53S1I •^ 1.1-'*^ EX-LIBRIS R^ICAR,D9 DE RoBINA \ CONTENTS. Observations on Cup-shaped and other Lapidarian Sculpture in tnE Old World and in America. By Charles Eau. On Prehistoric Trephining and Cranial Amulets. By Robert Fletcher, M. R. C. S., Eng. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army. A Study op the Manuscript Troano, by Cyrus Thomas, Pn. D. ; with an Introduction by D. G. Brinton, M. D. ' Vx DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION J. W. POWELL IN Charge OBSERVATIONS CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAPJAN SCULPTURES THE OLD WORLD. AND IN AMERICA CHARLES HAXJ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1881 CONTENTS, Page. Introduction 7 Part I. — Primitive lapidariaii sculptures iu Europe ami Asia 9 Scotland, etc 9 Englanil 15 Ireland 17 France 18 Switzerland 21 Germany and Austria 2'2 Denmark 25 Sweden 28 India 31 Part II. — Primitive lapidarian sculptures in America 41 North America 41 Central America 0(1 Part III. — Views concerning the sij^niticance of cup-shaped and other primitive sculptures 71 Supplementary note 95 Summary 97 Index 105 3 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, Fig. 1. — Common types of European cup and ring-cuttings. Fig. 2.— Chief deviations from the general types of European cup and ring-cuttings. Fig. 3. — Sculptured rock-surfaces at Auchnabreach, Argyleshire, Scotland. Fig. 4. — Cup and ring-cuttings on a menhir at Ballymenach, Argyleshire, Scotland. Fig. 5.— Dolmen with cup-marked cap-stone, near Clynnog Fawr, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Fig. 6. — Kistvaen surrounded by blocks, one of which is cup-marked. Oatlands, Isle of Man. Fig. 7.— Cupped stono in a chambered tumulus at Clava, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Fig. 8. — Cupped monolith near Dunbar, East-Lothian, Scotland. Fig. 9. — Largo cupstoue near Balvraid, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Fig. 10. — Cupped stono found at Laws, Forfarshire, Scotland. Fig. 11.— Stone with cup and ring-cuttings. County of KeiTy, Ireland. Fig. 12. — Incised stone in the tumulus at Lough Crew, Ireland. Fig. 13. — Carving of a colt in a plumed handle, on the roof of a dolmen near Locmariaker, Brittany. Fig. 14. -^Incised chamber-stones in the tumulus of Gavr' Inis, Brittany. Fig. 15. — "La Bouie do Gargantua," a cupped boulder near Belley, Ain, France. Fig. 16. — Cup-cuttings on a rock near Chirac, Lozfere, France. , Fig. 17. — Cupped block near Mont-la-Ville, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Fig. 18.— Fac-simile representation of a cupped rock near Obcr-Farrcustiidt, Prussian Saxony. Fig. 19. — Fac-simile representation of a cupped rock near Meissen, Saxony. Fig. 20. — Cupped backside of a runic stone at Eavnkilde, Jiitland, Denmark. Fig. 21. — Tracings of ships and wheels on the roof-stone of a funeral chamber near Herrestrup, Seeland, Denmark. Fig. 22. — The " Balder Stone," near Falkiiping, Sweden. Fig. 23. — Stone slab showing cups and engraved designs. From a tumulus in Scania, Sweden. Fig. 24. — One of the engraved slabs of the Kivik monument, Scania, Sweden. Fig. 25.- — Rock-sculptures in Quille Ilarad, Lan of Bohus, Sweden. Fig. 26. — Cup and ring-cuttings at Chandeshwar, India. Fig. 27. — Section of a stone Mahadeo in the temple of Chandejshwar, India. Fig. 28. — Mahadeo in a shrine at Benares, India. Figs. 29, 30, and 31. — Mahadeo symbols engraved on stone slabs in the tcmjile of Chandeshwar, India. Fig. 32. — Pitted stone found near Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee. Fig. 33. — Pitted stone from Muucy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Fig. 34. — Nut-stone from the neighborhood of Loudon, Loudon County, Tennessee. Fig. 35. — Cupped stone found near Groveport, Franklin County, Ohio. Fig. 36. — Cupped stono from the neighborhood of Portsmouth, Ohio. Fig. 37. — Cupped stone from Summit County, Ohio. Fig. 38. — Earthenware jiaint-cnps used by the Zunis, New Mexico. Fig. 39. — Stone mortar and pestle with a cup-shaped cavity. From the Tesuque Indians, Now Mexico. 6 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Figs. 40 autl 41. — Terra-cotta spindle-whorls from Tezcuco, Mexico. Fig. 4'.J. — Cupped sandstone block, discovered in Lawrence County, Oliio; now in Cincinnati. Fig. 43. — Cupped granite boulder at Niantic, New London County, Connecticut. Fig. 44. — Cupjied (?) rock in the neighborhood of Orizaba, Mexico. Fig. 45. — Large boulder with mortar-cavities. Sant.a Barbara County, California. Fig. 46. — Sculptures on Bald Friar Rock iu the Susquehanna River, Maryland. Fig. 47. — Sculptured slab from Bald Friar Rock. Fig. 48. — Northeastern end of Bald Friar Rock. Figs. 49, 50, and 51. — Sculptures on Bald Friar Rock. Fig. 52. — Sculptured boulder iu the Gila Valley, Arizona. Fig. 53. — Rock-carving iu the San Pete Valley, Utah. Figs. 54, 55, 56, and 57. — Rock-paintings in Lake County, Oregon. Fig. 58. — Rock-sculptures near David, Chiriqui, and Northumbrian types. Fig. 59. — Holy-water stone in a church at Stro in Scania, Sweden. Fig. 60. — Holy-water stone in a church at Oennarp, Scania, Sweden. Fig. 61. — Cups and furrows on the wall of Saint Mary's Church, at Greifswald, Pomerauis. OBSERVATIONS ON CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES IN THE OLD WORLD AND IN AMERICA. BY CHAELES RAU. INTRODUCTION. The attention of European archaeologists has been directed for several 5'ears to that very curious and widely-distributed class of antiquities, which are called pierres a cctielles in French, and Sclialensteinc in German, and to which the English designation "cup-stones" might with propriety be applied. In a general way, they may be defined as stones and rocks upon which cup- shaped cavities, varying in size and number, are executed by the hand of man. But as these cup-like excavations often appear, more especially in the Old World, associated Avith engraved figures of a different character, it will be necessary to consider them in connection with the latter. Though the knowledge of the existence of cup-stones in Europe dates back many j'ears, it is only of late that archaeologists have commenced to view them in a broader light, and to speculate on their ethnic significance. Professor E. Desor, in particular, published not long ago a pamphlet, enti- tled "Les Pierres h Ecuelles" (Geneve, 1878),* in which he describes, with his usual clearness, their occurrence in different countries, making this dis- tribution a basis for drawing inferences bearing on the important question of the migration of man in long-past ages. 'Reprinted iu: MaWriaux pour 1' Histoire Primitive ot Naturclle de I'Hommo, 1878, p. 259, etc. Professor Desor republished tLis essay, enriclicd by additional facts, iu liis "M61aiigcs Scicntifiques," Paris, NeucUatel, et Genfsve, 187'J. 8 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. It is certainly a matter of great interest that cup-stones, analogous to those of the Eastern Hemisphere, are found in the United States, and, as it appears, in other parts of the Western Continent. Before entering upon the task of describing them so far as my present information permits, I will give, for the sake of comparison and direct reference, a brief account of the cup-stones of the Old World, relying chiefly on Professor Desor's excellent pamphlet, yet availing myself in addition of such other writings of similar bearing as happen to be at my command. In consideration of the scanti- ness of my literary sources, I cannot claim for this r^sumd anything like completeness; but, nevertheless, I hope it will bring out the principal fea- tures of the subject. PA.RT I. PRIMITIVE LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES IN EUROPE AND ASIA SCOTLAND, ETC. Foremost among the works relating to the pecuhar kind of sculpture under consideration stands that entitled "Archaic Sculptures of Cups, Cir- cles, etc., upon Stones and Rocks in Scotland, England, and other Coun- tries," by Professor J. Y. Simpson.* The author's descriptions chiefly relate to the occurrence of cupped and other engraved stones in Scotland; but also those that have been observed in England, Wales, Ireland, Brittany, Sweden, and Denmark are mentioned hj way of comparison. According to Professor Simpson, the cup-shaped cavities and other sculptured figures (presently to be described) occur in the British Islands, more especially in Scotland, as follows: — - I. On stones connected with archaic sepulture, as — 1. On stones of megalithic circles, 2. On stones of megalithic avenues, 3. On stones of dolmens, 4. On chambered tumuli, 5. On stone cists and covers of urns, 6. On standing stones or monoliths. * Publislicd in: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Eighty-fifth Session (1864-6.'>) ; Edinburgh, 1867. The copy at my disposal (from the Library of Congress) has no special title, and I iind that the work is quoted under ditferent titles. I select that given by Professor Desor in his essay on cup-stones. It is a remarkable fact that Sir James Y. Simpson, the distinguished and much-occupied Edinburgh physician, Tvho first employed aniesthetics in obstetric practice, found leisure to devote himself to thorough archteological investigations, and to produce a work of high merit. 9 10 cur SOAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SGULPTUKEB. II. On stones connected with arclmic habitations, as — 7. In weems, or iinderground houses, M. In fortified buildings, 9. In and near ancient towns and camps, 10. On the surface of isohited rocks (in places probably once inhabited). III. On isolated stones. Professor Simpson reduces the forms of the sculptures in question to seven elementary types, here reproduced and comprised under Fig. 1, in which each type is distinctly indicated. I also briefly present such extracts from the author's accompanying explanations as will serve to afford addi- tional information on the subject. FiKST TYPE. — Single cups. — They are the simplest type of these ancient stone-cuttings. Their diameter varies from one inch to three inches and more, while they are often only half an inch deep, but rarely deeper than an inch or an inch and a half. They commonly appear in different sizes on the same stone or rock, and although they sometimes form the only sculpt- ures on a surface, they are more frequently associated with figures of a different character. He observes that they are in general scattered without order over the surface, but that occasionally four or five or more of them are placed in more or less regular groups, exhibiting a constellation-like arrangement. Second type. — Cups surrounded hy a single ring. — The incised rings are usually much shallower than the cups, and mostly surround cups of com- paratively large size. The ring is either complete or broken, and in the latter case it is often traversed by a radial groove which runs from the cen- tral cup through and even beyond the ring. TiiiED TYPE. — Cups surrounded hy a series of concentric complete rings. — "In tliis complete annular form," says Professor Simpson, "the central cup is generally more deeply cut than the surrounding rings, but not always." The number of rings varies from two to seven, or even more. Fourth type. — Cups surrounded hy a series of concentric hid incomplete rings, having a straight radial groove. — This type. Professor Simpson thinks, constitutes, perhaps, the most connnon form of the circular carvings. The EAU.] TYPES OF SCULPTURES. 11 rings generally touch the radial line at both extremities, but sometimes they terminate on each side of it without touching it. The radial groove occasion- ally extends considerably beyond the outer circle, and in most cases it runs in a more or less downward direction on the stone or rock. " Sometimes it runs on and unites into a common line with other ducts or grooves coming from other circles, till thus several series of concentric rings are conjoined into a largei' or smaller cluster united together by the extension of their radial branch-like grooves." This type usually exhibits from three to six rings, the outermost having a diameter of from ten to sixteen inches. But the author measured one specimen at Auchnabreach, Argyleshire, Scotland, three feet in diameter and composed of eight circles. Fifth type. — Cups surrounded hy concentric rings and flexed lines. — "The number of inclosing or concentric rings is generally fewer in this type than in the two last preceding types, and seldom exceeds two or three in number." Sixth type. — Concentric rings tvifJiout a central cup. — In a compara- tively limited number of cases the concentric rings of the t3'pes already described appear without a central cup or depression, which is, however, most frequently wanting in the complete concentric circles of the third type. Seventh type. — Concentric circidar lines of the form of a spiral or volute. — The central beginning of the spiral line is usually, but not always, marked by a cup-like excavation. "The volute or spiral is, perhaps, the rarest of the forms of circular ring-cuttings in Great Britain ; but this typo seems common on the incised stones of Ireland and Brittany." It often occurs that two, three, or more of these various types are found on the same stone or rock, a fact proving, to use Professor Simpson's lan- guage, "that they are intimately allied to each other, belong to the same arcliaic school of art, and have a community of character and origin." In Plate II of his work Professor Simpson represents wliat he calls "the cliief deviations from the principal types." I reproduce here this plate as Fig. 2 without further comment, drawing only attention to the first four designs, which represent cups connected by grooves. This is a noticeable and frequently occurring feature, as will be seen hereafter. In order to show the co-existence of different types on the same stone surface, and the manner 12 cur SHAPED AND OTHEE LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. in which they are grouped, I give in Fig. 3 (copied from Plate XXIII of Simpson's work) views of sculptured rock-surfaces at Auchnabreach, Argyleshire, Scotland. Simple cups, cups surrounded by one ring or by concentric rings with radial grooves, and spirals, appear here promiscuously mingled. Fig. 4, taken from Simpson's work (Plate XVII, 3), exhibits isolated as well as connected cups, a cup surrounded by a ring, and con- centric rings with radial grooves, on a standing stone (menhir) belonging to a group of seven at Ballymenach, in the parish of Kilmichael-Glassary, in Argyleshire, Scotland. In the many examples of rock-sculpture mentioned and illustrated by designs by Professor Simpson, groups of simple cups appear not veiy fre- quently as the only markings on a stone-surface; in most cases, as exemplified by Figures 3 and 4, they are accompanieci with cups surrounded by rings or associated with other figures of a more or less complex character. But in view of the occurrence of simple cups on stones and rocks in North America, I will, for the present, direct my attention to corresponding sculp- tures in the Old World, and briefly enumerate the stones noticed by the Scottish savant on which the cup-like cavities appear unmixed with other figures, excepting the before-mentioned grooves by which they are now and then connected. These simple carvings, it will be seen, mostly occur on stones of megalithic monuments. 1. — Prop-stone of a dolmen at Lancresse, in the Island of Guernsey. It shows eleven cups of from three to four inches diameter, arranged in a row close to one of the edges of the stone and following its curvature (Simpson, Plate VIII, a). 2. — Cap-stone of a dolmen in the vicinity of the village of Ratho, in Edinburghshire, Scotland. On its upper surface is sculptured a row of twenty cups, which runs in a straight median line from one end of the stone to the other. In addition, there is a cup placed on either side of the central row. The largest cups measure about three inches in diameter, and are half an inch deep. The cap-stone is a block of secondary basalt, or whin- stone, about twelve feet long, ten in breadth, and two in thickness (Simpson, Plate IX, 1). 3. — Cap-stone of a dolmen near the village of Clynnog Fawr, in Caer- RAU.i SCOTLAND, ETC. 13 narvonshire, Wales. Its upper surface is covered witli a large number of cups running in oblique, but almost parallel, lines. Two long grooves, form- ing an acute angle, connect a number of the cups (Simpson, Plate IX, 2). This dolmen is represented as Fig. 3 on Plate III of Desor's " Pierres {\ Ecuelles," but erroneously marked Dolmen cle Batho. I repi'oduce Professor Simpson's view of the dolmen as Fig. 5. 4. — Large stone which formerly occupied the centre of a still complete stone circle at Moncrieff, a few miles south of Pei'th, Scotland.* It has carved upon its surface about seventeen irregvilarly-distributed cups of different sizes (Simpson, Plate IV, 2). 5. — Block of a small circle surrounding a kistvaen, or stone cist, at Oat- lands, in the Isle of Man. The design shows in one corner of the block eighteen cup-markings, which form five irregular rows (^mpson, Plate VIII, 1). Fig.- 6 of this publication. 6. — One of the roofing-stones in the chamber of the large elongated tumulus, Mont Saint-Michel, at Carnac, Brittany. It shows on the inner side six apparently large cups, placed without, special order (Simpson, Plato XI, 6). 7. — Two stones in chambered tumuli at Clava, in Inverness-shire, Scot- land. Upon the surface of one of them are seen twelve cups, apparently of equal size ; the other stone shows five of them, which are placed in the shape of an in-egular cross (Simpson, Plate X, 3 and 4). Fig. 7 represents the first-mentioned of these stones. 8 — Stone probably belonging to a chamber within a stone circle on Cloughton Moor, near Scarboi-ough, England. One side shows four cups, the other three (Simpson, Plate XI, 4). 9. — Monolith standing near Dunbar, East-Lothian, Scotland. Upon one of its sides appear five cups, so placed that they might mark the angles of an irregular pentagon (Simpson, Plate IV, 3). Reproduced as Fig. 8. 10. — Conical standing stone in the bourg or village of the Forest, in the Island of Guernsey. There are upon it three apparently large cups, forming a I'ow in the longitudinal direction of the stone, but placed far apart (Simpson, Plate VIII, 2). • The size of the objects figured iu Simpson's worlt is rarely indicated. 14 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHEE LAPIDAPtTAN SCULPTURES. 11. — Standing stone, nearly ten feet liigli, in tlie neighborhood of Edin- burgh, where it is known as the "Caiy Stone." Between two and three feet from the ground is sculptured on one of its sides a horizontal row of six cups, placed closely together (Simpson, Plate XVII, 1). A view of this stone, differing from Simpson's representation, is given by Professor Daniel Wilson. "•*^ 12. — Isolated stone near Balvraid, in Inverness-shire, Scotland. It measures above six feet in length, and is covered with many cujis, five paii's of which are joined by straight or curved grooves (Simpson, Plate XIV, '2). Reproduced as Fig. 9. 13. — Stone found among the ruins of an ancient fortification at Laws, in Forfarshire, Scotland. The stone shows sixteen cups, which form an irregular oval group (Simpson, Plate Xll, 5). Fig. 10 in this publication. 14. — Rock lying in a wood behind the church-yard of Kii-k Braddan, in the Isle of Man. On one side eight cups are distributed without order; on the other an equal number is recognizable, and here two pairs are con- joined by straight grooves (Simpson, Plate XXVI, 4). 15. — The Baal or Balder Stone, near Falkoping, Sweden (Simpson, Plate XXXI, 1). It will be described and figured in my notice of Swedish cup-stones. Professor Simpson represents in all about a hundred stones upon which figures are sculptured, and my enumeration shows that among these only sixteen bear exclusively cup-shaped cavities, which are in some instances conjoined by grooves. I have to mention, however, that he also alludes in his work to a number of simple cup-cuttings which he does not figure. I presented the preceding summary simply for the purpose of showing that cups unaccompanied by other figures are not very frequently met with on stones in Scotland, England, and the smaller islands belonging to Great Britain. * Wilson : The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland ; Edinburgh, 1651, p. 96. EAU.] SCOTLAND, ETC.— ENGLAND. 15 ENGLAND. An important publication relating to English rock-sculpture of the peculiar kind here examined is that by Mr. George Tate, entitled "The Ancient British Sculptured Eocks of Northumberland and the Eastern Bor- ders" (Alnwick, 186.5).* While Professor Simpson chiefly treats of Scot- tish sculptures, yet draws also those of other countries within the sphere of his observations, Mr. Tate's work, as its title indicates, is mainly devoted to a narrower district in the North of England. The rock-sculptures of Northumberland described by Mi-. Tate are almost absolutely analogous to those hitherto considered, and appear to be of contemporaneous origin with them. The well-developed spiral line, however, does not occur among the English sculptures figured by Mr. Tate. For the rest, we behold here the same rings with central cups and radial grooves, etc., which form most curious and complicated groups, and are frequently accompanied by simple cups. Yet, in none of the illustrations published by the author do they constitute the sole sculptures of a rock- surface. The general results of Mr. Tate's investigations in Northumber- land are summed up in the following resume on page 27 of his treatise: — "From this survey we find that fifty-three sculptured stones have been observed in Northumberland, and that there are inscribed on them about three hundred and fifty figures. All of them are more or less connected with ancient British remains. Four of them formed the covers of cists; four were probably covers of cists ; two are within a few yards of baiTows, beneath which are similar small sepulchral chambers ; five of them are within ancient British camps ; eight of them are not more distant from such camps than a hundred yards, most of the others are less distant than half a mile, and none further away than a mile. Their relation, however, to the camps, forts, and hut-circles — the dwellings of the ancient British people — is more apparent than to their sepulchres." To this I will add that the' sculptures observed by Mr. Tate within or • Tlie illustrated work on incised markings on stone in Northumberland, etc., publislied in 1669 by direction of the late Duke of Northumberland, was not within my reach. IG CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. in the neighborhood of camps and fortifications are mostly executed on sandstone rock in situ. I shall have occasion to refer again to Mr. Tate's interesting monograph. Of 2)articular interest is a class of small English cup-stones, which the Rev. William Grreenwell found in no inconsiderable number during his extensive exploration of English barrows. He refers to them repeatedly, but with special minuteness in his account of a barrow in the parish of Kilburn, in Yorkshire. This barrow, which measured forty-two feet in diameter, was no longer in its original state, having been much disturbed in recent times for the sake of the stones which formed it. No traces of any interment remained, a fact ascribed by Mr. Greenwell to the total dis- appearance of the bones by decay. According to his opinion, a burned body had never been interred in this mound, for in that case some fragments of calcined bones would have come to light. On the east side of the barrow was fovind a stone with two grooves running crosswise, and probably pro- duced by the sharpening of some stone implement. "A remarkable feature in this barrow," Mr. Greenwell continues, "was the very large number of stones (more than twenty) of various sizes, from five inches to eighteen inches square, and of difi"erent and irregular shapes, on which pit or cup-markings had been formed. These hollows were both circular and oval, and differed in size from one inch in diameter to three inches, and their depth was about two inches. The oval pits, as a rule, were not very regular in outline. Some of the stones had only one pit- marking upon them, others had as many as six; on some they were quite separate from each other, on others they were connected by a shallow but wide groove. They were all formed in a soft and very light oolitic sand- stone, and the pits were in most cases as fresh as if only made yesterday, showing most distinctly the marks of the tool, which appeared to have been a sharp-pointed instrument, and very probably of flint. It is not easy to attribute any special purpose to these stones or to their markings. The condition of the pits, showing no signs of wear (for had anything been ground or rubbed in them, the marks of the tooling upon so soft a stone would have been speedily effaced), seems to preclude the idea that they were intended for any domestic or manufacturing process. On the whole. RAu.i ENGLAKD- IRELAND. 17 I prefei- to regard them as symbolic representations, though as to what their significancy may be, I confess myself unable to offer anything more than conjecture." He then draws attention to their resemblance "to the sim- ilarly-shaped pits which, found sometimes alone and sometimes in connection with incomplete circles, have been discovered so extensively in Northum- berland, Yorkshire, Argyleshire, Kerry, and other parts of the United Kingdom, occurring in many cases upon rocks, but very frequently upon detached stones of greater or less size ."* In general, Mr. Greenwell met with such cup-stones in barrows containing burned human remains. He lays particular stress on the freshness of their cavities, and the latter cir- cumstance — if, indeed, these cup-stones were designed for any practical purpose — renders the solution of the question of their use extremely diffi- cult, or perhaps impossible. IRELAND. Sculptures analogous to those hitherto considered have been discovered in Ireland, more especially, as it appeai-s, in the southern part of the king- dom. A large stone slab, found in the County of Kerry, and figured by Professor Simpson on Plate XXVII, shows on its surface single cups as well as others surrounded by circles, the latter being in part traversed and connected by grooves. Mr. Tate likewise mentions similar Irish sculptures, and represents on Plate XI (Fig. 8) a stone found in the above-named county underneath several feet of peat. In lieu of a description of this stone, I present in Fig. 11a copy of Mr. Tate's design of the same. These simpler sculptures are often associated in Ireland with other devices, such as stars, rosettes, crosses, triangles, zigzags, etc., which, as far as I know, have not been observed in Great Britain. Such an assem- blage of figures is exhibited on the side-surface of a block fashioned as a rude seat, and belonging to the stone circle which surrounds a large cairn at Lough Crew, near Oldcastle, Leinster. This block, of more than ten * Greenwell and EoUeston : British Barrows, etc. ; Oxford, 1877, p. 341, etc. 2 L S 18 cur SHAPED AND OTHEU LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. tons weight, and known as "the Hag's Chair," has been described and figured by Mr. James Fergusson.* Many of the stones forming the cham- ber of the tumulus at Lough Crew are likewise ornamented with various devices, as seen in the representations of two of them given by Mr. Fer- gusson t I present as Fig. 12 a copy of one of his designs. The sculpture on this stone is even more characteristic than that on the Hag's Chair. Of a still more artistic character are the sculptures on the stones in the celebrated cairns of New Grange and Dowth, in the neighborhood of Drogheda. Here are seen graceful groups of double spirals, scrolls, math- ematical devices, and even designs resembling palm or fern-like plants — in general forms evidently belonging^to a later period than the cup and ring-cuttings previously treated. Mr. Fergusson takes occasion to draw attention to the progressive development shown in Irish sculpture.}: FEANCE. The dolmen-stones of Brittany likewise exhibit sculptures far superior in design to those of Scotland and England, and doubtless belonging to a more advanced stage of primitive art. Though we behold here curious concentric circles and spiral lines, which bear a distant resemblance to the sculptures of Great Britain, we also meet with real ornaments, snake-like designs, and representations of liafted and unhafted celts. Some of the sculptures of Brittany are raised and not incised. A very characteristic outline of a celt in a plumed handle is seen on the roof of a dolmen called "the Merchant's Table,'' near Locmariaker. It is here reproduced as Fig. 13. The tumulus on the Island of Gavr' Inis, in the Bay of Morbihan, a * Fergusson : Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries ; London, 1872, p. 215. tibid., p. 210. } Ibid., p. 222. In addition, however, he says on the same page : " It would be an extremely dan- gerous line of argument to apply this law of progressive development to all countries. In India, especially, it is very frequently reversed. The rudest art is often much more modern than the most refined, but in Ireland this apparently never was the case. From the earliest scratchings on pillar- stones down to the English conquest her art seems to have been unfalteringly progressive." Illustrations of the sculptures of New Grange and Dowth are given by Simpson and Fergusson in their works here quoted. RAT7.1 lEELAND— FEANCE. 19 few miles east of Locinariaker, is of great interest to archaeologists, on account of the sculptured stones forming its chamber, upon which groups of intricate concentric and spiral lines, and outlines of objects generally considered as celts are traced. These stones have repeatedly been repre- sented. Fig. 14 is a copy of one of Mr. Fergusson's illustrations. Yet, the fact that cup-cuttings are not wanting in this part of France is exemplified by the roofing-stone of Mont Saint-Michel, at Carnac, which has been alluded to on a preceding page. The Rev. W. C. Lukis, moreover, communicated to Mr. E. T. Stevens that he had found in twelve cases cup-cuttings on dolmen-stones of Brittany (mostl}^ upon cap-stones), and in one case on a slab near the entrance of a galleried chamber. He farther observed them twice on menhirs, once on a rock in situ, and again on a loose stone block, all in the same region.* It is not mentioned •whether these cups occur alone or, as is more probable, accompanied by other figures. I am not aware that elaborate sculptures similar to those of Brittany have been discovered in the southern j^arts of France. Simple cup-cuttings, on the other hand, are not wanting there, and more of them doubtless will become known in the course of further investigation. Professor Desor draws in his pamphlet attention to the report of Messrs. Piette and Sacaze, who lately examined in the neighborhood of Luchon, in the Pyrenees, a large number of megalithic monuments, one of which, called Lc Cailhaou des Pourics (the chicken-stone), has sculptured on its surface sixty-two cups, from five to six centimeters in diameter and from two to three centimeters in depth. Four cups in the middle of the stone are conjoined by grooves in such a manner that they form a cross.f Elsewhere in his pamphlet (page 21) Professor Desor observes that thus far cup-stones have not been noticed in the East of France, notwithstanding the abundance of erratic blocks in that region. Shortly afterward, however, M. A. Falsan described two cup-stones which he had discovered in the valley of the Rhone. One of them, in the neighborhood of Belley, in the Department of the Ain, deserves particular mention. It is a sandstone boulder 'of oval shape, a • Stevens : Flint Chips ; Limdou, 1870, p. 490. t Piette et Sacaze: Les Monuments dela Montague d'E8piaup (Pyreu<5es) ; Matciiaiix, 1878, p. 246. 20 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAX SCULPTURES. meter and a half long and sixty centimeters in thickness, having sculptured on its upper surface about sixty round cups, distributed in irregular groups, and in some instances conjoined by grooves, which, to judge from the very good accompanying illustration, here reproduced as Fig. 15, are much shal- lower than the cavities. The largest cup measures eight centimeters in diameter; the others are-smaller, and their depth varies between a few mil- limeters and three centimeters. The people of the neighborhood call this block La Boule de Gargantiia, attaching to it the legend that it was hurled from a distance to its present place by the giant of that name, the impi-es- sions of his fingers being the very cups seen on its surface. M. Falsan alludes to the existence of other yet unexamined cup-stones in that region, and a further search probably will amply reward the investi- gator.* Quite recently M. Louis de Malafosse has pointed out the occurrence of cup-cuttings on rocks in the Lozfere Department, mentioning in particular a schistose rock in situ near the rivulet Rioulong, not far from a place called Chirac. A cornice-like projection of this rock shows about forty cups, apparently grouped without order, and in some instances connected by grooves, as indicated in Fig. 16, which is a copy of M. de Malafosse's illustration. The grooves are shallower than the cups, the latter being from three to four centimeters in diameter and from three and a half to four centimeters deep. The cup mai'ked A is larger than the others. These cavities are conical in shape and some terminate in a flat bottom. M. de Malafosse thinks that, though the rock is very hard, the cavities might have been produced by the rotation of a flint implement.f Additional discoveries of cup-stones in different parts of France may be confidently expected. *Falsau: De la PrtSsence de qiielques Pierres 5. ficuelles dans la Ra S lignes dcpro. fondeur, destines sans dou( e a broj cr des grains, niais dout I'usage a pu dtre fort vari>5." — Troijon : Hahi- fationa Lacustres, etc., p. l.'iS. iiAU.i SWITZERLAISD— GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. 2P) which he atti-ibutes, doubtless erroneously, the character of a stone u]wn Avhicli stone axes were ground. This block, which is figured in the "Zeit- schrif't" (Plate XIV), consists of granite, is five feet long, half as wide, and exhibits upon its surface twenty-four cups of unequal size. Miss J. Mestorf, the accomplished custodian of the Arcligeological Museum at Kiel (Hol- stein), mentions, as the result of her careful examination of various records, that sixteen cup-stones have been found in the duchies of Schleswig and liolstein, of which five only are still known to exist, the others being either destroyed or no longer traceable. She refers to a specimen taken out of a garden-wall in Schleswig, and preserved in the Museum of Kiel, upon which four of the cups are joined by grooves, thus presenting the shape of a cross. Another specimen in the same museum, which consists of white marble and is only 7.5 centimeters in size, shows on both sides a number of dimin- utive cups, resembling those seen on large stones and rocks. It was found in a burial-urn from a cemetery pertaining to the early age of iron, near Altona (Holstein), and is considered as an amulet. There is further men- tioned a cupped stone near Albersdorf (Holstein), which formed one of the three lid-stones of a cist covered by a mound of earth, and containing only a fractured flint lance-head. On the upper side of the stone, which has not been removed, are sculptured more than a hundred cups and a figure like a wheel with four spokes — a design not uncommon in Denmark and the Scan- dinavian countries, as will be seen in the sequel. Another stone, found in a tunuilus at Risby (Schleswig), shows a curiovxs system of cups and con- necting grooves, both rather shallow, to judge from a representation by Dr. Henry Petersen.* This relic is now in the Museum of Copenhagen. A stone found in a tumulus near Arrild (Schleswig) had cups sculptured on one side, and on the other the word Fatur, in runic characters. This remarkable piece of lapidarian sculpture was put out of sight by its last owner, who used it in building the foundation of a barn. Five or six of the cup-stones traced by Miss Mestorf occurred in or in connection with burial-places.f * In: Mdmoires de la Soci^t6 Eoyale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1877, p. 33.5. tJ. Mestorf: Ueber Schalenstcinc. I., iu: Correspoudenz-BIatt dor Deulsclicii Anihropologischcn Gesellsfhaft, 1879, S. 3:— Worsaae: Die Vorgcscliiclitc des Nordeiis iiacli ;i;l,.ii.l,zi.iii^'cii Deiikiuiiluni ; ill's Deutselie iibertiageu vou J. Mestorf; Hamburg, 1878, S. 41. Since the above was written, I have been favored with a letter fiom Miss Mestorf, dated April 3, 24 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAJ^^ SCULPTURES. According to Mr. Friedel, cup-cuttiugs occur on megalithic monuments in the Island of Riigen, situated in the Baltic Sea, opposite Stralsund, Prus- sia, and on rocks in different parts of Silesia. He i-efers to a rock called the Bischofs-Stein (Bishop's Stone), at or near Niemegk, in the Province of Brandenburg, Prussia, upon which are sculptured, on one side a Maltese cross and the date 1590, and on the other a chalice, a cross, and several cups, while its top shows a trough-shaped cavity.* The communications of that gentleman relative to the cup-like cavities executed on the walls of many churches in Germany and Sweden, and thus bearing witness to the practice of cup-cutting within comparatively recent times, are of great in- terest.! But as I shall revert to this subject in another section of this essay, I refrain from enlarging on it in this place. Though of late years much has been said in Germany concerning cupped stones, it appears that two of them, long ago briefly described and figured by Samuel Christoph Wagener, have recently escaped the notice of German archaeologists. One of them is thus mentioned by Wagener among the antiquities in the neighborhood of Ober-Farrenstiidt, near Querfurt, in Prussian Saxony : "There was also found in this district the memorial stone. Fig. 895, with many drill-holes" {Audi f and sich in hiesiger Gegend der Benh- stein, Fig. 895, mit vielen Bohrlocliern).X The illustration, a very rude out- line sketch, of which Fig. 18 is a fac-simile, evidently represents a cup-stone. The size of the stone is not indicated. The other cupped stone, represented in an equally rude manner by Fig. 1367 in Wagener's work, is a granite block near Zadel, in the neighborhood of Meissen, Saxony. The people of the neighborhood call it Biesenstein or Giant Stone. It is six feet high and seven feet broad, and marked with many cup-excavations, of which the upper ones, placed in rows, are oval, three inches long, from one inch to an inch and a half wide, and from a fourth of an inch to half an inch in depth. 1880, in -nhich she enumerates the cup-stones which have become known in the duchies of Schlcswig and Holsteiu up to the year 1880. There are eighteen in all, of which the last in the list has not yet been described. It was discovered at or near Bunsoh (Holstein), is conical in shape, sixteen centimeters high, and shows twenty-seven cups, three of which are surrounded by single rings. * As early as 1751 mention is made of cupped boulders in the Province of Brandenl>urg in a his- torical work on that province by J. C. Bekmann. The author calls them Xajjfchensteine. t Verhandlungen der Berliner Authropologischen Gesellschaft ; Sitzung vom 10. Fcbniar 1878, S. 23. t Wagener : Handbuch der vorziiglichsteu in Deutschland entdeckten Alterthiimer aus heiduischer Zeit ; Weimar, 1842, S. 479. KATJ] GERMANY AND AUSTRIA— DENMAEK. 25 The lower cups are circular, and vary from two to three inches and a half in diameter.* Fig. 1 9 is a copy of Wagener's sketch of this rock. I was totally in the dark as to the occurrence of cup-stones in Austria until my esteemed correspondent, Dr. M. Much, of Vienna, favored me with a full reply to a letter of inquiry addressed to him. Though cup-stones have thus far been mentioned only in a transient manner in the publications of the Anthropological Society of Vienna, they are, nevertheless, by no •means uncommon in Austria, more especially in Bohemia and in that jjai't of the empire where the three provinces, Bohemia, Moravia, and Lower Austria border upon each other. In this district the soil is often covered with rounded granite blocks, some of which are cupped like the boulders of Switzerland and Northern Europe. The sketches of Bohemian cup- stones sent to me by Dr. Much show rather large cups, either isolated or in groups, and frequently connected by grooves. " These are only hasty sketches," he says, " and, moreover, not based upon personal observation, but conmiunicated to me by others. Absolute correctness cannot be claimed for them. At any rate, however, they prove the existence of cup-stones in Austria ; and I am of opinion that they are not at all rare in Bohemia, in the northwestern part of Austria, and in Northern Upper Austria. Those which I have seen on the Vitusl:)erg and Stolzenberg, both in the neighbor- hood of Eggenburg, occurred in a region characterized by prehistoric set- tlements and places of sacrifice ; yet I am not prepared to state whether these are to be referred to the age of polished stone or to a later pei'iod, though the latter appears to me more probable." DENMARK. My statements relative to primitive lapidarian sculptures in Denmark, called Helleristninger in that country, are almost exclusively taken from an article by Dr. Henry Petersen, published in the "Memoires" of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries.f * Wagener: Hamlbuch, etc.; S. 755. t Petersen: Notice sur les Pierrcs Sculptfes du Danemark, in: Memoires de la Soci6t<5 Koyalo dcs Antiquaires du Nord ; Copenhague, 1877, p. 330-342. 26 CUP-SHArED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAK SCULPTUKES. According to his account, cup-cuttings are found in most of the Danisli islands (Seeland, Laaland, Fiinen, Langeland, Bornholm) and in Jiitland. "Tlie stones upon which these cup-cuttings occur," he says, ''are generally largo erratic blocks lying in the midst of fields ; but there is a special inter- est attached to them when they are sculptured on stones that have served in the construction of sepulchres of the age of stone, namely, covered gal- leries, oblong or round dolmens, or, as is often the case, on the surface of slabs forming the coverings of funeral chambers. Their presence on these slabs is not in itself a decisive proof that they were made in the stone age, for the slabs were rarely covered with earth, and the figures may have been engraved upon them long afterward, as upon any stone found in the fields. But the motive which led to the selection of stones of dolmens probably is to be sought in the peculiar protection these monuments afforded, to which an almost sacred character was attributed. A more conclusive proof, how- ever, that these cup-cuttings reach as far back as the stone age is furnished in the fact of their presence upon the inner walls of sepulchral chambers; for it is evident that they could not have been engraved on these stones after their ajjplication in the construction of the chambers" (page 3c52). He cites several examples in support of his view ; but he also states that cup- stones have been found in Denmark in connection with burials of the bronze age, mentioning in particular a tumulus at Borreby, in the Southwest of Seeland, which inclosed a stone of considerable size, exhibiting on its upper convex surface from seventy-five to eighty cup-cuttings. There have been found in Denmark several stones bearing runic inscriptions, dating from the ninth to the eleventh century, on which cups, in all probability of earlier origin, are sculptured. In a few instances the runic lines even traverse the cup-shaped cavities. Fig. 20, copied from Dr. Petersen's article, represents the cupped backside of a runic stone at Ravnkilde, in Jutland. Some artificial foot- tracks, set in pairs, have been observed in Denmark: in one instance on a slab belonging to the covering of a gallery in Seeland ; in another on one of the blocks surrounding an oblong tumulus in the Island of Laaland. The first-named sculptures, figured by the author on \>age 337, are not unlike the well-known foot-sci;lptures so often seen on rocks KAUI DENMARK. 27 ill the United States.* Danish popuhir legends refer to these tracks as to real impressions of human feet. Figures resembling wheels with four spokes have repeatedly been found in Denmark on isolated blocks and on stones of megalithic structures, and in one case in connection with cup-cuttings on a rock in the Island of Bornholm. Dr. Petersen's statements render it probable, if not certain, that these wheel-shaped sculptures pertain to the stone age as well as to that of bronze (page 337). Sometimes they appear associated with rude designs of ships, the crew of which is indicated by upright straight lines. A group of this kind is seen on the cap-stone of a funeral chamber near Herrestrup, in the North- west of Seeland. According to Professor Simpson (who quotes from Holm- berg), the chamber was entirely concealed within an earthen mound until discovered by treasure-diggers, and hence there is a strong probability that the sculptures are coeval with the chamber. The latter contained some urns, with tools and pieces of flint. The sculptured group consists of three wheel-shaped figures and three very rudely executed manned ships, together with some imperfect linear markings, perhaps not of artificial origin. The figures are so slightly carved that they become very distinct onlj^ in a good light.f I give in Fig. 2 L a representation of this structure, copied from Fergusson's "Rude Stone Monuments" (Fig. 106 on page 303). In 1875, Dr. Petersen states (page 33 s), two blocks with similar figures (a wheel, manned vessels, and human figures of the most primitive character) were discovered in the neighborhood of the denuded chamber. The latter has been thought by some to have been erected during the stone age ; but Worsaaef as well as Petersen incline to the opinion that Danish sculp- tures among which figures of ships occur, generally belong to the age of bronze. The last-named gentleman takes occasion to draw special atten- tion to analogous designs of ships and other figures engraved on Danish bronze knives (razors"?), two of which he represents on page 341.§ Mr. * Dr. Petersen's illustration bears much analogy to Fig. 222 on page 57 of my publication entitled "The Archajological Collection of the United States National Museum." In both cases the soles of tho feet aro represented as beiug covered. tSimpson: Archaic Sculptures, etc., p. 72. {W^orsaae: The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark; translated by W. J. Thorns; London, 184!), p. 91. § For reijresentations of others see Worsaae : Nordiske Oldsager i det Kongelige Museum i Kjobcu- havn, Figs. 171-175. 28 crr-snAPED and otuee lapidarln^s' sculptukes. Fergiisson is even inclined to ascribe to the stone chamber in question a still more recent origin.* Sculptures on rocks in situ are not found in Denmark, because, as Dr. Petersen states, rock-formations suitable for their execution are, excepting perhaps the Island of Bornholm, wanting within the present limits of the Kingdom of Denmai'k (page 332). SWEDEK The primitive sculptures forming the subject of this essay are, so far as variety is concerned, perhaps better represented in the tenitory of Sweden than in any other part of Europe. Simple cup-cuttings on eiTatic blocks are not wanting in that countiy: but cups also occur there among the more elaborate figures engi-aved on boulders and stones of megalithic sti'uctures as well as on natm-al rock-formations. Reference was made on a preceding page to the Baal or Balder Stone, at Ranten, near Falkoping, in the Liin of Mariestad. Tliis block was first described by Professor Sven Nilsson, who states that it is a granite boulder fi-om six to seven feet in length, oval in shape, and more than three feet high. On the upper slightly convex surface are numerous cup-cuttings of unequal size, the largest of which occupies nearly the centre; and a projection near the base of the block exhibits additional cup-like excavations. Pig. 22 is a copy of Professor Xilsson's representation of the stone.f He is of opinion that tliis block and others of the saAe description served as sacrificial altars in the woi-ship of Baal or Balder, which, he thinks, was at one time prevalent in the North of Eui'ope; and that the cup-shaped cavities were designed for the reception of the blood of the victims. This view will be considered in another part of this essay. A cup-stone in the Liin of Halland is figured in the "Mat^riaux" for 1878 (on page 268); another in the "Archiv fiir Anthropologic" (Vol. XII, page 106). The latter, which was found near •Fergusson : Rude Stone Monuments, etc. ; p. 303. tNilsson: Die Ureinwohner de-s Scandinavischcn Nordens; das Bronzealter; ans dem Schwo- dischcn ubcrsetzt ; Hamburg, 18t)6 ; Xachtrag, S. 45. KATJ.i DENMARK— SWEDEN 29 Goteborg, and is now preserved in the Historical Museum of that city, is apparently a boulder, and of small size, having one side entirely covered with cups, while there are only three on the opposite surface. The cups are not over six centimeters in diameter. Other cupped stones are known to exist in various parts of Sweden, where, indeed, these remai'kable antiqui- ties are so familiar to the people that they designate them by the name elfstenar, or elf-stones, connecting with them curious superstitions — either descended from ancient times or of later origin — to which allusion will be made hereafter. Dr. Petersen figures on ]3age 331 of his previously-quoted article in the " M^moires" of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries two erratic blocks found in the Province of Scania, upon Avhich cups as well as figures resembling wheels w^ith four spokes are sculptured, and which appear to be of contemporaneous origin. Professor Nilsson represents in his work on the bronze age a heavy diorite slab from a tumulus in Scania, called Willfarahog.* This slab shows the designs of two horses drawing a two-wheeled chariot, and of three ships, two of tliem manned. In addition, the stone shows thirteen cup- markings, two of which are inclosed by the figure of one of the ships, while a third is traversed by its lower line, as seen in Fig. 23, which is a some- what reduced copy of Nilsson's delineation. Professor Simpson is certainly right in believing that the cup-cuttings are in this case of eai'lier date than the incised figures.f Nilsson, however, draws no such inference, but finds in the presence of the cups a support for his view that the slab occupied a horizontal position in the tumulus, and served as a sacrificial altar. In this tumulus, which inclosed no stone chambeV, were found a rotten tooth of a horse, fragments of a clay urn, pieces of charcoal, a lance-head and an aiTOw-head, both of flint, and a fine flint dagger; and, in addition, a medallion-like piece of bronze, ornamented with graceful spiral lines, such as are peculiar to the eaidier bronze age. Professor Nilsson, therefore, has good reason for ascribing the Willfara tumulus to the age of bronze. J He points out the analogy existing between the sculptures on the Will- * Nilsson: Das Bronzealter ; Nachtrag, S. 42. + Simpson: Archaic Sculptures, etc.; p. 78. t Objects of flint and bronze are often associated iu burials of the bronze age. 30 CTTP SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. fixra slab and on the chamber-stones of the well-known monument at Kivik, in Christianstad Liin, Scania, which, according to his view, was erected by Baal-worshiping Phoenicians, who, he thinks, had colonies in the North of Europe, and introduced there the use of bronze. The Kivik sculptures, executed on seven unground granite slabs, four feet high and three feet wide, exhibit a variety of figures, among them a man standing on a two- wheeled chariot drawn by two horses, several unharnessed horses, ships, groups of men (supposed to represent warriors, musicians, prisoners, and priests), various ornamental (perhaps symbolical) designs, four wheel-shaped figures, a cone or obelisk (the emblem of Baal or the sun-god, according to Nilsson), and two handled axes, evidently representing weapons of metal (see Fig. 24). Cup-cuttings are entirely wanting on the Kivik slabs. The sculptures on them, as interpreted by Nilsson, commemorate a victory, probably a naval one, and the succeeding sacrifice of prisoners of war.* Dr. Petersen claims, as it were, the Kivik and similar Scanian sculptures for Denmark, not only because Scania formed a part of that country until the year 16 -0, but also for the reason that the Scanian monuments of the ages of stone and bronze partake more of a Danish than a Swedish character.f Lastly, I must refer to the sculptures which are often seen on nat- ural rock-surfaces in difiTerent parts of the Scandinavian Peninsula, but are particularly abundant in the Liin of Bohus. They represent scenes of war and hunting, manned and empty ships, etc., and some of these groups seem to be executed in a quite spirited manner. There appear among the figures warriors armed with weapons resembling the leaf-shaped swords peculiar to the bronze age, to which, indeed, these rock- engravings have been referred by several authors. Professor Nilsson, however, believes that they originated during the age of iron, ascribing them to the Vikings of the eighth and ainth centuries.J A. E. Holmberg's work on the subject, entitled " Scandinavieus Hallristningar " (Stockholm, 1848), is not within my reach; but I am able to give in Fig. 25 a specimen illustration of this kind of sculpture, which I * The subject is treiited quite in detail by Nilsson in his work on the bronze age. His illustrations of the Kivik slabs have been copied by Simpson in his "Archaic Sculptures," where also a r6sum6 of Nilssou's interpretatioi, is given. tLoc. cit., p. 330. tNilsson: Das Bronzealter; S. 90. EAU] SWEDEN— INDIA. 31 have taken from an article by Dr. liennart Aberg.* It will be seen that cups and wheel-shaped figures accompany the more elaborate representa- tions. INDIA. Professor Desor lays particular stress on the circumstance that cup-stones are found in various parts of India. "We touch hei-e upon the main point of our thesis,"! he says in his often-quoted pamphlet (page 33), in order to render his appreciation of the fact more conspicuous. He mentions that a number of years ago, Colonel Meadows Taylor and Dr. AVilson have drawn attention to the analogy between the megalithic monuments of India J and those of Gi^eat Britain, while recently the similarity of the figures sculpt- ured on them was pointed out by Mr. J. H. Rivett-Carnac, an officer of the Bengal civil service. Just at the time when I was engaged in preparing this treatise, that gentleman sent copies of his jjublications to tlie Smitli- sonian Institution, and I became thus enabled to draw my information from the original sources. In the district of Nagpoor, tumuli surrounded by single, or, less fre- quently, by double stone circles are quite numerous ; but the most extensive groups of this class of barrows are situated near Junapani, a hamlet lying about five miles westward of the civil station of Nagpoor, on the high- road to Katole. These mounds were explored in 1867 by Mr. Rivett-Carnac and two other gentlemen. "From the people of the neighborhood," he says, "and even from the Brahmans and other learned persons of Nagpoor, Avho speak with authority on the ancient history of the province, no satisfactory information regard- ing the tribes who constructed these barrows is to be obtained. Some will tell you the story that these mounds are the work of giants, or of the Gao- * Aberg: Hiillristuingar uti Bolmsliin, iu: Aniaaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed ; Coi)enliagen, 18:i9, Plate X, p. 386. t "Nous touclioiis ici au point capital de notre thfese." t Descriptions and representations of megalithic monuments iu India, derived from sources hardly attainable in this country, are found in Fergusson's " Eude Stone Monuments " (p. 455, etc. ), where .also interesting details concerning the recent erection of menhirs, dolmens, etc.,bj' the Khasias iu Bengal are given. 32 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. lees or Shepherd Kings, regarding whose rule in Central India, at a period prior to the Aryan invasion, a deep-rooted tradition exists. That the circles are very old, the condition in which they are now found distinctly shows, and the remains discovered therein leave no doubt that they were once the burial-places of a people of whom these circles are now the only trace that remains to us." * The tumuli forming these groups are all of the same type, consisting of circular mounds of earth, at present not exceeding four feet in height, and the circles surrounding them, from twenty to fifty-six feet in diameter, are constructed of trap boulders, such as occur abundantly in the neighbor- hood. A map of the locality, accompanying Mr. Rivett-Carnac's descrip- tion, shows no less than sixty-four tumuli, distributed in several groups, the largest of which comprises fifty -four. Each circle contains a few stones larger than the rest and comparatively regular in shape, perhaps in conse- quence of artificial modification; and such stones are distinguished by the peculiarity that their upper surfaces or sides exhibit cup-cuttings, differing in size, and mostly arranged in regular groups formed by parallel lines or other nearly symmetrical dispositions, as shown on one of the plates illus- trating Mr. Rivett-Carnac's report. Thus far ring-scul^itures have not been discovered by him on stones belonging to circles; but he thinks "they may be yet brought to light, together with perhaps other and more striking particulars, linking these tumuli still more closely to the remains found at home."! The few of the mounds under notice which have been opened inclosed no cists, the objects found in them being covei'ed, without any special pro- tection, with the now much-hardened earth composing the mound. The contents dug out from the centres of the barrows wei'e fragments of urns, accompanied by a whitish earth, probably produced by the decomposition of bones, and articles of iron, thickly covered with rust and of antique forms (celts, daggers, spear-heads, a snaffle-bit in good preservation,- stir- rups (I), etc ). Ornamented bangles or bracelets of copper, supposed to be alloyed with gold or silver, but containing neither tin nor zinc, are also *Eivett-Camac: PreMstoric Eemaius in Central India; reprinted from the Journal of tlio Asiatic Society of Bengal ; Calcutta, 1879, p. 2. t Ibid., pp. 3, 4, 15. EAF.] INDIA. 33 mentioned and figured. The author ascribes the absence of vaults in the Junapani mounds to the want of stones suitable for their construction, drawing attention to the circumstance that they are not wanting in the tumuli of other parts of India where the proper material is within reach. Finally he enumerates the points of resemblance between the barrows of Europe and those of India, referring in particular to the cup-marks found on stones surrounding tumuli in both regions. * Somewhat later Mr. Rivett-Carnac discovei'ed on stones and on rocks in situ in the mountains of Kumaon not only cup-sculptures, but also such of rings, resembling very closely those seen in Great Britain and other countries of Europe. Tiie results of his explorations in this region and the deductions therefrom made by him hardly can be overestimated, in view of their bearing on a most interesting problem of prehistoric archaeology. The locality chiefly examined by Mr. Rivett-Carnac is thus described : — "At a point about two miles and a half south of Dwara-Hath, and twelve miles north of the military station of Ranikhet in Kumaon, the bridle- road leading from the plains through Naini Tal and Ranikhet to Baijiiath, and thence on to the celebrated shrine at Bidranath, is carried through a narrow gorge, at the mouth of which is a temple sacred to Mahadeo, where the pilgrims who follow this route generally halt for a short time, and where, from the position of the temple in the defile, the priest in charge can con- veniently levy contributions on all passers-by. The temple will not be found marked on the one-inch-to-the-mile map of the Great Trigonometri- cal Survey, but it is locally known by the name of Chandeshwar."! About two hundred yards south of the temple, toward the middle of the defile, rises a rock at an angle of forty-five degrees, presenting a surface upon which, in a space measuring fourteen feet in height by twelve in breadth, more than two hundred cups are sculptured. They var}- from an inch and a half to six inches in diameter, and from half an inch to an inch in depth, and are arranged in groups composed of approximately parallel rows, as seen in Fig. 26, which is a copy of Mr. Rivett-Carnac's repre- * Eivett-Caru, p. 14. RAU.j INDIA. 39 erection of raegalithic stnictures in those countries,* and believes, in sliort, that the neohthic period dates in Europe from the arrival of those Asiatics, who supplanted there the troglodytic tribes (probably Mongolian), of which the Laps are the last remnant in Europe. The Aryan new-comers, he be- lieves, brought with them several species of domestic animals and of cereals, the remains of which are found abundantly in the Swiss lacustrine settle- ments of earliest date, and likewise the celts of jadeite and nephrite dis- covered in the dolmens of Brittany and in lake-dwellings, and consisting of materials not found in Europe, but by no means rare in the East. "It would remain to us," he says, "to investigate by what routes these colonists from Asia reached Europe ; whether they followed the same track or came in successive waves, as it were, advancing in different direc- tions. This is a vast and arduous task, which cannot be entered upon in a rapid sketch like the present one, but which, perhaps, we shall make one day the subject of a special treatise" (page 43). Reserving my observations on the theories advanced by Professor Desor and other archaeologists for a subsequent part of this treatise, I close my brief account of primitive sculptures in the Old World and pass over to a consideration of analogous lapidai'ian work in the Western Hemi- sphere. * " It should bo remembered," lie s^ys, " that, according to tlie majority of archaeologists, the mega- lithic monuments of Europe belong to the age of polished stone, considering that arms and utensils almost exclusively of stone have been found in the large dolmens of Brittany, and that among the fine colts they have furnished, several are made of jadeite and other kinds of stone peculiar to the East. Copper beads, it is true, have been taten from several dolmens in the South of France, aud Messrs. Pietto and Sacaze, moreover, have not long ago discovered in the cromlechs of the Pyrenees bronze bracelets with designs recalling those seen on the ornaments of the later bronze age ; but hence it does not fol- low that the metal was introduced in Europe simultaneously with the megalithic structures. The latter may be of anterior date, and their use may have been continued after the introduction of bronze, and perhaps oven longer." — Pierres d ^eu-elles, p. 40. PA.RT II. PRIMITIVE LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES IN AMERICA. NOETH AMEEIOA. Before entering upon the subject indicated in the above heading, I have to allude, for the sake of gradual demonstration, to the so-called hammer- stones, a well-known class of aboriginal relics found in considerable number throughout the United States. They are generally roundish or oval pebbles of a somewhat compressed or flattened form, presenting- in their side view the outline of a more or less elongated ellipse. Their only artificial alter- ation consists in two small pits or cavities, so placed to form the centres of the opposite broader sides. In these cavities the workman is supposed to have placed the thumb and middle finger of the right hand, wlnle the fore- finger pressed against the upper circumference of the stone. The material of these implements is usually quartzite, graywacke, or some other kind of compact sandstone. As similar stones occur in Europe, speculations upon their use are not wanting, and Professor Nilsson, in particular, has tried to prove they had been employed in chipping tools and weapions of flint.f I will admit that they may have been used, in Europe as well as in America, for fashion- ing rough implements and for flaking off pieces of flint, etc., wliich were eventually to be brought into definite shapes; but they are by far too clumsy and possess too much roundness on all sides to have been the tools for fabricating arrow-heads and other delicate articles of flint. How would it be possible, for instance, to produce a stemmed dart with long tNilssou: The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia; translated by Sir Joliu Lubbocl<; ; London, 1668, p. 10, etc. 42 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAKIAN SCULPTURES. barbs by means of such a hammer-stone ? The art of making stone arrow- lieads, moreover, is no longer a mystery, at least not in 1»lie United States, Avhere several methods still are employed by certain western tribes for fashioning them. They probably were mostly chipped into their final shape by pressure with tools of horn or bone, a number of which, obtained from still existing tribes, can be seen in the United States National Museum. Tlie fine neolithic flint objects of Northern Europe, such as barbed and stemmed arrow and spear-heads, daggers, crescent-shaped implements, etc., doubtless Avere produced by similar methods. Whether the bruised pitted stones were originally designed for liam- mers, or whether, in view of the diverse purposes which implements some- times have to serve in the hands of uncivilized man, their use as hammers was a secondary one, are questions upon which I will not enlarge in this place.* It is certain, however, that a large number of the pitted stones, usually called hammer-stones in the United States, are perfectly intact at their circumferences, and consequently cannot have served as imagined. Of the many pitted stones in the National Museum, sixty — derived from New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and California — are now on exhibition, and of these only twelve show the marks of hammering. There is a single pit either on each of the opposite broad sides or only on one side of the stones now considered, and their cavities, differing in size and depth, are not ground, but apparently pro- duced, sometimes quite clumsily, by means of a tool of flint or other hard stone. May not such stones have been used by the aborigines for cracking upon them, by means of other stones, the different kinds of hard-shelled fruits so abundant in North America t The cavities mostly ai*e of sufficient depth to hold any kind of nut in place. This kind of work would chiefly have devolved upon women and children (particularly girls), and hence it Avould not be difficult to account for the large number of these stones, f And * The real North American hammer-stones, I am now inclined to belicye, are pebbles or fragments of quartzite or flinty materials, sometimes modified by art and much battered by use. They tell their own story, as it weie. Exactly similar stones are found in Europe. Mr. Evans figures two of them on page 22:! of his well-known work on the stone implements, etc., of Great Britain. tTtat the method hero indicated .was in vogue among the prehistoric people of Europe is almost demonstrated by Sir Charles Lyell's dcscriprion of a log-cabin, discovered in 1833 by Captain Mudge, K. N., in Drnmkellin bog, in Donegal, Ireland, at a depth of fourteen feet from the surface. It was twelve feet square and nine feet high, being divided into two stories, each four feet high. The planking KAU.j ISTOETH AMERICAN PITTED STONES. 43 further, an intact flattish stone, used with its broad side as a hammer for beating upon the end of a flint tool — an operation probably often per- formed in savage life — would gradnall)^ receive at the point of contact the impression of the harder flint. Hence a number of pitted stones may owe their cavities to such a mode of application. Fig. 32 represents a stone of the class under notice, which was found near Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee, and belongs to the series exhibited in the National Museum. It is a somewhat flattish pebble of oval shape, about two inches in thickness, and showing onlj^ on one side a small cavity, worked out very carelessly, and just large enough to receive an object of the size of a nut. The material is a clayey sandstone. Sometimes these stones exhibit two cavities close together, as though it had been intended to crack with one blow two nuts placed in these pits. Such a stone is represented by Fig. 33. The original belongs to a series of pitted stones which were sent to me, many years ago, by my friend, Mr. J. M. M. Gernerd, of Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, and had been collected by him in that neighborhood, more especially near the banks of the Susquehanna River. This specimen, a gray wacke pebble not exceeding an inch and one-quarter in thickness, sliows on both sides two shallow con- tiguous cavities. When the first white settlers penetrated to that part of the Susquehanna Valley, they found on or near the present site of Muncy a village of the Minsi or Munsey Indians, the Wolf clan of the great Lenni- Lenape or Delaware nation ; and the name " Muncy," indeed, perpetuates the designation of that clan. There is still a tradition, I am informed by Mr. Grernerd, that they were in the habit of gathering large supplies of shell-bark hickory-nuts, which formerly grew plentifully in the neighborhood. It should be borne in mind that nuts played a conspicuous part in the household of the North American Indians. The first adventurers of the consisted of oak, split Mv'ith wedges of stoue, and the roof was flat. A stone celt and a flint arrow-head found in the interior of this primitive building furnish additional proofs of its remote antiquity. " Ou the floor of the dwelling," observes Captain Mudge, "lay a slab of freestone, three feet long and four- teen inches thick, in the centre of which was a small i)it, three-quarters of an inch deeii, which had been chiseled out. This is presumed to have been used for holding nuts to be cracked by means of one of the round shingle-stones, also found there, which had served as a hammer. Some entire hazel-nuts and a great quantity of brokeu shells were strewed about the floor."— i^cH : Auliquitij of Man ; Loudon and Philadelphia, 1873, p. 32. 44 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. Latin race who came in contact with them (Cabe^a de Vaca, the anony- mous Knight of Elvas, Biedma), and many authors of more modern times, mention these fruits as an important article of food of the aboriginal inhabit- ants. It can be imagined that they consumed a large quantity in a raw state; but they also prepared from them an oily, milk-like liquid, which they used as an ingredient in the preparation of other food. Full details in regard to this subject have been published by Colonel Charles C. Jones in his work on the antiquities of the Southern Indians, to which I would refer those specially interested in the subject.* He there also draws for the first time attention to a class of utensils which he designates as "nut-stones," and to which he ascribes, as the name im- plies, the same mode of employment which I feel inclined to claim for the pitted stones just described. Colonel Jones found the relics called nut- stones by him in considerable number in Middle and Upper Georgia, but most abundantly on the site of an old Indian village near the confluence of the Great Kiokee Creek and the Savannah River (Columbia County). More than thirty were there seen by him within the space of a few acres. He thus describes them : — "They consist of irregular masses of compact sandstone or soapstone, weighing from two to ten pounds, in whose surfaces occur circular depres- sions, from an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, and from one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch in depth. Upon the broadest and flattest sides these depressions, from three to five in number, are located close together. To produce them the harder stones had been pecked and the softer gouged. Not only on one side do they appear, but frequently on both sides, and often in the ends, so that the stone, when set up in the earth on any one of its faces, would always present one or more of these cup-shaped cavities ready for use. Their cavities are so located that one, two, three, four, five, and sometimes more nuts could be cracked at a single blow delivered by means of the circular flat crushing-stones so common and so often found in direct connection with the rude articles now under consideration. The cups are just large enough to hold a hickory-nut or a walnut in proper position, so that, when struck, its pieces would be prevented from being widely scat- * Jones (Charles C): Antiquities of the Southern Indians; New York, 1873, p. 315, etc. EATJ ] NOETH AMERICAN NUT-STONES. 45 tei'ed. Particularly do the soapstones indicate the impressions left by the convex surfaces of the harder nuts. Upon some of them the depressions seem to have been caused simply by repeatedly cracking the nuts upon the same spot, so that in time a concavity was produced corresponding to the half of the spherical or spheroidal nut. Such is the most natural explanation we can offer with regard to the use of these stones ."* It should be added that Colonel Jones found in some instances the sites where he collected the stones even now overshadowed by hickory and w^alnut-trees. I had frequent occasion to examine the specimens of this class brought together by him, and I never doubted for a moment the cor- rectness of his view as to the use of these utensils. A nnt-stone of coai'se-grained sandstone, found in the neighborhood of Loudon, Loudon County, Tennessee, and preserved in the National Museum, is represented by Fig. 34. It shows on the figured surface ten irregular con- ical depressions, four of which are considerably larger than the rest. The lower side is provided with eight unequal cavities of the same character. The cavities in the North American stone utensils thus far described are produced, as stated, in a manner betokening but little care. I now pass over to another class of objects, which bear in their general ajDpearance much resemblance to the first-mentioned stones (typified by Fig. 32), but Avhich, to judge from the character of their cavities, were designed for a totally different purpose. They are pebbles, or more or less flattish frag- ments, exhibiting either on one of the bi'oad surfaces or on both, a reg- ular cup-shaped cavity from an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, which has almost invariably been produced by means of a rotating grind- ing tool. Fig. 35 shows the character of a specimen of this class in the National Museum. It is a somewhat flattish dioritic pebble, two inches and a half thick, which exhibits on the figured surface a circular cup-shaped cavity, measuring an inch and a half in diameter and nine-sixteenths of an inch in depth. There is a similar cavity on the opposite side of the stone. This specimen was found near Groveport, Franklin County, Ohio. * Jones (Charles C.) : Antiquities of tlie Southern Indians; pp. 315, 318. 46 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. In Fig. 36 I give the representation of another stone of this type, derived from the neighborhood of Portsmoutli, Ohio, and likewise preserved in the National Museum. It is a pebble of fine-grained sandstone, almost quadrilateral in shape, about an inch and a half thick, and provided on each side with a rather shallow depression. Both cavities are covered with red paint, which seems to have penetrated into the stone. Several other speci- mens in the archaeological collection of the National Museum are character- ized by the same peculiarity, and hence it may be assumed that the stones under notice are cups in which the aborigines rubbed or dissolved the colors used in face-painting and for other purposes. Indeed, paint-mortai-s of stone, not much differing from the utensils in question, are still employed by remote western tribes. I must now proceed to consider another very remarkable class of North American relics, namely, stones of larger size, upon which several cup- like cavities are worked out. The material of these stones is almost exclusively sandstone, and they occur mostly in the shape of flat fragments without definite contours. The cups are either on one of the flat sides or on both, and their number on a surface varies, as far as I have observed, from two to ten. They are irregularly distributed, being placed close together or more or less apart from each other. In general they measure an inch and a half in diameter, but sometimes less. The cavities are pro- duced by grinding, and usually approach a semi-spherical form; occasion- ally, however, they are somewhat conical or funnel-shaped. Their inner surfaces exhibit different degi'ees of smoothness, being often, in conse- quence of weathering, rather rough, like the remaining surface of the stone. These cup-stones bear some resemblance to those found in certain lacustrine stations of Switzerland ; but they seem to differ in ajjpearance and destina- tion from the English cupped stones described by Mr. Grreenwell. A cup-stone in the National Museum, derived from Summit County, Ohio, and weighing eleven pounds, is represented by Fig. 37. The level surface shows nine cups, of which six are perfect, and three, placed near the bi'okeu sides, more or less incomplete. The stone, it will be seen, is a fragment, and may originally have been provided with more than nine cav- ities. There are now eleven of these cup-stones in the National Museum, EATj] NORTH AMERICAN CUP-STONES. 47 five of which have been found in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois, while the remaining six are derived from Ohio, which State, I believe, has furnished the majority of the known specimens. An Ohio cup-stone in the National Museum deserves particular men- tion, onaccount of one of its cavities being covered with red paint, which cannot be removed by moistening. It is the only case of this kind noticed by me, and the use of the cavity as a paint-cup in this instance may be accidental. I therefore will not venture to express the opinion that all North American cup-stones of the type represented by Fig. '67 are to be considered as utensils designed to hold colors. Yet the possibility of this mode of application cannot be denied, considering that the Indian inhab- itants of the East and of the Mississippi Valley employed different kinds of paints, each of which had to be made ready for .use in a separate recep- tacle. Small paint-cups of earthenware, joined together, and certainly reminding one by their arrangement of the cavities in the stones under notice, are in use among the Zufii Indians of New Mexico. Several speci- mens were obtained by Mr. James Stevenson in 1879, during his expedition to New Mexico and Arizona, undertaken under the auspices of the Bureau of Ethnology. Fig. 38 represents one of the articles in question. It con- sists of four united cups of an inch and a half in diameter and about an inch in depth.* The paints still adhering to the inner surfaces of these cups are red, white, yellow, and blue. There is but little difference be- tween the dimensions of the cups and the cavities of the cup-stones just described. Mr. Stevenson obtained on the same occasion from Indians of the Pueblo of Tesuque, New Mexico, a small mortar and pestle, both of stone, whicb were used by them in the preparation of paint. This simple appa- ratus, represented by Fig. 39, hardly would attract particular attention, if it were not for a cup-shaped cavity excavated on one side of the pestle, and perfectly corresponding in shape and size with the artificial depressions of the cup-stones. The cavity served to receive a portion of the liquid paint prepared in the mortar. Such at least was the account given to Mr. Ste- venson by the Tesuque Indians. They probably poured into the cavity a " The number of cups in tlie specimens obtained by Mr. Stevenson varies between two and five. 48 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. small quantity of the fluid pigment, in order to use it freed from the par- ticles of coloring mineral substance remaining in the mortar.* These two illustrations of the use of paint-cups among Indians of our time certainly afford no direct evidence that the cup-stones in question were made to serve in a similar manner, though they certainly heighten the probability of svich an application. Tlie first notice of an American cup-stone, I believe, is contained in "The Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley," by Squier and Davis, the well-known work published in 1848 as the first volume of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. On page 206 (Fig. \)2) a sandstone block, said to have been found in one of the mounds of Ohio, is figured. The block, weighing between thirty and forty pounds, exhibited on its surface a number of cups of different sizes, resembling, as the authors state, in all respects those in work-blocks of coppersmiths, in which plates of metal are hammered to give them convexity. Hence it appeared to them prob- able that the block had been used in the manufacture of such concavo- convex discs of native copper as are sometimes met with in the mounds of the Mississippi Valley. While living in New York, I had often occasion to see a fragment of this block in the collection of Dr. E. H. Davis, and a careful examination of the relic made it evident to me that the cavities had not been used as Messrs. Squier and Davis supposed. By the sale of the Davis collection, which comprised the bulk of the mound-relics obtained by the two explorers, to the late Mr. William Black more, the fragment in question was transferred to the Blackmore Museum, in Salisbury, England, and Mr. E. T. Stevens has since described it as follows : — "The oblong fragment in the Blackmore collection measures six inches by eight, and has upon it three perfect detached cups, two cups which are confluent, portions of three finished cups, one half finished, and several which have been commenced. It may be well to remark that these 'cups' are oval, there being a diff"erence in the two diameters of about one-eighth of an inch. They measure in their greater diameter about one inch and a half, and are about seven-eighths of an inch in depth. Judging from the " lu painting pottery, etc., they apply the color with a brush stripped from the leaves of the yucca plant. BAU.J NORTH AMERICAN CUP-STONES. 49 engraving in the 'Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,' the cups upon the original mass were not all of the same size. One corner of the fragment indicates that it has been exposed to the action of fire. Squier and Davis have suggested that these cups were used in hammering plates of copper into the convex form needed for making bosses. The circum- stances that two of the cups are confluent, that the surface of the block has not been smoothed, and that there- is no evidence of bruising from hammering, all militate against the idea that this block was used, or was even intended to be used, as an anvil."* Of late years Colonel Charles Whittlesey has devoted special attention to cup-stones. According to his statement, they occur quite frequently in Northern Ohio, more particularly in the valley of the Cuyahoga River ; but he informs me by letter that, to his knowledge, none have been obtained from the numerous mounds of Ohio. He brings the cup-stones in connec- tion with the spinning process of the natives, supposing the cavities had served as sockets in which spindles were made to revolve, and hence he calls the stones " spindle-socket- stones."t I must confess that I cannot share Colonel Whittlesey's opinion, in view of the absence of spindle- whorls in those parts of the United States where cup-stones thus far have been found. If spindle-whorls had been in use among the formei- inhab- itants of this country, it is very probable that, in conformity with their well-known taste, they would have made them of stone or clay, and in that case they would be as abundant in the eastern half of the United States as they are in Europe, where the practice of spinning by means of this simple contrivance dates as far back as the neolithic period.J Adair, it is true, in describing the mode of weaving in vogue among the Southern Indians (Muskokis, etc.), speaks of an apparatus which may have been a spindle. "Formerly," he observes, "the Indians made very handsome carpets. They have a wild hemp that grows about six feet high, in open, rich, level lands, and which usually ripens in July. It is plenty on our frontier settlements. When it is fit for use, they pull, steep, peel, and beat it; and the old women 'Stevens: Flint Chips; London, 1670, p. 486. t Whittlesey : Ancient Earth Forts of the Cnyahoga Valley, Ohio; Cleveland, 1871, p. 33. X It may be supposed that wherever spindle-whorls were employed in prehistoric times, each woman and girl possessed at least one of these utensils. 4 L S 50 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHEll LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. spill it off the distaffs with wooden machines, having some day on the middle of them to hasten the motion. When the coarse thread is prepared, they put it into a frame about six feet square, and instead of a shuttle they thrust through the thread with a long cane, having a large string through the web, which they shift at every second course of the thread When they have thus finished their arduous labour, they paint each side of the carpet with such figures of various colours as their fruitful imaginations devise, particu- larly the images of those birds and beasts they are acquainted with, and likewise of themselves, acting in their social and martial stations."* Had the contrivances, called "machines" by Adair, been real spindles, he proba- bly would have recognized them as such, as he undoubtedly had witnessed their use in Great Britain, which country he left during the first half of the eighteenth centuiy, and where spinning with distaff and spindle has not yet entirely fallen into disuse in our time. Certain Indian tribes in remote western districts, the Navajos and Pueblo Indians, for instance, use at the present time spindles for spinning the cotton and sheeps' wool employed in the manufacture of blankets and other textile articles. Their whorls are discs of wood, stone, bone, horn, and burned clay. The archaeological collection of the United States National Museum contains no North American object of stone or clay, found north of Mexico, in which I can recognize a spindle-whorl. In Mexico, it is well known, spindles were in general use, and the whorls {malacatl) are among the common objects seen in collections of Aztec antiquities. They are represented in the National Museum by many specimens, all made of terra-cotta, and in some instances tastefully ornamented, like the originals of Figures 40 and 41, which were obtained by the late Colonel Brantz Mayer at Tezcaco, and presented to the Smithsonian Institution in 1 862. The Mexican metliod of spinning is illustrated by designs in the Mendoza Codex, published by Lord Kingsborough. It doubtless will be a matter of great interest to archasologists. both in this country and in Europe, to learn that large cupped blocks, fully resem- bling those of the Old World, have of late years been observed in the "Adair: The History of the American Indians; London, 1775, p. 422. — The remains of textile fabrics having been fonud in mounds of this country, it follows that some sort of weaving was prac- tised hero in times long past. KAU.i NORTH AMERICAN CUPPED BOULDERS. 51 United States. As yet a few only are known, but ere long, I am confident, the existence of others will be ascertained. Whenever investigators have their attention drawn to a new class of antiquities, they endeavor to find them, and are usually successful in their efforts. Fig. 42 shows the appearance of a cupped block preserved in the building of the Society of Natural History in Cincinnati, to which associa- tion it was presented by the discoverer, Dr. H. H. Hill, a resident of that city. His letters and a communication from Professor J. Mickelborough, also of Cincinnati, enable me to give the following account: — The block was found by Dr. Hill during an archaeological excursion, in May, 1874, a mile and a half above Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, near the bank of the Ohio. It was, indeed, washed by the water of that river, and covered with debris that had fallen from the upper portion of the bank, from which latter circumstance Dr. Hill concluded it had also rolled from this higher level to the lower margin of the I'iver-bank. Having bought the block from the owner of the land, he had it removed from its position and conveyed by steamboat to Cincinnati, where it arrived in June, 1874. In the same year he presented it to the Cincinnati Society of Natural His- tory. The block or boulder, wliich consists of coarse-grained dark-gray sandstone, is three feet long, two feet and seven inches wide, and a foot and a half high, and measures eight feel seven inches in circumference. It weighs between a thousand and twelve hundred pounds. Accoi'ding to Dr. Hill, the surface of the stone shows one hundred and sixteen cups, either rounded or conical in shape.