"JV >Cm O^^T^^LOOXJE THE VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OP, PICTURES OF THE LATE GEORGE FIELD, ESQ., Sold by Order of the Executors of BAECLAY FIELD, ESQ., DECEASED, Late of Hill Street, Berkeley Square: WHICH L . ^ \ L?^ t Messrs CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKEIE ©laSAT mo@MS, 8 KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ^;«=;c May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kin(jf Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. L THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. IL No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deilciency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaxilter at this Sale. ^MMl Itv CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1893, AT ONE O OLOOK PRE0I8ELY. The Collection of the late GEORGE FIELD, Esq. Sold hy Order of the Executors of BARCLAY FIELD, Esq., deceased, late of Ilill Street, Berkeley Square. WATEE-COLOUR DRAWINGS. BIKKET FOSTER. 1 The Pet Kitten 5 in. by 7 in. BIRKET FOSTEK. 2 TnE Pet Blackbihd — the companion , -, 5 in. by 1 in, B 2 ENGLISH PICTURES. E. W. COOKE, K.A. 3 Dutch Boa.ts in a Calm 6^ in. by 9| in. T. CKESWICK, K.A. 4 The Angler 8 in. by 7 in. T. CEESWICK, E.A. 5 The Angler, Haddon Hall in the background 14 in. by 8^ in. W. COLLINS, E.A, 6 THE BIED'S NEST, a group of six children looking at a bird's nest, which one of them has on the ""ground, to the left is a boy setting a dog on a cat 29^ in. by 26 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1809 G. S. NEWTON, A.E.A. 7 THE DUTCH GIEL 14f in. by 11 in. The engraved picture Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857 CLAEKSON STANFIELD, E.A. 8 A Coast Scene, with a peasant and horses near some stranded boats on the right, other boats in shallow water, and figures with a horse and cart on the left 15 in. by 24 in. Signed, and dated 1855 From the Collection of Jonathan Nield, Esq., 1879 i>l' J. TENNANT. 9 The Gleaners 18 in. by 24 in. PATRICK NASMYTH. 10 A LANDSCAPE : view at the edge of a wood, with figures, a pool of water in the foreground, a church and village on the left 18 in. by 24 in. Signed From the Collection of John Fleming, Esq., 1879 PATRICK NASMYTH. 11 A LANDSCAPE, with faim buildings on the right, and children in the foreground 12 in. by 16 in. Signed, and dated 1826 From the Gillott Collection, 1872 G. MORLAND. 12 A GIPSY ENCAMPMENT, .landscape with numerous figures ^^S under a tree round a fire to the right 19 in. by 25 in. Signed and dated From the Collection of Charles Cope, Esq., 1872 G. MORLAND. 13 THE BELL INN : a house under a tree, group of labourers sitting near, man and woman in a cart talking to a man in a red waistcoat 10 in. by 12^ in. DUTCH SCHOOL. L. BACKHUYSEN. 14 A Sea-piece, with a yacht saluting off a port, with a windmill, a row boat on the right 3 in. by 4 in. N. BEECHEM. 15 CATTLE PASSING A FOED The scene exhibits a mountainous country under tlie appearance of evening. Two herdsmen with cattle are passing a river which divides the country. Of these, tlie nearest to the spectator is a peasant wearing a sheep-skin jacket, seen in a hinder view on a bay horse, with a long ' dv Vl/\,vurv* V^^^ ill ^i'' hands. On his left is a red cow or ox, and in advance of • him are three cows, two goats, and a sheep passing tiirough the stream, V lA/iM'v^^vi . and two others of the herd have reached the opposite bank and are • entering a pass in the mountains. The other herdsmen is passing a fordable part of the river with four cows, and the scene here is bounded by rocks covered with a few buslies, beyond which rises majestically a lofty blue mountain. On the opposite side, the eye looks over a valley partially obscured by the mists of the evening. 14i in. by 21 in. Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 From the Clewer Manor Collection Described in Smith's Catalogue Maisonne, Supplement, p. 603, No. 32 BEEUGHEL. 16 A Faie, in a Dutch village, with numerous figures, animals and boats — on copper 10 in. by 14^ in. J. VAN DE CAPELLA. 17 A CALM, with a boat at anchor, and three other boats near in the centre, a man-of-war saluting, and boats on the left, three men with a boat on the shore in the foreground 23 in. by 36 in. Signed J, VAN DE CAPELLA. 18 A CALM, with fishing boats at anchor, man-of-war and boats in the distance, gulls flying over piles in the foreground ^ 17 in. by 17^ in. A. CUYP. 19 A View off Dort, with a yacht and figures in the centre, and figures in a row boat on the right, fishing boats on the left, and a windmill in the distance, the cathedral and village in the background 17^ in. by 22 in. A. DEKKER. 