0. I EXPORT PRICES. !• BRITISH POSSESSIONS. SELECT LIST FROM ^THE MANUFACTURES OF REEVES & SONS, LTD. FOR COLONIAL DEALERS IN « « HARDWARE, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, OIL AND COLOUR STORES. « * REEVES & SONS, LIMITED, london. eno. EXPORT DEPARTMENT: ASHWIN STREET, DALSTON, LONDON. eiTY SHOW ROOM: 4, FARRINQDON AVENUE. TELEORAmS aREYHOUND, LONDON. THE SELECTION OF GOODS IN THIS LIST ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR LEADING LINES SUITABLE FOR THE STOCK OF OIL AND COLOUR HOUSES WHO DO NOT FULLY ENTER INTO THE ARTISTS' TRADE. WE ARE ALWAYS PREPARED TO PUT UP GOODS TO CUSTOMERS' REQUIREMENTS WHEREVER POSSIBLE, AND TO ASSIST OUR FRIENDS WITH SHOW CARDS, PRICE LISTS, AND IN ANY WAY IN OUR POWER. IN ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS WE HAVE GAINED SOME EXPERIENCE OF ARTISTS' COLOURS. WE ORANT NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS. 1 Reeves' Complete Price List^ 224 pages, Post Free, contains all Requisites for the Studio, for Sketching, for School, and Technical Drawing Classes. It is Fully Illustrated, and should be in the hands of all Artists' Material Dealers. REEVES' ARTISTS' OIL COLOURS. Supplied in collapsible tubes, neatly boxed in dozens, with divisions for each tube ; double tubes are in half-dozens. These colours are made from the finest materials obtainable ; ground with extreme care by highly-skilled workmen, under constant supervision : they are used by the leading British Artists (see Testimonials page 24). This line is not recommended to dealers having no Aitist or Ama'eur connection. Half-Tube. Whole Tube. Double Tube, For names of colours and prices, see next page. 3 REEVES' ARTISTS' OIL COLOURS. (Sizes of Tubes, see Page 3), COLOURS \ 2/8 per dozen » (5/4 Whole Tubes, Double Antwerp Blue, Eitumen. Blue Black. Bone Brown. Burnt Ochre. Burnt Roman Ochre. Burnt Sienna. Burnt Umber. Caledonian Brown. Cologne Earth. Chrome Yellow, pale. »» mid. Chrome Yellow, deep. Orange. Emerald Green. Flake White. Indian Red. Ivory Black. Lamp Black, Light Fed. Medium. Megilp, Prussian .Blue. Raw Sienna. Raw Umber. Roman Ochi^e. Siccatif. Sugar of Lead. Terre Verte. Trans. Golden Ochre. Vandyke Brown. Venetian Red. Yellow Ochre. Zinc White. COLOURS at 2/0 per dozen* 4/0 8/0 „ Half Tubes* Whole Double Brown Pink. Charcoal Grey. Chrome Green, pale. mid. ,, deep. Cinnabar green > pale. Cinnabar green, mid. ,, „ deep. Indigo. Italian Pink. Naples Yellow, pale. deep. Neutral Tint. Payne's Grey. Verona Brown, „ Earth, Yellow Lake. ( 2/8" per dozen. Half Tubes. COLOURS at J 5/4 „ Whole „ [lO/Q ,, Double „ Cappah Brown. [ Mauve. Permanent Blue, Crimson Lake. New Blue. Purple Lake. French Blue. Olive Green, Sap Green. Gamboge. | Olive Lake. Scarlet Lake. COLOURS- at 4/0 per dozen. 8/0 16/0 „ Half Tubes. Whole „ Double Brown Madder. Burnt Lake. Chinese Vermilion, Cc^elin Blue, Hooker's Green, pale, No. 1, ,, deep, No. 2. Permanent Crimson. Prussian Green. Ruben's Madder., Scarlet Madder. Sepia. Vermilion. 