Hr ' ( mi ft W ISM 1 IB J <0855* I •jP n CHEMICAL ESTABLISHED 1839 . jst .fi Department m YORK : J 0 R S ; v v - CHEMICALS GRasJelII EXPLOSIVES *£stv A8LISHED ini GRASSELLI DYES” & “BAYER DYES” The Grasselli Chemical Co. “DYESTUFF DEPARTMENT” 117 Hudson Street NEW YORK CITY U. S. A. BRANCH Boston, Mass. - Providence, R. I. - Philadelphia, Pa. - - - - Chicago, 111. - Charlotte, N. C. - OFFICES: 32 India Street 56 Pine Street 908 Chestnut Street - 146 W. K inzie Street - Commercial Nat’l Bank Bldg THE GRASSELLI CHEMICAL CO., LTD., CANADA Toronto — Montreal — Hamilton Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 DIRECTIONS FOR DYEING ACID COLORS Nos. 401-435 These are dyed in a gum soap bath, broken with Sulphuric Acid. With the Eosine brand it is advisable to employ Acetic Acid. The Diamond Fast Purples should be dissolved with a small per- centage of Ammonia, which is to be added to the powder and boiling water poured over it. BASIC COLORS Nos. 436-446 These colors are generally dyed in a gum soap bath, broken with Acetic or Sulphuric Acid; Sulphuric Acid is used especially when dyeing in combination with Acid colors. SULPHON AND DIRECT COLORS Nos. 447-452 These are dyed in the same manner as the Basic Colors — Acetic Acid is, as a rule effective enough to exhaust the bath. ALIZARINE AND CHROME COLORS Nos. 453-455 Add the well dissolved color and 10-20% Acetic Acid to the Dye Bath at a temperature of 100-120 degrees Fahr. Bring slowly to boil and boil for one hour. Should the bath not exhaust sufficiently add more Acetic Acid — after this, treat with Bichrome for ?4 hour in a fresh bath, boiling gently: — rinse, soap and acidulate. CHROME MORDANT No. 456 Dye in a gum soap bath, broken with Acetic Acid. Work for k \ hour at 120° Fahr., warm up to 195° Fahr. in J4 hr., and dye at this temperature for 1 hr. Rinse, soap at the boil and acidulate. SULPHUR COLORS Nos. 457-462 Dissolve with the same amount of Sodium Sulphide Crystals with the addition of the same amount Glucose. Add this solution to the Dye Bath at 180-200 degrees Fahr. then add 30-60% Glaubersalt, and finally add, shortly before entering the goods, Bicarbonate of Soda, corresponding to about half the weight of the color. Work for aboul half an hour, then squeeze out the silk and expose to the air for a short time. Rinse well — soap at the boil and acidulate with Acetic Acid. DEVELOPED COLORS No. 463 These are dyed in the same way as Direct Colors, — rinsed well and diazotised cold for 15-20 minutes with — 2 l / 2 % Nitrite of Soda (Dissolved in water) 7}4% Hydrochloric Acid (32 degrees Tw.) The goods are again rinsed and developed for 15-20 minutes in a cold bath with the developer, Beta Naphtol. In order to dissolve the latter, use 34 the amount of Caustic Soda to the weight of the Beta Naphtol. After developing, rinse and soap if necessary. ACID COLORS Raw Material 401 402 403 404 405 1 % Fast Light Yellow 2 G 3% 1 % Tartrazine 3% 1 % Aletanile Yellow 3% 1 % Azo Yellow 3 % 1 % Acid Orange II B 3% 406 407 408 409 410 41 I 1 % Ponceau 2 R 1 % Azo Fuchsine G A 3% 3 % 1% Azo Cochineal L 4% 1% Azo Crimson L 3% 1% Cloth Red H 3 % 1 % Cloth Red B C 3% 412 413 414 413 416 417 1 % Azo Fuchsine 6 B 3 % 1 % Azo Phloxine G A 3% 1 % >isin 3 % Carmoisine B A / 1 % Eosine J 2 % 1 % Fast Red A 3% 1 % Acid Bordeaux B 3 % ACID COLORS 1% Wool Green B S A 3% 421 422 423 2 % Acid Dark Green N C 6% 1 % Soluble Blue 2 B 3 % Soluble Blue 2 R N 3% 2 % Fast Acid Blue F S 6 % 1 % Sulphon Acid Blue R 4% 424 425 426 427 428 6% Acid Navy Blue G 6% Acid Navy Blue R 6% 429 430 2 % Diamond Acid Cyanine S R 6% 2 % Diamond Acid Cyanine S B 1 % Induline R 4% 1 % Induline 2 B 4% 1 % Induline 4 B 4% ACID COLORS 431 432 433 434 435 2% Diamond Fast Purple B • 4% 1 % Fas i r : 3% Diamond Fast Purple B R B Naphtylamine Black 10 B 12 % Naphtylamine Black A 4 B 12 % Azo Brilliant Black A C 12 % U 1 436 437 138 439 440 441 BASIC COLORS v>% Bismarck Brown Y S Ex. 2% V2% Auramine O 2% Chrysoidine R S 2 % V 2°/0 Bismarck Brown T S S 2 % V2% Saffranine Y Y 1 % Fuchsine large crystals 2 % 442 443 444 443 446 l A% Methyl Violet 4 B Cone. 1 % y 2 % Malachite Green large crystals 2 % K2% Methylene Blue 2 B Cone 2 % Nigrosine P 1 % Nigrosine J 1 % SULPHON AND DIRECT COLORS 447 Sulphon Cyanine 5 R extra 4 % Brilliant Geranine B 2% Milling Red C O 4% Direct Orange R 4% 451 Chrysophenine 2 % G Cone. c, '- ,r Blue F F SULPHUR COLORS 457 458 459 460 461 462 Sulphur Blue 3 B 10 % 5% Brilliant Sulphur Blue B G Cone. 10 % Sulphur Gray Cone. 2 % Sulphur Yellow Brown 2 G 12 % Sulphur Olive G 12 % Sulphur Blue Black R S 20 % DEVELOPED COLORS 5% Primuline Developed with 2% Beta Naphtol