Prints, Peeks of Prints, and Copper Plates, CATALOGUE { OF A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ' T PRINTS, > ’ t . by ’ ’■ ' ‘ “ ‘ Woollett^ Bartolozzi^ JVille^ Earlom, Morg- hen^ Heathy Strange^ Vivares-, MANY OF THEM Proofs and Etchings ; a few beautiful Drawings by Hearne, Farington,_Myers, and Benwe^l ; Nine Copper Plates, with all the remaTning Impres- sions ; some Books of. Prints, among which are Watts’ Views, proofs ; Smith and Byrne’s Views.'" in Italy, proofs and etchings ; Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities, proofs and etchings; Farington’s , Lakes, proofs and etchings ; Daniel’s Indian An- tiquities, in colours, very fitie; Arabian Nights, 5 vols. 4to. proof impressions ; a few Books, &c. THR PROPERTY OF Mr.WILLIAM BYRNE, EnLra^'er, Lately iDecrascUt Which will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Meffrs. King and Locliee, At their GREAT ROOM, 3S, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On MONDAT, May V2, 1806, And Two following Days, ' At TWELVE o’clock/ May be viewed on Saturday, the 10th, and Catalogues then had at the Room. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I, rr^HE higheft Bidder will be declared the Buyer ; X but if any Difpate Ihoiild arife, the Lot myft be put up again, II. No Advance lefs than Sixpence; above One Pound, One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Five Shillings, III. Every Purchafer is to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, as Earned, in Part of* Payment, and to give in his Name, and Place of Abode, if required. * IV. The Lots to be removed, at the Expencs of the Purchafers, within one Day after the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-Money to be paid on or before the Delivery. —V . Upon Failure of complying with the above Con- ditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited. All Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhall be refold, by public or . private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attend- • ingTuch Refale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiffions faithfully executed, by their hum- ble Servants, King and Lochee, v/ I t A CATALOGUE, First Day’s Sale, MON DAT, May 12 , 1806 . ' » ^ Lot 1 '^lEPOLO Varii Capriccii, 8 prints, and 19 2 Twenty-fix, by Cochin and Perelle- 3 Thirty-four, after .Gravelot, &c. , 4 Twenty-five, Grignion and Gravelot^N^^ y 5 Twenty.fouf, Gravelot, &:c, S 6 Twenty-two, Gravelot ' 7 Twenty-nine, do. .* 8 Twenty-two, Neagle,/rr?^/ 9' Eight Portraits, Sir jolhua Reyno lds, Sir John . / Suckling, &c. JO Seven — The Children in the Wood, by Delattre, &c. 1 1 Two, by Tillemans — Horferacing, and Shooting 12 Seven, Ch'atelain, &c. ‘ 13 Five, by Canot and Mazell, 3 of them proofs 14 Two, by Audran and Kilian — St. Laurence, &c. 15 ‘Eleven, by Rooker, chiejiy proofs 16 Twenty-four, by Ao. proofs and etchings 17 proofs and etchings' / ' / f /- 18 Three, do. do. -i»h y 19 Two Etchings, by Browne — TheWatefing Place, and St. John in the Defart A 3 , / /'n6 f ( 4 ) 20 “Four Etchings — King Alfred in the Ifle of Athel-* ney, &c. Two do. from Wouvermans Sevien, Waterloo Ten, do. Three, do.— Upright Landfcapes Five, Swanevelt Five, do. Three, do. 28 Thr^ee Portrait, by Nanteuil 29 Six do. by Houbraken,^^^^ imprejjions 30 Four, by Guttenberg and Baufe — Paul Jones, &c, 31 Eight, by Cars 32 One, by Aliamet— Le Rachat de TEfclave 33 One, from Sir Jofliua, by Baufe, leautiful proof 34 One, do. do. 35 One, do. do. 36 Two, W Rooker— of Oi.ftmlV y 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BARTOLOZZL 37 Seven Tickets, &c. , 38 I on India paper 39 Six, various, including 4 Tickets 40 Two Tickets, ^ 41 Six, various 42 Six, do. fame proofs 43 Four— I ragic and Comic Mufe, fin^ proofs. 44 Eight to Orlando Furiofo 45 Nine do. 46 Five Tickets, fine 47 Four to Sancho’s Letters, Scc.fne proofs 48 Five — Captains Cook arid King, " 49 Five, various 50 Five, do. fine 51 Three — Frontifpiece to Adams^ Archite 7 62 Four Proofs and Etchings to Hodges’ India 63 Apollo, Herdfman to King Admetus, proof and etching 64 Two — Jofeph Andrews, proofs and etchings 65 Two Engravings of 3 Metal Dilhes, in the Pof- feflion of Francis Douce, Efq. with the De- .