4, CONTINUED OPPOSITE, REEVES' ARTISTS' OIL COLOURS. CONTINUEI) FROM OPPOSITE. ( 8/0 per dozen. COLOURS at 16/0 132/0 „ Half Tube«, Whole „ Double Carmine Alizarine. Chromium Oxide. Cobalt Blue. Green. French Ultramarine. Indian Yellow. Lemon Yellow, pale. Lemon Yellow, deep. Madder Lake. Mars Brown. ,, Orange. Violet. ,, Yellow. Mineral Grey. Orange Vermilion. Pink Madden Purple Madder. Rose Madder. Scarlet Vermilion. Strontian Yellow. Viridian. Aureolin. Burnt Carmine, Cadmium, pale. ,, mid. f 12/0 per dozen. COLOURS at ^ 24/0 Us/o „ Cadmium, deep. Carmine. Cobalt Violet. Madder Carmine, Half Tubes. Whole „ Double Primrose Aureolin. Radiant Yellow. Violet Carmine. Yellow ULTRAMARINE ASH, 20/0 per dozen. Half Tubes. r Treble Tubes, per dozen 7/4 FLAKE WHITE ^JHalf Pound „ 10/0 [One Pound „ 20/0 SHOW CASE CONTAINING ARTISTS' OIL COLOURS. Polished Satin Walnut Wood, Glass Top, Counter Case, with Drawers. Size 17 by 13 inches-. GRATIS To New Customers with order for not less than £5 net. 5 REEVES' ART STUDENTS' OIL COLOURS. SUPPLIED IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES, NEATLY BOXED IN DOZENS. These Colours are in most cases prepared from the true artists' pigments and are ground with great care. The tints are practically the same as those in the Artists' Series. This series is intended for the use of students and those who require reliable colours, but who do not look for the extreme refinement of grinding or purity of tone demanded by the artist. They are also much used by sign writers and decorators, and sell well wherever shown. Whole Tube. Double Tube. SHOW CASE CONTAINING ART STUDENTS' OIL COLOURS. Polished Upright Case with rubbings of the actual colours under glass front. Open shelved back. This case will contain about 56 doz. tubes in original card boxes. Size, 20 by 7 inches. GRATIS To New Customers with orders for not less than 2J gross tubes. For Names of Colours see opposite. REEVES' ART STUDENTS' OIL COLOURS. COLOURS at f 20/0 per gross. Whole Tubes. 1 32/0 „ Double „ Antwerp Blue, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber. Chrome Green, pale, ,, mid. deep. Yellow, pale. ») mid. „ deep. Orange. Emerald Green. Flake White. Indian Red. Ivory Black. Light Red. Megilp. Nap'es Vellow, pale,, », deep. Neutral Tint. Prussian Blue, Raw Sienna. Umber, Terre Verte, Vandyke Brown, Venetian Red. Yellow Ochre. Zinc White, COLOURS at Brown Madder. Pink, Carmine. Cobalt Blue. Crimson Lake. . Indigo. Italian Pink. Lemon Yellow. Mauve. 20/0 per gross„ . Half Tubes. 