i~ U, and fuch ample encouragement, could not but effedt a revolution in the fcience itfelf ; and we are indebted to the combined efforts of all thefe learned men for the difeovery of fe- veral metals, the creation of various ufe- ful arts, the knowledge of a number of ad- vantageous proceffes, the working of fe^ veral mines, the analyfis of the gafes, the decompofition of water, the theory of heat, the Preliminary Difeourfe. xxxi the do&rine of combuflion ; and a mafs of knowledge fo abfolute and fo extended, re- fpefting all the phenomena of art and of nature, that in a very fhort time chemiftry has become a fcience entirely new. We might now fay with much more truth what the celebrated. Bacon affirmed of the che- miftry of his time: “ A new philofophy,” fays he, “ has iffued from the furnaces of “ the chemifts, which has confounded all “ the reafonings of the ancients.” But while difeoveries became infinitely multiplied in chemiftry, the neceffity of re- medying the confufion which had fo long prevailed, was foon feen, and indicated the want of a reform in the language of this fcience. There is fo intimate a relation be- tween words and fa£ls, that the revolution which takes place in the principles of a fcience ought to be attended with a fimilar revolution in its language: and it is no more poffible to preferve a vicious nomen- clature with a fcience which becomes en- lightened, extended, and Amplified, than to polifh, civilize, and inftrufl uninformed man without making any change in his na- tural xxxii Preliminary Difcourfe. tural language. Every chemid who wrote on any fubje£t was (truck with the inaccu- racy of the words in common ufe, and con- fidered himfelf as authorized to introduce fome change ; infomuch that the chemical language became infenfibly longer, more confufed, and more unpleafant. Thus the carbonic acid has been known, during the courfe of a few years, under the names of Fixed Air, Aerial Acid, Mephitic Acid, Cretaceous Acid, &c. ; and our poderity may hereafter difpute whether thefe various denominations were not applied to different fubdances. The time was therefore come in which it was neceffary to reform the language of chemidry: the imperfeftions of the ancient nomenclature, and the dif- covery of many new fubdances, rendered this revolution indifpenfable. But it was neceffary to defend this revolution from the caprice and fancy of a few individuals; it was neceffary to edablifh this new lan- guage upon invariable principles; and the only means of infuring this purpofe was doubtlefs that of erefting a tribunal in which chemids of acknowledged merit fhould Preliminary Difcourfe . xxxiii fhould difcufs the words received without prejudice and without intereft; in which the principles of a new nomenclature might be eftablilhed and purified by the fevered logic; and in which the language fhould be fc> well identified with the fcience, the word fo well applied to the fadi, that the knowledge of the one fhould lead to the knowledge of the other. This was exe- cuted in 1788 by Meffrs. De Morveau, Lavoifier, Berthollet, and De Fourcroy. In order to eftablifh a fyftem of nomen- clature, bodies muff be confidered in two different points of view, and diftributed in- to two claffes; namely, the clafs of fimple fubftances reputed to be elementary, and the clafs of combined fubftances. 1. The moft natural and liiitable deno- minations which can be affigned to fimple fubftances, muft be deduced from a princi- pal and charadteriftic property of the fub- ftance intended to be expreffed. They may likewife be diftinguiftred by words which do not prefent any precife idea to the mind. Moft of the received names are eftablifhed on this laft principle, fuch as the names Vol.L g Sulphur, xxxiv Preliminary Difcourfe • Sulphur, Phofphorus,which do not convey any fignification in our language, and pro- duce in our minds determinate ideas only, becaufe ufage has applied them to known fubftances. Thefe words, rendered facred by ufe, ought to be preferved in a new no- menclature ; and no change ought to be made, excepting when it is propofed to reftify vicious denominations. In this cafe the authors of the New Nomenclature have thought it proper to deduce the denomina- tion from the principal charafteriftic pro- perty of the fubflance. Thus, pure air might have been called Vital Air, Fire Air, or Oxigenous Gas ; becaufe it is the bafis of acids, and the aliment of refpiration and combuft ion. But it appears to me that this principle has been in a fmall degree depart- ed from when the name of Azotic Gas was given to the atmofpherical mephitis — l. Becaufe, none of the known gafeous fub- fiances excepting vital air being proper for refpiration, the word Azote agrees with every one of them except one; and confe- quently this denomination is not founded upon an exclufive property, diftin£tive and cha- XXXV Preliminary Pifcourfe, charafteriftic of the gas itfelf. 2. This de- nomination being once introduced, the ni- tric acid ought to have been called Azotic Acid, and its combinations Azotates ; be- caufe the acids are propofed to be denoted by the name which belongs to their radical. 3. If the denomination of Azotic Gas does not agree with this aeriform fubftance, the name of Azote agrees ftill lefs with the concrete and fixed fubftance ; for in this ftate all the gafes are effentially azotes. It appears to me therefore that the denomina- tion of Azotic Gas is not eftablifhed accord- ing to the principles which have been adopted; and that the names given to the feveral fubftances of which this gas confti- tutes one of the elements, are equally re- movedfrom the principles of the Nomen- clature. In order to corre£l the Nomen- clature on this head, nothing more is ne- ceflary than to fubftitute to this word a da- nomination which is derived from the ge- neral fyftem made ufe of; and I have pre- fumed to propofe that of Nitrogene Gas. In the firft place, it is deduced from the chara£leriftic and exclufive property of c 2 this xxxvi Preliminary Difcourfe. this gas, which forms the radical of the ni- tric acid. By this means we fhall preferve to the combinations of this fubflance the received denominations, fuch as thofe of the Nitric Acid, Nitrates, Nitrites, &c. In this manner the word which is afforded by the principles adopted by the celebra- ted authors of the Nomenclature, caufes every thing to return into the order pro- pofed to be eflablifhed. 2. The method made ufe of to afcertain the denominations fuitable to compound fubftances, appears to me to be fimple and accurate. It has been thought that the lan- guage of this part of fcience ought to pre- fent the analyfes ; that the words fhould be only the exprefnon of fafts; and that con- fequently the denomination applied by a chemift to any fubftance which has been analyfed, ought to render him acquainted with its conflituent parts. By following this method, the Nomenclature is as it were united, and identified with the fcience ; and fatts and words agree together. Two things are therefore united, which until this time appeared to have no mutual re- lation. Preliminary Difcourfe .. xxxvii lation, the word, and the fubftance which it reprefented ; and by this means the itudy of chemiftry is hmplified. But when we apply thefe inconteftable principles to the various objefts of chemiftry, .we ought to follow the analyfis ftep by ftep, and upon this ground alone eftablifh general and in- dividual denominations. We ought to ob- ferve, that it is from this analytical method that the various denominations have been afligned, and that the methodical diftribu- tibns of natural hiftory have been at all times made. If man were to open his eyes for the firft time upon the various beings which people or compofe this globe, he would eftablifh their relation upon the com- parifon of their moll evident properties, and no doubt would found his firft divifions upon the moll fenfible differences. The various modes of exiftence, or their feverai degrees of confidence, would form his firft divifion ; and he would arrange them under the heads of folid, liquid, or aeriform bo- dies. A more profound examination, and a more connected analyfis of the individu- als, would foon convince him that the fub- ftances xxxviii Preliminary Difcourfe . fiances which certain general relations had induced him to unite in the fame clafs, un- der a generic denomination, differed very effentially among each other, and that the fe differences neceffarily required fubdivi- fions. Hence he would divide his folid bo- dies into ftones, metals, vegetable fubftan- ces, animal fuftances, &c. ; his liquids would be divided into water, vital air, in- flammable air, mephitic air, &c. When he proceeded to carry his refearches on the na- ture of thefe fubftances ftill farther, he would perceive that moft of the individuals were formed by the union of Ample princi- ples ; and here it is that his applications of the fy ftem to be followed, in affigning a fuit- able denomination to eachfubftance, would begin. To anfwer this purpofe, the authors of the New Nomenclature have endeavour- ed to exhibit denominations which may point out the conftituent principles. This admirable plan has been carried into exe- cution as far as relates to fubftances which are not very complicated, fuch as the com- binations of the principles with each other; the acids, earths, metals, alkalis, See . And this Preliminary Difcoutfe. xx.ax this part of the Nomenclature appear, to me to leave nothing more to be defired. The explanation may be feen in the work publifhed on this fubjeft by the authors, and in the Elementary Treatife of Che- miftry of Mr. Lavoifier. I (hall therefore do nothing more in this place than prefent a fketch of the method I have followed ; taking for example the combinations of acids, which form the mod numerous clafs of compounds. The firft ftep confifted in comprehend- ing under a general denomination the com- bination of an acid with any given bafis ; and in order to obferve a more exa6i ar- rangement, and at the fame time to alhft the memory, one common termination has been given to all words which denote the combination of an acid. Hence the words Sulphates, Nitrates, Muriates, are ufed to denote combinations of the ful- phuric, nitric, and muriatic acids. The kind of combination is denoted by adding to the generic word the name of the body which is combined with the acid; thus, the fulphate of pot-alb expreffes the com- bination xl * Preliminary Difcourfe. bination of the fulphuric acid with pot- afli. The modifications of thefe fame acids, dependent on the proportions of their confiituent' principles; form 1 falts different from thofe we have juft fpoken of ; and the authors of the New Nomenclature have exprefled the modifications of the acids by the termination of the generic word. The difference in the acids arifes almoft always from the greater or lefs abundance of oxigene. In the firft cafe, the acid affumes the epithet of Oxigenated ; hence the oxigenated muriatic acid, the oxigenated fulphuric acid, &c. In the fe- cond cafe, the termination of the word which denotes the acid, ends in ous ; hence the fulphureous acid, the nitrous acid, &c. The combinations of thefe laft form ful- phites, nitrites, &c. ; the combinations of the former compofe oxigenated muriates, oxigenated fulohates, &c. The combinations of the various bodies which compofe this globe are not all as fim- pie as thofe here mentioned ; and it may be immediately perceived how* long and trouble- • Preliminary Difcourfe . xli troublefome the denominations would be, if attempts were made to beftow a Angle denomination which fhould' denote the conffituent principles of a body formed by the union of five or fix principles. In this cafe, the preference has been given to the received appellation, and no other changes have been admitted but fuch as were ne- ceffary in order to fubftitute proper appel- lations inftead of thofe which afforded no- tions contrary to the nature of the objefts they were applied to. I have adopted this Nofrienclature in my le&ures, and in my writings ; and I have not failed to perceive how very advantage- ous it is to the teacher, how much it re- lieves the memory, how greatly it tends to produce a tafte for chemiff ry, and with -what facility and precifion the ideas and principles concerning the nature of bodies fix themfelves in the minds of the auditors. But I have been careful to infert the tech- nical terms ufed in the arts, or received in fociety, together with thefe two denomina- tions. I am of opinion that, as it is impof- fible to change the language of the people, it xlii Preliminary Difcourfe. it is neceffary to defcend to them, and by that means render them partakers of our difeoveries. We fee, for example, that the artift is acquainted with the fulphuric acid by no other name than that of Oil of Vi- triol, though the name of the Vitriolic Acid has been the language of chemifts for a . century paft. We cannot hope to be more happy in thisrefpeft than our predeceflors; and, fo far from feparating ourfelves from the artift by a peculiar language, it is pro- per that we fhould multiply the occafions of bringing us together ; fo far from at- tempting to enflave him by our language, we ought rather to infpire his confidence by learning his terms. Let us prove to the artift that our relations with him are more extended than he imagines ; and let us by this intimacy eftablifh mutual correfpond- ence, and a concurrence of information, which cannot but redound to the advan- tage of the arts and of chemiftry. After having explained the principal ob- j eft ions which have retarded the improve- ment of chemiftry, and the caufes which in our time have accelerated its progrefs, we Preliminary Difcourfe. xliii we (hall endeavour to point out the prin- cipal applications of this fcience ; in which attempt, we think, we (hah fucceed beft by calling a general retrofpeti: over thofe arts and fcences which receive certain principles from it. Mofl of the arts are indebted to accident for their difcovery. They are in general neither the fruit of refearch, nor the re- fult of combination, but all of them have a more orlefs evident relation tochemiftry. This fcience therefore is capable of clear- ing up their firft principles, reforming their abufes, Amplifying their operations, and accelerating their progrefs. Chemiflry bears the fame relation to moft of the arts, as the mathematics have to the feveral parts of fcience which de- pend on their principles. It is pofhble, no doubt, that works of mechanifrn may be executed by one who is no mathematician • and fo likewife it is polfible to dye a beau- tiful fcarlet without being a chemift : but the operations of the mechanic, and of the dyer, are not the lefs founded upon in- variable xliv Preliminary Difcourfe . variable principles, the knowledge of which would be of infinite utility to the artift. We continually hear in manufactories of the caprices and uncertainty of operations ; but it appears to me that this vague expref- fion owes its birth to the ignorance of the workmen with regard to thetrue principles of their art. For nature itfelf does not aCl with determination and difcernment, but obeys invariable laws ; and the inanimate fubftance which we make ufe of in our manufactures, exhibits neceflary effeCts, in which the will has no part, and confequent- ly in which caprices cannot take place. Render yourfelves better acquainted with the materials you work upon, we might fay to the artifis ; ftudy more intimately the principles of your art; and you will be able to forefee, to predict, and to calculate every effeCt. It is your ignorance alone which renders your operations a continual feries of trials, and a difcouraging alterna- tive of fuccefs and difappointment. The public, which continually exclaims that experience is better than fcience, en- courages and fupports this ignorance on the part Preliminary Difcourje . xlv part of the artift; and it will not be remote from our objeft to attempt to afcertain the true value of thefe terms. It is very true, for example, thataman whohashad avery long experience may perform operations with exaftnefs ; but he will always be con- fined to the mere manipulation. I would compare fuch a man to a blind perfon who is acquainted with the road, and can pafs along it with eafe, and perhaps even with the confidence and affuranceof a man who fees perfeftly well ; but is at the fame time incapable of avoiding accidental obftacles, incapable of (hortening his way or taking the moll direft courfe,andincapabIeofiay- ingdown any rules which he can communi- cate to others. This is the ftate of the artift of mere experience : however long the du- ration of his practice may have been, as the fimple performer of operations. It may perhaps be repl ied, that artifts have made very important difcoveries in confe- quenceof afliduous labour. This is indeed true, but the examples are very fcarce; and we have no right to conclude, becaufe we have feen men of genius without any ma- thematical xlvi Preliminary Difoourfe . thematical theory execute wonderful works of mechanifm, that the mathematicsarenot the bafis of mechanics, cr that any one has a right to expeft to become a great mecha- nic without a profound ftudy of mathe- matical principles. It appears to be generally admitted at pre- fent, that chemiftry is the bafis of the arts : but the artift will not derive from chemiftry all the advantages he has a right to expeft, until he has broken through that powerful barrier which fufpicion, felf-love, and pre- judice have raifed between the chemift and himfelf. Such philofophers as have attempted to pafs this line, have frequent- ly been repelled as dangerous innovators; and prejudice, which reigns defpotically in manufa&ories, has not even permitted it to be thought that the procefles were capable of improvement. It is eafy to fhew the advantages which the arts might obtain from chemiftry, by calling a retrofpefl over its applications to each of them in particular. 1. It appears, from the writings of G> lumella, that the ancients poffeffed a conft- derable Preliminary Difcourfe. xlvii derable extent of knowledge refpe&ing agriculture, which was at that time con- fidered as the firlt and nobleft occupation of man. But when once the obje£ts of luxury prevailed over thofe of neceffity, the cultivation of the ground was left to the mere fucceffion of praftice, and this firll of the arts became degraded by prejudices. Agriculture is more intimately connected with chemiftry than isufuallyfuppofed. It mull be admitted thatevery man is capable of caufing ground to bear corn ; but what a confi derable extent of knowledge is necef- fary to caufe it to produce the greateft pof- fible quantity ! It is not enough, for this purpofe, to divide, to cultivate, and to ma- nure any piece of ground: a mixture is like- wife required of earthy principles fo well afforted, that it may afford a proper nourifh- ment ; permit the roots to extend themfel ves to a diftance, in order to draw up the nutri- tive juices; give the item a fixed bafe; re- ceive, retain, and afford upon occafion, the aqueous principle, withoutwhich no vege- tation can be formed. It is therefore ef- fential to afcertain the nature of the earth, the xlviii Preliminary Difcourfe . the avidity with which it feizes water, its force of retaining it, &t\; and thefe requi- res point to fludies which will afford prin- ciples not to be obtained by mere practice but flowly and imperfectly. Every grain requires a peculiar earth. Barley vegetates freely among the dry re- mains of granite ; wheat grows in calca- reous earth, &c. And how can it be pof- lible to naturalize foreign products, with- out a fufficient flock of knowledge to f up- ply them with an earth fimilar to that which is natural to them ? The diforders of grain and forage, and the deftruQion of the infefts which devour them, are objefls of natural hiflory and chemiflry : and we have feen in our own times the effential art of drying and pre- ferving grain, and all thofe details which are interefling in the preparation of bread, carried by the labours of a few chemifls to a degree of perfe&ion which feemed difficult to have been attained. The art of difpofmg ftables in a proper manner, that of choofing water adapted for the drink of domeflic animals, the (economi- cal Preliminary Difcourfe. xlix cal proceffes for preparing and mixing their food, the uncommon talent of fupplyinga proper manure fuited to the nature of foils, the knowledge neceflary to prevent or to repair the effefts of blights — all come with- in the province of Chemifiry ; and with- out the afli fiance of this fcience our pro- ceeding would be painful, flow, and un- certain. We may at prefent infift upon the ne- ceflity of chemiftry in the various branches of agriculture with fo much the more rea- fon, as government does not ceafe to en- courage this firft of arts by recompences, diftinftions, and eftablifhments ; and the views of the ftate are forwarded by the pro- pofal of means to render this art flourith- iftg. We fee, with the greateft fatisfaflion, that by a happy return of reflection, we begin to confider agriculture as the pureft, the moll fruitful, and the mod natural fource of our riches. Prejudices no lon- ger tend to opprefs the hufbandman. Con- tempt and fervitude are no longer the in- heritance received for hisinceflant labours. The mod ufeful and the mod virtuous Vou I. d clafs 1 Preliminary Difcourfe. clafs of men is likewife that whofe date is mod minutely corlfidered; and the culti- vator of the ground in France is at lad permitted to raife his hands in a date of freedom to Heaven, in gratitude for this happy revolution. 2. The working of mines is likewife founded upon the principles of chemidry. This fcience alone points out and direCts the feries of operations to be made upon a metal, from the moment of its extraction from the earth until it comes to be ufed in the arts. * i ..... * r Before the chemical analyfis was appli- ed to the examination of (tones, thefe Tub- dances were all denoted by fuperficial characters, fuch as colour, hardnefs, vo- lume, weight, form, and the property q£ giving fire with the deel. All thefe cife cumdances had given rife to methods of divifion in which every other property W-as confounded; but the fuccefTive la- bours of Pott, r Margraaff, Bergmann, Scheele, Bayen, Dietrich, Kirwan, Lavoi- fier, De Morveau, Achard, Sage, Ber- thollett, Gerhard, Erhmann, Fourcroy, Mongez, Preliminary Difcourfe li Mongez, Klaproth, Crell, Pelletier, De la Metherie, &c. by inftrufting us concern- ing the conftituent principles of every known ftone, have placed thefe fubftances in their proper lituations, and have carried this part of chemiftry to the fame degree of precifion as that which we before pof- feffed relpefting the neutral falts. The natural hiftory of the mineral king- dom, unaffifted by chemiftry, is a language compofed of a few words, the knowledge of which has acquired the name of Mine- ralogift to many perfons. The words Cal- careous Stone, Granite, Spar, Schorle, Feld Spar* Schiftus, Mica, &c. alone com- pofe the diftionary of feveral amateurs>of natural hiftory ; but thedifpofition of thefe fubftances in the bowels of the earth, their refpeftive pofition in the compofition of the globe, their formation and fucceftive decompofnions, their ufes in the arts, and the knowledge of their conftituent princi- ples,, form a fcience which can be well known and inveftigated by the chemift only. : It is neceffary therefore that mineralogy d 2 ftiould lii 'Preliminary Difcourfe . fhould be enlightened by the ftudy of che- miftry ; and we may obferve that, fince thefe two fciences have been united, the labour of working mines has been Ampli- fied, metallic ores have been wrought with more intelligence, feveral new metallic fub- ftances have been difcovered, individuals have opened mines in the provinces'; and we have become familiar with a fpecies of induftry which leemed foreign, and almoft incompatible with, our foil and our habits. Steel and the other metals have received in ourmanufa£tories that degree of perfe£tiort which had till lately excited our admira- tion, and humiliated our felf-love. The fuperb manufacture of Creufot has no equal in Europe. Molt of our works are fupported by pit-coal ; and this new com- buftible fubftance is fo much the more va- luable, as it affords us time to repair our exhaufted woods, and as it is found almoft every where in thole barren foils which repel the ploughihare, and prohibit every other kind of induftry. The eternal grati- tude of this country is therefore due to Meffrs. Jars, Dietrich, Duhamel, Monet, Genfanne, Preliminary Difcourfe . liii Genfanne, &c. who firft brought us ac- quainted with thefe true riches. The tafte for mineralogy, which has diffufed itfelf within our remembrance, has not a little contributed to produce this revolution; and it is in a great meafure owing to thofe collediions of natural hiftory, againft which fome perfons have fo much exclaimed, that we are indebted for this general tafte. Our cohesions have the fame relation to natural hiftory, as books bear to literature and the fciences. The cohesion frequent- ly is nothing more than an objeSi of lux- ury to the proprietor; but in this very cafe it is a refource always open to the man who is defirous of beholding, and inftrudt- ing himlelf. It is an exemplar of the works of nature, which may be confulted every moment; and the chemift who runs over all thefe produftions, and fubjecis them to analyfes to afcertain their conftituent prin- ciples, forms the precious chain which unites nature and art. 3. While the chemift attends to the na- ture of bodies, and endeavours to afcertain their conftituent principles, the natural philofopher liv Preliminary Difcourfe. philofopher ftudies their external charac- ters, and as it were their phyfiognomy. The obje£I of the chemift ought therefore to be united to that of the philofopher, in order to acquire a complete idea of a body. What in fa£t (hall we call Air or Fire, without the inftru&ion of the che- mifl? Fluids more or lefs comprefhble, ponderous, and elafiic. What are the parr ticulars of information which natural phi- lofophy affords us concerning the nature of folids? It teaches us to diftinguifh them from each other, to calculate their weight, to determine their figure, to afcertain their ufes, &c. If we caff our attention upon the nume- rous particulars which chemiftry has lately taught us refpefling air, water, and fire, we fhall perceive how much the connexion of thefe two fciences has been ftrengthened. Before this revolution, natural philofophy was reduced tq the fimple difplay of ma- chines; and this coquetry, by giving it a tranfient glare, would have impeded its progrefs, if chemiflry had not reftored it to its true deflmation. The celebrated chancellor Preliminary Difcourfe. * Iv chancellor Bacon compared the natural magic, or experimental philofophy, of his time, to a magazine in which a few rich and valuable moveables were found among a heap of toys. The curious, fays he, is exhibited inftead of the ufeful. What more is required to draw the attention of great men, and to form that tranfient fa- fhion of the day which ends in contempt? The natural philofophy of our days no longer deferves the reproaches of this ce- lebrated phiiofopher. It is a fcience founded on two bafes equally foiid. On the one part, it depends on mathematical fcience for its principles ; and, on the other, it refts upon chemiftry. The natural phi- iofopher will attend equally to both fci- ences. The ftudy of chemiftry, in certain de- partments, is fo intimately connected with that of natural philofophy, that they are infeparable; as, for example, in refearches concerning air, water, fire, &c. Thefe fciences very advantageoufly aftift each other in other refpefts ; and while the chemift clears minerals from the foreign bodies lvi Preliminary Difcourfc. bodies which are combined with them, the philofopher fupplies the mechanical appa- ratus neceffary for exploring them. Che- miftry is inleparable from natural philo- fophy, even in fuch parts as appear the mod independent of it; fuch, for examr pie, as optics, where the natural philofo^ pher can make no progrefs but in propor- tion as the chemift (hall bring his glafs to perfeftion. The connexion between thefe two fci- ences is fo intimate, that it is difficult to draw a line of diftinftion between them. If we confine natural philofophy to enqui- ries relative to the external properties of bodies, we fhall afford no other objeft but the mere outfide of things. If we reftrain the chemift to the mere analvfis, he will at mod arrive at the knowledge of the con- ftituent principles of bodies, and will be ignorant of their fun&ions. Thefe diftinc- tions in a fcience which has but one com- mon purpofe, namely the complete know- ledge of bodies, cannot longer exift ; and it appears to me that we ought abfolutely to reject them in all obje£t$ which can only be Preliminary Difcourfe . Ivii be well examined by the union of natural philofophy and cherniftry. At the period of the revival of letters, it was of advantage to feparate the learned, as it were, upon the road to truth; and to multiply the workfhops, if I may ufe the expreflion, to haften the clearing away. But at prefent, when the various points are reunited, and the connection between the whole is feen, thefe reparations, thefe divifions, ought to be effaced; and we may flatter ourfelves that, by uniting our efforts, we may make a rapid progrefs in the ftudyof nature. The meteors, and all the phenomena of which the atmofphere is the grand theatre, can be known only by this re union. The decompofition of water in the bowels of the earth, and its formation in the fluid which furrounds us, cannot but give rife to the moll happy and the moll fublime applications. 4. The connexion between cherniftry and pharmacy is fo intimate, that thefe two fciences have long been confidered as one and the fame; and cherniftry, fora long time, was cultivated only by phyficians and apothe- Iviii Preliminary Difcourfe . apothecaries. It mud be allowed that, though the chemiftry of the prefent day is very different from pharmacy, which is only an replication of the general princi- ples of this fcience, thefe applications are fo numerous, the clafs of perfons who cul- tivate pharmacy is in general fo well in- formed, that it is not at all to be wonder- ed at, thatmoft apothecaries fhould endea- vour to enlighten their proieffion by a fe- rious ftudy of chemiftry, and by the hap- pieft agreement unite the knowledge of both parts of fcience. The abufes which, at the beginning of the prefent century, were made of the applications of chemiftry to medicine, have caufed the natural and intimate rela- tions of this fcience with the art of heal- ing to be miftaken. It would have been more prudent, no doubt, to have reflified its applications; but unfortunately we have too much ground to reproach phy- ficians for going to extremes. They have, without reftrifition, banifhed that which they before received without examination ; and we have feen them fucceflively deprive their Preliminary Difcourfe. lix their art of all the a Alliance it might ob- tain from the auxiliary fciences. In order to direct with propriety the ap- plications of cliemiltry to the human body, proper views mult be adopted relating to the animal economy, together with accu- rate notions of chemillry itlelf. The re- fu Its of the laboratory muft be confidered as fubordmate to phyfiological obferva- tions. We fhould endeavour to enlighten the one by the other, and to admit no truth as eftablifhcd which is contradifted by any of thefe means of conviftion. It is in confequence of a departure from thefe principles that the human body has been confidered as a lifelefs and paffive fub- fiance ; and that the ftrift principles ob- ferved in the operations of the laboratory have been applied to this living fyftem. In the mineral kingdom, every thing is fubjected to the invariable laws of the affi- nities. No interna! principle modifies the aftion of natural agents ; and hence it arifes that we are capable of foretelling, producing, or modifying the effects. In the vegetable kingdom, the aftion of external lx Preliminary Difcourfe. external agents is equally evident ; but the internal organization modifies their ef- fe&s, and the principal funClions of vege- tables arile from the combined action of external and internal caufes. It was no doubt for this reafon that the Creator dif- poled the principal organs of vegetation upon the furface of the plant, in order that the various funftions might at the fame time receive the impreflions of ex* ternal agents, and that of the internal principle of the organization. In animals, the functions are much lefs dependant on external caufes ; and nature has concealed the principal organs in the internal part of their bodies, as if to with- draw them from the influence of foreign powers. But the more the fun&ions of an individual are connefted with its organi- zation, the lefs is the empire of chemiltry over them ; and it becomes us to be cau- tious in the application of this fcience to all the phenomena which depend efienti- ally upon the principles of life. We muft not however confider chemif- try as foreign to the ftudy and pra&iceof medicine. Ixi Preliminary Difcourje . medicine. This fcience alone can teach us the difficulty and art of combining re- medies. This alone can teach us to apply them with prudence and firmnefs. With- out the affiftance of this fcience, the prac- titioner would fcarcely venture to apply thofe powerful remedies from which the chemical phyfician knows the means of de- riving fuch great advantage. Chemiftry alone, in all probability, is capable of af- fording means of combating epidemic dif- orders, which in mpft cafes are caufed by an alteration in the air, the water, or our food. It will be only in confequence of analyfxs that the true remedy can be found againft thofe ftony concretions which form the matter of the gout, the Hone, the rheuma- tifm, &c. ; and the valuable particulars of information which we now poflefs refpefcf- ing refpiration, and the nature of the prin- cipal humours of the human body, are like- wife among the benefits arifing from this fcience. 5. Chemiftry is not only of advantage to agriculture, phyfic, mineralogy, and medi- cine, but its phenomena are interefting to all Ixii Preliminary Difcoiirfe. all the orders of men: the applications of this fcience are fo numerous, that. there are few circumftances of life in which the che- mift does not enjoy the pieafure of feeing its principles exemplified. Molt of thofe fatts which habit has led us to view with indifference, are interefhng phenomena in the eyes of the chernilt. Every thing in- flrutts and amufes him ; nothing is indif- ferent to him, becaufe nothing is foreign to his purfuits ; and nature, no lefs beautiful in her moft minute details than fublimein the difpofition of her general laws, appears to difplay the whole of her magnificence, only to the eyes of the chemical philofo- pher. We might eafily form an idea of this fcience, if it were polfibie to exhibit in this place even a fketch of its principal appli- cations* We fhould fee, for example, that chemiftry affords us all the metals of which the ufes are fo extenfive; that chemiftry af?/ fords us the means of employing the parts of animals and of plants for our ornament; that our luxuries, and our fubfiftence, are by this fcience eftablifhed as a tax upon all created Preliminary Difcourfe .. Jxiii created beings ; and ihat by this power we are taught to fubject nature to our wants, our talte, and even to our caprices. Fire, that free independent element, has been co!le£ted and governed by the indultry of the chemift ; and this agent, deftined to penetrate, to enliven, and to animate the whole of nature, has in his hands become the agent of death, and the prime minifter- of deftruftion. The chemifts who in our time have taught us to infulate that pure air which alone is proper for combuftion, have placed in our hands, as it were, the very elfence of fire; and this element, whofe effects were fo terrible, becomes the agent of hill more terrible corifequences. The atmofphere, which was formerly con- fidered as a mafs of homogeneous fluid, is now found to be a true chaos, from which analyfis has obtained principles fo much the more interefling to be known, as na- ture has made them the principal agents of her operations. We may confider this mafs of fluid in which we live as a vaft la- boratory, in which the meteors are pre- pared, in which all the feeds of life and of lxiv Preliminary Difcourjt . of death are developed, from which nature takes the elements of the compofition of bodies, and to which their fubfequent de- compofition returns the fame principles which were before extracted. Chemiftry, by informing us of the na- ture and principles of bodies, inftructs us perfe&ly concerning our relation to the ob- jects around us. This fcience teaches us 5 as it were, to live with them ; and impreffes a true life upon them, fince by this means each body has its name, its charafter, its ufes, and its influence, in the harmony and arrangement of this univerfe. The chemift, in the midft of thofe nu- merous beings which the common race of men accufe nature of having vainly placed upon our globe, enjoys the profpeft as it were in the centre of a fociety, all whofe members are connefted together by in- timate relations, and concur to promote the general good. In his fight, every thing is animated, every being performs a part on this vaft theatre ; and the chemift who participates in thefe intereftingfcenes, is repaid with ufury for his firft exertions to Preliminary Difcourfe. Jxv to difcover the relations exifting between them. We may even confider this commerce, or mutual relation between the chemift and nature, as very proper to foften the manners, and to imprefs on the charaXer that freedom and firmnefs of principle fo valuable in fociety. In the ftudy of na- tural hiftory, no caufe ever prefents itfelf to complain of inconftancy or treachery. An attachment is eafily contracted for ob- jects which afford enjoyment only ; and thefe connexions are as pure as their ob- jeX, as durable as nature, and ftronger in proportion to the exertions which have been required to eftablifh them. From all thefe confiderations, there is no fcience which more eminently deferves to enter into the plan of a good education than chemiftry. We may even affirm that the ftudy of this fcience is aimoft indifpen- fably neceffary to prevent us from being flrangers in the midft of the beings arid phenomena which furround us. It is true indeed that the habit of beholding the ob- jects of nature may produce a knowledge Vol. I. e of e Ixvi Preliminary Difcourfe. of lome of their principal properties. We may even in this way arrive at the theory of fome of the phenomena. But nothing is more proper to check the pretenfions of young perfons who are elevated by fuch imperfect acquifitions, than to (hew them the vaft field of which they are ignorant. The profound fentiment of their ignorance will be feconded by the natural defire of acquiring new knowledge. The wonder- ful properties of the objects preferred to them will en^a^e their attention. The in- terefting nature of the phenomena will tend to excite their curiofity. Accuracy of experiment, and ftrifinefs of refult, will form their reafoning powers, and ren- der them fevere in their judgment. By ftudying the properties of all the bodies which furround him, the young fcholar learns to know their relation with hirnlelf ; and by fucceffively attending to all objects, he extends the circle of his enjoyment by new conquefts. He becomes a partaker in the privileges of the Creator, by uniting and difuniting, by compounding and de~ ftroying. We might even affirm that the Author Preliminary Difcourfe . Ixvii Author of nature, referving to himfelf alone the knowledge of his general laws, has placed man between himfelf and mat- ter, that it may receive thefe laws from his hands, and that he may apply them with proper modifications and reftriftions. In this view, therefore, we may confider man as greatly fuperior to the other beings which compofe this living fyftem. They all fol- low a monotonous and invariable procefs; receive the laws, and fubmit to effebls without modification. Man alone pof- feffes the rare advantage of knowing a part of thefe laws, of preparing events, of predi£ling refults, of producing effefts at pleafure, of removing whatever is noxious, of appropriating whatever is beneficial, of compofing fubftances which nature her- felf never forms ; and, in this laft point of view, himfelf a Creator, he appears to par- take with the Supreme Being in the mod eminent of his prerogatives. - XI * V ' V* • jJ U* :• j J r ■ - ^ ,jQi .. %C i .iSw'fu - in,, /j Or; ixl' f o ! . ■ :. ■ • ■ v ( ■ . :•?>(> #*n i ' rrcq ,’.:9 *> ' i ; ; ii ;»? ‘ *] t i 1 : • 15 > 1 : ; ’ JJC.. u> [iD'frf *> ••• v^tc>> 1 •’/' r • fir* ■ . . elements * •' - * C ■ t T ' * \ y . .v — . j .* * * u*wivvi.)j O F CHEMISTRY. PART THE FIRST. • \ t , . . • r • • » 1 \ *1 r CONCERNING THE CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES? INTRODU CTION. Definition of Chemiftry ; its Obje£l and Means. — Defcription of a Laboratory, and the principal Inftruments employ- ed in chemical Operations, with a De- finition of thole Operations. X™™ \' r ' • r -* r 0 • • •’ C HEMISTRY is a fcience, the objedt of which is to afcertain the nature and properties of bodies. The methods ufed to obtain this knowledge are reducible to two ; analyfis and fynthefis. Vol. I. B The 2 Laboratory . Furnaces . The principal operations of chemiftry are performed in a place called a Laboratory. A laboratory ought to be extenfive and well aired, in order to prevent dangerous vapours from remaining, which are produced in fome operations, or which may efcape by any un- forefeen accident. It ought to be dry, becaufe otherwife iron vefTels would ruft, and mod of the chemical produces would be liable to change. But the principal excellence of a la- boratory confifts in its being furnifhed with ail thofe inftruments which may be. employed in the ftudy of the nature of bodies, and in en- quiries refpe&ing their properties. Among thefe inftruments there are fome which are of general ufe, and applicable to moft operations ; and there are others which ferve only for peculiar ufes. This divifion im- mediately points out that, at the prefent in- ftant, we can only treat of the former, and that we muft defcribe the others on fitch occafions as will render it neceftary to treat of their ufes. The chemical inftruments moft frequently employed , are thofe which prefent themfelves firft to view upon entering a laboratory ; namely, the furnaces. Thefe furnaces confift of earthen veflels ap- propriated to the various operations performed upon bodies by means of fire. A proper The Evaporatory Furnace . 3 A proper mixture of fand and clay is com- monly the material of which thefe veffels are formed* It is difficult, and even impoffible, to prefcribe and determine, according to any invariable method, the proportions of thefe conftituent parts ; becaufe they mu ft be varied according to the nature of the earths made ufe of. Habit and experience alone can furnifh us with principles on this fubjedh The feverai methods of applying fire to fubftances under examination have occafioned the conftruftion of furnaces in different forms, which we fhall at prefent reduce to the three following. I. The evaporatory furnace. — This furnace has received its name from its ufe. It is ufed to reduce liquid fubftances into vapour by means of heat, in order to feparate the more fixed principles from thofe which are more ponderous ; and were mixed, fufpended, com-* pounded, or diffolved in the fluid. The fire-place is covered by the evapora- tory veffel. Two or three grooves, channels, or depreffions are made in the fides of the furnace, near its upper edge, to facilitate the drawing of the fire. The veffel which contains the fubftance to be evaporated, is called the evaporatory veffel. B 2 Thefe 4 Chemical VeJJeh of Earth : Thcfe veflels are formed of earth, glafs, or metal. Veflels of unglazed earth are too po- rous, infomuch that liquids filtrate through their texture. Thofe of porcelain bifcuit are likewife penetrable by liquids ftrongly heated, and fuffer gafeous or aeriform fubftances to efcape. The beautiful experiment of Mr. D’Arcet upon the combuftion and deftrudlion of the diamond, in balls of porcelain, are well known, and tend to illuftrate this fubjedt. I have confirmed thefe refults by experiments in the large way, upon the diftillation of aqua* fortis, which lofes as well in quality as quan- tity when the procefs is carried on in veflels of porcelain clay. Glazed earthen veflels cannot be ufed when the glafs confifts of the calces of lead or cop- per ; becaufe thofe metallic matters are at- tacked by acids, fats, oils, &c. Neither can earthen veflels be ufed which are covered with enamel, becaufe this kind of opake glafs is almoft always full of fmall cracks through which the liquid would introduce itfelf into the body of the veflel. Earthen veflels cannot therefore be ufed, excepting in operations of little delicacy, in which precifion and accuracy are not indif- pcnfably required. Evaporatory of Glafs , Copper , Lead, Tin , Cs?r. 5 Evaporatory veffels of glafs are in general to be preferred, Thofe which refill the fire better than any others, are prepared in the la- boratory, by cutting a fphere of glafs or a receiver into two equal parts with a red-hot iron. The capfules which are made in the glafs-houfe are thickeft at the bottom, and confequently are more liable to break at that part when expofed to the fire, Evaporatory veflels of metal are ufedin ma. nufadlories. Copper is moft commonly em- ployed, becaufe it not only poflefles the pro-, perty of refilling fire, but has a confiderable degree of folidity, together with the facility of being wrought. Alembics are made of this metal, for the dillillation of vinous fpirits, and aromatic fubllances ; as are alfo caldrons or pots for cryllallization of certain falts, and for feveral dyeing procelfes, &c. Lead is like- wife of confiderable ufe, and is made choice of whenever operations are to be performed upon fubllances which contain the fulphuric acid, fuch as the fulphates of alumine and of iron ; and for the concentration and rectification of the oils of vitriol. Tin veflels are alfo em- ployed in fome operations : the fcarlet bath affords a more beautiful colour in boilers of this metal than in thofe of any other. Capitals of tin 6 Vtjfels for Evaporation . tin have already begun to be fubftitoted in the room of thofe of copper, in the con ftru (Sion of alembics ; and by this means the feveral pro- duces of diftillation are exempted from every fufpicion of that dangerous metal. Boilers of iron are likewife ufed for certain coarfe opera- tions ; as for example, in the concentration of the lixiviums of common fait, of nitre, &c. Evaporatory veflels of gold, of ftlver, or of platina, are to be preferred in fome delicate operations ; but the price and fcarcity of thefe veflels do not permit them to be ufed, efpe- cially in the large way. Moreover it is from the nature of the fub- ftance to be evaporated, that we muft deter- mine the choice of the veflel moft fuitable to any operation. There is no particular kind of veflels which can be adapted exclufively on all occaflons. It may only be obferved, that glafs prefents the greateft number of advantages, becaufe it is compofed of a fubftance the leaft attacked, the lead foluble, and the leaft de- ftrudible by chemical agents. Evaporatory veflels are known by the name of capfules, cucurbits, &c. according to their feveral forms. Thefe veflels ought in general to be very wide and ftiallow, in order that the diftil- lation Application of Heat. Baths. 7 lation and evaporation may be fpeedy and (economical. It is necelTary, 1. That the evaporatory vefTel be not narrow at its upper part. 2. That the heat be applied to the li- quid in all parts, and equally. 3. That the column or mafs of the liquid fhould have little depth, and a large furface of evaporation. It is upon thefe principles that I have conflrutft- ed, in Languedoc, boilers proper for diflilling brandy, which fave eleven-twelfths of the time, and four-fifths of the combuftibles. Evaporation may be performed in three- manners. 1 . By a naked fire. 2. By the fand bath. 3. By the water bath. Evaporation is made by a naked fire, when there is no fubflance interpofed between the fire and the vefTel which contains the liquid intended to be evaporated ; as, for example, when water is boiled in a pot. Evaporation is performed by the fand bath, when a vefTel filled with fand is interpofed be- tween the fire and the evaporatory vefTel. The heat is in this cafe communicated more flowly and gradually ; and the vefTels, which would otherwife have been broken by the immediate application of the heat, are enabled to refill its force. The heat is at the fame time more equally kept up; the refrigeration is moregra. dual 1 & The Water Bath . dual ; and the operations are performed with a greater degree of order, precilion, and facility. If, inftead of employing a vefTel filled with fand, we ufe a vefTel of water, and the evapo- ratory vefTel be plunged in the liquid, the eva- poration is faid to be made on the water bath : in this cafe, the fubftance to be evaporated is only heated by communication from the water. This form or method of evaporation is em- ployed when certain principles of great volati- lity, fuch as alcohol, or the aromatic principles of plants, are to be extracted or diftilled. It pofTefTes the advantage of affording produces which are not changed by the fire, becaufe the heat is tranfmitted to them by the intervention of a liquid : it is this circumftance which ren- ders the procefs valuable for the extra&ion of volatile oils, perfumes, ethereal liquids,&c. It pofTelTes the advantage of affording a heat near- ly equal, becaufe the degree of ebullition is a term nearly conftant ; and this ftandard heat may be graduated or varied at pleafure, by add- ing falts to the liquid of the water bath, becaufe this fingle circumflance renders the ebullition more or lefs quick and eafy. The fame cffedl may likewife be produced by reftraining the evaporation; for in this cafe the liquid may af- fume a degree of heat much more confiderablc. as I Sublimation. Reverberation . 9 as is feen in the digefler of Papin, fleam en- gines, eolipiles, and the boilers for firiking the red tinge in cotton. Sublimation differs from evaporation, be- caufe the fubflance to be raifed is folid. The veffels ufed in this operation are known by the name of fublimatory veffels. Thefe are com- monly globes terminating in a long neck : they are then called mattraffes. In order to fublimeany fubflance, a part of the ball of the mattrafs is furrounded with fand. The matter which is volatilized by the heat, rifes, and is condenfed againfl the coldeft part of the veffel ; where it forms a flratum or cake, that may be taken out by breaking the veffel itfelf. In this manner it is that fal ammoniac, corrofivefublimate, and other fimiiar produdls, are formed for the purpofes of commerce. Sublimation is ufually performed either for the purpofe of purifying certain fubflances, and difengaging them from extraneous matters; or elfe to reduce into vapour, and combine under that form, principles which would have united with great difficulty if they had not been brought to that flate of extreme divifion. II. The reverberatory furnace. — The name of the reverberatory furnace has been given to that 1 io The Reverberatory Furnace . that conftrudtion which is appropriated to diftillation. This furnace is compofed of four parts, i. The afh-hole, intended for the free paffage of the air, and to receive the afhes or refidue of the combuftion. 2. The fire-place, feparated from the afh-hole by the grate, and in which the combuftible matter is contained. 3. A portion of a cylinder, which is called the la- boratory, becaufe it is this part w r hich receives the retorts employed in the operations or dis- tillations. 4. Thefe three pieces are covered with a dome, or portion of a fphere, pierced near its upper part by an aperture, which af- fords a free paffage to the current of air, and forms a chimney. The molt ufuai form of the reverberatory furnace is that of a cylinder ter- minated by a hemifphere, out of which arifes a chimney of a greater or lefs length, to produce a fuitable degree of afpiration. In order that a reverberatory furnace may be well proportioned, it is neceffary, 1 . That the afh-hole fhould be large, to admit the air frefh and unaltered. 2. That the fire-place and laboratory together fhould have the form of a true ellipfis, whofe two foci fhould be occu- pied by the fire and the retort. In this cafe all the Diftillation . Retorts . 1 1 the heat, whether direft or refle&ed, will ftrike the retort. The reverberatory furnace is ufed for diftil- lation. Diftillation is that procefs by which the force of fire is applied to difunite and fe- parate the feveral principles of bodies, accord- ing to the laws of their volatility, and their feveral affinities. Diftilling veffels are known by the name of retorts. Retorts are formed of glafs, of ftone-ware, of porcelain, or of metal; thefefubftances being refpedlively ufed, according to the nature of the bodies intended tobeexpofed to diftillation. Whatever be the nature of the material, the forms of retorts are the fame. This figure re- fembles an egg, terminating in a beak or tube, which diminifties infenfibly in diameter, and is fiightly inclined or bended. The oval portion of the retort, which is call- ed its belly, is placed in the laboratory of the furnace, and is fupported upon two bars of iron, which feparate the laboratory from the fire-place ; while the beak or neck of the re- tort ifiues out of the furnace through a circular aperture formed in the edges of the dome and of the laboratory. A velfel intended to receive the produdl of the 1 2 Receivers . Furnaces . the diftillation is fitted to the neck of the re- tort. This veffel is called the recipient, or receiver. The receiver is commonly a fphere with two apertures ; the one of confiderable magnitude, to receive the neck of the retort ; the other fmaller, to afford vent for the vapours. This part is called the tubulure of the receiver; whence the terms tubulated receiver, or re- ceiver not tubulated, &c. Though the reverberatory furnace be parti- cularly adapted to diftillation, this operation may be performed on the fand-bath ; and here, as in other cafes, it depends fingly on the intelligence of the artift to vary his apparatus according to the neceffity of circumftances, and the nature of the fubftances upon which he operates. The conftrucftion of thefe furnaces may like- wife be varied ; and the chemift will find it neceffary to learn the art of availing himfelf of every apparatus he poffeffes, to carry his opera- tions into execution : for if he fhould perfuade himfelf that it is impoffible to proceed in chemical refearch, excepting in a laboratory provided with all fuitable veffels, he may let the moment pafs in which a difcovery might be made, but which may not again return. And Forge Furnace . Crucibles . 13 And it may be truly faid, that he who treads fervilely in the paths of others who have gone before him, will never attain to the difcovery of new truths. III. The forge furnace. — The forge furnace is that in which the current of air is determine cd by bellow*s. The afh-hole, the fire-place, and the laboratory are here all united together; and this affemblage forms only a portion of a cylinder, pierced near the lower angle by a fmall hole, into which the tube of the bellows enters. This part is fometimes covered with a hemifphere or dome, to concentrate the heat with greater efficacy, and to refledt it upon the bodies expofed to it. The forge furnace is employed in the fufion and calcination of metals, and generally for all the operations which are performed in crucibles. By crucibles we underftand veflels of earth or metal, which are almoft always of the form of an inverted cone. A crucible ought to fupport the ftrongeft heat without melting ; it ought to refill the attacks of all fuch agents as are expofed to heat in veflels of this kind. Thofe crucibles which poflefs the greatefi: degree of perfection, are made in HefTe or in Holland. I have made very good ones by a mixture 14 Crucibles . Various Fuels* mixture of raw and unbaked clay from SaiavaS in the Vivarais. Our laboratories have been provided with crucibles of platina, which unite the moft ex- cellent properties. They are nearly infufible, and at the fame time indeftrudlible by the fire* The feveral earthen veffels concerning which we have here treated, may be fabricated by hand, or wrought in the lathe. The firft pro- ceeding renders them more folid, the clay is better united, and it is the only method ufed in glafs manufactories ; but the fecond method is more expeditious. The agent of fuch decompofitions as are effected by means of furnaces, is fire. It is af- forded by the combuftion of wood, pit-coal, or charcoal. Wood is. only employed in certain large works ; and we prefer charcoal in our labora- tories, becaufe it does not fmoke, has no bad fmell, and burns better in fmall malTes than other, combuftibles. We choofe that which is the moft fonorous, the drieft, and the leaft porous. But, in the feveral operations we are about to defcribe, it is neceffary to defend the re- torts from the immediate a&ion of the fire * and alio to coerce and reftrain the expanfible vapours. Lutes and Coatings for Retorts . 15 vapours, which are very elaftic, and frequent- ly corrofive. It is to anfwer thefe purpofes that various lutes are employed. 1. A giafs retort expofed to the action of the fire would infallibly break, if the operator were not to have recourfe to the prudent pre- caution of coating it with earth. 1 have found it advantageous for the coat- ing of retorts, to ufe a mixture of fat earth and frefh horfe dung : for this purpofe, the fat earth is fuffered to rot for fome hours in wa- ter ; and when it is moiftened, and properly foft- ened, it mu ft be kneaded with the horfe dung, § and formed into a foft pafte, which is to be ap- plied and fpread with the hand upon every part of the retort intended to be expofed to the adtion of the fire. The horfe dung combines feveral advantages. 1. It contains a ferous fluid, which hardens by heat, and ftrongly con- nedls all the parts together: when this juice has been altered by fermentation or age, the dung does not poffefs the fame virtue. 2. The filaments or ftalks of hay, which are fo eafily diftinguifhed in horfe dung, unite all the parts of the lute together. Retorts luted in this manner refift the im- prefHon of the fire very well ; and the adhefion of the lute to the retort is fuch, that even fhouid the 1 6 Lutes and Coatings for Retorts • the retort fly during the operation, the diftil- lation may be ftill carried on, as I have daily experience in works in the large way. 2. When it is required to coerce or oppofe the efcape of the vapours which are difengaged during any operation, it is no doubt fufficient if the joinings of the velTels be covered with paper glued on, or with flips of bladder moift- ened with the lute of lime and white of egg, provided the vapours be neither dangerous nor corrofive ; bur, when the vapours are corrofive, it is neceflary to ufe the fat lut-e to retain them. Fat lute is made with boiled linfeed oil mix- ed and well incorporated with lifted clay. Nut oil, kneaded with the fame clay, forms a lute pofTefling the fame properties. It is eafily ex- tended in the hand, and is ufed for defending the joinings of veffels, upon which it is after- wards fecured by ftrips of linen, dipped in the Fate of lime and white of egg. Before the ap- plication of heat in any diftihation, it isnecef- fary firft to fuffer the lutes to dry. Without this precaution, the vapours would rife and ef- cape ; or ofherwife they would combine with the water which moiftens the lutes, and would corrode and deftroy the bladder, the fkin, the paper, and in a word every fubflance ufed to fe- cure them in their places. The lute of lime and white Lutes . IVoulfe's Apparatus . 17 % white of egg dries very fpeedily, and muft be ufed the moment it is made. This lute, like- wife, oppofes the greateft refinance to the ef- cape of the vapours, and adheres the moft inti- mately to the glafs. It is made by mixing a fmall quantity of finely-powdered quick-lime with white of egg, and afterwards beating up the mixture to facilitate the combination. It muff then be infiantly applied on pieces of old linen, to be wrapped round the places of joining. In the large works, where it is not polfible to attend to all thefe minute details, the join- ings of the retort and receiver are luted toge- ther with the fame lute which is ufed to coat the retorts. A covering of the thicknefs of a few lines is fufficient to prevent the vapours of the marine or nitrous acid from efcaping. As in certain operations a difengagement takes place of fo prodigious a quantity of va- pours, that it is dangerous to confine them ; and as, on the other hand, the fuffering them to efcape would occafion a confiderable lofs in the produdt ; an apparatus has been contrived of great ingenuity and fimplicity to moderate the iflue, and to retain without rifle fuch va- pours as would otherwife efcape. This appa- ratus is known by the name of its author, Mr. Woulfe, a famous Englifh chemift. His moft Voi. I. C excellent 1 8 IVoulfe's Apparatus . excellent procefs confifts in adapting the extre- mity of a recurved tube to the tubulure of the receiver ; the other end of which is plunged in- to water, in a bottle half filled, and properly placed for that purpofe. From the empty part of this bottle iffues a lecond tube, which is in like manner plunged in the water of a fecond bottle. A number of other bottles may be added, obferving the fame precautions ; with the attention, neverthelefs, to leave the laft open, to give a free efcape to the vapours which are not coercible : and, when the apparatus is thus difpofed, all the joinings are to be luted. It will eafily be imagined that the vapours which efcape from the retort are obliged to pafs through the tube adapted to the tubulure of the receiver, and confequently muff pafs through the water of the firft bottle : they therefore fuffera firft refiftance, w'hich partly condenfes them. But as almoft all vapours are more or lefs mifciblc and foluble in water, a calculation is previoufly made of the quantity of water necelfary to abforb the vapours which are dis- engaged from the mixture in the retort; and care is taken to diftribute this proper quantity of water in the bottles of the apparatus. By this means we obtain the pureft and raoft concentrated produ&s; becaufe the water, which IVoulfe's Apparatus . 1 9 which is always the receiver, and is the vehicle of thefe fubftances ; becomes faturatedwith them. There is, perhaps, no other method of obtain- ing produds always of an equal energy, and comparable in their effeds; a circumftance of the greateft importance in the operations of the arts, as well as in philofophical experiments. I have applied this apparatus to works in the large way ; and I ufe it to extrad the common muriatic acid, the oxigenated muriatic acid, ammoniac or volatile alkali, &c. As it would very often happen, in this appa- ratus, that the preffure of the external air would caufe the water of the outer veffels to pafs into the receiver, in confequence of the fimple re- frigeration of the retort; this inconvenience has been obviated, by inferting a ftraight tube into the necks of the fir ft and the fecond bottles, to fuch a depth, that its lower end is plunged into the water, while its other end rifes feveral inches above the neck of the bottle. It may ealily be conceived, as a confequence of this difpofition, that when the dilated vapours of the receiver and retort are condenfed by cooling, the exter- nal air will rufh through thefe tubes toeftablifh the equilibrium ; and the water cannot pafs from the one to the other. Before the invention of this apparatus, it was C 2 ufual 20 JVoulfc's Apparatus 4 ufual to drill a hole in the receiver, which was kept clofed, and only opened from time to time for the efcape of the vapours. This method was inconvenient in many refpedts. In the firft place, and principally, becaufe, in fpite of all precautions, it was attended with the rilk of an explofion every moment, by the irregular difengagement of the vapours, and the impoffi- bility of calculating the quantity produced in a given time. A fecond inconvenience was, that the vapours which thus efcaped occafioned a conliderable lofs in the product, and even weak- ened the remainder ; becaufe this volatile prin- ciple conhfted of the ftrongeft part. A third inconvenience was, that the vapours which did cfcape incommoded theartiftto fucha degree, that it was impoflible to perform moft of the operations of chemiftry in the courfe of a lec- ture, where a corrfiderable number of auditors were prefent. ? Thus it is that the apparatus of Woulfe unites a number of advantages : on the one hand, economy in the procelTes, and fuperiority in the produdt ; on the other hand, fafety for the chemift and his afliftants : and, in every point of view, the author is entitled to the belt ac- knowledgments of chemifts, who were too of- ten fo much affedted with thefe unwholefome exhalations, Balances , &c. 21 exhalations, that their health was either totally dedroyed, or they fell abfoiute vi&ims to their zeal for the promotion of fcience. It is necedary that a laboratory fhould be provided with balances of the utmod accuracy ; for the chemift, who very frequently operates only upon fmall quantities, ought to be able, by the ftridnefs of his operations, and the ac- curacy of his apparatus, to produce refults com- parable with thofe of works in the large way. It frequently happens that the Ample elfay of a fpecimen of an ore determines the opening .of a mine: and it fcarcelyneed be pointed out, of how great confequence it is to remove every caufe of error from the operations of chemif- try ; fince the flighted error in the works of the laboratory may be attended with the mod unhappy confequences, when the application of the principles is made to works in the large way. We fhall treat of other veffels and chemical apparatus, in proportion as we fhali have occa- cafion to make ufe of them ; for it appears to us that, by thus connetding the defeription with their ufe, we fhall fucceed better in rendering them intelligible to the reader, at the fame time that his memory will be lefs fatigued. SEC- 22 Gravitation or Alt rati ion . SECTION I. Concerning the General Law which tends to bring the Particles of Bodies toge- ther, and to maintain them in a State of Mixture or Combination. T HE Supreme Being has given a force of mutual attraction to the particles of mat- ter; a principle which is alone fufficient to pro- duce that arrangement which the bodies of this univerfe prefent to our obfervation. As a very natural confequence of this primordial law, it follows that the elements of bodies mult have been urged towards each other; that maffes mull: have been formed by their re-union ; and that folid and compact bodies muff have in- fenlibly been conftituted; towards which, as towards a centre, the lefs heavy and lefs corn- pad bodies muff gravitate. This law of attraction, which the chemifts call Affinity, tends continually to bring prin- ciples together which are difunited, and retains with more or lefs energy thofe which are already in combination ; fo that it is impoffible to pro- duce any change in nature, without interrupting or modifying this attractive power. It Affinity of Aggregation. 23 It is natural, therefore, % nd even indifpenfa- ble that we fhould fpeak of the law of the affi- nities before we proceed to treat of the me- thods of analyfis. Affinity is exercifed either between princi- ples of the fame nature, or between principles pf a different nature. We may, therefore, diftinguiffi two kinds of affinity, w r ith refped to the nature of bodies. 1, The affinity of aggregation, or that which lexifts between two principles of the fame na- ture. 2. The affinity of compofition, or that which retains two or more principles of diffe- rent natures in a ftate of combination. Of the Affinity of Aggregation. Two drops of water which unite together in- to one, form an aggregate, of which each drop is known by the name of an integrant part. An aggregate differs from a heap ; becaufe the integrant parts of this laft have no percep- tible adhelion to each other; as, for example, a heap of barley, of fand, &c. An aggregate, and a heap, differ from a mixture; becaufe the conflituent parts of this laft are of a different nature; as, for example, in gun-powder. The affinity of aggregation is ftronger, the nearer 24 Affinity sf Aggregation. nearer the integrant parts approach to each other ; fo that every thing which tends to fe- parate or remove thefe integrant parts from each other, diminifhes their affinity, and weak- ens their force of cohefion. Heat produces this, efted: upon mod known bodies: hence it is that melted metals have no confidence. The caloric, or matter of heat, by combining with bodies, almod always pro- duces an effedd oppofite to the force of attrac- tion ; and wc might condder ourfelves as autho- rifed to affirm that it is a principle of repulfion, if found chemidry had not proved that it pro- duces this effedl only by its endeavour to com- bine with bodies, and thereby necefTarily dimi- nifhing their force of aggregation, as all other chemical agents do. Betides which, the ex- treme levity of caloric produces the effedt that, when it is combined with any given body, it continually tends to elevate it, and to overcome that force which retains it, and precipitates it towards the earth. The mechanical operations of pounding, of hammering, or of cutting, likewifediminifh the affinity of aggregation. They remove the in- tegrant parts to a didance from each other; and this new difpofition, by prefenting a lefs degree of adhefion, and a larger furface, facilitates the immediate Affinity of Compojition . 15 immediate action, and augments the energy* of chemical agents. It is for this purpofe that bo- dies are divided when they are to be analyfed* and that the effect of re-agents is facilitated by the adtion of heat. The mechanical divificn of bodies is more difficult, the ftronger their aggregation. Aggregates exift under different ftates; they arefolid, liquid, aeriform, &c. — SeeFourcroy’s Chemiftry. Of the Affinity of Compofition. Bodies of different kinds exert a tendency or attraction upon each other, which is more or lefs ffrong; and it is by virtue of this force that all the changes of compofition or decompofkion obferved among them, are effected. The affinity of compofition exhibits invari- able laws in all the phenomena it caufes. We may ftate thefe laws as general principles; to which may be referred all the effects prefented to our obfervation by the action of bodies up- on each other. I. The affinity of compofition acts only be- tween the conftituent parts of bodies. The general law T of attraction is exerted upon the maffes; and in this refpedt it differs from the law of the affinities* which does not percep- tibly i6 Affinity of Compofition. tibly a£t but on the elementary particles of bo- dies. Two bodies placed near each other do not unite; but, if they be divided and mixed, a combination may arife. We have examples of this when the muriate of foda, or common fait, is triturated with litharge ; the muriate of am- moniac, or common fal ammoniac, with lime, &c. And it may be aflerted, that the energy of the affinity of compofition is almoft alwayspro- portioned to the degree of the divifion of bodies. II. The affinity of compofition is in the in- verfe ratio of the affinity of aggregation. It is fo much the more difficult to decompofe a body, as its conftituent principles are united or retained by a greater force. Gafes, and ef- pecially vapours, continually tend to combina- tion, becaufe their aggregation is weak : and na- ture, which is conftantly renewing the produc- tions of this univerfe, never combines folid with folid ; but, reducing every thing into the form of gas, by this means breaks the impediments of aggregation ; and thefe gafes uniting toge- ther, form folids in their turn. Hence, no doubt, it arifes, that the affinity of compofition is fo much the more ftrong as bodies approach nearer to the elementary ftate $ and we fhall obferve, on this fubjedt, that this law of nature is founded in wifdom : for if the force Affinity of Competition. 27 force or affinity of compofition did not increafe in proportion as bodies were brought to this de- gree of fimplicity; if bodies did not afiume a decided tendency to unite and combine, in pro- portion as they approach to their primitive or elementary ftate ; the mafs of elements would continually increafe by thefe fucceffive and un- interrupted decompofitions; and we fhould in- feniibly return again to that chaos or confufion of principles, which is fuppofed to have been the original ftate of this globe. The neceftity of this ftate of divifion, which is fo proper to increafe the force of affinity, has caufed it to be admitted as an inconteftable prin- ciple, that the affinity of compofition does not take place, unlefs one of the bodies be in the fluid ftate : corpora non agunt niji fint fluida* But it feems to me that extreme divifion might be fubftituted inftead of diffolution ; for both thefe operations tend only to attenuate bodies, without altering their nature. It is by virtue of this divifion, which is equivalent to di Ablution, that the decompofition of muriate of foda is effected by trituration with minium, as well as the union of cold and dry alkali with antimony, and the difengagement of volatile alkali by the Ample mixture of fal ammoniac with lime. III. When two or more bodies unite by the 28 Affinity of Compofition . the affinity of compofition, their temperature changes. This phenomenon cannot be explained but by confidering the fluid of heat as a conftitu- ent principle of bodies, unequally diflributed amongft them ; fo that, when any change is produced in bodies, this fluid is difplaced in its turn, which neceffarily produces a change of temperature. We (hail return to thofe prin- ciples when we fpeak of heat f IV. The compound which refults from the combination of two bodies, poffeffes proper- ties totally different from thofe of its conftitu- ent principles. Some chemifts have affirmed, that the pro- perties of compounds were intermediate be- tween thofe of their conftituent parts. But this term ct intermediate” has no meaning in the prefent cafe ; for what intermediate qua- lities can exift between four and fweet, or be- tween water and fire? If we attend ever fo little to the phenomena which are exhibited to us by bodies in their compofition, we fhall perceive that their form, their tafte, and their confiftence, are changed in combination ; and we cannot eftablifh any rule to indicate, apriori> all the changes which may arife, and the nature and properties of the body which fhall be formed. V. Every Jffinity of Cotnpofition. 29 V, Every individual fubftance has its pccu- liar affinities with the various fubftances pre-* fented to it. If all bodies had the fame degree of affinity with each other, no change could take place amongft them : we fhould not be able to dis- place any principle by prefenting one body to another. Nature has therefore wifely varied the affinities, and appointed to each body its re- lation with all thofe that can be prefented to it. It is in confequence of this difference in the affinities that all chemical decompolitions are effedted; all the operations of nature and art are founded upon it. It is therefore of im- portance to be well acquainted with all the phenomena and circumffances which this law of decomposition can prefent to us. The affinity of compofition has received diffe- rent names, according to its effedts. It is divided into Simple affinity, double affinity, the affinity of an intermedium, reciprocal affinity, &c. 1 . Two principles united together, and Sepa- rated by means of a third, afford an example of limple affinity : it confifts in the diplacing of one principle by the addition of a third. Berg- man has given it the name of Elective Attrac- tion. / The body which is difengaged, or displaced, is 30 *The Laws of Lecompofition . is known by the name of the Precipitate. An alkali precipitates metals from their folutions; the fulphuric acid precipitates the muriatic, the nitric, &c. The precipitate is not always formed by the difengaged fubftance. Sometimes the new compound itfelf is precipitated ; as, for exam- ple, when I pour the fulphuric or vitriolic acid on a folution of muriate of lime. Sometimes the difengaged body and the new compound are precipitated together; as, for example, when the fulphate of magnefia or Epfom fait isdiffolved in water, and precipitated by means of lime-water. 2. It often happens that the compound of two principles cannot be deftroyed either by a third or a fourth body feparately applied; but if thefe two bodies be united, and placed in con- tact with the fame compound, adecompoiition or change of principles will then take place. This phenomenon conftitutes the double affini- ty. An example will render this propofition more clear and precife. The fulphate of pot-afh or vitriolated tartar is not completely decom- pofed by the nitric acid or by lime, when either of thefe principles is feparately prefented ; but, if the nitric acid be combined with lime, this < nitrate of lime will decompofe the fulphate of pot-afh. Qiiiefcent and Divelknt Affinities* 3 1 pot-afh. In this laft cafe the affinity of the fulphuricacid with the alkali is weakened by its affinity to the lime. This acid, therefore, is fub- jeCt to two attractions; the one which retains it to the alkali, and the other which attracts it towards the lime: Mr. Kirwan has named the firft the Quiefcent Affinity, the other the Di- vellent Affinity. The fame may be faid refpeCt- ing the affinities of the alkali; it is retained to the fulphuric acid by a fuperior force, but ne- verthelefs attracted by the nitric acid* Let us fuppofe, now, that the fulphuric acid adheres to the alkali with a force as 8, and to the lime by a force expreffied by the number 6 ; that the nitric acid adheres to the lime by a force as 4* and tends to unite with the alkali by aforceas 7* It may then be perceived that the nitric acid and the lime, feparately applied to the fulphate of pot-afh, would not produce any change: but if they be prefented in a flate of combination, then the fulphuric acid is attracted on the one hand by 6, and retained by 8 ; it has therefore an effective attraction to the alkali as 2. On the other hand, the nitric acid is attracted by a force as 7, and retained by a force as 4 5 it therefore retains a tendency to unite with the alkali, which is denoted by the number 3; and confequently it ought to difplace the ful- phuric J2 Various Cafes of Affinity. phuric acid, which is retained only by a force as 2. 3. There are cafes in which two bodies, hav- ing no perceptible affinity to each other, obtain a difpofition to unite by the intervention of a third; and this is called the affinity of an in- termediunm An alkali is the intermedium of union between oil and water ; hence the theo- ry of lixiviums, of wafhing, &c. &c. If the affinities of bodies were well known, we might foretel the refults of all operations: but it is obvious how difficult it muft be to ac- quire this extenfive knowledge of nature ; more efpecially fince modern difeoveries have exhi- bited to us an infinity of modifications in our procefles, and have fhewn that refults may vary with fuch facility, that even the abfence or pre- fence of light will render them very different. As long as chemiftry was confined to the knowledge of a few fubftances, and was bulled only in attending to a certain number of fads, it was poffible to draw up tables of affinity, and to exhibit the refult of our knowledge in one and the fame table. But all the principles upon which thefe tables have been conftruded, have received modifications ; the number of principles has increafed ; and we find ourfelves under the neceflity of labouring upon new ground. 33 Various Cafes of Affinity. ground. A fketch of this great work may be feen in the Effay on Affinities of the celebrated Bergman, and in the article Affinity in the En- cyclopedic Metbodique. VI. The particles which are brought toge- ther and united by affinity, whether they be of the fame nature or of different natures, continu- ally tend to form bodies of a polyhedral, con- ftant, and determinate form. This beautiful law of nature, by which fhe impreffes on all her productions a conftant and regular form, appears to have been unknown to the ancients : and when chemifts began to difcover that almoft all bodies of the mineral kingdom affected regular forms, they at firft diftinguilhed them according to the inaccurate refemblance fuppofed to exit between them and other known bodies. Hence the denomi- nation of cryftals in pyramids, needles, points of diamonds, croffes, fword blades, &c. We are more particularly indebted to the ce- lebrated Linnaeus for the firft precife ideas of thefe geometrical figures. He took notice of theconftancy and uniformity of this character; and this celebrated naturalift thought himfelf authorifed to make it the balls of his method of claffification of the mineral kingdom. Mr. Rome de Lifle has proceeded ftill far- Vol. I, I> ther: 34 Regular Figures of Bodies thcr: he has fubjedled all the forms to A flrift examination ; he has, as it were, decompofed them ; and is of opinion that he can diftinguifh in the cryflals of all analogous or identical fub- itances, the iimple modifications and fhades of a primitive form. By this means he has re- duced all the confufed and irregular forms to certain primitive figures; and has attributed to nature a plan or primitive defign, which {he va- ries and modifies in a thoufand manners, accord- ing to circumflances that influenceherproceed- ings. This truly great and philofophical work has rendered this part of mineralogy in the highefl degree interefling; and if we fhould admit that Mr. De Lifle has perhaps carried thefe rcfembiances too far, we cannot but allow that he deferves a diflinguifhed place amongfl thofe authors who have contributed to the pro- grefs of fcience. TheCry flail ographie of this celebrated naturalifl may be perufed with ad- vantage. The abbe Hauy has fince applied calculation to obfervation. He has undertaken to prove that each cryflal has a nucleus or primitive form ; and has fliewn the laws of diminution to which the component laminae of the cryflals are fub- jedl, in their tranfition from the primitive to the fecondary forms. The development of thefe produced by Cryftallization. 35 thefe fine principles, and their application to cryftals the beft known, may be feen in his theory of the ftrudture of cryftals, and in feve- ral of his memoirs printed in the volumes of the Academy of Sciences. The united labours of thefe celebrated na- turalifts have carried cryftallography to a de- gree of perfection of which it did not appear fufceptible. But we fhall, at this moment, at- tend only to the principles according to which cryftallization is effected. To difpofe a fubftance to cryftallization, it is neceffary in the firft place to reduce it to the moft complete ftate of divifton. This divifion may be effected by folution, or by an operation purely mechanical. Solution may be effected either by the means of water or of fire. The folution of falts is in general performed in the firft liquid, that of metals is effected by means of the fecond; and their folution is not complete until a degree of heat is applied of fufficient intenfity to convert them into the ftate of gas. When the water which holds any fait in fo- lution is evaporated, the principles of thedif- folved body are infenfibly brought nearer to each other, and it is^ obtained in a regular form. The fame circumfhance nearly takes place in D 2 the 3 6 Various Appear ancts the folution by fire. When a metal is impreg- nated with this fluid, it does not cryftallize but in proportion as this excefs of igneous fluid is withdrawn. In order that the form of a cryftal may be regular, three circumftances are required; time, a fufficient fpace, and repofe. Confult Linnaeus, Daubenton, &c. A. Time caufes the fuperabundant fluid to be flowly dillipated, and brings the integral parts nearer to each other by infenfible grada- tion, and without any fudden fliock. Thefe integrant parts therefore unite according to their conffant laws, and form a regular cryftal. For this reafon it is, that flow evaporation is recommended by all good chemifts. Vide Stahl’s Treatife on Salts, chap. 29. In proportion as the evaporation of the fol- vent is effected, the principles of the diiTolved body approach each other, and their affinity is continually augmented while that of the fol- vent remains unaltered. Hence it arifes, no doubt, that the laft portions of the folvent are moft difficultly volatilized, and that falts retain a greater or lefs quantity, which forms their water of cryftallization. The proportion of water of cryftallization not only varies greatly in the different falts, but it adheres with greater or attending CryftaUization , &c, 37 or lefs ftrength. There are feme which fuffer this water to fly off when they are expofed to the air ; fiich as foda or the mineral alkali, the fulphate of foda or Glauber’s fait, &c. In this fituation thefe falts lofe their tranfparency, and fall into powder : they are then faid to have efflorefeed. There are other falts which obfti*- nately retain their water of cryftallization ; fuch as the muriate of pot-afh, the nitrate of pot- afh or common nitre, &c. The phenomena prefented to us by the dif- ferent falts, when forcibly deprived of their water of cryftallization, exhibit other varieties. Some crackle with the heat, and are thrown about in fmall pieces when the water is difll- pated: this appearance is called decrepitation. Others emit the fame water in the form of fleam, and are liquefied with a diminution of their bulk. Others again fwell up, and become converted into a biiftered or porous fubftance. We are indebted to Mr. Kirwan for an ac- curate table of the water of cryftallization con- tained in each fait. This table may be feen by confulting his Mineralogy. The Ample cooling of the fluid which holds the fait in folution may precipitate a confider- able quantity. The caloric and the water dif- folve a greater quantity of fait when their addon is 3 8 Various Appearances is united; and it may eafily be imagined that the fubtradiion of one of the folvents muft oc- cafion the precipitation of that portion which it held in folution. Thus it is that vrarm wa- ter faturated with fait muft fuller a part to precipitate by cooling; and for this reafon cry- ftallization always begins at the furface of the liquid, and on the fides of the containing vef- fel ; namely, becaufe thefe parts are the firft which fuffer refrigeration. It is the alternation of heat and cold w T hich caufes the atmofphere to diflolve fometimes a greater, and fometimes a lefs quantity of water; and conftitutes mifts, the evening dew, &c. The mutual approach of the conftituent parts of a body held in folution may be like- wife accelerated by prefenting to the water which fufpends them, another body which has a ftrong affinity to it. It is upon this princi- ple that alcohol precipitates feveral falts. B. Space or fufficient room is likewife a con- dition neceftary for obtaining regular cryftalli- zation. If nature be reftrained in her opera- tions, the product of her labour will exhibit fymptoms of this fyate of conftraint. It may be after ted that nature forms her productions ac- cording to all the circumftances which may in- fluence her operations. Co A ftate 39 attending CryftalUzaiion> &c. C. A (fate of repofe in the fluid is likewife neceffary to obtain very regular forms. Unin- terrupted agitation oppofes all fymmetrical ar- rangement $ and in this cafe the cryftallization obtained will be eonfufed and indeterminate. I am perfuaded that, in ordet to obtain bo- dies under the form of cryftals, a previous folu- tion is not neceifary, but that a (imple mecha- nical divifion would be fufficient. To obtain a conviction of this truth, it is only neceifary to obferve that folution does not change the na* ture of bodies, but (imply procures an extreme (tate of divifion ; fo that the difunited princi- ples approaching each other very gradually and without (tarts, can adapt themfelves to each other, by following the invariable laws of their gravity and affinity. Now a divifion purely mechanical produces the fame effeCt, and places the principles in the fame difpofition. We ought not therefore to be furprifed if molt falts, fuch as gypfum, when difperfed in the earth, (hould afiume regular forms without any previous folution ; neither ought we to think it (trange if the imperceptible fragments of quartz, of fpar, &c. when carried along and prodigioufly divided by the aftion of waters, fhould be depofited in the form of regular cryftals. A very 40 Cryfi alligation. Saline Vegetation . A very fingular property may be obferved in falts ; which may be referred to cryftallization, but is likewife in fome meafure remote from it, becaufe it does not depend upon the fame caufes. This is the property of rifing along the Tides of the veffels which contain the folu- tion. It is known by the name of Saline Ve- getation. I have firft demonftrated that this phenome- non depends on the concurrence of air and light ; and that the effedt may be determined at pleafure towards any part of the veffel, by managing and directing the adtion of thefe two agents. I have fhewn the principal forms which this fingular vegetation affedts. The detail of my experiments may be feen in the third volume of the Memoirs of the Academy of Touloufe. Mr. Dorthes has confirmed my refults ; and has moreover obferved that camphor, fpirits of wine, water, &c. which rife by infenfible evaporation in half-filled veffels, conflantly at- tach themfelves to the moft enlightened parts of the veffels. Meffrs. Petit and Rouelle have treated on the vegetation of falts ; but a feries of experiments on the fubjedt was wanting. This is what we have endeavoured to fupply. SEC- Separation of component Tarts of Bodies* 41 SECTION II. Concerning the various Means employed by Chemifts to overcome the Adhefion which exifts between the Particles of Bodies, HE law of affinities, towards which our attention has been directed, tends conti- nually to bring the particles of bodies into con- tad:, and to maintain them in their (late of union. The efforts of the chemift are almofl all direded to overcome this attradive power, and the means he employs are reducible to — 1, The divifion of bodies by mechanical opera- tions. 2. The divifion or feparation of the particles from each other by the affiftance of fol vents. 3. The means of prefenting to the feveral principles of the fame bodies, fubftances which have a ftronger affinity to them than thofe principles have to each other. I. The different operations performed upon bodies by the chemift, to determine their na- ture, alter their form, their texture, and even in fome 42 Various Phenomena fome inftances change their conftitution. All thefe changes are either mechanical or che- mical. The mechanical operations we (hall at pre- fent deferibe do not change the nature of fub- ftances, but in general change only their form and bulk. Thefe operations are performed by the hammer, the knife, the peftle, &c. Whence it follows, that the chemical laboratory ought to be provided with all thefe inftruments. Thefe divifions or triturations are perform- ed in mortars of ftone, of glafs, or of metal. It is the nature of the fubftance under exami- nation which determines the ufe of one or the other of thefe veflels. The obje6t of thefe preliminary operations is, to prepare and difpofe bodies for new ope- rations which may difunite their principles and change their nature ; thefe laft-mentioned operations, which may be diftinguifhed by the appellation Chemical, are what moft elfential- ly conftitute the analyfis. II. The folution to which we are at prefent to attend, confifts in the divifion and difap- pearance of a folid in a liquid, but without any alteration in the nature of the body fo dif- folved. The attending Solution • The liquid in which the folid difappears, is called the folvent or menftruum. The agent of folution appears to follow cer- tain conftant laws, which we fhall here point out. A. The agent of folution does not appear to differ from that of affinity ; and in all cafes the folution is more or lefs abundant, the greater the affinity of the integrant parts of the folvent is to thofe of the body to be difiolved. From this principle it follows, that, to faci- litate folution, it is neceffary that bodies fhouid be triturated and divided. By this means a greater number of furfaces are prefented, and the affinity of the integrant parts isdiminifhed. It fometimes happens that the affinity be- tween the folvent and the body prefented to it has fo little energy, that it does not become perceptible till after a considerable interval of time. Thefe flow operations, of which we have fome examples in our laboratories, are common in the works of nature; and it is pro- bably to fimilar caufes that we ought to refer mod of thofe reful ts whole caufes or agents efcape our perception or obfervation. B. Solution is more fpeedy in proportion as the body to be diffolved prefents a greater fur- face : on this principle is founded the pradlice of 44 Various Phenomena of pounding, triturating, and dividing bodies intended to be diffolved. Bergman has even obferved, that bodies which arc not attacked in confiderable malTes, become foluble after minute divifion. Letters on Iceland, p.421*. C. The folution of a body conftantly pro- duces cold. Advantage has even been taken of this phenomenon to procure artificial cold, much fuperior to the moft rigorous tempera- ture ever obferved in our climates. We fhall again advert to this principle when we come to treat of the laws of heat. The principal folvents employed in our operations are water, alcohol, and fire. Bodies fubmitted to one or the other of thefe folvents prefent fimilar phenomena ; they are divided, rarefied, and at laft difappear : the moft re- fractory metal melts, is diflipated in vapour, and paffes to the (late of gas, if a very ftrong heat be applied to it. This laft ftate forms a complete folution of the metallic fubftance in the caloric. The effeeft of caloric is often united with one of the other folvents, to accomplifh a more fpeedy and abundant folution. The three folvents here mentioned do not * Von Troil’s Letters, quoted by Bergman; T. excrcife • attending Solution . 45 exercife an equal action on all bodies indifcri- minately. Skilful chemifts have exhibited tables of the diffolving power of thefe menftru- ums. We may fee, in the Mineralogy of Kir- wan, with what care that celebrated chemifl has exhibited the degree of folubility of each fait in water. The table of Mr. De Morveau may likewife be confulted on the difTolving power of alcohol. Journal de Phyfique, 1785. Mofl authors who have treated of folution have conlidered it in too mechanical a point of view. Some have fuppofed {heaths in the folvent, and points in the body difloived. This abfurd and gratuitous fuppolition has appeared fufficient toaccount for thea&ionof acids upon bodies. Newton and GafTendi have admitted pores in water, in which falts might iniinuate themfelves ; and have by this means explained why water does not augment in its bulk in proportion to the quantity of fait it takes up. Galfendi has even fuppofed pores of different forms ; and has endeavoured to {hew by this means how water faturated with one fait may diffolve others of another kind. Dr. Watfon, who has obferved the phenomena of folution with the greateft care, has concluded from his numerous experiments ; 1. That the water rifes in the veflel at the moment of the immer- iion 46 Fffefts of Re- Agents. fion of the fait. 2. That it falls during the folution. 3. That it rifes after the folution. above the original level. The two lad effects feem to me to arife from the change of tempe- rature which the liquor undergoes. The refri- geration arifing from the folution mud dimi- mfli the volume of the fol vent; but it ought to return to its fird date as foon as the diffo- lution is finifhed. The tables of Dr. Watfon refpe&ing thefe phenomena, and the fpecific gravity of water faturated with different falts, may be confulted in the Journal de Phydque, vol. xiii. p. 62*. III. As the peculiar affinities of bodies to each other are various, the condituent princi- ples may be eafily difc-ngaged by other fub- dances ; and it is upon this condderation that the a the Science of Chemijlry. 55 ment, or to follow the tedious progrefs of the human mind from the origin of a difcovery to the prefent time. This faftidious erudition is fatiguing to the learner ; and thefe digreffions ought in no cafe to be admitted in the enun- ciation of fcience, excepting when the hiftori- cal details afford interefting fadls, or lead us by uninterrupted degrees to the prefent ftate of our knowledge, It rarely happens, however, that this kind of refearches, this genealogy of fcience, affords us fuch characters ; and it ought no more to be admitted, in general, that an elementary writer fhould bring together and difcufs every thing which has been done in a fcience, than that he who undertakes to direct a traveller fhould previoufly enter into a long differtation on all the roads which have been fucceffivtly made, and on thofe which ftill exift, before he fhould point out the belt and fhorteft way to arrive at the end of his journey. It may, perhaps, be faid of the hiftory of fcience, and more efpecially that cf chemiftry, that it refembles the hiflories of nations. It feldom affords any light refpedting the prefent fituation of affairs ; exhibits many fables con- cerning paft times ; induces a necellity of en- tering into difcuflions upon the circumftances that pafs in review ,* and fuppofes a mafs of extra., $6 \ Method of Jiltdying extraneous knowledge acquired on the part of the reader, which is independent of the pur- pofe aimed at in the ftudy of the elements of chemiftry. When thefe general principles, refpeding the ftudy of chemiftry, are once well eftablifti- ed, we may afterwards proceed in the chemical examination of bodies in two ways : we may either proceed from the ftmple to the com- pound, or we may defcend from the compound to the ftmple. Both thefe methods have their inconveniences; but the greateft, no doubt, which is found in following the firft method is, that, by beginning with the fimpleft bo- dies, we prefent fubftances to the confideration of the learner which nature very feldom exhi- bits in fuch a ftate of nakednefs and ftmplicity ; and we are forced to conceal the feries of ope- rations which have been employed to diveft thefe fubftances from their combinations, and reduce them to the elementary ftate. On the other hand, if we prefent bodies to the view of the learner fuch as they are, it is difficult to fucceed in an accurate knowledge of them ; becaufe their mutual addon, and in general moft of their phenomena, cannot be underftood without the previous and accurate knowledge of the Science of Che mi fry* £*7 r of their conftituent principles, fince it is upon thefe alone that they depend. After having maturely confidered the advaiw tages and inconveniences of each method, we give the preference to the firft. We fhall therefore begin by giving an account of the feveral bodies in their moft elementary Hate, or reduced to that term beyond which analyfis can effed nothing; and, when we fhall have ex- plained their various properties, we will com- bine thefe bodies with each other, which will afford a clafs of fimple compounds : and hence we fhall rife by degrees to the knowledge of bodies, and the mofb complicated phenomena. We fhall be careful, in any examination of the feveral bodies to which we fhall dired our re- fearches, to proceed from known to unknown; and our firft attention fhall be direded to ele* mentary fubftances. But as it is impoffible, at one and the fame time, to treat of all thofe fubftances which the prefent ftate of our know- ledge obliges us to confider as elementary, we fhall confine ourfelves to the exhibition of fuch as are of the greateft importance in the pheno- mena of the globe we inhabit, fuch as are al- moft univerfally fpread over its furface, and fuch as enter as principles into the compofition of the re-agents molt frequently employed in our 5 8 Method ofjludying our operations; fuch, in a word, as we conti- nually find in the examination and analyfis of the component parts of the globe. Light, heat, fulphur, and carbone are of this number. Light modifies all our operations, and moll powerfully contributes to the production of all the phenomena which appertain to bodies ei- ther living or inanimate. Heat, diftributed af- ter an unequal proportion among all the bodies of this univerfe, eftablifhes their various de- grees of confiftence and fixity $ and is one of the great means which art and nature employ to divide and volatilize bodies, to weaken their force or adhelion, and by that means prepare them for analyfis. Sulphur exifts in the pro- ducts of the three kingdoms ; it forms the ra- dical of one of the beft known, and mo ft ge- nerally employed, acids ; it exhibits intereft- ing combinations with moft fimple fubftances ; and, under thefe feveral points of view, it is one of the fubftances the moft necelfary to be known in the firft fteps of chemical fcience. The fame may be faid of carbone; it is the moft abundant fixed product: found in vegeta- bles and animals. Analyfis has difcovered it in fome mineral fubftances. Its combination with oxygene is fo common in bodies, and in the operations of art and nature, that there are fear c el y I ~ the Science of Chemiji ry . 59 fcarcely any phenomena which do not prefect it to our view, and which confequently require the knowledge of its properties. From all thefe reafons it appears to us, that for the ad- vancement of chemiftry it is neceilary our firft proceeding fhould be founded on the know- ledge of thefe fubftances ; and that we fhould not diredl our attention to other fimple or ele- mentary fubftances, accordingly as they pre~ fent themfelves. SEC. 6o Simple or Elementary Bodies, SECTION IV. Concerning Simple or Elementary Sub- ftances. ' • ♦ .1 , . # \ ^ J i * TF we cad an eye over the fyftems which have been fucceflively formed by philofo- phers relative to the number and nature of the elements, we fhall be aftonilhed at the prodi- gious variety which prevails in their manner of thinking. In the earlier times, every one feems to have taken his own imagination for his guide; and we find no reafonable fyftem until the time when Ariftole and Empedocles ac- knowledged as elements, Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. Their opinion has been well receiv- ed for many ages; and it muft be confefled that it is calculated to feduce the mind. There are, in fadt, enormous mafles, and inexhaufiible fiores, that prefent themfelves to our view, of thefe four principles, to which the deltrudtion or decompofition of bodies appeared to refer all the feveral component parts which formation or creation had taken from them. The authori- ty of all thole great men who had adopted this fyfiem, and the analyfis of bodies which pre- fentecl Simple or Elementary Bodies . 6 1 Tented only thefe four principles, afforded fuff ficient grounds for admitting this docftrine. But as foon as chemiftry had advanced fo far as to difcover the principles of bodies, the pro- feffors of that fcience prefumed to mark the number, nature, and chara&er of the elements; and every fubftance that was unalterable by the chemical methods of decompofition, was conftdered by them as a Ample or elementary principle. By thus taking the limits of ana- lyfis as the term for indicating the elements, the number and the nature of thefe muff vary according to the revolutions and the progrefs of chemiftry. This has accordingly happened, as may be feen by confulting all the authors who have written on this fubjeff, from the time of Paracelfus to the prefent day. But it muff be confeffed that it is no fmall degree of ra(h~ nefs, to affume the extent of the power of the artift as a limit for that of the Creator, and to imagine that the ftate of our acquifitions is a ftate of perfect knowledge. The denomination of Elements ought there- fore to be effaced from a chemical nomencla- ture, or at leaft it ought not to be ufed but as an expreftion denoting the laft term of our ana- lytical refults ; and it is always in this fenfe that we fhall ufe the word. CHAR Fire, or Heal > 62 CHAP. L Concerning Fire. T HE principal agent employed by nature to balance the power and natural effect of attraction, is fire. By the natural effeCt of attraction we fhould poffefs none but folid and compaCt bodies ; but the caloric unequally dif- perfed in bodies tends incefTantly to deftroy this adhefion of the particles; and it is to this principle that we are indebted for the varieties of confidence under which bodies prefentthem- felves to our obfervation. The various fub- ftances that compofe this univerfe are there- fore fubjeCted, on the one hand, to a general law which tends to bring them together ; and, on the other hand, to a powerful agent which tends to remove them from each other: it is upon the refpeClive energy of thefe two forces that the confidence of all bodies depends. When the affinity prevails, they are in the fo- lid date; when the caloric is mod powerful, they are in the date of gas ; and the liquid date appears to be the point of the equilibrium be- tween thefe two powers. It is therefore efTentially ncceflary to treat of fire> fince it aCts fo leading a part in this uni- verfe ; Fire . Heat . Light. 63 verfe; and becaufe it is impoflible to treat of any fubftance whatever without attending to the influence of this agent. There are two things to be conlidered in fire — heat and light. Thefe two principles, which have been very often confounded, appear to be very diftindt in their own nature; becaufe they are fcarcely ever proportional to each other, and becaufe each can exiit without the other. The tnoft ufuai acceptation of the word Fir£ comprehends heat and light 5 and its principal phenomena muff have been known for a long time. The difcovery of fire muft have been nearly as ancient as the human fpecies upon this globe. The fhock.of two flints, the addon of meteors, or the effedt of volcanoes, muft have afforded the eariieft idea of it; and it is very aftonifhing that the inhabitants of the Marian I (lands were not acquainted with its effedts before the invafion of the Spaniards. Thefe iilanders, who became acquainted with this ter- rible element only in confequence of its ra- vages, confidered it at firft as a malevolent being which attached itfelf to all beings, and devoured them.— See the Abbe Raynal’s Hif- toire Philofophique, &c. The effects of fire are perhaps the moft afto- nifhing Caloric and Heat . 64 nilhing of any which nature exhibits ; and we ought not to be furprifed that the ancients conlidered it as an intermediate being between fpirit and matter, and have built the beautiful fable of Prometheus upon its origin. We have had the happinefs, in our time, to acquire well- founded and exteniive ideas refpeddng this agent, which we fhall proceed to develop in the two following articles. ARTICLE I. Concerning Caloric and Heat. When a metal or a liquid is heated, thefe bo- dies are dilated in cverv direction, are reduced to vapour, and at lafb- become invilible when the molt powerful heat is applied to them. Bodies which poflefs the principle of heat, part with it more or lefs readily. If we atten- tively obferve a body during its cooling, a flight movement of undulation will be perceived in the furrounding air ; an effedl which may be compared to the phenomenon exhibited upon the mixture of two liquors of unequal denfity and weight. It is difficult to conceive this phenomenon without admitting of a peculiar fluid, which pafies firfl: from the body\vhich heats to that which General Properties of Heat . 65 which is heated, combines with the latter, pro- duces the effects we have fpoken of, and after- wards efcapes to unite with other bodies, ac- cording to its affinities, and the law of equili- brium, to which all bodies tend. This fluid of heat, which we call Caloric, is contained in greater or lefs quantities in bodies, according to the greater or lefs degrees of affi- nity exilting between it and them. Various means may be employed to difplace or difengage the caloric. The firft is by the method of affinities : for example, water pour- ed upon the fulphuric acid expels the heat, and takes its place ; and while there is a difengage- ment of heat, the volume of the mixture does not increafe in proportion to the bulk of the two fubftances mixed. This fhews that pene- tration takes place, which cannot be explained but by admitting that the integrant parts of the water take the place of the caloric, in propor- tion as it is diffipated. — The fecond method of precipitating caloric, is by friction and com- preffion. In this cafe it is expreffed orfqueezed out, in the fame manner as water from a fponge. In reality, the whole of the heat whith may be produced by fridiion, is not afforded by the body itfelf ; becaufe, in proportion as the in- terior heat is developed, the external air adts Vol. I. F upon 66 General Properties of Heat • upon the body, calcines or inflames it, and itfelf gives out heat during its fixation. Fermenta- tion, and in general every operation which changes the nature of bodies, may difengage caloric, becaufe the new compound may de- mand and receive a greater or lefs quantity. Hence it is that chemical operations produce fometimes cold, and fometimes heat. Let us now examine the form under which caloric prefents itfelf. This fluid is difengaged either in a ftate of liberty, or in a ftate of combination. In the firft cafe, the caloric always endea- vours to obtain an equilibrium ; not that it is diftributed equally among all bodies, but it is difperfed among them according to the degrees of its affinity. Whence it follows, that the cir- cumambient bodies receive and retain a quan- tity more or lefs confiderable. Metals are eaft- ly penetrated by this fluid, and tranfmit it with equal facility; wood and animal fubftances re- ceive it to the degree of combuftion ; liquids^ until they are reduced to vapour. Ice alone abforbs all the heat communicated to it, with- out giving it out to other bodies until it has acquired the fluid ftate*. * The ingenious author has inadvertently been guilty of an overfight. Not only ice, but all other bodies, abforb heat during liquefaction, as he himfelf Ihews hereafter. T. The Admeasurement of Heat . 67 The degree of heat can be appreciated only by its effecfis : and the infiruments which have been fucceflively invented to calculate it, and are known by the names of thermometers, py- rometers, &c. have been applied to the firidt determination of the feveral phenomena exhi- bited in confequence of the abforption of calo- ric in various bodies. The dilatation of fluids, or of metals in the fluid flate, by the feveral degrees of heat, has been long meafured by thermometers formed of glafs; but this very fuflble fubflance can only be ufed to afcertain degrees of heat infe- rior to that which renders the glafs itfelf fluid. Several means have been fucceflively pro- pofed for calculating the higher degrees of heat. Mr. Leidenfrofl: has proved that the hotter a metal is, the more llowly will drops of water evaporate from its furface; and he has propofed this principle for the conftrudiion of pyrome- ters. A drop of water in an iron fpoon, heated to the degree of boiling water, evaporates in one fecond ; a flmilar drop, poured on melted lead, is diflipated in fix or feven feconds; and upon red-hot iron in thirty. Mr. Ziegler, in his Specimen de Digeflore Papini, has found that 89 feconds were required to evaporate a drop of water at 520 degrees of Fahrenheit; and that F 2 one 68 Admeafunment of Heat „ one fecond is fufficient at the 30odth degree. This phenomenon, which is more interefting to chemiftry than pyrometry, to which it will al- ways afford refults little fufceptible of rigorous calculation, appears to me to depend upon the adhefion and decompofition of the water upon the metal. The moft accurate pyrometer we are ac- quainted with, is that which was prefented to the Royal Society of London by Mr. Wedg- w'ood. It is conftru&ed upon the principle, that the pureft clay fhrinks in the fire in pro- portion to the heat applied to it. This pyro- meter confifts of two parts; one called the gauge, which ferves to meafure the degrees of diminution or fhrinking; the other contains the fimple pieces of pure clay, which are called thermometer pieces. The gauge is formed of a plate of baked earth, upon which are applied two rulers or ftraight pieces of the fame fubftance. Thefe rulers, being perfectly ftraight and even, are placed at the diftance of half an inch from each other at one of their ends, and three-tenths of an inch at the other. For greater convenience, the gauge is divided into two parts, and the two pieces are placed endways when required to be ufed. The length of this rule is divided into 240 j Wedgwood' s Thermometer . 69 240 equal parts, of which each reprefents one- tenth of an inch # . To form the thermometer pieces, the earth is lifted with the greateft at- tention, after which it i£ mixed with water, and the pafte thruft through an iron tube, ■which gives it a cylindrical form, to be cut afterwards into pieces of a proper flze. When the pieces are dry, they muft be prefented to the gauge, where they ought to fit at the place of o on the fcale. If by inadvertence of the workmen any piece penetrates to one or two degrees further, this degree is marked on its flat furface, and requires to be deduced when the piece is ufed in the admeafurement of heat. The pieces thus adjufledare baked in a furnace to a red heat, to give them the confluence ne- ceflary for carriage. The heat employed in this part of the procefs is ufually about flx de- grees, and the pieces are diminifhed more or lefs; but this is of no confequence when they come to be fubmitted to a fuperior degree of heat; and if it Ihould happen that an inferior degree of heat is required to be meafured, un- baked pieces are to be ufed, which are pre- ferved in fheaths or cafes to avoid fri&ion. When this pyrometer is to be ufed, one of * This is, in fad, the twelve- hundredth of an inch in the width, according to the dimenfions here given. T. the 7 ° Wedgwood's Thermometer. the pieces is expofed in the fire-place whofe heat is required to be determined ; and when it has acquired the whole intenfity, it is taken out, and fuffered to cool, or for greater fpeed it is plunged in water; after which it is prefented to the gauge, and its degree of contraction eafily determined. Mr.Wedgwood has given us the refult of feveral experiments made with his pyrometer, oppolite to which he has placed the correfpondent degrees of Fahrenheit, Pyrometer Thermometer of Weogwood. ot Fahreuheit. Red heat vifible by the light Brafs melts at Swedilh copper melts at Tare filver melts at - - Pure gold melts at The heat of bars of iron raifed f fmall bar - to welding - l large bar The greateft heat producible in a fmith’s forge 1 25 Caft iron melts at - - 130 2 ! 2 7 28 3 2 90 9S 1077 i8 57 4557 47*7 5 2 37 12777 1 34-7 *7327 1 797 7 160 - 2i $n The greateft heat of a wind furnace of eight inches fquare Thefe various thermometers are not appli- cable to all cafes. We cannot, for example, -calculate with ftri&nefs the heat which efcapes from living bodies, or determine with precifion the temperature of any fubftance, But MelTrs. De la Place and Lavoilier (Acad, des Sciences, 1780) have invented an apparatus which ap- pears to leave nothing further to bedefired. It is The Calorimeter of Lavoifier , £s?r. 7 1 \ is conftruded upon the principle that ice ab- sorbs all the heat communicated to it, without communicating it to other bodies until the whole is melted j fo that from hence w'e may calculate the degrees of heat communicated, by the quantity of ice which is melted. It was ne- ceflary, in order to afford fluid refults, to difco- ver the means of caufing the ice to abforb all the heat difengaged from the bodies under ex- amination, and to cover it from the aclion of every other fubflance which might facilitate its fufion ; and, laftly, to colled: with great care the water produced by the fufion. The apparatus conftruded by thefe two ce- lebrated academicians for this purpofe, coniifts of three circular velfels nearly infcribed in each other; fo that three capacities are produced. The interior fpace or capacity is formed by an iron grating, upon fupports of the fame metal. Here it is that the bodies fubjeded to experi- ment are placed. The upper part of this ca- vity is clofed by means of a cover. The mid- dle fpace, next to this, is defigned to contain the ice which furrounds the interior compart- ment. This ice is fupported and retained by a grate, upon which a cloth is fpread. In propor- tion as the ice melts, the water flows through the grate and the cloth, and is colleded in a veffel 72 T'he Calorimeter of veffel placed beneath. Laflly, the external fpace or compartment of the apparatus contains ice intended to prevent the effedt of the ex- ternal heat of the atmofphere. To ufc this excellent machine, the middle or fecond fpace is filled with pounded ice, as is like- wife the cover of the internal fphere ; the fame thing is done with regard to the external fpace, as well as to the general covering of the whole machine: the interior ice is fuffered to drain ; and, when it ceafes to afford water, the cover- ing of the internal fpace is raifed, to introduce the body upon which the experiment is intended to be made. Immediately after this introduc- tion, the covering is put on, and the whole ap- paratus remains untouched until the included body has acquired the temperature of o, or the freezing temperature of water, which is the common temperature of the internal capacity. The quantity of water afforded by the melting of the ice is then weighed ; and this is an ac- curate meafure of the heat difengaged from the body, becaufe the fufion of the ice is theeffedt of this heat only. Experiments of this kind laft fifteen, eighteen, or twenty hours. It is of great confequence, that in this ma- chine there fhould be no communication be- tween Lavcificr and Be la Place. 73 tween the middle, or fecond, and the external fpace. It is likewife neceflary that the air of the apartment fhould not be lower than o, becaufe the interior ice would then receive a degree of coid lower than that temperature. Specific heat is merely the proportional quan- tity of heat neceflary to raife bodies of equal mafs to the fame number of degrees of tem- perature : fo that, when the fpecific heat of a . folid body is required, its temperature mult be elevated a certain number of degrees, at which inftant it muft be placed in the internal fphere, and there left until its temperature is reduced to o. The water is then collected, and this quantity divided by the product of the mafs of the body ; and the number of degrees of its original temperature above o, will be propor- tional to its fpecific heat. With regard to fluids, they are inclofed in veffels whofe heat has been previoufly deter- mined. The operation is then the fame as for folids ; excepting that the quantity of water afforded muft be diminifhed by a deduction of that quantity which has been melted by the heat of the veflel. If it be required to determine the heat which is difengaged during the combination of various fubftances. 74 The Calorimeter of Lavoifier y &c, fubftances, they muft be all reduced, as well as their containing veffels, to the temperature of o. The mixture mull then be placed in the internal fphere ; and the quantity of water col- lected is the meafure of the difengaged heat. In order to determine the heat of combuf* tion and refpiration, as the renewal of air is in. difpenfable in thefe two operations, it is necef- fary to eftablifh a communication between the internal part of the fphere and the furrounding atmofphere ; and in order that the introduction, of frefh air may not caufe any perceptible error, thefe experiments ought to be made at a tercu perauure little differing from o, or at leafi the air which is introduced muff previoufly be brought to this temperature. To determine the fpecific heat of any gas, it is neceffary to eftablifh a current through the internal part of the fphere, and to place two thermometers, one at the place of introduction, and the other at the place of efcape. By com- parifon of the temperatures exhibited by thefe two inftruments, a judgment is formed of the heat abforbed,and the melted ice is meafured. An excellent memoir of Meffrs. De la Place and Lavoifter may be confulted for the refults of the experiments they have made. The pre. fent extra& contains only a ihort account of their valuable labours. The General 'Properties of Heat. 75 The various means made ufe of for the ad^ meafurement of heat, are founded on the ge^ neral principle, that different bodies abforb heat in greater or lefs quantities. If this fait were not generally admitted, it might be efta- blifhed on the three following fads. Dr. Frank- lin having expofed two fmall pieces of cloth, of the fame texture but of different colours, upon the furfaee of fnow, perceived a few hours afterwards, that the red cloth was bu- ried in the fnow, while the other which was white had not fuffered any depreflion*. M. de Saulfure obferves, that the peafants of the mountains of Switzerland are careful to fpread a black earth over the furfaee of grounds co- vered with fnow, when they are deflrous of melting it to fow their feed. So likewife chil- dren burn a black hat in the focus of a fmall lens which would fcarcely heat a white one. Such nearly are the phenomena of heat when it is difengaged in a hate ot liberty. Let us now contemplate thofe which it prefents when it efcapes from a date of combination. Heat is fometimes difengaged in a date of Ample mixture, as in the phenomena of va- pours, fublimations, &c. If heat be applied to water, thefe two fluids will unite, and the mix- * They were expofed to the rays of the fun. T. ture 76 General Properties of Heat. ) turc will be diffipated in the atmofphere ; but it would be an abufe of words to call fo weak an union by the name of combination : for, as foon as the heat becomes in a fituation to com- bine with other bodies, it abandons the water* which returns to a liquid ftate. This body, dur- ing evaporation, continually carries with it a portion of heat; and hence, perhaps, refult the advantages of tranfpiration, perfpiration, &c. But heat very frequently contracts a true chemical union with the bodies which it vola- tilizes : this combination is even fo perfed, that the heat is not perceptible, but it is neu- tralized by the body with which it is combined. It is then called latent heat, calor latens . The feveral cafes in which heat enters into combination, and paftes to the ftate of latent heat, may be reduced to the two following principles ; The firft principle. — Every body which paffes from the folid to the liquid ftate, abforbs a por- tion of heat, which is no longer fenfible to the thermometer, but exifts in a true ftate of com- bination. The academicians of Florence filled a veftel with pounded ice, and plunged a thermometer in it, which defcended to o. The velfel was then immerfed in boiling water, and the ther- mometer General Properties of Heat. 77 i‘ mometerdid not rife during the whole time of I the liquefa&ion of the ice. The fufion of ice [ therefore abforbs heat. Mr. Wilcke poured a pound of water, heated to the 60th degree of Reaumur, upon a pound of ice. The melted mixture poffefled the tem- perature of o. Sixty degrees of heat had there- fore entered into combination. The chevalier Laudriani has fhewn that the 1 fufion of metals, of fulphur, of phofphorus, of alum, of nitre > &c. abforbs heat. Cold is produced in the difiolution of all the (cryftallized) falts. Reaumur made a feries of very interefting ex- periments on this fubjedt, which confirm thofe of Boyle. Fahrenheit caufed the thermometer to defeend to forty degrees, by melting ice by ftrong nitrous acid. But the moft afionifhing experiments are thofe made by MefTrs. Thomas Beddoes*, phyfician, and Walker, apothecary at Oxford, and inferted in the Philofophical Tranfadtions for the year 1 7 87 The mixtures which produced the greateft degrees of cold are, * It does not appear that Dr. Beddoes either had or pre- tends to have any other {hare in the experiments of Mr. Walker, than that of having tranfmitted them to the Royal Society. T- ' + Alfo in the fubfequent volumes. 1. Eleven 7 8 General Properties of Heat; 1. Eleven parts of muriate of ammoniac, or common fal ammoniac; ten parts of nitrate of pot-alh, or common nitre j fixteen parts of ful- phate of foda, or Glauber’s fait ; with thirty- two parts by weight of water : the two firft falts fhould be dry, and in powder. 2. The nitric acid, muriate of ammoniac, and fulphate of foda, lowered the thermometer to eight de- grees under o. Mr. Walker has frozen mer- 'cury without uling either ice or lhow. Jt is therefore an incontrovertible principle, that all bodies w'hich pafs from the folid to the liquid flate, abforb heat, and retain it in fo accurate a combination as to afford no fign of its prefencei The heat is therefore fixed, neu- tralized, or latent. The fecond principle. — All bodies, by pair- ing from the folid or fluid (late to the aeri- form ftate, abforb heat, which becomes latent; and it is by virtue of this heat that fuch bodies are placed and maintained in that Hate. On this principle is founded the procefs ufed in China, India, Perfia, and Egypt, to cool liquors ufed for drink. The water intended for this purpofe is put into very porous velfels, and expofed to the fun, or to a current of warm air, to cool the fluid contained within them. It General Properties of Heat. 79 It is by fimilar means that cool drink is obtained in the long journeys of the caravans, Interefling details on this fubjedl may be feen in the Travels of Chardin, vol. iii. 1723 ; Tavernier’s Voyages, vol. i. edit. 1738; Paul Lucas’s Voyages, vol. ii. edit. 1724; and alfo in the Mundus Subterraneus of P. Kircher, lib. vi. fee. 2. cap. 2. We may conclude from the experiments of Mr. Richmann, made in 1747, and inferted in the firft volume of the Imperial Academy of Peterfburgh, 1 . That a thermometer taken out of water, and expofed to the air, always de- feends, even when its temperature is equal or fuperior to that of the water. 2. That it after- wards rifes, until that it has acquired the tem- perature of the atmofphere. 3. That the time of defeending is lefs than that which it em- ploys to rife again. 4. That when the ther- mometer, withdrawn from the water, has arifen to the common temperature, its bulb is dry ; but that it continues wet during the whole time of its Handing beneath this common temperature. To thefe confequences we will add others deduced from feveral curious experiments by the celebrated Cullen. 1. A thermometer fuf- pended in the receiver of the air pump, de- feends two or three degrees during the time of exhatiftion. So General Properties of Heat . exhauftion, and afterwards rifes to the tempera- ture of the vacuum. 2. A thermometer plunged in alcohol, in the receiver of the air pump, al- ways defeends, and the lower in proportion as the bubbles are flronger which ifTue from the alcohol ; if it be withdrawn from this liquor, and fufpended wet beneath the receiver, it falls eight or ten degrees w’hile the air is pumping out. It is well known that if the ball of a ther- mometer be wrapped in fine linen, and kept moift by fprinkling with ether, and the evapo- ration be facilitated by agitation in the air, the thermometer will defeend to o. The immortal Franklin has proved, in his own perfon, that when the body perfpires ftrong- ly, it is lefs heated than furrounding bodies, and that perforation always produces a certain de- gree of coldnefs. — See his Letter to Dr. Lind. The great number of labourers in the burn- ingheatsof our climate fupport themfelves only by virtue of a copious perfpiration, the fluid for which they replenish by drinking plentifully. The workmen employed in glafs-houfes, foun- deries, &c. often live in a medium hotter than their bodies, the natural temperature of which is equalized and moderated by perfpiration. If evaporation be increafed by agitation of General Properties of Heat . 81 the air, the refrigeration is the greater. Hence the ufeof fans, ventilators, &c. which, though intended to give motion to warm air, afford likewife the virtue of cooling by facilitating and favouring evaporation. Warm and dry air is beft fuited to form a refrefhingcurrent, becaufeit is more calculated to diffolve and abforb humidity ; moift air is Jefs proper, becaufe it is already faturated. — Hence the neceflity of frequently renewing the air to preferve the coolnefs of our apartments. Thefe principles have a nearer relation to medicine than is generally fuppofed. We find that almoft all fevers end in perforations, which, befide the advantage of expelling the morbific matter, poffefs likewife that of car- rying off the matter of heat, and reftoring the body to its common temperature. The phyfi- cian who is defirous of moderating the excefs of heat in the body of a patient, ought to maintain the air in that difpofition which is moft fui table to his views. The ufe of volatile alkali is univerfally ac- knowledged to be of advantage in burns, the tooth-ach, &c. May not thefe effects be attri- buted to the volatility of this fubftance, which quickly combining with heat, carries it off, and leaves an impreffion of cold ? — Ether is a fove- Vol. I. G reign 82 General Properties of Heat. reign remedy for the colic. Does not its vir- tue depend on the fame principles ? The heat which has entered into combination with bodies during their tranlition from the folid to the liquid {fate, or from this laft to the aeriform ftate, may be again exhibited by caus- ing thefe fubftances to return again to the Hates of liquefaction or folidity. In a word, every fubftance which pafies from the liquid to the folid ftate, fuffers its latent heat to efcape, which at this inftant becomes free or thermo- metrical heat. The celebrated Fahrenheit, in the year 1724, having left water expofed to a colder tempera- ture than that of ice, the water remained fluid: but it congealed by agitation ; and the thermo- meter, which marked feveral degrees beneath the freezing point, fuddenly rofe to that tem-^ perature. Mr. Treiwald mentions a ftmilar iadl in the TranfaClions ; and Mr. De Ratte made the fame obfervation at Montpelier. Mr. Baume has fhewn, in his enquiries and experiments relating to feveral lingular pheno- mena exhibited by water at the inftant of its congelation, that feveral degrees of heat areal- ways developed at that inftant. Gafeous fubftances are maintained in the aeriform ftate merely by the heat which is com- bined Properties of Light. 83 bincd with them; and when to thefefubftances, thus diflolved in caloric, another body is pre- fented, to which they have a very ftrong affinity, they abandon their heat to unite with this laft fubftance; and the caloric, thus expelled ordif- engaged, appears under the form of free or ther- mometrical heat. This difengagement of heat, by the concretion or fixation of gafeous fub- ftances, was obferved by the celebrated Scheele, as may be feen in the valuable experiments which form the bafis of his Treatife on Air and Fire. Since the time of this great man, rigo- rous calculations have been made of the quan- tity of latent heat exifting in each of thefe gafes : we are indebted to Meflrs. Black, Crawford, Wilcke, De la Place, La voifier, &c. for many excellent refearches on this fubjedh. ARTICLE IL Concerning Light. It appears that Light is tranfmitted to our eyes by a peculiar fluid which occupies the in- terval between us and vifible bodies. Does this fluid arrive diredly from the Sun by fuccefflve emiffions or eradiations ? or is it G 2 a pecu- u Properties of Light. a peculiar fluid diftributed through fpace, and put in adtion by the Sun’s rotary motion, or by any other caufe ? I fhall not enter into any dif- cutfion upon this fubjeCt, but fhall confine my- felf to point out the phenomena. A. The motion of light is fo rapid, that it paffes through nearly eighty thoufand leagues in a fee ond. B. The elafticity of the rays of fight is fuch, that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. C. The fluid of light is ponderous ; for if a ray of light be received through a hole in a win- dow-fhutter, and the blade of a knife be pre- fented to it, the ray is diverted from a right line, and is infledted towards the body. This cir- cumftance fhevvs that it obeys the law of at- traction, and fufficiently authorifes us to clafs it among other bodies of this nature. D. The great Newton fucceeded in decom- pofing the folar light into feven primitive rays, which prefent themfel ves in the following order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet* Dyes prefent us with only three colours, which are red, blue, and yellow ; the combinations and proportions of thefe three principles form all the fhadesof colour with which the arts are enriched. Philofophers have maintained that among General Properties of Light . 85 among the folar rays there are three primitive colours,— See Les Recherches de M. Marat. All natural bodies may be confidered as prifms which decompofe or rather divide the light. Some refledt the rays without producing any change, and thefe are white ; others abforb them all, and caufe abfolute blacknels : the greater or lefs affinity of the feveral rays with various bodies, and perhaps likewife the difpo- fition of the pores, is no doubt the caufe that, when a pencil falls upon a body, fome rays en- ter into combination, while others are refledl- ed ; and it is this which affords the diversity of colours, and the prodigious variety of {hades under which bodies appear to our eyes r We can no longer confine ourfelves to con- fider light as a merely phyfical fubftance; the chemift perceives its influence in moll of his operations, and finds it neceflary to attend to its affion, which modifies his refultsi and its effedls are no lefs evident ih the various phe- nomena of nature, than in the experiments per- formed in our laboratories. We fee that vegetation cannot take place without light. Plants deprived of this fluid become pale ; and when in hot-houfes the light comes to them from one part only, the vege- tables incline towards the aperture, as if to fnew the neceffity of this beneficial fluid. Without 86 Properties and Effefts of Light. Without the influence of light, vegetables would exhibit but one lifelefs colour; they are deprived of their beautiful (hades by the inter- ception of this luminous fluid. On thefe prin- ciples, celery, endive, and other plants, are bleached. Vegetables are not only indebted to the light for their colour, but likewife for their fmell, tafte, combuftibility, maturity, and the refinous principle, which equally depend upon this fluid. Hence it is, no doubt, that aromatic fubftances, refins, and volatile oils, are the inheritance of fouthern climates, where the light is more pure, conftant, and intenfe. We fee, likewife, that the influence of light is evident in other beings : for, as Mr. Dorthes has obferved, worms and grubs, which live in the earth or in wood, are of a whitifh colour. The birds and flying infers of the night are likewife diftinguifhable from thofe of the day by the want of brilliancy of colour ; and the difference is equally marked between thofe of the north and of the fouth. A very aftonilhing property of light upon the vegetable kingdom is, that when vegetables are expofed to open day-light, or to the fun’s rays, they emit vital air. We fhall again attend to all thefe phenomena when we come to treat of the analyfis of vegetables. The 87 Properties and Effefts of Light. The fine experiments of Scheele and Ber- thollet have fhewn that the abfence or prefence of light has an aftonifhing effedt upon the re- fult of chemical experiments. Light difen- gages vital air from feveral fluids, fuch as the nitric acid, the oxigenated marine acid, &c. It reduces the oxides or calces of gold, filver, &c. It changes the nature of oxigenated mu- riates, according to the obfervations of Mr. Berthollet. Light likewife determines the phe- nomena of vegetation exhibited by faline fo- lutions, as I have fhewn. From all which cir- cumftances it is evident that we ought to at- tend to the effedt of this agent in almofl: all our operations. tc Organization, fenfation, fpontaneous mo- tion, and life, exifl: only at the furface of the earth, and in places expofed to light : we might affirm that the flame of Prometheus’s torch was the expreflion of a philofophical truth which did not efcape the ancients. Without light, nature was lifelefs, inanimate, and dead : a benevolent God, by. producing light, has fpread organization, fenfation, and thought over the furface of the earth.” — Elementary Treatife of Chernifiry by Mr. Lavoifier. We ought not to confound the folar light with the light of our furnaces ; the light of thefe 8 $ Sulphur . thefe has, as I am convinced, very evident ef- fects in certain phenomena; but thefe effects are flow, and fcarcely comparable with thofe of the folar light. Although heat often accompanies light, the phenomena we have mentioned cannot be at- tributed to mere heat. Heat may indeed mo- dify them where it exifts, but moft affuredly it cannot produce them. Concerning Sulphur . E are obliged to place Sulphur among the elements, though our predecefiors pretended to have determined its conftituent principles. This proceeding would appear to be retrograde, if it were not evident that the correction of miftakes is a real advancement in fcience. The ancients ufed the word fulphur to de- note every combuftible and inflammable fub- ftance. Accordingly we find, in all their writ, ings, the expreffions of fulphur of metals, ful- phur of animals, fulphur of vegetables, &c. Stahl affigneth a determinate value to the de- nomination of Sulphur ; and lince the time of CHAP. II. this Origin of Sulphur * 89 this celebrated chemift we have confined the name to denote a body of an orange-yellow colour, dry, brittle, capable of burning with a blue flame, and exhaling a penetrating odour during combuftion : when rubbed, it becomes eledtric; and by a light prefllire in the hand it cracks, and becomes reduced to powder. It appears that fulphur is formed by the de-r compofition of vegetables and animals. It has been found on the walls of neceflary-houfes ; and when the ditch of the Port St. Antoine, at Paris, was cleared, a coniiderable quantity was colle&ed, which was mixed with the decayed remains of vegetable and animal fubftances, that had filled the ancient ditches, and there putre- fied. Mr. Deyeux has likewife proved, that ful- phur exifts naturally in certain plants, fuch as patientia, cochlearia, &c. His procefies for extra&ing it confifl in — 1. The wafhed root muft be reduced by rafping into a fine pulp; this muft be wafhed in cold water, and pafted through a fieve or cloth of an open texture ; the fluid paffes in a turbid ftate, and depofits a precipitate, which when dried proves the exift- ence of fulphur. 2. The pulp may be boiled, and the feum afforded by the ebullition after- wards dried : this feum contains fulphur. Se- veral <90 Procejfes for extra Sting vcral fpecies of rumex, confounded under the name of Patience, do not contain fulphur. I have obtained it from the rumex patientia L. which grows on the mountains Ceverines, and is the fame which is ufed at Paris. M. Le Veillard obtained fulphur by fuffering vegetable fubftances to putrefy in well-water. Sulphur is abundantly contained in coal mines; it is found in combination with certain metals; it appears alrnoft always where vegetable decompofition takes place ; it forms the greater part of thofe pyritous and bituminous fchifti which occupy the focus of volcanos ; it is fublimed in thofe places w’here the pyrites are decompofed ; it is thrown out by fubterraneous fires; and is found in greater or lefs quantities in volcanic diftri&s. Much has been faid concerning (bowers of ful- phur; but it is at prefent w’ell known that this error has chiefly arifen from the powder of the (lamina of the pine, which is carried to great diflances. Henckel faw the furface of a marfh entirely covered with this pow r der. The known proceffes for extracting fulphur in the large way, and applying it to the pur- pofes of commerce, confifl in difepgaging it from the pyrites or fulphures of copper, or of iron, by methods poffe fling various degrees of (implicity and economy. On this fubject, the Pyritology Sulphur in the large Way . 91 Pyritology of Henckel, Macquer’s Chemical Dictionary, and the Metallurgical Tracts of Mr. Jars, may be confuted. In Saxony and Bohemia the ores of fulphur are diddled in earthen tubes difpofed in a gal- lery. The fulphur which is difengaged by the heat paffes into receivers placed without, and in which care is taken to keep a fufficient quantity of water. At Rammelfberg, at St. Bel, &c.. large heaps of pyrites are made, which are decompofed by a gentle heat, at firft applied to the .mafs from a ftratum of combuftible matter upon which it is placed. The heat is afterwards kept up by the adlion of the pyrites among!! each other. The fulphur which exhales cannot efcape laterally, becaufe care is taken to cover the fides with earth. It therefore rifes to the fummit of the truncated pyramid, where it is collected into fmall cavities made for that purpofe. The heat of this part is fufficient to keep the fulphur in a fluid flate; and it is taken out from time to time with ladles. Almofl all the fulphur ufed in France comes from theSolfatara. This volcanic country every where exhibits marks of th'e agency of fubter- raneous lire. The enormous mafles of pyrites which are decompofed in the bowels of the earth produce heat, which fublimes part of the fulphur 92 Procejjes for extracting Sulphur . fulphur through apertures which the fire, and the effort of the vapours, have opened in all parts. The earths and flones which contain fulphur are diflilled ; and it i the refultof this diflillation which is called Crude Sulphur. The crude fulphur is tranfported into France by the way of Marfeilles, where it receives the neceffary preparations to fender it fuitable to various purpofes. i. It is reduced into flicks or rolls, by fuling it, and pouring it into moulds: or, 2. It is formed into flowers of brimflone by fubliming it with a gentle heat, and collecting this fulphureous vapour in a very clofe chamber of confiderable extent. This very pure and finely divided fulphur is diflinguifhed by the name of Flowers of Brim- flone, or Sublimed Sulphur. Sulphur enters into fufion by a moderate heat ; and if the moment be feized in which the furface congeals, and the liquid fulphur contained beneath that furface be then poured out, the internal cavity will exhibit long nee- dle-formed cryflals of an octahedral figure. This procefs, contrived by the famous Rouelle^ has been applied to the cryflallization of almofl all the metals. Sulphur is found naturally cryf- tallized in Italy, at Conilla near Cadiz, &c. Its ufual form is octahedral ; but I have feen cryflals of fulphur in perfect rhomboids. Stahl 93 Properties of Sulphur . Stahl thought that he had proved, by anaiyfis and fynthefis, that fulphur is formed by the com- bination of his phlogiflon with the fulphuric acid* The happy feries of proofs which he has left behind him for the eflablifhment of this opinion, has appeared fo complete, that, fince the time of this great man, his doctrine hascon- flantly been admitted as founded on abfolute proof. This example was even urged as an in- fiance to fhew how high a degree of evidence the chemical anaiyfis was capable of affording. But our difcoveries reflecting gafeous fub- ftances have fhewn us, that the ancients were neceffarily led into error for want of that know- ledge. The immenfe refearches of the moderns into the compofition of acids, have fhewn that thefe fubftances are decompofed in a variety of operations; and this revolution in the flate of our knowledge mull have produced a fimilar change in our methods of explaining the phe- nomena. An examination of the principal ex- periments of Stahl, upon which his dodtrine effentially depends, will fufficiently fhew the truth of what we have afferted. If one third part of charcoal, and two thirds of fulphate of pot-afh, or vitriolated tartar, be mixed and fufed in a crucible, theprodudlis (li- ver of iulphur) fulphure of pot-afh. If this ful- phure 94 Analyfis of Sulphur. pnure be diffolved in water, and the alkali be engaged by addinga few drops of fulphuric acid, a precipitate is afforded, which confifts of true fulphur : cf whence,” fays Stahl, the fimple diftillation of vegetables. Vegetable fermentation, and animal putrefaction, likewife produce this gafeous fubftance. The properties of this gas are as follow : A. Hydrogenous gas has a difagreeable ftinking odour. Mr. Kirwan has obferved, that when it is extra . . / air. One cubic foot of atmofpheric air weighs feven hundred and twenty grains ; a cubic, foot of hydrogenous gas weighs feventy-two grains. The barometer being at 29' 9, and the thermometer 6o° Fahrenheit, Mr. Kirwan found the weight of this air to that of common air as eighty-four to one thoufand ; confe- quently it was about twelve times as light. Its fpecific gravity varies very much, be- caufe it is difficult to obtain it conftantly of the fame degree of purity. That which is ex- tracted from vegetables contains the carbonic acid and oil, which increafes its weight. This levity of hydrogenous gas has caufed certain philofophers to prefume that it ought to arrive at and occupy the fuperior part of our at- mofphere; and upon this fuppofirion the moft brilliant conje&ures have been made refpedling the influence which a flratum of this gas, predo- minating over the reft of the atmofphere, ought to produce in meteorology. They were not aware that this continual lofs of matter is not agreeable to the wife ceconomy of nature. They did not obferve that this gas, during its afcent in the air, combines with other bodies, more efpecially the oxigene, and that water and other produces are the refult ; the knowledge of which ' ' ’ • muft or Inflammable Air. 109 mull neceffarily lead us to that of mod me- teors. The theory of balloons, or aeroflatic ma- chines, is founded on this levity of the hy- drogenous gas. In order that a balloon may rife in the atmo- fphere, it is fufficient that the weight of the balloon itfelf, and the air it enclofes, fhould be lefs confiderable than that of an equal bulk of atmofpheric air ; and it muft rife till its weight is in equilibrio with an equal volume of the furrounding air. The theory of the Mongolfiers is every differ- ent from this. In this cafe a given volume of atmofpheric air is rarefied by heat, and kept feparated from the common mafs by a hollow veifel of cloth. This rarefied fpace rnay there- fore be confidered for a moment as confifting of a mafs of air of greater levity, which muft neceflarily make an effort to rife in the atmo- fphere, and carry its covering along with it. E. Hydrogenous gas exhibits various cha- racters according to its degree of purity, and the nature of the fubftances which are mixed with it. It feldom happens that this gas is pure. That which is afforded by vegetables contains oil, and the carbonic acid. The inflammable air of lib Hydrogenous Gas. of marfhes is mixed with a greater or lefs quarts tity of carbonic acid ; and that which is afforded by the decompofition of pyrites fometimes holds fulphur in folution. The colour of hydrogene, when fet on fire, varies according to its mixtures. One-third of the air of the lungs, mixed with the inflamma- ble air of pit-coal, affords a flame of a blue co- lour; inflammable air, mixed with nitrous air, affords a green colour; the vapour of ether af- fords a white flame. The various mixtures of thefe gafes, and the degree of compreffion to which they are fubjedled, when expreffed out of an aperture in order to burn them, have, in the hands of certain operators, afforded very agreeable illuminations, well deferving the at- tention of learned and curious obfervers. F. Hydrogenous gas poffeffes the property of diffolving fulphur. In this cafe it contracts a ffinking fmell, and forms hepatic gas. Mr. Gengembre put fulphur into inverted veffels filled with hydrogenous gas, and dif- folved it by means of the burning-glafs, The hydrogenous gas, by this treatment, obtained all the charaderiftic properties of hepatic gas. The formation of this gas is almoft always an effedl of the decompoiltion of water. In fa£t, the alkaline fulphures, or livers of fulphur, do not Ill Hepatic Gas . hot emit any difagreeable fmell while they are dry; but the moment they are moiftened, an abominable fmell is perceived, and the ful- phate of pot-afh, or vitriolated tartar, begins to be formed. Thefe phenomena prove that the water is decompofed ; that one of its principles unites to the fulphur, and volatilizes it ; while the other combines with the alkali, and forms a more fixed product. Sulphurated hydrogenous gas may be obtain- ed by dilfolving the fulphures or hepars by acids. Thofe acids in which the oxigene is molt adherent difengage the greatefl: quantity. The muriatic acid produces twice as much as the fulphuric. That which is produced by this laid, burns with a blue flame ; but that which is dif- engaged by the muriatic add, burns with a yeilowifh white flame. Scheele has taught us the means of obtain- ing this gas in great abundance, by deeompo- fing artificial pyrites, formed by three parts of iron and one of fulphur, to which fpirit of vi- triol is added. The natural decompofition of pyrites in the bowels of the earth produces this gas ; which efcapes with certain waters, and communicates peculiar virtues to them. The 1 12 Hepatic Gas. The moft general properties of thefe gafes are: 1. They render the white metals black. 2. They are improper for refpiration. They impart a green colour to fyrup of violets. 4. They burn with a light blue flame, and depolit fulphur by this combuftion. 5. They mix with the oxigenous gas of the atmofpheric air, and form water; at the fame time that the fulphur, before held in folution, falls down. Hence it happens that fulphur is found in the channels of hepatic waters, though their analyfis does not fhew the exiftence of an, atom of that fubftance held in folution. 6. They impregnate water, and are fparing- ly foluble in that fluid ; but heat or agitation difflpates them again. The air which burns at the furface of certain fprings, and forms what is known by the name of burning fprings, conlifts of hydrogenous gas holding phofphorus in folution. It fmells like putrid fifh. The Fere Lampi has difcover- ed one of thefe fprings in the ifles of St. Colom- bat. Dauphiny exhibits another fimilar fpring at the diftance of four leagues from Grenoble. The ignes fatui which glide along burying- grounds. Vital Air ♦ 1 13 grounds, and which the fuperftitious people fuppofe to conftft of the fpirits of the depart- ed, are phenomena of this nature, which we fhall fpeak of when we come to treat of phofphorus. Concerning Oxigenous Gas, or Vital Air. HIS gafeous fubftance was difcovered by the celebrated Prieftley, on the 1ft of Auguft 1774. Since that memorable day, means have been devifed of obtaining it from various fubftances; and its properties have ftiewn that it is a production of the mofb in~» terefting nature in the knowledge of chemiftry. No part of the atmofphere exhibits vital air in its greateft degree of purity. It is always combined, mixed, or altered by other fub- ftances. But this air, which is the moft general agent in the operations of nature, exifts in combina- tion with various fubftances ; and it is by their Vol. I. I deeonw CHAP. II H4 Vital Air. decompofition that it may be extra&ed and procured. A metal expofed to the air becomes changed ; and thefe changes are produced only by the combination of the pure air with the metal it- felf. Simple dillillation of fome of thefe me- tals thus changed, or oxides, is fufficient to difengage this vital air ; and it is then obtained in a very pure (late, by receiving it in the hy- dro-pneumatic apparatus. One ounce of red precipitate affords about a pint. All acids have vital air for their bafe: there are fome which yield it eafily. The diftillation of nitre decompofes the nitric acid ; and about twelve hundred cubic inches of oxigenous gas are obtained from a pound of this fait. The nitric acid, when diflilled from various fubftances, is decompofed, and its conftituent parts may be obtained feparately. MefTrs. Prieftley, Ingenhoufz, andSennebier difeovered nearly at the fame time that vege- tables expofed to the light of the fun emit vital air.- We fhall elfewhere fpeak of the cir- tkimlfarices of thefe phenomena ; but fhall at prefent confine ourfelves to the obfervation, : that the emiflion of vital air is proportioned to 'the vigour of the plant, and the vivacity of the light ; and that the direct emiflion of the rays - of Vital Air . of the fun is not neceflary to produce this gaf- eous dew ; it is fufficient that the plant be well enlightened, in order that it may tranfpire pure air : fori have often colledled it in abundance from a kind of mofs which covers the bottom of a velTel filled with water, and fo well defend- ed that the fun never {hone diredlly upon it. In order to procure the vital air which is dif- engaged from plants, it is fufficient to enclofe them beneath a glafs velTel filled with water, and inverted over a tub filled with the fame fluid. The moment the plant is a&ed on by the fun, fmall bubbles of air are formed on its leaves, which detaching themfelves rife to the upper part of the velTel, and difplace the liquid. This dew of vital air is a beneficial gift of nature to repair inceflantly the confumption of vital air. The plant abforbs atmofpheri- cal mephitis, and emits vital air. Man, on the contrary, is kept alive by vital air, and emits much mephitis. It appears therefore that the animal and vegetable kingdoms labour for each other ; and that by this admirable reciprocity of fervices the atmofphere is continually re- paired, and an equilibrium maintained between its conftituent principles. The influence of folar light is not confined to the produ&ion of vital air by itsadlion upon I 2 vegetables 1 1 6 Vital Air. -vegetables alone; it: has likewife rhe Angular property of decompofing certain fubftances, and difengaging this gas. A bottle of oxigenated muriatic acid, ex- pofedto the fun, fuffers all the fuperabundant oxigene which it contained to efcape, and paff- es to the ftate of ordinary muriatic acid. The fame acid, expofed to the fun in a bottle wrap- ped in black paper, does not fuffer any change; and, when heated in a dark place, is even re- ducible into gas without decompofition. The nitric acid likewife affords oxigenous gas* when expofed to the fun ; w r hereas heat alone volati- lizes it without decompofition. The muriate, or marine fait of filver, placed under water, and expofed to the fun, fuffers oxigenous gas to efcape from it. I have obferved that red precipitate likewife affords oxigene in fimilar cafes, and that it becomes black in no very long fpace of time. We may likewife obtain oxigenous gas by difengaging it from its bafes by means of the fuiphuric acid. The procefs to which I give the preference, on account of -its fimplicity, is the following : — I take a fmall apothecary's phial, into which I put one or two ounces of manganefe, and pour thereon a fufficient quan- tity of fuiphuric. acid to form a liquid paffe. I * after- Vital Air • 117 afterwards fit a cork to the opening of the bot- tle, with a hole through it, into which is infert- ed a recurved tube ; one of whofe extremities enters the bottle, while the other is placed un- der the fhelf of the pneumato-chemical appara- tus. When the apparatus is thus difpofed, I prefent a fmall coal to the lower part of the bot- tle, andoxigenous gas is immediatelydifengaged. The manganefe I ufe was difcovered by me at St. Jean de Gardonnenque. It affords its oxi- gene with fuch facility, that nothing more is neceftary for this purpofe than to incorporate it with the lulphuric acid. This gas is not per-* ceptibly mixed with nitrigenous gas (or phlo- gifficated air) ; and the firft bubble is as pure as the laft. Oxigenous gas exhibits certain properties > according to its degree of purity. Thefe depend in general upon the fubftances which afford it. That which is obtained from the mercurial oxides almoft always holds a fmall quantity of mercury in folution : I have been a witnefs to its having produced a fpeedy falivation on two perfons who ufed it for diforders of the lungs. In confequence of thefe obfcrvations, I filled bottles with this gas, expofed them toanintenfe cold 3 and the lides became obfcured with a ftra- tum 1X8 Vital Air, turn of mercurial oxide, in a (fate of extreme divifion. I have feveral times heated the bath, over which I caufed this gas to pafs ; and I ob- tained, at two different times, a yellow preci- pitate in the bottle in which I had received the gas. The oxigenous gas extra&ed from plants is not equally pure with that afforded by the me- tallic oxides : but from whatever fubftances it is obtained, its general properties are the fol- lowing: A. It is more ponderous than the air of the atmofphere ; the cubic foot of atmofpherical air weighing feven hundred and twenty grains, while the cubic foot of pure air weighs feven hundred and fixty-five. According to Mr. Kirwan, its weight is to that of common air as eleven hundred and three to one thoufand. One hundred and lixteen inches of this air weighed 39,09 grains ; one hundred and lixteen inches of common air weighed 35,38 grains at the temperature of ten degrees of Reaumur, and twenty-eight inches of preffure. One hundred parts of common air weighed forty- fix, and one hundred parts of vital air fifty. B. Oxigenous gas is the only fluid proper for combuflion* This acknowledged truth caufed / Vital Air. ll 9 cauled the celebrated Scheele to give it the name of Air of Fire. To proceed with greater order in the exami- nation of one of the mod important properties of oxigenous gas, fince it belongs exclufively to this fluid, we fhall lay down the four fol- lowing principles, as inconteftable refults of all the known facts. The firft principle. — Combuflion never takes place without vital air. The fecond principle. — In every combuf- tion there is an abforption of vital air. The third principle. — There is an augmen- tation of weight in the products of combuflion equal to the weight of the vital airabforbed. The fourth principle. — In all combuflion there is a difengagement of heat and light. I. The firft of thefe propofttions is a ftridt truth. Hydrogenous gas does not burn alone, without the affiftance of oxigene ; and all com- buftion ceafes the moment that oxigenous gas is wanting. II. The fecond principle contains a truth no lefs general. If certain bodies, fuch as phof- phorus, fulphur, &c. be burned in very pure oxigenous gas, this is abforbed to the laft par- ade ; and when the combuflion is effected in a mixture 120 Vital Air, mixture of feveral gafes, the oxigene alone is abforbed, and the others remain unchanged. In the flower combuftions, fuch as the ran- cidity of oils, and the oxidation of metals, there is equally an abforption of oxigene, as may be fhewn by confining thefe bodies in a* determinate mafs of air. III. The third principle, though not lefis true than the preceding, requires more expla- nation ; and for this purpofe we fhalldiflin- guifh thofe combuflions whofe refult, refidue, and product are fixed, from thofe which afford volatile and fugacious fubftanccs. In the firft cafe the oxigenous gas quietly combines with* the body ; and by weighing the fame body the moment the combuflion has completely taken place, it is eafily afcertained whether the in- creafe in weight be proportioned to the oxi- gene abforbed. This happens in all the cafes wherein the metals are oxided, or oils rendered rancid ; and in the produ when combined with lime, forms pot-afh, or the vegetable alkali ; while its union with mag- nefia forms foda. This laft opinion is fupport- ed by the experiments — 1. Of Dehne, who ob- tained magnefia from foda (fee Crell’s Chemi- cal Annals, 1781, page 53). 2. Of Mr. Deyeux, who obtained limilar refults even before Mr. Dehne. 3. Of Mr. Lorgna, who obtained much magnefia by diffolving, evaporating, and cal- cining foda repeatedly (Journal de Phyfique, 1787). Mr. Ofburg confirmed thefe various experiments in 1785. Vox,. I. .N CHAP, Volatile Alkali CHAP. II. Concerning Ammoniac , Volatile Alkali . O UR refearches have not hitherto exhibited more than one fpecies of volatile alkali. Its formation appears to be owing to putrefac- tion; and though the diftillation of fome fchifti affords it, yet this circumftance may be attributed to their origin, which is pretty ge- nerally afcribed to vegetable and animal de- compofition. We find frequently enough, in thefe fubftances, the print of fifhes, which is in favour of this opinion. Some plants likewife afford volatile alkali; for which reafon they have been called Animal Plants. But the vo- latile alkali is more efpecially afforded by ani- mal fubflances : the diftillation of all their parts affords it in conftderable abundance* Horns are employed in preference, becaufe they are refolved almoft entirely into oil and volatile alkali. The putrefaction of all animal fub- ftances produces volatile alkali ; and in this cafe, as well as in diftillation, it is formed by the combination of its two conftituent parts : for the analylis very often fails in exhibiting any alkali ready Volatile Alkali . *79 ready formed, in fuch parts as diflillation or pu- trefadlion would abundantly afford it from. Almoft all the volatile alkali made ufe of in commerce or medicine, is afforded by the de- compofition of fal ammoniac. It is even on ac- count of this circumflance that the chemiils who have drawn up the New Nomenclature have diflinguifhed the volatile alkali by the name of Ammoniac. To obtain ammoniac in a flate of confidera- ble purity, equal parts of lifted quick-lime and muriate of ammoniac, or common fal ammoni- ac in powder, are mixed. This mixture is then introduced into a retort, to which a receiver and the apparatus of Woulfe have been adapted. A quantity of pure w r ater is to be put into the bottles, correfpondent to the weight of the fait employed ; and the junctures of the veffels are made good with the ufual lutes. The ammo- niac is difengaged in the flate of gas, at the firfl impreffion of the fire. It combines with the water with heat ; and when the water of the firfl bottle is faturated, the gas paffes to that of the fecond, andfaturates it in its turn. Volatile alkali is known by its very flrong but not difagreeable fmell. It is eafily reduci- ble into the flate of gas, and preferves this form at the temperature of the atmofphere. This gas N 2 may 1 8 o Volatile Alkali • may be obtained by decompofing the muriate of ammoniac by quick-lime, and receiving the product over mercury. Alkaline gas kills animals, and corrodes the fkin. The irritation is fuch, that I have feen pimples arife all over the bodies of fome birds expofed to its atmofphere. This gas is improper for combuftion ; but if a taper be gently immerfed in it, the flame is enlarged before it goes out, and the gas fuffers a dccompofltion. Alkaline gas is lighter than atmofpheric air; and has even been mentioned, on account of its lightnefs, as a proper fub- fiance to fill balloons. The count De Milly propofed to place a brazier, or veflel contain- ing fire, under the balloon, to keep the gas in its greatefl: ftate of expaniibility. The experiments of Dr. Prieftley, who chang- ed alkaline gas into hydrogene gas by means of the eleflric fpark; thofe of the chevalier Laudriani, who, by palling the fame gas through ignited glafs tubes, obtained a large quantity of hydrogenous gas — occafloned a fufpicion of the exiflence of hydrogene among the prin- ciples of alkaline gas. But the experiments of Mr. Berthollet have removed all doubts on this fubjedt; and all obfervations appear to unite in authorifing us to conflder this alkali as * Volatile Alkali . i$i as a compound of the nitrogenous and hydro- genous gafes. 