* Professor Mickelborough mentions one hun- dred and twenty cups, which he describes as being circular in outline, and apparently produced by attrition with some blunt implement. The average diameter of the cups is an inch and a half, and their depth about half an inch ; but some are five-eighths of an inch deep, and others again more shallow. The inside of the cups, he says, is rather smooth, yet not as * For photographs after which the illustration was executed, I am indebteil to Dr. Hill aud Judge II. F. Force, of Cincinnati. I had the stone drawn on wood in lead-pencil, and before haudiug over the block to the wood-engraver, I sent a photograph of the drawing to Judge Force for comparison with the original. He replied (January 16, 1881) as follows: ''I think this does very well as a representa- tion of the cup-stone. Of course, there is an exaggerated distinctness in the cups — that is, the shadow in the hollows is not so distinct, at least in our sunlight, as it is in the picture." — I hope the slightly exaggerated distinctness of the cups, alluded to by Judge Force, will bo deemed allowable, the more so aa the boulder was exposed to the action of water, and formerly doubtless exhibited more distinct cups 52 C DP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. smooth as the cavities of another smaller specimen in the collection of the Society of Natural History. In one cup, he further observes, is a central depression about one-fourth of an inch in depth and of equal diameter. This central pit seems to have been made by means of some sharp-pointed instrument. But for this peculiarity the cup resembles the others excavated on the block. To judge from Dr. Hill's description, the feature just alluded to is not confined to a single cup, but is likewise noticed in othei's. On one side of the block, says Professor Mickelborough, are some grooves four or five inches long, and likewise of artificial origin. They have the appearance of being worn down by rubbing continuously in one direction. The diameter of the grooves is equal to that of the cups, inso- much that a cylindrical stone applied in the direction of its longitudinal axis would have produced the grooves, and its end, by rotation, the cup- shaped cavities. The correspondents who have furnished me with the material for this description offer no definite opinions as to the use of this remarkable cup- stone. Dr. Hill can think of no practical purpose to which the cups might have been applied by those who excavated them, unless they served "as means for imparting information to their fi'iends." Similar views, as will be seen, have been advanced in Europe with reference to the large cup- stones in that part of the world. Dr. Hill speaks of .two much larger sandstone boulders, one with twenty-nine and the other with thirty-seven cups, which he saw near the bank of the Ohio, a few miles below Manchester, in Adams County, Ohio. No further particulars as to their appearance are given ; but Dr. Hill intends to examine them again. lie thinks it very difficult to remove them. In October, 1878, the Rev. John J. McCook, of Hartford, Connecticut, addressed to the Smithsonian Institution a letter in which he describes a cupped granite boulder of large size, lying on the edge of the cliff not far from his cottage at Niantic, in New London County, Connecticut. A scale- drawing of the boulder, hei'e reproduced in half-size, and without any artistic embellishment, as Fig. 43, accompanied his account, of which 1 give the following extract almost in his own words. EAiT.) NORTH AMERICAN CUPPED BOULDERS. 53 When Mr. McCook became cognizant of the existence of the block, it had been only five years in its present position. For several genei-ations it had formed part of the foundation of a wall, and when the wall was removed, it was found almost imbedded in the soil. At that time he did not notice the peculiar markings upon it; but from the location of the moss which covers all below the dotted line ab c in the sketch, and is entirely absent upon what is now the upper surface, he concluded that the stone was overset in the removal. Not far from this boulder are several others, one of them weighing many tons, and nicely poised upon the very edge of the rocky cliff. Yet he searched in vain for any marks upon them, bearing the slightest resemblance to those uj^on the subject of his sketch. His atten- tion was first drawn to these peculiar marks five or six years ago, while visiting the neighboring beach, the path leading there passing close by the cupped boulder. His first theory in regard to them was, that they might be the work of the Niantic Indians, a small tribe, extinct since 1870, to whom all the land in the immediate neighborhood of Niantic once be- longed. But from the beginning he was at a loss to understand for what purpose they could have made these cup-shaped cavities. He thought they were too small to have served as mortars, and too symmetrical in their arrangement to have been used for grinding down the ends of pestles. In the meantime, however, Mr. McCook read in the "Journal de Geneve" a review of some publications on cup-stones, and hence it occurred to him that the boulder under notice " might be one of that system of marked stones which are found all over the world, and are thought to have some relation to the religious life of primitive man." The cups belonging to the central group, II, III, IV, and V, are strik- ingly regular and smooth. Nr. I is much less regular, and Nr. VI is so shallow and irregular that Mr. McCook discovered it only on close exam- ination, and, indeed, is doubtful whether it deserves to be indicated as belonging to the same class with the rest. The dimensions of the cups are as follows : — I. Diameter, 2| inches. Depth, ^ inch. II. Diameter, 3i inches. Depth, "^ inch. III. Diameter, 3^ inches. Depth, ,'? inch. 54 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTUEES. IV. Diameter, 3| inches. Depth, }| inch. V. Diameter, 2| inches. Depth, j| inch. VI. Diameter, i;-?X2| inches. Depth, ^ inch. The centre of III is a trifle out of the line between the centres of II and IV. Of the lines or f^rooves upon the side of the boulder, the irregular curved one may simply mark the boundary of erosion caused by the ele- ments, and the straight ones may be nothing but common striae. The stone is a hard granite of tolerably fine texture. Its present iipper surface is clean and smooth, and entirely free from moss. The portion of the side below the dotted line in the sketch and tlie present under-surface, as far as Mr." McCook could ascertain without turning the stone quite over, are cov- ered with moss. The boulder measures nearly six feet and a half in its greatest dimension. So far Mr. McCook. It becomes evident by his-description that the cavities on the Niantic boulder are somewhat diffei*ent from those on the Cincinnati block, and possibly may have been designed for another pur- pose. Rounded stones with single cavities not larger and deeper than those described by Mr. McCook are not rare in the United States, and were evidently used as mortars ; and larger cavities Avhich have served for the same purpose are excavated on rocks in situ in certain parts of this country, as I shall have occasion to state more in detail hereafter. However, not having seen the Niantic boulder, I will refrain from expressing with any degree of positiveness an opinion at variance with Mr. McCook's view. For the present my information with regard to large cupped stones or boulders in the United States goes no further. The discovery of others is a mere question of time. They will be found when properly looked for. As early as 1805, Captain William Dupaix, charged by the King of Spain with an exploration of the antiquities of Mexico, saw not far from Orizaba what has been thought to be a cup-stone. Many years afterward a dupli- cate of his report and copies of the designs made by his artist, Castafieda, were published in Lord Kingsborough's "Mexican Antiquities" (Volumes IV, V, and VI, 1830-3 1). A few years later, in 1834, the work entitled "Antiquit^s Mexicaines" (by Alexandre Lenoir) was published at Paris. EAir.] NORTH AMERICAN CUPPED BOULDERS. 55 It embodies Cajjtaiii Dupaix's original report witli illustrations made di- ye*^'^-P(/^^ recti}' after Castaneda's drawings. Both publications give a representation S(^'iJ>^d^^< of the stone in question; but these designs are so unlike each other that it'f?^/'rt<^^V. is impossible to form a correct idea of its character. Fig. 44 is a copy of lyil^h^''' • Lord Kingsborough's illustration.* The figure shows fourteen well-defined {"^^ cup-shaped cavities, perfectly resembling those on the stones heretofore itilStUvt-ftr *^>*^^'-' * '" described. In the later work— "AntiquitciS Mexicaines"— which might be "^'^^'''f'^l^'^'^'^w*^ supposed to be the more reliable one, the stone is figured on a larger scale,t cio-'v^C UU)u'c^"-^ - h but bears only in outline a resemblance to Kingsborough's illustration. it^U'tfi^i^ f^" "^ "^ Instead of distinct cups it merely shows a number of irregular cavities, L^^ JU4J,.^p-fJ^'^ . totally different from the cups indicated on Kingsborough's plate. Hence Yu\J''A^f^ '^ '^^ there remains a doubt as to the real appearance of the stone, which will ^ A\tj(/rfr>'^ lry>^v not be removed before it has been examined again by some explorer. If translate the description of the stone, as given by Dupaix in "Antiquitds Mexicaines": — "From this place (Orizaba) we proceeded toward the bridge across the river Blanco, sixteen leagues southeast of the city, in order to examine a rock called TeoloUnga. It is spherical in shape, very hard, of a bluish-black color, and emits no fire when struck Avith a steel. It has been skillfully placed in the midst of an extensive savanna. It measures about twenty- two feet and a half in circumference and a little more than six feet in diam- eter. This stone, poised upon its axis by those who formerly fashioned it, has the peculiarity that, when touched only with the little finger, it moves and continues to vibrate for some time; while it remains apparently motion- less Avhen a greater force is applied. On its sui'face are seen some circular holes {trous circulaires) of little depth, which can hold water in seasons of rain. It appears to have served in olden times as a boundary or land-mark (de borne on de limite), for there is another one at a distance of two leagues from it." J * Vol. IV, The Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dup.aix, Part I, Plate IV, Fig. 10. + AtlaS; Prcmifero Partie, Planche VIII. {Antiquitds Mexicaines; Kel.ation de la Premifcre Expedition du Capitaine Dupaix en 1S05, Vol. I, p. 7. — For tlie sake of comparison I copy here the less complete description published by Loid Kings- borough: — "From hence (Orizaba) we went to the bridge of the river Blanco, about forty-eij:ht mi'.es south-east of Orizabii, in search of a large stone called Teololinga. This stone is spherical in ite Ibrm, very hard (though it will notemit fire when struck by the steel), and of a dark-blue colour. It hasevi- dcnfly boon wrought into its present shape, and placed in the middle of a spacious plain, by the .incient 56 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. I am not aware that other stones of analogous character have been noticed in Mexico ; nor have I thus far obtained precise information as to the occurrence of cupped stones or boulders in parts of the American con- tinent which are situated south of Mexico.* In connection with North American cup-stones should be mentioned boulders or rocks with an artificial cavity, or with cavities, serving for the trituration of grain, and thus forming what might be called stationary mor- tars. Their occurrence extends over a large portion of North America; but there is considerable diiference in the character of the cavities, as the following statements will show. Colonel Jones saw in the middle and upper parts of Georgia "large boulders — some of them waist-high — permanent in their location, whose tops had been hollowed out for mortars. These cavities were circular in form, and capable of holding a half peck or more. They may be regai-ded as public property, and afford proof of the stability of the agricultural popu- lation by which they were used."t In historical times, however, the south- ern tribes to whom Colonel Jones refers are known to have generally used wooden mortars for pounding maize. Adair alludes to their use and describes the method of hollowing them out by means of fire.J Hunter notices the wooden mortars of the Indians among whom he lived; but "in addition," he says, "each village has one or two large stone mortars for pounding corn: they are placed in a central situation, are public property, and are used in rotation by the different families."§ inhabitants of the country. It is so artfully balanced upon its axis as to revolve at the slightest touch of the finger; but if a greater force be used it will stand without the least apparent motion. Its sur- face contains some boles capable of holding a small quantity of water. It appears to have anciently served as a land-mark. There is another of these stones to the east, about six miles distant." — Vol. VI, The Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupair, j). 425. *I quote, however, from the "Mat^riaux" (l>-'67, p. 398) the following note, addressed to M. Gabriel de Mortillet by Professor P. Strobel, and dated Buenos Ayres, May 26, 1866:— "Aprfes les articles de Morlot, Aymard, Simonin et Bouvet, sur les picrrcs il ^cuelles ct b, bassius, 11 ne sera pas sans int^ret pour vous d'apprendre qu'on en trouve de semblables dans la Sierra de San Luis. On y voit do trfes-nombreux bassius creusds dans la roche, de diverses dimensions. lis ont servi aux ludiens pour (Scraser et broyer les fruits et les graines, ct peut-etre meme, ^ nne dpoque moins ancienne, pour Iriturcr le mineral auriffere do ces montagnes. II existe aussi des pierres ft bassins dans les montagnes de Mendoza, datant de 1' ^poque des Incas. Ces divers bassins ont pu servir^trois usages bien ditfiSrents: rdligieux, gastronomique et mdtallnrgique." t Jones (Charles C): Antiquities of the Southern Indians; p. 313. t Adair: The History of the American Indians; p. 416. ^Hunter: Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes located west of the Mississippi ; Phila- delphia, 1823, p. 269. KAU] NOETH AMERICAN BOULDEES WITH MOETAE-CAVITIES. 57 A boulder forn)erly used as a mortar is thus described by Professor Samuel Aughey, of the University of Nebraska: — "Four miles northwest of Nebraska City, on the farm of Hon. J. F. Kinney, is' a granitic boulder as large as a small house, on whose top smooth holes have been worn by the Indians in grinding or pounding corn. This boulder is imbedded in a Loess deposit, through which it extends from the Drift below."* Upon inquiry by letter, I learned fi-om Professor Aughey that the most conspicuous of the cavities measures fourteen inches in diameter and six in depth Its inside, he says, is worn as smooth as glass. The other cavities on this boulder are shallow and faint compared to this one. In the Sierra Waco, in the extreme northwestern corner of Texas, about thirty miles east of El Paso, State of Chihuahua, Mexico, the Hon. John R. Bartlett noticed "an overhanging rock extending for some distance, the whole surface of which is covered with rude paintings and sculptures, rep- resenting men, animals, birds, snakes, and fantastic figui'es. On the shelving portion of the place in question are several circular holes in the solid granite, from twelve to fifteen inches deep, which the Indians have made and used as mortars for pounding their corn in ; similar ones being found all over the country where the aborigines have had their habitations.''f Afterward, while proceeding in Chihuahua from Correlitos to El Paso, Mr. Bartlett saw a smooth rock covering about half an acre, to the right of the road. In this rock he counted twenty-six cavities within a few feet of each other. They were from twelve to eighteen inches deep and about six in diameter, and had been dug out to serve as mortars.J In a letter addressed to me he adds : — "I remember that there was at that place a great quantity of flint chippings, broken arrow and spear-heads, fragments of pottery, etc., showing that the Indians had spent much time here in making their stone implements." I am indebted to Mr. Stephen Bowers, at present residing in Clinton, Wisconsin, for the following account of rocks with mortar- cavities seen by him in California. He says : — " These are not unfrequently met with in Santa Barbara County, Cali- ♦Anghey : Sketches of the Physical Geography and Geology of Nebraska ; Omaha, Nebraska, 1880, p. 256. t Bartlett: Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, etc. ; New York, 1854, Vol. I, p. 170. U6i(?., Vol. II, p. 370. 58 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAX SCULPTURES. fornia. I have also seen them in Napa Valley, fifty miles north of San Francisco; indeed, I deem it safe to say they may be found in nearly every portion of California, especially on and near the old village sites once inhabited by the less nomadic tribes. " But the most remarkable of these excavations I discovered on the summit of the Santa Inez range of mountains, in Santa Barbara County, about one mile west of the stage-road-crossing, and at an elevation of 2,5()0 feet above the sea-level. Here is an open space of nearly level land, sev- eral acres in extent, where springs of cool sweet water rise, and, uniting, send a sparkling rivulet down the mountain-side. Elevations, covered with timber, form this into an amphitheater, while mountain-peaks rise in every direction. In this romantic spot the aborigines founded a village, which must have been occupied for a great length of time. Although the place is now enclosed as a field, and the site of the old village .has been ploughed and tilled by white men, yet the circular depressions indicating the dwelling-places of the Indians are plainly seen. Marine shells, brought from the ocean, six or seven miles distant, are scattered over the entire surface of the old village site, with bones and other kitchen debris. Near this village site is a sort of natural grotto in the solid rock, covered with rude paintings of a very interesting character, which probably record the more important events in the lives of the villagers. "Within the confines of the old town are two large boulders of sand- stone, into which conical excavations have been made, and used as mortars for triturating grain, acorns, etc.; also cup-shaped depressions, the purpose of which is not clear to my mind. The largest of these boulders (Fig. 45) is twenty-five feet in length, by about ten feet in width, and shows twenty- five excavations, measuring from six to twenty-six inches in diameter at the top, and from five to sixteen inches in depth. The average width of these mortar-cavities is a little over thirteen inches, and the depth something more than eleven inches. The smallest is six inches in diameter and five inches deep, while the largest is twenty-six inches in diameter and sixteen inches in depth. In one instance a wide groove is cut between two of these exca- vations, one being probably used for pulverizing the grain, and the other as a receptacle for the meal. In another instance two of the cavities are KAU.i NOETH AMERICAN BOULDERS WITH MORTAR-OAVITIES. 59 worn until they meet. With one exception, these mortar-shaped excavations are circular, and nearly as perfect, usually, as if laid out with dividers. The exception is an oblong excavation, the greater axis measuring seventeen inches, the shorter about eight inches. "The boulder has doubtless been used for this purpose a great length of time, indicating the comparative stability of the ti'ibe once living here. I was unable to find the pestles which were used in these mortars. It was the practice of the Santa Barbara Indians to bury pestles and other objects with the dead, and I presume there was no exception in this case. " The smaller boulder measures about eleven feet by nine and a half on the surface, rising to the height of six feet above the earth. It contains eleven depressions, two or three of which seem to have been used as mortars ; but the others, which are quite shallow, probably served some other purpose. " In the canons and on the foot-hills along the Santa Inez range, I have fi'equently met with boulders containing from one to three or four mortar- excavations." It appears to me that some of the boulders and rocks called pierres a bassins by French, and Muldensteine by German archaeologists, may be con- sidered as stationary mortars. Their resemblance to landoubted American mortars of this kind at least would lead me to that conclusion. M. Morlot, for instance, describes such a block near the new road passing over Mount Simplon (Canton of Valais). It has the shape of a rough column or a trunk of a tree, is one meter and five centimeters high, and ninety centimeters in diameter. In the centre of its upper surface is a cavity of twenty-one centimeters diameter and nine centimeters depth. There are tln-ee smaller cavities on the same surface.* The height of the block and the dimensions of the cavity certainly favor my view. Though I could fui-nish many similar examples, I confine myself to the one just given, not wishing to enlarge on a question which must be decided by European archaeologists. * Morlot : Pierres h, ficuelles ; Mat^riaux, 1866, p. 258.— This periodical contains several articles relating to stones with cavities, which apparently have served as mortars. — In reading Dr. L. Zapf's article " Die Muldensteine des Fichtelgobirges " in " Bcitriige zur Anthro- pologic )ind Urgeschichte Bayems " (Bd. Ill, S. 99), I could not help thinking that the cavities described by him might be, in part at least, the mortars in which the prehistoric people of that rftgion pounded fruits or cereals. 60 CCrP SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTTJUES. I can perceive, however, that their nomenchiture in regard to stones bearing cups and larger cavities is not sufficiently precise. The terms pierres d ccuelles and pierres a hassins are indiscriminately used, whereas, in my opinion, a proper distinction between the two classes of cavities indicated by them mig'ht with advantage be made. Since my attention was directed to the subject treated in these pages, I liave examined many representations of figures sculptured or painted on rocks in the United States, in order to ascertain whether there occur among them any designs analogous to those of the Old World. While engaged in this investigation, I received from Dr. Charles H. Stubbs, of Wakefield, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, lithographic representations of a sculpt- ured rock, called Bald Friar Rock, in the Susquehanna River, not far from its emboguement into the Chesapeake Bay.* I discovered by means of the lithographs that several figures on that rock recall certain types of the lapidarian sculptures of Great Britain, and mentioned the fact to the Sec- retary of the Smithsonian Institution, Professor Spencer F. Baird, who there- upon instructed Mr. F. G. Galbraith, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to examine the locality and to make drawings of the figures in question.f His report and several communications from Dr. Stubbs are embodied in the following account : — Bald Fiiar Rock is situated in the Lower Susquehanna, in Cecil County, Maryland, and is about three-eighths of a mile distant from Bald Friar, a station of the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad. The rock stands nearer the eastern than the western bank of the Susquehanna— here three-quarters of a mile wide — and its distance from the mouth of the river is nearly twelve miles. It rises from a small island to a height of eight feet and a few inches above low-water level, and can be reached by land at very low Avater. According to Mr. Galbraith's measurement, the rock was originally seventy-one feet long and ten feet wide; but only sixteen feet of its eastern and seventeen of its western portion remain, the *Thesamo plates illustrate now the "Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania" (Geology of Lancaster County, Harrisbuig, 1880). t Acknowledgments are also duo to Dr. L. R. Kirk, of Rising Sun, Cecil County, Maryland, for a very good drawing of Bald Friar Uoclc, sent by liim to the Smithsonian Institution. It was of great- use as a medium of comparison. RAU] EOCK-SCULPTURES IN MARYLAND. 61 centre — thirty-eight feet — having been blasted away many years ago, and the stone used in the construction of a shad-fishery. By this process many carvings were destroyed, traces of which Mr. Galbraith discovered upon fragments of rock scattered over tlie upper end of the island. The rock evidently was entirely covered with sculpturings. A large portion of its northeastern end is becoming detached from the main body, and will in the course of a few years topple over into the river, for which reason Mr. Galbraith was particularly anxious to trace all the carvings on it. To judge from a detached sculptured piece sent by Mr. Galbraith to the Smith- sonian Institution, the rock is of a chloritic character, and consequently not very hard, insomuch that the scidpturing of the figures by means of pecking or punching with stone implements was not a very difficult task. All who have examined the sculptures agree as to their very ancient ap- pearance. They are of a heterogeneous and peculiar character, and in many respects unlike any rock-cuttings of which I have seen representations. There is, for instance, a curious combination of straight and curved lines, forming a lab3ainthic figure, which cannot be compared to any known object. In another group, shown in Fig. 46, cup-shaped depressions, from three-eighths to three-fourths of an inch in depth, are mingled Avitli curiously- formed lines, the whole producing a semblance to characters, which the makers certainly did not intend to represent. Rows of four, five or more parallel, or nearly parallel, lines are not unfrequent, and in one instance a design appears which has been compared to a gridiron. Several of the figures resemble a plant with a median stem and lateral branches. The most conspicuous of these carvings happens to be on the slab forwarded to the Smithsonian Institution by Mr. Galbraith, and is here represented as Fig. 47. It measures two feet in length and fifteen inches and a half in its largest width. The central stem of the carving terminates in a figure in which a lively imagination might discover a fruit or flower. The incised lines forming the design are shallow, not exceeding one-fourth or three- eighths of an inch in depth, on an average an inch wide, and betoken just such skill in sculpture as might be expected from a primitive people that had only tools of stone at its command. The northeastern end of the rock, the one in danger of falling one day 62 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. into tlie liver, is represented by Fig. 48, after a photograph kindly loaned to nie by Dr. Stubbs.* It shows four figures somewhat resembling human faces, and four concentric rings with a cup-shaped depression in the middle. These circles appear foreshortened in the sketch, but are correctly repre- sented in Fig. 4!», in one-twelfth of the real size. This type, as has been seen, occurs frequently among the primitive lapidarian sculptures of Europe; but hardl}' any ethnic significance can be ascribed to the pi'esence of the same design on Bald Friar Rock. It is a form which, on account of its simpleness and regularity, doubtless suggested itself to nations who never came in contact with each other, and who employed it either as an orna- ment or for some s3'mbolical purpose.f Of far greater interest, on the other hand, are Figures 50 and 51, carefully copied by Mr. Galbraith from the rock in the Susquehanna Eiver. Both consist of concentric rings, the outer of which has an appendage in the shape of a long straight groove, a feature wlu'ch assimilates these carvings in a high degree to types of the Old World heretofore described, more especially to Figures 29, 30, and 3!, which represent Mahadeos in the Chandeshwar temple. Upon examination, it will be found that the resemblance is very great— indeed so striking, that an enthusiastic theorist might feel tempted to claim a kinship between the Asiatic Mahadeo-worshipers and those who sculptured the figures in ques- tion on Bald Friar Rock. Yet, notwithstanding the similarity the latter bear to the Chandeshwar sculptures, they may have been intended to express a totally different idea. We must wait for more convincing dis- closures. * For the sake of greater distinctness, I had the carved fignies executed in hlack. On the upper part of the rock are seen a few single cups. t Concentric circles, sculptured as well as painted on rocks, were frequently seen by Major Powell and his assistants in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Many of them are known to have been executed by the aborigines of those districts. Further on it will be seen that they are perhaps even now painted on rocks in the district of the Klaiuaths iu Oregon, and were formerly carved on boulders in Central America. In 1879 the Smithsonian Institution received from Mr. W. W. Hays photographs of paintings on a rock in San Luis Obispo County, California. They consist of figures of a most complicated char- acter, among which several concentric circles appear. The colors, as Mr. Hays states in an accompany- ing letter, are red, white, and black. The locaUty is mentioned iu Bancroft's "Native Races" (Vol. IV, p. C91). ludeed, concentric circles seem to be ubiquitous. The late Professor C. F. Hartt observed them, associated with a variety of other figures, in dilierent parts of Brazil, as shown by his account in the "American Naturalist," May, 1871. Among the Ojibways concentric circles constituted, according to Schoolcraft, the symbol of time (Vol. I, p. 409: Plate 58, Fig. 67). RATI.] E0CK-SCULPTURE9 IN MAllYLAND AND ARIZONA. 63 A similar figure, consisting of two concentric circles Avith a straight line running out from the larger circle, occurs, among other carvings, on one of the many sculptured boulders seen by Mr. Bartlett in the valley of the Gila Eiver, in Arizona. His representation of this boulder is here copied as Fig. 52. "I found hundreds of these boulders," he says, "covered with rude figures of men, animals, and other objects of grotesque forms, all pecked in with a sharp instrument. Many of them, however, were so much defaced by long ex^iosure to the weather, and by subsequent markings, that it was impossible to make them out. Among these rocks I found several which contained sculptures on the lower side, in such a position that it would be impossible to cut them where they then lay. Some of them weighed many tons, and it would have required immense labor to place them there, and that too without an apparent object. The natural infer- ence was, that they had fallen down from the summit of the mountain after the sculptures were made on them.* A few only seemed recent; the others bore the marks of great antiquity. "Like most of the rude Indian sculptures or markings which I have seen, I do not think these possess any historic value, as many suppose. Where an ingenious Indian, for the want of other employment, cuts a: rude figure of a man or an animal on a rock in some prominent place which his people make it a practice to resort to, others, with the example before them, endeavor to compete with their brother artist, and show their skill by sim- ilar peckings. One draws an animal such as he sees ; another makes one according to his own fancy; and a third amuses himself with devising gro- tesque or unmeaning figures of other sorts. Hence we find these sculptured rocks in prominent places." Referring to the special assemblage to which the block here figured belongs, he observes: — "After crossing a plain for about five miles, we reached the object of our search, which consisted of a pile of large boulders, heaped up some forty or fifty feet above the plain, and standing entirely alone. Such of these rocks as present smooth sides are covered with sculptures, rudely pecked in, of animals and men, as well as of various figures, apparently * The boulders were Ijing at the base of a bluff. 64 OUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. without meaning. There are hundreds of them so ornamented, showing that the place has long been the resort of the Indians for this purpose; for there seems to be nothing else to attract them here. Many of the inscrip- tions, like those before described, bear the stamp of great age ; others having been made over them repeatedly, render it impossible to trace out either the early or the later markings. 1 do not attempt any explana- tion of these rude figures, but must leave the reader to exercise his own ingenuity in finding out their meaning, if any."* Mr. Bartlett presents delineations of eleven of these blocks, thus enabling the reader to become acquainted with the character of the sculptures upon them. I hardly can imagine that the latter should be absolutely without some meaning, though they ma}- not express anything like a definite record. I lay no great stress on the presence of a Mahadeo-like carving on the boulder represented by Fig. 52 ; but I thought it proper to draw attention to it. A similar motive induces me to present in Fig. f;3 the design of a por- tion of a group carved on a cliff" in the San Pete Valley, at the city of Manti, Utah. A line drawn horizontally through the middle of the parallel lines connecting the concentric circles would divide the figure into two halves, each bearing a close resemblance to Professor Simpson's fifth type in Fig. 1 of this treatise. A copy of the group in question was made and published by the ill-fated Lieutenant J. W. Gunnison, who also informs us that the Mormon leaders made this aboriginal inscription subservient to their religious hocus-pocus by giving the following translation of it: "I, Malianti, the second King of the Lamanites, in five valleys in the mount- ains, make this record in the twelve-hundredth year since we came out of Jerusalem — And I have three sons gone to the south country to live by hunting antelope and deer.''f Ti'uly, mundus vult decipi! Schoolcraft attempts (Vol. Ill, p. 494) sometliing like an interpretation, which appears to me fanciful and unsatisfactory. * Bartlett : Personal Narrative, etc. ; Vol. II, pp. 195, 206. + Gnnnison : The Mormous or Latter-Day Saiuts, etc. ; Philadelphia, 1853, p. 63. — The illustration is taken from Bancroft's "Native Races" (Vol. IV, p. 717). I have changed, however, in accordance with Lientenaut Gunnison's design, the position of the grotesque human figure to the left of the con- centric circles. EAU.i ROOK-MAEKINGS IN ARIZONA, UTAH, AND OREGON. 65 Among the Klauiatli Indians in Oregon, it seems, tlie practice of paint- ing figures on rocks has not yet entirely gone into disuse. Through the mediation of Mr. Albert S. Gatschet I received from Dr. James S. Denison, physician at the Klamath Agency, Lake County, Oregon, a communication relative to the subject. According to my correspondent, there are in that neighborhood many rocks bearing painted figures ; but his description refers specially to a single rock, called Ktd-i Tupdlcshi (standing rock), situated about fifty yards north of Sprague River, and one hundred and fifty yards from the junction of Sprague and Williamson Rivers. It is about ten feet high, fourteen feet long, and twelve or fourteen feet deep. The accorapa-; nying Figures 54, 55, 56, and 57, all drawn in one-twelfth of the natural size, after Dr. Denison's copies, illustrate the character of the paintings seen on the smooth southern surface of this rock. The most frequent designs are single or concentric circles, like Fig. 54, which consists of a dark-red circle suiTOunded by a white one, the centre being formed by a red round spot. Fig. 56, painted in dark-red and white colors, exhibits a somewhat Mahadeo-like shape; the straight appendage of the circle is provided on each side with short projecting lines, alternately I'ed and white, and almost producing the effect of the so-called herring-bone ornament. Figures 56 and 57, executed in dai-k-red color, are other characteristic designs seen on the rock in question. The colors, which, as my informant thinks, are rubbed on with grease, appear quite distinct on the dark surface of the rock. " I have conversed," he says, "with all the leading men and women of the tribe about these pictures and others in the neighborhood ; but none of them know, so they say, when and how they were made. It is, however, the genei-ally -received opinion that ICmiilamisJi, the Creator*, painted them himself when he made this country. The oldest people say that they were there when they were young, and that the oldest people told them that they were there when they were young, and so on. There are many rocks with pictures on them all over this country. These places are all sacred, and there are many legends concerning them. Children are taught not to injure or deface the pictvu-es. My own opinion is, that these pictures have no more definite meaning than those made by children without any design; • " The Old Man of Our Forefathers," according to Mr. A. S. Gatschet. 5 L S 60 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHEE LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTUEES. that they last perhaps for ages unimpaired; but that, when they do get dim, there is always some enterprising doctor ready to brighten them up, and, perhaps, to execute new designs. One can see blotches on the rocks which are very dim, but look as though they had been figures. The pictures are not critically examined by the Indians, and as no one sees the man making them, it is easy to claim that they have always existed; for Indians, like whites, have no objection to pious frauds and lies. They are such liars that it is hard work to find out even the legends concerning the places. They either change them to make them like something they have heard of as being mentioned in the Bible, or leave out a part, insomuch that one can hardly find two who relate the same story in the same way." Such are Dr. Denison's remarks, complimentary neither to Indians nor to whites. He then gives a Klamath tradition relating to K'nuikamtsh, which I deem it unnecessary to insert, as it has no reference to the rock- paintings just described. CENTEAL AMEEICA. Lastly, I will draw attention to the curious rock-sculptures which Dr. Berthold Seemann, the distinguished botanist, examined in Chiriqui, in the State of Panama, United States of Colombia, and in which he discovers a great resemblance to those of Northumberland, Scotland, and other parts of Great Britain. After some preliminar}' remarks, of no particular interest to the reader who has thus far followed me, he continues : — " It is, therefore, all tlie more singular that, thousands of miles away, in a remote corner of tropical America, we should find the concentric rings and several other chai-acters typically identical with those engraved on the British rocks. I discovered them near the town of David, in Chiriqui, in the spring of ] 848, and read a paper on the subject before the Archaeological Institute, shortly after my return to London in 1851. A brief account of it was given in my ' Narrative of the Voj^age of H. M. S. Herald ' (Vol. I, p. 312, London, 1853), but the drawings illustrating them were unfortunately KATJ.] . ROCK-SCULPTURES IN CHIRIQUI. 67 omitted, the publisher objecting to thorn on account of the expense; but some of them were afterward placed by me at the disposal of Mr. Bollaert, and published by that gentleman in his 'Antiquities, etc , of South America, (London, 18G0), whilst others have been, it is feared, entirely lost, especially those which would have established the identity of the British and Chiriqui inscriptions beyond doubt in the minds of others. For my own part, I was so much struck with the general resemblance, not to say identity, of the two, that when the plates of Mr. Tate's work were first shown to me, and I was quite ignorant to what country they related, I fully believed them to rep- resent Chiriqui rock-inscriptions. Even from the drawings I still retain of a Chiriqui rock I am able to pick out some of the most typical characters found on the British i-ocks, as the accompanying diagrams — here Fig. 58 — will show.* " The characters in Chiriqui are, like those of Great Britain, incised on large stones, the surface of which has not previously undergone any smooth- ing process. The incised stones occur in a district of Veraguas (Chiriqui or Alanje), which is now thinly inhabited, but which, judging from the numerous tombs, was once densely peopled by a nation which became known to Columbus in his fourth voyage of discovery, manufactured some elegantly-shaped pottery, wore ornaments made of gold of a low standard, called quanin, and bui'ied their dead in stone cists, accompanied by their weapons, ornaments, potteiy, and other household articles.f * The explanations accompanying Fig. 58 are likewise Dr. Seemann's. + Dr. Seemann adds here the following note : ' This very same people, supposed to have been the Dorachos or Dorazques, had also made considerable progress in sculi)turing columns, and placing on them raised characters. Several of these columns, about ten to twelve feet long, were knocking about tho streets of David, tho capital of Alanje, or Chiriqui, during my visit in 1848, and numbers are said to occur in other places. Kaised characters require, of course, more artistic slcill than incised ones, and hence denote a higher degree ol civilization. If, therefore, the people who readily engraved their thouglits on the piedra pintal, and other stones of which it is the tj^pe, are assumed to have been the same as those who expressed them in raised characters on the columns of which I saw specimens at David, a long period must have elapsed before tools could be brought to such perfection as to allow tho employment of iuscriptions in reUcf. But there is no identity of, or even distant resemblance between, tho incised and raised characters, and wo need, therefore, not trouble ourselves any further about this point. Tho identity of the two being abandoned, it may just be worth while to consider the possibility of their being executed by contemporaries. In highly civilized countries, such as ancient India, Egypt, and modern Europe, different modes of expressing (bought have been and are iiractised; but tho most advanced jieople who ever inhabited Chiriqui had not attained so high a degree of civilization as would justify us in assuming that they resorted to two entirely different systems of recording their ideas. It is, therefore, scarcely jjossible to escape the conclusion that tho incised characters were by a different, less civilized, and more ancient race than the characters in relief.' 68 CUP SHAPED Ai!?D OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. "From information received during my two visits to Cliiriqui, and from what lias been published since I first drew attention to this subject, I am led to believe that there are a great many inscribed rocks in that dis- tinct. But I myself have seen only one, the now famous piedm pintal (i. e. painted stone), which is found on a plain at Caldera, a few leagues from the town of David. It is fifteen feet high, nearly fifty feet in circumference, and rather flat on the top. Every part, especially the eastern side, is cov- ered with incised characters about an inch or half an inch deep. The first figure on the left-hand side represents a radiant sun, followed by a series of heads, or what appear to be heads, all with some variation. It-is these heads, particularly the appendages (perhaps intended for hair"?), which show a certain resemblance to one of the most curious characters found on the British rocks {2b in Fig. 58), and calling to mind the so-called 'Ogham characters.' These 'heads' are succeeded by scorpion-like, or branched, and other fantastic figures. Tlie top of the stone, and the other sides, are cov<3red with a great number of concentric rings and ovals, crossed by lines. It is especially these which bear so striking a resemblance to the Northum- brian characters. "Symmetry being the first aim of barbarous nations in their attempt at ornamentation, I have always rejected the idea that these figures are intended for mere ornament, and have taken them to be symbols full of meaning, and recording ideas held to be of vital importance to the people who used them, and whose very name has become a matter of doubt. However, to speculate on their meaning must be labor thrown away, until we shall have become acquainted with all the inscriptions, of which those on the piedra pintal are specimens. "At present we can hardly say more than that there is a remarkable family likeness, if nothing more, between the ancient British and Chiriqui inscriptions, — a relationship entirely unsuspected by me until Mr. Tate's remarkable work fell into my hands. Could an identity between these rocks, so widely separated geographically, be established, we should be in a position to indulge in legitimate speculation. We should have to con- cede — I say it without hesitation — that, in prehistoric times, an intercourse existed between the British Islands and Central America ; that this inter- KATJl EOGK-SOULPTUEES IN CHIEIQUI. 69 course could not be maintained by the small crafts which so rude a civiliza- tion could send across the wide Atlantic Ocean; that a land communication was absolutel}' necessary to ensure such an intercourse ; that it could not have been carried on by way of Asia without leaving' numerous traces behind ; that no such traces have been found ; and that, consequently, it must have taken place when the Island of Atlantis — in the hands of modern science no longer an Egyptian myth — was so intimately connecting Europe and America ; that the woods, which then covered Europe, were identical in character with those still existing in the southern parts of North America. But before science can concede conclusions of these, or similar, speculations, we want more facts, which, it is hoped, may be forthcoming now that it has been shown what great interest attaches to them."* Leaving aside Dr. Seemann's far-reaching speculations, I must confess that I cannot share his enthusiasm in the matter of the Chiriqui rock-sculp- ture described by him. Being in possession of Mr. Bollaert's work which contains Dr. Seemann's representation of the piedra pintal, I was enabled to compare the sculptures on the latter with those figured by Messrs. Tate and Simpson. That there is a general resemblance betAveen the Northum- brian and Scottish and the Chiriqui sculptures cannot be denied ; but I can discover no figures on the piedra pintal which are identical in shape with European lapidarian sculptures, excepting concentric circles and a few carvings resembling wheels with four spokes. Simple devices like these, when found in different countries, are no proof of the ethnic affinity of those who executed them, but may rather be considered as the result of independent invention. It requires a far greater analogy in details to establish an absolute identity. However, it would be interesting to know the character of other Chiri- qui rock-sculptures, which, according to Dr. Seemann, are quite frequent in that district. * Pirn and Seemann : Dottings on the Roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito ; London, 1869, p. 27, etc. P^RT III. VIEWS CONCERNING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER PRIMITIVE SCULPTURES. In a preceding section of this essay I have described the cupped granite boulder, called the Balder Stone, near Falkoping, Sweden. As stated, it was first brought into notice by Professor Nilsson, who thinks it served in the worship of Baal as a sacrificial altar, the cup-shaped cavities of which were designed to receive the blood of victims. The cups on the Willfara slab (Fig. 23), he believes, were excavated for the same purpose. We have also seen that he ascribes the introduction of bronze in the North of Europe to Baal-woi'shipin^ Phoenicians, who, according to his view, had established factories or settlements in those parts, for the purpose of trading with the natives. He considers the sculptured concentric circles in general as emblematic of sun (or Baal)-worship, drawing at the same time atten- tion to their similarity to ornaments seen on weapons and other ol^jects of the bronze age and even of the early iron age. In order to show by what mode of reasoning Professor Nilsson was led to these conclusions, it will be necessary to devote some space to a consideration of his remarkable work on the bronze age, in whicJi his views are laid down. Yet, if I were to give a resume of its contents, and comments thereon, I would enter upon a task most ably performed by Sir John Lubbock, and I therefore quote his concise observations in full : — "Professor Nilsson's arguments," he says, "may be reduced to seven, namely, the small size of the sword-handles, bracelets, etc.; the character of the ornaments on the bronze implements ; the engravings in bronze-age tumuli ; the worship of Baal ; certain peculiar methods of rea[)hig and fishing; and the use of war-chariots. 72 CUP-SnAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. " The implements and ornaments of bronze certainly appear to have belonged to a race with smaller hands than those of the present European nations ; the ornaments on them are also peculiar, and have, in Professor Nilsson's opinion, a symbolic meaning. Although the great stones in tumuli attributed to the bronze age are very seldom ornamented, or even hewn into shape, still there are some few exceptions ; one of these being the remark- able monument near Kivik in Christianstad. From the general character of the engravings Professor Nilsson has no hesitation in referring this tumulus to the bronze age, and on two of the stones are representations of human figures, which may fairly be said to have a Phoenician or Egyptian appearance. " On another of the stones an obelisk is represented, which Professor Nilsson regards as symbolical of the sun-god ; * and it is certainly remark- able that in an ancient ruin in Malta, characterized by other decorations of the bronze-age types, a somewhat similar obelisk was discovered; we know also that in many countries Baal, the god of the Phoenicians, was worshiped under the form of a conical stone. " Nor is this, by any means, the only case in which Professor Nilsson finds traces of Baal-worship in Scandinavia. Indeed, the festival of Baal, or Balder, was, he tells us, celebrated on Midsummer's-night in Scania, and far up in Norway, almost to the Lofibden Islands, until within the last fifty years. A wood fire was made upon a hill or mountain, and the people of the neighborhood gathered together, in order, like Baal's prophets of old, to dance round it, shouting and singing. This Midsummer's-night fire has even retained in some parts the ancient name of ' Baldersbal', or Balder's fire. Leopold von Buch long ago suggested that this custom could not have originated in a country where at Midsummer the sun is never lost sight of, and where, consequently, the smoke only, not the fire, is visible. A similar custom also prevailed until lately in some parts of our islands. Baal has given his name to many Scandinavian localities, as, for instance, the Baltic, the Great and Little Belt, Belteberga, Baleshaugen, Balestranden, etc. " The ornamentation characteristic of the bronze age is, in the opinion of Professor Nilsson, decidedly Semitic rather than Indo-European. He * Seo Fig. 24 of this ijublitatioii. KATT.] NILSSON'S THEOET. 73 lays considerable stress on two curious vase-carriages, one found in Sweden and the other in Mecklenburg, which certainly appear to have been very like the 'vases' made for Solomon's temple, -and described in the first Book of Kings. Finally, he believes that the use of war-chariots, the practice of reaping close to the ear, and a certain method of fishing, are all evidences of Phoenician intercourse. " Professor Nilsson is so great an authority, as an archaeologist his labors have contributed so much to place the science on a sound basis, tliat his opinions are deserving of the most carefid consideration. Nor can they fairly be judged by the very short abstract which has been given above, as many of his argumients must be followed in detail before they can be prop- ei"!}' appreciated. That the Phoenicians have left their traces in Norway is, however, in my opinion, all that can fairly be deduced from the facts on which he relies, even if we attribute to them all the significance claimed for them by him. Further evidence is required before it would be safe to con- nect them wdth the bronze age. As regards the smallness of the hands, we must remember that Hindoos share this pecixliarity with Egyptians. This character is therefore not less reconcilable with an Indo-European than with a Phoenician origin of the bronze-age civilization. "There are three strong objections to the theory so ably advocated by Professor Nilsson. The first is the character of the ornamentation on the bronze weapons and implements. This almost always consists of geo- metrical figures, and we rarely, if ever, find upon them representations of animals or plants ; while on the ornamented shields, etc., described by Homer, as well as in the decoration of Solomon's temple, animals and plants were abundantly represented. Secondly, the burial-customs of the Phcjenicians diftered altogether from those of the bronze age, and although it may be said that those who attribute the presence of bronze in Northern and Western Europe to Phoenician commerce, do not necessarily, on that account, assume that the population of those countries became Phoe- nician, still in this case the hypothesis explains the presence of bronze, but not tlie bronze age, of which the use of bronze, though the most striking, is by no means the only characteristic. Thirdly, the Phoenicians, as far as we know them, were well acquainted with the use c*f iron ; in Homer we 74 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPT UEES. find the warriors already armed with iron weapons,* and the tools used in preparing tlic materials for Solomon's temple were of this metal It is very remarkable that scarcely any traces of ancient commerce have been found in Cornwall, and it is much to be regretted that our museums possess so few specimens of Phoenician art. When these wants shall have been sup- plied, as we ma}' hope that ere long they will be, there is no doubt that much light will be thrown on the subject."! Professor Nilsson, I may add, finds distinct traces of the Phoenicians in Ireland, which country he visited in 1860, witli a view to examine its antiquities. He ascribes to that enterprising people the cairns of Dowth and New Grange, the chambers of which show sculptui'ed figures (zigzags, wheels with four spokes, etc.) resembling those on the slabs of the Kivik monument. lie lays particular stress on the fact that the custom of lighting a Midsummer's-night fire, and of dancing around or jumping through it, was still in vogue among the Irish until within a recent period. This ceremony, called Balstein by the people, has been abolished through the efforts of the clergy, who were desirous of putting an end to the excesses arising from the practice.J The structures of Avebury and Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England, I may further state, are considered by Professor Nilsson as tem- * There is repeatedly reference made to iron in the Homeric poems (II. IV, 482; V, 722; XXIII, 826, etc.), and even the hardening of iron by immersion in water is alluded to (Od. IX, 391). Iron is also mentioned by Homer in connection vrith more precious metals, a circumstance indicative of tho value in which it was held. Thus, bronze, gold, and "much-worked" iron — x'^^^'OV te xpv<^6y te, 7loXvMjii7/r6v TE 6iS>fpoy — constituted the treasure of Ulysses (Od. XIV, 324). Yet spears, swordr,, and other weapons used during the Trojan war are described as being made of bronze. Dr. Schliemann, however, has arrived at diflxrent results. In an address delivered at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the German Anthropological Society, held at Berlin in August, 1880, he expresses himself as follows : — " I wish it were in my power to prove that Homer was an eye-witness of the Trojan war. Unfortu- nately I cannot. In his time swords were in general use and iron was known ; at Troy swords were as yet totally unknown, and the people had no knowledge of iron. The civilization described by him post- dates several centuries that which was brought to light by my excavations. Homer gives us the legend of Ilion's tragic fate as it was transmitted to him by former bards, and, in doing so, he clothes the tradi- tion of tho war and tho destruction of Troy in the garb of his own time. Yet he was not without jicr- Bonal knowledge of the localities, as his descriptions of the Troas in general, and of the plain of Troy in particular, are in tho main correct." — Note by C. Ban. tSir John Lubbock: Prehistoric Times; New York, 1872, p. 71, etc. X Mr. Holden, of tho well-known firm Harvey & Holden, of this city, told me that, in his boy- hood, he used to assist in collecting the wood for these (ires and in building them. I obtained similar information from other natives of Ireland. However, the custom of lighting fires on Saint John's eve also prevailed, and still survives to some extent, in Germany, France, and other parts of the European Continent. itAu.j NILSSON'S THEORY— VIEWS OF OTHER AUTHORS. 75 pies erected by tlie Phoenicians, and dedicated to the worship of the sun- god. Nilsson's Phoenician theory has been discussed at great length, and in a scholarly manner, by Professor Simpson, who is very far from sharing his views, and is even inclined to attribute a Cimhrian rather than a Phoeni- cian origin to the Kivik sculptures, to which the Swedish archeeologist so often refers in his argumentation.* In more recent writings relating to the introduction of bronze in Europe I have not met with allusions to Pro- fessor Nilsson's theory, which thus appears to have been abandoned at the present time.f Yet, though the author has failed to convince his fellow- laborers in the field of archaeology of the correctness of his views, his work, nevertheless, possesses uncommon merit, on account of the vast amount of research embodied in it, and Miss Mestorf deserves great credit for having translated it into German — a language more generally understood than the Swedish of the original. As a consequence of the foregoing, it would appear that the Swedish cupped stones were not sacrificial altars serving in the worship of a Phoenician deity; and grave doubts have been expressed by prominent authorities whether cupped boulders were at all used as altars, considering that the cups often occur on perpendicular or strongly-inclined surfaces, and thus could not have served as the receptacles of liquid substances. In addition to the altar theory, cup and ring-cuttings have, as may be imagined, given rise to a variety of speculations as to the purpose for which they were made. Some of these views, recorded and commented on in Professor Simpson's work," may be presented in this place. The Rev. Mr. Greenwell-, Sir Gardner Wilkinson, Dr. Graves, and others, consider them as archaic maps or plans of old circular camps and cities in their neighborhood, telling possibly of their direction and character. "But I believe," says Simpson, "this idea has now Been abandoned as untenable by some, if not by all, of the antiquaries who first suggested it." "The carvings," Professor Simpson continues, "have been held by some as intended for dials, the light of the sun marking time upon them — or * Simpsou : Archaic Sculptures, etc. ; p. 81, etc. t Views similar to those of Professor Nilssoii are expressed by Frederic de Rougemout iu " L'Ago du Bronze ou les Semites en Occident;" Paris, 186G. 76 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. upon a stick placed in their central cups — and its shadow corresponding with one of the central radial grooves ; but they have been found in local- ties which neither sun nor shadow could reach, as in the dark interiors of stone sepulchres and underground houses. Others have regarded them as some form of gambling table ; but they occur on perpendicular and slanting as well as flat rocks; and besides, if such were their use, they would scarcely have been employed to cover the ashes of the dead. "I have heard them spoken of as rude representations of the sun and stars, and of other material and even corporeal objects of natural or Sabean worship ; but all attempts to connect the peculiar configurations and rela- tions which they show with any celestial or terrestrial matters have as yet confessedly failed. Nor have we the slightest particle of evidence in favor of any of the numerous additional conjectures which have been proposed — as that these British cup and ring-carvings are symbolic enumerations of families or tribes: or some variety of archaic writing; or emblems of the philosophical views of the Druids; or stone tables for Druidical sacrifices; or objects for the practice of magic and necromancy." One of Professor Simpson's friends, Mr. Dickson, of Alnwick, in re- ferring to incised stones in Northumberland, "has suggested that these carvings relate to the god Mithras (the name under which the sun was worshiped in Persia); that about the end of the second century the religion of Mithras had extended over all the western empire, and was the favorite religion of the Romans — a system of astrological theology; that in the sculptured Northumberland rocks the central cup signifies the sun, the concentric circles probably the orbits of the planets, and the radial straight groove the way through the sun. • In consequence, Mr. Dickson holds these rock-sculptures to be the work of the Romans, and not Celtic — having been cut, he supposes, as emblems of their religion by Roman sol- diers near old British camps, after they had driven out their native defend- ers. But if they were of Roman origin, they would surely be found in and around Roman stations, and not in and around British localities — in Roman graves, and not in old British kistvaens. The fact, however, is that they abound in localities which no Roman soldiers ever reached, as in Argyleshire, in Orkney, and in Ireland. And possibly even most of them EAU.i MITHEAS AND LINGAMWORSHIP. 77 were cut before the mythic time when RomiUus drew his first encirchng furrow around the Palatine Mount, and founded that petty vilhige, which was destined to become — within seven or eight short centuries — the Empress of the civiHzed world." The idea that the markings should have any bearing on the worsliip of the reciprocal principles of nature is summarily dismissed by Professor Simpson in a short note on page 80 of his work. He says: "Two archae- ological friends of mine — both dignitaries of the Episcopal Church— have separately formed the idea that the lapidary cups and circles are emblems of old female Lingam worship, a supposition which appears to me totally without any anatomical or other foundation, and one altogether opposed by all we know of the specific class of symbols used in that worship, either in ancient or modern times." This note is thus commented on by Mr. Rivett-Carnac: "I am sanguine that, if the late Sir J. Simpson had seen the sketches of what I have called the 'conventional symbols' on the shrines at Chandeshwar, and had been able to compare them with some of the types figiired in his work, he might have been inclined to modify the opinion above extracted. The treatment of these symbols is purely conventional, they bear no anatomical resem- blance to anything, they are unlike many of the large, well-known, and acknowledged representations of the Mahadeo and Yoni. Still they nev- ertheless represent the same idea. And here it may be noticed that the same argument of anatomical non-resemblance might be advanced in regard to the well-known representations, common throughout India, of the mean- ing of which to the initiated there is no doubt at all. To the uninitiated, however, the shapes convey nothing, and I have known cases of Europeans who have been many years in the country, who were quite unsuspicious of what 'that jew's-harp idol,' as they called it, was intended to represent. As the old priest at Chandeshwar said, 'Those who can afford it, put up a big Mahadeo ; those who can't, put up these slabs.' And so also with us. The rich relations or friends of the Christian may put over his grave a solid, richly-carved stone cross. The grave of a poor man, if marked at all, has over it perhaps two pieces of Avood nailed together in the shape of a cross, or a cross roughly cut on a piece of stone. The Christian church is built 78 CUP-SnAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. in the form of a cross. In Pandukoli and many other spots the Mahadeo temples are built in the shape of the conventional symbols of that faith."* He then observ^es that the symbols of the Mahadeo and Yoni can be more conveniently indicated on stone by what naay be called a ground-plan than by a section, and refers for illustration to designs accompanying his pub- lication. It would be difficult to find fault with this refutation of Professor Simpson's assertion concerning the character of those symbolic representa- tions. Professor Simpson himself does not attempt to explain the special sig- nificance of the Scottish and English cup and ring-cuttings ; but in view of their thoroughly homogeneous charactei', lie considers them as expressive of some religious conception of those who made them — a conclusion hardly admitting of any doubt. On the other hand, he holds that the more com- plicated carved figures seen on megalithic structures in Ireland and Brit- tany are, in part at least, of an ornamental character; and this view seems to me equally correct. Indeed, some of the few illustrations of Irish and Breton carvings given in this publication (Figures 12 and 14) present an appearance calculated to corroborate Professor Simpson's opinion. Tlie learned Scottish author refers the cup and ring-carvings to a remote period of antiquit)^ "The very simplicity of the cup and circle forms", he says, "is one strong reason for our regarding these types of sculpture as the most archaic stone-carvings that have been left to iis" (page 105). He draws particular attention to their precedence of letters and of traditions of any kind, and to the fact that they appear on megalithic monuments erected at a time when metal was not yet in use. Concerning this point he sa3's: "At present I am not aware that within any of the sepulchres, whose stones are marked only with the incised ring and cup-cuttings, any kind or form of metallic tool or instrument has yet been found. Should further and more extended observation confirm this remark, then it will naturally fol- low that the commencemeuf of these sculpturings must be thrown back to the so-called Stone period, or to an era anterior to the use of metals. I have no doubt, however, that at whatever time the simple cup and ring- sculptures were first begun to be cut, the practice of carving them — if it *Eivett-Carniic: Areliieological Notes, etc. ; p. 11. EAU.j COMMENTS BY SIMPSON. 79 did not initiate in — was at least continued into, and indeed extended during the so-called Bronze era, and perhaps till a later period ; for bronze tools and ornaments have occasionally been found in localities in Argyleshire, Northumberland, and elsewhere near to spots where the sculptures exist in unusual numbers ; though none yet have been discovered, as far as I am aware, in immediate or direct connection with these carved stones or cists themselves" (pages 119, 120). Professor Simpson's remarks concerning the race that first introduced the carving of the lapidarian cup and ring-sculptures are of great interest. The earliest really historical records of Britain, he observes, date from the time of Julius Caesar's expeditions to the island, antedating the Christian era about half a century. At that period the population appears to have chiefly consisted of Celts, with an admixture of Belgian and probably of Ligurian elements. When Scotland was first invaded by the Romans (81 after Christ), the inhabitants made use of war- chariots, and, having already passed through the era of bronze weapons, fought in the battle of the Grampian Mountains, in which Agricola defeated the native forces under Galgacus, with huge blunt-pointed swords (enormes (jladii sine mucrone)* which form of weapon, Simpson thinks, can only be^ supposed to have been made of iron. The remarks following next in his work (page 125) are of such striking character that I cannot refrain from quoting them in full. He says: — "We have no adequate data as yet to fix the date of advent to our shores of the Cymry and Gael, and to determine whether or not they brought along with them, at their first arrival, as some hold, a knowledge of the metallurgic arts. But much evidence has been gradually accumulating of late years to prove that there had existed some pre-Celtic races in Britain. Without venturing in the least to point out all, let me simply note two or three. A race of Megalithic Builders — if we may so call them — who have not left in their sepulchres, and therefore we infer did not possess, in their earlier era at least, any metal tools or weapons, seem to have either pre- ceded the Celts, or to have formed our first Celtic or Aryan wave ; and judging from the extent of their remains in massive chambered catacombs * Tacitus: Vita Agricolte, XXXVI. 80 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. and cromleclis, in numerous cyclopean forts, gigantic stone circles, etc., they must have held the country for a considerable length of time, and overspread the whole of it by the diffusion of their popvxlation. From their remains, as left in their tombs and elsewhere, we know that they employed weApons and tools of horn, wood, and polished stone ; manu- factured rude hand-made pottery ; had ornaments of jet, bone, etc. ; partially reared and used cereals, as indicated by their stone mullers and querns ; and possessed the dog, ox, sheep, and other domestic quadrupeds. I do not stop to discuss the various questions whether these Megalithic Builders did or did not hollow out and use the archaic single-tree canoes found on our shores, rivers, and lakes; — whether they were the people that anciently whaled in the Firth of Forth with harpoons of deer-horn, when its upper waters were either much higher or its shores much lower than at present ; — whether they or another race built the earliest stone-age c^'annoges or lake- habitations ; — and again whether there was not an antecedent population of simple fishers and hunters, totally unacauainted with the rearing of corn and cattle, and who have bequeathed to archaeology all their sparse and sole historic records in casual relics of their food, dress, and weapons buried in lieaps and mounds of kitchen-refuse, which they have incidentally accu- mulated and left upon our own and upon other northern and Avestern coasts of Europe. Whether these formed one, or two, or more races, let me add, that long anterior to the Megalithic Builders there certainly existed in our island a tribe of inhabitants that dwelt, in part at least, in natural or arti- ficial caves, where their bones and their contemporaneous relics have been found; who possessed implements and weapons of stone and flint, but rough, and not polished like those of the Megalithic Builders; who seem- ingly possessed no pottery; who — if we may judge from the want of rubbers and querns to grind corn-food — had little or no knowledge of agriculture; and who lived in those far-distant times when the colossal fossil elephant or mammoth, the woolly-haired rhinoceros, the gigantic cave-bear, the great hysena, etc., wei'e contemporaneous inhabitants with him of the soil of Britain; when the British lion was a veritable reality and not a heraldic myth; and when possibly England was still geologically united to the Continent, and the Thames was only a tributary of the Rhine. KAU.i COMMENTS BY SIMPSON AND TATE. 81 I am not aware that we have yet sufficient evidence to consider as of the same family with these aucient Cave-men, or as of a race still anterior to them, the Flint-folk of the southern counties of England, whose unpolished flint hatchets — besides being found in great abundance on the banks of the Somme and Loire — have been discovered in various parts in the river-drifts of South England, and an excellent specimen of which, along with the bones of an elephant, was dug up, in the last century, from a gravel-pit near Gray's Inn Lane, in the centre of London itself"* The question to which of these races of man the first sculpturings of cups and rings are to be referred, is one which, Professor Simpson tliinks, cannot be positively answered in the present state of archaeological knowl- edge. He wants further data as to their distribution in Europe and in other parts of the world. Admitting the fact that such carvings were executed by the "Megalithic Builders" of the age oi polished stone, he thinks the practice may possibly have antedated the era of that race, and, further, expresses his belief in its continuance through the bronze period and even later times, f Mr. Tate arrives at somewhat different conclusions. He infers from the wide distribution of the cup and circle-carvings over the British Islands " that at the period when they were made, the whole of Britain was peopled by tribes of one race, who were imbued with the same superstitions, and expressed them by the same symbols " He refers to the invariable asso- ciation of these carvings with ancient British forts, oppida, villages and sepulchres as an evidence of all having been the work of the people who dwelt in these places, and were buried in these tombs. Though alluding to the existence of ante-Celtic races in Britain, he thinks it ma}- be inferred "that the old remains in Northumberland, the sculptiu-es included, belong to the Celtic race, though they may tell the history of many centuries prior to the Christian era." The Northumbrian sculptures being executed on sandstone, he does not deny the possibility of their having been carved with stone instruments ; yet he is of opinion that metal was known in the district when the sculptures were made, as bronze and copper objects occur * This often-mentioned specimen, preserved in the British Museum, is figured on p. 522 of Evans's "Ancient Stone Implements, etc., of Great Britain." t Simpson : Archaic Sculptures, etc. ; p. 7a-lo4. 6 L S 82 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. in their neighljorliood. In North Northumberland, indeed, considerable numbers of bronze celts have been discovered, and also bronze daggers, spear-heads and swords. Mr. Tate further refers to querns taken from some Northumbrian forts, and made of hard, untractable porphyrj^, which, he believes, conld not have been fashioned by any stone tool, and he therefore argues that the Northumbrian sculptures generally were made by means of tools of metal, probably of bronze. Mi*. Tate seems to underrate the efficienc}^ of flint instruments, when applied to hard stones.* Mr. Tate offers no definite view with regard to the meaning of these rock-sculptures, but considers them as symbolical — most probably of relig- ious ideas. However, he seems to have a leaning toward the belief that they originated with the Druids, and were connected in diffei'ent ways with the rites of that powerful priesthood. In support of this very cautiously advanced view he quotes passages from Pliny, Mela and Strabo. * The qaestiou Tvas practically solved during the International Anthropological Congress, held at Paris in the year 1867. There are in the'Museum of Saint-Geruiain casts of the sculptured stone plates forming portions of the tumulus dolmen on the Island- of Gavr' Inis, Brittany. These slabs, consist- ing of compact granite, exhibit, as we have seen, surfaces covered all over with intricate curved lines and other designs. Tlie savants who were present considered it imitossible to execute such sculptures without employiug tools of steel or hardened ^ronze. But M. Alexandre Bcrtrand, the director of the museum, was of ditt'erent opiuion, and proceeded to make a trial. A piece of the same granite was worked with stone imiilements, and the experiment proved to be a perfect success. After a day's labor, a circle and a few lines were engraved. A chisel of polished flint used during the whole time was hardly injured ; one of nephrite had become somewhat blunted, and a similar imiilement of greenstone still more. But the edge of a bronze .ixe used in the operation was iustantly bent, and it became evi- dent that those sculptures had not been executed with bronze, but with stoue. This account is given by Professor Carl Vogt in one of a series of letters addressed, in 1867, from Paris to the Cologne Gazette. I have quoted it before this in the Smithsonian publication entitled "The Palenque Tablet in the United. States National Museum." A similar experiment, made at the suggestion of Professor Simpson, is thus described by liim: — " I have found experimentally that the rings and cups can be engraved deeply and without dif- ficulty upon the Argyleshire schist, and even upon hard Aberdeen granite, with a flint celt and a wooden mallet. In the Edinburgh Antiquarian Museum there is a block of gray Aberdeen granite from Kintore, forming one of the sculptured stones of Scotland, and containing upon one side two crescents, etc. On the back of this hard granite Mr. Robert Paul, the doorkeeper of the Museum, tried for me the experi- ment I allude to, and cut, in two hours, two-tliirds of a circle with a flint and a wooden mallet. The flint used was about three inches long, an inch in breadth, and about a quarter of an inch in thickness. The circle which he sculptured with it in the granite was seven inches in diameter; and the incision itself was nearly three-quarters of an inch broad, above a quarter of an inch in depth, and very smooth on its cut surface. In hewing out the circle with the flint, its sharp tips from time to time broke off, but another sharj) edge was always immediately obtained by merely turning it round. "The result of this simjjle and decisive experiment seems to me to be important, as showing that if these archaic cuttings could be sculptured alike either by stone or by metallic tools, their mere character and form afford no evidence whatsoever that they were not carved till after the discovery and use of metallic implements. In other words, the experiment shows that they might have been I)roduced before the introduction of metals — or during the Stone age." — Archaic Sculptures, etc.; \}. 122. EAU] COMMENTS BY TATE. 83 "As the functions of tlie Druids were varied", he observes, "so might these sacred stones be used for several purposes. On them, as altars, sacri- fices may have been slain to avert either personal or state calamities; some of the figures may be the hieroglyphics of the gods to whom they were dedicated ; the philosophical views of the Druids may be symbolically rep- resented in the circles combined with circles on the Routing Linn Stone,* which, situated in a wild district and probably in the midst of forests, would be such a place as the Druids would choose, wherein to teach their occult doctrines and practise their supei'stitious rites. Some of the groups of the concentric circles may show their idea of the motion of the heavenly bodies; and the radial lines might set fortli the 'influence and ability of the immor- tal gods,' as extending through and beyond the orbits of the heavenly bodies; the plant-like figures might enable them to expound 'the nature of things,' as seen in vegetation ; possibly the grooves passing from the centre of one system of circles to another might symbolize the passage of a soul from one state of being into another and a higher state. And in addition, I cannot but think that one of the chief uses of those sacred stones was for magic and necromancy. The religious and philosophical significancy of the figures would add to their impressiveness on the popular mind, when used for this purpose, and magnify the mysterious power of the Druid priest or magician when he cast a horoscope, or endeavored by incantations to avert personal or public calamities." These passages, I repeat, contain Mr. Tate's suggestions as to what the significance of the sculptures possibly might be, being by no means intended to convey a matured opinion ; and in order to show how far he is from con- sidering the problem as solved, I quote here the concluding paragraph of his work : — "Those who are not content unless every mystery is fully explained may feel dissatisfied, that after all the labor and research bestowed on the inscribed rocks, we cannot read them ofi" as from a lettered book. Before, however, more definite results can be arrived at, further investigations must be made in other parts of the world. Two lines of research may yield information ; one among the Laps in the far North, and the other, with * Kepresented ou Plate I of his work. 84 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPHDARIAN SCULPTURES. more hope of success, in the early home of the Aryan family. Something, however, has been achieved — materials for aiding in the fuller solution oi the problem have been placed on record — an advanced starting-point made for future inquiries — and a description and representation preserved of mar- velous sculptures, which time and the elements will eventually obliterate."* Professor Desor devotes a considerable portion of his often-quoted pamphlet to a discussion of the probable meaning of the primitive rock- sculptures, more especially those of the simple cup type. In referring to M. de Bonstetten, who considers the cup-shaped cavities in general as the work of nature (weathering out of imbedded nodules, etc.), he admits that such an explanation may be applied in certain cases,t but that on the whole M. de Bonstetten's view appears totally untenable. Professor Desor is not very favorable to the altar theory, advocated by Nilsson, Troyon and others, because the cups often appear on slanting and even vertical surfaces, and thus could not have served for holding the blood of victims, or liba- tions of any kind. Nor does he agree with Mr. Westropp, who believes that the cups have no significance whatever, but were excavated by the prehistoric people with no other object in view but that of passing the time; and he likewise rejects the idea, expressed by others, that they are simply of a decorative character. Having, in addition, alluded to several other theories — most of them already brought to the reader's notice — Professor Desor observes as follows: — "If the cups on our erratic blocks are not ornaments, boundary-marks, hieroglyphs, or simply the fancy-work of idle herdsmen — what else can they signify ? We hold with Dr. Keller that they wei'e chiefly made for the purpose of marking indelibly certain blocks designed to recall a cir- cumstance or an event, the recollection of which was of a nature to be perpetuated. J It was doubtless left to oral tradition to explain their purport, and to transmit it from generation to generation. Hence the stones thus marked were invested with a monumental character — using the term in its most primitive acceptation — like the menhirs and the blocks which the *Tate: The Ancieut Sculptured Eocks, etc.; p. 35-44. tProfessor Simpson noticed in several instances natural ciip-excavations. — Archaic Sculphires, etc.; p. 3. t lu applying the term Denkstcin to the Ober-Farrenstiidt cup-stone, Wagener expresses the same view. See page 24 of this publication. iiAU] DESOR'S VIEWS— CUPPED ASPERSOEIA IK SWEDEN. 85 pati'iurclis put up in commemoration of important events. They were the natural auxiliaries of traditions, without being their interpreters. This was more than sufficient to render them popular. It is not surprising that they were the objects of a certain veneration, which, indeed, lias not yet ceased in our days in solne parts of Europe, where they are denominated 'sacred stones' by the people."* Mr. Rivett-Carnac's views in relation to the 2^i"imitive sculptures of India have been given, in connection with his descriptive account, in a pre- ceding part of this publication, and I need not revert to them for the present. Though Professor Nilsson's theories are likewise known to the reader, I have to draw attention to his statements concerning the continuance of cup-cutting in comparatively modern times. He is of opinion that the first Christian missionaries who came to Sweden, found in certain parts of the country a population still sacrificing on cupped Baal altars. In order to wean the people in a gentle manner from this practice, he thinks, the priests first used the cupped boulders as holy-water stones, and afterward intro- duced aspersoria in the shape of cupped stone vessels in the churches. Indeed, he describes and figures several of these vessels belonging to Scanian churches in which, before the era of Protestantism, Catholic wor- ship was performed. Fig. .'")9 represents one of the holy-water basins figured by Nilsson, which is still seen in a church at Stro, in the Bishopric of Lund. Its upper surface shows five cup-excavations, but is otherwise smooth. A transition from this simple to a somewhat more elaborate device is shown by Fig. 60, likewise copied from Nilsson's work, and representing a holy-water basin in a church at Oennarp, in Scania. Its slightly hollowed upper surface exhibits five excavations, namely, a cross in the centre and a cup in each corner.f There is but little doubt that this Christian contrivance of employing holy- water basins with cup-excavations is the survival of a preceding heathenish practice ; but it is more than questionable whether these Chi'istian church- vessels were designed to perpetuate, as it were, the recollection of what Professor Nilsson considers as sacrificial altars. Taking it for granted that * Desor : Picrres i\ ficucllcs ; p. 18 and paasiir t Nilsson : Das Bronzealter ; Nachtra;;, S. 4? 36 GUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTUBES. cup-cuttings were still made in Sweden when the work of converting the inhabitants from paganism was begun, it by no means follows that the orig- inal motive for cup-cutting then still actuated the people of that country. We must at least take into account the possibility of such mutations, the more so as examples are not wanting. In most countries of Europe and in China and Japan, for instance, popular superstition even now invests pre- historic stone implements, such as axes, celts and arrow-heads, with magic powers, though the remote ancestors of the believers certainly used such weapons and tools. What was originally an object employed in daily life, became in the course of time a charm. Some curious superstitions in relation to cupped stones are still in vogue among the vmeducated people of different European countries. As we have seen, they are called elfstenar in Sweden. "The elfs," says Miss Mestorf, "are the souls of the dead; they frequently dwell in or below stones, and stand in various relations to the living. If their quiet is disturbed, or their dwelling-place desecrated, or if due respect is not paid to them, they will revenge themselves by afflicting the perpetrators with diseases or other misfortunes. For this reason people take care to secure the favor of the 'little ones' by sacrifices, or to pacify them when offended. Their claims are very modest : a little butter or grease, a copper coin, a flower or a rib- bon will satisfy them. If they have inflicted disease, some object worn by the sick person, such as a pin or a button, will reconcile them. A Swedish proprietor of an estate (in Uppland), who had caused an elfstone to be transported to his park, found a few days afterward small sacrificial gifts lying in the cups. In the Stockholm Museum are preserved rag-dolls, which had been found upon an elfstone." * These probably had been deposited by women who wished to become mothers. Thus we see the cup-stones in Sweden applied to the use of altars ; their cups, however, instead of holding the blood of victims, as Nilsson conjectured, serve to receive the harmless gifts of a simple-minded peasantry. The cup-stone question has of late frequently been discussed in the annual meetings of the German Anthropological Society as well as in the meetings of the Anthropological Society of Berlin, Messrs. Virchow, Desor, * Corrospondenz-Blatt der Deutsclien Authropologischen Gesellscbaft, 1879, S. 4. RAU] SUPEESTITIONS-CUP-MARKS OX CHURCHES. 87 Friedel, Mehlis, Schaaffhausen, and Voss being conspicuous among the par- ticipants in the debates. Much of what was said in these meetings bearing on the subject has been brought to the reader's notice, according to original sources ; in addition, however, various communications relating to the occurrence of cup-excavations and furrows on the outside of the walls of churches were made on these occasions. It appears that Dr. E. Veckenstedt, a member of the Berlin Anthro- pological Society, first pointed out the existence of these curious maidcs on a church at Cottbus, in the Province of Brandenburg, Prussia.* They were afterward noticed under similar circumstances at Guben, in the same prov- ince.! Mr. E. Friedel, Director of one of the Berlin museums (3Idrkisches Provinzial-Muscum), becoming much interested in the subject, succeeded in discovering them on churches in many other places of that province (Spandau, Prenzlau, Angermiiude, Strausberg, Fiirstenwalde and Vetschau). He further found the marks on churches in Pomerauia (Greifswald, Stralsund, Giitzkow, Lassan, Anklam, Wolgast, Sagard, Altenkirchen, Bergen on the Island of Riigen; Gristow, Ilanshagen and Neuenkirchen near Greifswald; Morgenitz and Mellenthin on the Island of Usedom; Stettin); and extending liis researches beyond the boundaries of Germany, he found cup-marks on churches in Sweden (Malmo, Upsala, and Wexio). Mr. Woldt noticed them in Berlin, and, according to Dr. Veckenstedt, they occur in Go.slar (Hanover) and Brunswick. Dr. Voss saw them in Baireuth (Bavaria). f Mr. W. Schwartz sent to the Anthropological Society of Berlin a report concern- ing cups on churches in the Province of Posen;§ and Professor Virchow, finally, discovered himself these artificial excavations on the walls of ecclesi- astic buildings in Switzerland (Thun and Berne) and in the valley of the Rhine. II Many additional discoveries of the kind are to be expected. The Prussian churches on which these curious markings have been observed, appear to be mostly built of brick, and the excavations, of course, are made in that material. They are usually, though not always, found on * Verhandlnngen der Berliner Anthropologiselien Gesellschaft ; SUznng vom 19. Jnni 1875, S. 18. tlbicL; Sitzuug vom 21. Juli 1877, S. 23. t Ibid. ; Sitzuug vom 16. Februar 1878, S. 2:5. JIbid., Sitzuug vom 15. November 1879, S. 18. II Ibid., Sitzuug vom 18. October 1879, S. 36. 88 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAIIIAN SCULPTURES. the southern side of the churches, near an entrance, and, as a rule, phiced within the reach of a man's arm. The cups are smaller than most of those seen on blocks, measuring only from two to four centimeters in diameter, and are commonly distributed without apparent order. Sometimes they are partly executed on the mortar between the bricks, a fact demonstrating beyond doubt that they were made after the erection of the churches. Such a case is well shown in Fig. 6 1 , representing a portion of the portal of the MarienUrche (Saint Mary's Church) at Greifswald, in Pomerania.* The two uppermost cups, it will be seen, are partly excavated in the mortar. The lowest course shows two furrows. In spme instances such markings have been observed on stone-built churches. It appears more than probable that the practice of thus marking the outside of these buildings indicates the continuation of a pagan custom, though in these cases the cups may not have the significance of those seen on boulders and megalithic monuments. I already have expressed a simi- lar doubt while speaking of the cupped holy-water basins. The motives which induced people in comparatively modern times to mark churches with cups and furrows are not yet known. The theory that they are the work of children will not explain the wide extent and uniformity of the practice, though mischievous urchins may have amused themselves now and then by adding to the number of markings.! They evidently are not bullet-marks, as has been suggested: in fact, none of the views thus far advanced to account for their presence appears to me satisfactory. The cups on churches in Germany seem to have been thought to possess healing qualities. Fever- sick people blew, as it were, the disease into the cavities. According to other accounts, the patients swallowed the powder produced in grinding out the cups. The latter practice has not yet become obsolete in France; for Professor Desor learned from M. Falsan that in the church of Voanas, nearBourg, Department of the Ain, a large stone, called La Pierre de Saint- Lottp, is preserved, into which the sick and impotent grind holes, and drink the pulverized matter, which, as they believe, cures the fever and renews *The illustration is taken from an article by Miss Mestorf, published in "Mat6riaux", 1878, ji. 277. I have reversed the position of the illustration, supposing that it was wrongly inserted in the French pciiodical. It accompanied origin.ally one of Mr. Fricdel's publications. + VerhanOJungen der Berliner Authropologiscben Gesellschaft ; Sitzung voni IG. Fcbruar 1878, S. 25. UAU.) CUP- HARKS ON CHURCHES— THEORIES AND SUPERSTITIONS. 