32/0 „ Whole „ 64/0 Double ,»v New Blue.. Olive Green. Purple Lake, Rose Madder, Sap Green, Scarlet Lake. Sepia. Ultramarine. Vermilion* Yellow Lake. (Treble Tubes, per gross, 48/0 Half Pound,, „ 64/0 One „ „ „ 128/0 FRAMED SHOW CARD, SHOWING ALL THE ACTUAL COLOURS AND VERY ATTRACTIVE. IS SENT GRATIS, 1 REEVES' DECORATIVE OIL COLOURS. Supplied in collapbib'e tubes, 5 in. by Ih in., known as One Pound Tubes ; each tube is boxed separately. FOR DECORATIVE WORK, COACH PAINTING, SIGN WRITING, these colours are un-^ur] as .td. They are Aery strong, therefore economical— well ground and well mixed, and cheap. COLOURS at 16/0 per dozen. REEVES* lORATIVEOILl BURNT SIENy FOR lCO/iCNiBUlLDERS.DECO[lMORS|ie Bdebyreeves 8c sons, i^ig^,^. Brown Ochre. Burnt Sienna. ,, Umber. Bronze Green, pale. mid. deep. Flake White. Indian Red, pale. ,, mid. ,, deep. I'klian Ochre. Ivory Black. Lamp Black. Light Red. Purple Brown, pale, ,, mid. ,, deep. Raw Sienna. J, Umber. Stone Colour. Terre Verte. Vand)ke Brown. Venetian Red. Yellow Ochre. Zinc White. COLOURS at 24/0 per dozen. Antwerp Blue. Celestial J, pale. ,, deep. Chrome, lemon, pale, mid. deep, orange. C' rcme Green, pale. ,, ,, mi'^. ,, deep. Emerald Green. Prussian Blue. Ultramarine, pale. ,, mid. „ deep. COLOURS at 32/0 per dozen. Carmine. Crimson Lake. O ive Green Purple Lake. Rose Madder. Scarlet Lake. Signal Red. VERMILION, £6/0 per dozen. SIZE OF TUBE, REEVES' COLOURS GROUND IN OIL. Supplied in lever-lid tins, containing 7, 14 or 28 pounds of ground colour for BUILDERS, PAINTERS, DECORATORS, &c. These colours are of very superior quality, and owing to their being of exceptional purity they are found to possess great strength and covering power, and to be very economical in use. Small sample tins can be sent gratis. We desire nothing better than that they should be tested against those of other Houses, comparing their covering power and price together. Prices are per 112 pounds, but any quantity down to 7 pounds can be supplied. Bronze Green, pale .. A B Indian Red, pale "1 A B ,, „ mid. ... . 56/0 37/6 ,, mid. ... )■ 56/0 37/6 ,, ,, deep ... J ,, ,, deep ... J Brunswick Green, pale Ivory Black . 75/0 37/6 „ ,, mid. )■ 93/0 37/6 Prussian Blue .150/0 37/6 ,, deep J Purple Brown, pale... Burnt Sienna . 75/0 37/6 „ ,, mid. - 37/6 Burnt Umber . 64/0 37/6 „ deep Celestial Blue, pale ... , ,, ,, deep \^ 37/6 Raw Sienna ... Raw Umber ... . 75/0 . 64/0 37/6 40/0 •Chrome, lemon Signal Red ... .150/0 56/0 ,, pale..' ... Stone Colour . 56/0 37/6 mid. > 112/0 37/6 Ultramarine « 93/0 46/6 ,, deep Vandyke Brown . 56/0 37/6 „ orange Vegetable Black . 75/0 37/6 Emerald Green ..150,0 75/0 Venetian Red . 56/0 37/6 Italian Ochre .. 66/0 37/6 Yellow Ochre . 37/6 28/0 9 REEVES' OILS AND VARNISHES. ^" SUPPLIED IN GLASS BOTTLES, STONE BOTTLES, AND GALLON CANS. ^OPAL OIL VARKIi ESIO H Cheapside^ London- 2 oz. Bottle. !N GLASS BOTTLES, ROUND OR FLAT, containing 1 oz. or 2 ozs. IN STONE BOTTLES, containing 4-pint and 1 pint. IN CANS, containing 1 pint, 1 quart, and 1 gallon. Per dozen. Each. 1 oz. 2 oz. J pint. 1 pint. 1 qt. 1 gall. Turpentine, Art^sts^ special purity 2/3 3/6 7/6 1/2 Linseed oil, refined and bleached 2/3 3/9 9/0 1/4 Poppy oil ... 