1. If the oxigenated muriatic acid be mixed with very pure ammoniac, an effervefcence takes place, with a difengagement of nitroge- nous gas, a produ&ion of water, and a conver- lion of the oxigenated acid into the ordinary muriatic acid. In this beautiful experiment, the water which is produced is formed by the combination of the hydrogene of the alkali and the oxigene of the acid ; and the nitrogene gas being fet at liberty, is diffipated. 2. When the nitrate of ammoniac is expofed to diflillation, nitrogene gas is obtained, and a greater quantity of water is found in the re- ceiver than the fait itfelf contained. After the operation, the ammoniac is found no longer to exift. The water of the receiver is fiightly charged with a fmall quantity of nitric acid, which had paffed over. In this cafe, the hy- dfogene of the alkali, and the oxigene of the acid, form the water in the receiver, while the nitrogenous gas efcapes. If the oxides of copper or gold be heated with ammoniacal gas, the product is water and nitrogenous gas, and the metals are reduced. I have obferved that the oxides of arfenic, being digefted with ammoniac, are reduced, and Volatile Alkali. 1S2 and often form o&ahedral cryflals of arfenic. In this cafe there is a difengagement of nitro- gene gas, and a formation of water. It very often happens when metals, fuch as copper or tin, are dilTolved by means of the nitric acid, that anabforption of air takes place, inflead of a difengagement of nitrous gas, as might be expected : I have feen feveral perfons very much embarraffed in fuch cafes, and I have often been fo myfelf. This phenomenon takes place more efpecially when a very con- centrated acid is made ufe of, and the copper is in fine filings: in this cafe ammoniac is pro- duced. I have fhewn this fact to my auditors long before I was acquainted with the theory of its formation. That which led me to fufpedl its exigence, was the blue colour which the folution takes in this cafe. This ammoniac is produced by the combination of the hydrogene of the water with the nitrogene gas of the ni- tric acid ; while the oxigene of the fame acid, and that of the water, oxided the metal, and prepared it for folution. It is to a fimilar eaufe that we mult refer the experiment of Mr. John Michael Hauffman of Colmar, who by palling nitrous gas through a certain quantity of preci- pitate of iron, in the mercurial apparatus, ob- ferved that this gas was fpeedily abforbed, and the Volatile Alkali . 183 the colour of the iron changed ; at the fame time that valour of ammoniac was found in the veflels. It is by a dmilar theory we may ac- count for the formation of alkaline gas, by the mixture of hepatic gas and nitrous gas over mercury, as Mr. Kirwan obferves. Mr. Auftin formed ammoniac ; but he ob- ferved that the combination of nitrogenous gas with the bafe of hydrogene does not take place, unlefs this lad is in a date of great condenfa- tion. The formation of ammoniac by didillation and putrefa&ion, appears to me likewife to in- dicate its condiment parts. In fadl, there is in both thefe operations a difengagement of hy- drogene and nitrogene gas, and their combina- tion produces ammoniac. Mr. Berthollet has proved, by the way of de- compofition, that one thoufand parts of ammo- niac, by weight, are compofed of about eight hundred and feven of nitrogene gas, and one hundred and ninety-three of hydrogene gas. — See the collection of the Royal Academy, *7 8 4> P^e 316. According to Dr. Audin, the nitrogene gas is in proportion to the hydrogene, as one hun- dred and twenty-one to thirty-two. SEC 184 General Properties of Acids . SECTION IX; Concerning the Combination of Oxigene with certain Bafes forming Acids. I T appears to be out of doubt, that the bodies which we are agreed to call Acids, are com- binations of vital air with a certain elementary fubftance. The analyfis of almoft all the acids, whofe component parts are known, eftablifties this truth in a pofitive manner ; and it is on account of this property that the denomination of Oxigenous Gas has been given to vital air. Every fubftance which poflefles the follow- ing properties is called an Acid : A. The word which is ufually employ- ed to denote the impreftion or lively and ftiarp fenfation produced on the tongue by certain bodies, may be regarded as fynonymous to the word acid . The only difference which may be eftablifhed between them is, that the one de- notes a weak fenfation, whereas the other com- prehends all the degrees of force from the leaft perceptible tafte to the greateft degree of cau- fticity. We fay that verjuice, goofeberries, or lemons, are Jour ; but we ufe the word acid to exprefs the impreflion which the nitric, fulphu- ric, or muriatic acids make upon the tongue. The General Properties of Adds. 185 The caufticity of acids appears to arife from their ftrong tendency to combination; and it is from this property that the immortal New- ton has defined them to be bodies which attradl and are attra&ed. It is alfo from this property that certain che- mifts have fuppofed acids to be pointed bodies. On account of this decided tendency to com- bination which acids pollers, it feldom happens that we find them in a difengaged Hate. B. A fecond property of acids is that of changing certain blue vegetable colours into red, fuch as the colour of turnfole, fyrup of violets, &c. Thefe two re-agents are common- ly ufed to afcertain the prefence of acids. The tindture of turnfole is prepared by light- ly infilling in water that fubftance which is known in common under the name of Turnfole or Litmus. If the water be too lightly charged with the colouring matter, the infufion has a violet tinge, and muft in that cafe be diluted with water until it becomes blue. The tinc- ture of turnfole, when expofed to the fun, be- comes red, even in clofed veflels ; and fome time afterwards the colouring part is difengaged, and falls down in the form of a mucilaginous difco- loured fubftance. Alcohol may be ufed inftead of w T ater in the preparation of this tindlure. It 1 86 General Properties of Acids. It is generally fuppofed that the turnfole fa- bricated in Holland is nothing more than the colouring matter extracted from the rags or cloths of turnfole of Grand-Galargues, and precipitated upon a marly earth. Thefe rags arc prepared by impregnating them with the juice of nightfhade (morelle), and expofing them to the vapour of urine, which develops their blue colour. The rags are fent into Hol- land, which has given rife to the opinion that they are ufed in the fabrication of turnfole ; but fubfequent enquiries have taught me that thefe cloths are fent to the dealers in cheefe, who ex- trad: a colour by infulion, and wafh their cheefes with it, to give them a red colour. I am con- vinced by the anaiyfis of turnfole, that the co- louring matter is of the fame nature as that of archil (orfeille) ; and that this principle is fix- ed on a calcareous earth, and a fmall quantity of pot-afh. In confequence of this anaiyfis, I have endeavoured to caufe the liken parellus of Auvergne to ferment with urine, lime, and alkali ; and I obtained a pafle fimilar to that of turnfole. The addition of alkali appears to me to be neceffary to prevent the development of the red colour, which, when combined with the blue, forms the violet of the archil. When any concentrated acid is to be tried with General Properties of Acids. i8 y with fyrup of violets, there are two particulars to be attended to. i. The fyrup of violets is often green, becaufe the petal of the violet con- tains a yellow part at its bafe, which, when combined with the blue, forms this green co- lour : it is therefore effential to employ only the blue of cne petal in order to have a beauti- ful blue infufion. 2. Care muft be taken to dilute the fyrup with a certain quantity of wa- ter ; becaufe otherwife concentrated acids, fuch as the fulphuric, would burn it, and form acoal. The hmple infufion of violets may be ufed inftead of the fyrup. The colouring matter of indigo is not fen- fible to the impreflion of acids. The fulphuric acid diffolves it without altering the colour. C. A third character of acids is, they effervefee with alkalis; but this property is not general. 1. Becaufe the carbonic acid, and almoft all weak acids, cannot be diftinguifhed by this pro- perty. 2. Becaufe the pureft alkalis combine with acids, without motion or effervefcence. Is there not one fingle acid in nature, of which the others may be only modifications ? Paracelfus admitted an univerfal principle of acidity, which communicated tafte and fo- lubility to all its compounds. Becher believed that this principle was com- pofed 1 88 General Properties of Acids. pofed of water and verifiable earth. Stahl en- deavoured to prove that rhe fulphuric acid was the univerfal acid; and his opinion was adopted by mod chemids for a long time. Long after the time of Stahls Meyer main- tained that the acid element was contained in fire. This fydem, which is founded on cer- tain known fadls, has had its fupporters. The chevalier Landriani imagined he had fucceeded in reducing all the acids to the car- bonic acid ; becaufe, by treating them all with different fubdances, he obtained this lad as the condant refult of his analyfis. He was led into an error, for want of having fufficiently attended to the decompofitionof the acids he made ufe of, and the combination of their oxigene with the carbone of the bodies which entered into his ex- periments, and produced the carbonic acid. Ladly, the dried analyfis and fynthefis of mod . of the known acids, have proved to Mr. La- voifier that oxigene is the bafe of all of them ; and that their differences and varieties arife only from the fubdance with which this com- mon principle is combined. Oxigene united with metals forms oxides ; and among thefe lad there arefome which pof- fefs acid chara&ers, and are claffed amongd acid fubdances. Oxigene General Properties of Acids . 189 Oxigene combined with inflammable fub- dances,fuchasfulphur,carbone, and oils, forms other acids. The adlion of acids upon bodies in general cannot be underflood but by founding our ex- planations upon the data which we have eda- blifhedrefpedlingthe nature of their conflituent parts. The adhefion of oxigene to the bafe is more or lefs flrong in the feveral acids, and confe- quently their decompofi tion is more or lefs eafy ; as, for example, in metallic folutions, which do not take place excepting when the metal is in the flate of an oxide. The acid which will yield « * Its oxigene with the greateft facility to oxide the metal, will have the mod powerful adtion upon it. Hence it happens, that the nitre and the nitro-muriatic acids are thofe which diffolve metals the mod readily; and hence likewife it happens that the muriatic acid diflolves the oxides more eafily than the metals, while the nitric acid adls contrariwife : hence alfo itarifes that this lada&s fo powerfully upon oils, &c. It is impoflible to conceive and explain the various phenomena prefented to us by acids in their operations, if we have no idea of their condituent principles. Stahl would not have believed in the formation of fulphur, if he had under- 1 90 General Properties of Aeids, underflood the decompofition of the fulphuric acid upon charcoal; and if we except the com- binations of acids with alkalis, and with cer- tain earths, thefe fubflances are either totally or partially decompofed in all the operations made with them upon metals, vegetables, and ani- mals, as we fhall find by obferving the pheno- mena exhibited in thefe cafes refpedtively. We fhall at prefent treat only of fomeof the acids, and fhall direct our attention to the others in proportion as we fhall have occafion to treat of the various fubflances which afford them : we fhall attend in preference to thofe which are the befl known, and which have the greatefl influ- ence in the operations of nature, as well as in thofe of our laboratories. CHAP. I. Concerning the Carbonic Acid . T HIS acid is almofl always obferved in the flate of gas. We find that the ancients were in fome meafure acquainted with it. Van Helmont called it Gas Silveflre,thegasofmufl, or of the vintage. Becher himfelf had a confi- derably accurate notion of it, as appears by the fol- Carbonic Acid , or Fixed Air . 19 1 following paffage : “ Diftinguitur autcm inter fermentationem apertam et claufam ; in aperta C£ potus fermentatus fanior elf, fed fortior in < c claufa : caufa eft, quod evaporantia rarefadta cf corpufcula, imprimis magna adhuc filveftri- fc urn fpirituum copia, de quibus antea egimus, “ retineatur, et in ipfum potum fe precipitet, “ unde valde eum fortem reddit.” Hoffmann attributed the virtue of molt mi- neral waters to an elaftic fpirit contained in them. Mr. Venel, a celebrated profeffor in the fchools at Montpellier, proved in 1750 that the waters of Seltzer owed their virtue to a fuperabundant portion of air. In 1755, Dr. Black of Edinburgh advanced that lime-ftone contains much air of a different nature from common air. He affirmed that the difengagement of this air converted it into lime, and that by the reftoration of this air calcareous ftone was regenerated. In the year 1746, Dr. M'Bride fupported this dodtrine with new fadts. Mr. Jacquin, profeffor of Vienna, refumed the fame purfuit, multiplied experiments on the manner of extradling this air, and added other proofs in confirmation that the abfence of the air rendered alkalis cauftic, and formed lime. Dr. Prieftley exhibited all the perfpicuity and pre- \<)2 General Properties and precifion on this fubjeCl which might be ex- pected from his abilities, and his fkill in making experiments of this kind. This fubftance was then known by the name of Fixed Air. In 1772, Bergmann proved that it is an acid, which he called by the name of Aerial Acid. Since the time of this celebrated chemift, it has been diftinguifhed by the names of Mephitic acid, Cretaceous acid, See.: and as foon as it was proved to confift of a combination of oxu gene and carbone, or pure charcoal, the name of Carbonic acid was appropriated to it. The carbonic acid is found in three differ- ent ftates. 1. In that of gas. 2. In a Rate of mixture. 3. In a ftate of combination. It is found in the ftate of gas at the Grotto del Cano, near Naples ; at the well of Perols, near Montpellier; in that of Negrae in Vivarais ; upon the furface of the'Lake~Averno in Italy, and on thofe of feveral fprings ; in various fub- terraneous places, fuch as tombs, cellars, necef- faries, &c. It is difengaged in this form by the decompofition of vegetables heaped together, by the fermentation of wine or beer, by the pu- trefaction of animal matters, &c. It exifts in the ftate of ftmple mixture in mineral waters, ftnee in thefe it pofiefTes all its acid properties. It Habitudes of Carbonic Acid . 193 It exifts in. a ftate of combination in lime- ftone, common magnefla, alkalis, &c. Various procefles are employed to colled: it, according to the Hate in which it is found* 1. When the carbonic acid exifts in the ftate of gas, it may be collected — 1 . By filling a bot- tle with water, and emptying it into the atmo- fphere of this gas ; the acid takes the place of the water, and the bottle is afterwards corked to retain it. 2. By expoling lime-water, cauftic alkalis, or even pure water, in its atmofphere : the gafeous acid mixes or combines with thefe fubftances ; and may be afterwards extracted by re-agents, which we fhall proceed to defcribe* II. When the carbonic acid exifts in a ftate of combination, it may be extra&ed— 1. By diftillation with a ftrong heat. 2. By the re- action of other acids, fuch as the fulphuric acid, which has the advantage of not being volatile, and confequently is not altered by its mixture with the carbonic acid w hich is difengaged. III. When the carbonic acid exifts in the ftate of ftmple mixture, as in water, brifk wines, &c. it may be obtained — 1. By agitation of the liquid which contains it; as Mr. Venel prac- tifed, by making ufe of a bottle to which he adapted a moiftened bladder. 2. By diftillation of the fame fluid. — Thefe two firft methods are not accurate. Vol. I. O 3. The i$ 4 ' General Properties and 3. Theprocefs indicated by Mr. Gioanetti, confifts’in precipitating the carbonic acid* by means of lime-water, weighing the precipitate, and deducting thirteen thirty-fecond parts for the proportion of carbonic acid ; it having been deduced from analyfis, by this celebrated phy- fician, that thirty-two parts of carbonate of lime contain feventeen lime, two water, and thir- teen acid. This fubflance is an acid, as is proved— 1. Becaufe tindfure of turnfole, agitated in a bottle filled with this gas, becomes red. 2. Am- moniac, or volatile alkali, poured into a velfel filled with th6 gas, is neutralized. 3. Water impregnated with this gas is ftrongly fub-acid. 4. It neutralizes alkali, and caufes them to Cryftallize. It remains at prefent to examine the proper- ties of this acid gas. A. It is unfit for refpiration. Hiftory in- forms us that two flaves whom Tiberius caufed to defcend into the Grotto del Cano, were im- mediately ftifled ; and two criminals that Peter de Toledo caufed to be fhut in there, fuffered the fame fate. The abbe Nollet, who had the courage to refpire the vapour, perceived a fuf- focating fenfation, and a flight degree of acidity, which produced coughing and fneezing. Pila- tre Habitudes of Carbonic Acid . 195 ire de Roller, who prefents himfelf to our notice on all occafions wherein danger was to be faced, caufed himfelf to be fattened by cords fixed under his arms, and defcended into the gafeous atmofphere of a back of beer in fermentation. He had fcarcely entered into the mephitis be- fore flight prickings obliged him to ihut his eyes; a violent fuffocation prevented him from refpiring ; he felt a giddinefs, accompanied with thofe noifes which characterize the apoplexy : and when he was drawn up, his fight remained dim for feveral minutes; the blood had filled the jugulars;, his countenance had become purple; and he neither heard nor fpoke but with great difficulty : all thefe fymptoms how- ever difappeared by degrees. It is this gas which produces the many un- happy accidents at the opening of cellars, in places where wine, cyder, or beer are fuffered to ferment. Birds plunged in the carbonic acid gas, fuddenly perifh. The famous Lake of Averno, where Virgil placed the entrance of hell, exhales fo large a quantity of carbonic acid, that birds cannot fly over it with impu- nity. When the waters of Boulidou of Perols are dry, fuch birds as attempt to quench their thirft in the clefts, are enveloped in the mephi- tic vapour, and die. O 2 Frogs, ty6 General Properties and Frogs, plunged in an atmofphere of carbo- nic acid, live from forty to lixty minutes, by fufpending their refpiration. Infe&s are rendered torpid after a certain time of remaining in this air; but they refume their livelinefs the moment they are expofed to the free air. Bergmann pretended that this acid fuffocates by extinguifhing irritability : he founds his opi- nion upon the circumftance of his having taken out the heart of an animal which had died in the carbonic acid, before it was cold, and it exhibited no fign of irritability. The cheva- lier Landriani has proceeded ftill further ; for he affirms that this gas extinguifhes irritability, even wffien applied to the fkin ; and has averted that, by tying a bladder full of this gas to the neck of a fowl, in fuch a manner that the head only of the animal was in the open air, and the whole body enveloped in the bladder, the fowl immediately perifhed. The abbe Fontana has repeated and varied this experiment on feveral animals, none of which died. The count Morrozzo publifhed experi- ments made in the prefence of Dr. Cigna ; the refults of which appear to invalidate the confequeoces of the celebrated Bergmann: but it is to be obferved, that the chemift of Turin Habitudes of Carbonic Acid . 197 Turin caufed his animals to die only in air vitiated by the death of another animal ; and that in this circumftance the nitrogene gas pre- dominates. — See the Journal dePhyfique, tom. xxv. p. 1 12. B. The carbonic acid is improper for vege- tation. Dr. Prieftley having kept the roots of feveral plants in water impregnated with the carbonic acid, obferved that they all perilhed; and in tliofe inftances where plants are obferved to vegetate in water or in air which contains this gas, the quantity of gas is very fmall. Mr. Senebier has even obferved, that plants which are fuffered to grow in water (lightly aci- dulated with this gas, emit a much larger quan- tity of oxigenous gas ; becaufe, iji this cafe, the acid is decompofed, the carbonaceous principle combines and is fixed in the vegetable, while the oxigene is thrown off. I have obferved that thofe fungi which are formed in fubterraneous places, are almoft to- tally refolved into carbonic acid ; but if thefe vegetables be gradually expofed to the adtion of light, the proportion of acid diminifhes ; while that of the coaly principle augments, and the vegetable becomes coloured. I have pur- fued thefe experiments with the grea^ft care in a coal mine. C. The 1 9 S . General Properties and C. The carbonic acid is cafily difTolved in water. Water impregnated with this acid pof- feffes very valuable medicinal qualities; and fe- veral apparatus have been fuccelTively invent- ed to facilitate this mixture. The apparatus of Nooth, improved by Parker and Magellan, is one of the mod ingenious. On this fubjed: the' Encyclopedic Methodique may be confult- ed, article Acide Mephitique. The natural acidulous mineral waters do not differ from thefe, excepting in confequence of their holding other principles in folution ; and they may be perfectly imitated when their ana- lysis is well known. It is abfurd to think that art is incapable of imitating nature in the com- pofition of mineral w aters. It muft be admitted that the proceffes of nature are abfolutely un- known to us, in all the operations which relate to life ; and we cannot flatter ourfelves with the hope of imitating her in tfrefe circumdances. But when the quedion relates to an operation purely mechanical, or confiding of the folution of certain known principles in w^ater, we can and ought to perform it even frill better, as we have the power of varying the dofes, and pro- portioning the efficacy of any artificial mineral water to the purpofes to which it is intended to be applied. D. The Habitudes of Carbonic Acid, 199 D. The carbonic acid gas is heavier than common air. The proportion between thefe two airs in weight, according to Mr. Kirwan, is 45,69 to 68,74. The proportion, according to the experiments of Mr. Lavoifier, is 48,81 to 69,50. This confiderabie weight caufes it to occupy the lowed: dtuations; and even gives it the property of being poured out from one veffel to another, fo as to difplace the atmofpheric air. This truly curious phenomenon was ob- ferved by Mr. De Sauvages, as may be feen in his Differtation upon Air, which was crowned in Marfeilles in 1750. It appears to be proved, by fufhcient experi- ments, that the carbonic acid is a combination of carbone, or pure charcoal, and oxigene. 1. The oxides of mercury, when diddled, are reducible without addition, and afford only ox- igenous gas ; but if a fmall quantity of char- coal be mixed with the oxide, the produd which comes over conlifts of carbonic gas only, an4 the weight of the charcoal is diminiflied. 2. If well-made charcoal be ignited, and plunged into a veffel filled with oxigenous gas, and the veffel be inftantly clofed, the char- coal burns rapidly, and at lad: goes out : the produd in this experiment is carbonic acid, which zoo Properties of Carbonic Acid . which may be feparated by the known pro- cefles ; the remainder is a fmall quantity of oxi- genous gas, which may be converted into car- bonic acid by the fame treatment. In thefe experiments I fee nothing but char- coal and oxigenous gas : and the confequence deduced is fimple and natural. The proportion of charcoal is to that of oxi- geneas 12,028$* to 56,687. When the carbonic acid, in fome cafes, is obtained by burninghydrogenous gas, it arifes from carbone held in folution in this gas. The carbone may even be diffolved in hydrogenous gas, by expofing it to the focus of tl\e burning mirror in the mercurial apparatus, under a glafs veffel filled with this gas. The hydrogenous gas which is extracted from a mixture of fulphuric acid and iron, holds more or lefs of charcoal in folution ; becaufe iron itfelf contains this fubftance in a greater or lefs quantity, as is afcertained by the fine experiments of MefTrs. Berthollet, Monge, and Vander Monde. The alkalis, fuch as we ufually meet with them, contain carbonic acid; and it is this acid which modifies them, and diminifhes their energy, at the fame time that it communicates to them the property of effervefcing. We may therefore 201 Carlonate of Pot-Ajh . therefore confider alkalis as carbonates with excefs of alkali; and it is eafy to faturate this fuperabundant alkali, and to form true cryftal- lizablc neutral fairs. ARTICLE I. Carbonate of Pot-afh. The carbonate of pot.afh was formerly dif- tinguifhed by the name of Cretaceous Tartar. The method of caufing oil of tartar to cryftal- lize, has long been known. Bonhius and Mon- tet have fuccefTively fhewn thefe proceffes : but the limpleft conlifts in expofing an alkaline folution in an atmofphere of the acid gas which is difengaged in the vinous fermentation ; the alkali becomes faturated, and forms tetrahedral prifmatic cryftals terminated by very fhort four-fided pyramids. I have feveral times obtained thofe cryftals jm the form of quadrangular prifms, with their extremities cut off flantwife. This neutral fait no longer polfeffes the uri- nous tafte of the alkali, but exhibits the pene- trating tafte of neutral falts, and may be em- ployed in medicine with the greateft fuccefs. I have been d witnefs to its being taken in the dofe of one dram (gros) without the leaft in- convenience. This 202 Carbonate of Soda* This fait poifefTes an. ad vantage beyond the fait of tartar, in being lefs cauftic, and always of the fame virtue. It contains, according to the analyfis of Bergmann, twenty parts acid, forty-eight al- kali, and thirty-two water, in the quintal. It does not attract the humidity of the air. I have preferved fome of it for feveral years in a capfule, without any appearance of alteration. The carbonate of pot-afh is decompofed by lilex in a fufftcient heat, which occafions a con- fiderable boiling or ebullition. The refidue is glafs, in which the alkali is in the cauftic ftate. Lime decompofes the carbonate, by uniting to the acid; and acids produce the fame effect, by combining with the alkaline bafes. ARTICLE II. Carbonate of Soda. The denominations of Aerated Mineral ali kali, Cretaceous Soda, &c. have been fuccef- fively given to this kind of carbonate. The mineral alkali, in its natural ftate, con- tains a greater quantity of carbonic acid than the vegetable ; and nothing more is. neceffary than to diflolve it, and duly evaporate the wa- ter, in order to obtain it in cryftals. Thefe 203 Carbonate of Ammoniac, Thefe cryftals are ufually rhomboidal odta- hedrons ; and fometimes have the form of rhomboidal laminae, applied obliquely one upon the other, fo that they refemble tiles. This carbonate efflorefces in the air. One hundred parts contain fixteen parts acid, twenty alkali, and fixty-four water. The affinity of its balls with filex is ftronger than that of the carbonate of pot-afh ; in con- fequence of which, the vitrification it produces is more quick and eafy. Lime and the acids decompofe it, with the fame phenomena which we have obferved at the article Carbonate of Pot-afh. ARTICLE III. Carbonate of Ammoniac. This fait has been generally known by the name of Concrete Volatile Alkali. It has like- wife been diftinguifhed by that of Cretaceous Volatile Alkali, &c. It may be obtained by diftillation from many animal fubflances. Tobacco affords, likewife, a large proportion; but almoft the whole of that which is employed in the arts, and in me- dicine, is formed by the direft combination of the carbonic acid and ammoniac, or volatile al~ kali. 204 Carbonate of Ammoniac. kali. This combination may be effected — 1. By pafling the carbonic acid through ammoniac, or the pure volatile alkali in folution. 