ; educ. under Atterbury (No. 106) at Ch. Ch. Oxf., where he edited the “ Epistles of Phalaris,” whence arose a fierce controversy with Dr. Bentley (No. 180) ; M.P. for Huntingdon, 1700; Earl, 1703; received the comm, of a regt. ; K.T. ; Maj.-Gen., and fought under Marlborough (No. 81) ; P.C. ; Env. Extr. to Brabant and Flanders, 1713 ; raised to the Eng. peerage for his services, as Lord Boyle, Baron Marston ; Ld. of the Bedchamber to Geo. I. ; sent to the Tower on a charge of treason, 1722; acquitted and liborated 6 months after; the “Orrery” Graham the watchmaker was so called by Steele in compliment to him ; d. 28 Aug. 1731. Half-length, standing ; star and ribbon (dark blue) of K.T. Canvas 50 X 40 in. 173 JOHN GAY (1688-1732). Countess Delawarr. Boll. B. near Barnstaple, Devon, 1688 ; apprenticed to a mercer in London ; pub. in 17 1 1 his “Rural Sports,” and became known to Pope; sec. to Duchess of Monmouth, 1712; attended the E. of Clarendon to Hanover; wrote comedies and farces ; the “ Beggars’ Opera ” was brought out in 1727 with great success ; disappointed in his expectations of court favour ; spent his latter years in the household of the D. of Queensberry ; author of “ Fables,” “ Black- eyed Susan,” &c. ; d. 4 Dec. 1732 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey ; Pope wrote the inscription on his monument. Bust to r. ; showing r. hand ; wearing fur cap. Purchased 1777. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. D 50 Reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714. 174 SIR THOMAS HANMER, Bart. (1677-1746). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Chas. J. F. Bunbury, Bt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Only son of Wm. Hanmer, Esq.; b. 24 Sept. 1677, at Bettisfield, co. Flint ; educ. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Oxford ; marr. ist, Isabella, widow of the I St D. of Grafton ; succ. as 4th Bart. 1701 ; M.P. for co. Flint, 1702 ; became a leader of the Tories ; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1713 ; M.P. for Co. of Suffolk ; edited Shakspeare, pub. by the Univ. of Oxf., 1744 ; mar. 2nd, Eliz., dau. of Thos. Folkesof Gt. Barton, Suffolk ; d. 7 May, 1746. To waist, standing ; crimson coat ; long fair wig. Canvas, 36 X 34 in. 175 GEORGE VERTUE (1684-1752). Society of Antiquaries. Thomas Gibson. Engraver and antiquary ; b. in the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, 1684 ; worked with an engraver of arms and crests ; became pupil of Van der Gucht ; aided by Sir G. Kneller and Lord Somers, for whom he engraved a port, of Archbp. Tillotson ; Member of the Academy of Painting, estab. in 1711 ; patronized by Harley, 2nd Lord Oxford (No. 219) ; collected throughout England materials for the history of British Art ; Walpole pur- chased his MSS. and compiled from them his “Anecdotes of Painting;” d. 24 July, 1752 ; bu. in the Cloisters, Westminster. Bust to 1 .; port-crayon in r. hand; wearing blackcap. Painted 1723. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 176 JOHN GAY (1688-1732). Mr. Wm. Angerstein. Wm. Hogarth. (See No. 173.) Bust ; bluish-green cap and coat, showing white shirt. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 177 JOHN GAY (1688-1732). Viscountess Clifden. Jonathan Richardson. (See No. 173). Bust, profile to r.; crimson cap and dress. Canvas, 27 X 24 in. 178 SIR SAMUEL GARTH, M D. ( -1719). College of Physicians. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. in Yorkshire ; educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and took degree ofM.D. ; Fellow of Coll, of Physicians, 1693 ; ^poke the Harveian oration in 1697 ; Knt. on accession of George I. ; Physician to the King and Physi- cian General to the army ; author of the “ Dispensary,” and other poems, trans. of Ovid, &c. ; d. 18 Jan. 1719. To waist, looking to r. ; showing r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 179 WILLIAM CROFT, Mus. Doc. (1657-1727). University of Oxford. Thomas Murray. Musician ; b. at Nethercatington, Warwicksh. abt. 1657 ; educ. under Dr. Blow, in the Chap. Roy. ; Gentleman of Chap. Roy. 1700, and Organist, 1704; succ. Dr. Blow as organist of Westminster Abbey, 1708; Mus. Doc. Oxon ; pub. “Musica Sacra,” 1724 ; d. Aug. 1727. Bust to r. ; hood of Mus. Doc. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery [Nos. 159-380). 51 180 RICHARD BENTLEY, D.D. (1661-1742). LENT BY PAINTER. Trin. Coll. Camb. Scholar and critic ; b. at Oulton, near Wakefield, Yorkshire, 1661 ; educ. at Wakefield; entered a Sizar at St. John’s Coll. Cambridge, 1676; Master of Gram. Sch. Spalding, Lincolnshire, 1682; ordained Deacon, 1690; Preb. of Worcester, 1692; Keeper of the Royal Library at St. James’s, 1693; Master of Trin. Coll. Cambridge, 1700, and Archdeacon of Ely, 1701 ; pub. “ Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris,” 1699 ; replied to Hon. C. Boyle, (No. 172) who was aided by Atterbury and others ; abused by Swift in the “Battle of the Books;” Regius Prof, of Divinity, 1716; quarrelled with the University ; deprived of his degrees; restored by King’s Bench; d. 14 July, 1742. Pub. Sermons; editions, with notes, of Horace, Terence, Homer, &c. Half-length, seated, looking to r. ; r. hand resting on book ; inscribed “ JEt. 48, 1710.” Canvas, 50 J x 4oJ in. 18 I JOHN FREIND, M.D., M.P. (1675-1716). College of Physicians. B. 1675 ; educ. at Westm. and at Ch. Ch. Coll., Oxford ; F. Coll. Phys. 1716; M.P. for Launceston, 1722; imprisoned in the Tower, 1722-23, and released by Sir Robt. Walpole at the request of Dr. Mead, who refused to prescribe for Sir Robt. till he had obtained an order for his friend’s release ; pub. account of E. of Peterborough in Spain, Prielectiones Chimicse, &c. ; d. July 26, 1716 ; bu. in Westm. Abbey. yj Half-length, seated to 1. at writing-table; bust of Hippocrates to his 1. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 182 JOHN CHRISTOPHER PEPUSCH (1667-1752). University of Oxford. Musician ; b. at Berlin, about 1667 ; early employed at the Prussian Court ; came to England about 1700; pub. Sonatas, &c. ; Mus. Doc. Oxon, with Dr. Croft ; pub. Corelli’s Sonatas, &c. 1732 ; organist of the Charterhouse, •737) F.R.S. ; wrote a “Treatise on Harmony,” of which he had profound theoretic knowledge; d. 20 July, 1752. Bust to r. ; large dark wig ; white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 183 SIR JAMES THORNHILL (1676-1734). Mr. G. C. Handford. Sir James Thornhill. Painter; b. at Weymouth, Dorsetsh. 1676; his father being obliged to sell his estate, young Thornhill set out for London, and was aided by Dr. Sydenham his uncle; gained some reputation as a history painter; travelled on the Continent, and on his return was patronised by Q. Anne ; decorated the cupola’ of St. Paul’s, and the saloon and refectory at Greenwich Hospital, his payment being at the rate of 40^. the square yard ; full-sized copies of Raffaelle’s cartoons, executed by him, are now in the Royal Academy ; his dau. marr. Hogarth ; d. 4 May, 1734. Bust to r., as a young man; long reddish hair; blue gold-laced . coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 52 / Reign of Oueen Anne, 1702-1714. 184 RICHARD NEWPORT, 2nd EARL OF BRADFORD LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Bradford. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eldest son of Francis, ist Earl of Bradford ; succ. 1708; Lord Lieut, of CO. Salop; d. 1723. Half length to r. ; dark brownish draper)’, white sleeve, full fair wig. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 185 ABRAHAM DE MOIVRE (1667-1754). Royal Society. Joseph Highmore. B. at Vitry, 26 May, 1667, of an ancient French Protestant family ; took refuge in England on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes; supported himself by teaching mathematics and natural philosophy ; became acquainted with Newton ; dedicated to him his “Doctrine of Chances,” published 1717 ; ’F.R.S. ; contributed to the “ Phil. Trans.” papers on mathematics ; published “ Evaluation of Annuities on Lives,” 1724 ; when the style was changed in 1752, Lords Macclesfield and Chesterfield, who brought forward the bill, and Daval who drew it, were De Moivre’s pupils; the theorem bearing his name is given in his “Miscellanea Analytica,” 1730. Pope says. Sure as De Moivre without rule or line.** Newton referred inquirers about the “ Principia” to him. D. in London, 27 Nov. 1754, aged 87. Bust to r. ; long dark wig ; signed, “Jos. Highmore, pi nx. 1736.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 186 CHARLES SPENCER, 3RD E. OF SUNDERLAND, K.G. (1674-1722). Earl Spencer, K.G. Jonathan Richardson. Son of Robert, 2nd Earl, and Anne Digby (No. 49), daughter of George, E. of Bristol ; b. 1674 ; educ. by Dr. Trimnell, afterwards Bp. of Winchester, and mentioned by Evelyn as “a youth of extraordinary hopes ;” M.P. for Tiverton, 1695 ; sue. 1702 ; Envoy Extraordinary to Vienna ; a leader of the Whigs, and opponent of Harley (No. 98) ; Sec. of State 1707-10; Lord-Lieut. of Ireland on the accession of George 1 ., 1714; Sec. of State with Addison, 1717 ; P'irst Lord of the Treasury ; his bill to limit the number of peerages was defeated by Sir R. Walpole ; in 1720 Walpole and Townshend joined his administration ; accused of malversation in the South Sea business ; acquitted, but obliged to leave office ; opposed Walpole, and is stated to have negociated with the Jacobites ; member of the Kit-Cat Club, and a collector of curious books, &c. ; d, 19 April, 1722. Full-length, standing; ribbon and star of K.G. ; Ld. Chamberlain’s key. Dated 1720. Canvas, 91 x 55 in. 187 WILLIAM SOMERVILLE (1692-1742). Mr. C. W-ren Hoskyns, Sir Godfrey Kneller. Poet ; b. at Edstone Hall, Warwickshire, 1692, the residence of his an- cestors ; educ. at Winchester and New Coll. Oxford, of which he became a Fellow; resided on his estate ; pub. “ The Chase,” “ Field Sports,” fables, lyrical pieces, &c. ; d. 19 July, 1742 ; bu. at Wotton, Warwicksh. Bust to r : purplish coat ; white cravat ; large fair wig. Presented by Win. Somerville to his neighbour Christopher (son of Sir Christopher) Wren, of Wroxhall Abbey. Canvas, 30 X 25! in. Ground- floor. Eastern Gallery [Nos. 159-380). 53 188 THOMAS BRITTON ( -1714). LENT BY PAINTER. British Museum. J. Woolaston. “Musical small coal-man;” a dealer in coal, whose skill and taste in music was such that the most fashionable and celebrated persons came to his house in Aylesbury St. Clerkenwell, for musical meetings ; the long, low room was over his coal store, and was approached by a narrow outside stair ; here Handel used to play, and ladies were among the guests ; he was also a judge of old books and ^ISS., and depositing his coal sack on the window- ledge at Mr. Bateman’s, in Paternoster Row, used to join the collectors inside ; d. in consequence of fright from a ventriloquist’s trick ; bu. in Clerkenwell, i Oct. 1714. To waist, holding a small coal measure in r. hand ; large black hat ; green frock. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 189 EDMUND HALLEY, LL.D. (1656-1741-2). Royal Society. Thomas Murray. Son of a wealthy tradesman in Winchester Street ; b. at Haggerston, near London, 29 Oct. 1656 ; educ. at St. Paul’s School and Queen’s College, Oxford; early stud. Astronomy; went to St. Helena, 1676, and collected materials for his Chart of Magnetic Variation, pub. 1701 ; F.R.S. ; Savilian Prof, of Geom. Oxford; Hon. Sec. Roy. Soc. 1713; succ'. f'lamsteed as Astron. Royal, 1719; contributed to the “Phil. Trans.”" 81 papers on astro- nomy, magnetism, mechanics, &c. ; induced Newton to publish the “ Principia,” and presented it to James 11 . ; d. at Greenwich, 14 Jan. 1741-2. His astron. tables were pub. 1749 ; he was an Arabic scholar as well as an accomplished classic. Bust, with paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 190 MARY WILBRAHAM, CSS. OF BRADFORD. Earl of Bradford. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Dau. of Sir Thomas Wilbraham, Bt. of Woolhey, co. Chester ; marr. Richard Newport, 2nd Earl of Bradford (No. 184). Half-length, standing, holding a dove ; pond with fowls in distance ; marked at back “J. Mich. Wright, pinxit,” and dated 1676. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 191 SIR JOSEPH JEKYL, Kt. (1664-1738). Master of the Rolls. Son of Rev. — Jekyl ; b. in Northamptonsh. 1664 ; studied law ; one of the managers of Dr. .Sacheverell’s trial; Master of the Rolls, 1717; Priv. Councillor ; Kt. ; vindicated, in a pamphlet, the position of Master of the Rolls against Ld. Chancellor King ; d. 1738. Bust ; in robes as Master of Rolls ; on back is a letter from Lord Alvanley on receiving the portrait, June 1801. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 192 PRINCESS MARIA CLEMENTINA SOBIESKI (1702-1735). Mr. "VV. Pollard-Urquhart, M.P. Francesco Trevisani. Dau. of Prince James Sobieski, granddau. of John, King of Poland ; b. 1702; marr. James Stuart, the Chevalier St. George, 1719 (No. 193); 54 Reign of George I. 1714-1727. mother of Prince Charles Edward Stuart (No. 306) and Henry, Cardinal of York (No. 307) ; d. 1735. Half-length, standing at table, on which are a watch and coronet ; jewelled fan in 1 . hand ; low jewelled dress. Canvas, 39 x 29 in. 193 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART LENT BY (1688—1766). PAINTER. Sir Robert T. Gerard, Bt. Called the “ Chevalier St. George ” and the “ Old Pretender ; ” eld. son of James II. and Maria d’Este of Modena ; b. at St. James’s, 10 June, 1688; marr. 1719, Maria Clementina, dau. of Prince James Sobieski of Poland; d. I Jan. 1766. Half-length, as a boy ; scarlet coat ; ribbon K.G. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 194 GEORGE I., AS ELECTOR (1660-1737). Duke of Marlborough. George Augustus, son of Ernest, Elector of Brunswick and Leineburg, and Sophia, youngest dau. of Elizabeth, Q. of Bohemia, dau. of James I ; great grandson of James I. ; b. at Osnabruck, 28 May, 1660 ; married 1682, Sophia Dorothea, only dau. of George William, Duke of Zelle ; succeeded to the Electorate, 1698 ; succeeded to the crown by Act of Settlement on death of Queen Anne ; crowned 20 Oct. 1714 ; d. at Osnaburg, ii June, 1727. Half-length ; armour ; ribbon K.G. ; red drapery' ; baton in r. hand. Marked at back, “ H. de Quiltery, ft. 1705.” Canvas, 52 x 45 in. 195 PRINCESS LOUISA STUART. Mr. P. H. Howard. Half-length, as a child ; low blue dress ; crowned with flowers, and holding bouquet in her r. hand. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 196 JOHN LAW OF LAURISTON (1681-1729). National Portrait Gallery. Son of a goldsmith at Edinburgh, where he was born about 1681 ; his mother inherited an estate called Lauriston ; early employ'ed on the revenue accounts of Scotland ; proposed an extensive scheme of paper currency ; fled from Scotland in consequence of a duel, and wandered for some time abroad ; at Paris induced the Regent Orleans to establish a bank for issuing notes, and became its manager ; started the Mississippi Company, which by degrees obtained the monopoly of almost all the trade of France, the farming of the revenues and the coinage for nine years ; the shares rose to 2050 per cent ; issued notes to the amount of more than 40 millions sterling ; his levde was thronged by people of rank ; a royal arret, altering the values of notes and shares, suddenly changed the public feeling, and the bubble burst ; Law was obliged to quit France ; d. at Venice, 1729. Bust to 1 . ; dark crimson gold-laced dress, lace cravat ; large wig. Oval, canvas, 32 X 25 in. 197 PRINCESS LOUISA MARIA TERESIA (1692-1712). Sir Robert T. Gerard, Bt. • 6th child of James II. and Maria Beatrice Elcanora d’Este, dau. of Alphonso IV. Duke of .Modena ; b. at St. Germains, 28 June, 1692 ; destined to be a nun, but d. unmarr. 8 April, 1712. Half-length, as a child, standing ; pointing with r. hand ; orange blossom in 1 . ; white satin low dress ; high lace head-dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. At 7. (179') Ground-jloor.'\ Eastern Gallery {^Nos. 159-380). 55 198 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. Pollard-Urquhart, M.P. Francesco Trevisani, {See No. 193.) To waist ; mantle and collar K.G. ; crown to his 1 . Canvas, 39 x 29 in. 199 SOPHIA DOROTHEA, ELECTRESS OF HANOVER. Duke of Marlborough. {See No. 68.) Three-quarter length, seated ; low dress ; ermine-lined blue drapery. Canvas, 54 x 47 in. 200 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Benedetto Luti. {See No. 193.) To waist ; robes and collar K.G. ; at back, name, painter, and “From the Cardinal of York’s collection at Frescati.” Canvas, 39X 30 in. 201 WILLIAM MAXWELL, 5TH E. OF NITHSDALE. Hon. M. C. Maxwell. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Robert, 4th E. ; succ. 1695 ; engaged in the E. of Mar’s rebellion, 1715 ; taken prisoner at Preston; sent to the Tower, tried, and sentenced to be executed, 24 Feb. 1716 ; on the evening previous he escaped from the Tower by his wife’s stratagem {see No. 207), and reached France ; d. at Rome, 20 Mar. 1744. Half-length, standing ; armour ; helmet to his r. ; painted 1712. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 202 PRINCESS MARIA CLEMENTINA SOBIESKI. Rev. R. Prat. {See No. 192.) Half-length, miniature size, holding mirror in r. hand (partly effaced). Canvas, 14 X 12 in. 203 PRINCE JA.MES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART. Mrs. Bedford. N. de Largilliere. {See No. 193.) To waist, as a boy ; scarlet coat ; ribbon K.G. Canvas, 24 X 18 in. 204 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART. Sir P. De Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. M.P. {See No. 193.) Bust to r. ; armour ; ribbon K.G. Canvas, 2g\ x 24J in. 205 GEORGE I. (1660-1727). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Godfrey Kneller. {See No. 194.) Full-length, seated in royal robes ; crown, orb, and sceptre to his r. Canvas, 93 X 57i in. 56 Reign of George I. 1714-1727. 206 EARL MARISCHAL (1687-1778). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Kintore. Francesco Trevisani. B. 1687 ; served under Marlborough ; capt. of the Guards to Q. Anne ; resigned on access, of George I. and joined the rising of 1715 ; proclaimed the Pretender at Edinb. ; d. at Berlin, 25 May, 1778. To waist; armour; baton in r. hand; tents in background. Canvas, 38J X 30 in. 207 LADY WINIFRED HERBERT, COUNTESS OF NITHSDALE ( -1749). Hon. M. C. Maxwell. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Daughter of William Herbert, Marquis of Powis ; married William Maxwell, 5th E. of Nithsdale (No. 201) ; when her husband, having joined the E. of Mar’s rebellion, was taken prisoner, and condemned to death, she enabled him to escape from the Tower the eve of the day fixed for his execution, remaining in the prison in his stead; the account she left of his escape has been published ; d. at Rome, 1749. Three-quarter length, seated beneath rocks ; dog to her r. ; painted 1712. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 208 CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, BARONESS KILMAN- SEGG, COUNTESS OF DARLINGTON ( -1730). Earl Howe. Wife of Baron Kilmansegg, master of the Horse to Geo. I. when Elector ; Mistress of Geo. 1 . ; Countess of Platen in Germany; created Countess of Leinster, 1721 ; Countess of Darlington, 1722 ; d. 1730. Full-length, seated ; yellow dress ; pug-dog to her 1 . Canvas, 79 X 53 in. 209 GEORGE STANHOPE, DEAN OF CANTERBURY (1660-1728). Dean of Canterbury. Son of Rev. Stanhope, Rector of Hertishorn, Derbysh. ; b. there, 1660; educ. at Uppingham, Rutlandsh., and Eton; entered King’s Coll. Camb. 1677; took Orders; V'icar of Lewisham, 1689; Chaplain to Wm. 111 . and Q. Mary; engaged in educ. of D. of Gloucester; D.D. 1697; Vicar of Deptford, 1703; D. of Canterbury, 1704 ; d. at Bath, 18 March, 1728 ; bu. at Lewisham. Celebrated as a preacher ; author of Sermons, Paraphrase &c. on the Epistles and Gospels, 1705-9; and many other works. Bust ; bands and black gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 2 10 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART. Mr. P. H. Howard. No. 193.) Bust ; cuirass ; embroidered doublet ; long wig. Canvas, 28JX23in. ' 21 I JOHN ERSKINE,! EARL OF MAR, K.T. Earl of Kellie. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eld. son of Charles, E. of Mar, succ. 1689; Priv. Coun. 1697 ; K.T..; one of the Commiss. for Union with England; Sec. of State for Scotland, Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Nos. 159-380). 57 1706 ; for Gt. liritain, 1713 ; signed the proclamation of George I. ; procured a loyal address from the Highland Clans, but was not permitted to present it ; accepted commission of Com.-in-Chief from the Pretender, whom he proclaimed at Braemar, 6 Sept. 1715; took possession of Perth; encount. D. of Argyll at Dumblane, or Sheriffmuir, 13 Nov. ; attended the Pretender into Perth ; his army soon dispersing, embarked at Montrose, and escaped to Gravelines ; d. at Aix-la-Chapelle, May, 1732. Half-length ; armour ; ribbon and badge K.T. Canvas, 47 X 39 in. 212 WILLIAM GORDON, 6th VISCT. KENMURE ( -1716). LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. Mrs. Bellamy Gordon. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Eld. son of Alexander, 5th Viset. ; succ. his father, 1698 ; set up the stan- dard of the Pretender at Lochmaben, 1715, and had the command in the S. of Scotland ; taken prisoner at Preston ; beheaded on Tower Hill, 24 Feb. 1716. Bust ; armour ; long dark wig. Painted in the Tower shortly before he was beheaded. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 213 PRINCE JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART AND PRINCESS LOUISA. Earl of Orford. N. de Largilliere. (See Nos. 193, 197.) Full-length, as children, with greyhound ;* orange- tree and parrot to the r. Inscribed with title and age of P. James, seven ; and Princess Louisa, three ; signed “ N. de Largillierre,,pinxit, 1695.” Canvas, 75J X 57} in. 214 HON. JAMES ERSKINE, LORD GRANGE. (1679-1754). Earl of Kellie. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. 1679 ; 2nd son of Charles, Earl of Mar, and brother of the leader of the Rebellion of 1715 (No. 21 1) ; called to the Scottish Bar, 1705 ; Ld. of Session, as Ld. Grange, 1715 ; Ld. Justice Clerk ; resigned 1734, and entered Pari, in oppos. to Sir Rt. Walpole ; sec. to P. of Wales ; d. in London, 24 Jan. 1-754. Bust to r. ; dark blue drapery'. Canvas, 28} x 24 m. 215 WILLIAM MACKENZIE, 5TH EARL (Titular MARQUIS) OF SEAFORTH ( -1740). Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth. Son of Kenneth, 4th Earl ; created by James II. Marquis of Seaforth ; joined in the Rebellion of 1715 ; attainted, but in 1726 relieved by George I. from danger of imprisonment or execution ; d. 8 Jan. 1740, in the Island of Lewis. The “ Farewell to Mackenzie, High Chief of Kintail,” was composed in 1718. Three-quarter length, standing ; young, playing with a dog. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 5 « Reign of George I. 17 14-1727. 216 EDMUND GIBSON, BISHOP OF LONDON (1669-1748). LENT BY PAINTER. Oueen’s College, Oxford. B. at Bampton, Westmoreland, 1669 ; entered Queen’s Coll. Oxf., 1686 ; Rector of Lambeth ; Archdeacon of Surrey; Bishop of Lincoln, 1715; of London, 1720; d. 1748; a learned writer on church histor)’, law, and con- troversy. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 217 LADY LUCY HERBERT. Hon. M. C. Maxwell. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Daughter of Wm. Herbert, Marquis of Powis ; sister of the Countess of Nithsdale (No. 207). Three-quarter length, standing ; green and crimson drapery. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 218 SIR JEFFREY GILBERT, Kt., LORD CHIEF ' BARON (1674-1726). Mr. E. Walker. Michael Dahl. B. at Goudhurst, Kent, 1674 ; entered the Inner Temple ; Just, of the K. Bench and Ch. Bar. of the Excheq. in Ireland, 1715 ; Bar. of the Excheq. in Eng. 1722 ; a Commiss. of the Great Seal, 1724 ; Lord Ch. Bar. 1725 ; d. at Bath, 14 Oct. 1726 ; bu. in Abbey Ch. ; mon. also in the Temple. Half-length, standing; ermine-lined scarlet robes and collar of S.S. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 219 EDWARD HARLEY, 2nd EARL OF OXFORD. British Museum. Michael Dahl. Son of Robert, 1st Earl (No. 105) ; marr. Henrietta Cavendish Holies, daughter of John, D. of Newcastle (No. 95); succ. 1724; continued the collec- tion of MSS. commenced by his father, and augmented his library to more than 40,000 vols. ; the Harleian MSS. collected by his father and himself were purchased by Parliament for the British Museum, 1754, from his widow, who had preserved them at her house in Dover Street ; d. 16 June, 1741 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length, standing ; peer’s robes, coronet to his 1 . ; medallion in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 220 BENJAMIN HOADLY, BP. OF WINCHESTER (1676-1761). National Portrait Gallery. Mrs. Hoadly. B. at Westerham, Kent, 1676 ; educ. at Catharine Hall, Camb. ; Rector of St. Peter-le-Poor, London, 1704; Rector of Streatham, 1710; Bp. of Bangor, 1715-16 ; preached a Sermon which excited such controversy — called “the Bangorian Controversy” — in the Lower H. of Convocation, that Con- vocation was prorogued and did not meet again for business until this centy. ; Bp. of Hereford, 1721 ; Salisbury, 1723; Winchester, 1734; d. 17 Apr. 1761. His works, "sermons, controversial tracts, &c., pub. 3 vols. fol. 1773. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; episcopal habit ; badge as Chancellor of the Garter. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground- floor.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159 - 380 ). 59 221 WILLIAM WAKE, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY LENT BY (^^ 57 ~'> 737 )- PAINTER. • Archbishop of Canterbury. Isaac Whood. B. at Blandford, 1657 ; educ. at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; Preacher at Gray’s Inn ; Rector of St. James’s, Westm. 1693 ; Dean of Exeter, 1701 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 1705 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1716; d. 1737 ; wrote on Controversy, and on the Constitution of the Ch. of England. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit ; 1 . hand on open book. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 222 WILLIAM SHIPPEN, M.P. (1672-1743). Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Pope’s “ Downright Shippen.” B. about 1672 ; son of the Rector of Stockport ; educ. at Stockport School ; M.P. for Bramber, 1707; a leader of the Jacobite party; committed to the Tower, 1717. Walpole said of him, “ I would not say who was corrupted, but I would say who was not cor- ruptible ; that man is Shippen.” Shippen returned the compliment by saying, “ Robin and I are honest men.” On the motion to remove Walpole did not vote, but withdrew from the house with his followers, 1741; d. 1743. Half-length, seated to r. ; black dress ; addressed letter on table to his 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 223 RIGHT HON. JOHN AISLABIE, CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER ( -1742). Earl de Grey and Ripon. Of Studley Royal, Yorkshire ; Privy Councillor to George I. ; First Lord of the Treasury, 1718, and Chanc. of the Exchequer in the E. of Sunderland’s Government, succeeding Sec. Stanhope ; introduced the South-Sea Bill into the House, supported by Sec. Craggs (No. 225), 1720, and became a Director ; the Directors ordered to present a report and their accounts ; secret com- mittee reported; compelled to resign; expelled the House ; committed to the Tower, “ to the great joy of the City of London, where bonfires were lit in all directions ;” greater part of his property seized ; d. 18 June, 1742. Full-length, standing, as Chan, of the Exchequer. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 224 THOMAS PARKER, ist E. OF MACCLESFIELD, LORD CHANCELLOR (1666-1732). Earl Spencer, K.G., John Riley. B. 23 July, 1666, at Leek, Staffordshire; educ. at Newport, Salop, and brought up to the law by his father ; placed on the roll of Attorneys, 1686 ; estab. himself at Derby ; afterwards studied at the Inner Temple ; called to the bar, 1691 ; Recorder and M.P. for Derby ; Queen’s Serjeant and Kt. 1705; engaged in impeaching Dr. Sacheverell (No. 126); Ld. Ch. Jus- tice, 1710; Priv. Councillor; declined the Great Seal; created Baron Parker of Macclesfield, 1716; Lord Chancellor, 1718; Earl of Macclesfield, 1721 ; obliged to resign (1725) on account of the state of accounts of the Masters in Chancery ; impeached, 1725, and fined 30,000/. ; George I. signified his intention to repay this sum, but only an instalment of 1000/. had been received by the ex-Chancellor when the king died ; lived in retirement ; d. 28 April, 1732 ; bu. at Shirburn, Oxfordshire. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; peer’s robes ; scroll in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 6o Reign of George I. 1714-1727. 225 RIGHT HON. JAMES GRAGGS ( -1721). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of St. Germans. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Contractor for army clothing, and accused of “ ill practices committed to the Tower, 1695 ! Postmaster-Gen. with Charles, 4th Lord Cornwallis, 1715 ; succeeded Addison as Sec. of State in the E. of Sunderland’s Govern- ment, 1718-1721 ; accused of receiving the fictitious stock distributed by the South-Sea Company ; d. during the investigation ; his estate was seized. Half-length, standing to r. ; blue laced coat. Canvas, 5 1 x 40 in. 226 ANTHONY COLLINS (1676-1729). Mr. Charles Wykeham Martin, M.P. Son of Henry Collins ; b. at Heston, near Hounslow, 21 June, 1676 ; cduc. at Eton and King’s Coll. Camb. ; studied at the Temple, but gave up law and devoted himself to literature ; carried on several controversies on philosophical and church questions; published his discourse of Free- thinking, 1713, which was answered by Dr. Hoadly (No. 220), and Bentley (No. 180), and ridiculed by Swift (No. 139) ; visited Holland, and became ac- quainted with Le Clerc and others ; published “ A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion,” 1724, the opinions of which were opposed by Whiston, Dr. Samuel Clarke, Dr. Sherlock, and others ; d. 1 3 Dec., 1729 ; bu. in Oxf. Chapel. Half-length, standing ; 1. arm resting on bas relief of Cupids. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 227 JOHN CAMPBELL, 2nd DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.G. (1678-1743). Duke of Argyll, K.T. Allan Ramsay. Son of Archibald, ist D. ; b. 10 Oct. 1678; Priv'. Coun. 1703; crea. an Eng. Peer as Baron Chatham and E. of Greenwich, for promoting the Union with Scotland, 1705 ; served under Marlborough with distinction in four campaigns; Ambas. and Generalissimo to Spain, 1710; in .Scotland ; encounted Marat Dunblane, 1715 ; crea. D. of Greenwich and K.G. 1719; F. Marshal, 1735-6; d. 3 Sept. 1743; bu. in Westminster .\bbey, where is a monument to him by Roubilliac. Half-length, standing to 1. ; robes and collar K.G. Canvas, 50 X 4° 'i*- 228 CHARLES TOWNSHEND, 2nd VISCOUNT TOWNSHEND, K.G. (1674-1738). Marquis Townshend. Son of Horatio, ist Viset. ; b. 1674; sue. 1687 ; Ambass. Extra, at the Hague ; marr. Dorothy (No. 236), sister of Sir Robt. Walpole, 1713; Sec. ol .State; Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1717; Pres, of Council, 1720; K.G. 1724; d. June, 1738. Full-length, standing ; robes and collar, K.G. Canvas, 95 X 57 in. 229 GEORGE HOOPER, D.D., BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS (1640-1727). Christ Church, Oxford. Wm. Hogarth. B. at Grimley, near Worcester, 1640 ; educ. at St. Paul’s, Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford ; Chap, to Bishop Morley, and to Archbishop Ground-jloor.'\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 61 Sheldon ; Rector of Lambeth ; in Holland for two years as Chap, to the Princess Mary ; Chap, to Charles II. 1680; one of the four clergymen at- tending the D. of Monmouth on the scaffold ; Dean of Canterbury, 1691 ; Bishop of St. Asaph, and afterwards of Bath and Wells in the room of Ken ; d. 6 Sep. 1727, at Berkeley, Somerset ; wrote on the Romish controversy. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit ; s. of arms to his r. ; age 83, date 1723. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 230 JOHN DALRYMPLE, 2nd EARL OF STAIR, K.T (1673-1747). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Stair. Allan Ramsay. Eld. surv. son of John, ist E., whom he succ. 1707; b. at Edin. 20 July, 1673 ; educ. in Ayrshire and at Leyden and Edin., being designed for the law, but ent. the Army, and rose to the rank of Fd.-Mar.; distin. at Ramillies, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet; on the acc. of Geo. I. (1714) Com.-in-Chief in Scotland ; Amb. to France, 1715; ret. in 1720, and spent many years in retirement at Newliston, occupied in planting and introducing improvements in farming ; Com.-in-Chief of the allied Army in Flanders, and under Geo. II. at Dettingen, 1742-3; Com.-in-Chief, 1744; d. at Queensberry Ho. Edinburgh, 9 May, 1747; bu. at Kirkliston. Half-length to r. ; scarlet uniform over cuirass ; r. hand resting on baton. Canvas, 43 X 39J in. 231 SIR HANS SLOANE, Bart. M.D. P.R.S. (1660-1752). Royal Society. Sir Godfrey Kneller. B. at Killeleagh, co. Down, 16 April, 1660; of Scotch extraction ; stud, in London and Paris; Phys. to the D. of Albemarle, Gov. of Jamaica, 1687-2; creat. a Bart. 1716, being the ist Physician so honoured; Phys. Gen. to the Army, 1716; Pres, of Coll, of Phys. 1719-35; Phys. in ord. to Geo. II. ; Pres, of the R. Soc. 1727 ; d. at Chelsea, where he formed a Botanic Garden, ii Jan. 1752 ; distinguished for his benevolence; his mus. and lib. purchased for the nation for 20,000/. (the sum named in his will), the founda- tion of the Brit. Museum ; his chief work “ Hist, of Jamaica.” Bust to r. ; laced coat ; full fair wig ; white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 232 CATHARINE SHORTER, LADY WALPOLE. Hon. F. Walpole. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Dau. of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of London ; marr. (as his ist wife) Sir Robt. Walpole, afterwards ist E. of Orford ; d. 20 Aug. 1737. Bust ; low dress ; reddish head-dress and drapery. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 233 ADMIRAL SIR JOHN NORRIS, Kt. Lords of the Admiralty (Greenw. Hos.). George Knapton. Capt. 1690; Rear-Adm. 1707; Vice-Adm. 1708; Adm. 1709; Com.-in- Chief in the Mediterranean, 1709-1 1 ; Vice-Adm. of Eng. and Com.-in-Chief of the Fleet, 1739 ; M.P. for Rye ; called by the seamen, on account of many misfortunes, “ Foul- weather Jack ;” d. 13 June, 1749. Half-length, standing ; r. arm resting on pedestal ; ships in distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 62 Reign of George I. 1714-1727. 234 LADY MARY WORTLEY IVIONTAGU. LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Wharncliffe. Charles F. Della Rusca. 15 . 1690; eld. dau. of Evelyn, E. after. D. of Kingston ; marr. Edward Wortley Montagu, 1712 ; on coming to London, her wit and beauty at- tracted great attention ; accompanied her husband to Constantinople when he was made Ambas. to the Porte, 1717 ; while there wrote the “Letters” on which her literary fame chiefly rests ; introduced into England from Tur- key inoculation for small pox ; returned in 1718, and settled at Twickenham ; in the latter part of her life lived abroad, prrncipally in the Venetian States ; ret. to England, 1761 ; d. in London, 21 Aug. 1762. Pope was at one time her admiring friend, but they afterwards quarulkd,and he satirised her in the “Dunciad” and “Imitations of Horace, ’’ where she is supposed to be “ Sappho.” Her chief poetical works the “ Town Eclogues,” 1716, and the retaliatory poem on Pope, in which she is said to have been assisted by Ld. Hervey (No. 257). Half-length; with writing materials before her; low red dress; r. ami resting on a skull ; b. in r. hand. Canvas, 35 X 47 in. 235 EARLS OF LINCOLN, WINCHILSEA, SCAR- BOROUGH, AND DUKE OF KINGSTON, K.G. Duke of Newcastle. Three-quarter length ; three figures seated, with wine-glasses and olives on a table before them; one standing. Canvas, 70 X 63 in. 236 DOROTHY WALPOLE, VISCOUNTESS TOWNS- HEND ( -1713). Hon. F. Walpole. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Dau. of Robert Walpole of Houghton, co. Norfolk, and sister of Sir R. Walpole (No. 247); m. Charles, 2nd Vise. Townshend, K.G. 1713 (N0.228). Bust ; green head-dress and drapery. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 237 WILLIAM CHESELDEN (1688-1752). College of Surgeons. Jonathan Richardson. B. in Lficestersh. 1688 ; Surgeon to St. Thomas’s Hosp. ; one of the great- est Operators of his time, also eminent as an Oculist ; retired from practice 1737, and became Surgeon to Chelsea Hosp. ; an intimate friend of Pope; Author of Works on Anatomy, Osteology, and Lithotomy ; d. suddenly at Bath, 10 April, 1752. Bust ; scarlet coat ; crimson cap. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 238 THOMAS SHERLOCK, BISHOP OF LONDON. St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge. Son of,\Vm. Sherlock, D.D., Dean of St. Paul’s; b. in London, 1678; cduc. at Eton ; entered Catharine Hall, 1698 ; became Fell. ; Master, 1714 ; Master of the Temple, 1704 to 1753 ; D. of Chichester, 1715; opposed Dr. Hoadly (No. 220) in the Bangorian Controversy ; Preb. of Norwich, 1719 ; Bp. of Bangor, 1728; of Salisbury, 1734 ; of London, 1748 ; declined Arch, of Canterbury; d. 1761 ; bu. at Fulham ; wrote “ Use and Intent of Prophecy,” Semions, &c. Half-length, seated ; robes as Chancellor of Garter. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380.) 63 239 ALLAN RAMSAY. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir George Campbell, Bt. Allan Ramsay, (See No. 245.) Bust to 1 . ; r. hand pointing to a portrait. Canvas, 25 X 19 in. 240 LAVINIA FENTON, DUCHESS OF BOLTON. Mr. Brinsley Marlay. William Hogarth. Dau. of a lieut. in the navy ; b. about 1708 ; appeared at the Haymarket as “Monimia” in the “Orphan,” 1726; noted as a singer, and in the “Beggars’ Opera” appeared as “Polly Peachum marr. (his 2nd wife) Charles Paulet, 3rd D. of Bolton ; d. 1760. Bust ; low lace-edged dress ; flowers in her bosom. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 241 SIR HANS SLOANE, Bt., M.D., P.R.S. (1660-1752;. Coll, of Physicians. Thomas Murray. (See No. 231.) Half-length, standing to r. ; 1 . hand resting on cap; gloves in 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 242 MARY BELLENDEN, after. DU. of ARGYLL. Duke of Argyll, K.T. Dau. of John, 2nd Lord Bellenden ; Maid of Honour to the Princess of Wales ; celebrated for her beauty, and admired by the P. of Wales ; marr. Colonel John Campbell, one of the grooms of the Prince’s bed-chamber, afterwards (1720) 4th D. of Argyll ; d. 1736. Full-length, standing ; black dress trimmed with white fur. Canvas, 78 X 48 in. 243 GEORGE AUGUSTUS, after. 3RD VISCT. HOWE ( -1758). Earl Howe. Eld. surv. son of Emanuel, 2nd Vise., whom he succ. 1735 ; M.P. for Nottingham, 1747 and 1754; Brig.-Gen. under Gen. Abercrombie in North America, and killed in a skirmish with the French on the march towards Ticonderoga, 5 July, 1758. Full-length, as a boy, lying down, as Cupid with quiver and bow. Canvas, 43J X 27 in. 244 BISHOP HOADLY. St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge. (See No. 220.) Bust to 1 . ; bands ; bl. gown ; r. hand resting on book. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 245 ALLAN RAMSAY (1685-1758). Sir G. Clerk, Bt. Wm. Aikman. B. at Leadhills, Lanarkshire, where his father was manager of Ld. Hope- toun’s lead mines, 1685 ; educ. at the village school ; first a wig-maker, after- 64 Reign of George I. 1714-1727. wards a successful bookseller at Edinb. ; pub. the “ Evergreen, Scots Poems before 1600 pub. the “ Tea-table Miscellany,” a collection of songs, partly his own ; his chief work “ The Gentle Shepherd,” a Scots Pastoral Comedy, 1725 ; est. the ist Circulating Lib. in Scotland ; d. 7 Jan. 1758 ; b. in Grey- friars Churchyard. Bust tol. ; reddish cap. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 246 CATHARINE SHORTER, LADY WALPOLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. F. V. Thornton. {See No. 232.) Half-length, standing ; low white dress, blue scarf. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. From the Strawberry Hill Coll. 247 SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, ist E. OF ORFORD, K.G. (1676-1745). Rev. F. V. Thornton. Son of Robert Walpole, M.P. ; b. 26 Aug. 1676, at Houghton, Norfolk ; educ. at a school at Massingham, Eton, and King’s Coll. Camb. ; M.P. for Castle Rising, 1700, joining the Whigs ; Councillor to Geo. P. of Denmark, 1705 ; Sec. at War, 1708 ; one of the managers of Sacheverell's trial, 1710 ; supported the succession of the H. of Hanover ; deprived of his offices on overthrow of the Whig party, and voted by the H. of Commons (Jan. 1712) guilty of breach of trust and corruption as Sec. at War ; expelled and com- mitted to the Tower ; re-elected for Lynn, being considered a martyr to his party ; on accession of Geo. 1 . made Paymaster of the Forces; Priv. Coun. ; Chan, of the Excheq.; 1st Ld. of the Treas. ; aided the impeachment of Harley, E. of Oxford (No. 98), Bolingbroke (No. 109), &c. ; obliged to resign, 1717 ; in office, 1 720 ; devised measures for the restoration of credit after the South- Sea failures ; 1st Lord of the Treasury, 1721-42 ; K.B. 1724; K.G. 1726; retained in office by George 1 1 . 1727; Excise Scheme, 1733 ; influence shaken by death of Queen Caroline ; endeavoured in vain to prevent the Spanish War ; opposed by Parliament of 1742, and resigned 1 1 Feb. ; created E. of Orford, 9 Feb. ; d. 18 March, 1745 ; bu. at Houghton. Formed the col- lection of pictures at Houghton, sold by the 3rd Earl to the Empress of Russia. Standing ; yellowish coat ; ribbon K.G. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. From the Strawberry Hill Coll. 248 HAMLET WINSTANLEY (1695-1760). Earl of Derby, K.G. Hamlet Winstanley. Son of Henry Winstanley, who built the Eddystone Light-house previous to the present one ; b. 1695 : pupil of Kneller ; trav. in Italy ; on his return devoted himself to engraving ; etched Ld. Derby’s collection of pictures, and pub. them as “ The Knowsley Gallery ; ” d. about 1760. Three-quarter length, seated before an easel, sketching with port-crayon, holding pallet and brushes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 249 ELIZABETH HESKETH, COUNTESS OF DERBY. Earl of Derby, K.G. Hamlet Winstanley. Only daughter of Robert Hesketh of Rufford, co. Lancaster ; married, 1714 Sir Edward Stanley, Bt., who succeeded as nth E. of Derby, 1735-6. Three-quarter length, seated ; 1 . arm resting on pedestal beneath a tree ; flowers in r. hand ; white dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Grovnd-Hoor^ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 65 250 LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU (1690-1762). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Newcastle. Jonathan Richardson. No. 234.) Three-quarter length, standing ; close black velvet surcoat, ^dged with fur ; low body. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 251 SIR EDWARD STANLEY, 5TH Bart, and iith EARL OF DERBY (1689-1776). Earl of Derby, K.G. Hamlet Winstanley. Eld. son of .Sir Thos. Stanley, 4th Bart. ; b. 1 1 Sept. 1689 ; succ. his father in the Baronetcy, 1713, and, as next male heir, James, the loth E., in the Earldom, 1736 ; M.P. for Lancashire, and afterwards Ld.- Lieut, of the CO. ; d. 22 Feb. 1776. Half-length standing to r. ; blue dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 252 CHARLES, 8th LORD CATHCART (1686-1740). Earl Cathcart. Allan Ramsay. Eld. surviving son of Alan, 7th Ld. ; b. about 1686 ; ent. the Army ; distinguished in the Rebellion of 1715, particularly at Sherriff Muir ; succ. his father, 1732 ; appointed Com.-in-Chief in America, but died at sea, 20 Dec. 1740 ; bu. on the beach of Dominica. Half-length, standing; armour; scarlet-furred mantle. Signed, “1748, A. Ramsay.” Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 253 CHARLES TALBOT, ist LORD TALBOT, LORD CHANCELLOR (1684-1737). Miss T.albot. Eld. son of Rev. W. Talbot, afterwards Bp. of Durham ; b. 1684; educ. privately, and at Oriel Coll. Oxford ; Follow of All Souls, 1705 ; called to the Bar by the Inner Temple, 17 1 1 ; M.P. for Tregony, 1719, and aft. for Durham ; Solicitor-Gen. 1726-1733, when he succeeded Ld. King as Chancellor, and was created Ld. Talbot ; d. suddenly 14 Feb. 1737 ; bu. at Barrington, Gfouc. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; in Chancellor’s robes ; 1 . hand resting on great seal. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 254 SIR JOHN WILLES, Kt. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE ('1685-1761). Mr.s. W. Willes. Thomas Hudson. B. 29 Nov. 1685 ; .M.P. for Weymouth, 1727 ; Ch. Just, of Chester, 1728 ; Att.-Gen. 1733 ; L. C. J. Common Pleas, 1737; one of the Commrs. of the Great Seal, 1756 ; d. 1761. Half-length, seated ; robes as Ch. Justice. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 255 CAROLINE, QUEEN OF GEORGE II. (1682-1737). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Wilhelmina Caroline, dau. of John Fred. Margrave of Brandenburg- Anspach ; b. 1682 ; marr. Geo. 11 ., then P. of Wales (No. 270), 1705 ; d. 1737. Full-length, standing ; crown and sceptre on table to her r. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. E 66 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. .256 MARGARET, COUNTESS OF HARDWICKE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Daughter of Charles Cocks, M.P. for Worcester, and Mar>’, sister of Ld. Chan. Somers ; marr. 1st, — Lygon, Esq.; 2nd, Philip, ist E. of Hardwickc, Ld. Chan. ; d. 19 Sept. 1761. Half-length, standing ; white dress ; blue draper)'. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 257 JOHN, LORD HERVEY (1696-1743). Mr. F. Hanbury Williams. Son of John, ist E. of Bristol, and father of the. 2nd Earl ; b. 15 Oct. 1696 ; educ. at Westm. and Clare Hall, Camb. ; inarr. Mary Lepel (No. 258), dau. of Gen. Nicholas Lepel, celebrated by Pope and others, 1720; Lord Hervey on d. of his elder bro. in 1723 ; M.P. for Bury', 1725, and supported Walpole ; created Baron, 1733 ; Ld. Privy Seal, 1740 ; fought a duel with Pulteney ; quarrelled with Pope ; wrote “ Memoirs of the Reign of Geo. II.,”' &.C . ; d. 5 Aug. 1743. Half-length, seated to r., holding priv. purse. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 258 MARY LEPEL, LADY HERVEY. Viscount Lifford. Allan Ramsay. Dau. of Brigadier-Gen. Nicholas Lepel ; Maid of Honour to Caroline, Princess of Wales ; marr. John, Lord Hervey, eldest son of John, ist E. of Bristol, 1720; d. 2 Sept. 1768. To waist, as an elderly lady ; grey hair ; with muflf and furred red dress. From the Strawberry Hill Collection. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 259 JOHN CARTERET, EARL GRANVILLE, K.G. Earl Spencer, K.G. Thomas Hudson. Son of George, ist Baron Carteret, and Grace Granville, dau. of John, ist E. of Bath, created Countess Granville ; b. 1690 ; Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1724; succ. 1744 as Earl Granville; K.G. ; d. 1763. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; peer’s robes ; 1 . hand holding open book. Can- vas, 50 X 40 in. 260 HORATIO, 1ST LORD WALPOLE (1678-1757). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. 2nd son of Robert Walpole, M.P. for Castle Rising ; b. 1678 ; brother of Sir Robert Walpole (No. 247) ; accom. Gen. Stanhope to Barcelona as Private Sec. ; went to Germany, 1708, as Sec. of Embassy ; Sec. of Treasury ; when Sir Robert was ist Ld. ; Ambas. to Paris, 1723-7 ; crea. Baron Walpole, , 1756 ; d. 5 Feb. 1757. J Bust ; grey coat ; large wig. Oval, canvas, 28 X 25 in , 261 DAUGHTER OF FREDERICK, P. OF WALES. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Dau. of Frederick, P. of Wales (No. 277). Bust to r. ; low blue dress ; dog’s head to her 1 . Crayon, paper, 25 x 20 in. w Ground-floor Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 67 262 FRANCIS HAYMAN and SIR ROBT. WALPOLE. LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. Francis Hayman, R.A. Full-length small figures ; Sir Robt. Walpole seated in the studio of Francis Hajanan, who is at work with a porte-crayon on the portrait of his patron. Canvas, 36 X 28J in. 263 PRINCESS LOUISA MARY. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Dau. of Frederick, Prince of Wales (No. 277). Bust to 1 . ; low pink dress, flowers and pearls in hair. Crayon, paper, 25 X 20 in. 264 AUGUSTA, PRINCESS OF WALES, AND GEO. III. AS A Child. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). J. B. Vanloo. Youngest dau. of Fred. Duke of .Saxe-Gotlia ; marr. Fred. Lewis, Pr. of Wales (No. 277), 1736 ; d. 1772. Full-length figures, the Princess of Wales seated, holding the young Prince by the hand ; the Lord Chamberlain to her 1 . ; two ladies in attendance, with infant Princes. Canvas, 88 x 80 in. 265 AUDREY HARRISON, VISCOUNTESS TOWNSHEND (1703-1788). Marquis Townshend. Only dau. of Edward Harrison of Balls, Hertfordsh. ; b. 1703; marr. Charles, 3rd Vise. Townshend, 1723 ; mother of the statesman Charles Townshend (No. 491) ; noted for Iier eccentricity and wit; made herself conspicuous by her interest about Ld. Kilmarnock at his trial, 1746 ; d. 5 March, 1788. To waist ; white dress ; pinning her lace-edged kerchief. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 266 FRANCES, COUNTESS GRANVILLE. Earl Spencer, K.G. Thomas Hudson. Only dau. of Sir Robert Worsley of Appuldercombe, Bart.; marr. John, E. Granville, 1710 (No. 259) ; d. at Hanover, 1743. Half-length, seated ; white satin dress ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 267 JANE, LADY ARCHIBALD HAMILTON. Earl Cathcart. Paton. 4th dau. of Jas. 6th E. of .Abercorn ; marr. as his 2nd wife. Lord Archi- bald Hamilton, 7th son of Wm. and Anne, Duke and Duchess of Hamilton, 1719; appointed ist Lady of the Bedchamber, .Mistress of the Robes, and Privy Purse, to Augusta, Princess of Wales (No. 264), 1736; (Governess to the Prince of Wales (Geo. HI.), 1738; d. at Paris, 1753; bu. at Montmartre. Bust ; young ; low white dress, lace-trimmed. Oval, canvas, 22 x 27 in. 68 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 268 PHILIP YORKE, 1ST EARL OF HARDWICKE, LORD CHANCELLOR. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Wm. Hoare, R.A. {See No. 331.) Three-quarter length, seated ; robes as Lord Chancellor. Inscribed with titles and name of artist and date, 1763. Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 269 THOMAS HERRING, ARBP. OF CANTERBURY (1693-1757). Archbishop of Canterbury. Wm. Hogarth. B. at Walsoken, Norfolk, of which parish his father was Rector, 1693; educ. at Jesus Coll. Camb. ; Fell, of Corpus Christ! Coll. 1716 ; Lincoln’s Inn Preacher, 1726; Dean of Rochester, 1731 ; Bp. of Bangor, 1737; Archbp. of York. 1743; in the Rebellion of 1745 exerted himself zealously on behalf of the House of Hanover; trans. to Canterbury, 1747; d. at Croydon, 13 Mar. 1757, and bu. there. Half-length, seated, looking to 1 . ; episcopal habit Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 270 GEORGE II. (1683-1760). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Sir Godfrey Kneller. Geo. Augustus, only son of Geo. I. (No. 194) and his Queen, Sophia Dorothea of Zelle ; b. at Hanover, 30 Oct. 1683 ; marr. Caroline, dau. of the Margrave of Brandenburg-Anspach, 1705 ; succeeded his father as King of Gt. Britain and Elector of Hanover, 1727 ; distinguished himself at the Battle of Oudenarde, 1708 ; and (when King) at that of Dettingen, 1743 ; d. suddenly at Kensington Palace, 25 Oct 1760. Full-length, standing ; royal robes ; crown to his 1 . Canvas, 94 x 59 in. 271 LADY GEORGIANA CAROLINA SPENCER ( -1780). Earl Spencer, K.G. Thomas Hudson. 3rd dau. of John Carteret, Earl Granville (No. 259); marr. 1st, in 1734, Hon. John Spencer (No. 272), and by him was the mother of John, 1st Earl Spencer (No. 424) ; 2nd, Wm. Earl Cowper, 1750; d. 1780. Half-length, standing ; low black dress ; hat and feather in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 272 HON. JOHN SPENCER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Charles Jervas. Youngest son of Chas. 3rd E. of Sunderland (No. 186), and Anne Churchill (No. 91), 2nd dau. of John, 1st D. of Marlborough (No. Si) ; b. 1708; father of John, ist E. Spencer (No. 424) ; M.P. for Woodstock, 1732-46 ; Ranger of the Gt Park, Windsor, on the death of his grandmother, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (No. 78) ; d. at Wimbledon, 1746 ; bu. at Althorp. Three-quarter length, seated near a tree ; scarlet coat ; playing with a dog. Canvas, 96J X 60 in. 273 GEORGIANA CAROLINA LENNOX, BARONESS HOLLAND. (1723-1774). Mr. Basil T. Woodd, M.P. {See No. 274.) To waist ; red dress, trimmed with dark fur ; carrying a muff. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor Eastern Gallery {Nou 159-380). 69 274 GEORGIANA CAROLINA LENNOX, BARONESS HOLLAND (1723-1774). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Richmond, K.G. B. in London, 27 Mar. 1723 ; eldest dau. of Charles, 2nd D. of Richmond ; marr. in 1744 Henry Fox, afterwards ist Ld. Holland (No. 330), by whom she was the mother of Chas. Jas. Fox (Nos. 747, 763) ; cr. Baroness Holland, 1762 ; d. 24 July, 1774. To waist ; red white-lined dress ; white turban head-dress. Crayon, paper, 25 X 19J in. 275 SIR CHAS. HANBURY WILLIAMS, Bt. (1709-1759). Mr. F. Hanbury Williams. B. 1709 ; 3rd son of John Hanbury of Font y pool Park, Monmouthsh. ; assumed the name of Williams under his godfather’s will ; educ. at Eton ; M.F. for Monmouthshire, 1733 ; a supporter of Walpole, both in Farit, and with his political “Ballads;” K.B. 1744 ; Envoy to Dresden, 1746; Minister Plenipo. at Berlin, 1749; ret. to Dresden, 1751 ; sent to St. Petersburgh to engage the Empress in a triple alliance with Austria and England against France, but the negotiation ultimately failed ; became insane, and d. 2 Nov. 1759. Besides his political verses wrote “ Odes.” Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; ribbon of the Bath ; roll of paper in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 276 FAMILY GROUP OF LORD and LADY A. HAMILTON and CHILDREN. Earl Cathcart. C. Philips. {See No. 267.) Small full-length figures, seated and standing in a lofty room. Signed, “Philips, pinxit, 1731.” Canvas, 37 X 50 in. 277 FREDERICK LEWIS, PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. (1707-1751). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). James Amiconi. Eld. son of George II. and Q. Caroline, and father of George III. ; b. at Hanover, 20 Jan. 1707 ; K.G. 1716 ; marr. Augusta, youngest dau. of Fred. D. of Saxe-Gotha, 1736 ; d. in the lifetime of his father, 20 Mar. 1751. Seated to 1 ., holding a vol. of Pope’s Homer ; two cupids hovering to his 1 . Canvas, 49 x 42 in. 278 CATHARINE HYDE, DUCSS. OF QUEENSBURY. Earl Cathcart. {See No. 156.) Bust to r., showing r. hand; grey hair ; head wrapped in white apron, which she threw round her head, saying she would be painted thus. Paper, 21 X 25 in. 279 SUSANNA, COUNTESS OF EGLINTON (1689-1780). Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. Gavin Hamilton. Dau. of Archibald Kennedy of Culzeen, Bart. ; b. 1689 ; marr., as his 3rd wife, .Alex. 9th E. of Eglinton, 1708 ; d. at Auchans, Ayrshire, 1780. Allan Ramsay’s “ Gentle Shepherd” dedicated to her by W. Hamilton of Bangour, Johnson visited her when in Scotland. Bust ; low blue dress and red drapery. Canvas, 28 x 22 in. 70 Reign of George II. 1727-1760, 280 RICHARD BOYLE 3RD EARL OF BURLINGTON AND 4TH EARL OF CORK, K.G. (1695-1753). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. .Son of Charles, 2nd E. of Hurlington and 3rd E. of Cork ; b. 25 April, 1695 ; succ. 1704 ; Privy Councillor to George I., 1714 ; Lord Treasurer of Ireland, 1715 ; K.G. 1730 ; d. 4 Dec. 1753. An architect and patron of fine art; built the Assembly Room at York, Burlington House. &c. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; ribbon and star of K.G. ; resting r. hand on vol. entitled “ Inigo Jones,” whose bust is in background ; marked at back “Geo. Knapton, p.\t. 17^3.” Canvas, 49^ X 40 in. 281 D. OF CUMBERLAND and LORD CATHCART AT BA'FTLE OF CULLODEN. Eari. Cathcart. C. Philips. Youngest son of (ieorge II. and uncle of George 111 . ; b. at Leicester House, 15 April, 1721 ; created D. of Cumberland, 1726 ; entered the Army, and became E.-.\larshal and Comm.-in-Ch. ; wounded at Dettingcn, 1743 ; commanded at Eontenoy, 1745 ; suppressed the Rebellion in Scotland by his defeat of P. Charles Edw. and his adherents at Culloden, 1746 ; accused of unnecessary cruelty to the Highlanders, and nicknamed “the Butcher;’’ comm, the Confederate .Armies in Flanders, 1747 ; concluded the Convention of Closter-.Seven. 1757 ; d. 31 Oct. 1765, in Upper Grosvenor Street. (Sft’ No. 298 for Lord Cathcart.) Full-length ; small-sized figures on horseback, in military uniform ; troops in distance U) r. Canvas, 50X40 in. 282 RT. HON. THOMAS WINNINGTON (1696-1746). Sir Thomas E. Winnington, Bt. M.P. B. 31 Dec. 1696 ; 2nd son of Salwey Winnington, and grandson of .Sir Fr. \\'innington, .Sol. -Gen. to Charles II.; educ. at Westm. and Ch. Ch. O.xf. ; M.P. for Droitwich, 1725-41, and then for Worcester ; Ld. of the .Admir. 1730, and of the Treasury, 1736; Paymaster-Gen. 1743; deck the Chancellorship of the Exc. 1746 ; d. 23 April, 1746 ; b. at Stanford, Worcest. A companion of Lord Hervey, Mr. Fox, and Sir C. Hanburv’ Williams. Half-length, standing with gun in r. hand, and phea.sant in 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 283 SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, ist EARL OF ORFORD, K.G. (1676-1745). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. No. 247.) Half-length, standing ; robes as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Canvas, 51 x 41 in. 284. SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, ist EARL OF ! ORFORD, K.G. (1676-1745). Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. T 7 ie Horse by John Wootton. (See No. 247,)^ Full-length small figures; .Sir Robert’s groom holding horse and hounds. Canvas, 60 x 55 in. Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159 - 380 .) 71 285 HOUSE OF COMMONS, 1730. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Hardwicke. W. Hogarth and Sir J. Thornhill. Small seated figures ; the picture is explained as follows by a paper at the back, signed “ A. O.” (Arthur Onslow.) ■“ I The Speaker, Arthur Onslow (No. 329). 2 Person in blue ribbon, Sir Robert Walpole. 3 Person in red, front row, .SIDNEY GODOLPHIN, M.P. for Helston, and Father of the House of Commons. 4 Person in blue, front row. Col. Richard Onslow, M.P. for Guildford. 5 Other person in that row. Sir James Thornhill, Kt. M.P. for Wey- mouth, who, with Hogarth, drew this picture. ■6 Ch. Clark at the Table, Edward Stables, Esq. 7 Cl. Assist, at the Table, Mr. .Aiskew. 1730.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 286 GEORGE PARKER, 2nd E. OF MACCLESFIELD, P.R.S. (1697-1764). Royal Society. Thomas Hudson. B. 1697; only son of Thomas, ist E. (No. 224), whom he succ. 1732; pupil of De Moivre ; one of the originators and the introducer of the Bill for the Refer, of the Calendar; Pres, of the Roy. Soc. 1752-1764; contrib. papers to the “ Phil. Trans.;” d. 17 Mar. 1764, and bu. at Shirburn, Oxon. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; peer’s robes ; scroll in r. hand. Canvas, 49 X 39‘j 287 JOSEPH BUTLER, BISHOP OF DURHAM (1692-1752). Bishop of Durha.m. B. at Wantage, 18 May, 1692 ; son of a retired shopkeeper, a Presby- terian ; educ. at Wantage (}ram. School, Mr. Jones’s Dissenting Acad. Tewkesbury, where Seeker was his fellow-pupil, and Oriel Coll. Oxf. ; while at Tewkesbury corresponded with Ur. S. Clarke ; Preacher at the Rolls in 1718, where he delivered his celebrated Fifteen Sermons ; Rector of Stan- hope, 1725 ; Preb. of Rochester ; Clk. of the Closet to O. Caroline, 1736, in which year he pub. his “ Analog)' of Religion ;” Bp. of Bristol, 1738 ; Bp. of Durham in succ. to Chandler (who was also at the Tewkesbury .Academy), 1750 ; d. at Bath, 16 June, 1752 ; bu. in Bristol Cathedral. Half-length, standing, as a young man ; bands and bl. gown ; L hand resting on book. Dated at back 1750. Canvas, 40 x 29.} in. 288 SIR CHARLES HANBURY WILLIAMS, Bt. K.B. (1709-1759). Earl of Essex. {.See No. 275.) Half-length, seated ; ribbon of K.B. ; looking up, holding paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 45 X 33 in. 289 WILLIAM DIGBY, 5TH BARON DIGBY ( -1752)- AND HENRY, ROBERT, and WILLIAM DIGBY as Boys. .Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Joseph Highmore. 3rd son of Kildare, 2nd Baron ; succeeded his b’ other Simon, 4th Baron, 1657; m. Lady'Jane Noel, 2nd daughter'of Edward, ist E. of Gainsborough ; 72 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. refused to take the oath of allegiance to William III. ; on the death of John Digby, 3rd E. of Bristol, inherited the Sherborne estates, but did not obtain the title ; one of the earliest members of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ; d. 29 Nov. 1752 ; the boys are his grandsons, sons of Hon. Ed. Digby. Full-length ; small figures in a library ; one of the boys seated on the ground. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 290 FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES, AND His sisters. LENT BV PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). J. F. Nollekens.. (See No. 277.) Small full-length figures, in a room, the Prince playing the violincello, accompanying two of his sisters playing the .harpsichord and guitar ; another seated with open book. Canvas, 31 X 23 in. 291 HON. MRS. EDWARD DIGBY and CHILDREN, EDWARD AND CHARLOT TE. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Joseph Highmore. Charlotte, dau. of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. ; marr. Hon. Ed. Digby, son of Win, 5th Baron Digby ; Ed. their son, aft. 6th Baron. (See No. 289.) Full-length small figures ; Charlotte Digby is seated on the ground. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 292 MRS. RICHARDSON. Stationers’ Company. Joseph Highmore. Wife of Samuel Richardson (No. 294). Half-length, seated ; low white dress, blue scarf ; vase to her 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 293 GEORGE BERKELEY, BISHOP OF CLOYNE (1684-1753). Trinity College, Dublin. B. in CO. Kilkenny, 12 Mar. 1684; educ. at Kilkenny and Trin. Coll. Dub.; Fellow, 1707; pub. “The Theory of Vision,” 1709; Treatises on “ The Principles of Human Knowledge,” which embody the Berkleian Philos., 1710 ; came to London in 1713, and formed friendships with Pope, Swift, &c., writing for Steele papers in the “Guardian;” Dean of Derry, 1724; left Engl, in 1728 to carr)' out his scheme for the conversion of the N. Amer. Indians by the establishment of a Mission. Coll, in the Bermudas, but forced to abandon his project and to return to England ; pub. “ .Alciphron,” 1732 ; Bp. of Cloyne, 1734 ; d. at Oxf. 14 Jan. 1753 ; bu. in Ch. Ch. Bust to 1 . ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 294 SAMUEL RICHARDSON (^1689-1761). Stationers’ Company. Joseph Highmore. B. in Derbysh. 1689 ; his father (of respectable descent) had been a joiner in London ; appren. to John Wilde, a London printer, and worked .at the press for some years ; estab. himself in business, and printed the Journals of the Ho. of Commons ; wrote and pub. “ Pamela.” (praised by Sherlock from the pulpit), 1741-2 ; “Clarissa Harlowe.” 1748; “.Sir Chas. Grandison,” 1754 ; Master of the .Stationers’ Co. 1754 ; d. 4 July, 1761 ; b. in St. Bride’s. His country-house at North End, Fulham, aft. at Parson’s Green. Half-length, standing, with book in I. hand ; claret-coloured coat. Can- vas, 50 X 40 in. Gr ound- floor 7 \ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 73 295 ROBERT CLAYTON, BP. OF CLOGHER (1695-1758). LENT BY PAINTER. Archbishop of Armagh. 1 >. in Dublin, 1695 ; educ. at Westm. and Trin. Coll. Dublin ; Bp. of Killala, 1730; Cork, 1735; Cloghcr, 1745; author of “ Chronology of the Hebrew Bible vindicated,” “ Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Test., with Answer to the Objections of the late Ld. Bolingbroke,” «S:c. ; about to be prosecuted for a motion which he had made in the Irish H. of Lords that the Athanasian and Nicene Creeds should be expunged from the Liturg}-, when he died, 26 Feb. 1758. Mrs. Clayton (Lady Sundon, Mistress of the Robes to Q. Caroline) was connected with the Bp. by marriage. Bust to r. ; episcopal habit ; s. of arms and date 1745 to his r. Canvas, 27j X 21 in. 296 CATHARINE HYDE, DUCSS. OF QUEENSBERRY. Duke of Sutherland, K.G. {See No. 156.) Half-length ; grey hair ; amis folded ; white neckerchief and apron. Canvas, 36 X 28i in. 297 JAMES GIBBS (1674-1754). St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields. Wm. Hogarth. Architect ; b. at Aberdeen about 1674, and graduated at Marischal Coll. ; went to Holland, and continued in the employment of an architect there till 1700 ; patronized by the Earl of Mar, who aided him to study in Italy, where he remained ten years ; on his return to England, patronized by John, D. of Argyll ; found much employment ; built the Church of St. Mary-le- Strand (begun 1714), in front of which he was to have erected a column 250 ft. high, crowned by a statue of Q. Anne — a plan abandoned on the Queen’s death ; the Church of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields (1720-1726) ; the Radclifi'e Lib. Oxf., &c. ; to the latter he made a bequest of books ; designed many monu- ments for Westminster Abbey, those of John D. of Newcastle, Prior, Ben Jonson, &c. ; pub. a vol. of architectural designs, 1728 ; d. 5 Aug. 1754. Half-length, seated ; holding plan in r. hand ; church in background. Canvas, 50 X 36 in. 298 CHARLES, 9TH LORD CATHCART, K.T. (1721-1776). Earl Cathcart. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. surv. son of Charles, 8th Baron, whom he succ. 1740 ; b. at Edin- burgh, 1721 ; ent. the Army, and served on the Continent under Ld. Stair ; Aide-de-Camp to the D. of Cumberland at Fontenoy, when he was shot through the head, 1745 ; one of the hostages for the performance of the treaty with Paris, 1748-9 ; K.T. 1763 ; .A.mb. to the Empress Catharine,. 1768 ; friend and patron of James Watt, Adam Smith, &c. ; d. in London, 1776. Half-length ; standing on balcony, “ Fontenoy” patch on r. cheek. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 74 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 299 FIELD-MARSHAL JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD KEITH (1696-1758). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Kintore. Francesco 'Frevisani. 13 . 1696; son of William Keith, 9th E. Marischal of Scotland; joined the Pretender, wounded at Sheriflmuir, 1715; escaped to France ; applied himself to military studies; went to Madrid; Joined Ormonde’s Irish Brifjade; accom. the Spanish Embassy to Russia, in 1728; ent. the service of that State, distinguishing himself in the wars with the Turks and Sweden; served in the Prussian Army under Fred, the Great, and became Fd.-Mar. and (iov. of Berlin ; killed at the battle of Hochkirchen, 14 Oct. 1758, and bu. at Berlin. Half-length ; armour ; scarlet sash ; r. hand leaning on baton. Canvas, 47 X 36 in. 300 FIELD-MARSHAL GEORGE WADE (1673-1748). Rev. John Mason. B. 1673; commanded the troops employed after the Rebellion of 1715 in opening up the Highlands by the construction of militarj- roads, which gave occasion to the well-known couplet ; Comm, at Edinburgh during the Porteous Riots, 1736; F.-.\IarshaI, 1743; M.P. for Bath; d. 1748; bu. in Westm. . 4 bbey. His monument is a remarkable work by Roubiliac. Bust ; armour ; blue cloak ; dated at back 1740. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 301 LORD GEORGE MURRAY ( -1760). Duke of A thole. 5th son of John, ist I), of .^tholl, and father of John, the 3rd D. ; engaged, with his brother, the M. of Tullibardinc, in the rebell, of 1715 ; afterwards served in the Sardinian Army for several years ; returned on receiving a pardon; joined the Young Pretender in 1745; was his best adviser and officer, directing the advance into England, and covering the rear during the retreat; com. the right wing at Culloden ; attainted in 1746; d. in Holland, ii Oct. 1760. Bust ; close-powdered tie-wig ; white cravat. Canvas, 35 X 29^ in. 302 WxM. AUG. D. OF CUMBERLAND, K.G. (1721-1765). Her Majesty. John Wootton. (.S>^ No. 281.) Full-length, small size, on horseback ; troops in back- ground ; inscribed “ Battle of Dettingcn, won by His Majesty, June, 16-27, 1748.” Canvas, 65 X 53 in. 303 JANE HAMILTON, LADY CATHCART, AND CHILD. Earl Cathcart. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Uau. of Lord and Lady Archibald Hamilton {st-e No. 276) ; b. 1725 ; m. Charles, 9th Ld. Cathcart {sec No. 298), 1753 ; d. 1771 ; the child, aft. Hon. Mrs. Graham (No. 463). Three-quarter length, seated, with infant child on her knee watching a dog seated to her 1 . .Signed “ J. R. 1755.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-floor 7\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380) 75 304 JAMES DRUMMOND, 3RD DUKE OF PERTH (1713-1746). LENT nr PAINTER. Mr. J. Maxtone Graham. B. II .May, 1713; cWcst son of James, who, having escaped from .Scotland with the Pretender, assumed on his father s death at St. Germain's the title of 2nd Duke of Perth ; educ. at Douay and Paris ; came to Scotland about 1734 ; one of the seven who signed the Association in 1740 in fa\ our of the -Stuart family ; Joined Charles Kdward. 1745 ! Lieut.-General at Preston; commanded at Carlisle and Stirlyig ; after the defeat at Culloden escaped to Moidart, and embarked for France, but d. on the passage, 1 1 May, 1746. He was a good mathematician and draughtsman. Half-length, standing ; armour ; black boy to his r. Canvas, 49 X 38 in. • 305 MISS CLEMENTINA MARIA SOPHIA WALKIN- SHAW (Titular COUNTESS OF ALBERSTROFF). Mr. J. Maxtone Graham. I)au. of John Walkinshaw of Barrowfield. H., and Catharine, dan. of .Sir Hugh PatcTSon of Bannockburn ; after Culloden. Joined P. Charles Edward at Ghent ; bore to him a dan. in 1753 ; advised by the Chev. de St. (leorge to leav e the Prince, for the sake of. her daughter s educ., which she did, without his consent, in 1760 ; lived in seclusion in Paris, where she and her dau were supported for many years by the Chevalier and Card. York ; the dau. crea. Duchess of Albany by her father, in 1783, was summoned by him in 1785, and presided ovit his house at Florence until his death ; the mother d. at Fribourg, Nov. 1802. To waist ; low white dress ; scarlet ermine-trimmed scarf Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 306 PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD STUART (1720-1788). Sir P. De Malpas Grey Egerton, Bt. M.P. Known as the Young Chevalier, or the Young Pretender ; eld. son of James F'rancis Edw. Stuart, the Old Pretender, or Chevalier St. George (Nos. 193, &c.), and the Princess Clementina .Sobieski (Nos. 192. 202), and grandson of James II. and Mary of Modema ; b. at Rome, 31 Dec. 1720; landed in Scotland from France in 1745, and raised an army to support his father’s pretensions to the throne ; entered Edinburgh, and proclaimed his father King ; defeated Gen. Cope at Preston Pans ; marched on his way to London as far as Derby ; on his return into Scotland was victorious over ( 5 cn. Hawley at Falkirk, but finally defeated at Culloden by the D. of Cum- berland (No. 2811, 16 .\pr. 1746 ; after various adventures escaped from the Isle of Uist to ^iorlai.\ ; resided at Rome, and took the title of Count of .Albany instead of P. of Wales ; marr. Louisa. Princess of .Stolberg (No. 308), who survived him ; d. at Rome, 31 Jan. 1788 ; bu. irf the Cathedral Church of Frascati. Bust small size ; profile to r. ; armour ; ribbon of K.G. Canvas. 11 X 9 in. 307 HENRY BENEDIC T STUART, CARDINAL DUKE OF YORK (1725-1807). Earl of Orford. L. G. Blanchet. Younger son of James Francis Edw. .Stuart, the Chevalier St. George, or Old Pretender, and the Princess Clementina Sobieski ; b. at Rome, 1725 ; ?6 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. I I crca. by his father D. of York ; entered Holy Orders ; creat. Cardinal by Pope benedict XIV. 3 July, 1747, when he became known as Cardinal York ; i during the latter years of his life pensioned by the Brit. Government ; d. at Rome, 1 807. Full-length, standing, as a boy ; Italian greyhound to the r. Signed and dated, “ L. G. Blanchet, 1738, fecit.” Canvas, 74 X 55 in. 308 PRINCESS LOUISA MAXIMILIANA of STOLBERG- GUEDERN, THE “COUNTESS OF ALBANY” (1752-1824). LENT BV PAINTER . Mr. Richard Deakin. Raphael Mengs. Eldest daughter of Gustavus .\dolphus, Prince of .Stolberg-Guedern, and Elizabeth Philippina, daughter of the Prince of Hornes ; b. 21 Sept. 1752; married, ist, 17 April, 1772, Prince Charles Edw. Stuart (No. 306), who d. 1788 ; 2nd, privately, as is stated, \'ittorio Alfieri, the dramatic poet, who d. at her house in Florence, 1803 ; was known by the ‘title of Countess of Albany; d. 29 Jan. 1824, aged 72. Bust ; black head-dress and coronet, with Irish harp ; furred dark dress ; locket with St. Andrew's cross ; painted about 1776. Canvas, 22 X 17 A in. 309 PRINCE CHAS. EDWARD STUART (1720-1788). Mr. P. H. Howard. {See No. 306.) To waist, as a boy about 13 ; long dark hair ; cuirass; and ribbon of K.G. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 310 PRINCE CHAS. EDWARD STUART (1720-1788). Mr. G. a. Williams. (See No. 306.) Full-length as a boy in Highland dress ; pistol and dirk on ground to the r. Canvas, 80 x 57 in. 311 PRINCE CHAS. EDWARD STUART (1720-1788). ReV. Edward James Edwards. (See No. 306.) Bust ; profile to 1 . ; ribbon of K.G. ; in the dress in which he made his public entry into Paris. Given by Cardinal York on his death-bed to Mr. James Byers, banker at Rome. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. • 312 FLORA .MACDONALD (1720-1790). University Galleries, Oxford. Allan Ramsay. o Flora (spelt her name Flor>), dau. of Macdonald of South Uist ; b. about 1720 ; the young Highland lady who, after the battle of Culloden, risked her life to save P. .Charles Edward Stuart from capture, and succeeded in con- veying him disguised as her maidservant in safety to the Isle of Skye, 1746 ; afterwards arrested and sent to London, but included in the Act of In- demnity, 1747; marr. young Macdonald of Kingsburgh, 1750; emigrated with him to N. Carolina ; returned to Skye ; d. there, 1790 ; bu. at Kilmun in a shroud made from the sheets in which Ch. Ed. had slept at Kingsburgh. To waist ; holding flowers in 1 . hand ; tartan scarf ; at back “Ramsay, pinxit, anno 1749.'’ Cam as, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor. Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 77 3 1 3 PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD STUART (1720-1788). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Orford. L. G. Blanchet. (See No. 306.) Full length as a boy, to r., with r. hand on helmet. Canvas, 75 x 56 in. 314 FLORA MACDONALD (1720-1790). Mrs. Bedford. Thomas Hudson. {Sec No. 312.) Bust to r. ; low dress ; signed, “Thos. Hudson, pinx.” Formerly in poss. of Mr. M'Alaster of Loup and Torrisdale. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 315 COLONEL JAMES GARDINER (1688-1745). Rev. W. S. Halliday. Wm. Hogarth. B. at Carriden, Linlithgowsh. 1688 ; entered a Scotch Reg. in the Dutch Service ; obtained a Commis. in the Brit. Army ; severely wounded at Ramillies, 1706 ; in the Rebellion of 1745 comm, a Reg. of Dragoons, and mortally wounded in sight of his own house at Preston Pans, Sept. 21, 1745. As a young man, Gardiner led a dissolute life, but a vision \vhich he believed appeared to him in 1719, while reading “The Christian Soldier,” wrought an entire change in him, “ and to the end of his days he showed himself a cheerful and most consistent Christian.” Doddridge wrote his life. Three-quarter length, small-size to r. ; military uniform. Panel, i6Jx 12.) in. 316 HENRY BENEDICT STUART, CARDINAL DUKE OF YORK (1725-1807). Mrs. Bedford. {See No. 307.) Miniature ; cardinal’s scarlet cap and robe ; grey hair. Canvas, 7x5* in. 317 JAMES, LORD STRANGE (1717-1771). Earl of Derby, K.G. Thomas Hudson. Eld. son of Ed. nth E. of Derby and Eliz. his Countess (Nos. 249, 251) ; b. 17 Jan. 1717 ; M.P. for Lancashire; Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1762 ; marr. Lucy 2nd dau. and co-heir of Hugh Smith, Esq., of Weald Hall, Essex (No. 322), and took the name and arms of Smith in addition to those of Stanley, 1747 ; d. in the lifetime of his father at Bath, i June, 1771 ; h. at Ormskirk. Half-length, standing ; br. dress ; red drapery. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 318 W. AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF CUMBERLAND K.G. (1721-1765). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 281.) Full-length, standing. Canvas, 99 X 65 in. 319 SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, ist E. OF ORFORD, K.G., AND RIGHT HON. JAMES CRAGGS. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. {See Nos. 225, 247.) Full-length ; small figures ; seated in library at table, with writing materials. Canvas, 14 X 12 in. 78 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 320 SIMON FRASER, LORD LOVAT (1668-1747). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. W.m. Hogarth. B. at IVaufort near Inverness, 1668 ; educ. at the Univ. of Aberdeen ; had a capt.’s commission in Ld. Tullibardine’s regt. ; went to France and gained credit with James II. and his son, the Pretender ; employed by them on a mission to Scotland, betrayed them, and on his return was confined in the Bastile ; liberated, and took orders ; entered the Jesuit College at St. Omer ; returned to Scotland in 1715 ; by thwarting the rebels he recovered the estates he claimed and became Ld. Lovat ; aided the Rebellion of 1745, but said that his son, who led his clan, acted without his authority ; concealed himself, was taken, tried, and executed on Tower Hill, 9 April, 1747, con- tinuing his jests to the last, though eighty years of age. h'ull-length, small size, seated as if counting on liis fingers. Supposed to have been painted at .St. Alban’s when on his way to London previous to his execution, 1746. Canvas, 26J X 17 in. 321 HENRY BENEDICT STUART, CARDINAL DUKE OF YORK (1725-1807). Mr. P. H. Howard. (Scf No. 307.) Bust to 1 . ; cardinal’s scarlet cap and robe. Given by himself to Mrs. Canning at Rome, 1795. Canvas, loi X 9 in. 322 LUCY SMITH, LADY STRANGE. Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Lucy, 2nd dau. and co-heir of Hugh Smith, Ksq., of Weald Hall, Essex ; marr. Jas. Ld. Strange (No. 317), eldest son of Ed. nth E. of Derby, 1747 ; d. 7 Feb. 1759. Three-quarter length, standing in a landscape ; white low dress ; pink scarf. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 323 JOHN .MANNERS, ist MARQUIS OF GRANBY (1721-1770). Mr. Henry Graves. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of John. 3rd D. of Rutland ; b. 2 Jan. 1721 ; M.P. for Grantham and Cambs. ; in the Rebellion of 1745 raised a Reg. of Foot, and present at Cullodcn ; Col. of the Blues, 1758; Lieut.-Gcn. 1759; 2nd in command at Minden, 1759; succ. Ld. (jeo. Sackville as Comm.-in-Chief of the Brit. Forces serving in Germany under Pr. Ferdinand, and distinguished at War- burg, &c., 1759-63; .Mast.-Gen. o< Ordn. 1763; Com.-in-Chief, 1776-69; d. at Scarborough, 19 Oct. 1770; bu. at Bottesford, Leicestersh. His popu- larity shown by the frequency of his portrait as a public-house sign. Bust to r. ; bald ; blue coat, scarlet facings, gold-laccd. Canvas. 30 X 25 in. 324 GEORGE, IST LORD ANSON (1697-1762). Sir George Bowyer, Bt. M.P. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. at Shugborough, Staffordshire, 23 .April, 1697 ; 2nd son of William Anson of Shugborough, Esq.; entered the Navy; sent to the S. Carolina station, where he laid out a new town, “ Ansonljurgh ;” Commodore of an Expedition against the Spanish trade and settlements in the Pacific, when he 79 Ground-jloor.'\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). made his celebrated voyage round the world — burnt Paita in Peru, and cap- tured in the ‘ Centurion’ the Manilla galleon, bound for Spain witli inrnensc treasure, 1740-4; M.P. for Hedon ; commanded the Channel Fleet, and captured a convoy of 6 French men-of-war and 4 E. indiamcn, 1747 ; created Baron .^nson, 1747; First Lord of the Admiralty from 1751 (with a short interval) to his death ; again commanded the Channel Fleet, 1758 ; Admiral of the Fleet, 1761, when he conveyed Q. Charlotte to England ; d. at Moor Park, Herts, 6 June, 1762. Half-length to 1 . ; naval uniform ; vessel in distance to his I. Canvas, 51 X 41 in- 325 HARRIET GODOLPIIIN, DUCHESS OF LENT BY NEWCASTLE. P.MNTER. Duke of Newcastle. Willi.vm Hoare, R.A. Dau. of Francis, ist E. of Godolphin ; marr. 1717, Thos. Pelham Hollos, U. of Newcastle, K.G. (No. 337;. Full-length, standing ; white dress ; red, ermine trimmed drapery. Can- vas, 93 X 69 in. 326 PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, 4TH EARL OF CHESTERFIELD, K.G. (1694-1773). Earl Stanhope. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eldest son of Philip, 3rd Earl, whom he succ. 1726; b. in London 22 Sept. 1694; educ. at Trin. Hall, Camb. ; M.P. for St. German’s, 1714, and aft. for Lostwithiel ; Ambas. to Holland, 1728 and 1745 ; K.G. and Lcl. Steward, 1730; opposed Walpole and wrote against him in the “Craftsman; Ld.-Lieut. of Ireland, 1745 ; Sec. of State, 1746-8 ; declined a Dukedom on finally retiring from office , known in literary hist, principally by his “ Let- ters to his Son,” pub. 1774, his friendship with Pope, his treatment of John- son, and his advocacy of the New Style ; d. 24 Mar. 1773, and bu. at Shel- ford, Notts. Bust ; star and riblxin K.G. ; resting r. hand on vol. of “Cicero de .Se- nectute ;” inscribed with “Age 76, date 1769.” Presented by Lord Chester- field to the 2nd Countess Stanhope. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 327 ADMIRAL EDWARD VERNON (1684-1757). Lord Vernon. C. Philips. Son of James \’ernon. Secretary of State 1697-1700 ; b. at Westminster, 12 Nov. 1684; early showed his love for the sea; served under Adm. Hopson at Vigo, 1702; with Sir G. Rooke at Malaga, 1704; Commander of the Dolphin, 1705 ; M.P. for Penryn, 1727 ; and for Portsmouth, 1734-41 ; de- clared in the House that Porto Bello, on the Isthmus of Darien, could be easily taken ; appointed to the service with six ships, and took it 22 No\ . 1739 ; failed in an attempt on Carthagena, 1741 ; lil.P. for Ipswich ; ((uar- relled with the Admiralty, and was struck off the list of Admirals ; d. 29 Oct. 1757, at Nacton, Suffolk. Half-length, standing; baton in r. hand; vessel in distance to his 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Signed, “ C. Philips.” 328 GILBERT WEST (1705-1756). Lord Lyttelton. B. about 1705 ; son of Rev. Dr. West ; educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxon; cnt. the Army ; afterwards Clerk to the Priv. Coun. and Treas. of Chelsea Hosp. ; wrote “ Observations on the Resurrection,” and translated Pindar's “ Odes ;” the friend and relation of Ld. Lyttelton, and the friend of the eldqr Pitt ; d. 26 Mar. 1756. Bust to 1 . ; long powdered wig; white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 8 o Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 329 RIGHT HON. ARTHUR ONSLOW, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS (1691-1768). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. a. L. Onslow. Eldest son of Foot Onslow and Susanna Anlaby ; M.P. ; b. 1691 ; elected Speaker of the House of Commons, Jan. 1726-7, and continued till 1761 ; received on his retirement the thanks of the House, and a pension from government ; d. 17 Feb. 1768. Half-length, standing ; .Speaker’s robes ; mace to hisl. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 330 HENRY FOX, ist LD. HOLLAND (1705-1774). Lady Holland. Wm. Hogarth. Younger son of Sir Stephen Fox, and father of Charles James Fox ; b. 1705 ; educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxon ; M.P. for Hindon, 1735, and after- wards for Windsor, attaching himself to Walpole ; Ld. of the Treas. 1743 ; Sec. at War in Pelham’s Admin. 1746 ; Sec. of State, and Leader of the House of Commons in the Newcastle Admin. 1755-6 ; Paymaster-General in the Pitt and Newcastle Admin. 1757, and afterwards in Ld. Lute’s and Mr. Grenville’s; leader of the House of Commons in 1763, when the peace of Paris was approved by a large majority ; retired from office, and cr. Baron Holland, 1763; d. i July, 1774. Bust ; gold-lace-edged coat. Canvas, 19 X 23.} in. 331 PHILIP YORKE, 1ST EARL OF HARDWICKE, LORD CHANCELLOR (1690-1764). Earl of Hardwicke. Allan Ramsay. Son of Phil. Yorke, an Attorney at Dover ; b. at Dover, i Dec. 1690 ; placed with Mr. Salkeld, Conveyancer, London ; ent. Middle Temple ; called to the Bar, 1715 ; M.P. for Lewes, 1719, and aft. for Seaford ; Solicitor- Gen. 1720; Attor.-Gen. 1724; Ld. Ch. Just, and Baron Hardwicke, 1733; Ld. Chanc. 1737 ; pres, as Ld. High Steward at the trials of Lords Kil- marnock, Balmerino, &c. 1746-7 ; E. of Hardwicke, 1754 ; resigned office with the D. of Newcastle, 1756 ; d. in Grosv. .Sq. 6 Mar. 1764 ; bu. at Wimpole. Full-length, standing ; robes as Lord Chancellor ; r. hand resting on great seal. Canvas, 95 X 59 in. 332 JAMES THOMSON (1700-1748). Sir W.m. Stirling Maxwell, Bt. M.P. Wm. Hogarth. Poet ; b. at Ednam, Kelso, Roxburghsh., 1 1 Sept. 1700 ; son of the Minister of the Parish ; educ. at Jedburgh Gram. Sch., and, being int. for the Ministry, the Univ. of Edinburgh ; left Edinb. for London ; pub. the first of his “Seasons — Winter,” 1726; “Summer,” 1727; “Spring,” 1728; “Autumn,” 1730 ; in 1733 made Sec. of Briefs by Ld. Chan. Talbot, to whose son he had been trav. companion ; lost this office on death of the Chan., but pen- sioned by the P. of Wales; Surveyor-Gen. of the Leeward Islands, 1744; wrote “Tancred and Sigismunda,” and other Tragedies, and with David Mallet, the Masque of “Alfred,” 1740, which contains “Rule Britannia;” “Castle of Indolence,” 1748 ; d. at Richmond, 27 Aug. 1748, and bu. there. Monument in Westm. Abbey. Head to 1. ; furred reddish cap; green furred dress. Canvas, 21 X 17J in. Ground-floor .~\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 159-380). 81 333 JAMES THOMSON (1700-1748). LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Lyttelton. Wm. Aikman. {See No. 332.) Bust to 1 . ; bluish cap ; brown blue-lined coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 334 ZACHARY PEARCE, BP. OF ROCHESTER (1690-1774). Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas Hudson. B. in London, 1690 ; son of a distiller in Holborn ; educ. at Westm. and Trin. Col. Cam. ; Vicar of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, 1723 ; Bishop of Bangor, 1748 ; Bp. of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, 1756 ; resigned the -i Deanerj’, 1768; d. at Little Ealing, 29 June, 1774; author of “A Commen- tary, with Notes, on the Evangelists and Acts, &c. left 5000/. to Bromley College. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 335 LUCY, LADY LYTTELTON (1718-1747). Lord Lyttelton. John M. Williams. B. 1718; dau. of Hugh Fortescue, Esq. of Filleigh, co. Devon; marr. Geo. 1st Ld. Lyttelton ; d. at the age of 29, 19 Jan. 1747, and bu. at Over Arley. Monument in Hagley Church. Ld. Lyttelton wrote the well-known “ Monody ” on her death. Bust; low white dress, lace-edged. Signed, “Jo. Mich. Williams, fecit, 1745.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 336 RIGHT HON. HENRY PELHAM (1694-1754). Duke of Newcastle. 2nd son of Thos. ist Ld. Pelham, and younger brother of Thos. D. of Newcastle ; b. 1694 ; comm, a Troop of Dragoons in 1715 ; M.P. for Seaford, 1718, and aft. for Sussex; Sec. at War, 1724; Paymaster-Gen. 1730; ist Comm, of the Treas. and Chan, of the Exch. 1743-54 ; d. 1754. Half-length, seated ; robes as Chan, of Exchequer. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 337 SIR THOMAS PELHAM HOLLES, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, K.G. (1693-1768). Duke of Newcastle. Wm. Hoare, R.A. B. I Aug. 1693 ; eldest son of Thos. ist Baron Pelham, and Grace Holies, sister of John, D. of Newcastle (No. 95) ; educ. at Westminster and Clare Hall, Camb. ; adherent of H. of Hanover ; created E. of Clare, 1714; D. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1715 ; marr. Apr. 1717, Harriet, daughter of Francis, E. of Godolphin ; Ld. Chamberlain; Priv. Council. 1718; K.G. ; succ. Ld. Carteret as Prin. Sec. of State, 1 724 ; formed the Administration which succ. Walpole’s, 1742; Chanc. Univ. Camb. 1748; D. of Newcastle- under-Lyne, 1756; created Baron Pelham, 1762; d. 17 Nov. 1768. Full-len^h, standing ; robes K.G. Canvas, 92 X 69 in. F t>2 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 338 GEORGE, 5TH Bart, and ist LORD LYTTELTON LENT BY (1709-1773). PAIITTER. Lord Lyttelton. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Kldest son of Sir Thomas, 4th Bart. ; b. at Haplcy, 17 Jan. 1709 ; educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxford ; Page of Honour to the Princess Royal, 1729; •M.P. for Okehampton ; opposed Walpole ; .Sec. to Pr. of Wales, 1737 ; Ld. of thcTreas. 1744; Bart. 1751 ; Priv. Conn. 1754; Chanc. of Excheq. 1755 ; crea. Baron, 1757 ; author of “ Hist, of Henry 11 .” “ Disserta, on the Conv. of St. Paul,” “ Persian Letters,” “ New Dialogues of the Dead,” Poem to the memory of Lucy Fortescue, his ist wife, &c. ; was twice marr. ; d. at Hagley, 22 Aug. 1773, and bu. there ; praised by Pope, and by Thomson in the “ .Seasons.” Bust to r. ; purplish dress ; powdered wig. Engraved 1866. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 339 JOHN MANNERS, MARQUIS OF GRANBY (1721-1770)^ Earl of Aylesford. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (.SV^ No. 323.) Half-length, to r. ; uniform coat over cuirass ; leaning r. hand on sword. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 340 FRANCIS HAYMAN, R.A. (1708-1776). Royal Academy. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Painter ; b. at Exeter, 1708 ; scholar of Robert Brown ; designed much for the booksellers; illustrations to Sir Thomas Hanmer’s .Shakspeare {sec No. 174) ; Pope’s Works, Milton, &c. ; Librarian to Royal Academy on its foundation ; d. 2 Feb. 1776. Bust, profile to 1 . seated. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 341 CAPTAIN THOMAS CORAM (1668-1751). Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Wm. Hogarth. B. at Lyme Regis about 1668 ; a Captain in the Merchant Service ; planned many philanthropic schemes, particularly in connexion with the colonies of N. America ; estab. the Foundling Hosp., incorp. by charter in 1739; having by his benevolence exhausted his means, an annuity was r.iised for him in his old age ; d. 29 Mar. 1751 ; bu. in the Foundling Chapel. Half-length, seated at writing-table with papers before him. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 342 JAMES BRADLEY, D.D. F.R.S. (1692-1762). Society. Jonathan Richardson. B. at Sherbourn, Gloucestershire, 1692 ; educ. at Balliol Coll. Oxon ; F.R..S. 1718; Savilian Prof, of Astron. Oxf. 1721 ; Ast.ron. Royal, 1742; d. at Chalford, Glouc. 13 July, 1762 ; bu. at Minchinhampton. Histwo great discoveries in Astronomy, .Aberration and Nutation. Bust ; bands and bl. gown. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 343 SIR C. TURNER, MR. COOKE, MR. WOOD- YEARE, AND DR. DRAKE. Rev. j. F. W. Woodyeare. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R..A. Caricature, painted at Rome, 1751 ; .Sir C. Turner holding his ears ; Mr. Cooke playing the violoncello ; Mr. Woodyeare sitting down ; Dr. Dr.ake playing the flute. Canvas, 19 X 25 in. Lift , V-h-. (15) cl .4,. I Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery (Nos. 159-380). 83 344 MISS RICH. LENT BY painter. Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. Wm. Hogarth. Actress ; dau. of Manager Rich, who origin.ited the Pantomime at Portugal Street Theatre, and was afterwards (1733) manager of Cov. Garden. Head ; youpg ; cap with blue ribbon. Canvas, 16 X 14 in. 345 PETER MONAMY, Painter, and THOMAS WALKER (1670-1749). Earl of Derby, K.G. Wm. Hogarth. IB. in Jersey, 1670 ; appren. to a housc-and-sign painter on London Bridge ; excelled as a marine painter ; some of his pictures at Hampton Court ; d. at Westm. 1749. Small full-length figures ; Monamy is showing a sea-piece, painted, as well as those in the background, by himself, to Mr. Thos. Walker, his patron, who had a fine coll, of pictures, from which this came. Formerly in the Strawberry Hill coll. Canvas, 25 x 20 in. 346 RALPH, VISCOUNT WICKLOW, and OTHERS. Earl of Wicklow. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Caricature. Group of small figures. Lord Wicklow getting into his carriage, while his tutor. Dr. Benson, calls his attention to a quarrel between the courier and innkeeper ; postillion in the centre on a kicking horse. Canvas, 57 X 37’ in. 347 THE MISSES WESTON. Mr. W. H. Helyar. Wm. Hogarth. Uaus. of William Weston of Stalbridge Weston, Uorsetsh. ; Miss Betty Weston, the one with the bird, said to be the original of “ Sophia Western ” in Fielding's novel, “Tom Jones;" she marr. W. Helyar, Coker Court, Yeovil. Four half-length figures, the youngest holding a parrot. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 348 JAMES OUIN (1693-1766). Marquis 'I'ownshend. Wm. Hogarth. Actor ; son of a barrister of Irish family ; b. in King St. Cov. Garden, 1693 ; went on the stage 1714 in Dublin ; next appeared at Drury Lane, where Booth and Cibber were acting ; played wath success in tragedy and comedy, but especially as Falstaff ; a rival of Garrick and a noted -bon \ ivant and wit ; gave liberal aid to Thomson the poet, who calls him the “.'Esopus of the age d. at Bath, 21 Jan. 1766. Garrick wrote the epitaph on his monument in Westm. Bust, looking up to r. ; gold-laced coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 349 THOMAS BIRCH, D.D. (1705-1766). Royal Society. ' J. Wells. B. in London, 23 Nov. 1705 ; son of a coffee-mill maker, a member of the Society of Friends ; self-educated ; ordained without passing through any I nis crsity ; F.R.S. 1734, and Sec. 1752-65 ; wrote a History of the Royal Society, Biog. Memoirs, &c., and edited the works of Boyle and others ; tl. from a fall from his horse between Hampstead and London, 9 Jan. 1766. Bequeathed his Library and M.S.S. to the British Museum. Bust to r. ; bands and bl. gown ; hands resting on book before him. Can\ as, 36 X 28 in. 84 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 350 WILLIAM KENT (1684-1748). LENT BY PAI.NTER. Rev. W. V. Harcourt. Wm. Kent. Architect and Landscape Gardener ; b. in Yorkshire, 1684 ; apprenticed to a coach-painter ; attempted portrait painting, and was aided to go to Italy, 1710, where in 1716 he became known to the E. of Burlington, who patronized and gave him a home at his house for the remainder of his life ; he has the credit of designing Holkham, Norfolk, and was skilful in landscape-garden- ing ; attempted sculpture, and the monument of Shakspeare in Westminster Abbey is his work ; d. 12 April, 1748. To waist, standing ; pallet and brush in r. hand ; pallet in 1 . Canvas, 36 X 26^ in. 351 THOMAS WESTERN OF RIVENHALL and FAMILY. Sir Thos. B. Western, Bt. M.P. Wm. Hogarth. Full-length small figures, standing near tea-table ; Mr. Western holding a dead partridge ; Rev. .Mr. Hatsell, the chaplain, seated to r. and talking to the servant. Signed, “W. Hogarth, I73~(?) pinx.” Canvas, 34 x 28^ in. 352 WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697-1764). National Gallery. Wm. Hogarth. B. in London, 10 Uec. 1697 ; son of Richard Hogarth, or Hogart, ori- ginally a Schoolmaster in Westmoreland, but then a Corrector of the Press ; apprenticed, to learn engraving on metal, to Ellis Gamble, silversmith, Cranbourne Alley; at the end of his apprenticeship, in 1718, exchanged silver-plate engraving tor engraving on copper, producing coats-of-arms, bill-headings, masquerade tickets, &c., and afterwards plates for booksellers, “ Hudibras,” &c. ; marr. Sir Jas. Thornhill’s dau. 1730 ; painted portraits ; produced “The Harlot’s Progress,” 1734; “The Rake’s Progress,” 1735; “ Mariage kla Mode,” 1745 ; engraved this and many more of his own pictures ; pub. “Analysis of Beauty,” 1753 ; Serj. -Painter to Geo. III. 1757 ; d. at his house in Leicester Fields, 26 Oct. 1764 ; bu. at Chiswick, where he had a villa. Bust, with his dog seated beside him ; to the 1 . is a pallet, with a curved line, inscribed “The line of beauty and grace W. H., 174;.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 353 REV. EDWARD YOUNG, D.C.L. (1684-1765). All Souls’ Coll. Oxford. Joseph Highmore. B. at Upham, Hants, 1684; son of Rev. Ed. Young, Rector of Upham, aft. Dean of Salisbury ; educ. at Winchester and New and Corp. Chr. Colls. Oxford : Fell, of All .Souls, 1708 ; Roy. Chapl. 1727 ; Rect. of Welwj'n, 1730 ; wrote Tragedies — “Revenge,” played at Drury Lane, 1721, Poems, Satires, &.C., but best known by “ Night Thoughts,” commenced soon after the death of his Wife, 1741, and pub. 1742-3 ; d. 12 April, 1765. Bust to r: ; bands and black gown. ' Canvas, 30J X 25 in. 354 JOHN FOTHERGILL, M.D. (1712-1780). College of Physicians. Wm. Hogarth. B. at Carr End, Yorksh. 8 March, 1712 ; his parents Members of the Soc. of Friends ; educ. at Sedbergh ; appren. to an apothecary at Bradford ; Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery {Noo. 159-380). 85 M.D. Edin. ; removed to London, and entered St. Thomas’s; eminent as a Botanist as well as a Physician ; remarkable for benevolence and philan- thropy, being said to have given away 200,000/. in his lifetime ; exerted himself to prevent the Amer. War ; author of many Medical Essays ; im- proved the art of recovering drowned persons ; an opponent of town burial ; d. in London, 26 Dec. 1780. Full length, seated to 1., with large paper in his hands. Canvas, 18x22 in. 355 FAMILY OF SIR A. FOUNTAINE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Andrew Fountaine. Wm. Hogarth. Son of Andrew Fountaine of Narford, Norfolk ; b. about 1680 ; educ. at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; travelled on the Continent, and collected objects of art with taste and knowledge ; aided Montfau9on’s work on Antiquities ; wrote Numismata Anglo Sax ; Kt. by Will. III. ; V.-Chamberlain to O. Caroline ; tutor to P. Wm ; sue. .Sir 1. Newton as Warden of the Mint, 1727 ; friend of Ficaroni the Italian Antiquary, of Swift and Addison ; d. 4 Sept. 1753. ■Small full-length figures seated in a landscape ; Sir Andrew examining a picture shown by Cocks the auctioneer. Canvas, 23JX 18J in. 356 JOHN BROUGHTON (1705-1789). Mr. Willett L. Adye. Wm. Hogarth. Pugilist, and originator of the Rules of the Ring, which he brought out 10 Aug. 1743 ; b. 1705 ; kept a boxing booth, or amphitheatre, in Tottenham Court Road ; was the first Champion of England, and held his position 18 years ; the D. of Cumberland, who was his special patron, took him a Journey on the Continent, showed him the (irenadier Guards at Berlin, the whole of whom in turn Broughton expressed himself ready to fight ; challenged by a butcher named .Slack, and though the betting was 10 to i on Broughton, Slack, by one blow, finished the fight in 14 minutes, 11 April, 1750 ; he died 39 years afterwards, 8 Jan. 1789 ; bu. at Lambeth. (3eorge Taylor, for whose monument Hogarth furnished designs, was one of his antagonists. Full-length, small size ; quarter-staff in r. hand. Canvas, 17^ X 12 in. 357 GUSTAVUS HAMILTON, 2nd VISCOUNT BOYNE (1710-1746). Viscount Boyne. Wm. Hogarth. Son of Hon. Fred. Hamilton, and grandson of Gustavus, 1st Viset. Boyne; b. 1710; educ. at Westminster; succeeded his grandfather, 1723; M.P. for Newport, 1735 ; Privy Councillor, 1736 ; d. 18 April, 1746. Full-length small figures, seated in cabin of Lord Boyne’s yacht ; three others standing ; glasses and pipes on the table before them; one showing a chart to Lord Boyne. Figure with the stick is Hogarth. Canvas, 58 X 44 in. 358 HENRY BOYLE, ist EARL OF SHANNON, SPEAKER ( -1764). Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bt. Stephen Slaughter. 2nd son of Henry Boyle, of Castle Martyr, co. Cork; b. at Castle Mar- tyr ; M.P. for Cork co. 1715; Speaker of the Irish Ho. of Commons, 1733-56 ; Chan, of the Exch. for Ireland, 1733, 1739 and 1755 ; called by Sir R. Wal- pole “The King of the Irish Commons crea. E. of Shannon, 1756 ; d. in Henrietta .St. Uub. in the 82nd year of his age, 1764 ; bu. in St. Patrick’s. Bust, seated to r., showing part of hat and right hand. Signed, “ Stepn. .Slaughter, Pt., Dublin, 1745.” Oval, canvas, 25? x 30J in. 86 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 359 GEORGE BRUDENELL, 4TH E. OF CARDIGAN, AND LADY .MARY MONTAGU. Described as the marriage of Ceorgc Brudenell, 4th E. of Cardigan, afterw ards U. of Montagu (1712-1790) w ith Lady Mary Montagu (1712-1775), dau. of John, 2nd D. of Montagu, on the 7tli July, 1730. Small full-length figures in a large room ; a party at breakfast ; a group playing lutes, a spinet, &c., accompanying a lady singing ; a clergyman is meeting (jeo. E. of Cardigan, and is being presented to the bride. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. 360 JANE THORNHILL, MRS. HOGARTH (1709-1789). Daughter of Sir James Thornhill (No. 183) ; b. 1709 ; married, w ithout the consent of her parents, \Vm. Hogarth the painter (No. 352) ; her father B. at Peterborough. 1700 ; chiefly known by his draw ings and etchings in imitation of Rembrandt ; drew heads with lead pencil and Indian ink on vellum ; made a large number of draw ings of antique gems ; painted also in oil and miniatures ; d. at Hammersmith, 23 .Sept. 1766. To waist, looking to 1 . ; porte-crayon in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 362 LADY ELIZABETH GER.MAINE ( -1769). “ Lady Betty Germaine,” 2nd dau. of Chas. 2nd. E. of Berkeley ; marr. (his 2nd wife) .Sir John (jemiaine, Bt., of Drayton, co. Northampton, who d. Dec. 1718, and left his estates to her ; she d. 16 Dec. 1769 ; bu. at Drayton ; bequeathed her estate chiefly to Ld. Geo. Sackville, who took the name of Germaine, and was cr. Viset. Sackville (No. 642). Full length, miniature size, seated, holding a fan. Canvas, 16 x 12 in. Signed, “ C. Philips.” 363 WILLIAM COLLINS (1720-1756) at the Age of 14. B. at Chichester, 25 Dec. 1720; son of a hatter; cduc. at Winchester, and Oucen's and Magd. Colls. Oxon ; settled in London 1744, and expe- rienced great poverty; pub. his “Odes,” 1747 ; d. insane at Chichester, 1756. Best known by his “ ( 3 dc to the Passions,” and “ Dirge in Cymbclinc.” Bust at the age of 14 ; crayon. Paper, 13^ X loi in. (Sfe No. 352.) Full length, miniature-size ; painting, with canvas on an easel before him. Eng. by himself. Canvas, 15J X 14 in. LENT BY PAINTER. Marcellus Laroon. Rev. J. E. Waldy. Mr. Willett L. Adye. Wm. Hogarth. I I'HOMAS WORLIDGE (1700-1766). Mr. Martin H. L. Colnaghi. 'I'homas Worlidge. Countess Delawarr. C. Phili PS. Lieut.-Colonel Frans. Cunningham. Bellars. 364 WILLIAM WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697-1764). Mr. Willetl L. Adye. Wm. Hogarth. Ground-fioor.'l Eastern Gallery (Nos. 159-380). 87 365 SUSANNA MARIA ARNE, xMRS. CIBBER ( -1766). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. a. G. Finlaison. Actress ; clan, of an upholsterer in Covent Garden, and sister of Dr. Thos. Arne the musician ; first appeared in public as a singer ; marr. Theophilus Cibber ; appeared as Zara, 1736, at Drury Lane, being instructed by Colley Cibber ; in tragedy her acting was praised by Garrick ; Handel composed music for her ; d. 30 Jan. 1766. Head, full face. Canvas, 15 X loi in. 366 MARGARE T WOFFING TON, as “ Penelope.” Countess Delawarr. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Comic actress ; b. in Dublin, 18 Oct. 1720; brought up to the stage by a .Madame Violante, a rope-dancer ; appeared first in Dub. ; at Cov. GarcL 1738, as “Sir Harry- W'ildair,” where her beauty and liveliness won admira- tion ; in Dub. 1742 with Garrick, who addressed a love-song to “my Peggy;” rival of Mrs. Cibber and Mrs. llellamy ; struck with paralysis on the stage 17 May, 1757 ; d. at Teddington. where she was noted for her charities, 28 April, \j 6 o. Half-length to r. ; in character of “ Penelope,” wearing crown ; hands crossed. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 367 JAxMES MONRO, M.D. (1680-1752). College of Physicians. B. 1680; educ. at Balliol Coll. Oxf. ; Fell. Coll. Phys. 1729; Phys. to Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals ; d. 1752. Bust ; black dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 368 MARTIN FOLKES, P.R.S. (1690-1754). Royal Society. Wm. Hogarth. Scholar and Antiquary ; b. in Gt. Oucen Street, Lincoln’s Inn h'ields, 29 Oct. 1690 ; eld. son of Martin Folkes ; educ. at the Univ, of Saumur and Clare Hall, Camb.; F.R..S. when only 23; Pres, of the Royal Soc. 1741 ; Mem. of the Acad, of Sciences, Paris, 1742 ; a large contributor to the “Phil. Trans. Pres, of the Soc. of Antiq. 1750 ; author of “Tables of Eng. Silver and Gold Coins;” d. in London, 28 June, 1754. Bust, showing r. hand pointed forward ; dark claret-coloured coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 369 TOBIAS GEORGE SMOLLETT, M.D. (1721-1771). Mr. a. Smollett. Verelst. B. at Dalquhurn, \'alc of Leven, Dumbartonsh. 1721 ; educ. at Dumbarton Gram. Sch. ; app. to a Surgeon at Glasgow; Surgeon’s Mate on board the “Cumberland,’’ and at Carthagena, 1741; quitted the Navy, and lived for some time in Jamaica; on his return to England settled in London (as a Surgeon) and commenced authorship with Satires, &c. ; “ Roderick Random,” his first novel, appeared in 1748 ; “ Peregrine Pickle,” 1751 ; “ Count Fathom,” * 75 T ff’unded and conducted the “Critical Review,” 1756; began to pub. “Hist, of England,” 1757 ; supported Ld. Bute in the “Briton,” the paper. 88 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. which provoked the “ North Briton ” of Wilkes ; “ Humphrey Clinker,” 1771 ; d. while travelling for his health, near Leghorn, 21 Oct. 1771. Half-length, standing; gloves in 1 . hand; r. in his long-flapped em- broidered waiscoat. Fainted in 1756. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 370 SARAH MALCOLM. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. H. Anderdon. Wm. Hog.^rth. B. about 17 1 1 in Durham, of a family possessing some independence ; her fathers extravagance left her without means of support ; she became, when about 22 years of age, laundress at some chambers in the Temple ; acted as charwoman to Mrs. Lydia Duncomb, in Tanfield Court, Temple, and on Sunday morning, 4 Feb. 1733, murdered Sirs. Duncomb, another elderly woman her companion, and a young girl their maid, in their rooms ; con- victed and executed opposite Mitre Court, Fleet Street, 7 Mar. 1733. Head to r. ; white cap and »eckerchief. Canvas, 22 X 18 in. 371 MRS. PRITCHARD (1711-1768). Rev. W. V. Harcourt. R. E. Pine. Actress ; maiden name Hannah Vaughan ; b. 171 1 ; received little education ; marr. an actor named Pritchard, and was acting in the provinces 1733 ; played both comedy and tragedy with success ; noted as Lady Macbeth and the Queen in Hamlet ; praised by Walpole and Churchill ; retired from the stage April, 1768 ; d. Aug. of the same year. Bust as a queen, wearing coronet and jewelled cross. Canvas, 27 X 21 in. 372 WILLIAM HOGARTH (1697-1764). Marquis of Lansdowne. Wm. Hogarth. (.SV^ No. 352.) Bust ; reddish cap ; green drapery, showing white shirt collar and sleeve; yellowish coat; signed “Wm. Hogarth, 172(1)4;” in- scribed on paper at back, — “This likeness of Mr. Wm. Hogarth by himself was presented to his friend Mr. Furnivall, in the year 1727, who left it to his son D. Furnivall, of Dean Street, Soho, from whom it was purchased.” Canvas, 29 X 21 in. 373 REV. LAWRENCE STERNE (1713-1768). Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. at Gonmel, 24 Nov. 1713; his father, Roger Sterne (the original of “ Uncle Toby ”), a Lieut in the Army ; passed the first years of his life with his father’s reg., chiefly in Ireland ; educ. at a school near Halifax and Jesus Coll. Camb. ; held the living of .Sutton, Yorksh., a Preb. in York Ca- thedral, and other Church preferment ; “Tristram Shandy,” vols. i. and ii., pub. at York, 1759 ; the remaining vols. 1761-7; travelled abroad; “.Sen- timental Journey,” 1768; “.Sermons of 3 Ir. Yorick;” d. in lodgings at 41 Old Bond Street, 18 Mar. 1768 ; bu. in the burying-ground of St. George's, Hanover Square. Three-quarter length, seated ; bl. gown ; resting head on r. h.and ; writing-table with papers on it to his r. Canvas, 5 1 x 40 in. 374 OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1728-1774). Mr. Studley Martin. Wm. Hogarth. Son of Rev. Charles Goldsmith ; b. at Pallas, co. Longford, 10 Nov. 1728 ; entered a Sizar of Trin. Coll. Dublin, 1745, where his expenses were mainly Ground-floor ."I Eastern Gallery { Noi . 159-380), 89 borne by his uncle, Rev. Thomas Contarini ; stud. Medicine in Edinburgh ; embarked for the Continent ; visited Leyden ; travelled in France, Germany, and Italy ; stopped at Padua, where he may have taken, his degree ; wrote his poem of the “Traveller,” which was not pub. till 1764 ; on his return to England supported himself with difficulty by his pen ; pub. the “ Vicar of Wakefield,” 1766; his comedy, “The Good-natured Man,” was brought out 1767 ; “The Deserted Village,” 1770; and “She Stoops to Conquer,” in 1773; he continued in difficulties though his writings were successful ; d. 4 April, 1774 ; bu. in the Temple burying-ground. Half-length, seated, writing at a round table ; claret-colourcd coat and ruffles ; black cap. Canvas, 13 x 16 in. 375 THOMAS GRAY (1716-1771). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. F. V. 7'hornton. J. G. Eckhardt. Poet and Scholar ; son of a Money-scrivener ; b. in Cornhill, London, 26 Dec. 1716; educ. at Eton and Peterhouse, Camb. ; ent. Inner Temple, 1738 ; acc. Horace Walpole on his travels abroad, 1739, but they parted, and Gray returned home, 1741, and settled at Camb. ; “Ode on a distant Pros- pect of Eton College,” 1747; “Elegy' written in a Country Churchyard,” 1752 ; migrated to Pembroke Hall, 1756; declined the Poet-Laureateship, 1757 ; “Progress of Poesy” and “The Bard,” both printed at Walpole’s Strawberry Hill Press, 1757 ; Prof, of Mod. Hist. Camb. 1768 ; d. 30 July, 1771, and bu. beside his mother at .Stoke Pogis. Half-length, leaning on chair, with MS. of his lines on “ Distant Prospect of Eton Coll.” in r. hand. Canvas, 16 X 13* in. From .Strawberry Hill Coll. 376 EDWARD CAVE (1691-1754). Mr. J. Gough Nichols, F, Kyte. Printer; b. at Newton, Warwickshire, 29 Feb. 1691 ; friend and early patron of Dr. Johnson, who wrote his life; established the “Gentleman's Magazine ;” d. 10 Jan. 1754. Three-quarter length, miniature size ; brown cap and coat ; gold-laced waistcoat ; holding paper in r. hand. Panel, 12x9} in. 377 HORACE WALPOLE (1717-1797). Rev. F. V. Thornton. J. G. Eckhardt. Youngest son of .Sir Rob. Walpole by Catharine .Shorter, his ist wife ; b. in Arlington St. 5 Oct. 1717 ; educ. at Eton (with Gray) and King’s Coll. Camb. ; M.P. for Callington, 1741, and afterwards for Castle Rising and King's Lynn, but took no prominent part in the House, from which he retired 1768 ; e.\erted himself to save Adm. Byng, 1757 ; held three sinecure offices ; purchased in 1747 .Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, which he enlarged into a Gothic mansion, and filled with his coll, of books, curiosities, and works of art ; estab. a private printing-press there, 1757 ; author of the novel, “The Castle of Otranto;” the tragedy, “The Mysterious Mother;” “ Catal. of Royal and Noble Authors of England ;” “ Anecdotes of Painting in England ” (based on Vertue’s materials) ; “ Memoirs,” &c. ; but best known by his “ Letters” (1735-1797) ; succ. his nephew, the 3rd Earl, 1791, but never took his seat ; d. unmarr. at No. ii Berkeley .Square, 2 Mar. 1797. Half-length, sm. life-size ; resting 1 . hand on vol. of “ Aides Walp. Straw- berry Hill in background. Dated at back 1754. Canvas, 16J X 13.] in. From Strawberry Hill Coll. go- Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 378 MRS. MARGARET WOFFINGTON (1720-1760). LENT nv PAINTER. Rev. a. G. Cornwall. J. B. Vanloo. (S'ftr So. 566.) To waist ; low dress ; bird-cage to her r. and canary on her shoulder. Can\ as, 36 x 28 in. 379 DAVID HUME (1711-1776). National Gallery of Scotl.a,nd. Allan Ramsay. B. at Edinburgh, 17 ii, of a branch of the E. of Home’s family; at the Univ. of Edinburgh for at least one Session ; for a short time in a Mercantile house at Bristol, 1734 ; went to France, where he wrote his “Treatise of Human Nature,” pub. in 1739; “Essays,” 1741-2 ; Sec. to (Jen. ,St. Clair in his E.\p. to the coast of Erance, and his Military Embassy to \'ienna and Turin, 1746-7 ; “ Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals,” 1751 ; “Political Discourses,” 1752; Librarian to the Faculty of Advocates, 1752; “Hist, of England,” 1754-61-2; Sec. to Ld. Hertford’s Embassy to I’aris, 1763; Chargd d’.Aff^aires, 1765 ; ret. home, 1766; L'nder- Sec. of State, 1768; d. at ICdinbiu'gh, 25 Aug. 1776. Bust, leaning on 1. ann ; scarlet laced coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 380 JOHN POTTER, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY (1674-1747). Christ Church, Oxford. Son of a Linendraper ; b. at Wakefield about 1674 ; educ. at the Gram. School, Waketield, and Univ. Coll. O.xford ; P'ell. of Lincoln Coll. 1694; Keg. Prof, of Divinity and Canon of Ch. Ch. 1708; Bp. of Oxford, 1715; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1737 ; d. 1747. Author of “ Antiquities of Greece,” 1697 ; “ Discoui'se on Church Government,” &c. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; episcopal habit. Dated 1747. Can- vas, 54 X 44 in. N0. 5. CENTRAL HALL {Nos. 381 to 397). 381 RICHARD MEAD, M.D. (1673-1754). Sir H. S. Wilmot, Bt. Michael Dahl. Son of Rev. Matt. Mead, Nonconformist Divine; b. at Stepney, ii Aug. 1673; stud, at Utrecht, Leyden, and Padua, where he graduated M.D.; ret., to London, and practised at Stepney, 1696; Phys. to St. Thomas’s, 1703; att. O. Anne on her death-bed; Phys. to Geo. II. ; author of works on “ Poisons,” “ Plague,” &c.; instrumental in the introd. of inoculation ; friend of Pope, .Arbuthnot, &c.; distin. for his benevolence and the support he gave to Literature, -Art, and Science; formed a valuable Lib. and Mus. ; d. 16 Feb. 1754. Mon. in West. .Abbey. Half-length, seated, holding a small bronze figure ; bust of Hip]?ocratcs to his I. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-floor.^ Central Hall (A'aj. 381-397). 91 382 ARCHIBALD BOWER (1686-1766). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Wm. Anthony. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 15 . at DuikIcc, 1686 ; cdiic. at the Scottish Coll. Douay ; became a Jesuit; came to Kngland, 1726, and Joined the Church of England ; readmitted to Church of Rome, 1744. and again became a Protestant ; wrote the “ History of the Popes,” 1750 ; also much of the “ Universal Hist. d. 3 .Sept. 1766. Bust to r. ; dark dress ; red book in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 383 REV. ISAAC WATTS, D.D. (1674-1748). Dr. Williams’s Library. Dissenting Divine ; b. at Southampton, where his father was master of a boarding-school ; eldest of 9 children ; attended the h'ree .School at Southampton; his early proficiency was remarkable; tutor to Sir John Hartopp’s son ; became Assistant-Minister to a congregation in Mark Lane, 1698 ; his health failed, and he was received by Sir Thos. Abney of Stoke Newington as one of his family, and remained there 36 years, till his death, 25 Nov. 1748. Wrote on many subjects— Logic, Philosophy, &c. ; his Hymns exceeded in popularity any similar work. Bust to 1 . ; bands ; bluish coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 384 ALEXANDER CRUDEN (1701-1770). Mr. John Whitehead. B. at Aberdeen, 1701; stud, at Marischal Coll, for the Ministry; came to London, and employed as a Private Tutor; in business as a Bookseller, 1732; and also a Corrector for the Press ; compiled a “ Concordance ” to the Holy Scriptures, pub. in 1737 or 1738 ; subject to derangement of intellect; found dead on his knees, i Nov. 1770. Half-length, small life size ; seated reading, with book in r. hand. Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. 385 JOHN NICOL, D.D. ( -1765). Head Master of Westminster. Head Master of Westminster School, 1733-53: William Cowper, the poet, was at Westminster during his head-mastership ; d. 1765. Bust, seated ; hands folded ; bands and black canvas gown. Dated “1765, age 82.” Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 386 REV. PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D.D. Trustees of Mr. W. Coward, New Coll. London. Son of a tradesman in London, of a non-conformist family ; b. 26 June, 1702 ; cduc. partly at St. Alban’s, where he was known to Mr. afterwards Dr. Samuel Clarke; became Minister at Hinklcy, 1723 ; afterwards at North- ampton, and exercised great influence, pupils coming to him from Scotland, &c. ; D.D. of Univer. of Aberdeen, 1736 ; d. at Lisbon, where he had gone for his health, 26 Oct. 1751 ; author of many religious works, “The Rise and Progi'css of Religion,” “ Family Expositor,” &c. Bust, to 1 . ; bands and black gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 387 EVELYN PIERREPONT, 2 nd DUKE OE KING- STON, K.G. ( -1773). Earl Manvers. P. Tillemans. Full-length small figures; the Duke shooting, with black attendant on foot, and pointers ; horses exercising ; Thorcsby Park, Notts, in back ground. Signed, “ P. Tillemans, 1725.” Canvas, 126 X 76 in. 92 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 388 BRIDGET DOMVILE, LADY SANTRY. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bt. Bridget, dau. of Sir Thomas Domvile of Tcmpleogue, Bt. ; marr. Henry, 3rd Ld. Santry ; known as corresponding with Dean Swift. Half-length ; robes of peeress ; 1 . hand resting on coronet. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 389 THOMAS WILSON, BISHOP OF SODOR AND MAN (1663-1755). Earl of Derby, K.G. Jonathan Richardson. B. at Burton, Cheshire, 1663 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dub. ; Chaplain to the E. of Derby, and Tutor to his son, Ld. Strange, 1692 ; Bp. of .Sodor and Man, then in the gift of the E. as Sovereign of the Island, 1697 ; D.D. Uxf. and Camb. 1707; declined the .See of Exeter. A tract he pub. in 1707, “Principles and Duties of Christianity” — the first book printed in Manx; d. 7 Mar. 1755, having been Bp. 57 years. Author of “ Instructions for Better Understanding the Lord’s .Supper,’’ and “ .Sacra Privata.” Life by Keble. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; episcopal dress ; holding map of 1 . of .Man. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 390 PRINCESS AMELIA (1710-1786). Mr. Hugh Robert Hughes. Hans Hysing. 2nd dau. of Geo. II. ; b. 1710 ; d. unmarried 1786, Full-length, standing ; in robes worn at her father's coronation; coronet on table to her r. Canvas, 95 X 59 in. 391 LADY CHARLOTTE BOYLE, MARCHIONESS OF HARTINGl'ON. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Only dau. and heir of Rich. Boyle, Earl of Burlington and Cork, and Baroness Clifford on his decease ; marr. 1748 William Cavendish, Marquis of Hartington, and afterwards 0755 ) 4th D. of Devonshire. Half-length, standing ; low dress ; mask in r. hand. Canvas, 50X40 in. 392 WILLIAM CAVENDISH, 4TH DUKE OF DEVON- SHIRE, K.G. (1720-1764). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Eldest son of William, 3rd Duke ; b. 1720 ; M.P. for Derbyshire, 1747 ; married, 1748, Charlotte Boyle, Baroness Clifford, only daughter of Richard, 3rd E. of Burlington (Nos. 280, 391); called to the Ho. of Peers as Ld Caven- dish, 1751 ; succ. his father, 1755 ; F.R..S. ; Lord-Lieut. of Ireland, 1755 ! K.G. and Chamberlain of the Household, 1757 ; d. 2 Oct. 1764 ; bu. at Derby. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; ribbon K.G. ; Chamberlain’s stick in 1 . hand. Canvas, 45 X 44 in. 393 DUNCAN FORBES, LORD-PRESIDENT (1685-1747). Mr. Arthur Porbes. Allan Ramsay. 2nd son of Duncan Forbes of Culloden ; b. there to Nov. 1685 ; educ. at Edinb., Utrecht, and Paris ; sup. the Govern, during the Rebellion of 1715; Ground- floor. ~\ Central Hall {Nos. 381-397). 93 Dcp. Ld. Adv. 1717; M.P. for Inverness, 1722, and sup. .Sir Rt. Walpole ; Ld. Adv. 1725 ; Ld. Pres. 1742, and had the chief influence in gov. of Scotland ; opposed the Pretender in 1745, for which purpose he mortgaged his estate and impoverished himself, but was never repaid by Govt. ; inter- ceded with the D. of Cumberland for the rebels after Culloden, but without success ; author of “■ Thoughts on Religion,” and of the “ Culloden Papers,” pub. 1815 ; d. 10 Dec. 1747. Rust to r. ; red robes. Canvas, 34 X 28 in. 394 SIR WILLIAM BROWNE, Kt. M.D. (1692-1774). LENT BV PAINTER. College of Physicians. Thomas Hudson. R. 1692 ; educ. at Petcrhousc, Camb.; Pres, of the Coll, of Phys. 1765- 1766; d. 10 Mar. 1774. Author of Optical and other essays, and founder of the Rrowne Scholarship and Medals at Cambridge. Full-length, standing ; robes as President, and silver mace in r. hand. Inscribed with name, &c., “President, 1765, a;t. 73;” signed and dated, “ Hudson, fecit, 1767.’’ Can\ as, 90 X 54 in. 395 JOSEPH BUTLER, BISHOP OF DURHAM. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Infirmary. (See 'So. 287.) Full-length, seated to r. in Library, holding paper in r. hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 396 CHARLES SPENCER, sth E. OF SUNDERLAND and 2ND DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, K.G. Earl Spencer, K.G. Jonathan Richardson. 3rd son of Chas. 3rd E. of Sunderland (No. 186), and grandson of John, 1st D. of Marlborough (No. 81) ; b. 1706 ; succ. his brother Robt. 4th Earl, ' 1729; on the death of his aunt Henrietta, D. of Marlborough, became 2nd D. of Marlborough, 1733 ; K.G. 1742 ; commanded a Rrigade of the Guards at Dettingen, 1743; Ld. Steward, 1749; Ld. Privy Seal, 1755; Master-Gen. of the Ordnance, 1755 ; Com.-in-Chief of the land forces in the Expedition to Rrittany, 1758 ; Com.-in-Chief of all the Rrit. forces intended to serve in Germany under P. Ferdinand, 1758 ; d. of a fever at Munster, Westphalia, 1758, and bu. at Woodstock. Full-length, standing ; peer’s robes ; coronet on table to his r. Canvas, 97 X 61 in. 397 CHAS. WHITWORTH, BARON WHITWORTH. Countess Delaware. Jack Ellys. Eldest son of Richard Whitworth of Adbaston, Staffordshire ; appointed to many and important diplomatic posts ; created Raron Whitworth (Ireland), 9th January, 1720 ; d. 20th October, 1725, when the title expired. Three-quarter length, seated ; holding his nephew, a boy, by the hand ; in r. hand a paper, addressed to him as Plen. at the Congress at Cambray. Canvas, 63 X 46^ in. 94 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. ^^o. 6. WESTERN GALLERT (Nos. 398 to 500). 398 GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL. LENT BY 7 - 7 - ' 9 ^^ -clUw. PAINTER. E arl Howe / , UiUiiSj N' f d . Thomas Hudson. Son of an eminent physician at Halle, in .Saxony, where he was b. 24 Feb. 1684 ; intended for the law, but showed, from a child, his passion for music ; taught by Fr. Zachau, organist of Halle ; composed sonatas at 10 years of age ; went to Hamburg, where he had a duel with Mattheson, a rival musician ; produced operas, “ Almeria,” &c. ; visited Florence, V'enice, and Rome, where he became known to Corelli ; came to Hanover, 1710, and found a patron in the Elector (deo. 1 .) ; arrived in London ; on the peace of Utrecht composed, by the Queen Anne’s commands, a ‘‘Te Deum” and “Jubilate received a pension, which deo. 1 . doubled ; wrote many operas ; opposed by an Italian faction, with Bononcini. &c. ; produced “ Israel in Egypt,” 1738 ; the “ Messiah,” 1741 ; went to Dublin for nine months ; produced “ Samson,” 1742 ; “ Jephthah,” 175 1 ; became blind in his latter years, but continued to conduct his oratorios ; d. on Good Friday, 13 .April, 1759 ; bu. at Westminster .Abbey. Full-length, .seated ; gold-laced coat ; stick in r. hand. Signed, “X- Hud- son, pinxt. 1756.” Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 399 SIR JOHN HAMILTON DALRYMPLE, Bart. (1726-1810). Earl of Stair. Eldest son of Sir Win. Dalrymple, 3rd Bart. ; b. 1726 ; succ. his father, 1771 ; Baron of Exch. in Scotland, 1776-1807 ; .Author of “ Memoirs of dt. Britain and Ireland ;” and other historical writings ; d. 1810. Bust to 1 . ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 400 VISCOUNT ALTHORP and LADIES GEORGIANA AND HENRIETTA SPENCER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. (See Nos. 434, 439.) Only son and two daughters of John, ist Earl Spencer. Full-length, small-size figures ; Lord Althorp standing near his sisters, seated in a garden. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 401 SIR JOHN PRINGLE, Bt. P.R.S. (1707-1782). Royal Society. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Youngest son of Sir John Pringle of Stitchel, Roxburghsh. ; b. 10 .April, 1707 ; ecluc. at St. Andrew’s and Edin. ; studied medicine at Leyden, where Boerhaave and Albinus were Profs. ; Prof, of .Moral Phil, at Edinb. ; Phys. to the E. of Stair with the army in the Netherlands, and to the Military Hosp. in Flanders, 1742 ; F.R..S. 1745 ; attended the army under the U. of Ciimberla'nd in Scotland, 1745 ; Pub. his “ Obser. on the Diseases of the Army,” 1752 ; Fell. Coll. Phy. 1758 ; Phy. Extra, to the Queen. 1763, and to the King, 1774; Bart. 1766 ; contrib. many papers to the “ Phil. Trans.;” received the Copley Medal from the Royal .Soc. for discoveries in Medicine ; Pres. 1772-8 ; d. in London, 18 Jan. 1782 ; during his Pres, arose the dispute about blunt or pointed electric conductors. Bust to r. ; bl. gown ; claret coloured coat. 30 X 25 in. Groiind-Jtoir.'\ Western Gallery [Nos. 398-500). 99 402 MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES WOLFE (1726-1759). LENT BY PAJ.NTER. Mr. C. Morrison. .Son of Lt.-Gen. Ed. Wolfe ; b. at Westerham, Kent. 2 Jan. 1726 ; entered the Army at 14; distinguished at Dettingen, Fontenoy, and Laffeidt, in which last batt. lie was wounded ; Brig.-Gen. at the taking of Louisbourg, 1758 ; appointed by Pitt Comm, of the Land Forces in tlie exp. agst. Quebec, and killed in the hour of victory- on the plains of Abraham, 13 Sept. 1759; b. at Greenwich. Monument in Westm. .\bbcy. Bust, miniature site ; profile to r. ; scarlet uniform over cuirass. Canvas, II X 9 in. 403 REV. GEORGE WHH'EFIELD. N.A.T10NAL Portrait Gallery. J. Woolaston, Jun. Youngest son of Thos. Whiteficld, innkeeper at Gloucester ; b. i6th Dec. 1714 ; educ. at thcGram. Sch. there ; admitted a servitor at Pemb. Col. Oxf. ; became acquainted with the Wesley {sec No. 828) ; ordained. 1736 ; his preaching, aided by a wonderful voice, made a great impression ; went to Georgia, 1738 ; ret. and preached with Wesley, and established “ Methodist” opinions ; his oratory attracted Hume, Cliesterfield, Franklin, &c. ; separ- ated from Wesley, but their friendship did not cease ; d. near Boston, Amer. 30 Sep. 1770. Small figures ; Whitefield in the pulpit, jireaching. Canvas, 32 X 26J in. 404 SIR COMPTON DOMVILE, Bart. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bt. Stephen Slaughter. Priv. Coun. ; M.P. for Dublin for 44 vears ; Cl. of Crown and llanaper ; d. 176S. To waist, showing both hands ; scarlet coat, gold-laced waistcoat. Can- vas, 36 X 28 in. 405 Dr. NATHANIEL HOOKE ( 1690 .? -1763). National Portrait Gallery. Bart. Dandridge. Date and place of birth uncertain ; a friend of many distinguished men of the beginning of the i8th century ; attended Pope on his death-bed ; re- ceived 5000/. from Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, to aid her in drawing up an account of her court life ; her Grace quarrelled with him afterwards, asserting that he attempted to convert her to his own religion (Roman Catholic) ; began to pub. his Roman Hist. 1733 ; wrote on the Roman .Senate in reply to Dr. Middleton; translated ‘‘ I.ife of Fenelon ” and “Travels of Cyrus” from the French; d. 19 July, 1763. Half-length, standing ; red coat ; r. hand resting on large book ; signed, B. Dandridge, pinxit.” Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 406 EDWARD WORTLEYMONTAGU (1713 1776). Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. Son of Edward Wortley Montagu and Lady Mary Pierrepont, the cele- brated Lady Mary Wortley Montagu ; b. at Wharncliffe, 1713 ; sent to West- minster ; ran aw-ay ; went as cabin-boy to .Spain ; discovered by the Consul at Cadiz ; traw with a private tutor ; pub. “ Reflections on Ancient Repub- lics ; ” M.P. during two sessions ; his embarrassments drove him abroad ; became a Catholic, and in Egypt a Mohammedan ; contributed to the “ Phil. Trans. ;” d. at Padua, 1776. Half-length, standing; in Turkish dress; grey beard. Canvas, 30 X .40 in. 96 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 407 LIEUT.-GEN. HON. ROBERT MONCKTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Galway, M.P. Benjamin West, P.R.A. 2nd son of John, ist Visct. Galway ; b. 1728 ; one of the Brigadiers who took the command when Wolfe fell at Quebec, and wounded in that victory, 13 Sept. 1759 ; Gov. and Com.-in-Chief of N. York, 1761 ; died 3 May, 178?. Full-length, standing ; in uniform ; cannon to his 1. Canvas, 94A X 68 in. 408 HUGH BOULTER, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (1671-1742). Christ Church, Oxford. B. in London, 1671 ; cduc. at Merchant Taylors’ School, and Ch. Ch. 0.xf. ; Demy of Magdalen and afterwards Fellow ; Rector of St. Olave’s ; Arch- deacon of Surrey ; tutor to Frederick P. of Wales ; Bp. of Bristol, 1719 ; Primate of Ireland, 1724; d. 1742. Author of various sermons, and “Letters on Transactions in Ireland.” Half-length, seated to r. ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 409 RIGHT HON. THOMAS CARTER. Mr. Thos. Shaen Carter. Charles Jervas. M.P. for Hillsborough in the Irish Pari. ; Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 1731-54; Prin. Sec. of .State for Ireland, 1755-66. Half-length, standing to r. ; official robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 410 LORD CLARE. Corporation of Bristol. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Rt. Hon. Rob. Nugent, M.P. for Bristol, 1754-62 ; creat. Ld. Clare; friend of Oliver Goldsmith, who became known to him by his poem of “ The Traveller ;” d. 1788. Half-length, to 1. ; standing near table, on which arc various Acts of Parliament. Canvas, 51 X39 in. 41 I GEO. FREDERICK HANDEL. Earl of Malmesbury. Phil. Mercier. {Si’e No. 398.) Half-length, seated at round table, head leaning on 1. hand, which rests on a harpsichord : stated to have been given by Handel to Mr. Harris about 1748 ; signed “ Phil. Mercier.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 412 GEORGE, 4TH VISCOUNT and ist MARQUIS TOWNSHEND (1724-1807). Marquis Townshend. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of Charles, 3rd Viscount ;b. 1724; godson of Geo. L; M.P. for CO. of Norfolk; served under Geo. II. at Dcttingen; at Fontenoy, Cullodcn, and Lafifeldt; at the siege of Quebec, which surr. to him as Com.-in-Chief, after Wolfe’s death, 1759; Ld. -Lieut, of Ireland, 1767; Mast.-Gen. of the Ordn. 1772, 1783; crea. Marquis, 1786 ; a Field-Marshal ; d. 1807. Full-length, standing ; armour ; horsemen in background to r. Canvas, 93 X 58 in. Ground-floor.'] Western Gallery {Nos. 398-500). 97 413 PENELOPE PITT, COUNTESS LIGONIER. Eld. dau. of Geo. Pitt, ist Baron Rivers ; inarr. i Jan. 1767, Edw. 2nd Earl Ligonier ; was the occasion of a duel between her husband and Count Alfieri ; divorced in 1772, and marr. 2nd, in 1784, Capt. Smith. Full-length, leaning on pedestal to her 1 ., on which is a bronze statuette ; head resting on 1 . hand. Painted about 3 years after her ist mar. Canvas, 95 X 62 in. 414 EDWARD AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF YORK AND ALBANY, K.G. (1739-1767). Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Second son of Fred. P. of Wales, and next brother of George III. ; b. 14 Mar. 1739 ! entered the Navy, and was at the taking of Cherbourg and the defeat of St. Cas, 1758 ; created E. of Ulster and U. of York and Albany, 1760 ; Vice-Adm. of the Blue, 1762 ; d. unmarr. at Monaco, Sept. 1767 ; bu. in Hen. VIl.’s Chapel. Bust, showing r. hand ; profile ; three-cornered hat, dark laced coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 415 FRANCES H ANBURY WILLIAMS, COUNTESS OF ESSEX ( -1759). Eld. daughter of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, K.B., and Lady Frances Coningsby ; married, 1754, William Anne Capel, 4th E. of Essex ; d. 19 July, 1759. Half-length, seated ; head resting on I. hand ; white drapery, edged with dark fur. Canvas, 40 x 28 in. 416 EDWARD AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF YORK AND ALBANY, K.G., and GROUP. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). {See No. 414.) Full-length, seated, wearing ribbon and star K.G. ; group of six standing figures near him, with greyhounds. Sir W. Boothby, Henry St. John, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Murray, Lord Lucan, Topham Beau- clerc. Canvas, 64 X 50 in. 417 JOHN, IST EARL LIGONIER (1678-1770). Of an ancient French family; b. 1678 ; ent. the Army under Marlborough and rose to the rank of Fd.-Mar.; Knt.-Banneret on the Field of Dettingen, 1743; distinguished at Raucoux, 1746, and Laffeldt, 1747, when he was taken prisoner; crea. Viset. Ligonier (Ireland) and appointed Com.-in-Chief, 1757; Baron Ligonier (Gt. Britain), 1763; E. 1766; d. 1770, and bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length; uniform ; cuirass; and ribbon of K.B. Canvas, 51 X 41 in. LENT BY Lord Rivers. PAINTER. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Earl of Essex. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Mr. Chas. S. Lloyd. Sir j. Reynolds, P.R.A. G 98 Reign of George II. 1727-1760. 418 WILLIAM WILDMAN, 2nd VISCOUNT BARRINGTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Barrington, M.P. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of John Shutc, ist Visct. Barrington ; b. 1717 ; Chan, of the Exchequer, 1761 ; Sec. at War, 1765 ; d. i Feb. 1793. Bust to r. ; embroidered coat. Dated 1762. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 419 WILLIAM LEGGE, 2nd E. OF DARTMOUTH (1731-1801). Earl of Dartmouth. Pompeio Battom. Grandson of Wm. ist E. ; b. 1731 ; succ. his Grandfather, 1750; ist Commis. of Trade, &c. 1766 ; Sec. of State for Colonies, 1772 ; Ld. Steward of Household, 1775 ; d. 1801 ; mentioned by Cowper the poet as “one who wears a coronet and prays.” Half-length, standing, leaning on base of column ; b. in right hand. Painted at Rome, 1754, by Pompeio (Battoni). Canvas, 38} X 29 in. 420 ISABELLA, MARCHIONESS OF HERTFORD (1759-1836). Mr. H, F. Meynell Ingram. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Isabella Anne Ingram Sheffield, eld. dau. of Chas. Ingram, 9th Visct. Irvine ; b. 1759 ; man', (his 2nd wife) 1776, Francis Seymour Conway, 2nd Marquis of Hertford ; d. 12 April, 1836. Full-length ; in a garden holding feather fan in r. hand ; white skirt over yellowish dress. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 421 SIR DUDLEY RYDER, LORD CHIEF JUSTICE (1691-1756). Society of Lincoln’s Inn. B. 1691 ; 2nd son of Richard Ryder, the Cloisters, West Smithfield, Mercer; educ. at a Diss. Acad. Hackney, Edinburgh, and Leyden; called to the Bar, 1725 ; Sol.-Gen. 1733; Att.-Gen. 1736; conducted the Prosecu- tions after the Rebellion of 1745 ; Ld. Ch. Just. 1754 ; d. suddenly 25 May, 1756, Geo. III. having on the previous day signed a warrant for his elevation to the Peerage, but Sir Dudley dying before the patent was completed, it did not take effect. Full-length ; black gown and lawyer’s wig. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 422 SAMUEL CHANDLER, D.D. F.R.S. (1693-1766). Royal Society. Mason Chamberlin, R.A. B. at Hungerford, 1693 ; son of a Dissenting Minister ; chiefly educ. at Mr. Jones's -Dissenting Academy, Tcwkcsbur>-, Seeker and Butler being his fellow-students ; Minister of the Presbyterian Chapel, Peckham, and from 1726 to 1766 of the congregation in the Old Jewry ; author of “ A Critical History of the Life of King l 3 avid,” “Vindication of the Christian Religion,” and other theological works ; F.R.S. 1754 ; d. 8 May, 1766. Half-length, seated ; pen in r. hand ; vol. of iEschylus on the table to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-fl-oor^ Western Gali.ery [Nos. 398-500). 99 423 RIGHT HON. STEPHEN POYNTZ. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Thomas Hudson, Of Mid^eham, Berks; Gov. of the D. of Cumberland; Ambass. to the K. of Sweden and Plenipo. at Soissons, 1728; fatlier of ist Countess Spencer (No. 468) ; d. 1750. Half-length, standing ; blue gold-laced waistcoat ; 1 . hand resting on table. Canvas, 5 1 x 40 in. 424 HON. JOHN SPENCER and his Son JOHN, AFTERWARDS IST EARL SPENCER. Earl Spencer, K.G. George Knapton, Hon. J. .Spencer [see No. 272). John Spencer, his only son, grandson of Charles. 3rd E. of Sunderland, and great-grandson of John, ist D. of Marl- borough ; b. 1734; M.P. for Warwick, 1757; created Baron and Viset. Spencer, 1761 ; Viset. Althorp and E. .Spencer, 1765 ; d. 1783. [See Nos. 272, 475V Full-length figures. Hon. John Spencer holding a gun, while a black attendant keeps in his dog ; his son, young, on horse- back to r. ; signed “ G. Knapton, ’ and dated 1745. Canvas, 98 X 61 in. 425 MARY TOWNSHEND. Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Hon. Thos. Townshend. Half-length to r. ; blue dress ; 1 . hand resting on flower \ase ; r. placing a bouquet in her bosom. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 426 FRANCIS HLACKBURNE, ARCHDEACON OF CLEVELAND (1704-1787). St. C.vtharine’s College, Cambridge. B. at Richmond, Yorksh. 1704 ; educ. at Catharine Hall, Camb. ; became Fell.; ordained 1739 1 Eector of Richmond, Yorksh. for 40 years ; Archd. of Cleveland, 1750; d. 1787 ; pub. “The Confessional,” which occasioned much controversy. Animadversions on Bp. Warburton’s writings, &c. ; works, with life, by his son, 7 vols. pub. 1804. Bust ; clerical dress ; within oval wreath. Canvas, 37 X 30 in. 427 WILLIAM BOYCE, Mus.D. (1710-1779). Unit, of Oxford. 'I'homas Hudson, Organist and composer ; son of Wm. Boyce, a joiner and eabinet-maker in London ; b. 7 h'eb. 1710, at Joiners’ Hall ; educ. under Ch. King, master of the children of St. Paul’s ; apprenticed to Dr. .Maurice Greene, organist there ; became organist to O.xford Ch.apel, Vere Street, afterwards to St. Michael, Cornhill ; appointed one of the Composers to his Majesty, 1736 ; Mus. D. of Cambridge, 1749 ; one of the Organists of the Chapel Royal, 1758, on the death of Travers; presided for many years at the triennial meetings at Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester ; d. 7 Feb. 1779 ; bu. in .St. Paul's Cathedral. Before his apprenticeship expired he became almost entirely deaf, and did not recover his hearing. Author of much sacred music, “ 12 sonatas, ’ songs, &c. ; published Collection of English Cathedral Music, Dr. Greene having bequeathed to him his MSS. collections. Full-length, standing, with vol. inscribed, “Solomon, a serenata,” in r. hand. Canvas, 88 X 58 in. !T 100 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 428 SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, Kt. and WIFE (1730-1803). LENT BT PAINTER. Earl Cathcart. David Allan. B. in Scotland, 1730; Ambassador to Naples, 1764, where he remained till 1800; made a long series of observations on Vesuvius, Etna, &c., which he communicated to the Roy. Soc. ; collected a series of Greek vases now in the Brit. Mus. ; aided in the establishment of the Neapolitan Mus. at Portici, and shared the expense of unrolling and examining the Herculaneum MSS.; F.R.S. 1766; Kt. 1772; Privy Councillor, 1791 ; married his ist wife in 1755 ; in England, 6 April, 1803. Full-length small-sized figures, in a room ; Lady H., Sir William’s ist wife, is playing the spinet ; in background a dog, and serv ant with letter. Painted at Naples, 1770. Copper, 23 J X 18 in. 429 ANNE MONTGOMERY, MARCHIONESS TOWNSHEND, and her SON. Marquis Townshend. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. Dau. of Sir Wm. Montgomery, Bart., of Magbie Hill, co. Peebles ; ^ b. 1753 ; marr. 1773 (his 2nd wife) George, afterwards ist Marquis Towns- ’ hend ; d. 1818 ; her eldest son, Hon. William (afterwards styled Lord ( William) Townshend, d. in the West Indies. Three-quarter length, small size, seated ; with her son as Cupid beside her holding a dove. Canvas, 20 X 24 in. [ I 430 MATTHEW MATY, M.D. (1718-1776). British Museum. Dupan. B. in Holland, 1718 ; settled in England ; Sec. to Royal Society ; Prin- I cipal Librarian of British Museum ; d. 2 Aug. 1776. I To waist, leaning over the back of chair ; book in 1. hand ; green coat, I blue cap. Canvas, 30 x 24J in. | 431 JOHN JOSHUA KIRBY (1716-1774). • Mr. George C. Handford. Wm. Hogarth. B at Parham, Suffolk, 1716; settled in London and introduced by Ld. Bute to Geo. III. ; Clerk of the Works at Kew ; Teacher of Perspective to 1 the King and Queen ; President of the Incorporated Society of Artists, i 1768; pub. the “Perspective of Architecture;” F.R.S. and F.S.A. ; d. 20 | June, 1774- Half-length, seated to 1. ; resting on 1. arm, holding paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 432 JEREMIAH MILLES, DEAN OF EXETER (1714-1784). Society of Antiquaries. Son of Jeremiah Milles; b. 1704; educ. at Eton and Corp. Ch. Coll. Oxf. ; Preb. of Waterford, where his uncle was Bp. ; Rector of St. Edmund in Lombard St., Merstham, and West Tarring; Dean of Exeter, 1762; Pres. Soc. Antiq. 1769 ; pub. an ed. of Rowley’s (Chatterton’s) poems {see No. 810) with an attempted vindication of their genuineness ; d. 13 Feb. 1784 Bust to 1. ; clerical dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor^ Western Gallery (Aw. 398-500). lOI 433 ELIZABETH GUNNING, DUCHS. of HAMILTON AND AFTERWARDS OF ARGYLL ( -I790). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Mansfield. Henry Robert Morland. Dau. of John Gunning, Esq. of Castle Coote, co. Roscommon, and sister of Maria, Countess of Coventry (No. 441); celebrated for her beauty ; marr. ist, 1752, James Douglas, 6th U. of Hamilton, and was mother of James, 7th Duke, and Douglas, 8th D. of Hamilton ; marr. 2nd, 3 March, 1759, John Campbell, 5th D. of Argyll, and was mother of George, 6th Duke, and John, 7th D. of Arg>dl ; created Baroness Hamilton, 1776 ; d. 20 Dec. 1790. Half-length, as a laundress ; low figured dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 434 GEORGIANA SPENCER, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE (1757-1806). Earl Spencer, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eld. dau. of John, ist E. Spencer ; b. 1757 ; marr. VVm. 5th D. of Devonshire, 1774 ; d. 1806. Remarkable for her beauty and accomplish- ments, and the interest she took in politics; author of a poem, “The Passage of Mount St. Gothard.” At the age of 6 years ; to waist ; hands folded ; white low dress trimmed with pink ribbon. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 435 ANNE HILL, COUNTESS OF MORNINGTON. Duke of Wellington, K.G. Eldest dau. of Arthur Hill, ist Visct. Dungannon ; marr. Garrett Welles- ley, 1st E. of Mornington (No. 443); d. 10 Sept. 1831. Mother of the D. of Wellington (s^o No. 751). To waist, showing 1. hand ; low white dress, blue drapery. Canvas, 26^ X 22 in. 436 ANNA MARIA STANHOPE, COUNTESS OF LINCOLN ( -1821). Duke of Newcastle. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Dau. of Wm. Stanhope, 2nd E. of Harrington ; marr. ist, Thos. after- wards 3rd D. of Newcastle ; 2nd, Sir C. G. Crawford, G.C.B. ; d. 1821. Full-length, seated, playing the harp ; white dress. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 437 GARRICK AND COLONEL WYNDHAM. Viscountess Clifden. F. Hayman, R.A. (Se^ No. 551.) Small full-length figures, seated in negligent attitudes near a stile ; Garrick holding a book and reciting. Canvas, 40 X 34 in. 438 HORACE WALPOLE, AFT. 4TH EARL OF ORFORD (1717-1797). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. (Sog No. 377.) Three-quarter length, standing, as a young man ; red embroidered waistcoat ; blue coat ; s. of arms to his 1. Canvas, 50 X 40 i“- 102 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 439 CHILDREN OF JOHN, EARL SPENCER. LENT r,Y PAINTER. Earl Spencer, K.G. Catharine Read. (Jkokgk John, Viscount Ai.thorp, only son, aftcrwitrds 2nd liarl Spencer. {ScY No. 729.) L.4DY (Ji:0KGl.VN.\, del. dau. 'see Xo. 454) ; marr. William Ca\endish, 5th D. of Devonshire. Hexrie'IT.a hK.VNCF.S Spencer, Counlcss of Hessborough, 2nd dau.; b. 1761 ; m. Fred Fonsonby, 3rd Earl of Bessborough, 1780 ; d. 1821. Lady Charlotte .Spencer, youngest dau. ; b. 1765 ; d. 1766. Half-length figures of four children, one an infant, with ABC scroll in their hands. Canvas, 50 X 24J. 440 THOS. PELHAM CLINTON, E. of LINCOLN (1752-1795). Duk.e of Newcastle. 'Fhos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Henry, 9th E. of Lincoln, and 2nd Duke of Newcastle; b. i July, 1752; marr. 1782 Anna Maria, dau. of Win. 2nd E. of Harrington ; d. 17 May, 1795- Full-length, standing ; in pink dress, leaning on r. hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 441 MARIA GUNNING, COUNTESS OF COVENTRY (1733-1760). Earl of ^Mansfield. Henry Robert Morland. One of ‘ the (ioddesses the Gunnings ;” daughter of John Gunning of Castle Coote, co. Cork, and Bridget Bourke, daughter of Theobald, 6th Viset, Mayo; b. 1733; made with her sister her first appearance at Court 1751, and their beauty e.xcited an extraordinary sensation ; m.arried George, 6th E. of Coventr)-, 1752 ; Walpole's correspondence and .Selwyn's show the opinion expressed in her own time of her beauty ; d. i Oct. 1760. Mason wrote an elegy on her death. To waist ; at a table, using a smoothing-iron ; low figured dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 442 LADY HESTER GRENVILLE, afterwards BARONESS OF CHATHAM ( -1803). Earl Stanhope. Thomas Hudson. Only dau. of Richard Grenville and sister of Earl Temple; marr.Wni. Pitt, afterwards ist E. of Chatham; created Baroness of Chatham 1761 ; d. 1803. To waist ; profile to 1 . ; white low dress ; blue drapery ; dated 1750. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 443 GARRETT WELLESLEY, ist EARL OF MORNINGTON (1735-1781). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Only son of Richard Colley Wesley, ist Baron Mornington ; b. 19 July, •735 ; sue. as 2nd Baron, 1758; created Earl, 1760; d. 22 May, 1781; father of Lord Cowley, Lord Maryborough, the Duke of Wellington, and the Marquis Wellesley. Bust to 1 . ; claret-coloured coat ; white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground- floor ?[ Western Gallery (Nos. 398-500). 103 444 QUEEN CHARLOTTE (1744-1818). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Academy. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Charlotte Sophia, 2nd dau. of Charles Louis Fred. Duke of Mecklen- burgh-Strelitz ; b. 19 May, 1744; marr. Geo. III. 8 Sept. 1761, by whom she had fifteen children ; d. 17 Nov. 1818. Full-length, seated to r.; in royal robes. Canvas, 109 X 73 in. 445 MARRIAGE OF GEORGE III. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Sketch of small figures, grouped in front of the altar. Canvas, 49 X 38 in. 446 ROBERT HENLEY, E. OF NORTHINGTON, LORD CHANCELLOR (1708-1772). Lord Henley, M.P. Thomas Hudson. 2nd son of Anth. Henley, M.P. ; b. 1708; cduc. atWestm. and St. John’s, Oxon ; called to the Bar, 1732 ; leader of Western Circuit ; M.P. for Bath, 1747; Att.-Gen. 1756; Ld. Keeper, 1757-61; cr. Baron Henley, 1760; presided as Ld. High .Steward at Ld. Ferrers’s trial for murder, 1760; Ld. Chan. 1761-6; E. of Northington, 1764; presided at Ld. Byron’s trial for killing 5 lr. Chaworth in a duel, 1765 ; Ld. Pres. 1766-7; d. 14 Jan. 1772. His stories and witty sayings were long current in Westm. Hall.” Half-length, seated ; robes of Lord Chancellor, and great seal. Canvas, 30 X 40 in. 447 GEORGE III. (1738-1820). Royal Academy. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. George Wm. Fred., eld. son of Frederick, Pr. of Wales, and Augusta, dau. of Frederick, D. of Saxe-Gotha ; b. at Norfolk Ho. St. James’s Sq. 4 June, 1738 ; cr. Pr. of Wales on the death of his father, 20 Apr. 1751 ; succ. his grandfather. Geo. II., 25 Oct. 1760 ; crowned 22 Sept. 1761 ; marr. Charlotte, dau. of Chas., D. of Mecklenburgh-.Strelitz, 8 .Sept. 1761 ; mentally deranged, 1789-90, and again from 1810 to the end of his life ; Pr. of Wales (afterwards Geo. IV.) Regent, 1811-20 ; totally blind in his last years ; d. at Windsor Castle, 29 Jan. 1820. .Seated in coronation chair, in royal robes ; sceptre in r. hand. Canvas, 103 X 74 in- 448 JOHN STUART, 3RD EARL OF BUTE, K.G. (1713-1792). Lord Wharncliffe. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of John, E. of Bute ; b. 1713 ; educ. at Eton ; one of the Scot- tish represent. Peers, 1737 ; became known to Fred., P. of Wales ; K.T. 1738; Priv. Coun. to Geo. III. ; Sec. of .State in D. of Newcastle’s Admin, whom he succ. as ist Lord ; K.G. 1762 ; concluded the unpopular treaty of Paris, 1763 ; retired and lived at Luton Hoo, near St. Alban’s ; formed a Lib. and Gallery of Paintings, coll, of Astron, Instruments, &c. ; d. in London, 10 Mar. 1792. Full-length, advancing, head turned to 1 . ; robes K.G. ; plumed hat in r. hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 104 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 449 ANNE LUTTRELL, MRS. HORTON, afterw. DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND. LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Wilmot Horton. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. {See No. 456.) Bust ; low white dress, transparent falling head-dress.. Painted 1766. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 450 MARIA WALPOLE, COUNTESS OF WALDE- GRAVE, AFTERWARDS DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER (1737-1807). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd nat. dau. of Sir Edwd. Walpole, K.B. ; b. 1737 ; married, ist. (1759) James, 2nd E. Waldegrave ; 2nd, (1766) H.R.H. Wm. Henry, D. of Gloucester,. 3rd son of F red. P. of Wales ; d. 1 807. To waist, profile to 1 . ; white head-dress and dress. Painted 1761. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 451 JAMES WALDEGRAVE, 2nd EARL WALDE- GRAVE, K.G. (1714-15-63). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of James, ist Earl ; b. 4 March, 1714-15 ; Gov. and Priv. Purse to- George, P. of Wales (Geo. III.), and to Prince Edw., Duke of York, 1752 ; Priv. Councillor; K.G. 1757; Teller of the Exchequer; marr. 1759, Maria, 2nd dau. of Sir Edw. Walpole, K.B. {see No. 450) ; d. 13 April, 1763. Wrote historical memoirs of the period, 1754-7. Bust, profile to 1 . ; crimson coat ; ribbon K.G. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 452 LADY ELIZ. LAURA, LADY CHARLOTTE MARIA, AND LADY ANNA HORATIA. Frances, Countess Waldegrave. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Daus. of James, 2nd E. Waldegrave (No. 451), and Maria, 2nd dau. of Sir Edw. Walpole, K.B. {see No. 450). The eldest. Lady Eliz. Laura, marr. her cousin Viset. Chew'ton, George, afterwards 4th Earl Waldegrave ; d. 1763. Three-quarter length, figures seated ; “ Lady Laura, afterwards Lady Chewton, is in the middle ; Lady Maria is on her r. holding a skein of silk ; and Lady Horatia is working at the tambour. — H. W.” (Horace Walpole). Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1781. Canvas, 67 X 56 in. 453 MARY PANTON, DUCHESS OF ANCASTER. Marquis Cholmondeley. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Thomas Panton, Esq. of Newmarket, “ Master of the King’s running Horses ;” b. 1730 ; marr. 1750 (his 2nd wife), Peregrine Bertie, 3rd D. of Ancastcr and Kesteven ; Mistress of the Robes to Q. Charlotte, whom she attended on her voyage to England, and at her marriage and coronation ; celebrated for her beauty and as a leader of fashion in her day ; d. at Naples, Oct. 1793. Full-length, standing near a tree, profile to left ; chin resting on left hand l ermine-lined crimson robe beside her ; ships in 1. background ; painted in 1764. Canvas, 94 X 54 in. Ground-Jioor .'\ Western Gallery {Nos. 398-500). 105 454 NANCY PARSONS, afterwards VISCOUNTESS LENT BY MAYNARD. PAINTER. Marquis of Lansdowne. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Anne Parsons, a noted beauty ; marr. ist, Mr. Horton ; 2nd, in 1776, Charles, 2nd Visct. Maynard. To waist, seated ; hands crossed ; dark open dress. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. I 455 JOHN RUSSELL, 4TH DUKE OF BEDFORD, K.G. Duke of Marlborough. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 1 2nd son of Wriothesley, 2nd Duke; b. 1710; succeeded as 4th Duke and 8th Earl, 1732; Lord-Lieut. of Ireland, 1756; Minister Plenipotentiary to I' ranee, 1762, for the treaty of Fontainebleau ; d. 15 Jan. 1771. Bust ; scarlet coat ; ribbon and star K.G. Canvas, 30J x 25 in. 456 ANNE LUTTRELL, MRS. HORTON, after. DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND ( -1803). Lord Wenlock. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Daughter of Simon, E. of Carhampton ; married ist, Christopher Hor- ton, Esq., of Catton Hall, Derbyshire ; 2nd, Henr)' Frederick, D. of Cum- berland (No. 473), brother of King George III. ; d. 1803. To waist, looking to 1 . ; arms crossed ; low dress. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 457 CHARLES WATSON WENTWORTH, 2nd MAR- QUIS OF ROCKINGHAM, K.G. (1730-1782). Earl of Hardwicke. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Thos. Watson Wentworth, ist Marquis ; b. 1730 ; crea. E. of Malton, 1750; sue. as 2nd Marquis, 1750; K.G. 1760; sue. Lord. Geo. Grenville as ist. Ld. of Treas. 1765-6 ; Priv. Counc. ; led the opposition until 1782, when he became again ist Ld. and chief of the Rockingham Admin, with Fox and Burke; negociated with the revolted States of America ; d. I July, 1782. Half-length to r. ; robes and collar K.G. ; paper in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 458 QUEEN CHARLOTTE. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Johann Zoffany, R.A. (6V^ No. 444.) Three-quarter length, seated; blue-laced dress; leaning on table to her r. on which stands a vase of flowers. Canvas, 65 X 54 in. 459 QUEEN CHARLOTTE and PRINCESS ROYAL. Duke of Northumberland. Francis Cotes, R.A, {See No. 444.) Half-length, seated, with the Princess asleep on her knee ; r. hand raised as if to keep silence. Paper, 38 X 32 in. 460 THOMAS SECKER, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY (1693-1768). Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. of Dissenting parents at Sibthorpe, Notts. 1693 ; educ. at Chesterfield Gram. Sch., a Diss. Acad, at Attercliflie, and Mr. Jones’s Theo. Acad. io6 Reign OF George III. 1760-1S00. Tewkesbury, where Butler ."md Chandler were his fellow-pupils ; stud. Medi- cine, but titmlly took Orders, 1723; Rector of Houghton-le-Spring, and after- wards of Ryton ; Preb. of Durhatn, 1727 ; Rector of St. James’s, Westminster, 1732 ; Bp. of Bristol, 1 735 ; Oxford, 1737 ; Dean of St. Paul’s, 1750 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1758 ; crowned Geo. 111. 1761 ; d. 3 .Aug. 1768 ; bu. in Lam- beth Churchyard. .As a writer, best known by his Lectures on the Church Catechism. Life by Bp. Porteus. H.ilf length, seated ; habit. Datctl 1758. Canvas, 50 x 40 in, 461 M.ARIA WALPOLE, COUNTESS OF WALDE- GRAVE, AFT. DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER, LENT BY PAINTER. Rey. W. V. Harcourt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R..\. (AVe No. 450.) Half-length, seated ; head resting on L hand and looking up : white dress with gold spots. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 462 FIELD-MARSHAL HENRY SEYMOUR CONWAY (1720-1795). Duke of Argyll, K.T. 1'hos, Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son of Francis Seymour, ist Baron Conway of his family ; b. 1720 ; ser\ ed in the Seven A' ears' War ; had command in the British force in Germany under Prince Ferdinand of Brunsw ick, 1761 ; M.P. and Sec. of State, 176;- 1768 ; Commander of the Forces. 1782 ; d. 1795. Author of political tracts, a comedy, and poems ; friend of Horace Walpole. Bust to 1. ; military unifonn. Canvas. 30 X 25 in. 463 HON. MARY CATHCART, .MRS. GRAHAM (1757-1792). .Miss Graeme. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd dau. of Charles. 9th Lord Cathcart ; b. 1757 ; marr., 1774, Thomas Graham of Balgow en. aftenvards Lord Lynedoch, w ho on her death, in 1 792, entered the .Army, and was distinguish^ in the Peninsular War. Burns mentions meeting Mrs. (iraham and her sister, the Hon. Char. Cathcart, and the impression their great beauty ntade up>on him. Painted 1778. To waist, looking to r. ; hands crossed and holding a scarf. Sketch for the portrait in the National Gallerj-, Edinburgh. Can\-as, 36 x 28 in. 464 GEORGE III. Her M.ajesty (Buckingham Palace). Johann Zoffany, R.A. No. 447.) Three-quarter length, seated ; scarlet coat ; star and ribbon K.G. ; sword and cocked hat on table to his r. Canvas, 65 X S4 **'• 465 RT. HON. GEORGE GRENVILLE (1712-1771). Hon. G. M. Fortescue. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Richard Grenville, of Wootton, M.P. ; younger brother of Earl Temple, brother-in-law of Lord Chatham, and father of Lord Grenville and Thos. Grenville; b. 14 Oct. 1712 ; educ. at Eton and 0.xford; called to the Bar; M.P. for Buckingham, 1741-70; Lord of the .Adm. 1744; of the Trc,as, 1747; Treas. of Navt-, 1754, 1756, .and 1761 ; Sec. of State in Lord Bute’s -Adminis. 1762; ist Lord of .Adm. 1763; ist Lord of Treas. and Ground-floor?^ Western Gallery {2?qs. 398-500). Ch. of Ex. 1763-5; during his administration the contest with Wilkes began, and the Amer. .Stamp Act was introduced ; d. 13 Nov. 1770. Half-length, seated to r. ; in robes as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Fainted 1764. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 466 CHARLES WAl'SON WENTWORTH, 2nd MARO. OF ROCKINGHAM, K.G. LENT BV PAINTER. Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (jSec No. 457). Full-length to r. ; standing; robes and collar K.G.; scroll in r. hand ; plumed hat on the table before him. Canvas, 65 x 59 in. 467 WILLIAM Prr'F, 1ST EARL OF CHATHAM. Lord Lyttelton. Wm. Hoare, R.A. Statesman and Orator — “The Great Commoner ’’--and son of Robt. Pitt of Boconnoc, Cornwall, and grandson of “Governor” Pitt (No. 117) ; b. 15 Nov. 170S ; educ. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Oxon, but through ill-health did not graduate ; ent. the army as a Cornet in the Blues ; .M.P. for Old Sarum, */35> and aftds. for .Seaford, Aldborough, and Bath ; joined the opposition agst. Walpole ; Joint Ld. Treasurer of Ireland in Mr. Pelham’s .Adm. 1744 ; Paymaster-Gen. 1746-55 ; Sec. of State in the Devonshire Adm. 1756 ; .Sec. of State, Leader of the Ho. of Commons, and ist .Min. with the Duke of Newcastle, 1757; his .\dm. signalised by victories and conquests by land and sea ; advised war agst. Spain, but overruled, 1760; resigned office, 1761 ; advocated with his splendid oratory a conciliatory policy towards .\merica ; cr. E. of Chatham, 1766 ; Ld. Privy Seal and ist Min. 1766 ; resigned office through ill-health and the opposition of his colleagues, 1768 ; continued in the Ho. of Lds. his resistance to coerci\e measures agst. .America ; while speaking on a motion for an Address to the King on the state of the nation, and against “yielding the sovereignty of America,” seized with sudden ill- ness, 7 April, 1778; d. at Hayes, Kent, ii May; bu. in Westm. .-\bbev, where is his monument by Bacon. Bust to r. ; red velvet coat ; tie-wig. Canvas, 25 X 18 in. 468 MARGARET GEORGIANA POYNTZ, COUNTESS SPENCER (1737-1814). E.arl Spencer, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eldest daughter of Right Hon. .Stephen Poyntz of .Midgham, Berks; b. 1737 ; marr. John Spencer, afterwards ist E. Spencer, 1755 ! 1814. 1 o waist, seated ; riding dress ; hands crossed. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 469 AUGUSTUS HENRY FITZROY, 3RD DUKE OF GRAFTON, K.G. (1735-1811). Duke of Grafton. John Hoppner, R.A. Son of Ld. Augustus Fitz-Roy ; b. 28 Sept. 1735 ! sue. his grandfather as 3rd Duke, 1757 ; K.(i. ; .Sec. of .State and ist Lord ofTreasurv, 1765-6; Lord Privy Seal, 1771 ; d. 14 Mar. 1811. Bust to r. ; crimson fuired coat; star of K.G. Painted 1805. Canvas, 30 X 26 in. 470 GEORGIANA SPENCER, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. V licouNTESs Clifdf.n. 'I'hos. Gainsborough, R.A. ' No. 434-) full-length, small size; seated under a tree in a landscape. Canvas, 23 x 16 in. io8 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 471 ELIZ. GUNNING, DUCHESS OF HAMILTON, AFTERWARDS OF ARGYLL. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Argyll, K.T. Francis Cotes, R.A. {See No. 433.) Bust, sni.Tll size ; white close head-dress trimmed with blue ribbon ; oval, crayon. Paper, 17 X 14^ in. 472 ELIZABETH LINLEY, MRS. SHERIDAN (1754-1792). Viscountess Clifden. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Daughter of Thomas Linley, the musical composer; b. 1754; sang with her sister, afterwards Mrs. Tickell, at the concerts established by her father at Bath ; married Sheridan (No. 760) privately, near Calais, whither she had travelled with the intention of entering a convent (1772), and again in England, when her father’s consent had been obtained ; retired from the stage ; an accomplished singer, and remarkable for her beauty ; d. 1792. Full-length, small size, standing in a landscape ; large plumed hat. Canvas, 23x15 in. 473 HEN. FRED., D. OF CUMBERLAND, ANNE HIS DUCHESS, AND LADY ELIZ. LUTTRELL. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. B. Oct. 1745 ; 4th son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and Princess Augusta of .Saxe-Gotha ; created D. of Cumberland, 1766 ; marr. Anne Luttrell, Mrs. Horton (No. 456), dau. of Simon Luttrell, afterw. E. of Car- hampton ; d. without issue 18 Sept. 1790. Full-length figures in a garden, Lady E. Luttrell seated. Canvas, 69 X 49 in. 474 WILLIAM CAVENDISH, 5TH D. OF DEVON- SHIRE, K.G. (1748-1811). JyORD Crewe. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of William, 4th D., and Charlotte, Baroness Clifford; b. 14 Dec. 1748 ; marr. ist, Georgiana, dau. of John, Earl Spencer; 2nd, Eliz. dau. of Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bp. of Derry, 4th E. of Bristol, and relict of J. T. Foster, Esq. ; d. 29 Feb., 1811. Bust to 1 . ; dark blue coat, red waistcoat. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 475 JOHN, IST EARL SPENCER (1734-1783). Earl Spencer, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. {See No. 424.) Bust to 1 . ; claret-coloured coat, red waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. . 476 THOMAS TO.MPKINS (1743-1816). Corporation of London. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Celebrated as a penman; b. 1743; wrote the diplomas of honorary free- dom presented by the city of London to distinguished persons during forty Ground-floor Western Gallery {Nos. 398-500). 109 years (duplicates of which are at Guildhall), and addresses to Royalty, in- cluding that offered by the Roy. Acad, to Geo. 111 . on his recovery in 1789 ; wrote “ Rays of Genius,” 2 vols. ; painted by Engleheart, and by Sir Joshua Reynolds ; bequeathed the latter picture (stated to be the last finished work of the master) to the Corporation, to hang amongst the productions of his own pen; d. 5 Sept. 1816. To waist, looking to r. ; seated at writing-table, paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 477 HENRY, 5TH DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G. (1744-1803). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Beaufort. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Only son of Chas. 4th Duke ; b. 16 Oct. 1744 ; succ. his father 28 Oct. 1756; educ. at Oxf. ; marr. Eliz. youngest dau. of Adm. the Hon. Ed. Bos- cawen, 1766; M. of the Horse to Q. Charlotte, 1768-70; K.G. 1786; d. ii Oct. 1803. Full-length; advancing; nobleman’s academic dress; paper in r. hand. Canvas, 94 x 58J in. 478 HENRY HOWARD, i2th EARL OF SUFFOLK AND 5TH EARL OF BERKSHIRE, K.G. (1739-1779). Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of William, Lord Andover, and grandson of Henry, nth Earl; b. 16 May, 1739 ; marr. ist, 1764, Mary Constantia, daughter of Robt. Lord Trevor ; 2nd, 1777, Charlotte Finch, daughter of Heneage, 3rd E. of Ayles- ford ; Sec. of State, 1771 ; d. 6 Mar. 1779. Three-quarter length ; seated in arm-chair in a library ; r. hand resting on writing-table ; ribbon and star K.G. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. KiiUi.Xk-'i < 96 / 479 ROBERT, 1ST LORD CLIVE, K.B. (1726-1774). Earl of Powis. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Eldest son of Richard Clive, Esq., of Styche, Shropshire ; b. 24 Feb. 1726 ; entered the civil service of the East India Co. 1744, but in 1747 quitted it for the military service ; distinguished himself at Pondicherry, and led the forlorn hope at Devi Cotah ; took Arcot, 1751, and defended it ; on his return to India he stormed Calcutta ; gained the victory of Plassy, 1757 ; caused Sujah-u-Dowlah to be executed ; became Governor of Calcutta ; defeated the Dutch ; created Baron Clive (Irish peerage), 1762 ; M.P. for Shrewsbury ; President of Bengal, 1765 ; finally returned to Eng. 1767 ; committed suicide, 22 Nov. 1774. Half-length ; scarlet coat ; ribbon of Bath ; battle-scene in background. Canvas, 50J X 40 in. 480 CHARLES PRATT, ist EARL CAMDEN, LORD CHANCELLOR (1713-1794). Duke of Grafton. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son #f Sir J ohn Pratt, Ld. Ch. J . ; b. 1713; educ. at Eton, where his friend- ship with Ld. Chatham began, and King’s Coll. Camb. ; called to the Bar, 1738; went Western Circuit; M.P. for Downton ; Att.-Gen. 1757; Ch. Just. Com. Pleas, 1761, in which office he decided against the legality of General Warrants, and discharged Wilkes from imprisonment ; Baron I lO Reign of George III. 1760-1800. Camden, 1765 ; Ld. Chan. 1766-70 ; vigorously opposed Amer. War ; Ld. Pres. 1782-3, and 1784-1794 ; Earl Camden, 1786 ; d. 13 April, 1794 ; b. at Seal, Kent. Half-length, seated to 1 . in arm-chair ; bl. gown, lace cravat, and ruWes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 481 RIGHT HON. HENRY BILSON LEGGE (1708-1764). LENT BY P.MNTER. Lord Sherborne. 3rd son of William, 1st E. of Dartmouth; b. 29 May, 1708; M.P. ; Commander in the Navy ; Joint Sec. to Treasury ; M.P. for Hants; Ld. of Admiralty, 1746; Ld. of Treasury, 1747; Envoy to Berlin, 1748; Chan, of Exchequer, 1754, again 1756, and in the D. of Newcastle’s Admin. 1757 ; marr. Hon. Mary Legge, dau. of Edward, 4th Ld. Stawcl. crea. Baroness .Stawel, 1760 ; d. 21 .Aug. 1764. Three-quarter length, standing in Chancellor’s robes ; scroll in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 482 LADY ELEANOR FENN (1743-1813). Mr. P. H. Frere. Henry Walton. B. about 1743 ; marr. Sir John Fenn (No. 484) ; wrote many books for children under the name of ‘‘ Mrs. Lovechild ;” d. i Nov. 1813. -Miniature bust, looking to r. ; s. of arms to her 1 . Panel, 9 X 7 in. 483 FOUR CHILDREN OF THOMAS MILWARD, OF GARFIELD HALL. Mr. E. G. Milward Barnard. J. Russell, R.A. Crayon drawing ; the mother seated, 4 children standing about Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 484 SIR JOHN FENN (1739-1794). Mr. P. H. Frere. Henry Walton. B. at Norwich, 1739; cduc. at .Seaming, Norfolk, Boresdalc, Suffolk, and Caius Coll. Camb. ; F.S.A. ; selected and pub. the “ Paston Letterss” (vols. 1-4), 1787-9; gave the MSS. of the first 4 vols. to Geo. III. who Knighted him ; MS. of the 5th vol. (pub. 1S23) produced at the Soc. of Antiq. Nov. 1865; prep. “ Three Chronological Tables of the Members of the Soc. of Antiq.;” d. in Norfolk, 4 Feb. 1794. Miniature bust to 1 . ; green coat ; s. of arms to 1 . Dated at back, “.Aug. 1775.” Panel, 10 X 7i in. 485 WILLIAM PITT, 1ST EARL OF CHATHAM (1708-1778). , Earl Stanhope. R. Bro.mpton. (NVr No. 467.) Three-quarter length, standing ; peer's scarlet robes, with 1 . arm extended. Canvas, 60 X 48 in. Ground-floor.'] Western Gallery {Nos. 398-500) 1 1 r 486 GEORGE AUGUSTUS ELIOT, LORD LENT BY HEATHFIELD, K.B. (1718-1790). painte.^. National Portrait Gallery. J. S, Copley, R.A. Youngest of 9 sons of Sir Gilbert Eliot ; b. about 1718 ; stud, at Leyden and the Military Sch. at La Fere, Picardy; volunteer in the 23rd Regt. ; entered the Engineers at W^oolwich ; served in Germany in a caval. regt. ; wounded at Dettingen ; Aide-de-Camp to Geo. II. ; 2nd in comm, against the Havann.ah ; appointed to comm, of Gibraltar, 1776, and maintained it during 3 years of close investment and constant attack from the combined force of France and Spain ; creat. Lord Heathfield. Baron Gibraltar, and K.B. 1787 ; d. 6 July, 17^, at Aix-la-Chapelle. Bust, profile to r. ; military unifonn. Study for large picture in Guild- hall. Canvas, 25 x 2ii in. 487 WILLIAM MURRAY, EARL OF MANSFIELD (1705-1793). Earl of Mansfield. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 4th son of 5th Vise. Stormont ; b. at Scone Castle, 2 March, 1705; educ. at the Gram. School, Perth, at Westminster, and Ch. Ch. Oxford ; studied law; called to the bar, 1730; M.P. for Boroughbridge ; Solicitor-General, 1742; Ch. Just. K. B. 1756, and created Baron Mansfield; refused the Ld. Chancellorship ; took an active part in politics ; created E. of Mansfield, 1776 ; his house was burned and his library wholly destroyed in the Gordon riots, 1780 ; resigned the Ch. Justiceship, 1788 ; d. 10 March, 1793, aged 88. As a young man, was intimate with Pope and Bolingbroke (Nos. 109, 136 . Half-length, seated; Judge’s scarlet and ermine robes ; collar of SS. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 488 HON. CHARLES YORKE, LD. CHANCELLOR (1722-1770). Earl of HARomcicE^ /ow .7 / t lUu . Allan Ramsay. 2nd son of Philip Vorkc, ist E. of Hardwicke, Ld. Chan. (No. 331) ; b 30 Dec. 1722 ; Solic.-Gen. 1756 ; Attor.-Gen. 1765 ; Ld. Chan. 17 Jan, 1770; d. suddenly three days after, 20 Jan. 1770; created Baron Morden, but the patent was not completed at his death. Half-length, standing ; bl. gown, lace cravat. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 489 WELBORE ELLIS, ist BARON MENDIP (1714-1802). Christ Church, Oxford. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A, \oungest son of Dr. Ellis, Bp. of Meath ; b. 1714 ; educ. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Oxon ; ent. Pari. ; Ld. of the Adm. 1749 ; Vicc-Treas. of Ireland, 1755 Sec. at War, 1763-5 ; Treas. of the Navy, 1777 ; Sec. of State for the Colonies, 1782; crea. Baron Mendip, 1794 ; d. in Brook Street, Hanover Square, 2 Feb. 1802 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length, standing to r. ; claret-coloured coat ; close wig. Dated 1763. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 490 SIR GEORGE SAVILE, M.P. (1725-1784). Trinity House, Hull. Richard Wilson, R.A. B. 1725 ; introduced the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, a cause of the 1 12 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. Gordon riots ; his house, north side of Leicester Square, was gutted, and his furniture burnt by the mob ; d. 9 Jan. 1784. Half-length, standing ; naval uniform ; lighthouse in distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 49] RT. HON. CHARLES TOWNSHEND (1725-1767). LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis Townshend. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Chas. 3rd Visct. Townshend, and grdson. of Chas. 2nd Visct. (No. 228); b. 1725 ; M.P. for Yarmouth, 1747, 1754, and aft. for Harwich and Saltash ; Ld. of Trade, 1749; Speech agst. the Marriage Bill, 1753; Ld. of the Adm. 1754 ; Treas. of the Chamber, 1756 ; Sec. at War, 1761 ; ist Lord of Trade, 1763 ; supp. Grenville’s Stamp Act, 1765 ; Paymaster-Gen. 1765 ; Chanc. of the E.xch. in Ld. Chatham’s Adm. 1766, in whose absence, through illness, he carried the Colon. Import Bill, which helped to produce the Amer. War ; d. suddenly of fever, 4 Sept. 1767. Burke’s speech on Amer. taxation contains a remarkable eulogium on Townshend. Full-length ; robes as Chancellor of Exchequer ; r. hand resting on table, 1 . holding paper. Canvas, 93 X 58 in. 492 HON. MRS. BARRINGTON. Viscount Barrington, M.P. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. To waist, leaning on 1 . hand ; green, low dress, and ermine-trimmed drapery. Painted 1758. Engraved by Houston and S. W. Reynolds. Can- vas, 25 X 30 in. 493 LADY CHARLOTTE FITZWILLIAM, afterwards LADY DUNDAS (1746-1833). Earl of Zetland. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd dau. of William, 3rd E. Fitzwilliam ; b. 14 July, 1746 ; marr. 24 May, 1764, Thomas Dundas, afterw. Baron Dundas ; d. ii Feb. 1833, aged 86. Half-length, seated to r. playing the triangle ; painted 1765, at the age of 19. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 494 ELIZABETH, VISCOUNTESS SYDNEY. Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Richard Powts of Hintlesham, Suffolk; marr. 1762, Thos. Townshend, afterwards ist Visct. Sydney (No. 498). To waist, looking to r. ; hands in blue muff. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 495 GEO. SIMON, EARL, ELIZABETH, COUNTESS, • AND GEN. HON. W. HARCOURT. Rev. W. V. Harcourt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Simon, 2nd Visct. ; succ. 1777; marr. 26 Sept. 1765, Elizabeth, dau. of George Venables Vernon, Lord Vernon ; d. 20 April, 1809. Half-length, standing figures ; the Earl in robes, holding a coronet in r. hand. Canvas, 68 X 58 in. Ground-floor. Western Gallery {Nos. 391-500). 113 496 HENRY, 2ND EARL BATHURS'I', LORD CHANCELLOR (1714-1794). Eld. surv. son of Allen, ist E. ; b. 2 May, 1714 ; called to the Bar, 1735 ; M.P. for Cirencester; Just, of Com. PI. 1754; Ld. Chan. 1771-8; cr. Baron Apsley, 1771 ; succ. his father in the Earldom, 1775 ; Pres, at Duch. of Kingston’s trial, 1776; Ld. Pres. 1779; d. 6 Aug. 1794. Full-length, standing ; Chancellor’s robes ; great seal to his 1 . Signed “ N. Dance.” Canvas, 93 x 59 in. 497 WILLS HILL, 2ND VISCOUNT HILLSBOROUGH, AFTERw. IST MARO. OF DOWNSHIRE ( -1792). Son of Trevor Hill, ist Visct. ; crea. E. of Hillsborough, 1751; Priv. Coun. ; 1st Commissioner of Trade, 1763 ; Sec. of State for the Colonies, 1768-72 ; again in 1779, during American war; crea. Marquis of Downshire, 1789 ; d. 8 Oct. 1793. Bust, to 1 .; crimson robe; marked “Rising” in corner. Canvas, 32} X 26I in. 498 RIGHT HON. THOS. TOWNSHEND, afterwards 1ST VISCOUNT SYDNEY (1743-1800). Marquis Townshend. Eld. son of Hon. Thos. Townshend, M.P. ; b. 1743 ; Sec. of State ; Baron Sydney, 1783; creat. Visct. Sydney, 1789; d. 13 June, 1800. To waist, looking to 1 . ; dark blue coat, red collar. Inscribed with name, and dated 1750. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. National Portrait Gallery. Son of Chidley Coote, Esq. ; b. 1726 ; served against the rebels in Scot- land, 1745 ; went to India, 1754; distinguished himself at Plassy, 1757 ; routed General Lally ; took Pondicherry, and destroyed the French power in India; K.B. 1771 ; Comm, in Chief; defeated Hyder Ally, 1781, near Porto Novo ; returned from Calcutta to Madras, 1783, but d. immediately on his arrival, 26 April, 1783. Bust to 1 . ; military uniform. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 500 EDWARD, afterwards i2th EARL OF DERBY, AND His Two BROTHERS (Sons of Lord Strange). LENT BY Society of Lincoln’s Inn. PAINTER. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. J. Rising, 499 SIR EYRE COOTE, K.B. (1726-1783). Earl of Derby, K.G. Cranke. 114 Reign or George III. 1760-1800. Upstairs: No. 7 . CENTRAL CORRIDOR (JTps. 501 - 542 ). 501 HENRY KEENE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. Gough Nichols. P. Pyle. Architect to the Dean and Chap, of West. ; designed Obscrvator>' at Oxford ; Portraits of Henry Keene, Thos. Uryhurst, Thos. Hefford, Geo. Mercer, Euclid Abfray, Ben. Carter. Devereux Fox, Thos. Gayfere, Edm. Rawlinson, Wm. Cobbett, J. Pratt, J. Devell, Jery. Hutchinson, Thos. Collins. Group of seated and standing figures ; Henry Keene and others dis- cussing a plan ; signed, P- Pyle pinx.” 1760. Canvas, 54 X 40 in. 502 LADY DIANA BEAUCLERC (1734-1808). Marc^uis of Huntly. Daughter cf Charles Spencer. 3rd 1 ). of Marlborough ; b. 24 Mar. 1734 ; married, ist, 1757, Fred. 2nd \hsct. Bolingbroke ; this marriage was dis- solved 10 Mar. 1768, and two days after she married, 2ndly Hon. Topham Beauclerc, only son of Ld. Sidney Beauclerc ; praised by Walpole and others ns an amateur artist ; d. 1808. Bust, as a child ; crayon drawing. Paper, 24 X 18 in. 503 HON. MRS. HOWE. Earl Howe. Caroline, eldest dau. of ICmanuel Scrope Howe, 2nd Viset. Howe (in Ireland), and Mary Sophia Charlotte, eldest dau. of Baron Kielmansegg, .Master of the Horse to Geo. 1 . when Elector of Hanover ; mar. John Howe, Esq. of Hanslop, Buckinghamsh. ; friend and correspondent of Bcnj. Franklin. Three-quarter small size, seated .at desk, in library, writing, copy of “Times,” 28 ,A.ugt. 1813, before her. Panel, 14 X iiJ in. 504 SIR FRED. WILLIAM HERSCHEL, Kr. (1738-1822). Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bt. J. Russell, R.A. 2nd son of a musician at Hanover ; b. 15 Nov. 173S ; early showed talent for music ; came to Flngland ; organist at Halifax ; afterwards at the Oct.agon Chapel, Bath ; turned his attention to astronomy and mathematics ; made a large telescope ; systematically investigated each series of stars ; discovered a new planet (tliought to be a comet) and became famous ; Geo. III. appointed him Astronomer; lived at .Slough, “his abode becoming one of the re- markable spots of the civilized world Kt. and D.C.L. Oxf. ; d. 23 Aug. 1822 ; contributed 69 papers to the “ Phil. Trans.” from 1780 to 1815 ; besides his many astron. discoveries, made researches in optics, respecting heat, &c. Bust, holding diagram of the “ Georgian planet and its satellites.” Signed, “J. Russell, R..A.., pt. 1794.” Crayon, paper, 25 x 18 in. 505 PENNELL HAWKINS (1716-1792). Mr. Cjesar H. Hawkins. Johann Zoffany, R.A. B. 1716; Serjeant-surgeon (with his brother .Sir Caesar Hawkins) to Geo. III. ; .Surgeon to the Middlesex Hosp. ; d. 1792. , Bust ; plum-coloured coat ; powdered wig. Canvas, 27* X 21.3 in. up - stairs .'] Central Corridor (Kos. 501-542). 115 506 WILLIAM HUNTER, M.D., and the ROYAL ACADEMY. LENT BY PAINTER. College of Physicians. Johann Zoffany, R.A. No. 829); small full-length figures; Dr. Hunter lecturing in the life .School with a living model. (Jval canvas, 41 X 31 in. 507 SIR C.TSAR HAWKINS, Bart. (1711-1786). College of Surgeons. Wm. Hogarth. I>. 17 1 1 ; Seri. Surg. to Geo. II. and Geo. III. ; .Surg. to St. George’s Hospital ; d. 1786. Bust ; lavender-coloured coat ; powdered wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 508 * HELL-FIRE CLUB. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bt. Henry Lord Santry ; Lord Luttrf.ll ; Col. Clement.s ; Col. St. George ; Col. Pon.sonby. An association similar to that of the Mohocks, and for a similar purpose, of rioting and lawlessness in the streets of London at night ; abolished by order of Privy Council 1721 ; a reward of too/, was oflered in 17 ii, by Royal proclamation for the apprehension of any of the Mohocks. Full-length ; 4 figures seated, drinking wine at a round table ; Col. Clements standing to the 1 . side of picture. Canvas, 108 x 82 in. 509 PAUL SANDBY, R.A. (1732-1809). .Mr. W.m. Sandby. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. B. at Nottingham, 1732 ; in the Military Drawing Office in the Tower, 1746; on the Staff appointed to survey the Highlands, 1749; one of the founders of the English .School of Water-colours ; engraved in aqua-tint from his own drawings and etched ; Drawing- master to (ieo. III.’s family ; R..A. on the foundation of the Roy. .\cad. and chief Drawing-master at the Military Acad. Woolwich, 1768; d. at 4 St. George’s Row, Hyde Park, 9 Nov. 1809 ; ’ou. in the bur. ground, of St. George’s, Hanover .Square. Bust, seated ; crimson coat, white waistcoat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 510 JAMES BARRY, R.A. (1741-1809). Society of Arts. Ja.mes Barry, R.A. Painter ; b. at Cork, i r Oct. 1741 ; his father had a coasting vessel, but young Barry devoted himself to books and art ; went to Dublin, 1763 ; exhib. a picture and was introd. to .Mr. Burke (No. 560), who enabled him to study at Rome for 5 years ; ret. to Eng. 1770; painted several classical and his- torical subjects ; pub. an “ Inquiry respecting the Arts in England R.A. 1777 ; occupied 7 years in painting his series of pictures for the great room of the Adelphi, living at the time with the utmost economy, and supporting himself by etching at night ; Prof, of painting, R.A. ; quarrelled with the Acad, and was expelled ; d. Feb. 1806 ; his body lay in state at the Adelphi rooms ; bu. in .St. Paul’s ; his works, including his lectures, pub. 1809. To waist, looking over his shoulder to r. ; palette and brushes in 1 . hand. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 1 16 51 1 HUGH HAMILTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Hibernian Academy. George Chinnery. Portrait-painter ; painted in Dublin. Bust, bald ; red dress ; leaning on 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 x 35 in. 512 MARGARET BURR, xMRS. GAINSBOROUGH. Mr. William Sharpe. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A .Sister of a young man employed by .Mr. John Gainsborough, father of the painter, in his business ; she was remarkable for her beauty ; Gainsborough, then about 18 years of age, painted her portrait ; they marr. soon after ; she survived him. To waist, showing both hands ; black head-dress and drapery. Canvas, 30 X 35 in. • 513 JULIAN ROERDEN, MRS. BARRY. Society of Arts. J.a.mes B.arry, R.A. Marr. John Barry, a builder in Cork ; mother of James Barry, R.A., the Painter (No. 510). To waist, seated ; r. hand resting on back of chair. Canvas, 30 X 35 in. 514 BENJAMIN WILSON, F.R.S. (1721-1788). Earl Spencer, K.G. Benjamin Wilson. B. at Leeds, 1721 ; son of a decayed merchant ; came to London early in life, and employed as a Clerk ; went to Ireland to practise portrait-painting, 1748 ; ret. to London, established himself 'as a portrait-painter in Gt. Queen St.. Lincoln’s-lnn-Fields, in a house where Kneller had lived, 1750 ; Master Painter to the B. of Ordn. ; pub. “Treatises on Electricity;” F.R.S. 1756; produced etchings also ; d. in London, 6 June, 1788. Zoffany his drapery painter ; one of his sons the late Gen. Sir Robert Wilson. Bust to r., showing part of r. hand, with port-crayon. Canvas, 28 X 30 in. 51 5 THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. (1727-1788). Mr. William Sharpe. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of a Crapemaker ; b. at Sudbury, Suffolk, 1 737 ; educ. at the Gram. Sch. ; began early to draw and paint ; came to London about 1741 ; rec. some instruction from Gravelot the engraver, and Fras. Dayman (No. 340) ; commenced landscape and port, painting ; ret. to Sudbury about 1745, and m,arr. Margaret Burr (No. 512) ; settled at Ipswich ; removed to Bath, 1760 ; finally came to London, 1774, where he lived in the west wing of Schomberg House (now part of the War Office), Pall Mall ; R.A. on the foundation of the Royal Acad. 1768 ; d. in London, 2 .Aug. 1788 ; bu. in Kew Churchyard ; painted landscapes as well as portraits. Bust to 1 . ; green coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 516 THOMAS SANDBY, R.A. (1721-1798). Mr. Wm. Sandby. Henry Singleton. Elder brother of P. Sandby, R.A. (No. 509) ; b. at Nottingham, 1721 ; Military Draughtsman to the Staff in Scotland (and afterwards to the D. of Cumberland), 1743-45 ; attended the D. in the same capacity in Flanders upstairs.'] Central Corridor {Nos. 501-542). 117 appointed by him Dep.-Rangcr of Windsor Great Park, 1746 ; planned Vir- ginia Water, 1754 ; designed the Freemasons’ Hall, &c. ; Foundation Member of the Roy. Acad. 1768 ; Prof, of Architecture, R.A. 1768-98 ; d. at the Lodge, Windsor Great Park, 25 June, 1798 ; bu. at (Jld Windsor. A large number of his architectural drawings in the Brit, and Soane Museums, and at Windsor Castle. Bust; small life-size; profile to 1 . looking down; painted in 1793; a sketch for his large picture of the Academicians assembled in the Coun Chamber. (No. 520.) Canvas, 12 X 10 in. 517 SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A. LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. ■Son of Rev. Samuel Reynolds, master of the Gram. School at Plympton Earl, Devonshire ; b. 16 July, 1723 ; began to draw and paint in his child- hood ; bound apprentice to Thomas Hudson, portrait - painter, 1740, but remained under him only two years ; ret. to Devonshire and painted portraits at Plymouth ; visited Portugal, Spain, Algiers, and Italy, 1749-1752 ; 1st Pres, of Roy. Acad, and Kt. ; delivered his “ Discourses ” 1769-90 ; mem. of Johnson’s Literary Club ; friend of Burke, Garrick, Goldsmith ; D.C.L. Oxf. ; painter to the King, 1784; d. at 47 Leicester Square, 23 Feb. 1792, his sight having previously failed ; bu. publicly in St. Paul’s Cathedral, wh.ere is a monument to him by Flaxman. He is stated to have painted more than 1500 portraits, including the most eminent Englishmen and beau- tiful women of his time. Bust, shading his eyes with his 1 . hand ; palette, brushes, and maul- stick in his r. ; painted by himself when a young man, before his visit to Italy. Canvas, 30X25 in. 518 I'HOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Miss Clarke. Johann Zoi-fany, R.A. (SV' of Durham; Archdeacon of Northumberland ; restored and furnished Bamborough Castle for the use of the Trustees of Lord Crewe’s Charity ; Hebraist ; author of theological, antiquarian, and other works ; d. 1758. No. 2. His wife Mary, daughter of Dr. Dering, Dean of Ripon. No. 3. .Anna Jf.mima, their only child (in green and pink). No. 4. William Sharp (steering), for whom the picture was painted ; Surgeon ; eminent for his skill, and for his resistance to the performance of unnecessary operations ; declined a baronetcy offered him by George 1 1 1 . for his successful attendance on the Princess Amelia. No. 5. His wife, daughter of Thomas Barwick, Esq. ibluc habit). No. 6. Mary, their only child (with a kitten). No. 7. James .Sharp (with a snake) ; a skilful Engineer. ' No. 8. His wife, daughter of John Lodge, Esq. (in lilac). No. 9. Catharine, their only surviving child (pink and black feather). No. 10. Mr.s. Prowsk, widow of George Prowse, Esq., of Wichen Park, Northamptonsh. (at the harpsichord). No. 1 1. Judith Sharp, her sister (with a lute). No. 12. Frances .Sharp, her youngest sister (in blue). No. 13. Granville Sharp (.SVp No. 798), (two flutes in his r. hand). A boatmaster, cabin boy, and Zoffany’s favourite dog. Canvas, 49.J x 45 in. 583 ROB^T ADAM. Mr. William Anthony. Po.mpeio Battoni. Architect ; 2nd son of Wm. Adam, Architect ; b. at Kirkaldy, Fifesh. ; cdiic. at Edin. Univer. ; stud, in Italy ; pub. a work on the Roman mins at Spalatro, 1764; F.K.S. ; M.P. for Kinross; much employed as an Archi- tect with his brother, James .Adam ; built the Adelphi, .Sion House, Caen Wood, &c. ; d. 3 Mar. 1792 ; bu. in \\’estm. Abbey. Three-quarter length, standing ; furred blue dress ; 1 . hand resting on sculptured capital ; vase in background ; signed “ fecit, 1763.” Canvas, 68 X 49 "1- ScvAi Z(a (j . 584 RICHARD BURKE (1758-179O. Earl Spencer, K..G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Bro. of Rt. Hon. Ed. Burke ; b. 175S ; Counsellor-at-law ; Recorder of Bristol ; .Sec. of the Treasury ; noted for wit and repartee ; called familiarly “ Dick Burke ;” d. suddenly at his chambers in Lincoln’s Inn, 5 Feb. 1794. Bust, to r. ; dark red coat. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. 585 JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. (1759-1810). Royal Academy. John Hoppner, R.A. B. in London, 1759 ; chorister in the Royal Chapel ; stud, at the R. .Acad. ; patronised by the P. of Wales, while Sir T. Lawrence was patronised by the Up - stairs.l Eastern Gallery (A^w 543-791). King, and for eighteen years was a fashionable painter ; painted portraits of Sterne’s “ Eliza” (Mrs. Draper). Pitt, Nelson, &c.; d. 1810. Bust, full face ; dark crimson coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 586 MRS. ANNA MARIA YATES ( -1787). LENT BY PAI.VTER. Mr. Joseph Gillott. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Tragic actress ; appeared, when Mrs. Graham, in Dublin without much success; at Druiy Lane, 1753-4; marr. Richard Yates, the comic actor; Slice. Mrs. Cibber in many of her characters ; played Margaret of Anjou in Dr. Franklin’s tragedy, “The Earl of Warwick,” Lady Macbeth, and ^^edea, with unrivalled success; d. 1787. Three-quarter length, seated, looking to r. ; book in r. hand ; ermine- edged drapery ; painted in 1772 for Lady Scarsdale. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 587 MISS ANN CATLEY. Mr. John Rhodes. Sir Joshu.a Reynolds, P.R.A. .Singer ; b. at Norwood ; marr. General Lascelles ; noted for her head- elresses, which set the fashion ; d. 1789. Bust ; furred low dress ; wreath of ivy in her hair. Canvas, 28 x 24 in. 588 JOHN OPIE, R.A. (1761-1807). Royal John Opie, R.A. B. May, 1761, at .St. Agnes, near Truro, where his father was the village carpenter; rapidly acquired all the knowledge within his reach ; set up at 21 years of age an evening school; practised drawing whereier he could make an opportunity ; painted some country portraits ; became known to Dr. Wolcot, “ Peter Pindar;” they went to London together, 1780, Opie being announced as a Cornish prodigy ; became R..A., 1787, after the ex- hibition of his painting of “The Death of Rizzio;” painted for Boydcll’s Shakspeare series ; Professor of Painting at the Royal .Academy, 1805 ; d. 9th .A.pril, 1807 ; bu. in St. Paul’s Cathedral. His Lectures, and a .Memoir, were pub. by -Mrs. Opie. Bust to r. ; bl. coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 589 RICHARD CUMBERLAND (1732-1811). Mr. Edward Clough Taylor. George Ro.mney. .Son of Denison Cumberland, afterwards Bp. of Clonfert and of Kilmore ; great-grandson of the Bp. of Peterborough (No. 36) ; b. 19 Feb. 1732, at his grandfather's. Dr. Bentley, then Master of Tiin. Coll. Camb. (No. 180); educ. at Bury St. Edmund’s, Westminster, and Trin. Coll. C.amb., where he obtained a Fellowship ; appointed Private Secretary to the Marquis of Hali- fax, 1760 ; Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1775 ; employed in 1780 on a secret mission to Madrid, but failing he was refused payment of his expenses, 4500/., and had to sell his paternal estate ; lived at Tunbridge, and wrote dramas, novels, essays, poems, translations of Greek poets, and memoirs of his own life ; “Arundel," pub. 1789 ; “ Henry,” 1795 ; d. 7 May, i8ii. To waist, looking up to r. Windsor uniform ; pen in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 132 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 590 MATTHEW FORTESCUE, 2nd LD. FORTESCUE. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Fortescue. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Hugh Fortescue, Esq. and Lucy dau. of Matthew, ist Lord Aylmer ; succ. his half-brother. 1751, as 2nd Baron Fortescue ; d. 1795. Half-length, standing ; dark crimson dress ; hat with green feather ia r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 591 LADY ELIZABE'FH ELEANORA DUNDAS, wife OF Major-Gen. T . DUNDAS (1784-1837). Mr. J. Dundas. George Romney. Dau. of Ale.\. 9th Earl of Home ; marr. Major-(ien. T. Dundas, 1784 ; d. 10 April, 1837. To waist, full face, low white dress. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 592 REV. JOSEPH WAR'FON, D.D. (1722-1800). University Galleries, Oxford. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of Rev. Thomas Warton, Prof, of Poetry, 0.\ford ; b. at Dunsford, .Surrey, 1722 ; educ. at Winchester and Oriel Coll. Oxford ; en- tered the Church ; pub. a small vol. of “ Odes,” 1 746 ; trans. the Eclogues and (icorgics of Virgil ; contributed at Johnson’s invitation to the “Adven- turer;” 2nd Master of Winchester, 1755; Chap, to Ld. Lyttelton; pub. Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope, 1756 ; the 2nd vol. 1782 ; Head- master of Winchester, 1766; Preb. of St. Paul’s, 1782; of Winchester, 1788; pub. ed. of Pope's works, 1797 ; d. 23 Feb. i8oo ; bu. in Winchester Cath. Bust showing r. hand ; bl. gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 593 REV. I'HOMAS WARTON (1728-1790). Trinity College, Oxford. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1728 ; son of Rev. Thomas Warton, Prof, of Poetr>- at Oxford ; bro- of Rev. J. Warton (No. 592) ; b. at Basingstoke, 1728 ; educ. by his father and at Trin. Coll. Oxford, where he became Fellow ; Prof, of Poetry, 1756; early appeared as a poetical and humorous writer ; edited Theocritus ; pub. “Hist, of English Poetry,” 1774 to 1781 ; succ. Whitehead (No. 801), as Poet Laureate, 1785 ; d. 21 May, 1790. Bust, full face ; black coat, showing part of 1. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in_ 594 DAVID GARRICK, between “ TRAGEDY ” and “ COMEDY.” Mr. William Angerstein. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A., {Sfg No. 551.) Three-quarter figures ; Comedy is pulling Garrick towards her, and away from Tragedy, who holds him back by the 1. arm. Canvas, 72 X 58 in. 595 LAUNCELOr BROWN. Marquis of Exeter. Nathaniel Dance, R.A., Landscape gardener ; known as “ Capability Brown ;” b. at Kirkharle, Northumberland, 1715; in the service of Lord Cobham as one of the gar- deners at .Stowe ; similarly employed by other noblemen ; estab. himself as a landscape gardener, and as an architect ; laid out or altered the grounds at Kew, Blenheim, Stowe, &c. ; designed many of the buildings at Stowe ; added to Burleigh, Prior Park, Corsham, &c. ; High Sheriff for Huntingdon,. 1770; d. 1773. Bust seated to r., black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 m. Up -stairs.] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 133 596 JOHN MONRO, M.D. (1715-1791). LENT BY PAINTER. College of Physicians. .Son of James Monro (No. 367) ; b. at Greenwich, 1715 ; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ School and St. John’s Coll. 0.\f. where he obtained a fellowship ; studied medicine at Edinburgh and at Leyden under Boerhave ; trav. on the Continent ; received by diploma the degree of M.D. from Oxf. ; elec. 1751, joint phys. with his father to Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals ; Fell. Coll. Phys. 1753 ; eminent for his practice in cases of insanity ; d. 1791. Bust to 1. ; dark coat ; close wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 597 HENRY WM. BUNBURY (1750-1811). Sir Chas. J. F. Bunbury, Bt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Younger son of Sir Win. Bunbury ; b. 1750 ; known in after life for his graceful drawings and humorous caricatures ; d. May, 1811. This portrait had been lost to the family, and was recovered in 1865. To waist, as a youth ; holding books with r. hand. Canvas, 28J x 23J in. 598 CHRISTOPHER NUGENT, M.D. Mr. T. Moreton Wood. James Barry, R.A. Of an Irish famil) ; resided at Bath, and there Edmund Burke met and mar. his dau. ; member of Johnson’s l.iterary Club. Painted in 1772, when Barry was on a visit at Edm. Burke’s; the hand taken from Dr. King’s, Bishop of Rochester. Bust, profile to 1. ; with r. hand raised and fore-finger resting on chin. .Signed “James Barry, P. 1772.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 599 ANNE CAMPBELL, LADY FORTESCUE. Earl Fortescue. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd dau. of John Campbell of Calder, N.B. and Stackpole Court ; marr. Matthew, 2nd Baron Fortescue 8 June, 1752 ; d. 26 May, 1812. Half-length, seated near a tree, leaning on r. hand ; bluish dress with white-lined sleeves. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 600 MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS DUNDAS. .Mr. j. Dundas. George Romney. Eldest son of Thomas Dundas of Fingask, M.P. ; d. in comm, of the troops at Gwadaloupe, 3 June, 1794. Public monument to his memory in St. Paul’*. Bust ; slightly to 1. ; military uniform. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 601 MRS. ABINGTON {1738-1815). Earl of Morley. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. F ranees Barton, said to have been the dau. of a soldier in the Guards ; first appeared, 1755, on the stage at the Haymarket, as “ Miranda” in the ^‘Busybody” at the age of 17; aft. performed at Bath and Drury Lane ; marr. her music-master, Mr. Abington ; went to Dublin ; played with 134 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. success in " High Life below Stairs,” &c. ; returned to London, 1765 ; ])crformed at Urur) Lane, becoming the first comic actress of her time, es- I)ecially as " Lady Teazle ; ” left Urury Lane for Cov. Garden, 1782; d. 4 Mar. I Si 5. Half-length, seated with a dog, as Miss Prue in “Love for Love,” and leaning on the back of her chair with her hands to her lips. Canvas, 30 X 26.} in. 602 DAVID GARRICK. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Exeter. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Xo. 551.) Half-length ; seated ; resting his hands on the back of the chair. Canvas, 33J X 27 in. 603 MARY KNOWLER, COUNTESS DIGBY. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. Dau. of John Knowler, Esq. of Canterbur\' ; mar. (his 2nd wife) 1770, Henry, 7th Baron Digby, afterwards ist E. (No. to8) ; d. 26 Feb. 1794. 'To waist, seated ; open dress, holding book in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28. 604 MRS. ABINGTON. Countess Delaware. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (.SV’f No. 601.) Full-length: standing in a wood; white dress, red drapery ; as the Comic Muse. Canvas, 93X58 in. 605 SIR DAVID DALRYMPLE, LORD HAILES (1726-1792). Earl of Stair. Eldest son of Sir James Ualrymple, Bt., of Hailes ; b. at Edinburgh 28 Oct. 1726 ; cduc. at Eton. Edinburg, and stud, law at Utrecht ; called to the Scotch bar, 1748; Judge of Ct. of Session; Lord of Justiciar) ; pub. “Annals of Scotland,” 1775 ; “Remains of Chris. Antiquity,” 1776-80; and various other works on ecclesiastical and civil histor)-, sacred poems, &c. ; d. 29 Nov. 1792. Bust to 1 . ; dark crimson coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 606 NELLY O’BRIEN. Mr. ^^■Y^•N Ellis. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (XiY No. 580.) To waist, seated ; low white dress, her arms resting on crimson velvet cushions ; pearl necklace and pearls in her hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 607 DAVID GARRICK (1716-1779). Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {Sir No. 551.) To waist ; full face, and seated, resting his clasped hands on a table with inkstand, books, and papers. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. upstairs. ~\ Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 135 608 HENRY, 1ST EARL DIGBY ( -1793). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Hon. Edw. Uigby ; succ. his brother Edw. as 7th Baron, 1757 ; created Earl, 1790 ; d. 1793. To waist, looking to r. ; reddisli claret-coloured coat ; resting on r. arm. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 609 HENRY THOMAS, 2nd E. OF ILCHESTER, HON. AND REV. C. DIGBY, and MR. E. JAMES. Mr. Basil T. Woodd, M.P. George Stubbs, A.R.A. Sportsmen resting during partridge-shooting; Lord Ilchester seated; Mr. Digby leaning against a tree ; Mr. James behind them. Canvas,^ 49 X 39 in 610 SARAH MEAD, LADY WILMOT. Sir H. S. Wilmot, Bt. Joseph Wright, A.R.A. Sarah Marsh, dau. of Richard Mead, M.D. (No. 381); marr. Sir Edward Wilmot, Bart. M.D. Three-quarter length, in hunting-dress, with hat in 1 . hand ; fox to her 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 61 I ROBERT HENRY, D.D. (1718-1790). Mr. David Laing. David Martin. Son of a farmer ; b. at St. Ninian’s, Stirlingsh. 1718 ; educ. at the village sch., Stirling Gram. Sch. and Edinb. Univ. ; Minister at Carlisle, Berwick, New Greyfriars ch.. and the Old Church, Edinb. ; Moderator of Gen. Assem. 1774 ; author of a “ Hist, of (it. Britain d. 24 Nov. 1790. Bust to r. ; bl. clerical dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 612 SUSAN GALE, AFTERWARDS LADY GARDNER (1751-1824). Rev. a. Gardner Cornwall. Sir J. Reynolds, P.P..A. Dau. of Francis Gale of Jamaica ; b. 1751 ; educ. in England ; marr., ist, when about 16, — Turner, Esq.; 2nd, at 18, Alan Gardner, capt. R.N., afterwards Lord G.ardner (No. 613); d. 1824, aged 73. Full-length, standing near a column ; tree in background ; roses in r. hand; white petticoat, pink train ; painted at 15 years of age; the picture accomp. .Adm. Gardner in several voyages, was damaged and reduced in its length and breadth. Canvas, 82 X 46 in. 613 ALAN, ADMIRAL LORD GARDNER (1742-1809). Lord Gardner. Sir W. Beechey, R.A. Son of Lt.-Col. William Gardner; b. at Uttoxeter, 12 Apr, 1742; ent. the Navy at 13; Capt. the “Lion” frigate, 40-gun ship, in Byron’:> action, 1779; comm, the “Duke” in Rodney’s action, 12 Apr. 1782; M.P. for Plymouth, 1790; Ld. of the Admiralty, 1790; Com.-in-Chief on the Leeward Islands Station, 1793; comm, in the “Queen,” a division in Howe’s victory, i June, 1794; crea. a Bart. 1794; 2nd in command in Ld. Bridport's action, 1795 ; M.P. for Westm. 1796 and 1802 ; crea. Baron Gardner (Ireland), 1800; crea. a Peer of the I’nited Kingdom, 1806 ; d. at Bath, 1809. Bust to r. ; naval uniform. Canvas, 25 x 30 in. 136 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 614 SHUTER, BEARD, and DUNSTALL in “ Love IN A Village.” LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Garle. Johann Zoffany, R.A. Edward Shuter, first appeared on the stage in 1744 ; one of the greatest comic actors of his time; d. 1776, aged 48; bu. in St. Paul’s, Covent Garden. John Beard, eminent vocalist ; b. 1717 ; singer at the Chapel Royal, which he left for the stage ; a proprietor and acting manager of Covent Garden Theatre; marr. ist. Henrietta, dau. of James, E. of Waldegrave (see mon. in St. Pancras’s Churchyard) ; 2nd. Miss Rich ; d. at Hampton, 5 Feb. 1791. Dunstall, comedian ; d. 31 Dec. 1779. Group of three small standing figures acting, in “ Love in a \'illage.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 615 SIR EDWARD WILMOT, Bart. M.D. (1693-1786). Sir H. S. Wilmot, Bt. Thomas Beach. B. 1693; son of Richard Wilmot, D.U., co. Derby ; crea. a Bart, for his professional services to the family of Geo. 11. 1759; Phys. Gen. to the Army, and Phys. in Ord. to Geo. 111. ; d. 21 Nov. 1786. Three-quarter length, seated irrred arm-chair ; dark red dress; inscribed with name, “Ob. Nov. 1786, aged 93.” Signed, “T. Beach, 1777.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 616 WILLIAM NEWCOME, ARCHBP. OF ARMAGH ( 1729-1800). Archbishop of Armagh. Son of a Clergyman ; b. at Barton-le-Clay, Beds. 1729 ; educ. at Abing- don Gram. .Sch. and Pembroke Coll. Oxf., but graduated at Hertford Coll., where he was tutor, and had Chas. J:is. Fox as a pupil ; Chapl. to E. of Hertford, Ld. Lieut, of Ireland, 1765 ; Bp. of Dromore, 1766 ; Ossory, 1775 ; Waterford, 1779 ; .'\rchb. of Armagh, 1795 ; d. in Dub. 1 1 Jan. 1800. Author of “ Harmony of the Gospels,” “ .\ttcmpt towards revising our English Trans, of the Greek Scriptures,” &c. Bust to r. ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 29J X 24J in. 617 MARY AMELIA HILL, MARCHIONESS OF SALISBURY (1750-1835). Marc^is of Salisbury, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. dau. of Wills Hill, ist Marquis of Downshire ; b. 1750; m. 1773, James Cecil, 7th E. and afterwards ist Marquis of .Salisbury ; burnt to death when the west wing of Hatfield House was destroyed by fire, 27 Nov. 1835. Full-length to r. ; walking in garden; dog playing with her dress. Canvas, 94 X 59 in. 618 SIR RICHARD JEBB, Kt. M.D. (1729-1784). College of Physicians. Johann Zoffany, R.A. B. 1729; Licentiate Coll. Phys. 1755 ; F'eUow speciali gratia, 1771 ; Phys. Extraor. to George 111 ; Phys. Ordinary to P. of Wales; d. 1784. Bust ; three-quarter face to r. ; bl. gown ; lavender-coloured coat. Can- vas, 30 X *5 in. Vp-stairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 137 619 JOHN THOMAS, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER ( 1696-1781). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Winchester. B. 1696; Preceptor to Oeo. III. when P. of Wales; Canon. Res. of St. Paul’s ; Bishop of Peterborough, 1747 ; Salisbury, 1757 ; Winchester, 1761 ; d. I May, 1781. Bust ; clerical dress ; badge as Chanc. of Garter. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 620 JOHN PARKER, LORD BORINGDON ( -1788). Earl of Morley. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of John Parker of Boringdon, Devon, and Lady Catherine I’oulett, dau. of John, 1st E. Poulett ; .M.P. for the Co. of Devon ; created Baron Boringdon, 1784 ; early friend of Sir J. Reynolds; d. 27 April, 1788. Full-length, small size ; leaning against gate with gun in 1 . hand. Can- vas, 36 X 27 in. 621 JAMES GANDON, I'HOMAS BANKS, R.A., AND PAUL SANDBY, R.A. Mr. Joseph Gillott. . Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. James Gandon, Architect; b. about 1741-2 ; was the first to receive the Gold Medal for Architecture at the Royal .A.cademy ; edit, a continuation of Campbell’s" Vitruvius Britannicus ;” went to Ireland, where he designed the Custom-House, the Four Courts, and other Public Buildings in Dublin, and the Court-House at Waterford ; d. at Cannonbrook, near Lucan, 1824. Thomas Banks, sculptor ; b. at Lambeth, 22 Dec. 1735 > "’^'1 educated, and placed under Kent to study as an architect, but devoted himself to sculpture; obtained the R.A. gold medal, 1770, and was sent as a student to Rome ; executed his Psyche, Caractacus, &c. ; returned to Eng. ; in 1784 went to the Court of the Emp. Catharine of Russia, who purchased the Psyche ; R.A. ; produced monuments for .St. Paul's and Westm. ; also the mourning Achilles and the bas-relief of Thetis consoling her son ; d. 2 Feb. 1805 ; bu. at Paddington. (For .Sandby, see No. 509.) Half-length figures at a table, with plans and mathem. instruments. Canvas, 41 X 35 in. 622 THOMAS ASTLE (1735-1803). Mr. Robert Hills. B. West, P.R.A., after Howard. Antiquary ; son of Daniel Astle, keeper of Needwood Forest; b. 1735; early employed in the Brit. Museum ; appointed by Mr. Grenville one of the Commissioners for the regulation of the public records at Westminster ; joined with Mr. Morant in superintending the pub. of the rolls of Parliament ; Keeper of the Records in the Tower; pub. “ The Origin and Progress of Writing,” 1784; d. at Battersea Rise, 1803; bu. in Battersea Church. Half-length, seated, with scroll in 1 . hand ; inscribed “Rot. 1""’ R. Job. : A.D. 1799.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 623 PHILIPPA ROOPEE, LADY SUNDERLIN. Rev. W. H. Roofer. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. dau. of Godolphin Rooper, of Great Berkhampstead, co. Herts, and Mary Anne, dau. of — Harris, Esq. ; marr. 1778, Richard Malone, crea. (1785) Baron .Sunderlin, in Irish Peerage. Full-length ; standing in a wood ; white dress ; painted 1788. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 138 Rkign of George III. 1760-1800. 624 JOHN BELCHIER (1706-1785). LE.