l/U/93 to U/29/93 r*^- iLx v.. i i r- , ■9,. 5- ^■<^ '^>X^ PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25. UdCv A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS DUTCH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY OF RANK AND OTHER .SOURCES: Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, A-: TKEIR GEBAT EQOMij 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On SATUHDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's SqiULve, S.W. \ \ ,c~ \M^O CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up aL;ain and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than l.s. ; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine, and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expen.se and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and W(;ods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at tliis Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, FEBRUAEY 25, 1893, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. ENGLISH SCHOOL. H. ALKEN. J' 1 A Fox Hunt /. (yi^-i) ?■ H. ALKEN. 2 Going to Cover ; and The Return — a pair 2 ^^ H. ALKEN. /J- 3 The Meet ^ CROME. '^ ^ _ 4 Village Scenes — a pair 2 (J/^ity'LyC-rL''^^ W. HAMILTON. R A J" 5 An Illustration to Tasso — oval J. F. HERRING. / 6 HoRSEB IN A Landscape /^ J\yui:l/^ J. F. HERRING. / 7 HoESES IN A Landscape ^ A. KAUFFMANN. e/^ 8 Stern's Maria /^c ^ Engraved hy W. Byland KNELLER. / y; _ 9 A Lady in Blue and Red Dress, with feathers in her hair SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. ^/4 10 A Heron SIR P. LELY. / S 11 The Earl and Countess of Lauderdale and Child SIR P. LELY. ^ /x. 12 Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans MORLAND. ^ Z 13 A Peasant and Pigs .^ ^ ^^ 'Engraved. SIR J. REYNOLDS. I, 14 Portrait of a Ladt ,' J^/O ^.(/{^uAc^u^i^ SIR J. EEYNOLDS. /^ \ 15 Miss Anne Stmons r x^ T. STOTHARD, R.A. ^ ' 16 A Pair of Illustrations • ^-^,^-. FRAGONAED. 23 The Pet Dove /^ y /Z <^. c/lW^ FRAGONAED. ^ /^ 24 MoENiNQ Toilet — on copper U / s ^ y / FEAGONARD. 25 Head of a Boy /2.yc/{) From the Collection of Mrs. Malton GEEUZE. GEEUZE. /'^ 27 L'lvEoiGNE jj_ y^JO LANCRET. /^. J-^ 26 Head of Child /^ ^/^ /K^*^?*^-^^^-^^ 28 A Fete Champetbe, with eleven figures by a fountain LANCRET. / y 29 A Gentleman and Lady on a Terbace /2 ^ ^^Jty/:f^ /S-%/2 LANCRET. 30 An Intebioe, with a musical party 'Z- LANCEET. 31 A Garden Scene, with three figures — oval, unframed /^x8 J. LE DUG. ^ 32 A Man Holding a Glass T. MICHAU. / 33 Peasants Regaling befobe a Cottage A. MIGNON. 34 Fbuit and Flowers, on a marble slab (h^ /Z-^ic^et^^- Z^ Signed /^ ^ ^ MOUCHERON. ^ . 35 An Italian Landscape, with travellers, by J. Lingelbaoh '^^ PATEE. 36 A Camp Scene S" ^ /O ^^^^S^ PATER. 37 A Garden Scene, with seven figures PATEE. 38 A Fete Champetre /"^ x Zj PATEE. 39 A Camp Scene <7 ^/o 8 PATER. /J^ 40 A Gauden Scene, with five figures /^ ^ S PTLLEMENT. — - - 41 A Landscape — oval r y S H. RIGAUD. ^/^ 42 PoKTiiAiT OF A Gkntleman, in a grey dress with lace /^^^«»^X. WATTEAU. Z^' 43 A GARDEN SCENE, with figures at a fouutain Engraved S X^:? WATTEAU. ^^ 44 A Garden Soeke, with six figures and two children at a fountain WATTEAU. 