$r snnnr** * ** « * * waver*** i* * i £ EVERYMAN HIS OWN 5 BLACKING & BOOT-TOP LIQUID MANUFACTURER * * I ttttijtlMH-jmM * ** titixt 3 Every Man his own Blacking 1 $* Boot-Top Liquid Manufacturer. .. A most valuable Collection of Upwards of THIRTY GENUINE RECEIPT^ For Liquid JSlachings, Perfumed and other Blacking Pastes, BLACKING BALLS and POWDERS ; Amongst which will be found, the ORIGINAL FORM for the REAL JAPAN BLACKING, AS MADE BY THE MOST NOTED FIRM IN LONDON, AND ALSO Those of several other Blacking and Boot Top Liquid Makers, By means of 1 which, three Quarts of very excellent Blacking, may be made for 2s. Qd. Being little more than one Fourth the usual Price; The true Method of preparing THE NORFOLK FLUID , For rendering Leather, Soft, Pliable, aud Water-Proof. ' Also for the fallowing Articles, evidently of such great Utility, viz. Clothes Powder , and Chemical Clothes Balls, For cleaning and taking out Spots of Grease, From all Kinds of Cloth, Kerseymere, and Coro ; BREECHES BALLS, For cleaning Leather Breeches, Gaiters, Gloves, 8$c. REAL SILVER AND OTHER PLATE POWDERS, Furniture Balls, Paste, be. A Saving of more than 2 Parts iu 3 will be found in the Manufacture of every Article here mentioned, with which ample Directions are given, so as to make the whole plain and familiar to every Capacity. LONDON : Printed and published by IV. Glindon, 48, Rupert-Street, Hay market ; And sold by Champante and Whitrow, Jewry-Street ; Chappie, Royal Exchange; Wilson, Ditto;. Hughes, Ludgate*Hiilt Johnson, Cheapside; Mason, Holv well-Street ; and all other Booksellers. Entered at Stationers * Hall , INTRODUCTION It is a fact no less strange than true, that notwithstanding the rapid pro- gress made in the arts and manu- factures, and the constant variety of publications daily issuing from the press, fraught with every species of valuable and domestic information, there has never yet appeared a com- plete or separate work, on a subject so truly desirous as that comprised in the following sheets ; which will 'be found to treat only on articles ot general and experienced utility. The manufacture of them is at present but very imperfectly under- stood by most persons, although forming articles of the utmost im- portance to every man, in every class of society. The gentleman has here a liberal bill of fare set before him, out of which he can readily select such ar- ticles as are indispensably necessary to add neatness and elegance to hi* dress. itr The tradesman will also find a true friend, who, attentive to his interest, will add respectability to his appear- *nce,at a moderate expence; by means )f compositions divested of their most njurious properties, and with which ie is made thoroughly acquainted. The servant will meet with a sure ruide in pointing out to him the true art of pleasing, and fulfilling his duty, to the satisfaction of hisemployer, and consequently with pleasure to himself, an object that every one must be de- sirous of acquiring, but which, from want of instructions he may some- times be imperfect in. In truth, it is never too late to learn, and there can be no reason why intormation should be rejected, though not immediately required. In selecting the present collection, no expence has been spared to obtain the most approved for each purpose, and every endeavour used to render them as simple and plain as possible, so as to make them intelligible to every capacity, and throw no dim* V culty in the way of obtaining the materials for their manufacture. Plain directions are added to every receipt, and each article is treated on distinctly; by an attentive ad- herence to the rules laid down, the end desired will be invariably attained, a circumstance that cannot > fail to merit the approbation of the public. The Blackings are most of them original Receipts, and may be de- pended upon, as none are inserted but what have been repeatedly proved. The first receipt is un- doubtedly of long established repu- tation, and certainly stands foremost in every respect ; the succeeding will be found equal to every thing that is said of them. The Noir Liquide a la Francois, or French Liquid Blacking , is a fac- simile, of one presented by a French gentleman, and is entitled to great merit. The Blacking Paste will be found highly useful, and packed, as di- rected, will remain good for years, a 3 vi from which a liquid may be made very expeditiously of superior quality. The Blacking Powder aud Balls , possess properties very similar, with this addition, that, from their being quite dry, they are still less liable to accident, when packed in clothes trunks, &c. The Boot Top Liquids are such as stand first in point of real merit, several of the receipts are from the originals of public manufacturers. The Oxygenated Muriatic Acid , will be found of great utility in re- moving all vegetable stains, and the Light Orange Liquid will give a most beautiful tinge to the tops ; in fact, all are fully competent ^to the office assigned them. The Norfolk Fluid is a composition of established reputation, and pos- sessing qualities of the most import- ant nature, both as relating to health and economy. The Clothes and Breeches Balls , are of acknowledged utility, the art of making which, although o! so much importance, has never yet vii been given to the public in a true shape, a subject that