X # to! y .> . s , • \ i \ 3 frAA. V- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 ■ , . $ ’ https://archive.org/details/perspectivepractOOdubr Printed for Ttabe rt ^Erickc ag a,i nft Aid e r* inary CliurcK in Bow lane C6y & , Perfpedive Practical. O R, A Plain and Eafie METHOD Of True and Lively Reprefenting all Things to the Eye at a Distance, by the Exad: RULES of ART; A S, , Landskips, Towns, Streets, Palaces, Churches, Caftles, Fortifications, Houles, Gardens and Walks, with their Parts, as Walls, Doors, Windows, Stairs, Chimneys, Chambers, and Shbps, with their Ornaments and Furniture, as Beds, Tables, Ghefts, Cupboards, Couches, Chairs, Stools, and otheftMoveables, Regu- lar or Irregular, in feveral Poftures. LIKEWISE RULES for Placing all forts of Figures, with their feveral Poftures, Situation, and Horizon $ Alfb, A TREATISE of Shadows Natural by the Sun, Torch, Candle, and Lamp. Very Ufeful and Neceflary for all PAINTER S, Engravers, 1 C Carvers, X_Archite£is, > an excellent man, which hath left fomeRules and Principles among ft his Works in the fourth Book of his Geometry: zfohn Ccufin alfo hath made a Book thereof, wherein- there are many good things. After thofe came Bant el Earbaro , Vignola , Serho 3 du Cereati^ Sirigary , .SW 0 * 77Z0/Z dfe CVw, Maroleis , Ur e dement Uriejje , Guidus Ubaldas^ Pi- etro., Acolti 5 .Sim* Vault zaj le Sieur Befargues, and lately the Reverned P,Nicercn aMinme y whom / have feen all, the one after the other, admiring their ftudyand pains, for to ferve the Publick, eftecming my felf much honoured to imitate that which they done, and to be the unknown Copier of their Works, befides thofe which I have named’ 5 there are many other brave fpirits , which have written thereon, which I have not had the happinefs to fee, becaufe I could not attain to it This Multitude of Authors caufeth fufficiently to underhand, that this Science hath been in all times cherifh- ed and efteemed by the moft curious fpirits, and more in that age that we are in, then in any other pafs’d, the which maketh me to hope, that this little work will not dif- pleafe many, feeing that it bringeth Idftrudtions 5 which have nor been feen for fetting into Perfpeccive, that which falleth ordinarily under the fenfes, and by confequence gi« verb the manner of making all forts of Perfpectives^which a- ny one can imagine. I defire to proceed to c a life it to be feen , and to teach to let into Perfpective all that may be fet into it, not only in ] ieces level, and upon an united Plane, but alfo the bend- ing, round and oblique, as for to paint within Roofs, fret- tings or rais’d Works, Corners and Turnings again, ma- king to appear fquare, or round, that which it'fhall not be* In one word, all the Rarities and Deceits of Perfpe- ctive, whereof thefe ought to come forth firft, being the fuondations and principles of thofe which tnuft follow. if THE ERE FACE. If /fir, li know that they maybe pleafingr &nd that they are look d upon with a courteous eye., it fhall be fuch a content- ment and fatisfaction to me, as / hope not for, and which fhall eafily compel me to acquit my felf of my Pro- mile* Inftrufting how to find the pieces that may ferve to make any part of Perfpe&ive. T He Art of Perfective ought to begin by the planes > and according to t'eafon, by thofe that are the mofl eafle, amongfl the which the fqv are , or the Cube , is the mo ft eafle, you may fnd how the pla te thereof ought to be made 3 at the igth fol. and its elevation, at the 4.4th . and \gth . folios . If one would have it feen by the Angle fits plane is at the 20: h fol. and its elevation at the 5 oth. fol. For to elevate the Walls of an Houfe, or Hedge-Rows for a Garden , yon nrfl take the 51th and 5 2th fol. andyo’t Jhall find there 3 with the planes the manner of elevating them. Thofe that would have the in -fide of a Chamber , or of an Hall feen by the Front 3 Jhall find fir ft the Walls , as we fit a II Jhew in the 5 ith and 52 th fid. The Leaf following will give you the Doors , and the 5 4th fol. will jhew how to make the Windows there. For to raife the Chimneys in what place Joever you would 3 yoamufifeek. the jjth fol. After that you mu fl lay there the Planchers , wh ch may be found in the 5 fth and 5 jth fol } for the Pavements , there are of ma :y forts in the 31. 32* 33. and 34th. fol} If one would have open Doors, the gith fol . will Jhew how to do it, and the Leaf following Jhall be for opening the Win- dows. When there Jhall be two or three Stories, or Chambers, the one above the ether 3 you mnfl always keep the fame Orders, and there ought to be but one only point for the view , as you may fee in the 76 fol. for to afeend into thefe Chambers there is an Af cent turning, or Stairs in the 82. 83. and 84 fol. Ordinarily all the Buildings which are viewed by the in fide , are garni fired with fotue Moveables, he that will place fuch there, Jhall find of all forts in the g6th fol. and foforword unto the 103 fol. For the meafi res cf fuch Fig t res, if any fuch ore to be placed there , they are to be^ found in the 122th. oriz^th fol. For to make a Church appear by the in fide ,we mufi firfl re (Joke upon a plane , and place that in the Perfpective, according u the two orders , that we- have fivers. b ' there- A Table. thereupon in the yptb or 41th fol. Ton muftrafe the Wallses is to he [een in the 51th fol. For the Windows, one may make them as the Arches of the 62th fob or asiti the 54 th fol Except that there is no need of the crof-bars , and that they mu ft be round above. If one would have Pilafiers, or Fillers, they are to he found in the fiiih fol. If one would have Columns there , he muft take the Order f r them from the iyih fol. After all that there muft he made a lending Roof, or Roofs, if one would j'tt it upon the fide.s fol. 63 . 69. 70. 71. and 72. Will f arm f you with all forts thereof. The Ridge or top of the Church is made fter another manner then bending fidcs, the Order f.r that may he found at the 74th fol. for to enrich it with Cor- nifhes, Mouldings and other Ornaments, you muft have recot.rfic to the SS. 89. 90. 91. and 92.foI.fer Altars, if one would have them there, you Jhall find the Method of making them in the 1 04 fol In the midfl of the erofs-bars of the Church one may maize d Lanth. rn or Cubeloe, as is to he feen in the 75 .fol. The Pavement maybe chofen in the 31. 32. 33. and 34 fol,. As fir the Buildings without fide of the Doors and Windows, they are made ike the Buildings in the in-fide, in the 5 3 and 54 .fol. as may be feen in the 106. fol. When you jhall have elevated them to the height that you think.fit , you fall find the draught there to raife fetch a kind of covering , as you. fall think, m-ft fitting in the 107 , r Wi fol. If one would have there any Cornifh , or other Ornaments, you may find how they ought to be placed in the fol. 81. 89. 90 91 and 92. Galleries Arch-wife, either for the out- fide or in-ftde may be found in the fol. 6 3. 66 67. and 106. He that would make a whole ftreet of Buil-. dings, he muft multiply the houfes, and place them on the one fide , and on the ether, as one may fieern fol. 109. When one fall make houfes at a diftance in the Perfpectives, and that they fall be parallel to the Honz.cn , you ought to allow them the fingie draught only , without the thieve ft fthe Doors or the Win- dows as I have made at the 1 10 fol. In the large open places, which are ordi- narily m Streets in Respective, one may raifie a Pyramide there, the 80 fol. will few howto elevate it, uponfteps, or any other figure, or Statue, upon a Pie - deftal, the 91 fol. wtllfurmf the Piedefid, and the 124. fol. will few the figure. J When one would have Buildings feen by the left Angle he may take the planes of the fol. 19. jo , and make the Elevations as he fall find them in the fol. 50. anai 1 1 . which fall give Orders, how to make the Doors and Windows there. Gardens madem Perfective do more delight the fight then any thing in the II I I f r the variety of things, vehchmay befietthere. The planes are to be made, as in the fol. 5S . 3 S.er 113 . In A Table, In the which one may make fuch c.iviftons , as one fhall defire. If we would have Bowers, the order therefore may fie found in the 60 and 6 1 . fol . If one Jhould like better Hedges or Arbours, he may find them in the fol. 5 1 • and $2. If in * ftead of Bowers and Hedges , one would have a Wood, or Jlleys of Trees, th* 1 1 2 ft l. will Jhew the Orders for divers forts. When one wo "Id make Fountain s there , or /pouts cf Water , the Round of the 2 9 fol may feme for a Bafon , its e levation is at the 7 3 fol. If one would have af j are , he m ft take the fol 19 0 r 44 Fey to have 1 hereof with divers q carters he muft fee kjn the 45 or d.6 fol • where he may find P oh gone s . He that would fet Slat! es,or Fig res upon P:e deftals , which is a very fair Ornament for a Garden, he m ft take their n-eaj 1 es in the fol 122. or 125 If one woudd place there any Caves orGrottes , the 7 4 * fol. will jhew him how they ought to be made. When one ceould caufi an Afient from one Garden to another, he fhdl find ma- ny forts offteps in the fol. 78 79 80. and 8 1 . Every one may choofe among ft all theft things, that which fhall pleafte him heft, and may p t them all there uto the fame piece , and withou confufion , only he mu ft keep the prQportions and fymmetryes which ought to be obferved therein If one would have Shops open, where there is nothing but the Walls, the will Jhew : If one would that they fhould be gar nifhed With Boards cr little Tables > he Jhall find the order thereof in the 105 fol Tnere is alfo another fafhion for a a Shop, which is not in the front Ifufthis, and whereof the Opening is altogether different, one may fet it in the 95* fol. Amp l theatres were heretofore more in ufe in Pictures, then they are at pre- fent, which is the caufe that I have not fet any of them here, a ccouming them un- it fief id here : If I jhall know, that any one defire them, I will fet forth fome,in the Jecond part in the mean time, if any one would raife up one thereof, he may ufe the ’flame, that is in fol 29. in the which he muft make a greater number of Girths , according to the number and bigneft,of the Stages, that he would have therein: fer to raife the Stages, he muft ufe the line of elevation, which he fijall find in the 75 . foL As for Fortifications, he that would fet them into Perfpective, fhall find the Method to reduce and abreviate the plane thereof in the 39 fol. and how they ought to be elevated in fol. 114. The Trcatife ft Shad ws , which beginneth at the 129 >fil. unto the 150. teach- eth how to give them to all forts of Objects , whether they be caufcd by the Sun, by a Torch, or by the Candle. As fir all other things in particular, they are to be found according to the Or- der of the Table which is at the end of the Bock. b 2 LicenfedMay I672. Roger L Eftrange. I some AND PRINCIPLES OF PERSPECTIVE- \ we fall P E R S P ECT I V E 'Ik TVejinit {or:s r bfxmcs ar>4 Terms of the Points, Lines and Figures which rje. He point' hath not any pans, as we fee A, in figure, i . In Purfpedive, there J| -are three ferts dural, which are called, points of fight, points of difiance, Js- and points contingent or accidental. The line; is a length w i hour breadth, as A B in figure 2. The Perfpedive hath five principle ones, the which it always uleib. The 1 . The line of the bale or plane, as C D may be in figure 3. The 2 . I he line Perpendicular, or Plomb-line, which failing upon another, maketh the Angles on the one part and another equal, and thefe Angles are called Right Angles, and the line is Perpendicular to that upon the which it fa Ik th as in the figure 3. A Band E F, falling upon C D, do make the Angle’ right in G. The 3 . are lines parallel • T hefe are lit.es the wh ch being continued npon the fame plane, and prolonged on the one part and o .her infinitely, will never meet toge- ther, as N O, in the figure 6 . 1 he Horizontal line, is no other thing, then a parallel to the bale - 5 We lhall fpeak cf it more largely in its place. The/}. is the line Diagonal, this is a line drawn from one Angle to another, as K L in the figure ic.And the 5. The line , occult or pointed, is a line which ought to be made in white, or with points, as O N in figure and. thefe lines never ought to appear, when the work is finifhed. The right Angle, is that which we lpeak bf treating of Perpendiculars, I have fee it apart by it felf, that it may be better known what it is, by E F G, in figure 4. There are two of her Angies, under which are comprized all the Angles which are not right, the one is called the Obtufe which is more then right, as H L M, in figuae 5. And the other fharp, which is lefs then right, as is H I R, in the fame figure. A term, is the end, of any thing, as in the 2. A and B are terms or the ends of the line* A figure, is comprized by one or by more terms , as in 7. p e 13. 14, & c , are figures. The fquare, hath the four fides equal, and the four Angles right, ABC D,in fig./. The Parallelogram, or long fquare, hath the four Angles right, but not the fides equal asCDEF, in fig ?. The Triangle Equilateral, hath the three fides equal, as G H X in fig. 9. Sedion and Interftdion of lines, are two lines which do crofs and divide themfelves in one point, as in the figure 1 1, the lines A B and C D, divide themfelves in E, The bowed or crooked Iine* 3 is that which is drawn by a Circuit from one point to another, as LM, in fig. 12 A, Circle or Round, is a plane figure, comprized in one line only, called a circum- ference, towards which all the lines coming from the Center are equal between them- fclves, as B C D of the figure 1 3, the point of the midil of the Circle A, is called the Center The Diameter, is the right line B C of the Circle, the which palling by the Center of the Circle A, divideth it into two equally The Oval is a long figure, comprized within one line only, not Circular but bowed and Regular as E in fig. 14. The Spiral or Volute, isa line, that is framed by two Centers* or by one only by Revolution or Diminution F, in fig. 15. t P K ri' C i i i. A , Afj P K R S VS «*,• VS, ,V>. jU .A cV <*s ftV «*>, VS. £®fe y i|> 5k 5k M &k §M 5M- 5k ^5M 5k 5k 5k %k si Refi of the Definitions, Names and Ter me s . Angents are one or more lines, which being drawn forth, do but only touch || 0 r graze upon fome Objed, figures or lines, without dividing them in any manner, as A B touch the Circle C, at the points DD. I have placed here two forts of lines, which bear the fame name with the Precedent, and which nevertheieis produce another effed, by reafonof the point o fight, and of the Perfpedive, for the Angle E A B ought to be held for a right Angle, and all the lines C ought to be held for Perpendiculars upon the Plane in Per- fpedive, as is D F, and the lines A B, G I, and H K, are accounted Perpendiculars t pon the bafe, and all the lines which go to the point of fight, either from above or frcm below, or on the fide, are called Rays, and lines vifual or Radial. The Plane or Ichnography, is a defcription or firft defign, the which reprefenteth by fingle lineaments the Prints or foot-fteps, which the foundation of the thing which one would defcribe, would make upon the Ground, to the end that by one view only 5 one may behold the correfpondence,fcituation and interval of the parts between them- feives, as one may fee in Land M. L. A Polygone is a figure which hath many Angles as is L A Degree is one littl e part, whereby the Circle is divided into 360, and every degree is further divided by the Aftronomers into 60 Minutes, and thefe Minutes into 60 others which they call Seconds, &c. the which is not ufeful for us here. It fufficeththat we know, that she degrees are thofe little divifions which are in the Circle N O P for to have the knowledge of the Angles. This knowledge will enable eafily to make all forts of Po- lygons, by dividing 360 by the number of Angles, which one would have in the gure: for example, if I would make a fquare, I divide 360 by 4, and the Quotient will give 90, which is the right Angle N MO, andfo of others : for thofe which have not the ufe of Arithmetick, they fhall fintfe at the fourth fide of the Geometrical Orders to make fuch, whatfoever may pleafe them* P R A C I I C A L. P ■ V- % V P C V I V b s of Ccct:ntrj- 3 f which \vc abo;:tto dcfnc^ Or io make i be Perpendiculars, or as ihg W or kin en -fay, the f'quare Draught, which j s necellary in all our operations. If that you would have ic in the mid (hoi a line, as Mi' you muft open the Compafs more then the Half of the line, and place one leg ( p e ^oint A and with the other frame two little Arches or Bows above and below, as F a d to do the fame from the point E, and the ftdions of tlufe Si tie Arches, will give the Per- pendicular upon A E, t ngnre . t - , 2 if the line be at the bottom or the table or paper, and that one cannot make the Arcnes above and below You muft divide this line into two, for to have the p >int G, then from the ends of this line to make the Arches, wlfch fhall divide themfelves in H,then to draw a line from H, to G, as in the fecond iigure. . f 3 To elevate a Perpendicular from the end of a line, as from the point I of the hae I Ik This may be done divers way$,firft as we have faid,but when place is wanting you muft place one ieo of the Compafs at the point I, and with the other leg to make a great portion of the Circled M then to fet the Compafs fo opened upon the point M,and with the other to make it to divide the Circle at the point N, then to take the half towards the point O, for to have the right Angle O I or without bufying ones felf to feek this half of the Arch M N , you muft with the°fame, opening of the Compafs make yet upon the N, and from th e fame point N an Arch P Q,then having laid the Ruler at the points M and N,you muft draw a line which fhall divide thisArch P Q£at the point P,and elevate a line from I to P,for to have the Per- pendicular and the right Angle P I K, figure 3 . 4 Otherwife. if from the point P, you would raife a Perpendicular, take a point at plea- fure upon the line P R, as Q^and from the point Qmake a Circle which toucheth the point P, and fhall divide the line P S, in fome part, as S, then to draw from S, by the point Q, unto the circumference of the Circle T, and T P, fhall be the Perpendicular, fig 4. For to abre- viate all the orders, you muft have an equaller very juft. 5. From a point given upon a line to make a Perpendicular to fall From che point given A-, you muft make the Arch B C, which divideth the line given E F, at the points G H,from thefe points G H, make two little Arches above and bftow, which fhall divide themfelves as at the point I, then from the point A, caufe a line to fall pafting by I, upon the line E F, and that (hall be the Perpendicular of the point given® 6. From a point given at the end of a line to make a Perpendicular Fall. Let the point given be K, and the line L M, from the point K, you muft draw aline traverfing at pleafure, which divideth in fome place the line L M, as N : after divide this line K N, into two equal parts, and from the midft 0 ,make the Arch that pafteth by the point K, and at the feftion which ic will make upon the line L M, as P, and the point P, fhall be to make the Perpendi- cular to fill K P.- 7. The parallels. For to be well made ought to be over half- Rounds, which they ought to touch as F G, which is parallel to FI I, it is made over the half, Round which it toucheth at the points KL. 8 » To divide a line into many equal parts. Let the line to be divided be A B. You muft draw another above or below, which may be parallel to it, as C D, and upon this latter, which muft be greater or lefter, then that which is to be divided : You muft make as many parrs, as you would divide that of A B into, as in our example feven, then from the firft and laft point of thefe divifions, to draw lines which pafs by the ends of that which is to be di- vided, which fhall divide themfelves in a certain point as here, having drawn from C by A, and from D, by B, the fe&ion E is made, at which point F, you muft draw all the divifions @f th e line G D, and the line A B, fhall be divided fs one defimh. 3 P R A C T I C A L' * r Q For to frame the Figures, r f'*W F die line A B, be given to make of it a fquare You mull fet one Leg of the compafs, at the poir I and with the other leg take the length A B, and holding firm at the point A, with the other 1c JtL the Compafs, make the Arch B C,and make alfo from the point B,the Arch A D, which fhall di themfelvesa: the point £, without the fide of the fedion, he muft t ran (port the half ofthe'Arch A E, which (hall be in the points D C, by the which drawing right lines one fhaUbav^a pyrftd fquare After another ma .n.r. Upon the line A B, draw from the point A, a perpendicular C A, equal B, then having taken with a Compafs the lerg h A B or AC, you muft fet uSfeleg of the Comp the point. B, and with the o.'n r make an Arch , ani do aLo-gether the fame from the point C, the on of ih'.-fe two Archest all be the point D, ior to frame the iquai e ABCD, 2. For to make a parallelogram or long ftjuare-.Dr w aPerpend’cuhr greater or frnailer LhenE F,as then ha i ,g tak n the height E GJec a Eg of the Comp.E at F, and wEh the other tn. ke an Arch, tak the 1 ng h E F,nd let a leg of theCompjft in G,mi m ike a Cconi Arch then divide the firft at H, you Iliad haverhat which, you dJire,you muft always obfeive .he Erne thing, far all the four rightAn Of Poljgoncs Circular, whu h are f igures with divers Ajfiglos within one Circle 3 . For the Triangle equilateral You muft iet the halfDiameter at the point A, and deferibe tB D E, and draw a line D E, this line fhall. be ihe fide of the Triangle, D E F. 4.For the fquare draw 2 Di meters at right Angles-, & joyn their ends, this fli all be the fquare A 5. For the Pentagone ( r five Angles. Make 2 Diameters, and take D G, the half of the Demy meter D 3 , and from .he point G, of the Interval G A , make the Arch A H, the fubtendent H A , be the fide of die Pentagone. 6 For the Hexagone, or fix Angles. The half Diameter is the fide of the Hexagone. 7. For the Hei ta gone or feven Angles. Take the half of the fide of the Triangle Equilateral A. 8. For the Gdogor.e or eight Angles Take the half of the quarter of the Circle . - 9 For ihe Ennagone or 9 Angles. Take the 2 thirds of the half Diameter, as E B,for its fide, ro. For .he D.cagone or ten Angles: Take an halfDiameter and divide it in two at the point G from the pci.it G, and the interval G'A/iqake the Arch A B, the part of the half Diameter B C, make the fide of the Dxagone, -A 11 For the Herd cigone or eleven Angles. ( Make two Diameters at right Angles , and froi point A, make the ArcIfiB C, of ihe interval of the halfDiameter , then from the interRdion C, the E, draw a line C D This is the fide of the Bendecagone. 12. For the Dodtcagone, or twelve Angles, divide into 2 the Arch of the Hexagone A B, the fab dent fhall b: the fide 1 3 . The Ova! T made of many fafhions and all compofed of portions of the Circle, or of one onl by two Cent, rs, the moil commonly ufed are ihefe. Having made a Circle wi ll 2 Diameters,as A B from the ports A B, we muft make more tw r o circles equal to the firft, then from the point D draw a 1 w by the Center of the 1 JF Circle A, unto the cir cumference E, then fetting a leg of the ( p.Tj at the point D, wEh the other, you muft take the interval E, and make the Arch E F. You mul as much on the o.her fide, and the Wall will be. made. ,14 For an Oval more round. You muft draw one only line, and make a Circle, of the Center A from ihe fedion of 1 his circle upon the right line at the point B, this fhall be the Center of another cle. To frame the Oval, you muft take with a Compafs all the Diameter of one of the Circles, as : ihe point A to the point E, and fet at the fedions of the two Circles D E, a leg of the Compafs, and the other leg make the Arch D G H,and to do the fame from the point E. 1 5. There is ano.her manner of making of Ovals very eafie,and more ufeftil then the former, ft eipg by one and ftie fame Order, they be made long, narrow, large, fhort,&c See here how they are made muft upod a light line fet two nails, or two pins, which Erve for the Center, as A B,for to fafhn | th or fm all cord cf die h fight and largenefs that you would have the Oval, as is the pack-thread ABC: muft held l his- drr ad bended with a feather or pencil, which you fhall turn, until that you be arr where you have begun. If you would make it longer, lengthen out the Center, and do the contrary would have i: (hurt ; for if you Et the two nails clofe one to the other, you fhall have a Round/ 16. For the Volute, or line iikemmo the Spiral, take two points upon one line, as A B, let theft points ferve ior a Center, throne after the other ; for example, having made the half-round A B,fet a ; die leg of the Con- p aft on Bftdndwiih pother leg take thelength A, and make an half-Circle A C. holding one leg of the Compafs at A, you muft take rhediftance A C, and make the half-Round C D, po cftjt as you pieale, changing only the tenters. ffigmla giveth it another fafhion. 4 PRACTICAL! B PERSPECTIVE *U V* ,*• 4v rliv ^ v f*V A ^ j^Vf jjlt &, , jfal A J^hc jjfk < 3 / the Rayes VISUAL. T He Object being a Point, then there is but one Ray Vifual made from the Qbjeft to the Center of the Eye 5 And this Ray is called Axe or Centrical, which is the mod lively, and theftrong- eft of all the other Rayes, as you fee in the Figure A B. It is this which divideth always the Horizontal line, and which giveth the Point of the fight. If the Objedt be a right line, the Rayes Vifual make a Triangle, where- of the line C D is the Bafe , and the two fides are the Kayes on the out- fiie, which come from the Eye A, and make the Triangle C A D, And A B is the Centrical Radius. If this line were viewed by one end, it would feem as one point. If the Objcdt be a Superficies plane or fpherical, the Vifual- Rayes will make a Pyramid, the Bafe of which is the Object C D E F, and the top is the Eye A, the reft of this Pyramide are the Rayes Vifual 5 if the Su* perficies were view'd by the fide, it would make but a line. Of all the Rayes Vifualstheftrongeft is the Centrical A B: and fo much as the 0- thers arc further off, by fo much they are the weaker, and keep neverthe- less a reafonable flrrength unto the opening of a right Triangle, at G A P. 1 Thofe which pals the right Angle, are fo weak, that they are notfeen but confufedly,and therefore there is need that the out- fide Rayes w hich may comprehend -the Object, make at leaft a right Angle within the Eye. Wherefore one-may fee better a Perspective with one Eye only, then with two>. Accordiugas tome fay, the whole object isbetterfeen with one eye only then with two becaufe,fay they, that the fight is then more piercing, its refpect that .all the Vifual fpirits of theEye clofedare directed and brought, to the other, and this union of Vifual fpirits giveth a great force, and ma- keththe fight very ftrong.-for every Virtue united is much more vigorous, then whenit is dit'perfed: which is the caufe,as they fay,chat by clofing one of the Eyes-ali tire Vifual Vertue which was difperfed in the two, cometh to joyn it telf, and to be gathered into one, and by this means it is the bet- ter. See here wherefore they holdit for a certain thing, that any one fedth more e xactly,,, hawing one Eye clofed, then being both open. Howfower it be, it is pertain, that one may fee a Perfpe&ive better with one Eye alone then with two, beeaufe that the Centrical Radius feeketh aut the point of the fight, where all the radials of the Picture do m et, which caufeth the whole tobe feen in its Perfection : which is the reafon that we do not fty the point of the ey that one on iy i; nc can determine ho- thins, & that it is neceflary,that there be two of them which divide them- felvs" for to have a Point: feeing that it is certain, that from our eye to the object there is always made a Radius or right line,this cannot fail US : bat for to have another, which muft divide it, we mu ft imagine, that from our foot there is made a Center, from whence divers Lines or Rayes do proceed which so to the Angles of the objects,which we behold as from the Center P to the Angles A B C D, the which Rayes being divided by fome tranfparent Plane, as is E F G H, all thefe Rays P B,P A, P C,P D, which were Horizontal, raife themfelves, and become Perpendiculars, as P B, becometh QM. P D,becometh R L,&c. For if they remained Ho- rizontal, the vifual Rayes would not divide them, but at the objeeft it ftlf where both of them do meet. This is the Reafon that we always fup- pofe a Plane, the which making the Rayes to reflect, giveth the means to divide them, and fo to finde all the Points, to frame the appearance of the objects whatsoever they be. Ml, r W A C % 1:6 .11 L? » ilK 7 P E E S P E Ct I ^ I Second Definition; I Chnography, is the Pourtraiture of the Platform or the Plane, upon the which we would raife any thing, as A B C D is the Ichnography or the plane of a fquare body. The Third Definition* Orthography is the Pourtraidfc of the face, or the fore-part of the ob/edt,’ as of a Building, or elfe it is the Reprefentation of the Body, or of the Edifice directly oppofite to our eye, fo as IF GH is the orthography or the fore-part of a Cube, or of a Building ; for as the Ichnography reprefenteth the Plane, fo the Orthography giveth the representation of the fide oppofite to the Eye. The fourth Definition . Scemgraphy, is that which reprefenteth the Qbjed wholly elevated and perfect, with all its diminutions and umbrages, as well on the fore-part as on the fides, which may be feen, and are above, as I K L M N O P,is a perfect Cube ; in brief, it isthe work wholly accomplilhed, which con- ceineth in it (elf the other Parts, That we may make thefe words more Intelligible, we (hall name here- after the Ichno2raphy,thePlara p ' o*«-/io>giap[ry, the face or fore-part; - * ^grapny,tne Elevation, r s s perspective Wherefore the obje&s that are far diftant fum to app roach and joyn themfelves together , although they be in equal diftance* T His Figure will help to fatisfie this queftion, which is difficult e- nough 5 let us fuppofe then, that feme body hath his eye fac the midftof a line : it is evident, that if he would fee the two Ends thereof A B,he muft make an half-round V X,the center of which is the Eye, and the centrical Ray f and making this half-Ckcle, he difeovereth the objedls, which are on the one fide and other in fuch man- ner, that it feemeth to him. that the fartheftdiftant of the fide A,feemto come near to theccnterf.And thofeon the fide. B go thither alfo,and feem as if they would joyn themfelvs as much as the one and the other fide can. If one ask why the things fo diftaiit,approach the one to the other,whe-> ther they be of the fide either above or below us : for it feemeth, that that which is on our fides would joyn themfelves, and that the planchers both above and below, do raife up and abafe themfelves the farther they are diftant ftom us. Behold the Anfvver and theReafon in two words:It is that all the objects appear, under the vifual Angle, under the which they are feenmow it is that the co!umns,trees, or whatfoever objects they be,which are on thefide A, the fartheft diftant will appear to draw towards the center T, becaufe they are viewed by an Angle, or by a Radius that draweth thitherward 5 and as for example, rhe Ray j* K? is much nearer the centrical T, then is fC, and f E, and by confequent it ought to appear fo : and if the theobjedis were produced infinitely, they would ftill approach nearer to the centrical T, until that they would feeiti to make but one point, which would be in- finite, as all the points of fight ought to be. Now in Petlpedtive the fides A fc» B S, remain not Parallels, but are changed into vifual Raves, which divide themfelves at the point of fight, and by this means caule the Diminutions of the body and fides of the objects. For example in the fecond Figure, the eye being in a diftance capable of feeing the line A B, from the two Angles A B, two Rayes begin to be made, which goto finde out the point of fight T. And thefe Raves A T and B T, receive thefediions that the point of diftance giveth to objects, which do clofe together proportionally, as we fhall declare in its place, fo that the whole Parallellogramne A K, B S, and all the ob- jects that are on the one parr, and the other, come to be reduced to the lictle (pace A V, B X : and if the eye were farther diftant, this fpace would be yet left er, by reafonchat the objects, view’d afar off, feem very finall, as I ihail make it appear in the next leaf. PRACTICAL « c PERSPECTIVE ,-<-S jir*' vt* tin r*f> *■♦•> «-*>> #$% rt 1 * „ri\ <#. i*n A . v eti» r#\ <$» ,, r,W eta Wherefore the objects draw near to each ether 3 being view'd afar off. W E have already faid, that things do appear according to the Angle, in the which they are view’d *, this Angle is taken at the Eye, where the lines do meet that do compute the Objed ; for example, the firft Objed being B C, if the Eye A look upon it, it will caufe the Rayes A B and A C, which give the Angle BAG: fo that an Objed feen in a great Angle wall appear great, and another feen ia a little Angle will appear little : Now it is, that the Objeds being equal, thofe that aref&'cheft off are view'd in alefs Angle : we muft conclude then, that the Objeds far theft off, ought to be the leaft in Perfpedives ; for example, if the Eye be in A the Objed B C, which is the firft, will appear to it the greateft, becaufe that it is viewed by a greater Angle, the 2 3 4 and 5 Objeds, wall appear to it always the lefs, although that they be equal : the reafon is, becaufe that the Angles diminifh according as the Objedsare farther diftant if the Eye were remitted into N L K L, it would appear the greateft, and B C would be no bigger then N O. This fecond figure is in purfuit of that which we are fpeaking of : for fuppofing, that the Objeds appear fuch, as is the Angle within which they are viewed ^ it followeth thence, that if one draw many lines under one and the fame Triangle, that they ought to appear equal amongft themfelves : fo we fay, that all the lines which are comprifed between the lines of the Triangle NOP, will appear equal amongft themfelves. Now feeing that all the Objeds comprifed by the fame Angle feem equal, thofe which ftiall be comprifed by a greater Angle will feem greater, and thofe that fliall be comprifed fey a lefs Angle will feem lefs. Suppofing that which we have faid, if there were a quantity of Columns or Pi- hftersof one fide and the other in an Hall, it would be of neceflity that th? Objeds fhould be under the fame Angle, and that all fliould proceed unto one point, which 'Is within the Horizon O. For example, the Eye being in A, difeovering the firft Ob- jed D E if from the points DE, one draw the vifual Rayes, D O, E O, they will make the Triangle DOE, which will enclofe the Pilafters D E, F G, H I, K L, M N, whence they ought to appear all equal. That which we have faid concerning the fides, ought to be underftood likewife of the pavements and planchers : for the diminutions of the Angles, under the which we fee the Objeds that are far off, are made as well both above and under «s as on the fides. Wherefore we fhall fay thereof no other thing, but only that we muft ob- ferve that there be as many fquares between the Objeds fartheft off, as between thofe that are nearer : for although that the Objeds which are remoteft do clofe thera- felves, the more far they are off : yet they ceafenot to keep their faid diftance, as we may fee between B C D E, which is the Interval of the Pilafters, there are fix- teen fquares. There are alfo fifteen between the moft diftant KL MN. 9 P R A C >n C A ’U to PERSPECTIVE I T follows th on that which we were fpeaking of, that if one joyn together two Triangles, asinthelaft, butoneforthe fidesj and two of the l ift for the top and the bottom, that all four together will bound themfelves in one only ppint A, which is the point of fight where all the vifual Rays come to joyn together 5 and by this means it ccmcthto prove that which we are fpeaking of. That ac- cording to tbemeafure of thediftanceof the Obje&s, they come to clofe together 5 thofe which are below raife themfelves, and thofe which are above abafe themfelves, and thofe of the fides clofe them- lelvs,as we may fee in the firftFigure,the which maketh us fee by the Eye the hollowings which flie from, and feem to be'far diftant fr om us, although we have them all near to our Eye. The Trees being produced by the fame caufe, bring forth the fame efted that the columns do .