1 t i r » ' ; ■* « f ■ 1 1 < V * r. 4 • ‘ .Nv V- •t ■ V V." U N' '' i ‘ • ■ ■ > ■>.'3^ * Library of Congress A. L. A. PORTRAIT INDEX INDEX TO PORTRAITS CONTAINED IN PRINTED BOOKS AND PERIODICALS N l(rPC A2_ COMPILED WITH THE COOPERATION OF MANY LIBRARIANS AND OTHERS FOR THE PUBLISHING BOARD OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Edited by WILLIAM COOLIDGE LANE Librarian of Harvard University and NINA E. BROWNE Secretary A. L. A. Publishing Board Washington Government Printing Office 1906 L. C. card, 6-35019 PAUt CrTTY MUSEUM UBRARY Hk’. ' ■ ‘ • ■ ' s ;■ ■ ,. me V/ V .■n. >. , / : ’» ? : _ '■NT' *1' * ■ V 4 > V • ' : V A^i ' * ' 4 » • . *' ■' '■ / ' t ^ 4' 0 •S'-' , « .. ' V - ■#! .t ^ fmui 'r *-^d 4| jL.l-; . ■ ■ ' • *- V « •. V' i. -lO^ V ■ . ' ; , ■ ' :rli ^ '' tf «^’ t ■- : 3 'iS^^ ■-■■■■? L - 'b-'- ?'*"■•'■ ■’> • ' ■• 3IP 4 !■ »< JW T# > _ n cl^Lt • ^ Tf-i- ' • . ^ • i ' r* . - • ^ ^ ■ ■ • 5 .« ■'%' PUBLISHER’S PREFACE The value of the present work, even if imperfect, needs no explanation to libra- rians, to journalists, or indeed to any persons who have occasion to look up portraits of celebrities. To such, a list like this must seem an indispensable tool; and the present one appears to be the first of its kind considerable in scope. As a rule the publications issued by the Library of Congress represent either reports of its administration activities, or, if bibliographic, compilations b}'^ mem- bers of its own staff. In some exceptional cases the Libraiy has undertaken the publication and distribution of compilations which represent the work of other insti- tutions or individual experts. It has done this on the ground that the compilation would prove a useful contribution to knowledge, but something more, to wit: a useful implement in the administi’ation of libraries; and one therefore to whose ready dissemination it might with propriety lend its aid. The A. L. A. Catalog was one such exception; this Portrait Index is another. In the case of the former the Library was a contributor to the text itself (not, how- ever, in the selection of titles): in the latter it has not been even this, the entire work having been done outside of its walls. The publication is the result of coop- erating labor, the matter being contributed by several institutions, supplemented, digested and edited under the direction and at the expense of the Publishing Board of the American Library Association; and published and distributed by the govern- ment authorities. The role of the Library is thus merely that of publisher. It does not assume the responsibilit}’^, and it can not assume the credit of either authorship or editorship. There was a large free distribution of the A. L. A. Catalog: a copy being sent without charge to every American library requesting it. There will be no free dis- tribution of the Portrait Index, the entire edition being placed on sale with the Superintendent of Documents. The price (three dollars) will however be nominal as compared with the charge for similar publications in ordinary trade, or the neces- sary price for this one if it had been issued directly by the Publishing Board of the Library Association. It need not prevent the acquisition of the work by any institution or office requiring it, and it will tend to prevent the waste of copies so common in the case of government publications distributed absolutely gratis. Edwaud L. Burchari) II. H. B. Meyer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, November 15, 1906 In charge of Publications (iii) • ' 'J i*fi ' . ^ ^ l; »* *«* i ^''irH ‘4;* r«- '-‘ * • -.* ' \ ' ■»*.'=- '*• J ■ -»rAf^s v«v*r ’-'^- U ••‘V. •- :,' v■--T^♦ ^- ••-.*• ifL’v 0 - '^ ■’ '^’ -jl'' '/^T •»- • -4 • .V'’' * :.v** ’f-' PrtEFACE A few words in regard to the history, scope, purpose, and arrangement of this Index of Portraits are necessary, in order that the inquirer may use it easily, may understand its limitations, and may not be disappointed by consulting it for facts which it does not pretend to contain. History. The collection of material was begun by the Publishing Board of the American Library Association in 1897, but the project had already been suggested at the meeting of the Association in 1888, and was at that time referred to Mr R. R. Bowker to be reported on. Mr Bowker presented a tentative report at the St Louis meeting in 1889 (Library Journal, 14:174) in which he called attention to work already done — the separate brief indexes to certain magazines and collections published by the Index Society of Great Britain, the indexes existing in the Harper editorial rooms and in the offices of other publishers, the collection of material by Mr Bunford Samuel of the Philadelphia Library Company, and the smaller but more detailed catalog in the Boston Athenseum. In the discussion which followed the reading of the report the utility of such an index was conceded by all, but it seemed at the time too large an undertaking to be practicable. In 1896, however, the Publishing Board announced its intention of proceeding immediately with the compilation of an index of portraits, using as a foundation the references collected by Mr Samuel (about 40,000) and those available in the Boston Athenaeum, perhaps 10,000 more. In the Library Journal of May, 1897, a preliminary list of books and periodicals to be indexed was printed, the scope and character of the proposed index was outlined, and the cooperation of librarians was invited. The response to the invitation was immediate, and came from all parts of the country. The indexers were provided with special cards properly ruled, so that the details to be recorded might be given on a uniform plan and in such shape that the cards might eventually be sent directly to the printer. In the course of the year it was found to be impracticable to use any portion of Mr Samuel’s material, and the Board reluc- tantly gave up the plan of incorporating his references with those supplied by its other collaborators.* Within a year 13,000 cards were in hand; in 1899 the number had increased to 30,000, and editorial work on the collection began. Cards steadily accumulated, and still many desirable works were unindexed. A list of some of these unindexed works was printed in the Library Journal, March, 1903, and led to new offers of cooperation. In April and July, 1904, the Bulletin of Bibliography printed a list of the works already indexed, numbering about 1 ,090 titles, and further suggestions were asked for. In the meantime the indexing of many current periodicals was kept up to date by collaborators or in the office of the Publishing Board. * A selected portion of Mr Samuel’s index was published in the Pennsylvania magazine, 1901, vol. 25, p. 47-70, 228-247, 384-399. (v) VI In November, 1904, the Board hoped to be ready to print verj’ soon and were making preparations therefor, when they received an offer from the Librarian of Congress to issue the work as a publication of the Library of Congress. This offer the Board was glad to accept for two reasons: (1) It was thus relieved of further financial responsibility, and could use its resources to support other undertakings which it was eager to carry out*; and (2) publication by tlie Librarj" of Congress seemed to assure a wider distribution of the Index, and a sale at a smaller price than the Board would have been able to set upon it. It was expected that printing would begin in the spring of 1905, but it was not until early in April, 1906, that the cards were actually sent to the printer. Before the end of June the whole was in tj'pe. It is evident from an inspection of the volume that work of this kind, though it may be based upon the contributions of widel}' scattered collaborators, can only be brought to completion by long-continued labor on the part of a single brain that takes account of endless detail. An immense mass of separate entries has to be alphabetized, digested, and compared, and finally to be worked over into a reasonably consistent whole. This work of investigation and collation has been done by Mr Charles W. Plympton, who for seven years has been almost continuously employed upon it. Under the direction of the editors and with occasional help from other per- sons temporarily employed he has labored over these 115,000 cards with an industry, a patience, and a freshness of interest beyond all praise. Several hundred volumes he has indexed himself, and for the solution of thousands of knotty questions he has scrupulously collected the necessary facts. To Miss Browne, the secretary of the Publishing Board, more than to any other one person, the Index owes such completeness as it possesses. She has had imme- diate charge of the details of the work from the beginning, and has been obliged to give a large share of her time to it. The correspondence with collaborators in the earlier years, the execution of the plans for the development of the work, and the supervision of its daily progress in the later years have been entirely in her hands. She has contributed no small share of the indexing and has herself collated and revised many of the more difficult groups of cards. My own share has been a less intimate and continuous one, but has extended to the discussion of every detail of form and arrangement, has involved the investigation of many points for which there seemed to be no established precedent, but in regard to which someone is re(juired to make a decision, and has included a careful inspection of the proofs, and the settling of many difficult j)oints which came clearly before us only when the Index took printed form. Scope. A list of works indexed follows this preface. It includes about 1,181 titles or some 6,216 volumes. In addition to the works listed, many others containing but two, tlu’ee, or four portraits each have been indexed as they have come to hand, but it has not been thought worth while to swell the List by including volumes of this kind Pains have, however, been taken in these cases to make the title as given in the reference sulliciently explicit so as to leave no doubt in regard to the identity' of the book. In other cases a greater degree of abbreviation has been permitted, shice the full title could be referred to in this List, but abbreviation has not been carried so far, it is hoped, as to make titles unrecognizable by those fairly familiar with works of this kind. Vll The selection of books to be indexed is easily open to criticism. In judging this two points should be borne in mind. In the first place, the Index is intended to include such material as will make it useful both in small libraries and in large libraries, and in publishing houses and newspaper offices as well. To be of use in small libraries it must include many popular books and periodicals and well-known collections such as are commonly found in the smaller libraries; and to be useful in large libraries it must give a clue also to the portraits contained in many rare, early, and expensive works which are found only in such libraries. This accounts for the great variety in the character of the books included. In the second place, it must be remembered that the selection is in part an accidental one, being confined to the works which voluntary collaborators offered to index for us, and (in addition to these) to works which were accessible to our one paid assistant in the libraries of Boston and Cambridge. If the work had been done by indexers subject to our direction, who could have been sent from city to city and from one library to another, it would have been possible to draw up a more nearly comprehensive and evenly balanced list. In general, the prmcipal has been followed of indexing all the portraits in every work indexed. Occasional exceptions to this rule will be found noted in the list. The result is that many persons of minor importance are included, some whose forenames could not be discovered, and some whose portraits have been reproduced because of interest in the artist rather than in the subject. Selection, howevef, would have been a difficult task — an impossible one on any uniform basis under the conditions of col- laboration employed, and it is a clear advantage to the inquirer to know that the ground, so far as it has been covered, has been covered completely. The Index does not include portraits of an author prefixed to editions of his works except when the volumes have been indexed for the other portraits they contain. Such portraits, it was thought, could usually be found in libraries from the ordinary catalog descriptions of the books. In general, genealogical works and local histories have not been indexed. Some exceptions in favor of certain notable books have been made, but the works of this class are so numerous, and so many of the portraits included in them are of little known persons, that it was clearly best to omit them. Certain other books contain very large numbers of portraits all of a well-defined and limited class. To include these would have greatly increased the bulk of the Index, and to omit them does not greatly diminish its value. Such are Moses King’s “Notable New’ Yorkers, 1896-99,” w'ith its 2,337 portraits, and Elirlich’s “Celebrated pianists of the past and present,” containing 114 portraits. Finally, the Index does not include any references to original portraits as such, to engravings separately published, or to collections of engravings brought together by private collectors. It confines itself to the portraits in books and periodicals and in published collections. No exact statement can be made of the number of portraits indexed or the number of persons represented. The number of portraits can not be less than 120,000 and the number of persons may be estimated at betw’een thirt 3 '^-five and forty-five thousand. The indexing of current periodicals is in most cases brought down through 1904 but not further. VI 11 Purpose. The Index makes no attempt to estimate or compare the value of portraits, to pronounce upon their authenticity, or to present any further informa- tion in regard to them than is plainly given in the book in which they are reproduced. Such information as the book in the hands of the indexer yielded in regard to original artist, engraver, method of reproduction, ownership of the original, etc., is given, and is expressed almost always in the same form as was used in the book. The reader will accordingly notice apparent inconsistencies in the description of the same original and differences in the spelling of the names of the artists. These points of difference he is asked to accept as probably due to the books from which the facts are drawn, and he will not ascribe them too hastily to the carelessness of the com- positor or to the stupidity of the indexer or of the editor. Critical accounts of the portraits of historical personages and of the several reproductions of those portraits are greatly to be desired, but form no part of the object of this book. Such critical accounts, when known to the editors, are men- tioned in notes, but in this respect our work is doubtless far from complete. Our main object has been to enable librarians, authors, students, publishers, and editors to turn directly to portraits which would otherwise be found with difficulty or might elude their search altogether. Arrangement. The editors have been obliged to make a careful study of many intricate questions of alphabetizing, forms of name, entry, etc. Probably no library catalog contains so large a number of troublesome subjects, of royal and noble personages, and of elusive ladies both married and single. The editors have had to depart in several instances from the rules ordinarily followed in cataloging, and it will be well to mention briefly a few of the principal points. Sovereigns are entered under forenames, in the vernacular form if that is English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish; in the English form in other cases. Under each name the individuals are divided into groups by countries (the countries in alphabetical order). Under each country the sequence is chronological, but kings come first, and are followed by princes of the same name, unless these latter are known by a title, in which case the entry is under the title instead of under the forename. In arranging on this system second names are not taken into account — Marie Antoinette follows Marie Leczynska because her dates are later. Moreover, slight variations in spelling are not regarded; the Maries and the Marias, the Ilenrys and the Henris, are all brought together and classified by country, irrespective of spelling. The nobilit}’’ are usually entered under titles, not under family names, but a general reference from the surname is always made to the title or titles borne by members of the family. Exception to this rule is made in the case of most of the French titles of the Empire, the bearers of which are more commonly known under their family names, and are so entered in this Index as well as in most books of reference. The distinction between nders and nobles, while theoretically simple, is often difficult to carry out on practical lines. For the purposes of this Index some easily remembered and applied rule has to be adopted. Rulers bearing the title King or Emperor are accordingly entered under their personal names; but others, called grand IX duke (granduca, grossherzog), elector (kurfiirst), prince (prinz or fiirst), count (graf), etc., are entered under the title — i. e. the place with which they are connected. This brings all the German princes, except the royal families of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wiirtemberg, under place names though many of them are or have been rulers in the strict sense of the term rather than nobles. The rulers of the Italian cities, on the other hand, the members of the Medici, Gonzaga, Sforza, Visconti, and other families, will be found under the family surname. The rulers of many oriental nations 'and places (e. g. Siam and Madagascar) are entered under the name of the place, for the practical reason that oriental personal names are unfamiliar to Western ears and are with difficulty remembered and identified. The archdukes of Austria and Russia are necessarily entered under their personal names, having no family name and no titular designation that can be used as an entrj' word. As in the case of forenames, so also in the case of titles, the vernacular form is used in the more familiar languages — Sachsen, not Saxony; Toscana, not Tuscany. Under each title the succession of persons is chronological, not alphabetical. This is particularly appropriate in the ca.se of the English nobility, where a consecutive numbering is commonly adopted, and where the title is borne by only one member of a family at a time; but it works almost equally well in other cases — in the German families, where every member, old and young, has equal right to a title, and among the French Bourbons, where the children have no common claim on the father’s title, but each son takes a different title, while the daughters, if they have not won a title by marrying, can only be entered under the family name. In all these cases the successive heads of the family with their respective wives come first, and are followed b}' the younger members, likewise in chronological order. Under Hessen, for example, are the successive electors and grand dukes, and following them the younger members of the family, who bear the title of prinz. MHien the same name is used both as forename, title, and surname, those who bear it as a forename come first, then those who use it as a title, and finally those whose surname it is, the last being arranged in the alphabetical order of their fore- names. Persons of the same name are placed as near as may be in chronological order. Artists are entered under their more commonly used appellations — Titian, Tintoretto, Rembrandt, etc. Women are entered sometimes under their maiden names, sometimes under their married names, and in the latter case the}’’ may appear in the alphabetical sequence by their husbands’ forenames or by their own forenames. The editors have tried to follow the commoner usage in each case and have been guided, but not con- trolled, by the form used below the pictures. References from one form to another have been freely made, and the editors hope that ladies will usually be found under the form that seems most familiar. In the case of English baronets and knights and their wives, where it is desired to keep the wife next to her husband in the alphabetical sequence, we have taken the liberty of inserting the husband’s name in brackets. For instance, the wife of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland is Lady Acland, not Lady Thomas Dyke Acland, but in order to keep her next her husband we are compelled to print Acland, Lady [Thomas Dyke]. X Dates of birtli and death, or a descriptive phrase, have been added when it was convenient to do so, but in many cases the editors have not been able to recur to the original work indexed, and have been unable to add to what the original indexer may have given. No extended investigation of the accuracy of dates or other biographical data has been made. One good authority has been accepted, and differ- ences of opinion have not been much regarded. The Index is not a biographical dictionary and should not be expected to take the place of one. One unavoidable source of apparent error in the page references should be men- tioned. It is found that in many cases copies of the same work differ as to the pages opposite which portraits are inserted. This is especially true of many of the older periodicals and of some of the collections. It may often happen, therefore, that a page reference, when followed up, v/ill be found incorrect with respect to the copy in hand, although it may have been made correctly from the copy originally indexed. A note in regard to the abbreviations used will be found on page Ixxv. The editors desire to record their grateful appreciation of the work done by col- laborating indexers in all parts of the country, an assistance without which the Index now published could not have been undertaken. They would also express their thanks to the librarian and trustees of the Boston Athenaium for their permission to incorporate in this work that librar}'’s careful index to portraits begun long ago, for access to volumes needed for further indexing, and for the constant use of reference books indispensable for the necessary work of collation and investigation. They are also glad Vo acknowledge their indebtedness to the staff of the Library of Congress (especially Mr E. L. Burchard, in charge of publications, and Mr H. II. B. Meyer, his successor) for the helpful interest shown in the progress of the work, and the great pains taken to give it satisfactory^ form. William Coolidge Lane Harvard College Library August 15, 1906 LIST OF BOOKS INDEXED Only those are included which have 5 or more portraits Abbatt, William. Crisis of the revolution. N. Y. Abbatt, 1899, Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles (Heroes of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1891. Academic royale des sciences et des bcaux-arts de Belgique. Annu- aire. 53 v. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1850-1902. Academy, v. 50-57. Bond. 1896-99. (No portraits in other years.) Ackermann, Rudolph. Repository of art, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions, and politics, v, 1-11, n. s. 1-11. Lond. Ackermann, 1809-22. Adam.s, B. N. Unofficial proceedings 21th encampment G. A. R. 1890. Bost. Stillings, 1891. Adolphus, John. British cabinet, Lond. Harding, 1799. Alcott, A. Bronson. Sonnets and canzonets, Bost. Roberts, 1882. AUardyce, James. Historical papers relating to the Jacobite period. 2 V. Aberdeen, New Spalding club, 1895-96. Allen, Fred H. Masterpieces of modern German art. 2 v, Bost. Estes [1881] AUgemeine weltgeschichte. 12 v. Berlin, Grote, 1881-92. An English edition entitled A history of all nations. 21 v. Phil, Lea Bros. & co. [' 1905] has same portraits and a list of them is giv^en. Almanach de Gotha. 129 v. Gotha, 1776-1901. Amato, Gabriele d’. Panteon dei martiri della libertii italiana. 2 v. Torino, Fontana, 1851. American annual cyclopaedia. 15 v. N. Y. Appleton, 1861-75. Continued in 2d series as Appleton’s annual cyclopaedia. (xi) Xll American art review. 2 v. Best. Estes, 1880-81. American historical register and monthly gazette of the patriotic- hereditary societies of the U. S. of America, Sept. 1894 -Mar. 1897. 4 V. Phila. Hist, register pub. co. 1895-97. Am erican literary magazine, v. 1-5, no. 1. Albany, N. Y. Munsell, 1847-49. American portrait gallery. See Buttre, L. G. American whig review. 16 v. N. Y. 1845-52. America’s greatest men and women. Indianapolis, Ward pub. co. P 1894] L’ami des monuments, v. 1-17. Paris, 1888-1903. Ammidown, Holmes. Historical collections. 2 v. N. Y. Ammi- down, 1874. Amulet. 1828, ’29, ’31-34. 6 v. Bond. 1828-34. Analectic magazine. 16 v. Phila. 1813-20. Anderson, P. J. Aurora ' borealis academica. Aberdeen, Univ. press, 1899. Fasti academia? mariscallana? aberdonensis. 2 v. Aberdeen, New Spalding club, 1889-98. Officers and graduates of King’s college, Aberdeen. Aber- deen, New Spalding club, 1893. Anderson, William. Popular Scottish biography. Edin. Fullar- ton, 1842. Scottish nation. 3 v. Edin. Fullarton, 1863. (Full-page portraits only indexed.) Anglo-Saxon review. 10 v. Bond. 1899-1901. Annals of Iowa. v. 1-12, 1863-74. ser. 2, 3 v. 1882-84; ser. 3, v. 1-4, 1893-1901. Iowa City, State hist. soc. 1863-1901. Annuaire de la noblesse de France. 61 v. Par. 1843-1903. Annual gift-book [being series 1 of Drawing room portrait gallery]. Bond. [1859]. Annual of scientilic discovery; or. Year-book of facts in science and art. 22 v. Bost. Gould, 1850-71. Xlll Appleton’s annual cyclopaedia, [ser. 2-3] 27 v. N. Y. 1876-1902. For series 1 see American annual cj'clopaedia. Appleton’s cyclopedia of American biography. 6 v. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1887-89. (Full-page portraits only indexed.) Archer, T. A. and Kingsford, C. L. The crusades (Story of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1895. Archer, Thomas. Pictures and royal portraits, illustrative of English and Scottish history. 2 v. Lond. Blackie, 1884. William Ewart Gladstone and his contemporaries. 4 v. Lond. Blackie, 1883. Arena, v. 1-32. Bost. 1889-1904. Armengaud, J. G-. D. Les reines du monde. Par. Lahure, 1862. Arminian magazine. 20 v. (except v. 4). Lond. Fry, 1778-97. Continxied as the Metho. Episcopate in America. N. Y. Chris- tian lit. CO. 1895. Petit de JuUeville, Louis. Histoire de la langue et de la litt^rature fran^aise. 8 v. Par. Colin, 1896-99. Petitot, Jean. Les emaux de Petitot du Musde imperial du Louvre. 2 V. Par. Blaisot, 1862. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. Medical portrait gallery. 4 v. Lond. Fisher [1838-40]. Philippson, Martin. Das zeitalter Ludwig XIV (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) Berlin, Grote, 1879. Ivm Philippson, Martin. Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II, Elisa- beth und Heinrich IV (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) Berlin, Grote, 1882. Phillips, Claude. Sir Jo.shua Re\Miold.s. Lond. Seeley, 1894. Pinkerton, John. Scoti.sh galleiy . . . Lond. Harding, 1799. Pinset, R. et Auriac, Jules d’. Histoire du portrait en France . . . Par. Quantin, 1884. Piozzi, Mrs. See Thrale, Jfrs. Plimer, Andrew and Nathaniel. See Williamson. Plutarch. Vies des hommes illustres, tr. par D. Ricard. 16 v. Par. Dubois, 1838. Politikos, Sovereigns and courts of Europe. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1891. Pollard, A. F. Henry VHl. Par. Goupil, 1902. Polyanthos. 7 v. Bost. Buckingham, 1806-12. Polyanthos, enlarged, v. 1-5. Bo.st. Buckingham, 1812-14. Pond, J. B. Eccentricities of genius. N. Y. Dillingham [® 1900]. Popular science monthly, v. 1-65. N. Y. 1872-1904. Porter, Horace. Campaigning with Grant. N. Y. Century co. 1897. Portfolio. V. 1-24. Lond. 1870-93. n. s. nos. 1-44. Lond. 1894- 1903. Portfolio [b}’ Jos. Dennie]. 40 v. Phila. 1806-25. Portland, Duke of. Catalogue of his pictures at Welbeck Abbey and in London. Lond. 1894. Portrait gallery of distinguished poets ... 3 v. Lond. Orr, 1853. Portrait monthly ... v. 1. N. Y. Leggett, 1864. Portraits des hommes et des femmes illustres par naissance . . . n. p. 1792. Portraits des hommes illustres des 17e et 18e siecles. Par. Volland, 1805. Portraits illustrative of the novels of the author of “Waverly.” Lond. Baldwin, n. d. Portraits of the British poets. 2 v. Lond. Walker, 1824. lix Portraits of parliamentary officers of the great civil war . . . Lond. Daniell, 1873. Powell, W. H. 6th army corps, Army of the Potomac. N. Y. Putnam, 1896. Princeton book. Post. Osgood, 1879. Princeton university. Memorial book of the sesquicentennial cele- bration. N. Y. Scribner, 1898. Les prix Nobel en 1901-1902. 2 v. Stockholm, Impr. royale, 1904-05. Procter, Bryan Waller. Effigies poeticse. See Effigies. Propert, John Lumsden. History of miniature art . . . Lond. Macmillan, 1887. Prutz, Hans. Staatengeschichte des abendlandes im mittelalter (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) 2 v. Berlin, Grote, 1885-87. Public libraries, v. 1-9. Chic. 1896-1904. Putnam, Ruth. William the Silent ... 2 v. N. Y. Putnam, 1896. Putnam’s monthly magazine, v. 1-10. N. Y. 1863-57. n. s. V. 1-6. N. Y. 1868-70. Quincy, Mass. First church. Chappel of ease and church of states- men . . . [Quincy] First church soc. 1890. Raeburn, Sir Henry. See Armstrong Raikes, G. A. History of the Honourable artillery company. 2 v. Lond. Bentley, 1878-79. Rait, Robert Sangster. Five Stuart princesses. Westminster, Con- stable, 1902. Ransome, Stafford. Japan in transition. N. Y. Harper, 1899. Rapin de Thoyras, Paul and Tindal, N. History of England . . . 4 V. in 5, Lond. Knapton, 1732-47. Read, Oen. John Meredith. Historic studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy. 2 v. Lond. Chatto, 1897. Reber, Franz von und Bayersdorfer, Adolf. Klassischer bilder- schatz. 12 V. Miinchen, Bruckmann, 1889-1900. Records of the church in Brattle Square, Boston, 1699-1872. Bost. Benevolent fraternity of churches, 1902. lx Recueil des portraits des hommes illustres ... 2 v. Par. Nyon, 1786. Redford, G-eorge. Art sales. 2 v. Lond. 1888. Religious souvenir. 1834, ’36, ’39-40. 4 v. N. Y. 1834—40. Rembrandt. See Bell; Bode; Michel. Repository of arts . . . See Ackermann. Representative men of Massachusetts, 1890-1900. Everett, Mass. Mass. pub. CO., 1898. Reresby, Sii' John. Travels and memoirs. Lond. Jeffery, 1813. Restout, Jean. Galerie f ranyaise ... 2v. Par. Ilerissant, 1771-72. Review of reviews, v. 1-29. N. Y. 1890-1904. Revista de archives, bibliotecas y museos. v. 1-7. Madrid, Fortanet, 1871-77. Revolution franyaise; ou, Analyse complette et impartiale du Moni- teur. 3 V. Par. Girardin, 1801. Revue illustr^e. 4 v. Par. Baschet, 1886-87. Reyd, Everhard van. Voornaemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlan- den ende elders. Arnhem, Jansz, 1626. Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois . . . Ed. 2. Chic. Fergus printing co. 1887. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Discourses, edited by E. G. Johnson. Chic. McClurg, 1891. Engravings from [his] works [by S. W. Reynolds]. 2 v. Lond. Hodgson, n. d. See also Armstrong; Collins; Graves; John- son; Phillips. Reynolds, Samuel William. See Reynolds, Sir Joshua; Whitman. Rhys, Ernest. Sir Frederic Leighton . . . Lond. Bell, 1895. Ribblesdale, Thomas Lister, haron. The Queen’s hounds and stag-hunting recollections. . . . Lond. Longmans, 1897. Rice, D. and Hart, A. N.,j)ub. National portrait gallery of distin- guished Americans. 4 v. Phila. 1853-54. Richardson, James Daniel. Compilation of messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. 10 v. Wash. 1896-99. Ixi Rimbault, Edward F. Gallery of great composers. Bost. Osgood, 1874. Roberts, Dorothea. Two royal lives . . . Ed. 3. N. Y. Scribner, 1888. Roberts, Oliver Ayer. History of the Ancient and honorable artillery company of Mass. 4 v. Bost. Mudge, 1895-1901. Roberts, WiUiam. Memorials of Christie’s . . . 1766-1896. 2 v. Lond. Bell, 1897. Robertson, Andrew. Letters and papers. Lond. Eyre [1897]. Robillard-Peronville et Laurent, P. Le mus^e frangais. 4 v. Par. Herhan, 1803-09. Rodd, Thomas, jr. and Rodd, Horace. Collection of portraits to illustrate Granger’s Biographical history of England ... 2 v. Lond. Rodd, 1820-22. Rodenbough, Theodore F. and Haskin, W. L. Army of U . S. N. Y. Maynard, 1896. Rogers, Augustus C. Our representatives abroad ... N. Y. Atlantic publishing co. 1874. Rogers, James E. Thorold. Story of Holland (Stoi’y of the nations) N. Y. Putnam, 1889. Rolt, Richard. Lives of the principal reformers . . . Lond. Blake- well, 1759. Romney, G-eorge. See Gamlin; Ward. Rooses, Max, ed. Dutch painters of 19th century. Lond. Low, 1898. L’oeuvre de P. P. Rubens ... 5 v. Anvers, Maes, 1886-92. Roscoe, Edward Stanley. Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford. N. Y. Putnam, 1902. Rose, Stewart. St Ignatius Loj-ola and the early Jesuits. N. Y. Catholic pub. soc. co. 1891. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. See Marillier. Rothenstein, Will. English portraits . . . Lond. Richards, 1898. Royal academy pictures . . . 1892-1904. Lond. Cassel, n. d. Royal geographical society. Year book. v. 1-3. 1898-1900. 24288—06 V Ixii Royal magazine, v. 1-13. Lond. Coote, 1759-65. Royal societ}" of London. Proceedings, v. 1, 4-74. Lond. Taylor, 1830-1904. Rubens, Peter Paul. See Michel; Roo.ses. Ruge, Sophus. Geschichte des zeitalters der entdeckungen. (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) Berlin, Grote, 1881. Ruland, Karl, ed. Au.s dem Goethe-national-museiim. 2 v. (Schrif- teu der Goethe-Ge.sellschaft, v. 10, 12.) Weimar, Goethe- gesell.schaft, 1895-97. Russell, John. See Williamson. Russell, William Clark. Horatio Nelson (Heroes of the nations). N. y. Putnam, 1890. Ryan, Richard. Dramatic table talk. 3 v. I^ond. Knight, 1825. Ryan, Thomas. Recollections of an old musician. N. Y. Dutton, 1899. Saint Martin, E. F. de. Soixante ans de la vie d’un peuple, 1789- 1852. 7 V. Par. Penaud-.Toliy, n. d. St Maur, H. Annals of the Sej’inours. Lond. Paul, 1902. St Memin, C. B. J. F. de. Collection of portraits ... N. Y. Dexter, 1862. St Petersburg. Musee imp. de I’Ermitage. Catalogue de la galerie des tableaux. 2 v. St. Petersburg, 1899-1901. Sainte Beuve, C. A. Galerie de femmes c^lebres . . . Par. Gar- nier, 1859. Nouvelle galerie de femmes c^lebres . . . Par. Gamier, 1865. San Donato palace. See Palais. Sanderson, John. Biography of the signers to Declaration of inde- pendence. 9 V. Phi la. Sandei’son, 1820-27. Sargent, John S. Work. Lond. Heinemann, 1903. Satmders, John. Portraits and memoirs of eminent living political reformers. Lond. Dowling, 1840. Scheibert, Justus. Die deutschen heerfiihrer der gegenwart. Lpz. Pfau, 1894. Ixiii Schenck, Petrus. Konst toneel ofte afbeeldingen van alle de opper- raagten in Europa . . , Amsterdam, Schenck, 1690. Schiemann, Theodor. Russland, Polen und Livland bis ins 17 jahr- hundert (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) 2 v. Berlin, Grote, 1886-87. Schonbrunner, Joseph. Handzeichungen alter meister aus der Alber- tina. 6 V. Wien, Gerlach, n. d. Schrockh, Johann Matthias. Abbildungen . . . beriihmter gelehr- ten. 3 V. Lpz. Hilschern, 1766-67. Scott, Eva. Rupert, Prince Palatine. N. Y. Putnam, 1899. Scott, Henry W. Distinguished American lawyers. X. Y. Web- ster, 1891. Scottish history society. Publications, v. 1-42. Edin. 1877-1903. Scribner’s magazine, v. 1-36. N. Y. Scribner, 1887-1904. Scribner’s monthly, v. 1-22. N. Y. Scribner, 1871-81. Continued as Century magazine. Scriverius, Petrus. Principes Hollandiae et Westfrisise . . . Har- lem, Soutman, 1650. Seccombe, Thomas. Lives of twelve bad men. N. Y. Putnam, 1894. Secretan, E. Catalogue of the celebrated collection of paintings by modern and old masters . . . Ed. 2. 2 v. Par. Boussod, 1889. Seidlitz,Woldemarvon. Allgemeineshistorischesportriitwerk . . . 5 V. Miinchen, 1894. Select biography of celebrated characters. Lond. n. d. Sergeant, Lewis. Greece in 19th century. Lond. Unwin, 1897. — — John Wyclif (Heroes of the nations). X. Y. Putnam, 1893. S6vign4, marquise de. Lettres choisies, preced^es d’une notice par Grouvelle. Par. Gamier, 1862. Seward, William H. Autobiography from 1801 to 1834 . . . X. Y. Appleton, 1877. Shakespeare illustrated by an assemblage of portraits and views . . . 2 V. Lond. Harding, 1793. Ixiv Sharpe’s London magazine, 1845-52. v. 1-15. Lond. 1846-52. (Full page portraits only indexed.) Shedd, J/rs Julia A. Famous painters and paintings. Host. Osgood, 1876. Sheppard, Edgar. Old royal palace of Whitehall. N. Y. Longmans’ 1902. Sherman, John. Recollections of forty years. 2 v. Chic. Werner CO. 1895. Sichel, Edith. Women and men of the French renaissance. West- minster, Constable, 1901. Silvestre, Armand. Gallery of contemporary art. Phila. Gebbie, 1884. Simpson, Henry. Lives of eminent Philadelphians now deceased. Phila. Brotherhead, 1859. Sisson, S. A. Galeria dos Brazileiros illustres ... 2 v. Rio de Janeiro, Sisson, 1861. Skelton, Sir John. Charles I. Lond. Goupil, 1898. Mary Stuart. Lond. Boussod, 1893. Sloane, William M. Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 v. N. Y. Century co. 1896. Smiles, Samuel. Brief biographies. Bost. Ticknor, 1861. Smith, Charlotte FeU. Mary Rich, countess of Warwick. Lond. Longmans, 1901. Smith, Helen A. The thirteen colonies (Story of the nations). 2 v. N. Y. Putnam, 1901. Smith, John. Iconographia scotica . . . Lond. Wilkinson [1798]. Smith, John C. British mezzotinto portraits. 6 v. Lond. Sotheran, 1884. Smith, John J. American historical and literary curiosities, ser. 1-2. N. Y. 1860-61. Smith, John Raphael. xS(^Frankau. Smollet, Tobias Gr. History of England. See Hume. Smythies, Raymond H. Raymond. Historical records of the 40th (2d Somersetshire) regiment. Prince of Wales volunteers. Devonport, Swiss, 1894. Ixv Snow, William Parker, Southern generals. N. Y. Richardson, 1866. Society Montyon et Franklin. Portraits et histoire des hommes utiles, 1833^1. 5 v. Par. Soci^t^, n. d. Society for diffusion of useful knowledge. Gallery of portraits. See Knight. Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce. Transactions. 55 v. Lond. 1806-45, Society of colonial wars. Mass. Year book, 1898-99. Sons of the American revolution. Conn. Year book, 4 v. 1891-96. Minn. Year book, 1889-95. St. Paul, McGill, 1895. Sons of the revolution. Missouri. Year book, 1895. N. Y. Year book, 1893-96. N. Y. Exchange printing co. 1893-96. Penn. Decennial register 1888-98. Phila. Lippincott, 1898. South African portrait gallery, ed. by C}'ril Marsh. Lond. Warne, 1897. South Kensington museum. National historical portraits. 7 v. Lond. n. d. Southern New Hampshire bar association. Publications v. 1-2, no. 1. (Proceedings of the lst-5th annual meeting, 1892-96) Concord, N. H. and Dost. 1895-96. SpoSbrd, A. R. and others. Librarj’^ of historic characters. Royal ed. 10 V. Phila. Finley, 1896, Spooner, S. Biographical histor}’^ of the line arts. 2 v. N. Y. Bouton, 1865. Sprague, William Buell. Annals of the American pulpit. 9 v. N. Y. Carter, 1859-69. Spry, William J. J. Life on the Bosphorus. Lond. Nichols, 1895. [Stafford, Thomas]. Pacata Hibernia ... 2 v. Lond. Downey, 1896. Stanton, Mrs E. C. and others. History of woman suffrage. 4 v. N. Y. 1881-1902. Ixvi Stead, William T. Portraits and autographs . . . Lond. 1891. Satan's invisible world displayed. N. Y. Fenno, 1897. Steams, Frank Preston. Sketches from Concord and Appledore. N. Y. Putnam, 1895. Stebbins, James H. Catalogue of private collection of paintings and sculpture. N. Y. American art assoc. 1889. Stephens, Henry Morse. Stoiy of Portugal (Story of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1891. Stem, Alfred. Ge.schichte der revolution in England (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) Berlin, Grote, 1881. Sterry, Wasey. Annals of King’s College of our Ladv of Eton. Lond. Methuen, 1898. Stevenson, R. A. M. Art of Velasquez. Lond. Bell, 1895. Stewart, William. Universit}’ of Gla.sgow, old and new. Glasgow, Annan, 1891. Stiles, William H. Austria in 1848-49. 2 v. N. Y. Harper, 1852. Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William. Annals of the artists of Spain. 4 v. Lond. Nimmo, 1891. Cloister life of the emperor Charles V. Ed. 4. Lond. Nimmo, 1891. Stone, Edwin Martin. Our French allies . . . Providence, Provi- dence press CO. 1884. Story, Alfred Thomas. Building of the British empire (Story of the nations). 2 v. N. Y. Putnam, 1898. Story of the nations series. Entered under the authors. Stowe, Jlrs Harriet (Beecher). Men of our times . . . Hartford, Hartford pub. co. 1868. Strahan, Edward. Art treasures of America. 3 v. Phila. Barrie, n. d. (Full-page portraits only indexed.) Strang, L. C. Famous actors. 2 ser. Bost. Page, 1900-02. Famous actresses of the day in America. Bost. Page, 1899. Stuart, Gilbert. See Mason. Stuart, Ladi/ Louisa. Letters, ed. by James A. Howe. Edin. Douglas, 1901. Ixvii Sumner, William Hyslop. History of East Boston. Bost. Tilton, 1858. Swinton, Willieun. Twelve decisive battles of the war. N. Y. Dick, 1867. Taft, Lorado. Histoiy of American sculpture. N. Y. Macmillan, 1903. Tallentyre, S. G-. Women of the salons. Lond. Longmans, 1901. Tardieu, Ambroise. Generaux franyais. 2 v. (Ser. 5 of his Icon- ographie universelle.) Taunton, Ethelred L. Thomas Wolse}". Lond. Lane, 1902. Taylor, James and othet's. Pictorial histoiy of Scotland ... 2 v. N. Y. Virtue, n. d. Taylor, William Cooke. National portrait galler}'. 4 v. Lond. Jackson, 1846. Temple, Alfred G. Masterpieces of art. Lond. Blades, 1894. Temple, Oliver Perry. East Tennessee and the civil war. Cincin- nati, Clarke, 1899. Thacher, James. American medical biography. 2 v. in 1. Bost. Richardson, 1828. Thane, John. British autography ... 3 v. Lond. Thane [1819]. Texas bar association. Proceedings, lst-15th annual session. Hous- ton, 1882-96. Theatre. 39 v. Lond. Eglington, 1878-97. Thevet, Andre. Les vrais portraits et vies des homines illustres. 2 V. in 1. Par. 1584. Thiers, Louis Adolphe. History of the French revolution, translated, with notes by Frederick Shoberl. 5 v. Lond. Bentle\', 1838. Vignettes et portraits. Par. Paulin, 1856-62. Thompson, Vance. French portraits. Bost. Badger, 1900. Thomson, 2[rs. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. 3 v. Lond. Bentley, 1845*46. Thomson, D. C. Barbizon school. Lond. Chapman, 1891. Thornton, Percy M. Foreign secretaries of XIX century to 1880. Ed. 2. 3 V. Lond. Allen, 1881-83. Ixviii Thrale, JZ/w. Sketch of her life . . . Lond. Seeley, 1891. Thust, Thomas jV. U7id Kuhn, C. M. Biographisches kiinstler album. Berlin, Nelte, 1867. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, ed. Jesuit relations and allied documents. 73 V. Clev'eland, Burrows, 1896-1901. Timbs, John. English eccentrics and eccentricities. Lond. Chatto, 1877. Timon, pseud. Livre des orateurs. Ed. 13. Par. Pagnerre, 1844. Token, 1829, ’30, ’32, ’33, ’36-38. 7 v. Bost. 1829-38. Tomes, Robert. "War with the South ... 3 v. N. Y. Virtue, ["1862]. Toselli, Jean Baptiste. Biographic ni^oise, ancienne et moderne . . . 2 V. Nice, Soc. typographique, 1860. Townsend, Virginia F. Our presidents . . . N. Y. "Worthington co. 1889. Tregarthen, Greville. Stor\" of Australasia (Story of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1893. Treille, Nicolas Clement de. Austrasise reges et duces. Colonise, 1591. Trent, William Peterfield. Southern statesmen of the old regime. N. Y. Crowell ["1897]. Trinity church, N. Y. Bicentennial celebration, 1897. N. Y. Pott, 1897. Trowbridge, John Townsend. My own story. Bost. Houghton, 1903. Trumbull, James Hammond. Memorial history of Hartford county, Conn. 2 v. Bost. Osgood, 1886. Trumbull, John. See Weir. TuUberg, Hasse W. Die souveriinen fiirstcnhauser Europas por- triitsammlung. 2 v'. Stockholm, Tullberg [1898-99]. Tumor, Hatton. Astra castra. Lond. CHhpman, 1865. Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate, o canti carnascialeschi andati per Firenze dal tempo del Lorenzo de’ Medici fino all’ anno 1559. Ed. 2 enl. 2 v. Cosmopoli [Lucca] 1750. Ixix Van Dyke, J. C. Modern French masters. N. Y. Century co., 1896. Van Slyck, J. D. New England manufacturers and manufactories ... 2 V. Bost. Van Slyck, 1879. Vanity fair album ... v. 1-36. Lond. 1869-1904. Vasari, Giorgio. Ritratti de’pittori, scultori e architetti . . . Roma, Pagliarini, 1760. Velasquez. (Newnes art library). Lond. Newnes [1903]. Velasquez. See Beruete; Stevenson. Velly, Paul F. and others. Histoire de France ... 16 v. Par. Desaint, 1770-86. Verheiden, Jacobus. Af-beeldingen van sommighe in Godts-Woort ervarene mannen die bestreden hebben den roomschen Anti- christ. s’Gravenhaghe, Nieulandt, 1603. Vermont bar association. Members, proceedings . . . v. 1-3, no. 4. Montpelier, 1882-95. Vermont centennial commission. Centennial anniversary . . . Rut- land, Puttie, 1879. Vermont centennial committee. Dedication of Bennington battle monument . . . Bennington, Vt. centennial committee, 1892. Vemey, Lady. Memoirs of the Verney family ... 4 v. Lond. Longmans, 1894-99. Versailles. Galeries historiques, dedi^es . . . par Gavard. 13 v. Par. Ch. Gavard, 1838. Supplement. 6 v. Par. Gavard, n. d. Versailles-Mus4e. Le musee national de Versailles . . . par Nolhac et Peratii. Par. Braun, 1896. Vertot d’Auboeuf, Ren6 d’Aubert. History of Knights of Malta. 2 V. Lond. Strahan, 1728. Vertue, George. Heads of the kings of England, proper for Rapin’s history, t-p. w. [Lond. 1736.] — Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. See Birch. Viardot, Louis. Masterpieces of French art. 2 v. Phila. Gebbie, 1883. Vicars, John. England’s worthies . . . Lond. Smith, 1845. Ixx Vienna. Albertina collection. See Schonbrunne) Belviderc gallery. See Perger. Vincent, Arthur, Live.s of twelve bad women. Bo.st. Page, 1897. Virginia state bar a.ssociation. Reports, lst-9th annual meeting. Richmond, 1888-97. Vizitelly, E. A. True story of Chevalier d’l^on. Lond. Tylston, 1895. Vondel, Joost van den. AVerken. 12 v. Amsterdam, Biuger, 1855-69. Vulson, Marc de. Les portraits des homines illustres fraiH'ois. Par. Loyson, n. d. Waite, Otis F. R. New Hampshire in the great rebellion. Nor- wich, Ct., Jewett. 1873. Waldron, Francis G-. Biographical mirrour. See Biographical mirrour. Wallich, Greorge C. Eminent men of the day. See Eminent. Walmsley, Edward. Physiognomical portraits ... 2 v. Lond. Major, 1822-24. Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of painting in England. With addi- tions b}' James Dallaway. 5 v. Lond. Major, 1826-28. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland . . . Lond. Scott, 1806. Letters. 6 v. Lond. Bentley, 1840. Letters, ed. b}' Cunningham. 9 v. Lond. Bohn, 1861-66. Letters to Sir Horace Mann ... 4 v. Lond. Bentley, 1843. Walter, James. Memorials of M'ashington ... N. Y. Scribner, 1887. Warburton, Eliot. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the cavaliers. 3 V. Lond. Bentlev’, 1849. Weurd, T. Humphry. English art in the public galleries of London. 2 V. Lond. Ikmssod, 1887. and Roberts, W. Romnev’, with a catalogue raison ii(5 of his works. 2 V. Lond. Agnew, 1904. Washbume, E. B. Recollections. 2 v. N. Y'. Scribner, 1887. Ixxi Watts, Henry E. The Christian recovery of Spain (Story of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1894. Webb, Samuel Blachley. Correspondence and journals ... 3 v. N. Y. 1893-94. Weber, Joseph. Memoirs of Maria Antoinetta, translated from the French. 3 v. Lond. Weber, 1805-12. Weed, Thurlow. Life of 4'hurlow Weed, including [v. i] his autobi- ography and [v. 2] a memoir. 2 v. Bost. Houghton, 1884. Weir, John F. John Trumbull ... N. Y. Scribner, 1901. Welbeck abbey. See Portland. Weldon, Sir Anthony. Court and character of King James. Lond. "Wright, 1650; reprinted b}" Smeeton, 1817. Werckmeister, Karl, ed. Das neunzehnte jahrhundert in bildnissen. 5 V. Berlin, Photog. gesellschaft. 1898-1901. Wesleyan Methodist magazine, v. 45-64. Lond. 1822—41. Con tinuation of the Methodist Magazine. Weyerman, Jacob Campo. De levensbeschryvingen der aloude en der nederlandsche konst-schilders. 4 v. s’Graavenhaage, Kloot. 1728-69. Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth. Heirlooms in miniature. Phila. Lippincott, 1898. Salons colonial and republican. Phila. Lippincott 1900. Wheatley, H. B. Historical portraits. Lond. Bell, 1897. Wheeler, Benjamin Ide. Alexander the Great (Heroes of the na- tion.s). N. Y. Putnam, 1900. White, George. Historical collections of Georgia. N. Y. Pudney, 1855. White, Henry A. Robert E. Lee (Hei’oes of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1897. Whitehall review. Collection of 50 cartoons of eminent persons [Lond.] 1880. Whitehead, W. A. Contributions to the early histor}' of Perth Amboy. N. Y. Appleton, 1856. Whitman, Alfred. Masters of mezzotint. Lond. Bell, 1898. Ixxii Whitman, Alfred. Samuel Cousins. Lond. Bell, IPOi. Samuel William Re^'nolds. Lond. Bell, 1903. Valentine Green. Lond. Bullen, 1902. Whitman, Sidney 07id Mcllraith, J. R. Austria (Story of the na- tions). N. Y. Putnam, 1899. Whittemore, Henry. Heroes of the American revolution . . . Brook- lyn, 1897. Whyte, Frederic. Actors of the century . . . Lond. Bell, 1898. Wilkins, William H. Caroline the Illustrious ... 2 v. Lond. Longmans, 1901. Willcock, John. The great marquess of Argyll. Edin. Oliphant, 1903. Willert, Paul F. Henry of Navarre (Heroes of the nations). N. Y. Putnam, 1893. Williams, Hugh N. Madame de Montespan. N. Y. Scribner, 1903. Williamson, Greorge C. Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer. Lond. Boll, 1903. History of portrait miniatures. 2 v. Lond. Bell, 1901. John Russell. Lond. Bell, 1894. Portrait miniatures. Lond. Bell, 1897. Willing, Thomson. Some old-time beauties. Bost. Knight, 1895. WHlis, William. Histor}’ of the law, the courts, and the lawyers of Maine. Portland, Bailey, 1863. Wills, James. Irish nation. 4 v. Lond. Fullarton, n. d. Wilmot, Sydney Eardley-. Life of vice-admiral Edmund, Lord Lyons. Lond. Low, 1898. Wilson, J. W. Collection expos^e dans le galerie du cercle artistique et litteraire de Bruxelles. Par. Claye, 1873. Wilson, James Grant. Presidents of U. S. . . . N. Y. Appleton, 1894. Wilson, Woodrow. History of the American people. 5 v. N. Y. Harper, 1902. Windsor castle. See Holbein; Law. Ixxiii Winsor, Justin, ed. Memorial history of Boston. 4 v. Bost. Osgood, 1880-81. Narrative and critical history of America. 8 v. Bost. Houghton, 1889. Winter, Georg. Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen krieges (Oncken, Allg. gesch.) Berlin, Grote, 1891. Winterhjelm, Kristian. Norsk lyrik efter 1814. Kristiania, Cam- mermej'er, 1891. Wit, Komelis de. Verzaameling van de afbeeldingen van veele voornaame mannen en leeraaren. Amsterdam, Wit, 1743. Wolf, Adam und Zweideneck-Siidenhorft, Hans von. Oester- reich unter Maria Theresia, Joseph II und Leopold II, 1740- 1792 (Oncken, Allg. gesch.). Berlin, Grote, 1884. Wolseley, Viscount. Life of John Churchill, duke of Marlbor- ough. 2 V. Loud. Bentley, 1894. Woltmann, Alfred. Holbein and his time . . . Lond. Bentley, 1872. Woodbum’s gallery of rare portraits. 2 v. Lond. Jones, 1816. Woodbury, Augustus. Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside. Provi- dence, Rider, 1867. Woodward, B. B. and others. General history of Hampshire. 3 v. Lond. Virtue, [1870]. Woolright, H. H. History of the 57th (West Middlesex) reg’t of foot, 1755-1881. Lond. Bentley, 1893. World’s work. v. 1-8. N. Y. Doubleday, 1900-04. Worthington, W. H. Portraits of the sovereigns of England. Lond. Pickering, 1824. Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W. History and posthumous memoirs . , . 5 V. N. Y. Scribner, 1884. Posthumous memoirs ... 3 v. Lond. Bentley, 1836. Wright, George N. Life and reign of William IV. 2 v. Lond. Fisher, 1837. Wright, Thomas. England under the house of Hanover. Ed. 2. 2 V. Lond. Bentley, 1848. Ixxiv Wright, Thomas. History of Ireland ... 3 v. Lond. Tallis [1848-52]. Queen Elizabeth and her times. 2 v. Lond. Colburn, 1838. Wurzbach, Alfred von. Die franzOsischen maler des 18jahrhun- derts. Stuttgart, Netf, 1879. Wyatt, Thomas. Hi.story of the king.s of France . . . Phila. Carey, 1846. Year-book of facts. 41 v. Lond. Timb.s, 1839-79. Annual of scientific discovery. Youmans, William Jay, ed. Pioneers of science in America. N. Y. Appleton, 1896. Yriarte, Charles. Autour des Borgia. Par. Rothschild, 1891. — Veni.se . . . Par. Rothschild, 1878. Zeitschrift fiir bildende kunst. v. 1-24 and n. s. v. 1-15. Lpz. Seeman, 1866-1904. Zeitschrift fiir biicherfreunde. v. 1-8. Bielefeld, Velhagen, 1897- 1904. Al^BKEVTATIOXS In book references the volume number and page number are always separated by a colon. The asterisk ♦ indicates some form of photographic reproduction. aftw afterwards orig original daguerr . . . daguerreotype P page; pinxit (painted); painting dau daughter photo photograph . Photograph ic reproduc- del dolineavit (drew) tions are indicated by * des dcssin (drawing); dcsignavit (drew) pict picture eng engraved, engraver, engraving pi plate etch etched, etcher, etching por portrait ex. exc excudit (made) poss possession f fecit (made); father pseud pseudonym front frontispiece pi part imp imprimit (printed); improved s son inc incidit (engraved) sc sculpsit (engraved) inv invenit (made) scr series ifg licfcrung sup supplement lith lithograph t-p title-page m mother; monthly V volume mezzo .... . . . . mezzotint w wife; weekly n. s new series wdct woodcut Other abbreviations are so familiar that explanat ion seems unnecessary. (^l.xxv) S*.- (»*■’« ■ . ■ , •i"^ ■'*. >.'• t “* 1 '4--K|S'5 • ■ V’A.^r . .- V -^v^'T ■ ■ . INDEX TO PORTRAITS AACHEN, Johann von, 1552-1615. See Achen. AAGAARD, Holger Hailing, 1785-1866. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) 12;34. Perlemor p. 1797* (miniaturiO Fru Holger Hailing (Marie Koes), 1790-1858- Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) P:34. miniature 1808.* Just Michael, major, 1758-1819. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) 1*;3. C. V. Eckersberg p.* AAGE, prince of Denmark, grandson of Christian IX, 1887- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:518. AAHMES MERIAMON, queen of Egypt, w. of Thothmes I. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 10:17. relief* (Temple, Der-el-bahri) AARESTRUP, Karl Ludvig Emil, poet, 1800- 56. Hansen, Nordiske digtere (1870) 368. H. P. Hansen eng. AARTSEN, Pieter, 1507-73. See Aertsen. ARAD EE, George Howard Fanshawe, d. 1904 Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:330.* Paul, 1812-84. L’Akt (1876) 4:259. Pils del. (sketch) ABAET£, visconde de, Antonio Paulino Limpo de Abreu, 1798- Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:11. A. Sisson lith. 1857. ABARZUZA, Buenaventura, Paris peace comm’r Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1094. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:559. ABBADLE, Mme. Laincel, Les peintres de la femme (1888) 396. Jules Machard p. Sgap sc.* ABBAS Pasha, khedive of Egypt, 1813-54. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:284. wdct. ABBAS HILMI Pasha, khedive of Egypt, 1874- Alm. de Gotha (1893) front. A. and Th. Weger sc. Cent. (1899) 36:816.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:68. wdct. — (1893) 37:106, 695. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:67 —(1893) 102:105* —(1896) 109:802* —(1900) 116:838.* ABBAS I, the Great, shah of Persia, 1557-1627 Allo. wcltgeschichte (1887) 8:318. Persian por.* Benjamin, Story of Persia (1887) 263. Hist. gal. of por. (1808) 3 : pi. 2. G(-orge Cooke sc. Malcolm, Hist, of Persia (1815) 1:525. C. Heath eng. after Persian original. MCller, Der Islam (1887) 2:363. Persian original from Malcolm’s hist, of Persia.* ABBATUCCI, Charles, 1771-96. Arnault, Biog nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:4. J. Boellz sc. Tardieu, Gdn. frang. l:pl. 61. Forestier sc. ABBE, Cleveland, 1838- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:882. wdct. Pop. sci. m. (1888)32:289. Ernst, 1840- McClure’s mag. (1900) 15:549.* J. W. comm’r N. Y. fire dept. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:25. wdct. ABBEMA, Louise, 1855- L’^Vrt (1879) 17:274. Sarah Bernhard sc. Louise Abbema des. (bust). —(1884) 37:13. H. Thiriat sc. ABBETT, Leon, gov. of N. J. 1836- Harper’s w. (1883) 27:725. wdct. —(1889) 33:912. wdct. ABBEY, Beatrice, child actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:399* (4 por.) Edwin Austin, 1852- Art j. (1902) 54:62. E. O. Ford sc.* (bust) Book buyer (1892) 9:288.* —(1896) 13:513. GribayddofT del.* —(1902) 23:529. Critic (1895) 26:191 —(1898) 33: 16. Gribey^doff del.* — (1902) 40:196. Ford sc.* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:55. J: S. Sargent f.* (crayon sketch) —(1900) 100:875.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:781. Napoleon Sarony del. wdct. — (1895) 39:^4. wdct. — (1901) 45:348, 1215. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:227.* —(1898) 113:49.* —(1901) 118:753.* Intern.\t. studio (1902) 16:201. J. W. Bacon del.* (sketch) Mao. of art (1896) 19:251.* —(1898) ^:573.* — (1899) 23: 146. Sargent del.* New Eno. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:138. Outlook (1902) 70:20a. Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 733. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Henry Eugene, operatic manager, 1848- Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:401. wdct. ABBOT, Benjamin, 1763-1849. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:76. Chester Harding p. wdct. Charles, 1757-1829. See title Colchester. Ezra, 1819-84. Harper’sw. (1881)25:364. wdct. — (1884)28:217. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:439 —(1900) n. s. 22:731. George, abp. of Canterbury, 1562-1633. Birch, Heads (1813) 59. Houbrakensc. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 : 10. from Lodge’s portraits.* Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1 :88. Michael Van der Gucht sc. — (1843) 1:36. W. T. Mote eng. (coll, of Earl of Verulam) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:70. from Lodge’s portraits.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:961. Simon Pass eng. Lodge, Portraits (1835) 5: pi. 9. W. T. Mote eng. Nugent, Mem. J. Hampden (1874) 51. Phillibrown sc. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l;pl. 1. Simon Pass sc. 24288—06 1 ( 1 ) ABBOT 2 ABDUL KHALIK Henry Larcom, u. s. a. 1831- New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:14. R. G. Hardie p.* John, 1759-1843. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 125. T. Badger f. J. C. Buttre eng. Robert, bp. of Salisbury, 1560-1617. Holland, Hercoologia anglica (1620) 185. eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 2. Francis Delaram sc. Mrs Sarah, founder of Abbot acad., 1762-1848. New Eng. mag. (1886) 4:99. T. Buchanan Read p. eng. Willis John, 1863- Arena (1895) 11 :330.* ABBOTSHALL, Lord, Scotch judge, 16201-88. See Ramsay, Sir Andrew, 1st bart. ABBOTT, Miss. Burlington mag. (1903) 1 : 125. John Downman f.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:301. Downman f. 1793.* Austin, 1831-96. Univ. law rev. (1897) 3:151. Benjamin Vaughan, 1830-90. Green bag (1891)3:1.* Charles Conrad, 1843- Critic (1897) 31:383.* Pop. sci. 111.(1887)30:433. Edward Gardner, major, 1840-62. Bay state m. (1884) 1 : 190. wdct. Edwin, 1838- Cabinet por. gall. (1891) 2:25.* Emma, 1849-91. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:48. wdct. Henry Livermore, u. s. a. 1842-64. Bay state m. (1884) 1:190. wdct. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Bos- ton (1881) 3:323. Kilburn sc. Jacob, 1803-79. Harper’s mag. (1900) 100:953. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:921. wdct. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 212. Sir John Joseph Caldwell, premier of Canada, 1821-93. Green bag (1893) 5:537.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:488. wdct. —(1892) 36: 188. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:799.* —(1893) 102:567.* John Stevens Cabot, 180.5-77. Book buyer (1899) 18:96.* Conoreg. quar. (1878) 20:front. F. T. Stuart eng. Harper’s w. (1877) 21 :.521. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:730. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:52. silhouette. Joseph, 1808-67. Congreg. quar. (1870) 12: 333. H. \V. Smith eng. Joseph Carter, 1825-82. Waite, N. II. in great rebellion (1873) 348. G. E. Ferine eng. Josiah Gardner, 1814-91. Bay state m. (1884) 1 : 129. eng. Harper’s w. (1877) 21 : 125. wdct. Lyman, 1835- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 131. Arena (1890) 3:36.* Critic (1897) 31:190.* Harper’s w. (18^7) 31 :961. wdct. La.mp (1903) 26:362.* New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21 : 109. Pond, Eccon. of genius (1900) 76. R. of rev. (1895) 12:414. World’s work (1902) 3:1772.* Lyman F. colonel. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of the Bennington monument (1892) 148. eng. Samuel Leonard, m. d. 1818-1904 New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:642. Twyman Osmand, of Tacoma, 1863- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:421. Rev. Walter, d. 190-1. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:946.* William H. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:395.* ABBOTT family name. See also title Tenterden. ABBT, Thomas, 1738-66. Konnecke, Bildei> atlas (1887) 172. Schleuen sc.* ABD-EL-KADER, 1807-83. L’Art (1892) 52:31. AngeTissier p. Lemaire sc. Bentley’s misc. (1846) 20:83. Rozetti del. J. Cook sc. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:405. eng. Harper’sw. (1860) 4:.561, wdct. — (18^) 27:365. wdct. Saint ^IARTIN, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7 :pl.l9. Pauquet del. Berber sc. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14:143. eng. ABDUL AKHAD, amir of Bokhara. See Bokhara. ABDUL AZIZ, Muley, sultan of Morocco, 1878- Cent. (1903) 44:2. Arthur Schneider del. 1901.* Illus. Lond. news(1903) 122:40. — (UXM) 125:653. R. C. Woodvillc del.* R. of rev. (1903) 27 : 292.* ABDUL AZIZ, sultan of Turkey, 1830-76. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:635. Alm. deGotha (1871) front. Carl Mayer sc. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegcnheit (1892) 359.* Eclectic mag. (18(53) (30:409. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1867) 11 : 509. wdct. — (1876) 20:373. wdct. Lati- mer, Ru.ssia & Turkey (1893) 200. Vanity fair album (1869) 1 : pi. 5. lith. after caricature. ABDUL HAMID II, sultan of Turkey, 1842- Allg. welt^chichte (1892) 12:639* Arena (1895) 12:379.* Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892)475.* Catii. world (1895) 61 : (i66. C'rowned heads of the time (1880) 61. photo. Djemaleddin, Sultan Murad V (1895) 180. Harper’s w. (1876) 20:780. wdct. —(1877)21 : 419. wdct. —(1896)40: 206. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:273. wdct. after photo. — (1877) 70: June 27 sup. — (1896) 109:293.* Latimer, Russia & Turkey (1893) 230. McClltie’s mag. (1898) 11:133.* Miles, Military Europe (1898) 12.* Outlook (1902) 72 : 66, 71* (in 1876 and 1902) Politikos, ^vereigns & courts of Europe (1891) front. C. Butterwonh eng. ABDUL KARIM Munshi Ilaiiz, Indian secretary to Q. Victoria, 1863- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101 : 238.* —(1893) 102 : 623.* ABDUL KERIM Pasha, Turkish commander, 1811-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:641.* Ba.mbero, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 471.* Harper’s w. (1877) 21 : 384. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:77. wdct. ABDUL KHALIK, chief of Bezoot. Illusl Lond. news (1879) 75:592. W. Simpson del. wdct. ABDUL KHALIK 3 ABEBDARE ABDUL KHALIK Sultan. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl.74, fig. 2. J. Smart del.* (Brit, mus.) ABDUL KHAN. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 54b. W. Wood f.* ABDUL MEDJID, sultan of Turkey, 1823-61. Allo. weltgeschiehte (1888) 11:446. G. Levi eng. after p.* (Versailles) — (1892) 12:86. J. II. Kretsch- mer p. F.Jentzen lith.* Alm. de Gotha (1843) pi. 3. Carl Mayer sc. Ba.mberi;, Gesch. d. orient, angelegcnhcit (1892) 65. Kretschmer p. Jentzen lith. Flatiie, Ztalter. d. restauration u. revolution (1883) 380. Levy eng. after p. (Versailles) Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:76. — (1854) 6:8, 196. wdct. Nol^vn, War against Russia, 1 : 187. W. J. Edwards eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6 : pi. 39. Levy eng. ABDUL RAHMAN, emp. of Morocco, 1778-1859. Ballou’s pictorial .(1859) 17: 344. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:133. wdct. ABDUL RAHMAN, amir of Afghanistan, 1830- 1901. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1112. Illos. Lond. news (1880) 77:137. —(1885) 86:339. —(1897) 111:273.* —(1901) 119:522. ABDULLAH HALIM Bey, Egyptian minister of public instniction. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:177. A’BECKETT, Arthur William, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:542.* Gilbert Arthur, 1837-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891)99:531.* John J. Cath. world (1897 ) 64:563. ABEEL, Garret, 1734-81. Whittemore, Heroes of Amer. rev. (1897) 202 sup. Garret Byvance, 1768-1829. Whitte.more, He- roes of Amer. rev. (1897) 206 sup. George, 1839- Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 208 sup. John Howard, 1815-96. Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 207 sup. ABEILLE, Gaspard, abb4, 1648-1718. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 92. Bertaut eng. after old p. ABEL, Charles Frederick, musician, 1725-87. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 48. Gainsborough p.* (coll, of C: Wertheimer) Sir Frederick Augustus, 1st bart. 1826-1902. Cabinet por. gal. (1890) 1:59.* Deutsche chem. gesellsch. Bcrichte (1902) jahrg. 35, l)d. 4:4563. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:292.* — (1901) 118:May 11, sup. p. 2. Frank Bramley p.* — (1902) 121:378.* R. OF rev. (1890) 2:313.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 184. Frank Bramley p.* Robert, cricketer, 1859- Baily’s mag. (1899) 71 :t-p. eng. Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 842. Spy del. hth. (caricature) ABELARD, Pierre, 1079-1142. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4 : 140. wdct. (medal) Mennechet, Le Plu- tarque fran?. (1836) l:pl. 18. Guilleminot del. De- laistre sc. ABELL, Arunah Shepherdson, 1806-88. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:300. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 9:221. Samuel Sartain eng. ABENDROTH, Frau. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1901) n. s. 12:182. Groger lith.* ABERCORN, (ith earl of, James Hamilton, d.l734. Adolphus, Brit, cabinet (1799) 2:pl. 41. Harding sc. after p. (coll, of marq. of Abercorn) 1st duke of, James Hamilton, 1811-85. Cas- sell, Nat. por. gall. 3:9. lith. after photo. Ewald, Beaconsfield & his times (1882) 2:277. G. Cook eng. after photo. Illus. Ixind. news (1885) 87 : 479. Men of mark (1876) 1:34. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 32. Ape f. lith. (caricature) duchess of. Lady Louisa Jane (Russell) w. of 1st duke, 1812-1905. Heath’s book of beauty (1837) front. Edwin Land.seer p. J. Thomson eng. 2ddukeof James Hamilton, 1838- Ii.Lus.Lond. news (1886) 88:80. —(1892) 100: June 25, sup. p. I. * —(1897)111:287.* —(ItK)l) 1 18:412.* Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 3,52. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ABERCROMBIE, lion. Lady. Keepsake (18.56) 184. L. W. Desanges p. W. H. Mote eng. James, d. d. 1758-1841. Portfolio (1810) n. s. 4:393. Trott del. Edwin sc. ABERCROMBIE family name. See also title Dun- fermline. ABERCROMBY, Bobby. Roy acad. pict. (1901) 10. Mary L. Waller p.* (child por.) Sir Ralph, 1734-1801. Anderson, Scottish na- tion (1863) l:pl. 4. Hoppner p. J. B. Bird eng. Biog. mag. (1819) 1:1. Holl sc. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:61. Hoppner p. 17951* Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1835 & 1847) 1: front. Hoppner p. Page eng. — (18.5.5) 1 :front. Hoppner p. II. Robinson eng. European mag. (1801) 39:403. Ridley sc. Holt, Life of George III (1820) 1:430. Hoppner p. Jer- DAN, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Hoppner p. II. D. Cook eng. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 51, 52. .John Kay f. & eng. 1801. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12:pl. 4. Hoppner p. W. Finden eng. Portfolio (1809) n. s. 2:49. Westmacott sc. B. Turner eng. (statue, St Paul’s cath.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 2. Hoppner p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:39. Hoppner p. II. D. Cook eng. Wilson (R. T.) Brit, exped. to Egypt (Phil. 1803) front. Hoppner p. II. Meyer eng. ABERDARE, 1st baron, Henry Austin Bruce, 1815-95. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 4:113. lith after photo. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdct. Illus. Lond. nows (1895) 106:251. Men of mark (1882) 6:34. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 29. Ape f. hth. (caricature) ABERDEEN 4 ABOUT ABERDEEN, J^ih earl of, George Hamilton- Gordon, 1784-1860. Alm. de Gotha (1845) pi. 6. Wivell p. Carl Mayer sc. Archer, Gladstone & conteinp. (1883) 2:316. lith. after p. BocRKE,Hist. of Whites (1892) 1:208. Lawrence p. Cousins eng.* Cl'st, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:199. John Partridge p. 1846* Drawing room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4: pi. 2. I). J. Pound eng. after photo. Ewald, Beaconsfield & his times (1882) 1 :248. A. Wivell p. W. Roffe eng. Foster, 2 duchesses of Devonshire (1898) 185. Law- rence p.* Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (18^) v. 3. A. Wivell p. T. Woolnoth eng. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie f. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:166. Partridge p.* Octux)k (1897) 55:903. D. J. Pound eng.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:104. A. Wivell p. T. Woolnoth eng. Thorn- ton, For. secretaries (1882) 3:63. eng. 7lh earl of, John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, 1847- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:. 592. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68: 148. wdct. afterphoto. — (1886) 88:263. — (1893) 102:591.* McCarthy, Brit, polit- ical por. (1903) 1.52.* McClure’s mag. (1894) 3 : 129- 130* (5 por.) Notables of Brit. (1897) 60.* Out- look (1902) 72:509.* R. of rev. (1894) 9:2. countess of, Isabel Maria (Marjoribanks) w. of 7th earl, 18.57- Arena (189.5) 11:289.* Internet. studio (1898) v. 6. Amer. studio talk, Nov. p. 3. W. W. Funk f .* McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:131-133* (8 por.) Notables of Brit. (1897) 144.* Outlook (1901) 67:46.* R. of rev. (1890) 2:569.* —(1891) 4:534. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 115.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 745. Sp}’ f. lith. (caricature) ABERFEIJJ, John, d. 1518. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 100. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815. (Great Cressingham church, Norfolk) ABERGAVENNY, 5th baron, George Nevill, d. 1.535. Drum.mond, Noble Brit, famdies (1846) 2 : pi. 22. Holbein, p. (miniature) Lady Joane (Fitzalan) w. of 5th baron. Drum- mond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2 : pi. 22. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 1 :295. 6th baron, Henry Nevill, d. 1586. Drummond, Noble Brit, families ( 1846) 2 : pi. 22. 0th baron, Henry Nevill, d. 1641. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2 : pi. 22. Paulus von Somer p. 2d earl of, Henry Nevill, 1755-1843. Horsfield, Hist, of Sussex (1.S3.5) l:front. T. Henwood del. E. Scriven eng. 1st marquis of, William Nevill, 1826- Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:61. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 207. Ape f. lith. (caricature) marchioness of, Caroline (Johnstone) w. of 1st marquis, 1826-92. Court album (1853) pi. 2. J.Hay- ter del. J. Brown eng. ABERNETHY, John, 1764-1831. Cust. Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:165. George Dance del. 1793.* Euro- pean mag. (1819) 76:291. J. Partridge del. J. Thom- son eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 2. Law- rence p. J. Cochran eng. Pettigrew, Medical por. gall. 2:pl. 1. Lawrence p. J. Cochran eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 6 : pi. 56. Lawrence p.* Tay- lor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 :26. Lawrence p. Cochran eng. ABHAYANANDA Swami. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:536.*’ ABHEDANANDA Swami, Hindu teacher. Arena (1899) 22 : 429. Critic ( 1 898) 32:200.* ABILDGAARD, SOren, 1718-91. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7* :3. miniature.* ABINGDON, countess of, Eleanora (Lee) w. of 1st earl, d. 1691. Verney family (1899) 4:270. Ijoly p.* (at Claydon house) William Lepper, actor, 1859- Critic (1902) 40:300. Frank Richardson del.* (as Moriartv) Thea- tre (1896) ser. 4,28:270.* ABINGER, 1st baron. Sir James Scarlett, 1769- 1844. So. Kensington, Nat hist. por. 7: pi. 21. Wil- liam Derby p.* baroness, Helen (Magruder) w. of 3d baron. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:723.* 4th baron, James Yorke MacGregor Scarlett, 1871- 1903. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:474.* 5th baron, Shelley Leopold Lawrence Scarlett, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (19031 123:946.* ABINGTON, Mrs Frances (Barton), 1737-1815. .(Vrmstrong, Reynolds (1900) 175. Reynolds p. 1782* (as Roxalana) Art j. (1886) 38:92. Rejmolds p. Carl Dietrich eng. (as Roxalana) — (1892) 44:18. Rejm- olds p.* Connoisseur (1904) 10:68. Reynolds p.* (at Duff house) Craig, Dr. JohiLson (1895) 83. Doran, annals of Eng. stage (1888) 3 : 102. eng. after mezzo. Europelvn mag. (17^) 33:147. R. Cosway del. W. Ridley sc. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1032. Reynolds p.* (as “Roxa- lana”) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:Feb. 27, sup. p. 2. Rejmolds p. 1782* (as Roxalana) Ladies’ m. mus. (1815) imp. ser. v. 2. Lond. mag. (1771) 40: 115. Williams sc. Molix)Y, Romance of Irish stage (1897) 2 : front. Reynolds p.* Monthly mirror (1797) 4:257. Reynolds p. eng. Pall Mall mag. (1893) 1:683. Rejmolds p.* Reynolds, Engravings, 1;^, 2:15. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Rejmolds eng. (2 pair.) Smith, Brit, mezzotinto por. (1884) 6:776, pi. 50. Rejmolds p. Elizabeth Judkins eng. Theatre (1886) ser. 4, 8: 16. Meisenbaeh f.* Thrale, Sk. of life (1891) 84. Rey- nolds p. J. K. Sherwin sc. (as Roxalana) ABNEY, Sir William De Wiveleslie, 1844- Art j. (1903) .55:242. Lantferi sc.* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1889)78:289.* ABNEY-HASTINGS family name. See title Don- ington. ABOUT, Edmond, 1828-85. lOikME sifecle (1901) 349. Paul Baudiy p.* Eclectic mag. (1867) 69:640, eng. after photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2. 29:310. Baudry p. T. de Mave sc. Harper’s mag. (187.5) 51:64.5. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86: ABRAHAM 5 ACLAND 115.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 4. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1858.* Mao. of art (1886) 9:472. Baudry p. wdct. Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 232. (ith. after caricature. ABRAHAM, William, m. p. 1842- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:515.* ABRAHAM a SANTA CLARA, pseud, of Ulrich Megerle, 1644-1709. Bechstein, 200 deutsche man- ner (18M) pi. 78. eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 142. J. H. Person etch. 1693.* ABRAHAMOVIC, von. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:839.* ABRAHAMS, Woodward, 1814- Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 10:174. eng. ABRANTES, ducd’, Jean Andoche Jimot, 1771- 1813, and wife. See Junot. ABRANTilS, marqucz de, Miguel Calmon du Pin e Almeida, 1796-1865. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1 : 23. S. A. Sisson lith. 1861. ABRUZZI, duca d’, Luigi, arctic explorer, 1873- Bookman (1903) 17:607.* Harper’s w. (1901) 45:736. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:440. Out- look (1900) 66:310,* 573.* Tullberg, Fiirsten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:329. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ABT, Franz, 1819-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:237. wdct. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:602. ABUBAiCR, sultan of Johorc, 1835-95. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1046, 1228. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891)98:271.* —(1895) 106:699.* Vanity fair al- bum (1891) 23: pi. 19. Kyo f. lith. (caricature) ABU SINA or Ibn Sind, 983-10.37. See Avicenna. ABU-TALIB Mirza, Indian traveler, 1752-1806. European mag. (1801) 40:163. Drummond p. Rid- ley eng. ABUL HASAN KHAN Mirza, fl. 1809. Euro- pean mag. (1810) 57:403. S. Drummond p. W. Rid- ley eng. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 272. John Kay f. 1819 & eng. Lady’s mag. (1819) 50:243. eng. ABZAC, marquis d\ Marie Charles Venance, 1822-. Laforge, Hist, de MacMahon (1898) 3:144. vicomte, Paul d’. Harper’s w. (1899) 33:77. wdct. ACARIE, Jean Pierre, 1540?-1613. L’Art (1882) 28:215. Lanneau des. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser.2, 18:878. Lagneau del. Dujardin sc. Gonse, L’art anc. d I’exposition de 1878 (1879) 420. Lagneau del.* ACBAR. See Akbar. ACCIAJUOLI, Neno, gov. of Corinth, fl. 1394) Reber und Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899. 4 : pi. 463. Andrea del Castagno p.* (fresco in Castago museum, Florence) Nicolb, 1310-66. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 33. Aliprando Capriolo eng. ACCOLTI, Bernardo (Unico Aretino) 1465?- 1535. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 16. Giorgio Va- sari p.* (fresco in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence) ACCUM, Friedrich, 1769-1838. European mag. (1820)77:483. Samuel Drummond p.J. Thomson eng. ACHARD, Adolphe, actor, 1808-56. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 2: pi. 2. ACHARD DE BONVOULOIR, L. R. C. 1744- Bioo. modernc (1807) 1:3. Labadye del. Voyez Jor sc. ACHEN, Johann von, 1552-1615. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. ACHENBACH, Andreas, 1815- Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:51. Max Koner p. 1896.* Heinrich von, 1829- Oncken, Ztalter. des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:66.5.* ACHESON, Ladies Alexandra, Mary, and Theo, daughters of 4th earl of Gosford. Sargent, Work (1903) 38. Sargent p.* Edward Goodrich, 1856- McClure’s mag. (1900) 14:214. drawing.* Lady Mary, w. of Lord Bentinck, d. 1843. See Bentinck. ACHESON family name. See also title Gasford. ACHILLES TATIUS, rhetorician. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 2, pt. 1:124. eng. after medal. ACHMET. See Ahmed. ACHURCH, Janet, 1864- Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 10:171.* ACIGN^, Judith or Marie d’, Mme de Canaples, d. 1558. Bouchot, Femmes de Brantbme (1890) 72. Jean Clouet p.* Clouet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 205. Clouet f. lith. Judith d’, w. of Charles II de Co.ss4, comte then due de Brissae, d. 1598. See Brissac. ACKER, Milo M. of N. Y. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:348. wdct. ACKERS, C. E. war correspondent at Tampa. Bookman (1904) 19:34. Frederic Remington del.* ACKT£, Mme Aino, Finnish prima donna. Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:329* (as Elizabeth in “Tann- hauser”) ACLAND, Arthur Henry Dyke, aftw. Troyte, 1811-.57. Sec Troyte. Arthur Herbert Dyke, 1847- Cabinet por. gall. (1894) 5:81.* ACLAND Sir Charles Thomas Dyke, l^h art. 1842- Illus. Load, news (1883) 82: 173* Lady Harriet (Fox-Strangways) w. of John Dj’kc Acland, 1750-1815. Ellet, Women of Am. rev. (1900) 1:171. II.\rpkr’s mag. (1877) 55:686. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1800) 5:85. Rivers del. Ridley sc. New Eng. mag. (1896) n.s. 15:586. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. wdct. Reynolds, Engravings, 2:pl. 63. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1771-2. S. IV. Reynolds eng. Sir Henry, 1st bart. 1815-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:560.* Outlook (1898) 60:843* (with Prof. Jowett & Dr. Wood) Roy acad. pict. (1896) 28. W. W. Ouless p.* John Dyke, 1747-78. Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:679. eng. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:587. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. wdct. Sir Thomas Dyke, 10th bart. 1787-1871 . Illus. Lond. news (1871) .%): 1 16. wdct. after photo. JL«(/y[ThomasDyke],LydiaElizabeth(Hoare) w. of 10th bart. d. 1856. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 3:pl.99. Lawrence p. 1814. Samuel Cousins eng. 1820* (with 2 son.s) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3,5:129. Lawrence p. (with 2 sons) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 4. Lawrence p. Cousins mezzo.* (with 2 sons) Mag. of art (1890) 13:377. Lawrence p. A. Knesingeng. (with 2 sons) Whit.man, Samuel Cousins (1904) 8 . Lawrence p. Cousins eng. 1826 (with 2 sons) Sir Thomas Dyke, 11th bart. 1809-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:861.* Outlook (1897) 55:424. p. 18OT.* See also portraits under Acland, Lady Thomas Dyke, w. of 10th bart. Sir William Alison Dyke, 2d bart. vice admiral, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:708.* ACLAND-HOOD family name. See Hood. ACORN, pseud, of Janies Oakes. See Oakes. ACOSTA, Emilio J. de, Spanish naval captain, d. 1898. Cent. (1899) 35:585. Francis Day del. after Spanish print. A’COURT, Mrs Charles Holmes- (Marian May Busfeild) Daily’s mag. (1898) 69:101.* ACQ,UAVrVA, Andrea Matteo III, duke of Atri, 1460-1528. JiiRB. d. kun.sthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1898) 19:216. medal 1526.* Giovanni Francesco, duke of Atri. Jaiirb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1894) 15:160. Titian p.* ACTON, 1st baron, Sir John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1834-1902. Bookman (1902) 15:519.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:267.* Pop. sci. m. (1899) 56:15. Thomas Coxon, 1823-98. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:569. wdct. —(1881) 25:892. wdct. ACUiJ'A, Francisco de Paula, sec’ 3 ’ of state of Puerto Rico. Harper’sw. (1899) 43:2&. Wori.d’s work (1901) 2:117.3. ACUTT, John. Ak.minian mag. (1784) 7:453 (age 28) ADAM ADAIR, Lady Caroline (Keppel) 1737-69. See Keppel. John, 1757-1840. Yearbk. Sons of the rev. Mo. (1895) 102. p.* (in Kansas City, Mo.) Sir Robert Alexander Shafto, 1811-86. See title Waveney. ADALBERT, prince of Bavaria, s. of Ludwig I, 1828-75. Alm. de Gotha (1859) pi. 4. Carl Maj'er sc. Adalbert prince of Bavaria, s. of Ludwig Fer- dinand, 1886- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :55. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Adalbert prince of Prussia, s. of Wilhelm, 1811-73. Alm. de Gotha (1852) front. A. Volkert sc. Adalbert prince of Prussia, s. of emp. Wilhelm II, 1884- Roberts, Two roy. lives (1888) 179 (with Princes William & Frederick) Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. p)or. (1899) 2:541. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ADAM, Mr. St Memin, Coll, ot por. (1862) pi. 656. St Memin del. eng. 1809.* Mrs. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 753. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Adolphe, 1803-1856. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 3. Alex Griba}’<5dolI del.* Critic (1899) 35: 1089. lith.* Huart et Philippon,Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 12. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:751. F. Kruger f.* Alexander, 1741-1809. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 56. Raeburn p.* Ciia.mbers, Em. Scotsmen (1835) 1 :front. — (1847 & 1855) 1 : 13. Raeburn p. S. Freeman eng. Portfolio (1887) 18:69. Raeburn p.* Edouard Jean, 1768-1807. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et h^istr'des hommes utiles, 4:10.5. eng. after bust. ^ y Franz, painter, 181.5-86. Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1:. 5.3. wdct. Graeme Mercer, 1839- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:32. Mme Juhette (Lamber) w. of Edmond Adam, 1836- Critic (1893) 22:187. —(1895) 27:250 —(1902) 40:133.* —(1903) 42:11.* Harper’s mag (1886)73:856. Gal. cohtemp. pi. 44. photo. Grand Cartaret, XIXe si5cle (1893) 291. Burney sc.* McClure’s mag. (189.5) 5:70* (3 por.). Revue illus. (1887) 4:33. Mile Breslau del. Florian sc. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 126.* Lambert Sigisbert, 1700-59. L’Art (1885) 38:27. Perronneau p. Charles Kreutzberger del. Nicolas Sebastien, 170.5-78. L’Art (1885) 38:26. Aubiy p. Charles Kreutzberger del. Paul, 1862- Bookman (1902) 15:220. Critic (1904) 45:100.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 28:16. Blanche p. 1902.* Internat. studio (1904) 21:191. Blanche p.* Paris salon (1902) 48, pi. 2. Blanche p.* Robert, architect, 1728-92. Connoisseur (lfX)4) 9:31. Mag. of art (1894) 17:1.50. James Tas sie f.* (medallion) ADAM 7 ADAMS William Patrick, gov. of Madras, 1823-81. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 77:504.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6:pl. 176. Ape f. lith. (caricature) AJDAMBEB.GER, Antonie, aftw. w. of Joseph Arneth, 1790-1867. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 266. Monsomo p. Weger eng.* (miniature, Komer- mus. Dresden.) ADAMS, Mrs Abigail (Brooks) w. of C. F. Adams, ST. ^Vmer. art rev. (1880) 1 :92. W. M. Hunt p. S. A. SchofI sc. New Eng. mag. (1894) n.s. 10:689. Hunt p. wdct. Quincy, Mass. First church, Chappel of ease (1890) 62. p. 1871* (age 63) Mrs Abigail (Smith) w. of John Adams, 1744- 1818. A.MER. hist, register (1895) 3:9. Art). (1894) 46:96. James Tassie f.* (medallion) Bowen, Cen- tenn. Washington inaug. (1892)18. Blythe p. — p. 260. Stuart p. Cent. (1889) 15:853. Blythe p.* (age 22) Duyckinck, For. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:255. Gilbert Stuart p. eng. Ei.i.et, Women of Am. rev. (1900) 2:31. Griswold, Uepub- lican court (1855) 169. C. Sches.sele p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:551. Holloway, Ladies of the White House (1886) 1 : 106. G. Stuart p. Sartin eng. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 2. Stuart p. G. F. Storm eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:371. Blythe p.* (age 21) Quincy, Mass. First church, Chappel of ease (1890) p. 1800.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (18^) 4:pl. 1. Stuart p. G. F. Stonn eng. Alva, gov. of Col. 1850- Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:951. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:1140. wdct. Out- look (1897) 55:39. R. OF rev. (1904) 30:526.* Alvin, 1804-77. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8: 108. eng. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51 :317. eng. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (18^) 1 :262. G: E. Ferine eng. Andy, 1859- Bookman (1904) 19:542.* Critic (1904) 44:497.* Austin, Iowa lawyer. Green bag (1889) 1 : 383.* Charles, /r. 1810-86. N.E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1887)41:349. F. T. Stuart eng. Charles FoUen, 1842- Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:795. Charles Francis, s. of J. Q. Adams, 1807-86. A.m. ann. cyclop. (1871) ll:front. Cent. (1888) 14:409.* Eclectic mag. (1867) 68:265. Ferine & Giles eng. Harper’s w. (1861) .5:241. wdct. — (186.5) 9:705. wdct. —(1872) 16:100,429. wdct. —(1886)30:784. wdct. Hart, Browere’s life masks (1899) 5i. J. H. I. Browere sc.* (age 18) McClure’s mag. (1899) 12:339. Browere f. 182.5* (life mask) Mass. hist, soc. Froc. (1899) ser. 2, 13:198. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (18^) 4:272.* Quincy, Mass. First church, Chappel of ease (1890) 62. p. 1^9.* Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) front, eng. Vanity fair album (1872) 4:pl. 126. lith. after caricature. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:68. (from Harper’s w.) Mrs Charles Francis, sr. See Adams, Mrs Abigail (Brooks). Charles Francis, jr. 183.5- Scribner’s mag. (1888) 4:487. eng. Charles Kendall, 1835-1902. Amer. grtst men & women (1894) 249. Green bag (1889) 1:475.* Harper’s w. (1885) 29:472. wdct. — Q889) 33:452. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 2.‘3:94* (in 1889) New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:13. OtTLOok (1898) 59:876. R. of rev. (1902) 26:310.* Chester, 178.5- Bacon (O. N.) Hist, of Natick (18.56) 142. David Laird, 1837- Hole, For. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 151. Wm. Hole sc. Edwin, actor, 1834-77. Cent. (1890) 18:542.* Mrs Elizabeth, convict, d. 1738. Caulfiei.d, For. mem. & char. (1819) 3:1. eng. Mrs Elizabeth (Vemey) w. of Rev. Charles Adams, 1633-1721. See Vemey. Francis Gardner, u. s. n. 1839-65. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 317. J.C. Buttre eng. after photo. George Bethune, 1845- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:937. George W. bvt. colonel. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 414. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. George W. Chicago juryman. Cent. (1893) 23:806.* Sir Hamilton John Goold- 1858- Illus. Ixmd. news (1901) 118:29.* —119:913.* Hannah, 1755-1832. Dedham hist, register (1890) 7:83. w'dct. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 426. W. Roberts sc. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:365. Chester Harding f. wdct. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5: 160. Alexander p. eng. Mrs Herbert (Adeline V. Pond) Caffin, Am. masters of sculpture (1903) 110. Herbert Adams sc.* (bust) Taft, Hi.st. of Am. sculpture (1903) 389. Herbert Adams sc.* (bust) Herbert Baxter, 18.50-1901. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 23:94* (in 1889) Isaac, inventor, 1803-83. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:124. Kilburn del. eng. Jack,astrologer, 1625- Tlmbs, Eng. eccent. (1877) 130. James, Fresb. clergyman. Christian diadem (1853) 72. eng. James, 1830-88. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 3:415 eng. James Williams, chaplain to the king, 1840- 1903. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:777.* — (1903) 123:642.* Jarvis M. lawyer, of Cleveland, 0. 1827- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:385. eng. John, pres, of U. S. 173.5-1826. Amer. hist, regis- ter (189.5) 3:8. .(Vppleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 1 : front. Stuart p. H. B. Hall, jr. eng. Austin, Hist of Mass. (1876) 385. eng. (age 89) Bancroft, History (1861) 4: front. Bartlett & Woodward, Hist, of U. S. (1856) 2: 190. Copley p. Stephenson eng. Bowen, Centen. Washington maug. (1892) (11 por.) Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 1 :pl.43. eng. Casket (1827) 1. Stewart p. Longacre sc. Cent. (1887) ADAMS 8 ADAMS 12: 322. Gilbert Stuart p.* — (1889) 15:802 (group) — 15:825. Stuart p.* Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877)1:195. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (18G1) 1:107. Chappcl p. eng. Duyck- inck, Por. of pres. (1881) 35. Chappel p. eng. Euro- pean mag. (1783) 4:83. eng after p. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1 :89. Copley p. wdct. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 23. C. W. Pealc p.* — p. 163 eng.* (from Gesch van bet geschil tusschen Gt. Brit, en Amer. Amst. 1782) Ford, Great words (1898) 26. Getcii- ell. Our nation’s executives (18^) 28. eng. Gi-e.v- son’s pictorial (1853) 4: 376. Pierson sc. — (1855)9:8. Kilbum del. Bakersc. — (1859') 16:377. Valentin del. Best sc. after French por. — (1859) 17 :80. Piersonsc. Greveton & Mauzaisse, Les contemp. Strangers ( 1835) pi. 15. Mauzaisse del. 1827. C. Mott lith. Harper’s mag. (1876) 53: 189. eng. —(1883)66:838. —(1884) 68:5^. Stuart p. G. Kruellsc. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:169. wdct. —(1876) 20:561. wdct. —(1889) 33:357. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) 1 :pl. 9. Edgar Parker p. after Gilbert Stuart.* Hart, Browere’s life masks (1899) 50. J. H. I. Browere f.* (age 90) Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 275. eng.* Lit. mag. & Am. register (1804) 2:329. B. Tanner sc. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4:pl. 1. B. Otis p. after Stuart. J. B. Longacre eng. Loubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2:pl. 21. Jules Jacquemart etch, after medal 1797. McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:10.59. Browere f. 1825 (life ma.sk) — (1901) 17 :223. Sharpies del.* (Independence hall) Mag. of Am. hist. (1^4) 11:93. eng. after p. 17^. Moulton, Lib. of lit. criticism (1902) 5:41. Stuart p. Longacre eng.* Museum of for. lit. &sci. (1827) 11:1 Ijongacre eng. after p. from Stuart. N. E. hist. &geneal. reg. (1857) 11:97. eng. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:130. Stuart p.* — (1902) n. s. 27:357, 3.59. Stuart p.* Quincy, Mass. First church, Chappel of ease (1890) .%. p. 1800.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1853) 4:front. B. Otis p. after Stuart. Longacre eng. Richardson, Messages of pres. (1896) 1:226. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:51. Jane Stuart f. 1874 after G. Stuart* (in 1800) —(1898) 23:23. Blythe p. 1765.* Spoeford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 4:342. vignette. — 4 :379. A. Tholey f.* Townsend, Our presidents (1889) 24. Stuart p. eng. Weir, John Tmmbull (1901) 24. Trumbull p. 1792* (minia- ture) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:192. Stuart f.* (Harvard univ.) Wilson, Pres, of U. S. (1894) 36. Stuart p. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Winsor, Mem.hist.of Boston(1881)3: 192. Stuart p. 1825. Kil- burn sc. WiNSOR,Nar.& crit. hist. (1889) 6:36. eng. after Amsterdam print 1782. — 7:90. eng. after p. (from European mag. Aug. 1783) John, of Edinburgh, 1758-1804. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 16. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. John {alias Alexander Smith) seaman, 1760?- 1829. Murray, (T. B.) Pitcairn (London 18^) front. R. Beechey del. H. Adlard eng. John B. railroad conductor. Gleason’s pict. (1852) 2:224. wdct. John Clayton, painter. Mag. of art (1896) 19:134.* John Couch, astronomer, 1819-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:134.* Pop. sci. m. (1892) 41:433. John Gregory Bishop, 1841- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:895. wdct. John Milton, editor Portland Argus, 1819-97. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1283. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. John Quincy, pres, of U. S. 1767-1848. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:177. Chappel p.* A-mer. hist. reg. (1896) 3:640. Ajier. lit. mag. (1848) 2:133. A. B. Durand p. eng. A.MER. rev. (1845) 1:441. Appleton’s cyclop, of .\m. biog. (1887) 1:24. Mar- chant p. G. Parker sc. Bartlett & Woodward, Hist, of U. S. (1856) 3:208. DubourjM f. T. W. Hunt eng. Buttre, Am. jwr. gall. (1877) 1 : pi. 5. Marchant p. G. Parker sc. Casket (1828) 229. Stuart p. J. B. Longacre eng. from drawing. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 579. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall. (1862) 2:5. Chappcl p. eng. Duyckinck, Por. of the pres. (1881)81. Chappcl p. eng. GETCHELL,Our nation’s executives (1885) 96. eng. Gleason’s pict. (1853)4:376. Piersonsc. — (1859)16:377. H. Valen- tin del. Best, Hotclin& co. sc. — 17:80. Pierson sc. Green bag (1900) 12:23. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:119. G. P. A. Hcaly p.* Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) 1:25. William Page p.* (Faneuil hall) Hart, Browcrc’s life masks (1899) 52. J. II. I. Browere f.* (age 58) Healy, Remin. (1894) 152. Heal}' p.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 445. Chappel p. eng. Hubbard, Little jour. Am. statesmen (1898) 188. eng.* Hunt, Am. biog. panorama (1849) 178. W. II. Green sc. Life of Thurlow Weed (1884) 177. Marchant p. G. Parker sc. Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4:pl. 24. Durand p. J. W. Paradise eng. Loubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 54. Fiirst des. & eng. 1825. Jules Jacquemart etch, (medal) McClure’s mag. (1899) 12:338. Browere f. 1825* (life mask) Mag. of Amer. hist. (1882) 8:449. II. B. Hall eng. — (1884) 11:102. Healy p. 11. W. Smith eng. — (1892)27:321. Healy p. Joseph .\ndrews eng. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1902) ser. 2, 16: front, p.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 259. Gilbert Stuart p.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. criticism (1902) 5:719. Durand p. Paradise eng.* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22: 80. Outlook (1902) 70:554. A. B. Durand p. & eng. Quincy, Ma.ss. First church, Chappel of ease (lS)0) 56. p. 1796.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, dist. Am. (1853) 4: pi. 6. Durand p. Paradise eng. Richardson, Messages of pres. (1896) 2:290. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17 :^4. Stuart p. eng. Sew- ard, Autobiog. (1877) 672. Marchant p. G. Parker sc. SiiEDD, Famous painters (1876) 2il4. J. S. CopW p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:349. vignette. Townsend, Our presidents (1889) 142. H. B. Hall eng. W 11 .SON, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:198. eng.* — 3:280. Healy p.* (Corcoran gall.) Wilson, Pres, of U. S. (1894) 120. Marehant p. Parker sc. WiN.soR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:3.'i). A. B. Du- rand p. eng. from National por. gall. 1839, v. 4. Mrs Louisa Catharine (Johnson) w. of J. Q. Adams, 1775-1852. .Vmer. hist. reg. (1896) 3:641. Holloway, Ladies of White House (1886) 1:.399. C: R. Leslie p. Sartain eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:387. Leslie p.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 25. Leslie p. G. F. Storm eng. Quincy, Mass. First chureh, Chappel of ease (1890) 56. p. 1795.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1853) 4: pi. 7. Leslie, p. Storm eng. ADAMS 9 ADDICKS Maude, actress, 1872- Book buyer (1898) 17:285. C. Allan Gilbert del.* —(1902)24:11. Ham- ilton King del.* (as Phoebe of the ringlets) Bookman (1897) 6 : 188* (as Babbie) —(1898) 7 : 18. S. Arlcnt Edwards del.* (as Babbie) — (1899) 9:312* (as Ju- liet) — (1901) 14:334*(inQualitystreet) Bookman, Lit. yearbk. (1898) 129* (as Babbie) Critic (1897) 31:220.* —(1898 ) 33:340* (as Babbie) —(1899) 34:487* (as Juliet) —(1900)37:481. Ernest Haskell del.* (as L’.Hglon) —(1901) 39:556* (in Quality street). — (1904) 44:422* (in The pretty sister of Jos6) Harper’s w. (1893) 37:68. wdct. (in The masked ball) — (1894) 38:956. wdct. (as Jessie Keber, 3 por.) — (1896) 40:920. wdct. (as Dolly Cruickshank, 2 por.) — (1899) 43:518* (as Juliet) —(1901) 45:760,* 1233.* —(1904) 48:60* (in The pretty sister of Jos6) Strang, Famous actresses in Am. (1899) front. 18 (in character) Milward, 1857- New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:488. Norman H. 1799- Hunt, Amer. biog. pano- rama (1849) 245. eng. Phinehas, 1814- Van Slyck, N. E. manufac- turers (1879) 2:597. eng. Samuel, 1722-1803. ANOREWs,Portraiture of the Am. rev. war (1896) 75. Paul Revere eng.* Austin, Hist, of Mass. (1876) 230. J. S. Copley p- H. B. Hall eng. (age 49) Bancroit, Hist, (l^il) 7 :front. B.\y state m. (18^)3:401. Copleyp. Kilburneng. Atkin- soN’scasket (1832) 385. Copleyp. Goodman & Piggott eng. CoNGREG.quar.(1869) 11: front. J.S. Copleyp. H.B. Hall eng. (inFaneuilhall) Drake, Hist& anliq. of Boston (18^) 671. eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall. (1861) 1:39. Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1 :56. Copley p. 1771.* Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 347. eng. from An impartial hist, of of the war in America, Lond. 1780.* Ford, Great words ( 1 898) 40. Gleason ’s pictorial ( 1 853) 5 : 8. K il- burn del. Pierson sc. — [1855] 9:8. Kilburndel.W. J. Bakersc. Harper’s mag.(1851)3: 154. eng. — (1876) 53:185. eng. (age 49) — 53:192 (Johnston por.) — (1883) 67:739. —(1901) 103:296. Harper’s w. (1875) 19: 370. wdct. —(1876)20:561. w'dct. Harri- son, Biog. sketches (1892) 1 : pi. 4. Coplej^p.* Hub- bard, Little jour. Am. statesmen (1898) 118. eng.* — p. 130. Chappel p.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4 :pl. 3. Copleyp. Longacre del. G. F. Storm eng. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17 :228. Copley p.* (Boston art mus.) Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:535. N.E. hist. & gen. reg. (1876) 30 : 279. Copley p. H. B. Hall eng. (age 49, in Faneuil hall) New Eng. mag.(1893)n. s. 8: 412. Paul Revere eng. — (1899) n. s. 21:161. — (1900)n.s.21:528. — (1902) n.s.25:.'529. — n. s. 27 : 355. Polyantiios ( 1806) 3 : 73. S. Harris sc. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1853) 4;pl. 2. Copley p. J. B. Longacre del. G.F. Storm eng. Roy. Amer. (1775) no. 7, 1 : 121. Paul Revere eng. Sander- son, Biog. of signere (1827) 9:287. Copleyp. Long- acre eng. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:8. Copley p. 1773. eng. (Boston art mus.) S.mitii, 13 colonies (1901) 1:269. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:354. vignette. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:272. Copley p.* (Boston art mus.) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1^1) 2:438. Copley p. Kilbum sc. — 3:35. Copley p. Kilburn sc. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889)6:40. J. Norman sc. 1781. (from An impar- tial hist, of the war in America) — 6:41. eng. 1780. (from An impartial hist, of the war in America) Mrs Sarah (Eve), 1783- Wharton, Salons (1900) 33. St Memin f.* (miniature) Stephen, u. s. senator, 1804-57. Gleason’s pictorial (18^) 4:152. eng. Stephen, •pseud. See Maybrick, Michael, 1845- Suzanne, singer, 1873- Bookman (1901) 13:258.* Harper’s w. (1899) 43:6, 138.* Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:667.* —(1904) 124: Apr. 30 sup. p. 2. William, d. d. 1807-80. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. .3. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Eclec- tic mag. (1878) 91 :513. G. R. Hall eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:604. wdct. —(1873) 17:916. wdct. — (18k)) 24:605. wdct. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1881) 12: front. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. William Dacres, 1775-1862. Atiien.®um club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 7. Lawrence p. lith. Wilham Davenport, 1851- Theatre (1894) scr. 4, 23:70. Photo. William Forbes, bp. of Easton, 1833- Perry, Episcopate in Amer. (1895) 2.30. Wilham Henry Davenport, 1828-91. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:43.* WiUiam Taylor, (•pseud. Oliver Optic) 1822-97. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 51. Critic (1897) 30:243. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:877. wdct. ADAN, ^mile Henri Joseph, 1830-82. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1883) 49:.307. Deinannez sc. Louis l^mile, 1839- L’Art (1886) 40:81. Gf^ry Bichard del. Sgap sc. ADANSON, Michel, botanist, 1727-1806. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1!^0) 1:30. Desfeve f. Tresel del. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 80. Pigeot eng. after bust. ADDA, Marchese Girolamo d’, 1815-81. L’Art (1882) 29:83. Cli. de Billy des. 1881. wdct. ADDAMS, Augustus A. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 323. Jane, of Hull House, 1860- Critic (1904)44:490.* New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:551. Outlook (1902) 71 :262. A. K. Tyler del.* (charcoal sketch) — Q904) 78 : 305. World’s work (1903) 5 : 2930.* ADDERLEY, Sir Augustus, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:149. ADDERLEY family name. See also title Norton. ADDICKS, John Edward, 1841- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1036. caricature. Outlook (1903) 73:279.* ADDIXGTOX 10 ADELON ADDINGTON, 1st baron, John Gellibrand Hub- bard, 1805-81). Illcs. Lond. news (1874) 64:552. wdct. after photo. V.\nitv fair album (1884) 16:452. Spy f. litli. (caricature). Isaac, d. 1653. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1880) 1:576. Kilburn sc. Mrs Isaac (Jane Leverett) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston ^880) 1:577. eng. ADDINGTON family name. See also title Sid- mouth . ADDISON, Alexander, 1758-1807. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1889) 13:1. silhouette. Joseph, 1672-1719. Baxter, Godchild of Wash- ington (1897) 580. Bio«. mag. (1794) Knellcr p. Thornthaitesc. — (1819) 1 :2. llollsc. Bircu, Ilea^ (1813) 207. Knellcr p. Iloubraken sc. 1748. Bour- geois, Grand sifecle (1896) 337. Michel Dahl p. Simon eng.* Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 11:18. eng. Cent. (1894) 26:702. Knellcr p.* Chauiers, Brit, essayists (1803) 6:front. Neagle sc. Coll, of engr. por. pi. 1. R. Cooper sc. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849)4:796. J. Thurston copy of por. J. Thomson sc. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:213. copy after Knel- ler.* — 1:213. Michael Dahl p. 1719.* Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 86. Jer\-as p. J. Thurston del. R. Rhodes eng. Garneti', Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3 : 225. Kneller p.* — 3 : 226. Dahl p. lith. Go.stwick, Eng. poets (1875) 74. Green, Short hist. Eng. peo- ple (1893) 4:1.%3. Knellcr p.* Hubbard, Little jour. Eng. authors (1900) 2:57. Johnson (R. B) 18th cent, letters (1898) front. Knellcr p. 1703. print “sold by J. Tonson.”* Kit-cat club, Memoii-s (1821) pi. 37. Kneller p. Cooper sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1836) 6:147. J. Thom.son eng. Thuiston copy. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1790) 4:401. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901)2:633. Kneller p. T. John.son eng. from mezzo, bv Jean Simon. Olifiiant, Hist. char. (1894) 176. Kneller p. T. Johnson eng. from mezzo, by Jean Simon. Por. gall. (1853) 2:521. J. Thomson sc. Thurston cop3'. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2. pi. 17. Jervas p. Thurston del. R. Rhodes eng. Religious souvenir (1837)5:213. S. W. Rej'iiolds p. Oscar A. Lawson eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 28. Kneller p. J. Smith sc. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 12. Kneller p. J. Hopwood sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819)3:51. Kneller p. eng. ADE, George, 1866- Book buyer (1899) 19:252. B00K.MAN (1902) 16:17.* Cent. (1901) 41:63.* Critic (1899) 35:976.* —(1902)40:492.* Harper’s mag. (1903) 107: June bookshelf* Harper’s w. (1903) 47:411* (age 37) ADEANE, Mrs Charles (Madelina Pamela Constance Blanche Wyndham) Sargent, Work (1903) ]>1. 37. J:S. Sargent p.* (with Lady Elcho & Mrs Tennant) ADEE, Alvey Augustus, 1842- Critic (1898) 33:322.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:505* (group) ADELAIDE, ADISLaXdE, queens and princesses. ENGLAND (gR. BRIT.) Adelaide (of Saxe-Meiningen) queen, w. of William IV, 1792-1849. Beckett, Univ. biog. 3: front. B. Holl eng. Connoisseur (1902) 3:157. F. R. Sag del. E. Finden eng.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:531. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) 4:front. H. Dawe del. H. Cook eng. Molloy, Sailor king (1903) 2:. 585. Sir W. Beechej' p. mezzo.* N ew m. lielle assemble (1840) 13: front. Dawe del. Cook eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6 : pi. 98. Corden p. after Winterhalter.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:19. Dawe p. Cook eng. Wright, Life of William IV ( 1837) 2 : 464. eng. FRANCE Adelaide, oueen, w. of Louis II, 9th cent. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 61. Delpech lith. Adelaide (of Aquitaine) queen, w. of Hugh Capet, 10th cent. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 77. Del- pech lith. Adelaide (of Savoy) queen, w. of Ixiuis VI, 12th cent. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 89. Delpech lith. Adelaide, Mme (Marie Adelaide) princess, dau. of Louis XV, 1732-1800. Cent. (1897) 32:843. Nat- tier p.* Critic (1903) 42:38. Nattier p.* (Versailles) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:104. Nattier p. Beauvarlet sc. — ser. 3, 12:304. Nattier p. J. Paj-rau sc. — (1895) ser. 3, 13:463. Nattier p.* (as Diane) — ( 1897) ser. 3, 17 : 32. Heim f. —(1902) ser. 3, 27 : 327. Mme Labille-Guiard p.* (Versailles) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 135. Nattier del.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1889)pl.29. Nattier p. Beauvarlet eng Le livre, bibliog. r^trosjx'ctive (1888) 9:296. F. Courboin etch. Masters in art (1902) j)t. 30, 3: pi. I, 10. Nattier p.* (as Diana) Noliiac, La dauphine Marie Antoinette, 16. Nattier p.* Porti.and, Piet. (1894) 158. F. H. Drouais p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2.599. Mme Guiard p. P. J. Tavernier (uig. — 12: pi. 2599. J. E. Ilein.sius p Marr eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Perate (1896) pi. 45, 49. Nattier p. 1745.* Adelaide, Mme, princess, sister of Louis Philippe 1777-1847. L’Art (1894-1900) .59, pt. 2:822. Heim des.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:49. Due de Montpensicr lith. 1806. ADELBEKT. See Adalbert. ADELER, Max, pseud. See Clark, Charles Ilelier. ADELGONDE, princess of Bavaria, dau. of Lud- wig I, 1823- See Slodena, duchessa di. ADELGONDE, princess of Bavaria, dau. of Prince Ludwig, 1870- Tullbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :48. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ADELON. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser.3, 23:299. Claude Hoin p. 1802* (pastel) ADELUNG 11 AESOP OF ETON ADELUNG, Johann Christoph, 1732-1806. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contcmp. (1S20) 1:39. Frcmy del. et sc. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) pref. p. 20. A. Grad p. Geyser eng. ADEMAR DE MONTEIL, bp. of Puy, d. 1098. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 62. Blon- del p. eng. ADLER, Fehx, ethical lecturer, 1851- A.merica’s grtst men & women (1894) 114. Harper’s w. (1900) 44 : 1207. Hermann, rabbi, 1839- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:25.* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:789. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:767.* Jacob, actor. Harper’s mag. (1898) 98:44. Lucius Hitchcock del.* Fru Jenny(Raphael)1830-1902. LuND,Danske malede por. 7:till£eg p. 1 (with daughters Ellen, Hanna and Emma) Nathan Marcus, rabbi, 1803-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:132.* ADLER-SALVIUS, Johan, statesman, 1590- 1652. Winter, Gesch. des 30 jahrigen krieges (1893) 585. p.* (Friedenssaal, Osnabruck) ADNEY, Tappan, 1868- Critic (1897) 31 :268. ADOLF (of Nassau) emperor of Germany, 1250-98. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Sout- man p. Gaillard eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 102. P. Soutman p. R. Gaillard sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 4:47. P. Soutman p. R. Gaillard sc. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK, prince, s. of George HI, 1774-18.50. See Cambridge, 6th duke of. ADOLPHUS, John, historian, 1768-1845. Monthly mirror (1803) 15:73. Allingham p. Ridley eng. ADOR, Gustave, of Geneva, Switzerland. Out- look (1897) 56:544. ADRAIN, Robert, mathematician, 1775-1843. Democratic rev. (1^4) 14:646. Ingham p. P. II. Reason eng. ADRIAN I, pope, d. 795. Barry, Papal monarchy (1902) 87. ADRIAN V, pope (Ottobuono de’ Fieschi) d. 1276. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:pl. 10, fig. 13. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol, por. incorrectly marked Johannes XXII) ADRIAN VI, pope (Adrien Florent) 1459-1523. Allg. weltgeschichte (188<)) 7:65. Daniel Hopfer etch.* Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 413. Hopfer eng.* Gall. naz. ital. (1902) 5:212. Sebastiano del Piombo p.* Rose, Loyola & the early Jesuits (1891) 79. eng.* (Hope coll. Oxford) Taunton, T. Wolsey (1902) 93. eng.* ADRIANI, Giovanni Battista, 1513-79. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) front, eng. ADRIANUS, emp. of Rome. See Hadrianus. ADYE, Sir John Miller, general, 1819-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:160.* —(1900) 117:296.* ®GIDIUS, Petrus, 1490-1555. Art j. (1897) 49:101. Quinten Massys p.* AELIUS VERUS CAESAR, Lucius (Ceionius Commodus) adopted s. of Hadrian, d. 138. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2: pi 42. bust* (Florence) — 2, pt. 2; pi. 43. statue* (Louvre) iliRTn, Der formenschatz (1891) pi. 161. bust* (Vatican) AERTSEN, Pieter (Pietro Longo) 1507-73. L’Art (1884) 37:113. H. Hondius eng. .fflSCHINES, orator, 389-314 B. C. Allg. welt- geschichte (1885) 2:361. statue* (Naples) L’Art (1894) 59, pt. 1:599. statue* (Herculaneum) Brunn u. Arndt, Griech.u.rom. por. (1893) Ifg. 12, pi. 116-18. statue* (Naples) —Ifg. 12, pi. 119-120. bust* (Capi- tol, Rome) Duruy, Hist, of Greece (1892) 4, sec. 1:79. statue* (Naples) Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 1 :476. statue* (Naples) Heyck, Mono- graph z. weltgesch. (1899) 9:69. statue* (Naples) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 12, pt. 2:176. eng. after bust. Wheeler, Alexander the great (1900) 146. statue* (Boston mus.) AESCHYLUS, dramatist, 525-426 B. C. Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1893) Ifg. 12, pi. Ill, 112. bust* (Capitol, Rome) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 8, pt. 2:2.50. Perrv del. after medallion. Pfitzer eng. SpoFFORD,Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10: 122. vignette. SISCULAPIUS. Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1789) pi. 20. Noel le Mire eng. after statue. Robillard, Mus. franc. (1809) 4: pi. 35. Granger del. after statue. Schulz sc. — 4 : 47. Laguiche des. after statue. P. Bcllefonds eng. (with Telesphore) Pettigrew, Medical por. gall. 1: front. Jenkins eng. after statue (Louvre) .ffiSOP, 619-564 B. C. Harper’s m. (1902) 105:604. gem abt. 500 B. C.* Outlook (1901) 69:881. eng.* Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 2-3:t-p. eng. after bust. (Velasquez portrait) Acad. (1899) 57:423. Vela-squez p.* L’Art (1878) 15:172. Velas- quez p. Charles Kreutzberger des.* Cent. (1889) 17: front. Vela.squez p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1900) 6:56. Velasquez p.* Lafarge, Great masters (1903) 171. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Port- folio (1896) no. 28:95. Velasquez p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1668. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (189.5) 88, pi. 38. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Velasquez (1903) 25. Velasquez p.* (Prado) AESOP OF ETON, cobbler, time of Queen Anne. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1 :73. R. Graves sc. AiiTIUS 12 AGNEW AETITJS, Roman general, d. 454. Allg. welt- geschichte (188G) 4:196. ivorj' diptych.* (Monza) Bradley, Story of the Goths (1888) 109. ivory diptych* (Monza) AFFLECK, Lady Gilbert (Mary Clark) 18th cent. See Vassall, .Sirs Richard. Lady Robert (Maria Impey) d. 1825. Wil- liamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Pliiner (1903) 90, pi. 16. Andrew Pliiner p.* (with 3 daughters, miniature), Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 72. Andrew Plimer p.* (with 3 daughters) AFFONSO. See Alfonso. AFFOBTY, 1724- Biog. modeme (1807) 1:18. Gros del. Courbe sc. AFFRE, Denis Auguste, abp. of Paris, 1793-1848. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 11. eng. AFFREINGUE, Mgr. L’Art (1875) 2:104. Eu- gene Delaplanche sc. (plaster group) AFGHANISTAN, amirs of. See Abdul Rahman, 1830-1901. Hibullah Khan, 1871- Shere Ali, 1825- 79. Yakub Khan. AFZUL KHAN, c. s. i. d. 1897. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:5.53. AGA, Turkish general, d. 1539. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:131, fig. 18. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) AGA MOHAMMED KHAN, shah of Persia, 1734-97. Ben.ia.min, Story of Pei-sia (1887) 285. Malcolm, Hist, of Persia (1815) 2:262. C. Heath eng. after Persian painting. AGAR, Jacques d’, 1640-1716. MoCcke, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 22.Gio. Dom Ferretti del. Rocco Pozzi sc. AGAR family name. See also title Nomianton. AGAR-ELLIS family name. See titles Clifden; Dover. AGAR-ROBARTES family name. See title Ro- bartes AGASSIZ, Alexander, naturalist, 1835- Cath. world (1896) 62:743. Cent. (1883) 4:728.* Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:925. wdct. Harvard grad. mag. (190.3) 12:213. Jules lA>febvre p. 1901.* World’s work (1904) 8:5327.* Mrs Elizabeth Cabot (Cary) w. of IaiuIs Agassiz, 1822- Outlook (1900) 64:73. Louis, naturalist, 1807-73. Ann. of sci. discovery (1850) front. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:268. Barry del. after photo. Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) front. Book buyer (1902) 24:284. Cath. world (1896) 62:7.33. Cent. (1883) 3:498. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:528. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1857) 41:433. J. Sartain eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:200. wcTct. —(1897) 94:913. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:244. wdct. —(1873) 17:701. wdct. —(1890) 34:925. wdct. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 151. life mask * (age 40) — p. 153. Preston Powers f.* (death mask) Internat. studio (1899) 8:90. F. Landry f.* (medal) New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:7. Outlook (1898) 60:70.* Pop. sci. m. (1874) 4:513. —(1903) 62:332.* Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:353. eng. WiNsoR,Nar.& crit. hist. (1889) 1:373. eng. after photo (Somerset club, Boston) Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 475. C. H. Jeens, eng. AGENOUILLE, magistrate, Chennevieres, Les dessins du Louvre (1883) 5:pl. 1. Frangois De 'Troy del. AGESILAUS II, king of Sparta, fl. 398-361 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 11, pt. 1:28. Perry, inv. after bas-relief. Langlois eng. — 11, pt. 1:78. Perry, inv. after bas-relief. Langlois eng. AGHA MUHAMMAD KHAN, shah of Persia, 1734-97. See Aga. AGIER, Pierre Jean, 1748-1823. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:19. Moreau del. Courbe sc. AGLIARDI, Antonio, cardinal, 1832- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:651.* AGNES, saint. Reynolds, Discourses, ed. Johnson (1891) 241. Reynolds p.* AGNES, princess of Austria, dau. of Leopold I, aftw. w. of Boiko, duke of ^hweidnitz, 1321-92. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:97, fig. 66. p.* (coll, of Ferdinand, archduke of Tirol) AGNES (of Bohemia) w. of Rudolf, s. of Rudolf of Hapsburg, dau. of Otho II, 1269-96. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9: after p. 262, pi. 56. Francesco Terzio del.* (wrongly named ElisalK‘th) AGNES (of Burgundy) w. of Rudolf I., d. 1313. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.serhauses (1889) 9:after 262, pi. 57. Francesco Terzio del.* AGNES SOREL, 14091-50. See Sorel. AGNESI (Louis Ferdinand Leopold Agniez) singer, 1833-75. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:61. wdct. after photo. Maria Gaetano 1718-99. Pop. sci. m. (1898). 53:289. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des homracs utiles, 2: pi. 30. E. Conquy sc., 18‘36. AGNEW, Lady [Andrew Noel], Gertrude( V emon) w. of 9th hart. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 71. J. S. Sar- gent p.* Sargent, Work (1903) pi. 14. Sargent p.* Cornelius Rea, 1830-88. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:309. wdct. Daniel, 1809-1902. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 3:62. eng. David Hayes, 1818-92. Harper’s w. (1881) 25 : 509. wdct. —(1892) 36 : 325. wdct. AGNEW 13 AHEAEN George, 1852- Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 48. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Mary, dau. of George W. Agnew. Roy. aead. pict. (1!X)4) 155. Frank Dicksee p.* Sir William, 1 st hart ., 1825- j\jit j. (1895) 47:254. —(1899) 51:183. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Illus. Lond. news (189.5) 107:7.* Roy. aead. pict. (1899) 71. Ford sc.* (bust) AONLEZ, Louis Ferdinand Leopold, 1833-75. See Agnesi. AGNOLO, Baccio d’, architect, 1460-1543. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) 123. eng. AGONCILLO, Felipe, Filipino agent. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 114:188. AGOSTINO, architect, 12651-1330? Vasari, Ri- tratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 8. eng. AGOULT, comtesse d’, Marie (de Flavigny) 1805- 76. See Stem, Daniel, pseud. AGB.ICOLA, Johann, controversialist, 1492-1566. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 90. Balthasar Jeni- chen eng. 1565.* Rudolfus, Dutch scholar, 14431-85. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 :275. N. de L’armessin sc. Geiger, Renaissance u. humanisneus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 335. contemporary eng.* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 10. eng. after old por. AGRIPPA, Marcus Vipsanius, 63-12 B. C. ALLQ.weltgeschichte(1885)3:364. coin* (Berlin, Roy. coin-cab.) L’Art (1887) 42:7. C. E. Wilson del. after statue. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) l;pl. 22. statue* (Venice) — 1:256. eng. of head (Louvre) — 1:258 eng. of head (Campo Santo, Pisa) — 1 :261. eng. of head (Capitol, Rome) Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (18116) Ifg. 30, pi. 293, 294. bust* (Uffizi gall.) — Ifg. 30, pi. 295. bust* (Paris) Firth, Augustus Caesar (1903) 248. statue* (Venice) Hertzbero, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 2:662. coin from Imhoof-Blumer. Portratkopfe auf romi- schen munzen. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 13, pt. 2:406. eng. after bust. AGRIPPA VON NETTESHEIM, Heinrich Cornelius, astrologer, 1486-1535. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes. illus. (1584) 2 : 542. eng. AGRIPPINA, the elder, w. of Germanicus, d. 31 ? A. D Allo. weltgeschiehte (1885) 3:439. statue.* Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1886) 2, pt. 1: pi. 15. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — o2, pt. 1: 190. eng. after photo (head, Louvre) — nd news (1882) 80:49, Apr. 29 sup. — (1884) 84:31 (with her husband) Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:243. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:817 Lindegren del. after photo. duke of. Prince Charles Edward, 1884- See Sachsen-Coburg-Got ha, herzog von, Karl Eduard. ALBEE, Mrs Helen (Rickey) wife of John Albee, 1864- Book buyer (1900) 21:263. John, 1833- Bookman (1901) 13:303. ALBEMARLE, 2d duke of, Edward Plantagenet, d. 1415. See York, 2d duke of. 12th earl of, Richard de Beauchamp, 14th earl of Warwick, 1381-1439. See title Warwick. 3d duke of, George Monck, 1608-70. .f\RT j. (1896) 48:212. S. Cooper p.* (miniature, Wind.sor) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2: 733. M. Van derGucht sc. after p. — (1843) 2:882. Lely p. W. Mote sc. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 2:268. Lely p. W. T. Mote eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:133 (3 por.)* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 1 : pi. 27. David Loggan eng. I(i61 .* Fellowes, Hist, sketches of Charles 1 (1828) .340. Delaporte del. after p. Ducarme lith. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker colonies (1903) 1:219. I^ely p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Fiske, Old Virginia (UKX)) 2:260. Lely p. eng. (Nat. por. gall.) Foster, The Stuarts (19b2) 2: pi. 82. Cooper p.* Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 128. Cooper p. eng. (miniature) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4: pi. 3. Cooper p.* (miniature) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1274. S. Cooper p. (miniature, Wind.sor) Locker, Mem. of celeb, naval command- ers (1832) pi. 3. Lely p. W. T. Mote sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 8: pi. 2. IjcIv p. W. Mote eng. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (19(X1) 324. Cooper p.* (miniature) Pall Mall mag. (189.5) 5:10.5. eng. 1665.* Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1876) 2: front. Pepys, Diary, Wheatley ed. (1896) 8: front. Lely p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Prince, Worthies of Devon (1810) 586. IL R. ALBEMARLE 17 ALBERT Cook sc. R.\ikes, Hist, of Hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:210. Michael Wright p. C. Bestland sc.* Reeesby, Travels & memoirs (1813) 167. eng. So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 96. p.* Steen, Gesch. der revolution in Eng. (1881) 313. Lely p. W. J. Fry eng. Stoey, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1:340. Tayloe, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:81. W. T. ilote eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:50. F. Barlow f. eng. Wal- pole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:112. Bocquet eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 210. Lely p.* Williamson, Hi.st. of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 25, fig. 2. Nathaniel Dixon p.* (Montagu House) — l:pl. 36, fig. 5. Cooper p.* (Montagu Plouse) — l:pl. 37, fig. 3. Cooper p.* (.Montagu House) — 1 : pi. 44, fig. 6. Cooper p.* (coll, of E. Godolphin Quicke) William- son, Por. miniatures (1897) 14. Cooper p. eng. Woodbuen’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 5. Sheppard sc. eng. duchess of, Anne (Clarges) w. of 3d duke, d. 1670. Eaelom, Por. of char. R. Earlom eng. after miniature. 4th duke of, Christopher Monck, 1653-88. Fea, King Monmouth (1902) 227. duchess of. Lady Elizabeth (Cavendish) w. of 4th duke. See Montague, duche.ss of. countess of. Lady Anne (Lennox) w. of 14th earl, 1703-89. Geaves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Rei'nolds (1899) 1 :264. Reynolds p.* loth earl of, George Keppel, 1724-72. Bol eke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:16. Reynolds p. E. Fisher eng.* Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 13. Sir J. Rey- nolds p. 1759. S. W. Reynolds eng. Soc. of col. wars, Mass. Ycarbk. (1899) 127. countess of, Anne (Miller) w. of 15th earl, d. 1824. Aemsteong, Reynolds (1900) 1. Reynolds p.* 16th earl o/, WiUiam Charles Keppel, 1772-1849. Jeedan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Lawrence p. S. Freeman eng. Tayloe, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:42. Lawrence p. S. Freeman eng. 18th earl of, George Thomas Keppel, 1799-1891 . Eclectic mag. (1868) 70:525. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:269.* O’Donnell, Hist, records of the 14th regt. (1893) 332. Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 426. lith. after caricature. 19th earl of, William Coutts Keppel, 1832-94 DnAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 6. D. J- Pound eng. after photo. Illcs. Lond. news (1876) 69:284. wdct. after photo. • — (1894)105:298.* Van- ity fair album (1875) 7:pl. 103. Ape f. lith. (carica- ture) 20th earl of, Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel, 1858- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112: 178* — (1900) 117:Oct. 27, sup. p. 3.* Inteenat. studio (1902) 17:29. Hubert von Herkomer p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 95. Herkomer p.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 644. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ALBENIZ, Isaac, 1861- Buffen, Musical cel- ebrities (1893) ser. 2, 101.* ALBERGATI, Niccolo, cardinal, 1375-1443. Bce- lington mag. (1904) 5: 193. John Van Eyck p. 1432* (Vienna gall.) — 5:195. John Van Eyck del. 1431* (Dresden gall.) 24 288 — 06 2 ALBERICO DA BARBIANO, 1349-1409. See Cunio, conte di. ALBERNOZZO, Egidio, cardinal, d. 1364. Caf- EiOLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 32. Aliprando Capriolo eng. ALBERONI, Giulio, cardinal, 1664-1752. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:25. G. P. Busch eng.* Deelx DU Radieb, L’Enrope illus. (1777) v. 4. C. Dupuis sc. A. Boizot del. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:49. G. P. Busch sc.* Vebsailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2494. F. Weber eng. ALBERRY, Mrs James, actress. See Moore, Mary. ALBERS, capt. of the “Deutschland.” McClube’s mag. (1900i 15:439. George Varian del. 1900. Henri, singer. Haepee’s w. (1898) 42 : 1200. ALBERT, kings and princes. See also Albrecht. BELGIUM Albert, prince, nephew of King Leopold, 1875- Tullbf.bg, Fiirstenliauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:75. Agi Lindegi'en del. after photo. ENGLAND (gE. BEIT.) Albert, prince consort, 1819-61. Allg. welt- geschichte (1888) 11:491. W. C. Ross p. F. Bacon eng. 1841.* Alm. de Gotha (1838) pi. 4. Carl Mayer sc. Ann. gift book (1859) 1 : front. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Aechee, Gladstone & contemp. (1883) 2:232. Winterhalter p. lith. Abcheb, Pict. & roy. por. (1884) 2:156. Winterhalter p. 1846. J. L. Williams del. G. Levv eng. .jVet j. (1877) 29:112. J. H. Foley sc. W. lloffe eng. (statue) — (1887) 39:162. W. Theed sc.* (statue, Balmoral castle) Aet union (1848) 10: front. R. Thorbum p. J. Brown eng. (miniature) Bbett, Yoke of empire (1897) 64. Ceitic (1901) 38:333. Charles Burt eng.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:191. Winterhalter p.* — 2:193. G. G. Adams sc.* (bust) Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:93. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1862) 36:283. G. D. Perine eng. after photo. Flatiie, Zeitalter der restaur, u. rev. (1883) 453. W. C. Ross p. F. Bacon eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:100. eng. after medal — 3:388. J. W. Nicholson del. W. G. Mason sc. — (18.53) 4 : 348 — (18.59) 17:37 (with royal family) Hamilton, First or Grenadier Guards (1874) 3:153. Winterhalter p. lith. IIaepee’s mag. (1867) 35:649,651 — 36:494 (in 1840) —(1880) 61:228, 231 (2 por.) Habpee’s w. (1867) 11:556. wdct. (in 1890) —(1887) 31:444 wdct. (in 1840) Hendeeson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 300. John Partridge f. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:153. S. F. Lynn sc. wdct. (statue, Belfast) — 57 : 552. Noble sc. wdct. (statue, Bombav) — (1876) 68:284. Folej' sc. wdct. (statue, Hyde Park) — 69:UG.Steellsc. wdct. (statue, Edinburgh) — (1886) 88:651. J. L. de M. Horenberg del.* — 88:662 (as Edward III) —(1892) 100:583. Sir J. Gilbert del. 1842. wdct. (as Edward HI) — 100:594. Impee. diet, of univ. biog. 1:71. W. Holl eng. after photo. Keepsake (1840) front. W. Dminmond p. H. Rob- ALBERT 18 ALBIXUS CLODIUS EXGUAXD (gt. BRIT.) — Continued inson eng. — (1S42) front. Drummond p. Robinson eng. Ladies companion (1852) scr. 2, 1:101. E. W. Topham eng. Lati.mer, England in 19th cent. (1894) 154. (in 1840). Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:310. Alophe f. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2 : 134. McClcre’s mag. (1897) 9:693. F. Winterhalter p.* (with Victoria and Wellington) — 9:695. W. Hall eng. after photo. 1861 (with Victoria) — (1900) 16:395. Martin, Life of the prince consort (1875) 1 : front. Robert Thorbum p. Francis Holl eng. (age 24, miniature) — 1:4. Dohl f. W : Holl eng. (age 4) — (1879) 4: front. F. Holl eng. after photo. 1860 (w. the Queen) XEwm. mag. (1839) 57: front, eng. Octlook (1897) 56:574.* Pall Mall mag. (1894) 4:557. Winterhalterp.* —(1894)4:559* —(1901)23:413* — 23 : 415. W.Theed sc. (statue with Victoria) Raikes, Hist, of hon. artUl. co. (1879) 2:336. eng. 1862.* R. OF rev. (1897) 15:682.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 7: pi. 13. Winterhalter p.* Tavix)H, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:105. Sir W. C. Ross p. W. Holl eng. Whit.man, Samuel Cousins (1904) 108. Winterhalter p. Cousins eng. 1851. (with Victoria, Duke of Con- naught, an 1 Duke of Wellington) Yearbk. of facts (1851) e.xtra v. front. F. Sav p. W. H. Mote, eng. Albert Victor (of Wales) prince, s. of Edward VII, 1864-92. See Clarence and Avondale, duke of. Albert (of Wales) prince, s. of George, prince of Wales, 1895- Illcs. Lond. news (1902) 120:123. Mrs Gertrude Massey p.* (minia ure) — (1903) 123 : 733* (with his mother & bro. Edwa d) — (1904) 124:716.* (with his bro. Edward) Tullberg, Furs- tenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:238. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. MONACO Albert I, prince, 1848- Illcs. Lond. news (1889) 95:395.* —(1898) 112:697.* —(1902) 120:677.* Mag. of art (1894) 17 :326. L4on Bonnat p.* Tcllbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:415. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 22. “Spy” i. lith. (caricature) SAXONT Albert, king, 1828-1902. .\llg. weltgeschichte. (1892) 12:417. M. Muller lith.* Alm. de Gotha (185i) pi. 6. — (1899) front. Th. and A. Weger sc. Bulle, Gesch. des 2d kaiserrciches (1890) 617.* Cabinet por. gall. (1894) 5:94.* Crowned heads of the time (1880) 1 1.* Heyck, Monograph, z. wcltgesch. (1898) 4:98.* Illcs. Lond. news (1870) 57:301. wdct. after photo. —(1887)91:5. —(189.3)103:535* — (1898) 112:. 573.* Kn.\ckfu.ss, Kunstlcr-monog. (IWl) 53:111. Hermann Pell p. 1898.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:131. M. Muller lith.* Sciieibert, Heerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 2.* Tci.lberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:709. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Albert, prince, 1875-1900. Tcllbero, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:71.5. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. ALBERT (Alexandre Martin), 181.5- Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7:pl. 5. Pauquet del. Florensa sc Eugen d’, 1864- See D’Albert. Jean Bernard. Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:27. Labadyedel. Texiersc. John S., 1834-80. ILcrper’s w. (1876) 20:509. wdct. ALBERT family name. See also title Luynes. ALBERT D’AILLY, Honore' d’, 1581-1649. See Chaulnes, due de. ALBERTI, Cherubino iBorgheggiano) 1553- 1615. Mot'cKE, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 51. Gio Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Francois d’, abb4, 17.37-1801. Toselli, Biog. ni^oise (1860) 1 : 12. Perrin litb. 1860. Giovanni, 1558-1601. MofcKE, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 8. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Gregorj sc. Leon Battista, 1404-72. L’^\jit (1882) 28:18. P. Avril del after plaque — (1883) 34:249. eng. af- ter medallion. — (1884) 36:194. Matteo de Pasti f.* (medal) G.\z. d. beaux arts (1868) 25:415. (16th cent.) Geiger, Renaissance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1822) 127. bas-relief, 15th cent. (Drey- fus coll. Paris) Mag. of art (1882) 5:276. wdct. after plaque. (Paris) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pl. 7. relief.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 48. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1762. Wolf eng. after p. ALBERTINELLI, Mariotto, painter, 1474-151.5. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori. (1760’) pi. 90. eng. ALBERTINTTS, Agidius, satirist, 1.560-1620. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 115. Lucas Kilian sc. 16.30.* ALBERTIS, Lui^ Maria d’, traveler, 1841- Li.vdt, Picturesque New Guinea (1887) pi. 50. ALBERTONE, Matteo, Italian general. Illcs. Lond. news (1896) 108:289.* ALBERTUS MAGNUS, philosopher, 12001-80. Bcllart, -\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:145. eng. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1898) 19:pl. 25. Tommaso da Modena f.* (fresco) Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:121. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hLst. (1889) 2:29. eng. from Reusner’s leones, Strasburg, 1590. ALBIN, John Henry, of Concord, N. H., 1843- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2325. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. ALBENI, comte, Joseph, vice admiral, 1780-1859. Toselli, Biog. ni^oise (1860) 1:18. Perrin lith. I860. ALBINUS CLODIUS, emp. of Rome, d. 197 A. D. Aixg. weltgeschichte (18^) 3:601. statue* (Vatican) oBernoclu, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 8 statue* (Vatican) — 2, pt. 3: pi. 9. bust* (Capitol, Rome) Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kai-serreiches. (1880) 499. statue* (Vatican) Jhrb. d. kunsthi-t. samml. d. kaiserhauscs. (1884) 2:pl. 6, fig. 71. medal- lion* (Carthusian coll. Rome) oAulhenticitj* doubtful. ALBIXUS 19 ALBUQUERQUE ALBINTTS, Bernard Siegfried, physician, 1697- 1770. Pettigrew, Medical por. gall. (1838) l:pl. 3. Car de Mcxir p. W. Holl sc. AT.BTZZI , Giovanna degli. Knackfcss, Kiinst- ler-monog. (1897) 24:78. Botticelli p.* —(1897) 25:70. Ghirlandajo p.* ALBONI, Mme Marietta, singer, 18241-94. Ann. gift book (1859) 1:37. D. .1. Pound eng. after photo. Cent. (18k2) 2:35.* Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:201. Rosenberg del. Leslie sc. ALBOBNOZ, Gil Alvarez Carillo, cardinal 1300 1- 1367. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:3. De L’Armessin sc. AIlBB.£CHT, emperors, kings, dukes, princes. See also Albert. AUSTRIA Albrecht I, duke, 1248-1308. See Albrecht I emperor of Germany. Albrecht II, der Weise, duke, 1298-1358. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:5. statue* (Hofkirche, Innsbruck) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. sainml. d. kaLserhauses (1888) 7: pi. 72. J. Burgkmair eng.* — (1889) 9:pl. 12. after p. 262. France.sco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14 : pi. 7, lig. 35. (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand of Tirol) Albrecht III, duke, 1348-95. Jhrb. d. kunstliist. samml. d. kaiserhaases (1888) 7: pi. 73. J. Burgk- mair eng.* Albrecht V, duke, 1397-1439. See Albrecht II, emperor of Germany. Albrecht VII, archduke, 1559-1621. L’Art (1877) 10:253. Rubens des.* — (1878) 15:310. Rubens p. W. Unger sc. — (1883) 32:179. Rubens del. eng. — (1894-19(X)) 59, pt. 2, 743. Rubens des.* Bookman (1900) 11:231. Rubens f.* Chennevieres, Les dessins du Louvre (1882) l:pl. 3. Rubens del. Chroniicke vande Hertoghen van Brabant (1612) 114. eng. (with Isabella) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) f l. 33. R. Gower. Hirth, Der formenscbatz 1895) pi. 93. p. school of Rubens* (Schwerin mus.) Hirth, Les grandes illustrateurs, 3:966. Rubens f. Muller eng. — 3:924. Cri^in de Passe f. eng. Hy- mans, Bruxelles, 1:141. O. van Veen p. Hans Col- laert eng. — 1:232. C. de Vos p. Michel, Rubens (1899) 2:232. Rubens p. 1635* (Brussels mus.) — 1:125. Rubens p. (Prado) Philippson, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 386. Rubens p.* PoRTFOuo (1898) no. 3.5, 62. Rubens p. Reyd, Voomaemste ghescbiedeni.ssen inde Nederlanden (16 6) 626. C. V. Sichem. Rooses, L’oeuvre de Ru- bens (1888) 2:pl. 155. Rubens p, F. Harrewijn sc. (wing of triptych of Ste Ildefonse Mas^e imp^*rial, Vienna) — (1890) 4: pi. 280. Rubens p. J. Ilellig eng. — 4:pl. 279. Rubens p.J. Muller sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2087. Lechard eng. after p. Albrecht, archduke, 1817-95. Alm. de Gotha (1843) pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. —(18.53) pi. 6. — ri871) front. Carl Maver sc. Harper’s w. (1>s66) 10:460. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:^7.* GERMANY Albrecht I, emperor, 1248-1.308. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Soutman inv. Basan eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.scrhauses (1888) 7:pl.70. J. Burgkmair eng.* —(1889)9:262. pi. 15. after p. 262 Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14:pl. 7, fig. 9. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) RECUEiLd. por. (1786) 1 : pi. 104. Soutman inv. Basansc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 4:78.Sout- man inv. Basan sc. Whitman, Austria (1899) 8.5 seal* (from Austrian-llungarian monarchy by Arch- duke Rudolph.) Albrecht II, emperor, 1397-1439. Dreltx du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) 2. Soutman inv. Basan eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:4. statue* (Innsbruck) Jhrb. kunsthist samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1885) 3: pi. 5. HansKelsf. (carving) — (1889) 9: pi. 9.afterp. 262 Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14: pi. 9, fig. 122. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 157. Sout^ man inv. Basan sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:149. Soutman inv. Basansc. PRUSSIA Albrecht, prince, son of Friedrich Willielm IH, 1809-72. Alm. de Gotha (1838) pi. 6. Kruger del. Carl Mayer sc. Albrecht, prince, regent of Brunswick, 1837- Al.m. de Gotha (1874) front. Carl Mayer sc. Illus. Lond. news(19(X)) 116:671.* Scueibert, Heerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 5.* Tullberg, Furstenhaaser Europ. por. (1899) 2:. 550. Agi. Lindcgren del. after photo. ALBRECHT VON BRANDENBURG, elector’ of Mcntz, cardinal, 1489-1545. See Brandenburg. ALBRECHT, Balthasar Augustin, 1687-1765. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. ALBRET, dw d',% abhe, Theodore de la Tcur d’Auvergne, 164.3-1715. See Bouillon, cardinal de. Cesar Phebus d’, comte de Mios;-.i;.is, marshal, 1614-76. IcONOG. de Mme de S4vignd, pi. 2. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8: pi. 1413. J. B. Mauzaisse p. .\. Geille eng. Henri d’, 150.3-55. See Henri d’Albret, king of Navarre. Jeanne d’, 1528-72. 8e« Jeanne, queen of Na- varre. ALBXJF^RA, due d’, Louis Gabriel Suchet, marshal, 1770-1826. See Suchet. ALBUQUERQUE, Affonso d’, viceroy of India, 1453-1515. Beazley Prince Henry the navigator (1895) 318. p.* Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1792) 8:401. Ruge, Gesch. des zeitalters der entdeckungen (1881) 142. ms. of Pedro Barretto de Resenda (from Hakluyt soc. Commentaries of Albuquerque) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:76. vignette. Stephens, Story of Portugal (1891) 194. eng.* from Sloane ms. — p. 202. Silva eng. 1774.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes. illus. (1584) 2:420. eng. ALCESTER 20 ALDOBRAXDIXI ALCESTER, Isi baron, Sir Frederick Beau- champ Paget Seymour, 1821-95. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2 : 200.* Ileus. Lond. news 0882) 81:81* — (1895) 106:403.* Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 136. Spy f. lith. (earicature) ALCIATI, Andrea, 1492-1550. Bullaet, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:216. X. Larmessin sc. IcoNOO. di uoinini soinmi (1854) pi. 1. S. MalTeis sc. after eng. Jhub. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1897) 18: pi. 28, fig. 41. p.* (coll, of Ferdinand Archdukcrvon Tirol) TbiEVET, Bor. ct vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:554. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 9: pi. 1876. Xoel, eng. after p. ALCLBLADES, 450-404 B. C. Au.o. weltge- schichte (1885) 2:2.58. bust* (from Visconti. Icono- grafia) oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech u. rom. por. (1899) Ifg. 47, pi. 467-470. busts* (Vatican & Munich) Hertzbero, Gcsch. von Hellas u. Iloni (1879) 1 : 329. eng. after bust from Visconti’s Iconografia Greca. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 3. George Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Kicard (1838) 4, pt. 2:235. eng. after bust — 5 pt. 1:75. eng. after bust. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:160. vignette, o Authenticity doubtful. ALCOCK, Sir Rutherford, 1809-97. Illus. Lond. news (lasti) 89:173. —(1897) 111:680.* Men of mark ^877) 2: pi. 25. photo. ALCORN, James Lusk, gov. of Miss. 1816- Har- per’s w. (1869) 13:813. wdct. ALCOTT, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) front. 43 (2 por.) Book buyer (1893) 10:251. Bookaiax (1897) 6:210.* Cent. (1891) 20:66. D.C. French sc.*(bust) Critic (1893)22:348. (age 82) — (1903) 42:425.* Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:843. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:27. eng. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:193. wdct. Howe, Ainer. bookmen (1898) 184 (in 1882) Mitch- ell, Am. lands (1899) 185. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:4, 5 — (1897) n. s. 16:261. D. C. French sc. (bust. Concord librarj') — (1898) n. s. 18:436. Trowbridge, My own story (1903) 358.* Mrs Amos Bronson (Abigail May) 1800-77. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 6 : 4. Louisa May, 1833-88. Bolton, Lives of girb (1886) 106. B(X)K buyer (1886) 3:345. Cent. (1891) 20:65* — 20:67. W. liickerson sc.* (bust) Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:937. wdct. Griswold, Personal sketches (1898) 229. Hamil- ton, Women writers (1893) 2:268. H.vrper’s mag. (1875) 51 :28. eng. Harper’s w. (1888) 32 : 193. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:2, 9, 14 —(1898) n.s. 18:436. Stearns, Sk. fr. Concord (1895) 76* (in 1868) WiUiam Alexander, 1798-1859. Alcott, Son- nets (1882) 95. B.arnard, Educ. biog. (18.59) 249. J. C. Buttre eng. ALDCROFT, Thomas. Baily’s mag. (1862) 4;t.-p. ALDEGREVER, Heinrich, painter, 1502-58? Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:415. N. de L’Armessin sc. eng. Franck, Deutsche kiin-stler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 19. H. Aldegraver p.* Hirth, Les grands illus- trateurs, 2:588. Aldegrever f. 1537. wdct. ALDEN, Capf. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:19. Briggs, 1723-96. Winsor (J.) Hist, of Duxbury (Bost. 1849) front. Dr. R. Hathaway del. 1793. Tap- pan & Bradford lith. Ebenezer, m. d. 1788-1881 . N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1881) 35:309. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Mrs G. R. (Isabella Macdonald) {pseud. Pansy) 1841- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:664. wdct. George Adelbert, 1830- Davis, N. E. states (189/) 1:3.54. E. G. Williams eng. Henry Mills, 1836- Bookman (1900) 12:361. Critic (1897) 31:93 —(1904) 45:290. McCll-re’s mag. (1896) 6:367.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:172. Judah, 1750-1845. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 79. F. T. Stuart eng. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:79.* Kosciusko del.* Win- sor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:99. Kosciusko del. eng. Percy, settlement worker, 1866- Oltlook (1897) 55:924. Roger, major, 1748-1836. Sr Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 126. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Wilham Livingston, 1837- Harper’s w. ( 1 88.5) 29 : 405. wdct . ALDENBURG, grevinde af, Wilhelmine Marie (of Hesse-IIomburg) w. of grev .\nton II, 1678-1770. Lund, Danske malade por. (1900) 7':4. p.* (2 por.) ALDENHAM, 1st baron, Henry Hucks Gibbs, 1819- Illus. IjoiuI. news (1891) 98:527* — (1896) 108:39.* ALDER, John, Turkish merchant, fl. 1727. Caul- field, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:1. R. Graves sc. ALDERMAN, Edwin Anderson, educator, 1861- Harper’s w. (1903) 47:171* (age 40) Oitlook ' (1901) 68:775 — (1904) 77:806.* World’s work (1902) 4:2139* —(l'.M)4) 8:5217.* ^ ALDERSON, Sir Edward Hall, baron of the ex- < chequer, 1787-1857. Green bag (1901) 13:83. p.* ALDIN, Cecil Charles Windsor, 1870. Inter- NAT. studio (1903) 21 :26. John Ila-ssall del.* (carica- ture) ' j 1 ALDIS, Sir Charles, 1775-1863. Eltiopean mag. . ! 0817) 72:42.5. T. Wageman del. & sc. ! ALDOBRANDINI, Ippolito, 1536-1605. See Clement VIII, pope. ALDRICH 21 ALENSON ALDRICH, Anne Reeve, poet, 1866-92. Book buyer (1894) 11:124. Charles, 1828- Annals of Iowa (1899) ser. 3, 4:102. Charles Henry, 18 .t0- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:123. wdct. Edgar, 1848- Grafton & Coiis bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:475.* Southern N. II. bar assoc. Pub. (1893) l,pt.2:lll.* Henry, architect and musician, dean of Christ Church, 1647-1710. Oxford loan coll, of por. (1905) pi. 19. Sir Godfrey Knellerp.* (also another anon, p.) Nelson Wilmarth, u. s. senator, 1841- Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:693. wdct. —(1903) 47:44.* wdct. Outlook (1900) 64:25. R. of rev. (1903)27 : 146* — (1904) 29:145.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:484. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 542. F. T. Stuart eng. Pelham, vice-admiral, 1844- Illus. Lend, news (1899) 115:89,* 419.* Thomas Bailey, 1836- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 229. Bolton, P'am. Am. authors (1887) 2^. Book buyer (1893) 10:402. Bookman (1897) 6:282.* Cent. (1891) 20:642.* Critic (1881)l:87.eng. —(1893)22:202 —(1894)24:361. Oliver Herford del.* —(1897) 31:344* —(1902) 41:388* —(1904) 45:430.* Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:390 —(1895) 91:869. Lamp (1904) 28:248.* Outlook (1898) 59:551* —(1902) 72:797.* ALDRIDGE, William, wheelwright, d. 1698. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1:1. R. Graves sc. after p. 1696. ALDRINGER, Johann, field-marshal, d. 1634. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:44. eng.* (Roy', geneal. libr., Vienna) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3: 1138. Paul de Zet[t]ler eng. Winter, Gesch. des 30jiihrigen krieges (1893) 283. Godfr. Muller eng.* ALDROVANDI, TThsse, 1522-1607. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (169.5) 2:109. De L’Armessin sc. eng. Jardine, Naturalist’s lib. (1838) mamma- lia, 7 : front. Lizars sc. ALDWORTH, Mrs Elizabeth (St Leger), free mason, d. 1773. Byrne, Gossip of the century ^892) 1:264. ALECSANDRI, Vassili, 1821-90. See Alexandri, Basil. ALEFOTJNDER, Robert, d. 1639. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 46. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (age 50, East Bergholt Church, Suffolk) ALEKO Pasha, 182.5- See Vogorides, Aleksandr. ALEKSIEEV, Eugenii Ivanovitch, admiral. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:415.* Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:23.5. Outlook (1903) 75:574* —(1904) 76:309.* R. of rev. (1904) 29:289. World’s work (1904)7:4383, 4606. ALEMANNI, Antonio, fl. 1500. Turn i trionfi (17.50) 1 : 146. eng. ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond d’, 1717-83. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:3.51. A. Pujos del. 1744. P. Maleuvre eng. 1775.* Brougham, Lives (1847) 2:391. -J. Brown eng. after bust. Gal. francaise (1823) 3:217. Jallain f. Hesse del. Gal. hist, univer- selle (1786) C. N. Cochin del. eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 132. Chardin p.* Guizot, Popular hist, of France, 6:314. wdct. Heyck Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:8. Dupin fils eng.* Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 4. Cochin del. G: Cooke sc. Knight, gall, of por. (1834) 3:101. La Tour p. W. Hapwood eng. Lespinasse, Letters (1902)222. Philippotcaux p.* Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1793) 11:161. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:516. A. Pujos del. 1774. P. Ma- leuvre sc. 1775. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franf. (1898) 6:372. La Tour p.* (pastel) Por. gall. (1853) 3:636. De La Tour p. W. Hopwood sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 99. X. R. Jollain del. B. L. Ilenriqucz sc. V’ersailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2676. F: Weber eng. — sup. 6:pl. 81. P. Girardet eng. after bust ALEMON, Josd B. brig.-gen. McGlure’s mag. (1898) 11:10.5.* ALEMOOR, Lord, Scotch judge, d. 1776. See Pringle, Andrew. ALEN(j/A, Jose Martiniano d’, 1829-77. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazilciros illus. (1861) 1:61. A. Si.sson lith. ALEN^ON, comte d’, Charles de Valois, 1270- 1325. See Maine, comte du. comte d’, Charles de Valois, 1294-1346. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 58. Antonin Moine sc. (bust after statue, St. Denis) due d’, Rene, d. 1492. Dreux du Radier, L’Eu- rope illus. (1777) v. 2. J. Robert del. Pinsio eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 186. J. Robert del. Pin.ssio sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:25. J. Robert del. Pinssio sc. duchesse d’, Marguerite (d’Angouleme) w. of Charles IV, 1492-1.549. See Marguerite, queen of Navarre. dued’, Fran 9 ois, son of Henri II, of France, 15.54- 84. 5ee Anjou, due d’. comte d’, Charles Mathias, 1727- Bioo. mo- deme (1807) 1 :34. Labadycdel. Courbesc. due d’, Ferdinand, son of Louis, due de Nemours, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:141.* Tull- BERG, Furstenhiiuser Europ. por. (1898) 1:160. Agi Limlegren del. after photo. duchesse d\ Sophie (of Bavaria), w. of Ferdinand, 1847-97. Alm. de Gotha (1868) pi. .5. P. Barfussc. Catherine d’, comtesse de Mortain, d. 1462. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 62. Weber eng. after statue (at Chart reux) Fran<;oise d’, dau. of Rend, due d’Alencon, w. of Charles de Bourbon. See Vend6me, duchesse de. ALENSON, Hans, preacher. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2:pl. lOf). Rembrandt p. 1634.* Wit, Afbeeldingen (1743) pi. 10. C. de Pas del. A. van Bia.sen, jr. sc. ALENSON 22 ALEXANDER Mevrouw Hans. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2; pi. 110. Rembrandt p. 1634.* AliHSSO, Jean d’. Gonse, La sculpt, franc. (ISO.I) 143. BartlnSlemy Prieur? sc. L581* (bust, Louvre) ALEXANDER IV, pope (Rinaldo di Anag^ni) d. 1261. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses. (1896) 17 : 113, fig. 9. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) ALEXANDER V, pope (Pietro Filargo), 1339- 1410. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses. (1896) 17j)l. 10, fig. 25. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) I ALEXANDER VI, pope ('Roderigo Borgia), 1431-1503. Allo. wcltgeschichte (1891) 6:654. coin* (Roy. coin cab. Berlin) Ami d. monuments (1890) 4:351 bust* (Berlin mus.) Anderson, Off. & grad. King’s coll. Aberdeen (1893) 3. Bode, Ital. portrait-sculpturen (1883) 19. Moritz Empt del. after bust. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 126. Pinturic- chio p.* (fresco, Vatican) Cath. world (1897) 65:745 (statue) CoRVO, Chron. of house of Borgia (1901) front, p.* (Vatican) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) 2. J. Robert del. Fran9ois, eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, 27:497. Holbein the el- der f. wdet. — ser. 2, 27 :501. eng. after bust (Berlin mus.) Knackfuss, Ktinstler-inonog. (1897) 29:4. Titian p.* (Antwerp mus.) — (1898) 37 :28, 37. Pin- turicchio p.* Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes. (1887) 2:557. R. Iloberg del. after coin (Roy coin cab. Berlin) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pf. 200. J. Roliert del. Francois sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:395. J. Robert del. Francois sc. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:44. eng. after bust (Berlin mus.) Yriarte, Autour d. Borgia (1891) 72. Pintu- ricchio f.* (fresco) — 81 , 83, 87 (4 medals)* Ztsch. f . bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:238. Pinturicchio p.* ALEXANDER VII, jiope (Fabio Chigi), 1.599- 1667. Gal. hist, universelle (1786) Mignard p. eng. lIiRTH, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1.5.39. C. Viss- chcr f. — 5:1697. Mignard p. P. van Schuppen eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 90. V’isscher sc.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) ll:pl. 2298. Lcchard sc. ALEXANDER VIII, pope (Pietro Ottoboni), 1610-91. Schenk, Oppiirmagtcn in Europa (1690) pi. 12. P. Schenck f. & exc. ALEXANDER, princes, kings, dukes. BULGARIA Alexander I (of Battenberg) prince, 1857-93. Al.m. de Gotha (18^) front. A. VVeger sc. Cent. (1891) 20:79. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:717. wdet. Illus. I^md. news (1879) 74:5.57* —(188.5) 87:313. R. Caton Woodville del.* —(189.3) 102:663. Onc- KEN, Zoitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:937.* .MACEDONIA. Alexander the Great, king, .356-323 B. C. Alixi. wcltgeschichte (1885) 2:371. bust* (Brit, mus.) L'.Vjit (1876) /:181. C. Maurand eng. (tapistrv) — (1894) 59, pt. 1:323. cameo* Brit. mus. prints (1883) pt. 2, pi. 16. Giovanni Giacomo Caraglio eng.* (with Roxana) — (1889) n. s. pt. 2: pi. 2. eng. 1464.* Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1894) Ifg. 19, pi. 181-82. bust * (Paris) —Ifg. 19, pi. 183-85. statue* (Munich) —Ifg. 19, pi. 1.S6-87. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — “ Ifg. 19, pi. 188-89. statue* (Munich) — a Ifg. 19 p], 190. bust* (Berlin) — a (19(X)) Ifg. 48, pi. 471-72. bust* (Copenhagen, Nv-Carlslierg) —a Ifg. 48, pi. 473-74. bust* (Scdiloss Erbach) — a Ifg. 48, pi. 475-76. bust* (Akropolismus. Athens) — a ifg. 48, pi. 477-78. bust* (Barracco coll. Rome) — Ifg. 48, pi. 479-80. statuette* (Naples) —a ifg. 49, pi. 481-82. bust* (Boston) — a ifg. 49, pi. 483-84. bust (Prado) — “Ifg. 49, pi. 485- 86. bust* (Nationalmus. Athens) Cent. (1898) 35:3- 23. medallions, heads, busts — (1899) 36:30 bust* (Brit, mus.) — 36:403. terra cotta (Munich antiqua- rium) — 36:530. bust (Capitoline mus. Rome) — 36: 534. head (Blenheim palace) — 36:770. statue (Bib- liot. nat. Paris) — 36:771. gem (Bibliot. nat. Paris) Duruy, Hist of Greece (1892> 4, sec. 1:175. bust* (Louvre) Gal. hist, universelle (1786) J. A. Canini eng. after medal. Gaz. d. Ix>aux arts (1902) ser. 3, 27 : 140. head found in Egj-pt.* — ser. 3,27 : 157. bust* (Constantinople mus.) Go.xse, La sculpt, franf. (1895) 198. Pierre Puget f.*(\Tith Diogenes bas-relief) Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 1 :511. bust eng. from Stark’s Drei bildhi^> Alexanders d. grossen (Brit, mus.) IIeyck, Monograph, z. weitgesch. (1899) 9:1-90. (25 por.)' Hist. gall, of or. (1807) l:pl. 2. George Cooke f. eng. Jiirb. d. unsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3:pl. 6. Hans Kels f.* (carving) Pi 2 tny mag. (1^9) 8:1.33 eng. after coin (Bodleian lib.) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard. (1838) 9, pt. 1:8. Perry del. after bust. Lefevre eng. — 9, pt. 1 :80. Perry in v. after bas-relief, eng. — 9, pt. 1:92. Perry inv. 1828 after bas-relief. Lorichon eng. — 9, pt. 1:154. Perry inv. after bas- relief. eng. — 9, pt. 1 :234. Perry inv. after bas-relief. Gelee eng. Si'Ofe'ORd, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1:17. Tholey f.* and %-ignette. — 10: front. J. L.G. Ferris f.* Wheeler, .-Vlexander the Great (1900) (various por.) See also Bernoulli, J. J. Die erhaltenen darstcUungen Alexanders des Grossen; ein nachtrag zur griechischen ikonographie. Munfjhen. 1905. 8®. (9 plates and •«) cuts.) Koepp, Friedrich, t' her das htldnis .Alexanders des Gros- sen: prograinin zum Winckelmannsfeste. Berlin. 1^. 4®. (3 plates and 20 cuts.) Ujealvy, Charles de. Le type physique d’.Alexandre le Grand d’aprds les auteurs anciens et les documents iconographiques. Paris. 1902. f.® (22 plates and 8C cuts.) oAuthenticity doubtful. Alexander V, king, s. of Cassander, d. 294 B. C. Plltarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14 pt. 1:68. eng. after medallion. ROME Alexander Severus, Marcus Aurelius, empe- ror, 2051-235. See Severus. RUSSIA Alexander I, czar, 1777-1825. Ackermann, Re- pository (1813) 9:15. Svinine del. Fresche eng. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 10:311. Lampi del.* (with Constantine, Hermitage, St Petersburg) — 10:490. St. Aubin del. .\nt. Conte eng.* (with his wife Elizabeth) — (1888) 11:6. Aug. Desnoyers del. ALEXANDER 23 ALEXANDER RUSSIA — continued Bourgeois de la Richardifere eng.* — 11 :224 Bourdon del. Fierre Andouin eng.* Alm. de Gotha (1802) front, eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contein. (1820) 1:94. Rut.xhiel [sic] Freny del. et sc. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. revolution (1835) 1 :373. J. B. Longacre sc. Bigelow, Ger. struggle for liberty ( 1896) 1 : 130. Bruckner, Katharina die Zweite (1883) 620. K. L. Becker del. after medal. Cent. (1896) 29:521. mini- ature (coll, of due de Bassano) Eclectic mag. (1860) 49:294. George Da we del. John Sartain eng. European mag. (1807) 51:163. Ridley, IIoll & Blood eng. Fl.\tiie, Zeitalter der restaur, u. rev. (1883) 6. Bourdon del. P. Audouin eng. Gould, Germany (1898) 343. contemp. p.* (with Napoleon and Frederick William III) Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Lcs contemp. Strangers (1835) pi. 4. Grevedon del. 1825. C. Motte lith. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:112 — (1895) 91:404. IIillis, Metrical hist, of Napoleon (1896) 272. Kuchetchen f. Cardon eng. 1804.* IcoNOG. d contemp. (18iI2) l:pl. 2. Bazin jr. del? Delpech lith. Illus. Lond. news (1894) l()5:Nov. 10 sup. p. 8. Jackson, Lady, Court of the Tuileries (1883) 1:76. Latimer, Russia & Turkey (1893) 16. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:212 (in 1(^5) 4:217. Wolff del. Gugel sc.* (with Frederick William HI and Napoleon) Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) 261. print* (Brit, mus.) — p. ‘278. coin.* Oncken, Zeit- alter der revolution (1886) 2:145. Lampi del. (with Constanstine, St. Petersburg) — 2 : 496. St Aubin del Ant. Conte eng. (with wife Elizabeth) — 2:518. A. Desnoyers del. Bourgeois de la Richardifere eng. Outlook (1902) 70:843. Montaut eng.* Paget papers (1896) 2:18. Portfolio (1812) n. s. 7:197. P. Svinin p. D. Edwin sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple 5:pl. 1 (in 1815) eng. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:656. print.* (with Napoleon I) Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5:pl. 37. P. M. Bourdon del. P. .\udouin sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 3:235. L. de St Aubin del. Vendramini sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. J. M. Fontaine eng. Wharton, Heirlooms in minatures (1898) 210. Ed- ward Miles p.* Alexander II, czar, 1818-81. Allo. weltgcsch- ichte (1892) 1 Amer. ann. cyclop. (1873) 13:699. Alm. de Gotha (1840) pi. 3. Kruger p. Carl Mayer sc. — (1856) pi. 2. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:241. eng. — (1856) 11:256. eng. (with 3 brothers) Ba.mberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 174. Metzmacher eng. I860.* Cent. (1899) 35:873. Crowned heads of the time (1880) 23. photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:466. Chappcl p. eng. Ecle tic mag. (1857) 40:129. J. Sartain eng. after photo. — (1869) 72:641. G. E. Perineeng. Flourens, Ale.xandrc HI (1894) 42. Forbes, Czar & sultan (1894) 34. Gle.ason’s picto- rial (18.53) 5:388. eng. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:668. eng. — (1883)67:189. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:789. wdet. —(1874) 18:461. wdet. —(1877) 21:993. wdet. — (1881) 25:197. wdet. Heyck, Monograph z. weltgesch (1898) 4:69.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:Mav 16, sup. W. B. Gardner eng. after photo. —(1881) 78:26.5. eng. —(1894) 10.5:14— 105: Nov. 10, sup. p. 8. I.mbert de St-Amand, Court of the 2d empire (1898) 216. L.atimer, Russia & Turkej' (1893) 168. Loubat, Narr. of mi.ssion to Rus- sia of G. V. Fox (1873) front. J. C. Buttre eng. Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) 283. print* (Brit, mus.) Oncken, Zeitalter d. KaLsers Wilhelm (1892) 2:780.* Vanity fair album (1869) 1 :pl. 4. lith. after caricature. Alexander III, czar, 1845-94. Allg. weltge- schiehte (1892) 12:736.* Alm. de Gotha (1869) pi. 2. Carl Mayer sc. (1882) front. A. Weger sc. Apple- ton’s ann. cyclop. (LSkl) 5:350. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 533. lith.* C.vni. world (1896) 63:525. Cent. (1899) 35:874. Flourens, Alexandre HI (1894) 58. Har- per’s mag. (1883) 67:191 —(1889) 78:845. Har- per’s w. (1866) 10:796. wdet. — ( 1877) 21 :573. wdet. —(1881) 25:213. wdet. —(1894)38: 1057, 1096. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:605. wdet. after photo. —(1881) 78:269,* 293,* 317.* —(1883) 82:520— (1894) 105:553.* — 105: Nov. 10, sup. p. 3-5 (5 por.)* Latimer, Russia & Turkey (1893) 282. Loub.at, Narr. of mission to Russia of G. V. Fo.x (1873) 286. J. C. Buttre eng. Morrls, Hist, tales, Russian ( 1898) front. Oncken, Zeitalter d. Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:798.* PoLiTiKOs, Sovereigns & courts of Europe (1891) 27. C. Butterworth wdet. R. of rev. (1891) 4:506 — (1894) 10:466. Scribner’s mag. (1902) 31:186. Paul Troubetzkoy sc. (equest. statue) — (1903) 33:300. E. B. Child del. 1902.* Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 17. Nemo f. lith. (caricature) Alexander, grand duke, s. of Michael, 1866- H.arper’s w. (1893) 37:688. wdet. Tullberg, Fiir- stenhau-ser Europ. por. (1899) 2:625. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. SCOTLAND Alexander III, king, 1241-85. Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 38. seal.* SERVIA Alexander I, king, 1876-1903. Alm. de Gotha (1894) front. A. and Th. Weger sc. Book.man (1903) 17:5.52.* Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94: 353. —(1891) 99:231.* -(1893) 102:486.* —(1900) 117:187.* — (1903) 122:945 (with queen Draga) — 122:947 (3 por.) R. of rev. (1903) 28:2.* Tullberg, Fiirsten hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:785. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vivian (Herbert) Servia (Lond. 1897) front. SYRIA Alexander I (Balas) king, d. 146 B. C. Mor- rison, Jews (1890) 19, 21 k coin.* ALEXANDER APHRODISIENSIS, philoso- pher. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 : 75. eng. ALEXANDER VOGORIDES, 1825- See Vogorides, Aleksandr. ALEXANDER, Mrs. pseud. o/’Mrs. Anne (French) Hector (1825-1902. See Hector. Archibald, d. d. 1772-1851. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 3. F. Halpin eng. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:640. Roberts sc. Ashton, M. D. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 358. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* ALEXANDER 24 ALEXANDRA Cicely Henrietta, now Mrs Bernard Spring Rice dau.of W.C. Alexander. Burlington mag. (1905) 6 : 430. Whistler p.* Internat. studio (1903) 21 : 19. Whistler del. 't* (child por.) Sir Claud, Jst hart. 1831-99. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:552. wdct. after photo. — (1899) 114: 789.* Eben, 1851- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 :348. wdct. — (1895) 39:919. wdct. Francesca, painter. Mag. of art (1895) 18:295 (miniature)* Francis. Baily’s mag. (1895) 64: 161. W.Roffe sc. after photo. George, actor, 1858- Cabinet por. gall. 4:46.* Illus. Lond. news ( 1891) 98 : 303.* — ( 1904) 125 : 360. Ralph Cleaver del.* (as Denis Mallory) Pall Mall mag. (1902) 27 :269.* Theatre f 1885) ser 4, 5:175* (as Ba.ssanio) — (1892) ser. 4, 20:32* (group from Lady Windermere’s fan) — (1893) ser. 4,21:100* (group from Liberty hall) — ser. 4, 22:92* (with Mrs PatCampbell) — (1894) ser. 4,24:28* (with Herbert Waring) — (1897)29: 128* (as Orlando) VANiTYfair album (1894) 26:578. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Whyte, Actors (1898) 164* (with Fay Davis) — p. 186. Spy f.* (from Vanity Fair) — p. 200* (with Mrs Pat Campbell) Henry, Baltimore merchant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 364. St Memin del. & eng.* Henry. Athenaeum club, Por. (1836) l:pl. 21. William Drummond p. lith. James, 16901-1756. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:235. Copley f. wdct. J/rs James. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:233. Copley f. wdct. /?ei> James. Meth. mag. (1818) 41 :561. Blood f. Sir James Edward, 1803-85. O’Donnell, Hist, records of the 14th regt. (1893) 176. James Waddel, d. d. 1804-59. Eclectic mag (1859) 48:437. J: Sartain eng. Princeton book (1879) 55. James Waddel, pres. Equit. life co., 1839- Critic (1898) 33:8. J: W. Alexander p.* — (1899) 35:611. Alexander p.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39: 1090. J: W. Alexander p. wdct. — (1896) 40:1049 wdct. — ( 1899) 43 : 523. Alexander p.* World’s work (1904) 8:5385.* John White, painter, 1856- Critic (1895) 27:410. —(1899) 35:609. Harper’s mag. (1899) 99:69.5.* —(1900) 100:954. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:1061. wdct. Internat. studio (1900) 10:93. John W. S. colonel, 1823- Portrait m. (1864) 1:173. wdct. May, dau. of W. C. Alexander. Art j. (1899) 51 :27. Whistler p.* Te.mple, Art of painting (1897) 378. Whistler p.* Temple, Mast, of art (1894) 66. IVliistler p.* Stephen, 1806-83. Princeton book (1879) 138. Sydenham B. 1840- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:968. wdct. Wilham, styled 8th earl of Stirling, 1726-83. Book buyer (1897) 14:622. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 57. West f. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:36. eng. after miniature, wdct. Wiiitte- MORE, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 24. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:280. Murphy eng. after por. in brooch. Mrs William (Sarah Livingston) styled Lady Stirling. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 57. West f. (2 por.) William. Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 4. S: Cousins del. 1815.* Wilham, abp. of Armagh, 1824- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:294.* Vanity fair album (1895) 27 : pi. 637. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Wilham (Cech Frances Humphreys) hymn writer, 1819-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:487.* Wilham, journalist, 1826-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 107:227. Wilham Lindsay, 1808-84. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:329. wdct. ALEXANDER family name. See also titles Caledon; Stirling. ALEXANDRA, queens, princesses, etc. GREAT BRITAIN Alexandra (of Denmark) queen, w. of Edward VH 1844- Alm. de Gotha (1863) front. — (1864) front. Carl Ma}’er sc. — (1903) front. Th. & A. Weger sc. ANGLO-Saxon rev. (1901) 9:front.* (in 1901) Art annual (1895) 21. Luke Fildes p.* Art j. (1863) 15:144. Mrs Thornycroft sc. W. Rolfe eng. (bust) — (1902) 54:184. Luke Fildes p.* Book.man (1901) 13:133. Cabinet por. gall. (1891) 2: front.* — (1894) 5:17.* Eclectic mag. (1863) 59: front. G: E. Ferine eng. Harper’s mag. (1885) 70: 759. W. B. Closson eng. after photo. — (1898) 97:4.58.* Harper’s w. (1862) 6:781. wdct. — (1863) 7:197. wdct. after bust — 7:228. wdct. (with Prince of Wales) — (1865) 10:81. wdct. (with Albert Victor) —(1866) 10:81. wdct. (with Albert Victor) — (1901) 45:112 —(1902) 46:817.* —(190.3) 47:337. William Nichol- son del. ?* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60: Feb. 24, sup. lith after photo. — (1885) 86: Apr. 11, sup. (with Edward VH and Albert Victor) — (1888) 92:259* (in 1863 and 1888) —(1892) 100:661 —(1893) 102:293* (with Lady .\lexaiidra Dull) — 103:220* — (1895) 106:603* (with Lady Alexandra & Lady Maud Duff) -(1896) 108:267* (with Edward of York) — (1898) 113:331 (with the czarina of Rus- sia) —118:518. —(1901) 118:107,129.* —119: Oct. 26, sup. p. 2-3. S. Begg p.* — 119:651 (with Henry of Cornwall-York) — (1^2) 120: June 14, sup. p. l.Ileggp.* — 121: 3.89* (with Edward VH) — (1903) 122:627.* — 123:733* (with Prince of Wales & Prin- cess Victoria) — ( 1904) 124 : 484. Pietro Canonica sc.* (bust) — 125:876* (with Am6lie, queen of Portugal) Internat. studio (1902) 17:15. George Frampton & Emil Fuchs f. 1902* (with Edward VII; 2 medals) Lati.mer, England in 19th cent. (1894) 430. Londo.v corporation, Guildhall reproductions (1897) front. ALEXANDRA 25 ALFIERI GEEAT BRITAIN — Continued Edward Hughes f. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cenf (1899) 2:44. McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:378. R- Lauchert p.* (age 19) — 16 : 379* (with Edward VII & Prince Albert Victor in 1864) — 16:383.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:433. Benjamin-Constant p.* Nota- bles of Brit. (1897) 8,9.* Outlook (1897) 56:579* (with Prince Edward of York) — 57:857* (with Edward VII and Mr & Mrs Gladstone) — (1902) 71:604. —(1904) 78:317.* Pall Mall mag. (1902) 27 : 149. A. J. Balliol Salmon del. after photo.* Paris salon (1901) 30. B. Constant p.* Portfolio (1894) no. 7:38. W. B. Richmond p.* R. of rev. (1901)23:258,* 420.* — 23:295 (with Edward VII) — (1902) 26 : 41* (with Edward VII) — 26: 135* (with Edward VII) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:208, 237. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album(1882) 14:pl. front. Chartranf. lith. (caricature) Alexandra (of Edinburgh) princess, dau. of Al- fred, duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1878- See Ilohen- lohe-Lungenburg, prinzessin von. Alexandra (of Cumberland) princess, dau. of Ernst August, duke of Brunswick, 1882- Illus. Lond. news (1^4) 124:6.* JEWS Alexandra, w. of Aristobolus I, k. of the Jews- See Salome. RUSSIA Alexandra Feodorovna {Princess Charlotte of Prussia) czarina, w. of Nicholas I, 1798-1860. Al.m. dc Gotha (1840) pi. 2. Kruger p. Carl Mayer sc. Bre.mner (Robert) Excursions in interior of Russia (Lond. 1839) N. J. Hamerton del. R. Martin lith. Cent. (1891) 20:285. lith.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:770. Mrs. J. Robertson p. N. Desmadryl mezzo. Alexandra Feodorovna {Princess Alix of Hesse) czarina, w. of Nicholas II, 1872- Alm. dc Gotha (1895) front. Th. & A. Wegersc. Cath. world (1896) 63:531. Cent. (1896) .%:13.* Harper’s mag. (1897)94:351. —(1898)96:818. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:205. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:353. — (1894) 104:510.* — 104: June 23, sup. p. 7 (with Nicholas II) — 105:609* Dec. 1, sup. Dec. 8, sup. — (1896) 108:645 (with Princess Olga) — 109:387 (with Nicholas II & Olga) —(1898) 113:331. —(1904) 125:249.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1900) 48:71. Kaul- bach p.* Logan, In jo^'ful Russia (1897) 160, 165 (with husband & dau.) Portfolio (1894) no. 7:37. F. A. Kaulbach p.* R. of rev. (1896) 14:14 (in coro- nation rolies) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 ; 274. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:609. Alexandra (of Saxe-Altenburg) grand duchess, w. of Constantine, 1830- Alm. dc Gotha (1850) pi. 5. H. Fotsch del. after v. Stieler. Carl Mayer sc. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:287.* Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:617,677. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Alexandra (of Oldenburg) grand duchess, w. of Nicholas, 1838-1900. Alm. de Gotha (1858) pi. 3. Carl Mayer sc. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:500,621. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Alexandra (of Greece) grand duchess, w. of Paul, 1870-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:4.34. ALEXANDRI, Basil, poet, 1821-90. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenneit (1892) 325.* ALEXANDRINE (of Mecklenburg-Schwerin) crown E rincess of Denmark, w. of Christian, 1879- Illus. ond.news(1897)119:521. —(1898)112:613.* Tull-- BERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:205. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — ( 1899) 2 : 387. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. ALEXANDRINE, princess of Prussia, dau. of Albrecht, 842- See Mecklenburg-Schwerin, herzogin zu. ALEXEYEFF, Evgenii Ivanovitch. See Alek- sieev. ALEXIS I, czar of Russia, 1629-76. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:103. Johnstone (C. L.) Brit, colony in Russia (1897) front. Meage, Relation of 3 embassies (1669) 148. Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) .370. coin.* Scribner’s m. (1880) 19:545. eng. ALEXIS, czarevitch, son of Peter the Great, 1690- 1718. Allg. weltgcschichte (1889) 9:75. G. F. Dinglinger p.* (on enamel). BrOckner, Peter der Grosse (1879) 304. Dinglinger p.* Morfill, Stoiy of Russia (1890) 164. ^-ribner’s m. (1881) 22:753. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2513. Audibran eng. ALEXIS, grand duke, s. of Alexander II, 18.50- Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:822. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:9.52. wdct. — (1902) 46:112. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:287.* R. of rev. (1904) 29:291. Tull- berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:615. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. World’s work (1904) 7:4698. ALEXIS, Mme. L’Art (1885) 38:166. Bastien- Lepage del.* Pierre Nord, pres, of Haiti. R. of rev. (1904) 29:328. ALEXIUS I COMNENUS, emp. of Constantinople, 1048-1118. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:426. seal.* — 5:4.34. miniature* (Greek ms. Vatican) — 5:435. coin (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Archer, Crusades (1895) 53 (2 coins)* Kugler, Gesch. der kreuzzuge (1880) 12. Greek ms.* (Vatican) ALEXIUS II COMNENUS, emp. of Con,«tanti- nople, 1167-83. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:620. coin* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) ALEXIUS III COMNENUS, emp. of Trebizond, 1338-90? Hertzberg, Gesch. der byzant. u. osman. reiches (188.3) .528. fre.sco* (with his wife Tlicodora and his mother Irene, at Trebizond) ALFANI, Lucantonio. Tutti i trionfi (17.50) 1:172. ALFIERI, Vittorio, 1749-1803. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1 : 103. Fabre p. Bookman ALFONSO 20 ALFRED (1903) 18:274. p?* Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Le.s contemp. Strangers (183.5) pi. 10. Grevedon del. 1820. C. ilotte lith. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:850. eng. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (18.54) pi. 2. F. X. Fabre p. SigisinondoGallinasc. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 30:77. Canova f. (monument, Santa Croce, Florence) Or.si, Mod. Italy (1900) 35. Seidi.itz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 4:pl. 81. I^. X. Fabre p. P.Toscbisc. ALFONSO, kings and princes. See also Alpbons, Alphonse, Alphonso. NAPLES Alfonso I (of Aragon), the Wise, king, 1385-1458. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 0:040. Vittore Pisano f. 1449* (medal, Berlin, Royal coin cab.) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1000) 54. Aliprando Capri- olo eng. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espatlola (18.5.5) l:pl. 42. Carderera del. after p. R. Casado lith. (Ca.sa Ayuntamicnto da Valencia) Castig- LiONE, Courtier (1901) 375. Vittore Pisano del.* (Louvre) Corvo, Chron. of house of Borgia (1901) 40 medal* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:10.52. Vittorio Pisano del. C. Gilbert eng. (medal- lion) IIiRTH, Der formenschatz (1893) pi. 105. Cristoforo Geremia f.* (medal) Mag. of art (1885) 8:.520. Vittore Pi.sano f.* (medal) Prl'tz, Staaten- gesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:. 5.50. Pisano f. 1449. R. Hoberg del. (medal, Berlin, Royal coin-cab.). Alfonso II, king, 1448-95. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (KKX)) .50. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 327. Andrea Guazza- lotti sc.* (medal, Nat. mus. Florence) SPAIN Alfonso VI, king of Castile and Leon, 1030-1109. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaiiola (1855) l:pl. IB. V. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mujica lith. Alfonso VII, el Emperador, king of Castile, 1 105- .57. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espailola (1855) l:pl. IE. V. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mu- jica lith. Revista de archives (1875) 5:21. eng. after medal. Alfonso VIII, kingof Castile and Leon, 1155-1214. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espailola ( 1855) 1 : pi. 5. V. Carderera del. after bas-relief. Carlos Mujica lith. Alfonso X, el Sabio, king of Castile and Leon, 1220-84. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espailola (18.5.5) l:pl. 11. V. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mujica lith. (Cath. Toledo) Alfonso V, king of Aragon, 138.5-14.58. See Alfonso 1, the Wise, king of Naples. Alfonso XII, king of Spain, 18.57-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:0^.* Alm. de Gotha (1876) front. A. Weger sc. Crowned heads of the time (1880) 43. Harper’s w. (1875) 19:69. wdet. —(1878) 22:117. wdet. —(1883) 27:669. wdet. — (188.5) 29:800. wdet. Hl'.me, Mod. Spain (1900) 521.* Illl’s. Ixmd. news (187.5) 66:57. wdet. —(1878) 72:109.* —(1883) 83:34.5. —(188.5) 87:.571. L.vti.mer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 368. Oncken, Zcitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:906.* Outlook (1898) 60.297. Alfonso XIII, king of Spain, 1886- Appleton’s ann. eye. (1883) 8:735. S. Hollyer. Art j. (1893) 4.5:236.* Chap-book (1898) 9:19 (with the queen regent) Harper’s w. (1890) 34:61. F. Domingo p. wdet. —(1891) 3.5:289. wdet. —(1898) 42:429 —(1901)45:734,12.37. —(1902)46:523. IIuME,Mod. Spain (IIXX)) front, (age 12) Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:209. Koppav p.* (child por.) —(1892) 100:615* —(1894) 10.5:227.* —(1898) 112:303*, 618,* 629* — (1902) 120:749.* L.atimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 384. Outlook (1902) 71:48 (with mother) Pall Mall mag. (1902) 26:.520. R. of rev. (1898) 17:2. — (1902) 25:642. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:797. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl. 20. lith. after caricature Alfonso, prince of Castile, son of Juan II, 1453-68. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola ( 1864) 2 : pi. 50. Gil de Siloe sc. V. Carderera dib. R. Casado lith. (statue on tomb, Cartuja de Miraflores) Alfonso de Molina, prince of Castile and Leon, son of Alfon-so IX, d. 1272. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espailola (1855) l:pl. 10. V. Carderera del. after statue. Lozano lith. ALFONSO DE CARTAGENA, bp. of Burgos, 1396-1456. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espailola (1864. 2:pl.56. Gil de Siloe? sc. V. Carderera dib. R. Ca) sado lith. (Statue, chapel of the Visitation) — 2 : pi. 44-k.'arderera del. after miniature. Emile Beau lith. (Burgos cath) ALFONSO, Jose', Chili. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:216. wdet . ALFORD, Henry, dean of Canterbury, 1810-71. Hare, Story of my life (1896) 2:. 532. Harper’s mag. (1870) 41:346. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:97. wdet. after photo. Thomas G. 1810- Harper’s w. (1879) 23:85. wdet. ALFRED, kings and princes of England (Gt. Brit.) Alfred the Great, king, 849-901. Cent. (1901) 40:397. Hamo Thomycroft sc.* (statue, Winchester) Critic (1901) 39:165. Bodleian print.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Basan eng. Vertue inv. Fiske, Beginnings of N. E. (1898) 15. eng.* Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1099. statue* (Wantage) Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:85. wdet. after statue (Wantage) — (1901) 119:412. Hamo Thomveroft f. A. Hugh FLsher del.* (statue) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1 :37. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:36. Outlook (1901) 67:. 530. J. Scott Hartley f.* (statue) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:29.5. Ford Madox Brown p.* (stained glass window Peterhouse coll. Cambridge) Rapin, Hist, of England (1732) 1:90. G. Vertue des. Si sc. after p. (University coll. Oxford) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl.33. Vertue inv. Basan sc. Spof- FORD, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1 :2.59. vignette. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:374. Vertue inv. Basan sc. Vertue, Heads of kings of Eng. pi. 2. G. Vertue del. & sc. ALFRED 27 ALLAN Alfred, prince, s. of George III, 1780-82. George the third (1824) 2:13. eng. Alfred, prince, duke of ICdinburgh, s. of Queen Victoria, 1844-1900. See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, herzog von. Alfred, prince, s. of Alfred, duke of Edinburgh, 1874-99. See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotlta, prinz von. ALGAK, Joseph. Arminian mag. (1786) 9:345. (age 27) Metii. mag. (1798) 21 :395 (age 38) ALGARDI, Alessandro, 1602-54. Dreu.x du Raoier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Guill. Valet sc. ALGAROTTI, conte di, Francesco, 1712-64. Jahrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1894) 15:122. J. E. Listard del.* ALGER, Cyrus, iron mfr. 1781-1856. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 2:585. eng. Russell Alexander, 1836- Adams, 24th nat. encampment G. A. R. (1890) 9.* A.merica’s grtst men & women (1894) 21. BE.\XH,IIist.G. A. R.(1899) 687. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:505. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:751. wdet. —(1888) 32:369. wdet. —(1889) 33:669. wdet. —(1899) 43:756 —(1901) 45:1026 — (1904) 48: 1033 (caricature) Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:July 9, sup. p. 3. McClure’s mag. (1898) 215* (with Gen. Corbin) Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:1, front, eng. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:621.* Outlook (1897) 55:645. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of Bennington monument (1892) 116. William Rounseville, 1822-1905. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:108. C. Barry del. eng. ALI Bey, traveler. Atkinson’s casket (1834) ALI Pasha, vizier of Janina, 1741-1822. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:109. J. Boilly sc. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 55.* Grevedon et Mauzai,s.se, Lcs contemp. Strangers (1835). pi. 7. Mauzaisse del. 1825. C. Motte lith. Mad- den (R. R.) Turkish empire (Lond. 1862) front. Dean sc. Haywood del. ALI Bey EL ARBASSI. Portfolio (1817) ser. 4, 3:382. Goodman & Piggott sc. ALI Muley, sherif of Wazan. Pall Mall mag. (1894) 4:118. drawing.* ALI TAHMI Bey, Egyptian minister of justice. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:177. ALICE, princess of Great Britain, dau. of Queen Victoria, 1843-78. See Hes.sen grossherzogin von. ALICE (of Albany) princess of Gt. Brit. w. of Alex- ander of Teck, 188^ Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:520. F. J. Williamson sc.* (as a child, statue) — (1903) 123:720* —(1904) 124:220. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:243. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. ALICE HEINE princess of Monaco, divorced w. of Albert, 1858- See Richelieu, duchesse de. ALIDOSI, Francesco, cardinal, d. 1511. L’Art (1893) 54:126. Francesco Raibolini f.* (medal) — 54 : 127. Francesco Raibolini f.* (bronze) Castigli- ONE, Courtier (1901) 151. bas-relief* (Louvre) ALIENSE DA MILO (Antonio Vassiiacchi), 1556-1629. 5ee Vassiiacchi. ALIGNY, Claude Felix Theodore Caruelle d’, 1798-1871. L’Art (1882) 29:33. G. Bichard des. Petit sc. ALIGRE, l^tienne d’, 1550-1635. Gower, lx?noir coll, of p>or. (1874) pi. 84. Lagneau del. R. Gower. ALINGTON, 1st baron, Henry Gerald Sturt, 1825-1904. Baily’s mag. (1869) 17:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:133. wdet. after photo. —(1892) 100:236* —(1904) 124:290.* Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 229. Spy f. lith. (caricature) baroness, Lady Augusta (Bingham) w. of 1st baron, d. 1888. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 11. lith. I iaroness, Evelyn (Leigh) w. of 1st baron. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:236.* ALISON, Archibald, 1757-1839. Lockhart, Peter’s letters (1819) 3:93. P.M. del. Lizars sc. Portfolio (1887) 18:67. Raeburn p.* Sir Archibald, 1st bart. 1792-1867. Bentley’s misc. (1852) 32:1. Patrick Park sc. Frank Howard del. J. S. Agar eng. (bust) DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 29. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1853) 28:433. Sartain eng. Harper’s mag. (1850) 1 : 134. eng. after bust (in 1846) Harper’s w. (1867) 11:437. wdet. Sir Archibald, 2d bart. 1826- Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:373. wdet. after photo. — (1882) 81:160.* ALIX DE CHAMPAGNE, w. of Louis VII, king of France, d. 1206. Malo, Gal. d. reines de France, 91. Delpech lith. ALKEN, Hemy (pseud. Ben Tally O.) 1784-1851. Gilbey, Animal painters (1900) 1 : front. A LKE R, Henry, 1820-86. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:453. eng. ALLAHAD, khan of Tak. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 5:384. wdet. ALLAN, George, 1736-1800. Nichols, Lit. anec- dotes of 18th cent. (1814) 8: front. J. Hay del. J. Collyer sc. Sir Henry Marshman Havelock- 1830-97. See Havelock-.Ulan. Sir Hugh, 1810-82. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881)2:38. lith. John, foster-father of Edgar Allan Poe, d. 1834. Cent. (1904) 45:914. p.* Mrs John, d. 1829. Cent. (1904) 45:915. daguerr.* ALLAN 28 ALLEN Robert, {wet, 1774-1841. Mag. of art (1879) 2:268. Raeburn p. wdct. Robert Weir, 1852- Internat. studio (1901) 14:229.* Sir William, painter, 1782-1850. Anderson, Scottish nation (1803) 1: pi. 117. Sir W. Allan f. W. E. Sibbald eng. Art j. (1849) 41:109 —(1903) 55:.56. IjOCKIiart, Peter’s letters (1819) 2:234. Allan p. W. & P. Lizars sc. Sir William, m. p. 1837-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:6.* Pale Mall mag. (1899) 19:119. G. R. Ilalkett f.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (189.3) 25: pi. 623. Sp 3 ^ f. lith. (caricature) ALLEGRI, Antonio da Correggio, 1494-1.534. See Correggio. Gregorio, 1560 1-1652? Clement, Musiciens ci^liibres (1873) 12. C. Deblois eng. 1867. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1 : 141. C. Deblois eng.* ALLEMANP-LAVIGERIE, Charles Martial, cardinal, 182.5-92. See Lavigerie. ALLEMANE, Jean, socialist, 1843- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:617. wdct. ALLEN, 6th viscount, Joshua William Allen, d. 1845. Bovrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:224. Count D’Orsaj* f. 1838. lith. Andrew, 1740-1825. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1886) 10:301. Albert Rosenthal eng. C. M. oil refiner. McClure’s mag. (1903)20:391.* Charles, judge, of Greenfield, Mass. 1827- New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:020. CharlesHastings, bank pres. 1828- Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 395. J. A. Ijowell eng. Charles Herbert, gov. of Porto Rico, 1848- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:617 —(1900) 44:397 — (1904) 48:1803. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:220.* Outlook (1901) 67:817.* World’s work (1900) 1:13. Charles John, sculptor, 1862- Mag. of art (1900) 25:15. G. H. Neale del.* Charles Maxwell, 1822- Rogers, Our repre- sentatives abroad (1874) 222. eng. Crawford, jr. 1840- Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 420. J. C. Buttrc eng. Edward Charles, publisher, Augusta, Me. 1849-91. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1324. A. H. Ritchie eng. Edward H. of Kansas City, Mo. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:704. wdct. Edward Heron. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 176. Rudolf Lehmann p.* Edward Launcelot Baugh Harper’s w. (1896) 40:112. wdct. Edward P. bp. of Mobile, 1853- Catii. world (1897) 66:14.5. Ehsha Hunt, 1804-83. Bioo. encycl. of Maine (188.5) 239. eng. 2frs Elizabeth (Chase) Akers, 1832- Duy- CKiNCK, Cjxlop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:932. wdct. Ethan, 1737-89. Duyckinck, Cj'clop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:216. Roberts sc. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:137. L. G. Mead sc. wdct. (statue) Harper’s mag. (1858) 17:721. eng. after statue. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:312. L. G. .Mead f. (statue) —(1901) n.s. 24:118. Mead f. (statue, capitol, Washington) — n. s. 25:102 (statue, Montpelier) S.mitii, 13 colonies (1901) 1:321. eng.* Sons of the rev. ilo. Year bk. (1895) 77. statue.* Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 241. Mead sc.* (statue, Washington) Mrs Ethan. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25: 105. John Singleton Coplej- p.* Frederic, 1780- Willis, Hist, of law & lawvers of Me. (1863) 478. Fabronius f. A. Trochsler lith. (age 50) Frederic De Forest, 1844-97. Harvard grad, mag. (1897) 6:77.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:505. wdct. G. W. of Auburn, N. Y. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:577. wdct. George Henry, 1832- Raikes, Hist, of lion, artill. CO. (1879) 2:4.58. Roberts, Hist. Anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1901) 4:5. Grant, 1848-99. Acad. (1899) 56:317 — 57 : 489. Book.man (1899) 10 : 293. Chap-book (1896) 5:84 eng. after drawing. Critic (1900) 36:39. Will Rothenstein del.* Illus. Lond. news (1899) 1 15:645* —(1900) 116:850.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:26. Notables of Brit. (1897) 173.* Rothenstein, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 19. Will Rothenstein del. 1897 lith. Henry Tureman, u. s. a. 1859- R. of rev. (1902) 26:437.* Ira, soldier, 1751-1814. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:65. wdct. Vermont hist. soc. Coll. 2: front A. II. Ritchie sc. James, 17421-78. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1886) 10:1. Ma.v Ro.senthal eng. James Lane, 1848- Book bu}-er(1893) 10:149 —(1900)20:351.* Bckikman (1895) 1 :303* —(1897) 5:288* —(1900) 12:154. B(x>kman lit. year-bk. (1898) 5. Critic (1893) 22:201. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:1217. wdct. Lamp (1903) 27:119.* Out- look (1897) 56:359. R. of rev. (1902) 26:.571.* Jeremiah Mervin, 1833- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:614. eng. Joel Asaph, ornithologist, 1838- Hari’er’s w. (1890) 34:925. wdct. John. Arminian mag. (1779) 2:635 (age 42) John, of N. Y. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 63. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* John, 1771-1843. Cent. (1901) 39:482. Land- seer p. Timothy Cole eng. Creevey papers (1904) 2:156. Land-seerp.* (Nat. por. gall.) Eclectic mag. (1858) 43:113. Thomas Faed p. John Sartain eng. CusT, Nat. jxirgall. (1902) 2:29. Landseer p.* ALLEN 29 ALLINGHAM John, N. Y. “ dive” keeper. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:505. wdct. John Beard, u. s. senator, 1845-1903. Har- per’s w. (1889) 33:964. wdct. John J. judge, 1797-1871. Green bag (1893) 5:365. John M. M. c. 1847- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:564. W T. Smedley del. wdct. Outlook (1900) 64:27. Joseph Henry, 1820-98. Colon, soc of Mass. Publ. (1904) 6:288.* M. N. oil refiner. McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:78* (in 1874) Peter, 1787-1864. Mao. of West, hist (1886) 3:280. eng. Solomon, 1751-1821. Abb.ltt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 36. Stephen, mayor of N. Y. 1767-1852. Harper’s -w. (1886) 30:348. wdct. Stephen, 1819- Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 2:169. J. C. Buttre eng. Rev. T. Ernest. Arena (1891) 4:94.* Sir Thomas, d. 1686. Rodu’s coll, of ix)r. (1820) 1: pi. 1. Kneller p. Vanderbank eng. B. Reading sc. (age 73) Rev. Thomas, 1743-1810. Conoreg. quar. (1869) 11:475. A. H. Ritchie eng. New Eno. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:765 —(1893) n. s. 9:394. N. Y. geneal. & biog. rc'cord (1897) 28:185. A. H. Ritchie eng. (in 1799) Vt. Centen. anniv. (1879) front. A. H. Ritchie eng. (in 1799) Thomas, of Chicago, 1810- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:170. eng. Thomas, d. d. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:116.* Thomas C. bicyclist. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 46. wdct. Thomas J. of Boston, Mass. New Eng. niag. (1896) n. s. 14:464. Thomas S. general. Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 355. eng. Viola, actress. Bookman (1896) 3 : 107.* Critic (1898) 33:227* —(1900) 37:300 (in In the palace of the king) — (1903) 42:115. Carlo de Fornaro del. (caricature; with Edward Morgan) Harper’s w. (1901) 45:94 —(1902) 46:473 (in The hunchback) —(1903) 47:1591* —(1904) 48:2033 (as Perdita) Lamp (1904) 28:281* (as Viola) Strang, Fam. actresses (1899) 134. WUliam, cardinal, 1532-94. Bullart, Acad d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:37. Esme de Boulonois f. eng. Green Short hi.st. Eng. people (1893) 2:817. S. Free- man eng. after p. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:53. T. A. Dean eng. after p. Lodge, Por. (1835) 3: pi. 15. J. Cochran eng. William, judge, d. 1780. Green bag (1891) 3: 19. Wilham, d. d. pres. Bowdoin coll. 1784-1868. Century assoc. Bryant festival (1865) 47. eng. Cleaveland, Hist, oif Bowdoin coll. (18^) 117. T. Badger p. J. Sartain eng. William, gov. of Ohio, 1807-79. Democratic rev. (1843) 13:225. F. Halpin eng. after daguerr Harper’s mag. (1881) 03:863. W illi am Burton, 1854— Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:11. eng. William Fitch, 1808-78. Green bag (1890) 2:325. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:653. wdct. William Francis, 1830-89. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:15. William Henry, u. s. n. 1784-1813. Portfolio (1814) ser. 3, 3:1. eng. Wilham Henry, pres. Girard coll. 1808-82. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 439. Sar- tain eng. after daguerr. William Henry Harrison, n. h. judge. Green bag (1890) 2:480.* William Vincent, u. s. senator, 1847- Aaieri- ca’s grtst men & women (1894) 231. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:21* —(1904) 48: 116 (caricature) R. of rev. (1894) 10:31.* WiUis Boyd, 1855- New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:738. Young J. D. D. Outlook (1900) 66:546. Zachariah, of Providence, R. I., 1795-1882. Davis. N. E. states (1897) 4:2572. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 532. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:1. eng. ALLERTONE, Matteo, general, d. 1896. Har- per’s w. (1896) 40:245. wdct. ALLESTREE, Richard, 1619-81. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 85. p.* (Eton college) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:177. David Loggan del. & sc.* (from life) Oxford loan coll. (190.5) pi. 14. Sir P. Lely p.* (with Abp. Dolben & Bp. Fell) ALLEYN, Miss. Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 2:1302 (as Rosalind) Edward, actor, 1566-1626. Biog. mirror (1795) l:pl. 3. S. Harding del. after p. T. Nugent sc. (Dul- wich coll.) Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1 : 43. eng. after p. (Dulwich coll.) Garnett, Hist of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:212. p.* (Dulwich coll.) Lee, Shakes- eare (1899) 162. p.* (Dulwich coll.) Outlook 1900) 65:48. p.* (Dulwich coll.) Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 17:248.* ALLFREY, Henry. Baily’s mag. (1901) 76:418.* ALLHUSEN, Augustus Henry Eden, 1867- Illus. Ixind. news (1897) 110: 176.* ALLIBONE, Samuel Austin, 1816-89. Penn. mag of hist. & biog. (1891) 15:129. ALLIN, Sir Thomas, 1612-85. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 2:424. Kneller p. Vanderbank eng. ALLINGHAM, Mrs Helen (Paterson) artist, w. of William AUingham, 1848- Art j. (18^) 40:199. Mag. of art (1899) 23:356. Mrs. AUingham del.* (water-color) 30 ALLINGHAM Herbert William, 1862-1904. Illcs. Load, news (1904) 125:684.* John TiU, playwright, fl. 1799-1810. Monthly mirror (1804) 18: 145. Ridley eng. after p. William, poet, 1824-89. Harper’s mag. (1869) 69:347. eng. Illus. Load, news (1889) 95:679. ALLIS, Edward P. of Milwaukee, 1824- Mao. of West. hist. (1887) 7 : front, eng. ALLISON, David, supt. of education, 1836- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:149. lith. Nancy Campbell, mother of Pres. McKinley, 1809-97. See McKinley, Mrs. William Boyd, u. s. .senator, 1829- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 70. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:173. IlARPER’sw.(1888)32:181.wdct. —(1896) 40:100,617. wdet. —(1899)43:1227. MAO.ofWest. hist. (1887) 6: front, eng. Oltixiok (1900) 64:25. R. OF rev. (1897) 16:1^. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:173. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5: 148.* World’s work (1902) 3 : 1910. ALLISTON, Frederick Prat, sheriff of Ixindon in 1898. Illus. Load, news (1898) 113:.5.50.* ALLIX, Jules, politician, 1818-72. Harper’s mag. (1893) 86:189, 191. ALLMAN, George James, m. d. 1812-98. Illus. Ijond. news (1898) 113:821.* ALLMERS, Hermann Ludwig, 1821- Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) .34:98. Lenbach p. 1895.* Zt.sch. f. bilaende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:2. II. Magnussen sc.* (bust) ALLON, Henry, d. d. 1818-92. Cabinet por. gal. (1890) 1:62.* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 2:137. lith. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:507.* ALLORI, Alessandro (Alessandro Bronzino), 153.5-1()07. Moucke, Ritratti (17.52) l:pl. 39. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. Girolamo Rossi sc. Cristofano, 1577-1621 . Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori. (1765) 1, pt. 1:13. P. .\nt. Pazzi del. e sc. Moucke, Ritratti (17.54) 2: pi. 28. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. ALLPORT, 5ir James Joseph, 1811-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:. 543.* Walter Webb, 1824- National mag. (1893) 17:376. eng. ALLSOP, F. Daily’s mag. (1891) 55 : t.-p. George Higginson, 1846- Vanity fair album (1889) 21 :pl. .5()6. Lib. f. lith. (caricature) ALLSOP family name. See also title Hindlip. ALLSTON, Mrs Rachel (Moore) mother of Wa.shington AlLston. Flagg, Life & letters of Wash- ington lUlston (1892) 82. W. .;Ulston p.* ALMER Robert Francis Withers, 1801-64. De Bow’s rev. (1852) 12:465. Ilhnan eng. Washington, 1779-1843. Ballou’s pictorial (185.5) 9:284. eng. Buttre, ^Vm. por. gall. (18775 l:pl. 52. Brackett sc. Frederick Halpin eng. (bust) Campbell’s for. m. mag. (1844) 5:289. J. Sartain eng. De.mocratic rev. (1843) 13:337. Brackett sc. F. Halpin eng. (bust) Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:17. wdet. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:458. Chappel p. eng. Flagg, Life & letters of Washington Allston (1892) front. G. W. Flagg p.* — p. 160 W. Allston p. (young man) Har- per’s mag. (1876 ) 52:696. eng. Lester, Artists of Am. (1846) 1. Harding p. Burt eng. Mag. of art (1889) 12 : 145. Tietze eng. after contemp. bu.st. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3 : 683 —(1895) n. s. 13:295. Chester Harding f. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11: front. Flagg p. G. Kruell eng. (age 62) Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1 : 20. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 100. Shobal Vail Clevenger sc.* (bust, Penn, acad.) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:393. Stuart del. eng. ALLUYE, dame d’, Jeanne (de Hallevin de Piennes) Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:371. Corneille de Lyon p.* ALLYN, Frank, judge, 1849- Mag. of West, hist. (1890) 12:1. eng. ALMADA. Miguel, pres. Cuban junta. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:769. wdet. ALMA-TADEMA, Sir Lawrence, 1836- L’Art (1890) 48:216. Clement Bellenger sc. .iVrt j. (1892) 44:187. L. Raven Hill del. Cent. (1894) 25:4^.* Dumas, 111. biog. modern artists (18^) 73. P. Rajon f. P. Rajon etOT. Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:46. J. Dalonsc. R. Lewis eng. (bust) — (188.3)67:843. G. K. sc. after photo.* Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:437. wdet. after photo. — (1886) 89:593. Alma-Tadema p.* —(1899) 114:443,* 830.* Mc-Clure’s mag. (1896) 8:33.* M.\o. of art (1879) 2: 193. wdet. after photo. — (1893) 16:9. L.Alma-Tademap.* — (1896) 20:42. N. Waal del.* —(1899)23:428. Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 24. photo. Monkiiouse, Brit, contemp. artists (1899) 192.* Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 1. etch. Notables of Brit. (1897) 179.* Rooses, Dutch painters of 19th cent. (1898) 140. eng. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 44. E. Onslow Ford f.* (bust) Scribner’s mag. (189.5) 18:665. eng. after photo. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 100. etch. Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 197. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Ztsch. f. hildende kunst (1879) 14:229. F. A . Joerdens del. & sc. If iss Laurence. BooKbuyer(19(X))21:80. John Collier p.* Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:679. Col- lier p.* Internat. studio (1900) 32. Collier p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 28. Collier p.* ALMAGRO, Diego d’, 1475-1538. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:518. eng. from Herrera (1728) ALMER, Christian, 1826- Cunningham & Al>- ney. Pioneers of the Alps, 119.* Ulrich, 1849- Cunningham & Aliney, Pioneers of the Alps, 136.* ALMODOVAK DEL RIO 31 ALUXXO ALM0D(5VAR del RIO, duque de, J. M. San- chez y Gutierrez de Castro, Spanish minister. H.vrper’s w. (1898) 42:586. ALMONTE, Juan Nepomuceno, 1804-69. Cent. (1887) 11:519.* ALMQVIST, Karl Jonas Ludvig, Swedish poet, 1793-1866. Hansen, Nordiske digtere (1870) 184. eng. ALNWYK, John, d. 1460. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:98. J S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (Surlingham church, Norfolk) ALOISI, Baldassare (II Gadanino) 1578-1638. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:89. eng. MoixKE, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 34. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. Carlo Gregorj sc. ALOISIUS, saint, 1568-91. See Gonzaga, Luigi. ALONSO, Spanish kings. See Alfonso. ALPHAND, Jean Charles Adolphe, 1817-91. L’Art (1890) 48:40. eng. from L’Exposition univer- selle. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3, 2:360. M. Roll p.* — (1900) ser. 3, 23:225. J. Dalou sc.* (statue, Bois de Boulogne, Paris) ALPHONS, prince of Bavaria, son of prince Adal- bert, 1862- Tl'li.berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:55. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ALPHONSE (of France) son of Louis VIII, 1220-71. See Toulouse, comte de. ALPHONSE frere, of the Christian school. L’Art (1878) 14:279. L’. C’. Beylard sc. Lerat des.* (statue at Bordeaux) ALPHONSO, infante, of Portugal, 1865- See Porto, duque do. ALPHONSO (of Portugal) knight of Malta, d. 1245. Vertot d’Acbcelf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:102. Cars sc. ALPHONSO. See also Alfonso. ALQUIER. Charles Jean Marie, 1752-1826. Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:42. Moreau del. Voyez sc. ALSINA, Valentin, gov. of Buenos Ayres, 1802-69. Alai, de Gotha (1860) pi. 6. Carl Mayer sc. ALSOP, Mrs Francis (Jordan), actress. La BELLE assemble (1818) n. s. 17:195. Rose E. Drum- mond f. J. Alais eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1817) imp. ser. 5:121. John, d. 1794. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:333. eng. Richard, poet, 1761-1815. Dltckinck, Cvclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:512. Roberts sc. Vincent, d. 1703. C.llamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 3:48. Branwhite eng. after p. ALSTON, Mary, d. 1660. See Langham, Lady James. Mrs Theodosia (Burr) 1783-1813. See Burr. ALT, Rudolf von, artist, 1812- Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1902) n. s. 13:2.57. Rudolf von Alt p.* ALTAMIRA, Pedro de. Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (1895) pi. 20. Velasquez p. 163.3* (Louvre) ALTAMONT, countess of, Lady Louisa Cathe- rine (Howe), w. of 3d earl, 1767-1817. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:79. G. Romney p. 1788.* (Marchioness of Sligo coll.) Whitman, Samuel Wil- liam Reynolds (1903) 42. J. Opie p. S. W. Reynolds mezzo.* ALTAROCHE, Marie Michel, 1811-84. Hcart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 21. Benja- min f. ALTELA, Kiowa Indian. Harper’s w. (1867) 11 :328. wdct. ALTEN, yrafin von, Luise Auguste Friederike, dau. of Viktor, 1832- See Devonshire, duchess of. ALTGELD, John Peter, gov. of 111. 1847-1902. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:672. wdct. — (1896) 40:70.5, 796, 1024. wdct. —(1899) 43:741,841. McClltie’s mag. (1904)23:229.* N.at. mag. (1892) 16:361. eng R. OF rev. (1896) 14:133.* ALTHAUS, Friedrich, 1829-97. Iixcs. Lond. news (1897) 111:76.* ALTHEN, Ehan (or Jean), 1711-74. Soc. Mont- von et F ranklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3 : 247. thirupt p. E. Conquy sc. ALTHORP, viscounts. See title Spencer. ALTINA, w. of Clodion, king of the Franks. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 13. Delpech lith. ALTOVITI, Bindo. L’Aet (1880) 23:281. Ra- phael p. M. E. Muntz del. Thiriatsc. —(1884)37:29. Raphael p. H. Thiriat sc. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, 27:113. Benvenuto Cellini f. P. Le Rat eng. (bust) Jahrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1885) 6: 140. Raphael p.* Clarice (Ridolfi) niece of Leo X. Bardi, Gal. di palais Pitti (1845) 4:pl. 37. Cristofano Del AJtis- simo p. V. Benucci eng. ALTSHELER, Joseph Alexander, 1862- Book buyer (1900) 21:81. Bookman (1899) 9:117 —(1903) 16:526.* ALTSON, Abbey, artist. Mag. of art (189.5) 18:393. Arthur Buckland del. 1894.* ALTJNNO, Francesco, d. 1556. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs 2:pref. p. 19. wdct. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 197. From work by Alunno on Petrarch. ALVA 32 AMBERG ALVA, duque de, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 1508-82. Ali.g. weltgeschichte (1886) 7;341. Franz Hogcnbcrg eng.* Bradford (W.) Corresp. of Em- peror Charlc.s V (Lond. 18.50) 409. Schubert del. S. Freeman sc. (Imperial coll. Lower Belvidere, Vienna) Carderera y Solano, Iconog. cspanola (1^4) 2: pi. 82. Titian p. V. Carderera dib. J. Vallejo lith. Creigh- ton, Queen Elizabeth (1896) 192. eng. after p. (Am- sterdam mus.) Droysen, Glesch. dor gegenreforma- tion (1893) 179. A. Liitke del. after medallion (Berlin, Koyal coin cab.) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:824. eng. (Brit, mus.) Guell y Rente, Philippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 28. A. Muraton eng. after p. IIalma, Tooneel der Ver. Nederlanden (172.5) 1:298. eng. after statue. IIirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:748. wdet. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:303. Mag. of art (1897) 21 :296. bust.* Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 252. Piiilipp- SON, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 75. Franz Ilogenberg eng.* — p. 152. medal (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Prescott, Hist, of reign of Philip the 2d (1874) 2:2.50. Titian p. -I. Brown eng. Putnam, William the Silent (1895) 2:10. Titian p. eng.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1894) 6: pi. 7.55. Anthonis Mor p.* (Roy. mus. Brussells) Reyd, V'oomaemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlan- den (1626) 4. eng. Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 74. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1: pi. 105. eng.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 2:483. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 1909. A. Gel€e eng. after p. ALVANLEY, 1st baron, Sir Richard Pepper Ar- den, 1744-1804. Illus. Lond. news (1.897) 111: .571. 2d baron, William Arden, 1789-1849. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:193. Dighton f. lith. (cari- eature) Jesse, George Brummell (1886) 2:164. Timbs, Eng. eccentrics (1877) 27. wdet. ALVARADO, Alonzo de, d. 1553. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:544. from eng. in Herrera, 3:235 Juan Bautista, gov. of Cal. 1809-82. Cent. (1891) 19:523. Pedro de, d. 1541. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:366. eng. from Herrera, 2:274. ALVAREZ, Albert, singer. Bookman (1900) 11:219. Critic (1900) 36:335* (as Rhadames) Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1226. Julian, cigar maker, d. 1885. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:860. wdet. Luis, Span, painter, 1841-1!K)1. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:496. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 25. etch. ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO, Fernando, 1508-83. See Alva, duque de. ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO Y ACTJSa, Jose, d. 1898. See Xiquena, conde de. ALVAROTTO, Jacopo, 1385-14.53. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1897) 18:189, fig. 42. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) ALVARY, Max, 1858-98. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:884. wdet. — (1895) 39:121. wdet. (as Sie^ried) — (1898) 42:1141 (as Siegfried) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:103. Birkenruth del.* (as Tannhaaser) — (1898) 113:747.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1^1) ^:12. Max Koner del. 18^.* Lahee, Fa- mous singers (1898) 280 (in Rigoletto) McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:181* (as Parsifal) ALVERSTONE, 1st baron. Sir Richard Everard Webster,1842- Green bag (1891) 3: 278* —(1901) 13:4.59.* Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87: 53* — (1895) 107:259* —(1897) 110:174* —(1900) 116:637* —(1900) 117:560* —(1904) 124: May 7 sup. p. 6. Ar- thurs. Cope p.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 54.* Out- look (1903) 75:603.* Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 136.* Cope p.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 286 (cari- cature, age 40) — (1900) 32: pi. 57. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Worijj’s work (1903) 7:4158. ALVES, Mrs Carl, singer. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:441. wdet. ALVES BRANCO, Manoel, 1797- See Caravel- las, visconde de. ALVEY, Richard Henry, 1826- Green bag (1894 ) 6:277.* Harper’s w. (1896) 40:28. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:99. ALVINCZY, Joseph, freiherr von Barberek, 1735- 1810. Cent. (1895) 28:38. Kraupa f.* ALVORD, Thomas Gold, 1810-97. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:348. wdet. ALWAR, maharaja of, Sir Mangal Singh. Mao. of art (1879) 2:121. \al. C. Prinsep del. wdet. ALXINGER, Johann Baptist von, poet, 1755-97 Wolf u. Zwiedeneck, Oesterreich (1884) 417. Langer eng. H. Thiele sc. AMADEO I, ex-king of Spain, duke of Aosta 1845-90. Alm. de Gotha (1872) front. Carl Mayer sc. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:861. wdet. — (1^3) 17:181 wdet. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 483.* Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:16. wdet. — (1887) 91:5. —(1888) 93:276. —(1890) 96:99. —(1895) 106:806. Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 3.39. Outlook (1898) 60:300. Vanity fair album (1872) 4:pl. 9. lith. after caricature. Wiiitehouse, Sacrifice of a throne (1897) front. & p. 293. AMADOR, Manuel, pres.' of Panama. R. of rev. (1904) 29:271.* World’s work (1904) 7:4609.* AMALIE. See Amelia. AMAN-JEAN, Edmond Francois, painter, 18.56- Intern.^t. studio (1900) 10:93. AMAURY-DUVAL (Eugene Emmanuel Pi- neux) 1808-85. Montrosier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Lu.xembourg (1881) 165. E. de Lippart del. 1880. eng. AMBERG, Wilhelm, 1822- Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1:257. wdet. AMBERGER 33 AMELIA AMBERGER, Christoph, d. 1563. Fraxck, Deutsche kiinstlcr-gall. (1813) Franck f. AMBERLEY, viscount, John Russell, 1842-76. Ili.us. Lend, news (1876) 68:76. wdet. AMBLER, James Markham Marshall, 1848-81. H.vrpek’s w. (1882) 26:13. wdet. —(1887) 31:206. wdet. (medallion tablet) Mrs Mary (Cary) w. of Edward Ambler. Harland, Some colonial homesteads (1897) 487. p.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:176. wdet. after p. Smith, 13 colonies (1901) 1:149. p.* AMBLY, marquis d’, Claude Jean Antoine, 1711-97. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:50. Moreau del. Courbe sc. AMBOISE, Charles d’, d. 1481. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 25:^. Andrea Solari p. eng. (Louvre) Charles d’, 1473-1511. See Chaumont, sieur de. Emery d’, d. 1512. Vertot d’Aub(euf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:409. Cars sc. ' Georges d’, cardinal, 1460-1510. Allg. welt- f eschichte (1886) 7:247. monument* (Rouen cath.) (CLLART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:13. Bou- lonnois f. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 96. Clouet f. lith. Dreux du Radier, L’Europc illus. (1777) V. 2. J. F. p. P. J. eng. Gal. fran?. (1821) l:pl. 2. Jacob del. after bust (Mus. dcs monuments franfais) Guizot, Pop. hist, of Franee, 3:347. Gau- ebard Barbant sc. Menxechet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1838) 2: pi. 25. Chasselat del. Migneretsc. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 205. J. F. p. P. J. sc. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:533. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1771) 11:16. J. F. p. P. J. sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1808. Mme. Cordelier de la Noue p. E. Conquy eng. — 13: 1. 11.5. A. Gel4e eng. after statue. Vulson, Por. d. ommes illus. fran^. pi. 10. eng. Georges d’, cardinal, 1478-1550. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 139. A. Gel^e eng. (statue) AMBRES, chevalier d’, Maffre de Voisins, vicomte de Lautrec, Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 71. Clouet f. lith. AMBROGINI, Angelo, 1454-94. See Poliziano. AMBROGIO DI LORENZO, 1260-1340. See Lorenzetti, Ambrogio. AMBROSE, saint, abp. of Milan, 340?-397. L’Art ( 1880) 21:75. J. B. Carpeaux sc. Ch. Desavarv des. (statue) — (1882) 30:2/. Pinturicchio f. Mile V. M. ilerwegen des. (fresco) — (1886) 41 :85. Rubens p. J. Schmutzer eng. Cath. world (189.5) 61:721. Ber- nard van Orlay f. (with St. Augustine) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 32:40. Alfred Rethel f.* (sketch with Theodosius der Grasse) Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584). 1:101. eng. AMBROSE, Mr. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer(1903)90:pl.9. Andrew Plimerp.* (miniature) Mrs. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer 1903) 46. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) — p. 90, pi. 9. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) William, m. p. 183'2- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:449.* AMBROSIUS, Johanna, 1854- Bookman (1896) 4:114.* Critic (1896) 28:94 —29:421. AMELIA, AMALIE, AMALIE, queens and princesses. BAVARIA Amahe (of Spain) princess, w. of Adalbert, 1834- Alm. de Gotha (1859) pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. Tull- BERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:54. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:802. Linde- gren del. after photo. GREAT BRITAIN Amelia, princess, dau. of George II, 1711-86. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:271. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 61. Hans Hysing p.* Wilkins, Caroline the Illustrious (1901) 2: %. Amelia, princess, dau. of George HI, 1783-1810. Art j. (1855) 7:197. Lawrence p. R. Graves eng. — (1860) 12:260. Copley p. 1785. Graves sc. (with her sisters, Duchess of Gloucester & Sophia) — (1897) 49:36. John Hoppner p.* — (1902) 54:175. Cosway f.* (Windsor) La belle assemble (1806) v. 1, pt. 2. eng. after miniature. European mag. (1810) 58:323. Ridlev sc. George the 3d (1824) 2 : 398. eng. Hall, Royal gall, of art, l:pl. 17. Lawrence p. Graves sc. — 4 : pi. 22. Copley p. 1785 Graves sc. (with her 2 sis- ters) Harper’s mag. (1880) 61 : 525. Lady’s mag. (17^) 23:510. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1806) n. s. 1:97. W. M. Craig del. K. Mackenzie sc. Ollier, Our Brit, por. painters, 57. J. S. Copley p. R. Graves sc. (child por. with her sisters. Duchess of Gloucester & Sophia) — p. 60. Sir T. Lawrence p. R. Graves sc. (age 7) Robertson, Letters & papers (1897) 144. Andrew Robertson p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 62. Hoppner p.* — 4: pi. 63. Lawrence p.* Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 22. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl.62, fig. 3. Andrew Plimer p.* — 1 : pi. 68, fig. 2. Andrew Robertson p. 1807.* GREECE Amalie (of Oldenburg) queen, w. of Otho I, 1818-75. Alm. de Gotha (18^) pi. 2. eng. Glea- son’s pictorial (1852) 2:104. wdet. WiLiior, life of Edmund, Lord Lyons (1898) 82. PORTUGAL Amdlie (d’Orleans) queen, w. of Carlos I, 1865- Alm. de Gotha (1891) front. A. & Th. Weger sc. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:5 —(1889) 95:521 —(1894) 105:340* —(1904) 125:722*, 876* (with Queen Alexandra) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. 24288—06 3 AMELIA 34 AMES PORTUGAL — continued. por. (1898) 1:155. Agi Lindcgren del. after photo. — 2:521. Lindegren del. after photo. SAXONY Amalie Augusta (of Bavaria) queen, w. of Johann, 1801-77. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:501. wdct. Amalie, princess (pseud. Amalie Heiter) dau. of Maximilian, 1794-1870. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 265. eng.* Kupferstich 1873 im verlage des Tauchnitz erschienenen werken. AMELTTNGHI, Girolamo (II Gobbo da Pisa) 16th cent. Tltti i trionfi (1750) 1 ;244. J. Ve sc. AMENDOLA, G. B. artist. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84; June 14, sup. L. Alma-Tadema p.* Monk- house, Brit, contemp. artists (1899) 219. Alma- Tadema p.* Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:675. Alma- Tadema p.* AMENEMAPT, or AldENEMOPET, king of Eg3’pt. IIeyck, Monograph, z. weltgeseh. (1900) 10:115. wooden figure* (with his wife, Berlin mus.) AMEN-HOTEP, king of Egypt. See Amenophis. AMENIBITIS, queen of Egypt. Allg. weltge- schichte (1884) 1:348. statue (cast, Berlin mus.) L’Art (1875) 3:170. II. Valentin des. after statue. AMENOPHIS I, king of Egypt. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgeseh. (1900) 10:16. sarcophagus & mummy* (Cairo mus.) AMENOPHIS II, king of Egypt. Allg. weltge- schichte (1884) 1:205. bust. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgeseh. (1900) 10:39. bust (Cairo mus.) AMENOPHIS III, king of Egypt. Allg. weltge- schichtc (1884) 1 ;206. bust.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgeseh. 10:1, 42, 45, 111 (4 por.)* AMENOPHIS IV (Khu-en-aten), king of Egypt, fl. 1383-1365 B. C. Allg. weltgeschicTite (1884) 1 :207. bas-relief (in Tell-el-amarna) — 1 :209. statue.* Heyck. Monograph, z. weltgeseh. (1900) 10:144, 151, 153 (3 por.)* AMERBACH, Boniface, 1495-1562. L’Art( 1882) 30:5. Holbein p. Paul Robert des. — (1888) 44:148. Holbein p. 1519. eng. Die graphiscuen kiinste (1880) 2:41. Hans Holbein f. Fr. Weber f. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:21. Holbein p. 1519.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:104. Holbein p. wdct. Keber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1245. Holbein p.* (Basel mus.) Woltmann, Holbein & his time (1872) 178. Holbein p. eng. AMERICAN HORSE, Indian chief. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:945. Fredk. Remington del. wdct. AMERIGHI, Michel Angelo, 1.569-1609. See Caravaggio. AMERIGO VESPUCCI, 1451-1515. Vespucci. AMERLING, Friedrich, 1803-87. Die gra- PHisCHEN kiinste (188.5) 7:53. Fr. Amerling p.* AMES, Adelbert, general, 1835- Harper’s w. (1865) 9:76. wdct. — (1870) 14:116. wdct. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1895) 17:577. Albert Alonzo, 1841- McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:230.* Butler, West Point cadet, 1871- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1185. wdct. Edward Raymond, m. e. bp. 1806-79. Har- per’s w. (1860) 4:308. wdct. —(1866) 10:632. wdct. —(1871) 15:881. wdct. —(1879) 23:385. wdct. Fisher, 1758-1808. ANALEcricmag. (1814)3:309 Stuart p. W. S. Leney sc. Bowen, Centen. Washing- ton inaug. (1892) Snarpless, Stuart & Trumbull f. (4 por.) Cent. (1889) 15:807. Stuart p. II. Velten sc.* Dedham hist, register (1898) 9:67. Jacob Wag- ner p. after Stuart.* Delaplaine’s repository (1815) 45. Stuart p. Boyd sc. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:486. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:204. Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 340. Trumbull p. 17^* (miniature) Green bag (1899) 11:225. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:244. Harvard grad. mag. (1895) 4:1. G. Stuart p.* (Harvard coll.) Ixingacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1836) 3|pl. 24. G. C. Stuart p. Prud’homme eng. after D. Edwin. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:531. Portfolio (1825) n. s. 20:89. Stuart p. Long sc. Rice & Hart, Nat. iwr. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 2: pi. 23. G. Stuart p. J. F. E. Prud’homme eng. after D. Edwin. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:311. Stuart p. J. Boyd sc. (from Delaplainc’s repository 1815) Fred W. colonel, Minneapolis. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:231.* Frederick, 1836- Baily’s mag. (1887) 47 : front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Frederick Lothrop, manufacturer, 1835-93. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 5:665. eng. Col. soc. of Mass. Pub. (1895) 1 : 258. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1 ;390. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Har- per’s w. (1893) 37:904. wdct. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1895) 49:273. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Joseph, antiquarian, 1689-17.59. DiBDiNjTVpog. antiq. (ISIO) 1 : front. Thomas Hodgetts sc. Lives of illus. persons (1820). R. Page sc. Joseph, painter, 1816-72. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:12. Kilburn del. after photo, eng. Mrs Mary (Clemmer) aftw. Mrs Edmund Hud- son, 1840-84. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:910. wdct. Oakes, m. c. 1804-73. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 5:575. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:375. eng. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:140. wdct. — 17:437. wdct. Oakes Angler, manufacturer. No. Easton, Mass. 1829-99. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1 :387. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Ohver, 1807-63. Bancroft, Chron. (1 892) 5 : 643 eng. AMES 35 ANAFESTO Oliver, gov. of Mass. 1831-95. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 5:673. eng. Bay state m. (1885) 2:185. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:381. eng. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:665. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:666. Oswald Henry, captain, 1862- Vanity fair album (1896) 28:pl. 643. Spy f. Leslie Ward lith. (caricature) Samuel, 1806-65. Green bag (1890) 2:530.* William, d. d. 1576-1633. Lives of illus. per- sons (1820). R. H. Cook sc. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:561. William, colonel, 1842- Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 241. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. AMFRYE, Guillaume, 1639-1720. See Chaulieu, abb4 de. AMHERST, 1st earl, William Pitt Amherst, 1773-1857. Boulger, Hist, of China (1898) 2:26. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) 1. Sir T. Lawrence p. T. Freeman eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:27. Sir T. Lawrence p. S. Freeman eng. (of Hackney) 1st baron, William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst, 1835- Illcs. Lond. news (1892) 101:262.* (of Holmesdale) 1st baron, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, K. B. 1717-97. CusT, Nat. ^r. gall. (1901) 1:291. Gainsborough p.* Lodge, For. (1835) 12: pi. 2. Reynolds p. IL T. Ryall eng. Lond. mag. (1782) 51:51. eng. after drawing. Mag. of art (1894) 17: 109 Reynolds p.* New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:234. Parkman (Champlain ed.) (1898) 17: 162. eng.* Rey- nolds, Engravings, 1 : pi. 18. Sir J. Riwnolds p. 1765. S. W. Reynolds eng. — I : pi. 69. Sir J. Reynolds del. S. W. Reynolds eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people, (1902) 2 : 94. old eng.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:531. eng. (from John Kno.v’s Historical jour- nal, London, 1769) Wright, Eng under house of Hanover (1^8) 2:44. Sayer f. 17^. F. W. Fairholt. wdet. (caricature) Hon. Alicia, dau. of 1st baron. See Cecil, Hon. Mrs Evelyn. AMICIS, Edmondo de, author, 1846- L’Art (1882) 28:10. E. Ronjat des. H. Thiriat sc. Critic (1902) 41:102.* AMIGO, Carlos A. d’, of Buenos Ayres. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:261. AMIGO, Peter, r. c. bp. of Southwark. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:330.* AMIR ALI, Sayyid, c. i. e. 1849- Harper’s w. (1893)37:789. wdet. AMLING, Karl Gustav, engraver, 1651-1701. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. AMMEN, Daniel, admiral, 1820-98. McClure’s mag. (1896)8:132.* AMMIDOWN, Ebenezer Davis, 1796-1865. Am- MiDowN. Hist. coll. (1874) 2:229. A. H. Ritchie eng. Edward Holmes, n. y. merchant, 1830- Harper ’s w. (1889) 33 : 860. wdet. Holmes. Ammidown, Hist. coll. (1874) I : front. A. H. Ritchie eng. AMONVILLE, M. d’. L’Art (1901) 60:202. Pier Leone Ghezzi des.* (caricature) AMORY, Thomas CoflBn, 1812-89. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:236. Bariy del. after photo, eng. William, 1804-88. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1887- 89) ser. 2,4:414. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. AMOS, Jacob, mayor of S 3 ’racuse, N. Y. Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:513. wdet. AMPERE, Andre Marie, 1775-1836. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:719. Scribner’s mag. (1888) 3:311. Tardieu eng. 1825. AMPHLETT, Sir Richard Paul, 1809-83. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:129. wdet. AMPTHILL, 1st baron, Odo Russell, 1829-84. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:57. wdet. after photo. —(1878) 72:569 —(1884) 85:220.* Oncken, Zei- talter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:519.* Vanity fair album (1877) 9:pl. 153. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 2d baron, Oliver Villiers Russell, 1869- Har- per’s mag. (1900) 100:299.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:204* —(1900) 117:370* —(1904) 124:756.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 502. Spy f. lith. (caricature) AMPUDIA, Pedro de. Cent. (1887) 11:519.* AMSTEL, Jan van, d. 1540? See Hollander, Jan. AMURATH, sultans of Turkey. See ilurad. AMY, Jean Bamabe', 1839- L’Art (1904) 63:543 Victor Peter sc.* (plaquette) AMYOT, Jacques, bp. of Auxerre, 1513-93. Bul- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 165. De L’Ar- messin sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. L. E. p. A. L. sc. Gal. franc. (1821) l:pl. 21. Chretien del. after p. Menneciiet, Le Plutarque franc. (1838) 3: pi. 22. Fragonard del. Henri Laurent sc. Petitde JuLLEViLLE,nist. dc la langue et de la lit. franc. (1897) 3:394. Leonard Gaultier eng.* Recu- EiL d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 236. L. F. p. A. sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:458. L. p. A. sc. Thomas, 1775-1850. Athen.eum club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 17. Wageman del. lith. ANACREON, 560 B. C. Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 1 : 264. statue* (Villa Borghese) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 3. George Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (18^) 4, pt. 1:56. Perry del. after medallion. Darodes, eng. Ztsch. f. bild- dende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:186. bust.* ANAFESTO, Paoluccio, doge of Venice, d. 717. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 1. Nani inc. ANAGNOS 36 ANDERSEN ANAGNOS, Mrs Julia (Howe) New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:683 —(1902) n. s. 26:17. ANASTASrUS I, Byzantine emp. 430-518. Allo. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:386, fig. 4,6. coin* (Numism. chron. XVIII) — 4:703, coin (Roj’al coin cabinet, Berlin) ANAXAGORAS, 500-428 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 4, pt. l:t-p. Periy del. after medallion. Delaistre eng. ANAYA, Alfonso Alvarez de. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1864) 2: pi. 45. V. Carde- rera del. after statue C. Mugica lith. (Salamanca cath.) AN CASTER, duchess of, Mary (Panton) w. of 3d duke, 1730-93. Goodwin, James McArdell (1903) 96. Thomas Hudson p. 1757? James McArdell sc.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1312. Reynolds p.* Lond. mag. p 774) 43:60. eng. Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 80. Sir J. Reynolds p. (in 1758) S. W. Reynolds eng. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (18^) 6:836, pi. 57. Hudson p. MacArdell eng. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 28. Thomas Hudson sc. 1757. James MacArdell sc. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 58, fig. 3. R. ©osway p.* Ifh duke of, Robert Bertie, 1736-79. William- son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 58, fig. 2. R. Cosway p.* Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 62. Richard Cosway p.* 1st earl of, Gilbert Henry Heathcote-Drum- mond-Willoughby, 1830- Baily’s mag. (1875) 27:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:123.* Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 366. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ANCELOT, Jacques Arsene Fran 9 ois Poly- carpe, 1794-1854. L’Art (1902) 61:497. lith.* lIcART et Philipjwn, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 :pl. 22. M. Alophe f. Mme Marguerite Louise Virginie (Chardon) 1792-1875. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:804. Heim des.* Grand-Carteret, XIX® sifecle (1893) 289. Jean Gigoux lith.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) pi. 17. M. Alophe f. AJ7CIENT, Rev. William Johnson, 1836- Har- per’s w. (1873) 17:460. wdct. after photo. ANCKARSTROM, Johan Jakob, 1759-92. European mag. (1792) 22:173. Cond6 sc. AN CRAM, 1st earl of. Sir Robert Kerr, 1578-1654. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 42. James Nixon del. after p. (Newlwttle Abbey) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:97. Bocquet eng. cmntess of, Elizabeth Fortescue, 1745-80. See title Lothian. ANCRE, marquis d’, Concino Concini, marshal, d. 1617. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. A. K. p. M. Auberteng. Lord, Regency of Marie de Medicis (1903) 142. Du Moustier p.* (Louvre) Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 19:451. Lecocq p. eng. Perkins, Richelieu (1^) 44. Le- cocq p. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard,sup. 4:pl. 31. Lecocq p. Levy eng. marquise d’, Leonora (Dori) (Gahgai), w. of marshal, 1578-1617. Bingham, The Bastille (1888) 1:166. G. Path f.* Court mag. (1838) 12:231. Rubens p. Ed. Hargrave eng. Dreux du Radier L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. A. B. p. Francois eng. Hanotaux, Hist, du Cardinal de Richelieu (1896) 2:54. D. du Moustier del. 1614.* Le Rou.x de Lincy, Femmes c61ebres (1858) 2:80. Lant6 del. after minia- ture. Gatine sc. lith. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 167. G. Fath del. after p. Chapon sc. (coll, de Bure) Perkins, Richelieu (1900) 58. ANCRUIVI. See Ancram. ANCUS MARCnJS. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 2, pt. 1 : 172. Perry inv. after medal. Gel^e eng. ANDELOT, Mme d’, Claude (de Rieux) w. of Francois de Coligny, 1525- Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl.37. Clouet f. lith. seigneur d’, Francois de Coligny, 1531-69. See Coligny. ANDERDON, William Henry, s. j. 1816-90. Merry Eng. (1890) 16 :1 (age 70) ANDEREGG, Melchior, 1828- Cunningham & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 85.* Mathews, Annals of Mont Blanc (1898) 254* (age 68) ANDERLEDY, Antonius, gen. of the Jesuits, 1819-92. R. OF rev. (1892) 5:148. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 83. II. Thaddeus f. 1886.* ANDERNE, Sir Peter. Drummond, Noble Brit, fam. (1846) 1 :pl. 5. J. Brown eng. (with wife & daugh- ter, window in church) ANDERSEN, Carl Christian Thorvald, 1828-83. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7:tillfeg p. 2. C. F. Andersen p.* Hans Christian, 1805-75. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:252. Carl Hartmann p. eng. Bentley’s misc. (1846) 20:311. Em. Baerentzen f. J. Cook sc. Hansen, Nordiske digtere (1870) 297. eng. Har- per’s mag. (1862) 26:149. eng. —(1884) 69:653. A. de Witt del. after statue* (Rosenboig Gardens, Copenhagen) Harper’s w. (1875) 19:685, 830. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:360. wdct. after photo. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 297. Luntenschutz f. eng.* Scribner’s m. (1871) 1:270. eng. Werck- meister. Das 19te jahrhundert in bilduisscn (1898) l:pl. 10. Vogel von Vogelstein, del. 1841. Hendrick Christian, Norwegian sculptor, 1872- Critic (1901) 38:6. Andreas Andersen p.* Magnus. H.vrper’s w. (1893) 37:473. wdct. — 37:614. wdct. ANDEKSON 37 ANDERSON ANDERSON, A. Archibal. PARissalon (1893) 17, Adam {Lord Anderson) Scotch judge, 1797- 1853. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1828) pi. 26. B. W. Crombie f. Mrs Alexander, mother-in-law of Hugh Cameron. Art j. (1902) 54:298. Hugh Cameron p.* Alexander, 177.5-1870. Am. art rev. (1880) 1 : 182. August Will del. E. J. Whitney eng. (age 92) Art j. (1858) 10:271. A. Anderson eng. (age 84) Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:695. eng. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:84. A. Ander.son eng. wdct. Linton, Wood engraving in Amer. (1882) 2. Augu«t Will del. Elias -J. Whitney eng. (age 92) Alexander, 184.5- BoRLANO,Yarrow (1890) 220.* Mrs C. Goldsborough (Mary Alice Moberly) Art j. (1903) 55:178. C. Goldsborough p.* Chloe, dau. ofG. B. Anderson, of Selkirk. -\rt j. (1903) 55:127. H. W. Kerr p.* (child por.) Cornelius V. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:205. Sir Edmund, 1530-1605. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:57. p.* Edwin Alexander, lieut. u. s. n. Cent. (1899) 35:710.* Edwin Hatfield, librarian, 1861- Bookman (1898) 6:410.* Francis. KAY,Orig.por.(1877)2:pl.251. J.Kay f. 1802. Francis T. 1808-87. Green bag (1893) :411.* George B. general, 1831-62. Cent. (1886) 10:143. Henry. Meto. mag. (1804) 27:97. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 34) Sir Henry Percy, 1831-96. Ileus. Lend, news (1890) 97:8* — (18fl6) 109:102.* Hugh Johnston, gov. of Maine, 1801-80. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 109. eng. Isaac, 1760-1838. Sons of the rev. Penn. Decen. register (1898) 242. C. P. Polk p. 1 Rosenthal sc. Isaac, 1780-1857. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:624. Rea sc.* James. Metii. mag. (1803) 26:145. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 32) —(1826) 49:145. J. Renton p. W. T. Fry eng. Sir James, 1824-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:571.* James Robertson, actor, 1811-95. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:76. Barry del. after photo, eng. John, F. R. s. 1726-96. Ciia.mbers, Em. Scots- men (1847, 1855) 1:42. W. Holl eng. after p. Rep. John. Meth. mag (1820) 43:721. J. Ren- ton p. J. Blood sc. John, M. c. 1792-1853. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 170. C. O. Cole p. J. C. Buttre eng. John, 1812- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:701. wdct. John E. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:516. wdct. John Farwell, 1823-87. N. E. hist. & ge- neal. reg. (1889) 43:122. F. T. Stuart sc. Joseph, colonel, 1757-1837. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:623. Temple, East Tenn. & the civil war (1899) 300. KeUar. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:833. wdct. Martin Brewer, 1815-90. Parker, Rochester (1884) 298.* Mary now Mme M. Antoinette Anderson de Na- varro 1859- Arena (1891) 4:423* (as Parthenia) Book buyer (1896) 13 : 133.* Bookman (1896) 3:204.* Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:14* (as Juliet) Catii. world (1893) 56:479. Critic (1901) 38:333. Charles Burt eng.* Harper’s w. (1883) 27 : 281. wdct. (as Desde- mona) —(1885) 25:657. wdct. —(1888) 32:845. wdct. Ileus. Lond. news (1883) 83:256. sketch.* — (1887) 91 : 331* (as Hermione) Les lettres et les arts (1887) 3:102 (as Galatea) McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 51. Mag. of art (1888) 11:333. Jonnard eng. after photo (as Hermione) Theatre (1884) ser. 4, 3: 1.* Whyte, Actors (1898) 186* (as Hermione) Overton, Virginia merchant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 616. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Rasmus BjOm, 1846- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:237. wdct. Richard Henry, maj.-gen. 1816-79. Nicolay& Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:400.* Robert, brig.-gen. 1805-71. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 30. J. C. Buttre eng. Cent. (1887) 12:836.* Crafts, Southern rebellion (1862) 1:25. II. Wright Smith eng. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:17, 177, 284. wdct. — (1865) 9:261. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:127.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:197. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 215. G. E. Ferine sc. Moore, Rebellion record (1861) 1:24. G. E. Ferine sc. after photo. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:336.* Por. m. (1863) 1 : 19. wdct. Sir Robert, 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:730.* Robert Patrick, maj.-gen. 1826-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:433.* Rev. Rufus, 1796-1880. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin col. (1882) 196. J. C. Buttre eng. after d^err. Eclectic mag. (1866) 67:641. Ferine & Giles eng. Samuel, of Tennes.see, 1787- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. 2:419. F. Halpin eng. Sara, singer. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1018.* Thomas, chemist, 1819-74. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 144.* Thomas McArthur, maj.-gen. 1836- Harper’s mag. (1898)42:497. —(1899)99:172. Thomas McCall. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 136.* Thomas O. u. s. n. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 551. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Rev. Thomas P. 1819- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:916. wdct. ANDERSON 38 ANDREOLI Sir William, 1835-98. Illcs. Lond. news (1898) 113:983.* ANDERSON-PELHAM family name. See title Yarborough. ANDOUIN, M. d’. Gowee, Lenoir coU. of por. (1874) pi. 28. Holbein del.* ANDOUINS, Corisande d’, viscomtesse de Lou- vigny. Gower, Lenoir coU. of por. (1874) pi. 103. R. Gower. ANDOUINS DE LOTJVIGNY, Paul d’. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 : pi. 69. Clouet f. lith. ANDOVER, viscountess, Elizabetli Jeine (Dut- ton) w. of earl of Suffolk, 1775-1836. Ladt’s m. mus. (1810) n. s. 8:301. Mackenzie sc. viscountess, Lady Jane Elizabeth. (Coke) afiw. Lady Digby, 1777-1863. La belle assemblee (1809) 6:1^5. eng. Hoppxee, Bvgone beauties (1799) pi. 4. John Hoppner p. 1799. C. Wilkin eng. ANDRADA LEITAM, Francisco de. Hieth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1434. A. van Hulle (Hebbelynck) p. eng. Martim Francisco Ribeiro de, 1776- Sissox, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:3. S. A. Sisson lith. ANDRADA E SILVA, Jose Bonifacio de, 1765- 1838. Sissox, Gal. dos Brazileiros Ulus. (1861) 1:39. A. Sisson lith. ANDRADA MACHADO E SILVA, Antonio Carlos Ribeiro de, 177.3-1845. Sissox, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:67. A. Sisson del. 1858. A. Sisson lith. ANDRADE, Andres de. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1891) 26:269. Murillo p. R. Berthold sc. ANDR£, Carl Christopher Georg, 1812-93. Luxd, Danske malede por. (1895) l:tillseg p. 5. Otto Bache p. 1885.* ANDRASSY, grdjin Irma, afhc. princess Ester- hazv V. Galantha, 1858- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64 :^. graf Gyula, 1823-90. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:623.* Die graphischex kunste (1882) 4:24. A. von Wemer p.* LIarper’s w. (1872) 16:789. wdct. — (1890) 34:172. wdct. Heyck, Monograph, z. welt- gcsch.(1898)4:130. Anton von Weraerp.* — 4:133* (group) Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:. 577. — (1890) 96:230. Kxackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:. 50. A. von Wemer del. 1878.* —(1903)66:108. Eberlein sc.* (statue, Budapest) Oxckex, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:501.* • Vaxity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 240. lith. after caricature. ANDR]£, 21. deputy from Haut Rhin in 1830 Gaz. d. beaux arts (1897) ser. 3, 17:33. Heim del. (coll, of M. A. Rouart) Edouard, Belgian consul at ^lanila. McClure’s mag. (1899) 13:177.* Francois Etienne Jean Baptiste, 1735-1812. L’Art (ISSl) 26:307. Albert Daicq sc. & des. (bust) J ohn, major, 1751-80. .\bb.att, Crisis of the rev. (1899) front. Andr6 p.* Book buver (1897) 15:509. J: -Vndr6 del.* Cext. (1831) 25': 684. John Andre del. 1780 (pen por.) Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:56. John Andre p. wdct. (miniature) — 2:219. Reynolds p. wdct. after eng. — 2:241. John Andr€ del.' wdct. Harper’s mag. (1851) 3:4.53, 459. cd^. _(iS76) 52:822. J. Reynolds p. eng. IIlttox, Oiriosities of Am. stage (1891) 21. J: Andr^ del.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1OT9) 3:739. H. B. Hall etch. 1879. Moore, Diary of Am. rev. (I860) 2:336. W. G. Jackman eng.' P.UX ilALL mag. (1898) 14:369. W. Patten del. after monument* (Westminster Abbev) Part- ridge, Nathan Hale (1902) 94. W. G. Jackman eng.* Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiosities (1861) l:pl. 25. Maj. Andr^ f. 1778. eng. (silhouette) Kexsixg- Tox, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 2.5. Reynolds p.* Wilsox, Hist, of Am. jieople (1902) 2:312. eng.* (Lennox library) Wixsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:452. Andrl f. L/8. eng. from Smith and Watson’s Hist, and lit. curiosities (silhouette) — 6:453. eng. (from the Political mag. 1781) — 6:454. Andr^ del. Hop- wood sc. 1808. Jules, 1819-90. Scribxer’s mag. (1887) 2:396. eng. Louis Joseph Nicolas, general. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:802* —(1901) 119:408.* ANDREA, Francisco Jose de Souza Soares de, 1781-1858. See Car;apava, barao de. ANDREA DA FIESOLE, 1465-15‘26. See Fer- rucci, Andrea. ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO, 14081-57. See Castagno. ANDREA PISANO, 12701-134.5. Vasari, Rit- ratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 11. eng. ANDREAS III, der Venetianer, king of Hungry. 1291-1301. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. sami^. d. kaiser- hauses (1893) 14:pl. 8, fig. 44. p. 1* (coll, of Arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol.) ANDREAS VLADmmOVITCH, grand duke cf Russia, 1879- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:614. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo ANDR^E, Salomon August, aeronaut, 1854- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:6:16. H. Reuterdahl del.* luLUS.'Lond. news (1895) 107 :230. — (1896) 109:4, 229.* McCll'ee’s mag. (1898) 10:412.* ANDREEV, Leonide (pseud. Skitaletz) Critic (1904) 45:16* (with Maxime Gorky) ANDREOLI, Giorgio (Giorgio da Gubbio) fl. 1498-1552. Gaz. d. beaux arts (^1884) ser. 2, 29:124. wdct. (in 1498) Giuseppe. .Vmato, Martiri d. liberta ital. (1851) 1:401. Parmiani inc. AXDRKOSSI 39 ANDR^OSSI, comie, Antoine Fran 9 ois, general, 1761-1828. Akxaclt, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:174. Tardiec, G^n. fran^. l;pl. 6-5. Forestier sc. ANDREW, prince of Greece, s. of George I, 1882- IiXL' 3 . Lond. news (1897) 110:322.* ANDREW, James Osgood, m. b. bp. 17^1871. Blttee, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 11. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:388. w^ct. — (1871) 15:261. wdet. White. Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 575. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. John Albion, gov. of ^lass. 1818-67. Acsnx, Hist, of Mass. (1876) 489. F. T. Stuart eng. after photo. Bay state m. (1885) 3:143. A. H. Ritchie eng. Bcer & Lincoln, Hingham in civil war (1876) 317. F. T. Stuart eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 72. F. T. Stuart eng. Cent. (1888) 13:898. Cleavelaxd, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 496. F. T. Stuart eng. ILirper’s mag. (18^) 36:32.5. eng. — (1878) 57:14. eng. statue (Hingham) Harper’s w. (1867) 11:732. wdct. Hamisox, Biog. sketches (18^3) 4:pl. 7. Sargent p.* iLvss. hist. soc. Proc. (1880) 18:41. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 209. G. E. Ferine eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1862) 3:16. G. E. Ferine eng. New Exg. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:4.56. — (1895) n. s. 12:3. M. Lamont Brown eng. —(1899) n. s. 20:130.* — n. s. 20:133. Thomas Ball sc. (statue) — (1902) n. s. 25:6-56. Nicolay & Hav, Lincoln (1890) 4:112.* For. m. (186.3) 1:42. wdct. N. E. HIST. & geneal. reg. (1869) 23:1. F.T. Stuart eng. ScHOULEB (55 .) Hist, of Mass, in civil war (Bost. 1868) 1: front. F.T. Stuart eng. after photo. Stowe, Men of our times (1868) pi. 9. eng. John Forrester, 1850-95. Col. soc. of ilass. Pub. (1900) 3:351. A. H. Ritchie eng. Harper’s w. (1886)30:665. wdct. Sir William Patrick, 1807i-S7. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:380. ANDREWES, Lancelot, bp. of Winchester, 155-5- 1628. Cath. world (1896) 63:109. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 2. J. Swaine sc. Gahxett, Hist, of Eng. lit. ( 1^3) 2: 101. W. Hollar f. scarce eng. 1643.* (Sefobd loan coU. of por. (1905) pi. 2. p.* (Jesus coll.) ANDREWS, A. D. x. y. police conun’r. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:618. wdct. Alexander Boyd, 1841- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:577. wdct. Annie M. nurse, 1835- Harper’s w. (1857^ 1:353. wdct. ficf. Benjamin. Wesleyax meth. mag. (18-32) 55:161. Le Page p. T. Dean eng. Charles, 1827- C.beex bag (1890) 2:321,* 337.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:653. wdct. Charles Bartlett, gov. of Conn. 1834-1902. Greex bag (1890) 2:433.* Christopher Columbus, 1829- Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 148. eng. Edmund, m. d. 1824- Cath. world (1897) 65 : 783. AXDROXICUS Edward Gayer, m. e. bp. 182.5- Harper’s w. (1872) 16:449. wdct. —(1880) 24:344. wdct. —(1888) .32:328. wdct. —(1891) 35:374. wdct. —(1896) 40:441. wdct. —(1901) 45:977. wdct. Elisha Benjamin, 1844- Arexa (1896) 15:213.* —(1897) 18:4.33. Book buyer (1895) 12:1.5.* Cath. world (1893) ot :29. Harper's w. (1889) .33:536. wdct. Outlook (1899) 62:758. R. OF rev. (1897) 16:310. Ethan Allen, 1787-1858. Truhbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:280. eng. Frank W. oil producer. McCll're’s mag. (1903) 20:394.* George Henry, 1816-98. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:593 —11899) 114:4.3. George Leonard, u. s. a. 1828-99. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:4-52. wdct. Israel Ward, d. d. 181.5-88. X. E. hist. & geneal reg. (1888) 42:341. Ohio archaeol. & hist, quar. (1888) 2:253. James J. captain. Federal spy, 18291-62. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1903) 21:499. del.* after daguerr. James Petit, 1737-97. Europeax mag. (1796) 30:155. Drummond p. Chapman sc. John, D. D. 1746-1813. Portfouo (1813) ser. 3, 1:425. Sully p. Wwin sc. Joseph, 1808-69. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1^) 3:309. Sines Peter, dramatist, d. 1814. Moxthly mir- ror (1797) 3:195. Ridley eng. after p. Sherlock James, 1801-80. 5Iag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:201. Samuel Sartain eng. after photo. ANDRIESZOON, Gerard Bicker, 1623-66. See Bicker- Andrieszoon. ANDREEU, Bertrand. 1761-1822. L’Art (1883) 34:227. Marie Martin Antoine, 1768-1802. Biog. mod. (1807) 1:58. Godefroy del. Massard sc. ANDRIETJX. FranQois Guillaume Jean Stan- islas, 1759-1833. Arxault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1 : 178. Fremy del. et sc. Louis, 1840- L’Art (1885)38:14. Bastien-Le- page del.* (sketch) ANDRIOLI. Louis, 1766-1838. Tosei.i.i, Biog. nicoise (I860) 1:23. Perrin lith. I860. ANDRONICUS I COMNENTTS, em^ror of Con- stantinople, 1110-85. Kugler, Ge^h. der kreuzzuge (1880) 207 (ms.* De passagiis in Terram sanctam) ANDRONICUS HI PALEOLOGUS, the younger, emperor of Constantinople, 1260-1332. Oman, Byzantine empire (1892) 316. eng.* (in C. Bayet’s L'art Byzantin. 1883) AXDROS 40 ANGLE ANDROS, Sir Edmund, 1637-1714. Fiske, Be- ginnings of N. E. (1898) 303. eng. after photo, from p.* (poss. of A. C. Andros) Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1882) 1:62. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:717. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:250. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14 : 46. Parkman (Champlain ed.) (1898) 9: 172. p.* (poss. of C. Andros) Records of court of New Castle, Lancaster, Pa. (1904) front, (from •Andros tracts, v. 1) Trc.mbui.l, Mem. hist. of Hartford co. Conn. (18^) 1 :66. eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. peo- ple (1902) 1 :295 (from .-Gidros tracts, v. 1) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:5. Kilbum eng. after .* (from Andros tracts, v. 1) AVinsor, Nar. & crit. ist. (1889) 3:402. eng. after p.* (from Andros tracts, V. 1, eng. from photo of original likeness) ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, Jean, architect, 1617-49. L’.Vrt (1877) 11: 234. S^bastien Bourdon p. Damman sc. ANDRUSS, Isaac. Am. hist. reg. (1895) 3:297. ANDRYANE, Alexandre Philippe, 1797-1863. Am.\to, Martiri d. libertS. ital. (1851) 2:41. Demouy dis. Parmiani inc. ANGEL, Benjamin Franklin, 1815-94. Demo- cratic rev. (18.57) 40:289. J. C. Buttrc eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:637. wdct. ANGELI, Filippo d’ (Filippo Napoletano) 16001-40? MoticKE, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 9. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. et sc. Heinrich von, 1840- Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 2:227. wdct. Mffr. Rinaldo, private sec. to Leo XIII. Narfon, Pope Leo XHI (1899) 117. ANGELICO DA FIESOLE, Fra Giovanni, 1387- 1455? L’Art (1890) 49:125. Luca Sij^orelli p. C. E. AVilson del. A. Barret sc. (with Luca Signorelli fresco) Catii. world (1895) 60:455. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:40. gravestone* (Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome) — 1 :86. Signorelli p.* (fresco, Orvieto cath.) New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:394. Penny mag. (1843) 12:281. Harvey del. H. Clarke eng. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1721. Signorelli p.* (with Luca Signo- relli, Onneto cath.) Seidutz, Portratwcrk (1894) l:pl. 20. Signorelli p.* (with L. Signorelli, fresco) A’asari, Ritratti de pittori (1760) pi. 47. eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:117. Signorelli p.* (with Luca Signorelli) ANGELIO, Pietro (Petrus Angelius Bargseus) poet, 1517-%. IIiRTii, Der formenschatz (189.5) pi. 24. Cherubino Alberti p?* ANG^LIQUE, Mire. See Arnauld. ANGELL, Cyrus D. oil producer. McClure’s mag. (1903j 20:394.* James Burrill, pres. Univ. of Mich. 1829- .Amer- ica’s grtst men and women (1894) 124. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:492. wdct. —(1887) 31:489. wdct. —(1893) 37: 1109. wdct. —(1897)41:421. —(1899) 43:894. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 5: 167. eng. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:71. wdct. Outlook (1898) 59:876. —(1899) 63:51. —(1900) 64:773. Scribner’s m. (1876) 11:528. eng. AA’orld’s work (1903) 6:3710.* ANGELLIER, Auguste. Jacks, Robert Bums in other tongues (1896) 408. ANGELO, Francesco d’ (Cecca) 1447-88. See Cecca. Michael Colonna, 1600-87. See Colonna. ANGELONI, Luigi, 17581-1842. Amato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 1:367. Parmiani inc. ANGELY, Louis, actor, 17801-1835. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 265. lith. 1830* (as Maurerpolier Kluck) ANGENNES, Catherine Henriette d’, d. 1714. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Champagne p. Francois eng. Charles d’, 1530-87. See Rambouillet, cardi- nal dc. ANGERER, Gregorius. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. 8. 9:260. p ? 1512* (age 28) ANGERSTEIN, John Julius, 1735-1823. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 122. Lawrence p.* (with his wife, Louvre) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 1. Lawrence p. Scriven eng. Mag. of art (1898) 22:6.57. George Dance del. 1795.* Taylor, Nat. jX)r. gall. (1846) 2:60. Lawrence p. E. Scriven eng. AA^ard, Eng. art in pub. gall, of Lond. (1887) 1:46. Lawrence p.* ANGERSTERN, Mrs John ( Locke) Cent. (1904) 46:365. Lawrence p.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 33. Lawrence del.* (poss. Lord AA'allscourt) — p. 122. Lawrence p.* (with her hus- band, Louvre) ANGERATILLIERS, seigneur d’, Prosper Nicolas Bauyn, 167.5-1740. A'ersailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12 :pl. 2572. F. AA’eber f. ANGEA7ILLE, Henriette d’, 1794- Mathews, Annals of Mont Blanc (1898) 158 (from Paillon’s Notice biog. 1894*) ANGHIERA, Pietro Martire d’, 1455-1526. A'erheiden, Aflieeldingen (1603) 109. II. f. eng. ANGIOLINI, Guglielmo. Tutti i trionfi (1750) 1 : 143. J. A'e sc. ANGIOLOTTI, Michel, assassin, d. 1897. Illus. Ijond. news (1897) 111:276.* ANGLADA, Don Raffaelle. Knackfuss, Kiinst^ ler-monog (1896) 16:77. F. Catel p.* (group) ANGLE, Bernard John. A’anity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 465. F. C. G. del. lith. (caricature) ANGLESP]Y 41 ANGOULEME ANGLESEY, 3d earl of, Arthur Annesley, 1614-86. Reresby, Travels & mem. (1813) 414. eng. after p. Tii.\xe, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:5. eng. after p. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:288. Bocquet eng. after drawing. 1st marquis of, Henry William Paget, 1768- 1854. Bentley’s misc. (1854) 35:531. Beechey p. Jos. Brown eng. Brit. gall. (1822)2:pl. 27. Beecheyp. H. Meyer eng. Byrne, Gossip of the cent. (1892) 1:27. Count D’Orsay f. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:93. Henry Eldridge del. 1808.* European mag. (1821) 80:211. Beechey p. James Thomson eng. Griffiths, Wellington mem. (1898) 170. Eldridge p. Walker & Boutall sc. Holt, Life of George III (1820) 2:532. Page sc. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 2. Lawrence p. S. Freeman eng. Les LETTRES et les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie f. Paget papers (1896) 2:390 (equest. por.) Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:43. Lawrence p. Freeman eng. 2d marquis of, Henry Paget, 1797-1869. Baily’s mag. (1863) 5:51. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. 3d marquis of, Henry William George Paget, 1821-80. Baii.y’s mag. (1865) 9: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. marquis of Henry Paget, 1835-98. Baily’s mag. (1869) 17 :225. Joseph Brown sc. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95: 656 —(1898)113:585.* V.ANiTYfair album (18^) 12: pi. 339. Ape f. lith. (caricature) ANGLESOLA, Bernardo de, fl. 1380. Carde- RERA Y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1855-64) 1 :pl. 33. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mugica lith. (mon- aster 3 ’ of Pohlet, Catalufia) Dona Constanza de. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1855-64) l:pl.34. Carderera del. after statue. Lozano lith. (monastery of Poblet, Catalufla) ANGLIN, Margaret, actress. Book.man (1901) 12:598 (in Mrs Dane’s defence) Critic (1902) 40:142.* Harper’s w. (1901) 45:439 —(1902) 46:181 .* Timothy Warren, 1822- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:195. lith. ANGO, Louis Hector Amedee, 1739- Biog. mod. (1807) 1:61. Labadye del. Courbe sc. ANGOSSE, marquis d’, Jean Paul, 1732-98. Bioo. mod. (1807) 1:61. Labadye del. Courbe sc. ANGOUlJlME, due d’, Fran 9 ois (?) de Valois. IIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1409. eng. comte d’, Charles d’Orleans, 1391-1465. See Orleans, due d’. corrde d’, Jean d’Orleans, s. of Louis, 1404-67. Thevet, Por. et vies des hommes illus. (1.5^) 2 :.300. eng.. duchesse d’, Louise de Savoie, m. of Francois I, 1476-1531. !^juchot, Catherine de M^dicis (1899) 26. miniature.* Court mag. (1838) 12:142. Janet Comt p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2 :187. W. T. Fry eng. M. Coeurd del. after ilium, ms. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 36:119. drawing* (Bibl. nat.) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 10. Clouet del. R. Gower f. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:102. wdet. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:pl. 14, fig. 154. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Le Roux DE Lincy, Les femmes c^l^bres (18.58) 2:13. Lante del. Gatine sc. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:88. eng. after medal. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 5:91. eng. (chAteau de Beauregard) Sichel, Women & men (1901) 76. Jean Clouet del.* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1811. Tron- chon eng. after copy by C. L. F. Smith. comte d’, Fran 90 is, 1494-1547. See Francois I, king of France. due d’, Fran 9 ois, s. of Francois I, 1518-36. See Francois, dauphin of France. comte d’, Charles de France, 1522-45. See Orleans, due d’. duchesse d’, Diane de France, dau. of Henri II, 1538-1619. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1898) 19:86, fig. 208. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16e s. (1856) 2: pi. 22. eng. after drawing. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2035. p. Jeanneret eng. due d’, Charles, 1.5.50-74. See Charles IX, king of France. due d’, Charles de Valois, s. of Charles IX, 1573-1650. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Ph. de Champaigne p. Fiquet eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 36:225. Corneille de Lj'on f. due d’, Louis Emmanuel de Valois, 1596-16.53. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Mel- lan eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 69. Quesnel del? R. Gower autolith. due d’, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, s. of Charles X, 1775-1844. .iVrnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1 : pref. p. 83. Ruxthiel f. Fremj' del. & sc. Iconog. d. contemp. (1832) l:pl. 3. Z. Bel- liard, 1827, del? Delpech lith. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 240. John Ka\' f. 1797 & eng. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5 : pi. 10. eng. Tardieu, G6n. franc. 2 :pl. 121. Forestiersc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4 : pi. 14. Charles Lefebvre p. after Lawrence. Pigeot eng. — sup. 6: pi. 91. Bra sc. Ber- nard! eng. (statue) — (1838) v. 12. P. Delaroche p. J. Francois eng. Weber, Mem. of Maria Antoinetta (1805-12) 3 : front. II. Danloux p. L. Schiavonetti sc. duchesse d’, Marie Therese Charlotte, w. of Louis Antoine, 1778-1851. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:54. Augustin p. Fremy del. & sc. Beauchesne, Louis XVII (1853) front. Mechel p. Reynault eng. La belle assembl^e (1810) n. s. 2:283. Robert Cooper eng. Book buyer (1892) 9:73. Cent. (1897) 33:53. Mme Lc Brun p.* (with the dauphin) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 11:241. Augustin p.* (miniature) Gleason’s pic- torial (1853) 5:396. eng. Grand-Carteret, XIX« sifecle (1893) 57. J. B. Augustin p. E. F. Lignon eng. AXGOULEME 42 AXHALT-DESSAU IcoxoG. d- conw^mp. v1j 32' 1 4. H. Grevedon del ! I>elp«i Hih. — l;pL 5. Z. Belfiard dell Delpech Eih. JiCisox, Court of the Tiaileries (.1SS3 l;front. KsACErrs?. Kim>il«--doiX)g. 1 1S97 21:101. Cliodo- wiecki f.* Ladt'* m*g. 1706' 27:147 — .ITSS) 20.319. eng. Latticek. Scry>-book of French rev. (1S9> 146. 416. OxcsEX, ^iialier der revolution (1\>4 1:51. eng.* -Adth kii^ *nd oneen) Pkopekt. HL't. of inini*rure *n . liS7 ■ ISO. DrouAts p.* i child pe^. i Saxst iLtETTS. 60 ans d'un pra^, 5 • pi. S. eng. Veesailles. Gi*L hist. Gavard (1S3S' v. 12. Louis Heis«it p. Leclerc eng. — 12: 2697. L. E. Mgee Le Run p. A. G«Iie. Veesauxes. XoQtac « Perat^ 2:pL30. 1_ ic. et exc. 1615.* Wixtee. Ges^ d. 30 iahrigen kriigts lxS8 • 65l Kifiar. sc. 1615.* firit ppa, Christian IL 1599 - 1656 . Hetcx, Monoeraph. i_ a-eligeseii. '1995' 3:6. KHian eng. 1615 .* herxtpiii T»;r. Friederike of Schieswig-Hoktem- 5»Xjderl*UE-Grj:ksburg • ■w. of Alexander, 1x11-1902. Aim, de Gotha 1 x*j 2 pL 5. Carl Mayer sc. Tnx- BEEO. Furstexhiaser Eorop. por. flx8X i 1:16, 21L A pi Lindegren deL afier phc^. ANHALT-DESSAU, rxrjf roa, Johann Georg n. 1627-93. Beexex, Gesch. d. jjreus. staates (1S91) 1 : 1S9. Jakob Vaillant p. Johann Hainzelmann sc.* firt nwi, Leopold I. 1676-1747. 4i tn . welt- geschichte (IxSS' 9:2X5. .\nt. Pesne p. J. G. Wnie er^.* Bechsteix, 300 deutsche manner (1x54 ' pi. 25. eng. Behxee, Gesch. d. preus. staates (IxSl'' 1:265. Thomas Huber p.* Dreux dc Ramee. L'Europe illus. (1777' v. 4. Pesne p. I. G. Win sc. EEDMAXXsi>?EfTXE, Deutsche gesch. (1S93) 2:205. Pesne p. Will sc. Hetcx, Monteraph. z. rrehgesch. (loci') 14;11S. eng.* IiArs. Lond. news 0S91 1 99:45. Mexzel. .4us KOnig Friedrich’s seit (19x6 pL 3. Menrel del. 1x54. Eduard Kretzschmar sc. OxcxEX, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (ISSl) 1:222. Pesne p. 'WTU sc. Seiihjtz, P<»tratw:erk (1S94 3:pL62. Pesne p. G. P. Busch sc. firtl TOT. Leopold ILL. 1740-1S17. Soc. Mont- yon et Franklin. Pto. jrtTiZ(*fin von, Luise. dau. of Georg. 1826-1900. TnxEEBG, Fursieohacser Europ. por. ''1995; 1:14. .4.01 Lindegren deL after prim^sfin roa, Hilda, dau. of Friedrich, 1S39- Txuxeeeg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:15. Agi Lindegren deL after photo. erirvrin3e*fxn von, Zlisaheth (of Hesse) w. of. Leopold, 1x61- TrtxEEEG, Furstenhauser Europe por. (1999 ■ 1:11, 279. .\gi lindegren deL after ^rfioto. jrinz roa, Eduard, s. of Friedrich, 1961- Ttuxr BEEG, Furstenhauser Euit^. por. (1999) 1:12. Agi lindegren del after pboto. prinseofin von, Luiae of Saie-Altenburg) w. of Exluard. 1973- Ttixeeeg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1999' 1:12. Agi lindegren deL after {Aoto.— (1999 2:676. pririu TOT*. Aiibert. son of Friedrich, 1964- Iixcs. LcmmL news (1991) 99:15.* Tetxeeeg. Fursten- hauser Europ. por. ^1998' 1:13. .4gi Lindegren deL after photo. prime-ttin von, Luise [of Schkswig-Holstein) w.of Ariben, 1972- Iixxrs. Lond. news (1991) 98:15* — 99:35,* 52.* TnxEEEG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. ''1998' 1 : 13, 306- .4gi lindegren del. after (rfioto. m'asema roa, Autoiuerte Anna, dau. of Leo pol4 1985- TnxBEEG, Furstenhauser Exirop. por. 1999 1 :11. -Agi lindegren del after pboto. 43 AXXA AXHALT-KOTHEy A 3 raAI,r-KC 5 THES, /irrf \ST*- M50. iii. Riwtr samuiz, P<*^ri::»»5k '-•#>4 2-y. 3C. ASHAJ.T-ZZ2LB=r jinC vn^ gnxz. l*/y>-J 7 C. Bctccnz. ii IS. »■* p. D, C I *Bfc /■n^ w*_ J<-> > Ejj*a:vy±- w, 'X Ckrana IT 12 - 0 >- B«fci 3 rnt. Kfc~T.a.-^ II l*»ie M»s:c 3 (» p. J. IL Beraas'r'.ci *at A2THAI.7-ZE2.BST-IIESSAT,/VjC G*r,r^. 15iC-33. HntTE. L« sa£«at giTi I'l i ri 2 C'-* Tdte:. P*. 1 - pL 9 S. CWk p.* 4 bc f. Gist-rr. de Fnajse. Sec Oc- ymea.*a:i /■. ? 5 ii 2 =w c* Fr»=«- 1 «^I 7 «l S« F-iSae V. ia:g .£ Jeig i". e£ Caja^oa aad LarajsH. s. a£ E-sc. of Xaeia 1425 - 78 L Sac Lcamny. * ^ V * »i ~ r j^aiK- fee AaidaBBC^o:- * <- 3 «rg:- TI^VfA V*. XaBcaoB. «* Daeier *"_ Oy_*- »_ *■ ^ k V > • - .T.j- Xbp^ S'jwra I. 27 -l‘fi 6 . See iUaa. Da-nt* ASIA. AJTSrZ " .■or->A*^ ic 1 /- Tl WUtI I IMI .1 « 1 M 9 C. -W. ^ IT. 1375 - 2 CI 2 . Lds iMaa^ aa^iiejat. < 2 ,i^ P»er isaow p.* I* — 2 :i 57 . jaeai* tw £» 9 C^ >* *~r.^ wA CiroKiaa. ' WwLiisxaem^ Biac. «f psr. sszua^^aea 1 >. it 1- Isaac Ofc*^ ‘ p. ifI2* ■ .iL ^ Lug ef" I^a- Oi"Tj 4 be. ^ 0 ^ 4 e a fffc i^o- Eitfirsnt w.«. 4 — * Bccuacm tioci. v g* Zjczjt^ IL UM- >4 CP!?. SiaE. »r. S.L lif.I 1 A XKa<'.>a< 3 a»- izr ft Cimff r Poaac 1 13 B€* " 5 ^ l^^ rmn iBi fr aioer GaOTTI, rf Eat ir. IMS !:!Si. 1* ' 4 — j- leriZ. p» tta* 3 nt i- Hafant ^ 3 rx. sna. 4 — J- j>rZ*TZ- * :f 'E^srj \ tit L'Ac iiiSi 37 I7L Hssa HiA« *».• Air j. I«r-I > 2 >. Ar f 244 . aits. Parr 1*13 “ 3 iSt>K p. J. EmiwiiC t er. r miiTtt ^ *.Tyy«>»-» X -2 Etonf idL Co»- »aM4K I*e 4: '27L El i SeL &5- CV. clozes S7r-rm^^n Ib^> 2 A ' ~Il»lfcrr C ~y343*^ iS* liincc. Sfc acr. sA 13 K 1 L Bias. L... t. 2 . Gaz. 4 ng u a r r_ 17 ^ Taa ttr p. •» XZTT. FB» ^ tXS 1-333. p.* J. f Ww^ Mg ^ L H. L. ease Govzx. Lamims. ISC-I 1-23T. -sit t&r cKszas ?■*■ * G*o«x. Sk. - rf CaBt *742 4 22 Seratmgse. HsiCT'-SMC 55 i sle. Hi £^5 »«K af a uucr IS 4 * 5 - mie . H. O'ltia S. riiftiiai 4L* a£ 3T- ^X. rf par ^pC " 3 a&m p. Gi a eB- Gaaft* t>-. 3 zjgnL o atois. 5 e-~.:MTauf * 2 ?^ 1 L 3 nF>sx 5 eL F 3 aJ” u'osg ». s. af ANNA 44 ANNA ENGLAND (gt. BRIT.) — continued. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 17. Hol- bein del. J. Minasi sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 2: pi. 50. Holbein del.* Lady’s mag. (1833) 3:115. C. I. Page sc. Lady’s m. mus. (1802) 9:361. Lamp (1904) 28:99. Holbein del.* (study from Davies’s Holbein, Windsor) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes celfebres (1858) 2:10. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. Lodge, Por. (1835) l:pl. 8. Holbein del. J. Thomson eng. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10: 114. Holbein p. wdct. Penny mag. (1838) 7 : 285. Hol- bein p. eng. Pollard, Henry VHI (1902) 136. p.l532 ?* (Nat. por. gall.) — p. 177. J. Hoskins p.* (miniature) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 217. Ad van der Werf p. Basan sc. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 43. S. Harding del. after miniature. W. N. Gardiner sc. (coll, of Horace Walpole) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 1 :pl. 43. Holliein p.* Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 7:237. J. L. G. Ferris f.* — 7:254. vignette. Taunton, T. W olsey ( 1902) 211.1 lolbein p.* Velly, Hist, de France (1774) 12:416. Van der ^^erf p. Basan sc. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 1:38. E. Bocquet sc. Anne (of Cleves), queen, w. of Henry VHI, 1515- 57. Armengaud, Heines (1862) pi. 18. Pannemaker sc. 1861. L’Art (1884) 37:146. Holbein del. eng. Birch, Heads (1813) 23. Holbein p. J. Houbraken sc. 1739. Burlington mag. (1904) 5:215. p.* (Trinity coll.) Gruyer, Salon-Carr6 (1891) 306. Holbein f.* Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3 : pi. 4. Holbein p. George Cooke sc. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 21. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 23. Holbein del. A. Car- don sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17 : 133. Holbein p. 1.539.* Mag. of art (1882) 5: 86. Holbeinp. wdct. — (1899) 23:77. Holbein p.* Oxford, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 24. Flemish school p.* (St John’s coll.) Pall MALL mag. (1900) 20:1. Holbein p.* Pollard, Henry VHI (1902) 260. Holbein p. 1539* (Louvre) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 48. Holbeinp.* VER.SAiLLES,Gal. hist.Gavard (18^) 9: pi. 1866. Holbein p. F. Delannoy eng. Anne (of Denmark) queen, w. of James I, 1574- 1619. L’Art (1881) 25:193. C. Gilbert des. after plaque (with James I & son Charles) Birch, Heads (1813) 55. C. lohnson p. Houbraken sc. Brit. mus. prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 5. Reiiold Elstracke eng.* (with James 1) — n.s. pt.9:pl.0. Simon van Pass eng. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:930. Ben Dam- man eng.* Celliez, Heines d’Angleterre 534. Lert Xanteuil p. et sc. 1666.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2232. Vouet p. Bernardi eng. — sup. V. 4: pi. 12. eng. — sup. v. 5: pi. 66. Champagne p. Xargeot eng. (with her children) Versailles, Xolhac et Perat4 (1896) pi. 15. Jean Xocret f. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. franf. pi. 25. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 79, figs. 1437, 1439, 1482. Jean Petitot p.* (Louvre) Anne de Beaujeu, princess, dau. of Louis XI, w. of Pierre H,ducde Bourbon, 1462-1522. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24 : 389. triptych. 16th cent, (with Pierre de Bourlxin & Suzanne de Beaujeu, Moulins cath.) — (1901) ser. 3, 26:325. artist of French school p. 1488* (with St. John, triptych.) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:264. eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 3:pl. 1. Fragonard del. Migneret sc. Versailles, Gal. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 178;i. J. Hop- wood eng. after copj' by P. Comairas. Anne Henriette, princess {if me Henriette) dau. of Louis XV, 1727-52. Critic (1903) 42:35. Xattier p.* (Versailles mus.) Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:105. J. M. Xattier p. J. Tardieu sc. — (1895) ser. 3, 13:460. Xattier p. 1742* (Versailles) — ser. 3, 13:466. Xattier p.* — ser. 3, 14:35. Xattier p. (Louvre) Masters inart (1902) pt. 30,3:pl. 6. Xat- tier p.* Xolhac, Louis XV et Mme. de Pompadour (1903) 68. Xattier p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gav- ard (1838) 12: pi. 2598. Xattier p. Monnin eng. Versailles, Xolhac et Peratd (1896) pi. 48. Xattier f. GERMANY Anna or Gertud (of Hohenberg) empress, w. of Rudolf I, 122.5-81. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9:373. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14:74, fig. 7. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tiroll Anna (of Hungary) empress, w. of Ferdinand I, 1503-47. 1Iey-ck, Monograph z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:84. coin.* Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1889) 9: 355. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14: pi. 10, fig. 152. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Anna, empress, w. of Mathias, dau. of archduke Ferdin-.nd von Tirol, 1585-1618. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1029. Gabriel Weyer f. P. Iselburg eng. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: pi. 10, fig. 4. Paulus van Vianen f.* (medal 1614). Winter, Gesch. d. 30 jahrigen krieges (1893) 188. Wej’er del. Iselburg sc. ANiS^A 46 ANSELM POLAND Anna Jagello, queen, w. of Casimir III, d. 1339 Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:263. tomb* (Cracow cath.) Morfill, Story of Poland (1893) 111. tomb* (Cracow cath.) Schiemann, Russland, Polen u. Livland (1886) 1:489. tomb* (Cracow cath.) PORTUGAL Anna Victoria (of Spain) queen, w. of Joseph I, 1718-81. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:416. Largilliere f. (Prado) Versailles, Nolhac et Perat4 (1896) pi. 53. Alexis Belle f. RUSSIA Anne Ivanovna, czarina of Russia, 1694-1740. Bain (R. N.) Pupils of Peter the Great (Westminster, 1897) 277. Amiconi del. Wagner sc. Dreux du Rauier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Caravaque p. C. Roy sc. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:106. F. f. H. V. sc. Illus. Lend, news (1894) 105:Nov. 10, sup. p. 7. SPAIN Anna (of Austria) queen, w. of Felipe II, 1549-80. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaftola (1864) 2: pi. 74. Lconi sc. V. Carderera del. F. Kellerhoven lith. (statue) Guf.ll y Re.nte, Philippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 69. A. Muraton eng. after p. Jiirb. d. kunstliist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9:349. Francesco Terzio del.* Prescott, Hist, of reign of Philip II (1874) 3:front. Juan Pantoja de la Cruz p. II. Wright Smith sc. AnnaVictoria, infanta, dau. of Felipe V, 1718-81. See Anna Victoria, q. of Portugal. ANNABELLA DRUMMOND, q. of Scotland, w. of Robert III, 1350?-1401. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2: pi. 18. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 3. Jameson p. Johnson del. Harding sc. ANNALY, 3d haron, Luke White, 1857- Baily’s mag. (1902) 78:297.* ANNAND, James, editor, 1843- R. of rev. (1891) 3:115.* ANN AND ALE, Thomas, m. d. 1838- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 251. W. Hole sc. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:169.* ANNEBAUT, Claude d’, baron de Retz, marshal, d. 1552. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 198. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1336. A. Brune p. (copy) L. G. Thibault eng. — sup. v. 4: pi. 10. Pigeot eng. ANNEESSENS, Francois, 1660-1719. Hymans, Bru.xclles, 1 : 165. wdct. after miniature. ANNESLEY, 6lh earl, Hugh Annesley, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:130.* countess, Priscilla (Moore) w. of 5th earl. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:248. A. Chevallier Tayler p.* — (1898) 113:130* (with her dau. Lady Clare) Lady Caroline. La belle assembl^e (1811) n. s. 4:227. Lady Clare, dau. of 5th earl Annesley, 1893- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:130* (child por. with her mother) James, 1715-60. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:85, pi. 10. Stevens p. I. Brooks eng. James, 1780- Pettigrew, Medical por. gall. 3: pi. 1. H. Room p. J. Cochran eng. Samuel, 1620 ?-96. Calamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 1:124. A. Fogg eng. after p. ANNESLEY family name. See also titles An- glesey; Mountnorris; Valentia. ANNIBALI, Domenico, singer, 1728-79. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:86. A. R. Mengs f.* (pastel) ANNUNZIO, Gabriele d’, 1864- Acad. (1899) 56:447.* Bookman (1896) 3:18 —(1900) 11:417. Michetti f.* (pastel) Chap-book (1898) 8:351. Michetti f.* (pastel) Critic (1898) 32:303 — (1900) 37 : 164. Florence Scovel Shinn del. after photo.* —(1902) 41:98* —(1904) 45:138* (eques.) Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:868. ANQUETIN, Louis, painter, 1861- Art j. (1899) 51:86, 90. ANSBACH-BAYREUTH, marlcgraf von, Karl, 1712-57. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1 :316. J. C. Filtsch del. N. Nunzer eng. marlcgraf von, Christian Friedrich Karl Alex- ander, 171^-1806. Connoisseur (1904) 10:72. p.* (Duff house) rnarkgriifn von. Lady Elizabeth (Berkeley) w. of Christian, 1750-1828. Connoisseur (1904) 10:72. p.* (Duff house) Lady’s m. mus. (1801) 6:2.53. Ridley sc. (miniature) — (1826) imp. ser. 23:121. Mag. of art (1899) 23:192. Romney p.* Monthly mirror (1801) 11:145. Ridlev eng. after p. Wal- pole, Letters (1840) 6:274. ftomney p. G. P. Hard- ing del. W. Greatbatch sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 8:45. Romney p. Greatbach sc. ANSCARIUS, saint, apostle of the North, 8001-864 A. D. Boyesen, Story of Norway (1886) 33. ANSCHUCZ, Joachim, 1518- Jiirb. d. kunstliist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14: pi. 6, fig. 42. Joachim Deschler f. 1570* (age 52, medal) ANSDELL, Beryl, dau. of Thomas Ansdell. Art j. (1899) 51:163. Luke Fildes p.* (child por.) Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 109. Fildes p.* (child por.) Richard, painter, 1815-85. Art j. (1904) 56:217.* Mag. of art (1882) 5:451. wdct. Men of mark (1883) 7 :24. photo. ANSELL, Mrs. Roy. acad. pict. (190.3) 127. J. J. Shannon p.* Mary(lfrs J. M. Barrie), actress. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:431* (as Nancy O’Brien) Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:184.* ANSELM, saint, abp. of Canterbury, 10341-1109 Thevet, Por. et vies tl. hommes illus. (1584) 1:130. ANSELM 47 ANTIN ANSELM FRANZ VON INGELHEIM, elector of Mainz, d. 1695. See Ingelheim. ANSGAR, saint. See Anscarius. ANSLO, Cornells Claesz, preacher, 1.592-1646. Bell, Rembrandt (1901) 68. Rembrandt p. 1641.* Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1900) 4: pi. 282. Rembrandt p. 1641.* Critic (1901) 38:2. Rembrandt p. Koepping etch.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1866) 20:234. Rembrandt del. Baudran sc. — ( 1 902) ser. 3,27 :320. Rembrandt p. 1641. Koepping sc.* (Berlin mus.) — (1903) ser. 3,29:401. Rembrandt etch.* (Dutiutcoll. ) Jure. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1895) 16:4. Rembrandt f. etch, Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 3:103. Rembrandt p. 1641.* Mag. of art (189.5) 18:192. Rembrandt p. A.Closseng. Michel, Rembrandt (1894) 1:273. Rembrandt sc. 1641* (study for etch.) Wit, Afbecldingen (1743) pi. 8. Rembrandt del. J. C. Philips sc. ANSON,is<6aron,George Anson, 1697-1762. Biog. mag. (1794) Iloubraken f. Rothwell sc. — (1819) 1 :4. Holl sc. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 : 107. Reynolds p. J. McArdell eng.* Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 3:front. Re 3 ’nolds p. McArdell eng. — 3:127. medal.* (coll, of prince Louis of Battenberg) Ccst, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:275. Reynolds p.* Rey- nolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 40. Reynolds p. 1755. S. W. Reynolds eng. Winsor, >far. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:210. C. Westermav’er f. eng. from Allg. eog. ephemeriden, July 1805. Wright, Eng. under ouse of Hanover (1848) 1:275. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature. Lady Florence, aflw. w. of Henrv Streatfield. Illus. iLond. news (1882) S0:May 2, sup. p. 21.* Hon. Mrs George (Isabella Weld-Forester) d. 1858. He.vth’s book of beauty (1840) 272. Holmes p. W. H. Mote eng. Pierre Hubert, 1744-1810. Biog. mod. (1807) 1:63. Labadye del. Girardet, jr. sc. Thomas William, 1795-18.54. See Lichfield, 6th earl of. Sir William Reynell, 3d hart. 1843- Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:709*— (1902) 121:864.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33: pi. 738. Spy f. lith. (caricature). ANSPACH, Jules, burgomaster of Brussels. Hy- mans, Bruxelles, 1:118. Charles Wiener sc. wdct. (medal) ANSSE DE VILLOISON, Jean Baptiste Gas- pard, 17.50-180.5. See Villoison. ANSTEY, Christopher, poet, 1724-1805. Effi- gies poeticse (1824) 2 : pi. 137. J. Thurston del. after p. F. Engleheart eng. (coll, of Arthur Anstey Calvert.) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl. 68. Thurston del. after p. Engleheart eng. (coll, of Arthur Anstey Cal- vert) ANSTIE, Francis Edmund, m. d., 1833-74. Illcs. Lond. news (1874) 65:305. wdct. after photo. ANSTIS, John. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist, of 18th cent. (1817) 4:139. T. Maymard p. P. Audinet sc. ANSTRUTHER, Lady. Cocrt scrap-book (1842) pi. 18. Rochard p. Parker sc. (miniature) Henry Torrens, 1860- Vanity fair album (1897) 29:pl. 690. Spj' f. lith. (caricature) Phihp, maj.-gen. 1808-84. Illcs. Lond. news (1884) 84:253. Sir Ralph William, Jart, 1858- Illcs. Lond. news (1904) 125:904.* ANSTRXJTHER-THOMSON family name. See Thomson. ANTELOPE, Ute Indian. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:84.5. wdct. ANTHON, Charles, 1797-1867. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:821. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:525. wdct. —(1883) 27:369. wdct. —(1887) 31:287. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:366. ANTHONY fore name. See Anton)', Antoine Anton, Antonio, Antonius. ANTHONY, Daniel Read, 1824- Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 10:688. Dudensingeng. David, Fall River cotton mfr. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:180. Elliott, 1827-98. 111. bar assoc. Proc. (1891) 14:92. eng. — (1895) 18:61 eng. Mag. of West hist. (1890) 13:126. eng. Geraldine, author. Bckykman (1901) 13:198. Henry Bowen, 1815-84. Bcttre, Amer. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 60. G. E. Perine eng. Cent. (1883) 3:813. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:220 wdct. —(1883) 27:84. wdct. — (1884) 28:595. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1887) 5:499. eng. Stone, Our French allies (1884)345. Perine eng. J. C., Richmond, Va. St Memin coll, of por. (1862) pi. 548. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Joseph, jr. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 124. G. C. Stuart? p.* (miniature) Mary S. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1902) 4:848.* Susan Brownell, 1820-1900. A.merica’s grtst men & women (1894) 159. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:581. wdct. New Eng. mag. p901) n. s. 24:37. Parker, Rochester (1884) 2f)0. Perine eng. R. of rev. (HX)2)26:717 (in 1892with Mrs E.C. Stanton) Stan- ton, Woman suffrage (1881) 1:577. G. D. Perine eng. —(1902) 4: front.* ANTICOLLI-CORRADO, duchessa d’, Beatrice (de Bourbon) w. of Fabrizio, prince Massimo, 1874- Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 106. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ANTIN, due d’, Louis Antoine de PardaUlan de Gondrin, s. of marquise de Montespan, 1665-1736. Iconog. de Mine de S^vignd, pi. 5. eng. Versailles, ANTIN 48 ANTOXIO Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl. 2.500. H. Kigaud p. Contenau eng. Mary, writer, 1883- Ckitic (1899) 34:29').* ANTINOUS, favorite of Emperor Hadrian, d. 122? A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (188.5) 3:5.50. coin from Imlioof-Blumer’s Portratkopfe.* Bkunn u. Arndt., Griech. u. rom. por. (1901) Ifg. 53: pi. .52.5-527. statue* (Naples) — pi. 528-530. statue* (Rome, Capitol) Dluuy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 5, sec. 2:382. statue* (V'atican) Hertzbeko, Gesch. d. rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 369. coin from Imhoof-Blumer’s Portratkopfe. Robillard, Musde franfais (1809) 4; pi. 38. Ingre del. after statue. Chastillon sc. ANTIOCHUS I, SOTER, king of Syria, 325?-261 B. C. Allg. weltgeschichte (H^5) 2 : 431. coin from Friedlander u. Sallet.* Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 1:602. medal from Friedlander u. Sallet. Plltarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1:72. Perry del. after medallion, eng. ANTIOCHUS III, the Great, king of Syria, d. 187 B C Allg. weltjreschichte (1885) 3:173. coin from Duruy’s: Hist, des Rom.* Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1893) Ifg. 11, pi. 103, 104. bust * (Paris) Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 2:305. coin from Duruy’s Hist, des Rom. Morrison, Jews (1890) 301. coin.* Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 5, pt. 2:136. Gel^e eng. after medallion. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:72. vignette after coin. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:197. eng. from Griech. u. rom. por.* ANTIOCHUS TV, EPIPHANES, king of Svria, d. 164 B. C. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5:pl. 7. George Cooke sc. Morrison, Jews (1890) 12. coin.* ANTIOCHUS V, EUPATOR, king of Syria, 172-162 B. C. Jhrb. d. kunsthist.samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1897) 18:71, fig. 4. coin.* ANTIOCHUS VII, SIDETES, king of Syria, 164 ?- 128? B.C. Morrison, Jews (1890) 399. coin.* ANTISTHENES, fi. 366 B. C. Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1899) Ifg. 45, pi. 441—442. busts * (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5:pl. 4. George Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 2, pt. 1 : 68. eng. after bust. ANTOINE, bastard of Burgundy, s. of Philippe le Bon, 1421-1504. See Bourgogne, Antoine de, bastard. ANTOINE DE BOURBON, king of Navarre, 1518- 62. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16“ s. (1856) 2: pi. 8. eng. after drawing. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 222. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:417. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:362. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 1891. Oieszczynski eng. after p. ANTOINE D’ORL^ANS, prince of France, s. of Louis Philippe, 1824-90. See Montpensier, due de. ANTOINE, Andre, actor, 1858- Critic (1901) 39:394*— (1902) 40:. 517. Pire Sedilla de, 1730-1829. Cent. (1883) 3:8.5<}. ANTOINETTE, archduchess of Austria, dau. of archduke Ferdinand IV, 1858-84. Alm. de Gotha (1878) front. A. Weger sc. ANTON, king of Saxony, 1755-1836. Alm. de Gotha (1^9) pi. 1. Vogel del. Bolt sc. 1828. ANTON ULRICH, herzog von Braunschweig-Wol. fenbiittel, 1633-1714. See Braunschweig-Wolfen- buttel, herzog von. ANTONELLI, Giacomo, cardinal, 1806-1876. L’Art (1894) 56:206. Raffet p. Bulle, Gesch. d. 2d kaiserreiches (1890) 541.* Harper’s w. (1859) 3:260. wdet. — (1869) 13:45. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:500. wdet. after photo. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 5. Rudolf Lehmann p. 1857.* ANTONELLO DA MESSINA, Antonio, painter, 1414-95? Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:335. De L’Armessin sc. Vasari, Ritrattide’pittori (1760) pi. 50. eng. See also Pisano, V’ittore, 1324-80. ANTONIA, w. of Nero Dnisus, 36 B. C.-31 A. D. Bernoulli, Rum. ikonog. (1886 ) 2, pt. 1: *pl. 14. statue* (Louvre) — 2, pt.l :219-220. eng. after head. (Chiaramonti mus.) — 2, pt. l:a 222-23. eng. after bust from Hubner’s Bildnis einer Romerin (Brit, mus.) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1:272. Perry del. after medallion. Massardeng. o Authenticity doubtful. ANTONIA, Dom, dau. of Luisde Haro. See Haro. ANTONINE, Miles actress. L’Art (1877) 9:21. Louise Abb^ma des. (2 por. as Mikla in L’iletman) ANTONINUS, saint, abp. of Florence, 1389-1459. G.al. nazionali ital. (1898) 4:12. medal.* Masters in art (1904) pt. 52, 5: pi. 7. Lorenzo Lotto p. 1542* (San Giovanni e Paolo church, Venice) ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius, 121-180. See Aurelius Antoninus. ANTONINUS PIUS, Roman emperor, 86-161 A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (188.5) 3:5^. coin* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2 pt. 2: pis. 44—45. bust * (Naples) Church, Story of early Britain (1889) 77. coin.* Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 6, sec. 1:112. statue* (villa Iladriani Trivoli) Hertzberg, Gesch. d. rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 388. coin from Imhoof-Blumer’s Portratkopfe. IIiRTH, Der formeaschatz (189.5) pi. 18.5. bust, 16th cent.* Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 26. George Cooke f. eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1883) l:pls. 5-6 (7 medals*) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 1, pt. 1:10. eng. after bust. ANTONIO, Don, el Ingles, dwarf of Felipe IV. L’Art (1884) 36:121. Valesquez p. Louis Lucas sc. Beruete, Velasquez (1898) 131. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Connoisseur (1903) 5:226. Velasquez p. lith. (Prado) Portfolio (1896) no. 7:89. Velas- quez p.* (Prado) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bil- derschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1648. Velasquez p.* (Prado) ANTONIO 49 APPEL Stevenson", Art of Velasquez (1895) pi. 40. Velaz- quez p.* (Prado) Velasquez (1903) 22. Velasquez p.* (Prado) ANTONIO AZIEL, chief of Pimos Indians, 1808- Harper’s \v. (1864) 8: 109. wdct. ANTONIO DE PADUA, saint, 1 19.5-1231. L’Art (1876) 7:322. G. B. Tiepolo p. Morin eng. (adoring the Madonna) — (1880) 20:70. Andrea della Robbia sc. G. Prosdocimi des.* (enamel) — (1885) 38:32 eng. after statue. ANTONIO DE TOLEDO, physician. L’Art (1882)28:155. medal. 1515. ANTONIO VENEZIANO, 1310-84. Moucke, Ritratti(1752) 1 :pl. 1. Joan. DominicusCampigliadel. M. Ant. Corsi sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 23. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 17. Davidson eng. after p. ANTONIUS, Lucius. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:360. coin* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Hertzberg, Ge.sch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 2:6.56. C. L. Becker del. after coin (Royal coin cab. Berlin) Pll"tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. l:t.-p. eng. after medallion. Marcus, triumvii, 83-30 B. C. Allg. weltge- schichto (1885) 3:336. bust* — ^3:363. coin from Imhoof-Blumer (with Octavia) L’jVrt (1876) 7:296. Tiepolo f. Perrichon sc. (fresco) — (1876) 7:297. Tiepolo f. C. Maurand eng. (fresco) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) 1:207. eng. after bust (V’ati- can) — ol:209. eng. after bust (Uffizi) oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1896) Ifg. 30:pl. 291, 292. bust * (Uffizi) Firth, Augustus Ctesar (1903) 148. bust * (Vatican) Fowler, Julius Ciesar (1892) 2.56. bust * (Uffizi) Gal. hist. univ. (1786) J. A. Canini eng. after medal. Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 2:610. bust* — 2:661. coin from Imhoof- Blumer (with Octavia) Hlst. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 3. George Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14,pt. 1 : 128. Perry del. after medallion. Goulu eng. — 14, pt. 1:162. Perry del. after bas-relief. Cot- treleng. — 14, pt. 2:t.-p. Perr}"del. after medallion. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 79. S. Harding del. after coin. E. Harding, jr. sc. (Dr. Hunter’s inus.) SiLVESTRE, Gall, of contemp. art (18S4) sec. 6, no. 59: pi. 58. Gustave Wertheimer p.* (with Cleopatra) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:96. L. Alma Tadema p 1 * & vignette.* “Authenticity doubtful. ANTONY, saint, 251-3.56 A. D. L’.\rt (1879) 19:231. Charles Goutzwiller des. after polychrome sculpture (Colman mus.) — (1886) 40:185. Guido Guersi p. Goutzwiller del. (Colman mus.) ANTRIM, marchioness of, Lady Katherine (Man- ners) w. of 1st marquis, 1603- See Buckingham, duchess of, w. of 4th duke. countess of, Lady Anne Catharine (Randal) 1775-1834. Court scrap-tx>ok (1842) pi. 17. Mrs Mee p. H. Cook sc. 24288—06 1 ANTROBUS, Mrs C. L. author. Critic (1901) 39:196. Reginald Laurence, 1853- Harper’s mag. (1900) 100:300.* Mrs Suzanne, w. of Albert A. Robinson. Book- man (1901) 14: 108.* Critic (1901) 39:196. Har- per’s w. (1901) 45:1082. ANVARE, Joseph Corporandi d’, 1722-1804. See Corporandi. ANZENGRUBER, Ludwig, 1839-89. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 150. George Maier p.* AOSTA, dtica d’, Amadeo. See Amadeo I, k. of Spain, 184.5-90. duchessa d’, Maria dal Pozzo, w. of Amadeo, 1847-76. See Maria (dal Pozzo della Cistema) q. of Spain. duchessa d’. Princess Letitia (Bonaparte) w. of Amadeo, k. of Spain, 1866- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:276. Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:87,328. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. WuiTEHOusE, Sacrifice of a throne (1897) 314. duca d’, Emanuele, 1869- .\lm. de Gotha (1896) front. Th. & A. Weger sc. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:231* —(1895) 106:807* —(1900) 117: 149* — (1902) 121:177.* Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:328. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1903) 35:pl. 28. Lib del. lith. WiiiTEHOUSE, Sacrifice of a throne (1897) 108. duchessa d’, Helene, princess of Orleans, w. of Emanuele, 1871- Alm. do Gotha (1896) front. Th. & A. Weger sc. Ann. de la noblesse de France (1896) 52:25. iLLUS.Lond. news (1894) 105:334* — (1895) 106:779,* 79.5, 807 — (1904) 125:854.* Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:155,328. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. APFELBECK, Hieronymus. Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:pl. 3, fig. 3. Ludwig Neufarer sc. 1532* (age 23, medal). APGAR, Edgar K. politician, 1842-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:. 564. wdct. APIAN, Peter, 1495-1.552. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:179. eng. from Reusner’s leones, 1590 7: 185. eng. after cut in Carter-Brown catalogue. APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS, Caius SoUius, saint, 430-482 ? Thevet, Por. et vies. d. hommes illus. (1584) 2; 487. eng. APOLLODORUS. Brunn und Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1892) Ifg. 5, pi. 46, 47. bust* (Munich) APOSTOLY, Lieut. Russian navy. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:688. wdct. APPEL, Jakob, 1680-1751. Descamps, La vie d. pcintres flamands (1763) 4:219. Benoist sc. APPELMAX 50 AKAGO APPELilAN, Jan. Re3eb u. Baversdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1S96) 8:pl. 1080. Jan Victors p.* (Stadt- gal. Haarlem) APPEPSON, Anne. World’s work (1900) 1 : 188. John Flanagan i.* (with Agnes Lane & Phoebe A. Hearst (bas-relief.)) APPLETON, Aaron, 1768- Leonard (L. W.) Hbt. of Dublin, N. H. (1855) 314. Daniel, 1785-1849. Bookman (1900) 10:559. Bcttre, Amer. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 9. C. L. Elliott p. W. E. Marshall eng. Derby, ^ yrs. (1884) 173. G. E. Ferine eng. Lossing, Hist, of Y. city (1884) 1:226. G. E. Ferine eng. Daniel, 1852- Harpers w. (1889) 33:600. wdct. — (1890) 34:429. T. de Thulstrup del. wdct. —(1895) 39:120. wdct. Daniel Sidney, 1824-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:90-5. wdct. Frances Elizabeth, w. of H. W. Longfellow, d. 1861. Su Longfellow, Mrs. George Swett, publisher, 1821-78. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:609. wdct. Isaac. 1762- Leonard (L. W.) Hist, of Dublin, N. H. (1855) 313. Jesse, D. D. 1772-1819. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:612 — (19(X)) n. s. 22:98. Scribner’s m. (1876)12:51. eng. John, judge, 1804-91. Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 153. eng. Green bag (1895) 7 :511.* John Adams, publisher, 1816-81. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:509. wdct. Nathan, 1779-1861. Drake. Hist. Middlesex co. Mass. (1880) 2:59. eng. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1861) 5:249. G. P. A. Healy p. S. A. Schoff sc. X. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1862) 16:1. Healy p. Schoff eng. Xew Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:179 — (1899) n. s. 19: 626. WiNSOR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:105. Stuart p. Kilbum sc. Samuel, 1766-1853. Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1896) 2:533. H. W. Smith eng. Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 1:429. G. P. A. Healy p. S. A. Schoff eng. iLiss. hist. soc. Proc. (1855) '3:7. H. W. Smith eng. X. E. hist & geneal. reg. (1854) 8:front. Healvp. Schoff eng. Xew Eng. mag. (1900) n.s. 22:99. Samuel, 1803- LEONARD(L.W.)Hist. of Dublin, X. H. (1855) 88. G. P. A. Healy p. S. A. Schoff sc. Thomas, organ builder. Xew Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17 :4S6. Thomas Gold, 1812-84. H-vrper’s w. (1884) 28:289. wdct. OcrtxxiK (1898) 60:69. Rev. William, 1779-1817. Meth. mag. (1818) 41:721. William, 1786-1862. MASS.hist.soc. Proc. (186.3) 6 : 430. H. IV right Smith eng. after photo. 1863. X. E. HIST & geneal. reg. (1863) 17:293. Smith eng. after photo. 1863. Wilham Henry, publisher, 1814-99. Book buyer (1899) 19: ’259. Critic (18^) 35 : 1075. Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:1100. William Sumner, 1840-1903. X. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1904) 58:219. APPLEWHITE, George, bandit. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:249. wdct. APPONYI. Graf Albert, statesman, 1846- Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:1610.* fPrcr'Rudolf, 1812-76. '\'ANmr fair album (1871) 3:pl. 71. Ape f. lith. (caricature) APSLEY, Sir Allen. 1616-83. Hutchinson, Mem. of Col. Hutchinson (1885) 2:104. Ben. Damman sc. APTHORP, Charles, 1698-1758. Foote, Annab of King ’s chapel (1896) 2:144. J. B. Blackburn p. 1758.* Mrs Charles (Grizzell Eastwicke) 1708-96. Foote, Annab of King’s chapel (1896) 2:144. J. B. Blackburn p. 1758.* W illiam Foster, 1848- Baker. Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 19. Alex, (jiibavedoff del.* E^k buver (1899) 18:99* —(1901)22:182. AQinLA. Caspar, theologian, 1488-1560. Bech- STETN, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 113. eng. AQUINAS, Thomas, saint, 1225-74. See Thomas Aquinas. AQUINO, marchese d\ Ferdinando Francesco d’ Avalos, 1489-1525. See Avalos. AQ'UITAINE, due d’, Louis, 1120-80. See Loub VII, king of France. ARABELLA STUART, 1575-1615. See Stuart, Lady ArabeDa. ARABI Pasha, Egyptian minbter of war, 1839?- Harpep.’s w. (1882) 26:408. wdct. Illus. Ix>nd. news (1882) 80:177,557* —(1882) 81:96 —(1901) 119:482. Vanity fair al'uum (1883) 15:pl. 271. hth. after caricature. ARAGO, Emmanuel, 1812-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:748.* itienne, 1803-92. L’.Vrt (1882) 30:74. Jules Emmanuel Valadon p. H. Thiriat sc. — (1887) 43:206. Ringel f. (medallion) Francois, 1786-1853. L’Art (1882) 28:12-5. David d’Angers sc. 1832 (medal) — (1894) 59 pt. 1:98, 99. D’.Vngers f.* (bust & medal) — (1903) 62:263. Horace Veraet del.* (caricature) Eclectic mag. (18-54) 32:14.5. Sartain eng. Fournel, Artbtes franc, contemp. (1884) 89. D’.Vngers f. Chevignard del. (bust) G.4Z. d. beaux arts (1861) 11:169. Oliva f. Guillaume sc. (bust) Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:264. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2:pl. 46. Julien f. Mag. of art (1881) 4:97. An- tonine Mercia f. wdct. (statue) Pop. sci. m. (1886) 30:145. Scribner’s mag. (1888) 3:312. eng. AHAGO 51 ARCHER Timon, Livre d. orateurs (1844) 433. Ary Scheffer p. J. Caron sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1 : pi. 37. Scheffer p.* Year-bk. of facts (1854) front. Claudet p. C. Cook eng. Marie Anne Agathe, 1755- L’Art (1882) 28:209. David d’Angers sc. (medallion) ARAM, Eugene, murderer, 1704-.59. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:5. eng. ARANDA, conde fie, Pedro Abarca y Bolea, 1718-99. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 19. eng.* (from Blason de Espaba: Libro de Oro de su nobleza, v. 1) Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 6. contemp. French eng.* (Brit, mus.) ARANGO, Augusto, Cuban general. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:269. wdct. ARANGUREN Y MARTINEZ, Nestor, Cuban insurgent. Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 137. ARATUS. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 2:340. Perry inv. after bas-relief. Cottrel eng. ARAUJO LIMA, Pedro de, 1793-1870. See Olinda, marquez de. ARAUJO VIANNA, Candido Jose' de, 1793- Sec Sapucahy, visconde de. ARBER, Edward. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:568. ARBLAY, Alexandre d’, lieut. gen. d. 1818. Arbl^vy, Diary (1843) 5: front. ilme Frances (Burney) d’, 1752-1840. Craig, Dr Johnson & the fair sex (1895) 1(K).* Duyc- KiNCK, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:139. E. Burney p. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:90. F. Burney f.* Pall Mall mag. (1896) 9:42. print* (Brit, mus.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 10. E. F. Burney p.* ARBUCKLE, John, coffee merchant. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:763. Maclyn, actor. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:1246. Strang, Famous actors (1902) ser. 2:187. ARBUTHNOT, Charles, abbot of Ratisbon, d. 1820. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1821) 3 : sup. p. 12. George Lewis del. F. C. Lewis eng. ifrs Charles { Mercia Mary Anne Lisle) 1774- Lady’s m. mus. (1805) 14:289. Mackenzie sc. Whit- man, Samuel William Reynolds (1903) 60. J. IIopp- ner p. S. W. Reynolds mezzo. 1800.* Mrs Charles (Harriet Fane) d. 1834. Bijou (1830) 50. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. Ensom eng. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 4(i. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, coll, of Lord Hoth- field) Sir Charles George, general, 1824-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:t)05.* John, 1667-1735. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:253. William Robinson f.* (Jarnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:248. Charles Jervas f.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:306. p.* (Roy. coll, of phys.) S.MITH, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 20. eng. after print. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 1. Charles Jervas p.* Marriot, admiral, 1711 ?-94. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 3:441. Rising p. II. R. Cook lith. ARCE, Gaspar Nunez de, 1834-1903. See Nufiez de Arce. ARCET, Jean d’, 1727-1801. See Darcet. ARCH, Joseph, m. p. 1826- Harper’s mag. (1873) 46:688 —(1886) 73:516.* eng. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:381. wdct. Notables of Brit. (1897) 139.* Vanity fair album (1886) 18:pl. 491. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ARCHANG£, Jean Louis, 1750-1832. Soc. Montj’on et Franklin, Por. hist, des hommes utiles, 4 :449. E. Conguy del. ARCHANGEL, Father (George Leslie) d. 1637. See Leslie. ARCHBOLD, John Dustin, 1848- McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:2.56* (in 1872) ARCHELAUS. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1:231. Perry del. after medallion. L. R. eng. ARCHENHOLZ, Johann Wilhelm von, 1743- 1812. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 126. eng. Konnecke. Bilderatlas (1887) 247. A. Graff del. F. Gregory eng.* ARCHER, baroness, Sarah (West) w. of 2d baron, d. 1801. Timb.s, Eng. eccent. (1877) 122. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:160, 331. J. Gillray del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricatures) Edward T. Camova, s. of Arthur. Roy. acad. pict. (190.3) 84. John H. F. Bacon p.* (child por.) Fletcher H. Bernard, War talks (1892) 107.* Frederick, jockey, 18.57-86. BAiLY’smag. (1878) 31 :t.-p. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:51.5. Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 245. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Maria Elizabeth. Reynolds, Engravings 2 : pi. 23. Sir J. Rej'nolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. (child por.) Samuel, 1771-1839. Simpson, Em. Philadel- phians (18.59) 20. Anna C. Peale p. Samuel Sartain eng. Stevenson, judge, 1788-1848. Green bag (1894) 6:231. William, dramatic critic, 1856- Acad. (1898) .55:385. Max Beerbohm f.* (caricature) Book buyer (1900)20:13.* Bixikman (1899) 9: 104. Chapbook (1896) 5:4.50. Beerbohm f.* (caricature) Critic (1898) 33:441. Will Rothenstein del.* — (1899) 34:294* —(1900) 36:2* —(1901) 38:308. Rothen- ARCHIBALD 52 ARGEA^S stein del.* Rothexsteix, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 4. Rothenstein del. lith. The.\tre (1886) ser. 4, 7 :264. photo. ARCHIBALD, Sir Adams George, 1814-92. Dext, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:86. lith. James F. J. 1869- Habpeb’s mag. (1899) 98:946. J ames P. x. t. committee of 70. H.\rpeb’s w. (1894) 38:964. wdet. Sir Thomas Dickson, 1817-76. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:13. wdct. after photo. ARCHILOCHUS, fl. 714-676 B. C. Plltabch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 1, pt. 2:96. eng. after bust (Vati- can) ARCHIMEDES, 287-212 B. C. Hist. gall, of p«r. (1807) 1 : pi. 5. George Cooke sc. Spoffokd, Lib. hist . char. (18^) 6: 195. A. Barabino f.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:46. eng. ARCHOT, due d’, 1560-1612. See Chimay, princede. ARCOS. duque de, Jose Brunetti Gayoso, 1839- H.\rper’s w. (1899) 43:462. ARCOT, mother of Nabob of. Alm. de Gotha (1804) pi. 4. Thormeyer del. Grimier sc. ARDEN, Edwin, actor, 1864-. Bookm.vx (1897) 6:290* (in A lady of qu^ity) II.iRPEB’s w. (1904) 48:60* (in Merely Mary Aim) Straxg, Famous actors (1902) ser. 2: 108 (as Mettemich in L’Aiglon) ARDEN family name. See also titles Alvanley ; Had- dington. ARDILAUN, 1st baron, Sir Arthur Edward Guin- ness, 1840- Illcs. Lond. news (1875) 66:301. wdct. after photo. — (1890) 97 :676.* Vaxity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 325. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ARDISHIR BABIGAN (Artaxerxes) king of Persia, d. 260? A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (1884) 1 :457. coin.* Be.xjamix, Story of Persia (1887) 173. coin.* JesTi, Gesch. d. alten Persiens (1879) 178. eng. ? from Ker Porter’s travels, 1 : 548. ARDITI, Luigi, composer, 1822-1903. Iixcs. Lond. news (1903) 122:700.* Vaxitt fair album (1885) 17 :pl. 328. Ape f. lith. (caricature) ARDMILLAN, Lord, Scotch judge. SeeCraufurd, James. ARDUTIUS (de Faucigny) bp. of Geneva, d. 1185. Read, Hist, studies (181^) 1:39. lith. ARENBERG, comte d\ Jean de Ligne, baron de Barbancon, 1525-68. Jurb. d. kuusthi.st. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:216, fig. 98. p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) due d’, Albert, prince de Barbancon, 1600-74. usT, Van Dyck (1900) 184. Ant. van Dyck p.* (coll. of earl Spencer) Hamiltox, Mem. of Count Gram- mont,71. S. Harding del. after Fr. print. Birrell sc. — (1809) 1 : 132. Birrell sc. afterFr. print. IIiRTH,Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1202. Van Dyck p. S. A.Bols- wert eng. Vax Dyck, Cent. {wr. (1878) pi. 25. A. van Dyck p. S. A. Bolswert sc. IValmsley, Physiog. por. (1824) 1 :pl. 1. Van Dyke p. John Scott eng. ducItessed’i'Sdaxie (de Barbanqon) w. of Albert 17th cent. Ccst, Van Dyck (1900) 158. A. van Dyck p. 1634.* Gruyer, Peinture au ch,1teau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl. 29. Van Dyck p.* Hirth, Les granefc illustrateurs, 4 :1203. Van IXck p. P. Pontius eng. due d’, Louis Engelbert, 1750-1820. Hymaxs, Bruxelles, 2:157. prince d’, Auguste, 1837- Gaz. d. beaux ans (18^) ser. 3, 20:128. Aim^ Morot p. 1897. Ch. Walt- ner sc. ARENDT, Guillaume Amedee Auguste, 1808- 65. Ac.ad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1867) 33: front. F. Demeersman sc. Otto, 1854- Arexa (1896) 15:216.* Rudolf, 1828-1902. Dectsche chem. gesellsch. Berichte (1902) 35, pt. 4:4542. ARETINO, Carlo 1399-1453. See Marsuppini, Carlo . Leonardo, 1369-1444. See Bruni, Leonardo. Pietro, 1492-1557. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:263. Marc Antonio Raimondi eng.* Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) l:pl. 111. Tiziano dip. F. Rosaspina inc. Brit. mus. prints (1883) pt. 2:pl. 7. Raimondi eng.* — (1892) n. s. pt.4:pl. 6. Jacopo Ca- vaglio eng.* Bcllart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2: 326. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1~~) V. 5. W. Hollarf. 1642 after p. G.\l. hist. univ. ^786) Titian p. eng. Geiger, Renaissance u. humanbmus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 315. Raimondi eng.* Kxackfuss, Kunstler-monc^. (1897) 29:90. Titian p.* (Pitti gall.) Outlook (1904) 76:795. Titian p.* Portfolio (1877) 8:108. Raimondi del.* — (1898) no. 37:56. Titian p.* (Pitti gall.) Reber u. Bayers- dorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1893) 5 : pi. 618. Titian p.* (Pitti gall.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 68. Raimondo eng.* YRiARTE.Venise (1878) 187. Titian eng.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1^1) 26:10. Titian p. wdct. Spinello, painter, 1323-1415. L’.\rt (1880) 20:2-52. G. Stella des. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 2.5. eng. Unico, 14651-1535. See Accolti, Bernardo. ARETIUS, Benedict, 1.505-74. Verueidex, Af- beelding (1603) 122. eng. ARETUSI, Cesare, 15901-1612. MALVASiA.Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:249. eng. Moi’cke, Ritratti (1754) 2 : pi. 35. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. ARGELANDER, Friedrich Wilhelm August, astronomer, 1799-1875. Pop. sci. m. (1891) 39:433. ARGENS, marquis d’, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, 1704-71. Pacully, Coll. (1903) 27. Hyacinthe Ri- gaud p.* ARGEXSON 53 ARGYLL ABGENSON, marquis d’, Marc Rene de Voyer, 1652-1721. L’ Art (1879) 16:102. J. Watkins, dcs.* after medal. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Ilia. Rigaut p. P. Dupin sc. marquis d’, Rene Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, 1694-1757. Ami d. monuments (1901) 15:299. Lang, Prince Charles Edward (1900 ) 90. Maurice Quentin de la Tour p. 17.53? (St Quentin mus.) comte d’, Marc Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, 1696-1764. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) scr. 3, 12:111. J. M. Nattier p. Vasseur sc. Por. d. hommes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 57. Nattier p. Le Vasseur sc. Restout, Gal. Iran?. (1771) l:pl. 16. Nattier p. Le Vasseur sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2577. H. Rigaud p. Blanchard eng. comte d’, Marc Antoine, 1722-82. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:115. Roslin p.* marquis d\ Marc Rend de Voyer, 1771-1842. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1 :241. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6: pi. 4. Mondain sc. Antoine Rend de Voyer d’, 1722-87. See Paulmy d’Argenson, marquis de. ARGENTAN, seigneur d’, Henri I Clement du Mez, d. 1214. See Mez. ARGENTINO, Girolamo, bp. Bardi, Gal. du Palais Pitti (1842) l:pl.56. p. after manner of Mo- rone. V. Bcnucci inc. ARGENTRi, Bertrand d’, 1519-90. Bcllart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 163. N. L’Armessin se. Louis Charles Duplessis d’, bp. of Limoges, 1724-1808. Biog. mod. (1807) 1:79. Labadye del. Courbe sc. ARGLES, Mrs Margaret (Hamilton) 1855-97. See Hungerford, Mrs. Marsham, d. d. 1814-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:670.* ARGOUGES-FLEURY, Jerome d’, d. 176- Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Largil- li^re p. Petit sc. ARGOUT, comte d\ Antoine Maurice Apolli- naire, 1782-1858. L’.\rt (1890) 49:175. Ilonord Daumier lith.* ARGYLL, countess of, Lady Anne (Douglas) w. of 7th earl. Wauole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:64. eng. 1st marquis of, Archibald Campbell, 1598-1661. Anderson, Pop. Scot. biog. (1842) 188. Freeman eng. Browne, Ilist. of Highlands (1843) 2:102. S. Free- man eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:80. George ■Jamcsone p.* (coll, of marquis of Lothian) Cent. (1900) 38:82. p.* (coll, of marquis of Lothian) Cuam- BERS, Em. Scotsmen (1847,1855) 1:455. Freeman eng. after p. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2:365. Michael Van der Gucht sc. — (1843) 2:746. W. T. Mote eng. after p. (coll, of duke of Argyll) Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 26. p.* (coll, of marquis of Lothian) Lawson, Hist, tales of wars of Scotland, l:front. Freeman eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 7:pl. 13. Mote eng. M.ag. of art (1878) 1:15. E.M. Ward p. wdet. (fresco. House of Commons) Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 248. p.* (coll, of marquis of Lothian) Nugent, Mem. J. Hampden, (1874) 125. eng. Por. illus. Waverly novels, ph 14. R. Cooper eng. after p. (coll, of marquis of Lothian) Taylor, Piet. hist, of Scotland, 2:686. T. W'. Hunt sc. after p. (coll, of duke of Argyll) Willcock, Great mar- quess (1903) front. 20, ^9. p.* (coll, of marquis of Lothian) — p. 184. Castle Campbell por. 1644?* Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 47. eng. 9tk earl of, Archibald Campbell, 1625?-85. C!ust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:173. David Logan del. & sc.* Fea, King Monmouth (1902) 197. p.* Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2:84. John Savage eng.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 8. II. T. Ryall eng. Rere.sby, Travels & mem. (1813) 300. J. B. de Me- dina p. driven sc. 1st duke of, Archibald Campbell, d. 1703. Bur- net, Hist, of own times (1838) 2:694. Sir. P. Lely II. Robinson eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 9:pl. 18. y p. Robinson eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 33, fig. 3. David Paton p.* (Ham House) 2d duJee of, John Campbell, 1678-1743. Bur- net, Hist, of own times (1838) 2:766. Kneller p. S. Freeman eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:124. William Aikman p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1855) 1:493. Aikman p. Robinson eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :207. Aikman p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 10: pi. 14. Kneller p. Freeman eng. Por. illus. Waverly novels, pi. 7. Aikman p. R. Cooper eng. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1747) 4, pt. 2:458. Aikman p. Houbraken sc. Taylor, Pic. hist, of Scotland, 2:881. Kneller p. T. W. Hunt sc. Thane, Brit, autog. 3:48. Aikman p. eng. 4th duke of, John Campbell, 1693?-1770. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:6. J. Richardson p. J. Basire eng.* Walpole, Letters (1840) 1 : pref. p . 88. Richardson p. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbach sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 5:265. Jonath. Richardson p. Greatbach sc. diLchess o/, Elizabeth (Gunning) w.of 5th duke 1734-90. See Gunning. 6tk duke of, George William Campbell, 1766- 1839. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:144. Sir William Ross p. Posselwhite eng.* 8th duke of, George Douglas Campbell, 1823- 1900. Archer, Gladstone & contemp. (1883) 4:170. lith. after photo. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:1.53. lith. after photo. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:293. G. F. Watts p. I860.* Drawing-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 3. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1876) 87 :257. J. J. Cade eng. Har- per’s mag. (1^2) 65:167.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdet. — (19(X)) 44:424. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:. 572.* Jesse, Life of George Brum- mell (1886) 1:82. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:152. George Richmond p.* McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:207.* Mag. of art (1900) 24-515. Watts p.* Men of mark (1883) 7:16. photo. No- tables of Brit. (1897) 25.* Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 11. Ape f. lith. (caricature) ARGYLL 54 ARISTOTLE duchess of, Elizabeth Georgiana (Suther- land-Leveson-Gower) w. of 8th duke, 1824-78. Amulet (1831) front. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. Wil- liam Finden eng. (with her mother, Countess Gower; child por.) Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:146. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. 1828* (child por. with mother) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 2. Lawrence p.* (child por. with mother) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 58. Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo* (child por. with mother) He.lth, Gall, of Brit. eng. (1836) 2; pi. 28. J. Bostock p. II. T. Ryall eng. Illcs. Lond. news (1878) 72:533.* Keep- sake (1856) front. W. S. Herrick p. W. H. Mote eng. (with marquis of Lome) Mag. of art (1890) 13:89. Lawrence p. 1828. A. Knessing eng. (child por. with her mother) — (1904) 28:240. Lawrence p.* (child por. with her mother) Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 38. lith. Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 44. Lawrence p. Cousins eng. 1831 (child por. with mother) 9th duke of, John Douglas Sutherland Camp- bell, 1845- Cent. (1885) 9:49. Henrietta Mont- alba f. 1879. J. 11. E. Whitnej* sc.* (bust) Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1; front, lith. Eclectic mag. (1879) 92:129. G. R. Hall eng. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:217. Harper’s w. (1871) 14 : 376. wdet. — 0878) 22:974. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:290. eng. after photo. — (1897)111:558.* Keep- sake (1856) front. W. S. Herrick p. W. H. Mote eng. (with mother) Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:3. Van- ity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 13. Ape f. lith. (carica- ture) duchess of. Princess Louise (of Gt. Brit.) w. of 9th duke, 1848- Alm. de Gotha (1870) pi. 4. Carl Mayer sc. Art j. (1861) 13:136. J. Sant p. D. Desvachez eng. 1860 (the royal sisters) — 13:368. Mrs. Thoraycroft sc. W. Roffe eng. (statue named Plenty) Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) l;front. lith. Hall, Roy. gall, of art, 4: pi. 31. Sant p. Desvachez sc. (the royal sisters) Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:216. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:287-8, 376. wdet. — (1878) 22:972. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:291. eng. afterphoto. — (1895) 106: June 1, sup. p. 4. C. Bauerle p. (with princes Albert Victor and Geoige) Mag. of art (1895) 19: 1.5. C. B. Barber f.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 15.* Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 88. J. Sant p. D. Desvachez eng. (with her sister princess Helena) Tullberg, Furst- enhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:241. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ARGYROPOULOS, Joannes, 14341-90? Bull- art, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (16^) 1:268. N. Lar- me&sin sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 25:19. Ghirlandajo p.* ARIAS MONTANO, Benito, 1527-98. Bullabt, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:45. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Schrockh, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) 2: pi. 34. eng. ARIMONDI, Italian general. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:294. ARINGHIERI, Aiberto. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1898) 37:118, 119. Pinturicchio p.* ARIOBARZANES I (Philorommus) king of Cap- padocia, 93-63 B. C. Plutarch, \'ies, Ricard (1838) 8, pt. 1 : 152. eng. after medallion. ARIOBARZANES III, king of Pontus, d. 240 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (18&) 12, pt. 2:318. Perry del. after medallion. DequevauvLUier eng. ARIOSTO, Lodovico, 1474-1533. Allg. welt- geschichte (1886) 7:265. Enea Vico eng.* Biog. mag. 1. (1794) Titien p. Birrell sc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:.330. Titian p. De L’Armessin sc. Burlington mag. (1904) 6:90. Titian p.* (Nat. gall.) — 6:137. Titian p. wdet. 1532. from Orlando Furioso. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1889) ser. 3, 1:243. Titian p. Harper’s mag. (1878) 56:823. eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:615. Enea Vico f. Medaglia del. wdet. Iconog. di uomini sommi. (1854) 4. So. Maffeis sc. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:286. Titian p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1, pt. 1:209. Raffaelle Morghen eng. Robert Hart sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 29:34. Titian p.* (Nat. gall. Lond.) Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:65. Morghen f. Hart eng. (print) Mag. of art (1895) 18:161. Titian p. C. Barloeus etch.* Por. gall. (1853) 1:60. Morghen f Hart sc. (print) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 67. E. Vico eng.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:135. vignette. Versailles,' Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1816. Giroux eng. after p. ARIOVISTUS, German chief, n. 58 B. C. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 2. P. Flotner f.* (bas-relief) ARISTA, Mariano, general, 1802-55. Cent. (1887) 11:519.* ARISTIDES, statesman, d. 468 B. C. L’Art ( 1875) 1:31. F. M. eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 75. Cartelier f. George Cooke sc. (statue) — ^811) 7: pi. 2. R. Sands sc. ARISTIPPUS, of CjTene, 425? B. C. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 2. George Cooke sc. ARISTOGEITON, orator. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 2:116. statue* (Naples) ARISTOPHANES, 444?-380? B. C. Abbott, Pericles (1891) 328. bust* (found near Tusculum) Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 2:246. bust from Monu- menti dell’ institute*. 5. Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 1:308. bust from Monument! deir institute. 5. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 3. George Cooke sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10: 1&. vignette. ARISTOTLE, 384-322 B. C. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 2:367. bust from Visconti’s Iconograha Greca.* L’^Vrt (1875) 2:370. Ch. Degeorge sc. E. Bocourt des. Tourfaut eng. (statue) oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech. a. rom. por. (18^) Ifg. 38: pi. .378-80. statue* (Spadu palace, Rome) Cent. (1898) 35:6. statue*. Hertz- berg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 1:500. bust from Visconti, a IIeyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. o Authenticity doubtful. ARISUGAWA 55 ARMITAGE (1899) 9:31. statue* (Spada palace) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 5. Gcoi^e Cooke sc. Jabdine’s Naturalists’ lib. (1834) ornithology, front. Lizars sc. after bust from Visconti. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 9 pt. 1:16. Coiny del. after bust. Lorichon eng. RECUEiLd.por. (1786) l:pl. 89. N. p. A. P. sc. Spofford, Lib. Inst. char. (18%) 10: front. J. L. G. Ferris eng.* — 10 : 12. vignette. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommcs illus. (1584) 1:63. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 2:204. N. p. A. P. sc. Wheeler, Ale.vander the Great (1900) 36. statue* (Spada palace) ARISUGAWA, Takehito, Jap. prince & admiral, 1862-95. Harper’sw. (1894)38:1024. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:847. Ransome, Japan in transition (1899) 180.* Tanihito, Jap. prince & general, 1835-86. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:841. wdct. ARKINS, John, 1842- Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:696. Mao. of West. hist. (1891) 13: 663. eng. ARKWRIGHT, John Stanhope, m. p. 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:526.* Sir Richard, inventor, 1732-92. Appleton’s diet, of machines (1861) 2:337. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 5:595. Wright p. J. Posselwhite eng. Craik, Pursuit of knowl. (1831) 2:front. J. Wright p. & eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall, f 1902) 2: 105. Wright p.* Dav- EXPORT, Lives of individuals (1841) front. T. A. Dean eng. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1733. Wright p.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:223-4. Wnght p. Posselwhite sc. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1^0) V.4. Wright p. J. Jenkins eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1&5) 5:181. Wright p. J. Posselwhite eng. Por. gall. (1853) 3:703. Wright p. Posselwhite sc. Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 4: pi. 53. eng.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por 5: pi. 67. Wright p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 3:372. vignette. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:5. Wright p. J. Jenkins eng. Robert, 1822-88. Baily’s mag. (1872) 22:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. ARLANDES, marquis d’, Frsanjois Laurent, 1742-1809. Tubnor, Astra castra (1865) 462. ARLAUD, Jacques Antoine, 1668-1746. Des- camps, La vie d. peintres flamands (1763) 4:116. Fic- quet sc. Mot'CKE, Ritratti (1762) 4:pl. W. Gio. Dom. Canmiglia del. Cosin Colombini sc. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 4:62. wdct. ARLIDGE, John Thomas, m. d. 1822-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:863.* ARLINGTON, earZo/,5i> Henry Bennet, 1618-85. Birch, Heads (1813) 115. P. Lely p. J. Houbraken sc. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:47. eng. from Birch’s Heads.* Hamilton, Mem. of Count Gram- mont, 138. S. Harding del. after print. Legoux sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 6. Lely p. W. T. Mote eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:6. Lely p. eng. ARLOTTO, Mainardi, 1398-1484. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1845) 4: pi. 62. Giovanni da S. Gio- vanni dip. F. Ravano inc. ARMAGNAC, comte d’, Bernard VII, constable, d. 1418. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 87. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. comtesse d’, Catherine (de Neufville-Villeroy) w. of Louis de Lorraine, 1639i-1707. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2377. J. D. Nargeot eng. Louis Philippe de Lorraine d’, 1643-1702. See Lorraine d’Armagnac. ARMAGNAC family name. See also Nemours, due de. ARMAINVILLEERS, Mme d’, Lucrece. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 93. Clouet f. lith. ARMAND, comtesse, Franijoise (Brantes) w. of Abel. Mag. of art (1894) 17:185- ^.mile Wauters p. Pall Mall mag. (18%) 9:181. Emile Wauters p.* Col. See La Rouarie, marquis de Armand Taffin, 1756-93. Fdlix, 1742-1823. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:125. Durupt p. Berton- nier sc. Fr. 1734- Biog. mod. (1807) 1:80. Perrin del. Voyez sc. ARMAT, Thomas, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 180. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* ARMBRUSTER, Violet, actress. Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 19:84. ARMELLLNI, Mariano, archaeologist, 1852-%. Cath. world (lS96'i 64:85. ARMENIAN PATRIARCHS. See Barziants, Soukias; Izmirlian, Matthew; Nerces; Ormanian, Malakia; Tchamtehian. ARMENTifeRES, marquis d\ Louis de Brienne de Conflans, 1711-74. See Conflans. ARMIN, Robert, actor, fl. 1610. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 113. eng. 1609. ARMINIUS, 18? B. C.-20? A. D. Gould, Germany (1898) front, bust* (Capitoline mus.) Jhrb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 2. P. Flot- ner sc.* (bas-relief) — 16:17, fig. 15. Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 772. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 1:76. A. Tholey f.* ARMINIUS, Jacobus, 1560-1609. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:4%. Meth. mag. (1825) 48:721. T. Brown eng. ARMISTEAD, Judith. See Carter, Mrs Robert. Lewis Addison, general, 1817-63. Cent. (1885) 8:62.5. ARMITAGE, Edward, R. a. 1817-%. Illus. Lond. news (18%) 108:682.* Mag. of art (1894) 17:251* —(18%) 19:384.* Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 3. photo. ARMITAGE 56 AEXALDO Sir Elkanah, 1793-1876. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:581. wdct. after photo. Thomas, d. d. 1819-96. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:347. wdct. William Edmond, bp. of Wis. 1830-73. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 176. AEMITSTEAD, George, m. p. 1824- Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 414. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ARMOUR, Danforth, f. of Philip D. McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:279.* Edward Douglas, lawyer. Green bag (1891) 3:273.* Herman Ossian, 1837-1901. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:194. Jonathan Ogden, 1863- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1320. Mrs Julia (Brooks) m. of Philip D. McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:279.* Philip Danforth, 1832-1901. ^\_merica’s grtst men & women (1894) 91. Bolton, Fam. givers (1896) 292. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:384. W. C. Smith f. eng. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:71. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 2:241, 260* (6 por.) New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:564 —(1897) n. s. 16:357. World’s work (1901) 1 :465. Mrs Philip Danforth (Malvina Belle Ogden) McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:280.* ARMSTEAD, Charlotte. Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 84. H. II. Armstead f.* (bas-relief) Henry Hugh, sculptor, 1828- Cent. (1883) 4:168. T. Blake Wiegman f.* Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66 : 185. wdct. after photo. Mag. of art (1880) 3:820. wdct. after photo. Men of mark (1883) 7 :26. photo. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 17. W. Robert Colton sc.* (bust) Mrs Hugh Wells. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 40. II. H. Armstead sc.* (bust) ARMSTRONG, 1st baron, William Armstrong, 1810-1900. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:11.* Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85:173 —(1901) 118:9. Men of mark (1882) 6:19. photo. Notables of Brit. (1897) 57.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 430. M. L. Wallerp.* sc. Year- BK. of facts (1^4) front. Ale.x. Munro sc. W. H. Mote eng. (bust) Sir Alexander, 1818-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:49.* David Hartley, 1812-93. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:554. A. II. Ritchie eng. David Maitland, artist, 1836- Cent. (1897) 32 : 183. St Gaudens f .* (bas-relief) Ethel. See Macdonald, Lady Claude. Sir George Carlyon Hughes, 1st bart. 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:259* Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 602. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George Washington, 1836- Rep. men of Mass. (1898) 206. eng. Gustavus. Metii. mag. (1801) 24:49. William Ridley sc. (age 28) H. E. warcorresp. Harper’s mag. (1899)98:944. J. Tarbotton, inventor. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:43. A. Hugh Fisher del.* John, 1700-79. Biog. ma^. (1794) .\udinet f. after drawing — (1820) 2:2. Holl sc. Effigies poe- tic® (1824) 2:pl. 117. Shelley p. J. Thurston del. F. Engleheart eng. (miniature) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:284. Sir Joshua Re 3 ’nolds f.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:475. Shelley p. Engleheart eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 48. Shelley p. Thurston del. Engleheart eng. (miniature) John, 1725-95. Sons of the rev. Penn. Decen. register (1898) 106. John, 1758-1843. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 155. J. W. Jarvis p. eng. from Emmet’s illus. of Annapolis convention.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1883)10:373. Jarvis p. eng. J ohn Donnel, 1852- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:57. eng. Rev. Lebbeus, 1775- Harper’s w. (1867) 11:220. wdct. Richard, Irish lawyer, 1815-80. Harper’s w. (1873) 17 :.m wdct. Samuel Chapman, general, 1839-93. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:426. wdct. —(1893) 37:496. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:445 — (1893) n. s. 9:173. Outlook (1900) 66:823. World’s work (1904) 7:4386.* Samuel Turell, 1784-1850. N. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1890) 44 : 137. J. H. Daniels eng. Sir Thomas, 1624 ?-84. Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902)2:84. John Savage eng.* Thomas, of So. Kensington museum, 1832- Art j. (1891) 43:271. Sir Walter, 1850- .\rt j. (1893) 45 :54. Mag. of art (1892) 15:322 —(1899)23:428. Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 94. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Lady [Walter] Emily Rose (Ferard) Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 132. Walter Osborne p.* Wilham Jackson, 1841- ,\rena(1895) 12:97 * William Joseph, 1796-1846. Eclectic mag. (1863) 58:141. eng. ARMYTAGE, Henry, colonel, 1828-1901. Baily’s mag. (1876) 28:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. ARNAL, Etienne, actor, 1798-1872. L’Art(1904) 63:433. Dantant Jeune sc.* (statuette) Heart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 : pi. 8. ARNALDO DA BRESCIA, reformer, d. 11.55. L’.\rt (1880) 22:293. Odoardo Tabacchi f. LD Gaucherel des. (statue) ARNALDO DI VILLANOVA, 12351-1313J Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2 : 65. eng. AENAULD 57 AENOLD AKNAULD, Antoine, 1612-94. L’Art (1879) 16:32. Philipjje de Champaigne p. Huyot eng. from Le.s femmes dans lesoci^t^chr^tienne — (1891) 51:119 Champagne p. G. Edelinck sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. J. B. Champagne p. sc. Gal. franc;. (1822) 2: 165. Heuerdel. Petit de Julle- viLLE, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franf. (1898) 5:724. Champaigne p. Massard sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17® et 18'' siScles (1805) 2: pi. 101. Champagne p. Lud. Simonneau sc. Schrockii, Abbild. beriihmter gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 20. eng. Jacqueline Marie Angelique de Sainte Ma- deleine {Mere Angelique) 1591-1661. L’Art (1893) 54:109. Philippe de Champagne p. Yallet sc. —(1893) 54:114. por. 1648.* Cent. (1890) 18:84. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 93. Cham- pagne p.* Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 8. Kenyon Cox del. 1890 after p.* Jeanne Catherine Agnes, dau. of Philippe de Champagne, 1593-1671. L’Art (1892) 52:77. Philippe de Champagne p. Lefort del. G. R. Levil- lain sc. (with sister Catherine) Simon, 1618-99. See Pomponne, marquis de. ARNAULD D’ANDILLY, Robert, 1588-1674. L’^Vrt (1893) 54:115. Champagne p. Morin sc. IcoNOG. de Mme de S4vign4, pi. 6. Champagne p. eng. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 21:217. Champagne p. eng. Perilvult, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:55. Jac. Lubin sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17® et 18® slides (1805) l:pl. 28. Lubin sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard G838) 10:pl. 2209. P. A. Badin p. F. Weber eng. ARNAULD DE VILLENEUVE, 1235?-1313? See Arnaldo di Villanova. ARNAUT, Antoine Vincent, poet, 1766-1834. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:2.57. J. Boilly del. G.^z. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 32:296. F. C. Vincent p.* (Versailles) ARNDT, Ernst Moritz, 1769-1860. Allg. welt- geschichte (1888) 11:55. Riedel eng.* Berner, Gesch. de preus. .staates (1891) 2:544. J. H. Lips eng.* Konnecke, Bildcratlas (1^7) 268. Lips eng.* O.NCKEN, Zeitalter der revolution (1886) 2:545. Riedel eng.* Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 5: pi. 26. J. Roeting p. C. Wildt lith. Wercoieister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1 :pl. 27. Wildt lith.* Johann. 1555-1621. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 1 1 . eng. Metii. mag. (1810) 33 : 129. Ridley sc. ARNE, Thomas Augustine, musician, 1710-78. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 127. Bartolozzi eng.* Biog. mag. (1794) Dunkarton p. Rhodes sc. Cust, Nat. pior. gall. (1901) 1 :239. F. Bartolozzi del.* (cari- cature) Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 2 -.front. Bartolozzi del. W. Greatbatch sc. ARNETH, Frau Antoine (Adamberger) w. of Joseph, 1790-1867. See Adamberger. ARNETT, Benjamin William, a. m. e. pb. 1838- Harper’s w. (1878) 22:397. wdet. ARNIM, graf von, Harry, 1824-81. Allg. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:529.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:448. wdet. Oncken, Zeitalter d. Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:535.* Frau Bettina (Brentano) von, w. of Ludwig Achim, 1785-1859. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 210. E. L. Grimm etch. 1809.* Ruland, Aus dem Goethe-nat.-mus. (1895) l:pl. 19. J. Schmeller del.* Sainte Beuve, Gal. de femmes celSbres (1859) 287. Staaldel. Goutiferesc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 18. L. E. Grimm etch. lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 232. A. von Achim-Bacrwalde f.* (medallion) Johann Georg von, 1581-1641. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltge.sch. (1898) 3:106. p.* (Boitzenburg castle) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4 : 1288. eng. Ludwig Achim von, 1781-1831. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 262. E. H. Strohling p. C. Funcke eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 14. lith. after p. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 231. E. II. Strohling p.* ARNIM-KRQCHLENDORFF, Frau Malwine (von Bismarck) sister of Bismarck, 1827- Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:38, 39, 41. Knack fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:77. Max Koner p 1900.* Oskar von. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:39, 40.* ARNIM-MUSKAU, Frau von. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 20:81. Begas sc.* (sarcoph- agus at Moscow) ARNISTON, Lords, Scotch judges. See Dundas. ARNOLD, Dr, 17th cent. Mag. of art (1885) 8:44. William Hogarth p. wdet. (Fitzwilliam mus. Camb.) Miss, dau. of Dr Arnold. Mag. of art (188.5) 8:40. William Hogarth p. wdet. (Fitzwilliam mus. Camb.) Apraham Kerns, u. s. a. 1837-1901. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:497. Arthur, 1833-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:787.* Benedict, 1741-1801. Abbatt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 66. Trumbull por.* Am. hist, register (1896) 4:65. Cath. world (1893) 58:76. James E. Kelly f. Cent. (1903) 43:351. print 1776.* Cincin. Instit. (1886) 252. H. B. Hall etch. 1879. Du Simitiere, Am. legislators (1783) pi. 13. Du Simitifere del. B. Reading eng. European mag. (1783) 3:83. Du Simitifere del. eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:213. Tate p. II. B. Hall etch. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1851) 3:451. eng. —(1861) 23:721. eng. —(1876) 52:832. eng. —(1903) 106:276. mezzo.* (N. Y. Pub. lib.) Harris, Battle of Groton heights (1882) 98. II. B. Hall etch. 1879. Mag. of Am. hist. (1880) 4:181. Hall etch. 1879. New E.ng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:274. Wil-son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:311. mezzo.* (N. Y. Pub. lib.) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:223. eng. from Impartial hist, of the war in Amer. Lond. 17^, p. 249. — 6:447. Du Simitifere p, Adam sc. (medallion) — 6 : 448. eng. from ARNOLD 58 ARNOULD Geschichte der kriege in u. ausser Europa, pt. 11, Numberg, 1778 — 6 ; 449. eng. from Murray’s Impar- tial hist, of the present war, 2:48. Mrs Benedict (Margaret Shippen) Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:237. Sir Joshua Reynolds ?p. wdct. after eng (with son, pastel) Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:834. F. P. H. eng. (with son) Pens. mag. of hist. & biog. (1900) 24:257. Maj. John AndrS del.* — (1901) 25:289. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* (with son, Penn, hist . soc.) W iLsox, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:121. Lawrence p.* (with son) Edward Shippen, s. of Benedict Arnold. See Arnold, Mrs Benedict. Sir Edwin, 1831-1904. Book buyer (1890) 7 : 490. Bookman (1895) 2:293. Phil May f.* (caricature) -(1901)13:373. Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4: 73.* Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:840. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:491 —(1904) 124:493. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:405.* New Eng. mag. (1889) n.s. 1:317. Notables of Brit. (1897) 119.* Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 374. R. or rev. (1904) 29:538. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 94*. Isaac Newton, 1813-84. Mason, Early Chicago (1890) 27* (in 1881) N.4T. mag. (1891) 15:62. James. Ce.nt. (1893) 23:871. Jonathan E. '1814-69. Green bag (1902) 14:305. Mao. of West. hist. (1887) 6:169. eng. Lydia, d. 1862. See Cavan, countess of. Matthew, 1822-88. Acad. (1899) 56:687. cari- cature from Vanity fair* Book buyer (1901) 22: 463* — (1902)25:292. Watts p.* Bookman (1897) 5:99* (in 1883-84) —(1901) 12:476. G. F. Watts p.* —(1901) 13:370 —(1902) 16:116. p.* —(1904)19: 545. Max Beerbohm del.* (with Mrs. Humphry Ward, caricature) Cent. (1882) 1 : 802. Watts p.* — (1894) 25:802.* Critic (1903) 43:501. Watts p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2 : 301. Watts p.* Eclectic mag. (1876) 86:641. J. J. Cade eng. Farrar, Men I have known (1897) 73.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:306. Watts f. lith. after photo. Griswold, Per- sonal sketches (1898) 78. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76: 824.* Harper’s w. (1883) 27:667. wdct. — (1888) 32:309. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:62. Watts p.* Mag. of art (1892) 15: 144. A. B. Joy sc.* (bust) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:627. Sandys p. (1881) New Eng. mag. (1894) n.s. 9:639. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1888) 4:537. eng. after photo. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 36. lith. after caricature. Mrs Matthew (Frances Lucy Wightman) d. 1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:9.* Michael. Green bag (1902) 14:177.* Nason Henry, of N. Adams, Mass. 1847-84. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2239. J. X. J. Wilcox eng. Oliver, 1801- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 :48. eng. Olney, general, 1822-1900. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1901) 55:189. F. G. Keman eng. Richard, maj. gen. 1828-82. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 363. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Samuel, composer, 1740-1802. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:167. George Dance del. 1795.* Monthly mirror (1803) 15:145. Arnold p. Ridley eng. Samuel, Lincoln conspirator. Cent. (1896) 29:892.* Harper’s w. (186.5) 9:409. wdct. Thomas, of Rugby, 1795-1842. Bolton, Fam. leaders, men (1894) 149. Book buyer (1901) 22:375. Thomas Phillips p. 1844. Holl eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:169. William Behnes sc. 1849* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1870) 40:362. eng. — (1881) 62:173. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:744 — (1897) 110:282. bust* (Rugby) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:377. eng.* Smiles, Brief biog. (1861) 71. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7:pl. 53. Phillips p.* Thomas, jr. 1823-1900. Cent. (1903) 44:116 tablet* (Cath. univ. ch. Dublin) ARNOLD-FORSTER family name. See Forster. ARNOLDSON, Mme Sigrid, singer, 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:73 —(1892) 101:109* (as Baucis) ARNOLFINI, Giovanni, engineer, 1733-91. Con- noisseur (1904) 8:132. Jan Van Eyck p. Agnes Jones p. lith. (with wife, Nat. gall.) Jaiirb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (18^) 8:172. Van Eyck p.* — (1889) 10:1.54. Knacffuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 35:63. Van Eyck p.* (with wife) — 35:101. Van Eyck p.* Mag. of art (18^) 11 :53. Van Eyck p. M. H. Aider eng. (with wife) Masters in art (1904) pt. 56, 5:pl. 8. Van Eyck p.* 1434 (with wife, Nat. gall. Lond.) Signora Giovanni (Giovanna di Chenany) Connoisseur (1904) 8:132. Jan van Eyck p. Agnes Jones p. lith. (with husband, Nat. gall.) Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 35:63. Van Evek p.* (with husband) Mag. of art (1888) 11:53. Jan van Eyck p. M. H. Aider eng. (with Giovanni Amolfini) Masters in art (1904) pt. 56, 5: pi. 8. Van Eyck p.* 1434 (with husband, Nat. gall. Lond.) ARNOLFO DI LAPO, architect, 1232-13001 Bullart, .\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (16^) 1:315. N. de L’Armessin sc. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1859) 2:41. Luigi Pampaloi sc. Pannemaker eng. (statue, Flor- ence) Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 2. eng. ARNOT, Hugo (Pollock) 1749-86. Crombie, Mod. .\thcnians (1882) pi. 8. B. W. Crombie f. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 5, 8, 66, 132. John Kay f. eng. Rev. William, 1808-75. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:944. wdct. ARNOTT, Sir John, 1817-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:469.* NeU, M. D. 1788-1874. Pop. sci. m. (1876) 10:1. ARNOULD, Sophie, actress, 1747-1802. Art. j. (1903) 55:3M. Jean- Antoine Houdon sc. (bust as Iphig^nie) Burungton mag. (1904) 4:20. Jean- Baptiste Greuze p.* (Normanton coll.) Lady’s mag. (1837) 11:405. (Jarmontelle p. Ed. Hargrave sc. (as ARXOULD 59 ARTAVASDES Tliisbe) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^lSbres (1858) 2:120. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. (as Thisbe) Les lettres et les arts (1888) 3:348. Mag. of art (1902) 27:53. J. B. Greuze p.* (Wallace coll.) Mas- ters in art (1904) pt. 50, 5: pi. 10. J. B. Greuze p.* (Wallace coll.) ARNOXJLD-PLESSY, Mme Jeanne Sylvanie (Plessy) actress, 1819-97. L’Art (1876) 7:157. Camille Gilbert des. IIuart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 28. ARNOUVILLE, Jean Baptiste Machault d’, 1701-94. See Machault d’Arnouville. ABNOTJX, William Henry, judge, 1831- N. Y. Mem. hist. (1895) 369. Williams etcli. 1892. ARNULF, prince of Bavaria, s. of Luitpold, 1852- ScHEiBERT, lleerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 6.* Tullbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:53. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. ABNTJLF, king of Germany, d. 899. Allg. weltge- schichto (1891) 5:145. seal* (Brit, nius.) Dreui du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Pelletier eng. Hirth, Dcr formenschatz (1884) pi. 142. Heinricm Vogtherr sc.* (medal) Prutz, Staatengesch. d. al)endlandes (18^) 1:157. A. Liitke del. after seal* (Brit, mus.) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 32. Pelle- tier sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:373. Pelle- tier sc. ARPAJON, duchesse d’, Catherine Henriette (d’Harcoiurt de Beuvron) w. of Louis, d. 1701. IcoNOG. de Mme de S4vign^, pi. 7. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 78. Weltener eng. after contemp. por. Anne Claudine Louise d’, w. of Philippe de Noailles, d. 1794. See Mouchy, duchesse de. ARPINO, cavalure d\ 1560-1640. See Cesari, Giuseppe. ARRABIDA, Antonio de, bp. of .\nemuria, 1771- 1850. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:115. S. A. Sisson del. & lith. ARRAGON, — van, admiral. Reyd, Voornaemste gheschiednissen inde Ncderlanden (1626) 562. eng. ARRAN, (in Scotland,) 3d earl of, James Hamil- ton, regent of Scotland, d. 1575. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:44. Cornelius Ketel p. 1573-5.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 2: pi. 20. Ketel f. W. II. Mote eng. Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 114. p.* Pall Mall mag. (1903) 30:329. p.* Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 15 (coll, of marquis of Abercom) ARRAN, (in Ireland,) 1st earl of, Richard Butler, 1639-86. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 24, fig. 1. Samuel Cooper p.* 1667 (Univ. gall. Oxford) — l:pl. 39, fig. 1. Samuel Cooper p.* (Welbeck abbey) 7th earl of, Arthur Saunders WiUiam Charles Fox Gore, 1839-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:412.* ARRHENIUS, Svante August, scientist, 1859- Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:90 (with Ostwald) ARRICIDIA, w. of Roman emperor Titus. Hirth, Der formenschatz (1883) pi. 61. Enea Vico eng. ARROW, Sir Frederick, 1818-75. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67 : 100. wdct. ARROWSMITH, Edmund, 1583-1628. Foley, Records of Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus 1883 (1882) 7‘:18 —(1884) 2: front. J. W. of N. J. Arena (1896) 16:33.* ARSACES I, king of Parthia, d. 248 B. C. Allg weltgeschichte (18^) 1:442. coin* after Mionnet u. Visconti. Justi, Gesch. d. alten Persiens (1879) 149. medal from Visconti, Icon, grecque. ARSACES VI (Mithridates I) king of Parthia,d. 135 B. C. .\llg. weltgeschichte (1884) 1:443. coin.* (Berlin) Justi, Gesch. d. alten Persiens (1879) 1-52. medal from Visconti, Icon, grecque. ARSACES IX (Mithridates II) the Great, king of Parthia, d. 86 B. C. Pllt.arch, Vies, Ricard (1!&8) 8, pt. 1 : 104. Perry del. after medallion. Bertonnier eng. ARSACES XII (Phraates III) king of Parthia, d.60B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 8, pt. 2:378. Perry del. after medallion. Bouvier eng. ARSACES Xrv (erodes I) k. of Parthia, d. 37 B. C. Allg. weltgeschichte (1884) 1:445. coin.* Benja- min, Story of Persia (1^7) 167. coin.* Justi, Gesch. d. alten Persiens (1879) 158. medal from Visconti, Icon, grecque. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 10, pt. 1 : 142. Perry del. after medallion. Caron eng. ARSACES XV (Phraates IV) king of Parthia, d. 4 A. D. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1 : 186. Perry del. after medallion. Jacquemin eng. ARSACES XVI, king of Parthia. Allg. weltges- chichte (1884) 1:448. coin.* ARSEN'XEV, marechale d.' Gaz. des. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:321. D. G. Levitski p.* ARSENII MATSIEEVITCH. metropolitan of Rostov and Yaroslav. Bruckner, Katharina 11(1883) 143. A. Kwjak p. A. Ossigrow eng. ARSmOE, w. of Ptolemy II. L’Art (1876) 7:223. cameo (with Ptolemy 11, St Petersburg mus.) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1884) 2: pi. 3. cameo (with Ptolemy II, Vienna) ARTAGNAN, comte d’, Pierre de Montesquieu, marshal, 1645-1725. See Montesquieu. ARTAVASDES, king of Armenia, d. 30 B. C. Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 10, pt. 1:150. Perry del. after medallion. Caron ena. ARTAXEKXES 60 ARUNDEL ARTAXERXES, kings of Persia, 465-339 b. c. Plutakcii, Vies, Kicard (1838) 10, pt. 2:378. Perry del. after bas-relief, eng. — 410. Perry inv. after bas-relief. Caron eng. — 413. Perry inv. after ba-s- relief. Gel(5o eng. ARTAXERXES, king of Persia, d. 200 ? A. I). See Ardishir Babigan. ARTEMISIA, w. of King Mausolus of Caria, d. 354 B. C. Allg. weltsgescliichte, 2 : 344. Stort'y del. after statue* (Brit, mus) IIevwood, Lives of 9 worthy women (1640) 111. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommcs illus. (1584) 1:71. eng. ARTHUR, kings and princes of England (Gt. Brit.) Arthur, king of Britain. Bisrr. mus. prints (1889) n. s. pt. 2: pi. 3. eng. 1464.* Heyck, Monograph, z. wcltgeseh. (1898) 5:8. statue* (Innsbruck) Jhrb. d. kunstbist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) 11 ;pl. 28. tomb.* Arthur, prince of Wales, s. of Henry VII, 1486- 1502. See Wales. Arthur, prince, s. of queen Victoria, 1850. See Connaught, duke of. Arthur (of Connaught) prince, s. of Arthur, duke of Connaught, 1883- Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:44 (child por.) Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:185* — (1901) 119:691.* Tullbeug, Furstenhaauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 242. Agi Lindegrcn del. after photo. ARTHUR, , provost of Airdrie. Art j. (1900) 52:324. R. Gemmoll Hutchison p.* Ahce. Internal, studio (1904) 22:9. George Henry p.* (child por.) Chester Alan, pres. U. S. 1830-86. Allg. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:762.* Al.m. do Gotha (1883) front. Wegcr sc. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1881) 6:36. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Appleton’^s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 1:99. Bogardus f. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Bay state m. (1884) 1 :265. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 62. J. C. Buttro eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Lives & jxir. of pres. (1881) 240. G. E. Ferine eng. Getcuell, Our nation’s executives (1885) 352. Hall eng. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:409, 740 wdet. —(1886) 30:757 wdet. — (1899) 43:617. G. E. Bissellsc.* (statue)* Harri- son, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 23.* Harvey, Hist. Wa.sh. monument (1903) 104.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in \. A. (1886) 767. Ferine eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:317.* Mao. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:6 eng. —(1884)11:206* —(1887) 17:1.* N. Y. ME.M. hist. (1895) 75. Buttre eng. after photo. Outlook (1902) 72:493. Richardson, Messages of pres. (1898) 8:30. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:477. —(1899) 25:169. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 2:832. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 549. Buttre eng. after photo. Townsend, Our pres. (1889) 361. Hall eng. Wilson, Hist, of .\m. people (1902) 5: 150.* Wilson, Fres. of U. S. (1894) 444. 11. B. Hall, jr. eng. Sir George Compton Archibald, 3d hart. 1860- Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 347. Spy f. lith (caricature). Julia, actress, aftw. w. of Percy Cheney, 1869- Acad. (1899) 57:591 (as Barbara Frietchie). Art j. (1899)51 : 212* (with sister) Book.man, (1897) 6:290* (in A lady of quality) — (1898) 8:201* (as Rosalind) Critic (1897) 31:367 (as Clorinda Wildairs and as Imogen) — (1899) 34 : 44 (as Mercedes) Harper’s w. (1898) 42 : 1 141 , 1 151* (in character) — ( 1899) 43 : 1062 (as Josephine) Strang, Fam. actresses in Am. (1899) 161 (as Mercedes) — p. 170 (as Rosalind) Theatre (1897) 30:56.* Mary, 1842- sister of Fres. Arthur. See McEl- roy, Mrs. Peter M. labor organizer, 1834-1903. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:37, 709. wdet. World’s work (1903) 6:3825.* Timothy Shay, 1809-85. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:517. Rubersc. Rev. William, 1819-11K)1. Harper’s w. (1866) 10 : 629. wdet. —(1891) 35 : 781 wdet. ARTOIS, comte d’, Robert I, 1216-50. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 91. Decaisne p. Lechard eng. comtesse d’, Mathilda (of Brabant) w. of Robert, d. 1288. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:598. minia- ture 13th cent.* (ms. in Bibl. de I’Arsenal) comte d\ Charles Philippe, 1757-1836. See Charles X, king of France. comtesse d\ Marie Therbse (de Savoie) w. of Charles X of France, 1756-1805. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2733. L. G. Sichling eng. Boime d’, dau. of Philippe, comte d’Eu, d. 1425. Knackfuss, KOnstler-monog. (1898) 35:49. Jan van Eyck p.* Charles d’, s. of Fhilipjie, 1394-1472. See Eu, comte d’. Charles Ferdinand d’, 1778-1820. See Berry, due de. Isabelle d’, 1361-79. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1849) sup. 6: pi. 61. Hebert des. Pigeot eng. (bust after statue in Eu) Philhpe d’, 1359-97. See Eu, comte d’ Jacobus van, painter, 1613-80 ? Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 54. Joan Meyssens p. et ex. Petr, do Jode sc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 74. Meyssens p. et ex. Jode sc. ARTON, ^inile, financier, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:662. ARTOT (Alexandre Joseph Montagney) vio- linist, 1819-45. L’Art (19(«) 62:5. .M. .\dolphe lith.* (Marguerite Josephine Desuee Montagney) singer, 1S;15 Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:37. eng. ARTUS, Mile. L’Art (1878) 14 : 182. Chaplin p. A. Masson sc. (child p>or.) ARUNDEL, countess of, Beatrix (of Portugal) w. of 17tb earl, J405-39. Art union (1843) 5:80. wdet. ARUNDEL 61 ASGHAR after effigv (Arundel church) Court mag. (1840) 17 : 257. I^d. Hargrave sc. after effigy (Arundel church, Sussex) 2Jtth earl of, Henry Fitzalan, 1512-80. Lodge, Por. (1835) 3: pi. 5. Holbein p. H. Kobinson eng. 2oth earl of, Philip Howard, 1557-95. Balch, Glimpses of old Eng. homes (1890) 39. F. Zucchero p.* Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 6. Isaac Oliver p.* (miniature) Greex, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:821. por.* (Arundel castle) Lodge, For. (1835) 3: pi. 17. Zucchero p. H. T. llyall eng. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 30. Isaac Oliver p.* (miniature) countess of, Anne (Dacre) w. of 25th earl, 1557- 1630. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:259. Gerimia eng. 26tk earl of, Thomas Howard, 1585-1646. L’Art (1883) 34:95. P. P. Rubens p. Edm. Ramus sc. (witli wife) Balch, Glimpses of old Eng. homes (ISiX)) 208. miniature.* Birch, Heads (1813) 183. Rubens p. J. Houbraken sc. 1743. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1:55. Vandyck p. — (1843) 1 : 22. Rubens p. H. Robinson eng. Cust, Nat. por. gull. (1901) 1:105. p.* Cust, Anthony Van Dyck (1900) 134. Van Dyck p. 1639* (with grandson, coll, of duke of Norfolk) Cust, Van Dyck (1W3) 2 : pi. 15. Van Dj-ck p.* (with grandson, coll, of duke of Norfolk) Earlom, Por. of cTiar. R. Dunkarton eng. after p. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1881) l:pl. 2. Van Dyck p.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1.306. V'an Dyck f. W. Hollar eng. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 2:70. Rubens p.* (with wife) Lodge, Por. (1835) 6: pi. 9. Rubens p. H. Robinson eng. AL\g. of art ( 1890) 13 : 145. Vandyck p. C. Carter eng. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:90. Rubens p.* (with wife, Munich gall.) Rooses, L’oeuvre de Rubens (1890) 4 :pl. 282. Rubens p. E. Scriven sc. (Warwick castle) — (1892) 5:pl. 4lk Rubens del.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:9. Van Dyck p. eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 50. Vandvke p. Francis Engleheart eng. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2 : 144. Paul Van- soraer p. W. H. Worthington eng. after copy by R. T. Bone. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 28. Mrs R'osse p.* (Norfolk house) countess of. Lady Alethea (Talbot) w. of 26th earl, d. 1654. L’Art (1883) 34:95. Rubens p. Edm. Ramus sc. (with husband) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1307. Van Dj'ck p. W. Hollar eng. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 2:70. Rubens p.* (with liusband) Michel, Les mus6es d’xUle- magne (1886) front. Rubens p. Edm. Ramus sc. (with husband) Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:90. Ru- bens p.* (with husband, Munich gall.) Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallawaj^ (1826) 2:front. Paul Vansomer p. W. II. Worthington eng. after copy by R. T. Bone. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 28. Mrs Rossc? p.* (Norfolk house) — l:pl. 48, fig. 14. Alexander Cooper p.* (coll, of Sir Flenry Howard) 27th earl of, Henry Frederick Howard, 1608-52. Tua.ne, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:31. Van Dyck p. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 28. Mrs Rosse? p.* (Norfolk house) countess of. Lady Elizabeth (Stuart) w. of 27th earl, d. 1674. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 28. Mrs Rosse? p.* (Norfolk house) For this title (after 1660) see Norfolk, dukes of; also Surrcj', earls of. Thomas, abp. of Canterbury, 1353-1414. Lam- beth palace illus. (1806) 40. eng. after p. (Lambeth palace) Sergeant, John Wyclif (1893) 222. p.* (Lambeth palace) ARXJNDELL, Lady. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 6. Hollar sc. eng. (of Wardour) 1st baron, Thomas ArundeU, 1^?-1639. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:30. Richard Cooper eng. after p. (miniature, 1584) Gorges soc. Pub. (1^7) 3:81. Van Dyck p. C. E. B. etch. (of Wardour) baroness. Lady Blanche (Somerset) w. of 2d baron, 1583-1649. Lodge, Por. (1835) 6: pi. 15. J. Cochran eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 24:345. S. Freeman sc.* after p. Nugent, Mem. J. Hampden (1874) 357. Phillibrown sc. Warburton, Mem. of prince Rupert (1849) 2:215. Freeman sc. after p. (of Wardour) baroness. Lady Mary Anne (Gren- ville) w. of 10th baron, d. 1845. La belle assembl^e (1812) n. s. 6:59. Robert Jones del. Robert Cooper eng. ABUNDELL (Monckton-Arundell) family name. See title Galway. ABUSMONT, Mme Frances (Wright) d', 1795- 1852. See Wright, Frances. ASAM, Cosmas Damian, artist, 1686-1742 Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. ASBBEE, H. S. Ztscu. f. bucherfreunde (1904) 8:187. del. 1890* (book plate) ASB JOBNSEN, Peter Christen, 1812-85. Han- sen, Nordiske digtere (1870) 464. W. Obermann eng. Illus. Lend, news (1885) 86:115. ASBUBY, Coke, m. e. bp. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:6.32. wdet. Francis, m. e. bp. 1745-1816. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 87. eng. from Strickland’s Life & times of Asburj’.* Harper’s mag. (1866) 33:210. eng. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:846. wdet. Meth. mag. (1809) 32:49. R. M. Meadows sc. Spr.\gue, Annals of Am. pulpit (1861) 7 : front. A. II. Ritchie sc. ASCH, Pieter Janszoon van, 1603- Descamps, La vie d. peintres flamands (1754) 2:76. C. Eisen del. M. Aubert sc. Weyerman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2: pi. L^. ASCHAM, Boger, 1515-68. xVrt j. (1867) 19:154. J. C. Horsley p. L. Stocks sc. (with Ijadj' Jane Grey) ASENSI, friend of Gova. Rothenstein, Gova (1900) pi. 8. Goya p.* (Palace of San Telmo, Seville) ASFELDT, marquis d’, Claude Francois Bidal, marshal, 1667-1743. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1464. Schopin p. L. H. Sisco eng. ASGHAB KHAN, grand vizier of Persia. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:370. ASGILL 62 ASGILL, Sit Charles, 1763-1823. Winsoe, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:745. eng. (from Andrews’ Ilist. of the war, Lond. 1785, v. 4) ASH, Mrs. St Memix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 319. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* Joseph Penrose, captain, d. 1864. Harper’s w. (1864 ) 8:201. A. R. Waud del. wdet. ASHALL. John. Meth. mag. (1800) 23:191. William Ridley sc. (age 32) ASHBOURNE, 1st baron, Edward Gibson, 1837- Illcs. Lond. news (1885) 86:651* —(1895) 107:52.* Notables of Brit. (18971 42.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 101. Walter Osborne p.* Vanity' fair album (1885) 17:pl. 466. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ASHBREDGE, J/rs Mary (Kenyon) ,\m. hist. Teg. (1896) 3 : 529. miniature.* Samuel H. of Philadelphia, 1849- McCll'Re’s mag. (1903) 21:621.* ASHBURNHAM, countess of, Lady Charlotte (Percy) w. of 3d earl, 1776-1862. La belle assem- bl^e (1809) 6:39. John Hoppner p. Robert Cooper eng. Hoppner, Bvgone beauties (1797) pi. 2. Hopp- ner p. 1794. C. iV ilkin eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1810) n. s. 9: 1. John, 1603-71. Adolphus, Brit. cab. (1799) 1 :pl. 21. E. Harding sc. after p. (coll, of earl Poulett) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:123. p.* Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 1. Daniel My tens p. William, d. 1679. Drummond, Noble Brit, fam- ilies (1846) 1 : pi. 3. Sir Peter Leh' p. ASHBURTON 1st baron, John Dunning, 1731- 83. Britton (J.) Fine arts of the Eng. school (Ixind. 1812) 1. Sir J. Reynolds p. William P£nd eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (190i) 1:285. Reynolds p. 1772.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. lieynolds (1899) 3:1040. Reynolds p.* (with sister, Mary Dunning) Reynolds, Engravings, l:pl. 88. Sir J. ^Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 85. Reynolds p.* 3d baron, Alexander Baring, 1774-1848. Cent. (1901) 40:729. Healy p. 1843.* Healy, Reminis. (1894)112. Healy p.*‘ 7tb baron, Francis Denzil Edward Baring, 1866- BouRKE,Hist.ofWhites(1892)2:232.* baroness, Hon. Mabel Edith (Hood), w. of 7th baron. See Hood. ASHBURY, James Lloyd, m. p. 1834- Baily’s mag. (1872) 22:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:536. wdet. after photo. Vanity fair album (1874) 6:pl. 189. Ape f. lith. (caricature) ASHBY, Turner, general, 1824-62. H.yrper’s mag. (1867) 34 : 189. eng. ASHBY-STERRY family name. See Sterry. ASHTON ASHCOMBE, 1st baron, George Cubitt, 1828- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:300.* ASHE, E. M. artist. Bookman (1900) 11:142. George Wright f.* (study) John Baptiste, m. c. 1748-1802. Am. hist. reg. (1895) 2:1213. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 125. miniature. Mrs John Baptiste. Bowen, Centen. Washing- ton inaug. (1892) 2.58. miniature. Thomas, poet 1836-89. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:47. Thomas Samuel, 1812-87. Green bag (1892) 4:577.* ASBUTSU, Zitsuzen, Buddhist priest. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 :789. wdet. ASHLEY, baroness. Lady Emily (Cowper), w. of 7th earl of Shaftesbury, d. 1872. See Shaftesbury, countess of. lion. Mrs. Keek.sake (1854) 27:97. R. Buckner p. B. Eyles eng. Mrs. Internat. studio (1901) 15:8. Filip E. lAszld p.* Anthony Evelyn Melbourne, m. p. 1836- Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 4^. Spy f. lith. (caricature) J ames, d. 1776. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819)3:25. G. Cmikshank sc. James Monroe, gov. of Montana, 1824-96. Barnes, Hist, of 39th Congress (1868) 567. eng. Hon. Mrs WiUiam. Heath’s book of beauty (1840)239. J. Bostockp. H. Robinson eng. ASHLEY-COOPER family name. See title Shaf- tesbury. ASHMALL, Tom. Baily’s mag. (1865) 8:t.-p. ASHMAN, William. Arminian mag. (1784) 7:341 (age 46) Meth. mag. (1800) 23:149. (age 60) ASHMEAD-BARTLETT, Ellis, 1848-1902. See Bartlett. ASHMOLE, Ehas, 1617-92. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. ht. (U)03) 3:88. bust.* Malcolm, Lives of topographers (1^4) pi. 1. eng. after p. AS HM ORE, John D. M. c. 1820-71. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:801. wdet. William, d. d. Harper’s w. (1900) 44 : 386. ASHMUN, George, m. c. 1804-70. Am. rev. (1852) 16:193. A. H. Ritchie eng. Cent. (1887) 12:6^.* New Eno. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:577. ASHTON, Charles. Baily’s mag. (1900) 74:406. James Martin, of Tacoma, 1859- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 13:187. eng. ASHTON 63 ASTLEY Sir Roger. Browx, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 :40. eng. 1800 after monument (St Dunstan’s church, Middlesex, Eng.) “Scamp.” Mag. of art (1900) 24:546. George E. Wade sc.* (as a boy, bust) Thomas, cotton spinner, 1818-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:141.* ASHWELL, Lena, actress. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1792. Charles A. Buchel del. 1903* (as Pia dei Tolomei) Pall Mall mag. (1901) 23:107. F. H. Townsend del.* (in Mrs Dane’s defence) Theatre (1896) ser. 4,27:90.* ASINARI, Alessandro, 1830-. See San Marzano, conte di. ASKEW, Anthony, m. d. 1722-74. Ames, Typog. antiq. (1810) 2:520. llodgetts eng. after p. (Em- manuel coll. Camb.) Dibdin, Typog. antiq. (1812) 2:521. Hodgettseng. after p. (Emmanuel coll.) ASKWITH, William Harrison, general, 1811-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:798.* ASLIN, Rev. John. Wesleyan meth. mag. (1839) 62 : 529. M. Claxton p. H. Cook eng. ASPASIA. .Abbott, Pericles (1891) 196. bust.* Brunn u. .Arndt, Griech. u. rom. portrats (1898) Ifg. 42: pi. 419, 420. bust* (Vatican) Plutarcu, Vies, Ricard (1838) 4, pt. 1:50. Gel6e eng. Perry del. after bust. ASPELT, Peter von, abp. of Mayence, d. 1320. See Peter von .Aspelt. ASPERNE, James, 1757- European mag. (1821) 79:3. Samuel Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. ASPINALL, James Perronet, 1844-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:905. ASPmWALL, Thomas, 1786-1876. Mass. hist, soc. Proc. (1891) ser. 2, 7 :32. William H. 1807-75. Harper’s mag. (1859) 18:147. eng. ASQUITH, Herbert Henry, m. p. 1852- Ce.nt. (1904) 46:13 * Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:113. Paul Renouard del.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:769. drawing* — (1892) 101:198.* McClltie’s mag. (1902) 18:223. Marchioness of Granby del.* Man- ners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 43. Marchioness of Granby del. 1892.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 36.* Outlook (1899) 61:526. Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:101. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1895) 11:552. Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 582. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Herbert Henry (Margaret Tennant) Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:225.* ASSALIT, Gilbert d’ (de Sailly) 12th cent. Vertot d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:60. Cars sc. ASSAROTTI, Ottavio Giovjinni Battista, 1758- 1828. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 5. Bonaldi sc. after drawing. ASSCHE, Henri van, 1774-1841. Hymans, Bru- xelles 1:291. ASSELIN, Mile, dancer, 18th cent. L’Art (1883) 35:199. Roquet des. after eng. (fiom Jullien’s Hist, du costume au th6&tre; with Gardel) ASSELYN, Jan, 1610-60. L’Art (1892) 53:64, Rembrandt, etch. 1647.* Dezallier u’Argenville. Vie d. plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:132. Aubert sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:405. Rembrandt etch.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 3:116. Rembrandt etch. 1647.* Micuel, Rembrandt (1894) 2:48. Rembrandt sc. 1648. Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1902) 6:306. Rembrandt etch.* ASSER, Tobias M. C. of Holland, 1839- R. OF rev. (1902) 26:420.* ASSI, Adolphe Alphonse, 1840-86. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:297. eng. after photo. ASSILVA, Carmen d’, pseud of Mile de Chammoy- nat, 1892- Bookman (1902) 16 : 3.* Critic (1902) 41 : 397.* ASSIS MASCARENHAS, Manoel, 1806- Sis- son, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:99. S. A. Sisson lith. Francisco de, 1779-1843. See Santo Joao de Palma, marquez de. ASSISI, Francesco d’, saint, 1182-1226. 5ec Fran- cesco d ’Assisi. ASSURBANIPAL, king of Assyria. See Sardan- apalus. ASSUR-NATSIR-HABAL, king of Assyria, fl. 930-904 B. C. Allg. weltgeschichte (1884) 1 :259. efBgy (Brit, mus.) — 1:263. relief* (Brit, mus.) IIiRTii, Derformenschatz(1903) pi. 121. statue* (Brit, mus.) ASTELEY, Mrs Ann, w. of Thomas, d. 1512. CoTMAN, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 : pi. 51. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (Blickling church, Norfolk) ASTLE, Thomas, 1735-1803. Eltiopea.n mag. (1802)42:243. ASTLEY, 1st baron, Sir Jacob Astley, 1579-1651. Cent. (1900) 37:573. print* (Brit, mus.) Claren- don, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 1, pt. 2:462. M. V. de Gucht sc. Morley, (Dliver Cromwell (1900) 180. print* (Brit, mus.) Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:25. Van Dj’ck f. eng. SirBemard, d. 1645. Clarendon, Hist. of rebel- lion (1731) 2, pt. 2:546. M. V. de Gucht sc. Rodd, Coll, of por. (1822) 2:pl. 1. Worlidge plate, eng. John, 1730-87. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Re 3 *nolds (1901) 4:1256. Reynolds p.* ASTLEY 64 ATKINS Sir John Dugdale, hart, 182S-94. Daily’s mag. (1872) 22 : front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Har- per’s w. (1879) 23:^5. wclct. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 10.5 : 462.* Vaxitt fair album (1877) 9 : pi. 262. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1894) 26: pi. 594. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ASTLEY family name. See also title Hastings. ASTON, 1st baron, Walter Aston, 1584-1639. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:50. from Lodge’s portraits.* Lodge, For. (1835) 5: pi. 11. W. T. Mote eng. Sir Roger. See Ashton. ASTOR, John Jacob, 1st, 1763-1848. Bancroft, Chron. (1891) 1: front, eng. Bolton, Fam. givers (1896)278. Cent. (1904) 45:811. Pierre Morand del. 1842.* Dltckinck, Nat. por. gall. (1862) 2:30. Alonzo Chappel p. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 6:124. eng. after bust. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77 : 941 Harper’s w. (1895) 39:273. wdct. Lossino, Hist. ofN. Y. city (1884) 1:30. G. E. Ferine eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:15. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:150. bust (^Istor lib.) N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 31. Ferine eng. Fall ^Lvll mag. (1899) 18:145. Gilbert Stuart p.* John Jacob, 3d, 1822-90. Bancroft, Chron. (1891) 1 : 55. IL B. Hall eng. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:929. Madrazo p.* Harper’s w. (1890) 34:172. wdct. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1891) 22:115. Mandrazo p. Willaims eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 34. Williams eng. Mrs John Jacob, 3d (Charlotte Augusta Gibbs) 1822-90. H.arper’s w. (1887) 31 :937. wdct. John Jacob, Mb, 1864- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:788* —(1901)45:792. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:308. Wilhams eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 42. Williams eng. World’s work (1902) 5:2753.* Pauline, aftrv. Mrs Spender-Clay. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:934. Lady Granby del'.* (young girl) Planners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 49. Mar- chioness of Granby del. 1895.* William, 1830-92. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:436. wdct. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:306. Wilhams eng. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 40. Williams eng. Wilham Backhouse, 1792-1875. B.ancroft, Chron. (1891) 1:51. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Har- per’s w. (1868) 12:292. wdct. —(1875) 19:1028. wdct. — (1895) 39: 274. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:21. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:151. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 38. Williams eng. WiUiam Waldorf, 1848- B.ancroft, Chron. (1891) 1:57. eng. Critic (1893) 22:294 —(1898) 33:2Sfi. ILarper’sw. (1882) 26:516. wdct. — (1890) 34:188. wdct. — (1899) 43:810. Lucius Hitchcock del. after photo.* ASTRXJC, Jean, 1684-1768. For. d. honunes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 64. C. Monnet inv. Louis Halbon sc. 1771. Restolt, Gal. franc. (1"71) Lpl- 1^- C. Monnet inv. Louis Halbon sc. 1771. ASTRUP, Eivind, 1871-95. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:166.* ATAH U ALPA, last Inca of Peru, d. 1.533. The- VET, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 2:641. eng. WiNSOR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:515. eng. from Herrera, 1728, 3:5. — 2 : pi. 516. eng. from Thevet’s Portraitures appended to North’s Plutarch, Camb. Eng. 1676, p. 66. ATCHISON, David R. 1807-86. Cent. (1887) 11:697. daguerr.* Nicolay & Ilaj', Lincoln (1890) 1 : 400. daguerr.* ATHALARIC, king of the Visigoths, d. 534. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:353. coin.* ATHANASIUS, saint, bp. of Ale.xandria, 296-373. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 : 13. eng. ATHERTON, Alice, 1854-99. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1 : 22.* Tiie.atre (1886) ser. 4, 7:233. Charles Gordon, u. s. senator, 1804-53. Dem- ocR.ATic rev. (1848) 23:479. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Mrs Gertrude Franklin (Horn) Acad. (1898) 55 : 432.* Aaierica’s grtst men & women (1894) 72. Book buver (1897) 14:564.* —(1902) 24:184.* Bookman (1897) 5:194* —(1898) 7:198* —(1901) 12:542* —(1904) 19:230.* Critic (1901) 38:5. Mrs R. P. Lounsberv p.* — (1904)44:394.* Har- per’s w. (1902) 46:^. —(1904) 48:. 593.* Rev. William, 1775-1850. Metii. mag. (182.5) 48:145. J. Renton p. W.T. Frysc. ATHOLE, 1st marquis of, J ohn Murray, 163.5-1703. Por. illus. \Yaverley novels, pi. 13. Lely p. R. Cooper eng. 4th duke of, John Murray, 1755-1830. Gift (1836)1:240. Edwin Landseer p. W. E. Tucker eng. 6th duke of, George Murray, 1814-60. Gift (1836) 1:240. Edwin Landseer p. W. E. Tucker eng. 7th duke of, John James Hugh Henry Stewart- Murray, 1840- Vanity fair album (1879) 11 :pl. 316 Spy f. lith. (caricature) ATHOWE, John, d. 1.531. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 101. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. (Brisley church, Norfolk) ATKINS, Miss. Connoisseur (1904) 9:87. John Voyez p.* Dudley, 1731-67. Esse.\ antiq. (1900) 4:65. eng. Mrs Dudley (Sarah Kent) d. 1810. Essex antiq. (1900) 4:76. eng. Master Fond. Connoisselr (1904) 9:87. John Voyez f.* John, lord mayor of London, 19th cent. Euro- pean mag. (1819) 75:99. Samuel Drununond p. J. Thomson eng. John D. C. 1825- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:220. wdct. ATKINS 65 AUBEKT Joseph, R. N. 1680-1773. Essex antiq. (1900) 4:75. eng. after p. 1753. Mrs Joseph (Mary Dudley Wainwright) d. 1774. Essex antiq. (1900) 4:76. eng. after p. 1753. William. Caulfield, For. mem. & char. (1819) 1:3. eng. ATKINSON, Charles M. of Canton, Miss. Presb. hist, almanac ^861) 3:36. Edward, economist, 1827-1905. Pop. sci. m. (1888) 34:1. Fred Washington, 1865- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:466. George Wesley, gov. of W. Va. 1846- H.arper’s w. (1896) 40:pl. 1117. wdct. Outlook (1897) 55:40. Sir Henry Albert, 1831-92. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 99. James, 1780-1852. Cust, Nat. pior. gall. (1902) 2:241. James Atkinson p.* John, 1845- Illus. Lend, news (1889) 95:783. Paul, Franciscan friar, d. 1729. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:3. R. Graves sc. Thomas, bp. of N. C. 1807-81. Perry, Episco- pate in Am. (1^5) 124. William Yates, of Ga. 1855-99. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:970. wdct. ATKYNS, Sir Robert, 1646-1711. Malcolm, Lives of tojxigraphers (1824) pi. 2. eng. ATLAY, James, bp. of Hereford, 1817-94. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:19.* Men of mark (1878) 3:31. photo. John. Arminian mag. (1778) 1 : 577. (age 41) ATLEE, Washington Lemuel, surgeon, 1808-78. Drysdale, Helps for ambitious boys (1899) 116. AT MAR AMJI muni, priest of India. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:789. wdct. ATMORE, Rev. Charles, 1759-1826. Arminian mag. (1794) 17:337. W. Ridley eng. (age 33) Meth. mag. (1821) 44: front. ATRI, dukes of. See Acquaviva. ATTELATH, Robert, d. 1376. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) l:pl. 7. J. S. Cotman sc. (St. Margaret’s church, Lynn, Norfolk) ATTENDOLO, Giacomo, 1369-1424. See Sforza, Giacomuzzo. ATTERBOM, Per Daniel Amadeus, 1790-1855. Hansen, Nordiske digtere (1870) 24. H. P. Hansen eng. ATTERBURY, Francis, bp. of Rochester, 1662- 1732. Biog. mag. 1. (1794) Birrell f. after drawing. Burnet, Hist, of own times (1838) 2:902. Kneller p. H. T. Ryall eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 5 3:183. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1793) 11:401. Kneller p. Lodge, Por. (1835) 10:pl. 12. Kneller p. H. T. Ryall eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:63. KneUer p. Simon eng. N ichols. Select coll. (1782) 5: front. T. Cook del. & sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1068, pi. 78. Knel- ler p. 1718. I. Simon f. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 86. p.* Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 : pi. 7. Kneller p. G. Vertue sc. 1735. Louis. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 534. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* ATTFIELD, John, chemist, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:76.* ATTWOOD, Thomas, 1783-1856. Gammaoe Hist, of Chartist movement (1894) 138. eng.* ATWATER, Isaac, 1818- Green bag (1892) 4:163. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 8:254. eng. Lyman Hotchkiss, 1813-83. Princeton book (1879) 140. ATWILL, Edward Robert, bp. of W. Missouri, 1840- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 324. ATWOOD, Charles B. architect, 1849-95. Har- per’s mag. (1892) 85:875. David, 1815-89. MAO.ofWest.hist.(1887)5:549. eng. ATZERODT, George A. 1835-65. Cent. (1896) 29:895.* Harper’s w. (1865) 9:409, 457. wdct. AUB^, MUe H. L’Art (1888) 44:240. ^Vrmand Berton p. & del. A. Barret sc. (pastel) Jean Paul, 1837- L’Art (1903) 62 : 226. P. Aub6 del.* AUBER, Daniel Fran 9 ois Esprit, 1782-1871. L’Art (1881) 26:59. Eugene Delaplanche sc. David Riquier des. (statue) — (1902) 61:689. Delaplanche sc. 1881 (statue) Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 26. Alex. Griba^6doff del.* Bellaigue, Por. & silhou- ettes of musicians (1897) 28. Champlin, C^'clop. of music (1888) 1:40. Delaroche p. Hedouin eng. S. Hollyeretch. Clement, Musiciensc^lfebres (1873) 330. C. Deblois eng. 1867. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 23:233. Delaplanche sc. wdct. (statue) Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presso (1839) 1 : pi. 34. Julien f. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:52.5. wdct. Lcslettres et les arts (1888) 2:280. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 41. C. Deblois eng.* — 2 : 655. carica- ture* — 2:656. Danton sc.* — ^2:664. David sc.* (medallion) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5 : pi. 93. E. DesmaLsons lith. Werckjieister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 168. Desmaisons lith. 1865.* ALBERT, Alexander, astronomer, 1730-1805 European mag. (1798) 34:291. Drummond p. Chap- man eng. Edme, cur6 de Couvignon, 1738- Biog. mod. (1807) 1:90. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. Etienne, d. 1362. See Innocent VI, pope. 24288-06- AUBERT 66 AUDREY Jean Louis, abb4, 1731-1814. Gonse, La sculpt , franf. (1895) 245. Houdonsc.* (bust) Les lettres ct les arts (1886) 3:332. Houdon sc. (bust) Louis Martin d’, 1739- Bioo. mod. (1807) 1:90. Labadye del. Le Tellicr sc. AUBERT DE TOURNY, Louis Francois, 1690- Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:111. E. Conguy sc. AXJBERT-DUBAYET, Jean Baptiste Annibal, 1759-97. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:278. J. Boilly sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1619. P. J. B. Guerin p. Legris eng. AUBERTUN, j. j. Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 22. W. W. Ouless p.* AUBESPINE, Madeleine d’, w. of Nicolas de Neufville, seigneur de Villeroi, d. 1596. See Villeroi. AUBESPINE, L’, family name. See L’Aubespine. AUBE TERRE , vicomle d’, Fran 9 ois d’ Esparbbs de Lussan, marshal, d. 1628. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8 : pi. 1380. Mile Gerard p. Ed- ward Lerouge eng. marquis d’, Joseph Henri Bouchard d’ Espar- bfes, 1714-88. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 4: pi. .54. Jouy p. Sisco eng. AUBIGNi, Fran 9 oise d’, 1635-1719. See Main- tenon, marquise de. Fran 9 oise d’, niece of Mme de Maintenon, d. 1739. See Noailles, duchesse de. Jean Henri Merle d’. See Merle d’Aubignd. Lloyd d’, singer. Bookman (1900) 12 :143. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:891. AUBIGNY, seigneur d\ Bernard Stuart, 1447?- 1508. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:17. Jacques Le Boucq? del.* seigneur d’, Robert Stuart, comte de Beaumont- le-Roger, 14701-1543. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 4; pi. 20. Blondel p. (copy) Girardet des. Legris eng. (chfiteau de Beauregard) Mme d\ Anne Stuart. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 177. comtesse d’, Lady Catherine (Howard) w. of Lord George Stuart, d. 1650. Hirtii, Les grands illustra- teurs, 4:1194. Van Dyck p. Arnold de Jodo eng. WiLLiA.MSON, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 21, fig. 4. John Hoskins p.* (Ham house) AUBLET, Albert, 1855- Paris salon (1891) 77. AUBREY, John, 1626-97. Malcolm, Lives of topographers (1824) pi. 3. T. Cook sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:28. eng. (Oxford) Sir John, d. 1826. Reynolds, Engravings, 2 : pi. 91. S. W. Reynolds p. 1787. John Jones eng. 1788. AUBRY, cur6 de Veel, 1736- Bickl mod. (1807) 1 : 93. Gros del. Corbe sc. AUBRY DU BOUCHET, P. F. 1740-90? Bioo. mod. (1807) 1:94. Perrin del. Courlie sc. AUBRY-LECOMTE, Mme. Internat. studio (1902) 16:159. Lucien Simon p.* AUBUSSON, Georges d’, bp. of Metz, 1612-97. L’Art (1875) 2:415. C4sar Bagard sc. F. M^aullc eng. (statuette) Pierre d’, grand master of order of Saint John of Jerusalem, 1423-1503. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 8: pi. 1579. Ducasse eng. after copy by L. F. Amici (chfiteau de Beauregard) Vertot d’Actbieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) !:.%!. Cars sc. AUBUSSON, family name and title. See also title La Feuillade. AUCHAlRD, Mme, nurse of king of Rome, 1787- Grand-Carteret, XIXe sifecle (1W3) 244. contemp. eng.* AUCHINLECK, William Lo wry , brig.-gen. 1841- 91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:367.* AUCHMUTY, Samuel, d. d. 1725-77. Di.x, Hist, of Trinity church, N. Y. (1898) 1:308. Tri.vity church N Y. Bicent. -celeb. (1897) pi. 4. Sir Samuel, lieut. gen. 1756-1822. Holt, Life of George HI (1820) 1:400. Portfolio (1812) n. s. 7:503. eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8 : 362. Abbot p. A. Cardon sc. (from Notes on viceroyalt}- of La Plata, Lond. 1808) AUCKLAND, 1st haron, WLUiamEden, 1744-1814. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:120. Sir T. Law- rence p. DickiiLson eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 6. II. Edridge p. C. Picait eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:61. Eldridgc p. 1809.* European mag. (1786) 9:307. T. Holloway eng. So. Kensington, Nat. liist. por. 5: pi. 96. Lawrence p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7 : 52. eng. from European mag. May 1786. 3d baron, Robert John Eden, bp. of Bath & Wells, 1799-1870. Illus. Lond. news (1870) .56:489. wdct. after photo. AUDLEY, baroness, Elizabeth (Tuke) w. of 9th baron, d. 1559? L’.Art (1884) 37:142. Holbein del.* Art j. (1896)48: 101. Holbein del. (Windsor) — (1902) 54:174. Holbein del.* (Windsor) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 12. Holbein p.* (miniature) Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 13. Holbein del. F. Bartolozzi .sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. per- sonages (1828) pi. 15. Hollx’in del. T. Cheesman sc. Holbein, Wind.sor coll, of por. (1877) 2:64. Holbein del.* WiLi.iAM.soN, Hist, of |X)r. miniatures (1904) 1 .pi. 2, fig. 3. H. Holbein p.* (Windsor) William- son, Por. miniatures (1897) 20. Holbein p.* baroness, Anne J ane (Donelly) w. of 20th baron, d. 1855. Burke, Por. gall, of dLsting. females (18.33) 2.41. Stump p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) (of Walden) lstbaron,Sir Thomas Audley, 1488- 1.544. Bioo.mirrour(1798)2:pl.50. Holliein p. P. W. Tomkins sc. Lives of illus. persons (1820) J. W. Cook sc. AUDRAN 67 AUGUST AUDRAN, Benoist, 1661-1721. Dreux du Ra- DiER, L’Europo illus. (1777) v. 6. Vivien p. B. Au- dran sc. Edmond, composer, 1842-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:262.* Gdrard, 1610-1703. L’Art (1892) 52:180. A. CoTOevox sc. N. Dupuis sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europo illus. (1777) v. 6. A. Coyzevox f. N. Du- puis eng. Gal. fran^. (1822) 2:525. Coyzevox sc. Ilcsse del. (bust) AUDRY DE PUYRA VAULT, Pierre Fran 9 ois, 1783-1852. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6:pl. 3. Mondain sc. AUDUBON, f. of John J. d. 1813. Scribner’s mag. (1893) 13:271. p.* John James, 1780-1851. Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) 167. Book buyer (1897) 15:257. Cruikshank p. C. Tumcreng. — (1898)16:118. Henry Inman p.* — 16: 120. Cruikshank p.* (miniature) — 16; 121. J.W. Audubon p. 1641.* Critic (1893) 22:114. Audubon p. 1841* — (1903)43:42. eng.* Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 678. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall. (1862) 2:47. Chappel p. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:196. eng. —(1854) 6:273. Grls- WOLD, Prose writers of Am. (1853) 187. F. Cruikshank f. J. D. Gross eng. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:665. Healy, Reminis. (1894) 204. G. P. A. Healy p.* Le.ster, Gall, of illus. Am. (18.50) pi. 7. F. D’Avignon lith. after daguerr. Mao. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:305. Inman p.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 205. F. Cruikshank p. C. Turner eng. (miniature) Pop. sci. m. (1887) 31:.577. Scribner’s mag. (1893) 13:269- 275. various por. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:53. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 1.52. Healy p. eng. John Woodhouse, s. of John J. 1812-62. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1893) 13:274. J. J. Audubon p. 1823. (age 11) Victor Gifford, s. of John J. 1809-60. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1893) 13:274. J. J. Audubon p.* (ago 13) AUER, Ignaz, 1846- Harper’s mag. (188.5) 71:347. John Gottheb, bp. of Cape Palmas, 18.32-74. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (189.5) 214. Leopold, violinist, 1845- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:829. AUERBACH, Berthold, 1812-82. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 297. Fr. Pecht p. 1844. eng.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildni.s.sen (1900) 4:364.* AUERSPERG, 9’^^f von, Anton Alexander ^eud. Anastasius Grun) 1806-76. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 282. Kriehuber del. & lith. 1842.* AUERSTADT, due d’, Louis Nicolas Davout, 1770-1823. See Davout. AUFRERE, Sophia, d. 1786. See Pelham, Mrs. AUG£, Mile, actress. L’Art (1881) 24:21. Th. Thomas des. Guillaume sc. (as Nadia) AUGER, Athanase, abb^, 1734-92. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:300. F. Bonneville p. .1. Boill}' sc. AUGEREAU, Pierre Fran 9 ois Charles, due do Castiglionc, 17.57-1816. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:303. Deseve sc. Gavard, Gal. d. mardchaux de France (1839) pi. 7. Robert Lef^vro p. Pigeot jr. eng. Iconoo. d. contemp. (1832) l:pl. 6. Maurindel.? Delpcchlith. Ia-s lettres ot les arts (1889) 3:78. Hilaire Ic Dm des. P. M. Alix eng. McClure’s mag. (1894) 4:20. Lo Dm f. after LeRvre. Revolution fran?. (1801) 2:pl. 21. Levachez sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:92. Roliert Leffevre p. T. Johnson sc. Tableaux hist, de la r viLLE, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franp. (1899) 8:116.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 308. Eduard Dubufe p.* Etienne, J73.5- Bioo. mod. (1807) 1:107. Per- rin del. Ijo, Tcllier sc. AUGSPURG, Frdulein Anita, lawyer. Illus. Ixmd. news (1897) 111:697. AUGUR, Christopher Colon, maj.-gen. 1821-98. Moore, Kcbellion record (1865) 8:18. A. H. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1863) 1:23. wdet. AUGUST, kings and princes. POLAND August II, king, 1670-1733. Ai.lo. wcltge- .schichte (1887) 8;.543. Martin Bemigeroth eng.* L’Art (1875) 1:20.5. Edmond Yon eng. after equest. statue 18th cent. Bain, Charles XII (189.5) 84. eng. after print.* Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:272. Louis de Silvestre p. Willielm Devrient sc.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Silvestre p. C. Roy sc. ErdmannsixIrffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:249. Martin Bemigeroth sc.* Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek (188.5) pi. 34. Silves- ter p. C. A. Wortmann sc. 1723. Hender.son, Side lights Eng. hLst. (1900) 217. R. White eng. 1697.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:34. Da- vid Hoyer f. E. Ch. Heiss eng.* Morfill, Story of Poland (189.3) 194. eng.* ^ribner’s m. (1881) 21:710. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 40. Sylv&stre p. Wortmann sc. Williamson, Por. mini- atures (1897) 162d. Dinglinger p.* Aueust III, king, 1696-1763. Allo. welt- ^eschichte (1889) 9:2.%. Louis de Silvestre p. L. Zucchi eng.* ErdmannsixIrffer, Deutsche gesch. AUGUST 68 AUGUSTULUS POLAND — continued. (1893) 2:93. jVnton Schoonjans p. J. J. Thoumeyser sc. — 2:449. Silvestre p. C. A. Wortmann sc. 1723. Morfill, Story of Poland (1893) 210. coin.* Oncken Zcitalter Fricdriclis der Grossen (1881) 1:425. Sil- vcstre p. Zucchi eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 65. Silvestre p. G. F. Schmidt sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2635. Silvestre p. F. Delannoy eng. Zrscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:87. A. R. Mengs p.* (pastel) PRUSSIA August Ferdinand, prince, 1730-1813. Ber- ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:394. Joachim Martin Falbo del. Johann Elsaias Nilson eng.* August Wilhelm, prince, 1752-1838. Bernbui, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:395. Johann Esaias Nilson eng.* August, prince, 1779-1843. Alm. de Gotha (1839) pi. 5. Fr. Kruger p. eng. August Wilhelm, prince, 1887- Tullberg, Fiirstenlmuser Europ. por. (1899) 2:541. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. WURTEMBERG August, prince, 1813-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12 : 396.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. ( 1895) 9:94. A. von Werner del. 18S2.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:129.* AUGUSTA, empresses, queens, archduchesses, and princesses. AUSTRIA Augusta (of Bavaria) archduchess, w. of Joseph August, 1875- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:51. Agi Lindemen del. after photo. — (1899) 2:484. Ldndegren del. after photo. GERMANY Augusta (of Saxe-Weimar) empress, w. of Wil- helm I, 1811-90. Alm. de Gotha (1862) front. Carl Mayer sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:629. Franz Kruger p.* — 2:727.* Crowned heads of the time (1880) 7. photo. Eclectic mag. (1862) 55:430. Geo. E. Ferine eng. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:537. wdet. —(1888) 32:184. wdet. — (1890) 34:52. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:65.* Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1900) n. s. 12:11. C. Moest f.* (statue, Koblenz) Augusta Viktoria (of Schleswig-Holstein) em- press, w. of Wilhelm II, 1858- Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:533* (with husband) Alm. de Gotha (1881) front. A. Weger sc. — (1^9) front. A. & Th. Weger sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:748. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:184, 238, 448. wdet. — (1892) 36:956. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78 : 173.* — 78 : Mar. 5 sup. Von Angeli p.* —(1888) 92:692 —(1903) 123:943. E. Cucuel del.* (with Wilhelm H) Internat. studio (1901) 15:2. Felip E. Ldszld p.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 20:75. Begas f.* (bu.st) —(1900) 48:95. Kaulbach p. (with Princess Victoria Luise) Rob- erts, Two royal lives (1888) 165, Tullberg, Ftirs- GERMANY — continued tenhauser Europ. j>or. (1898) 1:303. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:. 539. Lindegren del. after photo. GREAT BRITAIN Augusta (of Sa.xe-Gotha) princess of Wales, m. of George HI, 1719-72. See Wales. Augusta, princess, sister of George HI, 1737-1813. See Braunschweig-Ltineburg, lierzogin von. Augusta Sophia, princess, dau. of George HI, 1768-1840. Art j. (1992) 54 :166. Gainsborough p.* (with sisters Charlotte and Elizabeth) Bell, Gains- borough (1897) 92. Gainsborough p.* (3 daughters of George HI, Royal coll.) La belle assembR'e (1806) 1, pt. 1:229. Sir William Beechey p. Scriven eng. — (1808) 4:51. Beechej' p. Robert Cooper eng. — George HI (1824) 1:347. eng. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:517. Hikth, Der formenschatz (1899) pi. 118. Gainsborough p.* (Windsor) Lady’s mag. (1793) 24:619. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1806) n. s. 1:1. W. M. Craig p. after drawing. K. Mackenzie sc. Lond. mag. (1783) 52:61. eng. Robertson, Letters & papers (1897) 128. Andrew Robertson p.* Smith, Bnt. mezzo. f>or. (1884) 6:240, pi. 23. Gainsborough p. Gainsborough Dupont sc. 1793 (3 daughters of George HI) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 25. Danois eng. Ward, Eng. art (1887) 1:1^. Gainsborough p.* Augusta Caroline, princess, dau. of duke of Cambridge 1822- See Mecklenburg-Strelitz, gross- herzogin von. ITALY Augusta Amelia (of Bavaria) vice queen of Italy, w. of Eugene Beauhamais, 1788-1851. La belle assembl^e (1810) n. s. 2:171. Cent. (1895) 29:214. Francois Gerard p. Eric Pape del.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:5. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:261. Gerard p. Pape del.* AUGUSTA, Johann, 1500-75. Maurice, Stoiy of Bohemia (1896) 381. AUGUSTIN, Antonio, abp. of Tarragona, 1517-86. Buliart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 Elsme de Boulonois f. AUGUSTIN Y DAVILA, Basilio, gov .-gen. of Philippines. Harpeui’s w. (1898) 42:586. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1899) 12 :.373*— 13:178. AUGUSTINE, saint, 354-430. L’^Vrt (1879) 19:237. Charles Goutzwiller des. after polychrome sculpture — (1880) 21:74. J. B. Carpeaux sc. Ch. Desavary des. (statue) — (1881) 27:202. Benozzo Gozzoli f. G. Bichard des. (fresco) — (1882) 30:27 Pinturicchio f. Mile V. M. Herwegen des. (fresco) Catii. world (1895) 61:721. Bernard van Orlay f. (with St. .\mbrose) Knackfuss, Kflnstler-monog. (1897) 24:37. Botticelli p.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 : 103. eng. AUGUSTULUS, Romulus, Roman emperor. Au.g. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:214. coin from Imhoof- Blumer’s Portratkopfe auf rom. miinzen.* Hertz- berg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 880. coin from Imhoof-Blumer. AUGUSTUS 69 AURELIUS AUGUSTUS CAESAR (Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus), Roman emperor, 63 B. C.-14 A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:348. bust* (Vatican) — 3:386. statue* (Vatican) — 3:389, 395, 427. coins (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) L’Akt (1882) 29:169. bust. Art j. (1903) 55:122. head* (Brit, mus.) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1886) 2, pt. l:pl. 1-4 — 2, pt. 1:25, 29-30, 35, 40, 42. Brit. mus. prints (1889) n. s. pt. 2: pi. 7. Master of the Sibyl eng.* (with the Tibur- tine sibyl) Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1894) Ifg. 25:pl. 241-50. Cent. (1892) 21:882. (statue,* Vatican) Davidson, Cicero (1894) 394. bust* (Vatican) Firth, Augustus Caesar (1903) front, statue* (Vatican) — p. 12. bust* (Vatican) — p. 362. cameo* (Brit, mus.) Fowler, Julius Caesar (1892) 268. bust* (Vatican) Gal. hist, universelle (1786) II. Goltzius eng. after medal. Gall, nazion- ali ital. (1899) 232, pi. 17. medal, 15th cent.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 21:105, 113. cameos.* Hamilton palace coll. Ulus, price cat. (1882) 33. eng. after bust. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:501. F. Bar- bedienne* (statue) Harper’s w. (1873) 17:885. wdct. of head. Hertzbero, Gesch. des. rom. kaiser- reiches (1880) 8. statue* (Vatican) Hertzbero, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 2:637. bust* (as a boy, Vatican) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1891) pi. 145. statue* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 6. Geoi^e Cooke sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3: pi. 5. Hans Kels* (medal- lion) —(1897) 18:72, fig. 6. medal* —18:80, fig. 12. medal. Mag. of art (1903) 27 :358. bust* (Brit, mus.) Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1789) 36. Ph. Triere eng. after statue. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 12, pt. 2:340. Perry del. after bust. Gel^e eng. — 14, pt. 1 :300. Perry del. after medallion. G. eng. Portfolio (1900) no. 41:front. pi. 11. cameos* (Brit, mus.) Robillard, Mus6e fran<:ais. (1809) 4: pi. 37. Granger del. after statue. Avril fils sc. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 78. S. Harding del. after coin. E. Harding, jr. sc. (Hunter’s mus.) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:200. vignette. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:176. A. R. Mengs p.* (with Cleopatra) AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, prince of Gt. Brit. s. of George HI, 1773-1843. See Sussex, duke of. AULNOY, comtesse d’, Marie Catherine Jumel de Bemeville, d. 1705. Critic (1899) 35:794. eng.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Eliza- beth Cheron p. Basan sc. AULT, William, missionary. Meth. mag. (1817) 40:561. Jackson f. IIoll eng. (age 27) AULTMAN, Dwight Edward, u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:489. wdct. AUMALE, due d’, Fran 9 ois de Lorraine, 1519-63. See Guise, due de. due d’, Henri d’Orldans, s. of Louis Philippe, king of France, 1822-97. Alm. de Gotha (1846) pi. 3. Winterhalter p. Carl Mayer sc. L’jVrt (1886) 41 : 233. Maurice Devilledel.eng. —(1889) 47 : 207. J. C. Chap- lain f.* (medal) Baily’s mag. (1870) 19:225. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Cent. G884) 5:393.* H. Velten sc. from photo, by Franck. Cesena, Bourbons de France (1886) 512. 19ieme si^cle (1901) 78. p.* (gall, de Chantilly) — p.411.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 2.* Gruyer, Peinture au chateau de Chantilly (1898) 2:478. Bonnat p.* Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:342. eng. Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 481. Bonnat p.* Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:332. R. Ta}dor eng. after wdct. —(1883) 82:137* —(1886) 89:471 — (1897) 110:665. Benjamin Constant p.* Internat. studio (1903) 20:180. G. F. Watts p.* (Holland house) Les lettres et les arts (1886) 4:300. photo. Le LivRE, bibliog. retrospective (1888) 9:280. Le Nain etch.* Mag. of art (1898) 22:157. Chaplain f.* (medal) Paris salon (1897) 6. Benjamin Constant p.* Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 9. Nemo f. lith. (caricature) — (1891) 23:pl. 14. Guth f. lith. (caricature) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6 : pi. 33. Winterhalter p. Rebel eng. duchesse d’, Caroline de Bourbon, princess of Two Sicilies, w. of Henri d’Orieans, 18^-69. Alm. de Gotha (1846) pi. 4. Meunst del. Carl Mayer sc. 19ieme siede (1901) 88. p.* (Gal. de Chantilly) — p. 89. Winterhalter p.* AUMONIER, James, painter. Internat. studio (1900) 11:141.* AUMONT, haronne d’, fl. 1502. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^l^bres (1858) 2:6. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. sire d', Jean VI, marshal, 1522-95. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 68. Porbus p.* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 27. Bilfeldt p. after por. eng. (ch&teau de Beauregard) due d’, Antoine, 1601-69. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 37. Mauzaisse p. Barrard eng. duchesse d’, Madeleine Farre (Le TeUier) 1646-68. IcONOG. de Mine, de SiSvigniS, pi. 8. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 76. Ber- tonnier eng. after contemp. p. duchesse d’, Fran 9 oise Angelique (de la Mothe- Houdancourt) w. of Louis Marie Victor, 1650-1711. Gruyer, Peinture au chftteau de Chantilly (1896) 1 :pl. 32. Juste d’ Egmont p.* AUiJON, Sefior, Span, minister of marine. Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:586. AUHANGZEB, emperor of Hindustan, 1619-1707. Penny mag. (1839) 8:364. eng. after miniature. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 8:303. J. L. G. Ferris f.* AUB.ELIANUS, Lucius Domitius, Roman em- peror, 212?-75. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:623. coin from Imhoof-Blumcr’s Portratkopfe auf. rom. miinzen.* Hertzbero, Gesch. d. rom. kai-serreiches (1880) 596. coin from Imhoof-Blumer. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:95. vignette. AUBELIUS ANTONINUS, Marcus, Roman em- peror, 121-80. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:590. bust* (Capitol.) — 3:594 equestr. statue* (Capitol, Rome) L’Art (1885) 39:218. Mino da Fiesole sc. Sgap sc. (bas-relief) — (1902) 61 : 139. Marc Antoine Raimondi eng. after equestr. statue (Capitol. Rome) Bernouilli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2: pi. 49-51 AURELIUS 70 AVALOS — 2, pt. 2: 165. Bkit. mus. prints (1892) n.s. pt. 4:pl. 14. Nicolas Beatrizet eng. after equestr. statue (Rome) Bkunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1891) Ifg. l:pl. 10. bust* (as a youth, Munich) — (1894) Ifg. 23; pis. 221-22. equestr. statue* (Rome) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (18^) 5, sec. 2:474. statue* (Piazza del Campidogho) Gall. naz. ital. (1898) 4:224, pi. 20. medal, 16th cent.* Harper’s mag. (1^2) 44:6. eng. after equestr. statue (Rome) Hertzberg, Gesch. d. rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 467. bust* (Capitol. Rome) — p. 471, equestr. statue* (Capitol. Rome) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1889) pi. 97. equestr. statue* (Cap- itol, Rome) Hist. gal. of por. (1809) 5: pi. 2. George Cooke sc. JuKB. d. Kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1883) 1 : pi. 7, fig. 32-34, 36, 38-39. medals.* Spof- FORD, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 2:256. vignette. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1895) n. s. 6:297 equestr. statue* (Capitol, Rome) AURELIUS VERUS, Lucius (Ceionius Corn- modus) Emperor. 130-169 A. D. Bernoulu, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2: pi. 56. bust* (Louvre) — 2, pt. 2: pi. 57. bust* (Vatican) —2, pt. 2: pi. 58. bust* (Munich) AURELLE DE PALADINES, Louis Jean Baptiste d’, 1804-77. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:441.* AURETTI, MUe, dancer. Hirtu, Les grands illus- trateurs, 6:2017. Nicolas Lancret f. eng. AUS DER OHE, Adele, pianist. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 649. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Cent. (1888)13:730. Heniy Sandham f .* —(1898)33:772.* Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1141. AUSONIUS, Decimus Magnus, poet, 3101-94? Tuevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:488. eng. AUSTEN, Henry Edmond. Williamson,' John Russell (1894) 53. John Russell p. 1789 (age 4, pastel) Jane, 1775-1817. Acad. (1898) 55:70. J. Zoffany p.* (age 16) Book buyer (1897) 14:575, 577. Book- man (1902) 15:49. Critic (1893) 23:107 —(1900) 37:515. J. Linnell p.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:409. eng. after p. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:91 (as a girl) Hamilton, Women writers (1892) 1 : 193. Harper’s mag. (1870) 41:225 eng. Hubbard, Little jour. fam. women (1897) 324. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:613. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:594, 597. Sir William Chandler Roberts-, 1843- Illus. Ijond. news (1899) 114:4.* AUSTEN-LEIGH family name. See Leigh. AUSTENACO, Cherokee warrior. See Outacite. AUSTIN, Alfred, 1835- Book buyer (1896) 13:61* — (1897) 14:581. Spv- f. lith. (caricature) Bys, Diary, ed. Braybrooke (1875) 11:49. BACON, Sir Adam, d. 1320? Cotmax, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 3. eng. after drawing (Oulton church, Suffolk) Ann, dau. of John Bacon, sculptor, 1768-1809. Gibbon, Mem. (1835) 553. Williamson, John Rus- sell (18W) 37. John Russell p. 1785* (miniature) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 138. John Rus- sell p. 1785. eng. Augustus Octavius, o. s. senator, 1839- Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 523. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1088. wdct. R. of rev. (1904) 29:144. Lady Charlotte (Harley) 1801-80. Byron, Works, poetry, ed. Coleridge (18TO) 2:front. R. West- all del. W. Finden eng.* (as lanthc) Illcs. Lond. news (1880) 76:292. Westall p. 1817.* David, 1771-1817. Congreo. quar. (1876) 18:front. H. W. Smith eng. New Eng. mag. (1876) n. s. 14:325. Francis, d. 1580. Cotmax, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 33. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (with wives, Petistree church, Suffolk) Sir Francis, 1561-1626. Acad. (1897) 52:53. Paul van Somer p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Biog. mag. (1794) Houbrakensc. Rothwellp. — (1819)1:5. Hml sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 63. J. Houbraken sc. Brit. mus. prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9:pl. 11. W. Mar- shall eng.* Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:60. Simon Pass sc. H. Wright Smith eng. Cab. pwr. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 5:100. eng. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2, pt. 1:121. M. V. de Gucht sc. CoxxoissEL'R (1902) 3:18. Simon Pass eng.* Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 3:612. Houbraken sc. J. Posselwhite eng.* Ccxningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 2: front. S. Freeman eng. Cl’st, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:79. Paul van tkimer p.* — 1:79. statue (St Michael’s church, St Albans) Fa- gan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) pi. 17. William Mar- shall sc. 1640.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:6. from his Posthumous works, 1657.* — 2:23. Van Somer f.* G.az. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:65. Claudius Popelin f. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:882. Van Somer f. (Gorhamburg) Har- per’s mag. (1884) 69:669. Vandyck p.* Harper’s w. (1896) 40:752. John J. Boyle sc. wdct. (statue) Ueyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:121. Van Somer p.* Hirth, Les grands illustratcurs, 3:1124. eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 2. Geoige Cooke f. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1 :3^-330. Houbraken sc. 1738. Cook eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:177. Houbraken sc. 1738. J. Posselwhite eng. Les LETTREs et les arts (1888) 2: 164 (as a child, bust) Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1788) 1 : front. Lodge, Por. (1835) 4 :|h. 19. Van Somer p. J. Cochran eng. Lo.nd. mag. (1753) 22:24. Ant. alker sc. Mocltox, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1:639. Simon Pass sc. Francis Hall eng. OtTLOOK (1900) 66:367. Houbraken sc. 1738.* — 66:602. Pall M.all mag. (1904) 34:298. Ford Madox Brown p.* (stained glass window, Peterhouse coll. Camb.) Penny mag. (1832) 1:130. eng. after statue (St. Albans) — (1833) 2:24. J. Jackson eng. — (1841)10:60. Marshall eng. 1641 (from Bacon’s Life of Henry VII) Por. gall. (1853) 1:231. Houbraken eng. 17^. J. Posselwhite sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl. 13. W. Marshall eng. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 11. Houbraken eng. J. Thomson sc. BACOX 75 So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl.20. Van Somer p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:17. vignette. T^ne, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:^. Van Somer p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:199. Geremia eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 196. Van Somer p.* Francis Henry, 1832- Vanity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 50. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George B. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:644. wdct. Henry D. of St. Louis. De Bow’s rev. (1852) 12:585. F. Girsch etch. Sir Janies, 1798-1895. Green bag (1897) 9:533.* — (1901) 13:441. eng.* Illus. Lend, news (1870) 57:497. wdct. after photo. — (1886) 89:550. -^1895) 106:734.* Vanity fairalbum (1873) 5:pl.6. lith. after caricatur»\ James Monroe, 1818-73. Conoreo. quar. (1875) 17:347. II. W. Smith eng. John, f. of Sir Henry Bacon, d. 1310? Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 2. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Gorleston church, Suffolk) John, 1740-99. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 3:200. John Russell p. 1792. V . C. Edwards eng. European mag. (1790) 18:83. eng. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:61. Wil- liamson, John Russell (1894) 55. Russell p. 1792 & 1800* (pastel) John, jr. artist, 1777-1859. European mag. (1815) 67:3. Russell p. T. Blood eng. Williamson, John Russell (1894) Russell p.* (pastel) John Henry Frederick, a. r. a. Illus. Lond. new-s (1903) 122:153.* M.yg. of art (1903) 27:258. John H. Bacon del.* John Mosby, brig. gen. 1844- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1029. Leonard, d. d. 1802-81. Book buyer (1899) 18:96.* Cent. (1883) 3:656.* Dwight, Yale life (1903) 300.* Eclectic mag. (1880) 94:513. J. J. Cade eng. Harper’s w. (1^2) 26:5. wdct. Scrib- ner’s m. (1876) 11:782. eng. Mrs Louise Lee (Andrews) 1861- Critic (1902) 40:488. 8ir Nathaniel, fl. 1640. M.\g. of art (1884) 7 :519. Nath. Bacon p. after eng. of por. at Gorhambuiy. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. jxir. 2: pi. 10. Bacon p.* Thane, Brit. Autog. (1819) 1:23. N. Bacon p. eng. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 1:318. Bacon p. R. Cooper eng. from copy by W. Bone. Sir Nicholas, 1509-79. Ballestrem, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 4, fig. 2 (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Birch, Heads (1813) 31. Frederico Zucchero p. J. Houbi^en sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901). 1:43. p. 1579.* G.\rnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:3. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. OS97) 2:40. p.* (Nat. pair, gall.) Holland, Her- Mologia Anglics (1620) 61. eng. Lives of illus. per- sons (1820) Maddocks sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 3: pi. 4. Zucchero p. W. H. Mote eng. Lady [Nicholas], Ann (Cooke) 152S-160t). Biog. rairrour (1S02) 3: pi. 36. S. Harding del. H. R. Cooke sc. after p. (Gorhambuiy) BADEX Peter Child, 1804- Ammidown, Hist. (1874) 1 :605. A. H. Ritchie eng. Roger, 1214 ?-94. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 1:38. eng. Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51:147. — (1902) 60:253. Richard Godfrey eng. 1786 after p.* (at Knole) Selden, 1861- Green bag (1890) 2:212.* Mrs Selden, 1876- See Daskam, Josephine Dodge. Rev. William. Wesleyan meth. mag. (1830) 62:265. W. Gush p. J. Thomson eng. BAJDARAGUE, Thomas, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 240. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* BADCOCK, Sir Alexander Robert, lieut. gen. 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:560.* BADDELEY, Herbert. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:837. wdct. Mrs Sophia (Snow) actress, 1745-86. Ladies’ m. mus. (1814) n. s. 16: 161. Wilfred, tennis plaver. H.arper’s w. (1892) 36:837. wdct. BADEN, markyrdjin von. Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1904) 8:242. Crispin de Passe sc.* markgra f von, Philipp (zu Spanheim)1479-1533. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:170, fig. 26. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) martorq/in iwi, Elisabeth (of Bavaria) w. of Philipp I, 1483-1522. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses. (1894) 15: 171, fig. 27. p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) grossherzog von, Karl Friedrich, 1728-1811. Alm. de Gotha (1811) pi. 3. F. Lehman sc. grossherzog von, Ludwig, 1763-1S30. Alm. de Gotha (1821) pi. 2. Bolt sc. grossherzogin von, Stephanie (Beauhamais) w. of Karl, 1789-1860. La belle assembl^e (1815) n. s. 12:149. Cent. (1895) 29:216. Francois Gerard p. Eric Pape del.* grossherzog von, Leopold, 1790-1852. Alm. de Gotha (1833) pi. 2. Winterhalter p. Rosmasler sc. 1832. grossherzog von, Friedrich, 1826- Alm. de Gotha (18^) pi. 3. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:36. eng. (with wife) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:152* (in 1896) Intern.at. studio (1904) 22:82. Rudolf Mayer f.* (medal) Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:285. F. Winterhalter p. C. Maier lith. Scheibert, Heerfiihrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 4.* Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :27. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. grossherzogin ton, Luise (of Prussia) w. of Fried- rich, 1838- Alm. de Gotha (1857) front. Carl .Mayer sc. Ballou’s pictorial (1^7) 12:36. eng. (with husband) Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:27. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:547. Lindegren del. after photo. BADEN 76 BAGLIONI jirinz von, Willielm, s. of gr. duke Leopold, 1829- 97. Alm. de Gotha (1864) pi. 4. Carl Mayer sc. primessin von, Maria (Romanowsky) w. of Wilnelni, 1841- Alm. de Gotha (1864) pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. p>or. (1898) 1 :30. Agi Lindegrcn del. after photo. prim von, Karl, s. of gr. duke Leopold, 1832- Tl'llberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:31. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. erbgrossherzog von, Friedrich, 1857- Titllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :29. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. erb^ossherzogin von, Hilda (of Nassau) w. of Friedrich, 1864- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:29. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1^9) 2:370. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. prim von, Ludwig, s. of gr. duke Friedrich, 1865- 88. Ii.Lus. Lond. news (1887) 91:37 — (1888) 92:223. prim von, Maximilian, s. of Wilhelm, 1867- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. jx)r. (1898) 1:30. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BADEN -B ADEN, markgraf von, Bernhard III, 1474-1536. Reber u. Bayersdorfer Klass. bilder- schatz (1899) ll:pl. 1496. Hans Baldung Grien p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) markgraf von, Christoph II (zu Bodemachem) 1537-75. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: 172, fig. 29. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) markgraf von, Ludwig Wilhelm I, 1655-1707. Becustein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 174. eng. ErdmaxnsdT)rffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:697. E. C. Heiss eng.* — (1893) 2:29. P. Schenck eng.* Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 216. C. Heiss eng.* Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 120 eng. BADEN-DTJRLACH, markgraf von, Georg Friedrich, 1573-1(538. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:38. drawing 1620.* markgraf von, Friedrich VI, 1617-77. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1769, pi. 122. Theodore Caspar a Furstenbergh eng. primessin von, Margarethe, dau. of Ernst, 1514- 74. See Oettingen, grafin von. primessin von, Louisa Maria Augusta, 1779- 1826. See Elisabeth .iVlexiewna, empress of Ru.ssia. BADEN-POWELL family' name. See Powell. BADGER, Algernon Sidney, 1839- H.arper’s w.(1874) 18:829. wdct. Luther, 1785- Living.ston, Por. of em. .\mer. (1853)2:505. H. S. Sadd eng. Milton, 1800-73. Congreg. quar. (1875) 17: front. H. W. Smith eng. BADLAM. Alexander. H.\rper’s w. (1893) 37: 909. wdct. BAEPENDY, marques de, Manoel Jacintho Nogueira da Gama, 1765-1847. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:57. Barandier p. A. Sisson lith. 1858. BAER, George, m. c. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 227. St Memin del. & eng. 17^.* George F. 1842- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1343. drawing (* John Willis, 1861- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:664. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:518 — (1895) n. s. 12:588. Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876. Harper's mag. (1898) 96:621. Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 114. Ilagen-Schwarz p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 181. Hagen- Schwarz p.* BAERLE, Kaspar van, 1584-1646. Vondel, De werken (1855-69) 8: front. C. Eld. Taurel sc. BAERTSOEN, Albert, painter. Intern.at. studio (1898) 5:227.* —(1900) 10:93. BAEYER, Johann Jacob, 1794-1885. Pop. sci. m. (1887) 32:145. BAEZ, Buenaventura, pres. Dominican republic, 1820-84. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:149. eng. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:100. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:290.* BAGBY, Edward B. 1865- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 1220. wdct. BAGEHOT, Walter. 1826-77. Pop. sci. m. (1878) 12:. 385. BAGFORD, John, 1650-1716. Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 131. wdct. BAGGALLAY, Sir Richard, 1816-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:611. Men of mark (1876) 1 :3. photo. Vanity fair album (1875) 7:pl. 9. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BAGGE, Oluf Olufsen, 1780-1836. Lund, Danske malede pior. (1900) 7- :31. p.* BAGGESEN, Jens Immanuel, 1764-1826. Kon- NECKE, Bilderatlas (1887) 253. Ijahde eng.* BAGLEY, John Judson, of Mich. 1832-81. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:573. wdct. M.ag. of West, hist . (1886) 4:516. eng. Valentine, captain, 1773-1839. Essex antiq. (1901)5:65. p. 1807.* Worth, u. s. N. 1874-98. Cent. (1898) 35:702.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:496. wdct. —(1898) 42:487. BAGLIONE, Cesare, painter, d. 1590. M.alvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:253. eng. BAGLIONI, Astorre, 1529-71. Jiirb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:192, fig. 46. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) BAGLIOXI BAILLET ( i Giovanni, painter, 1571-1&44. Lioxi. Ritratti di pittori (1731) 63. Ottavio Lioni eng. Giovanni Paolo, d. 1.520. Capeiolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 86. Aliprando Capriolo eng. BAGNACAVALI.O, Bartolommeo Ramenghi, 1484-1.542. ilai-VASiA, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1 ; 109. eng. Maehixi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (176^ 1, pt. 1:1. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 115. eng. BAGNBTTO, A. Mafia murderer, d. 1890. Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:872. wdct. BAGNOLI, Giovanni Francesco, 1678-1713. Marrixi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (176^ 2, pt. 1:9. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. BAGOT, Elizabeth, d. 1684. See Falmouth, countess of. Josceline FitzRoy, 18-54- Illcs. Lend, news (1899) 114; 149.* ifrs Josceline FitzRoy (Theodosia Leshe) 1865- Manners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 45 (in 1899) Lady Mary (Wellesley) w. of Sir Charles, d. 1845. Art. j. (1902) 54:2. Sir Thomas Lawrence f.* (with sisters. Lady Raglan and countess of Westmorland) Gower, Lawrence (1900) 80. Lawrence del.* (with sisters, coU. of duke of Wellington) Wiixiarson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 32. ilary Ann Knight p.* (miniature) BAGRATION, j/rinces*. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 22 ; 518. Isabey p.* (miniature) BAGSHAWE, William Henry Gunning, 1825- 1901. Iixcs. Ix>nd. news (1901) 119:732.* BAGUET, Francois, 1801-67. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1870) %:103. L. Tuerlincks f. J. B. Meunier sc. BAGWELL, William, 1592-1659. Bioc. mirrour (1798) 2:46. Faithome, jr. eng. 1659, sc. BAHRAM II, king of Persia, d. 294. Allg. welt- geschichte (1884) 1:464. relief* (Nagseh-i-Rustam) BAHRAM TV fKermanshah) king of Persia, d. 410. Allg. weltgescbichte (1884) 1:470. seal* (Brit, mus.) BAHRAM V, king of Persia, d. 448. Benjamin, Story of Persia (1887) 223. coin.* BAHRDT, Karl Friedrich, 1741-92. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 172. eng.* BAI BTJREH. rebel leader in Sierra Leone. Illcs. Lond. news (1898) 113:944. Lieut. II. E. Green del.* BAEDES, marqui* de, Francisco de Zuniga. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:302. eng. from Ovale’s R^po de Chile, Rome, 1648. BAIF, Giovanni Antonio, 1532-89. Fremt, L’acad. des demiers Valois, front, eng. BAIL. Joseph, 1862- L’.Abt (1894) 57:124. BAILEY, Mn. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 46. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, coll, of Lord Hothfield) Abe. So. African por. gall. (1897) 51. Adams. 1789-1858. Bcgbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 8.5. F. T. Stuart eng. Edwin C. 1816-90. Roberts, Hist. anc. & bon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:370. —(1901)4:111. Frank Harvey, c. s. n. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:975. Gerard Chilton, vicar of Dundee, d. 1900. Illcs. Lond. news (1900) 117 ;8S6.* Rer. Jacob, 1731-1808. Essex antiq. (1897) 1 :69. eng. after drawing. James. Bailt’s mag. (1890) 54:t.-p. James, m. p. 1840- Illcs. Lond. news (1895; 106:638.* James Montgomery, 1841-94. Cent. (1901) 41:61.* Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:797. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:279. wdct. Rer. John, of Watertown, Mass. 1643-97. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6 : 242. p. } * Joseph Mead. 1833-95. Green bag (1891) 3:234.* Joseph Weldon, of Texas, 1863- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:11 17 (caricature) Octlook (1900) 64 27. Liberty Hyde, 1858- World’s work (1901) 1:467.* Moses, of Portland, Me. 1817-82. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1344. eng. Philip James, poet, 1816-1902. Bookman (1901) 14:210. Alfred Toft sc.* (bust) Critic (1902) 41:.303.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:231.* Harper’s mag. (18^) 76:817.* Illcs. Lond. news (1992) 121:378.* Moclton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:4.59. Alfred Toft sc. (bust) Selden A. 1821- Van Sltck, N. E. manufac- turers (1879) 1:52. eng. Theodorus, c. s. n. 1805-77. Cent. (1885) 7:940.* Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 5:1 A. H. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1864) 1:128. wdct. William Worth, violinist. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1131. BAIXFiY family name. See alto Baillie, Bailly, Baily, Bayley, and Bayly; alto title Glanusk. BAILLET, Adrien, 1649-1706. Drecx dc Ra- DiER, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. N. G. p. Et. Fes- sard sc. Renee ? dame de Qoux, w. of Jean de Thou. Bcb- LiNGTON, Mag. (1904) 6:240. Francois Clouet p.* (miniature) Clocet, French por. (1875) l:pL 63. aouetf. lith. —2:167,181. BAILLEUL 78 BAIXES BArLL£TJL. A. L. Philibert. 1751- Btoc. mod. (1807) 128. Ml 'rt aa del. Coorbe sc. BAXLLLE, Carolme Eliza Monta^. q/hr. w. of 3d baron Wvnford. Cocbt album (1S53) pi. 12. J. Hayter f. 6. Evks eng. flow. J/r* Henry. Heath’s book of beauty (1845) 229. W. Fisher f. W. H. Egleston eng. James, m. p. 1850- Iixcs. Lend, news (1805) 106:766.* Ifn James ''Nellie Lisa Bass) 1873- Mag. of art (1896) 19:94. H. OKrier p.* Joanna, 1762-1851. Bextlet’s misc. (1851) 29:453. Sir W. Newton p. H. Robinson eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:125. Newton p.* (water color, Brit, mus.) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1855) 5:23. Masquerier p. Rolsnson eng. Eclectic mag. (1851) 23:1. Newton p. John Sartain eng. Gabxett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1908) 4:195. Newton p.* Hamltox, Women writers (1892) 1:112. Matthew, anatomist, 1761-1823. EntoPEA>' mag. (1824) 85:96. J. Hoppoer p. J. Thomson eng. Pettigeew, Med. por. gall. 2: pi. 2. Hoppoer p. H. Cook eng. Tatloe, Nat. por. galL (1846) 1:103. Hoppner p. Cook eng. Robert, of Jerriswood, d. 1684. Chaubees, Elm. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 1:72. Shury eng. after p. (miniature) William (Lord Polkemmet) Scotch judge, d. 1816. Kat, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pls. 243,300. John Kay f. 1799, 1806, & eng. BAILLIE FAMILY, of Elaling grove. Pobteolio (1894) no. 9:39. Thomas Gainslmrough p.* BAILLIE Cochrane-Baillie) family name. Sm title Lamington. BAILXJE-HAMILTON, William Alexander, 1808-81. See Hamihon. BAILUE-HAMILTON-ARDEN family name. See title Haddington. BAILLON, Antoine de, d. 1644. Ami d. monu- ments (1898) 12:87. statue* (.\miens cath.) BAILLOT, Pierre Marie Fran 9 ois de Sales, vio- linist, 1771-1842. Baker. Biog. dirt. mus. (1900' 34. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* BAILLY, Antoine Nicolas Loois, architect, 1810-92. ilAG. of art (1892) 15:216. photo. David, 1.584-1638 1 Metssexs, Por. cdo. painters (1739) pL 48. David Bailly p. Waumaos sc. lo. Mevssens ex. Metssess, True effigies (1694) jJ. 67. Bailly p. Waumans sc. Metrssens ex. Jean Sylvain. mayor of Paris, 1736-98. Aa- XACXT, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:41. L’Abt ( 1883) 33:231. J. P. .\ub^ sc. Ckry Bichard del. (statue) — (1894-1900) .59, pt- 2: 1017. Paul .kub^ sc.* (statue) Biagham, The Bakilie (1888) 2:400. Bin- zot deL Miger eng.* Biog. mod. ( 1807 ) 1 : 130. Godefroy del. Massard sc. Gal. fran^. (1823) 3:363. H. Grevedon del. after p. Gal. hkl. de la rev. franc, pi. 4. Gaildraudel. Waitnersc. Hetck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:.5S, 59 (2 por.) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6:pl. 5. Le Vachex p. Grorge Cooke sc. Icoxog. d« contemp. (1832) l:pl. 8. Delpech lith. Iixrs. Load, news (IS®) 95:56. IIaceice, Livie rouro (1863) 199. Bonneville p. Ch. Vernier deL Hildibruid sc. Oxckex, Zeitalter des rev. (1884) 1:214. eng.* Poe. d. bommes ilhis. des 17* et 18^ sidles (1805) 2:pL 194. Blanchard sc. after p. (minia- ture) Revouttiox franc- (1801) pL 4. Levacbez sc. Saixt-^Iastix, 60 ans d'un peuple, 1 : pL 4. Gaildrau del. Waliner sc. Tableaui hist, de la rfv. franc- (1804 1 3:pL 1 Levacbez sc. Thiee.*, Hist, of the Fr. rev. (1838) 3:208. W. Greatbatch sc. BAILY, Edward Hodges, artist, 1788-1867. .Let j. (T903) 55:331. G. Mogford p.* .\bt ankm( 1847) 9:260. T. Bridgford del. J. Smyth eng. BAIN, Alexander, 1818-1903. -Vxdeesos, .knron borealis acad. (1899) pL 43.* Pop. sei. m. (1876) 9:257. BAJNBRIDGE, Edmond, 1841- Illcs. Lood. news (1899; 114:222.* John George. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. com- merce (1896) 2:644. eng. after photo. John Hugh. e. x. 184.5-1901 Iluts. Lood. news (1901; 119:-227.* William, c. s- x. 1774-1833. .\m. hist. reg. (1895)3:4. —0896)4:1.37. .Axalectic mag. (1813) 2:265. G. Stuart p. D. Edwin sc. B.uxes, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev, (1835) 2:373. Stuart p. Uwin sc. Dawso.x Battles of U. S. (1858 ) 2:188. Chappel p. W. Welktood eng. Dctcxixck. Nat. por. gafl. of em. -Am. (1861) 1:398. Chappel p. WelistoM eng. Haepbe’s mag. 0862) 24:171. eng. Loxgacbe & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. .Am. 0836) 3:pL 22. J. W. Jarvis p. G. Parker eng. Locbat, Medallic hist, of U.S.(1880)2:pL 29. Furst des.A eng. 1812. Jacque- mart etch. Oltlook 0902) 70:^1. Jarvis p.* PoLTAXTHoe, (1812) 1:281. Williams p. I. R. Smnh sc. PoETFOLio 0813) ser. 3, 2:553. eog. Rite A Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. .Am. (1854) 3:^ 7. Jarvis p. Parker eng. Wixsoe, Nar. A crit. hist. 0889) 7 :3S0. Jarvis p. Parker sc. (from Nat. por. gall.1839) BAINE, Rer. James. 1710-90. Kat, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pL200. John Kay f. 1789 A eng BAINES, Edward, m. p. 1774-1848. Jeboa.x, Nat. per. gall. 0834 5. T. Hargraves p. J. Cochran eng. Tatloe, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:108. Hargraves p. Cochran eng. Sir Edward. lsOO-90. Baixes, Yorkshire, 1:1. W. Roll eng. after photo. Frederic SamueL bp. of NataL Iixcs. Load, news (1901) 119 446.* Matthew Talbot, m. p. 1799-1860. Dkawixg- BOOM por. gall. (I860) ser. 4:17. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. BAIRD 79 BAKER BAIRD, Carola Helen. Inteen at. studio (19fJ4) 22:7. George Henry p.* (age 4) Charles Washin^on, d. d. 1828-87. X. Y. GENEAL. & biog. recor(T(1890) 21 : 147. eng. Sir David, 1st hart. 17.57-1829. Bol'kke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:187. Raeburn p. Hodgetts eng.* Caw, Scottish por. (190.3) 2:89. Raeburn p. 1814* (coll, of Lord Awrcromby) Holt, Life of George HI (1820) 1:400. Cardon eng. Jeeda.v, Xat. por. gall. (1834 ) 5. E. U. Eddis sc.? J. Thomson eng. (bust) Taylor, Nat. p>or. gall. (1846) 3:34. E^dis sc. Thomson eng. (bust) Dorothea, actress, 1873- Critic (1895) 27:. 306. Rockham del.* (as Trilby) — (1896) 29 :226 (asTrilby) Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 88. James Sant p.* (as Trilby) Theatre (1895) ser. 4, 26:344* (as Trilby) Whyte, Actors (1898) 164* (as Trilby) G. A. Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 412. Lib f. lith. (caricature) George Husband, d. d. 1761-1840. Kay, Grig, por. (1877) 2:pl. 309, 310. John Kay f. & eng. Henry Martyn, 1832- Book buver (1895) 12:428. Critic (1896) 29:282.* John Macdonald, captain, d. 1895. Cent. (1897)33:97.* Matthew, 1817-77. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 8:448. eng. Robert, d. d. 1798-1863. Bcttee, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 80. J. C. Buttre eng. Fowler, ,\m. pulpit (18^) 71. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:317. wdct. Spencer Fullerton, 1823-87. Cent. (1885) 7:355.* EIclectic mag. (1879) 92:641. J. J. Cade eng. Goode, Acct. of Smithsonian inst. (1895) 4. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:549. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:608. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:64.5. Pop. sci.m. (1888)33:433. —(19a3) 62:329.* W. Douglas. Baily’s mag. (1885) 45:63. Jo- seph Brown sc. after photo. BAIREUTH, markgrafin von, Wilhelmine (of Prussia) w. of Friedrich, 1709-^. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :267. Anton Pesne p.* (with brother Frie^ch) — (1891) 1 :275. Anton Pesne p.* Carlyle, Friedrich II (1864) 4:front. eng. Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1898) 16:front. eng. after pi (coll, of count of Usedom) Harper’s mag. (1870) 40:161. eng. HiRTH,Derformenschatz(1890)pl. 127. D. Chodowiecki p. 1767. eng. 1767. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grosscn (l&l) 1:236. T. Huber p.* BAISCH, Hermann, painter, 1846-94. .\julen. Masterpieces (18S4) 2:161. wdct. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5 : 2.59. Otto. Jacks, Robert Bums (1896) 128. BAJAZRT I, sultan of Turkey, 1347-1403. Capri- OLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 35. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (18^) 19:118, fig. 8. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) BAJAZET II, .,ultan of Turkey, 1447-1512. Cas- TiGLiONE, Courtier (1901) .372. eng.* BAJERT-BECEER, Leonard Nicolas, 1770- 1840. See Becker. BAKER, Alexina F. actress, 1822-87. .Scrib- ner’s mag. (1899) 26:427. H. B. Hall eng. after crys- talot 3 rpe. Sir Benjamin, 1840- Illls. Lond. news (1890) 96:292* —(1902) 121:944.* Mrs Betsey f Metcalf j Harper’s mag. (1864) 29:. 578. eng. Mrs C. (bom Vining) 1800- Ladies’ m. mus. (1823) 17;.301. T. C. Wageman p. Woolnoth eng, Charles, Jesuit, 1617-79. See Lewis, David. Charles Joseph, 1821-94. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:169. eng. David Addison, 1810-96. Dedham hist, register (1897) 8:9. ambrotype I860.* David Erakine, 1730-67. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3:49. H. R. Cooke sc. after p. .S. Harding del. David Jewett, 1834-99. Gree.v bag (1891) 3:233.* Edward Dickinson, 1811-61. Blttre, Am.por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 58. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Cent. (18^) 11:517.* Crafts, Southern rebellion (1862) 1:401. Kellogg eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:693. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6 :■>%.* Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) T25. A. H. Ritchie eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1862) 4:63. Ritchie eng. Nioolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 1 : 160.* Por. m. (186.3) 1:55. wdct. Elizabeth, w. of Sir John Vemey,2d bait, and 1st Viscount Fermanagh ,d. 17-36. Verney family (1899) 4:475. p.* (Claydon house) Francis Aloysius, 1820-6.5. Cath. world (1894) 60:201. Mrs G. F. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1944. Dagnan-Bouveret. wdct. Henry, 1698-1774. Nichols, Lit. anec. of 18th cent. (1812) 5:272. Thomson p. Nutter sc. James Hutchins, 1848- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1109. wdct. John Sherman, of Tacoma, Wash. 1861- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:416. Joseph, d. 1770. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:308. wdct. Lafayette Curry, 1826-68. Harper’s w. ( 1865) 9:293. wdct. Lewis, 1832-99. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77 :693. Harper’s w. (1893) .37 ;.336. wdct. Lucien, of Kansas, 1846- Harper’s w. (189.5) 39:200. wdct. Luther B. c. s. a. d. 1896. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:292. wdct. Nathaniel Bradley, 1818-76. Annals of Iowa (1893) ser. 3, 1; front. BAKER 80 BALDUNG Orville Dewey, 1847- Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 440. eng. Osman Oleander, m. e. bp. 1812-71. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:308. wdct.— (1866) 10:633. wdct. Sir Richard, 1568-1645. Kodd, Coll, of por. (1822) 2;pl. 2. Marshall f. eng. (print in t.-p. to his Chronicle) Sir Samuel White, 1821-93. Critic (1894) 24:65. drawing?* Harper’s w. (1873) 17:561. wdct. Illvs. Lond. news (1873) 63 : 345. wdct. after photo. —(1894)104:5.* Himp (1903) 26: 106. eng.* Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 8. photo. Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9:188. eng. Scribner’s m. (1873) 6:72. eng. (with Lady Baker) YEAR-bk. of facts (1868) front. W. H. Mote eng. after photo. Laxly [Samuel White], Florence (von Sass) Harper’s w. (1873) 17:^1. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:345. wdct. after photo. Rev. Smith. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:664. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:589. Theodora Wadsworth. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1015.* Sir Thomas Durand, lieut.-gen. 1838-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:202.* Valentine (Baker Pasha) 1827-87. Illus. Lond. news (1^4) 84:133.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 173. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Rev. William. Wesleyan meth. mag. (1840) 63:273. M. Clayton p. T. A. Dean eng. WUham, m. c. 1831- Arena (1892) 5:452.* WiUiam, d. d. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:395.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33:pl. 804. W. A. G. f. lith. (caricature) William Bhss, painter, 1859-86. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:784. wdct. William Mumford, novelist, 1825-83. Critic (1881) 1:211. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:891. wdct. William Spohn, 1824-97. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1897) 21:5 —(1898) 21 : 1. William Taylor, 1841- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:588. wdct. BAKHUYSEN, Juffrouw Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande, painter, 1826-95. Rooses, Dutch paint- ers of 19th cent. (1898) 239. Ludolf , 1631-1709. Descamps, La vie d. peintres flamnnds (1754) 2:442. eng. Dezallier d’Argen- viLLE, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:179. M. Aubert sc. Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 1. eng. Weverman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst- schilders (1728) pi. 1. BALAFR£, Le (Henri I de Lorraine) 3* due de Guise, 1550-88. See Guise. BALAKIREV, Milii Aleksieevitch, 1836- Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:8.52.* BALASSI, Mario, 1604-67. Mot'cKE, Ritratti (17.56) 3: pi. 12. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Girolamo Rossi sc. BALAT, Alphonse, architect, 1818- L’Art (1894- 1900) .59, pt. 2:1046. Eugene Broerman des. — 59, pt. 2:1047. Joseph Schubert des. 1849.* BALATKA, Hans, musician, 1826-99. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:477. BALBEN, Auger de, d. 1163. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 :53. Cars sc. BALBI, marchesa. Mag. of art (1887) 10:200. Van Dyck p. wdct. — (1900) 24:203. Vand}'ck p.* BALBIANI, Valentine, 1518-72. See Birague, dame de. BALBINXTS, Decimus Caelius (?) Roman em- peror, d. 238. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3:pl. 35. bust* (Vatican) BALBIS DE BERTON DE CRILLON, Louis, 1543-1615. SeeCrillon. BALBO, Ferdinando, 1828-49. .\mato, Martiri d. libt'rtk ital. (1851) 2:516. Carelli inc. BALBOA, Vasco Nunez de, 1475-1517. Har- per’s mag. (1882) 65:739. Irving, Columbus, quadri-centen. ed. (1892) 3:117. from Herrera’s Hist, of the West Indies. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:68. vignette. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:195. eng. from Herrera, 1728 ed. BALCARRES, Lord, David Alexander Edward Lindsay, 1871- Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 708. Leslie Ward f. lith. (caricature) BALCH, Charles E. of Manchester, N. H. 1834-84. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1720. A. H. Ritchie eng. BALD, E. C. bicycler. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:366. wdct. BALDACCI, Maria Maddalena, 1718-82. Mar- RiNi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:35. M. M. Baldacci del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BALDE, Pietri degli Ubaldi, lawyer, 1324-1400. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 9. Weber eng. BALDISSERA, Antonio, general, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:323.* BALDOVINETTI, Alessio, 1424-99. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 51. eng. BALDRIGHI, Giuseppe, 1723-1802. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (176.5) 2, pt. 2:39. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. BALDUNG, Hans (Grien or Griin) painter, 1476?- 1545. Ztsch. f. bildeude kunst (1874) 9:157. J. BALDUTHO’ 81 BALEN Schonbrunnpr del. Klitzsch & Rochlitzcrsc. — (1897) n. s. 9:50. Baldung f. 1507* (Sebastiansaltar, Brus- sels) BALDUTHO’, maisier of, uncle of Laurt'nce Hutton. Critic (1904) 45:329.* BALDWIN, BAUDOUIN, emperors, kings, and princes. BELGIUM Baldwin, prince of Flanders, nephew of Lt'opold II of Belgium, 1869-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:133.* CONSTANTINOPLE Baldwin I, emperor (Baldwin IX, count of Flanders) 1171-1206. Kugler, Gesch. d. kreuzzuge (1880) 284. from ms. De passagiis in terrain sanctam.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 88. eng. JERUSALEM Baldwin I, king, 1065-1118. Allg. weltge- schichte (1891) 5:627. seal.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1899) 20:200. from miniature in ms. Die chronik von Jerusalem. Vers.ailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 67. Blondel p. eng. Baldwin II, king, 1070 1-1131. Archer, Cru- sades (1895) 160. coin* (as count of Edessa) Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 79. Odier p. Rebel eng. BALDWIN, Mrs (born Maltas) L’Art (1876) 4:76. Reynolds p. 1782. Paul Rajon sc. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Re^molds (1899) 3:1048. Reynolds p.* (as The fair Greek) McCormack, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 18. Reynolds p. Abraham, of Ga. 1754-1807. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 76. Emanuel Leutze f. after Robert Fulton. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 269. Robert Fulton del. J. B. Forrest eng.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 22. Fulton p. E. G. Leutze del. Forrest eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:331. Albert, of New Orleans. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:807. wdct. Augustus Carpenter, 1817- Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 5:139. eng. Caleb, 1824-76. Annals of Iowa (1893) ser. 3, 1:209. Charles Candee, 1834-95. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 7:359. eng. Charles H. u. s. n. 1822-88. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:912. wdct. Christopher Columbus, 1834-97. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:49. wdct. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 106. Williams eng. Elias Jackson, 1828- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 3:331. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Evelyn Briggs, arctic e.xplorer, 1862- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:638. Illus. Lond. news(1900) 117:929* World’s work (1901) 1:242. George. Arminian mag. (1791) 14: front, (age 26) Metii. mag. (1801) 24:front. William Ridley sc. (age 37) Harvey, of Syracuse, N. Y. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:513. wdct. Henry, 1780-1844. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 279. Lambdin p. Ma.x Rosenthal etch. 1890. Green bag (1903) 15:133. Rosenthal etch. 1890.* Henry Porter, governor of Mich. 1814-92. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:180. eng. James L. Harper’s mag. (1859) 18:149. eng. John Loraine, 1810- Vanity fair album (189.5) 27: pi. 630. Sp}' f. lith. (caricature) Jonas C. 1768-1827. Clark, Onondaga (1849) 2:1.59. W. D. Nichols sc. Loammi, colonel, 174.5-1807. Outlook (1902) 71:71. silhouette.* Orville Dwight, 1843- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 6:588. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Oscar L. embezzler. Harper’sw. (1881)25:764. wdct. Robert, 1804-58. Bourinot, Story of Canada (1896) 365. from Fennings Taylor’s Portraits of Brit. Americans.* Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:17. lith. Roger Sherman, of Conn. 1793-1863. Am. rev. (1849) 10:331. A. II. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:77. C. Noel Flagg f. Simeon, of Conn. 1761-1851. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 448. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* Simeon Eben, 1840- Green bag (1889) 1 :2.50.* Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:381 Theron, 1801-70. Congreg. quar. (1875) 17:213. Dr. W. W. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 85. Herko- mer p.* William Charles, author. Harper’s mag. (1863) 26:577. eng. William Henry, jr. 1863-1905. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:967. wdct. —(1900) 44:1207 —(1902) 46:1093* (age 39) New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:12. Robert Gordon Hardie p.I Outlook (1901) 69:281.* World’s work (1902) 3:1914.* William Woodward, 1861- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:210. wdct. BALE, Edwin, 1842- Mag. of art (1899) 23:320.* John, bp. of Ossory, 1495-1563. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3()0. from Holland’s Heroologia, 1620.* Holland, HeroJologia anglica (1620) 165. eng. Rodd, Coll, of por. (1820) 1 :pl. 2. T. Berry sc. from Heroologia. Veriieiden, Afbceldingen (1603) 97. eng. BALEN, Hendrik van, 1560-1638? Descamps, La vie d. peintres flamands (1753) 1:237. Ant. van Dyck p. Eisen inv. Fiquet sc. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 53. Van Dyck p. Paul du Pont sc. Guif- 24288—06 6 BALEN 82 BALL FREY, Antoine van Dyck (1882) 7. Van Dvck p. Paul Pontius sc. Mag. of art (1882) 5:423. Van Dyck f. Paulus Pontius eng. Walmsley, Pli}'siog. por. ( 1824) l:pl.2. Van Dyke p. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Weyer- MAX, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) l:pl. D. J. Houbraken eng. Jan van, 1611-54. ErcuEDpor. of celeb, painters, pi. 2. eng. Meyssexs, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 21. Joannes van Balen p. W. Hollar f. I. Meyssens ex. Meyssexs, True cfEgies (1694) pi. 40. Van Balen p. Hollar f. Meyssens ex. BALESTIER, Wolcott, 1863-91, Cent. (1892) 23:192.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:758.* BALESTRA, Antonio, 1666-1740. Dezallier d’Argexville, Vie des plus fameu.x peintres (1762) 1:310. eng. Mot'CKE, Ritratti (1762) 4:pl. 34. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BALFE, Michael William, 1808-70. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 35. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 6.5:373. M. Maleinpr^ sc. wdet. (statue, Drurj’ Lane theatre) — (1878) 73:513. Thomas Farrell sc. wdet. (bust, Dublin) Paixe, Famous compo.sers ( 1891) 2 : pi. 60. F. Salabert del.* — 2:887. tablet* (Westminster abbe}') Mile Victoire, singer, 1837- Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:224. eng. DRAWixG-roorn por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 36. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. BALFOUR (of Burleigh) Gth baron, Alexander Hugh Bruce, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:.52.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 45.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34:753. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Arthur James, 1848- Art j. (1899) 51:325. Ellis Roberts p.* (pastel) Baily’s mag. (1896) 66:413. W. J. Allingham f. after photo. Book.uan (189.5) 1:146. F. C. G. del. after wdet. C. II. sc. Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:89.* Cent. (1904) 46: 13.* Critic (1902) 41:293. Marchione.ss of Granby del.* Green bag (1894) 6:369.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:115. Paul Renouard del.* —(1900) 101:707. Mortimer Menpes del.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:840. wdet. (1896) 40:666. wdet. —(1902) 46:469* —(1904) 48:552. F. D. Nuent del.* (caricature) Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:281 —(1891)98:508. Walter Wilson del.* 99:52.5* —(189.5) 107:5* —(1899) 114:718 (caricature) —115:563 —(1902)121:94* —(1904) 125:193. Ralph Cleaver del.* — 125:317. P. F. S. Spence del.* McCarthy, Brit, political por. (1903) front.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 18:219. Ellis Roberts p.* Mag. of art (1899) 23:98. Menpes del.* (2 por.) Manners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 29. Mar- chioness of Granb^^ del. 1888.* Morris (M. O’C.) Dublin castle (Lond. 1889) 292. Notables of Hrit. (1897) 20.* Outlook (1899) 61:. 524. Fall Mall rrag. (1899) 18:267. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) — (19Cfe; 26:69. G. R. II. del.* (caricature) — 28: front. sketch.* Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:483. R.OFrev. (1891)4:548 —(1895) 11:428 —12:180 —(1902) 26: 136,* 162.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 79. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 33.* Vanity fair album (1881) 13:front. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) — (1887) 19: pi. 529. Spy f. lith. (caricature) WoRUj’s work (1902) 4:2476.* Ernest Roxburgh, 1875-97. Baily’s mag. 68:290. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:314.* Francis Maitland, 1851-82. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:197.* Gerald, .m. p. 18.53- Art j. (1899) 51 : ISO. G. F. Watts p.* Illus. Ixmd. news (1887) 90:146* (1895) 107:36.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 181. Watts p.* Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 682. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Graham, 1858- Book buyer (1901) 23:79. Bookman (1900) 11:313. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1132. Henry, anthropologist. Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65: 568.* Isaac Bayley, botanist, 1853- Stewart, Univ of Gla-sgow (1891) 144. Jabez Spencer, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:97.* I'anity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 587. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John, London stockbroker, 1853- Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 745. Le,slie Ward f. lith. (carica- ture) John Blair, 1837- See title Kinross. John Hutton, botanist, 1808-84. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) pref. p. 17. W. Hole sc. (group) Kenneth Robert, m. p. 1863- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:. 574.* Lewis, grandf. of R. L. Stevenson. Literature (1901) 9:77. Sir William, d. 16(i0. Por. of Parliamentary offi- cers (1873) 5. R. S. sc. eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :8. eng. from print, Earl Spencer’s Clarendon. BALGUERIE-STUTTEMBERG, Pierre, of Boi- deaux, 1779-182.5. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:431. Geille sc. 3ALINCOURT, marquis de, Claude Guillaume Testu, baron de Boulois, seigneur de Saint C3rr de Nohan, 1680-1776. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 4: pi. 4.5. Caminade p. after family por. BALIOL, John, 12.59-1314. Buchanan (G.) Hist, of Scotland . . . J. Watkins (Lond.) 1 : 174. Meyer eng. after print. BALL, Sir Alexander, 1757-1809. Fitchett, Nelson & his captains (lf(02) 176. R. Snurke p.? eng.* (Brit, rnus.) Benjamin, surgeon, 1833-93. McClure’s mag. (l‘)04) 23:. 327. James, provost of Gla-sgow. Knackfuss, KOnst- ler-monog. (1901) .54:111. Herkomer.p.* John, sergt. at law. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 2:294. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1811. John, traveler, 1818-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:556. J ohn, jr. golf. V.anity fair album (1892) 24 : .534. Lib f. lith. (caricature) BALL 83 BALTIMORE John Thomas, 1815-98. Burke, Lord chan- cellors of Ireland (1879) front. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:72. wdct. after photo. — (1898) 112:429.* Nicholas, 1828- New Eng. mag. (1888) 6: 110. eng. Phinehas, 1824- Van Slyck, N. E. manufac- turers (1879) 2:620. eng. Sir Robert Stawell, 1840- Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:33.* Harper’s w. (1884) 28:555. wdct. Ileus. Lond. news (1880) 88:137 —(1892) 101:45.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1895) 5:147* —6:77.* Thomas, sculptor, 1819- Book buyer (1891) 8:423. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:290. Valentine, of Dublin. Art j. (1892) 44:49. W. T. W. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:532. wdct. WUham. An. hist. reg. (1895) 2:626. BALLANCR, John, 1839-93. Gisborne, N. Zea- land rulers (1897) 279. BALliANCHE, Pierre Simon, 1776-1847. L’Art (1876) 5:83. David d’Angers f.* (medal) BALLANTINE, Wilham, 1812-88. Illus. Lond. news (1887)90:90.* Men of mark (1882) 6:32. photo. Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 5. lith. after caricature. BALLANTYNE, Robert Michael, 1825-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:191.* BALLARD, Bland. Green bag (1897) 9:262.* HarlandHoge, librarian, 1853- New Eng. mag. (1893)n.s.9:12. Joshua, 1813- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:55. eng. Wilham N. colonel, 1822- Nat. mag. (1893) 17:320. BALLIN, Claude, goldsmith, 1615-78. Perrault, Lcs hommcs illus. (1696) 1:99. Jac. Lubin sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17“ ct 18® sidles (1805) l:pl. 50. Lubin sc. BALLINGALL, P, G. of Iowa, Harper’s w. (1890) 34:717. wdct. BALLOU, Adin, 1803-90. New Eng. mag. (1891) n.s.4:197. Hosea, 1771-1852. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 17:273. Edward A. Brackett sc. eng. from drawing by William Waud (statue, Mt. Auburn cemetery, Camb.) GLEASON’spictorial(1851) l:112.eng. New Eng. mag. (1887) 5:404. eng. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:493. eng. Latimer Whipple, 1812-1900. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:151. eng. Leonard, 1794- Van Slyck, N. E. manufac- turers (1879) 1 : 59. eng. Maturin Murray, 1820-95. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:8. wdct. Sulhvan, major, 1829-61. Bartlett, R. I. offi- cers (1867) 249. J. A. O’Neill eng. BALLSTROM, Ingeborg, singer. Bookman (1900) 12:137. Critic (ItXX)) 37:334. (as Suzanne) BALLU, Roger, 1852- L’Art (1897) 17:280. Jules Lafrance sc. & des. (bust) BALLY, David. See Bailly. BALMACEDA, Jose Manuel, of Chile, 1840- Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:568. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:521, 684. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:103* — 99:270. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:97. R. OF rev. (1891) 3:110. Scribner’s mag. (18%) 19:184. BALMAT, Jacques, 1762-1834. Mathews, An- nals of Mont Blanc (1898) 54. por. from Michel Car- rier’s book* — p. 90. Salmson sc. (statue, Chamonix) — p. 100. Wiebel p. lith. — p. 106. medallion (church, Chamonix) BALMERINOCH, 6lh baron, Arthur Elphin- stone, 1688-1746. Allardyce, Hist, papers (1895) 1 :324. eng.* Tuomson, Mem. of the Jacobites (1846) 3:463. S. Freeman sc. after contemp. print. BALMUTO, Lord, Scotch judge. See Boswell, Claude Irvine, 1742-1824. BALSAC, Robert de. L’Art (1881) 24:333. Ch Kreutzberger des. after bust. BALSAMO, Giuseppe, 1743-95. See Cagliostro, conte. BALSAE, Jacques, aeronaut. McClure’s mag. (1901)17:207.* BALSTON, Edward, d. d. 1817-91. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 467. A. S. Cope p.* BALTARD, Victor, architect, 1805-74. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1874) ser. 2, 9:486. J. D. A. Ingres del.* BALTAZZI, Alexander, 1850- Baily’s mag. (1876) 29: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. BALTILASAR, MUe de, fl. 1817. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31 :309. Gudrin del.* (with baronne de Franck, vicomtesse de Bussifere & baronne de Faviers) BALTHAZAR, Carlos, s. of Felipe IV, 1629-46 See Carlos Balthazar. BALTIMORE, 1st baron, George Calvert, 1582?- 1632. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:110. My tens p. eng. Cent. (1883) 3:730. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:254. copy in State house, Annapolis of p.* (in earl of Verulam’s coll. Gorhambury) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1048. p.* (coll, of carl of Verulam, Gorhambury) Green bag (1900) 12:577. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:346. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:1%. eng. Smith, 13 colonies (1901) 2:106. print.* Spofforp, Lib. hist. char. BALTIMORE 84 B ANBURY (1896) 2:361. vignette. Story, Building of Brit, empire (1898) 1:270. p.* (Gorhainbury) Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:32. eng. after p. (Gorhambury) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:175. E. Boequet eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (190-1) l:pl. 15, fig. 8. Peter Oliver p.* (Montague bouse) WiLSO.N, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:128. .* (State bouse, Annapolis) Winsor, Xar. & crit. ist. (1889) 3:518. Mytens p. eng. 2d baron, Cecil CaJvert, 160.5-76. Cent. (1890) 18:423. Abra. Blotling sc.* Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:276. p.* (Marvland bist. soc.) Green bag (1900) 12:581. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:721. G. K. sc.* —(1901) 102:347. Mag. of Am. bist. (1883) 10:196. eng. after coin (from Matbew’s coinages of tbe world) Penn. mag. of bist. & biog. (1885) 9:241. Abra. Blotling sc.* (age 51) Smith, 13 col- onies (1901) 2:119. print.* So. Kensington, Nat. bist. por. 2: pi. 42. p.* Wil.son, Hist, of .\m. people (1902) 1:132. Blotling sc. after p.? 1657* (age 49, N. Y. pub. lib.) Winsor, Nar. & crit. bist. (1889) 3:543. eng. after coins — 3:546. Blotling sc. 1657. eng. baroness, Anne (Arundel),w. of 2d baron, d. 1649 Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:286. Vandyke p.* (Wardour castle) 6tJi baron, Frederick Calvert, 1731-71. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:155. eng.* in Lond. mag. June 1768. Lond. mag. (1768) 37 :283. J. Miller sc. after p. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:278. eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. bist. (1889) 5:262. eng. after p. (from eng. in Lond. mag. June 1768) BALUE, Jean, cardinal, 1422-91. Dreux du Rauier, L’Europie illus. (1777) v. 2. Ficquet eng. J. Robert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:174. J. Roliert del. Ficquet sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770)9:38. J. Robert del. Ficquet sc. BALZAC, Honore' de, 1799-1850. Acad. (1898) 55:106. Rodin sc.* (statue) L’Art (1890) 49:247. A. Gilbert del. E. Thomas sc. — (1904)63:432. Dan- tan Jeune sc.* (statuette) ^Vrt j. (1898) n. s. 50: 195. Rodin sc.* (statue) Bookman (1899) 9:296. Louis Boulanger p.* — (1902) 14:484. p.* (Tours mus.) Chap-book (1898) 9: 109. Rodin sc.* (statue) Critic (1898) 32:383. Rodin sc.* (statue) —(1898) 33:25. Rodin sc. (statue) — 33:26. daguerr.* — (1899) 34 : 109 —35:674 —35:906. Bartell del? 1847* (from Lo matin) — (1901)38:132. Aubrey Beardsley f.* (cover design) — 39:159. A. Falguifere del.* — 39: 162. cari- cature —(1902) 41:2.55. caricature —(1903)43:290. Boulanger p.* —(1904) 45:240. bust 1844.* 19ikME sifecle (1901) 340. Boulanger p.* Grand-Carteret XIXe si6cle (1893) 648. litTi.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la pres-se(lMO) 2:pl. 9. Julien f. Internat. studio (1898) 5:107. Auguste Rodin sc. (statue) Le LivRE, bibliog. r^trospi'ctive (1887) 8:248. litb.* (2 por. 1832, 1840) I^e livre modeme (1891) 4 : 131-35. (3 por. & caricatures) — 4:132. Eugiine Giraud del. F. Courboin etch, (after death) Mag. of art (1898) 22:618. Rodin sc.* (statue) Montu aud, Li's roman- tiques (1877) 28. Boulanger p. Paul Chenay sc. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:485. Paris salon (1896) 96. Marquet de Vasselot sc.* (bust) —(1898) 94. Rodin sc.* (statue) — (1899) 40. A. FalguiSre sc.* (statue) Petit de Jl'lleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. frau?. (1899) 7:464. Boulanger des.* Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:94. ‘Rodin sc.* (statue) Scribner’s m. (1876) 1 1 :640. eng. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5: pi. 88. K. Cbr. Vogel von Vogelstein del. Werck-MEISter, Das 19te jabrhundert in bild- nissen 2 : pi. 174. Boulanger p.* Mme Honore de (Evelina Hanska) Critic (1904) 45:239. bast.* Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1882)3:284. II. Vogel f.* seigneur de, Jean Louis Guez, 1594-1654. Gal. franf. (1822) 2:49. Weber del. after p. (Bibliotb^que de Ste. G^nevidve) Iconog. de Mme de S4vign6, 9. er.g. 16.3.5. Mennechet, Le Plutarque frany. (1836) 4:pl.20. Cbasselat del. Geille sc. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:71. Jac. Lubin sc. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fraiif. (1897) 4:90. G. Vallet sc. 1665.* Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17'' et 18“ siiScles (1805) l:pl. 36. Lubin sc. ^'ERSAILLES, Gal. bist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 69. eng. BALZAC D’ENTRAGUES, Catherine Henri- ette de, marquise de Vemeuil, 1579-1633. See title Vemeuil. Charles de (Le bel Entraguet) 1546 ?-99. Niel Por. person, fr. du 16' s. (1856) 2: pi. 18. eng. after drawing. BAMBERGER, Heinrich von, 1822-88. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:655.* Ludwig, 1823-99. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:.590.* TIari'er’s mag. (1883) 66:376. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:1.36. wdet. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrbundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 477.* BAMBERINI, Antonio Domenico, 1660-1741. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) pt. 2, 1 :29. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. BAMBOCCIO, 1613 ?-73? See Laar, Peeter van. BAMBRIDGE. Thomas, warden of Fleet prison, £. 1729. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:28. R. Grave sc. BAMFORD, Rev. Stephen. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1834) 57:241. T. A. Dean eng. BAMFYLDE, Lady, Catherine (Moore) w. of Charles Warwick, 5th bart. 1754-1832. .(Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 84. Reynolds p. 1777.* Collins, Reynolds (1874) pi. 9. Reynolds p. Thomas Watson eng. Mag. of art (1901) 25:381. Reynolds p. T. Watson mezzo.* John Codrington 'Warwick, 1754-96. Mas- ters in art (1900) pt. 7, 1 :pl. 6. Reynolds p. 1778-79* (Nat. gall.) Ward, Eng. art (1887) 1:18. Reynolds p.* BAMFYLDE family name. See also title Poltimore. BANB'DRY, 1st earl of, William KnoUys, 1547- 1632. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:620. eng. pub. 1800.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:34. eng. BANCROFT 85 BANGS BANCROFT, Aaron, 1755-1839. New Exo. ir.ag. (1892) n. s. 5:771. Alvan Fisher f. wdct. — (1900) n.s. 22:319. Cecil Francis Patch, educator, 1839-1901- New Exg. mag. (1896) n.s. 14:489. Frederic, 1860- Bookman (1900) 11:310. Critic (1900) 36:393.* George, 1800-91. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1890) 15:57. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 1:154. Richter p. II. B. IIall,jr. eng. Book bu 3 ’er (1889) 6:132 — (1899) 19:177.* Bookman (1897) 5:385. H. B. Hall, sr. etch. 1868.* Bcttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 73. eng. Cent. (1887) 11:331. J. W. Alexander del. 1886* —(1891) 19:770. daguerr.* Century assoc. Bryant festival (1865)6. Critic (1898) 33: 255. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:t.^. H. B. Hall eng. —2:100. Roberts sc. wdct. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:396. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Harper’s mag. (1878) 56:497. G. Kruell sc. Har- per’s w. (1866) 10: 100. wdct. —(1891)35:72. Gustav Richter p. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3:pl. 2. Gustav Richter p.* Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 85.* Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 126. H. B. Hall, sr. etch. 1868.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:104. Carl J. Becker del.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 23:89, 94. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 49. Samuel Lawrence del. 1854* — p. 53* (in 1884 ?) — p. 57* (equestr. por. 1884) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:55. J. AV. Alexander del. T. Johnson eng. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 23:130, 169, 171. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog. record (1901) 32:41. H. B. Hall eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:32. J. W. Alexander del.* Outlook (1898) 58:628. Law- rence del. 1852* —(1902) 71:623.* Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 27. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:313. vignette. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 485. Gustav Richter p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:476. eng. after photo (1853) Hubert Howe, 18.32- Harper’s w. (1887) 31:961. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1900) n.s. 22:324. John, bp. of Oxford, 1574-1640. Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 2, p.* (Christ church) Joseph B. New Eng. mag. (1903) n. s. 27:503. Richard, abp. of Canterbury, 1544-1610. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:65, p.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:960. G. Vertue eng. Sir Squire, actor, 1841- Art j. (1899) 51 :215.* Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:78.* Coleman, Charles Reade (1903) 104* (as 'Triplet) Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:53. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 52. Hugh G. Riviere p.* Theatre (1882) ser. 3, 5:40. wdct. (group) — (1883) ser. 4, 1:169.* — (1885) ser. 4, 6:73. photo (with wife) — (1897) 29:6. photo (with wife) Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 510. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Whyte, Actors (1898) 6 (in School for scandal) — p. 132* (as Dr. Speedwell) — p. 186. Spy f.* (from Vanity Fair) Lady [Squire], Marie Efl&e (Wilton) actress. Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:44.* Coleman, Charles Reade (1903) 108* (as Peg Woffington) Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 6:73* (with husband) — (1897) 29:6* (with husband) Whyte, Actors (1898) 6 (in School forscandal) — p. 158* (4 por.) — p. 160* (3 por. in character. Wilder Dwight, 1867- Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:377. BANDERAS, Quintin, Cuban general. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:556. BANDETTINI, Teresa {pseud. Amarilli Etrusca) 1763-1837. Cath. world (1896) 63:666. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (18.54) 6. Angelica Kauf- mann p. Clerici sc. BANDIERA, Attilio, 1817-44. Amato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851) 1:412. F. Lorusso dLs. E. Par- miani inc. Emilio, 1819-44. Ajiato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851) 1:413. F. Lorusso dis. E. Parmiani inc. BANDINELLI, Baccio (Bartolommeo) sculptor, 1487-1559. L’Art (1887) 43:141. eng. pub. by Vasari.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:400. E. do Boulonois f. Dreux du Radier, L’Europo illus. (1777) v. 6. eng. Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 3. H. Minasi eug. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4:pl. 4.Sebr. Del Piombo p. George Cooke sc. Moucke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 16. G. D.Campiglia del. Silv. Pomarede sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 132. eng. Ztsch. f. bildendo kunst (1876) 11:6.5. B. Bandinelli sc. A. Wolff del. E. Helm sc. ^relief, Florence) Esmeralda. Art j. (1904) 56:288. Botticelli p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 22:27. Amico di Sandro p.* Mag. of art (1884) 7:211. Boticelli pi wdct. BANDINI, Manuel Antonio, abp. of Peru. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:445. BANl^R, Johan, 1595-1641. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 8: 163. Lucas Schnitzer eng.* Winter, Gesch. d. 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 379. Schnitzer sc.* BANFFY, baron, Desiderius, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:39.5.* BANFIELD, Rees John Francis, lieut. col. 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:6.50.* BANGS, Edward, 1825-94. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1895) ser. 2, 10:311. photo. Francis Nehemiah, 1828-85. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:44. wdct. —(1885) 29:837. wdct. George Dennis, 1856- W hittemore. Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. p. 2, 159. George S., r. r. mail service. Harper’s w. (1875) 19:816. wdct. John Kendrick, 1862- Book buyer (1900) 20:183.* Bookm.in (1902) 15:412.* Critic (1901) 39:16. C. D. Fornaro f.* (caricature) — (1903) 42:105.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:259. wdct. —(1901) 45:155. —(1902) 46:891* (various por.) BANISTER 86 BANNERMAN BANISTER, EUa. Theatre (1890) ser. 4,15:91 * Mrs John (^Elizabeth Carter Farley) aftw. w. of George Izard. See Izard. William, missionarv to China, 1855- Harpbhi’s w. (1896) 40:112. wdct.“ BANKART, Arthur Reginald, M. d. 1868- Illl's. Lond. news (1902) 121:125.* BANKES, Miss. Court album (1854) pi. 6. H. Weigall f. W. H. Mote eng. Mrs Henry (Frances Woodley) 1760-1822. See Woodley. Sir John, 1589-1644. Cust, Xat. por. gall. (1901) 1:91. Gilbert Jackson p.* BANKHEAD, James. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 620. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* BANKS, Mr, fl. 1588-1637. Art union (1843) 5:187. wdct. from Maroccus extaticus, 1595. Elizabeth. Bookman (1903) 16:442.* John Shaw, d. d. 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:125.* Sir John Thomas. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:100 —(1892) 101:4.5.* Sir Joseph, 1743-1820. ^Irnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:63. Alp. Boilly f. (bust) L’.i1rt (1893) 55:141. John Rus.sell p. Gillot sc. Barton, Hist. N. So. Wales (1889) 1:78. eng. from Martin’s British colonies.* Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 7. T. Law- rence p. A. Cardon eng. Brougham, Lives (1847) 2:336. J. Brown eng. after bust. Cent. (1899) 36:757. Peter Aitken eng. after p. (Royal Soc. Lond.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 5:621. T. Phillips p. C. E. Wagstaff cn». Cust, Hist. soc. of Dilettanti (1898) 226. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (group) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:87. Thomas Phillips p.* — 2:87. Sir T. Lawrence del.* Eltiope.an mag. (1802) 42:163. Ridley eng. Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. Strangers (18.3.5) pi. 2. Grevedon del. 1826. C. Motte lith. I.MPER. diet, of univ. biog. 1:371-72. Phillips p. Wagstaff eng. J.ardine, Naturalist’s lib. (1835) ichthyolog}' 1: front. Lawrence del. Lizars sc. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. Phillips p. W. Holl eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 21:117. Chodowiecki p.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 1:193. Phillips p. Wagstaff eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1823) 17:181. Lawrence jl Thomas Woolnoth eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12; pi. 15. Lawrence p. H. Robinson eng. Lond. mag. (1772) 41:341. eng. Martin, Australia (1853) pi. 3. Lawrence p. Robinson eng. New m. mag. (1820) 14:185. Thomson sc. Penny mag. (183.3) 2:.340. Chantrey sc. Corbould del. (statue, Brit, mus.) Phillips, Sir J. Reynolds (1894) 162. Reynolds p. W. Dicken-son eng.* Por. gall. (1853) 3:743. Phillips p. Wagstaff sc. Reynolds, Dis- courses, ed. .Johnson (1891) 237. Reynolds p.* Rey- nolds, Engravings, 1 ; pi. 39. Sir J. RejTiolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. — 2: pi. 79. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1771. S. W. Revnolds eng. Soc. Montvon ot Franklin, Por. et hist, ^es hommes utiles, 2: pi. 20. Herdiviller sc. 1835 (with the abbd M^rault) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 75. Phillips p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:84. Phillips p. Holl eng. Tregar- THEN, Story of Australasia (1893) 71. IVilliamson, John Russell (1894) 35. John Russell p. 1788* (pas- tel) Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:380. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature, 1795. La47. Sir John Gorell, judge, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:683.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 147. W. Llewellyn p.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 39. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John Henry. Theatre (1883) ser. 4, 2:313 —(1897) 29:96. Joseph K. surgeon-general, 1817-83. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:.509. wdct. —(1883) 27:228. wdct. Orlando M. 1824- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4 : .582. eng. Mrs Priscilla (Birch) W harton, Salons (1900) 223. W. Russell Birch p.* (miniature) Rev. William, 1801-86. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:188. .\bbey f. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:40.5. — (1889) 94:163. E. Roscoe Mullins sc.* (statue, Dorchester, Eng.) William, cricketer, 1853-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:488.* flon. William C. of Ariz. Are.va (1895) 13:361.* BARNETT, Charles, 1796-1876. Baily’s mag. (1866) 11:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. John Francis, composer, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:482.* Samuel Augustus, canon of Bristol, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:278.* Oitlook ( 1897) 55:924. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:402. BARNETTE, Wilham Jay, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:980. wdct. BARNEVELDT, Jan van Olden-, 1547-1619. Allg. weltgeschichte (1866) 7:453. Michel Jan-son Mierevelt p. Willem Jacobz Delff eng.* L’.Vrt ( 1894) 56:308. Mierevelt p. Delff sc. 1617. Bullart, Acad. d. sci.et d. arts (1682) 1 :99. De L’.4.nnessin sc. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker colonies (1903) 1:94. p.* (.Amsterdam) Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:833. eng. BARNEVELDT 93 BARR Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:76. Miere- velt p.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1076. Mierevelt p. eng. Motley, Hist, of 'United Nether- lands (1867) 31: front. Mierevelt p. J. Cooper sc. Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 780. Nat. mag. (1891) 15:121. wdct. Piiilippson, Wes- teuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 313. Miere- velt p. 1617. Delff eng. (age 70) Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 226. Seidi.itz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl.8. Mierevelt p. 1617. Delff sc. Versailles, Gal. hist.Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2076. Coept p. L. G. Thi- bault eng. Willem van Olden-, 1590- Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2077. Otto van Veen p. L. G. Thibault eng. BAHNEY, Ashbel H. 1816-86. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:28. wdct. Everett Hosmer, inventor, 1835- Nat. mag. (1892) 17: Dec. 1892, pi. 21. George M. Nat. mag. (1892) 17: Dec. 1892, pi. 22. Joshua, u. s. N. 1759-1818. Dltckinck, Nat. por. gall, of ern. Am. (1861) 1:212. Chappel p. eng. IlARPER’smag. (1862)24:161. eng. — (1^4) 29:597. eng. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 19. J. B. Isabey p. W. G. Armstrong del. J. Gross eng. (miniature) Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 3:pl. 29. Isabey p. W. G. Armstrong del. J. Gross eng. (miniature) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:401. Isabey p. Armstrong del. (miniature from the Nat. por. gall. 1839, v. 4) Louis, of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 355. St Memin del. & eng.* William. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 110. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* BABNISH, Edwin, librarian. Outlook (1900) 64:540. BABNOLT, M. actor. L’Art (1875) 2:33. P. Renouard del. (as Remendado) BABNSDALE, William, pioneer in oil regions. McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:11. BAB.NTJM, Henry A. general, 1833-92. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:212. wdct. —(1892) 36: 123. wdct. Phineas Taylor, 1810-91. Bungay, Offhand takings (1854) 199. J. C. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:453. wdct. —(1882) 26:101. wdct. — (1891) 35:289. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 19.* Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 109. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:85* — (1891) 98:467.* New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:301. Thomas Ball sc. (bust) Vanity fair album (1889) 21:pl. 448. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William H. u. s. senator, 1818-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:377. wdct. B ABN WELL, James J. librarian. Bookman (1898) 6:409.* John G. of Beaufort, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 663. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Nathaniel, of Beaufort, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 661. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* BABOCCI, Ambrogio, fl. 1.5th cent. MoOcke, Ritratti (1762) 4:pl. .55. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Federigo, 1528-1612. Dezallier d’Argen- viLLE, Viedes plus fameux peintres (1762) 1:30. eng. Drei:x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. P. Simon sc. Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 3: pi. 41.Baroccio f. MoCcke, Ritratti ( 1752) 1 : pi. 34. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. BABOCHE, Pierre Jules, 1802-70. Bulle, Gesch. d. 2d kaiserreiches (1890) 45.* BABODA, maharajah gaekwar of, Sayaji Bao III, 1863- Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:109. wdct. — (1900) 116:838.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33:pl. 23. lith. after caricature. • . BABON, Alexander, m. d. 1745-1819. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 646. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Alexander, jr. of Charleston, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 636. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Auguste Alexis Floreal, 1794-1861. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1863) 29: front. B. Meunier f. John, M. D. 1786-1851. Pettigrew, Medical por. gall. 2:pl. 3. II. Room f. \V Holl eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:43. Room f. Holl eng. Michel, 1653-1729. Dreuxdu Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. De Trov p. P. Dupin sc. Gal. franf. (1823) 3:121. Sudr€ del. after p. (Thdiitre franc. ) BABONIO (orBaronius), Cesare, cardinal, 1538- 1607. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 179. Esme de Boulonois f. BABOYS, cardinal. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 :pl. 73. Clouet f. lith. BABB, Dr. Stuart, Letters to Louisa Clinton (1901) 26. drawing.* J/rsAmehaEdith(Huddleston) 1831- Book- buyer (1891) 8:323. Bookman (1900) 12:104.* Archibald, 1855- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 70. Charles, yacht captain. McClure’s mag. (189.5) 5:376.* Outlook (1899) 62:260. J ohn, 3 'acht captain. Harper’s w.(1887) 31 : 607. wdct. Bobert, 1850- Book buver (1896) 13:15. Bookman (1896) 3: 101.* —(1899)9:101.* —(1904) 18:581.* Critic (1896) 28:181. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1104. McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:503.* (with Conan Doyle) — 3:509.* i?ep. William. Metii. mag. (1817) 40:641. Jack- son f. Holl eng. BARRA 94 BARRIE BARRA, Joseph, 1779-94. L’.\rt (1875) 2:327. L. David p. Monzi^ dos. — (1881) 26:. 55. A. Paris sc. Bichard dcs. (bust) — (1893) 54:45. J. J. Weertz p. Rodolphc Piguet sc. BARRAL, Jean Sebastien de, bp. of Castros, 1710-73. Soc. Montjon ct Franklin, Por. ct hist, dcs homraes utiles, 5:177. BARRAN, Sir John, 1st hart. 1821- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:6.* Rowland Hirst, m. p. 1858- Illus. I>ond. news (1902) 121:200.* BARRAS, comte de, Paul Fran 9 ois Jean Nicolas, 1755-1829. Barras, Mem. (1895) 2:front. H. Lc Drew del. (as a Director, 1799) — (1896) 4:front. Vigneron f. Langluni4 lith. (in old age) Cent. (1895) 28:407. pi* (Camavalct mus.) Gal. hi.st. de la i^v. franf. pi. 6. Leguay sc. Iconog. d. contemp. (1832) pi. 13. Maurin del.? 1826. Delpech lith. Les LETTREset les arts (1889) 3:288. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 3: pi. 9. Leguay sc. BARRATT, Francis Layland, m. p. 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* BARRAUD, Henry, 1811-74. Baily’s mag. 41897) 67:195.* Gilbey, Animal painters (1900) i:56. BARR^, Isaac, colonel, 1726-1802. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 9. A. G. Stuart f. W. T. Fry eng. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:317. Gilbert Stuart p.* Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:59. Hamilton p. wclct. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 41. print pub. 1782* (Lenox lib.) Lond. mag. (1780) 49:195. eng. after drawing. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 33. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:98. eng. (caricature from Wright’s House of Hanover, Lond. 1842, v. 2) Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:3. Sayer etch, 1782. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) Leopold, 1819- L’Art (1877) 8:85. Paul R6- nouard des. Yves & Barret sc. (as Hannezo) Febvre & Johnson, Album de la com^die fran?. (1880) 20. E. Abot etch. BARRELL, Joseph, d. 1804. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:477. Webb, Com-sp. & jour. (1893) 1:114. J. S. Copley del.* —(1894) 3:181 p.* Mrs Sarah (Webb) Webb, Corresp. & jour. (1893) 1:221 p.* (poss. of Miss M. Barrell) BARRERA, naval school commander. L’Art ( 1888) 45:247. Paul Jazet del. F. M^aulle sc. BARRilRE. See Barfere. BARRilS, Maurice, 1862- Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:491. Thompson, French por. (1900) 162. BARRETT, Mrs. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:120. wdet. (in The actress of Padua) Edwin Shepard, 1833-98. Sons of the Am. rev. Mass. Hist. mem. (1899) front. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of Bennington . . . monument 1892)132. Fred, jockey. Baily’s mag. (1889) 52:t.-p. Vanity fair album (1889) 21:pl. 427. Lib f. litn. (caricature) George, jockey. Baily’s mag. (1887) 47:t.-p. Vanity fair album (1887) 19:pl. 386. Lib f. lith. (cari- cature) George, actor. Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 6:249. photo (as Ben Chibbles) George Carter, judge, 1838- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:273. wdet. George Hooker (Gentleman George) actor, 1794-1%0. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:423.* George Slatyer, d. d. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:543.* James, 1814- Green bag (1894) 6:127.* John, u. s. minister to Siam, 1866- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:590. —(1901) 45:1085. R. ok rev. (1904) 29:396. Lawrence, 1838-91. Buttre, por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 53. eng. Critic (1904) 45:428.* Har- per’s mag. (1892) 85:625. —(1898) 96:203, 205. death mask.* Harper’s w. (1883) 27:281. wdet. — (1886) 30:6.5. wdet. (as Hamlet) — (1891)35:181. J. S. Sargent p. wdet. — 35:876. wdet. (as Hamlet) — (1893) 37 : 580. wdet. (with Edwin Booth) Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891)299. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 35. death mask.* McClure’s mag. (1^1) 17:446. McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 62. Samuel, 1722-98. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO (1897) 2:165. Wilson, 1846-1904. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 22:22* (as Hamlet) Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:148.* 'Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:40. S. M. f. wdet. (as Friar John) — (1882) ser. 3,5:40. wdet. (group) — ser. 3 6:161. J. Bernard Partridge f. wdet. (as Romany Rye) — (1883) ser. 4, 1:33. photo (as Wilfrid Henver) — (1896) ser. 4,27:128. photo (as Marcus) — (1897) 29: 1.58* (with Maud Jeffries in Daughters of Babylon) Whyte, Actors (1898) 144* (as Hamlet) Mrs Wilson. See Heath, Caroline. BARRIAS, Felix, painter, 1822- Paris salon (1893) 53. Louis, sculptor, 1841- L’Art (1894) 57:307. Paris salon (1893) 89. BARRIE, James Matthew, 1860- Book buyer (1892) 9:23. —(1894) 11:472. —(1896). 13:611. Brooke p.* — (1900) 21:257. Ernest Haskell del.* Bookman (1896) 4:29.5.* —(1897) 5:281.* (with G.W. Cable) —6:118.* (in 1883) —(1899)9:240.* —(1900) 12:324. (caricature) —12:336. —(1904) 18:.593.* Bookman lit. vear bk. (1898) 127. Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:14.* ‘ Critic (1893) 22:239.* —(1896)29:299. —(1897)31:366. E. R. Halkett f. (caricature) —(1898) 33:12.5. —(1901) 38:165.* Griswold, Personal sketches (1898) 3^. Harper’s w. (1961) 48:200.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:739.* —(1892) 100:.599. Internat. studio (1897) 1 : 187. Leslie Brooke p.* Lamp (1904) 28:54.* Outlook BARRIE 95 BARROW (1900) 66:807. R. of rev. (1895) 11 : 187. Scrib- ner’s raag. (1896) 19:13.* Mrs James Matthew, actress. See Ansell, Mary. BARRlilRE, Theodore, 1823-77. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 5. photo. BARRINGER, Daniel Moreau, 1807-73. Liv- ingston, For. of eni. Am. (1853) 1:51. Dr William N. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:470. BARRINGTON, 1st viscount, John Shute Bar- rington, 1678-1734. Walpole, Roy. & noble au- thors (1806) 5:241. Jonathan Richardson f. eng. 2d viscount, William Wildman Barrington- Shute, 1717-93. European mag. (1800) 38:323. Lawrence p. Ridley sc. viscountess, Jane Elizabeth (SiddeU) w. of 6th viscount, 1804-83. Burke, For. gall, of distin. fe- males (1833) 2:61. Mrs. J. Robertson p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) 7th viscount, George WilliamBarrington, 1824- 86. Vanity fair album (1875) 7:pl. 214. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Lady Anne (Rich) w. of Thomas. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:523, pi. 38. II. Gascar p. eng. (with Lady Mary St John) Smith, Mary Rich, countess of Warwick (1901) 288. Gascar p. eng.* (with Lady Mary St John) Daines, 1727-1800. European mag. (18(X)) 37:278. Drummond p. Bromley eng. Nichols, Ulus, of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1828) 5:582. Slater p. 1770. C. Knight sc. 1795. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4 : pi. 69. p.* Mrs Elizabeth (Vassal) w. of Hon. John Bar- rington. Reynolds, Engraving, 2: pi. 89. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1758. S. W. Reynolds eng. 1758. F. Clinton. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2: pi. 9. wdct. George, criminal, 1755-1840 ? Lond. mag. (1777) 46:227. eng. after drawing. George. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:220. Count D’Orsay f. 1847. lith. Sir Jonah, 1760-1834. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 1: front. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. Samuel, r. n. 1729-1800. .\rt j. (1889) 41 :202. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 11. A. G. Stuart f. G. Bartolozzi eng. Campbell, Lives of Brit, admirals (1817) 4:front. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 3:427. J. S. Copley p. Ridley lith. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:81 p.* Locker, Mem. of celeb, naval commanders (1832) pi. 14. Reynolds p. H. T. Ryall sc. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:111. Reynolds p. R 3 *all eng. Shute, bp of Durham, 1734-1826. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 : pi. 10. II. Edridge f. C. Ficart eng. Euro- pean mag. (1790) 18: 163. G. E. Mountstcpnen f. eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. Bennes sc. J. Cochran eng. Nichols, Ulus, of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1828) 5 : 6(fe. F. Audinet sc. Robertson, Letters & papers (pref. 1897) 80. Andrew Robertson p. Caro- line Watson mezzo, (miniature) Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2 : 69. W. Behnes sc. J. Cochran eng. BARRINGTON-FIEET, George Rutland, 1853- Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 10: 130.* BARRIOS, Jose Maria Reina, of Guatemala, 1854-98. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:190.* Justo Rufino, of Guatemala, 1835-. Harper’s mag. (188.5) 71:900. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:220. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:714. Zenope eng. BARRITT, John. Meth. mag. (1805) 28:241. William Ridley sc. (age 46) BARRON, Elwyn Alfred, 1855- New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:689. Isabel. Wharton, Salons (1900) 229. E.G. Mal- bone p.* (miniature) James, commodore, 1769-1851. Am. hist. reg. (1895) 2 : 755— (1896) 3:535. J oseph, interpreter, war of 1812. Harper’s mag. (1863) 27: pi. 146. eng. BARROS GOMES, H. de, Fortuguese foreign minister. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:6. JoSo de, 1496-1.570. Stephens, Story of Fortu- gal (1891) 275. print* (Brit, mus.) BARROS-ARANA, Diego, 1824 1- Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:348. eng. from his Historia jen- eral de Chile, Santiago 1884 BARROT, Camille Hyacin the Odilon, 1791-1873. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 16. eng. Timon, Livre des orateurs (1844) 415. Arj- Scheffer p. E. Giroux del. sc. BARROW, Sir George, 2d hart. 1806-76. Rot. geog. soc. Yearbk. (1900) 3:1. John Lucas p. G. T. Faj'nc eng.* Lady [George], Rosamond (Croker) w. of 2d hart. See Croker. Isaac, D. D. 1630-77. Art j. (1859) 11: 156. M. Noble sc. W. Rolfe eng. (.statue. Trinity coll.Camb.) Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 8:51. eng. Craik, Fict. hist, of Eng. (1849) 3:881. Isaac Whood p. B. Holl eng. (Trinity coll. Camb.) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:129. Claude Lefebvrc p.* Earlom, For. of char. Loggan del. R. Earlom eng. Garnett, Hist.ofEng. lit. (1903)3:121. L<'febvrcp.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:94. Whood p. Holl eng. Moul- TON,Lib. of lit. crit. (1901)2:203. Whood p. Holl eng. For. gall. (1853) 2:420. Whood p. Holl sc. Royal mag. (1759) 1:66. Vandyke p. Felit sc. Sir John, 1764-1848. Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5:47. John Jackson p. 1824.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:251. Jackson? p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 30. Jackson p.* John, arctic explorer, 1808-98. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:235. Stephen Fearce p.* BAREOW 96 BAETELLI Mrs Julia (Bennett) actress, 1827- Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:300. A. Hill del. after photo. Beirce sc. — 10:305 (as Minnehaha) WUliani, 1610-79. See Waring, William. BARROWCLOUGH. Metii. mag. (180.5) 28:337. William Ridley sc. (age 37) BARROWS, John Henry, d. d. 1847-1902. Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:664. wdct. New Exo. mag.(1900) n. s. 23:65. R. ok rev. (1894) 9:299. Willard, 1806-68. Annals of Iowa (1863) 1; front. Alfred Jones eng. BARRY, comiesse du, Marie Jeanne (Gomart de Vaubemier) 1743-93. See Du Barry. Lieut. Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) pref. p. 6. Gainsborough p.* Alfred, bp. of Sydne}’, N. S. W. 1826- Illus. Lond. news (1883) 83:581. Men of mark (1883) 7:22. photo. Sir Charles, architect, 1795-1860. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:131. John Prescott Knight p.* Fagan, Reform club (1887) 136.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:415. J. P. Knight p.* Charles A. crayon artist, 1830- Ballou’s pic- torial (1859) 16: 136. del. after photo, eng. Charles Robert, 1825-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:698.* Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 453. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Edward Battevant, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:357. Elizabeth, actress, 1658-1713. Biog. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 13. Sir G. Kneller p. S. Harding del. C. Knight sc. Cibber, Apology (1889) 1:160. Kneller p. 1689. R. B. Parkes mezzo. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1: 160. Kneller p. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:112. Kneller f. C. Knight f.* Mrs Eugene Taylor (bom Wendel) Critic (1900) 37:. 50. Mrs Eugene Taylor Barry del.* Sir Francis Tress, 1st bart. 182.5- Illus. I^ond. news (1899) 114:4.* Helen. Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 3:193. photo, (as Mabel in The world) Henry Deacon, r. n. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:902.* James, painter, 1741-1806. Art). (1890) 42:258. George Dance del.* Brit. gall. (1822) 1: pi. 12. W. Evans del. from cast. C. Picart eng. Craig, Pursuit of knowl. (1831) 2:1.57. James Barry p. T. Wright eng. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (18^) 2:59. Barry p. W. C. Edwards eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:11. Barry p.* — 2:11. William Evans del.* European mag. (1806) 49:247. Barry p. 1783. Ridlej' & Hall eng. Internat. studio (1897) 1 :94. Barry p.* Lo.nd soc. of arts. Trans. (1804) v. 22: front. Barry p. 1783. J. Heath sc. (as Timanthes) Mag. of art (1833) 1:6. E. Scriven eng. after medal- lion. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:74. Ward, Eng. art (18^) 1:43. Barry p.* John, c. s. N. 174.5-1803. Cath. world (1897) 65:497. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:293. Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:122. Gilbert Stuart p. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1897) 95: 5.55. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1835) 2: pi. 16. Stuart p. J. B. Ixmgacre eng. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 24:68. Portfolio (1813) ser. 3, 2:1. eng. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 2:pl. 10. Stuart p. Longacre eng. Sons of the rev. N. 1 . Year bk. (1893) 172. Stuart p. Longacre eng. JohnDaniel, author, 1866- Critic(1903) 43:8.* Kate Madeleine, Canadian author. Cath. world (1896) 63:783. Mary, dau. of William T. Barry. Harper’s mag. (1900) 101:51. M. II. Jouett p. 182-* (child por.) Spranger, actor, 1719-77. Biog. mirrour (1798) 2:pl. 23. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Harding del. E. Harding sc. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 2:336. wdct. (with wife iiiTamerlane) — 2:344. eng. Mrs Spranger (Ann Street) 1734-1801. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 2:336. wdct. (with hus- band in Tamerlane) William, d. d. 1849- Book buver (1899) 18: 194. Bookman (1899) 8:511. Critic (1899) 34 : .397. William, 1853-94. Merry Eng. (1894) 24:1. William Farquhar, u. s. a. 1818-79. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:532. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1866) 9:250. A. II. Ritchie eng. BABB.YMOB.E, Ethel, actress. Critic (1899) 35:804. Ernest Haskell lith.* —(1901) 38:228* — (1902) 40:299. J. W. .Vlexander p.* (in Capt. Jinks of the Horse Marines) Harper’s w. (1!X)1) 45:208 —(1902) 46:1454* —(1904) 48:245,* 645,* 1809.* Maurice (Herbert Blythe) actor, 1847-1905. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:478. wdct. (as Orlando) McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 241. The.vtre (1886) ser. 4, 7:74. photo. BABSOTTI, Carlo, Ital. editor of N. Y. Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:817. wdct. BARSTOW, John, 1791-1864. N. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1864) 18:321. eng. BART, Jean, 1650-1702. L’Art (1893) 54:.37. David d’Angers sc.* (statue) Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 184. R. F. Bonnart f. Gal. fran<;. (1823) 3:4.5. Rulmann del. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) ■rardieu eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1838) 6: pi. 11. Mauzais.se del. Henri I^aurent sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (18.54) 33:451. eng. after p. Norman, Corsairs of France (1887) front. A. Bourchette eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, 8: pi. 1605. Auguste de Creuse p. after contemp. por. A. C. Danois eng. BART AS, Guillaume de Salluste du, poet, 1544-90. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:353. L’Armessin sc. eng. BARTELLI, Liberate. Masters in art (1904) pt. 55, 5: pi. 3. Pintoricchio p.* (fresco, San Severino cath.) BARTELS 97 BARTLETT BARTELS, Hans von, painter, 1856- Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1903) 67:2. BARTENSTEIN, freiherr von, Johann Chris- toph, 1689-1767. Allo. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:173. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:205. p.* BARTER, Richard, lieut. gen. 1829-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:367.* BARTET, Mile (Jeanne Juha Regnault) 1854- L’Art( 1894) 57:210,211,212. II.Courselles-Dumont del.* Critic (1894) 24:201 (with Mounet-Sully) — (1898) 33:65 (with Mounet-Sully) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 11:459. Dagnan-Bouveret p. Jasinski sc. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:929 (as Bere- nice) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:758.* Les LETTREs et les arts (1886) 3:236. Madeleine Lemaire f. —(1888) 1:108. BARTH, Ferdinand, painter, 1842- Allen, Mas- terpieces (1884) 1:173. wdct. Heinrich, African explorer, 1821-65. Harper’s mag. (1866) 33:65. eng. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:84. wdct. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 410. Otto Speckter lith.* Joseph, 1745-1818. Jiirb. d. kunsthi.st. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1900)21:272, fig. l.p.? after Fiiger* — 21:275. T. Benedetti eng. Theodor, 1849- Critic (1902) 40:229. Har- per’s w. (1890) 34: 136. wdct. BARTH VON BARTHENAU, Ludwig, chem- ist, 1839-90. Deutsche chem. gesellsch. Berichto (1891) 24:referate, 1089. K. Wartmann sc. BARTHALOT, Marius, painter. L’Art (1903) 62:433. BARTHEL, Melchior, sculptor, 1625-72. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. BARTH^LEMY, Emmanuel, 1804-80. L’Art (1901)60:368. Jean Jacques, 1716-95. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:160. Gal. fran?. (1823) 3:449. St Aubin p. Lebec del. Iconog. d. contemp. (1832) l:pl. 14. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. BARTH^LEMY - SAINT HILAIRE, Jules, 1805-95. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:342.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:6^62.* Stead, For. & auto. (1891) 119.* BARTHOLAMEU FERNANDEZ DOS MAR- TYRES, abp. of Braga, 1514-90. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. P. B. sc. Champagne del. BARTHOLDI, Frederic Auguste, sculptor, 1834- 1904. Beaux arts (1875) .ser. 2, 12:496. Pils del. Gillot sc. — (1882) ser. 2, 26:507. Paul Dulwis sc.* (bust) Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:480. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 1:294. Mao. of art (1886) 9:469. Dulwis sc. wdet. (bust) Montrosier, Les chefs d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 93. Ch. Kreutzberger eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1887) 22:1. G. Zielecke sc. BAUER, Harold, pianist. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:95. —(1903) 47:1349.* BAUERMEISTER, Mathilde, singt>r. Harper’s w. (1899)43:138. BAUERNFELD, Eduard von, 1802-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:227. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1898) 31:115. M. von Schwind del.* Kon- NECKE, Bilder atlas (1887) 304. drawing after photo.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 95. Kriehuber lith. 1858.* BAUFFREMONT, prince-duc de, Eugbne, 1843- Ann. de la noblesse de France (1898) 54: 144. princesse-duchesse de, Marie (Osorio de Moscoso et Bourbon) w. of Eugene, 18.50-1904. Ann. de la noblesse de France (18%) 54; front. BAUGNIET 103 BAYARD BAUGNIET, Charles, painter, 1814-86. Steb- BiNS, Cat. of coll. (1889) 15. etch. BAUHIN, Jean, botanist, 1541-1613. L’Abt ( 1879) 18:245. Nicolas Briot eng. J. B. Drouot des. BAUMANN, Eugen, 1846-96. Deutsche chem. gesellsch. Berichte (1897) jahrg. 30, 3:3197.* Johann, 1830- Cunningham & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 128.* Peter, 1833- Cunningham & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 132.* BAUMBACH, Rudolf, poet, 1840-' Franzos, Gesch. d. erstlingswerks, 193* (in 1874) BAUMGARTNER, Lucas. Portfolio (1897) no. 31:front. Albrecht Diirer p.* Reber u. Bayers- dorfer, Kla.ss. bilderschatz (1891) 3: pi. 314. Albrecht Durer p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Stephan. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. hilder- schatz (1891) 3:pl. 314. Albrecht Durer p.* (Pinako- thek, Munich) BAUMGARTEN, countess, mistre.ss of Count Rum- ford. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:470. Kellerho- ven p.* 1797. BAUR, Ferdinand Christian, 1792-1860. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pll.29. Kombeck p. Johann Wilhelm, 1610-40. Dezallier d’Ar- GENViLLE, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:35. eng. Meyssens, Por. em. paintres (1739) pi. 18. Baur p. J. Meyssens f. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 37. Baur p. Meyssens f. BAURY, Alfred Louis, 1794-1865. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 97. F. T. Stuart eng. Drake, Mem. of Cincin. (1873) 223. Stuart eng.l Frederick Francis, 1843-88. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 99. F. T. Stuart eng. BAURY DE BELLERIVE, Louis, 1753-1807. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 94. Huntington p. F. T. Stuart sc. Drake, Mem. of Cincin. (1873) 222. Huntington p. Stuart sc. BAUSSET, Louis Franijois de, 1748-1824. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:218. Alp. Boilly f. BAUYN, Prosper Nicolas, 1675-1740. See An- gervilliers, seigneur d’. BAVARIA. For kings, queens, princes, and prin- cesses of the kingdom of Bavaria, see their forenames; for dukes, duchesses, electors, and electresscs of Ba- varia and the modem dukes in Bavaria and their families, see Bayem. BAVASTRO, Joseph, 1760-1833. Toselli, Biog. nifoise (1860) 1:71. Perrin lith. BAVILLE, marquis de, Guillaume de Lamoi- gnon, 1617-77. See Lamoignon. BAX-IRONSLDE, Henry George Outram, 1859- See Ironside. BAXTER, Charles, painter, 1809-79. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:72.* Jere, of Nashville, Tenn. 1852- New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:140. John. Meth. mag. (1801) 24:373. William Rid- ley sc. (age 57) Richard, 1615-91. Art j. (1877) 29:249. T. Brock sc. 1875. T. W. Hunt eng. (statue) Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 9:79. eng. Calamy, Non- conformists mem. (1802) 3:493. J. Hopwood eng. Cunningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 5:front. S. Freeman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:129 (2 por.)* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:138 (Nat. por. gall.) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:13^. J. Riley f. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:43. eng. after statue (Kidderminster) Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:133. T. Brock sc. wdet. (statue, Kidderminster) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 2:437. Henrj' Adlard f. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:26. R. White f. eng. Robert, mayor of Norwich, d. 1432. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 21. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (with widow, St Giles’ church, Norwich) Sylvester, 1850- New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:712. William Edward, m. p. 1825-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:232.* Vanity fair album (1885) 17 : pi. 462. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BAYARD, Chevalier (Pierre du Terrail) 1475- 1524. L’Art (1882) 28:19. eng. 1527. —(1893) 55:38. Croisy sc.* (statue) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. eng. Gal. fran?. (1821) l:pl. 7. Chretien del. after drawings 16th cent. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:315. wdet. after equest. por. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:479. eng. —^8:483. statue (Grenoble) Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 6. Palme, sr. p. George Cooke sc. Literary souvenir (1833) 9:32. A. E. Fragonard p. William Greatbach eng. Masson, Medieval France (1888) 318. Mennecuet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) 3:pl. 7. Boilly del. Allais sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 4:487. Sisco eng. after contemp. por. Pardoe, Francis I (1849) 1 : 106. S. Freeman sc. Re- cuEiL d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 206. N. D. p. J. F. sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 2: 128. vignette. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:345. eng. Velly, Hist, do France (1771) 11 : 190. N. D. p. J. F. sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1583. Lerouge eng. after p. — 13:pl. 125. C. A. Bridan sc. A. Gel^e eng. (statue) — sup. 5: pi. 21. Sisco eng. after contemp. por. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. franp. pi. 13. eng. i^mile Antoine, 1837-91. Mag. of art (1892) 15:179.* George Dashiell, brig. gen. 1835-62. Cent. (1886) 10:640.* Por. m. (1863) 1:15. wdet. James Asheton, 1767-1815. Analectic mag. (1816) 7:165. A. U. Wertmuller p. Goodman & Pig- got sc. Cent. (1897) 31:808. Gilbert Stuart p.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dis. jUn. BAYARD 104 BAYERN (1835) 2:pl. 24. Wortmuller p. E. Wellmore eng. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog. record (1885) 16:49. Wert- rniillerp. Wellmore eng. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1854) 2: pi. 15. Wertmuller p. Wellmore eng. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 429. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* James Asheton, u. s. Senator, 1799-1880. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 59. eng. Glea- son’s pictorial (1853) 4:152. eng. Jean Fran 9 ois Alfred, author, 1796-1853. IIUART et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 23. M. Alophe f. John, colonel, 1738-1807. Mag. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:98. N. J. hist. soc. Proc. (1897) ser. 3, 2: 100. eng. Mrs John (Margaret Hodge) d. 1780. Mag. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:84. Thomas Francis, 1828-98. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 42. Cent. (1883) 3:813. Critic (1898) 33: 4.37.* Harper’s w. (1877) 21 : 125. wdct. —(1881) 25:93. wdct. —(1885) 29:169, 201. wdct. —(1886) 30:64. wdct. —(1893) 37:332. wdct. — (1898)42:997. lLLUs.Lond.news(1893) 102:451.* —(1897) 110:347.* —(1898) 113:512.* Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 115. W. Llewellyn p.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 592. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Wilson, Ilist. of Ajii. people (1902) 5:231. from Harper’s weekly.* BAYAZID, sultans of Turkey. See Bajazet. BAYERN, herzogin von, Anna (of Braunschwcig- Grubenhagen) w. of Albrecht II, 1420-74. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:161, fig. 15. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) herzog von, Albrecht III (IV) 1447-1508. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:pl. l,fig. 2. Benedict Burkart f. 1.507* (medal) — (1894) 15:pl. 21, fig. 14. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) herzog von, Wilhelm IV, 1493-1550. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31: 182 (miniature, Bibl. nat. Turin) Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:pl. 22, fig. 17. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) herzogin von, Maria Jakoba (of Baden) w. of Wilhelm IV, 1507-80. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhaases (1894) 15:pl. 22, fig. 18. p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) herzog von, Ernst II, abp. of Salzburg, 1.500-60. Jure. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:165, fig. 21. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) herzog von, Theodor, s. of Wilhelm IV, 1526-34. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhau.ses (1894) 15: 163, fig. 19. p.* (coll, ot archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Aerzoj wn, Albrecht rV (V) 1528-79. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1^3) 244. Hans Mielich f.* (miniature) Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1:4. from ancient prayer book.* herzog von, Wilhelm V, der Fromme, 1548-1626. Droysen, Ge.sch. der gegenreformation (1893) 347. Dominicus Custodis eng. 1596.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: pi. 22. fig. 22. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 63. Cottier eng. Aerzo^in wn,Rende (of Ijorraine) w. of Wilhelm V, 1544-1602. Jure. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiser- auses (1894) 15: pi. 22, fig. 23. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) herzog von, Ernst, abp. of Cologne, 1.5.54-1612. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 262. eng.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaisc.^iauses (1894) 15: 167, fig. 24. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) kurfiirst von, Maximilian I, 1573-1651. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 8:29. Johann Sadeler eng.* Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 157. eng. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 438. Johann Sadeler eng.* Fletcher, Gustavus Adolphus (1897) 238. J. Engberg eng. Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek(1885) pi. 22. Pet. Iseiburg.;Vgripp. exc. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:5. Wolfg. Kilian eng.* — 3:72. Thorwaldscn sc.* (equestr. statue, Munich) Hirth, Les grands illu- strateurs, 4:1381. Paul Zeggin eng. Knackfcss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 16:80. Thorvaldsen sc.* (equestr. statue, Munich) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl.31. Peter Isselburg exc.* kurfiirst von, Ferdinand Maria, 1636-79. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1546. Melchoir KiLsell eng. kurfurst von, Maximilian II Emanuel, 1662- 1726. Dreux DC Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Vivien p. D. Sornique sc. EdmannsdOrffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:699. P. Schenck eng.* He.nderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 215. eng.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14: 117. me- morial* (National mus. Munich) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:2007. Joseph Vivien p. C. Vermeulen eng. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1 : 160. M. Devos sc. (statue) Schenk, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 8. P. Schenck f. — pi. 30. Schenck f. & exc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 38. J. Vivien p. C. V’ermeulen sc. kurfiirst von, Karl Theodor, 1724-99. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:601. P. G. Battoni p. Ro- manet eng.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9: 468. Kel- lerhoven p. Paget papers (1896) 1:122. Batoni p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4:pl. 10. J. G. Ziesenis p. J. G. Wille sc. Wolf u. Zwiedeneck, Oesterreich (1884) 175. Battoni p. Romanet eng. kurfiirst tym, Maximilian Joseph, s. of Karl VII, emperor of Germany 1727-77. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 26.57. Ole.szczynski eng. herzog in, Maximilian, 1808-88. AiJi. de Gotha (1848) pi. 6. Krafft del. Carl Mayer sc. herzogin in, Luise (of Bavaria) w. of Maximilian, 1808-92. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5; 120. W. von Rumann f.* (tomb) herzi^ in, Ludwig, 1831- Tulleerg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (U®8) 1:59. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BAYERN 105 BAZLEY herzog in, Karl, 1839- Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1902) 60:39. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (bust) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:57. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzogin in, Maria Josepha (infanta of Portugal) w. of Karl, 1857- Tullberg, Fiii-stenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:57, 180. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzomn in, Sophie, dau. of Karl, 187.5- Tull- berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:57. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzog in, Siegfried, s. of Maximilian Emanuel, 1876- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:60. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzog in, Christoph, s. of Maximilian Emanuel, 1879- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:60. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzog in, Ludwig Wilhelm, s. of Karl, 1884- Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 18:76. Franz Defregger p. 1886* (child por.) Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:58. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzogin, Franz Joseph, s. of Karl, 1888- Tull- berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. 1 : 58. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzog in, Luitpold, s. of Maximilian Emanuel, 1890- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 60. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BAYERN-INGOLSTADT, herzog von, Ludwig VII, der Bartige, 1365-1447. Hirtii, Der formen- schatz (1892) pi. 130. monument.* herzogin von, Catherine d’Alen 9 on, w. of Lud- wig VII, d. 1462. See Alen^on. BAYEBN-LANDSHUT, herzog von, Ludwig X, 1495-1545. Jhrb. d. kuasthist. samml. d. kaiser- haus (1894) 15 :164, fig. 20. p.* (coll, of archduke Fer- dinand von Tirol) BAYEU Y STJBIAS, Francisco, painter, 1734-95. Rotuenstei.v, Goya (1900) pi. 9. Goya p.* (Prado) BAYFIELD, Robert, of Norwich, 1629- Scrib- ner’s m. (1872) 4:407. William Faithorne eng. 1654 ? (age 25) BAYLE, Pierre, 1647-1706. Biog. mag. (1794) Cromek f. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. Francois Chereau sc. Gal. franc. (1823) 3:69. N. n. Jacob del. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1838) 6:pl. 10. C. Jacquand del. Leclerc sc. Por. d. homines illus. d. 17® et 18® siScles (1805) 2: pi. 105. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 14. G. E. Petit sc. BAYLEY, Ambrosia, d. 1807. See Lifford, vis- countess. Sir John, 1763-1841. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:77. William Russell p.* Sir Steuart Colvin, 1836- Mag. of art (1895) 18:314. Hamo Thornycroft sc.* (statue) Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 185. Thornycroft sc.* (model of statue, Calcutta) Thomas, 1582—1663. Earlo.m, Por. of char. Loggan del. R. Earlom eng. WUham Shirley, 1861- New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:309. wdet. BAYLISS, Sir Wyke, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:53.* BAYLOR, Frances Courtenay, novelist, 1848- Book buyer (1888) 4:491. Harper’s mag. (1887) 74:847. W. S. H., colonel, d. 1862. Cent. (1886) 9:618.* BAYLY, Ada Ellen (pseud. Edna Lyall) 1859?- 1903. Black, Women authors (1893) 133.* Illus. Lond. news (1^3) 122:228.* T. Harvey D. 1839- Baily’s mag. (1882) 38:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. 0 Thomas Haynes, poet, 1797-1839. New m. mag. (1831) 31 :550. F. Say del. Thomson eng. BAYNE, Peter, 1830-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:230.* i BAYNES, Arthur Hamilton, bp. of Natal, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:626.* — (1897) 111:426.* So. Africa por. gall. (1897) 31. BAZAINE, Fran 9 ois AchiUe, marshal, 1811-88. Bulle, Gesch. d. 2d kaiserreiches (1890) 385.* Cent. (1898) 33:424. (with wife) —(1899) 36:279* —(1899)36:279.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:529. wdet. — G873) 17:1021. wdet. Hozier, Franco-Prussian war, 1:353. eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:208. wdet. after photo. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:166. J/me Fran 9 ois AchiUe. Cent. (1898) 33:424 (with her husband) Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65: 187. wdet. after photo. BAZALGETTE, Sir Joseph William, 1819-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:368.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl.l9. photo. BAZAN, Alvaro de, 1526-88. See Santa Cruz, marquds de. Dotla Emiha Pardo-, novelist, 1852- See Pardo- Bazan. BAZELY, John, admiral, d. 1809. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:9. T. Langdon p. Ridley eng. (mini- ature) BAZILE, Cuban planter. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 241. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* BAZIN, Ernest, 1826-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:141.* Mme Pierre. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3, 4:452. Francois Gerard del. 1792. Rene', 1853- Lami> (19tt3) 27 : 68.* BAZLEY, Sir Thomas, 1st hart. 1797-85. Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86:351.* Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 212. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BAZZI 106 BEALE BAZZI, Giovanni Antonio (II Sodoma) 1477 ?- 1549. 5'ee Sodoma. BEACH, Erasmus D. 1809- Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:300. eng. after drawing. Mrs H. H. A. (Amy Marcy Cheney) 1867- Baker, Biog. diet. nnis. (1900) 44. Alex. GribayiSdoff del.* Cent. (1898) 33:773.* John Newton, 1837- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:556. eng. after photo. Sir Michael Edward Hicks- 9lh bart. 1837- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:81.* Ewald, Beaconsfield & his times (1882) 2 : 407. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (188.5) 29; 401. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:172.* —(1885) 86:651.* —(1895) 107:.52.* —(1896) 108:513. S.Beggs del.* —(1897) 110:174.* —(1902) 120:555.8. Beggs del.* McCar- thy, Brit, political por. (1903) 204.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:57. Henry T. Wells p.* Me.\ of mark (1876) 1:6. photo. Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:270. G. 11. Halkett del.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1902) 26:1.53.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 51. 11. T. Wells p.* V’anity fair album (1874) 6; pi. 182. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Lady [Michael Edward Hicks], Lucy (Fortes- cue) Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:787. Miles, judge, 1840-1902. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:385. wdet. Moses Yale, 1800-68. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2 : 634. G. E. Ferine eng. Thomas, 1841-94. jSee Le Caron, Henri. William Augustus, 1809-84. Gree.n bag (1890) 2:.509.* Scott, Dist. Am. lawyers (1891) 33. William Hicks- 1866- Baily’s mag. (1900) 74:406. William Wither Bramston, 1826-1901. Baily’s mag. (1878) 32:125. Joseph Brown .sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:107.* — (1901) 119:227.* Vanity fair album (1895) 27:pl. 655. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BEACONSFIELD, 1st earl of, Benjamin Disraeli 1804-81. Acad. (1899) 56:686. Ape f.* (caricature from Vanit}' fair, July 2, 1878) Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:753.* Al.m. do Gotha (1877) front. A. Weger sc. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1877) 2:354. II. B. Hall etch. Archer, Gladstone & his contemp. (1883) 1:320. lith. after photo. L’.iVrt (1875) 3:278, 279, 297. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (3 caricatures with Gladstone) Art j. (1882) 34:180. Lord Ronald Gower sc. W. Rofle eng. (statue) Baldry, Millais (1899) 70. Millais p.* Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:368, fig. 3. eng. Besant, .50 years ago (1888) 150. Alfred Croquis del.* (Fraser gall.) Bolton, Eng. statesmen (1891) 313. Book buyer (1901) 22:442. Sir John Teniel del.* — 22 : 442. Maclise del. Brett, Yoke of empire (1897) 117. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:9. lith. Critic (1881) 1:10.3. Cust, Nac. por. gall. (1902) 2:201. (4 por.)* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2;. 508. EcLixmc mag. (18.53) 29:285. Sartain eng. —(1878) 91:641. J. J. Cade eng. Ewald, Beaconsfield & his times (1882) 1: front. W. Roflo eng. after photo. — 1:14. Daniel Maclise del. L. Ixiwenstain sc. — 2:587. J. E. Boehm sc. G. Stodart eng. (statue) Fagan, Reform club (1887) 26. Daniel Maclise del.* (in 1833) Farrar, Men I have known (1897) 237.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:187 (as a young man) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1848. Boehm sc. (bust) Harper’s mag. (1867) 34:7.53. — (1868) 36:806. eng. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:169. wdet. —(1868) 12:173, 429. wdet. —(1874) 18:265. wdet. —(1878) 22:668. wdet. —(1881) 25:297. wdet. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4 : 130. Anton von Werner p.* — 1: 132.* Hubbard, Little jour. Eng. authors (1900) 2:133 (age 28) Hutton, Por. in E laster (1894) 179. Boehm f.* (death mask) Illus. ond. news (1874) 64:149. W. B. Gardner eng. after photo. — 64:364. wdet. after photo. — (1878)72:569 — ( 1 881) 78 : 401 ,* 404, 408, 428, Apr. 30 sup. — ( 1891 ) 98:531. Chalon p. 1840* — 98:.531. Muller p. aftei Von Angeli 1877.* — (1892) 100:. 525. SirF.Grantp.* — (1898) 112:776 statue* (Westminster abbey) Knackfuss, Kflnstler-inonog. (189.5) 9: .53. A. von Wer- nerdel. 1878.* — 9:. 54 (caricature) Latimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 360. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:162. Millais p.* Maclise gall. (1873) 98. Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del. Mag. of art (1886) 9:221. Millais p. wdet. — 9:224. Boehm f. wdet. (bust) — 9:225 (caricatures from Punch, 1844-82) — 9:226. Maclise del? 1833. wdet. (as Vivian Grey) — 9 : 227, pi. 1. Harr}’ Furniss del. wdet. Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 1. photo. Merry Eng. (1883) 1: front. Magrath sc. Molloy, Sailor king (1903) 2:355. A. E. Clialon p.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:277.* Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1833) 23:481. etch. New m. mag. (1837)49:4.57. D’Orsayf. eng. Oncken Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:853.* Out- look (1897) 55:904. — 55:905. G. J. Stodart eng.* Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 158. C. B. Birch sc.* (statue) Scribner’s m. (1877) 14:192-93 (2 sketches) — (1881) 22:26.5. eng. Spofford, Lib. hi.st. char. (1896) 10:204. S. J. Ferris f.* & vignette. Vanity fair album (1869)1: pi. 1. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1878) 10:front. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1880) 12:front. Spy f. lith. (with Montagu Corry, caricature) Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 343. Millais p.* Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 24. lith. countess of, Mary Anne (Viney-Evans) w. of 1st earl, 1798?-1872. Bookman (1904) 19:9. A. E. Chalon p. 1840* (age 51) Heath’s book of beauty (1841) 236. Chalon p. W. II. Mote eng. BEAL, James, 1829-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:803.* Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1835) 58:577. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. William James, scientist, 1833- Harper’s w. (1894)38:808. wdet. BEALE, Charles, 1660- Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:145. wdet. Daniel. Wili.iamso.n, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 60, fig. 11. G. Engleheart p.* Mrs Daniel. Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 60, fig. 10. G. Engleheart p. 1787.* BEALE 107 BEATBICE J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 97. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* Mrs Mary (Craddock) artist, 1632-97. Lives of illus. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway ^827) 3:131. wdct. Thomas Barbot. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 77, fig. 3. Sir William Newton p. 1824.* BEAMAN, Charles Cotesworth, 1840-1900. Cent. (1897) 32:183. St Gaudens sc. 1894.* Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:964. wdct. —(1900) 44:1272.* Harvard grad. mag. (1901) 9:366. BEAN, Ellis P. Yoakum, Hist, of Texas (1856) 2:404. K. Huber lith. Emery Oliver, judge, 1819- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3; 1357. A. II. Ritchie eng. H. M. shipbuilder. World’s work (1900) 1:217. drawing ?* Sidney Alfred, colonel, 1833- Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 547. eng. BEARD, Alanson W. 1825- Cent. (1901) 39:594. F. P. Vinton p. Henry Wolf eng. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:128. wdct. Daniel Carter, 1850-1900. Arena (1904) 32: 1. Book buyer (1896) 13:608. Ithamar W. 1814- Democratic rev. (1858) 41 : 175. J. C. Buttre eng. John, actor, 17161-91. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (18^) 3: 114. wdct. (as Hawthorn) Thomas, schoolmaster of Cromwell, d. 1632. Cent. (1899) 37:7. print (Brit, mus.) Thomas, lawyer. Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 509. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William Holbrook, painter, 1825-1900. Har- per’s w. (1900) 44:208. Mao. of art (1882) 5:15. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:143. Steb- BIN8, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 41. etch. Wolcott Le Clear, 1867- Book buyer (1897) 13:932. BEARDSLEY, Aubrey, 1874-98. Acad. (1898) 55:437. Book buyer (1895) 12:26. —(1898)17:213. Penrhyn Stanlaws del.* Bookman (1901) 12:450. Aubrey Beardsley del.* CnAP-book (1894) 1:17. Beardsley del.* — (1898) 8:390.* Critic (1895) • 26:131. —(1899) 34:386. F. II. Evans del.* —(1901) 38:128. Beardsley del.* —38:133. sil- houette* — (1902)41:568. Beardsley del.* — (1904) 45:302.* Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:429.* Internat. studio (1904) 21:194. J. E. Blanche p.* Mao. of art (1896) 20:9. Beardsley del.* Sidney Burr, judge, 1822-90. Bioo. encycl. of Conn. & R. 1. (1881) 66. eng. BEARE, Donnell O’Sulevan. Stafford, Pacata Hibernia (1896) 2: front. B^ARN, prince de, Henri de Navarre, 1553-1610. See Henri IV, king of France. marquise de, friend of Marie Antoinette, 18th cent. Art j. (1893) 45:224. Kokanshi p. 17801 C. Waltner etch. Pall Mall mag. (1893) 1:781. Kokarski p Waltner etch. BEASER, Martin, 1822-66. Mao. of West. hist. (1888) 9:24. eng. BEASLEY, Frederick, d. d. 1777-1845. Am. hist, reg. (1896)3:524. Mercer, 1815-97. Green bag (1891) 3:493* (group) BEAT, Rev. Wilham, 1710-97. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 110. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. BEATH, Robert B. colonel, 1839- Beath, Hist. G. A. R. (1899) front. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:508. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:614. BEATIANO, Agostino, fl. 1550. See Bcazzano. BEATON, David, card. abp. of St. Andrews, 1494- 1546. Anderson, Scottish nation (1863) 1: pi. 288. W. Holl eng. after p. (Blair’s coll.) Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:23. p. 1541?* (Balfour jx>r.) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847 & 1855) 1 : 163. S. Freeman eng. after p. Gordon, Eccles. chron. Scotland (1867) 1:256. W. Holl eng. after p. (Blair’s coll.) Lodge, Por. (1835) Thomas Wright eng. Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 119. print* (Brit, mus.) Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 3. eng. after p. Taylor, Piet. hist, cf Scotland, 1:597. J. C. Armytage eng. BEATBICE, BEATRIZ, queens and princesses. bohemia Beatrice (de Bourbon), queen, w. of Jean de Luxembourg, d. 1385. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 62. E. Conquy eng. after statue. GREAT BRITAIN Beatrice, princess, dau. of Queen Victoria, 1857- See Battenberg, prinzessin von. Beatrice, princess, dau. of Alfred, duke of Edin- burgh, 1884. See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, prinzessin von. HUNGARY Beatrice (of Aragon) queen, w. of Matthias Cor- vinus, 1457-1^8. Bode, Ital. por. sculpturen (1883) 35. Gustav Eilers sc. (bas-relief) Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 397. bust.* (coll, of G. Dreyfus, Paris) Heyck, Monograph, z. weitgesch. (1898) 5:50. relief* (Hofmus. Vienna) PORTUGAL Beatrice, infanta, dau. of King Emanuel, 1504-38. See Savoie, duchessc de, w. of Charles HI. SPAIN Beatriz (of Swabia) queen of Castile, w. of Fer- nando HI, d. 1235. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (185.5) 1 : pi. 9. Carderera del. after statue. Jos6 de Mendez lith. (Burgos cath.) BEATRICE 108 BEAUFORT BEATRICE POBTINARI, 1266-90. Atkinson’s casket (1837) 529. W. Allston p. J. Cheney eng. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 36:91. Canova sc.* (bust) Token (18^) 105. W. Allston p. J. Cheney eng. See also Dante. BEATSON, George Steward, surg.-gon. 1814-74. Illcs. Lend, news (1874) 65:229. wdet. after photo. Nolan, War against Russia, 2:753. Stodart eng. after photo. BEATTIE, James, poet, 1735-1803. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:46. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Bioo. mag. 0«^20) 2:3. IIoll sc. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847,1855) 1: 181. Reynolds p. G. B. Shaw eng. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 136. Rey- nolds p. T. Uwins del. W. Bromley eng. European mag. (1801) 39:3. Ridley eng. Holt, Life of George 111 (1820) 1:271. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:421. Reynolds p. Uwins del. Bromley eng.* For. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 67. Reynolds p. Uwins del. Bromley eng. BEATTY, Charles Harold Longfield, captain, 1870- Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 904. G. D. G. del. lith. (caricature) Charles T. sec’y A. P. A. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1017. wdet. David Longfield, captain. Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl.710. G. A. F. f. lith. (caricature) Ekurius, major, 1759-1823. Ohio archseol. & hist. pub. (1898) 6:191. BEATUS RHENANTJS (Bild von Rheinau) 1485-1547. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:172. eng. BEAU, J. B. P. minister to Pekin. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:560. BEAUCHAMP, countess, Catherine (Denn) w. of 1st earl, d. 1844. Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) 2:pl. 72, fig. 3. J. Smart p.* — 2:pl. 93, fig. 3. J. B. Isabey p.* 6th earl, Frederick Lygon, 1830-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:270.* 7th earl, William Lygon, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:151.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 710. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir John de (Dute Humphrey) d. 1388. Port- folio (1902) no. 43: pi. 14. W. Hollar f. (monument, St Paul’s cath.) Lady, Philippa (Ferrers) w. of Sir Guy, d. 1384. CoT.MAN, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 9. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. (Necton church, Norfolk) Richard de, 1381-1439. See Warwick, 13th earl of. BEAUCHAMP title. See also title Hertford and family name Seymour. BEAU CHAMP-PROCTOR, Lady [Thomas] (Mary Palmer) w. of 2d bart. d. 1847. See Proctor. BEAUCLERK, Hon. Misses. Friendship’s offer- ing (1838) front. A. E. Chalon del. F. Bacon eng. Lady Charles (Laura Maria Theresa Hop- ford) d. 1858. Heath, New gall, of Brit. eng. (1846) pi. 31. J. Hayter p. W. II. Mote eng. Lady Diana (Spencer) w. of Topham, 1734-1808. Mag. of art (1904) 28:443. p.* (coll, of duke of Marl- borough) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 95 p.* Wauole, Letters (1840) 54:. 50. Sir J. Rey- nolds p. Powel f. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbatch sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (18^) 6: front. Reynolds p. Great bach sc. Elizabeth, w. of G. A. Herbert, 30th earl of Pem- broke, d. 1793. See Herbert. Mary, a/tw. countess Jenison Walworth. Con- noisseur (1903) 7:97. Lady Diana Beauclerk del. Bartolozzi eng. 1780* (with sister Elizabeth) Lord Osborne De Vere, 1874- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:717.* Topham, 1739-80. Boswell, Johnson, ed. Croker (1848) 9:66. eng. Boswell, Johnson, ed. Napier (1884) 3:92. G. P. Harding del. S. Beilin sc. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:687. eng. William Nelthorpe, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:7.* BEAUCLERK family name. See also title St Albans. BEAUDRAP, Pierre Francois, 1742- Biog. moderne (1807) 1:181. Labadye del. N. F. J. Mas- quelier sc. BEAUFORT, duchesse de, 1573-99. See Elstr^es, Gabrielle d’. duede, Francois de Vend6me, 1616-69. Drecx DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Nocroit p. Pinssio eng. Hassall, Louis XIV (1895) 16. print* (Christ church, Oxford) Iconog. de Mrne de S^vi- gnd, pi. 13. contemp. por. eng. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 25:177. contemp. por. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1220 — 8:pl. 1404. L. J. Trimolet p. Lacoste. wdet. 1st duke of, Henry Somerset, 1629-99. Fea, King Monmouth (1902) 241. Sir Peter Lely p.* Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 5, fig. 8. Mary Beale p. 1674.* duchess of, Frances (Scudamore) w. of 3d duke, ’1711-50. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:520. Sir G. Kneller p.* (child por. with mother, Sherborne castle) 5tAdwI:eo/, Henry Somerset, 1744-1803. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:40. Reynolds p.* (age 13, with tutor) 6th duke of, Henry Charles Somerset, 1766- 1835. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. Thomas Phillips f. T. A. Dean eng. Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 2:242. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846)2:82. Philhfis p. Dean eng. duchess of. Lady Charlotte Sophia (Leveson- Gower) w. of 6th duke, 1771-1854. Oldfield, Har- riet, countess Granville (1901) 169. Sir Francis Grant p.* See also Gower, 2d earl, children of. BEAUFORT 109 BEAUMARCHAIS 7th duke of, Henry Somerset, 1792-18.53. Bourke, Hist, of Wtiites (1892) 1:220. Count d’Orsay f. 1840. lith. — 2; 146. Sainton f. Zobel eng.* duchess of, Emily Frances (Smith) w. of 7tli duke, d. 1889. Heath’s book of beauty (1841) 12. A. E. Chalon p. W. H. Mote eng. 8th duke of, Charles Henry Fitzroy Somerset, 1824-99. Baily’s mag. (1860) 1:119. George Rich- mond p. Joseph Brown sc. — (1899) 71:433* —(1901) 75:440. Sir F. Grant p. 1864.* Ca.sseu., Nat. por. gall. 3: 113. lith. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:643.* Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl.233. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1893) 25: pi. 618. Spy f. lith. (caricature) duchess of. Lady Geornana Charlotte (Curzon) w. of 8th duke. Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:440. Sir F. Grant p. 1864.* 9th duke of, Henry Adelbert Wellington Fitzroy Somerset, marquis of Worcester, 1847- Baily’s mag. (1874) 24:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. duchess of, Louise Emily (Harford) w. of 9th duke. Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:97. Sir Francis, arctic explorer, 1774-1857. CrsT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:235. Stephen Pearce p.* Henry, cardinal, bp. of Winchester, 1370-1447. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2:pl. 102. J. Parker sc. after p. Lady Margaret w. of 15th earl of Richmond, 1441-1509. See title Richmond. W. H. de. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:660. BEAUFOY, Mrs Henry. Armstrong, Gaiaslx»r- ough (1898) 96. Gaiaslwrough f.* Connoisseur (1^32) 2:129. Gainsborough p.* Portfolio (1894) no. 9: front. Gainslwrough p.* Mark Hanbury, m. p. 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:135. BEATJQRAND, Honord, Canadian journalist, 1849- New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:412. Jean de. L’Aet (1877) 9 : 134. Thomas de Leu eng. BEAT7HAB.NAIS, marquis de, Fran 9 ois, 1714- Bltilington m^. (1904) 4:126. Drouais p * (with wife and Drouais, miniature) — 4 : 129. Drouais p.* (miniature) marquise de, Marie Anne Henriette (Pyvart de ChastuUd) d. 1767. Burlington mag. (1904) 4: 126. Drouais p.* (with husband and Drouais, minia- ture) — 4:129. Drouais p. 1770* (miniature) marquis de, Charles, d. 1749. Parkman, Champlain ed. (1898) 12: front. Toumiferes f.* (Gre- noble mus.) comtesse de, Fanny (Mouchard) 1737-1813. Foucaux, Quelques salons de Paris, 232. marquis de, Francois, 1756-1823. Biog. mod- eme (1^7) 1:182. Moreau del. Beljanbe sc. vicomtede, Alexandre, 1760-94. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:183. Labadye del. Courbe sc. Burling- ton mag. (190-1) 4:129. Drouais p. 1770* (age 10) Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17° et 18° slides (1805) 2: pi. 1(X5. Blanchard sc. after p. (miniature) Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1622. Georges Rouget p. G. Ldvy eng. Eugdne de, adopted s. of Napoleon 1, 1781-1824. See Eugene. Mme Eugdne (Augusta Ameha, princess of Bavaria) 1788-1851. See Augusta Amelia (of Bava- ria) vice-or.) Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 731. .\lonzo Chappel p. eng. Illus. I.iond. news (1893) 102:266.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1901) 16:244.* Nicoijiy & Hay, Lincoln (18^) 5:.352.* Por. m. (1863) 1:5. wdct. Snow, Southern generals (1866) 213. O’Neill eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 8:140. A. Tholev f.* — p. 195. vignette. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1:143. eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:223.* BEAUREPAIRE, Jules Quesnay de, 1838- See Quesnay de Beaurepaire. BEAURY-SAUREL, Amelie, painter. L’.\rt (1887) 43:10. Beauiy-Saurel des. Michelet sc. (sketch) — (1894) 57:129. Baurv-Saurel p. & del. —(1903) 62:433. BEAUVAIS, Vincent de, 1190-12641 See Vin- cent. BEAUVAIS-NANGIS, seigneur de, d. 1564. See Brichanteau, Nicolas de. BEAUVAIS DE PR^AU, Charles Thdodore, 1772-1830. Tardieu, G6n. franf. 2: pi. 98. Forestier sc. BEAUVAU, princesse de, Marie Charlotte (de Rohan-Chabot) 1729-1807. Lf.scure, Les grandes Spouses (1884) 352. eng. after p. (chflteau de Mouchy) 15EAUVAU 111 BECK Charles Juste de, 1720-93. Versaili,e.s, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4; pi. .53. Mme Bruyfere p. Lerouge eng. BEAUVE ATI, Louis de, seigneur de Tremblecourt, d. 1596. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3 4:527. II. Bouchot eng. after drawing (Bibl. nat.) Rend Fran 9 ois de, abp. of Narbonne, 1664-1739. Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1902) 6:291. H. Rigaud p. Pierre Drevct eng. BEAUVILLIERS, Fran 9 ois Honorat de, due de Saint Aignan, 1607 ?-87. Iconog. de Mme de Sdvignd,pl. 14. eng. after p. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 5: pi. 88. Bertaut eng. after old por. BEAUVISAGE, Antoine Jean, 1786-1836. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:367. Boilly p. E. Conguy sc. BEAXJVOER, Roger de (Roger de Bully) 1809-66. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3:pl. 17. Benjamin f. Mme Roger de (Aimee Doze) 1823-59. See Doze. BEAUVOIR DE CHASTELLUX, Claude de, marshal, 1386 ?-1453. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8; pi. 1307. F. A. B. Audibran eng. after copy by Henri Scheffer. Georges de. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 8. II. Pigeot eng. BEAVER, James Addams, of Penn. 18.37- Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:983. BEAVERS, George W. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:519. BEAZZANO, Agostino, fl. 1550. Reber u. Ba- 5 ’ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1894) 6:pl. 823. Ra- phael p.* (with Navagero, Doria gall. Rome) rebel, August, 1840- Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:573.* Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:344. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:709. wdet. —(1894) 38:569. wdet. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:417.* Outlook (1900)64:547. R. of rev. (1903) 28:186.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1901) n. s. 12:255. Jan Vcth-Holland lith. 1896* (age 56) BEC-DE-LlilVRE, Charles III de, seigneur d’Hocqueville et de Brumare, 1579-1622. Ver- SAn.LES, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 76. Bemardi eng. after statue. Pierre III de, 1644-85. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 75. eng. after statue. B^CAN, Jean Gorop, 1518-72. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2: 177. Esme de Boulonois f. eng. BECCADELLI, Luigi, 1502-72. Mongez, Gal. do Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 4:pl. 21. Titicn p. J. C. Ulmer eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 3. Titian p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. (Florence gall.) BECCAFTJMI, Domenico (Mecherino) painter, 14841-1549. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:398. N. de L’Armessin sc. MoCcke, Ritratti (1752) 1 : pi. 14. G. D. Campiglia del. & sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 130. eng. BECCALINI, Giovanni, 1655- Marrini, Ritratt. di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2:5. Beccalini p. P. Anti Pazzi del. & sc. BECCARD, Pierre Fran 9 ois Joseph, 1754-1833. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 15. Bouvier p. Bertonnier sc. BECCARIA, ^ marchese di, Cesare Bonesana, 1738-94. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 54. G. Bossi p. J. Benaglia sc. BECERRA, Francisco L. of Venezuela. Har- per’s w. (18%) 40:41. wdet. BECERRA Y BERMUDEZ, Manuel, 1823- Harper ’s w. (1873) 17:292. wdet. Bl^CHAUD, Jean Pierre, 1770-1814. Tardieu, G^n. fran?. 2:pl. 117. Forestier sc. BECHER, LdJy [William Wrixon],Eliza (O’Neill) actress, 1791-1872. See O’Neill. B^CHEREL, Fran 9 ois, Im. of Valence, 1732- Biog. modeme (1807) 1 : 194. Gros del. Courbe sc. BECHERONI, Achille, 1817-49. Amato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 2:369. eng. BECHSTEIN, Johann Matthaus, 1757-1822. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 114. eng. Ludwig, poet, 1801-60. Ztsch. f. bueberfreunde (1901) 5:264.* BECHTEL, George, 1840-89. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:327. A. II. Ritchie eng. BECK, Adolf. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Spence del.* Barbara, founder of Am. methodism. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:973. wdet. Barbara van (Barbara Ursehn) Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. G. Scott sc. after print, eng. David, 1621-56. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1754) 2:313. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1487. David Beck p. A. Coyeteng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 31. Beck p. Ant. Coyet sc. J. Meyssens ex. Meys- sens, Tme effigies (1694) pi. 50. Beck p. Coyet sc. Meyssens ex. Weyerman, Dc levensbescnr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2: pi. C2. EUen. See Rock, Magdalen, pseud. George Foster. New Eng. mag. (1896) n.s. 14: 467. BECK 112 BEDELL James Bumie, 1822-90. Green bag (1897) 9:311. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:392. wdct. Joachim, d. 1682. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) H:39. Marcus, d. 1893. Illus. Loud, news (1893) 102:658.* Paul, jr. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 37. Thomas Sully p. Samuel Sartain eng. Sivert, 1.566-1623. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) P:38. Theodoric Romeyn, m. d. 1791-1855. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:158. J. W. Orr sc.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1837) 1 :pl. 32. R. W. Weir f. E. Prud’homme eng. BECKE, Louis, author, 1848- Book buyer (1896) 13:297. Bookman (1897) 6: 11.* BECKER, Karl, 1820- Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1 :239. wdct. (or Bajert-Becker) Leonard Nicolas, comte de Mons, 1770-1840. Tardieu, Gfe. fran?. 2: pi. 105. eng. Otto, M. D. 1828- L’Art (1879) 16:316. J. Schrader p. ? Smeeton & Tilly eng. Rudolf Zacharias, 1752-1822. Konnecke, Bil- der-atlas (1887) 257. F. Tischbein p. Schlotterbeck eng. 1799.* Tracy Chatfield, 1855- Green bag (1889) 1:433.* BECKERATH, Hermaim von, 1801-70. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:54. Bohmer lith.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:102. E. Meyer lith.* BECKERT, Fritz, painter, 1877- Ztsch. f. bil- dende kunst. (1904) n. s. 15:242. F. Dorsch del.* BECKET, Thomas a, 1118 ?-70. See Tliomas ^ Beckct. BECKETT, Lady Anne (Lowther) w. of Sir John Beckett, bart. d. 1871. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:10. Mrs Mee p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) Edmund, 1816- See Grimthorp»e, 1st baron. ^frs Gervase (Mabel Theresa Buncombe) 1877- Baldry, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 42. Herkomer p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 54:101. Herkomer p.* Isaac, engraver, 1653-1719. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1828) 5:232. W. H. Watt eng. BECKFORD, George, 1810-66. See Rivers, 4th baron. William, lord mayor of London, 1709-70. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:5. I loll sc. Holt, Life of Geoige HI (1820) 1:105. Holl eng. Lond. mag. (1769) 38:590. eng. William, historian, 1744-99. Monthly mirror (1799) 7 : 259. Myers f. Ridley eng. (orig. shade) William, author, 1759-1844. Contrib. towards a diet of Eng. book collectors, (1893) pt. 4. J. Sin- gleton sc. from eng. in European mag. 1797. Euro- pean mag. (1797) 32:147. Singleton sc. (medallion) Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 318. Singleton sc. wdct. (medallion) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:87. P. Sauvage f.* (medallion) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4: 1691. monument 1770 (Guild- hall) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:447. P. Savage f. S. Freeman eng.* Rehiford, Art sales (1888) 1:120. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* 1782. Times, Eng. eccent. (1877) 1. J. Singleton sc. (medallion) William, a lad. Williamson, Andrew & Nathan- iel Plimer (1903) 48. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) BECKHAM, John Crepps Wickliffe, of Ky. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:504. BECKMAN, Ernst. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1611.* BECKWITH, Charles. Green bag (1889) 1 :423.* John Watrus, bp. of Ga. 1831-90. Perry, Epis- copate in Am. (1895) 184. Thomas S. 1821-76. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:294. eng. BECKWOURTH, James P. chief of Crow Indians, 1800-67. Harper’s mag. (1856) 13:456. eng. BECKX, Pierre Jean, 1795-1887. Foley, Records of Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1882) 7, pt. 1 : front. Harper’s mag. (1871) 42:23. eng. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:332. wdct. —(1872) 16:829. BECLEY, Col. Woodbltin’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 10. Bulfinch del. eng. BECON, Thomas, 1512-67. DiBDiN,Typog. antiq. (1819) 4:96. eng. after wdct in his Reliques of Rome, 1563. Holland, Iler&Jologia Anglica (1620) 179. eng. Lives of illus. persons (1820) Maddocks sc. BECQTJE, Henry, 1837-99. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:503. Internat. studio (1903) 19:91. Auguste Rodin etch.* BECQUEREL, Henri, 1852- Cent. (1904) 45: 454.* Harper’s mag. (1902) 105:358, 363.* BEDALE, haron of, Brian Fitz-Alan, d. 1306. Blore, Monumental remains (1826) pi. 3. E. Blore del. & eng. (monument, Bedale church) BEDDINGTON, Jfrs Gerald. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 32. S. J. Solomon p.* BEDE, (the Venerable,) 673-735. 'Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (15^) 1:120. eng. BEDEL, John, 1822-75. Waite, N. II. in great rebellion (1873) 182. G. E. Perine eng. BEDELL, Gregory Thurston, bp. of Ohio, 1817- 92. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:353. eng. Perry, BEDELL 113 BEDFORD Episcopate in (1895) 142. For. m. (1864) 1 : 181. wdct. Gregory Townsend, d. d. 1791-1834. Relig- ious souvenir (1836) front. J. B. Longacre eng. BEDFORD, 1st duke of, John Plantagenet, 1389- 1435. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Vertue del. Basan eng. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1 ; 535. G. Vertue del. & sc. (from ms. prayer lx>ok) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2; pi. 149. Vertue del. Basan sc. Reresby, Travels & mem. (1813) 2. S. Harding del. & sc. (from ms. prayer book ) Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 ; pi. 55. S. Harding del. & sc. (from ms. prayer book). Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 7:299. Vertue del. Basan sc. Vertue, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 20. G. Vertue del. & sc. (from ms. prayer book). duchess of, Anne (de Bourgogne) w. of 1st duke, 1404-32. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 102. Massard eng. (statue) 3d earl of, John Russell, 14851-1554. Birch, Heads (1813) 17. J. Iloubraken sc. Holbein, Fac- sim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 63. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 65. Holbein del. Freeman sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 1 :pl. 5. Holl)ein del.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 2: pi. 6. II. Robinson eng. Wiffen (J. II.) Hist, mem. of house of Russell (Lond. 1833) 2: front. Hol- bein del ? G. P. Harding del. T. A. Dean sc. J(th earl of, Francis Russell, 1527-85. Birch, Heads (1813) 37. J. Iloubraken sc. 1740. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 64. Holbein del. Barto- lozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 66. Holbein del. Meyer sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) l:pl. 6. Holbein del.* Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 14. G. Glover sc. eng. countess of, Lucy (Harington) \v. of 5th earl, d. 1627. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:480. Hon- thorst p. Ryall eng. 1835. Costello, Mem. of em. Englishwomen (1844) 2:172. Hilliard p. C. Cooke sc. (miniature) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:314. Honthorst f .* Lodge, Por. (1835) 5: pi. 2. Ilonihorst p. II. T. Ryall eng. Portland, Piet. (1894) 94. p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 26. p.* 6th earl of, Francis Russell, 1593-1641. Birch, Heads (1813) 185. Vandyke p. G. Vertue sc. 1737. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1 : 182 p. — (1731)2, pt. 1:325. Van Dyke p. M. Van derGucht sc. — (1843) 1:102. Vandyke p. J. Cochran eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 5: pi. 15. Vandykep. Cochraneng. 4lh duke of, William Russell, 1613?-1700. Birch, Heads (1813) 113. Ant. Van Dyck p. Iloubraken sc. CusT, Van Dyck (1900) 124. Van Dyck p.*(with 2d earl of Bristol; coll, of carl Spencer) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:189. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 15. Vandyke p. Cochran eng. Mag. of art (1900) 24:172. Vandyck p.* (with 2d carl of Bristol) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:519. Van Dyck? p.* (Sherborne castle, with 2d earl of Bristol) Te.mple, Masters of art (1894) 6. A. van Dyck p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2: 1 1. Van Dyck p. eng. Wal.msley, Physiog por. (1824) 2:pl. 30. Vandyck p. Edward Smith eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 13. eng. from equestr. print in earl Spen- cer’s Clarendon. — 1 : pi. 14. G. Glover sc. eng. countess of. Lady Anne (Carr) w. of 4th duke & 7th earl, 1615-84. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 3: pi. 91. Van Dyck p. John II. Robinson eng.* Fos- ter, The Stuarts (1902) l:pl. 54. Van Dyck p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 3. \'andyke p. J. Thomson eng. WiLLiA.MSON, Hi.st. of por. miniatures (1900) 1 : pi. 5, fig. 5. Richard Gibson p.* 7th duke of, John Russell, 1710-71. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 : 49. G.Gerrard f. eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:287. Thomas Gainsborough p.* Lodge, Por. (183.5) ll:pl. 7. Sir Joshua Rey- nolds p. H. Robinson eng. W right. Hist, of Ireland, 2:349. Reynolds p. Robinson eng. duchess of, Lady Gertrude (Leveson-Gower) w. of 7thduke,d. 1794. GRAVEs&Cronin, WorksofSir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:272. Reynolds p.* 8ys (1899) 138. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:601. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1870) 74:641. G. E. Ferine eng. Fowler, Am. pulpit (1856) 141. BuUre eng. Griffiths, Autog. for freedom (1854) 273. Buttre eng. Har- per’s mag. (1893) 86:657. J. Q. A. Ward sc.* (statue) Harper’s w. (1858) 2:449. wdet. —(1863) 7:733. wdet. —(1869) 13:689. wdet. —(1872) 16:812. wdet. (2 por.) —(187.5) 19:469. wdet. — (1887)31 : 177. F. Dielman p. wdet. — 31 :200. wdet. (2 por.) — (1891) 35:483. Ward sc. wdet. (statue) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 28.* Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1:298. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:60. McClure’s mag. (1896) 7:5* (with Harriet BeecherStowe) — (1897) 9:. 564.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:273* (in 1883) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:627. photo. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:9. wdet. — (1899) n. s. 21 :99. Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 36. Por. m. (1863) 1:61. wdet. Put- na.m’s mag. (1868) n. s. 1:393. eng. after drawing R. OF rev. (1904) 29:124.* Scribner’s mag. (1902) 32 : 392, 394. IVard sc.* ( monument ) Stowe, Men of our times (1868) pi. 17. II. W. Smith eng. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 217. Ward sc.* (statue, Brooklyn) Mrs Henry Ward (Eunice White Bullard) 1812-97. Critic (1897) 30:187. Harper’s w. np«7) 31:200. wdet. —(1897) 41:287.* Lyman, 1775-1863. Congreg. quar. (1864) 6:221. eng. after daguerr. Harper’s mag. (1865) 30:697,710. eng. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:77. wdet Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) l:pl. 29. p.* New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:409. — (1896) n. s. 15:5, 712. wdet. — (1899) n. s. 21:99. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:408. Baird p. 1843? Kil- burn sc. BEECHEY, Frederick Wilham, arctic explorer, 1796-1856. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:235. Stephen Pearce p.* Bichard Bridges, admiral, 1809-95. Illus. Lond. news (189.5) 106:470.* Sir William, painter, 1753-1839. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 15. Sir 5\ illiam Beechey p. R. Cooper eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:125. Beechey & John Wood p.* Harper’s niag. (1882) 65:398. Monthly mirror (1798) 6: 1. Beechey p. Ridley eng. Ladif [William] McCormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 31. Sir William Beechey p.* BEECHING, Rev. Henry Charles, 1859- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121; ,566.* Literature (1901) 9:363. wdet.* BEECKMAN, G. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:259. wdet. Mrs Kate (Livingston) w. of Henrv. Cent. (1896) 31:171 (age 19) BEEFOBTH, George Lord, mayor of Scarborough 1894. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 106. Henrietta Rae p.* BEEK, David, 1621-56. See Beck. BEEKMAN, Mr, of N. Y. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 53. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Mrs Gerard G. (Cornelia Van Cortlandt) 1752-1847. Ellet, Women of Am. rev. (1900) 2 : 221 . BEEKMAN 115 BEGA8 Mrs Henry (Gertruyd Van Cortlandt) 1688- 1777. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 286. p.* Henry Rutgers, judge, 184.^1900. Harper’s w.(1900) 44:1272. .1/rs James (Jane Ketaltas) 1734- Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 59. Lawrence Kil- brun f. Cent. (1889) 15:8.56. Griswoi.d, Republi- can court (1855) 1.55. eng. after p. Mag. of Am. hist. (1893)29:99. James William, 1815-77. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 47. F. W. Ilalpin eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 18. Williams eng. Margaret, w. of Robert R. Livingston. See Liv- ingston, .Mrs. BEEMAN, Solon S. architect. Scribner’s mag. (1896)19:276. photo. BEER, Michael, 1800-33. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 265. Hanfstangl lith.* BEERBOHM, Max, 1872- Acad. (1898) 55:409. Max Beerbohm f.* (caricature) — 56:528. Beerbohm f.* (caricature) CnAP-book (1896) 5:496. Beerbohm f.* (caricature) Critic (1901) 39:393.* — (1902) 40:495. Spy f.* (caricature) — (1904)45:294.* Van- ity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 696. Sic. f. lith. (carica- ture) BEERBOHM-TREE, Herbert, 1853- See Tree. BEERE, Mrs Bernard (Fanny Mary White- head) 1859- Ileus. Lond. news (1889) 95:781. (in La Tosca) Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 2:127. photo, (as Desdemona) — (1883) ser. 4, 1: front, photo. BEERESTEYN, Christian Paul van. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:772. Rembrandt p. wdct. BEERE STRAATEN, Jan, 1622-87. L’Art 1880) 23:89. T. de Mare des. after copy by Mile T. Schwartz. BEERNAERT, Auguste, 1829- L’Art (1894- 1900) 59, pt. 2:778. Eugene Broerman des. Henri Courcelles-Dumont. sketch.* Outlook (1899) 62:288. Euphrosine Josephine, 1831-1901. L’Art (1901)60:38.5. BEERS, Henry Augustin, 1847- Book buyer (1902) 25:195. Bookjian (1899) 9:295. Critic (1903) 42:228.* Jan van, poet,1821-88. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1890) 56:355. M.B.eng. Jan van, artist, 18.52- Critic (1897) 31:131. G. van der Straeten sc.* (bust) Mao. of art (1892) 15:397. Van der Straeten sc.* (bust) Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 517. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sally, w. of William LefTingwell, 1765-1830. See Leflingwell, Mrs. Wilham George, 1843- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:36. BEERSMAHS, Miss, actress. Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 2:315. M. Smythson f. (as Anne Mie) BEETH, Lola, singer. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:111. wdct. BEETHOVEN, Ludwig von, 1770-1827. L’Art (1889)47:37. Maria Chenyf. Billot sc. Art). (1899) 51:108. Francesco Jerace sc.* (statuc,Naples) Baker Biog. diet. nius. (1900) 47. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 44. eng. Bellaigue, Musical studies (1900) 138. Bellaigue, Por. & silhouettes of musicians (1897) 253. Bent- ley’s misc. (1848) 23:115. G. Cook sc. Cecilian gift, 201. McRae eng. Cent. (1898) 34:6. silhouette* (as a young man) — 34:8. W.F.Mahlerf.T. Johnson eng. (age 38) — 34:9. Louis Latronne del. 1812. Mulder eng. — 34:12,13 (life and death masks*) Chamberlain, Richard Wagner (1897) 188. J. R. Kraussc p. after Waldmiiller, cast.* Cha.mplin, Cyclop, of music (1888) 1:120. Dietrich .sc. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1888. Clement, Musiciens cdlfe- bres (1873) 264,268. eng. Dole, Score of famous composers (1891) 207. Eclectic mag. (1871) 77:513. eng. Elson, Great composers (1898) 99. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 21:137. F. L’Anglois lith. after drawing.* — ser. 3,21 : 144. Moritz von Schwind des. Die graphischen kunste (1885) 7:40. Zum- busch sc.* (2 por. monument , Vienna) — (1887) 10:73. Waldmiiller f. L. Sichling. Harper’s mag. (1879) 58:69. — (1892) 8.5:627. death mask.* Harper’sw. (1870) 14:401. wdct. Henderson, Orchestra (1899) front. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 63. Franz Klein f. 1812.* (life mask, age 42) — p. 65. Dannhau- ser f.* (death mask) Lmper. diet, of univ. biog. v. 1 . Kloebcr p. W. Holl eng. Internat. studio (1899) 6:288. Joseph Flossman sc.* (bast) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1899) 42:96. FranzStuck p.* Mag. of art (1902) 26:460. Benjamin Coastant p.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1: pi. 18, p. 311-13, 31.5, 317-19, 321, 326-27, 332, 338, 341. Rimbault, Gall, of great artists (1874) 30. Carl Jiiger p. eng.* Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 87. Carl Schloe.sser p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 20. F. Schimon p. E. Eichens sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 8:387. A.Borchmann f.* — 8:394 vignette. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1 : .57-65, 67. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1880) 15:250. Kaspar Zum- busch f. L. Heitland del. R. Brend’amour sc. (monu- ment, Vienna) — (1893) n. s. 4:1821 (5 por.)* —(1902) n. s. 13:1&3, 203. Max Klinger sc.* bust) — (1903) n. s. 15:55. R. Mayer sc.* (plakette) Frau Maria Magdalena von, m. of Ludwig, 1746-87. Cent. (1.S9.S) 34:7. Ca.spar Benedict Beck- enhamp f.* beets, Nicholas, 1814- Illus. Tjond. news (1895) 104:. 3.30.* B^GA, Cornelis. 1620-64. Art j. (1853) 5: 110. Descamps, La vie des peintres damands (1754) 2:283. J. B. Descamps inv. A. Pinssio sc. BEGAS, Reuihold, sculptor, 1831- Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 20:2,* 59. Begas p. — (1898) 34:9. Lenbach p. 1893.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 501.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8:129.* BEGBIE 116 BELGBAVE BEGBIE, Sir Matthew Baillie, 1819- Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:581. wdot. after photo. BEGGHE, .saint, d. 692? L’Art (1886) 41:87. P. P. Rubens p. Van den Steen eng. (with father, due de Brabant) BEGNIS, Giuseppe de, 1793-1849. Cent. (1882) 1:872. Titus G. Perlotti f.* BEGOLE, Josiah W. of Mieh. 1815-96. IIak" per’s w. (1882) 26:724. wdet. b£GOUEN, Jacques Fran 9 ois. Biog. moderne (1807) 1 : 198. Moreau del. Courbe sc. BEHAIM, Martin, 1436-1506. Kuge, Gesch. d. zeitalters der entdeckungeii (1881) 105. from Ghil- lany’s Gesch. des Bt'liaini.* Wixsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:104. eng. from Ghillany’s Behaim — 2:105. eng. from Ruge’s Gesch. des zeitalters der entdeckungen. BEHAM, Barthel, 1502-40. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-giill. (1813) Franck f. Hans Sebald, 1500-.50. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. BEHIN, Pierre Florent Francois, 1742- Bioc. moderne (1807) 1:199. Duval del. Beljambe sc. BEHMEN, Jakob, 1575-1624. See Bohme, Jakob. BEHN, Mrs Aphra (Johnson) novelist, 1640-89. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 72. Mary Beale p. T. Uwins del. J. Fittler eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3: 161. Lady’s m. mus. (1813) n. s. 15: 121. II. R. Cook sc. McCormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 9. Sir Peter Lely p. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:676. print. PoR. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl.3. Mary lieale p. T. Uwins del. J. Fittler eng. (coll, of duke of Buckingham) BEHR, Fritz Bernhard, inventor, 1842- Ileus. Lond. news (1903) 123:23.* BEHRING, Emil Adolf, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:430. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:360. wdet. after photo. Les prix Nobel en 1901, 78.* BEHUCHET, Nicolas, d. 1340. See Bi'uchet. BEICH, Franz Joachim, 166.5-1748. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. BEILER, Samuel L. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:1192. wdet. BEITH, Gilbert, m. p. 1827-1904. Ii.i.us. Ixuid. news (1904) 125:80.* BE JA, duque de, Manuel, infant of Portugal, 1889- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:340.* Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:523. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. BELASCO, David, 1858- Bookman (1900) 10:514. Critic (1903) 43:295* (group) Harper’s w. (1903) 47 : 299.* — ( 1904) 48:1844. BELASYSE (of Worlaby) 1st baron, John Bela- syse, 1614-89. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:25. \'an Dyck p. eng. (of Osgodby) 1st baroness, Susan (Airmine) Belasyse, d. 1713. Jameson, Mem. of beauties of court (18^) 2:87. Hu}'sman p. T. Wright eng. (as Saint Catherine) BELASYSE family name. See title Fauconlx-rg. BELBEUF, marquis de, Louis Pierre Fran 9 ois Godart. Biog. moderne (1807) 1:199. Labady del. Le Tellier sc. BELCAMP, Jan van, painter, d. 1653. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2:264. wdet. BELCHER, Sir Edward, admiral, 1799-1877. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:239. Stephen Pearce p.* Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:300. wdet. after photo. John, architect. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:217.* M.\g. of art (1900) 24:236.* Jonathan, gov. of Mass. 1681-1757. Drake, Hist & antiq. of Boston (1856) 585. wdet. King’s chapel, Boston, 200th anniversary (1887) 122. Lio- poldt p.* Mass. hist. soc. Coll. (1894) ser. 6, 7: front. Richard Phillips p. John Faber, jr. mezzo.* Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:312, pi. 27. R. Phillips p. J. h’alier, jr. eng. Soc. of colonial wars. Mass. Yearbk (1899) 97. Win.sor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:59. Liopoldt p. 1729. Kilburn sc. Joseph, 1669-1723. Dedham hist. reg. (1902) 13; 1. p.* (1st church meeting house, Dedham) BELCHIER, John, 1706-85. European mag. (1785) 7:23.5. Humphreys p. Walker eng. BELDENG, Hiram H. 183.5-90. Nat. mag. (1892) 15:309. eng. BELFAST, earl of, Frederick Richard Chiches- ter, 1827-53. Art j. (1856) 8:276. MacDowell sc. R. A. Artlett eng. (statue, Belfast) BELGIOJOSO, principessa, Cristina Trivulzio, I 1808-71. L’Art (18921 53: 132. Alfred de Musset f.* I (2 caricatures) ( BELGRADE, Mr, time of George H. Cauuield, ,C Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:33. eng. BELGRANO, Manuel, 1770-1820. Wixsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:327. eng. from Mitre’s Historia t de B«'lgrano, Buenos Ayres, 1887, v. 2. \ BELGRAVH, viscountess, iMdy Elizabeth Mary (Leveson-Gower) w. of 2d marquis of Westminster, 1797-1891. See title Westminster. BELFAST title. See also title Donegal. BELHAVEN 117 ’ BELL BELHAVEN, 2d haron, John Hamilton, 16.56- 1708. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:105. p.* Mack- intosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 257. Bautrec sc.* after p. PiNKBUiTON, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 49. Bawtree sc. Harding, pub. 1798. Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 18. Birrell sc. after drawing. baroness, Penelope (Macdonald) w. of 7th baron, d. 1816. See Macdonald. B^LIDOR, Bernard Forest de, 16971-1768. Por. d. hommes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 52. Vigde p. Maleuvre sc. Restout, Gal. fran?. (1772) 2:pl. 36. Vigde p. Maleuvre sc. BELISARIUS, Byzantine general, d. 565 A. D. Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:333. F. Gdrard p. Auguste Desnoyers eng. BELKNAP, Jeremy, d. d. 1744-98. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 :265. wdet. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1798) 1:117. —(1858) 3:287. New PIng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:726. Poly'anthos (180.5) 1:5. S. Harris sc. Robert Lenox, 1848-96. N. Y. mem. hist. (189.5) 361. Williams eng. William Worth, 1829-90. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:692. wdet. — (1876) 20:233. wdet. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:726. photo. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:96. from Harper’s weekly.* BELL, Agrippa Norton, .m. d. 1820- Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:283. Rev. Alexander. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1834) 57:801. Ellerby p. Dean eng. Alexander Graham, 1847- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 146. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:733. Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 568.* Andrew, 1726-1809. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 4, 85. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Benjamin, 17414-1806. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 186. John Kay f. 1791 & eng. Sir Charles, 1774-1842. Cust, Nat. ipor. gall. (1902) 1:165. John Stevens p.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 99:515. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 3: pi. 2. Ballantyne f. J. Thomson eng. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 59. Stevens p.* Charles Dent, d. d. 1819-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:737.* Charles Henry, of N. H. 1823-93. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:788. wdet. N. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1895) 49:9. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Southern N. H. bar assoc. Pub. (1894) 1, pt. 3:;101.* Dora. Mag. of art (1894) 17: 186. 6mile Wau- ters p. Dorothy, dau. of W. Heward Bell. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 167. J. J. Shannon p.* (with sister Lornal Mrs Eleanore Jane (Ross) w. of Robert, 1788- 1831. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 76. Sir Henry Raeburn p.* Evans, major, d. 1887. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:. 507. George, publisher, 1814-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:707. George, of Canada. New Eng. inag. (1890) n. s. 3:334. Ret!. George Charles, 1832- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:.542.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34:pl. 844. Spy del. lith. (caricature) George Joseph, 1770-1843. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 12. B. W. Crombie f. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 326. John Kay f. 1811 & eng. Hamilton, d. 1817. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 264. John Kay f. 1799 & eng. Henriette. Mag. of art (1894) 17:187. femilo Wauters f.* Henry, 1767-1830. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:93. James Tannock p.* Henry Haywood, u. s. n. 1808-68. Cent. (1886) 10:459. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:. 540. wdet. — (1868) 12:141. wdet. Isaac, 1768-1860. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 66. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Isaac, jr. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:237. wdet. Jacob, shipbuilder. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:230. James, 1804-.57. CLEAVELAND,IIist.of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 238. H. Wright Smith eng. Sir James, 1st hart. 1816- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:7.* James Joy, writer. Bookman (1903) 17:223. wdet. Critic (1903) 42:402. Post del. 1903. — (1904) 44:299. Stuart Boyd del. 1904* (from the Bookman) Harper’s w. (1(X)4) 48:1580.* i?cti. John. Meth. mag. (1821) 44:321. Holl eng. Sir John, 1782-1876. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:541. wdet. John, of Tenn. 1797-1869. Am. rev. (1852) 16:289. A. H. Ritchie eng. Ce.nt. (1887) 12:670.* Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4: 1.53. eng. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:297,305. wdet. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:288.* John, of Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 557. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Mrs Jolin (Mary Walker) Harper’s mag. (1885) 70:720. p.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 247. St Memin del. & eng. 1^8.* Jolin, sculptor, 1811-95. Illus. Lond. news (189.5) 10(i:406.* Mag. of art (1894) 17:16.* — (1895) 18:280.* John J. Southern N. II. bar as-soc. Pub. (1894) l,pt. 3:32.5.* Joseph, M. D. 1837- Critic (1902) 40:301. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:114. wdet. Lamp (1904) 28:413. Bell del. 1890* (with H. M. Stanley, from Scribner’s mag. 1890) BELL 118 BELLETTI Lillian, aftw. Mrs Arthur Hovt Bogue, 1867- Book buycr(1895) 12:284. —(1896113:402. Book- M.\x (1895) 1:222.* Critic (1902) 41:392. 0. D. Grover ? p. i* Lorna, dau. of W. Howard Bell. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 167. J. J. Shannon p.* (with sister Dorothy) Sir Lowthian, 1st hart. 1816- Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:76.* Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 118. H. T. Wells p.* -(1900) SO. Frank Bramley p.* Luther Vose, 1806-62. Cleavel.vxd, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 257. eng. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1863) 7:27. H. M'. Smith eng. Mark Sever, colonel, 1843- Illus. Txind. news (1874) 65:537. wdct. after photo. Richard, 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:574.* Robert. K.ay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 320. John Kay f. 1810 & eng. Robert, general. Williamson*, John Russell (1894) 26. John Russell p.* (miniature) William- son*, Por. miniatures (1897) 138. John Russell p. eng. Robert, sheriff of Berwickshire. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 41. B. W. Crombie f. Samuel Dana, 1798-1868. X. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1869) 23:249. II. B. Hall, jr. eng. Mrs Sarah (Sydenham) Williamson*, John Russell (1894) 70. John Russell p. 1794* (pastel) Theodore S. m.d. 1807-84. H.arper’s w. (1885) 29:117. wdct. TyreeH. brig.-gen.C.S. A. 1815-1902. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:542. BELL-SMITH, Frederic Marlett, 1846- See Smith. BELLA, Stefano della, engraver, 1610-64. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1400. X. van Helt Stocade p. W. Hollar eng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 98. Stocade p. Hollar f. J. Mej*s- sens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 119. Stocade p. Hollar f. Meyssens ex. BELLAIRS, Henry Walford, canon of Worcester, d. 1900. Illus. Lond. news (UKX)) 116:503.* BELLAMONT. See Bellomont. BELLAMY, Edward, 1850-98. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 112. Book buver (1888) 5:275. —(1897) 15:37. Bookman* (1897) 5^456-57* (2 por.) Bookman lit. vear-bk. (1898) 9. Critic (1894) 24:217. —(1897) .30: 305. —(1898)32:362. Lrr- ER.tTURE (1898) 2:June 1 sup. pi. 7. Xew Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:94. —(1898) n. s. 18:372. George Anne, actress, 1731 ?-88. Doran, An- nals of Eng. stage (1888) 2:95. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1805) 14:73. San^ sc. James, pres. St. John’s coll. Oxford, 1819- Van- m* fair album (1893) 25: pi. 560. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) Sir Joseph Arthur. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:854.* Thomas Ludford, singer, 1770-1843. Monthly mirror (1808) n. s. 3:207. Ireeman eng. after p. BELLANG^, Hippolyte, 1800-66. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 20. Emile LassaUe f. 1840. BELLARMZNO, Roberto, cardinal, 1542-1621. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:53. Boulon- nois f. eng. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:971. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 17. F. Vil- lamena sc. 1604.* BELLASYS. See Bt'lasyse. BELLAY, Guillaume du, .seigneur de Langey, 1491-1543. L’Art (1893) 55:93. L. Le Riverend del. after statue. Gillot sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (1854) 5:293. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:398. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1880. J. E. Pannier eng. after p. Jean du, cardinal, 1492-1560. Gow*er, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 74. Que.snel del. Mennecuet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1838) 3: pi. 12. Bouterwek del. Delaistre sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1879. J. E. Pannier eng. after p. BELLCHAMBERS, Mies, singer, 1794- Lady’s m. mus. (1812) n. s. 13:121. belle FERRONIERE, La. See Ferroni^re. BELLE ISLE, marquis de, Charles de Gondi, 1569-96. See Gondi. marquis de, Nicolas Fouquet, 1615-80. See Fouquet. due de, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, marshal, 1684-1761. Aliaj. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:246. M. Q. de La Tour p. Mellini eng.* Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:1371. De La Tour p. Mellini eng. Por. d. hommes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 51. De la Tour p. Mellini sc. Restolt, Gal. fran^. (1771) l:pl. 21. De La Tour p. Mellini sc Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1475. A. B. Xivelon p. C. M. F. Dien eng. BELLEGARDE, seigneur de, Roger de Saint- Lary, marshal, d. 1579. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 67. Du Moustier del. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:62, fig. 180. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 25. J6r6me Martin Langlois p. after eng. Leclere eng. due de, Roger de Saint-Lary, 1562-1646. Michaud et Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (18M) 13: front. Sichling sc. after p. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2034. L. G. Sichling eng. after p. Pedro de Alcantara, 1807- Sisson, Gal. do.s Brazilciros illus. (1861) 2:1. S. A. Sisson del. & lith. BELLETTI, Giovanni, singer, 1813- Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1:25. eng. BELLEVILLE 119 BELLOY BELLEVILLE, Dorothy. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:618. Louisa Starr (Mme Canziani) p.* (child por.) Frdd^ric de, actor. Bok of Ijcauty (1842) 2.38. J. Stonehouse p. .J. ThonLson eng. John Chippendall Montesquieu, 1823-74. BalijOu’s pictorial (1859) 16:36.5. eng. Dbawixg- room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 12. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. John Froude, 1829-91. Bailt’s mag. (1882-3) 40:311. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Kyrle, actor, 1857- Bookmax (1904) 18:467* (as Rallies) Critic (1902) 40:143. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:784, 1107 (as Gaston de Marsac) — (1902) 46:46 (as Gaston de Marsac) — 46:498. John Cecil Clay del.* — (1904) 48:60* (as Bernez in Tlie sacra- ment of Judas) Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 1:233. J. Bell eng. (as Orlando) — (1882) ser. 3, 6:257.* —(1897) 30:. 308.* BELLEYME, Louis Marie de, 1787-1862. /Vmi d. monuments (1902) 16:79. BELLI, Valerio, 1479-1.546. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 124. eng. BELLIAKD, comte, Augustin Daniel, 1769-1832. Ab.xault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:329. ^lirhalon f. Fr6my del. & sc. Tardieu, G^n. fian^. 2: pi. 93. eng. BELLEfcRE, vicomte de la, Tanneguy III du Ch&tel, d. 1477. See Du Chfttel. BELLliVRE, Pompone de, 1529-1607. Dreu.x DU Kaoier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of j)or. (1874) pi. 97. He.xkels, Coll, of eng. por. bv E. R. Cope (1896) 2:32. C. Le Brun p. R. Xanteuil eng. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 16:329. eng. (ch&teau de Beauregard) Per- ea ult, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:53. KIdelinck sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17* et 18* slides (1805) 2: pi. 77. Edelinck sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 10: pi. 2046. Mme Denos p. F. Delannoy. BELLING, Wilhelm Sebastian von, gen.-lieut. 17191-79. Mexzel, .\us Konig Friedrichs zeit (1886) pi. 11. Menzel del. 1854. Eduard Kretzschmar sc. BELLINGHAM, John, assassin. Bvrxe, Gossip of the cent. (1892) 1:382. Europeax mag. (1812) 61:454. wdct. BELLINI, Gentile, 1421-1.507? L’Art (1887) 42:102. Vittore Gambello (Camelio) f. C. E. Wilson del. Petit sc. (medal) — (1889) 46:60. Gambeilo f. Wilson del. Petit sc. (medal) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, .36:213 bas-relief (coll, of Gustave Drey- fus) Pexxy mag. (184.3) 12:478. Harvey del. ft. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 66. eng. Yeiarte, Venise (1878) 143. p.* Giovanni, painter, 1426?-1512. Art j. (1869) 21:101. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 3. V. Carpaccio del. Masters in art (1900) pt. 9, 1:21. Victor Camelius f.* (medal, coll, of G. DreyLs) MoCcke, Ritratti (17.52) 1 :pl. 2. Gio. Dom. Cainpiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Pexxy mag. (1843) 12:477. Harvey del. H. Clarke sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerck (1894) l:pl. 19. relief.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 67. eng Yriarte, Venise (1878) 143. p.* Vincenzo, 1802-.35. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 53. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* Bellaigue, Musi- cal studies (1900) .340. Ciiamplix, Cyclop, of music (1888) 1:160. etch. Clemext, Musiciens c616bres (1873) 476. C. Beblois eng. Icoxoo. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 8. Arienti p. Fustinati sc. Paixe, Famous composers (1891) l:pl. 5. C. Deblois eng. afterp>or.(coll. of Francesco Florimo) — l:69;(monu- ment,* Catania) — l:70Dantansc.*(bust) Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 88. Foeosi del. P. B<‘rlotti lith.* BELLINI DI GARGARENGO, contessa, Giu- seppa (Tomielli di Vergano) 1776-1837. Sou. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:281. Bosselmann sc. BELLMAN, Earl Michael, 1740-95. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) pi. 42. L. H. Stromer lith. BELLOC, Hilaire, 1870- Bookman (1899) 9:388 Critic (1902) 40:298. BELLOMONT, 2d earl of, Richard Coote, 1636-1700. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker colonies (1903) 2:214. eng.* (Harvard coll, lib.) Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1882) 1 : 142. wdct. Nat. mag. (1892) 17:3. wdct. WiLsox, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2: pi. 25. eng.* Wi.xsoR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2: 175 p.* Kilburn sc. (after photo, in De Peyster’s Address on life and admin, of Bellomont, 1879) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:97. eng. after eng. (Harvard coll, lib.) BELLOT, Joseph Rene, lieut. French navy, 1826- .52. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:239. Stephen Pearce p.* BELLOTTI, Pietro, 162.5-1700. MoScke, Ri- tratti (1756) 3:pl. 32. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BELLOWS, Albert F. 1829-83. French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 138. eng. Henry Adams, 1803-73. Green bag (1890) 2:478.* Rev. Henry Whitney, 1814-82. Cent. (1887) 13:31. St Gaudens sc.* (bas-relief) — (1897) 32: 188. St Gaudens sc.* (bas-relief) Harper’s w. (18.59) 3:.548.wdct. —(1864) 8 : 228. wdct. —(1882)26:93. wdct. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 79. A. H. Ritchie eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1862) 3:99. A. H. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1863) 1 : 19. wdct. BELLOY, Dormont de (Pierre Laurent Buir- ette) 1727-75. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 134. Dettoeteeng. BELLOY 120 BENDER Jean Baptiste de, abp. of Paris, 1709-1808. Auxault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:332. Frcray p. & sc. Versaille.s, Gal. Inst. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 12. Dabos dig. Pannier eng. BELLUCCI, Antonio, 1654-1726. MoOcke, Ri- tratti (1762) 4: pi. 15. Gio. Dora. Carapiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. BELLUNE, due de, Victor (Claude Victor Perrin) 1764-1841. See Victor. BELLY, Leon Auguste Adolphe, 1827-77. Montro.sier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxem- Ixiurg (1881) 61. Comte sc. BELMONT, August, 1816-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:433,952. wdet. N. Y. me.m. hist. (1895) 114. Williams eng. PoR. m. (1864) 1 : 172. wdet. August, jr. 1853- Harper's w. (1891) 35:572. wdet. —(1892) 36:1113. wdet. —(1900) 44:501. —(1904) 48:1117 (caricature. -48:1457,=^ 1661.* N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 118. Williams eng. R. of rev. (1904) 29:519.* World’s work (1904) 8:5326.* Perry, 1851- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:912. wdet. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 116. Williams eng. BELMORE, 4th earl of, Somerset Richard Lowry-Cony, 183.5- Illus. Lend, news (1879) 75:. 584. BELO, Alfred Horatio, 1839-1901. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:685. H.^rper’s w. (1901) 45:467. BELON, Pierre, 1517 ?-64. Pop. sci. m. (1889) 34:. 577. BELPER, 2d haron, Henry Strutt, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:1.57. wdet. after photo. —(1884 ) 85:. 388.* BELSUNCE, Charles Gabriel de, marquis de Castelmoron, sieur de Montpont, d. 1739. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 102. Belle p. Collier eng. BELSUNCE DE CASTELMORON, Henri Francois Xavier, 1671-17.55. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 : pi. 11. Dequevauviller sc. BELV^DilRE, cotnte de, Francois Felix Ray- nardi, 17.58-1849. Toselli, Biog. nicoise (18(X)) 2:161. Perrin lith. BELVEDERE, countess of, Mary (Molesworth) 2d w. of 1st carl. Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 9. BELZAIs de COURMENIL, Nicholas Ber- nard Joachim Jean, 1747-1804. Biog. moderne (1807) 1:203. Mulard del. Lc 'Felier sc. BELZONI, Giovanni Battista, explorer, 1778- 1823. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1(X)2) 2:249. William Brockedon p.* European mag. (IS^) 82:99. Thom- son sc. Ladies’ m. mus. (1825) imp. ser. 22:181. Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1831) 18:385. William Keenan eng. after silhouette. BEMAN, Solon Spencer, architect, 1853- Har- per’s mag. (1892) 85:880. BEMBO, Giovanni, doge of Venice, d. 1618. Ci- cogna, Biog. dci dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl. 92. Nani inc. Pietro, cardinal, 1470-1547. Bonaparte (L. ) Gal. (1812) pi. 73. Tintoretto p. Petrini inc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:169. N. de Larmessin sc. eng. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 288. medal* (Brit, mus.) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:613. Enca Vica f. Meda|;lia del. wdet. Hist, gall of por. (1807) l:pl. 11. N. p. George Cooke sc. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2 : 517. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:1878 Noel eng. after p. BEMELBERG, Konrad von, 1494-1567. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16:pl. 45. Peter Dorisus p. 1565* BEMENT, William Barnes, 1817- Parton, Men of progress (1870-71)411. Samuel Sartain eng. BEMMEL, Eugene van, 1824-80. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1882) 48:2.39. De Meersman eng. BEMROSE, William.- Art j. (1892) 44:124. BEN TALLY O. pseud. 1784-1851. See Aiken, Henry. BENARES, maharaja of. Sir Prabhu Narahan Singh, 1855- Cent. (1900) 38:118.* BENAVENTE, conde de, Antonio Alonso Pi- mentel. Beruete, Velasquez (1895) 67,71. Velas- ques p.* (Prado) Portfolio (1896) no. 29:70. Ve- lasquez p.* T. Huson eng. Keber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1593. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (1895) pi. 21. Velasejucz p.* (Prado) Vela.squez (1903) 1. v’ela.s- quez p.* (Prado) BENAVIDES, Marco (Mantuano) 1489-1582. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:261. Lodovico Ix-one sc.* 1.565. (medal) BENBOW, John, vice-admiral, 1653-1702. Ca.mp- BELL, Lives of Brit, admirals (1817) 1 : front. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Clowes, Ko}'. navy (1898) 2:371. Sir G. Kneller p. W. T. Mote eng. Locker, Mem. of cclcb. naval commanders (1832) pi. 6. Kneller p. Mote sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 59. Kneller p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:25. Kneller p. Mote eng. BENCI, Ginevra dei, Florentine beauty. Mag. of art (1898) 22:649. Ghirlandaio p.* (fre.sco) Penny mag. (1843) 12:365. Ghirlandajo p. Harvey del. H. Clarke eng. Ztsch. f. bildeiide kunst. (1903) n. s. 14:274. Leonardo da Vinci p.* BENCZUR, Gyula, 1844- Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1:47. wdet. BENDER, murderer. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:509. wdet. I BENDRAT 121 RENNET BENDRAT, Arthur, artist. Zxscii. f. bildende kunst (19a») n. s. 15:242. BENEC3CE, Georg Friedrich, 1762-1844. Kon- NECKE, Bildcr-atlas (1887) 22. Ludwig Grimm etch. 1823.* BENEDEK, Ludwig von, 1804-81. Allo. welt- gcscliiclitc (1802) 12:309. Eduard Kaiser litli.* B.\l- Lou’s pictorial (1859) 17:392. eng. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:404. wdct. O.vcken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:535. Kaiser lith.* Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:344. BENEDETTI, comte, Vincent, 1817-1900. Har- per’s w. (1870) 14:548. wdct. Sesto, singer. Ce.vt. (1882) 1 :877. BENEDETTO, saint, 480-.543. See Benedict. BENEDETTO DA ROVEZZANO, sculptor. 1480^-1550. Vasari, Kitratti do’ pittori (1760) pi. 101. eng. BENEDICT, saint and abbot, 480-543. Barry, Papal monarchy (1902) 63. Sassoferrato p.* (Penigia) BENEDICT XI, pope INiccolb Boccasini) d. 1304. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:72. Simone Martini p.* (fresco, church of S. Maria Novella, Florence) BENEDICT XIII, pope (Pietro Francesco degh Orsini) 1649-1730. Dreux do Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. P. p. Gaillard sc. BENEDICT XrV, pope (Prospero Lambertini) 1675-1758. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 126. Pierre Subleyra.s p. Gruyer, Peinture au chateau de Chantilly (1898) 2:302. Sublejras p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2569. Laurent Cars p. Massard eng. BENEDICT, Aaron, 1785-1873. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:82. eng. Emerson, Nebraska legislator, .^jiexa (1895) 14:23.* James L. surveyor of port, N. Y. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:173. wdct. Sir Julius, 1804-85. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 55. Alex. Gribay^dolf del.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:645. Illos. Liond. news (1871) 58:377. wdct. after photo. — (1885)86:607.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 12. photo. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 69. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lewis, colonel, 1817-64. Moore, Rebellion rec- ord (1866) 9:737. A. H. Ritchie eng. BENEDIX, Roderich, 1811-73. Konnecke, Bil- der-atlas (1887) 295. C. Ad. Foegen del. 1852. lith.* BENEFIALI, Marco, 1684-1764. Marrini, Ri- tratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 1 : 17. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. BENEKE, Friedrich Eduard, 1798-1854. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 243, Ed. Uber lith.* B£n£vENT, prince de, Charles Maurice, due de Tallevrand-P^rigord, 1754-1838. See Talleyrand- P^rigord. BENGAL, nawah of. See Mansur Ali, Siraj-ud- Daula. BENGEL, Johann Albrecht, 1687-1752. SciiRocKH, Abbild. beruhmter gclehrten (1767-) 3: pi. 46. S. sc. BENGER, Elizabeth Og^vy, author, 1778-1827. Ladies’ m. mus. (182.5) imp. ser. 21 : 121. BENGOUGH, John Wilson, 1851- Catii. world (1895) 61:796. BENGY DE PUYVALL^E, Philippe Jacques, 1743-1823. See Puyvall^e. BENHAM, Andrew EUicott Kennedy, u. s. n. 1832- .ViiERicA’s grtst men & women (1894) 67. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:344. wdct. — (1894) 38: 124, 388. wdct. —(1901) 45:791. Henry K. u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:980. wdct. Henry Washington, u. s. a. 1816-84. Har- per’s w. (1861) 5:796. wdct. Por. m. (1864) 1:185. wdct. BENHOLME, Lord, Scotch judge, 1795-1874, See Robertson, Hercules James. BENIVEENI, Girolamo, poet, 1453-1542. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1868) 3:121. wdct. after bust. 0 BENJAMIN, Judah Philip, 1811-84. Green bag (1889) 1:365.* Harper’s w. (1884) 28:320. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:465.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:125. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:16.* (coll, of James Blair) Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 43. Park, author, 1809-64. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 64. eng. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 393. J. C. Buttre eng. BENJAMIN-CONSTANT. See Constant. BENKENDORF, count, Aleksandr, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:150.* Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 903. Spy del. lith. (caricature) count, Pavel, Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:305.* BENN, Williams, m. p. U850- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* BENNER, Chicago fire marshal. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:1048. wdct. Hiram H. u. s. a. 1844-78. Harper’s w. (1878) 22 : 909. wdct. BENNET, Charles, London hatter. Harper’s mag. (1889) 78:289. Sir Henry, 1618-85. See .i\rlington, 1st earl of. BENNET 122 BENSON John, surgeon, d. ISOo. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 ;pl. 159. John Kay f. 1788 & eng. Robert Ames, lawyer. Bookman (1902} 15:4.* BENNET family name. See also title Tankerville. BENNETT, Mr. Akt j. (1904) 56:283. Charles All.ston Collins p.* (when old; Univ. gall. Oxford) Mrs Agnes Maria (Evans) author, d. 1808. Lady’s in. mus. (1804) 12:361. Braine f. Mackenzie eng. (miniature) Belva Ann, 1830- See Lockwimd, Mrs. C. Univ. of 111. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:572. wdct. Caleb Prew, of Del. 1758-1836. A.m. hist. reg. (1896) 3:625. p.* Charles Henry, 1828-67. Mao. of art (1895) 18:448. C. II. Bennett p.* (water color) David S. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:366. eng. Edmund Hatch, 1824-98. Green hag (1889) 1 :63.* New Eno. mag. (1886) 4:197. A. II. Ritchie eng. Edward D. VT.centen.com. Dedication of Ben- nington monument (1892) 68. Henry Babbitt, of Portland, Me. 1850- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2276. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Henry Currie Leigh-, 1852-1903. iLLUs.Lond. news (1897) 110:277.* —(1903) 122:382.* JamesGordon, sr. 1795-1872. Bookman (1902) 14: 576 p.* — (1904) 19:403 p.* Democratic rev. (1852) 31:409. J. Ourdan eng. after daguerr. Glea- son’s pictorial (1854) 7:384. John Andrew sc. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:433. wdct. —(1872) 16:481. wdct. Por. m. (1^4) 1:148. wdct. James Gordon, jr. 1841- Bookman (1902) 15:33.* Harper’s mag. (1878) 56:44. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:41. wdct. —(1893)37:842. wdct. —(1901) 45:1313. W. A. Rogers del.* Illcs. Lond. news (1872) 61:124. wdct. Scribner’s m. (1872) 4:398. eng. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 317. Nemo f. lith. (caricature) Sir James Risdon, m. d. 1809-91 . Ii.lus. Lond. news (1881) 78:220.* —(1891) 99:826.* James Wilbam, of Lowell, 1833- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2172. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. John Hughes, 1812-75. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) pref. p. 17. William Hole sc. (group) Nelson, railroad contractor. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:^9. Rev. William, of Nova Scotia. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1834) 57 :561. T. A. Dean eng. William Cox, poet, 1820-95. Iu.us. I»nd. news (1895) 106:319.* Wilbam Mineard, 1778-1858. Monthly mirror (1808) n. s. 3:73. Bennett p. Freeman eng. Sir William Sterndale, 1816-75. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 56. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66: 153. wdct. after photo. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 59. lith.* BENNIGSEN, grerf von, Levin August Thdophi- lus, 174.5-1826. Ecropean mag. (1807) 51:323 Ridley & Blood eng. yra/pon, Alexander Levin, 1809-93. Oncken, Zeitalterdes Kaisers Wilhelm(18tX)) 1:644. Wegereng. after photo. Rudolf von, 1824- Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:356. Weger eng. after photo.* Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:69.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 574.* BENNING, Henry L. Green bag (1892) 4:27.* BENNINGHAUS, Anna, w. of John E. Kenna. Catii. world (1893) .56:842. BENNITT, Mark. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1403. BENOIST, M. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:206. Godefroidel. Courbesc. Antoine, curd du St. Esprit, 1718- Bioo. mod- eme (1807) 1 :206. Perrin deV Texier sc. Zacharie, admiral, d. 1320. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 2. Pigeot eng. BENOIT, Camille, composer, 1852- L’Art ( 1885) 39:12. II. Fantin-Latour p. FdlixJazinski del. (group, 8 por.) — (1891) 51:305. Fantin-Latour j>. & del. (group, 8 por.) — (1904) 63:447. Fantin-Latour p. & des. (group) Peter, composer, 1834-1901. Mag. of art (1892) 15:401. Jan van Beers p. BENOIT DE LAGRANDEfeRE, Etienne Jac- ques Christophe, benefactor of Tours, 1733-1805. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:97. Durupt p. Torlct sc. BENSERADE, Isaac de, poet, d. 1691. Per- RACLT, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:79. Edelinck sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17' et 18' sidcles (1805) 2 : pi. 90. Edelinck sc. BENSLEY, John, 1812-89. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 3:206. 11. B. Hall’s sons eng. BENSON, Arthur Christopher, s. of abp. Benson, 1862- Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 881. Spy del. lith. Byron D. 1833-88. McClcre’s mag. (1904) 22:29.5. Daisy, dau. of R. II. .iVrt j. (1899) 51 :324. Ellis Roberts p. (child por.) E. T. Mormon apostle. Harper’s w. (186<)) 10:520. wdct. Edward Frederic, author, 1867- Book buyer (1894) 11:126. Bookman (1898) 7:199. Harper’s w. (19a3) 47:1841.* Literatcre (1901) 9:Oct. 26, sup. pi. 25.* Edward White, abp. of Canterbury, 1829-96. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:6.* Farrar, Men I have known (18971 186.* Green bag(1895) 7:339.* Har- per’s mag. (1883) 67 : 17. eng. after photo. Harper’s BENSON BENTINCK 123 w.(1883)27.4.wdct. — (189G) 40: 1057. wdct. Ili.us. Lond. news (1877) 70:21. wdct. after photo, (when bishop of Truro) —(188.3)82:5. —(1880) 88: June .5, sup.* —(1892) 100:.59.5. —101:401.* —(189.3) 0.31:440.* —(1895) 100: Feh. 2.3, sup. p. 1. — (18'.)0) 109:491.* Lit. yearhk (1897) 1:271.* Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 2. photo. Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. .524. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Egbert, m. c. 1746^1833. Bowen, Centen- Washington inaug. (1892) Stuart & Trumbull f. (4 por.) Cent. (1889) 15:825. Gilbert Stuart p.* Mao. of Am. hist. (1880) 10:213. Stuart p. 1807.* Mason, Life of Gilbert Stuart (1894) 25. Stuart p.* (N. Y. hist. 80C.) Francis Robert, 18.58- Illls. I»nd. new.s (190.3) 122:010* (as Hamlet) Whyte, Actors (1898) 180* (as Henry' V, with his wife) Mrs Francis Robert. Ileus. Lond. news (190.3) 122:010* (as Ophelia) Whyte, Actors (1898) ISO* (as Katharine or France, with her husband) Harry {alias Yonge) swindler. Vanity fair album (1877) 9:pl. 100. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Joseph, 1749-1821. Arminian mag. (1782) 5:109 (age 32) Meth. mag. (1802) 25:.531. William Ridley sc. (age .54) Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1822) 45: front. Jackson p. Holl sc. Samuel Page, 1804-70. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1898) 291. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. BENT, James Theodore, traveler, 1852-97. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:850.* — (1897) 1 10:009.* So. African por. gal. (1897) 38. William Henry, 1839- Rehr. men of Mass. (1898) 2.54. eng. BENTHAM, George, botanist, 1800-84. Annals of liotany (1898) 12:front. Lowes Dickinson p. 1870.* Wali.ich, Em. men of day (1870) 4.* James, 1708-94. Malcolm, Lives of topogra- phers (1824) pi. 4. T. Cook sc. Jeremy, 1748-1832. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7:013. Watts p. Pas.selwhite eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:37. H. W. Pickersgill p. 1829* — 2:37. Thomas Frye p.* (age 13) European mag. (1823) 83:291. W. Derby p. J. "niomson sc. Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:100. Derby f.* Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:787. death mask.* Hut- ton, Por. in plaster (1894) 119. mask.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:. 509-10. Watts p. Posselwhite eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 4. Worthington p. S. Freeman eng. Knioht, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:97. Watts p. Pos-selwhite eng. Martineau, Hist, of Eng. (1850) 2:407. Watts p. Pos-selwhite eng. Por. gall. (1853) 3:7.59. Watts p. Posselwhite sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk(1894)5:pl. 30. Pickersgill p. Ch.Foxsc. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 22. W. T. T. des Gauvents sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. G:pl. 61. G. F. W. del.* — 6:pl. 62. Pickersgill p.* Tayujr, Nat. por gall. (1846)1:100. Wortningtonp. Freemaneng. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 423. Pickersgill p. Fox eng.* Sir Samuel, 17.57-1831. Wii.liam.son, Hist, of pert mus.) BENTHEIM-STEINFURT, fiirsiin zu, Pauline (of Waldeck u. Pyrmont) w. of Alexis, 185.5- Tull- BERO, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:810. iVgi Lindegren del. after photo. BENTHEIM-TECKLENBURG,/urs. II. Lavalley sc.* (coll, of Gustave Dreyfus) Geiger, Renais. in Ital. u. Deutschl. (1882) 182. Francialsc.* (bas-relief, St Giacomo, Bologna) Jure. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18: 199, fig. 54. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Guido, cardinal, 1579-1644. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) l:pl. 123. Van Dyck p. G. Gua- dagnini inc. Gust, Van Dyck (1900) 36. Ant. van Dyck p.* (Pitti palace, Florence) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:511. Van Dyck p. Gaujean sc. Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) 52. Van Dyck del.* — p. 54. Van Dyck p. Gaujean sc. HiRTH,Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1204. Van Dyck p. J. Morin eng. Pi.NSET et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 107. Van Dyck p. Jean Morin eng. Port- folio (1895) no. 15:29. Van Dyck p.* (Pitti gall.) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1824) 1 :pl. 4. Van Dyke p. Charles Pye eng. Ippolita (Sforza) w. of ^Hessandro. See Sforza. BENTLEY, Caleb. An. hist. reg. (1895) 2:857. Edmund. Baily’s mag. (1894) 62;t.-p. George, 1828-95. Illcs. Lond. news (189.5) 106:702.* Irene, actress. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:761 —(1904) 48:101.* John Francis, architect, 1840-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:342. Ren4 le Brun p.* Richard, 1662-1742. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:229. Sir James Thornhill p. 1710.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3: 171. Tnornhillp.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1^4) 3:49. Hudson p. J. Posselwhite eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:109. Hud- son p. Posselwhite eng.* Por. gall. (1853) 2:497. Hud.son p. Posselwhite sc. Seiulitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 27. Thornhill p. G. Vertuesc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 4. p.* Richard, 1708-82. Walpole, Letters (1840) 2:435. Eckardt p. W. Greatbatch sc. Wau>ole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1861) 2:296. Eckhart pi Greatbatch sc. Robert, botanist, 1821-93. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:7.* Thomas, 1731-80. Harper’s mag. (1874)48:33.5. eng. after medallion. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 5:pl. 11. Joseph Wright p.* Rev. WiUiam, 1759-1819. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:115. eng. after p.* BENTON, Jacob, 1814-92. Grafton & Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:. 557.* Jay B. editor. Bookman (1904) 20:31.* Josiah H. Southern N. II. bar assoc. Pub. (1894) 1, pt. 3:227. eng. Lemuel, of S.C. Sons of the rev. Mo. Yearbk. (1895) 94. p.* Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (lt^7) 1:241. Freiderichs del.? J. Rogers sc. Bungay, Offhand takings (1854) 345. J. C. Buttre eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 55. Buttre eng. Cent. (1887) 11:859. — 0^99) 9:767. C. Fenderich del.* De.mocratic rev. (1^7) 1:83. Ch. Fenderich del. Bannerman sc. — (1843) 13:front. Frederick Halpin eng. after daguerr. — (1858) 42:1. Buttre eng. Duyckinck. Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:732. Roberts sc. Duyc- kinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:190. Chappel p. eng. Green bag (1901) 13:371. Har- per’s mag. (1884)68:510. statue* (Lafayette park, St. Louis) Harper’s w. (18.58) 2:240. wdct. IIar- RisON, Biog. sketches (1892) 2:pl. 2. Fendrick p.* Scriener’s m. (1874) 8:272. eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:273. p. ?* (Princeton univ.) BENTZEL-STERNAU, graf von, Christian Ernst, 1767-1849. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 259. Graff p. 1793. Nordhcim sc.* BENTZON, Th. psettd. See Blanc, Mme Th^r^se (de Solms) BENWELL, Mrs. Connoisseur (1901) 1:249. John Iloppner p. W. Ward eng. BENZON, Henry Ernest Schlesinger. Vanity fair album (1887) 19:pl. 383. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BENZONI, Geronimo, 1519I-70. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:347. eng. BEORHTWTJLF, king of Mercia, d. 852. Art union (1842) 4:248. wdct. after coin. B^RALDI, Henri, bibliophile, s. of Pierre, 1849- L’Art (1892) 52:53. P. Vidal del.* Pierre Louis, 1821?- L’Art (1892) 52:53. P. Vidal del.* L’Art et I’id^e (1892) 1:190. eng. after drawing. BlfiRANGER, Pierre Jean de, 1780-1857. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:355. Sandoz p. E. Leguay eng.* L’Art (1902) 61:66. Charlet del. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:145. eng. Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 187 (Fraser gall.)* Cent. (1893) 24:911. Nicholas Toussaint Charlet p.* — 24:912. -\ug. San- doz p.* Critic (1893) 23:227. Sandoz p.* 19ie.me si^cle (1901) 331. Ary Scheffer p.* Dumas, Livret illus. du Mus. du Luxembourg (1884) 204. Geoffroj’ de Chaume f.* (mask) Eclectic mag. (1870) 75:513. G. E. Pcnne eng. Flatiie, Ztalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 211. Sandoz p.? E. Leguay eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:533. wdct. —(1873) 17:292. BERANGER 125 BERESFORD wdct. Hgart et Philippon, Gal. de la presso (1839) 1 ; pi. 39. Julien f. Knickerbocker rnag. (1833) 2:171. eng. Le LiVRE bibliog. retrospective (1887) 8:264. 6mile Mas del. Michelet sc. Maclise gall. (1^3) 152. Daniel Maclise del. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un people, 5: pi. 17. Louveau del. Monnin sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 90. Alophe lith. Werck- meister. Das 19te jahrhundort in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 77. Scheffer p. Reynolds eng.* BERANGER DU GUAST, Louis, 1545-75. See Guast. B^RARD, Jules, 1818- L’Art (1894-1900) pt. 2,59:832. Heim des. 1832.* —(1902) 61:70. Heim del. 1832. BERARDEER, Denis, abbe, 1729-94. Bioo. mo- deme (1807) 1:208. Moreau del. Le Tellier sc. B^RAUD, Jean, painter, 1849- L’Art (1883) 32:37. Cldment Bellenger eng. Art j. (1895) 47:22. Paris salon (1892) 73. BERCKEL, Pieter Johan van, 1725-1800. Mao. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:415. eng. BERCKHEIM, baron de, Freddric Sigismond, 1775-1819. Tardieu, Gdn. franf. 2 : pi. 134. Fo- restier sc. BERCKHEYDEN, Job, 1630-93. See Berkhey- den. BERCKIVLANS, Hendrik, 1629-90. Metssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 73. H. Berckmans p. C. Waumans sc. J. Mevssens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 94. Berckmans p. Waumans sc. Meyssens ex. BERCS^NY, Ladislas Ignaz, 1689-1778. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 48. Latil p. after fam. por. Weber eng. BERDEWELL, William, 1430 ?-90. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 37. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (with wife, Elizabeth de Wychyngham; West Herling church, Norfolk) William, d. 1508. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 49. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with wife; West Herling church, Norfolk) BERENGARIA, queen of England, w. of Rich- ard I, d. 1230. Art union (1843) 5:6. wdct. (effigy, abbey of L’Espan) Celliez, Reines d’Angleterre, 100. Jules David lith. Connoisseur (1903) 5:57. E. T. Parris del. after cflBgy. lith. (abbey of L’Espan) Heath’s book of beauty (1848) 89. J. W. Wright p. B. Eyles eng. BERENGARIUS TURONENSIS, 998-1088. See Bdrcngcr de Tours. BERENGER I, king of Italy, d. 923. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 37. D. Sornique sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1 :386. D. Sornique sc. b£renger de tours, archdeacon of Angiers. 998-1088. Hirtu, Der formenschatz (1885) pi, 164, Heinrich Vogtherr f.* Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:127. eng. Verheiden, Af- beeldingen (1603) 1. eng. BERENGER, Raimond, 12831-1373. Vertot d’Auboeuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:269. Cars .sc. B^RENGER-BLANC, admiral, d. 1326? Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 3. Pigeot eng. BERENGUELA, queen of Castile, w. of Alfonso IX, 1171-1246. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1855) 1 :pl. 7. V. Carderera del. after statue. Rufino Casado lith. Watts, Christian recov. of Spain (1894) 118. effigy* (Toledo cath.) BERENGUER DE PUIGVERT. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1855) 1 : pi. 14. V. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mugica lith. (monastery of Poblet) BERENICE, Egyptian princess. L’Art (1875. 1:10. F. Mcaulle sc. after bust. — (1894)pt. 1,59:595) bust.* Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) pt. 2, 7:158. eng. after bust. BERENS, Randolph. Connoisseur (1902) 4 : 159.* BERESFORD, 1st viscount, William Carr Beres- ford, 1768-1854. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:97. Richard Rothwell p.* — 2:97. E. Bt:rcsford p. Jer- DAN, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. Sir William Beechev p. P. W. Tomkins eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:96. Beechey p. Tomkins eng. viscountess, Louisa (Beresford) w. of 1st vis- count, d. 1851. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 2:16. Lawrence p. Scriven sc. Keepsake (1835) front. Lawrence p. C. Heath eng. Lord Charles, 1846- Baily’s mag. (1880) 35: 186. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) 326.* Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:49.* Illus. Lend, news (1882) 81:81.* — (1888)93:733. (1898) 112:107.* —(1899) 115:900.* Internat. studio (1903) 20: 287. Emil Fuchs f.* (medallion) Man- ners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 9. Marchioness of Granby del. 1890.* Men of mark (1883) 7:25. photo. Outlook (1899) 61:530. Pall Mall mag. (1899) 19:117. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) Van- ity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 231. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture). — (1895) 27:pl. 609. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1899) 31:pl. 709. Cloister f. lith. (caricature) Lady Charles (Mina Gardner) Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:84.* John, M. p. 1738-1805. Ashbourne, Pitt (1898) 116. after John Hoppner* (Curraghmore) Mrs John (Barbara Montgomery) d. 1788. Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 176 (The 3 Montgomerj-s) Masters in art (1900) pt. 7, 1 :pl. 5. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1773* (Nat. gall. Lond.) John George, abp. of Armagh, 1773-1862. Hare, 2 noble lives (1893) 1 :332. Alarchioness of Waterford del. 1861.* BERESFORD 126 BERKELEY Sir John Poo, nat.s. of 1st marquis of Waterford, 1768-1844. Griffiths, Wellington mem. (1898) 308. Marcus, m. p. 1818-90. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 222. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Marcus Gervais, abp. of Armagh, 1801-85. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:64. Lor(/ Marcus Talbot de la Poer, 1848- Bailt’s mag. (1882) 38:125. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1890) 22:pl. 467. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Lord William, 1847-1900. Baily’s mag. (1900) 73:1. W. J. *-Uais sc. after photo. Illvs. Lond. news (1895) 106:540.* —(1901)118:12.* Vanity fair al- bum (1879) ll:pl. 205. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady William (Lily Warren Price) See Marl- borough, duchess of. BERESFORD family name. See also title Water- ford. BERESFORD-HOPE, Alexander James, 1820- 87. See Hope. BERESTEYN, Nicolaas van. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1885) ser. 2, 32:206. F. Hals p. H. Toussaintsc. (Louvre) BERG, Nanna, lady lawj’er of Denmark. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:696. BERGASSE, Nicolas, jurist, 1750-1832. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:373. Alp. Boilly, jr. Biog. moderne (1807) 1:210. J. B. Massard del. & sc. BERGASSE-LAZmOULE, Georges, 1763- Biog. moderne (1807) 1:211. Perrin del. Texiersc. BERGAVENNY. See Abergavenny. BERGEN, George W. 1814- Nat. mag. (1894) 19:433. Johann von, 1836- Cunningham & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 93.* Teunis Garret, 1806-81. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1881) 12:151. H. B. Hall eng. BERGER, Georges, 1834- L’Art (1889) 46:286. Sgapsc. —(1904;j 63:443. Louis Konstanz, 1829-91. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:679.* BERGERAC, Cyrano de, 1619-55. See Cyrano de Bergerac. BERGH, ffraaf Hendrik van den, 1573-1638. Die GRAPHiscHEN kiinstc (1890) 13:77. Anton van Dyck p. J. Sonnenleiter f. (Belvedere gall. Vienna) Gruyer, Peinture au ch&teau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl. 28. Van Dvck p. 1625.* Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 29. Van Dyck p.* Henry, reformer, 1823-88. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:121. wdet. — (1888) 32:204. wdet. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:280. G. E. Perine eng. McClure’s mag. (1902) 18:415.* N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (18^) 19:89. Mme Richard, w. of the artist. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1886) ser. 2, 33:455. Richard Bergh p. & des. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:644. Bergh p.* (Gotten- burg mus.) BERGHEM, Nikolaas Pietersz, painter, 1624-83. Art j. (1851) 3:;106 Connoisseur (1901) 1:238. Rembrandt p. 1614* (coll, of duke of Westminster). Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:171. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Gaetan Sarri del. Piquet sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:93. trouw Nikolaas Pietersz. Connoisseur (1901) 1:239. Rembrandt p.* (coll, of duke of IVestminster) BERGMANN, Ernst von, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:734. R. of rev. (1890) 2:551. riUer von, Ernst, 1844-92. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1893) 14:34. L. Michalek etch. BERGOLL, Jfffe. L’.\rt (1876) 6:90. Emile Soldi f. Saint-Elme Gautier des. Gillot sc. (medal.) BERINGER, Esme. Theatre (1896) ser. 4, 27:282. photo. BERIOT, Charles Auguste de, violinist, 1802-70. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1871) 37:351. J. Vandersypen sc. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 60. Ale.x. Gribay^dofT del.* BERKELEY, baroness, Anne (Savage) w. of 6th baron, d. 1564. L’Art (1884) 37: 144. Holbein del.* Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 14. Holbein del. F. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. person- ages (1828) pi. 16. Holbein del. C. Knight sc. 1812. 1st earl of, George Berkeley, 1628-98. Cent. (1893) 24:408. David Loggan pi* Earlom, Por. of char. D. Loggan del. R. Dunkarton eng. Olipuant, Hist. char. (1894) 120. Loggan ? f. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble au. (1806) 3:327. Boequet eng. 3d earl of, James Berkeley, 1680-1736. Kit- cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 19. Kneller p. Cooper sc. countess of, Elizabeth (Drax) w. of 4th earl, d. 1792. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:320. Reynolds p.* Nugent, Mem. of Rob- ert, earl Nugent (1898) 40. Reynolds p. eng.* Lady Caroline Fitzhardinge, dau. of 5th earl, 1803-86. See Maxse. Lady Elizabeth, aftw. w. of Sir John Germaine, d. 1769. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 49. Charles Philips p.* George, bp. of Cloyne, 1684-1753. Cent. (1888) 14:117. John Smibert p. H. Velten sc.* Chalmers, Brit, essayists (1802) 17:front. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:229. Smibert p. 1728.* Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 175. wdet. Garnett, Hist. of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:259. Smibert p.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1612. Smibert p. (group) New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21:2. Smibert p. (Trumbull gall.) — (1^2) n. s. 26:27. Smibert p. Seidlitz, Portrutwerk (1894) 3: pi. 54. T. Cooke sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist, por., 4: pi. 30. p.* Wills, Irish BERKELEY 127 BERKADOTTE nation, 4:337. W. Holl eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889)5:140. Smibert p. eng. George Charles Grantley Fitzhardinge, 1800-81. Illcs. Lend, news (1881) 78:25:3. draw- ing.* Sir George Cranfield, 1753-1818. Bourke, Hi.st. of Whites (1892) 2:58. Gainsborough p. H. Berche eng.* La- b^map. &des. — 6:120. V. Clairfnp. L. Monzi^ssc. — (1879) 16:133. Abbema f. Charles E. Wilson des.* (medallion). — 19:312. Bastien-Lepage p. Champollion sc. — (1884) 37:213-17 (4por. in char- acter) Art & letters (18^) 1:296. Abbema f. Art j. (1888) 40:134 (as Tosca). —(1892) 44:199. Book.man (1901) 12:457 (as L’Aiglon) Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:3.* CiiAP-book (1896) 4:89. Cecil Clark del. eng. Critic (1899) 35:639, 640, 807, 810 (various por.) — (1900) 36:386. Louis Besnard del.* (as L’Aiglon). —(1901) 38:17. C. L^andre f.* (as Hamlet, caricature) — 38:41.* 19ieme sifecle (1901) 317. Bastien-Lopage p.* Febvre et Johnson, Album de la com4die franc. (1880) 42. E. Abot. etch. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1876) ser. 2, 14:39. Abbema f. wdet. — (1879) ser. 2, 20:499. Bastien-Lepage p. F. de los Rios sc. Grand-Carteret, XIXe si&cle (1893) 429. Bastien-Lepage p. 1879. Champolion eng. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:694-97 (4 por. in character with Sardou). — (1900) 102:65, 67 (3 por. in character) Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1040. wdet. — (1896) 40:117. wdet. (various por.) — (1899) 43: 669 (as Hamlet). —(1900) 44: 1218 (as L’Aiglon). — (19Q4) 48:401. Cappiello del.* (caricature) Hollingsiiead, Gaietv chron. (1898) 3<^. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:. 529.* —(1880) 76:. 572 (as Gilberte). — (1892) 100:677,* 6^ (as Cleopatra.) — ( 1 894) 104 : 780* (as Theodora) . — ( 1 899) 114: 874* (as Hamlet). — (1902) 120:857. G. Amato del.* (as Francesca da Rimini) Internat. .studio (1898) 6:21. Lalique f.* (medal) Lamp (1903) 26:191* (as Th6- roigne de Mdricourt) Lefort, Chefs-d’oeuvre d. BERNHEIM 129 BERRY I’art (1891) 32. Bastien-Lcpage p. Ix)s Rios sc. Lc.s LETTEES et les arts (1886). 3:136. — (1888) 2:121. Georges Clairin f. 18^. Mag. of art (1895) 18:424. A. de la Gandara p.* Nicholson, 12 por. (1899) pi. 12. Nichobon del.* Paris salon (1896) 32. T. Chartran p.* (as Gismonda) Portfolio (1894) no. 4:46. Bastien-Lepage p.* Scribner’s ni. (1878) 16:843 (2 por.) Tiie.^tre (1879) n. s. 2:283, 284. —(1880) ser. 3, 2:94. wdet. —(1895) ser. 4, 25:320. photo (as princess Lointaine) Thecriet, Bastien- Lepage & Lisart (1892) 51. Bastien-Lepage p.* Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 1. lith. (caricature) ViARDOT, Masterpieces of French art (1883) 1:3. Bastien-Lepage p. 1879.* BERNHEIM, Abram C. 1866-95. Critic (1895) 27:75. BERNI, Francesco, 1496-1536. Iconog. di uonii- ni sommi (1854) pi. 9. Cater. Piotti-Pirola sc. after p. BERNIER, Camille, painter, 1823- L’Art (1894) 57:131. I LLUS. Lon d. news (1884) 84:4.53. Mao. of art (1890) 13:368. Camille Bernier del. Nicolas, musician, 1664-1734. Drelx dc Ra- DiER, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. L. N. p. Ficquet sc. BERNIGAUD DE GRANGE, Jean Louis, 1740- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:219. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. BERNINI, Giovanni Lorenzo, 1598-1680. Drel x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. J. Bapt. Gaulli p. Pinssio sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 15: 185. eng. 17th cent. wdet. — ser. 2, 15: 195. Chdron f. Ch. Goutzwiller eng. (medal) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2:pl. 4. Padouan p. George Cooke sc. Lioni, Ritratti di pittori (1731) 123. Ottavio Lioni eng. Mao. of art (1898) 23:48. Bernini del.* MoCcke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 1. Gio. Do. Campiglia del & sc. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 93. J. B. Gaulli p. A. van Westerhout sc. BERNIS, Fran 9 ois Joachim de Pierre de, cardi- nal, 1715-94. Allo. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:376. Augustin de St Aubin del. & eng.* Oncken, Zei- talter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:231. St Aubin del. & sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2726. Leclcrc eng. — sup. 5: pi. 106. eng. Fran 9 ois de Pierre de, bp. of Damas, 1752- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:220. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. BERNOULLI, Jacques, 1654-1705. Drelx dl Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. F. Dupin sc. Jean, 1667-1748. Drelx du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. J. Ruber p. Ficquet sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 35. Ruber p. G. F. Schmidt sc. BERNSTEIN, Herman, 1876- Book buyer (1902)25:13.* S. musician. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:84. wdet. BERNSTORFF, graf von, Johann Hartwig Ernst, 1712-72. foxNECKE, Bilder-atlas (1887) 159. J. C. Schllotterbeck eng.* 24288—06 9 graf von, Christian Gunther, 1769-1835. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:9‘ graf von, Albrecht, diplomat, 1809-73. Illls. Lond. news (1873) 62:32.5. wdet. after photo. BERNUS, Frau von. Knackflss, Kunstler- monog. (1901) 51:67. P. Veit p.* BEROLDE, Judith, actress. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:181.* BEROUJON, Claude. Catii. world (1893) 58:248. BEROVIC, Georgi Pasha, gov.-gen. of Crete. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:34.5. Illls. Lond. news (1896) 109:102.* BERRET, James G. last mayor of Washington. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 85.* BERRETTINI, Pietro (Pietro da Cortona) 1596-1669. Corner, Por. of celeb, painters (1825) pi. 9. Berrettini p. John Comer sc. Dezallier d’.Vrgenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 1:184. eng. Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 18. I. Girtin eng. MoI'cke, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 54. Gio Dom. Campiglia del. Pietro Campani sc. BERRI. See Berry. BERRIAN, William, d. d. 1787—1862. Trinity church, N. Y. Bicen. celeb. (1897) pi. 9. BERRIEN, John Maepherson, 1781-1856. Am. rev. (1847) 5:433. T. Doney eng. after drawing White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 372. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. BERRUGUETE, Alonso, Span, architect, 1480- 1561. Stirling-\Iaxwell, Ann. of artists of Spain, 1:160. Stirling-Ma.xwell del. H. L. sc. BERRY, due de, Jean de France, 1340-1416. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1892) ser. 3, 7:3.38. Holbein del.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838)9:pl. 1744. A.H. F. Riondet p. Waltener eng. duchesse de, Jeaime (de Boulogne) w. of Jean de Franee, d. 1422. Knackflss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17:53. Holbein d. j. del. after statue (in Bourges) due de, Charles de France, s. of Charles VII, 1446-72. Drelx dl Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Gaillard eng. J. Robert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 171. J. Robert del. Gaillard sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:446. J. Robert del. Gail- lard sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 5. Debacq p. after por. in chateau de Beauregard. J. M. Fontaine eng. due de, Charles de France, s. of the Grand Dau- phin, 1686-1714. Versailles, Gal. hbt. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2430. A. Boilly eng. duehesse de, Marie Louise ^Usabeth d’Or- leans, w. of Charles de France, 1695-1719. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:481. Hesse p. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2433. P. Mingard f. Berber eng. BERKY 130 BERTHIER ducde, Charles Ferdinand d’ Artois, 1778-1820. Ar.nault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:92. Rux- thic‘1 f. Freiny df'l. & sc. Capefigue, Hist, do la restauration (1843) 5:front. litli. Iconog. dcs con- tomp. (1832) 1 : pi. 18. Maurin del.? Ddpoch lith. Saint Martin, 00 ans d’un pcuple, 5:pl. 13. Pauquet del. Frilleysc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12. F. P. S. Gdrard p. J. M. Fontaine eng. Ver- sailles, Nolhac et Peratd (1896) pi. 97. Gdrard p.* Weber, Mem. of Maria Antoinette (1812) 3:9. II. Danloux p. L. Schiavonetti sc. ducAess«d«, Caroline (de Bourbon) w. of Charles Ferdinand d’Artois, 1798-1870. ALLG.welt^schichte (1888) 11:345. Francois Pascal Gerard p. Delannoy eng.* (with 2 children) Arnault, Biog. nouv. con- temp. (1820) 1:94. Ruxthiel f. Fn*my del. & sc. L’Art (1^93) 54:80. II. Hesse p. P. Audouin eng. — (1894) 56:66. P'ranfois Courroin f.* (about 1830) Book buyer (1892) 9:431. 19ifeME si^le (1901) 65. Gdrard p.* Eng. annual (1834) 226. Lawrence p. J. Thomson eng. FLATiiE,Zeitalter der restauration & revolution (1883) 97. F. P. Gerard p. Delannoy eng. (with 2 children) Gower, Sir Thomas Law- rence (1900) 106. Lawrence p.* Grand-Carteret, XIXe sifecle (1893) 61. R. Hesse p. P. Audouin eng. IcoNOG. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 19. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. Jackson, Lady, Court of the Tuileries (1883) 1:340. Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 2:126. Ladies’ m. mus. (1816) imp. ser. 4:181. Lady’s mag. (1833) 2: 1. Lawrence p. eng. Latimer, France in 19th cent. (1892) 40. Les letters ct les arts (1887) 1:180. EugfeneLamif. — 3:286. Duchesse de Berry lith. Lemercier eng. Le livre, Bibliog. re- trospective (1888) 9:296. F. Courboin etch. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6:pl. 11. Pauquet del. Frilley sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12. F. P. S. Gdrard p. J. Francois eng. (with 2 children) Agnes. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 60, fig. 3. G. Engleheart p.* (J. Pierpont Morgan coll.) Willia.mson, Por. miniatures (1897) 12. Engleheart p.* Charles Albert, d. d. 1852-99. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:837. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:151.* Edward, actor, d. 1750. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:648, pi. 44. J. Worlidge p. R. Houston eng. (as Dominic) Sir Edward, r. n. 1768-1831. Clowes, Royal navy (1899) 4:358. Sir E. Berry p. 1805? D. Orme eng. EuROPEANmag. (1799)35:75. Grimaldi p. Ridley eng. (miniature) Fitch ett. Nelson and his cap- tains (1902) 66. por.* (from Naval chronicle) Sir Graham, 1822- Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:117. Hiram George, 1824-63. Cent. (1886) 10:757.* Moore, .Heliellion record (1863) 6:79. A. II. Ritchie eng. James Henderson, gov. of Ark. 1841- Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:204. wdet. John McDonough, 1827-87. Green bag (1892) 4:167.* Mary, authore.ss, 1763-1852. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 9 :150. Anne Seymour Darner sc. W. Greatbach eng. (bust, poss. of Sir Alex. Johnston) Walpole, Letters (1840) 6:1. A. S. Darner sc. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbatch sc. (bust) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:fig. 1, pi. 60. Engleheart p.* (J. Pierpont Morgan coll.) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 12. George Engleheart p.* Nathaniel Springer, gov. of N. II. 1796-1894. Waite, N. H. in the great rebellion (1873) 92. G. E. Perine eng. Robert, 182.5- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 14 & 144. Robert MaUory, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:449. wdet. BERRYER, Antoine Pierre, 1790-1868. Bulle, Gesch. dcs 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 491.* Forbes, Life of Napoleon 3d (1897) 103. Ambroise Tardieu lith.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 15:539. H. M. A. Chapu sc. (statue) Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:343. eng. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:28. wdet. Les LETTRES et les arts (1886) 2:7, 8. Timon, Livre dcs orateurs (1844) 457. Marckl p. Tony Goutiere sc. Louis, d. 1686. See La Ferrifere, comte de. BERSIER, Eugene, 1831-89. Outlook (1897) 56:46. BERSOT, Ernest, philosopher, 1816-80. Le cen- TEN. de I’dcole normale (1895) 312. .\. Fontaine del. 1866.* LesLETTREset lesarts(1889) 1 : 130. A.Tous- saint f. BERT, Paul, 1838-86. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:.560. 11. V. sc.* Pop. sci. m. (1888) 33:289. BERTATJT, Jacques, fl. 1560. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 29. eng. BERTETJX, comU de, 1834- Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:350. BERTBLA, queen of England, w. of Ethelbert. Celliez, Reines d’Angleterre, pref. p. 10. David lith. BERTHE, queen of France, w. of Pepin, d. 783 Celijez, Reines de France, 123. lith. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 49. Delpech lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 13: pi. 8. J. Bemardi eng. (statue) BERTHE, queen of France, w. of Philippe I. Maui, Gal. des reines de France, 85. Delpech lith. BERTHELOT, Pierre Eugbne MarceUn, 1827- McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:.‘K)5. wdet. after photo. Pop. sci. m. (188.5) 27 : 1 Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 570.* BERTHEREAU, Nicolas or Thomas, 1733- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:222. La bad ye del. Texier sc. BERTHIER, comte, Cesar, 176.5-1819. .\rnaui.t, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:431. Hiler p. Louis Alexandre, prince of NeufchAtel and prince of Wagram, marshal, 1753-1815. Allo. welt- BERTIIOLI) 131 BERTRAXD geschichte (1887) 10:395. Horace Vemet p. Friley eng.* Cent. (1895) 29:8. Gros f. H. Davidson. Gavard, Gal. des mardchaux de France (1839) pi. 2. Pajol p. Contenau eng. Iconog. des contemn. (1832) l;pl. 20. Monanteuil del? Delpech lith. Revolu- tion fran^. (1801) 2:pl. 27. eng. Sloane, Xapoleon (1896) 2:104. Gros p. II. Davidson sc. Tableaux hist, de la r^v. fran^. (1804) 3: pi. 53. eng. Tardieu, G^n. franc. l:pl- 13. Lambert sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (1856-62) pi. 22. Eug. Charpentier del. Revel sc. V'^ersailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8: pi. 1524. J. A. C. Pajou p. Contenau eng. — sup. 6: pi. 5. L6paulle p. eng. BERTHOLD VON REGENSBURG, 12201-72. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 49. miniature 1447* (from ms. 2829, Vienna library) BERTHOLDE, 6th cent. A. D. Loxn. mag. (1753) 22:272. eng. BERTHOLLET, comU, Claude Louis, 1748-1822. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:433. Alp. Boilh- f. looNOO. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 21. Maurin del? Delpech lith. Soc. Montyon et Frank- lin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, l:pl. 46. E. Conquy sc. 1833. BERTHOUD, Fritz, Swiss historian, 1812-90. Internat. studio (1899) 8:90. F. Landry f.* (medal) Henri, 1804-91. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 8. Benjamin f. BERTIE, Emily. See Pott, Emily. Lady Georgiana Cliarlotte, w. of 1st marquis of Cholmondeley, 1764-1838. See title CholmondeJey. BERTIE family name. See also titles Abingdon; Ancaster; Lindsey; and Willoughby de Eresby. BERTEER,s. of artist. L’Art( 18S0)21;179. F. E. Bertier p. & des. (child por.) BERTILLON, Alphonse, 1853- L’Art (1903) 63:291. Paul Renouard des.* McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:355. wdet. after photo. BERTIN, Atrmand, 1801-71. Journal d. d^bats, Livre du cent. (1889) 52. Paul Delaroche p.* £!douard Fran9ois, painter, 1797-1871. .Jour- nal d. diSbats, Livre du cent. (1889) 66. Edouard Berlin p.* Louis Fran 9 ois, aine, 1766-1841. 19ieme si^le (1901) 333. Ingres p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1866)21:24.5. Ingres p. Hotelin-Hurel sc. — (1897) ser. 3, 17 : 332. Ingres p.* Grand-Carteret, XIXe sifecle (1893) 145. Ingres p. 1832. Henriquel-Dupont eng. JoL'RNAL d. d^bats, Livre du cent. (1889) front. Ingres p.* Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 223. Ingres p. Henriquel-Dupont eng. Nicolas, painter, 1667-17.36. Dezallier d’Ar- OENViLLE, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:346. eng. CjOwer, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 133. Watteau del. Pierre Vincent. Gaz. d. beaux arts (189.3) ser. 3, 10:96. X. de LaigUIifere p. C. Vermeulensc. 1694. BERTIN DE VEAUX, Louis Fran 9 ois, 1771- 1842. Journal d. debate, Livre du cent. (1889) 14. Girodet-Trioson del. 1815.* BERTIN -MOUROT, Pierre Augustin, 1818-84. Le cent, de l’4cole normalc (1895) 4(K). eng. BERTINAZZI, Carlo Antonio, comedian, 1710- 83. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1886) ser. 2, 33:141. Pajou sc. (bust, Mus. de la Com6die-franc.) BERTINI, Domenico. Bode, Renais. sculp. Tos- canas, Ifg. 76: pi. .370. Matteo GHvitale sc.* (monu- ment in cathedral of Lucca) Henri JdrSme, pianist, 1798-1876. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900; 63. Alex. Gribay4doff del.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (18^) l:pl. 16. M. Alophe f. BERTIUS, Pieter, 1.565-1629. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (16ft5) 2:203. N. de L’Arraesein sc. eng. BERTON, Charles Fran 9 ois Montan-, actor, 1820-72. L’Art (1904) 63:4.33. Dantan Jeune sc.* (statuette) Henri Montan-, musician, 1767-1844. L’Art (190.3) 62:266. Boucher-Desnoyers del.* 1838* (cari- cature) Clement, Musiciens c^Rbres (1873) 2.58. eng. Jean Baptiste, 1769-1822. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5: pi. 9. Pauquet del. Frilley sc. Pierre Francisque Samuel, 1842- Bixjkman (1899) 9:113. Pierre Montan-, 1727-80. Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) 2:74.5. BERTR AM , John, 1796- Osgood & Batchelder, Hist, sketch of Salem (1879) 182* (Old Men’s Home, Salem) BERTRAND, comte, Henri Gratien, 1770-1844, Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:443. Des^v. sc. McClure’s mag. (189.5) 4:. 504. Pall Malb mag. (1904) 34:12. Saint Marti n, 60 ans d’uL peuple, 4: pi. 18. eng. Sloane, Xapoleon (1896n 4:241. Paul Hippol 3 ?te Delaroche p. T. John.‘^>n sc) Tardieu, G€n. fran?. 2: pi. 118. eng. Thiers. Vignettes et por. (1856-62) pi. 61. Karl Girardet del. Paul Girardet sc. Antoine or Pierre, 1747- Biog. modeme (1807)1:226. Perrin del. Girardet sc. B. fencing master. Art j. (1903) .55:24.5. Lantferi sc. (statuette) Theatre (1^1) ser. 4, 17:128. wdet. James, 1825-87. Mo.ntrosier, Chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 33. eng. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 42. etch. Jean, cardinal of Sons, 1470-1.560. Schonbrun- NER, Handzeichn. alter meister, 5:pl. 520. Francois Clouet del.* Joseph, 1822- Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Genfeve (1900) 1:610. Grand eng.* Le centen. de I’^cole normale (189.5) 387. del.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1897) ser. 3, 17:3.59. M. Bonnat f. — (1900) ser. 3, 24:529. L. !^nnat p.* BERTRAXD 132 BESSEL BERTRAND DE MONTFORT, Louis An- toine Francois de, 1739- Bioo. inodemc (1807) 3:35. Perrin del. Courbo sc. BERTRUDE, oueen of France, w. of Clotaire II, d. 618. Malo, Gal. aes ivines de France, 3.5. Delpech lith. BERTTJLF, k. of the Mercians, d. 852. See Beorht- wulf. BERTULUS, M. L’Art (1904) 63:285. Paul Ke- nouard des.* BERULLE, Pierre de, cardinal, 1575-1629. Drecx DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. eng. G.\l. frau 9 . (1822) 2:239. Rulmann del. Gonse, Ci sculpt, fran?. (1895) 165. Sarrazin ? sc.* (statue) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 66. Porbus p.* Perrault, Les homnies illus. (1696) 1:3. Jac Lubin sc. Por. d. hommes illust. d. 17“ et 18'sifecles (1805) l:pl. 2. Lubin sc. BERVIC, J/meCarreaux(deRosemond)d. 1788. Gaz. d. In-aux arts (1902) ser. 3, 27:104. Adelaide Labillo-Guiard p.* (with Mine Guiard and Mile Capet) BERWICK, 1st duke of, James Fitz- James, 1671-1734. Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 101. old print* (poss. of J. J. Foster) Menneciiet, Le P[utarque fran^. (1838) 6:pl. 23. A. Guillcminot de.. Delaistre sc. Micil.\ud et Poujoulat, Nouv. colli (1854) 32:305. Champmartin p. eng. So. Kensing- ton’, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 62. Niccolas Cassana p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1450. C. E. Callande de Champmartin p. J. M. Fontaine eng. BERZELIUS, friherre, Johan Jakob, 1779-1848. Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:756. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5:pl. 39. G. Ji S<)dermark p. II. B. Peter- son Uth. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 67. Sodermark p. Stromer hth.* BESANT, Mrs Annie (Wood) 1847- Cath. world (1897) 66:44. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:303. R. OF rev. (1891) 3:237. — 4:540. Ste.ad, Por. and autog. (1891) 125.* Sir Walter, 1838-1901. Acad. (1899) 57:197. Book buyer (1892) 9:372. —(1896) 13:416. — (1901) 22:370. —(1902) 24:393. Bcx.km.an (1897) 6:111.* —(1901)13:403. —(1902)15:421.* Book- man lit. yr. bk. (1902) front.* Cent. (1890) 18: 162.* Critic (1893) 22:417. from Harper por. catalog.* — 23:72. — (1903) 43:200. George Frampton sc.* (bas- relief; St Paul’s cath.) Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:7.* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:621. wdct. — (1901) 45:639. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81 : Christmas no. p. 45* (with James Rice). — (1892) 100:599. —(1895) 106:667.* —(1896) 108:722.* —(1901) 118:852.* Lit. year bk. (1902) front.* Literature (1901) 8:507. D. A. W. del.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:445.* Outlook (1897) 55:918. — (1901) 68:570. R. of rev. (1893) 8:429. —(189.5) 12:13. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 65. George J. Framj>- ton f.* (memorial) BESBORODKO, Aleksandr Andreevitch, knuizi 1746-99. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:629. Lamp, p. Walker eng.* BrItckner, Katarina II (1883) 12’23. Lampi p. Walker eng. BESELER, Karl Georg Christoph, jurist, 1809-88. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892)2:584. Schertle lith.* BESENVAL DE BRONSTATT, baron de, Pierre Victor, 1722-91. Les LETTREset les arts (1889) 2: 82. Cannontelle f. eng. Jean Victor de, 1671-1736. G.\z. d. Ixaux arts (1863) ser. 2, 38:35. Jacques Caffieri f. 1737. BESNARD, Mme Charlotte Gabrielle (Dubray) w. of Albi*rt Paul, 1855- Internat. studio (1903) 20:80. Albert Paul Besnard p.* BESSARION, John (Basil) cardinal, 1403-72. Bullart. Acad. d. sci. et d.arts ( 1682) 1 : 9. N. L’Arnu s- sin sc. PiERLiNG, La Russie et le Saint-Si^ge (1896) l:front. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1765. A. J. B. M. Blanchard p. BESSBOROUGH. 2d eari of, William Ponsonby, 1704-93. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:138. J. S. Copley p. Dunkarton eng.* CusT, Hist. soc. of Diletanti (i898) 82. George Knapton p.* countess of, Zindy Henrietta Frances (Spencer) w. of 3d earl, 1761-1821. La belle assemblee (1810) n. s. 1:163. Robert Cooper eng Connoisseur (1902) 3:197. John Downman p. F. Bartolozzi eng. lith. — (1903) 5: 161. .\ngelica Kauffman p.* (witn herbrotherand sister; coll. Earl Spencer) Lady’s m. mus. (1803) 10:361. Mag. of art (1887) 10:260. Angelica Kauffman p. William Dickinson eng. (with her sister Ladj’ Georgina) Portfolio (1873) 4:168. J. Downman p. Bartolozzi eng. Mitchell del. Reyn- olds, Engravings, 2: pi. 50. Sir J. Rej’nolds p. 1785. S. Vh'. Revniolds eng. Williamson, .:\ndrew & Natha- niel Plimcr (1903) 90, pi. 6. .\ndrew Plimer p.* (minia- tun>, coll. J. Pierpont Morgan). — 90, pi. 34. Andn-w Plimer p.* (miniature, coll. Claud Ponsonby) 4th eaii of, John William Ponsonby, 1781-1847, j Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. .57, fig. 4. R. Cosway p.* (with his sister Lady Caroline j Lamb and children. Lord De Mauley coll.) ] 5th eari of, John George Brabazon Ponsonby, | 1809-80. Saily’s mag. (1863) 6:163. Joseph Brown i sc. after photo. f 6th eari of, Frederick George Brabazon Pon- sonby, 1815-95. Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. j 552 Spy f. lith. (caricature) ^ BESSE, Jacques Joseph, cur4 de St Aubin, 1747- Biog. modenie (1807) 1:230. Labadye del. Voyez j Jorsc. Lyman W. 1854- Nat. mag. (1892) 17: Nov. 1892, p. 8. ^ BESSEL, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1784-1846. Har- per’s mag. (1897) 94:541. Lucius Wolcott Hitchcock i del. 1896.* Seidlitz, Portnitwerk (1894) 5:pl. 82. Hertrick del. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert i in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 84. Wolf p. Mandel eng.* i BESSELS 133 BETTY BESSELS, Emil, phvsician, 1847-88. Hamper’s w. (1873) 17:988. wdct.' BESSEMER, Sir Henry, inventor, 1813-98. Bolton, Poor lx)_vs (1885) 112. Cent. (1^1) 39:564. (age 80) Connoisseur (1904) 8:16. G. Morgan f. 1873* (medal) Harper’s mag. (1894) 88:587.* Harper’s w. (1898) 42:331. Illcs. Lond. news (1875) 66:336. wdct. after photo. —(1898) 112:429.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 6. Rudolf L hmann p T. O. Barlow eng.* Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 29.* VANiry fair album (1880) 12: pi. 231. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Werck.mei.ster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 407.* BESSER, Johan von, 1654-1729. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:66. eng.* Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 142. Bemigroth sc.* (from Ber- liner zeit) BESSERER, Eitel. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser 3, 23:63. Martin Schaffner p. 1.516.* BESSEY, Charles Edwin, botanist, 1845- Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:808. wdct. BESSlilRES, Jean Baptiste, due d’ Istrie, 1768-1813. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 2:452. Riesener p. Alp. BoHly sc. Ga yard, Gal. des mardchauxde Franc«‘(1839)pl. 15. Riesenerp. Ladoi-rer eng. Headley, Napoleon and his marshals (1847) 3:169. eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 22. Mauvaissc del? Delpech lith. Portfolio (1893) 24:91. Meissonier f.* Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:41. Edmond ll^ouin p. after Riesener. Charles State sc. (Versailles mus.) Tardieu, G4n. fran^, l:pl. 26. Forestier sc. Tuiers, Vimettes et por. (1856-62) pi. 46. Eug. Charpentier del. Goutiiire sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1.537. H. F. Riesener p. Ladoerereng. BEST, William Thomas, 1826-97. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 64. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:698.* BEST family name. See also title Wynford. BESTUZHEV-RIUMIN, Aleksiei Petrovitch, 1693-1767. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:179. medal.* BrI’ckner, Katharina II (1883) 116. J. Samuel eng. after medal (poss. of J. Iversen, St Petersburg) Mikhail, d. 1826. Cent. (1896) 9:412. medal- lion.* BETHAM, Sir William, 1779-1853. Athen.eum club pwr. (18;16) l:pl. 20. 1). McClese del. lith. BETHAM-EDWARDS, Matilda Barbara, 1836- See Edwards. BETHELL, Alfred James. Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 625. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BETHELL family name. See also title Westbury. BETHLEN, Gabriel, prince of Trans}’! vania and king of Hungary, 1580-1629. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 8:33. contemp. eng.* Gindely, Hist, of 30 ys’ war (1884) 1 : 166. f. 1620* (age 40) Goschen, Life (1903) 1:298. eng.* (from Historischer kalender fur daraen 179.3) Heyck, Monograph, z. weitgseh. (1898) 3:31. eng.* (in theGenealog. libr., Vienna) Winter, Gesch. des 30 jahrigen Krieges (1893) 207. contemp. eng.* B£TKuNE, Armand Joseph de, 1728-1800. See Charost, due de. Marguerite Louise de, 1643-1726. See Lude, duchesse de. BETHUNE, David, card. 1494-1.546. See Beaton. George Washington, d. d., 180.5-62. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 43. F. Gutekunst f. J. C. Buttre eng. Henry, major, 1805. Baily’s mag. (1891) 55: 192. Mary Faneuil. Bridgman (T.), Pilgrims of Boston fl&56) front, lith. Thomas, 1850- See Blind Tom. BETHUNE family name. See also title Sully. BETTANY, George Thomas, scientific writer, 1850-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:7.58.* BETTERTON, Thomas, actor, 1685?-1710. Cib- ber, Apology (1889) 1:88. Kncller p. R. B. Parkes mezzo. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:161. Kneller p.* Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (18^) 1:185. Knel- ler p. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3: 100. Kneller p. eng.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:875. wdct. (as Hamlet) Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 2.36. Kneller p.* BETTENGTON, Roland A. A. colonel. So. African por. gall. (1897) .54. BETTINI, Antonio Bastiano, 1707- Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:17. Ant. Bas- tiano Bcttini del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Mme (Zehe GiUebert Trebelli), 1838-92. See Tre belli. BETTO, Bernardino di, 1454-1513. See Pin- turicchio. BETTON, SUas, 1764-1822. St Memln, Coll, of por. (1862) no. 479. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* BETTS, Rev. Beverley Robinson, 1827-99. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1899) 30:256. Jacques Reich del.* Lillian W. writer. Outlook (1902) 72:801. BETTY, Henry, actor, 1819-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:277.* William Henry West, actor, 1791-1874. La BELLE assembl^e (1812) n. s. 6:283. James Ramsay del. W. Leney eng. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 3:239, 242. eng. European mag. (1805) 47:247. Drummond p. Ridley eng. (as Douglas) Gwynn, Mem. of J. Northcote (1898) 249. Northcote p. 1804. J. Ward sc.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) BETZKII 134 BEYLIE 6o;257. wdct. Lady’s raag. (1805) 36:59. eng. Mag. of art (1903) 27:359. II. Harlow f.* (print Nat. por. gall.) Tkmbs, Eng. eccent. (1877) 363 (as Norval). BETZKil, Ivan Ivanovitch, 1704-95. L’Aet ( 1901) 60:172. Roslin p. Nicolas Dupuis eng. BuHckner, Katharine II (1883) 533. Roslin p. Dupuis eng. BEUCHET (or Behuchet), Nicolas, admiral, d. 1340. Vek-sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 4. Pigcot eng. BEU CKE L AER , Joachim, painter, 1530-70. L’Art (1884) 37:62. II. Ilondius eng. BEUGNOT, comte, Jacques Claude, 1761-1835. Grand-Cartaret, XIXe sifecle (1893) 117. eng*. BEUKELS, WiUem, Dutch fisherman, 1397-1449. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:269. Durupt p. Gouttiferesc. BEXJL^, Charles Ernest, 1826-74. L’Akt (1904) 63:440 Harper’s w. (1873) 17:572. wdct. BEUBDELEY, Paul. L’Art (1904) 63:45.5. Fernand Cormon des.* BEUBNONVILLE, marquis de, Pierre Biel, 1752- 1821. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 2:467. Rathicr p. Fremy del. & sc. Gavard, Gal. dcs mar6- chaux do I’ ranee (1839) pi. 28. Rathier p. Davodes sc. IcoNOG. des contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 23. H. Greve- don del. 1824. Delpcch lith. Tableau.x hist, de la t6v. franc. (1804) 3: pi. 65. eng. Tardieu, G6n. franc. l:pl. Lambert sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1550. Louis Rathier p. L. A. Darodcs eng. — 8: pi. 1643. F. J. Heim p. Morinet eng. BEUST, graf von, Friedrich Ferdinand, 1809-86. Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:339. Joseph Bauer lith.* Eclectic mag. (1868) 71:1421. Perine and Giles eng. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:724. wdct. Heyck, Monograph, z. weitgseh. (1898) 4:91.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:723. Joseph Bauer lith.* Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 108. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BEUTH, Peter Christian Wilhelm, 1781-1853. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 351. Jentzen lith. Kruger eng.* BEVAN, Alfred Henry, London alderman, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:490.* BEVAZZANO, Agostino, fl. 1500. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 144. Raphael p.* (Doria gall. Rome) BEVEBIDGE, Albert Jeremiah, u. s. senator, 1862- Harper’s w. (1899) 43: 112. —(1900)44:349. —(1903) 47:83* (age 40). —(1904) 48:93,* 1036 (caricature), 1650.* R. op rev. (1902) 26:649.* — (1904) 29: 193. John Lourie, 1824- Moses, 111. hist. & statis- tical (1892?) 2:802. Kiihne, sculptor, 1877- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:998, 1242. wdct. Wilham, bp. of St ^Vsaph, 1637-1708. Select biog. of celebr. char., pi. 42. Ben. Ferrers p. S. Free- man sc. BEVEBLY, countess of, Isabella Susannah (Burrell), w. of 1st earl, 1750-1812. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1244. Reynolds p.* Bobert, of Virginia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 503. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* William Boxby, scene painter, 18141-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:682.* BEVEBWYCK, Jan van, 1594-1647. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1892) ser. 3, 7:9. J. G. Cuyp f. 1643. Ch. Savery (fac-sim. of eng.) BEVLEBE, Jean Baptiste Pierre, 1723- Bioo. moderne (1807) 1:234. Aug. de Lorme del. Lo Tellier sc. BEVIGNANI, Enrico Modesto, musical con- ductor, 1841-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:334.* BEVIIiACQUA, conte di, Mario, 1536-93. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:201, fig. 57. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) II cavaliere, 1557-1613. See Sambene, Ventura. SEVILLE, William. Baily’s mag. (1867) 13:t.-p. BEWICK, Thomas, engraver, 1753-1828. Cent. (1882) 2:644. F. H. Bail^sc. 1825* (bust) Connois- seur (1903) 7:171. W. Nicholson p. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 13. Jami-sRam-seyp. 1823.* — 2:13. Thomas Sword Good p.* Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:156. eng. Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:514. Ramsay p. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:434. Millais p.* Jardi.ne, Naturalist’s lib. (18^) ornith- ology V. 6: front. Lizarssc. M.\g. of art (1892) 15:232. Millais del. 1891. R. Taylor eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por., 6:pl. 65. William Nichobon p.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1 : 101. BEWICKE-COPLEY family name. See Copley. BEWLEY, Sir Edmund Thomas, judge, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:75.* BEXLEY, 1st baron, Nicholas Vansittart, 1766- 1851. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:61. Georgiana ^1. Zomlin del. 1848.* European mag. (1817) 71:283. W. Owen p. T. Blood eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Lawrence p. T. A. Dean eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:91. Lawrence p. T. A. Dean eng. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:456. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature, 1816. BEYAEBT, architect, 1823- Mao. of art (1894) 17:216.* BEYLE, Marie Henri, 1783-1842. See Stendhal. BEYLlfi, P. A. F. 1730- Biog. moderne (1807) 1:234. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. BEYWEGH 135 BICKERSTETH BEYWEGH, Anna Constantia. Die grapiiischex kuaste (1887) 10:23. A. Palainede.sz f. L. Kuhn sc. (with dog) BilZE, Theodore de, 1519-160.5. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:330. p.* Deeux du Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. eng. Gal. franp. (1821) l:pl. 26. Rulmann del. after old por. OfT- LOOK (1897) 56:556. Recceil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 225 eng. Rolt, Lives of reformers (17.59) 150. R. Hous- ton eng. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 30. J. Faber eng. R. Page sc. Soc. de I’hist. du prot. franf. Bull, hist. (1899) 48:pl. 61. conteinp. por.* ( poss. Mme Andr4) Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:192. eng. Verheidex, Afbeeldingcn (1603) 137. II. f. eng. BEZONS, Jacques Bazin de, marshal, 1646-1733. Versaille.s, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 41. Loh- mann eng. BHASKAWONGSE, Phya, s. of the regent of Siam. See Siam. BHAVNAGAR, maharaja of, Takhtsinghji Jaswatsinghji, 1858-96. Illls. Lond. news (1893) 102:763.* BHOPAL, begum of, Nawah Sultan Jahan, 1838- 1901. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:4.57.* BHOWNAGKEE, Sir Maacherjee Merwanjee, M. p. 1851- Vanity fair album (1897) 29:pl. 691. Spyf. lith. (caricature) BIACASI, Nicolas. Ixterxat. studio (1903) 20: 17. Alphonse Legros f.* (medal) BIAGIO, Bernardino (di Betto) di, 1454-1513. See Pinturicchio. BIANCA. See Blanche. BIANCHEB.I, Giuseppe. Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:182. BIANCHI, Mme Bertha (Schwarz) 1858- Har- per’s mag. (1882) 64:830. Pietro, painter, 1694-1740. Dezallier d’Ar- QEXViLLE, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 1:105. M. Aubert sc. BIANCHINI, Bartolommeo. Burlixgtox, School of Ferrara-Bologna (1894) pi. 11. Francia p.* BIANCO, Giovanni Francesco del. Turn i tri- onfi (17.50) 1:1.54. J. Ve sc. BLARD, Fran 9 ois Auguste, painter, 1798-1882. Hcaet et Philipjwn, Gal. de la pres.se (1^1) 3: pi. 34. Benjamin f. BIAS, Greek philosopher, fl. 566? B. C. Bruxx u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1897)lfg. 38:pl. 371,372. bust* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2:pl. 3. George Cooke f. eng. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard(1838) 2-3:262. (bust, Vatican) eng. BIAUZAT, Jean Francois Gautier de, 1739- 1815. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:236. Moreau del. Le Tellier sc. BIBB, George M. 1772-1859. Greex bag (1900) 12:349. Harper’s w. (18.59) 3:273. wdct. BEBBIENA, Angelo Dovizi da, fl. 1570? Tutti i trionfi (17.50) 1:1.39. J. Ve sc. Bernardo Dovizi da, cardinal, 1470-1520. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:789. Ingres des.* Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) 3: pi. 97. Raphael Sanzio p. Bedetti inc. Castiglioxe, Courtier (1901) 123. Raphael p.* (Pitti gall.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1892) ser. 3, 8:272. Raphael p. F. Jasinski sc. Mag. of art (1882) 5:216. wdct. after p. (Pitti palace) Portfolio (189.5) no. 20: 51. Raphaelp.* Strachey, Raphael (1900) 24. Raphael p.* (Pitti Palace) Ferdinando Galh da, 1657-1745. Dezallier d’Argexvtlle, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:202. Aubert sc. BIBBY, Frank, 1857- BAiLY’smag. (1899) 71:237 W. II. Mote sc. after photo. Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 164. Luke Fildcs p.* James Jenkinson, 1813-97. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: May 7 sup. p. 12. Luke Fildes p.* Roy. acad. pict. (18^) 145. Fildes p.* Mrs James Jenkinson (Sarah Cook) d. 1892. Art ann. (1895) 20. Fildes p.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: May 7 sup. p. 11. Fildes p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 145. Fildes p.* BIBI, M pseud, of Andri Sails. See Sails. BICCI, Lorenzo di, 1400 ?-60? Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. eng. BICHAT, Marie Fran 9 ois Xavier, 1771-1802. Arxault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3:3. Fremy del. & sc. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:623. David d’Angers f.* (medallion) Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. l:pl. 4. Vigneron f. II. Cook eng. Soc. .Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:351. J. Boilly del. Geille sc. (with Desault) Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:102. V'igneron f. II. Cook eng. BICX, James, fl. reign of Queen Anne. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1:75. R. Graves sc. BICKER-ANDREESZOON, Gerard, bailiff of Muiden, 1623-66. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1898) 10: pi. 1336. B. van der Hebt p.* (Rijksmus. Amsterdam) BICKERDYKE, Mrs Mary A. (BaU) 1817- Brockett, Woman’s work in the civil war (1868) 172. A. H. Ritchie eng. BICKERSTETH, Edward, dean of Lichfield, 1814- 92. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 101:478.* \ axity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 321. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Edward, bp. of South Tokyo, Japan, 1850-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:208.* Edward Henry, bp. of Exeter, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86:318* —(1900) 117:.520.* Henry, 1783-1851. See Langdale, 1st baron. BICKERSTETH 136 BIENVILLE Robert, bp. of Ripon, 1816-84. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 5. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:401. BICKERTON, Sir Richard Hussey, admiral, 1759-1832. Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5:52. p. 1803. Ridley eng. T. Maynard del. Wil.mot, Life of Vice- adm. Edmund, Lord Lyons (1898) 6. BICKFORD, Andrew Kennedy, rear-admiral, 1844- lLLUs.Lond.news(1899) 114:949.* —(1900) 117:680.* BICKFORD-SMITH, William, 1827-99. See Smith. BICKHAM, W. D. of Dayton, Ohio. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:683. BICKLEY, Thomas, bp. of Chichester, 1506-96. Rodd’s coll, of por. (1822) 2: pi. 4. eng. after p. BICKNELL, A. D. Annals of Iowa (1899) ser. 3, 4:196. Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1832) 55:613. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. BIDA, Alexandre, artist, 1813-95. Mag. of art (1895) 18:200. study.* BIDAL, Claude Francois, marshal, 1667-1743. See Asfeldt, marquis d’. BEDARD, Thdophile, 1806-77. L’Art (1877) 10:67. Jules Buisson del.* BID AULT, Jean Joseph Xavier, painter, 1758- 1846. L’Art (1903) 62:24. Horace Vernet del.* (cari- cature) Remi Biipolite, deputy in states-general, 1789. 1747- Bioo. moderne (1807) 1:238. Labad3'e del. Courbe sc. BIDDLE, Judge. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 306. St Mcmin del. & eng.* Mrs Craig (Laura Whelen) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:237. miniature.* Mrs Edward (Jane Josephine Sarmiento) Chap-book (1898)8:489. G. Freeman p.* (miniature) Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 195. George Freeman p.* George, 1779-1811. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 175. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Horace P. 181 1-1900. Green bag (1892) 4:253.* Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:257. S. Ilolyer eng. James, u. s. n. 1783-1848. .\nalectic mag. (1815)6:383. Wood p. Gimbrcde sc. Loubat, Me- dallic hist. U. S. (18^) 2: pi. 49. Furst des. &. eng. 1815. Jules Jacquemart etch. Portfolio (1815) ser. 3, 6:429. J. Wood p. Gimbrede sc. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 7:405. Wood p. Gimbrede sc. (from Analectic mag. 1815) Nicholas, u. s. n. 1750-78. Clowes, Roy. nav\’ (1899)4:116. D. Edwin eng.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:553. Edwin sc.* Nicholas, financier, 1786-1844. Am. hist, reg- ister (1896) 3:531. Harrison, Biog. .sketches (1892) 2: pi. 9. Henrv* Inman p.* Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 39. Rembrant Peale p. J. B. Longacre and T. B. W elch sc. Whar- ton, Salons (1900) 267. Thomas Sulh’ p.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:. 50. Edwin eng.* .1/rs Nicholas (Jane M. Craig) Wharton, Salons (1900) 269. Thomas Sullj' p.* Thomas, maj'or, 1790-1831. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (18.59) 77. T. Sully p. 1818. S. Sar- tain eng. W. T. CiiRLSTiAN diadem (18.53) 140. eng. BEDDULPH, Sir Michael Anthony Shrapnel, general, 1823-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:12.* —(189.5) 107:7.58.* —(1904) 125:148.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 524. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Michael, m. p. 1834- Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 581. Spj' f. lith. (caricature) Sir Robert, general, 183.5- Illus. Lond. news (189.3) 103:151,* 470. Sir Thomas Myddloton, general, 1809-78. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:400. wdet. after photo. Lady, [Thomas Myddleton], Mary Frederica (Seymour) 1824-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:692.* BmEL, M, 18.39- L’Art (1901) 60:4.30. Victor Peter f.* (medallion) BIDWELL, Daniel D. general, 1816I-64. Har- per’s w. (1864) 8:733. wdet. George Rogers, 1858- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:670. wdet. —(1897) 41:720. John, 1819-1900. Ce.nt. (1890) 19: 107. daguerr. 18.50.* Rev. Walter Hilliard, 1798-1881. Eclectic mag. (18.57) 42:1. J. Sartain eng. after daguerr. BIE, Adriaen van, 1594-1640? Meyssens, Por. cm. painters (1739) pi. 39. Petrus Meert p. Lueas Vorstermans jr. sc. NIeyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. .58. Meert p. Lucas Vorstermans, jr. sc. Cornells de, 1627- Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 23. E. Quellinus p. J. Meyssens ex. BIEDERMANN, Alois Emmanuel, theologian, 1819-8.5. Werck.meister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 529.* BIENTINA, Giacopo da, 15.50- Turn i trionfi (1750) 1:175. J. Ve sc. BIENVILLE, sieur de, Jean Baptiste Lemoine, 1680-1768. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 21. J. C. Buttre eng. Cent. (1883) 3:387. relief* (New Orleans custom-house) Charlevoix, Hist, of New BIERCE 137 France (1866-72) 6: front. J. C. Buttre eng. after p. French, Hist. mem. of La. (1853) front. Buttre eng. afterf).? Mao. of Am. hist. (1885) 13;-117. Margry, Ddcouvertes et ^tablissements des Franvais (1888) 6: front. Larguillermie sc. 1882. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:235. Parkman (Champlain cd.) (1898) 11:302. p.* (coll, of J. A. Allen, Kingston) ^rib- ner’s m. (1873) 7:8. eng. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 5:26. eng. (after eng. in Margry’s coll.) BIERCE, Ambrose, 1842- Bookman (1902) 16:20.* BIERENS, Abraham Dirksz, 17th cent. See Dirksz. BIERSTADT, Albert, painter, 1830-1902. Scrib- ner’s m. (1872) 3:606. eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1870) 5:65. Ad. Neumann del. Aug. Neu- mann sc. BIG DRUM, chief of Ponka Indians. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:629. wdct. BIG EAGLE, chief of Santee Indians. H.arper’s w. (1867) 11:629. wdct. BIG ROAD, Indian. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:821. wdct. BIGARR£, haron, Aueuste Julien, 1775-18.38* Tardieu, G<^n. fran^. 2:pT. 135. Forestier sc. BIGELOW, Clarence Otis, 1851- Whittemore, Heroi'S of Am. rev. (1897) 188 sup. E. M. of Pittsburg. Mc'Clure’s mag. (1903)b 21:32.* Erastus Brigham, inventor, 1814-79. Bal- lou’s pictorial (185.5) 8:2.52. Kilburn del. eng. George Tyler, 1810-78. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1889) ser. 2, 5: front. F.T. Stuart eng. Kaikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1879) 2:4.54.* Roberts, Hist. anc. and hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:187. Hobart Baldwin, gov. of Conn. 1834-91. Har- per’s w. (1880) 24:589. wdct. Bioo. encycl. of Conn, and R. 1. (1881) 103. eng. Jacob, M. D. 1787-1879. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1879-80) 17:383. J. A. J. VVilco.xsc. after bust. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:3.5. —(1898) n. s. 19:.338. bust. John, 1817- Bookman (1902) 15:159.* Critic. (1895)26:406. —(1896)28:240. —29:422. —(1898) 33:261. Harper’s WL (1875) 19:941. wdct. — (1885) 29:860. wdct. —(1894) 38:348. wdct. John, of Boston. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 104. Melville Madison, 1846- Green bag (1889) 1:61.* Moses, 1800-78. Nat. mag. (1893) 19:98, 405. Ponltney, author, 1855- Critic (1897) 31 :2.51 — (1899) 34: 101.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:674. wdct. Samuel Fowler, 1837- Nat. mag. (1894) 19:405. BIKELAS Thomas Steele, Pittsburg. McClure’s mag (1903) 21:32.* BIGG, John, hermit. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 1:9. R. Graves sc. BIGGAR, Joseph Gilhs, 1828-90. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:422. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77:493.* Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 257. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BIGGE, Sir Arthur John, private sec’y to Queen Victoria, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:764.* — (190l) 118:301.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32:pl. 791. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BIGGS, Arthur Godolphin Yeatman-, maj. gen. 1843-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:71. E Patry p.* Huyshe Wolcott Yeatman-, bp. of Worcester 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:334.* —(1900) 117:4.56.* —(1904) 12.5:946.* BIGHAM, Sir John Charles, m. p. 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:174.* -111:561.* Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 159. Hugh de T. Glazebrook p.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 51. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) BIGIO, Marc Antonio Francia, 1482-1.525. See Francia Bigio. BIGLER, Henry W. Cent. (1891) 19:.530. John, gov. of Cal. 1804-71. Glea.son’s pictorial (1852) 2:165. wdct. William, u. s. senator, 181.3-80. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:3.53. wdct. BIGLIN, Bernard, politician. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:413. wdct. BIGNAN. Biog. inoderne (1807) 1:239. Perrin del. Courbe sc. BIGNOLD, Sir Samuel, 1791-187.5. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:181. Ventnor p.* — (1875) 66:8.5. wdct. after photo. BIGNON, Jean Paul, abb^, 1662-1743. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. IP”®. Rigaud p. F. G. Schmidt sc. Jerome, 1589-16.56. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Eu- rope illus. (1777) V. 3. C. Dupuis eng. Coyzevox inc. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:43. P. Van Schuppen sc. 1695. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® sibcles (180.5) l:pl. 22. P. Van Schuppen sc. 1695. Louis Pierre Edouard, 1771-1841. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 3:12. L’Art (1903) 62:349. E. Demarais lith.? 1827. BIGOT, Anne Marie, 160.5-94. See Cornuel, .Mine. Mme Mary (Healy) Catii. world (1893) .56:8.32, BIK^LAS, Demetrius, Greek author, 1835- IIarper’s w. (1895) 39:919. wdct. BILCESCO 138 BIXGHAxM BILCESCO, Sarmisa, lawyer. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111;()96. BILD VON RHEINAU, Beatus, 1485-1547. See Beatus Khenanus. B1LDEB.BEECQ, Margaretha van, w. of Wil- lem Burchgracff. See BurehgraelF, Vrouw. BILGRAMI, Syed Ali, 1851- Book buyer (1902) 25:131.* BILIMOKIA, Nasarvanji F. Parsee priest. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:789. wdct. BILINSKA, Anna, painter. L’Art (1887) 43:11. Anna Bilinska del. A. Barret sc. BILIOTTI, Sir Alfred. 1833- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:132. —(1897) 110:3.51. BILL, Ute chief. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:845. wdct. BILL, Ann. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 15. Simon Pass del. & sc. Hannah, w. of Thomas Latlirop, 1769-1862. See Lathrop, Mrs. BILLAER, Richard, captain, 18th cent. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 299. John Kay f. & eng. 1792. Mrs Richard. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 299. John Kay f. & eng. 1792. BILLATID-VARENNE, Jacques Nicolas, 1756- 1819. Arnault, Biog. nouv. eontem. (1821) 3:23. BILLAULT, Auguste Adolphe Marie, 180.5-63. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 157. Ch. Bazin lith.* BILLE, Frants Ernst de, 1832- Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 895. Spy del. lith. (caricature) BILLETTE, 1729- Bioo. moderne (1807) 1:243' Perrein del. Courbe sc. BILLING, Archibald, m. d. 1791-1881. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:272.* Robert Claudius, bp. of Bedford, 1834-98. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:32. —(1898) 112:289.* BILLINGS, Charles Ethan, of Hartford, Conn. 1835- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:844. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:96. eng. Frederick, lawyer, 1823-90. Bancroft, Cbron. (1891) 1:109. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. Cent. (1892) 21:558. Dana, Hist, of Woodstock, Vt. (1889) 589. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1565. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:789. wdct. N. E. iiLST. and geneal. register (1891) 45:2.59. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:72. wdct. Hammatt, artist, d. 1874. Ballou’s pictorial (18.56) 10:252. A. Hill del. after dag. eng. John Shaw, 1839- Lin. j. (1896) 21:51.* Josh, pseud, of Henry Wheeler Shaw, 1818-85. See Shaw. BILLINGTON, Mrs Elizabeth (Weichsel) 1768- 1818. La BELLE as.sembl4e (1812) n. s. 5:171. Rey- nolds p. A. Cardon eng. (as St Cecilia) Fxoan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 3: pi. 94. Reynolds p. James Ward eng.* (as St Cecilia) Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 2:184. Pope p. W. Greatbatch eng. (miniature) Lady’s m. mus. (1813) n. s. 14:131. Monthly mirror (1801) 12:219. Ridley eng. after p. Reynolds, Discourses, Johnson (1891) 305. Rey- nolds p.* (as St. Cecilia) John, actor, 1837-1904. Illus. Load, news (1904) 125:384.* BILLOT, Jean Baptiste, general, 1828- L’Ari (1904) 63:283. Paul Renouard des.* Conybeare, Dreyfus case (1898) 144. BILLOTTE, Rene, painter, 1846- Mag. of art (1898) 22: 121. Carolus Duran p.* BILLROTH, Theodor, Austrian prof, of surgery, 1^9-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:194> Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 340.* BILLSON, Alfred, m. p. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:351.* BILLY, negro servant of Washington. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1900) 2:65. C. W. Peale p.* BILLY BOWLEGS, Seminole chief, d. 1859. Gleason’s pictorial. (1852) 3:257. eng. (with 5 other Seminole chiefs) Harper’s w. (1858) 2:377. wdct. BILLY, Jacques de, 1535-81. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 1 : 170. eng. BILSE, Oswald Fritz {pseud. Fritz von der Kryburg) 1878- R. of rev. (1904) 29:319. BIMBONI, O. musician. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:1132. wdct. BINDESBOLL, Michael GottUeb Birckner, architect, 1800-.56. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 72:21. D. C. Blunck p.* BINDLEY, James, 1737-1818. Dibdin, Typo- graphical antiq. (1819) 4:490. W. Sa^ eng. aUer drawing (age 48) Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1822) 4: front. J. Basire sc. BINET, fl. 1747. L’Art (1901) 60:212. Piero Leone Ghezzi f.* (caricature) BINGHAM, Hon. Mrs. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65: 95. Ameha, actress. Critic (1901) 38:227.* Har- per’s w. (1903) 47:219.* lion. Arme, d. 1840. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 68. Reynolds p. 1786.* Connoisseur (1901) 1:180. Reynolds p. !• . Bartolozzi eng. Hirtii, Der formenscliatz (1891) pi. 32. Reynolds p. F. Bartojozzi eng. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118: 48. Reynolds p.* Mag. of art (1886) 9:490. Reynolds n. Bartolozzi eng. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 15:104. Re 3 'nolds p. Bar- tolozzi eng.* BINGHAM 139 BIRD George Azro, 1826-95. Grafton & Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1895) 3, pt. 1: front. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Green bag (1890) 2:487.* Southern N. II. bar assoc. Pub. (1895) 1, pt. 4:383.* George B. colonel. Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 682. eng. Lord George Charles Bingham, 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:118.* —(1904) 125:80.* Harry, 1821-1900. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2322. J. C. Buttro eng. after photo. Grafton & Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5: front. Buttre eng. after photo. Green bag (1901) 13:105.* Henry Harrison, m. c. 18-11- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:1203.* John Armor, judge, 1815-1900. Harper’s w. (1865)9:408.wdct. — (1868) 12: 177. wdct. —(1900) 44:325. Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 39. G. E. Perine eng. Theodore Alfred, colonel, 1858- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:1296. William, 1816- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 3:80. eng. Mrs William (Anne WiUing) Griswold, Re- publican court (1855) 253. Gilbert Stuart p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:421. Wharton, Salons (1900) 141. Stuart p.* BINGBLA.M family name. See also titles Claniuorris; Lucan. BINI, Carlo, 1806-42. Am.ato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (18.51) 1:281. eng. BINK, Jakob, d. 1.560. Franck, Deutsche kunstler- gal, 1813. Franck f. BINNEY, Hibbert, bp. of Nova Scotia, 1819-87. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:200. lith. Horace, 1780-1875. Am. hist. reg. (1896) 3:530 Green bag (1891) 3:69.* —(1893) 5:441.* Mason, Life of G. Stuart (1894) 5. Stuart p.* (age 20) Rev. Thomas, 1798-1874. DRAwmo-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4:12. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:209. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4:pl. 51. lith. after carica- ture. BINNING, Lord, Charles Hamilton, 1697-1733. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 5:142. Gerimia eng. BINNS, Sir Henry, premier of Natal, 1837-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:9.* BINOT, Jacques, 1750- Biog. moderne (1807) 1:244. Gros del. Courbe sc. BINYON, Laurence, poet, 1869- Bt,d. 1879. Harper’s mag. (1884) G8:.592. BIBKBECK, Sir Edward, 1st bart. 1838- Vanity fair album (1885) 17:pl. 471. App f. lith. (caricature) George, 1776-1841. Year-bk of facts (1842) front. Samuel Lane p. Henry Dawe mezzo. BERKEN, Siegmund von, 1626-81. Konnecke Bilderatlas (1887) 126. Jakob Sandrat eng.* BERNEY, David Bell, maj. gen. 1825-64. Har- per’s w. (1864) 8:661. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 5:87. A. 11. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1863) 1:96. wdct. BERNEE, Patie, reign of George I. Caulfield Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:11. R. Grave sc. BERON. L’Art (1878) 14:209. James D. Linton p. &dcs. ftaron d«, Armand de Gontaut, marshal 1524?- 92. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. A. p. Tardieu, jr. eng. Jackson, First of the Bourbons (1890) 1:92. print* (Brit, mus.) Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1355. J. N. Robert-Fleury p. Desjardins eng. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. fran<;. pi. 19. eng. due de, Charles de Gontaut, marshal, 1562?- 1602. Bingham, Bastille (1888) 1:144. G. Fath f.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Th. de Leu f. IIirtii, La'S grands illustratcurs, 3:986. F. Hoogenbergli eng. Jackson, First of the Bourbons (1890) 2:202. print* (Brit, mus.) Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 113. Thomas’ de Ia'U p. G. Fath del. lUldibrand sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 13:pl. 185. Gallait p. eng. Pin.set et d’Au- riac. Hist, du por. en France (1884) 47. Thomas do Leu eng.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8 : pi. 1360. L. Gallait p. Mas,soneng. — sup.4:pl. 11. eng. due de, Louis Antoine de Gontaut, marshal, 1700-88. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1489. J.D. Court p. Fran (j-ois eng. due de, Armand Louis de Gontaut, 1747-93. Bingham, Ba-stille (1888)1 :332. C. Staal sc.* Iconoo. dcs contemp. (1832) 1 :pl. 24. H. Grevedon del.? 1823. Delpech lith. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 239. Ij«5on Bailly del. after por. L. Chapon sc. (coll, de Bure) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1612. Mile C. L. Revest p. Ducasse eng. Peter, duke, of Courlande, 1724-1800. See Kur- land, Aerzoj/iwi. BIRRELL, Augustine, writer, 1850- Acad. (1898) 55:417. Sir Frank Lockwood f.* (caricature as Jowett imagined him) Book buyer(1887)4:331. — (1901) 23:195. Critic (1900) 36:141*. —(1901) 39:107. Outlook (1899) 63:542. BERT, Sir William, 1834- Illus. Ijond. news (1897)110:57. BISBEE, A. M. Harper’s w. (1899) 33:869. wdct. Le’wis H. lawyer, 1839- Mao. «*f West. hist. (1890) 12:679. eng. BISCARRA, Jean Baptiste, 1790-1851. Toselli, Biog. nicoisc (1860) 1:111. Perrin lith. BISCHOFFSHEIM, Mine. L’Art (1878) 15:306. J. E. Millais p. Ch. Waltner sc. Baldry, Millais (1899) 54. Millais p.* Lai.ncel, Lt's peintres de la femme (1888) 92. L. Bonnat p.* Zt.sch. f. bildendo kunst (1898) n. s. 10:249. Millais p.* Henry Louis, 1829- Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 125. lith. (caricature) Raphael Louis, 1823- L’Art (1888) 45:238. H. Thiriat sc. BISCHOFFSWERDER, Hans Rudolf von, 1741-1803. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:458. E. F. Cunningham p. Valentine Green mezzo.* BISCHOP. See Bisschop. BISHOP, Alfred, actor. Illus. Ijond. news (1903) 123: Nov. 28, sup. p. 1. Mme Anna (Riviere) singer, w. of Sir Henrv, 1814-84. Cent. (1882) 1:880. M. Salabert f.* (ks Ninetta) DiiA’wiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3:pl. 37. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Heber Reginald, 1840-1902. N. Y. geneal & biog. record (1903) 34:77. photo. Sir Henry Rowley, compaser, 1786-1855. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 68. Alex. Griba 3 ’ddoir del.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:167. G. H. Har- low? p.* Ladies’ m. mus. (1826) imp. ser. 23:301. Mrs Isabella L. (Bird) 1832-1904. Book buyer (1898) 16:105.* Critic (1899) 35:871. photo, from The Yangtse Valley (in Manchu dress) — (1904) 45:394.* Illus. L ond. news (1891) 98: 839.* —(1904) 125:. 532.* Joseph Bucklin, 1847- Book.man (1904) 20:3.* Richard Moore, gov. of Ohio, 1812-93. Har- per’s w. (1877) 21:868. wdct. Robert Roberts, 1834- Harper’s w. (1882) 26:637. wdct. Samuel, 1731-95. Effigies poeticse (1824) 2:pl. 130. Dance del. G. Clint del. F. Engelheart eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl.61. Dance del. G. Clint del. F. Engleheart eng. William Henry, writer, 1847- Critic (1903) 42:226.* Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:816. BISKRA, eaid of. Si Muhammad Ibn Gama. See Muhammad. BISLETI, Gaetano, Mgr. Harper’s w. (1903) 27:332.* BISMARCK, Andreas Achatz von, 1669-171.5. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:10. J. G. Wolllgang eng. 1715.* August von, 1666-1732. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:8. — 4:9. J.G. Wolllgang eng.* (Varzin) August Friedrich von, 169.5-1742. Heyck Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:12. p.* (Fried- richsruh) J31SMAECK 141 BISMARCK Frau August Friedrich von (Stephanie Charlotte von Dewitz) 170T>-38? IIevck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) -1; 13. p.* (im Schlosse zu Friedrichsnih) Bernhard von, bro. of the chancellor, 1810-93. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) -1:26, 42, 4.5. (3 por.)* Frau Bernhard von (Malwine von Lettow) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:44.* Christoph Georg von, d. 1730. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:11. J. G. Wolff- gang eng.* Georg Friedrich von, 1697-17(57. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) 4:15. Chr. 15. Glas- bach eng.* Frau Hans Christoph von (Maria Dorothea Elisabeth von Jagow) 1705-41. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltge-sch. (1898) 4: 14. J. G. Wolffgangeng. 1742.* Karl Alexander von, 1727-97. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltge.sch. (1898) 4:16. p.* (Friedrichsruh) Frau Karl Alexander von (Charlotte von SchOnfeldt) 1741-72. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:16. p.* (Friedrichsruh) Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von, father of Otto, furst von Bismarck, 1771-1845. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:18. p. 1800* (poss. of family Bismarck-Kiilz). — 4:25. Headla.m, Bismarck (1899) 12. eng.* Frau Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von (Luise Wniielmine Mencken) mother of the chancellor, 1789-1839. Headlam, Bismarck (1899) 10. eng.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) 4:19. p.* (Friedrichsruh). — 4:24. p. (Varzin) Illus. Ijond. news (1898) 113:Aug. 6 sup. 1. Levin Friedrich von, 1623-1695. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:6 p.* (Fried- richsruh) — 4:7. eng.* Malwine von, sister of filrst von Bismarck. See Amim-KrochlcndorfT, Frau. Valentin von, 1580-1620. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:2. Ahnenbild* (with his 4 sons, Friedrichsruh) Frau Valentin von (Bertha v. d. Asseburg) 1582-1642. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:3. p.* (with 4 daughters, Friedrichsruh) BISMARCK-SCHONHAUSEN, furst von, Otto Eduard Leopold, 1813-98. Acad. (1898) 55:411. drawing, 1834.* Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 1 1:551. —(1892) 12:9,294. S. Roemer sc. 1868.* Al.m. de Gotha (1870) front. Carl Mayer sc. A.m. ann. cyclop. (1866) 6:626. Appleto.n’s ann. cyclop. (1898) scr. 3, 3:82. L’Art (1889) 47*:267. Franz von Lenbach del.* — (1891) 51:125. eng. after caricature, 1889 (with Crispi). — 51 : 127. J. Blass f. 1888. eng. (carica- ture) Art j. (1882) 34:201. A. .Menzel del. — (1890) 42:193. W. B. Richmond del. 1887.* Bamrerg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 7. eng.* Ber- ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:703.* Blu.m, Das deutsche reich (1893) front.* Book buyer (1891) 8:117. —(1895)12:296.* Catii. world(1897)65: 183. Cent. (1888) 13:6.54.* —13:769. Chr. Roth sc.* (bust). —(1893) 25:97. C. W. Allers f. 1892.* — (1897) 31:322. Franz von Lenbach p?* — (1898) 34:824.* — (1904) 45:667. T. John.son eng. after photo.* Critic (189.5) 27:22. —(1898)33:123,430. — (1901) 39:, 507. L<'nbacli p.* Duyckinck, Bor. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:266. Chappel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1866) 67:257. Ferine and Giles eng. Gocld, Germany (1898) 407. Harper’s mag. (1870) 40:648,654,661. —(1872) 45:20. —(1878) 57: .503. —(1883) 66:369. Reinhart f.* —(1884) 69:188.* —(1890) 81:82. —(1898) 97:976* (in 1884). —(1901)102:399. Lenbach p.* —102:454 (in 1860) Harper’s w. (1866) 10:356, 685. wdct. —(1870) 14:484, .516. wdct. —(1871) 15:388. wdct. —(1872) 16:789. wdct. —(1874) 18:697. wdct. —(187.5) 19:300. wdct. —(1878) 22:481. wdct. —(1882) 26:196. wdct. —(1887) 31:12.5. wdct. —(1888) 32:237. wdct. —(1890) 34:233. Chas. S. Reinhardt del. wdct. —(1892) 36:636. wdct. —(1893) 37:664. Koppay p. wdct. (with \V. W. Flielp.s). — (1894) 38:137. Lenbach p. wdct. — (189.5) 39:293. Ltm- bachp.wdct. — (1898) 42: 781, 784(6 por.) —(1901) 45:98. Headlam, Bismarck (1899) front. F. von Lenbach p.* — p. 18. eng. after drawing* (in 1834). — p. 66. eng. 1848. — p. 130. eng. I860. — p. 214. Lenbach p. eng.* — p. 288.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:1-1.55. various por.* Hozier, Franco-Fru.ssian war, 1:216. W. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:Jan. 15 sup. —(1878) 72:. 576. —(1887) 91: Oct. 15 sup. —(1888) 92:163. R. C. Woodville del.* —(1890) 96:3.53. —(1892) 101:12.* —(1894) 104:136. Lenbach p.* —(1895) 106:372.* — (1898) 1 13:.Vug. 6 sup. Hans Schadow p.* (4 other por.) —(1901) 1 18:756 (age 19, from The love letters of Prince Bismarck) — (1902) 120:99. statue.* (as Roland, at Hamburg) Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (189.5) 9:5, 32, 60, 68, 87, 126, 127. various por. — (1897) 20:68. Begas sc.* (bust. National gall. Berlin). — 20:69. bust (Ruhmeshalle, Berlin) —(1898) 34:37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 4.5. Lenbach p.* (various por.) —(1902) 60:56. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (relief) — (1903) 66:46, 47, 48, 49. Eberlein sc.* (statues) La.mp (1!X)3) 27:457. p?* Lenbach, Zeitgenossische hildnisse (1887) pi. 6, 25. Lenbach p.* (2 por.) Litf-r.^ture (1898) 3: Nov. .30 sup. pi. .32. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:486, 525-.536* (20 por.) — 5:83* (midnight conference on capitula- tion of French army) — 5:86. Camphausen p.*(with Napoleon HI) — (1898) 11:499. C. W. Allers del. 1893* (age 78) Mag. of art (1886) 9:53. Lenbach p. wdct. Malle.son, Refounding of the German empire (1893) 74.* Nicholson, 12 por. (1899) pi. 3. Nicliol- son del.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:10.5,656. —(1892) 2:708,928. Outlook (1898) 59:812. —(1898) 60:32, 33,3.5,36,40,819(6 por.) Pall .Mall mag. (1899) 17:484. Lenbach p.* R. OF rev. (1891) 3:4.52.* —(1898) 18:290. Revue illus. (1887) 4:2.57. G. de la Barre del. Florian sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 10:177. C. Wagner f.* & vignette. Sybel, Founding of German empire (1898) 2:front. Vanity fair album (1870) 2:pl. 66. lith. after caricature. Wasiiburne, Recoil. (1887) 2:240. eng. after p. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 593-600 (8 por.)* Zt.sch. f. bildende kunst (1882) 17:348. Lenbach del. 1879.* — (1895) n. s. 6:215. monument* (in Leipsic). — (1899) n. s. 11:4, 5. 11. Magnussen f.* (busts) See also 1.,ilif.nthal, Siegfried. Wie sah Bismarck aus7 Berlin. 1905. l(i». (31 plates.) BISMARCK 142 BJORNSOK furstin von Otto (Johanna von Puttkamer) 1824-94. Book buyer (1890) 7:437. II.vkper’s nia". (UX31) 102:453. silhouette.* Harper’s w. (1901) 45:98. Headlam, Bismarck (1899) 88. eng. IIetck, Monograph, z. weltgcseh. (1898) 4:43, 47, 142 (3 por.) Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:607. OiTLOoK (1898) 60:41* (in 1888) fiirst von, Herbert, 1849-1904. Harper’s w. (1889)33:52.wdct. — (1892)36:636.wdct. —(1893) 37:709. wdet. — (1898)42:877. II eyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:184.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:779.* —(1904) 125:426.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:76. Max Koner p. 1898.* furstin von, Herbert (Marguerite Hoyos) 1871- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:036. wdet. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:184.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:779.* fiirst von, Otto, gr. son of the chancellor, 1892- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:946.* gi-dfin von, Marie, dau. of Fiirst von B. 1848- See Kantzau, grafin zu. graf von, Wilhelm, s. of Furst Otto, 1852-1901. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:185.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:75. Max Koner p. 1899.* BISPHAm, Mrs John B. Harper’s w. (1894) 38: 1046. Sully p- wdet. BISPHAM, David, singer, 1857- Bookman (1899) 9:236.* Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 2:8.* Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1048. drawing.* —(1898) 42:.56.* BISS, Huberts. J. m.d. Illus. Lond. news ( 1898) 112:773. BISSCHOP, F rouw, mother of Christoffel Bisschop. Rooses, Dutch painters of 19th cent. (1898) 198. Bisschop p. eng. Christoffel, painter, 1828- Art. j. (1892) 44:211. Rooses, Dutch paintersof 19th cent. (1898) 191. eng. Jan de, 1646-86. Desca.mps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:184. Fiaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:56. Jean de Bray p. (with his wife) BLAGBORNE, WiUiam. Metii. mag. (1794) 17:225. Ridley sc. (age 38) BLAGDEN, George Washington, d. d. Glea- son’s pictorial (1853) 5: 12. eng. alter daguerr. Hill, Hist, of old South church (1890) 2:500. eng. BLAGROVE, Henry Gamble, violinist, 1811-72. Illus. Lond news (1872) 61:633. wdct. after photo. BLAIKIE, William Garden, 1819-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:869.* BLAINE, Emmons, 1857-92. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:634. wdct. James Gillespie, 1830-93. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1881) 6:738. 11. B. llall,jr. eng. Bay state BLAINE 145 BLAKE m. (1884) 2:1. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Bioo. encyel. of Me. (1885) 9. eng. IIarpeu’s w. (1869) 13:180. wdct. —(1881) 25:204. wdct. —(1884) 28:377. wdct. —(1889) 33:204. wdct. —(1893) 37:97. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (189.3) 4: pi. 22.* Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:317.* — (181W) 85:477. — (1893) 102:138.* McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:159, 162*(3 por.) —(1900) 15:487. Jay Ham- bridge del.* New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:546. — (1901) n. s. 24:230. Barton, Men of progress (1870-71) 647. C. B. Hall eng. II. of rev. (1892) 5:518* (in 1891) — (1893) 7:163. Scribner’s mag. (1895)18:594.* —18:601. daguerr. 1847.* —(1899) 25:162. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 2:1026. Spof- FORD, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:236. J. L. G. Ferris f.* — 10:242. vignette. \ViLSON,Hist. of Am. people (1902) 5:173.* James Gillespie, jr. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:101. wdct. (with wife) Mrs James Gillespie, jr. (Mary Nevins) aftw. Mrs W. T. Bull. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:101. wdct. Walker, 1855-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:76. wdct. BLAINVILLE, Henri Marie Ducrotay de, 1777-1850. Cap, Museum d’hist. nat. (1854) pt. 1: 143. A. F^art inv. & sc. (medal) BLAIR, Alexander. McCormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 25. George Romney p. Mrs Alexander (Mary Johnson) 1750- Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:14. Romney p. 1787-89.* (Charles Sedelmeyer coll.) Andrew. Arminian mag. (1793) 16:337. Ridley sc. (age 44) Andrew George, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:337.* Chauncey Buckley, 1810-91. Mao. of West, hist. (1891) 14:192. eng. Francis Preston, 1791-1876. Cent. (1887) 12:933.* Democratic rev. (1846) 17: front. T. Sully p. J. Sartain eng. mezzo. Francis Preston, jr. 1821-75. Buttre, Am. pwr. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 13. Buttre. eng. after photo. Cent. (1888) 14:63.* Harper’s w. (1861) 5:516. wdct. — (1^5) 9:405. wdct. — (1868) 12:4^. wdct McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:135.* —(1897) 10:157 eng.* N 1 COLAY& Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4: 20k* Bor. mag. (1864) 1:113. wdct. Henry William, u. s. senator, 1834. Grafton & Coos bar assoc. Broc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:521.* Har- per’s w. (1891) 35: 192. wdct. Hugh, D. D. 1718-1810. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 618. Bioo. mag. (1820) 2:7. Holl sc. Brit. gall. ( 1822) pi. 17. Raeburn f. C. Best- land eng. European mag. (1798) 33:219. Ridley sc. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 57. John Kay f. & eng. 1798. Irene. Art j. (1898) 50:167. Luke Fildes p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 86. Fildes p.* James, 1656-1743. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:89. wdct. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 24288—06 10 2:102,369. p.* (William and Mary coll.) Harper’s mag. (1896)92:188. —(1901)102:72.5. Scribner’s mag. (1875) 11:4. eng. after p. (library, William and Mary coll.) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:212. p.* (W’illiam and Mary coll.) Mrs James. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:115. p.* (William and Mary coll.) Sir James Hunter, 1st hart. 1741-87. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 28, 102. John Kay f. & eng. 1785. John, 1732-1800. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 150. Max Rosenthal etch. 1890, miniature (poss. of family) Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 309. Rosenthal etch.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:69. etch.* (N. Y. Bub. lib.) John, actor. Book buyer (1901) 23:416. Book- man (1899) 9:389.* Critic ( 1899) 35:589.* Strang, Famous actors (1902) ser. 2:252. John Insley, 1802-99. Harper’s w. (1896) 40: 1049. wdct. Montgomery, 1813-83. Cent. (1888) 13:430.* Harper’s w. (1883) 27:493. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1898) 10:568. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:368.* Persia. Scribner’s mag. (1901) 30:654. Laura C. Hills p. (child por.) Robert, of Avontoun, 1741-1811. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 62. Raeburn p.* Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 127, 128. John Kay f. & eng. 1793, 1799. Thomas, d. 1800. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 142. John Kay f. 1792 & eng. BLAKE, Christopher, 1830- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 408. J. B. Murphy co. eng. Dorothy, of Md. Cent. (1896) 29:487. Kneller p.?* Edward, 1833- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:120. lith. Green bag (1891) 3:267.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:199.* —(1897) 110:174.* Notables of Britain (1897) 131.* Ball Mall mag. (1899) 18:402. G. R. Halkctt f.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1892)6:14.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 628. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George Fordyce, 1819- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:105. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. Sir Henry Arthur, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:344.* Henry Claude, 1874- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:748.* Homer Crane, u. s. n. 1822-80. Harper’s mag. (1866) 33:4.56. wdct. —(1898) 97:752. Isaac Elder, 1844- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 4:3.59. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 9:773. eng. J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 98. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* J. Albert. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 13: 13. BLAKE 14(3 BLAXCHE John B. M. D. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 100.* Katherine Devereux. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1121. 2 por.* Mrs Lilhe (Devereux) 1835- Stanton, Wo- man sulFrage (1887) 3:417. F. Girsch sc. Lady [Patrick], Annabella (Bunbury) \v. of 1st hart. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds, (1899) 2:448. Reynolds p.* 1768. Robert, admiral, 1599-1657. Book buyer (1900) 20:26. Cab. por. gall. Brit, worthies (1846) 6:81. Carlyle, Works, Cent. ed. (1897) 7:89. eng. Clar- endon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2:-161. M. V. de Gucht sc. Clark, Oliver Cromwell (1895) 168. T. Preston eng. 1730? after p.* (poss. of J. Ames) C1.0WES, Rov- navy (1898) 2:120. J. Molleson eng. after p. (Waiham coll. O.vford) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 3:414. J. Mollison eng. after p. (Wadham coll.) Cunningham, Lives of cm. Englishmen (18.36) 5: front. S. Freeman eng. (Greenwich hospital) Ear- IA3.M, Por. of char. Preston eng. after p. J. Bulfinch del. C. Turner eng. Fellowes, llist. sketches of Charles the 1st (1828) 373. Fauconnier del. after p. Lau- glum6 lith. Fiske, Dutch and Quaker colonies in Am. (190.3) 1 : 219. p.* (Wadham coll.) Green, Short hist, of Eing. people (1893) 31 : 227. T. Preston eng. after p. ? 17.30 (poss. J. Ames) K.night, Gall, of por. (1835) 5:77. J. Mollison eng. after p. (Wadham coll.) Lock- er, Mem. of celeb, naval conimandei-s (1832) pi. 2. H. P. Briggs p. J. Cochran sc. Lond. mag. (1755) 24:280. eng. Penny mag. (1832) 1:192. eng. Por. gall. (1853) 2:313. J. Mollison sc. after p. (Wadham coll.) Scribner’s mag. (19(X)) 27:531. p.* (Wadham coll.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 98. Adrian Hanneman p.* Stern, Gcsch. der rev. in Eng. (1881) 221. R. Young eng. after eng. in Hep- worth Dixon’s Roliert Blake, 1852. Story, Building of Brit, empire (1898) 1 :342. Tayixir, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:1G. Briggs p. Cochran eng. Thomas William Jex-, dean of Wells, 1832- Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:353. wdet. after photo. —(1891) 98:269.* William, poet, 1757-1827. Acad. (1897) 51:634. Phillips p.* (Nat. por. gall.) .;Vrt j. (1893) 45:32. John Linnell del.* Blair (Robert), The grave (Lond. 1813) Critic (1881) 1:1. eng. —(1901) 38:73. eng. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 2:142. T. Phillips p. W. C. Edwards eng. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (Itte) 2:9. Thomas Phillips p. 1807.* Gar- nett, Hist, of E>ng. lit. (1903) 4:18. T. Phillips f.* -Mag. of art (1893) 16: IM. J. Linnell del.* Moul- ton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:293. Wm. Blake f. A. L. Dick eng.* Portfolio (1895) no. 22:.'50. Phillips p. L. Sehiavonetti eng.* Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:227. John Linnell p. wdet. (miniature from Gilchrist’s Life) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 26. John Phil- lips p.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1 : 106. Wilham Rufus, 1805-63. Cent. (1890) 17:651. H. B. Hall eng. ?* BLAKELEY, Johnston, u. s. N. 1781-1814. An- ALECTic mag. (1816) 7:37. Gimbrede sc. Harper’s mag. (1862) 24:179. eng. Ixiubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 39. Fiirst des. & eng. 1814. Jules Jacquemart etch. Wilham, comedian, 1830-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111: 877* (as Vanderpump in Brighton) BLAKENEY, 1st baron, Wilham Blakeney, 1672-1761. Lond. mag. (1756) 25:312. eng. John Edward, d. d. 1825-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:70.* BLANC, Louis, 1811-82. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:517. lith.* Cent. (1887) 12:81. A. Gilben f.* Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 3 . 53 . lith.* Gal. eontemp. (1876) photo. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:629.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 4. Pannier sc. (in 1848) Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl.319. lith. after caricature. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 260. Pierre Dupuis p.* Mme Therese (de Solms) (pseud. Th. Bentzon) w. of Alexandre, 1840- Ce.nt. (1903) 44:136. H.C. Merrill eng. after photo.* Critic (1895) 27:270. —(1897)30:200. —(1900)36:294. Outlook (1897) 58:629. —(1902) 71:224. BLANCA. See Blanche. BLANCHARD, Edward Litt Laman, dramatist, 1820-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:327. Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 6: 190. photo. — (1889) ser. 4, 14: 196.* Elizabeth Walker, aetress, 1800- La belle assembl^e (1818) n. s. 18: 147. Miss Drummond p. eng. Jacques, 1600-38. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:49. eng. Per- RAULT, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:93. Blanchard p. Edelinck .sc. Por. des hommes illus. des W"" et 18” sifecles (1805) 2:pl. 97. Blanchard p. Edelinck sc. Jean Pierre (or Francois), aeronaut, 1753- 1809. European mag. (1785) 7:401. Newton eng. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:93. Tub.vor, Astra castra (186.5) 462. Jules, 1832- L’Art (1903) 62:311.. Thomas, inventor, 1788-1864. Ballou’s pic- torial (1856) 10:316. A. Hill del. after photo. Peirce sc. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:2.56. Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:293. eng. Wilham, actor, 1769-1835. European mag. (1817) 72:3. Henry Cook eng. after p. Monthly mirror (1805) 19:217. Ridley eng. after p. BLANCHE, BLANCA, empresses, queens, prin- cesses, duchesses, and archduchesses. AUSTRIA Blanca (of France), duchess, w. of Rudolf HI, 1284-1305.' JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1889) 9: pi. .56, after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14:83, fig. 28. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Blanche (of Castile, princesse de Bourbon) archduchess, w. of Leopold Salvator, 1868- Ti li.- BERG, FiirstenliHU.ser Europ. por. (1898) 1:105. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899)2:470 — 2:472. BLANCHE 147 FUAXCE Blanche (of Aquitaine) queen, w. of Louis V. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 74. Dclpecli lith. Blanche (of Castile), queen w. of Louis \ III, 1187-1252. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:598. miniature* (ms. 13th cent. Bibl. de I’Arseiial, Paris) Casket, Bo.ston (1829) 116. Zwinger del. J. Andrews sc. (with Louis IX) Celliez, Heines de France, 213. Jules David lith. Court mag. (1840) 17:337. Ed. Hargrave sc. after monumental effigy. Gal. franc. (1821) 1 :introd. p. 24 Weber del. after medal. IIeyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch (1900) 12: 147. seal (from Wailly’s ed. of Joinville’s Hist, de St Louis*) Le Roux ue Lincy, Femmes cdlebres (1858)1:106. Santddel. Gatinc sc. lith. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 3:328. L. O. Merson f. Malo, Gal. des reines de Franco, 98. Delpech lith. Mexnecuet, Le Plutarque franc. (1838) Dpi. 26. Triquetti del. Migneret sc. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2:pl.95. De Bie eng. Trotter sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13:pl.29. A. Etex sc. J. Bernardie eng. (statue) — sup. 5: pi. 2. Darodcs eng. after old p. — sup. 6: pi. 50. Pigeot eng. after bust. \ iardot. Masterpieces of French art (1883) 2: pi. 27 Blanche (of Navarre), queen, w. of Philippe VI, 1331-98. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 54. Pigeot eng. after statue (Church, Saint- Denis) GERMANY Blanca Maria Sforza, empress, w. of Maximil- ian I, 1472-1510? Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:539. coin* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) Heyck, Mono- graph z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:6,54. statue* (Innsbruck) — 5:52. A. de Predis p. — 5:55. coin. Jhrb. d. kunst-hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9: pi. 50. after p. 262, Francesco Terzio del.* — (1890) ll:pl. 31. statue.* — 11:169 (statue) — (1893) 14:pl. 13, fig. 1 Gian Marco Cavali del.* also figs. 2, 3. — 14:132, fig. 135. p.* (in coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) — (1894) 15:pl. 16. p.* (coll. Ambrasser.) SPAIN Blanca (of Anjou) queen of Aragon, w. of Jaime II, d. 1310. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espanola (1855) 1 : pi. 15 bis. V. Carderera dib. del. after statue Carlos Mugica lith. (monastery of Santa Cruces, Cata- lufia) Blanca (of France) prince.ss, w. of Prince Ferdi- nand of Castille, 1252-1320. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, .sup. 6: pi. 54. Pigeot eng. after statue (church of Saint-Denis) BLANCHE, August Teodor, Swedish writer, 1811-68. Hansen, Nordiske digtcre i vort aarhun- drede (1870) 455. eng. BLANCHEFORT, Gui de, grand master of kts. of Malta, d. 1513. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:417. Carssc. BLANCHEFORT family name. See also title Cr^quy. BLANCHET, Joseph Goderic, lieut. col. 1829-90. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:212. lith. BLANQUI Thomas, 1617-89. Df.zali.ier u’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4: 118. eng. BLANCO Y ERENAS, Ramon, general. Cent. (1898)35:248. Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1049. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:745. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:10.3.* BLANCO-WHITE, George Rivers, 1883- See White. BLAND, Charles. Arminian mag. (1791) 14:284. (age 3.5) Mrs Edith (Nesbit) {pseud. E. Nesbit) w. of Hubert, 18.58- B(k>k buyer (1902) 25:3(X)* (with her daughter) Critic (1904) 45:392* (with her daughter) Harper’s mag. (1902) 105:Bkshelf* (with her daugh- ter) Richard Parks, 183.5-99. America’s grtst men and women (1894) 102. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:270. wdct. —(1893) 37:808. wdct. —(1894) 38:272. G. W. Breck del. wdct. — (1896) 40:705. wdct. —(1899) 43:614.* R. of rev. (1.896) 14:1.38.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:147.* Theoderic, 1777-1846. St Memin, coll, of por. (1862) no. 342. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* BLANDFORD, marquis of, John Churchill, 1690- 1703. Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianae (1822) 238. Worthington eng. after p. marquises of. See also Marlborough, dukes of. Mark H. Green bag (1892) 4:76.* BLANDICK, Clara, actress. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1411.* BLANDINE, saint, d. 177 A. D. L’Art (1892) 52:216. Elie Delaunay del.* BLANDY, Mary, murderass, d. 17.52. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:. 38. eng. BLANE, Sir Seymour John, 3d bart. 183.3- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:2.38.* BLANKENBURG, Mrs Lucretia Longshore. Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:7.50.* Rudolph, of Phila. McClure’s mag. (190.3) 21:259.* BLANQUART DES SALINES, 1728- Biog. modernc (1807) 1:2.52. Moreau del. Courbe sc. BLANQUEFORT, marquis de, Louis de Duras, 1641-1709. See Feversham, 2d earl of. BLANQUI, Jerdme Adolphe, economist, 1798- 1854. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la pressc (1841) 3: pi. 36. .\lophe f. Toseli.i, Biog. ni^oise (I860) 1:128. Perrin lith. 1860. Louis Auguste, 1805-81. Harper’s w. (1879) 2.3:445. wdct. Saint .Martin, 60 ans d’un pruiple, 7;p!. 9. -M. .\. -Monnin sc. Toselli, Biog. nicoise (1860) 1:131. Perrin lith. BLANSHAKD 148 BLESSING TON BLANSHABD, Thomas. Meth. mag. (1809) 32: 181. Branwhite p. Mackenzie sc. (age 3.5) BLANTYH.E, baroness, Lady Evelyn Leveson- Gower, w. of 12th baron, 182.^69. See Gower. BLAQUIERE family name. See title De Blaquiferc. BEARER, Ambrosius, 1492-1504. See Blaurer. BLASERNA, Pietro. Minekva (190.5) 14: front.* BEASI, Francesco Paoli de. .Aaiato, Martiri cl. liberty ital. (1851) 1:473. Barmiani inc. BEATCHFORD, Mrs Eliphalet Wickes (Mary Emily Williams) Outlcxjk (1897) 55:9.33. Paul. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:280. Samuel, 1820-93. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 528. Ma.x Rosenthal ctcli. 1889 after photo. Ce.nt. (1882) 3:169. Green bag (1893) 5:489.* — (1903) 15:231. Max Rosenthal etch.* Harper’s w. (1882)26:188.wclct. — (1890) 34: 105. wdct. —(1893) 37:684. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:35. BEATHWAYT, Colonel, musician, 17th cent. Ox- ford loan coll. (1905) pi. 18. Willem Sonmans p.* (Oxford schools) BEAURER, Ambrosius, 1492-1.564. Verheiden, Af-beeldingcn (160.3) 49. H. f. eng. BEATJVEET, Eillian, singer, 1873- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:581. wdct. —(1901) 45:369. —(1902) 46: 117.* —(1903) 47:978* (as Juliette) BEAVATSKY, Mme Helena Petrovna (Hahn) 1831-91. Arena (1895) 12 :176.* Cath. world (1897) 66:39. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:6.35.* R. of rev. (1891) 3:462, 615. Stead, For. and autog. (1891) 124.* BEEAKIE, Robert, 1833- Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 56. eng. BEECKEEY, Eogan E. 1827- Green bag (1892) 4:49.* —(1903) 15:5.5.5.* BEEE, Thomas, thief taker. Caulfield, For. mem. and char. (1819) 3:. 58. eng. BEEECKER, Mrs Alexander. Wharton, Heir- looms in miniatures (1898) front. E. G. Malbone p. 180.3 J/rs AnnEhza(Schuyler) w. of John J. 1752-83. Duyckinck, Cyc.lo. .\m. lit. (1877) 1 :380. Roberts sc. Ellet, Women of Am. rev. (1900) 2:2.83. Anthony, 1770-1827. N. Y. geneal. and biog. record (190.3) .34:2.31 . W. Dunlap p.*(poss. of Society). Anthony J. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77 ; 9.36. Eeonard, major, d. 1844. Bowen, Centennial Washington’s inaug. (1892) 41. I’ine f. (2 por.) BEEIBTREU, Georg, painter, 1828-92. .Mag. of art (1893) 16:108. BEEIE, Philip C. n. v. jx)liceman. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:. 57. wdct. BEEISTEIN, George, journalist, 1861- Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 6: 123. eng. BEENERHASSET, John, d. 1510. Cotman, Scpiildiml brasses (18.39) l:pl. 50. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (Frense church, Norfolk) Mrs John (Jane Tindall) d. 1521. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 5, apx. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. (Frense church, Norfolk) Sir Thomas, d. 1531. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (18.39) 1: front, pi. 63. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Frense churcti, Norfolk) BEENK, James H. r. c. bp. of Puerto Rico. Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:774.* BEENKER, Eouis, general, 1812-6.3. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 63. G. E. Ferine eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1862) 2:60. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. BEENKERON, William, 1807-71. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59:377. wdct. BEENNERHASSETT, Harman, 1764 1-1831. Cent. (1901) 40:3.52. H. Davidson eng. after minia- ture 1796* (poss. of Dr. Francis C. Martin, Boston) McClure’s mag. (1902) 18:407. miniature 17951* Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 1:475. wdct. Ohio archaeol. & hist. quar. (18^) 1:111. A. H. Ritchie eng. Lady [Rowland], Countess Charlotte (de Eey- den) w. of 4th hart. Knackfuss, KQnstler-monog. (1898) 34:. 59. Lenbach p.* BEES, David, 1821-99. Rooses, Dutch painters of 19th cent. (189.8) 43. Verneau f. 1891. eng. Henri de, 1480-1550? L’Art (1901) 60:307. eng.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:403. E. de B. f. eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 14. Th. Galle ex. BEESSINGTON, countess of, Margaret (Power) w. of 2d earl, 1789-1849. .Vmulet (1832) pi. 2. Lawrence p. J. H. Watt eng. Anglo-Saxon rev. (1901) 10: front. Lawrence p.* Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 111. por.* (Fraser gall.) Bookman (19(X)) 12: 13. Lawrence p.* Byron, Works; letters ed. Prothers (1901) 5:4. Lawrence p.* Ciiorley, Au- thors of Eng. (1837) 34. Bartolini sc. H. Weeki« f. medallion (bust) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:173. A. E. Chalon w. c. del.* Eng. ann. (1838) 117. Lo Comte p. eng. Gerard, Some fair Hiliernians (1897) 141. Lawrence p.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 1.36. Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (Brit, mus.) Ha.milton, Women writers (1892) 1:264. Heath, New gall, of Brit. eng. (1846) pi. 4. A. E. Chalon p. H. Hall eng. Maclise gall. (1.87.3) 92 Maclise del. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:266. Law- rence p.* Mag. of art (1879) 2:1.32. Lawrence p. wdct. — (1897)21:13. Lawrence p. S. Cousins mezzo.* Fall Mall mag. (1896) 9:214. Chalon p.* Willing, Some old-time beauties (1895) 49. Lawrence p.* I^LETHEN 149 BLOIS BLETHEN, Alden J. journalist, 1846- Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:69.3. BLEWETT, Mrs Jean (McKishney) Canadian writer, 1862- .America’s grtst men and women (1894) 89. Cath. world (1896) 63:788. BLICHER, Steen Steensen, poet and novelist, 1782-1848. Hanse.v, NordLskedigtere i vort aarhun- drcde (1870) 195. II. P. Hansen eng. BLICHILDE, w. of Child6ric II, king of France, d. 673. See Blitilde. BLIGH, Miss. Heath’s book of beauty (1842) 178. W. Fisher p. H. Robinson eng. Heath, New gall, of Brit. eng. (1846) pi. 7. W. Frith p. II. Robinson eng. Sir Richard Rodney, admiral, 1737-1821. Clowes, Royal navy (1899) 4:242. Opie p. Ridley lith. William, vice-admiral, 1754-1817. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:87. George Dance, del. 1794.* Tregarthen, Story of Australasia (1893) 68. BLIGH famil}' name. See also title Darnle 3 L BLIND TOM (Thomas Bethune) musical prod- igy, 1850- Harper’s w. (1866) 10:92. wdet. Hct- To.v, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 235. BLIND, Mathilde, poet, 1841-96. Critic (1896) 29:424. Illcs. Ijond. news (1896) 109:748.* Lit. yr-bk. (1897) 1:271.* BLISS, Cornelius Newton, 1833- Harper’s mag. (1899' 99:505. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:860. wdet. — (1894)38:76. wdet. — (1900) 44:554. draw- ing.* Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:618. G. E. Ferine eng. N. Y. .mem. hist. (1895) 259. eng. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 378. eng. Doctor Willard, m. d. 182.5-89. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:509. wdet. Philemon, 1814-89. Green bag (1891) 3:171.* Philip Paul, evangelist, 1838-76. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:65. wdet Tasker Howard, 18.53- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:412. wdet. —(1904) 48:1386. Zenas Randall, c. s. a. 183.5-1900. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:434. wdet. BLITILDE, queen of France, w. of Child(5ric II, d. 673. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 41. Del- pech lith. BLOCH, Fru, Danish actress. Harper’s mag. (1892) 84:4.57 (as Trina Rar) Carl Henrik, 1834-90. Lcnd, Danske malede por. (1900) 7': 10. Carl Bloch p.* (2 por.) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1883) 18:37. A. Ramsthal del. wdet. Jean de, 1836-1902. L’Art (1904) 63:221.* Critic (1902) 40:201. Illls. Lond. news (1902) 120:82.* BLOCK, Agnes. Vondel, De werken (1869) 12:54. — 12:.56. 1. Boskam f. Emrik and Bingerlith. (medal) Benjamin, 1631- Franck, Deutsche kunst- ler-gal. (1813) Franck f. Jacob. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rem- brandt (1897) l:pl. 55. Rembrandt p. 1632.* Joanna IKoerten) 16.50-1715. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (17(X)) 3:273. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Rudolph {pseud. Bruno Lessing) 1871- Bookman (1904) 18:469.* BLOCK. See also Blok. BLOCKLAND, Beelaerts van. So. African por. gall. (1897) 50 (in group of 5) BLODGET, .1/rs Rebecca (Smith) 1772-1837. Penn. mag. of hist, and biog. (1880) 4:382. G. Stuart p. 1806. J. Sartain eng. 1880. BLODGETT, Foster, politician, 1826-77. Har- per’s w. (1869) 13:.589. wdet. Henry Williams, 1821- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:336. wdet. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:413. eng. Isaac N. 1838- Green bag (1890) 2:483.* Southern N. H. bar assoc. Pub. (1893) 1, pt 2:87* (group) Rufus, u. .s. senator, 1834- Harper’s w. (1887) 31:189. wdet. WilUam Tilden. L’Art (1876) 4:78. Bichard des. BLOEMAERT, Abraham, 15641-1658? Bul- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:460. E. do Boulonois f. eng. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:246. C. Eisen inv. D. Sarni(|ue sc. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:84. eng. Etched por. of celebr. painters, pi. 4. I. Girtin eng. Hirtii, Ix’s grands illustrateurs, 3:947. P. Moreelse f. J. Aiatham eng. Meyssens, Por. em. [painters (1739) pi. 7. Her. Blomaert del. Hen. Snyers sc. I. Mej'ssens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 26. Blomaert del. Snyers sc. J. Meyssens ex. .Moucke, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 19. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BLOIS, comte de, Robert, le Fort, d. 866. Men- NECiiET, Le Pluiarque fran?. (1838) pi. 10. Duprd del. Contenau sc. comte de, Thibaut V, le Bon, d. 1191. Thevet, Por. et vies d. homines illus. (1584 ) 2:294. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1566. P. F. E. Giraud p. Leclere eng. — sup. 4: pi. 85. eng. comiesse de, Marie (d’Avesnes) d. 1241. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 51. Pigeot eng. after statue. Mile de, Fran 9 oise Marie (de Bourbon) dau. of Louis XIV, 1677-1749. See Orleans, duchessc d’. Mile de, Marie Aime (de Bourbon) dau. of Louis XIV, 1666-1739. See Conty, princesse de. BLOK 150 BLOWITZ BLOK, Ida, 1632-93. Vondel, De werken (1869) 12:57. I. Boskam f. Dosguerrois & co. lith. (m.'dal) BLOK. See also Block. BLOMBERG, Hermann von, general, 1836- ScuEiBEKT, Ileerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 10.* BLOMEFEELD, Leonard, naturalist, 1800-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:342.* BLOMFIELD, Alfred, bp. of Colchester, 1833-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:614.* Men of mark (1883)7:35. photo. Sir Arthur William, architect, 1829-99. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:478. —(1899) 115:681.* Mag. of art (1899) 24:96.* Lady [Arthur William], Sarah Louisa (Ryan) lioY. acad. pict. (1893) 24. II. T. Well.* p.* BLON, Michiel de, 1590-1656. Walmsley, Phys- iog. por. (1822) v. 1. Vandyke p. Charles Pye eng. BLONDEL, David, 1591-1655. Perrault, Les homnies illus. (1700) 2:75. Duflos sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 88. Duflos sc. Merry Joseph, painter, 1781-1853. L’Art (1903) 62:85. Horace Vernet del.* (with Ilersent; caricature) — 62:87. Vernet del.* (caricature) BLONDEVILLE, Edward, Ralph, and Richard. CoT.MAN, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 79. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Newton Flotman church, Norfolk) BLONDIN (Jean Fran 9 ois Gravelet) rope- walker, 1824-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:277. BLOOD, Bindon, bibliomaniac, d. 1855. Cro.mbie, Mod. Athenians (1^2) pi. 3. B. W. Crombie f. Sir Bindon, maj.-gen. 1842- Churchill, Mala- kand field force (1898) front. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:242.* Thomas, colonel, 1618-80. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:163. Gerard Soest p.* Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2:66. conterap. eng.* Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1791) 6:241. BLOODGOOD, Clara, actress. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:208. BLOOMER, Mrs Amelia (Jenks) w. of Dexter C. reformer, 1818-94. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1881) 1:497. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Dexter C. judge, 1816- Ann. of Iowa (1897) ser. 3, 2:586. BLOOMFIELD, General. StMemin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 712. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Fanny, 1866- See 2^isler, Mrs. Joseph, gov. of N. J. 1755-1823. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 186. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Mrs Joseph (Mary Mcllvaine) d. 1818. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1^2) pi. 751. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* Robert, 1766-1823. European mag. (1801) 40:323. S. Drummond p. Kidley sc. Ladies’ m. mus. (1823) 18:241. T. C. Wageman p. Woolnoth eng. Monthly mirror (1800) 10:200. eng. BLORE, Edward, architect, 1787-1879. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:218.* BLOSSEVILLE, haron de, Jules Alphonse Rend Poret, 1802-33. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:263. Dequevauviller sc. BLOSSOM, Henry Martyn, jr. author, 1866- Bookman (1904) 19:281. L. L. Roush del.* BLOUET, Paul (pseud. Max O’Rell) 1848-1903. Bookman (1900) 11:298. —(1901)13:370. —(1903) 17:445.* Harper’s w. (1887) 31:685. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:820.* BLOUNT, Charles, 1563-1606. See Devonshire, 1st earl of. Sir Edward Charles, 1809- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:32. Sir Henry, 1602-82. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 53 fig. 5. N. Dixon p.* (Madresfield court) Lady [Henry], Hester (Wase) Bioo. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 10. Scheneker sc. after p. James H. 1837-1903. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:285, 1144. wdct. Martha, 1690-1762. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3: 191. Charles Jervas f.* (with Alex. Pope) — 3:200. Gardner del.* Scribner’s mag. (1888) 3:539. Picart p. ? 1807. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 98. p.* (with Teresa Blount) Teresa. Cent. (1891) 20:173. Kneller p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:201. Gardner del.* Scribner’s mag. (1888 )2:540. Evans p. ? 1807. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 98. p.* (with Martha Blount) Thomas, m. c., 1760-1812. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 442. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* William, 1744-1800. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 303. Rosenthal etch.* Temple, East Tenn. and the civil war (1899) 51. BLOUNT family name. See also title Newport. BLOW, Henry T. 1817-75. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:497. wdct. William Nivison, jr. u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1892) 36: 106.5. wdct. BLOWITZ, Henri, 1832-1903. Bookman (1903) 16:448.* Critic (1895) 27:348. —(1903) 43:392. Benjamin-Constant p.* Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:84.5. —(1889)78:864. — (1901) W2:828. Benja- min-Constant p.* Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:674.* — (1903) 122:116.* Les lettres et les arts (1888) BLOXHAM 151 BLYTHE 2:320.* McCllhe’s mag. (ISO.S) 1:64, 122, 166, 169* (7 por.) K. OF rev. (18%) 13:.558. Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. ^9. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1889) 21 :pl. 451. Guth f. lith. (caricature) BLOXHAM, William D. gov. of Florida, 1835- Oltuxik (1897') 55:39. BLUE BOY (Gainsborough’s) See Buttall, Master Jonathan. BLiiCHER, Gebhardt Leberecht von, marshal, 1742-1819. Ackerman, Repository (1814) 11:297. Marianne, princess of Prussia, del. eng. Allg. welt- geschichte (1887) 10: 403. Christian Rauch sc.* (bust, Berlin). — (1888) 11:21. F. Fleischmann p. & sc. 1814. ALM.deGotha(1815)pl.7.L. Hesssc. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev. (1835) 1: front, eng. Becii- STEiN, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 39. eng. Ber- ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:571. Fr. C. Groeger p. (1816) lith. (182.5)* Bigelow, Ger. strug- gle for liWrty (18%) 1:14. Rauch sc.* (bust, Berlin mus.) Biog. mag. (1820) 2:8. Holl sc. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:183. Lawrence p. C. E. WagstafT eng.* Cent. (18%) 30:%1 (Hohenzollern mus. Berlin)* Coll, of Eng. por. pi. 3. F. Reliberg del. J. Swaine eng. European mag. (1814) 65:283. T. Blood eng. Gould, Germany (1898) 374. T. B. Bock p. 181.5.* Harper’s mag. (18%) 92:617. Rauch sc.* (bust) — 92:905. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 291 (from Booth’s Battle of ^yaterloo) — p. 293. eng. 1815.* Hillis, Metrical hist. . . of Napoleon (18%) 349. F. Rehberg del. J. Swaine eng.* Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 361. John Kay f. 1814 & eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1%3) 66:. 56. Eberlein sc.* (statue, Berlin) Mc- Clure’s mag. (1895) 4:418. Menzel del. 1882.* Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:611. F. Fleisch- mann p. & eng. 1814. — 2:091. Christian Rauch sc. (statue, Berlin) Scribner’s mag. (1887) 2:43. eng. from conteinp. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 7. F. C. Groger p. & lith. Sloane, Napoleon (18%) 4:185. G. Kruell eng.? (Hohenzollern mus. Berlin) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 7:293. A. Tholey f.* & vignette. Werckmeister, Da.® 19te jahrhundert in bildnis.sen (1898) 1 : pi. 51. Groger lith.* BLttCHER VON WAHLSTATT, /iirsf, Gebhard Lebrecht, 1836- Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:119. BLUtHNER, Julius, pianoforte maker, 1824- Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15: 141. Paul Sturm sc.* (plakette) BLUGET, 1731- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:254. Labadyedel. Courbesc. BLUM, Robert, 1807-48. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:565. Schertle lith. 1848 after photo.* Flathe, Ztalter der restauration u. rev. (18^) 601. Schertle lith. 1848 after photo. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 381. Hunger lith.* Robert Frederick, painter, 18.57-1903. Book buyer (1893) 10:352. Inteknat. studio. Am. studio talk (1904) 21:177. Robert Blum etch.* Lamp (1903) 26:473.* —26:475. R. F. Blum etch.* BLUMAUER, Aloys, 1755-98. Konnecke, Bil- dcratlas (1887) 251. silhouette. 1782* (Donop coll. Frankfort) BLUME, Wilhelm von, general, 1835- Scheibert, Heerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 11.* BLUME-SANTER, Bianca, 1843- TnusTu.Kuhn, Biog. kiinstler album (1867) v 1. J. Wendland f. lith. BLUME NBACH, Johann Friedrich, 17.52-1840. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 169. eng. BLUMENTHAL, ffraf von, Leonhard, 1810-15XX). Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:400.* Illus. Lond. news(1900) 117:971.* Knackfuss, Kiin-stler-monog. (189.5) 9:17. A. von Werner del. 1881.* — 9:116. drawing. 1888.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wil- helm (1892) 2: 147.* Scheibert, Heerfuhrer d. gegen- wart (1894) pi. 12.* Mrs Ferdinand. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1046. Munkaesy p. wdet. BLUNDELL, Mrs Francis. See Francis, M. E. James, m. d. 1790-1877. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 1 : pi. 5. II. Room f. J. Cochran eng. Tay- lor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:. 59. Cochran eng. Peter, 1520-l(i01. Banks, Blundell’s worthies (1904) front. Smith sc.* (Blundell’s school) BLUNDELL-MAPLE, Miss. See Eckardstein, Freiherrin Hermann von. BLUNT, Arthur Cecil, 184.5-%. See Cecil, Arthur. George WiUiam, publisher, 1802-78. Harper’s w. (1878)22:369. wdet. James G. 1826-81. Harper’s mag. (1866) 33:.588. eng. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:45. wdet. Moore, Rebellion record (1864) 7 : 19. A. II. Ritchie eng. after photo. Richard Frederick Lefevre, bp. of Hull, 1833- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:431.* Wilfrid Scawen, poet, 1840- Book buj’er (1895) 12:559. Critic (1897) 31 : 88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:223 (with his wife) Merry Eng. (1883) 1:397. Tristram Ellis etch. 1883. —(1892) 20:1. Leopold Lowenstein etch. Mrs Wilfrid Scawen (Lady Anna Noel) Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:223 (with her husband) BLUNTSCHLI, Johann Kaspar, 1808-81. Har- per’s w. (1874) 18:929. wdet. IVerck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 401.* BLYTH, Sir Arthur, 1823-91. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:117. Henry Anthon, 1843-1%!. Mag. of art (1898) 22 : 467. F. Goodall p.* Sir James, 1st hart. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (189.5) 107:7. BLYTHE, Herbert, 1847-1%5. See Barrymore, Maurice. BLYTHSWOOD 152 BODFISH BLYTHSWOOD, 1st baron, Sir Archibald Camp- bell Campbell, 1837- Ii-lus. Lend, news (1888) 92;,566. —{1892) 101:300* BNIN-OPALINSKI, count of, Lucas. Hirtii, Los grands illustrateurs, 4:1^6. D. Schultz p. J Falck eng. 1653. BOABDIL, king of Granada, d. 1536 ? Allg. welt- geschichte (1891) 6:631. Flemish school p. 17th cent.* MOller, Der Islam (1887) 2:675. Flemish school p. 17th cent.* BOADEN, James, 1762-1839. Monthly mirror (1803) 16:361. Opie p. Ridlej’ eng. BOADICEA, d. 62 a. d. IIeywood, Lives of 9 wor- thy women (1640) 69. eng. BOAE.DMAN, Albert B. of N. Y. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1660.* Douglas, 1822- Green bag (1889) 1:477.* Frederick A. 1832- Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 910. Western eng. co. eng. Rev. George Dana, 1838-1903. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:508. wdet. Richard. Arminian mag. (1786) 9: front. WiUiam Henry, 1846- Book buver (1901) 22:364. BOAS, Johan Erik Vesti, 1855- Lcnd, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (in group) BOASE, George Clement, antiquarj^ 1829-97. li.LUS. Lond. news (1897) 111:521.* BOBADILLA, Nicolas de. Rose, Loyola and the early Jesuits (1891) 524. Philip Galle eng.* BOBBE, Hille, of Haarlem. Hirtii, Der formen- schatz (1891) pi 11. Franz Hals p.* Ztscii. f. bil- dende. kunst (1870) 5:78. Frans Hals p. Leopold Flamcng sc. BOBO, El (de Coria) See Coria, El BoIk) de. BOBRIKOV, general, gov. of Finland, d. 1904. Ii.LUS. Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* BOCAGE (Pierre Martinien Tousez) 1797-1863. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 12. Benjamin f. BOCCACCmO, CammiUo, 1511-46. Moi’cKE, Ritratti, 1 : pi. 27. G. D. Feretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. BOCCACCIO DI CERTALDO, Giovaimi, novel- ist, 1313-75. Buli*art, .lead. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:261. Esme de Bouloiiois f. Critic (1902) 40:4.32. Andrea del Castagno p.* Geiger, Renais- sance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) .50. del. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin cab.) Hirtii, Los grands illustrateurs, 2:619. Enea Vico f. wdet. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 10. C. Piotti-Perola sc. after p. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:631-4. C. Van Dalen p. Woodman sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 2: 126. Cornelius Van Dalen f. W. Hopwood eng. (print) Por. gall. (1853) 1:12. Cor- nelius Van Dalen f. W. Hopwood sc. (print) Rerer u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1891) 3: pi. 367. Andrea del Castagno p.* (fresco, Nat. mus. Florence) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 : pi. 3. Andrea del Cas- tagno p.* (fre.sco) Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 3. L. Aulx;r sc. BOCCAGE, ^fme J. P. Fiquet du (Marie Anne Le Page) 1710-1802. Foucau.x, Quelques salons de Paris, 112. Lady’s m. mus. (1804) 13:.361. Hop- wood eng. BOCCASINI, Niccolb, d. 1.304. See Benedict XI, pope. BOCCIA, Bernardino del. Turn i trionli (17.50) 1 : 168. J. Ve sc. BOCCIARDO, Clemente (Clementone) 1620-58. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 26. Gio. Dom. Catn- piglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. BOCHART, Samuel, 1.599-1667. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:77. P. van Schuppen f. 1699. Por. des hommes illus. d. 17'' et 18® sidcles (1805) 2: pi. 89. P. van Schuppen f. 1699. BOCHER, Emmanuel, 183.5- L’Art (1892) 52:53 P Vidal del.* Ferdinand, 1832-1902. Harvard grad. mag. (1902) 11:43.* BOCK, Carl, Swedish traveler, 1849- Illcs. Lond. news (1880) 76:597. BOCKELSZOON, Jan, 1510-36. See John of Ley- den. BOCKSBERGER, Hans, 1.540- Franck, Deut- sche kiinstler-gal. (1813) Franck f. BODDENGTON, Henry. Internat. studio (190.3) 21:75. Carlos Baca Flor p.* BODE, Johann Elert, astronomer, 1747-1826. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 43. eng. Joharm Joachim Christoph, writer, 1730-93. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 2,39. F. John eng.* Wilhelm, 184.5- Gaz. d. beau.\ arts (1901) scr. 3, 26:297. Ma.\ Lieliermann des.* Knackfuss, Kiinst- ler-monog. (1900) 4.5: .56. Max Liebermaim eng. 1890.* — (1902)60:90. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (bust) Zt.sch. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 9: 1. Jan Veth lith. BODEN, Henry, 18.36- Baily’s mag. (1887-8) 48:211. G. J. Stodart sc. after photo. BODENSTEDT, Friedrich Martin von, writer, 1819-92. Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:511 eng. K6 n- NECKE, Bilderatlas (1887) 302. del. after photo.* BODFISH, WiUiam, 1758-1809. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (18,58) 2: 143. lith. BODICHON 153 BOERY BODICHON, Mme Barbara Leigh (Smith) painter, 1827-91. Illus. Lond. news (1.891) 98:839.* BODKIN, Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Spence del.* Sir Wilham Henry, 1791-1874. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:345. wdct. after photo. BODLEY, George Frederick, architect. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:404.* —(1902) 120:196. Sir Thomas, 1545-1613. GARNurr, Hist of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:79. Lodge, For. (183.5) 4:pl. 6. Corne- lius Jansen f . W. T. Mote eng. Outlook ( 1903) 73 : 65 p. ?* Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 1; 19. eng. (coll, at Oxford) Zt.sch. f. bucherfreunde (1904) 8:92. miniature 1598* (Bodleian lib. Oxford) — 8:92. Cor- nelius Jansen p. 1612* (Bodleian lib.) BODMER, Johann Jakob, Swiss writer, 1698- 1783. Allg. wcltgeschichte (1889) 9: 149. A. Grad p. J. F. Bause eng. 1784.* Konneuke, Bilderatlas (1887) 146. J. C. Fueslip. Kauke sc. 1758.* Oncken, Zeit- alter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:534. A. Grad p. I. F. Bause sc. 1784. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 70. A. Grad p. J. F. Bause sc. Karl, painter, 1809-93. Mao. of art (1894) 17 : 107.* BODONI, Giambattista, 1740-1813. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-1865) 42. wdct. BODWELL, Joseph Robinson, gov. of Maine, 1818-87. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 379. eng. Har- per’s w. (1886) 30:617. wdct. —(1887) 31:935. wdct. Me. hist, and geneal. recorder (189.5) 8: 191. Russell & Richardson sc. New Eng. mag. (1886) 5:28. eng. —(1892) n.s. 5:744. BOECE, Hector (Boethius) 1465-1.536. Cham- bers, Em. Scotsmen (1835) 1: front. William Howi- son eng. after p. — (1847, 1855) 1:252. Wm. Howi- son eng. after p. Gordon, Eccles. chron. Scotland (1867) 1:41. W. Howison eng. after p. (King’s coll. Aberdeen) BOECK, Johan Christian, 1795-1836. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7 : tillseg p. 4. C. Petersen p. 1826.* Fru Johan Christian (Sophie Christine Schou) 1810-81. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7;till8eg p. 4. C. Petersen p. 1826.* Mathias von, 1726-94. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7: tillseg p. 5. p. 186.5.?* Fru Mathias von (Domenica Sophia Bianco) 1726-68. Lund, Danske malede por. ( 19(X)) 7 : tillseg p. 5. p. 1865. ?* B5CKH, August, 1785-1867. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5: pi. 111. F. Kruger p. Werner lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l;pl. 48. Carl Begas p.* BOCKING. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-mouog. (1895) 9:64. A. von Werner del. 1878.* r BOCKLIN, Arnold, painter, 1827-1901. Art j. (1888) 40:305. Bettelheim, Biog. jahrb. u. deutsch. nekrolog. (1901) 6: front.* Critic (1901) 38:290. Bocklin p.* — 39:506. F. v. Lenbach p.* Die GRAPHiscHEN kunste (1.880) 2:77. W. Hecht f. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:517. Boecklin p. Inter- nat. studio (1899) 8:200. Filippo Cifariello sc.* (bust) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 34:8. Lenbach p. 1874.* —(1902) 60:40. Adolf Hilde'orand sc.* (bust) Mag. of art (1885) 8:442. wdct. Werck- meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 589, .590. Lenbach p.* — 5: pi. 591.* — 5: pi. 592. Landsinger lith.* BODTCHER, Ludvig Adolph, poet, 1793-1874. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarhundrede (1870) 325. eng. BOEHEIM, Wendelin, 1832-1900. Jhrb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1901) 22:247. A. Stei- ninger f .* BOHIN, Klara, 1657-80. Hirth, Les grands illus- trateurs, 5, 1873. Ph. Kilian eng. BOHLATJ, Hdlbne, (Mme A1 RaschidBey) 1859- Critic (1903) 43:4.30.* BOHM. See Beham. BOEHM, Sir Joseph Edgar, 1834-91. Art j. (1891)43:62. Illus. Ixsnd. news (1878) 72: 116.* — (1890) 97:776.* Mag. of art (1880) 3:333. wdct. after photo. Men of mark (1883) 7:29. photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 237. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BOHME, Jakob, 1575-1624. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 32. eng. Brittan, Shekinah (1853) 3:49. eng. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 115. eng. 17th cent.* Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 28. P. van Gunst sc.* BOEMONDO I. See Bohemond 1. BOERHAVE, Herman, 1668-1738. Biog. mag. (1794) Rothwell sc. after drawings. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. N. Dupuis sc. J. Mandelaar deb Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:498. Lond. mag. (1752) 21:70. eng. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 3: pi. 3. Luighi del. J. Thomson sc. Pop. sci. m. 11895)47:1. BORNE, Ludwig, 1786-1837. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 287. M. Oppenheim p. F. C. Vogel lith.* Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 5:pl. 101. Oppenheim . F. G. Vogel lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- undert in bildnissen (1898) 1 :pl. 46. Oppenheim p.* BORNER, Christian Friedrich, 1683-1753 ScuRticKH, Abbild. beriihmter gelehrten (1766) 2: pi. 40. Syfang sc. b 3RS, Christian, Swedish consul in N. Y. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:661. wdct. BO£rY, M. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:258. Labady del. Deslienssc. 154 BOILLY BOETHIUS 1 BO£tHJ.(jS, Anicius Manlius Torquatos Seve- rinus. 475i-.32.5 A. D. Thetet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:491. eng. Hector, 1465-1.536 See. Boece. BOETIUS EPO, jurist, 1529-99. Bcllabt, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1^2) 1:253. De L’arm^sin sc. BStTICHEB.. Karl Heinrich, von, 1833- Hetck Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:129.* 0>XKEX, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:713.* BOTTIGEB. Karl Wilhelm, poet, 1807-78. Hax- SEx, Xordiske digtere rvort aaihundrede (1870) 331. H. P. Hansen eng. BOGAEKT, Martin van der, 1640-94. See Des- jardins. BOGAERTS. Felix, poet, lSO-5-51. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (18W) 30: 101. Demannez sc. BOGART, Mrs Maud Humphrey. Critic (1900) 36:417. Mrs M. H. Bogart del.* BOGERMAK, Johannes, theok^ian, 1576-1637. Abjiixiax mag. (1782; 5:11.3. BOGGS, Charles Stuart. 1811-88. Cext. (1885) 7:943.* 51ooee, Rebellion record (1863) 5 : 15. A. H. Ritchie eng. James, of Phila. Sr Memix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 178. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* William Ellison, 1838- New Exg. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:60. BOGIE, James. Aemixtax mag. (1788) 11:113 (age 30) Meth. mag. (1806) 29:337. Branwhite sc. BOGNAR. Friederike, 1840- Trust u. Kuhn, Biog. kunstler album (1867; v. 1. A. Waldow Kth. BOGOMOLETS. Madame. Cext. (1889) 16:744. BOGORLDES, AJeksandr (Aleko Pasha) 1S25- See Vogorides. BOGRAX, Luis, pres, of Honduras. Harper’s mag. (1895) 91:7^. E. S. sc. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:548. wdct. BOGTJE, Mrs Arthur Hoyt, 1867- Su Bell, Lii- i&n. BOHEMOKD I, Marc, prince of Antioch, d. 1111 Kugler, Gesch. NOG. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 25. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. Lebon, Mod. France (1898) 132. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 1 :pl. 14. Gaildrau del. Pannier sc. BOISSY, orBoisy. See also Roannez. BOISY, seigneur de, Artus Gouffier, due de Roan- nez, 14751-1519. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 184. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:249. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16® si^cle (1856) 2:pl. 2. eng. after drawing. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 2:349. eng. BOIT, Mrs E. D. Sargent Work (1903) pi. 6. Sargent p.* E. D. 4 children of. Sargent, Work (1903) pi. 7 Sargent p.* Karl, painter, d. 1726. Walpole, Anec. Dalla- way (1827) 3:290. wdet. BOITEL. Jose, Cuban colonel, d. 1873. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:1060. wdet. BOITO, Arrigo, composer, 1842- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 76. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:211, 723.* Paine, Famous comjKJsers (1891) l:pl. 9.* BOK. Edward William, 1863- Bookman (1900) 12:363. BOKEE, David A. 180.5-60. Am. rev. (1851) 14:89. J. P. Ourdan sc. BOKELMANN, Christian Ludwig, 1844- Al- len, Masteipieces (1884) 2:.59. wdet. Ztsch. f. bil- dende kunst (1890) 25:3. wdet. BOKENHAM, Thomas, d. 1460. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) l:pl. 27. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (St Stephen’s church, Norwich) BOKER, Charles S. 1797-1858. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 93. Alex. Lawrie p. S. Sartain eng. George Henry, poet, 1823-90. Book buyer (1900) 21:47. Cent, assoc. Bryant festival (186.5) 19. Critic (1898) 33:240.* Dutckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:710. Roberts sc. II.arper’s mag. (1882) 4:6331.* H.arper’s w. (1871) 15:1173. wdet. — (1890) 34:32. wdet. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 59. eng. Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 165. John Sartain eng. BOKHARA, amir of, Syed Abdul Akhad, 1859- Scribner’s mag. (18^) 11:50. Andrew eng. after photo. BOL, Hans, 1534-93. Etched pior. of celebrated painters, pi. 5. I. Girtin eng. BOLDERO, George' Neeld, lieut.-gen. 1830-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:733.* BOLD INI, Giovanni, painter, 1845- Critic (1897) 31:387.* BOLDREWOOD, Rolf, pseud, of Thomas Alex- ander Browne, 1826- See Browne. BOLEYN, Ann, aunt of Queen Anne Boleyn, d. 1479. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 33. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Blickling church, Nor- folk) Anne, 1507-36. See Anne Boleyn, queen of Eng- land. Sir Thomas, 1477-1538. See Ormond, 8th earl of. BOLINGBROKE, 1st viscount, Henry St John, 1678-1751. Biog. mag. (1794) Taylor sc. after draw- ing. — (1819) 1:7. Holl sc. Brougham, Statesmen BOLINGBROKE 156 BOMSTED of time of George 111 (1843) 3:378. II. Wallis eng. Bt'RNET, Hist, of own times (1838) 2:8oG. Kneller p. W. T. Fry eng. Craik, Piet, lii.st. of Eng. (1849) 4:246. II. Wallis eng. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 199. Ilyacintlie Rigaud p.* GARNErr, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:2.58. Rigaud f.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1.571. Kneller f. Green, William Pitt (1901) 10. Rysbrack sc.* (bust) Lodge, Por. (183.5) 10: pi. 20. Kneller p. W. T. Fry eng. Lond. mag. (1752) 21:4.39. eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:63. Kneller p. T. A. Dean eng. Roscoe, Robert Harley (1902) 1.52. Rigaud p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 136. Paul R. Montford sc.* (statue) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 51. Thomas Mur- ray p.* Smith, Brit, mezzo por. (1884) 6:1574, pi. 106. Murray p. G. White eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 87. p.* Thane, Brit, autog- raphy (1819) 3:47. eng. Wilkins, Caroline the Illus- trious G 901) 1:358. viscounless, Marie Claire (des Champs de Marcelly) w\ of 1st viscount, 1676-17.50. Bioo. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 47. Lady Malden copy after p. Harding sc. (miniature) 2d viscount, Frederick St John, 1734-87. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir .1. Reynolds (1901) 4:1416. Reynolds p.* BOLITHO, Richard F. of Pon.sondane. Roy. acad. pic. (1896) 76. Stanhope A. Forbes p.* Thomas Bedford, m. p. 183.5- Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 168. Stanhope A. Forbes p.* Thomas Robins, 1840- Baily’s mag. (1886) 46:305. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Mrs Thomas Robins (Augusta Jane Wil- son) Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 182. Frank Bramley p.* BOLIVAR, Simon, 1783-1830. Arnault, Biog- nouv. contem. (1821) 3:120. Casket (1830) L Childs f. Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 5:173. M. N. Bate eng. W. Holl eng. Martineau, Hist, of Eng. (1849) 1:122. Bate eng. Holl eng. New' Eng. mag. (1892) n.s. 7:221. Por. gall. (1853) 3:903. Bate eng. lloll sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:391. vignette. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:335. eng. (after likeness in Miller’s Life of Gen. Miller) — 8:339. eng. BOLLAND, James, forger. Lond. mag. (1772) 41 : 129. eng. Sir Wilham, lawyer, 1772-1840. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:69. James Lonsdale p.* BOLLER, Henry A, fl. 18.58-66. Larpenteur, 40 years a fur trader (1898) 2:322. BOLLES,Frank, author, 18.56-94. Harvard grad, mag. (1894) 2:366. BOLLING, Lucy, aftw. w. of Peter Randolph of Chatsworth. See Randolph. BOLLMANN, Eric, 1769-1821. McClure’s mag. (1902) 18:407. por.* (coll. Hampton L. Carson) BOLOGNA, Giovanni da, 1.524-1608. BARDi,Gal. du palais Pitti (1842 ) 2:pl. 100. Florentine school p. P. Trasmondi inc. Gaz. d. beaux arts, (1885) ser. 2, 32:3.55. Pietro Tacca sc. 1608. (bust, Louvre) Die GRAPHiscHEN kiinste (1884) 6:17. Jacopo da Ponte f. wdet. Mao. of art (1883) 6:306. Bassano f. wdet. BOLOGNESE, n, 1606-80. See Grimaldi, Gio- vanni Francesco. BOLSKA, Frau, opera singer. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:667.* BOLSTER, William Wheeler, lawyer, 1823- Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 411. eng. BOLTON, 1st duke of, Charles Powlett, 1625-99. Reresby, Travels and mem. (1813) 336. eng. Tha.ne, Brit, autography (1819) 3:40. eng. duchess of, Lavinia (Fenton) w. of 3d duke, 1708-60. See Fenton. 6th duke of, Harry Powlett, 17191-94. Wil- liamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 2. Richard Ckisway f.* 1st baron, Thomas Orde-Powlett, 1740-1807. Ashbourne, Pitt (1898) 77. G. Romney p.* Charles Knowles, 1867- Book.man (1898) 6:409.* Eliza, singer. Lady’s m. mus. (1812) n. s. 13:241. Sir Francis John, 1831-87. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:52.* Henry Carrington, 1843-1903. Pop. sci. m. (1893) 43:. 577. Joseph Cheney, .m. p. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 84. W. W. Ouless p.* Mary Katharine, actress, w. of 2d baron Thur- low, d. 1830. .'loNTHLY mirror (1807) n.s. 1 : 153. De Wilde p. Freeman eng. Thomas Henry, m. p. 1841- V’anity fair al- bum (1893) 25: pi. 621. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BOLTZMANN, Ludwig, 1844- Clark univ. De- cen. celebr. (1899) 261. BOMBAST VON HOHENHEIM, Philipp, 1493- 1.541. See Paracelsus. BOMBELLES, graf von, Austrian. Cent. (1898) 33:712.* grevinde, Adelaide Carohne Johanne (Brim) Lund, Danske malede jxir. (1900) 7‘ : 11. BOMBELLI, Sebastiano, painter, 1635-1724. MoPcke, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 46. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. Carlo Gregori sc. BOMER, grefve, Gustaf Johanson. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 49, fig. 7. Alex- ander Cooper p.* (SinebrycholT coll. Helsingfors) BOMSTED, Robert, d. 1480? Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 16. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Sotterley church, Sulfolk) BON 157 BONAPARTE BON, Louis-Andre, general, 1758-99. Versah.- LES, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 87. Kenaud sc. Collier eng. (bust) BONAL, Fran 9 ois de, bp. of Clermont, 1734-1800. Biog. moderne (1807) 1 : 288. Labadyo del. Courbese. BONALD, vicomte de, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, 1754-1840. Graxd-Cauteret, XIXe sifecle (1893) 113. eng.* BONAPARTE, Caroline, w. of Joachim Murat, q. of Naples, 1782-1839. La belle as-semblee (1810) n. s. 2:115. Cooper eng. (with Murat) Bouchot, Le luxe franf. I’empire, 99. Gerard p. 19ieme sifecle (1901) 27. Mme Vig6e-Le Brun p.* Good- rich, Court of Napoleon (1871) 266. G6rard p. J. Champagne del. II. B. Hall sc. Ico.nog. des contemn. (1832) 3: pi. 27. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. JuNOT, Mem. (1883) 3:66. T. Read sc. Sloane, Napoleon (18%) 4:85. Francois G6rard p. A. E. Anderson sc. (with her children) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. F. Delannoy eng. Charles, f. of Napoleon 1, 1746-85. Cent. (1894) 27:8. Girodet p.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:2. IcoNOO. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 26. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Junot, Mem. (1883) 1 :24. Bel- hard p. W. Read sc. McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:474* (2 por.) Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 1:17. Giro- det p. R. A. Muller eng. (H6tel de Ville, Ajaccio, Corsica) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2743. A. L. Girodet de Roucy Trioson p. Iluot eng. Charlotte, dau. of Joseph, w. of Napoleon Louis, gr. duke of Cloves and Berg, 1802-39. L’Art (1892) 52:143. David p.* (with her sister Z^naide) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1861) 11:549. Louis David f. Panne- maker eng. (with her sister Z^naide) Les lettres et les arts (1887) 4:182. Princesse Clotilde (of Savoy) w. of Prinee Napo- leon (Plon Plon) 1843- See Clotilde. ]^hsa {Mme Bacciocchi) princess of Piombino, gr. duchess of Tuscany, sister of NapoMon I, 1777-18%. Cent. (1895) 27:322. Pierre Prud’hon p.* 19ieme siede (1901) Prud’hon p.* Iconoo. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 7. Z. Belliarddel. ? Delpech lith. Junot, Mem. (1883) 2:340. \V. Read sc. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 36:81. Canova sc.* (statue, as Polyhymnia) McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:488. — (1895) 4:106. Counis p. Morghen sc. 1814.* Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 1:49. Pierre Prud’hon p. R. G. Tietze eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) V. 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. Pigeot eng. Jer6me, king of Westphalia, 1784-1860. Alm. de Gotha (1809) pi. 4. eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3:237. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:500. coin, 1811.* Cent. (1895) 28:718.* —(1896) 29:679. por.* (Ildtel de Ville, Ajaccio) — 30:539. Antoine Jean Gros p.* (on horseback) Gre.\t men ... in Munich Pinakothek (1885) pi. 50. Mme Kinson del. J. G. Muller et F. Muller jr. sc. Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:7. Har- per’s w. (1860) 4:465. wdet. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 33. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Internat. studio (1898) 5:30. Horace Vernet del.* Junot, Mem. (1883) 2:392. W. Read sc. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:221. Mme Kinson del. 1808. Muller sc.* Oncken, Zeitaltcr der rev. (1886) 2:467. eng.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 4:pl. 11. Gaildrau del. Leguay sc. Scribner’s m. (1875) 10:3. Gilbert Stuart p. 1804. eng. (.Maryland hist, .soc.) Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 4: pi. 112. F. Kinson del. J. G. von Muller sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 3:80. Antoine-Jean Gros p. M. Haider sc. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) v. 12. Desjardins eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat6 (1896) pi. 92. Gros p. (equestr.) Mme Jer6me (Elizabeth Patterson) 1785- 1879. Book buyer (1900) 21:383. Goodrich, Court of Napoleon (1871) 343. J. Champagne del. H. B. Hall sc. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:149. wdet. after p. 1815. Mason, Life of Gillwrt Stuart (1894) 67. Gilbert Stuart p.* (3 heads) Scribner’s m. (1875) 10:1. Gilljert Stuart p. 1804 eng. (Maryland hist, soc.) — (1879) 18:385. Gilbert Stuart p. 1804 eng. (3 heads, Md. hist, soc.) Wharton, Heir- j.)oms in miniatures (1898) 232. J. B. J. Augustin p.* Mme Jerdme {Princess Katharina of Wur- temburg) queen of Westphalia, 1783-1835. See Katharina. Jerome Napoleon, of Baltimore, 1805-70. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1859) 17:313. Scribner’s m. (187.5) 10:7. eng. after bust. 1859. Jerome Napoleon 7>. 1830-83. Scribner’s m. (1875) 10:8. eng. after photo. Joseph, king of Spain, 1768-1844. Al.m. de Gotha (1810) pi. 1. eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3:142. La belle assemblde (1811) n. s. 3:283. eng. (with his wife) Cent. (1893) 24:89. J. Goubaud p.* — (1895) 27:. 503. por. (H6tel de Ville, Ajaccio) — 29:210. Francois Gerard p.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:4. Hume, Mod. Spain (19(X)) 142. eng.* Iconoo. des contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 28. Maurin del.? Delpech lith. Junot, ilem. (1883) 3:172. eng. Latimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 58. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:343. Gerard & . Pradier sc. 1813* (in coronation robes, 1808) APIER, Hist, of Peninsula war (1862) 5: front. F. Halpin eng. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 4: pi. 7. eng. Scribner’s m. (1880) 21:36. eng. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 1:60. p. F. E. Fillebrown sc. (as count de Survilliers, resident of Bordentown, N. J.) (Hdtel de Ville, Ajaccio) — 3:116. Francois Gerard p. Eric Pape del.* Thiers, Vignettes et por. (1856-62) pi. 66. Karl Girardet del. Paul Girardet sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 489. F. N. Delaistre sc. Oleszeinski eng. (statue) Mme Joseph (Marie Julie Clary), 1777-1845. La BELLE assemblde (1811) n. s. 3:283. eng. (with her husband) Ce.nt. (1895) 27:501 por. (Hotel de Ville, Ajaccio) Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 1:157. Muller and Schussler eng. after p. (in Hotel de Ville, Ajaccio) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. Pedretti eng. Princess Letitia, dau. of Prince NapoMon, 1866- See Aosta, duchessa d’. Louis, king of Holland, 1778-1846. Al.m. de Gotha (1810) pi. 2. eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. con- tcm. (1821) 3:235. 19ieme sifecle (1901) 109. p.* (with Napoleon HI, Versailles) Forbes, Life of BOXArAETE 158 BONAPARTE Napoleon 3d (1898) 8, 13. eng.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:6. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 32. Z. Belliard del.? Delpeeli lith. Jerrold, Life of Napoleon HI (1875) 3:359. II. Adlard sc. (Arenen- burg coll.) JuNOT, Mem. (1883) 2:506. \V. Read sc. Sloa.ne, Napoleon (1896) 3:202. C. M. Hodges p. William Miller sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 491. P. Cartellier p. Oleszcinski eng. (statue) Prince Louis Napoleon, 2d s. of Prince Napu- l(5on, 1864- Cent. (1883) 5:256* (with his father and brother) Harper’s w. (1893) 37:4. wdct. Illus. Loud, news (1898) 113:552.* Tl’i.lberg, Fiirsten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:87. Agi Lindegren del- after photo. Prince Louis Napoldon, s. of Louis. See Napoldon HI. Lucien, prince of Canino, bro. of Napoleon I, 1775-1840. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 3 : 229. Cent. ( 1896) 30 : 277 (Versailles mus.) Gal. hist, de la r^v. franf. pi. 10. A. Lacouchie del. Leguay sc. Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:5. Iconog. dcs con- temp. (1832) l:pl. 31. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. JuNOT, Mem. (1883) 1:374. W. Greatbateh sc. Les LETTRES ct Ics arts (1887) 3:214. contemp. por. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 4:24. (as Pres, of the Council of 500) — 4:120. Schule sc. 1815.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 4: pi. 9. A. Laeauchie del. Leguay sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:65. T. Johnson sc. (Versailles mus.) Veilsailles, Gal. hist. Gavard 5S38) V. 12. J. Fran(;ois eng. Mme Lucien (Christine Boyer), d. 1800. Cent. (1895) 28:667. Antoine Jean Gros p.* Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1895), ser. 3, 14:334. Baron Gros p. Payrau sc. (Louvre) Les lettres et les arts (1887) 3:224. St Elme Gautier f. Sloane, Napoleon 5S96) 2:149. Antoine-Jean Gros p. R. G. Tietze sc. (Louvre) Prince Lucien, son of Lucien, 1813-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:626.* Internat. studio (1903) 20: 180. G. F. Watts p.* (Holland house) Prince Lucien, cardinal, s. of Charles Lucien, 1828-95. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:268. wdct. Mme Marie Letitia (Ramolino), m. of Napo- Idon 1, 1750-1836. L’Art (1880) 20:235. Canova sc. C. E. Wilson des.* (statue) Art j. (1852) 4:272. Canova sc. 1805. F. Rode del. W. II. Mote sc. (statue at Chatsworth) Cent. (1894) 27: 10. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 14:42. Robert Lefeyre p. Har- per’s mag. (1880) 60:3. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 27. L. I)upr4 del. ? Delpech lith. Junot, Mem. (11^3) 1:258. eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 36:51. Canova sc.* (in Canova mus., Possagno) McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:475. Charlotte Napoleon f.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 4: pi. 3. A. Laeauchie del. Monin sc. San Donato cat. (1880) 203. Canova sc. C. E. Wilson del. (statue) Si.oane, Napoleon (1896) 1:24. T. Johnson eng. after por. (Ajaccio). — 4:229. T. Johnson sc. after p. (Ver- sailles mus.) Tallentyre, Women of the salons (1901) 170. F. Gerard p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2744. Gerard p. Giroux eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Peratti (1896) pi. 91. Gerard p. Princesse Matilde {Mme Demidoff) princess of San Donato, dau. of Jerome, 1820-1904. Book.man (1904) 19:12. eng.* Cent. (1895) 28:718.* —(1902) 41 : 494. G. T. Tobin del. after photo.* Critic (1904) 44:111* (in 1867). 19ie.\ie siecle (1901) 136. Herbert del.* Forbes, Life of Napoleon 3d (1897) 77. eng.* Gaz. d. licaux arts (1876)scr. 2, 13:611. Carpeaux sc. P. Achet eng. (bust) — (1896) ser. 3, 15: 193. Lucien Doucet f. aquarelle. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 29:40. Doucet p.* GrandX'arteret, XlXe sidcle (1893) 101. Giraud p. Geolfroy se. Internat. studio (1904) 23:14. P. A. Besnard p. 1894.* Les lettres et les arts (1887) 4:190. E. Hebert del. Allais etch. R. OF rev. (1904) 29:358. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:107. L. Doucet f.* (1890) Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:88. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Napoleon. See Napol4on I. Napoleon, king of Rome, duke of Reichstadt. See Napoldon II. Prince Napoleon (Plon Plon) son of J4n‘)me, 1822-91. ALLG.weltgeschichte( 1892) 10:44.3. Fran- ziskus Kinson p. L. Buchhorn eng.* — 12:127.* L’Art (1903) 62:529. Ballou’s pictorial (18.59) 16 : 249. eng. (with princess Clotilde) Bonner, Charles Bradlaugh (1894) 1 : 3;J6. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- rciches (18^) 63. Niedermann sc. after photo. Cent. (1883) 5:2.56* (with his sons Victor and Louis) — (1895) 28:717.* (with Princess Clotilde) — 28:923.* Eclectic mag. (1861) 54:4.3.3. .1. Sartain eng. after photo (with Princess Clotilde) Hari’er’s mag. (1880) 60:21. — (1882)64:355. Harcer’s w.(1861) 5:.573. wdct. —(1865)9:412 wdct. —(1879)23:613. wdct. —(1886) 30:420. wdct. —(1891) 35:232. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:96.* —(1891) 98:370.* R. OF rev. (1891) 3:332. II. Dochy 28, sup. p. 620. (5 por.) I.MBERT i)E St-.\.manl), Court of the 2d em- pire (1898) front, (child por.) Jerrold, Life of Napoleon III (1875) 4:front. Winterhalter p. 1864. H. .\dlard sc. — 4:427. II. Adlard sc. (age 21) Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 6. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) Prince Napoleon, eldest son of Prince Napoldon, 1862- .\nn. de la noblesse de I' ranee (1896) 52:front. Cent. (1883) 5:2.56* (with his father Prince Napoleon and his brother Louis).' Har- per’s w. (1879) 23:613. wdct. —(1886) 30:420. wdct. — (1893) 37:4. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:5.52.* Tui.lberg, Furstenlitiuser Europ. por. (1898) 1:85. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 20. Guth f. lith. (caricature) BOxXArARTE 159 BOX HE UR Napoleon Charles, bro. of Napoleon III, 1802-07. Forbes, Life of Napoleon III (1898) 10. miniature.* Napoleon Louis, gr. duke of Clfeves and Bet^, bro. of Naj)olcon III, 1804-31. Forbes, Life of Napoleon III (1897) 13. p.* (Versailles, with his father) Pauline {Princess Borghese) 1780-1825. See Boighe.se. Prince Pierre, son of Lucien, 1815-82. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:120. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:325. wdct. after photo. Princess Z^naide, dau. of Joseph, w. of Charles Lucien, prince of Canino, 1801-54. L’Art (1892) 52:143. David p.* (with her sister Charlotte) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1861) 11:549. Louis David f. Panne- maker eng. (with her sister Charlotte) BONAK, Dr. of Greenock, 1803-91. Mag. of art (1892) 15:198. Sir George Reid p. Mrs. Williamson, John Russell (1894) 84. John Russell f. 1805* (pastel) BONCHAMP, ,\rtu8 de, 1759-93. Arnault, Biog. nouv. conteni. (1821) 3:242. Mine Mcrchand deJ. Desiive sc. Gal. hist, de la r6v. fran^:. pi. 12. La- couchie del. Mine Gervais sc. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 34. Mormanteuil del.? Delpech litli. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un pcuple, 2:pl. 16. La- couchie del. Mme Gervais sc. Taruieu, Gdneraux fran?. l:pl. 33. Forestier sc. BOND, Alec. Roy. acad. pic. (1897) 155. W. Llew- ellyn p.* (child por.) Sir Edward Augustus, librarian, 1815-98. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74: 1^.* — (1898) 112:41* Eliza, w. of J. G. Pearson. See Pearson. George Hawksworth, 1845-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:626.* Henry, 1790-18.59. Bond, Fam. & desc. of Water- town (1860) front. T. H. W'elch eng. after daguerr. N. E. hist, and geneal. register (18&) 14:1. T. H. Welch eng. after daguerr. Jessie, actress. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:200 (as Chinna Loofa) Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 5: photo (in The sorcerei). — ser. 4, 6:57. photo, (with Sibyl Grey and Leonora Brahain in the Mikado) — (1889) ser. 4, 13:89. photo. — (1895) ser. 4, 25:66. photo, (as Nanna) Lester Legrand, 1839-1903. III. bar assoc. Proc. (1896) 19, pt.2:89.* Lucy. Mag. of art (1896) 19:43. G. F. Watts p.* (child por.) Phineas. Cent. (1898) 35:291. Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiosities (1861) l:pl. 25. Maj. Andr<5 f. 1778. eng. (silhouette) Sir Robert, premier of Newfoundland, 18.57- Harper’sw. (1891) 35:273. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:374.* R. ok rev. (1902) 26:392.* Shadrach, gov. of 111. 1773-1832. Reynolds, Pioneer hist, of 111. (1887) 323. eng. Thomas, 1777-1852. Bond, Fam. and de.sc. of . . . Watertown (18(30) .58. T. Chubbuck eng. N. E. hist, and geneal. register (1897) 51:293. Thomas Chubbuck eng. William Bennett, bp. of Montreal, 181.5- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3: 154. lith. William Cranch, 1789-1859. Pop. sci. m. (189.5) 47:289. Youm.ans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) eng. BONDE, grefrinna. Williamson, Hist, of por. min- iatures (1904) 2: pi. 101, fig. 1. Pierre Signac p.* (coll, of Paul SinebrycnofT) BONE, Henry, r. a. 1755-18.34. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 125. John Opie p. 1795.* European mag. (1822) 81:291. Francis Cnantrey sc. Thomson eng. (bust) BONEBRAKE, George Henry, 1838- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 6:. 551. 11. B. Hall’s .sons eng. BONES, Mrs Marietta M. (Wilkins) 1842- Stan- ton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:672. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. BONET-MAURY, Gaston, 1842- Critic (1898) 33:162.* BONETTI, Rosina, conspirator. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:575.* BONFIELD, John. Cent. (1893) 23:817. BONFOY, Mrs Anne (Eliot) w. of Capt. Hugh Bon- foy . Reynolds, Engravings, 2 : 25. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1754. S. W. Reynolds eng. BONGARS, Jacques, 1554-1612. Dreux du Ra- DiER, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. R. Gaillard eng. J. Robert del. BONGHI, Niccolb di. Masters in art (1904) pt. 52, 5: pi. 4. Lorenzo Lotto p. 1523* (a figure in The mar- riage of St Catherine, Bergamo gall.) Ruggero, 1828-95. Book.man (1900) 11:325. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76: 182. Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:656. eng. BONHAM, Mrs Amy (GaskeU) See Gaskell. Sir George Francis, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:. 570.* Lazarus N. Depew, 1(X) yre. of Am. commerce (189.5) 1:224. W. C. Smith eng. Milledge L. m. c. 1815-90. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:801. wdct. BONHAM-CARTER, John, 1817-84. See Carter. BONHEUR, Fran 9 ois Auguste, 1824-84. Steb- BiNS, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 94. etch. Raimond, painter, d. 1849. L’Art (1903) 62:421 Auguste Bonheur p. Soulange Tissier lith.* Rosa, 1822-99. L’.Vrt (1903) 62:464. photo. — (1904) 63:13. Gaston Li>roux sc.* (statue) Bol- BONIFACE 160 BONNE Y TON, Lives of girls (1886) 180. Book buyer (1897) 14:21. Cent. (1884)6:833.* Critic (1899) 3.5:. 580.* — (1900) 37:226. Anna Klumpke p.* Dcyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:. 502. Du- buse p. Eclectic mag. (1869) 72:385. 1. Pelton eng. Harper’s mag. (1877)54:496. wdet. — (1901) 104: 142. Anna E. Klumpke p.* Harper’s w. 0^57) 1 :645. wdet. Hubbard, Little jour. . . . fam. women (1897) 174. Soulange Ceissier del.* Illus. Lond. news 0899) 114:805. ^Llo. of art (1882) 5:47. wdet. — ( 1 899) 23 : 432.* Montrosier, Les chefs-d’oeu vres d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 69. eng. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 3. etch. Outlook (1899) 62:40. Mile G. Achille-Fould p.* — 62:43, 48. Paris salon (1893) 25. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 54. etch. BONIFACE, saint, bp. of Mentz, 680-755. Hirth, Der formenschatz (1882) pi. 87. Hans Burgkmair eng. KnackfCss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 32:10, 11, 12. Alfred Rethel p.* BONIFACE VIII, pope (Benedetto Gaetani) 1228-1303. L’Art (1879) 16:292. Bernini sc. John Watkins etch, (bust) Barry, Papal monarchy (1902) 407. eng.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml.d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17^)1. 10, fig. 16. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog.(1899) 43:. 53. Giotto p.* (Lateran, Rome) Les lettres et les arts (1886) 1 :344. statue (Mus. Boulogne) BONIFAZ, Ramon. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1864) 2:pl. 44. Carderera f. after miniature, ^niile Beau lith. (Burgos cath.) BONILLA, Policarpo, pres, of Honduras. Har- per’s mag. (1895) 91 : 7.33. BONEN, Eduard von, 1793-1865. Oncken, Zeit- alter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:425. C. Steckmest lith.* BONINGTON, Richard Parkes, artist, 1801-28. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 135. Margaret Caipen- ter p.* Internat. studio (1904) 24: 101. A. Conn f. 1829.* BONENI, Frosino. 'Tutti i trionfi (1750) 1:163. eng. BONFVARD, Fran9ois, 1493-1570. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:30. eng. 5s ew Enq. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:616. BONJEAN, Louis Bernard, 1804-71. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:463. BONMARTINI, conle, Francesco, d. 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:575.* contessa, Linda (Murri) w. of Francesco. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:575.* BONNAC, Jean Louis d’ TTsson de, bp. of -\gen, 1734- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1 ; 287. Moreau del. Te- nier sc. BONNAF^, Edmond, 1825- L’Art (1892) .52:. 54. P. Vidal del.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31 :246. BONNAL, Francois de, bp. of Clermont, 1734-1800. See Bonal. BONNAT, Leon, 1833- L’Art (188?) 30:136. Clement Bellenger sc. —(1886) 40:210. Elie Delau- na\' del. Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1^4)2:129. L. Massard sc. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:486. eng. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:341. Paul Dubois sc. wdet. (bust) Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:480. — (1904) 124:180. Laincel, Les peintres de la femme (1888) 49. L. Bonnat p. L. Massard sc. Mag. of art (1881) 4:240. wdet. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 4. etch. Paris salon (1891) 1. BONNAY, marquis de, Charles Francois, gen- eral, 1750-1825. Biog. modeme (1807) 1:289. Moreau del. Courbe sc. BONNE DE LTJEEMBOTJRG, queen of France, 1st w. of Jean II, 131.5-1349. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 6: pi. 56. Pigeot eng. after statue in Saint-Denis. BONNEAU, Marie, 1629-96. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. De Troye p. Ficquet sc. BONNEAU-DUMARTRAY, Marie Charlotte Georgine, 1801-37. Soc. Mont\’on et Franklin, Por. et hist, des homines utiles, 5: 53. eng. BONNEFOI DE BOUION, abb4, d. 1792. Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:291. Perrin del. Voyez jr. del. BONNEGENS, Jean Joseph de, 17.50- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:291. Labadye del. Courbe sc. BONNELL, II err. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898)4:28.* BONNEMANT, M. 1747- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:291. Isabey del. Courbe sc. BONNER, Geraldine (pseud. Hard Pan) 1870- Critic (1904) 44:29.5.* Harry. Baily’s mag. (1896) 66:t-p. Hugh, N. Y. fire dept. 1839- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:79. wdet. Robert, publisher, 1824-99. A.merica’s grtst men and women (1894) 110. Bittre, .\m. por gall. (1K77) 2: pi. 62 eng Derby, .50 years among authors (1884) 200. G. E. Perine eng. (age 45) Harper’s w. (1899) 43:691. BONNET, Charles, naturalist, 1720-93. Bioo. mag. (1820)2:10. Hollsc. BONNEDIL, seigneur de, Jean de Thou, d. 1.579 See Thou. dame de, Renee Baillet, w. of Jean de Thou. See Baillet. BONNEVILLE, comte de, Nicolas, 1732- Bioo. modeme (1807) 1:293. Perrin del. Courbe sc. BONNEY, Charles CarroU, 1831-1903. Har- per’s w. (1893) 37:6.50. wdet. III. bar assoc. Proc. (1891) 14:23* BONNE Y 161 BOOTH Samuel William. Bonney, Legacy of hist, gleanings (1875) 2:216. II. B. Hall and sous eng. Thomas George, geologist, 1833- II.vrper’s w. (1884) 28:555. wdct. BONNIEH, Antoine Samuel, d. 1799. Revolu- Tio.v franf. (1801) 2: pi 31. Levachez sc. BONNIER D’ALCO, Ange Elisabeth Louis Antoine, 1750-99. Arxaui.t, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 3:268. Icoxoo. des contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 35. Maurin del. ? Delpech lith. T.\rle.\u.\ hist, de la rdv. franp. (1804) 3:pl. 39. Lavachez sc. BONNlilRES, Mme Robert de Wierre de. Les LETTREsetles arts (1887) 2: 112. -Jacques E. Blanche f. BONNIVARD, Fran 9 ois, 1493-1.570. See Boni- vard. BONNIVET, seigneur de, GuUlaume Gouffler, admiral, 1488-1525. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 235. G.az. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:243 des. (chateau de Chantilly) — -(1901) ser. 3, 32: 133. Jean Clouet p.* (E. Richtenberger coll.) Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 8:49. eng. after con- temp. por. Tiievet, For. et vies d. homines illus. (1584) 2:340. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1202. Ducasse eng. BONNOR, George John, cricketer. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 313. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BONOMI, Joseph, 1796-1878. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:245.* BONPLAND, Aime, 1773-1858. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 285. Dev^ria lith.* BONSAL, Stephen, war corresp. 1865- Critic (1899) 34:391. F. Remington del.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:856. wdct. —(1893) 37:79. wdct. BONSER, Sir John Winfield, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:730.* BONSOR, Henry Cosmo Orme, m. p. 1848- Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 697. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BONT^, John Harmon C. Green bag (1889) 1:525.* BONTECOTJ, Reed Brockway, m. d. 1824- Harper’s w. (1862) 6:358. wdct. BONUS (or Bueno), Ephraim, d. 1665. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1901) 5:pl. 361. Rembrandt p. 16471* -Michel, Rembrandt (1894) 1:85. Rembrandt sc. 1647. Portfolio (1878) 9: 44. Rembrandt etch.* BONVALOT, Gabriel, traveler, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:204.* BONVICINO, Alessandro, 149tM555. See Mor- etto da Brescia, II. 24288—06 11 BONVIN, Fran 9 ois, 1817-87. L’Art (1887) 42:. 50. C. E. Wilson del. Sgap sc. — (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:775. C. E. Wilson del.* BONYNGE, Virginia Lee. See Deerhurst, vis- countess. BOODY, Henry HiU, 1816- Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 566. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. BOOLE, George, 181.5-64. Pop. sci. m. (1880) 17:723. BOON, Gerrit. St Me.min, coll, of por. (1862) pi. 290. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* BOONE, Charles, 2 children of. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:82. G. Romney p.* 1778. (coll, of Thos. ^Vgnew and sons) Charles. Ar.minian mag. (1786) 9:465. (age 29) Daniel, 1735-1820. Cent. (1886) 1 1 :8. Sully p.* Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:183. Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:101. Chester Harding p. Longacre eng. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1859) 19:577. Lossing-Barritt f. wdct. — (1864) 28:293. wdct. — (1887) 75:59. Chester Harding p.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:533. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) l:pl. 8. Thomas Sully p.* IjOno- ACRE and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1835) 2: pi. 17. Harding p. J. B. Ijongacre eng. Outlook (1902)70:83. Enid Yandc.ll sc.* (statue) Parkman, (Champlain ed.) (1898) 19:156. p.* (Mass. hist, soc.) Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 2: pi. 9. Harding p. Longacre eng. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 24:69. Harding p.* (po.ss. Col. R. T. Durrett) Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:707. Harding p. eng. Henry Burnham. Book.man (1901) 13:7. Harper’s mag. (1903) 107: June Bookshelf.* William Jones, bp. of China, 1811-64. Perry, Episcopate m Am (1895)98. William Jones, bp. of China, 1846-85? Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 284. William Pennebaker, 1813-75. Mao. of We-st. hist. (1889) 9:715. eng. BOONEN, .I/me. L’Art (1891) .50:44. P.P. Rubens p. Ch. de Billy sc. Arnold, 1669-1729. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1763) 4: 137. Fiquet sc. BOORD, Sir Thomas William, 1st hart, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:52.* BOORDE, Andrew, 1490?-1549. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 17. eng after wdct. BOOSBOOM, Simon, 1614—68. See Bosboom. BOOTH, Agnes, actress, 1843- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:478. wdct. (as Audrey) —(1893) 37:273. wdct. (as Mrs Stany hurst) McKay and Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 231. BOOTH 162 BOOTH Ballington, 18.59- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 12.57. wdct. — (1896) 40:249. wdct. Illes. Load, news (1896) 108:29.5. J/rs BaUington (Maud Charlesworth) 1865- IIarper’s w. (189.3) 37: 1257. wdct. —(1896) 40:249. wdct. Illl’s. Lond. news (1896) 108:295. Barton, 1681-1733. Cibber, Apology (1889) 2:203. G. White p. R. B. Parkes mezzo. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:391, 400. eng. Effigies poeticse (1824) 2: pi. 93. G. Clint del. after p. E. Smith eng. (coll, of Charles Mathews) Por. of Brit. |)oets (1824) 2: pi. 24. G. Clint del. after p. E. Smith eng. (coll, of Charles Mathews) J/rs Barton (Hester Santlow) dancer. Cibber, Apiolog}’ (1889) 2: 104. It. B. Parkes mezzo after p. Bramwell, 1856- Illcs. Lond. news (1896) 108:295. Charles, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:850.* Outlook (1897) 55:924. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:415. C. K. eng. after photo. Charles H. 1803- World’s work (1904) 8: .5388. Edwin, actor, 1833-93. Appleton’s ann. c 3 ’clop. (1893) 18:96. H. B. Hall eng. Ballou’s pictorial (18.57) 12:337. Champney del. eng. (as Sir Giles Over- reach) — 12:396. Pierce eng. — 13:352 (as Ham- let) Book buyer (1893) 10:283.* —(1902) 23: .531. Bookman (1902) 15:6. Sargent p.* (Players’ club, N. Y.) Bittre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 45. eng. Cent. (1893) 25: front.* (in 1&53) —25:249. Ar- thur Jule Goodman f. 1889* (as Shylock) — (1894) 26:805 (with his father, 1850) — 26:809 (as Ham- let) Critic (1893) 22:384. —(1894) 24:346. F. E. Elwell f.* (bas-relief) —(1898) 33:62.* —(1904) 45:. 326.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:591. eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:64. G. Kruell sc.* —(1898) 96:196. Oliver Lay del. 1880 * Harper’s w. (1866) 10:17. wdct. —(1885) 29:177. wdct. —(1889) 33:493. J. Scott Harley sc. wdct. (bust, as Brutus) — (1891) 35:876. wdct. (as Hamlet) — (1893) 37:577, 578, 580, 581, 1082. wdct. (6 por.) Hiatt, Henry Irving (18^) 188. Hltton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 295. Hltton, Por. in plaster (1894) front. John Rogers f.* (life mask; age 30) — p. 39. J. Scott Hartley f.* (death mask) Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:7^.* Linton, Masters of wood-eng. (1889) 211. Hennessy p. W. J. Linton, sc. (as Don C»sar de Bazan) McClure’s mag. ( 1893) 1 : 256.* — 1:267. wdct. (death mask) — ^(1901) 17:447. McKay and Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 26 (as Hamlet) New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:31.5, 321. —(1898) n. s. 18: 142. William John Hennessy f. Linton eng. (as King Lear) — n.s. 18:143. Hennessey f. Linton eng. (as Benedick) Oitlook (1903) 74:34. J. S. Sargent p.* R. of rev. (1893) 8:8. W. H. Funk del.* Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:.564.* —(1901) 29:.320.* 'Tiie.ltre (1880) ser. 3, 2:3.53. wdct. (as Hamlet) — (1882) ser. 3, 6:75. Barnard f. wdct. (as Richelieu) —(1893) ser. 4, 22:3. Whyte, Actors (1898) 74. eng.* (as Posthumus) — p. 1.54.* World’s work (1903) 7:4107. J. S. Sargent p.* See also Edwin Booth in twelve dramatic characters. Boston. 1872. t«. Eva, Salvation army. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:249. wdct. Illus Lond. news (18%) 108:29.5.* R. OF rev. (1904) 30:5.59.* George Sclater-, 1826-94. See Basing, 1st baron. Henry, 1818-98. Green bag (1889) 1:333.* Herbert, 1862- Harper’s w. (18%) 40:249. wdct. James Curtis, 1810-88. Pop. sci.m. (1891) 40:1. John. Arminian mag. (1791) 14:225 (age 40) Metii. mag. (180.5) 28:289. Wm. Ridley sc. John C. 1808- Van Slyc^, N. E. manufactur- ers (1879) 2:486. eng. John Wilkes, 1837-65. Book buyer (1%1) 22:473.* Cent. (18%) 29:8%.* Harper’s w. (1865) 9:2.57. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:.578.* (coll. Mr Robert Coster) — (1%1) 6:300.* New End. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:431. Scribner’s mag. (1%1) 29 : 174.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:260. old print.* Junius Brutus, 1796-1852. Cent. (1889) 17:22. C. Shoosmith f.* (as Richard HI) — 17:24. S. A. Schoflf f.* —(18%) 17:373. W. Heath f. (as Sir Giles Oven-each) — 17:375. F. P. Staphanoff f.* (as Sir Giles Overreach) — ( 1 894) 26 : 805. (with Ed- w-in, 1850) Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (18^) 3:395. wdct. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:20. C. W. Wright sc. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:876. wdct. (as Hamlet) — (1893) 37:1082. Thos. Sully p. wdct. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) front. Scribner’s mag. (18%) 26:426. daguerr.* Mrs Junius Brutus (Mary Aime Holmes) mother of Edwin Booth. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 581. Sully p. wdct. (in early life) Mary Devlin, 1840-63. Cent. (1894) 26:8%.* Newton, gov. of Cal. 1825-92. Harper’s w. (1871) 1.5:957. wdct. Lady [Robert Gore-], Caroline Susan (Goold) w. of 4th bart, d. 1855. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 2: 129. A. Robertson p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) Sarah, actre.ss, 1793-1867. La belle as,sembl^e (Ap. 1815) n. s. 11:147. eng. after p. Rev. William, gen. of Salvation army, 1829- Baldry, H. von Herkomer (1%1) 18. H. Herkomer p.* Book buyer (1894) 11:390. Irving R. Wiles del.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:632. wdct. —(18%) 40:249. wdct. — (1898) 42: 103. Illus. Lond. news (18%) 108:295. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1%1) .54: 115. Herkomer p.* Notables of Britain (1897) 116.* Pall M.all mag. (1%3) 31:221* R. OF rev. (1893) 7:8. —(1902) 26:.539.* —(1904) 30:437. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:4%. R. Wiles f. after photo. Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 82.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 267. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnis-sen (1898) 4: pi. 435. Herkomer p.* Mrs William (Catherine Mumford) 1829-%. Bolton, Fam. leaders women (189.5) 159. Illus. Lond. news (18%) 97 : 4.55.* Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 82 * BORDONI BOOTH 163 BOOTH family name. See also title Warrington. BOOTH-TUCKER family name. See Tucker. BOOTHBYjSirBrooke, 7th hart, 1743-1824. Rey- nolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 91. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. (in 1787) S. W. Reynolds eng. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 12. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, coll. George Salting) Sir Brooke, 11th hart, 18.56- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:343.* Charles, d. 18001 See Skrymshirc. Penelope, dau. of Sir Brooke, 1785-91. Arm- strong, Reynolds (1900) 152. Reynolds p.* (child por.) L’Art (1894) 59, pt. 1:8. Reynolds p. Ch. de Billy sc. (child por.) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100, Feb. 27, sup. p. 1. Reynolds p.* William. Ar.minian mag. (1787) 10:393 (age 38) BOOTLE, Edward Wilbraham, aftw. 1st baron Skelmersdale, 1771-1853, and Randle, 1773-1861. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:65. G. Romney p. 1786* (earl of Lathom coll.) BOOTLE-WILBRAHAM, Lady Florence, aftw. w. of Lord Rupert Cecil. See Cecil. BOOTLE-WILBRAHAM family name. See also title Lathom. BOOTT, Kirk, 1790-1837. Bay state m. (1884) 1 : 169. wdct. Drake, Hist. Middlesex co. Mass. (1880)2 : 59. eng. New Eno. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:629. BOPP, Franz, 1791-1867. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) pref. p. 22. A. Neumann, wdct. after photo. 1866.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 1 15. photo. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bilcfnissen (1899) 3; pi. 337.* BOR, James Henry, 1857- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:43.* BORA, Catherine von, w. of Martin Luther, d. 1552. See Luther, Frau. BORBON Y DE CASTELLVI, General de. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112 :586. BORCH, Gerard Ter. See Terburg. BORCHGREVINK, Carsten Egeberg, explorer, 1864- Cent. (1896)29:441.* Critic (1S96) 28 : 113. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:301.* —(1900) 116:535.* Outlook (1902) 70:808. BORCHT, Frans van der. Cust, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 78. A. van Dyck p.* (Ryksmuseum, .\mstcrdam) Henrik van der, sr. 1583-1660. Etcued por. of celebrated painters, pi. 6. eng. Mey.ssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 23. II. van der Borcht, jr. p. W. Hollar f. 16.50. Joannes Meyssens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 42. II. van der Borcht, jr. p. W. Hollar sc. 1650. J. Meyssens ex. Henrik van der, jr. 1610- Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 68. Meyssens p. & ex. Hollar eng. 1648. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 89. Meys- sens p. & ex. Hollar f. 1648. eng. BORDA, Juan Idiarte, pres, of Uruguay, d. 1897. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:314. BORDE, Joseph de la, 1724- 94. See Laborde. BORDEAUX, due de, Henri, comte de Chambord, 1820-83. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:345. F. P. Gerard p. Delannoy eng.* (child por. with duchesse de, Berr3’) — (1892) 12:108.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiscrreiches (1890) 151.* Cent. (188.3) 5:253.* 19ieme sifeclc (1901) 64. Cardon eng. 1^6.* Dreux- Breze, Notes et souvenirs (1895) ed. 3, front. F. Gaillard. Fi*atue, Ztalterd. restaur, u. revol.(1883) 97. F. P. G6rard p. Delannoy eng. (child por. with duchesse de Berry) Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:352. Harper’s w. (18^) 27:. 5.57. wdct. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. .36. Bazin del.? 1831. Delpech lith. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:417. wdct. — (1883) 83:180. wdct. Jackson, Court of the Tuilerics (1883) 2:356. (with his sister) Jesse, George Brummell (1886) 2:130. Laforoe, Hist.de MacMahon (1898) 2:88. F. Gaillard f.* Latimer, France in 19th cent. (1892) 390. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:801.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un pcuple 6: pi. 12. eng. after p. 1850. Town- end (William) Descendants of the Stuarts (Ijond. 1858) front. Samuel Russell lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12. F. P. S. G6rard p. J. Franpois eng. (child por. with duchesse de Berri) duchesse de, Therfese (of Austi ia-Este) comtessede Chamliord, w. of Henri, 1817-86. Townend (Wil- liam) Descendants of the Stuarts (Lond. 1858) front. Samuel Russell lith. M . Biog. moderne (1807) 1:296. Labadye del. Courbe sc. BORDEN, Matthew Chaloner Durfee, mfr. Fall River, 1842- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:176. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. IIarper’s w. (1895) 39:1034. wdct. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 430. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. (with wife) Richard, 1795-1872. Mag. of West. liLst. (1888) 8:451. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1: 108. eng. Thomas James, 1832- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2273. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Mag. of West, hist. (1888) 8:4.56. eng. BORDLEY, Elizabeth Beale, aftw. Mrs James Gibson, 1777-1862. Cent. (1897) 33: front. Gilbert Stuart p.* (Acad, of fine arts, Phila.) John Beale, 1727-1804. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 166. St Memin del. & eng. 1^7.* BORDOGNI, Giulio Marco, 1788-1856. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 78. Alex. Gribay6dofT del.* BORDONE, Paris, painter, 1510 ?-88? Yriarte, Venise (1878) 168. BORDONI, Faustina, singer, 1700-83. See Hasse. BORE 1G4 BORIES J^tienne de, 1744- Cent. (1883) 3:048. p.* (po.ss. of C. Gayarr^!) Eugene, mis.sionarv to Armenia, 1809-77. Bam- berg, Gescli. (1. orient, angelegenheit (18!t2) 30. BOREL, Petrus, 1809-59. Le i.ivue, bibliog. retrospective, (1882) 3:108. .lelian Duseigneur f.* (medallion) BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso, 1608-79. Har- per’s mag. (1877) 55:580. eng. after medallion. BORGEAUB, Charles, Swi.ss author. Orruxnc (1897) 56 : 552. BORGES DE BARROS, Domingo, 178(>-ia55. See Pedra Branea, viseonde da. BORGHEGGIANA, 1.553-1615. See Alberti, Che- rubino. BORGHESE, phnripr, Camillo, 177.5-1832. Cent. (1895) 28:671. Francois Gerard p.* Sloane, Napo- leon (1896) 2 : 160. Franfois Gerard p.* (N’ersailles) prindpessa, Pauline (Bonaparte) w. of Camillo, sister of Napoleon I, 1780-1825. L’^Vrt (1880) 20:3. Canova sc. H. Thiriat sc. (bust) Book buyer (1902) 25:468. Mme Fournier eng.’'* Bouchot, Le luxe franf. I’empire, 40. Robert Le Ffevre f. Cent. (1895) 28:659. Pierre Prud’hon f.* —(1896) 30:749. Rol^- ert Lo Ffivre f.* (with bust of Napoleon I) Connois- seur (1902) 2: 184. Antonio Canova sc. ’•‘(semi-recum- bent, as V'enus) — (1903) 5:174. AnguLssola p."*" (miniature, Ward Usher coll.) 19ieme sifecle (1901) 29. Lefebvre p.’*‘ Goodrich, Court of Napoleon (1871) 190. David p. J. Champagne del. J. Rogers sc. IcoNOO. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 37. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Jcnot, Mem. (1883) 1:84. W. Greatbatch eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. ( 1898) 36 : 49, 50. Canova sc.’*' (statue) Les lettres et les arts (1889) 3 : 190. Roliert Leffevre f.’*' McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:489. Saint Marti.n, 60 ans d’un peuple4:pl. 5. A. Lacauchiedel. Leguaysc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:164. Pierre Pnid’hon p. R. G. Tietze sc. — 4:232. Robert Leffevre p. M. Haider sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (1856-62) pi. ,37. A. Sandoz del. Pannier sc. Versailles, Nolhae et Perat4 (1896) pi. 93. Robert Leff'vre f. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 90, fig. 1. An- guis.sola p.’*' (Ward Usher coll.) — 2: pi. 91, fig. 3. J. F. Aubr\’ p.’*' (Waliace coll.) Wili.iamson, Por. miniatures, (1897) 162b. Bianca Anguis.sola Camillo, 1,5.52-1621. See Paul V, pope. Pietro, 1416?-‘.)2. See France.sca, Pietro della. BORGHI-MAMO, Mme Adelaide, 1829- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1859) 1:3.5,3. Fdm. Hf'douin del. Pi.san eng. BORGIA, Alfonso de, d. 14.58. See Calixtus HI, pope. Cesare, due de Valentinois, cardinal, 1478-1.507. Ca.stiglione, Courtier (1901) 377. Leon, da Vinci ( ?) (Correr mus., V'enice) Dreux uu Radier, ’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. W. p. Aubriereng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, .36:201. Raphael? p. (Gal. Borgh&se, it Rome) — ser. 2, 36.209. Paul Jove f. — ser. 2, 36:299. Altobello Melone de Cr^mone f. C. H. Deaux sc. P. Laurent del. (coll. Castelbarco, Milan) —(1899) ser 3, 21 : 134. Raphael p.’^' Har- per’s mag. (1876) 52:808. eng. Mag. of art (1892) 15:107. Raphael? p.’*‘ — (1893) 16:161. Raphael? p.’*‘ ^Masters in art (1^4) pt. 55, 5: pi. 6. Pin- toricchio p.’*’ (as Emperor Maximinus in The dispute of St Catnerine; fresco, Vatican) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 202. W. p. Aubrier sc. Revista de archives, 3“ epoca (1898) 2:33. Velazquez del.’*' Velly, Hist, de P'rance (1770) 10:4.52. W. p. Aubrier sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1791. Giorgione p. Giroux eng. Yriarte, Autour d. Borgia ( 1891) 88, 100. Paul Jove eng.’*' — a88, 104, 107, 1 12 (various por.) Zt.scii. f. bildende kunst (1875) 10:101. Raphael? p. wdet. » Authenticity doubtful. Francisco, 1510-72. See F'ranci.sco de Borja, saint. Gaspare, cardinal. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1890) 2: pi. 226. Velasquez p.’*' (Frankfort) Lucrezia, d. 152,3. Allen, Masterpieces (1884) l:pl. 29. II. Kaulbach p.’*' (dancing) Allo. wclt- ge.schiehte (1886) 7:2.57. Filippino Lippi !.’•' (medal, 1503, Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) CoRVO, Chronicles of the house of Borgia (1901) 184. medal.’*' Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 30:214, 216, 218, 219, 337, 341 (various por.) — (1885) ser. 2, 32:231. P. Lau- rent del. (bust, coll, de lord Elcho) Geiger, Renais. u. humanismus in Ital. u. DeuUschland (1882) 229. Fil- ippino Lippi f.’*’ (medal, 1.503, Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:498. eng after medal 1502. oMasters in art (1904) pt. 55, 5:pl. 6. Pintoricchio p.’*' (as St Catherine of Alexandria in The dispute of St Catherine; fresco, Vatican) Portfolio (1894) no. 5:53. D.G. Rossetti f. I860.’*' Yriarte, Autour d. Borgia (1891) front, 117-132 (various por.) Zrscii. f. bildende kunst (1903) n. s. 15:38. G. Crist. Romano sc.’*' (medal) o .'Vuthenticity doubtful. Roderigo, 1431-1.503. See .\lexander VI, pope. BORGIANI, Orazio, 1.577 ?-1635? MoOcke, Ri- tratti (17.56) 3: pi. 37. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Ant. Faldoni sc. BORGLUM, Solon Hannibal, sculptor, 1868- World’s work (1902) 3: 1871.’*' BORGKE, Benoit le, 1741-l-S;i0. See Boigne, eomte de. BORGNET, Adolphe, 1804-75. Acad. roy. de Belgitpie, Annuaire (1876) 42: 123. J. Demannez eng. BORIE, Adolph Edward, 1809-80 Harper’s w. (1869) 13:189,217. wdet. BORIES, Jean Fran 9 ois Louis Leclerc, con- spirator, 179.5-1.822. Saint .Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5:pl. 11. Pauquet del. L. Bcrilersc. BORING DON 165 BOSCAWEN BOBINGDON, 1st baron, John Parker, d. 1788. Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. .52. Sir J. Re3’nolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. 2 children of. See Parker, John and Theresa. BORIS, crown prince of Bulgaria, 1894- Cath. world (1896) 63:319, 322. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:212.* Tullbeuo, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 193. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BORIS VLADIMIROVITCH, grand duke of Russia, 1877- Tullbero, FQrstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:614. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BORJA, Francisco de, saint, 1.510-72. See Fran- cisco de Borja. BORLAND, Solon, u. s. senator, 1811-64. Glea- son’s pictorial (1853) 4: 1.52. eng. BORMANS, Jean Henri, 1801-78. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1881) 47:181. J. Demannez sc. BORN, Derich. Rebeh u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1892) 4: pi. 4.59. Holbein p.* (Windsor gall.) BORNASSA, Rose. Outlook (1900) 6.5: 82. BORNIER, MUeE. de, aftw. Mme Maignan. Lain- CEL, Les peintres de la femme (1888) 338. G. Saint- pierre p.* BORODIN, Aleksandr Porphyrjevitch, 1834-87. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 78. Alex. Gribav’^dofT del.* Paine, Famous compost'rs (1891 ) 2 : 8.53.’*' BORONZOVA. Connoisseur (1904) 9:13. Rom- ney p.* (Hermitage) BOROUGH. See Burgh. BORRANI, Signor, singer. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:400. eng. BORRETT, Marjorie, dau. of Thomas P. Borrett, Illus. Lond. news ( 1902) 120, May 7, sup. p. 8. W. R. Symonds p.* (child por.) Rov. acad. pict. (1902) 111 Symonds p.* (child por.) BORRO, Alessandro del, 1600-56. Die grapui- sciiEN kunste(1888) 11 : 12. Velazquez p. W.Ungersc. Hirth, Der formenschatz (1897) pi. 173. Velasquez p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1900) 6:47. Ve- lazquez p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. hilder- schatz (1897) 9: pi. 1282. Velasquez p. 1645* (Berlin mus.) Vela.squez (1903) .57. Vela.squez p.* (Berlin mus.) Giuseppe Francesco, 1627-95. Hirth, Les grands illustratcurs, 5:1709. J. Ovens p. P. van Schuppen eng. BORROMEO, Carlo, saint, 1,5.38-84. C.-vth. world (1895) 62:97 (statue). Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl.9. Ph. Champagne p. 'G.Cookesc. I conog. di uomini sommi (18.54) pi. 11. C. Vanloo p. F. Clerici sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 16: 1778, pi. 125. J. Thomas eng. Soc. Mont}'on et Franklin, Por. et hist, des homines utiles, 4:273. Geille del. &sc. IValms- LEY, Physiog. por. (1824) l:pl. 7. Champagne p. C. Pye eng. Federigo, cardinal and abp. of Milan, 1.564-1631. Walmsley, Phj’siog. por. (1824) l:pl. 8. Champagne p. C. Pye eng. BORROW, George, 180.3-81. Acad. (1899) 56:3.51 p.* (coll, of J. Murraj’) Bookman (1896) 3:169. E. J. Sullivan del.* — (1899) 9:485. T. Phillips p.* —(1902) 15:227. p?* Critic (1899) 34:431. Phillips p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:270. Phil- lips p.* Outlook (1901) 67:. 57. Phillips p.* Sara, actress, d. 1899. See Lane, Mrs. BORSIG, Arnold. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1902) 60:88. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (relief) Johann Karl Friedrich August, 1804-.54. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 424. Kruger p.* BORTHWICK, J/r.s'. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 40. lith. BORTHWICK family name. See also title Glenesk. BORUWLASKI, Joseph, dwarf, 1739-1837. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. P13. John Kay f. 1802 & eng. Times, Eng. eccen. (1877) 2.59. BORZONI, Francesco Maria, 1625-96. Dezal- i.iER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762)2:341. Aubertsc. BOS, Hieronymus, 14(501-1516. 8ee Bosch. BOSANQTJET, Day Hoyt, vice-admiral, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1.S99) 114:949.* —(1904) 124:948.* —125:320.* Frederick Albert, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:. 5.35.* Vanity fair album (HX)1) .33:pl. 63. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BOSBOOM, Johannes, 1817-91. Rixises, Dutch painters of 19th cent. (1.S98) 3. P. de .losselin de Jong del. eng. Simon, 1614-68. Mey.ssens, True effigies (1694) nl. 116. N. de Helt Stocadc p. Petrus de .lode sc. J. Nleyssens ex. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 95. N. de Helt Stocade p. P. deJofiesc. Meyssens ex. BOSCAWEN, Edward, admiral, 1711-61. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:40. Reynolds p. J. McArdell eng.* Ca.mi'BELl, Lives of Brit, admirals (1817) (5: front. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Cixiwes, Royal navy (1898) 2:. 500. Reynolds p. McArdell mezzo. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:275. Reynolds p. 1760.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:336. Reynolds p.* Green, William Pitt (1901) 130. T. Chambers sc.* Parkman (Champlain ed.) (1898) 13:192. Reynolds p. J. McArdell eng.* S.mol- LETT, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 6:162. W. Ridley eng. after drawing. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 5:464. Ravenet eng. BOSCAWEX 166 BOSWELL BOSCAWEN family name. See also Falmouth, viscounts. BOSCH, J/. 1ntern.\t. studio (1904) 23:96. F^li.v Bracquemond del.* Ernst, painter, 1834- Allen, Masterpieces (18&4) 2:89. wdct. Hieronymus (van Aken) painter, 1460-1516. Bcll.\rt, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:393. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 7. 1. Girtin eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:284. eng.* Mevs- SEN3, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 3. Th. Galle e.v. Meyssexs, True effigies (1694) pi. 3. Th. Galle ex. eng. BOSCO, Bom Giovanni, 1815-88. Merry Eng. (1890) 15:81. BOSCOLI, Andrea, painter, 1,553-1606. MoL‘cke, Ritratti (1752) 1 :pl. ,W. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. BOSE, s chefs- d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 6. eng. Mor- gan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 5. etch. Paris .salon (1891) 5. — (1895) 6. Bouguereau p.* Steubins, Cat. of the private coll. (1889) 102. etch. Zt.scii. f. bildende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:257. BOUGY, Alfred James Louis Joseph de, 1816- 71. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 16: 179. Wat- teau p. BOUHIER, Jean, 1673-1746. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 105). Bertonnicr eng. BOUHIER DE BEAUMARCHAIS, Lucrece Marie, d. 1666. See Vitry, duchc.sse de. Marie, d. 1663. See La Vieuville, duchesse de. BOUHOURS, Dominique, 1628-1702. Gal. hist, univ. (1786) E. Desroehers eng. (print) BOUHY, Jacques, 1848- L’.Art (1875) 2:27. P. Renouard del.* (as E.seamillo) BOUILLAUD, Ismael, 1605-94. See Boulliau. BOUILL^ , marquis de, Fran 9 ois Claude Amour, 1739-1800. .Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 3:343. David de St Georges, Marq. du Chastelet (1896) 216. eng.* (equestr. por. Bibl. nat.) Gal. hist, de la r^v. franc, pi. 13. Pauquet del. E. Leguay sc. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 38. Henri Grevc- don del.? 1823. Dclpech lith. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple l:pl. 12. Pauquet del. E. Leguay sc. BOUILLON, due de, Robert III de la Marck, seigneur de Fleuranges, marshal, 1492-1537. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 82. Clouet f. lith. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 5:5. Picot p. eng. Niel, Por. person.fr. du 16®s. (18^)2:pl.5. eng. after drawing. Sichel, Women & men (15)01) 86. from Kiel’s Portraits des p>ersonnages friHcais.* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1333. F. E. Picot p. Massard eng. duchesse de, Guillemette (de Sarrbruck de Braine) w. of Robert HI de la Marck, d. 1571. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 97. Clouet f. lith. — 2:pl. 179. Clouet f. lith. duchesse de, Francoise (de Brezd) comtesse de Maulevrier, w. of Robert IV de la Marck, d. 1574. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 77. Clouet f. lith. due de, Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, 1555- 1623. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. P. A. p. Gaillard eng. Geddes, Musa Latina Aberdonensis (1895) 2:57. Gaillard sc.* Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) ll:front. Blondel p. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist.Gavard(1838)8:pl. 13.59. Blondel p. Desjardins eng. due de, Frdddric Maurice de la Tour d’Au- verg^e, 1605-52. Brit. mus. Prints (1899) n. s. pt. 8: pi. 10. Robert Nanteuil del. & sc.® Perkins, Richelieu (15)00) 210. Balthasar Moncornet f.* cardinal de, Emmanuel Thdodose de la Tour d’Auvergne, 1643-1715. Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (185)6) 443. Guy-Lt)uis Vernansal p. Simon Thomas- sin (between Charity and Truth) — 440. Robert Nanteuil f. (in youth) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. de Troye p. Basan eng. Hirth, Les grands illustratcurs, 5:1706. N. Mignard p. A. Mas-son eng. Iconog. de Mme de Sdvignd, pi. 18. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2.393. Mme Rochard f. copy. Delannoy eng. duchesse de, Louise (de Lorraine) w. of Godefroi Charles Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, 1718- Ver- sAii.LEs, Nolhac et Peratd (1896) pi. 52. Jean Marc Nattier f. Godefroy de, 1058 ?- 1100. See Godefroy. BOUILLOTTE, Guy, cur4 d’Arnav-lc-Duc, 1724- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:310. Perrin del. Texier sc. BOULANGER, Ernest, 1831- L’Art (1904) 63:441. Georges, general, 1837-91. Allg. weltge- schichte (185)2) 12:705.* L’Art (1887) 43:239. Aristide Croisv sc. and del. (bust) Harper’s w. (1886) 30:500. wdet. —(1888) 32:308. wdet. —(1893) 37:11. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:1.55. —(1889) 94:1X1, 166. —(1891) 99:431. L.itijier, France in 19th cent. (1892) 427. Oncken, BOULANGER 170 BOURBON Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:982.* Paris salon (1887) 76. E. Debat-Ponsan p.* R. of rev. (1890) 2:324. —(1891) 4:423. Revue illus. (1886) 2:597. P. Renouard del. lith. Stead, Por. and auto". (1891) 108.* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pL 514. lith. after caricature. Gustave, painter, 1824-88. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:503. STEBBiNs,Cat. of private coll. (1889) 17. etch. Pierre. Mag. of art (1898) 22:358. Oscar Roty f.* (with his wife, medal) BOULARD, Michel, 1761-1825. Sou. Montjmn et Franklin, Por. et hist, des homines utiles 3:161. J. Boilly del. Dequevauviller sc. (with Br^zin and De villas) BOULDIN, James Wood, 1792-1854. Green bag (1898) 10:113. Wood, 1811-76. Green bag (1893) 5:372.* BOULlS, Pkre, fl. 1747. L’Art (1901) 60:207. Piero Leone Ghezzi f.* (caricature) BOULENGER, Hippolyte, painter, 1837-74. L’Art (1875) 2:280. A. Gilbert des. A. I^veilM eng. Die GRAPHisciiEN kunste (1880) 2:67. Gilbert f. L^veilM sc. BOULLIATJ, Ismael, 1605-1694. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:73. J. Van Schuppen p. P. Van Schuppen sc. 1697. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 87. Jacobus van Schuppen p. P. van Schuppen sc. 1697. BOULLONGNE, Bon, painter, 1649-1717. De- ZALLiER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:243. eng. Louis, painter, 1654-1733. Dezallier d’Argen- viLLE, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:263. eng. BOTJLNOIS, Edmund, m. p., 1838- Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 91. W. W. Ouless p.* BOULOGNE, comte de, Eustache III, 1058?- 1125. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 68. Odier p. Lechard eng. BOULOUVARD, Siffren, d. 1793. Biog. mo- derne (1807) 2:314. Gros del. Courbe sc. BOULTON, Matthew, 1728-1809. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 18. Sir William Beechey p. A. Cardon eng. European mag. (1809) 56: 163. Ridley sc. BOUMA, Gelhus de, d. 1658. Brit. mus. prints (1898) n. s. pt. 7; pi. 12. Cornells de Visscher eng.* BOUQUET, Auguste. L’Art (1889) 47 : 171, lith.* Henry, 1719-66. Mag. of Am. hist. (1888) 19:114. p.* (coll, of Dr. T. Addis Emmet) Park- man (Champlain ed.) (1898) 17 : front, p.* (coll, of H. M. Fisher) Penn. mag. of hist, and biog. (1879) 3:121. B. West p. W. G. Armstrong del. Wilso.n, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:131. por.* (N. Y. Pub. lib.) WiNSOR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:692). West. p. Murray sc. Jean Claude, 1819-85. Le centen. de I’dcole normale (1895) 387. del.* BOURBAXI, Charles Denis Sauter, general, 1816-97. Allg. weltge-schichte (1892) 12:467.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 607.* Hozier, Franco-Prussian war, 2:89. eng. after photo. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:216.* BOURBON, dukes and duchesses of (in chronolog- ical order) due de, Louis I, son of Robert de F ranee, comte de Clermont, 1279-1341. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1567. L. F. Amiel p. after por. in cha- teau d’Eu. Leclerc eng. duchesse de, Marie (de Hainault) w. of Louis I, 1301-49. Lady’s mag. (1837) 10:217. Ed. Hargrave sc. due de, Louis II, 1337-1410. L’Art (1878) 12 : 305. Eugene Viollet-le-Duc des. eng. Shakes- peare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 87. Harding del. after print in Montfaucon. T. Nugent sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1.570. L. C. Rubio p. after por. in chdteau d’Eu. P. N. G^rault eng. duchesse de, Aime, dauphine d’Auvergne, w. of Louis II, 1360-1416. Court mag. ( 1838) 13:441. John of Bruges p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^Rbres (1858) 1:108. Sant4 del. Gatine sc. lith. due de, Jean II, constable, 142.5-87. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. R. Gaillard eng. J. Robert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 191. J. Robert del. R. Gaillard sc. V'elly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:83. J. Robert del. R. Gaillard sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 8. — sup. 4:pl. 17. Lugardon p. after engraved por. Paul Girardet eng. due de, Pierre II, sire de Beaujeu, 1439-1503. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24:389. triptych, 16®si6cle* (Cath. de Moulins) — (1901)ser.3, 26:^1. French school p. 1488* (with St Peter, triptych) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1782. Legris eng. after p. duchesse uis Henri Joseph, 1750-1822. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl.2736. R. Cazes f. copy. Legris eng. For other dukes of Bourhon after 1661, see Cond^, princes de. BOURBON FAMILY, princes and princesses (in alphabetical order) Alphonse de, bro. of Carlos, duque de Madrid, 1849- Tl’llbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 107. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Anne Genevibve de, dau. of Henri II, prince de Cond^, 1619-79. See Longueville, duchesse de. Antoine de, son of Charles, due de Venddme, 1518-62. See Antoine de Bourbon, k. of Navarre. Antoine de, son of due de Montpensicr, 1866- See Galliera, duca di. Antoinette de, dau. of Francois, comte de Ven- ddme, 1494-1583. See Guise, duchesse de. Armand de, son of Henri II, prince de Condd, 1629-66. See Conty, prince de. Beatrice de, dau. of Don Carlos, duque de Madrid, 1874- See Anticolli-Corrado, duchessa di. Charles de, cardinal, son of Charles I, due de Bourbon, 14.34-88. Gaz. des beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 36:448. glass window (Moulins cath.) Greyer, Peinture au chAteau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl.24. Flemish school f.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1891) 3: pi. 343. Hugo van der Goes 1482 p.* (Nurnberg) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1781. J. F. Gigoux copy. Legris eng Charles de, son of Franfois, comte de Vend6me, 1489-1537. See Venddme, due de. Charles de, cardinal, son of Charles, due de Ven- ddme, 1.523-90. Cloeet, F rench por. (1875) 1 :pl. 78. F. Clouet f. Dreex DuRADiER,L’Europeillus.(1777) V. 2. A. B. p. M. Aubert eng. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24:74. franc. 1.590.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 8, fig. 2. medal, 1555.* Miciiaed et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 12: front, eng. Receeil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 256. AB p. M. Aubert sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1786) 15:371. .iB p. M. Aubert sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1970. J. F. Gigoux p. J. Francois eng. Charles de, son of Louis I, prince de Cond^, 1566-1612. See Soissons, comte de. Elvira de, dau. of Don Carlos, duque de Madrid, 1871- I LLUS. Lond. news (1896) 109:747.* Tell- BERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 105. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Felisa de Leon y Balboa de, w. of Francisco Maria. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:403. Francisco Maria de, general in Spanish anny, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:403. Fran 9 ois de, son of Jean II, 1470-95. See Venddme, comte de. Fran 9 ois de,son of Francois, comte de Venddme, 1491-1545. See Saint-Paul, comte de. Fran 9 ois de, son of Charles, due de Venddme, 1491-46. See Enghien, comte d’. Fran 9 ois de, son of Louis I, prince de Cond4, 1558-1614. See Conty, prince de. Fran 9 ois Louis de, son of Armand, 1664-1709. See Conty, prince de. Francoise Marie de {MUe de Blois) dau. of Louis XIV, 1677-1749. See Orleans, duchesse d’. Gilbert de, son of Louis I, d. 1496. See Mont- pensier, comte de. Henri de, son of Francois, 1573-1608. See Mont- pensier, due de. Henri de, illog. son of Henri IV, 1601-82. See Verneuil, due de. Henri de, gr. son of Carlos IV, king of Spain, 1823-70. See Sevilla, duque de. Isabelle de, dau. of Charles I, due de Bourbon, d. 1465. See Charolais, comtesse de. Jacques de, son of Louis I, due de Bourbon, d. 1361. See La Marche, comte de. Jayme de, -son of Carlos, duque de Madrid, 1870- Teli.berg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:105. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BOURBOX 172 BOURBOX-PARMA Jean de, son of Charles, due de Vend6me, 152S-57. See Enghien, comte d’. Jeanne de, dau. of Pierre I, due de Bourbon, 1337-77. See Jeanne, queen of Franee. Louis de, son of Jean II, eomte de Vtndflnie, 1470-1520. See La Roehe-sur-Yon, prince de. Louis de, amiral de Bourbon, b&tard, son of Charles I, due de Bourbon, d. 1486. See Roussillon, comte de. Louis de, son of Louis I, prince de la Roohe-sur- Yon, 1513-82. See Montpensier, due de. Louis de, son of Charles, due de Venddme, 1530-69. See Cond<5, prince de. Louis de, son of Charles, 1604—41. See Soissons, comte de. Louis de, illeg. son of Louis XIV, 1667-83. See Vermandois, comte de. Louis de, son of Louis III, prince de Cond6, 1709-71. See Clermont, comte de. Louis Antoine Henri de, .son of Louis Henri Joseph, prince de Cond^, 1772-1804. See Enghien, due d’. Louis Auguste de, son of Louis Auguste, due du Maine, 1700-55. See Domlx's, prince de. Louis Charles de, son of Louis Auguste, due du Maine, 1701-75. See Eu, comte d’. Louis Francois de, son of Louis Armand IT, 1717-76. See Conty, prince de. Louis Fran 9 ois Joseph de, son of Louis Fran- cois, 1734-1814. See Cont}', prince de. Louis Jean Marie de, son of Louis Alexandre, comte de Toulouse, 1725-93. See Penthifevre, due de. Louis Joseph de, son of Louis Henri, due de Bourbon, 1736-1818. See Condd, prince de. Louise Anne de, dau. of Louis III, prince de Condd, 1695-1758. See Charolais, Mile de. Louise Benddicte de, dau. of Henri Jules, prince de Cond4, 1676-1753. See Maine, duchesse du. Louise Elisabeth de, dau. of Louis HI, prince de Condd, 1693-1775. See Conty, princesse de. Louise Marie Adelaide de, dau. of Louis Jean Marie, due de Penthifevre, 175^1821. See Or- leans, duchesse d’. Marguerite de, dau. of Charles, due de Ven- d6me, 1516-89. See Nevers, duchesse de. Marie de, abbesse de Saint Louis de Poissy, dau. of Pierre I, due de Bourbon, 1347-1401. Versau,les, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 54. Pigeot eng. of bust (after statue, church of Saint-Denis) Marie de, dau. of Charles, due de Vend6me, 1515-38. Versailx,es, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 57. Pigeot eng. of bust (after statue, church of Saint- Denis) Marie de, dau. of Henri, due de Montpensier, 1605-27. See Orleans, duchesse d’. Marie Anne de, illeg. dau. of Louis XIV, 1666- 1739. See Conty, princesse de. Marie Anne de, dau. of Henri Jules, prince de Condd, 1678-1718. See Venddme, duchesse de. Marie Anne de (.1/He de Clermont) dau. of Louis III, prince de Cond^, 1697-1741. i. (1901) 53:354. Jean Marc Nattier p.* (The bath) Grcyer, Peinture au ch&teau de Chantilly (1898) 2:278. J. M. Nattier p.* Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:443. Luc 01i\na Merson p.* (mural) SIasters in art (1902) pt. 30, 3: pi. 3. J. M. Nattier p.’*’ (as Nvmph of the waters of Chantilly) V'ersailles, Gal. liist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2561. Nargeot f. Maria Beatrix de (of Austria-Elste) dowager princess, w. of Juan, infante of Spain, 1824- Tcll- BERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:106. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:487. Linde- gren del. after photo. Maria das Neves de (of Braganza) princess, w. of Alphonse, 1852- TVllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:107, 179. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie Thdrbse de {Mile de Bourbon) dau. of Henri Jules, prince de Cond^, 1666-1732. See Conty, princesse de. Nicolas, jjoet, 1.503-.50. Holbein, Facsimiles, Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 16. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 18. Holbein del. Chee.sman sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 2: pi. 49. Holbein del.’*’ Knackfuss. Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17:124. Holbein del.’*’ Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1892) n. s. 3:195. Holbein d. j. eng.’*' See also individual names of ruling families of France, Navarre, Spain, Two Sicilies, and titles Orleans, Paris, Joinville, etc. BOURBON-OKL^ ANS. See Orldans. BOUKBON-PABMA, Alice de, princess, dau. of Carlo HI, duca di Parma, 1849- See Toscana, granduchessa di. Beatrix de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1879- Tlllberq, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 139. .'Igi lindegren del. after photo. ilie de, prince, .son of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1880- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 139. .tigi Lindegren del. after photo. Henri de, prince, son of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1873- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 138. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Joseph de, prince, son of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1875- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. jxir. (1898) 1:138. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Louise de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1872- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. 1898) 1 : 137. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie Immaculde de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1874- 'ruLLBERG, FQrstenh:iser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 137. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BOrRBON-PAKMA 173 BOURGEOIS Marie Louise de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1870-99. See Marie Louise, princess of Bulgaria. Marie Thdrese de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1876- Ti'llberg, Furstenhauser Europ. p)or. (1898) 1:138. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Pia de, princess, dau. of Roberto, duca di Parma, 1877- Tl'llbekg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 138. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. See also Parma, dukes of. BOUPBON-SICILE, Caroline de {corntesse Za- moyska) princess, dau. of contc di Trapani, 1856- Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:124. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Caroline, dau. of Francesco I, 1798-1870. See Berry, duchesse de. Charles de, prince, s. of Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1870- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:119. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Ferdinand de, prince, 1869- See Calabria, duca di. Francois d’Assise de, prince, s. of Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1888- Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:121. .(Vgi Lindegren del. after photo. Gennaro de, prince, s. of Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1882- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:120. j\gi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie de, princess, dau. of Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1878- Tullberg, Furstenliauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:120. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie Antoinette de, princess, dau. of Francesco I, 1814-98. See Toscana, granduchessa di. Marie Christine de, princess, dau. of Francesco I, 1806-78. See Maria Christina, queen of Spain. Marie Immaculee de, princess, dau. of Al- fonso, conte di Caserta, 1874- Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:119. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie Immaculee Clementine de, princess, dau. of Ferdinando II, 1844-99. See Maria Immaku- lata, archd. of Austria. Marie Josephine de, princess, dau. of Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1880- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:120 Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Marie de las Mercedes de, princess, w. of Charles, 1880-1904. See Maria, infanta of Spain. Marie Therbse de, princess, dau. of Ferdinando I, 1772-1807. See Maria Theresa, empress of Austria. Marie Therese de, princess, dau. of Louis, conte di Trani, 1867- See Hohenzollem, prinzessin von. Pascal de, prince, 1852- See Bari, conte di. Philippe de, .s. of Luigi, conte d’Aquila, 1847- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:123. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Philippe de,sonof Alfonso, conte di Caserta, 1885- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:121. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Renier de, prince , son of Alfonso, conte di Casert a , 1883- Tullberg, Furstenhauser hiurop. por. (1898) 1:121. .i\gi Lindegren del. after photo. Therbse de, princess, 1822-89. See Theresa, emp. of Brazil. BOTJRCEL, Mme. St Memix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 720. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* BOURCHIER, Arthur, actor, 1864- Harper’s w. (1892) 36: 1046. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:3^. Ralph Cleaver del.* (as the Chevalier Mont- eagle) Theatre (1895) ser. 4, 25:94. photo. Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 644. Spy f. hth. (caricature) Mrs Arthur. See Van'ourgh, Violet. Sir George, maj. gen. 1821-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:433.* BOURDAISIERE, seigneur de la, Jean Babou, baron de Sagonne, d. 1569. See Babou. BOURDALOUE, Louis, 1632-1704. Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 295. Jean Jouvenet p. Rossler. sc. Gal. franp. (1822) 2:473. Hesse del. Petit de J tri.LE\TLLE, Hist, de la langue et la lit. franf. (1898) 5:368. Jouvenet p. C. Simonneau sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18' slides (1805) 2: pi. 109. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Sciirockh, AbbUd. beruhmtergelehrten(1766) l:pl. ll.eng.a «See also Ch^rot, Henri. Iconographie de Bourdaloue, 3 vol. Paris, 1900-1903. 4°. (8. por.) BOTJRDEILLES, Pierre de, 1.546-1614. See Brantdme, abb^. BOITRDILLON, seigneur de, Imbert de la Pla- tibre, marshal, 1524-67. Vbrisailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard, sup. 4: pi. 25. Blondel p. after eng. Leclere eng. BOURDON, Antoine, 1752- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:317. eng. Sebastien, painter, 1616-71. Dezallier d’Ar- genville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:92. eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 112. S. Bourdon p. Versaille.s, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2177. Bourdon p. A. Delaforge eng. BOURG, comte du, Leonore Marie du Maine, 1655-1739. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Ja. de Lyen p. Tardieu, jr. sc. BOURGELAT, Claude, 1712-79. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, l:pl. 32. Pigeot sc. BOURGEOIS, Sir Francis, 1757-1811. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 19. Sir William Beechej' p. J. Vendra- mini eng. Monthly mirror (1804) 17:217. Rid- ley eng. after p. Lbon, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:825.* Outlook (1899) 62:288. 174 BOURGOGNE ^^^JURGEOIS Sir Peter Francis, painter, 1756-1811. Cvst, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2; 19. Sir William Beechey p.* BOUFGEOYS, Marguerite, 1620-1700. Charle- voix, Hist, of New France (1871) 5: front. Mansard del. & sc. P.tRKMAX (Champlain ed.) (1898) 7:96. Massard eng.* BOUBGET, Paul, 1852- Acad. (1898) 55:213.* Book buyer (1895) 12: 136.* Bookha.n (1^5) 1:420. wdct. Critic (1893) 22:185. —(1894) 24:389. —(1898) 33:421. —(1899) 34:514. Harper's mag. (1892)85:330. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 1 : 256. Charles Gallot eng. Revue illus. (18^) 3:75. D. Maillart del M. Genty. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 586.* BOUBGOGNE, duchesse de. Le Roux de Llxcy, Femmes c^lfebres (1858) 1 : 136. Lant^ del. Gatine sc. lith. due de, Eudes I (Borel) d. 1103. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4 : pi. 66. Blondel p. Rebel eng. due de, Eudes IV, d. 1350. L’Art (1904) 63: 103. p.* (with Innocent VI and Jean le Bon at la Sainte Chapelle de Paris) due de, Philippe le Hardi, 1342-1404. L’Art (1888) 44:30. E. Zier del. E. Ronjat sc. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:267. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 15^. Mme DA^rain p. A. C. Danois eng. — sup. 6; pi. 60. Pigeot eng. after statue. duchesse de. Marguerite (de Flandre) w. of Phi- lippe le Hardi, 1350-1405. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard, sup. 6: pi. 57. Pigeot eng. after statue (Saint Denis) — sup. 6: pi. 60. Pigeot eng. after statue. — sup. 6: pi. 61. Pigeot eng. after statue (Saint Denis) due de, Jean Sans-peur, 1371-1419. L’Art (1879) 19: 191. f. 1405. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3,1:417. Flemish school f. 15th cent. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 1. p.* Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:51. J. Gauchard mrbant sc. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 91. S. Harding del. after print. Clamp, sc. (in Montfaucon) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8: pi. 1571. Baron de Steuben p. L. G. Sichling eng. — sup. 4: pi. 98. Laemlein p. eng. due or. (1786) 2; pi. 147. J. van Eyck p. J. J. Flipart sc. ScRiVF.Rius, Principcs Hollandia? ct WestfrLsise (16."0) pi. 30. J. van Eyck p. Corn. Visscher sc. Shakespearf. illus. (1793) 2: pi. 92. S. Harding del. & sc. after print. (Monfaufon) Vellt, Hist, de France (1770) 7:253. J. Robart del. Pinssio sc. — (1770) 8:4. Jean van Eyck p. Flipart sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1769. E. F. M. J. Dev^ria p. Leclerc eng. duchesse de, Euriante (de Brienne) comtesse de Nevers, w. of PhiUpp<‘ le Bon, 1408-68. Court mag. (1839) 14:1. Ed. Hargrave sc. after miniature (armo- rial of Gaigni^res) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^l^ bres (1858) 1:114. Lant^ del. Gatine sc. lith. due de, Charles le Temeraire, 1433-77. .4llg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:571. p. 15th cent.* (Berlin mus.) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 68. .\liprando Capriolo eng. Chronhcke vande Herto- ghen van Brabant (1612) 78. eng. Comines, Mem. (1855) 1 : front. Soutman Ilinchliff f. Dibden, Bibliog. tour (1821) 3:591. eng. after ilium, ms. (coll, emperor of Austria) Dreux do Radier, L’Europe illus. ( 1777) V. 2. A. K. p. Pinssio eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:203. eng. Halma, Tooneel der Ver. Xeder- landen (1725) 2:8. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. welt- gesch. (1898) 5:14, 15,22 (3 ix»r.)* Hirth, Der for- menschatz (1884) pi. 6. Heinrich Vogtherr eng. — (1894) pi. 23. Hans Kels f. 15351* (carving) Hy- mans, Bruxelles, 1: 125. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3: pi. 6. Hans Kels f.* (carving) —(1887) 5: pi. 19. —(1889) 9: pi. 39 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* Masson, Mediaeval France (1888) 289. drawing* (with Philip the Good) Mi- chaud et Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (1854) 3:513. eng. after old por. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 177. J. van Eyck p. J. J. Flipart sc. ScmvERius, Principes Hollandiae et Westfri.si« (1650) pi. 31. Jan -.an Eyck p. Com. Visscher sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 : pi. 11. Roger van der W cA'den p.* Spoitord, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1:126. vignette. Thevkt, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:311. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770)9:129. -H-P- Pinssio sc. — (1770) 9:389. J. Van Evek p. J. J. Flipart sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavartf (18^) 9: pi. 1774. Henri Decaisne p. Leclerc eng. — sup. 5: pi. 12. Bertonnier eng. after old por. — sup. 5: pi. 13. Alphonse Leroy eng. after old por. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) n. s. 15:38. Candida sc.* (2 medals) duchesse de, Margaret (of York) w. of Charles le T^m^raire, 1446-1.50,3. Cost, Xat. pc>r. gall. (1901) 1 : 17. Jacques Le Boucq del.* due de, Louis de France, 1682-1712. L’Ari (1886)40:71. Trovep. G. Edelinck sc. .VRTj.(1905) 53:2^. Xicolas fie I.argilli^re p.* (with the Grand Dauphin, Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Mine de Maintc- non) Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 154, pi. 21. X. Amoult f. Dreux do Radier, L'Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. H. Rigaud p. Tardieu, jr. eng. Guizot. Pop. hist, of France, 5:610. P. Philipjxjteaux p. C. La- plante sc. (with Fdn61on) Iconog. do Mme iie S^vign4 pi. 2.5. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (IJSS) ll:pl. 2425. P. Mignard p. Pigeot eng. — sup. 5:pl. 13. Alphonse Leroy eng. after old p. duchesse de, Marie Adelaide (de Savoie) 1685- 1712. .\jiMENOAUD, Reines (186‘2) pi. 1 1 . Pannemaker BOURGOGNE 175 BOUTET sc. L’Akt(1903)62:496. Nicolas Pitau eng.* Book- MA.N (1900) 11:231. Pierre Mignard p.* Boi-rgeois, Grand si^cle (1896) 154. Nicolas Arnoult eng. — p. 158-59 (3 por.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:169. Fr. de Troy p. Gonse, La sculpt, franf. (1895) 187. Coysevox sc.* (statue) Iconoo. dc Mmc de S^vignd, pi. 26. eng. Lady’s mag. (1835) 7:257. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes cdl6- bres(18^)2:110. Lantedel. Gatinc sc. lith. Ijcslet- TRES et lesarts (1887) 3:175. contemp. por. Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 130. Coy- sevox sc.* (statue) Sainte Beuve, Gal. des femmes c4l6bres (1859) 177. G. Staal del. A. Thibault sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2428. J. B. Santerre p. Qu^verde eng. — sup. 5: pi. 90. San- terro p. Weber eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat4 (1896) pi. 28. Santerre f. due de, Louis Joseph Xavier de France, broth- er of Louis XV’I, 1731-61. Noliiac, Louis XV et Mine de Pompadour (1903) 172. J. M. Nattier p. 1754* (Versailles) Anne de, 1404-32. See Bedford, duchess de. Antoine de, bastard, 1421-1.504. L’Art (1883) 34 :162. F. Vintraut sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts 5^80) ser. 2, 22:493. F. Gaillard. wdet. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 2. Van Eyck? p. R. Gower autolith. Gruyer, Peinturc au ch&teau de Chantilly (1896) 1 : pi. 20. Roger Vandcr Weyden p.? * Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1899) 39:12. Memling p.* (Cond4 mus. Chantilly) — 39:13. copy after Mem- ling p.* (Dresden) Jean Fran 9 ois, d. 1867. Acad. (1899) 56:482. Philippe de, bastard, bp. of Utrecht, 1464-1524. Rerer u. Bayersdorfer, Kiass. bilderschatz (1891) 3: pi. 308. Mabuse p.* (Amsterdam mus.) Zxscii. f. bildende kunst (1895) n. s. 6: 199. Mabuse p.* Theudebert de. Heyck, Monograph, z. welt- gesch. (1898) 5:8. statue* (at Innsbruck) BOURGOIN, Jacques, gov. of Corbeil, 1661. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 76. Bernardi eng. (statue) Marie Therbse ]^tiennette, actress, 1781- 1833. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 11:239. Si- cardi p. (miniature) BOUBmOT, John George, 1837- Arena (1897) 17:847. Book buyer (1897) 14: 134. Critic (1897) 30:216. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113: 159.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:38. BOURKE, Hon. AlgemonHenry, 1854- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:240.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 702. Spy f. lith. (caricature) E. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 54:108. Herkomcr p.* .1/rs G. K.vackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 54:107. Herkomcr p.* Henry Lorton, 1840- Vanity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 479. F. C. G. f. lith. (caricature) John Gregory, u. s. a. 1846-96. Harper’s w. (1892)36:1065. wdet. Madeline Emmie Louisa. Manners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 46. Marchioness of Granbv del. 1886* (child por.) Hon. Maurice, captain, 1853-1900. Bourke Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:230. photo. BOURKE family name. See also titles Connemara; Mayo. BOURMONT, Louis Auguste Victor de, 1772- 1846. Sai.nt Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5: pi. 19. Pigeot sc. BOURN, Augustus Osborn, gov. of R. I. 1834- Harper’s w. (1883) 27:229. wdet. BOITONE, Benjamin, 1755-1808. Bowen, Cen- tennial Washington’s inauguration (1892) 126. sil- houette (poss. Mrs James Dc Wolf Perry) Edward. Portfolio (1894) no. 3:58. W. Hack- wood f. 1779* (medallion) Edward Emerson, 1797-1873. Me. hist. soc. Coll. (1881) 8: front. F. T. Stuart eng. N. E. hist. & geneal. reg. (1874) 28:1. F. T. Stuart eng. Francis, r. c. abp. of Westminster, 1861- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123 : 297.* Frederick Gilbert. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am commerce (1895) 2:525. eng. after photo. Richard. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:138. wdet. BOURNONVILLE, due de, Alexandre II. Erd- AIANSDORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1 :608. eng.* in “Theatrum Europseum.” BOUSFIELD, Henry Brougham, bp. of Pretoria, 1832-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:234.*. So. African por. gall. (1897) 49. BOUSSINGAULT, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonnd, chemist, 1802-87. Pop. sci. m. (1888) 33:721. BOUSSION, Pierre, 1753-1828. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:326. Perrin del. Courbe sc. BOUTAN, Louis, 1859- Cent. (1898) 34:43. BOUTARIC, M. 1756- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:326. Turlure del. Voyezsc. BOUTELLE, Charles Addison, 1839-1901. Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 308. eng. Cent. (1888) 14:430. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:380. Geo. W. Breck del. wdet. —(1899) 43:1203.* —(1901) 45:569. Timothy, 1777-1855. Willis, Hist, of law & lawyers of Me. (1863) 464. J. H. Bufi'ord lith. (age 75) BOUTET, Jacques Marie, actor, 1745-1812. See Monvel. BOUTET DE MONVEL, Maurice, 1850- See Monvel. BOUTEVILLE 176 BOWDOIN BOUTEVILLE, comle de, Fran 9 ois de Mont- morency, 1600-27. ^LvuKICE, Livre rouge (1863) 137. Moncornot sc. Boulay del. Carter sc. cointe de, Fran 9 ois Henri de Montmorency, 1628-95. See Luxembourg, due de. BOUTEVILLE-DUMETZ, Louis Cuilain,1745- 1821. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:328. Labadyc del. Courbe sc. BOUTHILLrER - CHAVIGNY, marquis de, Charles Leon, 1743-1818. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:326. Labadye del. Voyez, jr. sc. BOUTIGNY, imile, 1854- Paris salon (1892) 29. BOUTON, Noel, marshal of France, 1636-1715. See Chamilly, marquis de. BOUTS, Dirk (Stuerbout), 1400-75. L’.Vrt ( 1901) 60:301. eng.* Bl’llart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:381. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Meyssens, Por. em. paintei-s (1739) pi. 4. eng. Meyssens, Tme effigies (1694) pi. 5. Th. Gallo ex. eng. BOUTWELL, George Sewall, gov. of Mass., 1818- 1905. Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1 :76. wdet. Har- per’s mag. (1872) 44:497. eng. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:177. wdet. —(1869) 13: 193, 217. wdet. —(1873) 17:253. wdet. Harvey, Hist.Wash. monument (1903) 109.* McClure’s mag. (1899) 14:31.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:530. wdet. — (1902) n. s. 25:547 Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6: 160.* BOUVEERON, Jean Fran 90 is, 1733- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:328. Labadye del. Courbe sc. BOUVENNE, Ernest Aglaiis, 1829- L’Art (1892) 53:268. Rodolphe Piguet etch.* BOUVEREE, Hon. Edward, son of 5th earl of Rad- nor, 1760-1824. Art j. (1897) 49:366. Gainsborough p. ?* Hon. iirs Edward (Arabella Ogle) d. 1855. Connoisseur (1902) 2:279. John Hoppner p. J. R. Smith eng. Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) portfolio; pi. 43. J. Hoppner p. J. R. Smith eng. /7on. if rs Edward (Harriot Fawkener). Art j. (1897) 49:365. Reynolds p.* (with her child) Har- per’s mag. (1884) 69:262. Rejmolds p.* (with Mrs Crewe) Edward Pleydell-, m. p., 1818-89. Vanity fair album (1872) 4; pi. 119. lith. after caricature. Hon. Harriot, aftw. w. of Sir James Tilney-Long. Art j. (1897) 49:363. Revmolds p.* 1760? William Henry, 1752-1806. -\rt. j. (1897) 49:366. Gainsborough p.* BOUVEREE (and Pleydell-Bouverie) family name. See also titles Folkestone: Radnor. BOUVEER, .1/. 1760- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:329. Isabey del. Courbe sc. John, jurist, 1787-1851. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. .\m. (18.53) 4; pi. 22. T. B. Welch eng. after daguerr. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (18.59) 111. T. B. Welch eng. after daguerr. BOUVEER DE LA MOTTE, Jeanne Marie, 1648-1717. See Guyon, Mme. BOUVILLE, Louis Jacques Grossin de, 1759?1. 1833. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:329. Labadye de- Courbe sc. BOUYS, Andrd, painter, 1657-1740. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2582. A. Bouys p. A. C. Danois eng. BOVARD, Marion McKinley, 1847-92. Ban- croft, Chron. (1892) 7:316. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. BOVET, FeUx, 1824- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:944. wdet. BOVILL, Sir Elliot Charles, 18461-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:551. Sir WiUiam, 1814-73. Vanity fair album (1870) 2; pi. 3. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BOWCHER, Frank, medallist. Mag. of art (1900) 24:155. Frank Bowcher del.* BOWDICH, Thomas Edward, traveler, 1791- 1824. European mag. (1824) 85:383. BOWDITCH, Henry Ingersoll, 1808-92. Har- vard grad. mag. (1892) 1: 1. Moulton sc.* Jonathan Ingersoll, 1806-89. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:750. Nathaniel, 1773-1838. Gleason’s pictorial (1854)6:177. Kilbum del. eng. Lonoacre & Her- ring, Nat. mir. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4; pi. 33. J. Frazee sc. J. Gross after Longacre eng. (bust) New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:339. Osgood & Batchel- der. Hist, sketch of Salem (1879) 240. C. Osgood p.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1853) 4:pl. 9. Frazee sc. J. B. Ix>ngacre del. J. Gross eng. (bust) WiNsoR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:506. Stuart . eng. YEAR-bk. of facts (1839) front. Stuart p. J. huey & son eng. Nathaniel Ingersoll, 1805-61. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1862) 5:. 500. Saunders p. J. .i\jidrews eng. (miniature) BOWDOIN, James, gov. of Mass. 1727-90. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 201. Copley p.* (min- iature) Harper’s mag. (1902) 105:. 590 (.silhouette)* Mass. mag. (1791) 3:.5. S. Hill eng. after silhouette. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:.526. Outlook (1902) 70:31. J. II. Daniels p.* (miniature) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:79. silhouette* (from Winsor’s Nar. and crit. hist.) — 3:81. Copley f.* (Bowdoin coll.) WiN.sOR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:195. Coplev p. 1770? eng. (miniature) Winsor, Nar. and crit. fiist. (1889) 7:229. eng. after silhouette (from Mass. mag. 1791) — 8:4110. eng. (from American mag., 2) BOWDOIX 177 BOWMAN James, jr. 1752-1811. New Esg. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:449. Pot.Y.vxrnos (1812) n. s. 2:73. G. Stuart p. J. R. Smith sc. BOWELL, Sir Mackenzie, 1823- Dext, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:58. lith. II.\rper’s w. (1892) 36:188. wdct. —(1894) 38:1248. wdct. —(1897) 41:567. Illus. Lend, news (1894) 105: t /O. BOWEN, Charles Christopher, 1830- Gis- borne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 235. Sir Charles Synge Christopher (Lord Bowen) 1835-94. Green bag (1893) 5:“59.* — (1901) 13: -572. Illcs. Lond. news (1894) 104:443.* Van- rrr fair album (1892) 24:pl. 36. Spy f. lith. (age 57, caricature) « Labeled incorrectly. See correct portrait on p. 203. Clarence Winthrop, 1852- ilac. of Am. hist (1890) 23:94.* (group) Eliza, w. of Stephen Jumel. Set Jumel. Sir George Ferguson, 1821-99. Gisborne i N. Zealand rulers (1897j 185. Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:295.* Henry Chandler, publisher, 1813-96. Ammi- DOWN, Hist. coll. (1874) 1:399. A. II. Ritchie eng. (bust) Harper’s w. (1896) 40:224. wdct. Herbert Wolcott, son of II. C. 1856- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:247. wdct. —(1899)43:472. —(1903) 47:8.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121 : 984.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:43.* Jabez, 1739-1875. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 240. eng. after silhouette. John Eliot, 1858-90. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. 8. 3:492. Nathaniel, bp. of S. C. 1779 i;i39. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (189.5) 38. Thomas Meed, c. s. senator, 1835- Harper’s w. (1883) 27:84. wdct. BOWER, Archibald, 1686-1766. European mag. (1794) 25:3. G. Knapton p. T. Holloway eng. Frederick Orpen, 1855- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 126. photo. Sir Graham John, captain, 1848- So. African por. gaU. (1897) 13. Henry. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (189.5) 2:429. eng. after photo. Marion, author. Critic (1901) 38:11. Orie, 1850- Nat. mag. (1892) 17 :183. eng. BOWERS, Henry Francis, founder A. P. A. 1837- Harper’s w. (1894) 38: 1017. wdct. John Philips Allcott, archdea. of Gloucester, 1854- Illus. Innd. news (1902) 120 : 158.* Shepard L. 1827-94. Southern N. II. bar assoc. Pub. (1896) 2, pt. 1:51. Geo. E. Perine eng. Theodore S. u. s. a. 1832-66. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:177. wdct. BOWET, Mrs Ela (de TJfford) w. of Richard Bowet, d. 1400. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 7. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Wrentham church, Suffolk) BOWIE, Richard J. 1807-82. Green bag (1894) 6:274.* Robert, gov. of Md. 17.54-1818. Sr Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 330. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* BOWKER, Frederick. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:261. wdct. BOWLBY, Anthony Alfred, 185.5- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:766.* Henry Bond, bp. suff. of Ckiventry, 1823-94. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:370.* — (1894) 105:266.* BOWLES, Miss, aftw. Mrs Palmer. Mag. of art (1892) 15:149. Reynolds p.* 1776 (child jior.) Francis Tiffany, c. s. x. 1858- Outlook (1902)72:841. G. Stewart. Acad. (1898) 55:115.* George. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (190.3) 90, 27. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, coll. Hon. Gerald Ponsonby) Joshua B. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:645. H. B. Hall eng. Samuel, publisher, 1826-78. Cent. (1885) 8:818.* ILarper’s m^. (189.5) 91:866. T. V. Ch. f.* Harper’s w. (1878) 22:88. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:.580. Samuel, editor, 1851- ILarper’s w. (1902) 46:115. W. A. Rogers del.* Thomas Gibson, 1842- Pall JIall mag. (1899) 18:. 572. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) Van- iTT fair album (1889) 21: pi. 431. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) Rev. WUham Lisle, 1762-1850. Fraser, .50 vears ago. (1888) 186. por.* (Fraser gall.) G.arnett, hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:34. Maclise gall. (1873) 185. MaclLse del. Mus. of for. lit. and sci. (1836) 29:.382. etch. New m. mag. (1820) 14:481. Mullarp. Thomson eng. BOWLIN, James Butler, 1804- Democr.atic rev. (1846) 18:.321. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. BOWLSBY, Alice A. d. 1871. H.arper’s w. (1871) 15:857. wdct. after photo. BOWMAN, Dorothea P. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:639. H. T. Wells p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 44. H. T. Wells p.* James L. of Pa. 1794- Livingston, Por. of em. .\m. (1853) 1:357. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Samuel, asst. bp. of Penna. 1800-61. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (189.5) 1.36. Thomas, m. e. bp. 1817- Harper’s w. (1872) 16:449. wdct. —(1880) 24:344. wdct. —(1888) 24288—06 12 BOWMAN 178 BOYESEN 32:328. sup. wdct. — (1891) 35:375. wdct. —(1896) 40:441. wdct. Sir William, 1st bart. 1816-92. Illus. Lend, news (1884) 84:13.* —(1892) 100:4.50.* Men of mark (1880) 4:pl. 29. photo. BOWNE, Walter, 1770-1846. H.vrper’s w. (1886) 30:348. wdct. Scribner’s map;. (1887) 2:71. Mal- bone p. eng. (miniature, poss. of W. B. Lawrence) Mrs Walter (EUza Southgate) 1783-1809. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 2:67. Malbone p. (miniature, coll, of Walter Bowne Lawrence) BOWRING, Sir John, 1792-1872. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:161. David d’Angers f. 1832* (medal- lion) — 2:161. John King p. 1826.* Harper’s w. (1857) 1:261. wdct. Ili.us. Lond. news (1872) 61:. 541. wdct. after photo. Saunders, Political re- formers (1840) 53. B. E. Duppaf. W. Ilolleng. BOWYER, Sir George, 7th hart. 1811-83. Lnter- NAT. studio (1903) 20:182. Watts del.* (Holland house) Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 293. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Wilham, sr. printer, 1663-1737. Nicuols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1812) 1: front, p. J. Basire sc. & del. (Stationer’s hall) William, jr. printer, 1699 1777. Niciioi-s, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1812) 2: front. J. Basire del. &SC. BOXALL, Sir Wilham, painter, 1800-79. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:275. Michel Angelo Pittatore p.* BOXER, Edward Mourrier, maj. gen. 1823-98. Ii.Lus. Lond. news (1898) 112:42.* BOYCE, Miss, actress. Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 4:273. W. M. Graig del. K. Mackenzie sc. George Price, painter, 1826-97. Mag. of art (1897) 20:344.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 163. II. 11. Armstead sc.* (bas-relief) Mary E. Arena (1892) 6:.364.* Neith. See Ilapgood, Mrs Hutchins. Rev. Wilham B. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1836) 59:. 569. M. Glaxton p. T. A. Dean eng. Wilham W. m. c. 1819- Harper’s w. (1860) 4:801. wdet. BOYCOTT, Charles Cunningham, captain, 18.32-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:40.* Van- ity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 238. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) BOYD, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson, e.ssayist, 1825-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:333.* Mrs Cordeha (Fitter) w. of Walter. Court album (18.53) pi. 11. C. Durham f. W. H. Mote eng. George. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 173. John Kay f. 1780 & eng. Hugh, 1746-94. Eltiopean mag. (1800) .37:339. R. Home del. W. Ridley eng. James, 1793-1855. Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 40. J. P. Murphy co. eng. Van Slyck, N. C. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 130. eng. James E. gov. of Nebr. 1834- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:889. wdct. Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1838) 61:801. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. John Parker, 1768-1310. Harper’s mag. (186.3) 27:147. eng. St ilE.MiN, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 222. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Mark Alexander, 1.563-1601. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 25. (por. from scarce reprint bj’ De Leu) Michael A. m. d. d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:413.* Robert, of Trochrig, 1578-1627. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 1:288. J. Rogers eng. after p. Samuel Stihman, 1803-67. Cleveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 334. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Sir Thomas Jamieson, 1818-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:85. W. Brodie sc. wdet. (bust) Mrs Wilham. See Wilson, Susan. BOYD family name. See also title Kilmarnock. BOYDELL, John, 1719-1804. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 20. G. Stuart p.I II. Meyer eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 19. Sir William Beechey p.* Eu- ropean mag. (1792) 21:243. A. Pope del. J. Conddsc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:132. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:366. J. Gillray del. 1791. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) BOYDEN, Nathaniel, 1796-1873. Green bag (1892) 4:. 571.* BOYE, Martin Hans, 1812- New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:640. BOYEN, Hermann von, 1771-1848. Aum. de Gotha (1846) 83: pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:^1. Friedrich Jentzen lith.* Werck.melster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnis.sen (1898) l:pl. 81 p.* (poss. of family) BOYER, Jean Baptiste de, 1704-71. See Argens, marquis d’. BOYER-FONFRilDE, Jean Baptiste, 1766-93. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1!X)4) ser. 3, 3:29.5. Vincent p.* (with his wife and 2 children, Versailles) BOYESEN, HjalmarHjorth, 1848-95. America’s grtst men & women (1H94) 59. Book buyer (1886) 3:331. —(1895) 12:557. —(1901)21:551. Book- man (1895) 2: 169.* Critic (1895) 27:237. Har- per’s mag. (1886) 73:826.* —(1900) 101:826. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:661. wdct. —(1892) 36:136. — (1895) 39:1001. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1893) BOYLE 179 BRABAZON 1:22-23* (various por.) Scribner’s in. (1S77) 14:776. Wyatt Eaton del. ong. BOYLE, 1st viscount, Lewis Boyle, 1619-42. Smith, Mary Rich, counte.ss of Warwick (1901) 96. p.* (Marston) Sir Cavendish, 1849- Illus. Loud, news (1901) 124:486.* Cecil, 1853-1901. Baiey’s inag. (1901) 75:257.* 5ir Courtenay, vice-admiral, 1770-1844. Clowes, Royal navj’ (1900) 5:90. miniature, 1810? Blood lith. Sir Courtenay, 1845-1901. Ili.us. Lond. news (1901) 118:745.* David (Lord Boyle) Scotch judge, 1772-1853. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 312. John Kay f. 1812 & eng. Sir Edward, 1st hart. 1849- Illus. Ijond. news (1904) 125:724.* George David, dean of Salisbury, 1828-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:148.* Henry, d. 1725. See Carleton, 1st baron. James. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:917. wdet. John. Meth. mag. (1803) 26:3. John J. sculptor, 1851- Fairmount, Park art U.S.SOC. 26th report (1898) 2.* Michael, abp. of Armagh, 1609-1702. Earix5m, Por. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. Wiiit.man, Ma.stcrs of mezzo. (1898) 30. G. Zoust,p. Richard Purcell sc. B,obert, 1627-91. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899)78. Kerseboom p. Andrew ^iillcr eng.* Bioc. mag. 1. (1794) Storer sc. after Vertue. Birch, Hoads (1813) 135. Kersseboom p. George Vertue del. & sc.. 1739. Cab. por. gall. Brit, worthies (1846) 9:61. eng. Cent. (1883) 4:109. por.* (poss. of Lord Dover) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 4:779. R. Woodman eng. after por. (poss. Lord Dover) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 179. Frederic Kerseboom p.* Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 317. wdet. Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 1:72. R. Woodman eng. after por. (poss. Lord Dover) Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1789) 3:161. IxiixiE, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 12. W. Holl eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. erit. (1901) 2:519. R. Wood- man eng. after p ? Pop. .sci. m. (1893) 42:433. Por. gall. (1853) 2:399. Woodman sc. after por. (poss. of Ixird Dover) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 110. W. Faithome del. & sc.* Select biog. of celeb, char, pi. 29. Kers.sebooin p. H. Meyer sc. Wills, Irish nation, 2:661. W. Holl eng. Mrs Virginia (Frazer) Bookman (1897) 6:277.* BOYLE family name. See also titles Burlington; Carlton of Carleton; Cork; Dungarvan; Gla.sgow; Orrery; Shannon. BOYLSTON, Nicholas, 1716-71. Harvard gi-ad. mag. (1895) 4:206. Copley p.* (Harvard univ. coll.) WiN.sfiR, Mem. hi.st. of Bo.ston (1881) 2:453. Copley p. Kilburn sc. Thomas. Win.sor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:556. Copley p. eng. Mrs Thomas, d. 1774. Masters in art (1904) 5:473. Copley p.* (Harvard univ.) BOYN, John, 1852- Cent. (1904) 46:244. tin- type 1877* (age 25) BOYNE, Leonard. Bookman (1904) 18:515* (w'ith Marie Tempest in The marriage of Kitty) Theatre (1884) ser. 4, 4:181. photo. — (1891) ser 4, 17:15. photo, (with Olga Brandon) BOYNEBDHG, Konrad von, 1494-1567. Becii- STEIN, 200 dcutsche manner (1854) pi. 164. eng. BOYNES, Pierre Etieime Bourgeois. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2683. eng. BOYNTON, Henry Van Ness, 1835-1905. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:941. Paul Renouard del. wdet. John Farnham, geologist, 1811-90. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:745. wdet. Mrs John Famham (Mary West Jenkins) Harper’s w. (1865) 9:745. wdet. Joseph, 1818- Van Slyck, N. Z maRufactur- ers (1879) 1:135. eng. L. R. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:185. wdet. Nathaniel Augustus, 1823-1900. N. Y. OENEAL. & biog. record (1900) 31: 118.* BOYTON, Washington Wallace, 1833- Green bag (1895) 7:235.* BOZE, Claude Gros de, numismatist, 1680-1753. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Chevalier p. N. Depuis sc. BOZZOLO, ]>rincipe di, d. 1527. See Gonzaga, Federigo di. BRABANT, dukes of, down to Philippe I, 140.5-.30. Series in Chroniicke vande hertoghen van Brabant (1612). duede, Wenceslas, d. 1383. Hymans, Bruxelles 1 :59. duchesse de, Jeanne, dan. of Jean HI, w. of Wen- ceslas, 1322-1406. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:59. due de, Albert. Jiirb. d. kiinsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) 11: pi. 33. statue.* Ermelindis de, daii. of Duke Albert. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.serhauses (1890) ll:pl. 33- statue.* For later dukes of Brabant see Burgundy and Flanders. Sir Edward Yewd, maj. gen. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:870. BRABAZON, John Palmer, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:383.* Vanity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 360. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BRABAZON family name. See also title Meath. BRABOURNE 180 BRABOUHNE, 1st baron, Edward KnatchbuU- Hugessen, 1829-93. Ii.i.us. Lond. new.s (1893) 102:170.* Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 51. Ape f. lith. (caricature) BRACCIANO, signor di, Virginio Orsini, d. 1497. See Orsini. BRACCIO DA MONTONE, Andrea, 1368-1424. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 42. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. IcoNOO. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 27. p. Kcdenti sc. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:206, fig. 62. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) BRACCIOLINI, Giovanni Francesco Poggio- 1380-14.59. See Poggio-Bracciolini. BRACE, Charles Boring, 1826-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:664. wdct. Tu.us. Lond. news (1890) 97:291.* Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11 ;532. C. K.eng. Sir Edward, admiral, d. 1843. Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5:417. por.* (poss. F. G. O. Brace) Mrs Frank. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 143. Luke Fildes p.* Jonathan, 1754-1837. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 468. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* Theodore, 1835- Green bag (1891) 3: 183.* BRACEBRIDGE, Mary Holte. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimcr (1903) 90, pi. 98. An- drew Plimer p.* (miniature, coll. J. Pierpont Morgan) BRACEGIRDLE, Anne, actress, 1663?-1748. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. S. Harding del. after miniature. James Stow sc. Book buyer (1895) 12:571. old print.* Cibber, Apology (18^) 1:188. J. Smith and W. Vincent p? R. B. Parkes mezzo, (as the Indian queen) Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:302. eng. BRACHT, Eugen, painter, 1842- Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:64. Max Koner p. 1893.* Tielmanvan, 1625-64. Wit, Afbeeldingen van veele voornaame mannen (1743) pi. 24. J. C. Philips del. & f. S. Fokke sc. BRACKENBTJRY, Charles Booth, maj. gen. 1831-90. Illus. Ijond. news (1890) 96:804.* Sir Henry, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:593.* BRACKENRIDGE, Henry Marie, 1786-1871. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:698. wdct. Hugh Henry, 1748-1816. Duyckinck, Cyclo. .\m. lit. (1877) 1:;105. wdct. BRACKETT, C. F. McClure’s mag. (190.3) 20:232.* Cyrus Foss, profes-sor. Princeton Inaik (1.879) 1.55. Geo. A. of Minneapolis. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:748. wdct. BBADDYL John Quincy Adams, gov. of Mass. 1842- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:912. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:667. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 292. J. II. Daniels eng. BRACKLEY, 1st viscount, Thomas Egerton, 1540-1617. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3:pl. 3. Harding sc. after p. (coll, of duke of Bridgewater) Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:380. eng. 1794.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 4: pi. 11. W. Holl eng. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 1 :33. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 2: 170. p? (poss. duke of Bridge- water, 1806) Becquet eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 75. 'Trotter sc. after p. (Wootton court, Kent) BRACQ, Martin Joseph, cur6 dc Ribecourt, 1743- 1801. Biog. modeme (1^7) 2:333. Perrin del. Courbe sc. BRACQUEMOND, FeTix, ia33- L’i^t (1878) 12:290. Fdlix Bracquemond p. PaulRajonsc. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 10. ^oto. Gaz. dcs beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 30: 155. Kajon p. Internat. studio (1904) 23:93.* Mme Felix (Marie ) Internat. studio (1904) 23:97. F. Bracquemond eng. 1876.* BRACY, Henry. 'Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:257 photo, (group from the Mascotte) BRADBURN, John, bookseller, 1805- Bookman (1895) 2: 154.* Samuel, 1751-1816. Arminian mag. (17&5) 8:65 (age .32) — (1796) 19:467. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 41) Frederick Ashe, 1837- Baily’s mag. (1888) 50: front. G. J. Stodart sc. after photo. BRADBURY, James Ware, 1802-1901. Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 63. eng. (age 78) Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (18&) 293. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1309. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:121. eng. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:75.* John Merrill, 1818-76. N. E. hist, and geneal. reg. (1877) 31:. 365. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. Joseph P. Green bag (1895) 7:105* (group) —7:287.* BRADDOCK, Edward, general, 169.5-1755. Har- per’s mag. (1S96) 92 : .564. L. W. Hitchcock del. 1895.* New Eno. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:299. BRADDON, Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry, premier of Tasmania, 1829-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:184.* —(1904) 124:218.* BRADDYL, Wilson Gale. Gil^ves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1192. Reynolds p.* (with wife & son) Mrs Wilson Gale. .iIrmstrono, Reynolds (1900) 157. Reynolds p. 1788-89.* Book.man (1900) 12: 13. Reynolds p.* Mao. of art (1892) 15:145. Reynolds p.* —(1897) 21:8. Re>Tiolds p.* —(1901) 25:540. Reynolds p.* Pall iLAi.i. mag. (1901) 24: 145. Rey- BRADEN 181 BRADLEY nolds p.* Redfoud, Art sales (1888) 1:39. Reynolds p.* Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 104. Rey- nolds p. S. Coasins eng. 1847. BRADEN, James, 1818-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2251. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. BRADFORD, 7th earl of, Orlando Bridgeman, 1819-98. Baii-y’s mag. (1868) 14:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:172. F. Grant f. G. Zobel eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:397.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 25. John Riley p.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 188. Ape f. lith. (caricature) countess of, lion. Miss Selina Louise (Forester) w. of 7th earl, d. 1894. See Forester. countess of. Lady Ida Annabella Frances (Lumley) w. of 8th earl, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:914. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 19. lith. Alexander Warfield, 1815-67. Harper’s w. ( 1857) 1 : 557. wdct. — ( 1867) 11:749. wdct. Amory Howe, n. d. 1846- Outixiok (1901) 69:534. Cornelia F. head of Whittier House, Jersey City. Outlook (1904) 78:308.* Donald, 1861- Nat. mag. (1891) 15:154. eng. Sir Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st hart. 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:76.* — (1897) 111 :53.* —(1902) 121 :20.* Vanity fair album (1890) 22:pl. 488. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George P. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 691. eng. George Partridge, d. 1890. New' Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:396. John, 15101-55. Holland, Herwologia Anglica (1620) 151. eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:35. Jb Jenkins eng. John, 1749-1830. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 18:125. Joseph. Arminian mag. (1783) 6:505 (age 35) Laura. Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 102. W. Small p.* Mrs Mary Carroll (Craig) 1856- Arena (1895) 14:14.* Robert Bruce, 1832- Democratic rev. (1858) 42:257. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Samuel. Critic (1903) 42:419* (in 1875, with R. W. Emerson & Wm. H. Fume.ss) New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:462. William, colonel and printer, 1719-91. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:20. rare copy of miniature* (poss. of Penn. hist, soc.) Penn. mag. of hist, and biog. (1891) 15:385. eng. after miniature (Hist. soc. of Penn.) Wharton, Salons (1900) 33. miniature.* WiUiam, atty.-gen. U. S. 1755-95. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1^2) pi. 9. St Memin del. & eng.* Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 143. FIdwin eng. Wilham, artist, 1824-92. New' Eng. mag (1897) n. s. 16:293. BRADISH, Luther, lieut.-gov. of N. Y. 1783-1863. Electic mag. (1863) (K): front. G. E. Perine eng. after photo. BRAD LAUGH, Alice, dau. of Charles, 1856- Bon- ner, Charles Bradlaugh (1894) 1:48.* Charles, m. p. 1833-91. Art j. (1894) 46:286. G. Tineworth sc.* (statue) Bonner, Charles Brad- laugh (1894) l:front. (age 20) — 2:front. Walter Sickert p. —2: 16. photo. 1877. —2:240. W. Sick- ert p. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:99. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1^) 77:5. —(1891) 98:179.* —(1894) 104:778. G. Tinworth sc.* (statue, Northampton) R. OF rev. (1891) 3:113.* —3:235. Stead, Por. and autographs (1891) 38.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 328. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BRADLEE, Caleb Davis, d. d. 1831-97. N. E. HIST, and geneal. reg. (1898) 52:153. F. T. Stuart eng. Mrs Josiah (Lucy Hall) Cent. (1899) n. s. 36:363. Gilbert Stuart p. Henry Wolf eng. N. J. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:536. wdct. BRADLEY, Alexander, 1812- Mag. of West, hist. (1885) 2:589. eng. Alva, 1814- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:452 Ritchie eng. after photo. Andrew Cecil. Internat. studio (1904) 22:6. George Henry p. 1902.* Stew'art, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 72. Arthur Granville, writer, 1850- Critic (1902) 40:39-4.* Charles Smith, jurist, 1819- Biog. encyl. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 31. eng. Green bag (1890) 2:531. Denis M. r. c. bp. of Manchester, N. H. 1846- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:369. wdct. George Beckwith, 1825- Green bag (1890) 8:329* (group “ N. Y. Ct. of Appeals, 2d Div. 1890 ”) George Granville, dean of Westminster, 1821- 1903. Cameron, Tennyson and his friends (1893) pi. 21.* Cary, Tennyson (1898) 216.* Harper’s w. (1881) 25:813. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:272.* —(1903) 122:424.* Men of mark (1883) 7:18. photo. Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 411. Spy f. lith. (caricature) James, 1693-1762. Berry, Short hist, of astron- omy (1899) 2.58. Craik, Pict. hist, of Eng. (1849) 4:784. Richardson p. E. Scriven eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:235. Thomas Hudson p. copy.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:728-9. Richardson p. Scriven eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1836) 6:69. Rich- ardson p. Scriven eng. Por. gall. (18.53) 2:546. Rich- ardson p. Scriven sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 4: pi. 46. Jonathan Richardson p.* Joseph Philo, jurist, 1813-92. Barnes, W.H. Supreme court of U. S. (1877) 107. II. B Hall’s sons eng. after photo. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 464. Max Ro.senthal etch. 1889 after photo. Cent. (1882)3:168 Green bag (1892) 4: 145.* —(1903) 15:376.* Har- per’s w. (1877) 21:125. wdct. —(1890) 34: 104. wdct. BHADLEY 182 BRAGG —(1892) 3(5:117. wdct. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:209. eng. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:32. N. J. hist. soc. Proc. (1893) ser. 2, 12:143. eng. Wilson, lli.st. of Am. people (1902) 5:111. from Harper’s w.* Nathaniel L. 1829- Davis, N.E. states (1897) 2 : 1082. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Samuel, 1802-49. Cleavei..\ni), Ili.st. of Bow- doin coll. (1882) 217. II. W. Smith sc. I Samuel Ayer, 1774-1844. Willis, Hist, of law . . . and lawyers of .Me. (1863) 408. J. II. BnfTord lith. Stephen Rowe, 1754-1830. Geeen hag (1893) 5:555. WillH. illustrator. Book buyer (1896) 13:23^5. Wilham L. 1826-94. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2270. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. William O’Connell, gov. of Ky. 1847- Har- per’s w. (1895) 39: 1083. wdct. BRADNACK, Isaac. Meth. mag. (1810) 33:89. Branwliite p. Ridley sc. BRADSHAW, Anna, of Menotomy. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 26:90. John, 1602-59. Ce-t. (HXX)) 38:228. eng.* from GUp'ndpn’s Hist. »f the civil war (Hope coll. Oxford) CLAKENoC/.r,*lxii.t. of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 1 :245. M. V. de Gucht sc. Fellowes, Hi.st. sk. of Charles the 1st (1828) 375. Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 104. Robert Walker p. eng. Green bag (1899) 11:313. Grevedon del. after p. Lang lith. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 268. eng. '<* from Clarendon’s Hist, of the civil war. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 2: pi. 76. Robert Walker p.* Stern, Gescli. der revolution in Eng. (1881) 191. S. Freeman eng. after drawing. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 2:41. eng BRADSTREET, Simon, 1603-97. Baiusy (S. Loring) Hist, sketclies of Andover (1880) front. H. W. Smith eng. after p. (Mass, state house) Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 513. H. W. Smith eng„ after p. (Mass, .state house) E.ssex antiq. (1898) 2:151. Fiske, Beginnings of N. E. (1898) 289. p.* (Mass, senate) New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:.521. Osgood and Batchelder, Hist, sketch of Salem (1879) 14. p.* (Essex inst.) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1880) 1:209. Kilburn sc. BRADWELL, James B. 1828- III. bar assoc. Proc. (1891) 14: front.* Mrs Myra (Colby) w. of J. B. 1831-94 Green bag (1890) 2: 13.* III. bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 17:87.* Illl's. Lond. news (1897) 111:696. Stanton, Woman suITrage (1882) 2:617. eng. BRADY, Cyrus Townsend, 1861- Book buyer (1898)16:20,21. — ( 1 !XX)) 20 : 3.52. Bookman (1901) 14:33.5.* Critic (1900) 37:10.* James Topham, 181.5-69. Cent. (1901)40:813.* Eclectic mag. (1870) 74:128. Geo. E. Perine eng. Green bag (1891) 3:30.5. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:248. wdct. —(1863) 7:177. wdct. —(1869) 13:141,708. wdct. PoR. m. (1864) 1 : 125. wdct. Scott, Dist in. Am. lawyers (1891) 65. * John Riker, 1821-91. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:868. wdct. — (1891) 35:2.32. wdct. Robert, m. d. d. 1700. .Vdolphl's,* Brit. cab. (1799) ‘2:pl. :30. E. Harding sc. after p. (Caius coll. Cainbr.) Sir Thomas Francis, 1824-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:466.* Thomas J. comr. of buildings, N. Y. Hari’er’s w. (1899) 43:882. BRAEKELEER, Ferdinand de, 1792-1883. Acad. roy. de Belgique, -V.nn. (188,5) 51:237. J. B. Michiels f. eng. Henri de, painter, 1840-88. Illcs. Lond. news (1888) 93:65. BRAEM, Hendrik M. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:661. wdct. BRAEMT, Pierre Joseph, 1796-1864. Acad. roy. de Belgique, .\nn. (1867) 33: 108. J. Demannez eng. BRAESTLER, Charles. St Mehin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 370. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* BRAGANZA, duqueza de, Adelheid (of Lowen- stein-Wertheim-Rosenberg) w. of duke Miguel, 1831- Tcllberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:179. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duque de, Miguel, 1853- Tcllberg, FOrsten- hauscr Europ. por. (1898) 1:175. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duqueza de, Therese (of Lowenstein-Wertheim- Rosenberg) w. of Miguel, 1870- Tcllberg, Fiirsten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:175, 178. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duque de, Luiz Fehpe, crown prince of Portu- gal, 1887- Illcs. Lond. news (1894) 105:340.* — (1902) 121 : 177.* Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Euro^ por. (1899) 2:. 523. .\.gi Lindegren del. after photo. Adelgonde de, princess, 18,58- See Bardi, con- te.ssa di. Fran 9 ois Joseph de, prince, s. of duke Miguel, 1879- Tcllberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (189X) 1 : 177. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Maria das Neves de, princess, 1852- See Bourbon. Marie Theresia de, princess, dau. of duke Miguel, 1881- See Thurn u. Taxis, prinzessin von. Miguel de, prince, s. of duke Miguel, 1878- Tuli.berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:177. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BRAGG, Addison G. pat. medicine mfr. 1811- Gleason’s pict. (18.52) 3:372. eng. Braxton, general, C. S. A. 1817-76. Cent. (1887) 11:938.* Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 5:71. G. E. Perine eng. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8: 144.* Por. m. (1863) 1:96. wdct. Snow, ^uth- ern gen. (1866) 3,39. O’Neill eng. Edward Stuyvesant, 1827- (1896) 40:797. wclct. Harper’s w. BRAGG 1 83 BR AMWELL Walter L. 1838-91. H.4rpf.r’s w. (1887) 31:237. wdct. William. Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:330.* BRAHAM, Joan, d. 1519. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 : pi. .53. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814. (Frense church, Norfolk) John, singer, 17741-1856. Art. j. (1887) 39: 142. West'p. ? (SirlluoninOberon) Ladies’ m. mus. (1827) imp. ser. 25:181. Monthly mirror (1803) 16:1. Allingham p. Ridley eng. Leonora. Theatre (1882) ser. 3, 5:129.* — (1885) ser. 4, 6:57. photo, (with Sibyl Grey & Jessie Bondi BRAHE, Tycho, 1545-1601. Berry, Short hist, of astronomy (1899) 139. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:105. De L’armessin sc. eng. Catii. world (1895) 61 :.590. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe Ulus. (1777) V. 5. eng. Droysen, Gesch. de gegen- reformation (1893) 294. Jac. de Ghejm eng. 1.586.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateui's, 3:870. J. de Gheyn f. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 112. J. de Gheyn sc. 1586.* BRAHMS, Johannes, 1833-97. L’Art (1891) 51:304. S. Hugard del.* (front, of Jullien’s Musiciens d’aujourd’hui) Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 82. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* Bettelheim, Biog. jahrb. and deutsch. nekrolog. (1897) 2:1.* Cent. (1901) 39:727. drawing. — 39:728 (1895)* Champlin, Cyclop, of music (1888) 1:280. S. Hollycr etch. Critic (1901) 39:523-527 (7 photos) Hadow, Studies in mod. music (1895) 2:248.* Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:625. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:442. wdct. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) 60:70. Adolf Hildebrand f.* (detail Brahms monument) Out- look (1902) 70:84. — 70:86. crayon por.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) l:pl. 29.* — 1:505-10 (3 por.) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bild- nissen (1900) 4: pi. 393,* 394.* BRAEDWOOD, Francis, d. 1827? Kay, Orig. por. ( 1877) 2: pi. 213. John Kay f. 1789 & eng. BRAILLE, Louis, printing for blind, 1809-52. New End. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:329. BRAILSFORD, Edward, of S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 193. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* photo. BRAINARD, David Legge, u. s. a. 1856- Har- per’s w. (1884) 28:485. wdct. John Gardiner Calkins, 1796-1828. Duyck- INCK, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:966. Roberts sc. Token (1830) 121. Tisdale p. eng. John M. 1836- Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1:391. BRAINE, Daniel Lawrence, u. s. n. 1829-98. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:673. wdct. —(1889) 33:940. wdct. BRAINERD, Cephas, 1831- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:261.* Ezra, pres. Middlcbury coll. 1844- New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 11:136. BRAITH, Anton, painter, 1836- Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 1:161. wdct. BRAITHWAITE, John. .Uminian mag. (1795) 18:317. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 23) Richard, 1588-1673. See Brathwaite. BRAMAN, Rev. Isaac, 1770-1858. Essex antiq. (1899) 3:81. BRAMANTE (Donato Lazzari) 14441-1514. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:347. N. de L’armessin sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:105.5. Caradosso f. wdct. (medallion) Hist. gall, of por. ( 1 809) 4 : pi . 5. Bacon f . p . ? George Cooke sc . Knight, Gall, of por. (1836) 6:156. Alessandre D’Este p. J. Po.sselwhite eng. Por. gall. (1853) 1:41. Alessandro d’Este p. J. Posselwhite sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 19. Caradosso f.* (medal) Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 88. eng. BRAMER, Leonard, 1596-1650. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:416. C. Eisen inv. R. Gaillard sc. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 10. I. Girtin eng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 44. Leon Bramer p. Ant. van der Does sc. lo. Meyssens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 63. Bramer p. A. van der Does sc. Meyssens ex. Weyerman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. Konst- schilders (1728) l;pl. I 25. A. van der Does eng. ? J. Houbraken eng. BRAMHALL, John, abp. of Armagh, 1593?-1663. Biog. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 18. Harding del. after p.? Harding sc. (Sidney Sussex coll. Cambr.) BRAMLEY, Frank, painter, 1857- Ii.lus. Lond. news (1894) 104:147.* Mag. of art (1890) 13:200. Hubert Vos del. 1889. —(1894) 17:179.* Scrib- ner’s mag. (1894) 15:425.* Jfrs Frank. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 80. Bram- ley p.* BRAMPTON, 1st baron, Sir Henry Hawkins, 1817- Baily’s mag. (1888) 49:429. G. J. Stodart f. after photo. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:3.* Green bag (1893) 5:57.* —(1896) 8:289. —(1899) 11:49.* — (1901) 13:529. Harper’sw. (1874) 18:261. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:4?6. wdct. after photo. —(1898) 113:945.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 30. photo. Nicholson, 12 por. (1899) pi. 8. Nicholson del.* Notables of Britain (1897) 53.* Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 64. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BRAMSTON, Sir John, 1577-1654. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:131. Daniel Mytens p.* BRAMWELL (of Hever) 1st baron, George Wil- liam Wilshere Bramwell, 1808-92. Green bag (1895)7:71.* —(1901) 13:390. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 1(X):618. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 11. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 184 BRANDENBURG BRAMWELL Sir Frederick Joseph, 1st hart. 1818-1903. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 141. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Van- ity fan- album (1892) 24: pi. 546. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) John Milne, m. d. 1852- Pall Mall mag. (1903) 29:385.* William. Arminian mag. (1793) 16:57. Ridley sc. (age 32) BRANCAS, Andre Baptiste de, seigneur de Vil- lars, admiral, d. 1595. V'ERSAiLLEs,Gal. hist.Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1213. Gcillc eng. Louis de, marquis de Cdreste, 1672-17.50. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 45. Gal- lait p. after family por. eng. BRANCH, Lawrence O’Brien, 1820-62. Cent. (1886) 10:312. BRANCONI, grafin, Maria Antonia (von Else- ner) 1751- Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 204. Gabriel Fie.ssinger del.* BRAND, lion. Arthur George, 1853- Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 638. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Hon. Charles, 1855- Daily’s mag. (1903) 80:329.* James. Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 401. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Sir Jan Hendrik, pres. Orange Free State, 1823-88. Illus. Lend, news (1881) 78: 325.* Tiieal, Story of So. Africa (1894) 319. John, actor. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:914. wdet. (as Ferdinand in The Chieftain) BRAND family name. See also title Hampden (of Glynde) BRAND-HOLLIS, Thomas, 1719-1804. See Hollis. BRAND ARD, E. P. engraver, 1819-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:249.* Mao. of art (1898) 22:344.* BRANDENBERG, Johann, painter, 1660-1729. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1763) 4:23. eng. BRANDENBURG, markgraf von, Otto I, d. 1184. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:488. coin.* markgraf von, Otto IV, 1266-1309. Allo. well- ge.schichte (1891) 6:28. seal* (Berlin, Roy. archives). Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:14. Heidel- berger Minnesinger ms. lith. — 1:16. seal. Prutz, Staatengasch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:135. C. L. Becker del. after impression of seal (Berlin, Royal archives) kurfurst von, Friedrich I, 1371-1440. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:368. eng. 1417* (with Fried- rich burggraf von Niirnberg, from Ulrich v. Richen- tal’s Chronicle, Constance libr.) Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:44. lith. after p. 1417 (at Ka- dolzburg). Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:691. Len- fant, Hist.du Concile de Constance (1714) 2:4t>5. B. Picart eng. 1712. kurfurstin «m,Ehsabeth (of Bavaria) w. of Fried- rich I, 1383-1442. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:44. lith. after p. 1417 (at Kadolzbuig). kurfurst von, Albrecht III Achilles. 1414-86. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 6: .581. eng. 1602.* Ber- ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :73. Dominicus Gustos eng. 1601.* Prutz, Staatengosch. d. abend- landes (1887) 2:509. eng. 1602.* kurfurst von, Johann Cicero, 14.5.5-99. Berner, Gesch. (1. preus. staates (1891) 1:80. monument* (cathedral, Berlin). Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:208, fig. 89. p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) kurfurst von, Joachim I, 1484-1.535. Berner, Ge.sch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:84. Lucas Cranach p. 1529* (age 4.5) — 1:86. seal.* — 1:96. coin I. 521.* Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1.S90) 331. A. Liitke del. after coin (Berlin, Roy. coin-cab.) kurfurst von, Joachim II, 1.50.5-71. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 163. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :99. Franz Friedrich eng. 1.570* (age 65). — 1:105 medal.* Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 684. A. Lutke del. after coin 1537 (Berlin, Roy. coin-cab.) Ztsuh. f. bildende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:6. II. Magnussen f.* (monument) kurfurstin W7i,Hedwig (of Poland) w. of Joachim II, d. 1.573. Bezold, Gesch. d. deuLsch. reformation (1890) 684. A. Liitke del. after coin 1.537 (age 24, Ber- lin, Royal coin-cab.) markgraf %x>n, Albrecht Alcibiades, 1522-57. Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 828. A. Liitke del. after medal 1.534 (Roy. coin-cab. Berlin) margkraf von, Wilhelm, aim. of Riga, d. 1.563. SciiiEMANN, Rus.sland, Polen u. Livland (1887) 2:225. Karl Baron Ungem-Stemberg del. 1826 after monu- ment. kutfiirst von, Johann Georg, 1525-98. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:107. Franz Fried- rich f. Peter Hille eng.* (age 56). — 1:111. coin 1 597.* Droysen , Gc.sch. der gegenreformation (1893) 382. R. Liitke del. after medallion 1.597 (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs 2:676. wdet. Seidlitz, Por. (1894) l:pl. 113. F. Friedrich eng.* kurfurstin von, EUsabeth (of .\nhalt) w. of Johann Georg, 1.563-1607. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:111. coin 1.597* (Roy. coin-cab. Ber- lin) markgraf von, Georg Friedrich, 1.539-1603. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1088. Andrea Riel p. L. Kilian eng. kutfiirst von, Joachim Friedrich, 1.546-1608. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. .staates (1891) 1:113. Franz Friedrich eng.* — 1:115 medal* (Berlin, coin-cab.) Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 303. Franz Friedrich eng.* BRANDENBURG 185 BRANDENBURG Icurfiirstin von, Katharina (of Kustrin) \v. of Joacliim Friedrich. Berner, Gcsch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:115. medal* (Roj^ coin-cat). Berlin) hirfiirst von, Johann Siegmund, 1572-1619. Ali.o. wcltgeschichte (1886) 7:(>21. medal* (Royal coin-cab. Berlin) — (1887) 8:7. medal* (Royal coin- cab. Berlin) Berner, Gasch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :1 18. Crispin de Passe eng.* — 1 : 121 coin* (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) Winter, Gesch. dcs SOjabrigen krieges (1893) 88. A. Liitke del. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) markgraf von, Johann Georg von Jagerndorf, 1.577-1624. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3 ; 36. eng.* (from Theatrum Europeum) kurfurst von, Georg Wilhelm, 1595-1640. Ber- ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 : 125. Simon de Pa-sse del.& sc.* — 1:1.33. coin 1620* (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) — 1:140. medal 1639 (with his son Fried- rich Wilhelm) Erd.mannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:88. A. Liitke del. after medal (with his son Friedrich Wilhelm, Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) IIaufer’s mag. (1883) 68:693. Heyck, Monograph, z. welt- gesch. (1898) 3:61. coin 1628.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3: 1075. Crispin de Passe f. eng. (equestr. por.) Winter, Gesch. dcs. 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 89. Wolfgang Kilian eng.* — p. 3.56. G. Rehlender del. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) — p. 372. A. Liitke del. after medal (with his son Friedrich Wilhelm, Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) kurfiirst von, Friedrich Wilhelm, the Great Elector, 1620-88. Allg. weltgc.schichte (1887) 8: .545. medal 1681.* — 8:546. M. Merian, jr. p. P. Killian sc.* Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 1.54. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 : 132. p.* (Berlin, Roy. castle, age 10). — 1 : 140. medal 1639* (as electoral prince). — 1: 145. etch. 1647.* — 1:148 P. Nason p.* (with his wife Louise Ilenriette) — 1:216. Jakob Cole mezzo.* — 1:224. A. Schulter & J. Jacobi sc. (statue at Berlin) ERDMANSDiiRFFEii, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:169. A. Lutke del. after coin 1645 (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) — 1:342. M. Mer- ian, jr. p. Ph. Kilian eng. — 1:343. A. Lutke del. after medal (Berlin, coin-cab.) — (1893) 2:104. Andreas Schliiter sc.* (eque-str. statue, Berlin), — 1 :424. Ant. Mason eng. 1683.* — 1:461. A. Liitke del. after medal 1681.* — 1:466. A. Liitke del. after coin 1686.* — 1:727. P. Nason p.* Gould, Ger- many (1898) 266. medal* (with his wife). Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:695. E. H. sc. after equestr. statue* (Berlin) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:87. Andreas Schluter sc.* (statue, Berlin) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1891) pi. 1.3. Andreas Schluter sc.* (equestr. statue) Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1439. G. van Honthorst p. C. Vischer eng. — 5:1855. A. Masson del.? & eng. Jahrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1890) 11:122. Pieter Nason p.* PiiiLippsoN, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV’ (1879) 66. G. F. Schmidt p. G. P. Busch eng. 1732. Reber u. Bayers- dorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899) 12:pl. 1.589. Sebas- tiano Bombelli p.* (Schlesisches mus. Bre.slau) Seidlitz, Portnltwerk (1894) 2:pl. 111. P. Nason p. G. Bartsch sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 4:59. vignette. Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 646. A. Liitke del. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1891) 26:25. Franciscus Dasart sc. wdet. (statue). — (189.5) n. s. 6:271. Schliiter sc.* (statue) kurf i'iTstin, Luise Henriette (of Orange) w. of Friedrich Wilhelm, 1627-69. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:148. Pieter Nason p.* (with her husband). — 1:1.57. Geiward von Honthorst p.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesh. (1901) 14:5. medal 1683* kurfurstin von, Dorothea (of Holstein-Gliicks- burg) w. of Friedrich Wilhelm, 1636-89. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:219. Jacob Vaillant p.* Gould, Germany (1898) 266. medal* (with her husband) For later electors, kings of Prussia, see the fore- names. graf von, Friedrich Willielm, 1792-18.50. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:. 50. Carl Mayer lith.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (181X)) 1:283. Vollgold sc. C. Fischer lith. (bust) Albrecht von, elector of Mentz, cardinal, 1480- 1.515. Alixi. wcltgeschichte (1886) 7:22. Albrecht Durer eng. 1.519.* — 7:85. Cranach p.* (Berlin mus.) Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch reformation (1890) 76. Lukas Cranach p.* — p. 265, 693. A. Liitke eng. after coin, 1.526, & medal (Berlin, Roy. coin-cab.) Greiger, Renaissance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 3.57. Albrecht Diirer eng. 1519.* Hamerton, Man in art (1892) 276. Diirer eng. Amand-Durand f. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 1:42. Albrecht Diirer eng? (age 29) Jure. d. kuns- thist. saniml. d. kai.serhauses. (189.5) 16: pi. 6, fig. 2, 4. Ludwig Krug f. 1.526* (2 medals) Knackfuss, Kilnstler-monog. (1900) 5:119. Diirer eng. 1.523*. LesLETTREsetiesarts(1889)2: 168. Albert Diireretch. 1519. ScHiEMANN, Russland, Polen u. Li.land (1887) 2:194. Cranach p.?* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 63. A. Diirer eng. 1.523.* Siionbrunner Haiidzeich. altermeister, 2 : pi. 193. Diirer eng.* Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:85. Cranach p.* Ztscii. f. biicherfreunde (1902) 6:265. Albrecht Diirer eng.* (age 29) Albrecht von, 1st duke of Pru.s.sia, 1490-1568. Bezold, Gesch. der deutsch. reformation (1890) 380. A. Liitke eng. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin cab.) Morfill, Story of Poland (1893) 73. eng.* — p. 87. medal.* Schie.mann, Russland, Polen u. Livland (1887) 2:282. A. Liitke eng. after medal (Berlin, Royal coin-cab.) Barbara von, marchioness of Mantua, w. of Ludovico HI di Gonzaga, 1423-81. See Gonzaga. Friedrich von, provost of Wurzburg, 1497-1536. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.serhauses (1895) 16: pi. 6, fig. 6. Ludwig Krug f. 1526* (medal) Karl Emil von, son of the Great Elector, d. 1674. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:2. Jan de Baan p.* BRANDENBUBG-ANSBACH, markgraf von, Joachim Ernst, 1583-1625. IIirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1074. L. Kilian eng. markgrdjin von, Christiane Charlotte, w. of Wilhelm Friedrich, 1694-1729. Hirtii, Les grands BRANDEXBUEG 186 BRANTOMME illustraf<'urs, 6:2034. Johann Kupotzki p. B. Vogel eng. 1737. See also Ansbach-Bayreuth. BRANDENBURG-BAYREUTH, markgrdjin von. See Baireuth. BRANDES, Georg, 1842- Bookman (1897) 5:106.* Liter-ati're (llX)l) 9:343.* Lund, I)an.>;ke malede por. (190()) 7-: 32. P. S. Krover p. 1900.* BRANDilS, Mile (Marthe Josephine Brim- schwig) 1862- Harper's w. (1889) 33:396. wdct. — (1897) 41:929. Lt's i.ettre.s et les arts (1886) 3:350. Mine Madeleine Lt'mairi' f. Pall Mall mag. (190;)) 29:296. Paul C^sar ilellen etch.* BRANDI, Giacinto, 1623-91. Dezalijer d’Ar- OENViLLE, Vie des plus fameu.x peintres (1762) 1:79. eng. BRAND MULLER, Gregor, 1661-91. Des- camps, La vie des peintres iTamands (1763) 4:31. eng. BRANDON, Harry, l>oy singer. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:73. Olga, actress, 1865- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:11.* Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 15:143. photo. — ser. 4, 16:87. photo, (with Mr Willard in Judah) — ser. 4, 17 : 15. photo, (with Leonard Boyne) — (1896) ser. 4, 28:4. photo, (in Hypatia) BRANDON family name. See also title Suffolk. BRANDRAM, Rosina. The.\tre (1893) ser. 4, 22:, 328. photo, (with Emmie Owen & Florence Periy in Utopia, limited) Samuel, 1824-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:647. BRANDT, Geeraert, jr. 1626-85. Vondel, De werken (1867) ll:front. C. Ed. Taurel sc. Isabella, d. 1626. See Rubens, Vrouw. Joseph, 1841- Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1 :29. wdct. Marianne, singer. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:884. wdct. BRANGWYN, Frank, a. r. a. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:180.* Internat. studio (1897) 3:5. Phil May del. 1897.* —(1900) 10:93. —(1901) 14:49. J. N. Ba-on del.* —(1904) 22:151. F. W. Ganz etch.* Lamp (1903) 27:207* (in 1895, with Mr and Mre Phil Mav) —(1904) 28:241.* Mao. of art (1894) 17:114.* BRANICKA, Catherine, d. 1588. Gaz. d. Ix'au.x arts (1900) 3d ser. 23:327. statue* (mau.soleum of Niepolomice) BRANICEI, Jan Elemens, 1689-1771. Bar- TOSZEwicz, Hetmani PoLscy koronni, pi. 27. W. Ger- son del. IL ,\schenbn‘nner lith. BRANN, Henry Arthanasius, 1837- Cath. world (1897) 64:8.')4. BRANNAN, John Milton, brig. gen. 1819-92. Ce.nt. (1887) 11:959.* (in 1865) Por. m. (1864) 1 : 184. wdct. Samuel, 1819- Cent. (1891) 19:531. p.* (Soc. of Cal. pioneers) BRANNON, Henry, 1837- Green bag (1900) 12:298*. BRANSBY. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 52. J. Zoffany p. J. Young sc. (with Parsons and Wilkins in Lethe) BRANSCOMBE, Miss, actress. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:22.* BRANT, Isabella, d. 1626. See Rubens, Vrouw. Joseph (Thayendanegea), 1742-1807. Bax- ter, Goilchild of Washington (1897) 353. Romne}' p. eng.* Bck)k buyer (1901) 22:391. Romnev p. 1776. mezzo. 1779.* IJourinot, Stor\- of Canada (1896) ‘299. eng.* (in Stone’s Life of Joseph Brant, 1838) Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:59. lith. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:301. Romney p. wdct. — 2:86. Ames eng.* Harland, More colonial homesteads (1899) 43. p.* (Van Cortlandt manor-house) Har- per’s mag. (1877) 55; 175. eng. ? Lond. ma» (1776) 45:3;19. eng. after drawing (poss. of James Boswell) N. E. HIST, and geneal. register (1848) 2:345. eng. after drawing (pass, of James Baswell) Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 50. Romney p. J. R. Smith sc. W11.SON, Hist, of Am. people (lOO’J) 2;‘276. Romney p.* Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:6‘23. eng. after drawing (from eng. in London mag. July, 1776) — 6:625. Romney p. eng. — 8:1.37. eng. after statue (Brantford, Ont.) Sebastian, 1458-1520. Bechstein, 200 deut- sche manner (1854) pi. 120. eng. KSnnecke, Bil- der-atlas (1887) 73. eng.* (from Reus.sner’s leones, 1590) Les lettres et Tes arts (1886) 2:81. Baldung f. Jacques von der Hevden eng. Seidlttz, Portrat- werk (1894) l:pl. 24. *r. Stimme eng. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:59. eng. (fac-sim. of cut in Reusner’s leones, 1590) BRANT PONTES, Felisberto Caldeira, 1772- 1841. See Barbacena, marquez de. BRANTOME, abbe et seigneur de, Pierre de Bourdeilles, 1544-1614. Bouchot, Les femmes de Brantfime (1890) front, p. ?* (Bibl. nat.) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. D. p. Pinssio sc. Gaz. d. l>cau.x arts (1896) ser. 3, 16:512. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 79. Du Mousticr del. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1836) 4:pl. 1. Pellene del. Geille sc. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 258. Pinasio sc. after p. (coll, of marquis de Bour- deille) Velly, Hist, de France (1786) 15:508. Pinssio eng. after p. BRANTOMME, Mme de. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 56. Du Mousticr 1 del. BRANWHITE 187 BRAUNSCHWEIG BRANWHITE, Charles, painter, 1817-80. lu.u.s. Lond. news (1880) 76:285.* BRAQTJEMONT, Robert de (Robinet) admiral, fl. 1417. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4 : pi. 7. Pigeot eng. BRASCHI, Giovanni Angelo, 1717-99. See Pius VI, pope. BRASILIANO, Rock. Lami> (1903) 27:93. print.* BRASSEUR, Jean Baptiste, 1802-68. Acad. roy. do Belgique, Annuaire (1869) 35: 121. L. Falmagne eng. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG, Charles Etienne, 1814-74. VVinsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 1: 170. eng. after etch, (in Annuaire de la Soc. ara^ricaine de France, 1875) BRASSEY, 1st baron, Sir Thomas Brassey, 1836- Bolton, Lives of girls (1886) 303. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:135. Notable.s of Britain (1897) 75.* Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 260. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 6oroae«s,Anna(Allnutt) w.of 1st baron, 1839-87. Bolton, Lives of girls (1886) 3(X). Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:483. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 32. lith. Albert, 1844- Baily’s mag. (1878) 31:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Koy. acad. pict. (1893) 138. Ouless p.* Henry, 1840-91. Baily’s mag. (1900) 74:406. Leonard, 1870- Baily’s mag. (1898) 70:245. W. Allingham sc. after photo. Hon. Thomas AUnutt, gov. of Pretoria, 1863- Illu.s. Lond. news (1900) 117:117.* BRATHWAITE, Richard, 1588 M673. Book buyer (1899) 19:2^. W. Mai-shall eng.* (title-page to Survey of hist. 1638) Effigies poeticse (1824) 1 :pl. 55. Vaughan f. G. Clint del. C. Pye eng. (scarce print) PoR. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 55. Vaughan f. G. Clint del. C. Pye eng. (print prefixed to his English gentleman) BRATIANU, Joan, Roumanian statesman, 1822- 91. Allo. weltgcschichte (1892) 12:645.* Bam- berg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 493.* BRATTLE, William, 1706-76. Roberts, Hist, anc. and hon. artill. co. (1895) 1 :453. BRAUN, Johann Wilhelm Joseph, 1801-63. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 51:35. P. V'eit del.* Wilhelm August Detlof von, Swedish poet, 1813-60. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarnun- drede (1870) 400. II. P. Hansen eng. BRAUNCHE, Robert, d. 1364. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 3. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1818 (with his two wives, Laticise and Margaret, St Margaret ’s church, Lynn) BRAUNSCHWEIG-GRUBENHAGEN, her^ von, Erich, bp. of Osnabruck, Paderborn, and Mun- ster, 1476?-1.’^2. Heyck, Monog. z. weltge.sch. (1899) 7:55. Mertens f.* BRAUNSCHWEIG-LtJNEBURG, herzogvon, Au- gust, 1568-1636. IIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1136. eng. berzog von,Geor^, 1.582-1641. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4: 1289. eng. herzog von, Ernst) August, 1629-98. See Ernst August, elector of Hanover. herzog von, Ernst August, 1674-1728. See York, 9th duke of. herzog von, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, 1735- 1806. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 10:117. J. E. Nikon del.* Carlyle, Works, cent. ed. (1898) 18: front, eng. European mag. (1807) 51 : 3. Ridley & Blood, eng. Green, William Pitt (HX)1) 124. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 166. F. J. Battoni p.* Lond. mag. (1764) ,33:^. eng. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:261. La Fontaine del. Marcenay eng. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs desGrossen (1882) 2:709. J. E. Nilson eng.* Royal mag. (1764) 10:57. J. Hall sc. (with his wife) herzogin von, Augusta (of Great Britain) w. of Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, 1737-1813. La belle as- semble (1807) 3:291. M. A. Bourlier eng. — (1813) n. s. 7:139. Maria Anne Bourlier eng. Lady’s mag. (1813) 44:218. Brighty del. Page sc. Lady’s m. mus. (1^7) n. s. 3:97. W. M. Craig p. K. Mack- enzie sc. Lond. mag. (1764) 33:50. eng. Royal mag. (1764) 10:. 57. J. Hall sc. (with her husband) herzog von, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1771-1815. Ackermann, Repository (1810) 3:229. eng. herzog zu, Ernst August, 7th duke of Cumber- land, prince of Gt. Brit. 184.5- Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:21.* —(1892) 100:3.54.* Tullberg, Filrstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:255. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. herzogin zu, Thyra (of Dcmnark) w. of 7th duke of Cumberland, 18.5.3- AuM.de Gotha (1878) front. A. Weger sc. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:21.* —(1892) 100:661. —(1898) 118:518. Tullberg, Filrstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:208, 255. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. herzogin zu, Friederike, dau. of George V, king of Hanover, 1848- See Pawel-Rammingen, freiher- rin von. herzogin zu, Marie, dau. of George V, king of Hanover, 1849-1904. See Marie, prince.ss of Han- over. herzog zu, Georg Wilhelm, prince of Gt. Brit, s. of Ernst August, 1880- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 118:518. BRAUNSCHWEIG- WO LFENBIJtTEL, herzogin von, Katharina (of Saxony) w. of Erich 1, 1468-1524. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:117, fig. 105. p.* (in coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) BRAUNSCHWEIG 188 BREA herzogin von, Maria (of WQrtemburg) w. of Hein- rich IV, 1496-1541. ScuoxBRUNNER, Ilandzcichn. alter meister, 4: pi. 445. p. 1520?* Acr 2 o <7 Heinrich Julius, 1564-1613. Kox- XECKE, Bilderatlas (1887) 112. W. Ulrich eng.* herzogin von, Elisabeth (of Denmark) w. of Hein- rich Julius, 1573-1626. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.serhauses (1894) 15; pi. 10, fig. 7. Paulus van Vianen f.* (medal) herzog von, August II, 1.579-1666. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: pi. 10, fig. 3. Paulus van Vianen f. 1613* (medal) herzogin von, Clara Maria (of Pomerania) w. of August II, 1574-1623. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: pi. 10, fig. 3. Paulus van Vianen f. 1613* (medal) herzog von, Christian, bp. of Halberstadt, 1599- 1626. Hevck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:39. Pa. Morelse p. Simon Passaeus sc. 1622.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4: 1209. Van Dyck p. R. van Voerst sc. Seidutz, Portriitwerk (1894) 2: pi. 34. M. J. Mierevelt p. W. J. Delff sc. Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 24.5. P. Moreelse p. Simon de Passe sc. herzog von, Anton Ulrich, 1633-1714. Erd- MANNSDORFFER, Deutschc gesch. (1892) 1:489. And. M. Wolfgang eng.* Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 137. PhUipp Kilian sc.* herzog von, Earl, 1713-80. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2655. Noel eng. herzog von, Ferdinand, 1721-92. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 182. E. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:404. Johann Georg Zie-senis p. Klemens Kohl eng.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1650. medal.* Loxd. mag. (1758) 27:328. eng. Menzel, Aus Konig Fried- richs zeit (1886) pi. 4. Menzel del. 1855. Eduard Kretzschmar sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 115. I. G. Ziesenis p. Ch. Kohl sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2656. Noel eng. prinz von, Maximilian Julius Leopold, 1752- 85. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 38. eng. Soc. Mont}-on et Franklin, Por. ct hist, des hommes utiles 2; pi. 26. A. Lefevre sc. erbprimeesin von, Frederike Louise Wilhel- mine (of Orange-Nas.sau) w. of Karl Georg August, 1770-1819. FrankaUjJ. R. Smith (1902) 186. Tisch- liein p. J. R. Smith eng. herzog von, Wilhelm, 1806-84. Alm. de Gotha (1833) 70; pi. 3. Kruger f. Rosmasler sc. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85:477. BRAUSEWETTER, Otto, painter, 1835- Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:63. Max Koner p. 1892.* BRAUWER, Adriaan, 1608-40. See Brouwer. BRAVO, Nicolas, vice-pres. Mexico, 17801-1854? Mao. of Am. hist. (1879) 3:294. eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:226. eng. (after print in Ala- inan’s Mejico, 3:260) BRAWLEY, F. W. S. of Chicago, 1825- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:230. eng. BRAXFIELD, Lord, Scotch judge, 1722-99. See MacQueen, Robert. BRAXTON, Carter, 1736-97. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17:224. Albert Rosenthal p.* (Independence hall, Phila.) BRAY, Mrs Anna Eliza (Eempe) formerly Mrs Stothard, novelist, 1790-1883. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:197. Jacob de, family of. Law, Roy. gall, of Hamp- ton Court (1898) 23. Jacob de Bray p.* Jan de, d. 1697. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899) 12:pl. 1624. Jan He Bray p.* (with his family, Ger. mus. Nuremberg) Reginald, 1842- ln.us. Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* Salomon de, 1597-1664. Weyermax, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 1 :pl. 1. BRAY-STEINBURG, graf von, Otto Kamillus Hugo, 1807-99. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:515.* BRAYBROOKE, baroness, Catherine (Clayton) w. of 1st baron, 1748-1807. See Griffin, Mrs. John G. baroness, Catherine (GrenviUe) w. of 2d baron, 1761-96. Outlook (1897) 55:416. p.* 5th baron, Charles Cornwallis NeviUe, 1823- 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:718. 6th baron, Latimer Neville, 1827-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:72.* Robert de, bp. of London, d. 1404. Portfolio (1902) no. 43;pl. 15. sepulchral brass* (St Paul’s cath.) BRAYER, comte, Michel, 1769-1840. Tardieu, G^n. franf. l:pl. 70. Forestier sc. BRAYTON, George A. 1803-80. Green bag (1890) 2:532.* James H. Chicago juryman. Cent. (1893) 23:806.* Samuel Nelson, m. d. 1839- Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 4:353. eng. BRAZIER, Amable, jeweler of Phila. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 237. St Memin del. & eng. 1800* James Smith, prof, of chem. Anderson, Au rora borealis academica (1899) 318.* BRAZZA, comte, Pierre Savorgnan de, explorer, 1852- L’Art (1887) 42:55. Ringel f. Ringel del (medallion) Harper’s w. (1883) 27:312. wdct. BREA, Lodovico, painter, fl. 1483-1513. Toselu Biog. nicoise (1860) 1:173. Perrin lith. 1860. BREADALBANE 189 BREMA BREADALBANE, 1st marquis of, John Camp- beU, 1762-1834. K.vy, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 248. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. marchioness of, Mary Turner (Gavin) w. of first marqui.s, d. 1845. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 248. John Kay f. 1795. 3d marquis of, Gavin Campbell, 1851- Mag. of art (1892) 15:200. Sir George Reid p.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 643. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BREAUX, Joseph A. 1838- Green bag (1891) 3:124.* BRABANT, Pierre de (CUgnet) admiral, d. 1428? Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4; pi. 7. Pigeot eng. BR^BETTF, Jean de, 1593-1649. Cath. world (1896) 63:159. bust.* Charlevoix, Hist, of New France (1866) 2:221. eng. after bust (at Quebec) Park.man (Champlain ed.) (1898) 4:215. bust* (Ildtel- Dieu, Quebec) Thwaites, Jesuit relations (1897) 4:front. Donald Guthrie McNab p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 4:307. bust.* BRECHTL, Stefan. Hirtii, Les grands illustra- teurs, 3:850. Tobias Stimmer f. eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. sainml d. kaiserhau.ses (1893) 14: pi. 5, fig. 25. Joachim Deschler f. 15.56* (age 33, medal) BRECE, Ant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 167. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Hannah, w. of James Lloyd, 1772-1846. See Lloyd, Mrs. Samuel, 1771-1862. Wharton, Salons ( 1900) (1900) 128. Jean Louis Ixiubet p.* BRECKENREDGE, James, of Virginia, 1763-1846. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 608. St Memin del & eng. 1808.* Rev. John, 1797-1841. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 128. John Sartain p. 1835.* Robert Jefferson, d. d. 1800-71. Nicola y and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:320. eng.* BRECEINRIIDGE, Clifton Rhodes, 1846- Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:509. Geo. W. Breck del. wdet. —38:751. wdet. —(1899) 43:841. John Cabell, vice-pres. U. S. 1821-75. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:49. wdet. after ambrotype. Blt- tre. Am. por. gall. (1877) 1 :pl. 54. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Cent. (1885) 7:602.* — (1887) 12:665. daguerr. 1850.* De.mocratic rev. (1856) 38: front. Brady daguerr. J. C. Buttre eng. Har- per’s w. (1857) 1:169. wdet. — (1860) 4:248. wdet. — (1865) 9:109. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:247.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:489. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:2.56. daguerr. 1850* (poss. of AiLson Maltby) Joseph Cabell, u. s. a. 1842- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:497. Margaret Elizabeth. Brockett, Woman’s work in civil war (1868) 187. A. H. Ritchie eng. Samuel Miller, of St Louis, 1828-91. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:450. wdet. William Campbell Preston, 1837- Arena (1890) 2:1.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:184. wdet. BREDAEL, Pieter van, 1630-89. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 11. I. Girtin eng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 67. Abb4 del. Coenr. Lau- wers sc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 88. Abb4 del. Coenr. Lauwers sc. BREDAHL, Christian Hviid, Danish poet, 1784- 1860. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarhundrede (1870) 151. eng. BREDERODE, Hendrik van, 1531-73. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:297. Putnam, William the Silent (1895) 1:290. J. Iloubraken sc.* BREDEN, John. Arminian mag. (1788) 11:169. (age 44) BREDON, Robert Edward, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:249.* BREE, Herbert, bp. of Barbadoes, 1828-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:295.* BREED, Amos F. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2120. J. A. J. F. Wilcox eng. Francis W. shoe mfr. 1846- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:301. A. II. Ritchie eng. BREENBERGH,Bartholomeus, 16201-60? De- ZALLiER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:148. eng. BREESE, Sidney, 1800-78. Green bag (1891) 3:222.* McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:539.* • BREHM, Alfred Edmond, 1829-84. Pop. sci. m. (1885) 27:145. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhun- dert in bildni.s.sen (1899) 3: pi. 319.* BREITINGER, Johann Jakob, 1701-76. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9: 151. J. K. Fuessli p. J. Haid mezzo.* Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 147. Fuesli . V. D. Preisler mezzo. 1741.* Gncken, Zeitalter reidrichs des Grossen (1881) 1 : 535. Fuessli p. Haid mezzo. BREITKOPF, Bernhard Christoph, 169,5-1777. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. biicherhandels (1853-6.5) 22. eng. Johann Gottlob Immanuel, 1719-94. Bech- STEiN, 2(K) deutsche manner (1854) pi. 138. eng. Lem- pertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853- 65) 22. eng. BREITMEYER, L. children of. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 59. T. C. Gotch p.* BREITNER, G. H. painter. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst. (1902) 14:,59. G. II. Breitner p.* BREMA, Marie, singer. Bookman (1899) 9:238.* Buffen, Musical celebrities (1893) ser. 2: 109.* Har- per’s w. (1895) 39: 121. wdet. (as Grtrude) — (1899) 43:162. BREMEN 190 BRETAGNE BBEMEN, Meyer von (Johann Georg Meyer) 1813-86. Meyer. BREMER, Fredrika, 1801-65. Dltckinck, For. pull, of em. men & women (1873) 2: 145. Cliappel p. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:53. wdct. IIa.milton, Women writers (1893) 2:44. Hansen, Nordiske dig- tere i vort aarhundrede (1870) 270. W. Obermann eng. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:156. wdct. Leii.mann, Men and women (1896) k Rudolf Lehmann p.? 1858.* BREMMER, Andrew A. colonel. H.\rper’s w. (1880) 24:289. wdct. BR^MOND D’ARS, comte de, Pierre Rene Au- guste, 1759-1842. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:335. Labadye del. Courbe sc. BREMONTEER, Nicolas Thomas, 1738-1809. Soc. Montyonet Franklin, For. hist.des hommes utiles, 4:113. E. Conquy sc. BRENDEL, Daniel, abp. of Mainz. Ztscii. f. bil- dende kunst. (1903) 14:108. bas-relief* (age 46, Co- logne) BRENIERI, Paolo E mili o. Jure. d. kunsthist. .samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 10, fig. 4. medal 1.559.* BRENKENHOFF, Franz Balthasar Schoen- berg von, 1723-80. Allg. weltgcschiclite (1889) 9:.533. C. F. R. Liscewsky p. C. G. Rasp eng.* On- CKEN, Zcitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (18&) 2:531. Ijiscewsky p. Rasp eng. BRENNAN, James, sailor. ILvrper’s w. (1893) 37:2.59. w.-ict. Thomas, sec. Irish land league. Illus. Lon'd. news (1880) 77:493.* BRENT, Charles Henry, hp. of the Philippines, 1862- Outlook (1902) 70:562.* Henry Jolmson, 1811-80. Knickerbocker gall. (185,5) 249. C. L. Elliott|p. J. Rogerseng. Knick- erbocker mag. (1857) 50:1. C. L. Elliott p. .1. Rogers eng. I. Fenwick, of La. De.vocratic rev. (1848) 22: 193. T. Doney eng. John Carroll. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 100.* Richard, d. 1814. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 379. St Memin del & eng. 1803.* Thomas L. L. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 393. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* WUham, colonel, 1774-1848. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 409. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* BRENTANO, Frantz Funck-, 1862- See Funck- Brentano. Klemens, 1778-1842. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 262. Ludwig Emil Grimm del. 1837 and etch.* RiiEiNisciiBis taschenbuch (1856) 11. Seidlitz, For- tratwerk (1894) 5:pl.66. L.E. Grimm sc. lith. Werck- .ME1.STER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 110. E. Linder p.* Frau Maximiliane (von Laroche) Ztsch. f. bildendc kunst (1899-19C)0) n. s. 11:238. p.* (poss. of Herman Grimm, Berlin) BRENTFORD, 1st earl of, Patrick Ruthven, 15731-1651. Earix).m, Por. of char. eng. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 2:23. eng. after por. (Royal coll.) Woodbitin’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 67. eng. after drawing (in King’s Clarendon) BRENTON, Edward Pelham, 1774-1839. Bren- TON, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 2:front. Franklin p. eng. BRENTZ, Johann, 1499-1570. Iconu.m viros vir- tute atque eruditione illustres reprsesentantium (1599) pi. 15. eng. Sciirockh, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) 1 :pl. 4. eng. BRERETON, Austin, journalist, 1862- Tiie.\tre (1886) ser. 4, 8:308. photo. Owen Salusbury, 1715-98. Lond. soc. of arts Trans. (1801) v. 19:front. Wm. Evans eng. after min- iature (poss. of J. Holliday) Sir Wilham, 1604-61. For. of parliamentary officers (1873) 6. eng. Vic.ars, Eng. worthies (1845) 71. eng. William, actor, 1751-87. European mag. (1796) 29:363. N. Hone f. S. Harding del. E. Harding sc. (as Douglas) BRESCIA, Febo, wife of. See Pola, Ijaura da. BRESLAU, Tierzog von, Heinrich IV, d. 1290. Allg weltgeschichte (1891) 6:29 (monument,* Bres- lau) Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:133. G. Rehlender dw. after monument.* BRESNAN, John J. n. y. fire dept. Cent. (1898) 33:486.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:28. wdct. BRETAGNE, due de, Alain VI Fergent, 1060- 1119. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 74. Edouard Odier p. Geoffroy, jr. eng. due de, Arthur I, 1187-1‘203. Silvestre, Gall, ofcoutemp. art(1884)83. W.F.Yeamesp. wdct. (with Hubert) due de, Jean TV de Montfort, 1293-1345. Dib- DiN, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2:225. Coeur4 del. after ilium, ms. S. Freeman eng. Thevet, For. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:2^. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 4. Dejuinne p. after por. Mau- duisson eng. (coll, at chateau de Beauregard) duehesse de, Jeanne (de Flandre) w. of Jean IV, 1306-601 Lady’s mag. (1837) 11:245. Ed. Hargrave sc. (miniature in vellum ms. of Froissart’s chronicle) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^lfebres (1858) 1:148. Lant4 del. Gatine sc. Menneciiet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 2: pi. 4. Chas.«elat del. Dclaistre sc. due de, Arthur III, constable, 1393-1458. See Richemont, comte de. BRETAGNE 191 BREZfi duchesse de, Fran 9 oise (d’Amboise) w. of Pierre II, 1427-85. Droiiojowska, Femmes illustres de I’Europe, 82. Raunheim del. lith. duchesse de, Isabella (Stuart) w. of Francois I, d. 1494. Court mag. (1839) 14:437. Ed. Hargrave sc. after p. (coll, of king of France) Ladv’s mag. (1837) 10:287. Ed. Hargrave sc. after p. (Vannes cath.) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^ldbres (18.58) 1:112. Lantddel. Gatinesc. lith. due de, Fran 9 ois II, 1435-88. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. J. Robert del. Pinsio eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:502. statue* (Nantes cath.) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 164. J. Robert del. Pinsio sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:330. J. Robert del. Pinsio sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 67. Pigeot eng. after statue (Nantes cath.) duchesse de. Marguerite (de Foix), w. of Francois II, d. 1486. \ ersailles. Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 67. Pigeot eng. after statue (Nantes cath.) duede, Fran 9 ois, dauphin, son of Francois I,151&- 36. See Francois. BRETEUIL, Fran 9 ois Victor Le Tonnelier de, 1686-1743. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl.2571. F.Webereng. Julienne de, nat. dau. of Henry I of England. Les LETTRES et les arts (1887) 4:152. Albert Lynch f. BRETHERTON, George Howard, major, 1860- 1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:284.* BRETON, £niile, painter, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:453 Jules, 1827- Book buyer (1891) n. s. 8:72. Cent. (189.5) 27:756. Jean CarriJis sc.* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:497. eng.? Illus. Lond. news (1883) ^:480. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 3:270. Jules Breton f. Mag. of art (1889) 12:210. Breton f. Klinkicht eng. — (1893) 16:409. Breton del. — (1899) 23:238. Breton p.* Montrosiek, Les chef.s-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 187. Ch. Kreutzberger del. Comte sc. BRETT, John, painter, 1830-1902. Art j. (1893) 45:119. J. C. Griffits f. 1893.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:82.* William Howard, librarian, 1846- Book.man (1898)6:408.* Lib. j. (1896) 21 : 439.* Pub. libra- ries (1896) 1:211.* BRETT family name. See also title Eisher. BRETTAL, Jeremiah. Ar.viinian mag. (1784) 7:61 . (age 28) Wesleyan meth. mag. (1823) 46:493. Blood se. John. Arminian mag. (1784) 7:117. BREUCK, Jacob de, jr. 1575- Van Dyck, Cent, por. (1878) pi. 91. Ant. van Dj’ck p. Paul Pontius sc. BREUGHEL. Sec Brueghel. BREUVART, J. L. 1739- Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:336. Perrin del. Texiersc. BREVAL, Lucieime, singer. Harper’s w. (1901) .45:183. BREVET DE BEAU JO UK, Louis Etienne, 1763-94. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:336. Labadye del. Texicr sc. BREVOORT, James Carson, 1818-87. Winsor, Nar. crit. hist. (1889) 1 : pref. p. 10. eng. BREWER, David Josiah, 1837- Carson, Supreme court (1891) 538. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1890 after photo. Green bag (1890) 2:1.* —(1903) 15:424.* Harper’s w. (1889) 33:1000. wdet. — (1890) 34:105. wdet. — (1896) 40:28. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:99. Scott, Disting. Am. lawyers (1891) 75. Ebenezer Cobham, 1810-97. Illus. Ijond. news (1897) 110:3.51. Leigh Richmond, bp. of Montana, 1839- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (189.5) 26(3. Rachel, w. of C. W. Peale. See Peale, Mrs. BREWERTON, George Douglas, 1820?-1901. Harper’s mag. (1862) 2.5:447. eng. BREWSTER, Benjamin Harris, 1816-88. Har- per’s w. (1.S81) 25:892. wdet. —(1888) 32:273. wdet. Clothilde. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) 60:46. Adolf Hildebrand sc. 1890* (age 15, bust) Sir David, 1781-1868. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:2.57. Sir John Watson Gordon p. 1864.* Eclectic mag. (18.5.5) 34:145. Sartain eng. Har- per’s w. (18(&) 12:236. wdet. Hole, Por. Edin- burgh univ. (1884) pref. p. 17. W. Hole sc. (group) Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:398. Mr Brodie sc. wdet. (statue, Edinburgh univ.) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 4. Sir II. Raeburn p. W. Holl eng. Leii.mann, Men and women (1896) 19. Rudolf Leh- mann p. ? 1857.* Maclise gall. (1873) 82. Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:36. Pop. sci.m. (1885)26:433. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 44. Gordon p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:89. Raeburn p. W. Holl eng. Year-bk. of facts (1849) front. W. H. Mote eng. after talbotype. Edward Jones, 1812-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:577.* Frederick Carroll, 1825-98. Green bag (19(X)) 12:381.* Humphrey, d. 1593. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 35. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Wrentham church) James B. 1817- Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:556. G. El. Perine eng. Seabury, capitalist, 1802-84. Harper’s w. (1884)28:6.51. wdet. BREZ£, marquis de, Urbain de Maille, marshal, 1597-16.50. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 35. J. M. Langlois p. Lehmann eng. BREZE 192 BRIDGNELL marquis de, Jean Armand de Maille, admiral, 1619-4(5. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4; pi. , 13. Nargeot eng. Mile de, Claire Clemence de Maille, w. of the Great Conde, 1628-94. See Conde, princesse de. Louis de, comte de Maulevrier, d. 1531. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 49. Clouet f. lith. BR^ZIN, Michel, 1758-1828. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:161. J. Boilly del. Dequevauviller sc. (with Broulard and Devillas) BRIAL, Michel Jean Joseph, 1743-1828. Dib- DIK, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2:428. (3. Lewis del. F. C. Lewis eng. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 21. Dequevauviller sc. BRIANT, Alexander, 1553-81. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 23. eng. after rare print. BRIANTE, sieur de, Phihppe de Cluys. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 225. BRIART, Alphonse, 1825-98. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. ( 1901) 67 : 103. Bernier eng. BRIAULT, Jacques, 1740- Bioq. modeme (1807) 2:337. Grosdel. I^Telliersc. BRICE, Calvin Stewart, u. s. senator, 1845-98. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:56. wdct. — (1892) 36:604. wdct. —(1896) 40:70.5. wdct. —(1898) 42:1276. J. S. Sargent p.* Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:717. eng. R. OF rev. (1894) 9:646.* BRICHANTEAU, Antoine de, 1552-1617. See Nangis, marquis de. Nicolas de, seigneur de Beauvais-Nangis, d. 1564. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1^4) 2:431. eng. BRKpONNET, Fran 9 ois. See Leveville, seigneur de. Guillaume, cardinal, 1445-1514. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. G. II p. Basan eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 199. G. H. p. Basan sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:391. G. H. p. Basan sc. Jean, d. 1477. See Glatigny, seigneur de. BRIDEWELL, Carrie, singer. Bookman (1901) 13:2.58. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:529* (as Mercedes) bridge. Sir Cyprian, r. n. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (PK)1) 118:412.* —(1904) 125:644.* Sir Frederick, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:358.* —(1897) 111:. 53.* Horatio, 1806-93. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 214. James, 176.5-18.34. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 73. eng. Willis, Hist, of law . . . and lawyers of Me. (1863) 155. Fabronius f. A.Trochsler lith. (age 35) Sir John, 1824-1900. Green bag (1896) 8:408.* Illus. I^nd. news (1899) 115:239.* —(1900) 110:601.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 50.5. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William, 16001-70. Calamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 3: front. R. Rolfe eng. BRIDGEMAN, Lieut. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:857. wdct. Hon. Beatrice, 1870- See Prctyman, Lady. Lady Mabel, aftw. w. of William Kenyon-Slaney. See Slaney. BRIDGEMAN family name. See also title Brad- ford. BRIDGER, James, Fremont’s scout. Cent. (1891) 19:761.* BRIDGES, Lady [Brook], Frances (Fowler) w. of 3d hart. d. 1825. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 34. Francis Cotes p. 1769. James Watson sc. George, lord mayor London. European mag. (1820) 78:387. S. Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. Robert, Eng. poet, 1844- Acad. (1898) 55:467. W. Rothenstein del.* Book buyer (1902) 24:97.* M.ag. of art (1903) 27:181. William Strang etch.* Rothenstein, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 14. Will Rothen- stein del. 1897. lith. Robert {pseud. Droch) Am. poet, 1858- Har- per’s w. (1902) 46:661, 1534.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:318.* BRIDGES family name. See also title Fitzwalter. BRIDGEWATER, 3d earl of, John Egerton, 1623-86. Portland, Piet. (1894) 121. W. Dobson p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:13. W. Claret f. eng. — 3:13. Diepenbecke f. eng. countess of. Lady Elizabeth (Cavendish) w. of 3d earl, d. 1663. Portiand, Piet. (1894) 121. W. Dobson p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:13. Die- penbecke f. eng. 3d duke of, Francis Egerton, 1736-1803. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892 ) 2:74. James Heath eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) l;pl. 21. J. M. Craig p. C. Picart eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 4. Craig p. E. Scriven eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:104. Craig p. E. Scriven eng. BRIDGMAN, Frederic Arthur, artist, 1847- Am. art rev. (1881) 2, pt. 2:51. T. Johnson eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:694. Paris salon (1892) 13. Laura, 1829-89. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:268. eng. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:592. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:679. Mrs Mary (White) w. of John. Burlington mag. (1904) .5:217. p.* (St John’s coll.) Oxford, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 28. p.* (St John’s coll.) BRIDGNELL, James. Metii. mag. (1802) 25:347. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 32) BRIDPORT 193 BRIGHT BRIDPORT, 1st viscount, Alexander Hood, ad- miral, 1726-1814. Clowe-s, Roy. navy (1899) 4:263. medal* (jx»ss. Prince Louis of Battenberg) Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:81. L. F. Abbott p.* Illcs. Lond. news (1894) 104:687. Ja.mes, Naval hist, of Gt. Brit. (1837) 1 : 178. Abbott p. W. Greatbatch eng. Jerdan, Nat. p>or. gall. (1830) v. 4. Abbott p. S. Free- man eng. Locker, Mem. of celeb, naval commanders (1832) pi. 12. Reynolds p. 1764. H. Robinson sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12: pi. 12. Abbot p. J. Robinson eng. Tayixjr, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:80. Abbott p. Freeman eng. 2d viscount, Alexander Nelson Hood, 1814- 1904. Baily’s mag. (1869) 16:321. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Ileus. Lond. news (1904) 124:870.* BRIENNE, comte de, Jean, king of Jerusalem, em- p>eror of Constantinople, 1148-1237. Versaii.les, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 89. Picot p. Paul Girar- det eng. comte de, master of ceremonies to Fran^-ois I and Henri II. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1829) 2:296. S. Freeman eng. (coll, of Quintin Craufurd) Euriante de, w. of Philippe Ic Bon, 1408-68. See Bourgogne, duchesse de. Gautier de, duke of Athens, 1305-56. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 16. Rubio p. after por. eng. (coll, du ch&teau de Beauregard) Philibert de, seigneur de La Chapelle, 16th cent. See La Chapelle. BRIERLY, Sir Oswald Walters, painter, lS'17-95. Art j. (1887) 39:133. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:13. —(1894) 105:770. Mao. of art (1895) 18:160. photo. BRIESEN, Arthur von. McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:451.* BRIFFATJLT, Eugbne Victor, 1799-1854. Hu- art et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 2. BRIFFE, Antoine Amaud de la. Gaz. d. beaux arts(J902) ser. 3,28:391. J. B. Lemoyne sc.* (bust, coll. Emile Peyre) BRIOGE, John, d. 1454. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 108. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (shrouded figure, Salle church, Norfolk) BRIGGS, Charles Augustus, d. d. 1841- Book buyer (1891) 8:244. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:408. wdct. R. OF rev. (1892) 5:418. Charles Frederick, 1804-77. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 481. Cap<‘well and Kimmel eng. Out- look (1898) 60:863. p.?* Clinton, 1828-82. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 9:400. eng. Frank A. gov. of N. Dak. 1850-98. Outlook (1897) 55:41. George Nixon, gov. of Mass. 1796-1861. Am. rev. (1849) 10:441. A. H. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:243. wdct. — (1902) n. s. 25:546. George W. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:782. Ira G. 1820- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:136. eng. Mrs J. Elhs. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: May 30, sup. p. 7. Richard Jack p.* (with her family) John. Baily’s mag. (1895) 63:t.-p. John Bradford, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:977. Sir John Henry, 1808-97. Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) t.-p. Lady [John Henry], Elizabeth Charlotte (Gruar) Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) t.-p. Le Baron Russell, 1855- Harvard grad. mag. (1903) 12:253.* Lucius, cotton mfr. 182.5- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:314. eng. Ohver Leonard, 1832- Van Slyck, N. E. man- ufacturers (1879) 1: 140. eng. BRIGHAM, A. D. u. s. consul at Pa.so del Norte. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:524. wdct. John C. sec. Am. Bible soc. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:317. wdct. Josiah, of Quincy, Mass. 1788- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:31. S. Ilollyer eng. Lincoln Flagg, 1819-95. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1902) ser. 2, 16:535. A. H. Ritchie eng. BRIGHT, Allan Heywood, m. p. 1862- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:184.* Sir Charles Tilston, electric engineer, 1832-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:534. Edward, 1720-50. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:73. R. Grave sc. Lond. mag. (1751) 20:82. eng. James Franck, d. d. 1832- Harper’s mag. (1890) 81:252.* Henry, artist, 1814-73. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:389. wdct. after photo. Jacob, 1821-99. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 251. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Jesse D. u. s. senator, 1812-75. Gleason’s pic- torial (1853) 4: 153. eng. • John, 1811-89. Archer, Gladstone and his contemp. (1883) 3:62. lith. after photo. Bolton, Eng. statesmen (1891) 194. Book buyer (1891) 8:^9. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:17. lith. after photo. Cent. (1884) 6:322.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902)2:203. Ouless p. 1879.* —2:203. Boehm sc.* (bust) DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 26. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:479. Chappel p. eng. Fagan, Reform club (1^7) 104. Lowes Dickinson p. 1861.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 65: 163.* Harper’s w. (1859) 3:17. wdct. —(1866) 10:725. wdct. —(1869) 13:36. wdct. —(1873) 17:1033. wdct. — (1889) 33:260. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:377. wdct. —(1883) 82:597. —(1888) 92:Feb. 24288—06 13 BRIGHT 194 BRINVILLIER8 11 sup.* — 92:418. Bruce Joy sc.* (statue, Bir- mingham) — (1889) 94:385. drawing.* — 94:426,* Mar. 30 sup.* — (1891) 99:510. Joy sc.* (statue, Manchester) — 99:559. Thornycroft sc.* (statue, Rochdale) McCartuy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:156. Mag. of art (1887) 10:160. Frank Holl p. wdet. — (1892) 15:70. Joy sc.* (.statue) — 15:70. Thornycroft sc.* (statue) — (1897) 20:122. Millais p.* Men of mark (1876) 1:31. photo. Moore, Rebellion record (1869) sup. 1: front. A. II. Ritchie eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:277. Chappell f. Ol-tlook(1897)55:906,*907.* —(1900) 64:S53. Thornycroft sc.* (statue, Rochdale) Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 154. Thornycroft sc.* (model of statue) — ( 1904) p. 64. Eyre Crowe p.* Scribner’s m. (1880) 19:576. eng. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 3. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1889) 21 :pl. 565. .\pe f. litli. (caricature) Werck.meister, Das 19te janrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 552.* John Albert, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:520.* Jonathan Brown, 1800-79. Davis, N. E- states (1897) 4:2245. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. N. E. HIST, and geneal. register (1881) 35: 117. Wilcox eng. Richard, 1789-1858. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 2: pi. 4. T. R.Sayf. H. Cook eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:99. II. Cook eng. Sir Robert Onesiphorus, general, 1825-96- Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77:453.* Thomas, d. 1587. Bond, Fam. and desc. of Watertown (1860) 96. I. II. Baker sc. after p. (Guild hall. Bury St Edmunds) N. E. hist, and geneal. register (1859) 13:97, eng. after copy of p. (Guild hall. Bury St Eldmunds) William, 1824-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:374.* BRIGITTE, (Birg:itte, or Brite), Swedish saint, 13021-73. Lenfant, Hist, du Concile de Constance (1714) 1:67. B. Picart inv. 1713. BRIGLIA, Giovanni Francesco, 1737-94. Mar- RiNi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:47. G. Briglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BRIGNALL, Edith. Roy. aead. pict. (1894) 196. Ralph Peacock p.* BRIGNOLE-SALE, marchese di, Antonio Giulio, 160.5-65. Connoisseur (1903) 6:29. Van D\’ck p.* CusT, van D 3 ’ck (1900) front. Van Dyck p.* (Palazzo Rosso, Genoa) Guikfrey', Antoine Van Dyck, 44. Van Dvck p. Gaujean sc. IIirth, Der formenschatz (1901) pi. 8. Van Dj-ck p.* (Genoa, gal. Brignole-Sale) marcAesodi, PaolaAdomo. L’.\rt(1884)36: 176. van Dyck p. Joseph Schubert des. .\rt. j. (1900) .52:66, 67. V’an Dyck p.* Cust, .\nthony van Dyck (1900) 40. A. van Dyck p.* (Palazzo Rosso, Genoa) BRIGNOLI, Pasquale, singer, 1824-84. Cent. (1882) 2:196. BRIGNON, cur^ de Dore-l’Eglisle, 1738- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:340. Perrin del. Courbe sc. BRIL, Paul, 1556-1626. Bullart, .\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:449. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Dezal- LiER d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:260. eng. BRIMMER, Martin, 1793-1847. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1879) 2:452. Roberts, Hist. anc. and hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:47. Martin, 1829-96. Col. soc. of Mass. Pub. (1900) 3:337. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1896) ser. 2, 10:586. Wilcox sc. BRIMONT BRASSAC, vicomtesse de. Bonner, Charles Bradlaugh (1894) 1:312. BRIN, Benedetto, 1833-98. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:179 . BRINDLE, Robert, r. c. bp. of Nottingham. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:821.* —(1899) 114:709.* —(1901) 119:867.* BRINDLEY, James, engineer, 1716-72. Craik. Pict. hist, of Eng. (1849) 5:577. R. Dunkarton f, 1773. J. T. Wedgwood eng. (print) European mag. (1810) 58:163. Conde sc. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) V. 5. F. Parsons p. II. Cook eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (18371 7:81. F. Parsons p. R. Dunkar- ton f. 1773. J.T.Wedgwood eng. (print) Lit. mag.& Brit. rev. (1793) 11:81. Por. gall. (1853) 3:632. F. Parsons p. R. Dunkarton eng. 1773. J. T. Wedgwood sc. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:67. F. Parsons p. H. Cook eng. John W. 5th U. S. inf. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1065 wdet. BRINE, Frederick, general, 1830-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:741.* BRINGETURST, Mrs Polly (Lawton) d. 1793. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 257. miniature 1790.* BRINKERHOFF, Jacob, 1810-80. Green bag (1895) 7:233.* BRINKLEY, R. C. of Memphis, Tenn. De Bow’s rev. (1851) 11:227. Illman & sons eng. BRINKMAN, C. L. publisher in .\msterdam. Meulen, De boekcnwerela, Leiden (1897) 550. P. J. Arendzen sc. BRINLEY, Francis, 1800-89. Roberts, Hist, anc. and hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:2(X). BRINTON, Daniel Garrison, scientist, 1837-99. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:808. wdet. Pop. sci. m. (1891) 38:721. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 1:165. eng. World’s work (1900) 1:187. J. Flana- gan f.* (bas-relief) Patty. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: fig. 4, pi. 104. .\lyn Williams p. 1904.* BRINVILLIERS, marquise de, Marie Madeleine Marguerite (d’Aubray) 1630-76. Mag. of art BRIOL 195 BRISTOL (1885)8:168. Lobnin del. wdct. Maurice, Livre roiige (1863) 83. Le Brun del. Yan d’Argent del. Trouv6 sc. PiN'SET et d’Auriae, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 77. Lebrun des.* BRIOL, Frau Agata. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1900) n. s. 11:276. Bartholomeus van der Heist p.* BRION, amiral de, Philippe de Chabot, 1480- 1543. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:382. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard ^838) 8: pi. 1203. Ducasse eng. amirah de, Fran 9 oise (de Longwy) 15-16th cent. Clouet, French jx>r. (1875) l:pl. 95. Clouet f. lith. — 2:pl. 151, 209. Clouet f. lith. G.vz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:366. Corneille de Lyon p.* Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 44. Clouet del.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 31. Legris eng. after old por. BRIOT, Charles Auguste Albert, 1817-82. Le CENTEX, de I’^cole normale (1895) 387. del.* Francis, 16th cent. L’Art (1879) 18:242. Francois Briot f. Charles Kreutzberger des. BRIOUDE, a>mte de, Alexandre Cesar d’Ante- roche, bp. of Condom. Bioo. moderne (1807) 1:65. Labadye del. Courbe sc. BRISACIER, Guillaume de, adventurer, 17th cent. Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 116. S. Harding del. Scheneker sc. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1705. N. Migard p. A. Mas.son eng. U. S. LIB. of Congress. Cat. of Hubbard coll, of eng. (1905) pi. 6. Mignard p. Masson sc.* BRISBANE, Arthur, corresp. N. Y. sun. Book- man (1904) 19:254.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46: 1053.* (age 38) Sir Charles, rear-adm. 1769?-1829. Clowes, Royal navy (1900) 5:236. James Northcote p. H. R. Cook lith.* James, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 4:352. James Northcote p. W. Greatbatch eng. BRISCO, Thomas. Arminun mag. (1780) 3:513. (age 46) BRISCOE, Henry L. of Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 583. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Henry W. 1810- Baily’s mag. (1871) 21:373. Joseph Brown sc. John Parran, 1853- Green bag (1894) 6:285.* BRISSAC, comte de, Charles I de Cosse, 15051-63. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 106. Francois Clouet p.l — 2: pi. 194, 196. Francois Clouet f. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. I. p. Pinssio eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1838) 3: pi. 17. Chasselat del. Delaistresc. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:227. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:4^. eng. Velly, Hist, de Franca (1778) 13:201. Arp. Pinssio sc. —(1781) 14:39. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1342. Achille D4v6ria p. after Clouet. L. G. Thibault eng. VuLsoN, For, d. Dommes illus. franc, pi, 14, eng. comte de, Timol^on de Cossd, 1543-69. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. A p. Pinssio eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 255. A, p. Pinssio sc. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:473. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1786) 15:201. A. L. p. Pinssio sc. due de, Charles II de Cosse, 15501-1621. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. N. p. Pins,sio eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1362. Jean Alaux p. A. Migneret eng. comtesse de, Judith (d’Acigne), 1st w. of Charles II de Coss^, d. 1598. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl.89. Clouet f. lith. due de, Henri Albert de Cosse, 1645-98. Ham- ilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 211. S. Harding del. after French print. W. N. Gardiner sc. duchesse de, Gabrielle Louise (de St Simon) w. of Henri Albert, 1646-84.. IcoNoo.de MmedeS^vignd, pi. 27. eng. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 92. Petitotp.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2294. A. Geille eng. Willia.mson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 78, fig. 10. Jean Petitot p.* (with comtesse de Guigne and princesse de Conty Alfred de Rothschild coll.) marecJial de, Jean Paul Timoleon de Cossd, 1698-1784. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 49. Gallait p. after famih’ por. Weber eng. duchesse de, Mathilde (de Crussol d’XJzbs) 1875- Harper’s w. (1992) 46:532. Richard Hall p.* BRISSON, Bamabd, 1531-91. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 51. Lagneau? del. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 12:329. eng. after por. in coll, de la Sorbonne. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1985. Beraardi eng. after p. Henri, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:806.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 727. Guth f. lith. (caricature) BRISSONET, Guillaume, cardinal, 1445-1514. See Brifonnet. I BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, Jacques Pierre, 1754-93. Ami d. monuments (1901) 15:338. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1^1) 3:488. Book- man (1901) 12:502. Gal. hist, de la r^v. franc, ph 14. Gaildrau del. Mondain sc. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:21. eng. 1* Ioonog. des con- temp. (1832) l:pl. 42. Z. Belliard del? Dtdpech lith. Mao. of .:Vm. hist. (1884) 11:185. eng. after eng. Revolution franc. (1801) 2: pi. 3. Levachez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 1: pi. 18. Jules Gaildrau del. Mandain sc. Tableaux hist, de la r^v. franc- (1804) 3: pi. 25. Levachez sc. BRiSTED, Charles Astor, 1820-74. Knicker- bocker gall. (1855) 161. Capewell and Kimmel eng. BRISTOL, 1st earl of, John Digby, 1586-1652. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:3;10. old eng.* Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 77. T. Betts p.* 'IMane, Brit, autography (1819) 1:26. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 3:49. Boc- quet eng. after print (coll, of Alex. H. Sutherland) BRISTOL 196 BROCKENBROUGH Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 59. eng. after rare print. 2d earl of, George Digby, 1612-77. Birch, Heads (1813) 111. A. Van Dyck p. J. Houbraken sc. Cent. (1899) 37:264. Van Dvck p.* Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 1, pt. 2:343. —(1843) 2:846. Vandyke p. H. T. Uyall eng. Cust, Anthony Van Dyck (1900) 124. Van Dyck p.* (with William, 1st duke of Bedford, coll. Earl Spencer) Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 173. S. Harding del. after print. Clamp sc. Lodge, For. (1835) 8: pi. 13. Van- dyke p. T. Wright eng. Mao. of art (1900) 24: 172. Vandyck p.* (with W. Rus-scll, Earl of Bedford) Mori.ey, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 72. Van Dyck p.* Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:519. Van Dvck? p. (with 1st duke of Bedford, at Sherborne castle) Pepy.s, Diar)', Braybrooke (1876) 2:260. Scott, Rupert, Prince Palatine (1899) 81. Vandyke p. II. T. Ryall sc. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 2:2?7. Van Dyck p. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 3: 191. Van Dyck p. Bocquet eng. Gth earl of, Augustus John Hervey, 1724-79. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 68. Gainsborough p. James Watson eng. Bourke, Hist, of ^Vhites (1892) 2:60. Gainsborough p.* Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 100. Sir Joshua Reynolds f. 1762. S. W. Reyn- olds eng. 7ih earl of, Frederick Augustus Hervey, bp. of Derry, 1730-1803. Foster, 2 duche-sses of Devon- shire (1898) 2. Angelica Kauffman p.* (with his daughter Mary) BRISTOW, Benjamin Helm, 1832-96. Green bag (1897) 9:265. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:521. wdct. — (1896) 40:668. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:163. Joseph Little, 4th asst. P. M. general, 1861- McCluke’s mag. (1904) 23:518.* R. of rev. (1904) 29:45. BBISTOWE, Sir Henry Fox, 1825-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:266.* John Syer, m. d. 1827-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:262.* Thomas Lynn, m. p. 1833-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:718.* BRITARD, Jean Baptiste, 1721-91. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 6. Mme Guyard p. George C^ke sc. BRITO, Joaquin Marcelino de, 1799- Sis.son, Gal. dos Brazifeiros illus. (1861) 2:79. S. A. Sisson lith. BRITTAN, Samuel Byron. Brittan, Shekinah, (N. Y. 1853) 2: 113. Annette Bishop del. afterdaguerr. A. 11. Ritchie eng. Samuel Byron, jr. 1845- Blttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 48. Buttre eng. after photo. BRITTANY. See Bretagne. BRITTON, John, 1771-1857. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 171. John Wood p. 1845.* European mag. (1820) 77:195. T. Uwins del. J. Thomson eng. Thomas, 16541-1714. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 1:77. Maddocks sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:238. J. Woollaston p. 1703.* Lond. mag. (1777) 46 : 59. eng. W’ueatley, Hist. por. (1897) 256. J. Wollaston p.* BRFVES, Antoinette de. See Jouy, dame de. BRIZARD, Jean Baptiste, 1721-91. See Britard. BRIZZIO, Francesco, 1574-1623. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:.379. eng. BROADBENT, John. Arminian mag. (178.3) 6:225 (age 30) —(1795) 18 : 109. Wm. Ridley eng. (age 40) Thomas. ^Vrminian mag. (1794) 17:393.. Rid- ley eng. (age 28) Sir William Henry, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:103.* -(1895) 107:78.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 855. Spy del. lith. (caricature) BROADFOOT, J. B. of Charleston, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 632. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* BROAJDHEAD, James Overton, 1819-98. Har- per’s w. (189.3) 37:348. wdct. Scxmt, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 89. BROADHUKST, Henry, m. p. 1840- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:505.* Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:208. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 451. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BROADLEY, Alexander Meyrick. Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 452. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BROADWOOD, Robert George, colonel, 1862- Vanity fair album (1903) 35:pl. 890. Spy del. lith. BROATCH, Wilham James, 1841- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 9:678. eng. BROCA, Paul, 1824-80. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:867. Paul Choppin sc.* statue. Harper’s mag. (1899) 99:517.* Pop. sci. m. (1881) 20: 145 BROCK, Sir Isaac, maj. gen. 1769-1812. Bonu- NOT, Story of Canada (1896) 323. p.* (poss. of J. A. Macdonnell, Alexandria, Ont.) Dent, Canadian por. gal. (1880) 1:129. lith. Thomas, sculptor, 1847- ^\rt j. (1891) 43: 125. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:469. William, d. d. 1807-75. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:537. wdct. after photo. BROCKDORFF, tp-afin von. I.nternat. studio (1901) 15: 19. Filip E. lAszld p.* BROCKENBOROT7GH, William, 1778-1838. Green bag (1893) 5:363. BROCKENBROUGH, John W. 1806- Green bag (1898) 10:119.* BROCKES 197 BROKE BROCKES, Barthold Heinrich, poet, 1680-1747. Konnecke, Bilderatla-s (1887) 144. Balthasar Denner p. Johann Georg Wolfgang eng.* BROCKETT, Sir John. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 19. Sir A. More p. G. Barrett sc. BROCKHATJS, Friedrich Arnold, 1772-1823. Lempertz, Bilderhefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-1865) 23. von Vogelstein del. Sichling sc. Le uvRE, bibliog. retrospective (1887) 8:120. K. Vogel von Vogelstein del. L. Sichling sc. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5: pi. 69. Vogel von Vogelstein del. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 224. Vogel del. Sichling eng.* BROCKLEHURST, John Fielden, colonel, 1852- Bailt’s mag. (1903) 80:247.* Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:909.* —115:529.* —(1901) 118:414.* BROCKLESB Y, Richard, f. r. s. 1722-97. Euro- pean mag. (1798) 33:291. Copley p. Ridley eng. BROCKMAN, Frederick, d. 1876 ? Baily ’ s mag. (1873) 23:front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. BROCKWELL, Rev. Charles, d. 1755. Foote, Ann. of Ring’s Chapel (1896) 2:23. P. Pelham p. 1750.* BRODERICK, David Colbreth, u. s. senator, 1820-59. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:176.* BRODHEAD, Daniel, 1736-1809. Am. hist, regis- ter (1895) 2:1451. Mrs Eva Wilder (McGlasson) See McGlasson. Mrs Jessie (Willis) Cath. world (1896) 64:279. JohnRomeyn, 1814-73. Scribner’s m. (1877) 13:459. eng. Richard, u. s. senator, 1811-63. Gleason’s pic- torial (1853) 4:153. eng. BRODHURST, Bernard Edward, 1822-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:289.* BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, hart. 1783-1862. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4:18. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:466.* Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 2: pi. 5. Henry Room f. J. Brain, sc. Kensington, N^at.hbt. por. 7: pi. 67. G. F. Watts p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:41. Brain f. lEAR-bk. of facts (1859) front. W.H.Mote eng. after photo. William, burglar, d. 1788. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 105, 106. John Kay f. 1788 & eng. William A. 1841- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:539. wdct. BRODLIQTTE, Eve H. 1867- Cath. world (1896) 63:788. BRODRICK, George Charles, warden of Merton eoll. Oxford, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:71. drawing!* Vanity fair album (1884) 16:pl. 311. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William St John Fremantle, 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:.57.* —(1898) 113:585.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:58.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:40().* Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 140. J. Seymour Lucas del.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33:pl. 739. Spy f. lith. (caricature)* BRODRICK family name. See also title Midleton. BROECKE, Pietervan den, navigator, 1575-1641. L’Art (1876) 4:116. Frans Hals p. 1633. A. Matham sc. — 4:117. Frans Hals p. 1633. Leopold Flameng eng. Secretan, Cat. of paintings (1889) 2 : 19. Frans Hals p. eng. BROfiX, Faschase, d. 1562. Rose, Loyola and the early Je-suits (1891) 506. Philip Galle eng.* BROGLIE, comte de, Victor Maurice, 16401-1727. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 42. Rauch p. after family por. eng. due de, Fran 9 ois Marie, 1671-1745. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Ranc p. Ml. Sal- vador Carmona sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 44. Mme Haudebourt p. eng. due de, Victor Francois, marshal, 1718-1840. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1498. A. F. Caminade p. A. Geille eng. prince de, Victor Claude, 1757-94. Biog. mo- derne (1807) 2:347. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. due de, Achille Charles Leonce Victor, 1785- 1870. Ce.nt. (1884) 5:394.* due de, Jaeques Victor Albert, 1821-1901. Allo. weltgeschichte(1892) 12:611.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 11. photo. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:348.* Harper’s w. (1873) 17:572. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:489. wdct. after photo. Laforge, Hist.de MacMahon (1898) 2:72. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:815.* BROGNI, Giovanni Allarmet de, cardinal de Viviers, 1342-1426. Lf.nfant, Hist, du Concile de Constance (1714) 1:15. B. Picart del. BROGRAVE, Anne. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 73, fig. 1. J. Smart p.* BROELAN, Augustine, comedienne, 1824-93. L’Art (1903) 62:.55S. Madeleine, 1833-1900. L’Art (1903) 62:561. lith.?* (as Marguerite de Valois) — 62:563. Pilodon del. after photo. Febvre et Johnson, Album de la Comedie franf. (1880) p. 24. E. Abot etch. Suzanne, actress, 1807-87. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 37. Benjamin f. BROISAT, l^milie, actress, 1848- Febvre et JohiLson, Album de la Comedie fran?. (1880) p. 46. E. Abot etch. BROKE, Sir Philip Bowes Vere, r. n. 1776-1841. Harper’s mag. (1862) 24:173. eng. Outlook (1902) 70:327. W. Greatbatch eng.* BROME 198 BROOKE BROME, Alexander, 1620-60. Effigies poeticac (1824) 1 : pi. 48. Ilertocks f. G. Clint del. E. Engle- heart eng. (print) For. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 :pl. 48. Loggan f. G. Clint del. E. Engleheart eng. (scarce print) Richard, dramatist, d. 16.'i2 '< Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 3:9. BROMFIELD, Edward, 169.5-17.‘j6. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:6. Smibert p. Edward, 1723-46. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:.509. Smibertlp. Miss E. S. Quincy del. Kil- bum sc. Henry, 1728-1820. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:8. S. F. B. Morse p.* (age 91) BROMHEAD, Gonville, major, 1849-91. Illus. bond, news (1891) 98:235.* Baton, lli.st. records of the 24th regt. (1892) 2.50.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 27. BROMLEY, Isaac Hill, journalist, 183.3-98. Critic (1898) 33:113.* Nelly. Theatre (1882) ser. 3, 6:321.* Sir Thomas, lord chancellor, 1.530-87. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:17. eng. Valentine Walter, illustrator, 1848-77. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:470. wdct. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT family name. See Da- venport. BRONGNIART, Mile. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3, 4:461. Francois Gdrard, p. 1795.* Alexandre T. 1770-1847. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1892) .ser. 3, 7:189. Henriquel-Dupont des. 1836 & eng. 18.50. — (1903) .ser. 3, 29:385. lloudon sc.* (2 views child bust, Louvre) Louise. Gaz. d. beaux arts (190.3) ser. .3, 29:382. lloudon sc.* (child bust, Louvre) BRONEHORST, Jan van, 160.3-80. Descamps, La vie des pcintres flamands (175-1) 2:72. C. Eisen del. M. Aubert sc. Etched por. of celebrated painters, 12. I. Girtin eng. Mevssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. .50. van Bronchorst del. Pet. Bailliu sc. lo. Mcy.s.scas cxc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 69. J. van Bronchorst del. Baffin sc. Meysscasex. Weyerman, De leveasbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2: pi. L^ BRONSART VON SCHELLENDORFF, Paul, 1832-91. Alig. weltge-schichte (1892) 12:717.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (18^) 2:976.* Walter, general, 183.3- Scheibert, Heerfuhrer d. gcgenwart (1894) pi. 13.*. BRONSON, Mrs Arthur. Critic (1901) 38:298. Clara Montalba del * Greene Carrier, 1789-186.3. Green bag (l.S!K)) 2:278. Isaac, M. D. 1760-1839. Abhatt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 40. Trumbull p.* Marcus, oil producer. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:394.* William, negro sergeant. Outlook (1898) 59:. 526. BRONTfi, Anne, 1820-49. Bookman (1896) 3:313 Charlotte Brontii del.* BranweU, 1817-48. Critic (1899) 35:707. Muss E. Taylor del.* Charlotte , ( Mrs Arthur Bell Nicholls) 1816-5.5. Bookman (1896) 3:317.* Connoisseur (1903) 5:47. p.* (Bronte mus., Haworth) Critic (1894) 24:7. — (1896) 29:248. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:44. Chappcl p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1857) 42: 145. G. Richmond del. J. Sartain eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4 : 279. Richmond del.* Hamilton, Women writers (1893) 2:190. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:308. wdct. Hubbard, Little jour. fam. women (1897) 116. J. B. Wande-sforde. eng Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:676. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:17. Alonzo Chappel f. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:. 59. Richmond p. eng.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 63. Richmond del.* Emily, 1818-48. Bookman (1896) 3:318. Char- lotte Bronte del.* — (1899) 9:12. Critic (1894) 25:29. C. Bronte del.* Patrick, 1777-1861. Bookman (1896) 3:317. Critic (1894) 24:7. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 4:280. Illus. I^nd. news (1893) 102:676. Scribner’s m. (1871) 2:26. eng. BRONZINO, n. SeeAllori. BROOK, iSir Basil, 1.576-1646? Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 20. eng. after print. Charles. Baines, Yorkshire, past and present, 2:1. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. John, d. 1426. Ciytman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 9. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Easton church, Suffolk) BROOKE, 1st baron, Fulke Greville, 15.54-1628. Bourne, Sir Philip Sidney (1891) 220. eng.* (in Lodge’s “ Portraits ”) Brown, Genesis of U. S. (18ik)) 1:460. J. Jenkins eng. 1825 after p. (coll, of Lord Willoughbv de Broke) Effigies poetic® (1824) 1 :pl. 22. (j. Clint del. after p. E. Smith eng. (coll, of Lord Willoughby de Brooke) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (U)03) 2:289. p?* Lodge, Por. (183.5) 5:pl. 4. J. Cochran eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 :pl. 22. G. Clint del. after p. E. Smith eng. (coll, of Lord Wil- lougliby de Broolce) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl.83. Patoun p.* 2d baron, Robert Greville, l(i07-43. Claren- don, Hist, of rebellion (17.31) 2, pt. 1:149. — (184.3) 1 :348. W. T. Mote eng. after p? (coll, of Earl of War- wick) Ijoixie, Por. (183.5) .5: pi. 18. W. T. Mote eng Nugent, Mem. J. Hampden (1874) 288. Phillibrown sc. Por. of Parliament arj’ officers (1873) 7. eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:26. eng. Walfoi.e, Royal & noble authors (1806) 2:. 338. Geremia eng. Wixhhu'rn’s gall. (181(i) 1:[)1. 21. eng. after equestr. print in Earl S])enccr’s Clarcudou. BROOKE 199 BROOKS 5th baron, Fiilke Qreville, 1643-1710. «\Vil- UAMSON, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl.27, fig. 3. Mrs Rosse p.* (miniature, Victoria and Albert mus.) For the later Barons Brooke, who are also Earls Brooke, see title Warwick. Sir Charles Anthony, rajah of Sarawak, 1829- Ii.LVS. Lond. news (1901) 119:332.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 735. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Ladi/ [Charles Anthony], Margaret Alice Lilly (De Windt) Pall Mall mag. (1893) 1:802. Claude, actor. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:1246. Elizabeth, aftw. w. of S>r John Denham. See Denham. Emma Frances, author. Critic (1895) 26:383. Francis J. 1763-1851. Green bag (1893) 5:323. Francis Key, bp. of Oklahoma, 1852- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 346. Sir George, general, 1793-1882. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:149.* Gustavus Vaughan, actor, 1818-66. Glea- son’s pictorial (1852) 2:24. wdct. (as Othello) — 2:120 — 2:217 (as Hamlet) Whyte, Actors (1898) 138. eng.* (as the Duke of Gloucester) Henry, 1703 ?-83. Bioo. mirrour (1795) 1 : pi. 23. Brooke p. Clamp, sc. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 120. II. Brooke p. J. Thurston del. C. Pye eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:284. por.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 51. H. Brooke p. J. Thurs- ton del. C. Pj’e eng. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:922, pi. 64. T. l^wis p. 1755. Andrew Miller f. 1756 eng. Sir James, rajah of Sarawak, 1803-68. Bent- ley’s misc. (1849) 25:72. Francis Grant p? W. Holl sc. CusT, Nat. por gall. (1902) 2:227. G. G. Adams sc.* (bust) Harper’s w. (1857) 1 :344. wdct. John Charles, 1748-94. Nichols, Ulus, of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1831) 6:344. T. Ma}'nard p. P. Audinet sc. John Cheap, general, 1819-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:187.* John Mercer, 1826- Cent. (1889) 15:464. John Rutter, maj.-gen. U. S. A. 1838- Har- per’s mag. (1899) 99:65. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:280. wdct. —(1898) 42:441, 853. —(1899) 43:5,431,1293. —(1901)45:977. Outlook (1899) 61:18. Sir Joshua. Proctor (R. W.) Mem. of bygone Manchester (Manchester, 1880) p. 142. Lionel Godolphin, colonel, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:722. Percy. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:35. Albert E. Sterner del. wdct. (as Sir Andrew Aguecheek) Richard, 1787-1827. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 625. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Lady [Robert], Joan (Weld) d. 1618. Cotman. Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 42. J. S. Cotman del, & etch. (Yo.\ford church, Sulfolk) Simon, d. 1488. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 19. J. S. Cotmat del. & etch. 1817 (with his wives Emota, Margarita and Alicia; Ufford church, Suffolk) Stopford Augustus, author, 1832- Bookman (1896) 4:105.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:555.* New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:232. Outlook (1902) 70:869. Walker, u. s. senator, 1813-69. Gleason’s pic- torial (1853) 4:89. eng. BROOKE family name. See also title Cobham. BROOKE-HITCHING, Sir Thomas Henry, 1858- See Hitching. BROOKES, Joshua, anatomist, 1761-1833. Jer- DAN, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. T. Phillips p. H. Cook eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:93. Phillips p. Cook eng. BROOKFIELD, Arthur Montagu, m. p. 1853- Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 700. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Charles E. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 13:177. photo. CharlesH.E. Lamp (1903) 26:309.* Mrs Jane Octavia (Elton) w. of W. II. Critic (1897) 30:63. W. M. Thackeray del.* —30:62. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:395, 675. W. M. Thack- eray del. eng. W. C. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 17:272 (with Miss Lottie Vance, C. H. Ilawtrey and II. Kemble) William, 1844- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:76. wdct. BROOKHOT7SE, Joseph. Meth. mag. (1808) 31:337. R. M. Meadows sc. Robert, 1779-1866. Osgood and Batchelder, Hist, sketch of Salem (1879) 182.* BROOKS, Dr. Scribner’s mag. (1870) 1:37. eng. Mr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 100. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Rev. Arthur, 1845-95. H.arper’s w. (1895) 39:714. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:559. Charles, 1795-1872. Book buyer (1902) 24:207. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1880) 18: 174. eng. Rev. Charles Timothy, 1813-83. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:495. wdct. Elbridge Streeter, 1846-1902. Book buver (1902) 24:13. Book.man (1897) 6:13.* —(1902) 15:4.* Erastus, 1815-86. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:28. Barrv del. after ambrotype. eng. Bookman (1902) 15:1^. H.arper’s w. (1860) 4:284. wdct. —(1886) 30:784. wdct. Florence, aftw. Mrs Alan Richard llleigh Hilev, 1868- Bookman (1902) 15:84.* Rev. Frederick. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:. 559. BROOKS 200 BROUGH Geraldine, dau. of E. S. Brooks, 1875- Book- man (1901) 13:G. Horatio G. 1828-87. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 8:580. eng. James, 1810-73. Harper’s w. (1868) 12 : 508. wdct. —(1873) 17 : 421. wdct. John, gov. of Mass. 1752-1825. A.m. hist. reg. (189.5) 3:1. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890), 115. G. C. Stuart p. James Herring p. A. B. Durand eng. Drake, Mem. of Cincin. (1873) 237. Stuart p. James Herring p. Durand eng. Longacre and Her- ring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1835) 2: pi. 14. Stuart p. Durand eng. N. E. ukst. and geneal. reg- ister (1865) 19:193. Frothingham p. R. E. Babson and J. Andrews sc. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:538. Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 2: pi. 5. Stuart p. Ja. Herring p. Durand eng. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:350. Rob- erts, Hist. anc. and hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:223. Tiiacher, Am. med. biog. (1828) 1:197. Stuart p. Pendleton lith. Ret'. John Cotton. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:559. John W. 1819- WiNsoR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:145. Kilburn sc. M. L. 1813- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:95. eng. Mrs Maria (Gowen) (Maria del Occidente) 17951-1845. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:923. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1879) 58:249. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 345. Alexander p. S. Parker eng. lion. Mrs Marshall (Florence Thomas) Art j. (1901) 53:180. Luke Fildes p.* Illus. Lond. news (1901) 1 18: May 11, sup. p. 3. Fildes p.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:302. Fildes p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 157. Fildes p.* Noah, 1830-1903. Book buyer (1886) 3:259. LuAmp (1903) 27: 128.* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:738. Obed, 1781-1856. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 1:666. L. Grozelier lith. Peter Chardon, 1767-1849. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:25. Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 1:132. A. B. Durand p. 11. W. Smith eng. N. E. HIST, and geneal. register (1854) 8:297. A. B. Durand p. II. W. Smith eng. Phillips, bp. of Mass. 1835-93. .j1j>pleton’s Am. cyclop. (1893) 18: front. 11. B. Hall eng. Arena (1890) 1:631.* Bolton, Fam. leaders men (1894) 368. Book buyer (1893) 10:524. —(1901) 22:120, 123 (age 22) ' Cent. (1893) 24:482.* —(1900) 37:874. D. C. French sc.* (bust) Critic (1895) 27 : 44. W. C. Noble sc.* (statue) —(1897) 31:323 (with archdeacon Farrar) Farrar, Men I have known (1897) 173* (with F. W. Farrar) Harper’s w. (1893) 37:112. wdct. —37:112. wdct. (age 20) —(1895) 39:110. W. C. Noble sc. wdct. (bas-relief) IIarri- so.N, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 29.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:106.* .^^cCLURE’s mag. (1893) 2: 15* (with Farrar) —(1896) 7:237, 238.* .Moul- ton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:17. photo. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:. 5.54-565 (various por.) — (1893) n. s. 8:4, 148, 274, 288 (various por.) — (1896) n. s. 14:498. Outlook (1899) 61:57-61 (4 por.) —(1899) 63:719. Perry, Episcopate in .\m. (1895) 330. R. OF rev. (1893) 7:175. —(189.5) 12:258. bas-relief.* Taft, Hist, of .\m. sculpture (1903) 492. Bela L. Pratt sc.* (bust) Preston Smith, 1819-57. Ce.nt. (1887) 12 : 206. Shirley, 1816-74. Book buyer (1899) 18:453.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:225. wdet. — (1891) 99:85. —(1892) 100:598. Sir Thomas, 1825- See Crawshaw, 1st baron. Walter B. 1825- Harper’s w. (1887) 31:652. wdct. Sir Wilham Cunliffe, 1819-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:802.* Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 310. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Wilham Keith, 1848- Pop. sci. m. (1899) 55:289. Wilham Robert, astronomer, 1844- Cent. (1894) 25:838. Wilham Thomas Harbaugh, 1821-70. Bene- dict, Vt. in civ. war (1886) 1 : 236. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. BROOM, James Madison, of Delaware, 1778- St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 489. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* BROOME, Sir Frederick Napier, 1842-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:792.* Wilham, ll. d. 1689-1745. Bioo. mag. (1794) Heins p. Rothwell sc. BROONER, Rev. Ahen, friend of Lincoln McClure’s mag. (1895) 6:4.* BROPHY, John P. Catii. world (1893) 57:76. BROSCH, explorer. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:1000. wdct. BROSCHI, Carlo, 1705-82. See Farinelli. BROSSES, Charles de, 1709-77. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:429. Cochin del. Saint-Aubin sc. BROUARD. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 311. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* BROTJCHOVKN, Francois Paulin de, seigneur de Vechel, fl. 1656. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 80. Gustave Levy eng. after contemp. por BROUCElilRE, Henri de, 1801-91. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2:269. Baugniet f. BROUGH, Fanny, actn-ss. Cab. por. gall. ( 1894) 5:92.* Theatre (1888) si-r. 4, 11:117. photo. Mrs Frances (Whiteside) novelist, 1803-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:798. John, gov. of Ohio, 181 1-6.5. Harper’s w.(1863) 7:828. wdct. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 1:324. BROUGH 201 BROWN Lionel, 1836- Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:257* (ingroup from the Mascotte) — (1884) ser. 4,3:258.* —(1896) ser. 4, 28:90.* Mrs Lizzie (Webster) Theatre (1894) sor. 4, 23:190.* Robert, 1872- Art j. (1898) .50:148. Robert Brough f.* (age 17) Sydney. The.vtre (1894) ser. 4, 23:206.* —(1896) ser. 4, 28:90.* BROUGHAM, John, actor, 1810-80. Book buyer(1901)22:473* (inl861) Cent. (1890) 18:539* (as the O’Grady in Arrah na pogue) Harper’s w. (1880) 24:412. wdct. Rvan, Recoil. (1899) 13*(with John McCullough) Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29: 178.* (in 1861) BROUGHAM AND VAUX, 1st baron, Henry Brougham, 1778-1868. Alm. de Gotha (18.33) 70: pi. 7. Rosmasler sc. Archer, Glad.stone and his contemp. (1882) 3:12. lith. after photo. L’Art (1903) 62:260. Horace Vemet del. (caricature) Ballou’s pictorial (18.58) 1.5:. 393. eng. after photo. Bentley’s misc. (18.50) 28:215. Alfred Crowquill del. eng. Be- SANT, .50 years ago (1888) 206. Alfred Crowquill del.* (Fraser gall.) Campbell’s for. m. mag. (1843) 3:325. J. Lonsdale p. J. Sartain eng. Cary, Browning (1899)214. Rob. Browning sr. f.* (caricature) Cent. (1897) 31:581. Samuel Lover f.* Creevey papers (1904) 172. James Lonsdale p.* (young man, Nat. por. gall.) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:75. James Lons- dale p.* — 2:75. G. Gammon Adams sc.* (bust) DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (18.59) ser. 2: pi. 15. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 1:494. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1854) 3.3:^9. J. Lonsdale f. J. Sar- tain eng. Fagan, Reform club (1887) 1. H. W. Pickersgill p. L. Fagan del. Green bag (189.5) 7:66. —(1901) 13:74 p.* Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:504. wdct. — (1892) 85:916. death ma-sK.* Harper’s w. (1868) 12:. 381. wdct. Henderson, Bk. of the illus. (1^.5) 49. J. Stewart del. H. Robinson eng. Hutton, Por. in pla-ster (1894) 263. life mask, 1838.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:764-6. W. Holt eng. after photo. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 4. Lawrence p. Henrv Robinson eng. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 3.38. John Kay eng. after medal, 1812. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:.36. Lonsdale p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Mao. of Am. hist. (1889) 22:441. SfouLTON, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:435. photo, ^^us. of for. lit. and sci. (1832) 20:.577. etch. New m. mag. (1831) 32:497. en^ Outlook (1897) 55:78. p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:355. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 :62. Lawrence p. H. Robinson eng. Year-bk of facts (1861) front. W. H. Mote eng. after photo. 3d baron, Henry Charles Brougham, 1836- Baily’s mag. (1891) .56:289. W. RolTe sc. after photo. Maclise gall. (1873) 49. Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del.? BROUGHTON, 1st baron. Sir John Cam Hob- house, 1786-1869. Besant, .50 years ago (1888) 226. fr. the Fraser gall.* Byron, Works, letters, ed. Prothero (1899) 3:3.50. Sir William J. Newton p.* (miniature) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:113. Wivell f.* Maclise gall. (1873) 190. Maclise del. Mus. of for. lit. and sci. (1836) 29:. 569. etch. Hugh, 1.549-1612. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 22. Payne sc. Phyllis, actress. Cab. jxir. gall. (1890) 1:22.* Theatre (1884) 4, ser. 4:219.* Rhoda, 1840- Black, Women authors (1893) 37.* Harper’s mag. (1890) 81 : 2.53.* BROUILLET, Jacques Antoine, 1743- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:348. Perrin del. Courbe sc. Pierre Aristide Andre, 1857- Paris salon (189.3) 45. BROULARD, M . Soc. Montvon et Paris, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3: 161. .J. lioilly del. Ueque- vauviller sc. (with Br^zin and Devillas) BROUN CKER, 2d viscount, William Brouncker, 1G201-S4. Garnett, Hi.st. of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:99. Lely p. eng.* Pepys, Diary, Wheatley ed. (1896) 7 front. Sir. Peter Lelv p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:13. John Evelyn f. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 5:204. Lely p. del. BROUSSE, cur^ de Volkrange, 173.5- Bioo. mo- deme (1807) 2:.348. Turlure del. Voyez sc. Paul, socialist. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:617. wdct. BROUWER, Adriaan, painter, 1608-40. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:487. A. van Dyck p, E. de Boulonois f. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (17.54) 2:129. Van Dyck p. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:381. eng. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. .52. A. Van Dyck p. S. Bolswert sc. Die GRAPiiLsciiEN kunste (1884) 6:21. A. Van Dyck p.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:^5. Mag. of art (1880) 3:1.54. wdct. Meysse.ns, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 102. eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 2. f. 1.594. Robert Smith sc. eng. (age 30) Seidlitz, Portnitwerk (1894) 2: pi. 79. Van Dyck p. M. van den Enden sc. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1887) 22:133. wdct. Zt.scii. f. bucherfreunde (1900) 4:89. Van Dyck p. S. A. Bolswert eng.* BROVES, vicomte de, Fran 9 ois de Rafelis, 1729- 92. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:349. Gros del. Texier sc. BROWER, Daniel Roberts, m. d. 1839- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11:437. eng. BROWERE, John Henri Isaac, 1792-1834. Hart, Browere’s life masks (1899) 12. McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:10.53. Albertus D. O. Browere p.* (jjoss. Mrs Frank Van Benscholten) BROWILLER, Arnold von, burgomaster of Cologne. Art j. (1890) 42:73. Bartholomaus Bruyn f.* BROWN, Dr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 61. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* BROWN 202 BROWN Master, son of Mather Brown, painter. Rey- nolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 24. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1776? S. W. Reynolds eng. — 2: pi. 69. Sir Joshua Rey- nolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Miss. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:57. Max Koner p. 1896.* Mrs, actress. Lady’s mag. (1786) 17:64. Prat- tent sc. (as Grace, in Poor Vulcan) Aaron V ail, gov. of Tenn. 1795-1859. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:305. A. Hill del. after photo, eng. Demockatic rev. (1858) 41:140. J. C. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:228 w’dct. — (1859) 3:188. wdct. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (18M) 1:89. H. B. Hall eng. Abraham, 180.5-90. N. Y. oeneal. and biog. record (1897) 28:4. Addison, 1830- Harper’s w. (1881) 25:417. ■wdct. Albert Gallatin, 1813-80. Democratic rev. (1849) 25:385. T. Doney eng. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:81. wdct. — (1861) 5:6.5. wdct. Alexander Crum, 1838- Hole, Por. Edin- burgh univ. (1884) 225. W. Hole sc. Alice, author, 18.57- Book buyer (1896) 13:635. Bookman (1896) 3:10.* Critic (1896) 29:367. —(1899) 35:775.* Harper’s w. (1903) 47: 1700.* Allen A. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:751. Allen T. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 38. Anna Robertson, aftw. Mrs S. M. Lindsay, 1864- Bookman (1903) 18: 127.* Anthony, fl. 1844-53. London’s roll of fame (1884) 171. Samuel Lane p. Antoinette Louisa, aftw. Mrs S. C. Blackwell, 1825- Griffiths, Autog. for freedom (1854) 41. J. C. Buttre eng. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutch- insons (1896) 1:436. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1881) 1:449. J. C- Buttre eng. Amesby, a. r. a. 1866- lLi.us.Lond. news (1903) 122: 153.* Mag. of art (1903) 27:2.58.* Arthur, u. s. senator, 1843- Harper’s w. (1896) 40: 100. wdct. Arthur J. D. D. R. of rev. (1904) 29: 123. Benjamin Gratz, politician, 1826-85. Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:852. wdct. Wilson, Hist, of Arn. people (1902) 5:85.* Carl, leader of Coxey’s army, 1848- Catii. world (1894) 59:670. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:308. wdct. Mrs Caroline (Madox), m. of Ford Madox Brown. Hueffer, F. M. Brown (1896) 21. orig. 1835* (poss. of Mrs Hueffer) Catherine Madox, aftw. w. of Francis HufTer. Hueffer, F. M. Brown (1896) 131. Ford Mado.x Brown del.* Charles Brockden, novelist, 1771-1811. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:610. Roberts sc. Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. .\m. (1836) 3: pi. 29. William Dunlap p. 1806. J. B. For- rest en». (miniature) Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 180. William Dunlap p. 1806. J. B. Forrest eng. (min- iature) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:.5.‘&. Wm Dunlap p. I. B. Forrest eng.* (miniature) Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 3:pl. 14. W. Dunlap p. 1806. J. B. Forrest eng. (miniature) Charles F. Green bag (1890) 2:329* (ingroup N. Y. Ct. of Appeals, 2d Div. 1890) Charles H. of Fitchburg, 1820- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:440. A. H. Ritchie eng. Rev. Charles S. d. 1880. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:780. wdct. Daniel Russell, gov. of R. I. 1848- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:367. wdct. David, d. 1852. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:226. Da'vid Paul, lawyer, 1795-1872. Am. hist. reg. (1896)3:622. Dyer Date Stanley, 1819-87. Mao. of West, hist. (1888) 8:555. eng. Ed'ward M. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:811. wdct. Elizabeth, astronomer, 1841-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:413.* Ethan Allen, gov. of Ohio, 1766-1852. Green bag (1895) 7:108. ? Fayette, 1823- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:350. John Sartain eng. Flavius A. of Hartford, 1806-80. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2: 1099. eng. Ford, sr. f. of Ford Madox Brown. Hueffer, F. M. Brown (1896) 14. p.* (poss. of Mr H. Rathbone) Ford Madox, 1821-93. Book buyer (1897) 14:38. p. 1875* (poss. of Theodore Watts-Duncan) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:277. D.G. Rossetti del. 1852.* Hueffer, F. M. Brown (1896) 1. F. M. Brown p. 1875.* — p. 67. por.* (poss. of W. M. Rossetti, age 29) Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:470.* Mao. of art (1889) 12:185. F. M. Brown p. 1876. J.M. John- stone eng. — (1890) 13:133. Conrad Dressier sc. Jonnard eng. (bust) — (1894)17:72.* Scribner’s m. (1872) 4:1,58. eng. Mrs Ford Madox (Emma Hill) d. 1890. Huef- fer, F. M. Brown (1896) 61. F. M. Brown p. 1848.* — p. 254. pastel 1!^9* (poss. of Mr H. Rathbone) PoimxjLio (1893) 24:65. F. M. Brown del.* Frank, gov. of Md. 1846- ILvrper’s w. (1886) 30 : :509. wdct. — ( 1891 ) 35 ; 904. wdct. Fred, prof, of art. Mag. of art (1893) 16:144. — (1894) 17:403. Walter Sickert del. George, 1722-1806. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 33. John Kay p. 1790 & eng. George. Metu. mag. (1801) 24: 145. W. Ridley sc. (age M) Sir George, general, 1790-1865. Noij^n, War against Russia, 1 : 203. C. Holl eng. after photo. George, 1818-80. Bourinot, Story of Canada (1896) 40*.).* Dent, Canadian p>or. gall. (1880) 2:3. lith. WiNsoR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 8: 168. eng after statue.* BKOWN 203 BKOWN George Douglas {pseud. George Douglas) 1869-1902. See Douglas. George Loring, artist, 1814-89. New Eno. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:689. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1871) 6:61. Ad. Neumann del. Aug. Neumann sc. George Mackenzie, 1869- Illls. Lend, news (1900) 117:574.* George T. sergt. of arms U. S. senate. H.\rpek’s w. (1868) 12:193. wdet. Sir George Thomas, 1827- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:41.* Gerard Baldwin, 1849- Hole, For. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 133. W. Hole sc. Henry Billings, 1836- AiiERiCA’s grtst men and women (1894) 224. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 541. Max Rosenthal etch, after photo 1891. Green bag (1889) 1:203.* —(1903) 15:425.* Harper’sw. (1891) 35: 5. wdet. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 109.* Henry Kirke, sculptor, 1814-86. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:468. wdet. Rev. Hugh Stowell, 1823-86. Ann. gift book (1859) 1: 13. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Ira, 1835- Nat. mag. (1891) 15: 187. eng. Isaac. Arminian mag. (1793) 16:113. Ridley sc. (age 60) J. Virginia merchant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) no. 579. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* J. Stanley, private sec. to Pres. Garfield. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:541. wdet. Jacob, u. s. A. 1775-1828. Am. hist. reg. (1896) 3:172,442. Analectic mag. (1815) 5:292. J. W. Jarvis p. P. Maverick sc. Baines, Wars of Fr. rev. 2:front. eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of cm. Am. (1861) 1 :4^. Chappel p. eng. Harper's mag. (1863) 27:749. eng. Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1835) 2: pi. 22. J. W. Jarvis p. Ja.s. Her- ring p. A. B. Durand eng. Loub.at, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 40. Fiirst des. & eng. 1814. Jules Jacijuemart etch. Portfolio (1815) ser. 3, 5:105. J.Woodp. Gimbradesc. Rodenbougii and Haskin, Arm}^ of the U. S. (1896) 251. Scribner’s mag. (1901) 30:446. James, 1791-1877. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:90. G. E. Ferine eng. James, 1800-55. Bookman (1897) 5: 373. Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 2:515. H. W’right Smith sc. James (pseud. J. B. Selkirk) 1832- Borland, Yarrow (1890) 212.* James H. West Va. judge, 1818- Green bag (1900) 12:191.* James Henry, Denver lawyer, 1859- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 12:60. eng. James Mimcastor, 1820-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:604. wdet. James Sahsbury, 1802-79. Van Slvck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:142. eng. Jerry Z. captain U. S. A. Harper’s w. (1865) 5:741. wdet. Jesse, 1753-1818. Perkins, Old houses of Nor- wich (1895) 364. p.* (pos.s. the Misses Ingham, Wilkes- barre, Pa.) John, M. D. 1735-88. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 26,27. John Kay f. 1786, 1791 & eng. Petti- grew, Med. por. gall. (1840) 4: pi. 1. Donald.son f. J. Thomson eng. John, M. 0. 1757-1837. Bowen, Centennial, Washington’s inauguration (1892) 119. Jouett, St Memin, Sharpless, Trumbull (6 por.) Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:62. Trumbull p.* (miniature) Rev. John, f. of Dr John B. 1784-1858. Fields, Shelf of old books (1894) 77. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:458. eng. Dr John, d. 1822? Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 305. John Kay f. 1819 & eng. Rev. John, 1791-1884. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:. 563. wdet. John, of Ossawatomie, 1800-.59. Alcott, Son- nets (1882) 141. photo. Cent. (1883) 4:323. ^iden J. Woodman f. 1881.* —(1887) 12:514.* Green bag (1899) 11:165. drawing?* Harper’s w. (1859) 3:712. wdet. —(1877)21:748. II. Worralldel. wdet. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: front.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:305. photo, (in 1854) Mag. of West. hist. (18^) 7:173. wdet. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:.527. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:487. — (1894) n. s. 10:273. wdet. after daguerr. — (1899) n. s. 20:581. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2: 192.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4: 183. old print.* Dr John, 1810-82. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2: 158. Sir George Reid p. 1881* (Scot. nat. por. gall.) Cent. (1882) 3:240 (with Rab) Fields, Shelf of old books (1894) 79. wdet. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1876) 53:353. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:508.* Mag. of art (1892) 15: 199. Reid p. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1889) 5:458. eng. after photo. Sir John, 1816-96. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:42.* John, servant to q. Victoria, 1827-83. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:332.* John, D. D. 1830- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:671.* Outlook (1899) 63:53. John, der Schmied. Knackfuss. Kunstler- monog. (1901) 54:53. Hubert von Herkomer del.* John Bundy, 180.5-81. Bioa. encycl. of Me. (1885) 206. eng. John George, painter, 1831- Harper’s w. (1880) 24:373. wdet. Mao. of art (1881) 5:268. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:146. John Hamilton, cannon inventor, 1837- Har- per’s w. (1892) 36:271. wdet. John Henry Hobart, bp. of Fond du Lac, 1831- 88. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 242. John MacLeavy. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:376. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:80. BROWN 204 BROWNE Rev. John Turland, 1819-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:909.* Rev. John Wesley, 1837-1900. IIarpek’s \v. (1888) 32:393. wdct. John Young, gov. of Ky. 1835-1904. Har- per’s w. (1877) 21:352. wdct. — (1891) 35:624. wdct. —(1893) 37:1085. wdct. —(1899) 43:898. Jonathan. Metu. mag. (1798) 21:front. W. Ridley^ sc. (age 44) Joseph E, 1814-79. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:255. eng. Joseph Emerson, u. s. senator, 1821-94* Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 23. J. C. Buttre eng. (age 28) — p. 563. eng. Green bag (1892) 4:31. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:109. wdct. Joseph Jauncy Outerbridge, 1827-94. N. Y. GENEAL. and biog. record (189.5) 26:1. Joseph Rogers, 1810-76. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2.539. eng. Van Slyck,N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:154. eng. Justus Morris, u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:821. wdct. Keimeth, writer. Bookman (1901) 13:7. Har- per’s mag. (1903) v. 107: June Bookshelf* Leroy D. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:805. wdct. Martin Bartholomew, 1838-93. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:24. wdct. Maynard. Illcs. Lond. news (1892) 100:592. Moses, 1738-1836. New Eng. mag. (1887) 6:1. Pollock eng. 1836. —(1890) n. s. 3:168. (silhouette) Moses, 1748-1820. Bond, Fam. and desc. of Watertown (1860) 126. G. Stuart p. H. W. Smith eng. (age 68) Essex antiq. (1904) 8:97. N. E. hist. and geneal. register (1885) 39:9. Gilbert Stuart p. H. W. Smith eng. (age 68) Nathaniel J. 1812- Nat. mag. (1892) 15:667. eng. Nathaniel William, colonel, 1811-62. Bari> LETT, R. I. officers (1867) 147. J. C. Buttre eng. Nicholas, 1769-1841. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 44. C. Harding p. H. W. Smith eng. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:542. W. Rob- ertssc. New Eng. mag. (18^) n. s. 7:75. — (1899) n. s. 20:293. OUver Madox, 1855-74. Hueffer, F. M. Brown (1896) 292. Ford Madox Brown del. 1874.* (death-bed por.) Rev. Olympia, 1835- Stanton, Woman suf- frage (1882) 2:265. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Philo, 1803- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 148. eng. Robert, author, 1842-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:542.* Samuel A. of Jamestown, N. Y. 1795- Living- ston, Por. of ein. Am. (1853) 1 :53. H. B. Hall eng. Samuel Q. pres, tidewater pipe line. Mo- Clure’s mag. (1904) 22:296. Mrs Spalding, archer. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:732. wdct. Stimson J. 18.54- Harper’s w. (1899) 43: 1309. T. P. of Minn. McGlure’s mag. (1903) 20:233.* Thomas, satirist, 1663-1701. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 1 : 12. J. Tuck sc. Thomas, soldier, fl. time of George II. Caul- field, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:79. R. Grave sc. Thomas Edward, poet, 1830-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:680.* Thomas Frederic, lieut.-col. 1842- B.artlett, R. I. officers (1867) 393. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Thomas Jaycox, 1829- N. Y. geneal. and biog. record (1897) 28:6. Vernon H. Harper’s w’. (1891) 35:249. wdct. Walter, oarsman. Harper’s mag. (1869) 40:67. eng. WiUiam, 1779-1802? Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (1895) 364. J. Trumbull p.* Wilham Gray, of Ipswich, 1830-96. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2252. A. II. Ritchie eng. William H. coal shipper, 1815-75. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:410. eng. Wilham Haig-, 1823- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:437.* William Harvey, author. Book buyer (1899) 18:291. Wilham Henry, 1808-83. Outlook (1900) 66:333. W. II. Brown f. 1874.* (silhouette) Wilham O. Fitchburg, Mass. 1815-90. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2254. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Wilham W. fugitive slave. Griffiths, Autog. for freedom (1854) 70. J. C. Buttre eng. BROWN. See also Browne. BROWN-POTTER, Mrs James. See Potter, Mrs Cora Urquhart. BROWN-RAMSAY, James Andrew, 1812-60. See Dalhousie, 1st marquis of. BROWN-S^QUARD, Charles Edward, 1818-94. See S^quard. BROWNBILL, Thomas Robson, 1822-64. See Robson, Frederick. BROWNE, Sir Anthony, 1500-48. BioG.mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 35. S. Harding del. after p. James Stow sc. Blore, Monumental remains (1826) pi. 30. E. Blore del. II. Le Keu.x eng. (monument at Battle Abbey) Maule, Por. of illus. persons in Eng. hist. (1869) pi. 5. G. P. Harding del. after p. J. Brown sc. (coll, of Thos. Baylis) Mrs Caroline E. in. of Artemus Ward. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1881) 22:47. eng. Charles Farrar {pseud. Artemus Wa.'d) 1834- 67. Book-man (1897) 6:25,* 26,* 27 (3 i>or.) Ce.nt. BROWXE 205 BROWNING (1890) 18:541.* —(1893)24: 132 (age 20) —(1901) 41:52* (about 1857) IIaupeii’s mag. (1886) 72:575. —(1895) 91:71. IIakper’s w. (1867) 11:188. wdct. Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 162. bust.* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:740. Scribner’s mag. (1878) 16 : 785. George Hoyt del. eng. — 16:788-89 (2 por.) — (1881) 22:48. Birch del. eng. (as a lecturer) Trowbridge, My own story (1903) 182.* Dunn, pseud, of Samuel Fiske, 1828-64. See Fiske. Edward Harold, bp. of Winchester, 1811-91. Illl’s. Lond. nows (1873) 63:153. wdct. after photo. —(1891) 99:823.* xMen of mark (1876) l:pl. 25. photo. Edward Ingersoll, a.m,ll. d. 1833-1901. N.E. HIST, and geneal. register (1902) 56:299.* Francis Fisher, ed. Chicago Dial, 1843- Book buyer (1900) 20:302. Book.man (1900) 11:202. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:542. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:6^. George, of Tacoma, 1840- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 13:1, front, eng. George Forrest, bp. of Bristol, 1833- Illcs. Lond. news (1895) 106:470.* —(1897) 111:174.* Gordon Frederick, illustrator, 1858- Art j. (1899) 51:69. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:592. Hablot Knight (Phiz) 1815-82. Book buyer (1902) 23:542. Ce.nt. (1893) 23:386. Walter Browne f.* Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:124.* —(1892) 100:591. Harold Crichton-, 1866- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:86. Irving, 1835-99. Green bag (1889) 1 :509.* —(1890) 2:165. Isaac Hawkins, «r. 1705-60. Effigies poetics# (1824) 2:pl. 10.5. Highmore p. G. Clint del. W. C. Edwards eng. For. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 36. Highmore p. Clint del. Edwards eng. J. D. of Hartford, 1836- Davis, N. E. states (1897)2:538. eng. Sir James Crichton-, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:104. John, of Waltone, d. 1597? Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 86. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with Winifred Browne, his sister; Church of St John Baptist, Norwich) John, bro. of 2d viscount Montacutc. William- son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 11. I. Oliver p.* (with his 2 brothers and servant; coll, of Marquisof Exeter) John Michael, 1834- Baily’s mag. (1886) 45:335. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. John Ross, 1817-7.5. Cent. (1890) 18:784.* Harper’s mag. (1865) 32:6. wdct. after caricature. —(1900) 100:951. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:125. wdct. after caricature. — (1868) 12:12.5. wdct. — (1875) 19:1041. wdct. Lennox, 1841-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:692.* Mary Josephine {pseud. Marion J. Brunowc) Cath. world (1896) 64:418. Mathew Campbell. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 231. John Kay f. 1794 & eng. Matthew, pseud, of William Brighty Rands 1823-82. 8e« Rands. Pattie. Theatre (1893) 21,ser. 4:256* (in The Amazons) —(1894) ser. 4, 23:310. photo, (as Mrs Lappet in Dick Sheridan) Sir Richard, maj.-gen. d. 1669. Bioo. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 34. Harding sc. after print in England’s worthies. For. of Farliamentary officers (1873) 9. R. S. sc. Vicars, England’s worthies (1845) 100. eng. Vanity fair album (1887) 19:pl. 374. Ape f. lith. (car- icature) Sir Samuel James, general, 1824-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:552. wdct. —(1901) 118:412.* Sir Thomas, 1605-82. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:52. eng. after por.* (Roy. coll, of physi- cians) Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:396. Lives of Brit, physicians (1830) 60. W. C. Edwards f. Mal- colm, Lives of topographers (1824) pi. 5. T. Trotter sc. Moule, For. of illus. persons in Eng. hist. (1869) pi. 15. G. F. Harding del. after p. J. Brown sc. (Coll, of phj-sicians, Lond.) Thomas Aiexander (pseud. Rolf Boldrewood) 1826- Book buyer (1897) 14:461.* Sir Thomas Gore, 1807-87. Gisborne, N. Zea- land rulers (1897) 85. Tom, London sketch club. Internat. studio (1903) 21:22. Starr W’^ood del.* (caricature) Wi^am, bro. of 2d viscount Montacute. Willi am- .soN, Hi.st. of por. miniatures (1901) 1 :pl. 11. I. Oliver p.* (with his 2 brothers and servant; marquis of Exeter coll.) BROWNE family name. See also Brown, and titles Kenmare; Montagu. BROWNELL, Mrs Atherton. See Lloyd, Beatrix Demarest. Charles De Wolf, 1822- French, Arts and artists in Conn. (1879) 119. eng. Chauncey W. jr. Vt. centen. com. Dedica- tion of the Bennington monument (1892) 104. Francis E. zouave. Harper ’s w. (I860 5:357. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:357.* Henry Howard, poet, 1820-72. New- Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:610. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hart- ford county. Conn. (1886) 1:167. John. Meth. mag. (1809) 32:357. Branwhite p. Ridley sc. Thomas Church, bp. of Conn. 1779-1865. New Eng. mag. (1886) 4:394. eng. Ferry, Episco- pate in Am. (1895) 44. Wilham Crary, critic, 1851- Bookman (1896) 4:315.* BROWNING, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett) 1809-61. Acad. (1898) 55:276. Talford p. 1859.* Anglo- BROWNING 206 BROWNRIGG S.vxox rev. (1901) 8; 150. Field Talfourd del.* Art j. (1890) 42:01. Rudolf Li'hmann del. 1859.* Bol- TO.v, Lives of girls(1886) 194. p. 1 ordcl. ? 1859.* Book bu\-er (1898) 16:208. W. W. Story sc.* (bust) Bck)K- .M.\x (1898) 6:397. W. \V. Stor^^ sc.* (bust) — (1903) 17:603. p.* (poss. Author’s club, N. Y.) C.VKV, Browning (1899) 64. por.* (Xat. por. gall.) Critic (1899) 34:198 (in 1845) —34:331. Field Talfourd f.* —(1900) 37:517. Talfourd p.* —(1903) 42:321.* Cust, Nat. por gall. (1902) 2:289. Talfourd del. 1859.* Dcycki.s’ck, Por. gall, of eiu. men and women (1873) 2:352. Chappel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1855) 35:1. Buchanan Read p.? J. Sartain eng. — (1858) 43:1. Read p. Sartain eng. — (1866) 67: 129. Ferine and Giles eng. after photo. Fields and Whipple, Fani. libr. of Br. poetry (1880) 923. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:212. Gordigiani f.* — 4:214. Talfourd f. lith.* Gris WOLD, Personal sketches (1898) 114. Griswold, Poets and poetry of Eng. (1877) 467. eng. Hamil- TO.N, Women writers (1893) 2:142. Harper’s mag. (1892) 84:833. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:204. wdct. after medallion 1856. Hl'BBard, Little jour. fam. women (1897) front. Lehmann, Men and women (1896) 11. Rudolf Lehmann del. ? 1859.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:210. Talfourd p.* Mag. of art (1890) 13:185. Lehmann del. 1859. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:679. Gordigiani f. New E.no. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:375. IIa 3 ’den f. (child por.) Outlook (1898) 60:821. —(1899) 62:487. from let- ters of R. and E. Browning. R. of rev. (1897) 15: 186. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7 : pi. 73. Talfourd p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te iahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 456. Talfourd del. 1859.* Hugh Edmond, captain, 1838- Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:81. W. RofTc sc. after photo. Orville Hickman, 1810-81. Cent. (1886) 1 1 :273.* Nicolay and Haj’, Lincoln (1890) 1 : 128.* Oscar, author, 1837- Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 414. Ha}' f. lith. (caricature) Robert, 1812-89. Acad. (1897) 51:499.* Anglo-Saxon rev. (1901) 8:148. Talfourd del.* jIppleton’s ann. cjxlop. (1889) 14:86. H. B. Hall, jr. eng.? Arena (1894) 9:273.* Art ann. (1902) Easter no. p. 27. D. G. Rossetti p.* (water color por. coll. Fairfax Murray) Art j. (1890) 42:62. Rudolf Ixdimann del. 1^9.* —^2:63. Lehmann p.* — (1894) 46:216. Henrietta Montalba sc.* (bust) Bolton, Fam. Eng. au. (1890) 390. Book bu}-er (1896) 13:763. Rolxxt Barrett Browning n. 1889* (age 77) Book.man (1896) 2:466. Samuel Lawrence .ng. —(1896) 3:392.* —(1898)6:496.* —(1901) 12:474. G. F. Watts p.* —(190^1) 19:438. Max Beerbohm del.* (caricature) Cameron, Tennj-son and his friends (1893) pi. 8.* Cary, Tennsj'on (1898) 72.* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 4:73. lith. after photo. Cent. (1881) 1 : 190. Lehmann del. 1 1859.* —1 : 192. Lehmann del.?* —(1892) 23:238. J. W. Alexander f. 1886.* —23:240.* —(1897) 33:6.* Critic ( 1 899) 34:198* (in 1 845) —35 : 988.* — ( 1 903) 43:.503. Watts p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:289. Li'hmann p. 1884.* — 2:289. Talfourd del. 1859.* — 2:301. Watts p. 1875.* Farrar, Men I have known (1877) 42* (age 77) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:220. Talfourd f. 1&59. lith.* —4:221. J. C. Arraj'tage eng. after por. 1835* (Rischgitz coll.) — 1:222. Watts f.* — 4:224.* Harper’s mag. (1875) 51 : 783. wdct. — (1892) 84:835.* Harper’s w. (1874) 18:345. wdct. —(1879) 23:425. wdct. —(1889) 33:ia24. wdct. Hubbard, Little jour. Eng. authors (1900) 1 : 25* (in 1870.) Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:753. R. B. Browning p.* Lehmann, Men and women ( 1896) 10. Lehmann p.* — 10*. Lt'hmann p. ? 1859.* Litera- ture (1901) 9: 100. E. J. Sullivan del.* (with his wife) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:210. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1893) 2:56.* —(1902) 20:57. Watts p.* M.ag. of art (1890) 13:181. Gordigiani f. 1854? — 13:182. Thomas Woolncr f. 1856. (medallion) —13:183. Talfourd del. 1859. —13:184. Lehmann del.? — 13:188. Watts p. ? 1865. Jonnard eng. —13:247. Fisher f. 1847?* —13:248* (in 1870) — 13:249. Frederick Sandy's del. 1881.* — 13:250. F. Moscheles f. 1884.* — 13:251. Gustave Natorp L 1887-8? (medallion) — 13:252. Li'gros f. 1888. Jonnard eng. — 13:261. L<-hmann p. 1879. A. Simon eng. — 13:262. R. B. Browning p. 1882. P. Nau- mann eng. —13:263* (in 1888) -13:264. R. B. Browning p. 1887.* — 13:264. P. Naurnann eng. after photo. 1889. — 13:265. P. Naurnann eng. after photo 1889. — 13:266. Major Giles del. 1889.* — (1900) 24:563. Talfourd del.* Marillier, D. G. Rossetti (1899) 52. D. G. Rossetti f. 1855* (water color) Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 17. photo. Mos- ciiELES, Fragments of an autobiog. (1899) 320. Felix Moscheles p. McQueen sc.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:(i77.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 1:545. Outlook (1899) 62:486. R. of rev. (1897) 15:184. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20: 108. Baerdel.? after photo, (with Joseph Milsand) Smiles, Brief biog. (1861)377. Vanity lair album (1875) 7:pl. 116. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 455. W. B. Richmond p.* Robert Barrett, 1849- Critic (1900) 37:292. from “The Sphere’’* (with his aunt. Miss Browning) Sarianna, sister of Robert, 1814- Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:200. Critic (1900) 37:292. from "The Sphere’’* (with R. B. Browning) William Charles. Depew, 100 yrs. of .tVm. com- merce (1895) 2:564. eng. after photo. BROWNLOW, 1st earl, John Cust, 1779-1853. Art j. (1903) 55:379. Hoppner p.* (with his bro. Henry’, child por.) Miss. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:805. wdct. William Gannaway (Parson Brownlow) 1805-77. Buttre, Am. [)or. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 11. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:341. wdct. — (1862) 6:253. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:2. front. Por m. (1863) 1:92. wdct. BROWNLOW family name. See also title Lurgan. BROWNRIG, Ralph, bp. of Exeter, 1592-1659. Lives of illust. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. BROWNRIGG, Elizabeth, murderer, d. 1767. Lond. mag. (1767) 36 : 470. eng. Vincent, Lives of 12 bad women (1897) 189, 194. BR0WN80N 207 BRUDNO BROWNSON, Orestes Augustus, 1803-76. Dem- ocratic rev. (1843) 12 : 374. A. L. Dick eng. after daguerr. (miniature) Willard Herbert, c. s. n. 1845- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:400. BROZEL, Philip, singer. Critic (1900) 37:332’*' (in Le prophSte) Harper’s w. (1900) 44:897. BRdZIE:, Vdcslav, artist, 1851-1901. Art j. (1895) 47:130. Die oraphischen kunste (1887) 10: 127. Victor Oskar Tilgner sc. V. Jasjier? (bust) BRUANT, Aristide, 1851- Book buyer (1902) 24:380. Eliot Gregory del.’* BRUCE, postilion. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 307. John Kay f. 1796, & eng. Archibald, m. d. 1777-1818. St Memin, Coll* of por. (1862) pi. 51. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.’* Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 138. Saint Memin f.’* Lord Charles William Brudenell-, 1834-97. Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 410. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Christian, dan. of Lord Kinloss, 1595-1674. See Devonshire, countess of. David W. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:178. Williams eng. Edgar. Theiatre (1882) ser. 3, 5:40. wdct. (group) — (1884) ser. 4, 3:205. photo. Sir Frederick William Adolphus, diplomat, 1814-67. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:625. wdct. John CoUingwood, antiquarian, 1805-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:479. Lehmann, Men and women (1896) 12. Rudolf Lehmann p.’* Lady Louisa, dau. of earl of Elgin, 1856- Iixcs. Lond. news (1879) 74:241."* Robert, king of Scotland, 1274-1329. Buch- anan, EUst. of Scotland. J. Watkins, 2:182. Mever eng. after p. ? (at Taymouth) Hutton, Por. in plas- ter (1894) 195. mask from skull.’* Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:523. Andrew Currie sc. wdct. (statue, Stir- ling) Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 64. Jamieson p. E. Harding sc.’* Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 1. Jameson p. Johnson del. Harding sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:294. vignette. Lady Sarah. Drummond, Noble Brit. fam. (1846) l:pl. 57. Thomas Charles, m. p. 1825-90. Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. .398. Spy f. lith. (caricature) lion. Victoria, 1898- Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 140. M. L. Waller p."* (child por.) Sir Wilham, 1st hart, of Kinloss, d. 1710. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:106. John ^lichael Wright p. 1665’* (poss. Sir Charles Bruce) (of Kinloss) 1st baron, Edward Bruce, 1549-1610. Dru.mmond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 59. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1:23. Denton del. Barret sc. (from monument in the Rolls chap>el) BRUCE family name. See also titles Aberdare; Ailesbury; Balfour (of Burleigh); Elgin; Kincardine BRUCE-GARDYNE, Mrs D. G. See Gardyne. BRUCE-JOY famil 3 ' name. See Joy. Sir Gainsford, 1834- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:102.’* — (1904) 124:908.’* Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 592. Spy f.’* lith. (caricature) — (1900) 32: pi. 60. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George, type founder, 1781-1866. Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:860. G. E. Perine eng. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:176. eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 22. Williams eng. George Wyndham Hamilton Knight-, bp. of Mashonaland (1852-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:880.’* So. African por. gall. (1897) 43. Sir Henry le Geyt, lieut. gen. 1824-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:605.’* James, of Kinnaird, traveler, 1730-94. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:41. Pompeo Batoni p. 1762’* (Scot. nat. por. gall.) Chambers, Em. &otsmen (1835) 1: front. Martin p. S. Freeman eng. — (1847, 1855) 1:316. Martin p. S. Freeman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:301. p.’* European mag. (1790) 17:323. Stanier sc. Jardine, Naturalist’s library (1837) ornithology, 7: front. Lizars sc. Kay. Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 59. John Kay f. del. & sc. 1791. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 69. p.’* Sir James Lewis Knight-, 1791-1866. Green bag (1901) 13:445. BRUCH, Max, 1838- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 89. Alex. Gribayddoff del.’* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:723.’* Paine, Famous composers ^1891) 2: pi. 31.’* —2:520. wdct.’* BRUCK, freiherr von, Karl Ludwig, 1798-1860. Allg. welt^chichte (1892) 12:13. A. Weger eng.?’* Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 75. A. Weger eng.’* BRUCKMANN, Friedrich. Ztsch. f. bucher- freunde (1900) 4:78. Adolf Hildebrand sc.’* (relief) BRUCKNER, Anton, 1824-96. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 89. Alex. Gribayddoff del.’* Gaz. ,d. lx“aux arts (1897) ser. 3, 17:169. Victor Tilgner f. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:627.’* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 544.’* BRUDENELL, Lady Anna Maria, w. of 14th earl of Shrewsbury, d. 1702. See title Shrewsbury. BRUDENELL family name. See also titles Cardi- gan; Montagu. BRUDENELL-BRUCE family name. See Bruce; also title Ailesbury. John, d. 1716. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819)2:18. eng. BRUDNO, Ezra S. author. 19:126.’* Bookman (1904) BRUCK 208 BRUNEL BRtJCK, Arnold von, d. 1536. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samnil. d. kaiserhausc.s 0S93) 14; pi. 3, fig. 6. Ludwig Neufari'r f. 15.36* (medal) Gregor Heintse, 1483-1557. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 133. eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:638. Lucas Cranach f. 1567. wdct. BRUEGHEL, Jan I, 1568-1625. L’Art (1888) 45: 183. A. Van Dyck etch. eng. 1 Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:376. C. Eissen inv. D. Somique sc. Dezallier d’.Vrgenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:278. eng. Durand, Eaux fortes de A. van Dyck, pi. 3. A. van Dyck etch. Amand Durand eng. Dyck, Cent por. (1878) pi. 7. A. van Dyck etch. Etched por. of celebrated paint- ers, pi. 13. II. Vaughan eng. IIa.merton, Etching and etchers (1880) 94. Van Dyck etch.* Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 7. Van Dyck p. ? George Cooke sc. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:411. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1 ; 156. Van Dyck etch.* Peeter I, 1530-69. L’Art (1888) 45:143. Spranger p. Egide Sadeler sc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:428. E. de Boulonois f. Des- camps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1 : 101. eng. Dezallier d’^\jigenville. Vie des plus fameux pein- tres (1762) 3:274. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs 3:946. B. Sprangers f. E. Sadeler eng. Meyssens, True effigies (16M) pi. 19. Th. Galle ex. Peeter II, 1564-1637? Durand, Eaux-fortes de A. van Dyck, pi. 4. A. van Dyck etch. Amand Du- rand eng. Dyck, Cent por. (1878) pi. 8. A. van IH’ck etch. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:410. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 76. P. Buttats, jr. f. eng. Meysse.ns, True effigies (1694) pi. 97. Bouttats, jr. f. eng. Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1902) 6:315. Van Dyck etch.* BRttHL, graf von, Heinrich, 1700-63. Alixi. welt- geschichte (1889) 9:341. Louis de Silvestre p. J. J. Balechou eng. 1750.* Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:445. G. F. Schmidt eng.* Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:58. Silvestre p. J. J. Balechou eng. 1750. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3; pi. 66. Silvestre p. Balechoux sc. graf von, Hans Moritz, 1736-1809. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:36. Northcotep. S. W. Rey- nolds eng.* BRltLL, Ignaz, 1846- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 90. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* Harper’s mag.' (1896) 93:629. BRttNNECK, (PcTieraZ. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:57. Menzel del.* (age 78) BRUEYS D’AIGAILLIERS, Francois Paul, 1753-98. Cent. (1895) 28:231. p.?* (Versailles) Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuplc, 3: pi. 17. A. La- cauchio del. Leguay sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:9. p.* (Versailles mus.) BRUGES, Michel Ange de, abb4, 1743-94. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:3.i0. Perrin del. Masquelier sc. BRUIX, Eustache, admiral, 1759-1805. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3:538. Tardieu, G4n. fran^. l:pl. 17. Lambert sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (1856-62) pi. 14. E. Charpentier del. Geoffroysc. BRUMARD. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 251. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* BRUMAUD, Mrs, of Philadelphia. St Memin, CoU. of por. (1862) pi. 36. St Memin f. 1800* (medal) BRUMMELL, George Bryan (Beau) 1778-1840. Be.ntley’s misc. (1844) 16:288. John Cooke eng. after miniature. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:171. J. Cook eng. after miniature.* — 1 : 180 (from Jesse’s Life of George Bnimmell) (old age). Jesse, Life of Geoi^e Brummell (1886) l:front. p>or. (youth) — 2:282. por. (at Caen) Times, Eng. eccent. (1877) 22. wdct. after miniature. — p. wdct. BRHN, Charlotte Emilie Frederikke, dau. of Johan Christian Constantin Brun. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7' : 13. E. Pauelsen p.* (child p>or. with her mother) Fru Johan Christian Constantin (Sophie Christiane Frederikke Miinter) 1765-1835. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7* :13. E. Pauelsen p.* (with her daughter) BRUNE, comte, Guillaume Marie Anne, mar- shal, 1763-1815. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3: .546. Gavard, Gal. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 10. MmeBenoistp. Contenaueng. Icxinog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 43. Maurindel. ? Delpech del. Revolution franf. (1801) 2; pi. 28. Levachezsc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5; pi. 4. Philippo- taux del. L. Berber sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:204. Battaille p. after Mme Benoist. E. Htinemann sc. (Versailles mus.) Sou. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:195. eng. after medal (with F. J. Majour) Tableaux hist, de la r^v. franc. (1804) 3:pl. 60. Levachez sc. Tardieu, G6n. franc. 1 : pi. 25. Forestier sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, 8; pi. 1532. Mme Benoist p. Contenau eng. Louis, 1807- Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:21. J. Boillydel. E. Conquy sc. BRUNEHAUT (or Brunhild), w. of Sigebert, 534-613. Celliez, Reines de France, 45. Jules David lith. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc- (1838) l;pl. 4. L. Boulanger del. Gaitte sc. BRUNEL, Henry Marc. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 97. Walter C. I lorsley p.* Isambard, chancellor of Ely. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: May 7, sup. p. 14. J. C. Horsley p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 120. J. C. Horsley p.* Isambard Kingdom, civil engineer, 1806-59. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:109. J. C. Horsley p. 18.56.* DRAWiNo-room por. gall. ( 1859) ser. 2 : pi. 3.5. D. J. Pound eng. after pnoto. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:684. wdct. Sir Marc Isambard, civil engineer, 1769-1849. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:109. James Northcote BRUXELEAU 209 BRUTUS p. 1813.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 102. St Aleinin del. & eng.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 46. Northcote p.* BRUNELEAU, M. St Memin, Coll, of por. ((1862) pi. 265. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* BRUNELLESCHI, Filippo, 1377-1444. Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 35^1. 162. .tVndrea Bug- giano sc.* (tomb in cathedral, Florence) Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:332. N. de L’armessin sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1859) 2:45. Luigi Pampaloni sc. Pannemaker eng. (statue aUFlorence) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) i : 17. Filippino Lippi p.* (Brancacci chapel) — 1 : 18. Buggiano sc. (tomb In cathedral, Florence) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 : pi. 5. Paolo Uccello p.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 41. eng. BRUNER, Elia.s D. 1834- Rogers, Our represent- atives abroad (1874) 229. eng. BRUNET, Jeaji, poet, 1830-96. Paris salon (1893) 41. BRUNET DE LATUQUE. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2 : 333. Perrin del. Guersant sc. BRUNETtfeRE, Ferdinand, 1849- Acad. (1899) 57:376. Book buyer (1897) 14:365. Bookman (1897) 5:24.* Critic (1893) 23:344. —(1897) 30:200. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:334.* PIarper’s w. (1897) 41:346. McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:710.* Outlook (1904) 78:574.* BRUNETTI Y GAYOSO, Josd, Spanish minister to U. S. 1839- See Arcos, duque de. BRUNI, Leonardo, 1369-1444. Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 65: pi. 315. Bernardo Ilossellino sc.* (monument in S. Croce, Florence) Geiger, Re- naissance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 100. jVntonio Rosellino f. (monument in S. Croce, Florence) BRUNN, Heinrich von, 1822-94. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 578.* BRUNNER, John Fowler Leece, 1865- Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 160. — (1901) 70. Arthur Hacker p.* Sir John Tomlinson, 1st bart. 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:670.* Roscoe, 1871- Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 97. Ar- thur Hacker p.* d/rs Roscoe (Ethel Elizabeth Houston) Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:May 11 sup. p. 3. Solo- mon J. Solomon p.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:388. Solo- mon p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 162. Solomon p.* W. F. of Savannah, Ga. 1857- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:114. wdct. BRUNNOW, graf von, Philipp, 1797-1875. Draw- iNO-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 16. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:89. wdct. after photo. — (1875) 66:417. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 15. Ape f. lith. (carica- ture) BRUNO, saint, 1030-1101. Cath. world (1894) 60: front, (deathbed group) — 60:59. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 6. l^h. Champagne p. George Cooke sc. BRUNO, Giordano, 1550-1600. Oltlook (1897) 57:27. statue.* BRUNORO, Mme Bona (Lombardi) 1417-68. Harper’s mag. (1851) 2:155. eng. BRUNOT, Fehx R. philanthropist, 1820-98. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:490. eng. BRUNOWE, Marion J. pseud, of Mary Josephine Browne. See Browne. BRUNO Y, marquis de. See Montmartel, Jean Paris de. BRUNSWICK. See Braunschweig. BRUNTON, Rev Alexander, 1772-1854. Crom- BiE, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 7. B.W.Crombie f. Anne, actress, 1769- Lady’s mag. (1785) 16; 563. eng. (as Euphrasia) Elizabeth, 1799-1860. See Yates, Mrs. Louisa, actress, w. of 2d earl of Craven, 1783- 1860. See title Craven. Mrs Mary (Balfour) 1778-1818. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4: 179. eng.* Ladies’ m. mus. (1820) 11:1. George Clint p. Thomson eng. BRUSASORCI, n (Domenico Riccio) Ital. painter, 1494-1567. See Riccio. BRUSH, Charles Francis, inventor, 1849- Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:584. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 3:101. eng. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:750. ’ George Jarvis, mineralogist, 1831- New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:646. Pop. sci. m. (1881) 20:1. George W. Arena (1895) 13:353.* BRUT^, Simon, r. c. bp. of Vincennes, Ind. 1779- 1839. Catu. world (1897) 66:213. BRUTUS, Lucius Junius, d. 509 B. C. oBer- NOULLi, Rom. ikonog. (1882) 1:20. Visconti eng. bust (ConseiY^atorenpalast, Rome) oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1899) Ifg. 45: pi. 445, 446. bust* (Conservatorenpalast, Rome) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 8. George Cooke sc. o Authenticity doubtful. Marcus Junius, 85-42 ? B. C. Allo. weltge- schichte (1885) 3:351. bust (Capitol, Rome) L’jMit (1875) 3:84. Michelangelo sc. Dumont eng. (bust) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) oi;pl. 19. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — 1:193. eng. after bust (Farnese mus. Naples) Firth, Augustus Csesar (1903) 92. bust (Capitoline mus.) Fowler, Julius Csesar (1892) 362. eng. after bust* (Capitoline mus.) Gall. naz. ital. (1898) 4:216, pi. 15. medal 15th cent.* Hertz- berg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 2:638. bust* o Authenticity doubtful. 24288—06 14 BRUYX 210 BRYANT (Capitol, Rome) Hist. gall, of jX)r. (1807) l:pl. 10. G. Cooke sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 4:96. Michelangelo sc.* (bust) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard ( 1838) 2, pt. 3: 12. Bouvier eng. after bust. — 13, pt. 2:360. Prevost eng. Perry del. after bust (Capitol, Rome) — 13, pt. 2:388. eng. after ba.s-relief. Perrv inv. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 :pl. 80. S. Harming del. after coin. E. Harding, jr.se. (Dr Hunter’s mus.) BRUYN, Cornelis de, 1624-1719. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:297. Piquet sc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 98. Ph. Bouttats jr. f. eng. Nicolaea de, 1570?-1656. Meyssens, Por. cm. painters (1739) pi. 101. A. van Dyck p. P. Pontius sc. Meyssens ex. ^Ieyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 1.* A. van Dyck p. P. Pontius sc. BRUYNINGH, Frans. (?) Michel, Rembrandt (1894) 2:111. Rembrandt p. 1658.* (Cassell mus.) Nicolaes. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rem- brandt (1901) 5: pi. 367. Rembrandt p. 1652.* Kn^ckfuss, Kilnstler-monog. (1900) 3:129. Rem- brandt p. 1652.* BRY, Thdodore de, 1528-98. Lempertz, Bilder- hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandcls (1853-1865) 15-16. f. 1597. J. C. Baum lith. \ViNsoR,Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) l:pref. p. 30 (follows facsimile print in Carter- Brown catalogue) BRYAN, Alfred, caricaturist, 1852-99. Illus. liond. news (1899) 114:748.* Charles Page, 1856- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:1168. John. Meth. mag. (1819) 42:641. Blood sc. Joseph, of Georgia. St Memin Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 486. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* ifrs Joseph. Am. hi.st. register (1894) 1:18.* Joshua, preacher. Meth. mag. (1819) 42:401. Jackson p. Iloll sc. Mrs Margaret, 11. 1815. Ladies’ m. mus. (1801) 7:74. Shelley p. Mackenzie sc. Thomas Barbour, 1828- Harper’s w. (1890) 34: 185. wdet. dau. of. Healy, Remin. '1894) 68. Healy p. *(child por.) Mrs Thomas Barbour. Healy, Remin. (1894) 64. G. P. A. Healy p.* Wilham Jennings, 1860- Arena (1895) 11:321.* —(1896) 16:529, 694, 935.* —(1898) 19:433. Book-Man (1904) 19:482* (with Julian Hawthorne) Green bag (1896) 8:393. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:700, 796, 1024. wdet. —(1899) 43:741,* 841.* —(1900) 44:492,* 615,* 890,* 1007,* 1015. W. Nicholson del.* —(1904) 48:188, 410, 1190. M’. A. Rogers del.* (caricatures) —48:1117 (carica- ture) Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109: 167,* .599. McClure’s mag. (1900) 14:534. Leigh del. 1900.* — 15:493. Ja}’ Hainbridge del.* Outlikik (1900) 65:630. Alfred H. Clark del. after photo.* R. of rev. (1896) 14:160. —(1900) 22:130* (in 1900) — (1904) 30: 134. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:259.* J/rs Wilham Jennings (Mary E. Baird) Har- per’s w. (1900) 44:890. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:599.* Wilham Shepard. Green bag (1894) 6:281.* BRYANT, Alexander, d. 1581. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1878) 4:343. Benjamin French, 1837- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 11:514. eng. Daniel. Hltton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 141.* Gridley, of Scituate, Mass. 1789-1867. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:328. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:117. Kilburn sc. after p. 1844? Gridley James Fox, 1816-99. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 25:333, 348. Henry, 1812- French, Art and artists in Conn. (1879) 80. eng. Henry Grier, traveler, 1859- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:487. wdet. Jacob, antiq^uary, 1715-1804. European mag. (1808)53:3. I. Bearblock del. Ridley and Blood eng. Jeremiah. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 140.* Mrs Sophie (Willock) Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:36.* Wallace, champion archer. