^^M^ **^ 1 ^***"** i^m *m *i+ ^m*ma*^m *a * p i ^ **m^^ma XEoronto Camera Club Organises 1887 :: Incorporates t893 Second Salon Thirteenth Annual Exhibition L fl&arcb 29tb to aprll 2no, inclusive 1904 SECOND SALON (Thirteenth Annual Exhibition) OF THE TORONTO CAMERA CLUB <^.©^v You are invited to submit prints for the SECOND SALON (Thirteenth Annual Exhibition) of the Toronto Camera Club at their Rooms, Forum Building, Yonge Street, Toronto from March 29th to April 2nd, inclusive 1904 SJuIps and StegalatfattB ♦fl^lO awards are offered, and no charge will be made to II* exhibitors. Each exhibitor will be furnished with the catalogue issued by the club, which will be official notification of acceptance or rejection of the works submitted to the jury of selection. Each picture must be mounted. Framing optional. Each exhibitor must place his name, address, and title of print on the back of each frame or mount. Any number of prints may be submitted, but only such as in the opinion of the Jury of Selection show distinct artistic merit will be accepted. Pictures must be delivered, charges prepaid to the Secretary Toronto Camera Club, Forum Building, Yonge St., Toronto, Ont., and must reach Club Rooms not later than Tuesday, March 15th. 1904. [Note.— In sending exhibits fiom points outside Canada, allowance must be made for at least three clear days detention in Customs. When possible, exhibitors from points outside of Canada should send exhibits by post. There is a good deal of difficulty in returning to the U.S. by Express.] Exhibits will be repacked and returned to exhibitor as soon as practicable after the close of the Exhibition. Special care will be taken of all exhibits, but responsibility for loss or damage cannot be assumed by the Club. Forum Building, Yonge Street, Toronto. HUGH NE1LSON, Secretary-Treasurer Forum Building, Yonge St., Toronto (§ffona J. P. Hodgins ... - President J, Maughan - - 1st Vice-President R. D. Stovki, - - 2nd Vice-President Hugh Neii,son - - Sec'y-Treasurer & E. Hoch W. H. Moss J. G. Ramsey Edmund E. King, M.D. H. B. Lkfroy W. J. Watson GETTY CENTER LIBRARY