might, perhaps, create some surprise, if it was not the case with the greater part of the ar- ticles contained in this publication. The Plate Powders are so generally adopted as to need little explanation respecting their utility : these will be found to combine all the good qualities stated to be possessed by those advertised for sale, without their defects, and may be made at a much cheaper rate. The Furniture Balls , Paste , and Liquid , have been long in use at some of the first cabinet makers , the manner of using them is very simple, and only requires the addition of cheerful labour. Their hue may be varied at pleasure, by adding moie alkanet root , to produce darker, and omitting a small portion where lighter is required. The Proprietor once more assures the reader of his sincere wish to please, and as some persons may be guided in their compositions by the price, he has at the end given a list of the materials with which they are formed and also the prices. THE \ GENUINE RECEIPT, FOR THE Heal Japan Blackings AS MANUFACTURED dy the Most Noted Firm in London Take Shumac, four ounces. Copperas, two ounces, Single glue size, eight ounces, Treacle, eight ounces. Ivory black, one pound. Water, four pints. Common olive oil, two ounces. Spirits of vitriol, four ounces, Common vinegar, four pints. Boil the shumac in the water in an earthen pipkin till it is nearly half reduced, add the copperas (having first bruised it), and boil again a minute or two till the copperas is 9 dissolved, then strain it off, and add to it the glue size, put the treacle in a bason, mix with it first the oil, then the ivory black, and stir them all well together, then add the boiled liquor, next tbe vinegar, and when it has stood twelve hours, the spirits of vitriol, — let it continue in the bason twenty-four hours, and it will be ready for bottling. This is a blacking of very great repute in almost all parts of the world, and on which great praise has been very deservedly be- stowed. It has decidedly been ascertained from experience, to be less injurious to the leather, than most public blackings, and if certainly produces a fine jet polish, which is rarely equalled, and never yet surpassed : it is withal manufactured at a very cheap rate, recommendations that can but make it a very desirable object to all who admire neatness, blended with economy. 10 THE ORIGINAL RECEIPT OF A VERY Celebrated Blacking MANUFACTURER. Who has Practised it for upwards of Ten Years . Take Ivory black, six ounces, Treacle, three ounces. Gum arabac, half an ounce. Vinegar, half a pint, Porter, one pint. Oil of vitriol, half an ounce. Mix the ivory black and treacle first well together, dissolve the gum in a small quantity of warm water, and add to ^them, by degrees, the porter, afterwards the vinegar, and lastly the oil of vitriol. Observe,' to add the oil of vitriol only by a small portion at a time, and agitate the mixture after each addi- tion, — bottle it, but do not cork for four-and- twenty hours at least. This is a truly valu- able blacking, and is daily encreasing in the public esteem, v 11 A TRUE RECEIPT. FROM THE MANUSCRIPT Of a Very Eminent Blacking Maker, FOR THE BRITISH Liquid Blacking. Take Oil of vitriol, once ounce, Lamp black, two ounces, Ivory black, five ounces, „ Glue size, four ounces. The dregs of vinegar, one quart, Break well the lumps of lamp black, and add to it the glue size (previously melted by gentle heat), ivory black, and vinegar in small portions, and be careful, on adding each portion, to stir it well, with a large spoon or ladle, so as to reduce it very smooth, otherwise the lamp A 0 12 black from being so light a substance, will float in the liquid and not', unite, which must consequently detract very much] from the merits of the blacking; next add the vinegar, and lastly the oil of vitriol, stirring it all the while. The remark on the lamp black should be attended to, and the like observed at all times when it is directed to be used ; of which I shall have occasion to say more hereafter; it is also to be noticed, that oil of vitriol should always be added in small quan- tities, at different times, and stirred well after each addition, least the effervescence should be too sudden, and thereby not only be wasted, but injurious to the composition. This blacking does not stand quite so elevated perhaps, as the preceding ; it will b found, however, to produce a very high jet polish, although some objections might be started as to its containing too much acid, a foult easily remedied by the ©mission of the oil of vitriol, which may be done, without lessening its virtues. 13 Noir Liqiiide d la Francois* OR, FRENCH Liquid Blacking. Take Blue galls. Logwood chips, of each one ounce. Copperas, one ounce. Honey, four ounces, White sugar candy, four ounces , Ivory black, fourteen ounces. Indigo, half an ounce, Water, two quarts, Vinegar* one pint, Florence oil, three table spoonsful. Lavender water, two ounces. Boil the logwood, galls, and copperas, in the water till one third is boiled away, then strain it ofF, and pour it to the vinegar, bruise the sugar candy,"and dissolve it in the liquid. 