/3/ )p c O -A- T -A. IL O O XT IE1 AT? 'Jur Ur .Anmitt anti JEotont CA PICTURES FROM THE COLLECTION OF SIR W. W. BURRELL, BART. DECEASED (Sold by Direction of Ii. M. Burrell, Esq.): WHICH mill be Solti to Auction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, A'K ■rasm greai? moosis, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King tree, St. James's Square, S. W. 1 '3-W lua CONDITIONS OF SALE. -- o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. 3 On SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection of SIR W W. BURRELL, Bart. DRAWINGS. 1 Portrait op a Lady, in a white muslin dress and oap ,■,, . , z Pastel —28 in. by 23 in. 2 Portrait op a Gentleman, in red coat Pastel —23J in. by 18J in. ROSA PLACE. 3 Pineapple and Pomegranate 14 in. by 20 in. J. RUSSELL, R.A. O 4 A Lady, in white dress and cap, holding a book Oval — -pastel —30 in. by 25 in. (f 0c B 2 4 PICTURES. ~ X 5 Pobtbait op Judge Pbeyost, in wig and crimson robe . /Z ,-b 30 in. by 25 in. 7''7 APSHOVEN. ^ 6 Interior, with a woman scouring a vessel, utensils on the floor On panel —15£ in. by 23J in. y APSHOYEN. j./j. A Pabtv op Seven Boors Bound a Table, others playing cards^? in the background & 21 in. by 29 J in. N. BEECHEM. A X ^ 8 Travelling Peasants and Animals, near a ruin L / ''0 . V n , , ul . /?U On panel —12^ m. by 14£ m. ^ J' N. BERCHEM. X /x <4 9 A River Scene, with old tower, a boy preparing to bathe, and female peasants with animals 22 in. by 26 in. From the Saltmarshe Collection 71 AMBROGIO BORGOGNONE. £? f ?. O 10 The Virgin in Glory, supported by angels yi Arched top —55 in. by 18 in. O' / 0~t J. BURNET. 11 Boys Fishing * ** 22 in. by 26 in. /j: /j- 5 W. COLLINS, R.A. 12 The Disciples at Emmaus 29 in. by 25 in. <7. o 13 Still Life Signed 14 in. by 18 in. CUYP. CUYP. . ^ 14 A Manege Panel —17 in. by 20 in. DOBSON. 15 Portrait of a Gentleman, in violet robe and white scarf Oval —29 in. by 25 in. ~~rz S. VAN DER DOES. 16 A Landscape, with a peasant, cattle and sheep On panel —10 in. by 13^ in. DOMENIOHINO. 17 Diana and Action 49 in. by 65 in. ’ £ C. DDSART. 18^Interior of a Cabaret, with four boors round a table On panel —14 in. by 11 in. f 6 //,. /*/ . “ W. ETTY, R.A. 19 Study of a Nymph, on the seashore 20 in. by 25J in. FRENCH SCHOOL. 20 A F£te Champ^tee 6 in. by 31 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Suffolk Landscape, with felled tree /*^ 9 in. by 12 in. y J. VAN GOYEN. 22 A Dutch River Scene : A view looking across a wide river, / & O with a spit of land on which are houses in the middle distance; shipping beyond and buildings in the far distance; on the right is a landing place at which two sailing boats are moored; in the left foreground is a small boat with several figures; cloud y sk r Opts On panel —14.4 in. by 20^ in. Signed, and dated 1655 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1893 //. r. £■ GUIDO RENI. 23 The Angel Appearing to Elijah 46 in. by 63 in. F. HALS (After). ; 24 Admiral Van Tromp /Jj , 3 * £ / ^ 12 in - by 10 ^ ***• U*r l/a7r//j 7 /26 r HANNEMAN. -25 The Countess of Chesterfield, in yellow dress trimmed with 1 > fur 15^ in. by 12£ in. HAMILTON. 