\T BV PAINTER. College of Surgeons. Ozias Humphrey, R.A. B. at Kingston, Surrey, 1706; cduc. at Eton; apprenticed to Cheseldcn (No. 237); in his 301I1 year succ. Craddock as surgeon to GuCs Hosp. and •was “ eminently successful ” and humane in his treatment of the patients ; d. suddenly, 1785. Bust to r. ; plum-colourcd coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 625 SAMUEL HORSLEY, BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH (1733-1806). Dean of Westminster. .Son of Rev. John Horsley ; b. in London, 1733; cduc. at Westm. and Trin. Hall. Cam. ; succ. his father in the Rect. of Newington Butts ; Sec. to the Royal Soc. 1773 ; Archd. of St. Alban’s, 1781 ; Preb. of (iloucester ; Bp. of St. David’s, 1788 ; Rochester, 1793 ; Dean of Westminster ; Bp. of St. Asaph, 1802 ; d. at Brighton, 4 Oct. 1806; bu. at Newington. Editor of Newton’s ^V’orks ; opponent of Dr. Priestley ; author of Sermons, Charges, Speeches in Parliament, and Controversial Tracts. Bust ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 626 ANNE WITHAM, MRS. HOWARD. Mr. P. H. Howard. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Dau. of H. Witham, Esq. of Cliffe, co. York ; marr. Philip Howard, Esq. of Corby, 1754: d. 1794. Bust ; full face ; low dress, edged with ermine. Canvas, 29! X 24J in. 627 JOSEPH NOLLEKENS, R.A. Fitzwilliam Mus., Cambridge. {See No. 527.) Bust ; grey hair, brown coat, yellowish waistcoat. Canvas, 23 X 19 in. 628 ELIZABETH ROBINSON, MRS. MONTAGU (1720-1800). Lieut.-Gen. Lord Rokeby. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R..A. Eld. dau. of Matthew Robinson, Esq. ; b. at York, 1720 ; resided in early life at Cambridge, where her cduc. was superintended by Conyers Middleton ; marr. Ed. .Montagu, 1742 ; d. in I’ortman Sq., 25 Aug. 1800. Cele- brated for her intercourse and correspondence with the chief literary charac- ters of her time, for her Letters and “ Essay on Shakspeare,” and for having originated “The Blue-stocking Club.” For many years she gave a dinner on May-day to the London Chimneysweepers. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; looking down, hands folded ; white dress. Canvas, 50 X ,40 in. 629 JAMES HOOIC (1746-1822). Mr. Augustus Alfred Hook.. Lemuel F. Abbot. .Musical composer ; b. at Norwich. 16 May, 1746 ; educated in music by Thomas Garland of Norwich, and Dr. Burney ; composed music when still upstairs.'] Eastern' Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 139 a child, and continued almost to his death to write ; organist and composer at Maryicbonc Gardens and Vauxhall for nearly fifty years ; his published works included more than 3000 songs and 140' complete works, organ con- certos, sonatas, catches, glees, an oratorio, operas, and books of instruction ; he also set the whole of Uie Psalms of David to music ; d. at Tourna\-, 28 Dec! 1822. He was the father of Theodore Hook. P>ust to r. ; as an old man wearing spectacles. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 630 KITTY FISHER AS CLEOPATRA. LENT BY Earl of Morley, PA ENTER. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Miss Fissclier, as written by Sir Joshua Reynolds (her name being German); sat to Sir Joshua, April 1759. and many times subsequcntlv'; celebrated for her beauty and wit; marr. 1766, Mr. Norris of a Kentish family ; d. 1771. Half-length, seated ; looking to r. ; dropping .a pearl into a vase. Canvas, 30X25 in. 631 KITTY FISHER. Lord Crewe. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 630.) Half-length, seated to 1 . ; holding a dove to which another is flying down. Canvas, 30 X 36 in. 632 GEORGE HORNE, BP. OF NORWICH (1730-1792). Dean of Canterbury. Son of a clergyman ; b. at Otham, Kent, i Nov. 1730 ; educ. at Maid- stone (iram. Sch. and Univ. Coll. Oxon ; Fellow and aft. Pres, of Magd. Coll. Oxon; Chap, to Geo. III. 1771 ; Dean of Canterburv, 1781 ; Bp. of Nonvich, 1790; d. at Bath, 17 Jan. 1792. Distinguished 'for his biblical knowledge ; popular as a preacher ; his chief work, Commentarv on the Book of Psalms,” 1776. Bust, as D. of Canterbury ; clerical habit ; wearing spectacles. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 633 ANNA MARIA PHILIPS,MRS.CROUCH (1763-1805). Mr. j. H. Anderdon. George Romney. Actress ; b. 1763 ; appeared, when Miss Philips, at Drury Lane, as Mandanc in Artaxerxes, 1780; successful as Polly Peachum in Gay’s Beg- gars’ Opera; marr. Mr. Crouch, an actor; d. 1805. Head looking up to 1 . Obtained at Bath, 1848. Canvas, 19I x 16 in. 634 LADY MARY BOL'FBY. Mr. G. Richmond, R.A. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Bust ; red low dress ; bl. lace round throat. Canvas, 28 x 25 in. 635 MARGARET GEORGIANA POYNTZ, COUNTESS SPENCER (1737-1814). Earl Spencer, K.G. Pompeio Battoni. {Sec No. 468.) Half-length, seated to r. ; M.S. of music in 1 . hand ; gui- tar and books on the table on which she leans. Signed P. Battoni pinxit, Komic, 1764.” Canvas. 50 x 40 in. 140 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 636 BROWNLOW NORTH, BP. OF WINCHESTER (1741-1820). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Son of Fras. 3rd Baron, and aft. 1st E. of Guildford, and half-brother of Lord North the Prime Minister; b. 17 July, 1741 ; Dean of Canterbury, 1770; Bp. of Lichfield .and Coventry, 1771 ; Worcester, 1774 ; Winchester, 1781 ; d. 12 July, 1820. Bust ; in robes as Chancellor of Garter. Canvas, 26 X 32} in. 637 EDWARD, LORD THURLOW, LD. CHANCELLOR (1732-1806). Marquis of Bath. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of Rev. Thos. Thurlow of Little Ashfield, Suffolk ; b. in .Suffolk, 1732 ; educ. at Seaming, Canterbury Gram. .Sch., and Caius Coll. Camb., but left the Univ. without taking a degree ; ent. Inner Temple ; called to the Bar, 1754; M.P. for Tamworth, 1768; Sol. -Gen. 1770; Attor.-Gen. 1771 ; sup- porter of Ld. North’s Amer. policy ; Ld. Chanc. and Baron Thurlow, 1778 ; held the Seals, except during the Coalition .Ministry in 1783, until 1792 ; d. at Brighton, 12 Sept. 1806. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; robes as Lord Chan. Canvas, 55 X 43 in- 638 SIR FLETCHER NORTON, Kt., afterwards ist BARON GRANl'LEY (1716-1789). Lord Grantley. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Eld. son of Thos. Norton of Grantley; b. 23 Ju. 1716; called to the Bar, and became King’s Coun. ; M.P. ; Knt. 1762; Attor.-Gen. 1763; Speaker after Sir J. Cust, 1769 ; in addressing the King on presenting a bill of supply in 1777 said, “ But .all this. Sire, they (the Commons) have done in a well-grounded confidence that you will apply wisely what they have granted ; ” some objection being made to the address, he declared “ that he would sit no longer in that chair, than he was supported in the free discharge of his duty ; ” created, at Ld. Rockingham’s urgent request, Baron Grantley, 1782 ; d. i Jan. 1789. Three-quarter length, seated ; profile to r. ; in Speaker’s robes. Canvas, S6i X 44 in. 639 RT. HON. SIR CHAS. MORGAN, Bart. LL.D. (1724-1806). Equitable Assurance Soc. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. B. 1724; Military-judgc-adv.-gcncral for many years: P.C. ; .M.P. for Brecon County in 6 Paris. ; Bart. 1792 ; d. at Tredegar, 7 Dec. 1806. Full-length, standing ; claret-coloured coat ; in r. hand ; painted 1783. Canv.TS, 90 X 60 in. 640 GEORGE AUGUSTUS SELWYN (1719-1791). Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Col. .Selwyn of Matson, near (iloucester ; b. ii Aug. 1719 ; educ. at Eton, and entered Hertford Coll. Oxford, whence he was expelled Up-stairsJ] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 141 for an irreverent jest ; M.P. 1747 ; held various Government appointments ; his elder brother having died, he succeeded his father in his estates, 1751 ; d. 25 Jan. 1791. A man of wit and social celebrity ; intimate friend of Walpole, Lord March (D. of Queensberry), and the wits of his day. liust to r. ; signed at back, “ George Augustus Selwyn, Esq.: Jos. Rey- nolds pinxit.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 641 FREDERICK, LORD NOR'l'H, afterwards 2nd E. OF GUILFORD, K.G. (1732-1792). LENT BY PAINTER. Colonel North, M.P. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Eldest son of Francis, ist E. of Guilford ; b. 17 .\pril, 1732 ; educ. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Oxford; M.P. for Banbury, 1754; a Commissioner of the Treasury, 1759-63 ; supported the American Stamp Act ; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1767; ist Lord of the Treasury, 1770-82; succ. in the Earldom, 1790 ; d. 5 Aug. 1792 ; his correspondence with Geo. 111. pub. 1866. Half-seated to r. ; robes as Chan, of Excheq. ; ribbon K.G. Canvas,. 50 X .^o in. 642 GEORGE SACKVILLE (GERMAINE), ist VISCT. SACKVILLE (1716-1785). AIr. W. B. Stopford. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Youn. son of Lionel, 1st D. of Dorset; b. 1716; educ. at Westm. and Trin. Coll. Dub.; ent. the Army, and distinguished at Dettingen, Fontenoy, and Culloden ; tried by court-martial and dismissed the service for dis- obedience to orders at the battle of Minden, in i7S9) where he com. the British Forces under P. Ferdinand ; rest, to favour in Geo. lll.’s reign ; Sec. of State for the Colonies during the Amer. War, 1775-82 ; took the name of Germaine, 1770; crea. Vist. Sackville, 1782; d. 26 Aug. 1785. “Letters of Junius” have been ascribed to him. Three-quarter length, standing to 1. ; cuirass and furred scarlet coat ; horse to his 1. Canvas, 49 x 39 in. 643 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1707-1790). Marquis of Lansdowne. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of a tallow-chandler at Boston, New England ; b. 6 Jan. 1706-7 ; apprenticed to his brother, a printer, at Boston ; went to Philadelphia, 1723 ; sailed for England, 1725 ; returned to Philadelphia, 1726 ; began “ Poor Richard’s Almanac,” 1732 ; originated and advanced many philanthropic schemes ; discovered the identity of lightning and electricity, 1749 ; Repre- sentative for Philadelphia in the Assembly, 1747 ; Agent in England for Pennsylvania ; F.R.S. ; D.C.L. Oxf. &c. ; as Minister of the United States signed the Treaty of Independence at Paris ; Pres, of the ist Soc. for the Abolition of Slavery ; d. 17 Apr. 1790. Bust ; brown coat, yellow waistcoat, grey hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 644 SIR WILLIAM JONES, Kt. (1746-1794). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Wm. Jones, a Mathematician ; b. in London, 28 Sept. 1746; noted from boyhood for ancommon talents ; educ. at Harrow and Univer. 142 Reignt of George III. 1760-1800. Coll. Oxf. ; stud. Oriental and Mod. languages ; tutor to Ld. Althorp, 1765 ; trails, a Persian biog. of Nadir .Shah into French ; entered at the Temple, 1770; pub. a Gram, of Persian, 1771 ; F.R.S. 1772; pub. Poems, chiefly from Oriental language, 1772 ; appointed Judge of the Supureme Court at Calcutta, 1783, and Kt. ; estab. the Asiatic Soc., and contributed to the “Asiatic Researches d. at Calcutta, 27 April, 1794. aged 47. To waist, to r. ; leaning on r. arm ; book in r. hand ; furred crimson coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 645 THOS. TOWNSHEND, ist VISCOUNT SYDNEY (1733-1800). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. Gilbert Charles Stuart. Eldest son of the Hon. Thos. Townshend and .\lbinia, dau. of Col. John •Selwyn ; b. Feb. 1733 ; M.P. for WMiitchurch in four parliaments ; Lord of the Treas. 1765 ; .Sec. at War; one of Secretaries of State, 1782, 1783-91 ; created Baron Sydney, 1783, and Viset. 1789; d. suddenly at Chislehurst, Kent, 13 June, 1800. Bust to r., seated at writing-table. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 646 LORD JOHN I'OWNSHEND (1757-1833L jMarquis Townshend. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of George, ist Marquis Townshend. and Charlotte Compton, only daughter of Janies, E. of Northampton ; b. 19 Jan. 1757 ; M.P. for University of Cambridge; d. 28 Feb. 1833. Bust to r. ; dark blue coat, gilt buttons. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 647 JOHN HORNE TOOKE (1736-1812). National Portrait Gallery. Thomas Hardy. .Son of John Horne, poulterer, Westni. ; b. 25 Ju. 1736 ; cduc. at Westm. and Eton, and St. John’s Coll., Camb. ; took orders, 1760 ; friend of Wilkes (No. 654), and aided his elec, for M iddlesex, 1 768 ; afterwards quarrelled with him ; gave up the church to study for the bar ; assumed the name of Tooke, being made heir to Mr. Win. Tooke of Purley ; active against .American ; lined and imprisoned for libel ; M.P. for Old Saruni, iSoi ; d. 18 Mar. 1812. Author of the “ Diversions of Purley.” Bust, seated to 1 ., showing r. hand ; dark purplish coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 648 MAJOR JOHN ANDRt (1751-1780). Sir R. Shafto Adair, Bart. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. in London, 1751 ; his parents originally from Geneva, where he was sent to be educated ; placed in his fathePs counting-house, but soon left and entered the army ; joined the Brit. P'orces in Anier., and became Adju- tant Gen. to Sir Henry Clinton (No. 61,5) ; managed the correspon- dence with the American Gen. Arnold, who proposed to deliver up the fortress of West Point and the magazines to the British ; on returning from a personal negotiation with Arnold, taken prisoner within the Anier. Lines ; the greatest efforts were made to save him, but he was tried and hanged as a spy at Tappan. .State of New York, 2 Oct. 1780 ; his body i.isinterred and bu. near his monument in West. Abbey ; an artist of some ability ; his friend, Anna .Seward, wrote a monody on his death. Bust ; red coat, fur-trimmed yellow vest. Cam as, 30 X 25 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 143 649 HENRY PELHAM CLINTON, 9TH EARL OF LINCOLN, AND 2ND DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, AND Shooting Party. LENT BY PAINTER. Dcke of Newcastle. Francis Wheatley, R.A. Small figures, on horseback, with keepers, clogs, and dead game ; in •distance. Canvas, 63 X 84 in. 650 RICHARD STONHEWER (1728-1809). Duke of Grafton. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1728 ; priv. sec. to the D. of Grafton, 1766 ; Comm, of Excise, 1767. Auditor, 1772 ; friend of the poet Gray and his executor ; d. 30 Jan. 1809. Bust to r. ; crimson furred coat. Canvas, 30’, X 25J in. 651 REV. CHARLES CHURCHILL (1731-1764). N.a^tional Portrait Gallery. Schaak. Satirist ; son of a clergj man ; b. in Westminster, 1731 ; educ. at Westm. Sch. ; marr. at 17 years of age ; took Orders ; succeeded his father as Curate of .St. John’s, Westm. 1758; pub. the “ Rosciad,” a severe satire on the theatres, 1761 ; wrote in the “ North Briton,” and pub. “ The Pro- phecy of Famine,” in favour of Wilkes’s party ; abandoned his wife and his profession of clergyman, saying, “ The woman I was tired of, and the gown I was displeased with ; ” satirized Hogarth, who avenged himself by a caricature ; pub. “ The Author,” “ The Candidate,” &c. ; died “ a spend- thrift alike of monev and of wit,” 4 Nov. at Boulogne, 1764, while visiting Wilkes. Bust ; brown coat ; black waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 652 SIR ROBERT CHAMBERS, Kt. (1737-1803;. Mr. G. Wilton Chambers. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1737 ; educ. at Lincoln College, Oxford ; F'ellow of University Coll. ; succeeded Sir Wm. Blackstone as Vinerian Professor, 1762 ; Principal of New Inn Hall, 1766; original member of Literary Club; Judge (1773) and Chief Justice (1791) in the Supreme Court in Bengal; President .•\siatic Soc. 1797; declined offer of Peerage; returned to England, 1799; d. at Paris, 9 May, 1803 ; bu. in the Temple Church, London. To waist ; academic gown and hood as V’incrian Professor ; holding a scroll of .M.S. Canvas, 30.1 X 25 in. Painted for Mr. Thrale's study at Streatham. 653 SIR WILLIAM PULTENEY, Bart. M.P. Lord Grantley. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R S.A. M.P. for Shrewsbur)-. Half-length, seated in arm-chair, looking to 1 . Stated on the back to be copied by Raeburn from his own original. Canvas, 35.V X 27J in. 654 JOHN WILKES, M.P., and his DAUGHTER (1727-1797). Sir Henry Baker, Bt. Johann Zoffany, R..A. Son of Nathaniel Wilkes, a Distiller in St. John Street, Clcrkenwell ; b. there 17 Oct. 1727 ; at School at Hertford and in Buckinghamsh. ; went with 144 Reign of George III. 1760-1820. a tutor to Leyden ; marr. 1749, Miss Mead, of a liuckinghamsh. family, from whom he was separated, 1757 ; Col. of the Hucks. Militia ; M.P. for Aylesbury 1757, and again 1761 ; commenced his paper, “The North Briton,” 1762 ; attacked the King’s Speech, April 1763, and was committed to the Tower on a general w'.arrant ; released on plea of privilege ; general warrants declared by Ch. Just. Pratt (No. 480), illegal ; expelled from House of Commons, and outlawed; .M.P. for Middlesex, 1768; imprisoned in King’s Bench; again expelled the House, and on his re-election declared incapable of election ; large subscriptions made for payment of his fines and debts ; discharged from prison, 1770; again M.P. for Middlcse.x, 1772 ; Ld. Mayor of London, 1774 ; had the resolution of the House of Commons declaring him incapable of election expunged, 1782 ; d. 26 Dec. 1797 ; bu. in Grosvenor Chapel, South Audlcy St. ; pub. political pamphlets, speeches, and letters ; brought out handsome edit, of Theophrastus and Catullus. Pull-length small-sized figures ; Wilkes seated holding his daughter’s hand, who stands to his r. ; dog at her feet. Canvas, 50 x 39i in. 655 SIR HENRY CLINTON, K.B. ( -1795). Duke of Newcastle. Son of Adm. Lord Geo. Clinton, 2nd son of Francis, 6th E. of Lincoln. Capt. in the Guards, 1758 ; K.B. 1777 ; Commander-in-chief in America, 1778-1782 ; thanked by the H. of Com. for capture of Charlestown ; ret. to Eng. 1782, and pub. a “ Narrative of the Campaign of 1781,” to which Earl Cornwallis wrote an “.^Xnswer;” Gov. of Gibraltar, 1795 ; M.P. for Newark, and afterwards for Launceston ; marr. Harriet, dau. of Thos. Carter, Esq. ; d. 23 Dec. 1795. Three-quarter length ; militar)’ uniform ; skirmishers in background to his 1 . Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 656 ELIZABETH, 41H DUCHESS OF BEAUFORT (1719-1799). Duke of Beaufort. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Dau. of John Symms Berkeley, of Stoke Gifford, co. Ciloucestcr, and sister of Norborne, Ld. Botetourt, whose Barony she inherited ; b. 1719 ; marr. Charles, 4th D. of Beaufort, 1740 ; d. 1799. Full-length, standing in robes ; crimson velvet, ermine-lined train ; holding coronet in r. hand. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 657 GEORGE GRENVILLE NUGEN'L TEMPLE, 2ND EARL TEMPLE and ist MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM, K.G. (1753-1813). Hon. G. M. Fortescue. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Nephew of Richard, rst Earl ; b. 17 June, 1753 ; M.P. for Bucks, 1774 ; succ. his uncle, 1779; created Marq. of Buckingham, 1784; Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1782 and 1787 ; d. 1 1 Feb. 1813. Half-length ; in robes and collar of K.G. Painted 1787. Canvas, 50 X 40I in.- 658 LORD GEORGE SACKVILLE. Countess Delawarr. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. (Sre No. 642.) Half-length, seated; court dress; paper in r. hand. Can\ .as, 50 X 40 in. 145 Upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 659 JOHN BAKER HOLROYD, ist E. OF SHEFFIELD (1741-1821). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Sheffield. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. .Son of Isaac Holroycl, Esq. ; b. 1741 ; ent. the Anny 1760; at the Peace (1763) travelled abroad, and at Lausanne made the acquaintance of Gibbon (Nos. 664, 667, 668), whose friend and executor he became ; raised a Regiment of Dragoons during the War, 1779 ; M.P. for Coventry (1780), and afterw. for Bristol ; crea. Baron .Sheffield (Ireland), 1781 ; and (United Kingdom), 1802 ; E. of Sheffield (Ireland), 1816; Writer^ on Commerce, &c. and Editor of Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works; d. May, 1821. Bust, to 1 . ; Peer’s robes. Canvas, 30 x 24 in. 660 CHARLES MANNERS, 4TH D. OF RUTLAND, K.G. (1754-1787). Marquis of Lothian. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. .Son of John, 3rd D. ; b. 15 Mar. 1754 ; marr. 1775, Mary Isab. youngest dau. of Charles, 4th U. of Beaufort ; Ld. Lieut, of Ireland, 1784, till his death, 24 Oct. 1787. Bust, to r. ; red furred coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 661 MARY ISABELLA, DUCHESS OF RUTLAND. Duke of Beaufort. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 573.) Half-seated ; profile to 1 .; leaning on 1 . arm ; book in r. hand ; sea in distance. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 662 ANN WORSLEY, MRS. BASTARD. Mr. Baldwin J. P. Bastard. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Thos. Worsley, Esq. of Ilovingham, co. York; marr. William Bastard of Kitley, Devon. To waist, showing r. hand ; low blue dress, and drapery. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 663 LT.-GEN. RT. HON. JOHN BURGOYNE (1720-1792). Sir John Fox Burgoyne, Bt., G.C.B. Son of John, 2nd son of Sir John Burgoyne, 3rd Bt. ; b. 1720; early entered the Army ; commanded in Portugal against the Spaniards, and took Alcantara ; M.P. for Midhurst and aft. for Preston ; attacked by Junius as a partisan of the D. of Grafton ; sent to Canada, 1775 ; commanded in the American War, and was compelled to surrender at Saratoga with his army to Generals Arnold and Gates, the American commanders, 1777 ; upon this the French acknowledged the independence of .\merica; was afterwards Commander-in-Chief in Ireland; d. 4 Aug. 1792; bu. in Cloisters, West- minster. Author of the “ Maid of the Oaks,” “ The Lord of the Manor,” and other plays, which had some success. Half-length, small size ; military uniform, holding three-cornered hat in 1 . hand. Canvas, 21 X 15} in. 664 EDWARD GIBBON (1737-1794). Mr. G. F. Wilbraham. B. at Putney, 27 April, 1737 ; educ. at home till the age of 15 ; then a Magdalen College, Oxford ; became a convert to the Roman Catholic reli- K 146 Reign of George III. 1760-180C. gion, 1753, but returned to Protestantism ; stud, at Lausanne ; pub. an Essay on the “ Study of Literature,” 1761 ; Capt. of the Hampshire Militia ; visited France and Italy, and in Oct. 1764, while he ‘‘ sat musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol,” he projected his “ Hist, of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ; ” M.P. for Liskeard, 1774 ; appointed by Lord North one of Commis. for Trade and Plantations ; pub. the ist vol. of his Hist. 1776, and it was immediately successful ; the 2nd and 3rdvols. 1781 ; retired to Lausanne and completed the 3 remaining vols. in June 1787 ; in 1793 visited his friend Lord Sheffield in London, and died there 16 Jan. 1794. Miniature to waist, looking to r. ; grey coat ; flowered white waistcoat. Panel, 9J X 7 in. One of a set of four pts. the others being Mr. Wilbraham, Hon. Booth Grey, and Mr. Clarke. 665 ELIZABETH LINLEY, MRS. SHERIDAN (St. Cecilia). LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (See No. 472.) Full-length, seated at the organ, singing, two angels singing beside her. Canvas, 55! X 44 in. 666 CHARLES LYTTELTON, BISHOP OF CARLISLE ' (1714-1768). Lord Lyttelton. Allan Ramsay. 3rd son of Sir Thos. Lyttelton, brother of George, ist Lord Lyttelton ; b. at Hagley, 1714; cduc. at Eton and at University Coll. Oxford; entered fhe Middle Temple, and was called to the bar ; afterwards took orders ; Chap, to Geo. II. 1747 ; Dean of Exeter, 1748 ; Bp. of Carlisle, 1762 ; member of Johnson’s “Literary Club;” Pres, of the .Society of Antiquaries; wrote various papers on antiquarian subjects ; d. in Cliii'ord Street, London,. 22 Dec. 1768. Bust to r. ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 667 EDWARD GIBBON (1737-1794). Earl of Sheffield. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. (.SVf No. 664.) Bust looking to 1.; scarlet coat and waistcoat, with neck-tic. Canvas, 29 X 24^ in. 668 EDWARD GIBBON (1737-1794). Mr. Henry Willett. George Romney. {Sec No. 664.) Bust looking to 1. ; light-brown coat ; white waistcoat. Canvas, 25x30 in. Painted before Gibbon left England for Lausanne, for Hayley the poet ; his publishers, Messrs. Cadell and Davies, obtained the portrait ; Horace Rodd bought it of Davies, J. H. Burn of Rodd, and from the latter it came to the present owner. 669 EDWARD SMITH STANLEY, i2th E. OF DERBY (1752-1834). Earl of Derby, K.G. 'Fhos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eldest son of Jas. Ld. Strange (No. 317) and grandson of Edw. i ith E. (No. 251); b. at Patten House, Preston, 12 Sept. 1752; educ. at Trin. Coll. Oxf. ; .M.P. for Lancashire, 1774; succ. his grandfather, 1776; Chanc. of the Djchy of Lancaster, 1783 and 1806 ; d. 21 Oct. 1834. Half-length ; standing in front of crimson curtain ; blue coat ; hat in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). H7 670 ALLEYNE FITZHERRERT, aft. ist LORD ST. HELEN’S (1753-1839). LENT BY Painter. Sir W.m. Fitzherbert, Bt. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. 5th son of Wm. Fitzherbert. of Tissington, Derbyshire, M.P. ; b. 1753 ; cduc. at Derby and Eton and .St. John’s Coll. Cam.; Minister at Brussels, 1777 ; Plcnipo. to Paris, negotiating the Peace of Versailles, 1783 ; sec. for Ireland, 1787-9 ; after filling other high diplomatic posts, cr. Baron St. Helen’s (Ireland), 1791 ; ambass. to St. Petersburg, 1801 ; Peer of Gt. Brit. 1801; d. 19 Feb. 1839. To waist, as a boy, looking to 1 . ; blue dress. Canvas, 31 x 26 in. 671 JOHN HINCHLIFFE, BP. OF PETERBOROUGH. Trinity College, Cambridge. B. 1731 ; Head Master of Westm. 1764; IM aster of Trin. Coll. Cambridge, 1768-89; Bp. of Peterborough, 1769; d. ii Jan. 1794. A popular preacher in his day, and a member of Johnson’s Club. Half-length ; episcopal habit ; preaching. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 672 JEFFREY, 1ST LORD AMHERST, K.B. (1717-1797). Earl A.mherst. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Jeffrey Amherst, Esq. of Riverhead, co. Kent ; b. 29 Jan. 1717 ; Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Ligonier (No. 417), and served at Dettingcn and Fontenoy; Major-Gen. in America, 1758-1760; thanked by the H. of Com. for his services in the reduction of Canada, 1760 ; K.B. ; Com.-in-Ch. in America ; subsequently Com.-in-Chief in England, and F.M. ; creat. Baron Amherst of Holmesdale, 1776, and of Montreal, 1788 ; d. 3 .'\ug. 1797. Half-length, looking to r. ; armour ; leaning on r. hand ; helmet beside him. Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 673 EDWARD SMITH STANLEY, 13TH EARL OF DERBY K.G. (1775-1851). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of Ed. 12th Earl, and Lady Eliz. his Countess (No. 669); b. 21 .Apr. 1775 ; M.P. for Preston and aft. for North Lancashire ; succ. his father, 1834; Pres, of the Linnaean and Zoological Societies ; cr. Baron StanLy of Bickerstaff in the lifetime of his father, 1832 ; d. 1851. Head to 1 ., young ; crimson coat, long fair hair. Oval, canvas, 21 x 18 in. 674 HENRY ADDINGTON, afterwards ist VISC7' SIDMOUTH, SPEAKER (1755-1844). Lincoln’s Inn. Eld. son of Anthony Addington, M.D. ; b. at Reading, 1755 ; cduc. at Cheam, Winchester, and Brasenose Coll. Oxf. ; M.P. for Devizes, as an adherent of his early friend Pitt, 1784; Speaker, 1789-1801 ; Chan, of the E.xch. and 1st Ld. of the Treasury, 1801-4; cr. Viscount Sidmouth, 1805 ; Ld. Pres. 1805 ; Ld. Privy Seal and aft. Ld. Pres. 1806 ; Ld. Pres. 1812 ; Home Sec. 1812-22 ; d. at the White Lodge, Richmond Park, of which he was Deputy Ranger, 15 Feb. 1844. Bust, in Speaker’s wig. Painted 1794, and pres, to Mr. Henry Hodgson. Canvas, 24 x 20 in. Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 148 675 JOHN JERVIS, 1ST EARL ST. VINCENT, K.B. (1734-1823). LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. John J. Carnegie. John Hoppner, R.A. 2nd son of Swynfen Jervis, Auditor of (Greenwich Hospital ; b. at Mcaford, Staff., Jan. 1734; ent. the Navy, 1748; comm, the Foudroyant in Keppel’s action off Ushant, 1778 ; Capt. the Pdgase and made K.B. 1782 ; took Gua- daloupe, .Martinique, and St. Lucia, 1794 ; victory over the Spanish fleet off" Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797 ; cr. E. St. Vincent, 23 June, 1797 ; ist Ld. of the Adm. 1801-4 ; comm, of the Channel Fleet and Exp. to Portugal, 1806 ; Gen. of Marines, 1814 ; Adm. of the Fleet, 1821 ; d. March, 1823. .Monument in St. Paul’s. Head unfinished ; grey hair. Canvas, 20 x 19 in. 676 MRS. CREWE. Lord Crewe. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 853.) Full-length, as an Alpine shepherdess, seated under a rock, reading ; iambs beside her. Canvas, 69 x 66 in. 677 ERASMUS DARWIN, M.D. (1731-1802). Mrs. E. Wheler. Rollason. Poet and physiologist; b. at Elston, near Newark, 12 Dec. 1731 ; studied at St. John’s College, Camb. ; M.D. at Edinburgh ; practised at Lichfield; removed to Derby, and remained there till his death, 18 April, 1802; pub. his poem, “The Botanic Garden,” 1781 ; “Zoonomia,” 1793 and 1796 ; “ Phytologia,” 1800. Bust, seated to r. Canvas, 25 x 30 in. 678 JOHN SMEATON (1724-1792). Royal Society. Mather Brown. Engineer ; b. at .^usthorpe, near Leeds, 28 May, 1724 ; his father was an attorney, and he was educ. for the law, but entered business as a mathe- matical instrument maker, and carried on a scries of valuable experiments in mechanics and hydraulics ; F.R.S. 1753 ; visited the Low Countries, 1754 ; commenced the Eddystone Lighthouse, 1756; contributed several papers to the “ Phil. Trans.” and received the Copley gold medal, 1759, for his mechanical inventions and improvements; d. at Austhorpe, 28 Oct. 1792. To waist, seated ; grey dress ; Eddystone lighthouse in distance to 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 679 ROBERT LOWTH, BISHOP OF LONDON New College, Oxon. Son of Rev. Wm. Lowth, a learned divine; b. 27 Nov. 1710 ; educ. at Winchester and New Coll. Oxf. ; took orders ; Prof, of Poetry’ at Oxf. 1741 ; Rector of Ovington, 1744 ; Archd. of Winchester, 1750; Bp. of St. David’s, 1766; of Oxf. 1766; of London, 1777; declined Archbpk. of Canterbury offered him by Geo. III.; d. at Fulham, 3 Nov. 1787. Author of “ Life of Wm. of W’ykeham,” 1758 ; “ Lectures on the Poetry of the Hebrews,” 1753 ; “Trans, of Isaiah ;” “ Reply to Warburton respecting the Book of Job,” &c. Half -1 ngth, seated ; episcopal habit ; book open to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Up-stairs.'] Eastern Gallery i^Nos. 543-791.) 149 680 LIEUT.-COLONEL ISAAC BARRE (1726-1802). LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis Camden. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Peter Barrd, a merchant in Dublin ; b. about 1726 ; entered Trin. Coll. Dublin, 1740 ; intended for the law, but obtained an Ensigncy in the 32nd Foot, 1746; Major of Brigade (in America), 1758; Adj.-(ien. 1759; sen'ed with Wolfe at Quebec, and was beside him when mortally wounded j M.P. for High Wycombe ; supported Lord Shelburne ; opposed Charles Townsend on American ta.xes ; a vigorous speaker in the Ho. of Commons ; d. 20 July, 1802. Three-quarter length, standing, full face ; red gold-laced coat and waist- coat ; roll of paper in 1 . hand ; r. pointing to map of N. America. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 681 GEORGE COLMAN. Dow. Marchioness of Normanby. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dramatic Writer ; son of Thomas Colman, British resident at Pisa ; b. at Florence about 1733 ; educ. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxford ; called to the bar ; his first piece was acted 1760 ; “ The Jealous Wife,” 1761 \ established the “St. James’s Chronicle;” Trans, of “Terence,” 1765; “ Horace’s Art of Poetry,” 1783 ; succ. Foote as Propri. of the Haymarket ; d. 14 Aug. 1794. Half-length seated, looking to r., leaning on 1 . arm. Canvas, 31 X 25 in. 682 ELIZABETH SIMPSON, MRS. INCHBALD (1756-1821). Rev. John Romney. George Romney. -\ctress and Dramatic Writer ; dau. of a farmer at .Stanningfield, Suffolk b. 1756; came to London 1772; marr. Mr. Inchbald, an actor; on his death, 1779, returned to London, and acted at Cov. Garden, her beauty and talent rendering her popular ; retired 1789 ; wrote many dramatic pieces ; edited the “Brit. Theatre” and “Modern Theatre,” altogether 42 vols. ; d. 1821. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; full face, white dress. Can\as, 30 X 25 in. 683 FRAN. BASSET, ist LD. DE DUNSTANVILLE (1757-1835)- Mr. j. F. Basset. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eld. son of Francis Basset of Tehidy ; b. at Walcot, Oxon. 1757; ti. Bart. 1779; M-P. for Penr>n, 1780, &c. ; cr. Ld. De Dunstanville, 1796, and Ld. Basset, 1797 ; d. 1835. Three-quarter length ; standing near rocks in a landscape ; blue coat. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 684 JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, LL.D. (1733-1804). Manchester New Coll. London. John Opie, R.A. B. near Leeds, 13 Mar. 1733, ^ Dissenting family; early applied himself to acquire languages and made some progress in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic ; stud. nat. science ; LL.D.; pub. “Hist, of Electricity,” 1767; F.R.S., Minister at Leeds, 1767 ; Librarian for seven years to the E. of Shelburne ; obt. the Copley medal for a paper on .'Vir ; pub. “ Disquisitions 150 Reign OF Georgf. III. 1760-1800. on Matter and .Spirit,” 1777 ; a “Defence of Socinianisni,” and various works respecting Christian Doctrine ; controversy with Dr. Horsley and reply to Burke on Fr. Revol. ; nominated a citizen of the Fr. Repub. ; populace at Birmingham destroyed his house and library ; went to America ; d. 6 f'eb. 1804. Bust ; dark coat, grey wig. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 685 SAMUEL FOOTE (1720-1777). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Newcastle. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. at Truro about 1720 ; educ. at Worcester Coll. Oxf. ; spent his fortune and became actor and dramatic writer ; received an annuity from Sir Francis Delaval for aiding the latter to marry a rich wife ; in 1747 commenced at the Haymarket portraits of character, in which he alone appeared on the stage; wrote 20 plays; in the “Mayor of (Jarrett” arc the characters of .Major .Sturgeon and Jerry .Sneak ; in 1766 he broke his leg, and had it amputated, but acted with a cork leg ; d. at Dover, 21 Oct. 1777. His con- versational wit was considered unrivalled. To waist ; looking up to r. ; arms crossed, leaning on stick. Canvas, 36J X 28 in. 686 JA.MES BEA'l'TIE, D.C.L. (1735-1803). 'Fhe Misses Glennie. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Author of “The Minstrel;"’ b. at Lawrcncckirk, Kincardinesh. 25 Oct. 1735, where his parents had a small farm; educ. at ^Iarischal Coll. Aberdeen; schoolmaster at Fordoun and at Aberdeen ; became known to Ld. Monboddo; Prof, of Moral Phil, at Marischal Coll. 1760 ; pub. his “ Essay on Truth,” 1770; “ The Minstrel,"’ 1771 ; friend of Johnson, Reynolds. &c ; received a pension, 1773 ; degree of D.C.L. from Oxford; both his sons died before him, and in his latter years he also suffered much from illness ; d. 18 Aug. 1803. Half-length ; in scarlet academic gown ; behind him is the angel of tnith thrusting down sophistry, infidelity, and scepticism ; painted 1774. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 687 WILLIAM WOODFALL (i70s-i8o3> Nation.xl Portrait Gallery. 'Fhomas Beach. Son of the printer of tire “ Public Advertiser,” in which Junius s Letters appeared ; b. 1745 or 1746 ; educ. at St. Paul’s sch.; worked as a printer ; became F 2 ditor of the “Morning Chronicle;” reported in his paper “The Diar\',” the speeches in the House of Commons, trusting entirely to his extraordinary memoi T ; d. i Aug. 1803. To waist ; seated at table, holding pen in r. hand. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 688 WARREN HAS'FINGS (1733-1818). National Portrait Gallery. Tilly Kettle. Son of Pynaston Hastings, of the family that had possessed Daylesford in Worcestersh; b. 1733 ; sent by his uncle, Howard Hastings, to Westminster; obtained a clerkship in the E. India Com. 1750 ; attracted the attention of Clive ; appointed Political .^gent at Meer Jafficr’s court ; Member of the Council at Calcutta, 1761 ; .Member of Council at Madras, 1769; Cov. of Bengal, 1772; and soon after Gov.-Gen. of India, which he ruled for 13 years ; returned to England, 1785 ; impeached before the H. of Commons ; his trial lasted seven years, and he was acquitted 1795 > retired to Daylesford, which he had acquired ; d. 22 Aug. 1818. Bust ; head resting on 1 . arm. Canvas, 27 x 22’ in. Up-stairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 689 MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT, MRS. GODWIN (1759-097)- LEST BY PAIXTER.. Mr. William Russell. John Opie, R.A. B. probably at Epping, 27 1759 ; companion to a Lady at Bath ; kept a school with her sisters at Islington, 1783, and aft. at Newington Green ; on her return from Lisbon, where she went to nurse an invalid friend, Gov-erness to Ld. Kingsborough’s children ; pub. “ Thoughts on the Education of Daughters,” 1787 ; settled in London, and adopted literature as a profession, 1787, writing novels, reviewing and translating : “ Vindica- tion of the Rights of Woman,” 1792 ; went to Paris, and wrote on the French Revolution; “Letters from Norway,” 1795 > marr. Wm. Godwin, 1797, and d. the same year. To waist, seated to r. ; with open book in r. hand. Canvas, 25 x 30 in. 690 CHARLES BURNEY, Mus. Doc. (1726-1814). Rev. C. Burney. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. at Shrewsbury, 1726 ; educ. at Shrewsbury and Chester : stud, under Dr. .Arne ; became acquainted with Mrs. Cibber, and met at her house the noted men of the day ; composed “ Queen Mab,” &c. ; left London on account of his health ; Organist at Lynn ; Mus. Doc. Oxon, 1769 ; tra- velled on the Continent to collect materials for his “ Hist, of Music,” which was pub. 1776-1789; F.R.S. 1773; pub. “Life of Metastasio,” 1796; d. at Chelsea Coll. 15 Apr. 1814. Father of Fanny Burney (Madame D’Arblay). To waist ; roll of music in r. hand ; hood and gown of Mus. Doc. Canvas, 30 X 2; in. 691 FRANCES SUSANNAH, LADY DE DUNSTAN- VILLE ( -1823). Mr. J. F. Basset. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Dau. of John Hippislcy Co.xe, Esq. of .Stone Easton, co. Somerset ; marr. 16 May, 1780, Sir Francis Basset, Bt. of Tehidy, Cornwall, who was cr. Baron De Dunstanville, >796; liaron Basset, 1797; d. at Twickenham, 14 June, 1823. Three-quarter length, holding ostrich-feather in r. hand; landsc.ape back- ground. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 692 WILLIAM BASTARD. Mr. B.vldwin J. P. Bastard. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Pollexfen Bastard of Kitley, Devon ; raised a corps of Volunteers on the appearance of a French fleet off Plymouth, 1779, and removed a body of French prisoners in safety ; gazetted a Bart., but did not assume the title ; d. 1782. Bust ; dark blue coat, red waistcoat. Painted 1755. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 693 LADY CHARLOTTE AND LORD HENRY SPENCER, “The Fortune Teller.’’ Duke of Marlborough. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Children of George Spencer, 3rd D. of Marlborough, and Caroline Russell, only dau. of John, 4th D. of Bedford ; Lady Charlotte, their 3rd 152 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. dau., b. 18 Oct. 1769 ; marr. 1797, Edw. Narcs, U.D., Regius Prof, of Hist., Oxf. ; d. at Bath, 15 Jan. 1802. Lord Henry John, their 2nd son, b. 20 Dec. 1770 ; M.P. for Woodstock, 1790 ; .Minister Plen. to Sweden, 1793, and afterwards to Berlin, where he d. 3 July, 1795. Full-length as children ; Lady Charlotte, in the attitude of a fortune-teller, is holding her brother’s hand. Canvas, 36 X 45 in. 694 EDWARD, I2TH EARL OF DERBY, His Wife LADY ELIZ. HAMII/rON, and Infant SON. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. Angelica Kauff.mann, R.A. {See No. 669.) Full-length, small life-si/.e seated figures, caressing their child ; two dogs to the r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 695 LAVINIA BINGHAM, COUNTESS SPENCER (1762-1831J. Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest daughter of Charles, ist E. of Lucan ; b. 1762 ; marr. Geo. John, 2nd E. Spencer, 1781 ; d. 8 June, 1831. To waist, looking to r. ; wearing wide straw hat with blue ribbon ; white dress. Canvas, 30 x 35 in. 696 MARY HELEN GRAHAM, LADY DASHWOOD, AND HER SON. Sir Henry W. Dashwood, Bt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Daughter of John tiraham. Esq., of the Supreme Court, Calcutta, and of Kinross, N.B. ; marr. 17 July, 1780, .Sir Henry Watkin Dashwood, of Kirt- lington Park, Oxfordshire; d. 1796, aged 33. Henry George Mayne Dash- wood, the child in the picture, b. 26 June, 1782, d. 24 Oct. 1803. Half-length ; seated to 1 ., with her son on her knee ; crimson curtain in the background ; painted and exhibited 1784, when Lady Dashwood was 20 years of age. Canvas, 29J x 25 in. 697 HENRIETTA ANTONIA HERBER T, COUNTESS OF POWIS (1758-1830.) Earl of Powis. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Henr>' Arthur Herbert, Fiarl of Powis, sister and heir of George, last Earl of Powis of his family; b. 1758; mar. 1784, Edward, 2nd Lord Clive, afterwards created E. of Powis ; d. 3 June, 1830. Three-quarter length ; white walking dress, large blue hat. Canvas, 56 X 45 - 698 LUKE HANSARD (1752-1828). Mr. Thomas C. Hansard. Lane. B. at Norwich, 1752 ; served his apprenticeship as a printer there, and tnen came to Eondon ; employed by Mr. Hughes, printer to the House of Commons ; became partner, and was printer of the Journals of the House of Commons from 1774 to 1828 under Speakers Norton, Cornw.all, Grenville, Addington, Mitford, Abbot, and Manners-.Sutton ; friend of Johnson, Burke, Person, &c. ; d. in London, 1828. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1828 ; engraved for Biog. by J. Rickman. To waist : seated writing at a table ; paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. Up-stairs.'\ Eastern Gallery {Nas. 543-791;. ^53 699 EDWARD, LORD STANLEY, afterwards 13TH EARL OF DERBY, as a Boy with His Sister, LADY CHARLOTTE STANLEY. LtNT BY PAINTER. Earl of Derby, K.G. George Romney. (.'><•<’ No. 673.) Full-length, as children, standing; Lady Charlotte holds a canary. Canvas, 60 X 48 in. 700 HON. CHARLOTTE CLIVE. Earl of Powis. Angelica Kauffmann, R.A. Eldest dau. of Robert, Ld. Clive (No. 479); d. 10 Oct. 1795. Three-quarter length, seated beneath a tree ; pink dress, white drapery. Canvas, 5 1 x 48 in. 701 COUNTESS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Marquis of Lothian. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Full-length, standing, resting on r. arm ; robes and coronet on table to r. Canvas, 93 x 58 in. 702 WILLIAM HEBERDEN, M.D. (1710-1801). College of Physicians. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. B. 1710 ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; Fellow, 1730; F. Coll. Phys. 1746; F. Roy. Soc. ; originator of, and principal contributor to “ Medical Transactions ” of the Coll, of Physicians ; author of “ Med. Comment, on the Hist, and Cure of Diseases d. 1801. Bust, seated ; black dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 703 GEORGE NASSAU COWPER, 3RD EARL COWPER, AND FAMILY (1738-1826). Earl CowPER, K.G. Johann Zoffany, R.A. Son of Wm. 2nd E. and Henrietta, dau. of Henry D’Auverquerque, E. of Grantham ; b. 26 Aug. 1738 ; Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, 1778; d. 1789. His wife Anne, youngest dau. of Charles Gore of Horkstowc, co. Lin- coln ; marr. at Florence, 1775 ; d. 5 Sept. 1826. Three sons, George Augustus, afterwards 4th Earl ; Peter Leopold, afterwards 5th Earl ; and Edw. Spencer. Group of 6 figures in a room ; lady playing the harpsichord, gentleman the violoncello. Canvas, 36 X 33 in. 704 MRS. HALLAM. CoL. Lennard. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Marr. Dr. Hallam, Canon of Windsor and Dean of Bristol ; mother of Henry Hallam the historian ; lived to upwards of 90. Bust ; low dress, with rose on her bosom. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 705 HON. MRS. KEITH STEWART. Stew.'^rt Mackenzie of Seaforth. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Half-length, as a child ; white low dress, with flowers in her dress, and t wreath of flov ers on her head. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 154 Reign of George III. 1760-1800 706 JOHN HOBART, 2nd EARL OF BUCKINGHAM- SHIRE (1723-1793). LENT BY PAINTER. M.arquis of Lothian. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eld. surviving son of John, ist Earl ; b. 1723 ; M.P. for Norwich, 1747, and aft. for Norfolk ; succ. his father, 1756; Amb. to Russia, 1762; Ld. Lieut, of Ireland, 1777-80 ; d. 3 Aug. 1793. • Full-length ; wearing ermine-lined crimson robe. Canvas, 92 X 58 in. 707 JOSHUA MARSHMAN, D.D. (1768-1837). Baptist College, Bristol. Missionan- and Linguist ; b. at Westbiir)- Leigh, Wilts, 176S ; sent to India, 1799, by the Baptist Missionary Society ; acquired the Bengalee, -Sanscrit, and Chinese languages ; trans. a considerable part of the Bible into Chinese ; author of “ A Dissertation on the Characters and Sounds of the Chinese Language,” “ Clavis Sinica,” translations of the works of Con- fucius, &r. ; d. 5 Dec. 1837. To waist, seated ; looking to r. ; black dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. JoSaIARY GRANVILLE, MRS. DELANY (1700-1788). Her Majesty (Hampton Court). John Opie, R.A. Eldest daughter of Bernard Granville, grandson of Sir Bevil Granville, the Royalist leader; b. at Coulton, in Wiltshire, 14 May, 1700; educ. chiefly under the care of her uncle, George Granville, L. Lansdowne (No. 104) ; marr. ist, 1717, Alexander Pendarves ; intimate with Swift, through whom she became acquainted with Patrick Delany, D.D. (Dean of Down), afterwards her 2nd husband, 1743 ; spent much time with her friend, Margaret Cavendish Harley, Duchess of Portland, after whose death George 1 1 1 . gave her a house in Windsor, and pension ; d. 15 April, 1788. .Vutobiography published, with Correspondence, 1861-2. To waist ; as an old lady in black widow's cap, wearing locket with “G. R.” Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 709 HENRIETTA, LADY HORTON. Earl of Derby, K.G. George Romney. 3rd daughter of James -Stanley, Lord Strange (No- 317) ; sister of Edw. 1 2th E- of Derby ; marr. 1778, -Sir Watts Horton, Bt. ; d. 1830. To waist, looking to r. holding a dog. Canvas, 30^ X 254 in. 710 RICHARD ROBINSON, LORD ROKEBY, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (1709-1794). Lieut.-Gen. Lord Rokeby. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Wm. Robinson of Rokeby, Yorks. ; b. 1709; educ. at Westm. and Ch. Ch.-Oxon ; Rector of Elton, Yorks., and Preb. of York ; ist Chapl. to D. of Dorset, Lord-Lieut. of Ireland. 1751 ; Bp. of Killala, 1752 ; Ferns and Leighlin, 1759; Kildare, 1761; .\rchbp. of Armagh, 1765; cr. Ld. Rokeby in the peerage of Ireland, 1777 ; succ. his brother as 3rd Bart. 1785 ; tl. 10 Oct. 1794. Gave 4000/. to the building of Canterbury (Quadrangle, (Th. Ch. Oxford. Half-length to r. standing ; black clerical hat and dress ; walking-stick in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. Up-stairs.l Eastern Gallery (Aw. 543-791). 155 71 I HENRY MACKENZIE (1745-1831). LENT BV PAINTER. Stewart Mackenzie OF Seaforth. Sir H. R.aeburn, P.R.S.A. Son of Dr. Joshua Mackenzie; b. at Kclinljurgh, 1745 ; cduc. at the High School and Universit) of Edinburgh ; learned tlie business of the Scottish Court of Exchequer, and became Crown Agent ; pub. anonymously “The .Man of Feeling,'"' 1771 ; “The Man of the World;” edited the “ .Mirror,” and “ Lounger ;” wrote several plays ; contributed to the “ Trans, of the R. Soc. of Edinburgh,” &c. ; d. at Edinburgh, 14 Jan. 1831. Bust ; black coat, white neckerchief. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 712 WILL. FITZ WILLIAM, 4TH E. FITZ WILLI AM (1748-1833). Earl of Zetland. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Wm. Fitzwilliam, 3rd E. in peer, of Ireland ; ist peer of Eng. ; b. 30 May, 1748 ; Lord-Lieut. of Ireland, 1795 ; d. 8 Feb. 1833. Bust, young ; black dress, white collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 713 THE FORTUNE-TELLER. Countess Uelawarr. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Three half-length figures ; a gipsy fortune-teller is examining a girl's hand. Canvas, 57.J X 48^ in. 714 JOHN WHITEHURST (1713-1788). .Mr. W. Bemrose, Jun. Joseph Wright, A.R.A. B. at Conglcton, Cheshire, where his father was a watchmaker, 10 April, 1713 ; early showed his mechanical ingenuity, and his spirit of enquiry into natural phenomena ; improved various scientific instruments and hydraulic machines ; removed to London. 1775 : among his publications, “An Inquiry into the .State and Formation of the Earth,” 1778 ; Papers in the Phil. Trans. &c.; F.K.S. 1779; d. in Bolt Court, Fleet Street, 18 Feb. 1788. Life written by Dr. Hutton. To waist, profile to 1 . ; seated, with pencil and diagram, section of the strata of Matlock High Tor. Canvas, 34 X 27 m. 715 ISABELLA, COUNTESS OF DUNDONALD. Rev. j. M. St. Clere Raymond. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Uau. of Sam. Raymond of Belchamp Hall, Essex; marr., ist, John Mayne of Teffont, Wilts, and 2nd, .•\rchd. Cochrane, 9th FL of Dundonald, 1788; d. 1808. Bust to 1 . ; low reddish dress. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 716 RICHARD HURD, BISHOP OF WT)RCESTER (1720-1808 ). Her M.ajesty (Hampton Court). Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. .Son of John Hurd, farmer; b. at Congreve. Staff.. 1720; educ. at Brewood Cramm. .Sch. and Emm. Coll. Camb., of which he was Fellow in 156 Reign of George 111 . 1760-1800. 1742 ; Reel, of Thurcaston, Lciccstersh., 1757 ; I’rcachcr at Lincoln’s Inn, 1765; Archd. of Gloucester, 1767; 15 p. of Lichfield and Coventry, 1774; I’receptor to the Pr. of Wales and D. of York ; Hp. of Worcester, 1781 ; declined the Primacy offered him by Geo. III., with whom he was a great favourite, 17S3; d. 28 May, 1808. His principal works, “Moral and Political Dialogues,” “Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies ” (Warburtonian Lectures); pub. Life, and edition of the works of his friend and correspondent,. Hp. Warburton. Ihist, seated, showing 1 . hand ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 7 I 7 WILLIAM MARKHAM, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. LENT BY PAINTER. Christ Church, Oxford. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1719; Head .Master of Westminster, 1753-64; Dean of Christ Church ; Bp. of Chester, 1771 ; Archbp. of York. 1777 ; d. 3 Nov. 1807. Half-length, standing to r. beneath a column ; episcopal habit. Canvas,. 57 X 45 in- 718 FRANCIS HARGRAVE. Society of Lincoln’s Inn. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Legal writer ; b. 1741 ; pub. coll, of “ .State Trials,” 2 vols. and “Juridical Arg uments and Collections ;” d. 16 Aug. 1821. Bust; black coat; crimson background; painted 1787. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 719 JOHN MONTAGU, 4TH EARL OF SANDWICH (1718-1792). Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) 1 'hos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eld. son of Ed. Rd. Viset. Hinchinbrook : b. 1718 ; succ. his grandfather, the 3rd Earl, 1729 ; Ld. of the .\diij. 1744 ; in 1746 Plenipo. to the Congress at Breda, and till the peace of .Ai.\-la-Chapelle, 1748 ; ist Ld. of the Adm. 1748-51, 1763. and in Ld. North’s .\dm. during the Amer. War, 1771-82 ;. .Sec. of State, 1763-5 and 1770-1 ; d. 30 Apr. 1792. Full-length, standing; scroll in 1 . hand; Greenwich Hosp. in background. Canvas, 90 X 60 in. 720 Adm. sir J. B. WARREN, Bt., G.C.B. (1754-1822). Rev. Sir J. ^V. Hayfs, Bt. • John Opie, R.A. B. at Staplcford, Notts. 1754; cduc. at Winchester, and Emmanuel Coll. Cam.; ent. the Navy; M.P. for Marlow, 1774, and after, for Nottingham; crea. a Bt. 1775 ; distin. in tlie American War ; captured three French ships of war. 1793; K.B. 1794; comm, at Ouiberon Bay, 1795 ; captured oft Ireland, the “ Hoche” man-of-war, and three frigates laden with troops sent to aid the Rebellion, 1798; I’.C. and Amb. to Russia after the peace of .Amiens, 1802 ; G.C.B. 1814 ; d. at Greenwich. 27 h'eb. 1822. Bust ; naval uniform ; ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 721 SIR WALTER STIRLING, Kt., R.N. (1718-1786). Sir Walter Stirling, Bt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Only son of Walter .Stirling of Sherva ; b. 18 May, 1718; comm, the “ Essex” under Viset. Howe in the Exp. to Cherbourg, 1758 ; in the “Saltash” Upstairs.'] Easter-n Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 157 with Keppel in his attack on Goree ; served with Rodney in the W. Indies, and Knt. after the capt. of St. Eustatia, 1781 ; Commodore; Com.-in-Chief at the Nore, 1781 ; offered the Btcy., afterwards conferred upon his eldest son; d. 24 Nov. 1786. To waist to r. ; naval uniform ; telescope in 1. hand. Canvas, 20 X 25 in. 722 ADMIRAL GEORGE KEITH ELPHINSTONE, VISCOUNT KEITH, G.C.B. LENT BY PAINTER. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) William Owen, R.A. 4th son of Charles, loth Ld. Elphinstone ; b. 1747 ; entered the Navy ; Capt. 1775 ; in command of the Warwick ; captured a Dutch ship of war of equal force, 1778; distinguished at Toulon; Rear-Adm. and K.B. 1794; reduced the Cape of Good Hope ; Viset. Keith, 1797 ; 2nd in command to E. St. Vincent, 1798 ; took Genoa and .Malta ; Com.-in-Chief of Channel Fleet, 1812 ; Viset. in peerage of United Kingdom, 1814 ; d. 10 .Mar. 1823. Bust to r. ; naval uniform ; ribbon and star, G.C.B. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 723 RICHARD PARKER. Mr. J. B. Dalrymple. Drummond. B. at Exeter ; a Midshipman in the Navy, but “ dismissed the service for misconduct ; ” aft. entered a man-of-war as a common sailor ; gained con- siderable influence over his comrades ; chief leader of the mutiny of the sea- men at the Nore ; for which he was hanged from the yard-arm of the Sandwich, 30 June, 1797. Half-length ; sailor’s dress ; leaning on a plank. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 724 ADMIRAL SIR SAMUEL HOOD, Bt. (1762-1814). Viscount Hood. Youngest son of Sam. Hood, Kingsland, Dorset; b. 1762 ; ent. the Navy at 14; in Rodney’s action, 12 Apr. 1782 ; in the Mediterranean under Ld. Hood in the “Juno,” and distin. at Toulon and Corsica, 1793-4; Comm, the “Zealous” at the Nile, 1798; reduced Tobago and Guiana, 1803 ; lost an arm off Rochfort, when he captured French Frigates, &c. 1806 ; M.P. for Westminster, 1806 ; in the expedition against Copenhagen, 1807 ; crea. Bt. 1809; Comm.-in-Chief in the East Indies, and d. at Madras, 24 Dec. 1814. Full-length, standing near a rock, r. hand resting on an anchor. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 725 CAPTAIN SAMUEL WALLIS ( -1795). Mr. H. Lewis Stephens. Circumnavigator ; Capt. R.N. 1757 ; sent in command of the “Dolphin,” to continue and extend the discoveries of Commodore Byron in the Pacific, 1766 ; disc. Easter Island and Tahiti ; returned in 1768 ; extra commissioner of the Navy, 1780 ; d. 1795. Bust to r. showing r. hand ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 726 ADMIRAL HON. JOHN FORBES. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) George Romney. Son of Geo. 3rd. Earl of Granard ; b. 1714: entered the Navy ; Capt. 1737; command, the Norfolk in the action off Toulon, 1744; R. Adm. 1747; 158 Reign OF George III. 1760-1820. V. Adm. 1755 ; Comm, of Admir. 1756; resigned, refusing to agree to the death-warrant of Adm. Byng, stating his reasons in a protest ; re-appointed aft.; Adm. 1758 ; Adm. of the Fleet, 1781 ; d. 1796. Bust to r. ; naval uniform ; tie-wig ; signed and dated “ G. Romney pin.x. 1778.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 727 SAMUEL, 1ST VISCOUNT HOOD (1724-1816). LENT BV PAINTER. Viscount Hood. Benja.min West, P.R.A. Eld. son of Rev. Sam. Hood, and bro. of V'iscL Bridport (No. 731) ; b. at Butley, Somerset. 12 Uec. 1724 ; ent. Na\ y ; took the “ Belliqueu.x,” 1757. and the “ Bellona,” 1759; Bart. 1778; comm, the Van Div. in Rodney s action 1782, and cr. Baron Hood (Ireland) ; M.P. for Westm. 1784-8 and 1790 ; Ld. of .Adm. 1788 ; comm. Medit. Fleet, and took Toulon .and Corsica, J793-4; cr. Viscount Hood (Gt. B.) 1796; (iov. of Greenwich Hospital, 1796 ; d. at Bath. 27 Jan. 1816. Half-length, standing ; naval uniform ; ship in distance to his r. Dated 1796. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 728 THOMAS COUTTS (1735-1822). Mrss Burdett Coutts. Banker; grandfather of Miss Burdett Coutts; b. 1735 i nmrr. (his 2nd w ife) Miss Mellon, afterwards Duchess of St. .Albans ; d. 1822. Bust to r. ; black coat, white neckerchief. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 729 GEORGE JOHN, 2nd EARL SPENCER, K.G. (1758-1834). Earl Spencer, K..G. J. S. Copley, R.A. Only son of John, ist Earl; b. i Sept. 1758; educ. at Harrow and Camb. ; M.B. for Northamptonsh. ; succ. his father, 1783; Ld. Priv. Seal,. 1794 ; 1st Ld. of the .Adm. 1794-1801. a period w hich comprised the victories of Cape St. Vincent. Camperdown. and the Nile; Home Sec. in the .Adm. of “.All the Talents,'’ 1806 ; K.G. 1829 ; d. 10 Nov. 1834. Fonnedthe Library now at Althorp descr. by Dr. Dibdin in his “ Bibliotheca Spenceriana," and was ist Pres, of the Roxburghe Gub. Full-length, standing ; robes and collar K.G. ; plumed hat in r. hand. Canvas, 104 X 67 in. 730 RICHARD, 4TH VISCOUNT and ist EARL HOWE, K..G. (1725-1799). Earl Howe. 2nd sun iving son of Emanuel. 2nd Viset. ; b. 1725 ; educ. at Eton ; ent. the Navy at 14 ; Post-Capt. for his defeat of two Fr. ships bearing suc- cours to the young Pretender, I74y; succ. his brother the 3rd Viset. 1758 ; def. a Fr. squad, and took two of the vessels, 1759 ; I.d. of the Adm. 1763 ; Treas. of the Navy, 1765 ; M.P. for Dartmouth ; commanded the Fleet, and Commissr. for the pacification of Amer. 1776 ; engaged successfully the Fr. squad, under D'Estaing off Rhode Isl. 177S ; cr. \'isct. Howe, 1782 ; relieved Gibraltar, 1782 ; Earl, 178S ; in command of the Channel Fleet ; gained the victory of i June, 1794, over the F'rench off the west coast of France; suppressed the Mutiny at the Nore, 1797 ; K.G. 1797 ; d. 5 Aug. 1799. Alon. in St. Paul's. Known amongst the sailors as “Black Dick,” from his complexion. Bust ; naval uniform. Canvas, circular, diam. 31 in. upstairs.'] 159 Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 731 ALEX. HOOD, 1ST VISCOUNT BRIDPORT, K.B. LENT BY painter. Viscount Hood. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Rev. .Sam. Hood, and young, bro. of Samuel Viscount Hood {see No. 727) ; b. 1727 ; cnt. the Navy ; capt. two Fr. vessels, 1757 : retook the “ Warwick,” 1761 ; R. .Adm. under Ld. Howe at the relief of Gibraltar, 1782 ; M.P. for Bridgewater, 1784 ; K.B. 1788 ; 2nd in comm, in Ld. Howes vict. I June, 1794 and aft. cr. Baron Bridporl /Ireland) ; def. the Fr. fleet close to L'Oricnt, and took 3 ships of the line, 23 June, 1795 ; cr. Baron Bridport (Gt. Brit.), 1796; in comm, of the Chan. FI. 1796-1800; cr. Vise. Bridport, 1800; d. at Bath 3 -May, 1814. Half-length, standing ; naval uniform ; cocked hat in r. hand ; leaning on an anchor. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 732 SIR ISAAC HEARD, Kt. (1730-1822). Mr. J. W. Wild. . A. W. Devis. B. at Ottery St. Mar>-, Devonshire, 1730; entered the Navy; left it and was appointed Pursuivant of Arms by- the E. of Effingham ; Lancaster Herald, 1761 ; Norroy, 1774; Clarencieux, 1780; Garter King-at-Arms, 1784 ; Kt. 1786 ; went to Brussels and X'^ienna at the age of 84 to invest as K.G. the King of the Netherlands and the Emp. of Austria; d. 29 April 1822 ; bu. at .St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Bust, seated to 1 . ; ribbon and badge of Garter king-at-arms. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 733 ADMIRAL SIR HUGH PALLISER PALLISER, Bt. (1721-1796). Sir H. Palliser Palliser, Bt. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. B. 1721 ; entered the N.avy ; Capt. 1747; served with Commod. Kcppel against the French, 1755 ! under Admiral .Saunders at Quebec ; Comptr. of Na\y, 1770; Bart. 1773; Rear-Admiral, Comm. of'Admiralty, LieuU- Gen. of Marines, 1775 ; Vice-Admiral, and commanded the rear in Keppel’s action off Ushant, 1778; afterw.ards accused Kcppel of neglect of duty, but was himself censured ; the public excitement was such that his house, and that of Ld. Sandwich, ist Lcl. of the Admiralty, narrowly escaped destruction by the mob ; Gov. of Greenwich Hospital, 17^ ; d. 1796. Half-length ; naval uniform, resting 1. arm on base of a column, hat in r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 734 JOHN ROBISON, LL.D. (1739-1805). University of Edinburgh. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. B. 1739 ; cduc. at Glasgow Univ. ; went to sea as tutor to Adm. Knowles’s son, being rated as a midshipman, 1759; afterwards employed afloat in testing Harrison’s chronometers, &c. ; ret. to Glasgow ; succ. Black as Prof, of Nat. Philos. 1767 ; acc. Adm. Knowles to St. Petersburg as sec. and aft. b^aine Insp. Gen. of the Coll, of Naval Cadets, Cronstadt, 1770-4 ; Prof, of Nat. Philos. Univ. of Edinb. 1774 ; d. at Edinb. 30 Jan. 1805 ; wrote “ System of Mechanical Philosophy,” &c. Half-length, seated ; striped red dress : telescope in background. Can- vas, 49^ X 39i in. i6o Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 735 REAR-ADMIRAL RICHARD KPJMPENFELT LENT BY (1720—1782). PAINTER. Lords of the Admiralty (Green. Hosp.) Tilly Kettle. H. 1720; Capt. 1757; commanded the “ Elizabeth” in the East Indies, 1758 ; Capt. of the Fleet under Sir Chas. Hardy, 1778 ; Rear-Adm. 1781 ; lost in the “ Royal George” at Spithead, 29 Aug. 1782. Full-length, standing; naval uniform ; resting his hands on a ; two men-of-war in distance to 1 . Canvas, 96 X 61 in. 736 ADMIRAL SIR G. BOWYER, Bart. Sir George Bowyer, Bt., M.P. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd surv. son of Sir \Vm. Bowyer, 3rd Bart., of Denham Court, Bucks ; ent. the Navy, and rose to the rank of Admiral ; distin. in Ld. Howe’s victory, i June, 1794, and crea. a Bart. ; succ. his brother in the family Baronetcy, 1797 ; d. 6 Dec. 1799. Half-length, standing beneath a rock ; naval unifonn ; r. hand resting on sword. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 737 CAPT. JAMES COOK, F.R.S. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Son of a day-labourer of the same name ; b. at Marton, co. York, 1728 ; apprenticed to a grocer, but released from his indentures to allow him to go to sea ; in the merchant service for a few years, then in the Roy. Navy ; Lieut. 1760; Capt. 1768, when he sailed for Otaheite in the “ Endeavour,” accomp. by Sir Joseph Banks, to observe the transit of Venus over the sun’s disc ; awarded the Copley gold medal by the Roy. Soc. 1776, after he had sailed on his 3rd voyage, during which he discovered the Sandwich Islands ; killed at Owhyhee by the natives, 14 Feb. 1779. His widow (who survived him 56 years, dying in 1835) and 3 sons received pensions from the Crown. Half-length, seated ; naval uniform ; holding a chart of the world. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 738 CHARLES, 3RD EARL STANHOPE (1753-1816). Earl Stanhope. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Eld. surviving son of Philip, 2nd E. ; b. 3 Aug. 1753 ; educ. at Eton and Geneva; M.P. for Wycombe; succ. his father, 1786; opposed the Amer. War, and aft. the war with h'rance ; approved of the Fr. Revolution ; known for his mech. inventions and experiments, particularly the printing-press, which bears his name, improvements in stereotype-printing, the application of steam power to navigation, a calculating machine, and a plan for securing buildings from fire ; his tst wife was Lady Hester Pitt, dau. of the 1st E. of Chatham; d. 15 Dec. 1816. Bust, seated ; scarlet ermine-trimmed robe. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Left unfinished at the painters death. 739 ADMIRAL THE HON. SAMUEL BARRINGTON. Viscount Barrington, M.P. J. S. Copley, R.A. Son of John Shute, ist Viset. Barrington; b. 1729; Capt. 1747; com- manded the .“Bellona” frigate, and captured, 1747, the “Due de Chartres ;” in comm, of the “Achilles,” and captured, 1759, the “ Count de St. Florentin” Fr. frigate; Rear-Adm. and Com.-in-Ch. VV. Indies, 1778; reduced St. Lucia; 2nd in comm, to Adm. Byron in the action off Grenada with Count D’Estaing, 1775 ; served under Lord Howe at the relief of Gibraltar, 1782 ; Lieut.-t^n. •f Marines and Admiral, 1787 ; d. at Bath, 16 Aug. 1800. Bust to r. ; naval uniform. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. Up-stalrs.~\ Eastern Gallery [Nos. 543-791). 161 740 WILLIAM, 2ND EARL OF SHELBURNE and 1ST MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, K.G. (1737-1805). LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of John, E. of Shelburne; b. 2 May, 1737; ent. the Army ; served with distinction in the Seven Years’ War at Minden ; M.P. for Wycombe, 1761 ; succ. his father, 1761 ; Pres, of the Bd. of Trade in the Grenville Gov. 1763; joined Pitt, and Sec. of State in his Admin, and the D. of Grafton’s, 176^8; in opposition, 1768-82, and an opponent of Ld. North’s Amer. policy ; Sec. of State for For. Affairs in Ld. Rockingham’s Adm. 1782; succ. him as P. Minister, 1782, but yielded to the coalition of North and Fox, 1783 ; cr. M. of Lansdowne, 1784 ; K.G. ; d. 7 May, 1805. Formed one of the finest private libraries ever collected ; MSS. purchased by the Brit. Mus. at his death. Three-quarter length, seated to r. at a writing-table ; peer’s robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 741 HENRY GRATTAN (1750-1820). Judge Berwick. Gilbert Charles Stuart. Orator and Statesman ; son of — Grattan, Esq., Recorder of Dublin and M.P. ; b. 1750: educ. at Trin. Coll. ; entered the Mid. Temple; joined the Irkh Bar, 1772 ; M.P. for Charlemont in the Irish Pari. 1775, where hi.s services were rewarded by a grant of 50,000/. : M.P. for Dub. 1790 ; opposed the Union; M.P. for Dub. in the Brit. Pari. 1806, in which he advocated Cath. emancipation ; d. in London, 14 May, 1820; bu. in Westm. Abbey. Statue of him by Carew in Westm. Hall. Bust to 1 ., as a young man ; black coat ; white cravat ; powdered hair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 742 THOMAS TWISLETON, ioth LORD SAVE AND SELF (1735-1788). Rev. Lord Saye and Sele. Allan Ramsay. Eldest surv. son of John Twisleton, Esq. of Broughton Castle; b. 1735 > having claimed the Barony, was summoned to Pari, as Baron Saye and Sele, 29 June, 1781 ; Maj.-Gen. and Col. of the 9th Foot ; def. the Bank of Eng. during the Gordon Riots in 1780, and received the thanks of Pari, for his judicious arrangements during those disturbances ; d. i July, 1788. Bust to r. ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 743 LADY ANNE CULLING SMITH, AND HER DAUGHTERS, successively MARCHIONESSES OF WORCESTER. Duke of Wellington, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. Anne, daughter of Garrett Wellesley, ist E. of Mornington ; marr., ist, 1790, Hon. Henry FitzRoy, who d. 1794 ; 2nd, Charles Culling Smith, Esq., who d. 1853 ; she d. 16 Dec. 1844. Her daughter Georgiana Frederica, by Hon. H. FitzRoy, marr., 1814, Henry Somerset, Marquis of Worcester ; d. II May, 1821. Her daughter Emily P'rances, by Charles Culling Smith, Esq., marr., 1822, the same Henry Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, afterwards 7th D. of Beaufort. Half-length figures, in a wood ; Lady Smith carrying one of the children pick-a-back. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. ib2 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 744 SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE, Kt. LENT BY Bodleian Library, Oxford. PAINTER. J. Rising. Son of Charles Blackstone, a tradesman in Cheapside ; b. 10 July, 1723 ; placed by his uncle Thos. Bigg at the Charter House, and at Pembroke Coll. Oxf. ; ent. Mid. Temple, 1741 ; Fellow of All Souls, 1743 ; read lec- tures on law at Oxf. ; Vinerian Prof. 1758 to 1766, and in that capacity delivered the lectures that compose his “ Commentaries ; ” estab. himself in London, 1758 ; M.P. for Hindon, 1761 ; offered the Solic.-Generalship and declined ; Just. Com. PI. 1770 ; d. 14 Feb. 1780 ; bu. at St. Peter’s, Walling- ford, to the rebuilding of which he had much contributed. To waist ; judge’s robes and wig; signed, “J. Rising Pt. presented 1781. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 745 CONSTANTINE JOHN PHIPPS, 2nd BARON MULGRAVE (1744-1792). Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Ozias Humphrey, R.A. Son of Constantine, ist Baron ; b. 1744 ; ent. the Navy ; became Cap- tain ; attem. the disc, of a N.E. passage ; Baron Mulgrave in Peer. G. Brit. 1790 ; d. 1792. Bust to 1 . ; naval unifonn. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 746 ADMIRAL SIR ROBERT CALDER, Bt., K.C.B. Lords of the Admiralty (Green. Hosp.). B. 1745 ; comm, the “Victory” in the battle of Cape St. Vincent, 1797 ; Knighted 1797 ; Bt. 1798 ; R. Admiral of the Blue, 1799 ; engaged the fleets of France and Spain off Ferrol, when two ships were taken, 1805 ; Admiral of the Red; d. 1818. Bust to r. ; naval uniform ; painted in 1797. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 747 RIGHT HON. CHARLES JAMES FOX (1749-1806). Youngest son of Rt. Hon. Hy. Fox, aft. ist Ld. Holland, and Lady Georg. Lennox ; b. 1749 ; educ. at Eton and Hertford Coll. Oxon ; M.P. for Midhurst, 1768, as a supp. of D. of Grafton’s Adm. ; Ld. of the Admir. in Ld. North’s Adm. 1770-2; of the Treas. 1773-4; in opp. to Ld. North during the Amer. War ; M.P. for Westm. 1780 ; Sec. of State for For. Afif. in Lord Rockingham’s Adm. 1 782, but resigned on his death ; Sec. of State for For. Affairs in the Coalition Min. 1783 ; resigned on the defeat of the India Bill, 1783 ; headed the opp. to Pitt’s Ministry ; withdrew from Pari, in 1797 ; M.P. again for Westm. 1802 ; on Pitt’s death, in 1806, Sec. of State for For. Affairs in Ld. Grenville’s — “All the Talents” — Adm., but d. 13 Sept. Half-length, standing, as a young man ; blue dress ; r. arm leaning on pedestal. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 748 LORD EDWARD FITZGERALD (1763-1798). Son of Duke of Leinster ; b. 1763 ; joined the Irish rebels in 1798 ; pro- scribed, and apprehended in a house in Thomas St., Dublin, after defending himself fiercely, and receiving a mortal wound, 1798. Bust to r. ; dark coat, coloured neckerchief. Canvas, 30X 25 in. Colonel Holden. Johann Zoffany, R.A. Duke of Leinster. Hamilton. Lp-sta'ir8.~\ Eastern Gallery [Nos. 543-791.) 749 ADMIRAL ADAM DUNCAN, ist VISCOUNT LENT BY DUNCAN, K.B. (1731 — 1804). PAINTER. Corporation ok London. John Hoppner, R.A. Son of Duncan, Provost of Dundee; b. i July, 1731 ; entered the Navy, 1746; Post-Captain, 1761 ; distinguished at Cape St. V'incent ; Rear- Admiral, 1787 ; had command in the North Seas, and gained at Camper- down a great victory over the Dutch ; created a Viscount, and received the thanks of Parliament ; d. 4 Aug. 1804. Half-length ; naval uniform ; ribbon of K.B. ; pointing with r. hand to naval action in distance. Canvas, 56 X 46 in. 750 SIR HENRY GREY, Bt. ( -1749). Earl Grey, K.G. Eld. son of John Grey of Howick ; Sheriff for Co. Northumberland 1736 ; created Bart. 1746 ; d. 1749. Three-quarter length, looking to 1 . ; pale plum-coloured coat. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 7 5 1 LT.-COL. HON. ARTHUR (WESLEY) WELLESLEY (Duke of Wellington). Duke of Wellington, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. 3rd son of Garrett, ist E. of Mornington (No. 443), and Anne,dau. of Arthur Hill, 1st Vise. Dungannon (Nos. 435, 823) ; b. i May, 1769 ; cduc. at Eton and at Angers, France ; Ensign in 73rd Regt. 1787 ; M.P. in Irish Pari, for Trim ; Col. of the 33rd Regt. 1796; went to India, 1797; battle of Assaye, 1803; ret. to Eng. 1805 ; Peninsular War, 1808-14; Waterloo, 1815; Com.-in-ch. 1827 ; 1st Lord of Treasury, 1828 and 1834 ; supported Sir R. Peel, 1841 ; Com.-in-ch. 1842 ; d. at Walmer Castle, 14 Sept. 1852. Bust to r. ; uniform as Col. of 33rd Regiment, at the age of 30. Canvas, 29 X 27 i in. 752 RICHARD WELLESLEY, afterwards MARQUIS WELLESLEY, K.G. (1760-1842). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Eldest son of Garrett, ist Earl of Mornington ; b. 20 June, 1760 ; sue. as 2nd E. of Mornington, 1781 ; Gov.-General of India; created Baron Wellesley, 1797, and Marquis Wellesley, 1799; Ld. Lieut, of Ireland, 1821, and again in 1833 ; d. Sept. 2, 1842. Bust to r. ; at the age of 30 ; star K.B. Canvas, 30* X 25 in. 753 HENRY WELLESLEY, afterwards BARON COWLEY (1773-1847). Duke of Wellington, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. 5th son of Garrett, ist E. of Mornington; b. 20 Jan. 1773; served in diplomatic offices at various courts; created Baron Cowley, 1828; d. 27 April, 1847. Canvas, 29 X 24J in. 754 WILLIAM WELLESLEY, afterwards LORD MARYBOROUGH AND 3RD EARL OF MORNINGTON (1763-1845). Duke of VVellington, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. 2nd son of Garrett, ist E. of Mornington ; b. 20 May, 1763 ; Constable of Maryborough Castle ; Captain of Deal Castle ; created Baron Mary- borough, 1821 ; sue. his brother the Marquis Wellesley (No. 752), as 3rd E. of Mornington, 1842; d. 1845. Bust to r. ; as a young man ; powdered hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 164 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 755 HESTER GRENVILLE, COUNTESS FORTESCUE, AND CATHARINE GRENVILLE, MRS. NEVILLE. LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. G. M. Fortescue. George Romney. Dau. of Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville (No. 465), and sister of Geo. ist Marq. of Buckingham (No. 657) ; b. 1760 ; marr. Hugh, 3rd Baron, and aft. 1st Earl Fortescue, 1782. Youngest dau. of Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville (No. 465), and sister of Countess Fortescue ; b. 1761 ; marr. Rd. Aldworth Neville, aft. 2nd Lord Braybrooke, 1780; d. 1796. Full-length, seated ; one holding a bowl into which her sister pours from an ewer. Canvas, 60 X 47 in. 756 CHARLES CORNWALLIS, 2nd EARL AND 1ST MARQUIS CORNWALLIS, K.G. (1738-1805). Corporation of London. J. S. Copley, R.A. Son of Charles, ist Earl; b. 31 Dec. 1738; educ. at Eton and St. John’s Camb. ; served in the 7 years’ war as Aid-de-camp to the Marquis of Granby ; succ. as 2nd E. 1762 ; served under Gens. Howe and Clinton, 1776-9, in the American War; defeated Gen. Gates, 1780; Gen. Green, 1781 ; invaded Virginia; entrenched himself at York Town, besieged by the French and Americans compelled to surrender, 1781 ; Gov.-General of India, 1786; conducted the war against Tippoo Saib; created Marquis, 1792; Ld. Lieut, of Ireland and K.G. 1799; Gov.-General of India, 1805; d. at Ghazepoor, 5 Oct. 1805. A monument erected to him in St. Paul’s. Half-length, standing; militar)' uniform; ribbon K.G. ; Indian scene and procession of elephants, &c., in distance. Canvas, 57 X 46 in. 757 CHARLES, 1ST EARL GREY, K.B. (1729-1807). Earl Grey, K.G. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. 4th son of Sir Hy. Grey of Howick, Bt. ; b. at Ho\vick, 1729 ; ent. the Army, and rose to the rank of Gen. ; Aide-de-Camp to Pr. Ferd. at Minden, where he was wounded, 1759 ; distinguished himself as a Commanding-officer during the first American War ; K.13. 1783 ; comm, the force sent with the fleet under Ld. St. Vincent to reduce the W. India Islands, 1794; cr. Baron Grey, 1801 ; Earl, 1806 ; d. 14 Nov. 1807. Half-length, standing ; military uniform ; castle in distance. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 758 MISS LINLEY and BROTHER. Countess Delawarr. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. {See No. 472.) Half-length as children ; Miss Linley in low dress ; hands shown ; her brother in red. Canvas, 28 x 25 in. 759 THOMAS ERSKINE, afterwards ist LORD ERSKINE, K.T. (1750-1823). Earl Grey, K.G. A. Hickel. 3rd son of David Henry Erskine, loth Earl of Buchan ; b. 1750; educ. at Edin. High Sch. and St. Andrews Univ. ; went to sea, after four years entered the Army ; became a Student at Trin. Coll. Camb. 1777 ; studied Law at Lincoln’s Inn ; succeeded at the Bar ; King’s Coun. 1783 ; M.P. for Up-stairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 165 Portsmouth ; defended Hardy, Tooke, &c. on charges of high treason (No. 647), 1794. ; opposed war with France ; Lord Chan, and Baron Erskine in the Grenville Administration, 1806; K.T. 1815 ; d. 17 Nov. 1823. ^Head ; blue coat, white neck-kerchief. Oval, canvas, 24 x 20 in. 760 RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751-1816). LENT BY PAI-NTER. Rev. G. Morris. Head by Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Thos. Sheridan the elocutionist, and Frances, authoress of various novels admired in their day; b. in Dorset St. Dublin, Sept. 1751 ; educ. at Harrow, where Dr. Parr was one of the masters ; married Miss Linley (Nos. 472, 665), 1772 ; entered at the Middle Temple : his first comedy, “ The Rivals,” performed 1775, also his opera “The Duenna;” produced the “School for Scandal,” 1777; acquainted with Burke and Fox; M.P. for Stafford, 1780; Under-Sec. of State in the Rockingham Administration; delivered his cdebrated oration against Warren Hastings, Feb. 1787 ; M.P. for Westminster ; a favourite of the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. ; the death of Fox deprived him of his chief party-friend, and his latter years were spent in embarrassment ; d. in Saville Row, London, 7 July, i 8 i 5 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Half-length, standing to r. ; dark coat ; r. hand resting on table. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 761 JOHN PHILPOT CURRAN. Earl Grey, K.G. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. at Newmarket, near Cork, 1750 ; obtained a sizarship at Trin. Coll. Dublin ; studied at one of the Inns of Court, London ; rose to eminence at the Irish bar, especially by his eloquence in defending persons charged with political offences ; M.P. for Doneraile, 1784, in Irish House of Commons ; Master of the Rolls, Ireland, 1806, retired 1814 ; d. 13 Nov. 1817. Bust, looking up to r. ; full face, black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 762 R. BRINSLEY SHERIDAN and MRS. ROBINSON. Mrs. Bedford. George Ro.mney. {See No. 760.) Full-length, small figures seated under trees, near a stile ; Sheridan holding a book. Canvas, 50X40 in. 763 RIGHT HON. CHARLES JAMES FOX (1749-1806). Lady Holland. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 747.) Half-length, standing; red curtain behind; dark-blue coat, yellowish waistcoat. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 764 RIGHT HON. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827). Lord Houghton. A. Hickel. B. in London, 1 1 Apr. 1770, his father dying the following year : educ. at Eton, and there planned “ The Microcosm,” pub. weekly at Windsor, 1786-7 ; entered Ch. Ch. Oxf. : M.P. 1793, supporting Mr. Pitt ; Under-Sec. of State, Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 166 1796; started and wrote for the “ .\nti-Jacobin,” 1797-8; opposed the Addington Admin. ; defended Lord Melville with great eloquence ; Sec. of State in the Portland Cabinet; duel with Lord Castlereagh, 21 Sept. 1809; sup. Grattan in favour of Cath. Emancipation ; named Gov.-Gen. of India, out on Ld. Castlereagh’s death again undertook Sec. for For. Affairs, 1822 ; sue. E. of Liverpool as Premier, encountering a formidable opposition ; d. at Chiswick, 8 Aug. 1827. Bust, when young, to left; black coat; signed, “A. Hickel p. 1794.” Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 765 RIGHT HQN. WILLIAM PJTT (1759-1806). LENT BYy > . l^-^lV^AINTER. Fitzwilliam Mus. Cambridge. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. {See No. 766.) Head to r. ; blue coat ; powdered hair. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 766 RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT (1759-1806). Duke of Richmond, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son of Wm. ist E. of Chatham (No. 467) ; b. at Hayes, Kent, 28 May, 1759 ; educ. at home and at Pembroke Coll. Camb. ; ent. at Lincoln’s Inn ; called to the Bar, going the Western Circuit, 1780 ; M.P. for Appleby, and aft. for Univ. of Cambridge; ent. Pari, as an oppt. of Ld. North’s Adm. ; first spoke in support of Burke’s plan of Econom. Reform ; Chan, of the Ex. in Ld. Shelburne’s Adm. 1782 ; led the oppos. to the Coalition Ministry- ; 1st Ld. of the Treas. and Chan, of Exch. Dec. 1783; India Bill, 1784; New Sinking Fund, Commercial Treaty with f'rance, and Consolidation of Cus- toms’ Acts, 1786 ; Regency Bill, 1788 ; Acts for the relief of Catholic;, 1791-2 ; Union with Ireland, 1799; at the head of affairs during the Fr, Rev. and the War with Napoleon until 1801, when Mr. Addington became first Min. ; succ. Mr. Addington, 1804 ; united Russia and Austria against Napoleon,' an alliance dissolved by the Battle of Austerlitz ; d. 23 Jan. 1806. Three-quarter length, standing, leaning on chair, on which are the robes of Chan, of Exchequer. Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 767 SIR PHILIP FRANCIS, K.B. (1740-1818). Mr. H. R. Francis. John Hoppner, R.A. Son of Rev. Phil. Francis, D.D. ; b. in Dub. 22 Oct. 1740; educ. at St. Paul’s Sch. ; employed by Ch. J. Fox, and afterwards by Pitt ; secretary to Embassy to Portugal; member of Council for Bengal, 1774-1780; duel with Warren Hastings (No. 688), and resigned his appoint.; M.P. for Yarmouth, 1784, siding with the Whig opposition, aided the prosecution of Hastings; support, abol. of slavery; K.B. 1806; author of many political and historical pamphlets, and believed by many to have been author of “Junius ;” d. 22 Dec. 1818. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 768 RIGHT HON. JOHN HELY-HUTCHINSON. Countess DF Donoughmore. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Only son of Francis Hely of Gortroche, co. Cork ; b. 1715 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dub. ; called to the Bar, 1748 ; assumed the name of Hutchinson ; M.P. in Irish Ho. for Lanesborough and for Cork ; Provost of Trin. Coll. Dub. ; Sec. of State for Ireland, and Keeper of Priv. Seal, 1777 ; held many other offices ; d. at Dub. 5 Sept. 1794. Three-quarter length, seated in scarlet robes at table covered with green cloth. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery {Nos. 543-791). 167 769 CHRISTIANA HELY-HUTCHINSON, BARONESS DONOUGHMORE (1715-1794). LENT BY PAINTER. Countess of Donoughmore. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Lorenzo Nixon, Esq., of Murray, co. Wicklow ; marr. 1751, John Hely, afterwards Sec. of State for Ireland (No. 768); crea. Baroness Donouf^h- more, 1783 ; d. 24 Ju. 1788 ; painted 1766. Half-length ; crimson drapery ; ermine trimmed ; leaning against a column and green curtain. 49J X 39J in. 770 SIR JOHN SCOTT, afterwards E. OF ELDON (1751-1838). Mr. Alfred Surtees. Son of Mr. Wm. Scott ; b. in Love Lane, Newcastle, 4 June, 1751 ; educ. at the Gram. School there and at Univ. Coll. Oxford ; student of hliddle Temple; called to the Bar, 1776; K. Counsel, 1783; M.P. for Weobly ; Solicitor-Gen. 1788, and Kt. ; Attor.-Gen. 1793 ; the year following occurred the trials for high treason of Horne Tooke and others ; Ch. Just. Com. PL, and created Baron Eldon, 1 799 ; succ. Ld. Loughborough as Ld. Chancellor, 1801-6; resumed this office after Ld. Erskine, 1807, and held it till 1827 ; created E. of Eldon, 1821 ; d. 13 Jan. 1838. To waist ; small size ; full face ; bl. coat. Canvas, 15x12 in. 771 ANNUAL ORATIONS AT CH. HOSPITAL (1798). Mr. J. Gough Nichols. Thos. Stothard, R.A. The Hall of Christ’s Hospital on St. Matthew’s day, 1798 ; President, Alderman Sir J. W. Anderson ; next him the Treasurer, James Palmer ; further to 1 . Aldermen Cadell, Hamerton, Sir C. Price, and H. Williams ; r. of the chair Aid. Boydell, Sir R. Carr Glyn, Sir J. Earner, Sir Wm. Horne, Sir J. Perring ; Schoolmasters, Rev. J. Boyer, Rev. J. Prince, Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D.D. The scholars delivering speeches are John Wood and W. E. Cheslyn ; the lady behind the girl near Mr. Boyer is the painter’s wife, and Stothard himself and one of his sons are standing immediately behind her. Panel, 26 X 17 in. 772 ADMIRAL PETER RAINIER ( -1809). Rev. W. S. Halliday. A. W. Devis. B. at Sandwich, Kent, of a French refugee family ; served under Kem- penfelt ; Lt. 1763; Com. of sloop “Ostrich,” and captured a privateer of superior force ; Post-Capt. 1778 ; served under Sir Edw. Hughes, 1779 > 2nd in com. in Jamaica, 1786; Com. -in-chief, E. India station; M.P. for Sand- wich; d. 1809. Canvas, 14 x 12. Bust; small size; naval uniform; wearing spectacles; painted 1805. Canvas, 14 X u in. 773 GEORGIANA SPENCER, DUCHESS OF DEVON- SHIRE, AND HER ELDEST DAUGHTER. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. For Uuchess of Devonsh. see No. 434. Lady Georgiana Dorothy Cavendish, her eld. dau. by Wm. 5th Duke of Devonshire ; b. 1783 ; marr. Geo. Vise. Morpeth, aft. 6th E. of Carlisle, 1801 ; d. 1858. Seated to 1 ., with infant child on her knee. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. f i68 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 774 MELESINA CHENEVIX, MRS. TRENCH. LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. F. Trench. George Romney. Only child of the Rev. Philip Chenevix, son of Richard, Bp. of Waterford ; marr., ist, Col. St. George, 31 Oct 1786 ; 2nd, Richard Trench, Esq. Barr, at Law ; a lady of great ability and culture ; mother of Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbp. of Dublin, by whom her literary remains were pub. in 1862. Half-length to r. ; holding a paper in both hands. Canvas, 30} x 25 in. 775 JAMES MACPHERSON (1738-1796). Mr. J. Maxtone Graham. George Romney. B. 1738, at Ruthven, Inverness-shire; cduc. at King’s Coll. Aberdeen ; aftenvards Schoolmaster at Ruthven ; pub. some fragments of Ancient Poetry, 1760; employed to collect other pieces in the Highlands, pub. as the poems of Ossian, Fingal, &c. 1762-3, respecting the genuineness of which a sharp controversy arose. Dr. Johnson especially pronouncing them forgeries. Dr. Blair defending them ; held various appointments, and pub. on histor)', politics, &c. ; M.P. for Camelford, 1780-90; d. 17 Feb. 1796; bu. jn Westminster Abbey. Bust to 1 . ; crimson furred dress. Painted for Sir Richard Sullivan. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 776 ROBERT, 2ND E. OF NORTHINGTON, K.T. ( -1786). Lord Henley, M.P. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of Robert, ist Earl ; succ. his father, 1772 ; Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1783 ; K.T. ; d. 1786. Half-length, seated ; peeFs robes and collar of K.T. Canvas, 40X50 in. 777 FANNY, LADY BRIDGES (1746-1825). Sir Brook. Bridges, Bt. M.P. F. Cotes, R.A. Dau. of Edmund Fowler of Graces, Essex ; b. 1746 ; marr. 1765, Sir Brook Bridges, 3rd Bt., of Goodnestone, Kent ; d. 16 Mar. 1825. Three-quarter length to r. ; standing, leaning on r. hand ; pink dress, green drapery. Signed, “ F. Cotes, R.A., pxt. 1768.” Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 778 THOMAS THYNNE, 3RD VISCOUNT and 1ST MARQUIS OF BATH. Marquis of Bath. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of Thos. 2nd Viset ; succeeded 3rd Viset. 1751 ; marr. Lady Eliz. Cavendish Bentinck, eld. dau. of Wm. 2nd D. of Portland ; Sec. of State, 1768, 1775 ; creat. Marquis of Bath, 1789 ; d. 19 Nov. 1796. Half-length, seated in arm-chair ; peer’s robes. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 779 ALEX. WEDDERBURN, EARL OF ROSSLYN, LD. CHANCELLOR (1733-1805). Earl of Sheffield. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of Peter Wedderburn, Ld. Chesterhall, Ld. of Session ; b. 13 Feb. 1733; called to the Scottish Bar, 1752 ; ent. Inner Temple; called Up-stairs.'\ Eastern Gallery ( Vijs. 54j-'’9i -• i6'. to Eng. Bar, 1757 ; distinguished himself in the Douglas and Hamilton cause ; M.P. for Rothesay Burghs, Okehampton, and Bishop’s Castle ; Sol. -Gen. 1771; Att.-Gen. 1778; L. C. J. Com. Pleas, and crea. Baron Loughborough, 1780 ; presided at the trial of the Gordon rioters ; ist Com. of the Gt. Seal in Coalition Gov. 1783 ; Ld. Chan. 1793-1801 ; E. of Rosslyn, 1801 ; d. 3 Jan. 1805 ; bu. in St. Paul s. Half-length, seated, robes as Ld. Ch. Just. Canvas, 50 X 39 in. 780 WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH BENTINCK, 3RD DUKE OF PORTLAND, K.G. (1738-1809). LENT BY PAINTER. Corporation of Bristol. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of William, 2nd Duke ; b. 14 April, 1738 ; M.P. for Weobly, 1761 ; Slice, his father, 1762 ; Ld.-Lieut. of Ireland in Rockingham Gov. 1782 ; 1st Ld. of the Treasury, 1783 ; Chanc. of Univ. of Oxf. 1792 ; K.G. 1794 ; Home Sec. 1794-1801 ; Ld. Pres. 1801-5 : ist Ld. of the Treasury, 1807-9 ! d. 30 Oct. 1809. Full-length, standing, in crimson ermine-lined robes. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 781 ARCHIBALD SKIRVING (1749-1819). Mr. John P. Raeburn. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. Portrait-painter; b. in Haddingtonsh. 1749; stud, at Rome, and prac- tised miniature-painting and crayons in London ; d. 1819. Bust ; dark fur-edged coat. Canvas, 30 x 25J in. 782 HUGH W. WILLIAMS. Mr. John P. Raeburn. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. Painter in water colours ; b. in Wales ; settled in Edinburgh ; travelled in Greece and Italy ; known as “ Grecian ” Williams ; author of “ Travels in Italy, Greece, &c. d. 23 June, 1829. Bust ; black coat, white neckerchief. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 783 ALEX. WEDDERBURN, EARL OF ROSSLYN, LORD CHANCELLOR (1733-1805). Earl of Rosslyn. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. {See No. 779.) Half-length, seated ; Ld. Chancellor’s robes. Canvas, 52 X 40 in. 784 EDWARD LORD THURLOW, LORD CHANCELLOR. Rev. Chancellor Thurlow. Thos. Phillips, R.A. {See No. 637.) Half-length, seated to 1 . ; r. arm leaning on table ; dark dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 785 CHARLES JENKINSON, ist E. OF LIVERPOOL (1727-1808). Mr. John Cotes. George Romney. Eldest son of Col. Charles Jenkinson ; b. 1727 ; educ. at the Charter lyo Reign of George III. 1760-1800. house and Univ. Coll. Oxf. ; Priv. Sec. to the E. of Bute ; M.P. for Cocker- mouth, 1761, and Under Sec. of State ; Sec. to the Treasury, 1763 and 1764 ; Lord of the Admiralty, 1766; Lord of the Treasury, 1767-73; Priv. Coun- cillor, 1772 ; Sec. at War in Lord North’s govt. ; supported Mr. Pitt, and was Pres, of the B. of Trade, 1784; created Baron Hawkesbury, 1780; E. of Liverpool, 1796 ; author of various political writings ; d. 17 Uec. 1808. Three-quarter length, seated at a table ; crimson dress. Canvas, 6 1 X 46 in. 786 LORD PRESIDENT SIR ISLAY CAMPBELL, Bt. LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Geo. Campbell, Bt. Eld. son of Archd. Campbell of Succoth ; Ld. President of the Court of Session, 1789 ; crea. Bt. on retiring from Office, 1808 ; d. 1823. Three-quarter length, seated beside writing-table ; bl. dress, close wdg, spectacles in 1 . hand, paper in r. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 787 HON. JOHN PARKER, afterwards ist EARL OF MORLEY, AND SISTER. Earl of Morlev. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of John, ist Lord Boringdon ; b. 2 May, 1772 ; cr. Earl of Morley, 1815; d. 14 March, 1840; his sister, Hon. Theresa Parker, marr. 1798, Hon. Geo. Villiers. Full-length, as children ; seated in a landscape ; the boy with his arms round his sister’s waist. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. On the back is written on a paper, — “The following was written by the Hon. Anne Robinson to her brother. Lord Grantham, then Ambas. in Spain, on 14 May, 1779, and expresses Sir J’s. own opinion upon a part of this pic- ture. ‘ You cannot immagine (sic) how- Sir J’s. picture of the children im- proves, he said yesterday that the boy’s head was the finest he had ever done.’” 788 PHILIP YORKE, 2ND EARL OF HARDWICKE (1720-1796). Earl of Hardwicke. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eld. son of Philip, Lord Chancellor Hardwicke (No. 331); b. 9 Dec. 1720; marr. 1740 Lady Jemima Campbell, only dau. of John 3rd Earl of Breadalbane (who became Marchioness de Grey) ; d. i6 May, 1796. Three-quarter length, standing ; peers robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 789 LORD RICHARD CAVENDISH (1752-1781). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of William, 4th D. of Devonshire ; b. 1752 ; travelled in the East ; w-as a man of taste in art ; d. unmarr. 1781. Half-length to r. standing ; dark crimson dress, hand on a rock ; back- ground, the desert of Egj'pt. Painted 1780 ; praised by Walpole as “one of the best, if not the best of his works.” Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 790 LD.-PRES. ROBERT DUNDAS OF ARNISTON. Mr. Robert Dundas. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. Eld. son of Robert Dundas of Arniston, Ld. President ; M.P. for Midlothian ; Ld. Advocate, 1754 ; Ld. President of the Ct of Session, 1760. Seated to 1 .; robes of the Ld. President; painted 1787. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. Up-stahs.'] Eastern Corridor yNos. 792-824). 791 JOSEPH WRIGHT, A.R.A. (1734-1797). LENT BY PAI.NTER. Marquis of Lansdowne. Joseph Wright, A.R.A. Painter ; called “ Wright of Derby,” where he was b. 1734 ; came to London, 1751, and studied under Hudson, the portrait painter ; visited Italy, 1773, and saw an eruption of Vesuvius, of which he painted several pictures ; Bath, 1775 ; settled at Derby, and remained there till his death, 1797. Painted portraits, landscape, and figure-pieces ; striking effects of fire-light, as in his Destruction of the floating batteries off Gibraltar, the Air-pump Experiment, &c. Half-length figures ; Joseph Wright, and two of the R. Acad., examining a model of the Fighting Gladiator by candlelight. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Upstairs : No. g. EASTERN CORRIDOR. (Nos. 792 to 824 ). 792 JOHN MOORE, DEAN, afterwards ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY (1733-1805). Dean of Canterbury. B. 1733 ; Dean of Canterbury, 1771 ; Bp. of Bangor, 1775 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1783; d. 18 Jan. 1805. Half-length, seated in arm-chair; clerical dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 793 JAMES CHRISTIE (1730-1803). Mr. George H. Christie. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Celebrated Auctioneer ; b. 1730; d. in Pall Mall, 8 Nov. 1803; bu. at St. James’s, Westminster. Half-length, standing, leaning on a painting with paper in r. hand ; painted for, and presented to, Mr. Christie by Gainsborough, his friend, 1778. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 794 WM. HENRY, 7TH Bt. and ist LD. LYTTELTON (2ND Creation), (1724-1808). Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. Benjamin Wilson. 6th son of Sir Thos. 4th Bart ; b. 1724 ; uncle to Thos., 2nd Ld. (No. 795), whom he sue. in the Btcy. 1779 ; M.P. for Bewdley ; Gov. of South Carolina and aft. of Jamaica ; Envoy to Madrid, 1766 ; cr. Baron Westcote (Ireland), 1776; Baron Lyttelton (Gt. Brit.), 1794; d. 14 Sept. 1808. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; dark crimson coat ; map of South Carolina on table to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 79 5 THOMAS, 6th Bart, and 2nd LD. LYTTELTON (ist Creation), (1744-1779). Lord Lyttelton. R. Brompton and R. Ccsway, R.A. Son of Geo. ist Ld. ; b. 1744; succ. his father, 1773 ; d. at Pitt Place, Epsom, 27 Nov. 1779. Said to have seen a spectre forewarning him of his death. Full-length, standing ; nobleman’s academic costume ; bust of Demo- sthenes to his r. Signed, “ Rd. Cosway, R.A.” Canvas, 95 x 58 in. 1/2 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 796 HENRY FLOOD SPEAKING IN THE IRISH LENT BY HOUSE OF COMMONS (1732— 1791). painter. Mr. W. H. Flood. Son of Ch. Just, of K.B. in Ireland ; b. 1732 ; cduc. at Trin. Coll. Dublin, and at Oxford ; M.P. in Irish House of Commons for Kilkenny, and afterwards for Cashel, and was distinguished for his eloquence; some of his speeches and poems have been printed; d. 1791. Bequeathed property to the University of Dublin. Group of 13 small full-length figures ; Flood erect, speaking, with roll in his r. hand. Canvas, 30^ X 25 in. 797 RICHARD TATTERSALL ( -1795). Mr. Richard Tattersall. Thomas Beach. The well-known horse-dealer, who established “Tattersall’s ; ” d. at his house at Hyde Park Corner, 20 Feb. 1795. Half-length ; green coat, red waistcoat ; portrait of “ Highflier” to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40J in. 798 GRANVILLE SHARP (1735-1813). Mr. T. B. L. Baker. Mather Brown. Son of John Sharp, Archdeacon of Northumberland (No. 582) ; b. at Durham, 1735 ; educ. for the Bar ; established the right of Africans to British liberty when in this country ; wrote against slavery, 1776 ; Chairman of the Association for Abolition of Slavery, 1787 ; wrote tracts on various political and social subjects, and on critical points in Greek and Hebrew ; d. 6 July, 1813. Three-quarter length, seated to 1 . ; red furred coat. Signed, “ M. Brown pinx.” Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 799 MATTHEW BOULTON (1728-1809). Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. Lemuel F. Abbot. Son of a hardwareman ; b. at Birmingham, 3 Sept. 1728; educ. at a School at Deritend ; celebrated for his improvements in Birmingham manu- factures and mechanical inventions ; expended about 47,000/. on experiments with the steam-engine ; formed, about 1762, the Soho Works near Birming- ham, in which James Watt (No. 805) became his partner ; there they con- structed steam-engines, and produced an improved coinage, plated wares, works in bronze, &c. ; F.R.S. ; d. 17 Aug. 1809. Bust to 1 . ; dark blue coat, gilt buttons ; yellow waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 800 SIR RICHARD ARKWRIGHT, Kt. (1732-1792). AIr. Philip A. Hurt. Joseph Wright, A.R.A. B. at Preston, Lancashire, 23 Dec. 1732 ; the youngest of 13 children ; carried on the business of a barber at Bolton ; invented machinery for spinning cotton, “ the spinning Jenny,” and from the year 1767 gave himself up to the development and perfecting of his inventions ; set up his first machine at Preston, 1768 ; entered into partnership with Mr. Need and Mr. Strutt and built a spinning-mill at Cromford, Derbysh. 1771 ; patented various inprovements in his machinery, and ultimately established a great business ; knted. on occasion of presenting an address when High Sheriff of Derbysh. to Geo. III. 1786 ; d. 3 Aug. 1792. Half-length, seated ; dark crimson dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Upstairs.'] Eastern Corridor {Nos. 792-824). 173 801 WILLIAM WHITEHEAD (1715-1785). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. W. V. Harcourt. R. Wilson, R.A. Poet; son of a baker at Cambridge; b. 1715; nominated to Winchester ; a Sizar at Clare Hall, Camb., 1735 ; Fellow, 1742 ; wrote in verse, epistles, tales, essays, &c. ; “The Roman Father,” a tragedy, brought out 1750; “ Creusa,” &c. ; Poet Laureate on Cibber’s death, 1757 ; d. 14 April, 1785. Bust to left ; medallion as Poet Laureate. Oval canvas, 30 X 25 in. 802 JAMES BRUCE (1730-1794). National Portrait Gallery. African traveller ; son of David Bruce of Kinnaird, co. Stirling ; b. 14 Dec. 1730 ; educ. at Harrow and at Edinburgh ; trav. in Spain and Portugal ; went as Consul to Algiers, with the intention of exploring Africa ; trav. to Abys- sinia ; traced a branch of the Nile to its source; returned to Kinnaird; pub. his travels, 1790 ; d. from a fall on the stairs of his own house, 27 Apr. 1794. He was an accomplished linguist, and a man of great strength and endurance. To waist, seated at table, holding pen ; globe and books before him. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 803 REV. WILLIAM MASON (1725-1797). Pembroke College, Cambridge. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Poet ; son of a clergyman at Hull ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; became Fell, of Pembroke Coll. 1747 ; Rector of Aston, Yorksh. ; Chapl. to Geo. II. ; Canon of York; opposed to Amer. War; member of Yorksh. Reform Association; d. 7 April, 1797; friend and biog. of Gray ; author of “ Caractacus” and “ Elfrida ” tragedies, of odes, and occasional poems ; possessed some skill as a painter and musician. Bust tor. with roll of paper in 1 . hand ; painted 1775, when Mr. Mason was in his 50th year ; given to Mr. Stonhewer, and bequeathed by him to Pembroke Coll, according to Mr. Mason’s request. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 804 ROBERT BURNS (1759-1796). Colonel W. N. Burns. Alexander Nasmyth, Son of a small Farmer ; b. near Ayr, N.B., 29 Jan. 1759 ; obtained some educ. at Dalrymple ; early showed a love of reading ; in order to raise money to go to Jamaica pub. a vol. of poems, 1786, which immediately made his genius known ; took a farm near Dumfries ; became Exciseman of his district ; wrote many of his songs for a pub. of Mr. G. Thompson’s, and for the Scots Mus. Museum ; d. at Dumfries, 21 July, 1796, aged 37. Bust ; three-quarter length, to r. ; small size. Inscribed at back is, “ Painted from Mr. Robert Burns, by his friend Alex. Nasmyth, Edin. 1787.” Canvas, 13 X 15J in. 805 JAMES watt, LL.D. Mr. M. P. W. Boulton. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. at Greenock, 19th Jan. 1736 ; learnt the business of a mathematical instr. maker in London ; settled at Glasgow ; employed as a civil engineer ; began to investigate the motive power of steam about 1758 ; patented a 174 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. St. engine in 1769 ; joined Boulton, of the Soho Works, Birm., as part. 1774 ; discovered the double-action principle, parallel motion, and the regulating action of , the governor ; also the copying press ; was LL.D., and F.R.S. of Lond. and Edin. ; retired from business, 1800 ; d. 25 Aug. 1819 ; mon. by Chantrey in Westm. Abbey, with inscription by Lord Brougham ; Life by Muirhead, 1854 ; by Smiles, 1865. Canvas, 54x43 in. 806 CHARLES MACKLIN (1690-1797). LENT BY Painter. Marquis of Lansdowne. Johann Zoffany, R.A. Or Mac Laughlin; stated to have been b. in Co. Westmeath, Ireland, 1690 ; came as an actor to London in 1725 ; performed “ Shylock ” with great success, 1741 ; wrote “The Man of the World," “Love k la Mode,” &c. ; continued to act to 1789 ; d. at the age, as was believed, of 107, 1 1 July, 1797. As “ Shylock,” playing before the Earl of Mansfield ; scene of 12 figures. Canvas, 59 X 46 in. 807 WILLIAM COWPER (1731-1800). Earl Cowper, K.G. Son of the Rev. John Cowper; b. at Berkhampstead, Herts, 15 Nov. 1731 ; educated at a school in Market-street, Herts, and at Westminster; articled to a solicitor, his fellow-clerk being Thurlow (No. 784), afterwards Ld. Chancellor; called to the bar, 1754; Comm, of Bankrupts, 1759; resigned, owing to his extreme nervousness, appointments to which he was named ; for a time his mind was disordered, and this mental malady returned occasionally ; in 1782 pub. a vol. of poems, and a second in 1785 ; trans. the “ Iliad ” and “ Odyssey ; ” became acquainted with Mrs. Unwin, and mostly resided with her till her death, 1796; d. 25 April, 1800. Hayley (No. 813) published his life, and his admirable letters. Half-length, seated to r. ; leaning on 1 . hand ; white cap. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 808 REV. JOHN NEWTON (1725-1807). Church Missionary Society. J. Russell, R.A. Son of the master of a vessel in the Mediterranean trade ; b. in London, 1725 ; bred to the sea; made several voyages to the Medit., coast of Africa, &c. ; Tide Surveyor of the Port of Liverpool, 1755 ; influenced by a remark- able dream ; entered orders ; ordained 1764 to the Cur. of Olney, Bucks ; became the friend of Cowper, and with him produced the “ Olney Hymns ;” Rect. of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, 1779 ; author of “ Cardiphonia, or Utterances of the Heart,” 1781 ; d. 31 Dec. 1807. Life by Cecil. Bust ; clerical dress ; powdered wig ; crayon. Paper, 24 x 18 in. 809 REV. JOHN WOLCOT, M.D., “ PETER PINDAR ” (1738-1819). Mr. J. Stirling Taylor. John Opie, R.A. B. at Dodbrooke, Devonsh. 