14 while hot, mix the oil with the honey in a large vessel, add the ivory black, and stir all well together, powder the indigo very fine, and add also, then add gradually the mixture of vinegar, &c, and when quite cold, the lavender water, — cork well in small stone bottles, and it will keep for years. This receipt was given by a native of France, is now circulated through a number of nobleman’s families, and very generally ap- proved, it is like many French productions, rather novel in its composition, but it needs only a trial to prove how deserving it is of public favour, — the only obstacle to its more general adoption is the price of its materials ; a difficulty, that once surmounted, will shew forth its qualities.- 15 An Excellent Receipt FOR DOMESTIC LIQUID BLACKING. Take Ivory black, Treacle, of each four ounces, The juice of two lemons. Oil of vitriol, one ounce, Powder blue, half an ounce, Table beer, one quart. First mix the treacle, ivory black, and powder blue together, then add the table beer, next the lemon juice, and lastly, the oil of vitriol. This is a good family blacking, and is pre- pared with very little trouble, and no great expence. Indeed the latter might be lessened, by substituting a tea cup full of vinegar for the lemon juice, which would not materially effect the quality, — that must, however, b* left to the choice of the manufacturer. 16 A PRIVATE RECEIPT FOR HIGHLY IMPROVED Liquid Blacking FOR BOOTS AND SHOES, Which adds a Beautiful Lustre, And acts as a Preserver to the Leather. Take Ivory black, twelve ounces, Flour paste (such' ? as is generally used for pasting), half a pound. Common brown sugar, three ounces. Rape oil, one ounce, Vinegar, one pint. Table beer, one quart. First mix the oil with the ivory black in a large bowl or pan, with a wooden spoon, then, add the paste, boil the sugar till dissolved, in part of the beer, then by degrees add the liquor to the ingredients ia the bason, lastly s 17 put the remaining pint of table beer to the vinegar, and mix them gradually with the whole, let the blacking stand in the vessel forty-eight hours, observing to stir it fre- quently, and to keep covered, then bottle it off, and cork close. Blacking thus prepared will remain good in any climate, for many months: it is made at an unusual low price, and is so far from being injurious, that it adds softness and pliability to the leather, — qualities, that few compo- sitions of the kind can lay claim to. RECEIPT For Liquid Blacking Take Table beer, one quart, The white of three eggs, Lamp black. Ivory black, of each four ounces. Brown sugar, four ounces, Common gin, four table spoonsful, Spirits of salts, one ounce, First beat the whites of eggs well, and add to them the sugar, the ivory black, and next the lamp black : let them be well incorporated together, then by little at a time add one pint of the table beer, takiag care to break the knots of sugar or lamp black, and working it till it becomes a perfect smooth paste, put the spirits of salts to the remaining pint of table beer, and add likewise in small quantities r pour the whole into a bottle, but do not cork 19 it, let it stand till the working which takes place on the addition of the spirits of salts has ceased, then add the gin, and in a day or two it may be close corked for use. N.B. This blacking will be found to im- prove very much in quality, by a fortnight of three week’s keeping j in fact, no blacking should be used till the effervescence or working, which always occurs on their first uniting, has subsided. This receipt contains a very small portion ©f acid, and from its being of such experienced good qualities, and the facility of obtaining the ingredients, it is presumed it will be found a very desirable acquisition to the present col- lection. MAKE SUPERIOR LIQUID BLACKING Take Ivory black, one pound, Sugar candy, six ounces* Isinglass, one ounce. Lamp black, four ounces, Porter, two quarts. Vinegar, Table beer, each one quart, Boil the isinglass in a sufficient quantity of water to dissolve it, then add to it the sugar candy and table beer, and boil a minute or two j mix the ivory and lamp black well toge~ ther, add gradually the boiled liquor, next the porter, and lastly the vinegar. This is an excellent blacking, produces a high polish and is free from all injurious qualities. 21 A 1 Very Cheap BLACKING. Take Ivory black, *+ Lamp black, of each one pchtnd. Treacle, one pound. Table beer, seven quarts, Norfolk fluid, three table spoonsful. Boil the table beer, mix well the ivory and lamp black, and add the Norfolk fluid, next the treacle, and be careful to incorporate all well together, then add by degrees the table beer whi le hot, let it stand in the vessel two or three days, and bottle off for use. This is a good cheap blacking, and will be found useful and economical for general purposes. PERFUMED BLACKING PASTE, Tak* Ivory black, one pound, Powdered sugar candy, Treacle, of each three ounces, OJiye oil, one ounce. Flour paste (such as directed for liquid blacking), twelve ounces. Essence of lemon. Oil of carraways, each two drachms First mix the oil, treacle, and sugar candy (in very fine powder) together, then add the essence of lemon, and oil of carraways, next the ivory black and paste, stirring the whole together till every knot is broken, and the paste quite smooth: lastly, add as much vinegar as will make the whole about the con- sistence of honey. The paste thus prepared, should be divided into four parts, and put each part into a tin box, with a lid that shuts close, 23 and it will