♦ for being all comprifed under the fame Angle, and the two ranks having each a Triangle, the Triangles joyn themfelves in one point A, and frame a third, which is the Earthjand the fourth, if you will, fliall be the Air : and fo affordeth us a delight which rejoyceth us, and recreateth the fight. We will now begin to fliew, how it muft be proceeded to bring into Perfpe&iye, any; plane* body and figure whatsoever.- perspective. Of the Horizon. f-w— ^ H E Horizon in the Art of Perfpedlive, is no other thing then a line which giveth us the height of our Eye, in fuch 1 manner, as, if we be rais’d as the fin’t man, our Horizon fhall be high : if we be but of our own height, as the fecond man: it will be but of our height: and if we be lying orfet, as the third, our. Horizon will be low : fo that the Horizon fheweth how much the Eye is elevated from the Earth. This is the principal Piece of the Picture, and which ought to give ti e Rule to all the reft, as well fcr the bending of the Buildings and Ar- chitectures, as for the Meafures and heights of the Figures. The which hath caufed a petty difpute between the beft Painters j for the one fay, that it muft needs be that all Pictures have their Horizon within the w< rk, and that the Perfpedtive l'uffereth that a Pidlure elevated above the Eye, beareth its particular Horizon. Others will not havt this fecond Horizon, and ufe always the Natural, in what place foever the Picture be placed, imagining that all the height and breath which they have before them is as a great Piece or Picture, of which that which is elevated in efifedf ought to take its Meafures The honour that 1 bear to the one and the other, fuffereth me not to determine upon it, feeing that many good Authors have fuffered them both. But if any one fhould prefs me to fpeak my opinion, I would fay freely that I am of the opini- on of the latter, by reafon that all that is in the Picture would appear there more natural. This line beareth always the Points of fight, of diftancc, and fome- times the Contingents or Accidental : in brief, this is that which fepa- rateth the Heaven from the Earth, and which limiteth the - fight : it is always Parallel to the bottom of the Picture or Plane, upon the which the Object is placed : whence it appeareth.that one cannot fet any thing above the Horizon, which furpafleth not the height of the Eye. But if the Object be fo high, that it paffeth this Horizon, it muft be then, that the Plane of the lame Obj;Ct be above : as for example, a Tree or a Mountain may well have its Top above the Horizon j but neverthelefs the foot thereof is far on this fide. All that is below the Horizon, maketh its upper part appear, and as foon as one is part it, one can fee it no more. For example, the two Pie- ces placed upon the foundation of the firft figure A B Ihew their Top, becaufe that the Horizon is above that of the lecond figure D C, do not Ihew it : and if they be as it were in the fame line, by greater reafon, thofe of the third E F ought lefs to ihew it, feeing that they exceed it very much : they are neverthelefs as high the one as the other, it is then the Horizon that caufeth this difference. •PERSPEC.TIV i of the Bafe. T H E Bafe of the Plane. This is the line upon the which the Object ought to be, and every Objed hath its own, the which is always Parallel to the Ho* rizon; as is A B of the firft Figure : F G of the fecond : N O of the third: This line ferveth fometimes to give the lengths and the bredths, as we fhall fee afterwards® It is always the bottom of the Pidure which muft give all the Mea- sures. of the Point of fight^ Point of Perfpeffive, Point Ocular y or Point Principal* T HE Point of Sight, of Perfpedive, Principal or Ocular. This is a Point which maketh the Axis of the Eye, or the Centrical Ray above the Horizon- tal line, as E of the firft Figure is the point Ocular above the Horizon C D, at which all the lines or viiual Rayes ought to joyn themfelves : It is called alfo the point of the Eye, by reafon that it is oppofite to him which looketh upon it. of the Points of Difiance: T HE Point of diftance, or Points of diftances. Is a point or points (for they make two, although it be not neceffary)which are to be fet equally diftant from the point of fight: They call them points of diftance : becaufe that the Perfon muft be as much diftant from the Figure, or Pidure, and from the bafe, as thefe points are diftant from the Point Ocular, and they muft always be within the horizontal line, as H I is the Horizon : K, the point of fight : L and M are the points of diftance, which ferve to afford all the Abridgements. As for example, if from the ends of the line F G, one draw two lines to the point K, and from the fame points F G, one draw two lines to the points of diftances M and L, where thefe two lines G L and F K fhall be divided at the point X, and G K, and F M, at the point Y, this fhall be the line of finking or hollowing, and the abridgment of the fquare, whereof F G is a fide and thi bafe : the lines that go to the point of fight are all vifual Rays, and thofe which go to the points of diftance are Diagonals. of Points Accidental. P oints Contingent or Accidental. Are certain. Points where the Objeds do end, which may be caft negligently, and without order, under the Plane : it is be- caufe they are not drawn to the Point ocular, nor to the points of Diftances : but by chance and at adventure, where they meet ea.ch other in the Horizon : as for example, thefe two pieces of wood X and Y, do make the points V, V,V, V, above the Horizon P and Q, and go not to the point of fight which is R, nor to the points of di- ftance S and T : And fometimes the Bodies or Objeds are fo ill ordered, that one muft make thefe points without the Horizon, as we fhall caufe to befeen in its place. They ferve alfo for the Openings of doors, of windows, of ftairs, and fuch like things. The which fhall be feea hereafter. f P R A C T I C A L I 2 Honzsrt-tal Line M Tomb o -f Thftance 'Bant K The Haft Q, 'T Point acdientaU- bift&ncc *3 PERSPECTIVE of the Point of the Front . T HE point of fight diredtj or of the front s it is when we have the Ohjeft whole before us, without being more -on the one fide then the other, and then one hath the Qbjedt wholly right y that is to fay, that it fheweth nothing but the fore- part, when it is elevated, and a little above, if it be under the Horizon, but it never fheweth its fides, if the Objects be not a Polygone. For example, the Plane A B C Dis wholly the front, fo that one can fee nothing of the fides A B nor C D if it were elevated, but only the fore-part A D. The reafon is, for that the point of fight E, being dire&ly oppofite to it, it caufeth the diminution of the one fide and the othery this ought to be underflood if the Object were an Elevation; for when there is nothing but the Plane, it fheweth all, as A BG D« of the Feint of the fide . T H E oblique point of fight, or on the fide.' Is when we fee the Object on the fide of us, and that we fee it not but athwart,or with '-the corner of the Eye, our Eye being neverthelefs always over againfl the point of fight : for then we fee the Object on the fide, and it fheweth us two faces : for example, if the Eye be in F, the point of fight the Object G HIK, will appear to it athwart, and will fhew to it two faces G K and G H, and then it will be a point of the fide. We ought to do altogether the fame in the points of the fides, as in the points of the front, fetting a point of fight, and thofeof distances briefl y^ the fame is to be done, as at the view of the front. » PRACTICAL. i Km of the vijual Rayes . T HIS is a general Maxi me, That all the lines which are Perpendicular to the bafe, within a G comet rai Plane, ought always to be drawn at the point of light, when one would fet the fame Planes in PcrfpeN. rta ./■*» --t-» .t-» et» 7/;^ third Ad vice of the Measures upon the Bafe T H E Raft only may ferve for t© give fuch a finking as one would hare and in what place they would, without ufing any little fquares, this is a means very ready* but it is fomewhat hard to underftand •, Neverthelefs I will endeavour to make it be underftood, the beft that I (hall be able, for we do often ufe it. For ex- ample, let the Bafe be B S, the point of fight A, the points of diftances D E : If you would make the Plane of a Cube B C, you muft draw to the points of fight two Occult lines, or pointed from the ends B C,then for to give it its bredth take the famemeafure B C, which you fhall tranfport upon the Bafe C F,equal to B C, from which point you ihaii draw a line to the point of diftance D,and where this line fhall divide the firft Ray C at the point G, this fhallbe the Abridgement of the plane of the Cube B H G C. If you would have an Objed more forward towards the midft, you muft take the bredth of it and the diftance above the Bafe, as I K. Now for to have the finking, ftt fuch as you would have upon the fame Bafe, as it might be L M, becaufe that it is broad at that point L, and afmuch for the largenes at the point M. Then from thefe Points L M, draw an occult line to the point of diftance D, and where thefe lines fhall divide the Raye K, at the points N O, you muft draw Parallels to the Bafe and you fhall have the fquare QJ> O N. By this manner, you may tranfport on the other fide the fquare, which would be above the Bafe, as B H G C, is tranfported to V, and the Points M and T, which are^ removed but 2 feet from the point S, do give a figure very narrow, becaufe that they are very near, and the fame diftance, which they are removed, as we fee X. The fourth Advice. of the Bafe and of one only point of diftance* S Eeing that one may have the bredths and the depths, by the means of this Bafe, one fhall neede no more to take the Paines to make the little fquares, the which I would make appear to the fight in this example. Let us fuppofe, that you would make a Ranke of Pillars, or Trees on each fide : You muft fet upon the Bafe the place and diftance that you would have, with their bredth or Diameter, as A B <5> D E F G. Then placing the Rule upon the point of the diftance O, unto each of thefe Points ABCDEF G, where it fhall marke the ftdions upon the vifuall Raye AH, it fhallbe the Termes of the Objeds which you defire. For to tranfport them on the other fide, upon the Raye G H, Set one leg of the Compafs at the Ocular Point H, and with the other take the fame without ftirring the leg from the Point H, make an Arch with the other, where it fhall divide the Raye G H,this fhall be the fame Terme - y 2 $ M is the fame with N. And fo of others, by the which you fhall draw Parallells, which will give you the bredths. And for the length, give it fuch, as you would have it, and fet it from A, as it might be P, then draw from the point P, tq the point H, and where it fhall divide the other Parallells, it fhall be the Planes that you defire, which you may make rounds or fquares. The fifth Advice ^not to deceive ones felf in the Meafures • O 11 muft never fet on the fide of the point of diftance where one would draw for to give the finking, the Objeds which one defireth to produce within the ^ Plane. Example, The vifuall Ray, upon the which one muft mark, let it be If you would produce there the point C, and D, it cannot be drawn from the point of diftance E, but well from that which is oppofite to it F. If C and D, were within, as G H, k ought to be drawn from the point E : becaufe that the line of the kdion meeteth between both, and not from the point E ; and fo both the one, and the ofh er tin J divide them ft lyes in the fame point I K* 8 * AC T I e 4 l* E i *8 > 'I R S P E C T I V E The fixth Advice , 0/ ^ Point of dijlance inly. S ometimes otie is at fuch a ftreight for the fmalnefs of the placethat one hath* be it againft a wall, or cloth, or paper ^ that it is impofiible to make more then one point of diftance, and then thofe that are always accuftomed to have two of them are much troubled : We muft draw them, andcaufe them to underftand, that one Point only fufficeth for this Pradice. Let us fuppofe that we would make a Pave- ment of fmall fquares, and that we have already drawn all the vifual Rays ar the point A, for to have the Abridgement thereof, we ought to draw at the points of diftance^ and the fedions will give us the points where we ought to draw* as we have already faid : but if there be but one as B, we muft draw this one draught Diagonal G B, which will divide all the vifual Rays. Now for to mark the fame fedions upon the Rays oppofite, for to draw Parallels there : We muft, as I faid but now, feta leg of the Compafs at the po$t A, and with the other to run through; all the fedions, as I P : But this is not good, but only for that which is viewed in front : Whence there is need of one, which ferveth likewise for that of the fide : behold it here, Take a Compafs^ and fet one leg upon the bafe, with the other • take the moft perpendicularly that you fhali be able, the fedion that you defire to tranfport as D, and carry it upon this line Perpendicular, as E O, and mark your meafure F, then draw from D to F, and you fhali have the fame as if there were two points of diftances And fo 0 / $11 other fedions. 'The feventh Advice , that we fhould not ufe the Diagonal. W H E N one would ufe the outmoft Ray for the line or fedion, as it might be G H - He ought to fet the Objeds upon the bafe, as are K LM N and from thence to draw them to the point of diftance I , which ought to be drawn back as far as fhali be poflible, to the end that the Abridgement of the Perv fpedive, may be the more pleafing thereby : for if the point were nearer to the point of fight G, the Objeds would have too much hollownefs/I mean, for example, that a fquare would appear a Parallelogram) And from this point I, toi run through all the Objeds XL MN O, and to mark the fedion of the Ray G H : And from thefe points to draw Parallels to the bafe, or of the Horizon, as is here PQ^ This Method is the leaft in ufe, although fome do take it,. The Eighth Advice, for tv abridge in divers manners % I F fometimes one be taken in a ftrait, aud that one cannot remove the point of diftance, : we muft elevate from the foot of the Ray SR- a fmall Perpendicular, as T S, which fhali receive the fedions, and give a lefler Abridgement- and if one would have it yet more little, he fhali but only bend aline, as is X, the which by rea- fpn of its inclination, caufeth that the fedions are clofer together. Then for to draw the Parallels, he hath only to tranfport this line X or T,upon the foot of the other Ray as i s V, and from all thefe points to draw lines Parallels to the bafe, _ and you fhali have that which you defir e, . PRACTICAL. x8 -\ ') /,rs THE ORDERS P L AN E S I H Pejrfpeftive. PERSPECTIVE. ,<#», Ml Mk M% -4*, <4». /fo. t\ j#%. fl* of PhnC'S 'ihnyl directly or in front. N E may have feen at the third and founh Advice, and the Elevations fol- lowing will caufetoknow, that it is not my purpofe that one fhouid ufe Planes Geometrical, for to make Perfpedives ; for this would be to double the labour •, and no Painter would take this pains, feeing that I teach him to make the fame thing by means of the bafe. But as there is no Rule fo general, which hath not its exception; fo there are certain Figures, which one cannot fet into Perfpe&ive, but by the help of thefe Planes : further alfo one fhouid be troubled, if one fhouid give one of Tefe Planes to be fet into Perfpe&ive, and that one had not learned how he ought to pr* ce:d.Thefe Reafons have obliged me to fet thefe which follow,the which will fuffice to learn to fet int& Perfpedive all thofe, which may be prefented and alfo be ima- gin d. i . To contrad or abridge a fquare ABCD. One muft draw A B at the point of fight E, and from the fame Angles A B, two Diagonals, F B, AG, and where they fhall divide die Rays A E and B E, at the points H and I. This fhall be the fquare A BCD, abridged into A H I B-,for to: make it without the Geometrical Plane, we muft draw from B to F, or from A to G, or elfe tranfport A B upon the bafe, as B K, and from the point K to draw to the point F, it will give the fame fe&ion I upon the Ray B F. I ' | ' 2 * To abridge a fquare viewed by the Angle D, having made the Plane ABCD. We muft draw a line which toucheth the Angle B, and it muft be in right Angle upon the line B D. This bafe being produced, we muft fet the Rule upon the fides of the fcuare, as A D, and D C, and where this Rule fhall divide the bafe, there to make the points H I, then to draw H and B, to the points of diftances P and B I, to the other point of diftance G. And at the fe&ion of thefe lines to make the points which fhall give you the fquare K L M B h for to make it without the Plane, you muft fet the Di- ameter on the one part, and the other of the middle B, as H and If But as well in the one manner as the other, you muft not draw at the point of fight O. 3. To abridge a Circle. It muft be enclofed in a fquare ABCD: And from the Angles A D and G B, to draw Diagonals, which fhall divide the Circle into eight parts and where they fhall divide it at the point O, to draw upon the bafe the Per- pendiculars E F, then to draw two lines Diametral QR S P, which divide themfelves in right Angles at the Center G. The Plane being ordered in this manner, you muft draw all the Perpendiculars at the point of fight H, and where they are divided, the DiagonalsA K,and B I, to make points-, of the which the two latterM N,are the draughts of the fquare, which are to be divided into four by the fe&ion of the Diagonals, at the point P. Then from the ends of this Crofs they draw bended lines by thefe points,which give the fhape of a Circle in Perfpe&ive. This manner may pafs for little ones : but we fhall give one more exad for the greater. 4. This Figure is compofed of the two firft, wherefore I will fay nothing of it ; for he that fhall have made one or two of them, fhall jse able to make it eafily. 5 . The fifth depends alfo upon the two firft : but there is alfo more a Border round about, which they have not ; for to fet this Border into Perfpedive, we muft draw thefe four Rays ABCD,at the point of fight G, and where the inward Rays B and C are divided by the Diagonals A F and D E, we muft draw Parallels to the bafe, and you fhall have that which you demand. 6. It is the fame with the fecond, except that it is compared about with two Borders: wherefore I will fpeak no more of it. PR A C T I C A l. PERSPECTIVE Planes viewed Obliquely or on the fide. H E SB Planes being thofe, that we will foone diipatch ought to be made all in the fame manner: which maketh me believe, that it would be lofs of time to repeat, hoW one ought to a* bridge them in Perfpedtive • for it feemeth to me, that the Figures do fuffice to makeit appear, that there is no other difference from them that went be* fore, but the Situation of the Object, which is here feen on the fide, and the other is view'd in front. All the A A A are Points of fights^and theB B B points of difiances. 2.0 PRACTICAL. ii PERSPECTIVE. jtU .V/ V.^ v,i- - fca8KS42St»S */ 4 Triangle. A ' tl'T H E Triangles, according to the Numbers, ought to prccedethe I fquares : but according to reafon, th- y ought to go after in this work, becaufe they are harder to fet into Perfpe and I have marked it upon the bafe : but fingle, by reafon that one may have learned by the Triangle, how it ought to be made. The point of fight, as well on the front as the fide, is A, the point of diftance B ; the vifual Rayes which are the Perpendiculars of the Angles of the Plane upon the bafe, are drawn at the point of fight A- And the others which give the Abridgement, and the place of the Angles at the point of diftance B. As as divideth the Ray marked 3, which giveth the fecond Angie, 4 giveth the fourth Angle, and fo of others. All the reft is dear enough, we muft take heed of one thing, 1 which is, that all the Angles ought to draw to the center 6 . It is there- fore, that it muft be fet in the Planes in Perfpe&ive, as in the Geome- trical Plane, for to draw there all the Angles^ /, PRACTICAL? %Z * \ t i 1 > i \ ' ' ' i A - \ 1 3 3 , i * ■iJr i s 4 , *3 PERSPECTIVE rU r>t-» ,t$V v *&. iSs & : -Sfe & 4> / rtf H cx aronc, or fix Angles. T i HE Hexagone is a Plan? which hath fix Angles, and fix faces- or Tides. It is the eafieft of all the Poligones”, that is to fay, of all the figures of many fides : for the fame openin'* of the Compafs wherewith thefe ufe to make the circle, which is its half Diameter 5 giveth the fides of the Hexagone of to degrees for each fide. As for the fetting of it into Perfpe&ive, there is nodifference in it from the Triangle and the Pentagone, as well for the fin°le Plane as with the Border or T.hicknefs, Ais the point of fight, B that of the di- ftance. Seeing that we have more fpace in this leaf then in others-, we will cjve a fmall Practifeof fetting into Perfpective the Borders or ThickndfJs.of any Poligones that may be, whether regular or irregular : Let us ufe this Hexagone- for to give an example of our Propofition, fuppofin» that the Plane of the front of the third Figure hath but a fingle drau<*h t ^ and that it fhould have a Thicknefs or Border, which turneth round about it - for to fet it into Perfpective, you muft lay the Rule the length of the fides of the fingle draught, and make a point upon the Horizon, where it fhallbe divided, as laying the Rule along the fide A B, it will divide the Horizon atthe point C 5 then laying itagainupon the Plane B D, it will give the point E, and likewife of all the other fides. Before that you do any more, you mull from all thefe Angles draw lings, which pafs "by the center F, and thefe lines which ought to be occult, (hall ferve for to receive the feccions which give the ditmnution. All thefe Orderings be- ing done, you mull fet the bredth or largenefs if you would give To the “ Border or Lift upon the bafe as A H 5 and draw this firft bredth at the point of diftanceGi and where this line G H, {ball divide I, it fhallbe the '**’ Terme or bound of the thicknefr of the firft fide : and which fhali give it t© all the others. For from this point, you muft draw to the point of the fide C, andac the fedion of the line K, it fhallbe the diminution, from the which drawing to the point of the fide B D, which is E, you fhali have the other diminution at the point L, which fhali ferve for the laft fide L M Then tranfporting all thefe Meafures on the other fide, you ihall have the figure Compleat. We will drew hereafter another Manner. » r a c 1 1 c a :h n & 4 ? $ PERSP E C T I V E ©/ Heptgone or f tven-Angks. T He lUpAgom taketh its Ihape within a Circle, as the otherPo'li- gon- s.Theydivideit into 7 parts: that is to fay,that one give 5ide- gvees, 15 Minutes and a little more, for every fide,theOrder of fet- tingit into Perfpe&ive, is alike to the fore-going;As concerning the Perpendiculars* which fall from the Angles upon the Bafe, the which are drawn all at the point of fight A : But as Concerning the Abridge- ment, and the lines that give the Place of the Angles, it is of another manner and according to the 7th. advice that we have given: although we do not approve it the pradlife of the 8 th. advice being the better: but for to Condefcend to thole that do ule it, and to caule them to fee, that it doth not abridge enough. Having drawn Perpendiculars from the Angles of the Plane upon the Bafe as in the former ; We muft on fome fide, on the right, or the left,' make a Perpendicular, as A B, which {hall receive the fe&ions of the Pa- rallells, which one {hall draw by all the Angles; as here the firft Angle let upon the Bafe, of 2 and 7, I draw a Parallell, which marketh thena both, and is divided at the Point C. The 3 and the tf, will give the fe&ioit at the point D. And the 4 and 5 will give the- laft at the point E: This Fine A B, being fo divided, we muft tranfport it upon the Bafe, of the Plane, which one would abridge beginning to fet the point B,at the point F. as he « : and then to mark the other divifions C DE, from the which one lhall draw to the point of diftance O, and from the fections of the out- mo ft Ray to drawParallells to theBafe:and where they {hall divide theRays which beare the Numbers of the Angles, there we muft make Points, the which being conjoyn’d by right lines, will give the figure, which we defire. For the thicknefs or Border, it fhallbe made by one of the two orders afore-going. 2J PERSPECTIVE of the oBogcne^ or Eight* Angles. He Oliogone is made of aCirde divided into eightParts,of 45 degrees for each fide 5 from the which divifions drawing lines, we have the fhape of the Odtogone that is to to fay a figure that hath eight Angles, and as many fides. The fore going Orders do caufe fufficiently to know, how one ought to fet it into Perfpe&ive, either on the front, or on the fide, 1 I will only Advertize that the Plane abridged ©n the front, is made accord^ lag to the eighth advice j And that of the fide, according to the feventh.' The point of the fight is A, and that of the difiance B# , Th e reft is fifj feciently feen without an Expoficion, 1 f> St A € T I C A L *2 u: h-x jr* W | ~zV“ $ ii$ Of the oft agent after another Order* T He manner oE making this otfogone, hath bin Invented by Rerih z Ic is made in this fafhion. Having framed a Square by the Ordinary way, as is A B C D* we muft divide the bafe C D in ten parts* and leave 3 thereof on each fide 5 and from the thirddivifion of one part and the other E F* to draw lines to the points of fightG, and at the fections of thefelines by the Diagonalls O, we muft draw Parallelis to the bafe* which touch the fides of the Square at the points H I K L, then joynjng together by the lines of the points EH, I E,F K, L F^you Hull have an Odogonejasmay be feen by thefirft figure. of the Hexagons or fix- Angles The fame Serlio hath made alfo the Hexagone after the fame falhionf Let a Square be drawn as this before ABC D, and that the AD, be divided into four Parts, fromoneof the which on eachfide E F, let lines be drawn to the Point of fight H i Then from the fedion of the Diagonalls, which is the midft of the Square G* to draw a Paral- lel! to ths bafe which touchefh the fides of the fquare at the points IK,, Then draw lines by the points E I E, and FKF* there will be framed an Hexagone. The fecondfigure. I will fay nothing of this Qctogone view'd On the fide* feeing that ( as we have air ady laid fo many times)it is the fame Order* with tnat of the light of the front. Thethird figure. P R A C | 1C A L: 25 ' Cr '<• *** i'4 S# L** 5v’< H IT s 7 P E R S PECTIV'B ■> 5 > P E R S P E C T I V f A Pavement of Squares feen from the Angle , with Chains of Squares on the Front. I Suppofe, that one hath made the Perfpedtive, or Diminution of the Square for to draw the line of finking, that we may not ufe f© many Repetitions in the Pavements following.' For to ma ke this fifth fort of Pavement, we mull divide the bafe into equal parts, and to take fome thereof, which we (hall draw right to the point of fight as ABC; and from all the other parts, we ought to draw to the points of diftances, without palling over them which are right : But after that all thefe which we fee from the Angle lhall be drawn, we mull draw Parallels to the others, where they lhall touch them on the fide. As from the Angles D and E, to draw the line F, and fo by all the others, as the Figure Iheweth it. We mull take heed to obferve always the fame number of fquares between the Chains, As here of 3 between A B. A Pavement of Squares in Front ^with chains of Squares [ten from the Angle. T HIS fixth fort of Pavements is made almoll as the former: by dividing the bafe by equal parts, and drawing lines to the point of fight, for to frame the bands or chains G H I ; yet neverthe- lefs there is more ro do ; for we mull take heed to give to the Chains that go acrofs , the fame largenefs, as to the others which go. to the point of fight O, which is a fquare throughout all : and that there be the fame number of Squares between the void ones. The reft: isfeen fufficiently. practical. n Ll V/ V/ Xi _JZ \/ w I- i IhXL B • A C ■ h' - . ■ o 1 W E B EBB ^ f SJ K 4 Pavement of little Square; Qffogenes-, mingled with the Squares,- W E fliould never have done, if one would fet here aU the fa* ’ ibions of Pavements, which might be made by the means of the little Squares ? for an ingenious perfon would invent a© Infinite Company, according to his fancies The fcventh fafljion is plain enough, neither have I done it, but only to open the Ingenuity, and to give means to eampofe others thereby. There is nothing to do but to divide the bate into a quantity of Parts, of the which we (hall frame the ljttlefquares» 8 i we have faid heretofore. And ofthefe fquares to take a number, as her; nine, whereof there are five all full, and four at the half t The full do give the infide of the figure i ? 