1 / 6 / 91 + to 5 / 29 / 91 + 'Uv: lloyd f , jB L _ JBW ...V^'J BRSn ' Wr w , Auction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THKIB ©SHAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1894, at one o’clock precisely. May be viewed Two Days at Messrs. Christie, Manson & St, James's Square, S. W. preceding, and Catalogues bad, Woods’ Offices, 8 Kmc/ Street, CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arts* between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sole. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 7 he following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN . DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS. 1 Christ Appearing to His Disciples, by Peter Mola— from the Barnard Collection ; and various others, by Callot, &c. 12 2 Landscapes by Waterloo ; and others 11 3 Portrait of a Gentleman, by Jan Leupen 2 4 Pen and ink sketch of two people conversing, by Rembrandt 5 From the TJdney Collection 5 Virgin and Child, by Carlo Maratti— from the Crozat and Ottley Collections : and others, by L. Giordano, &c. 6 Rocky Landscape, by Berghem ; and View of a Gentleman’s Grounds, by Bisschop 7 Saint Sebastian, by Murillo ; and other drawings 4 8 Portrait of a Man, by Flinck ; and other sketches by the same master 8 9 Various studies in red chalk, by Picart and others 18 10 Tho Miraculous Draught, by Raffaelle ; and other sketches G B 2 4 11 Peter and Paul at the Beautiful Gate ; and others— various 8 12 Head of a Man, by Urs Graf; A Warrior, by Yanderbank 13 A Saint Adoring, style of Parmegiano ; and others 14 Christ on the Mount, by Diepenbeck; The Ferry Boat, by Rogliman; A Frontispiece, by Goeree; &c. 13 15 Various drawings, by Lanfranco Caracci and others 16 Constantine Hugens, by Vandyck; Landscape, by P. Molyn 3 17 A Wild Boar, by Snyders; a sketch in red chalk, by Eubens; and others of the Dutch School 18 A study in red chalk, by Lucio Massari— from the Reynolds Collec¬ tion ; a pen and ink drawing, by Zuccaro 19 Various drawings, by Poussin, Paul Veronese and others 20 Various sketches, by Eowlandson, Ibbetson, Bunbury, &c. 21 Study for the Death of Lord Nelson, by Stothard; and A Study of a Lady, by Hoare 2 22 The Empress Catherine of Russia, by Benedetti; and others 23 Sketches by Angelica Kauffmann, Cosway and others 24 A Faun and Nymph, by Lagrenee ; and the Drawing of a Foun¬ tain, by Fragonard 7 25 Two portraits, ascribed to Gainsborough ; and a pencil sketch of the Artist 6 26 Various drawings, by Cipriani, Tiepolo and others 27 Virgin and Child, by Raffaelle; and other classical subjects 14 28 Virgin and Child, by Baroccio ; A Recumbent Figure, by Tintoretto; &c. 29 Various sketches, by Cambiaso and others 30 Virgin and Child, by Benodetto Mantegna ; The Flagellation, by Pietro da Cortona 31 Man Working, drawing by G. Morland ; Rabbits ; &c. 5 32 Drawings and sketches, by Westall, Singleton, and others 33 Waterfall, by Barker (of Bath); and a pencil sketch, by John Crome 34 Scene from “ As You Like It,” by C. R. Leslie— sepia ; Diana Vernon, by Cattermole; and pen and ink sketches, by Land¬ seer 35 Italian View, by J. D. Harding ; architectural drawing, by Allom ; and others, by Taylor, &c. 14 _ \ 36 Repose, by John Brett; Portrait of William West Betty, by Harlow ; and others 5 37 Fisherman, by Earp ; Lake Albano, by Cousins 6 38 View of a Ruined Castle, by Hearne; Mountain Scenery, by Robson 39 Drawing on blue ground, heightened with white, by David Cox ; A Welsh Scene, by ditto 5 40 Various drawings