remain good for years in any cli- mate. When it is wanted for use, the con- tents of each box may be put into a pint and half of water, table beer, or vinegar, which- ever may be at hand, and boiled for about three minutes, which will produce an excel- lent blacking, — or when only enough is re- quired for once or twice using, it might be prepared in the proportions of a table spoon- ful of the paste, to two or three of the above mentioned liquids. This paste has gained great repute, and it certainly not only a very convenient, but a yery good preparation. S4 BLACKING PASTE Take Ivory black, Treacle, of each one poi -Powder blue, two ounces. Rape oil, one ounce.. Oil of vitriol, one ounce, Mix the rape oil and oil of vitriol together in a tea cup or small bason, stir with a piece of wood, and let them stand twenty-four hours, then put them to the treacle, and having stirred well, add the powder blue and ivory black, — mix all completely, and add vinegar sufficient to form a stiff paste, this may also be divided into four parts, and when wanted for use to be prepared in the same manner as directed for the perfumed paste. This is prepared cheaper, and will be found of sufficient good qualities for most purposes. £5 Blacking* Balls.* Take Hog’s lard. Bees wax, each one ounce. Ivory black, Lamp black, each half a pound, Brown sugar, half a pound. Double glue size, four ounces, Water, a quarter of a pint. Melt the lard and wax together, and add to the sugar, with two table spoonsful of the size, (which must be previously dissolved in the water ), then the lamp and ivory black, and the remainder of the size : beat the whole well up together, and if it is not sufficiently soft, add a small portion of water, then put it into moulds, or make it into cakes or balls with the hand, when dry and hard, glue one side oii*a small piece of board with a handle. 8 36 ANOTHER RECEIPT FOR MAKING Blacking Cakes, or Balls. Take Ivory black, half a pound. Gum tragacanth, one ounce. Sugar candy, two ounces, Water, half a pint. Boil the tragacanth in the water till half reduced, or it becomes a paste, powder the Omdy very fine, and mix with the ivory black, next add the tragacanth to them, and beat the whole well together, adding as much Water as will make it soft enough to handle, without crumbling in the hand, — make into fiat cakes or balls, and glue on board, as di- rected for the other. Blacking Powder. Take Ivory black, twelve ounces. Indigo, one ounce, Sugar candy, four ounces, Copperas, one ounce, Powdered gum arabic, one ounce. Let the whole be very finely powdered, and mixed well together. This powder ram- med very tight into a tin cannister, will retain its properties for any length of time; when wanted for use, it is prepared by boiling it ten minutes in two quarts of beer or vinegar, and a beautiful liquid blacking will be produced. ANOTHER BLACKING POWDER Take Ivory black. Lamp black, each half a pound, Brown sugar, one pound, Starch, one ounce. The starch must be well powdered, and mixed first with the sugar, and next the ivory and lamp black, this should likewise be packed in cannisters, in the same way as the other, and is also to be boiled in two quarts of beer or vinegar when wanted for use. 29 GENERAL REMARKS On the manner of using the Blackings , and the method of removing the roughness from the Leather of Boots or Shoes. The first thing necessary to prepare the leather for blacking is, unquestionably, to re- move all the dirt or dust, which is best done by a hard bruin, taking care to clean well out the seams > this done, shake the blacking well, or stir i.'c round with a stick or cane, and with whichever is used, wet the brush ; or a small quantity may be poured into an old ^'ate or saucer, and one end of the brush dipped in and rubbed well over the boot or shoe, then polish while wet ; much care should be taken in distributing and rubbing the blacking equally over the leather j and here let it be observed, that, a soft brns.li produces the finest polish, and a hard one the quickest. In using the blacking cakes, the brush must be first wet with beer or vinegar, and rnbbed well over the cake, then apply the blacking to the boot or shoe, and polish. These directions are all that are required, and if you wish your boots or shoes well blacked 30 and polished, you have only to remember these four simple rules : that the dirt is well rubbed off, your blacking well shook or stirred , that it is well laid on, and that you polish quickly with a good brush . To remove the roughness, put the boot or shoe on a tree or last, clean the dirt well off, and rub it all over with a composition, con- sisting of equal parts of hogs 1 lard , and good double glue size melted together , then take a tool called by the bootmakers a long-stick , and ryb it well, holding it with both hands* and applying all your strength, occasionally renew the composition, and, on continuing to rub a short time, you will perceive the leather become quite smooth. If the boot or shoe is wanted immediately, it may be blacked, and will appear almost equal to new. If they are not wanted, let them be rubbed all over with the Norfolk Fluid, and do not black them for two or three days, when they will be soft and pliable for wearing, as well as smooth grained. — This is a method adopted by many makers, and if followed, will prove itself truly valuable. 