89 the vital strength. Another stone, known as La Pierre de Saint- Clement, in the village of Nanney, in the above-named department, is used for the same purpose. In the Swiss Canton of Valais, Professor Desor further states, ailing persons drill into the stones of a certain chapel, and swallow the dust thus obtained.* Mr. Friedel learned from a citizen of Greifswald that the cups were still resorted to in his time for charming away the fever. The BiscJiofs-Stein, near Niemegk, mentioned on page 24 of this publication, Mr. Fi-iedel observes, is still visited by patients and quack doctors who rub it with grease, in order to bring about cures. In a few instances, it seems, the inside of cups on German churches was found to exhibit traces of grease. The same gentleman has drawn attention to the anointing of stones prac- tised for jeligions purposes by the ancient Jews. He refers to Genesis XXVIII, 18: "And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a j^illar, and poured oil upon the top of it"; and to Zechariah III, 9: "For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes; behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day." These "eyes" were anointed with oil.f Such customs, however, may have sprung up independently among different nations. There are some curious popular traditions connected with the cup- excavations and grooves on churches in Germany. Thus, the grooves on the cathedral at Brunswick pass for the claw-marks of the lion said to have followed Duke Henry of Saxony and Bavaria, surnamed "the Lion," from Palestine to Germany. This lion, the legend says, made the marks in a fit of rage, being unable to enter the church in which his master was praying f In Posen a tradition refers the cups to the souls of the damned, who, during their life-time, never had visited churches. They ground out the cavities during the night, and left them as tokens of their despair at not being allowed access to the closed churches.§ There are other similar * Correspondenz-Blalt der Deutschen Anthropologischen Gesellschaft, 1878, S. 15G. t Verhandlungen der Berliner Anthropologischen Gesellschaft; Sitzung vom 10. Februar 1878, S. 24. t Ibid., Sitzung vom 19. Juni 1875, S. 18. i Ibid., Sitzung vom 15. November 1879, S. 19. 90 cur SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTURES. stories told, to wliich I will not allude, as they have no scientific value whatever, but simply show the current of popular fancy. It is to be hoped that the efforts of European savants — more especially of those of Gennanj'-, who show so much interest in the matter — will ulti- mately result in clearing np the mystery that still shrouds the origin and meaning of cup-excavations and grooves on ecclesiastic structures. I have to allude once more to Mr. Rivett-Carnac's remarkable discov- eries in India, and to the views thereon based by him. No one who has examined his publications in connection with those of Simpson and Tate can help admitting the striking resemblance between the cup and ring- cuttings of India and Great Britain. Indeed, his theory that the primitive rock and stone-sculptures of those countries were executed by people ak^^ in race, following similar customs, and observing similar forms of Avorship, deserves the highest attention. Yet, after all, we deal here for the present with a speculation and not with an established fact. The necessary evidences, based upon the discovery of cup and ring-carvings in various countries of the Old 'World, where thus far they have not been shown to exist, are at present wanting. If they should come to light in the course of time, we may be allowed to construct the ethnological chain which is still imperfect. Professor Desor's Aryan theory, as given in a preceding part of this publication, appears to me truly captivating, although the difficulties just alluded to have, of course, also to be overcome in this case. In fact, Mr. Rivett-Carnac and Professor Desor are aiming at similar results. The last- named gentleman's view, formulated with great distinctness, would tend to establish a kind of archaeological harmony, by reducing, as it wei'e, a number of factors, hitherto not properly connected, to a single principle. Leaving aside for a moment the question touching megalithic monuments and primitive sculptures, how well would this theory explain the gap existing between paljBolithic and neolithic implements, and likewise the introduction of domestic animals so characteristic of the era of polished stone. The opinion that the Aryans were still in the stone age at the period of their dispersion probably will gain more and more ground ; but the question concerning the original home of this people, the existence of which was traced in a manner somewhat analogous to that by which i:au.i theories 01<' DESOR AND EIVETT CAKNAC. 91 Leverrier discovered the planet Neptune, is still an open one. It should also be considered that, though the Mahadeo-worshiping Saivas are (as I judge) more or less modified Aryans, the Khasias of Bengal, who are prom- inently mentioned as the modern builders of megalithic structures, belong to a totally diff'erent race. "It is at all events worthy of remark," says Miss Bucliland, "that those who now in India build cromlechs, erect pillars and circles of stones, and construct miniature kistvaens, are not the dom- inant Aryan race, but the dark-skinned aborigines, descendants of the pre- Aryan occupiers of the soil, and that in every country westward, wherein these monuments are found, they are traditionally associated with a long- forgotten race. It is remarkable, too, that some are assigned to giants and some to dwarfs."* Similar traditions, it will be remembered, are recorded by Mr. Rivett-Carnac. After all that has been said concerning the significance of the cup and ring-sculptures In the Old World, I hardly venture to off"er an opinion of my own. However, it appears to me that the close connection between cups and rings has not been sufficiently considered. It certainly appears that both belong to one system of primitive sculpture, of which the former seem to be the earlier expression ; and If, indeed, the combined cups and rings are what Mr. Rivett-Carnac thinks them to be, a kindred purport should be assigned to those cup-excavations which occur wlthoiat circles and radial grooves on rocks and stones in Europe and Asia. I cannot see how these two kinds of sculpture can be separated from each other, unless by supposing that the primary application of the cups was simply of a practical nature, and that afterwartl, owing to the force of habit, they vvere made to enter into the composition of more elaborate carvings of an entirely different character. This, however, is rather doubtful. Turning to America, we find the dilHculty of approaching anything like a solution of the problem still greater, considering that here as yet the number of discovered cup-stones is by far too small to permit the merest attempt at generalization. As to the smaller Nortli American cup-stones, I have expressed, though in a guarded manner, my opinions concerning their * Biicklniul (Miss A. W. ) : Notos on sonic Cornish .anil Irish Pre-historic Monumonta in :.Tonnial of Ihc AnthropnU)gic;il Insti(u(. 125-194), or in the transl.ation of that work, known as "Humboldt's Re- searches" (London, 1814, Vol. I, p. 276-40D), and in Tylor's" Anabuac" (London, 1831, p. 241, etc.). EAU.) CONCLUDING EEMARKS. 93 The cups on the Cincinnati boulder are perfectly similar to those on many stones in the Old "World, and it is probable that they owe their origin to the same motives. If these motives* arose from some religious concep- tion, we might feel inclined to trace the origin of American cup-cutting to Asia. But if, on the other hand, the cups were designed for a practical purpose, the custom of excavating them may have sprung up in America as well as elsewhere. My task is now finished. It was my chief object to draw attention to a very curious class of North American antiquities as yet but little known, and thus to bring them within the range of a closer observation, which possibly may lead to a better understanding of their meaning. As stated on the title-page, I have tried, moreover, to present the subject under dis- cussion in its entirety — a mode of treatment which, I hope, will not be deemed an objectionable feature of this publication. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE, While treating in these pages of primitive American sculptures bear- ing some analogy to those observed in the Old World, I omitted to mention the incised rock in Forsyth County, Georgia, briefl}^ described and figured by Colonel Charles C. Jones on pages 04 and 65 of the "Journal of the An- thropological Institute of New York" (Vol. I, New York, l,S71-'72). The subjoined illustrations are those published by Colonel Jones, who kindly loaned me the wood-cuts. South side of the above. Here follows his description: — "In Forsyth County, Georgia, is a carved or incised boulder of fine- grained granite, about nine feet long, four feet six inches high, and three feet broad at its widest point. The figures are cut in the boulder from one-half to three-quarters of an inch deep. 95 9G CUP-SHAPED AND OTBER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. "As yet no interpretation of these figures has been offeied, nor is it known by whom or for what purpose they were made; but it is generally believed they were the work of the Cherokees. On the eastern end of .the boulder, running vertically, is a line of dots, like drill-holes, eighteen in number, connected by an incised line." The character of the sculptures being shown by the illustrations, I need not add any further remarks. SUMMARY. Introduction. — Pierres a ecuelles, Schalensteine, cup-stones, definition; reference to Prof. Desor's pamphlet entitled "Les Pierres ii lilcuelles", p. 7. — Occurrence of cup-stones in America, p. 8. Part I. — Primitive Lapidarian Sculptures in Europe and Asia. Scotland, etc. — "Archaic Sculptures of Cups, Circles, etc., upon Stones and Rocks in Scotland, England, and other Countries," by Prof J. Y. Simp- son; occurrence of cup-shaped cavities and other primitive sculptures in the British Islands, more especially in Scotland, on megalithic monuments, in weems or underground houses, in fortified buildings, in and near ancient towns and camps, on the surface of isolated rocks, on isolated stones, p. 9- 10. — Simpson's classification of primitive sculptures: single cups, cups sur- rounded by a single ring, cups surrounded by a series of concentric com- plete rings, cups surrounded by a series of concentric but incomplete rings, having a straight radial groove, cups surrounded by concentric rings and flexed lines, concentric rings without a central cup, concentric circular lines of the form of a spii'al or volute, p. 10-11. — Chief deviations from the principal types; cups connected by grooves; examples of Scottish cup and ring-cuttings; megalithic structures, etc., mentioned by Prof Simpson, which exhibit cup-cavities unaccompanied by other sculptures, p. 11-14. England. — Reference to Mr. George Tate's work "The Ancient British Sculptured Rocks of Northumberland and the Eastern Borders"; Northum- brian sculptures analogous to those hitherto considered; absence of the spiral line; cups always accompanied by other designs; the sculptures occur on megalithic monuments or within or near ancient camps, p. 15-16. — Small cup-stones discovered by Rev. William Green well in British barrows; they 7 L S 97 98 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. generally were found in baiTOws containing burned human remains, p. 16— 17. Ireland. — Cup and ring-cuttings found in Ireland; they are often asso- ciated with other devices, such as stars, rosettes, crosses, triangles, zigzags, etc.; "the Hag's Chair" at Lough Crew, near Oldcastle; incised stones in the cairn at Lough Crew, and in the cairns of New Grange and Dowth, near Drogheda; progressive development shown in L-ish sculpture, p. 17-1(S. France. — Sculptures on dolmen-stones in Brittany, exhibiting an ad- vanced stage of primitive art; incised chamber-stones in the tumulus of Gavr' Inis; cup-cuttings in Brittany, p. 18-19. — Cupped stones in Southern France; "Le Cailhaou des Pourics," near Luchon (Pyrenees) ; in the valley of the Rhone; "La Boule de Gargantua" in the Department of the Ain; cupped rock in situ in the Lozere Department, p. 19-20. Switzerland. — Frequency of cupped boulders in Switzerland; cupped rock near Mont-la- Ville, Canton of Vaud; Dr. Ferdinand Keller's memoir on Swiss cup-stones; cupped boulders in the neighborhood of Bienne and Zurich; only one case of ring-cuttings thus far known in Switzerland ; small cup-stones found near lacustrine stations in the Lake of Neuchatel ; Dr. Kel- ler's views regarding these stones, p. 21-'22. Germany and Austria. — Cup-stones not yet discovered in Southern Ger- many, but doubtless will be found ; cup-stone near Eckernforde (Schles- wig) ; Miss J. Mestorf's enumeration of cup-stones thus far noticed in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein ; combination of cups with wheel-shaped figures and rings (note); cup-stone with runic characters on one side, p. 22- 24. — Cup-cuttings on megalithic monuments in the Island of Riigen ; on rocks in different parts of Silesia; the "Bischofs-Stein" in Brandenburg, Prussia; Mr. Friedel on cup-marks on churches in Germany and Sweden; cup-stone near Ober-Farrenstadt in Prussian Saxony; the "Riesenstein" near Meissen, Saxony; Dr. M. Much on cup-stones in Austria, p. 24-25. Denmark. — Dr. H. Petersen's article on primitive lapidarian sculptures in Denmark, called Ilelleristninger in that country; cup-cuttings found in most of the Danish islands and in Jutland, on erratic blocks as well as on stones of megalithic structures; these sculptures referable in many cases to the stone age, in others to the bronze period; cup-stones with later runic RAui SUMMARY. 99 inscriptions; ai'tificial foot-tracks on stones belonging to burial-structures, p. 25-27. — Wheel-shaped sculptures on isolated blocks and megalithic mon- uments: they are thought to pertain to the ages of stone and bronze; some- times associated with rude designs of ships; group seen on the cap-stone of a funei-al chamber near Herrestrup in Seeland; ship-sculptures probably referable to the bronze age; similar designs on bronze knives or razors; absence of sculptures on rocks in situ in Denmark, p. 27-28. Sweden. — Diversity of primitive sculptures in Sweden; the cupped granite boulder called the Baal or Balder Stone, in the neighborhood of Falkoping; a sacrificial altar used in Baal-worship, according to Prof Sven Nilsson; other Swedish cup-stones; they are called eJfstenar, or elfstones, p. 28-29. — Boulders in Scania with cup-excavations and wheel-shaped sculp- tures; slab from a Scanian tumulus, called Willfarahog, shows designs of a chariot and of ships, and, in addition, cups of earlier date; description of the tumulus, which is ascribed to the bronze age by Prof. Nilsson; analogy between the designs on the slab from the Willfara tumulus and those on the chamber-stones of the Kivik monument in Scania; these struc- tures ascribed by Nilsson to Baal- worshiping Phoenicians ; description of the Kivik sculptures; absence of cup-cuttings; the Kivik monument and simi- lar Scanian structures claimed for Denmark by Dr. Petersen ; Scandinavian sculptures on natural rock-surfaces; particularly frequent in the Liin of Bohus; represent scenes of war and hunting, manned and empty ships, etc.; ascribed by some to the bronze-age people, but by Prof Nilsson to the Vikings of the eighth and ninth centuries, p. 29-31. India. — Cup-stones found in India; importance of their occurrence; analogy between the megalithic monuments of India and those of Great Britain pointed out by Col. M. Taylor and Dr. Wilson; later discoveries in India by Mr. J. H. Rivett-Carnac ; his writings; he explores tumuli near Junapani, in the district of Nagpoor; traditions relating to them, p. 81-32. — Description of these tumuli; cup-cuttings on blocks surrounding them, but no ring-sculptures; articles found in the tumuli, p. 32-33. — Cup-sculptures discovered by Rivett-Carnac on stones and rocks in situ in the mountains of Kumaon; temple of Mahadeo at Chandeshwar; cup and ring-cuttings on a rock in the vicinity; legends relating to these sculptures; "Mahadeo," a 100 CUP-SHAPED AKD OTHER LAPIDARIAN SCULPTURES. name given to Siva; his character in Hindoo mythology, p. 33-34. — Wor- sliip of Mahadeo and Yoni in India; their conventional representations in general; in the Chandeshwar temple, p. 34-35. — They resemble the rock- sculptures in the neighborhood; description of the Chandeshwar temple; Mahadeo symbols of different kinds; those of the poorer class roughly cut out on stone slabs, p. 35-36. — Temples near Chandeshwar built in imitation of Mahadeo symbols; customs in the Punjab relating to Mahadeo-worship; Mr. Rivett-Carnac's conclusion: he connects the megalithic monuments and primitive sculptures of Europe with those of India, p. 36-38. — Previous discovery of cupped boulders on the banks of the Indus (Cashmere) by Dr. Verchfere; the cups considered by him as the results of glacial action; Prof. Desor refutes this erroneous view; Prof Desor's inferences: he ascribes European cup and ring-cuttings, megalithic monuments, etc., to Aryan immigrants, their arrival marking the beginning of the neolithic period, p. 38-39. Part II. — Primitive Lapidarian Sculptures in America. North America. — Hammer-stones (so-called) in the United States ; in Europe; their application; cannot have been used in finishing flint imple- ments of superior workmanship ; methods of chipping flint among modern North American Indians, p. 41-42. — Pitted stones; many of them not bruised at their circumference, and consequently not applied as supposed ; speculations as to their use; perhaps employed in breaking hard-shelled fruits, p. 42-43. — Nuts as an article of food among the North American In- dians ; "nut-stones" first described by Col. Charles C. Jones, p. 43-45. — Small cup-stones with a cavity on one side or on both ; used as paint-mor- tars, p. 45-46. — Cup-stones of larger size with a number of cavities, per- haps paint-mortars; Zuiii paint-cups of earthenware ; pestle with cup-shaped cavity obtained from the Tesuque Indians, p. 46-48. — A cup-stone from Ohio described by Messrs. Squier and Davis ; its transfer to the Blackmore Museum (England) ; Mr. E. T. Stevens's view concerning this stone, p. 48- 49. — Cup-stones frequent in Ohio ; called spindle-socket-stones by Col. Charles Whittlesey ; Adair on the method of spinning among the Southern Indians ; spindles used by the Navajos, Pueblo Indians, etc. ; no an- KAU] SUMMARY. 101 cient spindle-whorls found north of Mexico in the United States National Museum; Mexican spindle-whorls, p. 49-50. — Occurrence of large cupped blocks in the United States ; sandstone block with cup-cavities discovered by Dr. H. H. Hill in Lawrence County, Ohio, and presented by him to the Cincinnati Society of Natural History ; description of the block ; other cupped blocks in Adams County, Ohio, p. 50-52. — Large cupped granite boulder discovered by Rev. John J. McCook at Niantic, New London County, Connecticut; description of this boulder, p. 52-54. — Cupped (?) block seen by Captain Dupaix near Orizaba, Mexico, and described by him, p 54-56. — Rocks and boulders with mortar-cavities, or stationary mortars, in the United States; noticed by Col. Chai-les C. Jones in Georgia; Hun- ter's statement regarding such mortars ; large boulder with mortar-cavities near Nebraska City; described by Prof Sam. Aughey ; rocks with mortar- cavities seen by Mr. John R. Bartlettin Texas and Mexico, p 56-57. — They are frequent in California ; two large ones in Santa Barbara County described by Mr. Stephen Bowers, p. 57-59. — The stones called inerres a hassins in French and Muldensteinc in German probably stationary mortars in some instances; a Swiss example given, p. 59-60. — Rock-sculptures recalling those of the Old World on Bald Friar Rock in the Susquehanna River, Maryland; the rock examined by Mr. F. G. Galbraith; character of the sculptures ; some resembling the engraved Mahadeos of Lidia, j). 60-62. — A Mahadeo-like figure among other designs carved on a block in the Gila Valley ; Mr. Bartlett's views regarding Indian rock-sculptures ; engraved figures on a rock in the San Pete Valley, Utah, noticed by Lieut. J. W. Gunnison ; Mormon translation of the inscription, p. 63-64. — Rock-painting among the Klamath Indians in Oregon; a painted rock described by Dr. James S. Denison; character of the figures; Dr Denison's comments on the subject, p. 65-66. Central America. — Dr. Berthold Seemann examines in Chiriqui, United States of Colombia, rock-sculptures, which he considers analogous to those of Northumberland, Scotland, and other parts of Great Britain ; the piedra pintal near the town of David described by him; his conclusions based upon the similarity of the Chiriqui and European sculptures, p. 66-69. 102 CUP-SHArED AND OTHER LAPIDAKIAN SCULPTUKES. Part III. — Yiews concerning the Significance of Cup-shaped and other Frimitive Scidptures. TliG Balder Stone, near Falkoping, Sweden ; first described by Prof. Nilsson, who considers it as a sacrificial altar used in the worship of Baal ; the Willfara slab similarly employed, according to his opinion ; he ascribes the introduction of bronze in the North of Europe to Baal- worshiping Phoenicians, who had established settlements in those parts for the purpose of trading with the natives; the sculptured concentric circles regarded by him as emblematic of sun (or Baal) -worship; their similarity to ornaments seen on weapons and other objects of the bronze age and eai'ly iron age ; Sir John Lubbock's review of Professor Nilsson's Phoenician theory, p. 71-74. — Prof. Nilsson's visit to Ireland; he believes in a Phoenician origin of the cairns of Dowth and New Grange ; the lighting of the Midsummer's-night fire in Ireland regarded by him as a survival of former Baal-worship ; the structures of Avebury and Stonehenge in England supposed to be Phoenician temples dedicated to the sun- god ; discussion of Nilsson's theory by Prof. Simpson, who is inclined to ascribe a Cimbrian origin to the Kivik sculptui-es ; Prof Nilsson's views not generally accepted ; value of his work on the bronze age ; its translation by Miss Mestorf, p. 74-75. — Use of cupped boulders as altars doubtful ; other views concerning stones with cup and ring-sculptures ; regarded as archaic maps; as contrivances for reckoning time; as gambling tables; the sculptures supposed to represent the heavenly bodies; enumera- tions of tribes ; some kind of archaic writing ; served in druidical rites ; indicative of Roman Mithras-worship ; all these theories rejected by Prof. Simpson, p. 76-77.— The markings have no bearing on the worship of the reciprocal principles of nature, according to Prof. Simpson ; this view refuted by Mi-. Rivett-Carnac, p. 77-78. — Cup and ring-cuttings considered by Prof. Simpson as expressive of some religiovis conception ; the more complicated figures on megalithic monuments in Brittany and Ireland he thinks to be of an ornamental character; he refers the beginning of the practice of cup-cutting to the stone age, but believes in its contin- uance in later times, p. 78-79. — Prof. Simpson's observations on the pre- historic races of the British Islands; he thinks the question to which of KAU.i SUMMARY. 103 these races the first sculpturings of cups and rings are to be referred cannot be positively answered in the present state of archaeological knowledge, p. 79-81. — Mr. Tate ascribes the Northumbrian sculptures to Celts who used metal, probably bronze, in executing them ; he offers no definite A-iew with regard to the meaning of the sculptures, but inclines to the belief that they originated with the Druids, and were connected in different ways with their rites, p 81-82. — He attempts to explain the meaning of the cup and ring- excavations, but finally admits the difficulty of arriving at a definite result ; he expects success from investigations among the Laps and in the early home of the Aryan family, p. 83-84. — Prof. Desor's views; the cups on erratic blocks, he believes, were chiefly made for recalling circumstances or events, the explanation of their purport being left to oral tradition ; monumental character of the cupped stones, p. 84-8.'i. — Nilsson on the use of cupped aspersoria in Swedish churches formerly devoted to Catholic worship ; it is doubtful whether these church vessels were designed to peri^etuate the recollection of sacrificial altars, p. 85-86. — Miss Mestorf on Swedish popular superstitions in relation to cupped stones, p. 86. — The cup-stone question discussed by German anthropologists ; cup-excavations and fuiTows on the walls of churches; first noticed by Dr. E. Veckenstedt in the Province of Brandenburg, Prussia; discovered by Mr. E. Friedel in various cities and towns in Brandenburg, Pomerania, and Sweden ; Mr. Woldt observes them in Berlin; Dr. Veckenstedt in Goslar and Bruns- wick; Dr. Voss in Baireuth ; Mr. W. Schwartz in Posen ; Prof Virchow in Switzerland and in the valley of the Rhine ; different theories as to the origin of cup-marks on churches ; the cups are supposed to possess healing qualities ; they have been found anointed with grease ; German traditions connected with cups and furrows on churches, p. 86-90. — Mr. Rivett- Carnac's discoveries; striking resemblance between the cup and ring- cuttings in India and Great Britain ; more evidences needed for arriv- ing at a definite result ; plausibility of Prof. Desor's Aryan theory ; diffi- culties still to be overcome, p. 90-91. — Modern builders of megalithic monuments in India not Aryan ; Miss A. W. Buckland's observations, p. 91. — The close connection between cups and rings has not been sufficiently considered ; both appear to belong to one system of primitive sculpture, of 104 CUP-SHAPED AND OTHER LAPIDAEIAN SCULPTUEES. which the former are the earlier expression ; the number of cup-stones dis- covered in America yet too small to permit generalization ; man a foreign element in America ; probably arrived at a very remote period, when the distribution of land and sea was different from what it is now ; later immi- gration from Asia; conclusion, p. 91-93. Supplementary Note. — Incised granite boulder in Forsyth County, Georgia, described by Col. Charles C. Jones, p. 95. IISTDEX. Aberg, Br. Lennart, "HallristaiiDgar utxBohnslan", cited 31 Adair, describes mode of weaving among the South- em Indians 49 mentions wooden mortars 56 "The Historyof the American Indians", cited. 50, 56 Age of Danish scnlptures 27, 28 Albersdorf, Holatein, cupped stone near 23 Altar theory in reference to cupped stones 71, 75 objection to 84 Altenkirchen, Prussia, cup-marks on church in 87 Altona, Holstein, cup-stone from 23 America, peopling of 92 primitive lapidarian sculptures in 41 American cup-stones, first notice of 48 Analogy between megalithic monuments of India and Europe 31,37,38,39 Ancient fortification at Laws, Scotland, cupped stone from 14 "Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley ", by Squier and Davis, cited 48, 49 Ancient towns and camps, sculptures in and near. . . 10, 15 Angermiindo, Prussia, cup-marks on church in 87 Anklam, Pi-ussia, cup-marks on church in 87 Anointment of stones 89 Antiquity of cup and ring-carvings 78 Archaic habitations, sculptures on stones connected with 10 sepulture, sculptures on stones connected with 9 "Archiv fiir Anthropologic ", cited 28 Argyleshire, Scotland, sculptures in 17 Arizona, rock-sculptures in, noticed by Mr. Bartlett- 63 Arrild, Schleswig, cup-stone from tumulus near 23 Artificial foot-tracks on stones in Denmark 26 Aryan theory 90 Asia, primitive lapidarian sculptures in 9 Auchnabreach, Argyleshire, Scotland, sculptured rock-surfaces at 12 Aughey, Prof. Samuel, describes mortar-cavities 57 "Sketches of the Physical Geography and Geology of Nebraska ' ', cited 57 Austria, cup-sculptures in 22, 25 Avebury, England, stone structure at 74 Avenues, megalithic, sculptures on stones of 9 B. '""'=•• Baal or Balder Stone near Falkoping, Sweden 14, 28 Baal-worship, concentric rings emblematic of 71 in Sweden, supposed 30, 71, 72 Baireuth, Bavaria, cnp-marks on a church in 87 Bald Friar Rock, Maryland GQetseq Balder Stone near Ealkoping, Sweden 14, 28 supposed purpose of 71 Ballymenach, Scotland, sculptured menhir at 12 Balstein ceremony in Ireland 74 Balvraid, Scotland, cups on isolated stone near 14 Bancroft, Mr. H. H., "Native Races", dted 02 Barrows, sculptured stones near 15 Bartlett, Hon. John R., notices sculptured and painted rocks 57, 63 "Personal Narrative of Explorations, etc. ", cited 57, 64 Bekmann , J. C . , mentions cup-stones in Brandenburg . 24 Belley, France, cup-stones near 19 Berlin, Prussia, cup-marks on churches in 87 Berliner Anthropologische Gesellschaft, "Verhand- lungen ", cited 24, 87, 88, 89 Berne, Switzerland, cup-marks on church in 87 Bertrand, M. Alexandre, experiment in carving in stone 82 Bhavani, a Hindoo deity 34 Biennc, Switzerland, cup-stones near 21 Bischofs-Steiu, Prussia, sculptures on 24,89 Blackmore Museum, American cup-stone in 48 Bohemia, cup-stones in 25 Bornholm, Denmark, cup-cuttings in 26 wheel - shaped sculptures o n block in 27 Borroby, Denmark, cupped stone in a tumulus at 20 Boulders, hollowed out for mortars OGetaeq. Bowers, Mr. Stephen, account of rocks with mortar- cavities 57 Brazil, concentric circles noticed on rocks in 02 British Islands, primitive races of 80, 81 Brittany, cup-cuttings on a rooling-stono in Mont Saint-Michel, at Carnac 13 sculptures on dolmen-stones in 18, 19 Bronze, introduction of in Northern Europe 71 knives, Danish 27 -age implements found with cup-stones in Switzerland 22 105 106 INDEX. Bronze-age ornamentation considered by Prof. HUs- son '2 Brunswick, cupmarka on a churcli in 87 Buch, Leopold von, opinion concernins Midsummer's night fire '- Buckland, Miss A. W., " Notes on some Cornish and Irish Prehistoric Monuments ", cited 91 Bunsoh, Holstein, cup-stone from 24 C. Caernarvonshire, Wales, cup-cuttings on cap-stone of dolmen in 12, 13 Cailhaou des Pourics 19 Cairn at Lough Crew, Ireland 17 Cairns of New Grange and Dowth, Ireland 18 Caiy Stone 14 Caldei-a, Panama, sculptured stone near 68 California, rocks with mortar-cavities in 57 Camps, ancient, sculptures in and near 10, 15 Canton of Valais, Switzerland, stationary mortar in. 59 Vand, Switzerland, cup-stone in 21 St. Gall, Switzerland, cup and ruig-car\- Cap-stone of dolmen near Clynnog Fawr, Wales, cup-cuttings on 12, 1 3 Katbo, Scotland, cup- cuttings on 12 Camac, Brittany, cups on roofing-stone of Mont Saint- Michel 13.19 Carving in stone, experiments 83 Carvings figured by Simpson 11,12, 13,14, 17 forms of '10,15 in Austria 25 Central America 66 c( seq. Denmark 25,26,27,28 England 13,14,15,16,17,81,82 .France 13,18,19,20,82 Germany 22,23,24,80,87,88,89 India SI et seq. Ireland 17,18,74 North America 41 etseq. Scotland 11 etseq. Sweden 28,29,30 Switzerland 21,22 on Bald Friar Rock, Maryland 01 Casteuada, drawing of Mexican cupped (?) stone 54 Central America, rock-sculptures in 66 e( seq. Chambered tumuli, sculptures on stones of 9, 26 Chandeshwar, temple of, description of 33, 35, 36 Chariots, sculptured 29,30 Chiriqui, Panama, rock-sculptures in 66 e* seq. Chirac, Franco, cup-cuttings near 20 Christian cliurches, cupped aspersoria in 85 Christianstad, sculptures in 30, 72 Cimbrian origin of Kivik sculptures, supposed 75 Cincinnati cup-stono 51,93 Circles, archaic sculptures of 9 megalithic, sculptures on stones of 9 Cist at Oatlands,Isle of Man, carvings on block of circle surrounding 13 Cists, sculptures on 9,15,23 Classification of primitive sculptures 10 Clava, Scotland, cupped stones in tumuli at 13 Clonghton Moor, England, cupped stone from cham- ber within stone circle on 13 Page. Clynnog Fawr, Wales, cup-cuttings on cap-stone of dolmen near — 12, 13 Comparison of lapidarian sculptures of Central America and the British Islands - - 68, 69 Concentric circles, sculptured and painted, frequent in the West of the United States 62 circular lines of the foi-m of a spiral or volute 11 rings, thought to be emblematic of sxm- worsbip 71 without a central cup 11 Connecticut, cupped granite boulder in 52, 53, 54 Conventional symbols 77 Copenhagen, Museum, cup-stones in 23 Corcelettes, Switzerland, cup-stones found at 22 " Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Anthropologi- schenGesellschaft", cited 23,37,86,89 Cortaillod, Switzerland, cupped stones from lake- dwelling at 22 Cottbus, Prussia, cup-mark.s on church in 87 Covers of urns, sciUptures on 9 Cup. carvings, antiquity of 78 Cup.cuttings frequent in Switzerland 21 Cup.excavations, trar Fig. 2. — Chief deviations from the general types of European cup and ring-cuttings. Fig. 3.— Sculptured rock-surfaces at Auchnalireach, Argyleshire, Scotland, Fig. 4.— Cup and riug-cuttiugs on a menhir at Ballymeuach, Argyleshire, Scotland. Fig. 5. — Dolmen with cui)-m;irkod cap-stoue, ucar Clyuuog Fiiwr, CaTuarvoushire, Wales. Fig. t).— Kistvifu surrounded by blocks, one of which is cup-marked. Oatlands, Isle of Man. Fig. 7. — Cupped stone in a chambered tumulus at C'lava, Inverness-.shire, Scotland. Fig. 8. — Cupped uiouolitli near Dunbar, East-Lothian, Scotland. Fig. 9. — Large cup-stone near Balvraid, luveruess-shire, Scotland. Fig. 10. — Cupped etouc found at Laws, Forlarsliiio, Scotland. Fig. 11. — Stone with cup aud ring-cuttings. County of Kerry, Ireland. Fig. 12. — Incised etone in tbc tumulu.9 at Lougli Crew, Ireland. Fig. 13. — Carviug of a celt in a iilumed haudle ou the i^oof of a dolmen near Locmariaker, Brittany. Fig. 14. — Incised cliamber-stoues iu the tumulus of Ga\T' luU, Brittauv. Fig. 15. — " La Boule de Gargautua," a cupped boulder near Belley, Ain, France. Fig. 16. — Cup-cuttiugs on a rock near Chirac, Lozfere, France. Fig. 17. — Cupped block uear Mout-la-Ville, Cautou of Vaud, Switzerland. Fig. 18. — Fac-simile representation of a cupped rock near Ober- Farrenstadt, Prussian Saxony. Fig. 19. Fac-simile representation of a cupped rock near Meissen, Fig. '20. — Cupped backside of a runic stoue at Eavuliildc .liitland, Denmark. Fig. 21. — Tracings of ships and wheels on the roof-stone of a fuuer.al cLamher near HeiTestrup, Seeland, Denmark. Fig. 22. — The "Balder Stone" near l^'alkopiug, Sweden. Fig. 23.— stone slab ol... ,..,.;; t„i,., .lud cngiavuil Jcsiyua. From a tumulus iu .Scauia, Sweden. 1''='^ — ' "~ ^--. - 4 J V 1 I 1 1 Fig. 24.— One of the engraved slabs of the Kivik monument, Scania, Sweden. © • • UAmuiiuuiiiiiiiui/ V ^ ® L HH»»iffiti .y -<«*• t^ Fig. 25. — Rock-sculptures in Quille Harad, Lan of Bohus, Sweden. i'lii. 26.— Clip ami liug-cuttings at Cliaudesliwiir, India. Fig. 27 — Sectiou of a stoue Maliadeo iu the temple of Chaudcshwar, India. I'm. 28. — Maliadeo in a sliriuc at, Benare.s, India. Figs. 2S>, 30, and 31. — lI;iUa »mI 41. — Tcna cnma «- i)ed granite boulder at Niautic, Now London County, Connecticut. Fig. 44. — Cupped (?) rock in tlie iieigUboiUoud of Orizaba, Mexico. -;■«,■' ' / -^'in- 1. ' ' Fig. 46. — Sculptures on Bald Friar Rock, in the Susquehanna River, Maryland. Fig. 47.— Sculptured slab from Bald Friar Rock (Mus. No. 39010). Ftg. 48. — Northeastern end of Bald Friav Rock. ll'. ■!'( l'"Ii:. r>0. Fl.i. 51. Figs. 49, 50, and 51 (tV).— Sculptures on Bald Friar Kock. Fig. 52. — Sculptui'ecl boulder iu the Gila Valley, Arizona. u (0 Fig. .53. — Rock-carviug iu the Sau Pete Valley, Utah. Fig 54. Fig. 55. I''ii.. SC. Fig. 57. Figs. 54, 55, 56, aud ,57 (i^j). — Rock-paintings in Lake Couuty, Oregon. Fig. 58. — Rock-sculptures uear David, Cliiriqui, ami Northumbrian types. No. 1 represents two radiant suua — a the American, 6 tbe British character; in Chiriqui Inis character has been founil but once, nor does it occur oftener among the pub- lished British figures. No. 2. a the American, h the corresponding British figure, showing several grooves radiating from an outer arch, i.nd bearing some resemblance to what is termed the "Ogham ch'iracters" by British antitiuaries. No. 3. a the American, b the corresponding British figure, showing the completely closed concentric circles. No. 4. a the American, b the corresponding British figure, showing how the various characters (symbols) are connected by lines. No. 0. a the American, h the correeponding British tignre. showing the groove or outlet of the circle. y^-T^./V- /7. Fig. 59. — Holy-water stone in a chnrch at Stro, in Scania, Sweden. Ij'lG. 60. — Holy-water stone in a church ;it Oenuarp, Scania. Fig. 61. — Cups and furrows on the wall of Saint Mary's Church, at Greifswald. Pomerania. DEPAETMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S, GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION J. W. POWELL IN CiiAUGE oisr PREHISTORIC TREPHINING CRANIAL AMULETS ROBERT FLETCHER M. R. C. S. Eng. ACT. ASST. SURGEON U. S. ARMY '^"■^ ' "^^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 18S2 I^IST OF II.I.USTRATIO]SrS. Page. Pl.vtk I. — Cranial amulets •> II. — Crauium exhibiting surgical trephining 7 III. — Crania showing effect of fracture and disease ^ IV. — Vertex of skull showing elfect of saber-stroke 10 V. — Cranium exhibiting effect of early surgical trephining 11 VI.— Cranium exhibiting both surgical and post-mortem trephining 13 VII. — The Inca skull from Peru 24 VIII. — Instruments for trephining used by the Kabyles 26 IX.— Cranium artificially trephined by M. Championnifere 29 Figure 1. — Perforated skull from Sable River, Michigan 24 2. — Fragment from Kabyle skull 26 3 U. S. G. AND C. SURVFY. PREirrsTORrc trfthining, n. i. G A ^\£§ - Figs. 1 and 2. The rondelle of Lyons. Fig. 3. An amulet from La Lozfere : A-B, tbe cicatrized edge from surgical trephining ; A-C, B-D, postmortem sections. Flo. 4. A-B, cicatrized edge. Fig. 5. Amnlet with grooTe for sus- pension. All natural size. (Broca.) ON PREHISTORIC TREPHINING AND CRANIAL AMULETS. liY KOBEKT FLETCHEK. Since the publication of" Professor Broca's interesting article on Cra- nial Amulets and Prehistoric Trephining, in 1877/ no connected account has been attempted, so far as the writer knows, of the additional discov- eries which have been reported. These are scattered through the journals on anthropology, and it would seem that a review of the whole subject, commencing with a summary of Broca's observations and arguments, and bringing together subsequent discoveries, would not only be of interest in itself, but'might result in more careful observation, leading perhaps to dis- coveries of a similar custom in America. The first communication upon the subject of cranial amulets, and which led to the discovery of evidence of prehistoric trephining, was made in August, 1873, by M. Pruniferes, at the meeting, at Lyons, of the French Association for the Advancement of Science.^ M. Pruniferes is well known for his researches in connection with the dolmens of La Loz^re. He exhibited to the association a piece of bone of an ovoid shape, 5') milli- meters by 38 in its two diameters. (See Plate I, figs. 1 and 2.) The two faces were untouched, but the edges had been beveled and most carefully polished. It was discovered in the interior of a skull the entire side of which had been cut away, but it was not a part of this skull ; the difference ' Sur la trepanation An cr3,no, ct les amulettes cranienues k I'^poque n^olitliique, par Paul Broca. Paris, 1877, 8°. Also, Rev. (Vanthrop., Paris, 1877, vi, 1-42; 193-225. Also, Congrfes d'anthrop. et d'arcb. U. S. G. AND G. SURfEi: PREHISTORIC TREPHINING, PL II. Cranium from the cavern of L'Homme-Mort (La LozAre). Surgical tropbining bas been performed npon tbe sagit- tal snlure. Two-tbirda natural size. (Prnnidres.) FiEicKiM BROCA'S CONCLUSIONS— ON WHAT BASED 7 and of the sections of the skull was due, not to artificial polishing, but to a. process of natural cicatrization, which must necessarily have taken place during life, and, indeed, many yewrs before death. (Plate II.) After examination of a great many other specimens, Broca finally annoimced two conclusions as the result of his investigations: I. In the neolithic age, a surgical operation was sometimes performed for the cure of certain internal maladies, which consisted in making an open- ing in the skull. This was almost, if not quite, exclusively practiced on young children, and is to be termed prehistoric surgical trephining. II. The skulls of those who survived this operation were supposed to possess some remarkable qiuilities, and when the owners died, amulets or rondelles, consisting of portions of the skull, were carefully cut out. By preference, the portion should contain a segment of the original aperture. This was posthumous trephining.^ A concise account must be given of the evidence n])on which these conclusions were based. To the practiced eye there is no difficulty whatever in distinguishing between a section of bone which has not been followed by any reparative process and one in which that jirocess has gone on to completion. In the first case, the edges are sharp, the cells of the diploe are open, and the action of the cutting instrument is seen in the successive cuts by which the operation has been performed. It is not uncommon to find scratches on the surface of the bone, indicating where the tool had slipped away from the intended incision. (Plate I, fig. 3.) When cicatrization of a trephined or fractured skull has been perfected, the edges present a rounded, ivory-like surface, due to the new osseous tissue deposited in the cells of the diploe and upon the edges of the outer and inner tables. But while it is easy to discriminate between a post-mortem incision and one long since healed, it would be very difficult to decide that the incision might not have been made during life, but shortly before death. The pro- cess of repair in bone is much slower than in softer tissues, and it has been suggested that the cases of so-called posthumous trephining were really ■'Sur la tri;pauatiou du ciuui', etc., \t. 9. 8 PREHISTOEIO TRErniNING. cases in which the operation had resulted fatally in a very short time, and before any jjrocess of repair had commenced. To this it may be replied that no examples have hitherto been found of skulls ori-ondelles where the section was in process of cicatrization; all are either entirely fresh, or long since healed." It would be unreasonable to suppose that these operations were entirely successful or else immediately fatal. The operation, in itself, is not very dangerous to life, as has been shown by manj^ experiments on animals. Its mortality as a surgical measure, in cases of fracture of the skull, is due to the serious injury to the bi'ain for which it becomes neces- sary to employ it. A more convincing reply is that, in the greater luimber of the trephined skulls in question, the ttvo sections coexist; a portion exhibiting the rounded, ivory surface of ancient cicatrization, the rest of the section being absolutely fresh. (See Plates I, V, and VI.) The suggestion that these apertures were the result of blows from weapons must be at once dismissed. No weapon of that day, or this, could produce such openings with their well-defined, beveled edges. The blows of stone hammers or axes resulted generally in necrosis, or death of the bone, and often in disruption or bulging of tlie inner table of the skull for some distance from the seat of injury. Some excellent examples of the consequences of such formidable injuries are to be seen in an article by Dr. F. W. Langdon, describing the crania in a prehistoric cemeter}' at Madison- ville, Ohio." The accompanying plate (Plate III), copied by Dr. Langdon's permission, well illustrates the striking difference between the results of blows followed by necrosis of the bone, and the condition succeeding the operation of trephining. The apertures made by the so-called surgical trephining do not difier greatly in size; they are nearly always elliptical, seldom round, and extend from 35 to 50 millimeters in length, hv 6 to 10 millimeters in breadth. The edges are very oblique, at the expense of the outer table of the skull. The operation appears to have been performed upon all parts of the head, •iSome more recent discoveries, however, which will be referred to later, show that this assertion of Broca's was rather too sweeping. "The Madisonville jirehistoric cemetery; anthropological notes. By F. W. Langdon, M. D. Jour- nal of the Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, Oct., 1«81, 250-253. r. S. G. AND G. SUKl'EV. PK£JfIST()KIC TREPIUNING. /'/. ///. Fig. 1. Pcrforatiug fracture of the left parietal near its posterior superior anjrle; internal view showing the de- pressed fragment of the internal table which has reunited. Fig. 2. Result of injury to right frontal and parietal region, causing cxtcnsivo sinuses between, the inner and outer table. Natural size. (Langdou.) rLETciicni ABNUEMAL CKANIAL APEllTURES. 9 excepting the forehead, but in the greater number of instances one of the parietal bones has been the chosen site. There is a very interesting skull in the Mustie Broca [crane de Vaurdal (Oise)], which, in addition to a large depression in the frontal bone, presents a remarkable instance of ti'ephining on the occipital, two-thirds of that bone having disappeared. Part of this opening is due to the surgical operation, the elliptical edges, about half of the original aperture, exhibiting the characteristic ivor3^-like surface of cica- trization, while the remainder has been removed by post-mortem trephining.^ In no instance has an artificial opening been observed excepting where the bone was covered by the hairy scalp, and that the purpose was to avoid noticeable disfigurement seems a justifiable conclusion. It is also another ai'gument against possible origin from wounds in battle, as in such cases the forehead was the part most liable to be injured. Broca states that the operation nmst have been performed just as fre- quently on the female as on the male. It is necessary to inquire what other causes may account for abnormal cranial apertures. I. There are congenital deficiencies. These are generally found in the parietal bones, and are nearly always symmetrical, being found in both bones. A single congenital aperture has been sometimes observed through which hernia of the brain and meninges has taken place. In such cases the edges are everted and show a more or less diseased condition. II. Disease of the bone may produce openings which may afterwards become cicatrized, and thus resemble the apertures in question; but disease of the bone always extends beyond the limits of the perforation produced, and leaves indelible traces. A close examination of these trephined neolithic skulls shows a perfectly sound condition of the bone in the vicinity of the a})erture in all cases." III. Traumatic sources have been already discussed and dismissed. Even the cavalry saber of to-day could not produce such results. It does ^L^sions osseuses «s(5r., i, 198. 2 P T 18 PKEJIlSTOiaC TREPHINING. incomplete trephining by rachifje, or scraping. This modification of the process of trepliining consisted in reinoving the outer table of the skull by scraping, leaving the inner or vitreous table intact. Altogether some twenty specimens of the kind have been collected. What the object was of this incomplete operation it is difficult to divine. Possibly the malady was relieved and the further process rendered unnecessary. In 1603 there was published in Lyons a book whicli is now excessively rare. Its title was: Traicte de I't'pilepsie, maladie vulgairement appelee au pays de Provence, la goutette aux petits enfants. Par Jehan Taxil. 8°. The writer evidently confounded convulsions with epilepsy, the latter disease not attacking little children, rarely, indeed, developing itself before the tenth year. The remedy he prescribes is scraping away a portion of the outer table of the skull. Sometimes the inner table, also, was removed by the exfoliative trepan. This reproduction of a prehistoric usage may perhaps be cited as a curious instance of atavism in surgery. In 1878 M. Pruniferes made some extensive researches in the caverns of Beaumes-Chaudes (La Lozere), and found more than sixty specimens of trephined skulls and cranial amulets. In three of these there was evidence of the operation having been twice performed on the same subject.-'' In 1880 M. Man voisin found in some artificial grottoes near Baye sev- eral crania of the neolithic age, of which two exhibited cicatrized openings Upon one of them post-mortem sections had been made in the usual manner.^* A recent and very interesting contribution to bur knowledge of the subject is to be found in a paper read before the Paiis Society of Anthro- pology by M. Parrot.-'^ It describes a cranium found in a grotto of the neo- lithic period at Bray-sur-yeine (Marne). The frontal and both parietal bones exhibit the consequences of extensive disease. Depressions exist, sui h as would be produced, M. Parrot says, by pressing the thumb into soft putty. On the left parietal a small island of undiseased bone stands up in the center of the depressed portion, forming a strong contrast. The bone ■-^Bull. Soc. a'antbrop. tic Paris, 1878, S""^ s6r., i, '211. ■''*nid., 1830, S"" s(5r., iii, 10. =■■^01^110 trouv(S dans uiie grotto de I'djwqnc de la i)ifrre i)oIip a Br.ny-sur-Sfir.e (M.iriie), avec imo qiiarantaine de sqiielettes, baebes polic.s, poiufons en os, collier.s et oruements eu cocpiilles. lOUl., 1881, 3'"=s6r., iv, 104-108. FiKTcnrio TREPHINING FOR DISEASE OF BONE. 19 Avliich has been snlyected to disease is excessively thin, and was bi-oken in two or three places in the process of extraction No trace was left of the coronal suture, the disease having entirely obliterated it. But the most interesting feature was the evidence that surgical trephining had been per- formed, apparently for the relief of the disease. The opening made involved the frontal and left parietal bones; it was of the usual oval shape, but its size could not be exactly ascertained, as the posterior portion of it was lost in a large, irregular hole, produced, no doubt, when the skull was removed from the earth. The trephining was performed partly on sound and partly on the diseased bone, and the edges of the aperture (what remains of them) are perfectly cicatrized, so that it is evident that the patient long survived the operation. It cannot be held that the disease was the result of the opera- tion. In the large number of trephined skulls which have been examined there is no instance of disease of the bone, and in this particular case, as M. Parrot observes, if the disease had resulted from the operation it would have spread all ai'ound the opening, which is not the case, as what remains of the aperture is in sound bone. The disease, which was probably an exfoliative osteitis or inflammation of the bone, was, M. Pari-ot thinks, of traumatic origin. There is a depres- sion on the frontal bone which may have been caused by a hatchet-stroke. Whether the operation was performed to arrest the disease, or to remove some of its symptoms, is, of course, a matter of conjecture; but as the dis- eased bone and the edges of the aperture had all become firmly cicati-ized, it is certain that the patient lived for some years after. M. Parrot dwells upon the importance of this discovery as proving that trephining was employed as a therapeutic measure in disease, and not only for the relief of imaginary causes of evil, as in convulsions or epilepsy. It is possible, however, that the subjective symptoms attending such exten- sive disease of the cranium may have required the usual remedy for eviction of the supposed malignant spirit. In Germany a few examples have been met with of prehistoric trephin- ing. Prof H. Wankel discovered in the grotto of Bytchiskala, in Bohemia, the skeleton of a girl of about twelve years of age. The skull bore unmis- takable evidence of surgical trephining having been performed during life. 20 PREHISTOKIC TRErniNIN(r. 'J'he aperture was on the riglit side of the frontal bone, was nearly circular in shape, and about 3 centimeters in diameter. The inner table of the skull exhibited no trace whatever of inflammatory process, such as would inevi- tably have accompanied caries or exostosis of the bone. At great length Professor Wankel examines every possible disease or injury of the bone which might be supposed to account for the opening, and rejects them all. From this argument by exclusion he arrives at a very firm belief that the case was one of surgical trephining, precisely analogous to those observed in the crania of La Lozfere.'" About the same time Dr. B. Dudik sent a communication to the Berlin Ethnological Society, announcing his discovery of many trephined skulls in the ossuarium, or Beinhaus, at Sedlec in Bohemia."^ In this famous bone- heap there are pyramids of skulls and thousands of human bones. Tradi- tion states that they came from the old churchyard of Sedlec, the soil of which, having been made sacred by admixture with earth brought from Geth- semane, had the property of rapidly decaying the flesh and of preserving the bones with a whiteness as of alabaster. The structure which now incloses the relics was erected in 1709, but allusions to the Sedlec bones are to be found in very early chronicles. A local legend relates that the perforated skulls (of which there are a great many) once belonged to the Cistercian and Carthusian monks who were killed when the Hussites, under Ziska, captured the convent of Sedlec in 1421. Dr. Dudik thinks that the punctures are too even and too free from fracture to have been made by the spiked clubs with which Ziska's followers were armed. This objection is probably not well-founded. The writer remembers examining a heap of skulls of horses in a knacker's yard, the animals having been destroyed with a pole-axe, a weapon very similar to a spiked club, and the punctures were, in almost all instances, round with sharp edges and not accompanied by fracture. It seems jM-obable that these bones have accumulated through a very long period of time, but that they date principally from the year 1318, when a pestilence ravaged Bohemia and thirty thousand persons were buried in Sedlec alone. 5" Wankel (H. ). Eiii priihistorischer Schadel mit eiiier Lalbgebeilten Wnnde auf dor Stlrne hiichst- w.ahrscUeiiilicli tlnrch Trcpauation entstaudcu. Mitlb. d. aiithrop. Gescllscli. in Wien, 1878, vii, 86-95. "Dudik (1$.). Uebor tropanirto Cranien im Itcinliansi' zii Scdlop. Ztschr. f. Etlin., Bcrl., 1878, x, 227-23,''). I'l.KTClIEU. THE SEDLEC BEINHAUS. 21 Dr. Dudik describes at some length the appearance of the openings in the crania which he examined, bnt it would seem from his description that, in most instances, posthnmous trephining alone had been practiced. This, of conrse, proves nothing. In a few cases he describes what seems like cicatrization of the edges A more competent observer, however, followed in his footsteps. Pro- fessor Wankel visited Sedlec in order to verify the observations of Dr. Dudik, and examined the one hundred and twenty crania which had been submitted to the latter.-^ Wankel was of opinion that, in every Instance, the perfora- tions were the result of wounds not -Immediately fatal. In two instances he agreed with Dr. Dudik that there were unmistakable marks of posthumous trephining. Professor Wankel finishes his article by a description of his visit to Prague, in the museum of which city he found two skulls from Bilin, In Bohemia, exhibiting' evidence of prehistoric trephining. One, a dolico- cephallc skull, presented an orltice 60 millimeters by 40, of elliptic shape, and situated in the center of the right parietal bone. The edges were perfectly cicatrized, and exhibited the ivory-like surface charactei'istic of long-healed trephining. In the other, a mesocephalic skull, the aperture was round and about 40 millimeters in diameter. Professor Wankel was of opinion that these skulls exhibited perfect specimens of prehistoric sur- gical trephining, and goes on to observe that, even to the eye of a layman, the diflPereuce between the holes in these . skulls and tliose in the crania of the Sedlec ossuarium was most marked. A notice of these two interesting specimens was sent to the Paris society by M. Ingoald Cludset two years before."" Professor Virchow has contributed some observations illustrative of the subject. At a meeting of the Berlin Anthropological Society, in 1879, he described a skull from a neolithic burial mound, in which the char- acteristic marks of cicatrization were observed in an opening in the right parietal bone. At a later meeting he also reported some discoveries made by General von Erckert in a Cujavian grave near Zlemcin, in Poland. Among them was a bone disk, or rondelle, bearing a great resemblance to ^Wankel (11.). Ucber . 577. It is also described in lliat singularly nnicjne publication, vol. i, No. 1 (all ever published), of the Journal of the Anthropological Institute of New York for 1871-'7;i. 24 riiEUJSTOiuo tkepuining. The drawing (Plate VII) shows how entirely the operation in this case differs from the elliptic openings of the French crania. The round white .spot indie-ates where tlie periosteiun had been removed by tlie operator; and this was done, Broca thought, about eight or ten days before death. The famous surgeon, Nt'laton, who also examined the bone, suggested fifteen days.^^ As no evidence of fractare was visible, the French experts were of opinion that the operation was performed to evacuate fluid in the cavity, but Dr. J. P. Nott, of Mobile, oifered the very plausible suggestion that a punctured wound, such as the known weapons of the Peruvians might inflict, might have necessitated the operation. The incisions appear to have been performed with a cutting instrument, something like an engraver's hiirhi, and not with a saw. In 1876, Mr. Henry Gilman, then of Detroit, published a description of ten to fifteen skulls obtained from mounds on Sable River, Lake Huron, and two fragments from Great ]\Iound, River Rouge, Michigan.^^ All of these skulls presented a circu- lar perforation at the vertex, " evidently made," he says, " by boring with a rude, probably stone, instrument, varying in size, in some instances hav- ing a diameter of one-third of an inch; in others, of one-half of an inch, and flaring at llie surface" At the Detroit meetino- of the American Associa- ric. 1.- Artilic niUy iR-rforatofl _ ^^ skull from mound at sabioKiver tlou for tlic Advancement of Science, Mr. Gilman (Lake nuroD), ilichijian ; one- quarter size. read a more elaborate paper on the same subject,*" and, at the twenty-sixth meeting of the society, this was followed by another paper, entitled, "Additional facts concerning artificial perforation of the cranium in ancient mounds in Michigan."" Mr. Gilman was ver}- positive that the perforations were not analogous to the prehistoric trei)hining observed in France. They were merely holes l)ored after death, and it was suggested by Professor Mason that, like the Dyaks of Borneo, the natives 3»Bull. Soc. (I'antbrop. de Paris, 1867, 2"'= sdr., ii, 403. "■'Ainer. Naturalist, Salem, 1875, ix, 473. ■"•I'roc. Am. Ass. Adv. Scicuce, 24tli meeting, at Detroit, 1875, Salem, 187li, 31G-331. ■";/))■(/., '2(ltli meetiiif;, at NasUville, 1877, Salem, 187H, 335-33;». V. S. G. AND G. SUKfEV t'REHISTOKIC TREfHINJNC, Fl. I'll, The Inca ekull brought by Mr. Squier from Pern, (Photographed at Army Med. Museum.) d^jrd--.'^ i^^-i'-r /J' FLETcuER.i rEUFOUATED AMEKICAN CRANIA. 25 might have made tlie punctures for the convenience of stringing the skulls. This would explain why the hole was invariably at a point opposite to the foramen magnum. A discovery of .Mi'- Grilman's, however, seems to throw some doubt upon this theory. He found, in a mound at Devil River, Micli- igan, the remains of a person, evidently of rank, lying upon his back, but with the characteristic perforation in his skull. Mr. W. C. Holljrook, in an account of his examination of some Indian mounds on Rock River, at Sterling, 111., says : Inside this dolmen I found the remains of eight human skeletons. . . . One of the skulls pre- sented a circular openiug about the size of a silver dime. This perforation Lad been made during life, for the edges had commenced to cicatrize.''^ It is not stated in what part of the skull the opening was found, nor whether any evidences of fracture or other injury existed, so that, as it stands, the case cannot be thought to be one of trephining, but rather one of a partly healed wound. Before concluding this review of the evidence so far accumulated ujDon the subject, some account must be given of the method of trephining prac- ticed in our own day by some semi-barbarous tribes, with the purpose of seeing whether it throws any light on the prehistoric operation. In the djebel Aourtis (Mont Aurfes), the southern termination of the Atlas mountain range, in the province of Constantino, in Algeria, there exists a race of Kabyles who are the descendants of the Berbers, the gen- uine autochthones of Africa. The practice of trephining prevails exten- sively among them, although it is by no means general among other tribes of Kabyles. Two French army surgeons, MM. L.-T. Martin*^ and Amcidde Paris,^* have given very full accounts of the method adopted. It appears that the operation is performed for fracture of the skull, whether simple or compound, for disease of the bone, and for violent pains in the head. It may be performed at any age, upon either sex, and upon any part of the skull, though the pai'ietal bones seem to be most frequently «Amer. Naturalist, Salem, 1877, xi, 688. *'La trepanation du crSne, telle qu'elle est pratiqu^e par les Kabyles de I'Aurcs. Par L.-T. Mar- tin. Le Montpellier nidd., 1867, xviii, r;25-535. Also, Reprint. ** De la triSpauation c<5iihalique pratiqude par les m61ecius indigfcncs de I'Aouross (province do C'onstantine). Par M. le dr. Am<5d(5e Paris. Gazette mlato between the scalp and skull. Formerly the trephine was simply a shark's tooth ; now a piece of broken glass is found more suitable or less objectionable (if we may even so qualify the act). The part of the cranium generally selected is that where the coronal and sagittal sutures unite, or a little above it, upon the supposition that there the fracture exists. The semi-reHgious character of all and everything concerned in the operation amongst the Kabylian tribes of Algeria is of special interest, as it seems to strengthen, by analogy, the theory that the subjects of prehis- toric trephining acquired thereby a sacred character which led to the wear- ing of amulets from their skulls, as already described. The curious suggestion has been made that the tonsure of priests is a perpetuation of the ancient custom of trephining. The Abbe Martign}^, in his Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, says that the oldest Christian mosaics and manuscripts represent St. Peter with the tonsure as a mark of pre-eminence over the other apostles. It is probable that no weight should be attached to this fact. The picture galleries of Europe abound in Holy Families where tonsured monks of various orders are adoring the infant Christ — anachronisms which did not trouble the old masters. We know, too, that Brahmin priests, of a period long anterior to the Christian ei"a, are represented as tonsured. This does not, of course, affect the question of the possible origin of the tonsure from the supposed sacred custom of trephining, but the matter may be safely left as unsettled. The discoveries which have been made of late in mapping out the convolutions of the brain, or, as it is termed, the localization of function, have led to the reintroduction of trephining from a highly scientific stand- ■■f' Native medicine and surgery in the South Sea Islands, by the Rev. Samuel Ella. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1874, {,'.50. U. S. G. AND G. Si/KI ■-£{'. PR£HiSTOR/C TREfHlNING, PI. IX. Cranium artififiaUy trephineil by M Championniire. FLETCHEU.J CONCLUSIOXS. 29 point. Given, in injuiy of the head or abscess of the brain, the failure of a function, the locality of that function being known, there is the jilace to trephine. Some very remarkable results have been attained, and the con- sequence is that trephining has again become popular in France Broca deserves the credit of being among the first to initiate this method of tre- phining.^^ This matter is referred to because a distinguished French surgeon, M, Lucas-Championni^re, published a work upon the subject about four years ago, and in the introduction, speaking of prehistoric trephining, he takes the gi-ound that the operation was not performed by scraping, as Broca supposed, but by a series of punctures such as have been described as pro- duced by the Algerian operator.*^ To prove this, he took a flint weapon, and drilling a series of holes in a skull, afterwards ran them one into the other and removed the piece. The serrations were easily smoothed off with a piece of flint. The result could not be distinguished from the o])ening pro- duced by scraping, the beveled edges being alike. (See Plate IX.) This is ingenious and surprising; but while it must be admitted that the perforations may have been made by puncture, yet the existence of a considerable number of skulls partially, trephined, the outer table only having been unmistakably scraped away, offers a strong presumption in favor of the latter method. The following conclusions may be permitted: 1. The large number of perforated neolithic crania exhibiting cicatrized edges establishes the existence of a custom of trephining. 2. The operation was performed on both sexes, and generally at an early age. 3. The purpose is doubtful, but from analogy it would seem to have been for the relief of disease of brain, injury of skull, epilepsy or convul- sions. 4. The operation was probably performed by scraping; possibly by a series of punctures. It is likely that the first was employed for children and the latter for the harder skulls of adults. ■"M. Legouest, tbe professor of military surgery at Val de Grace, formulates this remarkable rule: "Singular as it may appear, I think the rule is that you should always trephine when you are doubtful whelher it ought. to be done"! ■■^fitude historique et cliniquo sur la tri^iianation dii crane; la trepanation gniddo par Ics localisa- tious c6ri5br.ales. Par Just Lucas-Champiouniere. Paris, 1878. 8°, p. l'.i. 30 PREHISTOKK' TREPHINING. 5. Posthumous trepliining consisted in removing fragments of the skull of a person who had undergone surgical trephining. 6. Each fragment was to exhibit a portion of the cicatrized edge of the original operation; and the purpose was, probably, to form an amulet to protect from the same disease or injury for relief of which the operation had been performed. 7. The evidence so far confines the custom to neolithic man on the continent of Europe. ADDITIONAL NOTE. Since the foregoing was printed a curious discovery has been made of something like "post-mortem trephining" in a remote region. Dr. Dy- bowski, who has been traveling in Yessel and the Aino lands, sent eight Aino skulls to Mr. Kopernicki, who observed in five of them that a resection of the foramen magnum had been performed in what he described as "a systematic manner analogous to the trephined skulls of the French dolmens." In one skull a portion only of the edge of the foramen magnum had been cut out; in another the alveolar process had been sawn off. He supposed that the purpose of the resection was not ceremonial, but medical, and that the excised bone was to be used as a remedy. Nothing is known of trephin- ing among the Ainos. Mr. Kopernicki sent the description of these skulls to the Ethnological Society of Berlin, and Professor Virchow remarked that there was no doubt that an artificial removal of fragments of bone had taken place, generally from the posterior and lateral sections of the border of the foramen mag- num and the adjacent parts. In the three Aino skulls in his own collection nothing of the kind was to be seen, but a Goldi skull and a New Branden- burg skull presented similar lesions He had supposed them, in the latter case, to be due to an attempt to make a drinking-cup of the skull, it having been found in the earth without any other parts of a skeleton, and in the frontal bone two small holes had been made as if for strings. The five Aino skulls in question had been dug out of graves by Dr. Dj^bowski himself, and he did not think the drinking-cup theory was applicable to them. He was unable to give any opinion as to the object of these resections.*" ^'ZeitscUrift fiir Etluiologie, Berlin, 1881, xiii, 191-192. See, also, foot-uote 3, p. 6 ante. II^DEX. Page. Additional note 30 Aiy:ui6res, Dolmen near 6 Aino sliulla 30 Algeria 15,22,25 , Prehistoric trephining in 22 America, Prehistoric trephining in 23 American Assoc. Adv. Sci 24 Amulets 5,6,13 Athene, Birth of 15 Bahert de JuiJl^ 17 Baye, Grottoes of 16,18 de Baye 16 Beaumes-Chaudes, Caverns of IR Beinhaus at Sedlec 20,21 Be-ief in future existence indicated l>y prehistoric trephining 15 Berbers 25 Bilin, Crania from 21. Bogdanoff, Tumulus at 22 Boixe, Forest of. Tumulus in 17 Bones found inside of crania 16 Bougon, Tumulus at 17 Boujoussac, I'omb at 13 Br::in, Localization of function of, applied totrephining. 29 Bray-aur-Seine (Mame) '. 18 Erima, iuatrument for perforating stuU 26 Broca,Paul 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,22,29 BrooVville, Ancient cemetery at Bucliland, Miss A. W 15 Bytchiskala, Grotto of 19 Cartailhac, fim 23 Casa da Mou va. Grotto of *3 Cavalry saber stroke on skull 9 Cavern of L'Homme-Moi t 16 Chauvtt 17 Chouquet 17 Ciboumioa, Dolmen of 11 Cicati ization of bone, Indications of 7 Cbidsel.Ingoald 21 Devil Kiver, Mounds at 25 Dieb, or price of blood 27 Djebel Aourjis 25 Dogs.Cbarm for fits in 15 Drinting-cups of skulls 6, 30 Du(lik,B 20,21 Dyaks of Borneo 24 Dybowski,Dr .' 30 Denmark, Prehistoric trephining in 22 ^cuelles, Mound at 17 Ella, Rev. Samuel 28 Kngelhardt 22 Entre Roche, Skull from 17 Ei^ilepsy, Remedies for 14 , Trephiuing for 14 Epileptic of the N^ /7 ' PREFACE I am fully aware that this paper bears the marks of haste and gives evidence of the fact that a number of the more important points are not worked out as thoroughly and completely as they might have been had more time been devoted to them. But the growing interest in the public mind in reference to all that relates to the past history of our continent has induced me to present it in its present incomplete form rather than defer its publication to an indefinite period in the future. It is thei'efore offered to the public more as a tentative work than with the expectation that all my conclusions will stand the test of criticism. I have endeavored, as will be seen by an examination of its contents, to confine my studies as strictly as possible to the Manuscript itself, without being influenced in my conclusions by the conclusions of others — using ■ Landa's "Belacion," Perez's " Cronologia," Brasseur's works, and the Dresden Codex as my chief aids; not intending by any means to ignore the valu- able work done by others in the same field, but that I might remain as free as possible to work out results in my own line of thought. I may also add that at the time the main portion of the paper was written I was in the West, out of reach of any extensive library contain- ing works relating to the history, antiquities, &c , of Mexico and Central America. This fact I mention as an apology for the comparatively few works I'eferred to in the paper. I have studied the Manuscript somewhat in the same way the child undertakes to solve an illustrated rebus, assuming as a standpoint the status of the semi-civilized Indian, and endeavoring, as far as possible, to proceed upon the same plane of thought. In other words, I have not proceeded upon the assumption that the pre-Columbian Indians of Yucatan were learned phi- iv PREFACE. losophers, thoroughly versed in science and general knowledge, but were Indians, who through some influence, whether introduced or indigenous, had made considerable advance in certain lines of art and science. But these lines, as I believe, were few and limited, relating chiefly to architect- ux-e, sculpture, painting, and the computation of time. As an examination of the Manuscript soon satisfied me that it was, to a great extent, a kind of religious calendar, I found it necessary first to dis- cuss the Maya chronological system in order to make use of the numerous dates found in the work — a fact that will explain why so many pages of the first part of the paper are devoted to this subject. The results of my investigations are summed up at the close of this preface. I find the work consists of two parts: first, a calendar giving the dates of religious festivals running through a long period of time, in all probability a grand cycle of three hundred and twelve years, together with brief formulas; second, an illustration of the habits, customs, and employ- ments of the people. But these two subjects are mingled together through- out the Manuscript; the first including most of the characters or hiero- glyphics around the spaces; the second the figures in the spaces. One omission in my paper will be observed by those who are familiar with the subject, that is, the failure on my part to notice and account for, in the Maya chronological system, the surplus days of the bissextile years. This omission on my part has been intentional. I can find no plan by which to insert them in the series, numbering them as the others, Avithout interfering with that order which is essential to the system itself. I have therefore proceeded upon the assumption that they are added as uncounted days, and hence interfere in no w'ay with the regular order. If I am mistaken in this conclusion, considerable modification in my tabular arrangement of the years may be necessary, even though the general plan be correct. A very serious drawback to the attempt to explain the written char- acters or hieroglyphics has been the lack on my part of a knowledge of the Maya language. Such a knowledge I do not claim; therefore, in this part of the work, the best I could do was to quote from the lexicons, as there given, such words as I found it necessary to refer to. The propriety of attempting anything in this direction without this knowledge may be justly PKEFACE. V questioned. But after seriously considering this point, 1 concluded it best to give to the world the result of my investigations with these explanations, as I felt confident I had made some progress in deciphering this mystei'ious Manuscript. I take this opportunity of acknowledging the obligations I am under to Dr. D. G. Brinton, of Philadelphia, for the valuable notice of the Maya Manuscripts which he has contributed as an introduction to my paper. KESULTS OE MY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. These may be briefly summed up as follows: 1st. That the work was intended chiefly as a ritual or religious calen- dar to guide the priests in the observance of religious festivals, and their numerous ceremonies and other duties. That the very large number of day columns and numerals, which form fully one-half of what may be called the written portion, are simply dates which appear to run through one entire grand cycle of 312 years, fixing the time when festivals should be held and other religious observances take place. Also that much of the text proper — the portion in hieroglyphics or written charactei's — is purely ritualistic, consisting of very simple formulas. 2d. That the figures in the spaces are in some cases symbolical, in others simple pictographs, and, in quite a number, refer to religious ceremo- nies, but that in many instances they relate to the habits, customs, and oc- cupations of the people — as, for example, their method of capturing game, which, as appears from this work, was as stated by Herrera, chiefly by "gins and traps" — and the incidents of the chase; that which relates to the busi- ness of the apiarists; making ropes; the manufacture of idols ; agricultural pursuits; occupation and duties of the females, &c. But even hei'e we see the religious element pervading everything. 3d. That the work appertained to and was prepared for a people liv- ing in the interior of the country, away from the sea-shore. This is inferred from the fact that nothing is found in it relating to fishermen, or their vessels. vi PKEFAOE. But there are reasons for believing that it pertained to a compa)"itively well- wooded section. 4th. That the people of the section where it was prepared were peace- able, not addicted to war; and were sedentary, supporting themselves chiefly by agricultural products, though relying upon their "gins and traps" and the chase to supply them with animal food. Twelve of the plates (VIII to XIX) are devoted to this latter subject; ten (I* to X*) to the business, festivals, &c., of the apiarists and honey-gatherers; and ten (XXIV to XXXIII) to rains, storms, and agricultural pursuits. The execution and character of the work itself, as well as its contents, bear testimony to the fact that the people were comparatively well advanced in the arts of civilized life. But there is nothing here to warrant the glowing descriptions of their art and refinement given by some of the earlier as well as more modern writers, nor even to correspond with what might be inferred from the architectural remains in some parts of Yucatan. We find in the work indications of stone and wooden houses, but generally with thatched roofs ; at least they ahvay s have wooden supports, and are of a temporary character. The dress of the males appears to have consisted of a strip of cloth (probably cotton), passed once or twice around the loins, with one end hanging down behind and the other in front, or a small flap in front and the ends behind. That of the females consisted of a skirt fastened at the waist and hanging down to the ankles. A kind of broad anklets and wrist- lets appear also to have been quite common with the better class, but the feet were always bare. The women jiarted their hair in the middle, that of the matrons or married women not being allowed to hang down, while that of the younger or unmarried ones was allowed to hang in long locks behind. Mats alone seem to have been used as seats. The pottery, so far as I can judge by what is shown in the Manu- script (and in this prefatory statement I confine my remai'ks strictly to what seems to be showai here, unless otherwise expressly stated), was of an inferior grade as to form and decoration, but it is worthy of notice that pots with legs were common. Some censers in the form of a snake's neck and head are the best specimens represented. PEEFAOE. vii In planting their corn (maize) it was dibbled in with a curved stick, five grains to a hill being the established number. While at this work they wore a peculiar head-covering, apparently a kind of matting. The other cultivated plants noticed in the work appear to be cacao, cotton, and a leguminous species, probably a climbing bean, as it is supported by a stake. I judge, from a number of the figures, that their corn while growing was subject to the attacks of numerous insects (represented as worms or snakes), which ate foliage, ear, and root, and was frequently injured by severe storms, and also that the planted grains were pulled up by birds and a small quadruped. Their crops were also subject to injury by severe droughts, accompanied by great heat. The production of honey seems to have been a very important indus- try in the section to which the work relates, but so far I have succeeded in interpreting but few of the figures which refer to it Rope-making (or possibly weaving) is represented on Plate XI* — a very simple process, which will be found described in my jsfiper. Their chief mechanical work, as I judge from this Manuscript, was the manufacture of idols, some being made of clay and others carved of wood Two implements used in making their wooden images appear, from the figures, to have been of metal, one a hatchet, the other sharp-pointed and shaped much like a pair of shears. Spears and arrows (if such they be, for there is no figure of a bow in the entire work), or darts, are the only implements of warfare shown. The spears or darts seem to have been often thrown by means of a kind of hook, and guided by a piece of wood with a notch at the end. 5th. The taking of life, apparently of a slave, is indicated in one place, but whether as a sacrificial ofi'ering is uncertain. It is evidently not in the manner described by the early writers, as in this case it is by decapitation with a machete or hatchet, the arms being bound behind the back, and what is presumed to be a yoke fixed on the back of the head. This is the only thing in the Manuscript, except holding captives by the hair, as in the Mexican Codices, which can possibly be construed to indicate human sacri- fice. In the Dresden Codex human sacrifice in the usual way — by opening the breast — is clearly indicated. viii PEEFAGE. 6th. We learn from the figures in the Manuscript that the cross in some of its forms was in use among this people as a religious emblem, and also . that the bird was in some cases brought into connection ' with it, as at Palenque. 7th. In regard to the written characters I have reached the following conclusions: That, although the movement of the figures is from the right to the left, and the plates should be taken in this way, at least by pairs, yet, as a general rule, the characters are in columns, to be read from the top down- wards, columns following each other from left to right; that when they are in lines they are to be read from left to right and by lines from the top downwards, but that lines are used onl}^ where it is not convenient to place the characters in columns. The correctness of this conclusion is, I think, susceptible of demonstration by what is found in the Manuscript. 8th. That there is no fixed rule in reference to the arrangement of the parts of compound characters. The few which I have been able to decipher satisfactorily appear to have the ^larts generally ai'ranged in an order nearly or quite the reverse of that in which the characters themselves are placed. 9th. That the characters, while to a certain extent phonetic, are not true alphabetic signs, but syllabic. Nor will even this definition hold true of them all, as some appear to be ideographic and others simply abbrevi- ated pictorial representations. Most of the characters are compound, and the parts more or less abbreviated, and, as the writing is certainly the work of the priests, we may correctly term it hieratic. Landa's alphabet, I think, is the result of an attempt on his part to pick out of the compound characters their simple elements, which he erroneously supposed represented letters. The day characters are found in the Manu- script substantially as given by this author, but appear to have been derived from an earlier age, and to have lost in part their original signification. No niontli characters are found in this work, though common in the Dresden Codex. 10th. That the work (the original, if the one now in existence be a copy) was probably written about the middle or latter half of the fourteenth century. This conclusion is readied first, from internal evidence alone; PREFACE. IX second, from this, together with historical evidence. The tribe appears to have been at the time in a peaceable, quiet, and comparatively happy con- dition, which will carry us back to a time preceding the fall of Mayapan, and before the introduction of Aztec soldiers by the Cocomes. 1 1 th. I think we find conclusive evidence in the work that the Ahau or Katun was a period of 24 years, and the great cycle of 312; also, that the series commenced with a Cauac instead of a Kan year, as has been usually supposed. Lastly, I add that I think Brasseur was right in supposing that this work originated in that section of the peninsula known as Peten. CYRUS THOMAS. '.^ 6 dv ,- - '' 3 -2.- -^ '\ . . oLu a /I c" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Preface iii Results of my investigations of the Manuscript Troano v Table of Contents xi List of Illustrations xiii Introduction by Dr. D. G. Brinton xvii The graphic system and ancient records of the Mayas xvii 1. Introductory xvii 2. Descriptions by Spanish writers xix 3. References from native sources xxvii 4. The existing Codices xxx 5. Efforts at interpretation xxxiv Chapter I. — The Manuscript and its Characters 1 II.— The Maya Calendar 5 III. — Explanation of Figures and Characters on Plates XX-XXIII of the Manuscript Troano, and 25-28 of the Dresden Codex 59 IV. — Suggestions as to the probable meaning of some of the figures on the other plates. Part First of the Manuscript 93 Part Second of the Manuscript Ill V. — Symbols, Pictographs, and other Figui-es which cannot be properly classed as Written Characters 125 VI. — The Written Characters of the Manuscript 136 The direction in which they are to be read - 136 The order in which the parts of compound characters are to be taken 140 VII. — Illustrations of the Day Columns and numbers in the first part of the Manuscript. 1C2 VIII. — A Discussion of Dates, with special reference to those of the Perez Manuscript... 187 The Maya Manuscript 188 Maya 188 Translation 189 IX. — Insriptions on the Palenque Tablet 198 Appendices 209 Appendix No. 1. — Extracts from the "Relacion de Cosas de Yucatan " of Diego de Landa, in re- lation to the festivals of the supplementary or closing days of the year, H XXXV-XXXVII. (Pp. 210-226.) 209 No. 2. — Quotation from an article by Seilor Melgar 216 No. 3.— Translation of Landa's description of the festiv.-ils held in the different months of the year. Relacion, pp. 240-310 217 No. 4. — Mode of Building Houses among the Yucatecs— Landa 228 No. 5. — Manner of Baptism in Yucatan — Landa 229 Original 229 Translation -31 XI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, Face Page. Plate I.— Fac-simile of Plate XX of the Manuscript Troano (colored) 67 II. — Fac-simile of Plate XXI of the Manuscript Troano (colored) 71 III. — Fac-simUe of Plate XXII of the Manuscript Troano (colored) 74 IV. — Fac-simile of Plate XXIII of the Manuscript Troano (colored) 78 v.— Fac simile of Plate 2T> of the Dresden Codex (uncolored) 82 VI. — Fac-simile of Plate 26 of the Dresden Codex (uncolored) SO VII. — Fac-simile of Plate 27 of the Dresden Codex (uncolored) 90 VIII.— Fac-simile of Plate 28 of the Dresden Codex (uncolored) 94 IX.— Fac-simile of Dr. Rau's Plate of the Palenque Tablet 201 Page. Fig. 1. — Comparison of Lauda's characters with those of the Manuscript Troano 2 2. — Day characters -^ 3. — Mouth characters — 6 4. — Method of giviug dates with characters 13 5. — Day column, with numeral characters 22 («. — Column of day characters 27 7. — Time symbols from the Dresden Codex 42 8.— Symbols of the Cardinal points 70 9.— Stone symbol 74 10. — Bread symbol 80 11. — Bread symbol in another form 81 12. — Incense symbol 92 13. — Figure of a deity with triple-headed head-dress 98 14.— Time symbol from Plate VI 97 If). — Fignre of an Armadillo in a pitfall 98 16. — Copy of the middle aud lower division of Plate XIV 99 ■ 17. — Incense-bnrner 119 18.— Hatchets 126 19. — Spear and dart (or arrow) 126 20.— Honey symbol 127 21.— Calendar wheel (0 127 22.— Mortar 127 23. — Mortar 127 24.— Paint cup 127 25.— Priest painting an adoratorio or canopied seat 128 26.— Idol in a baldachin or canopied seat 128 27. — House symbol 128 28. — House symbol .- 129 29. — House symbol , 129 30. — House or Temple symbol from Dresden Codex 131 31. — Woman preparing material for ropes or cloth 131 32. — Woman making ropes (or weaving) 132 Xlll Xiv T^IST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Vago. X!. — MetLoJ of oarvinj; wooilcu idols 132 34. — Method of iiaiutiu^ idols 13i 35. — Implement, supposed to be metallic, used in carving wooden idols 133 36. — Implement ; use unknown 133 37. — Implement, probably used as a saw IX', 38.— Cutting instrument 133 39. — Figures of matting 133 40.— Bat or fan 134 41.— Bird-cage 134 42. — Block of wood marked witti wood symbols 134 43.— Mimosa leaf 134 44. — Supposed figure of a curtain 134 45. — Symbol denoting "tying the years" 134 46.— Native smoking a cigar 134 47.— Copy of the lower division of Plate XV 138 48. — Copy of the middle and lower divisions of Plate XIX 139 49. — Landa's Maya Alphabet 141 50. — Stone symbol 144 51. — Bread symbol 144 5'2. — Bread symbol 144 53. — Symbols for east and west 144 54. — Symbols for north and south 144 55. — Character denoting "wood" 144 56. — Character marked on spear-heads 145 57. — Armadillo symbol 145 58. — Vase or oUa symbol 145 59. — Same character as a prefix 145 60. — Lauda's character for the month P.ax 145 61. — Pax symbol from the Dresden Codex - 145 62. — Similar character from the Dresden Codex 146 63. — Similar character from the Dresden Codex 146 64. — Character signifying p^ec«a?i — "tortilla of maize" 146 65. — Character in head-dress, signifying jjpoc — "hat" or "head-covering" 147 66. — Interlaced character 147 67. — Landa's character for Chicchan 147 68. — Manuscript character for Chicchan 147 69. — Character for Omal, a certain kind of tortilla 148 70.— Character from Plate XIX 148 71. — Group of characters from Plate XXIII* 149 72. — Character probably signifying prayer 149 73. — Group of characters from Plate VII * 149 74. — Caban characters 150 75.— Figure from Plate VIII* 150 76.— Character from Plate XIV* 151 77. — Manuscript character for the day Cib 151 78. — Character from Plate V 151 79. — Copy of the second and third divisions of Plate XX TX 152 80.— Figure of a hand from Plate III* 153 ai.—Character from Plate III* 153 82.— Character from Plate III* 153 83.— Ch8»racter from Plate III* 153 84. — Character often figured on Plates I to X ' 153 85. — Character or symbol for East 153 86. — Copy of two divisions of Plate XX * 154 87. — Character from third division of Plate XX * 155 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV 88.— Character from third division of Plate XX* l^ 89. — Character from third division of Plate XX* 15G 90.— Bread symbol 1^6 91.— Bread symbol 156 92. — Armadillo symbol 158 93.— Character 158 94. — Character resembling death symbol 158 95. — Character from lower division Plate XX * 159 96. -Death symbol 159 97. — Copy of upper division of Plate X 160 98. — Group of characters from Plate XIV 161 99. — Day columns and numerals from Plate II 164 100. — Day columns and numerals from Plate V 166 101. — Dr. Eau's index diagram of Palenque Tablet 199 INTRODUCTION. BY DANIEL, G. BRIKTON, M. D. THE GlRAPniC SYSTEM AND ANCIENT RECORDS OF THE MAYAS. 1.— INTRODUCTORY. One of the ablest of living ethnologists has classified the means of recording knowledge under two general headings — Thought-writing and Sound-writing.