by Haydon, Burnett and others 9 41 Lord Cathcart, by Luke Clennell; Landscape, by Collins; and others 5 42 View of a Seashore: boat lying on beach, by J. S. Cotman ; and other sketches 5 43 Shipping, by Serres; Bushey Park, by Nesfield; Sunset, by J. M. W. Turner, R.A.; &c. 4 44 Various studies by Reinagle, Varley and others 9 45 A series of drawings, by Chalon, Pinelli and others —in sepia 46 Various studies in pen and ink and pencil, by Callcott, &c. 47 Sketches in oil, by Etty and Liverseege 4 48 Pen and ink sketches, by Sir George Hayter, S. W. Reynolds and others 9 49 Sir Philip Sidney, by Robert Kerr Porter ; original sketches, by Leech and others 6 50 Water-colour drawing, by Kate Greenaway ; and A Normandy Peasant Girl, by Fripp 2 6 51 Landscapes, by Jacob Kuysdael, Breughel and others 6 52 Water-colour drawings of various artists, including a sketch by Cecil Lawson 10 53 A similar lot; and pencil sketch attributed to Sir John Millais 4 54 Drawing in charcoal of A Camckeeper, with dogs and a horse, by Sir Edwin Landseer 12 • 0 55 Landscape and Figure, by Lecave; and a drawing in coloured chalk, by Cipriani 5 56 Portrait of William Blake, by Phillips 57 A Quiet Stream, by Sykes; a View of Warwick Castle ; and others 4 58 Portrait of Thomas Payne, by Bunbury ; Landscape, by Nicholas Pocock; and others 6 59 Head of a Boy, by Hoppner ; &c. 3 60 Coast Scene : a water-colour drawing by S. Prout 61 A View in Venice, by A. Cozens ; a View on a River, by Constable 2 62 Seymour (Robert) forty-one humourous drawings— mounted in a vol. 63 Landscape, with a bridge, by Isaac Ostade; Shepherd and Shepherdess, by Jan Van de Neer 2 64 Various sketches, by Greuze, Chardin and others 13 65 Venus and Adonis, by Veronese; and others, by Caracci, &c. 6 66 Landscapes, by Farington, Samuel and otheis 3 67 A Visit of Charity, by Stothard ; and a sketch in chalks, by Gainsborough 3 68 The Ecce Homo, by Rembrandt (W. 82 )—third state; and Christ driving the Money Changers out of the Temple (W. 73) 4 69 The Old Pretender, after Dctroy, by Edelinck —proof 7 From Penicuick House , N.B. the seat of SIR GEORGE CLERK, Bart. In the Folio. BENEDETTO MANTEGNA. 70 Abraham’s Sacrifice ; and others, by Mantegna, &c. 9 ROBETTA. 71 The Adoration ; and The Young Man tied to a Tree 2 REMBRANDT. 72 His own Portrait, in a hat with a feather; and others 10 73 The Synagogue; Clement de Jonge ; &c. 5 74 Abraham and Isaac ; Abraham’s Sacrifice; &c. 6 75 The Prodigal Son ; &c. 4 76 Christ Preaching 77 The Raising of Lazarus ; and The Death of the Virgin 2 78 Doctor Faustus; The Gold Weigher 2 79 Portrait of John Lutma 80 Pancake Woman ; The Young Man, with a chain and cross; &c. 12 81 Rembrandt’s Mill 2 82 A large landscape, with a cottage and a Dutch hay barn 83 The large landscape, with a mill sail 84 Tho Three Trees F. BOL. 85 The Woman, holding a pear; and others 6 8 AUDRAN. 86 Jolm Hampden 2 DE JODE. 87 The Last Supper, after Rubens 3 HARREWYN. 88 Two Views of Rubens’ House at Antwerp 2 VAN THULDEN. 89 Historical Subjects connected with the Archduke Ferdinand, &c. 8 90 After Watteau, &c. 3 The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN . ENGRAVINGS— in the Folio. 