31 THI IMPROVED Norfolk Fluid , For Preserving all Kinds of Leather, and rendering it Soft, Pliable, and Water-Proof. Take Linseed oil, three pints. Yellow resin, four ounces, Frankincense, two ounces, Bees’ wax, twelve ounces. Oil of turpentine, one pint, Neat’s-footoil, one quart. Put the linseed»oil, resin, bees’-wax, and frankincense into an earthen pipkin, and melt over a slow fire, keeping it constantly stirring, till the whole is dissolved, then add the neaPs» foot oil, and take it off the fire, and in five •r six minutes add the turpentine, stir it well, B 4 32 and let It stand till quite cold, then bottle, and cork very close. The method of using is as follows : brush clean^the boot, shoe , harness , or whatever it is to be applied to, and let it be quite free from dirty dust or wet> then stir the fluid with a cane, and with it wet the brush, let the brush be a soft one, then rub the fluid thoroughly over the leather, taking care that the seams and every part is well covered, and has a good coat of it. — Set the boots or shoes by, and in two or three days black them, and they will be fit for wearing. The qualities of this composition, are at present understood by very few, considering its general utility, and the saving attendant on the use of it, as well as the comfort arising to healthy from having the feet dry, as it renders the leather water-proof against snow , rain, or salt water ; restores all hard , or old leathery to its usual pliability and softness, preventing it from cracking , and encreasing its durability The Original Receipt For Making a very celebrated Fluid , for Cleaning and Polishing Boot-Tops 4 Take Oxalic acid, one ounce, Buttyr of antimony, two ounces, Cream of tartar, two ounces. Spirits of wine, two ounces. Water, three pints. Boil the water, and add to it while boiling the cream of tartar, and oxalic acid j take it from the fire, and when cold add the buttyr of antimony and spirits of wine. This composition will be found to excel most of those offered for sale, and will whiten the leather to admiration ; it also removes all mineral stains, such as ink spots , iron moulds , fyc. it will be found of equal effect in re- moving grease spots. The manner of using b s 54 is, as follows : — first brush the dirt clean of the boot top, and wash it well with spring- water and sponge, then shake the liquid and scour the leather with a flannel or sponge well wet with it, till all the spots or stains are removed, and when the top is about three parts dry, polish it quickly with a clean soft brush kept solely for the purpose, or a piece of dry flannel. The same method must be observed *n using all the other liquids here mentioned, unless particularly specified to the contrary. It is recommended to all persons having the care of boot-tops, that they keep a small box for the brushes, flannel, sponge, &c. in order to have them quite dean and free from stains —a soft brush will also be found far preferable to flannel for polishing. 35 AN excellent Boot-Top Liquid. Take Burnt alum, half an ounce. Spirits of vitriol, one ounce. Gum arabic in fine powder, half an ounce. Distilled vinegar, a quarter of a pint, Water, one pint. Mix about a table spoonful of the water with the powdered gum first, then another or two, and gradually the remainder i- next dis- solve the burnt alum in the vinegar, add the spirits of vitriol, and lastly, mix both liquids together. This is a good and cheap liquid, and will be found to possess properties equal, if not su- perior, to many that are now only to be pur- chased at an extravagant rate. b 6 36 TO REMOVE ALL Vegetable Stains, Such cm Fruit, Port Wine , Tca,Coffee Mildew , $c. $c. FROM BOOT-TOPS, SADDLES, LEATHER BREECHES, 8$ c . T- aks Oxygenated muriatic acid, Clear soft water, of each two ounces. Dip a linen rag or sponge into this mixture, and wet < ell the stained part with it, suffering the rag or sponge to remain a few minutes, when the spot will disappear j then wash the leather with a clean sponge and water, and expose it to the air to dry. This liquid is an excellent bleacher of all kinds of leather, and the most certain appli- cation that can be made use of for removing the above named stains. Dirty, or stained sponge, by being allowed to soak in it a few minutes, will become beautifully clean and almost white. Receipt FROM A Public Manufacturer TO M-AKE boot-tops OF A D ARK BROWN COLOUR. T A^iCB Water, five pints, n«ol mo... J 1 1*1^ Roach alum, one ounce. Oil of vitriol, one ounce, &ed saunders in powder, Spirits of wine, two ounces Boil the cochineal, red saunders in the water for fifteen when sufficient the spirits of wine, days, shaking it frequently, then vitriol very gradually, shake well, and let it stand forty-eight hours, then strain it off, and bottle for use. 38 ANOTHER From a very eminent JWriker* Take Spirits of salts, one ounce, Common alum, one ounce, Spirits of red lavender, two ounces, Water, Milk, of each one pint. Powder the alum, and boil it for a few minutes in the water, then mix with it the milk, next the spirits of salts, and when quite cold, the spirits of lavender. Much trouble and expencc has been be- stowed in giving celebrity to this liquid, the properties of which are certainly not the most inferior. 