3 4 And the Diagonals of others §j 8 p, give the Panes or Sides ,The reft Is fuificiently feen» "4 Pavmem ef fingh Squares view'd in Fmt» 1 Have fet this manner of Pavement the 1‘aft % not becaufe it is th§ hardeft, feeing that it is the beginning of all Perfpective, andih® mofteafieof all the Planes * but to caufetobe known, that it is the ufeful and neceflary t for all the other may be made, and arg made ordinarily, when all is done,ff rving only for ornament. And this ferveth for a foundation, upon the which we ralfe that wh|ch we defire Ea make appear. As we jhall fee hereafter, If p I A e t i e a l, II PBBS&B&TIVB The Plane eft Garden abridged. T HAT which we are fpeaking of is confirmed by this Plane % for drawing all thefe divifious which are upon the bafe, to the point of fight, the Diagonals will give the depth of the whole Plane, and the Abridgment of the little Squares. Then taking the fame quantity, as well for the Alleys, as for the figures which the Geometrical Plane takethup, you (hall have in Perfpe&ive the fame Garden, which is upon the Plane* As the figure fheweth it. What plane foever you have to abridge* And to fet into Perfpe- &ive:The eafieft way is to Enclofe it into a Square, and to divide this i’quare into many little fquares. For fetting the fquare and the quan- tity of little fquares into Perfpe&ive by the ordinary wayes * You have but to take heed, that you take the fame Number of little fquares in the Plane abridged, as in the Geometricall Plane * And you (hall make in the one, the figure of the other. f» H A G ^ 1 G A 35 3 S PERSPECTIVE The Plane of a Building Abridged. S Erlio in his Treatii’e of PefpeCt.ve, doth highly efteem this In- vention of fetting the Planes into Per fpeCtive, as a thing very ufeful to chief Builders or Archite&s, by the which they may caufe to be feen all at once a part of the buildings elevated, and the reft in Plac-form, and as upon the bale: But feeing that it is the fame Or- der with that of the Garden, which w r e are making now, we will lay nothing further of it. The Figure will caufe to underftand the reft, and by this little to gather how the greater and more hard ihould be, inthefecondpart, you fhall have the method to make to be feen in PerfpeCtive a perfect Houfe, where you fhall fee the Building finifti- ed and accompliihed y and by the fame means all the divifions of each Story from the Carpenters Work unto the Cellar, and the only fpace which the Geometrical Plane would take up. PRACTICAL* 2 ' y K/j ■ fh$ flm §f a Church Abridged* His plane of a Church is made, according to that we have * faid at the feventh Advice * That is to fay, that all the lides which are Perpendicular to the Bafe, ought to be drawn upon the Bafe, as are here the places of the Walls, and of the Pilafters 5 and from the Bafe to draw them to the point of fight* And all the other fides, which are Parallel to the Bafe, oughtto be drawn onthefide : And to mark upon* a line as O P, all the bredths, as we fee A h c d e fg hi k L And then to tranfport all thefe Meafures upon the Bafe, from the which drawing to the point of diftance, the fedhons of the outmoft Raye will give the Tenues for to draw the Parallels, which will give the Abridgement of everything, the which is fhe wed by the Letters a 4, b c c, &c . This manner of Abridging upon the outmoft Radius, is practifed by many; But he that would believe me, will leave it, for to take the Orders of the Eighth Advice, where we fet a Perpendicular line at the end of the Bafe, for to receive the fections, and to take away the default of this prefent Practice, which doth not abridge it fufficlently, if it be not that the points of cliftances are very far removed, for then the effect is wholly alike to the other Methods. PRACTICAL K ii The T lane of an Houfe wth a (garden* HE Order of fetting this Plane of a Houfe in Perfpedtive, is altogether the fame with that of the Garden, whereof we were fpeak- ing ; the which ought to fuffice for the one and for the other,- that we may not repeat fo often. It is fet here for to (hew that one may abridge alt forts of Planes, whether they be compofed of e** qual parts, or unequal. PRACTICAL. S 8 59 PERSPECTIVE The Plane of a Fortification Abridged. |~p 0 R to fet all Fortifications, and whatfoever other Piece it be JW into Perlpe&ive •, we mail ufe the Sixth and the Eighth Advice* ' It is the Order that we fpake of for the Church, and for the Houfe. Which is to draw from all the Angles linesPerpendicular upon the bafe, and from the bafe Rays to the point of fight $ and from the fame Angles to draw alfo Parallels to the bafe, which {hall mark the divifions upon the line on the fide, as A B: The which line A Boughe to be fet upon the bafe : And from thefe Meafures to draw to the point of difiance forto give us the line of the fe&ion C D : But becaufe that the Place fuffereth us not to fet it upon the bafe, I have tranfported it under the Figure, as is A B. Then having fet the point of Diftance in E, of the height E F : there you muft draw from all the divifions of A B, to the end to divide the line of the fection C D into fo many parts: The which line C D, with its divifions, ought to be tranf- ported to the foot of the outmofi Ray, or on the one fide and other D D»* And from all thefe Points which are upon the line D C, to draw Paral- lels: or elfe only to mark a point upon the Ray, which goeth from the Angle of the Plane, which is proper to it 5 And all thefe Points being joyned together of the lines, will give you that which you defire.* The Figure will ferve to make one underftand the Order better. 4 o PERSPECTIVE J c Piane and Figure Irregular abbreviated. TIT E which (hall do well, that which we are *** ■'*' about to leave, fhall not be much trou- bled with all the reft ; for this is that which is the hardeft of Planes in Perfpetftiye. I beleeved neverthelefs, that it was good to fet yet further fomething irregular; which appeared difficult at the firft fight ; that I might make it known, that there is nothing which one may not abbreviate, ©f whatfoever view or Afpetft it may be. I> ii A G T I c A- L. 40 Another Time of * Church abbreviated^ J T feemech that this Order of Perfpedtive, is altogether another then that which we haveufed, becaufe that the ordering thereof is " not the fame. The which I have done on parpofe to give to under, ftani, that there are many falhions and orders which all come but to the fame j for this is the fame, with that which we hare ufed for to abridge the Fortifications, the irregular Pieces, and other planes, ac- cording to the eighth Advice : with this only difference,Thatwe have marked the Parallels to the bafe, upon the line on the fide $ And hefe we have marked them upon a line in the raidft of the Plane ; And as well in the one manner as the other, we have always the fame ef- fect : for drawing from all the divifions of this line of the midft to the Eye A, you fhall have the line of the fedtion B C, which fhall be made upon the line, which we may call the bafe D E. For to fet it into Perfpedtive, tranfport into what place you would all the length of the bafe as here above D E,and the height of theEye AF.Then having fet on the one fide and other, or in the midft of the line of thefe&ionB C, draw Parallels to the bafe, by all thefe divifions, unto the oiitmoft Ray D A, E A *, you muft fet the bredth of the Pi- lafters D K, upon the bafe, and draw a line at the point of fight A, and the fe&ion of the lines Parallels by thefe K A, ftiall be the bredth of thePilafters. 41 f i R 5 J SC T I V -B O R D E R S OF THE ELEVATIONS- 4* P IRiPI CTIY1 Some Neeefftrj Advise, for tie Orders feffmbg, I T feemeth to me that I have given fufficiently to underftand that which belongeth to the Ichnography, and Planigraphy, or de- fcription of Planes, which isneceffary for the foundation of Or« —thographyj and Scenography. The Orthography is the face, or fore-part &c, As one may fee in the Definitions. Scenography, is the Elevation of all that which anyone hath a defigne to make &c. See theDefinitions which are at the beginning of this Book. For to make this more clear to thofe that are not acquainted with thefe words* we (hall Name hereafter(as l faid already in the Defini* tions)the Ichnography, the Plane, and the Orthography, and Steno- graphy, by a Word common to the one and the other, the Elevation ; So that, in ftead of faying the Orthography, we fliall fay the Elevation of the fore-part * And for Scenography, the Elevation of the whole. Before we pafs any further it mu ft be obferved, that the Elevations do never give to the eye all the Angles of the Plane, and the Qaan. tity of faces depend on the Afpedfc , which caufech the obje& to be feen •• for if it be feen on the front as the figure A, it will fhewbut one face, although that the Plane have four * If it be view’d from the Angle, although on the firont it will fhew two, asB, and never more, with what Afpedt foever one look on it. This ought to be underftood of a fquare, feeing that figures with divers Panes, may give thereof 3 4 j and more. Now it is, that if the objefts decline a little from the point of fight, they are feen from the Angle, whence they ought to fhew two faces* And the further they are removed from the point of fight, the more they are difcovered. As K E are more difcovered then C L, although their thicknefs be equal. Another thing alfo that is further to be marked is, That which is Parallel to the Horizon, when the objedl is view’d in front, although in Perfpective, as C D E F from the Gate in the firft figure, becometh a vifual Ray * when the fame object is view’d being in a Return, or obliquely. As in the fecond figure, that C D i F, which is in the front above, is made a vifual Ray to that which is under : And on the contrary, that which is a Ray to that above, is made a Parallel to the bafe to that below, as D G F H L. The Perpendiculars are always Per* pendjcularSv 43 PERSPECTIVE Ak Am Am, ,*♦» Am y*+ A\ A*. Am A*. Am A* An Am Am Am, Am, A> Am A ,»*m mwMM of the Line of Elevation f w to give the Height* to all kinde of Bodies And Fi m gnres , and in fuch a Place as one would within a Plane* W E mu ft endeavor to under ft and well, and remember this Rule % which is of* fuch importance, that he that fhall know it perfe&ly, will not be troubled in the Elevations, whatsoever they be of*. As for to make the Planes, we have ufed the bafe for the Elevations % we ought alfo to ufe a line which fhall dired us, and fhall bring the Meafures of the Heights that are needful ^everything which one would elevate. This line of Elevation muft be,Perpendicular upon the bafe A B, which is always the neareft to our fight, and the firft of the Plane: By confequence, capable of giving and bearing the Meafures of all that one would make in the Pidure, and therefore the line of Elevation C Displaced upon the line A B Perpendicularly, as all thofe muft be upon the Plane which we fhall ufe henceforward. We muft then remember, that when we fhall fpeak of Perpendicules, or Perpendicks, in the reft of our Orders, we muft always underftand of Plumb-lines upon the Plane or bafe. Seeing that this line of Elevation muft receive and give the Heights to all the Ob« jeds that one would elevate from a Plane : it muft have the fame Horizon witfe the Plane. Therefore we muft from the foot of this line, which one may fet ©n the left or right fide, draw within the Horizon, as one would have it, that is to fay, that it is no great matter where the Point be fet within the Horizon : for in what place foever it be, it will always give the fame effed, as it is from the foot of the line C t© the point E^-one may fet it it the point of fight, if one will* I have fet this line on the one fide and other th the firft Figure, and tneir point different within the Horizon, for to give to underftand that it is well throughout* If from the point H, which is in the Plane of the fecond Figure, you would elevate a, line of two foot high •, you mult fet upon the line of Elevation two equal Parts, which you fhall make to ferve each for a foot, beginning at the point C, as are C F, which is two foot high, to draw to the point E, and you fhall have an Elevation of two feet, between the two lines C and F, drawn to the point E. For to give the height of two feet to a line elevated from the point H: you muft from the point H.draw a Parallel occult to the bafe,uatil that it divide the line below C E, which fhall be .the point I. If from the point I one elevate a Perpendicule I K, between C F, it fhall be the height that it ought for the line of the point H, which you muft take with a Compafs and carry it to the point H, which will give H L of two feet high* If from the point M, you would have one of the fame height of two feet, you muft make the fame Operation, and you fhall have between CF the Perpendicule NO, which fhall be the height that it ought at the point M* And making the fame Operati- on from the point P, you fhall have the Perpendicule Qjl/or the height of the line of the point P. For to give them the height of 3,4,5,10, 2oand 30 feet. It is always the fame Order • there is nothing but to fet thefe diftances and heights abovefaid upon the line of the Elevation*, And from the point of the height, that you would give to draw to the point of the line within the Horizon, which is here the point E,and to make all the fame Operations, which, we are about making*, and you fhall have that which youdefire, . 43 PRACTICAL. Mij. 44 PERSPECTIVE The Elevation of a Cube in Perfyeffive* H Aving made the Plane by the Orders foregoing, and having fet the line of Elevation upon any fide of the Plane,as is F L upon the bafe* We muft fee upon this line F L, the height of a Cube, which is a Figure fquare on all the fides, asaDy, which fhallbeFM, from which points F M we muft draw to the point of the line of Ele- vation E. Then from all the Angles of the Plane A B C D, to bring Parallels to the bafe, until that they meet with the line F E, which is the bottom of the line of Elevation, and from their fe&ions F and H, toraifethe Perpendiculars F M and H K, between the linesMF, which are drawn at the point E. Then to take its Meafures with a Compafs, and to bring them Perpendicularly upon the Angles for example, to take with a Compafs the height F M, and to bear it Perpendicularly upon the lines elevated from the Angles A B, which will be A G, BG, Then to take alfo the height HK, and to carry it upon the Angles of the bottom C D, which fhall give CO D O y then to foyn the right lines GOOG, This (hall be the Cube elevated. If you would have the Elevation of any Figure whatfoever, draw always from the Angles of its Plane, Parallels to the^bafe, unto the draught of the foot of the line of Elevation, and keep the fame Method that we fpake of for the Cube, and you fhall fee, that there is not any thing, how difficult aftfl unequal foever it be, but that you may put into Perfpe&ive •„ as we fhall make to be feen in the Poligones fol- lowing. The fecond Figure is another Cube elevated, after a manner, very little different from the former,which 1 fhall fpeak of in three words .* And he that will may ufe it , not to be reje&ed* Having ipade the Plane by the ordinary way, we mart from all its Angles B C D E, elevate Perpendiculars % And upon the firft, fet the height which one would give to it, as B A C A* And from the points A A, to draw to the points of fight F, or to the points of diftances G H, and where the Perpendiculars of the Angles D E fhall be divided at the point I L, this (hall be the line of finking,and the top of the Cube whol- ly elevated. This laft Order is not fo univerfal as the former,' which hath always been in ufe, and pra&ifed by the Ancient Authors.- It hath neverthe- lefs fome benefits, which we fhall know in fome of the Orders fol lowing, a riU v ^4 4* PERSPECTIVE xf\ jJk. _*tv ,«$* .«& «& 4* *#*, #J^ 4* 4* 4f» 4*. 4^ •<• w 4v A • A .4». As » Hb the triangle in Perfpefiive. I N the firft Order I have promifed ta make the eafinefs of elevating all Figures appear, whereof the moft difficult are the Poligones or Figures with many fides; andto keep fome Order, we will begin by the Triangle. Having framed a Plane by the Orders foregoing fol. tu where we teach to make it with a Lift or Border : we mall, as we were fpeaking, fet-thelineof Elevation on the fide of fuch an height as we would have, as is A B of three feet : Then from all the Angles of the Plane, to draw Parallels to the bafe, unto the bottom of the line of Elevation B E % And from their feftions elevate Perpendicules between the lines A B, and to bring all thefe heights upon the Angles from whence the Parallels pro- ceed 5 for example, the height A Bmuft be carried to the Angles CD, which will give C R and D S. The other height F I, at the Angles G O, which will give G T and O V 5 That of H L to the Angle K, which will give K X 5 and the laft height N F to the Angle Q., which will give QY. Then to joyn with right lines all thefe Points R S Y» then T V Xj for the thicknefsof the ftone in the firft figure. The Pentagone , or five- Angles in Perfpeffive. T H E Pentagone is a figure with five faces or fides l and with five Angles. We have given the Method of framing it, and fetting its Plane in Perfpe&ive in the T reatife of the Planes/*/, a 2. It would be lofs of time to give the manner of elevating it, feeing that the fecond figure caufeth it to be known, that it is the fame Order, with that of the Cube and the Triangle. The Hex agon tor fix- Angles in Ftrfoeftive. T H E Hexagoae is a figure with fix Angles, andEx faces or fides, as is to be feen in two Manners in theTreatife of Planes, and 17. where it isabbreviated.The Order for to elevate them is to be feen fufficiently in chethird figure. 45 PR AC T I CAL/ pbrshctiv Iv Q f the Heptagone , or Seven * ngles, in TerfpeBhe. r-W^U E Heptagone is a figure with (even Tides or JL faces and feven Angles. Of the which we have fet heretefore, fol. 2 ^., how it ought to be made, and to fet its Plane into Per fpeaive. Its elevation is the fame O r ^ ers » with that of the Triangle, as one may fee in the firft figure Of the OBogone, or Eight - Jingles, in PerfpeBive. r J 1 H B Q<5togone is a figure with eight angles,and eight faces, as the fecond figure fhewethit,in the Treaty of planes,fol. 25. and 16$ One may fee how it ought to be fet in Perfpedive in two different Manners. T he elevation is as in the foregoing . 1 ■>*. 48 perspective of Pilafters in Perfpective* T T THEN one would mike fome Pieces, as Columns, Pilafters or Walls, \f which fhall have the fame height. There is no need of the line of Ele- V V vation : It fufficeth to do as in the fecond Order, which is, that having elevated Perpendiculars from the Angles of the Plane, as is A B C D, of the firft figure ; we muft fet the height that we would upon the firft or fecond Perpendicule,' as is A F^ orDE. Then to draw the Ray E to the point of fight F- All the Perpendicules that one fhall elevate, muft be unto this line E F, and then that the Pilafters GH, {hall be equal to the firft. If one would not ufe little fquares in the Plane, we muft fet upon the bafe the Meafures and draw the Rays to the point of fight F, and that which ought to abbreviate at the point of diftance K ; for example, L M is one fide of the Pilafter : We muft draw thefe two Points L M, to the points of fight F for the bredth of all the Pilafters which one fhall fet there • for the depth of each Pilafter, which we would make fquare, we muft take the diftance L M, and fet it before L, as is N ; then to draw the line N K, which is the diftance, and it fhall give the depth of the Pilafter at the point O, from which points L M O, we muft elevate Perpendicules , and do the reft as we have laid. If one would have the bredth of two Pilafters, between the one and the other • he muft fet them upon the bafe, and after fet the depth of the fecond Pilafter equal to the firft, as is P and from thefe two points P.Qj:o the diftance K, which fhall give the points R S,upon theRay L from S; we muft draw alittle Parallel, which fhall divide the Ray M F, as is ST; then from thefe points R S T, to elevate Perpendicules , and to do as in the firft : The’ third and more, if one would have them, ought to do the fame, keeping always the Meafures upon the bafe, as in the firft Figure. of Pi Lifters viewed by the Angie* ”¥ TT Y E have faid heretofore, that the Plane of fquares is made, hydrawing %/ \j Meafures from the bafe to theDiftances.As concerning the Elevations it V v is the fame that we are fpeaking of. For having fet the height A B,up- m the firft Perpendicule, we muft draw from the point B to the diftanees C D which ftiall divide and give the heights to the two other Perpendicules elevated on the fides : Then having given the Diftanees, which one would, between the two Pilafters, which are h.re two little fquares, you muft elevate the fecond^and by the fame Order the third : Thfir height fhall be found drawing a vifuai Ray from the point B to the point of fight E at the fe&ion, which this Ray fhall make of the firft Perpendicules, at the point F F, and from the points F F, to the diftanees, as in the firft Pilafter. Thofe which are made without a Plane, muft take their Meafures upon the bafe ♦ as if one would give them the like bredth to thofe above viewed on the front ; It mufl be fet as G H, and to draw the Ray G, to the point of fight E,for to have all the Middles or the Diameters : Then to fet alfo the fame bredth of G at the point I ; and from thefe three points G H I, to bring lines to the diftanees C D, for to frame the firft Plane : from this Plane he muft elevate Perpendicules : And upon the firft to fet the height as is G K - and from the point K to draw to the diftanees, for to have the Abridgement of the Perpendi- and caufe to come forth from the Earth, by little and little, very fair Houfes. The Pavement or Plancher below, ferve him for a Foundation, upon the which he raifeth the Walls, which hepier- ceth in fo many places as he will( yet not without reafon) for to have doors and windows, as we have faid. Let the walls raifed be A B, upon the which we muft firft fet Beams or Girders, and upon thefe Girders the Quarters or Joyfts. Having taken theMeafareof the Square of its Piece (as it might be here on foot) it muft be carried to the height of the wall, as C D, from the which PointsC D, we muft draw occult lines to the point of fight E, which (hall give the Rays C G D F. You muft alfo carry this Mea- fureCD, upon the Parallel to the Horizon D H, which ought to bear the Meafures and Quantity, of Beams, which you would fet upon the wall, as we have fet thefe three IK L, and draw all thofe Meafures to the point of diftanceM, and from the fedions of the Ray D F, at the point O, tocaufe Perpendiculars to fall, which (hall divide the Rayes C G, at the points P. Then drawing Parallels to the Horizon from the Points O and P, unto the other fide, you (hall have the Beams laid, as you fee in the firft figure. Let us fet now Joyfts upon the Beams, ortodomore properly, let us mortaife them there: The line Q.R (hall ferve for the bafe, upon which you fhall fet your Joyfts, in fuch number, and fo near and far from each other as you fhall pleafe .- thefe are diftant from each other twice their thicknefs. Then when as we would embox them, we muft take their thicknefs within that of the Beam QS, as is QJf, and draw an occult line T V then between QR and T Y, to fet your Joyfts X, an d from all their Angles which may be feen, to draw to the point of fight Y ; and that you may not pafs the half of the other beams, you muft draw from themidft of the firft, which is the point T, an occult Ray to the point of fight Y, which iliall divide all the other beams by the midft at the point Z. Then from the po nt Z to draw Parallels to the Horizon, that one may not pafs them by drawing Joyfts to the point Y. If you would not take fo much pains, fet your Joyfts Z, upon the line QJR., as they are under : Then draw boldly from one beam to ano- ther, from all the Angles X to the point Y, and you fhall have that you demand U A (* : T I € A u 5 5 P 1 i 5 6 P ERSPECTIVE fV rfo rt\ v «rf> H i S Figure is fet here only to caufe one to fee the cffedt of the Order that We are about to teach, where we (hall oblerve, that the Quantity of ftories the one above the other, do not make the Order more difficult. The Joyfis are not Tenanted within the Beams in the upper ftory, as in the under {lory. PERSPECTIVE 5# p u.S fj q ti v & iSfc A S ? ! Another Ordering of PUnchers in Perfpective. T HIS fafhion ought to be ordered in the fame manner with that which we are now leaving : We ought only to change thefetting of the Pieces ? that is to fay, that we muft fet tne beams at length, for to draw them to tne point of fight, and the Toyft a crofs, which is contrary to the other. The Walls fhall be A p,upon the which, or upon the Cattozes that come from them, you (hall place the thicknefs of the beam C D, from the which points C D, you muft draw Parallels to the Horizon C E D F, between the which one (hail fet fuch a number of beams as he will, as here three GH I, which he ought to draw to the point of fight K, and to take heed where the Ray D P fhall divide the Perpendicular L P $ Then from the point P, to draw a little Parallel to the Horizon PM, which (hall be the term ot bound of the other Rays, as P N. And from the point N to raife a Perpendicule N O, and fo to all the Pieces. Here is that which is for the beams, for to fet the Joyfts acrofs upon thefe beams, you muft fet their thicknefs upon the line Q,R, and draw thefe Meafures V , to the point of diftance S,and from the fe&i- on which the Angles V, fhall make at the Ray QJf ? you muft draw Parallels to the Horizon, unto above the beam of the other fide. If you would mortaife them within the beams? you muft take the thicknefs of the Rafters within the beam, as is Q_X. And from X to draw a Parallel to the feafe, unto the other fide X X. And between thefe two lines QR and X X, to fet the divifions V, which fhall be Y. And from all the points, to draw to the diftance S, for to have the thicknelTes of the fide, and of below, which (hall be taken in the fe&i* on of the Ray X T, at the point Z, from which drawing Parallels to the Horizon, you fhall make the Plancher, as is feen in the fecond fi« gure, / ' You fee how you muft fet into Perfpe&ive fingle Planchers of Car- penters work s If yet after, or in the ftead of thefe you would have fome fair Plat- found of Pictures, or feme other Compartment % follow that which we have faid in the 35 fol. fpeaking of the Compart- ments of the Gardens, and you fhall ufe th$ line Qjl for the bafe. You may make there whatsoever it fhall pleafe you. For the Planchers below, there are of feme fafhions in the folio's 303132 33 and 34 of the Planes, for to give an open way to him that ufech this Art to invent others by; You may fee hitherto, how to make any Halls or Chambers perfectly, We will teach the moveables at the end of this firft part. * r PUS P ECTIVE 57 PERSPECTIVE. v 58 T HIS Figure jfiheweth clearly the Plan cher which we are about to exprefs, and where the lines do make the Figure a little eonfufed. YVE will teach in another place to make this Gate with Panes, 50 P ERSPECTIViS J Jingle Draught of Doers and round Arches view'd direlt Ij, H Aving fpoken that which is neceflary for Halls, Chambers, Windows and fquare Gates; We mud now know how the round ones are made; for to fee fuch where one would have them. Suppofing that ABCDEF were Pilafters, or fmall Pillars elevated upon fome Plane ; for to place there Arches, you muft divide the bredth above G H, into two equal Parts, at the point I, upon the which having fet one leg of the Compafs,y©u ftiall make with the other ademi-round G H, which lhall give the firft Arch. For to make all the others of the fame height and bredth, you muft draw lines from the points H G, to the point of fight K, and thefe two Rays {hall divide the Perpendicules CD E F, at the points L, from the which points L, you muft draw Parallels to G H, the which Paral- lels L L, you muft divide into two, for to make there demi-rounds, as in the firft. For to finde the Center of thefe Parallels L, there is but only to fet the Rule to the firft Center I, and to draw it to the point K, it will divide them all juft at the midft MM, at the which points you {hall fet one leg of the Compafs, and /hall make the faalf-Circle as in the firft.Thofe which are view’d in front, and thofe which are view’d on the fide, are ordered in the fame manner, as may be feen in the firft Figure. When one would make a thicknefs or a band equal throughout all, t here is need but of one Center, asO, of which they have framed the thickneffes N P, of the figures below .• All the reft is made, as we have laid, drawing to the point of fight K ; Thefe two laft figures ihew how all kind of fingle V aults, or bending Roofs Ihould be made, which have but an half-round ; One may enrich them, as we lhall Ihew here- after. PE AC X I < 5 . A V ' *2 . • . - Of O.U do PERSPECTIVE Round Arches &bov* the pilaflers view’d direftly. f fl'1. H E fingle draught that we are about to pafs from, giveth the I means to make this, being the fame Order, there area few more “®- draughts, and not more difficulties, for having draWn from above the Pilafters A B C D, Parallels to thebafe. We muft divide thefirft into two, and from the center I, to make with a Compafs the firft half- Round A B, and without fUrring it from the fame center, to make the band A G F C : Then drawing from this center E, to the point of fight H, the Ray E H, will give all the Middles of the Parallels for to make half- Rounds above all, beginning at B D until the laft I. This is the fame order for that on the fide* of the third Point in the Arch* T H E draught Isas eafie as of the Round: When one hath given the bredth, as K L, fet a leg of the Compafs in K, and turn the other.towards O, which will .frame the Arch L ©,' feta- gain the compafs in L, and make the Arch K O, you fhall have one Urchin the third point K OL, do as much with M N, you fhall have the fecond Arch of the bottom MP N : Thefecond figure of the third Point is with a Band or Border about it, which is made from the fame Center ? for example, from the Center R, they make the Arch SX and TV: And from the point S, the Arch Q^V, and R X. All the reft draweth to the point of fight Y. , The true third Point is the Figure they divide the Diameter dh into three equal Parts, then they fet one" leg of the Compafs in one di-J . vifion as c, and with the other leg they take the opening c h } for to make the Arch b e i then fetting again the compafs in d,t hey make theArch i tt ef which is an Arch in the third point as- well as the other, you may ufe which you will. The Ancient Churches come nearer to the firft then thefecond: there are alfo fome which are more clofer - »Av A jrfb. jhV v nS. A/ A. For to frame and put into Perfpe&ive Doors, and Arches round , , double, [hewing their thicknejjes . T HAT which we are about to fay, is only for the (ingle draught, the which being doubled, giveth the bredths and thicknefles of the Arches, and of that which beareth them, joyning thereto right lines at all the fe&ions of the one to the other 5 as for example. Having made the firft draught D E, as we newly fpoke of,and drawn D E to the point of fight A, we muft fet the thicknefs upon the bafe E C, by drawing C to the point of diftance B, it will divide the Ray C A at the point F, and fromthis point F, todraw the Parallel to the bafe G F, which (hall divide the Ray D A at the point G. And from F aadG which (hall be the thicknefles, to elevate the Perpendicules I F G : If from the point H, you fhall draw to the point A, this Ray (hall give the height of the Perpendicular HI, upon the which you muft take the line of the Center of the demi-round K, by drawing K to the point A, which (hall give the point L, from which draw the Parallel L M,' and thisParallel fhall be the line which muft bear the center of the demi- round behinde .• As N, is the line of the center of th? demi-circle be- fore : you muft divide this line M L, into two equal parts, by drawing fr om the point N, to the point A, by the point Q,and upon this point O you muft fet a leg of theCompafs, and make the half- Circle ML, the w ffchflialibe divided as the firft, as we have faid in the figure fore- g oing • then to draw right lines from the divifions of the one to the o- ther $ that is to fay, from the demi-round before to that behind, for of the two to make but one. as the figure fhewethic, joyning Mto P Q*to R SF to T V, to X L, to K. or to make the Arches or round doors feen on the front, as fe E F G, there is no need to make all thefe divifions, feeing that it is fufficient to have found the line M L,for to make the demi-round, which is car- ried again to the fir ft N P K. But I have made them there on purpofe, for fear of confounding the letters with the lines in this Figure below, where the Arches are view’d obliquely, or at return, by drawing to the point of the fight Y,thefeArches fhall give their thicknefs^by doub- ling the order, which we have fpoken of in the figure preceding, and joyning the divifion from the one to the other, as we fpake but now, and the which is feen in this fecond figure : to the which having given the thicknefs EZJ have framed the draught E of points, and Z of full lines, thereby to avoid confufion:and to make to underftand,that all that which is made of Points ought not to befeen,thePi auk compleat. H PERSPECTIVE.. For to maty the fame Vault more exactly. H E that fliall underftand well the foregoing Order, will not be much troubled to do this, feeing there is nothing but to double the lines, and to take heed to the fedtions which are in a greater Number, by reafon the Circle is divided into more Parts, * One may learn to make the plane at the 28, fol* youmuft draw parallels from all the divifions of this plane,from i unto f d.or the half only to the Ray B A, which will give the points O,upon which you muft elevate perpendiculars, &c. All the reft is done, as we have faid in the foregoing Order. But this is the more exadt, and doth make the Vault more eafiiy, becaufe the divifions are more near the one to the other. PRACTICAL. 7 0 P E R SPEC T IV E jf'H .4, ^ A '**’ y-» . -?-V «^V .rtf* .^r* fN /£> v rtc rfo rt- '*'> e*y t *+ r *, ft- { t» A -t* ,Jl ,t- . X.