91 St. Catherine, after Raffaelle, by Desnoyers ; Madonna del Lago after L. da Vinci, by Longhi; &c. 3 92 La Belle Jardiniere, after Raffaelle, by Desnoyers; &c. 2 93 La Vierge de la Maison d’Albe, after ditto, by ditto— very fine proof 94 The Holy Family, with a lamb, after ditto, by Garavaglia Madonna and Child, with a book, after ditto, by Masaquelier —proof 3 95 The Portrait of Raffaelle, by R. Morghen 96 Jeanne d’Aragon, after Raffaelle, by R. Morghen— proof before letters ; Giorgione, by Van Dalen —proof before any letters ; and The Cenci, by Garavaglia 3 9 97 Belisarius, after Salvator Rosa; The Magdalene and Cleopatra, after Guido, by Strange 3 98 Rubens and bis Wife, after Rubens and Snyders, by J. Summer- field ; Landscapes, after Claude 3 99 La Maitresse de Titian, by Forster; and Sibylla Cumaea, by Perfetti 2 100 All Soul’s College Window, by Shervvin ; and Parce Somnum Rumpere, after Titian, by R. Morgben 2 101 The Nativity; The Small Crucifixion ; and others, by Albert Durer ; Portrait of Rubens, by Pontius 6 102 The Wife and Son of Rubens, after Rubens, by R. Earlom; and The Misers, after Q. Matsys, by J. Ward— proofs 2 103 Les Musiciens Ambulans; and Instruction Paternelle, by Wille 2 104 The Children of Charles I, after Yandyck, by R. Strange ; and The Three Heads of Charles I., by Sharp 2 105 A Large Album, richly whole-bound in red morocco, containing a collection of prints by and after Albert Durer, Rubens, Ostade, Rembrandt, &c. 106 A Similar Album, containing a collection of prints after Leonardo, Michel Angelo, Correggio, Titian, &c.— many fine 107 An Album, containing a collection of etchings by Vandyck, engravings after Sir J. Reynolds, G. Morland, &c.— half hound 108 Two polished pine cases, with locks and keys 10 By Order of the Executors of CHARLES AUGUSTUS NORTH, Esq., deceased. AFTER SIR F. GRANT. 109 The Earl of Harewood ; Lord Hill; and others— mostly proofs 10 110 Lord Raglan ; The Earl of Fife— proofs; &c. 8 111 Lord Crewe, by J. Scott; The Duke of Roxburgh— 'proof; &c. 12 112 Lord Campbell, by T. L. Atkinson ; Lord Truro, by G. Zobel— proofs ; &c. 14 113 The Duchess of Sutherland— artist’s proof; Lady Seafield, by J. Faed ; &c. 5 Sold by Order of the Executors of the late Mr. SAMUEL BELL1N, the Engraver. BY THE LATE SAMUEL BELLIN. 114 Cross Purposes, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.—2 etchings , 6 before letters , 8 artist's proofs j 16 115 The Orphans, after Thomas Brooks—3 etchings , 7 artist’s proofs 10 116 The Heart’s Misgivings, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.—5 etchings } 9 prints , 1 lettered proof , 2 B. L., 6 artist’s proofs, 2 working proofs 25 117 The First Appeal, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.—1 lettered proof, 6 B. L ., 2 artists’ proofs 9 11 118 The Last Appeal, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.—6 etchings, 1 print, 5 B. L., 5 engraver's proofs 17 119 The Gentle Warning, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.—3 etchings, 1 proof, 3 artist’s proofs 7 120 The Momentous Question, after Miss Sarah Setchell, 7 prints, 2 L. P., 3 before letters 12 121 And Ye shall Walk in Silk Attire, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.— 5 artist'e proofs 5 122 The Heart’s Resolve, after Miss Sarah Setchell, 6 etchings, 1 print, 5 artist’s proofs 12 123 The Bashful Lover; and The Maiden Coy, after Frank Stone, A.R.A.