39 TO MAKE A LIQUID, That Tinges the Leather , a 'pale Orange . Take Spanish arnatto, half an ounce. Cream of tartar, three ounces; Tincture of saffron, one ounce. White gum arabic, one_ounce. Water, two quarts. Cut the arnatto into small pieces, put it, the gum arabic, and cream of tartar, into the boiling water, boil for twenty minutes, or till the arnatto and gum are dissolved, strain it through muslin, and when cold add the tincture of saffron. Bottle and cork close. ^ It should be remarked that in this, as well as the 7ther receipts, where it is wished to obtain any particular colour, there is specified a given quantity of the colouring ingredients, but as different tinges, may be approved by 40 many persons, it need only be observed that the shade may be varied at pleasure, by in- creasing, or diminishing, the proportions. The method' of using this, is the same as the preceding, except that the leather should be more thoroughly wet, and a brush must be here used for polishing, which must also be performed, when it is not above half dry. This is a colour much wished for, and cannot fail to prove a great acquisition, if managed with due care. 41 A GOOD RECEIPT FOR giving* Take Nitrous acid, one ounce. Gum tragaeanthj half an ounce, The juice of a lemon, Water, two pints* Boil the tragacanth, water, then pour it and let it remain a day or two, strain it through fine rag or muslin, and add to it the juice of the lemon, and nitrous acid.— This liquid, used as directed for receipt, will be found to answer ex well, the purpose of cleaning, besides an unusual bright lustre to the Leatl 42 TO MAKS BOOT TOPS LIGHT BROWN COLOUR Water Take Cochineal, powdered, one drachm. Spirits of wine, six drachms. Spirits of salts. Oil of vitriol, each, three drachmsj one pint . white of an egg. Beat well the white of egg, and add to it, in small portions, the water, then the spirits of salts, next the oil of vitriol, and cochi- neal, and when it has stood several hours, the ^spirits of wine.— Keep, it tolerably well corked, shake it occasionally, and in a few day ’s it will be fit for use. 43 For Restoring Old Boot Tops To their original Whiteness . Take Buttyr of antimony, three ounces Burnt alum, one ounce and a half. Goulard, one ounce, Essential salt of lemons, a box, Soft water, two quarts. J^ix the buttyr of antimony and water first, then add the alum, and essential salt of le- mons, and lastly, the goulard, let it be well shaken together, and kept close corked. This is one of the best liquids for old boot-tops, that from laying by or other causes have become very dirty, or stained; the method of using so as to produce the end de- sired, and afterwards to give the usual soft- ness, to the boot-top is as follows. 44 Stretch it on a boot-tree, and sponge it with milk-warm water, then take a flannel completely soaked, with the Liquid and scour it well all over, until it becomes perfectly free from stains, and clear from streaks; this done, sponge it with cold water, and set by till about three parts dry ; then beat the white of an egg till quite smooth, in three table- spoonsful of milk, with this rub the boot- tops well over, and polish with a soft brush. A high gloss will instantly be produced, ac- companied b y pliability to the leather . 45 AN EXCELLENT CHEAP BOOT TOP LIQUID Take common alum, two ouuces. Nitrous acid, one ounce and a half,] Milk, one pint, Water, a quart. Powder the alum fine and dissolve in the water, add to it the nitrous acid, and then mix the whole with the milk ; on uniting this a large portion of curd will be formed, but it is all proper for use be well stirred together, wnen appnea to rne leather, the method of using is the same as the first receipt for boot-tops. 43 ANOTHER. Take Spirits of vitriol, four ounces. Vinegar, half-a-pint, Picked gum arabic, one ounce and a half. Cream of tartar, two ounces, Water, two quarts. Dissolve the gum arabic in the water, add [the cream of tartar j and boil a few mi- nutes ; when cold, put in the vinegar and spi- rits of vitriol. This is a cheap composition, and will be found to answer the common purposes of boot- top and saddle cleaning. Observe that in polishing and cleaning boots, or boot tops, the use of a tree will greatly assist in adding to the effect of the composition employed. 47 Clothes Powder, For Cleaning all Kinds of Cloili , Kerseymeres , &>c. and for Pre- venting their being Injured by Moths . Taki best pure pipe clay, one pound and half. White pepper, one ounce. Orris powder, one ounce and half. Starch, one ounce, Spirits of wine, two ounces. Let each article be powdered separately very fine, and mixed together, then pour the spirits of wine to it, a few drops at a time, stir the powder after each addition, break the knots occasioned by the spirits of wine, and pack it in chip or tin boxes for travelling. The method of using is, to sprinkle a small quantity of the powder on the cloth, kersey- mere, or whatever is wanted to be cleaned, 48 and rub it in with the hand, then brush out the powder with a common clothes brush. — ■ Should there be any spots of grease, wet the powder with a little boiling water, lay it on the part, let it remain till dry, and then brush off. The utility of this powder must be too evident to need any comment; suffice it, therefore, to say, that it gives a beautiful ap- pearance to the articles it is applied to, and if sprinkled on any kind of clothes previous to their being lain by, or packed for long voy- ages, will effectually prevent moths or mildew. This composition possesses, in every point, the additional recommendation of economy. 