^ The former is again divided into two forms, the first and earliest of which is by pictures, the second by picture-writing. The superiority of picture-writing over the mere depicting of an occur- rence is that it analyzes the thought and expresses separately its component parts, whereas the picture presents it as a whole. The representations familiar among the North American Indians are usually mere pictures, while most of the records of the Aztec communities are in picture-writing. The genealogical development of Sound-writing begins by the substi- tution of the sign of one idea for that of another whose sound is nearly or quite the same. Such was the early graphic system of Egypt, and such substantially to-day is that of the Chinese. Above this stands sj'llabic writing, as that of the Japanese, and the semi-syllabic signs of the old Semitic alphabet; while, as the perfected result of these various attempts, we reach at last the invention of a true alphabet, in which a definite figure corresponds to a definite elementary sound. It is a primary question in American archaeology, How far did the most ' Dr. Friedricli Miillcr, Gnindriss der SpraclitmssenscltafI, Band i, pp. 151-156. 11 M T XVII Xviii INTRODUCTION. cultivated nations of the Western Continent ascend this scale of graphic development"? This question is as yet unanswered. All agree, however, that the highest evolution took place among the Nahuatl-speaking tribes of Mexico and the Maya race of Yucatan. I do not go too far in saying that it is proved that the Aztecs used to a certain extent a phonetic system of writing, one in which the figures i-efer not to the thought, but to the sound of the thought as expressed in spoken lan- guage. This has been demonstrated by the researches of M. Aubin, and, of late, by the studies of Senor Orozco y Ben-a.^ Two evolutionary steps can be distinguished in the Aztec writing. In the earlier the plan is that of the rebus in combination with ideograms, which latter are nothing more than the elements of picture-writing. Ex- , amples of this plan are the familiar "tribute rolls" and the names of towns and kings, as shown in several of the codices published by Lord Kings- borough. The second step is where a conventional image is employed to represent the sound of its first syllable. This advances actually to the level of the syllabic alphabet; but it is doubtful if there are any Aztec records entirely, or even largely, in this form of writing. They had only readied the commencement of its development. The graphic s3-stem of the Mayas of Yucatan was very difi'erent from that of the Aztecs. No one at all familiar with the two could fail at once to distinguish between the Manuscripts of the two nations. They are plainl}^ independent develoj^ments. We know much more about the ancient civilization of Mexico than of Yucatan ; we have many more Aztec than Maya Manuscripts, and hence we are moi'e at a loss to speak with positiveness about the Maya system of writing than about the Mexican. We must depend on the brief and unsat- isfactory statements of the early Spanish writers, and on what little modern research has accomplished, for means to form a correct opinion; and there is at present a justifiable discrejiancy of opinion about it among those who have given the subject most attention. 'Aubin, M&noirc sur Ja rciiitiire didaetique ct V Ecriture figurative des anduxs Mexicains, iu tho intro- duction to Brasseur (tie Boiirbourg)'s Histoire dcs Nations cirilisees du Mcxique ct de VAmcrique C'enirale, loni. i; Manuel Orozco y Berra, Evsa^o de Dcscifravion gcroglifica, iu the Analcs del Musco nacional de Mexico, torn, i, ii. INTRODUCTION XIX 2.— DESCRIPTIONS BY SPANISH WRITERS. The earliest exploration of the coast of Yucatan was that of Francisco Hernandez de Cordova, in 1517. The year following, a second expedition, under Juan de Grijalva, visited a number of points between the island of Cozumel and the Bahia de Terrainos. 'Several accounts of Grijalva's voyage liave been preserved, but they make no distinct reference to the method of writing they found in use. Some native books were obtained, however, probably from the Mayas, and were sent to Spain, where they were seen by the historian Peter Martyr. He describes them in general terms, and compares the characters in which they were written to the Egyptian hieroglyphics, some of which he had seen in Rome. He supposes that they contain the laws and ceremonies of the people, astronomical calculations, the deeds of their kings, and other events of their history. He also speaks in commendation of the neatness of their general appearance and the skill with which the drawing and paint- ing were carried out. He further mentions that the natives used this method of writing or drawing in the affairs of common life.^ Although Yucatan became thus early known to the Spaniards, it was not until 1541 that a permanent settlement was effected^ in which year Francisco de Montejo, the younger, advanced into the central province of Cell Pech, and established a city on the site of the ancient town called Ichcamiho, which means "the five (temples) of many oracles (or serpents)," ti wliicli he gave the name Merida, on account of the magnificent ancient edifices he found there. Previous to this date, however, in 1534, Father Jacobo de Testera, Avith four other missionaries, proceeded from Tabasco up the west coast to the neighborhood of the Bay of Campeachy. They were received amicably by the natives, and instructed them in the articles of the Christian faith. They also obtained from the chiefs a submission to tlie King of Spain; and I mention this eai'ly missionary expedition for the fact stated that each chief signed this act of submission "with a certain mark, like an autograph." ' Peter Martyr, decad. iv, cap. viii. XX INTKODITdTION. Tiiis (locuinent was subseqaentlj^ taken to Spain by the celebrated Bishop Las (Jasas/ It is clear from the account that some definite form of signa- ture was at that time in use among the chiefs. It might be objected that these signatures were nothing more than rude totem marks, such as were found even among the hunting tribes of the Northern Mississippi Valle}'. But Las Casas himself, in whose jjossession the documents were, here comes to our aid. to refute this opinion. Pie was familiar with the pictui'e-writing of Mexico, and recognized in the hiero- glyphics of the Mayas something different and superior. lie says expressly that these had inscriptions, writings, in certain characters, the like of which were found nowhere else.' One of the earl}^ visitors to Yucatan after the conquest was the Pope's commissary-general. Father Alonzo Ponce, who was there in L^S.S. Many natives who had grown to adult 3-ears in heathenism must have been living then. He makes the following interesting observation : " The natives of Yucatan are, among all the inhabitants of New Spain, especially deserving of praise for three things: First, that before the Span- iards came they made use of characters and letters, with which they wrote out their histories, their ceremonies, the order of sacrifices to their idols, and their calendars, in books made of the bark of a certain tree. These were on very long strips, a quarter or a third (of a yard) in width, doubled and folded, so that they resembled a bound book in quarto, a little larger or smaller. These letters and characters Avere understood ordy by the priests of the idols (who in that language are called Ahkins) and a few jirincipal natives. Afterwards some of our friars learned to understand and read them, and even wrote them."^ The interesting fact here stated, that some of the early missionaries '"Se sujetiiroii de su propria voluutad al Seuoriodo los Keies de Castilla, rtcibiendo al Emperador, como Rei do Espaua, por SeiSor supremo y universal, o liieieron ciertas seuales, como Firmas ; las quales, con testimouio de los Eeligiosos Frauciscos, quo alii estal).iu, llev6 eonsigo cl buen Oljispo de Chiapa, Don Fr. Bartolome do las Casas, amparo, y defensa do cstos Indios, quaudo se fu(S a Espaua." Torque- raada, Monarquia Indiana, lib. xix, cap. xiii. - "Letrcros do ciertos caracteres que eu otra uingnua parte." Las Casas, RMoria apoloijetica de las Indias Occidenlales, cap. cxxiii. ^ lltlacion Breve y Vcrdadera de Algnnas Cosas de las muchas que succdieron al Padre Fray Alonao Ponce, Vommisaario General, en las Provincias de la Xiiera Espana, in the Coleceion de Documentos para la Historia de Espana, torn. Iviii, p. 392. The other traits ho jiraises in the natives of Yucatan are their liecdom from .sodiiniv and cannibalism. INTEODUCTION. xxi not only learned to read these characters, but emi)loyed them to instruct the Indians, has been authenticated by a recent discovery of a devotional work written in this way. The earliest historian of Yucatan is Fr. Bernardo de Lizana/ But I do not know of a single complete copy of his work, and only one imperfect copy, which is, or was, in the city of Mexico, from which the Abbe Bras- seur (de Bourbourg) copied and republished a few chapters. Lizana was himself not much of an antiquary, but he had In his hands the Manuscripts left by Father Alonso de Solana, who came to Yucatan in 1 565, and remained there till his death, in 1599. Solana was an able man, acquired thoroughly the Maya tongue, and left in his writings many notes on the antiquities of the country." Therefore we may put considerable confidence in what Lizana writes on these matters. The reference which I find in Lizana to the Maya writings is as follows: "The most celel)rated and revered sanctuary in this land, and that to which they resorted from all parts, was this town and temples of Y^tzamal, as they are now called ; and that it was founded in most ancient times, and that it is still known who did found it, will be set forth in the next chapter. "III. The histor}' and the authorities which we can cite are certain ancient characters, scarcely understood by many, and explained by some old Indians, sons of the priests of their gods, who alone knew how to read and exponnd them, and who were believed in and revered as much as the gods themselves," etc.^ We have here the positive statement that these hieroglyphic inscrip- tions were used by the priests for recording their national history, and that by means of them they preserved the recollection of events which took place in a very remote past. Another valuable early witness, who testifies to the same eftect, is the} Dr. Don Pedro Sanchez de Aguilar, who was cura of Valladolid, in Yucatan, ' Bernardo lie Lizaun, Risloria de Tucaian. Demcionario de Xuesira Senora de Izmal,y Conquisia Espintual. 8vo. Pincias (Valladolid), 1083. '^ For these facts see Diego Lopez CogoHiido, Historia de Yucatan, lib. ix, caj). xv. Co2;oIludo adds that iu his time (I650-'60) Solaua's MSS. could not be found ; Lizaua may have sent them to Spain. ^ I add the original of the most important passage : "La historia y autores que podenios alegar sou unos autiguos caracteres, mal entendidos do muchos, y glo-ssados de unos indios autiguos, quo son hijos de los saccrdofcs de sus dioses, qiu; son los que solo sabian leer y .adi\ iuar, y a quieu creiau rover- euciavau como a Dioses destos." xxii INTRODUCTION. in 15.96, and, later, dean of the chapter of the cathedral at Merida. His book, too, is extremely scarce, and I have never seen a copy; but I have copious extracts from it, made by the late Dr. C. Hermann Berendt from a copy in Yucatan. Aguilar writes of the IWayas : ■"They had books made from the bark of trees, coated with a white and diu-able varnish. They were ten or twelve yards long, and were gath- ered together in folds, like a palm leaf. On these they painted in colors the reckoning of their years, wars, pestilences, hurricanes, inundations, famines, and other events. From one of these books, which I myself took from some of these idolaters, I saw and learned that to one pestilence they gave the name 3Iayacimil, and to another OcnakucMl, which mean 'sudden deaths' and 'times when the crows enter the houses to eat the corpses.' And the inundation they called Humjecil, the submersion of trees." ^ The writer leaves it uncertain whether he learned these words directly from the characters of the book or through the explanations of some native. It has sometimes been said that the early Spanish writers drew a broad line between the picture-writing that they found in America and an alpha- betic script. This may be true of other parts, but is not so of Yucatan. These signs, or some of them, ai-e repeatedly referred to as "letters," Idras. This is pointedly the case with Father Gabriel de San Buenaventura, a French Franciscan who served in Yucatan about 1670-80. He pub- lished one of the earliest grammars of the language, and also composed a dictionary in three large volumes, which was not printed. Father Beltran de Santa Rosa qviotes from it an interesting tradition preserved by Buena- ventura, that among the inventions of the mythical hero-god of the natives, Itzanma, or K'micli aliau, was that of ." the letters of the Maya language," with which letters they wrote their books.^ Itzamna, of course, dates back to a misty antiquity, but the legend is of value, as showing that the char- acters used by the natives did, in the opinion of the early missionaries, deserve the name of letters. ' Pedro Sanchez de Aguilar, Informe contra Idolorum cultores del OMspado de Yucatan. 4to. Madrid, I6:i9,ff. i24./\-ri^a/f , (ML A\uJe«;AAttoH^''^fr.n \// \>(^'. > '? ^ '"Elprimero quo halI6 las letras de la lengna Maya61iiz6 el cdniputo delosauos, meses y edades, y lo euseSo todo a los Indies de esta Provincia, fn6 un Indio llamado Kincliahan, y por otroiiombre Tzamna." Fr. Pedro BcUrsn do Santa Eosa Maria, Arte del Idioina Maya, p. 16 (2d ed., Mdrida de Yuca- tan, 1850). INTRODUCTION. Xxiii Father Die^o Lopez Cogolludo is the best-known historian of Yucatan. He lived about the middle of the seventeenth century, and says himself that at that time there was little more to be learned about the antiquities of the race. He adds, therefore, substantially nothing to our knowledge of the subject, although he repeats, with j^ositiveness, the statement that the natives "had characters by which they could understand each other in writing, such as those yet seen in great numbers on the ruins of their buildings." ^ This is not very full. Yet we know to a certainty that there were quantities of these manuscripts in use in Yucatan for a generation after Cogolludo wrote. To be sure, those in the christianized districts had been destroyed, wherever the priests could lay their hands on them; but in the southern part of the jieniusula, on the islands of Lake Peten and adjoining territory, the powerful chief, Canek, ruled a large independent tribe of Itzas. The}' had removed from the northern provinces of the peninsula somewhere about 1450, probabl}' in consequence of the wars which followed the dissolution of the confederacy whose capital was the ancient city of Mayapan. Their language was pure Maya, and they had brought with them in their migration, as one of their greatest treasures, the sacred books which contained their ancient history, their calendar and ritual, and the prophecies of their future fate. In the year 1697 they wei'e attacked by the Spaniards, under General Don Martin de Ursua; their capital, on the island of Flores, in Lake Peten, taken by storm ; great numbers of them slaughtered or driven into the lake to drown, and the twenty-one temples which were on the island razed to the ground. A minute and trustworthy account of these events has been given by Don Juan de Villagutieri'e Soto-Mayor, in the course of which several references to the sacred books, which he calls Analtes, occur. ., The king Canek, he tells us, in reading in his Analtes, had found notices of the northern provinces of Yucatan and of the fact that his pre- ' Diego Lopez Cogolliulo, Historia de Yucatan, lib. iv, cap. iii. The original is: "No acostum- Ijraban cscribir los pleitos, aunijue teuiau caracteres con quo so eatoudiau, do que so veu machos eu las luiiias do los edificios." xxiv INTRODUCTION. decessors had couie thence, and had communicated these narratives to his chiefs.^ These books are described as showing "certain characters and figures, painted on certain barks of trees, each leaf or tablet about a quarter (of a yard) wide, and of the thickness of a piece of eight, folded at one edge and the other in the manner of a screen, called by them AnaUehes." - When the island of Flores was captured these books ^vere found stored in the house of the king Canek, containing the account of all that had happened to the tribe.^ What disposition was made of them we are not informed. 1 have reserved until now a discussion of the description of the Maya writing presented in the well-known work of Diego de Landa, the second bishop of Yucatan. Landa ai-rived in the province in August, 1549, and died in April, 1579, having passed most of the intervening thirty years there in the discharge of his religious duties. He became well acquainted with the language, which, for that matter, is a comparatively easy one, and though harsh, illiberal, and bitterly fanatic, he paid a certain amount of attention to the arts, religion, and history of the ancient inhabitants. The notes that he made were copied after his death and reached Spain, where they are now preserved in the library of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid. In 1864 they were j^i^blished at Paris, with a French translation, by the Abbe Brasseur (de Bourbourg). Of all writers Landa comes the nearest telling us how the Mayas used their system of writing; but, unfortunately, he also is so superficial and obscure that his words have given rise to very erroneous theories. His description runs as follows: "This people also used certain characters or letters, with which they wrote in their books their ancient matters and their sciences, and with tliem (i. e., with their characters or letters), and figures (i. e., drawings or pic- ' "Porqiie lo leia su Rey en sus Analtehes, tenian Noticias de aijuellas Pioviucias de Yucatan (que Analteln'S, 6 Historias, es una misma cosa) y do que sus Pasados avian Salido de ellas." Hlstoria de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, Sidnccion y Progressos de la de el Lacandon, etc. (folio, Madrid, 1701) lib. vi, cap. iv. -Iliid., lib. vii, cap. i. 2 " Y en su casa tambion tenia de estos Idolos, y Messa do Sacrificios, y los Analtcbes, 6 Historia.s do todo qnanto los avia sucedido." Ibid., lib. viii, cap. xiii. INTRODUCTION. XXV tares), and some -signs in the figures, they understood their matters, and could explain them and teach them. We found great numbers of books in these letters, but as they contained nothing that did not savor of superstition and lies of the devil we burnt them all, at wliicli the natives grieved most keenly and were greatly pained. "I will give here an a, h, c, as their clumsiness does not allow more, because they use one character for all the aspirations of the letters, and for marking the parts another, and thus it could go on in infinitijm, as may be seen in the following example. Le means a noose and to hunt with one; to write it in their characters, after we had made them understand that there are two letters, they wrote it with three, giving to the aspiration of the I the vowel e, which it carries before it; and in this they are not wrong so to use it, if they wish to, in their curious manner. After this they add to the end the compound part."^ I need not pursue the quotation. The above words show clearly tliat the natives did not in their method of writing analyze a word to its primitive phonetic elements. "This," said the bishop, "we had to do for them." There- fore they did not have an alphabet in the sense of the word as we use it. On the other hand, it is equally clear, from his words and examples, that they had figures which represented sounds, and that they combined these and added a determinative or an ideogram to represent words or phrases. The alphabet he gives is, of course, not one which can be used as the Latin a, b, c. It is surprising that any scholar should ever have thought so. It would be an exception, even a contradiction, to the history of the evolu- tion of human intelligence to find such an alphabet among nations of the stage of cultivation of the Mayas or Aztecs. The severest criticism which Landa's figures have met has been from the pen of the able antiquary, Dr. Phillip J. J. Valentini. He discovered that many of the sounds of the Spanish alphabet were represented by signs or pictures of objects whose names in the Maya begin with that sound. Thus he supposes that Landa asked an Indian to write in the native char- acter the Spanish letter a, and the Indian drew an obsidian knife, which, ' Diego de Landa, Selacion de las Cosas de Yucatan, pp. 316, 318, seq. XXVI INTEODUGTION. says Dr. Valentini, is in the Maya ach; in other words, it begins with the vowel a. So for the sound /ri, the Indian gave the sign of the da}- named kimich. Such is Dr. Valentini's theory of the formation of Landa's alphabet; and not satisfied with lashing with considerable sharpness those who have endeavored by its aid to decipher the Manuscripts and mural inscriptions, he goes so far as to term it "a Spanish fabrication." I shall not enter into a close examination of Dr. Valentini's supposed identification of these figures. It is evident that it has been done by run- ning over the Maya dictionary to find some word beginning with the letter under criticism, the figurative representation of which word might bear some resemblance to Landa's letter. When the Maya fails, such a word is sought for in the Kiche or other dialect of the stock; and the resemblances of the pictures to the supposed originals are sometimes greatly strained. But I pass by these dubious methods of criticism as well as several lexicographic objections which might be raised. I believe, indeed, that Dr. Valentini is not wrong in a number of his identifications. But the conclu- sion I draw is a different one. Instead of proving that this is picture- writing, it indicates that -the Mayas used the second or higher grade of phonetic syllabic writing, which, as I have before observed, has been sliown by M. Aubin to have been developed to some extent by the Aztecs in some of their histories and connected compositions (see above page xxviii). There- fore the importance and authenticity of Landa's alphabet are, I think, vin- dicated by this attempt to treat it as a "fabrication."^ Landa also gives some interesting details about their books. He writes: "The sciences that they taught were the reckoning of the years, months, and days, the feasts and ceremonies, the administration of their sacraments, the fatal days and seasons, their methods of cHvination and prophecies, events about to happen, remedies for diseases, their ancient history, together with the art of reading and writing tlieir books with characters which were written, and pictures which represented the things written. "They wrote their books on a large sheet doubled into folds, which 'Dr. Valcutiiii's article was imblisbcd in tlic I'rocccdiiiijs of tlie American Aniiqiiaiian Socicti/, 16S0, and also sei>aratel,v. INTRODUCTION. XXVll was afterwards inclosed between two boards which they decorated hand- somely. They were written from side to side in columns, as they were folded. They manufactured this paper from the root of a tree and gave it a white surface on which one could write. Some of the principal nobles cultivated these sciences out of a taste for them, and althougli they did not make public use of them, as did the priests, yet they were the more highly esteemed for this knowledge."^ Fi'om the above extracts from Spanish writers we may infer that — 1. The Maya graphic system was recognized from the first to be dis- tinct from the Mexican. 2. It was a hieroglyphic system, known only to the priests and a few nobles. 3. It was employed for a variety of purposes, prominent among which was the preservation of their history and calendar. 4. It was a composite system, containing pictures {Jlguras), ideograms (caraderes), and phonetic signs (letras). 3.— REFERENCES FROM NATIVE SOURCES. We might reasonably expect that the Maya language should contain terms relating to their books and writings which would throw light on their methods. So, no doubt, it did. But it was a part of the narrow and crushing policy of the missionaries not only to destroy everything that related to the times of heathendom, but even to drop all words which referred to ancient usages. Hence the dictionaries are more sterile in this respect than we might liave supposed. The verb "to write" is dzih, which, like the Greek ypdcpeiv, meant also to draw and to paint. From this are derived the terms (hiban, some- thing written; dzibal, a signature, etc. Another word, meaning to write, or to paint in black, is zahac. As a noun, this was in ancient times applied to a black fluid extracted from the zahacclie, a species of tree, and used for dyeing and painting. In the sense 'Diogodo Lanila, Udacion de las Coaas tie Yiica'.an, p. 4'l. XXviii INTKODUCTILN. of "to write," ^ahac is no longer found in the lang-uage, and instead of its old meaning it now refers to ordinary ink. The word for letter or character is uooh. This is a primitive root found with the same or a closely allied meaning in other branches of this linguistic stock, as, for instance, in the Kiche and Cakchiquel. As a verb, pret. tiootah, fut. uootc, it also means to form letters, to write; and from tlie passive form, itoohal, we have the participial noun, iioohun, something wi'it- ten, a manuscript. The ordinary word for book, paper, or letter, is huun, in which the aspirate is almost mute, and is dropped in the forms denoting possession, as u mm, my book, yuunil Dios, the book of God, il being the so-called "de- terminative" ending. It occurs to me as not unlikely that uiin, book, is a syncopated form of uoolian, something written, given above. To read a book is xochun, literally to count a book. According to Villagutierre Soto-Mayor, the name of the sacred books of the Itzas was analte. In the printed Diccionario de la Lengiia Maya, by Don Juan Pio Perez, this is spelled anakte, which seems to be a later form. The term is not found in several early Maya dictionaries in my pos- session, of dates previous to 1700. The Abbe Brasseur, indeed, in a note to Landa, explains it to mean "a book of wood," but it can have no such signification. Perhaps it should read huniltc, this being composed of himil, the "determinative" form of huun, a book, and the termination tc, which, added to nouns, gives them a specific sense, e. g. amayte, a square figure, fi'om amay, an angle; tzucuhtt, a pi'ovince, from tzuc, a portion separated fi'om the I'est. It would mean especiall}- the sacred or national books. The particular class of books which were occupied with the calendar and the ritual were called izolante, which is a participial noun from the verb twl, passive tzolal, to set in order, to arrange, witli the sufiix fe. By these books were set in order and arranged the various festivals and fasts. When the conquest was an accomplished fact and the priests had got the upper hand, the natives did not dare use their ancient characters. They exposed themselves to the suspicion of heresy and the risk of being burnt alive, as more than once happened But their strong passion for literature remained, and they gratified it as far as thov dared by writing in their own INTRODUOTIOIf. XX-IX tongue with the Spanish alphabet vohimes whose contents are very similar to those described by Landa (above, page xxvi). A number of these are still in existence and ofter an interesting field for antiquarian and linguistic study. Although, as I say, they are no longer in the Maya letters, they contain quite a number of ideograms, as the signs of the days and the months, and occasional cartouches and paintings, which show that they were made to resemble the ancient manuscripts as closely as possible. They also contain not infrequent references to the "writing'' of the ancients, and what are alleged to be extracts from the old records, chiefly of a mystic character. The same terms are employed in speaking of tlie ancient graphic system as of the present one. Thus in one of them, known as "The Book of Chilan Balam of Chumayel," occurs this phrase: Bay chibanil tumenel Evangelistas yetel prof eta Balam — "as it was written by the Evangelists, and also by the prophet Balam," this Balam being one of their own celebrated ancient seers. Among the predictions preserved from a time anterior to'the Conquest, there are occasional references to their books and their contents. I quote, as an example, a short prophecy attributed to Ahkul Chel, "priest of the idols." It is found in several of the oldest Maya manuscripts, and is in all probability authentic, as it contains nothing which would lead us to suppose that it was one of the "pious frauds" of the missionaries. ^'■Enhi oihte katime ijume, maixtan a naaU; Ualac u talel, mac hin ca oahac tu coo pop; Katime yume hin tduc, holom uil tucal ya ; Tali ti xaman, tali ti childnc; ahhinob uil yaiic yume ; Mac to ahJdn, mac to ahhohat, bin alic u than uoohe, YcJiil Bolon Ahaii, maixtan d naatef" "The lord of the cycle has been written down, but ye will not under- stand ; He has come, who will give the enrolling of the years; The lord of the cycle will arrive? he will come on account of his love; XXX INTEODUCTION. lie came from the north, from the west. There are priests, there are fathers, But what priest, what prophet, shall explain the words of the books, In the Ninth Ahau, which ye will not understand?"^ From this designedly obscure chant we perceive that the ancient priests inscribed their predictions in books, which were afterward explained to the people. The exj)ression bin alic u than uoohe — literally, "he will speak the words of the letters" — seems to point to a phonetic writing, but as it may be used in a figurative sense, I shall not lay stress on it.^ 4.— THE EXISTING CODICES. The word Codex ought to be confined, in American archasology, to manuscripts in the original writing of the natives. Some writers have spoken of the "Codex Chimalpopoca," the "Codex Zumarraga," and the "Codex Perez," which are nothing more than manuscripts either in the native or Spanish tongues written Avith the Latin alphabet. Of the Maya Codices known, only three have been published, which I will mention in the order of their appearance. The Dresden Codex. — This is an important Maya manuscript pi'eserved in the Royal Library at Dresden. How or when it came to Europe is not known. It was obtained from some unknown person in Vienna in 1739. ' I add a few notes ou this text : Enlii is the preterit of the irregular verb hal, to be, pret. cnhi, fat. enac. Katun yum, father or lord of the Katuu or cycle. Each Katun was uader the protection of a special deity or lord, who con- trolled the events which occurred in it. Tu, coo pop, lit., "for the rolling up of Pop," which was the first month in the Maya year. Holom is an archaic future from hul; this form in om is mentioned by Buenaventura, Arte de la Lenejua Maya, 1684, and is frequent in the sacred language, but does not occur elsewhere. Tucal tja, ou account of his love; but ya means also " suffering," " wound," and "strength," and there is no clue which of these significations is meant. Ahkinoh; the original has tukinoh, which I 8'jspect is an error; it would alter the phrase to mean "In that day there are fathers"or lords, the word yum, father, being constantly used for lord or ruler. The ahkiti was the priest ; the aA Joiai was a diviner ori)rophet. The 9th Ahau Katuu was the period of 20 years which began iu 1541, according to most native authors, but according to Landa's reckoning iu the year 15GI. 2 In quoting and explaining Maya words and phrases in this article, I have in all instances io\- ]ov.'edtho Diccionario Maya-Es2)anol del Convento de Molul (Yucatan); a copy of which in manuscript (one of the onlj' two in existence) is iu my possession. It was composed about 1580. The still olderM.aya dictionary of Father Vill.alpando, printed in Mexico in 1571, is yet in existence iu one or two cojiies, but i have never seen it. INTRODUCTION. XXXI Tliis Codex corresponds in size, appearance, and manner of folding to the descriptions of the Maya books which I have presented above from Spanish sources. It has thirty-nine leaves, thirty-five of v?hich are colored and inscribed on both sides, and four on one side only, so that there are only seventy-four pages of matter. The total length of the sheet is 3.5 meters, and the height of each page is 0.2l'5 meter, the width 0.085 meter. The first publication of any portion of this Codex was by Alexander von Humboldt, who had five pages of it copied for his work, Vues des Cor- cUUeres et Monmnens des Peiiples Indigenes de V Amerique, issued at Paris in 1813 (not 1810, as the title-page has it). It was next very carefully copied in full by the Italian artist, Agostino Aglio, for the third volume of Lord Kingsborongh's great work on Mexican Antiquities, the first volume of which appeared in 1 831. From Kingsborongh's work a few pages of the Codex have been from time to time republished in other books, which call for no special mention. Two pages were copied from tlie original in 1855, and appeared in Wuttke's GeschicJde der Schriff, Leipzig, 1872. Finally, in 1880, the whole was very admirably chi-omo-photographed by A. Naumann's establishment at Leipzig to the number of fifty copies, forty of which were placed on sale. It is the first work which was ever published in chromo-photography, and has, therefore, a high scientific as well as antiquarian interest. The editor was Dr. E. Forstemann, aulic counselor and librarlan-in- chief of the Royal Library. He wrote an introduction (17 pp. 4to) giving a history of the manuscript, and bibliographical and other notes upon it of much value. One opinion he defends must not be passed b}' in silence. It is that the Dresden Codex is not one but parts of two original manuscripts written by diff"event hands. It appears that it has always been in two unequal fragments, which all previous writers have attributed to an accidental injury to the original. Dr. Forstemann gives a number of reasons for believing that this is not the cor- rect explanation, but that we have here portions of two different books, having general similarity but also many points of diversity. Tins separation led to an erroneous (or perhaps erroneous) sequence of XXxii INTRODUCTION. tlie pages in Kingsborough's edition. The artist Aglio took first one frag- ment and copied both sides, and tlien proceeded to the next one; and it is not certain that in either case he begins with the first page in the oi'iginal order of the book. Tlte Codex Peresiamis, or Codex Mexicanus, No. II, of the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. — This fragment — for it is unfortunately nothing more — was discovered in 1859 by Prof. Leon de Rosny among a mass of old papers in the National Library, it consists of eleven leaves, twenty-two pages, each 9 inches long and 5^ inches wide. The writing is very much defaced, but was evidently of a highly artistic character, probably the most so of an}" manuscript known. It unquestionably belongs to the Maya manu- scripts. Its origin is unknown. The papers in which it was wrapped bore the •name "Perez," in a Spanish hand of the seventeenth century, and hence the name "Peresianus" was given it. By order of the Minister of Public In- struction ten photographic copies of this Codex, without reduction, were pre- pai-ed for the use of scholars. None of them was placed on sale, and so far as I know the only one Avhich has found its way to the United States is that in my own library. An ordinary lithographic reproduction was given in the Archives paleographiques de VOrient et de V Amerique, tome i (Paris, 1869-'71). The Codex Tro, or Troano. — The publication of this valuable Codex we owe to the enthusiasm of the Abbd Brasseur (de Bourbourg). On his return from Yucatan in 18G4 he visited Madrid, and foiuid this Manuscript in the possession of Don Juan de Tro y Ortolano, professor of paleography, and himself a descendant of Hernan Cortes. The abb^ named it Troano, as a compound of the two names of its former owner; but later writers often content themselves by referring to it simply as the Codex Tro. It consists of thirty-five leaves and seventy pages, each of which is larger than a page of the Dresden Codex, but less than one of the Codex Peresianus. It was published by chromolithography at Paris, in 1869, prefaced by a study on the graphic system of the Mayas by the abbe, and an attempt at a translation. The reproduction, which was carried out under the efficient care of M. Leonce Angrand, is extremely accurate. All tlu-ee of these codices wer^ written on paper manufactured from INTEODUCTION, XXxiii the leaves of the maguey plant, such as that in common use in Mexico. In Maya the maguey is called ci, the vai'ieties being distinguished by various prefixes. It grows luxuriantly in most parts of Yucatan, and although the favorite tipple of the ancient inhabitants was mead, they were not unac- quainted with the intoxicating pulque, the liquor from the maguey, if we can judge from their word for a drunkard, ci-vinic (vinic^man). The old writers were probably in error when they spoke of the books being made of the barks of trees; or, at least, they were not all of that kind. The above-mentioned three Manuscripts are the only ones which have been published. I shall not enumerate those which exist in private hands. So long as they are withheld from the examination of scientific men they can add nothing to the general stock of knowledge, and as statements about them are not verifiable it is useless to make any. I may merel}^ say that there are two in Europe and two or three in Mexico, which, from the descriptions I have heard or read of them, I think are probably of Maya origin. In addition to the Manuscripts, we have the mural paintings and inscriptions found at Palenque, Copan, Chichen Itza, and various ruined cities within the boundaries of the Maya-speaking races. There is no mis- taking these inscriptions. They are unquestionably of the same character as the Manuscripts, although it is also easy to perceive variations, which are partly owing to the necessary differences in technique between painting and sculpture ; partly, no doubt, to the separation of age and .time. -> Photographs and "squeezes" have reproduced many of these inscrip- tions with entii-e fidelity. We can also depend upon the accurate pencil of Catherwood, whose delineations have never been equalled. But the pictures of Waldeck and some other travelers do not deserve any confidence, and should not be quoted in a discussion of the subject. Both in tlie inscriptions, manuscripts, and paintings the forms of the letters are rounded, and a row of them presents the outlines of a number of pebbles cut in two. Hence the system of writing has been called " cal- culiform," from calculus, a pebble. The expression has been criticised, but I agree with Dr. Forstemann in thinking it a very appropriate one. It was suggested, I beliyve, by the Abbu Brasseur (de Bourbourg). Xxxiv INTRODUCTION. 5.— EFFORTS AT INTERPRETATION. The study of the Maya hieroglyphic system is still in its infancy. It is only two years since an unquestionably faithful reproduction of the Dresden Codex supplied a needed standard of comparison for the Codex Troano. Some knowledge of the Maya language, if not indispensable, is certainly desirable in such an undertaking, particularly if the writing is in any degree phonetic. But it was not tilj 1877 that any printed dictionary of that tongue could be had. The publication of the Diccionario de la Lengua Maya of Don Juan Pio Perez was completed in that year, and, though still leaving much to be desired, especially in reference to the ancient forms and meanings of words, it is a creditable monument of industry. When the Abb(i Brasseur edited the Codex Troano he also attempted an explanation of its contents. He went so far as to give an interlinear version of some pages, and wonderful work he made of it! But I am relieved of expressing an opinion as to his success by his own statement in a later work, that he had, by mistake, commenced at the end of the Codex instead of its beginning; that he had read the lines from right to left, when he should have read them from left to right ; and that his translations were not intended for more than mere experiments.^ The attempt at a translation of the Dresden Codex by Mr. William BoUaert, published in the Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London, 1870, may be passed over for the same reason. He also "read from the bottom upwards, •and from right to left," and his renderings were altogether fanciful. The first who addressed himself to an investigation of the Maya hieroglyphics with anything like a scientific method was M. Hyacinthe de Charencey, of France. I append, in a note, a list of his essays on this subject, with their dates, so far as I know thera.^ When they first appeared ' Brasseur de Bourbourg, BibliotMque Mexico-Guatemalienne, prdcedee d'un Coup d'CEil sur les Sttidea Americaines, p. xxvii, note (Paris, 1871). ^ITyaciuthe de Charencej-, ^ssoi de Deckifremeni d'un fragment d^inscription ralenqueenc, in the Actes do la Soci6t6 Philologique, mars 1870. Essai de Dichiffrement d'un fragment dn Manuscript Troano, in the Same de Philologie et d'Ethno- graphic, Paris, 1875. The above two were republished under the title: £tudcs de Paleographie Amcricaine; Dichiffrement des Ecritures CalcuUformes ou Mayas. lieeherches sur le Codex Troano, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 6diteur, 187(5, 6vo., p. ItJ. INTKODUCTION. XXXV I translated the results, and gave them to the public in this country in the same year (1870), together with a copy of the alphabet of Landa,^ which was the earliest notice of the subject which appeared in the United States. The .conclusion which M. de Charencey reached was that the Codex Troano is "largely made up of combinations of numerals and reckonings more or less complicated, either astronomical or astrological, the precise purpose of which it were as yet premature to state." He especially ad- dressed himself to the Plates VIII to XIII, and showed by diagrams the arrangement in them of the signs of the days, and the probability that this arrangement was taken from a "wheel," such as we know the Mayas were accustomed to use in adjusting their calendar. An ingenious and suggestive analysis of Landa's alphabet and of various figures in the Dresden and Troano Codices was carried out by Dr. Harrison Allen, professor of comparative anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. It was published in 1875, in the Transactions of tlie American Philosophical Society. In the following year (1876) appeared the first part of Prof. Leon de Rosny's Essai sur le Dechiffrement de VEcriture Hieratique de VAmerique Cen- trale, folio. The second part was published shortly afterward, but the third part not till some years later. Professor de Rosn}' has collected many facts which throw a side light on the questions he discusses. He points out that the signs are to be read from left to right; he gives a valuable list of variants of the same sign as it appears in difterent manuscripts; and he distinguishes the signs of the cardinal points, although it is doubtful whether he assigns to each its correct value. He has also offered strong evidence to fix the phonetic value of some characters. Altogether, his work ranks as the most thorough and fruitful which has heretofore been done in this field. In 1879 Prof. Charles Rau published, through the Smithsonian Insti- tution, his work, "The I^Ienque Tablet in the United States National Mu- seum, Washington." Its fifth chapter is devoted to the "aboriginal writing in Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America," and ofi'ers a judicious summary of what had been accomplished up to that date. He defends the position, 'The Ancient Phonetic Alphabet of Yucatan. By D. G. Brinton, M. D. New York, J. Sabin & Sons, 1870, 8vo., p. 8. XXXvi INTEODUCTION. which I think is unquestionably the con*ect one, that the Maya writing is certainly something more than systematized picture-writing, and yet that we cannot expect to find in it anything corresponding to our own alphabet. In the same year (1879) Dr. Carl Schultz-Sellack published in the Zeitsclirift fur Ethnologie, Bd., XI, th.eresults of some studies he had made of the Dresden Codex, compared with others published in Kingsborough's work, especially with reference to the signs of the gods of the cardinal points. He recognized the same signs as De Rosny, but arranged them differently. Many of his comparisons of Maya with Aztec pictographs are suggestive and merit attentive consideration; but he speaks a great deal too confidently of their supposed close relationship.^ Although Dr. Forstemann, in his introductory text to the Dresden Codex (1880), expressly disclaims any intention to set up as an exjiounder of its contents, he nevertheless compared carefully the three published codices, and offers (pp. 15-17) a number of acute suggestions and striking comparisons, which the future student must by no means overlook. Finally, the "Studies in American Picture-Writing" of Prof. Edward S. Holden, published in the "First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy, 1881," are to be included in the list. He devotes his attention princi- pally to the mural inscriptions, and only incidentally to the Manuscripts. The method he adopts is the mathematical one employed in unriddling cryptography. By its application he is convinced that the writing is from left to right, and from above downward; that the signs used at Copan and Palenque were the same, and had the same meaning; that in proper names, at least, the picture-writing was not phonetic; and that in all probability it had no phonetic elements in it whatever. As Professor Holden states that he is entirely unacquainted with the Maya language, and but slightly with the literature of the subject; as his method would confessedly not apply to the chara(fters, if phonetic, without a knowledge of the Maya; and as he assumes throughout his article that the mythology and attributes of the Maya divinities were the same as those of the Aztec, for which the evidence is very far from sufficient, we must 'Dr. Schultz-Sellack's article is entitled "Die Amerikanischtn Goiter der Vier Wtltgegenden und Hire Tempel in Palvnque." INTRODUCTION. XXXvii place his attempt at decipherment along with others which have failed through an inadequate grasp of the factors of the problem. Nevertheless, his attentive study of the relative positions of the signs have yielded results which will merit the thanks of future students. A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. BY CYRUS THOMAS. CHAPTEll I. THE MANUSCRIPT AND ITS CHARACTER. This manuscript was found about the year 1866,^ at Madrid, Spain, by the Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg-, while on a visit to the library of tlie Royal Historical Academy, and named by him "Manuscrij^t Troano," in honor of its possessor, Don Juan de Tro y Ortolano. So far as I am aware, nothing more is known in reference to its history; we are not even informed by its last owner where or how he obtained it. In ordinary cases this would be sufficient to arouse our suspicions as to its genuineness, but in this case the work itself is sufficient to dispel all such suspicions, a fact which will become apparent to the reader before reaching the end of the present paper. This work was reproduced hi facsimile by a chromolithographic process, by the Commission Scientifiqac du Mex'ique under the auspices of the French Government, Brasseur being the editor. The original is written on a strip of Maguey paper about 14 feet lono- and 9 inches wide, the surface of which is covered with a wliite paint or varnish, on which the cliaracters and figures are painted in black, red, blue, and brown It is folded fan-like into thirty-five folds, presenting, when these are pressed together, the appearance of an ordinary octavo volume. The hieroglyphics and figures cover both sides of the paper, forming seventy pages; the writing and painting of the figures having been ex- • I cannot find that tlie exact date of the discovery is given anywhere. Bancroft says "about 1805," but a c.treful examination of Brasseur's Introduction satisfies me it was .at least as late as 1866. 1 M T A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. edited, apparently, after the paper was folded, so that this does not interfere Avith the writing. The facsimile edition is divided into two parts, paged separately; the first part containing thirty-five pages or plates, numbered with simple Roman numerals from I to XXXV; the second with Roman numerals accompanied by a star, thus: XII*; but this part has only thirty-four pages, numbei'ed I* to XXXIV* ; the first plate, which appears to be — as Brasseur has designated it — the "title page," is not numbered. The two parts I presume are made to correspond with the two sides of the original; the title page being at the end of one side and forming the page on the first fold. The lines and columns of written characters are uniformly black, some of the numeral characters red, others black; the pictorial portions are usually red, brown, or blue, but occasionally varied with black, and often simply outline figures. The background of the compartments or spaces on which the figures are painted is usually white, but in some cases it is blue, in others, brown or red. Several of the plates are more or less damaged, all of the imperfections, as it is claimed, being reproduced in the facsimile edition. Our colored plates, which are reproduced from the facsimile work, will give the reader an idea of the characters and figures. It is admitted by all who have made the comparison, that the written characters belong to the same class as those given by Landa. Although there are numerous variations, and also some characters in the manuscript not given by him, yet most of his letter and day characters, especially the latter, can be found identical in form and details. As proof of this I give here the following examples of exact copies after Landa and the Manuscript: L. Fig. 1.— Comparison of Landa's cb.iracters with those of the Troaiio niaiinseript. THOMAS] DAY AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS. 3 This fact is sufficient of itself to authorize us to pronounce it a Maya document, a conclusion which we shall find strengthened as we proceed in our examination of its contents. As what is known in regard to Mexican and Central American writings has been presented by Dr. Brinton in the Introduction, I will not go over the same ground here, but will confine myseM" to the special object in view, to wit: an explanation and discussion of what I believe to be real discov- eries made during my examination of the contents of this work. As before stated, an examination of this manuscript is sufficient to convince any one at all familiar with Landa's characters that those here used are substantially the same, be their signification what it may. On almost every page are to be found columns of characters agreeing precisely with those given by him as representing the Maya days. These are generally placed at the left of the compartments or spaces containing the figures, and as a general rule there are five characters in a column. Another prominent feature is the great number of numeral characters — dots and short straight lines. These are found on ever}^ plate, often dozens on a single page. The frequent occurrence of these day and numeral characters, often in connection, led to the belief that the work was a kind of religious cal- endar, a belief strongly supported by the character of the figures in the spaces. With this as the only opinion to hamper or aid me, as the case might be, I began the study of the Manuscript. I was convinced that if I could form a correct idea of the general design of the work it would aid greatly in deciphering its characters. As the day and numeral characters seemed to afford the most direct road to this desired result, I began with these. Brasseur de Bourbourg has designated the day columns "legends," believing them to contain a summary of what is written, or represented by the figures in the compartments to which they severally belong. I'hat they are characters representing the Maya days he admitted, but as the names of these characters have each one or more significations, it was his belief that they were used to express this signification, and not simply as the names of days. 4 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. To be able to decide jDOsitively whether this opinion of the Abbe's was correct or not, would, I felt, be taking one important step toward ascer- taining the contents of this mysterious document, as these day columns form a considerable part of it. The frequent occurrence of numerals in connection with these day characters appeared to indicate dates or the numbering of days, somewhat as we find them in our ordinary calendars. How to verify or disprove this inference was the first problem that presented itself CHAPTER II THE MAYA CALENDAR. The Maya divisions of time (no notice is taken here of tlie divisions of the day) were as follows: The day, the week, the month, the year, the five intercalated days, the week of years, the Ahau or Katun, the cycle of fifty-two years, and the Ahau Katun or gi'eat epoch. The day ("Kin" or Sim) was used in the ordinary sense, each of the twenty days of the month having its name, as we name the days of our week, and its character or hieroglyph, as follows: KAN. CHICCHAN, CtM!. MANIK. LAMAT. Fig. ■^.— l);n- clianictcrs. The characters here given are copied from Landa's work, our only original authority on this point. There are several important variations from these forms found in the Manuscript, but these, the orthography of the names according to different authors, together with the significations of the names, have been given by others, hence will not be repeated here. Although the month did not alwaj's commence with the same day, the order of the days as here given, to wit, Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, Manik, Lamat, 6 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCBirX TKOANO. Muluc, Oc, Cliuen, Eb, Ben, Ix, Men, Cib, Caban, Ezanab, Cauac, Ahau, Ymix, Ik, Akbal, was always preserved. For example, if the month began with Muluc, the second day would be Oc, the third Chuen, and so on to Akbal; then followed Kan, just as we would name seven days com- mencing, say, with Wednesday, then Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, &c. The Maya year contained 365 days and consisted of two unequal pai-ts, as follows: 360 days, or the year proper, divided into eighteen months of twenty days each; and five intercalary days, which were added at the end in order to complete the number 365. The eighteen months were named and numbered as follows: 1. Pop; 2. Uo; 3. Zip; 4. Tzoz; 5. Tzec; 6. Xul; 7. Yaxkin; 8. Mol; 9. Chen; 10. Yax; 11. Zac; 12. Ceh; 13. Mac; 14. Kankin; 15. Muan; 16. Pax; 17. Kayab; 18. Cumhu. UO, ZIP. Tzoy. Tzecv J. «^♦<^ U'V Fu;. 3. — Month characters. The year always commenced with the same month — Pop — the others invariably following in the order given, so that the number of the month being given we know its name. But eighteen montlis of twenty days each not completing the year, five days were added after the close of Cumhu — not as a part of that month, for no month could have either more or less than twenty days — to complete THOMAS.] METHOD OF NUMBERING THE DAYS. 7 the number 365, and were called "nameless days" (though in reality named as other days), and were considered unlucky. If the year began with Kan, the last day of the eighteenth month — Cumhu — would, as a matter of course, be Akbal, the last of the twenty. The five intercalated days Avere named in regular order following the last of Cumhu, and in this case would be Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, Manik, and Lamat. The next — Muluc — would begin the new year. Muluc being the first day of the month, Lamat would necessarily be the last — the five added days at the end of the year would be Muluc, Oc, Chuen, Eb, and Ben, making Ix the first of the following year. Ix being the first, Ben would be the last of Cumhu, and the added days being Ix, Men, Cib, Caban, and Ezanab, Cauac would be the first of the next year, the added days would close Avith Akbal, and the following year commence with Kan. It will be seen from this, that the year always commenced with one of the four days, Kan, Muluc, Ix, Cauac, following each other regularly in the order given. If these were all the peculiarities of the system, the Maya calendar would be comparatively simple and easily understood. But another method of numbering the days was introduced, doubtless long after the calendar had assumed a regular foi'm, and probably by the priests, for the purpose of complicating it and rendering it as far as possible unintelligible to the people. This was to limit the number to thirteen, or, in other words, to divide the year into periods of thirteen days. I have tW^h^i^ followed other modern authors in calling this period a week, though it ap- pears the Mayas gave it no name, nor in fact do they seem to have consid- ered it a period, but simply a method of numbering the days and years. As there were twenty names of days to be used, the introduction of this system of thirteen numerals, as the one chiefly adopted in giving dates, necessarily greatly complicated the calendar, and, together with the inter- calation of the five days at the end of the year, produced some singular results. To illustrate this I give first a list of days for one month (Table No. I) numbered according to this system, following it with a table (No. II) num- bered in the same way for an entire year — something after the manner of our common countiuff-house calendar. STUDY OF THE MANUSCEirT TROANO. J. Kau. (■ > 2. Chiccban. (j, , . 7. Oc. Iwdn-cUt 3. Ciini. CAJHi , 8. Chueu. /-0C//vUt 4. Manik. (UUh.^ttllm 9. Eb. cUi- , 5. Lamat. ( (-'■ 10. Beu. CiiXiuM-' \ Table I. 6. Muliic. liVi^iiviA'll. Ix. tr2-o»»L-'uvi^ Ezauab.a 7 8 9 10 I i 11 12 13 1 j< ' 2 3 4 s.ii \ 6 7 ^ _9J 10 fe^ .12 13 i 1 ^ i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 ^ J 10^ hi 12 13 i ^ 3 4 b\ < ^ 7 8 ^\ >10 11 12 13 > > 1 2 3 4> I 5 6 7 8< 9 10 11 12 > as 1 2 3< \ ^ 5 6 7 \ ^ 9 10 11 1 >12 13 1 2> \ ^ 4 5 6^ ?11 ^ A 10 1 jl2 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 shall be able to explain this mystery. our colored Plates I, II, III, and IV, which are exact copies of XX- XXIII of the Manuscript. He will notice that the extreme left-hand column of Plate IV (Man. XXIII) contains only the character for Cauac, which is repeated thirteen times, and that over each is a red numeral. Near the top are certain other characters with which we have nothing- to do at present. Commencing with the upper Cauac and moving down the col- umn we find the numbers over them, so far as they can be made out, as follows: 10, 1, 5, 9, 13, 4, 8, 12, (?), 7, (?), 2, 6. If these num- bers relate here to the days of the week, why this peculiar order? If we refer to Table II of the days of the months and year, and run our eyes along the ti'ansverse line opposite Cauac, we shall find the order to be as follows: 1, 8, 2, 9, 3, 10, 4, 11, 5, 12, 6, 13, 7, wholly different from what we see here. If we construct a table of years simi- lar to those already given (III and IV), but extended over two com- plete cycles of 52 years each, we We give here, for the reasons here- THOMAS] EXPLANATION OF THE RED NUMERALS. 19 tofore stated, two tables, one with Cauac as the initial day (VI) and the other with Kan (VII). Running our eyes down the Cauac column of either table to H', we find thirteen numbers from this downwards, as follows, and in the order here given: 10, !, 5, 9, 13, 4, 8, 12, 3, 7, 11, 2, 6, precisely as they are on the plate of the manuscript. On Plate XXII (our Plate III) the repeated character of the left-hand column is Kan, the numerals over which (reading from the top downwards) are as follows : 11, 2, 6, 10, 1, 5, 9, ("?), 4, 8, 12, 3, 7, 11, precisely the same and in the same order as we find them in the Kan column of our tables ; the obliterated one being, as we see from this, 13. On Plate XX (our Plate I) the repeated character of the left-hand column is Tx. The num- bers here, so far as they can be made out, are 13, (?), 8, 12, 3, 7, 11, 2, 6, 10, 1, 5, 9, precisely the same and in the same order as in the Ix column of our tables. The repeated character on Plate XXI (our Plate II) is Muluc; the numbers are 12, 3, 6, 10, 1, 5, 9, 13, 4, 8, 2, 7, 3. If we compare these with the Muluc column of our tables, we find that after the first two numbers there is a skip of three numbers before we reach the 6 which should follow according to the plate. But what appears here as a contradiction of my supposition is, as I believe, the strongest evidence of its correctness. If we examine the tables carefully we will observe that after reaching the second figure, — 3, — in the Muluc column, the next figure in the adjoining column is 6, and from thence to 8 the same as on the plate. From this I am led to believe the writer had before him a table similar to those I have given, except that it was written in their numeral characters, and that, by mistake in copying, his eye fell on the wrong column. That such tables were used by them is rendered probable by the following quotation which Perez makes from an ancient manuscript in his possession: "They had another number which they called Ua Katun, which served them as a key to find the Katunes and according to the order of their march, it falls on the two days of the Umjebhaah and revolves to the end of certain years: Katunes 13, 9, f>, 1, 10, 6, 2, 11, 7, 3, 12, 8, 4." By commencing at the bottom of the right- hand column of either table of years and running up we find precisely these numbers and in the order given. It is scarcely possible these could have been obtained except by a table similar to those I have given. 20 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. We know that tables of days of this form are to be foiind in some two or three of the Mexican Codices; something similar is also to be found in the Dresden Codex, and by placing the columns of these four plates of the Manuscript side by side we will have just such a table.^ But be this as it may, the exact agreement in the other three cohimns, and the fact that the years named and numbered appear to belong to one contmuous period of time — an all-important point in this connection — show, as we think, conclusively that our explanation of these numerals and the day characters, and of the use here made of them, is correct. If so, then the red numerals are used to number the days and years of the week, or, in other words, to number the days and years exactly as the various writei's have stated was the usual custom. We have marked this period on the tables of j^ears with waved lines so as to be seen at a glance, as we shall have occasion hereafter to refer to it. As further proof that these red numerals are limited to the thirteen series, I now call attention to certain short columns found in- the middle division of Plates VII*-X*. These consist of three days each — Cib, Caban, and Ezanab — and each day has a numeral over i't, as follows (I give here the exact order in which they stand on the plates, although I have doubts as to the correctness of Brasseur's paging) : 6. Cib. 13. Cib. 4. Cib. 11. Cib. Cib. 12. Cib. 2. Cib. Caban. 1. Caban. Caban. 1-2. Caban. 11. Caban. 13. Caban. 3. Caban. 8. Ezanab. 2. Ezanab. c. Ezanab. 13. Ezanab. 7. Ezanab. 1. Ezanab. 4. Ezanab. ' Since the above was writteD, I have been so fortunate as to procnre a copy of Leon De Eosny's Essai anr le Dechiffrement de L'Ecriture Bieratique de L'Jmeriqtie Centrale, in which I find a copy of a plate of the Codex Coktesianus, and also of one plate of the Codex Peresianus. In the former is part of a table of days arranged precisely as in my table, except that they are placed horizontally, as here shown, instead of in columns: Muluc. I e. Chucu. Eb. Been. Ix. Men. Cib. Caban. Is. Men. Cib. Caban. Ezanab. Cauac. Ah an. Imix. Ik. Cauac. Ahaii. Ymix. Ik. Akbal. Kan. Chicchau. Cimi. Maijik Kan. Chicchau. Cimi. Mauik. Lamat. Muluc. Oc. Chucn. Eb. Whether or not this fragment contains the commencement, I am unable to say; that it does i.ot contain the conclusion, I am satisfied. We have here proof that the order when in lines is from the left to the right. The other plate (from the Codex Peresianus) contains a column similar to those in the fourplates of the Manuscript Troano, but here the repeated day {Been) is the last of one of the years as in the Dresden Codex. EXPLANATION OF THE BLACK NUMERALS. 21 9. Gib. 3. Cib. 10. Cib. 7. Cib. ]. Cib. 8. Cib. 111. Cabaii. 4. Oaban. 11. Oaban. 8. Cabau. 2. Caban. 9. Oaban. 11. Ezanab. 5. Ezanab. 12. Ezanab. 9. Ezanab. 3. Ezanab. 10. Ezanab. If we turn to our condensed calendar, Table V, we see that these three days follow each other as shown here, and by examining the different columns we can find all the numbers here given. This fact, together with the method of numbering, is sufficient of itself to establish the correctness of the opinion I have advanced in reference to these red numerals. ♦ That thev are here used to number the days is evident from the fact that they are applied to those days which are never used to name the years. From what has been shown in reference to Plates XX-XXIII (our Plates I, II, III, and IV) we see that they are also used to denote the years of the week or "Indication." The next point to be determined is the use of the black numerals. Here we shall find the task more difficult, but it is necessary to determine this before we can proceed in our effort to fix the dates, which are given in great numbers in the Manuscript, and by means of which we hope to settle the disputed points in regard to the calendar. I shall at present omit any reference to the "title-page," which, as I have said, is peculiar, and cannot therefore be used in the present inves- tigation. As we find repeatedly throughout the work black numeral char- acters denoting 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, it is evident they do not refer to the days or years of the week. They must therefore be used to denote the numbers of the months, or of the days of the months. That they are not used to number the Ahaues or the years of these periods is evident from the fact that these are always numbered by the thirteen series, or, in other words, never have applied to them any number exceeding- 13; the years are also designated by the four days Cauac, Kan, Muluc, and Ix. But in order that the reader may see clearly the difficulty of deciding this point satisfactorily it will be necessary for me to illustrate it by exam- ples from the Manuscript. As before mentioned, the day cliaracters are nearly always in columns — 22 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. usually of five chai'acters each — at the left of the compartments or spaces, 0000 each column usually with a red numeral over it. For exam- ple, in the lowest division of V* the column consists of five characters, as shown here (Fig. 5), which denote the days (reading from the top downward) Oc, Ik, Ix, Cimi, and Ezanab. The red numeral at the top is 9. The black nu- meral at the side in the space is three lines or 15. (In this case there is but one of these black numerals in the space or compartment, but usually there are several, and also several red ones.) Now, I take for granted that placing the red numeral at the top of the column is equivalent to apply- ing it to each day in the column, thus: 9 Oc, 9 Ik, 9 Ix, !) Cimi, and 9 Ezanab. There is also one red numeral — Fig. 5. 13 — in the space, as shown in the annexed cut. Leaving this last out of consideration for the present, let us proceed upon the supposition that the black numeral signifies the day of the month. Examining our condensed calendar (Table V), we see that of the five days Ezanab is the only one that ever falls on the 15th of the month. As this will be found true of at least two columns out of every three throughout the Manuscript it is apparent that these numerals are not used here for this purpose; but even could all be found on the proper day of the month we would still be without any fixed date. Take, for instance, Ezanab in this case, which does fall on the 15th day of the month in the years commenc- ing with Kan; the figure 9 in the fifteenth transverse line is found in the second column. What month? In the year I Kan it is in the second month, in the year 8 Kan it is in the first month, in the year 2 Kan it is in the thirteenth month, and so on throughout the thirteen Kan years. Some may contend that it was not the intention to fix the years, as this is possi- bly the date of some feast or religious ceremony to be observed each year. I answer that, laying aside the insuperable objection already given, even this supposition would be erroneous — first, because in the case before us Ezanab falls on the IStli day of the month only once ever}- four years, and Avith each year the month is changed. But it is unnecessary to discuss this THOMAS.) EXPLANATION OF THE BLACK NUMERALS. 23 supposition further, as not one day out of three ever falls on the day given if these black numerals denote the days of the month. We will next proceed on the supposition that these indicate the months. In that (?ase the dates given in the present example will be 9 Oc, 9 Ik, 9 Ix, 9 Cimi, and 9 Ezanab of the 15th month (Muan). In this the feast, relig- ious ceremony, or whatever the date refers to, occurs always in the same month, and so far agrees with what is left on record in reference to religious ceremonies and observances. As only the day and month are given, it is possible, as heretofore stated, to find four dates to each day. Now, let us hunt out, by the use of our condensed calendar, the years on which these several dates fall. Commencing with 9 Oc, we look first for this day in the Cauac column ; having found it to be the twelfth day of the month, we run our eyes along the twelfth transverse line of figures until we reach the figure 9, which we find to be in the eighth column (the one with 11 at the top) ; counting back fifteen months (including the one 9 is in) we reach the column with 4 at the top The year is therefore 4 Cauac. We next find Oc in the Kan column; it is here the seventh day of the month, and 9 is in the fifth column (the one with 3 at the top); counting back fifteen months (going towards the left until we reach the first column, and then to the thir- teenth, and moving back toward the left), we reach the fourth column (with 9 at the top). The year is therefore 9 Kan. We next find Oc in the Muluc column, and by the same process obtain the year 1 Muluc. Next we find Oc in the Ix column, and by the same process ascertain the year to be 12 Ix. Pursuing the same method with the other days, we obtain the following i-esult: 9 Oc. 9 Ik. 9/x. 9 Cimi. 9 Ezanab. Years . . . . 4 Cauac. 12 Cauac. 13 Cauac. 8 Cauac. 9 Cauac. Years . . . . 9 Kan. 10 Kan. T) Kan. Vi Kan. 1 Kan. Years . . . . 1 Muluc. 2 Muluc. 10 Muluc. 11 Muluc. 6 Muluc. Years . . . .12Ix. 7 ix. 2Ix. ;j Ix. 11 Ix. Now, let us construct a table (No. VIII) of years for one cycle, as this includes all possible variations in the numbers and names of the years, and see where those obtained will fall. Marking each of the years with a star, we find that they belong to one continuous period. So far the result is favorable, and what will probably attract the attention of those who have 24 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. devoted some time to the study of this subject is the fact that the period embraced is precisely that which is supposed by most authorities to con- stitute one Ahau. But let me here wai-n such reader against a too hasty conclusion. Supposing we are so far correct, what use are we to make of the red numeral — 13 — in the space! Let us suppose that it is also to be applied to the days as the other red numeral, using the same month. This gives us the following years: i:! Oc. Years ... 8 Cauac. Years. . . .13 Kan. Years 5 Muluc. Years ... 3 Ix. 13 Ik. 3 Cauac. 1 Kan. 6- Muluc. 11 Is. VA Ix. 4 Cauac. 9 Kan. 1 Muluc. 6Ix. i:{ Cimi. 12 Cauac. 4 Kan. 2 Muluc. 7 Ix. 13 Ezanab. 13 Cauac. 5 Kau. 10 Muluc. 2 Ix. If we attempt to locate these in the same cycle as the preceding period, Table VIII. ^^® rshall find that the two clash with each other — that is, that some of the years of the first are the same as some of the second; but it is evident they may be located in another cycle. Before proceeding further with the discussion of this difficult question, we must remind the reader of what possibly he has already inferred — that in our allusion to the "intervals'" between the days of the col- umns, our object then was simply to show a regularity not consistent with the idea that they were used on account of the signification of the words, and not to lead him to suppose that the real interval intended was only the number of days mentioned. We also wish to call his attention to another fact which is becoming more and more apparent as we proceed — that the regularity of the intervals which seems apparent, whatever may be our final conclusion as to what the black numerals refer to, and the great number of dates as compared witli the text, preclude the supposition that the work is historical. I shall there- fore proceed upon the theory that it is, to a large extent at least, a kind of religious calendar — not with any particular desire to maintain this opinion, i 1 1— ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ 8 r^ 10* 11* 12*^ 13* 1* 2* 3*< I 4* 5* 6* 7* I ^* 9* 10* 11*1 \j£. ™ ^ 2*5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 THOMAS.) METHOD OF FINDING DATEiS INDICATED BY NUMERALS. 25 but simply because I find the evidence pointing- in this direction, and also that it is next to impossible to advance farther without having some theory. Table IX. From what has been shown it is apparent that the interpretation I have given is a possible one, the chief objections to which are, first, the large number of dates in the Manuscript that this plan would give us, which, according to a rough calculation I have made, would amount to something like ten thousand; second, the ex- tent of time these dates must necessarily cover, which cannot be less than one great cycle of 312 years. The Dresden Codex, which is evidently similar in character to the Manuscript Troano, presents, if possi- ble, still greater difficulties to the settlement of this ques- tion, as here we find the black numeral for 19 frequently connected directly with the red ones. But so far as I have examined dates of this kind they do not appear to be necessarily associated with the day characters on the same page. In this codex the dates are also much more numerous than in the Tro. Ms., a number of pages being filled almost exclusively with numerals and day charac- ters. Month characters are also introduced ; hence it is probable the day of the month is often given. On page II (Tro. Ms.), in the left column, middle division (see fig. 99), the days (counting from the top downwards) are Manik, Cauac,^ Chuen, Akbal, Men, the red numeral over the column 1. In the space are three black nume- rals 6, 11, and 9, also two red ones 10 and 3. Using the red 1 and the black 6, as heretofore, we find the 5^ears to be as follows: 6 o M c5 1— 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 10 11 12 \ 1* 2* 3*; ; 4* 5* G* 7*; j 8* 9* 10* 11*; il2* 13* 1* 2* 1 ^* 4* 5* 6*: i 8 9 10 11 |l2* 13* 1* 2*i 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 1* 5* 2* 3* 4* 6 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Masih. 1 Caiiac. 1 Chucit. 1 Akbal. 1 Men. Tears . - . . 10 Gauac. 5 Gauac. « Gauac. 1 Gauac. 2 Gauac. Years . . . . 2 Kan. 3 Kan. 11 Kan. 12 Kan. 7 Kan. Years . . . . 13 Muluc. 8 Muluc. 3 Muluc. 4 Muluc. 12 Muluc. Years. - .. 5Ix. 13 Ix. 1 Ix. 9Ix. 4Ix. The period is found to be continuous, and is surrounded on the annexed table (No. IX) by a continuous dark line. In this case it commences with ' Cauac is ropresentod here by an unusual character. 26 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TKOANO. Kail. If we use the red 3 and the black 6 the result will be as shown in the group surrounded on the table by the dotted line. As the reader is perhaps by this tinife aware, it might be located beloAV the first by extending the table, but still would give us no clue to the proper position of the Ahaues. There are two other possible sujjpositions, to wit: that the red numeral over the column refers to the number of the Ahau, and that in the space to the number of the days; and, second, just the reverse of this, that the red number in the space refers to the Ahau and that over the column to the number of the daj-s, the black one in each case denoting the number of the month. As it will be impossible for us to decide in reference to these supposi- tions until we can locate the Ahaues and determine their numbers, I will ]30stpone further discussion of the point for the present, proceeding for the time being upon the only plan so far found consistent with what is known of the Maya calendar. As heretofore stated, the greater number of the day columns contain just five characters. Why this number! If we use the numerals as shown by the above examples, this will give us for each red numeral twenty years, agreeing with the number counted to the Ahau, whether we follow most authorities or Perez; for, according to the latter, who holds that there are twenty four years in this period, only twenty are usually "counted"; four being generally omitted as unlucky, or for some other reason. That some- thing of this kind, arising from the system itself, was the cause of placing five days in so many columns is more than probable. If I am correct in this supposition, it not only agrees with the method of using the numerals above suggested, but it will also determine the years that form the different Ahaues. Following up this suggestion, let us see if it is possible to determine from the Manuscript the length of the Ahau as understood by the author. As the most likely method of deciding this question, I will select a number of the day columns, find from them the years indicated according to the plan heretofore given, and locate them in tables of years. We can then see what relation tliev bear to each other. THOMAS.) METHOD OF FINDING DATES INDICATED BY NUMERALS. 27 o O O Table X. The first I select is found in the lower division of Plate XXVI. The column is as here shown — Fig. 6 — the days are Ahau, Eb, Kan, Gib, Lamat. In addition to these red numerals, we find in the space occu- pied by the figures five black and five red numer- rals, each thirteen. Why there should be five pairs of numerals, each denoting the same num ber, I confess myself unable to decide; I shall therefore leave this question to be discussed here- after, if I find any reasonable explanation. Ac- cording to the interpretation already given, the i-ed numerals indicate the days, the black the months. Hunting out the years as in the pre- ceding example we find them to be as follows: i:? Ahau. 13 £6. 13 Kan. 13 C'lh. 13 Lamat. Years.. 6 Cauac. 7 Cauac. 2 Cauac. 3 Cauac. 11 Cauac. Years.. 4 Kan. 12 Kan. 7 Kan. 8 Kan. 3 Kan. Years..9Muluc. 4Mnluc. SMuluc. 13Muluc. 1 Muluc. Years., llx. 2Ix. 10 Ix. 5Ix. GIx. These years are marked with a star and the group surrounded by a continuous dark line on the an- nexed table of years. No. X. For reasons hereafter given I adopt the system which commences the cycle with 1 Cauac. As Plate XXVII relates obviously to the same gen- eral subject, I select the left-hand day column of its upper division as our next example. The days are Ahau, Eb, Kan, Gib, and Lamat, the same as in the preceding exam- ple, the red or day numeral 11, the black or month nu- meral 13. These give us the following years: i o 10 I— 1 11 i 12* 3* 13*; 4*1 ; 1* 2* : 5* G* 7* 8*; 1 9* 10* 11* 12*; Us* I 4* 1* 5*1 2* 3»: 6 10 7 11 12 9 13 |1* 5* 2* 6* 3* 4» 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 1* 2* 6* 3* 7* 4* 5* 8 9 10 11 :12* ' 3* 13*1 4*; ; 1* 2* \ 5* 6* 7* 8*i \ 9* 10* 11* 12*1 |13* ; 4* 1* 5* 2* 3*i ; 6 7 11 8 9 10 Days . Years . . . Years . . . ..11 Ahau. . 4 Cauac. . 2 Kan. 11 £6. 5 Cauac. 10 Kan. 11 Kan. 13 Cauac. 5 Kan. 11 C,b. 1 Cauac. 6 Kan. 11 Lamat. 9 Cauac. 1 Kan. Years . . . Years . . . . 7 Muluc. .12 Ix. 2 Muluc. 13 Ix. 3 Muluc. 8Ix. 11 Muluc. 3Ix. 12 Muluc. 4Ix. These are also marked on the annexed table with a star, but the group is surrounded by a dotted line. In order to enable the reader to understand 28 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROAIsO. what I mean by "properly locating" these periods, I have extended the table so as to include one complete cycle, the close of another, and the com- mencement of another. I have also located this last period — as a matter of course according to the years obtained — in the only two possible positions in the table; surrounding each by a dotted line. If the table had been extended it could of course have been located in other cycles. I call atten- tion to the fact that both these periods commence with a Muluc year, which would render it impossible for the commencement or ending of an Ahau, if these are Ahaues, to coincide with the commencement or ending of a cycle or gfand cycle. If we suppose the Ahau to contain twenty-four years, and the periods marked on Table X to omit two years at the commencement and two at the close; in other words, extend the upper and lower lines bounding the groups, across the table, we will then have no difficulty in making all the periods agree with each other and with the cycles. After all, we are not yet authorized to say positively that these periods are Ahaues, or that they are even embraced in or coincide with them; still, the oft- repeated five-character day columns, and the resulting gi'oups of years, justify us in assuming that they do at least coincide with them. Before proceeding further in our discussion of the Manuscript it will be necessary for us to decide in reference to the following points relating to the calendar upon which we have incidentally touched: First. The number of years contained in an Ahau. Second. The position of these periods in the grand cycle or Ahau- Katun. Third. The respective numbei's of these periods as thus fixed in the Ahau-Katun. Fourth. With which one of the four days (year bearers) the grand cycle begins. That the older authorities, so far as we are aware, without exception, give 20 years as the length of an Ahau, is admitted. Landa, for example, says (in § XLI), "The Indians had not only the computation of the year and the months, but they had also a certain manner of computing the times and events by ages. This they did by 20 and 20 years, computing 1 3 twenties with one of the twenty letters of their month called Ahau, but THOMAS 1 LENGTH OF THE AHAU OR KATUN. 29 without order, and alternate only as on the boundary of the wheel afore- said." Cogolludo (Hist, de Yucathan, Lib. IV, Cap. 5) says: "They compute their eras and ages, which they write down in their books, by 20 and 20 years and by lustres of 4 and 4. They fix the first year at the east, to which they give the name Cuch-haah. The second, at the west, is called Hiix; the third, at the south, is named Cauac^ and the fourth, Muhic, at the north. Five of these lustres being completed, make twenty years; this is what they call a Katun. They place a sculptured stone upon another stone, equally sculptured, fixed with lime and sand in the walls of the temples." The Perez manuscript, as is well known, counts twenty years to an Ahau. Most of the recent writers have also decided in favor of the same number. Two or three of the most I'ecent authorities, as Dr. Brinton, Charency, and Rosny, are disposed to follow the opinion of Perez, that it contained twenty-four years. I am satisfied that the opinion which holds twenty-four years to be the number is the correct one, and will now pro- ceed to give the proof I have been able to obtain bearing upon this point. First. If I am correct in my interpretation of the numerals, then the groups of years obtained by using these, as heretofore shown, will necessa- rily require twenty-foxir years to the Ahau, no matter with which of the four year-bearing days we begin the cycle; for, although these groups con- tain but twenty j^ears there is an interval of four years between each two that is not counted. Second. The method of numbering these periods cannot, as I believe, be accounted for on any other supposition. According to all authorities who have mentioned the subject they were numbered, as I have already stated, thus: 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 12, 10, H, G, 4, 2, the number 13 bei.ng the first, 1 1 the next, and so on. It is not reasonable to suppose that this singular series was wholly an arbitrary selection; on the contrary, it is more than pi-obable that it was obtained in some way through the use of the "13 series." If we examine the table of years. No. XVII, we will see that, commence where we may, and divide it into periods' of twenty-four years by transverse lines, the first years of these periods taken in the order they come will accord exactly with this series. Take for example the 30 A STUDY OF THE MAlSrUSCKIPT TROANO. Aliaues as there given: tlie first comuiences with the year 1 Cauac, the second with 12 Cauac, the third with 10 Cauac, and so on. As the great C3'cle contains thirteen of these periods, it follows that we shall find all these numbers in it by thus dividing it. It is true this does not prove that the first period was numbered 13; moreover it is possible (though I do not think probable) that the number was not taken from that of the first day of the year, but from the second, as suggested by Perez. According to the theory advanced by this author these periods were numbered from the sec- ond day of the Cauac years, which would necessarily be Ahau, because, as he supposes, some notable event in their history occurred on that day. Even on this supposition the series could not commence with the first period of the grand cycle, as this would be Ahau No. 2, but would begin with the second, which would be Ahau No. 13. It may not be improper to call attention at this point to a remark made by Dr. Valentini in his article on the Perez manuscript (Proc. Am. Ant. Soc. No. 74): "Nor do we understand the reason why, just here, the topic of the succession of the numbers 13, 11, 1), 7, 5, 3, 1, 1 J, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, was introduced. Could it have been with the intention of showing that this singular enumeration of alternating Ahaues, which we shall hereafter speak of, occurred only in cycles of twenty-four years, and that therefrom a proof might be derived for establishing the pretended cycle of twenty-four and three hundred and twelve years? Evidence of this should have been given by a table showing the series, and by still another table in which should be shown that such an alternating succession did not occur in cycles com- posed of twenty years. Not one single fact can be detected in Seiior Perez's text by which the long established assumption of a twenty years' cycle has been disproved." . The object Senor Perez had in view in introducing this series at this point was for the very purpose of showing that this "singular enumeration" could be obtained only by dividing the series into periods of twenty -four years. As he was not fortunate enough to hit upon the plan of a table that would bring this clearly before the eye, I call attention to Table XVII, which meets precisely the requirements of Dr. Valentini. Dividing it into periods of twenty-four years will give this singular enumeration, while dividing it into periods of twenty years will not. TH0MA8.J LENGTH OP THE AHUA OR KATUN. 31 Third. Additional proof to the same effect I think is also to be derived from a sjmbolical figure in the Manuscript itself The most notable figure in the upper compartment of Plate XXIII (our Plate IV) is the blue one in the upper left-hand corner on a black background surrounded by a white border, the latter crossed by dotted ra3's, each ray terminating with a little ring; a dagger is piercing the eye of the blue sitting figure. If we count these clubbed rays we shall find there are twenty-three of them, but exactly where the dagger crosses the border there is room for one more According to my interpretation the whole of this figure taken together is a symbol of the Katun or Ahau, the inner blue figure probably denoting the year.' If I am correct in this interpretation, then we have here positive evidence that Perez was right in holding that the Ahau consisted of twenty-four years. The whole figure is therefore intended to indicate the close of an Ahau; — when one more year has expired the light of another Ahau will be forever extinguished and the new one will begin its course. We find, as I think, something similar to this method of marking the missing year on Plates 7.0 and 76 of the Borgian Codex. These two plates, which are evidently parts of one picture, 76 being the upper and 75 the lower part, are symbolic representations of periods of time. The figures around the central circle of 76 are probably intended to represent the marching years. There are only twelve of them, but in the pathway at the bottom we see the footsteps of one that has passed on. At the four corners outside the circle we see the four "year-bearers."- On Plate 75 the chief figure is that of Kingsborough's supposed cruci- fied Quetzalcoatl; on the l)ody is a large sun or circular disk with seven points, but in the lower margin, where there is the proper space for another, the circle is pierced by the obsidian knife of the priest who holds the with- drawn heart in his hand. Around the figure are similar but smaller disks; counting these we find there are eight, the exact number of points required to complete the central disk, and the number of periods (Indications) in an acre. Possibly other periods are intended, as I have not studied the Mexican Calendar with sufficient care to express any decided opinion on this point; 1 Foittmately, the correctness of this supposition, which I mentioned in an article in the Ameri- can Naturalist for August, 1881, has since been verified by Dr. D. G. Brinton — "The Books of Chilan Balam," p. 1.5. 2 Not those usually given, but those evidently used for this purpose in this and other codices. 