-. Fir to make toe Fun Its more freight then Urge. T Here are two Orders in this Figure • the one for to ftreighten the Vaults oil the fides, the other for to give a I hlcknefs to the Crofs. We will begin with the former. The two Qrders of Vaults, which we are about leaving, fup- poling that they are all fquare • that is to fay, that the diftance and bredih of the Arch- es is equal, as well on the fides as thofe on the front • and he that cannot make but of this fafliion, fhall finde fome trouble, if he were to fet up a Church, where ordinarily the Arches of the fides are much clofer then thofe of the front. See here a fair Invention, by the which you fhall give fuch Meafure as you pieafe, to thofe of the fides, by the means of the bale A Q. Suppofe then that the Arch before it Qjs 40 feet broad, and that in that of the fides, you would allow but 1 5, 20,* or fo much or little as you pieafe : you mull (according to the fourth advice in fol .17.) fet this Meafure upon the bafe, and draw to the point of diftance, which will give the fink- ing of the fame Meafure in AE •, as by example, we have fet here A C of 20 feet, drawing from the point C-, to the point of diftance, which is a little farther off here where our Paper is too narrow for to caufe it to be feen • it will divide the finking of 20 feet, upon the Ray A D, at the point E •, then coming back to the Bale, you mu ft make an half-Circle of this diftance A C,and divide it into as many parts as the great- er Arcade F G fhall have of divifion, as here 8 • and from all thefe divifions I, to ele- vate Perpendiculars I H, and from the points I H, being drawn to the point of diftance they will divide the Ray AE, at the point O, which you mull alfo elevate into the Perpendicular O P, you muft make in fome place feparate the Plane of this demi- round F G. Suppofing that it hath not been made, for to take the divifion9 thereof, and to carry them from E unto B : And feeing that the Plane of the Figure foregoing is equal to F G, take the Meafuresof the half B CD E F, and carry them upon the Perpendiculcs A F, and from thefe poiuts E F D C B, draw to the point of fight D, and from the fedions which thefe Rays B C D E F, fhall make at the Perpendici les O P * you muft draw crooked lines, which fhall frame the Arch of the fide, and draw- ing Parallels from the fedions 1,2,3,4,5,657,8,9, to the divifions of the Arch F G, you fhall have the points F R S T V X Y Z, for to frame the Crofs, even as we have air aiyfaid heretofore. For the Thickneffes of the Joynts of the Crofs, you are only to make a little line of Elevation a b, wh.xh I have fet at the top of the Perpendicule elevated from the point O : and this line a b being drawn to the point of fight D, divideth ail the other Per- pendicules at the points c 5 , for to give the heights Proportionate to every.PerpendicuIe elevated from the fedions of the Crofs • that is to fay, from the fedions which muft be made for to finde the draught of the Crofs, following their Order ; for example, the firft Elevation a b fhall be given at the firft Perpendicule G : The fecond Ele- vation c d , at the fecond Perpendicule F, c •, and fo following for all Lhe others, which fhall give the points C-, by the which making a crooked line for to joyn them together, we fhall have the thicknefs of the Joynts of the Crofs of the Vault, as one may fee at half of the left fide of the Figure aforegoing. R A C TIC A L 7 1 PERSPECTIVE Vault made by the Orders aforegoing* A L L the Orders aforegoing; do {hew fuffi^ cient eafinefs for to make a perfect Vault, as this here : except wh& concerned! the Pillars or Go- lumns, which we will (hew hereafter* « 72 PERSPECTIVE. of Arches and Dcors with three futures. T Here is another kind of fretted cieling, which holdeth the place of a Roof for Gates and Galleries, and alfo in Churches, which maketh well alfo in Perfpedtive-, and is very eafie to pra&ife: I have fee it after the Round, becaufe that it is framed of a demi- Circle, as a round door, which after is to be divided. Having elevated the walls A B, we mud make a demi- Circle, which containeth all the bredth C D, then holding the Compafs open of the bredthof the half Diameter EC, you mail hold one leg firm at the point C, and with the other E to draw an Arch on high, which divideth the demi-round at the point G, and to make likewife from the point D the Arch E H. Then to joyn thefe four Letters C D G Hi with right lines, which will give you the Arch half-Hexagone, or with three fquares. You muft alfo make a demi-round, upon the bredth IK: for the bottom, and for to divide it, you have only to draw from the Angles of the firft C D G H, to the point of fight F, -at the fedfions that it lhall make of the demi-round at the point L M : you muft draw right lines, which will frame the Arch of the hollow. Of another Arch Half- Becagone^er of five fquares. T HIS Arch is ordered altogether as the former, and there is no difference, but in the divifion of the Circle : The firft is divi- ded into three, and this into five j fo if you divide the demi- Cirde L M, into five Parts NOP Q>and that you draw from all thefe points to the point R, you lhall divide the demi-Circle of the hollow : fo as we have faid, in that above of three fquares.; 75 PERSPECTIVE •Ik 4k ? Elevation of round Figures in Pcrfpeffii e. P’“ _ S 1 HE defire that I have to drew the eafinefs of fettirg ail things into PeifpedUve, hath made me fet here alfo, how 1 one ought to elevate from a Round or Circle, fuch an height as one would have % and this Order (hall ferve for all round Figures! as Tops of a Church, Amphithearers, Towers, &c. Having made the Plane of the Round in Perspective, as it is ordered heretofoie, and feton the fide of the Plane, the line of Elevation A B, according to the height that one would give it: We mult from the Angles of the Plane which are here, the Points of which they have framed the Round, asare 1,2.3,4,5 6.7,8 9, to draw Parallels^ the bottom of the line of Elevation A B, and to elevate them as we have faid, and with a Compafs to tranfport them upon the Perpendiculars elevated from the points 1,2, 3,4;5,6,7, 8,9, &c. as in the former Or- ders. The demi-round before, hathbuthalf of the Elevationof thacbe- hinde •, andtheoneand the other, but the fingle draught without thicknefs. By this Orderthereis no round thing, which one may not fet into Peri'pe&ive ; I mean Rounds, Parallels to the Horizon; The other Rounds which are Perpendiculars to the Horizon, are taught in the Orders of Vaults* The Elevation of Filafters fet into a Round. W E muft double the Round, asis taught in the Plane, fol. 29. and between the two Circular lines fet the Plane of the Pie- ces, which one would elevate, as we fee the Places before A BCD, the which do draw to the Center E > Then from all the Angles of thefe Planes to raife Perpendiculars, and to give them their height, according to the line f Elevation F G, by the ordinary Rule, as is fufficiently feenby the fecond figure. % R A e T ! Q A ^ ) 7 5 J» B RSPECT IV E Vault l fa a Scallop- fall fit into

in the manner that We have faid, and in the midft within to make a dcmhCircle O, to the which we {hall draw crooked lines, which fhafl rife above the Pilafters, and (hall make the fides or Nerves of the Vault, as we fee G H I K, the heights of the Win- dows {hall be taken upon the line of elevation, be- tween L and M. The figure will help for the refti WM " a PRACTICE U i ,v d it vj v i) "R r r r i v Ik of op: n Rett nds in Steeples , or Faults pierced in Perspective. H Hving made the Plane of the double Round, fd.24. and marked between the two Circles, the places and the numbers of the Pi- lafters which one would have there, the which ought to draw towards the Center A : we mu ft mark the height, which we would give from the ground unto the hollow of the Lovure, as here the line D ana E on high : the which muft ferve for the bafe, where we fball tran- fpOrt the fame Meafures, which are upon the line BG. And from the lame point of fightG,to make aPlane on high as that below>whenceall the places of the Pilafters fhall draw towards the Center H, for to frame the Pilafters, we are only to draw lines from the places, which are oppofite the one to the ether, and which fhall give their bredth and their thicknefs. I have not drawn lints to the three Pilafters be- fore $ as well to caufe thefe of the bottom to be feen, asalfo to make it known, that there needs on high, as below. For to give the thicknefs of the Round from I unto H, and from K unto L, we muft fet the height, which we would have upon the line of the Elevation D M, drawing to the Horizon at the point F 5 And from all the points whence -we have framed the Round, to draw to this line D, upon the which we fhall elevate Plumb-lines, as D M, which we take with a Compafs, for to tranfport all thefe heights upon the Per- pendicules, which fhall beraifed from the points, asKLNOP Qsand fo of the others* He that in the place of the Round, would have a fquareor a Poly- gone, hath need only to keep the fameMethod ; and he fhall do all that he would, with the fame facility, feeing that this, which is the hard? I s not difficult. PRACTICAL* li •j»T .PE;RSPICI!YE. *That the multitude of OhjetU and the 'Plurality of Jlo - ries, ought to have hut one point of fight. I Have already faid elfewhere, that one never ought to fet more then one point of fight in one Pidture^ and that hence we may know the great ignorance ©f Painters, which do give as it were as many points of fight,and of Horizons,as they make lines* I remember I have feen a Pi&ure, where there were many ChamberSjthe one above the others,and each had t wo or three points of fight* and after that the Mailer thought he had done a Miracle. The prelent Figure is to correct this Frrour, and caufe us to know, that there ought to be but one point of fight only, as is A, to the which all the Objects ought to draw, and all the Chambers, if there fbould be fifty, one above the other,or on the one fide and the other jas we fee thefe three here, which draw all to the point of fight Ai All the rellis m ade, a s we ha vefai d heretofore. 77 P EirSPECTlVE For to jet Chimneys into Ferjpcffive. W E muft take the Meafures upon the bafe A B, which muft be divided into equal Parts. Y ou may make the divifions of what quantity you will. This A B isinto eighteen, of each one foot } for to make a Chimney at the Wall A, three feet within the Chamber, we muft take three Parts, as A C, and draw from the point C to the point of diftance D, which will give the finking of three feet, dividing the Ray A E at the point F, you muff fet the thicknefs of the Jaumbsof the Chimney beyond the point C, asisG, then drawing from G to D, it will give this thicknefs at the point H. Youmuft alfo fet the bredth of the Chimney from G unto I, which is of four feet and an half : and for the thicknefs of thefecondjaumbs an half foot, as at the other: Beginning at the point I unto K, then to draw from IK to the point of diftance D, which will give their Meafure upon the Ray A E, at the points L M, from which four points FHLM, you muft: draw little Parallels to the bafe,as F N H O L P M Q,v for to give the bredth tothejaumbs, you muft take a foot and half A R, and the Ray A E {hall divide the little Parallels at the points NOP from which, and from F L,you muftraife Perpendicules 5 for the height of the Mantle- tree of the Chimney, you muft take five feet upon the bafe, and carry them to the corner of the wall A unto S, and from S to T for Cornifh, all the reft is feen clearly in the firft figure. The otherChimney which is oppofite to it, is made of the fame man- lier, for we ought always to make the Jaumbs as in the firft s and of thefe Jaumbs, to make Columns, Termes, and all that one would. I have made Brackets to this. The Chimney of the bottom muft alfo take its Meafures upon the bafe j,2, 3, 4, drawn to the point of fight E, for to finde the hollow of the Chimney, oj the bredthsofthe Jaumbs, you muft draw from 7 to 1$, and divide the lines of finking at the point 5, which {hall be a foot and half: then from the point of diftance V, to ’draw the Diagonal •pafling by 5 , which {hall divide the Ray 2 .E. at the point 6 , and from this point to draw a Parallel which ftiall divide the four Rays £,2,3,4. at the points 9, 6,9, 9, from which you muft raife Perpendiculars, and make all the reft as in the others. The fecond figurelheweth plainly, and without lines, thatwhich we arefpeaking of. / P R A C T ? 7 7 of Stairs in P erfpeffive. T Here k nothing thatgiveth fo great a grace to a Perfpe&ive, nor which more eafily deceiveth the eye, there is a muititude of Returns, by reafon that there is need of many lights and divers fhadows, which give fuch force to the €)bjeds^ that they feem to call them out of the w r ork. Now flairs have this advan- tage, that in what fafhion foever one fet them, they have always lights and fhadows, and by confequence they are pleafing to the fight. I will fet down fome here. If one fhall ufe little fquares, they will have the more eafinefs, having only to raife Perpen- dicules, from fo many fquares, as he would have fleps : then to fet at the firfl fquare the line of Elevation, divided into as many Parts as one would, and fro m thefe divifi- ons to draw to the point of fight, and they fhall divide th e Perpendicules where the fleps ought to be. For example, you would have a flair-cafe, of eight fleps, and that the laflmay have the bredch of 3, you mull take upon the Plane the number of little fquares, beginnin g at B, as are 1,2,354,5,6,7.0. And 3 for the lafl marked 1 1, from all thefe Angles we mull raife Perpendicules, which we fhall divide, according to thedivifions of the line of El evation B D in this manner. The firfl divifion (four inches high, fuppofing the fquare of one foot) fhall divide the firfl Perpendicule, and it mufl be coutinued unto the fecond, for that maketh alfo r he upper part of the flep, as is E F, and fo of the others. You fhall make thefe fleps # as long as you would :as thele are of three feet taking, as I have faid,the fquare for one foot, fo as is B G at this diflance. You mull alfo raife Perpendicules, as we have done on the fide B^ but for to fave this pains, it were better to take the height of the lafl flep H, and that of the firfl I. Then to draw the line H I, which mull ' grate upon the Angles, or the outward edge of the Steps, as E K, grateth upon them on the fide B : for this being, there is but onely to draw parallells to the Bafe from all the Steps on the fide B, until! that they divide the line H I, as we fee L M N O P Q^&c. without making fquares^ we need only to fet theMeafures upon theBafe,and to draw them to the point of diflance. We may have the fame Meafures upon the line A B. X fet no other figures, feeing that this fu&ceth for to Underftand them all,an4 for to make them. 7 % PR ACTIC A U / 7 & 79 PERSPECTIVE ,f*V fh A jfe. A *fe ife: jjfe • ,jfe ifc ,fV jft.» jtv v ^>. Jtfr* v fV jrtv A .ft* jr#% jirt •**, £ : ^ii ; i & M Other fiefs hollowed underneath in Perspective* T HIS manner of fteps is made as thofe which we are now lea ve- ing. As for the hollowaefs, there is need only to fee the Fi- gure, for to know the manner of fetcing them into Perfpedtive: Thefe two that I prefent /hall give an open way to the Pra&ifer of this Art, to invent others by. Steps in front in Perfpeclive . T his manner of fteps is according to the Order of the line of Elevation 5 you muft raiie as many Perpendicules from the Angles of the fquares of the Plane, as you would have of fteps, as are C D E F, and from the fame Angles to draw little Paral- lels unto the bottom of the line of elevation A, which (hall be the points O O O O, which you muft raife until that they divide the oc- cult Rays of the divisions of the line of Elevation A: Then to take thefe Meafures with a Compafs, and carry them upon the Perpendi- cules elevated from the Angles of the Plane, each according to their Order. The firft, for the firft ftep $ the fecond, for the fe- cond* See. For to finde thefe Returns P 5 you muft from the fame Corners P draw to the diftance Q, and to take heed, where that dividech the line of the Plane, or the under-part of the ftep * for example, above the fourth ftep I have made the Plane of the fifth ftep 5 Now to have its Return P, we muft from the fame points P, draw to the diftance Q, and take notice where it fliall divide the Ray R, which fhall be at the point S', and this point S fhall be the point for to draw the line of Re- turn S TV And fo of others* 19 PRACTICE ht PERSPECTIVE For to make jl air s y . which one may jhetv from four \fidcs. T Here are many wayes to make thefe Stairs, fee here are two , , which feem the moft eafif . The hrft ^ Being about to make one of thefe Stairs, we mud take the kng h of the fird Step, and fet ther. on the quantity of Steps, that you would have, as upon the line A B, I have fet the points CCC, for four iteps : from thefe points we mud make Rays to the point of fight D, the Rayes fhall. be divided by the Diagonals A F, and B E, at the points I, from the which we mud raife Perpendi- ailes, and draw little parallels unto the bottom of the line of Elevation G, w hich fhall give the points H, which they (hall raife as H K, We mid upon this line of Elevation G, fa as many equal parts, as we would have Steps, as htre 4, from thefe four points 1 . 2 .3 . 4. We mud draw to the point D, for to divide the Perpendiculars H K, and to give to each the height that it ought to have, as that which is made of points fheweih it,. We mud take thefe meafures wLh a Compafs, and tranfport them the one after die other, beginning at the fird G, 1 . and carry it upon the fird Perpendicular , to the corner A, as A L, then to draw a parallel unto the other fide B. (but here I have not fee it but at the half, for to make the plane to be feen in the other)for the fecond Step, you mud take the f cond meafure H, 2, and carry it upon the fecond Perpendicular then to draw Parallels, as at the fird ; And fo of all the GLhers* Another manner. i he fide M N, being given-, we mud make a parallel above, for the thicknefs of the fird Step, as O P, from which points O P, we draw 2 Rayes to the point of fight Q, and alfo to the didances R S, And thefe Biagonalls (hall frame the fquare in the or^ dinary manner and this {hall be the fird dep. For the fecond, we mud fet the mea- fure of the breadth, which we would give it upon the line O P, as is O T, and from . the point T, to draw to the point of fight Q^and this line or Ray T fhall divide the Diagonals O, where we mud raife the fecond Step at the point V. The height of this Step fhall be taken from the half of V X, as M O, is the half of O T. This meafure being given at the point Y, we mud draw parallels unto the Diagonal of the other fide, which is drawn from the comer P, then from the points Y Z. to draw to the points of fight, and of didance^ for to frame the fquare as at the fird Step. For the third Step, we are only to carry upon the line Y Z,the meafure V X, which fhall be Y A, and from the point A, to draw to the point of fight Q,for to divide the Diagonal of the point Y, which fhall be the point B, and the place of the third Step 0 Its height ffall be the half of B C, which is aiwayes that of O T in Perfpe&iye. All the red is the fame, as in the fird and fecond, if there fhould be an hundred , you mud work always in the fame manner 1 he third figure caufeth thefe Steps to be feen clearly without the confufion of Draughts, which we fhould make for to find their places : thefe Draughts fhould be made in white- or in fuch manner, that nothing may be feen of them, when, the figure is finifhedc p R A C Til CAL; 7 , J*f *■£ P -E R 5 P ECTIVE Stairs viewed on the fide in Perfpeffivc. Y Ou muft fet upon the bafe, the number of fteps that you would have^ that is to fay, as many points at an equal diftance, as here the three ABC, from thefe points, you muft draw to the point of fight D. Then from the point A, to the point of diftance E •, And this Diagonal A E, fhall give the plane, and the place of the fteps at the fe&ion of the Rays B C, at the points I, and upon the Ray F , which is the foot of the Wall, the point G, which is the midft of the plane of the fteps, from ■this point G, you muft draw to the other diftance H, for to find the corner of the laft ftep at the point K, and the place of others at the points I. Then from all thefe points I, to raife Perpendiculars. For to give them their height, you muft from the points ABC, which are upon the bafe, raife little lines, for to ferve for the line of elevation, upon the which fhall be fet the heights according to their number. For example, A, which is firft, fhall have but one, B, which is the fecond, fhall have two. and C, which is the third fhall have three. Draw from all thefe points i, 2, and 3, to the point of fight D, and you fhall divide the Perpendiculars elevated from the plane, to the points O, which fhall be th e height of each ftep. That of the other fide is for to make it feem without points, and without lines. This manner of fteps may ferve for many things, as for an Altar, for a Throne , for the forepart of a Church, for a Gate, &c. jrfk K> the point of fight C, as is to be feen in the fecond figure. P E R S P E C T I V E For winding Sims with Refts in Perfpecfive* W E muft remember the fore-going orders about Steps, and it will be eafie frame thefe winding Stairs, but to avoid the pains of fearching, we will un- fold the whole matter here By reafon that the winding Stairs of this figure, have ordinarily twice as much at the bottom, as they are broad : When one would raife then into Perlpe&ive, he fhall fir ft fet the Horizon, where he would. Then he muff, make a fquare, according to the or- dinary rules, and double it according to the fecond advice of FoL 16. and to divide this fquare by an unequal number of little fquares, that the Walls which fhould be in the midft, may be of the meafure of one little fquare. In this figure each fquare hath 9 fides, or little fquares of each fide, the which being doubled maketh 18. for all the hollow : Of thefe 18. you muft leave 4 at each end for the Rcfts^ there remains 10 little fquares, which we will make to contain 1 foot e- evry way, of which we fhall make ten Steps, or degrees, as followeth. Having left 4 fquares A B, beginning at the point A, which holdeth the place of ; the Wall, we will raife a good height the PerpetyJicule B, then the fecond C, and the third D, and fo from the other Angles of the fquares, until that one have made the 10* which we have here : This being done on the ond fide ^ you fiiali do as much on the other, and all thefe Ferpendicules fhall give the depths of the fteps* For the heights, if they have one foot of depth, or breadth, we fhall give them one half foot of height, which is the half of the little fquare A O : this height being taken wnh a compafs, we mull fet it upon the firfl corner, which fhall ferve as for the line of eIeva:ion, beginning all below at the point A, and to mark it as many times , as we would make Steps, as here 10 unto the firfl Reft, from which we begin to afcend again on the other fide oppofite , where which we fhall take again the Reft of the numbers following are marked there on the one fide, and other unto the 2 3 . From all thefe 23 points, we muft draw to the point of fight E, and to take heed to j' divide the Perpendicules, according to their order, that is to fay, that having placed the cule upon the firfl point, and at the point of fight we muft divide the firfl Perpendi- ci kr B, unto C, w i h a fmall draught for the firft Step For the fecond Step, we muft from the Tcond point divide the fecond Perpendicular Cj unto D And fo of all as well of one fide, as the other From all the Angles of thefe fmall draughts between the Perpendiculars, we muft draw parallels to the Hoiiion, unto the Wall F, which is raifed in the midft, as are the fmall draughts 1 1 1 1 , which I have made only on one fide, for to avoid confufion. It is only thefe parallels, which muft frame the Steps : Ail that is, made unto that, ought to be of occult lines, which ought not to be feen, when the figure is finifhed. The Refts ought to be taken from the defed of the laft Perpendiculars unto the Wall, as from G, unto H, their thicknefs H K, is of one half foot, as of one Step The figure below, is the fame wkh that above : but this is made, and the other fneweth how it ought to be made. 83 PERSPECTIVE Stairs winding uf right , in Perfpeffive- Y O U muft fet upon the bafe one fide of the Afcent, and divide it into fo many Parts, as you would fet fteps there : for example, the fide of the ft airs let be the diftance A B, if you would have 1 6 fteps for the whole Circuit of the fquare, each fide ihall have four : This is, why this Meafure A B being divided into four, you muft make thereof a fquare divided into fixteen, according to the Orders si- fore-going. From all the outward divifions which divide into four the lines of each fide, you muft raife Perpendicules which will give the bounds of the fteps. Let then the Per- pendicules be A A, BB,CC,DD,E E. This E E made for three, by reafon that the point is in the midft • for that it ferveth for the Nuell or Spindle, which is the Cen- ter of all, and the half of the line before, and of that of the bottom , there follow F F, G G, H H, 1 1, K K, L L, M M, N N, O O, PP. You mull fet upon the firft Perpendicule A. which we will make to ferve for lines of elevation, the height of one ftep or degree QA : And from the point Q^you muft draw to the point of fight X, for to have the Meafures of all the fteps atthefeftions of the Perpendiculars Q_R STY : A Qjs the height of the firft, F R of the fecond , G S of the third, H T of the fourth, and I V of the fifth - 5 this of all thofe of the bot- tom, as A is of all thofe before. Seeing that G S is the meafure of the third, which is the midft of the fide • it muft alfobethe meafure of the Center, and of the Nuell of the ftairs ^ therefore having taken this Meafure G S, with the Cempafies, we muft carry it to the Center of the fquare ^ and mark it in going upwards, as many times as we would fet fteps in the whole Afcent, as I have fet it here eighteen times for eighteen fteps or degrees. All being ordered in this manner, thereft iseafie enough, feeing that for to make the firft ftep, we muft take the meafure A Q, and carry it upon the Perpendicular D, to the point I . and from this point I to make a Parallel unto the other Perpendicule B ^ then from thefe two points 1 1, upon the Perpendiculars to draw to the other I, which is at the Center of the fquare • thefe three III will frame the firft ftep. For the fecond, feeing that its Corner cometh to the Perpendicule B, which is on the fide before, you muft give it the fame meafure A Q, which fhall be 1,2. And from the point 2, to draw to the point of fight X, for todivide the Perpendicule P, or the point 2, from the which points 2, 2, Perpendiculars, you muft draw to 2 of the Center, which will frame the fecond ftep. For the third, feeing that it meeteth upon the Per- pendicular P, you muft take the meafure F R for its height, and do as at the fecond ^ and fo of all the others. He that would make them round, needeth but only to reduce the fquare into Round, according to the Orders aforegoing, and he (ball have the fame facility wholly as m the fquare, in whatfoever remaineth. PRACTICAL. 3$ Squares fet into Rounds in Perfpeffiv*. T HIS Order is the fame that we have given in the Planes, for to fet into Perfpe&ive y the Round divided into 8, as one may fe e in the figure A, where the perfed Round of the forepart of the Cube, giveth the draught how to abridge that above > And. that above with that before, for to abridge all the other fides ; as we fee the Figure B, where the Round is abridged on three fides, and at the other C, where it is of all the faces of the Cube. . The third. Figures D E F, are pierced or hollowed, each on two fides, according to the Plane of the Figure, where the Round A, as we fee the Cube D, pierced by the face before, and through that we fee the bottom pierced • likewife Eis pierced by the files, and F by the up- per part and the face, which lieth upon the Ground, which cannot be feen, fuppofing that the Cube be ot matter, which is not tranfparent. Thefe three Figures which are under, are as the Pieces which one hathdrawn from each Cube ; this G fhould be drawn from the Cube D, H is drawn from the cube E, and I is drawn from the cube V. That which caufeth to underftand the eafinefs of fetting all fquare Figures into Round, and that one fliall $ot be troubled to fet Columns In what place foever he would. The reafon why I have fet none of them heretofore, hath been for to render the Elevations more eafie to conceive, and to facilitate the Orders > the which being well under- flood and remembred,one (hall be able to make a round figure of what- soever he will 5 This is the beginning of Columns. We fhall further fpeak, how one ought to proceed for to make them perfed. PR A C T i C A L * fJ PERSPECTIVE %ound Stairs, in

£ for to fet it in Per- fpedive round about the Pilafter : weinuft from the point of diftance F draw a line Diagonal, which pafteth forth ot the fquare to the point E unto G, it is no matter for ihe length : Then from the point A to make a Ray palling to ih e lower part of the Projcdor H j and at the point where this Ray ihall divide the Diagonal at I, it fhall be the advancement of the whole bafe : the fame Ray A H /hall give the Projedor of the bo.tom, by dividing the other Diagonal at the point K : Then for the Projedor be- fore, we muft from the point I draw a Parallel to the bafe, until that it divide the Di- agonal, which /hall give the other Corner of ihe Projedor before at the point L- } then drawing lines of the height of the Bafe unto thefe points, as are M to L, from D to I, from N to K, you /hall have the bredth and the hight of all the Bafe •, The Capital! is made of the fame faihion. Here is for the firft figures above. Thofe below /hall Caufe the reft to be known, and /hall avoid Confufion. For the Pi lifters O, we muft obferve that above P, where the line D H, bereth all the fedions of the ba e • Wherefore from the point of fight A, we muft draw Rays, the which palling by thedi vifions ofD H, muft marke them upon the lines D I, and N K • And drawing Parallels from the points of D I, to M L, there will be no more then to give the Turnings about,; or wheelings as the /hape of the Colum. When you /hall meet with fquares, or Flat-bands, either above or below they are made by Perpendicular. A > for ,.o make the Plinth, you muft raife Perpendiculars from the Points L I the from the point of fight A, to pafs by the Corner of the PiinthQ^ it will give the height upon the Perpend icules I, and K. Then L muft be equall to L« I beleeve that this Inftrudion for the Bafe, will fufike for to make the Capital! be- ing the fame Oder. This laft Pilafter R, is only for to caufe one to be feen without bring mingled .vfth lines. We have broken them, for to make the Bafes and Capital] to be fee n, no., having had fpace Enough for to make them appeare whole. P R A C Tit C A l; - s§ A great CcrrJjh above the Horizon in Perfpective. I T is the fame Order widi that which we have explained, but as it is fomewhat difficult by the multitude of lines, I thought it convenient to fet it down again here, for to avoid confufion. I fay then, that having taken the pourfill of the Projector and the Cornifli, that one would make, we muft fet it at the place, where one would make it, as C which is the pourfill is at the corner of the Wall A B, for to find the height which it ought to have, and to make thofe below feen, we mult from the point of fight D, draw a Ray paffing by the end of the pourfill E, as is D F-, then to make a line Diagonal from the point of diftance H, paffing by the corner of the Wall B, and to continue it until that it di- ' vide the Ray D E at the point F, from which you fliall draw the line F G, which mud be the Angle in Perfpedive, for to receive all the meafures F G, the corner of the o- ther end of the Wall K L, is drawn from the other diftance I, as being the other Dia- gonal. In the figure marked 2 . we fliall fee, that all the figures which are upon the line M N, muft be tranfported by vifual Rays from the point of fight D, upon the line N O, for to draw Parallels to the Horizon from all thefe points, which (hall give the whole Cornifli perfed. But before we pafs any further, we muft mark , as I have already faid, that all the flat-bands and fquares are made by Perpendiculars. For example, for to make this great fquare of the Cornifli, having made the Wave or Ogee, and the filet under the filet, which muft be the height of the fquare, we muft abafe the Perpendicule, P QfThen for to know where it muft be divided for to make the under part be feen, we muft draw from the point of diftance I, by the point above the quarter of the round R, unto the Perpendicule PQ^and you fliall have that which you leek. That which I have faid of the great fquare, muft be underftood of little ones, as are fmall mouldings, the filets, &c becaufe that they muft all make that below to be feen. The third figure flieweth, that having found all the points, and drawn Rays upon this line, from the Angle S T, we muft there trace out or fhape the mouldings out proportionally; I mean, that when thefe fliall projed themfelves, as this here doth, be- caufe that its point of diftance is near, we muft help the mouldings, that is to fay , a little bend down the quarter of the Round, fet up the Ogee, enlarge the filets, and mark at one end the fame that at the other • as at V X, the fame that at S T after that, there is no more but to draw parallels to the bafe, and all fliall be done The fourth figure flieweth the Cornifli wholly made : I have drawn parallels from all the points of the line of the Angle Y 2^ I have made an end of the Wall to pafs upon the Cornifli, for to give to underftand, that one hath liberty for to make it throughout, and that our rule is general for to make it where they would. P R A C T I C A U S P $o PERSPECTIVE f$r rU .A ##<• /» xfcr and the fedion of this line upon the Ray E D, (hall be the point for to make a little Parallels to theHorizon R Q^which fhall be th t which was demanded. This may ferve forall the fquares, whichare met within Cornifhes and Mouldings asjwell great, as little. The Body, or Wall, marked S, maketh the Mouldings of the Body L, to befeen cleerly. PRACTICAL; a Qf the Cortiijhes and Mouldings under the Horizon. T HE Orders are the fame with the foregoing^ . Butbecaufe of an Accident which hapneth fometimesby the diverfity of Horizons one might be in fome trouble, not knowing the reaion where- fore that cometh to pafs, I fay then, that when we fee Ccrnifties, which are below our eyes, and by confequence below the Horizon^theAdvancings which theProje^Qrscaufe, do hide from us,fometimes the half, and fometimes lefs or more, according as one is railed abovethem. For to finde juftly that which (hould be covered, and that which (hould not be, we muft fet, as we have faid,the Pourfil or Mid-line of the Moulding at the Corner of the Body which we would adorn, and having found the line of the Angle, as we have faid in the Orders aforegoing, there we muft draw the divifions of the Pourfil • and we (ha'l finde that the fquare or the flat-band, will wholly cover the A ftragal or (mail J^pultel below,or t he demi-round, ' and will fuffer but the half of the Filet to be feen,* As is to be feen, th$ having drawn a line from th# " po nt of fight A, by the Pourfil B C, it divideth the j Perpendicular of the line of tbe^ngle at the point Dj which maketh known that which ought to be covered;for the moulding below,ic is the fame thing with the O ders forego? n ® For Cornijhes with many ‘Returns. W HEN there are many Returns in the Cor- nifhes or Mouldings, they muft always take their under-parts from the points of the diftances,as may be feen, that having drawn the Rays A and B, at the point of fight E : We mu ft from the point of diftance C or D, make a Diagonal paffing by the corner of a quarter of the Round O, until that it di- vide the Ray A or B at the point I, from the which point I we muft make a Parallel to the bafe, for to have the under-par^or theProje<5tor of the fquare, even as 1 have fa id at fol,98. I would willingly have made a greater Cornifh, feeing that it would not have bin more difficult,but the paper hath obliged me to content my felf with this. if one would make Returns by the Ground, as thefe are upon the Horizon, he muft obferve the fame Order And for proof of that which I fay,turn this Paper upfidedow% and you fhall fee the feme effects. *.f i B A PR A C TIC A L A a i 1 j 93 P E R’S P E C T I Y E. For the Openings of Doors in Perfpeffive. S Eeing that hitherto we have followed very near the Order which they keep in raifing of Buildings-, whatfoever they be, we ought to follow in teaching the man- ner of Garniihing them, and making them fitting for to lodge in : I will begin by the doors of wood • afterwards we will fpeak of other Openings, as of Windows , Cupboards, Chefts, &r. Then of Moveables, Tables, Beds, Chairs, Coffers, Settles* B nches, &c, All the doors, which are made for to open and fhut, depend of the Will of every one, who may open them more or le-fs, as hepleafeth ^ wherefore I will teaeh to fet them into Perfpedtive, at fuch opening as one would have. We muff obferve that the Doors, Windows, Cupboarps, Chefts, and infhort all things hat may open and (hut, do make always a demi-round in their whole opening. 