49 CHEMICAL CLOTHES BALLS* For cleaning Woollen, 'Cloth, Ker- seymeres, Gaiters, Cord, Sfc, and taking out Spots of Grease . Take Pipeclay, two pounds. Fuller’s earth, Common whitening, each four ounces. Pepper, two ounces, Ox gall, a quarter of a pint. Powder the pipe clay, fuller’s earth, whit- ening, and pepper, all very fine, and mix toge- ther; pour the ox-gall into a bottle, shake well, and add by degrees to the other ingredients, agitating the liquid and stirring the powder on each addition, then add as much water as will form the whole into a stiff paste, which should be well beaten, that the composition may be completely blended together, then form into balls of the most convenient size and shape. c 50 These balls are of long standing, and will be found in every respect advantageous and useful. The method of using for woollen cloth, kerseymeres, gaiters, cord, &c. is as follows : fasten one end of the article, and hold the other with the hand, and rub the ball all over, but more especially the most dirty parts, until well covered, then rub briskly between the hands, beat with a stick or cane, and brush out the dust with a clothes brush. Repeat this two or three times, rf required. To take out grease spots, scrape a small quantity on the part, wet with boiling water, dry it, and brush clean. These balls are equally useful for carriage- linings, carpets, &c. they may be made white by omitting the fullers earth, and using four ounces more pipe clay in its stead. — Re- member, they may be used to any coloured cloth or kerseymere without the least injury, and produce the same effect in cleaning. 51 Breeches Balls For cleaning and removing Grease Spots , from Leather Breeches , Glove s, Gaiters , fyc. Take Bath brick, one pound. Pumice stone, four ounces, Pipe clay, two pounds, Ox gall, a quarter and half of a pint. Powder each article very fine, and mix to- gether j — then if yellow or pale buff balls are required, add as much of the best Dutch pink or yellow ochre in fine powder, as will pro- duce the shade wished ; or, if fawn or darker coloured are wanted, use a necessary quan- tity of Turkey umber or Irish slate, to obtain the colour desired ; then add the ox gall, and beat well together, with water sufficient to form into a consistence for balls, — put it into moulds or make up with the hand. C 2 52 In cleaning breeches, it is always best f« put them on stretchers, gloves on the hand, and gaiters on a boot tree. The method of using the balls for dry cleaning, is as follows:— first take the worst of the dirt off with a hard brush, then rub the ball well over the article till the whole is co- vered, beat the dust out with the back of a plush brush (which may be obtained at any breeches makers), then brush the remainder well off. For wet cleaning, as much of the ball as is required must be scraped into a tea- cup, wet it with milk-warm water, and spread well over the breeches, &c. with a sponge or flannel, or the hand;— let it re- main till quite dry, then proceed the same as for dry cleaning. For taking out grease spots, follow the method directed for clothes balls. 53 Prepared Oil , FOR BEAUTIFYING Ml Kinds of Mahogany Furniture. Take Rape oil, one quart, Turpentine, half a pint, Rose-pink, one ounce, Alkanet root, three ounces, Pearl-ashes, one ounce and half. Powder the rose-pink and pearl-ashes, break the alkanet- root in small pieces, put them into a bottle, add the rape oil and tur- pentine, cork close, and mix well together ; set it by for a week or ten days, shaking it very often, then strain off, and it will be ready for use. The method of applying, is to rub a small quantity well over the furniture with a flannel rag, let it remain three or four hours, and then polish with a linen cloth. 54 Furniture Balls, For Cleaning and Polishing Mahogany . Take Alkanet root. Rose pink, of each two ounces. Linseed oil, one pint. Yellow resin, two ounces, Bees’-wax, one pound two ounces. Put the alkanet root and rose pink in a muslin bag, and boil slowly for twenty mi- nutes, then break the resin and bees’-wax in small pieces j take out the bag and add them to the oil, keep the mixture stirring till the whole is dissolved, then pour into tea-cups or any small vessels to cool. The method of using these balls, is to warm them before the fire, and apply a small quantity to a piece of flannel, then dust the furniture, rub the flannel well over it, and polish first with a linen cloth, and afterwards with a brush. 