— 5 etchings, 7 artist’s proofs, 1 print 13 124 Going with the Stream, after J. J. Jenkins— working proofs 4 125 Heavenly Consolation, after Thomas Brooks—3 etchings, 6 artist's proofs, 2 engraver’s proofs 11 126 Shakespeare’s Infancy, after Thomas Brooks—X etching, 6 artist’8 proofs, 2 working proofs 9 127 Lord William Russell’s Farewell, after John Bridges—4 etchings, 10 artist's proofs , 2 working proofs 16 128 Christ and the Woman of Samaria, after J. R. Herbert, R.A. —3 etchings, 4 artist’s proofs, 7 engraver’s proofs 14 129 Confidence and Diffidence, after R. Hannah (a pair )—16 engraver’s proofs, 2 etchings 17 130 Love at First Sight, after William Hunt, 2 etchings, 2 artist’s proofs 4 131 Death of Mozart, after Ward—3 etchings, 9 artist's proofs 12 132 Cromwell at Hampton Court, after Charles Lucy—3 etchings, 4 artist’s proofs, 6 engraver’s proof s 13 133 Salutation of Aged Friars, after Sir C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A.— 4 etchings, 1 artists’ proof, 5 working proofs 10 134 Milton dictating Samson Agonistes, after J. C. Horsley, R.A. —2 etchings , 1 print, 1 artist’s proof, 5 working proofs 9 135 Christ Blessing little Children, after Marshall Claxton—5 artist's proofs, 1 working proof 6 136 The Discovery, after E. II. Girardet—2 etchings, 3 engraver's proofs 5 137 John Wesley at Oxford, after Marshall Claxton—7 artist's proofs 7 138 Heather Belles, after F. W. Topham—7 artist's proofs 7 139 Joy, after T. Carrick—3 etchings, 11 engraver's proofs 14 140 Anxiety, after T. Carrick—3 etchings, 9 engraver's proofs 12 141 Miss Florence Nightingale at Scutari, after Jerry Barrett— 3 etchings, 4 artist's proofs, 3 engraver's proofs 10 142 Cromwell Refusing the Crown, after T. H. Maguire—4 etchings, 5 artist's proofs, 6 engraver's proofs 15 143 The Council of War, after A.L. Egg, R.A.—2 etchings, 6 artist's proofs, 2 engraver's proofs 10 144 Little Gardeners, after Edward Magnus, by Beilin—4 artist's proofs , and a print by Mandel 5 145 The Ship Boy’s Letter, after T. Roberts—5 engraver's proofs, 1 etching 6 146 Assertion of Liberty of Conscience, after J. R. Herbert, R.A.— 2 etchings, 1 print, 1 artist's proof, 10 engraver s proofs 14 147 Anti-Corn Law League, after J. R. Herbert, R.A.—3 etchings, 5 artist's proofs, 5 engraver's proofs 13 148 Arrival of Pilgrim Fathers, after Baird—3 etchings, 6 engraver's proofs 9 149 Johnson and Goldsmith, after E. M. Ward, R.A.; and Companion —3 etchings, 5 engraver s proofs, 2 prints 10 150 My Chickens for Sale; and Companion, after E. H. Corbould— 10 etchings, 10 artist's proofs, 4 engraver's proofs 24 151 Journey to Emmaus, after J. Sant, R.A.— 2 etchings, 1 artist's proof 3 13 PORTRAITS, 152 Robert Stephenson, after John Lucas —various states 9 153 Prince Consort, after Winterhalter —ditto 21 154 Queen Victoria, after Winterhalter —ditto 8 155 Prince Albert, after John Lucas —ditto 4 156 The King of the Belgians, after C. Mercier —ditto 6 157 George Green, after T. Phillips, R.A.; and three other whole- length portraits 25 158 John Ellis, after Lucas ; and Master of Hounds— whole length 14 159 J. Walker; T. Earnshaw ; and other engineers 20 160 Joseph Hume, M.P., after J. Lucas ; J. H. Cotton; and another 14 161 Duke of Northumberland; David Cox ; Bishop Wilberforce; &c. 14 162 Rev. John Hill; Rev. R. Moore ; and other clergy 20 163 Bishop Phillpott; Rev. R. Richards; Rev. Pye Smith; and other clergy 32 164 Duke of Richmond ; Sir F. Burdett; Lord Mostyn ; Earl Russell; Lord Morpeth ; &c, 31 165 W. Cubitt; J. Rendell; Talbot Clifton; Sir T. Le Breton; and others 41 166 Robert Holmes ; W. Chaplin ; H. S. Northcote ; and others 30 167 John Burnet; Rev. J. Bunting; J. H. Pelly; Dr. Paris; and others 29 168 Admiral Fitzroy, after Buckner; and others 17 169 The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, after Bradley ; John Gladstone ; and other portraits, by S. Beilin and others 21 170 Burgomaster, after Rembrandt, by Reynolds; The