45 A Fkte Champetee, with numerous figures /4 ?^ /t^ to WATTEAU. 46 The Companion /4 y^ /$ WATTEAU. rJS 47 A Gkoup of Five Masquerade Figukes Engraved 5' ^ ^ From the Collection of M.De Lattre ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS. AMICONI. ^/^ 48 Diana and Endymion // ^ ^ GUARDI. /J ' 49 St. Mabk's Place j^ xJ'J' LI INI. / 50 A Lady, wxtu a Guitak ^^ -^/^ 'I . J.i^i ^♦-J- f 54 Youth and Age MUKILLO. -Z 6 X 3 (^ MUKILLO. J 55 St. Francis, with the Infant Saviour 10 TIEPOLO. '■/J' 56 THE MIRACULOUS CONCEPTION 4 .i^^ilt^*-^^' JAN VICTOORS. /^ 57 An Inteeior, with Weavers ^lo JAN ASSELYN. . ^ /^ 58 An Italian River Scene, with peasants and animals at a ford /J ^f G. BEGA. -^ 59 An Interior, with Peasants Signed ^f^Zz N. BERCHEM. j-y ^0 An Italian River Scene, with a hawking party halting near a bridge /^^ z o ^ ^^^y^ Signed ^ BERCHEM. Z 61 Portrait of a man, in black dress and lace collar /^ ^^ JjO 62 PORTRAIT OF A LADY, in black dress, lace collar and sleeves, X holding a fan in her left hand Signed and dated ^^ >:/$ J/' 63 A Harbour Scene, with numerous figures BOUT AND BODWYNS. imerous figu <^ /^ A. BEAUWER. './^ 65 Head of a Peasant /(P /^S Signed and dated J. CATS. ^ A. 66 A Paib of Small Landscapes ^0^^-<^y^^/ ' A. CUYP. / ' 67 A EIVER SCENE, with six cows, sheep, and two figures near some old pollards in the foreground, boats and a village on the opposite bank in the distance From the Scarishrick Collection ^ A. CUYP. ^ o 68 A Landscape, with peasants tendil^ sheep fy £^C's?-oi-r- .^ HUYSMANS. 86 View of a Chateau, with peasants and animals G. JANSEN. 87 The King's Visit to Theobalds : The Minuet W. MIERIS. 88 The Fishmonger's Shop (^ ^^ / ^ -^^--i-i-^-c^ £^ C^ . c/ /-^-z t-<^^<^t- .^! '^^^ y/^ 89 A Camp Scene MEULENER. NETSCHER. 90 An Ecclesiastic — unframed / X x O 14 D. NETSCHEE. ? / 91 Vertumnus and Pomona .^ ^ D. NETSCHEE. /J' 92 A Gentleman and Ladt, with child and 2 O y JlZ 9 /^ PALAMEDES. 93 The Prodigal, feasting /J'x /S* POELEMBEEG. 94 A Landscape, with a satyr, nymphs and boys dancing A. PYNAKEE. 95 A Landscape, with peasants driving cattle and sheep, a chateau 7 /) yo ii. JjANDSCAPE, wiiu peusauis urivxug caiiiu iiuu suuep, a cnaieuu / in the background /6 x -f 2 ^ ^^-C<^ Signed and dated A. PYNAKEE. 96 An Italian Eoad Scene, with a mulateer and other figures near an archway /^ X ^ Signed Exhibited at the British Institution S. EUYSDAEL. 9 / 98 A Landscape, with the castle of Berode, and boat and figures Signed / ^ ycz Z' 15 S. RUYSDAEL. '/ /-t. 99 -A- Landscape, with travelling peasants on a road /^i-<^»/^ ' D. RYOKAERT . |V7 102 An Interior, with two figures G. SCHALCKEX. A 103 Cupid and Psyche : Lamplight Mentioned in Smith's Catalogue JAN STEEN. ,^ 104 THE SICK LADY /t-'-^a>*-/ VANDYCK. / 2 127 Portrait of a Lady, with brown dress and lace sleeves ^ 'iz^'^'.^.<^/u VANDYCK. /128 Portrait of a Lady, in whi 128 Portrait of a Lady, in white satin dress and crimson scarf VANDYCK. P 129 Head of a Man — in grisaille J. VAN GO YEN. ^ ., ^ c 130 The Shore, Scheveningen, with boats and figures, with fish Signed / ^ xZJ' VAN HUYSUM. ■^ ^ 131 A Vase of Flowers, on a sculptured slab ^r:/^i^^:^-^Lc^'^^ / S ?< /-^ ' VAN LINT. J'2 ./0. - 132 A Small Landscape — on copper /^ciaZ-^L^^ 2 > J A 19 M. VAN MUSSCHER. ^ p 2 ^/- 133 AN INTERIOE WITH A GENTLEMAN, with his wife, ^t-Z' and his daughter feeding a dog C. VERMEULEN. ^ 134 A Pair of Landscapes, with peasants and animals 2 X^-.*^:^-**^ WEENIX. / (^ 135 A Harbour Scene in the Levant, with numerous animals and shipping >^^ ?c e/^ WOUVERMANS. /J 136 The Halt of a Hawking Party J. WYNANTS. / ^' 137 A Landscape, with peasants and animals on a road Signed ,/c^ ^ -2 i^ A DIFFEREST PROPERTY. A. OSTADE. '138 A Woman holding a Jug and Glass A. OSTADE. 139 A Smoker ; the Companion J. VAN DE CAPPELLE. 140 A FROZEN RIVER SCENE, with cottages and boats, figures /^/f^^- playing golf in the foreground : effect of Sunshine / /^ Signed and dated /2. x/4^ 20 The foUowing are the Property of the CHEERE FA MIL F, of Papworth Hall, Canihridgeshire. E. MUEANT. ^ 9 / ' 141 A Pair of Views, of farm buildings, with figures and animals . 2 Signed /^ X/^ ^^..^A OlilZONTI. / ^ 142 LANDSCAPhs, with classic .1 figures — a pair 2 /S xA ^ P. J. DE LOUTHERBOUEGH. J /p 143 MiLKING-TIME *^^7< J <5' G. H. HAELOW. / /^ 144 Portrait of Sir J. Yeo, K.C.B. // / O'^C^.-^i.^i^ Jj2..G>^^^-^*^ S. PETHEE. A: 145 Elliot's Wharf : Moonlight, with the burning of Drury Lan c / in the distance J. LA POETE. . ^r> 146 A View in Warwickshire, with the town of Stafford in the distance / S X Z 4^ H. T. 2 /) 147 View at Child's Hill, Hampstead Heath, with stage waggon and cows / 4- x / ?" Signed ^ 21 SIR W. CHEERE. 148 Interior of a Stable, with peasants and horses, after Mor- land /J y. // SIR W. CHEERE. ^/z^ 149 Interior of a Barn, with two peasants and dog and sheep, after ^ Morlaud - . .. ^ a^i^d-^ SIR W. CHEERE. '/ 150 A KivER Scene, with a cottage, peasant, dog and pigs ^ -^^ X ^ ^ SIR W. CHEERE. X 151 A Farm Scene, with figures and animals A. VAN DER NEER. n 152 A Village on a River, with boats and figures Signed /? x //^ H. W. SCHWEICKHARDT. y'Xi. 153 A Frozen River Scene, with numerous figures skating /^^^^a^^t,*^ y* 22 A DIFFERENT PROPER! r. JAN STEEN. y^ 154 Childben Teazing a Cat F. MANS. /^ 155 A View of a Town, on the banks of a frozen river /^^^ F. MANS. ^^^ 156 A River Scene, with a festival /J '^ j2 a PATER. 157 A Fete Champetbe p . STEENWYCK. 158 Interior of a Church ,-y ^. Y ^ // TENIERS. / X 159 Interior, with three Boors , A. STORCK. // 160 A View in Amsterdam /, // C^ C'Ul.'g'C^^^*^ C4 ■ y^^'j-''-^-^ ^'S J. VAN HUYSUM. 161 A Vase of Floavbbs and a bird's nest, on a marble slab n /^ ' ' / ??ETfiOIlER (Ai . ii j u). 160 An li t TLiinon; with i \ i\\ } t ti gmros 23 HOOGEEST. y^ 163 Interior of a Church /^ y /» SIR J. EEYNOLDS. J- 164 A Lady with a Dove ^ ^ • ^^^^^-^ J. B. WEENIX. c/ ' 165 The Elector of Hanover in a Garden, with a dog, and the artist as au attendant bringing a letter S. ROSA. / 166 The Artist Sketching Brigands — a fair 2 TINTORETTO. S^ 168 An Italian Warrior / J ^ k 2^ o FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charinjr Cross. «■'% ; B^ J^l^i^ ^^""MmF ^ wm ^^^ p /^^l f:^'. 1^ ^ ir P t k.-" ^0^' ^. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 009871050 i'ih,