26 A Pastoral Scene, with figures and sheep 1 —— /Pi, Oval — 13 in. by 11 in. T. C. HOFLAND. 27 The Head of Lake Windermere 16 in. by 23 in. HUDSON. 28 Portrait of a Gentleman, in blue frogged waistcoat & T & 30 in. by 25 in. J. C. IBBETSON. 29 A Scotch Lake Scene, with castle, figures and cows @ O 15 in. by 18 in. JANSSEN. / Portrait of Henrietta Maria, in yellow dress & Oval —30 in. by 25 in. C. JERVAS. 3 1 A Lady, in blue and yellow dress, holding a flower o 36 in. by 28 in. 8 KNELLER. - / y / 32 Poeteait of Sib Isaao Newton, in brown robe —in an oval ' 80 in. by 25 t at. / y A /sr/s-. & P. DE KONIG. A Bied’s-Eye View ovee a Riveb, with boats; a town in tbe middle distance, and cows in tbe foreground 17J in. by 24 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE. 34 A Lady of the Bubeell Family, in black dress 30 in. by 25 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE. 35 Lady Bubeell, wife of Sir Charles M. Burrell, Bart., M.P., daughter of George, Earl of Egremont 38 in. by 28 in. SIR. T. LAWRENCE. // // O ^ Poeteait of Canova, in crimson robe trimmed with fur^-^ 30 in. by 25 in. °T- SIR P. LELY. J ^ ^ 37 Poeteait of Sie Heney Jones, of Aston, Oson, in armour, his left hand resting on his helmet, a dog at his side^^ /V 58 in. by 35 in. SIR P. LELY. X /) 38 A Lady, in violet and white silk drapery — in an oval Z? s / 30 in by 25 in 9 JAN LOTENS. 39 A Riveb Scene, with buildings and figures , O 9 in. by 17 in. HUYSMANN DE HALINES. 40 A Hilly Landscape, with peasants and animals on ? , river in the foreground 24 in. by 33 in. MARIESCHI. 41 The Piazza Navon£, with a charlatan and numerous figures 21£ in. by 31£ in. 4 ' -v ^ Q. MATSYS (After). 42 Head of a Man 11| in. by 8| in. M. J. MIEREYELT. y f 43 William the Silent, Prince of Orange, in armour and ruff^ 0 ' 0 26 in. by 21 in. P. VAN DER HEULEN. _44 Louis XIV. and his Staff, before a Flemish town ' * & Signed 27 in. by 41 in. A. F. VAN DER MEULEN. 4T 46 A Skirmish of Cavalry ^ Signed, and dated 1667 24 in. by 34 in. 10 F. MILL& & 46 A Landscape, with buildings, figures and sheep 12 in. by 16 in. EL MOMMEES. A- /4 ' & MlLKING ™ E ^ 19 in. by 22^ in. y. /7, £ G. MOELAND. 48 Selling the Calf 20 in. by 26 in. G. MOELAND. 4 / 49 The Cook Inn, with a hay cart and peasants by a trough sn V/'/O 13 in. by 17 in. W /*L » £> MUETLLO. 50 St. Martin, dividing his cloak with a beggar —a sketch 17 in. by 13 in. / S A A. VAN DEE NEEE. 51 A Eiveb Scene, with buildings on both banks, a man angling, S~\ / y 11 *■ >V A DAA UUUUIU^O U1A UUL11 UilLllVO J 11 111 U11 liil^'llllg} / 'Y ' ' ^ ^ and a gentleman with a dog on the right: Sunset * 21J in. by 29J in. A/ G. OCCHIALI. J ^ ^ _52 A View of Eome, from the Tiber, with the bridge and castle of St. Angelo 29 in. by 49 in. 11 J. A. O’CONNOR. 53 A Landscape, with a watermill, figures and animals r t 0 15 in. by 20 in. F. OUWATER. 54 View of a Dutch Town, figures in the foreground • ^ On panel —241? in. by 83 in. A OSTADE. 