20 A Landscape, with a picturesque overshot mill in the foreground, the miller at the half-door 21 in. by 24^ iii. JEAN BAPTISTS GREUZE. 21 HEAD OF A GIRL, with golden hair, in white dress, black kerchief 15^ in. by 12^ in. J. HACKERT AND ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE. 22 A Mountainous Italian Landscape, with a party of travellers attacked by banditti ; a horseman in a red cloak galloping to the front 9 in. by 13| in. From the Collection of Charles Cope, Esq. 'Exhibited at Burlington House, 1888 ^ ' J. VAN DER HEYDEN. / 9.3 THE COURT-YARD OF A PALACE, partly in ruins, with a gentleman and lady with attendant, addressed by beggars ; a dog near a shrine on the left, and man with a dog at a fountain on the right ; a man looking over an iron gate beyond. The figures by Adrian Van de Velde 11^- in. by 14f in. MINDERHOUT HOBBEMA. 24 A WOODY LANDSCAPE, with a flooded road in the fore- ground, on which are some ducks and a spaniel drinking ; a gentleman on a grey horse, addressed by a beggar, and two peasants near a wood on the right 24: in. hySi in. l^X^ ^-VV^ • ( Signed, and dated 1667 Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 J. VAN HUYSUM. 25 A GROUP OF ROSES, peonies and pinks, in a terra-cotta jar on a marble slab, a bird's nest with eggs near 19 in. by 15^ in. Signed From the Collections of the late Earl of Clare and Sir Charles Bagot Exhibited at the British Institution, 1834 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1872 and 1888 P. MIGNARD. 26 Portraits of a Girl and Boy — a pair, ovals 10^ in. by 9 in. EGLON VAN DEE NEEE. 27 A YOUNG LADY, wearing a white cap, a black kerchief, and a white satin robe, seated at her toilet, with a book lying before her, from the perusal of which she appears to have been diverted by some object not visible in the picture : a looking-glass, a silver box, and a bell are on the table The figure is shown to the knees 13^ in. by 10^ in. Signed, and dated 1665 From Lord Gwydyr's Collection, 1829 Exhibited at the British Institution, 1831 and 1847 Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 From the Bredel Collection, 1875 See Waagen's Art Treasures, Vol. I. p. 171 Described in Smith's Catalogue, Part TV. p. 175 AAET VAN DEE NEEE. 28 A EIVEE SCENE, which occupies the centre of the picture and stretches away into the distance. Mill on the right, house and trees, above which rises a church spire on the left, a man and three cows on the bank in the foreground, cloudy sky, and setting sun 7^ in. by 11 in. Signed Exhibited at the Burlington House, 1888 AAET VAN DEE NEEE. 29 A Dutch Town on a Eivee, with boats and figures: Moon light 10 ill. by 13 in. ?r\-\ 10 ADEIAN VAN OSTADE. 30 TWO MEN AND A WOMAN IN A EOOM One of the former, dressed in a green jacket with light sleeves and a dark gray cap, is seated in a profile view on the right, holding a jug and a pipe in one hand and a piece of money in the other. He appears to be speaking to the woman, who sits opposite, with a glass in her hand which she rests on a table, on which are four playing cards. The other man stands leaning his elbow on a chair, listening to his comrades. Figures seen to the knees. 10^ in. by 8^ in. Signed Engraved by W. linger From the Collection of Thomas Emmerson, Esq. From the Collection of Mens. Gilkines From the Collection of Count Cornelissen, and M. Tardieu Described in Smith's Catalogue Baisonne, Supplement, p. 112 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1888 ADEIAN VAN OSTADE. 31 INTEEIOE OF A CABAEET, with a peasant seated on a tub in front of a fire, from wbicli he is taking a lighted coal, another peasant holding a jug in his right hand, and offering a glass of beer to a child playing with a chair, a peasant holding a pipe, taking down a shutter from a window, a stool and utensils on the left. Signed, and dated 1656 13 in. by 15 in. From the Hamilton Palace Collection JACOB EUYSDAEL. 32 AN OVEESHOT MILL, with two men opening the sluice between two pairs of wheels 21^ in. by 27 in. Signed Exhibited at Art Treasures, 1857 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1871 and 1888 11 JACOB RUYSDAEL. 33 A LANDSCAPE, with an old cottage under a group of fine trees, a woman at the door, and two peasants seated near an old wheel, and elder trees in the foreground, a farm building under trees on the left Signed 22 in. by 26^ in. Exhibited at Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 JAN STEEN. 