> fcriptions 66 View of Durham, by By proof and etching, yf' 67 — — - Rochefter, do. do. 68 — 7- Carlifle, do. do. 69 — Windfor, do. do. 70 Bridgnorth, do. do. 71 — Bath, do. do. 72 — Lancafter, do. * do. 73 Two— Views of Coblentz. &c. by Byrne, proofs V and etchings ^ f ^74 Port of Ancona, by do. proof and etching ^75 Six Proofs and Etchings — Fitzwalter’s EfTex, by Byrne 76 Twelve, by Hearne and Byrne — Ploughing, Courling, &c. 77 Four Etchihgs — Eiiropa, See. 78 Six, by Le Bas, from Wouvermans, &c. 79 Four Proofs and Etchings — Pagoda in Kew Gar- dens, &c. ^yC. y .. 80 Elijah, proof and etching 81 Eight Proofs and Etchings, after Wouvermans and Teniers 82 Three, by Preifler and Cars — Dedale & Icare 83 Six Portraits, J, G. Wille — Chriftiana Queen of ( 6 ) Bohemia, Charles Le Brun, by Edelinck, Baufe, &c. 84 Four, by Le Bas, Laurent, &c. Q 85 Five, by Le Bas and Byrne 8b One, by proof and etching ^ ^ 87 One, by Byrne — Evening, do. U ; 88 Three, by do. beautiful proofs y 89 Two, by do. from Wilfoii 90 Four, by do. — View of the Falls in the River Chaiidiere, View of the Rocks at Pefaic, and a Landfcape , etching Jb(f, / 91 One — Lord Mansfield, by Martin , ' 92 One — Do. lajl proof in its fnifped fate 93 Two,* Bartolczzi — Captains Cook and King 9 s , by I Pouncy ! 192 ’^One — The Leafowes,. the Seat of Shenftone 193 The Storm, from Vernet, by Balechon, framed and glazed^ n)ery fine imp» Third Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAT^ May 14, 1806. ■i ' 196 One, from Sir Jofliua, fine proof 197 198 One, by Viflcher — The Ratcatcher 199 One Etching, Teniers — Relieving the Poor 200 One~Rejoussances Flamandes, from Teniers, by Le Bas, etching and lettered impression, i very fine ^ 201 One — Fete de Village, from do. by Le Bas, the etching and lettered impression, very fine 202 One, by Aliamet, from Berghem — Grande Chasse an Cerf, fine 203 One, by Earlom, from Rnbens — The Fig, very fine 204 One, by do. from Teniers, beautiful impression 205 A Pair, by Birche, from Stubbs — Gamekeepers and Labourers, fine 206 One, by J. G. Wille — Abraham and Hagar, beautiful proof before any letters, presented to Mr. Byrne by the Engraver 207 One, by Woollett— Macbeth, 208 One, by do. — The Fishery, fine 209 One, by do. — Ceyx and Alcyone, brilliant 210 One, by do. — Celadon and Amelia 211 One, by Strange — The Apotheosis, fine 2J2 One, by do. beaut ful proof before any letters 213 A Pair, by Sharp and Hall— Cromwell, and the Restoration^ beaut ful proofs i ( «I ) 214 One, by Aliamet— Rivage pres de Tivoli, ^ne 215 One, by Mason — The Landing of ^neas in Italy, proof before any letters 2\(y One, by Ernes — ‘The Scene before Gibraltar 217 Two Etchings, of the Battle of La Hogue and Boyne 218 Two lettered Impressions of do. exceeding fine 219 One, by Brevet — Cardinal Beauvau 220 One, by do. — Cardinal Fleury- 221 One, by Morghen — Francis de Moncada 222 One, by Heath — General Washington 223 One, by Haward — Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse 224 One, by Earlom — General Elliott 225 One, — Lewis XVI. fine proof 220 One, by Fittler— Lord Kenyon 227 One, by Martin — Lord Mansfieid, proof 228 One, by do, of do. proof on India paper ; only six copies taken on this paper 229 One, by Earlom — Embassy of Hyderbeck to Calcutta, fine . 230 One, by Heath — Death of Major Pierson, jt/ie etching 231 One, by do. of do. proof before the letters 232 Two fine Etchings, by Berghem 233 234 Cataract of Niagara, by B:yxue. the etching and lettered impression 235 A Pair, by Byrne — Spring and Autumn, t/a etching 230 A Pair, by do. of do. beautiful proofs 237 Four, by Basire and Stadler, of Greek Inscrip- tions and Egyptian Hieroglyphicks 238 One, by Edelinck, of Lewis XiV. on 2 large _ sheets, fine BARTOLOZZrS WORKS. 239 One — The Frontispiece to Adams’ Architec- ture, proof before any letters ( la ) ‘iiO Two— The Portrait? of Captains Cook and King, proofs before any letters 241 242 — 243 One — The Death of Captain Cook, large plate. 