32 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. my only object in referring to these plates being to illustrate the idea ad- vanced in regard to the meaning of the dagger piercing the eye of the blue figure on Plate XXIII of the Manuscript Troano. The next point to be determined is the position of the several Ahaues in the grand cycle. This larger group, as admitted by all authorities, con- sisted of thirteen Ahaues; as 24 X 1''5=::312, it follows that, assuming the Ahau to be a period of 24 years, this longer period would consist of 312 years. If the first year of the grand cycle coincided with the first year of an Ahau, the position of these latter groups would be determined by simply dividing the former into groups of 24 years, as shown in Table No. XVI, where the dark transverse lines mark the divisions between the Ahaues as thus obtained. This conclusion is so natural that it would seem to follow as a matter of course from the numbers used, aud from the fact that the number of years in a grand cycle is an exact multiple of the number of years in an Ahau. But as Seiior Perez, who is our chief authority for what pertains to the Maya calendar, has advanced a different opinion, and as his suggestion affords a means of escape from a very serious difficulty, I will call attention to it before deciding as to which I believe to be the true method of locating these periods. But in order that his theory may be clearly understood it is necessary for us first to determine the dominical day with which the first years of the Ahaues commenced; for it is evident, whether we count twenty or twenty-four years to these periods — as each is a multiple of 4 — that if they followed each other in regular order the first year of each would begin with the same dominical day though not the same number. In other words, if one of the sei'ies began with a Kan year all the rest would begin with a Kan year. If the first year of a cycle were also the first year of an Ahau, as we would naturally presume, then determining the first year of any one will determine all the others. In the manuscript discovered by Perez and translated into English by Stephens (from the Spanish translation of the discoverer), we find the fol- lowing statement: "In the 1 3th Ahau Chief Ajpula died. Six years were ivanting to comiilete the \'6th Ahau. This year was counted toward the east of the wheel and began on the 4th Kan. Ajpula died on the 1 8th day of the month Zip on the 9th Ymix." Taking for granted that the day, the THOMAS) FIEST YEAR OF THE AHAU. 33 number of the day, and the month as given here are coiTect, it is easy to determine from our condensed calendar that the year must necessarily have been 4 Kan. As there were twenty -four years in an Ahau, and six were yet wanting to complete that referred to in the quotation, it follows of neces- sity this 4 Kan was the 18th and that this Ahau nmst have commenced with the year 13 Cauac and ended with 10 Ix. This will be seen by making a list of the years in regular succession, so that 4 Kan shall be the 18th. We give such a list here (Table No. XI), marking in italics the 4 Kan. Table XI. 1 — 13 Cauac. 2— 1 Kan. 3— 2 Muluc. 4— 3Ix. 5 — 4 Cauac. C— 5 Kan. 7 — 6 Muluc. 8— 7Ix. 9 — 8 Cauac. 10— 9 Kan. 11—10 Muluc. 12—11 Ix. 13 — 12 Cauac. . 14—13 Kan. 15 — 1 Muluc. 16— 2 Ix. 17 — 3 Cauac. 18— 4 Kan. 19_ 5 Muluc. 20— 6 Ix. 21 — 7 Cauac. 22— 8 Kan. 23— 9 Muluc. 24—10 Ix. If we place these years in tabular form, as heretofore given, the Ahau will be in the form shown in the annexed table (XII). Here, then, we 3 M T 34 A STUDY OF TDE MANUSCEIPT TROANO. luive positive evidence, if to be relied on, that this Ahau at least comuienoed with a Cauac year (whether the Ahau contained 24 or 20 years), and, if so, all the others of the series. A somewhat careful examination of Senor Perez's Cronologia Antigua Table XII. i M 6 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 satisfies nie that his whole scheme was based upon what he believed to be two established facts: first, that the Ahaues commenced with a Cauac year; and, second, that they wei'e numbered from the second day of these years. I am pretty well satisfied from some things observ- able in the Manuscript Troano that it recognizes Cauac as the dominical day of the first year of the Ahaues. First. The order of the four plates XX-XXIII, which refer exclusively to the four dominical days. That Bras- seur has paged these plates in exactly the reverse order to what they should be, I think is evident from the fol- lowing facts: As now paged they bring these days in the following order: Ix, Muluc, Kan, Cauac, exactly the reverse of that in which the}' come in the calendar. This alone is sufficient to cause us to suspect a reversal. But it is not the only reason for believing this. If we follow the order of the plates in marking the years, we obtain no continuous period, as is evi- dent from the annexed Table XIII. Second. The numeral (1), over the second Cauac character on Plate XXIII (our Plate IV) and also that over the fifth Muluc character on Plate XXI (our Plate II) is surrounded in each case with a circle of minute dots. Although there are other numeral characters on these four plates denoting one, none except these two are thus distinguished. WTiat is this intended to signify? My answer is, it signifies that those two years are the first of important periods that are included in, or at least begin in, the time embraced by these four plates. Now let us test this by giving two tables embracing the period covered by them, marking the Ahaues on one according to the plan I have given, and on the other according to Senor Perez's method. Table XIV commences with a Cauac year, and is of the usual form, as heretofore given. Table XV begins with a Kan year, and is made in FIEST YEAR OF THE AHAU. 35 accordance with the theory advanced by Perez, who holds that the cycle began with a Kan year, although contending that the Aliaues commenced Table XIII. Table XIV. Table XV. 2 6 10 1 5 9 13 4 8 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9 13 4 _8 12 3 7 11 O a a M d 3 '3 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 9 6] 10 ! ; 7 8 1 11 12 13 1 ; ; 2 3 4 5 i i 6 7 8 9 \ n 10 11 i 12 1 13 I > > ): > \ ® 2 3 ^ 7 8 i \\ 5 6 \\ 9 10 11 12 l< (i 13 1 2 3 ji 5 9 6 7 1 1 10 11 \ > 12 13 i© 5 2 U 6 !> Ji 3 4 Ji 7 8 9 10 \\ i\ 11 12 13 1 i |i 2 3 J: 6 7 4 5 1 I 8 9 \ 10 \}^ 12 13 d 1 o cs i o 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 12 9 10 11 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9"l ^ 1*^ i ^ ^.^.^^ 12 "13 1 ;S 5 ■ ^ 3 4 5 |< i; 6 7 8 9 ij j; 10 11 12 13 \l y 1 :o: \ \ 2 3 4 1^ 81 12 !< ^ 5 10 7 11 Cauac. 1 Cauac. 2 Cauac. .. 2 Kan. 3 Kan. 11 Kan. 12 Kan. 7 Kan. . . 13 Muluc. 8 Muluc. 9 Muluc. 4 Muluc. 12 Muluc. [ Years . . .. 5 Ix, 13 Ix. llx. 9Ix. 10 Ix. 5 Ean. 5 Cib. 5 Lamat. 5 Ahau. 5Eb. [ Y'ears . . . . 8 Cauac. 9 Cauac. 4 Cauac. 12 Cauac. 13 Cauac. i Years.. ^^' 1 Years.. . . 13 Kan. 1 Kan. 9 Kan. 10 Kan. 5 Kan. . . 11 Muluc. G Muluc. 7 Muluc. 2 Muluc. 10 Muluc. I Years . . . . 3 Ix. 11 Ix. 12 Ix. 7Ix. 8Ix. 3 Ean. 3 Cib. 3 Lamat. 3 Ahau. 3£t. f Years . . . . G Cauac. 7 Cauac. 2 Cauac. 10 Cauac. 11 Cauac. 1 Years,. ^"*^ 1 Years. - ..11 Kan. 12 Kan. 7 Kan. 8 Kan. 3 Kan. . . 9 Muluc. 4 Muluc. 5 Muluc. 13 Muluc. 8 Muluc. / Years . . .. llx. 9Ix. 10 Ix. 5Ix. GIx. In order to show the position of these groups in the series of years, and how they stand in reference to each other, I give here a table (XVI) covering one entire grand cycle, and including the last cycle of the pre- 38 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. Table XVI. i a 1 1— I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 O 6 "a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 '"ii| 2;^ :;12 13 :i 3 4 5 Gi 1 '^ 8 9 10 i| 11 2 12 3 13 1' Ii 4 5 G 7 ii 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 ii 5 G 7 8 il 9 !|13 10 1 11 12 i ^ 3 4 5 ife" 7 11 ii 8 9 10 il2 13 1 2: ; 3 4 5 6; \ 7 ; 11 8 12 9 10; :13 1 2 3 XT 8 5:; 9ii i 6 7 iio 11 12 13 il i 1 1— 1 ii 1 2 3 4ii Ii 5 ;: 9 G 10 7 8i .ill 12 13 1 \""2 3 7; i; 4 5 G ii 8 9 10 Hi iil2 13 • 1 2; I 3 ii 7 4 8 5 6i r-9- 10 11 12 |13 1 5 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 5 2 G 3 4 7 8 9 10 V' 12 3 13 1 2 4 5 G ■ 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 13 1 2 4 . 5 6 7 8 r» 10 1 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i i 1 a a 2 J3 4 5 1 G 1^ 8 12 9 10 11 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 12 9 13 10 11 Ji 2 3 : 4 ("5 10 7 8 9 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 jio 7 11 8 9 12 13 :o: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 •9 10 11 12 13 THOMAS.] FIRST YEAR OF THE AHAU. 39 ceding and the first cycle of the following grand cycles. As I have as- sumed that the cycle (and hence the great cycle) commenced with the year 1 Cauac, it follows that, in carrying out the above supposition, the first Ahau of the series must also begin with this year. The divisions be- tween the Ahaues are marked on the table by transverse solid black lines. The point at which the first great «ycle ends and the next (which is given complete) begins is marked thus : :o: . I next locate the fore- going groups of years so as, if possible, not to clash with each other, and also in such a mainiei- that tlie period represented by a group shall fall within one of the Ahaues marked off on the table. Each group is surrounded by a continuous dark line, so as to be easily distinguished from other periods marked on the same table; they are also numbered at the sides thus: (11), (U), (7), (5), (3), these numbers corre- sponding with the day numbers by which the different groups were obtained. These groups, each consisting of twentj' years, not only fall within the lines marking the Katunes, but come in regular succession, leaving four uncounted years between each two periods — two belonging to one and two to tliat which follows. In other words, while the Katun or Ahau as a whole, according to the theory upon which I am now proceeding, always com- menced with a Cauac year, the twenty "counted years" in the present example begin with a Muluc year. But, as appears from what has already been shown, this is not always true in regard to these periods, yet it is gen- erally the case. If we observe carefully the five figures in the first or uppermost division of the plates under consideration, we see that they" correspond in character to those in tlie second division to which we have just alluded, and that the black numeral is also the same, (11). The only red numerals recognizable are the 13 over the long-nosed god on Plate XXX, the 8 facing the left- hand figure on Plate XXXI, and the 2 over the left-hand figure on Plate XXX. According to the arrangement of the numbers in the second divis- ion, those in this division would be 8, 6, 4, 2, 13, reading from left to right. If we assume these numbers to be correct, and the days to be Eb, Kan, 40 A STUDY OF TOE MANUSOKirT TROANO. Cib, Lamat, and Aliau, as shown by those not obliterated, the years would be as follows: i:{ Eb. i;? Kan. 13 Cib. 13 Lamat. 13 Allan. f Years . . . . 8 Cauac. 3 Cauac. 4 Cauac. 12 Cauac. 7 Cauac. jg i Years.. 1 Years . . ..13Kau. 8 Kan. 9 Kan. 4 Kan. 5 Kan. . . 5 Miiluc. 6 Muluc. 1 Muluc. 2 Muluc. 10 Muluc. [ Years . . . . 3 Ix. 11 Ix. Six. 7Ix. 2Ix. 8Eb. 8 Kan. 8 Cib. 8 Lamat. 8 Ahaa. f Years . . . . 3 Cauac. 11 Cauac. 12 Cauac. 7 Cauac. 2 Cauac. g Years.. 1 Years.. . . 8 Kan. 3 Kan. 4 Kan. 12 Kan. 13 Kan. . . 13 Muluc. 1 Muluc. 9 Muluc. 10 Muluc. 5 Muluc. I Years . . ..11 Ix. GIx. llx. 2Ix. 10 Ix, 6Eb. 6 Kan. 6 Cib. 6 Lamat. 6 Aliau. \ Years.. . . 1 Cauac. 9 Cauac. 10 Cauac. 5 Cauac. 13 Cauac. j Years . . t Years . . . . G Kan. 1 Kan. 2 Kan. 10 Kan. 11 Kan.- ..11 Muluc. 12 Muluc. 7 Muluc. 8 Muluc. 3 Muluc. ^ Years . .. 9Ix. 4Ix. 12 Ix. 13 Ix. 8 Ix. 4Eb. 4 Kan. 4 Cib. 4 Lamat. 4 Ahau. f Years . . , Years . . Years . . . . 12 Cauac. 7 Cauac. 8 Cauac. 3 Cauac. 11 Cauac. . . 4 Kan. 12 Kan. 13 Kan. 8 Kan. 9 Kan. . . 9 Muluc. 10 Muluc. 5 Muluc. 6 Muluc. 1 Muluc. Years.. .. 7Ix. 2Ix. 10 Ix. 11 Ix. 6Ix. 2 £6. 2 Kan. 2 Cib. 2 Lamat.. 2 Ahau. f Years.. 2 'Years.. 1 Years . . . . 10 Cauac. 5 Cauac. 6 Cauac. 1 Cauac. 9 Cauac. . . 2 Kan. 10 Kan. 11 Kan. 6 Kan. 7 Kan. . . 7 Muluc. 8 Muluc. 3 Muluc. 4 Muluc. 12 Muluc. ( Years . . .. 5Ix. 13 Ix. 8Ix. 9Ix. 4Ix. Locating these on the same table (XVI) as shown by the groups sur- rounded by dotted lines, we find that they follow each other in precisely the same order as the other groups. As these groups all fit into the Ahaues as I have divided them ofi", we have in this fact a strong presumption that our division is correct; still, it is proper to state here, as will be shown here- after, that all these periods will also fit into the Ahaues if the grand cycle is divided according to the theory advanced by Senor Perez. Yet, even on this plan, these periods begin with Cauac years and have the same num- bers; the only difference between the plans, so far as this matter is con- cerned, is that equivalents do not occupy precisely the same position in tlie grand cycle, but overlap each other three years. TuoMAs] FIEST YEAR OF THE AHAU. 41 Whether the Dresden Codex commences the series with the same year as the Manusci'ipt Troano is a point not yet decided; but from what is shown on Plates 25-28, Kan does riot appear to be the first. I think there can be no doubt that these four plates represent the fetes and ceremonies of the supplementary days described by Landa (Relac. de las cosas, §§ XXXV- XXXVIII). The reasons for this opinion will be given hereafter. It is evident from the day-characters in the left-hand column that the plates are numbered in the proper order. These days — of which there are but two on a plate, though each is repeated thirteen times— are probably the last two of the supplementary days of the year. As those on Plate 25 are Eb and Been the year denoted must be Muluc or Ix; that is, the closing Muluo- year or commencing Ix year. It is quite plain that the year Kan is not the one denoted. As I will refer more at length to these plates hereafter I will not undertake to determine anything further concerning them here, my only object at present being to show that neither Codex appears to com- mence the series of years with Kan. Before closing the discussion in reference to the dominical day of the first year of the Ahau, it is proper to call attention to what Cogulludo says on this point. According to his statement in a quotation from his work, found elsewhere in this paper, the Indians fixed the first year of these periods to the east, to which they gave the name Cucli-liadb ; the second, called Hiix, they' placed at the west; the third, named Caiiac, at the south, and the fourth, Muluc, at the north. It is evident that Cuch-haab here is the equivalent of Kan, and if we take the numbers as this author gives them, Kan would be the first, but the order in which the other three follow each other would not agree with that found in the calendar. If we com- mence with Kan and follow the order of these years as given in the calen- dar, the order of the cardinal points would then be east, north, west, south. It is apparent therefore that this statement throws but little if any light on the subject. It is well known that the south, at which Cauac was placed, was, to some of the Maya nations at least, the point of departure or chief cardinal point. We have therefore as much authority for assuming it as the first of these periods as the simple fact that Cogulludo gives Kan as the first, especially as the number he gives applied to the lusters. 42 A STUDY OF TUE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. Our next step is to determine the respective numbers of tlie Aliuues as located ill the grand cycle. We start as a matter of course with the understanding that the num- bers wei'e as heretofore stated — 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 — -and that they always followed each other in the order here given; that is to say, 1 always followed 3, 12 always followed 1, and so on. On folios 71, 72, and 73 of the Dresden Codex we find the following ^T^r> r-r2^T^;":a.(FP) rrTyar^,-,w^rrn ^s'^i''^'^ placed in one con- /f^^~~^/y^^^^~^~^^\^^^^^ tinuous line (Fig. 7); (a suf- / I /'"' III .'l y " III f /) \ O J' \ "^y^S^y^^^-^M^ ^^^^i~---M fieient number for illustra- FiG. 7. tion only are given): Commencing with the left-hand figure and reading to the right, the numbers given in them are 11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1, 3, 5, 7; in the lower right-hand corner of page 73 we find the missing 9. The fact that the order is here reversed, if read from left to right, is no evidence that this is the order in which the Ahaues (if these figures refer to these periods) followed each other, as it is possible the}' should be read from right to left. But the fact that we here find thirteen peculiar figures, with the knot de- noting the tying of years or period of years, with numbers following each other in the order, whether direct or i-eversed, of those vised in numbering the Ahaues, is sufficient to justify us in believing that they refer to these penods. The only reason I see for any doubt as to the correctness of this conclusion is that on pages 62 and 63 we find similar figures containing numeral characters for IG, 15, 17, and 19, numbers that cannot refer to the Ahaues. Possibly they may be used to designate the years of the Ahaues, but be this as it may, a close inspection of the knots will show that they are diff'erent from those on pages 71, 72, and 73. Knowing the order in which they follow each other, it is evident that if we can determine the number of any one in the series it is a very simple matter to number all the rest. As the possibility of our being able to compare dates of the Maya system with those of the Christian era depends on the correct determination of this point, I will give not only my own conclusion, illustrating it by means of a table (XVII), but will also show the result of following out THOMAsi METHOD OF NUMBERING THE AHAUES. 43 Seilor Perez's theory, tlie only other possible one, so far as I am able to see, illustrating it also by tables (XVIII and XIX). According to the statement in the Perez manuscript already quoted, Chief Ajpula died in the 13th Ahau in tlie year 4 Kan, and there were six years wanting to complete this Ahau. As it appears more than prob- able, judging by the contents of the manuscript itself, that it was written soon after the Spaniards came into possession of the peninsula, we may, I think, rely upon this date as correctly given, although the manuscript is evidently confused and, in some resjoects, inaccurate and even contradictory. If the grand cycle was divided into Ahaues of twenty-four years each, as heretofore suggested, and as shown in the annexed table- (XVII), it follows that the one in which this event occurred must necessarily have been that which I have numbered XIII, as there is no other one in the entire grand cycle that has six years remaining after the year 4 Kan. Each of the tables (XVII, XVIII, XIX) includes one entire grand cycle, also one cycle of the preceding and one of the following grand cycles. The commencement and ending of the grand cycles are marked thus : :0: ; the divisions between the Ahaues are marked by solid black transverse lines, each gi'oup of the usually counted years is sur- rounded by a single dotted line; the period embraced by Plates XX-XXIII (our Plates I-IV) is surrounded by a single waved line; the Ahaues are numbered with Roman numerals. Table XVII begins with a Cauac year, and is made in accordance with the theory I have advanced. Tables XVIII and XIX commence with a Kan year, and are made in accordance with the theory advanced by Perez ; XIX, upon the assumption that the first Ahau commenced with the fourth year of the grand cycle; XVIII, upon the theory that it began with the last year of the preceding grand C3'cle, as one of these two plans must be adopted to carry out his theory. 44 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. Table XVII. 3 cS O Kan. Muluc. 1— 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 2 1 132? , 3 ■ 7 4 ......... 9 6i 10 1 ill 12 13 1: 1 2 3 4 5i I ^ 7 1 8 9i >:iio 1 iiii i'2 1 13 K |I351 :( 2 '■ i i.3 Ml : 5 6 7 ^\ il3 10 1 1 11 [ 2 12: J 3 5 >!! 4 N 8 i 5. 9i 6 7jS 10 11 I > ;> 1375 13 !<, !0 ■ 5 2]\ 6 ; u ^ 4 1 7 'iUi 8 X 12 9 II 13 10; ! l;^ M c 3 7i 4 5\i, 8 9 ^ 1 io'|>< d .Q ; 1 2 3 4; 11 : 5 C 1 7 8: 1 91 10 11 liSS 12 13 |i 1 2 3: ! 4* 5 C 7i 1 8 9 10 11 : XIII ;12 13 1 2; \ 3 4 5 C; : 7: 8 9 1512 |1»_ 11 12 3 13 4 1 i 5j 1 2 : 6 7 8 9j jlO 11 12 13: 1 XI i 1 \ 5; 2 1 3 4i Tf 6 7 9 \W 11 2 12; 3 13t 1 \ 4 5 6 7! IX i 8 9 10 11 ;i2 \ 3! 13 1 2: 4 5 1 160(1 1 ^ 7 ; 8 9 10: 1 11 12 13 1 \ 2 3 4 5\ VII 1 6 7 8 9| jlO 11 12 13 i i 1— ( 1 i Ij 2 3 4 5 G 7 8i \ 9 10 11 12 1 il3 1 2 3! V ; 4 5 G 7i ; 8 ;12 9 10 11: 13 1 1608 2 10 3 4 8 5 9 1 7 111 12 13 1 III \ 2 3 4 5 i 6 lio! 7 8 9 13 11 12 1 2 ): 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 1656 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 46 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. Table XIX. M S :i2: «j a s cS c8 S 1— 1 1| 2 3 4; i 5 6 7 8i [ i 9 10 11 12: Us 1 2 3i 5 6 7; 9 10 11 12; 13 1 2: i 3 4 5 6: : 7 8 9 10; XII ill 12 13 1; ; 2 3 4 5! i «: 7 8 9 10: 11 12 13: j 1 2 3 : : 6 6 7 8; X : 9 10 11 12; il3 1 2 3; ^ 4i 5 6 7* 8; 9 10 11; ;12 13 1 2; ; 3 4 5 6! Till : 7 8 9 10; 111 i 2! 12 13 l| 3 4 " U16 5 6: 7 1 8' VI 9| jlO 11 12 13; : 1 2 3 4: ; 5 6 7 8i \ 9 VI 10 1 11 12! il3i 1 2 1 1440 ! 3 4! 5 6 7| 1 8 9 10 111 112 13 1 2i 1 3 I 4 V 5 6; 1 7.. |ll| 8 9 10; 12 13 1161 1 2; 3 i 5: 1 6 7 8 9; iio 11 12 13; II ; 1 2 3 4; I 5 ; 9- 6 7 8i 10 11 12 13; 1 2 3; ; 4* 5 6 7: ; 8 9 10 11; ;12 XI 13 II 1 2; \ 3 ; 7i 4 5 6L 8 9 10 11; 12 13 1; i 2 3 4 5: ; 6 a 7 LI 8 9; ilO 11 12 13 1 1 ^ B i 1 ; 5; 2 6 3 7 4; 18 9; 10 11 12 il3 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 i 8 IX 9 1 10 11 112 13 1 2 i 3] 4 5 6 7i 8 9 To. 111 12 13 li ; 2 3 4 5; i 6 VII 7 8 9I ilO 11 12 13 1 2 3 "IT 8 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 9 13 10 1 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ! 1 TOOMAB.i METHOD OF NUMBERING THE AITAUES. 47 If I am correct in tlie plan of the table given, and the division into Ahaues, it follows that the rest of these periods in the grand cycle would be numbered as shown by the Roman numerals on Table XVII. These numbers agree precisely with the numbers of the first years of the respect- ive Ahaues, and furnish, as heretofore suggested, an explanation of the singular method of enumerating these periods. If we now turn to Table XVI, showing the periods obtained from the dates on Plates XXX and XXXI of the Manuscript, we will see that their position and numbers agree exactly with those given in Table XVII. As tending to confirm this conclusion, it will be necessary for me to introduce here a comparison of Maya dates with those of the Christian era. As the designated 4 Kan corresponds, according to the manuscript quoted, with the year 1536, the last year of that Ahau (10 Ix) was 1542. Taking this as a starting point, I have given on the table the year of our ' era corresponding with the first year of each Ahau. Now let us test this result by the two or three additional dates found on record, and which the authorities have failed to make agree with any explanation of the Maya calendar heretofore given. Bishop Landa (Relacion de Cosas, § 41) states that "the Indians say, for example, that the Spaniards arrived in the City of Merida in the year of the nativity of our Lord and Master, 1541, which was precisely the first j^ear of the 11th Ahau." We may assume as certain that the Indians gave the bishop no such date as 1541, or any other ytar of the Christian era or Gregorian Calendar, as they were wholly unacquainted with that system; the year given must have been according to their method of designating dates, or by counting back the years. As he understood the twenty "counted years" to constitute an Ahau, and supposed one of these .periods to follow another without any interven- ing years, he would probably take 9 Muluc of the 13th Ahavi as the first of the 11th, which, as will be seen by reference to the table, is 1541, exactly the date required. It is evident that either he or the author of the Perez manuscript was mistaken, for accoi'ding to the latter the 13th Ahau ended with the year 48 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. 1542 (whether we count 20 or 21 years to the Ahau), while according to Landa it closed with 1540. He asserts, while writing his work in Spain in 1566, that: "It is now 120 years since Mayapan was destroyed." As this number could have been obtained only by counting Ahaues, it must have been understood by him as covering just six of these periods, and hence the correct number would be 144 years instead of 120. This number carries us back to the year 1422 or 1423, the last of the Xth or first of the Vlllth Ahau. Co- gulludo places the destruction of Mayapan about 1420 of the Christian era; the Perez manuscript places it in the 8th Ahau. As the above calculation places it in the last of the tenth or the first of the eighth, the discrepancy is but slight, and the agreement as close as could be expected in an attempt to reconcile such general statements. Senor Perez seems to have taken as his chief authority, in comparing dates of the two systems, the statements of certain writers to the effect that the year 1392 of our era corresponded with the year 7 Cauac of the 8th Ahau of the Maya system.^ Unfortunately he mentions but one of these authorities — Don Cosme de Burgos — whose work he informs us "has been lost." 1 " Serie de los anos corridos en dos Ahau Kaf uu, tomando su principio en 1392 en que pas6 segun lo3 manuscritos el 8 Ahau en el aflo 7 Cauac : 8« Ahau Katun. 1392 7 Cauac. 1393 8 Kan. 1394 9Muluc. 1395 lOHix. 1396 11 Cauac. 1397 12 Kan. 1416 5 Cauac. 1417 6 Kan. 1418 7Muluc. 1419 8Hix. 1420 9 Cauac. 1421 10 Kan. 1398 13MuIuc. 1399 ....... IHix. 1400 2 Cauac. 1401 3 Kan. 1402 4Muluc. 1403 5Hix. 1404 H Cauac. 1405 7 Kan. 1406 SMuluc. 1407 9Hix. 1408 10 Cauac. 1409 11 Kan. 6= Ahau Katun. 1422 llMuluc. 1423 12Hix. 1424 13 Cauac. 1425 IKan. 1426 2Muluc. 1427 3Hix. 1428 4 Cauac. 1429 5 Kan. 1430 ,6Muluc. 1431 '7 His. 1432 8 Cauac. 1433 9 Kan. 1410 12Muluc. 1411 13Hix. 1412 1 Cauac. 1413 2 Kan. 1414 3Muluc. 1415 4Hix. 1434 lOMulnc. 1435 11 Hix. 1436 12 Cauac. 1437 13 Kan. 1438 IMuluc. 1439 2 Hix. " El punto de apojo do que se valen para acomodarlos Ahau Katunes S, los alios de la era Cristiana y contar los perlodos y siglos que en ella han pasado, y entender y saber concordar los aBos que citan los indios en sus historias con los que corresponden i los do dicha era, es el aBo de 1392, el cual segun todos los manuscritos, y algunos de ellos llpoyiindose en el testimonio de D. Cosme de Burgos escritor y conquistador de esta peninsula cuyos escritos se ban perdido, fu I - ~»- \ I 1 i 2 3 4:j \\ 5 6 7 8:5 ^i 9 10 11 12! 1 XIII >;i3 1 2 3;^ ■\ * 5 6 7!'^ M ^^ 9 j 10 2 ;i' > 12; 13 i U 3 4 5 (i'\ XI ^10 i >; 7 8 1 9 > 11 il2 13 li 1 2 3 4 5i ! 6i 7 8 T1255' h 13; 10; 11 12 1 1— 1 cS ; 1 2 3 4: ; 5 \ 9 6 I 10 7 X 11 8i 12! |l3 1 M 1 2 3! 5 6 Ii>79 7 8| 9 10 11; 112 13 1 2; 1 3 1 7 4 V 8 5 ' 9 6\ 10: ill 1 2^ 12 13 1: 31 4 TT303 5 G: 7 8 9: UO 11 12 13; V ; 1 2 3 4; i 5 6 7 8^ ! 9 113! 10 11 12; 1 5' 2 6 3 "7: 4; i 8 9 10 11; il2 \ 3 13 I] 4 1 11 5 2; 6! i 7 8 1 9 10: ;lli 12 13 11.1 1 5: 2i 3 4' 1 ^ 10 ■7 8 11 12 9; 13; d K 1 1 2 3 4; 5 9: 6' 7 8: 10 11 ^375 |l2 13 i 1 2 3: I 4 5 6 7| ! 8 9 10 11: jl2 X 13 (I 1 2 i 3 i 7! 4 5 6: 8 9 11399 |10 11 i 12 13 1 i ; 2 3 4 5; ; 6 7 8 9: 10 3 11 i. 12 13; i 1 1 \ 5: 2 3 4I 6 7 "il«3~ 8 9 :10 11 12; ;13 1 2 3: ! 4 5 6 7*! 1 8 9 II 10 11^ il2 13 1 2 ; 4 5 ~H47~ 6 7 : 8 9 12 13 10 j 1; 11 ; 2 3 4 5! ! 6 7 ^i 8 9 iio 11 12 13! ^ 1! 2 3 4 1471 5 7 8; 9 10 11 12; 13 1 2 3! 4 5 6 7! 8 9 10 Ill 13 1 '"11495 1 2 3 ! 4 8 5 9 6 10 i 7, ill 12 13 1 ! 2 11 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9; :10| 11 12 ■iisU" 13 1 :o: i 2 3 4! i 5 6 7 8! : 9 10 11 12 i 13 XI 1 II 2 31 1 4t 5 6 7 : 1 8i 9 10 |ll 12 il3 4 1 5 2j ! 3 ! 7 8 9 10 i 111 XI 12 13 li ! 2 3 4 5i ! 6; 7 8 9 "13I 10 11 i2' ■1435. TI.OMA..J METOOD OF NUMBEEIIs'G THE AHAUES. 55 Be this as it may, there is nothing in Maya history or the calendar which makes it necessary that the grand cycle should commence with the Xlllth Ahau. As suggested by Perez and Dr. Valentini, this number of the series may have been selected as the one with which to begin their count because of some notable event in their history occurring in it. The serious objection to the plan of Table XXII is that it requires the Xlllth Ahau to begin with the last year of a grand cycle, which, I think, is suffi- cient to condemn it. Perez's statement bearing on this subject is as follows : "As the Indians considered the number 13 as the initial number, it is probable that some remarkable event had happened in that year, because, when the Spaniards arrived in the Peninsula, the Indians then counted the 8th as the 1st, that being the date at which their ancestors came to settle there; and an Indian writer proposed that they should abandon that order also, and begin counting from the 11th, solely because the conquest had happened in that Ahau." (Cron. Antig., § IX, Valentini's Trans.) ^ I have already quoted from Perez, as pertaining to the calendar, the statement in reference to what he behoves to be another kind of cycle or method of computation. I called attention to the fact that the numbers given might be found by running up the columns of our table of years. I will now explain what I believe to have been the object and use of these numbers. "They had another number whicli the}' called Ua Katun, which served them as a ke}" by which to adjust and find the Katunes, and following the order of their march, it falls on the two" days of Uaijeh liaah and revolves to the end of certain years; Katunes 13, 9, 5, 1, 10, 6, 2, 11, 7, 3, 12, 8, 4." Perez quotes this, as he states, in the exact words of his authority (unfortunately not given). As Bancroft's translation omfts the "two" be- fore "days," I have given here a translation of the original as found in Perez's Cronologie Antigua^ lAs neither Valentini's nor Brasseurs' translation is literal, I will give the original: "Es probable qne princijiio en el numero 13 por haber acontecido en el algnu suceso notable pues despues se contaban por el 8; y acabada la conqiiista de esta peninsula propuso un escritor indio comen- zasen & contar en lo sucesivo cstas ^poeas por el 11 Alian por que en el se Terific6 aqnella." ^Nottho ^^ second day of the Uayeh haab" as Perez seems, as appears from his comment, to have understood the expressiou. It is strange that he should have so perversely misinterpreted his own manuscripts. 56 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TEOANO. We see by reference to the annexed table of years (XXIII), which contains exactly one cycle, that by commencing at the bottom of the right- hand or Ix column and running up, we find the numbers given in the quo- tation and in precisely the same order. As these figures mark the terminal Table XXIII. years of the lustres it is evident that the authority quoted applied the name "Katun" to these periods, and that this word is not used here as an equivalent of "Ahau." If the series began with Cauac, as shown by this table, these numbers would then denote Ix years; but if it commenced with Kan they would then be Cauac years. In either case it is evident that by remembering these numbers and their order it would be an easy matter to locate or give the number of any year in the cycle, and in the grand cycle also, if they had any method of numbering the cycles But I am unable to see how this could be of much service in counting the Ahaues, and am therefore inclined to believe that this method of counting back was chiefly in vogue among the common people, they being unable to fully understand and use the complicated calendar of the priests. Although Landa, when speaking of the facility with which they counted back the years, evidently alludes to the Ahaues, yet it is quite probable the old Indian who traced back their histor}^ for three hundred years did so by the use of this key, unless he was a priest. It is difficult to understand what is meant by the expression "they fall on the two days of TJayeh haab" [intercalated days]. In the four plates of the Dresden Codex heretofore mentioned (25-28), which certainly refer to the feasts of the intercalated days, we notice that the left-hand column of each contains the characters of but two days — the 25th the days Eb and Ben, the last two of the intercalated days of the Muluc years; the 26th, Caban and Ezanab, the last two of the Ix years, and so on. Although these, as here noted, may not have any reference to this 6 a cS 1— 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 THOMAS] METHOD OF NUMBEEING THE AHAUES. 57 method of counting, their use in this manner shows that they were consid- ered important. If the lustres ended with an Ix year, as I have assumed, Ezanab would be the last of the intercalated days. Now as will be seen by carefully examining the calendar for one year as given in Table II, page 8, the num- ber of the last intercalated day will always be the same as the first day of the year. Having thus determined the name and number of the year, and remembering the series as given in the quotation, it was an easy matter to count back to any desired year. Let me illustrate this: Suppose that at the close of an annual feast of Uayeh haab which has ended on Ezanab, an Indian was desirous of determining what year of the cycle had just termi- nated. Knowing the day to be 1 Ezanab, he knows by this that the year was 1 Ix; remembering the numbers of the key, he commences his count with 1, and running back thus: 1, 10, 6, 2, 11, 7, 3, 12, 8, 4, ascertains that the year is the 40th of the cycle (10x4). A little careful study of this subject will suffice to convince any ohe at all acquainted with this calendar that by simply knowing the number and name of the last intercalated day of any year will be sufficient to enable him to determine what year of the cycle it is If he forgets the key he can easily find it by the continued subtraction of 4, commencing with 1 3, adding 1 3 when the number to be subtracted from is 4 or less than 4. The only thing necessary to be remembered is that the years Cauac, Kan, Muluc, Ix ter- minate, respectively, with the days Akbal, Lamat, Ben, and Ezanab. Suppose the last day of a certain year to be 9 Lamat, this gives 9 Kan as the year; the next year would be 10 Muluc, the next 11 Ix, the last of the lustre. If we remember the key, we count back the following num- bers or lustres: 11, 7, 3, 12, 8, 4, showing that 11 Ix would be the 24th year of the cycle and 9 Kan the 22d. These calculations are based upon the supposition that Cauac was the first year of the cycle, but the same rule will apply with Kan or any other as the first of the series. I think it probable that this will furnish an explanation of the phrase "they fall in the two days of Uayeb haab and i-eturn to the end of certain years." The manuscript from which this statement was taken by Perez was evidently written by one not thoroughly familiar with the system. 58 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TEOANO. On the title-page and on Plates XX-XXIII (see Plates I-IV) are cer- • « tain red semicircnlar or crescent-shaped figures like this Bij^ygj Avhich we have good reasons for believing served as characters to denote one of the Maya periods, either the Ahau, Cycle, Indication, or part of the grand C3^cle. This is the proper place to discuss their signification ; but as this can be done more satisfactorily after we have learned what we can in reference to the figures given on these jjlates and the subjects to which they relate, I will now proceed to give such interpretations of the figures and characters on them as I believe are waranted by the discovei'ies I have made. CHAPTER III. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES AND CHARACTERS ON PLATES XX-XXIII OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO AND 25-28 OF THE DRESDEN CODEX. As heretofore stated, the figures that occupy the spaces on Plates XX- XXIII^ appear to relate, in part at least, to the close and commencement of the more important periods of time. I have already given my reasons for believing that the blue figure in the upper compartment of Plate XXIII represents an Ahau, and tliat the piercing of the eye with the dagger sig- nifies that the last year of tlie period has arrived and is about to close. Referring to Landa's Belacion de Cosas §§ XXXV-XXXVIII, I find the following account of the religious festivals which occurred during the inter- calated or closing days of the old and the commencement of the new year, each of the four years, Kan, Muluc, Ix, and Cauac, having its own peculiar ceremonies. As this is really the key to the explanation of the figures on the four plates mentioned, I quote his statement in fall, translated from Brasseur's French, giving the original Spanish in Appendix No. L ''XXXV. — Fetes of supplemental days — Sacrifices of the commencement of the nerv year of the sign Kan. "It was the custom in all the cities of Yucatan that there should be at each of the four entrances of the place — that is to say, the east, west, north, and south — two heaps of stone facing each other, intended for the celebra- tion of two feasts of unlucky days. These feasts took place in the following manner: ' The reader is reminded again that Plates XX-XXIII of the Mannscript are the same as our Plates I-IV, a fact which will uot be rei)eated hereafter in the text. 09 60 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TROANO. "The year of which the dominical letter was Kan the omen was Hobnil, and, according- to the belief of the Yucatecs, they both reigned in the region of the south. This year, therefore, they fabricated a hollow image or figure of baked earth, of the idol which they called Kan-n-Uuyeyah, and carried it to the heap of dry stones which was on the south side. They elected a chief from the citizens, at whose house they celebrated the feasts of these days. At this ceremony they made also the statue of another g-od, named Bolon-Zacah, which they placed in the house of the chief elect, in a spot where every one could approach. "This done, the nobles, the priest, and the citizens assembled together. They returned, by a road swept and ornamented with arches and foliage, to the two piles of stone, where they found the statue, around which they gathered with much devotion. The priest then perfumed it with forty- nine grains of bruised maize mixed with incense. The nobles placed their incense together in the censer of the idol and perfumed it in their turn. The maize mixed with the priest's incense is called zacah, and that which the nobles present is called chahalie. Having incensed the image, they cut off the head of a fowl and presented to it. "When this was finished they placed the statue on a litter called Kante, and on its shouldei's an 'angel' as an omen of water and the good year which they should have. As to these 'angels,' they were frightful in appearance. "Then they carried the statue, dancing with much gaiety, to the house of the chief, where he found the other statue of Bolon-Zacab. While they were on the way one of them carried to the nobles and the priest a drink composed of four hundred and twenty-five grains of burnt maize, which they called Picula-Kakla, and all partook of it at the same time. Arrived at the chiefs house, they placed the image which they carried, face to face with the statue which was already there, and made many offerings of drinks and viands, of meat and fish. These offerings were afterwards divided among the strangers who were present, and they gave the priest only a leg of venison. "Others drew blood from themselves by scarifying their ears, and anointed with it a stone which they had as an idol, called Kanal-Acautun. THOMAB] FESTIVALS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE KAN YEARS. 61 They modeled a heart from the dough of their bread, and in the same way another loaf, of gourd seeds, which they presented to the idol Kan-u-Uay- eyah. It was thus that they guarded this statue and the other during the unfavorable days, perfuming them with their incense and with incense mixed with grains of bruised maize. They believed that if they neglected these ceremonies they would be subject to the calamities which were the result of this year. The unlucky days having passed, they carried the statue of the god Bolon-Zacah to the temple, and the image of the other to the eastern entrance of the city, in order to have it for the next year. They left it there, and returning home each one occupied himself with preparations for the celebration of the new year. "As soon as the ceremonies were terminated and the evil spirit dis- pelled, according to their mistaken idea, they believed this year to be fortu- nate, because with the sign Kan reigns the Bacab-Hobnil, who, as they say, has not sinned as his brothers, and for this reason no calamity befell them in that year. But as it frequently happened that this occurred notwithstand- ing, the demon was conciliated by establishing these ceremonies, so that in case of misfortune they attributed the fault to their ceremonies and to those who served in them, so that they remained always in error and blindness. "At his instigation, then, they fabricated an idol called Yzamna-Cauil, which they placed in his temple, and burnt before it in the court three pellets of milk,^ or resin, which they called kih; they sacrificed to it either a dog or a man, which was done with the ceremony spoken of in chapiter one hundred on the subject of victims. There was, however, some difference in the manner of offering this sacrifice; they put in the court of the temjjle a large heap of stones, and the man or animal who was to be sacrificed was fastened to a sort of elevated scaffold, from whence they hurled him onto the heap of stones; the officers immediately seized him and tore out his heart, which they carried to the new idol, offering it to him between two plates. They made still other offerings of comestibles. At this feast the old women, selected for this occasion, danced, clothed in peculiar garments. They believed that an angel descended then and received the sacrifice. ' By the term "milk," as here used, is meant the milky juice of some plant. 62 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. "XXXVI. — Sacrifices of the new year at the sign of Muluc — Dancing on the stilts — Dance of the old women with the dogs of baked earth. "The year of which the dominical letter was Muluc had for the omen Candenal. When the time arrived, the nobles and the priest elected the chief who sliould celebrate the feast. This done, they modeled, as in the pre- ceding year, the image of the idol called Chac-u-Uageyah, and carried it to the heap of stones at the eastern side, where they had left it the j^ear before. They made a statue of the god called Kinch-Ahau, which they placed in a suitable spot in the house of the chief; then, from there, setting out by a road neatly swept and ornamented, they returned together with their accus- tomed devotion to the statue of Chac-u-Uayeyah. "Having arrived here, the priest perfumed it with his incense and forty- three grains of bruised corn, which they called zacah; he gave to the nobles the incense called chahalte to put in the censer, after which they cut otf the head of a fowl, as formerly. They raised up the statue on a litter called Chacte and carried it with devotion, while the crowd executed around it cer- tain war dances called Holcan-Okof, Batel-Okot. They carried at the same time, to the leaders and the principal citizens, their drink composed of three hundred and twenty-four grains of burnt corn, as before. "Arrived at the house of the chief they placed the statue facing that of Kinch-Ahau, and presented to it the customary offerings, which they divided afterwards as at the last time. They offered to him bread made in the form of the yolk of an egg, and others like the hearts of deer, and another composed with diluted spice. There were, as ordinarily, good men who drew blood from themselves by piercing their ears and anointing with it the stone of the idol named Chacan-Cantun} "Here they took small boys and forcibly pierced their ears, making incisions on them with knives. They guarded this statue until the end of the evil days; meanwhile they burned before it their incense. "When these days were passed they carried it to the north side, where they were to receive it the next year, and deposited the other in his temple, after which they returned home to prepare for the ceremonies of the new year They believed that if they neglected to celebrate the aforesaid cere- monies they would be exposed to great evils of the eyes. 'Doubtless inteuded for Chac-Acantun. THOMAS] FESTIVALS AT THE CQMMBlSrCEMENT OF THE IX TEARS. 63 "This year, of which the dominical letter was Muliic and in Avhich reigned Bacah-Camienal, they regarded as fortunate; for they said that this was the greatest and best of the gods Bacab; also they made him the first in their prayers. With all this, however, the demon inspired them to fabri- cate an idol named Yax-Coc-Almmt, which they placed in the temple, after having taken away the old statuee; they set up in the court which is towards the temple a heap of stones, on which they burnt the incense with a pellet of I'esin or milk (hlK), invoking the idol and asking of him deliverance from the misfortunes of the present year. These calamities were the scarcity of water, the abundance of shoots in the maize, and other things of the same kind. As a remedy for these evils the demon commanded them to offer up squirrels and a cover of cloth without embroidery, woven by the old women, wliose office it was to dance in the temple in order to praise the god Yax- Coc-Almmt. "They threatened them still more with a crowd of other misfortunes and evil signs relative to this year, although it was considered fortunate, if they did not accomplish the duties Avhich the demon imposed on them ; one among others was a feast with a dance, which they executed mounted on very high stilts, and a sacrifice which they off'ered of the heads of turkeys, of bread, and of drinks of maize. It was also imposed on them to present images of dogs in baked earth, cari-ying bread on the back. The old women were obliged to dance with these images in their hands, and to sacrifice to the god a small dog with black spots, and wiiich was still virgin. Those Avho were the most devoted to tin's ceremony were to draw blood from the animal and to anoint Avith it the stone of the god Chac-Acantum. These rites and this sacrifice seemed to be very pleasing to the god Yax-Coc- Ahinut." "XXXVII. — Sacrifices of the neiv year at the sign of Yx — Sinister 2)rognostics; how they prevented those results. "The year of which the dominical letter was Yx and the omen Zac- Ciui, the election of the chief who celebrated the feast being finished, they formed the image of the god called Zac-n-Uayeyah and carried it to the piles of stone where they had left the other, the year before. They mod- 64 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TROANO. eled a statue of" the god Yzamna and placed it in the house of the chief, after which, by a road ornamented according to the custom, tliey returned devoutly to the image of Zac-u-Uayeyah. On tlieir arrival, they perfumed it witli incense as they had done before, and there cut off the head of a fowl. The image having been afterwards placed on a litter called Zachia, they carried it devoutly, accompanying it. with dances called Alcahtan-Kam- Ahau. They carried their usual drink on the way, and arriving at the house the image was placed in order before that of Yzamna and they made their offerings, to divide them afterwards; before the statue of Zac-u-Uayeyab they presented the head of a turkey, patties of quails, different drinks, etc. "As formerly, there were among the spectators some who drew blood from themselves, with which they rubbed the stone of the god Zac-Acantun. In this manner they guarded the idols during the days preceding the new year, and incensed them according to their custom until the last day; then they carried Yzamna to the temple and Zac-u-TJayeyah to the west of the city, leaving it there until the following year. "The misfortunes to which they were exposed this year, if they hap- pened to neglect these different ceremonies, were fairitihg fits!,' swoons, and diseases of the eye. They considered it as a year unfortunate as to bread, but abundant in cotton. It was this which they signalized with the char- acter Yx, and in which the Bacab Zac-Ciui reigned, who foretold nothing very good; according to their belief, the year must bring calamities of all sorts, a great want of water, days when the sun would shine with excessive heat which would dry up the fields of maize; the consequence would be famine; from famine arose robberies and from robberies slavery for those who rendered themselves guilty. All this would naturally be the source of discord and internal wars among the citizens and among the towns. They believed that in the year marked by this sign there also generally happened changes among the princes or the priests, in consequence of the wars and dissensions. "Another omen which they also held, Avas that some of those who sought to gain authority would not arrive at their end. This year was also sometimes signalized by an irruption of locusts, the consequence of which would be famine and the depopulation of a large number of locali- THOMAS) FESTIVALS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CAU AC YEARS. 65 ties. In order to remedy these calamities, which they feared entirely or in part, they made, at the instigation of the demon, the statue of an idol named Kinch-Ahau-Yzamna ; they placed it in the temple, where they offered'to it all kinds of incense and oblations, drawing their blood and sprinkling with it the stone of the god Zac-Acantun. They executed different dances, the old women dancing as usual; at this feast they formed anew a small oratory to the demon; they assembled there to offer sacrifice to him and to give him presents, and finished with a solemn orgie, where every one became intoxicated, for this feast was general and obligatory. There were also some fanatics who, of their own accord, and through devotion, made another idol, like that which is mentioned above, which they carried into other temples, making it offerings and intoxicating themselves in its honor. They regai-ded these orgies and sacrifices as very agreeable to their idols and as preserva- tives capable of preventing the misfortunes with which they believed them- selves threatened." "XXXVIII. — Sacrifices of the new year at the sign of Cauac — Uvil prognos- tics prevented by the fire dance. "This year, of which the dominical letter was Cauac and the omen Homnek, after they had elected a chief of the ceremonies, they formed, in order to celebrate it, the image of the god Ek-ii-Uayeyah ; they carried it to the piles of stone at the west entrance, where they had left the image of the year before. They made at the same time the statue of the god called Uac-Mitun-AJiaii, which they placed, as usual, in the most convenient spot in the chief's house. From there they went together to the place where they found the image of Eh-u-Uayeyah, having taken care previously to orna- ment the road; arriving there, the nobles and priests incensed this image, after their custom, and cut off the. head of a fowl. When this was finished, they took the statue on a litter called Yaxek and placed on its shoulders a gourd with a dead man and, besides, the ashes of a bird which they called Kuch, as a sign of great mortality; for this year was considered very unfor- tunate. "They afterwards carried it about in this manner, with devotion min- gled with sadness, executing several dances, among which there was one 60 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. like the crottees, wliich they called Xihalha-OKot, avITh h signified dance of the demons. In this interval the cup-bearer arrived with the drink for the nobles, which they drank in the place where tho statue of TJac-Mitun-Ahaa stood vis-a-vis with the image of which they had the care. Immediately they commenced the oblations, the perfuming, and their prayers; a great number drew blood from difterent parts of their bodies and anointed with it the stone idol called Ekel-Acantun. Thus passed the unfortunate days, after which they carried Uac-Mitun Ahait to the temple and Elc-u-Uayeyah to the south entrance, where they left it until the following year. "This year, signalized by the character Cauac, and in which the Bacah- Hozaneh rules, besides the plague with which it was threatened, was par- ticularly regarded as fatal; they said that the extreme heat of the sun destroyed the fields of maize, without considering the multiplication of ants and birds that devoured the remainder of the seed; however, they added, these calamities need not, be entirely general, there were some places where subsistence could be obtained, although with great difficulty. To prevent these calamities they made, at the instigation of the demon, four idols, named CJiichac-Chob, Ekhalam-CJtac, Ahcan-Uolcah, and Alihiduc- Balam ; after having placed these together in the temple, where they per- fumed them as usual, they presented to them two pellets of resin named Ai/r, to be burned, also iguanas, bread, and a miter, with a bouquet of flowers and a stone which they considered of great value. Besides, they raised, for the celebration of this feast, a large arch of wood in the court, filling- it with wood above and on the sides in order to burn, leaving in it, however, gateways for entering in and going out. Then, the greater part of the men took each one a bundle of long dry sticks and, wdiile a nuisician mounted on the top of the funeral pile sang- and beat the tambour, all danced with much order and devotion, entering in and going out, one after the other, under the arch They continued to dance in this manner until evening, when, leaving their bundles of sticks, they went home to rest and refresh themselves. "When nig^. fell they returned, accompanied by a great crowd; for this ceremony was regarded with great respect among them. Each one taking then his bundle, hghted it and put the fire on the funeral jDile, which f.T U S G. AND G SURVEY MANUSCRIPT TROANO PI J. T^BWBS'SP*' ^^-^ FAC-SIMILE OF PLATE XX OF THE CODEX TROANO THOMAS] EXPLANATION OF FIOITRES IN TOE PLATES. 67 immediatel}- caught fire and burned rapidl3^ As soon as there Avas only one brand left burning they announced it to the throng, and those who had danced before nssend)led together and attempted to cross it, some passing over without injury and some being slightly or seriously burned, imagining that thus they prevented the plague and the anger of the gods, and to avert the evil omens of the year, in the belief that nothing could be more conciliating to their gods than this kind of sacrifice. "This finished, they returned home to drink and intoxicate themselves; for this was required by the custom of the feast and the heat of the fire." If we turn now to Plates 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Dresden Codex and study them carefully, I think we shall find enough there to warrant iis in deciding that they are intended to represent these four festivals. In the first place, it is apparent that these four plates, which are copied on our Plates V, VI, VII, VIII, all relate to the same subject, and that they are quite different from those which precede or follow them. In the second place, the left-hand day-column of each plate contains but two days, and in each case these are the last two of the intercalated days; those on Plate 25 (PI. V) being Eb and Ben, the last two days of the Mukic years; on Plate 26 (PI. VI), Caban and Ezanab, the last two of the Ix years; on Plate 27 (PI. VII), Ik and Akbal, the last two of the Cauac years; and those on Plate 28 (PI. VIII), Manik and Lamat, the last two of the Kan years. A fact worthy of note in this connection is that each of these days is repeated thirteen times, the exact number of each of these years in a cycle. In the third place, we see in the lowest compartment of each plate the priest holding in his hand a headless fowl; agreeing exactly with Landa's words, "■degollavan una gallina y se la presentavan o offrecian" ; "they beheaded a fowl and presented it as an offering." In the upper division of each we see the chosen assistant with the head and tail of the Chac, bearing on his back the newly-formed image on his march to the heap of stones at the border of the village, or to the house of the selected chief. In the middle division we see the priest burning incense, in order, as was their custom, to drive away the evil spirit; the sign or glyph- " Ik" in G8 A STUDY OF TEE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. the midst of the flame renders almost certain the correctness of this inter- pretation. This agreement in so many particulars between these plates and Landa's statements is certainly sufficient to warrant us in assuming- that the two refer to the same things; that is, to the festivals held during the TJaycjjah haab or closing days of the different years. Before attempting to show the relation these plates of the Dresden Codex bear to those of the Manuscript Troano, it will be necessary for me to ask the reader to examine them carefully as I enter into more particular details. It is apparent from Landa's language that the festival of the last days of one year was intended as a celebration of the new or incoming year; that is to say, the festival of the last days of the Kan year was intended as a celebration of the incoming Muluc year, and, in fact, did not close until the first or second day of the latter. This being the case, we presume that the plate containing the last two days of the Kan year, for example, repre- sents the commencement of the Muluc.year, and that some, at least, of the figures and characters shown on it refer to that year. Following up this idea, I conclude that Plate 25, on which the days are Eb and Ben, the last days of the Muluc year, refers to the commencement of, and may properly be called the plate of the Ix years; that Plate 2G refers to the beginning of the Cauac years, Plate 27 to the Kan years, and Plate 28 to the Muluc years. Taking for granted that this conclusion is correct — which I think few if any will doubt — let us see what further can be deduced from it. Landa, Cogulludo, and Perez tell us that each of the four dominical days Avas referred by the Indians to one of the four cardinal points. As the statements of these three authorities appear at first sight to conflict with each other, let us see if we can bring them into harmony without resorting to a violent construction of the language used. Perez's statement is clear and distinct, and as it was made by one thoroughly conversant with the manners and customs of the natives, and also with all the older authorities, it is doubtless correct. He says, "the Indians made a little wheel in which they placed the initial T..OMAS.] ASSIGNMENT OF YEARS TO THE CAEDINAL POINTS. 69 days of the year. Kan at the east, Muluc at the north, Gix or Hix at the west, and Cauac at the south, to be counted in the same order."^ The statement of CoguUudo, which agrees substantially with this, is as follows: " They fixed the first year at the east, to which they gave the name Cuch-haah; the second at the west, and called it Hiix; the third at iha south, named Cauac, and the fourth, Muluc, at the north." Turning now to Landa's work (Relac. des Cosas, §§ XXXIV), we are somewhat surprised to find the following language: "The first of these dominical letters is Kan. The year having this character was the first, and had for its sign the Bacab, the other names of which were Hobml, Kanal- Bacah, Kan-pauah-tun, Kan-xib-chac. They placed this on the south side. The second letter is Muluc, which is placed on the eastern side, and this year has for its sign the Bacah, which is called Canzienal, Chacal-Bacah, Chac- pauah-tun, Chac-xib-chac. The third of these letters is Yx. The sign during this year was the Bacab named Zac-zini, Zacal-Bacab, Zac-pauah-tun, Zac-xib- chac, and it signified the northern side. The fourth letter is Cauac; the sign of this year is the Bacab called Hozan-ek, Ekel-Bacab, Ek-pauah-tun, Ek- xib-chac, which is assigned to the western side."^ This, as we see, places Kan at the south, Muluc at the east, Ix at the north, and Cauac at the west, confiicting directly with the statements made by Cogulludo and Perez. If we turn now to the descriptions of the four feasts as given by Landa, and heretofore quoted, I think we shall find an explanation of this difference. From his account of the feast at the com- mencement of the Kan year (the intercalated days of the Cauac year), we learn that first they made an idol called Kan-u-uayeyab, which they bore to the heap of stones on the south side of the village; next they made a statue of the god Bolon-Zacab, which they placed in the house of the elected chief, ■ "Estos indios pintavau una rueda pequeua, eu la ciial ponian los cuatro geroglilicos de Jos dias cou que principiava el ano, Kan al orieute, ilitluc al iiorte, Hix al ponieute, y Cauac al sur, para que se coutasen en el mismo ordeu." (Crouologia Antigua, ^ VII.) - "La priiliera pues do las letras dominicales es Kan. El ano que csta letra servia era el aguero del Bacab que por otros uoinljres llaman Hohiiil, Kanal Bacab, Kan-pauah-tun, Kan-xib-chac. A este sena- lavau a la parte de medio dia. La seguuda letra es Muluc .senalavanle al oriente, su afio era aguero el Bacab que llamau Canzienal, Chacal Bacah, Chac-pauah-tun, Chac-xib-chac. La fcrcera letra es Yx. Su ano era aguero el Bacai que llaman Zacziiii-zacal-Bacah, Zac-pauahtun, Zac-xibchac, senalavanle a la parte del uorte. La quatra letra us Cauac; su ano era aguero el Bacab que llamau Ho:aneh; Ekel-Bacab, Ek-pauah- tun, Ek-xib-chac ; a este senalavan a la parte del ponlente." 70 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. or chief chosen for the occasion. This done, they returned to the idol on the southern stone heap, where certain religious ceremonies were performed, after which they returned with the idol to the house, where they placed it vis-a-vis with the other — -just as we see in the lower division of Plates XX- XXIII of the Manuscript Troano. Here they kept constant vigil until the unluck}^ days ( Uayeb-liaah) had expired and the new Kan year appeared ; then they took the statue of Bolon-Zacab to the temple and the other idol fo the heap of stones at the east side of the village, where it was to remain during the- year, doubtless intended as a constant reminder to the common people of what year was passing. Similar transfers were made at the commencement of the other years; at that of Muluc, first to the east, then to the liouse, and then to its final resting place on the north side; of Ix, first to the north, then to the west;^ of Cauac, first to the west, then to the south. This movement agrees precisely with the order given by Perez; and the final resting places of the idols for the year being the cardinal points of the dominical days where he fixes them; that is, Kan at the east; Muluc at the north; Ix at the west, and Cauac at the south. There is therefore no real disagreement between the authorities on this point. If we turn now to Plate VI of the Manuscript Troano we find these four characters in the spaces of the upper and middle divisions. No. 3 No. 3. No. 4. ^ . ' / Fig. 8. 1 I ^ is in the upper left-hand corner; No. 2 in the lower left-hand corner; No. 1 in the lower right-hand corner, and No. 4 in the upper right-hand cor- ner. We find the same characters placed in the same order in the upper and middle divisions of Plate VII and the upper division of Plate VII*. They are also found in the corners of the spaces of Plates XVIII*, XXVI, XXIX*, XXX*, XXXI*, and XXXII*, but not always in the same order. ' Brasscur makes a mistake iu his translation, giving cast instead of west. MANUSCRIPT TROANO PL II, FAC-SIMILE OF PLATE XXI OF THE CODEX TROANO TiioMAs.j • CHAEACTEKS FOE THE CAEDINAL POINTS. . 7 1 Turning to the "title page" of the same manuscript, we find that these are the first four characters in the second transverse line. The position of the characters on the plates mentioned led me, at an early stage of ni}- investigations, to believe they were intended to denote the four cardinal points; but the fact that the order was not always the same, and the apparent impossibility of finding words in the Maya lexicon agree- ing with Landa's letter characters and at the same time denoting the cardi- nal points, induced me for a time to doubt the correctgess of this theory; but the discovery of the signification of these four plates of the Dresden Codex induces me now to believe that this first impression was correct. It is possible these characters have also some other signification, but that they are intended to designate the cardinal points I can no longer doubt. In the last or lowest transverse line of characters on Plate 27 of the Di'esden Codex (our Plate VII) — the one relating to the close of the Cauac and commencement of the Kan years — we find the character No. 1 (Fig. 8) in close proximity with another character, which I will presently show signi- fies "stone" or a "heap of stones." If this indicates a cardinal point it must be south or east; if it refers to the place to which the idol was first taken it would then signif)' south, if to its last resting place it would then signify east. In the corresponding line of Plate 28 (our Plate VIII) we find char- acter No. 2; in that of 25 (our Pkte V), character No. 3; in that of 26 (our Plate VI), character No. 4. If we suppose these characters to indicate the final resting places of the idols then character No. 1 would signify east, 2 north, 3 west, and 4 south; but if the first resting place, then chairacter No. 1 v/ovild signify south. No. 2 east. No. 3 north, and No. 4 west. That Nos. 1 and 3 relate to the places of the rising and setting of the sun, I think is evident from the following facts: First. That these are the only two out of the four characters which have anything similar in them. Second. The lower half of each is precisely like the lower half of Landa's symbol for the month Yaxkin, from which we may infer that it signifies Am, "sun." This also agrees with the fact that the Maya words for east and west (likin, chikin) both end with "kin," which signifies sun or day. Although Landa gives this figure without the wing as the character 72 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. for the letter "T," I think there can be no doubt that when combined with the side wing it signifies "sun" or "day," both words being the same in the Maya language. I find that Brasseur and Dr. Valentin!' reached the same conclusion respecting this character, which bears some resemblance to the Mexican symbol for day| ^i^ J, and a still closer resemblance to that for year. | *^ I I,am satisfied, therefore, that these two characters refer to the east and the west, and hence that the only point left for us to decide is, which appertains to the east and which to the west. This I think may be determined from the plates of the Dresden Codex. If No. 1 on Plate 27 must there be either south or east, and our reasoning showing that it could not be either south or north be correct, it follows that it must signify east, the direction assigned to the Kan year, and that here it refers to the final resting place of the idol Kan-u-Uayeyab. If I am so far correct then character No. 1 (Fig. 8) signifies east, No. 2 north, No. 3 west, and No. 4 south. If we turn now to Plates 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50 of this Codex we find on each, two square groups or masses of characters consisting of either five or six transverse lines and four columns. One transverse line of each group is composed of these four characters, which, as I believe, are here used to indicate the cardinal points. Assuming my interjiretation of them to be correct, it will be necessary to read these lines from right to left to obtain the order given by Perez; for example the lines on these plates read, as the characters stand, thus: First group, Plate 46. — North, east, south, west. Second group, Plate 46. — West, north, east, south. First group, Plate 47. — North, east, south, west. Second group, Plate 47. — West, north, east, south. First group, Plate 48. — North, east, south, west. Second group, Plate 48. — West, north, east, south. And the same on Plates 49 and 50. Reading these from the right to the left we have the order given by Perez, but the initial days will be as THOMAS] ASSIGNMENT OF DAYS TO THE CARDINAL POINTS. 73 follows: for the groups marked "first," Ix, and for those marked "second," Gauac, and the order in which they succeed each other, as follows: 1st. Ix, Cauac, Kan, Muluc. 2d. Cauac, Kan, Muluc, Ix. The first agrees exactly with the order of the days referred to by Plates 25-28 of this Codex, and the second precisely with Plates XX- XXIII of the Manuscript taken in revierse order to the paging. The first also agrees exactly with the order in which the first four characters in the second line of the title page of the Manuscript come, if read from left to right as the numbers above them indicate. If we turn to Plate XXXIP of the last-mentioned Manuscript^ we will see that the left-hand column of the upper division consists of the four dominical days placed in the following order, reading from the top downward: Ix, Cauac, Kan, Muluc, precisely in the order of the four plates of the Dresden Codex; we also find in the space of this division the characters which I have supposed mark the cardinal points, but placed as shown here. Landa, speaking of the ceremonies connected with the making of idols of wood, remarks (p. 308) that "they offered incense to the four gods called Acantunes, which they had placed at the four parts of the world" (the four cardinal points). But these were of stone, as we have already learned from the extracts referring to the festivals of the supplemental days. In the lowest division of Plate XXV* there are four idols over which are these four characters; the first, or left-hand one, is the headless figure seen on Plate XXIII, the character over it that which denotes the west; the second the spotted dog seen on Plates XX and XXI, the character over it signifies the north; the third a monkey, possibly the same as seen in the lower division of Plate XXI, the character over it the east; the fourth a bird, the character over it the south. 'Roman numerals refer to the plates of the Manuscript; Arabics to those of the Codes. 74 A STUDY OP THE MAXUSCRIPT TKOANO. Tliere are other plates on which these characters appear to indicate the cardinal points, but what 'has been given is sufficient to show the evi- dence upon which I base my opinion as to the meaning of the characters. The presence of these on Plates 25-28 of the Codex, in the manner there given, is perhaps the surest guide as to the quai'ters to which they respect- ively belong; the fact they are so often found occupying the four corners of the spaces of the plates of tlije Manuscript is what leads us to suspect that they indicate the cardinal points. The chief, and, so far as I can see, the oidy objection to this interpretation is the occasional change of order in the spaces; but, as we have seen, this seldom, if ever, occurs where they are in a line. The chief doubt is as to the points assigned them. If my explanation is correct, then it is possible that the Maya words which they represent are as follows : No. 1 (Fig. 8), LiJdn, "east." No. 2, Xaman, "north." No. 3, CJiikiu, "west." No. 4, Ma-yam, "the middle of the earth" (south), or NoJiol, "south." The inverted character for Ahau in No. 3, and tliat for Manik in No. 1, may raise an objection in the minds of some to this interpretation, but the reader must bear in mind that I do not yet insist that these characters are the symbols for the words above given. They may refer to priests, uten- sils, or other things connected with or used during religions ceremonies; for example, No. 3 may be the s)'mbol for Ahldn, "priest," No. 4, for Mayac, "table"; No. 2 for Am, the, sacred stone used in casting the horoscope, &c., but at the same time these, by the relative positions thej' occupy during ceremonies, may serve to indicate the cardinal points, and hence the days. This being the case, the characters, by long usage for this purpose, would ultimately become tlie symbols of this secondary signification. Referring again to Landa's account of the festivals, here- tofore quoted, we observe that one of the idols was finally placed on the heap of stones at the margin of the village In the lowest division of each of the plates — 25-28 of the Co- '*^' '■ dex — we see an idol resting on a character like this (Fig. 9); the idol on Plate 25, with a head somewhat similar to that of the Tlaloc U-S G. AND G SURVEY MANUSCRIPT TROANO PL III. OVv\. FAC-SIMILE OF PLATE XXII OF THE CODEX TROANO THOMAS] EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 75 figures in the Manuscript; those on Plates 26, 27, and 28 apparently part of the trunk of a tree clothed, and around which a serpent is coiled. From this fact I infer that the character signifies a "stone" or "stone-heap." The same character is also found uuder the figures placed opposite each other in the lower divisions of Plates XX-XXIII of the Manuscript, the only exception being that under the left figure in the lower division of Plate XXII. I had, from a study of the character itself, come to the con- clusion, previous to the discovery of the signification of the four plates of the Codex, that it was the symbol for stone, especially for the stone used in marking the divisions between periods of time. I was led to this con- clusion by a careful comparison of Landa's symbol for the month Pax with other similar characters in the Manuscript. If I am correct in this opinion, then the character probably represents one of the two Maya words Pb, sig- nifying "a stone serving to form the divisions in a Katun or cycle," ov Ppk, "stones placed one upon another, serving to count the intervals in the cycles." We find this character, as before remarked, in the lower trans- verse lines of the plates of the Codex, in close proximity to the symbols of the cardinal points, which agrees ^•ery well with Landa's statement. In the third or lowest division of Plate 27 we see the figure of a fish on two Kans, which are in a vessel. This probably represents the "angel" placed on the "palo" or litter "as a sign of water;" though it is possible it simply denotes one of the offerings made to the idol before which it is placed. It is worthy of note that a similar figure is found in the second character of the fifth line of the title-page of the Manuscript ; but, in this case, it is in the column which has the symbol for "south" as its second character. As Plate 27 of the Codex relates to the close of a Cauac year, as well as to the commencement of a Kan j'ear, .the presence of this figure in these places agrees very well with the interpretation above given. Although we have by no means exhausted our explanation of the four plates of the Codex, we are now prepared to compare them with the four of the Manuscript, and will proceed to make the comparison, reserving what further interpretations we have to give of ^hem to a subsequent part of our paper. There are four plates in each, relating to the four dominical days or 76 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. year bearers, and the clays used to designate the years are repeated thirteen times on each plate; in the Codex, the last two days of the year are selected for this purpose ; in the Manuscript the first only, but even here we see the symbols of the terminal days in the transverse line between the two spaces. The idols in each are placed on the same character — that which I have interpreted as signifying the "stone" or "stone heap" used to mark the divisions of time. The serpent appears in three plates of each work, and is wanting in the fourth, the latter in both cases being that which relates chiefly to the Ix years. At the bottom of the lower division of Plate 28 (Codex) we see a figure resembling the leg of a deer bound by a double cord ; a similar figure appears at the upper left-hand corner of the lower division of Plate XX (Manuscript), our Plate I. I think it is evident t^iat Brasseur was right in interpreting this as the symbol of the Maya word Jiau, "the quarter of a deer or other animal,'' from Landa's statement in his account of the festival of the Kan year — ^^davan al sacerdote una pierna de venado," "they gave the priest a leg of venison." It is true that this figure is found, in the Codex, in the plate supposed to relate to the Muluc year, while in the Manuscript it is in that which applies to the Ix year, and that in Landa it is mentioned in connection with the ceremonies of ' the Kan year ; but this is not sufiicient to destroy the value of these coincidences in our eff"ort to interpret these plates. For, in the first place, there is no reason for supposing the Codex relates to the same time and place as the Manuscript ; in the second place, each of the plates in both works appears to refer, in part, to two years ; in the third place, Landa's description is not sufficiently exact and minute to make the comparison full and complete. I may also add that, while the plates of the Codex appear to relate only to the ceremonies of the supplemental days, those of the Manuscript apparently refer to other festivals, especially those held at the close and commencement of long periods of time. For example, what is symbolized by the two left-hand figures of the upper division of Plate XXII of the Manuscript appears to be represented in Plate 30 of the Codex. The Uayeyab idols of the two works are certainly diff"erent from each other, though I think it very doubtful whether the figures in either are true representatives of the images; possibly those on the Codex plates are. T..OMAR] EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON THE FOUE PLATES. 77 A careful comparison of the chief figure in the lowest division of Plate 27 of the Codex with the left-hand figure in the lower division of Plate XXIII of the Manuscript convinces me that the two are intended as sym- bols of the same idea or as representatives of the same person. That the former is essentially difi'erent from the corresponding figures on Plates 25, 26, and 28 is apparent to any one who will take the trouble to compare them. The cape is here in front instead of on the back. The anklets and bracelets — which appear to be used as tokens of caste — are different from the others. There is also a wide variation in the head-dress, which, together with the exposed bone of the lower jaw, the docked nose, and lines of dots on the limbs, indicate that this priest is here representing Death or the god of Death. A cursory examination of other jilates of both works where the same figures will be found is sufficient to satisfy any one of the correctness of this opinion. I refer the reader who may have the works at hand to Plates XXX, XXXIV, III*, XXII*, XXX*, XXXIP of the Manuscript, and also Plates 6, 11, 12, 18, 4r), and 53 of the Codex. A somewhat similar figure is borne on the back of the Chac in the upper division of Plate 28 of the Codex, on which we see the same brace- lets, head-dress, exposed jaw-bone, and lines of dots. Landa states, as will be seen by reference to his account of the festivals of the intercalated days heretofore given, that at the commencement of the Cauac year they carried, among other things, a "dead man." According to the interpretation given, Plate 27 refers to the close of the Cauac and commencement of the Kan year, and 28 to the close of the Kan and commencement of the Muluc year, which would place this ceremony in the year following that given by Landa. Referring now to Plate XXIII of the Manuscript, which relates in part at least to the Cauac years, we see in the lower left-hand corner of the lower division a white figure with the same anklets and bracelets; and, although portly and apparently clothed with flesh, the ribs denoting death are plainly marked. A hand is stretched out as if to catch the skull, which is dropping from the head-dress that arises out of the earthen vessel. I note the following additional items in whicli they correspond; in the 78 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROAXO. canopies, oi* whatsoever they may be, behind the sitting priests in tlie mid- dle divisions of the lour plates of the Cotlex we observe this figure a St. Andrew's cross, surrounded by the usual circle — those on Plates "2(5 and 28 with the cross white on a black ground. Precisely the same figures are found on three of the plates of the Manuscript, those on XX and XXIII with black ground and white cross. In the lowest transverse line of characters of each of the four j^lates of the Codex, we find, as heretofore remarked, a symbol of one of the cardinal points. The same thing is true of the plates of the Manuscript, as Avill be seen by examining the lowest transverse line above the upper space. The head of the Ara is seen on Plate 28 of the Codex in the same space (lowest division) as the bound "leg of venison." The two are in the Manuscript (Plate XX, lower division), but here the whole bird is figured. In the upper division of Plate XX we notice issuing from the mouth of the dog two lines of dots each terminating in a little circle or circular dot. In the lower division of Plate 26 of the Codex we see two similar dotted lines arising from the severed neck of the bird. In both works these peculiar lines are on the Ix plates only. Such are the chief resemblances between the plates of the two works. Some, it is true, are those of common occurrence, and taken alone would not be sufficient evidence to indicate that the ^^lates relate to the same sub- ject: but when we take all the resemblances into consideration, especially the rbore important ones mentioned, I think there can be but little doubt left upon the mind of any one that these four plates of the two works, in great part, at least, relate to the same subject — the festivals described by Landa as occurring at the close of the j^ears. To which year or years a given plate refers I admit is a point in regard to which there is yet some uncertainty. This necessarily leaves us in some doubt respecting the proper assignment of the cardinal or direction symbols; but this fact does not affect the general correctness of my conclusions as to the subject-matter of these plates and the meaning of the figures and characters. Leaving the further consideration of the plates of the Codex to a future page, I will now call attention to other figures and characters on the four U S G. AND G. SURVEY MANUSCRIPT TROANO PL. IV. iU^iAA\X^' '7 FAC-SIMILE OF PLATE XX'II OF THE CODEX TROANO THOMAS. 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON THE FOUR PLATES. 79 plates of the Manuscript and give the signifioation of them so far as I have been able to make this out. I will start with the assumption that the con- clusion drawn from the comparison just made — that they relate in part at least to the festivals of the supplemental days — is correct; and as affording additional evidence, I first call attention to the following facts: Landa, in his account of the ceremonies relating to the Muluc year, remarks that "the devil commanded them to offer squirrels and a cloth cover (or cloth orna- ment), without embi-oidery, woven by the old women whose office it was to dance in the temple for the purpose of appeasing the god Yax-coc-Ahmut." In the upper division of Plate XXI (that relating to the Muluc year) we see this cloth, which we judge from the figure was to be worn by the priests. It is plain and without ornamentation, save what is on the strips at the side. The same account, as will be seen by reference to the quotation in full heretofore made, mentions that "among other things performed at this festi- val was a ballet or dance executed on very high stilts" (en muy altos sancos). In the upper division of the same plate (XXI) we see one of the dancers on stilts. It also states that "they were required to present dogs of burnt clay bearing bread on the back"; that "the old women were obliged to dance with these dogs in their hands, and to sacrifice to the god a little dog with black shoulders." In the lower division of the same plate we observe three figures of small unspotted dogs, two of which are seated on human feet, which is doubtless intended to denote that they are carried during the dance. To the right is another figure of a dog marked with large black spots, and bearing on its back the symbol of Ymix or Iniix mounted on that of Kan. It is true these figures do not agree exactly with Landa's description, as he does not appear to refer to the two classes of dog images — the plain and the spotted — but to the latter only. But we may expect this writer, who mentions these things more incidentally than otherwise, to be more or less confused where so many particulars are to be remembered, especially if his work was written in Spain, where he had necessarily to rely to a great extent upon his memory. But the fact that these figures are found on 80 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. the plate that relates to the Muluc years ; the peculiarly marked dog, bearing these symbols on its back; the little dog images on the feet, together Avith the agreement in other particulars, ai'e sufficient to warrant us in concluding that these figures relate to the ceremonies he describes. Taking the figures and statement together I conclude that the little plain dog-images, three of which are represented, were those carried during the dance, while the spotted one bearing the characters on its back — of which there is but a single figure — represents that which was to be sacrificed. In the collection of pottery made by Colonel Stevenson in 1880 among the Pueblos of New Mexico, are quite a number of plain little animal images, chiefly those of birds, which he informs me were used in hke manner by the Indians of these pueblos. If I am correct in this interpretation, we will then be warranted in con- cluding that the double character (Fig. 10) signifies "bread," doubtless "bread of maize." Taken separately we knowthat the upper is used as the symbol of the day Ymix or Imix, and the lower of Kan; but the primar}^ significations of these words, or rather the words Fig. 10. that these symbols stand for, is somewhat doubtful. Perez gives no definition of the former, neither in his lexicon nor Cronologia. Brasseur gives the following signification in his Vocabulary — "Deep pit; issue from a focus or of the breast"; but in a note to the Cronologia (§ II) he makes this remark: ''Ymix, written Imoxin the Quiche Calendar, in that of Chiapas is represented under the image of a marine monster of a peculiar form; it is the Cipadli of the Mexican Calendar, given by Nunez de la Vega, as the first father of the race of these countries." The latter (Kan) has several significations, such as "a cord or string of henequin," "yellow," "a certain measure," " red earth," " clay," &c. He also gives as other meanings, " in- creased," " elevated," " manifest," " consolidated," &c. But I judge from Perez's language that*the ancient signification was somewhat uncertain. The Maya word for "maize" is Ixini, and I am strongly inclined to believe that Imix is but a synonym, also that the symbol was originally used to signify this great food plant. I think it also probable that the sym- bol for Kan was used originally to represent the "grain" of corn, hence the fathered and stored corn or ears, and that the name was derived from the THOMAs.i CHARAOTEKS YMIX AND KAN. 81 yellow or golden color. On Plates XIX* and XX* of the second part of the Manuscript — lowest division — we observe women bearing burdens on their backs in baskets; -the substance carried by three out of six is represented by Kan symbols, and is probably ga-thered maize. It is worthy of notice that one of the names of tiieir chief deity Zamna or Itzamna, is Itzen-caan, signifying the "dew of heaven," or "substance from heaven." Itzen and Itzam are given by the lexicons as equivalents, and tzen, and its derivatives, contains througliout the idea of food or that which sustains life. Ixkan-Leox was the name of a female divinity supposed to be the spouse of Zamna; the signification of the name, according to Brasseur, is " CeUe de la fronds jaune aux grains de mais^'; in other words, the " silk." In the upper division of Plate 19 (Codex) is the figure of a woman bearing the same characters on her back, one above another, as on the Manu- script plate. Just behind her is the figure of a man or male deity, which I judge from the long beard to be Kukulcan, or Zamna, bearing on his back the same two characters. From these facts and others which might be mentioned I am satisfied there was an intimate connection in the minds of this people between maize and this deity. The two symbols in this form (Fig. 11), and also in reverse order, some- times with and sometimes without the accompanying char- acters over them, are of very frequent occurrence in the Manuscript and Codex. That characters similar to the ac- companying ones here shown are used in the Mexican Codi- ces to represent cakes of bread or tortillas is well known; whether they have the same signification in this connection is a point that will be discussed hereafter. Our next step will be to determine, if possible, which of the figures shown on these plates represent the Uayeyab idols. As we have already shown, there were, according to Landa, four of these, as follows : Kan-u- Uayeyah, for the Kan years; Cliac-u-Uayeyah, for the Muluc years; Zac-u-Uayeyah, for the Ix years, and Ek-u- Uayeyab, for the Cauac years. We may assume, I think, without any fear of being in error, that the left-hand figures in the lowest division of the four plates of the Codex are intended as representa- tives of these images. They are the only ones placed on the stone-heap 6 M T 82 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TEOANO. symbol ; three of them are exactly alike, and to them the priests are offering the decapitated fowls. Turning to the plates of the Manuscript we find the question more diffi- cult to solve; first, because there are on each plate (except one) two figures seated on stone symbols; and second, because these figures are wholly dif- ferent from those in the Codex. I think there can be no doubt that one of each of these pairs represents one of these idols. But which one? The one not seated on the symbol is that at the left of the lower division of Plate XXII. We may therefore assume that the white figure at the right with a sinuous line down the face, and seated on the stone symbol is the idol Kan- u-Uayeyah or CJmc-n-Uayeyab ; the former, if the ceremonies here shown refer to the commencement of the Kan year, the latter if they refer to the close. As the con-esponding figure on Plate XXIII (Cauac year) bears on its head the Kan symbol it most likely represents the former, and that on Plate XXII the latter. The corresponding figure on Plate XXI varies con- siderably from the other two noticed ; still there is sufficient resemblance to induce me to decide that it (the one at the right in the lower division) is the Uayeyab idol — Chac-u-Uayeyah or Zac-u-TJayeyab. The figures on Plate XX present still greater difficulty, if possible, fhat on the right being wholly diff'erent from the others. As tliis plate refers to the Ix years we should expect this variation, having found such to be tlie case on the Codex plates, and would decide at once, notwithstanding this difference, that it represented the Uayeyab idol, were it not for certain facts to be noticed. During the festival of the Ix years one of the images made represented the god Yzamna or Itzamna. Whether this deity was identical with Kukulcan or not is a question in reference to which the authorities are undecided. If we assume they are identical, the beard on the figure at the right would lead us to conclude that it was intended to represent this deity. But, on the other hand, the bird with the protruded tongue seated on the head-dress of the figure at the left is one of the symbols of Quetzalcoatl, the equivalent of Kukulcan. We also observe that the Ara, the sun emblem, is immediately opposite the latter, toward which he is pointing his fingers, which is a well-known symbol of Itzamna. Taking all these facts into consideration, I conclude that the figure to the right is the Uayeyab idol, U. S. G. AND G. SURVEY. MANUSCRIPT TROANOPL V. Z'-*±\ U 6 Q/y\^ Fac Simile of Plate 25 of the Dresden Codex. THOMAB.i EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATE XXIIL 83 a.nd that the one at the left represents Itzamna, whom I believe to be a dis- tinct personage from Kukulcan. I have been unable to arrive at a satis- factory conclusion in regard to the opposite or left-hand figures on the other plates, except that on Plate XXIII, which I think represents the god of death. We will now turn to the upper division of Plate XXIII and examine some of the figures contained in it. Near the left margin is the figure of a headless trunk marked with dotted lines and little circles; on it is the S3^m- bol of Caban and the figure of a machete. It is probable that this repre- sents the body of the "dead man" which Landa says was carried during the festival of the Cauac years, as the dotted Hues and circlets thereon cor- respond with that borne by the Chac in the upper division of Plate 28 of the Codex. As the festival of the Cauac years was observed during the closing days of the Ix years — those with which, according to the theory I have advanced, the lustres, ahaues, and cycles closed — I think it probable this figure is intended to signify the close of one of these periods, possibly the first, as this appears to be the idea signified in the Codex. I am fully aware of the difficulty of reconciling this explanation with the fact that this figure appears on the plate in the Codex which apparently refers to the Muluc years and is marked by the terminal days of the Kan years. But this fact will not warrant the rejection of my interpretation, as the error, if there is one, relates to the order in which I have arranged the years. I would also suggest that it is possible the calendars of the two works are not precisely alike — one may commence the series with a different year from that with whicli the other begins; in fact, the order of the plates in the two works seems to indicate this. It can scarcely be doubted that 25 of the Codex corresponds with XX of the Manuscript, yet tliat in the Codex is first while that of the Manuscript is the last of the four (the order here being, as I have shown, the revei'se of the paging). The year in which the figure api)ears, according to the Manuscript, corresponds with Landa's statement, while that of the Codex does not. If we decide that the series of years cortimenced with Kan and ended with Cauac, the interpretation would still agree with tlie Manuscript and Landa, as then we would have to suppose that Plate XXIII refers chiefly to the close of the Cauac and commence- ment of the Kan years. 