2/3 4/6 13/6 2/0 Pale drying oil \ Strong drying oil / 2/3 4/6 10/6 1/6 3/0 9/0 Extra pale drying oil (manganesed) 2/3 4/6 10/6 1/6 3/0 9/0 Japan gold size 3/0 6/0 18/0 2/6 5/0 15/0 Amber varnish 6/9 13/6 48/0 6/8 10/8 32/0 Crystal varnish 3/9 6/9 20,0 2/6 4/8 14/0 Mastic varnish No. I (full strength) 6/9 13/6 48 '0 6/8 10/8 32/0 Mastic varnish No. 2 (picture) 4/6 9/0 32/0 4/6 7/0 21/0 Copal varnish ... ... ... 4/6 9/0 27/0 4/6 7/0 21/0 Picture copal varnish 4/6 9/0 27/0 46 7/0 21/0 Wliite spirit varnish 4/6 9/0 25/0 2/6 4/8 14/0 Siccatif ^Reeves') 6/0 11/0 40/0 6/0 10/0 30/0 REEVES' ARTISTS' PALETTES. No. 1 Shape— 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. Mahogany, per dozen 6/9 8/3 10/6 — — — Superior balanced 9/0 13/6 18/0 27/0 31/6 40/0 No. 2 Shape— 8 in, 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in, 18 in. Superior balanced, per doz. 9/0 13/6 18/0 27/0 31/6 40/0 No. 4 Shape— 20 in. 22 in. 24 in, Superior balanced, per doz. 47/0 54/0 60/0 No. 2, No.4 ART STUDENTS' PALETTES. Whitewood, No. 1 Shape per dozen 10 in. 4/6 13 in. 9/0 Mahogany, No. 4 per dozen 20 ,, 30/0 PALETTE No. 1, Plain Cocoa handle, per dozen 5 7 „ 2, Balanced handle „ 7/2 „ 3, Slope blade ... „ 9/7 „ 4, Trowel blade „ 16/0 KNIVES. MAHL STICKS. Bamboo, with leather knob, per dozen 4/6 Whitewood „ 4/6 jointed „ 13/6 BRUSH CASES. No. 2. Round, Japmned tin „ 6. Oval „ „ 7, Round Plain ... 1 1 ... per doien 16/10 26/4 9/0 REEVES' RED SABLE BRUSHES FOR OIL COLOUR. Guaranteed to be made from the finest selected Siberian Kolinsky Sable without admixture of other hair. .^^WREEVES & SONS-_ II f . RCEVES & SONS. ^ RCEVES &..SOMS' REEVeS K SONS REE VES 8< SONS |" REEVES & SONS - _|^|r_.; 6 REEVES Sc SON IQ REEVES St SO 11 Round. Sizes— 0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REEVES fltSQ- 12 Flat ... per dozen 3/0 3/9 4/6 6/0 7/6 9/0 11 3 13/6 18/0 22/6 30/0 36/0 Round.. „ 3/0 3/9 4/6 6/0 7/6 9/0 13,6 18/0 22/6 30/0 36/0 45/0 12 FITCH HAIR BRUSHES FOR OIL COLOUR. (sizes opposite.) Size 123456789 10 11 12 Per dozen 2/0 2/5 2/10 3;3 3/6 4/0 6/10 7/3 8/6 9/3 10/6 11/6 INDIAN SABLE BRUSHES FOR OIL COLOUR. Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 Per dozen 1/10 2/0 2/7 3/3 3/9 4/6 OX HAIR BRUSHES FOR OIL COLOUR. Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 Per dozen 1/10 2/0 2/5 2/10 3/5 4/0 RED SABLE RIGGERS. In Nickel Ferrules. per dozen 4/6 6/0 6/9 per dozen 9/0 11/3 13/6 WRITERS IN QUILLS. Crow. Duck. Goose. Ex. Goose. Sable ... per dozen 2/8 4/6 11/3 18/0 Ox Hail 1/0 1/10 3/3 — Camel ... per gross 6/6 9/6 16/9 LINERS IN QUILLS. Brown Sable — Crow 3/0, Duck 6/0, Goose 11/3, Ex. Goose 18/0 per dozen. Camel Hair — Crow 6/6, Duck 9/6, Goose 16/9 REEVES' HOG HAIR BRUSHES FOR ARTISTS. 14 REEVES' HOG HAIR BRUSHES. Sizes 0-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Yellow sticks ... per dozen 4/10 6/6 8/0 9/6 11/3 12/9 14/0 C Cedar „ ... „ 2/4 3/3 4/0 4/9 5/6 6/6 7/3 D Red „ ... 1/6 1/8 2/4 2/10 3/3 4/0 4/10 K. White „ ... Nos. 1-6 only, per gross 10/6. L Yellow sticks, prices as A ; these are flat only and very thin, the length of hair about equal to the width of brush. M Yellow sticks, prices as A ; these are flat only and thin, the hair is shorter than in A. N Cedar sticks, prices as C ; made as L pattern. G Cotton w^ood sticks, flat only, thin and short, with round edges. Sizes 0-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Perdoz. 2/0 3/3 4/0 4/10 5/8 6/6 7/3 Bright's sizes 1-6; flat, short and full per dozen 2/6 Landseer's ... ,, 1-6 ; flat, extra long „ 4/9 Rigger's ... ... 1-6; round, extra long ... „ 4/9 Herkomer's (see L and N). Leighton's (see M). FINEST BADGER HAIR SOFTENERS. ON POLISHED STICKS. No. 123456789 Per dozen 5/6 8/0 9/6 13/0 16/0 19/0 22/6 29/0 31/0 VARNISH BRUSHES. FLAT HOG HAIR. 1 i^^- ^4 i"- 2 in. 24 in. 3in. Finest Lyons hair, polished handles ... per dozen 11/6 16/0 21/6 26/6 34/0 Good French hair, white „ ... „ 4/9 7/4 9/6 12/0 14/6 FLAT OX HAIR 9/6 14/0 21/0 ~ - 15 REEVES' ARTISTS' CANVAS. Prepared by hand and dried without heat ; does not crack. Each roll is exported in a strawboard tube. IN ROLLS OF 6 YARDS. Width 27 in. 36 in. ^Q. in 04- in. ftR in 0\J in. A Single, primed ... . . . per roll 12/0 16/0 28/0 A Double „ ... ... 12/0 16/0 30/0 51/0 A Full ... M 12/0 16/0 28/0 A Smooth ... ... 12/0 16/0 28/0 B Single „ ..4 ... 9/0 12/0 18/0 28/0* B Full „ ... n 9/0 12/0 18/0 28/0 C ... ... M ... 30/0 48/0 D ... ... ... ... ... 34/0 54/0 E ... ... ... ... ... 34/0 54/0 F (Roman) ... ... 12/0 16/0 28/0 51/0 G (Ticken) f> 16/0 20/0 35/0 63/0 H ... ... — M ... 30/0 48/0, J Single, primed ... ... »» 10/0 14/0 21/e^ J Double „ 10/0 14/0 21/6 K • •. »> ... ... 35/0 L ... I» 28/0 M 35/0 N 14/0 21/6 P ... ») 48/0 Q ... JJ 54/0 IN ROLLS OF 20 FEET. AW 9 feet wide, per roll, 84/0 ; 13 feet wide, per roll, 132/0 IN ROLLS OF 33 FEET. J Single primed, 10 feet wide per roll 102/0 PATTERNS FREE ON APPLICATION. i6 ARTISTS' CANVAS ON STRETCHERS. B 1 N A B N 7 by 5 per dozen 5/3 i 3/9 — 20 by 16 per dozen 18/0 13/6 10/9 8 „ 6 6/0 4/6 — 21 „ 14 18/9 13/6 10/9 9 „ 6 6/9 4/11 — 21 „ 17 20/3 15/0 12/0 9 „ 7 7/6 5/1 — 22 „ 14 ir 20/3 13/6 — 10 „ 6 7/4 5/3 , 22 „ 16 20/3 15/0 12/0 10 „ 7 7/11 5/8 — 22 „ 17 21/9 15/0 12/0 10 „ 8 7/11 6/0 4/6 22 „ 18 22/6 15/9 — 11 „ 9 9/0 6/9 — 24 „ 12 18/9 13/6 11/3 12 „ 6 7/11 6/0 — 24 „ 14 20/3 15/0 — 12 „ 8 8/8 6/3 4/9.. 24 „ 16 22/6 17/3 12/9 12 „ 9 9/0 7/3 5/3 " 24 „ 18 24/0 17/3 14/6 12 10 9/0 7/3 5/6 ' 24 „ 20 25/6 18/0 14/6 13 „ 9 n 9/7 7/6 5/6 26 „ 16 25/6 18/0 — 13 „ 10 10/6 7/6 — - -26 , 18- 27/0 18/0 — 13 „ 11 11/3 8/0 26 ^ 20 30/0 20/3 — 14 „ 7 )> 9/7 6/9 — 26 , 22 31/6 21/9 — 14 „ 8 10/2 7/3 27 , 20 30/0 22/6 18/0 14 „ 9 11/3 8/0 — 27 , 22 32/3 24/0 — 14 „ 10 11/3 8/0 6/0 29i, 21i 33/0 24/0 — 14 12 12/4 8/6 7/3 30 , 18 31/6 22/6 — 15 „ 11 M 12/4 9/0 7/3 30 , 20 33/0 24/9 19/0 15 „ i2 13/0 9/0 — 30 , .22 36/0 26/3 — 16 „ 8 10/10 8/0 — 30 , 24 37/6 27/0 21/6 16 „ 10 tt 12/4 8/9 — 30 , , '25 38/3 27/0 — 16 „ 12 5? 13/6 9/9 7/3 36 , , '20 39/0 30/9 — 16 „ 14 15/0 10/9 — 36 , , 24 43/6 31/6 25/6 IV „ 13 15/0 11/3 9/0 36 , , 28 49/6 33/9 29/0 17 „ 14 15/6 11/3 — 40 , , 30 each 5/3 ^ 4/3 — ^8 „ 10 13/3 9/0 — 42 , , 28 5/8 4/6 — 18 „ 12 14/9 10/3 9/0 44 , , 34 6/9 5/9 — 18 „ 14 17/0 11/9 9/6 50 , , 30 7/6 6/3 — 18 „ 16 11 17/-6 13/0 — 50 , , 40 9/6 7/6 — 19 „ 13 11 15/9 12/0 9/6 56 , , 44 12/0 9/6 — 19 „ 15 18/0 12/6 60 , , 40 12/0 20 „ 12 11 16/3 11/3 10/9 94 , , 58 31/6 20 „ 14 11 18/0 13/0 106 , 70 „ 40/6 20 „ 15 11 18/0 13/6 Stretched Canvases are kept in stock as above. All other patterns can be supplied on stretchers to order, at prices proportionate to cost of the canvas. A? STRETCHERS FOR CANVAS. Machine made with combined mitre and tenon joints. These stretchers can be fitted together by any one from any pieces so long as the pieces aye of equal width. Two widths are kept, viz., inch and inch, and any piece of IJ inch will fit any other of IJ inch. This fact is of enormous convenience to dealers and simplifies home straining. The price is per gross pieces of one length, and each piece includes two wedges. 1 J inch pieces, suitable for Stretchers up to about 18 by 14 or 24 by 12 : — 13 in. ^ 6 in 7 8 9 10 11 12 Per gross, 9/6 14 15 16 17 18 19 in. 20 Per gross, 12/0 Per gross, 14/6 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Per gross, 19/0 24/0 12 in. 13 „ 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ 17 in. 18 „ } inch pieces, suitable for larger Stretchers : — 25 ., ^ Per gross, 19/0 Per gross, 19/0 ::} 19 20 21 „ 22 in. ^ I 23 „ ^ I 24 „ J 21/6 24/0 Per gross, 24/0 26 27 „ J 28 „ ^ 29 , 30 „ J 36 37 „ 29/0 31/0 33/6,^ 38/6 ACADEMY BOARDS FOR OIL PAINTING. Sizes. THICK Prepared Plain. THIN Prepared Plain. THIN Granulated. ART STUDENTS. 9i in. by 6 in. . . . per gross 19/3 14/6 1^/6 9/6 12i „ 9i . >) 36/0 29/0 29/0 19/0 „ m . >> 72/0 57/6 57/6 38/0 2^ „m ■ >> 144.0 115 '0 115/0 76/0 OIL SKETCHING TABLETS. 8 in. by 6 in. 10 „ 7 Hi » 9 per gross 24/0 28/6 43.0 14 in. by 10 in. 16 „ 12 20 ,, 14 per gross 48/0 ,. 72/0 OIL SKETCHING PAPER. In sheets, 30 in. by 21 in., Plain or Canvas Grained per dozen 6/9 WOOD PANELS, UNPREPARED. 7 in. by 5 in. per gross 24/0 12 in. by 10 in. . . . per gross 57/6 9 „ 7 n 33/6 14 ,, 9 62.0 10 8 fi 38/6 14 „ 10 67/0 12 „ 8 if 48,0 14 „ 12 76/6 12 „ 9 if 48/0 16 „ 12 96/0 WOOD PANELS, PREPARED WHITE. 7 in. by 5 in. per gross 57/6 12 in. by 10 in. . . . per gross 100/6 9 „ 7 if 67/0 14 „ 9 ... „ 110/0 10 „ 8 f i 76/6 14 „ 10 115/0 12 „ 8 >> 86/0 14 „ 12 124/6 12 „ 9 if 86/0 16 „ 12 ... „ 144/0 SHADED ART PANELS. GREEN OR BROWN. 9 in. by 6 in. ... per gross 57/6 18 in. by 12 in. 10 „ 7 ... „ 76/6 20 ,, 10 12"" „ 8 ... „ 96/0 24 „ 10 14 „ 10 ... „ 105/6 24 „ 12 18 „ 9 ... „ 115/0 28 „ 12 18 ,, 10 ... „ 124/6 per gross 144/0 144/0 192/0 201/0 258/0 LUMIRIS ART PANELS. 