244 245 246 247 248 249 beautiful proof India paper proof on brilliant proof before any letters One — The Death of Dido, proof before the letters — on India paper Farington^s Views of the Lakes, proofs, very fine, with the descriptions 249* etchings to the above 250 Edwards’ Collection of Views and Studies af- ter Nature , 251 Twenty— Views in Scotland, on India paper 25^jv.Twelve to^Hod^ges’ India, proofs 25‘^ Macartney’s Em brassy to China, proofs before the letters 255 Fifty -two to Cook’s Voyages, fine proofs before the letters, 7 or 8 wanting to co?nplete the set 256 Five to Cook’s Voyage, proofs before the letters Six Six Six Seven Eight Eight Nine Ten do. do. do. do, do. proofs and etchings do, do. do. etchings do. proofs before the letters do. proofs and etchings do. proofs si CJ ' do. fine proofs 257 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Seventeen to Hodges’ Voyaoje, the etchings 267 Eighteen ’ ' . >' ( >3 ) Books and Books of Prints. 208 Salmon’s Description of Ancient and Modern Rome, 2 vols. with plates 1800 269 2vo]s. ib. • 270 Life of Robinson Crusoe, 2 vols. with plates , published by Stockdale * , J790 271 Buflbn’s Natural History, 60 Nos. complete/ ivith plates, printed by Barr 272 Oeuvres de Moliere, par Bret, 6 tom. 8Vo. avec fig. ■ ■!> Paris, 1773^ 273 Opere del Metastasio, 10 tom. 8vo. con fig. 274- Hodges (Wm.) Travels in India, 4to. plates 275 Arabian Nights, translated by Forster, 5 vols.^ 4to. proof impressions of the plates 21 Q Coxe (Wna ) Tour in Monmouthshire, 2 vols, 4to. h p. proof impressions of the plates ' 277 Milton’s Views in Ireland, 3 Nos. with plates 21 S 6 Nos. plates, proof impressions : , 279 Watts’ Select Views in Bath and Bristol, 2 ISos. proofs 280 Views of Nobiemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, proof impressions, in russia , . , , ^ , 281 Pantheon, published by Bell, 36 Nos.’ the 1st ^ and 2d wanting, plates 282 White’s Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, 4to. plates 1790 283 Ibbetson’s Process of Tinted Drawings, \0 plates 284 Cartoons of Raphael, engraved by Fittler , 285 — — ' 286 Costume of China, by Alexander, 11 Noa. §th wanting, coloured 287 Bartolozzi’s Drawing Book, 5 p/aics 288 289 Etchings, from Sketches 9f Ci- priani, 2 Nos. 290 Characters of Horses, etched by Gilpin, S plates 291 Etchings (6) of Landscapes, by Pouncy 292 Pyne’s Microcosm, or Picturesque Delinea- tion of Arts, Agriculture, &c. vol. 1 1803 ( '4 ) 293 Shakespeare, 4- first Nos. vjWl engravings by Heath 294- Thomson’s Seasons, 5 Nos. in 4 vols. with prints by Bartolozzi and Tomkins 295 Bible (Holy) as published by Fittler, 33 Nos. 4to. with fine plates 296 Views (Select) in Italy, by J. Smith, VV'. Byrne, and J. Ernes, a most perfect set of proofs 296*A Set of the Etchings of the above 297 Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities of GreaFBri- tain, a most perfect set 297* The Etchings, remarkably fine N. B. The only complete set. 29 S Webber’s Views in the South Seas, 8 prints t aquaiinted by Prestel 299 Durham Cathedral, published by the Society of Antiquaries 300 Richardson’s Five Orders of Architecture 301 Daniell’s Indian Antiquities, 12 plates, in co~ i lours, ver^ fine 1799 h02 Hill’s fechings of Animals, to No. 13, early impressions, and very fine PRINTS, continued. 303 Six, by Bartolozzi, Cosway, &c. 304 Four, by Bartolozzi, after Francheschini and Carlo Marratti, proofs 305 Two, by Bartolozzi, of Guy’s Monument, and '' Etching of the Lady of the Sack, from An* drea del Sarto, proofs 306 Two — Bonaparte and Cromwell, by Landseer, proofs 207 Eight Vignettes, by Landseer 308 Six Etchings, from Lord Macartney’s Embassy, by Pouncy, &c. 309 Two— Etching and Proof of the Musical Par- nassus, by Landseer 310 Thirteen Quires of hVench Colombier Paper 311 Thirteen do. FINIS. 1 I I i- - ’2-), > r'/; m Zip'Ll, M—//U - i/ — ((A ii-^U n — /fj s-J 'y C^, oiz-VK '7 Jo ^^ 4^ - *) 0 ^ ' - -i ^ Zi>X ~ — ^Q ^ ^(fl — 4l ^