84 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. In the lower left-hand cornei'of the same division we observe the figure of a deity, with a fiery red face, marked as the sj^mbol for Ahau, bearing in his hand a torch and on his head what appears to be two little wings This I presume represents Kinch-Aliau-Itzamna (Kinch-Ahau, the lord of the mouth or eye of the sun or day), one of the idols made during the festival of the Ix years. Here it appears to be sinking out of sight below the western horizon, casting back its fiery rays as indicated by the torch. As it belongs to the Ix year, which is here brought to a close, it would of course be retired. The headless figure immediately above it, and the Caban or Cab which signifies "to descend" or "sink below," and the signification of the blue figure, as heretofore explained, all agree exactly with this in- terpretation. The wings [if such they be] on the head probably refer to the Ara, the sun tok^n. The bird in the center, seated on the head-dress, may possibly represent or symbolize the "burnt bird," or "bird reduced to ashes" (the meaning of the original is very obscure), of which Landa speaks; the bill in the figure, it is true, is scarcely appropriate for a rapacious bird, which the Kucli appears to have been, but exact repi-esentations are not to be expected in this work. The color appropriate to the Cauac year (the one assigned to the south), as indicated by the Maya word Ek, was black; according with this, the lai'ge figure at the right of the upper space, and the bird in the lower space, are of this color. The serpent, we know, was a symbol used in the Mexican Calendar to denote a long period of time, especially the cycle of 52 years. It is also a prominent figure on these plates of the Manuscript, being found, in three of them, coiled under the clay vessels. (See both divisions of XXI, XXII, and XXIII.) Under each of the vessels in XXIII, and that of the upper division of XXII, it is in two coils; in the lower division of the latter the head is thrust out, apparently in compliance with the solicitation of the white personage to the right; on Plate XXI (both divisions) but one coil remains; and on Plate XX we see nothing more of it. What is it designed to represent on these plates f That it is a symbol of some period of time will scarcely be doubted ; but what period ? THOMAS. 1 THE SERPENT SYMBOL. 85 Turning to the plates of the Codex, we find that it appears there also on but three out of the four, being absent in both cases on the page refer- ring to the Ix years. We also observe that on each plate of the Manuscript where the serpent appears the vessels bear Kan symbols. It is evident, from what has already been shown, that the four plates in each work are intended to cover exactly one cycle. This is proven by the fact that on each the day symbols are repeated thirteen times. It is true that the period embraced by the plates of the Manuscript does not coin- cide with any one cycle, but it covers the thirteen different years of each of the four dominical days, giving them in regular order, thus making one complete cycle. The design in the Codex appears to be to indicate in a general manner the character of the feasts of the supplemental days only, and to show by the thirteen day-symbols that this is to be applied to all the years of the cycle ; while the plates of the Manuscript are apparently designed to give the same general idea, but at the same time to refer to a specific period, and also that this period shall include the close and commencement of the two great periods; hence the years are specified in the latter, while they are not in the former; the latter also includes allusions to other festivals than those of the Uayeyab. Taking for granted, then, that these plates are intended to cover one cycle, and that the serpent denotes a period of time, the natunil presump- tion would be that it here represents a cycle, for, although we find evident allusion to the Ahau in these plates of the Manuscript, we see nothing of the kind in those of the Codex.^ We might very reasonably suppose those on the plates of the Codex indicated the year, but a close inspection of that on Plate 26 will show that it differs considerably from the other two, is evidently in a dying condition, and is marked with the fatal dotted line. I can see no reason for this dif- ference if they were used to denote the year, and, aside from this, the fact that each one of the idols around which they are coiled is crowned with four leaves, indicating the four dominical days, would seem to forbid this inter- pretation, which certainly cannot be applied to those in the Manuscript. ' The reader will understand that the word "plates" in tliis connection is to be understood as meaning only the four of ■which I have been treating. 86 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. If they refer to the cycle, then each coil will denote two Indications, a supposition with which the pyramid of four steps on Plate XXII (to which I will presently allude) agrees very well. A fact worthy of notice in this connection is that, proceeding with the pages in the order I have adopted, we find on XXIII, where Cauac is the ruling day, the two coils are com- plete; on the lower or closing division of XXII, where Kan is the ruling day, one coil is partially withdrawn; on XXI, where Muluc is the day, there is bitt one coil; and on XX, where Ix — the year with which the cycle closes — is referred to, there is none. The most serious objection to this theory is that if any allusion to the Indications were intended there should be four coils instead of two, as there are four of these periods in a cycle. But the serpent may be used here only as the symbol of the cycle and the coils may have no particular significa- tion; still I think they do have, as there are two to each on the Codex plates, and that they denote the two halves of the cycle. Landa mentions the fact that the two halves of the Ahau were specially noted by the Indians. It is possible that on the Codex each serpent represents the series of years of one dominical day included in one cycle; that is to say, one column of a cycle as given in the previous tables. I have been led to make this suggestion from what I find on Plate 43 of the Borgian Codex. Here we see four sei'pents,^ coiled so as to form the sides of a square, and the four squares brought together so as to bring the heads to the center. On the body of each is a series of circles representing as I believe years; counting the small subcaudal one, there a?'e exactly thirteen on each ser- pent. Each of these serpent figures may represent an Indication, but the figure and the day signs in the spaces and the order in which they stand incline me to believe that they relate to the series under the respective dominical days. The five day signs in the spaces are doubtless the five added days — this can, I presume, easily be determined; but as I have not entered upon the study of the Mexican Calendar, and have not the proper works at hand for this purpose, I leave this for others to decide. In the upper right-hand square the inclosed figure is black, reminding us of the 'These are really mODsters, as tliey are represented with anterior limbs. U. S. C. AND G. SURVF.y. MANUSCRIPT TKOANO ri. VI. Lf^ ^iioi^a ,/ ^^ 61^,MA P»c,n/En/cC<,MY Fac .Simile of Plate -itj of tiik Dkesden Cudex. THOMAS] . EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PL ATBS ^XX-XXIII. 87 black figure in Plate XXIII of the Manuscript. In front of each inclosed figure, and immediately over the head of the serpent, is an urn. The snout of each serpent is crowned with a plume-tipped process. These resem- blances, notwithstanding the otherwise great dissimilarity of the figures of this plate of the Borgian Codex to those of the other two works, render it quite probable that they relate to the same general subject.^ I think it very probable that the serpent was sometimes used to symbolize the Ahau, as for example on Plates 33, 34, 35, and 69 of the Dresden Codex; that on Plate 33 to denote the 6th Ahau, that on 34 the 3d; that on 35 the 8th, and that on 69 the 10th. The lustres are evidently indicated on the last by the colors. Turning again to the plates of the Manuscript, we notice the figure of an animal of some kind mounted on the right-hand personage in the upper division of XXI, XXII, and XXIII. The peculiar form of the eye shows these to be quadrupeds. They are doubtless mounted on these individuals to show that they are Chacs, corresponding with those in the upper division of the Codex plates. We may as well call attention here to the fact that several of these things which appear on the other plates and seem to be equally applicable to all the vears alike, are wanting on Plate XX, which relates to the Ix years. For example, the serpent is wholly wanting here ; there is no animal denoting the Chac, and one at least of the clay vessels is missing. What does this signify 1 I confess that I am somewhat at a loss how to account for it, but, from my examinations and what has been ascertained, am dis- posed to explain it by the fact that Ix is the closing year of the lusters and cycles, and that the things mentioned, being symbols of one or the other of these periods or depending upon them, properly disappear with this year. If this view be correct, it will probably enable us to assign a signification to the large (supposed) red-clay vessels placed on the serpent coils in Plates XXI-XXIII. Vayeb-haah or Uayeyah (the latter is but a contraction of the 'In a pamphlet by Sr. J. M. Melgar, of Vera Cruz, entitled "A comparative view of the sym- bolical signs of the Ancient Systems of Theogony and Cosmogony, and those existing in the Mexican MSS., as published by Kingsborough, and the alto-relievos on a wall in Chichen-Itza," 1872, which Dr. Foreman, of the Smithsonian, has very kindly translated for me, I find a somewhat different interpreta- tion of this plate of the Borgian Coilex. This will bo found iu my Appendix No. 2. 88 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. former) signifies the "bed of the year." As the vessels are placed on the serpent, and hence cannot represent incense-bumers, it is not impossible that they are symbols of the idea expressed in these Maya words. The character C q LLLU o~^ which, according to Landa is the hieroglyph forthe letter M, which in Ma3^a signifies "vase" (also "moon"), is common on the vase-figures throughout the work; but on these vessels we notice parts of other characters which together with the one given may be the symbols for Uayeyah. This I admit is a mere supposition, but it does not appear to be a forced one; moreover, the following explanation by Perez may serve to strengthen it': "They called them [the added days] also uayah or uayeh- haab, which may be interj^reted in two different ways. The word uaijnh may be derived from uoy which means 'bed' or 'chamber,' presuming tlie Indians believed the year to rest during those days; or itayab may equally be derived from another signification of uay, viz: 'to be destroyed,' 'wounded,' 'cor- roded by the caustic juice of plants,' or with ley and other strong liquids."^ I think it probable that these are cinerary urns, given as symbolic rep- resentations of the idea that the years have closed — are dead — and as the ashes of the dead rest in the urns so the ashes of the years may be said to rest in these vessels. This idea appesirs to be borne out by the fact that the vessel in the middle division of Plate '28 of the Codex, which ajjpears to correspond to these of the Manuscript, has on it the figure of cross-bones, on the top of which are placed three Kan symbols. Stephens in his "Yucatan" mentions the fact that it is the custom of the Indians to gather up the bones of the dead and preserve them in baskets, boxes, and other similar vessels. Pie mentions one case where "they were clean and bright as if polished, with the skull and cross-bones in front, the legs and arms laid on the bottom," &c." It is moi'e than probable that this custom was handed down from ancient times. What the Kan symbols contained in these vessels signify is a question that puzzles me, and which I have so far been unable to answer satisfacto- rily. In the Manuscript we see three in both vessels of Plate XXIII; three in the upper and two in the lower division of Plate XXII; also three in the upper and two in the lower division of Plate XXI, but the top one 'Appendix to " SteiAeus's Yucatan," I, 437. • = Vol. I, p. 417. THOMAS] MEANING OF THE KAN SYMBOLS. 89 in the uppei" is surrounded by a heavy black border, while iu the lower a black bird appears to be in the act of devouring a third, presented to it by the white personage at the right. On Plate XX there are two in the similar vessel in the lower division, and two connected with another character in the upper. Turning to the Codex, we find the arrangement, so far as these charac- ters are concerned, quite dififei'ent. On Plate 25 we see but one, and that in the middle division; on 26 one in the middle and two in the lower division; on 27 two in the third or lowest division, with the figure of a fish upon them; on 28 three in the middle, above the cross-bones. If the vessels are to be considered as cinerary urns, figuratively holding the ashes of the dead years, these Kan symbols must be in some way connected therewith, but the numbers on the different ones cannot easily be made to ao-ree with any of the periods of the calendar. Possibly they may simply represent ears of maize or tortillas cast into these vessels. The fish placed on those in the third division indicate, as I believe, that here they are intended to represent corn or bread, for the position of the figure shows that it is meant for one of the offerings made to the idol, which Landa says consisted of "drinks, dishes of food, meats, fish," &c. The vessel just above this, in the same division, probably contains fruits or gourds (calabashes). If we suppose them to be time symbols, we may possibly find an argument in favor of interpreting them years in the fact that on Plate XXIII, where there are three in the vessel iu the lower division, there is a fourth one on the head of the personage at the riglit, who we have sup- posed is the personage that represents the year. By counting this we have the four years. The one withdrawn and placed upon the head of the image represents (saj^) the Cauac year. This leaves three, as shown in the vessel. In tlie lower division of Plate XXII there are but two, another having been withdrawn to represent the Kan year. So far we meet with no obstacle to our interpretation; but when we come to Plate XXI we find there are three, and on Plate XX two, a fact which is difficult to explain on this theory. Turning again to Plate XXII, we observe on the head of the individ- ual at the right of the upper compartment two triangles. These remind 90 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. us very strongly of the triangles on the outer circle of the Mexican calendar stone, and, although these are at the head of the animal, while those are at the tails of the serpents, I think it probable they have the same significa- tion — the completion of the cycle. This opinion, I believe, is confirmed by the figures at the left of the same compartment. Here we observe two falling figures. The lower, pale brown, with cords on his arms and legs, is being dashed to pieces on the pyramidal pile, on which he falls, as shown by the blood which is streaming over it. The upper one is white, the side of the head marked with a sinuous line, as that in the lower right-hand corner of the lower division of Plate XXIII. That these two figures sym- bolize periods of time can scarcely be doubted, the dark one sti-iking the pyramid that which is expiring. The four steps of the pyramid probably denote "indications" or "weeks of years," and, hence, all taken together represent the C3"cle. In the dark base we see a sigmoid character similar to that which Landa gives for the letter N, which may possibly be the symbol for the Maya word Noh, "grand." Here we see that one of the steps is black, which is the characteristic color of one of the four dominical days and of one of the four plates of the Manuscript. These facts, I think, are sufficient to warrant us in assuming that the whole jiyramid represents the cycle, and is, no doubt, the "monument" raised at the termination of this period, in reference to which Perez makes the following remark: "This period of fifty-two years was called by the Indians Katun, and at its conclu- sion great feasts were celebrated, and a monument was raised, on which a large stone was placed crosswise, as is signified by the Avord Kat-tun, for a memento and record of the cycles or Katunes that had elapsed." The two falling figures probably represent yeai-s, the dark one the closing year of one cycle or other period and the white the first of the fol- lowing. I am led to this conclusion from the strong resemblance of the white figure to those in the lower right-hand corner of the lower division of Plates XXII and XXIII, which I have supposed represent the Uayeyab idols. At the top of the left-hand, or day, column of Plate XX, and else- A 9 « where in these four plates, we find this unusual rtd character U. S. G. AND C. SURVEY. MANUSCRIPT TROANO Fl. IT/. M^ IK: 1v Aki /^tZ^^^^ J The right-hand portion appears to be Landa's character for the letter "X." If we suppose the inscription to have any reference to the figures in the spaces, we may give this two possible inter- pretations — the first 01, "heart," probably denoting the sacrifice of the ani- ' mal or person by the usual method of taking out the heart. Or, supposing 94 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. the first part of the compound character to be simply a prefix or a particle, the chief character may indicate the Ma3'a word Le, signifying "a cord," "a lasso," or cord with a slip knot. I find the same character over the middle figure of the second division of this plate (II), also, slightly varied, over the left figure of the first division of Plate III. In each case we see the cord and also the indications of sacrifice. The same character is also found inmiediately above the open breast of the sacrifi'ced individual on Plate 3 of the Dresden Codex, but in this case we also see cords around the hands and feet. In the right-hand compartment of the upper division is a squatting human figure in black on a blue ground, doubtless representing some deity. He has a fiery red mouth and a very prominent nose, and is holding by the hand a cord, which passes round a chai'acter at his feet, probably represent- ing a peddler's pack. On his head he bears an interlaced or cross-hatched figure as a head-dress. This figure I think represents the ancient divinity Chicchac-CJiah or Chichac-Choh} The cross-hatched character on the head appears to be used to indicate the sound izi, zi, or chi, and is probably placed here to denote this deity. Similar figures are found in various parts of of the Manuscript, as, for example, on Plates IV, V, VI, VII, XIX, XVII*, XVIII*, XXII* XXIII*, XXV*, XXIX*, XXX*, XXXI*, and XXXII*. There appear, in fact, to be two different personages represented by these figures, as may be seen by reference to the upper division of Plate VI, where the two are brought face to face. The only difference observable is in the form of the eye. According to Landa, the Indians, during the festival of the Cauac years, made four idols named Chiccliac-cliob, Ekbalam- chac, Ahcan-Volcab, and Alibuluc-Balam ; the first of which is doubtless one of those referred to. It is also possible that some of the figures on this group of plates refer to others of these four deities. In the middle division of this plate (II) is a stooping human figure, with his arms bound behind his back with a cord, and a kind of yoke on the back of his head The edge of a machete is descending upon his neck as if to sever his head from his body. That this figure is intended to show that the individual is about to be slain can scarcely be doubted, as we see, 'I am aware that Ekchuah Tvas the merchant's patron. U. S. G. AND G. SURVEY. MA iXUSCRlPT TROANO PI. VIII. H JA-Mvu^ ; . ^^"^y^H^A^- ^^^3 ji („ .^. ■■■...•: Fac Simile of Plate 28 of the Dkesdex Coi>ex. THOMAS.] FIGURES ON PLATES III-VII. 95 by turning to the middle division of Plate III, the same person, although still represented as standing, a headless trunk and covered with blood, while in close proximity is the fatal machete. Above the bound figure we find the character heretofore given, which we have supposed may be the symbol for 01, or "heart," and, if so, tends to confirm the idea indicated in what has been said concerning these figures. Be this as it may, we have here, undoubtedly, indications of human sacri- fice. The mode indicated may not be exactly what we may have been led to expect from what has been stated by the old authors, but this does not necessarily prove our interpretation wrong. It is a significant fact that on the third page of the Dresden Codex we see human sacrifice distinctly shown. Thus it appears that each of these manuscripts beai's the evidence of this horrible custom. As bearing upon my interpretation of these characters, I call attention to the fact that they are also found on Plate 3 of the Codex, in connection with the figure delisting human sacrifice. The white left-hand figure in the third division (PI. Ill), holding in his right hand the symbol of cu or Cauac, and in his left a spear head, represents, as I judge from the markings and this accompanying chai-acter, of the gods of death or underworld. Plates III to VII, taken together, appear to represent among other things a journey of some kind, pi'obably the journeyings of traveling mer- chants or peddlers. This is indicated by the marks of footsteps and by the figures of individuals with staves in their hands and packs on their backs, which are bound with cords. The two individuals in the upper division of Plate VI appear to be in the act 'of producing fire by whirling a stick between the hands with the point pressed on a piece of wood, as was the custom. The figiire in the lower division of this plate is interesting chiefly on account of the peculiar head-dress of the large central figure. This, which is shown in the annexed cut (Fig. la), represents a couch or seat in the form of a double-headed animal, on which is placed the head of a deer. This bears such a striking resemblance to the double-headed 96 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TROANO. couches or seats found in the ruins of Yucatan' as to induce us to believe that tliey liave the same signification in both phices, or that tlie figure in our plate refers to that which was represented in the older sculptures and paintings. The peculiarity in the figure of our plate is that the personage seated on the couch is here symbolized by a deer's head, and that on the cheek of the right head there is one of the death sym- bols. Is the deer's head here a symbol of the personage represented as seated on the couch in the sculptured tablet of the Palenque palace, and the Beau Re- lief in stucco? We have no means by which to determine this, but it is my opinion it is. I sugg-est, as a possible explanation, ^'°- ^■'- that this singular head-dress is a symbol used to denote the peninsula of Yucatan, or, rather, Etel-ceh, the name by which it was known in ancient times. Ce/*, as is well known, is the Maya word for "deer." Etel signifies "companion," and EteJd, from "hand to hand" or "side to side." Hence it may be intended as a symbol of dominion. This, I am aware, is a somewhat visionary guess, and I give it as such; still it is not impossible that it is substantially correct. On the jaw of the head, looking to the right, is an imperfect character, which, from evidence found elsewhere in the Manuscript, I am satisfied is a variant of Cimi. We find that the same deity represented in the second division of Plate VII assumes a different form. The scene appears to be an open, grassy prairie, leading us to infer that here the javelin is being hurled at game, although none is figured. In the lower division of Plate VII, and extending into the margin of VIII, is a series of five similar blue figures, each seated on a large charac- ter like the one here shown. ' Bancroft's Native Races, vol. iv, pages 'All, 318, and 329 ; Stephens's Yucatan, vol- ii, page 182; Waldcck, plate xvii ; Diipaix, plate xxvi (Plate 20, Kingsbury, iv). THOHAs.) FIGURES RELATING TO THE CHASE, PLATES \^1I1-XIX. 97 The black numerals not obliterated are as follows, and in the following order: 11, 10, 9. Is it not possible that these signify Ahauesi The head- dresses on three are similar to that seen so often tin-oughout the work on the head of Tlaloc, and which, I presume, signifies the tying of the years. I merely suggest this as a possible explanation, although the order of the numerals Fig. 11. is not the usual one. Plates VIII to XIX appear, from the figures, to relate to the chase. VIII-XIII are devoted almost wholly to figures of animals (mostly deer") caught in snares. It apj^ears from these figures that the method of snaring animals was to fasten a cord to the top of a slender tree, bend it down, and fasten a slip-knot around a spring or trigger, so that when touched by the fore foot of the animal it would slip up and tighten, and thus hold up the fore part of the body. There can be no doubt that the elongate white stems to which the cords are tied represent trees or wood. If the nodes marked upon them were not sufficient to show this, a study of the similar figures throughout the work would satisfy any one on this point. The curved figure at the foot of the deer in the second division of Plate VIII probably represents a kind of spring or trigger around which the slip-knot is fastened in such a manner that when touched above by the foot of the animal it closes or bends together, so that the knot slips off it and on to the leg.^ I am aware that this interpretation is widely different from the profound explanation given by Brasseur, still I think it is as near the correct one. The animal represented in the upper division of Plate IX is an Arma- dillo. It is evidently in a pit, into which it has fallen through the trap arranged for this purpose. We see no cord here, as none was needed. The pit appears to have been lined around the sides with upright pieces of wood, to prevent the earth from falling in; then two layers around the top of these, and finally covei-ed with a layer of sticks or small beams, through which a hole was made in the middle, and then pieces laid loosely on this, so that the ends met over the middle of the opening. The animal 'Heirera (Dec. iii, Bk. vi, clap. 3) says they killed their game with gins and snares. The Gen- tleman of Elvas speaks of a method of catching conies with snares similar to that figured in the Manu- script (HackluytTransl. ii, 18:!). 7 M T 98 A STUDY OF THE JtANUSCRIPT TROANO. passing over steps on these, and, tilting them, falls in. I introduce here a figure of this pitfixll, an exact copy of that on the plate. We here see the method of joining the ends of beams together. A similar figure, but on a smaller scale, is given on Plate XXII*. The crosses on the ends of the beams are parts of the char- acter so often found on wooden articles. This is evident from the fact that the full character is found on the ends of the cross- beams in the figure on Plate XXII*. The probable sig- Fu;. 15.— Pitfall and annadiiio. nificatioii will be given hcrc- •after, in the chapter relating to the wa'itten characters. In the third space of this plate, and also in the second and third spaces of Plate XIII, there is an outline figure of a scorpion, and in each case the claw at the end of the tail grasps a cord to which a deer, rabbit, or fox is attached. I confess my inability to interpret these figures.^ In the left portion of the upper division of Plate X- is a broad trans- verse line containing characters similar to those in the line between the divisions of Plates XX-XXIII. The left-hand character (of the three) bears a strong resemblance to the symbol of the Mexican day OlUu, or "Earthquake," but here possibly represents the Maya day Ezanab, and the middle one, Been. The character to the right is the "death symbol," or symbol of the day Cimi. The red and blue scrolls which are attached to and hang below this line probably denote the sujDposed character of two diff"erent years or days, so far as they relate to the chase. It is a fact worthy of notice that on these six plates there are just eighteen of these captured animals, or one for each month of the year. We can readily understand why the festivals or religious observances denoted by these figures and the day and numeral characters are so numerous and occupy ' Sr. Melgar(C'o»ip. View, ^c.) suggests that it denotes the zodiacal s,\}^n Scorpio, and hence autumn. But such a supposition would imply a knowledge of Oriental astronomy not warranted. ■^SecFig. 97. THE HUNTERS' FESTIVAL. 99 siicb a large portion of the Manuscript. The priests were fond of the savory venison hams which fell to them. Tn other words, it was a scheme on their part to use the religious fervor of the people to supply their larders with this choice meat. Fig. 10. 100 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. Plate XIV — the middle and lower divisions of which are reproduced in Fig. 1 IG — I take to be a ritual relating to the hunters' festivals. In the upper division we see two persons dressed as Chacs, and bearing the emblems of the festival to the temple or appointed place. The middle and lower divis- ions contain entire transverse lines of the same character repeated. If we take them in columns, instead of transversely, we will find that they differ from each other only in the top and bottom characters and the numerals. As an example, I refer to the third column from the left of the middle divis- ion (omitting from the count the usual day column at the left). The chai-- acter at the top is the one already interpreted as signifying "the east"; thi-ee of the other columns have each one of the cardinal points, the rest of the characters being the same in each column and in the same order except the numeral and the character below it. The same is true in reference to the lower division. As these appear to designate mere repetitions, either of actions or words, varied slightly as to direction or number, I conclude that, taken together, they form a ritual for the cei'emonies that relate to the chase. Plates XV-XIX appear to represent tokens of hunting scenes and the ceremonies of the hunters' festival. In the upper division of XVII, XVIII, and XIX w^e see the hunters returning from the chase, some bearing their game, others their weapons, and others flowers in token of success. On Plates XV and XVII we see some of the game left behind for the vultures, which are devouring it. The middle division of XVI and XVII relate to the same subject ; the left figure in the latter is represented as being bitten by a rattlesnake, one of the dangers to which they are subject while pursuing their calling. The figures at the right of the upper division of the same plate represent a master punishing his slave or follower ; the differ- ence in the belt anklets and dress showing the difference in condition. It is more than probable that these figures are to a certain extent cabal- istic and also that it is a part of the ceremonies of the festival to represent these incidents of the hunter's profession. The large figure in the middle division of Plate XV I presume repre- sents an idol, made for the occasion, in the form of a deer. If so, we see here a strong indication of phallic worship. nioMAsi EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATES XVII-XIX. 101 In the lowest division of Plate XVII we observe a woman j^iercing her tongue with a maguey leaf, while in front is an incense-burner. The two figures in the upper division of Plate XIV are doubtless Chaos selected for the occasion, who are carrying to the festival the implements of the chase and a sun image. The character on which the figure in the lower left-hand corner, middle division of the same plate, is standing, is probably a representation of the trap, or rather trigger, used in snaring game. We observe that the left-hand figure of the lower division of Plate XVI is bearing in his hands a Kan symbol on which is placed a deer's head. We see exactl3' the same combination in the fifth transvei"se line of the title- page — a deer's head on a Kan symbol, emblems of their chief means of subsistence, maize and venison. The figures in the middle division of Plate XVIII are evidently sym- bolical, as the positions are unnatural. I am inclined to believe the upper of the two figures denotes a supposed phantom, which, according to the superstitions of the Indians, flew through the air, destroying game as it passed. This is a mere supposition based wholly on the figures themselves, yet one that I think is warranted. The figure in the lower division of this plate (XVIII) j^robably repre- sents a priest clothed in animal skin, or an idol. The black and white figures in the middle and lower division of XIX are grinding paints to be used in their ceremonies. The black is the same personage as the right-hand figure in the upper division of Plate VI (Chic- chac-Chob). The white one in the middle division is a personage we fre- quently meet with on the pages of this work and in reference to which I will have more to say hereafter. The white figure in the lower division is certainly the same as those on Plates XXII and XXIII, which I have de- cided represent Uayeyab idols. It here no doubt signifies a priest dressed to represent this idol. Plates XXIV-XXVIII appear to relate to one subject — the rainy season, or rains, storms, clouds, &c. I think it quite probable that pictures of this kind seen by the early writers on the manuscripts which they inspected, were the ones they supposed related to the great floods which inundated that country. 102 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TltOANO. From a careful study of them I conclude they are of general applica- tion, and refer simply to the storms, clouds, &c., of the rainy season of the year, and not to any particular event. As each of these plates is complete in itself, there is nothing in them, except the subject treated of, to indicate the order in which they are to be taken ; but this is too uncertain a guide for us to base any confident opinion upon. All I can say on this point with confidence is that XXIV and XXV appear to relate to severe and destructive storms, and XXVI and XXVII to beneficial and fertilizing rains. The figures in tlie lower division of the first two I think indicate the formation or commencement of the storm. We see in both a young or small serpent, which, I think, is here the symbol of a cloud. That on Plate XXV is a rattlesnake, indicating its deadly character, as does also the death symbol near by. The apron of the great, robust female is cross-hatched — which here may signify Zih, "origin" or "birth" — and denote that the serpent, which is issuing from behind it, is in process of birth. The character held in the right hand is Ik, "breath," "wind," or "spirit"; the blue lines from the mouth, which strike against the falling figure with the dead eye, denote the fierce storm on its errand of destruction and death. The beam shooting out from the eye may possibly denote lightning, though in the similar figure on Plate XXVII this appears to be indicated by the red dots in the bound serpent on the head. The intention appears to have been to indicate the Maya equivalent of the Mexican female deity, Ghalchihuitlicue. This deitj^, according to Sahagun, was the sister of the Tlalocs. "She was honored because she had power over the watei's of the sea and of the rivers to drown those that went down to them, to raise tem- pests and whirlwinds, and to cause boats to founder. They worshiped lier, all those that dealt in water, that went about selling it from canoes or peddled jars of it In the market. They represented this goddess as a woman, painted her fixce yellow, save the forehead, which was often blue, and hung round her neck a collar of precious stones, from which depended a medal of gold. On her head was a crown of light-blue paper, with plumes of green feathers and tassels that fell to the nape of her neck. Her earrings were of turquiose, wrought in mosaic. Her clothing was a shirt THOMAS] THE RAIN GODDESS. 103 or upper body garment, clear blue petticoats, with fringes, from which hung marine shells, and white sandals. In her left hand she held a shield and a leaf of the broad, round, white water-lily, called atlacue^ona."'- Clavigero makes the following statement in regard to this goddess: '^ Chalchiucueje, otherwise Chalchihuitlicue, was the goddess of water and companion of Tlaloc. She was known by some other very expressive names, which either signify the effects which water produces, or the different appearances and color which it assumes in motion. The Tlascalans called her Matlacueje, that is, clothed in a green robe; and they gave the same name to the highest mountain of Tlascala, on whose sununit are formed those stormy clouds which generally burst over the city of Angelopoli. To that summit the Tlascalans ascended to perform their sacrifices and offer up their prayers. This is the very same goddess of water to which Torouemada gives the name XocJdquetsal, and the Cav. Boturini that of Macuilrochiqiiet- The interpreter of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis says: " Chalchiutli, who presided over these thirteen days, saved herself in the deluge. She is the Avoman who remained after the deluge. Her name signifies, 'The woman who wears a dress adorned with precious stones ' Thej^ here fasted four days to Death. They painted her holding in one hand a spinning-wheel and in the other a certain wooden instrument with which they weave; and in order to show that of the sons which women bring forth, some are slaves and others die in war, and others in poverty, they paint her with a stream, as if carrying them away, so that, whether rich or poor, all were finally doomed to perish."^ We may therefore, I think, safely assume that the figure in our plate is intended to represent the Central American or Yucatec goddess Xnuc, who appears to be an equivalent for the Mexican female deity described, and that here, at least, she is but a syoibol of the mountain range where the storms were formed, and from whence they rushed down into the valleys and plains below. Whether the large figure in the lower division of Plate XXVII is intended to represent the same deity is somewhat uncertain, but 'Bancroft's Native Eaces, Vol. iii, p. 368. 'History of Mexico, Vol. i, p. 252, Cullen's Trans. ■■'Kingsborougli's Mex. Autiq., vi, p. 120. 104 .A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. jiulging Ij}^ the blue hair, blue ear-circle, the bound serpent on tlie head, and the similarity in the form of the mouth, anklets, and wristlets, I am disposed to believe it is, notwithstanding the material differences in other respects. The mouth of the latter, the peculiar form of which is more dis- tinctly shown than in the former, reminds us very strongly of that of the symbol of the Mexican d&y Ehecatl, "wind," as given in the various Codices. I am disposed to think that the figure in Plate XXV represents her as the storm-brewing goddess, while that in Plate XXVII shows her as the giver of beneficial and fructifying rains. In the former the eye simply shows the lightning flash, while in the latter it is surrounded by the curved Tlaloc sign, or what is supposed to be the sign of the Tlaloc eye, though certainly not limited to this deity. The figure in the lower division of Plate XXIV is evidently intended to express the same idea as that in the lower division of XXV; but I am at a loss to decide what deity is denoted. A god with four hands, as here shown, is an anomaly in Mexican and Central American mythology. I have failed to find any such represented in the Codices, though I have looked through them somewhat carefully for this purpose. Nor have I found any mention of such an one in any of the Avorks I have at hand. Prof. Edward S. Holden thinks he sees four hands to the figure on the Leyden Stone, but I must confess I have been unable to find more than two which appear to belong to the principal personage. He is of the opin- ion that the figure on our plate is intended to represent the Mexican god of war, Huitzilopochtli} It is possible that this surmise is correct, as it agrees in several important respects with the dark figure in the upper division of Plate XXV, which I think beyond doubt represents this deit}'. As the reader will find the characteristics and symbols, and also a very reasonable and probably correct interpretation of these given at length by Bancroft in his 'Native Races, I will omit the mention of them here. I only add that here we see the feathers, the shield, the snake belt, the arrows and spear, and everything, even to the attitude, that betokens a warlike deity. The accompanying serpent, which here clearly denotes a cloud, is not wanting; the rain pours down in fearful torrents, and on each side is the '"Stuiliesof American Picture Writiug"; in Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. TuoMAs.i EXPLANATION OP FIGURES ON PLATES XXIV-XXVII. 105 death symbol. This god we know was a companion of, or, rather, accom- panied by, Tlaloc, whose figure we see by turning to the adjoining Plate XXIV. Bat here, instead of being in his favorite blue, we see him clothed in black and bearing on his arm the shield that forms one of the tokens of the war god. On this we see the symbol for Ik, "breath" or "wind," twice given, betokening the storm and the whirlwind. In his right hand the spear-hurler, or, as here used, the lightning symbol, while in front of him is the Uayeyab idol or figure representing the year, upon whose head the torrents are descending, and upon whom the angry Tlaloc appears to be venting his wrath. If a supposition, hereafter more fully explained, that this figure represents Zamna, or corn, prove correct, the signification of what is here shown is at once clear. Above the head of the god, sailing through the air, is a batrachian, or frog-like animal, a symbol of abundant water. The large character in the middle, which has the inner space blank, was doubtless intentionally left so. I am unable to guess its meaning, unless it be a time symbol of some kind. The transverse line of partially obliterated characters at the top are similar to those found in the middle transverse line on Plates XX-XXIII, which probably have the same signifi- cation here as there. ^ As before remarked. Plates XXVI and XXVII appear to belong together, and to refer to the milder and beneficial rains. In the upper division of the former we see Tlaloc, accompanied by his four Chacs, the latter without any marks of distinction, as here the inten- tion appears to be to represent them as rain-givei's only. The former is shown here in liis usual blue color, but the scorpion-like caudal appendage is uncommon, and, taken in connection with the plate on the loins to which it is attached, is, as I believe, a time symbol of some kind. We notice that the claw at the tip appears to clasp the single red numeral character surrounded by dots. In this space we also observe the symbols of the four cardinal points, one by each Chac.^ 'I have been in considerable doubt as to whether these minor deities are Chacs or Bacabs, as there appears to be much confusion in the writings of the old authors iu reference to them; but have decided to apply the name Chacs to those which appear to be related to the raiu gods. I think it proba- ble that the two terms apply to the same deities. 106 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. The figures in the lower division of" this ph^te, I tliink, are easily inter- pi-eted. Here is the cloud, or moisture, represented in the form of a serpent, with a Tlaloc head to denote its beneficial and fertilizing influence. Tlaloc, wlio has been riding upon it, now starts upon bis descent to earth, bearing upon his back the symbol of abundance of food — a vase filled with corn and a vine loaded with fruit. I am aware that I have heretofore referred to the serpent as a symbol of time, but this diversit}' in the application of this symbol has been recog- nized l)y others. Bancroft, after a thorough consultation of the numerous authorities in his extensive library, remarks, in speaking of the attributes of the Mexican god Huitzilopoctli: "Huitzilopoctli is also a snake god. * 4t * * jf j-]jg snake signifies in one case time, in another world, and in another instance water, or the yearly rejuvenation of germs and blos- soms, the eternal circle of nature, divination, soothsaying, it is quite proper, for all these qualities are found united in the god." The figures in the upper division of XXVII are very similai- in char- acter and signification to those just described. Here is the snake cloud floatinj? alonor the crimson underlining indicatino^ either the lig'htnino- or the effect of the setting sun. On the head stands TlaloC, while he pours out the rain from the inverted vase in his hands. On another part stands a goddess, possibly Ixmol, also pouring the refreshing rain on the parched earth. The central figure in the lower division of this plate has already been alluded to and the conclusion reached that it is the female deity Xnuc, the mountain, or mountain range, from Avhich the rains of that region mostly come. The chief parts of the figures in this division may be thus explained: The blue lines, the rain flowing out from the skirts and down the sides; the serpent, the embryo cloud on the summit, through whicli the lightning, represented by the red dots, is playing. Here we see the four Chaos, with their distinguishing marks upon them ; also Tlaloc, with a singular head- dress. From a careful study of these four plates I conclude that XXV pre- cedes XXIV, and that XXVII precedes XXVI, in other words, should pro- ceed to the left in the order paged. TuoMAB] EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATE XXVIII. 107 Plate XXVIII appears to relate somewliat to the same general subject as the preceding group just described, but is not so directly connected with them as they are with each other. It seems, in fact, to belong between this group and the one which follows (in the order of the paging), and appar- ently precedes the former. The chief objects of interest on this plate are the figures in the second and lower division. The larger figures either represent two deities closely allied and belonging to the same class, or are symbolic. As they are frequently met with throughout the Manuscript I presume they are recog- nized deities. In this place I think they represent the earth or soil, which, parched and dry in consequence of a severe drought, are here represented as looking up toward the heavens, as if supplicating rain upon the planted and sprouting maize, the emblems of which they bear in their hands. As will be noticed elsewhere, there are very strong reasons for believing that the lower figui-e, and probably both, represent gods of death, or that they are symbols of death. This agrees very well with the explana- tion I have suggested. The lower figure has in one hand the bread symbol, in the other that of sprouting corn. In the hands of that of the second division are smaller figures, bearing Kan characters, here doubtless used as corn symbols. These smaller figures with the two-colored face, which will be found frequently introduced on the next five plates, certainly represent something of the utmost importance in, or bearing a close relation to, Maya agriculture. Without stopping just here to give my reasons for the belief, I venture the opinion that they are here given a.s figures of the deity Zamna, or Itsmnna, but with the — as I presume generally understood — idea, or belief, that Itzamna and maize were equivalents, or so closely related, that to figure this deity in connection with agricultural subjects was equivalent to figuring maize, or possibly seed in a broader sense. The blue, serpent-like figure with purple margin in the third division of this plate (XXVIII) is possibly intended as the symbol of a floating cloud. The chac in front, Tlaloc resting quietly on one of the curves, the blue color and purple lining all correspond with this idea. But the Zamna 108 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. figures and vegetable sprouts upon it do not agree with this interpretation. Still I believe it to be the idea intended. Plates XXIX-XXXIII appear to relate entirely to agricultural pur- uits, especially to the cultivation of maize, cacao, some vine, and possibly, cotton. In this connection I would call special attention to the first (top) and second divisions of Plates XXX and XXXI, and the two Tlaloc figures in the lower division of XXXIIl In these we undoubtedly have the planting of seed, most likely corn, represented. The number of grains deposited in a place appears usually to be five, but occasionally six seem to be dropped. The opening or hole in the soil is made with a pointed Avooden stick, always more or less bent or curved in the figures. According to Landa the custom of the native farmers was to make holes at regular intervals, and in each deposit "five or six grains" of maize. The number appears to be indicated in the plates, not only by the figures of balls dropped, but also by the spread fingers with knobs at the tips, showing that five was the established number. As further evidence of the correctness of this interpretation, the individuals represented on Plates XXX and XXXI, as engaged in this work, have their heads covered with a kind of matting or straw hat, indicating that they are in I he sun, where the head needs protection. The character in this head- gear, as will hereafter be shown, probably signifies jjjf^oc, "a hat" or "head- covering." The similar operation represented in the lower division of Plate XXXIIl, where Tlaloc, or a priest attired as this deity, is the planter, probably refers to the seed of some other plant, possibly the gourd or bean, or the leguminous plant figured in the second division of the same plate. As I have expressed a belief that the figures with a two-colored face are given to represent Zamna, or Itzannia, one of the chief Maya deities or culture heroes, I will give here in part ray reasons for this opinion. First. As has been heretofore intimated, and as will hereafter be more fully shown, the Imix and Kan symbols are undoubtedly often used to denote bread and maize, and the word, or name, Itzamna has as its primary signification seed from which plants issue, the chief reference being to maize. THOMAS] THE ZAMNA FIGURES. 109 Second. In the plates now vinder consideration tlie figures with the two-colored face appear to have some intimate relation to agricultural pur- suits. Third The Kan symbols and these figures are both represented as being attacked by quadrupeds, birds, and worms. For example, on Plate XXIX, left-hand figure of the second division, we see a bird picking up the planted seed before it has sprouted; in the rjext figure to the right, same division, we see a small fox-like quadruped seizing it after it has sprouted; in the third division, same plate, and lower divisions of Plates XXX, XXXI, XXXII, and XXXIII, we see quadrupeds, birds, and worms attacking these supposed Zamna figures.-' In the latter cases the intention was probably to signify that the plant was attacked by these enemies. The figure in the lower left-hand corner of Plate XXX shows three worms at different heights, probably signifying that the root, foliage, and fruit were attacked. The symbol ca in the eye of this figure may be considered a symbol of the cultivated calabash, though it is proba- bly intended to signify that the plant (which I take to be a maize symbol) is dead, having been killed by the attacks of these insect foes. I am aware that the explanations here given may be considered as somewhat overstrained, yet I am convinced that a close and careful study of. these figures and all that can be found relating to them will end in leading others to the same conclusion. I ma}^ also add that the difference in the plants or varieties represented by these figures (if such be their signification) is shown by the eye and the marks on the head-dress, which here appear to refer to foliage. Possibly these differences have reference only to the different kinds of corn, but this I think is indicated by the color. See, for example, Plate XXX, third division, the yellow and white. The peculiar birds in the third divisions of Plates XXX and XXXI may have reference to certain auguries; otherwise I can give no guess as to their meaning. The next to the right-hand figure of the third division, Plate XXIX, probably represents some such plant as maguey, or yucca. The lower left-hand figure of Plate XXXI I think simply represents ' The reader is referred to the quotation from Landa iu reference to the ceremonies of the Cauac year (page (>C). 110 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEirT TEOANO. the act of watering- the parched and dj'ing maize plants. Tlie Kan char- acter here bears a spi'out, or plant, which appears to be drooping and dying. Although the figure holding the jar is Tlaloc, I think this represents artificial watering, and not rain. Plates XXXII and XXXIII appear to relate principally to the cultiva- tion of cacao, cotton, and some climbing plant, and to severe drought. The figures in the upper division I think relate to the cultivation of the cacao, either to the festival held specially by the planters, as described by Landa,^ the particular part taken by them in the festival held to induce the gods to give them rain, or some incident in the process of cultivation. Landa, in his description of their special festival in the month Muan, states that "they gave to each of the officers a branch with the fruit of the cacao." This is doubtless represented by the figures holding branches in their hands. The figures in the second division of these two plates represent two different jilfi-nts — one evidently a vine supjiorted by a stake, just as grape vines are now supported, on which hang what appear to be pods, possibly beans of som« kind. The other plant has a fruit represented by a little circle surrounded by a ring of dots, possibly cotton. In the third division of these plates there are figures of fox-like ani- mals bearing torches and leaping over a sleeping Zamna figure and an incense-burner. In the place of the eye is a character resembling that for C or Chiien. It is possible that it here stands for the Maya word chocou, "hot," or chocoiial, "heat," and that the animal with the torches is a symbol of the scorching, burning heat of the sun.- This idea agrees very well with what we see in the division above (second). The figures here appear to represent cultivated vines, which are parched and dying from the effect of heat and drought. The Tlaloc head at the foot of one of these shows that they are also to some extent symbolic. The third and fourth divisions of Plates XXXIV and XXXV evidently relate to painting the vessels, &c., alluded to by Landa, where he says that ' See Appendix No. 3. -I call attention here to Landa's statcmeut, heretofore quoted, in reference to the calamities to 1)0 expected in the Ix years, especially severe droughts. Also to the fact that an image of Zamna is introduced in the festival. THOMAS] THE TITLE PAGE. .111 ' ' during this month ( Yaxkin) they commenced to pi'epare themselves, accord- ing to custom, for a general festival vs^hich was celebrated in Mol, on a day which the priest designated, in honor of ail tlie gods. They called it Oloh- sah-kam-yax. After the ceremonies and usual incensing which they wished to do, they smeared with their blue paint the instruments of all the pro- fessions from those the priest used, even to their wives' spindle and the doors of their liouses." Here we see the priests dressed up to represent certain deities, with paint-pot in one hand and sti'ip of yucca or maguey leaf in the other, applying the blue paint to their vessels (see Fig 25). The following statement, by Col. James Stevenson, regarding the method in use among the Zuni Jndians in making and applying paints to their pottery, will illustrate this: "When the pigment is properly reduced and mixed with water so as to form a thin solution, it is applied with brushes made of the leaves of the yucca. These brushes are made of flat pieces of the leaf, which are stripped off and bruised at one end, and are of different sizes adapted to the coarse or fine lines the artist may wish to draw. In this manner all the fine line's on the pottery are produced." The figures in the upper division of these two plates perhaps represent priests with calendar wheels, determining the time at which the coming fes- tival shall be held. Those in the second division of Plate XXXV are probably in the act, of preparing the paint. PART SECOND OF THE MANUSCRIPT. The title-page. — Although this is occupied almost wholly by characters, 1 think it is best to discuss its general import in this connection. One of the fii'St things that strikes us as somewhat singular, and as having some hidden meaning, is the fact that there are ten transverse lines (the numerals are not considered separately from the characters to which they belong) and seven characters or groups of cliaracters in each line, making seventy in all — exactly the number of plates in the Manuscript. This arrangement by sevens cannot be accidental, and must therefore liave had some particular meaning understood by the author and those for whose use the work was composed. That it does not refer to any of their divis- \ 112 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. ions of time I think is clear from wliat has been shown concerning their calendar. When I first noticed this arrangement I was of the opinion that it indicated the number of different subjects treated of in tlie manuscript, and that the page should be considered in columns. But subsequent study has led me to doubt the correctness of the first part of this theory. We observe that the first (top) line consists of seven day characters as follows (counting from left to right as numbered) : . Ymix, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, and Manik. Two are obliterated, but there can be no doubt that the missing ones are Kan and Chicchan, a conclusion I had reached before I had seen Rosny's work or Dr. Brinton's article. Brasseur supplied the fourth space with Ahau and the fifth with Kan. In this connection I call attention to the fact that on the left-hand slab of the Palanque Tablet there are just seven double characters under the large initiatory hieroglyph. Omitting the four characters by the upright of the cross, the number of columns is an exact multiple of seven, whether we omit or include the single ones in the transverse lines above the heads of the priests. Counting the large initiatory character as four — as it covers four spaces — aryi each double one as two, there are 245 characters on the entire tablet — an exact multiple of seven. It may be worthy of notice also that there are ^ust seven characters in and immediately around the cross (included in the above calculation), viz, two on the upright, omitted in Dr. Rau's scheme; two each side, and one immediately to the left of the lower end of the an-ow shaft (also omitted in Dr. Rau's plan): that there are 17 (z=10 + 7) charac- ters in each column of the outer slabs. This may be accidental, and, as a rule, but little confidence should be placed in such calculations; but this, taken in connection with what we find in this line in the Manuscript, is sufficient to lead us to believe that this septenary arrangement is not accidental, but intentional, and has some spe- cific, hidden meaning. The tablet on the inner wall of Casa No. 1 (Stephen's Cent. Am., II, 343) has on it fourteen columns, each with ten characters, making 140 in all; but those on the outer corridor of the same casa have each twenty col- umns of twelve chai-acters. The tablet of Casa No. 3, which appears to be THOMAS) THE SEPTENARY ARRANGEMENT. 113 closely related to the Tablet of the Cross, presents no such septenary arrangement, yet even here there are (counting long and short) seventeen columns, and in the extreme right and left columns just seventeen charac- ters. I find this arrangement by sevens frequently in the Mexican Codices, but in most of these cases it is apparent that this results from the division of 13, as a corresponding arrangement by sixes accompanies, or is to be understood. Returning to our plate, we may, as I think, make use of this septenary characteristic in determining some of the numerals that are partially oblit- erated. The red are sufficiently distinct except the missing ones in the upper line, in reference to which there is no question of doubt in the minds of students of this work; and the right-hand one of the line next to the bottom — the only question here being whether this is 18 or 19. Adding together all the numbers indicated by these red numeral characters (includ- ing the seven in the upper line), we find the sum to be 153, if we count the right-hand one of the 9t1i line 18, or 154 if we count it 19. As the latter number (164) is an exact multi|)le of seven, Ave conclude that this character is 19, and this agrees with the eroded space and the position of the dots over the remaining poi'tion. This septenary arrangement does not appear to hold good with the black numerals. Returning to the first or top line we observe, as before remarked, that it commences with Ymix According to Landa the Mayas began the com- putation of their days, that is, their calendar, with one Ymix. We quote his language here, as it is somewhat singular: "It is curious to note how the dominical letter [of the year] always comes up at the beginning of its year, without mistake or failing, and that none of the other twenty letters appears. They, also used this method of counting in order to derive from certain letters a method of counting their epochs and other things, which, though interesting to them, does not con- cern us much here. It is enough to say that the character or letter with which they begin their computation of the days or their calendar is called one Ymix, which is this { " j > which has no certain or fixed day on 8 M T 114 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. which it falls. Because each one changes its position according to his own count; yet, for all that, the dominical letter of the year which follows does not fail to come up correctly."' It appears that the Chiapenec, Tzendal, Soconuscan, Quiche, and Cak- chiquel calendars began the list of da)^s with Imox, following it with Ik or Igh. This fact indicates a common origin of the calendars and of the people. It also renders the statement of some of the old authorities, that the names of the days were taken from the names of their deities and heroes, quite plausi- ble. If this be true, we have possibly in the seven days here given the names of the seven chief deities; and the characters on the page are to be read in columns, each column having at the top one of tlrese sacred names. The characters in the second line appear to accord with this view, as the first four, counting from the left, are those which I have attempted to prove indicate the four cardinal points. As a further examination of this plate would require me to enter into a discussion of the characters themselves I will defer further notice until I reach that subject. If the figures furnish us with any evidence by which to judge of the contents, I decide without any hesitancy that Plates I*-X* of this part of the work relate to one general subject, to wit, the work and festivals of the apiarists. We may be somewhat surprised to find so large a portion of the Manuscript devoted to the festivals of this limited class, whose industry was generally considered of but minor importance except in certain localities. But here again, as I believe, we detect the cunning of the priests. This was a scheme to supplj^ their board with honey. Moreover, it is quite probable this Manuscript pertained to a section where the production of honey was an important industry. The objection to the theory that these plates relate to these particular festivals may be raised, that the insects represented by the figures on them are not bees, but beetles (coleopterous insects). 'Relacion de las cosasde Yucatan, p. 236. Ymiiclio denotar saiga siempre la letras que es domiui- cal en el primero dia de su auo, sin crrar ui faltar, ui veuir a salir otra de las XX alii. Unsavan tambieu deste modo do coutar para sacar deslas lelras ciwto modo de coutar para sacar destas letras cierto modo de contar que tcnian para las edades y otras cosas quo aunqne son i)ara ellos curiosas, no nos Lazeu aqni mucbo al proposito; y por esso se qutdaran con dezir quo el caracter o letra de que coinengava su ououta de los (lias o kalendario, se llama Hun Ymix y es este el qual no tienc dia cierlo ui seueludo enquo craya. Porquo cada imo le muda la propia cuenta y contado esso no falta el salir la letra qui vieue por dominical el primero del auo que se sigue. THOMAS 1 THE BEES OF YUCATAN. 115 The wings and abdomen are, it is true, very macli like the elytra and abdomen of beetles, but there are abundant reasons for believing that the opinion I have advanced here, which appears to have been held by Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg, is correct. First. We find nowhere any reason for believing that beetles played an important part in the religious ceremonies of the natives of Yucatan. Second. We do know, from the most satisfactory evidence, notwith- standing the assertions of some writers to the contrary, that bees were abundant in some sections, and there is reason to believe that they were domesticated and reared for their honey; in fact, the collecting of honey appears to have been an important industry in some localities. I quote in proof of this statement from Clavigero, Vol. I, page 68: "There are at least six different kinds of bees. The first is the same with the common bee of Europe, with which it agrees, not only in size, shape, and color, but also in its disposition and manners and in the qualities of its honey and wax. The second species, which differs from the first only in having no sting, is the bee of Yucatan and Chiapa, which makes the fine, clear honey of Estabentun, of an aromatic flavor, superior to that of all the other kinds of honey with which we are acquainted. The honey is taken from them six times a year; that is, once in every other month; but the best is that which is got in November, being made from a fragrant white flower, like jessamine, which blows in Septembei', called in that country Estabentun, from which the honey has derived its name. "The third species resembles in its form the winged ants, but is smaller than the common bee and without a sting. This insect, which is peculiar to warm and temperate climates, forms nests in size and shape resembling sugar-loaves, and even sometimes greatly exceeding these in size, which are suspended from rocks or from trees, and particularly from the oak. The populousness of these hives are much greater than those of the common bee. The nymphs of this bee, which ai-e eatable, are white and round, like a pearl. The honey is of a grayish color, but of a fine flavor. The fourth species is a yellow bee, smaller than the common one, but, like it, furnished with a sting ; its honey is not equal to those already mentioned. The fifth is a small bee without a sting, which constructs hives of an orbicular 716 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. form in subterraneous cavities; and the honey is sour and somewhat bitter. The TkdpijnoUi, which is the sixth species, is black and yellow, of the size of the common bee, but has no sting." He also adds, in a foot-note on pag-e G8, the following statement : "The honey of Estabentun is in high estimation with the English and French who touch at the ports of Yucatan; and I have known the French of Gruarico buy it sometimes for the purpose of sending it as a present to the king." Landa, in speaking of these festivals, makes particular mention of bee- keepers, or keepers of beehives. * Third. A careful study of these plates of the Manuscript I think will satisfy any one that the bee is the insect intended, although the figures are inexact. Take, for example, the yellow figure in the middle division of Plate V*. The hair indicates that this is a female, and the long tongue shows it has a sucking apparatus.^ There can be but little doubt that it is intended as a representation of the queen bee, or Aliaulil-cab, "the queen of bees." As but few particulars in regard to the festivals of the apiarists have been recorded we have but little to guide us in an attempt to explain the figures in these plates. Landa states in reference to them that "In the month Tzoz the bee-keepers (or masters of the hives) prepare themselves for the celebration of their festival in Tzec. * * * * They had for their patrons the Bacabs, especially Hohnil. They made at that time great off'erings, particularly to the four Chacs, to which they presented four plates, with pellets of incense in each one and painted round the border with figures of honey [honeycomb!], in order to obtain an abundance by this feast."^ Some of the figures appear to relate to the operations and incidents of the industry, as we have seen is true of those that refer to hunting and the hunters' festivals. We see here what appear to be their hives, either artificial — made for domesticated bees — or those cut from the tree contain- ing the honey of the wild bees. Notice, for example, the figure in the hands of the female in the right of the lower division of Plate V*. The I The bee is a iiiaudibnUito in«cct, bnt has an elongated tongne for extracting tlio nectar of flowers. •Sfe Appendix No. :i, F.. THOMAS) EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATES IIP-IX*. 117 upper part bears a different mark from the lower. The lower part is marked with the chief characteristics of the symbol for Cauac, which, as heretofore stated, when given in this way appear to signify that the thing upon which they are placed is made of wood. The characters on the upper portion resemble Caban, and here probably signify Cab, "honey," or Cabnal, "a hive of honey"; but it is proper to warn the reader that in other places, as will hereafter appear, it is used to denote the material of which a seat is made. I think it more than likely that here it refers to the vessel in which the honey is contained I presume this to be the case, because the indi- viduals in the lower division of Plate IX* appear to have lifted the honey out of the vessel which lies at their feet ; and we also see on the arm of the individual at the left of the lower division of Plate V* a figure marked with this same chai-acter. As he has a staff in his right hand he is probably returning from a successful bee-hunt, bearing his prize. According to Landa the apiarists held two festivals during the year, one in the fifth month (Tzec), and the other in the eighth month (Mol); that is, in October and December. But according to the red and black numerals in these plates the one referred to appears to have been held annually, on the days Cib, Caban and Ezanab, in the 17th month — Kayab — corresponding to the first part of June. The female in the lower division of Plate V* is probably Colebil-Xbohn-choch, a goddess supposed to be the patron of the apiai-ists. I would also call attention to the following additional items on these plates which are worthy of notice. On Plate III*, upper division, next to the left-hand figure, we notice a kind of cross arising out of the body of a bee. On this cross are parts of a partially obliterated figure, which, upon close inspection, I decide with- out hesitation was that of a bird, reminding us of the bird on the Tablet of the Cross at Palanque and on crosses in several of the Mexican Codices. A foot, the tail, and parts of the wings are yet plainly visible. The right- hand figure of the same division also shows a plant in the form of a cross arising out of the body of a bee. I presume these relate to the requests to the gods for rain to make the plants produce flowers for the bees. The figure at the right of the middle division of the same plate, which 118 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. I take to be the god of death, appears to be in the act of breaking a vessel of earthenware, which, as the presence of the cross-bones indicates, is intended to signify death. The cliaracter between the parts of the broken vessel probably signifies "divided" or separated. The figures along the lower margin. of the middle division of Plates VII*, VIII*, IX*, and X* are chiefly representations of offerings made to the gods of the bee-keepers, as here Ave see the leg of a deer, bread, maize, &c. The broad rectangular red figures in the middle division of the plates last mentioned, and elsewhere, from which tlie bees are flying, may repre- sent hives which were suspended by cords. If not, I am wholly unable to guess their meaning. As I have not been able to group the remaining plates of the Manu- script in a satisfactory manner, I will content myself with referring to such figures as I think I can explain, without attempting, except in a few cases, to show their connection with others. The females and god of death figured on Plate XI*' appear to be weaving, or making ropes. The figures themselves indicate this so plainly as to leave no doubt in my mind in reference to it. Moreover, some of the written characters, as I think, correspond with this interpretation. It is probable the figures are also symbolic representations of human life. The female figure, I presume, is intended to represent the goddess Ixcliel, who, in addition to her other powers or attributes, was supposed to preside over the formation and birth of infants. The interlaced or cross- hatched bundle before her accords with this idea, if my interpretation of this reticulate figure be correct — that is, that it signifies zih^ or zihil, "birth" or "origin." The presence of the god of death so close at hand and the death sym- bol before him in the second division, and twice in the lower division, are doubtless intended to signify the uncertainty of human life. The Ezanab character on the head of this god in this place — as this is not usual — must ' lu writing Maya worils I follow the orthography of the lexicons, hut in referring to the signili- cation am guided by what I suppose to have been the sound — for example, tz, s, and in some cases ch appear to he used to denote the same sound, or at least are the ruling elements of similar words having similar signification. As a matter of course the natives could make the distinctions in their pronuncia- tion. I may also as well state here that I make no claim to a knowledge of the Maya language. I simply refer to the lexicons and grammar for such use as I desire to make of it in this paper. TI10M.VS1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATES XIP-XVII*. 119 have some particulai' signification especially applicable to what is here sym- bolized. As some of the cognate words, especially where the aspirate is used, denote "certainty," it is possible that it is used here to signify the certa.inty of death. Plates XII* to XVII* undoubtedly relate to the manufacture of idols. In the second division of XII* (see Fig. 34) we see the artists painting them with the slip of yucca or maguey leaf, as described by Colonel Ste- A'enson, and also by Mrs. Stevenson in her admirable little pamphlet on the manners and customs of the Zuni Indians. In the third division we observe the priests consecrating the implements and the wood out of which their wooden idols are to be made. These plates, I think, refer to the manufacture of both kinds of idols, those of burnt clay and those of wood. The wooden block is here represented by the oblong figure with Cauac characters on it; the implement by the twisted figure on or against the block. My reasons for believing that this is a tool of some kind used in working wood is that in the third division of Plate XXIII*, I see it in the hands of individuals who are evidentlj' doing some- thing to trees. The trees appear to be severed as though cut oif by a rude saw of some kind. The figures in the second division of Plates XIII* and XIV* probably represent the idols in the kilns, or in their positions for baking; what the birds on them signify I am unable to say; possibly they relate to auguries. The figures of bent trees in the third and lower divisions of Plate XIII* may denote the temporary cabins in which they worked. The figures in the lower division probably represent what Landa alludes to when he says, "where they placed the wood with a great urn (tinaja) for to keep shut up (or inclosed) the idols all the time they were at work upon them."^ ^'i^- i''- We see here the priests offering incense in a singularly shaped burner (Fig. 17) over these unfinished idols. The wood of which the images were formed was probably placed in ' See Appendix No. 3 H. 120 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. these urns and steamed, in order to soften it, or, after carving', to give the images themselves the desired color. The attention of the reader is called to the figures on vvhicli the indi- viduals in the upper division of this and of Plate XIV* are seated. The characters with which they are marked denote, as I believe, that they are wooden seats or platforms. In the left-hand compartment of the third division of Plate XIV* we see one of the priests, or artists, dressed to represent the god of death, pre- paring the paint. The other two figures in the same division show them at their devotions in their cabins. In the lower division they are at woi'k carving the images. The peculiar form of the instrument here figured (see Fig. 35) leads me to believe it was of metal. In the upper division of Plate XV* are the "messengers," who were sent by the priests to procure the wood, with machetes in hand, chopping down the trees. Although Landa states that cedar alone was used in this work two different species of trees are evidently represented here, the black one doubtless the native ebony out of which their "black" images were carved. Division two of Plates XV* and XVI*, and division four of XVII* and XVIII*, represent the artists at work carving images, but here the machete is the chief implement used. The upper division of XVII* contains two groups of figures which I find it difficult to interpret satisfactorily. I think these are symbolic repre- sentations, and not pictographs. The left group may possibly signify that out of the earth (represented by the head in the lower left-hand corner) springs the tree (denoted by the curved beam with Cauac characters upon it); that it finall}'- produces a god (the figure at the top) to which the people and priests off'er incense and viands. If this be the true interpreta- tion it is a severe satire upon their worship, and reminds us strongly of the sarcasm of the prophet Isaiah on the religion of the idolaters of his day. The group to the right is possibly a figurative representation of a similar idea. At the base are two Tlaloc heads, emblems of fertility, out of which arises a tree in the form of a cross, on which is seated an idol. The plant probably signifies .the "tree of life," or "life-giving plant." TH0MA..1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES ON PLATES XVIIP-XXI*. 121 Similar crosses found in other Codices, with two indicated halves, denote the meeting of two periods of time — that is, the close of one period and the commencement of another; but it is doubtful whether any such idea is con- nected with this one. I think it has reference to the newly-formed god, as we see the priest here also presenting offerings. The character at the foot of the priest, according to what we have heretofore ascertained, denotes bread. In the third division we probably see the newly-made images in baskets, covered with cloth, as stated by Landa, whose description of this work will be found in Appendix No. 3, I. The persons represented in the upper division of Plate XVIII* are pierc- ing their ears and sprinkling the blood on tortillas, or on the sacred stones Acantun. In the upper division of Plate XIX*, and running over upon the right margin of XX*, and in the second division of the former, we have, as I believe, a series of figures relating to one subject. The earnest desire of the Maya woman for posterity is a fact well known ; it is also well known that to this end it was their custom to beseech the aid of their deities with earnest prayers. In this series of figures we see, I think, this custom rep- resented and its result. Commencing at the right of XIX* and moving toward the left, there is, first, the woman pleading with one deity, who turns his back upon her — that is, refuses to grant her prayer; the next one listens, but gives no favorable response; the third is more favorable; and now the first (shown again in the fourth figure) and the second (shown again on Plate XX*) are disposed to be gracious. In the second division is shown the result. Proceeding from the right towards the left we observe the tightening girdle; next, one strand broken and then the other. The figures on which they are sitting are probably intended for mats. Although this series may have a general application it is possible that it refers also to incidents in the life history of some goddess, or noted female of the early days of the nation. The figures in the third division of XVIII* and XIX* may have some relation to the series first referred to; but, if so, I have not succeeded in finding it out. 122 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. The lower divisions of XIX* and XX* are occupied with figures of women bearing burdens. The substance borne by three out of the eight is denoted by Kan figures, which, as I have heretofore intimated, represent maize. The two burdens indicated by death symbols possibly denote the bones or ashes of their dead; I think it likely some of them denotes cala- bashes, gourds, or some vegetable of this kind. This "death symbol," as I have called it, may also be used as the symbol of some such vegetable product, especially as there are one or two Maya words of similar sound that signify calabash, gourd, &c. The right- hand figure of XX* is carrying something which pi-obably denotes squashes, and the two at the right of XIX* their lares and penates. The figures in the third division of Plate XX* (see Fig. 8()) form the sequel to the first and second of XIX*, but we are not to vinderstand this as representing baptism,^ as the sprinkling is not performed by a priest, nor is there a priest present; but rather as ordinary ablutions The two figures in the left compartment, upper division of XXI*, are undoubtedly time symbols. The triangular Ezanab character in front of the Chac probably denotes the close of a luster or Cycle, as this is the last of the intercalated days of the Ix j^ears. The circles on the curved figure may signify years or Ahaues. The females in the lower divisions of XXI* and XXII* appear from their hair to be young unmarried persons, who are probably praying unto the gods, represented by the idols before them, to give them husbands, or to grant some special favor. The upper division of Plates XXIII*-XXVIII* appear to relate to warfare. On Plate XXVII* we see the victors returning, leading their prisoners and captured animals, singing and dancing as they move along. By the wayside is one of the slain enemies being devoured by a vulture. Here the priest is seen also with his captive, but, as might be expected, it is a woman. On XXVI* and XXV* we see the prisoners delivered into the hands of the priests to be sacrificed. Holding by the hair, as here shown, appears 'As to the Maya baptism, see the quotation from Landa's Rclacion and Translation, Appendix THCMAB] EXPLANATION OF FIGUEES ON PLATES XXIIP-XXVIII*. 123 always to indicate that the individual is to be sacrificed. Repeated exam- ples may be found in the Mexican Codices. On the former there is also the figure of a bird plucking the eye out of one of the slain; but here, as I think, something more is intended than simply that a vulture is devouring a dead man. The peculiar eye and black body show very clearly that this is the same bird as that on the right in the upper division of Plate XXVIII*. In the latter we see the figures of two birds in deadly conflict. What is the meaning of this picture? I believe it is a kind of pictograph, somewhat similar to those drawn by modern Indians, and that it signifies a battle between two tribes, represented by tliese two birds. The bird with the red circle around the eye denotes that tribe to which the author of the Manuscript belonged, and which, as a matter of course, was victorious. This is shown by the figure on Plate XXVI* previously referred to. As further evidence of this we see the other bird a captive in the hands of the individual at the right hand of the upper division of Plate XXIII*. On Plate XXIV* we observe the god of the conquered tribe a captive in the hands of the deity of the victors, and in front of them a soldier run- ning away with captured spoils, and the priest with the captured woman. On Plate XXIII* is the figure of a Chac firing the dwellings of the con- quered village. The last-mentioned figure is the one Brasseur interpreted as signifying the craters of a double volcano. The reader is not to understand that I claim that the order in which these figures are mentioned is that in which they should come, nor is it claimed that they denote here a real battle, as it is probable they represent only a kind of play enacted during some festival; yet there is doubtless an allusion to some real battle or war. My principal reason for believing it represents only a play is the significant absence of weapons. The following account of the celebration of a Pipil victory is taken from Bancroft'' s Native Races: "When information was received from their war chief that lie had gained a victory, the diviner ascertained to which of the gods sacrifice was to be made. If to Quetzalcoatl, the ceremony lasted fifteen days, and upon each day they sacrificed a prisoner. These sacrifices were made as follows: 124 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. All those who had been in the battle returned home in procession, singing and dancing-, bringing with them the captives who were to be sacrificed, their wrists and ankles decorated with feathers and chalchiuites and their necks with strings of cacao-nibs. The high-priests and other ministers went out at the head of the populace to meet them with music and dancing, and tlie caciques and captains delivered over those who were to be sacrificed to the high-priests. Then they all went together to the court-yard of their hiepa or temple, where they continued dancing day and night during the time the sacrifices lasted. In the middle of the court was a stone bench on which the victim was stretched, four priests holding him by the feet and bands. The sacrificing priest then came forward, adorned with many feathers and loaded with little bells, holding in his hand a flint knife, with which he opened the breast of his victim, tore out the heart, brandished it toward the cardinal points, and finally threw it into the air with sufiicient force to cause it to fall directly in the middle of the court, saying, 'Receive, God, this thank-offering for the victory.' This sacrifice was public and beheld by all the people." CHAPTER V. SYMBOLS, PICTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER FIGURES WHICH CAN- NOT BE PROPERLY CLASSED AS WRITTEN CHARACTERS. Before attempting to explain any of the written characters I will notice some other figures which are true pictures, but were not specially alluded to when speaking of the figures in the spaces ; others which may be classed as pictographs, and some which appear to be true symbols. Foot-prints. — These appear to have two or three different significations in the various manuscripts. First. A journey made, denoting not the road, but the fact that some one has passed on in a given direction, that a journey has been partly or completely accomplished. This use is common in some of the Mexican Codices. Second. That so many periods of time have ela^ssed. This appears to be their signification on Plates 34 to 38 of the Borgian Codex and Plates 25 to 28 of the Dresden Codex. Third. To denote movements to be made during certain religious fes- tivals. This appears to be one object of their use in the Manuscript Troano, as, for example, on Plates III and VI. Another is to indicate journeyings. The machete or hatchet {hat in Maya) is represented in the Manuscript in two forms (Fig. 18, a and 6). As it is not likely the artist intended to be strictly accurate in minor details, his only desire being to represent the implement with sufficient exactness to insui'e its recognition, we may not be warranted in assuming that these two forms indicate a diffei'ence in the hatchets. The one marked a may be the conventional figure, and h an 126 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. "T- to attempt at true pictorial representation; yet I suggest as possible that the latter, which was used in carving the wooden images, may represent the copper ax and the other the stone ax. Landa (Relacion §XX1X) says: "Tiiey had little hatchets of a particular metal of this form [Fig. ISc;]. These they adjusted to a handle of wood; in combat these served them as an arm; they were also instruments used in ivorkhifi wood." The S2}car or dart, and one method of throwing it, is shown in Fig. 13 (page 86), heretofore referred to. I judge from this that a kind of hook or hand ballista was used to give it more force. Something similar is shown frequently in the Mexican Codices and, according to Valentini, on the Berlin stone. The instrument in the other hand may be a stick with a notch in it to guide the dart; the only reason for doubting this is the bent form given the one figured on Fig. 18. ^jjg j^g^^ jji^^g The usual form of the spear as given in the Manuscript is shown in 19rt. This often has the head marked with the trembling cross similar to that in Ezanab, probably denoting that it _ was made of flint. ■■ The arrow, if such it be (as no bow is found in the Manuscript), is generally figured with the head in this form (Fig. I^fh), indi- cating, if truly represented, that a flint was thrust into the split end of the shaft in the usual way; the other end of the shaft Avas surrounded by two feather whirls. Possiblj' these are darts thrown by hand and not arrows. I have been somewhat surprised to find nothing in this work indicating warfare, unless it be the figures which 1 have heretofore interpreted as probably representing a play. Ilerrera, speaking of the expedition of Cor- dova (Dec. 2, Bk. 1, chap. 3), says that, while at Cotoche, "there appeared a multitude [of Indians] in armor made of quilted cotton, with targets, wooden swords having edges of flints, large cutlasses, spears, and slings Fig in=n^ TH0MAS.1 SYMBOLS AND PICTOGRAPHS. 