16 in. by 6^ in. ... per gross 144/0 24 in. by 10 in. ... per gross 201/0 16 „ 9 ... „ 144/0 24 „ 12 ... „ 230/0 18 9 172,0 26 „ 11 ... „ 230/0 20 „ 10 ... „ 172/0 28 „ 12 ... „ 288/0 19 REEVES' ARTISTS' OIL COLOUR BOXES. These boxes are of japanned tin of finest finish and workmanship. They "are supplied empty or fitted with Artist-quality colours, brushes, &c. \e. No. 1500. Size 9i by 5^. in. Empty per dozen 38/0 Palettes „ 7/3 Fitted with 12 colours, &c. each 8/4 No. 1500a. Size lOJ by 6 in. Empty per dozen 48/0 Palettes „ 9/6 Fitted with 13 colours, &c., each 12/0 No. 1500. No. 1500b. Size 124 by 6 in. No. 1504. Size 13 by 8i in. Empty ... per dozen 57/6 Empty .. per dozen 72/0 Palettes ... „ 10/6 Palettes „ 10/6 Fitted with 16 colours, &c. each 16/6 Fitted with 23 colours, &c. each 24/0 No. 1504s. Size 13 by 8i in. Empty per dozen 57/6 Palettes „ 10/6 Fitted with 23 colours, &c., each 16/6 No. 1505. Size 13 by 8^ in. Empty per dozen 96/0 Palettes „ 11/6 Fitted with 25 colours, &c., each 32/0 No. 1504. All these boxes can be fitted with any assortment of materials that they wiU contain, and charged accordingly. 20 REEVES' ARTISTS' OIL COLOUR BOXES. No. 1508. No. 1508. Studio Box,* size 12^ by.8^ ins. Empty each 10/0 Palette ... ,, 0/11 Fitted with 25 Colours, &c ^ ... ,, 34/0 No. 1509. Studio Box, size 14J by 9J ins. Empty each 14/6 PallettQ „ 2/3 Fitted with 38 Colours, &c 68/0 No. 1510. , Studio B.ox, size.l4J by lOJ ins. Empty ,^ ... each 22/6 Pallette ,, 3/6 . Fitted with Colours, &c 67/0 All these boxes can be fitted with any assortment of materials that they will contain and charged accordingly. 21 REEVES' ART STUDENTS' OIL COLOUR BOXES. Made of japanned tin of high finish ; the fittings are thoroughly sound and reliable; the colours are Art Students'. No. 2. Size 9i by 5J in. Empty Palettes Fitted with 12 colours, &c. per dozen • • »> • • >> 22/6 6/0 62/0 No. 3. Size 9J by 6i in. Empty Palettes Fitted with 16 colours, &c. per dozen • • jj 34/0 7/0 76/0 No. 4. Size lOi by 7i in. Empty Palettes Fitted with 19 colours, &c. per dozen • • ii 45/0 7/6 108/0 No. 5. Size 12J by 8i in. Empty Palettes Fitted with 26 colours, &c. per dozen • • 11 54/0 10/6 156/0 No. 6. Size 12J by 8i in. Empty Palettes Fitted with 26 colours. &c. per dozen • • »» • • i» 60/0 10/6 220/0 These boxes are very saleable as fitted above, especially Nos. 2, 3 & 4. We can fit any of them specially to customers' requirements, and charge accordingly. 22 REEVES & SONS' PRICE LISTS. (POST FREE.) EXTRACT No. 1. For Colonial dealers in HARDWARE, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, OIL AND COLOUR. EXTRACT No. 2. For Colonial dealers in ENGINEERS', ARCHI- TECTS' AND DRAUGHTMEN'S SUPPLIES, TECHNICAL SCHOOL, OPTICAL AND PHOTO GOODS. EXTRACT No. 3. For Colonial dealers in STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, GAMES, &c. EXTRACT No. 4. A LIST OF PICTURES FOR FRAMING, being beautiful reproductions in colour of works by leading artists, COMPLETE PRICE LIST of 224 pages, fully illustrated— Issued with Retail Prices only for the home market. Artists' and Students' Colours, Oil and Water, Colour Boxes, Brushes of all Sorts, Palettes, Palette Knives, Pens, Pencils, Rubbers, Chalks, Stumps, Drawing Paper, Tracing Paper, Cardboards, Sketch Books and Blocks, Portfolios, Studio Furniture and Easels, Sketching Appliances, Easels, Seats, Drawing Boards, T Squares and Rules, Compasses and Instruments, Materials for Modelling, Etching, China Painting, Illuminating, Poker Work, Art Handbooks, Fine Art Studies. 