Enraptured Poet; and others 16 14 171 Soldier’s Dream, after Goodall ; Dying Camel; Introduction of Christianity ; and other large plates 9 172 Trials of Charles I. and Earl of Strafford ; and some etchings 7 173 English Merry Making ; Horse Racing at Rome; and others 11 174 Village Festival, after Wilkie ; and some Art Union prints 13 175 Earl of Carlisle, after Sir J. Reynolds, by W. Ward— proof 176 Baroness Rothschild, after Sant; and other portraits 7 177 Opening of the Exhibition of 1851, after H. C. Selous, by S. Beilin—5 etchings, 19 engraver’s proofs, 4 artist’s proofs 28 178 Men of Science; Florence Nightingale at Scutari; and other historical subjects— proofs and etchings 8 179 Titian and Francis I.; and other historical prints— proofs and etchings 18 180 Charles I.; Trial of Strafford ; &c.— proofs 11 181 Art Union prints; and others 7 182 The Angler’s Daughter; and The Falconer’s Son, after Land¬ seer, by Finden— before letters 2 183 The Queen ; C. S. Lefevre; and other portraits 11 184 Various portraits—clergy, &c., by S. Beilin 20 185 Earl of Carlisle; and other portraits, by ditto 17 STEEL AND COPPER PLATES, 186 Nature’s Sunshade, engraved by S. Beilin— unpublished—the steel plate 187 The Great Find, by S. Beilin; and a small landscape— unpublished—the steel plates 2 188 The Madonna, after Carlo Dolci, by S. Beilin —the copper plate 189 The Miser, after Rembrandt, by S. Beilin— unpublished—the copper plate 15 190 Ecce Homo, after Guido, by S. Beilin— the copper plate 191 Mr Buckston and Mr. Eeeve, in “The Wreck Ashore,” after B. W. Burr, by J. G. Murray—78 proofs, 2 prints, and the steel plate 192 Darby and Joan, by Samuel Beilin— unpublished—the steel plate 193 The Union; and The Bepeal, after Henry Tidey, by Samuel Beilin— a pair, unpublished—the steel plates 194 Sir Joshua Beynold’s Last Visit to Dr. Johnson, engraved by Samuel Beilin— unpublished—the steel plate 195 Engraved portraits: various—9 steel plates 9 196 Joy; and Anxiety, after Garrick— proofs 5 197 Sir J. Beynolds; and Dr. Johnson— proofs 12 198 Heavenly Consolation; and others, after Brooks— proofs 13 199 First and Last Appeal; and others, after F. Stone, A.B.A.— proofs 12 200 Courtship; and Old Age ; &c.— proofs 19 201 Polly, after C. Baxter— proofs 10 202 Thy Will be Done ; and others— proofs 10 203 The Valentine; and Companion— proofs 11 204 Milton dictating Samson Agonistes, after Horsley— proofs 8 205 The Brunette, after C. Baxter— proofs 7 206 Christ Blessing Little Children ; and others— proofs 8 207 Death Bed of Mozart; and other historical subjects— proofs 15 208 Cromwell Befusing the Crown; Miss Nightingale; and other historical subjects— proofs 16 209 Harvest in the Highlands; Death Bed of Wesley; &c.— proofs 23 210 Order of Belease, after Millais, by Cousins— proof before letters 1 211 Bishop of Frederickstown ; and other portraits 12 16 212 M. J. Chapman ; C. J. Latrobe; Joseph Hume— whole length 14 213 E. Stephenson ; and other whole-length portraits 15 214 Sir F. Burdett; Bishop Wilberforce; and other portraits 17 ,215 Earl of Carlisle ; Eev. H. H. Airey ; Bentinck ; and others 19 216 Prince Consort; King of the Belgians; and others 25 217 J. H. Pelly; Le Breton; and others 22 218 James J. Hornby ; Admiral Fitzroy ; &c. 15 219 James Parsons; Elkanah Armitage ; &c. 15 220 Baroness Alphonse de Kothschild, after Sant— 'proofs 17 221 Two large wooden cases, to hold engravings FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Streel and Charing Cross. - GETTY CENTER LIBRARY