127 * * * * pouring in at the same time such a sliower of stones and arrows that they wounded fifteen Spaniards." Bernal Diaz, from whom Herrera evidently quotes, says: "These war- riors were armed with thick coats of cotton, and carried besides their bows and arrows, lances, shields, and slings."^ Landa (Relacion §XXIX) says their offensive weapons were bows and arrows, which they bore in a quiver, the latter made of reeds and having the points armed Avith obsidian or fish-teeth, and very sharp. "They had little hatchets of a particular metal," heretofore referred to, "which, in com- bat, served them as an arm." "They also had lances a tois [fathom] in length, armed at the end with a silex head, very hard. And they had no other arms." Figures in red, like that shown in Fig. 20 (the little squares only are alluded to), are found in a number of places in the Manuscript. Brasseur interprets them as symbols for cah, "honey " or "honey- comb." The connection in which they are found I think proves that he is correct. We find elsewhere, as in the char- acter for Cauac, and on articles made of wood, a similar figure, usually smaller, outlined in black, but never colored. Attention will be called to this hereafter. A figure like that shown in Fig. 21 is also found on several plates <2> ^i^ ^ Fio. 21. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. of the Manuscript, but never in the Codex. Sometimes it is in the hands of a priest, but in a few instances it seems to be used as a character or symbol. Brasseur's interpretation is nen or "mirror"; but this I think is a mistake. It is more probable that it is a figure of the calendar ivlieel men- tioned by Landa. Mortars used for preparing paints are represented in two forms (see Figs. 22 and 23): i\\Q\v paint-pots as in Fig. 24. On Plate XXXIV we observe the priests in ^he act of painting blue that which is here shown (Fig. 25), which is probably a little adoratorio ' Hist. — Keatiug's Traiisl. p. 4. 128 A STUDY OF THE MANUSOEIPT TEOANO. baldachin or place in wliicli their idols were seated in their temples. Some- thing similar is also found elsewhere in the same work. Houses, cabins, and other buildings, even temples in which their idols were placed, appear usually to be represented in the Manuscript by such figures as shown in cuts 26, 27, 28, and 29. These, as will be seen by comparison, are really but slight variations from theMexican conventional symbol for a house {caJli). The side wall in Fig. 29 appears to be com- posed of blocks of some kind placed one iipon another, probably of stone, each bearing the Muluc character. Jfb/, the root from which most of the words commenc- ing with mol and mid ^"^- ^' are derived, signifies "a ^''°- ^'^■ group of things united or congregated one upon another,'' but without refer- ence to the material of which they are composed. It is true that in this house we see the figure of a bee, and might therefore suppose it represents the place where the hives were kept, but the officiating priest in front leads us to believe it denotes a temple of some kind in which the ceremonies of the apiarists' festival were performed. The character at the top of the wall with a cross in it, somewhat resembling that in the symbol for Ezanah, is very common in these figures. This probably marks the end of the beam which was placed on the wall to support the roof I so conclude because I find that it is wanting in the lighter and temporary dwellings, represented in Fig. 28. The interpreta- tion of the character as here used is doubtful. The curved line running from this to the top portion probably represents the rafter; the slender HOUSE SYMBOLS. 129 thread-like lines (yellow in the oi-iginal) the straw or grass with which the roof was thatched. The checkered part niay represent a matting of reeds or bi'ushwood, on which the straw was placed. Tlie following extract from Landa will give an idea of the form and structure of the ordinary dwelhngs of the people as seen by him: "habitations of the MAYAS. "The manner of building the houses in Yucatan was to cover them with straw, which they had in abundance and of good quality, or with leaves of the palm trees, well suited to this pur- \V\ ;■' 'i ''■'//T pose. Thy raised the roof, giving it a consider- able pitch, in such a manner that the rain could not penetrate it. A wall was then erected in the center, dividing the louse lengthwise, leaving in this wall some doors V J-j ^^^ cr? for communicating with the part which was called the back of the house, ¥iG.2S. where they had their fig. 29. beds; the other part was carefully whitewashed with lime. In the houses of the nobles these walls were covered with pleasant pictures. It was in this part that they received and lodged their guests. "This side had no doors, but was open the whole length of the house, the roof descending very low, in order that it might be a shelter from the sun and rain. It is also said that this was to render himself master of the enemy inside^ in time of necessity. "The common people built at their expense the houses of the nobles, and as they had no doors it was regarded as a grave fault to make the least error in the houses of others. "They had formerly at the back a small door for the nse of the com- mon people. ' The passage is very difiSciiU anil the rendering doubtful. M T 130 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. "For sleeping-places they had bedsteads made in a ti'ellis of canes, covered with mats, and on these they stretched themselves covered with their clothes of cotton. During the summer they usually slept on the front extended on their mats, principally the men."^ What is shown in Fig. 26 possibly represents a small wooden adoratorio, niche, or canopied seat, in which we see an idol. I judge the side wall to be wooden by its form and by the characters on it. That these characters are used to signify wood, and possibly a particular species, I think is evident from the following facts : Running through the Manuscript we first observe them in this figure on what we may justly assume to be an upright wooden beam. We see the crosses or XX on what are evidently the ends of beams in the upper division of Plate IX; and in another figure (Plate XXII*), intended to represent the same thing, we see on the ends of the beams both the squares and crosses. They are also on a tree in the right of the upper division of Plate XV*. In the last-mentioned figure we notice that the tree is severed by a machete or hatchet in the hands of a priest representing the god of death. In the upper divisions of Plates XIIFand XIV*tbe same character is on the benches upon which the personages are seated. The blocks, boxes, hives, or whatever they may be, in the first division of Plate IX*, and the blocks in the hands of the individuals figured in the middle division of Plate XXII* are marked with the same character. The widely difi"erent forms and the diversity of uses to which the thino-s bearing this charactei- are applied make it evident that if the char- acter refers at all to the thing on which it is placed, it must be to the sub- stance. As it is found, in some cases, on figures that we know must repre- sent trees, the necessary conclusion is that it denotes wood. Whether it is meant as a general term, or applies to a particular species, is a cjuestion I am unable to answer with certainty. I will call attention to tlie character itself and its probable inteipreta- tion a little further on. The houses shown in Plate XVI* (see Fig. 28) are probably the tem- porary cabins mentioned by Landa in which the artists manufactured their 'Landa's lielacion, pp. 110 and 111; see AppeiidixNo. 4, where the original k "iveu. HOUSE SYMBOLS— ROPE-MAKING. 131 wooden idols. We observe that the character with the cross is wanting, and hence presume that the walls were too slender to bear the weight of a beam. They were probably built of slender poles or of canes, as was common in Guatemala, and covered perhaps with palm-leaves. Instead of the figures at the top always being marked in the peculiar manner which I have supposed to indicate matting, it is sometimes marked with bent lines, similar to those on the figures representing cords or ropes. On some of the plates, as, for example, XIII* and XIV*, the figure of a bent tree appears to be used to denote a dwelling of some kind, possibly only a temporary booth. It is true figures of this kind are given in a num- ber of other places for a very different purpose, as on Plates VIII to XIII, where they are used to represent the method of capturing deer; but a little examination will show a marked difi'erence between the two kinds. If I am correct in reference to the houses, then it is probable the Manuscript relates to a section of country where the dwellings and the temples were of a primitive character. But few houses or dwellings are represented in the Dresden Codex. In the lower division of Plate 8 there are figures of two, one of which is copied in our Fig. 30. These ma}^ represent temples placed on pyramids or elevated platforms ascending by steps, as in- dicated in the figure. The diff'ei'ent forms of their vases are given ifi our Plates I-IV (Ms. XX-XXIII). The leg of a deer, to which allusion has already been made, is shown by the 3'ellow figure with a double, white band and black tips in the upper lelt-hand corner of the lower division of Plate I (Ms XX). The machine or apparatus used for, and the method of making, ropes or cords, is represented on Plate XI* and in our Figs. 31 and 32. The first (Fig. 31) shows the method of preparing the material. Strips of the sub- stance used, probably the inner bark of some tree, or aloe fiber, is placed on a bench of the form shown, which has pieces extending upward from 132 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. the sides, so as to retain the strips in position. A kind of hand hackle is then nsed, as shown in Fig. 31, to slit them to the proper fineness. After some process not given, we next find the material rolled into a ball. The next process, that of twist- ing into the rope or cord, is represented in Fig. 32. A few feet having been twisted by hand, the end is fastened to a little tree or stuinp, the ball of ma- terial is placed in a vessel or on a stool, while by means of a spatnla-shaped instrument, doubtless of wood, the twisting is carried on. It is probable the implement is nsed simply to turn the ball, while the person at work gradually moves backward. The idols, while in the process of manufacture, are usually represented by the heads only; those not yet painted or ornamented, without any other lines than those necessary to show the parts or organs, as in Fig. 33, which shows also the method of carving (see Plate XY*) ; those which are painted or ornamented (Fig. 34). One of the implements used by them in carving their wooden images, 1 judge from its form, as shown in Fig. 35, was me- tallic. i'''^=- •'■»• Cloth is usually indi- cated by cross-hatching, as shown in the dresses of the females on Plates XVIII*, XIX*, and XX*; rain and falling water by slender, usually M'aved blue lines, as on Plates XXIV-XXVII. In the third division of Plate XX* the lines are blue, but not waved. Blood is shown by slender, waved red lines, as in the upper division of Plates XXII and XVIII*. A utensil or implement is represented on Plates XXI* and XXII* by a figure similar to our Fig. 3f), the lower end always black, as shown in the figure. It was held bv the middle or circular portion, the fingers of the IMPLEMENTS AND SYMBOLS. 133 hand being thrust through tlie hole. I am unable even to surmise its use. In four instances it stands behind a priest, who is in a squatting posture and appears to be holding bread or maize in his hand and performing some religious ceremony. In two instances it is in the hand of a priest clothed in black, and in a similar posture, who holds it in front of him. In all cases it extends as high as the top of the head, and the curved ends turn from the person. A very singular implement (Fig. 37) is figured in the tliird division of Plate XXIII*. Fit;. 3.5. It appears from the figures in the plate to i'"'"- ^'^■ have been held, while in ixse, in the right hand, which grasped the hoop at a. Its use can only be guessed by the connection in which it is found. In each case it is held up beside a tree, which appears to have been sev- ered at the point immediately opposite, the top not yet fallen down. On the severed end of one we see the supposed death symbol. From these facts I infer that it was used as a kind of saw, though it is i)ossible it was employed in peeling the bark from the trees used in the manu- facture of their wooden idols. If used as a saw, which I think most likely, the teeth were probably flint chips, fastened to the hoop by strings or thongs. A fact worthy of notice is that the F"'- ^^• figure immediately following (or preceding) these in the third division of Plate XXIV* shows the use of the machete in felling trees, but here the evident intention is to represent a much larger tree, as shown by the diam- eter and three branches, a tree also of a different species. An implement of the form shown in Fig. 38 is represented in the mid- dle division of Plate XXXI*. As this appears from the figure f^^^^^g) in the plate to be used by the individual in whose hands it is a held to sever the cord which he also gi-asps, I pre- J \ sume it is a cutting instrument, probably of flint. The personage represented by the right-hand figure /t'--'-^ '-^S53) in this division is the god of death, and the death kig. 3'.). symbol is in the same coni])artnient; therefore it is jirasumable that the 134 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO, whole is intended as a symbolic representation of death cutting the thread of human life. On Plate XIX*, and elsewhere, the figures on which the individuals are seated are marked as shown in our Fig. 39". According to Brasseur's interpretation these signify "mats." In this I think he is undoubtedly correct. He asserts that Fig. 39'' also denotes a mat, but this I think doubtful, as I find it on cords, or ropes, and on the roofs of houses; possibly in the latter case it may represent a kind of matting. Fig. 40. Prisoners are usually represented here, as f,g. 41. in the Mexican Codices, with their long hair in the grasp of their captors or executioners. Fig. 40, found oil Plate XXV*, probably shows the form either of the bat used in playing ball or of a fan. Fig. ^^\^^^^^ 41, copied from Plate XX*, undouljtedly repre- 'Ty!^^^??^*' sents one of their bird-cages, as in it, in the fig. 4;i. original, there is a captive bird. The opening appears to have been at the bottom. To the top were attached cords, by which to carry it. Fig. 42, found on Plate XXXIP, and elsewhere, I think represents a block of wood to be used in the manufacture of an idol or some temple implement. Fig. 45. Fig. 43, found frequently in the Manuscript, is doubtless the leaf of the mimosa or some similar plant. Fig. 44 — see <^^(vO«'ff„,'^N Plate XXIX* — may possibly repre- sent a kind of tapestry or curtain hung over the doors or openings of the interior rooms of the temples. ■ The interlacing and the square notches at the bottom show that it is some kind of cloth. Fig. 45, found so frequently on the heads of individuals, I think, as heretofore intimated, is a time symbol THOMAS] IMPLEMENTS AND SYMBOLS. 135 signifying the "tying of the years," and hence a period, as a luster, or Katun, or possibly the joining of two years. ^ The conic figure (Fig 46), always found in the mouth of an individual, I take to be a cigar (cJiamal). On Plate XXVI* it is represented with the larger end black at the tip, and red behind this for a short distance, which, together with the dotted lines representing smoke, show that it is on fire.^ ' The figure is not exactly correct, as it shows a narrow ring at the end of the cigar, white, with a broader black ring behind it. The white ring should be black and the black ring simply shaded to represent the red portion. CHAPTER VI. THE WRITTEN CHARACTERS OF THE MANUSCRIPT. It is not my intention at present to enter into a general discussion of the ancient Maya writings, as this will be found in the introduction by Dr. Brinton. On the contrary, I shall confine myself as strictly as possible to an examination of the characters found in this, occasional reference to the Dresden Codex and the inscriptions on the ruins being made only for com- parison and illustration. The interpretation of these written characters is, as a matter of course, the chief, though not the only object of our research and examination. Although my progress in this direction has been limited, yet I trust the result will show that I have made some positive advance. In discussing these characters there are some preliminary questions to be considered, which, if satisfactorily answered, may aid us in the attempt to decipher them : First. The direction in which they are to be read. Second. The order in which the parts of the compound characters are to be taken. Third. Whether they are, in any sense, phonetic. THE DIRECTION JN WUICII THEY ARE TO BE READ. Brasseur de Bourbourg, influenced by the direction in which the figures appear to bo moving and in which the faces are turned, which, in nearly all cases, is tow-ard the left, concludes that the writing must be read by lines from right to left, and by columns from the bottom upward. His attempt at deciphering was made upon this theory, which I believe he sub- sequently confessed to be an error, although still retaining his theory in reference to a great geological cataclysm. Mr. Bolloert^ followed the same method, reading from the bottom upwards and from right to left. 'Exam, of Ccut. Am. Hicr., xi. 306. TnoMAs.) ORDER IN WniOH THE CHARACTERS ARE TO BE READ. 137 Dr. Brinton^ suggested reading by columns, first down, then up, com- mencing with the right-hand cohinm. Rosny beHeves the characters should be read from left to right. Wilson believed the inscriptions were to be read in columns from top to bottom, and the manuscripts from left to right. Mr. Holden appears to have an-ived at the conclusion, by his method of examination, that the inscriptions are to be read from left to right. It is pi-obable that no conclusion on this point will be entirely satisfac- tory until the characters are interpreted; still I think we can find means of determining it with reasonable, if not absolute, certainty without waiting for them to be deciphered. The large character at the upper left-hand corner of the Palenque tablet we may safely assume is there used much in the same way as we use capital letters, and hence that the inscription is to be read either in columns, from the top downwards, or in lines, from left to right. But we find more direct evidence on the point in the Manuscript itself I have shown, as I think conclusively, that the day columns, at least, are to be read from the top downwards. The natural inference, therefore, would be that the other characters are to be read in the same way. But there are good reasons for believing that, although the usual method of writing was in columns, horizontal lines were by no means imcommon. Turning to Plate XIV (our Fig\ 16) we find, in the middle and lower divis- ions, a series of columns composed of the same characters, except the ones at the top and at the bottom. Three of these colunms may be represented by letters, thus: m. l>- n. b b b c c c a d d 7 12 9 f h e: 'Ancient Phouet. Alphabet of Yucatau, p. G. 138 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. It is hardly possible that this should be read in lines, as in this case entire lines would consist of a single character repeated. If we suppose these groups to be ritualistic formulas, as they probably are, and to be read in coluunis, the change in the first and last characters would be consistent with this idea. Turning to the lower division of Plate XV, shown in Fig. 47, we find *m. the characters arranged as here represented. Here are two short columns on the right and two on the left (day column not counted), evidently short- ened to allow space for the figures of deer which are inserted there. Using letters to illustrate, repeating those that represent similar char- acters, and placing as in the plate, we have this arrangement. In order to „ a h ■ I in 10 a r n a r a r a r r s P K i make m>- meaning clear I have used real Avords: First, barn ; second, har}); THOMAS] ORDER IN WHICH THE CHARACTERS ARE TO BE READ. 139 third, lark; fourth, mart; fifth, wars; a corresponding- with the character 1, and r with the character 2. In the middle and lower divisions of Plate XIX we ^J ■■ have also examples of this method of changing columns 1. 2. iiito lines. As I will have occasion to refer to this plate for "•^£-<,oCc.f y 140 A STUDY OF TBE MANUSCKIPT TROANO. other purposes the two divisions are copied entire in Fig. 48. In each division (not counting the day columns) there are four groups, each of four compound characters, the first and second being alike. If we represent them by letters, and arrange the letters in the same order as the characters, h a h h a h r k a n r 1c a I d t they would stand thus in the middle division (the upper one in our figure). We see by this that the first and third columns being shortened are changed into two lines, just as the first and last in Fig. 47, so that what followed downwards in the column follow from left to right in the lines. Plates VI*, XP, XV*, and some others furnish similar examples. Although we cannot claim that this furnishes absolute proof of the direction in which these lines and columns are to be read, yet it will proba- bly satisfy any reasonable mind that the columns are to be read from the top downwards, following each other from left to right, and that the lines are to be read from left to right, following each other from the top down- wards; also that the usual method is in columns. THK ORDER IN WHICH THE PAKTS OF COMPOUND CHARACTERS ARE TO BE TAKEN. This and the other question, "Are these characters in any sense pho- netic?" are so intimately connected that I will not attempt to discuss them se2:)arately. The day and numeral characters have already been given, and so often referred to that by this time the reader must be familiar with them. The characters for the months, as found in Landa's work, have also been given, and it only remains for us, therefore, to present Landa's hieroglyphics of the Maya letters (Fig. 49) in order that the reader may have before him the entire key with whicli we have to work in our attempt to decipher the Maya manuscripts. A comparison of the three groups of characters (days, months, and LANDA'S LETTER CHARACTERS 141 letters), using' the significations given by Landa, will sufiice to convince any- one that it is impossible to form the clay from the letter characters, even allowing the widest latitnde in the representation of sounds. Take, for example, the character for IIuluc, as compared with those for m and I; Ahan, as compared with those for a, h, and u; Kan, as compared with k and n; CJiicchan, as compared with c, h, and n; Ezanah, as compared wath e, z, n, and b, &c. But it does not necessarily follow from this that Landa was wholly mistaken. The days may have retained their charac- ters as symbols from more ancient times, before any approach to phonetic elements had been made, and hence might not present any of these elements. As we find some of these day symbols on the Palenque Tablet, which is probably much older than the Manuscript, we have some foundation for this supposition. Another ground for this supposition is that we have good reason for believing that some at least of these characters are used in the Manuscript and Codex as denoting something quite different from the days they represent, or that which the name of the day signifies. Notwithstanding tliis, there are some of the day and month characters in Avhicli we can detect, beyond doubt, some of the letter elements, showing- them to be to a certain degree at least phonetic. For example, the charac- ter for Cauac differs but slightly from that for cu {qui); Chuen and I'zec o-n_o n HA TI MA (cie, mo?) Fig. 49. — Landa's Maya Alphabet. Sign of Aspiration. 142 A STUDY or THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. contain tlie main elements of C; Cimi (Kimi) those of k; in Pop or Poop (Poob) we see the character for h ; in Zac, both z and cu; in Cumhu, cu and some elements of m; in Kay eh, k; &c. Comparing the days and months with each other, we can occasionally detect similar elements where there are similar sounds. In both Chicchan and Pax we see the interlacing, or cross-hatching, and in both the sound ch: in Manik and Men the three parallel strokes, possibly m or n; we also observe similar strokes in Ymix. After we have carried this comparison to its utmost extent the number of cases where we find such resemblances in form where there is a similarity in sound are so few, compared with those in which we do not, that we are forced to abandon, at least to a great extent, the attempt to decipher the writings of the Manuscript by the use of these letter characters upon the theor}' that they are phonetic. I say "to a great extent," because, as we have seen, there is some evidence that phonetic elements were introduced to a limited degree. I may be permitted to remark in this connection that in all the attempts to decipher these documents which have thus far been made, one very essential part of Landa's statement has been too lightly passed over, and not sufficiently considered. Speaking of the Maya writing, he says: "The people made use of certain characters or letters with which they wrote down in their books their ancient affairs and their sciences, and by means of these and by certain figures, and by particular signs in these figures, they understood their affairs, made others understand them, and taught them.'" It is evident, as I think, from this language that Landa does not wish to convey the idea that the native writing had reached sucli a degree of per- fection that by means of phonetic characters alone — or, in other words, writing in the true sense — they could record historical facts and communi- cate with each other. And his attempt to give the characters for their letter sounds is, to a certain extent, a contradiction of his own statement. He has undertaken to pick out of their compound or syllabic characters the letter ' "Usavan tambiun esta gcnte dc^icrtos carateres o letras cou las quales cscrivian on sus libros siis cosas antiguas, y sus sciencias, y con ellas, y liguras, y algnnas seuale.s en las figuras entendian sns cosas, y las davan a entendcr y onseuavan. Landa, Relacion de Coaas, p. 316. TH0MA6.1 LANDA'S LETTER CHARACTERS. 143 elements; hence it is, that while we find it impossible to decipher the man- uscripts by using them, yet we find such frequent resemblances as to com- pel us to admit a fundamental relationship. This theory I think is borne out by his attempt at explaining their method of spelling, which does not correspond with anything to be found either in the Troano Manuscript or the Dresden Codex, nor with his previous statement, which I have quoted. Moreover, his own language, taken in connection with his alphabet, implies that the natives with whom he was consulting found it impossible to recom- bine the elements he had picked out so as to form words. This I believe to be the true explanation of his letter characters and the only one that will enable us to understand why it is impossible to .read the manuscripts by means of them, and yet finding them so often agreeing with the characters we meet with in these works. The day-characters we know he found in their books, as we see abun- dant evidence of this in those yet in existence. Although the month-characters appear to be wanting in the Troano Manuscript they are to be found repeatedly in the Dresden Codex, not always in the form given by Landa, j^et substantially the same, and accom- panied by numerals or other particulars by which we can readily determine them. We have, then, as our only positive gi>ide to start with, in our attempts at deciphering the written characters of the Maya manuscripts, the day and month symbols, and with no assurance that these are phonetic. If there ai'e any phonetic elements in this writing they must be discov- ered with but little reliance on Landa's letter characters. As it is extremely doubtful whether the day and month characters in all cases correspond with the modern names applied to them, we must bring every other possible test to bear in determining the meaning and corre- sponding word. We have also to proceed upon the assumption that the language of the Maimscript is the same as that found in the Maya lexicons which have been given to the world, when it is possible that it is in a dialect of the Maya varying from that in the lexicons. As the safest basis on Avliich to found my arguments, I select a few characters, the meaning of which, I think, can be ascertained with satis- factory certainty without having to decide whether they ai'e phonetic or not. 144 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. This character (Fig. 50) has already been referred to as occurring on Plates XX-XXIII of the Manuscript and 25-28 of the Codex, and as being used to denote the "stone heap" on which the Uayeb idols were placed. The reasons given for this belief I think warrant me in assuming it to be correct. Referring to the Lexicon we find that 2} i^ signifies "a stone serving to form the divisions in a Katun or cycle"; pjnc, "stones placed one upon another, serving to count tlie intervals in a cycle"; ppis, "a stone on a fishing line," and tun, stone in a general sense. As the connection in which it is found relates to the end and commencement of periods of time, I take for granted that if it represents a word it is either the first (jn^) or second (ppic). This combination (Fig. 51) found on the back of the spotted dog in Plate XXI, appears from Landa's statement, as already shown, to represent "bread of maize." The usual form of the combination, Fig. 51. which is found very often, is given in Fig. 52, but the order in which the characters are placed is frequently the reverse of that given in the figure. I think I have presented good reasons for believing that the characters shown in Fig. 53 are used to denote "east" and "west." The one marked a I have concluded denotes East — in Maya likin or lakin; the one marked h, West — chikm. Whether this conclusion be correct or not, I think there can be no doubt that one denotes one of these cardinal points, and the other the other cardinal point. This being admitted, we are not left in doubt as to the signifi- cation of the lower part of these compound characters, as it must be the hieroglyph for kin, ' ' sun " or ' ' day." *'"'• - ''• The characters for the other cardinal points — north and south — are given in Fig. 54. As there is yet some doubt as to their assign- ment I pass them for the present, allowing the conclusion heretofore reached in reference to them to stand. The character shown in Fig. 55, when placed on a figure, denotes. THOMAS] EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND CHAEACTERS. 145 sometimes at least, che, "wood" in a general sense, or some particular kind of wood. As the character shown in Fig. 56 is placed on spear-heads, evidently for the purpose of indicating the substance of which they are composed, or the character of the substance, it must signify "silex," ""\-%. or hardness, as contrasted with the wood or material of g^^^^^ Fig. 56. which the shaft was composed. Whether Ezanah was vT^f^fv-' the Maya word denoted, is not certain. Fig. 57. Fig. 67 is found but once in the Manuscript — in the upper division of Plate IX. As it is above the figure of an armadillo, I presume it is the symbol used to denote that animal, and hence that it is not phonetic. Fig. 58 is on the neck of most of the vases figured in the work. f^ — mn — j5 Although very common in the written portion as ^^^^ Fig. 58. a prefix or sviffix to other characters — as shown f^ y\s>/ in Fig. 59, where it is probably used as a pronoun or article — II* w'ul ■ 6). Above them are two rows of characters, apparently grouped by fours (counting each compound character as one), two of the upper and two of the lower line to each female figure. In the first group to the left is the character I have heretofore interpreted as signifying west; immedi- ately to the right of it, in the same group, is this character (Fig. 87). In the second group is the character heretofore interpreted as signi- fying north, but with an arm-like appendage; immediately below it, in the same group, is the character shown in Fig. 87; the third group has the character for east and this also; and the fourth or Fig. 87. last group to the right the same character (Fig. 87), and that heretofore interpreted as denoting south. As we find the same character in Fig. 87 as in Fig. 85, we may assume it stands for the same sound, U, and accepting Brasseur's interpretation of the lower left-hand character as signifying M or liaa, "water," and the added character to the right as Landa's i, we have li-ha-i or lila-i, "to sprinkle the child with water," lila meaning "to sprinkle witli water," and i child. As lil signifies "to shake," "to toss," &c., a better rendering may be haa-lil i, "the water shake (or dash) on the child." Commencing with the left-hand group and taking the four characters in the order heretofore adopted, the upper two from left to right and then, tlie lower two in the same way, and taking the groups from left to right, I obtain the following result: First group: "Toward the west; sprinkle water on the child ; ( ?); tortillas." Second group: "Toward the north; ( ?); sprinkle water on the child; ( ?)." 156 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. Third group : "Toward the east; sprinkle water on the child ; ( ?); tortillas." Fourth group: "Toward the south, {icliintzali) give a bath; ( ?); sprinkling water on the child." This character (Fig. 88), found in the first, second, and fourth groups, I am unable to interpret. The larger right-hand portion may be a variant of chicchan, and the whole stand for the words a or ii .^^^^ chicJtan, "a little," or ha-chen, "water from the senote or well" Fig. se. The third character in the third group (Fig. 89) ^'*'- ^^• is also one I have been unable to interpret. The smaller figures to the left may possibly denote the words ca-chuc, "a cuff" or "blow." The peculiar eye in the right portion I think refers to some particular deity. I am aware that this interpretation of these groups hangs on a very slender thread which, if broken, lets the whole thing fall to the ground, and hence have given it with a feeling of considerable doubt. But the four similar figures and the symbols of the cardinal points agree very well with this conclusion. As I have already intimated, there are good reasons for believing that the compound character shown in Fig. 90 denotes "bread of maize" or "corn bread." As will be seen, this consists of the characters for Imix (or Ymix) and Kan; as ixim signi- fies "maize," we may assume, without great liability \uiC/ \Jjj\ Fig. 90. of being in error, that this is the equivalent of Imix. ^°- ^^■ But I am inclined to believe the latter symbol (that for Kan) is used not only to denote bread (tortillas), but that in the pictorial portion it is also frequently given to represent corn (maize). The combination shown in Fig. 91, and found so frequently on the plates of the Manuscript and Codex, probably denotes "cakes" or "two cakes," or "tortillas of maize." The two are found combined as in Fig. 90 and with the accompanying characters on Plate III*. Turning to Plates VIII* and IX* of the Manuscript, we notice along the lower border of the middle division what are evidently ofierings: some ai-e pictorial representations and some perhaps symbols; among these we THOMAS] INTEEPRETATION OF CHAEACTEES. 157 see vessels of different kinds, on which are Kan symbols of a i-eddish or orange color. As heretofore stated, we find over one of the groups (left side of Plate IX*), a character accompanied by the numeral five, which I have supposed denotes the Maya word ppecuah, pecuah, or 2^<^cach, "a tortilla of maize." That these symbols could have no legitimate signification, if interpreted by any of the meanings of Kan found in the lexicon, is appar- ent to any one. The fact that they are in vessels — in one case a vase with the usual vase mark, in another a kind of platter, &c. — indicates that they are ofi'erings that can be appropriately presented in vessels of this kind. In the lower division of Plate XXI we observe a bird in the act of eating one of these Kan characters. Although this is probably a symbolic representation relating to time, still the figure itself is intended as a repre- sentation of that which is used as the symbol — a bird eating something, doubtless corn or bread. On Plate XXVIII, second and fourth divisions, we notice, as I have previously stated, the figure of a deity, which probably signifies the earth, looking up in a supplicating manner, bearing in his hands, or in the hands of the little figures he holds, Kan symbols. As there is good reason for believing these are symbolic representations of the parched earth pleading for rain, it is more than probable that the Kan characters here denote corn or maize. This supposition is rendered almost certain by the fact that the one in the right hand of the lower figure presents a little opening blade or leaf, showing that it has been planted and is sprouting; in the other hand is the bread symbol. The two combined, or the Kan singly, are of frequent occurrence in the hands of the priests in the Manuscript, where apparently engaged in religious ceremonies. The kans in the baskets carried by females (lower divisions of Plates XIX* and XX*) I have already alluded to; there can be scarcely any doubt that here they signify corn or bread, more likely the former. I think it quite likely that here, and where not in the written por- tion, these figures have more the character of pictograjihs than hieroglyphics, as they are both tolerably fair representations of a grain of maize. 158 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. Fig. 92, copied from the upper division of Plate IX, is, I think, beyond fy^^!^ doubt the symbol for the armadillo figured in the same division. C^^tl There are characters somewhat closely resembling it found in Fig. 9-2. Other parts of the Manuscript, but none of them have the pos- terior border of scale-marks, and at the same time the peculiar eye that is used throughout the Manuscript to mark quadrupeds. Fig. 93, which has for its only characteristic the same figure as Landa's ca, is found frequently in the Manuscript, so placed as to lead me to believe ^_____^ it represents some fruit or vegetable product that is useful as A^ -^fm^j food, or in some other way in domestic life, and that was also ' considei'ed an appropriate ofFering to the gods. Fig. 9.3. Yqv example, we see it carried in baskets by women — lower division of Plates XIX* and XX*; in the hand of the bird figure — middle division, Plate II; in the hands of the priest, apparently as an offering, on a number of plates; on the back of figures representing persons traveling — Plate V; marked on (as though denoting something in) a vase — lower divis- ion, same plate; in the symbol of the day Cimi; and also in Landa's char- acter for k. I presume from these facts that, if phonetic, the word or syllable it represents has as its chief phonetic element the sound of k. As the Maya word ca signifies a species of squash or calabash used for food in Yucatan, I presume this is what it denotes in tliese pictorial representations, especially as this interpretation does not appear to be inconsistent with "its use in any of them. But that it also has other significations is evident from the fact that it is found in Cimi, and also as an eye-mark. The same idea is doubtless embraced in both, that is, "death," and the chief phonetic element k. In close relation to this, and which should be considered with it, is the character represented in Fig. 94. Brasseur has taken it througliout as one fomn of the Cimi symbol; but there are some reasons for believing there is, at least, a slight difference in the signification of the two, as on Plates XIX* and XX*, in the basket of the woman at the left, tiG. 94. ^^ ggg both characters. As the other burdens are represented by the duplication of one character, the bringing of these two together here shows their close relationship to each other. It is also worthy of notice xnoMAs.) INTERPRETATION OF CHARACTERS. 159 that the relative position of the two is exactl)^ the reverse on one plate from what it is on the other. - As the burdens of two of these females evidently consist of their house- hold gods, it is possible that those of the two just alluded to may consist of the bones of their dead. If so, Fig. 94 may represent the skull and the Cimi symbol the other bones. In the inscription above the hSad of the left- hand female, lower division Plate XX*, we find this character (Fig. 95), which, according to the explanation of the parts so far as given, should probably be interpreted (reading from right to left) ^^,^n<1| cimen-ich, "the dead children." In this interpretation the right- i^^*"^^^ hand character is given its usual signification; the reticulated i'ig- 95. portion, ch; and the two lines running upward from this, i. Still it is possible that this explanation is very wide of the mark, as these charac- ters may represent certain fruits or other articles of food, perhaps different kinds of calabashes. The character represented in Fig. 96 is very closely related to, if not a variant of, the Cimi symbol. It is found' very frequently through- out the Manuscript in the spaces containing the figures or pictorial representations. As in a large proportion of these cases the figures fig. %. have some refei'ence to death, the gods of death, or of the lower i-egions, and as the character appears to be a variant of Cimi, I have designated it the "death symbol." It is found in connection with the supposed god of death in the follow- ing places: Lower division of XXXV (when joined with XXXIV); lower division of II*; upper division of VIII*; second and lower divisions of XI*; second division of XXIP; middle division of XXIX*, of XXX*, XXXI*, and XXXIV*. It is also found equally often with the god and goddess with this eye: ■^i^v- It is also found with the god that has the dark stripe across the face, as in the lower division of Plate III. Hence I am inclined to believe that this and the other two are to be classed with the deities of the underworld. We also find this character in several places where the idea of death or destruction is evidently intended to be conveyed. For example, in the upper division of Plates VII and XXV; second and third 160 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. divisions of Plate XXXII; third division of XXXIII; upper division of VIII*, XX*, and XXIX*. The next gronp I refer to is found in the upper division of Phxte X, and consists of one perpendicular column and two transverse lines, as shown in Fig. 97. Taking the column at the left, proceeding from the top down- wards, I suggest the following interpretation of the four compound char- acers : "South, tortilla of maize, vase, or pan, of burnt clay, turn 6 (times)." The characters here interpreted yam and xam, I am avv^are, are appar- ently identical; but the former, which is a part of that heretofore interpreted "south," is one in reference to which I have been, and still am, in great doubt, especially as it may well be interpreted ocamin, "north." The two Imix characters here translated ixim are doubtless used more as symbols than as word characters. The vase, or li character, is, I think, simply added to render definite that to which it is attached. The lowest character (Landa's h) may be lieh^ "to turn over" or "revolve"; eh, "to elevate"; he, "to march"; ov pe, also "to march." The transverse lines reading from left to right, I would interpret thus: "West, tortilla of maize, pan of burnt clay, 7 (times), deer?." THOMAS] INTEEPRETATION OF CHAEACTEES. 161 A free translation of the column would then be about as follows: " Facing the south, place the tortilla of maize on the pan of burnt clay and turn it six times (or elevate it, or march with it six times)." The meaning of the transverse lines is similar, except as to direction, until we reach the last character, yv^hich I have reason to believe refers to the deer. But it also contains another element, represented by the circle at the lower margin inclosing little dots, probably the equivalent of the h- character of the column. The line and column in the upper division of Plate XI appear to be of similar import, but varied in the cardinal points and in one of the char- acters. I am not prepared to attempt an interpretation of this group, but am inclined to believe, from the presence of the ik symbol, that it refers to exorcising the evil spirit. The groups in the middle and lower divisions of Plate XIV (Fig. 16, p. 99), which are to be taken in columns, and read from the top downwards, are evidently of similar import. Take, for example, the second (third, if the day column is counted) from the left of the middle division, I would suggest something like the fol- lowing interpretation (reading from the top downwards): tortilla (or maize). (?) the oUa. 7 (?) Fig. 98. The third compound or double character is possibly a pictograph to represent venison, or deer hams. Bras^eur supposes it to be a variant of the Cimi character, but this I think very doubtful. 11 M T CHAPTEE, VII. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THK DAY COLUMNS AND NUMBERS IN THE FIRST PART OF THE MANUSCRIPT. In Older that as much of the material contained in tliis Manuscript as can be given without facsimile representations niay be placed before the reader, I will now give the names of the days as found in the day colunms of some of the plates; this will enable him to test my interpretation of the numerals. As my object in doing this is to give an opportunity to all into whose hands tliis paper may fall to test the correctness of the theo- ries I have advanced, I will give the different divisions of the plates, each with its own days and numbers. It is to be understood that where there is more than one division on a plate, as is usually the case, they will be num- bered consecutively from the top downward, first, second, third, &c. In giving the numerals, the Roman represent the red or day numerals, the Arabic the black or month numbers. The red numerals usually found over the day columns will also be placed over them here. Those in the spaces will also be given in the spaces here, and by pairs as in the Manu- script. In the first example a few explanatory^ words will be placed in parentheses; aftervvai'ds these will be omitted. Plates I-XIX all contain three divisions, separated from each other by broad, transverse red or brown lines. It is therefore to be understood, when no special mention is made of the number of the divisions, that there are three on each plate. The upper or top division I will designate as the first, the middle as the second, and the Imttom as the third. These divisions are again divided into compartments, usually differing in the color of the ground, which is white, reddish-brown, or blue. In some cases the subject-matter of a division is continued into the second or even the third plate. These do not follow each other in the usual order of ])ages. Where it 162 DAY COLUMNS AND NUJVIEEAL CHARACTERS. 163 extends over upon the next pnge or plate, it is always to be understood that the one which precedes is to have its left margin placed to the right margin of that which follows, and that the day column at the left of a division refers to all that stand to the right of it, when thus placed, until another day col- umn is reached. In order to make this clear, let me illustrate by an example. On the middle division of Plate V we find a day column with two figures to the right of it. Turning to Plate IV, we find other figures of a similar char- acter, but no day column. By placing the latter (Plate IV) so that its left margin joins to the right margin of the former (Plate V), we have a con- tinuous series of figures of a similar character. The day column, therefore, on the latter plate, relates to all on the right until we reach the next day column, which will be found in this case on the left margin of Plate III, as in the annexed diagram. V. IV. III. In this illustration the letters represent the days and the position of the day columns. That this is the proper jiosition of these plates in reference to each other ma)- be seen by referring to Plates XXX. and XXXI, where the head of the bird in the third division of Plate XXXI — there are four divisions in this case — is on the right margin and the tail on the left margin of Plate XXX} 'By biutling together the plates, exactly the reverse of Brasseur's pagiug — as is done iu many copies — we will probably have them arranged in the order intended. 164 A STDDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. On Plates XXX* and XXIX* the head of the black figure is at the right margin of the upper division of the former, while the body and feet ai-e in the left margin of the upper division of the latter. This explanation will be sufficient to make clear what may hereafter be said in reference to the subject-matter of the division of' one plate extending over upon the corresponding division of another. Plate I. The day characters on this plate, if there were any, are wholly oblit- erated. Plate II. I give below (Fig. 99) an illustration of the day and numeral characters -'Li> '*A\ of the second division of this plate. The black numerals, ;G.'- *'Vi* ... 01' those for the month are given here in solid black, the red or day numer- *^* ^ _; ^^B^ O O O maoBim O sils in outline. As the first character in tlie left column is an unusual one, and the first of the right column is too much obliterated to be determined by inspection, we must ascertain them by means of the intervals. The third in the left column is certainly Chuen and the fourth Akbal — this gives an interval of twelve days; those of the right column are Been, Chicchan, Caban, and Muluc, the interval being in each case twelve days. This gives for the left column ]\[anik, Cauac, Chuen, Akbal, and Men. The Cauac character, if such it be, is a very unusual one, being identical with that for Men.^ The first character in the right column is that for Ymix. 'This, I tbiuk, is au evident mistake, and furnishes one reason for believing this MS. is a copy. Q DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS. 165 Plate III. FIRST DIVISION. Manik. XI-5. VI-5. Cauac. VI-5. IX-11, Chuen. VIII-5. IV-3. Akbal. X-10. Men. SECOND DIVISION. IV. IV. Akbal. Ben. I-IO. Muluc. Cauac. X--9. Men. Cbicchan. IV- 7. Ymix. Chuen. Manik Caban. THIRD DIVISION. obliterated. Plate IV. The first division of this plate is rather an unusual one in regard to the days and numbers. The days are as follows : FIRST DIVISION. Ahau. Oc. X-9. Eb. (?)-7. Ik. Kan. Ix. Cib. Cimi. Lamat. We observe that only three of the regular numbers remain; but in addition to these there are small red characters representing the following numbers (?) I,XII, I,XII, I,XII, I,XII, I,XII. 10{) A STUDY OF TUE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. SECOND DIVISION. The second division commences on Plate V, and includes all of the oooo second division of that plate. The characters are as repre- sented in the annexed cut (Fig. 100): J*** mJamm OOOO _f f ^ Q oo The days are L. ■ ■ Kan, Gib, Lamat, Aliau, Eb; the dates, 4th day, 15th and 11th months; 1st day, 13th month; 9th day, 11th month; and 8th day, 13th month. THIRD DIVISION. XTI, Cauac. VI-G. Chuen. VI-6. Akbal. VI-7. Men. VI-7. Manik. XIII-7. ' XIII-7. Plate V. FIRST DIVISION. The first division of this plate contains two compartments. The first has the numeral IV over the day column. The days are Caban, Muluc, Ymix, Been Chicchan. The numbers in the space are I-IO, X-10. The second compartment is found partly on Plate V and partly on Plate IV, and is similar to the first division of Plate IV. The days are Cauac, Muluc, Chuen, Ymix, Akbal, Been, Men, Chicchan, Manik. The only regular number unobliterated is the black numeral 13 in the space. The following are the small red numerals: XIII, XI, XIII, XI, XIII (?), XIII, XI, XIII. White cross-bones on a black ground are in this space. SECOND DIVISION. The second division of this plate runs over on Plate IV, and has been illustrated and described as belonging to that plate. B.1 DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL OUAKACTERS. 167 THIRD DIVISION. The day characters in the third division are wholly obliterated. Plate VI. FIRST DIVISION. IVC?). Ahaii. (?)-10. Eb. XI-10. Kan. IV-12. Cib. (f)-lO. La mat. IX-10. SECOND DIVISION. XII. Caban. XIII- -13. Ik. XIII- -13. Manik. XII- -13. Eb. XIII- -13. Caban. XIII- -13. THIRD DIVISION. IV. IV. Ahau. Oc. X-6. Cimi. Cib. 1-4. Eb. Ik. Ezanab. Lamat. Kan. Ix. Plate VII. FIRST DIVISION. The characters and numerals being partially obliterated in the first division of this plate, it is omitted. 168 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. SECOND DIVISION. —13. -13. XII. I. (XIII ( I Chuen. Gib. J XIX Ymix. Cimi. < XII ( I Ghuen. l-H hH X -13. This section (second) of Plate VII contains some peculiarities in the day symbols and numeral characters. For example, the day (red) numerals OOP O o are given thus, ^ -^ ^~~ — -?, , the first signifying two numbers, XIII o o and I; the second XII and I. The symbol for Gimi is also peculiar and is in this form |^o\>f . The numbers over the column are XII and I. THIKD DIVISION. Day characters on Plate VIII. Plate VIII. VI-4. FIRST DIVISION. (?) (?) Kan. Ix. XIII- 1. Oc. Ahau. XII-11. Gib. Gimi. I- 4. Ik. Eb. X- 4. Lamat. Ezanab. II- 2. DAY COLUMNS AND NUMEEAL CHAEACTERS. 169 SECOND DIVISION. VII. VII. Ahau. Cimi. XIII- 1. Eb. Ezanab. I- 1, Kan. • Oc. XII- 5. Cib. Ik. IV- 3. Lamat. Ix. VII-13. VII- 3. LEFT SECTION OF THIRD DIVISION. XII. XII. Cimi. Ahau. II- • 2. X-10. Ezanab. Eb. VII- • 5. XII-12(?). Oc. Kan. XIII- 3. Ik. Cib. X- IL Ix. Lamat. XII- 2(?). EIGHT SECTION OF THIRD DIVISION. I. Ahau. X-10. Eb. IX-10. Kan. V-10. Cib. 11-10. Lamat, (D-10. Ahau. Part of this section runs over on Plate VII. The figures in this division, which are all blue, are each seated on a large compound character, under one of the pairs of numerals above given, and pertaining to it as shown by the lines dividing these minor spaces. In the character on which each figure is seated there are, first, an Ahau of the usual size and form, to which is joined a black numeral; then several small Chuen symbols. The numeral over the Ahau belonging to the day num- bered I, as given above, is 9; that belonging to the day numbered II is 10; that belonging to the day numbered V is 11. 170 A STDDY OF TEE MANUSCllIPT TROANO. The lists of day cliaracters on this plate as given by M. de Charency, differ from the foregoing only in having Ix for the first day of the left col- umn of the upper division, and Kan for the first day of the right column of the same division. These two days are obliterated in the Manuscript and hence have to be restored, wliich can only bo- done by counting the intervals. The interval between the days in these two columns, as may be seen by counting, is six days. This gives Kan as the first of the left-hand col- umn and Ix as the first of the right-hand; hence I conclude that this author is wrong in his restoration, or has made a mistake in transcribing. Follow- ing out his plan, we would have an interval of sixteen days between Ix and Oc in the first column and of six between each of the others, and a like discrepancy in the other column. But I think it is evident, from what he says on page 30 of the same work, that he has unintentionally reversed these two days, as it is not sixteen days from Kan to Oc, as he says, but six. If we substitute Ix for Kan and Kan for Ix, we find all his numbers correct, except that it is only ten days from Lamat to Ezanab, instead of sixteen, as he states. Plate IX. X(?). Men. Manik. Cauac. Chuen. Akbal. FIRST DIVISION. VII-C?) The death symbol is found in this space occu- (IV(^) pyi"g the place of one number of this pair. II-l. VI-4. XIII-7. IV. Cimi. Ezanab. Ik. Oc. Ix. IV. Ahau. Eb. Kan. Gib. Lamat. SECOND DIVISION. V-1. XIII-3. VII-2. II-2. IV-3. VIII-4. X-3. 1-9. ' D^chififroment dea ficritures Calculiformes on Mayas, p. 26. DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CIIAIJACTEUS. 171 THIRD DIVISION'. X. X. Ezanab. Lamat. XII-2. VII-3. Kan. Ix. X-3. 1-5. Oc. Aliau. IX-2. VII- (' Cib. Ik Cimi. Eb. Plate II-3. III-2. X. FIRST DIVISION. Tliere arc no day characters in tliis division. SLCOND DIVISION. V. V. Oc. Ahau. VII-2. Cib. Cimi. V-9. Ik. Eb. IX-2. Lamat. P^zanab. IV-8. Ix. Kan. V-4. THIRD DIVISION. VII. VII. Cib. Cimi. IX- 2. Ik. Eb. VII-12. Lamat. Ezanab. X- 1 Ix. Kan. XIII- 3. Ahaii. Oc. VIII- Plate XI. FIRST DIVISION. IV. Ezanab. Oc. I-IO. Ik. - 8. Ix. Cimi. 172 A STUDY OF THE MAimSCEIPT TEOANO. SECOND DIVISION. (D Oc. Ahau. II-l. XIII-2. Gib. Gimi. (D-9. X-5. Ik. Eb. IV-4. Lamat. Ezanab. IV-2. Ix. Kan. VI-2. THIKD DIVISION. • IV. IV. Oc. Ahau. V-1. IV-2. Gib. Gimi. IV-9. Ik. Eb. VII-2. Lara at. Ezanab. IX-4. Ix. Kan. XIII-6. Plate XII. FIRST DIVISION. X. Men. (I)- 5. II- 6, Ahau. XIII-11. IX-13. Gbicclian. IX- 9. IX- 8. Oc. XIII- 4. Men. IX- 9. SECOND DIVISION. XII. XII. Ix. Ahau. XIII- 1. IX-2. Gimi. Eb. XII- 2. XII-3. Ik. Kan. X-11. Ezanab. Gib. Ill- 3. Oc. Lamat. VII- 3. DAY COLTJMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS: 173 THIRD DIVISION. I. Cimi. VII- 4. XIII- 3. Ezanab. (D-n. X-10 Oc. IV- 7. Ik' X- 2. Ix. X- 3. The lists of days on this plate, as given by Charency, agree with those here given, only in the middle division. Tliose of the first and third divis- ions, as given by him, are as follows: FIRST DIVISION. THIRD DIVISION. Men. Cimi. Ahau. Ezanab. Oc. Eb. Men. Ik. Men. Gib. Some of the characters on this plate are of a form found here only. The character for Oc in both divisions is unusual, an eye being inserted whicli throws back the broken line as shown in the annexed figure. The character for Chicchan in the first division is somewhat different from the usual form, as will be seen by the figure here given. So far as the list in the first division is concerned, there can be no doubt that the first and last cliaracters represent 3Ien. This would of itself require an interval of five days between each two, if uniform tbroughout. Counting from Men to Ahau, we liave an interval of five days; five more gives us Chicchan, five moi'e Oc, and five more Men, as it should be. Now turning to the third division of this plate, we find that 1;Jie interval between Cimi and Ezanab is twelve days; twelve more will give Oc. twelve more Ik, and twelve more Ix, which makes the days and the order 174 A STUDY OF TDE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. precisely like that of the right-hand column of the middle division of Plate VIII as given by both Charency and myself, and regarding which there can be no doubt. The reader will see that Charency's arrangement pf this third division (Plate XII) gives twelve days for the first interval, fourteen for the second, ten for the third, and fourteen for the last. The character for Ix in this division is an unusual one, being as here represented. C^^Q Plate XIII. FIRST DIVISION. III. III. Kan. Lamat. 11^2. XIII-2. Oc. Ix. 111-9. XI-2. Cib. Cimi. V-2. Ahau. Eb. X(!)-4. Ik. Ezanab. Vll-5. SECOND DIVISION. XIII. Xlll. Cib. Oc. V-1. X-3. Kan. Ik. XIlI-9. VlI-2. Lamat. Ix. 111-1. Ahau. Cimi. II-5. Eb(?). Ezanab. IV- 1. THIRD DIVISION. X. X. Oc. Ahau. Ill- 3. XIII-3. Cib. Cimi X-10. Ik. Eb. Vll- 4. Lamat Ezanab. X- 2. Ix. Kan. XI- 4. THOMAS 1 DAY COLUMNS AND NUMEEAL OnAEACTEltS. 175 The character for Cimi is siniHar to that in the middle division of Phite VII. Phites XIV and XV are so badly damaged that the numerals and day characters cannot be satisfactoril}' made out. Plates XVI and XVII. All the divisions of Plate XVII extend over and occupy the whole of Plate XVI. FIRST mVJSION. IV. Ahau. VIII-4. XI-11. Eb. I-G. VI- 8. Kan. X-9. IV-11. Cib. • XIII-3. Lamat. SECOND DIVISION. I. Caban. IX- 8. 11-12. Muluc. Ill- 7. - 4. Ymix. XIII-10. Been. V-(?). Chicchan. X-G. IHIRD DIVISION. XII. Chicchan. Ill- 4. VIII-10. Caban. VIII- 5. XII- 5. Muluc. II- 8. Ymix. x-0). Been (?). X-13. 176 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. Plate XVIII. The column of day characters belonging to the first division of this plate is found in the first division of Plate XIX. SECOND DIVISION. IV. IV. Cimi. Ahau. 1II-2. IV-4. Ezanab. Eb. VIII-5. Oc. Kan. 1-5. Ik. Gib. XII-5. Ix. Lamat. IX-5. THIRD DIVISION. X. Ezanab. IV-5. X-6. XI-6. Oc. (I)-4. IV-3. V-4. Ik. VIII-4. X-3. VIII-3. Ix. II-4. V-3. XII-4. Cimi. ®-III. Plate XIX. The subject-matter of the first division of this plate occupies all the first division of Plate XVIII. first division. IV. Ahau. 11-13. Eb. 11-11. Kan. XIII-11. Gib. X-10. Lamat. IV- 7. DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS. 177 SECOND DIVISION. The red numerals in this division are doubled, as in the manner here- tofore shown. IX and IV. Gib. XI and VI- -10. Lamat. VII and II- -11. Ahau. IX and I- - 7. Eb. IX and IV- 2. Kan. THIRD DIVISION. III. III. Muluc. Cauac. X- 7. Men. Chicchan. Ill- 6. Ymix. Chuen. VI- 3. Manik. Caban. III-IO. Been. Akbal. The character in this division interpreted as Chicchan is an unusual one, being in this form: lS^3- The numerals on Plates XXIV and XXV and those in the upper division of Plate XXVI being partially obliterated, we have omitted them. Plate XXVI. ' LOWER DIVISION. XIII. Ahau. XIII- -13. Eb. XIII- -13. Kan. XIII- -13 Gib. XIII- -13. Lamat 12 M T 178 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEirT TROANO. Plate XXVII. UPPER DIVISION. XL Ahau. X-13. Eb. Kan. XI-13. XI-13. Gib. XI-13. Lamat. LOWER DIVISION. XIII (or XIV)-2. XI- 2. VI- 2. IX- 3. VI-10. IV- 4. IX- 3. IX. Chuen. Caban. Akbal. Muluc. Men. Ymix. Manik. Been. Cliicchan. Cauac. We find in tlie day column of this division a rather unusual character for Chicchan, which is here shownl*>-»Vl- As the day column entirely fills the space the numei'al character wiiicli should be placed at the top is put at the side of the first day character. The first red numeral is as foUoAvs: O O O O f-- = t . The right-hand dot in the original is imperfect, small, and crowded, and, as I believe, is there by mistake. TH0MAB.1 DAY COLUMNS AND NUMEfeAL OHARACTEKS. 179 Plate XXVIII. The charactei's of the first division are somewhat obliterated, as are also the numerals. SECOND DIVISION. (D Men. XI- 9. Manik. I- 9. Cauac. I- 9. Chuen. 1-17. Akbal. V- 7. THIRD DIVISION. XI. Ahau. VII- • 2. Eb. cc ;-7. Kan. XI- -10. Cib. XI- -13. Lamat. FOURTH DIVISION. Men. I- 8. Manik. III-14. Been. XI 11-13. Eb. 1-13. Chuen. V- 3. Plate XXIX. No day characters in the first, second, or third divisions. FOURTH DIVISION. XII Cimi. VI- Ezanab. VI-13. Oc. III-IO. Ik. XII- 9. Ix. 180 A STUDY OF THE 3IANUSCRIPT TEOANO. Plate XXX. The left-hand conij^artments of the first, second, and third divisions of this plate ai-e continuations of the first, second, and third divisions of Plate XXXI. The right-hand compartments of these three divisions form the commencement of, and contain the day characters for the first, second, and third divisions of Plate XLXIX. SECOND DIVISION. (III?). Ik. Ix. Cimi. Ezanab. Oc. FIRST COLUMN, THIRD DIVISION. The numerals are placed in this form over the Lamat. y m « i» column. They are probably to be taken in pairs, the K^n- ^ ' ""^' black characters representing two separate numbers, Ahau. ' — ■' one stripe with the dots to be taken with the red nu- '^il^- meral above, thus, V-9 ; the two remaining stripes with the red ^^-'"- numerals below thus, VII-10. RIGHT COMPARTMENT, THIRD DIVISION. XIII. Muluc. XIII-13. Ix. XIII-13. Cauac. XIII-13. Kan. XIII-13. Muluc. XIII-13. There are no day chai-acters in the fourth division. DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS. 181 Plate XXXI. Day characters obliterated in the first division. SECOND DIVISION. Kan. VII- -11. Cib. V- -11. Lamat III- -11. Ahau. !- -11. Eb. IX- -11. THIRD DIVISION. Chuen. Oc. Muluc. Cimi. Cimi. Chicchan. Akbal. Ik. Ymix. Cauac. Men. Ezanab. Ix. Caban. Been. These columns all have the same numerals over them as the first column in the third division of Plate XXX, and they are arranged in the same way. There are no numerals in the spaces. FOURTH DIVISION. XIII. XIII. Ymix. Manik. IX- 9 Been. Cauac XII- 3 Chicchan. Chuen. IX-10 Caban. Akbal. XI- 2 Muluc Men. XIII- 2. This division extends over to Plate XXX. 182 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO, Plate XXXII. FIRST DIVISION. ? Cib. XIII- 9. Lamat. - 8. Ahau. IX- 8. Eb. 11-17. Kan. II- 9. SEC ONI ) DIVISION. (VIII?). Ik. I- 6. Ix. IX- 8. Cimi. II- t Ezanab. VIII-18. Muluc. THIRD DIVISION. (?) Ix. XII. Ix. VI. In space, Ix. XIII. Cimi? or deatli symbol. FOURTH DIVISION. Lamat. III-13. Ahau. III-13. Eb. ITI-13. Kan. III-13. Cib. THOMAS.] DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTEES. 183 Plate XXXIII. FIRST DIVISION. (?) Kan. VII- 5. Muluc. II- 8. Ix. X- I Cauac. XIII-15. Kan. VIII- 8. SECOND DIVISION. Chuen. Ymix. 11-11. Caban. Manik. X?- 3. Akbal. Been. VIII- 6. Muluc. Cauac. IV, or IX- 6. Men. Cliicchan f- 4. TIIIKD DIVISION. Column left compartment. Column [ right compartment V?. V. Cauac. Kan. XIII XII. Cauac. Kan. VI 1 VI. Cimi ?. Cimi?. XIII. XIII. Cimil Cimi?. FOURTH DIVISION. Caban. III-13. Muluc. III-13. Imix. III-13. Been. III-13. Cliicchan. ;lg4 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TEOANO. Plate XXXIV. Tho first and fourth divisions belong to Plate XXXV. SECOND DIVISION. IV. Cimi. XII-8. VI-8. Ezanab. XIII-7?.- ? I . Oc. ?-7. IX?-7?. Ik. IV-8. Ix. THIRD DIVISION. IV 1 Aliau. XI- - ?. Eb. II- -17. Kan. IV- -15. Cib. Lamat. Plate XXXV. On this plate the day column in the second division is illegible. first DIVISION. (?)-10. Lamat. VII-10. VIII-10. Been. V?-10. XII?-10. Ezanab. I-IO. Akbal. XI-10. THIRD DIVISION. (?) Ymix. X- -10. Been. IX- -11. Caban. IX- -13. Chicchan. VIII- -12. Muluc. I- -12. DAY COLUMNS AND NUMERAL CHARACTERS. 185 FOURTH DIVISION. IV. Ahau. • IX-11. Chicchan. 1-17. Oc. Ill or IV-17. Men. Ahau. Plate I*. No day characters are discernible in the first division of this plate. THIRD DIVISION. I?. Caban. I- 6. Ik. I- 5. Manik. ?-13. Eb. Caban? Plate II*. FIRST DIVISION. Manik. XI- 4. Eb. IX-15?. Caban. Ik. Manik. SECOND DIVISION. Left column IX. Caban. IX-12. IX-13. IX-18? Ik. Manik. Eb. Caban. This division is continued on Plate I*. Left column, third division, illegible. Right column. Vim Ik. Eb. Manik. Caban. Ik. 11-13. IV-13. IV-11. jg(5 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. THIRD DIVISION. Right column. IV. Ahau. Eb. XI-13. , Kan. IV-19 or 9 and 10. Cib. Lamat. CHAPTER VIII. A DISCUSSION OF DATES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THOSE OF THE PEREZ MANUSCRIPT. As I have heretofore touched upon this topic, I must ask the reader to refer to what is there stated, that I may dispense with repeating it here. But it is proper to remind him here that having proven, at least satis- factorily to myself, that the Ahau consisted of twenty-four years, this number is always to be understood whenever this period is mentioned in this discussion. In the second place, I start with the understanding that a 13 th Ahau closed with the year 1542. I have already given my reasons, somewhat at length, for this conclusion. I may add that Dr. Valentini, in his article on the Perez Manuscript, arrives at the same conclusion. Brasseur^ also concludes the 13th Ahau with the year 1542, as he gives the following explanation: "Dans le XIII Ahau Katun, cest-a-dire, entre les annees 1518— 1542"; thus counting twenty-four years to this period, notwithstanding his repeated statement elsewhere that it contained but twenty. We may there- fore feel assured that we have in these dates — the 24th year of the XIII AhauzrA. D. 1542 — one connecting link between the two chronological systems; and also that the author of the Perez Manuscript was correct in stating that at the period alluded to — the year 1536 — "six years were wanting to the completion of the 13th Ahau." In order that the reader may have before him as much of the data bearing upon this point as can be conveniently given here, I insert at this point a copy of the Perez Manuscript in the original, following it with the English translation. 'Hist, des Nat. Civ., II, 594, note 1. 138 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. THE MAYA MANUSCRIPT. MAYA. Lai u tzolun Katun lukci ti cab ti yotoch Nonoual c4nte anflo Tutul Xiu ti chikin Zuiiia; u luumil u talelob Tulapan chiconabthan. 1. Cante bin ti Katun lie u ximbalob ca uliob uaye yetel Holon-Cban- tepeub yetel u cucbulob: ca hokiob ti petene uaxac Ahau bin yan cuchi, uac Ahau, can Ahau, cabil Ahau, conkal haab catac hunppel haab; tumen bun piztun oxlahun Ahau cuchie ca uliob uay ti petene cankal haab catac hunppel haab tu pakteil yete cu ximbalob lukci tu luumilob ca talob uay ti petene Chacnouitan lae. 2. Uaxac Ahau, uac Ahau, cabil Ajau; kuchci Chacnouitan Ahmekat Tutul Xiu hunppel haab-minan ti hokal haab cuchi yanob Chacnouitan lae. 3. Laitun uchci ii chicpahal tzucubte Ziyan-caan lae Bakhalal, can Ahau, cabil Ahau, oxlahun Ahau oxkal haab cu tepalob Ziyan-caan ca emob uay lae; lai u haabil cu tepalob Bakhalal chuulte laitun chicpahci Chichen Itza lae. 4. Buluc Ahau, bolon Ahau, nuc Ahau, ho Ahau, ox Ahau, hun Ahau uac kal haab cu tepalob Chichen Itza ca paxi Chichen Itza, ca binob cahtal Champutun ti yanhi u yotochob ah Ytzaob kuyen uincob lae. 5. Uac Ahau, chiicuc u luumil Chanputun, can Ahau, cabil Ahau, oxlahun Ahau, buluc Ahau, bolon Ahau, uuc Ahau ho Ahau, ox Ahau, hun Ahau, lahca Ahau, lahun Ajau, uaxac Ahau, paxci Chanputun, oxlahun kaal haab cu tepalob Chanputun tumenel Ytza uincob ca talob u tzacld u yotochob tu eaten, laix tun u katunil binciob ah Ytzaob yalan che yalan aban yalan ak ti numyaob lae. 6. Uac Ahau, can Ahau, ca kal haabcatalob u hedzob yotoch tu eaten ca tu zatahob Chakanputun. 7. Lai u katunil cabil Ahau, u hedzci cab Ahcuitok Tutul Xiu Uxmal. Cabil Ahau, oxlahun Ahau, buluc Ahau, bolon Ahau, uuc Ahau, ho Ahau, ox Ahau, hun Ahau, lahca Ahau, lahun Ahau, lahun kal haab cu tepalob yetel u halach uinicil Chichen Itza yetel Mayalpan. 8. Lai u katunil buluc Ahau, bolon Ahau, uac Ahau, uaxac Ahau, paxci u halach uinicil Chichen Itza tumenel u kebanthau Hunac-eel, ca uch THOMAS] THE PEREZ MANUSCRIPT. 189 ti Chacxib chac Cliichen Itza tu kebanthan Huuac-eel u halach uinicil Mayalpan ichpac. Cankal baab catac labun piz baab, tu labun tun uaxac Abau cucbie; lai u baabil paxci tumenel Abzinte-yutcban yetel Tzunte-cum, yetel Taxcal, yetel Pantemit, Xucbu-cuet, yetel Ytzcuat, yetel Kakaltecat lay u kaba uinicilob: lae nuctulob abmayapanob lae. 9. Laili u katunil uaxac Abau, lai ca binob u pa ah Ulmil Abau tume- nel u uabal-uabob yetel ah Ytzmal Ulil Abau; lae oxiabun uudz u katunilob ca paxob tumen Hunac-eel: tumenel u dzabal u naatob; uac Abau ca dzoci; bunkal baab catac can labun pizi. 10. Uac Abau, can Abau, cabil Abau, oxiabun Abau, buluc Abau, cbucuc u luumil icb pS, Mayalpan, tumenel u pacb tulum, tumenel multepal icb cab Mayalpan, tumenel Ytza uinicob yetel ab Ulmil Abau lae; can kaal baab catac oxppel baab; yocol buluc Abau cucbie paxci Mayalpan tumenel abuitzil dzul, tan cab Mayalpan. 11. Uaxac Abau lay paxci Mayalpan lai u katunil uac Abau, can Abau, cabil Abau, lai baab cu ximbal ca yax mani espanoles u yaxilci caa luumi Yucatan tzucubte lae, oxkal baab paaxac icb pa cucbie. 12. Oxiabun Abau, buluc Abau ucbci mayacimil icb pa yetel nobka- kil: oxiabun Abau cimci Abpula: uacppel baab u binel ma dzococ u xocol oxiabun Abau cucbie, ti yanil u xocol baab ti lakin cucbie, canil kan cum- labi pop tu bolbun Zip catac oxppeli, bolon Ymix u kinil lai cimi Abpula; laitun ano cu ximbal cucbi lae ca obeltabac lay u xoc numeroil ailos lae 153G anos cucbie, oxkal baab paaxac icb pa cucbi lac. 13. Laili ma dzococ u xocol buluc Abau lae lai vdci espanoles kul uincob ti lakin u talob ca uliob nay tac luumil lae, bolon Abau lioppci cristianoil ucbci caputzibil: laili icbil u katunil lae ulci yax obispo Toroba u kaba, lieix ano cu ximbal ucliie. [Translatiou.] Tbis is tbe series of "Katunes" tbat elapsed from tbe time of tbeir departure from tbe land and bouse of Nonoual, in wbicb were tbe four Tutul Xiu, lying to tbe west of Zuina, going out of tbe country of Tulapan. § 1. Four epocbs were spent in traveling before they arrived here witb Holon-Cbantepeub and bis followers. Wben they began their journey towai-d tbis island it was the 8th Abau, and the 6th, 4th, and 2d were spent 390 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCKIPT TROANO. in traveling; because in the year of the 13th Ahaii they arrived at this island, making together eighty-one years they were traveling, between their departure from their country and their arrival at this island of Chacnoui- tan. (Years, 81.) § 2. The 8th Ahau, the 6th Ahau; in the 2d Ahau arrived Ajmekat Tutul Xiu, and ninety-nine years they remained in Chacnouitan. (Years, 99.) 3. In this time also took place the discovery of the j^rovince of Ziyan- caau, or Bacalar, the 4th Ahau and 2d Ahau, or sixty years, they had ruled in Ziyan-caan when they came here. During these years of their govern- ment of the province of Bacalar occurred the discover}^ of Chichen Itza. (Years, 60.) 4. The 11th Ahau, the 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, and 1st Ahau, or 120 years, they ruled in Chichen-Ttza, when it was destro3'ed, and they emigrated to Champotou, where the Itzaes, holy men, had houses. (Years, 120.) 5. The 6th Ahau they took possession of the territory of Champoton; the 4th Ahau, 2d, 13th, 11th, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, 1st, 12th, 10th, and 8th Champoton was destroyed or abandoned. Two hundred and sixty years, the Itzae.s reigned in Champoton, when they returned in search of their homes, and they lived for several katunes under the uninhabited mountains. (Years, 260.) 6. The 6th Ahau, 4th Ahau, after forty years, they returned to their homes once more, and Champoton was lost to them. (Years, 40.) 7. In this Katun of the 2d Ahau, Ajcuitok Tutul Xiu established him- self in Uxmal; the 2d Ahau, the 13th, lltli, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, 1st, the 12th and 10th Ahau, equal to 200 years, they governed in Uxmal, with the gov- ernors of ChichenTtza, and of Mayapan. (Years 200.) 8. These are the Katunes 11th, 9th, and 6th Ahau. In the 8th Ahau the governor of Chichen-Itza was deposed, because he murmured dis- respectfully against Hunac-eel. This happened to Chacxibchac of Chichen- Itza, governor of the fortress of Mayapan. Ninety years had elapsed, but the i 0th year of the oth Ahau was the year in which he was overthrown by Ajzinte-yutchan, with Tzuntecum, Taxcal, Pantemit, Xucli-uenet Ytzcuat, and Kakaltecat; these are the names of the seven Mayalpanes. (Years 90.) TuoMAB.] THE PEREZ MANUSCEIPT. 191 9. In the same Katun of the 8th Ahau they attacked Chief Ulmil, in consequence of his quarrel with Uhl, Cliief of Yzamal; thii'teen divisions of troops he had when he was i-outed by Hunac-eel; in the 6th Ahau the war was over, after 34 years. (Years 34.) 10. In the 6th Ahau, 4th, 2d, 13th, and 11th Ahau, the fortified terri- tory of Mayapan was invaded by the men of Itza, under their Chief Uhnil, because they had walls, and governed in common the people of Mayapan: eighty-three years elapsed after this event, and at the beginning of the 1 1th Ahau Mayapan was destroyed by strangers of the Uitzes, Highlanders, as was also Tancaj of Mayapan. (Years 83.) 11. In the 8th Ahau, Mayapan was destroyed, the epochs of the 6th, 4th, and 2d Ahau elapsed, and at this period the Spaniards for the first time arrived, and gave the name of Yucatan to this province, sixty years after the destruction of the fortress. (Years 60.) 12. The 13th and 11th Ahau, pestilence and small-pox were in the castles. In the 13th Ahau Chief Ajpula died; this year was counted toward the east of the wheel, and began on the 4th Kan. Ajpula died on the 18th day of the month Zip, in the 9th Ymix; and that it may be known in numbers, it was the year 1536, sixty years after the destruction of the fortress. 13. Before the termination of the 11th Ahau the Spaniards arrived. Holy men from the east came with them when they reached the land. The 9th Ahau was the commencement of baptism and Christianity; and in this year was the arrival of Toroba (Toral), the first bishop. Before entering upon a discussion of this manuscript I will attempt to connect the two chronological systems at one or two other points, in refer- ence to which we find some data left on record besides that foiind in the ipanuscript. The destruction of Mayapan (the last one, if there were two, as stated by this authority) was an important event likely to be remembered by the people at the time of the Spanish conquest, as it was the beginning of a marked change in the condition of aff'airs in Yucatan, and occurred, at the earliest, not more than a hundred years before the first appearance of these invaders on the coast of this peninsula. 192 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCEIPT TROAiS^O. As I have already shown, the important event alluded to by Perez as occurring in the year 7 Caiiac of the 8th Ahau, which he fixes in 1393, really happened in 1435, as we see by correcting the manifest eri-or of his calculation. This event, I believe, was the destruction of Mayapan, which this manuscript asserts took place in the 8th Ahau. The two statements in this document — first (in the 11th paragraph), that the first arrival of the Spaniards, at the close of the 2d Ahau (1518), was 60 years after the fall of Mayapan; second (12th paragraph), that the year 1536 was 60 years after this event — cannot both be correct; one or the other, or both, must be erroneous. Rejecting the latter, and counting three Ahaues, the number the author gives, at 24 years each, instead of 20 (the length at which he estimates them), we have 72 years, which, deducted, carries us back to 1446. This corresponds exactly with Landa's computa- tion. Herrera^ says that this happened, " accoi'ding to the reckoning of the Indians, about seventy years \>eiove the Spaniards came into Yucatan," which would place it in 1448. According to the tables I have given, the 8th Ahau included the years 1423-1446, which agrees exactly with Brasseur's calcu- lation {Hist ties Nat. Civ.-), in which work he appears to have adopted 24 years as the number to an Ahau, instead of 20, as in his notes to Landa and the Perez Manuscript. As I was not aware of this fact until after the preced- ing part of this paper was delivered for publication, I call attention to it now, as it is apparent from this that his comparison of the dates of the two systems must agree throughout precisely with what is given in my Table XVII. If we are correct in counting 24 years to an Ahau, then it is certain the 8th must have included from 1423 to 1446; and ifthe document referred to by Perez (which unfortunately was lost) was right in stating that 7 Cauac was the year of the destruction, it occurred in 1435. We learn from Herrera (loc. cit.) that this city was destroyed five hundred years after it was built. As a matter of course, this is given in round num- bers, and cannot be considered as exact; yet it will aff"ord some aid in our comparison. Deducting 500 from 1435 gives us the year 935 as the date of the founding of the city, which may be considered as at least approxi- mately correct. Counting back by Ahaues, we ascertain that this would fall in the 11th of the preceding grand cycle. 'Dec. Ill, lib. vi, cap. 3. m, 593. THOMAs.i THE PEREZ MANUSUEIPT. 193 Although, as shown by Table XVII, the grand cycles, if counted from the year 1 of each period, would begin with the 1st Ahau, yet, as the Indians chose, for some reason, to begin these periods with the 13th, our calculations must correspond with this arbitrary selection. I therefore give here a brief table of cycles, with the corresponding years of our era, run- ning backward : Years. Fourth grand cycle 1519-1830 Third grand cycle 1207-1518 Second grand cycle 895-1206 First grand cycle 583- 894 The numbers given the grand cycles are (for the present, at least) arbi- trary, given simply as a means of reference. We see from this table that the year 935 would fall in the gi-and cycle numbered 2, and, as before stated, in the 11th Ahau. Referring to this manuscript again, we see that Mayapan is first mentioned in the 7th paragraph, whei'e it is stated that "the 2d Ahau, 13th, 11th, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3d, 1st, 12th, and 10th Ahau, 200 years, they [the Tutul Xiu] governed in Uxmal with the governors of Chichen-Itza and Mayapan^ Here we find our llth with but two Ahaues preceding it, or, as we judge from the preceding clause — "In this Katun of the 2d Ahau" — but one and part of another. Supposing Mayapan to have been in existence at the commencement of the periods here named, it would carry us back only some forty or fifty years beyond Herrera's general statement; but this is more than accounted for by the difference in the estimated length of the Ahau. If we count the Ahaues necessary to complete the number from the 2d in the commencement of the seventh paragraph to the 2d in the eleventh paragraph when the Spaniards first appeared, filling up the lacunae and making the correction in the eighth paragraph suggested by Dr. Valentini, we shall find the number to be as follows: 2, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Making 27 Ahaues, or 648 years. 13 M T I i, 194 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TRAONO. Deducting- this from 1518, the time when the Spaniards appeared on the coast, it carries us back to the year 870. If carried back only to the first j-ear of the 11th of the first series, it gives the year 918, which differs but 17 years from the date (935) given above from Herrera's statement, a differ- ence less than one Ahau. I am inclined, therefore, to believe the first line of the 8th paragraph properly belongs to the 7th, and that it was the inten- tion of the writer to say that "with the governors of Chichen-Itza and Mayapan these Katunes, 11th, 9th to the 6th." In the 8th Ahau trouble arose between the parties to the compact, but the war did not end until in the 6th. It is probable, therefore, that the chronicler's data mentioned the 11th Ahau as the beginning of the compact, and that this was near the time when Mayapan was built. According to Herrera, Chichen-Itza was already in existence when Cuculkan appeared and founded Ma3'apan. He further states that "whilst the Cocomes [who were given authority immediately after Cuculkan's de- parture] lived in this regular manner, there came from the southward, and the foot of the mountains of Lacando, great numbers of people, looked upon for certain to have been of the province of Chiapa, who traveled forty years about the deserts of Yucatan, and at length arrived at the mountains that are almost opposite to the city of I\Iayapan, where they settled and raised good structures, and the people of Mayapan some years after, liking their way of living, sent to invite them to build houses for their lords in the city. The Tutid-Xiu, so the strangers were called, accepting of their courtesy, came into the city, and their people spread about the country, sub- mitting themselves to the laws and customs of Mayapan, in such peaceable manner that they had no sort of weapons, killing tlieir game with gins and traps." (Loc. cit) This agrees precisely with the order of events in the Manuscript, except that nothing is mentioned corresponding with the 40 j-ears of the Gth para- graph In the prophecy by Nahau Pech, preserved in Lizana's work and copied by Brasseur into the chrestomathy of his Maya grammar, these passages occur: "We have come now to the fourth period," or perhaps more correctly. THOMAS] THE PEREZ MANUSCRIPT. 195 3. " The time to the fourth series of epochs draws to a close," 4. "In which shall be ushered in the day of the true God." Also, 8. "Such is the prophecy of Nahau Pech, the priest, 9. "At the time of the fourth great cycle (Ahau Katun). 10. "In the commencement actual of the series of epochs."^ The rendering of Katunil, here translated "series of epochs," is uncer- tain. In Stephens's translation of the Perez Manuscript it is sometimes ren- dered "Katunes," sometimes "Katun"; in Brasseur's translation, "periods," "cycle," and in Lizana'.s, "edades" or ages The definition of the word as given in Brasseur's lexicon (it is not found in full in Perez's lexicon) is "Ensemble des ^poques ou cycles." It is true that "Ahau Katun" is sometimes used as equivalent to "Ahau," but this is very rarely, if ever, found in the few Maya documents that remain to us. The true rendering appears to be "Grand or Great Cycle," as given in the 9th line of Nahau Pech's prophecy. If this inter- pretation, which is that given by Abbe Brasseur, is the correct one, we then find here the number of one of the great cycles. To suppose that the number here refers to the Ahau will carry this prophecy back to the year 1470-'71, which is improbable. The prophecy of Chilam Balam commences with Ox laJmn ahau u liedzinil Icatun, the literal translation of which is, according to Brasseur, "The thirteenth Ahau its foundation of the Katun"; probably equivalentto Lizana's Spanish "In the end of the thirteenth age." It is obvious from the contents of this prophecy that it was made after the arinval of the Spaniards in that country, and after their appearance and religion became known; hence, as it was delivered in the 13th Ahau, it must have been between the years 1518 and 1641. It is not probable that ' Dr. Brinton, following Lizan.a, translates the whole prophecy as follows: 1. " What time the sun shall brightest shine, ?. Tearful will be the eyes of the king. 3. Four ages yet shall be inscribed, 4. Then shall come the holy priest, the holy god. 5. With grief I speak what now I see. 6. Watch well the road ye dwellers in Itza. 7. The master of the earth shall come to us. 8. Thus prophecies Nahau Pech, the seer, 9. In the days of the fourth age, 10. At the time of its beginning." 196 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. the one by Nahau Pecli (a ^yell-known family at the time of Montejo's arrival) is many years older, probably dating the first year of the 13tli Ahau, which would, according to his statement, be the first of the 4th gi-eat cycle. If we assume that these great periods were numbered in regular order, 1, 2, 3, 4, which is more than probable, as they were but seldom referred to, then we have evidence here that the Itzae record ran back three great cycles — 936 years before the year A. D. 1519, that is to the year ft83 of the Christian era. In order that we may compare this calculation with the manuscript, I will give here a list of the Ahaues, commencing with number 8, previous to the beginning of the 1 st great cj'cle as counted after Nahau Pech, with the years of the Christian era corresponding to their last years. Abaaes preced- ing. (O a cS ^ eS <1 H? lOth 486 8tli* 510 6th 534 4th 558 2d 582 First Great Second Great Third Great Cycle. Cycle. Cycle. 1 aj s <3 i Ahaues. Last years. i i .a <1 13th 606 13th 918 13th 1230 11th 630 11th 942 11th 1254 9th 654 9th 966 9th 1278 7th 678 7th 990 7th 1302 5th 702 5th 1014 5th 1326 3d 726 3d 1038 3d 1350 1st 750 1st 1062 1st 1374 12th 774 12th 1086 12th 1398 10th 798 10th 1110 10th 1422 8th 822 8th 1134 8th 1446 6th 846 6th 1158 6th 1470 4th 870 4th 1182 4th 1494 2d 894 2d 1206 2d 1518 The three great cycles completed at the time of Nahau Pech's proph- ecy (if such be the proper interpretation of his words) I presume beign THOMAs.i THE PEREZ MANUSCRIPT. 