34 INTERIOR OF A ROOM, with a large projecting chimney, near which are seated two women, whose attention is directed to a droll fellow bowing most obsequiously before them ; his politeness excites the risibility of a young fellow standing on the farther side of the women, near whom sits a man in the chimney corner smoking his pipe 15^ in. by 14 in. Signed Engraved in mezzotinto by Paul See Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, Fart IV. p. 51 Mentioned in Dr. Waagen's Art Treasures From the Bredel Collection D. TENIERS. 35 THE CARD PLAYERS: An interior with five figures seated playing cards on the right, a woman seated at a fire frying on the left, two men near, and a figure going out at an open door, a dog asleep and utensils in the foreground 18 in. by 23 in. Signed From Sir Lawrence Dundas Collection Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 Exhibited at Burlington Rouse, 1871 12 D. TENIERS. 36 A CHEMIST'S LABOEATOEY The operator (an old man with a grey beard'seated in an arm chair )i is blowing the fire under a retort, in the back of the room is a man standing with a bottle in his hand, another is seated beating something in a mortar. These two are overlooked by a man from a little window above. Three books and three crucibles lie on the ground in front, and a variety of chemical apparatus are about the place. 14 in. by 10| in. Engraved hy Major Described in Smithes Catalogue Baisonne, Part III., No, 586 G. VAN TOL. 37 An Inteeior, with a Shoemaker at his Stall 12 in. by 9f in. From the Hamilton Palace Collection ADEIAN VAN DE VELDE. 38 AN ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, with a bay borse drinking at a stream ; a sheep in front ; a goat and two cows on the right ; a herdsman in conversation with a woman and boy ; two cows and sheep in the middle distance 181 in. by 21^ in. W. VAN DE VELDE. 39 A CALM, with the royal yacht moored among a fleet of fishing boats, a row boat approaching in the centre, and three men in a boat on the shore in the foreground, a wooden jetty on the right 22 in. by 25 in. Signed Exhibited at Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 Waagcn's Art Treasurers of Great Britain, Vol, 11. p. 336 13 W. VAN DE VELDE. 4.0 A CALM, with two men-of-war at anchor, in front of which are two men in a boat drawing a net ; several fishing boats and a row boat near a jetty on the left 12 in. by 14 in. Signed W. VAN DE VELDE. 41 A CALM, with fishing boats at anchor, and a man-of-war and boats in the distance ; three fishermen and a boat on the shore in the foreground 6 in. by 8 in. ^.Uitl-l PHILIP WOUVERMAN. 42 A COAST SCENE, with a ruined tower, near which two peasants are unloading a cart, two men lifting a bale, near a grey horse on a quay, a boat with merchandise and a figure near; a man wading and pulling a dog into the water on the left ; a horseman, seated on a bale of goods, advancing on the right 11 J in. by 16 in. PHILIP WOUVEKMAN. 43 AN ENGAGEMENT OF CAVALRY, three horsemen on the left riding over a man who is dismounted in a stream ; soldiers screened in a cornfield attacking cavalry on the right and in the foreground, a village church on a hill on the right . 21^ in. hj 26^ in. (AAa1> Exhibited at Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857 14 IhL^.ilTJl PHILIP WOUVERMAN. 44 A LANDSCAPE, intersected by a river, flowing from the front into tlie distance ; the left is occupied by a high sandy bank with a fence of paling at its side and two trees ; close to the front are two men with sticks, one of them carries a pack on his back 7 J in. by 11 in. Engraved by Aliamet From the Clewer Manor Collection From the Bale Collection Dr. Waagens Supplement, " Quite a little gem in delicacy of tone and execution " Described in Smith's Catalogue Baisonne, Vol, I., p. 327 No. 443 7 1^^ PHILIP WOUVERMAN. ' 45 A LANDSCAPE, with a sportsman in a red jacket on a grey horse relieving a beggar woman, two figures reclining near, and two others approaching on a sandy road under two old pollards ; an attendant carrying a hare on a gun, and a dog in the foreground ; a chateau and hills in the distance 9^ in. by 7^ in. ZEEMAN 46 A Calm, with men-of-war at anchor, and boats 3 in. by 4 in. FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. LI GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00881 8623