1 he reafon is, that the fide which is faftned by the hinges or hooks, doth not ftir from i s p r ace*, and the other fide moveth and maketh a demi-Circle, as a pair of Compares would do. For example, in Lhe Plane under the Figure, if the fide faftned be at the point A, and A z e other fide at B, if you would open the door fully, the fide B fhall make the demi- round BCD, whereof the center fhall be A, as one may fee from whence one may kno that if the door hath theee feet of bredih, as thefe have • it fhall have alfo three fee: for its Diameter A C •, And 6 feet for the Diameter entire BAD, of which fix feet in length, and 3 of bredth, we muft make a Plane of 18 little fquares, for which we Fhall make the demi-round ABCD, for to give a facility to make the fame demi- j^unds in the Perfpe&ive. by obferving where the demCro$iud of the Plane divideth q| t ? e li tie fquares, for to divide in the fame proportion thole of the Perfpedive, and there to make a demi-round, which fhall take up as many of the little fquare s, and fhall divide them in the fame place, as we fee at the door E, where the fe&ions are marked, as in the plane below 1,2,3 -,4,5, 6, 7. When o le would make an open door in Perfpedive, he muft upon its Plane make a demi-round then to fet the point of the opening in what place he will , upon this djmi-round , as for the door E, the point of the opening is at the point 2 . from this *" [ oin: 2, he muft elevate a Perpendicular 2.H. And again from the fame point 2, draw a line paTng by the corner of the door F, and continue it until that it divide the Ho- rizon which is at the point G, from which, he muft draw another line, making it to pafs by the other corner of the door I, and to continue it till it divide the Perpendicule rai- fed from the point 2, which fhall be at the point H, and you fhall have the door open, as is F I H,2. All the Openings are made by the fame Rules, as are feen by the doors K and L • the door K fheweth its out -fide, and the door L fheweth its infide * neverthelefs', the one and the other are ordered in the manner as the firft^ the point accidental of K is the point M, within the Horizon. And that of the door L is O. If one make to thefe doors, l arrs , locks, and fuch like things, they muftbe d rawn from the fame accidental point, as the bands and the lock of the door L,draw to the point O.Thefe are the points which they call Accidental, as I have exprefTed in the beginning of our Orders, and, all the Openings make but one within the Horizon, except two forts of Openings. The one when the door is wholly opened, for then it hath its point at the point of fight, be- cacfe i: h at the walk The other, when it is Parallels to the Horizon, becaufe the Pa- rallels never divide themfelves but aredrawn right, as is the door N. For the Openings of Windows in Perfpeffive. A LL the difference that there is in the openings of windows,from thofe of the doors, is y that the doors have the demi-round of their opening upon the Plane, and the windows have it in the Air: by reafon that the windows make their Openings being elevated from the Ground, and the doors do grate upon it : wherefore we muftmake this demi-round above or below the windows^ and within this demi-round to take the point for t 6 open them. For example, if the fide of the window hath 2 fmall fquares of bredth,as A B, and that one give it its whole opening, it will take up two more fquares C A,whereof A is the middle, and the center of the demi-circle A B C. But by reafon that the windows are elevated from the Ground, the demi-round al- fo muff be elevated, as they are here above the windows from the corners D and E, which are the centers of thefe demi- rounds, which fhall be eafily fra* med,raifing Perpendiculars from the lquares, which are between C and B, until that they divide the Rays, which pafsby the corners of the windows D E. And from thefe fedtions you muft draw to the bafe, and give them the meafures of the little fquares of the plane 1,2,3. from which points 1,2,3. on high, you muft draw lines to the point of fight F, which fhall divide the Pa« rail Is of points, and frame the little fquares, for to make the rounds of the openingSjwhlch fhall be taken in the fame manner as at the doors ; as if one give within the higheft demi-round the point G, for the point of the opening from this point G,you muft draw 2 lines, the one which falleth plumbe G H, the other which paffeth by the corner of the windowE,for to divide theHori- zon where it can, which is here the point L,from this point I you muft alfo a line by the corner of the window K, until that it divide the line plumb ^t the point FI, which fhall give the window openK E G Hjwe muft do the fame of all the others, and take the point within the Horizon ; as L is the point for the window M i and N is that of the window O. The window P hath none, being Parallel to the Horizon, The windows which are oppofite are made by the fame method," without the confufion of lines, the one and the other are equal with the wall, for te iacili tate the ordering thereof. The door at the bottom is made as we have laid, and the window followeth the Method of thefe. For the Opening of the windows with Ch^mf ret tings. T H E Order of this is as the others upon the fide of the wall, except that thefe cannot be opened wholly, by reafon of the tiiicknefsof the — Chamfring^which caufeth,that the whole demi-circle is not allowed, but as much as the opening can have of it. They ought always to take their point within the Horizon, as we fee Qand R, for the opening of the windows oa high. that below is ParalUl to the Horizon. Bb s* MRS PECT I V E of divers other Openings. T HE Openings of Cupboards and of C hefts, are arleaft as He* ceffary, as thofe of Doores,and Windows 5 and the fault would not be lefs to forget thefe, then not to fet down thofe. Lee us fee the Order in thefe two Figures* The Cup- boards A, are opened according to the Orders of the Win- dows, and it would be lofs of time to bufie Ones- LI f in repeating them here, we are to obferve only, that one height is Parallel to theHorizon, and the other below draweth tothe point of diftance B. This Manner of Shop, which is on the otherfide, hath its O pening with two Shuts, whereof one is lifted on high, and the other cometh down below, and each maketh its demi-round from the CenterC and D which one maketh with theCompaflesthen we may take theOpenings where w r e will, as here at the point E, from which we draw a Rayto the point of fight F, until! wediv-ide thedemi-roiinisof the other end, atthepoint G, from^which points E G, wemuftdraw tothe Centers G D, for to h'aye the Shuts, which clofe up the Shop as we fee. In the figure below, there are 3 Cherts opened feveral ways for to open- thefirft H,I have made the quarterof a round M,inPerfpedtive, follow- ing the Meafure of the little fquares of the Plane, keeping the bredth of the Cheft, as this is of 2 little fquares, from which we muft raifePer* pendiculars, and thereof frame the halfor quarter of a Round, for the opening which we may take at pleafure, as here the point N, from which we muft draw a Parallel unto theother quarter of the round €>., and from thefe i points N O, to draw to the Center P, If we would open it wider, we muft make a demi-round inftead of a. quarter. The Chert I, is the mofteafie of all the Openings ; for having taken the bredth of the Cheft QR, we muft from the center R, make with the Compaffes the demi-round Q^S. Then to take what opening you will, as T, and to draw a Ray to the point of fight V, which lhall di- vide the other demi-round at che-pointX, and fromchefe 2 points T X, to the corners R. He that would open them-furtfeer, hath but to fet the point of th e p- pening higher, within the demi-rounds as Y,is to the Coffer K; All the reft is ordered like as la the Coffer I, as one may fc e. BbH - ' s S' PERSPECTIVE. .eV A . A f|» sxxxxkx Of planes* And the frjl elevation s of moveables* I Had fet thefe planes in their order, among the others, had there not been one confideration, which made me defer them until now, which is, that if I had hand- led them in the beginning, without making known the neceflity thereof , they would have been alfo too foon forgot and held^as unufeful:they are now more feafon- able, and without doubt they will be well received, pleafing, and learned with plea- fure, feeing there are not only moveables, nor peices of houfhold-ftuff, which depend not thereon*, The fir ft plane A, ferveth for Beds, Tables, Chairs, Stools, low Stools, &c. The other B, which beareth in length,, two times its breadth, ferveth for long Tables,, Cabinet, Court Cup-boards, Coffers, Trunks, The third C, which is long and narrow, ferveth for Benches or Forms, and other things which have need of fix Feet,, or Pillars, as great Tables, and Cup-boards* The knowledge that one hath of other planes, will give the facility of making thefe, feeing there is nothing but to fet their meafures upon the bafe, to draw them to the point of fight, and to abridge them by the points of diftances. For example, for the plane A, you muft fet upon the bafe thefe two meafures D E, and draw them to the point of fight F, then from one of the diftances, you muft draw to one of thefe meafures, as. here E, to the diftance G, and where that ftiall divide the Rayes at the points HT, you muft dratv parallels, for to frame the 4 little fquares, whichone may make to be for as much, or as little as he will. Becaufe for a Table,, they muft be of more bignefs then for a fettle or ftool, that is to fay.,* that they mull have more breadth, for if for this we allow 2 inches, for that there muft be four. The plane B, is made of the fame manner, except that by reafon of its length, which as the double of the breadth, we muft draw from the point B, to one of the diftances* for to find the half K, for if one Ihould draw from th^point L, he would divide at the point M, which would be the whole fquare- and we would have but the half Where* fore from the point K, we muft draw parallels to the fe&ions of the Ray ^ and from the corner L, we (hall divide alfo the Ray for the firft fquares at the point N* The other plane C, hath no need of explication- for we fee well, that it is made as that A,’ and that you muft double the fquare for to have 6 little fquares 0 We fee at the figure below, that from all the Angles of thefe fquares, you muft raife Perpendiculars for to begin to give the frame to thepi eces that we (hall make here- after. , 91 PERSPECTIVE 1 of the Eleva tien of Moveables* H Aving raifed the Perpendiculars of the Plane, as aforefaid, we mull in fome Place of the Pidure make the line of Elevation, upon the which we (hall fet the crofs-lines or Travers, and the height that one would give them. For example, the line C D fhall be the line of Elevation, and C E and D f fhall be the bredths for the Travers • from all thefe four points, we muft draw in forae place within the Horizon, as here at the point G. Then having from the Planes A B, railed the Perpendiculars from all the Angles, we muft from the fame Angles draw Parallels to the bafeunto the Ray C G, which is the bottom of the line of Elevation, which will give the points i ,2,3,4. which we muft raife into Perpendiculars ; and the fedions which thefe Perpendiculars fhall make, at the Ray C E, D F, fhall be the points to divide the Perpendiculars of the Planes, whither we carry them with the Compaffes, or that we divide them with Parallels, as we fee in the Figure. Tha c drawing a Parallel from the point E, we fhall divide the firft Perpendicules of the Planes A B, at the points O, from which drawing to the point of fight H, we fhall divide the other Perpendiculars of the Planes at the points P-, and doing the fame from the point F, we fhall frame a Cube pierced round on all fides, or compofed of fquare pieces • the which being well under flood, we fhall eafily make all the Pieces following, and whatfoever other may be. It is eafie to fee that the two frames or feet of the Tables land K, are made by the fame Order that thofe above A B, they having no difference but in the Barre be- low, which is more elevated in the line of Elevation at the point L, which giveth the Barre M, and that which is under may be made intoBowles, or to leave the feet fquare as they are. For the latter frame N and Q, there is no more then in I and K, except that they are feen by the Angle, and the others are feen in front : the Planes of thefe I and K draw to the point of fight R, and thefe draw to the diftances S T. Thefe Figures fhews the ordering of all Pieces of Houfhold-ftuffe •, for ex- ample, if of the Figures lor K, we would make a bed, there is nothing but to give to it its bredth and height : for it is the fame Ord# in all the reft • and if one would make a low ftool or Hat bafe for a Table • there is nothing but to make that a- bove for a ftool • befides that above, we muft give it more height then bredth, but all SiK reft is ordered in the fame manner* ) *1 PERSPECTIVE For to nuke the upper part of Fables , Stools, &c. H Aving raifed the Perpendlcules from the plane , as we have fpoken, and given the height , that we would they Ihould have, we lhall have the frame, for to make there an upper part wholly by the line, and which paffeth not the frame; we have only to leave the upper part of the cube, without marking any thing there, and this lhall be the uppermoft,be it of a Table, Stoolsjow-ftools, &c. But if one would that the upper part ihould have any Proje&or or Border, we muft from one of the corners of the Frame, or foot of the Table, draw a little parallel as A B, and upon this parallel fet th mea- fure of the Projedor one would give it, as we have fet here A B. Then from the diftances Cand D, we muft from the corners of the fquare made of points, which is the breadth of the Frame, or feet of the Table, draw fmall occult lines, as are A E, Now for to know how this mea- fure A B, lhall give in Perfpedive the breadth equal to all the fides, and corners of the Table 5 We muft from the point of fight F, draw a Ray, palling by the point B, and continue it until that it divide the line CAE, which lhall be at the point G s from this point G we muft make a parallel which lhall divide the other occult line at the point H. Then drawing from the points G H, to the point of fight F, we lhall divi le the other lines Diagonal of the corners a t the points L and K,and then we lhall have the upper part of the Table , with the Projedor which we have given to the line A B. For the thicknefs of this upper part, we may give it at pleafpre. This order may ferve for to make the upper parts in all whatfoever We would, whether they be above or below the Horizon, whether they be on the front, or fides : In Ihort, they make them all after the fame manner. 1 RRSPECTI-VE ,*U rfa }$■* .«&» ?&-• fiV «l* y tv sh, , -'*’- ife&ifc fe& k A A A •'*'- ■•*’■ For to Elevate a Court-Cupboard and Cabinet-. H Aving made the Plane* and Elevated Perpendiculars from all the Angles, as we have faid, we (hall let upon the line AB, which (hall ferve here for the line of Elevation, the Meafures that we will give, as well to the diftance of the boards, as in their thick- nefs,as are C D E, from the which points C D E, we muft draw Pa- rallels to the Bafe,. unto the other Afcent or Column F G. Then from the points which (hall be marked upon this Afcent G F,we mud draw Rays to the point of fight H, unto the other Afcent of the Hollow I K. This Hollow is given at pleafure, fetting upon the bafe,that which we will give it 5 for example, for to have the hollow or bredth of this Cupboard, I have fet the Meafure F L, from this point L, we muft draw to the diftance M, and where the Ray F H (hall be divided at the point L, that ftiall be the place of the lad Afcent. The Cup-board which is over againft on the other fide, is ordered in the fame manner, and for to finde the Meafure of this little Cabinet which is in the midft, bore up by two little Columns? we muft take the points L P, which are in the midft of QN, and the bredth of the little Cabinet, and draw them to the diftance O 5 and where the Ray NH fhall be divided, we muft draw Parallels to the bafe, which (hall rivide the Ray T H at the point V, from which railing Perpendiculars, we fhall have for the little Cabinet of the middle. The great Cabinet of the fecond figure, are of the fame Order with the Court Cup-boards above. There is none but that of the midft* which is at the bottom, which we muft a little explain, by reafon that it is of the front, and that one might be-in feme trouble for to deter- mine its hollow, I fay then, we muft frame its Plane, as we have faid heretofore, and as we fee it finilhed in the half ; for to give it the Tra- verfes equal to the firft in the fore-part ; we muft from the firft Afcent R, draw occult Rays to the firft Perpendicular of the hollow S,' and there to make little fe&ions, from which we muft draw little Para lels to the bafe j and wc fhall have that we defire, N " / IW PERSPECTIVE For the Elevations- of Chairs, F O R to elevate a Chair, you muft of the Meafures A BC,make a Plane by the ordinary Rules, and from the Angles of this. Plane, elevate Perpendicules, and follow the fame Method that wehavegiven, fpeaking of the feet of theTable, orof the frames for windows, without the upper part i there is nothing more in this then the Back of the Ghair, which one may make of fuch an height as they will .• here it is the height of A, unto the feat K, and this height is as well for the Angle Chairs, as. for thofe with Refts to lean on. We feefufficiently by the Figure, that for to make them with backs, we muft only-prolong the Perpendicules of the Afcentson the fid", that we would make it, as is here the firft A E and from the point E drawing to the point of fight G. We fliall divide where it ought the Afcent ele- vated from the Plane, or from the foot H, which Rail be the point F. The reft is dear enough by the Figure. When we would have Refts there, we need only to prolong the j cents before, as they have made thefe behind for the back. Then to make there a Barr which ferveth for a Reft, asisLM. In the fecond Figure below you fee a Form or a Bench garnilhed with carving, and two little Couches to reft in, whereof one hath the back turned on thisfide, and the other view’d obliquely : It would be tolofe the time to inftrud how to make them, feeing that the Order to elevate them, is the fame with the foregoing, which we have given for the Moveables, which is, that having made the Plane^we muft elevate Perpendicularsj&c. Gciij.i One other fajluons of Moveables in Perfpective. C Ertain moveables, which clofe themfelves* Thofe which they make to ferve for Seats, Tables, and Beds, &c» are Very eafie to fet into Perfpedive We muft only make the elevation, as if for a Cub s as is A B, C D, or E F G He Then to make there two Diagonals A C, and B D, for that of the midft of the Tront, or E H, and F G, for that of the fide, which (hall ferve to bring in the 2 crofFes, to take notice, that there be an half which entreth within the other, as G K, do pais within H I* and the one and the other are faftned by the midlHbr to make them bend. In this piece which is below, I have made a Table upon Trefiels, that we may have the fmalleft moveables for to fet them into Perfpedive We muft from the meafures A B, which is the interval for the Feet of the Treifels, draw to the point ol light C .• Then having fet upon the bafe the thicknefs of the fame Feet, as are D and E, we muft draw them to the point of diftance F, and obferve where we fhall divide the Ray B C for to draw little parallels to the bafe, which fhall give the little fquares, or the planes of the Feet, as we fee in A B, between this diftance D and E, we muft fet the breadth, which we will give to the top of the TrelTel, and draw it to the diftance F, which fhall divide the Ray B C, at the points G H, from the which points G H, we muft elevate 2 Perpendiculars, to fuch an height as we would have, as here at the point L Then from the Angles of the fmall fquares of the plane, to draw lines bending unto the piece L The fecond TrelTel is ordered all. alike with the firft The form K, nor the Table, or high Stool L,' have no need of Explication , nor In» ftrudion for to fet them into order, feeing that they have nothing, which is nor com* mon to them, with the fore-faid pieces* ToT .£?■ I F F R $ F E C T I V E, Of Moveables fet x'ithoxt Order. W Hen the moveables are fet in order along by the Wall, or according to the Rays and the bafe, it is eaile to fet them into Perfpedive, by the Rides that we have given^ but fuppofing that one fet them by chance, and wiihour order, as thefe are, we muft do as I fhall fay. You mi ft make the Geometrical plane R S T, for the plane of three Chairs, which you mull abridge by the Order that we have fet at the irregular figure, Fol 40. and the planes (hall remain turned, as are the Chairs, or rather the Chairs turned, as are the planes . I fay then, that having fet thefe planes into Perfpedive, as it is taught, you muft fet the Rule along by one of the fides, for to fee what accidental point , you fftall have within the Horizon : For example, having fet the Rule along by the fide A B , I fnall have within the Horizon the point C, for the accidental point, at which we ought to draw all the lines of this fide, and of that which is oppofite to it, as we fee that A and D, draw to the fame point C : It is true that every plane fet irregularly muft have 2 ^ But they meet fometimefo far within the Horizon that it is a hazard when one can find them both together Thefe have each one within the Horizon, as A B, giveth C» A D, which is the other fide, fhould give another point, but our paper is not long e- nough. E F, giveth G AndB I, giveth K, for thefe (mall fquares 1.2. 3. 4. they are the plains of the Feet of thefe Chairs, which one may make more large , or more ftreight, at the pleafure of the Artift. Now from thefe planes, you muft elevate Perpendicules from all the Angles , and fet on the fide a line of elevation M N, upon the which we muft fet the meafure for the Travers, as O, fhal) be for the Bars below, P, for the bars of the feat. And Q^fhall be for the backs of the Chairs, All being difpofed thus, we muft from the Angles of the plane draw parallels to the bafe, unto the line of Elevation, and at the fedion to e- Tvate Perpendicules, which fhall give the meafures, as we have faid of other figures heretofore All the lines of the fides ought to draw to the point accidental! of the plane : For example, in the chair of the midft, all the fides ought to draw to the point G, which i s the point of the plane, as I make it to be feen in the figure. ♦ 10Z . JO'S* PE R S P E C T I V E J;* r t* rfc- «U *lf* tUv v *V A A /'V .A. A j»V ^V\fV A/A • jf'H v *4\, v *tr> v 4»> *V o/ Move al>les lying or thrown upon the Ground* F Romthe fame Plane of the Chairs aforegoing, which are upon their feet, it is eafie ta make thefe which are cart upon the Ground, We muftraife Perpendiculars from all the Angles of the Plane, and give to the Side lying the fame Meafures, as to the fide upright : For example, having raif’d Perpendiculars from all the Angles of the Plane, we fhall have the bredth M, which is in the Chair lying upon its fide, which draweth to the point K ; we mu ft doublethis Meafure M, which will give O for the Barre below of the Chair, and the Per* pendicules elevated from the Plane, will give the Barr of the Seat P. from which drawing to the point K, we lhall divide the other Perpen- diculars of the front at the place that it ought, for to make the fame Barrs appear from all the fides whence they may be feen; for the height of the back of the Chair, there is but only to give to It the fame Mea* fare that the Seat hath of height; And for the back of that in the rnidft, you muft double the Diagonal on the Plane, and take notice where it divideth the Rays or Afcents lying R S. the reft is clear e- nough. The tw© other Pieces which areunder the feet upwards ate very eafie to make s the one draweth to the point of fight T, theothertothe point of diftance V X, the line of Elevation is Y Z. The Order for to elevate thefe is the fame, as to make them upon their feet, that is to fay, .that we muft raife thefe Perpendiculars from she Angles of the Plane, and from the fame Angles to draw to the line of Elevation, which will give the Meafures which we muft give to eve; ry Afceat, and the place for the Travers * well above as below, . JJl.ACtlC A« m " io 4 P E R S P E C T I V E For to fet Altars into Perfpe stive a T HE Order of Altars, is the fame with that of the frames of a long Table : that which is more in this, is the Round of the midft, the Borders of the Table-cloth, and the Laces which (hall be found in their place, doing that which folioweth. Firft, for the body of the Altar, w.hich we fee in front there is no difficulty : for ha- ving given to it the height and length, there is nothing but to draw from all the points above th? bafe, to the point of fight E, and from the fedions that thefe points fhali give to the line of the bottom of the Altar,you muft raife Perpendicules for the Round of the midft, it is made with the Compafs. The reft is clear enough within the Figure. For to make an Altar on the fide, we muft fet the bredth and height, which we ffiould give it at the place where we would begin it, as is A B the bredth, and B D the height. Then from BD and C to draw to the point of fight E, feeing that B F is the length of the body of the Altar, and that we would give the fame to this, we muft from the point F draw to the diftance G, and take notice where we fhali divide the Ray B E, and from the fedion elevate a little Perpendicular, until that it touch the Ray D at the point H, and from H to make a little Parallel, which fhali give I at the Ray C, and then we fhali have the upper part of the Altar CDHh for to have thefe two laces which are on one part, and the other of the Round ; the points K L will give them upon the Ray BE, by drawing them to the diftance G, and M will give the- bredth of the Borders of the Table-cloth ^ and having taken the meafure B M, we muft bring it to D, which will give O, for the bredth of the Border of the Table- cloth on high As concerning the Round, I will not repeat that, for I have fpoke of it elfewhere, where any may have learned, how it is fet into Perfpedive, it is enough ' that we know, that from all the divifions we muft draw to the diftance G : And at the iedions of the Ray B to raife Perpendicules > then to take thefe fame Meafures, and tranlport them from Bunto O, as are P And from all thefe Meafures to draw to the point of fight E, and to oblerve where they fhali divide the occult Perpendiculars, tor to make by thefe points a crooked line, which fliall give the Rounds in PerfpecHve, If in ftead of thefe laces, and of the Round, there were an Embroidery, we fhould ufe the fame Order for to abbreviate it In the Figure below I have made the fame Altar without line, and adorned with a Crofs and two Candlefticks ^ for to finde the place of thefe Candlefticks, we muft prolong the line of the comer of the Altar, as is QJ& • then from the diftance G draw a line by the corner of the Altar T, and to continue it until that it divide that R ; and this line QR fhali be the length of the Altar, equal to B F of the firft figure, upon the which we fhali fet the Meafures of the Croft and of the Candlefticks, as are V for the Crofs, and S for the Candlefticks - from all thefe points S V vve muft draw to the diftance G, and take notice that at the fe&ions of the Ray (FE, we muft draw little Parallels, which we fhali divide by the Ray S E, and will give thefquares above the Altar X for the Croft We muft leave the fquare for the foot, and from the midft of the fquare elevate the Crofs ^ for to finde the Meafure of the Arms of the Crofs, we ipuft from the corners of the fquare raife the occult Perpendiculars, as it Is mark’d Y, and draw to the point of fight E for the Candlefticks Of this fquare we muft make a Round- and obferve where it fhali divide the Diagonal, for to elevate thefe Per- pendicules, which fhali give the bredth of the Bafons, from the which we muft draw tonhe point of fight E, from the middle fquare or round foot of the Candleftick, we* muft elevate a Perpendicular for the Body of the Candleftick, and for the Taper which* we fhali make as high as we will: for to proportion it, we muft from the top of the fiift draw to the point of fight E, the refthath already been faid i the Figure will caufe us to rememierrhe Orders, PERSPECTIVE. ,4* A .A* all* A* ft* A. «4b - fJS* v *V Of Merchants Shops in Perfective. Rdinarily Merchants Shops are compaffed about with Shelves or Boxes, for to lay there and keep their Merchandize. The Rule or Order for to make thefe Boxes, is as it were the fame with that of the doors and windows : For example, if inftead of the thicknefs of the Wall, in the order of the windows ^ You fet in this the board A B from the point B ,. you muft draw to the point of fight C : For the under part, or bottom of the Boards, from the point B, having fet upon the bafe the dillances, and the tneafures of the Boards, or afcents E F G, you muft from thefe 3 points draw to the points of diftance D, which fhall give upon the Ray B, the fedion H I K, for to raife the Perpendicu- lars there. For to have the boards a crofs, we muft fet fuch a number, as we will give upon the hoard A B, or only upon the firft Perpendicule B O, as are the tneafures L MN O, from the which points we muft draw to the point of fight C, and we fhall have the boxes in the fedion of the Perpendicules at the points P ^ Then from the fame fedion P, we muft draw little parallels to the bafe, which fhall give the corner 0 1 the box, by Separating the fide from the upper part, or the under. For the boxes in the Front, there is nothing but to draw Rays from the points , or meafures E F, and at the fedion of the line of the hollow K q,to raife Perpendicu- lars R S • And for the Travers to draw parallels from all the divifions which fhall be found upon the Perpendicule K, as are F« 1. P. 2. P« 3. P.4. For the boxes of the other fide, where there are afcents in fquare for to uphold the boards, we fhall have their breadth, drawing to the point of fight C, the meafures T G, and for to have their plane, or fquare, we muft from the meafures A E F, draw to the diftance V, which fhall give upon the Ray T C, the fedion, X Y by the which we muft draw little parallels, until that we divide the Ray T G, at the point Z. and from the Angles of thefe little fquares to raife Perpendicules which fhall be the afcents: as we fee clearly in the figure. The figure below fheweth a Shop- already to receive fuch moveables^ as one would put there, and to furnifh the Boxes with that which you fhall pleafe. For a Library, we muft fill them with Books. For an Apothecary with IittleBoxes,anl Pots. For a Mer- cer, with bundles of fluffs. In fhort^for all that you would, according to their occafions® I©# PERSPECTIVE Of the out 'fide of Buildings $ H itherto we have fpoken of all that belongeth to the in fide of houfes, buildings Churches, &c. Now we will give fome orders for the out-fide. Many of the Rules and Orders, that we have given for the in-fide of Hou- fes, may ferve for the out-fide. For example, the Rule which is for to fet the doors and the windows, in what place one would within, the Wall is fufiicient alone for the out-fide of all forts of buildings, feeing that on the out-fide of the houfe- there appear- tth no other thing then doors and windows. But if they be enriched with Ornaments, we have alfo given, how they ought to be fet into Perfpeftive,if any have forgot them they may have recourfe thither. When there are Windows in Front, as A, and that one would fet them in a return^ which have the fame meafures, we n uft tranfport thefe meafures upon the bafe, as are B B B, equal to A A A, to draw them to the point of diftance C, and to take notice where they fhall divide the Ray D E,at the points F, and from thefe points to raife Perpendiculars which fhall be the afcents of the windows in the Return. For the Travers, we muft continue thofe of the window in Front, unto the Perpen- dicular D, which fhall be the points I, which we muft draw to the point of fight E, for to divide the Perpendicules F, and to give the crofs bars to the window of the Re- turn. When there fhall be a greater number of Windows, there fhall be nothing elfe to 4o,but to continue their Rays, for to give them the fame meafure and height of the croifes, as is to be feen on the other fide, at the houfe which hath 2 windows, by the means of the fame Rays For the breadth or thicknefs of the Jawmbs, and croffes of the windows in Front, we muft fet it upon one of the Travers, as it is at that below K H, and from the corner of the window K, draw to the point of fight E , and from the point H to the diftance C, for the window A. And to the diftance L, for that of the ether fide, and at the fedion of thefe two laft lines, we muft raife a Perpendicular H M *. And then from all the corners of the window draw to the point of fight And from the fe&ions or points which they fhall give upon this Perpendicuie FI M, we muft draw parallels, which fhall be the thickneffes of the Croffes, or Travers: The thicknefs of the Jawmbs of the midft N, fhall be taken drawing from the corner N, to the poin: of fight : And where we fhall divide the thickneffes of the Travers at the point Qj to raife a Perpendicular QJl. For the thicknefs of the windows in Return, you muft fet it at the corner of the Wall, upon the Perpendicuie D, as is the diftance I O, and from the points O , to draw to the point of fight E Then to make little parallels from all the corners of the windows as S T, which fhall divide the Ray O, and fhall give the thicknefs at the point S. Thefe rules ferve for all forts of windows, be they high or low. In the figure below, we may fee a door abridged by the order that we have given elfewhere-.as alfo all that is there, is eafie enough to underftand and practice by the in- ftrudions afore-going. g ft A C T I C h L| PERSPECTIVE For to fet the' Roofs of Houfe s in Perfective, T H E Roofs are different in height, according to that whereof they are made: thofe of llate are the moft right • their ordinary Meafure is the Triangle Equilate- ral, that is to fay, that the bending of the Roof is equal to the bredth of the houfe, as one may fee by the little Figure that I have fet the lowcft,that C A or C B is equal to A.B Others fee this bredih A B, for the middle top D C, which is the higheft, but that is not to ordinary, as this D C : for the fiat Tyle,they allow but the two thirds of the height of thofe of Slate, or of the bredth of the houfe, as one may fee A E B: for the Tha;ch,which is a Co- vering commonly ufed , they allow but the halt of the bredth, as if AFR And ior rbe hollow Tyle,they allow only a third of the bredth for the defeent, as is A 9 B Before we pafs any farther, we muft know that which I call the middle Top, are Pieces elevated Perpendicularly upon the Beams which bear the Ridg where all the rafters do meet, as is G H The rafters are pieces of wood that give the defeent of the Roof, as is H LThe other Pieces which are fet in the corner, and which go unto the middle Top, are called Stays, and are ordinarily longer then the Rafters, as is H K. Three forts of Roofs are in ufe, Pavilions, Pynions, and Appends, or Pent-houfe like The Pavillions have four fides, the Pinions have but two, and the Appends but one- 5 for to make a Paviilion in Perfpe&ive, we muft know the place of the Balls or middle tops, for to draw the ftays thither : the which hath made me make this Geometrical Plane LMNO, for to fhew that of the bredth of the houfe L N, we mu ft make a fquare LMNP, from which we fhall draw two D agonals, which fhall divide themfelves at the point Qj fome fet the Bali at this point Q, but that is too much advanced, and’ maketli this bending of the end lie too fiat : it harninore comelineis when it isftraighter •, wherefore we muft advance it towards the wall L N, by the third part of the diftance QJR, which fhall be the point S, and by this point S we muft draw a Perpendicule upon the line N P, which fhall be T, Then to tranfport thefe Meafures L T and T M, upon the bafe, and draw them to the point of di- ftance, which is here farther off then ordinary, and to obferve where they fhall divide the Ray V and from the fe&ions to elevate Perpendicules unto the height of the wall, which fhall give the points X, from which me muft draw Parallels to the bafe, unto the other RayL Themirom the midft of the wall Y, to draw to the point of fight, for to divide thofe Parallels at the point Z, and from thefe points to elevate the Balls ^ for to give the height to thefe Balls, we muft know wherewith we would’cover them, and according to that to give them the Meafure that we have fpoken of, fuppofing that it be of Slates ; we muft of the bredth of the wall make a Triangle equilateral 1, 2, 3. And from the point 3 to draw to the point of fight, a nd to divide the Ball at the point 4. At which point 4 we muft draw lines from the corners of the Houfe, which will give the fhape to the Paviilion For the Roofs with Pinions there is not fo much to order, we muft only of the bredth of the wall 5,6, make aTriangle equilateral 5,6,7.and as much on the other end of the wall, which /hall give the point 8. Then to joynthis 7 and 8, the Roof will have its fhape and ks meafure.. The Figures on the other fide db fhew the fame thing, without being confufed with lines: This proje&ing which goeth beyond the Roof, is made according as one will. This Houfe on the Floor is covered with a Paviilion, which is made by the fame Or- ders as that on the fide. In this Figure where are the Letters, I have fet the Horizon on very high, for to make the upper part of the houfes to be feen,and to give the more eafinefs to underftand’the Order ^ but as this is feldom met with, I have fet the oth^r Figure above, where the Horizon is low, as it is ordinarily, which neverthelefs is not therefore any other Rule for to make the Roof, then that below, as one may fee by the Figure So S' PERSPECTIVE • W The reft of the Roofs in Respective, I N the figure aforegoing, we have fet the Roofs with fmall PInacles view’d in front, to which we muft give the Triangle equilateral for their height, when we do. make the m of flate:lf they make them of other things, as of Tile or Thatch we muft take their meafures at the little figure below. For to fet this falhion of Roofs in return we muft fet upon the bafe from the foundation of the houfe , the breadth that it hath as is A B^and of this breadth to frame a Triangle according to the height that we would give to the Roof, as to this, which hath a Triangle equilate- ral, whereof C D, is the height ivhich muft be fet Perpendicularly at the firft corner of the houfe, atthe whole height of the Wall as is E F. Then to take the breadth of the houfe C, which is the midft of A B, and to draw it to the diftance, and where it ihall divide the Ray A, at the point G, to raife a Perpendicule-, then you muft from the point F draw to the point of fight X, and the fed ion thatfhall be made of the Perpendicule H, ihall be the point of the Pmacie, to which you muft; draw from the corners of the houfe E I, if one would have there any advancings , he may fet them there at his pleafure as we may fee on the other fide K. For the doping we muft only prolong the line where one would fet the top of the Roof, as is here the line L M, and to give it fuch a bend- ing as we would. To this, there is as much of the height M N, as the houfe hath of breadth N O, if from the points M O, we draw to the point of fight X, we fhall divide the Perpendicule of the Hollow at the point P Q. which we muft joyn with a right line, which Ihall finifh the framing of the Roof. The figures of the other fide make the houfe covered to be feen after thefe faihions. The figures above are only to make it feen, that we muft always keep the fame order, although the Horizons change. I have fet a Church within the floor, which is covered with Pina- cles, and the wings of the two bendings, which have only the fimple draught* There is alfo a P^villion feen by one end, of which we have fpoken in the figure preceeding* pi AC TIC A V ; to? Beil].'. For to fet a Jlrest into PerfpeBive. I r might fuffice to fee the figure, for to know the order thereby which is very eafie, we mud only make a plane offingle little fquares by the ordi- nary way, and to take onefquare,on or $ for the breath, or length of every houfe • And upon this breadth which we fh all take, to fet the meafures of the Dcors an'3 Windows* for to have thereby the abridgement, by drawing to the point ofdiftance A, as are the Meafures B C D E, and F* The firft Angle, of every houfe may ferve for the line of elev^idn^a^We at the firft houfe the Angle G for tbe&qol^& ha\V faid already, how they ought to ' When we vftrnld have ftreets going a crofs, we need only to leave 1. 2. or 5 little fquares, without e~ levating any thing, oven as are H and I. The fig ut c below is tofhew that when one would advance, or draw back the houfesjWe ought only to advance, or draw lMck their elevation , upon the plane of the fquares, as L, is more advanced*by one fquare then K, and M more advanced then L,and fo of others, and for the rt ft to follow the Method which we have given the figure above, to that be- i i@ PERSPECTIVE *That the Obje&s afar off (hew not the fflicfyefs. H E that pra&ifeth this Art (hall be advertifed, that the objects neer to the Horizon, that i$ to fay very much diftant,muftnot (hew the Thick- nefs being view’d in the front. For example,the houfes, ABCD, ought not to have thicknefs at the Windows, and at the Door; But only a fingle draught : The reafon of this is that the Rays which .part from the Obje<5t, unite themfelves in the Eye with thofe that are Collaterals* I would have brought the demonftration of this, ifl had beleeved that it would have ferved, but as it is not Ncceflfary for my defign,and that it would be unprofitable, 1 have let it alone, remembringmy felf, that I promifed at the beginning of the Book that I would not give any, feeing that l have to do With many perfons, which would be in trouble tounderftandthem* Iff f 1 R S P I C T I V 1 eV t%i r?i For the Buildings* vie wed by the Angle . O F thefe two buildings view’d by the Angle,, that of theflrft figure is made in the fame manner, as we have (aid of the litde fquar es, view'd by the Angle^ and at the beginning of the elevations of other p ieces view'd in like manner! But to avoid the trouble to run back to the one, and to the other w I will fay, that for to make thefe 'buildings, we muft always fet the meafures upon the bafe, and draw them to the point of diftance v and at their fedions to raife Perpendiculars , and the firft Angle fhall ferve for the line of elevation : For example, this body of an houfe hath for his breadth A B, and for its length B C, whkhis the double of its breadth A B, from th fe points A B, we muft draw to the point of diftance D, and from B C, to the point of diftance E, from their fedions B F, and G, wc muft raife Perpendicules which fhall ferve for the corners of the houfe. For the meafures of the doors and the windows they muft be let upon the bafe betweeruhe letters A B, and B C, and draw- ing from all thefe points to the points' of diftances D E, we muft take notice , where the B D, or B E, fhall be divided, for to elevate there the afcents of the windows. The Perpendicule of the firft Angle B, muft ferve for the line of elevation , which fhall pive the Travers and height of the windows, all the reft is intelligible enough. For the figure below it is the fame order, with that of the Chairs without order which is, that having made the plane Geometrical, we muft fet it into Perfpedive , as .the irregular pieces Then to fet the Rule at every bending of the plane, and to ob- ferve where the Horizon fhall be divided, for to make a point there, to which we muft draw, as if it were the point of fight of each fide of the building, each fide having its particular point : For example, the plane being fet in Perfpedive, the fide H I, giveth upon the Horizon the point K, to which we muft draw all the Rays of this fide : The other fide I L, muft alfo have its point within the Horizon, but our paper is too fhort for to make it be feen. Thefe 2 points being found, we muft place there the Rule, and make an occult line to pafs by the other fide of the building parallel upon , the plane to that which hrth given the point within the Horizon - and to continue it unto the bafe, as from the point K by the corner L,unto M-, and by the corner H, unto N Then to fet between N I, the number of the windows which muft be on the fide H I, and between I, and M, to fet the meafures of them that we would have on the fide I L ; All thefe meafures being upon the bafe, we muft draw them to the points that we have found, and do altogether the fame, as in the figure above* FT i( P ERS P EC T IV i per to fet Alleys of Trees in Perfyectiv?' A Lthoughthat by the orders fore- going one might draw fuffichnt inftrudtionsfor to fa Alleysof Trees in Perfpe< 3 ive,yet I did be- lieve that it would not be unprofitable,^ give a particular or- der therein, which mighunake the method more cafie. If one would have but one Rank of Trees on each fide of the Per- fpe&i ve, there will be no need to make a plane of little fquares, he may only do, as I have faid in the fourth advice Foh 17, But when one would make a Company of Alleys to appear, it feem- eth.to me, that hefh lido very well to frame with occult lines a pave- ment of little fquares with the Oaks-, even as it hath been taught in the planes Fol. 31. And from the Diagonal of little fquares to raife Per- pendicules, as one may fee A B 5 If one defire the Trees to be farther ofi^ or nearer the one to the other, he muft encreafe or diminifh upon the bafe the diftances of the fquares,. When one lhall have given fuch height as he would to the trunk of the firft Tree, as is A C, from the point C, he muft draw to the point of fight D, to the end that all the Trunks of the other Trees may not pafs the Ray C D, the firft Tree A B, maketh it to be feen , that be- tween 2 right lines one may give to the Trees fuch compafsas he Ihall. find good, and that they ought not to be drawn by the Rule. The figure below is ordered as that above, there is no difference,buc only that above giveth the fquares Right, or in Front, and this giveth them view’d by the Angle, that is to fay, that from the meafures upon the bafe we muft always draw 7 to the points of cliftances E F, and from the little fquares to raife Perpendicules, and to do the reft as we have faid heretofore. One may within the fame Perfpective, where fome Alleys fhould be drawn to the points of diftances, fet alfo thofe that ftiould draw to the point of fight ^ as one may fee by this of the midft, which draweth to the point G, which is the point of fight , and the others, draw to the points E F, which are the points of diftances*. F fi ij For Gardens in Perfpeffive, I Have given in the Treatife of Planes, the Method to abbreviate, and fet into Perfpe&ive the Plane of a Garden with its Compart- ments, by an Order fufficiently eafie ; fuppofing that you have the Plane. But as I avoid thefe Geometrical Planes, becaufe there is need of too much time for to make them, I have fet thefe here, by the which we lhall know, that having made a Plane of fquares, we may take as much or little as we will for the fquares of the Garden, as are here A B, which have each three fquares 6 n every fide :and the fquares that remain ftiall ferve for the Alleys C. He that would make feme Compartment within the fquares of the Garden, he muft ufe the little fquares of each fquare, dividing them, and giving them fuch a figure as he would have, foas we may fee the little fquare A B : and on the other fide D £: the hedge-Rows and Arbors are placed oppofite to each other, and of the bredth of the Alleys. The little Squares with Borders. W HEN one would fet Borders to the fquares, he muft fet at the corner the heights and bredths that he would give them. And from thefe Meafures to draw to the point of fight I. For example, in th ? figure below F G is the height and bredth of the Bor- ders of the little fquare H, from the corners of this little fquare F G, we muft draw to the point of fight I, and do all the reft as it hath been faid feveral times. For the Arbors, we muft from the Angles of the fquares of the Alley, elevate the Afcents or Perpendiculars O. All the reft is done, as in the Arches view’d by the fide, fol. 60 . The little wood which is at bottom is made by elevating Perpendicu- lars from all the Angles of a Pavement of little fquaresj&c. M4 P E R S PECTIVE ,*&, A A ,<#(V *fe, v fV .fit* A v rt(* , -A\ For to make the defigns of Perspective. T Here is not fo excellent a Mafter, which hath not feme defign in fuch pieces, as he would willingly attain to ; If this be ordinary almoft in all fciences, it is necefTary in this, more then in any other, by the great fubftitution of points and of lines, which we muff therein exatftly obferve, and without which nothing can be done, which may content thofe that have any undemanding therein. Seeing that one is obliged in fome manner, to make defigns, we muft fear.ch out that which pmay help to make them exadly, that may be poflible ; and as every on$ knoweth that all the length of thefe works, is to draw lines parallel, and Perpendicu- lars, having then fearched the Invention, as well by experience, as in the Authours, to be able to make them readily : I have found nothing which can help us in that, but the board and the fquare, which Viator hath left us in his Works. All thofe that would pafs the time in deigning, ought to have one from the which they fhall draw the de- light and benefit which experience will make them to underftand. Although that the Figure giveth fufficient undemanding, how it ought to be, and the manner of ufing it, I did believe that I ought to give a more clear undemanding ihereof.This Plank or Board ABC Drought to be perfectly by the rule or fquare, of a Foot and half long, of fifteen inches broad, and halt an inch thick, that the Wood be good, very dry, and well united, one may paft* a fheet of Paper on it , for to make it more (mooth and to help the Peru. The fquare E F, is a Rule of a foot and half long, as the board, an inch broad, and of thickneis z lines, which is helved at the right Angle within another frame of a Rule G H, eight inches long, one inch broad, and three quarters of an inch thick- for to draw lines, they hold this latter Rule G H, clofed a* gainft the board A B C D, and the other Rule E F is afiuredly ferak, if fo be the board and the Rule be well ordered. When one would work, we muft faften the leaf of Paper IKLM upon the board, with q. little bks of Wax NOPQj and then from one only point, you may draw lines, with afTurednefs that they will be right. And when you would have Perpendi- culars, fet the handle of the Rule G FI, on the fide C D, the Rule E F (hall be Perpen- dicular to C E> For my part I find that this eafeth exceedingly, and that without this invention, you muft always have the hand at the Compafs. There is no further need of fubftitu- tion, but for the vifual Rays, and there are alfo thofe that ufe a Rule pierced at one end, which they faften with a Needle to the point of fight, but this is too much in- tangling, I would not counfel any to ufe it, one may as icon do it with the common Rul ?, and fo is not in danger to fpoii any thing. R. Is the common Rule. T. A common Compafs. V. Another Compafs which beareth the Ink, for to make circular Lines. See here are all the Inftrutnents that one hath need .of, for to make the defigns of Pcr- fp;.ctiye, „ “ o 9 % A GTl G A Vl i !;♦ U I TTTTTTTTTT1 1 1 P|i III !j|| jiii nr* ii G gH Li* PERSPECTIVE For to draw little Perfoeflives into great, and great into little . S Eeing that defigns are made in final I, with more facility thee in great, it is credible that they j will be made therein always, the which hath made me refolvc to give the Method of fettieg j [mail defigns into great upon Cloth. The Painters ufe ordinarily Squares or Checquers, that is to fav, that they" divide the fmali defignes and the clothes, where they muff be painted into the fame number of Iquares, and ! fet proportionally ; that which is within one fquare of the dehgn, into the iquareef the Cloth | tv hich anfwereth to it 9 tome do like well of this Order. But here is another, which in my judgement, is more eafic, more facile, and more aflured; we muft have a skale proportionate to the lefs defign, and another skale proportionate to the big- ger. When one would make a defign, the firft thing that he refolveth on, is the ikale which mu/s' give* all the Meafarcs of all the other pieces of the defign. For trample, lin the left defign A a the skale B C, of five little parts, /"which one may take for feet RayaiJ hath been made the firft j upon this skale; they have taken the Horizon, the height and diftance of the Trees, thebredthof the Alleys, &c. Fort*fet this fmali into great, obferve bow we mnft proceed. Firft, vr* ffluft know, if the j Perfvcftive muft have the natural Horizon, that is to fay, that the bottom of the Figure feeing On the Ground, the Horizontal line be at the height of our eye, which is about five feet Royal ; Thi* j being, there muff be five little parts which are between b C, to make a skale of five feet Royal FG, ! that having taken all the Meafurcs at the little one, we maytranfport them, and take upon the I great one, as I am about to fay. The two Meafurcs of Proportion or skalcf, being ordered, as I have now faid 5 the firft thing | that cne doth, is to take upen the letter de£gn with a pair of Compattes; the diftance ofthe bafe D unto the Horizon £, and to carry this opening of thcCompafs D E, upon the letter skale B C, and to take notice what number of Parts it (hall give, as he doth give $, we tnuft then take as many parts upon the great ska’c F G, and fet them on the one part and other ofthe Pifture, or great De- fign, beginning at the bottom of the Cloth HH, and tluy fhall end in II , from thefepoints 1 1 j we muft d> aw a Packthread whited or blacked, this line 1 1 fhall mark the Horizon in the great Picture; Then to take the difiance or finking K L, of the lefler defign, which is the foot of the ! HoufejaBd to carry it upon the IcfiTer skale R C, for to fee how many parts we fhall have,and to take the fame number upon th: great skale FG, and to let that which we (hall find e upon the edge of i the Clo'h H M, H M, which we muft cringle about, as the Horizon for to have the finking of the fe- ; cerd Tree j In the lefs defign, we mufi take the difiance N O, and carry it upon the lefler skale i B C, and take as many pirts upon the great fcale F G, as we fhall have found in the lefs. N O giveth two parts ofthe litter, we muft take two of the gr at one, which will give H P, which we muftt-t ingle, as we hive faid.* We (hill ufe in like manner all the Parallels tothebafe, as arethc other Trees, the Windows, the-RoOf* ofthe HouIes,&s. Forth? Piomb lines or Perpendiculars tothebafe, it i$ the fame Method, there is nothing bur to change t he fide for to mark them, which is, that in ftcadof marking on the fide of tlfr Cloth, I as we have done, we mufi mark above and below. For example, for to have the two Coffiers of the houfe at bottom ; we mufi take with the Compafles upon the lefler defign QR, aad carry thi* ppenmg Upon the fcale B C, we fbail finde about 7 parts and an half; we fisall take as many part*' I upon the grezt fcale F G y which fhall give H S T 8 , which we mufi cringle and do fo with all the j other Perpendiculars, whether building Tree?, Hedge- P.ows^&e. For to findethe visual Rays, which are the lines that go to the point of fightV: at this point j V we mutt fafien a pack-thread or thread, with a pin bended, for fear ofmaking the hole too great, ! this thread or pack thread mufi be of the length of the Picture, for to be able to tringle and j 4i aw all the Ray* very exa$!y; For example, for ro have the two Rays of the bredth of the Trees, j which are in the lefs defign D X,wc muft take this defign D X, and to carry it upon the lefser fcale ; B C, and ro take upon the great F G, in proper rion to that which we fhall have found in the lefs ! which wiil give'H Y, the which poin ts H Y we fhall tringle with the Pack-thread of the point V ; | fort© have alfo the Ray of Hedge-Rows, we mufi take the 'diftance D Z, end carry it upon the ! fcale B C, and t*ke as many parrs upon the great fcale F G, rcdiichwill give HI, svhichwe mufi j tringle with the pack- thread from the point V, &c. All that i s in P«rfp.t£t»ves fallethordinari’y under thc r e three forts oH/rcs, Parallels, Perpend!- ’ c«!ar Si and Rays vifual, which having been made? eafic to make upon the cloth, we fhall jels fear' the pains of letting the Ids defigns into great; f>rtofet the defign* ofgreat into fmali, wr muft on- : ly change the Orders, that is to fay, that wc mufi take the meafurcs firfi upon the great fcale, and dirsv i-.MT) than proportionally upon the lefs, as if the Horizon of the great defign were of 5 P*rts (•f the great f ale. I would rake f psrts^f the lefser foile* for the height of the Horizon of the lefi d'.&^snd fo of all the reft PRACTICAL i irS tltf G o • .* g i A Orders to facilitate the Vniverjal manner of the §h*r D. A % tiljta'f Uvn*, **m mhwfi ft#l ?!sj|g gp^-f fop & '%* line D-F, (hill divide the Ray 8 G, that Hull be the point for to draw the liaefank a foot in ch 1 p dtnrepf we mould hue one of 3 feet ft iking, we mufi take up* oa the faafe 3 of ehefe parrs, an l from the third t > draw aifo to die di tance F$ J n 1 we Rnii hare at the Mian of the Riy 8 G; the place for to draw this lin \ So chit if from the point C s we draw to the point F, where this line C F, fhsll divide B G, this (fiill be a line (dak of 6 feet, ffofiheother Spares chat remain A C, we mike ^4, dividing each into 4, and that we leave rsQttomike each pare to avail a foot, there will be 1 4 feet from A* t3 C* In inch maaaer as if we iequirea hne; which (hottld appear funk 1 8 feet in the Picture,! ihonld reckon from A ? i8 lifek parts, and from the i§ i would draw to the didmee £, which would give me by the fcftioa o f the Rsy A G,the point for to draw this line; sf arse wool i chit it HmU os (oak Z f feet , we miff tike A C, and draw from C, to E, and where this line fhould divide A 3 , at the point 4 , we dull draw h i, which will appear of 14 feet of linking in the picture. According to the perfpeftive, this line H I, is equal to that AG, an i coauineth as many feat or parts, fo that if one draw from the point I, to the paint E, the fe&iaa oft his line I E, at the Ray A G, OuR be for to draw a line fC L f&nk of 4? foctj Iffrom this we draw further to the difhnce E, wc (ha ! I hive the fcliion of the Rsy AG, yet a line real )vcd 24 feet mare then the others. And if c n e would hive 3 line ibnk jo feet, we mud from the paint A, reckon 6 fulfil parrs, and from rne fixth draw to the point of light G, a id cake notice where we iTjiil divide the line H I, as here st the point M- Then from the point M, to draw to the di/ltoce ir and this line M E? (hall df* fide the Ray A G, where we mail draw this line N s if it were of^o. We fhoqld f-om A, reckon i6 9 and do all rbefmieif, it were 6o, we fh^uld from a, reckon J2,andfrom 12, draw to the point of fight G, unto the line K L, which fhau-ld be the point O, Then from 0 , to draw to the difUocy E, and from the feftioo of the Ray AG, fiuli be for to draw this line. For the feewd figure. B Y rha? which I have fpoken, Ms eafie to find .1 pome for Rich a finking as one would bave,Tb re r:maiR#H eo (hew how we m?y find it within, or without the Ray A G,or B C,for this the ling B C, fhali ferve as a fcale offijr feet, the one of which i _fftal/ divide into twelve inches, that I may these find the half, the third, is i the 4th of a foot. All Mng thus ordered. If one require of me a point which appcaretli of iy feet long, and of a foot and hall within the Ray A G. I will draw from the i vth p-H’f of the bafe to the point ofd ilia ace E, and where the Ray A G, (hall be divided in P, I will draw a Use P Of, now when one required a foot mi half «rith-in the Ray AG, I will take with a Qompsfs upon the fame line P Qs bacon the fide 8 C, a fooc 6 in ;hes, which l will car* ry from p, unro R f Arid rhis paint R, (hill be the paint which hath hem® demanded. And it one would have one yet at 19 feet difianee within the Pi£!ure, and'f-vtn sad m half be* • ;yo id the Ray A G. We mad draw from C, to the paint E and tvh..-r« k tiad divide A G, to driw j hne which I ha Jibe of *4 feet, then 'from A, taking gve irtle p^rrs, to draw them to the point of G, until that we divide this. fine at the pci it S, a ad from dds point 5 , to draw to the 4 ft ?nc: E /Where the Ray AG (Rail be divided, we mud draw a line TV, feeing they require 7 feet and f'baT beyond foe Rjy A, we m id upon the feme hoe T V, but , on the fi ie B C, take 7 pa rs and 6 indie* wuth a C@ in pa §, sod can y th*m from the point T. r> the point X A^d this point jfo fh?iib- foe-paint due one deftreth > And fo- of ill others, at fiich a'dift mcc an I removal, as ob* WOU'd, ll/v^, P R A C T I g A ti- ny ri 8 PERSPECTIVE Of a general manner for to exertife Perfpeflive , without jetting the Point of diflance out t f the PiZInre, errPield of the Wvr\b) the Sieur 0 D L. HIS Order obligeth us to mike ^Geometrical plane, or at kali a device of Mcsfures, as well for tl pktie, avforthe Elevation *, tf’iat by the one, cr by .the other, it maybe brought to ferfrro Pcrfpe&iv I wirltafce for c'"c objett or fukje& the fame Example of the Author, which is a i age fquared, cove rd with a Point c r a Building covered like a Pavillion or Tent, ro the which we frail give the Me fu'res 'by the means efa Scale. Msvmg then mide the plane of this Cag e.m, i, which ! have ct on the top of the figure, it mutt be, th a •fuchadiftmce asoaevv u d have, that the Ob) d feeme recoyld wifrin thePiim kj ^h'V.h is removed 2 9 feet from A, we msfi frem the fifthpa r t of theSca/e AD, dra-vrot BohitG, tnd wheiethisR'y fra// vide the Para/E/y^rrhepointO, rod aw OF,forto have upon A G, 1 poiRrN. Then from the point N. todrawa Pa»alk/for to take on the fide B D, 7fcetandan ha If mh we mull Carry obt of /he Bay A G, that is to fay, fr m N 10 K- For th Mpar/i, point !• tf Moved 58 feet fi cm /he point 4, we jaufr upon the Scale AD, take fro*m th ■ a draw a Ray to /he point G,which dull divide the parallel rhe point S-And from the point 5 , to dr to F, which dull Mr dz the Bay _A G, at the point T, removed 9 5 fret from the point A: by region t the Par a lid y is cf 24^ ro the which ha-ing j jyned 14. they m rt ke $9. at the point T. And by re^foa that tak \nglej is 4 fee? 4«d 4Q lu/fwiiliia the R,jy A G, w c murt up in tFi's ParaffdT&ut on the fileDB, fret and art half ^nd C^rry them from the point T*, to the point T. " For to frame t heu/^ne we mufijoyn by right lines, thefe 4 points M f, K r, ^nd from their Asg/e.s raife p peudicu/es a% M, ft, L, Jf, K id T % fp. The wliieh (hall h^ve Each 17 feet, a s h m.r ked in the plane by ] neX, an.l from the ends of thefe perpendiculars, rod aw two Di agon ate JJp,f f\ which frail divide rhemfe/ in Z, and upon this poi n f Z, tne/evatea perpendicu/ar Z AS, of 1 g fer t and anhs/fr Then to draw lines fr all th ■ fo rr earners ft fffp 9 tnd fr y to the point M, and the C*ge \Aa\l be fi lmed in peifp-fi/ve. If one would t it Je‘c:nd within fhe ground one foot, we mull ddjoyn one foot under every point of the p/ase} ^nd )oyn tl together with lines. P E R S P E C T I V £. ? ¥or tigiii)uftp th$ difiance removed, the Feint remaining in the Ficture] rWnttok that would ufe this common manner muft know, that the number of feet that we { 1 take upon the bafe, ought to have refped to the diftance that theyfhali have determined < JL For to caufe my Propofition to be underftood, I will fet in the firft figure two diftan the one of fix feet, the other of twelve, which have refped the one to the other, by reafon i dividing into two each of the fix parts, we fhall have twelve*. Let us fuppofethen that the line A B is divided into twelve parts, and that from ail thefe parts hath drawn Rays to the point of fight C, let us take now the half of thefe divifions A D and d* to the point E, which is the diftance of 6 feet - it is certain that the feeftion of the Ray A C, fhall be abridgement of the fquares view'd fix feet diftant.If from the point D we draw to the pomt F wf is the diftance of twelve feet, this line D F dividing the Ray A C, fhall give the abridgement of Little fquares view'd twelve feet diftance,. He that would have the abridgement of twelve fqua view'd twelve feet diftant,he muft from the point B, which is the whole bafe, drawto the poirn and at the fedion of the Ray A C to the point H, fhall be that which is required : or elfe from point I to draw I F, which fhall give the fame point FI, and the line H K fhall be funk twelve Ji fquares viewed at 12 feet diftance. We fee in this that 12 little fquares viewed at 12 feet diftance. meet in the fame line H K, that fix fquares viewed at fix feet diftance, and all the lines of fix fquai that the fedion of the Diagonal D G hath given, do refled: themfelves by two and two to th< which the Diagonal D F hath given, the reafon why the Diagonal D F hath given two lines for < of thofeD G, is that the diftance is doubled^ If it were trebled it would give three, and four i were four-fold. Now for to finde on the fide B D, the fame fedions, and the fame number of ii fquares, as on the fide D A, without the point ofdiftance be out of the pidure, we muft only vide into two each of the fix equal parts which are between B D, which will make 12 parts, and fr their divifions to draw occult lines to the point of fightC^and if one draw Parallels to the bafe, by the fedions that the Diagonal maketh of all thefe Rays he fhall have 12 fquares of finking in fame line, and if the diftance were of twelve feet, although that G be but fix feet of diftance; the n fon of this is, that by multiplying the Rays we multiply the fquares, and multiplying the fquares 1 remove ihe diftance-.fee then how having made twelve parts of fix, which were between B there arifeth twelve little fquares, which make the fame finking that the diftance at twelve f diftant. And he that would have the diftance at 24 feet, he muft divide ftiI 4 into two,each of the pa between BD, which would make 24 parts, and from thc24th. to the point D, to draw the line D. the fedion that it would make of the Ray B C at the point K,wouldbe the finking of the 24feer. In the fecond figure, I have fet upon the line L M the fame Meafures as upon A B of the fi: figure, and on the fide M N, the fame finking, and the fame diftance as on the fide A D, which g veth the line H K,to the end that we may fee, that he which would draw the fifth part, as Q G, < from the feventh as R G, that he fhould not have the true finking which is at K:for R G would n fink enough, and QG would fink too much, although from thefe 5 or 7 parts, there would 1 made twelve or twenty four. Wherefore we muft obferve to take always a Number, which may be multiplied by the diftano as here the diftance of fix may ferve for 12,18,24,30,36,42,48. and fo an infinite number by fii The diftance of 5 may ferve for 10,1 5,20,25, 30, &c. The diftance o£eight,may ferve for 16,24 32, 40.48, &c 0 » We cannot fail doing thus, for fuppofing that the point of diftance could not fc nearer to the point of fight then G is near to C, it followed) that if G is at 6, at 7, 8, or at iofe* from the point C, that the half of the bafe hath the fame number, the which number we muft divld proportionally to the removal* which we will give it. For example, if there be eight feet from h to L, and that I would have the diftance of 32 feet without that G go out from his place, I will di vide each of the eight parts, which is the half of the bafe as L N into 4, and 4 times 8 will be 3 1 Rays/o the abridgements of the fquare fhould be at 32 feet ofdiftance. All thefe little divifions remain not after the Pidure is made, there are none but the principal divifions of feet, which they draw to the point of fight, and the abridgements, that is to fay, the Pa- rallel to the bafe which remain always. g % A C T I C A U r S •' III f> -g s E C T 1 V E ^ ‘vcryjint Invent ion, for wake nah rally Ferfpectives without keefing the Rules* H Aving fet down all the Rules, that we mull keep for to make exadly. Perd fpedivcs : I would fet alfo this Invention, and the following, for to make thereby perfectly fair ones and very exad without being obliged for to. ufe any one rule therefore This ihall ferve for ihofe that love Panting, andrak'e the pleafure to ufe it • without being willing to take the pains to open the Compafs, nor to take the Rule for to draw ajine^ for in this order, we (hall not need neither the one nor the other* And never- thelefs.we may make very fair Perfpedives, either of Buildings, of Gardens, or Land- skips. Before we proceed to the order, we mull know, that the principal piece and necefiary for this invention, is a great leafe of Glafs very clear, enclofed in a frame of Wood well fmooth’d and thin, which I have marked with A: at the bottom of the figure, this frame mu ft Hide between two pieces of Wood, an Inch and an half thick, the which muft be faftned to the end of a board, which is of the breadth of the Frame, as B C ftieweth, ftt for to receive the Frame A. The breadth of this board B D , fhall be of a foot C. At the nftdft of Lhe fore- part of this board, we muft make one or more fquare holes F, for to faften there a little Jron.Rcd or W ire, as a Rule pierced all along, whereby to raife it, or let it down at the top of this Rule F, there fhall be a Round of 3 or 4 Inches of Diameter, without thicknefs,as it might be of white Lattin, the which muft have a little hole in the midft,a s it were lor a piece to go through^ all ihefe things put into one, make the piece G Although the figure fheweth the order, and how we muft ufe this piece G , yet I will not ceafeto tell, how we muft; proceed therein* - Having then placed this piece G, before that which one would draw, he fhall look through the little hole of the fpedade F, if one can difeover upon the Glafs all that he would that fhould be there * a if any thing come not there, you muft put the fpedade nearer to the Glafs-, until that he do fee there, that which he defireth The piece being fo fetled, we muft mat k upon the Glafs, all that fhall be feen there, looking through the hole F, which doth here, that which the point of fight doth in other Orders, it being moil certain, that all that fhall be marked upon the leaf of Glafs , having the eye at the little hole of the fpedade fhall be found perfectly in the Rules of the Perfpedive, Every one knoweih how we muft withdraw that which fhall be deftgned;, wherefore I fhall leave that, tor to fay that one may mark upon the Glafs with the Pen and Ink. and after that all is done, to moiften a little the other fide of the Glafs far to refrefh the Ink and to fee on the fide, which we f] 1 all have traced, a Paper fomewhat mpift, and then to pafs the hand upon it* and the Paper will take, all that which was marked upon the Glaft. If one will, they may alfo ufe a Penfil, and colours according as every one fhall think good, it is enough that one know the invention to ufe it, for to retrad that which they will : For it is as eafie to retrad a Pallace as a CountrcyddouCe, or a Chamber , feeing that it is nothing 1 but to fet ones felf in a place, where there may fee that which they would defign, and to bring the fpedacle near -the Glafs., when there fhall be lie d, by the means cf holes, which are in the Board. A Painter tr ay alfo ufe this for to retrad figures, at fuch a pofture,as he fhall have given them, for to retrad after the embofting. In a word, for all that he fhall judge, be k aflured, that the ufe will render many things eafie that were hard before. Hhiij 121 V E R S P E c T I V E Another , -my Invention far to exercife the Psrfpectk je } without knowing it. T His Invention is found to be as pretty, astdie former, and fome do efteem it more-, by reafon that the other obligech to defign twice: the firfi upon the Glafs: the fecond toretraft that which •ne hath done?there : and in this, we defign but -once, and as exactly as the other, I will not fet down the framing of this inftrumetit, it having no diffe- rence from that which I have now given, but only that inftead of a leaf of Glafs, we muft fet there a frame, divided by little fquares, with threads very {lender, as the figure lheweth it, the which 1 lhall call a Lettice; for the n umber of the fquares, Ileave that to the difcretion of every one, I lhall fay only that we muft not make them too great , for ;to work more exaCtly,nor too little for fear of being confufed. For the order, there is need, that this piece H, be placed in fuch man- ner, the t one may fee by the hole of the fpe&acle I, all that we would defign ; if the defign, which we defire to make, muff be greater then the frame, or then the Lettice is, or as others will, the Checker-board, we muft make the fquares of linnen-C loth or of Paper, greater then that of the frame, and if it be leffer, we muft make the fquares leffer, but we muft always make fquares for to carry in each fquare of its pa- per, or of the Cloth , that which we lhall fee within the fquares of the Irani", looking upon it by the fpeftacle I, and if all lhall be reprefented proportionab y, thedefignwillbeasjuftforthePerfpeffive, as if one had ufed Rules and the Compafs. I have fet the two figures, for to caufe to be feen how this piece H, muft be placed for to ufe it in defigning upon a Table , and when one would paint, by the one and the other manner, we may make more ex- actly all fores of Perfpeftives, counterfeit Pictures, and draw to the life. I doubt not buc many will fay, that- this method is not new, and that there is not a Painter, that knovveth not how to enlarge and diminilh Pictures, ufing this Checker- board, that is true, but I beleive that not any one hath ever ufe.1 the fpeCtacle, which is the fecret for to make every thing in its perfection. 'A N fi PROPORTIONS Of FIGURES I N PERSPECTIVES’ PICTURES, A N B. WORKS EMBOSSED fffffffffffffSSfffffffffWfff® li m ' P 1 E S P E C T I V E Of Figures Elevated above the FLne*. T Here are that fay, that the Obje&s elevated from the Earth, have more diminution then when they were upon the Plane, and that for this reafonjkmuft he that a Figure raifcd up q. or 5 feet, fhould belelfer then ifit were on the Ground: this Ihould be good rf it were elevated very high, as we Jhall fay hereafter- but this little maketh that the diminution is unperceiveablc ; for fuppofing, that fuch an Object orFigure could be difcovered at one only view. that is to fay, without lifting up the eye - they ought to have the fame heightbeing elevated, as if they were on the Ground -For example,the fi- gure A mull have the fame height that the figure B,and the figure C,as that of D, and that of F, equal to G,and fo of others. for the Figures below, we (hall mark for the fame reafon, the Figures that are below are of the lame height astfiofe above, as is the figure &, equal in height ro that ofH and I, as great as the figure K The/e two Examples Chad ferve for all thafe that wecould make there. For the Figures having the Horizon high, W H EN the Horizon is high, as one is Come times obliged to fet it, for it reprefents fometimes, which one hath- viewed from an high eminent place, we muft keep the fame Rule with the Precedent, although it feem the contrary in that of the Horizon be- low : all the Figures are above the firft, and go always by diminUbing. And for this of the Horizon high, all the Figures raife themfelves a- bove the firft, and the furtheft diftant is always the moft elevated, but neverthelefs the leflfer in proportion, and according to the meafure, which one ihall take thus. Having made the firft figure A B, we muft from the top of Its head, and from under its feet, draw in what place one would of the Horizon, which is here the point C •, all the heights of the other Figures muftbe taken between this Triangle A C B. Forex- ample, defirous to have the height of the Figure from the point D, from this point D we muft make a Parallel to the bafe D E, unto the line A C, which ihall be the point E, from which we muft raife a Per- pendicular unto the line B C, which ihall give the point F this Perpen- dicular E F ihall be the height which muftbe to the figure from the point D. If at the point G we would have yet a figure, you muft make the fame pra&ife from the Point D, and you final! have the Perpendicule H I, which ihall be for the height of the figure from the pointG, And by the fame Method all the other figures ihall take the heights from what- foever place it be. For the figure that have feet at the Horizon. I T is rarely that one maketh figures upon the Horizon, but if there were neceflity,we muft make thofe that one would makej appeare the firft, greater then the other, that is to fay, to give the® the Natural height, and all the others will be equal to them, and they ihall be r moved according as we ihall make them the kffen For exam- ple, the figure K L, is the greateft and the neareft and that M N, is the moil removed s As the fecret in this for the Painters, is to finiih well thofe before more then thofe of the bottom®, and the further they are re- moved, the mote they are to be fadt and lefs perfect. - The Rule of the r e Figures, and of thofe that have the Eyes within the Horizon, Is no other then their owne height , for as well in the one fa- ihkn a»ie the otherwhere is but only to make the Figures iefter and l .fte pniilhed, which we would have backward and feeme farther off. 7TT A C ;T t A T-i Cf \ Jiv rtx, crtl. Ii iiji SU •: ' i>* B R -S- P B\C T I V E : F or Fig 'res in Perfpecti ve . A Fter that we have fet down that which may ferve for to make all forts of Per- fpe&ives, with the means to give them a pleafirig and ornaments for to content the eye, there remaineth 40 more but to find out a . way for to -deceive it al- together, whkh is to fet down the figures there e . But before wepafs any further, we muft make a diftindipn of figures, for it is ano- ther thing to reprefent a Hiftorv, then to intend to deceive the eye in a peice , which fha.l be fet at the bottom of a Gallery, of a Hall, or of an Alley in a Garden for to thefe all figures of repofe or refting are the beft, and for a Hiftory , they muft be all lively and fpirited, by the diverfity of their pofture. The multitude of Horizons, which the Pai ;ters take in their Pidurcs, is the draw to the Horizon C-, and then from the point B, to draw a parallel to the bafe BK until that it do divide the line A C, which lhall give the point K, from which we ihall raife the Perpendicule K L, for the height of the horfe from the point B " For the Fowls we muft from the ends of the Wings E F, draw Rays to the Hori- zon, and between thefe two lines, take the meafure of the others which I fuppofe of the fame bignefs For example, for to have the bignefs ofa Fowl at the point G,we muft draw' a parallel to thebafeG H, until that it divide the Rays E F, which wefhall give the line H I, for thegreatnefs of the Fowl G When we would fet Beafts, or Birds in the Perfpeftives we muft choofe thofe that are moft at reft, as may be a Dog fleeping, or gnawing a Bone, a Cat watching of a Mpufe,ora Parret, &c... — ~ - Of Beafts and Birds in Perfpective n5 P ERSPE C T I V E, For to find! the height of Figures far removed , the firfi being upon 4 Moun- tain near to the Eye . I T is a thing that giveth great Contentment and Satisfa&ion to the Minde, when we have the knowledge of that which we have done,* that which maketh me beleeve that any one will be glad to have the prefent Rule unknown to many. When we are to make thtfe Figures, wemuft determine the height of the firft, that is to fay, thediftance from the Ground, whither we would afeend, and at this diftance to fee another figure below of the fame height, from the feet and from the head of which wemuftdraw to the Horizon, for to have the height of other Figures, which are within the Field. lexprefs myfdf For example, the figure A which is above the Mountain, hath for its height five feet Royal, which is the natural. I fuppofe, that the Mountain hath twenty five feet of height, if oneberaifed up twenty feet, as this Piece in the midft whither the Beholder is raifed, which ought alfo to have five feet for his height, the Horizon will meet it at twenty five feet, as the Top of ;he Mountain and the Horizon will grate upon it, as we fee at the Figure of the Mountain, which hath the feet upon the Horizon. Now for to finde the height of thefe little perfons which are with- in the field, we muff make a figure twenty five feet lower, under that of A, or in fome other place, as is B C. And from the feet B,and from the head C 0 to draw in fome place within the Horizon, as is the point G,and between thefe two lines B and C, which go to the point G,we mud take the height of the little figures, as we h ve done in the Or- ders aforegoing, as for to have the height of the little figure D. We muft draw a Parallel to the bafe, until that it divide the line B at the point E, from which we fhall raife the Perptndicule, which lhall di- vide the line C O at the point F. And wemuft take with a Compafs thisPerpendicule E F, for the height of the figure from the point D : If ofte would have alfo the height of the figures from the points G H, we muft do the fame as at the Figure D, and we ftiall finde their height between the lines Band C, which wemuft take With a Compafs, andtranfport them to the points G H, and do always the fame for as many perfons as you would diminifh I all unto one point, Obferve here all that maybe faid for theMeafures ofFigures,accor- ding to Perfpe&ive. But feeing that l am engaged for all theMeafures of figures, I have fet down all the Orders followings although they are sot according to this Art, PRACTICAL? its Hori&on 1 jri'VxN'i ■vvvV«- % f->7 P E II S P E G T I V E For to give- the natural height , cr fuch as one would to Figures elevated on high, T H A T we may omit nothing for the heights of Figures, we will fet do wn alfo the two Rules Following, whereof one hath already been given by Albert Durey, Ser- liOy and others, for to write letters in an eminent place, and to make them appear e- qual to thole below ; by the fame reafon we may make ufe of it for to finde the Meafures and the greatnefs of Figures, which fhall appear all equal from a certain point where the Beholder fliall.be; There is a man at the point B,five feet high, and diftant from the Tower A fifty feet,which ! beholdeth the firft Figure C, which appeareth to him as natural, and at 30 feet higher D he would fet another Figure, which fhould appear as natural as the other from the place where he is : Flow fhould he finde its meafure > He muft make a quarter of a Round, or only a little Arch upon the paper, which he muft fet before the Eye, and behold the feet and the head of the Figure C, and that fhall give to the quarter of the Circle, the diftance or the Angle E F, then he muft at the fame time, and without moving the quarter of the Circle, behold the point D, where ought to be the foot of the Figure D I, and to mark the point that it fhall give at the quarter of the Circle, which is here the point G .and at this point (j he muft fet the Angle, or the fame diftance that the Figure C fhall have given, which is E F, which being tranfported unto G, fhall give G H. Then by the point H, we muft look where we fhall divide the line elevate&irom D, which fhall be at the point I, fo that the diftance D I fhall be the height which we muft give to the Figure which we would fet there. He that would make one yet higher, hath only to . do the fame operations, and he fhall have that which he defireth, and they fhall all appear as natural to the Beholder B. If one would know* the reafon, he muft remember the Principles, or to look therein anew, and he fhall finde that all the Objetfts view’d under equal Angles appear equal ^ now it is that the Angle G His equal to E F, whereof the Figure D I muft appear hi: the eye equal to the figure C, for to know how much Figures equal diminijhto the eye, the one fet ups n the others in height. T HE Beholders K, having a quarter of a Round, or part of a Circle, as that of the firft figure B, he looketh upon the firft figure M, from the Tower L, which ap- peared to him as Natural, meafuri ng h from th e feet unto the head ^ he marketh th? Angle, or the diftance upon his quarter of a Circle, which are N O • then without ftjr- ring any thing, he beholdeth alfo the feet and the head of the Figure P, and marketh upon his quarter of the Round the Angle that it giveth, which is QJR, if there were any alfo higher, he could, take them ail, and fet. them upon his quarter of a Round. For to know the difference that there is from the one to the other, we muft with a Com- rafe take the Angles, or the diftances of the one and of the other, and we fhall know that the moft elevated give the leaft Angle, and by confequence make appear to the eye the Fi- gures lefter and then we may fay, that the figure P appeareth not to the eye, but the half of the figure M, although that one be as high as that other. , If one demand the reafon, we fhall fay that the figure P giveth to the; quarter of the Round of an Angle, which is but the half of the figure M, as one may fee that ,QR is but the half of N 0 ,or very little to fpeak of. By this knowledge we come to the other from above, an&from that from above, to this here: for if M and P be of the fame height, and that P from below appear not but the half of M • we may fay afibrediy, that to make P to be feenas M, that there would need yet as much more of heigh:, the fame is of that above, where the figure D, which is double of C, ap- peareth not at all greater, beholding it from the point B One may fay alfo.that if D were not greater then C, there would appear but the half of its height, and fo one Rule is the Reverfe of the o . her. As well the firft as the fecond Order ought to be contracted, as the figures are made • heretofore, where we fhall have alfo affuredly the diff rence and proper. ion of the figures, if they were taken at the Natural with this fourth of the Circle. B.R A 5 I I 5 S U - itf K kii j i»s: P E R S PECT1V E Oj "Me a'ures for the Figures elevated. C oncerning that which we are fpeaklng of, for the diminution of figures when they are elera- ted,wc rauR draw the Meafurcs in prrportion to thofe which we would eleva te in rhe Pictures, whether we do fet them upon the Mountains, upon t he Eioufcs, or upon the Clouds in the Air. The two Orders tint we arc about to give, (hall render the Method very cafiir. For the fir ft, l fuppofe that the man A is fix feet high, the which h ight we mul tiply many times upon a plumb line £ upon the bafe 5 asid from thefe divifions from 6 tc fix f?et, we imift draw to the Head of the Fig.uie Ay Then having fee a leg of the Compafs at the point A, with the other ieg we tnuft make the Arch C D, and the fe&ians which this Areh (hall make of the Rays, (hall be the Meafure* which we mud give to thr Figures, for example, if cne would make a figure ap« peare Elevated 42 feet we muR uke the draught £ D, which dividerh rhe i la ft Rays, which vve mud tranfporr to F, which is elevated 41 feet upon the fame bafeA EUf w c would hive anothet at 30 feet high, wc muit take the draught G H, which dividerh the Rays go and $< 5 , which (hall be the height of The Figure P, and io of others. All the concernment is to know how much this lino B oughi to approach or retire back, which ought ahvays^to be the diftance of the beholder to the O >;ed beheid, as here of § j feet, or thereabouts. For the fecond Order, ?n Read of th<5 line 8, in the SrR Order I have fet the divifions from 4 to 6 feet upon the bafe F T, the two firR points I and 6 ought to be drawn to the point of fight K, for to have between rheie rwn Rays l K, 6 K, the Meafure of fix feet, which is the height that we give 10 the Figures. Then from al i thefe other Measures from 6 to 6, unto 43 or mare, if there be arty, we mud draw to the poiht of diflancc L, and at thefc&ions that we fhall make of the Ray 6 K ; we muft draw Rede Parallels to the bafe,between the Rays I 6 ; the which Parallels (ball be the heights of figures Within the finking \ and by confequence, for the figures elevated at the fame diRane , the which w.cRiay verifie, carrying back the Mcafures of the firfi, Order with thofeof the fefond. He that would know hbw much each figure is diminifhed from the firR which hadi fix feet, he hadi but only to take the heighc of that which he defirech with* Compafs, and carry the Ccmpafs (o open upon rhe i trie fcale M, and he (lull have char he defireth. For example/ if having taken die height of the figure P wc cany it upon the Lale M, it will give but 4 feet, the which caafeth to know, that a Figure of 6 feet elevated ;o feet, will appear but of 4 feet. The heights or diminuti- ons of others fhail be known by the fame operauons, fo that it be in the fame diRance with thefe here*, if on. change the diRance, all thtOrders mnlt be begun again all anew, andwoikaswe have 4 orc, TheFigu es VXY, whi. h ire in the Air above the Clouds, at the fccond Figure below, are of the fame heigh*- and pioportion as that in tbefirR .• 1 have fet them down only for to fee, that although that the Orders be differcfet,the effects are the fame. That which l have faid for to finde the height* and diminutions of the Figures, which are upon the ba e A 8 of the £41 Order, atad l T of the lecond, ought to be obferved in proportion as they are funk, aad it mnR be that themaR elevated having the fame reference with thofe that are 00 the Ground .which are >n the same line as this F p with rhis A For example, in the fccond Prdciyfover a^ainR the UR figure N, there were a figure O, E evatcd upon a Tower, 48 or 50 feet high, what Mcafutes (hou.Ul we give it ? I anfwer, that wc muR giveitthe fame Proportion that thbN, Rial! have with rhe f. And as the UR N, containcth but twice and an half, of the 6 ,ihc I hath,this O which (hail be upon the Tower, ought to have bur 2 an dan half of the 6 parts that the figure N bath. If I would have alfo a.Figurc R, Elcvarcd u on anorher Tower of 48 or 50 feet before the figure Q, we mult take alfo 2 parts and an b iff of 6 , from the Figure Q, for the height cf ifo* FigurcR, He that wouM h*ve alio one in 5 , a: the fame Tower, which is elevated 30 feet, he mn(\ give it 4 ptrti cf t he6, of the Figure Q, that is to fay ,4 feet, as we have found it in the fk ft Or- «r , bitwer? k* Rays G H» fnoaeword, all rh figures do diminifh rhemleJves to theEye,ac- cor Tng as they are Elevated, ss the contrary hapneth, when they are abated. Thar which e ight to maketh' Ra’eeRecmed is, char ail the proportions of Figures may be learned by heart, for he that would tske the prlra to make a Meafure of this, where he might joyn more parrs, and they would ferve him lor ever j and he might tender it fo fs- fnili*r f himfelf, that in a moment he will tell you, that bAng removed feet, if the Figure h r? 6 feet, or 6 parts of he’ght, being upon rh? Ground, One cf which (hall be the fame height, bA g deva fd 12 feet, will nor appear but of five and an b-df. Th;t which (hah bee'evared to lit, fip appear but of That which (hall beekvared 44, fhall appear bat &f4a£?d an half Thar of go fiutvf 4. Tin? of ^6 of 3 feer , And that of 42 but of 2 feet and an half i Aud fo proceeding from r< ^ V- *• « *«, / S*> tN rt> rtv p{> rt« A ' rt-> fi*> jrt* pfo . N dN A. .C^» .A. The 0 r : gynal of S hadovcs . Or to define the natural Shadow, we fay not that it is an entire Privation of light ^ for that would be to fay a perfed obfcurity, where we fhould fee as little the objects as their fhadows, but we underfhnd a diminution of Light , cau- fed by the interpofition of fome body which is not qrartfparent, the which receiving iln m, or the clearnds which fhould caff it felf upon the plane where it is fet, gi- veih there a fhadow of its fhape,for the light beingComunicative of it felf,produceth it felf upon all Lhat which is not hidden from it, & Extendeih it felf upon all that is plain and united:but if it meet which the lead Elevation, this hinderance caufeth it to make a Shadow, which rendreth upon the Plane the forme and figure of that which is Enlightned The diverfity of lights, maketh a diverfity of fhadows for if the body that enlight^ neth is greater then that which is enlightnea the fhadow will Be lefler then the body if they be equall, the fhadow will be equall to ihe Body enlightned : but if the light be lefTer then the Objed, the fhadow will ftiii be more and more the greater.- For to und rila.nd this the better, we will make the three figures following, which fhall ferve us as a foundation, for the Rules which we fhail give. The firfb fheweih that the Body of light A B, being much greater then the En- iigh ned C D, it Enlightneth more then the half of the Objed, the which maketh it to give a fhadow with a Point and frame it into a Pyramide, whereof the Sun is theBafe. This truth is fhewed in the Eciiepfe of the Moon, which is feldom wholly Covered with the fhadow of the earth , which neverthelefs exceedethit in greatnefs forty times, by reafon that the Sun, which is the body full of light, is an hundred fixty fix times, and more, greater then the Earth, which it enlightneth more then the half ^ and by confequencee caufeth to give a fhadow to it in a point. The fecond, having the body of light F G, equal in greatnefs to the enlightned H I, it enlightneth the half of the Objed, and giveth its fhadow parallel H I K L. The third maketh appear, that the lightfome body, or the light M, being lefs then that which is enlightned N O, is not enlightned by the half, ihe which caufeth a fhadow unto it,N O p which enlargeth it felf according as it is removed, from 4e objed, and maketh a Pyramide. whereof the light is the point* P ERSPECT IV E Of the d:jf. rer.ee vf S'. ad, \v&> B Y that which I have fpoken in the Leaf aforegoing , we muff conclude , that one and the fame Objcd may give divers Rapes of fhadows or projections, although that it be eniightned of the fame fide^ by reafon that the Sun giveth ^ °^°n e faild°n r the Torch of an other, and the Day doih not frame it. i he Sun rendreih always the fhadow equal to the objed, that is to fay, by parallel, as the hr£l figure flic wet h it. I (hall teach in the Leaves f chawing, how we ought to ufe this method, and to give to every objed the natural fhadow, which the Sun w'ould caufe it to have ^ Ail Painters , Gravers and others may, if they pleafe, ohferve thefe Rules, when they would make any thing pleafing, and not to take the Rule of the Candle, or Torch, for this^ as divers have done. l he fhadow of the Torch is not given by paral'cls, but by Rays, whieh iffue from Rie fame Center, that which caufeth the fhadow is never equal to the body, but more large, and is greater alw ays according as it is removed, the wRich may be been in the fecond figure, where the fhadow is larger then in the firft, although that the Cubes of the one and the other be of equal breadth and height. See then how one fhculd be much deceived if one fhould make the fhadow of a Toreh, like as that of the Sun, and of the Sun, as that of. the Candle, feeing that the difference is fo notable. There is a ihird fort of fhadow, which is neither of the Sun, nor of a Torch , bur only caufed by a iairDay,the which having not Rrengih enough for to frame the figure,, rendreth only a confufed blacknefs at the objed, as in the third figure. Now this hath no Rule, wherefore every one giveth it, and pradiceth it according to his fancy, Ail thefe fihadow T s as well of Re Sun, as of the Torch, and of the Day, ought to be wore dark then the parts of the objeds which are not eniightned, as A, it not fo dark as by reafon that A received! the rtfledion of the clearnefs, which is about it : and B, hath not the refiedion that A, which is in obfeurity. We muff obferve alfo , that Re part of the fhadow moil diftant from the objed, is alfo more dark, then the part nearer as G, is darker then H, by reafon that A cannot communicate that, little re- fiedion which it received! unto G, as it doth to H. P R A C T ! C A L - ‘3° n i P ERSPEGTIVB For to finde the jhape of the Shadows, \ \ ] E ^all 0 ^ rer ve at the beginning of this Book, that the Definition of Pet^ %/%7* fpedive is to give upon a Plane perpendicular to the Horizon, the Reprefen- ™ tation of Objeds which are upon the Ground, or upon a Plane Horizontal: And for fhadows, it is altogether contrary- feeing that one fuppofeth a Body elevated upon the Plane, t ie which being enhghtnea, cafteth its fhadow upon the fame Plane, as we fee, that the Body A giveth upon the Plane the fhadow B • for to finde the fhadows we mull fuppofe two things, the Light and a Body : The Light, although it be contrary to it, ii is that neverthelefs which giveth it its Being, and the Body or the Objed giveth it its Uiapc and its figure I fhall not difcourfe here but of fhadows, for I fuppofe that we have learned ro fee the Bodies or Objeds into Perfpedive, Jor to underftand thefe fhadows more eafily, and render the Orders follo wing more cade • we muff mark that we mull make ufe of two points : the one of the foot of the light, which ought al ways to be taken upon the Plane where the Objed is placed, and the or ber of the Torch or lightfom Body ^ feeing that the Rule is general for the Sun and for the i or ch, with this only difference, that the fhadow of the Sun is given by Parallel, and that of the Torch by the Ray of |he fame Center* We will begin with that of the Torch, feeing that it will help the better to comprehend that of the Sun, which fhall follow* We fay then for example, That if one would have the fhadow of the Cube A, as we fee B, that we muff from the point O, foot of the light, draw lines by all the Angles of the Plane of the Objed, as here by the Plane of the Cube O D, O E, OF, O G : Then you muff draw other lines ftom the point of the light of the Torch by all the fame Angles elevated, and to continue thefe lines until that they divide the o- ther lines drawn from the point O : for example, having from the point O drawn the line palling by the Angle of the Plane D- if one draw from the pomtTT, -adine paf- firig by the fame Angle elevated • this fhall divide the other at the poiftt H, and the point H fhall be the fhadow of this Angle. If from the point C, we do the fame by all the Angles elevated, we fhall divide the lines of the Plane, at the points H I K L, the which points we muff joyn with right lines, and we fhall have the fhadow of the Cube, as is to be feen at the Figure above, and more dearly at that below. 