55 Interiob, with a peasant lighting his pipe, and another holding a , £) jug and glass of beer; a pipe and tobacco on a stool before them On panel —10 in. by in. [ I ‘t) r T. PHILLIPS, R.A. Qiton a g ? Ea r l of Egrorooirt - H-7 Mi, hr la m H. W. PHILLIPS. W A" i niJi, ' Ub t hu ir Magdaion Ovtwjin TTT l "90 i) » i hy 8Q in PRINS. 68 ^View in a Dutch Town, with a cathedral, figures and animus 19 in. by 25 in. .4 urcs and animals ^ A. PYNACKER. 59 A Mountainous Landscape, with peasants and animals, and a ^ <2 broken tree in the foreground / * 35£ in. by 30 in. 12 /■ R. REINAGLE, R.A., 1818. 60 Portrait of Sie Charles Mebbiok Burrell, Bart., M.P., £) Father of the House of Commons 30 in. by 25 in. Engraved by J. J. Jenkins R. REINAGLE, R.A. / y*--' >— ^61 Portrait of Sir William Burrell, Bart., in crimson court / ' dress and wig 30 in. by 25 in. Engraved by J. J. Jenkins J/. / c .o REMBRANDT. 62 A Pastoral Landscape, with a guitar-player, seated, and lady with a wreath of flowers; a cow standing instream on the left 22 in. by 26 in. J-A SIR J. REYNOLDS. 63 The Banished Lord 31 in. by 25 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. c? 64 Vends and Cupid : A sketch 8^ in. by 12^ in. MARCO RICCI. ^^V * O 65 A Rocky River Scene, with figures 38 in. by 28 in. J. RICHARDSON. 66 Portrait of a Boy, in blue dress, holding a boo 30 in. by 25 in. 13 G. ROMNEY. 67 Portrait of John Dunlop, Esq., in brown coat and wig Painted about 1782 ^ 30 in. by 25 in. G. ROMNEY. 68 LADY HAMILTON, seated, resting her head on her right hand ; / ~ white dress * 24 in. bv 20 in. RUBENS. 69 The Madonna, with the Infant Saviour standing on a ledge, sur-, ^, 0 rounded by a wreath of flowers by Breughel ' Panel —25 in. by 19 in. MARTIN SCHONGAUER. 70 The Death of the Virgin, with inscription and arms of a , * bishop in the foreground On panel —37J in. by 28 in. F. Y. HURLSTONE, 1842. O 71 A Spanish Girl, with a faD, at Seville 30 in. by 27 in. JAN STEEN. ^ 72 Interior, with a lady in white dress and crimson cloak edged • ** with fur, seated at work; a child seated at her side; still life ^ on a table On panel —32 in. by 27 in. SWANEVELDT. 73 A Rooky River Scene, with muleteer and figures r £ 11 in. by 15£ in. 14 P'r P TENIERS. 74 A Village Scene, with a hurdy-gurdy player, and peasants dancing before a house On panel —22J in. by 29 in. TENIERS. tty ' /Jr ^ 75 A Peasant, holding a glass of wine; and A Smoker —a pair 2 On jW-H in. by Hi,. - ^ D. TENIERS. /J, . C? 76 A Cavern Scene, with the Magdalen 15 in. by 21 in. VANDYCK (Aftek). /> anil pearl necklace Oval —25 in. by 21 in. h * ^ ^ The Travel ^ IT 8 in. by 6 in. J. WARD, R.A. JAN WILS. £' / £ * £ 80 A Rocky River Scene, with peasants and animals in the forej ground 18 in. by 24 in. 15 P. WOUVERMAN. 81 A Landscape, with two cavaliers, horses and a dog at a fountain f - o r«»^i24<»-byi44.»- ZUCOARELLI. 82 A Pastoral Landscape, with figures and sheep / £ 201«. by 261 in. J. WARD, R.A., 1828. 83 A Bull of the Alderney Breed y yy— q 40 in. by 50 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1828 D. WOLSTENHOLME. 84 The Epping Forest Hunt ”, /O , @ 58 in. by 77 in. Jfr FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.