1738; educ. at Kingsbridge and Bodmin; apprenticed to his uncle who practised medicine ; M.U. at Aberdeen ; accom. Ld. Wm. Trelawney to Jamaica ; took orders; retd, to Eng. 1768 ; went to London, bringing with him young Opie (No. 588), 1780 ; pub., under the name of “ Peter Pindar,” satiric and humorous verses, of which a collected edit, appeared 1812 ; d. 14 Jan. 1819 ; bu. at St. Paul’s, Cov. Gar. Bust looking up to 1 . ; leaning on r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. upstairs."] Eastern Corridor {Nos. 972-824). 175 810 THOMAS CHATTERTON (1752-1770). LENT BY PAINTER. Salford Royal Museum. Wm. Hogarth. A posthumous child of the Master of the Free School at Bristol ; b. 20 Nov. 1752 ; educ. at a charity school, and at 14 apprenticed to an attorney ; wrote accounts of pretended ancient ceremonies, pedigrees, &c., stating that he had discovered the originals among old MSS. ; published various poems as the writings of Thomas Rowley, a priest of the 1 5th century, but they were seen to be forgeries by Gray and others ; released from his apprenticeship at the age of 17 ; went to London, and wrote for magazines, &c. ; was unable to support himself, and being reduced to want committed suicide, 25 Aug. 1770; bu. at Shoe Lane Workhouse. Head three-quarter-face to r. ; dark-blue coat. Canvas, 17 x 14 in. 8 1 1 SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bt., K.B., P.R.S. (1743-1820). Royal Society. T. Phillips, R.A. B. in London, 1743 ; educ. at Harrow, Eton, and Oxford ; early studied nat. history ; in 1761 succ. to the possession of a considerable fortune, and devoted himself to science ; Fellow Roy. Soc. 1766; accompanied Capt. Phipps to Labrador and Newfoundland ; joined Capt. Cook (No. 737), in his first voyage, 1768 ; prepared to accompany him on his second voyage, but was not permitted to do so; accordingly he made an expedition to Iceland with Dr. Solander and Dr. Von Trail ; examined Staffa and made known its columnar basalt ; collected Icelandic books and MSS., and presented them to the Brit. Mus. ; elected Pres, of Royal Soc. 1778, and held that position for 41 years ; Bart. 1781 ; Privy Councillor, 1797 ; d. at Spring Grove, near London, 19 June, 1820. Half-len^h, seated in chair of Pres. Roy. Soc. ; mace on table before him ; ribbon and star, K.B. ; signed “T. P., 1815.” Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 812 REV. WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. ARCHDEACON OF CARLISLE (1743-1805). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Son of a clergyman ; b. near Peterborough, July 1743 ; entered a Sizar at Chr. Coll. Camb. ; Senior Wrangler, 1763 ; Fell. 1766 ; Rector of Appleby, 1777; Preb. of Carlisle, 1780; Archdeacon, 1782; pub. his Moral and Polit. Philos. 1785 ; exerted himself with Mr. Clarkson for the abolition of the slave-trade; pub. “Horae Paulinae,” 1790; “Evidences of Christianity,” 1794 ; Preb. of St. Paul’s ; Rector of Bishop Wearmouth, 1795 ; pub. “Nat. Theology,” 1802 ; d. 25 May, 1805. Bust to 1 . ; bl. clerical hat and dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 813 WILLIAM HAYLEY (1745-1820). Mr. Baldwin Leighton. James Northcote, R.A. B. at Chichester, 1745 ; educ. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; and en- tered the Middle Temple ; retired to Eartham, Sussex, and devoted himself to literature ; intimate with Gibbon (No. 667), and with the Poet Cowper (No. 807), whose life he pub. in 1803 ; wrote much, both in verse and prose; his productions in the former are satirised by Byron ; d. 1820. Bust to r. ; long dark-brown hair ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 176 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 814 JESSE RAMSDEN, F.R.S. (1735-1800). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. Edward Home. B. at Salterhebble, near Halifax, 1735, where his father was an innkeeper ; educ. at the Grammar Sch. Halifax, and apprenticed to a clothworker ; came to London as a clerk, but in 1758 bound himself for four years to a philosophical instrument-maker; elected F.R.S. 1786, and received the Copley gold medal for his inventions and improvements of philosophical instruments ; married the daughter of Mr. Dollond, the patentee of the achromatic telescope; d. at Brighton, 5 Nov. 1800. Three-quarter length ; seated to r. ; holding compasses in r. hand ; philosophical instruments beside him. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 815 JOHN HOWARD (1726-1790). National Portrait Gallery. Mather Brown. Philanthropist ; only son of a London upholsterer ; b. about 1727 ; trav. in France and Italy; while on a voyage to Lisbon, was taken prisoner of war and carried to France ; on his release, made a statement of the condition of his fellow-prisoners ; settled at Cardington, Bedfordsh. ; estab. schools, and built cottages for the poor; High Sheriff, 1773; visited the gaols in England, and in 1774 laid his information before Parliament ; in 1775-6 trav. abroad, and again in G. Britain ; pub. his account of Prisons 1777 ; continued his labours to 1784, visiting Sweden, Russia, Poland, Spain, &c. ; in 1785, went alone to examine the lazarettos in Italy, and made obser. respecting the plague ; at Cherson, in Russia, was attacked by malignant fever; d. 20 Jan. 1790; bu. with much honour by the Russian authorities. The inscription on his monument in St. Paul’s concludes thus ; “He trod an open and unfrequented road to immortality in the ardent and unremitted exercise of Christian Charity.” Bust to 1 ., seated ; close wig ; coat partly open, showing red waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 816 WILLIAM BAKER, M.P. Rev. R. G. Baker. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Eldest son of Sir Wm. Baker, Kt., and Mary, dau. of Jacob Tonson (No. 147) ; b. 14 Oct. 1743 ; M.P. for co. Hertford, 1790-1802, and 1806-7 ; d. at Bayfordbury, Herts, 20 Jan. 1824. Half-length, standing to r. ; resting r. hand on vol. of Milton. Painted 1772. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 817 REV. NEVIL MASKELYNE, D.D. F.R.S. (1732-1811). Royal Society. Vanderburgh. B. in London, 6 Oct. 1732 ; educ. at Westminster and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; took orders, 1755 ; F.R.S. 1758; went to St. Helena to observe the transit of Venus, 1761 ; made a voyage to try Harrison’s chronometers, 1764. and this led to the establishment of the “ Nautical Almanack ;” Astron. Royal, 1765, till his death ; received the Copley gold medal for his paper in the “ Phil. Trans.,” “ Observations made on the mountain Schehallien, for finding its attraction ;” d. at Greenwich, 9 Feb. 1811. Half-length, seated to r. ; diagram of T’rismatic Microscopes in 1 . hand ; observatory in background. Canvas, 44 x 34 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Corridor {Nos. 792-824). 177 818 SIR ROBERT SHORE MILNES, Bart. LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Houghton. George Romney. Son of John Milnes of Wakefield, J.P. and D.L. ; created Bart. 1801. Full-length, in uniform, standing ; dog to his 1. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 819 LADY MILNES. Lord Houghton. George Romney. Marr. Sir Robt. Shore Milnes, Bt. (No. 8i8.) Full-length, standing in landscape, r. hand resting on pedestal ; about 1792. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 820 WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, S.S. (1744-1813). National Portrait Gallery. Pellegrini. Son of a farm-labourer in Kent, named Hunt ; b. 1744 ; had no early education ; became a Calvin. Methodist, and began to preach at Sunburv, his eloquence attracting congregations ; continued to work for his bread ; employed as a coal-heaver ; in London, a chapel was built for him in Titch- field Street, and a larger one in Gray’s Inn Road ; marr. as his 2nd wife, the wealthy widow of Alderman Sir J. Saunderson ; d. at Tunbridge Wells, Aug. 1813; explained “S. S.” after his name as “Sinner Saved;” his writings make 20 vols. Three-quarter length ; seated in a library at round table writing. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 821 REV. WILLIAM DODD, LL.D. (1729-1777). Mrs. George. B. 1729, at Bourn, Lincolnsh., where his father was Vicar; Sizar at Clare Hall, Camb., 1745; admitted to Priest’s Orders, 1753; held various small preferments; Chaplain to Geo. II., but subsequently displaced ; Tutor in 1763 to Philip Stanhope, afterwards E. of Chesterfield; pub. poems, sermons, “ Reflections on Death,” 1763 ; “ Beauties of Shakspeare,” &c. ; arrested on a charge of forging Lord Chesterfield’s name to a bond for 4000/. ; repaid the money, but was convicted and executed 27 July, 1777. Three-quarter length ; black clerical dress ; plans of Charlotte-street Chapel on table to his 1. Brought from the Magdalen, where he was preacher, 1774. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 822 REV. ALEXANDER CARLYLE, D.D. Mrs. Carlyle Bell. David Martin. B. 1721 ; Minister of Inveresk, co. Mid-Lothian ; Dean of the Chapel Royal ; called “Jupiter Carlyle ;” d. 1805. Author of “ Memoirs of his own time,” pub. i860. Half-length seated, to r. ; in reddish dress ; r. hand on open book. Canvas, 49 X 39- 823 ANNE HILL, COUNTESS OF MORNINGTON. Countess Dowager of Lady Burghersh, now Countess Westmorland. Dowager of Westmorland, {See No. 435.) Full-length, seated, holding Gazette of the news of Waterloo. Signed “ P. B. 1838.” Canvas, 94 X 70 in. M 178 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 824 JOHN THORNTON (1719-1790). LENT BY PAINTER. Marine Society. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Of Clapham ; b. 1719; wealthy and benevolent merchant; uncle of Wilhn. Wilberfoice, M.P. ; Treasurer of the Marine Soc. 1756-83; High .Sheriff of Surrey, 1769 ; largely aided the Society for Prop, of Gospel, and many charitable objects ; d. at Bath, 7 Nov. 1790. Full-length, seated, with three-cornered hat in r. hand. Canvas, 92 X 61 in. Upstairs: No. 10. ist EASTERN ROOM {Nos. 825-S43). 825 CHARLES INGLIS, BISHOP OF NOVA SCOTIA (1734-1816). Mr. 7 '. C. Inglis. Field. B. 1734 ; brought up in Pennsylvania ; Master of the Free School at Lan- caster ; came to England, 1759; ordained by Bp. of London; returned to America ; minister of the Mission at Dover, N. Amer., afterwards did duty at New York, and became Rector of Trin. Church ; e.xperienced great diffi- culties during the War of Independence ; refused to omit the customary prayers for the King, and read the service when armed rebels marched into his church ; at length was forced to abandon New York and retire to Nova Scotia ; consecrated Bp. of Nova Scotia, 1787 — the first Colonial Bp., his see being the whole of Brit. N. America ; founded King’s Coll., Windsor, Nova Scotia ; d. 24 Feb. 1816. To waist, seated ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 49 X 35 in. 826 SIR WALTER CALVERLEY BLACKETT, Bt. (1708-1777). Sir W, C. Trevelyan, Bt. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Sir Walter Calverley, Bt. of Wallington ; b. 29 Dec. 1708 ; marr. Eliz. dau. of Sir Wm. Blackett, Bt. 1729 ; took the name of Blackett, 1733 ;' H. Sheriff of Northumb. 1732 ; M.P. for Newcastle in 7 Paris. ; built the Lib. for the books of Dr. Thomlinson and others for free use at Newcastle ; aided the Infirmary, and otherwise benefited the town, of which he was five times Mayor ; d. in London, 14 Feb. 17^7. Full-length, standing; brown dress; black cornered hat ; dog to his r. looking up ; painted 17^, at the age of 53. Canvas, 93 X 57i in. . 827 THOMAS NEWTON, BISHOP OF BRISTOL (1704-1782). Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. at Liclificld, 1704; educ. at Lichfield Gramm. School, Westm., and Trin. Coll. Camb., of which Coll, he was a Fellow; Rector of St. Mar)’-le- Bow, 1744; Preb. of Westm. 1757; Dean of St. Paul’s, 1758; Bp. of Bristol, 1761 ; d. 14 Feb. 1782. Ed. Milton’s Poetical Works, and pub. “ Disserta- tions on the Prophecies,” 1754-8. Half-length, standing ; episcopal habit ; St. Paul’s Cathedral to 1 . in background. Canvas, 5 1 x 40 in. upstairs.'] isT Eastern Room {Nos. 825-843). 179 828 REV. JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. James Milbourne. Wm. Hamilton, R.A. 2nd sun iving son of the Rev. Samuel Westley, or Wesley, Rector of Epworth, Lincoln.; b. at Epworth, 1703; educ. at the Charterhouse and Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; Fellow of Lincoln Coll. ; ordained, 1725, and acted as his father’s Curate; returned to Oxf. about 1728, and became, with his brother Charles, Jas. Hervey, and Geo. Whitefield (No. 403)? one of the leaders of a religious Soc. nicknamed “ Methodists;” accom. Gen. Oglethorpe to (Georgia as Sec., and to preach to the settlers and Indians, 1735-7 ; visited the Moravians at Herrnhut, 1738; after his separation from Whitefield his followers became known as Wesleyan Methodists; Wesleyan Conference originated, 1744; for many years constantly engaged in travelling over the United Kingdom preaching and organizing the Wesleyan Society; wrote Journals, Hymns, Sermons, Tracts, &c. ; d. in London, 2 March, 1791. Half-length; preaching, with open book before him. Signed, “Wm. Hamilton, 1788.” 50 X 39 in. 829 WILLIAM HUNTER, M.D. (1718-1783). Royal Academy. Mason Chamberlin, R.A. Anatomist and Physician; b. at Kilbride, Lanarkshire, 1718; went to Edinburgh, 1740, to pursue his medical studies; visited London, 1741 ; lectured on Anatomy, 1746 ; Licentiate Coll. Phys. 1756 ; Physician Extraor. to Q. Charlotte, 1764; Fellow Royal Soc.; Prof, of the Royal Acad.; collected at his house in Gt. Windmill St. a Museum, now the Hunterian Museum in the Univer. of Glasgow ; wrote various medical works ; d. 1783. Three-quarter length, standing ; lecturing at desk, with small anatomical model in his 1 . hand. Canvas, 51 x 41 in. 830 BEILBY PORTEUS, BISHOP OF LONDON (1731-1808). Bishop of London. B. at York, 1731 ; entered Ch. Coll. Camb. as a Sizar ; became Fell. ; took orders, 1757 ; Chap, to Archbp. Seeker ; Rector of Lambeth ; Chap, to Geo. III. and Dean of Chap. Roy.; Bp. of Chester, 1776 ; of London, 1787 ; d. at Fulham, 14 May, 1808 ; left his library to future Bps. of London ; built and endowed a chapel at Hyde Hill, Kent. Author of “ Life of Archbp. Seeker,” “ Lent Lectures,” &c. Half-length, seated ; episcopal habit. Canvas, 57 X 45in. 831 REV. SIR HENRY BATE DUDLEY, Bart. (1745-1824). Mr. J. Oxley Parker. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Rev. Henry Bate; b. at Fenny Compton, 25th Aug. 1745 ; educ. for the Church, and took orders ; friend of Garrick, Sheridan, and Prince of Wales, and known as “ Parson Bate ;” established the “ Morning Post ” and “ Morning Herald involved in several duels ; wrote dramatic pieces ; Rector of Bradwell, Essex, 1781 ; received two gold medals from Soc. of Arts for reclaiming land from the sea ; took name of Dudley, 1784 ; created a Bart. 1812 ; Canon of Ely, 1816 ; thanked by Government for his exertions in quelling an insurrection in the I. of Ely ; was an early patron of Gains- borough ; d. I Feb. 1824. Full-length, standing, with three-cornered hat in 1 . hand ; dog to his 1 . ; cane in r. hand. Painted at Bradwell, 1785-6. Canvas, 88 x 58 in. i8o Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 832 JOHN HUNTER (i728-i793> LENT BY PAINTER. College of Surgeons. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Comparative anatomist. Youngest son of a farmer near Glasgow ; brother of Dr. William Hunter; b. 14 July, 1728 ; worked as cabinet-maker for three years ; went to London as assistant to his brother, 1748 ; attended the lectures of Mr. Cheselden (No. 237), and Mr. Pott (No. 833) ; entered at St. Mar>’s Hall, Oxf. ; House Surgeon at St. George’s Hospital, 1756 ; abroad as Surgeon on the Staff till 1763 ; F.R.S. 1767 ; devoted himself to anatomy and the philosophy of natural history with great zeal ; made the collection illustrative of comparative anatomy now in the Coll, of Surgeons, London ; contributed many papers to the “ Phil. Trans. d. suddenly, 16 Oct. 1793. Half-length, seated, leaning on 1 . hand ; table, with work on compar. anatomy open beside him ; pen in r. hand. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 833 PERCIVAL POTT (1713-1788). St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. in London, 1713 ; principal Surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hosp. 1749; John Hunter was one of his pupils ; wrote on many surgical subjects, and in- vented various surgical instruments ; noted for the humanity of his treatment ; d. 1788. Three-quarter length, seated in arm-chair; crimson dress; painted, 1784; aet. 71. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 834 LADY DUDLEY. Mr. j. Oxley Parker. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Sister of Mrs. Hartley the actress ; marr. Rev. Sir H. Bate Dudley, Bt. (No. 831), whom she survived. Full-length in a landscape ; profile, leaning against the pedestal of a vase ; blue dress ; white drapery. Canvas, 89 X 59 in. 835 RICHARD WARREN, M.D. (1731-1797). College of Physicians. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. B. 13 Dec. 1731 ; educ. at the Gram. School, Bury St. Edmunds, and at Jesus Coll. Camb. where he became fellow and tutor; Fellow Coll. Phys. 1763 ; Phys. in ordinar)' to Geo. III. ; d. Jan. 22 1797. Half-length, standing ; 1 . arm resting on table. Canvas, 50 X 41 in. 836 RICHARD WATSON, BISHOP OF LLANDAFF (1737-1816). Mr. C. Knight Watson. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of a clergj'man ; b. at Heversham, near Kendal, 1737; educ, at the Grammar School, and Trin. Coll. Cambridge; Fellow, 17^; Professor of Chemistry, 1764; F.R.S. ; Reg. Prof, of Divinity, 1771 ; published various Chemical Papers; Preb. of Ely, 1774 ; Bp. of Llandaff, 1782 ; pub. many occasional writings and tracts ; “ An Address to the People of England, 1798,” &c.; d. at Calgarth Park, Westmoreland, 4 June, 1816; Author of “Apology for Christianity,” addressed to Edward Gibbon, and “Apology for the Bible,” addressed to Thomas Paine. Half-length, standing in laboratoiy ; bl. dress. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. Painted when Prof, of Chemistry, 1769. 1 Up-st(iirs.'\ 1ST Eastern Room {Nos. 825-843). 181 837 LLOYD, 1ST LORD KENYON (1732-1802). LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Kenyon. John Opie, R.A. 2nd son of Lloyd Kenyon of the Bryn, co. Flint ; b. at Gredington, Flintshire, 5 Oct. 1732 ; at school at Ruthin ; articled to an attorney at Nantwich ; entered Lincoln’s Inn, 1754: defended, with Ld. Erskine (No. 759), Ld. Geo. Gordon ; Attorney-Gen. 1782 ; Master of the Rolls, and a Bart. 1784; succeeded Ld. Mansfield as Lord Chief Justice K.B. 1788; created Baron Kenyon, 1788 ; d. 4 April, 1802. Half-length ; seated in robes as Master of the Rolls. Canvas, 52 X 40 in. 838 EDWARD JENNER, M.D. (1749-1823). National Portrait Gallery. James Northcote, R.A. B. at Berkeley, Gloucestersh. 1749; stud, under John Hunter; about 1776 turned his attention to the observations which, after 20 years, enabled him to establish the efficacy of Vaccination, and to see its practice intro- duced into the London Hospitals, Army, Navy, &c. ; received rewards from Parliament, and various honours at home and abroad ; d. 1823. Statue to him in Kensington Gardens ; Monument erected by the French at Boulogne. Three-quarter length, seated by a table, on which are books, &c., alluding to his discovery of vaccination. Painted 1803. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 839 JOHN FITZGIBBON, ist EARL OF CLARE, LORD CHANCELLOR (1749-1802). Trinity College, Dublin. Son of John FitzGibbon, M.P. ; b. 1749 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin, and at Oxford ; Att.-Gen. for Ireland, 1784 ; Ld. Chan, of Ireland, 1789, and crea. Baron FitzGibbon ; Viset. 1793 ; E. of Clare, 1795 ; Baron FitzGibbon in British Peerage, 1799 ; d. 28 Jan. 1802. Full-length in Chancellor’s robes, great seal to his 1 . Canvas, 95 x 60 in. 840 HON. ELIZ. MARY and HENRIETTA MARIA » MONCKTON. Viscount Galway, M.P. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Daus. of Robert Monckton Arundell, 4th Viset. Galway, K.B. and Eliz. dau. of Daniel Mathew of Felix Hall, Essex. Elizabeth d. unm. 1840; Henrietta marr. 1808 Robert Pemberton Milnes ; d. i May, 1847, leaving a son, Riclrard, now Lord Houghton. Full-length as children, playing with a dog. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 841 HENRY DUNDAS, ist VISCOUNT MELVILLE (1740-1811). Mr. Robert Dundas. George Romney. Youngest son of Rob. Dundas of Arniston, Ld. Pres, of the Court of Session ; b. 1740 ; educ. at the High Sch. and Univ. Edinburgh ; Member of Faculty of Advocates, 1763 ; Sol.-Gen. for Scot. 1773 ; Ld. Adv. 1775 ; M.P. for the Co. and aft. City of Edin. ; Treas. of the Navy, 1782-3, and 1784- 1800 ; Comm, and afterwards Pres, of the Bd. of Control, 1784-1800 ; Home Sec. 1791 ; Sec. for War and Colonies, 1794; cr. Vise. Melville, 1802; 1st Ld. of the Adm. 1804; impeached by the Ho. of Commons for alleged malversation as Treas. of the Navy, but on trial by his Peers adjudged not guilty, 1805-6 ; d. at Edinburgh, 29 May, 1811. Monum. in Edinburgh. Full-length ; in robes. Canvas, 100 X 62 J in. iSi Reign of George III. 1760-1800. S42 ADAM FERGUSON, LL.D. (1724-1816). LENT BY PAINTER. University of Edinburgh. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. Son of the Minister of the parish of Logierait, Perthshire ; b. 1724 ; educ. at St. Andrews ; removed to Edinburgh and became acquainted with Robertson, Blair, Home, &c. ; Chaplain to the 42nd Reg. 1744-57 ; tutor in the family of Lord Bute; Keeper of the Advocates’ Library, 1757; Prof, of Nat. Phil. 1759, and Moral Phil. 1764-85, in University of Edinburgh; lived latterly at St. .Andrews, and d. there 22 Feb. i8i6; author of the “Hist, of Civil Society,” 1766; “ Institutes of Moral Philosophy,” 1769 ; History of the Roman Republic,” 1 783 ; “ Principles of Moral and Political Science,” 1 792. Three-quarter length, seated in arm-chair beside table of books ; bl. dress. Canvas, 39 X 49i in- 843 ARTHUR MURPHY (1727-1805). National Portrait Gallery. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Son of Richard Murphy, a trading ship-owner ; b. at Clooniquin, co. Roscommon, 27 Dec. 1727 ; sent to St. Omer’s Coll.; employed at Cork, >747“9: pub. the “ Gray’s Inn Journal,” Oct. 1752; went on the stage by Foote’s advice, paid his debts by his success, and retired in a year ; brought out “The Upholsterer,” “The Orphan of China,” and “Way to Keep Him;” called to the Bar, 1762 ; wrote the “Auditor,” and was opposed by Wilkes (No. 654) and Churchill (No. 651) ; “ Trans, of Tacitus,” 1783 ; and various other publications, dramatic and misccll.;’d. at Knightsbridge, 18 June, 1805. Three-quarter length ; seated ; looking to 1. ; with open book on table before him. Canvas, 51X41 in. Upstairs: No. ii. 7 .nd EASTERN ROOM (Nos. 844-866). 844 ROBT. MONCKTON ARUNDELL, 4TH VISCT* GALWAY, K.B. (1758-1810), His WIFE, and CHILD, HON. ELIZ. MARY. Viscount Galway, M.P. Son of William Monckton Arundell, 2nd Viset. ; b. 4 July, 1758 ; succ. his brother as 4th Viset. ; M.P. for York and Pontefract ; Priv. Coun. ; d. 23 July, 1810. Full-length ; small figures ; playing with infant child ; greyhound to r. of picture. Distemper on paper, 33X42 in. 845 MRS. FITZHERBERT (1756-1837). Mr. Basil. Fitzherbert. J. Russell, R.A. Maria Anna, youngest dau. of Walter Smythc, of Brambridge, Hants ; b. 26 July, 1756 ; marr. ist, Edward Weld of Lulworth Castle, who d. the same year, 1775 ; 2nd, in 1778, Thos. Fitzherbert of Swinnerton, co. Stafford, who d. 1781 ; said to have been mar. in 1785 to Geo. P. of Wales ; d. at Brighton, 27 March, 1837. Half-length, seated to 1. ; leaning on 1. arm ; white dress. Signed. “J. Russell, R.A. pinx. 1791.” Crayon ; paper, 36 x 28 in. Up-stairs.~\ 2ND Eastern Room {Nos. 844-866). 183 846 REV. SAMUEL PARR, LL.D. (1747-1825). LENT BY PAINTER. Capt. S. Parr Lynes. J. J. Halls. Son of an Apothecary at Harrow ; b. there 1747 ; educ. there, Sir Wm. Jones being among his schoolfellows ; entered Emmanuel Coll. Camb. ; usher at Harrow School ; failing to obtain the Headmastership in 1771, opened a School at Stanmore ; Master of the Grammar School at Colchester, afterw. at Norwich ; Perpetual Curate of Hatton, Warwicksh. ; Rector of Graffham, Huntingdonsh. ; d. 6 May, 1825 ; pub. various occasional pamphlets, &c., some of which gave proof of his great learning ; excelled in conversation. Half-length, seated in arm-chair ; bands and blk. gown. Canv. 56x46 in. 847 MARY THERESA GRADY, COUNTESS OF ILCHESTER, and two of her daughters. Marquis of Lansdowne.’ Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Daughter of Standish Grady, Esq., of Cappercullen, co. Limerick ; mar. 1772 (his 1st wife) Henry Thomas Fox, 2nd E. of Ilchester ; d. 14 June, 1790. The younger child, Louisa Emma Fox, mar. 1808 Henry Petty, 3rd .Marquis of Lansdowne ; d. 3 April, 1851. Full-length, seated ; the children standing at either side, and holding hands across their mother ; all in white. Canvas, 83J x 59 in. 848 THOMAS PENNANT (1726-1798). Earl of Denbigh. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Naturalist and antiquary' ; of a Welch family ; b. at Downing, Flint, 1726 ; educ. at Wrexham, Fulham, Queen’s and Oriel Coll. Oxf. ; early devoted himself to the study of nat. hist. ; corresponded with Linnaeus and with Buffon ; Member of the Roy. Soc. Upsal ; commenced ‘‘ Brit. Zoology,” 1761 ; F.R.S. 1767 ; pub. “Synopsis of Quadrupeds,” 1771 ; “Tour in Scotland;” “Arctic Zoology,” 1784-87 ; pub. also accounts of his many tours and various topographical pieces ; d. 16 Dec. 1798. Half-length to r. ; Windsor uniform ; book on 1 . arm. Canvas,37 x 29 in. 849 JAMES HEWITT, ist VISCOUNT LIFFORD, LORD CHANCELLOR OF IRELAND (1709-1789). Viscount Lifford. ‘ Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1709 ; practised at the English Bar ; Justice of K.B., 1766 ; Ld. Chan, of Ireland, 1767 ; cr. Baron Liflbrd in the peerage of Ireland, 1768 ; Vise. Lifford, 1781 ; cl. 28 April, 1789. Full-length, seated; Ld. Chan, robes; holding great seal. Canvas, 96 X 58 in. 850 WARREN HASTINGS ( -1818). Mr. j. P. Fearon. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 688.) Half-length, seated ; black dress. Canvas, 36 X 29 in. 184 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 851 REV. JOHN PLAYFAIR (1748-1819). LENT BY Painter. University of Edinburgh. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. B. at Bcrvie, near Dundee, 1748 ; educ. at St. Andrews ; Minister of Bcrvie, 1773 ; Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, 1785 ; Prof, of Natural Philosophy, 1805 ; d. 1819. Wrote on Nat. Philosophy. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; black dress ; globe and table to his r. Canvas, 50J X 40 in. 852 ANNE LIDDELL, DUCHESS OF GRAFTON ( -1804). Duke of Grafton. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 'Dau. of Henry, Lord Ravensworth ; marr. 1756 Augustus, 3rd D. of Grafton; divorced, 1769; marr. 2ndly John Fitzpatrick, 2nd E. of Upper Ossory ; d. 1804 Full-length ; robes, and crimson velvet ermine-lined train; coronet in r hand ; pedestal and vase to r. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 853 FRANCES ANNE, LADY CREWE ( -1818). Lord Cre^ve. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Only dau. of Fulke Greville, Envoy Extra, to the Elector of Bavaria and Minister to the Diet of Ratisbon; marr. John, ist Ld. Crewe (No. 856), 1776; d. 1818. Lady Crewe (better known as Mrs. Crewe, No. 676) was remarkable for her beauty, wit, and friendship with the leaders of the Whig Party. To waist, seated ; r. arm resting on table ; scarlet shawl ; black head- dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 854 JOHN HAMILTON MORTIMER, A.R.A. (1741-1779). Mr. William Smith. Richard Wilson, R.A. B. at Eastbourne, where his father was Collector of Customs, 1741 ; for a short time pupil of Hudson ; gained Soc. of Arts premiums for Historical Pictures; A.R.A. 1778; d. in Norfolk St. 4 Feb. 1779; bu. in Wycombe Church, Bucks, which contains one of his pictures ; painted historical and fantastic subjects, and executed chalk drawings, particularly groups of banditti. Full-length, small-size, in a landscape sketching. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 855 ELIZABETH DASHWOOD, DUCHESS OF MAN- - CHESl'ER AND HER SON (1741-1832). Duke of Manchester. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest daughter of Sir James Dashwood, Bt., of Kirtlington ; b. 1741 ; marr. 1762 George Montagu, 4th D. of Manchester ; d. 26 June, 1832. Full-length, in a wooded landscape as Diana stealing a bow from Cupid (her infant son). Canvas, 98 X 65 in. i JJp-stairs.'\ 2ND Eastern Room {Nos. 844-866). 185 856 JOHN, 1ST LORD CREWE (1742-1829). Lord Houghton. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of John Crewe, of Crewe Hall, co. Chester, Esq. ; b. 1742 ; •M.P. for Cheshire, 1768-1806, when he was crea. Baron Crewe; d. 1829. Bust to r. ; dark coat. Canvas, 31 X 25 in. 857 PRINCESS AMELIA. LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (St. James’s Palace). John Hoppner, R.A. 15th child of K. Geo. III. and Q. Charlotte ; b. 7 Aug., 1783; d. 2 Nov., 1810 ; bu. in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. Full-length, seated as a child, with tambourine and dog. Canvas, 36X28 in. 858 ELIZA FARREN, COUNTESS OF DERBY (1759-1829). Earl of Wilton. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Dau. of Mr. Geo. Farren of Cork ; b. 1759; successful comic actress, and succeeded Mrs. Abington in her principal characters ; marr. (his 2nd wife) Edward, 12th E. of Derby, 1797 ; d. 23 April, 1829. Full-length, walking in landscape, with fur-lined white satin cloak, muff in 1 . hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 859 JAMES CECIL, 7TH EARL and ist MAROUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G. (1748-1823). Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Sir W. Beechey, R.A. Son of James, 6th E. ; b. 14 Sept. 1748 ; sue. 1780 ; created Marquis of Salisbury, 1789; K.G. 1793; d. 13 Ju. 1823. Full-length ; robes and collar, K.G. ; white stick in r. hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 860 CHARLES GREY, afterwards 2 nd EARL GREY (1764-1845). Earl Grey, K.G. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eld. son of Sir Chas. Grey, ist E. Grey (No. 757) ; b. 13 March, 1764 ; M.P. for Northumberland, 1786, joining the Whigs ; a prominent member of the party; ist Ld. of the Admiralty when Mr. Fox came into power, 1806; succ. him as Sec. of Foreign Affairs ; in oppos. 1807-30 ; ist Ld. of Treas. to 1834, when he retired ; d. 17 July, 1845. Half-length to r. ; resting his r. hand on paper on table to his r. ; bl. dress. Canvas, 50x40 in. Painted for Dr. Heath, Head Master of Eton. 861 ALEXANDER ADAM, LL.D. (1741- ). Nat. Gall, of Scotland. Sir Henry Raeburn, P.R.S.A. Son of a farmer in Morayshire, where he was b. 1741 ; aided by Rev J. Watson he went to the Edinburgh University ; elected Head-Master in George Heriot’s Hospital, 1760; Tutor in family of Mr. Kincaid ; Rector of the High School ; LL.D. 1780 ; published “ Roman Antiquities” and various educational works ; among his pupils were Sir Walter Scott, Dugald Stewart, and L. Brougham. Three-quarter length, seated ; black academic gown. Canvas, 50 X 40 in, N i86 Reign of George III. 1760-1800. 862 HENRY CECIL, ioth E. and aft. ist MARQUIS OF EXETER, SARAH, HIS COUNTESS, and LADY SOPHIA CECIL. LENT BY PAINTER. Marquis of Exeter. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Hon. Thomas Chambers Cecil ; b. 14 March, 1754 ; sue. his uncle as loth E. 1793 ; mar. 1791 (his 2nd wife), Sarah, dau. of Thomas Hoggins of Bolas, Co. Salop, who d. 1797 ; cr. Marquis, 1801 ; d. i May, 1804, Lady Sophia Cecil his only dau. mar. 1818, Rt. Hon. Henry Manvers Pierrepont ; d. 1823. Full-length, standing near a pillar ; wife seated beside him, and holding her child. Canvas, 86 X 57 in. 863 WILLIAM EDEN, ist BARON AUCKLAND (1744-1814). Christ Church, Oxford. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Diplomatist; 3rd son of Sir Robt. Eden, Bt., of West Auckland, co. Durham; b. 1744; educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Oxon. ; called to the Bar, 1679 ; Under Sec. of State, 1772 ; pub. “Principles of Naval Law ;” M.P. for Woodstock, 1774 ; Commis. to Amer. Colonics to attempt reconciliation, 1778 ; Ch. Sec. to E. of Carlisle, Ld. Lieut, of Ireland, 1780 ; P. C. 1783 ; Envoy Extraor. to \'ersailles, and negotiated a commercial treaty, 1785 ; created Baron Auckland in Ireland, 1788; Ambas. to Holland, 1789-93, and created an Eng. Peer ; d. suddenly, 28 May, 1814, at Eden Farm, Bromley, Kent. Half-length, seated to r. ; black dress ; paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 5 1 X 40 in. 864 RIGHT HON. WM. WINDHAM, M.P. (1750-1810). University Coll. Oxford. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Only son of Col. Wm. Windham of Felbrigg, Norfolk ; b. in Golden Sq. 3 May, 1750 ; educ. at Eton, Glasgow Univ., and Univ. Coll. Oxf. ; M.P. for Norwich, 1783, 1790. and also for St. Mawes, New Romney, and Higham Ferrers ; Sec. for Ireland in the Coalition Adm. 1783 ; one of the Managers of W. Hastings’s Imp. 1788 ; Sec. at War under Pitt, 1794-1801 ; in opposi- tion to Addington’s Gov. and also to Pitt’s 2nd Adm. ; Sec. at War and for Colonies in Lord Grenville’s Adm. — “All the Talents” — 1806-7; d. 3 June, 1810. A member of Johnson’s Club; a Scholar and Mathematician. His speeches collected, and diary lately published. Half-length, standing ; 1 . arm raised and resting on some books on a cabinet ; paper in 1 . hand ; black coat. Canvas, 50 x 41 in. 865 GRANVILLE LEVESON, 2 nd EARL GOWER AND 1ST MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, K.G. (1721-1803). Duke of Sutherland, K.G. George Romney. Eld. surviving son of John, ist Earl ; b. 4 Aug. 1721 ; M.P. for Bishop’s Castle, Westminster, and Lichfield ; Ld. of the Adm. 1749 ; succ. his father, 1754 ; Ld. Priv. Seal, 1755 and 1784 ; Master of the Horse, 1757 ; Ld. Chamb. 1763 ; Ld. Pres. 1767 and 1783 ; K.G. 1771 ; cr. M. of Stafford, 1786 ; d. 1803. Full-length, standing near table ; robes and collar K.G. Canvas, 93 X 58 in. Up-stairs.} -2ND Eastern Room {Nos. 844-866). 187 866 PRINCESS FREDERICA, DUCHESS OF YORK. (1767-1820). LENT BY Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). PAINTER. Stroehling. Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Catherina, Princess Royal of Prussia ; b. 1767 ; marr. 1791, Frederick D. of York; d. 6 Aug. 1820. Full-length small figure, seated, playing the harp. Canvas, 44 X 32 in. ■V ■iff rvr Jj* KcoS. a*<£'' ^.«iWiit-«^C — -r ■' ■■ g»L.^ ■ .'Ay.oY v ,f -~^.,.^KS^ .y- f ^ .^yrr/y^T « .O>llJ.r>T .tpxt .■»i»rt::rt«ti ’ / ■• .♦'I cfx'i}. ^ k,ijivvl it? ^J^^* t , :s^\. • '- ^■^■' ' ‘ •'"*':p-7 ■' -Ij. 7- -. <; jJv.t-V -* ■', '■. : . , .. . ■ • -.'• v--fc5 ' iL, .. v is ^ ^''^■■£3 V ' •• 7V : I l . . V... - '• '. "' if ■ *' ‘ .f '**, •• ■•“r*^'.*. ^ v." > .i V. V ',^ • • j ’1 t- 1 I-;- '''^ . /:v^‘ !l' • _ ^ J SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. CATALOGUE - OF THE THIRD AND CONCLUDING EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL PORTRAITS COMMENCING WITH THE FORTIETH YEAR OF THE 0 REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD AND ENDING WITH THE YEAR MDCCCLXVII. ON LOAN TO THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUiVl. April 13, 1868. [THIRD THOUSAND.] LONDON : PRINTED BY STRANGEWAYS AND WALDEN, CASTLE STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. The Exhibition of the present year concludes the chronological series suggested by the Earl of Derby. It extends from the commencement of the century to the present time, and includes the last twenty years of the reign of George the Third ; the ten years comprising the reign of George the Fourth, and the seven years comprising the reign of William the Fourth ; with the first thirty years of the reign of Queen Victoria. As supplementary to tlie Exhibitions of the two previous years, the present collec- tion also includes the portraits of many distinguished persons who ^were then either altogether omitted or inadequately re- presented, with the works of some painters to w'hose art due justice may not have been hitherto done. In the first year, the Exhibition was distinguished by the works of the great foreign artists who had practised in this coun- try. In the second year by those of our own painters, the founders of the English School, culminating in the fine portraits of Reynolds and Gainsborough, with numerous examples of their contemporaries and followers. The present year largely repre- sents the works of Sir Henry Raeburn (b. 1756, d. 1823), William Owen (b. 1769, d. 1824), Sir Thomas Lawrence (b. 1769, d. 1830), John Jackson (b. 1778, d. 1831), Thomas Phillips (b. 1770, d. 1845). Sir Alar tin Archer Slice 1769, d. 1850), Sir J. Watson Gordon (b. 1790, d. 1864), and comprises some fine examples of the works of other eminent artists — their contemporaries — in- cluding those who survive and well sustain the reputation of the existing school of portrait-art. b IV INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. Early in the century Sir Thomas Lawrence distanced all his competitors in the public esteem, and was, during his long career, the recognised favourite of the Court and the fashionable world. But that he had many worthy rivals for the supremacy he en- joyed, the present collection will afford ample proof ; while it will also afford the materials for a just review and appreciation of their respective merits, and will probably determine the future rank of each in the English school. The supplementary portion representing the works of the chief portrait-painters whose names and art have been known in the country from the earliest times, will no less show the influence they have had on the works of their successors, and prove the sources of many later excellencies. In this latter portion of the collection, the works of many of the eminent painters, whose portraits were so highly distin- guished in the two preceding years, find a place — and the present and concluding Exhibition contains, under the conditions already mentioned, a series of works in which the portrait art of this country may be traced from the time of Holbein to the present day, including the works of Antonio More, Vansomer, Jansen, Vandyck and his followers, as well as those of our own country- men, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Romney, Lawrence, and Raeburn — a collection alike interesting to the artist, the antiquary, and all who regard the great men, as well as the distinguished women, who have found a place in the annals of their country. Though no pains have been spared to obtain the portraits of all who should have a place in the collection, many whose names will at once suggest themselves are absent. It must not be assumed that every eminent man has had his portrait painted. In some cases on application to the family or representatives, they state that there has been no portrait painted ; in others, that they know of none ; though there is, perhaps, a bust. Again, there are cases where no traces could be found of the family or connexions of persons well known even in the present genera- tion. While in some instances, though it is gratifying to state, they are exceptional, the possessors of portraits hesitated to risk the transport, and entrust to other care remembrances they so greatly prize. On the other hand, it cannot be assumed but INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. V that some portraits which should have been included, and might have been obtained, may have been overlooked. The Exhibition of 1866, the first of the series, comprised 1030 portraits ; 866 were exhibited in 1867, and 946 are included in the collection of the present year ; so that no less than 2842 portraits, or portrait-groups, have been exhibited in the three years. The plan, as suggested by Lord Derby, has now been brought to the conclusion originally contemplated, and the known portraits of our most eminent men, with few exceptions, as well as the art of our best portrait-painters, have been fairly repre- sented. But it must not be assumed that the stores of portrait- art possessed in this country have by any means been exhausted. The portraits offered when it was too late and impossible to accept them, are some proof of this. Indeed the number seems almost without limit. The series of Exhibitions may surely claim one great merit, if it prove the means of awakening the owners of pictures, many of which are of national interest, to the true value of their possessions, and lead to greater care that the identity of family portraits is not lost by consignment to the housekeeper’s room, or even to the attics ; if it saves portraits themselves from destruction by cruel exposure to the sun till all traces of colour and the finer qualities of the art are hopelessly dried out ; or by exposure to damp or changes of temperature, so particularly in- jurious to early portraits on panel ; or, worst of all, subjection to greater danger in the hands of incompetent repairers, who, in the attempt to restore what is irretrievable, destroy the only remains of original art which may have been spared. It has been the subject of remark that portraits hav^e been exhibited under names, both of the person represented and of the painter, which are obviously wrong. But the portraits are lent under the condition that they shall be exhibited as de- scribed by their possessors ; and in some instances errors might be corrected on sufficient authority, although still, where opinions differ, it may well be asked where such a practice should stop, and whose dictum should be adopted. It is only right to say, that the experience of the two preceding e.xhibi- VI INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. tions leads conclusively to the opinion, that the rule adopted is the only safe and just one, and that any interference with names, probably long traditional, would have been extremely distasteful to the owners of the works. The above collections have included a large number of por- traits which have been graciously contributed by Her Majesty ; also very interesting portraits from the principal families in the kingdom, with large contributions from the Universitie.s, other corporate bodies, and the chief of our national institution.s, including in the present year the fine series of portraits belong- ing to the Dilettanti Society, which, at the request of the Society, have been appropriately arranged together. The public who have taken an interest in these E.xhibition.s, will hardly fail to appreciate the generous kindness by which, for their gratification, and to carry out the enlightened suggestion of Lord Derby, such large contributions have been made from treasured family memorials, and ancient trust depositories. SAM. REDGRAVE. N.B. The Catalogue has been prepared by Mr. R. H. Soden Smith, a member of the Committee, and Dr. Althaus. VII SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON. NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION IN 1 868 . The Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have determined to hold, in the Spring of 1868, a Third and concluding National Portrait Exhibition at South Kensington, in the Arcades overlooking the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens. This Exhibition will comprise — i. Portraits of persons {deceased) who lived between the years 1800 and the present time. 2. Portraits of persons living before the year 1800 who were unrepresented or inadequately represented in the two previous Exhibitions. The whole series is based upon the suggestions made by the Earl of Derby, in a letter dated 6th May, 1865, from which the following extracts are made : — “ I have long thought that a National Portrait Exhibition, chronologically arranged, might not only possess great historical interest, by bringing together portraits of all the most eminent contemporaries of their respective eras, but might also serve to illustrate the progress and condition, at various periods, of British Art. My idea, therefore, would be to admit either portraits of eminent men, though by inferior or unknown artists, or portraits by eminent artists, though of obscure or unknown individuals. I have, of course, no means of knowing, or estimating, the number of such portraits which may exist in the country ; but I am persuaded that, exclusive of the large collections in many great houses, there are very many scattered about by ones and twos and threes in private families, the owners of which, though they could not be persuaded to part with them, would willingly spare them for a few months for a public object. “The question of one, two, or three exhibitions in consecutive years, would, I apprehend, be mainly decided by the result of future inquiries as to the probable number of pictures which could be obtained, and the space which could be found for their exhibition. But whether the period over which each cxliibition (if more than one) should range be longer or shorter, the point on which I sliould set the greatest value, in an historical, if not in an artistic point of view, would be the strict maintenance of the chronological series. I shall be very happy if any suggestions of mine should lead the Committee of Council to take up seriously, and carry out, with such alterations of detail as experience might suggest, a sclieme which I think could hardly fail of being generally interesting : and 1 should have much pleasure in placing temporarily at their disposal any portraits from my collection at Knowsley which they might think suitable for their purpose.” The Committee of Advice, as now constituted by my Lords, consists of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery', and the following other noble- men and gentlemen : — THE EARL OF DERBY, K.G. (Prisidint). *The Lord President of the Council. The Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The” Duke of Northumberland. The Duke of Leinster. The Duke of Wellington, K.G. The Duke of Buckingham. The Duke of Cleveland, K.G. The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. The Marquis of Hertford, K.G. The Earl Cowper, K.G. *The Earl Stanhope. The Earl of Darnley. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. The Earl of Hardwicke. The Earl Delaware. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl Spencer, K.G. The Earl of Clarendon, K.G. The Earl of Verulam. The Earl Brownlow. ♦The Earl Somers. The Earl Granville, K.G. The Earl of Dudley. The Viscount Sydney, G.C.B. ♦The Viscount Cranborne, M.P. The Lord Robert Montagu, M.P, ♦The Lord Stanley, M.P. The Lord Elcho, M.P. vm *The Lord Bishop of Oxford. The Lord Wharncliffe. The Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. The Lord Talbot de Malahide. The Lord Taunton. The Lord Houghton. The Master of the Rolls. The Hon. R. Curaon. The Hon Algernon Egerton, M.P. The Hon. Spencer C. B. Honsonby. The Rt. Hon. H. T. Lowry Corry, M.P. *Thc Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. •The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. • The Rt. Hon. Spencer Walpole, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bt., M.P. The Rt. Hon. W. Cowper, M.P. The Rt. Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Sir W. Gibson Craig, Bt. The Rt. Hon. C. S. Fortescue, M.P. The Rt. Hon. Maziere Brady. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor. Sir Percyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. Sir Charles J. F. Bunbury, Bart. Sir Sibbald David Scott, Bart. Sir C. C. W. Domvile, Bart. •Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart. Sir John P. Boileau, Bart. Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart., M.P. •Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. Sir Thomas Gabriel, Bart. Sir Frederick Madden. •Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Sir Benjamin S. Phillips. Sir George Harvey, P.R.S.A. [being. The Vice Chanc. of Oxford, for the time The Vice Chanc. of Cambridge, for the •The Dean of Westminster, [time being. The Dean of St. Paul’s. , The Dean of Windsor. The Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The Provost of Eton. The President of the Roy. Hibern. Acad. Mr. George Archdale. Mr. W. R. Baker. Mr. C. Sackville Bale. Mr. A. Barker. Rev. J. Beck. Mr. E. A. Bowring, C.B. Mr. John Bruce. Mr. R. Burchett. •Mr. Thomas Carlyle. Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley .Mr. H. Cole, C.B. Mr. Dominic Colnaghi. Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. Mr. G. W. Dasent. Dr. Hugh W. Diamond. Mr. H. Doyle. Mr. James E. Doyle. * Arc Trustees and t Sccrel The Very Rev. Canon Estcourt. Mr. Richard Fisher. Mr. John Forster. Mr. A. Fountaine. Mr. A. W. Franks. Mr. J. A. Froude. Mr. W. H. Gregory, M.P. Mr. Edward Hailstone. The Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. Mr. Thomas Duffiis Hardy. Mr. J. Hevwood Hawkins. Mr. A. Helps. Mr. M. J. Higgins. Mr. R. S. Holford, M.P. •Mr. A. |. B. Bercsford Hope, M.P. Mr. C. Wren Hoskins. Mr. F. y. Hurlstone. Prof the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Mr. Charles Knight. Mr. J. P. Knight, R.A. Mr. David Laing. Mr. A. H.Layard, M.P. Mr. William Longman. Mr. Norman MacLeod. Mr. Alfred Morrison. Mr. John Murray. Mr. A. Panirzi. Mr. J. R. Planche. Mr. J. H. Pollen. Mr. R. Redgrave, R.A. Mr. S. Redgrave. Mr. H. Reeve. Mr. Richmond, R.A. The Very Rev. Dr. Rock. Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. W. Russell. J-Mr. G. Scharf. Mr. H. D. Seymour, M.P. Mr. Henry Shaw. Mr. R. Forster Sketchley. Mr. Catterson Smith. Mr. George Smith. Professor Goldwin Smith. Mr. R. H. Soden Smith. •Mr. W. Smith. Mr. R. Sneyd. Mr. James Spedding. Rev. Montague Taylor. Mr. Tom Taylor. Mr. W. J. Thoms. Mr. William Tite, M.P. Mr. Henry Vaughan. Mr. Edmund Waterton. Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. Mr. Albert Way. Mr. J. Webb. The Hon. R. Sackville West. Mr. B. B. Woodward. Mr. R. N. Wornum. of the National Portrait Gallery. Mr. Samuel Redgrave, to whose valuable labours the successful formation of the Col- lection of Portrait Miniatures is chiefly due, has undertaken the special charge of directing the Exhibition, and Mr. Sketchley will act as Secretary. By order of the Lords of the Committee of Council on Educaticn. ARRANGEMENTS APPROVED FOR THE EXHIBITION. » 1. The Exhibition is specially designed to illustrate English history, and the progress of art in England. It may be divided into two or three sections, representing distinct historic periods, exhibited in successive years, depending upon the number of the portraits received and the space available for their proper exhibition. 2. It will comprise the portraits of persons of every class who have in any way attained eminence or distinction in England, from the date of the ear- liest authentic portraits to the present time ; but it will not include the por- traits of living persons, or portraits of a miniature character. 3. The portraits of foreigners who have attained eminence or distinction in England will also be included, with portraits by foreign artists which represent persons so distinguished. 4. The Exhibition will be held at South Kensington, in the large brick building used for the Refreshment Rooms of the International Exhibition in 1862 ; and these galleries, which are perfectly dr>', will be fitted up especially for the exhibition, and patrolled day and night by the police. 5. All charges for the conveyance of pictures accepted for exhibition by the Committee will be defrayed by the Department of Science and Art. 6. The exhibition will be opened on 15th April, 1868. In order that the portraits may be properly arranged and catalogued, they will be required not later than the Fourteenth of March. They will be returned in the month of August. 7. In accordance with the usual practice, the Science and Art Depart- ment, unless the owner objects, will take photographs of the portraits for the purpose of instruction in the Schools of Art, and for sale to the public through the medium of the Arundel Society ; but no permission will be granted to any private person to photograph or copy without the owneFs express sanc- tion. Two copies of each photograph taken will be presented to the owner of the picture photographed. 8. As was the case at the Exhibitions of 1851 and*i862 (and as is usual at the Royal Academy and other exhibitions), the Department cannot be responsible for loss or damage, but every possible care will be taken of works lent ; and it may be added, that the numerous paintings lent for exhibition in 1862 were collected and returned by the same agency as will be now employed, free from injury or damage of any kind. 9. All correspondence, marked on the cover “ National Portrait Exhibi- tion,” should be addressed to the Secretarj- of the Science and Art Depart- ment, South Kensington Museum, London, \V. X 1 NOTICE. j [Applicable to the Exhibition of 1868.] Sale of Season Tickets. Season Tickets, 51. Admission on Mondays, Wednesdays, 1 Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, u. each ; on Tuesdays^ is, bd, each. Transferable Tickets for a single admission may be obtained of the Money-Taker. • The Season Tickets are sold upon the understanding that at any period the hours and charges of admission may be subjected to the Museum regulations. Hours from 10 till 7. Contributors of Portraits to any one of the Exhibitions can, on application, purchase the bound copies of the large paper Catalogue, price I Or. bd. each. Visitors wishing to examine the Collection in Chronological sequence should take the Galleries in the following order, com- mencing — Ground-floor. 1. NORTHERN GALLERY. . 2. ENTRANCE HALL . . . 3. INNER HALL 4. EASTERN GALLERY . . 5. CENTRAL HALL .... 6. WESTERN GALLERY . . Upstairs. 7. CENTRAL CORRIDOR. . 8. EASTERN GALLERY . . 9. EASTERN CORRIDOR. . 10 and II. EASTERN ROOMS . . . I (Nos. 1 to 1 1 8.) ( » 119 to IS 9 -) ( „ 160 to 186.) ( „ 18710413.) ( » 414 to 434.) ( „ 43 S to 549 ) (Nos. 550 to 584.) ( „ 58510867.) ( ,, 868 to 885.) ( „ 886 to 946.) CATALOGUE. Ground-por — No. i. NORTHERN GHLLERT (^Nos. I to 1 1 8). Part of Reign of George III. — 1 800-1820. In the Catalogue, “three-quarter size” is applied to a picture, not in the technical sense of a little more than head-size, but as meaning more than half-length. Looking to r. or to 1 . means to right or left of the person represented. When a picture is horizontal, the larger measure is given last, as (No. 3) 26 x 39 in. 1 GEORGE AUG. FRED. PRINCE of WALES (aft. KING GEO. IV.) (1762-1830). - LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Zetland. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Eldest son of George III. and Charlotte dau. of Charles D. of Mecklcn- burg-Strelitz ; b. at St. James’s Palace 12 Aug. 1762; marr. the Princess Caroline .Amelia Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Charles, L). of Hrunswick-Wolfen- biittel, 5 April, 1795 ; had an only dau. Princess Charlotte of Wales (No, ) ; appointed Regent Feb. 1811 ; succ. to the throne 29 Jan. 1820; d. 20 June, 1830. Full-length, standing in landscape beside his horse, scarlet uniform, star of K.G. Canvas, 100 X 70 in. 2 ERNEST AUGUSTUS, DUKE OF CUMBERLAND, KING OF HANOVER (1771-1851). Lord Talbot de Malahide. Sir William Beechey, R.A. 5lh son of George III.; b. 5th June, 1771 ; marr. the 3rd dau. of the D. of Mecklenb.-Strelitz, 1815 ; succ. to the throne of Hanover on the accession of H.M. Q. Victoria, 1837; d. 18 Nov. 1851. Half-length ; standing, looking to 1 . ; hussar uniform ; resting both hands on sword. Canvas, 54 X 44 in. 3 SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY at the BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA. Miss Oliver. Sir R. Ker Porter. General ; b. at Tullibodie, Co. Clackmannan, Scotl. 1734; educ. at Rugby, Edinb. and Leipzig; ent. the Army 1756, and serv. under the U. of Brunsw. in the seven years’ war; M.P. for Clackmannan, 1773; opposed the American policy of Government, and would not serve in the war against the American Colonies; Comm, of Divis. under the D. of York in the Netherlands, 1793-4; Comm.-in-Chief in the West Indies, 1795-7, and in Irel. 1798; app. to the Comm, of the exped. against the French in Egj'pt, 1800; landed at Aboukir, B 2 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. and defeat, the French at Alexandria ; d. from wounds received in the battle, 28 March, 1801. F'ull-lcngth ; small figures in battle piece ; in centre is Sir R. Abercromby, mortally wounded ; Aboukir Bay in distance. Canvas, 26 X 39 in. 4 JANE MAXWELL, DUCHESS OF GORDON. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. F. Gye. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Sir Wm. Maxwell, Bart.; marr. Alexander Gordon, 4th D. of Gordon, 28 Oct. 1767; d. 12 April, 1812. To waist, small size, looking to r. ; open ruff. Crayon, paper, ii X 8J in. 5 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Rev. W, S. Halliday. A. W. Devis. 4th son of Rev. Edmund Nelson (No. 25), rector of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk; b. 29 Sept. 1758; Midshipman, 1770; served on Capt. Phipps’s expeditn. to the N. Pole and on the Indian station ; Lieut. 1777 ; Post-Capt. 1779; engaged in the Mediterranean from the outbr. of the French war, •793 i Commodore, 1796 ; highly distinguished himself at the battle of St. Vincent, and appoint. Rear-Adm. and K.C.B. 1797 ; lost his right arm in an attack on Teneriffe ; gained the vict. of Aboukir over the French fleet, 1798 ; crea. Baron Nelson, and D. of Bronte, in Sicily; returned to Engl, with Lady Hamilton, 1800; destr. the Danish fleet at Copenhagen, and crea. Viset. Nelson, 1801 ; resumed the command on the Mediterra. station, 1803 ; fell in the battle of Trafalgar, 21 Oct. 1805; bu. in St. Paul’s. Half-length, small size, looking to r. ; cocked hat, naval uniform, with various orders ; painted 1805, for Capt. Page ; pasted on the back is auto- graph letter to Capt. Page, dated March 4, 1803. Canvas, 15 X 12 in. 6 MRS. MARY ROBINSON, “Perdita” (1758-1800). Mr. Daniel Parsons. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A, Mary Darby, partly educ. by Mrs. Hannah More (No. 146) ; went on the stage ; attracted the attention of the Prince of Wales (afterwards Geo. IV.) when acting as “ Perdita” in the “Winter’s Tale,” 1780, and for about two years had much influence over him ; wrote novels and verses ; d. at Engle- field Green, 1800. To waist, with hands in muff. Crayon, paper, I2j X 9 in. 7 RT. HON. HENRY ADDINGTON, VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH. Rt. Hon. T. H. S. Sotheron-Estcourt. J. S. Copley, R.A. Eld. son of Anthony Addington, M.D. ; b. at Reading, 1755 ; educ. at Cheam, Winchester, and Brasenose Coll. Oxf. ; M.P. for Devizes, as an adherent of his early friend Pitt, 17S4; Speaker, 1789-1801 ; Chan, of the Exch. and ist'Ld. of the Treasury, 1801-4; cn Viset. Sidmouth, 1805 ; Ld. Pres. 1805 ; Ld. Privy Seal and aft. Ld. Pres. 1806 ; Lord Pres. 1812 ; Home Sec. 1812-22; d. at the White Lodge, Richmond Park, of which he was Deputy Ranger, 15 Feb. 1844. Full-length, standing to r. ; robes as Speaker, mace on table before him. Canvas, 94 X 64 in. Ground-Jioor.'] Northern Gallery, Aw. 1-118. 3 8 SIR WILLIAM BLIZARD, Kt. (1742-1835). ^ LENT BY ^ PAINTER. College of Surgeons. John Opie, R.A. Surg. and anatomist; b. 1742 ; many years Prof, of Anatomy to the Roy. Coll, of Surg. ; P'.R.S. ; auth. of “Suggestions for the Improvement of Hos- pitals d. Sept. 1835. Three-quarter length, seated, looking to his r. ; paper in 1 . hand, black ground, crimson scarf. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 9 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON (1758-1805). Earl Nelson. j. Rigaud, R.A. {See No. 5.) Half-length, standing to 1., leaning both hands on sword ; as Post-Captain, R.N. at the age of 22 ; painted 1781. Canvas, 49 x 42 in. 10 CHARLES DIBDIN (1745-18x4). National Portrait Gallery. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Actor, dramatist, and musical composer; b. at Southampt. 1745; intended for the Church, and educ. at Winchester; showed much talent for music, and decided for a theatr. career; first performed in Lond. 1764, but did not succ.; invented a new kind of entertainment, consist, of music, songs, and recita. ; became popular as a composer; wrote 30 dramatic pieces, and about 1400 songs, many of them naval and patriotic; also pub. “A History of the Stage,” “A Musical Tour,”&c. ; d. 1814. Bust to r. ; dark-brown coat, white waistcoat ; painted 1799. Canvas. 30 x25 m. ^ ’ 1 I CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, ARCHBP. OF CANTERBURY. Viscount Canterbury. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 4th son of Ld. George Manners Sutton; b. 14 Feb. 1755 ; educ. at fi-barterhouse and Eman. Coll. Camb. ; presented to the living of Avesham, Notts, 1785 ; Dean of Peterborough, 1791 ; Bishop of Norwich, 1792 ; Dean of Windsor, “in commendam,” 1794 ; Archbishop of Canter- bur)', 1805 ; known as an opponent of the demands of the Roman Catholics; d. at Lambeth Palace, 21 July, 1828. Bust, unfinished, looking to 1. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. GEORGE HI. (1738-1820). xMiss Disbrowe. After Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. ('CO. Wm Fred., eld. son of Frederick, Pr. of Wales, and Augusta, dau. of rred. D. of Sa;^c-Gotha; b. at Norfolk Ho. St. James's Sq. 4 June I7'?S • cr. Pr. of Wales on the death of his father, 20 Apr. 1751 ; succ. hisWand- father. Geo. II. 25 Oct. 1760; crowned 22 Sept. 1761; marr. Charlotte, dau. of Charles, 13, of IVIccklenburg-Strclitz, 8 Sept, 1761 ; mentally deranged 1789-90, and again from i8io to the end of his life; Pr. of Wales (afterw’ Geo. IV.) Regent, 1811-20; totally blind in his last years; d. at Windsor Castle, 29 January, 1820. I ull-Iength, small size, standing near columns \ landscape background Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 4 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 13 FREDERICA CHARLOTTE ULRICA, Princess Rcy.\l of Prussia, DUCHESS of YORK. (1767-1820). LENT BY rAIXTEK. Mr. R. Gwyn. Sir Willi.^m Beechey, R.A. Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Catherina. Princess Ro>-al of Prussia ; b. 1767 ; marr. 1791, Frederick D. of York ; d. 6 .Aug. 1820. Half-length, seated, holding a letter ; white low dress. Presented to Mrs. Gw\-n by H.R.H. the Ehichess of York. Canvas. 36 X 28 in. 14 HORATIO, AD.MIRAL VISCT. XELSOX (1758-1805 . E.\rl Xelson. L. Guzz.ardi. Xo. Full-length, small sire, standing. L arm extended ; naval engagement in distance. Canvas. 33 X 20 in. 15 RIGHT HOX. WILLIA.M PITT (1759-1806). E. V., LL.D. Tho.m.\s G.\insborough, R.A. 2nd son of Wm. ist E. of Chatham; b. at Hayes, Kent. 28 May, 1759; educ. at home and at Pembroke Cofl. Camb. ; ent. at Lincoln’s Inn; called to the Bar, going the Western Circuit, 1780; M.P. for -Appleby, and afterw. for Univ. of Camb. ; ent. Park as an oppon. of Ld. North's .Admin. ; first spoke in support of Burke's plan of Economical Reform ; Chan, of the Elxcheq. in Ld. Shelburne's .Adm. 1782 ; led the oppos. to the Coalition Min. ; 1st Ld. of the Treas. and Chan, of Excheq. Dec. 1783 ; India Bill, 1784 ; New Sinking Fund, Commerc. Treaty- with France, and Consolida. of Customs’ .Acts. 1786; Regency Bill, 1788; Acts for the relief of Cath. 1791-2; Union with Irdand. 1799; at the head of affairs during the French Re%-oL and the War with Napoleon nntfl 1801, when Mr. .Addington became first Minister. Na 7. ; succ. Mr. Addington. 1804; united Russia and .Austria against Na- t>oleon. an alliance dissolved by the Battle of .Austerlitz ; d. 23 January, 1806. Bust, as a young man ; bluish coat, white cravat ; on back, ** Painted 1787 ; from Dr. Kenealy’s CoIL’ Oval ; can\-as, 38 X 25 in. 16 HORATIO, AD.MIRAL VISCT. XELSOX. Benjamin Ridge, M.D. Tho.mas Gainsborough, R.A. 'See No. 5.^ Bust as a boj-, looking to L ; midshipman’s uniform. Can- ^-a5. 30x25 in. 17 BEXJ.AMIX WEST, P.R.A. (1758-1820). Mr. J. H. .Anderdon. Sir Tho.m.\s Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of John and Sarah West, of a Quaker family ; b. at Springfield, Pennsylvania, 10 Oct. 1 738 ; showed his talent for drawing when a child, and was taught by some Indians how to prepare a few colours, supplying himself with hair pencils from his mothers cat ; at Philadelphia was aided by Wil- liams. a painter, and in his 1 8th year established himself there ; w ent to Rome, 1 760; painted a port of Ld. Grantham and historical pictures; tra\-elled through Italy ; settled in London ; painted “ Regulus leading Rome,” and became known to Geo. III., who was his patron for nearly 40 years ; pro- duced a great number of histcrical works, among them the •* Death of Gen. Wolfe” and the Battle of La Hogue;’’ Pres. Roy. .Acad, after Reynolds; 1792 ; d. in Newman St. London, 1 1 Mar. 1820 ; bu. in St Paul's Cath. Head leaning on L hand, unfinished. 0 \al panel, 30 X 24 in. Gnund - Jiy : r .'] NORTHERN' Gailery, A'jx. I-I18. 5 1 8 QUEEN CHARLOTTE '17+4-1818). LEXT BT PAIXTEI. Miss Disbrowe. After Gaixsborocgh, R-A. Chaiione Sophia. 2nd dau. of Charles Louis Frederick, Duke of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz ; b. 19 May. 17+4; marr. Geo. III. 8 Sepc. 1761. b)' whom she had fifteen cUdren; d. 17 Nov. 1818. FuU'length, small size, standing; fan in r. band; landscape background. Can\-as, 30x23 in. 19 AD-ML. sir TH 05 . TROUBRIDGE, Bt. ( -1837). Capt.\iv F. P. Egerton', R.N. Son of Richard Troubridge, Esq.; ent. the Nav>-; sen', under Sir Ed. Hughes, in the E. Indies; Post-Ca^ 1782; command, the ~ CuDoden’^ at the b. of St. Mncent. 1797; supported Nelson in the bu of the Nile, and successf. operated on the coast of Italy; crea. Bart. 1799; Ld. of the .Admin. 1802 ; .Adm. 1804; lost at sea in the “ Blenheim.” between Madras and the Cap>e of Good Hope. 1807. Half-length, standing, to r.; na\'al uniform; resting r. hand on sword. Canvas. 50 x 40 in. 20 JOHN HELY, LORD HUTCHINSON, afterw.ards E. OF DONOUGH.MORE (1757-1832). Her ^L^JESTY (Hampton Court). Thos. Phillips, R-A. Gen.; 2nd son of John Hely Hutchinson. Sec. of State for IreL ; b. 1757 ; enL the .Army, 1 77+ ; Lieun-CoL 1783 ; raised a raiment at the outbreak of the war against France. 1793; serv^ in Flanders under the D. of A'ork. and under Sir Ralph .Abercromby in Eg\-pt ; succ. the latter as Comm.-in-Chief of the army there, and compelL the French to capitulate at Cairo, 1803; crea. Baron Hutchinson of .Alexandria; Gen. 1813; succ. his bnx as E. of Donoughmore, 1825; d. 1832. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; military uniform ; table, with writiiig materials, to his r. Canvas. 50 x 40 in. 2 1 ALEX. GORDON, +TH D. of GORDON (1743-1827). Dlk.e of Manchester. Sir He.nhy R.jiEbl'rs, R.A. P.R.S.A. Son of Cosmo George Gordon. 3rd D.; b. 18 June. 1743 ; crea. a Peer of EngL as Baron Gordon of Huntly and E. of Norwich, 1784 ; inherited the Baronies of Beauchamp, Bletsoe. and Mordaunt of Turvey, at the death of Mar>* Anastasia, Baroness Mordaunu 1819; d. 17 June, 1827. To waist, looking to L; nulitaiy uniform, cap in r. hand. Canti-as, 36 X 28 iiL 22 MRS. ^L\RY ROBINSON, “Perdita” (1758-1800;. Mr. J. H. .A.VDERDON'. George Romney. \,See Na 6.) Bust ; seated to r_ head leaning on r. hand ; low white dress. Cam-as, X in. 23 SIR R.ALPH ABERCRO.MBY (i-34-iSo4> Lord Dvnfer-mline. John Hoppner, R..\. {See No. 3.' Bust ; military uniform, ribbon of Bath. Canr-as 30 X 25 in. 1 6 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 24 CUTHBERT COLLINGWOOD, ist Ld. COLLING- WOOD (1748-1810). LENT BY PAINTER. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Henry Howard, R.A. Adml. ; b. at Newcastle, 1748; ent. the navy at 13; Flag-Capt. to Adml. Bowyer, June, 1794; comm, the “Excellent” in the battle of St. Vincent, 1797 ; Vice- Adml. of the Blue and second in comm, at Trafalgar, where he highly disting, himself; Comm, of the Fleet after Nelson’s death; afterw. Vice-Adml. of the Red, and raised to the Peerage for his great services ; d. while cruising off Minorca, 1810. Full-length, standing to 1 ., resting on gunwale; telescope under r. ann. Canvas, 93 X 57 in. 25 REV. EDMUND NELSON (1722-1802). Earl Nelson. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Father of Adml. Ld. Nelson (see No. 5); son of Rev. Edmund Nelson ; b. at East Bradenham, Norfolk, 19 March, 1722; cduc. at Caius Coll. Camb. ; marr. Catherine Suckling, dau. of Dr. Suckling, by whom he had eight sons and three daus. ; presented to the rectory of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, by Horatio, Ld. Walpole, who was godfather to Ld. Nelson; lost his wife 1769; was many years an invalid; d. at Bath, 26 April, 1802. Bust, full face; black gown. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 26 EMMA HARTE, LADY HAMILTON (1761-1815). National Gallery. George Romney. Dau. of a female servant named Harte; b. about 1761, in the co. Chester; served for some time as nursemaid; afterw. sat to artists, and was the favourite model of Romney; became acqu. with Sir Wm. Hamilton, Engl. Ambass. at Naples, who marr. her, 1791 ; rose to fame as an influential favourite at the .Neapolitan Court, and with Adml. Nelson; d. neglected, near Calais, 16 Jan. 1815. To waist, as a Bacchante ; figure in profile ; white dress. Canvas, X in. 27 HORATIO, ADMIRAL VISCT. NELSON. Mr. Norman Wilkinson. Lemuel F. Abbot. (See No 5.) To waist, looking to r. ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 28 RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751-1816). Mr. Henry F. Holt. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Thos. Sheridan the elocutionist, and Frances, authoress of various novels admired in their day; b. in Dorset St. Dublin, Sept. 175 '.; cduc. at Harrow, where Dr. Parr was one of the masters ; married Miss Linley 1772 ; ent. at the Middle Temple ; his first comedy, “The Rivals,” perform. 1775, also his opera “The Duenna ;” produced the “.School for Scandal,” 1777; friend of Burke and Fox; M.P. for Stafford, 1780; Under-Sec. of State in the Rockingham Administration ; deliv. his celebrated oration against Warren Hastings, Feb. 1787 ; M.P. for Westminster; a favourite oi the Prince of Wales, afterw. George IV. ; the death of Pox deprived him 01 his chief party-friend, and his latter years were spent in embarrassment ; d. in .Savile Row, London, 7 July, i8i6; bu. in Westminster Abbey. To waist, seated to r. showing r. hand ; brown coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-f.oor.'] Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-118). / 29 WM. WYNDHAM, LD. GRENVILLE (1759-1834). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Fortescue. Gainsborough Dupont. Statesman; 3rd son of Geo. Grenville; b. 1759; educ. at Oxf. ; early acquaint, with Pitt; sec. to Earl Temple in Irel. 1782; Paymast.-Gen. 1783; M.P. for Bucks; Home Minist. and Minist. for For. Aff. 1791 ; raised to the Peerage, 1790; resig. with Pitt because the Cathol. Emancip. could not be carr. 1801 ; afterw. joined the Oppos. of the “Talents;’’ Prime .Minist. after the death of Pitt, 1806-7; Chan, of the Univ. of Oxf. 1809; contin. his efforts for Cathol. Emancip.; d. without issue, 12 Jan. 1834. Half-length, standing; peer’s robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Dated, 1792. 30 JOHN WODEHOUSE, ist LD. WODEHOUSE (1741-1834). Hon. and Rev. W. Wodehouse. Sir William Beechey, R.A. Son of Sir Armine 'Wodehouse, Bart.; b. 1741 ; marr. Sophia, only child of the Hon. Charles Berkeley, of Bruton Abbey, and niece of John, last Ld. Berkeley, of Stratton ; raised to the Peerage, as Baron Wodehouse of Kim- berley, 1797; d. 29 May, 1834 Bust, looking to 1. ; dark blue coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 31 RT. HON. WILLIAM PITT. Earl of Harrcwby, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. {See ^o. 15.) Half-length, standing; black dress; r. hand resting on official robes. Canvas, 56 x 46 in. 32 RT. HON. WILLIAM PITT. Hon. G. M. Fortescue. Gainsborough Dupont. {See No. 15.) Bust to r. ; dark blue coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 33 RIGHT HON. CHAS. JAMES FOX (1749-1806). Lord Denman. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Youngest son of Rt. Hon. Hy. Fox, aft. ist Ld. Holland, and Lady Georg. Lennox ; b. 1749 ; educ. at Eton and Hertford Coll. Oxon ; M.P. for Midhurst, 1768, as a supp. of D. of Grafton’s Adm. ; Ld. of the Admir. in Ld. North’s Adm. 1770-2; of the Treas. 1773-4; in opp. to Ld. North during the Amer. War ; M.P. for Westm. 1780 ; Sec. of State for For. Aff. in Lord Rockingham’s Adm. 1782, but resigned on his death ; Sec. of State for For. Affairs in the Coalition Min. 1783 ; resigned on the defeat of the India Bill, 1783 ; headed the opp. to Pitt’s Ministry ; withdrew from Pari, in 1797 ; M.P. again for Westm. 1802 ; on Pitt’s death, in 1806, Sec. of State for For. Affairs in Ld. Grenville’s — “All the Talents” — Adm., but d. 13 Sept. Bust, looking to 1.; dark blue coat, white cravat, yellowish waistcoat. Canvas, 30 X 24 in. 34 THOMAS DENMAN, M.D. (1733-1815;. Lord Denman. Lemuel F. Abbot. Father of the Ld. Ch. Just.; b. at Bakewell, Derbysh. 1733 > first, surgeon in the Navy, then a Phys. of great eminence in London; Licent. in Midwife, to the Coll, of Phys. 1783; author of several works on Medicine; d. 1815. Bust, full-face; black dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 8 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 35 RT. HON. WM. WICKHAM (1761-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. William Wickham. Fuger. Diplomatist; b. 1761; Ambass. in Switzerl. 1795; Undcr-Sec. for the Home Departm. 1798; Minister-Plenipoten. to the Austrian and Russian .•\rmies, 1799-1801 ; Sec. of .State for Ircl. 1802-4; Ld. of the Treas. 1806; d. 22 Oct. 1840. Half-length, standing; hoiding paper in both hand ; blue gold-laced coat. Canvas, 45 X 35 in. 36 THOMAS ERSKINE, afterwards ist LORD ERSKINE, K.T. (1750-1823). Mr. a. McKay. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. 3rd son of David Henry Erskine, loth Earl of Buchan ; b. 1750; educ. at Edin. High Sch. and St. Andrews Univ. ; went to sea, and after four years entered the Army ; became a Student at Trin. Coll. Camb. 1777; studied Law at Lincoln’s Inn ; succeeded at the Bar ; King’s Coun. 1783 ; M.P. for Portsmouth ; defended Hardy, Tooke, &c. on charges of high treason, 1794 ; opposed war with France ; Lord Chan, and Baron Erskine in the Grenville Administration, 1806 ; K.T. 1815 ; d. 17 Nov. 1823. To waist, seated to r. ; pen in r. hand; blue coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 37 JOHN SCOTT, E. of ELDON, Lord Chancellor (1751-1838). Earl of Eldon. W. Owen, R.A. Son of Mr. \Vm. Scott ; b. in Love Lane, Newcastle, 4 June, 1751 ; educ. at the Gram. School there and at Univ. Coll. Oxford ; student of Middle Temple; called to the Bar, 1776; K. Counsel, 1783; M.P. for Weobly ; Solicitor-Gen. 1788, and Kt. ; Attor.-Gen. 1793 ; the year following occurred the trials for high treason of Horne Tooke and others; Ch. Just. Com. PL, and created Baron Eldon, 1 799 ; succ. Ld. Loughborough as Ld. Chancellor, 1801-6; resumed this office after Ld. Erskine, 1807, and held it till 1827 ; created E. of Eldon, 1821 ; d. 13 Jan. 1838. Full-length, seated; robes as Lord Chancellor; seal and mace to his r. Canvas, 86 x 62 in. 38 M.-GEN. SIR CHAS. WALE, K.C.B. (1768-1845). Mr. R. G. Wale. James Northcote, R.A. B. at Shelford, Cambridgesh. 1768; ent. the army at 16; serv. at the siege of Gibraltar, 1782, and under the D. ofYork in Holland, 1797 ; disting, himself at the capture of Guadaloupe, 1810 ; held the office of Gov. of Mar- tinique, 1812-15; K.C.B. 1815; Lieut.-Gen. 1821; General, 1838 ; d. at Shelford, 19 March, 1845. Bust; military uniform; star of K.C.B., ribbon and badge; painted 1819. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 39 REV. EDW. DANIEL CLARKE, LL.D. (1769-1822). Jesus College, Cambridge. J. Daniel. Traveller and Mineralogist; b. at Willington, Essex, 5 June, 1769; educ. in Camb.; accomp. Ld. Berwick to Italy, 1794; trav. in N. Europe, Russia, Ground-Jloor.~\ Northern Gallery \^Nos. 1-118). 9 Tartary, W. Asia, Turkey, and Greece, 1799-1802; Prof, of Mineralogy at Cambr. 1808; enriched the library of Cambr. by many antiquities, and the colossal statue of the Eleusinian Ceres ; pub. “ Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa;” d. 9 March, 1822. To waist, full-face ; academic gown and hood. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 40 GEORGE DEMPSTER, M.P. (1733-1818). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. G. Dempster Miller. Ascribed Gainsborough, R.A. B. at Dundee, 1733; educ. for the Bar; M.P. for the Montrose Burghs, 1762-90; a zealous adherent of Ld. Rockingham, by whom he was made Sec. to the Order of the Thistle, 1765 ; Direct, of the East India Comp. ; d. at Dunnichen, Forfarsh. 1818. Bust, looking to 1 . ; bluish coat, embroidered waistcoat. Canvas, 27 x 22 in. 41 SAMUEL WHITBREAD, M.P. (1758-1815). Viscount Eversley. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Politician; son of Sam. Whitbread, M.P., brewer; b. 1758; educ. at Eton and St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; marr. the dau. of Earl Grey; ent. Parliament as member for Bedford, and determined opponent of Pitt ; took for many years a prom, part in the debates; conducted the impeach, of Ld. Melville; acted with Mr. Brougham on the part of the Princess of Wales ; d. 1815. To waist, standing, leaning on r. hand ; full-face ; brown coat. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 42 ELIZ. BRIDGET BANE, HON. MRS. CHARLES JAMES FOX ( -1842). Lady Holland. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Marr. i. Mr. Armistead; 2. in 1795, Hon. Charles James Fox, the celeb, statesman ; d. 8 July, 1842. To waist, looking to r. ; large bl. hat and white plume. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 43 WILLIAM SCOTT, Ld. STOWELL (1745-1836). Earl of Eldon. W. Owen, R.A. Judge, and disting, authority on International Law; son of Mr. Wm. Scott, a merchant at Newcastle, and eld. bro. of Ld. Eldon; b. at Heworth, Dur- ham, 1745; educ. at Newcastle, and Corpus Chris. Coll. Oxf. ; Tutor of his College till 1776; D.C. L. 1779; King’s Advoc.-Gen. and Judge of the Con- sistory Court, 1787 ; Knighted, 1788; Judge of the Court of Admiralty, 1798, a position in which he gained the highest reputat. by his decisions in the frequent trials occas. by the great European wars of that time; M.P. for Oxf. for nearly 30 years; raised to the Peerage, 1820; d. 28 June, 1834. Full-length, seated ; black official robes, as Judge of the Admiralty Courts. Canvas, 86 X 62 in. 44 MATTHEW BAILLIE, M.D. (1761-1823). College of Physicians. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Physic, and anatomist; b. 27 Oct. 1761, in Lanark; educ. at Glasg. and Oxf.; assist, of John Hunter in Lond. ; succ. Hunter as Prof, of Anatomy; app. to St. George’s Hosp. 1798; physic, to the King; had a very exten- sive practice and pub. numerous works ; left his library and anatom, prepa- rations to the Coll, of Physicians; d. 23 Sept. 1823. Bust, nearly full-face ; dark coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 10 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 45 REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. (1758-1838). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. D. Mackenzie. G. Watson, P.R.S.A. Theologian and Philologist; b. 1758; for many years Minister to a Congregation of Seceders from the Scotch Church, at Edinb. ; Author of an “Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language,” “An Historical Account of the. Ancient Culdees of Iona,” &c. ; d. 1838. Bust, seated, nearly full-face ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 46 THOMAS ERSKINE, ist LORD ERSKINE, K.T. LD. CHAN. (1750-1823). Lady Moore. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 36.) Bust, seated, resting on 1 . arm, nearly full face; dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 47 SIR FRANCIS BARING, Bt. (1740-1810). Lord Northbrook. Benjamin West, P.R.A. 3rd son of John Baring, who immigrated to Engl, from Bremen, where / his father was a Lutheran minister; b. at Exeter, 18 April, 1740; with his ' bro. Charles founded the firm of Baring Brothers in London, 1770; elected into the Council of the East India Co. ; supported the finan. policy of Pitt; created a Bart. 1793; d. 12 Sept. 1810. Three-quarter length, seated to 1 ., with 1 . hand extended ; black dress ; landscape background. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 48 ALEX. FRASER TYTLER, LD. WOODHOUSELEE (1747-1813). Col. W. Fraser Tytler. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. La\v)er; son of Wm. Tytler, the hist.; b. at Edinb. 1747; for some time Prof, of Univer. Hist, at the Edinb. University; Judge- Advocate for Scotl. ; raised to the Bench as Ld. Woodhouselee, 1802; Commiss. of Justiciar)', 1811; pub. a “ Treatise on Martial Law,” “Elements of General Histon,” “ Critical Essay on the Life of Petrarch ;” d. 1813. Bust; black coat, white cravat; painted in 1804. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 49 ED. LAW, 1ST LORD ELLENBOROUGH, LD. CH. JUST. (1748-1818). Earl of Ellenborough. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Edmund Law, Bp. of Carlisle; b. at Great Salkeld, Cumberland, 1748; educ. at Charterhouse Sch. and Peter-house, Camb. ; studied law; distinguished by his defence of Warren Hastings, which Erskine had refused to undertake, and in which he was successful, in spite of the opposi- tion of Fox, Burke, and Sheridan ; Att.-Gcn. 1801 ; Ld. Ch. Justice of King’s Bench, and raised to the Peerage, 1802; opposed Cathol. Emancip. ; d. 1818. Three-quarter length, seated; in Chancellor’s robes. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 50 SIR SAMUEL ROMILLY, Kr. (1757-1818). ^ Mr. Charles Ro.milly. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eminent Lawyer; descend, from a Protestant family, who left France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes; b. 1757, in London, where his I ( Ground-foor.'] Northern Gallery (A^w. 1-118;. 1 1 father was a jeweller ; appren. to a solicitor ; afterw. stud, for the Bar ; rose to distinc. in the Ct. of Chancery; K.C. 1800; Sol. -Gen. and M.l\ for Queensborough, 1806; voted with the Whigs, and was foremost among the advocates of a Reform of the Criminal Code; d. Nov. 1818. Bust, seated; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 51 SIR JOHN SCOTT, Kt. aft. E. of ELDON. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Eldon. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {Sec No. 37.) To waist, full-face; dark dress; painted in 1798. Canvas, 31 X 26 in. 52 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING (1770-1827). Earl Granville, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. B. in London, ii Apr. 1770, his father dying the following year ; educ. at Eton, and there planned “ Xlie Microcosm,” pub. weekly at Windsor, 1786-7 ; entered Chr. Ch. Oxf. : M.P. 1793, supporting Mr. Pitt ; Under-Sec. of State, 1796; started and wrote for the “Anti-Jacobin,” 1797-8; opp. the Addington Admin.; defended Ld. Melville with great eloquence; Sec. of State in the Portland Cabinet; duel with Ld. Castlereagh, 21 Sept. 1809; supp. Grattan in favour of Cath. Emancip. ; named Gov.-(ien. of India, but on Ld. Castle- reagh’s death again undertook Sec. for Foreign Affairs, 1822; succ. E. of Liverpool as Premier, encountering a formidable opposition, 1827; d. at Chiswick, 8 August, 1827. Three-quarter length, seated to r. in arm-chair; black dress. Canvas, 53 X 39 in. 53 FRANCIS HORNER (1778-1817). Sir Chas. Lyell, Bt. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Politician and financier; b. at Edinburgh, 1778; educ. at the Edinburgh High School and University; early took an interest in politics, and joined the Whigs; became the friend of Brougham, Mackintosh, and Romilly, and one of the founders of the “Edinburgh Review;” settled in London, 1803; entered Parliament as Member for St. Ives, 1806; soon acquired influence by his information and sagacity, particularly in financial matters ; nominat. Chairman of the Bullion Committee, 1810; moved unsuccess, the resumpt. of Cash Payments, 1811 ; declined the Secretaryship of the Treas. under Ld. Grenville ; went to Italy for his health ; d. at Pisa, at the age of 39, 8 Feb. 1817. Three-quarter length, seated to r. at table, on which is open book; dated 1812 ; at back, “There are three copies of this picture, but this is the original for which my brother sat, for my wife and myself. — Leonard Horner.” Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 54 RT. HON. SIR JN. SINCLAIR, Bt. (1754-1835)- Archdeacon Sinclair. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Political economist and philanthropist; b. at Thurso Castle, Caithness, 1754; educ. at the High School, Edinb. and the Universities of Edinb., Glasg., and Oxf. ; Member of the faculty of Advoc. 1775; l^LP. fm- Caithness, 1780, and in several subsequent Paris.; originat. the Board of Agriculture, 1793; pub. an elaborate Statistical Account of Scotland, 1798; raised two battalions | of 1000 men each, at the time of the French inva. panic ; pub. several valuable i works on financial and political subjects; d. 21 Dec. 1835. j Bust, seated, holding paper in r. hand ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 12 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 55 DUGALD STEWART (1753-1828). LENT BY PAINTER. Col. Wm. Fraser Tytler. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Philosopher; son of Matthew Stewart, the mathematician; b. at Edinb. 1753; educ. at the High School and the Univ. of Glasgow; Assist. Prof, of Mathemat. in Edinb. 1774; Prof, of Moral Philos. 1785; founded the “ Speculative Society,” and was one of the most popular lecturers of his time ; retired on account of ill health, 1810 ; devoted the rest of his life to lit. labour ; author of “ Philosophy of the Human Mind,” “Outlines of Moral Philosophy,” Biographies of Adam Smith and Andrew Reid, &c. ; d. at Edinb. 1828. Bust, seated; dark coat; signed at back, “ H. Raeburn, p.” Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 56 JOHN CLERK, of ELDIN (1730-1812). Soc. OF Antiq^of Scotland. James Saxon. Mathemat. and inventor of the celebr. naval manoeuvre of “ Breaking the Line;” never was at sea himself; first communicated his invention to Ld. Rodney, who by means of it gained his great victory over the French fleet under De Grasse, 1781 ; d. 1812. Half-length, seated at table; ships in distance. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 57 REV. ROWLAND HILL (1744-1833). Viscount Hill. Michael Keeling. Dissenting Minister; b. at Hawkstone, near Shrewsbury, 1744; educ. at Eton, and St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; ordained a deacon of the Establ. Church ; but soon after convert, into a zealous disciple of Geo. Whitfield; travell. much as Mission. Preacher in Engl. Scotl. and Ircl. ; did duty as minist. at the Bristol and Lond. Method. Tabernacles, and after 1783, at the Surrey Chapel, London; pub. “Village Dialogues,” “Spiritual Characteristics,” “Impostures Detected, and the Dead Vindicated,” &c. ; d. 1833. Bust, full face; clerical dress; signed, “Ml. Keeling, pinx. 1814.” Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. 58 EDWARD PELLEW, Admiral, ist VISCOUNT EXMOUTH (1757-1833). Mr. H. E. Pellew. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. at Dover, 1757; Midsh. 1770; served on Lake Champlain dur. the Americ. war; captured the French frigate “ Clcopatre,” 1793, for which he was knighted; took part in the expedit. agst. Quiberon, 1800; Rear-Adml. and Comm.-in-Chief on the Indian stat. 1803-9; co-operated as Comm.- in-Chief in the Mediter. with the Brit, forces in Spain dur. the Penins. war ; crea. Baron Exmouth, 1815 ; enforced, on an expedit. to Algiers, the abolit. of Christian slavery in the Barbary states; crea. V’iset. 1816; V’ice-Adml. of Engl. 1832; d. Jan. 1833. Half-length, standing; naval uniform, ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 59 RT. ,HON. THOS. GRENVILLE (1755-1846). Hon. G. M. Fortescue. John Hoppner, R.A. Son of Geo. Grenville, and eld. bro. of Ld. Grenville; b. 31 Dec. 1755; M.P. for Buckingham, 1776; took part in the negotiat. leading to the peace of Paris, 1783, and in some of the treaties between Engl, and the Continental States, during the Revolutionary wars; Priv. Coun. 1798; Pres, of the Board 13 Ground - fioorJ ] Northern Gallery (A^w. 1-118). of Control, and First Ld. of the Admiralty in Ld. Grenville’s Ministry, 1806: retir. from public life after the death of Fox ; collected the valuable librar)-, known as the “ Bibliotheca Grenvilliana,” which, by his will, he left to the British Museum; d. 18 Dec. 1846. Bust, seated to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 60 HON. ANNE PITT, LADY GRENVILLE ( -1864). LENT BY PAINTER. Hon. G. M. Fortescue. John Hoppner, R.A. Only dau. of Thomas, ist Ld. Camelford, and sister and sole heiress of Thos. Pitt. 2nd Ld. Camelford; marr. \Vm. Wyndham, Ld. Grenville, 1792, at whose death, without issue, 12 Jan. 1834, the title became extinct; sur\. Ld. Grenville till 13 June, 1864. Half-length, seated to r. ; white dress; dated at back, 1801. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 61 REV. SIR H. WELLWOOD MONCREIFF, Bt. D.D. (1750-1827). Mr. W. E. Malcolm. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Eldest son of Rev. Sir Wm. Moncreiff, 6th Bart, minister of Blackford, Perthsh. ; b. at Blackford, 1750 ; educ. at the Univ. of Glasgow and Edinb. ; succ. his father, 1767 ; ord. minister of Blackford, 1771 ; minister of St. Cuthbert’s, Edinb. 1775 ; one of the leaders in the Ch. of Scotland ; fre- quently Moderator of the Gen. Assembly ; d. 14 June, 1827 ; pub. sermons and discourses, pamphlets connected with the Ch. of Scotland, and “Account of the Life and Writings of John Erskine, D.D.” Bust, to I ; dark coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 62 JOHN FANE, iiTH E. of WESTMORLAND, K.C.B. (1784-1859). Countess Dow. of Westmorland. Cav. Benvenuti. General and diplomatist ; musician ; eldest son of John, loth Earl ; b. 3^ Feb. 1784; ent. the army; serv. with distinction during the war with Prance; rose to the rank of General ; K.C.B. . G.C.B. ; Envoy Extraor. to Prussia, 1841 ; to Vienna, 1851 ; Plenipo. at Vienna. 1855 ; d. 16 Oct. 1859. Three-quarter size, seated to r.; scarlet military uniform. Canvas, 48 X 39 in. 63 REV. ROBERT HALL (1764-1831). Mrs. William Hall. P. Vandyke. Baptist Preacher and Theolog. Writer; b. at Arnsby, Leicestersh. 1764; educ. at the Baptist Coll. Bristol, and King’s Coll. Aberdeen; app. success. Preacher and Prof, at Bristol, Camb. and Leicester; President of the Bristol Academy, 1826; published “Christianity not Inconsistent with the Love of Freedom;” “ Sermon on Modern Infidelity,” &c., fam. for his eloq. ; d. 1831. Bust, full face, partly showing r. hand ; black coat ; signed and dated in front. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 64 JN. SHORE, 1ST LD. TEIGNMOUTH (1751-1834). Lord Teignmouth. A. W. Devis. Son of Thos. Shore, a Supercargo in the East India Company’s Service; b. in Devonsh. 5 Oct. 1751 ; educ. at Harrow and Hackney; went as cadet 14 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. to Bengal, 1769; gradually rose to be Member of the General Committee of Revenue ; accomp. Warren Hastings to Engl. 1785 ; returned to Calcutta as Member of the Supreme Council of India, 1786; effected many reforms m the administration; crea. Bart. 1792; Gov. Gen. of India, 1793: raised to the Peerage on resigning his office, 1797 ; spent the rest of his life in promoting philanthropic undertakings; d. 14 Feb. 1834. Half-length, standing to r. ; resting r. hand on vol. of life of Sir Wm. Jones; on the table before him is an address of the British inhabitants of Calcutta. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 65 FRANCIS RAWDON HASTINGS, ist MAR. OF HASTINGS (1754-1825). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Edith Abney Hastings. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Gen. ; son of the E. of Moira; b. 1754; disting, himself in the American war, where he rose to the rank of Brigad.-Gen. ; Aide-de-camp to the King, and Baron Rawdon, 1783; E. of Moira, 1793; served under the U. of York in Holland, 1794; Mast. -Gen. of the Ordn. 1806; Gov.-Gen. of India, 1812-22; crea. Marq. 1816; Gov. of Malta, 1824; d. on board the “ Revenge,” in the Bay of Bajae, 29 Nov. 1825. Bust, seated; Windsor uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 66 ' JANE ELIZABETH SCOTT, COUNTESS OF OXFORD (1774-1824). Lady Langdale. John Hoppner, R.A. Eldest dau. of the Rev. James Scott; marr. Edward, 5th E. of Oxford, 3 March, 1794; was mother of Alfred, last E. of Oxford; d. 20 Nov. 1824. To waist, seated, in landscape, looking to 1.; low white dress, red coral necklace; dated at back, 1797. Panel, 29 J X 25 in. 67 RT. HON. SPENCER PERCEVAL (1762-1812). Mrs. Spencer Perceval. G. F. Joseph, A. R.A. Statesman; 2nd son of John, E. of Egmont; b. i Nov. 1762; educ. at Harrow, and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; first distin. as defender of Thos. Payne, in an action for libel ; noticed by Pitt on account of his financial capacity ; M.P. for Northampton, 1796; Sol. -Gen. i8oi ; Att.-Gen. 1802 ; leader of the Opposition after Pitt’s death, 1806-7; Chanc. of the Exchequer, 1807; succ. the D. of Portland as Prime Min. 1809; assassina. in the Ho. of Commons, 1 1 May, 1812. Three-quarter length, seated in arm-chair, holding papers in r. hand near table, on which is inkstand and bo.\es ; signed “G. F. Joseph, R.A. pinxit, 1812,” and marked “a posthumous portrait.” Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 68 SIR GILBT. HEATHCOTE, 4TH BT. (1773-1851). Lord Aveland. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Sir Gilbert Heathcote, 3rd Bart, of Normanton, Rutlandsh. ; b. Oct. 1773 ; .M.P. for Rutlandshire; d. 26 Mar. 1851. Bust, full face, as a young man ; long dark hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 69 LADY CHARLOTTE GREVILLE ( -1862). Duke of Wellington, K.G. John Hoppner, R.A. Eldest dau. of William Henry Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland; marr. in '793, Charles Greville, son of Fulke Greville, Esq. of Wilberry, Wilts; d. his widow, 28 July, 1862. To waist, seated to r., resting on 1. arm ; low white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor. Northern Gallery {Kos. 1-118). 70 CHAS. EARL WHITWORTH (1754-1825). LENT BY PAINTER. Countess Delawarr. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Diplomatist; son of Sir Charles Whitworth, Kt.; b. at Laybourne Grange, Kent, 1754; educ. at Tunbridge Sch.; Ambass. to Poland, 1786; to Russia’ 1788-1800; negotiated a Treaty with Denmark, 1801 ; sent as Plenipoten! to Paris, 1802; in Feb. 1803, had the famous interv. with Napoleon, which was soon followed by the resump. of hostilit. ; crea. Ld. Whitworth in the peerage of Irel. 1800; Vise, in the peerage of Engl. 1813; Earl and Viceroy of Irel. 1814; d. 15 May, 1825. Half-length, standing ; looking to r., holding paper in both hands ; ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 5 1 X 40 in. 71 WM. SCHAW CATHCART, ioth LORD and ist EARL CATHCART (1755-1843). Earl Cathcart. John Hoppner, R.A. General and diplomatist; son of Charles, 9th Lord Cathcart ; b. Aug. 1755; Major-Gen. 1794; Lieut. -Gen. 1801; Comm.-in-Chief of the e.\pedi. to Copenhagen, 1807; crea. Viset. Cathcart, in reward for hissei-vices there ; E. Cathcart, 1814; held the offices of Commis. of the Royal Milit. Coll, and the Royal Milit. Asylum ; Vice-Adm. of Scotl. ; for some time Ambas- sador at St. Petersburg; d. 16 June, 1843. Bust to r. ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 72 JAMES, ADMIRAL LD. GAMBIER (1765-1833). Admiral Gambier. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. B. at the Bahama Islands, where his father was Lieut.-Gov. 1765; ent. the Navy at an early age and saw much service; Post-Capt. and Command, of a frigate, 1788; rcpell. the French attack on Jersey, 1791 ; disting, himself in the battle of Oucssant, 1794; Rear-Adm. 1795; co-operated with Ld. Cathcart in the capture of the Danish navy, 1807 ; raised to the Peerage and Commander of the Channel fleet, 1808; placed before a Court Martial, on account of his conduct in the battle of Ai.x Roads, but acquitted; many years a Ld. of the Admiralty; Admiral of the Fleet, 1830; d. April, 1833. Bust, looking to 1 . ; naval uniform, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 73 JAS. MAITLAND, 8th EARL OF LAUDERDALE (1759-1839). Mr. Edward Stanley. Colvin Smith. Eldest son of James, 7th E.; b. 26 Jan. 1759; M.P. for Newport; sup. Mr. Fox; succ. his father, 1789; crea. Peer of U. Kingdom, 1806; Minist.- Plenipo. to France, 1806; wrote on political economy; d. 15 Sept. 1839. Bust to r. ; brown coat, star of K.T. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 74 ROGER WILBRAHAM, M.P. (1743-1829). Mr. G. F. Wilbraham. Son of Roger Wilbraham, Esq. of Nantwich ; educ. at Camb. sat in several Paris, as memb. for Helston and Bodmin ; also known as an antiip and book-collector ; F.R.S. ; d. 1829. To waist, seated to 1 . ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 32 x 26 in, i6 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 75 ADM. SIR THOS. MASTERMAN HARDY, Bt. (1769-1839). LENT BY PAINTER. Lords of the Adm. (Green. Hosp.) Evans. Friend and brother-in-arms of Adml. Ld. Nelson ; b. 1769 ; ent. the navy, 1781 ; appointed lieut. in the “Meleager,” of Nelson’s squad. 1793 ; promot. to the command of the Vanguard, for his gallantry at the battle of the Nile. 1799 ; flag-capt. to Nelson on board the “ Victory,” 1803 ; rec. Nelson’s last orders in the battle of Trafalgar ; created bart. for his services there ; (lov. of Greenwich Hospital, 1834; d. 1839. Half-length, standing ; naval uniform, ribbon (i.C.B. ; telescope in 1 . hand. Canvas, 56 X 45 in. 76 JOHN JERVIS, 1ST E. OF ST. VINCENT, K.B. (1734-1823). Rev. St. Vincent Beechey. Sir. Wm. Beechey, R.A. 2nd son of Swynfcn Jervis, Auditor of Greenwich Hospital ; b. at Meaford, Staff.. Jan. 1734; ent. the Navy, 1748 ; Capt. of the “Alarm,” 1769; Comm, the “ Foudroyant”in Keppel’s action off Usliant, 1778; Capt. of the “ Pegase” and made K.B. 1782; took Guadaloupe, Martinique, and St. Lucia, 1794; victory over the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797 ; cr. E. of St. Vincent, 23 June, 1797 ; in comm, of the Channel Fleet, 1800, and again in 1806 ; 1st Ld. of the Admty. 1801-4; Gen. of Marines, 1814 ; Adm. of the Fleet, 1821 ; d. March, 1823. Monument in St. Paul’s. Bust, profile to r. ; black coat, ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Believed to have been painted when he was upwards of 80. 77 GENERAL SIR JOHN MOORE (1761-1809). Lady Moore. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eld. son of Dr. John Moore; b. at Glasgow, 1761 ; ent. the Army, 1776; served in the American War ; distinguish, himself at the storming of Calvi, in Corsica, and rose to the rank of Brig.-Gen. 1795; accomp. .Sir Ralph Aber- cromby to the West Indies, 1796; served in Ireland and Holland, 1798-99; took part in the Exped. to Egypt, 1799-1802; sent on a Mission to Sweden, and Comm. -in Chief of the Engl. Army in Portugal, 1808; fell on his famous retreat from Saldanha, in the battle of Corunna, 16 January, 1809. To waist, full-face ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 78 ADM. SIR GRAHAM MOORE, G.C.B. ( -1843). Lady Moore. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Brother of Gen. .Sir John Moore; ent. the Navy; Captain, 1794; captured the French frigate “La Resolve,” 1798; and three Spanish frigates laden with treasure, 1804; escorted the Roy. Family of Portugal on its flight from Lisbon to the Brazils, 1807; Comm.-in-Chief on the Baltic Station, 1812; in the Mediterranean, 1820-23; Vice.-Adml. 1819; Full Adml. 1837; Comm.- in-Chief at Plymouth, 1839-42; d. 1843. To waist, full-face ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 79 THOMAS GLADSTONE ( -1809). Sir Thos. Gladstone, Bt. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Son of John Gladstones, Esq. of Toftcombs, Lancash., a descendant of the ancient family of Gladstaines; carried on business as a merchant at Leith; d. 1809. Bust ; black coat, close powdered wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-floor^ Northern Gallery (iVoj. 1-118). 17 80 CHAS. STUART, LD. STUART DE ROTHESAY (1779-1845). LENT BY PAINTER. Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. Baron Gerard. Eld. son of Charles, 4th son of John, 3rd E. and ist Marq. of Bute; b. 1779; ent. the Diplomatic Service ; was for some time Ambass. at the Court of France; marr. Eliz. dau. of Philip, 3rd E. of Hardwicke; was crea. Baron Stuart de Rothesay, 1829; d. 6 Nov. 1845. Bust, showing r. hand ; scarlet uniform and dark military cloak. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 81 SARAH KEMBLE, MRS. SIDDONS:(i755-i83i). Mrs. Philip Martineau. George Romney. Tragic actress; dau. of Rog. Kemble, manager of a comp, of comedians, ;ind sister of Jn. and Chas. Kemble; b. at Brecknock, 1755 ; early performed in her father’s company; marr. Mr. Siddons, 1773; was at first unsuccessful at Drury Lane, as “Portia,” with Garrick as “Shylock,” 1775 ; went to Bath ; return, to London, 1782, when she rose speedily to the first rank on the stage ; removed to Covent Garden, 1 803 ; generally acknowledg. to be the foremost tragic actress of her time; retired, 1812 ; d. 8 June, 1831. To waist, leaning on her hand, wreath in her hair. Canvas, 30 X25 in. 82 JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE as “ Richard III.” (1757-1823). Sir Henry Halford, Bt. Stewart. Tragic actor ; son of Roger Kemble, and brother of Chas. Kemble and Mrs. Siddons; b. at Prescot, Lancash. 1757; cduc. at the English Catholic Coll, at Douai, where Talma was his fellow-student ; left the Coll, secretly, on discovering that his father intended him to be a priest ; performed with much success in an English itinerant company; founded his fame as a great tragedian, by his appearance at Drury Lane in the character of“ Hamlet,” 1783; became manager of Drury Lane; made a Continental tour, to study the French and Spanish theatres; Manager of Cov. Garden, 1802-8; wrote the tragedy ■“ Belisarius,” and the opera “ Lodoiska,” and adapted many old dramas to the modern stage; equally distinguish, by his learning and elegant manners ; unpopular for some time during the O. P. riots; retired, 1817 ; went to the Continent for his health; d. at Lausanne, 26 Feb. 1823. Bust to r.; in character of “Richard III.;” red cloak. Canvas, 29 X 22 in. 83 WILLIAxM ASHFORD, P.R.H.A. Royal Hibernian Academy. Gumming, P.R.H.A. B. in Birmingham ; settled in Ireland, 1764, at about i8 years old ; original member of R. Hib. Acad. 1823, and its first President. To waist, seated, looking to r. ; sketch-book before him, on which 1 . hand rests. Canvas, 30 X25 in. 84 HARRIET MELLON, afterwards DUCH. OF ST. ALBAN’S, as “Mrs. Page” (1775-1837). Miss Burdett Coutts. J. J. Masquerier. Dau. of Matthew Mellon, the actor; b. about 1775; early went on the stage ; made her debut at Drury Lane as “ Lydia Languish,” under the patr. C t8 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. of Sheridan, 1795; in 1814 inarr. Thos. Coutts, the banker, whose entire property she inherited, 1822 ; marr. 2ndly, William, D. of St. Alban’s, 1827; bequeathed her property to Miss Angela Burdett, young, dau. of Sir Francis Burdett, who in conseq. took the name of Coutts; d. 6 Aug. 1837. Full-length, standing, in character of “Mrs. Page,” holding paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 94 X 60 in. 85 EDWARD DAYES ( -1805). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. W, Townroe. Edward Daves. Water-Colour Painter; teacher of Girtin, and author of “ Instructions for Drawing and Colouring Landscapes,” which exercised considerable influence on the development of Water-Colour Painting, since 1810; d. 1805. Bust to 1 . ; dark coat, white cravat ; signed at back, “ Edward Dayes, pictor fecit, 1801, aetat. 