132 PERSPECTIVE ./'V f*V r*S /'V *t lie which fhalj underPcand them well, fhall ndt have any difficulty topraetife; J&. JL thefe here, and the others that follow becaufe that it is all the fame Rule, and that one only direction (hall fuffi.ee for to'make to underftand, how thefe fhadows do raife and abate themfelves according as they finde their Planes For to make it appear, that thefe fhadows are found by the fame Rule that the for<* mer, is k not fertain that he which fhouid draw a line from under the Sun A, paffing by the Plane of this GateB, and that from the Sun C, one fhouid draw another by the top of the Gate D, that thefe lines would divide themfelves out of our paper, and would give, the bound of the : fhadow, fo as I have faid of others r 1 But the wall R hindriug the line A B to prolong it felf, as it would do if the Plane were united, ob^ llgeth it to raife it felf as we fee £ G ? wherefore it is that the Ray of the Sun C, which ought to go very far to ieek the line A B, dfvideth It againft the wall at the point G ? and there marketh the fhape, or the fhadow of this Gate, whereof the Top draw* eth ,o the point of fight H» The fhadow of this piece K cafteth its felf with its whole length K I, pafiing over this other piece I * and we rnuft mark, that the fhadow keepeth always its length, aL though that it meet with fomething between two ? and it muft be, that the fhadow which pafleth over fomething, obferveth the figure and the forme of the fame thing \ as here the fhadow M and N, keepeth the fhape of the Piece L, Although that I have made the Sun to appear in the other figures, we muft not think that he fhouid be fo near the Qbje with this only difference* that the fhadow of the bo* dies* or objefts, is found by the help of their plane, and that the figures have none thereof* but inftead of thefe planes, we muft, from the afpe il e Torch were turned upfidedown. For to finde it on the other fide of the Hall, we muft make the fame Order as on the fide C, and we fhall have the point L.. For to finde the foot of the light at the bottom, of the Hall, we muft from the pc in, H draw to the point of fight O, until that we divide the Perpendicule E at the. po'm M • then from this point M to make a Parallel to the bafe, which fhall divide the Torch at the point N, this point fhall be the foot of the light for the bottom of the Hall. The foot of the Candle is found by the fame Order, as that of the Torch, taking the midft of the foot of the Candleft'ckfbr the foot of the light • but when it is a Plated Card’ eftick, or. an Arm' fet agaihft a wall, it muft be that the Arm or the .Branch of the Candle flick, determine the line, or fhall be the foot of the light. . For example, in the- Plate P, we muft -by the branch Qjiraw a Perpendicular to the bafe, a-s R S- then from the fire T to make a final! Parallel to the bafe, which fliall divide R S at the point Y,,„ which- fhall be the fmc of the light for this fide, the point X f hall .be k for the board below, the point Y for the board above, and Z for the bottom of the Hail of Chamber. R ‘ . Tor the Lamp, it is -the place where it is faftned, which decermineth' its foot, as here fr omwhicb place they draw a-Paralk! lq the baft unto the fij ft Ray, and alto- gether;^ ft me as at. the Torch, and at the Canal u practi C h u *43 PERSPECTIVE For to find the fhadows by a Torek s on all the fides of a Chamber , T He fhadows taken from the Sun, draw always towards the Earth, by reafon that this Star,comrmimcateth not its brightnefi except it be above our Horizons and by confluence elevated above all the objefts, which caufeth that their flia* dow always defeendeth. But.it is not fo with theTorch^nor with the Candle, or w:-h the Lamp, the which one may fet above or below, or on the fide of the objects, which rendreth their fhadows on ail parts, as we have faid. The Figure aforegoing will help to find the fhadows of the Ohjeft$,fet on every fide of a Chamber, for having found the Foot of the Light, as I have newly fpoken, there is no more difficulty, feeing that this is all the fame order, as the Cube of the 141 F Q, whither we may have recourfe s but that we go not to fearch fo far : l fhall fay y that for to have the fiiadow of the Table, upon the which the Torch is palled we rauft from the point A- the foot of the Torch, draw Rays by all the feet of the Table C,then from che point of the light B, draw lines by the corners from upon the Table I , until that they divide the Rays G, at the points O, which fhall be the bounds of the fhadow of the Table, The fhadow of the piece D, fhall be found drawing from the point A, by all the Angies of the plane, unto the Angie of the Wall E, and from this Angle to raife them Perpendicularly ; Then from the point of the light to draw lines by the top of this piece D, by obferving the Angies correfpondent to the lines of the plane, and we fhall have the fhadow F, of the figure, or of che piece D* The fhadows of all the other pieces fhall be found by the fame orders Wherefore I fha'l quote only the foot of the light, feeing that the fire fhall be always the point R. For to find the fnadow of the piece G v the point L, is the foot of the light. For to find the fhadow of the piece N, the point H, is the foot of the light. For to find the fhadows of the pieces I and M, the point K, is the foot of the light. T;e fecond Figur ■. Avlng found the foot of the light on ail the. fides of the Chamber as I have faid intheforegoinglea^ one may have the fhadows of the objefts in what H place foever they be-, by iheorder that I have given. For by example , ha- ving found the foot of the Lght Q^and its fire P. We mufl for to have the fhadow of the piece E, draw Rays from the point Q, which pafs by the plane of thepeice R, and to continue them infinitely, but becaufe that they meet wish the bottom of the Chamber, or the Wall X, we mull at the meeting of the Angle S , elevate all thefe lines- Then from the point P, draw other lines, by the top of the fame piece R, which ihTi go to divide thofe of the plane, and to mark the place of the fhadow upon each of them, raking care that the Angies have reference to the lines drawn on the plane. This order is fo general, and univerfal, that he which fhall well underftand only how to uke the fhadow of a^ube, fhall fiadno difficulty to find the fhadow of any obpft whsrfWer it be. Wherefore having given this order of the Cube at the 1 4 1 fo! and this above which is altogether the fame, I believe I have Sufficiently firudoi how in- .five alljthe fhadows, without being obliged to ufe repetitions in all the other figures which follow, where I fhall only quote the point for the foot of the For ro find the fhadow of the piece V, the point X, is the foot of the light. For to find the Shadow of the piece' Y, the point; 2, is the foot of the light. For to find the fhadow of the piece die point is the foot of the light, and the fire or the light, .for all the pieces of this fecond Figure, t n nfr P» PRACTICAL* *43 * 4-4 ? h ;ft § p g § f I ¥ S y»£ Theflwdow by 4 T°rch'ofa Tyr$md$ and another a f fide dg\vn 9 T HIS Pyramide upright, givethlts fliadow by a Torch, as if It were by th§ Sun, by reafon that in the one and the other, there is but one line only, upon die which they determine a point, which is for the point of ®e Pyramidei Tor example, having made the Plane BC DE, and drawn two Diagonals for to finds die midft of the Plane f 7 we mull raife a Perpendicule F A* then to draw from jthefe four points BCDE, to the point A, and the Pyratmde fhalj be framed | for to finds its fliadow, we mull from the foot of the light G, draw one line only palling by the point J, and prolong it Infinitely. Then from the fire or light of the Torch H, draw another line by the top of the Pyramids Ay and continue it until that it divide G F, at the point I, which fhalj be the bound for the fliadow of the Pyra- rmde, which fliall be finiflied, drawing C to I, and E to I,° for this Triangle € IE, fliall be the fliadow of the Pyramids A- For to have the fliadow Of this Pyramids over?tunfd, we muft caufe Perpendicm? fars to fail from the fquare above, and to frame the Plane befow thereby, as we have 'fold at that of die SmTfoh 1 § 8. this Plane being framed, we muft from the foot of the Sight Q, draw lineg; by lU thefe Angles*, Then from the point H ? which is the fixe, draw alfo others by the Angies of the fquare above, which dividing tfaofe of the f%te, (frail mark die pi gee of the fliadow &s we have fold in other Orders of thi Torch, H Avfeg for 1 Crofs In th# fhzdom of the it feemed to me nmffkryM^ to let’ one In the fliadow of a Torch, to the end that by that and by thf$ ? w$ might know the difference, of ,fre om from the other. The Order Is feeu enough, feeing that we have already taught at the I §7 fcfr to Iad-0 rfir Plane, mi dm the reft k m h other Orders of rii§ Torch, pp m PERSPECTIVE For to find* the Jhadow of Round Objects, by a Torch* H Aving made the fore-going figure, it came into my mind , that one might be in trouble, if there Ihould be Bowles, Cups, Viols, Flagons, or other round pieces (which have Ordinarily more breadth above then below) of the which we would have the lhadow by a Tore h • by reafon thatTuch pieces feem more difficult then the Iquares, although that in effeft, it be all the lame Order there being nothing but to reduce the fquare into round fo as I, have taught in the foL 19. 20. 28. 29 and 86 : Where we (hall fee all the Orders lor to fet the Planes of round pieces into Per* fpetftive •, the which being known, all the reft is very eafy to underftand. I have faid already at tol. 138, how we muft finde the Plane of a Bowie, and by this Plane, to have juftly the greatnefs olthe lhadow by the Sun: But as this of the Torch is different from that • I belieyed it to be neceffary to fet that alfo down here by reafon that it doth facilitate the Order of all the other Rounds. For the lhadow of this Bowie, I fay then, that having made its Roundnefs with a Compafs, which is the the Circle A, and draw his Diameter B C, that we muft under this Circle make a line Parallel to B C, which toucheththe Circle at the point H, then from the ends of the Diameter B C, to Caufe Perpendiculars to fall upon this line un* derneaih, as B D, and C E, of the which points D E, we {hall frame the ordinary way the Plane D EFG, whereof the diameter F G, {hall divide this D E, at the point H •, This Plane D E F G, {hall ferve for to finde lhadow of this Bowie A. For after having drawn from the Foot of the Light I, lines which touch this plane on the one fide and other, as are the lines I K and I L •, And alfo another line pafling by the niidft of the plane H, which {hall be the line I H M. We muft afterwards draw other lines from the Light of the Candle N, which touching the Bowie {hall go to divide thefe lines of the Plane, as from the point N,to draw a line, which toucheth the Bowie between A and B, and divideth the line I H, at the point M, which {hall be the end Of the lhadow : for to have the beginning of this lhadow we muft from the fame point N, draw another line which toucheth the fore-part of the Bowie, and divideth alfo the line I H, at the point Qahis diftance QM,lhall be the length of the fhadow, for its bredth, we muft alfo from the point N, draw two lines by the ends of the Diameter of the Bowie Z Z, and they fhall divide the lines I K, at the point R, and this I L, at the point S. Wherfore ifR S, be the bredth of the lhadow, and QM, the length, we have only to joyn thefe fower letters of Crooked lines, which fhall give an Ovall, for the fiiadrw of the Bowie A I nave a little Extended my fclf for to facilitate the lhadow of this Bowie, by reafon t at I belLve this only Order fufficient for to finde the lhadow of other Rounds, as of t le Figure V,the which having two breadths unequal], ought to haye a Plane of two And chat below X, which hath three differences, obligeth to make a Plane of Cirn three Circles • The one for the Neck of the Viol, or Flagon, the other for its Belly and the other for the foot : ail thefe Planes are made as of the Bowie. I believe that it not: neceffary to ufe Re[ e itions. The figure being able to teach of it felf. perspective tfb rV . rt* ^ v«**, v«*»^ ^ £**, sjrfei. «&L A si«i 0 / the Jhadow nfon many Planes Parallels . T H E firft Plane, - that is the Ground, where the Chair A is placed, the fe- cond Plane is the upper part of the Tabfe, which is Parallel to the iirft Plane, and either above or below the Table : it might alfo have one, or two, or more of thefe Planes, upon which we fhall finde the foot of the light -for to finde the fha- d ows of the Objed, which fhould be there, . For example, the foot of the light it is C , and the fire B • from thefe points € B, we mull draw lines by the under-part, and the upper of the Objed D, for to have its fhadow E, upon the Table E* But to have the fhadow of the Chair A, which is upop the Ground, we mull find upon the fame ground the foot of the light which is upon the Table the point the Cider following teacheth this. We mull from the point of diflance, which is here out of the Paper, draw a line by the foot of the Table F •, then from the corner upon the Table G, to make a Per- pendicular G to fall, which fhall divide the line F at the point H , and from this point H to draw a Parallel H I, which is equal to the upper part of the Table, and which ought to facilitate to finde that which we feek : for having from the point of fight K, drawn a Ray palling by the foot of the light C, unto the end of the Table X « we mill from this point!, let fall a Perpendicular upon HI, which fhall give the point M • from which point M we mull draw a Ray to the point of fight K ^ and upon this Ray M K mull be the point of the foot of the light, which /hall be found eafily, ma- king a Perpendicular to fall from the point C, the which dividing the Ray M K, fhall give the point N for the foot of the light* This point N being found, there is no more difficulty to finde the fhadow of this Chair A, becaufe that it is all the fame Or- der as of other Objefts-, which we have leen in the leaves aforegoing • that is to fay, that we mufl from the foot of the light N, draw lines by ail the Angles of the Plane of this Chair, and from the light B, to draw other lines by the upper part of the fame Chair, which divide thofe of the Plane, and fhall mark where the fhadow ought to go : the figure will make it known, that ail is to be ordered as I have laid elfe- where, . IP lit r**> tfa ft** pN f** elh* ft* ft* »#>* .tJhte- J&TsJtfo; .fi' The fecond Figt re . _ I¥ Do not fetdown this fecond Figure, for that I have any particular thing, nor diif rent from that above. But only to refrefh the Memory of that which I have laid in the beginning, that all the Objedls cad their fhadows diverlly, and accord- ing as they are fet about the light, as we- fee that which is upon the Table giverh its fhadow, according as it is enlightncd, that is to fay, diredlv, either on the right or on , the It f: : that which is found by the ordinary Orders of the foot of the light P, and of its fire or light Q.,; ,.ihe roeft part of thefe Obfeds are broader above then be low, wherefore w wrnuft make their Planes, as I. have (aid in thofe folio’s where J have fboken of the like figures. . §4 1 P ERSPlCT IVE The Jhadvw of beared Fhom by ft Torch, I Have not fee this figure in the fhadows taken from the Sun, by reaton that this light is above all the Obje&s that are in the World, and by consequence cannot give a fhadow, which fuppofeth the Light, or the Light-fome-body under the Objed. One might objed to me that Experience caufeth it to be feen every day, that when the Rays of the Sun enter within an Hall, or a Chamber : the fhadow of the Floores and of other things ceafe not to appear ^ . To which I anfwer, that then this fhadow, or thefe fhadows, is not, or are not of the Sun, but caufed by the great Brightnefs of the Sun • and fuch. fhadows might not be given by Parallels, as thofe of the Sun, but by Rays from one and the fame Center •* as thofe of a Torch, taking the Window where the Sun pafTeth,or the place where it giveth, for the point of the light, and to do for fuch fhadow, as I am faying of the fhadow of a Torch. The Orders aforegoing which oblige to make Planes and to draw lines by all the An- gles, for to finde the bound of thefnadows, would be too long for this, and the great Number of lines, which one mufl draw there, would make this figure very difficult, by rtafon of the Number of Beames and Joyfls which there are met with : the which made me feck the Means to abridge it, for to make is eafie in the pradife, without going forth of Rules and Maximes of Art Having made the floore in Perfpedive, as it is taught in the 55th or 57 fol. And placed the Candle, the Torch, or the Lampe, in what place we would. We muft fearch by the means of the foot of the light, the place where the fire ought to to be, or to fpeak more truly, the which we fhall ufe in Head of the fire, for from this point to lines, which pafs under the Objed, and mark out the bound of the fhadows. For to have this point of fire, the light being at B, we muft from the foot of the light C, draw a Parallel to the Bafe D E, untill that it cut the Ray fe F, at the point G, from this point G, we muft elevate a Perpendicule G L. Then from the fire of the Torch B, draw a Parallel to D E, which fhall divide the Perpendicular G L, at the point L, and this point L, fhall ferve for the point of fire, which fhall give the place and the length of the lhadow. For Example, having to finde the fhadow of the Beame A, we muft from the point L, make a line to pafs under theAngle which is towards us asH,and fee where this line L H,(hal! divide the firft Joyft,at the point I, for this fhall be the place where the fhadow of the Beame endeth : from this point I, we muft draw a parallel I K, and marke upon the Joyfts the place of the fhadow O, for the fhadow of the fpace of the Joyfts, ir will be found by drawing alfo a line from the pointL,by theAngle of the fir ft Joy ftM, which fhall divide the Angle of the Hollow at the point N, from this point N, making a Parallel N P, we fliall have all the fhadow marked Q^for the Beame A. For to fmde the fhadow of J oyfts, befides that of the Beame, we muft only draw a line of Ere B, by the Angle S, untill that it divide the Bottome of the Floore at the point T, do the fame to all the other Joyfts, and you fhall finde the fhadow longer at the far- ther diftance from the fire. Having marked upon one Beame all the points T, we rnaft from the point of fightR, draw lines by each of thefe points, and we fhall have juftly be- twe. n all the other Beams, the fhadow of the Joyfts as is to be feen at the points V. The figure below is the fame with that above, with this difference, that this is fhadowed and that the former is not, by reafon that the fhadow would have hindred to fee the letteis &nd the fin all lines. There is more in this,the fhadow of the Iawmbsof this Gate, which £K,ft be take 1 from the foot of thelmht as is to be feen in X and Y. O For to fir. do the padow by theft ot of the light* *|T F 'the Objefts bw Perpendiculars to the bafe, and more elevated then the fire of I the Candle A, We ought only to draw Hues from the foot of this light B, by JSLdie Angles moft advanced of the Objects, as aye G D of the Screen ? and from the Angle of the wall E, the which lines B G, B D, and B E, fhall make the place of the fliadow at the meeting of the Angles, which the Shuts of the Screen make with the . floor, and alfo the return of the wall at the points G, from which points G we muff elevate Perpendiculars at the bafe G R, which flial! finiih the fhadows which the GandktUck A gtveth^ The reafon of this is, that the line A R, is parallel to the lines C H, D X, K, and E L, the which maketh that, in what part foever the fire be upon the line A B, whe* ther 5 on high, or in the raidft, or all below, it fhall give always the like fhadow. We mult obferve, that this Order k not good byt in Pieces, which are more eievs*? ted then the fiye ? as thefe here ^ for when thofe Ihew the upper part, as the Objeft M, we muff ufe the Orders aforegoing, by drawing lines from the points of the feet, and cf the fire of the light “V Of the Shadow doubled* W H E N two lights meet in the fame fubjedt or objed, it is of necefilty that two fnadows meet there, becaufe that each day or each light produceth its own with proportion, I fay, with proportion s for if thefe Fires lights be emiat, at the fame diftance \ It is certain .that the fhadows mall be equal * but if there be the leaft difpropordon, as if the one of thefe lights be a little greater then the o,her, or that thefe fires be a little greater then the other, or that thefe fires, aU thov^h equal , be more or left advanced the one then tho other from the objeft • thefe fhalow$ lhaii be, different * fof example* the objeft O, being .enlightned with two . the one near P, # the other farther off Q •, it is moftaflhred, that the fliadow of die Candle P, fhall be much ftronget then that of the Candle % as is to be fern ? ^ * i! The O -ilers of thefe fhadows, are no other, then thofe that I have given* as wqI| lb : the Sun as the Torch practical; a* 0.A *4 9 PERSPECTIVE For the Shadow of Figures by a Torch I T is to bebelieved,that my counfel will be followed that one fhould not turn over the leaf for to learn the order which followeth^before they underftand and remember well 3 that which went before Wherefore fuppofing that oneunderftands well the order, that I have given at 139 fob for to find the fhadow by the Sun, for all the figures of fuch poftures as they may be : I have nothing to fay for thefe, fee- ing that the line below, which I make to ferve for the plane, and all the other meafures are taken jn one, as in the other. But becaufe that the Torch doth not render an equal fhadow in breadth to the body tha c giveth its lhape, as doth the Sun : W e mufl take this advice, which is 5 thatinftead of drawing the lines parallels, that one to the other , as they are in the fliadows taken from the Sun, we muft draw them all from the fame point, as from a Center*, that is to fay, that all thelin s, which are drawn by the plane, muft be drawn from the foot of the light A, and thofe above,and about the figure muft be drawn from the point of fire B, in like manner as in all the other orders of the Torch , the which maketh me leave the reft, that would be but tedious repetitions* feeing that the figure exprelfeth it of its (elf. ii Ciqii PERSPECTIVE m of the divers dsjpefitions and heights ef jhadews by the To-rch. f ' 1“! He fhadows taken by the Sun, do caft themfelves always on ths fame fide, and have ordinarily one and the fame difpofition : it being impoffible that the Sun fhould caufe at the fame time, to caft the Shadow of one body towards the W eft, and of another towirds the Eaft, it is very true that it doth this every day, the one in the morning, and the other in the evening, but in one and the fame hour, it will never do it naturally. The which isdone without failing, by the Torch , the Candle, or the Lamp : for in what place foeveryou fet one of thefe lights , if there be many bodiesabout them, they will call their fhadow diverfly, that is to fay, that the one will caft it to the Eaft , the other to the Weft, this to the North, that to the South ; in Ihort on every fide ac- cording as the bodies fhall be ordered about the light, the foot of the which marked A, ferveth them for a Center, whether all thefe fhadows draw, and the fire B, marketh where they muft end, although diverfly, by reafon that the neareft, have their fhadow Ihorteft, and thofe that are farther off, caft it more at length. Although that the fecond figure hath not the light in the midft, yet the order of thefe fhadows ce afeth not to be kept, as we fee that they all draw to the foot of the light C, and that they are bounded by the point of fire D 1 w- A Till: TABLE T He Definitions, names, and Ter ms of the Point* >Lines and Figures, which we fall ufe. page i . 1 Tioe Reft of the Definitions Na nes and Terms . 2 • * j wr tv auvice oj tl Some Orders of Geometry, fir to make one only point of di fiance . the Lines and Figures, which we are a-j The fifth advice net ' to hot to define 3 . r ,n For to frame the Figures . 4. Of Poly gone s Circular, which are Fi- gures with divers angles within one Cir- cle. ibid . Of the Rays vifiudl. 5 . Wherefore one may fee better a Perfpec - tive, with one Eye only , then wdh two. ibid The fir ft definition. 6 . The j econd third and fourth definition j Wherefore the Objects that are far di - pant fieem to approach and joy n them] ‘elves ■*%$£ ,h ‘ r JSt*?*'**'. '****" 7 -’ The ftnh advice of the Safe fandl'f Min tie MeafreW f ^ 0 fip flMhadvke °f point of di fiance “ ** ~ The eighth advice to abridge fin divers manners . b Of planes viewed directly or in • from la, hanes viewed obliqueiie or on the fide. Of a Triangle . (gthe Pentagone cr five angles. 22. Of tbe H exagone or fix angles . 23 . Whfrefre the Objects draw near to\ O/fi each a her, being viewed afar off. p. Of the Hcriz.cn. j j. Of the Raft. 22. Of the point of fight , Point cf Perfpec - five , Poirt Occular , or Point Principal* ibid Of the points of di fiance. ibid. Of poius accidental. ibid Of i he po int of the Fro nt . 13. Of the point of the fide . ib. Of the 'iftifml Rays 14 s Of the Diagonals or Diametral's and of \ ths.r feet] on s . $>. Of the d fiance , or Removal and fetting. 16 The fir ft advice about the point of the Me- l6 Ofthe Hexagone cr fix an fie s. fb. Of t he Octogone double . in Of t he Cir c le Jft Of the Circle double. ‘ A plane of the, foare viewed fiom the angles. A pavement of f quotes viewed by the angles. . J • Of ffuares compafflng a Border or Fill let. « Pavements viewedby the angle compg. fed with a bran d'or Fillet. ft z Pavements cf "f quarts viewed by ] the front, com faffed with Bands cr Borders wh. ch have ffitar. cs feet: from r he a Te hi the midf h . ;y A pavement of ff fares fieen from the an ule 4_. ¥ The % angle with. Church offq J ares/ bi the fibtifrl angle . . ■ ' " ' ‘ 33 , . A pavement offq 'ares in fi.cnt with - far as one wo Id . Chairs tffq arcs jecn from the=. angle, j Of Walls viewed direc'fy. ib . A pavement of l ttle fquayes Qctogone . 5 O', For to raife bodies and remove the n ' as 5 1 • • ■ 52 . Another wall viewed- fr^m the angle. .ib. For to place a door in what, place one mingled with the fq ares. * 3 4 A pavement of finglef flares viewed in l wo Id of a W all. 53. front . ib. j; For to frame Windows in Perfipective. j 54 * Of the Plane hers above. 55. Another Ordering of Planchers in Per- 57 ' The plane of a Garden abridged . 3 5 , The plane of a B' tiding a ridged. 36 The plane tfa Cfo rcF abridged 3 7 , ] The plane if an rlotfe with a Garden. fective The plane of a 'Fortification abridged J arches viewed directly . 38. I A jingle draught of doors and round. is) rrp/) . c St.rcho.t <7)1 P.wp.d. s)l'SPrti\) $9' 39 Round arches above the Pil 'after viewed The plane and figure irregular abbrevi - , directly ated . 40 Of the third poht in the arch'. /) T IS' IS! PIS ti : ‘islf/tt- r.Ttlni/f T) !T ■? V 60. ib. Another plane of a Church allreviated 1 A f rther p. rfuit of this figs re. 61. For to frame and fiet into Perfipective . . zj. i « xi// j i i/irft, z £4,ri (A (sdtv Z l t without order . 1 02 Of Moveables lying or thrown upon the Ground. 103. For to fet altars into Perfective . 104. Of Merchants Shops m Perfective . 105. Of the out fide of Buildings . 106, F>.r to fet the Roofs of Houfes in Per- fective. IC7# The refi of the Roofs in Perfective « 108. For to fet a flreet into Perfective . 1 09. That the Objects afar off flew not the thicknef. tI0 . For the buildings viewed by the Angles. in . For to fet alleys of Trees into Perfec- tive. 1 12, For Gardens in Perfective. 1 1 3 , The little flares with borders . ib . For to elevate and fet in Perfective 3 Fortifications. 1 14. For to make the defigns of Perfective. IJ 5 * For to draw little perfective s into great For to find the unehr part of the great] and gnat into little. 11^, projectors. 90 Orders to facilitate the Vniverfal man- Of the Cor n fie s and the Mouldings | ner of the Sfesr G . D. L. 117. under the Florid n. 91. Of a general manner for to exert ife ptr- F or Corm fin s with many Returns. 92. Effective without fetting the point of di- For the op ning of do. rs in Perfective, fiance, out of the picture , or field of the 93 . [workby the Si a rG.DL. 1 1 % . F r the opening of Windows in Per fee- Fcr to give jufiy the di fiance removed, tivs 94 . | the po nt remaining in the picts re. 1 1 9 fcr the opening of the Window with [ A very fine invention, for to make na- Chamfretti gs . ib. Rurally perfect ives without keeping the Of divers «. 1 her openings . 95 . [rules . 120. A The Table. jinother pretty invention, for to cxer- cife the perfective , without knowing it . 12 I • For Figures in ferjpective . 122. For the Figure having the Eye within the Horizon. ib. For the Figure having the Horizon below . ib. For the Figures having the Horizon high . 123. For the Figure that have feet at the Horizon ib . For figures elevated above the flares. I2 4* Of the fofiures that we Jh&uld give to figures in the ferjpective. 12 5 . Of Beafts and Birds in ferjpective . ib . For to finde the height of Figures far removed, the fir ft being upon a Mountain veer to the Eye. 126. For to give the Natural height, or fuch W one would to Figures Elevated on high . 127. For to know how much figures equal de- mirnjh to the Eyejhe one Jet above the 0- ther in height. ib. Of M eafures for the figures Floated . I2«. The Grig inal f jhadows . 129. Of t he differ e m 9 offhadows . 1 3 o - Forte find the jhape of the Jhadow. 1$ 1 Of jhadows t akin from the Sun . 132 kTe jhadows f the Sun are squall to the Objects of the fame height althoghthae they be removed, the one from the other 133. Of the Jbad ws when the Sun is directly offofrte to the Eye . 1 3 4 • For to give the Jhadows of th Object s . pierced by the light . 135 The jhadows take the jhafe of the p!ane s where they are caft. 136 For to finde the jhadow of the ob fee when they have more bredth above then below . 137. For to finde the jhadow of Objects Ele- vated from the G round . 138, For to finde the jhadow at the Sun in all forts of fig p . res. 139. For finde with facility the jhadow by the Sun. 140. The Shadows fallen from a Torch, fivm a Candle and from a Lamp ,are found by one and the fame Order . 141 . Of the foot of the light. 142. For to finde the jhadows by a Torch, on all the fides of a Chamber. 143 . The jhadow by aT or ch of a Pyr amide upright and another up fide down • 144. The jhadow of a Croft. ib. For to finde the jhadow of round Objects by a Torch. 145. Of the Jhadow upon many planes pa- rallels 14 6 f The jhadow of boarded Floors by a Torch. 147 tt For to finde the jhadow by the fcot sf the light. 148. Of the Shadow doubled. 1 b , For the jhadow of figures by a Torch . 149* Of the divers dispofitions and heights of Jhado ws by the Trch. 15© N I $. Rr A CATALOGUE of Becks Printed for Rob. Vnck^and are to be fold ct his Shop over againfi the Crofs-Keys in White- Crofs-*itree£ 5 and the Golden Lyon, at the Corner of New*Cheapiide near Bethlehem, A New Trca.ife of Archltectvrc , according to Vitruvius. Wherein is dtf* /% courfed of i-he five Orders of Columns, viz.. The Tujcan^ Derick^ Jonicl^ J ,1L Ccrimb.gn and Compete. 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