197 with the founding of Chichen Itza, which, according to my calculation, would be about 583-606 (the 13th Ahau). It is a little remarkable that the first mention of this city occurs in the close of the third paragraph, exactly where the 13th Ahau must be inserted to fill a hiatus. The number of years given and periods mentioned in the first three paragraphs cannot by any possible explanation be made to agree with each other. This part of the history of the Tutul-Xiu race is doubtless made up from a dim tradition in reference to which no chronological statement could be made. As any attempt to determine the length of time they were wandering, from the date of their departure from Tulapan until they settled at Chichen-Itza, would be wholly conjectural, we will, perhaps, be as near right as any other guess, if we assume that the 8th Ahau of the second paragraph is the same as the 8th of the first, in other words, that the num- bers in the second are but a recapitulation of those in the first, and that the 13th in the latter is the one which precedes the 1 1th in the fourth para- graph. Supposing the3' started on their travels in the 8th Ahau, this would bring this event between the years 486-510. As the author of this manuscript counted twenty years to an Ahau and I count twenty-four, our lists cannot possibly agree. If there are any numbers given, connected with particular and noted events, which numbers were given in the author's data, with these my enumeration, if correct, might coincide. The fall of Mayapan in the 8th Ahau, the appearance of the Spaniards on the coast in the 2d, and the death of Ajpula in the 13th, I think may be relied upon as events correctly dated. If we count the years enumerated from the 2d Ahau in the seventli paragraph, where Mayapan is first mentioned, to the 8th, in the eleventh paragraph, when the second destruction of this city occurred, we find the number to be 367; adding' in the missing epochs at twenty years each, we have 527, which agrees very well with Herrera's statement. But this gives us something- over twenty-six of these periods, whereas the correct number would be twenty-two. The exact numbers (of years) given in the ninth and tenth paragraphs render it possible that these were obtained from the author's data. .Mi" ■ii-f^-n CHAPTER IX. INSCRIPTIONS ON THE PALENQUE TABLET. In referring to the Tablet I will make nse of Di-. Rau's scheme of num- bering and lettering the characters which is given below. In order to avoid introducing small cuts of separate characters, I have requested that a copy of his plate of the entire Tablet be inserted (Plate IX). A slight examination of this tablet is sufficient to convince any one familiar with the characters of the Manuscript Troano that there are here symbols of days and months corresponding almost exactly with those of that work. Whether the Ma3^a calendar was the one used cannot be deter- mined with certainty, but that it was very similar cannot be doubted. I shall assume for the present that it was, but in order tliat the reader may have before him the data necessary for comparison will introduce here the names of the days of the Chiapan (or Tzendal) and Soeonuscan calendar in the order given by Veytia, and also of the Quiche and Cakchiquel calen- dars as given by Bancroft. Chiapan (Tzendal ?) and Soconuscan. Quiche and Cakchiquel. Votan. Iniox. Chanan or Ghanau. Ig- Abah or Abagh. Akbal. Tox. Qat. J\J oxic. Can. Lainbat. Carney. Molo or Mulu. Quieh. Elab or Elah. Ganel. Batz. Toh. Evob or Enob. Tzy. Been. Batz. Hix. Ci. Tziquin. Ah. X98 THE PALENQUE TABLET. 199 Chiapan (Tzendal?) and Soconuscan. Cbabiii or Obahiu. Chic or Chiue. CLiaax. Cahogh or Cabogb. Agbual. Imox or Mox. Igh or Ygb. Quiche and Cakchiqubl. Yiz or Itz. Tziquin. Ahmak. Nob. Tihaz. Caok. Hunabpu. I shall take for granted that the inscription commences with the large character in the vipper left-hand corner, but whether it is to he read in col- umns from top to bottom, or in lines from left to rig-ht, remains to be dis- cussed; the tendency of belief at present appears to be that it is to be read in lines from left to right. As I have demonstrated, satisfactorily to myself at least, that in the Manuscript Troano the characters are, as a general rule, placed in columns to be read from the top downwards, but that, where circumstances require it, they are placed in lines to be read from left to right, we will be justified A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 G H I K L M N 20 02 P Q R s T U V wx 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 10 II 12 13 K 15 — 4 5 6 7 — 3 9 10 II 12 n 13 14 15 16 17 Fig. 101. — Dr. Eau's index diagram of tbe inscriiition. in assuming the same rule applies to this tablet, especially as we here see single columns and single lines. But let us examine the inscription care- fully and see if we can find anything in it that will aid us in deciding this 200 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. point. In doing- so we may profit by the facts learned in reference to the Manuscript Ti-oano on this subject, and tlie method of comparing characters used by Professor Holden in liis "Studies in Central American Picture Writing."^ Referring to the Palenquean group as shown in Plate IX, we observe that the first seven characters of the two columns immediately below the large initial are united so that each forms one compound character. If read in columns the natural inference from this would be that the remaining characters of these two columns are to be read by twos, thus: A 10 and B 10 (Dr. Rau's scheme), then All and B 11, next A 12 and B 12, and so on to the bottom. If this supposition be correct, then it is more than likely that the remaining columns on the side tablets are to be read in the same way, a view favored by the fact that each one of these tablets contains six cohunns. I call attention now to characters D 13, C 14, and D 14, which are often rejjeated in the inscription, varying only in the numerals — dots, or balls, and lines placed at the top and left side. If we represent these characters by letters thus: D 13 by a, C 14 by 6, and D 14 by c, we have here this order 61 c . Referring now to E 5, F 5, and E 6, we find the same three charac- ters following each other in the same order, but placed thus: — — , and a 1 b c 1 what is significant, if we include the next, F 6, we have the right portion of the first four (of the seven) double chai-acters, but the order is reversed. At F 15, E 16, and F 16 we again have our three characters a, h, c. In the single column R we see a and h. At S 6 and T 6 we liave the three, but here b and c are united in one compound character. At S 12 and T 12 we see a and b ; at U 3, V 3, and U 4; also at U 8, V 8, and U 9 ; also V 1 3, U 14, and V 14; at W 1, X 1, and W 2, and at X 1 1, W 12, and X 12, we find the same three characters following each other in the same order. We shall hunt in vain for any such combination of these characters between the sec- ond and third or fourth and fifth columns of either slab, nor can we find the three following each other in any column or line except in the four doul)le characters. ' First Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology. £J ^ ^^ "K 1- 1'^ ;irrj.;;:jf?) ^gj, xI^Sv^j^ THE PALENQUE TABLET. 201 As another example we select the two characters, S 1 and T 1, which are often found associated; as at U 6, V 6; U 16, V 16; W 3, X 3; and at W 17 and X 17, we find them in the same line, but always in the two columns they should be, if the theory above advanced as to the order in which the inscription is to be read be correct. If the first of these two characters (which we may designate by m and n) should fall in the right of the two associate columns, then the other should be one line lower in the left of the two columns, thus: m n Such we find to be the case a b e d m 11 Kan by referring to T 7, S 8, to T 15, S 16, and V 1 1, U 12. But the evidence does not stop here. By examining Dr. Rau's photograph of the right tablet, we may extend this combination. We observe that S 6, our a, and T 6, our b and c combined, are followed in S 7 by a character not heretofore alluded to. This we will designate by d. Following these, at T 7 is our m, at S 8 our n, and at T 8 Kan, as shown in the annexed diagram 1. Commencing with V 13 we find the same combination, except that one additional character is introduced thus: V 13 a, U 14 &, V 14 c, J] 15 d,y 15 X, (the introduced character is x,) \J 16 w, V 16 w, U 17 Kan, as shown in diagram 2. Referring now to the figure of the Tablet on the back wall of Altar Casa No 3, forming the frontispiece of Stephen's "Central America," Vol. II, we see that there are four columns of characters on each side. At the bottom of the second col- umn of the right side we find our character a, and at the top of columns three and four our characters b and c precisely as they should follow according to our theory. Turning again to our Plate IX and going over the entii-e inscription in this way, taking two columns together, thus, AB, CD, EF, ST, UV, and WX, we shall find frequent repetitions of such combinations, not to be found in any other way. The full force of this statement cannot be under- stood except by a thorough and careful study of the plate. If I am cor- a b c d X m n Kan 202 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. rect ill this opinion we will thereby be enabled to determine some doubtful characters, as, for example, that F 7, E 8 are the same as S 1, T 1, &c. Accoi'ding to this theory, the lines and columns in the middle portion of the Tablet should be read from the left to the right along the lines until a column is reached, and then down the column thus: G, H, I, K, to L, and then down the L column ; down the colunni then P and Q. Now, let us test this : In 3 we see the hand of our character m, although the loop is to the right. If it is the same as m, then P 1 should be our n ; but the char- acter as given b}' Cathenvood is too imperfect to see any resemblance. But if we turn to Waldeck's plate or Dr. Rau's copy (Palenque Tablet, p. 33, Fig. 7), we see the head and protruding tongue characteristic of character n. These facts, I think, are sufficient to establish the correctness of my theory. The lines and dots at the left and on the top of the characters I am satisfied are numerals having the same signification as those in the Manu- script — that is, a single dot 1; two dots, 2, and so on; a single line, 5; two lines, 10, and so on. Tliose on the top of the characters I think correspond with the red numerals in the Manuscript, for if we examine them we find *none of them exceed thirteen. Those on the side I think refer in some cases to the number of the month, in others to the day of the month or the number of the day. Where the character is the symbol of a day, and has numerals also on top, those on the side I think refer to the number of the month, as they never exceed 1 8. When the character is the symbol of a month, then, they denote the day of the month, as we see that in some cases they exceed 18, but never exceed 20. Where the character is the symbol of a day and has numerals at the side only, these I think denote the number of the day, as they never exceed 13. The little balls and loops at the bottom, and also the loops so frequent at the left side, and occasionally found on the top of the characters, have been, and to a certain extent are yet, a profound mystery; but a careful study of the little loops at the left side, and also of part of those at the top, will show that they have no sig- nification whatever, but are left to fill out the squares and to form supports or guards to the little ball (or balls) — or numeral character for 1 (or 2) — in connection with which they are chiefly used. If we examine the inscrip- THOMAS.] THE PALENQUE TABLET. 203 tion CcarefuUy, we shall find that they are never placed at the left where the outer or left line of the numeral character is 3, 4, or 5. On the contrary, they are. always (with two exceptions) present where the left numeral line is one — that is, a single dot — and occasionally where there are two. The exceptions are R 2 and T 2; but an examination of the tablet in the National Museum shows very clearly that they have been broken off the latter and that they were probably originally on the former. Why do they accompany only those numerals with one or two dots at the left and no others? My answer is, simply to complete the square. This will probably explain the presence of small characters or irregular balls on the foreheads of some of the heads. The loops and balls at the bottom of the characters probably have some particular signification, as something similar is observed in the Manuscripts, as, for example, under the symbol for the month Pax. I will now ask the reader to refer to Plate IX, representing the tablet. He will observe on each side and near to the upright of the cross two char- acters — four in all, two in the column marked M and two in that marked N. He is aware, from what has been shown in the previous part of this paper, that in the Tro. Manuscript each division of the plates, or each compartment, has at the left a colunm of days, usually five in number, though in a few instances there are but four. The four symbols by the cross I think are for precisely the same purpose as these day columns, and that the numeral five, at the side of each, probably corresponds with that placed over the colunms. As the upper left-hand character (M 1) is Ezanah, the equivalent of Chinax in the Chiapan calendar, which, according to Veytia's list, is one of the year-bearers, we might presume the four repre- sent the four year-bearers, Votan, Lanibat, Been, and Chinax, or their Maya equivalents Akhal, Lamat, Been, and Ezanah. But one objection to this sup- position is that the lower character at the i-ight (N 2) does not con-espond with the symbol of either of these days, but appears to be the same as (B 10) on the left slab, which is probably Cimi of the Maya or Tox of the Chiapan list of days. But in these four characters Catherwood, usually so accurate, appears to be at fault, and Waldeck correct. Turning now to the general inscription on the left and right, I will endeavor to pick out and name tlie day characters, first notifying the reader 204 A STUDY OF THE MANUSGEirT TROANO. that there are two classes of these, one with numerals at the left side only, the other with numerals both above and at the side. The little loops are not counted as units except when I am satisfied from an examination of the right slab in the museum that they denote spaces from which the balls have fallen. Where I am satisfied the charac- ter represents a day, but cannot determine what day, this fact will be indi- cated by an interrogation-point; the names in reference to which I am in considerable doubt will also be followed by an interrogation-point. The capital letters with numbers attached are given to locate the characters by Dr. Rau's scheme. Days indicated on the Tablet, icith their accompanyinij numerals. B 10. The day 5 Cimi. A IG. The day 1 Ahau. B IC. The day 13 ?. C 2. The day 8 !. C 9. The day 13 Manik 1 C 11. The day 10 !. D 1. The day ? Chuen, ? month. D 3. The day 4 Ahau. D 5. The day 9 Ghuen, 2d month. D 11. The day 8 ! (Eb?). D 13. The day 12 Chuen, ? month. E 1. The day 9 Manik ?. E 10. The day 7 Chuen, 2d month. E 9. The day 9 Manik ?, F n. The day 3 ? (Oc.?). F 10. The day 10 ?. F 15. The day 7 Chuen, 13th month. F 12. The day 9 Manik 1 L 7. The day 8 ?, 12th month. G 1. The day 9 ?. E 5. The day 11 Chuen, 2d ! month. O 1. The day 8 Muluc. S 4. The day 5- 1 S 6. The day 5 Chuen, 14th month. S 11. The day ? Lamat. s 12. The day 3 Chuen, 9th month. S 14. The day 2 1 s 15. The day C Chuen, 3d mouth. T 2. The day 11 Kan. T 8. The day 1 Kan. T 10. The day 6 1. T 14. The day 10 1 T 17. The day 8 Ahau. TJ 3. The day 1 Chuen, 18th month. U 7. The day 3 Ezanab. U 8. The day 10 ? Chuen, 18th month, U 10. The day 5 Ahau 1 U17. The day 5 Kan. V 7. The day 11 1. VIO. The day ? Chuen, 3d month. V 12. The day 5 ?. V 13. The day 6 Chuen, ICth month. W 1. The day 4 Chuen, 17th month. WIS. The day 8 Chuen, 2d month. X 5. The day 2 Ymix. X C. The day 1 Chuen, 1st month. X 10. The day 7 Kan. X 11. The day 4 Chuen, 7th month. X 14. The day 3 Eb, 11th month. R 2 The day 11 Chuen, 0th month. Of this list, T IC, T 14, and V 7 may represent the month Xul instead of -a day. It is possible that C 5 (8 Cauac 1), F G (2 Cauac ), and U 2 (9 Cauac) should be added to the list as representing the days noted in paren- thesis. The day Chuen appears to be much oftener indicated than any THOMAsi THE PALBNQUE TABLET. 205 other. We shfill also find that the same tiling is true in reference to one of the months. I am in great doubt as to the character rendered Manik, which here resembles the Greek tail. S 14 is probably the symbol of Lamat. One singular fact to be noticed is that the form of the Kan symbol — for example, U 17, as given in Dr. Rau's photograph — is more like Landa's figure than the Kan symbol in the Tro Manuscript. As I find no month characters in the Manuscript to assist me in judg- ing of the variations in form, and as I have not thoroughly studied those in the Codex, I feel greater uncertainty as to those found on the Tablet than I do in regard to the daj^ characters. Pax seems to be the month oftenest represented ; in fact, but few others appear to be indicated. The following characters I think represent this month: C 14, F 5, R 3, T 12, U 14, V 3, V 8, W 7, X 1, and X 15. The following are also probably month symbols : F 1, L9, T4, U ], V17, W 11. I am satisfied from the presence of numerals that there are other day and month symbols than those mentioned, but on account of my doubt as to which class they belong will not attempt now to decide. If the reader will examine carefully the character V 14, especially on Dr. Rau's photograph, he will see that it is almost identical with that in the Manuscript I have rendered ^ecwa/i "tortilla of maize" (see Fig. 64). Comparing this with the large initial, we find but a slight difference between the two; in the latter the comb-like figures are drawn down to the sides and the loops are placed above. In this the form of the central oval is not to be relied upon as strictly correct, as the lines are too freely rounded; still we presume it is slightly different from the little upper circle in V 14. Supposing the Maya language to have been used, and the char- acters on the Tablet to have the same signification as similar characters in the Manuscript, we should find in this initial sounds closely resembling those in pecuah ; as the bars are interlaced, I presume the first syllable should \)Q pech or pack. Turning to Landa's Relacion (264), we find that "In the month Pax they [the Mayas] celebrated a festival named Paciimchac, on which occasion the chiefs and priests of the inferior villages assembling with those of 206 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. the more important towns, having joined together, they passed into the tem- ple of CUchaccoh,'^ &(i} If we interpret this character Pacmnchac, we at once find a satisfactory explanation of the repeated occurrence of the symbol tor Pax in the inscription. From Landa's description, which is somewhat con- fused, I judge this was one of their chief festivals, but nothing appears in his statement that accords with the scene on the middle slab. This, how- ever, cannot be properly urged as an objection to ray rendering; first, because there were doubtless many formalities which he does not mention; second, because the ceremonies of this festival as practiced at Palenque may have been quite different from those observed by Landa; third, there are some reasons for believing, even from Landa's words, that during this festival petitions for rain and abundant crops were ofi"ered. I presume also that during this festival took place the rejoicing over the first fruits of the maize harvest. I may as well state here as elsewhere that I do not think the offering made by tlie 2?riest on the right is an infant; the probability is that it is a dough image. Although we see what appear to be the body and limbs, we have to assume that the head wears a mask to believe it to be the body of a child. If it is the figure of a child, then the scene represents a special occasion when the sacrifice was made to avert some impending danger. The difference in the height of the two priests f;ivor the idea that the artist referred by his figures to particular persons, if not to a special occasion. Finally, it is possible that although the inscription relates chiefly to this festival others are also alluded to. But be this as it may, I have reached my conclusion as to the rendering by legitimate steps. The second compound character in the column is composed of three parts, the two to the right, which are alike, resembling, in some respects, the symbol of Imix, and in others, if the marks can be trusted, the hiero- gh'pli of Cauac and cu. We find almost px-ecisely the same combination in the right-hand (second) column, Plate XX of the Manuscript, except that the two similar parts are above the face. The face in this case is almost exactly like that I have interpreted Xamin, "north." What is also a little significant, we find immediately below it the Pax or stone symbol just as we do here. ' Appendix No. :?, O. THOMAS] THE PALENQUE TABLET. 207 Another fact whicli should be taken into consideration is that U 2 appears to be identical with the two similar parts of this character. It undoubtedly denotes a month or day. If a month, it is impossible for me to determine which; if a day, it is undoubtedly Cauac, or the Chiapan equivalent, Cahogh. Turning to the middle plate between pages 158 and 159, Stephens's Central America, Vol. I, we observe that the third group from the bottom of the right column appears to be substantially the same as this (A B 3). Here the two characters at the right are placed one above the other and appear to be Imix symbols, and the head that of a monkey. There are also some small additions not found in the other, but allowance must be made for the fact that the characters on this statue are not so carefully drawn as those on the Tablet. The next character below (A B 4), if we follow the rendering of the first, will contain the sound p' ch-c, and A B 5 that of p' x. The next (A B 6) I think is the symbol for Chuen or contains the sound cliu A B 7, 1 am inclined to believe, is the symbol for Ukin or lakin, "east" or "i-ising sun." A 10 refers to a vessel of some kind, as I infer from the vase symbol at the bottom. C 13 probably represents a word or words with the sounds ca-z' or z'-ca. Although F 2 has a central mark somewhat resembling that in Ik, I strongly suspect it to be the symbol for the month Muan. In R 1 we see the bread symbol precisely as on the back of the dog, Plate XXI, and in the middle division, Plate III*, of the Tro. Manuscript. E 6, U 4, V 14, and X 12 probably denote tortillas of maize {ppecuah). I shall not attempt an explanation of the central scene, but will call attention to a few points in reference to it. Crosses of some form with birds on them are found in three or four of the aboriginal manuscripts, as Plate III* of the Manuscript Troano, Plate 30 of the Dresden Codex, and in one or two of the Mexican Codices. It is true none of them are so regular or so true as this, but they are evidently intended as representations of the cross and to symbolize the same general idea. Certain characteristics belong to all of tliem, as follows: First, they arise out of something- that has life, as an animal or person ; second, a vege- table growth therefrom, as a tree; third, the knobs at the ends of the arms, 208 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. possibly indicating' stars as emblematic of the heavens; and, fourth, the bird at the tojj. In this (the Palanque Tablet) we see at the base the head of some fabulous reptile, notwithstanding the opinion quoted in Dr. Rau's pajDer to the contrary. The appendages at the right and left just above the head are probably intended for fore limbs. By looking carefully at the upright w^e observe little knots on the sides opposite each other, indicating the nodes as marked on the figures of trees in the Manuscript. Referring to the middle plate between pages 156 and 157, Stephens's Central America, Vol. I, we observe on the back of the statue an abridged type of the Palenque cross. Here we see the same broad nose, the rows of teeth, and the spiral lines representing eyes, but we w^ould never imagine it represented a head but for what we see on the Palanque Tablet. The arms issue from the upper portion of the head; the knobs are rep- resented by balls along the arms without stems; and the bird is changed into a human figure with wings and a little bird head. APPENDICES, APPENDIX NO. 1. Extracts from the ^'Belacion de Cosas de Yucatan" of Diego de Landa, in rela- tion to the festivals of the svpplementary or closing days of the year. §§XXXV-XXXVII {pp. 210-226). En qualquiera fiesta o solemnidad que esta gente hazian a sus dioses, comeiKjavan siempre del echar de si al demonio para mejor la hazer. Y el echarle unas vezes eran con oraciones y bendiciones que para ello tenian, otras con servicios y oflPrendas y sacrificios que le liazian per esta razon. Para celebrar la solemnidad de su alio nuevo esta gente con mas regocijo y mas dignamente, segun su desventurada opinion, tomavan los cinco dias aciagos que ellos tenian por tales antes del primero dia de su ano nuevo y en ellos liazian muy grandes servicios a los Bacabes de arriba y al demonio que Uamavan por otros quatro nombres como a ellos, es a saber Kan-u- Uayeyah, Chac-it- Uaycyab, Zac-u- Uayeyah, Eh-u- Uayeyab. Y estos servicios y fiestas acabadas y alan^ado de si, co'mo veremos, el demonio, comen9avan su ano nuevo. § XXXV. — Fiestas de los dias aciagos. Sacrificios del principio del ano nuevo en la.letra de Kan. Uso era en todos los pueblos de Yucatan tener hecho dos montones de piedra uno en frente de otro, A la entrada del pueblo, por todas las quatro partes del pueblo, es a saber a oriente, poniente, septentrion y medio dia, para la celebracion de las dos fiestas de los dias aciagos los quales hazian desta nianera cada aiio El aflo que la letra dominical era de Kan era el aguero Hobnil, y segun 14 M T 209 210 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO, ellos dezian, re^Miavan ambos a la parte del medio dia. Este afio pues hazian una imagen o figura liueca de barro del demonio que llamavan Kan-u-Uaycyah, y llevavanla a los montones de piedra seca que tenian hechos a la parte de medio dia. Elegian un principe del pueblo, en cuya casa se celebrava estos dias esta fieste, y para celebrarla hazian una estatua de un demonio que llamavan Bolon-Zacab, al qual ponian en casa del princi- pal, adere^ado en un lugar publico y que todos pudiessen Uegar. Esto liecho se juntavan los seilores y el sacerdote y el pueblo de los hombi'es, y teniendo limpio y con arcos y frescuras adere^ado el camino liasta el lugar de los montones de piedra donde estava la estatua, ivan todos juntos por ella con mucha de su devocion : llegados la sahumava el sacerdote con quai'enta y nueve granos de inaiz molidos con su encienso y ellos lo repartian en el brasero del demqnio 5^ le suamavan. Llamavan al maiz molido solo sacah, y a lo de los seiiores cJiahalte. Sahumavan la imagen, degollavan una gallina y se la presentavan o ofFrecian. Esto liecho metian la imagen en un palo llamado Xante y puneiidole acuestas un angel en senal de agua y que este afio avia de ser bueno, y estos angeles pintavin y hazian espantables; y assi In llevavan con mucho regocijo y vailes a la casa del principal donde estava la otra estatua de Bolomacab. Sacavan de casa deste principal a los seuores y al sacerdote al camino una bevida liecha de CCCC y XV granos de maiz tostados que llaman Plciila Kflkla y bevian todos della; llegados a la casa del principal, ponian esta imagen en frente de la estatua del demonio que alii tenian, y assi le hazian muchas offrendas de comidas bevidas de carne y pescado, y estas offrendas repartian a los estrangeros que alii se hallavan y davan al sacerdote una pierna de venado. Otros derramavan sangre, cortandose las orejas, y untaTido con ella una piedra que alii tenian de un demonio Kanal-Acantun. Hazian un corazon de pan, y otro pan con pepitas de calaba9as y offrecianlos a la imagen del demonio Kan-u-Uayeyah. Tenianse assi esta estatua y imagen estos dias aciagos, y sahumavanla con su encienso y con los maizes molidos con encienso. Tenian creido si no hazian estas cerimonias avian de tener ciertas enf'ermedades que ellos tienen en este afio. Passados estos dias aciagos llevavan la estatua del demonio Bolonzacah al templo y la imagen a THOMAS] FESTIVALS OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL DAYS. 211 la parte del oriente para ir alii otro afio por ella, y echavan la ay, y ivanse a sus casas a entender en lo que les dava a cada uno que hazer para la cele- bracion del afio nuevo. Dexando con las cerimonias hechas, ecliado el demonic, segun su en- gafio, este afio tenian por bueno, porque reynava con la letra Kan el Bacah- Hobnil, del qua! dezian no avia peccado como sus hermanos )' por esso no les venian miserias en el. Pero porque muclias verzes las avia, proveyo el demonic de que le liiziessen servicios paraque assi quando las uviesse, hecliassen la culpa a los servicios o servidores y quedassen siempre engafia- dos y ciegos. Mandavales pues liiziessen un idolc que llaraavan Yzamna-Kauil y que la pusiessen en su temple, y que le quemassen en el patio del templo tres pelotas de una leche o i-esina que Uaman k'lh y que le sacrificassen un perro o un hombre, lo qual ellos liazian, guardando la orden que en el ca- pitulo ciento dixe, tenian con Ids que sacrificavan, salvo que el modo de sacrificar en esta fiesta era diferente, porque hazian en el patio del templo un gran monton de piedras y ponian el hombre o perro que avian de sacri- ficar, en alguna cosa mas alta que el, y echando atado al patiente de lo alto a las piedras le arrebatavan aquellos officiales y con gran presteza le sacavan el corazon y lo llevavan al nuevo idolo y se le ofrecian entre dos platos. Ofrecian otros dones de comidas y en esta fiesta vailavan las viejas del jjueblo que para esto tenian elegldas, vestldas de ciertas vestiduras. Dezian que descendia un angel y recibia este sacrificio. § XXXVI. — Sacrificios del am nuevo de la letra Miduc. Bailes de los Zancos Otro de las viejas con jperros de barro. El afio en que la letra dominical era Muluc era el aguero Canzienal. Y a su tiempo elegian los seQores y el sacerdote un principal para hazer la fiesta, el qual elegido hazian la imagen del demonio como la del ano passado, a la qual llamavan Chac-u-Uayeijah y llevavanla a los montones de piedra de hazia la parte del oriente donde avian echado la passada. Hazian una estatua al demonio llamado Kinch-Ahau. y ponianla en casa del principal en lugar conveniente y desde alii, teniendo muy limpio y adere^ado el camino. 212 A STUDY OF THE MANITSCRIPT TIIOANO. ivan todos juntos con su acostiimbrada devocion por la iniagen del denionio Chac-u- Uayeyab. Llegados la sahuniava el sacerdote con LIII granos de maiz molidos y con su encienso, a lo qual llaman zacah. Dava el sacerdote a los senores que pusiessen en el brasero mas encienso de lo que llamamos chahalte, j despues degollavanle la gallina, como al passado, y tomando la imagen en un palo llamado CJiade, la llevavan accompanadola todos con devocion y vailando unos vailes de guerra que llaman Holcan-OJcot, Batel-Okot. Sacavan al camino a los senores y principales su bevida de CCC y LXXX maizes tostados como la de atras. Llegados a casa del principal ponian esta imagen en frente de la estatua de Kinch-Ahau y hazianle todas sus ofrendas, las quales repartian como las demas. Ofrecian a la imagen pan hecho como yenias de uevos, y otros como cora^ones de venados, y otro lieclio con su pimienta desleida> Avia muchos que derramavan sangre, cortandose las orejas, y untando con la sangre la piedra que alii tenian del demonio que Uamavan Chacan-cantun. Aqui tomavan mocliachos y les sacavan sangre por fuercja de las orejas, dandoles en ellas cuchilladas. Tenian esta estatua y imagen hasta passados los dias aciagos, y entre tanto quemavanle sus enciensos. Passados los dias, llevavan la imagen a echar a la parte del norte por ay donde otro ano la avian de salir a recibir, y la otra al templo, y despues ivanse a sus casas a entender en el aparejo de su ano nuevo. Avion de temer, si no hazian, las cosas dichas, mucho mal de ojositos. Este ano en que la letra Muluc era dominical y el Bacah Canziemal reynava, tenian por buen ano, ca dezian que era este el mejor y mayor destos dioses Bacahes; y ansi le ponian en sus oraciones el primero. Pero con todo eso, les hazia el demonio hiziessen un idolo llamado Yax-coc-Alimut, y que lo pusiessen en el templo y quitassen las imagenes antiguas, y hizies- sen en el patio de delante del templo un bulto de piedra en el qual quemassen de su encienso, y una pelota de la resina o leche kik, liaziendo alii oracion al idolo, y pidiendole remedio para las miserias que aquel ano tenian; las quales eran poca agua, y echar los maizes muchos hijos y cosas desta ma- nera; para cuyo remedio, les mandava el demonio ofrecerle hardillas y un THOMAS.! FESTIVALS OF TDE SUPPLEMENTAL DAYS. 213 pai-amento sin labores; el qual texessen las viejas que tienen por officio el bailar en el temple para aplacar a Yax-Coc-Ahmut. Tenian otras muclias miserias y malos senales, aunque era biieno el auo, sine hazian los servicios que el demonio les mandava; lo qual era hazer una fiesta y en ella vailar un vaile en muy altos zancos y ofrecerle cabe9as de pavos y pan y bevidas de maiz; avian de ofrescerle perros heclios de barro con pan en las espaldas y avian de vailar con ellos en las nianos las viejas y saci'ificarle un 2>errito que tuviesse las espanaldas ne^ras y fuesse virgen, y los devotos dellos avian de derramar su sangre y untar la piedra de Chaca-cantim demonio con ella. Este servicio y sacrificio tenian por agradable a su dios Yax-Coc-Ahmut. § XXXVII. — Sacrificios del am mievo de la letra Yx. Pronosticos malos y modo de remedial- sus cfecfos. El ano en que la letra dominical era Yx y el aguero Zacciui, heclia la eleccion del principal que celebrasse la fiesta, hazian la imagen del demoniol llamado Zac-u-Uaijc//ab y llevavanla a los montones de piedra de la parte del norte, donde el afio passado la avian echado Hazian una estatua a, demonio Ysamna y ponianla en casa del principal, y todos juntos, y el camino adera^ado, ivan devotamente por la imagen de Zac-u-Vayeyah. Llegados la sahumavan como lo solian hazer, y degollovan la gallina y puesta la imagen en un palo llamado Zacliia, la trj-an con su devocion y bailes los quales llaman Alcahtan-Kamaliau. Traian les la bevida acostumbrada al camino y llegados a casa ponian esta imagen delante la estatua de Yzamna y alii le oflfrecian todas sus offrendas, y las repartian, y a la estatua de Zac-u-Uaye- yah ofrescian una cabe^a de un pavo, y empanados de codornices y otras « cosas y su bevida. Otros se sacavan sangre y untavan con ella la piedra del demonio Zac- Acantun y tenianse assi los idolos los dias que avia hasta el ano nuevo, y saumavanlos con sus saumerios hasta que llegado el dia postrero llevavan a Yzamna al templo y a Zac-u-Uayeyah a la parte del poniente a ecliarle por a y para recibirla otro ano. Las miserias que tenian este auo si eran negligentes en estos sus servi- cios eran desmayos y amortecimientos y mal de ojas. Tenianle por ruyn 21-1 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. ano de pan, y bueno cle algodon. Este ano en que la letra dominical era Yx, y el Bacah Zacciui reynava, teniau por ruyn ano, porque dezian avian de tener en el iniserias muchas ca dezian avian de tener gran falta de agua, y rauchos soles, los quales avian de secar los maizales, de que se les seguiria gran hambre, y de la hambra hurtos, de hurtos esclavos, y vender a los que los liiziessen. Desto se les avian de seguir discordias y guerras entre si propios con otros pueblos. Dezian tambien avia de aver mudanqa en el mando de los senores o de los sacerdotes, por razon de las guerras y dis- cordias. Tenian tambien un pronostico de que algunos de los que quisiessen ser senores no prevalescerian. Dezian teimian tambien langosta, y que se despoblarian muchos de sus pueblos de hambre. Lo que el demonio les mandava liazer para remedio destas miserias las quales todas o algunas dellas entendian les vernian era liazer un idolo que llamavan Cinch-Ahau Y^amna, J ponerle en el templo, donde le hazian muchos saumerios y muchas ofrendas y oraciones y derramamientos de su sangre, con la qual untavan la piedra de Zac-Acantun demonio. Hazian muchos vailes y vailavan las viejas como solian, y en esta fiesta hazian de nuevo un oratorio pequefio al demonio, o le renovavan, y en el se juntavan a hazer sacrificios y ofirendas al demonio, y a hazer una solemne borachera todos; ca era fiesta general y obligatoria. Avia algunos santones que de su voluntad, y por su devocion hazian otro idolo como el de arriba y le ponian en otros templos, donde se hazian ofrendas y borachera. Estas boracheras y sacrificios tenian por muy gratos a sus idolos, y por remedies para librarse de las miserias del pronostico. § XXXVIII. — Sacrificios del am nuevo en la letra Cauac Pronostkos malos y su remedio en el baile del fiiego. El ano que la letra dominical era Cauac y el aguero Hosanek, hecha la elecion del principal, para celebrar la fiesta hazian la imagen del demonio llamado Ekuvayeyab, y llevavanla a los montones de j^iedra de la parte del poniente, donde el ano passado la avian echado. Hazian tambien una estatua a un demonio llamado Uacmitun-Ahau, y ponianla en casa del principal en lugar conveniente, y desde alii ivan todos juntos al lugar donde la imagen de Ekuvayeyab estava, y tenian el camino para ello muy adere^ado; llegados THOMAS.) FESTIVALS OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL DAYS. 215 " a ella saumavanla el sacerdote y los senores, como solian y degollavanle la gallina. Esto hecho, tomavan la imagea en un palo que llamavan Yaxek, y ponianle acuestas a la imagen una calabera y un hombre muerto y en cima un paxavo cenicero llamado kuch, en senal de mortandad grande, ca por mu}^ mal afio tenian este. Llevavanla despues desta manera, con su sentimiento y devocion, y bailando algunos vailes, entre los quales vailavan uno como cazcarientas y assi le llamavan ellos Xibalba-Okot, que quiere dezir baile del demonio Llegavan al camino los escancianos con la bevida de los senores, la qual bevida llevavan al lugar de la estatua Uacmitun-Ahau, y poniale alii en frente la imagen que traian. Luego comeuQavan sus ofrendas, saumerios y oraciones, y muchos derramavan la sangre de muclias partes de su cuerpo, y con ella untavan la piedra del demonio llamado Ekel-Acantun, y assi passavan estos dias aciagos, los quales passados, llevavan a Uacmitun-Ahau al templo, y a JEkuvayepab a la parte de medio dia, para recibirla otro afio. 'Este afio en que la letra era Cauac y reynava el Bacab-Hozanek tenian, allende de la pronosticada mortandad, por ruyn, por que dezian les avian los muchos soles de matar los maizales, y comer las muclias hormigas lo que sembrassen y los j^axaros, y porque esto no seria en todas partes avria en algunos comida, la qual avrian con gran trabajo. Haziales el demonio jiara remedio destas meserias hazer quatro demonios llamados Chicchuc-CJiob, Ek- Balam-Chac, Achan-Uolcqb, Ahbuluc-Balam, y ponerlos en el templo donde los suamavan con sus saumerios, y les ofrecian dos pellas de una leche o resina de un arbol que llaman kik, para quemar y ciertas iguanas y pan y una mitra y un manojo de flores; y una piedra preciosa de las suyas. Demas desto, para le celebracion desta fiesta, hazian en el patio una grande boveda de madera, y henchianla de leua por lo alto y por los lados, dexandole en ellos puertas para poder entrar y salir. Tomavan despues los mas hombres de hecho sendos manojos de unas varillas muy secas y largas atadas, y puesto en lo alto de la lefia un cantor, cantava y hazia son con un atambor de los suyos, vailavan los de abaxo todos con mucho concierto y devocion, entrando y saliendo por las puertas de aquella boveda de madera, y assi vailavan hasta la tarde, que dexando alii cada uno su manojo, se ivan a sus casas a descansar y comer. 21(3 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. Eu anocheciendo volvian y con ellos mucha gente, porque onlro ellos esta cerimonia era muy estimada y tomando cada uno su hacho lo encendiau y con ellos cada uno por su parte pegavan f uego a la lefia la qual ardia muclio y se quemava presto. Despues de hecho toda braza, la allanavan y tendian muy tendida y juntos los que avian bailado, avia algunos, que se ponian a passar -descalQos y desnudos como ellos andavan por encima de aquella braza de una parte a otra y passavan algunos sin lesion, otros abra9ados, y otros medio quemados, y en esto creian estava el reraedio de sus miserias y malos agueros, y pensavan era este su servicio muy agradable a sus dioses. Esto hecho se i%'an a bever y hazerse cestos, ca assi lo pedia la costumbre de la fiesta, y el calor del luego. APPENDIX NO. 2. [Quotation from au article by Senor Slelgar.] "In the third volume and the first MSS. in this volume, now^ in the Borgian Museum in the College of Propaganda at Rome, page 43, will clearly be seen the four stations of the year. On the right' hand of upper side we see a genius or being, from whose mouth a flower proceeds, and joined to the left foot there is the sign of the Hare, whose appearance rep- resents the season of rutting, the above-said, being a genius, fecundates the frog — a symbol of the earth among the Toltecs and Aztecs. It is coiled up within a serpent or dragon, undoubtedly Serapis, and from its rings come forth innumerable Phalli. From this proceeds the Cosmogonic idea of the union of Uranus and Gea, which is the Spring Equinox. Below this (in the MSS.) is another sketch representing the summer solstice. The painted figure is that of a negro, and the hare at its left foot has its mouth open, panting with the heat; behind it are fruits and flowers, and also are seen the folds of the aforesaid serpent. The sketch which follows this one shows on the left the Autumnal Equinox. The figure is extended over a cross, the hare which comes forth from its ear is afflicted with pustules or pox. Under this figure is a skull likewise in the folds of the serpent before mentioned. THOMAS] FESTIVALS HELD IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. 217 In the last picture, which is on the upper left hand, is the Winter Solstice. From the ear of the figure comes forth a snake or the evil genius; from its mouth proceeds the sign for earthquake, likewise inclosed in the folds of a great serpent; and in all the pictures there is the eagle, the next constella- tion to Serpentarius." APPENDIX NO. 3. Translation of Landds description of the festivals held in the different months of the year} Note. — The order of the translation is in accordance with the months of the Maya year, commencing with Pop instead of with the l(Jth day of Chen. The different months are here numbered by the letters of the alj)habet. COMMENCEMENT OF THE MAYA YEAR FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH POP. A. — The first day oi Fop commenced the first month of these Indians; it was the first day of their new year and of a very solemn feast with tlieni; for it was general, all took part in it and all the people assembled to feast in honor of their gods. In order to celebrate it with greater ostentation, they renewed on this day the articles which they made use of, such as dishes, cups, pedestals, baskets, old cloths, and stuffs with which they cov- ered their idols. They swept their houses and threw all the dirt and old utensils into the highway without the place, and nobody, had they the greatest need of it, dared to touch it. In order to prepare themselves for this feast, the princes and priests, also the nobility, commenced to fast and previously to abstain from their wives ; this included also those who wished to show their devotion, and they gave to it all the time they thought proper; there were some who fasted three months in advance, others two, and others, according to their fancy, as long as it pleased them, but never less than thirteen days. To these thirteen days of abstinence from their wives, they added that 'Kcl.aciou, pp. 240-310. 218 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. of taking neither salt nor spice with their meat, which they regarded as a great privation. At this time they elected the officers (Chacs) who assisted the i^riests; he prepared for them a large quantity of little balls of incense on small boards, which the priests kept for this purpose in order that those who had fasted should burn them before their idols. Those who had once commenced this fast took great care not to break it, believing that, if they did, some misfortune would fall on them or their houses on account of that violation. The first day of the new year having arrived, all the men assembled in the court of the temple, but men alone; for, on any occasion, if the feast or sacrifice was celebrated in the temple, the women were not allowed to assist in it, with the exception of the old women who came to dance; but at the other banquets, which were held in other places, the women were allowed to be present. On this occasion the men came ornamented and painted with their colors, after having washed from themselves the grease with which they were covered during their fast. All being assembled with the offerings of meat and drinks which they had brought, also a great quantity of wine, newly fermented, the priest purified the temple and seated himself in the center of the court, clothed in pontifical garments and hav- ing beside him a brazier and the balls of incense. The Cliacs took their places at the four corners, extending from one to the other a new cord, be- neath the center of which all those must enter who had fasted, in order to dispel the evil spirit spoken of in Chapter XCVI. The evil spirit once driven out, all devoted themselves to prayer while the chaces (sic) kindled the new fire; they burnt the incense before the idols, the priest commencing by casting his own ball into the brazier; the rest followed, each according to his rank, to receive the balls from the hand of the priest, who gave them with much gravity and devoutness, as if he was giving them valuable relics; then one' after the other cast them slowly into the brazier, waiting until it was consumed. After this ceremony they feasted upon all the offerings and presents of food, drinking the wine after their custom, as usual, imtil they had con- sumed it all. This was their feast of the new year, and the solemnity with which they believed themselves to render it perfectly agreeable to their TH0MAS.1 FESTIVALS HELD IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. 219 idols. During the month Pop, there were also some of the most devout men who continued to celebrate this feast with their friends, such as the nobles and priests, they being, before others, always the first in the rejoic- ings and festivities. B. — During the month Uo, the priests, the medicine-men, and the sor- cerers, which were all the same, commenced, by fasting and other acts of piety, to prepare for the celebration of another feast which the hunters and fishermen celebrated on the seventh day of the month Zip; each of them celebrated it on his own day on his part, the priests being the first. They gave to this feast the name of Pocam. Having assembled, covered with their ornaments, at the house of the chief, they first disjielled the evil spirits as before; they then uncovered their books and laid them open on a carpet of leaves which they had prepared for this purpose. They then invoked with great devotion a god called Cincliau-Yzamna, who had, they said, been the first priest; they offered him divers presents and burnt before him in the new fire some balls of incense. During this lime others diluted in a vessel a little verdigris and pure water, which they said was brought from a wood in which no woman had ever penetrated; they moistened with it the leaves of their books in order to cleanse them; this finished, the most learned of the priests opened a book in which he examined the omens of the year, which he announced to all those who were present. He then talked to them for a short time, advising them as to what they should do to pre- vent these evil things, and announced the same feast for the next year to the priest or noble who was to celebrate it; if he should die in the mean time, it devolved upon his son to celebrate it in his place. When this was concluded, all feasted together upon the food and offerings of drinks, drink- ing like Avine-bibbers. Thus was completed the feast, dui-ing which they executed a dance called Okot-ViL C. — The following day, the medicine-men and sorcerers assembled with their wives at the house of one of their number. The priests expelled the evil spirit; after which they opened their medicine-bags, in which they kept a number of charms, and, each in particular, some little images of the goddess of medicine, which they called Ixchcl, whence the name of the fes- 220 A STUDY OF TDE MANUSCEIPT TROANO. ii\a\, Ihcil-Ixchel ; also some little stones used in their sorceries, called am. Then they invoked in their prayers, with great devotion, the gods of medi- cine, Ysamna, Cit-Bolon-Tun, and Ahau-Chamahez, while the priests burned in their honor the incense which they cast into the brazier of the new fire, . and which the Chacs smeared with a blue color resembling the color of the books of the priests. This done, each one gathered up his valuables, and, loaded with their bundles, they executed a dance called Ghan-tun-yah. The dance having terminated, the men seated themselves on one side and the women on the other; they then an-anged the day for the feast of the next year, and all made the usual banquet on the oflFerings and drinks, intoxicating themselves, trying each to exceed the other. The priests alone, it is said, ashamed of joining with them on this occasion, put aside their share of the wine, in order to drink it at their ease and without any witnesses. The preceding day the hunters gathered together at one of their houses, where they brought their wives with them ; the priests came also, and after having driven away the evil spirit, as usual, they placed in the center of the house the preparatives necessary to the sacrifice of incense and the new fire, with the blue color. The hunters worshiped with devotion the gods of the chase, Acanum, Zu-hmj-Zij), Tabai, and others, and distributed the incense, which they then threw into the brazier. While they were burning, each one took an arrow and a deer's head, Avhich the Chacs had painted blue; and thus adorned some danced, holding each other's hand, while others pierced their ears or tongue, passing through the holes which they made in them seven leaves of an herb called Ac. This completed, first the priests, and afterward the officers of the feast, presented the offerings, then they began to dance, drinking wine until they were intoxicated. The next day it was the fishermen's turn to celebrate the feast, which they did in the same manner as the others, except that in place of the deer heads, they painted their fishing implements; they did not pierce their ears, but cut around them, after which they performed a dance called CJiohom. After this, they consecrated a large tree, which they left standing upright. When this feast was finished in the cities, it was the custom. of the nobles to celebrate it with a large crowd at the sea-shore, where they held a great fishing expedition Avith rejoicings of every kind ; for tliey carried THOMAS] I'ESTIVALS HELD IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. 221 with them a large quantity of lines and fish-hooks with other implements for fishing-. The gods whom they then invoked as their patrons were AhkaJc-Ncxoi, Ahpua, Alicitz, and Amalcum. D. — During the month of Tzoz the apiarists prepared for the celebra- tion of their feast of Tzec; but although the principal preparation was fast- ing, only the priests and the officers who were to assist him were compelled to fast, all the rest being voluntary. E.— The month Tzec. The day of the feast having arrived, they congregated at the house of him who celebrated it, and performed all that they usually did at the other feasts, except that they shed no blood. Their patrons were the Bacabs, and especially Hobnil. They then made great offerings, particularly to the four Chacs, to whom they presented four plates covered with figures of honey, in order to obtain it in abundance by means of this feast. They finished, as usual, with a perfect orgy, the apiarists being hj no means sparing of their honey on this occasion. r. — The month Xul. It has been seen in the tenth chapter how, after the departure of Kukulcan from Yucatan, there were some Indians who, believing that he was carried to heaven with the gods, regarded him as a god and built temples in his honor and celebrated feasts, which they con- tinued throughout the country until the destruction of Mayapan. After this event, they celebrated them no longer except in the province of Mani ; but the other provinces, in recognition of what they owed to Kukulcan, pi'esented to Mani by turns each year, sometimes four and at other times five magnificent banners of feathers, with which they solemnized the feasts, not like the others, but in the following manner : On the sixteenth day of the month of Xul all the lords and priests of Mani assembled, and with them a large crowd, who joined with them, after having prepared for it by fast and penances. On the evening of this day they dej)arted in procession, with a large number of performers, from the house of the prince and advanced slowly towards the temple of Kukul- can, which they had previously ornamented. Having arrived, they repeated their prayers and placed the banners high in the temple; they exposed their idols on a carpet of leaves. Having then built the new fire, they burnt 222 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. incense in ni;nn- places, making offerings of meat, cooked without pepper 01' salt, and drinks made from beans and kernels of calabashes. The lords, and also those who had observed the fast, passed five days and five nights tliere without returning home — praying, burning copal, and executing sacred dances. During this time the actors went to the houses of the nobles and others, exhibiting their performances and receiving the gifts which were offered to them. At the end of the five days they carried them all to the temple, where they divided them among the priests and the dancers. After this they resumed the banners and idols, which they carried back to the mansion of the prince, from which place each one returned home with whatever he recovered. They said, and devoutly believed, that Kukulcan descended from heaven in person on the last day of the feast and received the sacrifice, the presents, and offerings which they made to him. They called this feast Chk-Kaban. Gr. — The month Yaxkin. During this month they commenced to pre- pare, as was their custom, for a general feast, which was celebrated in Mol, on a day designated by the priest in honor of all the gods; they called it Ololi-Zab-Kam Yax. After the usual ceremonies and incensing which they desired to do, they smeared with their blue paint all the instruments of every profession, from those used b}'' the priests even to the spindles of the women and the doors of their houses. On this occasion they painted the children of both sexes with the same color; but, instead of smearing their hands, they gave them each nine gentle raps on their knuckles, that they might be skillful in the professions of their fathers and mothers. As for the little girls, an old woman brought them there, and for this reason they called her Ixmol, that is to say, conductress. The conclusion of this cere- mony was a grand orgy and banquet with the offerings which they had presented, although it was understood that the devoted old woman was not permitted to become intoxicated, lest she should lose on the road the plume of her office. H. — The month Mol. During this month the apiarists repeated the feast which they had celebrated in the month Tzec, in order that the gods might cause the flowers to otow for the bees. THOMAS] FESTIVALS HELD IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. 223 One of the things that these wretched people regarded as the most difficult and arduous was the fabrication of their idols of wood, which they called making the gods. They had for this a particular time, which was this month of Mol, or any other if the priest judged it proper to change it. Those who wished to have it done consulted first the pi'iest, and after his advice went to seek the artists who occupied themselves with this pro- fession; but, to whatever they said, these artists always excused themselves, because they were persuaded that one or another of their house might die, or that it would suddenly bring upon them some disease of the heart. When they had accepted, the Chacs whom they chose for this purpose, also the priest and the artist, commenced to fast. In the mean time those who had ordered the idols went in person or sent a trusty person into the wood to cut down the tree of which they must be sculptured, and which was always cedar. When the wood was obtained they built a cabin of stubble well closed, where they put the wood, with a large urn for inclosing the idols during the time that they worked on them. They offered incense to four gods, called Acantun, the images of which they placed at the four cardinal points; they took also that which they used for scarifying their ears and drawing blood from them, and also the instruments which they needed for sculpturing their black divinities. Prepared in this manner, the priest, the Chacs, and the artist shut themselves up in the hut and commenced the sacred work, frequently cutting themselves, and smearing the idols with their blood, and burning incense before them. They continued thus until the work was finished, the members of their families carrjnng food to them with whetever was necessary to them; but they could not during this time approach their wives, and no one was admitted into the place where they were incarcerated. I. — Month Chen. According to what they said, they worked in great fear while sculpturing the gods. As soon as the idols were completed and perfected, those who owned them gave to those who had made them the most valuable presents possible, of birds, of venison, and of money, in order to pay them for their work. They took the idols from the cabin where they had been made and carried them into another cabin made of leaves, erected 224 A STUDY OF THE MANUSOEIPT TROANO. for this purpose in the court, where the priest consecrated them with much solemnity and fervent prayers, the artists having previously washed them- selves.from the soot with which they were covered as a sign of fasting, they said, foi^all the time that they were at work. Having accordingly driven awav the evil spirit and burnt the consecrated incense, they placed the new images in a flat basket, wrapped in linen, and carried them back to tlieir owner, who received them with much devotion. The priest then addressed the artists for some time on the excellence of their profession, that of making the new gods, and on the danger they in- curred by worlcing without regarding the rules of abstinence and fasting. After this, they partook together of an abundant repast and drank more freely than usual. K. — The month Tax. In one of the two months Chen and Yax, which- ever was selected by the priest, they celebrated a feast called Ocna, which means the renovation of the temple in honor of the Chacs, Avhom they regarded as the gods of the fields. In this feast they consulted the prog- nostics of the Bacahs, which is spoken of more at length in chapters CXIII, CXIV, CXV, and CXVI, and after the manner already mentioned. This feast was celebrated every year. Besides, they renovated the idols of baked earth and their braziers; for it was the custom that each idol should have its little brazier, in which was burned their incense, and, if it was found neces- sary, they built a new liouse or repaired the old one, taking care to place on the wall an inscription commemorating these things, written in their char- acters. L. — The month Zac. On one of the days of the month Zac, designated by the priest, the hunters celebrated another feast similar to that which they had celebrated in the month Zip. This took place at this time for the pur- pose of appeasing the anger of the gods against themselves and their de- scendants, on account of the blood they had shed during the chase; for they regarded as abominable all shedding of blood except in their sacri- fices; also they never went to hunt without first invoking tlieir idols and burning incense before them; and if they afterwards succeeded, they smeared their faces with the blood of their game. TttOMAsi FESTIVALS HELD IN THE DIFFERENT MONTHS. 225 On another day, which came on the seventh Ahau, they celebrated a very grand festival, which continued for three days, with incense-burning, offerings, and a very respectable orgy; but as it was a movable feaSt the priest took care to publish it in advance, in order that each one might keep a fast according to his duty. M. — The month Mac. On another day in the month of 3Iac, the old people, and especially the old men, celebrated a feast in honor of the Chacs, the gods of abundance, and also to Yzamna. Some days before, they per- formed the following ceremony, called in their language Ttqyjjkak Having gathered together all the animals, sucli as reptiles and beasts of the fields which they could find in the country, they assembled in the court of the tem- ple, the Chacs, and the priests placing themselves in the corners in order to expel the evil spirit, according to the custom, each of them having beside him a pitcher filled with water, which was brought to him. Standing upright, in the center, was an enormous bundle of small dry wood, with which they kindled a fire after having thrown the incense into, the brazier; while the wood was burning, they tore out, with emulation, the hearts of the animals and birds and cast them into the fire. If it had been impossible to obtain large animals, such as tigers, lions, and alligators, they represented the hearts of these by incense; but if they had them, they tore out their hearts also and put them in the fire. As soon as all the hearts were consumed, the C/mcs extinguished the fire with the water in the pitcher. The object of this sacrifice and of the feast following was, also, to obtain an abundance of water for their crops during the year. They cele- brated this feast, however, in a diff'erent manner from the others; for in this they did not fast, with the exception of the beadle of the confraternity, who jDerformed penance. On the day fixed upon for the celebration, all the people assembled with the priest and the oflicers in the court of the temple, where they had erected a stone platform, with steps for mounting, suitably ornamented with leaves? The priest gave the incense, previously prepared, to the beadle who burned in tlie brazier enough of it to dispel the evil spirit. This done, with the accustomed devotion, they smeared the first step of the platform with mire from a well or cistern, and the others 15 M T 226 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. with the blue color; they incensed it several times and invoked the CJiacs with prayers and ceremonies, oflfering them many gifts. At the close, they rejoiced, eating and drinking the oblations, full of confidence in the result of their invocations for this year. N. — The month Muan. During the month Miian the proprietors of the cacao plantations celebrated a feast in honor of the gods Ekchuah, Chac, and Hobnil, who were their patrons. In order to solemnize it, they went to the farm of one of their number, where they sacrificed a dog, bearing a spot of the color of cacao. They burnt incense before their idols, offering them iguffnas — those which were of a blue color; feathers of a particular bird; also different kinds of game. They gave to each one of the officers a branch with the fruit of the cacao. The sacrifice completed, they set themselves to eating and drinking the offerings ; but it is said that they permitted each one to drink only three cups of their wine, and they could bring only the necessary quantity. They then returned to the house of the one who bore the expenses of the feast, where they entertained themselves together. 0. — The month Pax. In the month Pax they celebrated a feast called Pacum-Chac, on which occasion the nobles and priests of the inferior bor- oughs assembled with those from the more important villages. Thus united they passed five nights in prayer in the temple of Cit-Chac-Coh, presenting their sacrifices with incense, as has been seen at the feast of Kuhulcan in the month of Xul, in November. In commencing these five days, they returned together to the house of the general of their armies, whose title was Nacon, of which I have spoken in Chapter CI. They bore him in great pomp to the temple, burning incense before him like an idol, where they seated him. Tims they passed the five days, eating and drinking the offerings which they had presented in the temple, and executing a dance similar to a war dance, to which they gave, in their language, the name of Holkan-Okot, which means the dance of the warriors When the five days were passed every- body came to the feast, which, as it concerned the affairs of war and hope of obtaining the victory, was very solemn.- It was commenced with the ceremonies and sacrifices of fire, of which I have spoken in the festival in the month of Mac. Then they expel the evil spirit, as usual, which is done with much solemnity. This finished, THOMAsj MODE OF BUILDING HOUSES IN YUCATAN. 227 they recommenced their prayers, sacrifices, and incensing. While all these things were going on the nobles and those who had accompanied them replaced the Nacon on their shoulders and carried him in procession around the temple. On their return the Chacs sacrificed a dog, tearing out its heart, which they presented to the idol, between two plates; each one present then broke in pieces a large vessel filled with a drink, with which the feast was completed. All then ate and drank the offerings which they had brought, and, with much solemnity, but without the usual incense, car- ried the Nacon back to his home. There a grand banquet took place, at which the lords, nobles, and priests became intoxicated in the effort to excel each other in drinking, with the exception of the Nacon, who remained sober, the crowd in the mean time returning to their homes. The next day, after they had slept them- selves sober, the nobles and priests, who had remained at the mansion of the general after the orgy, received from his hand large presents of incense which he had prepared for this purpose and caused to be consecrated by the holy priests. At this reunion he addressed them in a long discourse, and earnestly recommended to them the feasts which they should celebrate in honor of the gods, in their towns, in order to obtain a prosperous and abundant year. When the lecture was finished all took leave of each other with much affec- tion and noise, and each one took the road for his village and home. There they occupied themselves with the celebration of their feasts, which sometimes lasted, according to circumstances, until the month of Pop. They gave to these feasts the name of Zabacil-Than, and they were cele- brated in the following manner: They sought in the commune those who, being the richest, were the most able to bear the expense of the feast, and requested them to fix upon a day, because they had more of during these three months which remained until the natural year. What they then did was to assemble at the mansion of the one who celebrated the feast, after having performed the ceremony of dispelling the evil spirit. They burnt copal and presented offerings with rejoicings and dances, after which they drank some wine, which last was always the main point of the feast. Such were the excesses in which they indulged themselves during 228 A STUDY t)F TeE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. these three months, which it was painful to see; some departing covered with wounds or bruises, others with their eyes inflamed with the quantity of Hquor which they had imbibed, and with this passion for drink they ruined themselves entirely. P. — It has been said, in the preceding chapters, that the Indians com- menced their years with days without names, preparing in the villages for the celebration of the feast of the new year. Besides the feast which they made to the god U-uayei/ab, by right of which alone they went out from home, they solemnized especially these five days, seldom quitting their houses, except to present, besides the oft'erings made in public, different trifles to their gods in the other temples. They never afterwards employed, for their particular use, the bagatelles which they offered to the idols, but they bought the incense which they burned with it. They neither combed nor washed themselves during these days; neither men nor women cleansed themselves. They did not do any servile or fatiguing work, for fear that some misfortune might befall them. APPENDIX NO. 4. Manera de las casus en Yucatan} Que la manera de hazer las casas era cubrirlas de paja que tienen muy buena y mucha, o con hojas de palma que es propia para esto y que tenian muy grandes corrientes jjara que no se lluevan, y que despues echan una pared por medio al largo que divide toda la casa, y que en esta pared dexan algunas puertas para la mitad que llaman las espaldas de la casa, dondc tienen sus camas, y qiie la otra mitad blanquean de muy gentil encalado, y que los seuores las tienen pintadas de muchas galanterias y que esta mitad es el recebimiento y aposento de los guespedes, y que esta pie^a no tiene puerta, sino toda abierta conforme al largo de la casa, y baxa mucho la corriente delantera por temor de los soles y aguas, y dizen que tambien para ensenorearse de los enemigos de la parte de dentro en tiempo de necessitad. Y que el pueblo menudo hazia a su costa las casas de los senores, y que con ' Mode of building houses among the Yucatecs, Landa, sec. xx, p. 110. T.IOMAB.I MODE OF BArXISM IN YUCATAZST. 220 no tener mas puertas, tenian por grave delicto de hazer mal a casas agenas. Tenian una portezilla atras para el servicio necessario y que tieneii unas camas de varillas, y en cima una serilla donde duermen, cubiertas de sus mantas de algodon: en verano duermen comunmente en los encalados con una de aquellas serillas, especialmente los hombres Allende de la casa hazian todo el pueblo a los senores sus sementeras, y se las beneficiavan y cogian en cantidad que le bastava a el y a su casa, y quando avia ca^as o pescas, o era tienipo de traer sal siempre davan parte al seuor, por que estas cosas siem- })re las hazian de comunidad. APPENDIX NO. 5. Modo de hautisnio en Yucatan} Tenian pues esta costumbre para venir a hazer los baptismos, que criavan las indias los ninos hasta edad de tres anos, y a los varoncillos iisavanles siempre poner pegada a la cabe^a en los cabellos de la coronilla una contezuela blanca, y a las muchachas traian ceilidas por las senes muy abaxo con un cordel delgado y en el una couchuela asida que les venia a dar encima de la parte honesto y destas dos cosas era entre ellos j^eccado y cosa muy fea quitarla de las mochachas antes del baptismo, el qual les davan siempre desde edad de tres anos hasta doze y nunca se casavan antes del baptismo. Quando alguno avia que quisiesse baptizar su hijo, iva al sacerdote y davale parte de su intento, 'el qual publicava por el pueblo el baptismo, y el dia en que lo hazia, el qual ellos miravan siempre no fuesse aciago. Esto hecho el que hazia la fiesta que era el que movia la platica, clegia un principal del pueblo a su gusto para que le ayudasse a su negocio y las cosas del. Despues tenian de costumbre elegir a otros quatro hombres ancianos y honrados que ayudessen al sacerdote el dia de la fiesta a las ceri- monias, y estos elegian juntamente a su gusto con el sacerdote. y en estas elecciones entendian siempre los padres de todos los ninos que avia que baji- 'Mauuer of baptism in Yucatan. — Landa, § xxvi, p. 144. Original. 230 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TROANO. tizar, ca de todos era tambien la fiesta y llamavanlos a estos que escogian chaces. Tres dias antes de la fiesta ayunavan los padres de los mochacbos y los officiales, abstiniendose de las mugeres. El dia juntavanse todos en casa del que bazia la fiesta y Uevavan los ninos todos que avian de baptizar, a los quales ponian en el patio o placa de la casa, que linipio y sembrado de bojas frescas le tenian por orden en rengla los varones por si y las niiias por si, ponian les como padrinos una muger anciana a las ninas, y a los niuos un bombre que los tuviessen a cargo. Esto becbo tratava el sacerdote de la purificacion de la posada, becban- do al demonio della. Pai-a ecbarlo ponian quatro vanquillos en las quatro esquinas del patio en los quales se sentavan los quatro cbaces con un cord el largo asido de uno a otro, de manera que quedavan los niuos acorralados en medio a dentro del cordel, despues pasando sobre el cordel avian de entrar todos los padres de los nifios que avian ayunado dentro del circuito. Des- pues o antes ponian en medio otro vanquillo donde el sacerdote se sentava con un brasero, y un jdoco de maiz molido y de su encienso. Alii venian los ninos y ninas por orden y ecbavales el sacerdote un poco de maiz molido y del encienso en la mano, y ellos en el brasero; y ansi bazian todos, y estos saumerios acabados, tomavan el brasero en que los bazian, y el cordel con que los cbaces los tenian cercados y ecbavan en im vaso un poco de vino y davan lo todo a un indio que lo llevasse fuera del pueblo, avisandole no beviesse ni mirass atras a la buelta y con esto dezian quedava el demonio echado. El qual assi ido verrian el patio y lirapiavanlo de las bojas del arbol que tenia que se dize ciliom y ecbavan .otras de otro que llaman copo^ y ponian unas seras en tanto que el sacerdote se vestia. Vestido salia con un jaco de pluma Colorado y labrado de otras plumas de colores, y que le cuelgan de los extremos otras plumas largas j una como coroza en la cabe(;a de las mesmas plumas, y debaxo del jaco muchos listones de algodon basta el suelo como colas, y con un isopo en la mano de un palo corto muy labra- do, y por.barbas o pelos del isopo ciertas colas de unas culebras que son como caxcaveles, y con no mas ni menos gravedad que ternia un papa para coronar un emperador, que cosa ei'a notable la serenidad que les causavan THOMAB.) MODE OF Baptism in yucata^'. 231 los aparejos. Los chaces ivan luego a los ninos y ponian a todos sendos panos blancos en las cabe^as que sus madres para aquello traian. Preo-un- tavan a los que eran gi-andecillos si avian hecho algun peccado y tocamiento feo, y si lo avian liecho confessavanlo, y separavanlos de los otros. Esto hecho mandava el sacerdote callar y sentar la gente, y comen(java el a bendezir con muchas oraciones a los mochachos, y a santiguarlos con su isopo, y con mucha serenidad. Acabada su bendicion se sentava 5^ se levantava el principal que avian los padres de los mochachos elegido para esta fiesta, y con un guesso que el sacerdote le dava iva a los mochachos y amagava a cada uno por si nueve vezes con el guesso en que la frente; despues mojavale en un vaso de una agua llevava en la mano, 5^ untavales la frente, y las faciones del rostro y entre los dedos de los piez y los de las manos a todos sin hablar palabra. Esta agua hazian de ciertas flores y de cacao mojado y desleido con agua virgen que ellos dezian traida de los concaves de los arboles o de los moutes. Acabada esta unctura se levantava el sacerdote y les quitava los panos blancos de la cabe^a y otros que tenian colgados a las espaldas en que cada uno traia atadas unas pocas de plumas de un paxaro muy hermoso y algunos cacaos, lo qual todo recogia uno de los chaces, y luego el sacerdote les cor- tava a los niiios coii una navaja de piedra la cueuta que avian traido pegada en la cabe<;a; tras esto ivan los demas ayudantes del sacerdote con un manojo de flores y un humatjo que los indios usan chupar; y amagavan con cada uno dellos nueve vezes a cada mochacho, 3' despues davanle a olerlas flores y a chupar el huma^o. Despues recogiau los presents que las madres traian y davan dellos a cada mochacho un poco para comer alii, ca de comida eran los presentes, y tomavan un buen vaso de vino y presto en medio ofrecianlo a los dioses y con devotas plegarias les rogavan recibiessen aquel don pequeno de aquellos mochachos, y llamando otro oficial que les ayudava que llamavan Cayom davanse lo que lo beviesse, lo qual hazia sin descan(;ar que diz que era peccado. [Translation. J Manner of baptism in Yucatan} This is the custom which they had for preparing them for baptism : The women were directed to raise the children to the age of three years, Sec. XXVI, page 14-'>. 232 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TEOANO. putting on tlie head of the little boys something white, fastened among the locks at the back part of the head; as to the little girls, they wore hanging down from the girdle a very slender cord, to which a small shell was attached, which happened to be found placed exactly above the sexual parts. It w^as regarded as a great fault and a very wrong action to remove these things from the little girls before their baptism, which was always administered between three and twelve years, and they were never married before. When any one desired to have his child baptized, he went to the priest and communicated his intention to him; the priest published the bap- tism throughout the community, taking care always that the ceremony should not fall on an unlucky day. This done, he who had made the propo- sition, and who consequently took charge of tlie feast, chose at his fancy one of the chief men of the place, in order to aid him in all that had refer- ence to it. After that it was the custom to choose still four others from among the oldest and most honorable, who assisted the priest in his duties on the day of the feast. This choice was always made with the consent ot the priest himself The fathers of all the infants to be baptized had an equal part in this election, for the feast was a resort for all. To those who had been chosen to accompany the priest they gave the title of Chac. During the three days preceding the ceremony the fathers of the children, as well as these officers, abstained from intercourse with their wives. On the day designated all assembled at the house of him who gave the feast, l)ringing with them the children to be baptized. They ranged them in the court or a place in the house, which had been swept and ornamented with leaves; the boys placed themselves on one side, under the charge -of a man who filled the office of godfather in regard to them; and on the other side the girls, to whom they appointed a matron to take care of them When this was completed the priest busied himself with purifying the house, dis- pelling the evil spirit from the place. For this purpose they placed a small bench at the four corners of the court; the four Chacs seated themselves, stretching a cord from one to the other in such a manner that the children remained in some sort confined in the center, after which the fathers all together, who had observed the fast until this time, passed the cord to enter into the inclosure. In the center there was another Ijench, where the priest was seated, having lieside a brazier witli l)ruised maize and incense. TB0MA6.) MODE OF BAPTISM IN YUCATAN. 233 The little boys and girls approached in order, and the priest placed in their hands some maize and incense, which they threw one by one into the brazier. This finished and the incensing being terminated, they raised the brazier and the cord with which" the Chacs had formed the inclosure. They poured a little wine into a vase or vessel, which they gave, with these things, to a man to carry out of the village, and charged him especially not to drink the wine and not to look behind him on his return In this manner the evil spirit was said to be dispelled. The yard was then swept and decorated with leaves which were found there, and were the leaves of a tree called ciliom ; they substituted them with others of a tree called copo, and stretched some mats, during which time the priest changed his clothes. He appeared soon after, clothed in a tunic of red feathers, worked with other feathers of different colors, and from which hung other feathers still finer; also, underneath, a large quantity of ribljons of cotton, which hung down to the ground. On his head he wore a kind of miter, embroidered with plumage in the same manner, and in his hand a small holy-water sprinkler of wood, carved skillfully, of which the filaments were of the tails of serpents, similar to serpents with rattles. He came out thus, having neither more nor less gravity than a pope would have- in crowning an emperor; and it is a remarkable thing to see the serenity which all this apparel gave him. The Chacs immediately advanced towards the children and placed white linen cloths, which their mothers had brought for this purpose, on their heads. They then asked the oldest if they had committed no wrong or inmiodest action ; and if they had they confessed and were separated from the rest. This done, the priest commanded all to seat themselves and be silent; he then began to bless the children with certain prayers and to consecrate them with the holy water, with much dignity. The benediction finished, he sat down. The one chosen by the fathers of the infants to aid especially in this ceremony, then rose, and, armed with a bone, which the priest gave him, he went to each child and passed it in front of him nine times; he then dipped it in a vessel of water which he carried in his hand and anointed them on the forehead and face, also the interstices of the fingers and toes, without saying a single word. This water was composed of certain flowers and 234 A STUDY OF THE MANUSCRIPT TKOANO. cacao soaked and diluted in tlie jDure water which they said sprang from cavities in the woods or mountains. After this anointing the priest rose; he took from their heads the white cloths which had been placed on them, also others which they had on their shoulders, where each one woi'e some feathers of a very beautiful bird and some grains of cacao. One of the Chacs collected these things, after which the priest cut off from the heads of the little boys that which they wore fastened on them with a stone knife. Behind the priest walked his other assistant, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, with a pipe with perfume, which the Indians were accustomed to smoke; they made nine passes with it before each child and then gave them one by one the flowers to smell and the pipe to smoke. They then collected the presents which the mothers had brought, and gave a little food to the children, the same amount to each infant, for these presents consisted of eatables. They took one large bowl filled with wine and hastily offered it to the gods, conjuring them with words of devotion to accept of this feeble homage on the part of the chil- di-en; then calling another officer, whose title was Cai/om, they gave him the vessel, which he must empty at a draught; for him to stop to take breath would have been wrong:. IIS'DEX. Page. Aguilar, Don Pedro Sanchez de, on Maya manuscript. xxi Ahau or Knton 5,14 the number of years in an 28-32 Abau-Katun or grand cycle 5 the first year of an 32 Ahaues, location of the, in grand cycle 26-28 Ahbulnc balam (Maya deity) 66, 94 Ahcan Uolcab (Maya deity) 66, 04 Abkul-Chel, propbecy of xxix Ajpula, date of death of 13,32,49,50,51 Allen, Harrison, on Landa's alphabet xxxv Armadillo 97 symbol 15, 145 BacabCanzienal (deity) 63 Hobnil (deity) 61 zac-ciui (deity) 64 Bancroft, omission by, in translation 55 Baptism, mode of, original from Landa 228-231 translation 231-233 Birdcage 134 Bissextile years in the Maya system iv Blaclc numerals, use of the 21,24 iDdicate the month 23 Bolloert, "Will iam, eiforts at translating ixxiv Bidon-zacab (Maya deity) 60,09 Brasseur de Bourbourg, in reference to the length of the Ahau 193 eflbrts at translating the manuscript Troano xxxiv Bread symbol 80, 81, 156 Briuton, D. G ivii C:ilendar Maya 5 condensed (Table V). 11 for one year (Table n) 8 wheel, figure of the 127 Cardinal points assigned the years 41 Dominical days assigned to 68 Maya words for the 74 symbols of the 70, 74, 144 Cauac year, sacrifices at the commencement of the. . 65 Chac 77,87,101,104 Chacancantun or Chac Acantun (deity) 62,63 Chac-ulTayeyab (Maya deity) 62,81,82 Chalchibuitlicue (Mexican goddess) 102 Characters of the manuscript compared with Landa's . 2 Charency, Hyacinthe de, efforts at translating xxxiv Chen, festivals in the month 223 Chiapan (or Tzendal) and Soconnscan calendar 198 Chicehac.chob (deity) 66,94,101 Chichenltza 194,197 Chilan Balam, prophecy of 195 Cigar 135 Cimi, unusual character of 1(5 Clavirgero, concerning bees 115 Page. Codex Cortesianns 20 Dresden xxx, xxxri, 25, 41, 42, 67, 68, 71, 78, 85, 89 Peresianns Txxxii, 20 Troano xxxii Tro xxxii Cogulludo, Diaz Lopez, on Maya characters xxiii concerning date of destruction of Mayapan 48 in reference to cardinal points assigned the years 69 Colebil.xbolon.chac (goddess of the apiarists) 117 Conclusions 51 Cross 117 Cycle 5,10,32,35 Dance on high stilts 79 Dates, discussion of, with special reference to those of the Perez manuscript 187-197 method of giving ,.,* 13 Day characters 3,5 Days, method of numbering the 3-7 Diaz, Bemal, in reference to implements of warfare. . 127 Dog images used in dances 79 Dresden Codex xxx, xxxvi, 25, 41, 42, 67, 68, 71, 78, 85, 89 reference to four plates of the 5G Eli-balam-chao (deity) IX, Hi Eliel Acantun (deity) 66 Ek-u-Uayeyab (deity) 65,81,82 Etel-ceh, ancient name of Yucatan 96 Fan or bat 134 Festivals at the commencement of the year Canao. . 65, 214 . Ix 63,212 Kan ... 59,209 Muluc. 62,211 of the difierent months, translated from Landa, Appendix No. 3 216-227 in the month Chen 223 Mac 224 Mol 222 Muan 225 Pax 225 Pop....^ 210 Tzec 220 Tzoz 220 Uo 218 Xul 220 Yax 223 Yaxkin 221 Zac * 224 Zip 219 of the supplementary days .. 41,59,67,208-215,227 Figures and characters, explanation of 59 suggestions as to the meaning of certain 93 Footprints 125 Forsterman, Dr., on the Dresden Cordex xxxvi God of death 77 235 236 INDEX. Grand cycle or Ahau-Kalun . . 28-32 Oraud cycles compared with yc^ira of the Christian era 193,190 Graphic system, the xviii Uerrera in reference to Chichcn-Itza 194 Mayapan 192 Tucatcc iraplomen'8 of war- fare ]2G_ lloUU-n, Edward S,, on Ci-ntral-Amencan picture- writing sxxvi t ho Lcyden stone 104 Honey sjTnbol .'. :...... 117,127 ITouso s^Tnbols or figures 128, 131 Ilonses; method of building, from Landa, origiml . . . 227 translation. 129 Hultzilopoctli (Mexican god) . 104-100 Iraix or Ymix.proba ly a symbol of maize 80 ImpltiUK-nt (use unknown) 133 Indication, or week of years 9 Interpretation of characters 140, IGl luteiTals- between days in day coluii.ns 15, 24 Introduction...... .: xvii-xxxvii Itzarana (Zanina) 81-82 Itzcn-caan (a nanie of Zamna) ■ • . . . 81 Ix year, festivals at the commencement of the 63 Ix kan Leox (female divinity) 81 Ix mol (dees) . . .v - 106 Kan chaiacter a symbol of mnize 157 Kan symbol as used in Plates XX-XXIII 88 Kan year, festivals at the commencement of the 59 Kanal Acantum (Maya deity) 60 Kan-u-TTavcyab (Maya deity) 01, 69, 72, 81, 82 Katun 14, 52 Perea'a explanation of the term 90 Katnnes, method of numbering the 14 Kik, symbol for 92 Kinch- Ahau (Maya deity) 62, 84 • Itzamna or Tzamna (Maya deity) 65, 84 Kuculcan 81,82 Landa, concerning the festivals of the bec-herpers . . 116 Diego de, on Maya writing xxiv in reference to cardinal points 69 to Tucatec implements of war- fare..... 127 Landa's characters compared with those of the maciiscript.... 2 "Ilelacion do Cosas," quoted 47, 52 Leg of venison, character for a 76 List of days for one month, Table I 8 of illustrations xiii Lizana, Bemardo de, on ]iA.ya characters xxi Lustre 56 Mac, festivals of the month , 2J4 Machete or hatchet . . 125 Manufactuie of idols 119,120,1^2 Manuscript Troano and its character 1 • found by BrassenrdeBourbonrg. 1 named for Don Juan de Tro y Or- tolano 1 /(TC simile edition 1 pagingofthe ^ 2 MaityT, Peter, description of Maya manuscripts six Matting 134 Maya alphabet, Landa's 141 books 1 xxviii calendar 5 Maya date ilhth( of thoChristi; mouths Mayapan 191, date of destruction of Melgar, Sonor, quotation from Method of snaring game Mexican symbol for d;iy and year Mimosa leaf Mol, festival of the month Month characters Mortars, figures of Muan, f.-stival of the month ..^ Mulue year, festivals-at the commencement of tho. .. Nahau Pech, i>rophecy o-f Numeml characters ^ N umcrals, blaelt- I'age 19:i. 107 4S. 51 red Paint-pots . . . ; . -■ Palenque tablet ■■ : expl.ination of certain char.icters on the : four characters by the cross order in which the iuacriplion is ^o be read-....; ; signification of lines and dots on the Pax, festival of the month Peresianiis, Codex x: Perez, Sc nor, -quoted Crnnologia antigua . . in reference to cardinal points ■ manuscript. 13, 3) discussed with reference to dates : original Maya of the translation of llio Dr. Valcntini on the Phonetic? are these characters Plate III, explanation of figures on VI, explanation of figures on VII, explanation of figures on XIII, explanation of figures on VIIT-XIX, explanation of figures on XX-XXIU, nnm))cr3on XXIV-XXVIII, explanation of figures on .. XXIX-XXXIII, explanation of figures on . I*-IX*, explanation of figures on XI1--XVII-, .xplanalioii of figures on X VTII -XXI. explimatitin of figures on XXII'-XXV^, explanation ofligures on .... Pop, festival of the month Quotzalco.ill i Quiche and Cakchiquel calendar Ilains and storms, representaliou of. liau, Charles, on Palenque tablet index diagram to the Palenque tablet Hed numeials, explanation of Itcsults of my investigations Kope-makiug or weaving Eosny, Leon de; essay on- decipherment Of Ceutial- Amencanpicture-\\T:t'ng -■ Schultz-SeHac/Dr.Carl, on Dresden Codex Serpent as a symbol^ : -- Spanish writers, description of MSS. by - Ppear ..:... : - St^ A udrcw's cross 96 97-101 18-19 J 01-107 108-111 114-118 119-1-0 121 122 INDEX. 237 Stephens in reference to preserving bonts of the dead Stephens' Yucatan Stone 8> mbol 74, Supplemental days, feasts of the 41, 59, C7, 208-215, : Table 1 1 — Maya calendar for one year III. — Kan table of years IV. — Cauac tabic of years V. — Condeosed Maya calendar VI.— Of .years Vn.— Of jears Vni.— Of years 3X.— Of yt;ara X. — Of years XI. — Years of an Ahau with names of the years XII. — Years of an Ahau Xni, XIV, XV.— Years of' period desig- nated by Plates XX-XXIII XVI. — Group of years derived from dates on Plate XXXI XVII. — Locating the Ahaues in the grand cycle XVm. — Locating the Ahaues in the grand C3'Cl6 XIX.— Locating the Ahaues in the grand cycle XX. -Extended list of years of 8th, 6th, and 4th Ahaues XXI.— Grand cycle of years XXII- —Grand cycle of years XXIII. — One cycle of years Table of contents Page. Tapestry or cartains ^ , . 134 Title page of the mannscript Ill Tlaloc (deity) 105,100 Tzec, festival in the month 220 Tzoz, festival in the month 220 Uae-Mitun-Ahau (deity) 65 Ua Katun, a key to find the Katunes 19, 55 Uayeb-haab 56, 57, 70, 87 Uayeyab idols 76, 81, 82 Uo, festival in the month 218 Valentini, Philipp J. J., on Landa's alphabet xxv Dr., on tlxe Perez manuscript 30 Vase character, or symbol 88, 145 Villagufieriie, Don Juan de, on Maya books xxiii Week, the 7 of years Wood symbol..., ! 134 Written characters 136, ICl Xuuc, Yncattc goddess 103,106 Xul, festival of the month 220 Yax, ffstival iu the month 223 Yaxkin, festival in the month 221 Yaxcoc-Ahmut (deity) 63, 70 Year bearers 11 Years assigned to cardinal points 41 method of naming and numbering the 9 Yzamna 64 -cauil (deity) 61 Zac, festival iu the month 224 Zac-Acantun (deity) C4 Zac-u-Uayeyab (deity) (J4 ZamDa 81,82 Zip, festival in the month 219 3 3125 00025 1096