55 SUPERIOR Furniture Paste. Take Bees’ wax, ten ounces, Gum arabic, powdered, one ounce. Linseed oil, Turpentine, each, a quarter of a pint. Break the bee’s wax in small pieces, and melt with the linseed oil in an earthen pipkin, ove a gentle lire, put the powdered gum into a bason, and add to it, in small quantities, the turpentine, till completely mixed, then pour upon it the warm liquid from the pipkin. A small quantity of this paste is to be put on flannel, and used in the common way, as directed for the balls. The balls and liquid may be made co- lourless, for those who prefer pale mahogany, by omitting the alkanet root and rose pink. GENUINE Silver Plate Powder The Effect of which is Nearly equal to Plating. Take Ouicksilver, one ounce and a half, Nitrous acid, two ounces and a half. Prepared hartshorn, half a pound, Common whitening, three quarters of a pound. Let the quicksilver be put into a large phial, or in the draught of the chimney, add the nitrous acid to it by degrees, shake very eent-ly, and let it remain till the quicksilver dissolved, then pour it into a bason or mor- tar, and add to it the whitening previously powdered fine ; and next the prepared harts- horn, stir the whole well together for half an hour j it may then be put into a jar, or wide mouthed bottle, and kept from the air. The method of using, as the following receipt, omitting the brush, an applying the leather only. 57 AH’ EXCELLENT POWDER, FOR CLEANING Gold, Silver, or Gilt Plate* And all Kinds of Brass Work . Take Prepared hartshorn. Putty powder, of each four ounces, Common whitening, half a pound. Powder the whole very fine, and mix well together. When wanted for use wet with spirits of wine, or gin, and rub well over the article to be cleaned j let it remain till dry, then brush it off, and polish with a piece of soft wash-leather. This is a valuable preparation, obtained much cheaper than plate powders in general, and may be applied to the finest gold, without even the possibility of injury. Be careful in preparing the plate powders,, that the ingredients are pounded very fine. 58 A LIST OF THE MATERIALS For Preparing the Composition contained in this Book, and the Prices they are Sold at. Alkanet Root, 6(1. per oz. I Bath Brick. 6d. each. Blue Galls, 3d. per oz. Bees Wax, 3d. per ditto Butterof Antimony ,4 d .do. Cochineal, 4d. per ditto. Copperas, Id. per ditto. Cream of Tartar, 2d. do. Common Alum, fod.pr. lb. Do. Whitening, id. do. Do. Brown Sugar, lOd. do. DistiPd Vinegar, 8d.pr.pint Essential Salt of Lemon, Is. per box. Essence of Lemon, 3d. per drachm. Fuller’s Earth, id. per. lb. Flour Paste, 2d. per do. Frankincence, 2d. per oz. Glue size, 2d. per lb. GumTragacanth, lod. oz. Gum Arabac, best, 6d.do. Ditto..^common, 3d. do. Goulard, 4d. per ditto. Honey, 2s. per per lb. Hogs Lard, Is. per ditto. Indigo, Is. per oz. Isinglass, Is. 6d. per ditto Ivory Black, Is. per lb. Lamp, Ditto, ditto. Logwood, 6d. ditto. Lavender Water, 6d. oz. Milk, 5d. per quart. Norfolk Fluid, 2s. 6d.pint Nitrous Acid, 4d. per oz Ox Gall, Sd. per pint. Orris Powder, 6d.per oz Oxygenated Muriatic Acid, 6d. per oz. Oxalic Acid, 2§. per ditto Gil of Vitriol, Id. ditto. — of Turpentine, 2s. 6d. per pint. — Neatsfoot, 3s. per do. — Rape, l£d. per oz. or Is. 6d. per pint. — Linseed, Is. 6d. pr. do, — Carraways, 4|d. per drachm. Pipe Clay, 2d. per ball, Pumice Stone, l^d.per oz Putty Powder, 6d. per do Pearlashes, Id. per ditto Powder Blue, 2d. per do. Prepared Hartshorn, 2d per ounce, or 2s. per lb Quicksilver, 8d. per oz. Red Saunders, 2d. per do Rose Pink, 2d. per do Sugar Candy, white, 4d. do. -brown, 2d Shumac, 6d. per lb. Sweet Oil, 2d. pgr oz Spirits of Salts, 2d. ditto. Vitriol, Id. do. Wine, 4d. do. Spanish Arnatto, Is. do Starch, Id. per do. Treacle, 8d. per lb. Table Beer, 3d. a quart Tincture of Saffron, 6d 02 j Vinegar, 4d. or 5d. a pi Whitening, Id. per ball S White Pepper, 9d. per. o 59 INDEX. page [ The genuine receipt of the most noted firm in London, - S The original receipt of a celebrated blacking manufacturer,' - - -10 A true receipt for the British liquid blacking, J 1 1 French liquid blacking, - - - IS Domestic blacking, - - - 15 A private receipt for improved blacking, 16 A receipt for ditto, - - - 18 Superior liquid blacking, - - 20 A very cheap, ditto, - - 21 Perfumed Blacking Paste, - - 22 Plain, Ditto, Ditto, 24 Blacking balls, - - - 25 Another receipt for making blacking cakes, or balls, - - - 26 Blacking powder, - 27 i Another blacking powder, 28 j General remarks on the manner of using the blackings, and the method of removing the roughness from boots or shoes, 29 The improved Norfolk fluid, - 31 | The original receipt for making a very cele- brated fluid, for cleaning and polishing boot-tops, - - - 33 An excellent boot-top liquid, - - 35 A receipt to remove all vegetable stains, - 36 A ditto, from a public manufacturer, to make boot-tops of a dark brown colour, - 3T A ditto, from a very emiuent maker, * 38 60 page To make a liquid tl.at tinges the leather a pale orange, - * - - 39 A good receipt for cleaning boot-tops, - 41 To make boot-tops of a light brown colour, 4 2 For restoring old boot-tops to their original whiteness, - - 42 An excellent cheap boot-top liquid, - 45 Another, - - - - 46 A receipt to make clothes powder, for cleaning all kinds of cloth, kerseymeres, &c. and for preventing their being injured by moths. - - 4T Chemical clothes balls, |for cleaning woollen, cloth, kerseymeres, gaiters, cord, &c. and taking out spots of grease, - 49 Breeches balls, for cleaning and removing all grease spots from leather breeches, - 51 Furniture balls, for cleaning and polishing mahogany, - - 53 Prepared Oil, for beautifying all kinds of ma- hogany furniture, - - 54 Superior furniture paste, - - 55 Genuine silver plate powder, - - 58 An excellent powder, for cleaning plate, silver, gold, or gilt, and all kinds of brass work, - - 5T A list of the prices of materials used, - 58 Printed by W. GLINDON, 48, Rupert Street, Hay market, London. S| ftj/H- /13W Wt 6ilT> Cttiltn library