123 CONCERNING REEVES' COLOURS: The Late LORD LEIGHTON was using Reeves' Colours at the time of hi^ death ; he had only recently adopted thenv but expressed himself very highly as to their merits. G. H. BROUGHTON, R,A.— have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of the various colours of your make that I have now used for several years. This applies to the oil and water colours alike." SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A.— " They are all very fine, especially the Raw Sienna." H. STACY MARKS, R.A.— I have found them excellent, and could not desire any better." C. NAPIER HE MY, A.R.A., after referring to four other makers' colours, which he has given up for Reeves', writes : — I found yours a deeper, richer set of colours than I had ever found before, both in oil and water colour. I really consider that they are the very best I have ever.4iad." WALTER CRANE, A.R.W.S.— I have found your colours, both oil and water, very satisfactory." WYKE BAYLISS, P.R.B.A.— I have used -^ybitr colours for more than twenty years, and tested them in every possible, way an4: I can speak of them in nothing but the highest terms ; they are pure and rich in tint, very free and pleasant in working, and bear the severest tests as to permanency." FRANK BRANGWYN, R.I.—'' I am taking your colours with me to Raly, as I know I can rely on them." PROFESSOR RUSKIN— " I find them of delightful consistence, and extremely bright and charming tints." MADAME VOUGA, of Geneva — "I find your colours/very pure and brilliant, and well prepared, and have much pleasure in using them." PHIL MAY writes of Reeves' Artists' Black — "I have come to the conclusion that it is the best ink I have ever used, and highty recommend it to pen draughtsmen. " DUDLEY HARDY, R.I., writes ot Reeves' Chinese \^hite— " It is by far the best I have ever used." A WELL-KNOWN CHEMIST was asked to examine Reeves' Colours and to obtain his sannples incognito at one of Reeves' Agents. His Report was as follows : — " Gentlemen, — In accordance with your instructions, I purchased at one of your depots some tubes of oil colours prepared for artists. I selected twelve colours covering a wide range. I found all the colours pure and finely ground, and I am satisfied that great care has been given to their preparation. Yours faithfully HENRY SEWARD, F.C.S. Harrison & Sons, Printers in Ordinary to Her Majestyj St. Martin's Lane, London. TRADE MARK. REEVES & SONS have been established as Makers of Artists' Colours from the year 1768. REEVES & SONS have obtained fledals wherever their Colours have been exhibited. The above Palette in Silver was presented to REEVES' by the Society of Arts, London, in the year 1781, in recogrnition of their services to Art.