38.” Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 86 FRANCIS ROBERT WEST. Royal Hibernian Academy. R. L. West, R.H.A. Artist; studied at Paris under Boucher and Vanloo; acquired a great academic power of drawing; was Master at the National Acad, of Design in Dublin, and several of his pupils became distinguished artists. To waist, seated, holding port, crayon in r. hand ; painted in Dublin, iSoi ; biog. on back. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 87 CHARLES KEMBLE '(1775-1854). Mrs. Noseda. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Member of the famous family of actors; bro. of John Kemble and Mrs. Siddons; b. at Brecknock, 1775; first appeared at the theatre in Sheffield, in “As You Like It,” 1792; at Drury Lane, 1794; and at Covent Garden, 1804; visited the United States, 1832; retired from the stage, 1836; afterw. gave readings from Shakespeare; principally excelled in the higher branches of comedy; d. 1854. Bust, looking to r. ; open collar, brown dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 88 AMELIA ALDERSON, MRS. OPIE (1771-1853). Miss Vincent Thompson. John Opie, R.A. Authoress ; dau. of Dr. Alderson, a physician in Noiavich; b. 1771 ; early disting, for her poetical talent; marr. John Opie, the painter, 1798; com. her liter, career with the tale of “ f'ather and Daughter,” 1801 ; pub. afterw. “Simple Tales,” “Tales of Real Life,” “Tales of the Heart,” &c. ; after the death of her husb. in 1807, joined the Soc. of Friends; left off writing tales; pub. the moral treatises, “Detraction Displayed” and “ Illustra. of Lying;” d. 1853. To waist, seated ; open white dress ; looking to 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. L 89 RICHARD PORSON (1759-1808). University Library, Cambridge. Classical scholar; b. at East Ruston, Norfolk, 1759; educ. at Eton, and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; app. Prof, of Greek at Camb. 1793; afterw. Librarian of the London Institution; author of “ Adversaria, Notes and Emendations of Greek Poets;” d. in London, 1808. Bust, seated to r. ; dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Ground-Jloor.'] Northern Gallery {Nos. 1-118). 19 90 JAMES HEATH (1765-1834). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. J. M. Heath. John Jackson, R.A. Engraver ; b. 1 765 ; began with engraving illustrations for books ; aftcrw. produced engravings from pictures, which were much esteemed, among them the “ Death of Nelson,” after West, “Scenes from Shakesp.” after Smirke and Peters, Portraits of Pitt and Washington, &c.; elected Assoc. Roy. Acad. 1791 ; d. 1834. Bust, full-face ; brown coat. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 91 JOHN WALL CALLCOTT, Mus. Doc. (1766-1821). Mr. Wm. Hutchins Callcott. Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. Musical Composer; b. at Kensington, 1766; studied for the medical profession, but gave it up for music ; app. assistant organist at St. George’s Hanover Square, 1783; commenced writing glees, and obtained a large number of prizes from the “Catch Club;” studied instrumental music under Haydn, since 1790; graduated as Mus. Doc. Oxford, 1801 ; succeeded Dr. Crotch as Lecturer on Music at the Royal Inst. 1805 ; wrote a “ Musical Grammar” and “Musical Dictionary;” d. 1821. To waist, holding music, pencil in r. hand ; painted about 1801. Canvas, 38 X 29 in. 92 WILLIAM SHARP (1749-1824). National Portrait Gallery. James Lonsdale. Engraver; son of a gunmaker in London; b. 1742; became known by his engravings for the “Novelist’s Magazine;” executed a number of first- class engravings after Guido, Domenichino, Caracci, Vandyck, Sir Joshua Reynolds, B. West ; also noted as an adherent of Mesmer, Swedenborg, and Joanna Southcote; d. at Chiswick, 1824. Three-quarter length, seated to 1 ., pen in r. hand, 1 . arm resting on table. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 93 FRANCES M. NELTHORPE, LADY ANDERSON (1775-1836). Sir Charles J. H. Anderson, Bt. Chandler. 2nd dau. of Sir John Nelthorpe, Bart, of Scawby, Lincoln; wife of the Rev. Sir Chas. John Anderson, Prebend, of Thorngate, in Lincoln Minster, and Rector of Lea; mother of the present Bart. ; d. 1836. Half-length, standing; white open dress, narrow blue sash; painted 1793 ; signed “ Chandler, d. 21.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 94 JOSEPH WILLIAM MALLORD TURNER, R.A. (1775-1851). National Gallery. J. W. M. Turner, R.A. Painter; son of a hairdresser in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden; b. 23 April, 1775; studied at the Roy. Acad. 1789; began to exhibit 1790; at first painted chiefly views of Engl, and Welsh scener)’ in water-colours ; exhibited the oil painting “ Battle of the Nile,” and elected A. R.A. 1799; R.A. 1802; Prof. oH^erspective, 1807; commenced his “ Liber Studiorum,” 1808; rose to fame by his versatility in all styles of painting and his masterly treatment of colours; exhibited the “ Old Temeraire,” 1839 dur. his latter years prin- cipally painted Venetian pictures; d. at Chelsea, ii Dec. 1851; left his unsold pictures to the nation ; bu. in St. Paul’s. Bust, as a young man, full-face. Canvas, 29 x 22 in. 20 Part of Reign of George 111 . 1800-1820. 95 MRS. SIDDONS, as the “ Tragic Muse.” LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Robert Tait. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 81.) Three-quarter length, seated in large chair, looking up to r. Canvas, 40 x 50 in. 96 JOHN FAWCETT (1796-1837). Mrs. Fawcett. G. H. Harlowe. Actor ; son of an actor at Drury Lane Theat. ; b. 1796 ; apprcn. to a linen- draper; ran away to Margate, where he app. on the stage under the name of Foote; first perform, at Covent Card. 1791 ; gain, reputa. by his representa. of “Dr. Pangloss,” “Caleb Quotem,” and “Job Thornberry;” joined the English Opera, 1813; Manager of Covent Garden till 1836; d. 1837. Half-length, small size, standing to r., holding hat, glove, and stick. Panel, 18J x 14J in. 97 SARAH KEMBLE, MRS. SIDDONS. Mr. John Whitehead. William Hamilton, R.A. {See No. 81.) Full-length, standing to 1 ., black scarf on 1 . arm ; signed and dated, “W. Hamilton, R.A., 1793.” Crayon, paper, 23 x 16 in. 98 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, Kt. R.A. (1753-1839). Mr. William Goding. G. H. Harlowe. Painter; b. in Oxfordsh. 1753; studied at the Roy. Acad. 1772; R.A. and knighted, 1 798 ; executed some hist, pictures, but chiefly disting, himself as a portrait-painter; d. 1839. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; small size; marone furred dress; mounted figures in background. Panel, 21 X 16 in. 99 KEMBLE FAMILY— Mrs. SIDDONS as “Queen Kath.^rine.” Mr. Robert Tait. G. H. Harlowe. {See Nos. 81, 82, 87.) Full-length small figures; Mrs. Siddons as “ Queen Katharine” in Henry VI II. Canvas, 20 x 36 in._ 100 PROF. GEO. J. BELL. Faculty of Advocates. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Jurist; Prof, of Scotch Law in the Univ. of Edinb. and one of the principal Clerks of Session ; author of “ Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland;” d. 22 Sept. 1843. Three-quarter length, seated ; holding spectacles to his eyes ; black dress ; aged 45. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 1 01 HENRY, 3RD LD. and ist E. of MULGRAVE ( -1831). SAWvk. . Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bt. JojfN-jACKsoN, R.A. Second son of Constantine Phipps, ist Ld.; succ. his brother, Constantine John, who d. without male issue, in the Irish Barony, 1792; crea. Baron Ground-Jloor.'] Northern Gallery, {Nos. 1-118). 21 Mulgrave in the Peerage of Engl. 1794 ; E. Mulgrave, 1812 ; was a General Officer in the Army ; Col. of the 31st Reg. of Foot, Gov. of Scarborough, and Gustos Rotulorum of the East Rid. of Yorksh.; d. 7 April, 1831. Bust to r. ; dark coat ; signed “ W.B. pt. 1807 .” Panel, 30 X 25 in. SoMuif 30.fc./^4«'. ^ 24 ) 102 MARIA ANN HADFIELD, MRS. COSWAY. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Harrowby, K.G. Richard Cosway, R.A. Dau. of an hotelkeeper at Leghorn ; marr. Rich. Cosway, the miniature- painter; practised herself the art of Miniature-painting, and was a disting, musical performer ; for some time an admired belle of fashionable society in Paris and London; left her husband in 1804, to become the superior of a religious house at Lyons ; paid a final visit to England after his death, in 1821, to place a monument on his tomb. Half-length, seated to r. ; child throwing its arms round her neck. Canvas, 26 x 19 in. 103 JOHN RENNIE ( -1821). Mr. W. H. Rennie. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Civil Engineer; b. at Phantassie, East Lothian ; settled in London, 1783; first became known by his construction of the Albion Mills, and new works at Whitbread’s Brewery ; subsequently built the Waterloo, Southwark, and New London Bridges; the Breakwater at Plymouth; Hull and Sheerness docks; also planned and carried out extensive drainage schemes for the Lincolnshire Fens; d. 1821. Bust; full face; dark coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 104 GEORGE COOKE (1781-1834). Mrs. Cooke. G. Clint, A. R.A. Engraver ; b. in Lond. 1781 ; apprent. to Basire ; execut. plates of the coast scenery of Engl, and views of Scotl. ; together with Moses, engraved the illustrations for D’Oyly and Mant’s Bible ; distinguished by his art publications; d. 1834. To waist, full face; holding book in r. hand. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 105 SIR GEORGE THOS. SMART, Kt. (1776-1867). Lady Smart. Bradley. Musical Composer; son of a music-seller in London; b. May, 1776; app. Composer and Organist of the Chapel Royal, St. James’s; knighted, 1811 ; took part in founding the Philharmonic Society, 1813; as Musical Director of Covent Garden Theatre engaged Weber to compose “ Oberon,” and received him as a guest in his house, where Weber d. 1826; introduced into England Mendelssohn’s Oratorio “St. Paul,” and Rossini’s “ Stabat Mater;” conduc. many of the great musical festivals; d. in London, 23 Feb. 1867. To waist, seated ; holding music; wearing spectacles. Canvas. 30 x 25 in. 106 JOHN O’KEEFFE (1748-1833). National Portrait Gallery. William Lawranson. Actor and dramatist; b. at Dublin, 1748; early went on the stage; wrote a comedy at 15 ; came to Lond. 1780, to obtain an engage, and being unsuc- cessful applied himself to dramatic compos.; wrote “Wild Oats,” “ Agree- able Surprise,” “ Peeping Tom,” and many other comedies, comic operas. 22 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. ancl farces; lost his eyesight; received a Governm. pension, 1808; pub. his autobiography; d. at Southampton, 1833. To \vaist; holding paper in r. hand; claret-coloured coat, cravat, and lace ruffles; painted in 1786. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 107 SIR JOHN SOANE, Kt. R.A. (i752-i837> LENT BY PAINTER. National Gallery. John Jackson, R.A. Architect; son of a builder; b. at Reading, 1752; studied under Dance, Holland, and at the Roy. Acad. ; introd. to George 1 1 1 , and sent to Rome to pursue his studies, 1777 ; Architect and Sur\-eyorof the Bank of Engl. 1788, of the Houses of Pari. 1791, and of the Roy. Woods and P'orests, 1795 ; R..\. 1802; Prof, of Architecture at the Roy. Acad. 1806; F.R.S. 1824; erected many public buildings; bequeathed his Museum and Collection of Works ef Art to the nation; d. 20 June, 1837. Bust to 1 . ; claret-coloured coat; leaning on open book; spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 108 DOROTHY BLAND, MRS. JORDAN (1762-1816). Mr. George H. Turnbull. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Actress ; b. at Waterford, 1762; appeared on the stage in Dublin, 1777; came to London and perfonned at Drury Lane, 1785; mother of the Fitz- Clarence family, 1791-1811; reappeared on the stage for a short time; retired to France; d. at St. Cloud, 3 July, 1816. To waist to 1 . ; white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 109 WILLIAM THOMAS LEWIS, the Comedian, as “The Marquis” in “The Midnight Hour”( 1748-1811). National Gallery. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Comedian; son of an actor; b. at Ormskirk, Lancash. 1748; educ. at Armagh, where he first acted; crea. consid. sensation by his d6bui at Dublin as “ Bclcour,” in the “ West Indian,” 1771 ; appeared at Covent Garden in the same character, 1773; manager of Covent Garden, 1782; disting, in light comedy; quitted the stage, 1803; d. 13 Jan. 1811 at Chelsea. Full-len^h, standing to 1 . ; black court dress, hat with feather in 1 . hand. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 110 JOHN BANNISTER (1760-1836). Mr. J. Hutchinson Lee. Sir Joshua Reynqlds, P.R.A. Comic Actor ; son of Charles Bannister, singer and wit ; b. at Deptford, 12 May, 1760; made his ddbut under Garrick at Drury Lane, 1772; first attempted tragedy, but on the death of Edwin took his place as comedian ; famous for his characters of “Sylvester Daggerwood,” “Trudge,” “Dr. Pangloss,” “Job Thornberry,” &c. ; rec. the surname of “Gentleman Jack;” compelled by gout to retire, 1815; d. 7 Nov. 1836. Head to 1 .; white cravat, lavender coat. Canvas, 2iJ X 17 in. 1 1 1 GEORGE HENRY HARLOWE (1787-1819). Mr. W. Anthony. G. H. H.\rlowe. Portrait-painter; b. 10 June, 1787; studied under Drummond and Sir Thomas Lawrence; began to exhib. at the Royal Acad. 1805; had much Ground-four.'] Northern Gallery {Nos. i-iiS). 23 success as a portrait-painter, though unsuccessful in his competition fo Acad, honours; trav. in Italy, 1818; d. soon after his return, 4 Feb. 1819. To waist, seated to r. ; paper in 1 . hand, dark cloak ; landscape back- ground. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 1 12 WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Engraver, painter, and poet; b. in Lond. 28 Nov. 1757 ; appren. to an engraver, for whom he made drawings from monum. in Westm. Abbey ; afterw. studied at the Roy. Acad.; pub. “Songs of Innocence,” 1789; “America— A Prophecy,” 1793; “Europe— A Prophecy,” and “Songs of Experience,” 1794; illustrated Mary Wolstoncroft's “ Tales for Children,” Young’s “Night Thoughts,” the “Book of Job,” &c. ; disting, by a grand, wild, visionary genius; d. 12 Aug. 1827. To waist ; seated, looking up to 1 . ; pencil in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. I 13 EMMA HARTE, LADY HAMILTON (1761-1815). Mrs. Calvert. George Romney. {Sec No. 26.) As a Magdalen; seated, looking up to r., resting head on r. hand. Oval canvas, 30 X 25 in. 114 SIR STAFFORD HENRY NORTHCOTE, Bt. (1762-1851). Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bt. M.P. J. Northcote, R.A. Son of Sir Stafford Northcote, 6th Bart. ;*b. 6 Oct. 1762; marr. Jaquetta, dau. of Chas. Baring, Esq., of Larkbeer, by whom he had 3 sons; d. 17 Mar. 1851, and was succeeded by his grandson, the present Baronet. 'J'hree-quarters ; seated in landscape ; riding dress, blue coat ; dated at back, 1S07. Canvas, 46 x 57 in. I I 3 WM. FARREN as “Lovegold,” in the “ Miser ” (17^7- )• Mr. W. C. Cater. S. De Wilde. Comedian; son of an actor; b. in London, 1787; fof some time stage manager of the theatre at Dublin ; made his debut at Covent Garden as ••Sir Peter Teazle,” 1818 ; afterw. performed at the Haymarket and Drury Lane ; excelled chiefly in the representation of old men. Full-length ; small size ; standing, with hands clenched ; signed, “S. De Wilde, 1820.” Canvas, 36 X 23 in. 1 16 JOHN EMERY as “ Tyke (1777-1822). .Mr. W. C. Cater. S. De Wilde. Comedian; b. at Sunderland, 1777; commenc. his theatrical life with a strolling company in Kent and Sussex; made his debut at Covent Garden as “ Frank Oatlands” in “A Cure for the Heartache,” 1798; achieved great popularity by his rustic characters and as “ Lovegold ” in “ The Miser,” ••Caliban” in “The Tempest,” and “ Tyke” in “ The School of Reform; ’ d. 25 July, 1822. Full-length ; small size ; standing, with hat in hand ; signed and dated, •‘ De Wilde, 1806.” Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 24 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 1 17 JOHN EMERY, as “ Barney Brallagan.” LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. J. E. Waldy. T. Heaphy, Sen. (See No. 116.) To waist; miniature; in brown; smoking a pipe. Paper, 7 x SJ in. 118 GEORGE COLMAN the YOUNGER (1762-1836). Mr. Thomas M. Parrott. F. C. Turner. Dramatist and wit; son of Geo. Colman, sen.; b. 1762; educ. at Westm, School, Ch. Ch. Oxf. and King’s Coll. Aberdeen ; discontinued his studies at Lincoln’s Inn, to devote himself to dramatic art ; first earned applause by his Comedy “Two to One,” 1784, and his Opera “Incle and Yarico,” 1787 ; took the management of the Haymarket Theatre from his father; wrote man> popular plays and was much liked in society for his wit ; appoint, by Geo. IV. Examiner and Licenser of Flays ; d. 1836. To waist ; seated at table, writing materials and paper before him, on which his hand rests ; signed, “ F. C. Turner.” Panel, 8 X 7 in. No. 2. ENTRANCE HALL. {Nos. 119 to 159.) 119 CHARLES ABBOTT, ist LORD TENTERDEN, Lord Chief Justice (1762-1832). Mr. Charles S. A. Abbott. John Wood. Son of a hairdresser at Canterbury ; b. 1762 ; educ. at the King’s School,. Canterbury; elected to a scholarship in Corp. Chris. Coll. Oxf. 1781 ; tutor to the son of Judge Duller, at whose advice he studied law; called to the bar, 1795; pub. a “Treatise on the Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen,” 1802 ; app. Judge of the King’s Bench, 1816; Ld. Chief Just. 1818; raised to the Peerage, 1827; d. 4 Nov. 1832. To waist, seated; resting on 1 . arm. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 120 ARCHDEACON WM. COXE, D.D. (1747-1828). King’s College, Cambridge. Sir VVilliam Beechey, R.A. Hist, and trav. ; b. 1747 ; having receiv. a univ. educ. he accomp. several young noblemen as tutor to the Continent ; afterw. became Canon Resid. of Salisb. and Archdeac. of Wilts; wrote “Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark,” “ Hist. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain,” “Memoir of Sir Robt. Walpole,” &c. ; d. 1828. Bust; black coat, white cravat; painted March 5, 1805. Oval canvas, 30 X 25 in. I 21 ADML. SIR P. B. VERE BROKE, Bt. (1776-1841). Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton, Bt. Samuel Lane. B. 1776; midshipm. 1792; Commander, 1799; Post-capt. 1801; famous for his gallant action of June, 1813, when with the “Shannon,” 38 guns, he defeated the Amer. frigate “ Chesapeake,” 49 guns ; raised to the rank of Bart, and Adml. for this action, which at the time excited great enthus. in Engl.; d. at Broke Hall, Sussex, 2 Jan. 1841. Full-length, standing, looking to 1 .; naval court uniform; sword in r, hand ; gun to his 1 . Canvas, 94 X 57 in. Ground-floor^ Entran'CE Hall {No%. 119-159). 25 122 WILLIAM BABINGTON, M.D. F.R.S. (1757-1833). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Benjamin Babington. Tannock. Physician and nat. philos. ; b. 1757 ; practised in London since 1797 ; took a prominent part in founding the Geological Soc. of which he was elect. Pres. 1822 ; pub. “A New System of Mineralogy d. 1833. Bust, seated to 1 . ; fur-lined coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 123 ABRAHAM REES, D.D. (1743-1825). Dr. Williams’s Library. B. in Montgomerysh. 1743; educ. at a Dissenting academy at Hoxton ; mathematical and philosophical tutor there, and at the New Coll. Hackney ; edited “Chambers’ Cyclopaedia,” 1776-89, and the Cyclopaedia called after him; obtained the degree of D.D. at Edinburgh, on the recommendation of Robertson the historian; was also F. R. S. ; d. 1825. To waist, seated; black dress; paper in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 124 RT. HON. ALEX. GEO. FRASER, i6th LORD SALTOUN, K.T. K.C.B. (1785-1853). United Service Club. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. General ; son of Alex, the 15th Ld. ; b. in Lond. 22 Sept. 1785 ; ent. the army, 1802 ; serv. in Sicily and through the Peninsular War; disting, himself in the battle of Waterloo, at the defence of Hougoumont and the last charge of the Guards ; com. a brigade at the capture of Ching Kiang Fou, in the Opium War, 1842 ; was several times elect, a Represent. Peer of Scotland ; Pres, of the Madrigal Soc. and of the Mus. Union, of Lond. ; d. 18 Aug. 1853. Full-length, standing; military uniform; shako in 1 . hand, sword in r. ; painted 1809. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 125 ADMIRAL LORD DE SAUMAREZ (1757-1836). United Service Club. S. Lane. B. in Guernsey, 1757 ; ent. the Navy, 1772 ; serv. under Sir Hyde Parker, Hood, and Rodney, in the American War, and under Sir John Jervis in the Mediterranean; second in comm, to Nelson at the battle of the Nile, 1799; ’ crea. a Bart., Rear-Adm. and Comm, of the Squadron off Cadiz, 1801 ; gain. j a brilliant victory over a superior force near Algesiras, for which he received the thanks of both Ho. of Parliam. ; Comm.-in-Chief in the Baltic, till 1814; Vice-Admiral of Engl, and raised to the Peerage, 1831 ; d. at Saumarez, his seat in Guernsey, 1836. Full-length, standing; naval uniform; ribbon of G.C.B. ; leaning r. hand 1 on telescope; copied by S. Lane, 1838. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. I 126 WM. HYDE WOLLASTON, M.D. (1766-1828). Royal Society. John Jackson, R.A. Natural Philosopher; b. 1766; educ. at Camb. ; graduated as M.D. 1793; devoted himself to scientific labours; F.R.S., became Pres. 1820; discov. several new metals; invented a sliding scale of chemical equivalents, a goniometer, and the camera lucida ; led the way to the discovery of Spectrumi Analysis; contrib. many papers to the “ Philos. Transactions;” d. 1828. 26 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 127 COL. HAMILTON SMITH, F.R.S. (1776-1859). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Rendel. Opie. B. in Flanders, 26 Dec. 1776 ; cnt. the Army, 1794; ser\'ed in the \V. Indies, 1797-1809 ; took part as Deputy Quartermast.-Gen. in the Walcheren E.vpedit. 1809; app. on the Staff of the Horse Guards, 1813; disting, as a draughtsman, and by his manifold scientific acquirem. ; pub. a Transla. of Lloyd and Templehof’s “ History of the Seven Years’ War,” “Ancient Cos- tume of the British Islands,” “ Natural History of the Human Species,” See. retired from the serv. 1820; d. at Plymouth, 21 Sept. 1859. Half-length, seated in arm-chair; holding paper and pencil in hands: black coat, orders. Canvas, 39 X 28 in. 128 SIR THOMAS MUNRO, Bt. (1760-1827). Mr. C. Munro. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Governor of Madras ; b. 1760; went as cadet to India, 1778; disting, himself in the Mahratta war, and was present at the fall of Seringapatam, 1799 ; appointed administrator of the territorj' ceded by the Nyzam, 1801 ; commanded an expedit. against the Peiswah of Soondoor, 1817, for which he received the thanks of Pari . ; crea. K.C.B. 1819 ; Gov. of Madras, 1820 : bart.' 1825 ; d. at Piittcrwoodah, 6 July, 1827. 129 THOS. BRUCE, 7TH EARL OF ELGIN and KINCARDINE (1771-1841). Countess of Elgin and Kincardine. O. Graff. Diplomatist, and lover of .\rt; b. 1771 ; educ. at Harrow, Westmin. and ■St. Andrews; Ambass. at Constantinople, 1789-99; formed his celebrated collection of sculptures, medals, and other Greek antiquities, including the statues from the Parthenon at Athens (Elgin Marbles), the whole of which were purchased by Governm. for the Brit. Mus. 1816; was fiercely attacked by Ld. Byron and others, for removing the marbles from the Parthenon ; d. at Paris, Nov. 1841. Full-length, standing; full face; military coat; resting r. hand on sword. Painted at Dresden, 1787. Canvas, 74 X 52 in. 130 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. (1756-1823). iMr. J. Peter Raeburn. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Portrait-painter; b. at Stockbridge, near Edinburgh, 1756; appren. to a goldsmith ; devoted himsdlf to painting miniatures and portraits in oil ; came to London, 1778; visited Italy at the advice of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; settled in Edinb. and achieved great distinc. as a Portrait-painter; Pres, of the .Society of Artists of Edinb. 1812; R.. 4 . 1815; Knighted, and appointed Portrait-painter to the King, in Scotland, 1822 ; d. 8 July, 1823. To waist, full face ; 1 . hand raised to his chin. Canvas, 35 x 28 in. I 31 - SIR JAMES HALL, Br. (1780-1832). Royal Soc. Edinburgh. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. .Son of Sir John Hall, Bart.; b. 1780; devot. to scientific researches, chiefly in mineralogy and geology; F.R.S. ; Pres. Roy. Soc. Edinb. ; tried to establ. the truth of the Huttonian theory of a central fire against the Ground-fioor 7 \ Entran'CE Hall {Nos. i 19-159). 27 Wernerian or aqueous system ; also auth. of an “ Essay on the Origin, Princip. and Hist, of Gothic Archit. d. 1832. Three-quarter size, seated to r. in arm-chair, with open book in hand reading. Canvas, X in. 132 CHARLES HAY, LD. NEWTON ( -1811). LENT BY PAINTER. Nat. Gall, of Scotland. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Lawyer ; called to the Scotch Bar, 1768 ; promoted to the Bench, 1S06 ; d. at Powric, Forfarsh. 19 Oct. 1811. Bust, seated ; crimson gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 133 ALAN HYDE, 2nd LD. GARDNER (1770-1815). Lord G-vrdner. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Eldest son of Adml. Alan, ist Baron Gardner, and Susannah Hyde, only dau. of Francis Gale, Esq.; b. 6 Feb. 1770; cnt. the Navy; command, the naval expedit. which captured Colombo, in Ceylon, 1796; afterw. serv. on the W. Indian station and in the Channel Fleet ; succeed, to the Peer. 1809 ; rose to the rank of Admiral ; d. 27 Dec. 1815. To waist, showing r. arm; naval uniform, ribbon K.C.B. Canvas, 39 X 29 in. 134 HENRY KIRKE WHITE (1785-1806). Bromley House Library (Nottingham). T. Barber. Poet; son of a butcher at Nottingham; b. 1785; first placed with a stockmg-wcaycr, then appren. to an attorney; cduc. himself by private study; .idmitted a sizar at St. John’s Coll. Camb. through the interest of Mr. .Simeon; d. from the effects of over-study, 19 Oct. 1806; “Remains of Henry K. White,” edit, by Southey. Bust, profile to r. ; small size: dark coat. Canvas, 10 x 9 in. 135 GEORGE DANCE, R.A. (1740-1825). Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bt. John Jackson, R.A. Architect; b. 1740; son of Geo. Dance, the architect of the Mansion Ho. London; succ. his father as clerk of the works and builder to the City of London, 1768, and held these offices until 1816; original member of the R.A. ; Prof, of Architecture and Auditor to the R.A. ; executed many small- size profile portraits, chiefly in pencil; pub. “A Collection of 72 Portraits sketched from the Life,” 1808-14; d. 14 Jan. 1825, in Upper Gower Street. To waist, seated to 1 . ; hands resting on book ; pencil in r. hand. Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. />U- . 136 CHARLOTTE MARGARET HORNBY, LADY STANLEY ( -1817). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A, Second dau. of Rev. Geoffrey Hornby; m. Edward Smith Stanley, 53th E. of Derby, 1798; mother of the present E. of Derby; d. 16 June, 1817. To waist, seated; open white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25. 137 ROBERT SMIRKE, R.A. (1752-1845). Mr. Sydney Smirke, R.A. Mary Smirke. 15 . at Wigton, near Carlisle, 1752; cnt. the 'Roy. Acad. 1771; began to exhib. 1786; painted domestic subjects ; chiefly famous as a designer for engravings and books; -A.R.A. 1791 ; R.A. 1793; d. 1845. Bust ; looking to r. ; leaning on 1 . arm ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 28 Part of Rfign of George III. 1800-1820. 138 SIR FRANCIS BURDETT, Bt. M.P. (1770-1844). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Burdett Coutts. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {Finished by Evans). For many years a prominent M.P. ; b. 1770; educ. at Westm. .Sch. and Oxf. ; travell. on the Continent during the outbreak of the French Revolu.; marr. the young dau. of Thomas Coutts, the banker, 1793; elect. M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1796; soon known as an ardent Liberal ; .M.P. for .Middlesex, i 8 o 2 ; for Westminster, 1806; committed to the Tower for breach of privilege i8io, but barricaded himself in his house and had to be removed by force; aft. his release, zealously advocated Pari. Reform and Catholic Emancipa. ; sentenced to three months' imprison, for libel against the magistrates and yeo- manry of Manchester, 1819; Conservative in latter part of life; d. 23 Jan. 1844. Full-length, standing looking to r. ; resting against pedestal. Canvas, 100 X 58 in. 139 BROWNLOW CECIL, 2nd MARO. OF EXETER, WITH HIS Brother and Sister. Marquis of Exeter. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Brownlow Cecil, 2nd Marq. of Exeter; son of Henry, ist Marq. ; b. 2 JulJ', 1795; succ. to the Marq. 1804; app. Ld. Steward of the Household, 1858; resigned 1859; d. 16 Jan. 1867. Group of three children, full length, one holding a cap and feather. Can- vas, 64 X 48 in. 140 ANNA SEWARD (1747-1809). Mr. W. Percival Boxall. John Opie, R.A. Dau. of Rev. Thos. Seward, b. at Eyam, Derbysh. 1747 ; wrote various poems ; “ Life of Dr. Darwin,” &c. ; lived chiefly at Lichfield, where her father had a canonry ; her miscellaneous works were edited by Sir Walter Scott, 1810 ; her letters were left by her to Constable, the Edinb. publisher, and brought out in 1811 ; d. 25 March, 1809. To waist, seated ; open white dress. Canvas, 30X 25 in. 1 41 MARY VERNEY, BARONESS FERMANAGH. Sir Harry Verney, Bt. M.P. Lemuel F. Abbot. Niece of Ralph, 2nd E. Verney; succ. her uncle, 1791; crea. Baroness Fermanagh, 1792; by her will, her name and estates were devised to her maternal half-sister, Catherine Calvert, from whom they descended by will to Captain Sir Harry Calvert, now Sir Harry Verney. To waist ; black laced dress, white handkerchief. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 142 SOPHIA COUTTS, LADY BURDETT ( -1844). Miss Burdett Coutts. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {Finished by Evans.) Youngest dau. of Thomas Coutts, the banker; marr. in 1793, Sir Francis Burdett, Bt., M.P. by whom she had Robert, the present Bart, and 5 daus. ; d. a few days after her husband, January, 1844. Full-length ; seated in landscape under the tree, holding straw hat filled with flowers. Painted in 1807, and finished by Rt. Evans, R..\. 1831. Can- vas, 95 X 59 in. % Ground-floor. ~\ Entrance Hall {Nos. i 19-159). 29 143 JAMES NORTHCOTE, R.A. (1746-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bt. M.P. Jas. Northcote, R.A. B. at Plymouth, 22 Oct. 1746, where his father was a watchmaker; apprenticed to that trade ; at the end of his seven years’ term devoted him- self to art, and commenced portrait-painting; introduced to Sir J. Reynolds; became his pupil, and gained his friendship ; visited Italy for three years ; established himself in London, 1781 ; became R.A. 1787 ; painted portraits, domestic subjects, and at length historical pictures, especially those for the Boydell Shakspeare series ; contributed to the periodical called the “Artist ;” wrote “ Fables,” “Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds,” &c. ; d. 13 July, 1831, in his 85th year. To waist ; showing 1. hand, looking to r. ; black coat. Painted in 1807, as a present to Lady Northcote. Canvas, 36 X 29 in. 144 LADY CHARLOTTE HORNBY (1776-1805). Earl of Derby, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A, Lady Charlotte Stanley, eld. dau. of Edward, i2th Earl of Derby, and Lady Elizabeth Hamilton his Countess; b. 1776; m. Edmund Hornby, of Dalton Hall, Westmoreland, 1796; d. 1805. / To waist, seated ; looking to r., leaning on r. hand ; open white dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 145 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. (1776-1837). Capt. Chas. G. Constable. Landscape-painter; son of a miller at East Bergholt, Suffolk; b. 1 1 June, 1776; intended for the Church, but preferred the study of Art; first exhibit. 1802 ; gained distinc. as one of the foremost landscape-painters of his time ; A. R.A. 1819; receiv. a gold medal at the Paris Exhibit. 1824, for his picture “The Hay-wain;” R.A. 1829; d. i April, 1837. To waist, seated ; resting on r. arm ; black dress. Painted about 1798 or 99. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 146 HANNAH MORE (1744-1833). Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. H. W, Pickersgill, R.A. Dau. of a village schoolmaster ; b. at Stapleton, Gloucestersh. 1744 ; her abilities were early known, and with the encouragement of Garrick she wrote various plays; her tragedy of “Percy” had some success; became ac- quainted with Johnson, Reynolds, and Burke, but retired to the country, and long lived at Barleywood, near Bristol, devoting herself to literary work and active benevolence. Some of her writings had extraordinary success, espe- cially the tales forming the “ Cheap Repository,” and her novel “ Coelebs in Search of a Wife,” was very popular ; d. at Clifton, 7 Sept. 1833, aged 89. Half-length ; seated in arm-chair, near a table ; black dress, yellow scarf. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 147 SARAH KIRBY, MRS. TRIMMER (1741-1810). Rev. Kirby Trimmer. Educational Writer; dau. of Joshua Kirby, the painter; b. at Ipswich, 1741 ; went with her father to Kew, where he was appointed Clerk of the Works at the Palace; marr. 1762; first pub. “Easy Introduc. to the Know- ledge of Nature,” 1780; wrote a “ Sacred History” in 6 vols. ; also conducted the “ Family Magazine,” and the “ Guardian of Education;” d. 1810. Half-length, seated at table, with Bible and writing materials. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 30 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 148 WILLIAM GIFFORD (1756-1826). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. John Hoppner, R.A. Writer and first Editor of the “Quarterly Review;” b. at Ashburton, Devon, April, 1756; for some time cabin-boy on a coasting vessel; aftenv. appren. to a shoemaker; at 20 sent to school by Mr. Cookesley, a surgeon of his native city ; when at Oxf. gained the favour of Ld. Grosvenor, who engaged him to travel with Ld. Belgrave on the Continent ; on his return pub. the satirical poems, “ Baviad ” and “Maeviad,” 1794-95; edit, the “Anti-Jacobin,” 1797 ; pub. an edition of Massinger’s Plays, 1^5 ; acquired literary infiu. as editor of the “ Quarterly Review,” 1809-24; d. 1826; bu. in Westm. Abbey. Bust, seated to r. ; book in 1. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 149 GEORGE DYER (1755-1841). Mr. H. Tvrwhitt Frend. John Jackson, R.A. Classical Scholar; b. 1755; educ. at Christ’s Hospital and Eman. Coll. Camb. ; took a prom, part in Valpy’s Edition of the Classics, 1819-30; also pub. “ Historj' of the University and Colleges of Cambridge,” &c. ; suffered from loss of eyesight during the latter years of his life; d. 1841. Bust ; full face, brown coat. Canvas, 24 x 20 in. I 50 HANNAH MORE (1744-1833). Duke of Manchester. John Opie, R.A. (See No. 146.) To waist; bl. dress; powdered hair, white neckerchief. Painted 1787. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 15 I SIR WILLIAM GRANT, Kt., Master of the Rolls (1754-1832). Master of the Roll%. Sir Lawrence, P.R.A. B. at Elchies, Moray; educ. at Elgin, and Aberdeen ; student of Lincoln’s Inn.; app. Attor.-Gen. of Canada, 1779; pres, at the siege of Quebec, in which he himself did milit. duty; returned to Engl. 1787; was noticed by Ld. Thurlow; became M.P. for Shaftesbury, 1790, and a prominent supp. of Pitt; Solicit.-Gen. 1799; Mast, of the Rolls, 1801; resig. his office, 1817; d. 1832. Full-length ; seated in official robes, paper in r. hand. Canvas, 89 X 59 in. 152 JOHN KEATS (1796-1820). National Portrait Gallery. William Hilton, R.A. Poet; b. in Lond. 1726; appren. to a surgeon; left his prof, and pub. a vol. of poems under the ausp. of Leigh Hunt, 1817 ; “ Endymion,” a poetical romance, 1818; “Lamia,” 1820; felt deeply hurt by the severe criticism of the “Quarterly Review;” went to Italy for his health; d. at Rome, 27 Dec. 1820; was bu. near the Pyramid of Cestius. To waist ; leaning on 1. hand ; open book before him. Canvas, 30 X 25 153 PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792-1822). Sir Percy Shelley, Bt. Miss Curran. Poet ; b. at Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex, 1792 ; educ. at Eton and Oxf. ; pub. a “ Defence of Atheism,”for which he wasexpell. from the Univer. 1811; marr. the same year; separ. from his wife, 1813; mart*. 2ndly, Mary G round- floor Entrance Hall {Nos. i 19-159). 31 I Godwin, dau. of William Godwin and Mary Wolstoncroft, 1816; left Engl. 1818 for Italy, where he lived in friendsh. with Ld. Byron, Keats, and Leigh ^ Hunt; first attained fame as a poet by his “Queen .Mab;” publ. afterwards ( “ The Revolt of Islam,” “ Prometheus Unbound,” “ The Cenci,” a tragedy; ' “ Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude,” “ Ode to a Skylark,” &c. ; was drowned at sea in a sailing-boat, between Leghorn and the Gulf of Spezzia, 8 July, 1822 ; his body, accord, to his own wish, was burned and the ashes deposited > near the Pyramid of Cestius, in the Protestant Cemetery at Rome. '1 To waist, seated ; nearly full face, open white collar, blue coat, pen in r. hand. Canvas, 24 x 20 in. 154 CHARLES THEOPHILUS METCALFE, afterw. LD. METCALFE (1785-1846). ^ LENT BY PAINTER. Eton College. John James Masquerier. Colonial Governor; b. at Fern Hill, Berks, 1785; enter, the East India Company’s Service, 1800; sent on a Polit. Mission to Lahore, 1808-9; ^'cld provisionally the post of Gov. Gen. of India, 1835, ^fter the resignation of Ld. William Bentinck, but was recalled by the-Company; Gov. of Jamaica, 1836-38; Governor General of Canada, 1839-45; d. 12 Sept. 1846. To waist, seated ; to 1 . as a young man, dark coat, white cravat. Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. 155 CHARLES BURNEY, D.D. (1757-1817). Rev. Charles Burney. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Dr. Burney, the auth. of the “ History of Music,” and brother of Madame D’Arblay; b. at Lynn Regis, 1757; gained distinction as a classical scholar and critic ; pub. an Appendix to Scapula’s Greek Lexicon, an edit, of the “ Choral Odes ” of j^ischylus ; d. 1821; his lib. was purch. for the Brit. Mus. To waist, looking to 1 . ; dark coat, yellow waistcoat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 156 JAMES GREGORY, M.D. (1753-1821). Mr. John Gregory. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Physician and writer; b. at Aberdeen, 1753; a distinguished Prof of Medicine for many years in Univer. of Edin. ; wrote “Philos, and Liter. Essays;” “Conspectus Med. Theoret.” &c. ; d. 1821. Three-quarters ; seated in arm-chair to r. black dress. 49 X 40 in. 157 HEN. THOS. COLEBROOKE, F.R.S. (1765-1837). Sir T. E. Colebrooke, Bt. M.P. Hume. Emin. Orientalist ; son of Sir George Colebrooke, Bart, a director of the East India Comp.; b. 15 June, 1765; app. to a Writership in India, 1782; afterw. Judge at Mirzapore, and resident at Berar ; zealously devot. himself to the study of the Sanskrit Language and Literature ; publ. a translation of the “ Digest of Hindu Law,” comp, by Sir W. Jones; “ Grammar of the Sanskrit Language,” “Algebra of the Hindus,” “Philosophy of the Hindus,” &c. ; ret. to Europe, 1816; elec. Pres, of the Roy. Asiat. Soc. ; d. in Lond. 10 Mar. 1837. ( To waist, seated to 1 . ; hands clasped, resting on open book. Canvas, f 30 X 25 in. 158 HANNAH MORE (1744-1833). ! Rev. T. F. Simmons. Miss Frances Reynolds. {See No 146.) To waist, seated at table, leaning on 1 . hand, pen in r. hand. At back, “ Given by herself to Mary Elizabeth Simmons.” 30 x 25 in. r 32 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 159 JOHN, 15TH LORD SOMERVILLE (1765-1819). LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Somerville. Samuel Woodforde, R.A. Son of Col. Hugh Somerville, 2nd son of James, 13th Ld. Somerville; succ. his uncle James, 14th Ld. Somerville, who d. unmarr. 1796; known by his introduct. of the breed of Merino sheep from Portugal into Gt. Britain ; d. unmarr. 1819. Full-length, standing ; military uniform, holding plumed bearskin in r. hand, and leaning on sword. Canvas, 95 X 59 in. No. 3. INNE^ HALL (Nos. 160- 186). 160 WILLIAM ROSCOE (1753-1831). Corporation of Liverpool. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. B. of humble parents, at Liverpool, 1753; early apprenticed to a lawyer; cduc. himself by private study ; took part in founding at Liverpool, a .Society for the encouragcm. of the Arts of Painting and Design, 1773; became known by his advocacy of the abolition of the Slave Trade, and as a sympa- thiser with the Frenoh Revolu. ; afterw. direct, his atten. chiefly to Italian Liter, and History; pub. “Life of Lorenzo de Medici,” 1796; and “Life and Pontificate of Leo X.” 1805 ; M.P. for Liverpool, 1806 ; rema. at the head of the literary and scientific soc. of his native city till the end of his life; d. 30 June, 1831. . Full-length, seated to r., in library, book in 1 . hand, pen in r. ; bust of Charles J. Fox on table to his r. Canvas, 94 X 66 in. 161 SHUTE BARRINGTON, BISHOP OF DURHAM (1734-1826). Viscount Barrington, M.P. John Hoppner, R.A. Youngest son of the ist Viset. Barrington; Fellow of Mert. Coll. Oxf. ; entered the Church ; early appntd. Canon of Chr. Ch. and Residentiary of St. Paul’s; Bp. of Llandaff, 1769; Bp. of Salisb. 1782; Bp. of Durham, 1791 ; a benevolent friend to the emigrant French Clergy at the time of the Revol. ; d. 1 826 ; pub. the theol. writings of his father, and a Biogr. of his brother, 2nd Viset. Barrington. To waist ; episcopal robes and hood of D.D. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 162 THOMAS YOUNG, M.D. (1773-1829). St. George’s Hosp. T. Brigstocke (y^/rr Sir T. Lawrence). Physician and Natural Philosopher; b. at Milverton, Somerset, 1773; studied under James Hunter, in London, 1792; commenced practice as a physician, 1801 ; appntd. Prof, of Nat. Philos, at the Royal Inst.; physician to St. George’s Hosp.; Sec. to the Board of Longitude; contrib. many papers to the “ Quarterly Review” and the “Philosophical Transactions;” pub. “Lectures on Natural Philosophy and Mechanical Arts,” his principal work ; also known as an Egyptologist, by his discovery of the interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics ; d. 10 May, 1829. To waist, seated, looking to 1 .; black coat; presented 1851. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. G r ound - JiooT Inner Hall i6o— 186). 33 163 JOHN TOLER, ist E. OF NORBURY (1745-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Frederick Hetley, M.D. B. 1745, at Beechwood, Tipperary; called to the Bar, 1770; RT- > Sol.-Gen. 1789; Att.-Gen. 1798; crea. Ld. Norbury, and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1800; retired, and created E. of Norbury, 1827; d. 1831. Noted for his wit and humour. Three-quarter length, seated to r. ; scarlet robes as Ch. Justice. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 164 WILLIAM SOTHEBY (1757-1833). Colonel Sotheby. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P .R.A. Poet and translator; b. 1757 ; translated Wieland’s “ Oberon,” “ Georgies” of Virgil, 1800; “ Iliad” and “Odyssey” of Homer ; d. 30 Dec. 1833. Head to r. ; unfinished. Canvas, 20 X 16 in. ( -1803). 165 HENRY SWINBURNE Sir John Swinburne, Bt. T. Seaton. Son of Sir John Swinburne, 3rd Bart.; auth. of “Travels in the Two Sicilies and in Spain;” d. as Gov. of Trinidad, 1803. f'ull-length, small size, standing beneath a tree, with dog and gun ; game at his feet, landscape with river in distance to the r. ; signed “T. Seaton. Canvas, 49 X 41 in. 166 THOMAS TELFORD, F.R.S. (1757-^831). Mrs. Burge. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. Engineer; b. at Eskdale, Dumfries, 1757; began life as a shepherd boy ; apprentic. to a stonemason, 1761 ; came to London, where he made himself known by his skill as an Engineer, 1782 ; Surveyor to the Co. of Salop, 1787 ; construct, the Ellesmere Canal, 1793-1803; the Caledonian Canal, 1803-23 ; the Suspension Bridge over the Menai Straits, 1826, and the St. Katherine Docks, London ; Pres, of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1820; F.R.S. 1827 ; d. at Westminster, 1831. To waist, nearly full face ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 m. 167 EDWARD WHIT FAKER GRAY, M.D. (1748-1807). Royal Society. Sir Augustus W. Callcott, R.A. Physic, and naturalist ; b. 1748 ; for some time sec. to the Roy. Soc. and keeper of the departm. of Natur. Hist, and Antiq. in the Brit. Mus. ; contrib. to the “ Philos. Transac. ;” d. 1807. To waist, profile to r. ; dark dress; signed “A. \\. Callcott. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 168 ROBERT BLOOMFIELD (1766-1823). Mr. W. Percival Boxall. John Hoppner, R.A- Poet; son of a tailor at Honington, Suffolk; b. 3 Dec. 1766; appren. as shoemaker to his bro. in London, 17^* » rose to fame by his idyll, Farmer's Boy,** pub. afterw, Rural Tales,” ‘‘May-day with the Pluses;” unsuccessful in an attempt to estab. himself as a bookseller; had to return to shoe-making; during his latter years suffered from want and illness; d. at Shefford 19 Aug. 1823. , • Bust to 1 . ; claret-coloured coat, white waistcoat. Canvas, 322 X 26, in. 34 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 169 JOSEPH LANCASTER (1778-1838). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. Hazlitt. Philanthropist, founder of the “ Lancasterian ” syst. of mutual instruc. ; b. in Lond. 25 Nov. 1778; educ. by his father, a retired soldier; opened an elementary sch. for poor children, 1798; gradually developed his syst. in larger institu. ; for want of funds had to emigr. to America, 1816; received the encouragem. of Bolivar, Pres, of Columbia, till his abdica. in 1829; did not succ. in Canada and the United States; d. in New York, 24 Oct. 1838. Bust, nearly full face ; brown coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 170 REV. DANIEL LYSONS, F.R.S. (176(^1834). Rev. Samuel Lysons. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Topographical writer; b. at Rodmarton, Gloucestersh. about 1760; educ. at Oxf. ; ent. the Church, and succ. to the family living of Rodmarton, 1804; pub. “The Environs of London,” and “Magna Britannia;” d. 1834. Bust, seated ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 171 SIR F. BURDETT, Bt. (1770-1844). Miss Burdett Coutts. James Northcote, R.A. {See No. 138.) Standing to r. ; black dress, resting hands on book, white tower in background ; signed at back, “June i, 1810, Jas. Northcote.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 172 CHARLES BRODRICK, D.D. ABP. OF CASHEL (1761-1822). Very Rev. Viscount Midleton. Hamilton. 4th son of Geo. Brodrick, 3d V’isc. Midleton; b. 3 May, 1761 ; originally intended for the naval profession ; went on a voyage as midshipman, but resigned on acet. of feeble health ; marr. Mary, dau. of Rich. Woodward, Bishop of Cloyne; was appoint. Bishop of Clonfert, 1795 ; Bishop of Kilmore, 1796 ; Archbishop of Cashel, 1801 ; d. 6 May, 1822. Bust, seated to r. ; black coat, close powdered wig. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 173 SAMUEL LYSONS, F.R.S. (1763-1819). Rev. Samuel Lysons. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Antiquary and topographer ; brother of Daniel Lysons ; b. at Rodmarton, 1763; studied at the Temple, and was called to the bar; assist, his brother in the compilation of the “Magna Britannia;” wrote several other works, chiefly on Roman antiquities in Engl. ; app. Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London ; d. 1819. Bust, full face ; dark coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 174 RT. HOBART, 4TH E. OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE (1760-1816). Earl De Grey ano Ripon. Sir 1'homas Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Geo. 3rd E.; b. 6 May, 1760; marr., ist, Margaretta, dau. and co- heir of Edmund Burke, Esq., of Urrey, and 2ndly, Eleanor Agnes, dau. of Will. 1st Ld. Auckland; d. 4 Feb. 1816, without male issue, and was succ. by his nephew, George Robert Hobart, 5th Earl. Half-length, standing ; 1 . hand resting on table ; black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-floor. Inner Hall {l^os. 160-186). 35 175 RICHARD LOVELL EDGEWORTH (1744-1817). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. a. E. Edgeworth. Hamilton. Father of Maria Edgeworth, the novelist ; b. at Bath, 1744; educ. at Oxf.; devoted much of his time to agricultural improvem. ; invented a telegraph ; assisted his dau. in her first literary efforts, and pub. together with her, the “ Essay on Irish Bulls;” d. 1817. Bust to 1 ., in a claret-coloured coat. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 176 RICHARD REYNOLDS (1735-1816). Mr. S. Gurney, M.P. Wm. Armfield Hobday. Philanthropist; b. at Bristol, i Nov. 1735; educ. in a Quaker School; appren. to an iron merch. ; became partner and manager of the Iron Works, at Coalbrook Dale, Shropsh. ; improved the condition of his workpeople by building cottages and schools ; took a lively interest in the abolition of the slave-trade; ret ir. from business, 1789, and spent the rest of his life in extens. works of charity; d. at Bristol, 10 September, 1816. To waist ; seated to 1 ., holding book in r. hand; dated at back 1815 ; engraved by Mr. Sharp. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 177 REV. HENRY MARTYN (1781-1812). University Library, Cambridge. Missionary; b. in Cornwall, 1781; educat. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; in 1805, went to India, as Chaplain to the East India Comp.; disting, himself by his rapid acquir. of the native languages; translat. the “ Common Prayer Book” into Hindustance; after, trav. in Persia, and made a Persian transla. of the “New Testament ;” d. on his way to Eng. at Tokat, in Asia Minor, 1812. Bust; full face; Indian landscape, and figures in the distance, to the left. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 178 THOMAS CLARKSON (1760-1846). CoRP. OF Wisbech. Samuel Lane. The first advocate of the abolit. of Slavery; b. at Wisbech, 1760; wrote a Latin prize essay on Slaver>', 1786, which became very popular when publ. in Engl.; assisted in forming associat. for discuss, and agitat. the subject; became acquainted with Wilberforce, who brought the question before Pari. 1787 ; continued to labour for the cause all his life; d. Sept. 1846. Half-length ; full face ; seated in arm-chair, pen in r. hand ; black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 179 JOSHUA BROOKES, F.R.S. (1761-1833). Mr. J. R. Brookes. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Anatomist; b. 24 Nov. 1761; studied under Drs. A. Marshal and W. Hunter, and at the Hotel Uieu, Paris; formed an extensive museum of anatomy and natural history, in which he lectured for 40 years; elect. F.R.S. for his discovery of a composition retarding the process of putrefaction; gave up teaehing on account of ill-health, 1826; d. in London, 10 Jan. 1833. Three-quarter length ; seated at table, with book open before him and pen in r. hand ; dark claret-coloured coat. Canvas, 56 x 44 >n. 36 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 180 WILLIAM WILBERFORCE (1759-1833). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Oxford. George Richmond, R.A. Philanthropist; b. at Hull, 1759; cduc. at Camb. where he lived in friendship with Pitt; M.P. for Hull, 1780; commenced his agitation for the abolit. of the slave-trade, as the associate of Clarkson, 1786 (No. 178) ; subseq. devoted all his energy to the emancipation of the slaves in the colonies; d. soon after the second reading of the “ Emancipation Act,” 1833. Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair ; full face ; resting on table to his r. ; black dress. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. I 81 JAMES STEPHEN, M.P. (1759-1832). Mr. James Stephen. P'. Slater. Lawyer and political writer; b. at Poole, 1759; educ. at Winchester; Stud, for the law ; editor and Pari, reporter for the “ Morning Chronicle ;” obtained an appoint, in the Prize Court at St. Christopher, where he practised with success ; after his return to Engl, was much employ, in prize cases before the Privy Council ; suggested and arranged the system of Continental blockade during the French wars; sat as M.P. for Tralee and East Grinstead ; Master in Chancery; a zealous advocate of the abolition of slavery ; d. at Bath, 12 Oct. 1832. 182 HENRY THORNTON, M.P. (1760-1815). Mr. H. S. Thornton. John Hoppner, R.A. Partner of the banking firm of Down, Thornton, and Tree; b. 1760; M.P. for Southwark, 1783; founded the Sierra Leone Company, 1789; seconded Fox’s motion for the repeal of the Shop Tax; voted with Ld. Grey in favour of Pari. Reform, 1797; satin seven Parliaments as Member for Southwark; d. 17 Jan. 1815. Half-length ; standing near table ; roll of paper in r. hand ; blue coat. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 183 BASIL MONTAGU (1770-1851). Mr. Bryan Waller Procter. John Opie, R.A. Lawyer and scholar; son of Ld. Sandwich; b. 1770; called to the bar, 1798 ; pub. treatises on the Law of Bankruptcy, and joined Romilly and Mackintosh in their endeavours to mitigate the Penal Code ; Q.C. ; gained a wide reputation by his edit, of the works of Ld. Bacon ; d. at Boulogne, 1851. Three-quarter size; seated, looking to left ; black dress; paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. I 84 WM. SPENCER, 6th D. OF DEVONSHIRE, K.G. (1790-1858). Adm. Sir A. W. G. Clifford, Bt. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of William, 5th D. of Devonsh. ; b. 21 May, 1790; d. unmarr. 17 Jan. 1858, and was succ. by his cousin William, E. of Burlington, the pres. D. Three-quarter size ; seated, 1 . hand resting on table, and holding roll of paper. Canvas, 51 X 47 in. 185 ZACHARY MACAULAY (1768-1838). Lady Trevelyan. F. Slater. Distinguished Philanthropist, father of Ld. Macaulay; b. 1768; spent a large portion of his life in co-operating with Clarkson and Wilberforcc, for Ground- floor. ~\ Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 187-208). 37 the abolition of the slave-trade, and of slavery in the English colonies ; d. 13 May, 1838. Three-quarter size ; small size ; seated to r. ; signed, “ F. Slater, 17 New- man Street, London, 1815.” Crayon, paper, 13 x ii in. 186 WILL. VINCENT, DEAN of WESTMINSTER LENT BY (1739-1815). PAINTER. Rev. W. Vincent. William Owen, R.A. B. in Lond. 1739; educ. at Westm. Sch. and Trin. Coll. Camb; usher of West. Sch. 1763; Second Mast. 1771 ; Chap, to George III. and D.D. 1778; Head Mast, of Westm. Sch. 1788; resigned, 1801; Dean of Westm. 1802; d. 1815; wrote several learned works on classical subjects ; sermons and life pub. by Archd. Nares. Three-quarter size ; small size ; seated in arm-chair ; black clerical dress, red ribbon, and badge. Panel, 17 x 14 in. No. 4. EASTERN GALLERT {Nos. 187-413). FIRST BAT { Nos . 187 io 208). I 87 CATH. PAKENHAM, DCHSS. of WELLINGTON. Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir 1 '. Lawrence, P.R.A. 3rd dau. of Edw. Michael, 2nd Ld. Longford, and mother of the present D. ; marr. Sir Arthur Wellesley, afterw. ist D. of W'ellington, 10 April, 1806; d. 25 April, 1831. , To waist, miniature size; seated in arm-chair; full face; bonnet and feather resting on 1 . arm; signed “T. L. 1814.” Pencil, paper, I3i X U in. 188 FI TZROY SOMERSET, AFT. FIELD-MARSHALL LORD RAGLAN (1788-1855). Duke of Wellington, K.G. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Youngest son of the 5th D. of Beaufort; b. 1788; ent. the Army, 1804; fought with distinction in the Peninsular war ; became related by marr. to the D. of Wellington, 1814; lost his right arm at Waterloo; Mil. Sec. to the Duke, both as Mast.-tien. of the Ordn. and as Comm.-in-Chief, 1819-52 ; Mast. -Gen. of the Ordn. ; Privy. Conn, and raised to the Peerage after the Duke’s death, 1852 ; Com.-in-Ch. of the Expedit. to the Crimea, 1854; d. in camp before Sebastopol, 28 June, 1855. Head, looking to r. ; military uniform ; signed “ H.W.P., Apsley House, London, 1821.” Canvas, 20 X l6 in. 189 GEN. SIR ROBER'F THOS. WILSON, K.M.T. (1777-1849). Mr. R. B. W. Wilson. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A, General and politician ; b. in London, 1777 ; educ. at Westminster and Winchester; stud, for the law, but being introduced to the D. of York, entered the army ; serv. in Flanders, 1793, in Holland, 1799, and in Egypt, 1800-3 ; was jircscnt at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope, 1805 ; accomp. Ld. Flutchinson on a secret mission to the Continent, 1806-7; fought with distinction in the Peninsular war and in the German campaigns, 1815-15 ; incurred the displeasure of the Pr. Regent by the part he took in the escape of Lavalette, 1815, and was dismissed from the army for his con- duct at the funeral of (). Caroline, 1821 ; but re-instated a few years after- 38 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. wards ; sat as M.P. for Southwark, 1818-31 ; attain, the rank of full General, 1841 ; Governor of Gibraltar, 1842-49 ; d. 9 May, 1849. • Large half-length, standing, looking to 1.; resting 1. arm on mortar and holding cocked hat; military uniform covered with orders; ribbon of the Bath. Canvas, 56 X 46 in. 190 ROBERT BANKS JENKINSON, 2 nd EARL OF LIVERPOOL (1770-1828). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman; son of Charles Jenkinson, ist E. ; b. 7 June, 1770; educ. at the Charterho. and Oxf. ; trav. on the Continent during the outbreak of the French Revolution; M.P. for Rye, 1790; Commiss. of Indian .Affairs, 1796; Sec. of State for For. Affairs, 1801-5; Home Min. 1807; succ. Mr. Perceval as Prime Minister, 1812; resigned, 1827; d. 4 December, 1828. Half-length, standing; full face; hands closed; dark dress. Canvas, 55 X 46 in. 19 1 CHAS. 4TH D. OF RICHMOND, K.G. (1764-1819). Duke of Richmond, K.G. John Jackson, R.A. Only son of Lieut.-Gen. Ld. George Henr>- Lennox, bro. of Charles, 3rd. D. who d. without issue; b. 1764; marr. Charlotte, dau. of Alexander, 4th D. of Gordon; succ. to the Dukedom, 1806; went as Gov.-Gen. to Canada; d. there from the effects of a bite from a dog, 28 Aug. 1819. Bust to r. ; military uniform ; star of Garter. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. So-bL . 4 . 192 LIEUT.-GEN. SIR HARRY CALVERT, Bart. G.C.B., G.C.H. (1763-1826). Sir H. Verney, Bt. M.P. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Son of Peter Calvert, Esq., of Hampton Court Palace; enter, the Anny, and rose to the rank of Lieut.-Gen.; G.C.B. and Lieut.-Gov. of Chelsea Hosp. and Adj.-Gen. of the Forces, 1799-1820; crea. a Bart. 1818; d. 3 .Sept. 1826. Bust, full face; dark military cloak; signed “ T. P. 1826: 1825, aet. 62 painted in 1826. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 193 FREDERICK, DUKE OF YORK (1763-1827). Sir Henry P. Gordon, Bt. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. 2nd son of George 111.; b. 16 Aug. 1763; ent. the Army, 1780; went to study milit. science at Berlin; crea. D. of York, 1784; Com.-in-Chief in Flanders, 1794; recall, but nom. Field-Marshal and Com.-in-Chief of the .Army; served again in Holland, 1799; did not command in the field afterw. ; popular as the “ Soldiers’ Friend” in times of peace; d. 5 Jan. 1827. Full-length ; seated at table, in military uniform, reading. Panel, 25 x 22 in. 194 ARTH. WELLESLEY, DUKE of WELLINGTON (1769-1852). Sir Henry P. Gordon, Bt, Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. 3rd son of Garrett, ist E. of Momington and Anne, dau. of Arthur Hill, 1st Viscount Dungannon; b. i May, 1769; educated at Eton and Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 187-208). 39 at Angers, France ; Ensign in 73rd Rcgt. 1787 ; M.P. in Irish Pari, for Trim ; Col. of the 33rd Regt. 1796; went to India, 1797 ; battle of Assaye, 1803 ; ret. to Eng. 1805 ; Peninsular War, 1808-14; Waterloo, 1815 ; Com.-in-ch. 1827 ; ist Lord of Treasury, 1828 and 1834 ; supported Sir R. I eel, 1841 ; Com.-in-ch. 1842 ; d. at Walmer Castle, 14 Sept. 1852. Full-length; seated writing at table by lamplight. Panel, 25 x 22 in. 195 STAPLETON COTTON, VISCT. COMBERMERE (1773-1865) LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Wellington, K.G. John Hayter. General; son of Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton, Bart. ; b. at Llewenny Hall, Denbighsh. 1773; ent. the Army, 1790; serv. under the D. of York m Flanders, and under Sir A. Wellesley in the Mahrattah war, 1798 ; disting. himself as Comm, of the allied cavalry in the Penins. war ; crea. Ld. Comber- mere, 1814; Comm.-in-Chief in India, 1822-25; Viset. Combermere, 1826; Field-marshal, 1855; d. at Clifton, 21 February, 1865. Full-len<^th, standing beside his horse; small size; military uniforin ot Horseguards; orderly to the r. ; group of figures in background; signed at back, “John Naylor,' pinxt. 1839.” Canvas, 56 X 44 in- 196 EDWARD, DUKE OF KENT (1767-1820). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). John Hoppner, R.A. 4th son of Geo. III. and father of H. M. the Queen; b. 2 Nov. 1767; cduc at Gottingen and Hanover; served with distinction m the army m Canada, and the West Indies; Gov. of Gibraltar, 1802 ; marr. Maria Louisa Victoria, widow of the Pr. of Leiningen, 20 May, 1818, who pve birth to H. M. the Oueen, 24 May, 1819; d. suddenly at Sidmouth, 23 Jan. 1820. Half-length, standing to r. ; military uniform ; sword in r. hand. Canvas, 42 X 31 in. 197 RICHARD, 7TH EARL OF CAVAN (1763-1837). Earl of Cavan. F- Y. Hurlstone. Son of Richard, 6th E. and Eliz. dau. and co-heir of Geo. Davies, Esq. ; b 10 Sept 1763; ent. the Army; rose to the rank of Geneial ; command, a divis under Sir R. Abercromby in Eg\-pt, 1800; marr. Honora Margaretta, young, dau. and co-heir of Sir Henry Gould, Kt. and mother of the present EarlT d. 21 Nov. 1837. , , , • j Half-length, standing; military uniform; 1. hand leaning on sword. Canvas, 56 X 44 in- 198 THOS. GRAHAM, LD. LYNEDOCH (1748-1843). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. B. 1748, at Balgowan, Perthshire ; mar. Mary, 2nd dau. of Ld. Cathcart; she d. 1792, childless, and Sir Thos. Graham went abroad and entered the armv as a volunteer; served with distinction ; raised a regiment in Perthsh. , in the .Austrian Campaign, 1796; Aide-de-camp to Sir J. Moore (No. 77) ; '^ained the victory of Barossa, 1811; served through the 1 enmsular War, and afterwards in Holland ; made a daring attempt to seize the fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom; crea. Ld. Lynedoch, 1814 ; d. 18 Dec. 1 843, m his 96th year. Full-length, standing ; military uniform, drawn sword in r. hand ; ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 43 Part of Reign of George III. 1800-1820. 199 ARTHUR, DUKE OF WELLINGTON. (1769-1862). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. ^ {See No. 194.) To waist, nearly full face, standing, arms folded; military uniform, ribbon, K.G. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 200 GEN. SIR THOS. PICTON, K.C.B. (1758-1815). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir William Beechey, R.A. One of the D. of Wellington’s Generals; b. 1758; ent. the .Army, 1771 ; Capt. 1779; took part in the conquest of St. Lucia and Trinidad; appoint. Governor of Trinidad, 1797; recalled, 1807; disting, himself in the capture of Flushing, and the battles of Badajoz, \'ittoria, and Ciudad Rodrigo ; receiv. the thanks of Parliament and was knighted, 1814; fell at the head of the Sth division of the Army, in the battle of Waterloo, i8 June, 1815. To waist, looking to 1 . ; military uniform ; on back, “ painted a fortnight before his death.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 201 JN. COLBORNE, F.-MARSHAL LD. SEATON (1779-1863). Duke of Wellington, K.G. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. General and Administrator; b. 1779; educ. at Westminster School ; served with distinc. in Holland, Egypt, and Sicily; appoin. Military Sec. to Sir J. Moore, with whom he rem. till the death of the latter at Corunna, 1809 ; took a prominent part in the battles of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Pyrenees, and Orthes; led the attack of the 52nd Regiment at Waterloo; Maj.-Gen. 1825 ; Lt.-Gov. of Canada, 1828-36; crea. Baron Seaton, 1839; Ld. High Commis. of the Ionian Islands; and Comm.-in-Chief in Irel. till 1854; Gen. 1854; Fieldmarsh. i860; d. at Torquay, 17 April, 1863. Head to r., with military shako uniform and cloak ; signed “ H. W. P., Apsley House, London, 1821.” Canvas, 27 x 21 in. 202 WM. CARR BERESFORD, F.-MARSHAL VISCT. BERESFORD (1770-1854). Mr. A. J. B. Beresford Hope,M.P. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of the ist Marq. of Waterford; b. 1770; educ. for the anny at Strasburg; ensign, 1785; Captain at the conquest of Toulon, 1793; fought in India and Eg)pt, 1799-1803; took part, as Col. in the conq. of Cape Colony, 1805, and as Brig.-Gen. in the seizure of Madeira, 1807; Joined the Brit, army in Portugal as Maj.-Gen. 1808 ; Com.-in-Chief and Marshal of ihc Portuguese troops, 1809; defeat. Souk at . 41 buera, 181 1 ; raised to the Peer- age, 1814; Viset. 1822; Mast.-Gen. of Ordn. 1828; d. 1854. Full-length, standing in landscape ; court dress, ribbon of G.C.B. Canvas, 98 x 60 in. 203 SIR ROBERT ADAIR, G.C.B. (1763-1S55). Viscount Barrington, M.P. Pf.rignon. Diplomatist; b. 1763; educ. at Westm. School and Gottingen Univer. ; resid. for many years at Berlin, Vienna, and .St. Petersburg, to study Continental Politics; ^I.P. for Appleby, 1802; voted with the Whigs; sent by Fo.v as Ambass. to the Court of Vienna, 1806; Knt. and Ambass. at Constantinople, 1809-11 ; recalled by Ld. Liverpool; unemploy, till 1831 ; on spec, missions Ground-floor. '\ Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 187-208). 41 in Brussels and Berlin, 1831-35 ; receiv. a pension of 2000/. for his services; pub. “An Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna,^ in 1806; “ Memoirs of the Negotia. for the Peace of the Dardanelles,” 1808-9; * 855 - Half-!ength, seated to r., at table, pen in r. hand ; ribbon and star G.C.B. Canvas, 40 X 34 in. 204 GENERAL SIR JOHN McLEOD (1752-1834). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Gardiner. f'. Y. Hurlstone. B. 1752 ; educ. at the R. Mil. Acad. Woolwich ; ser\-cd in the American war under Ld. Cornwallis ; app. Dep. Adj.-Gen. of Artillerj', 1795 ! Master- gunner of Engl. 1808; com. the Artiller>' in the Walcheren e.xpedition, 1809; Director-Gen. of Artillery, 1815 ; knighted, 1820; d. 1834 Half-length, standing, looking to r. ; dark militarj' cloak, ribbon, and star ; signed “ F. Y. H., 1828.” Canvas, 44 X 34 in. 205 HENRY WM. PAGET, F.-MARSHAL, isr MARQ, OF ANGLESEA, K.G. (1768-1854). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A.. Gen. ; b. 17 May, 1768; fought in the Netherlands under the D. of Vork„ 1794; distinguished as a dashing leader|of cavalry- throughout the Peninsular War; greatly contrib. to the victory at Waterloo, at the head of the United Brit. Hanov. and Bclg. Horse; crea. .Marq. of Anglesea, 4 July, 1815; twice Ld. Lieut, of Irel. ; Mast.-Gen. of Ordn. ; Field- Mar., K.G. &c. ; d. 29 .April, '854- Full-length, standing; in hussar uniform, with shako in 1 . hand ; ribbon K.G. ; at about 56 years of age. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 206 ROBT. STEWART, VISC. CASTLEREAGH, 2nd MARQ, OF LONDONDERRY, K.G. (1769-1822). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman and diplomat.; eld. son of Robert, ist Marq. of Londonderry; b. 1769; educ. at Arniagh and St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; first in the Irish, then in the British Pari. ; Keeper of the Privy Seal for Irel. 1797 ; assisted as Sec. to the Ld. Lieut., in bringing about the Union with Irel. 1801 ; Sec. for War and the Colonies, 1805 ; retir. on the death of Pitt; resum. his offices, 1807; resign, aft. the Walcheren Expedit. and his duel with Canning, 1809; be- came Min. for Foreign Affairs, 1812; Plenipo. E.xtraor. to the Allied Powers, and to the Congress of V’ienna, 1814-15; received the thanks of Parliament for his services; after the Peace, favoured the policy of the Holy Alliance; d. 12 Aug. 1822; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter size, standing ; full face, resting 1 . hand on papers ; star and ribbon K.G. Canvas, 54 X 42 in. 207 COLONEL WILLIAM LAMBTON ( -1823). Royal Asiatic Society. William Havell. An officer in the Indian Army ; disting, himself by conducting the Trigo- nometrical Survey of India ; contrib. to the Transactions of the Royal and Asiatic Societies ; d. 1823. To waist, full face, seated; dark coat; “painted 1822, at Hyderabad, for G. Lamb, Esq., by W. Havell.” Canvas, 30 x 25. Reign of George IV, 1820-1830. 42 208 SIR MURRAY MAXWELL, Kt. (1774-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Admiral Maxwell. Martin Cregan. Naval officer; entered the Navy 1790: commenced his career under Hood; Lieut. 1796; served in action off Lissa, and took two French frigates, 1811 ; wfth distinc. in the W. Indies, in the Mediter. as Capt. of the “ Al- ceste, ” (1807-1812); accomp. Ld. Amherst on his embassy to China, C.H., 1815; shipwrecked in the “Alceste,” 1817; knighted, 1818; app. Lieut. - (lov. of Pr. Edward’s Islr.nd, but d. before his depart. May, 1831. Bust, full face ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. SECOND BAY {Nos. 209 to 228). 209 MARIANNE CATON, .MARCHIONESS WELLESLEY ( -1853). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Daughter of Richard Caton, Esq. of the United States of America; marr. 1 stly.,_ Robt. Paterson, Esq. whose sister Elizabeth was the wife of Jerome Bonaparte, King of Westphalia; and, 2ndly, in 1825, Richard, 2nd E. and 1st Marq. of Wellesley; d. 17 Dec. 1853. To waist, seated to r. ; low white dress ; 1 . hand raised to shoulder. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 2 10 SIR WILLIAM CURTIS, Bt. M.P. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir T, Lawrence, P.R.A. Lord Mayor of London in 1795, lo*” 35 years M.P. for the City ; crea. a Bart. 1802 ; d. 18 Jan. 1829. To waist, seated, looking to r. ; furred robes and gold chain. Canvas, 36 X 31 in. 21 I SIR EVERARD HOME, Bt. (1756-1832). Royal Society. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Surgeon; b. at Greenlaw Castle, Berwick, 1756; trained by John Hunter, his bro.-in-law ; pr.act. as surgeon in Lond. ; rose to be serg.-surgeon to the King; Pres, of the Coll, of Surgeons ; Bart. 1813; V.P.R.S.; auth. of several works on .Medicine; d. 1832. Bust to r. ; blue coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. • 212 KING GEORGE IV. (1762-1830). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. Eld. son of George III.; b. 12 .Aug. 1762; marr. Caroline of Brunswick, 5 April, 1795; app. Regent, Feb. 1811 ; succ. to the throne, 29 Jan. 1820; d. 20 June, 1830. {Sec No. I.) Full-length heroic size; in Highland costume; signed, “ David Wilkie, 1830.” Canvas, 109 X 69 in. 213 HENRY, 3RD E. BATHURST, K.G. (1762-1834). Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Son of Hen. 2nd E. ; b. 22 May, 1762 ; marr. Gcorgiana, 3rd dau. of Ld. Ground-floor Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — Nos. 209-228). 43 Cco. Henry Lennox, by whom he had issue 3 sons and 2 dau. ; held the offices of a Teller of the Excheq. and Clerk of the Crown ; d. 26 July, 1834. Bust; nearly full face; dark dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 214 PERCY CLINTON SYDNEY SMYTHE, 6th Vise. STRANGFORD (1780-1855). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Strangford. Diplomatist; son of Lionel, 5th Viset. ; b. 31 Aug. 1780; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin; succ. to the title, 1801 ; Minister and Envoy at the Court of Lisbon, 1806; accompa. the Portuguese Court to the Brazils, 1807; ret. to Engl. 1816; Amb. in Stockholm, 1817; in Constanti. 1820; co-plenipo. with the D. of Wellington, at the Congress of \’^erona, 1822; crea. Baron Penshurst in the Peer, of Engl, and Amb. at St. Petersb. 1825; retired from the service, 1826; d. 29 May, 1855. To waist, standing ; looking to 1. ; peer’s robes, collar and badge. Can- vas, 36 X 28 in. 215 SIR THOS. STAMFORD RAFFLES (1781-1826). Mrs. Traver.s. G. F. Joseph, A.R.A. Son of a naval captain ; b. at sea, off Jamaica, 1781 ; early cnt. the serv. of the East India Company; Assist.-Sec. at Prince of Wales’ Island, 1805; Lieut.-Gov. of Java, 1811-16; Direc. of the f'actory of Bencoolen, Sumatra, 1818 ; estab. the tree port of Singapore, and founded the Anglo-Chinese Coll, there, 1823; lost all his collect, by fire on his way home, 1824; pub. “ The History of Java,” and was Founder and first Pres, of the Zoolog. Society of London; d. July, 1826. To waist, seated; blue coat; r. arm resting on book. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 216 SIR ASTLEY PASTON COOPER, Bt. (1768-1841). College OF Surgeons. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Surgeon; b. at Brooke, Norfolk, 1768; incd. student in I^nd. and Edinb.; assist, to Mr. Cline at St. Thomas’s Hosp. ; attained great reputa. as a Prof, and a very extens. pract. as a surg. ; surg. to the King, and Bart. 1827; d. 12 h'eb. 1841. Half-length, standing; r. hand resting on table; dark dress. Canvas, 56 X 44 in- 217 CHARLES KENDAL BUSHE, LD. CHIEF JUST. OF IRELAND (1767-1843). Mr. John Bushe. Martin Cregan. B. 1767 ; ent. Trin. Coll. Dub. 1782 ; sat in the Irish Pari, for the borough of Callan, 1797; Sol. -Gen. 1805; Ch. Just, of Irel. 1822; d. 10 July, 1843. Half-length, seated ; robes of Ld. Ch. Justice, Ireland. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 218 SIR HENRY HALFORD, Bart. M.D. (1766-1844). Sir Henry Halford, Bt. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Eminent physician; son of Dr. \'aughan, of Leicester; b. 1766 ; educ. at Rugby and Oxford; successively Physician to Geo. HI. and Qu. Charlotte, Geo. IV. and Qu. Victoria; crea. Bart. 1809; changed his name for that of 44 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. Halford, on inheriting a property, 1815; Pres, of the Roy. Coll, of Physic. 1824; d. 9 .March, 1844. Three-quarter size, to 1 .; seated in arm-chair; full face; black dress. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 219 SIR MATTHEW WOOD, Bx. (1768-1843). LE.N'T BY PAINTER. Ld. Just. Sir W. Page Wood. Denning. Son of a tradesman at Tiverton; b. 1768; commenced business as a druggist in the city of Lond. ; Sheriff, 1809; Ld. Mayor, 181 5, and again 1816; M.P. for the City, 1815 to 1843 ; voted with the advanced liberals, and was conspic. as the friend and supporter of Q- Caroline ; d. 1843. To waist, seated to 1.; holding paper in 1. hand, spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 220 SIR JEFFREY WYATVILLE, R.A. (1766-1840). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir 'F. Lawrence, P.R.A. Architect ; son of Joseph Wyatt ; b. at Burton-upon-Trent, 3 Aug. 1766 ; apprenticed to his uncle, .Sam. Wyatt, architect to the Trinity House, Lond. ; joined a builder in executing (iovern. contracts, and was engaged on seats of noblemen and gentlemen: .A.K..A.. 1823; appoint, architect for re-modelling Windsor Castle, 1824, when he assumed the name of Wyattville ; R.A. 1826 ; knighted, 1828 ; d. in the Wykeham Tower of Windsor Castle, 18 Feb. 1840. Three-quarter length, seated near table on which is plan of principal story of Round Tower, 1830, Windsor Castle in distance; painted 1829. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 22 1 JOHN LATHAM, M.D. F.R.S. (1761-1843). Mr. G. W. Latham. John Jackson, R.A. B. at Gawsworth, Chester, 1761 ; educ. at Oxf. ; practised as a physician in Manchester, Oxford, and London, and attained great eminence in his profession; elected Presid. of the Royal Coll, of Phys. 1814; author of Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes;” d. 1843. Half-length; seated, as President of Royal Coll, of Surgeons; mace on table before him. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 222 RT. HON. SIR JN. LEACH, Master of the Rolls (1760-1834). Mr. Thomas Leach. Son of a coppersmith at Bedford; b. 28 August, 1760; first studied Architecture; ent. the Middle Temple, 1785; called to the Bar, 1790; M.P. for Seaford, 1806; obtained favour with the Pr. Regent and was appoint. Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1816; Vice-Chan, of Engl. 1818; Mast, of the Rolls and Priv. Coun. 1827; d. 16 Sept. 1834. Bust to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 26 in. 223 CHAS. MURRAY, 2ND E. CATHCART (1783-1859). Earl Cathcart. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Son of William Schaw, ist E. ; b. 21 Dec. 1783; ent. the .\rmy ; rose to the rank of Gen. ; for some time Gov. of Edinb. Castle, and Comm, of the Forces in .Scotl. ; Gov.-Gen. and Comm.-in-Chief in British North America; succ. to the Peerage, 1843; ^1- '6 July, 1859. Bust, to 1. ; military uniform. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 'Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — Nos. 209-228). 45 224 GENERAL SIR LOWRY COLE (1772-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Countess Cowper. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Distinguish. Peninsular Officer ; b. 1772 ; ent. the Army at an early age ; engaged throughout the whole of the Peninsular War; receiv. the thanks of Pari, for his services, particularly at the baitles of .Salamanca, V'ittoria, and the Pyrenees; afterw. Gov. of the Cape Colony, and of the Mauritius; Lieut. General, 1825; General, 1830; d. 1842. Bust ; military uniform ; star of St. Patrick. Oval canvas, 30 x 25 in. 22 5 OUEEN CAROLINE and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE ^ (1768-1821). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 2nd dau. of D. Ferdinand of Brunswick; b. 17 May, 1768; marr. Geo. Pr. of Wales, 1795; gave birth to the Princess Charlotte, 1796; lived ever after separated from her husband; left Engl. 1814; travcll. in Italy, Greece, Asia Minor, and Syria, till 1820; ret. on the access, of Geo. IV.; proceed, against by Bill of Pains and Penalties in the Ho. of Lords, and preven. from occupying her position as Queen ; d. 7 Aug. 1821 ; bu. at Brunswick. {See No. 231.) Full-length figure-; Q. Caroline standing tuning the harp, the Princess holding up a piece of music towards her ; painted at Blackheath. Canvas, 119 X 81 in. 226 RT. HON. DUDLEY RYDER, ist EARL OF HARROWBY (1762-1847). Earl of Harrowby, K.G. Thos. Phillips, R.A. Statesman ; son of Nathaniel Ryder, ist Ld. Harrowby ; b. 22 Dec. 1762 ; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; ent. Pari, as Memb. for Tiverton, 1784 ; Under-Sec. of State for For. Affairs, 1789; Paymast. of the Forces, and Vice-Pres. of the Board of Trade, 1791 ; enjoyed the friendship of Pitt, whom he seconded in his duel with Tierney ; Minist. for For. Affairs, 1804; Pres, of the Board of Control, and crea. E. of Harrowby, 1809 ; Pres, of the Coun. in Ld. Liverpool’s minist. 1812; support, the repeal of the Test and Corpora- tion Acts; retir. from office, 1827; d. 26 Dec. 1847. Bust ; seated, looking to r. ; dark coat and dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 227 RT. HON. SIR J. MACKINTOSH, Kt. (1765-1832L National Portrait Gallery. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Jurist and statesm. ; b. in Inverness, 24 Oct. 1765 ; studied for the med. prof. ; graduated as M.D. at Edinb. 1787 ; trav. on the Continent; pub. his “ Vindicias Gallicae” in defence of the French Revolu. 1791 ; turned to law, and was app. Lecturer at Lincoln’s Inn, 1799; defended Pettier for his libel on Bonaparte, 1801; Recorder of Bombay and knighted, 1803; ent. Pari, as Memb. for Nairn, 1811; co-operated with the Whigs; made his famous motion for amending the criminal laws, 1818 ; Pres, of the India Bd. under Ld. Grey, 1830; contrib. to the “Edinburgh Review;” pub. “The Regency Question,” “ Discourses on the Law of Nature and Nations,” “ History of England; ” d. 30 May, 1832. To waist ; crimson gown ; looking up to 1 . Canvas, 38 X 30 in. 228 HUGH, 3RD D. OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. (1785-1847). Duke of Northumberland. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Son of Hugh, 2nd D. ; b. 20 April, 1785; sent as Ambass. Extraord. to assist at the corona, of Charles X. of France, 1825; afterw. Ld. -Lieut, of 46 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. Irel. ; Chan, of the Univ. of Camb. ; Constable of Launceston Castle, and High Steward of Launceston ; d. without issue, ii Feb. 1847, and was suc- ceeded by his brother. Bust ; looking up to r. ; peer’s robes. Oval canvas, 28 X 28 in. rniRB BAT { Nos . to 246). 229 DAVIES GILBERT, P.R.S. (1767-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. Thomas Phillips, R.A. A friend and promoter of science; b. at St. Erth, in Cornwall, 1767; his family name was Giddy, but having marr. the dau. of Mr. Gilbert, a wealthy Sussex gent., he adopted the latter name ; was among the first to recogn. the talents of Sir Humph. Davy ; whom he succ. as P.R.S. ; pub. “ A Plain State- ment of the Bullion Question;” M.P. for Bodmin, 180^32; d. 1840. Half-length, standing ; black dress ; 1. arm resting on red cushion, roll of paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 44 in. 230 JOHN ABERNETHY (1764-1831). St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Sir Thos. L.awrence, P.R.A. Surgeon; b. 1764; studied in London under Sir Chas. Blick and John Hunter; app. Surgeon to St. Barthol. Hosp. where he distinguished himself as Lecturer; pub. “The Constitution, Origin, and Treatment of Local Diseases;” was noted for his wit and eccentric manners, but obtained a large practice; d. 1831. Half-length, standing; r. hand resting on table; presented 1820. Canvas, 55 X 44 in. 231 PRINCESS CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA, OF WALES (1796-1817). Mr. Thos. Grissell. Geo. Dawe, R.A. Only dau. of Geo. IV. and O. Caroline; b. 7 Jan. 1796; gave early indica. of talent and nobleness of character; marr. Pr. Leopold of Coburg, 2 May, 1816; d. in child-bed, universally regretted, 5 Nov. 1817. {See No. 225.) Three-quarter size ; seated on sofa, looking to 1. ; low dress, white sleeves, dark blue skirt ; resting r. hand on portfolio. Canvas, 60 X 42 in. 232 FREDERICK JOHN ROBINSON, ist EARL OF RIPON (1782-1859). Earl de Grey and Ripon. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman ; youngest son of Tliomas, 2nd Ld. Grantham; b. in London, 1782 ; educ. at Harrow, and St. John’s Coll. Camb.; Priv. Sec. to Ld. Hard- wicke, as Ld. Lieut, of Irel. 1804; M.P. for Ripon, 1807; Pres, of the Board of Trade, i8i8;.Chan. of the Excheq. 1823; Sec. for the Colonies, and crea. \'isct. Goderich, 1827; for some months Prime Minister after the death of Canning; Colonial Almister, 1830; Ld. Privy Seal, and crea. E. of Ripon, 1833; retired from Ld. Grey’s Ministr>', 1834; Pres, of the Board of Trade under Sir Robert Peel, 1841 ; resigned office, 1846; d. 1859. To waist, showing 1. hand gloved ; dark brown coat. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. Ground-fioor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay o — Nos. 229-246). 47 233 SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, Bt. (1778-1829). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. Sir Thomas L.awrence, P.R.A. Nat. Philos.; b. at Penzance, 17 Dec. 1778; appren. to a surgeon, 1795; studied privately sciences, languages, and history ; wrote for Dr. Bcddoe’s “ Contributions to Physical and Medical Knowledge,” essays on Meat, Light, Respiration, &c. ; publ. his “ Researches, Chemical and Philosophical,” 1800; elect. Prof, at the Roy. Institution, 1802; lectured on the connexion of agri- culture and chemistry; app. Sec. Roy. Soc. 1806; discov. the decomposition of alkalis by galvanism ; obtained the prize of the French Institute, 1810; Knighted, 1812; V.P.R.S. 1814; invented the Miner’s Safety Lamp, 1815; travel, in France and Italy, 181S-19; crea. Bart. 1818; P.R.S. 1820; d. at Geneva, 28 May, 1829. Three-quarter size, standing ; full face ; safety lamp on table to his r. Canvas, 52 X 36 in. 234 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING. Earl Granville, K.G. Baron Gi'.rard. {See No. 52.) Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair to r. ; hands crossed ; black dress. Canvas, 52 X 38 in. 235 RT. HON. JOHN HOOKHAM FRERE ( -1846). Mr. George Frere. John Hoppner, R.A. Contemporary and friend of Canning; Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs; Ambass. at the Courts of Madrid and Lisbon; d. at Malta, 1846. Half-length, standing ; looking to r. ; dark cloak, showing r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 236 SIR CHARLES BELL, Kt. (1774-1842). Mrs. Hamilton Bell. Stevens. Anatomist; b. in Edinburgh, 1774; came to London, 1806; lectured with great success at Hunter’s Academy in Windmill St. ; app. Prof, of Anatomy at the Royal Coll, of Surgeons; Knighted, 1830; Author of “ Anatomy of Expression,” “The Hand, its Mechanism,” &c. and various works on ana- tomy and surgical operations; d. 1842. Half-length, standing ; resting 1 . hand on book, spectacles in r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 237 RT. HON. GEORGE CANNING. Corporation of Liverpool. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 52.) Full-length, standing ; 1 . hand raised to chin, black dress, table to r. with papers and inkstand. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 238 RT. HON. WILLIAM HUSKISSON (1770-1830). Sir Thomas Gladstone, Bt. John Graham Gilbert,. R.S.A. Statesman; b. at Birch-Moreton, Worcester, ii Mar. 1770; went to Paris to study medicine; took part in the storming of the Bastille, 1789; became Priv. Sec. to Ld. Gower, who introdu. him to Canning and Pitt, 1792; M.P. for Morpeth, and Under Sec. for War, 1795; resign, with Pitt, 1801 ; return, to office as Sec. to the Treas. 1804; Ch. Commiss. of Woods and Forests, 48 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 1S14 ; Pres, of the Board of Trade, 1822, when he initiated the policy of Free Trade, by removing many restrictions on commerce; Colon. Minister, 1827; d. from injuries received at the opening of the railway between Liverpool and Manchester, 15 September, 1830. Half-length, standing; r. hand resting on table, black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 239 JOHN BELL (1746-1831). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Charles Masters. G. Clint, A.R.A. Publisher ; known by his edit, of the British Poets, with a Shakspearc, and a British Theatre, and the early use of tasteful illustrations by eminent artists; d. 26 June, 1831. Three-quarter size, seated ; full face, “ Bell's Weekly Messenger” in 1 . hand. Canvas, 51 X 40 in. 240 CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, ist VISCOUNT CANTERBURY (1780-1845). Viscount Canterbury. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Eld. son of the Archbp. of Canterbury; b. 1780; educ. at Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; called to the Bar, 1805 ; M.P. for Knaresborough, 1807 ; Judge .\dv.-Gen. 1809; Speaker of the Ho. of Comm. 1817; M.P. for the Univ. of Camb. 1832; having assisted in the formation of Sir Robert Peel's Ministry, 1834, the party of Ld. Melbourne opposed to him as candidate for the Speakership Mr. Abercrombie, who was elected by a majority of 10; crea. Vise. Canterbury, 1835; 21 July, 1845. Three-quarter size, seated ; looking to r., holding three-cornered hat ; black official robes, and ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 241 JOHN ADOLPHUS (1766-1845). Mrs. Henderson. Reinagle. Lawyer and hist.; b. in Lond. 1766; attor. and solicitor, 1790; called to the bar, 1807; bee. more generally known by his defence of the Cato-street conspirators, 1820; pub. “ The Hist, of George 111 .” “Memoirs of the French Revol.” &c. ; d. 16 July, 1845. Three-quarter size, standing ; 1. arm extended, black dress. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 242 HON. CHARLES WM. LAMBTON, “MASTER LAMBTON” (1818-31). Earl of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Eld. son of John George Lambton, ist E. of Durham; b. 16 Jan. 1818; d. 24 Dec. 1831. Full-length as a boy seated on rocks near sea-side, looking to r., resting head on 1. hand ; crimson dress, open shirt-collar. Canvas, 54 X 44 in- 243 LD. WM. H. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, K.G. (1774-1839). Duke of Portland. -Statesm. ; 2nd son ofWm. H. Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland ; b. 14 Sept. 1774 ; ent. the Army ; app. Gov. of Madras, 1803 ; Plenipotcnt. and Comm. Ground-floor. Eastern Gallery (Bay 3 — Nos. 229-246). 49 of English Auxiliaries in Sicily, 1811 ; gave the Sicilians a liberal constitu- tion, 1812; fought in Spain, 1813; subjugated Genoa and restored it to Piedmont, 1814 ; sat in Par. as mem. for King’s Lynn ; Gov.-Gen. of India, 1827-33 ; signalised his rule by prohibiting the burning of widows and re- moving many of the restrictions against settling in the East India Company’s territories ; d. at Paris, ty June, 1839. Bust ; military uniform, ribbon, K.G. Oval canvas, 32 X 25 in. 244 JOHN DALTON, D.C.L. (1766-1844). LENT BY PAINTER. Royal Society. B. R. Faulkner. Nat. Philosopher; b. at Eaglcsfield, near Cockermouth, 1766; Prof, of Mathem. and Nat. Philosophy in Manchester, 1793; publ. “Meteorological Observations and Essays,” 1793; “A new System of Chemistry,” 1808-10; became celebrated by his atomic theory, and discov. of the law of the expans, of gases; received the gold medal from the Royal Society, 1826; seized with paralysis, 1836; d. Aug. 1844. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, black dress ; air-pump and che- mical apparatus on table to his 1 . Signed “B. R. Faulkner, pinx. 1841.” Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 245 WILLIAM ALLEN, F.R.S. (1771-1843).- Pharmaceutical Society. H. Perronet Briggs, R.A. Chemist and Philanthropist: son of a Quaker silk manufacturer in Spitalfields; b. 1771; became known by his chemical experiments and researches; app. Lect. on Chem. at Guy’s Hosp. 1802; Lect. at the Roy. Inst. 1804; F.R.S. 1807; took part with Wilberforce and Lancaster in pro- moting the abolition of slavery and the improvement of the condition of the poor; went on several mission, journeys to the Continent; pub. “Colonies at Home,” “ Plan for diminishing the Poor’s Rates;” d. at Lindfield, Sussex, 30 Dec. 1843. Three-quarter size, seated; resting r. arm on table on which are draw- ings ; brown coat. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 246 EDMUND KEAN (1787-1833). Mr. George Ellis. G. Clint, A. R.A. Tragic Actor; son of a stage carpenter; b. in London, 4 Nov. 1787; ran away from his parents, and went as cabin-boy to Madeira; on his ret. joined a company of actors in Yorksh. ; perform, at 13, the parts of “ Hamlet” and “ Cato ;” sent by Dr. Drury to Eton, to be educat. 1800; returned to the stage and performed with great success in the Provin. 1803; made his first appear, at Drury Lane, as “ Shylock,” 1814; rose to fame by his representations of “Richard III.,” “ Othello,” “ Macbeth,” “ lago,” and other Shakespearian characters; made a tour to the United States, 1820-21; rctir. from Cov. Gard. 1829; d. at Richmond, 15 May, 1833. Full-length ; in character as “ Richard III.”knecling. Canvas, i6x 10 in. FOURTH BAT (Nos. 247 to 270). 247 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). Mr. William E. Green. James Saxon. Poet, and Author of the Waverley Novels; son of a writer to the Signet at Edinb. ; b. 15 Aug. 1771 ; educ. at the High School; articled to his father; called to the Scotch Bar, 1791 ; eagerly stud, the legendary hist, of Scctl. and German Literature ; commenc. his literary career by pub. transla. from Burger and Goethe, 1796; app. Sheriff Deput. of Selkirksh. 1799; 6c- E 50 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. came known as a poet by his “ Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,” 1802; “Lay of the Last Minstrel,” 1805; “Marmion;” “The Lady of the Lake;” built Abbotsford; commcnc. in 1814, his Waverley Novels, which marked an epoch in the history of romance, and were translated into all European languages ; crea. Bart. 1822 ; struggled manfully to retrieve his fortunes, from the bankru. of his publishers, in which he became involved ; pub. his “ Life of Napoleon,” and “ History of Scotland ;” d. at Abbotsford, 21 Sept. 1832. Biograp. by j. G. Lockhart, his son-in-law. Half-length, seated ; to r. holding dog. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 248 JOHN M‘CULLOCH, M.D., F.R.S. (1773-1835). LENT BY PAINTER.. Royal Society. B. R. Faulkner. Physician and Geologist; b. in Guernsey, 1773; cduc. at Penzance and Edinb. ; at 18 gradua. as M.D. ; ent. the Artillery as Assist.-Surg. ; appoin. Ch)Tnist to the Ordn. 1803; gave up his practice to carry out for Governm. the mineral, and geological survey of Scotl. which he complet. in 1832; pub. a “ Descript, of the Western Islands,” “ Geological Classification of Rocks,” “Essay on Fever;” d. August, 1835. Half-length, seated ; reddish furred coat, pencil in r. hand. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 249 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). Lady Ruthven. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. {Sec No. 247.) Full-length, seated at table, large book open on his knee, pen in r. hand ; two stag-hounds to the r. ; armour on wall in background. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Alluding to this picture Scott speaks, in his diary 29 Mar. 1831, of the artist being “ well pleased, I think very advisedly so, with a cabinet picture of myself, armour and so forth, together with my two noble staghounds. The dogs sat charmingly, but the picture took up some time.” — Lockhart's Life of Scott. 250 JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832). Mr. J. a. Roebuck, M.P. G. F. Watts, R.A. Jurist and Founder of the Utilitarian Philosophy ; b. in London, 15 Feb. 1748 ; cduc. at Westmin. School and Oxf. ; took his degree as B..A. at 16, as M.A. at 20 ; called to the Bar, but did not practise ; pub. in 1776, “ Fragment on Government,” in opposition to Blackstone, which brought him into con- nexion with the principal Whig statesmen ; trav. in Turkey, Russia, Poland, and Germany, 1785-88 ; devoted the remainder of his life to the task of working out a rational theory of government, and to the reform of existing abuses in the administ. of justice ; pub. “ Introduction to the Principle of Morals and Legislation,” “ Treatise on Civil and Penal Legislation,” “ Theory of Rewards and Punishments,” “ Plan of a Judicial Establishment,” &c.; exercised great influence at home and abroad by his works, which were translated into several languages ; d. 6 June, 1832. Full-length, small size, seated in landscape, r. hand resting on stick. Paper, crayon, 26 X 20 in. 251 WILLIAiM COBBETT (1762-1835). Miss Cobbett. J. R. Smith. PoliticalAVriter.; son of a farmer at Farnham, Surrey; b. 9 March, 1762; worked on his father’s farm till 1783, when he became Clerk to a Solicitor in London; enlist, in the Army, 1784; went with his regiment to Nova Scotia, 1785; took his discharge, 1791; settled in Philadelphia, and edited “ The Porcupine’s Gazette ;” returned to England, 1801 ; pub. “ The Works of Peter Porcupine ;” edit. “ The Weekly Register,” in which he first support, afterw. Ground-floor.] Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 247 - 270 ). 51 violently opposed the Government ; fined and impris. for an article against flogging in the Engl. Militia, 1810; still continued to write in a radical sense; lectured on Politics, 1829; also took an interest in agricult.; pub. “Cottage Econ.” “Rural Rides,” &c. ; elect. M.P. for Oldham, 1832; d. 18 June, 1835. Full-length, seated to r. in arm-chair; portrait of John Hampden on wall in background; copy of “Political Register” on table to his r. Paper, coloured crayons, 25 X 18 in. 252 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A. P.R.S.A. {See No. 247.) Full-length, seated under a rock, red book in 1 . hand, pencil in r. hand. Canvas, 72 x 58 in. 253 JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART (1793-1854). Messrs. W. Blackwood & Sons. R. S. Lauder, R.S.A. Novelist and Miscellaneous Writer; Glasgow, 1793; educ. at Edinb. and Oxf. ; called to the Bar, 1816, but did not practise; became known by his Transla. of Ancient Spanish Ballads, “Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk,” and a biography of Cervantes; marr. the eld. dau. of Sir Walter Scott, 1820; pub. the Novels “Valerius,” “Adam Blair,” “Reginald Dalton;” succ. Gifford as Editor of the “ Quarterly Review,” 1825 ; pub. his celebrated “ Biography of Sir Walter Scott,” 1838; resign, the Editorsh. of the “Quarterly Review,” on account of ill health, 1853 ; d. at Abbotsford, 25 November, 1854. Half-length, seated to r., showing 1 . hand ; dark dress and cloak. Canvas, 42 X 31 in. 254 SIR HENRY ROWLEY BISHOP, Kt. (1786-1855). Mrs. Smith. T. Foster. Musical Composer; b. in London, 1786; stud, under Bianchi; rose into general notice by his Opera “The Circassian Bride,” perf. at Drury Lane, 1809; app. Music. Direc. of Covent Garden Theatre, 1810; composed nearly sixty pieces for the stage; retired from the Opera, 1826; wrote many popular songs and glees ; knighted, 1837 ; held the offices of Director of the Concerts of Ancient Music, and Prof, of .Music in the University of Oxford; d. 1855. Half-length, seated, looking to r., roll of music in r. hand ; dark cloak. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 255 JOHN WILSON (1785-1854). Messrs. W. Blackwood & Sons. Sir J.W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Poet and Essayist; b. at Paisley, 1785; educ. at Glasgow and Oxford; gained the Newdigate Prize for English verse, 1806; resided for some years in the Lake District; rose to fame by his “ Elegy on the Death of James Grahame,” and “Isle of Palms,” 1812; chief edit, of “Blackwood’s Maga- zine,” 1817, to which he contribut. many brilliant essays under the pseudon. of “ Christopher North ; ” Prof, of Moral Philosophy in Edin. Univ. 1820; resigned on account of ill health ; d. 1854. Three-quarter length, seated to 1 ., arms crossed ; black dress, r. hand resting on stick ; signed “ Sir Jo. Watson Gordon, R.A. and P.R.S.A. pinx. 1852, Edinburgh.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 256 THOMAS CAMPBELL (i777-’i844). Mr. Octavian Blewitt. Thus. C. Thompson, R.H.A. Poet; son of a Scottish mcrch.; b. 1777 ; educ. at Glasgow; Priv. Tutor at Edinb.; pub. his “Pleasures of Hope,” which estab. his fame, 1799; trav. 52 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. on the Continent; pub. “The E.xile of Erin,” and “ Hohenlinden settled in Lond. ; wrote the “ Battle of the Baltic,” “ Lord Ullin’s daughter,” “ Speci- mens of Brit. Poets, with Notices and Essay ;” edit, the “ New Monthly and Metrop. Magaz. ;” went for his health to Boulogne, d. there, 15 June, 1844. His remains were brought to England and bur. in Westminster Abbey. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, full face, roll of paper in 1 . hand ; painted 1833, at the age of 56. Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 257 SIR W. SCOTT, AND HIS Literary Friends, at Abbotsford, LENT BY PAINTER, Mr, a, Dennistoun, Thomas Faed, R.A, Beginning at the left of the picture the persons represented are as follows : Ld. Chief Commissioner Adam ; Sir Henry Jardine, standing; James Bal- lantyne ; Archibald Constable ; Sir David Wilkie, standing ; Sir William Allan, standing; Thomas Campbell; Thomas Moore; Sir Adam Ferguson; Francis Jeffrey ; Wm. Wordsworth; J. G. Lockhart; George Crabbe; Pro- fessor Wilson, standing ; Henry Mackenzie ; Sir Walter Scott ; the Ettrick Shepherd. {See No. 247.) Group of full-length small-size figures, seated and standing at table ; Scott reading. Canvas, 47 X 65 in. 258 PATRICK LORD ROBERTSON (1794-1855). Major Robertson, T, Duncan, R.S.A. A. R.A. Judge, wit, and poet ; b. at Edinburgh, 1794 ; Advocate, 1815 ; obtained great practice ; Dean of Faculty of Advocates, 1842 ; Ld. of Sessions, 1843 ; Ld. Rector of Marischal Coll. Aberdeen, 1848 ; pub. vol. of verse “ Leaves from a Journal,” &c. ; d. 1855. Three-quarter size, seated, looking to 1 ., wearing spectacles ; black dress. Canvas, 53 X 40 in. 259 JAMES HOGG (1772-1835). Messrs. W. Blackwood & Sons, Sir J.W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Known as the “ Ettrick Shepherd;” son of a shepherd; b. in the forest of Ettrick, Selkirksh. 25 Jan. 1772 ; from an early age followed the occupat. of his father; first began to write verses in 1801, when he was noticed by Sir Walter Scott, who encouraged him to try some literary composition ; won the premium given by the Highland Society for an “ Essay on Sheep;” pub. “The Mountain Bard,” a collection of his poems, 1803; estab. his reputation by “The Queen’s Wake,” 1813; contribut. to “Blackwood’s Magazine,” and other periodicals; pub. “The Domestic Manners and Private Life of Sir Walter Scott, 1834;” d. at Altrive Lake, on the Yarrow, Nov. 1835. Three-quarter size, seated, full face ; Scotch plaid, stick in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 260 THOMAS BEWICK (1753-1828). Lord Ravensworth. Wm. Nicholson, R.S.A. Wood-engraver; son of a coal-miner at Cherryburn, Northumberland; b. 1753; as a. boy, worked in his father’s coal-pit; afterw. apprent. to an engraver in Newcastle ; obtain, the premium of the Soc. of Arts for his cut of an illustration to Gay’s Fables, 1775 ; became known by his designs and wood-engravings for “Select Fables,” “General History of Quadrupeds,” “ History of British Birds,” &c. ; d. at Gateshead, 1828. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, pencil in r. hand, Newfound- land dog to his r. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. Ground-floor^ Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 247-270). 53 261 JOHN LINGARD, D.D. (1771-1851). LENT BY PAINTER. Saint Cuthbert’s Coll. (Ushaw.) James Lonsdale. Historian; b. at Winchester, 5 Feb. 1771 ; educ. at the Roman Catholic Coll, at Uouay; priest at Newxastle-on-Tyne ; commenced his literary career by several works intended to vindicate the patriotism of the Roman Catho- lics of Engl.; pub. “Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church,” 1809; and his principal work, “ History of England to the Accession of William and Mary,” 1819-25; trav. on the Continent; declined the dignity of a Cardinal offered to him by Pope Leo Xll.; d. at Hornby, 13 July, 1851. Three-quarter size, seated ; table with writing materials to his r. ; pen in r. hand; painted 1834. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 262 GEORGE WATSON, P.R.S.A. (1767-1837). Nat. Gallery of Scotland. Geo. Watson, P.R.S.A. First Pres, of the Roy. .Scott. Acad. ; b. 1767, at Overmains in Berwicksh. ; stud. Art under Nasmyth and Sir josh. Reynolds; settled in Edinb., where he obtained extensive employment as a portrait painter; Pres, of the Soc. of Associated Artists of Scotland, 1808-12 ; Pres, of the Roy. Scottish Acad. 1826; d. 1837. To waist; full face; holding palette and brushes. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 263 SIR WALTER SCOTT, Bt. (1771-1832). Mr. Wynn Elij Sj (o (^0 ) C. R. Leslie, R.A. {Sec No. 247.) To waist; small size; seated, nearly full face; resting r hand on stick; shield of arms to his r. in background. Panel, 13 x 10 in. 264 WILLIAM COBBETT (1762-1835). Miss Cobbett. J. R. Smith. {See No. 251.) Bust; full face; brown coat. Crayon, paper, 10 x 9 in. 265 GEN. SIR RALPH DARLING, G.C.H. (1771-1858). Lady Darling. John Linnell. B. 1771 ; ent. the Army, 1793; serv. in the W. Indies till 1808; fought under .Sir John Moore in Spain, at Lugo and Corunna; app. Dep. Adj.-Gen. 1809; Comm, of the troops at the Mauritius, 1818-1823; Gov.-in-Chief of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, 1825-31 ; G.C.H. 1835 ; General, 1841 ; d. at Brighton, 2 April, 1858. Half-length; small-size; standing, looking to 1 .; dark military uniform. Panel, 12 x 10 in. 266 JEREMY BENTHAM (1748-1832). Mr. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. {See No. 250.) Full-length; seated; claret-coloured coat; books on table to his r. Canvas, 88 x 58 in. 267 SIR JAMES M‘GRIGOR, Bt. M.D. K.C.B. (1791-1866). Medical Officers of the Army. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. .Son of Duncan McAndrew, Esq.; b. in Perth, 1791 ; educ. at Edinburgh University; ent. the medical department of the army, 1809; served on the Reign of George IV*^. 1820-1830. 5i \Valcheren Expedition, and in the Peninsular War; in India during the great Mutiny; Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, 1856; Hon. Physician to the Queen, and K. C. B. 1859; changed his name from McAndrew to McGrigor, 1863; d. 13 Jan. 1866. Half-length; standing; crimson-lined, fur-caped cloak, star of K.C.B. ; signed “ D. Wilkie, f. 1835;'’ painted in 1835. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 268 THOMAS M‘CRIE, D.D. (1772-1835). LENT BY P.VINTER. Mrs. M‘Crie. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Theolog. and Historian ; b. in Scotl. 1772 ; educ. at the Univ. of Edinb. ; separat. from the General Associate Synod, and became one of the founders of the Constitut. Associate Presbytery; pub." Lives of “Knox,” “Melville,” and a “ Hist, of the Progress and Suppress, of the Reform, in Italy ;” d. 1835. Half-length; seated, full face; black dress. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. 269 CHARLES MATHEWS (1776-1835). A'Irs. Mathews. John James Masquerier. Actor; b. 1776, in London, where his father was a bookseller; educ. at Merchant Taylors’ School; apprent. to his father, but preferred the stage; made his first appearance at the Haymarkct, 1803; became famous for his great mimic power and comic talent; since 1819, began his entertainment entitled “ Mathews at Home,” which he repeat, with success on professional journeys through Engl. Irel. and America; d. on his return from the United States, at Liverpool, 28 June, 1835. Bust; small size; looking to his 1 .; dark coat; on back, “ Painted 1833, the last he sat for.” Panel, 10 x 8 in. 270 ROBERT DALE OWEN (1771-1858). Mr. George Ellis. Socialist and Philanthropist; b. at Newtown, Montgomerysh. 1771 ; went into business, in which he was successful; purchased the New Lanark Mills, Scotl. and commenced his work as social reformer among the workpeople in his factory, 1801 ; agitated the questions connected with the improvement of the working classes in the press and in public meetings ; founded the Com- munist colony of New Harmony, in Indiana, 1823; returned to Engl. 1826; contin. to take an active part in all endeav. to raise the social and econom. condition of the people; pub. “ Lectures on a New State of Society,” “The Book of the New Moral World,” “ Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race;” d. at Newtown, 17 November, 1858. Head slightly to 1 .; s'gned “ S. B. 1851.” Crayon, paper, 14 x 10 in. FIFTH BAT {Nos. i~j i to 307). 271 MARY GODWIN, MRS. SHELLEY (1798-1851). Sir Percy-Shelley, Bt. Richard Rothwell. Dau. of William Godwin and Mary Wolstoncroft ; b. 179S; marr. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1816; pub. in the same year the tale of “Frankenstein,” which founded her reputat. as an authoress ; edit, a collect, of her husband’s Poems, 1839, and “ Memorials” of him, 1840; wrote “ Rambles in Germany and Italy,” “ Lives of Literary Frenchmen,” &c. ; d. 1851. To waist; seated, full face; low black dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay o — Nos. 271-307). 55 272 HARTLEY COLERIDGE (1796-1849). LENT BY PAINTER. Rev. Derwent Coleridge. Eldest son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge; b. at Clevedon, 1796; resided with his father in the Lake District ; early showed a talent for poetry ; studied at Oxford, 1815, where he obtained a fellowship in Oriel College; being deprived of this, led a roaming life; unsuccessful as schoolmaster; finally turned to literary labour; pub. “ Poems,” “Worthies of Yorkshire ancl Lancashire,” “ Essays and Marginalia ;” d. at Rydal, 6 Jan. 1849. Half-length ; seated to r. ; resting head on r. hand, book in 1 . Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 273 WILLIAM TAYLOR (1765-1836). Mr. John Barwell. John Barwell. Son of a merchant at Norwich ; b. 1765; intend, for a mercantile career, but occupied himself with politics and literature; first became known by his translations from Burger and other German poets; edit, the “Norwich Isis,” 1802; pub. “Engl. Synonymes,” and an “Historical Survey of German Poetry,” which was favourably noticed by Thomas Carlyle; d. 1836. Bust ; seated, three-quarter face to 1 . ; blue coat, yellow waistcoat. Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. 274 HORACE SMITH (1779-1849). Miss Eliza S. Horace Smith. John James Masquerier. Poet and Nov''list ; son of Robert Smith, Solicitor to the Board of Ordn. ; b. in London, 31 Dec. 1779; became a .Member of the Stock Exchange, but at the same time, in conjunction with his brother James, who worked in his father’s office, engaged in literary pursuits ; wrote with his bro. the “ Rejected Addresses^” on the burn, and re-open, of Drury Lane Theatre, 1812; afterw . pub. many novels; d. 24 December, 1849. Bust; small size; dark dress, white cravat. Millboard, 12 x 10 in. 275 CHARLES LAMB (1775-1834)., S. T. COLERIDGE, R. SOUTHEY, AND W. WORDSWORTH. Lieut.-Col. Cunningham. R. Hancock. Chas. Lamb, Poet and Humourist ; b. in London, 1775 ; educ. at Christ’s Hospital; app. to a clerkship in the East India House, which he held for 33 years; pub. his first Poems together with Coleridge and Lloyd, 1797; wrote afterw. “Rosamund Gray,” a tale; “John Woodvill,” a tragedy; “Tales from .Shakespeare,” and many Miscellaneous Essays; universally beloved and admired for his brilliant talents and genial disposition ; d. 27 Dec. 1834; bu. at Edmonton. Memoirs of him by Judge Talfourd, and b> Percy Fitzgerald. For Coleridge {see No. 296) ; .Southey (No. 282) ; Wordsworth (No. 277). Profile portraits to r. ; small size; notes on back; drawn for Joseph Cottle. Crayon, paper, each 7x6 in. 276 ROBERT, 1ST LORD GIFFORD (1779-1826). Ch. Just, of Comm. Pleas. Lord Gifford. Leakie. Son of Robert Gifford, Esq. of Exeter; b. 24 Feb. 1779; attained dis- tinction as a Lawyer; Sol.-Gen. 1817; Att.-Gen. 1819; Ld. Chief Justice of Com. Pleas, and crea. Baron Gifford, 1824; Mast, of the Rolls and Dep. Speaker of the Ho. of Lords, 1825 ; d. 4 Sept. 1826. Three-quarter length, miniature size ; seated in arm-chair, leaning on r. hand. Panel, 9 X 7 in. 5 ^ Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 277 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1850). LENT BY PAINTER. St. John’s College, Cambridge. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. The friend of Coleridge and Southey and prom, member of the Lake School; b. at Cockermouth, 7 April, 1770; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; travelled on the Continent, and was strongly influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution ; resolved on regenerating English poetry by a return to healthy realism and simplicity ; pub. together with Coleridge, “ Lyrical Ballads,” 1798, and afterwards several vols. of poems, but was little appreciated at the time ; settled at Kydal Mount, Cumberland, 1813; pub. in 1814 his philosophical poem, “The Excursion,” which established his reputation ; was more and more recognised as one of the leading spirits of his age, for vigour and depth of thought and noble purity of feeling; succ. Southey as Poet- Laureate, 1843; 23 April, 1850; after his death was pub. his “Growth of a Poet’s Mind;” a “Memoir of Wordsworth,” by Canon Wordsworth, his nephew. Three-quarter size ; seated under a rock ; crimson-lined cloak; landscape to r. ; 1 . hand holding pencil and resting on papers. Canvas, 64 x 52 in. 278 JOHN FINLAISON (1783-1860). Eliza Finlaison. John Burnet. Emin. Actuary; b. at Thurso, 17 Aug. 1783; worked out a Digest of the Admiralty Records, 1808; compiled the first official Navy List; suggest, the reform, system of Governm. Life Annuities, 1820; held the office of Actuary of the Nat. Debt and Governm. Calculator; Pres, of the Instit. of Actuaries, 1848; d. in London, 13 April, i860. Bust, small size ; looking to 1 . ; brown coat, white cravat. Oval canvas, 24 X 20 in. 279 CAROLINE FRY, MRS. WILSON (1787-1846). Mr. William Wilson. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Writer on relig. subjects; b. at Tunbridge Wells, 31 Dec. 1787; marr. the Rev. Mr. Wilson ; became known as an author by her “ Listener,” 1830; pub. subsequently “ .Scripture Principles of Education,” “ Sunday After- noons,” “A Poetical Catechism,” &c. ; d. 17 Sept. 1846. To waist; seated; open, low white dress, crimson scarf; looking up to 1 . Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 280 CHARLES LAMB (1775-1834), and MARY ANN LAMB (1765-1847). Mr. J. Bertrand Payne. F. S. Cary. (For Charles Lamb, see No. 275.) Sister of Charles Lamb; b. 1765; killed her mother in a fit of insanity, 1796; afterw. lived under the tender care of her brother, who did not marry for her sake; took part in composing his “ Talcs from Shakespeare ;” publ. “.Mrs. Leicester’s School,” 1809; surv. her bro. for 13 years; d. 20 May, 1847. Full-length figures, small size ; Charles Lamb seated, his sister standing to his r. ; signed, “ F. S. Cary.” Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 281 ANNE MeVICAR, MRS. GRANT of LAGGAN (1755-1838). Mr. J. P. Grant. Tannock. Miscellaneous Writer; b. at Glasgow, 1755; spent her early years in America, where her father, a retired officer, intended to settle; returned to .Scotland, and marr. Rev. James Grant. Chaplain of Fort .-Augustus, 1779; Ground-floor. Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 271-307). ^fter her husband’s death in 1801, adopted Literature as a profession; pub. Poems,” Letters from the Mountains,” “ Essays on the Superstitions of Ihe Highlanders of Scotland,” &c. ; d. at Edinburgh, 1838. I o waist ; seated ; spectacles in r. hand ; close white cap, light drab shawl, black dress. Canvas, 35 by 26 in. 282 ROBERT SOUTHEY (1774-1843). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. T homas Phillips, R.A. Poet; son of a linendraper at Bristol; b. 12 Aug. 1774; educ. at Westm. •School, and Balliol Coll. Oxf. where his talents excited notice; gave up his plan of entering the Church ; travell. for some time in Spain and Portugal; made his first appearance in the literary world as Author of the epic poems ■“Joan of Arc,” and “Wat Tyler;” settled at Keswick, 1803, and com- menced a long career of incessant literary labour ; like his friends Coleridge and Wordsworth, moderated his political opinions ; pub. “ The Curse of Kehama,” 1810, and “Roderick,” 1814; appointed Poet-Laureate, 1813; achieved great popularity through his biographies of Nelson and Wesley, and The Doctor;” at length felt the effects of overwork, and spent his last years in complete retirement; d. 21 March, 1843. His “Common-Place Book,” was published after his death. To waist ; seated to 1 . ; open furred coat ; holding book in his hands ; medal as Poet-Laureate. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 283 GEORGE O’BRIEN WYNDHAM, 3RD EARL OF EGREMONT (1751-1837). Mr. Alfred T. Derby. William Derby. Eld. son of Charles 2nd E. of Egremont, and Alicia Maria, dau. of Geo. 2nd Ld. Carpenter; b. 18 Dec. 1751; Ld.-Lieut., Custos Rotul. and Vice- Admiral of the Co. of Sussex ; F.R.S. and F.S.A. ; d. unmarr. ii Nov. 1837. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 . ; writing-table to his 1 ., spectacles in r. hand, dog jumping on the chair ; holding letter dated Jan. 1825. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 284 THOMAS CAMPBELL. National Portrait Gallery. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. {See No. 226.) To waist, showing 1 . hand ; black coat. Canvas, 37 X 28 in. 285 GEORGE GORDON NOEL, 6th LORD BYRON (1788-1824). Lord Leigh. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Grandson of Admiral, and son of Capt. Byron; b. in London, 22 Jan. 1788; went with his mother to Aberdeen, where he rec. his first education; succ. to the family title and estates on the death of his great-uncle, 1798 ; studied at Dulwich, Harrow, and Trinity College, Cambridge, 1800-1807 J noted for his eccentricity ; took up his residence at Newstead Abbey, and publ. “Hours of Idleness,” 1807; “British Bards and Scotch Reviewers,” 1809; took his seat in the Ho. of Lords; travell. on the Continent, 1809-11 ; rose to fame as a poet by the publ. of “Childe Harold,” 1812 ; marr. Isabella, dau. of Sir R. Millbanke Noel, 1815; separ. 1816; trav. in Switzerland and Italy; publ. “Manfred,” 1817; “ Beppo,” 1818; “ Don Juan,” 1819 ; resid. iU Ravenna with the Countess Guiccioli, 1820-22; at Genoa, 1823; sailed Reigx of George IV. 1820-1830. 5S for Greece, to aid in the v.-ar of liberation against the Turks, 14 Juh , 1823; d. at Missolonghi, 19 April, 1824; bu. in Hucknall Church, Notts. To waist ; looking to r., showing r. hand ; open collar, black cloak ; signed, “T. P. 1814.'’ Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 286 WILLIAM VAN MILDERT, BP. of DURHAM (1765-1836). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. B. in London, 1765; educ. at Mcrch. Taylors’ Sch. and Qu. Coll. Oxf. ; Curate of Sherbourne, 1788 ; Rector of .St. Mary-le-I 3 ow, Lond. 1796; preach, the Boyle Lectures, 1802-5; appoint. Preacher of Lincoln’s Inn, and Reg. Prof, of Divinity, Oxf.; Bp. of Llandaff, and Dean of St. l^aul’s, 1819; Bp. of Durham, 1826; publ. Works of Dr. Watcrland, 1823; Sermons, 1831 ; d. 21 Feb. 1836. Three-quarter size ; seated, full face ; episcopal robes. Canvas, 56 X 44 in 287 REV. GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832). Mr. John Murray. Thomas Phillips, R. A. V Poet; b. at Aldborough, Suffolk, 24 Dec. 1754; brought up for the mod. profession, but aband. it for literat. ; went to Lond. 1770; obtained the friendsh. of Burke, who pub. one of his poems, and .advised him to enter the church; app. Chapl. to the D. of Rutland and Curate of Trowbridge, 1813 ; publ. “The Library,” “ The Village,” “The Parish Register,” “Tales of the Hall,” &c. ; distinguished alike for quaintness, truthfulness, and pathos; d. at Trowbridge, 3 Feb. 1832. To w.aist ; seated, full face, hands clasped ; landscape background to his left ; signed, “T. P. 1820.” Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 288 JOHN MURRAY, F.S.A. (1778-1843). Mr. John Murray. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Eminent Publisher; son of John Murray, formerly an officer in the R.N. who had settled in Lond. and founded the publishing firm in 1768; b. 27 Nov. 1778; by his talented and management raised his business to the foremost rank in the kingdom; founded the “ Quarterly Review;” lived in friendship with Byron, Scott, Campbell, Southey, and other eminent men, whose works he published; d. 27 June, 1843. Three-quarter size; seated in arm-chair, reading from sheet of MS.; bust in background to his r. Canvas, 57 X 44 in. 289 REV. GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832). Rev. George Crabbe. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. {See No. 287.) Bust; seated; nearly full face; black dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 290 JAMES HENRY LEIGH HUNT (1784-1859). Mr. Samuel Laurence. Samuel Laurence. Poet and miscellaneous writer ; son of an American barrister settled in Engl.; b. at Southgate, Middlesex, 19 Oct. 1784; educ. at Christ's Hospit. ; commenc. his literary career soon after leaving school, .as a theatrical critic ; found, with his brother the “ Examiner,” for the purpose of promoting liberal opinions and Pari. Reform, 1808; prosecuted for his articles, and condemn, to two years’ imprisonment and a line of 500/. 1812; continued to write in a Ground-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay o — A^os. 271-307). 59 liberal sense after his liberation; spent some years in Italy, in friendship with Ld. Hyron and Shelley; pub. “The Story of Rimini,” “Wit and Hu- mour,” “ The Old Court Suburb,” “ Men, Women, and Books,” &c. ; recei\ . a pension from the Queen, 1847; d. at Putney, 28 Aug. 1859. Three-quarter size; seated to r. with open book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 44 X 36 in. 291 WILLIAM FREND, M.A. (1760-1841). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. H. Tyrwhitt Frend. William Fowler. B. about 1760; Fellow and Tutor of Jesus Coll. Camb.; auth. of “Even- ing Amusements in Algebra;” wrote a pamphlet, “ Peace and Union,” which led to his trial at Camb. and banishm. from the Univ. ; d. 1841. Bust; full face, seated; black coat; white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 292 THOMAS MOORE (1779-1852). Mr. John Murray. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. The national poet of Irel. ; b. in Dublin, 1779; educ. at Dublin Univer. ; came to London, 1799; pub. his “Translation of Anacreon,” 1800; obtain, a Governm. appoint, at Bermuda, to which he appointed a deputy; travell. in the United .States, 1803; pub. on his return “Odes and Epistles,” 1806; fought a duel with Jeffrey, on account of his severe criticism in the “Edin- burgh Review;” became the friend of Ld. Byron, 1811; wrote “Irish Melodies,” and “ Intercepted Letters,” satires against the Pr. Regent, 1813 ; pub. “ Lalla Rookh,” 1817; travelled with Ld. John Russell, in France and Italy; pub. “Memoirs of Ld. Edward Fitzgerald,” 1831; “Travels of an Irish Gentleman,” 1833 > “ History of Ireland,” 1835 ; edited the Letters and Journals of Ld. Byron; rec. a Government pension, 1835; d. at Sloperton Cottage, 26 Feb. 1852. Bust, looking to 1 .; black coat and cravat. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 293 REV. HENRY FRANCIS CARY (1772-1844). Mr. F. S. Cary. F. S. Cary. Translator of Dante; son of a Captain in the Army; b. at Gibraltar, 1772; educ. at Rugby, and Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; Curate of Abbot’s Bromley and Kingsbury; engaged in literary work as contrib. to the “ Gentleman’s” and “London Magazines;” app. Assist.- Keeper of printed books in the Brit. Mus. 1825; edit, the works of Milton, Pope, Cooper, Thomson, and Young; pub. his celebrated trans. of Dante; resign, his office 1837, when unsuccess, in his application for the Chief Librarianship; d. 1844. Three-quarter length, small size; seated in ann-chair, resting head on 1 . hand; black dress. Canvas, 18 X 14 in. 294 WILL. MONTAGU, 5TH D. OF MANCHESTER (1768-1843). Duke of Manchester. S.^unders. Son of Geo. 4th Duke, and Eliz. eld. dau. of Sir James Dashwoed, Bart. ; b. 1768; marr. Lady Susan Gordon, 3rd dau. of Alexan. 4th D. of Gordon; was Gov. of Jamaica, Collector of the Customs for the Port of London, and Ld. Lieut, of Huntingdonshire; d. 18 March, 1843. Bust to 1 . ; dark green coat. Canvas, 26 x 2 1 in. ■6o Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 295 THEODORE EDWARD HOOK (1788-1841). LENT BY PAINTER. National Portrait Gallery. E. U. Eddis. Dramatist, Novelist, and Wit; son of James Hook, the composer ; b. in London, 22 Sept. 1788; cduc. at Harrow; early disting, by his talents as a mimic and improvisatore ; wrote at 17 “The Soldier’s Return,” a drama; gained the favour of the Pr. Regent; app. Account. -Gen. of the Mauritius, 1813; return. 1819, sent to prison for dcfalca. committed by his subordinate; wrote in prison his “ Sayings and Doings,” which earn, him a wide reputaf. ; was releas. soon after ; pub. the novels, “ The Parson’s Daughter,” “ Gilbert Gurney,” “Jack Brag,” “ Births, Deaths, and Marriages,” &c. ; also famous as Ed. of the ultra-Tory Newsp. “John Bull;” d. at Fulham, 24 Aug. 1841. Bust to r. ; black dress. Canvas, 29 X 25 in. 296 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE (1772-1834). Mr. JohxV Murray. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Poet, philos. and theol. ; b. at Ottery St. Mary, Devonsh. 20 Oct. 1772; cduc. at Christ’s Hosp. and Jesus Coll. Camb.; early known for his manifold acquirements and the radicalism of his opinions ; projected with Southey the model colony “ Pantisocracy ;” visited Germany to study German philos. and literqt. ; returned a Conservative, and wrote for the ministerial “ Morning Post” and “Courier;” for some time Sec. to Gov. Sir Alex. Ball at Malta; went to live in the Lake district in comp, with Southey ; but left his family at Keswick, 1810, and settled at Highgate; exercised great influ. on his contemp. in endeav. to counteract the materialistic tendcnc. of the time; auth. of the “Ancient Mariner,” “ Christabel,” “Lay Sermons,” “Con- fessions of an Inquiring Spirit,” “Aids to Reflection,” &c. ; also pub. an cxcell. transla. of Schiller’s “Wallenstein;” d. at Highgate, 25 July, 1834. To waist ; seated, looking to r. showing r. hand ; black dress. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 297 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE. National Portrait Gallery. Washington Allston, A. R.A. {See No. 296.) Half-length ; seated, looking to r. ; black dress; painted at Bristol, 1814. Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 298 REV. EDWARD IRVING (1792-1834). Mr. S. B. Robertson. Andrew Robertson. Found, of the sect of the “ Irvingites ;” b. at Annan, Scotl. 4 Aug. 1792 ; cduc. at Edinb. University; schoolmaster at Haddin^on and Kirkcaldy, 1810-15 ; commenced his career as a preacher at Annan, 1815 ; appointed assistant to Dr. Chalmers at Glasgow, 1819 ; preacher to the Caledonian Chapel, Hatton Garden, 1822 ; excit. gener. notice by his eloquence ; became the friend of Coleridge, Frere, and H. Drummond ; tried before the London Presbytery, for alleged heresy in his work “ Church and State,” and exp. from his office, 1831 ; founded the “ Catholic and Apostolic Church ;” d. on a tour to Scotl. at Glasgow, 7 Dec. 1834 ; author of “ Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed,” “Sermons on the Trinity,” “Last Days,” “Orations,” &c. Head; profile to 1 . Crayon, paper, 30 X 24 in. 299 WILLIAM GODWIN (1756-1836). Sir Percy Shelley, Bt. James Northcote, R.A. Political and Miscellaneous Writer; son of a Dissenting Minister; b. at Wisbeach, 3 March, 1756; stud, at the Dissent. Coll., Hoxton, and enter, on Ground- floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 271-307). 61 his profession as a preacher, but abandoned it for a literary career, 1783; contrib. to the “ Annual Register;” produced great sensation by his Trea- tise on “Political Justice,” advocat. the principles of the French Rcvolu. 1793, and the philosophical novel “ Caleb Williams,” 1794; pub. a pamphlet in favour of the acquittal of Hardy, Thelwall, and Horne Took; marr. Alary Wolstoncroft, 1797; opened a bookseller’s shop, 1801; wrote the novels, “St. Leon,” “Fleetwood,” “ Mandeville ;” “ History of the Life and Age of Chaucer,” “History of the Commonwealth,” “Thoughts on Man,”&c. ; app. Yeoman-usher to the Excheq. under the admin, of E. Grey; d. 7 Apr. 1836. Bust to 1 . profile ; dark-furred cloak. Date at back, “1802.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 300 ALLAN CUNNINGHAM (1785-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Lieut.-Col. Cunningham. William Boxall, R.A. Poet and hist.; b. at Blackwood, Dumfriessh. 7 Dec. 1785, of humble parents; appren. to a stonemason, 1796; cduc. himself by much private read- ing; went to Lond. 1810; first earned his livelihood as a reporter for the Press; became princip. assist, in the studio of Chantrey, the sculpt. ; at the same time successfully devoted himself to literat. ; wrote “ Sir Marma- duke Maswell,” a drama; “Paul Jones,” and “Sir Alichael Scott,” novels; “ Lives of Brit. Painters, Sculptors, and Architects,” &c. ; d. in London, 29 Oct. 1842. To waist, small size ; looking up to r. leaning on 1 . hand. Panel, 19 X 14 in. . 301 WILLIAM HAZLITT (1778-1830). Mr. W. C. Hazlitt. J. Hazlitt. Critic and Essayist ; son of a Dissent, minist. ; b. 1778 ; educ. at the Uni- tarian Coll. Hackney ; beganlife as an artist ; afterw. devoted hims. to politics and literature ; for many years on the staff of the “ Examiner” and “ Alorning Chronicle;” pub. “The Spirit of the Age,” “Political Essays and Sketches of Public Characters,” “ The Literature of the Elizabethan Age ;” recognised as a critical authority on the drama and the fine arts; d. 1830. Bust, three-quarter size ; face to 1 . ; black coat. Canvas, 27 X 24 in. 302 LORD BYRON. Mr. William Smith, R. Westall, R.A. {Sec No. 285.) To waist, seated ; looking up to r. ; resting head on r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 303 JAMES MONTGOMERY (1771-1854). j - Mr. John Blackwell. John Jackson, R.A. Poet; son of a Moravian Missionary ; b. at Irvine, Ayrshire, 4 Nov. 1771 ; left to be educ. in Yorksh. while his parents went to the West Indies, where they both died ; was for some time shopman to a bookseller in London ; early began to write verses ; edit, the “ Sheffield Isis,” and fined and impris. for re- print. a song of “The Fall of the Bastille, 1794;” nevertheless, continued to write in a liber, sense; pub. his “ Prison Amusements,” 1797 ; the “ Ocean,” 1806; “Wanderer in Switzerland,” 1809; “The World before the Flood,” 1812; “The Pelican Islands and other poems,” 1828; in spite of the adverse criticism of the “ Edinb. Review,” found a large circle of admirers ; received a Government Pension, 1846; d. 30 April, 1854. To waist, seated to 1 ., black coat. Marked at back, “ Painted 1830.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 62 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 304 THOMAS NORTON LONGMAN (1770-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas Longman. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Late head of the great publishing firm of Longman & Co. in Paternoster Row, London; b. 1770; d. from the effects of a fall from his horse, 28 Aug. 1842. To waist, seated to r., showing both hands, letter in 1 . signed “ T. P.” Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 305 SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS, Kt. (1768-1840). Miss Emily Phillips. Son of a farmer near Leicester ; b. 1768 ; for some time schoolmaster ; sub- sequently editor of the “Leicester Herald;” imprisoned for three years on account of political articles in that paper ; commenced a hosiery business in Lond. which he afterw. transformed into a bookseller’s shop; founded the “.Monthly Magazine” and the “Antiquary’s Magazine;” elected Sheriff of Lond. 1807; knighted, 1808 ; author of “A Million of Facts, of Correct Data and Elementary Constants,” &c. ; d. 1840. Bust; dark coat, white waistcoat. Dated at back “1828.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 306 HARTLEY COLERIDGE. Sir G. H. BeaumonL, Bart. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. {See No. 272.) To waist, small size, as a boy ; full face, open frill, and dark jacket. Oval, card-board, 9x7 in. 307 WILLIAM HAZLITT. Mr. W. C. Hazlitt. W. Bewick. {See No. 301.) Head ; small size profile to r. Crayon, paper, 16J X 13. SIXTH BAT {Nos. 308 to 334). 308 JOHN CHARLES, 3RD E. SPENCER (1782-1845). Earl Spencer, K.G. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. .Statesman ; better known as Viset. Althorp ; son of George John, 2nd E. ; b. 30 May, 1782; educ. at Harrow, and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; M.P. for North- ampton, 1806; generally supported the measures of the Whigs; Chan, of the Excheq. 1831 ; Leader of the Ho. of Commons on the passing of the Reform Bill, 1832; succ. to the Peerage, 1834; took great interest in the promotion of agriculture and industry-; d. i October, 1834. To waist, seated to 1 . ; claret-coloured coat. Painted 1800. Canvas, 20 X 25 in. 309 REV. SYDNEY SMITH (1777-1845). Sir Henry Holland, Bt. M.D. E. U. Eddis. W'it and humourist; b. at Woodford, Essex, 1777; educ. at Winchester and New Coll. Oxf. ; Curate of Netheravon, Wilts; travell. for some time in Germany; went to Edinburgh, where, with Jeffrey, Brougham, and G round-floor 7 \ Eastern Gallery (Bay G — Nos. 308-334). 63 Murray, he founded the “Edinburgh Review;” removed to London; took an influential part, on the Whig side, in the political discussions of the time, “ always endeavouring to fight against evil;” lectured on belles lettres at the Roy. Institution; was appoin. Canon Residentiary at St. Paul’s; enjoyed a wide reputation for his brilliant witticisms, and as author of many Essays in the “ Edinburgh Review ;” “ Letters of Peter Plymley,” &c. d. 21 Feb. 1845. To waist, looking to r. ; I. hand resting on book. Painted 1846. Can- vas, 30 X 35 in- 310 CHARLES, 2ND EARL GREY. Earl Grey, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. (.9iYNo. .) Half-length, standing ; 1. arm resting on pedestal. Panel, 44 X 30 in. 31 1 WM. MAGEE, ARCHB. OF DUBLIN (1765-1831). The Dean of Cork. Hamilton. A learned Divine; b. 1765; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dubl. ; Assist. Prof, of Oriental Languages and Prof, of Mathemat. at his Coll.; pub. “Discourses on the Scriptural Doctrines of the Atonem. and Sacrifice,” 1801 ; app. Dean of Cork, 1813; Bp. of Raphoe, 1819; Archbp. of Dubl. 1822 ; d. Aug. 1831. Bust ; seated to r., black dress. Canvas, 31 x 26 in. 312 SAMUEL ROGERS (1762-1855). Miss Rogers. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Poet; son of a London banker ; b. at Stoke Newington, 1762; educ. privately ; became a member and partner of his father’s bank, but chiefly cultivated his talent for poetry; pub. “The Pleasures of Memory,” 1792; “Jacqueline,” a tale, 1814; “Italy,” 1822; formed a valuable collection of works of Art, and was known for his genial habits and refined taste ; d. 18 Dec. 1855. Bust ; full face. Oval, crayon, paper, 27 X 22 in. 313 THOS. 1ST LORD DENMAN, Ch. Just. (1779-1854)- Sir Herbert Denman Croft, Bt. Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A. B. in Lond. 1779; educ. at Palgrave Sch. Norfolk, and St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; barrist.-at-law, i8o6; M.P. for Wareham, 1818; for Nottingham, 1819-32; at once joined the Whig Opposition; disting, by the part he took in (2- Caroline’s trial as one of her counsel, 1820; Com.-Serj. of the city of Lond. 1822; Attor.-Gen. 1830-32; Chief Just, of O. Bench, 1832; crea. Ld. Denman, 1834; d. 1854. Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; robes as Ch. Just. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 314 FRANCIS, LORD JEFFREY (1773-1850). Mrs. E.mpson. Colvin Smith. Lawyer and writer; son of a lawyer; b. at Edinb. 23 Oct. 1773; educ. at the High Sch. and Glasgow Univ. ; called to the Scotch Bar, 1794; together with Brougham and Sydney Smith founded the “Edinburgh Review,” of which he was the editor, 1802-29; Ld. Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, 1821 ; Ld. Advocate in E. Grey’s Ministry', 1830; M.P. for Edinb. 1832; promoted to the Bench, 1834; pub. a selection of his contrib. to the “ Edinburgh Review ;”.d. 26 Jan. 1850. Bust, showing 1. hand ; full face. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 64 Reign of George IV. 1820-1830. 315 WILL. LAMB, Vise. MELBOURNE (1779-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscountess Palmerston. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R. A, Statesman; 2nd son of the ist Ld. Melbourne; b. 15 March, 1779; cduc. at Eton, Camb. and Glasgow ; became heir to the Peerage on the death of his elder brother, 1805 ; ent. Pari, as a member of the Liberal party ; app. Sec. for Irel. under Canning, 1827; Home Min. under Ld. Grey, 1830; Premier, 1834, and again 1835-41 ; d. at Brocket Hall, Herts, 24 Nov. 1848. To waist, looking to 1 . ; dark dress, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 316 GEN. SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL of AVA, Bt. Lady Campbell. Son of a Lieut, in the 42nd Scotch Highlanders; b. 1770; ent. the Army, 1787; serv. in India und. Ld. Cornwallis and Sir R. Abercromby, 1789-1801 ; disting, hims. in the Peninsular War, 1808-14; returru as Brig.-Gen. tolndia, and selected to comm, the expedi. against Burmah, 1824; captur. Rangoon and Prome, and compell. the Burmese to treat for peace, 1825; crea. a Bart, and appointed Lieut.-Governor of Nova Scotia, 1831 ; d. Half-length, militar)' uniform, covered with decorations, 1 . hand resting on sword. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 317 ROBERT PLUMER WARD (1765-1846). Mr. J. H. Hippisley. Henry P. Briggs, R.A, Statesman and Novelist; son of a merchant at Gibraltar; b. 1765; cduc. at Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; called to the Bar, 1790; became known by his work on “ International Law in Europe,” 1795; elect. M.P. for Cockermouth, support- ing Mr. Pitt, 1802; Under Sec. of Foreign Affairs, 1805; Ld. of the Admiralty, 1807; Clerk of the Ordna. 1811-23; retir. from public life, and occupied his leisure with literary pursuits ; author of “ Tremaine,” “ De Clifford,” &c., and various essays; d. at his seat, Okeover Hall, Stafford, 1846. To waist ; full face, dark cloak with fur collar. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 318 RT. HON. JAMES ABERCROMBY, LORD DUNFERMLINE (1776-1858). Lord Dunfermline. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. 3rd son of General Sir Ralph Abercromby; b. 7 Nov. 1776; called to> the Bar, 1800; Judge- Adv.-Gen. 1827; Chief Baron of Scotl. 1830; Master of the Mint, and Member of the Government, 1834; Speaker of the Ho. of Commons, 1835; resigned and crea. Ld. Dunfermline, 1839; d. 17 April, 1858. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 . ; stick in r. hand, gloves in 1 . ; painted Dec. 1854. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 319 HENRY BROOKE PARNELL, ist LORD CONGLETON (1776-1842). Lady Henry Moore. Samuel Lane. 2nd son of Sir John Parnell, Irish Chan, of the Excheq. ; b. 3 July, 1776 ; succ. to the family estates on the death of his father in 1801, instead of his elder bro. ; cut. I’arl. 1802; succ. to the title on the death of his bro. 1812; gain, consid. influence in Pari, in all matters connected with Finance ; raised to the Peerage, 1841 ; d. 8 June, 1842. 'I'hree-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair, 1. hand resting on writing- table. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. Ground-floor . 1 Eastern Gallery (Bay G — Nos. 308-334). 65 320 king william IV. (1765-1837). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. 3rd son of George III.; b. 21 Aug. 1765 ; ent. the Navy, 1779; gradually rose to the rank of Rear-Adin. of the Blue, when he ret. from active service, 1790; crea. D. of Chyence, 1789: Adm. of the Fleet, 1811 ; marr. Adelaide’ Princess of Saxe-Meiningen, ii July, 1818; became heir-presumptive of the throne by the death of the U. of York, 1827; succ. George IV. 26 Tune, iSto- d. 29 June, 1837. j » j 7 Full-length, standing, looking tor. ; royal robes, mantle and collar, K.G. ; resting r. hand on sword. Windsor Castle in distance. Canvas, 106 x 70 in. 321 THOMAS SPRING RICE, ist LD. MONTEAGLE ( 1790-1866). Lady Monteagle. E. U. Eddis. Statesman ; son of Stephen Edw. Rice, Esq. of Mt. Trenchard, Limerick ; b. at Limerick, 8 Feb. 1790; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb. ; .M.P. for Limerick, 1820-32; voted with the Whigs; Under-Sec. of State for Home Affairs, 1827; Sec. of thc.Treas. 1830; Sec. for the Colonies, 1834; Chan, of the iLxcheq. 1835-39; appoint. Comptroller of the Excheq. and raised to the Peerage, 1839; d. at his seat near Limerick, 7 Feb. 1866. Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; official robes. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 322 CHARLES EDWARD POULETT-THOMSON, LD. SYDENHAM (1799-1841). Mr. G. Poulett Scrope, M.P. Son of J. Poulett Thomson, a Load, merch. ; b. 1799; correspond, of his father’s firm at St. Petersburg, 1819; M.P. for Dover, 1826; M.P. for Man- chester and Vice- Pres, of the Bd. of Trade, 1832 ; Pres, of the Bd. of Trade, 1834; Gov.-Gen. of Canada, 1839; raised to the Peerage, 1840; d. in the’ midst of a successful administration from the effects of a fall from his horse 19 Sept. 1841. ’ Half-length, standing to r. ; r. hand on table, black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 323 SIR HERBERT TAYLOR, G.C.B. (1775-1839). Colonel Disbrowe. Son of Rev. Edward Taylor ; b. 29 Sept. 1775 ; ent. the Army ; Assist. IMil. Sec. to the Duke of York during the campaign in Flanders, 1793-95 ; Priv. Sec. to the D. 1799-1805; served in Holland, 1813-14; aifferw. Priv! Sec. to King George III. and Queen Charlotte, and one of the trustees of the King’s private property ; Priv. Sec. to Geo. IV. and Will. I\’. ; M.P for Windsor, 1820-23 ; Lieut.-Gen. 1825 ; d. at Rome, 20 April, 1839. Full-length, small size ; seated at breakfast-table. Canvas, 23 x 19 in. 324 WM. HOWLEY, ARCHBP. OF CAN'I ERBURY (1765-1848). Mr. W. Howley Kingsmill. C. R. Leslie, R.A. B. at Roplcy, Hants, where his father was \'icar, 1765; educ. at Win- chester and New Coll. Oxf. ; settled in the University; appoin. Reg. Prof, of Divinity, 1809; Bp. of Loncl. 1813; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1828; foremost 66 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. among the opponents of Catholic Einancipa. and the Kefonn l?ill, wliich he pronounced dangerous to Church and State; d. 1848. Three-quarter small size, seated to 1 . ; near study tabic. Panel, 13X11 in. 325 JOHN GEORGE LAMBTON, ist EARL OF DURHAM (1792-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Durham. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. •Statesman; eld. son of \V. H. Lambton, Esq., M.P. for Durham; b. 12 April, 1792 ; ent. the Army; marr. Lady Louisa Elizab. 2nd dau. of 1 C Crey, i8i6; ent. Pari, as member for the Co. of Durham, and became noted as an ardent Liberal ; supported Canning, 1827; crea. Baron Durham, 1828; Pri\ y .Seal in E. Grey’s Ministry, 1830; took the lead of the movement party in the struggle for the Reform Bill; Ambass. at St. Petersb. 1835-37; Gov. Gen. of Canada, 1838; returned the same year; d. 28 July, 1840. To waist, as a young man, showing 1 . hand, holding crimson-lined cloak; furred coat. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 326 SIR CHAS. MANSFIELD CLARKE, Bt. M.D. F.R.S. (1782-1857). A'liss Clarke. Samuel Lane. Physician ; son of a surgeon ; b. in London, 28 May, 1782 ; cdu. .at St. Paul’s sch. ; admitt. to the R. Coll, of .Surg. 1804 ; F.R.S. 1825 ; Licent. of the R. Coll, of Physic. 1827; app. Physic, to O- Adelaide, 1830; crea. a Bart. 1831 ; D.C.L. Oxf. 1845 ; d. at Brighton, 1857. Three-quarter size, seated, resting head on r. hand, paper in 1 . h.ind. Dated at back “Aug. 21, 1847.” Canvas. 50 X 40 in. 327 GEO. FITZCLARENCE, ist E. OF MUNSTER (1794-1842). Royal Asiatic Society. James Atkinson. Eld. son of the D. of Clarence, afterw. King Will. IV. and Mrs. Jordan ; b. 29 Jan. 1794; ent. the Anny, and served under .Sir John Moore and Sir Arthur Wellesley in the Peninsula, 1809-14; Aidc-de-Camp to Ld. Hastings as (Jov.-Gcn. of India. 1815 ; distinguish, himself in the Mahratta war. 1817 ; c. 'ca. E. of -Munster, 1831 ; d. 20 March, 1S42. Bust ; to 1 . peer's robes and ribbon, K.G. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 328 QUEEN ADELAIDE (1792-1849). Her Majesty. Cohen, F. Winterhalter. Eld. child of George, D. of .Saxe Mciningen and Louisa, dau. of Christian Albert, Pr. of Hohenlohe Langenburg; b. 13 -Aug. 1792; marr. the D. of Clarence, ii July, 1818; became Qu. of Engl, on the accession of the D. of Cl.arence as William IV. 1830; Queen Dowager, 1837; d. 2 Decent. 1S49. Half-length ; seated to left in arm-chair, paper in left hand ; copied by Mr. Cohen, from the original by F. Winterhalter, Oct. 1849. Canvas, 36X28. 329 HENRY PETTY FITZM.UJRICE, 3RD MAROUIS OF LANSDOWNE (1780-1863). Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir 7 'hos. Lawrence, P.R.A. .Statesman; only son of .Sir Wm. Petty, E. of .Shelburne and ist Marq. of Lansdowne ;'b. 2 May, 1780; educated at Westin. School, Edinburgh, Greund-Jioor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay G — Nos. 308-334.). 67 -xnd Cambridge; -M.P. for Caine, 1801 ; M.P. for Cambridge, where he •defeated Lord Palmerston, and Chan, of the Excheq. i8o6; advoc. Cathol. Emancipa. and all liberal measures of Reform; siicc. to the Peerage, 1S09; Home Sec. 1828; Min. of Foreign Affairs, 1829; Pres, of the Council, and Leader of the House of Lords, 1831-41 ; distin. for his enlighten, encourage, of science and art; quitted office, 1852, but to the last retained considerable influence with his party; d. at Bowood, 31 Jan. 1863. 'I'hree-quarter size ; standing, looking to r., 1. hand resting on pedestal., 55 X 44 in. 330 ADOLPHUS FRED. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE (1774-1850). LENT BY PAINTER. Duchess of Cambridge. Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. ^■oungest son of George 111 .; b. 24 Feb. 1774; educ. at Gottingen; serv. under the Duke of York in Flanders ; app. Col.-in-Chief of the King's 16 May, 1839; was Ld. -Lieut, of .Montgomerj sh. ; d. 17 Jan. 1848. Three-quarter size ; seated to I. at table, holding paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 349 WILLIAM HILTON, R.A. (1786-1839). Mrs. T.atlock. Wm. Hilton, R.A. Historical painter ; son of a portrait-painter ; b. at Lincoln, 3 June, 1786 ; stud, under John Raphael Smith and at the Roy. Acad.; exhibited a series of classic works, 1806-10 ; the “ Entombment of Christ,” “Mary -AnoinUnjj Grcund-floor.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 7 — Nos. 335-366). 71 the Feet of Jesus,” and other pictures on sacred subjects, 1811-18 ; A.R.A. 1814. : K.A. 1820 ; Keeper of the Academy, 1827 ; d. 30 Dec. 1839. To waist ; to left, resting r. hand on book. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 350 HEN. RICH. VASSALL FOX, 3RD LD. HOLLAND, LADY HOLLAND, and MR. JOHN ALLEN. : ENT BY PAINTER. Earl Grey, K.G. C. R. Leslie, R.A. For Ld. Holland, see No. 354. Eliz.ab. V.\s.sai.l, Lady'D ;dau. and heiressof Rich. Vassall, Esq. of Jamaica; marr. ist. .Sir (Godfrey Webster, 15 t. from whom she was divorced, 1797; 2nd, Hy. Richard, 3rd Ld. Holland, by wliom she had issue Henry Richard, 4th and last Ld. Holland; famous as hostess of the political and literary circle of Holland House; d. November, 1845. John Allen, iM.D. (1770-1843) ; b. at Redford, nr. Edinb. 1770 ; educ. at Edin.Univ. ; gradua. as M.D. 1791 ;memb. ofthe Pari. Reform Assoc, formed in Edinb. 1792; lectured on Comparat. .Anatomy; in 1800 removed to London; librar. of Henry, 2nd Ld. Holland (No. 354); pub. “An Inquiry into the Rise, &c. of the Roy. Prerogat. in Engl.;” “ Vindicat. of the independ. of .Scotl. ;” Master of Dulwich Coll. ; inmate and friend in Hol- land House to the end of his life ; d. 3 .April, 1843. Full-length figures in the library at Holland House. Canvas, 24 X 30 in, 351 THOMAS STOTHARD, R.A. (1755-1834). Portrait Gallery. Jas. Green. Painter ; b. in London, 1755 ; ajipren. to a designer in Spitallields ; afterw. cou'.men. drawing illustrations for books, of which he made about 4000; also gained distinction as a Painter; elected R..A. 1794; Librarian to the Roy. .Acad. iSi2; d. 1834. To waist ; seated to r., spectacles in 1 . hand ; black coat ; from the Coll, of .Samuel Rogers as the work of Harlowc, though signed by James Green ; painted 1S30. Canvas, 30 by 25 in. 352 MARY ELIZA. BRABAZON, COUNTESS GREY. AND HER TWO ELDEST DAUGHTERS. Earl Grey, K.G. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A. Louisa Elizabeth, eld. dau. of the Countess; marr. J. G. Lambton, Esq. afterw. E. of Durham, 9 Dec. 1816; d. 1S41. Eliz.abeth, 2nd dau. marr. J. C. Bulteel, Esq. May, 1826. .sVc also No. 342.) Three-quarter size; seated, with two children, one u ith arms round her neck. Circular canvas, 56 x 56 in. 353 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (1769-1830). Royal Academy. Sir Fhos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 1 '.. at Bristol, 1769, where his father became landl. of the White Lion Inn, and afterw. of the Black Bear at Devizes ; noted as a child for his talent in drawing likenesses, and for his poetical recit. ; instruct, by Wm. Howe, at Bath, and worked chiefly in crayons ; at 1 3 received from the Soc. of .Arts the silver palette ; introduced to .Sir J. Reynolds, 1786 ; .A.R..A. 1791 ; succeeded Sir Joshua as painter to the King ; painted the ])orts. of illustrious persons at the Peace of 1814. now at Windsor ; went to the Congress at -Ai.x, to Vienna and Rome ; knighted, 1815 ; sue. Benjamin West as I’.R..A. ; d. 7 Jan. 1830 ; bu. in St. Paul's Cathedral. B.:st, head only finished; full face; bald. Canvas, 35 X 27 in. 72 Reign of William IV. 1830-1837. 354 HEN. RICH. VASSALL FOX, 3RD LD. HOLLAND 1773-1840). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Holland. C. R. Leslie, R.A. Distinguished leader of the WTiig party; son of Steph. Fox, 2nd Ld. and nephew of Chas. Jam. Fox; b. 23 Nov. 1773 ; educ. at Eton and O.xf. ; trav. several years on the Continent; advocated Cath. Eman., Pari. Refonn, and a liberal foreign policy ; Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1830 .and 1834; known as a lover of Science and Art, and by his hospitality at Holland Ho.; publ. a biography of “ Lope de V'ega,” “Memoirs of Charles James Fox,” “ Memoirs of Ld. Waldegrave;” d. 22 October, 1840. (See No. 350.) To waist, seated, small size ; dark coat, stick in r. hand. Panel, 8i X io| in. 355 SIR JOHN GLADSTONE, ist BART. (1764-1857). Sir Thos. Ol.^dstone, Bt. John Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. Son of Thomas Gladstone, and father of the Right Hon. W. E. Glad- stone ; b. at Leith, 1 1 Dec. 1764; rose to wealth as a merchant in Liverpool ; pub. several pamphl. on commercial questions ; crea. a Bt. 1846; d. Dec. 1857. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, to r. ; black dress ; signed •‘ John Graham, 1828.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 356 THOMAS MORTON (1765-1838). National Gallery. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Dramatist ; ^^TOte many popular comedies, chiefly between the years 1792 and 1828 ; d. 28 Mar. 1838. To waist, full face, seated ; black coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 357 WM. HOOKHAM CARPENTER, F.S.A. (1792-1866). Mrs. Carpenter. Mrs. Carpenter. Son of John Carpenter, the publisher ; b. in Lond. 1792 ; ent. his father's business; afterwards applied himself to Literature and Art; edited Spence’s “ .Anecdotes,” and wrote “ Pictorial Notices of V’andyke and Rubens,’’ 1844 ; appoint. Keeper of Prints and Drawings in the Brit. Mus. 1845 ! effect, great improve, in the departm. entrust, to him; d. at the Brit. Mus. 12 July. 1866. To waist, three-quarter size tor.; brown coat; painted in 1826. Can- vas, 30 X 25 in. 358 WILLIAM CLIFT, F.R.S. (1775-1849). Royal Society. Henry Sch.midt. Nat. philos.; b. at Burcombe, near Bodmin, 14 Feb. 1775; apprent. to Jn. Hunter, the Anatomist, 1792 ; Conscr\ator of the Museum of the Roy. Coll, of Surgeons, 1799; F.R.S. ; contrib. papers to the “Philos. Transact.;’’ espe- cially skilful in drawing and determining fossil remains; d. 20 June, 1849. To waist, seated, showing hands, black coat. Dated at back •‘1S33.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 359 RD. WELLESLEY, MARO. WELLESLEY, K.G. (1760-1842). Duke of Wellington, K.G. C. Fortescue B.\te. Eldest son of Garrett, 1st Earl of Mqrnington ; b. 20 June, 1760; sue. as 2nd E. of Momington, 1781 ; Gov.-General of India ; created Baron Grcund-fioor.~\ Eastern Gallery (Bay 7 — Nos. 335-366). 73 Wellesley, 1797, and Marquis Wellesley, 1799; I.d. Lieut, of Ireland, 1S21, and again in 1833 ; d. Sept. 2, 1842. Full-length, standing; peer's robes, collar and mantle, K.G. ; Chamber- lain's stick in r. hand ; plumed cap on table to his 1 . .Signed “C. Fortcscue Fate."’ Canvas, 106 X 71 in. 360 THOMAS GRAY (1788-1848). I.ENT BV PAI.VTER. Mr. Richard A. Clack. Richard A. Clack. The “Railway Pioneer;” 1 ). at Leeds, 1788; conceived the idea of a general Iron Railway for Gt. Brit, and Ireland, which he developed in his work on “Land .Steam Conveyance,” and “Oljscrvat. on a General Iron Railway,” i8n)-20 ; was ridiculed by the public press; tried in vain to get employment, after the Railway system had been introduced ; d. forgotten and neglected at E.vcter, 1848. Three-quarter, small size, seated at tal)le ; hand resting on plan of railwa> s. Signed, “ R. A. Clack. Painted 1848, Exeter.” Millboard, 15x11 in. 361 AARON MANBY, C.E. (1777-1851). Mr. Charles Manby. William Boxall, R.A. Engineer; b. 1777; together witli Rennie and Telford was the first to intro, cast iron into large structures; inven. the oscillating cylinder marine engine, and planned the first iron ship which went to sea ; d. i Dec. 1851. Three-quarter, small size, seated, full face ; r. hand resting on paper on his knee. Panel, 24 X 18 in. 362 ADMIRAL SIR EDWD. CODRINGTON, G.C.B. (1770-1851). Lady Bourchier. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. {St'e Xo. 333.) Half-length, small size, seated to 1 .; black dress. Can- vas, 20 X 17 in. '363 JOHN FIELDEN, M.P. (1786-1849). Mr. Samuel P'ielden. John Bostock. Son of a manufacturer and farm.erat Todmorden ; b. 1784 ; rose to wealth as a cotton manufacturer ; took a li\ely interest in the condition of the work- ing classes, and joined the first ])iomoters of factory legislation ; entered Parliament as member for Oldham, 1832 ; introduced and succeeded in pass- ing the Ten Hours’ Bill ; resigned his seat, 1847 ; d. 1849. Half-length, small size, seated to r. ; at table, leaning head on r. hand, arm resting on book. Canvas, 21 x 17 in. 364 SIR FRANCIS CHANTREY, R.A. (1781-1841). Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bt. John Jackson, R.A. {See No. 335.) To waist, seated to r. ; black coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. ^ SMi Jo. t. .l5»4«rC34) 365 CHARLES MATHEWS. Mr. C. J. Mathews. Samuel Drummond, A. R.A. {See No. 269.) Bust ; full face, seated, dark coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 74 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 366 SIR GILBERT BLANK, M.D. (1747-1834). LE.NT DY PAINTER. Coll, of Physicians. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. 15. 1747; Liccnt. of the Coll, of Physic. 1781; Physic. -in-ordinan- to (jcorgc IV. and William IV.; d. 1834. Head, three-quarter to 1. ; unhnishecl. Oval canvas, 29 x 23 in. EIGHTH BAY {Nos. 367 io 385). 367 MARIA LOUISA VICTORIA, DUCHESS of KENT, AND THE PRINCESS VICTORIA. Her M.A.JESTY (Windsor Castle). Sir Wm. Beechey, R.A. Young, child of Francis, D. of Saxe-Coburg; b. at Coburg, 17 Aug. 1786; inarr. 1st, in 1803, Enrich Carl, Pr. of Leiningen, who left her a widow in 1814; 2nd, in May, 1818, Edward, D. of Kent, by whom she became mother of Her Majesty the Oueen ; was left a widow, Jan. 1820 ; devot. herself to the educiition of her daughter and continued to live with the Ou- from her access, to her marriage; d. at Frogmore, 16 January, 1861. (See No. 384.) Three-quarter size, seated tol. ; Her Majesty as a child, with miniature of I), of Kent in her hands. Given to the O. by the present King of the Belgians, 1867. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 368 JOHN TAYLOR ( -1832). Mr. John S. Taylor. A. J. Oliver, A.R.A. -Miscellaneous writer; son of Henry Taylor, a divine confessing .\rian doctrines; stud, theology ; afterw. became proprietor of the “Sun” News- paper, with which he remained connected for many years; pub. a large number of prologues, epilogues, and songs, and the humorous pieces of “ Monsieur Tonson,” and “ 1 layman and the Lion ;” d. 1832. To waist, full face, book in r. hand leaning on r. arm. Canvas, 34 X 27 in. 369 MARIA LOUISA VICTORIA, DUCHESS OF KENT (1786-1861 >. Her M.ajesty (Windsor Castle). F. Winterhalter. (See S.o. 367.) Bust, seated to 1.; purplish laced dress. .Signed " F."^ Winterhalter, London, 1857.” Oval, canvas, 25 X 20 in. 370 EDWARD, DUKE OF KEN T (1767-1820). Her M.\jesty (Buckingham Palace). George Dawe, R.A. (See No. .) To waist, looking to r. ; military uniform, ribbon, and star, K.C. Painted 1S18. Signed “Geo. Dawe, R..\. pinxt.” Canvas, 36 X 2$ in. 371 WINTHROP MACKWORFH PRAED (1802-1839). Lady Young. Ar.minius Mayer. Poet .ind politician ; b. in Lond. 26 July, 1802 ; educ. at Eton and Camb. ; early cxcell. in humorous and elegant 7 'ers dc societe, many of which he Grourul-Jloor.'] Eastern (jALLery (Bay 8 — AW. 367-385). 75 contributed to ‘‘The Etonian,” and “ Knight’s (htarlcrly” .Magazines; Tutor to Lei. Ernest Bruce, 1825-27; call, to the Bar, 1S2Q; cnt. I’arl. as Mem. for St. (.Ermains. 1830; M.B. for Yarmouth, and .Sec. to the Board of Control in .Sir Robert Peel’s Ministry, 1834.-35; ISI.P. for .\ylesbur\-, 1837; d. 15 July. 1S39. His Poems were edited by I). Coleridge, 1864. To waist, seated at table, looking to r., with |ien in r. hand. Canvas, 30 X C5 in. 372 REV. EDWARD IRVING (1792-1834). lE.vr BY PAINTER. Sir W. W. Knighton, Bt. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. >!C No. 298.) To waist ; full face ; black cloak. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 373 AUG. EREDK. D. OF SUSSEX, K.G. (1773-1843). Society. Fhos. Phillips, R.A. 6th son of Geo. 111 .; b. 27 Jan. 1773; stud, at Gottingen; marr. when a minor, Lady .'\ugusta Murray, whereby he incurred the King's displeasure; joined the Whigs, and held aloof from the Court; created I), of Sussex, 1798; known as a friend of Science and .-\rt ; elec. P. R. S. 1S38; d. 21 .-\pril, 1843 : bu. at his special desire, at Kensal Green. Three-quarter size ; seated in chair as President of R..S. ; ribbon and star of K.G., badge of K. St. P. Canvas, 51 x 46 in. t 374 SAMUEL JAMES ARNOLD (1774-1852). Mr. r. J. Arnold. J.v.mes Lonsdale. Dr.iinatist and Musical Comp.; son of Dr. .Samuel .Arnold; b. 5 Dec. 1774; commenced his career 'oy writing comedies and o])eratic entertainm. for Haymarket Theatre and Drury Lane; in 1809 establ. an Engl. Opera in the Lyceum Theatre, for which he wrote The .Smugglers’ Tower,” “ The Mania.c,” “ The Americans,” and other success. ])ieces; was the first to bring out Weber's “ Freischiitz ” on the Engl, stage ; d. 1852. To waist ; looking to r. ; blacl* coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 375 RICHD. WHATELY, D.D. ARCHBP. of DUBLIN (1787-1863). MioS E. J. Whately. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. Distinguished Philosopher and Theologian; b. in London, 1787; educ. at Oriel Coll. Oxf. ; Fell, of his Coll. 1811 ; Rector of Halesworth, 1822; Head of iVlban Hall, O.xf. 1825; Prof, of Polit. Economy, 1830; .\rchbp. of Dublin, 1831 ; pub. “ Historic Doubts relating to Napoleon Bonaparte,'’ 1S21 ; “ Ele- ments of Logic,” 1826; •' Elements of Rhetoric,’’ 1828; “Errors of Roimin- ism,” “Introduc. to Politic. Economy;” promot. education in Irek; d. at Dublin, 8 October, 1863. Three-quarter size ; standing ; black episcopal robes, badge of Order of 8t. Patrick. Canvas, 60 x 44 in. 376 RT. HON. FRANCIS EGER PON, isr EARL OF ELLESMERE, K.G. (1800-1857). E.arl of Ellesmere. Edwin Long. 2nd son of George Granville, Marq. of .Stafford and ist D. of .Suther- land; b. I. Jan. 1800; educ. at Eton and Chr. Ch. Oxf.; M.P. for Bletch- r 76 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. ingley, 1823; Privy. Counc. and See. to the Marq. of Anglesea, as Ld.- Lieut. of Irel. 1828; Sec. of .State for War under Earl Grey's administrat. 1830; M.P. for S. Lancash. 1834-36; crea. E. of Ellesmere, 1846; inher. the celeb, collection of pictures formed by his great uncle, the last D. of Bridgewater, which he opened to the public at Bridgewater House; took a lively interest in Lit. and Art ; pub. a trans. of Goethe’s “ Faust,” “Mediterranean Sketches,” &c. ; d. 19 Sept. 1857. 'I'hree-quarter size ; seated to r. ; black dress ; ribbon and badge of K.G. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 377 CHAS. CHRISTOPHER PEPYS, LD. CHANCELLOR, 1ST E. OF COTTENHAM (1781-1851). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Cott'enham. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Son of .Sir Wm. Weller Pepys, I 5 t. ; b. 29 April, 1781 ; called to the Bar> 1S04; K.C. 1826; M.P. for Malton, 1831; voted with the Whigs ; Sol.-Gen. and Master of the Rolls, 1834 ; Ld. High Commissioner of the Seal, 1835; Ld. Chanc. and Baron Cottenham, 1836; again Ld. Chanc. 1846; inherit, the family baronetcy on the death of his eld. bro. 1846; crea. Viset. and E. on his retirement from office, 1850; d. 29 .-\pril, 1851. Full-length ; seated to 1 . ; chancellor’s robes ; mace on table to his 1 . ; signed, “H. P. Briggs, R.A. fecit, 1837.” Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 378 WILL. LAMB, Vise. MELBOURNE (1779-1848). Viscountess Palmerston. John Partridge. {See No. 315.) Three-quarter size ; seated, 1 . hand resting on writing- table ; fur-lined coat. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 379 LORD MURRAY. Nat. Gall, of Scotland. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Three-quarter size ; seated' to r. letter in r. hand ; black dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. • 380 JOHN BIRD SUMNER, Archbp. of CANTERBURY (1780-1862). Rev. J. H. R. Sumner. Mrs. Carpenter. Eld. son of Rev. Robert Sumner; b. 1780; educ. at King’s Coll. Camb. J Canon of Durham, 1820; Bp. of Chester, 1828; Archbp. of Canterbury, 184S; known as an opponent of t’ae writers of the “Tracts for the Times;” author of “Evidences of Christianity,” “Sermons on the Christian Faith,” “ .Ser- mons on the Festivals,” (Sic.; d. 1862. Three-quarter size ; seated to r. ; black gown ; open book in 1 . hand ; signed, “ Margaret Carpenter, 1842.” Canvas, 55 X 44 in. 381 SIR LANCELOT SHADWELL, V.-CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND (1779-1850). Lincoln’s Inn. Thos. Phillips, R.A. B. 1779; educ. at Eton and Camb.; Barrister, 1803; K.G. 1821; M.P. for Ripon, 1826; Vice-Chan, of Imgl. 1827; also fdled twice the office of Commiss. of the Great Seal; d. 10 -Aug. 1850. Half-length; seated; robes as Chief Justice; signed, “T. P., 1842.” Canvas, 56 X 44 in. Ground-floor. 1 Eastern Gallery (Bay 8 — Noi . 367-385). 77 382 ALBERT FRANCIS AUGUS. CHAS. EMMANUEL, PRINCE CONSORT OF ENGLAND (1819-1861). LENT BY PAINTER. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). F. Winterhalter. .Second son of Ernest, 1 ). of Saxe Coburg ; b. at Ehrenberg, near Coburg. 26 Aug. 1819; educ. at Coburg, and the Univ. of Bonn; marr. Her Majesty, Oil. Viet. 10 P'eb. 1840 : took an active interest in the improvem. of the condit. of the poor, and the advancem. of Science and Art ; suggest, and promoted the Great International Exhibition of 1851, and the establishm. of the South Kensington Museum, 1857 ; was elected Chan, of the Univ. of Camb. 1847 ; Pres, of the Brit. Assoc, for the Advancem. of Science, 1859; d. universally regretted, at Windsor Castle, 14 December, 1861. Half-length ; standing, looking to 1 . ; dark uniform ; signed, “F. Winter- halter, London, 1842.” Canvas, 52 X 30 in. 383 EDWARD SMITH STANLEY, 13TH EARL OF DERBY, K.G. (1775-1851). Earl of Derby, K.G. William Derby. Eld. son of Ed. 12th E. (No. 669), and Lady Eliz. his Countess (No. 694); b. 21 Apr. 1775 ; M.P. for Preston and aft. for North Lancashire ; succ. his father, 1834; Pres, of the Linnean and Zoological Societies ; cr. Baron Stanley of Bickerstaff in the lifetime of his father, 1832 ; d. 1851. Three-quarter size ; seated to r. holding letter in left hand, plans on table to 1 . ; signed, “ W. Derby, pinxt. 1837.” Canvas, 56 x 43 in. 384 HER MAJESTY, QUEEN VICTORIA. Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). F. Winterhalter. Only dau. of Edward, D. of Kent, 4th son of Geo. III. and Louisa Victori.T, Princess of Saxe- Coburg ; b. 24 May, 1819; succ. to the throne, 20 June, 1837; marr. Pr. Albert, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 10 Feb. 1840, who d. 14 Dec. 1861. j Half-length ; standing to r. arms folded ; white dress, rose in 1 . hand ; ^igned, “ F. Winterhalter, 1842.” Canvas, 52 X 39 in. 385 ED. COPLESTON, BP. of LLANDAFF (1776-^849). Misses Copleston. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. B. at Offwell, Devonsh. 1776 ; educ. by his father ; elected to a scholarship at Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxf. 1791 ; gained the Chancellor's prize fora Latin poem, 1793 ; Fell, of Oriel Coll. 1795; Dean of Chester, 1826; Dean of St. Paul’s and Bp. of Llandaff, 1827 ; d. 14 Oct. 1849. Half-length ; seated to right ; episcopal habit ; cathedral of Llandafi in distance. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. NINTH BAT {Nos. 386 413)- 386 SIR ROBERT PEEL, Bart. (1788-1850). Rev. W. B. Hawkins. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Statesman; son of Sir R. Peel, ist Bart.; b. at Tamworth, 5 heb. 1788 ; cduc. at Harrow and Oxf.; M.P. for Cashel, 1809; Und.-.Sec. for the Colon. 1810; Chief Sec. for Irel. 1812-18; Home Min. when he carried the reform 78 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. of the Criminal CckIc, 1822-27; again 1 828-30, when he carried Catholic • Emancipa. ; resign, with the D. of Wellington, and oppos. the Refonn Rill; Prime .Min. 1834-35, 1839, and 1841-46; during his hist administration, in- augurated a policy of Free Trade, and abolish, the Corn Laws, 1846; afterw. gave a general support to the Whigs; d. from the effects of a fall front his horse, 28 June, 1850. To waist; as a young man; looking to 1 .; dark brown coat, yellowish waistcoat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 387 CHARLES (iRANT, LD. GLENELG (1778-1866J. LENT BV PAINTER. Miss F. March Phillipps. (teorge Richmond, R.A. Statesman; son of the Rt. Mon. C. (Irant, a Director of the E.l. Comp.; b. in Bengal, 1778; stud, at Mag. Coll. Camb. ; called to the liar, and M.l’. for the Fortrose Burghs. 1807; app. I.d. of the Treas. 1S13; Ch. Sec. for Irel. 1819 ; Pres, of the Board of Trade, 1827 ; Pres, of the Board of Control, :S3o; Colon. Min. 1834-39; raised to the Peerage, 1835; resign, his office, 1839; d. at Cannes, unmarried, 23 .'\])ril. 1866. Head to 1 .; signed, “Geo. Richmond, delt. 1861.” Crayon, paper, 32 X 26 in. 388 FREDERICK JAMES LAMB, LD. BEAUVALE, Afterwards 3RD VlSC. MELBOURNE (1782-1853). Viscountess Palmerston. John Partridge. ■Son of I'eniston Lamb, ist \’isct. ; b. 17 .April. 1782; ent. the Diplomatic Service and was for some time .Ambass. at the Court of Vienna; raised to the Peerage as Baron Beauvale, 1841 ; succ. to the A’iscountcy on the death of his brother, the celebrated Prime Minister, 24 Nov. 1848; d. without issue, 29 January, 1853. Three-quarter size; standing, leaning against a column, looking to r. ; holding hat in r. hand ; furred cloak. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 389 SIR THOS. FOWELL BUXTON, Bt. (1786-1845), Dowager Lady Buxton. George Richmond, R..A. Philanthropist; b. at Earls Colne, Essex, i April, 1786; educ. at Trin. ' Coll. Camb.; Joined the firm of Truman, Hanbury, and Co. 181 1. when his connexion w ith the .Spitalfields district awakened his interest in the cause of the poor; organised a sv’stcm of relief in their favour; inquired, together with his sister-in-law .Mrs. Fr\-, into the state of the Prisons; founded the Prison Discipline .Society; M.P. for Weymouth, 1818-37; seconded and continued the efforts of Wilberforce, for the abolition of slavery; advocated reform of the criminal code, education of the poor, civilizat. of .Africa; crea. • a Bart. 1840; d. 19 Feb. 1845. Three-quarter length, small size, standing; resting 1 . hand on bo\ on table. Water-colour, paper, 26 x 21 in. 390 RT. HON. SIR THOS. WYSE, K.C.B. (1801-1862). jMr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Diplomatist; son of an Irish gentleman in Waterford; b. 1801 ; educ. at Stonyhurst and Trin. Coll. Dubl.; .M.P. for the County of Tipperary, 1830-32; and for Waterford, 1835-37; Ld. of the Treas. 1839-41; Joint .Sec. of the Board of Control, 1846-49; Priv. Coun. and Minister at the Court of Athens, 1S49 ; author of “ Walks in Rome,” “ Oriental Sketches,” &c. ; d. at Athens, 15 .April, 18C2. To w.'iist; sea ed at table; statuette to his r; painted 1846. Canvas, 28 X 36 ’’n. I Ground-Jloor.'] Eastern Gallery rBAY 9 — Xos. 386-413). 79 391 THOS. SLINGSBY BUNCOMBE, M.P. (179--1861;. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas H. Buncombe. Watkins. Son of Thomas D. and nephew of tlie ist Ld. Fcvcrsham ; b. 1797 ; serv. for some time in the army ; ent. I'arl. as mem. for Hertford, 1826 ; advocat. Catholic Emancipat. and the Reform Bill ; M.P. for Finsbury, 1834 ; con- tinued to vote with the advanced liberals in all questions of home and foreign policy ; d. at Brighton, 13 Nov. 1861. Bust to r. ; hussar uniform ; signed “Watkins fecit, 1824.” Paper, crayon, 34 X 29 in. 392 SIR T. FOWELL BUXTON, Bt. Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Bt. George Richmond, R.A. , {See No. 389.) Head to 1 . ; signed and dated, “ Geo. Richmond delt. i 844.'’ Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in. 393 SHARON TURNER (1768-1847). Rev. Sydney Turner. Sir Martin A. Shee, P.R.A. Historian; b. in Bond. 1768; articled to an attorney, 1773: carried on a large professional business together with his literary pursuits; known for his researches concerning the Anglo-Saxons ; pub. “ Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons,’’ “ History of England from the Earliest Period to the Death of Elizabeth,” “.Sacred History of the World,” &c. ; d. 1847. Bust; seated to 1 . ; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 394 THOMAS BRUMMONB, R.E. (1797-1840). Mrs. Bru.mmond. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Nat. philos. ; b. at Edinb. 1796 ; educ. at the Roy. Mil. Academy, Wool- wich ; ent. the Royal Engineers ; assistant to Colonel Colby in the trigono- metrical survey of (]reat Britain and Irel. 1819 ; invented and first used the lime-light, during the survey of Irel. 1825 ; afterw. private secretary to Ld. .Spencer, and Under-Sectretary for Irel. ; d. 1840. Three-quarter size; standing, nearly full face; 1 . hand resting on table, on which arc official papers. Canvas, 55 X 43 in. 395 SIR WILLIAM WEBB FOLLETT, Kt. (1798-1845;. Mr. Edward Follett. F. R. Say. Lawyer; b. at Topsham, Devon, 1798; educ. in Exeter Grammar Sch. and Trin. Coll. Camb. ; called to the Bar, 1824; quickly rose to eminence in his profession; M.P. for Exeter and Sol.-Gen. 1834; again Sol. -Gen. 1841; Att.-Gen. 1844; went for his health to the Continent; d. soon after his return, 28 June, 1845. Three-quarter size; head resting on 1 . hand, book in r. ; signed, “F.R.S. 1835.” Canvas, 53 X 44 in. 396 HENRY PETTY FITZMAURICE, 3RD MARQUIS OF LANSBOWNE (1780-1863). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. {See No. 329.) Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair, beside writing- table, mctal-mountcd casket on table to his r. Canvas, 57 X 45 in. 8o Reign of (^een Victoria, 1837-1867. 397 RT. HON. JOHN WILSON CROKER, M.P. (•■780-1857). LENT BY . PAINTER. Mrs. Croker. Sir 'I'homas Lawrence, P.R.A. Politician and writer ; b. at (lalway, 1780; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin; called to the Har, 1807; M.P. and Sec. to the Admlty. 1808; Priv. Coun. 1828 ; disting, as an eloquent debater and frequent contrib. to the ‘•(2uarterjy Review;” edit. HoswcH’s ‘‘Life of Johnson,” and Ld. Herve>’’s “Memoirs of the Reign of George 11 .;” auth. of “ .Stories from the Historj- of England,” which Sir VV. .Scott took as a model for his “Talcs of a Grandfather ;” resign, his ofnee, 1832; d. 1857. To waist ; full face, seated, showing part of r. hand ; dark dress, chain and seals. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 398 RT. HON. J. C. HERRIES (1770-1855). Mr. C. J. Herries. William Boxall, R.A. Statesman; son of a London merch. ; b. 1770; ent. his father’s office; afterw. became a clerk in one of the Government offices ; Priv. Sec. to Mr. Vansittart and to Mr. Perceval, 1807-1 1 ; Comptroller of the army accounts and Commissary-in-chief, 1811-15; rose to be Joint Sec. of the Treas. ; Chari, of the E.\ch. 1827; Master of the Mint, 1828; Sec. at War in Sir Robert Peel’s Ministr)-, 1835 ; Commiss. for the affairs of India under Lord Derby, 1852 ; d. 24 April, 1855. To waist, seated, full face, resting hands on book. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 399 SIR ROBERT CHESTER, Kt. (1768-1848). Mr. Harry Chester. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Son of a solicitor; b. 1768; educ. at Westm. and Chr. Ch. Oxf.; app. Gent. Usher of the Priv. Counc. and Assist. Mast, of the Ceremonies to Geo. 111 . 1796; Mast, of the Ceremonies and Knighted, 1818; resigned his office, 1847; d. 184S. To waist ; court unifonn. Painted m 1836. Aged 68. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 400 GEN. HON. SIR JAMES YORKE SCARLETT, 1ST LD. ABINGER (1769-1844). Sir j. Yorke Sc.arlett, K.C.B. William Derby. Disting, lawyer ; 2nd son of Robert Scarlett, of Jamaica; b. in Jamaica 1769; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb. ; called to the Bar, 1791; .M.P. 1818; support, the Whigs, and promoted the endeavours of Mackintosh and Romilly, in favour of a reform of the Criminal Code; .^tt.-Gen. under Can- ning, 1827; Chief Baron, and raised to the Peerage, 1834; d. April, 1844. Three-quarter size, seated in ann-chair ; black dress, r. hand resting on book, s. of arms in background to his r. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 401 GEORGE HAMILTON GORDON, 4th E. of ABERDEEN, K.G. K.T. (1784-1860). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. .Statesman; son of George, Ld. Haddo, and grandson of George, 3rd E. ; b. at Edinburgh, 28 Jan. 1784; educ. at Harrow and Camb. ; succ. to the G round-floor. Eastern Gallery (Bay 9 — ~No$. 386-413). 81 earldom, 1802; chosen one of the Represen. Peers of Scotl. 1806; Ambass. at Vienna and Paris, 1813-14; raised to the Engl. Peerage as Viset. Gordon, 1815; Minist. of For. Affairs, 1828-30; and again, 1841-46; Prime Minist. 1852; resigned, 1855; K.G. 1857; d. in London, 14 Dec. i860. Half-length, seated, with sketch of the Acropolis in his hands ; Parthe- non in distance, a Greek vase, writing materials and inkstand on table to his r. Canvas, 44 X 58 in. 402 PROFESSOR ROBERT JAMESON (1773-1853). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Jameson. George Watson, P.R.S.A. N*t. l^hilos. ; b. at Leith, 1773 ; stud, for the medical profession, but chiefly devoted hims. to geology and mineralogy ; went to study under Werner, at Freyberg, in Saxony, 1801 ; app. Prof, of Nat. Hist, in the Univ. of Edinb., 1804; pub. “ Character of Minerals,” “ Systemof Mineralogy and Geology;” edit, the “Edinb. Philos. Transactions” since 1819; d. 1853. To waist, seated to r. ; black dress, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 403 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, LD. MACAULAY (1800-1859). Lady Trevelyan. George Richmond, R.A. Son of Zachary Macaulay, the philanthropist ; b. at Rothley Temple, Leicestersh. 25 Oct. 1800; educ. at Cambridge; Fellow of Trin. Coll. 1822; called to the Bar, 1824 : commen. his career as an essayist, with his article on Milton, 1825; soon after appointed Commiss. of Bankruptcy; M.P. for Caine, 1830; Sec. of the Board of Control, 1831-34; zealously advocated the Reform Bill; went to India as Member and Legal Adviser of the Supreme Council, 1834; drew up a code of Indian law; after his return, 1839, Sec. at War, till the fall of Ld. Melbourne’s Ministry, 1841; M.P. for Edinburgh, 1840; pub. his “Lays of Ancient Rome,” 1842; his “Miscellaneous Es- says,” 1843; Paymaster of the Forces, 1846; lost his seat for Edinburgh on account of his vote for the Maynooth Grant, 1847; comm, writing his “ History of England,” the first two vols. of which appeared 1848; re-elect, for Edinburgh, 1852. crea. Baron Macaulay, 1857; d. 28 Dec. 1859; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Head looking to 1. Signed “George Richmond delt. 1830.” Crayon, paper, 31 x 26 in. 404 THOS. PHILIP, EARL DE GREY, K.G. (178 1-1859). Institute of British Architects. John Wood. Son of Thomas, 2nd Ld. Grantham; b. 8 Dec. 1781 ; succ. his father as 3rd Ld. Grantham, and, in 1833, his aunt, the Countess de Grey, as E. de Grey; was Ld. -Lieut, of Ircl. 1841-44 ; Ld.-Licut. of Bedfordsh. ; Pres, of the Roy. Institute of British Architects, &c. ; d. 14 Nov. 1859, " hen he was succ. by his nephew, the E. of Ripon, father of the present E. de Grey. Half-length, standing ; black dress, scarlet robes. Canvas, 55 X 44 in. 405 RT. HON. HENRY GOULBURN, M.P. (1784-1856). Mr. Frederick. Goulburn. G. Richmond, R.A. Statesman; b. in Lond. 1784; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb. ; M.P. for Horsham, 1807 ; Home Minist. 1810; Under-Sec. of State for the Colonics, 1812; Chief Sec. for Irel. 1821 ; Chan, of the Exch. 1828; retired with the D. of Wellington, 1830; M.P. for the Univ. of Camb. 1831; Chan, of the Exch. in .Sir Robert Peel’s Ministry, 1841-46; d. 12 Jan. 1856. Half-length, seated, small size; arms folded. “ George Richmond delt. 1848.” Water-colour, paper, 25 X 21 in. G 82 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 406 RT. HON. ALEX. BARING, ist LD. ASHBURTON (1774-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Statesman ; 2nd son of Sir Francis Baring, Bart. ; b. in Lond. 1774; cnt. the firm of Baring Brothers, and for some time conducted its business in the United States ; M.P. for Taunton, 1812 ; gained influ. in the discuss, of com- mercial questions; Pres, of the Bd. of Trade, 1834; raised to the Peerage, 1 835 ; went as Special Commiss. to America, to settle the dispute about the Maine Territorj', 1842; opposed Free Trade; d. 13 May, 1848. Half-length, standing; 1 . arm on pedestal on which stands statuette of Mcrcur>’. Canvas, 37 X 29 in. 407 THOMAS BODLEY ( -1858). AIr. T. Bodley. William Etty, R.A. Early friend of \Vm. Etty, the painter, assisted him to go to \'enice for study; d. 1858. To waist ; holding forage-cap in 1 . hand, crimson-lined cloak ; sea-coast in distance. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 408 . HENRY HALLAM (1777-1832). Col. F.arnaby Lennard, George Richmond, R.A. Historian; b. at Windsor, 1777; educ. at Eton and Oxf ; settl. in Lond. and entirely devot. himself to liter, labour ; pub. “ View of the State of Europe dur. the Middle Ages,” 1818; “Constitutional History' of England,” 1827 ; “ Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, i6th, and 17th Centuries,” 1837-38; which gained him an European reputa. for learning and literary genius ; his eld. son Arthur Henry, who died 1833, was the friend of .•Mf. Tennyson, and the subj. of Tennyson’s “In Memoriam;” bereaved of his dau., his wife, and 2nd son, d. 21 Jan. 1859. Head to r. “ Geo. Richmond delt. 1843.” Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in. 409 DAWSON TURNER, F.R.S. (1775-1858). Dr. Hooker. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Botanist and Antiquary ; son of a banker at Great Yarmouth; b. 1775; educ. at Pembroke Coll. Camb. ; early applied hims. to Natural History and Botany; pub. “ Synopsis of British Ferns,” “ Botanist’s Guide,” &c. ; formed large botanical collections ; during the latter half of his life devot. himself to antiquarian and artistic studies ; edit. Cotman’s “ Architectural Antiquities of Normandy,” illustrat. Blomefield’s “ History of Norfolk;” formed e.xtens. collections of paintings, books, MSS.; d. at Brompton, 20 June, 1858. To waist, seated, leaning on r. hand, with botanical work before him. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 410 CHAS. CHETWYND, 2nd E. TALBOT, K.G. (1777-1849). E.^rl of Shrewsbury and Talbot. John Linnell. Son of John Chetwynd Talbot, ist E. and father of the present E. ; b. 25 April, 1777 ; app- Viceroy of Irel. on the retirement of Ld. Whitworth;, also Ld. -Lieut, of Staflordsh. and K.G. ; d. 13 Jan. 1849. Half-length,, standing in landscape to 1 . ; peer’s scarlet robes, collar, K.G. Signed “ Jno. Linnell, f. 1840.” Canvas, 51 X 44 in. 411 COLONEL JOHN GURWOOD ( -1845). Duke of Wellington, K.G. James Hall. Editor of the “ Wellington Despatches;” ent. the Army, 1808; served in the Peninsular War ; led a forlorn hope at the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Ground-floor?^ Eastern Gallery (Bay 9 — Noi . 386-413). 83 took the Governor prisoner ; distinguished himself in the battle of Waterloo, where he was severely wounded ; acted for many years as Priv. Sec. to the D. of Wellington, who entrusted to him the editing of his Despatches, and app. him Dep.-Lieut. of the Tower, in recognition of his services ; d. 25 Dec. 1845. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; holding banner in r. hand, sword in 1 . ; uniform as sub-constable of the Tower. Dated at back 1837.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 412 LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON, MRS. McLEAN “ L. E. L.” (1802-1838). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Poetess ; dau. of an army agent ; b. in Chelsea, 1802 ; early became known under her initials L. E. L. by contrib. to the “ Literary Gazette,” and the An- nuals; pub. the poems, “The Improvisatrice,” “The Troubadour,” “The Golden Violet,” &c., the novels, “ Romance and Reality,” “ Ethel Churchill,” &c. ; marr. in 1838, George \I‘Lean, Gov. of Cape Coast Castle; d. soon after her arrival there, 15 October, 1838. Half-length, miniature size. Signed with monogram, “ D. M^C.” Pencil, paper, V] X 14 in. 413 LIEUT. JAMES HOLMAN, R.N. (1791-1857). Royal Society. George Chinnery. Known as the “ Blind Traveller;” b. 1791; ent. the Navy as first-class volunteer, and rose to the rank of Lieut.; invalided and depriv. of his sight, 1810; app. a naval Kt. at Windsor; could not bear the quiet, inactive life there ; resolv. on travelling, and in spite of his blindness, carr. out his fesol. ; undertook a long series of travels through N. and S.W. Europe, which he descr. in as many books; relat. his princip. journey through Africa, Asia, Australasia, and America, in his “Voyage round the World,” 1834; afterw. travelled through E. Europe; d. 1857. Half-length, seated, small size, holding stick in r. hand. Marked at back “Geo. Chinnery, Canton, China.” Canvas, 12 X 10 in. No. 5 . CENTRA L HALL (^Nos. 414 to 434 ). 414 SIR ALEXANDER BURNES (1805-1841). Mr. John Murray. Daniel Maclise, R.A. H. at Montrose, 1805 ; went as cadet in the army to India, 1821 ; disting, himself by his proficiency in Persian and Hindustani; empl. as interpreter in different parts of India; app. assist, polit. agent at Ciitch, 1829; sent to convey presents from the K. of Engl, to Lahore and Scinde ; explored on this occasion the geography of the Indus; Knighted and Lieut.-Col. 1835; polit. agent at Cabool, 1839 ; was assassinated there, 2 Nov. 1841. Full-length, small size ; seated on the ground in Oriental fashion and costume. Canvas, 18 x 14 in. 415 JOHN AYRTON PARIS, M.D. (1785-1856). Royal College of Physicians. Charles Scottowe. B. 1785; educ. at Caius Coll. Camb. ; Fell, of the Roy. Coll, of Physic. 1S14; Pres, of the College, 1844; d. 1856. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 . in arm-chair ; book in 1 . hand ; inkstand on table to his 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 84 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 416 SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, Kt. (1786-1847). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Murray. John Jackson, R.A. Arctic discov. ; b. at Spilsby, Lincolnsh. 1786; ent. the Na\y, 1800; pres, at the batt. of Copenhagen, 1801 ; accomp. Flinders on his expedit. to Aus- tralia ; disting, himself at Trafalgar, 1805 ; and at New Orleans, 1814 ; explor. the Arctic coasts of N. America, 1818-19 and 1825 ; was knighted; held for seven years the Govcrnorsh. of Van Diemen’s Land ; sailed on an expedit. to discover the N.W. Passage with the “ Erebus ” and “ Terror,” May, 1845 ; d. on board his ship off Point Felix, in the Arctic Ocean, 11 June, 1847; his fate and that of his expedition were, after many fruitless endeavours, dis- covered in 1857, by the expedition under Sir Leopold M'Clintock. Bust, looking to 1 . ; naval uniform ; telescope in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 417 SIR ROBT. HENRY SALE, K.C.B. (1782-1845). Colonel Mulock. H. Moseley. Known as the “ Hero of Jellalabad;” son of Col. Sale, of the East India Company’s service; ent. the Army, 1795 ; serv. at the siege of Seringapatam, 1799; the storming of the lines of Travancore, 1809; the capture of the Mauritius, 1816, and of Rangoon, 1824; app. to command a brigade in the Affghan war, 1838; compelled Dost Mahommed to surrender, 1S40; forced the Khoord Cabool Pass; maint. himself in Jellalabad, during the disastrous retreat from Affghanistan, and totally defeat. theAffghans under Akbat Khan, April, 1842; recov. Cabool; receiv. the thanks of Pari, for his services; fell in the battle of Moodkee, 18 Dec. 1845. Three-quarter size, standing ; military uniform, with sword in his hands; fort of J ellalabad in distance. Canvas, 56 x 44 in. 418 SIR JOHN RICHARDSON and SIR JAS. CLARK ROSS, IN A GROUP PICTURE OF THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Mr. John Barrow. Stephen Pearce. .Sir John Richardson, Kt. (1787-1865). — Arctic discoverer, physician and naturalist ; b. at Dumfries, 1787 ; stud. med. at Edinb. ; ent. the navy as assist.-surgeon, 1807 ; accomp. Sir John Franklin as surgeon and natural- ist on his two overland expedit. to the Arctic regions, in 1819 and 1825; physic, to Melville Hosp. Chatham, 1828, and to Haslar Hosp. Cosport, 1838 ; knighted, 1846 ; undertook an expedit. in search of Sir John Franklin, 1848-49 ; retir. from the serv. 1855 ; auth. of “Fauna Boreali-Americana,” “ The Polar Regions,” &c. ; d. 5 June, 1865. Sir James Clark Ross (1800-62). — Antarctic discover. ; nephew of Sir John Ross ; b. in London, 1800; ent. the navy ; accomp. his uncle and Sir Edw. Parry on five successive voyages of discovery to the Arctic regions ; command, the “ Erebus” on a scientific expedition to the Antarctic Ocean, 1839-43 ; receiv. the gold medal of the Geograph. Soc. for his services, and was knighted on his return ; pub. a narrative of his expedit. 1847 ; comm, an expedit. in search of Sir John Franklin, 1848 ; d. 3 April, 1863. Three-quarter size figures ; Sir Francis Beaufort seated in centre at table. Canvas, 47 X 73 in. 419 SIR JOHN ROSS, K.C.B. (1777-1856). Mr. C. Pearson. Faulkner. Arctic Discoverer; son of a clerg>man ; b. at Balsarroch, 1777; cat. the Navy, and fought with distinction through the French wars; accompan. .Sir Edward Parry in 1818, on the expedit. to Baffin’s Bay, which he described in his “Voyage of Discovery' in search of a N. \V. Passage;” Comm, another Arctic expedition, 1829-33; knighted on his return; Consul at Stockholm, Grcund-Jloor.~\ Central Hall {Nos. 414-434). 85 1839-45 ; again sailed for the Arctic Ocean in search of Sir John Franklin, 1850; returned, 1851 ; d. 1856. Half-length, standing; 1 . hand resting on table; dark cloak, wearing several decorations. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 420 SIR JOHN BARROW, Bt. F.R.S. (1764-1848). LENT BY PAINTBR. Mr. John Murray. John Jackson, R.A. Traveller; b. near Ulverston, Lancash. 19 June, 1764; mathemat. teach, at Greenwich; Sec. of embassy to China under Ld. Macartney, 1792; priv. sec. to Ld. Macartney, and Audit.-Gen. of Publ. Acets. at the Cape of Good Hope, 1797-1803; sec. to the Admlty. 1804-45; crea. Bart. 1835; in his official posit. 4 constant advocate of the great voyages of discov. undertaken during the pres, century; d. 23 Nov. 1848; auth. of “Travels in China,” “Voyage to Cochin China,” “ Life of Lord Macartney,” &c. Bust, looking to 1 .; black coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 421 FLORENTIA WYNCH, LADY SALE (1787-1853). London Tavern Company. George Clint, A. R.A. Dau. of Robert Wynch, Esq. ; b. 13 Aug. 1787; marr. Capt. R. H. Sale, afterw. Sir Robt. {see No. 417), 1809 ; accompanied him on the campaign in Affghanistan, 1841 ; with other officers’ wives fell into the hands of Akbar Khan ; excited general admiration by the spirit with which she bore her captivity; rescued aft. the relief of Jellalabad, when she rejoin, her husband ; d. at Green Point, Cape of Good Hope, 6th July, 1853. Three-quarter size; seated to 1 . in arm-chair; Jellalabad in distance. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 422 ADM. SIR WM. EDW. PARRY, Kr. (1790-1855). Captain Coote, R.N. Hayter. Famous in the annals of arctic discovery; b. at Bath, 19 Dec. 1790; ent. the navy, 1803 ; accomp. Sir John Ross on his expedition to the Polar Sea, 1818; sailed in command of the “Hecla”and “Griper,” to discover the N. W. Passage, 1819; engaged at different times on other voyages of discovery in the Arctic regions; Knighted, 1829; Commissioner in New- South Wales, 1830-35; Rear-Adm. 1852; Lieut.-Gov. of Greenwich Hosp. 1853; d. at Ems, 8 July, 1855. Bust to 1 . ; naval uniform, furred cloak. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 423 CAPT. FREDK. MARRYAT, R.N. C.B. (1792-1848). Mr. William P. Lindsay. Dixon. Novelist; b. in Lond. 10 July, 1792; ent. the Navy, 1806; served under Ld. Cochrane at Aix Roads and in the Walcheren expedit. ; disting, himself in the American war, 1814, when he cut out four vessels in Boston Bay; pro- moted to the rank of Capt. and C.B. for his services in the Burmese war, 1823; declined an offer to take the Comm.-in-Chief of the Brazilian Fleet, 1839; known as an author by his descriptions of naval life and character in the novels — “The Naval Officer,” “ Peter Simple,” “ Midshipman Easy,” &c. ; also pub. a “ Code of Signals ” for the Mercantile Marine ; d. at Lang- ham, N orfolk, 9 Aug. 1 848. Bust; seated, resting head on r. hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 424 RICHARD BRIGHT, M.D. (1789-1858). College of Physicians. F. R. Say. B. in Bristol, Sept. 1789; stud, at Edinb. University and Guy’s Hospital, London; gradua. as M.U. 1813; travell. in Germany and Holland, 1814-15 ; Licent. of the Coll, of Physicians, 1816; Physician to Guy’s Hospital, 1824; 86 Reigv of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. F. R. C. P. 1832; gained a wide reputation by his researches concern, renal diseases, and the discovery of the disease called after him ; d. 15 Sept. 185S. Half-length, seated to r. ; full face, book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 425 ADM. SIR GEO. COCKBURN, G.C.B. (1771-1853). LENT BY PAINTER. United Service Club. T. W. Mackay { Copy ). B. in London, 1771 ; enter, the Navy, 1783; Capt. 1794; Command, the “Minerva” in the battle of St. Vincent, 1797; reduced the Island of Mar- tinique, 1809, for which he receiv. the thanks of Pari. ; serv. with distinction in the Amer. War, 1814 ; conv. the Emp. Napoleon in the “ Northumberland” to St. Helena, 1815; M.P. for Portsmouth, and Ld. of the Admir. 1818 and 1828; Comm, on the W. Indian and N. American Stations, 1832-36; Sen. Ld. of the Admiralty, 1841-46; d. 1853. Full-length, standing ; naval uniform, cocked hat, resting r. hand on sword; buildings on fire in background. Signed “T. W. Mackay, 1851.” Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 426 RICHARD FORD (1796-1858). Mrs. Ford. Antonio Chatelain. Auth. and Connoisseur; b. in Lond. 1796; educ. at Winchester, andTrin. Coll. Oxf. ; called to the bar, 1819, but never practised his prof. ; travelled much on the Cont. particularly in Spain ; formed collec. of pictures and rare books; finally settled at Heavitree, near Exeter; wrote for the “Quarterly Review;” pub. his “Handbook of Spain;” d. 1858. Bust; resting head on r. hand. “Ait. 44, painted at Rome, 1844.” Canvas, 24 X 19 in. 427 LIEUT. EDWARD HOWARD, R.N. ( -1841). Miss Howard. S. S. Osgood. Naval novelist ; wrote the novels, “ Rattlin the Reefer,” “ Outward Bound,” and “The Old Commodore,” also a Biography of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith ; d. 30 Dec. 1841. Half-length, seated, leaning with clasped hands on the back of chair. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 428 WILLIAM PROUT, M.D. (1786-1850). Coll, of Physicians. H. W. Phillips. Physician; graduated at Edinb. ; settled in London; was elect. F. R. S. ; made valuable researches in pathology and chemistry ; wrote “On the nature and treatment of Stomach and Renal Diseases,” &c. ; d. 1850. Bust ; looking to r. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 429 EDWD. MALTBY, BP. OF DURHAM (1770-1859). Bishop of Durham. Sir W. Beechey, R.A. Scholar and divine; b. 1770; Bp. of Chichester, 1831, transfer, to Dur- ham, 1836; pub. “Illustrations of the Truth of the Christian Religion,” “.Ser- mons,” &c. ; Gr. Gradus ; d. 3 July, 1859. Three-quarter size, standing at table ; episcopal robes, book in 1 . hand, eye-glass in r. .Signed “ W. B. 1832.” Canvas, 56 x 44 in. Ground- floor. '\ Central Hall {Nos. 414-434). 87 430 BENJAMIN HICK, C.E. (1750-1842). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Hick. George Patten, A.R.A. One of the leading Engineers of his time in Lancash. ; b. 1750; invented the invert, cup of the hydraulic press and radial drilling machine; designed many of the public buildings in Bolton; d. 1842. Half-len^h, seated to r. ; full face, dark dress. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. 431 JOHN BRAHAM (1774-1856). Frances, Countess Waldegrave. Geo. P. A. Healv. Singer and composer; b. in London, 1774; taught singing by Leoni ; appear, as a public singer at the age of ten ; afterw. stud, under Rauzzini at Bath ; made his d^but at the Opera, Drury Lane, 1796; achiev. great success as one of the principal singers at the Italian Opera, Covent (harden, with which he was connected for many years, from 1801 ; composed songs and melodramas ; opened St. James’ Theatre as an Opera Ho. 1836 ; d. 1856. Full-length, standing ; theatrical costume ; looking up to 1 . as singing in character of the “ Postilion.” Canvas, 78 X 48 in. 432 DANIEL O’CONNELL, Al.P. (1775-1847). National Bank. Sir David Wilkie, R.A B. at Cahirciveen, Kerry, 6 Aug. 1775; educ. at the Catholic Seminaries of St. Omer and Douay; stud, in the Temple, 1794; called to the Irish Bar, 1 798 ; rose to national influence as an orator and patriot, by his struggle for Catholic Emancipation, 1809-28; elect. M.P. for the Co. of Clare, 1828, but excluded from the Ho. of Commons on account of his disability as a Cathol. ; .admit, after the pass, of the Cath. Relief Bill, Feb. 1830; commenced his Re- peal agitation, 1831; formed an alliance with the Whigs under Ld. Melbourne, and caused the defeat of the Tories on the Tithes Bill, 1834-35 ; renewed the Repeal agitation on the return of the Tories to office, 1841 ; proceed, against by Govern, on the eve of the Monster Meeting at Clontarf, and condemn, to imprisonment and fine, 1843; restored to liberty through the reversion of his sentence by the Ho. of Lords, 1844; lost influence during his latter years by the opposition of the Physical-Force Party; d. on a pilgrimage to Rome, .at Genoa, 15 May, 1847. Full-length, standing, looking in front of a sofa ; black dress, crimson- lined cloak. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 433 GENERAL ROWLAND HILL, ist VISC. HILL (1772-1842). United Service Club. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. General ; 2nd son of .Sir Jn. Hill, Bart. ; b. at Hawkstone, .Salop, 1 1 Aug. 1772; educ. at the Milit. Acad, at Strasburg; ent. the Army, 1790; .-\ide- de-Camp to Ld. Mulgrave at the siege of Toulon, 1793 ; Col. in the Egypt, campaign, 1801-3; disting, himself in the Peninsular War, where he comm, an Army corps; defeat. Gen. Girard at .Arroyo de Molinas, and conquered the fortress of Almarcz; covered the line of communication at Waterloo; raised to the Peerage, 1814; promot. full Gen. 1825; Gov. of Portsmouth, 1827; Comm.-in-Chief of the Army, 1828-42; retired on acc. of ill health ; d. 10 December, 1842. Full-length, standing near rocks, looking to 1 . ; military unifonn, ribbon K.C.B., cocked-hat in r. h.and. Painted, 1844, Canvas, 94 x 58 in. 88 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 434 JOHN KAYE, BP. OF LINCOLN (1783-1853). LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of Lincoln. Samuel Lane. B. at Hammersmith, 1783; cduc. at Camb. where he obtained first-class honours in classics and mathematics; Mast, of Chr. Coll. 1814; D.D. 1815; Regius Prof, of Divinity, 1816; Bp. of Bristol, 1820 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 1827; eminent as a writer on Ecclesiastical History; author of “Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria,” “Athanasius and the Council of Nice, &c.”; d. 1853. Three-quarter size, seated in large chair ; episcopal robes. Lincoln Cathedral in distance to his 1 . Canvas, 55 x 44 in. No. 6 . WESrERN GALLERT (Nos. 435 to 549 ), 435 GIDEON A. MANTELL, M.D. F.RS. (1790-1852). Royal Society. John James MAsquERiER. Natural Philosopher; b. at Lewes, 1790; stud, for the Medical Profess. ; practised as a Physician till 1835, after which he devoted himself entirely to Nat. History : publish. “Organic Remains of a former World,” “ The Medals of Creation,” “Thoughts on a Pebble,” &c. ; his Geological Coll, was purchas. by the Brit. Mus. for 5000/.; d. 1852. Bust ; brown coat, red waistcoat ; portion of fossil to his 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 436 CHARLES KEAN as “ Richard HI.” (181 1-1868). Mrs. Kean. Head by Opie. Tragic actor; son of Edmund Kean ; b. at Waterford, 18 June, 1811; performed first at Haymarket Theatre, then on the Continent; in 1839 made a tour to America, where he achieved his greatest success as “ Master Walter” in the “Hunchback;” marr. Miss Ellen Tree, 1842; went on a second tour to America with Mrs. Kean, 1845 ; gained the highest distinction as manager of the Princess’s Theatre, London, by his revival of Shakespeare’s dramas, 1850-59; went with Mrs. Kean on a tour to Australia and the United States, 1863; returned to Engl. 1866; d. 22 Jan. 1868. Half-length, standing ; crimson dress, plumed cap in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 437 SIR WM. JACKSON HOOKER, Kt. (1785-1865). Linnean Society. S. Gambardella. Botanist; b. at Norwich. 6 July, 1785; made extensive travels to collect plants, 1806^14; Reg. Prof, of Botany, at Glasgow, 1820; knighted, 1836; app. Director of Kew Gardens, 1841 ; edit, the “ Botanical Miscellany,” and “ Journal of Botany publ. “ Tour in Ireland,” “ Flora Scotica,” &c ; d. at Kew, 12 .August, 1865. To waist, looking to r. ; dark coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 438 RT. HON. SIR HENRY POTTINGER, Bt. G.C.B. (1789-1856). Sir Henry Pottinger, Bt. Sir P'. Grant, P.R.A. General and diplomatist; b. 1789; went as Cadet to India, 1804; dis- ting. himself in a long course of serv. ; rose to the rank of Maj.-Gen. and Ground-floor Western Gallery {Nos. 435 - 549 ). 89 Bart, at the close of the Affghan war, 1839; Envoy Extraord. to China, 1841 ; concluded the treaty terminat. the Opium war, 1842; G.C.B. and Gov. of Hongkong, 1843-44; returned to Engl, and made Priv. Coun. 1844; Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1846-67; Gov. and Comm.-in-Chiefofthe Presidency of Bombay, 1850-54; finally ret. to England; d. 18 March, 1856. Full-length ; seated at table, holding draft of treaty of Nankin ; ribbon and star K.C.B. ; Chinese landscape in distance to 1 . Canvas, 87 X 59 in. 439 HENRY, FIELD-MARSHAL VISCT. HARDINGE • AND STAFF (1785-1856). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Hardinge. Sir F. Grant, F.R.A. Son of the Rev. Henry Hardinge, rector of Stanhope, Durham; b. 1795 ; cnt. the Army at 13; serv’. through the Penins. war; disting, himself at Vimeira, Corunna, Albuera, Vittoria; Engl. Commiss. at the Prussian head- quarters dur. the Waterloo campaign ; lost his left arm at Ligny ; Clerk of the Ordn. 1823; Sec.-at-War, 1829, 1830, and 1841; Gov.-Gcn. of India, 1844; successf. terminated the Sikh wars, 1845-48; crea. Viset. Hardinge of Lahore, 1846 ; on his return Mast.-Gen. of the Ordn. and, after the death of the D. of Wellington, Comm.-in-Chief, 1852; Field-Marsh. 1854; d. 1856. Full-length ; small figures on horseback, on the field of Ferozhuheer. Lord Hardinge in military uniform mounted on white horse. Canvas, 37 X 55 in. 440 WM. PARSONS, 3RD E. OF ROSSE, K.G. (1800-1867). Royal Society. Catterson Smith, R.H.A. Son of Laurence Parsons, 3rdE. ; b. 17 June, 1800, in York; ent. Trin. Coll. Dublin, 1818 ; Mag, Coll. Oxf. 1819; graduated as a first-class in -Mathem. Honours, 1822; M.P. for King's Co. 1823-39; succ. to the title, 1845; sat for some time as repres. Peer for Ircl. ; in later years, entirely devot. himself to Astronomy ; construct, at Birr Castle his cclebrat. Reflector, 52 feet long, 6 feet in diam., by which many new nebulae werediscov. and others resolved, which, until then, had resisted all instruments; Pres, of the Brit. Associat. 1843; Pres, of the Roy. Soc. 1849-54; honoured by all learned societies of Europe; d. i Nov. 1867. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair ; black dress, ribbon of K.G. Canvas, 52 x 46 in. 441 EDMUND, ADM. LORD LYONS (1790-1858). Duchess of Norfolk. L. Dickinson. Son of John Lyons, Esq.; b. at Burton, near Christchurch, 1790; cnt. the navy, 1801 ; distin. himself as Lieut, of the “ Barracoota.” in the operat. against the Dutch in Java; Commander, 1812; Captain, 1828; employed on the Mediterranean station till 1835, when he entered the diplomatic ser\ icc ; Ambass. at Athens, 1835-49; at Berne, 1849-51; at Stockholm, 1851-53; at the outbreak of the Crimean war, appoint, to the comm, of the fleet in the Black Sea, 1853; crea. Baron Lyons for his services there; d. 23 Nov. 1858. F ull-length, standing ; naval unifonn, 1 . arm extended ; signed, “ L. Dickinson, 1855.” Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 442 THOMAS ELLIOTSON, M.D. (1800-1850). College of Physicians. James Ramsay. B. 1800 ; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, 1833 ; d. 1850. Half-length ; seated in arm-chair, looking to r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 90 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 443 ALGERNON PERCY, 4th D. of NORTHUMBER- LAND (1792-1865). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Northumberland. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Only bro. of Hugh, 3rd D. ; b. i; Dec. 1792 ; ent. the Kav^’, in which he rose to the rank of Admiral; raised to the Peerage as Baron Prudhoc, 1816; First Ld. of the Adm. 1852; K.(t. 1853; known as Pres, of many Charitable Institutions, and a Patron of Science and Art; d. at .Alnwick Castle, 12 Feb. 1S65; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Bust ; looking to r., peer’s robes. Painted 1848. Oval, canvas, 30 x 25 in. 444 RT. HON. SIR GEO. CORNEWALL LEWIS, Bt. (1806-1863). Rev. Sir G. F. Lewis, Bt. Henry Weigall. Statesman and scholar; son of Sir Thomas F. Lewis, ist Bart. ; b. in London, 21 April, 1806; educ. at Eton and Oxf. ; commenced his literary career in 1828, as contributor to the “ Classical Journal” and the “ Foreign Quarterly Review ;” member of the commission on the Irish Church, 1831 ; advocated the abolition of the State Church in Ireland, 1836 ; succeeded his father as Chief Commissioner of Poor Law Board, 1839 ; M.P. for Hereford, and Sec. of the Board of Control, 1847 ; Under Sec. of the Home Depart. 1848 ; .Sec. of the Treasury, 1850 ; Chanc. of the Excheq. 1855-58 ; Home Minister, 1859-61 ; Minister for War, 1861-63; continued his literar>' and scientific labours throughout his political career ; pub. “ Inquiry into the Credibility of Early Roman H istory,” “ Essay on the Origin and F ormation of the Romance Languages,” “ H istorical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients,” “ Dialogue on the best form of Government,” &c. ; d. at Harpton Court, Radnor, 13 .April, 1863. Full-length, seated near library table ; 1 . hand resting on book. Canvas, 76 X 50 in. 445 GEN. SIR JAMES OUTRAM, Bt. G.C.B. (1803-63). Mr. Thos. Brigstocke. Thos. Brigstocke. General and Administrator; b. in Derbysh. 29 Jan. 1803; educ. at Maris- chal Coll. Aberdeen ; went as Cadet to India, 1819; Aide-de-Camp to Ld. Keane, 1838; Political Agent at Guzerat, Commiss. in Upper .Scinde, and Resident at Hyderabad, Sattara, and Lucknow, 1839-42 ; Resident at Baroda and Bombay, 1847; Chief Commiss. of Oude, 1856; Lieut.-Gen. and Comm, of Division in the Persian war, 1857; succ. Sir Henry Lawrence as resident at Lucknow during the Mutiny; crea. Bart, and G.C.B. for his disting, ser- vices, 1859; returned to Engl. 1859; d. at Pau, ii March, 1863. To waist, seated ; full face, head coloured ; study for portrait for Oriental Club. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 446 SIR THOS. ST. VINCENT H. C. TROUBRIDGE, Bt. C.B. (1815-1867). Dowager Lady Troubridge. G. F. Watts, R.A. Son of Adml. Sir Edward Thomas, 2nd Bart.; b. 1815; ent. the Army, 1835; sen', as Major with the 7th Fusilcers in the Crimea; disting, himself at the b. of Inkerman, where he lost both his feet; app. C.B., Lieut.-Col., A.D.C. to the Queen, and Dcp. Adj.-Gen. to the Forces; d. 2 Oct. 1867. Head, looking to 1 . ; dark dress. Panel, 24 X 20 in. Ground-floor 7 \ Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 91 447 BENJAMIN TRAVERS, F.R.S. (1782-1858). LENT BY PAINTER. Miss Travers. C. R. Leslie, R.A. •Surgeon; son of a merchant in London ; b. 1782 ; entered his fathers business, but taking a dislike to mercantile pursuits, was apprent. to Sir .\stley Cooper ; became Demonstrator of .-Anatomy at (luy’s Hospital. 1808 ; •Surg. to the Ophthalmic Hosp. 1810; F.R..S. 1813; Presid. of the Medico- Chirurg. Soc. 1827, and of the Roy. Coll, of Surgeons, 1S47 ; Sergeant-Surg. to the Queen, 1857 ; d. 6 March, 1858. Three-quarter size ; seated in arm-chair to r. ; small size in library, beside writing-table, with book in r. hand. Canvas. 24 X 19 in. 448 SIR JAS. COSMO MELVILL, K.C.B. (1792-1861). Mr. J. C. Melvill. E. U. Eddis. Son of Philip Melvill, Esq., some time Gov. of Pendennis Castle, Corn- wall, and brother of Sir Peter Melvill, Mil. Sec. at Bombay ; b. 1792 ; ent. the service of the East India Comp, and for 30 years held the office of Sec. to the Comp, at the India House ; created K.C.B. for his disting, services ; d. at Tandridge Court, Godstone, 23 July, 1861. Half-length ; standing, hands folded. Canvas, 44 X 34 in. 449 SHOOTING PARTY at RANTON ABBEY, STAFFORDSHIRE. Earl of Lichfield. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Portraits of the E. of Sefton, E. of Uxbridge. E. of Lichfield, Viscount Melbourne, \’iscount Anson, and keepers, at the .Shooting Lodge of the E.of Lichfield. Full-length small-size figures, in shooting costumes, with guns and shooting ponies ; game-cart in background to the r. Canvas, 58 x 81 in. 450 GEN. SIR GEORGE C.^THCART (1794-1854).. Earl Cathcart. Gooderson. Youngest son of E. Cathcart; b. in London, 1794; educ. at Eton and Edinb. Univ. ; commenc. his military career in the 2nd Life Guards, 1810; accomp. his father as aide-de-camp to St. Petersburg. 1812; present as staff-officer at many battles in Germany and France, 1813; Aide-de-camp to the U. of Wellington at Ouatrebras and Waterloo; accomp. the Duke to the Congress of Aix-la-Chap. 1818, and Verona, 1822; served with distinc. m Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Jamaica, and Canada, 1828-37; appoint. Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1852; speedily termin. the Kaffir war; took com- mqnd of 4th Division of the British Army in the Crimea ; fell in the battle of Inkerman, 5 Nov. 185.1. Half-length, standing ; military unifonn and cloak. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 451 JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, LD. LYNDHURST (1772-1863). Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. G. F. Watts, R.A. Ld. Chancellor, and emin. Conservative Statesman : son of Copley, the painter, whose father had emigrated from Irel. to the United States; b. at Boston, U. S. 21 May, 1772; came to Engl. 1774; first stud, for his father’s profession at the Roy. Acad., then at Camb. 1794; called to the bar, 1804; Ch. Just, of Chester, 1817 ; M.P. for Yarmouth, 1818; Sol. Gen. 1819 ; engaged for the Crown on the trial of Qu. Caroline, 1820; Attor. Gen. 1823; Master of the Rolls, 1826; opposed Cathol. Emancipa. ; became Ld. Chan. 1828; 92 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. Ch. Baron of the Exchcq. 