2. By expofing ammoniac in an atmofphere of car- bonic acid gas. 3. By decompofing the mu- riate of ammoniac by the neutral falts which contain this acid, fuch as the carbonate of lime or common chalk. For this purpofe, white chalk is taken, and very accurately dried ; and then mixed with equal parts of muriate of am- moniac, or common fal ammoniac in fine pow- der. This mixture is put into a retort, and diftilled; the ammoniac and the carbonic acid being difengaged from their bafes, and reduced into vapours, combine together, and are depo- fited on the fides of the receiver, where they form a ftratum more or lefs thick. The cryftallization of this carbonate ap- peared to me to be that of a four-fided prifm, terminated by a dihedral fummit. The carbonate has lefs fmell than the ammo- niac ; it is very foluble in water. Cold water dirtolves its own weight of this fait, at the tem- perature pf fixty degrees of Fahrenheit. One hundred grains of this fait contain forty- five parts acid, forty-three alkali, and twelve water, according to Bergmann. Mod acids decompofe it, and difplace the carbonic acid. C H A P. Production of the Sulphuric Acid. 20$ CHAP. II. Concerning the Sulphuric Acid. S ULPHUR, like every other combuffible fubffance, cannot be burnt but by virtue of the oxigenous gas which combines with it. The moft ufual phenomena which accom- pany this combuffion, are, a blue flame, a whitiffi and fuffocating vapour, and a ftrong, penetrating, and difagreeable fmell. The refults of this combination vary accord- ing to the proportion in which thefe two prin- ciples enter into this fame combination. The fulphureous or the fulphuric acid may be atpleafure obtained from fublimed fulphur, or from crude fulphur, accordingly as a greater or lefs quantity of oxigene is combined with the fulphur, by means of combuffion. When the current of air which maintains the combuffion is rapid, the fulphur is carried, and depofited without any apparent alteration, into the internal part of the leaden chambers in which the oil of vitriol is made. If the current of air be rendered more moderate, the combi- nation is fomewhat more accurate ; the fulphur is jo6 Production of the Sulphuric Acid is partly changed, and is depofited in a pellicle upon the furface of the water. This pellicle is flexible like a fkin, and may be handled and turned over in the fame manner. If the current be ftill lefs rapid, and the air be fuffered to have a fufficient time to form an accurate combina- tion with the fulphur, the refult is fulphureous acid ; which acid preferves its gafeous form at the temperature of the atmofphere, and may become liquid like water by the application of cold, according to the line experiments of Mr. Monge. If the combuftion be ftill flower, and the air be fuffered to digeft upon the fulphur a longer time, and with greater accuracy, the re- fult is fulphuric acid : this laft combination may be facilitated by the mixture of faltpetre, becaufe this fubftance furnifhes oxigene very abundantly. Numerous experiments which I have made in my manufactory, to economize the faltpetre employed in the fabrication of oil of vitriol, have feveral times exhibited the refults here mentioned. All the proceffes which are capable of being adapted for extracting the fulphuric acid, are reducible to — i . The extraction of it from fub- ftances which contain it. 2 . Its direCt forma- tion by combination of fulphur and oxigene. In 207 by Combujlion In the firft cafe, the fulphures, or vitriolic falts of iron, copper, or zinc, and even thofe whofe bafes are clay and lime, according to Netimann and Margraff, may be expofed to dis- tillation. Butthefe expenfive procelfes are not very eafy to be carried into execution ; and ac- cordingly they have been abandoned, to make room for others of greater fimplicity. In the fecond cafe, the oxigene may be pre- fented to the fulphur in two forms: either ill the (late of gas, or in the concrete ftate. i. The combuftion of fulphur by oxigenous gas, is performed in large chambers lined with lead. The combuftion is facilitated by mixing about one-erghth of a nitrate of pot-afh with the fulphur. The acid vapours which fill the chamber are precipitated againft its fides, and the condenfation is facilitated by a ftratum of water difpofed on the bottom of the chamber. In fbme manufactories in Holland, this com- buftion is performed in large glafs balloons with large mouths, and the vapours are precipitated upon water placed at the bottom. In both cafes, when the water is fufhciently impregnated with acid, it is concentrated in leaden boilers, and rectified in glafs retorts, to render it white, and to concentrate it fufhciently for the purpofes of trade. The acid, when of a due 20 8 Production of the Sulphuric Acid i &c, due flrength, indicates fixty-fix degrees, accord- ing to'the aerometer of Mr. Baume; and when it has not been carried to this degree, it is unfit for moft of the ufes for which it is intended. It cannot, for example, be employed in diffolving indigo ; for the fmall quantity of nitric acid which it contains, unites with the blue of the indigo, and forms a green colour. I have as- certained this phenomenon by very accurate experiments ; and I have been a witnefs to the failing of colours, and the lofs of fluffs, in con- fequence of the imperfection of the acid. 2. When the oxigene in the concrete flate is prefented to the fulphur, it is then in combina- tion with other bodies, which it abandons to unite with this la ft. This happens when the nitric acid is diflilled from fulphur. Forty- eight ounces of this acid, at thirty-fix degrees, diflilled from two ounces of fulphur, afforded near four ounces of good fulphuric acid. This faCl was known to Matte Lafaveur: but I pointed out all the phenomena and circum- ftances of the operation in 1781. Sulphur may likewife be converted into ful- phuric acid by means of the oxigenated muria- tic acid. — Encyclopedic Methodique, tom. i. P- 370. The fulphuric acid which is found difengaged in Native Sulphuric Acid. 209 in fame places in Italy, appear likewife to arife from the combuftion of fulphur.. Baldaffiari has obferved it in this ftate in a hollow grotto, in the midft of a mafs of incruft^tions depolited by the baths of Saint Philip, in Tufcany. He afferts that the fulphureous vapour continually arifes in this grotto. He likewife found ful- phureous and vitriolic effervefcences at Saint Albino, near mount Pulciano; and at the lakes of Travale, where he obferved the branches of a tree covered with concretions of fulphur and the oil of vitriol. — Journal de Phylique, t. vii. P- 395- : O. Vandelli relates that, in the environs of Sienna and Viterbo, fulphuric acid is fome- times found dilTolved in water. Mr. (the com- mander) De Dolomieu affirms that he found it pure and cryftallized inagrotto of mount Etna, from which fulphur was formerly obtained. According to a firft experiment of Mr. Ber- thoil'et, fixty-nine parts of fulphur w ith thirty- one parts of oxigene formed one hundred parts of fulphuric acid ; and, according to a fecond experiment, feventy-tvvoof fulphur and twenty- eight of oxigene formed one hundred parts of dry acid. The various degrees of concentration of the fulphuric acid have caufed it to be diftinguifh- Vol. I. P ed ' 2 io Congelation of Sulphuric Acid . ed by different names, under which it is known in commerce. Hence the denominations of Spirit of Vitriol, Oil of Vitriol, and Glacial Oil of Vitriol, to exprefs its degrees of con- centration. The fulphuric acid is capable of pafling to the concrete ftate by the imprelfion of intenfe cold. This congelation is a phenomenon long lince known. Kunckel and Bohn have fpoken of it: and Boerhaave fays exprefsly, “ Oleum vitrioli, fumma arte puriffimum, fummo fri- gore hiberno in glebas folidefcit perfpicuas : fed, ffatim ac acuties frigoris retunditur, li- quefcit et diffluit. 5 ’ — We are indebted to the Duke D’Ayen for fome very valuable experi- ments. upon the congelation of this acid ; and Mr.DeMorveau repeated them with equal fuc- cefs in 1782, and proved that this congelation may be affedted at a degree of cold confldera- bly ’lefs than what had been mentioned*. I have already feveral times obtained beau- tiful cryilals of fulphuric acid in flattened hex- ahedral prifms, terminated by an hexahedral pyramid; and my experiments have enabled me to conclude — 1. That the very concen- * See alfo the experiments of Mr. Keir, and the late experiments of Mr. Cavendifli, on the congelation of acids, in the Philofophical Tranfaftions, trated Character's of Sulphuric A cid. 2 1 1 trated acid cry ftallizes more difficultly than that whofe denfity lies between lixty-three and fixty- five. 2. That the proper degree of cold is from 1 to 3 degrees below o of Reaumur. The detail of my experiments may be feen in the volume of the Academy of Sciences of Paris for the year 1784. The characters of the fulphuric acid are the following. 1 . It is undtuous and fat to the touch, which has occafioned it to obtain the very improper name of Oil of Vitriol. 2. It weighs one ounce and feven gros in a bottle containing one ounce of diftilled water. 3. It produces heat, when mixed with water, to fuch a degree as to exceed that of boiling wa- ter. If one end of a tube of glafs be clofed, and water poured into it, and the clofed end of this tube be plunged into water, the water in the tube may be made to boil by pouring fulphuric acid into the external water which furrounds the tube. 4. It feizes with great avidity ail inflamma- ble fubftances; and it is blackened and decom- pofed by this combination, Stahl fuppofed the fulphuric acid to be the univerfal acid. He founded this opinion more efpeeially upon the circumftance, that cloths P 2 foaked 212 Sulphate of Pot-aJIj . foakcd in a folution of alkali, and expofed to the air, attra&ed an acid which combined with the alkali ; and formed a neutral fait, by him fuppofed to be of the nature of fulphate of pot- afh, or vitriolated tartar. Subfequent and more accurate experiments have fhewn that this aerial acid was the carbonic; and the prefent Rate of our knowledge is fuch as permits us flill lefs than ever to believe in the exiftence of an univerfal acid. ARTICLE I. Sulphate of Pot-afh. \ The fulphate of pot-afh is defcribed indif- ferently under the names of Arcanum Dupli- catum, Sal de Duobus, Vitriolated Tartar, Vi- triol of Pot-afh, &c. This fait cryftallizes in hexahedral prifms > terminating in hexahedral pyramids, with tri- angular faces. It has a lively and penetrating tafte, and melts difficultly in the mouth. It decrepitates on hot coals, becomes red- hot before it fufes, and is volatilized without decompofition. It is foluble in fixteen parts of cold water, at the temperature of 60 deg. of Fahrenheit ; and boiling water diflolves one-fifth of its weight. 100 grains 213 Sulphate of Soda . ioo grains contain 30.21 acid, 64.61 alkali, and 5.18 water. Moft of the fulphate of pot-afh ufed in me- dicine is formed by the diredt combination of the fulphuric acid and pot-afh, or the vegeta- ble alkali ; but that which is met with in com- merce is produced in the diflillation of aqua fortis, by the fulphuric acid : this has the form of beautiful cryflals, and is fold in the Comtat Venaifin at forty or fifty livres the quintal. The analyfis of tobacco has likewife afforded me this fulphate. Mr. Baume proved to the Academy, in 1760, that the nitric acid, affifted by heat, is capable of decompofing the fulphate of pot-afh. Mr. Cornette afterwards fhewed that the muriatic acid pofTeffes the fame virtue; and I fhewed, in 1780, that this acid may be difplaced by the nitric acid, without the afli fiance of heat; though the fulphuric acid refumes its place when the folution is concentrated by heat. ARTICLE II. Sulphate of Soda. This combination of the fulphuric acid and foda is flill known under the names of Glauber’s Salt, 214 Sulphate of Soda . Salt, Sal Admirabile,Vitriol of Soda, &c. This fait cryfiallizes in rectangular oCtahedrons, of a prifrtiatic or cuneiform figure, of which the two pyramids are truncated near their bails. It has a very bitter tafte, and eafily diiTolves in the mouth. It fwells up upon heated coals, and boils, in confequence of the diifipation of its water of cryftallization. After this water has been dif- perfed, there remains only a white powder, dif- ficult of fufion, which is volatilized without decompofition by a itrong heat. By expofure to the air, it effervefces, lofes its tranfparency, and is reduced to a fine powder. Three parts of water, at 60 deg. of Fahren- heit’s thermometer, diiTolved one part of this fait ; but boiling water difiblves its own weight. 100 grains of fulphate of foda contain 14 acid, 22 alkali, and 64 water. It is formed by the direct combination of the two principles which contain it ; but the tamarix gallica, which grows on the fea-coafts, contains fo large a quantity, that it may be extracted to advantage. Nothing more is n'ecefiary for this purpofe, than to burn the plant, and lixiviate the afhes. That fait which is fold in the fouth of France, in fine cryflals, is prepared in this manner. It is very pure, and the price does not Sulphate of Animoniac. 2 1 £ not exceed thirty or thirty-five livres the quin- tal. This fulphate is likewife formed in our la- boratories when we decompofe the muriate of loda, or common fait, by fulphuric acid. Pot-afh difiolved by heat in a folution of fulphate of foda, precipitates the foda, and takes its place. See my Chemical Memoirs. 1. . 1*. Jl ; . • ' . . . j* l : # i > v - * „ . . . ARTICLE III. Sulphate of Ammoniac. The fulphate of ammoniac, commonly known by the name of Glauber’s Secret Ammoniacal Salt, is very bitter. It cryftallizes in long flattened prifms with fix fldes, terminated by flx-flded pyramids. It cannot be obtained in well-formed cryftals but by infenflble evaporation. It (lightly attracts the humidity of the air. It liquefies by a gentle heat, and rifes over a moderate fire. Two parts of cold water diflolve one of this fait ; and boiling water its own weight, accord- ing to Fourcroy. The fixed alkalis barytes, and lime, difengage the ammoniac from it. The nitric and muriatic acids difengage the fulphuric acid. The 2 1 6 Sulphate of Ammoniac > The different fubffancts of which we have treated are of coniiderable ufe in the arts and medicine. The fiilphureous acid is employed in whiten- ing ff Ik, and giving it a degree of luftre. Stahl had even combined it with alkali, and formed the fait fo welt known under the name of Stahl’s Sulphureous Salt. This combination paffes quickly to the ftate of fulphate, if it be left ex- pofed to the air ; as it fpeedily abforbs the ox- igene which is wanting for that purpofe. The principal ufe of the fulphuric acid is in dyeing, in which art it ferves to diffolve indigo, and carry it in a ffate of extreme divifion upon the fluffs to be dyed; it is likewife ufed by the manufacturers of Indiens, or iilk and fluff mixtures, to carry off the preparation of thefe goods, wherein lime is ufed. The chemiff: makes great ufe of this acid in his analyfes ; and to feparate other acids from their combi- nation, fuch as the carbonic, the nitric, and the muriatic acids. The fulphate of pot-afh is known in medicine as an alterative, and is ufed in cafes of ladteous coagulations. It is given in the dofe of a few grains^ and is even purgative in a greater dofe. The fulphate of foda is an effectual purga- tive in the dofe of from four to eight gros, or drams. Acid of Nitre , or Nitric Acid. 217 drams. For this purpofe it is diflolved in a pint of water. CHAP. III. Concerning the Nitric Acid. T HE nitric acid, called Aqua Fortis in commerce, is lighter than the fulphuric. It ufually has a yellow colour, a ftrong'and difagreeable fmell, and emits red vapours. It gives a yellow colour to the Ikin, to filk, and to almoft all animal fubftances with which it may come in contadh It dilTolves and fpeed- ily corrodes iron, copper, zinc, &c. with the efcape of a cloud of red vapours during the whole time its adlion lafts. It entirely deftroys the colour of violets, which it reddens. It unites to water with facility; and the mixture affumes a green colour, which difappears when ftill further diluted. This acid has been no where found in a dif- engaged ftate. It always exifts in a ,f:ate of combination; and it is from thefe combinations that the art of chemiftry extra&s it, to apply it to our ufes. The nitrate of pot-afh, or com- mon nitre, is the combination which is belt known. 2 1 8 Acid of Nitre , or Nitric Acid . known, and is likewife that from which we ufually extrad the nitric acid. The procefs ufed in commerce to make aqua fortis, confifts in mixing one part of faltpetre with two or three parts of red bolar earth. This mixture is put into coated retorts, dif- pofed in a gallery or long furnace, to each of which is adapted a receiver. The firft vapour which arifes in the diftillation is nothing but water, which is fuffered to efcape at the place of jundture, before the luting: and when, the red vapours begin to appear, the phlegm which is condenfed in the receiver is poured out; and the receiver, being replaced, is carefully luted to the neck of the retort. The vapours which are condenfed, form at firft a greenifh liquor: this colour difappearsinfenfibly, and.is replaced by another which is more or lefs yellow. Some chemifts, more efpecially Mr. Baume, were of opinion that the earth adted upon the faltpetre by virtue of the fulphuric acid it contains. But not to mention that this principle does not exift in all the earths made ufe of, as Meflrs. Macquer, De Morveau, , and Scheele have proved, we know that pulverized flints equally produce the decompofition of faltpetre. I am therefore of opinion that the effedt of thefe earths upon the fait ought to be referred to the very 219 Acid of Nitre, or Nitric Acid . very evident affinity of the alkali to the filex, which is a principal component part ; and more efpecially to the flight degree of adhefion which exifts between the conftituent princi- ples of nitrate of pot-afh. We decompofe faltpetre in our laboratories by means of the fulphuric acid. Very pure ni- trate of pot-afh is taken, and introduced into a tubulated retort, placed in a fand bath, with a receiver adapted. All the places of jun&ion are carefully luted j and as much fulphuric acid as amounts to half the weight of the fait is pour- ed through the tubulure; and the diftillation is proceeded upon* Care is taken to fit a tube into the tubulure of the receiver ; the other end of which is plunged into water, to condenfethe vapours, and to remove all fear of anexplofion. Inftead of employing the fulphuric acid, we may fubftitute the fulphate of iron, and mix it with faltpetre in equal parts. In this cafe the refidue of the diftillation, when well wafhed, forms the mild earth of vitriol made ufe of to polifh glafs. Stahl and Kunckel have fpokcn of a very penetrating aqua fortis, of a blue colour, ob- tained by the diftillation of nitre with arfenic. Whatever precaution is taken in th purifi- cation of the faltpetre, and however great the attention 220 Acid of Nitre . attention may be which is bellowed upon its dif- tillation, the nitric acid is always impregnated with fome foreign acid, either the fulphuric or muriatic, from which it requires to be purified. It is cleared of the firft by re-diftilling it up- on very pure faltpetre, which retains the fmall quantity of fulphuric acid that may exift in the mixture.. It is deprived of the fecond by pour- ing into it a few drops of a folution of nitrate of filver. The muriatic acid combines with the filver, and is precipitated with it in the form of an infoluble fait. The fluid is then fullered to remain at reft, and is afterwards decanted from the precipitate or depofition. This acid, fo purified, is known under the name of Aqua Fortis for Parting, Precipitated Nitrous Acid, Pure Nitric Acid, &c. Stahl had confidered the nitric acid as a mo- dification of the fulphuric, produced by its combination with an inflammable principle. This opinion has been fupported by feveral new' fadts, in a diflertation of Mr. Pietfh, crowned by the Academy of Berlin in 1749. The experiments of the celebrated Hales led him ftill nearer to this conclufion, as his ma- nipulations w r ere fucceflively employed upon the two conftituent principles of the nitric acid. This celebrated philofopher had obtained ninety 221 Properties of Nitrous Acid . ninety cubic inches of air from half a cubic inch of nitre ; and he proceeded no further in his conclufions, than to aflert that this air is the principal caufe of the explofions of nitre. The fame philofopher relates that the pyrites of Walton, treated with equal quantities of fpi- rit of nitre and water, produce an air which has the property of abforbing the frefh air, which may be made to enter the veffel. This great man, therefore, extradled fuccehively the two principles of the nitric acid ; and thefe capital experiments put Dr. Prieftley in the road to the difcoveries he has fince made. It was not however until the year 1776 that the analylis of the nitric acid was w ell known. Mr. Lavoifier, by diftilling this acid from mercury, and receiving the feveral products in the pneumato-chemical apparatus, has proved • that the nitric acid. whofe fpecific gravity is to that of diffilled water as contains — 131607 to IOOOOO, Nitrous gas 02. g “OS. grains. 1 7 5 1 ? Oxigenous gas 1 7 7 a Water *3 — — ' By combining thefe three principles toge- ther the decompofed acid was regenerated. The adlion of the nitric acid on moft inflam- mable 222 Properties and Component Paris triable matters, confifts in nothing more than a continual decompofition of this acid. If the nitric acid be poured upon iron, cop- per, or zinc, thefe metals are inftantly attack- ed with a ftrong effervefcence ; and a confider- able difengagement of vapours takes place, which become of a red colour by their combi- nation with the atmofpheric air, but which may be retained and collected in the ftate of gas in the hydro-pneumatic apparatus. In all thefe cafes the metals are ftrongly oxided. The nitric acid, when mixed with oils, ren- ders them thick and black, converts them into charcoal, or inflames them, accordingly as the acid is more or lefs concentrated, or in a great- er or lefs quantity. If very concentrated nitric acid be put into an apothecary’s phial, and be poured upon charcoal in an impalpable powder, and very dry, it fets it on fire inftantly, at the fame time that carbonic acid and nitrogene gas are difengaged. The various acids which are obtained by the digeftion of the nitric acid on certain fub- llances, fuch as the oxalic acid, or acid of fugar, the arfenical acid. &c. owe their exiftence merely to the decompofition of the nitric acid, the oxigene of which is fix'ed in combination with of Nil roils Acid. 223 with the bodies upon which this acid is de- compofed, renders it one of the moft aCtive ; becaufe the aCtion of acids upon moft bodies is a confequence of their own proper decom- pofition. The characters of nitrous gas, which is ex- tracted by the decompolition of the acid, are — 1. It is invifible, or perfectly tranfparent. 2. Its fpecific gravity is rather lefs than that of ^tmofpherical air. 3. It is unfit for refpiration, though, the abbe Fontana pretends that he re- fpired it without danger. 4. It does not main- tain combuftion. 5. It is not acid, according to the experiments of the Duke de Chaulnes. 6. It combines with oxigene, and reproduces the nitric acid. But what is the nature of this nitrous gas ? It was at firft pretended that it confifts of the nitric acid faturated with phlogifton. This fyftem ought to have been abandoned as foon as it was proved that the nitric acid depo- fited its oxigene upon the bodies on which it aCted ; and that the nitrous gas was ‘lefs in weight than the acid made ufe of. A capital experiment of Mr. Cavendifh has thrown the greateft light on the fubjeCt. This chemift having introduced into a tube of glafs feven parts 224 Properties and Component Parts parts of oxigenous gas obtained without nitrous acid, and three parts of nitrogene gas ; or, by eftimating thefe quantities in weight, ten parts of nitrogene to tw^enty-lixof oxigene — and hav- ing caufed the eledtric fpark to pafs through this mixture, perceived that its volume or bulk was greatly diminifhed, and fuccceded in con- verting it into nitric acid. It may be prefumed, from his experiment, that the acid is a combi- nation of feyen parts of oxigene, and three of nitrogene. Thefe proportions conftitute the ordinary nitric acid ; but when a portion of its oxigene is taken away, it paffes to the (late of nitrous gas ; fo that nitrous gas is a combi- nation of nitrogene gas, with a fmall quantity of oxigene. Nitrous gas may bedecompofed byexpofing it to a folution of the fulphure of pot-afh, or hepar of fulphur : the oxigene gas unites to the fulphur, and forms fulphuric acid ; while the nitrogene gas remains behind in a ftate of purity. Nitrous gas may like wife be decompofed by means of pyrophorus, which burns in this air, and abforbs the oxigenous gas. The ele&ric fpark has likewife the property of decompofing nitrous gas. Mr. Van Marum has obferved that three cubic inches of the ni- trous of Nitrous Acid. 22$ trous gas are reduced by electricity to one cu- bic inch and three quarters ; and that this refi- due no longer polfeffed any property of nitrous gas. Laftly, according to the experiments of Mr. Lavoifier, one hundred grains of nitrous gas contain thirty-two parts nitrogene, and fixty- eight parts oxigene : according to the fame chemift, one hundred grains of nitric acid con- tain feventy-nine and a half oxigene and twenty and a half nitrogene ; and this is the reafon why nitrous gas fhould be employed in a lefs portion than nitrogene gas, to combine with the oxigene gas, and form the nitric acid. Thefe ideas upon the compofition of the ni- trous acid, appear to be confirmed by the re- peated proofs we now have of the neceflity of caufing fubftances, which afford much nitro- gene gas, to be prefented to the oxigene gas, in order to obtain nitric acid. The feveral flates of the nitric acid may be clearly explained according to this theory : — 1. The fuming nitrous acid is that in which the oxigene does not exift in a fufficient propor- tion ; and we may render the whiteft and the moft faturated nitric acid fuming and ruddy* by depriving it of a part of its oxigene by means of metals, oils, inflammable fubftances* See . or even by difengaging the oxigene by Vol. I. the 226 Properties and Component Parts . the fimple expofition of the acid to the light of the fan, according to the valuable experiments of Mr. Berthollet. The property which nitrous gas poflelTes, of abforbing oxigene to form the nitric acid, has caufed it to be employed to determine the pro- portion of oxigene in the compofition which forms our atmofphere. The abbe Fontana has conftrudted, on thefe principles, an ingenious eudiometer, the defcription and manner of uling which may be feen in the firft volume of Dr. Ingenhoufz’s Experiments upon Vegetables. Mr. Berthollet has veryjuftly obferved, that this eudiometer is inaccurate, or productive of deception — i. Becaufe it is difficult to obtain nitrous gas constantly formed of the fame pro- portions of nitrogene gas and oxigene ; for they vary, not only according to the nature of the fubftancesupon which the nitric acid is de- compofed, but likewife accordingly as the fo- lution of any given fubftance by the acid is made with greater or lefs rapidity. If the acid be decompofed upon a volatile oil, nothing but nitrogene gas can be obtained ; if the acid adt upon iron, and it be much concentrated, nitro- gene gas only will be obtained, as I have ob- ferved, &c. 2. The nitric acid which is formed by the union of nitrous gas and oxigene, dif- folves 027 of AJihfaus Acid . iolves a greater or lefs quantity of nitrous gas according to the temperature, the quality of the air which is tried, the iize of the eudiome- ter, &c. fo that the diminution varies in pro- portion to the greater or lefs quantity of nitrous gas obtained by the nitric acid which is formed : confequently the diminution ought to be great- er in winter than in fummer, &c* According to the experiments of Mr. La- voifier, four parts of oxigenous gas are fuffici- ent to faturate feven parts and one-third of ni- trous gas ; whereas it is found that nearly fix- teen parts of atmofpheric air are required to produce the fame effect : whence this cele- brated chemiflhas concluded, that the air of the atmofphere does not in general contain more than one-fourth of oxigenous or refpirable gas. Repeated experiments at Montpellier, upon the fame principle, have convinced me that twelve or thirteen parts of atmofpheric air are conftantly fufficient to faturate feven parts and one-third of nitrous gas. Thefe experiments fhew, to a certain degree of accuracy, the proportion in which vital air exifts in the air which we refpire ; but they do not give us any information refpedting the nox- ious gafes which, when mixed with the atmo^ fpheric air, alter it, and render it unwholfome* Q 2 This 2 28 Nitrate of Pof-a/l, or Nitre . This obfervation very much curtails the ufc of this inftrument. The combination of the oxigenous and ni- trous gafes always leaves an aeriform relidue, which Mr. Lavoifier eftimated at about one thirty-fourth of the whole volume : it arifes from the mixture of the foreign gafeous fub- ftances, which more or lefs affedt the purity of the gafes made ufe of. ARTICLE I. Nitrate of Pot-afh. The nitric add, combined with pot-afh, forms the fait fo well known under the names of Nitre, Saltpetre, Nitre of Pot-afh, &c. This neutral fait is rarely the produdt of any diredl combination of its two conflituent parts. It is found ready formed in certain places ; and in this manner it is that the whole of the nitre employed in the arts is obtained. In the Indies, it efflorefees on the furface of uncultivated grounds. The inhabitants lixi- viate thefe earths with water, which they after- wards boil and cryftallize in earthen pots. Mr. Dombey has obferved a great quantity of falt- petre near Lima, upon earths which ferve for pafture. Production of Nitre . 229 pafture, and which produce only gramineous plants. Mr. Talbot Dillon, in his travels into Spain, relates that one-third of all the grounds, and in the fouthern parts of that kingdom even the dull of the roads, contain faltpetre. Saltpetre is extracted in France from the ruins and plafter of old houfes. This fait exifts ready formed in vegetables, fuch as parietaria and buglofs, &c. And one of my pupils, Mr. Virenque, has proved that it is produced in all extracts which are capable of fermenting. The fermentation of faltpetre may be fa- voured, by cauling certain circumftances to concur which are of advantage to its formation. In the north of Europe, the faltpetre-beds are formed with lime, afhes, earth of uncultivated grounds, and ftraw, which are Gratified, and watered with urine, dunghill-water, and mo- ther waters. Thefe beds are defended by a covering of heath or broom. In the year 1775, the King caufed a prize to be propofed by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, to difcover a method of increafing the produd: of faltpetre in France, and to relieve the people from the obligation of permitting the faltpetre makers to examine their cellars, in order to difcover and carry away faltpetre earths. Several Me- moir 1 230 Production of Nitre. moirs were offered on the fubjedt, which the; Academy united into a fingle volume ; and thefe have added to our knowledge, by inftrueft- ing us more efpecially concerning the nature of the matters which favour the formation of nitre. It was known, for example, longfince, that nitre is formed in preference near habita- tions, or in earths, impregnated wdth animal products : it was likewife known that, in gene- ral, the alkaline bails was afforded by the con- currence of a vegetable fermentation. Mr. Thouvenel, whofe Memoir was crowned, has proved that the gas which is difengaged by pu- trefaction, is neceffary for the formation of nitre ; that blood, and, next to it, urine, were the animal parts which were the moft favoura- ble to its formation ; that the moff minutely divided and the lighted: earths were the moft proper for nitrification ; that the current of air muft be properly managed, to fix upon thefe earths the nitric acid which is formed, &c. It feems to me that Becher poffeffed a con- fiderably accurate knowledge of the formation of nitre, as appears from the followingpaffages : " Haec enim ('vermes, mufeae, ferpentes) pu- in the fame manner ; and after having procured, with the greateft difficulty, two pounds of the foot, I extracted from it four ounces of fal am. moniac. I muft obferve, to fave much trouble to thofe who may wiffi to follow this branch of commerce, that the dung produced during the fummer, the fpring, or the autumn, does not afford this fait* I did not know to what cir- cumftance to attribute the verfatility of my refults, until I found that thefe animals do not eat faline vegetables, excepting at the time when frefh plants cannot be had ; and that they are reduced to the neceffity of having recourfe to faline plants only during the three winter months. This obfervation appears to me to be a proof, that marine fait is decompofed in the firft paffages ; and that the foda is modifi- ed to the ftate of ammoniac. Sal ammoniac is continually fublimed through the apertures of volcanic mountains. Mr. Fer- ber found it ; and Mr. Sage admitted its exifl- ence among voj panic products. It is found in Sal Ammoniac . 2^9 the grottos of Puzzolo, according to Meffrs. Swab, Scheffer, &c. It is found in the country of the Calmucs. Model analyfed it. It is alfo produced in the human body, and exhales by perforation in malignant fevers. Mr* Model has proved this facft in his own perfon : feral the time of a. violent Tweat which termi- nated a malignant fever, he wafhed his hands in a lolution of pot-afh, and obferved that a pro- digious quantity of alkaline gas was difengaged. Sal *ammoniae cryftallizes by evaporation in quadrangular prifrns, terminated by ftiort qua- drangular pyramids. It is often obtained in rhombic cryftals by fublimation. The concave face of the loaves of fal ammoniac in commerce 7 f is fometimes covered with thefe cryftals* This fait has a penetrating, acid, urinous tafte* It pofTefies a degree of dudtility which renders it ’flexible, and caufes it to yield to a blow of theihammer. It does not change in the air ; which circumftance renders it probable that our fal ammoniac is different from that men- tioned by Pliny and Agricola, as that attracted humidity. Three parts and a half of water dif- folve one part of fal ammoniac, at ftxty degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer; a conftderable degree of cold is produced by its folution. ■One hundred parts of fal ammoniac contain S 2 fifty- 260 Nitro-muriatic Acid , fifty-two parts acid, forty ammoniac, and eight water. This fait is not at all decompofed by clay ; nor by magnefia except with difficulty, and in part only ; but it is completely decompofed by lime and fixed alkalis. The fulphuric and .nitric acids difengage its acid. This fait is ufed in dyeing, to bring out cer- tain colours. It is mixed with aqua fortis, to increafe its folvent power. It is ufed in foldering ; in which operation it pofTeffes the double advantage of clearing the metallic furface^and preventing its oxidation# rvv:o ' ’ j .'-T •?,.! » * b } - ( . ■ - juiwta*— — • < **’) ; • - 1 • 4 r ■ • » «0 -/ i CHAP. V. Concerning the Nitro-muriatic Acid, _ rnHE acid which we call Nitro-muriatic, A is a combination of the nitric and mu- riatic acids. x r Our predeceffors diftinguifhed it by the name of Aqua Regia, on account of its property of diffolving gold. this mixed acid. If two ounces of common fait be diftilled with four of nitric acid, the acid which comes over Nitro-muriatic Acid . 26 1 over into the receiver will be good nitro-mu- riatic acid. This is the procefs of Mr. Baume. The nitrate of pot-afh may be decompofed by diddling two parts of muriatic acid from one of this fait : good aqua regia is the produdt of this operation ; and the reiidue is a muriate of pot-afh, according to Mr. Cornette. Boerhaave affirms that he obtained a good aqua regia, by diftiiling a mixture of two parts of nitre, three of fulphate of iron or martial vitriol, and five of common fait. The Ample diftillation of nitre of the firft boiling affords aqua regia ; which is employed by the dyers in the folution of tin, for the com- pofition of the fcarlet dye. This aqua fortis is a true aqua regia : and it is by virtue of the mixture of acids that it diflolves tin ; for if it confided of the nitric acid in a date of too great purity, it would corrode and oxide the metal without diffolving it. The dyers then fay that the aqua fortis precipitates the tin ; and they corredt the acid by diffolving fal ammoniac or common fait in it. Four ounces of fal ammoniac in powder, diffolved gradually, and in the cold, in one pound of nitric acid, form an excellent aqua regia. An oxigenated muriatic acid gas is di.f- engaged Nit ro - muriatic Acid. 26 2 engaged for a long time ; which it is impru- dent to attempt to coerce, and which ought to be Buffered to efcape by convenient apertures. Aqua regia is likewife formed by mixing together two parts of pure nitric acid and one of muriatic acid. 1 The very evident fmell of oxigenated muri- atic acid, which is difengaged in every procefs which can be adopted to form the acid at pre- fent in queftion ; and the property which it pofTeffes, equally with the oxigenated muriatic acid, of diffolving gold, have led certain che- mifts to infer that, in the mixture of thefe two acids, the muriatic acid feized the oxigene of the nitric, and affumed the charaderof oxigenated muriatic acid : fo that the nitric acid was con- fidered as anfwcring no other purpofe than that of oxigenating the muriatic. But this fyftem is inconfiftent ; and though the virtues of the muriatic acid are modified by this mixture, and it is oxided by the decompofition of a portion of the nitric acid, neverthelefs the two acids Bill exift in the aqua regia: and I am convinc- ed that the beft made aqua regia, fatu rated with pot-afh, will afford the ordinary muriate, the oxigenated muriate, and the nitrate. It appears to me that the powerful addon of aqua regia depends fimply on the union of the two acids ; one Acid of Borax 263 one of which is exceedingly well calculated to oxide the metals, and the other diflblves the oxides or calces with the greateft avidity. Concerning the Acid of Borax. HE acid of borax, more generally known by the name of Homberg’s Sedative Salt, is almoft always afforded by the decompofition of the borate of foda, or borax. But it has been found perfectly formed in certain places ; and we have reafon to hope that we fhall fpeed- ily acquire more accurate information refpecft- ing its nature. Mr. Hoefer, director of the Pharmacies of Tufcany, was the firft who detected this acid fait in the waters of the lake Cherchiajo, near Monte-rotondo, in the inferior province of Si- enna : thefe waters are very hot, and they afford- ed him three ounces of the pure acid in one hundred and twenty pounds of the water. This fame chemifl: having evaporated twelve thou- fand two hundred and eighty grains of the water of the lake of Caftelnuovo,obtained one hundred CHAP. VI and 2 b 4 Acid of Borax. and twenty grains. He prefumes, moreover, that it might be found in the water of feveral other lakes, fuch as thofe o,f Laffo, Monte- cerbeloni, &c. Mr. Sage has depoRted in the hands of the Royal Academy of Sciences fome acid of borax, brought from the mines of Tufcany by Mr. Beffon, who colleded it himfelf. Mr. WeRrumb found fedative fait in the Rone called Cubic Quartz of Lunebtirg. He obtained it by decompoRng this Rone by the acids of fulphur, nitre, &c. The refult of his analyfis is the following : Sedative fait tV Calcareous earth T* To Magefia — Clay and filex 2 Iron — to 2 ToS L y To7 This Rone, according to the obfervations of LaRius, has the form of fmall cubical cryRals, fomerimes tranfparent, in other fpecimens milky, and affords fparks with the Reel. The acid of borax is generally found com- bined with foda. It is from this xombination that it is difengaged, and obtained either by fubiimation or cryRallization. When it is propofed to obtain it by fubii- mation, three pounds of calcined fulphate of iron* Acid of Borax • 265 iron, and two ounces of borate of foda > are dif- folved in three pounds of water. The folution is then filtered, and evaporated to a pellicle ; after which the fublimation is performed in a cucurbit of glafs with its head. The acid of bo- rax attaches itfelf to the internal furface of the head, from which it may be fwept by a feather. Homberg obtained it by decompoling of borax with the fulphuric acid. This procefs fucceeded with me wonderfully well. For this purpofe I make ufe of a glafs cucurbit with its head, which I place on a fand bath. I then pour upon the borax half its weight of ful- phuric acid, and proceed to fublimation. The fublimed acid is of the moft beautiful white- nefs. Stahl, and Lemery the younger, obtained the fame acid by making ufe of the nitric and muriatic acids. . To extract the acid of borax by cryftalliza- tion, the borax is diffolved in hot water, and an excefs of fulphuric acid is poured in. A fait is depofited during the cooling on the fide of the veffel, in the form of thin round plates, applied one upon the other. This fait, when dry, is very white, very light, and of a filvery appearance. It is the acid of borax. We are indebted to Geoffroy for this procefs, Baron 266 Acid of Borax . Baron has added two fadts: the fir ft, that the vegetable acids are equally capable of decom- pofing borax ; and the fecond, that borax may be regenerated by combining the acid of borax with foda. This acid may be purified by folution, filtra- tion, and evaporation ; but it muft be obferved, that a confiderable part is volatilized with the water which flies off in the evaporation. The acid of borax has a faline cool tafte. It colours the tindlure of turnfole, fyrup of vio- lets, &c.red. One pound of boiling water diffolved no more than one hundred and eighty-three grains, according to Mr. De Morveau. Alcohol diffolves it more eafily ; and the flame which this folution affords is of a beauti- ful green. This acid, when expofed to the fire, is -reduced to a vitriform and tranfparent fubftance, inftead of rifing; which proves, as Rouelle has obferved, that it is only fublimed by favour of the water, with which it forms a very volatile compound. As moft of the known acids decompofe this acid, and exhibit it in the fame form, it has been thought a juftifiable conclufion that it ex- ifts ready formed in the borax. Mr. Baume has even affirmed that he compofed this acid by leaving Borate of Pot -ajh. 267 leaving a mixture of grey clay, greafe, and cows dung expofed to the air in a cellar. But Mr. Wiegleb, after an unfuccefsful labour of three years and a half, thinks himfelf autho- rifed to give a formal negative to the French chemift. Mr. Cadet has endeavoured to prove 1. That the acid of borax always retains a por- tion of the acid employed in the operation. 2. That this fame acid has ftill the mineral al- kali for its bafis. — Mr. De Morveau has, with his ufual fagacity, difculfed all the proofs brought forward by Mr. Cadet ; he has {hewn that none of them are conclufive, and that the acid of borax is entitled to retain its place among the chemical elements. ARTICLE I. Borate of Pot-afh. The acid of borax combined with pot-afh forms this fait. It may be obtained either by the diredt combination of thefe two feparate principles, or by decompofing borax by the addition of pot-afh. This fait, which is yet little known, afforded Mr. Baume fmall cryftals. The acids difengage it by feizing its alka- line bafe. ARTI- a 6 8 Borate of Soda , or Common Borax . ARTICLE II. Borate of Soda. This combination forms Borax, properly fo called. It is brought to us from the Indies ; and its origin is ftill unknown*. The article Borax may be confulted in Bo- mare’s Dictionary of Natural Hiftory. It does not appear that borax was known to the ancients. The chryfocolla, of which Diof- corides fpeaks, was nothing but an artificial folder compofed, by the goldfmiths themfelves, with the urine of children and ruft of copper, which were beaten together in a mortar of the fame metal. The word Borax is found for the firfl time in the works of Geber. Every thing which has been written fince that time concerning borax, * The origin of borax is very well afcertained in two Pa- pers, in the feventy feventh volume of the Philofophical Tranfaftions, Numbers xxviii. and xxix. It is dug up in a cryftallized ftate from the bottom of certain fait lakes in a mountainous, barren, volcanic diftrift, about twenty-five days journey to the eaftward of Lafla, the capital of the king- dom of Thibet. T. is i The Hifiory and Purification of Borax. 2 6$ is applicable to the Fubftance which is at pre- fent known to us by that name. Borax is found in commerce in three different Bates. — The firft is brute borax, tincall, or chryfocolla. It comes to us from Perfia, and is enveloped and foiled by a greafy covering. The pieces of brute borax have almoft all of them the form of a (ix-ftded prifm, (lightly flattened, and terminated by a dihedral pyra- mid. The fradhireof thefe cryftals is brilliant, with a greeni(h caft. This kind of borax is very impure. It is pretended that borax is extracted from the lake of Necbal, in the king- dom of Grand Thibet. This lake is filled with water during the winter, which exhales in the fummer ; and when the waters are low, work- men enter, who detach the cryftals from the muddy bottom, and put them into bafkets. The Weft Indies contain borax. It is to Mr. Anthony Carera, a phyftcian eftabliftied at Potoft, that we are indebted for this difco- very* The mines of Riquintipa, and thofe in the neighbourhood of Efcapa, afford this fait in abundance. The natives ufe it in the fufton of copper ores. The fecond kind of borax known in com- merce comes from China. It is purer than the preced- 2*7 o The Hi ft ary and Purification of Borax** preceding, and has the form of frnall plates cryftallized upon oneof their furfaces, on which the rudiments of pnfms may be perceived. This borax is mixed with a white powder, which appears to be of an argillaceous nature. Thefe feveral kinds of borax have been puri- fied at Venice for a long time, and afterwards in Holland; but MefTrs. Laguiller refine itatpre- fent in Paris : and this purified borax forms the third kind which is met with in commerce. In order to purify borax, nothing more is neceffary than to clear it of the imdhious fub- ifance which foils it, and impedes its folution. Crude borax added to a folution' of mineral alkali, is more completely diflblved,and may be obtained of confiderable beauty by a firfl cryftallization ; but it retains the alkali made ufe of ; and borax, purified in this manner, poiTeffes a greater proportion of alkali than in its crude ftate. The oily part of borax may be deftroyed by calcination. By this treatment it becomes more foluble, and may in fadl be purified in this way/ But the method is attended with a confiderable lofs, and is not fo advantageous as might be imagined. - ' ' : The mofb fimple method of purifying borax-,- eonfifis in boiling it ftrongly, and for a long time. 271 The Properties of Borax, time. This folution being filtrated, affords by evaporation cryftals rather foul, which may be purified by a fecond operation fimilar to the foregoing. I have tried all thefe proceffes in the large way ; and the latter appeared to me to be the mod fimple. Purified borax is white, tranfparent, and has a Somewhat greafy appearance in its fracture. It cryftallizes in hexahedral prifms, termi- nated by trihedral and fometimes hexahedral pyramids. It has a ftyptic tafte. It converts fyrup of violets to a green. When borax is expofed to the fire, it Swells up, the water of cry Utilization is difli pared in the form of vapour; and the fait then becomes converted into a porous, light, white, and opake mafs, commonly called Calcined Borax. If the fire be more ftrongly urged, it affumes a pafty appearance, and is at length fufed into a trans- parent glafs of agreenifh yellow colour. Solu- ble in water ; and which lofes its transparency by expofure to the air, in confequence of a white effloreScence that forms upon its Surface. ~ This fait requires eighteen times its weight of water, at the temperature of fixty degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, to diffolve it. Boil- ing water difTolves one-fixth of its weight. • il- Barytes 272 Habitudes of Borax . Barytes and magnefia decompofe borax* Lime-water precipitates the folution of this fait; and if quick-lime be boiled with borax, a fait of fparing folubility is formed, which is the borate of lime. Borax is ufed as an excellent flux in docimafi. tic operations. It enters into the compofitionof reducing fluxes, and is of the greatefl ule in analyfes by the blow-pipe. It may be applied with advantage in glafs manufactories ; for when the fufion turns out bad, a fmall quan- tity of borax re-eflablifhes it. It is more ef- pecially ufed in foidering. It aflifts the fufion of the folder, caufes it to flow, and keeps the furface of the metals in a foft or clean flate, which facilitates the operation. It is fcarcely of any ufe in medicine. Sedative fait alone is ufed by fome phyficians; afid its name fuffici- ently indicates its application. Borax has the inconvenience of fwelling up, and requires the greatefl: attention on the part of the artift who ufes it in delicate works, more efpecially when defigns are formed with gold of different colours. It has been long a defi- deratum to fubftitute fome compofition in the room of borax, which might poffefs its advan- tages without its defeefls. Mr. Georgi has publifhed the following pro- 3 cefs : •' / Bo rate of Ammoniac . 273 cefs : — cf Natron, mixed with marine fait and Glauber’s fait, is to be dilfolved in lime-water; and the cryftals which feparate by the cooling of the fluid may be fet apart. The lixivium of natron is then to be evaporated ; and this fait afterwards dilfolved in milk. ' The evapo- ration affords fcarcely one-eighth of the natron employed, and the relidue may be applied to the fame ufes as borax.” Melfrs. Struve and Exchaquet have proved that the phofphate of pot-alh, fufed with a cer- tain quantity of fulphate of lime, forms an ex- cellent glafs for foldering metals. — See the Journal dePhylique, t. xxix. p. 78, 79. * ARTICLE III. Borate of Ammoniac. This fait is ftill little known. We are indebt- ed to Mr. De Fourcroy for the following indi- cations: — He dilfolved the acid of borax in ammoniac, and obtained by evaporation a bed or plate of cryftals conne&ed together, whofe furface exhibited polyhedral pyramids. This fait has a penetrating and urinous tafte ; it renders the fyrup of violets green ; gradually lofes its cryftalline form, and becomes of a Vol. I. T brown 2 74 Examination of brown colour, by the contad of air. It ap- pears to be of confiderable folubility in water* Lime difengages the volatile alkali. no;: - .... v • ,[ n* Concerning Mineral Waters*. T HE name of Mineral Water is given to any water whatever which is fufficiently loaded with foreign principles to produce an effed upon the human body, different from that which is produced by the waters com- monly ufed for drink. Men, doubtlefs, were not long in attending to the differences of waters. Our anceftors ap- pear even to have been more ftridly attentive than ourfelves to procure wholefome drink. It w as almoft always the nature of the water which . * As mineral waters bear relation to every part of chemif- r Y •) * * r try, their analvfes may be indifferently placed at the end cf any one of the parts. But as the nature of the principles they contain fuppofe an . acquaintance with the produds of the three kingdoms, it is more natural to referve the ar tide of jhe mineral waters for the conclufion of a courfe of chemif- try. I have thought proper to change this order for no other 'reafon, than becaufe I forefaw that the third volume of this •work would be of too large a fize even without it. r* . t deter- Mineral- Waters . *7S determined their, preference in the frtuatior* of towns,' the chpice-of habitations, aodr confer qutntly the union of; citizens. The fo>eU, the tafte^and more efpecially the effeiks of waters upon the animal economy, have^been ; thought fufficient, during a long time, ;tq djetermine their nature. VVe may fee, in thefwrkings of HippojCfatqs, how much obfervation and genius are capable of performing in fubjedh of this nature. This great man, of whom it would^af- ford but a very imperfedl -idea to confiderhim merely as the Father of Medicine, was fo well acquainted with the influence of water upon the human body, -that he affirms that the mere quality of their ufual drink is capable of mo- difying and producing, a difference between men ; and he recommends to young phyiicians to attend more particularly to the nature of the waters their patients ought to ufe. We fee that the Romans, who were frequently under the nec^flity of fettling in parched climates, fpared no exertions to procure wholefome water to their colonies. The famous aquedudf which carried the water of Uzes to Nifmes, is an un- equivocal proof of this; and we flill poffes fe- veral mineral fprings at which they formed cq- lonies, for the advantage of the baths.. It was not till near the feventeenth century T 2 that 27 6 Examination of that the application of chemical methods to the examination of waters was firft made. We are indebted to the prefent revolution of che- miftry for the degree of perfection to which this analyfis has been carried. The analyfis of waters appears to me to be neceffary, in order — 1. That we may not make ufe of any water for drink but fuch as is wholefome. 2. That we may become acquainted with thofe which poffefs medicinal virtues, and ap r ply them to the ufes to which they are fuited. 3. To appropriate to the different works or manufactories that kind of water which is the belt calculated for their refpeCtive purpofes. 4. To correCt impure waters, or fuch as are either impregnated with any noxious princi- ple, or charged with any fait. 5. To imitate the known mineral waters, in all places and at all times. The analyfis of mineral waters is one of the moft difficult problems of chemiftry. In order to make a perfect analyfis, it is neceffary to be aware of all the difiinCtive characters of the fub- ftances which may be held in folution in any water. The operator mufi be acquainted with the means of feparating from an almoft infenfi- ble Mineral Waters • 277 ble refidue the different fubftances which com- pofe it. He muft be able to appreciate the na- ture and quantity of the produdts which arc carried off by evaporation ; and likewife to afcertain whether certain compounds are not formed by the operations of his analyfis, while# others may be decompofed. The fubftances contained in waters are held either in fufpenfton or in folution. 1. Thofe fubftances which are capable of being fufpended in waters are, clay, ftlex in a ftate of divifion, calcareous earth, magne- fia, &c. Thofe which are foluble are, pure air, the carbonic acid, pure or compound alkalis, lime, magnefia, the fulphates, the muriates, the ex- tradive matter of plants, hepatic gas, &c. The moft ancient, the moft general, and the mod ftmple divifion of mineral waters, is that which diftinguifhes them into cold waters and hot or thermal waters, accordingly as their temperature is the fame, or exceeds that of common water. A divifion founded on the feveral qualities of thefe waters, will arrange them in four claffes. I. Acidulous or Gafeous Waters. — Thefe are known by their penetrating tafte ; the facility with which they boil ; the difengagement of bubbles 278 Examination of bubbles by fimple agitation, or even by mere ftajiding; the property of reddening the tindlure fcf turnfole; the precipitating lime-water, &c. They are either cold or h6t. The fir fb are thofe bf Selfz, of Chateldon, of Vais, of Perols, •&c. The fiecond are thofe of Vichi, of Mont- d’or, of Chatelguyon, &c. II. Saline waters, properly fo called.— Thefe are charadterifed by their faline taffe, which is modified according to the nature of the falts they contain. The falts moft generally found in waters tire, the muriate of magnefia, the ful- phates of foda, of lime, &c. Our waters of Balaruc, of Yeufet, &c: are of this nature. III. Sulphureous Waters. — Thefe waters have long "been confidered as holding fulphur in folution. Meffrs. Vend and Monnet oppo- fed this affertion. Bergmann has proved that moft of thefe waters are merely impregnated with hepatic gas. It appears, however, that there are fame which' hold true liver of ful- phur in folution, fuch as thofe of Bareges and of Cotteret ; whereas the waters of Aix laCha- pelle, Montmorency, &c. are of the nature of thofe mentioned by Bergmann. We may, with Mr. De Fourcroy, call the firft by the name of Hepatic Waters, and the latter by ‘the name of Ilepat'ized Waters. This Mineral Waters . 279 This clafs is known by the fmell of rotten eggs which they emit. IV. Martial Waters. — Thefe have the pro- perty of exhibiting a blue colour by the folu- tion of pruffiate of lime they have befides a very evident aftringent tafte. The iron is held in folution either by the carbonic or the ful- phuric acid . In the firfl cafe the acid is either in excefs, and the water has a penetrating fiib- acid. taite, as the waters of Buifang, Spa, Pyr- mont, Pougue,&c. : or the acid is not in excefs, and confequently the waters are not acidulous; fuch are the waters of Forges, Conde, Aumale, &c. Sometimes the iron is combined with the fulphuric acid, and the water holds in folution a true fulphate of iron. Mr. Opoix admits this fait in the waters of Provins ; and thofe of Rouo;ne near Alais are almoft faturated with it. Mineral waters of this quality are fre- quently found in the vicinity of ftrata of py- rites. There are feveral near Amalou, and in the diocefe of Uzes. There are fome waters which may be placed indiferiminately in feveral of the claffes. Thus, for example, there are faline waters which may be confounded with gafeous waters, becaufe air is con ftantly defengaged from them. The waters of Balaruc are of this kind. We do not comprehend among mineral . waters Examination of waters thofe which fuffer gas to efcape through them, without communicating any charadter- iftic property ; fuch as the burning fpring of Dauphiny, &c. When the nature of any water is afcertained, its analyfis may be proceeded upon by the union of chemical and phyfical means. I call thofe methods phyfical, which are ufed to af- certain certain properties of water without de- eompofing them. Thefe methods are, for the moft part, fuch as may be carried into effect at the fpring itfelf. The appearance, the fmell, and the tafte afford indications by no means to be negledled. The limpidity of any water indicates its pu- rity, or at lead the accurate folution of the fo- reign principles it may contain ; an imperfedt tranfparency denotes that foreign fubftances are fufpended. Good water has no fmell: the fmell of rotten eggs denotes liver of fulphur, or hepatic gas; a fubtle and penetrating fmell is proper to acidulous waters ; and a fetid fmell charadterizes fagnant waters. The bitternefs of waters in general depends on neutral fairs. Lime, and the fulphates, give them an auffere tafte. It is like wife of importance to afcertain the fpecific gravity of the water, which may be done either by means of the areometer, or by the Mineral Waters. 281 the companion of its weight with that of an equal volume of diftilled water. The degree of heat mu ft likewife be taken by means of a good mercurial thermometer. Thermometers made with fpirits of wine ought to be rejected ; becaufe the dilatation after the thirty-fecond degree of Reaumur, is extreme, and no longer correfponds with the tempera- ture of the water. It is interefting to calculate the time which the water requires to become cool, in comparifon with diftilled water raifed to the fame degree of temperature. Notice muft likewife be taken whether any fubftance exhales, or is precipitated by the cooling. The obferver ought likewife to enquire whe- ther rains, dry feafons, or other variations of the atmofphere, have any influence on the tempera- ture or quantity of water of the fpring. If thefe caufesa£t upon the fpring, its virtue cannot but vary exceedingly. This is the caufe why cer- tain mineral waters are more highly charged with their principles in one year than in another 5 and hence alfo it arifes that certain waters produce wonderful effects in fome years, though in other feafons their effedls are trifling. The celebrate ed De Haen, who analyfed for fcveral fucceftive years all the waters in the neighbourhood of Vienna, never found them to contain the fame principles 282 Examination of principles in the fame proportion. It would therefore be an intereifing Circ urn fiance, if, at the time of taking up or bottling of thefe wa- ters, a fkilful phyiician were to analyfe them, and publilh the refult. After thefe preliminary examinations have been made at the fpring, further experiments muff be made according to the methods of che.- miftry. Thefe experiments ought to be pc formed at the fpring itfelf: but if this cannot be done, new bottles maybe filled with the water ; and, after, doling them very accurately, they may be carried to the laboratory of the chemift, who muff proceed to examine them by re- agents, and by the method of analyfis. 1. The fubftances contained in water are de- compofed by means of re-agents ; and the new combinations or precipitates which are formed, immediately point out the nature of the prin- ciples contained in the waters. The mo ft effi- cacious and the only necelfary re-agents are the following : 3. Tin 8: ur.e of turnfole becomes red by its mixture with acidulous waters. 2. Pruffiate of lime, and that of ferruginous pot-afh not faturated, precipitate the iron con- tained in a mineral water of a blue colour. 3. The very concentrated fulphuric acid de- 3 compofes . 'Mineral Waters . 2§3 eompofes moft neutral fairs ; and forms with their bafes falts very well known, and eafily diftinguifhed. 4. The oxalic acid, or acid of fugar, difen-. gages lime from all its combinations, and forms with it an infoluble fait. The oxalate of ammoniac produces a more fpeedy effect ; for, by adding a few cryftals of this fait to water charged with any calcareous fait, an infoluble precipitate is inftantly formed. 5. Ammoniac or volatile alkali affords a beautiful blue colour with thefolutions of cop- per. When this alkali is very pure, it does not precipitate the calcareous fait, but decompofes the magnefian only. In order to have it in a highly cauftic Itate, a fyphon may be plunged in the mineral water, and ammoniacal gas or alkaline air paffed through it. The water ought to be kept from the contact of the atmofphere, which otherwife might occafion a precipitation by virtue of its carbonic acid. 6. Lime water precipitates magnefia ; and it likewife precipitates the iron from a folution of fulphate of iron. 7. The muriate of barytes detedls the fmall- eft particle of fulphuric falts, by the regene- ration of ponderous fpar, which is infoluble, and falls down. 8. Alco- 284 Examination of 8. Alcohol is a good re-agent, on account of its affinity with water. The nitrates of filver and of mercury may likewife be employed to decompofe fulphuric or muriatic fal.ts. II. Thefe re-agents, indeed, point out the nature of the fubftances contained in any water; but they do not exhibit their accurate propor- tions. For this purpofe we are obliged to have recourfeto other means. There are two things to be conlidered in the analyfis of any water — i. The volatile princi- ples. 2 . The fixed principles. i. The volatile principles are carbonic acid gas and hepatic gas. The proportion of car- bonic acid may be afcertained by various pro- cefTes. The firft, which has been ufed by Mr. Venel, confifts in half filling a bottle with the gafeous water intended to be analyfed. A bladder is then to be tied upon the neck of the bottle, and the water agitated. The air w hich isdifengaged inflates the bladder; and by that indication an eftimate may be made of its quan- tity. This procefs is not accurate; becaufe agi- tation is not fufficient to difengage the whole of the carbonic acid. Neither is the evapora- tion of the w^ater in the pneumato-chemical apparatus much more exact; becaufe the wa- ter Mineral Waters • 285 ter which rifes with the air combines again with it, and the gafeous product conlifts only of a part of the gas contained in the water. The precipitation by lime-water appears to me to be the moft accurate procefs. Lime-water is poured into a determinate quantity of the wa- ter, until it ceafes to caufe any precipitate,, This precipitate being very accurately weighed, •H parts of the whole muft be deducted for the proportion in which water and earth enter in- to it; and the remainder is the acid contained in this carbonate of lime. Hepatic gas may be precipitated by the very concentrated nitric acid, according to the ex- periments of Bergmann. The oxigenated muriatic acid has been pro- pofed by Scheele; and Mr. De Fourcroy has pointed out the fulphureous acid, the oxides of lead, and other re-agents, to precipitate the fmall quantity of fulphur held in folution in hepatic gas. 2. Evaporation is commonly ufed to afeer- tain the nature of the fixed principles contained in any mineral water. VefTels of earth or porce- lain are the only kind fuitable to this purpofe. The evaporation muft be moderate ; for ftrong ebullition volatilizes fome fubftances, and decompofes others. In proportion as the evaporation 2S6 Examination of evaporation proceeds, precipitates are afforded; which Mr. Boulduc propofes to take out as they are formed. The celebrated Bergmann advifes evaporation to drynefs, and to analyfe the refidue in the following manner: . v 1. This refidue mull be put into a fmall phial, and flrongly agitated with alcohol; af- ter which the fluid mull be filtrated. 2. Upon the refidue pour eight times its weight of cold diddled water; agitate this, and filter the fluid, after (landing fey era! hours. 3. Laftly, the refidue mult be boiled for a quarter of an hour in five or fix hundred parts of diftilled water, which fluid mull be feparated by filtration. j 4. The refidue, which is neither foluble in water nor in alcohol, mull then be moiftened, and expofed for feveral days to the fun,: by this treatment, the iron which it may contain, rufts. It mult then be digelled in diftilled vinegar, which diflolves lime and magnefia; and this fo- lution, evaporated to drynefs, affords either an ^arthy fait in filaments which are notdeliquef- cent, ora deliquefcent fait; which laft has mag- nefia for its bafe. The infoluble refidue con- tains iron and clay, which are to be diffolved in the muriatic acid. The iron is firll to be precipi- Mineral Waters. 287 precipitated by the pruffiate of lime; and af- terwards the clay by another alkali. • The falts which the alcohol has diffolved, are the Muriates of magnefia and of lime. They are eafdy known by decompofing them by the fulphuric acid. With refped to the falts diffolved in the cold w r ater, they maft be (lowly cryflallized ; and their form, and other obvious qualities, will fhevv what they are. The folution by boiling water contains no- thing but fulphate of lime. When the analyfis of.any water has been well made, the fy nthefis becomes eafy; and the compofition or perfed imitation of mineral waters is no longer a problem infoluble to che- mifts. What, in fad, is a mineral water? It is rain water, which, filtering through the moun- tains, becomes impregnated w r ith the various foluble principles it meets with. Why, there- fore, when once we know the nature of thefe principles, can it not be pofiible to dilTolve them in common water, and to do that which nature itfelf does ? Nature is inimitable only in its vital operations; we may imitate its effeds perfedlyin all other proceffes: we may even do better; for we can at pleafure vary the tem- perature and the proportions of the conftitu- 288 Examination of Mineral Waters. ent parts. The machine of Nooth, improved by Parker, may be made ufe of to compofe any gafeous mineral water, whether acidulous or hepatic,* and nothing is more eafy than to imitate fuch waters as contain only fixed prin- ciples. i f . |) A . rf>' /*»V‘ • - ; 0 •- . . 1.1 . . .j , . ,o :: ,r : i i* i • - V. V. I - .l.j, » < - * . J ~ THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME* • * ■ • \ 1 ; * t i . r.o’: *. *. vfi kA*il Cosh' 5f^AL. qX> 2.4 CA\o IfffeO <• \ ^ 5 -g> Wtftf'h H - 1 l H t GETTY CENIEH UBRARY