1830-34; opposed the Reform Bill; again Ld. Chan. 1834, and 1841-46; held a high position in the Ho. of Lords till the end of his life; d. 12 Oct. 1863. Bust ; nearly full face sketch ; in official robes. Panel, 24 X 20 in. 452 HENRY PELHAM CLINTON, 5TH DUKE OF NEWCASTLE (1811-1864). LENT BY Duke of Newcastle,/ PAINTER. G. F. Watts, R.A. B. in London, 181 1 ; educ. at Eton and Oxf. ; M.P. for South Notts, 1832 ; Ld. of the Treas. under Sir Robert Peel, 1834; First Comm, of Woods, &c. 1841-46; declared for Free Trade, and joined the Liberals, 1846; succ. to the Dukedom, 1851; Colon. Sec. 1853; Min. of War, 1854; again Colon. Sec. 1859-64; accompa. the Pr. of Wales on his voyage to Canada and the United States, i860; d. at Clumber Park, 18 Oct. 1864 Bust to 1 . ; seated, dark dress. Panel, 25 X 20 in. 453 FRANCIS THORNHILL BARING, ist LORD NORTHBROOK (1796-1866). Lord Northbrook. John Linnell. Statesman ; eld. son of Sir Thomas Francis Baring, Bart. ; b. 1796 ; educ. at Winchester and Chr. Ch. Oxf.; M.P. for Portsmouth, 1826; Ld. of the Treas. 1830; Chan, of the Excheq. 1839-41; First Ld. of the Admlty 1849; rctir. from official life, 1852; raised to the Peerage, 1865; d. at Stratton Park, 6 Sept. 1866. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; book in r. hand, landscape background. Signed “John Linnell f. 1842.” Canvas, 44 x 36 in. 454 COLIN CAMPBELL, LORD CLYDE (1792-1863). Viscount Burke, M.P. Sir F\ Grant, P.R.A. General ; son of a joiner in Glasgow ; b. 20 Oct. 1792 ; entered the army, 1808 ; served in the Peninsula, in the American War (1814-15), and in the W. Indies ; disting, himself in the Chinese War, at the storming of Tching- kiang-foo, 1841 ; received the thanks of Pari, and knighted for his services in the Sikh War, 1848-49 ; rose to fame as chief of the Highland Brigade in the Crimea, at the battles of the .Alma and Balaclava ; app. Com.-in-Chief in India, where he suppress, the great mutiny, 1857-58 ; crea. Lord Clyde, 1858 ; returned to Engl, i860 ; field-marshal, i8fe ; d. at Chatham, 14 Aug. 1863. Full-length, standing ; dark military uniform, cap in 1 . hand. Canvas, 94 X 46 in. 455 ADMIRAL SIR CHARLES NAPIER (1786-1860). Mrs. Jodrell. W. W. Simpson. B. at Falkirk, 6 March, 1786 ; cnt. the Navy, 1799 ; Lieut. 1805 ; Post.- Capt. 1809; assisted at the conquest of Martinique, 1810; distinguish, himself as a volunteer in the Peninsular war and at Naples, 1811-12 ; served in the .American war,- 1814 ; ent. the service of Don Pedro of Brazil, and established Donna Maria on the Portuguese throne by his victory over the fleet of Don Miguel, 1833 ; successfully terminated the Turko-Egyptian war, as Comm, of the Engl, squadron on the coast of Syria, by the defeat of Mehemed Ali, 1840 ; M.P. for Marylebone, 1842 ; active in improving the condition of the stamen ; Comm, of the Channel Fleet, 1847; Comm.-in-Chief of the Baltic I Ground-floor^ Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 93 Fleet at the outbreak of the Crimean war, 1854 ; resigned his command and became M.P. for Southwark, 1855 ; Adm. of the Blue, 1858 ; d. at Merchiston Hall, Hants, 6 Nov. i860. Bust; naval uniform, ribbon K.C.B., and badges of various foreign orders. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 456 HEN. JN. TEMPLE, VISC. PALMERSTON, K.G. (1784-1865). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscountess Palmerston. John Partridge. Son of Henry, 2nd Visct. Palmerston ; b. at Broadlands, Hants, 20 Oct. 1784; educ. at Harrow, Edinb. and Camb. ; succ. to the title, 1802; M.P. for Bletchingly, 1806; Ld. of the Adm. 1807; Sec. at War, 1809; kept this post under a succession of Ministries till 1828; separated himself from the Tories on the question of Catholic Emancipation; Min. for Foreign Affairs under Ld. Grey and Ld. Melbourne, 1831-41, and again under Ld. Russell, 1846-51 ; resign. 1851 ; resumed office as Home Min. under Ld. Aberdeen, 1853; Prime Min. 1855-58, and 1860-65; one of the most popular states- men of his time; d. at Brocket Hall, Herts, 18 Oct. 1865 ;bu. in West- minster Abbey. Full-length, standing ; full face, 1 . hand resting on writing-table, star and ribbon of Bath. Canvas, 95 X 59 in. 457 MEET OF HIS MAJESTY’S STAG-HOUNDS ON ASCOT HEATH, Earl of Chesterfield. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Portraits of the Duke of Beaufort, Count D’Orsay, Lord Adolphus Fitz- clarcnce, Earl of Chesterfield, Master of the Buckhounds, and many others ; with a view of the racecourse and kennels. Full-length small-size figures, in hunting dress, with horses and 13J couples of stag-hounds. Canvas, 42 x 72 in. 458 RT. HON. SIR EDMUND W. HEAD, Bt. K.C.B. (1805-1868). Merton College, Oxford. Henry Weigall. .Son of the Rev. Sir John Head, Bart. ; b. 1805 ; educ. at Winchester and Oriel Coll. Oxf. where he graduated as a first-class in classics; app. Poor Law Commiss. 1838; Gov. of New Brunswick, 1847; Gov.-Gcn. of Canada, 1854; resign. 1861 ; pub. a “Handbk. of .Spanish Painters,” “Two Chapters on Shall and Will,” &c. ; d. 28 Jan. 1868. Half-length, seated, full face ; dark fur-lined overcoat, badge K.C.B. Canvas, 48 X 38 in. 459 JOSEPH HUME, M.P. (1777-1855). Mrs. Hume. Geo. P. A. Healy. Politician and Financial Reformer; b. at Montrose, 1777; studied for the medical prof, in Montrose and Edinb. and graduated as M.D. 1796; app. surg. in the service of the East India Co. 1799; Interpreter, Paymaster, and Postmaster, dur. the Mahratta war, 1803; ret. to Engl. 1808; trav. on the Cont. till 1810; ent. Pari, as mem. for Weymouth, 1812; M.P. for Montrose, Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 94 1818, for Middlesex, 1830-37, for Montrose, 1842-55; throughout his polit. career a zealous promoter of financial and Pari. Reform, national education, and free trade; d. at Burnley Hall, Norfolk, 20 Feb. 1853. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; resting 1 . hand on table, on which are two Pari, reports. Dated at back “.\ugt. 1849.” Canvas, 45 X 34 in. 460 GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, ist EARL GRANVILLE (1773-1846). LENT BV PAINTER. ? 2 arl Granville, K.G. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Diplomatist; younger son of the ist Marq. of Stafford, and father of the present E. ; b. 12 Oct. 1773; ent. the diplomatic serv. ; was ambass. in St. I’ctersburg and I’aris; marr. Henrietta Eliz. dau. of the D. of Devonsh. 24 Dec. 1809; d. 8 Jan. 1846. Full-length ; standing, leaning on base of column covered with crimson drapciy, full face ; black dress ; s. of arms to the 1 . Canvas, 94 X 57 in. 461 RICHARD COBDEN, M.P. (1804-1865). Mrs. Cobden. Bean. Son of a farmer; b. at Dunford, near Midhurst, 3 June, 1804; during his early years a Merchant’s Clerk and Commer. Traveller ; partner of a Cotton firm in Manchester, 1830; commenced his political career by publishing his pamphlet on “England, Ireland, and America,” 1834; took a leading part in the formation of the Anti-Corn-law League, 1838; enter. Pari, as Memb. for Stockport, 1841 ; foremost among the promoters of Free Trade, .Social Reform, and the doctrines of the Peace .Society ; opposed the Crimean and Chinese Wars; negotia. the Commercial Treaty with France, 1864; declined all offers of office and honours; d. in London, 2 April, 1865. To waist; miniature size, oval. 462 ARTHUR WELLESLEY, ist DURE OF WELLINGTON, K.G. (1769-1851). C^louNTEss Dowager of Westmorland. Henry' Weigall. (SVr No. 194.) Full-length ; standing ; dark court dress ; ribbon and star K.G. ; badge of Golden Fleece ; painted from sittings given to the artist, in 1851. Canvas, 84 X 49 in. * i 463 'I'HOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, LORD MACAULAY (1800-1859). Lady Trevelyan. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. (See No. 403.) To waist ; seated, looking to 1 ., arm over back of chair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 464 RT. HON. SIR THOS. FRANKLAND LEWIS, Bt. (1780-1855). Lady Frankland Lewis. G. F. Watts, R.A. Son of John Lewis, Esq. ; b. at Harpton Court, 14 May, 1780 ; marr. in Ground- floor ?\ Western Gallery {Nos. 435 - 549 ) 95 1805, Harriet, 4th dau. of Sir Geo. Corncwall, Bart. ; cnt. Pari, as member for Beaumaris, 1812 ; aftcrwa. sat for Ennis and Radnor ; filled successively the offices of Sec. of the Treasury, Trcas. of the Navy, Vice-Pres. of the Bd. of Trade, and Commiss. of the Poor Laws ; crea. a bart. 1846 ; d. 22 Jan. 1855. Half-length, seated in arm-chair to r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 465 JAMES ANDREW BROUN RAMSAY, ioth E. and 1ST MARO. OF DALHOUSIE (1812-1860). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Susan Bourke. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Statesman; Son of George, 9th E. ; b. 22 April, 1812; M.P. for East Lothian, 1837 ; succ. to the Peerage, 1838; Pres, of the Board of Trade, 1845 ; Gov.-Gen. of India, 1847-56; crea. Marq. of Dalhousie, and of the Punjaub, 1849; during his administration the Sikh wars were terminated, and Pegu, Nagpore, Berar, and Oude anne.xed ; resigned on account of declining health; d. at Dalhousie Castle, 19 December, i86o. Full-length, standing; peer’s robes. 466 HUGH, 2ND E. OF FORTESCUE, K.G. (1783-1861). Earl Fortescue. E. U. Eddis. Son of Hugh, 3rd Baron and ist E. Fortescue; b. 13 Feb. 1783; succ. to the earldom, 1839; Ld.-Lieut. of Irel. 1839-41 ; d. 14 Sept. 1861. Bust ; profile to 1 . ; ribbon and star of K.G. Canvas, 24 X 20 in. 467 RT. HON. WILLIAM BINGHAM, 2nd LORD ASHBURTON (1799-1864). Lord Northbrook. Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. .Son of Rt. Hon. Ale.xander Baring, ist. Ld. Ashburton; b. June, 1799; M.P. for Thetford, Winchester, and the N. Div. of Staffordsh. ; Sec. of the Bd. of Control, 1841-45; Paymast. of the Forces and Treas. of the Navy, 1845-46; succ. his father, 1848; d. March, 1864. Three-quarter size ; seated to r., reading from a large book on stand ; painted in one sitting. Canvas, 36 by 28 in. 468 RICHARD COBDEN, M.P. (1804-1865). Miss Emma A. Novello. Emma A. Novello. (See No. 461.) Bust, to r. ; grey hair ; black coat. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 469 JOHN CAMPBELL, ist L. CAMPBELL, Ld. Chan. (1779-1861). Mr. G. F. Watts, R.A. G. F. Watts, R.A. B. near Cupar, 1779; stud, at St. Andrews and Lincoln’s Inn; called to the bar, 1803; M.P. 1830; Sol.-Gen. 1832 ; Att.-Gen. 1834; Baron Campbell, and Chan, of Irel. 1841; Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1846-50; Ld. 96 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. Ch. Just. 1850; Ld. Chan. 1853; d. at Kensington, 23 June, 1861. Author of “ Lives of the Lord Chancellors,” and “ Lives of the Chief Justices.” Full-length, to the 1 . ; standing in the House of Peers, Lord Chancellor’s robes, seal and mace before him. Panel, 83 x 44 in. 470 JAMES MORIER (1780-1848). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Traveller and Novelist; b. 1780; made, when still young, an extensive journey through the East, which he described in his “Travels through Persia, Annenia, Asia Minor, to Constantinople as British Envoy in Teheran, 1810-16; publ. after his return, “A Second Journey to Persia,” and the novels, “Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan,” “Zohrab, or the Hostage,” &c., containing descriptions of manners, customs, and life in the East; d. 1848. To waist, seated at table ; full face ; holding pen, writing materials before him. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 471 LD. JOHN GEO. BERESFORD, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (1773-1862). Archbishop of Armagh. E. U. Eddis. B. 1773; educ. at Eton andOxf. ; Bp. of Cork, 1805; Archbp. of Dublin, 1820; Archbp. of Armagh, and Primate of all Irel. 1822; Chan, of Dublin Univ. 1851 ; d. at Auburn, 1862; known for his munif. in restoring the cathedral at Armagh at his own expense. Three-quarter size ; seated, full face ; episcopal robes, badge of Order of St. Patrick. Canvas, 55 X 44 in. 472 JAMES RENDEL, F.R.S. (1799-1856). Mrs. Rendel. W. Boxall, R.A. Civil engineer; b. near Dartmoor, Dec. 1799; early employ, by Telford ; made a surv. of the harbours on the S.W. coast of Engl. ; settled in Lond. 1838; constructed the docks at Birkenhead and Gt. Grimsby, and the har- bours of refuge at Holyhead and Portland; was appointed member of the Internat. Commiss. to examine the practicability of a canal across the Isthm. of Suez, &c. ; d. 1856. To waist; full face, showing 1 . hand with scroll of paper; dark dress. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 473 THOS. WILDE, 1ST LORD TRURO, LORD CHANCELLOR (1782-1855). St. Paul’s School. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Son of a solicitor in London ; b. 17S2 ; educ. at St. Paul’s ; articled to his father; called Jo the Bar, 1817; took part with Brougham and Denman in the defence of Qu. Caroline, 1821; Serjt.-at-Law, 1824; King’s Serjt. 1827; M.P. for Newark, 1831 ; Sol.-Gen. 1839; Att.-Gen. 1841, when he delivered his celebrated speech on Parliamentary Privilege; Ch. Just, of the Common Pleas, 1846; Ld. Chancellor, 1850-52; d. 1855. Three-quarter size, seated; black official robes and wig; mace on table to his 1 . Canvas, 56 X 44 in. Groiind-Jioor.'\ Western Gallery {Nos. 435 - 549 ). 97 474 THE MELTON HUNT Going to Draw the Ram’s Head Cover. LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Wellington, K.G. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A, Containing portraits of the Countess of Wilton in pony phaeton, Hon. Mrs. Villiers, Hon. Augustus Villiers, E. of Wilton, E. of Darlington, Sir F. Johnstone, Bt., Sir David Baird, Bt. and others. Full-length ; small-size figures on horseback, in hunting dress, with hounds. Canvas, 34 x 60 in. 475 GEORGE PEACOCK, DEAN OF ELY, D.D. F.R.S. Mr. John F. Elliot. Samuel Lane. Mathematician and Astronomer ; stud, at Camb. where he was Tutor and Fellow of Trin. Coll.; Lowndean Prof, of Astronomy, 1836; Dean of Ely. 1839; d. 8 Nov. 1858. j Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; book in r. hand; Ely Cathedral in distance to his r. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 476 RT. HON. THOMAS PEMBERTON LEIGH, LD. KINGSDOWN (1793-1867). Mr. Edward Leigh Pemberton. F. R. Say. Son of Robt. Pemberton, Esq., Barrister of the Inner Temple; b. 1 1 Feb. 1793; called to the Bar, 1816; K.C. 1829; M.P. for Rye, 1831, for Ripon, 1834; Att.-Gen. to the Pr. of Wales, 1841 ; Ld. Chanc. to the Pr. of Wales, and Priv. Counc. 1843; raised to the Peerage, 1858; d. unmarr. 7 Oct. 1867, when his Peerage became extinct. Half-length ; seated at table, with book open to his r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 477 NASSAU WILLIAM SENIOR (1790-1864). Mrs. Senior. H. W. Phillips. Polit. Economist ; b. at Compton, Berks, 1790 ; educ. at Eton and Oxf. ; called to the Bar, 1819 ; Prof, of Polit. Economy at Oxf. 1825-30, and again 1847-62; Master in Chancery, 1836; sat on Commissions on Poor-Law, Popular Educ., and other philanth. subjects ; author of “ Outlines of the Science of Polit. Economy,” “ Biographical Sketches,” “ Essays on Fiction ;” resigned his Professorship on acet. of ill health, 1862 ; d. at Kensington, 4 June, 1864. Half-length; seated to 1 . at writing-table, with pen in r. hand ; furred coat. Canvas, 39 x 32 in. 478 RT. HON. SIDNEY HERBER'l', LD. HERBERT OF LEA (1810-1861). Lady Herbert of Lea. Sir F. Grant, P.R.A. Statesman ; 2nd son of George Augustus, nth E. of Pembroke; b. at Richmond, 16 Sept. 1810; educ. at Harrow and Oriel Coll. Oxf. ; ent. Pari, as memb. for South Wilts, 1832 ; Joined the Conservative party and held the offices of Secretary to the Admir.alty, 1841, and Secretary at War, 1845, under Sir Robert Peel ; declared for Free Trade, 1846; again Secretary at War under Ld. Aberdeen, 1852-55, and under Ld. Palmerston, 1859-61 ; introduced many improvements in the administration of the army ; creat. Ld. Herbert of Lea, Jan. 1861 ; d. from the effects of over- work, at Wilton. 2 Aug. 1861. Half-length, standing, looking to r. ; hat in 1 . hand, stick in r. ; landscape- background. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. H 98 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 479 PETER BARLOW, F.R.S. F.A.S. (1776-1862). LENT BY Painter. Mr. Peter W. Barlow. W. Boxall, R.A. Mathematician; b. at Norwich, 1776; Prof, of Mathematics at the Royal Milit. Acad. Woolwich, 1807; pub. “ New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary,” “ Essay on Magnetic Attraction,” &c. ; resigned his professor- ship, 1847; d. 1862. Half-length ; seated to 1 ., resting r. hand on arm of chair, and holding paper. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 480 WILLIAM BUCKLAND, D.D. DEAN OF WESTMINSTER (1784-1856). Mr. G. C. Bompas. ' Thomas Phillips, R.A. Geologist; b. at A.xminster, 17S4; educ. at Winchester and Corp. Chr. Coll.; app. Reader of Geology and ^lineralog)' in Oxf. Univ. ; pub. “Vin- dicia; Geologicae,” “Reliquiae Diluvianae,” “Geology and Mineralogy with reference to Natural Theology;” twice Pres, of the Geological Society; Dean of Westminster, 1845; d. 1856. Half-length, standing ; bl. gown ; holding fossil skull ; ammonites on table to his 1 . Ciinvas, 51 X 40 in. 481 MARTIN JOSEPH ROUTH, D.D. (1755-1854). Rev. Dr. Sedgwick. Hartmann. Pres, of Mag. Coll. Oxf. ; b. at South Elmham, 1755 ; educ. at Mag. Coll. ; Fell. 1776; College Librarian, 1781 ; li.D. 1786; Pres, of his College, 1791 ; pub. “ Reliquiae Sacras;” cd. “Burnet’s Historj- of his Times;” d. 99 years old, 1854. Half-length, seated; small size, with open book before him ; “ /Et. 95; anno 1850.” Panel, 14 X 12 in. 482 HUGH MILLER (1802-1856). Mrs. Miller. William Bonnar, R.S.A. Poet and geologist ; son of a coasting trader ; b. at Cromarty, 1802 ; apprent. to a stone-mason ; cdu. himself by private study ; pub. “ Poems of a Stone-mason,” 1828 ; obtained an appoint, as accountant in a bank at Cromarty; pub. “Scenes and Legends from the North of Scotland,” 1835; became more generally known as editor of the “ Witness,” in which he pub. his papers on “The Old Red Sandstone,” “ First Impressions of Engl, and its People,” &c. afterw. wrote “Footprints of the Creator,” “Testimony of the Rocks,” -, a London merct. 1800 ; was deeply impressed by the preaching of an American Quaker ; began to preach herself, 1810; commenced her activity as a Prison Reformer, at Newgate, 1813; afterw. e.xtend. her efforts to all the Prisons of the United Kingdom; went to the Continent on a mission for the same purpose, 1837 ; d. at Rams- gate, 12 Oct. 1845. Full-length, small size ; standing ; Quaker’s dress, close cap ; signed, “ Geo. Richmond fecit, 1843.” Water-colour, paper, 34 x 23 in. 1 04. Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. ( 507 CHARLES JAS. BLOMFIELD, BP. of LONDON (1786-1857). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Blomfield. George Richmond, R.A. •Son of a schoolmaster at Bury St. Edmunds; b. 29 May, 1786; educ. at the grammar-school of his native town and at Camb. ; app. to the rectory of Quarrington, 1810 ; gained distinction as a scholar by his edition of Kalli- inachus and the Dramas of ./Eschylus; app. Rector of St. Botolph’s, Bishopsgate, 1820; Bp. of Chester, 1824; Bp. of London, 1828; didmuch to extend church accommodation in his diocese ; resigned on account of ill health, 1856; d. at Fulham Palace, 5 Aug. 1857. Head; three-quarter size, to r. Signed “Geo. Richmond delt. 1842.” Crayon, paper, 30 x 24 in. 508 SIR WILLIAM CUBITT, Kt. (1785-1861). Mr. Joseph Cubitt. Wm. Boxall, R.A. Engineer; son of a miller in Norfolk; b. 1785 ; appren. to a joiner; estab. himself as a millwright ; invent, the self-regulating w'indmill sails ; commenc. civil engineering, and settled in London, 1826; was extensively engaged in constructing gas-works, docks, harbours and canals ; planned and executed the South Eastern Rail, and the great landing-stairs at Liverpool; knighted for his share in the International Exhibition, 1851 ; d. 13 Oct. 1861. Three-quarter size, seated to r. in arm-chair ; spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 36 X 44 in. 509 REV. WM. CURETON, D.D. F.R.S. (1808-1864). Mrs. Cureton. George Richmond, R.A. Orientalist; b. at Westbury, Salop, 1808; stud, at Oxf. ; Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian, 1834; Assist. -Keep, of Arabic MSS. in the Brit. Mus. 1837; pub. a classified Catalogue of the Arabic MSS. and the famous collection of .Syrian MSS. discovered in a Monastery in the desert of Nitria, and acquired by Mr. Tattam for the Brit. Mus.; wrote in defence of his view's concerning them “Vindiciae 1 gnatiana:,” &c. ; app. Chaplain to the Queen, 1847; Canon of Westmin. 1849; d. from the effects of a railway accident, 17 June, 1864. Head to r. nearly profile; “ Geo. Richmond delt. 1861.” Crayon, paper, 34 X 28 in. 510 REV. JOHN KEBLE (1792-1866). Mr. George Richmond, R.A. George Richmond, R.A. Author of “The Christian Year;” b. 25 April, 1792, at Fairford, Glou- cestersh. where his father was vicar; educ. at Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxf.; Fellow and Tutor of Oriel Coll. 1812; Public Examiner, 1814-16; and again 1821; soon after retir. to his father’s parsonage; pub. “The Christian Year,” 1827 ; succ. Milman as Prof, of Poetry at Oxf. 1831-41 ; opposed the Reform Bill, and was one of the originators of the Tractarian Movement, 1833; presented to the Vicarage of Hursley, 1835 ; rebuilt the Parish Church out of the profits of the sale of the “Christian Year,” w'hich during his lifetime, passed through 92 editions; pub. “Lyra Innocentium d. at Bournemouth, 29 May, 1866. Head, to 1. ; July 24, 1863. Crayon, paper, 32 X25 in. 51 1 THOMAS ARNOLD, D.D. (1795-1842). Mrs. Arnold. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Classical Scholar; b. at Cowes, Isle of Wight, 13 June, I795: educ. at VVinchester and Corp. Chris. Coll. Oxf.; Fellow of Oriel, 1815; Priv. Tutor i Groujid-floor.'\ Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 105 at Laleham, Middlesex, 1819; Head-master of Rugby, 1827; effected great reforms in the system of public schools as an enlightened disciplinarian, and by promoting the study of history, geography, and modern languages; pub. an edit, of Thucydides and a History of Rome; resign, the Head-Mastership at Rugby, on being app. Prof, of Modern History in Oxford, 1841 ; d. there, 12 June, 1842. Three-quarter size ; seated, looking to r. ; black academic gown ; open book on his knees. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 512 RT. HON. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, Bt. M.P. (1786-1855). Politician ; b. 1786; edu. at Winchester and Chr. Ch. Oxf. ; M.P. for Dundalk, 1820-26, for Ripon, 1826-28, and for the Univ. of Oxf. since 1829 ; throughout his career known as a staunch Conservative ; voted against Cathol. Emancipation, the Reform Bill, Jewish Emancipation, and the Abolit. of the Corn Laws; retir. from Pari, and made Priv. Counc. i8cz ; d. 5 May, 1855. Head to r.; signed, “ George Richmond delt.” Crayon, paper, 29 x 24 in. 513 GEORGE COMBE (1788-1858). Mr. Robert Tait. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.A. Phrenologist ; b. at Edinb. 21 Oct. 1788 ; educ. at the High Sch. and Univ. ; writer to the Signet, 1812 ; became converted to the phrenological doctrines of Spurzheim and Gall, 1816 ; pub. “ Essays on Phrenology,” 1819; “System of Phrenology,” 1824 ; “ The Constitution of Man,” 1828 ; founded the Edinb. Phrenolog. Soc. ; gave up his occupat. as an advocate, to devote himself entirely to literary and scientific pursuits, 1837 ; lectured on Phreno- logy in Germany and America; pub. “Notes on America,” “Notes on the Reformation in Germany,” “ Remarks on National Education,” d. at .Moor Park, Surrey, 14 Aug. 1858. Half-length, seated ; full face ; holding book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 514 HENRY THOMAS COCKBURN, LD. COCKBURN (1779-1854). Nat. Gallery (Scotland). Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Scotch Judge; b. 1779; barrister-at-law, 1800; early distinguished in his profess. ; was among the founders of the “ Edinb. Review ;” app. Sol.-Gen. for .Scotl. and Ld. of Session; auth. of a “ Life of Lord Jeffrey,” and “ .Me- morials of his Time;” d. 1854. Full-length, standing in landscape; full face; black dress; stick under 1 . arm. Canvas, 95 x 59 in. 515 WILLIAM YARRELL (1784-1856). Linnean Society. Mrs. Carpenter. Zoologist; son of a newspaper agent in London; b. 3 June, 1784; clerk in Herries and Farquhar’s bank, 1802; afterw. conducted his father’s busin., but at the same time followed a strong bent for rural sports, which led him to study Nat. Hist.; cont. many papers to the “Trans, of the Zoolog. Soc. pub. “ Hist, of Brit. Birds,” “ Hist, of Brit. Fishes,” &c. ; d. i Sept. 1856. Bust; full face, seated. Dated at back, “May, 1839.” Canvas 30 X 24 in. io6 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 516 ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. (1773-1858). LENT BY PAINTER. Linnean Society. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Botanist ; b. at Montrose, 21 Dec. 1773; stud, for the med. prof, at Aber- deen and Edinb. ; joined a regiment of Fencibles as surgeon and ensign, 1795 ; accomp. H.M.S. “ Investigator” as Naturalist on a surv. of the coast of Australia, 1801-5 ; ret. with about 4000 species of plants, many of which were new to science; app. Libr. to the Linnean Soc. 1805; F.R.S. 1811; Keeper of the Botan. Collec. in the Brit. Mus. 1827; Pres, of the Linnean Soc. 1849; pub. “Prodromus Florte Novte Hollandiae,” “ Plantte Javanicoe Rariores,” &c. ; d. 10 June, 1858. Half-length ; seated, full face, resting 1 . arm on table, with botanical drawings. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 5 ‘i 7 REV. JAMES WHITE (1804-1862). Mr. Henry Bicknell. R. S. Lauder, R.S.A. Historian ; b. near Edinb. 1804; educ. at Glasgow and Oxf. ; for some time Vicar of Loxley, Warwicksh.; resigned his living and settled at Bon- church. Isle of Wight, where he entirely devoted himself to literary pursuits; pub. “Landmarks of the History of England;” “History of England;” “ History of France ;” “The Eighteen Christian Centuries,” &c.; d. at Bon- church, 28 March, 1862. 'I'o waist ; seated to r. reading a book ; signed and dated, “ R. S. Lauder, 1830.” Millboard, 13J X n in. 518 NATHANIEL WALLICH, M.D. F.R.S. (1786-1854). Linnean Society. John Lucas. Botanist; b. at Copenhagen, 28 Jan. 1786; went as surgeon to the Danish settlem. of Serampore in India, 1807; app. director of the E. India Comp.’s Botanic Garden at Calcutta, 1815; greatly enriched the collec. there by excursions to all parts of India, Ava, and Assam; went for his health to the Cape of Good Hope, 1843; Europe, 1847; pub. “ Plantie Asiatica; Rariores;” contrib. many papers to the Transac. of the Asiatic Soc. at Cal- cutta, the “ Linnean Transac.” &c. ; Vice-Pres. of the Linnean Soc. 1849; d. in London, 28 April, 1854. Bust to 1 . seated. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 519 REV. JOHN HANNAH, D.D. (1792-1867). Wesleyan College, Didsbury. G. P. E, Green. Dissent. Divine; Theological Tutor at the Wesleyan College, Didsbury; d. 29 December, 1867. Three-quarter size, seated with MS. on his knee ; table with books to his r. Canvas, 56 X 4-t in. 520 FREDERICK WM. FABER, D.D. (1814-1863). Oratory, Brompton. Lo.mas. Theologian; son of a lawyer at Durham ; b. 1814; educ. at Harrow and Univ. Coll. Oxf.; app. to the College living of Elton, Huntingdonsh. 1843 ; entered the Church of Rome, 1845; founded the Oratory of the brother- hood of St. Philip Neri, in Brompton, of which he became superior, 1849; pub. “ Poems” and many theological works; d. 26 Sept. 1863. Bust, seated to 1 . reading letter ; black clerical gown. Can\ as, 30 x 25 in. Ground-floor.'] Western Gallery {Nos. 435 - 549 )- 107 521 DAVID MACBETH MOIR (1798-1851). LENT BY PAINTER. Messrs. Blackwood & Sons. Sir J. W. Gordon, R. A., P.R.S. A. Poet and Novelist; b. at Musselburgh, 1798; studied at Edinb. Uni\. for the medical profession; practised as a surg. at Musselburgh; became known as a poet by his contrib. to “Blackwood’s Magazine;’ “Ancient History of Medicine,” &c.; d. 1851. Half-length ; seated, full face ; book in 1. hand, pencil in r. ; signed, “ J. Watson Gordon, R.A., F.R.S.A., pinxt. 1850.” Canvas, 36 X e8 in. 522 JOHN PYE SiMITH, D.D., F.R.S. (1775-1851). New College, London. Thomas Phillips, R.A. Disting. Independent Divine; son of a bookseller at Sheffield; b. 1775; cduc. at Rotherham Coll.; Classical Tutor of his Coll. 1796; Theological Tutor, and Principal of Homerton College, 1800; filled this office till he d. 5 Feb. 1851. Author of “Scripture and Geology,” for which he was elected F. R. S. ; “ The Scriptural Testimony on the Messiah,” and other theological works of recognised learning and worth. Three-quarter size, seated ; book in 1. hand, r. arm resting on table. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 523 ANDREW REED, D.D. (1787-1862). London Orphan Asylu.m. George Patten, A. R.A. Nonconformist Divine and Philanthropist ; b. in London, 1787 ; studied at Hackney ColL ; app. pastor of New-road Chapel, St. George’s-in-the-East, 1811 ; founded the London Orphan Asylum, 1813; the Infant Orphan Asy- lum at Wanstead, 1826; the Asylum for Fatherless Children at Coulsden, 1844.; the Asylum for Idiots, at Earlswood, 1847; and the Hospital for Incur- ables, 1854; pub. an account of a visit to the American Churches, on which he was sent by the Congregational Union of Engl, and Wales, 1834; d. at Hackney, 25 Feb. 1862. Full-length, standing ; paper in 1. hand, r. resting on books on writing- table. Canvas, 95 X 58 in. 524 JOSEPH STURGE (1793-1859). Corporation of Birmingham. Barrett. Philanthropist ; b. at Elberton, Gloucestersh. 2 Aug. 1793 ; estab. him- self as a corn-merchant, first at Bewdley, then at Birmingham ; actively participated in the Anti-Slavery movement and the agita. for the abolit. of the Corn Laws ; became a prominent member of the Peace Soc. ; went to France in 1828, to urge upon the Provisional Gov. the preservat. of peace and the abolit. of slavery in the French colonies ; presented an address of remon- strance against war from the Soc. of Friends to the Emperor Nicholas of Russia, 1864; d. 14 May, 1859. Three-quarter size, seated to r., beside table with papers and books ; black dress ; letter in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 4^ 't>- 552 VERY REV. THEOBALD “FATHER” MATHEW (1790-1856). Mr. j. C. Mathew. S. West. The apostle of temperance in Ireland; b. at Thomastown, Tipperarj-, 10 Oct. 1790 ; educ. at Kilkenny and St. Patrick’s Coll. Maynooth ; ordained a priest, 1814 j first became known by his missionary activity in Cork, where io8 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. he founded a charitable soc. for the benefit of the sick and poor, 1834 ; elected Pres, of the Cork Temperance Society, 1838 ; afterw. devoted all his energies to preaching the cause of temperance in Irel. and Engl. ; received an annuity out of the Civil List, in recog. of his services ; d. 8 Dec. 1856. Half-length, standing, right hand extended, wearing Temperance medal. Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 526 NICHOLAS, CARDINAL WISEMAN (1802-1865). LENT BY* PAINTER. St. Cuthbert’s College, Ushaw. T. Brigstocke. Son of an Irish merch. ; b. at .Seville, 1802 ; cduc. at §t. Cuthbert’s Coll. Ushaw, and at the Engl. Coll, at Rome; D.D. and Rector of the Engl. Coll. 1832; ret. to Engl. 1835; became Coadj. to Bp. Walsh, and Pres, of St. Mary’s Coll. Oscott; Vicar-Apostolic of the Lond. district, 1849; Cardinal and Archbp. of Westm. 1850; auth. of “Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Religion,” “ Lectures on the Eucharist,” “ Recollections of the last Four Popes,” &c. ; d. 15 Feb. 1865. Full-length, standing ; episcopal robes, mitre, and crosier ; r. hand lifted ; boy holding his train. Canvas, 106 X 71 in. 527 ' BENJAMIN HAWES, F.S.A. Royal Humane Society. Henry P. Briggs, R.A. Son of Dr. Wm. Hawes, the founder of the Roy. Humane Society, and himself Treas. and Chairman of the Society after his father’s death. Three-quarter size, seated, holding paper in 1 . hand ; medal on table to his 1 . Canvas, 56 X 44 in. 528 REV. JOHN CLAY (1797-1858). Mr. Alfred B. Clay. Alfred B. Clay. For 30 years Chaplain of the Ho. of Correction at Preston, Lancash. ; paid great attention to pri.son discipline and statistics, on which he furnished numerous valuable reports ; d. at Leamington, 21 Nov. 1858. Three-quarter size, seated ; full face, black dress ; table with books to his 1 . ; signed. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 529 JOHN LEE, D.D. ( -1859). Univ. of Edinburgh. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A. Scottish divine ; Principal of Edinburgh University, 1840 to 1859; Prof, of Divinity, 1844 to 1859 ; d. 2 May, 1859. Full-length, standing, black academic dress and hat; r. hand extended, book in 1 . ; signed, “John Watson Gordon, A.R.A., pinxt., 1847.” Canvas, 95 X 60 in. 530 BERNARD BARTON (1784-1849). Mrs. P'jtzgerald. S. Laurence. Known as the “ Quaker Poet ;” son of a Quaker tradesman in London ; b. 31 Jan. 1784 ; obtained employment in Alexander’s Bank, at Woodbridge, in which he continued to the end of his life ; occupied himself with writing poetry in his leisure hours ; pub. “ Metrical Effusions,” 1812 ; “ Poems by an Amateur,” 1818 ; “ Napoleon and other Poems,” 1822 ; “ Devotional \’erses,” Ground-floor.'] Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549). 109 1826 ; enjoyed the friendship of Southey, Lamb, and Byron ; received a Government Pension ; d. 19 Feb. 1849. Head, to r. ; signed, “Samuel Laurence delt. 1847.” Crayon, paper 32 X 25 in. 531 WM. MAKEPEACE THACKERAY (1811-1863). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. E. M. Ward, R.A. E. M. Ward, R.A. Essayist and Humourist ; b. at Calcutta, 181 r ; educ. at the Charterhouse and Trin. Coll. Camb.; tra\f on the Continent, 1831-33 ; settled at Paris to study Art, 1834; Paris Correspond, to the “Constitutional,” 1834-35; retur. to England, 1836 ; wrote for “ Fraser’s Magazine” and “Punch publish. “Paris Sketch-Book,” 1840; “Irish Sketch-Book,” 1842; “Snob Papers,” 1844; “Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Cairo,” 1846; “Vanity Fair,” 184.7; “ Pendennis,” 1850; “Esmond,” 1852; “The Newcomes,” 1853; delivered his “Lectures on the English Humourists,” 1852, and on “The Four Georges,” 1855, in Engl, and America; unsuccess, contested the seat for Oxf. 1857 ; found, the “Cornhill Magazine,” 1859 ; d. sudden, at his house in Kensington Palace Gard. 24 Dec. 1863 ; bu. at Kensal Green; his bust, by Baron Marochetti, was placed in the Poets’ Corner of Westm. Abbey. Full-length ; seated in his study, with writing-desk before him ; signed, “ E. M. Ward, R.A.” Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 532 RT. HON. SIR GEORGE MURRAY (1772-1846). Duke of Wellington, K.G. J. Prescott Knight, R.A. General and Statesman ; b. in Perthshire, 6 Feb. 1772 ; educ. at the High School and Univ. of Edinb.; ent. the Army, 1789 ; distinguished himself as Quartermaster-Gen. in the Peninsular War ; Com.-in-Chief in Canada, 1813; Gov. of the Roy. Mil. Acad. Woolwich, 1819; Lieut.-Gen. of Ordnance, 1823; M.P. for Perthsh. and Colonial Minister, 1828 ; Mast. -Gen. of Ord. 1834-41; edit, the “ Marlborough Despatches ;” d. 28 July, 1846. Half-length, seated to r. ; book in 1 . hand ; ribbon K.C.B. Canvas, 36X 28. 533 JAMES BRUCE, 8th E. of ELGIN, i2th E. of KINCARDINE (1811-1863). Countess of Elgin and Kincardine. Geo. Richmond, R.A. Statesman and Diplomatist; son of Thomas Bruce, 7th E. ; b. in Lond. 20 July, 1811 ; educ. at Eton and O.xf. ; M.P. for Southampton, 1841 ; succ. to the Peerage the same year; Gov.-Gen. of Jamaica, 1842-46; Gov.-Gen. of Canada, 184^54; crea. Baron Elgin in the English Peerage, 1849; Special Ambass. to China, 1857; conclud. the Treaty of Tien-tsin, 1858; Post-Mast, Gen. 1859; again Special Ambass. to China, i860; concluded the Peace of Pekin, Oct. i860; Viceroy of India, 1862; d. at Dhurumsala, in the Punjaub, 20 November, 1863. Head, nearly full face; signed, “Geo. Richmond delt. i860.” Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in. 534 MICHAEL FARADAY, F.R.S., D.C.L. (1792-1867). H. Bence Jones, M.D. George Richmond, R.A. {See No. 487.) Head, looking to r. ; signed, “Geo. Richmond delt. 1852.” Crayon, paper, 31 X 25 in. I 10 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 535 LADY EMMELINE STUART WORTLEY (1806-1855). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Rutland, K.G. Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. Authoress; 2nd dau. of the D. of Rutland; b. 1806; early contrib. poems to the “ Keepsake,” “Drawing-room Scrap-book,” and other annuals; trav. much in foreign parts; descr. her trav. in the United States in “Etcetera;” pub. “Portugal and Madeira,” “Voyages in a Russian Steamer to St. Peters- burg,” &c. ; marr. the Hon. Charles Stuart Wortley, 1831 ; was left a widow, 1844; d. at Beyrout, from the effects of the kick of a mule, 1855. Full-length ; seated in landscape, leaning on pedestal to her r. on which is an urn. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 536 GEORGE WM. FRED. HOWARD, 7TH EARL OF CARLISLE, K.G. (1802-1864). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Son of Geo. 6th E. of Carlisle, and Georgiana, eld. dau. and co-heir of Will. 5th D. of Devonshire; b. in London, 1802; cduc. at Eton and Oxf. ; as Ld. Morpeth, M.P. for the West Riding of Yorksh. 1833-46; supp. all liberal measures of legisla. ; Ch. Sec. for Irel. 1833-41 ; succ. to the Peerage, 1848; Ld.-Lieut. of Irel. 1855-58 and 1859-63; retired on account of ill-health; d. at Castle Howard, Dec. 1864. Half-length ; seated to r., holding open paper in his hands ; table, with letters, &c., to his r. ; painted 1845. Canvas, 32 X 40 in. 537 SIR WILLIAM LAURENCE, Bt. (1785-1867). Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bt. Samuel S. Laurence. Eminent surgeon; b. 1785; Member of the College of Surgeons, 1805; surgeon to several Metropolitan Hospitals, and sergeant - surgeon to the Queen ; F. R. S. ; author of “ Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man,” &c. ; d. 5 July, 1867. Head; three-quarter size to 1 .; signed, “S. Laurence delt. 1868.” Crayon, paper, 32 x 27 in. 538 THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, LORD MACAULAY (1794-1851). Mr. E, M. Ward, R.A. E. M. W.ard, R.A. No. 403.) Full-length, small size, seated in his study. Dated, “June, 1853." ■ Canvas, 25 X 30 in. 539 RT. HON. RICH. LALOR SHEIL (1794-1851). Mr. E. Power Laylor. Crawley. Irish Orator and Statesman ; b. 1794; cduc. at Stonyhurst and Trin. Coll. Dubl. ; called to the Irish Bar, 1814; join. O’Connell in promot. the cause of the Catholic Association, and rose to fame as an orator; M.P. forMilbournc Port, after the passing of the Emancipation Act, 1829; afterw. allied himself more and more with the Whigs; became successively I’riv. Conn., Vice-Pres. of the Board of Trade, Judge- Adv.-Gen., Master of the Mint, and Minister Plenipotentiary' at Florence; d. at Florence, 1851. Half-length, standing ; pencil in r. hand, resting on book. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. Ground- floor:] Western Gallery {Nos. 435-549)- 1 1 1 540 LORD GEORGE BENTINCR (1802-1148). LENT BY PAINTER. CoRP. OK King’s Lynn. Samuel Lane. StatesiiTui ; 2nd son of 4th U. of Portland ; b. 27 P'cb., 1802 ; educ. at i:ton and Ch. Ch. Oxf. ; entered the Army ; M.P. for King’s Lynn, 1828 ; led the opposition to Sir Robert Peel from 1846 ; d. suddenly, 21 Sept. 1848. Full-length ; standing, full face, r. hand resting on papers on table at base of column, folded paper in 1. hand. Canvas, 93 X 58 in. 541 RT. HON. SIR WAL MOLESWORTH, Bt. (1810-55). Lady Molesworth. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Statesman; b. in London, 23 May, 1810; educ. at Edinburgh, and on the Continent; .M.P. for Cornwall, 1832; voted for Eman. of the Jews, National Ediicat. and the Rallot; founded the “ London Review;” pub. an elaborate edition of the works of Hobbes; M.P. for Southwark, 1845 > advocated Free Trade and a liberal Colonial policy ; appointed First Commiss. of Woods, &c., under Ld. Aberdeen, 1853; Colonial Minister, 1855; d. 22 Oct. 1855. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair, resting 1. arm on table, stick in 1. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 542 JOSEPH PARKES (1796-1865). Mrs. Parkes. ‘ Politician and writer ; b. at Warwdek, 22 Jan. 1796 ; educ. at Worcester and Glasgow ; settled at Birmingham as a solicitor ; took a prom, part in the proceedings of the Hinningham Political Union ; removed to L^don, 1832 ; held the offices of Sec. to several Governm. Commis. and of a Taxing Mas- ter to the Ct. of Chancery ; after pub. a “ History of the Coi^ of Chance^', and wrote, together with Merivale, the “ Life of Sir Philip Francis, which was published after his death ; d. in London, 10 Aug. 1865. Three-quarter size ; seated, looking to 1., r. hand holding pen. Canvas 50 X 40 in. 543 GEN. SIR CHARLES JAMES NAPIER, G.C.B. , (1782-1853). Major-Gen. Wm. Napier. Edwin Williams. Eld. bro. of Gen. Sir William Napier; b. in London, 10 Aug. 1782; ent. the Army. 1794; serv. as Aide-de-Camp to Sir James Uuff, in the suppress, to the Irish rebellion, 1798 ; disting, himself by his heroic bravery, as Comm, of the 50th Regiment during Sir John Moore^s retreat, and at the battle of Corunna, where he was severely wound. ; fought subsequently at the sieges of Fuentes and Badajoz ; served in North America, 1813-14 ; appointed Lieut -Gov. of Cephalonia, 1822; Major-Gen. 1837; Comm, of the North Military district of Engl. 1839; Comm, of the troops m the Bombay 1 resid. 1841 ■ conquer, the Province of Scinde, by his brilliant victories at Meanee and Hvderabad, 1843; and Gov. of Scinde, 1843-7; Comm.-in-Chief of the Indian Army, 1849; promoted many reforms in favour of the common I 12 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. soldier; returned to Engl. 1851 ; d. at Oaklands, near Portsmouth, 29 Aug. 1853. Statues in his honour were erected in St. Paul’s and Trafalgar Sq. Full-length ; standing beside his horse ; militar>’ uniform ; palm-trees in baekground to his r. ; signed at back, “ Edwin Williams.” Canvas 107 X 70 in. 544 RT. HON. JAMES WILSON (1805-1860). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. James Wilson. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. P.R.S.A, Political Economist ; son of a hosier at Hawick; b. 1805; embarked in business as a hatter, but was not successful ; began to study Polit. Economy; pub. a treatise on the “ Influence of the Corn Laws,” 1840; “ Fluctuations of Currency, Commerce, and .Manufactures,” 1841; founded the “ Economist ” newspaper, 1843; entered Pari, as member for Westbury, 1847; appointed Sec. of the Rd. of Control, 1848; Finan. .Sec. to the Treas. 1852-55 ; went as Finance Minist. to India, 1859; d. of cholera, at Calcutta, ii Aug. i860. Three-quarter size; seated, hands folded, full face; signed, “Sir John Watson Gordon, R..\., P.R.S.A., pinxt. 1858.” Canvas, 55 x 40 in. 545 SIR HENRY HAVELOCK, K.C.B. (1795-1857). Mr. J. C. Marsham. William Crabb. General ; b. at Bishopwearmouth, 1795 ; educ. at the Charterho. ; first ent. the Temple, then the Army; went with his regiment to India, 1823; acted as Dep.-Assist.-Adj. in the first Burmese war; pub. “ History of the Ava Campaigns,” 1827; distinguished himself in the Affghan war, and became Major and C.B. 1842; Lieut. -col. 1844; fought throughout the Sikh wars, 1845-8; went for his health to Europe, 1849; returned to Bombay, 1851 ; app. Quartermast. and Adj.-Gen. 1853; command, a division in the Persian war, 1856; on his ret. to India, gave the first decisive check to the Great Mutiny, by his victorious march from Futtehpore to Lucknow; d. from dysenter)', at Lucknow, 21 Nov. 1857. The Baronetcy and pension intend, for him were transferred to his son, the present Bart. Half-length ; standing, looking to r. ; militarj- uniform, resting hands on sword. Canvas, 51 x 40 in. 546 CAPT. SIR WM. PEEL, R.N. K.C.B. (1824-1858). Lords of the Admiralty, Greenwich Hosp. John Lucas. Third son of Sir Robt. Peel, the statesman ; b. 2 Nov. 1824 ; ent. the navy and rose to the rank of captain ; knighted for his disting, services with the Naval Brigade in the Crimea; com. the Naval Brigade in India during the mutiny, and was severely wounded on the march to Lucknow ; d. of his wounds at Cawnpore, 27 Apl. 1858. Full-length ; .standing, in Indian naval costume, encouraging the advance of his troops. Canvas, 106 X 71 in. 547 CAPTAIN JOHN HANNING SPEKE ( 1827-1864). Mr. Speke. W. Waterhouse. Disting. African explorer ; b. at Whitelackington, Somerset, 1827 ; ent. the Indian army, 1844; serv. under Sir Colin Campbell through the Sikh wars ; during his' annual leave of absence made exploring expeditions in the Himalaya and Tibet ; accomp. Capt. Burton on his travels in E. Africa, and in 1858 reached the Victoria Nyanza ; made a second expedit. with Capt. Grant in i860, on which he succ. in tracing the Nile to the Victoria Nyanza ; return, to Engl. 1863; was accidentally shot near Bath, 15 Sept. 1864. Bust ; nearly full face ; dark coat, light waistcoat. Canvas, 27 x 23 in. upstairs ] Central Corridor {Nos. 550-584), 113 548 GEN. SIR WILL. FRANCIS PATRICK NAPIER (1785-1860). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Bruce. G. F. Watts, R.A. Historian of the Peninsular War ; young, bro. of Sir Charles Jas. Napier (No. ); b. 17 Dec. 1781;; ent. the Army, 1800; serv. at Copenhagen, 1807, and through the Peninsular War ; for some years Gov. of Guernsey; Maj.- Gcn. 1841 ; K.C.B. 1848; pub. “ Hist, of the War in the Peninsula;” numerous articles in the “ Edinb. and Westm. Reviews,” and “ Life and Opinions of Sir Chas. James Napier;” d. at Clapham, 12 Feb. i860. Head, to r. Crayon, paper, 24 X 20 in. 549 WILLIAM RATHBONE (1787-1867). Mrs. Rathbone. John Robertson. Eminent Liverpool Merchant ; b. 17 June, 1787 ; took a prominent part in the commercial, social, and pol. affairs of his native city ; author of “ Social Duties with reference to works of benevolence and public utility ;” d. 1867. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; spectacles in r. hand. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. Upstairs: No. 7 . CENTRAL CORRIDOR (^JTps. 550 - 584 ). 550 ROBERT VERNON (1774-1849). National Gallery. H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. Patron of Art; b. 1774; for many years carried on the business of horse- dealer, by which he amassed a large fortune; having retired, he used his wealth to form the collection of pictures of modern British artists known as the Vernon Gallery, which he bequeathed to the nation ; d. 22 May, 1849. Three-quarter size, seated, with small King Charles dog in his lap. Canvas, 57 X 45 in. 551 WM. MULREADY, R.A. (1786-1863). Mrs. Gibbons. John Linnell. Painter ; son of a leather-breeches maker ; b. in Ennis, Co. Clare, i Apr. 1786 ; ent. the Roy. Academy, 1800; for some time engaged as a designer of book-illustrat. and a scene-painter ; afterwards attain, great excellence as a painter of figure-subjects; exhibited “The Fight Interrupted,” “Idle Boys,” “Wolf and Lamb,” “Choosing the Wedding Gown,” &c. ; A.R.A. 1815; R.A. 1816; d. 7 July, 1863. Half-length, small size, looking to r. ; holding palette and brushes ; signed, “ J. Linnell f. 1833.” Panel, 12 X 10 in. 552 WILLIAM MULREADY, R.A. (1786-1863). Mr. J. J. Stone. Wm. Mulready, R.A. {See No. 551.) Head, profile to r. Crayon, paper, 15 x 13 in. I Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 114 553 JOHN FLAXMAN, R.A. (1755-1826). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscountess Clifden. John Jackson, R.A. Sculptor; b. at York, 1775; son of a figure-moulder; began to study at the Roy. Acad. 1770; made designs for Wedgwood, the potter; resid. in Italy, 1787-93; became celebr. by his illustra. to Homer, ./■Eschylus, and Dante; A.R.A. 1797; R.A. 1808; Piof. of Sculpt. 1810; execut. the monu. of Nelson, Howe, Reynolds, in St. Paul’s; many compos, from Scripture subjects, the “Shield of Achilles,” &c. ; d. 1826; his sculpt, and sketches are now exhib. in the “Flaxman Hall,” Univ. Coll. London. To waist ; towards r. ; black dress, greyish hair. Canvas, 30 X25 in. 554 PROF. HORACE HAYMAN WILSON (1786-1860). Mr. Robert Tait. Robert Tait. Oriental Scholar; b. 1786; went as Assist. Surgeon to India, i8o8;”acted successively as Mint Sec. and Sec. of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ; became known as an Oriental Scholar by his Dictionary of the Sanskrit Language, 1819 ; held the office of Inspector of Studies in the Hindu Coll, at Calcutta, till his election to the Boden Professorship of Sanskrit at Oxf. 1833; contrib. many articles to the “Journal of the Roy. Asiat. Soc. ;” pub. a translation of the “ Rigveda,” “ Hindu Theatre,” &c. ; d. May, i860. Three-quarter size ; seated at writing-table ; academic gown ; pen in r. hand. Canvas, X 555 THE SKETCHING SOCIETY. Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Small size ; figures standing and seated at a table examining a sketch upon an easel; A. E. Chalon, R.A., J. J. Chalon, R.A., C. J. Robertson, j. Cristall, T. Unwins, R.A., R. T. Bone, C. R. Leslie, R.A. (chief critic of the evening), J. Robson (posthumous), T. J. Stump, J. Partridge (president of the evening), and C. Stanfield, R.A. Dated at back, “ 1836.” Canvas, 44 X 60 in. 556 ROBERT KEATE (1777-1857). St. George’s Hosp. J. Prescott Knight, R.A. Surgeon; b. at Laverton, Somersetsh. 14 March, 1777; studied under John Hunter and his uncle, Thomas Keate, then Surg.-Gen. to the Army; f app. Staff-Surg. and second Surg. to Q. Charlotte, 1799; Insp.-Gen. of J, Hosps. during the h'rench war; Surg. to St. George’s Hosp. 1813; Surg. to n William IV. and Q. Adelaide, 1830; Sergeant-Surg. to the Queen, 1841 ; * three times Pres, of the Roy. Coll, of Surgeons; d. 2 Oct. 1857. , Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair; black dress. Presented, 1853. ; Canvas, 58 X 44 in. ; 557 SIR AUGUS. WALL CALLCOTT, R.A. (1779-1844). I Mr. Wm. Hutchins Callcott. John Linnell. I Landscape-painter; bro. of Dr. Callcott, the composer; b. at Kensington, Is 1779; for some time a chorister in Westm. Abbey; turned to painting; first f exhib. at the Royal Acad. 1799; soon recognised as one of the best painters 1 of English sea-coast and rural scenery; R.A. 1810; trav. in Italy, 1827, after which preferred Italian subjects; exhib. his “ Raffaelle and the Fornarina,” 0 1837 ; knighted, 1837; d. 25 Nov. 1844. IS To waist; small size seated; full face; showing 1 . hand; dark cloak; 1 painted, 1832. Panel, 13 X 10 in. 1 Up-stairs^ Central Corridor {Nos. 550-584). 115 558 WILLIAM COLLINS, R.A. (1788-1847). LENT BY PAI.NTER. Mrs. Gibbons. John Linnei.l. Painter; son of a journalist and picture-dealer; b. in London, 18 Sept. 1788; studied at the Royal Acad. 1807; began to exhib. 1809; A. R.A. 1814; R.A. 1820; trav. in Italy, 1836; excelled in painting English rural scenery and figure subjects with children; d. 17 Feb. 1847; his life was written by his son, Mr. Wilkie Collins. To waist, small size to r. ; showing part of 1 . hand. Signed “ J. Linnell f.” Panel, 13 X loi in. 559 JOHN JACKSON, R.A. (1778-1831). Viscountess Clifden. John Jackson, R.A. Painter ; son of a tailor in Lastingham, Yorkshire ; b. 31 May, 1778 ; by his talent for portrait-painting, attracted the notice of Ld. Mulgrave and Sir George Beaumont, who sent him to London, to study at the Roy. Acad. 1805 ; first painted portraits in water-colours, then in oil ; A. R.A. 1816; R.A. 1818 ; execut. the portraits of many eminent men of his time, amongst others that of Flaxman, the sculptor ; for some time contri- buted the monthly portraits to the “ Evangelical Magazine d. i June, 1831. Bust to r. ; palette and brushes in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 560 CAPTAIN THOMAS HAMILTON (1790-1842). Dow. Lady Hamilton. Sir J. Watson Gordon, R.A. , P.R.S.A. Miscellaneous writer ; brother of Sir William Hamilton, the philosopher ; b. at Glasgow, 1790 ; ent. the army ; served with his regt. in the Peninsula ; auth. of “ Cyril Thornton,” “ Annals of the Peninsular Campaign,” “ Men and Manners in America,” &c. ; d. at Pisa, 1842. Half-length ; standing, looking to 1 ., cap in 1 . hand. Canvas, 49 X 39 iu 561 SIR WM. CHARLES ROSS, Kt. R.A. (1794-1860). Mrs. E. Way. Thomas Henry Illidge. Miniature-painter; b. 3 June, 1794; began early to study art and gained seveialof the prize medals given to students at the Royal Acad. ; worked under .‘\ndrew Robertson, the miniature-painter from 1814; painted the miniatures of the Queen and Royal Family, 1837; A. R.A. 1838; R.A. and knighted, 1839; went to Brussels and Lisbon to paint the ports, of members of the reigning families; executed altogether 2200 miniatures; d. 20 Jan. i860. Bust, looking to r. ; black dress, white cravat; painted, 1845. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 562 GEORGE LANCE (1802-1864). Mrs. Bower. Clint. Painter ; son of an officer in the army ; b. 24 March, 1802 ; stud, under B. R. Haydon, and at the Roy. Acad. ; began to exhibit 1828, and attained rare excellence as a painter of still-life, by his pieces of fruit, flowers, foliage, dead game, &c. ; d. at Sunnyside, near Birkenhead, 18 June, 1864. To waist ; nearly full face, arm over back of chair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 563 FRANCIS NICHOLSON (1753-1844). Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. F. Nicholson. Water-Colour Painter ; b. at Pickering, Yorksh. 14 Nov. 1753 ; began to exhibit at the Roy. .Acad. 1789 ; member of the Water-Colour Society, 1806 ; Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 1 16 pub. “ The Practice of Drawing and Painting Landscapes from Nature ; ’ d. in London, 4 Mar. 1844. To waist ; seated with palette and brushes in 1. hand ; landscape to his 1. Portrait painted by himself in his 90th year, 1843. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 564 WILLIAM ETTY, R.A. (1787-1849). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. R. E. Smithson. William Dyce, R.A. Painter ; b. at York, 1787 ; apprent. to a printer ; early evinced a talent for drawing and colour ; began to study in the life-school of the Roy. Acad. 1805 ; exhib. many pictures, but without success ; in 1822 made a tour to Italy, where he perfected himself, chiefly by the study of the Venetian painters ; exhib. “Judith,” “Joan of Arc,” “ Benaiah,” &c. ; elect. A.R.A. 1824; R.A. 1826 ; d. at York, 13 No\'. 1849. Head ; sketch of profile tol. Crayon, paper, 22 x 18 in. 565 HY. BICKERSTETH,LD. LANGDALE (1783-1851). Lady Langdale. Geo. Richmond, R.A. Son of a country gentleman in Westmorland; b. 18 June, 1783; studied for the medical profession, but left it at the advice of the E. of Orford ; ent. Caius Coll. Camb. ; took his degree as Sen. Wrangler, 1808 ; called to the Bar, 181 1 ; join, the school of Bentham ; rose to emin. in his profess. ; succ. Ld. Cottenham as Mast, of the Rolls, and raised to the Peer. 1836 ; d. 1851. Head to 1. ; “ Geo. Richmond delt. 1843.” Crayon, paper, 32 X 24 in. 566 LISTON AS “Paul Pry,” MADAME VESTRIS, MRS. GLOVER, and MR. WILLIAMS. Depart, of Science and Art. George Clint, A.R.A. John Liston ; comedian ; b. in London, 1777 ; first engaged as teacher in a day-school; formed an acquaintance with Charles Mathews, with whom he exhibited as an amateur performer ; recommended by Kemble to Coleman, and began to perform at the Haymarket, 1805 ; afterw. played with great success at Covent Garden, Drury Lane, and the Olympic ; popular as an actor of low comedy ; d. 2 March, 1846. Mada.ue Vestris (Mrs. Mathews) (1797-1856), Dau. of the engraver Bartolozzi ; b. 1797; marr. at 16, Armand Vestris, ballet-master of the Hay- market Theatre; appeared as “ Proserpine” in “ Ratto di Proserpina,” but being unsuccessful, accomp. her husband to France, where she performed in French plays till 1819; after her return disting, herself in light comedy; popular as lessee of the Olympic Theatre, 1829; marr. 2nd, Chas. Mathews, 1839; took the management of Covent Garden Theatre, 1840, and of the Lyceum, 1847; retir. 1854; d. at Fulham, 8 Aug. 1856. Julia Betterton, Mrs. Glover ; actress; dau. of an actor, a descendant of Thomas Betterton ; went on the stage at the age of 6 ; made her ddbut at Covent Garden, as “ Elvina,”in Hannah More’s tragedy of “Percy,” 1 797; marr. Mr. Glover, 1800 ; afterw. performed at Drury Lane and the Haymarket, chiefly in comedies ; celebrated for her characters of “ Dame Heidelberg, and “Mrs. Midaprop ;” also known by her Shakspearian readings ; d. 16 July, 1850. Full-length, small size figures, in character. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 567 EYRE EVANS CROWE (1790-1868). Mr. Eyre Crowe. Eyre Crowe. Historian and miscellaneous writer ; b. at Redbridge, Hants, 14 March, *799; cduc. at Trinity Coll. Dublin; early entered on a literary career; Up-stairs.'] Central Corridor (A'oi. 550-584). 117 contribiit. to the “ Examiner,” “ Blackwood’s Mag.” and “ Lardner’s Cyxlo- piedia pub. the novels, “To-day in Ireland,” “Yesterday in Ireland,” “ Vittoria Colonna,” “ Connemara,” “ Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen,’ a “History of France,” &c. ; for many years Paris correspondent of the “ Morning Chronicle edit, of the “ Daily News,” 1845-50 ; d. 25 Feb. 1868. Seated to 1 . on garden chair ; holding book and pen in r. hand ; vine- leaves to his 1 . ; landscape background. Canvas, x 568 CHARLES KEAN AS “ Hamlet.” LENT BY PAINTER, Sir Joshua Walmslev. William Daniels. {See No. 94.) Full-length, small size, standing ; full face ; dark costume. Panel, X 569 CHARLOTTE BRONTE, MRS. NICHOLS (1816-55). Poetess and novelist ; first known under the name of “Currer Bell dau. of the Rev. Patrick Bronte; b. at Hartshead, Yorkshire, 21 April, 1816; removed with her father to Haworth, 1820 ; teacher in a boarding-school, 1835, and in a Pensionnat at Brussels, 1842-44 ; pub. with her sisters Emily and Anne a vol. of poems, 1846 ; established her reputation as an author by the novel “Jane Eyre;” afterw. pub. “Shirley,” 1849, “ Villette,” 1853 ; marr. Mr. Nichols, curate of Haworth, 1854 ; Haworth Parsonage, 31 March, 1855. 570 PROF. JAS. FREDERICK EERRIER (1808-1864). Untd. Coll. of St. Andrews. Sir J.W. Gordon, R. A. P.R.S.A. Philosopher ; b. at Edinburgh, 1808 ; stud, at the Universities of Edinb. and Oxf, and in Germany ; called to the Scottish Bar, 1833, but chiefly devot. himself to Philosophy and Literature ; elect. Prof, of Hist, in Edinb. 1842; Prof, of Moral Philosophy at St. Andrews, 1845 ! P’^'6- “Theory of Knowing and Being,” 1854 ; d. at St. Andrews, 1 1 June, 1864. Three-quarter size, seated to 1 . ; resting 1 . hand on table, book in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 571 CHARLES YOUNG as “Hamlet,” and MRS. GLOVER as “Ophelia.” Depart, of Science and Art. George Clint, A.R.A. Charles Young; tragedian; son of a surg.; b. in London, 10 Jan. 1777; edu. at Mcrch. Tayl. Sch. and Eton ; placed in a merchant’s counting-house, but soon left it for the stage ; made his debut at Liverpool in the part of “ Douglas,” 1798 ; appeared at the Haymarket as “ Hamlet,” 1807 ; at Covent Garden as second to John Kemble, 1810; afterw. performed alternately with Kean at Drury Lane, as “ Othello” and “ lago;” also an accomplished musician. For Mrs. Glover, sec No. 566. Full-length, small size figures in character. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 572 CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. (1793-1867). Mrs. Clarkson Stanfield. Daniel Maclise, R.A. Marine and Landscape-painter; b. at Sunderland, 1793; served as a sailor till 1818 ; was scene-painter at the Royalty Theatre, and at Drury Lane, till 1827, when he began to apply himself with success to the higher branches of Art ; elected A.R.A. 1832 ; R.A. 1835 ; prod, besides his many oil-paintings numerous designs for book-illustrations; d. at Hampstead, 18 May, 1867. To waist; small size; profile to 1 .; sketch-book and pencil in hands. Pencil, paper, 22 X 18 in. ii8 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 573 JAMES WARD, R.A. (1769-1859). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. E. M. Ward, R.A. E. M. Ward, R.A. .Animal-painter; b. in Lend. i769;appren. to an engrav. ; afterw. devoted himself to paint., and took Morland as his model ; app. Painter and Engrav. to the Pr. of Wales, 1 794 ; A. R.A. 1 807 ; R.A. 1 8 1 1 ; chiefly disting, as animal- painter; exhibited “ Landscape with Cattle,” “Council of Horses,” “Bulls Fighting across a Tree,” &c. ; d. 17 Nov. 1859. Head, full face ; signed, “ E. M. Ward, A.R.A., fecit, July 27, 1848.” Crayon, paper, 28 X 23 in. 574 SIR JOSHUA JEBB, K.C.B. (1793-1863). Mrs. Miles. B. at Walton, Derbyshire, 1793 ; educ. at the Royal Military Coll, and at Woolwich ; in 1812, ent. the corps of R. Engineers, and served in Canada and North America ; afterwards accepted civil employm. and was appointed Surveyor-Gen. of Prisons, Inspect.-Gen. of Military Prisons, and, in 1848, Chairman of the Directors of Convict Prisons; knighted and Major-Gen. 1859 ; d. 26 June, 1863. Half-length, seated, looking to r.; black dress; blue book in r. hand. Canvas, 43 X 36 in. 575 BENJAMIN ROBERT HAYDON (1786-1846). Mrs. E. Way. Thomas Henry Illidge. Historical Painter; son of a bookseller at Plymouth; b. 26 Jan. 1786; apprent. to his father ; came to London and commenc. stud, at the Royal -Acad. 1805; exhib. “Joseph and Mary resting on the Road to Eg)’pt,” 1807; “ Dentatus,” 1809; “Lady Macbeth,” 1811; “The Judgment of Solomon,” 1814; “Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem,” 1820; “The Raising of Lazarus,” 1823; was only partially successful ; also engaged in port.-painting ; un- successf. in the cartoon competition for the decoration of the new Ho. of Pari.: d. by his own hand, 22 June, 1846. To waist, lookingto 1 .; black coat ; dated at back, 1838. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 576 FELICIA DOROTHEA HEMANS (1794-1835). Rev. W. Hicks Owen. W. E. West. Poetess ; b. at Liverpool, 1794; marr. young; after some years separated from her husband ; lived in Wales and at Wavertree, near Liverpool ; finally settled at Dublin ; contrib. papers on foreign literature to Constable’s “ Edinburgh Magazine” and poems to the “ New Monthly Magazine;” pub. “ Welsh Melodies,” “ The Siege of Valencia,” “ Vespers of Palermo,” “ Records of Women,” and other works, by which she gained a high position among contemporaneous lyrical poets; d. 16 May, 1835. To waist, seated, leaning on arm of couch ; low lilac dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 577 FREDERICK HENRY YATES (1797-1842). Mr. Edmund Yates. C. Ambrose. Actor; b. 1797; made his first appearance on the stage in the “Actor of all Works,” 1817; engaged at Covent Garden, 1819; performed in many of .Shakespeare’s characters, both tragic and comic ; very popular as manager of the Adelphi Theatre ; d. 21 June, 1845. To waist, seated; nearly full face; dark claret-coloured coat; dated at back, “ 1835.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. upstairs.'] Central Corridor (^Nos. 550-584). 119 578 SIR BENJAMIN COLLINS BRODIE, Br. F.R.S. (1783-1862). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir B. C. Brodie, Bt. G. F. Watts, R.A. Emin, surgeon; b. at Winterslow, Wilts, 1783 ; stud, at the Hunterian Scliool and St. George’s Hosp. London ; lecturer at St. George’s, 1809, and Croonian lecturer to the Roy. Soc. 1810 ; Prof, of Anat. and Surgery to the Coll, of Surgeons, 1819; Sergeant-Surgeon to the King, 1834; Pres, of the Coll, of Surg. 1844; Pres, of the Roy. Soc. 1858; pub. “ Lectures on Pa- thology and Surgery,” “ Psychological Inquiries,” &c. ; d. at Betch worth, Surrey, Oct. 1862. Bust, full-face ; light from r.; dark dress. Panel, 25 X 20 in. 579 MARIA DUNDAS, LADY CALLCOTT (1788-1842). Marquis of Lansdowne. Sir A. W. Callcott, R.A. Dau. of Rear-Adm. George Dundas ; b. 1788 ; marr. ist, Capt. Graham, R.N.; accomp. her husband to India, and publ. an account of her travels, 1813 ; afterw. accom. him to S. Amer., where he d.; marr. 2nd, .Sir Augustus Callcott, R..'\. ; pub. “History of Spain;” “Little Arthur’s History of England ;” a “ Scripture Herbal,” &c.; d. Nov. 1842. Half-length, seated, looking up to 1 .; wide ruff and turban, arm resting on back of chair. Canvas, 42 X 30 in. 580 GENERAL LORD KEANE (1780-1844). Sir J. H. Keane, Bt. Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A. Son of John Keane, of Belmont, Waterford; ent. the Army, 1793; serv. in Egypt as Aide-dc-Camp to Ld. Cavan; disting, himself in the Peninsular war, where he command, a Brigade at the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Orthez, &c. ; Maj.-Gcn. and second in Comm, at the attack on New Orleans, 1815 ; Comm.-in-Ch. at Jamaica, 1823-30, and at Bombay, 1833-39; conduc. the operat. against the Affghans, which ended with the capture of Ghuznee, 1839; raised to the Peerage, 1840; d. 24 August, 1844. Full-length ; standing military uniform leaning on sword, cocked hat in r. hand ; skirmish in background. Canvas, 92 X 581 HORATIO McCULLOCH (1805-1867). Mrs. Alex.ander Smith. R. W. Macbeth. Landscape-painter; b. at Glasgow, 1805 ; became a member of the R. Scott. Acad, at which he exhibited his pictures ; d. 1867. Head to 1 .; signed, “ Robert W. McBeth, 1867.” Crayon, paper, 28 X 20 in. 582 EDMUND WRIGHT. Mrs. Henry. Crabb. Comedian ; b. in London ; intended for business ; member of Skinners’ Co. ; appeared as an amateur at Margate 1832, as “ Marmaduke Magog ;” acted at Birmingham, Bristol, and at St. James’s Theatre 1837, afterw. at the Adelphi ; d. To waist, full face; “signed “Wm. Crabb, 1856.” Canvas, 3; X 28 in. 583 SIR WILLIAM ALLAN, R.A. (1782-1850). Nat. Gallery of Scotland. Sir Wm. Allan, R.A., P.R.S.A. Painter ; b. in Edinb. 1782 ; appren. to a coachbuilder ; studied Art in Edinb. and at the Roy. Acad. London; resided for some years in St. Petersb. 120 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. chiefly engaged in Portrait-painting ; made Sketching Tours in Tartary and Turkey; settled in Edinb. 1814; chose striking incidents from Scotch Hist, for his pictures ; R.A. 1835 ; Pres, of the Roy. Scottish Acad. 1838; Limner to the Queen, and knighted, 1841 ; d. 1850. To waist ; seated at table to 1 .; post-crayon in r. hand. Canvas, 35 X 24 in. 584 HENRY HOWARD, R.A. (1769-1847). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. J. H. Howard. Henry Howard, R.A. B. in London, 31 Jan. 1769 ; stud, under Phil. Reinagle, R.A. and at the Roy. Academy; gained the gold medal, 1790; travelled in France, Italy, and Germany ; began to exhibit at the Royal Academy, 1794; chiefly painted subjects from the Greek and Latin poets ; A. R.A. 1801 ; R.A. 1808; Prof, of Painting at the Roy. Acad. 1833 ; d. 5 Oct. 1847. Head to 1 . ; brown coat, white ruffles. Canvas, 25 X 30 in. Upstairs: No. 8 . EASTERN GALLERT. 585—866.) FIRST BAT {Nos. 585 /t? 624.) 585 WILLIAM HENRY HUNT (1790-1864). Mr. C. Maw. W. H. Hunt. Water-colour Painter; b. in London, 1790; stud, under Varley, and at the Roy. Acad.; Memb. of the Soc. of Paint, in Water-colours, 1827; exhib. chiefly rustic figure-subjects, and flower and fruit pieces, in which he attain, a rare excellence; d. 10 Feb. 1864. Head to 1 .; water colours, oval, paper, 7 x 6 in. 586 REV. RICHARD HARRIS BARHAM (1789-1845). Mrs. Bond. Richard Lane, A. R.A. Poet and humourist, better known as “Thomas Iiigoldsby;” b. at Can- terbury, 1789; educ. at Brazenose Coll. Oxf. ; ent. the Church, and became rector of St. Augustine, Lond. and Canon of St. Paul’s; lived in close friend- ship with Sydney Smith; contrib. to “Blackwood’s Magazine” and the “ Edinburgh Review;” gained a wide reputa. by his “ Ingoldsby Legends,” first published in “Bentley’s Miscellany;” also author of the novel, “My Cousin Nicholas;” d. 17 June, 1845. Bust; seated to 1 . Pencil on paper, 13J X 11 in. 587 GEORGE GRANVILLE, 2nd D. of SUTHERLAND (1786-1861). Duchess Dowager of Sutherland. John Partridge. Son of George Granville, ist duke; b. 8 August 1786; sat in the House of Lords during his father’s lifetime as Baron Gower; married in 1823, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, 3rd daughter of George, 6th Earl 121 JJp-stairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 585-624). of Carlisle ; succeeded to the dukedom, 1833 ; inherited the Scotch honours of his mother, as Countess of Sutherland and Baroness of Strathnaver in her own right, 1839; held the offices of Ld.-Lieut. of Sutherlandsh. and custos rotulorum of Staffordshire ; d. 28 Feb. 1861. Three-quarter length; seated to 1. in library; r. arm resting on, on which is a statuette; signed “J. Partridge, 1850.” Canvas, 45 x 57 'n- 588 AUGUSTUS WELBY PUGIN (1810-1852). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. E. Welby Pugin. J. R. Herbert, R.A. Architect and writer on architecture; b. 1810 ; influenced in his taste for Gothic Art by his father; joined the Roman Catholic Church, 1834 ; built the Cathedral of St. George, Southwark, the Cistercian Abbey of St. Barnabas, Leicestersh., the Cathedral of Killarney, Alton Castle, &c. ; pub. “ I he True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture,” “ Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament;” did much to encourage the revival of Mediajval taste by his Mediaeval Court in the Crystal Palace of 1851 ; d. 1852. Half-length ; standing at table, with compasses in r. hand ; s. of arms in background to the r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 589 JOHN GIBSON, R.A. (1790-1866). Mr. John Partridge. John Partridge. Sculptor; son of a gardener; b. at Conway, N. Wales, i79°; appren. to wood-carvers at Liverpool, when his talent was recogn. and Wm. Roscoc and other friends sent him to Rome to study, 1817; there became the pupil of Canova and Thorwaldsen ; contin. to reside at Rome, but sent his works to be exhibit, at the Roy. Acad.; A. R.A. 1833; R.A. 1836; d. at Rome, 27 Jan. 1866; bu. at the Protestant Cemet. there; among his many works were statues of the Queen, of Mr. Huskisson at Liverpool, and of Sir. Robt. Peel and Geo. Stephenson in Westm. Abbey, his “ Tinted Venus” at the Internat. Exhib. of 1862; left a munif. legacy of money and works of Art to the Roy. Acad. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1. ; statuette of the (2'ueen on table to his I. , and modelling tool in hand ; dated at back “ 1847.” Canvas, 56 X 44 ''i- 590 SIR JN. WATSON GORDON, R.A. (1790-1864). Nat. Gal. of Scotland. John Graham Gilbert, R.S.A. I Portrait Painter; b. at Edinb. 1790; stud, with Wilkie and Allan under J. Graham; became known as a Portrait Painter, and executed the portraits of many disting. Scotchmen of his time ; Pres, of the Scottish Acad., kntd. and app. Limner to the (2u. for Scotl. 1850; R.A. Lond. 1851 ; d. at Edinb. I June, 1864. Full-length, standing ; black court dress, gloves in 1. hand. Signed “ J. Graham, 1844.” Canvas, 95 X 59 in. 591 EDWARD HODGES BAILY, R.A. (1788-1867) Mr. j. Edgar Williams. J. Edgar Williams. Sculptor; son of a ship-carver; b. at Bristol, 10 March, 1788; studied under Flaxman and at the Roy. Acad. ; exhibited “ Apollo discharging his Arrows against the Greeks,” and elected A. R.A. 1817; “Eve at the houn- tain,” 1818 ; R.A. 1821 ; executed the bassi-relievi on the Marble Arch, statues of Charles James Fox and Ld. Mansfield in St. Stephen’s Hall; exhibited “The Graces Seated,” 1849; “Genius,” 1858; d. 22 May, 1867. To waist ; seated full face ; r. hand in breast of coat. Canvas, X 122 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 592 MARY RUSSELL MITFORD (1789-1855). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Acton Tindal. John Lucas. .\uthoress ; dau. of Dr. George Mitford ; b. at .Mresford, Hants, 16 Dec. 1789 ; early contribu. to the .Annuals ; pub. “Poems,” “Christine, or the .Maid of the South,” and the tragedies of “Julian,” “Rienzi,” and “Charles I. ostabl. her reputation by “Our Village, Sketches of Moral Character and Scenery,” 1832 ; pub. afterwa. “Atherton, and other Tales,” “Literary Re- collections,” &c. ; d. at Swallowfield, near Reading, id Jan. 1855. To waist; small size, nearly full face; “drawn at Swallowfield, April 12th, 1852, John Lucas.” Crayon, paper, 23 x 18 in. 593 THOMAS HOOD (1798-1845). Mr. T. Hood. Poet and humourist; son of a bookseller in the City of London; b. 1798; for some time clerk in a merchant’s office; afterw. appren. to his uncle, an engraver, but chiefly interested in literature; sub-editor of the “London Magazine,” 1821 ; estab. his fame as a poet and humourist by his “ Whims and Oddities,” “National Tales,” “The Comic Annual,” and “Hood’s Magazine;” granted a pension of 300/. by Sir R. Peel; travelled on the Contin. for his health ; pub. “ Tylney Hall,” a novel, and “Up the Rhine,” d. in Lond. 3 May, 1845. Among his poems, the “ Song of the Shirt,” and “The Bridge of .Sighs,” have become famous; a complete edition of his works was published by his son. To waist; small size; seated in arm-chair; full face. Millboard, 12 X 9 in. 594 THOMAS HOOD (1798-1845). Wm. Elliot, M.D. {See No. 593.) Three-quarter size, seated to 1 . near writing-table, pencil in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 595 GILBERT ABBOT .\ BECKETT (1811-1856). Mr. Gilbert Arthur a Becket. Isidore Maguez, Satirist and Wit; b. 1811 ; cduc. at Westminster; call, to the Bar, 1840; app. Poor Law Commiss. 1848; Metropol. Police Magistrate, 1849; origina. “ Figaro in London,” the forerunner of “ Punch;” contrib. to “ Punch;” pub. a “ Comic Blackstone,” “ Comic Hist, of Kngland and Rome,” &c. ; d. 1856. Head to r. ; signed, “ Isidore Magu6z.” Coloured crayon, paper, 28X 22 in. 596 MRS. FRANCES TROLLOPE (1790-1863). Mr. Anthony Trollope. A. Hervieu. Novelist and miscellaneous writer; b. 1790; marr. Anthony Trollope, .1 barrister-at-law, 1809; became a widow, 1825; visit, .\merica, 1829; gain, reputation by her “Domestic Life of the .Americans," 1832 ; afterwards pub. “ Paris and the Parisians,” “ \'ienna and the Austrians,” “ The Vicar of \Vre.\hill,” “ The Widow Barnaby,” &c. ; spent her last years in Florence, d. there, 6 Oct. 1863. Head, miniature size ; full face. Oval millboard, 6 x 5 in. 597 DOUGLAS JERROLD (1803-1857). AIrs. Noseda. William Bewick. Humourist and dramatist; b. in London, 3 Jan. 1803; spent his youth in Shcerness, where his father managed a theatre; enl. the Navy, but left it after two years’ service, 1818; worked in a printer’s office, as compositor; 123 upstairs^ Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 585-624). cduc. himself by private study; began to write for the Coburg Theatre, 1S23; app. dramatic author to the Surrey Theatre, 1826; achiev. great popularity with his “ Black-eyed Susan'’ and “ Rent Day,” 1830; pub. many other suc- cessful plays disting, by keen wit and humour ; contributed humorous tales to “Blackwood,” and “Punch;” founded “Jerrold’s Shilling Magazine;” edit. “Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper,” 1852; d. 8 June, 1857. Bust, seated to 1 ., profile; signed at back ; painted, 1839. Canvas, 24 X 20. 598 ALEXANDER SMITH (1830-1867). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. Alexander Smith. James Stuart. Poet and Miscellaneous Writer ; son of a pattern-designer at Kilmarnock; b. 1830 ; for some time followed his father’s occupation as designer to a lace- factory at Glasgow ; bee. known as a poet by his “ Life Drama,” 1853; app. Sec. to the Univ. of Edinb. 1854 ; subseq. pub. “Sonnets on the War,” “City Poems,” “ A Summer in Skye,” &c. ; d. 5 Jan. 1867. Half-length ; seated to r., leaning head on r. hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 599 JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. (1817-1867). Executors of the Late J. Phillip, R.A. H. O’Neil, A. R.A. Painter ; b. at Aberdeen, 1817 ; apprent. to a house-painter ; early began to paint portraits ; became a stud, at the Roy. Acad. London, 1837 > exhib. his first historical picture, “ Tasso relating his persecutions to his sister,” 1840 ; returned to Aberdeen, and produced a number of pictures illustrating the peasant-life and religious observances of Scotland, 1841-51 ; afterw. made several journeys to Spain, and became chiefly famous by his pictures of Spanish subjects ; A. R.A. 1857 > R-A. 1859 ! d. in London, 27 Feb. 1867. Three-quarter, small size ; seated in arm-chair, hands crossed. Panel, 20 X 16 in. 600 ELIZ. BARRETT, MRS. BROWNING (1809-1861)- Miss Heaton. Field Talfourd. Poetess; dau. of a London merch. ; b. 1809; receiv. an excellent educat. embracing the Ancient Languages; pub. at 17, “Essay on the Mind and other Poems;” a translation of yEschylus’ “Prometheus,” 1833; “ Romaunt of Margaret,” 1836; “The Seraphim and other Poems,” 1838; marr. Robert Browning, and settled in Italy, 1846; took a lively interest in the national Italian movement; pub. “Casa Guidi Windows,” 1851; “.\urora Leigh,” 1857 ; “ Poems before Congress,” i860; d. at Florence, 29 June, 1861. Bust, showing portion of hands; signed, “Field Talfourd, Rome, March, 1859.” Crayon, paper, 29 X 21 in. 601 CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. (1793-1867). Mrs. Clarkson Stanfield. John Simpson. Painter; b. at .Sunderland, 1793 ; serv. as a sailor till 1818 ; scene-painter at the Royalty Theatre, and at Drury Lane, till 1827, when he began to apply himself with success to the higher branches of Art ; A. R.A. 1832 ; R.A. 1835 ; excelled chiefly as a marine and landscape-painter ; also executed many designs for book illustrations; d. at Hampstead, 18 -May, 1867. Bust ; seated to 1 . showing both hands ; pencil jn r. hand, 1 . on sketch- book. Dated at back, “ 1829.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 124 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 602 THOMAS UWINS, R.A. (1782-1857). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. E. Way. Thomas Henry Illidge- Painter; b. in London, 1782; appren. to an engraver; stud, at the Roy^ Acad, and practised as Painter in Water Colours, and Illustrator of Books, 1810-18; subsequently estab. himself as a Portrait-painter in Edinb. ; resid. in Italy, 1824-31 ; commenced on his return to exhibit Oil Paintings, chiefly on Italian subjects; elected R.A. 1838; Survey, of the Roy. Pictures, and Keeper of the Nat. Portraits, 1847 ; d. at Staines, 1857. To waist ; seated, looking to 1 ., books to his r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 603 WM. MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. Sir P'. Pollock., Bt. Samuel Laurence. {See No. 513.} Head to left, reading; signed, “Sami. Laurence, 1863.’* Crayon, paper, 29 by 2 1 in. 604 HON. THOMAS CHANDLER HALIBURTON (1797-1865). Mrs. Haliburton. H. Betham. Humourist ; known as “Sam Slick;” b. at Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1797; practised as a Barrister in Halifax; Judge of the Supreme Tribunal, of Nova, Scotia,iS42; subsequently resigned his office and settled in England; estab. his reputation as a humourist by “ The Clockmaker ; or. Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick, of Slickville,” 1837-40; pub. afterwards “The Attachd; or, Sam Slick in England,” 1843; “ Sam Slick’s Traits of American Humour,” 1852; “Nature and Human Nature,” 1855; sat as M.P. for Launceston, since 1859; d. at Isleworth, 27 Aug. 1865. Bust ; nearly full face, seated. Oval canvas, 30 x 25 in. 605 ADELAIDE ANNE PROCTER (1835-1864). Mr. Bryan Waller Procter. Emma G. Richards. Poetess; dau. of the poet B. W. Procter, known as “Barry Cornwall;”" b. 1835; contrib. to “Household Words;” first became more generally known by a vol. of “ Legends and Lyrics,” 1858; afterw. pub. “A Chaplet of Verse;” d. after a long illness, 2 Feb. 1864. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; dark dress, hands crossed ; signed, “ E. G. R.” Canvas, 37 X 31 in. 606 JAMES HENRY LEIGH HUNT (1784-1859). Mr. W. S. Williams. W. F. Williams. {See No. 290.) Head to 1 . ; signed, “W. Frank Williams, 1851.” Crayon,, paper, 28 X 23 in. 607 AUGUSTUS LEOPOLD EGG, R.A. (1816-1863). Royal Academy. John Phillip, R.A.. Painter ; b. in Lonejon, 1816 ; first exhib. at the Society of Artists and Brit. Institution ; stud, at the Roy. Acad. 1836 ; chiefly known by his pic- upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 1 — Nos. 585-624.) 125 turcs in illustration ofhumorous passages from Shakespeare and Le Sage ; A.R.A. 1848; R.A. i860 ; d. at Algiers, March, 1863. Three-quarter size, small size, seated to r. holding Skye terrier. Panel, 19 X 16 in. 608 DAVID ROBERTS, R.A. (1796-1864). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Henry Bicknell. John Simpson. Painter ; b. at Edin. 1796 ; comm, work as a house-painter, afterw. became a scene-painter in Lond. where he was associated with Stanfield (No. 601) ; first exhib. at the Soc. of Brit. Artists, 1824, and at the Roy. Acad. 1826; trav. in .Spain and the East, and pub. several vols. of Sketches; excelled as an architectural painter, chiefly of Eastern subjects; many years Pres, of the Soc. of Brit. Artists; R.A. 1840; d. in London, 25 July, 1864. To waist, seated; full face; sketch-book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 609 WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR (1775-1864). Nat. Port. Gallery. William Fisher. Poet and miscell. writer; b. at Ipsley Ct. Warwicksh. 30 Jan. 1775; cduc. at Rugby and Oxf. ; intended for the Army, but preferred literature ; pub. his first vol. of poems at 18; to escape the cares of a landlord sold his family estates; raised and commanded a volunteer troop in the Penins. war; settled near Florence, 1818; pub. his chief prose work, “ Imaginary Conver- sations of Literary Men and Statesmen,” 1824; the dramas, “Count Julian,” “Pericles and Aspasia,” and “Giovannaof Naples,” 1831-39; “ The Last Fruit off an Old Tree,” 1853; ret. for some years to Engl, but again went abroad, 1856; d. at Florence, 17 Sept. 1864. Half-length ; seated to 1 . in arm-chair ; brown coat. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 610 SYDNEY OWENSON,LADY MORGAN (1783-1859). Mrs. Inwood Jones. S. Gambardella. Novelist; b. 1783, at Dublin, where her father was a musician and actor; early wrote songs and ballads to old Irish airs; became known as an author by the novel “The Wild Irish Girl,” 1801 ; pub. afterw. “O’Donnell,” “ Florence McCarthy,” “The O’Briens and O’Flahertys,” &c. ; marr. Sir Chas. Morgan, 1811 ; trav. on the Contin. 1816-23; pub. works on “ France,” and “Italy,” “ Woman and her Master,” “The Book without a Name;” rec. a Governm. pension; d. in London, 13 April, 1859. Half-length, seated to 1 . at desk ; closed fan in r. hand. Canvas, 22 X 1 8 in. 611 EBENEZER ELLIOTT (1781-1849). Mechanics’ Institution (Sheffield). Birch. Poet ; known as the “ Corn-Law Rhymer ;” son of a clerk in the iron- works at Masborough, Rotherham ; b. 17 March, 1781 ; apprent. to an iron- founder ; educ. himself by private study, and pub. at 17 his “Vernal Walk;” opened an iron-foundry on his own account, 1804; contrib. to the “New Monthly” and “ Tait’s Magazine;” pub. a vol. of poems, 1823; became generally known by his “ Corn- Law Rhymes,” 1831, by which he greatly advanced the cause of Free Trade ; was successful in business ; d. on his farm, near Barnsley, i Dec. 1849. Half-length ; seated, spectacles in r. hand, roll of paper in 1 . Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 612 JOHN MARTIN (1789-1854). Mr. Leopold C. Martin. Charles Martin. Painter; b. near Hexham, 19 July, 1789; appren. to a coachbuilder in Newcastle, 1803; ran away from his master and stud, painting under B. .Musso, 125 Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1867. 1804; came to London, 1806; began to exhibit at the Roy. Acad. 1811; painted his “Belshazzar’s Feast,” 1821; which was followed by “ 'I'hc Deluge,” “The Eve of the Deluge,” “The Fall of Nineveh,” “The Plains of Heaven also executed illustrat. of Milton, and engraved several of his own paintings; d. at Douglas, Isle of Man, 17 Feb. 1854. Head profile to 1 . Crayon, paper, 29 x 25 in. 613 WILLIAM RAMSAY, LD. PANMURE (1771-1852). " LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. G. Huntly Gordon. John Phillip, R.A. 2nd son of Geo. Ramsay, 8th E. of Dalhousic; b. 27 Oct. 1771 ; inherited through his grandmother, Jean Maulc, the estates of the Earls of Panmure, and was crea. Baron Panmure by letters patent, 1831 ; d. 13 April, 1852, when the barony devolved on his eld. son Fox, now E. of Dalhousic. Full-length, seated to r. ; reading beside the fire; miniature size ; signed and dated, “ J. P. 1842.” Panel, x 614 JOHN SHEEPSHANKS (1787-1863). Depart, of Science & Art. William Mulready, R.A. Son of a cloth-manufacturer in Leeds, and brother of Rich. Sheepshanks, the astronomer ; b. 1 787 ; tMigaged in commercial pursuits, but devoted his leisure hours to the study of the fine arts, and formed an extensive collection of pictures by modern British artists, known as the “ Sheepshanks Gallcr>-,” which, in 1836, he presented to the nation, and which was deposited in the South Kensington Museum; d. 5 Oct. 1863. Bust to r. ; signed “W. M., 1858.” 17 X 15 in. 615 JOHN LEECH (1817-1864). Mrs. Leech. Augustus L. Egg, R.A. Caricaturist and artist; b. in London, 29 Aug. 1817; educ. at the Charterhouse; studied for medicine; devoted himself to Art, after the success of his illustrations of the “ Ingoldsby Legends” and .^’Beckett's “Comic English Grammar ;” joined the staff of “Punch,” 1841; gained the highest reputation by his humorous cartoons and sketches; also illustrated numerous works, chiefly of travel and hunting; published “Pictures of Life and Character;” d. 27 Oct. 1864. Bust, smalt size looking to 1 . ; black coat. Oval, millboard, 13 X 10 in. 616 SIR THOS. NOON TALFOURD (1795-1854). Mr. Wreford Major. John Lucas. Judge and Poet; son of a brewer at Reading; b. 1795; educ. at various Dissenting Schools; pub. at 16, his “ Poems on Various Subjects;” stud, law under Chitty ; called to the Bar, 1821 ; Serj.-at-Law, 1833; M.P. for Reading, 183; ; carried the “ Custody of Infants .“Vet,” and the “ Copyright Act,” 1841 ; wrote the Tragedy of “ Ion,” which was received with enthusiasm when performed at ■ Covent Garden, 1836; publ. afterw. the plays of “ The Athenian Captive,” and “Glencoe,” and “ Final Memorials of Chas. Lamb,” 1848; raised to the Bench, 1849; suddenly, while addressing the Grand Jury at Stafford Assizes, 20 March, 1854. Three-quarter size, seated near chair, resting r. arm on chair, book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. Up-stairs-l Eastern* Gallery (Bay 1 — Kos. 585-624), 127 617 CHAS. ROBT. COCKERELL, R.A. (1788-1863). LENT BY PAINTER. Inst, of Brit. Architects. , William Boxall, R.A, Architect; b. in Lond. 1788; cduc. at Westin. Sch. ; trav. in Greece, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Italy, 1810-17; became known by his discovery of the /Eginetan and Phigaleian marbles; app. Siirv. of St. Paul’s, 1819; archi- tect to the Bank of Engl. 1832; R.A. 1836; Prof, of Architecture at the Roy. Acad. 1840; built Lampeter Coll., Taylor Buildings, O.xf. &c. ; complct. St. George’s Hall, Liverpool; chosen Pres, of the Instit. of Brit. Architects and Memb. of the French Instit.; d. in London, 17 Sept. 1863. To waist, seated ; resting 1 . hand on table with books, paper in 1 . hand. Canvas, 36 x 28 in. 618 SIR CHARLES BARRY, Kt. R.A. (1795-1860). Mr, Charles Barry, Bradley. Celebr. Architect ; b. May, 1795 ; early articled to a firm of architects in Lambeth; travelled for some time in Italy and Greece; on his return built the Travellers’ and Reform Clubs in the Italian style, which foun. his reputa- tion ; afterw. preferred the Gothic style, in which he executed his greatest work, the New Palace at Westm; d. 12 May, i860. * Bust to r. Oval canvas, 36 X 28 in. 619 DAVID COX, R.A. (1783-1859). Birmingham and Midl. Inst. Sir J.W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Water-colour Painter; s6n of a blacksmith at Birmingham; b. 29 April. 1783; for some time worked as a scene-painter in Birmingham and London; afterw. chiefly applied himself to landscape-painting in water-colours; during his later years also painted in oil; d. 7 June, 1859. Three-quarter, seated to 1 . ; pencil in r. hand ; sketch-book in 1 . Can- vas, 50 X 40 in. 620 CATHERINE SINCLAIR (1800-1864J. Archdeacon Sinclair. James Archer, R.S.A. Novelist and Miscellaneous Writer ; 6th dau. of Sir John Sinclair, Bt. ; b. at Edinb. 17 April, 1800 ; became known by her novels, “ Modern Accom- plishments” and “ Modern Society,” 1835-36 ; pub. afterw. “Scotland and the Scotch,” “Modern Flirtation,” “Lord and Lady Harcourt,”&c.; cl. 6 Aug. 1864. Head, full face; signed, “J. Archer, 1850.” Crayon, paper, oval, 29 X 24 in. 621 SIR CHARLES LOCK EASTLAKE, Kt. F.R.A. (1793-1865). Royal Academy. J. P. Knight, R.A. B. at Plymouth, 1793; educ. at Charterhouse School; stud, under Fuseli and Haydon, and at the Roy. Acad.; also at the Louvre, Paris, 1814; resid. for many years in Italy and Greece; on his return exhibit. “ Isidas repelling the Thebans;” and later, his most popular works, “Pilgrims arriving in sight of Rome,” and “ Christ weeping over Jerusalem;” A. R.A. 1827; R.A. 1830; Sec. to the Commission on Fine Arts, 1841 ; Keeper of the Nat. Gall. 128 Supplementary Collection. 1843-47; P.R.A. 1850; Direc. of the Nat. Gall. 1855; wrote many valuable Essays on Art ; cl. at Pisa, 24 Dec. 1865 ; bu. at Kensal Green, 18 Jan. 1866. Half-length, seated to r. ; full face, scarlet academic gown, hands folded. Canvas, X in. 622 THOMAS DE OUINCEY (1785-1859). LENT BY PAINTER. Nat. Port. Gallery. Sir J. W. Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A. Essayist and Miscel. Writer; b. 1785 ; educ. at Manchester and Oxf. ; lived many years in friendship with Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Southey, at the Lakes ; estab. his literary reputation by his “ Confessions of an Opium Eater,” 1835 ; wrote a large number of essays for the London, Blackwood, and Tait’s Magazines, ancl the “ Encyclopaedia Britannica;” admired for his style, wit, and imagination; lived during his latter years in Scotland; d. at Edinburgh, 8 December, 1859. Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; book in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 623 THOMAS LOVE PEACOCK (1785-1866). Mr. Henry Wallis. Henry Wallis. Poet and Novelist; b. at Weymouth, 1785 ; educ. at a Sch. at Englefield Green ; pub. his first poems, i8io; became the friend of Shelley, who appoint, him his literary executor ; pub. the Novels “Headlong Hall,” “Nightmare Abbey,” “The Misfortunes of Elphin,” &c. ; received an appointment in the India House; subseq. became Examiner of Indian Correspondence, 1836; resigned, 1856; d. at Lower Halliford, 23 January, 1866. Head, small size; full face; dated, 1858. Oval, 12 X 10 in. 624 ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH (1819-1861). Mrs. a. H. Clough. J. H. Bonham-Carter. Poet; b. at Liverpool, i Jan. 1819; educ. at Rugby and Balliol Coll. Oxf.; Fellow of Oriel, 1842-48; trav. in France and Italy; received an app. under the Counc. on Education ; resigned on account of ill health ; d. at Florence, 13 Nov. 1861 ; collec. of his poems and memoir by F. T. Palgrave. Head, small size ; full face. Crayon, paper, 21 X 16 in. SUPPLEMENTARY COLLECTION. SECOND BAT { Nos . 625 /o 658). 625 SIR BRYAN TUKE, Kt. ( -X536). Marquis of Westminster, K.G. Hans Holbein. Treasurer of the Chamber to Henry VIIL; d. 1536. To waist, showing both hands ; nearly full face ; gloves in 1 . ; furred cloak, black cap, gold chain and cross; “act. suae, 57.” Panel, 19 x 15 in. 626 HEN. HOWARD, E. OF SURREY and a Lady SUPPOSED TO BE THE FAIR GERALDINE (1518-1547). Lord Taunton. Ascribed to Holbein. Poet and Soldier ; b. about 1518; eld. son of Thos. 3rd D. of Norfolk, by Eliz. dau. of Ed. Stafil’ord, 3rd D. of Buckingham; marr. Frances Vere, dau. 129 upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — Nos. 625 - 658 .) of 15th E. of Oxford; K.G. 1542; had command in the Army with which Hen. VIII. invaded France, and was made Gov. of Boulogne. His court favour soon ceased ; he was suddenly arrested, 12 Dec. 1546, and, on frivol, charges, executed in the prime of his youth on Tower Hill, 19 January, 1547! Half-length figure, in a landscape ; Surrey holds a shamrock. Lady G. a heart ; in the sky is a Cupid with bow and arrow. Panel, x 4J in. 627 EDW. SEYMOUR, E). OF SOMERSET, K.G. “ THE PROTECTOR” ( -1552). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Northumberland. . Hans Holbein. Eld. son of Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall, Wiltshire; bro. to Q. Jane Seymour, and thus uncle to Edward VT. ; crea. E. of Hertford and K.G. by Hen. VIII. one of his 16 executors; became “ Protector of the Realm, and Guardian of the King,” U. of Somerset and E. Marshal ; charged with treason ; beheaded, 1552. Bust to r., small size ; showing r. hand holding badge of K.G. ; black plumed hat, black dress. Panel, x 7 in. 628 JOHN RESKIMER. Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Hans Holbein. Of Murthyn or Murthyr Uni, Cornwall ; son of William Rcskimer, of an ancient Cornish family, and Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Arundel of Talvernc, Kt.; marr. Catherine, dau. of John Trethurff ; High Sheriff of Cornwall, 1557. To waist; nearly profile to r. ; showing both hands; dark mantle; vine- leaves in background. Panel, 18 X 13 in. \ 629 WILL. WEST, 1ST LD. DELAWARE ( -1595)- Mr. R. S. Holford, M.P. Hans Holbein. Son of Sir George West, and adopted heir to his uncle. Sir Thos. West, 9th Baron Delawarr and West; disinherited on being accused of preparing poison to kill his uncle; served in the English army at the siege of St. Quentin, in Picardy ; knighted, and created Lord Uelawarr, for his services, 1568; fully restituted in blood by Act of Parliament, 1569; d. 30 Dec. 1595. Three-quarter size, standing full face ; black dress slashed with crimson ; white plumed black cap, gloves in 1 . hand and sword. Panel, 52 x 31 in. 630 SIR ROGER TOWNSHEND, Kt. ( -1600). Marquis Townshend. Naval Commander in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; son of Richard Townshend, Esq.; knighted, 1588, by Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, for his spirited conduct against the Armada; d. 1600. Half-length, standing to 1 .; nearly full face ; light-coloured doublet, scarf edged with yellow lace ; ships in distance to his 1 . Panel, x in. 631 SIR HENRY LEE, OF IRELAND. Viscount Dillon. Full-length, standing, in wood; carrying shield, helmet, and weapons; laced and embroidered shirt, legs naked to the feet; “actatis suae 43, ano. do. 1 594.” Canvas, 97 X 60 in. K 130 Supplementary Collection. 632 DENZIL HOLLES (1538-1590). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Portland. Eld. son of Sir \Vm. Holies, and father of the ist E. of Clare ; b. in Lond. 1538; marr. Eleanor, dau. of Edmund, ist Lord Sheffield; lived as a country gentleman at Irby, near Great Grimsby; d. theie, 22 April, 1590. To waist, looking to 1 .; w’hite ruff, dark armour, and dark, red-edged cap. Canvas, x in. 633 ANNE WYATT, MRS. TWISDEN. Mr. C. Wynne Finch. Dau. of Sir T. Wyatt, jun. of Allington Castle, wife of Mr, Roger Twisden. To W'aist ; black mantle; showing both hands, book in r.; close dark jewelled cap, close ruff. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 634 JOHN LYMDEN ( -1554). Mr. G. Cubitt, M.P. Last Prior of Reigate; elected, 1530; on the dissolution of the Convent *535) received a pension of 10/. per annum, for his life; d. 1554. To waist, showdng both hands; leaning on table; small size; massive gold .chain, gold diapered dress, palm-branch over r. shoulder; medallion above with name-and date as I’rior of Reigate, 1550, dated “ 1531, tet. suie, 65.” Panel, 24 X 15 in. 635 JANE DORMER, DUCHESS OF FERIA. Lord Dormer. Three-quarter size, standing to 1 . ; high lace ruff, dark jewelled dress ; 1 . hand resting on back of chair, handkerchief in r. “ MX.. suse, 25.” Can- vas, 52 X 42 in. 636 GAVIN DUNBAR, BP. of ABERDEEN. University of Aberdeen. Next but one successor to Bp. Elphinstonc; completed the establishment of King’s Coll.; one of the most eminent Scotch Divines of the i6th century. Bust, showing r. hand with crozier; wearing jewelled mitre and cope. Canvas, 31 X 25 in. 637 JN. STILL, BP'. OF BATH and WELLS (1543-1607). Mrs. John Hughes. B. about 1543 ; Lady hlargaret’s Prof, of Divin. 1570; the reputed author of “Gammer Gurton’s Needle,” a humorous drama characteristic of the manners of the time; d. 1607. Bust, show ing r. hand holding red book ; episcopal dress and black close cap ; dated “ 1607, a;t. 64.” Panel, 23 X 18 in. 638 THOS. CRANMER, ARCHB. of CANTERBURY (1489-1556). Mr. 'Ehomas Frewen. Lucas Cranach. B. at Aslockton, Nottinghamsh. 2 July, 1489; at 14, enter. Jesus College, Camb. ; became known to Henry VIll. on the question of his divorce from Kathar. of Arragon; Archdeacon of Taunton; Archbp. of Canterburj', 1533; one of his 16 executors; aided the Reforma.; attainted on Mary’s accession; burnt at Oxford, 21 March, 1356. To waist, small size; holding open book in both hands; stated at back to have been found at Farthings, and to have been in the Frewen family for 2 i centuries or more. Panel, 15 x 11 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — Nos. 625-658). 131 639 QUEEN KATHARINE PARR (i5i2?-i548). lent dy painter. Sir G. R. Osborn, Bt. Ascribed to Amberger. 6th and last wife of Henry VI II.; daughter of Sir Thomas Par of Kendal, and widow, ist, of Edward Borough, son of Lord Borough ; 2nd, of John Neville, Lord Latimer; b. about 1512; married King Henr)’, whom she survived ; and afterwards Thomas, Lord Seymour of Sudeley ; d. 5 Sept. 1548 ; bu. in the Chapel of Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire; in 1545 she ))ublished “ Prayers and Meditations,” a volume many times reprinted ; also the “ Lamentation of a Sinner,” &c. To waist, small size, showing part of both hands ; low crimson dress, gold trimmed diamond-shaped head-dress. Panel, 14 x 10 in. 640 ELIZTH. THROCKMORTON, LADY RALEIGH. Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. F, Zucchero. Dau. of Sir Nich. Throckmorton, a statesman in the reign of Q. Eliz. ; maid of honour to the Queen ; had an intrigue with Sir Walter Raleigh, for which both w^ere banished from Ct. 1 593 ; regained the Royal favour after her marr. ; in 1605, at her own request, she shared Sir Walter’s imprison, in the Tower, where her youngest son was born. Half-length; standing; low jewelled dress, long stomacher, with sphere falling from 1 . hand, and motto, “ Laisse tomber le monde ;” dated “ 1603, Oct. 35.” Panel, 44 X 34 in. 641 SIR THOMAS WHIl'E, Kt. (1492-1556). Merchant Taylors’ Company. Founder of St. John’s Coll. Oxf. ; b. at Reading, 1492; appren. to a tradesman in Lond. 1500; successful in business; Sheriff of Lond. 1546; Ld. Mayor, 1553; knighted for preserv. the peace of the City dur. the rebell, of Sir Thos. Wyatt; founded St.John’s Coll. 1555; d. at Oxf. ii Feb. 1556; bu. in the chapel of his Coll. Three-quarter size, standing ; scarlet furred cloak, massive gold chain, glove in r. hand; shield of arms to his 1 .; d. ii Feb. 1566, in his 72nd year Panel, 45 X 35 in. ^ 4 ^ QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Viscount Dillon. Dau. of Hen. VIII. by his 2nd w-ife, Q. Anne Boleyn; b. at Greenwich, 7 Sept. 1533; succ. on the death of her half-sister, Q. Mary, 1558; d. at Richmond, 24 June, 1603, aged 70; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Full-length, standing on map of England ; hooped dress, white jewelled high winged ruff, fan in r. hand, gloves in 1 . Canvas, 95 x 60 in. 643 SIR RICHARD BINGHAM, Kt. Colonel Bingham. Desc. from an ancient family in Dorset ; b. at Bingham-.Melcolm, in the reign of Henry VTII. ; travelled much about in his youth, “to search for service and find fit objects for his valour ;” serv. in the Netherlaftds, Scotl., and Candia ; consult, by O. Eliz. at the time of Tilbury Camp, 1588 ; Pres, of Connaught, 1 590 ; suppress, the rebell, of O’Rorke ; accused of cruelty, and depriv. of his office, and kept in prison till 1 598 ; releas. at the outbreak of Tyrone’s rebell. ; app. Marshal of Irel. and Gen. of Leinster ; but d. soon after his arriv. in Dublin ; a monum. in his honour erect, in Westm. Abbey. To w-aist, small size ; cuirass, spear in r. hand ; compasses on table before him. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 132 Supplementary Collection. 644 FRANCES BRANDON, DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK, AND ADRIAN STOKES. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. C. Wynne Finch. Lucas de Heere. Frances Brandon ; eld. dau. of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and Mary Q. of France ; marr. ist, Henry Grey, 3rd Marquis of Dorset, after- wards crea. D. of Suffolk, and was mother of Lady J ane Grey ; marr. 2nd, Adrian Stokes ; d. 1563 ; bu. in Westm. Abbey, where her second husband erec. a mon. to her memory. Adrian Stokes ; Sec. to Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk ; Memb. of the Household, and afterwards husband of Frances, Marchioness of Dorset and Duchess of Suffolk ; niece of Henry VIII. Half-length ; small size figures ; the Duchess looking to 1 ., richly jewelled, dark dress, close head-dress enriched with pearls, r. hand resting on cushion and holding glove ; a.'t. 36. Adrian Stokes to r.; wearing jewelled and fur-lined dress, close ruff, gloves in 1 . hand ; aet. XXL ; dated, “ 1559.” Panel, 20x26 in. 645 PETER OSBORNE (1521-1592). . Sir G. R. Osborn, Bt. Ascribed to Sir Antonio More. Son of Rich. Osborne, Esq.; had a grant of Treasurer’s Remembrancer to himself and his heirs, in the reign of Edw. \’I. ; and was Privy-Purse to the King; filled the office of High Commiss. for Eccles. Affairs in the reign of O. Eliz. ; was succ. in his heredit. office by his eld. son. Sir J. Osborne. Bust, nearly full-faced ; furred mantle, close ruff, black cap ; Privy purse to Ed. VI. Panel, 24 X 20 in. 646 SIR WALTER RALEIGH, Kt. (1552-1618). Mr. j. T. Gibson Craig. F. Zucchero. Disting, in' action, in courtly gallantry, and in literature; b. at Hayes, Devon; ent. at Oxf., but left it to assist the French Protestants; rose high in Elizabeth’s favour ; impris. for 12 years by Jas. 1 . ; released to undertake an expedit. to Guiana ; ret. unsuccessful, and was unjustly execut. at Westmin. 29 Oct. 1618. His “ History of the World,” written during his long impris. remained unfinished. Half-length; standing; pearl-embroidered doublet, white sleeves; map of Cadiz in background. Panel, 45 X 24 in. 647 SIR MOYLE FINCH, Kt. ( -1614). Mr. C. Wynne Finch. Mark. Garrard. Son of Sir Thomas Finch, Kt. ; marr. Elizabeth, only dau. and heiress of Sir Thomas Heneagc, Kt. ; crea. a Bart. 1611 ; d. 1614. Half-length, standing ; full face, dark dress, lace collar ; paper in r. hand, 1 . on sword-hilt ; dated 1^3. Canvas, 44 X 39 in. 648 SIR MICHAEL DORMER, Kt. ( -1545). Lord Dormer. Lord Mayor of London, 1541; d. 1545. To waist, showing part of both hands; looking to r. ; black cap, brown dress; dated, 1498. Panel, 13 X 9 in. 649 WM. 3RD Ld. VAUX of HARR 0 WDEN( -1595). Lord Vaux of Harrowden. Son of Thomas, 2nd lord ; several times convicted of recusancy, and as often imprisoned and fined; d. 1595, and was succeeded by his grandson, Edward, 4th lord. Bust ; small size ; black cap, brown white-lined dress ; dated at back “ 1575.” Panel, 8 x 7 in. upstairs .'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 2 — Nos . 625-658). 133 650 ANN POYNTZ, LADY HENEAGE. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. C. Wynne Finch. Dau. of Sir Nicholas Poyntz; marr. Sir Thomas Heneage, Kt. Chamber- lain to O. Elizabeth and Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, by whom she had an only son, Elizabeth, afterw. Lady Finch and Countess of Winchelsea. Half-length, standing ; black dress, white laced sleeves, close ruff, and dark cap ; book in hand. Panel, 36 X 27 in. 651 EDWARD VI. (1537-1553). Duke of Northumberland. Hans Holbein. Son of Hen. \T 11 . by his 3rd wife, Q. Jane Seymour; b. at Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 1537 ; succ. his father, 1547 ; d. 6 July, 1553, aged 15 ; bu. in Westm. Abbey; the young King’s diary is preserved in the British Aluseum. Full-length as a child at the age of 2 years ; red dress, red plumed cap. Panel, 52 X 30 in. 652 WM. ELPHINSTONE, BP. of ABERDEEN. University of Aberdeen. Ld. Chancellor of Scotl. in the reign of James IV'. ; founder of the Univ. and King’s College, Aberdeen. To waist, showing both hands in attitude of prayer; crosier over 1 . shoulder; jewelled mitre, cope, shield of arms to his r. Canvas, 30'x 25 in. 653 RICHARD II. (1366-1400). Dean and Chapter of Westminster, Son of Edw. the Black Prince, grandson of Edw. III. ; b. at Bordeaux, 1366 ; succeeded his grandfather, 1377 ; mar. ist, Anne, daughter of the Em- peror Charles IV. : 2nd, in 1396, Isabel, 2nd daughter of Charles VI. of France ; depos. by Henry of Bolingbroke, 1399 ; murd. 14 Feb. 1400. Large life-size, throned, in royal robes, wearing jewelled crown, minever tippet, minever-lined purple robe, inner robe diapered with a crowned R. ; globe in r. hand, sceptre in 1 . Panel, 7 ft. X 3 ft. 7 in. This portrait — the most important contemporary representation of any English sovereign — used to hang in Westm. Abbey, above the Lord Chan- cellor’s pew, on the south side of the choir, next to the pulpit ; it was removed in 1775 to the Jerusalem Chamber, where it has hung ever since : it is believed to represent the King enthroned on the Feast of the Translation of King Edward the Confessor. It was exhibited in the first National Portrait Exhibition, 1866, in the state in which it had been left after many attempts at restoration or repainting. It has since been cleaned with the utmost care, under the superintendence of Mr. George Richmond, R.A. ; the comparatively modern painting that concealed almost every part of the original portrait, has been removed with complete success, and there now remains the genuine contemporary work of the 14th century. 654 SIR ANTHONY BROWNE ( -1548). Lord Vaux of Harrowden. Naval Commander and Statesman in the reign of Henry VIII. ; son of Sir Anthony Browne ; disting, himself at the capture of Morleis, in Brittany ; Governor of the Isle of Man during the minority of the Earl of Derby ; twice Ambassador to France; Captain of the Gentlemen Pensioners; Chief .Standard Bearer of Engl. ; Commiss. of the Woods and Forests, and Master of the Horse ; d. 6 May, 1548. ^34 Supplementary Collection. 655 SIR JOHN BOURCHIER, 2ND BARON BERNERS ( -1532). LENT BY PAINTER. Lord Berners. Hans. Holbein. Grandson of Sir J. Bourchicr, K.G. ; Military Commander in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII.; Gov. of Calais, and Chan, of the Excheq. under Henry VIII. ; also known for his learning; executed, by order of the king, the first English translation of “ Froissart ;” d. 1532. To waist, standing, showing r. hand holding a lemon ; dark furred mantle, crimson dress, with gold embroidered sleeves ; black cap. Panel, 24 x 20 in. 656 JOHN STOKESLEY, BISHOP OF LONDON. ( -1540)- Her M.ajesty (Windsor Castle). Hans Holbein. One of the Anti-Reform Churchmen in the reign of Hen. VII I. ; Archdn. of Dorset ; Bp. of London, 1530; caused Latimer to be impris. ; performed the christening ceremony of Q. Elizab. at Grey Friars’ Church, 10 Sept. 1533; d. 1540. Bust, showing both hands ; book open, held in 1. ; pen in r. ; s. of amis to his 1 . Panel, 20 X 1 5 in. 657 EDWARD VI. (1537-1553)- Sir G. R. Osborn, Bt. Hans Holbein. No. 651.) Full-length, standing in front of arm-chair; ermine- lined mantle, dagger in r. hand, collar K.G., sh. of arms to his r. Panel, 51 X 32 in. 658 SIR THOMAS KNYVET, Kt. ( -1616). Lord Berners. Great-grandson of Sir John Bourchier, 2nd Baron Berners, after whose death the Barony of Berners had become dormant ; petitioned the crown for its restitution, and obtained a certificate of his right and title to it, but d. before receiving the king’s confirmation, 9 Feb. 1616. Half-length ; to r. ; close white slashed doublet, bombasted slashed dark hose. Panel, 39 X 29 in. THIRD BAT {Nos. 659/0 684). 659 LADY GUILDEFORD (1500- ). Mr. Thomas Frewen. Hans Holbein. The wife of Sir Henry Guildeford, of Hemstead, Comptroller of the Household of Henry \TII. Half-length, seated ; low gold-embroidered dress, diamond-shaped head- dress ; book in 1 . hand ; dated, “ 1527 ;” age, 27. Panel, 34 X 27 in. 660 GEORGE HERIOT (1563-1624). George Heriot’s Hospital. Scougall. Son of a goldsmith in Edinburgh ; b. 1563; followed his father s occupa. and was app. Jeweller to King James VI. ; settled in London after the King’s accession to the English throne; d. there, 12 Feb. 1624; left his great up stairs.'\ Eastern Gallery (Bay 0 — Nos. 659-6S4.). 135 wcaltli for the found, of the hospital in Edinb. called after him; known as “Jingling Geordie,” and so called in Sir Walter Scott’s “ Fortunes of Nigel.” Half-length, standing to 1 . ; black dress, gold laced cloak ; jewel in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 38 in. 66 1 NICHOLAS RIDLEY, BP. OF LONDON ( -1555)- LENT BY PAINTER. Bishop of London. Said to have been b. at Willimondswick, Northumberland ; educ. at the Grammar School of Ncwcastle-on-Tyne and at Pembr. Hall, Camb. ; stud, at the Sorbonne and at Louvain ; appoint, domestic chaplain to Cranmer ; chaplain to Hen. Vlll. ; Bp. of Rochester, 1547; Bp. of London, 1549; approved the effort to place Lady Grey on the throne ; committed to the Tower by O. Mary ; condem. and burnt at the stake, 1 5 Oct. 1555, at Oxford. To waist, showing both hands, nearly full face ; black cap, episcopal dress, book in 1 . hand. Panel, 29 x 23 in. 662 SIR PETER OSBORNE, Kt. ( -1653). Sir G. R. Osborn, Bt. Ascribed to Cornelius Jansen. Son of Sir J. Osborne, Kt. ; TreasureFs Remembrancer, and for 28 years Governor of the Island and Castle of Guernsey, in the reigns of Jam. 1 . and Chas. L; disting, himself during the Rebellion, by defending Cornet Castle, Guernsey, to the last ; d. 1653. Bust to r. ; black dress, white collar. Panel, 28 X 24 in. 663 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, Kr. (i54i?-i595). Viscount Dillon. Sir Antonio More. Admiral and Navigator; said to have been b. at Tavistock, 1541 ; served as an able seaman; empl. by Sir Jn. Hawkins; in 1577, sail, from Plymouth and circumnavigat. the world, retu. in 1580, when he was Kntd. by Qu. Eliz. ; had a princip. share in the destruc. of the Spanish Armada ; d. 28 Jan. 1595. Bust to 1 .; close ruff, black doublet, white embroidered sleeves; 1 . hand with ring held by cord from neck. Panel, 25 x 20J in. 664 SIR ROBERT NAUNTON, Kt. ( -1635). Adml. Thompson. Statesman and Hist.; b. in Suffolk; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb.; em- ployed on diplom. missions in France and Scotl. under Eliz. ; returned to Camb.; became Proct. and Publ. Orator at the Univ. 1601; attracted the attent. of James 1 . by his eloq. ; fav. by Sir Thos. Overbury, and app. Mast, of the Ct. of Wards, and Sec. of State; lost his office through the displeas. of the D. of Buckingham ; d. 1635. Bust ; lace-edged ruff, black dress ; dated 1615, xt. 52. Panel, 27 x 20 in. 665 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Viscount Dillon. Eldest son of James I. and Anne of Denmark; b. in Stirling Castle, 19 Feb. 1594 ; his early life promised much; he excelled in manly exercises ; endeavoured to be Just to his dependants, and self-restrained in speech, saying once, that “ all the pleasure in the world was not worth an oath ;” friend to Sir Walter Raleigh, then kept in prison by James ; his popularity was great. Supplementary Collection. 136 especially with the Puritan party ; d. in his 19th year, 6 Nov. 1612 ; bu. in Westminster. In person he was handsome, and of a good figure. Full-length, standing, in scarlet robes ; plumed hat on table to his r. ; age 10. Canvas, 76 X 51 in. 666 SIR RALPH WINWOOD (1565-1617). LENT BY Painter. Nat. Port. Gallery. Mireyeldt. -Statesman; b. at Anyhoe, Northamptonsh. 1565 ; twice sent as Envoy to Holland; knighted, 1607; Sec. of State, 1614; wrote “Memorials of Affairs of .State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. ;” d. 1617. Canvas 30 X 25. 667 SIR RANDOLPH CREWE, Kt. ( -1642). Lord Crewe. B. in Cheshire; SerJ.-at-Law, 1610; Ld. Ch. Justice of the Upper Bench, 1625 ; deprived of his office because he objected to King Charles’ 1 . plan of defraying the expenses of Government by a loan, 1626; purch. the manor of Crewe and built Crewe Hall; d. about 1642. Half-length, standing, holding inscribed scroll in r. hand ; robes as Ch. Justice. Panel, 45 X 35 in. 668 SIR HENEAGE FINCH, Kt. Recorder of Bond. ; marr. Eliz. dau. of Willm. Cradoch, Esq. of Staffordsh. Bust, to 1 .; lace-edged ruff, bl. dress. Panel, 23 X 18 in. 669 LADY OF THE TIME OF O. ELIZABETH. Viscount Dillon. F iill-length, standing in landscape ; low, yellow-laced green dress, purplish scarf, and laced veil. Canvas, 88 x 54 in. This unknown portrait is exhibited as an exception to the regulations, on account of its great interest as a work of portrait art. 670 JAS. USHER, ARCHBP. OF ARMAGH (1580-1656). Archbishop of Armagh. Eldest son of Arnold Usher, one of the six clerks in the Irish Court of Chancery; b. 4 Jan. 1580, in Dublin, and cduc. there; ordained, 1601, by his uncle, the Archb. of Armagh ; soon distinguished for his great acquirements ; made Bp. of Meath, 1620; Archb. of Armagh, 1624; after the Irish Rebel- lion of 1641 he lived in England, publishing most learned works ; d. at Reigate, Surrey, 21 Mar. 1656; bu. in Westminster. Bust to r. ; large ruff, black gown ; date in front “ 1624.” Oval, canvas, 30 X 24 in. 671 SIR WALTER RALEIGH and his SON. Col. Farnaby Lennard. (.y^z: No. 646.) Full-length; standing, r. hand resting on table; doublet embroidered with pearls, black plumed cap ; his son, at 8 years of age, to his 1 . ; in blue ; dated 1602. Canvas, 80 X 50. 672 ■ SIR THOMAS CREWE, Kt. Lord Crewe. Youngest bro. of Sir Randolph Crewe ; Speaker of House of Commons, 1623, and in 1626; Sergeant-at-law in the reign of Chas. Band father of John Crewe, afterw. Baron Crewe, of Stenc. Bust ; high close ruff, scarlet gown, black close cap. Canvas, 30 X 35 in. 4 \ Up-itairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 3 — Nos. 659-684), 137 673 COUNTESS OF MORTON. LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Dillon. Vansomer. Full-length, standing; large lace-edged ruff, purplish gold embroidered dress, handkerchief in 1 . hand, fan in r. Canvas, 83 X 51 in. 674 JOHN BRAMHALL, ARCHBP. OF ARMAGH (1593-1663). Archbishop of Armagh. B. at Pontefract, 1 593 ; cduc. at Sidney Sussex Coll. Camb. ; took orders ; Rector of Elrington, Yorksh. ; in 1623, held disputations on the Romish con- troversy ; Chap, to Dr. Mathews, Archbp. of York ; Preb. of York ; of Ripon ; D.D. 1630, to Irel. as King’s Chapl. ; Bp. of Londonderry, 1634; recovered much property for the Church, and encountered violent opposition ; embark, for Engl, aided Chas. I. against the Pari, party; after Marston Moor, 1644, cmigrat. to Hamburg; remain, abroad till the Restora. ; Archbp. of Armagh, 1661 ; Speaker of Ho. of Lords, 1661 ; d. June, 1663. Wrote in defence of the English Church and on Controversy ; works published, 1677. Bust to r. ; clerical dress. Oval, canvas, 30 X 25 in. 675 SIR ANTHONY BROWNE, Kt. ist VISCOUNT MONTAGU, K.G. ( -1592). Ld. Vaux of Harrowden. Ascribed to Sir Antonio More. Son of Sir Anthony Browne, Kt. a General and Statesman in the reign of Henry Vlll. ; elected Sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 1553; created Viset. Mont.agu, and sent with Thomas Thurlby, Bp. of Ely, to the Pope, for the purpose of re-unit. Engl, with the Church of Rome, 1554; K.G. 1555; left out of the Priv. Coun. on the access, of Elizab. ; voted in Pari., with the E. of Shrewsbury, against abolishing the Pope’s supremacy ; highly esteemed by Q. Eliz. ; sat on the trial of Mary, Q. of Scots; d. 19 October, 1592. Half-length ; seated in arm-chair ; black dress, close ruff, gold chain, and enamelled jewel ; landscape in background. Panel, 44 X 31 in. 676 SIR HENRY LEE, OF DITCHLEY, K.G. Viscount Dillon. Half-length, standing to r.; white doublet, crimson cloak; r. hand resting •on head of his large dog; motto, “ More faithful than favoured,” and poetical inscription on background. Canvas, 46 X 34 in. ■677 GEORGE, 5TH LORD SETON ( -1584). Lord Somerville. Sir Antonio More. Eldest son of George, 4th Lord Seton ; Commissioner from Pari, of Scot, at the marr. of Mary (Q. of Scots) with the Dauphin, 1557 ; Priv. Council, and Master of the Household to ( 2 . Mary ; aided her escape from Loclilevcn Castle, 1568; in exile in Flanders and drove a waggon for his livelihood; ■employed, 1570, in cause of Mary ; Ambas. to France, 1583 ; d. 8 Jan. 1584. Half-length, standing; red gold-embroidered dress, holding baton in r. hand. Inscribed “/Et. 27,” and dated “ 157-.” Panel, 48 X43 in. Supplementary Collection. 138 678 SIR THOxMAS OVERBURY, Kt. (1581-1613). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Dillon. B. at Compton .Scorfen, Wanvicksh. in 1581 ; stud, at Queen’s Coll. Oxf. ; in 1601, visited Scotland and became acquainted with Car, afterw. favourite to James I.; Kt. in 1608; offended the Countess of Essex, who offered 1000/. to have him murdered, and at length succeed, in having him poison, in the 'I'ower, 15 Sept. 1613. He was a scholar and wrote some clever verses. Head and shoulders ; white doublet, open collar. Panel, 18 X 14 in. 679 LADY iMARGARET RUSSELL, COUNTESS OF CUMBERLAND. Earl of Verulam. 3rd dau. of Francis Russell, 2nd E. of Bedford ; marr. in 1577, G. Clifford, 3rd E. of Cumberland, by whom she was mother of Anne, Countess of Dorset and Pembroke. Bust looking to 1. ; lace ruff, black jewelled dress ; s. of arms to 1.; dated Oct. 25, 1585. Panel, 23 x 18 in. 680' ANNE VAVASOUR, afterwards LADY LEE. Viscount Dillon. Maid of honour to Qu. Elizab. at the time of the Armada, 1588; celeb, for her beauty; marr. Sir Henrj- Lee, the Queen’s champion at tilts and tournaments. Bust ; with large lace-edged ruff, and lace-edged cap ; background of .woodbine leaves ; pendent jewel on 1 . side. Panel, 22 x 20 in. 681 MARY STUART, Q. OF SCOTS {1542-1587). Viscount Dillon. Only child of James V. of Scotl. ; b. 1542 ; marr. ist, the Dauphin of France; 2nd, in 1565, Henry, Ld. Darnley (No. 323) ; 3rd, in 1567, the Iti. of Bothwell ; beheaded at Fotheringay Castle, 8 Feb. 1587. f'ull-length, standing; black pearl embroidered, satin lined mantle, ruff and black veil, handkerchief in 1. hand. Canvas, 84 x 52 in. 682 SIR WILLIAM BRERETON, Kt. Mr. H. Brereton Trelawny. Lucas de Heere. Memb. of an old Cheshire family ; a successful Pari. General ; commander at Hopton Heath, near Stafford, 19 March, 1642; defeated Ld. Capell, in Cheshire, 1643; conjunction with .Sir Thomas Fairfax, forced Ld. Byron to raise siege of Nantwich; defeated Prince Rupert, 18 August, 1645. Half-length ; standing in dark gold embroidered dress, glove in r. hand ; s. of arms to 1. ; dated “ 1579 ; age, 28.” Panel, 41 X 29 in. 683 LETTICE KNOLL YS, CNTSS. of LEICESTER. Marquis Townshend. Dau. of Sir Francis Knollys ; marr. istly, Walter, E. of Essex, and 2ndly, after his death, Robert Dudley, E. of Leicester, the favourite of Q. Elizabeth. Half-length ; standing near table, on which arc flowers ; wide ruff, black hat. Canvas, 44 X 35 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 685-712). 139 684. CARDINAL ALLEN (1532-1594). LENT BY PAINTER. St. Cuthbert’s College, Ushaw. William Allen, Cardinal Archbp. of Mechlin; b. 1532; d. 1594. Bust ; scarlet cap and mantle to r. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. FOURTH BAT (Xos. 685 fo 712). 685 DUDLEY, 4TH LORD NORTH, K.B. ( -1677). Colonel North, M.P. Vandyck. Son of Dudley, 3rd Ld. North; succ. to the Peer. 1666; d. 1677. To waist; towards 1 .; lace-edged collar, dark dress, ribbon and badge K.B. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 686 ANN MONTAGUE, LADY NORTH. Colonel North, M.P. Cornelius Jansen. Dau. and co-heir of Sir Chas. Montague, Knt. and niece of Henry, L. of Manches. ; marr. Dudley, 4th L. North, by whom she had 6 sons and 4 daus. To waist ; wide lace-trimmed ruff, bl. dress, slashed sleeves, scarlet ribbons ; signed, “ C. J. fecit, 1628.” Panel, 30 X 25 in. 687 COL. PENRUDDOCK and MRS. PENRUDDOCK. Col. Bingham. One of the three sons of Sir John Penruddock of Compton Chamberlain, Wilts, who died in the King’s service ; took up anns at Salisbury and pro- claimed Charles at Blandford ; entered Canterbury with a few horse when the assizes were held and made prisoners of the Judges and sheriffs ; attacked by Colonel Unton Croke ; captured and beheaded in violation of a promise of quarter, 16 May, 1655. Half-length, seated ; landscape backgp'ound. Canvas, 37 X 54 'tt- 688 Dr. THOMAS FARNABY (1575-1647)- Col. Farnaby Lennard. Cornelius Jansen. Schoolmaster and classical scholar; b. in London, about 1575 ; servitor of Merton Coll. Oxf. 1590; fell into the hands of a Jesuit, who took him to Spain; escaped and accompanied Drake and Hawkins on their expedition, 1595 ; served as a soldier in the Netherlands; began to keep school first at Martock, Somerset, then in London ; gained great reputation as a teacher ; founded a new school at Sevenoaks, where he bought a large estate : wrote schoolbooks and commentaries on classical authors; d. 1647. His de- scendants were raised to the Baronetage, 1727. Bust, looking to 1 . ; black dress, wide lace collar. Dated, “Alt. 63, 1637.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 689 SIR FRESCHEVILLE HOLLES ( -1672). Duke of Portland. Eld. son of Gervase Holies, one of the Masters of Requests to King Charles L; app. Comm, of the “Antelope” at the outbreak of the Dutch Supplementary Collection. J40 war, 1666; lost his arm in the first battle, and was knighted ; app. temporary Visct.-Adml. 1672; fell in the battle of Solebay, 1672. Bust, to r. ; lace-edged rufif, buff doublet, white sleeves ; inscribed with name, &c. Canvas, 26 x 22 in. 690 EDMUND WALLER (1605-1687). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir Henry G. P. Bedingfield, Bt. Vandyck. Boet ; b. 3 March, 1605, at Coleshill ; son of Robert Waller, and Hampden (sister to Jn. Hampden) ; educ. at Eton and King’s Coll. Camb. ; M.P. for Amersham, under Jam. I. and Chas. I. ; and in the Short and Long Paris, of 1640 ; one of the Pari. Commis. in Treaty of Oxf. 1643 ; engaged in “Waller’s Plot” against Pari. May, 1643 ; sent to Tower and condemned to death, but reprieved and fined ^10,000; retir. to France, but ret. 1653 ; sat as M.P. under Chas. II. and Jam. 11 . ; courted the Lady Dorothy Sidney, under the name of “ Saccharissa d. 21 Oct. 1687. Full-length, standing; black dress, white collar; r. hand extended ; 1 . arm resting on pedestal ; landscape background. Canvas, 84 X 50 in. 691 STEPHEN CHARNOCK (1628-1680). Dr. Williams’s Library. Nonconformist Divine; b. in Lond. 1628; studied at Oxf. and Camb.; rose to fame as a popular preacher ; wrote “ Discourse on Providence;” ad- hered to the Nonconformist party after the Restora. ; d. 1680. Bust, to r. ; black dress gown, small white collar. Oval canvas, 29 X 25 in. 692 SIR WM. WIDDRINGTON, Bart, ist LORD WIDDRINGTON (161 1-1651). Mr. Charles Towneley. Vandyck. A promin. partisan of King Charles I. in the civil wars; b. 161: : raised a large force for the Royal cause, and participated in the victories of the D. of Newcastle, under whom he fought ; raised to the Peerage, 1643; fell in the battle of Wigan Lane, 1651. To waist; looking to r.; dark armour, white collar; baton in r. hand. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 693 SIR HENRY SPELMAN, Kt. Mr. Joseph Walker. P. Van Somer. Learned Antiquary ; b. at Congham, Norfolk, 1561 ; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb., and at Lincoln’s Inn ; devoted himself to antiquarian studies ; his “Glossarium Archaiologicum” is his most valuable work ; d. 1641 ; bu. in Westminster Abbey. Bust to r. ; lace-edged ruff, black dress. “ Bequeathed to Philip, Ld. Hardwick, Ld. High Chan., by E. Spelman.” Canvas, 30 X 23 in. 694 JOHN TRADESCANT, the Younger (1608-1662). Mr.W. Percival Boxall. Horticulturist; b. i6o8 ; son of John Tradcscant of Lambeth, King’s Gardener to Charles 1 . ; assisted in collecting the museum of curiosities known as Tradescant’s Ark, and inherited it from his father ; travelled to Virginia ; collected plants ; bequeathed the collection to Elias Ashmole, who upstairs .'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 685-712). 141 added it to his Museum at Oxford ; d. 22 April, 1662 ; bu. at Lambeth, where his widow erected a monument to the family. To waist ; 1. hand resting on skull ; r. holding a flower ; wreath of flowers on table before him. Canvas, 40 X 29 in. 695 COLONEL THOMAS SANDERS ( -1695). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. George Sandars. Robert Walker. Of Ireton and Caudwell, Co. Derbyshire ; M.P. for that county ; Colonel on the Parliament side in the civil war ; d. 1695. Bust to 1 . ; armour, small white collar, grey hair. Canvas, 29 X 23 in. 696 DOROTHY NORTH, LADY DACRE. Colonel North, M.P. Vandyck. Dau. of Dudley, 3rd Ld. North; 2nd wife of Richard Leonard, 13th Ld. Dacre, in the reigns of Jam. I. and Chas. I. Three-quarter size, standing to r. ; low black dress, rose in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 697 THOMAS LD. COVENTRY, LORD KEEPER (1578-1640). Mr. Thomas Frewen. Cornelius Jansen. A learned Judge; eldest son of Sir Thos. Coventry, Judge of the Comm. Pleas; b. at Earles-croome, Worcestersh. 1578; ent. Baliol Coll. Oxf. 159-; was successful at the Bar; in 1617, Sol.-Gen. and Kt. ; Att.-Gen. 1621, and Ld. Keeper, 1625; crea. Baron Coventry, 1628; supported Charles I. in his views of prerogative; d. at Durham House, Strand, 14 January, 1640. Half-length, standing to 1 . ; black dress, high lace ruff and cuffs ; pre- sented with No. 701 by the Lord Keeper to his kinsman and sec. Thankful Frewen ; signed, “ C. J. fecit, 1629.” Canvas, 46 x 38 in. 698 SIR CHARLES RICH ( -1627). Viscount Dillon. Vandyck. 3rd son of Robert Rich, 3rd Ld. Rich ; brother of Earls of Warwick and Holland, lost his life at the Isle of Rhe, in the expedition under the D. of Buckingham, 1627. Full-length, standing in armour ; 1 . hand resting on table, on which is plumed helmet. Canvas, 75 X 50 in. 699 SIR WALTER PYE. Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bt. Cornelius Jansen. Last Attorney-Gen. of the Court of Wards and Liveries, time of James I. Bust to 1 . ; black dress, lace-edged ruff. Panel, 31 X 25 in. 700 JAMES GRAHAM, MARQUIS OF MONTROSE (1612-1650). Earl of Warwick. Vandyck or Dobson. B. 1618 ; educ. in France ; joined the Covenanters in Scotland, 1637, but afterwards declared for the King, and was victorious at Perth, Aberdeen, 142 SuPPLEMENTATvY COLLECTION. and Inverlochy ; retired abroad on his defeat by Gen. David Leslie, 164; ; re- turned to Scotland with a commission from Charles II. ; was routed at Invercarron, fled into the Highlands, where he was given up by Macleod of Assynt, a former adherent, and executed at Edinburgh, 21 May, 1650. Half-length to r. ; armour, r. hand leaning on truncheon. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 701 ELIZABETH ALDERSEY, LADY COVENTRY. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Thomas Frewen. Cornelius Jansen. Dau. of Jn. Aldersey, Esq. of Spurstow ; marr. 1st, Will Pitchford, Esq. ; and, Thomas, Ld. Coventry, Ld. Keeper of the Great Seal of England in the reign of Charles I., by whom she had 4 sons and 4 daughters. Half-length, standing to r. ; large ruff and cuffs, bl. dress, r. hand on table with scarlet cover ; signed, “ C. J., fecit, 1631.” Canvas, 46 x 37 in. 702 COLONEL EDWARD POPHAM. Mr. F. Leybourne Popham. Cooper. Colonel in the Parliamentary army ; aided the policy of General Monk in securing the restoration of Charles 11. Half-length to 1. ; armour, baton in r. hand. Canvas, 33 X 32 in. 703 COL. LEGGE, “ Honest Will Legge ” (1612-1672). Earl of Dartmouth. Huysman. B. about 1612; sent by his godfather, the E. of Danby, to serve under Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, in Germany ; served afterw. under the Pr. of Orange against the Spaniards in the Low Countries ; after his return Groom of the King’s Bedchamb. ; distinguished himself during the Civil War by his faithful attachm. to the King, on acet. of which he received the surname of “ Honest Will Legge;” wounded and taken pris. at the battle of Worcester ; escaped to the Continent through the assist, of his wife ; returned after the Restora. and was in high favour till his death, 1672. Half-length, standing to 1.; buff coat, crimson sash ; tents and mounted figures in distance to the r.; r. hand resting on cannon. Canvas, 49 X 41 in. 704 JAMES GREGORY, F.R.S. (1638-1675). Mr. John Gregory. Nat. Philosoph. ; b. at Aberdeen, 1638; cduc. at Marischal Coll.; publ. a “ Treatise on Optics,” in which he made known his invent, of the Reflecting Telescope, 1663; travell. on the Continent; pub. at Padua, his “Quadrature of the Circle and Hyperbola,” 1665; after his return, F.R.S. and Prof, of Mathematics at St. Andrews; Prof, of Mathematics at Edin. 1674; suddenly became blind, while showing the Satellites of Jupiter to his pupils, and d. a few days after, Oct. 1675. To waist, showing r. hand, globe to his 1. ; black gown and bands. Can- vas, 29 X 23 in. 705 ISABELLA EDMUNDS, LADY DELAWARE. Countess Dblaw.arr. Vandyck. Dau. and co-heir of Sir Thomas Edmunds, Kt. ; Treasurer of the House- hold to K. Charles I.; marr. Henry, 4th Ld. Delawarr, by whom she had issue, Charles, 5th Ld. Delawarr, who succ. to the Peerage in 1628. Full-length, standing to r. ; low white satin dress, trimmed with lace ; vase, dog, and flowers to her r. Canvas, 84 X 5 1 in. Upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 4 — Nos. 685-712). H3 706 RICHARD MORE, xM.P. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. R. Jasper More, M.P. Cornelius Jansen. M.P. for Bishop’s Castle, .Shropshire. Charles I. Bust, nearly full face ; lace wide-edged collar, black dress ; s. of arms to his 1 . Canvas, 30 by 25 in. 707 PETER TALBOT, TITULAR ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN (1620-1680). Lord Talbot de Malahide. John Riley. An Irish Jesuit; bro. of Col. Rich. Talbot, aftcrw. D. of Tyrconncl; b. 1620 in Dublin; received among the Jesuits in Portugal, 1635 ; took orders at Rome ; lectur. as Profess, at Antwerp ; supposed to be the person who, in 1656, reconciled Chas. 11 . to the Catholic Religion; sent to Engl, to pro- mote the interests of his order; paid his court to Cromwell; opp. Monk’s declar. for the king; fled at the Rcstora. ; ret. to be chapl. of Q. Catharine; crea. titular Archbp. of Dublin by Pope Clement IX. 1669; supp. to be im- plicat. in the Popish plot, 1678 ; imprison, in Dublin Castle, where he d. 1680. Bust, full face ; black clerical dress and cap. Canvas, 28 x 23 in. 708 SIR W. FIELDING, ist E. of DENBIGH ( -1643). Earl of Denbigh. .Son of Basil Fielding, Sheriff of Warwicksh. in 1612; crea. Baron and Viset. Fielding, 1620; E. of Denbigh, 1622; adhered faithfully to Chas. I. on the breaking out of the Civil War; distin. himself in many engagements ; mortal, wound, in a skirm. near Birmingh. 3 Apr. 1643; ^ few days after. Bust to 1 . ; red dress, white collar, long grey hair. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 709 JOHN CLEVELAND ( -1659). Earl of Ellesmere. William Dobson. Political writer in the reign of Charles I. ; supported the cause of the King; joined the Royal Army at the outbreak of the Civil War; was Judge Advocate to tl»c troops garrisoning Newark; subsequently taken prisoner at Norwich, but liberated by Cromwell after some months’ captivity; d. 1659. Bust to r. ; black dress, small white collar, long fair hair. ^Iar'Ked at back, “ P. Lely, H.R.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 710 SIR CHAS. COTTEREL, W. DOBSON, and SIR BALTHAZAR GERBIER, Kt. Duke of Northumberland. William Dobson. Son of Sir Clement, of Wylsford, Lincolnsh. ; groom-porter to James I. ; Master of the Ceremonies under Charles I. Charles II. and James II. 1641-86; during the interregnum, Steward to the Q. of Bohemia ; disting, for his knowledge of Mod. Languages ; translat. during his exile “ Cassandra, the famed Romance,” from the French ; assisted in translat. from the Italian, D’Avila’s ‘‘Hist, of the Civil Wars of France;” D.C.L. Oxf. 1670; resign, his office as Master of the Ceremonies, 1686. WiLi.i.AM Dobson ; painter; b. 1610; studied under Robert, afterw. Sir Robt. Peake ; introduced to Charles I. by Vandyck, and succ. on his d. to the king’s favour, who called him the English Tintoret, and apu. him Sergt. Painter ; in difficulties on the breaking out of the Civil War ; d. in distress, 28 Oct. 1646. Half-length figures; Dobson to the 1 . holcjing sketch in r. hand. Canvas, 39 X 51 m. 144 Supplementary Collection. 71 1 ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, ist MARO. of ARGYLL (1598-1662). LENT BY PAINTER. Duke of Argyll. Statesman and General; son of Archibald, 7th Marq. ; b. 1598; Lord of Sessidn, 1634; sided with the Covenanters, and demanded the abolition of Episcopacy in Scotland. 1638; crea. Marq. 1641 ; joined the Presbyterian army at the outbreak of the civil war; defeated by Montrose at Inverlochie, 1645; acquiesced in the Protectorate of Cromwell; tried for high treason, after the Restoration and beheaded, 27 May, 1662. Bust to 1 . ; black dress, white collar, close black cap. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 712 GERVASE HOLLES. Duke of Portland. Son of Frescheville Holies ; nephew of John, 1st E. of Clare ; marr. Dorothy, dau. of John Kirkton, Esq.; Master of Requests to K. Charles I.r wrote an historical account of the Holies Family. To waist, to 1 . ; buff doublet, small lace-edged collar; dagger to his r. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. FIFTH BAT { Xos . 713/0 742). 713' RICHARD BAXTER. Dr. Williams’s Library. B. at Rowden, Salop, I2 Nov. 1615 ; one of the most remarkable men of his time; respected alike by Churchmen and Presbyterians; Author of “The Saint's Everlasting Rest ;” refused the Bprick of Hereford ; Member of the Savoy Conference; ejected by the Act of Uniformity, 1662; tried before Jeffreys, 1685, for reflections on Episcopacy in his “ Paraphrase on the New Testament.” when he was defend, by J. Wallop ; imprisoned for 18 months ; d. 8 December, 1691. To waist, looking to r. : black cap and dress. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 714 SIR ROGER L’ESTRANGE. Mr. John Bruce. Sir "Peter Lely. Son of .Sir Hamond L’Estrange, a Royalist, time of Charles I.; b. in Norfolk, 1616; educ. in Camb. ; adopted his father’s polit. princip. ; accomp. Charles I. to Scotl. 1839; planned the surprise of Lynn, in Norfolk; was betrayed and sentenced to be shot as a spy, 1644; four years a prisoner m Newgate; escaped and fled to the Continent; returned after the dissolution of the Long Pari. 1653; pardoned by Cromwell; after the Restora. app. Licenser of the Press, edit, the bi-weekly newspapers, “The Public In- telligencer,” and “The News,” 1663, and “The Observator,” 1679, to vin- dicate the measures of the Ct. and the character of the King ; knighted by James 1 1 . 1685 ; but could not agree with him on his measures of toleration ; lost all his appointments, 1687 ; d. 1704. Bust to r. ; reddish dress, large fair wig. 715 ACCEPTED FREWEN, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK (1589-1664). Mr. Thomas Frewen, B. in Kent, 1589; studied at Magdal. Coll. Oxf. of which he became Fell, and Pres.; Chaplain to Charles I. 1631 ; Bp. of Lichfield and Coventiy, 1643; transla. to York at the Restora, 1660; d. 1664. Full-length, seated to 1 .; episcopal robes ; open Bible in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay o — Nos. 713-742). 145 716 SIR JAS. THORNHILL, Kt. M.P. (1676-1734). LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. Samuel Laurence. William Hogarth. Painter ; b. at Weymouth, Dorsetsh. 1676 ; his father being obliged to sell his estate, young Thornhill set out for London, and was aided by Dr. Sydenham, his uncle ; gained some reputation as a histor. painter ; travelled on the Continent, and on his return was patronised by Q. Anne ; decorated the cupola of St. Paul’s, and the saloon and dining-hall at Greenwich Hosp. his payment being at the rate of 40J. the square yard ; full-sized copies of Raffaelle’s Cartoons, executed by him, are now in the Royal Academy ; his dau. marr. Hogarth ; M.P. for Weymouth ; d. 4 May, 1734. Bust, to r. ; reddish dress, long grey hair. Canvas, 29 X 24 in. 717 GEO. GORDON, 2nd MAROUIS OF HUNTLY ( -1649). "" Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Vandyck. Son of Geo. 6th E. and ist Marquis ; succ. to the Marquisate, 1636 ; marr. Lady Anne Campbell, dau. of Archibald, 7th E. of Argyll ; firmly adhered to the cause of Chas. I. during the Rebellion, and was behead, in consequence, 30 March, 1649. Full-length, standing ; cuirass, and lace collar, blue silver-embroidered sash, r. hand resting on stick. Canvas, 71 X 50 in. 718 REV. JOHN HOWE, M.A. (1630-1705). Dr. Williams’s Library. Nonconformist divine ; b. 17 May, 1630, at Loughborough ; educ. at Lancaster, Christ’s Coll. Camb. Brazenose and Magdalen Coll. Oxf. ; Chap, to the Protector and his son; after Restora. resided in Irel. and at Utrecht ; return, to Engl, on James’s declara. for liberty of conscience ; d. 2 Apl. 1705. Bust ; full fair wig, dark gown, white bands. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 719 SIR WM. PURVES, OF Woodhouselee, Kt. Mr. David Laing. Sir Peter Lely. Solicitor-Gen. for Scotland in the reign of George II.; supposed to be the “ Sir William Worthy” of Allan Ramsay’s “ Gentle Shepherd.” Bust to r. ; dark dress, lace cravat, full dark wig. Canvas, 24 x 19 in. 720 JOHN GRAHAM, OF CLAVERHOUSE, VISCOUNT DUNDEE (1650-1689). Mr. Maxtone Graham. B. 1650 ; a cadet of the family of Fintrie ; educ. at St. Andrews ; served in Holland under William, Prince of Orange (afterw. King), whose life he saved at the battle of St. Neff ; on his return home, was appointed to a high command in Scotl. ; crea. Viset. Dundee, 1687 ; at the Revolution, he raised the Highland clans for James, and fought General Mackay at Killiecrankie, where he received his death-wound, 17 June, 1689. Bust to r. ; long dark hair ; within oval cartouche. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 721 FRANCES CROMWELL, LADY RUSSELL (1638- ). Lady Frankland Russell. 4th dau. of the Protector; b. at Ely, 1638; marr. istly, Robert Rich, son l 146 Supplementary Collection. of Lord Rich and grandson of the E. of Warwick ; andly, Sir John Russell, Bart. Three-quarter size, seated ; nearly full face, blue drapery. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 722 ROBERT NELSON (1656-1715). LENT BY PAINTER. Stationers’ Company. Called the “pious” Nelson; b. in Lond. 1766; cduc. at St. Paul’s School and by Dr. Geo. Bull, and at Trift. Coll. Camb. ; Fellow of Roy. Soc. 16S0 ; travelled in company with Dr. Halley ; joined the Nonjurors at the Revolu. ; returned to the Ch. of Engl. 1709 ; attended Archbishop Tillotson in his last illness ; wrote “ Companion for the Fasts and Festivals of the Church of England,” &c ; d. at Kensington, 1715. Bust to 1 . ; fair wig, blue drapery, white cravat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 723 DENZIL HOLLES, LORD HOLLES (1597-1680). Duke of Portland. Politician and Diplomatist; b. at Haughton, Notts, 1597; ent. Parliam. 1627 ; imprisoned for support, the rcsolut. against Popcr)’, and the arbitrary levying of tonnages and poundages, 1629; assisted in the impeachment of Strafford, 1641 ; was one of the “ Five Members” attempted to be arrest, by the King, 1642; afterw. separ. himself from the ruling party and went abroad; created Ld. Holies at the Restor. ; Ambass. to France, 1663; Plenipo. at Breda, 1667 ; notwithstanding his official employment, did not join the Court party, but continued a leader of the Opposition ; d. 1680. To waist ; black surcoat, lace cravat, full wig ; s. of arms to his 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 724 REV. HUGH PETERS (1599-1660). Rev. Dr. Treffry. B. at Fowey, Cornwall, 1599; educ. at Trin. Coll. Camb.; where he studied for the Church, but was expelled for irregular conduct ; joined a com- pany of actors; afterw. officiat. as Lecturer of St. .Sepulchre’s, Lond.; preach, in the cause of Pari, at the outbreak of the civil war and promot. the King's death ; tried for high treason at the Restoration, and executed with the regicides, 1660. Bust, to 1 .; black dress, flat white collar, inscribed with name, and “/Ft. 28, 1627.” Panel, 22 X 19 in. 725 LORD WILLIAM RUSSELL (1639-1683). Duke of Devonshire, K.G. B. 1639 ; eldest surviving son of William, ist Duke of Bedford, bv Anne Carr, daughter of Robert, E. of Somerset ; married, 1667, to Rachel, Lady Vaughan ; M.P. for Bedfordshire in four parliaments, and of the Privy Council, 1679 ; zealously supported the Exclusion Bill ; and in June, 1680, publicly presented the D. of York as a recusant, in Westminster Hall ; carried the Bill up to the House of Lords ; accused of being engaged in the “ Rye House Plot ;” condemned and executed, 21 July, 1683. Three-quarter size ; seated to r., r. hand resting on edge of balcony ; purplish drapery. Canvas, 51 x 41 in. upstairs .'] Eastern Gallery (Bay o — Nos . 713-742;. 147 726 CHRISTOPHER MONK, 2 nd D. OF ALBEMARLE ( -1688). LENT BY PAINTER. Misses Heys. Only son of George Monk, ist D. ; succ. to the Dukedom, 1670; Priv. Coun. and K.G. 1671; went out as Gov.-Gcn. of Jamaica, 1687; d. there, 1688, when all his honours became e.xtinct. Bust to 1 . ; gold enriched cuirass, black wig, lace cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 727 BRIDGET CROMWELL, MRS. IRETON (1624-1681). Lady Frankland Russell. Cornelius Jansen. B. 1624 ; eldest dau. of the Protector and Elizabeth Bourchier ; marr. ist, to Hen. I reton, Ld. Deputy of Ircl. 15 Jan. 1647 {see No. 789) ; and 2nd, to Gen. Charles Fleetwood, Ld. Deputy of Irel. (No. 807) ; she long survived the Restor. ; d. at Stoke Newington and bu. there, 5 Sept. 1681. Bust, to r.; low blue dress, edged with lace; signed “ C. J. fecit, 1638.” Canvas, 34 X 24 in. 728 OLIVER CROMWELL, the “PROTECTOR” (1599-1658). Lady Frankland Russell. Son of Robert Cromwell; b. at Huntingdon, 1599; d. at Hampton Court, 3 September, 1658. Bust, as a child of two years old ; white flat collar, slashed sleeves. Panel, 15 X 13 in. At back, “Picture purchased Jan. 1791, from Mr. Graves, priniseller in Catherine St. to whom Mr. Gerrard, the auctioneer, sold it many years since, among the furniture of Mr. Story, of Greek St. whose mother was waiting- woman to Mrs. Ireton, daughter to Oliver Cromwell. — T. F.” 729 MARY CROMWELL, LADY FAUCONBERG ( -1712)- Lady Frankland Russell. Cornelius Jansen. Third dau. of the Protector ; marr. Thos. Viset. afterw. E. Fauconberg, 1657 ; was supposed to have interested herself in the Restoration of Chas. 11 .; d. March, 1712. Bust, to 1 .; low yellowish dress and blue scarf. Canvas, 29 x 25 in. 730 COUNTESS OF LEICESTER and COUNTESS OF CARLISLE. Mr. Charles Morrison. Vandyck. Half-length, seated, near a fountain ; landscape background. Canvas, 40 X 63 in. 731 HUMPHREY SIDNEY ( -1692). Mr. Deeble Boger. John Riley. Son of Robert, 2nd E. of Leicester and Dorothy Percy, dau. of the E. of Northumberland ; younger brother of Algernon Sidney ; cl. 1692. To waist, towards the r. showing both hands ; black dress, broad white lace-edged collar, slashed sleeves. Canvas, 35 X 28 in. Supplementary Collection. 14B 732 HENRY CROMWELL (1628-1675). LENT BY PAINTER. Lady Frankland Russell. Ld. Dep. of Irel. ; b. 20 Jan. 1628, at Huntingdon; youngest son of the Protector ; educ. at Felstcd ; cnt. Parliamentary Army at sixteen ; accomp. the Protector to quell rebell, in Irel. 1649; sat in Barebones Pari. 1653; marr. 1653, a dau. of Sir Fras. Russell, Bt. ; M.P. for Cambridge University, 1654; Ld. Uep. of Irel. 1657; after the Restor. lived in retirem. at Spinney Abbey, Cambridgesh. where he was visit, by Chas. II., Sept. 1671 ; d. 25 Mar. 1675. Bust, full face ; black dress, long reddish hair. Panel, 23} X i7i in. 733 RICHARD CROMWELL (1626-1712). Lady Frankland Russell. Robert Walker. Second son of the Protector ; b. 4 Oct. 1626 ; succ. his father as Lord Protector of Engl. 3 Sept. 1658 ; abdicated 25 May, 1659 ; travelled on the Continent after the Restoration ; returned to England, 1680 ; d. at Cheshunt, 12 July, 1712. Bust, to r.; black dress, white collar. Canvas, 28 X 23 in. 734 ALGERNON SIDNEY (1620-1683). Earl Spenser, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. 2nd son of Robert, E. of Leicester; b. about 1620; served in Ireland under his brother, Ld. Lisle ; joined the Pari, party in 1643 '< Oov. of Dover ; nominated a member of Court for trial of Charles 1 . but did not serve ; after Restoration, remained abroad till 1677 ; accused of aiding the “Rye House Plot ;” tried before Judge Jeffreys ; executed 7 Dec. 1683. Three-quarter size ; standing to r. ; claret-coloured drapery, collar and under-sleeves white. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 735 COL. SAMUEL MORE, M.P. Mr. R. Jasper More, M.P. Sir Peter Lely. Member of Parliament in the time of the Civil Wars. Bust to 1 . ; long brown wig, lace cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 736 LADY MONTAGUE. Mr. C. Mostyn. Sir Peter Lely. Three-quarter size, seated to r. ; low yellowish draper)', landscape back- ground. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 737 GEO. LEGGE, ist LD. DARTMOUTH ( -1691). Earl OF Dartmouth. Vivian. Naval and Military Officer; eld. son of Col. Wm. Legge (See No. 16) ; cnt. the Navy at 17; served with distinction in the Dutch wars; Gov. of Portsmouth ; Mast, of the Horse and Gent, of the Bedchamb. to James, D. of York, 1673; Col. of a Regt. of Foot and Mast.-Gen. of the Ordn. 1677 ; crea. Baron Dartmouth, 1682; sent as Adml. of the Fleet to demolish Tan- giers, 1683; received ;^io,ooo reward for his services; again app. Adml. of the Fleet, by James IL, to intercept the Pr. of Orange, 1687; depriv. of his offices after the Revolution, and sent to the Tower, where he d. 25 Oct., 1691. Three-quarter size, standing to r. ; resting r. hand on baton ; yellowish dress, white sleeves ; mariner’s compass on table, ships in distance to 1. Canvas, 50 X 41 in. Up-stairs.~\ Eastern Gallery (Bay 5 — Nos. 713-742/ 149 738 COLONEL JOHN TWISLETON. LENT BY PAINTER. Ven. Lord Saye and Sele. D. Mytens. Lived under Charles I. and the Commonwealth; filled the office of High Sheriff of Kent, and was created a Baronet by Cromwell. Full-length, standing ; black dress, lace collar, resting r. hand on white stick ; terrace with chequered pavement ; s. of arms to r. Dated “ 1672, /Et. 58.” Canvas, 84 x 55 in. 739 ANTHONY VERRIO (1634-1707). Marquis of Exeter. A. Verrio. Painter; b. at Naples, 1634; travelled in France; invited to Engl, by Chas. 11 . who employed him in ornament. Windsor Castle, where he execut. most of the ceilings, one side of St. George’s Hall, and the Chapel ; afterw. executed paintings in Cardinal Wolsey’s tombhouse at Windsor, at Burleigh, and at Chatsworth ; was engaged by King William III. to paint the great Staircase at Hampton Court ; d. there, 1707. Bust, to r. ; long dark wig, dark brown drapery. Oval canvas, 30 X 25 in. 740 NELL GWYN (1650-1687). Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Verelst. An “orange-girl” at the theatres; next, a clever and witty actress; at length the mistress of Charles II. and mother of the ist D. of St. Albans; b. 2 Feb. 1650, accord, to Lilly’s horoscope of her nativ. among the Ashmolean Papers, of poor parents in a mean alley, the Coal-yard, off Drury Lane; d. Nov. 1687, aged 37, and left money to the poor, to whom also she had been kind in her life. According to popular tradition she suggested to Chas. II. the founding of Chelsea Hospital. Three-quarter size, seated ; low white drapery, red curtain to her 1 . flower in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 741 JOHN ROBARTES, 2ND Ld. and ist E. of RADNOR. Mr. T. J. Agar Robartes, M.P. Son of Richard Robartes, ist Ld. ; fought in the Pari. Army during the Civil War; was nevertheless well received by Chas. II. after the Restoration ; app. Priv. Coun., Ld. Privy Seal, and Viceroy of Irel. ; known as “a staunch Presbyterian;” created E. of Radnor, 1679; d. 1685. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 . ; peer’s robes, coronet on table to his 1 . Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 742 REV. JOHN HOWE (1630-1705). Mr. Edgar Disney. John Riley. {See No. 718.) Head to r. ; broad white bands, long dark hair. Canvas, 14J X 13 in. SIXTH BAT {Nos. 743 to 773 ). 743 SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE, Kt. (1628-1698). Viscountess Palmerston. Sir Peter Lely. Statesm. and Diplomat.; son of Sir John Temple, Mast, of the Rolls in Irel.; b. in London, 1628; educ. at Eman. Coll. Camb. ; studied chiefly foreign languages; travelled in France, Holland, Germany, 1648-54; next resided with his father in Irel. where he studied hist, and philos. ; elected 150 Supplementary Collection. Mcmb. of the Irish Convention and Irish M.P. i66i ; removed to Engl. 1662 ; sent on a special mission to the Bp. of Munster, 1665 ; app. Resident at the Vice-regal Ct. in Brussels, 1666; establ. his fame by conclud. the Triple Alliance agst. France, and bringing about the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle betw. France and Spain, 1668 ; sent as Ambass. to the Hague, but recalled by the Cabal Ministry, 1669; engaged in negotiat. for a gen. peace in Holland, 1674-79: declin. the office of .Sec. of .State, but mediated betw. King and Pari.; retir. from publ. life, 1681 ; lived at Moor Park, where, assist, by • Swift, he compos, his Memoirs ; highly honoured by King Wm. 111 . although he would not take office; d. at Moor Park, 27 Jan. 1698. To waist, towards 1 . ; dark dress, long dark wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 744 WILLIAM, 6th lord NORTH, and 2nd LORD GREY OF ROLLESTON ( -1734). LENT BY PAINTER, Colonel North, M.P. Son of Charles, 5th Ld. North and 1st Ld. Grey of Rolleston; succ. his father, 1690; served under the D. of Marlborough in all his campaigns and had his right hand shot off at the battle of Blenheim; d. without issue, 1734. Half-length, standing to r. ; scarlet gold-embroidered coat; r. hand resting on baton ; battle scene in distance to his r. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 745 MARGARET WOFFINGTON (1720-1760). Miss Richardson. John Zoffany, R.A. Comic actress ; b. in Dublin, 18 Oct. 1720 ; brought up to the stage by a Madame Violante, a rope-dancer ; appeared first in Dub. ; at Cov. Card. 1738, ^ as “.Sir Harry Wildair,” where her beauty and liveliness won admiration; in Dub. 1742 with Garrick, who addressed a love-song to “my Peggy ;” rival of Mrs. Cibber and Mrs. Bellamy ; struck with paralysis on the stage, 17 May, 1757 ; d. at Teddington, where she was noted for her charities, 28 Ap. 1760. To waist, looking to r.; white dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 746 ARNOLD-JOOST VAN KEPPEL, ist EARL OF ALBEMARLE, K.G. (1669-1718). Lt.-Colonel Keppel. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Desc. from a noble family of Guelderland, in Holland ; son of Oeswalt van Keppel, Ld. of the Voorst ; b. 1669; accomp. the Pr. of Orange on his expedit. to Engl. 1688; crea. by him, when Will. 111 ., Baron Ashford, Viset. Burj', and E. of Albemarle, a town and territory in Normandy ; K.G. ; also Memb. of the Nobles of Holland, Gen. of Horse in the serv. of the States- Gen. ; highly esteemed by King Will., who left him in his will the Lordship of Brevoorst and 200,000 guilders ; d. 30 May, 1718. Bust, to r. ; in armour, long fair wig, white cravat. Canvas, 27 X 23 in. 747 ANNE SCOTT, 2nd COUNTESS and ist DUCHESS OF BUCCLEUCH, DU. of MONMOUTH (1651-1732). Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Sir Peter Lely. 2nd dau. of Francis, 2nd E. of Buccleuch ; b. 1651 ; esteem, the greatest heiress and one of the chief beauties of her time; marr. ist, 1663, James, D. of Monmouth, illegitimate son of Chas. 1 1 . who assumed the name of Scott, and with his Duch. was crea. D. and Duch. of Buccleuch, 1673 ; marr. 2ndly, Charles, 3rd Lord Cornwallis ; d. 6 Feb. 1732. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 . ; low red dress ; pedestal and vase to her 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay ()—Nos. 743~773)- ^5^ 748 REV. WILLIAxM WHISTON (1667-1752). LENT BY PAINTER. Nat. Port. Gallery. Mrs. Hoadly. Thcoloj;ian and mathemat. ; b. at Norton, Lciccstersh. 1667; studied at Clare Hall, Camb. and was chosen Fellow of his Coll.; succ. Sir Isaac Newton as Prof, of Mathemat. 1703; expelled from the Univ. on account of heretical opinions 1710; went to Loud, and opened his own house for public worsh. ; towards the end of his life became a Baptist ; noted by his specu- lations concerning the Millennium and the Restora. of the Jews; d. 1752. Bust to 1. ; black gown and bands, grey hair. Canvas, 21 X 16 in. 749 MARY TUDOR, CNl'SS. of DERWENTWATER Colonel Leslie, K.H. Dau. of King Chas. II. and Mrs. Mary Davis; marr. Francis Radcliffe, 2nd E. of Derwentwater, by whom she became mother of James Radcliffe, the 3rd and last Earl. • , r . 1 , Full-length, standing ; low dress, trimmed with red ostrich-feathers, head- dress of the same, long veil ; garden to the r. Canvas, 83 X 49 in. 750 GEORGE FRED. HANDEL (1684-1759). Sacred Harmonic Society. Denner. Son of an emi.ncnt physician at Halle, in Saxony, where he \vas b. 24 Feb. 1684- intended for the law, but showed, from a child, his passion for rnusic; taught by Fr. Zachau, organist of Halle; comp, sonatas at 10 years of age; went to Hamburg, where he had a duel with Mattheson, a rival musician; produced operas, “ Almeria,” &c. ; visit. Florence, \'enice and Rome, where he became known to Corelli ; went to Hanover, 1710, and found a patron in the Fleeter (Geo. I.); came to London; on the peace of Utrecht, composed, by Q. .Anne’s commands, a “ Te Deum” and “Jubilate;” receiv. a pension, which Geo. I. doubled; wrote many operas; opposed by an Italian faction, with Bononcini, &c. ; produced “Israel in Egypt,” 1738: the Mess. ah,^^ J74.I • went to Dubl. for nine months; produ. Samson, 1742, Jephthah, 1731 became blind in his latter years, but contin. to conduct his oratorios ; d. on Good Friday, 13 April, I759i 6u. in Westminster Abbey, where is his monument by Roubiliac. Bust, to 1.; light wig, drab-coloured coat, white cravat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 751 ROBERT, LORD RAYMOND, Lord Ch. Just. (1673-1732)* (Jray’s Inn. B. 1673 ; son of Sir Thos. Raymond, one of the Just, of the King’s Eenc 1 ; called to the Bar, 1694; M.P. for Lymington, i ^oJ>cito^^^ Atlorney-Gcn. 1720 ; Comm, of the Gt. Seal, 1724 : a 1 uisne Justice of K.B. 1723 ; Ld. Ch. Justice, 1724; crea. Baron Raymond, 1731 ; d. 1732 ; author Th?e°q«arter size, seated to 1. ; robes as Ch. Justice. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 752 JOHN KIRBY (1690-1753). Rev. Kirby Trimmer. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Topographer ; b. at Halesworth, Suffolk, 1690 ; for some time a school- master^at OHord ; afterwards owner of a mill at Wickham Market , mar.. 152 Supplementary Collection. Alice Brown, 1714; known as auth. of the “Suffolk Traveller,” the first topographical work on Suffolk, based on a survey of the county taken by him, 1732-34 ; d. at Ipswich, 13 Dec. 1753; bu. there, at St. Mail’s Tower; grandfather of Mrs. Trimmer (No. ). Bust ; dark blue dress, long white hair. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 753 Dr. FRAN. ATTERBURY, BP. OF ROCHESTER (1662-1731). LENT BY PAINTER. Sir J. S. Trelawny, Bt. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Son of Rev. Lewis Atterbury, Rector of Milton, Bucks; b. there 6 Mar. 1662; educ. at Westminster; elected to Christ Ch. Oxf. ; trans. Dryden’s “.\bsalom and Achitophel” into Latin ; wrote on the origin of the Reforma- tion ; Chaplain to William and Mary, 1694 ; distinguished as a preacher ; engaged in controversy with Dr. Wake (afterwards Archbp.) and with Bp. Hoadly ; aided Hon. Ch. Boyle (No. 172) in his controversy with Bentley (No. 180) on the “Epistles of Phalaris ;” Archd. of Totnes, 1700 ; Can. of Exeter ; Chap, to Q. Anne ; D. of Carlisle, 1704 ; D. of Christchurch, 1711 ; D. of Westminster and Bp. of Rochester, 1713 ; refused to sign the Bishops’ Decla- ration of Allegiance to George 1. ; offered to proclaim the Pretender as King James ; suspected of conspiring in his favour ; committed to the Tower, 1722 ; tried 1723, and banished ; went to Brussels and to Paris, where he died 15 Feb. 1731 ; his body was privately bu. in Westminster ; friend of Pope, Bolingbroke, &c. and an able speaker and writer. • Bust, looking to r. ; black gown and bands. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 754 MRS. MARGAREl' WOFFINGTON (1720-1760). Marquis of Lansdowne. William Hogarth. (6'<’ Privy Councillor, 1736 ; d. 18 April 1746. Full-length, standing, small size, holding hat and stick. Canvas, 22 X 16. 802 SARAH MALCOLM (1711-1733). Lady Jane Dundas. William Hogarth. B. about 1711, in Durham, of a family possessing some independence; her fatheFs extravagance left her without means of support ; she became, when about 22 years of age, laundress at some chambers in the Temple ; acted as charwoman to Mrs. Lydia Duncomb, in Tanfield Court, Temple, and on Sunday morning, 4 Feb. 1733, murdered Mrs. Duncomb, another elderly woman her companion, and a young girl their maid, in their rooms ; convict, and executed opposite Mitre Court, Fleet Street, 7 March, 1733. 1 Full-length, in prison ; seated at table, on which is a rosary ; arms crossed. Canvas, 19 X 15 in. 803 CAPT. THOMAS CORAM (1668-1751). Foundling Hospital. William Hogarth. B. at Lyme Regis about 1668; a Capt. in the Merch. Serv. ; plan, many philanthrop. schemes, particu. in connexion with che colonies of N. America ; estab. the Foundling Hosp.,'incorp. by charter in 1739; hav. by his benevol. exhaust, his means, an annuity was raised for him in his old age; d. 29 Mar. 1751 ; bu. in the Foundling Chapel. Full-length, seated to r. holding seal of hospital charter in his r. hand, globe to 1.; ships in distance ; painted and given by Wm. Hogarth, 1740. Canvas, 94 X 58 in. 804 MAJOR-GEN. JAMES WOLFE (1726-1759). Admiral Warde, K.H. (See No. 776.) Bust, looking to r. ; as a young man ; military uniform ; painted about 1744, for George Warde, of Squerries, afterw. Rt. Hon. Gen. Warde. Canvas, 25 X 19 in. M Supplementary Collection. 162 805 ADMIRAL JOHN BYNG (1704-1757). LENT BY PAINTER. Viscount Dillon. 4th son of Adml. Visct. Torrington; b. 1704; ent. the Navy at an early age, and quickly rose to the rank of Adml. of the White; was sent in 1756 with a fleet of 13 ships and 5 frigates to drive the French from Minorca, in which he was unsuccessful ; tried by Ct. Martial on his ret. and condemned to death, but recom. to mercy ; shot at Portsmouth, in spite of the recom. of the Ct. 14 March, 1757. To waist, r. hand in coat breast ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 X 23J in. 806 MRS. WOLFE. Admiral Warde, K.H. Thomas Hudson. Wife of Lieut.-Gen. Edw. Wolfe; mother of Major-Gen. Wolfe, the hero of Quebec. Three-quarter size, standing ; low yellowish dress, flower in r. hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 807 REV. THOMAS REID (1710-1796). Mr. John Gregory. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A., P.R.S.A. Metaphysician ; b. at Strachan, Kincardinesh. ; educ. at Marischal Coll., Aberdeen ; Librarian to the Univ. ; minister at New Machar, Aberdeen, 1737 ; Prof, of Mor. Philos. King’s Coll., Aberdeen, 1752 ; succ. Adam Smith as Prof, at Glasgow, 1764; pub. 1764 “An Inquiry into the Human Mind,” and other works ; d. 7 Oct. 1796. Bust, seated ; black dress, red cap. Canvas, 29 x 24 in. 808 JOHN ROBERT COZENS (1752-1799). Mr. Thomas Smith. R. E. Pine. Son of Alexander Cozens, a landscape-painter and drawing-master in London ; b. 1752 ; followed his father’s profession ; trav. with Mr. Beckford in Italy ; exhibited in 1776, “ Hannibal in his March over the Alps,” an oil- painting much studied and admired by Turner; excelled in water-colour painting, chiefly representing Italian views ; d. 1799. Head, three-quarter size to 1 .; dark blue dress ; date at back, “1773.” Oval canvas, 22 J X 19. EIGHTH BAT {Nos. 809 to 842). 809 GEORGE MICHAEL MOSER, R.A. and his Daughter MARIA (Mrs. Lloyd), R.A. Mr. G. Cubitt, M.P. Geo. Michael Moser; b. at Schaffhausen, 1704; settled in Lond. about 1726; conducted a private sch. of painting; was one of the foundation mem- bers, and First Keeper of the Roy. Acad.; chiefly disting, as an enameller and ornamentist ; d. in London, 1 773. Maria Moser; b. in London, 1744; studied Art; became known as a flower and fruit painter, and was admitted R.A. ; d. 1819. Full-length, standing in blue gown, his dau. Maria seated to his 1 . in white dress, with dog at her feet. Canvas, 29 X 29 in. 810 MRS. HARTLEY (1751-1824). Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Actress ; early went on the stage and played in the northern count. ; appear, w ith success at Edin. ; came to London, acted “ Lady Jane Grey,” “ Elfrida,” upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 8 — Nos. 809-842). 163 “ Calista,” &c. ; was the original “ Lady Touchwood noted for her beauty, and frequently sat to Sir J. Reynolds ; d. at Woolwich, i Feb., 1824. Half-length ; standing in landscape, carrying her child on her shoulder. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 81 1 JOHN JAMES MASQUERIER (1778-1855). LENT BY Painter. Miss Burdett Coutts. J. J. Masquerier. Portrait-painter ; b. of French parents in London, 1778 ; studied in Paris, where he was a pupil of Vernet; returned to England, and settled as a portrait-painter in London; d. 1855. Half-length ; as a young man ; standing at table, with port crayon in r. hand ; dark dress ; dated at back “ 1795.” Canvas, 44 X 34 in. 812 WILLIAM FALCONER, M.D. (1743-1824). Mr. j. a. Roebuck, M.P. Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A. Physician; b. at Chester, 1743; settled at Bath, where he became phy- sician to the Hosp. ; pub. “Essay on the Bath Waters,” “Remarks on the Influence of Climate on Man,” &c. ; d. at Bath, 1824. Bust, to r., small size ; tie wig, blueish grey coat ; stated at back to have been drawn when the artist was about 16. Oval, crayon, paper, iiJ X 9J in. 813 DOWTON, THE Comedian, and MISS JONES. Rev. j. E. Waldy. G. Clint, A.R.A. Actor; son of an innkeeper at Exeter ; b. 25 April, 1764; came to Lond. from Cumberland in 1796; made his debut as “Sheva;” was most felicitous in repres. testy old age, “ especially when extreme rage was combined with extreme kindness of heart;” “ Sir Anthony Absolute” and “Dr. Cantwell” were among his best characters ; d. at Brighton, 19 April, 1851. Heads, small size ; Miss Jones in centre ; two portraits of Dowton, one profile, one full face. Oval, each, 7 x 5 in. 814 ADMIRAL SIR RD. ONSLOW, Bt. (1741-1817). Miss Lewis. 2nd son of Speaker Onslow ; b. 1741 ; ent. the Navy when young; chiefly served on the N. Amer. and W. Indian stations ; Rear-Adm. 1792 ; disting, himself, as second in command, under Adm. Duncan, in defeating the Dutch at Camperdown, 1727 ; crea. Bart, for his services there; Adm. of the White, 1871 ; retir. from the service, 1805 ; d. at Southampton, 27 Dec. 1817. Bust ; small size to 1 . ; light blue coat. Oval, paper, 10 x 8 in. 815 HENRIETTA VERNON, CSS. of WARWICK, AND Children. Earl of Warwick. George Romney. Maternal grand-dau. of John, ist E. Gower; dau. of Richd. Vernon, Esq.; marr. in 1776, George, 2nd E. of Warwick, by whom she had 3 sons and 6 daughters ; d. 1838. Full-length, seated on crimson chair, with children beside her, the boy standing and holding a hoop. Canvas, 80 X 61 in. 816 MARGARET BURR, AIRS. GAINSBOROUGH. Mr. William Sharpe. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Sister of a young man who aided the business of Mr. John Gainsborough, father of the painter ; she was remarkable for her beauty, and Gainsborough, then about 1 8 years of age, painted her portrait ; married soon arfter ; she survived him. Bust to 1 ., showing 1 . hand ; low dress, white scarf ; woodbine to 1 . Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 164 Supplementary Collection. 817 LORD WILLIAM CAMPBELL ( -1776). Miss Campbell Johnstone. 1 'homas Gainsborough, R.A. 4th son of John, 4th D. of Argyll and Mary Bellenden, dau. of John, 2nd Ld. Bellenden ; Governor of Nova Scotia, and last Royal Governor of South Carolina ; marr. Sarah, dau. of Ralph Izard, of South Carolina, by whom he had one son and two daughters ; d. 5 Sept. 1776. Bust, showing r. hand, full face, blue coat, gold lace edge. Canvas, 30 X 25. 818 SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A. (1723-1792). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Brownlow. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Rev. Samuel Reynolds, master of the Gram. School at Plympton Earl, Devonshire ; b. 16 July, 1723 ; began to draw and paint in his child- hood ; bound apprentice to Thomas Hudson, portrait - painter, 1740, but remained under him only two years ; ret. to Devonshire and painted portraits at Plymouth ; visited Portugal, Spain, Algiers, and Italy, 1749-1752 ; 1st Pres, of Roy. Acad, and Kt. ; delivered his “ Discourses,” 1769-90 ; mem. of Johnson’s Literary Club; friend of Burke, Garrick, Goldsmith ; D.C.L. Oxf. ; painter to the King, 1784; d. at 47 Leicester Square, 23 Feb. 1792, his sight having previously failed ; bu. publicly in St. Paul’s Cathedral, where is a monument to him by Flaxman. He is stated to have painted more than 1 500 portraits, including the most eminent Englishmen and beau- tiful women of his time. Bust to 1 . ; full face, wearing spectacles, dark plum-coloured coat. Panel, 30 X 25 in. 819 HY. 3RD D. OF BUCCLEUCH, and 5th D. OP' OUEENSBERRY, K.G., K.T. (1746-1812). Duke of Buccleuch, K.C. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Grandson of Francis, 2nd D. ; b. 13 Sept. 1746; marr. Eliz. dau. of Geo. D. of Montagu, 1767; succ. at the decease of William, 4th D. of Queensbcrr>’, as 5th D. of Queensberry, in virtue of an entail executed by the 2nd D. of Oueensberry; d. ii Jan. 1812. ~ Three-quarter size, standing in landscape ; black dress, with arms round terrier dog. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 820 RT. HON. EDMUND BURKE (1730-1797). Rev. Charles Burney. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Statesman, Orator, and Writer ; son of Richard Burke, an attorney ; b. in Dub. i Jan. 1730 ; educ. at Ballitore, co. Kildare, and Trin. Coll. Dub. ; entered at the Mid. Temple, 1747 ; pub. his “Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful;” planned the “Annual Register,” 1758; M.P. for Wendover, sup- port. Ld. Rockingham ; vis. France, 1772 and 1773 ; M.P. for Bristol, where he delivered his remarkable address to the electors ; proposed his plan of Economical Reform, 1780 ; Privy Counc. 1782 ; joined the “Coalition” Ministry ; spoke on the India Bill ; in oppos. to Mr. Pitt from 1783 ; opened the prosecution of Warren Hastings, 1786; pub. his “Reflections on the French Revolution,” 1790; separated from his friend Mr. Fox, 1791 ; pub. his “Letter to-a Noble Lord,” 1796; d. 9 July, 1797, at Beaconsfield, Bucks. Bust to r. ; light plum-coloured coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 821 MRS. FITZHERBERT (1756-1837). Earl Fortescue. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. .Maria Anna, youngest dau. of Walter Smythe, of Bambridge, Hants ; b. 26 July, 1756 ; marr. ist, Edward Weld of Lulworth Castle, who d. the same upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 8 — Nos. 809-842). it>5 year, 1775 ; 2nd, in 1778, Thos. Fitzhcrbeit of Swinnerton, co. Stafford, who • d. 1781 ; said to have been mar. in 1785 to Geo. P. of Wales ; d. at Brighton, 27 March, 1837. To waist, seated to r. resting head on r. hand ; low dress. Canvas, 30 X 25. 822 MARY LLOYD, CNTSS. ROTHES ( -1820). lent by painter. Mr. J. H. Hollway. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Mary, Countess of Haddington, by Mr. Lloyd, her first husband ; 2nd wife of the 8th E. of Rothes; marr. 2ndly. 1770, Bennet Langton, Esq., of Langton ; d. 1820. , . . Half-length, standing to 1., 1. hand extended ; crimson fur-trimmed dress blue sash; lands cape background Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 823 REV. JOHN HOME (1724-1808). Lord Binning. Sir H. Raeburn, A.R., P.R.S.A. Dramatist and Historian; b. near Ancrum, Roxburghsh. 1724; educ. for the Church; ent. the Royal army during the Rebellion of 1745 ; and was taken prisoner in the battle of Falkirk, 1746 ; ordained as minister in East Lothian, 1750; achieved great popularity by his tragedy of “Douglas,” performed at Edinb. in 1756, but gave offence to the Presbytery, and had to resign his living ; was less successful with some other plays and a “ History of the Rebellion of i745“^ To waist, seated to r. ; r. hand extended ; landscape in distance to his r. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 824 GEO. AUG. SELWYN (1719-1791), GEO. JAMES WILLIAMS (1719-1805), AND RICHD. EDGCUMBE. Lord Taunton. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. G. A. Selwyn ; 2nd son of Col. Selwyn of Matson, near Gloucester ; b. II Aug. 1719; educ. at Eton, and ent. Hertford Coll. Oxf., whence he was expelled for an irreverent jest ; M.P. 1747 ; held various Gov. appoint- ments ; his elder bro. having died, he succ. his father in his estates, 1751 ; d. 25 Jan. 1791. A man of wit and social celebrity; intimate friend of Walpole, Ld. March (D. of Queensbury), and the wits of his day. George James Williams, “ Gilly Williams,” as he was called, son of William Peere Williams, a lawyer of some note; b. 1719; his niece marr. Lord North the minister; appointed Receiver-Gen. of Excise, 1774; the intimate friend of Walpole, Selwyn, and Edgeumbe ; d. at his house in Cleveland Court, St. James’s, 28 Nov. 1805, aged 86. Three-quarter size figures ; small size in library ; Edgcambe with pen- cil in hand, Selwyn standing to the 1. with open book in r. hand. Canvas, 21 X 33 in. 825 PRINCESS AMP:LIA (1783-1810). Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). Sir I hos. Lawrence, P.R.A. 15th child of K. Geo. III. and Q. Charlotte ; b. 7 Aug. 1783 ; d. 2 Nov. 1810; bu. in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. To waist, as a child, lookingto 1.; rosebud in 1. hand. Oval, canvas, 21 x I7- 826 GEORGE MONTAGU, 2nd E. of HALIFAX, Dictating to his Secretaries, EDWARD SEDGWICK AND LOVELL STANHOPE. Sir G. R. Osborn, Bt. John Zoffany, R.A. George Montagu, son of George Montagu, 2nd Lord and ist E. of Halifax; filled the offices of First Ld. of the Admlty., Ld. Lieut, of Ircl. and Supplementary Collection. 1 66 .Sec. of State in the reigns of Geo. II. and Geo. III.; assumed the surname of Dunk on his wife’s succ. to the estates of Sir Thomas Dunk; d. 1772. Full-length figures, small size ; seated at table, Lord H. holding paper in 1 . hand. Dated, ‘‘ 1765,” on box to the r. Canvas, 26 x 31 in. 827 JAS, Vise. GRIMSTON, with Brother and Sisters. LENT BV PAINTER. Earl of Verulam. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Three-quarter size ; figures in landscape, with dog and gun ; Lord Grimston handing a partridge to his sister, who is seated with flowers in her lap. Canvas, 72 X 83 in. 828 MRS. MARY ROBINSON, “Perdita” (1758-1800)- Mr, Isaac Espinasse. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. {See No. 6.) To waist, full face; low dress, high powdered hair. Oval, canvas, 29 X 24 in. 829 BENNET LANGl'ON (1737-1801). Mr. J. H. Hollway. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Friend of Dr. Johnson; b. at Langton, Lincolnsh. 1737; came to Lond in 1752, for the purpose of making the acquaintance of Dr. Johnson, whose “ Rambler” he had read with admiration ; stud, at Trin. Coll. Oxf. ; marr. in 1770, Mary, Dowager Count, of Rothes; contin. in close friendship with Dr. Johnson, whom he succ. as Prof, of Ancient Literature at the Royal Acad.; d. 10 Dec. 1801. Three-quarter size ; seated to 1 ., resting head on r. hand, large book on table beside him. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 830 SIR CHARLES TOWNLEY, Kt. Mr. Charles Towneley. Thomas Frye. York, Norroy, and Clarencieux Herald-at-Arms, 1735-55; *760; Garter King-at-.Arms, 1774; d. 8 June, the same year. Half-length, standing ; herald’s tabart, patent with seal in 1 . hand. Can- vas, 36 X 28 in. 831 REV. ROBERT POTTER (1721-1804). Miss Conway Griffith. George Romney. Poet and Classical Scholar; b. 1721 ; educ. at Camb. ; held the livings of Lowestoft and Kessingland, and a Prebend in the Cathedral of Nor^vich; pub. “Poems;’’ translated Aischylus, Sophocles, and Euripides; d. 1804. Bust to r. ; black coat, full bottomed wig. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 832 MISS HEYWOOD, MRS. MUSTERS. Mr. S. B. Robertson. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. and co-heir of James Modyford Heywood, Esq. of Maristow, co. Devon; marr. in 1777, John Musters, Esq. of Colwisk ; described in Miss Burney’s diarj- of 1779, as “the present beauty, whose remains our children may talk of, an exceedingly pretty woman, the reigning toast of the season.” To waist ; seated, profile to 1 ., resting on 1 . arm, low ermine-trimmed dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 833 REV. WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. ARCHDEACON OF CARLISLE (1743-1805). Earl of Ellenborough. George Romney. Son of a clerg> man ; b. near Peterborough, July 1743 ; entered a Sizar .at Chr. Coll. Camb. ; Senior Wrangler, 1763; Fell. 1766; Rector of Appleby, 1777; Preb. of Carlisle, 1780; Archdeacon, 1782; pub. his Moral and Polit. Philos. 1785 ; exerted himself with Mr. Clarkson for the abolition of upstairs.'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 8 — Nos. 809-842). 167 the slave-trade ; pub. “Horae Paulinae,” 1790; “ Evidences of Christianity,” 1794 ; Preb. of St. Paul’s ; Rector of Bishop Weamiouth, 1795 ; pub. “ Nat. Theology,” 1802 ; d. 25 May, 1805. Three-quarter size ; standing to 1 . ; black dress and hat, holding fishing- rod and line in his hand ; river in distance to his 1 . Canvas, 52 X 46 in. 834 RICHARD WILSON, R.A. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. P'. Clare Ford. R. Wilson, R.A. or R. Mengs. Painter ; son of a clergyman ; b. at Pinegas in Montgomerj'sh. i Aug. 1714 ; was placed under a portrait-painter named Wright, and until his 36th year lived by portrait-painting, when he went to Italy, and remained there si.x years ; Zuccarclli, whom he met at Venice, and Vernet at Rome, saw his talents for landscape-painting ; ret. to London ; exhib. “ Niobe,” 1760 ; an original R.A., 1768 ; librarian R.A. ; his great works did not sell well in his lifetime, and until he inherited some property he was often in poverty ; d. in Denbighsh. 1782; bu. at Mold, Flintshire. To waist ; seated to 1 ., palette and brushes in 1 . hand ; dark crimson gown. Given by the artist to Benjamin Booth. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 835 PRINCE HOARE (1755-1834). Mr. J. Bonomi. Hoare Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Wm. Hoare, R.A. Bath ; b. 1755 ; studied at the Roy. Acad, and at Rome ; did not succeed as an artist ; turned to liter, and wrote some operas and works on Art; app. Assist.-Sec. for Foreign Corresp. to the Roy. Acad. 1799; d. 1834. Head, profile to r. ; powdered hair. Canvas, 25 X 21 in. 836 MRS. M. ROBINSON (“Perdita”) as “ Fenella.” Earl Granville, K.G. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. {See No. 6.) Bust, profile to r. ; low dress, powdered hair. Canvas, 24 X 19 in. 837 DAVID GARRICK and his WIFE. .Mr. W. O. Forster, M.P. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. For Garrick, see No. 774. Ev.a .Maria Violette, Mrs. Garrick, of a Viennese family ; educ. as a dancer ; her name was Veigel, and she assumed that of Violette by command of the Emp. Maria Theresa ; first appeared at Drury Lane, Dec. 1746 ; marr. 22 June, 1749, David Garrick ; whom she survived 43 years, dying suddenly 10 Oct. 1822, in the 98th year of her age. Three-quarter size; seated in landscape; Garrick holding book in r. hand. Canvas, 54 X 66 in. 838 JOSEPH BONOMI, A.R.A. ( -1808). Mr. j. Bonomi. J. F. Rigaud, R.A. An Italian architect, who settled in Lond. about 1767 ; became the friend of Sir Josh. Reynolds, and A.R.A. ; built the D. of Argyle’s palace at Rose- neath, Scotl. and the Rom. Cath. Chapel, Manchester Sq. ; d. 1808. To waist ; seated to 1 . ; port crayon in r. hand, compasses in 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 839 GUSTAVUS HAMILTON, 2nd VISCT. BOYNE (1710-1746). Viscount Boyne. William Hogarth. {See No. 801.) Full-length, small size figures ; night scene, coach with link boys, one trying to steal gold-laced hat, lacquey with lantern. Canvas, 36 X 28. Supplementary Collection. 1 68 840 ROBERT, 2ND EARL, and ist MARQUIS OF LENT BY WESTMINSTER (1767-1845). painter. Marquis of Westminster, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Sir Rich. Grosvenor, isl Baron Grosvenor, Visct. Bclgrave, and E. of Grosvenor; b. 22 Mar. 1767 ; crea. Marq. of Westm. Sept. 1831 ; d. 1845. Bust ; nearly full face, looking to 1 . ; brown coat. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 841 DOROTHY BLAND, MRS. JORDAN (1762-1816). Rev. Joseph Thackeray. Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.A- (^See No. 108.) Half-length, standing to r. ; high dark dress, short slashed sleeves. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 842 RICHARD LOVELL EDGEWORTH and Family. Mr. M. P. Edgeworth. Adam Buck. Group of 12 miniature figures sitting round a table ; signed, “Adam Buck, 1787.” Oval, crayon, paper, 15J X loj in. NINTH BAT {Nos. 843 /o 867). 843 AUG. KEPPEL, ADM. VISC. KEPPEL (1725-1786). Nat. Port. Gallery. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. 2nd son of Wm. E. of Albemarle; b. 1725; ent. the service when young; accomp. Anson round the world, 1740-45; became Commodore, 1752 ; Rear- Adml. of the Blue, 1761 ; Ld. of the Admlty. 1765 ; Adml. 1778; fought the indecisive battle of Ouessant against the French, 1778, when he was accused by Sir Hugh Palliser of incapacity, but acquitted, Feb. 1779; received the thanks of both Hous. of Pari, for his services; crea. V'isct. Keppel, 1782; twice First Ld. of the Admlty. 1782-84; retir. on the access, of Pitt; d. unmarr. 1786. Half-length, standing to r. ; naval uniform, r. hand resting on sword. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 844 COL. JOHN DYKE ACLAND ( -1778). Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of Sir Thomas Acland, Bart., and Eliz. only dau. of Thomas Dyke, Esq. of Tetton; Major of the 20th Regt. of Foot and Col. of the Battalion of the Devonshire Militia ; d. 1778. Thrcc-ciiiarter size, standing ; looking to r. leaning on a pedestal under a tree ; red dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 845 LADY EMILY EARDLEY and CHILD, afterw. LADY SAYE and SELF. Ven. Lord Saye and Sele. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Maria Marow, Lady Eardley ; dau. of Rt. Hon. Sir Jn. Eardley Wilmot, Chief Just, of the Com. Pleas ; and wife of Sampson Gideon, ist Baron Eardley, whom she marr. 6 Dec., 1766; d. i Mar., 1794. Her eld. dau., Maria Marow, marr. Geo. William, Ld. Saye and Sele, 8 Sept., 1794; d. 5 Sept., 1834. Full-length, standing; in landscape, holding infant child. Canvas, 90 X 61 in. 846 AUGUSTUS KEPPEL, ADMIRAL VISC. KEPPEL. Rev. W. a. W. Keppel. George Romney. (See 843.) Bust, looking to r. ; naval uniform. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. upstairs .'] Eastern Gallery (Bay 9 — Nos . 843-867). 169 847 RT. HON. SIR JOHN SKINNER, LD. CH. BARON (1723-1805). LENT BY PAINTER. Lincoln’s Inn. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. B. at Milton, Oxfordsh. 1723; K.C. and Attorn, of the Duchy of Lane. 1771 ; M.P. for Woodstock, 1768 and 1774; Ch. Bar. of the Ct. of Excheq. 1777; resigned his office on account of ill-health, and was made Priv.- Counc. 1787; d. at Milton, 26 Nov. 1805. Three-quarter size ; seated in scarlet ermined robes as Ld. Ch. Baron, L hand resting on large book. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 848 SIR THOMAS ACLAND, Bt. ( -1785). Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bt. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of Sir Hugh, 6th Bart ; niarr. Elizabeth, only dau. and heiress of Thomas Dyke, Esq. of Tetton, Somerset; d. 24 Feb. 1785. Three-quarter size, seated to 1 . in landscape ; 1 . hand resting on head of large dog, whip in r. ; dated in front, “ 1767.” Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 849 ELIZAB. GUNNING, DUCHS. of HAMILTON AND AFTERWARDS OF ARGYLL ( -I790). Sir W. G. Gordon-Cumming, Bt. Gavin Hamilton. Dau. of John Gunning, Esq. of Castle Coote, co. Roscommon, and sister of Maria, Countess of Coventry (No. 441); celebrated for her beauty ; marr. ist, 1752, James Douglas, 6th D. of Hamilton, and was mother of James, 7th Duke, and Douglas, 8th D. of Hamilton ; marr. 2nd, 3 March, 1759, John Campbell, 5th D. of Argyll, and was mother of George, 6th Duke, and John, 7th D. of Argyll ; created Baroness Hamilton, 1776 ; d. 20 Dec. 1790. To waist ; low dress, full face. Canvas, 25 x 21 in. 850 COUNTESS. OF AYLESFORD ( -1832). Mr. C. Wynne Finch. • John Hoppner, R.A. To waist, full face, seated ; gloved hands folded in front. Dated at back, “ 1790.” Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 851 RT. HON. GEO. BRUDENELL, D. of MON'FAGU ( -1790)- Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Fourth E. of Cardigan, last D. of Montagu ; on his marriage with Lady Mary Montagu, dau. and co-heir of John, 2nd D. assumed the surname and arms of Montagu ; crea. Marq. of Monthermer and D. of Montagu, 1766 ; Gov. of Windsor Castle, Priv. Counc. and K.G.; also Gov. of George, Prince of Wales, and Frederick, Duke of York ; d. 23 May, 1790, when the Dukedom became extinct. Three-quarter size ; standing to r. ; crimson dress, star and ribbon K.G., lace cravat and ruffles. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 852 GRACE NORTON, CTSS. OF PORTSMOUTH ( -1813)- Lord Grantley. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Fletcher Norton, ist Ld. Grantley ; in 1799 marr. John Charles, 3d E. of Portsmouth ; d. without issue, 15 Nov. 1813. To waist ; seated, resting head on 1 . hand ; low blue dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. Supplementary Collection. 170 853 GEORGE ROMNEY, and his Father. LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Warwick. George Romney. (For Cicorge Romney, sfe ). Father of George Romney, the Painter; Builder, Merchant, and Farmer, at Dalton-le- Furness, Lancashire, where ', Queen of Scots,” with reference to which he was addressed by Robert Burns in the lines beginning — “ Revered defender of beauteous Stuart;” d. 1792. Bust ; black broad-brimmed hat, and bL coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. ‘ -Li 874 ROBERT WOOD (1716-1771). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl of Ellesmere. Raffaele Mengs. Politician and Scholar; b. at Riverstown, co. Meath, 1716; made the tour of Greece and Palestine, 1751; app. Und. Sec. of State, 1759; wTOte “ The Ruins of Baalbec,” “ The Ruins of Palm\Ta,” and an “ Essay on the Genius and Writings of Homer,” pub. after his death; d. 1771. To waist, showing r. hand ; fur-lined red dress. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 875 WILLIAM CONYNGHA.M PLUNKET, aft. LD. PLUNKET (1764-1854). Hon. and Rev. W. C. Plunket. Ha.milton. Ld. Chan, of Ireland; son of a Presb>'terian Minister at Enniskillen; b. 1764; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dubl. ; called to the Bar, 1787; foremost in oppos. the Union as M.P. in the Irish Ho. of Commons; conducted the prosecution of Emmett, 1803; Att.-Gen. for Irel. 1807; M.P. for Dublin Univers. 1812; distin. himself as a Pari. Orator; supp. Catholic Emancipa.; raised to the Peerage, 1827; Ld. Chanc. of Ireland, 1830; resign, his office, 1841 ; d. 1854. To waist, seated; nearly full face, arms folded, showing 1. hand, black coat, signed “ H. Hamilton.” Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 876 PETER BURROWES, M.P. (1752-1841). Mr. Peter Burrowes. B. at Pontarlington, 1752 ; educ. at Trin. ColL Dublin ; called to the Irish Bar, 1785 ; entered the Irish Pari, as Member for Enniscorthy, 1799 J was among the most zealous opponents of Ld. Castlereagh on the Union question ; acted as counsel for Robt. Emmett, on his trial for high treason ; app. first Judge of the Insolvent Ct. 1821 ; resign. 1835 ; d. 1841. To waist ; lawyer's wig and gown. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 877 ADMIRAL EARL HOWE (1725-1799). Trinity House. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd suniving son of Emanuel, 2nd ViscL ; b. 1725 ; educ. at Eton ; ent. the Navy at 14 ; Post-Capt. for his defeat of two French ships bearing suc- cours to the young Pretender, 1745 : succ. his brother the 3rd Viset. 1758; defeated a French squadron and took two of the vessels, 1759; Ld. of the .Adm. 1763 ; Treas. of the Na^y, 1765 ; M.P. for Dartmouth ; Comman. the Fleet, and Commiss. for the pacificat. of .America. 1776; engaged successfully the French squadron under D'Estaing off Rhode Island, 1778 ; crea. Viset. Howe, 1782 ; relieved Gibraltar, 1782 ; E. 1788 ; in Comm, of the Channel Fleet ; gain^ the victory of i June, 1794, over the French off the west coast of France ; suppressed the Mutiny at the Nore, 1797 ; K.G. 1797 ; d. 5 Aug. •799; bu. at Langar, Notts. Monument in St. Paul’s. Known amongst the sailors as “ Black Dick,” from his complexion. Full-length, standing; naval uniform; 1. hand on pedestal, holding sword. Canvas, 96 X 59 in. upstairs.'] Eastern Corridor {Nos. 868-885). 175 878 JOHN WILKES, M.P. (1727-1797). LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. S. Empson. R. E. Pine. Son of Nathaniel Wilkes, a Distiller in St. John Street, Clerkenwell ; b. there 17 Oct. 1727 ; went with a tutor to Leyden ; marr. 1749, Miss Mead, of a Buckinghamsh. family, from whom he was separ. 1757 ; Col. of the Bucks Militia ; M.P. for Aylesbury 1757, and again 1761 ; comm, his paper, “The North Briton,” 1762 ; attack, the King^s Speech, Apr. 1763, and was commit, to the Tower on a general warrant ; released on plea of privilege ; general warrants declared by Ch. Just. Pratt illegal ; e.xpell. from Ho. of Commons, and outlawed ; M.P. for Middlesex, 1768 ; impris. in King’s Bench ; again expelled the House, and on his re-election declared incapable of election ; large subscriptions made for payment of his fines and debts ; discharged from prison, 1770; again M.P. for Middlesex, 1772 ; Ld. Mayor of London, 1774 ; had the resolution of the House of Commons declaring him incapable of election expunged, 1782 ; d. 26 Dec. 1797 ; bu. in Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley St. ; pub. political pamphlets, speeches, and letters ; brought out handsome edit, of Theophrastus and Catullus. Three-quarter size ; seated at table to r. with pen in r. hand, roll of paper, books, and pedestal, to his r.; signed “ R. E. Pine Pinx. 1768.” Canvas, 50 X 40 in. ■) S’ I^OC Z I'crX . 879 EDMUND LAW, BP. OF CARLISLE (1703-1787). Earl of Ellenborough. George Romney. B. at Cartmek Lancash. 1703; educ. at St. John’s Coll. Camb. ; app. Bp. of Carlisle, 1769; author of “ Considerations of the Theory of Religion,” “ Enquiry into the ideas of Space, Time, &c.” “ Life of John Locke;” d. 1787. Three-quarter size, seated to 1.; black clerical dress; holding hat in 1. hand, stick in r. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 880 CHARLES CALLIS WESTERN, LD. WESTERN, and HIS Brother, the Rev. SHIRLEY WESTERN, as Boys. Sir Thos. Western, Bt, M.P. J. S. Copley, R.A. Ld. Western, son of Charles Western, Esq.; b. at Rivenhall, Essex, 9 Aug. 1767; many years M.P. for Essex and Maldon; crea. Ld. Western, 1833 ; d. unmarr. 4 Nov. 1844, when the peerage became extinct. Rev. Shirley Western, younger brother of Ld. Western. Three-quarter size figures as young men, one with sketch-book, the other, Shirley Western, playing with dog. Canvas, 49 X 62 in. 881 JOHN FITZGIBBON, ist E. OF CLARE, Lord Chan, of Ireland (1749-1802). Statesman and Judge ; b. 1749; educ. at Trin. Coll. Dublin, and at Oxf.; called to the bar ; rose rapidly till he became Lord Chancellor and Baron Fitzgibbon, 1789 ; E. of Clare, 1795 ; promoted the Union ; d. 28 Jan. 1802. 882 JAMES QUIN (1693-1766). Duke of Cleveland, K.G. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Actor; son of a barrister of Irish family ; b. in King St. Cov. Garden, 1693; went on the stage in Dublin, 1714: next appeared at Dair>’ Lane, where Booth and Cibber were acting ; played with success in tragedy and comedy, but especially as “Falstaff;” a rival of Garrick, and a noted bon vivant and wit ; gave liberal aid to Thomson the poet, who calls him the Supplementary Collection. 176 “yEsopus of the age d. at Bath, 21 Jan. 1766. Garrick wrote the epitaph on his monument in Westminster Abbey. Full-length, seated to the 1 . looking to r.; book in r. hand ; dark gold laced dress. Canvas, 92 x 60 in. B83 PARSONS AND MOODY in the “ West Indian.” LENT BY PAINTER. Mrs. P. Martineau. J. H. Mortimer (For Parsons, see No. 783). Moody ; the best actor of Irishmen in his time; son of a hairdresser in Cork, named Cochrane; changed his name to that of Moody; ran away to Jamaica, where he played the leading tragic characters for some years; first earned applause in Covent Garden by his performance of “Captain O’Cutter,” in the “Jealous Wife,” 1759; succeeded as “ Maj. O’Flaherty,” in Cumberland’s “West Indian,” and “Sir Patrick O’Neale” in the “Irish Widow;” also performed as lago, Henry VIII., Shylock, &c. ; supported Garrick in the “Half-price Riots,” 1763; retired from the stage about 1796. Full-length figures, standing ; with stick raised, the other with crutch- handled stick. Canvas, 40 X 50 in. 884 REV. RICHARD GRAVES (1715-1804). Mr. Charles Roberson. James Northcote, R.A. Novelist and Poet; b. 1715; pub. “The Spiritual Quixote,” 1773; “ Epigrams,” “ Translations of Antoninus,” 1792 ; d. 23 Nov. 1804. Half-length, seated to 1 . ; black clerical dress, landscape in background. Canvas, 36 X 28 in. 885 RT. HON. SIR JOHN CUST, Bt. ( -1770). Earl Brownlow. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Eldest son of Sir Richard Cust, 2nd Bart. ; succ. his father, 1734 ; M.P. for Grantham; elected Speaker, 1761 ; P.C. 1768 ; d. 1770. Full-length, standing ; robes as Speaker, mace to his r., speech on table to his 1 . ; dated “ Uec. 2, 1761.” Canvas, 106 X 77 in. Upstairs: No. lo. 14/ EASTERN ^ROOM (^Nos. 886-899). 886 SIR ROBERT TAYLOR, Kt. (1714-1788). R. Institute Brit. Architects. Sculp, and architect ; son of a stone-mason ; b. in London, 1714 ; studied sculpture under Sir Henry’ Cheese, and in Rome ; cxccut. Guest’s monum. in Westm. Abbey, and the figure of Britannia at the Bank of Engl. ; subsequently engaged in architecture ; was appoint. Surveyor to the Admiralty, Greenwich Hosp. Bk. of Engl, and Foundling Hosp. ; amassed a large fortune, part of which he left for the founda. of the Taylorian Institut. for the study of Mod. Languages at Oxf. ; d. 27 Sept. 1788. Half-length, standing, looking to 1 . ; scarlet coat ; resting r. hand on table. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 887 PRISC. TRUEMAN, Mrs. WAKEFIELD, and her Sister, Mrs.. GURNEY, the Mother of Mrs. Fry. Mr. Alfred Head. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Prise. Wakefield; Educat. Writer; b. 1750; pub. “Juvenile Anecdotes,” “Mental Improvement,” “Leisure Hour,” “A Familiar Tour through the upstairs.'] isT Eastern Room {Nos. 886-902). 177 “Mental Improvement,” “Leisure Hour,” “A Familiar Tour through the British Empire,” &c., also promoted the foundation of “Frugality (Saving) Hanks,” for the benefit of the poor ; d. at Ipswich, 1832. Catharine Bell, Mrs. Gurney; dau. of Daniel Bell, a Lend, merch. in 1775 ; niarr. John Gurney, of Earlham, Norfolk, by whom she became the mother of Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs. Fry. Full-length figures in landscape, one seated, gentleman in blue coat, standing. Canvas, 47 X 36 in. 888 WILLIAM ROBERTSON, D.D. (1721-1793). LENT BY PAINTER. University of Edinburgh. Sir H. Raeburn, R.A., P.R.S.A. Historian; b. at Borthwick, Mid-Lothian, 1721 ; educ. at Dalkeith and Edinburgh ; stud, theol. and moral philos. ; pastor of Gladsmuir, E. Lothian, 1743; became famous by his eloquence; influential memb. of the Gen. Ass. of the Church of Scotl. ; publ. his “Hist, of Scotl.” 1759; appoint. Chapl. in Ord. to the King, 1761; Princip. of the Univ. of Edinb. 1763; publ. his chief work “ Hist, of the Reign of the Emp. Chas. V.” 1769 ; and “ Hist, of America,” 1777 ; elect, memb. of the Roy. Acad, of Madrid ; d. at Grangeho. near Edinb. ii June, 1793: his works were transl. into French and German. Three-quarter size, seated in arm-chair to 1 . ; clerical dress, mace and books on table to his 1 . Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 889 REV. WILLIAM ROMAINE (1714-1795). Mr. W. G. Romaine, C.B. F. Cotes, R.A. Theologian; b. at Hartlepool, 1714; educ. at Hertford and Chr. Ch. Coll. Oxf. ; app. successively Lecturer of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, Lecturer of St. Dunstan-in-the-VVest, and morning 'preacher at St. George’s, Hanover-sq. 1748-50; known by his vehement opposit. to the bill for the Naturalization of the Jews ; auth. of “ Discourses on the Law and the Gospel,” “The Life of Faith,” &c. d. 1797. Three-quarter size, seated at table to r. ; leaning 1 . hand on book,, with r. hand raised, in clerical dress. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 890 SIR GEORGE TREVELYAN, Bart. (1707-68). Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bt. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Sir John, 2nd Bart. ; b. 1707 ; marr. Julia, only dau. of Sir Walter Calverley, Bart, and eventually heiress of her brother, Sir Walter Calverley Blacket ; d. 1768. Half-length, standing ; lavender-coloured gold-laced coat ; painted in 1761. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 891 FRANCIS NORTH, 4TH EARL OF GUILDFORD (1761-1817). Colonel North, M.P. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. 2nd son’of Frederick, 2nd E. of Guildford, and 8th Ld. North, the celebra. Prime Minister; b. 25 Dec. 1761 ; succ. his bro. Geo. Augustus, the 3rd E. 1802; d. without issue, 1817. Half-length ; standing, looking to 1 . ; scarlet coat. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 892 LORD DUNFERMLINE, when three years old. Lord Dunfermline. David Allan. Full-length, as a child, standing with dog and pigeon; dated at back, “ 1779.” Canvas, 51 x 40 in. Supplementary Collection. 178 893 SIR ABRAHAM HUME (i748?-i838). LENT BY PAINTER. Earl Brownlow. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. B. about 1748 ; entered the Navy, served on board the “Orson,” 1787, against Holland, and in various actions during the French war ; d. 1838. To waist ; looking to 1 . ; crimson coat. Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 894 JN. DUNNING, 1ST LD. ASHBURTON (1731-1783). National Portrait Gallery. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Son of J. Dunning, Esq.; b. at Ashburton, Devonsh. 18 Oct. 1731 ; stud, for the Bar, and soon attained to eminence in his profession ; Counsel for Jn. Wilkes, whose defence he conducted with great ability; M.P. for Caine, 1768; Att.-Gen. 1767-70; raised to the Peerage, and Chan, of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1782; marr. Eliz. dau. of John Baring and sister of Sir Francis Baring, Bart.; d. i8 August, 1783. Bust ; to r. black gown and bands. Canvas, 30 x 25 in. 895 MRS. BOUVERIE and MRS. CREWE. Lord Crewe. Sir J. Reynolds, P.R.A. Dau. of Sir Edward Fawkener, Kt. ; marr. in 1764, the Hon. Edward Bouverie, 2nd son of Jacob, ist Vise. Folkestone ; by whom she had issue 3 sons and 5 daus. ; known as the intimate friend of Mrs. Crewe, and, like her, several times painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Half-seated ; in a garden, under a tree. Canvas, 40 x 50 in. 896 MRS. LEYBORNE. Mr. F. Leyborne. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Wife of the Gov. of Granada and the Western Isles, in the reign of Geo. III. Three-quarter size, standing to 1 . ; low blue dress ; bouquet of flowers in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 897. ANNE, COUNTESS of HAREWOOD, and CHILD Earl of Harewood. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (See No. .) Three-quarter size ; seated, with infant child stretching its arms to her face. Canvas, 49 X 40 in. 898 EDWARD POPHAM. Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Thos. Gainsborough, R.A. Three-quarter size, standing to r., stick in r. hand, cocked hat under 1 . ann. Canvas, 49 X 39 in. 899 DAVID GARRICK (1716-1779). Mr. j. Heywood Hawkins. P. J. de Loutherbourgh. Son of Capt. Peter Garrick ; b. at Hereford, 1716 ; educ. partly at Lich- field Gram. Sch. and partly by Dr. Johnson (No. 556), whom he accompanied to London 1736, intending to study law ; his natural inclination being for the stage, he first appeared at Ipswich, 1741, then in London as “ Rich. III.” with immediate success ; became joint-patentee of Drury Lane Theatre, 1747 till 1776; wrote or adapted many pieces for the stage, but his fame rests on his acting ; friend of Johnson, Reynolds, Goldsmith, Burke, &c. ; d. 20 Jan. i779;-bu. in Westminster Abbey. 900 LD. HOLLAND, LD. ALBEMARLE, DUKE OF RICHMOND, AND OTHERS, SHOOTING. Duke of Richmond, K.G. George Stubbs, A. R.A. Full-length small figures in landscape, with dogs and horses. Canvas, 54 X 82 in. Up-stairsJ] 1ST Eastern Room [Nos. 886-902). 179 901 DANIEL CHAS. SOLANDER, M.D. F.R.S. (1736-82). Linnean Society. Naturalist; b. at Nordland, Sweden, 28 Feb. 1736; studied under Lin- naeus at the Univ. of Upsala, where he graduated as M.D. ; came to Engl, and was app. assist, in the Nat. Hist. Departm. of the Brit. Mus. 1760; F.R.S. ; accomp. Sir Joseph Banks on his voy. round the world with Capt. Cook, 1768-71 ; Assist. -Librar. at the Brit. Mus. 1773; d. 1782, before having had time to complete any considerable work. Full-length, seated at table, looking to r., on which is a botanical drawing, pen in r. hand. Canvas, 50 x 40 in. 902 DUCHESS OF RICHMOND and LADY LOUISA LENNOX. — Racehorses training. Duke of Richmond, K.G. George Stubbs, A.R.A. Small full-length figures in landscape. Canvas, 81 X 54 in. Upstairs: No. ii. 2nd EASTERN ROOM (Nos. 903-915). SIX MEMBERS OF THE BIRMINGHAM LUNAR SOCIETT [Nos. 903-908). 903 JAMES KEIR, F.R.S. and GRANDDAUGHTER. Mr. James Moilliet. Longastre. A member of the “ Lunar Society auth. of an “ Account of the Life and Writings of T. Day,” 1791. To waist, seated at table ; child to his left. Crayon, paper, X in. 904 WILLIAM WITHERING, M.D. F.R.S. (1741-1799). Mrs. Alfred Seymour. Carl von Breda. Physician and Botanist; b. at Wellington, Salop, 1741 ; stud, at Edinb. ; practised at Stafford and Birmingham ; pub. a “ Systematic Arrangement of Brit. Plants,” and discov. the native carbonate of barytes ; d. 1799. Three-quarter size, seated ; black dress ; holding flowers of foxglove ; his “British Flora” open to his 1 .; signed, “Breda pinxit, 1792.” Canvas, SO X 40 in. 905 JOSIAH WEDGWOOD, F.R.S. F.S.A. (1730-1795). Mr. Charles Darwin. After Reynolds. The celebra. Potter, member of a family of Potters at Burslem; b. 173°; appren. to his eld. brother ; soon showed skill in the production of ornament, and coloured pottery ; established himself at Burslem, i 759 ! became widely known by his flower-vases, glazed earthenwa. unglazed black porcelain, &c. ; to extend his works, founded the village of Etruria, 1766; engaged Flaxman the sculptor, as a designer; succ. in imitat. the Portland Vase, 1790; chosen F.R.S. and F.S.A. ; estab. schools, and made roads for the Potteries; amass, a large fortune; d. at Etruria, 1795. Bust : claret-coloured coat, white cravat, powdered wig. Canvas, 30 x 25. i8o Supplementary Collection. 906 THOMAS DAY (1748-1789). LENT BY PAINTER.. Lord Helper. Wright. Writer; son of a Collector of Customs in London; b. 1748; educ. at the Charterho. and Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxf. ; ent. the Temple, but did not practise Law as a profession ; made himself known by his eccentric manners and opinions; gained reputation as an author by his “History of Sandford and Merton;” d. from the kick of a favourite horse, 28 Sept. 1789. Half-length, standing ; leaning on base of column, book in 1 . hand. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 907 SAMUEL GALTON. Mr. Darwin Galton. Longastre. {See No. .) Bust, full face ; brown coat, white waistcoat. Crayon, paper, 26 x 22 in. 908 JOSEPH PRIESTLY, LL.D. (1733-1804). Dr. Williams’s Library. Henry Fuseli, R.A. H. near Leeds, 13 March, 1733, of a Dissenting family; early applied himself to acquire languages and made some progress in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic ; stud. nat. science; LL.D. ; pub. “ History of Electricity,” 1767 ; F.R.S. ; Minister at Leeds, 1767 ; Librarian for seven years to the E. of Shelburne ; obta. the Copley medal for a paper on Air ; pub. “ Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit,” 1777 ; a “ Defence of Socinianism,” and various works respect. Christian Doctrine ; controv. with Dr. Horsley and reply to Burke on French Revolut. ; nominat. a citizen of the French Republ. ; populace at Birmingham destr. his house and library ; went to .America ; d. 6 Feb. 1804. Three-quarter size, seated to 1 . in arm-chair at table, with papers. Canvas, 50 X 40 in. 909 CHARLES TOWNLEY, and OTHERS. Mr. Charles Towneley. Johann Zoffany. C. Townley, Antiquary, Collector of the Townley Marbles; resid. many years in Rome, where he employed himself in forming a museum of remains of ancient Art, which he afterw. arranged in his two houses in Park Street, Westminster; d. 1805. The Townley Marbles are now in the Brit. Mus. M. d’Haus.arville, author of “Les Antiquit6s Etrusques, Grecqucs, ct Romaines,” &c. Rt. Hon. Charles Grevii.le, brother to George, 2nd E. of WaiAvick. Mr. Astle, Keeper of the Records, author of the “Origin of Writing,” &c. Full-length figures, examining the coll, of Townley marbles. Canvas, 50 X 42 in. 910 JOHN JOSHUA KIRBY (1716-1774). Rev. Kirby 'I'rimmer. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Son of John Kirby, author of the “Suffolk Traveller;” b. at Parham, Suffolk, 1716; settled in London and introduced by Ld. Bute to Geo. 111 . ; Clerk of the Works at Kew ; Teacher of Perspective to the King and Queen ; Prcsid. of the Incorporated Society of Artists, 1768 ; pub. the “ Perspective of Architecture;” F.R.S. and F.S.A. ; d. 20 June, 1774; bu. in Kew Churchyd. Full-length, small size; seated beneath large tree in landscape ; dog to his 1 . Canvas, 30 X 25 in. 91 1 REV. DAVID WILLIAMS (1738-1816). Royal Literary Fund, F. Rigaud, R.A. Miscellaneous Writer and Founder of the Royal Literary Fund ; b. in JJp-stairs^ 2ND Eastern R(X»m {Nos. 90 1-9 13). 181 “ History of Monmouthshire,” &c. ; founded the Royal Literary Fund, 1789 ; d. June, 1816. Full-length, standing ; blue dress, 1 . arm resting on desk, pen in r. hand. Signed, “ J. F. Rigaud, London.” Canvas, 40 X 33 in. 912 JOSEPH WILLIAM MALLORD TURNER, R.A. LENT BY PAINTER. Mr. W. Llewellyn. J. W. M. Turner, R.A. {See No. .) Bust ; looking to his r., with palette and brushes in 1 . hand ; greenish cast. Canvas, 24 x 20 in. 913 CHARLES TOWNLEY, with Dr. VERDUN, Dr. OLIVER, Mr. C. PRICE, Mr. THOS. HOLT, AND CAPTAIN WYNN. Mr. Charles Towneley. R. Cosway, R.A. {See No. 909.) Full-length ; six small figures criticising group of the Townley marbles. Canvas, 34 X 42 in. 914 GEORGE MORLAND (1763-1804). Mr. C. j. Sminh. Geo. Morland. Painter; son of Hy. R. Morland, a painter; b. 26 June, 1763 ; first painted landscapes ; afterwards, for the most part, subjects with domestic animals ; worked with rapidity, and is said to have often painted in pay- ment of his tavern bills; d. 29 Oct. 1804, at a sponging-house in Eyre-Street Hill, Coldbath Fields. Full-length; small size; seated at easel, painting. Canvas, 30X25 in. RICHARD PRICE, D.D. (1723-1791). Equitable Insurance Office. Benjamin West, P.R.A. Dissent. Minist. and Polit. Writer; b. at T>-nton, Glamorgansh. 1723; studied at a dissent, acad. in London, 1741; chaplain to Mr. Streathfield, and preacher of different dissent, congrega. in London since 1743 ; F. R.S. 1765 ; contrib. many papers to the “ Philosoph. Trans.;” wrote in favour of the Amer. Colonies, 1775-76, for which he received the freedom of the City of London, and was invited by Congress to Amer. ; consult, after the war as a financial authority by Pitt, about the liquida. of the Nat. Debt; hailed with enthusiasm the outbr. of the French Revolu. 1789, which drew upon him the censure of Burke; d. 19 Mar. 1791. To waist, seated; holding letter and spectacles; painted in 1784. Canvas, 30 x 28 in. PORTRAITS OF MEMBERS OF THE DILETTANTI SOCIETY (Air. 916-946). Dilettanti Soc. Geo. Knapton, Sir J. Reynolds, and others. The Society of Dilettanti was established in 1734 by several noblemen and others (Viscount Harcourt, Lord Middlesex, Duke of Dorset, &c.), who were desirous of advancing the Fine Arts in Great Britain. The Society consists of fifty members ; and, by its aid or encouragement, there have been published from time to time several important Art Works. In 1764 they sent an expedition to Asia Minor, and recorded the results in the “Ionian Antiquities;” they aided in publishing Stuart’s “Athens,” Chandler's “Travels,” &c. ; in 1814 they sent an expedition to the Levant. O i82 Supplementary Collection. The Members dine together periodically at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James's. In 1740 it was ordered, “ That everj- Member of the Society- do make a present of his picture, in oil colours, done by Mr. George Knapton, a Member, to be hung up in the room where the Society meets.” The following 23 Portraits were painted by Mr. Knapton : — CH.ARLES, 2ND DUKE OF DORSET. MR. J. HOWE. LORD HYDE, afterw.ards EARL OF CLARENDON. SIR J.A.MES GR.\Y, K.B. SIR BROWNLOW SHER.ARD, Bt. FR.A.NCIS D.ASHWOOD, LORD LE DESPENCER. MR. HENRY HARRIS. WILLI.A.M. 2ND EARL OF BESSBOROUGH. HON. SEW.ALLIS SHIRLEY, (Ch.ancellor of Oxford.' MR. WILLIAM FAUQUIER. COLONEL DENNY. GENERAL SIR GEORGE GRAY. SAMUEL SAV.AGE, ESQ. WILLIAM WILD.MAN, 2ND VISCOUNT BARRINGTON. JOHN MONTAGU. 4TH EARL OF SANDWICH. SIR JOHN RAWDON. Bt. 1ST. EARL OF MOIR.Y MR. THOM.\S BRAND. JOHN. 4TH DUKE OF BEDFORD. SIR BOURCHIER WR.\Y, Bt. BARON HOPBERG. JOHN MONCKTON, 1ST VISCOUNT GALWAY. ROBERT D’.A.RCY, 4TH .and LAST EARL OF HOLDERNESSE. WILLIAM, 1ST EARL OF BLESSINGTON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R..A {By Himself). A GROUP OF PORTR.A ITS, COMPLETED IN 1779 {By Sir Joshu.-t Reynolds, P.R.A.) : — Sir Watkin WiUiam.s Wj-nn, Bart- t Mr. Richard Thompson. Sir John Taylor, Bart. Mr. W. Spencer Staiihoj>e. Mr. Stephen Payne Galway. Mr. Sm)th of Heath. The Rt. Hon .‘sir Wm. Hamilton, K. B. A GROUP OF PORTRAITS {By Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A.) Lord Mulgrave [Constantine John, 2nd Baron, CapL R.X. Lord Duixlas [Thomas 1st Baron, then Mr. DundnsJ. Earl of Seaforth [Kenneth Mackenzie, last Elarl]. Honourable Charles F. Gresnlle. Duke of I-eeds [Francis Godolphin. 5th Duke, then Marquis of Carmarthen]. Charles Crowle, Esq. The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. RICHARD PAYNE KN IGHT, Esq. {By Sir Thos. Lawrence, P.R.. i . SIR HENRY C ENGLEFIELD, Bt. -|L:. , ♦ ; ■» i , f : ' - f v^'» A -■ - t V i • ^ 1 '’v'.> ^ .V •V--:^^ »• A/f ^ -V , -i Y J i .-•1 ^ --V- *A^-, A . **■ -.1 if « v' • >• • •• ''"' ^ -i V*' i ••--•’ ,‘r ’J'’ - I I I I I I I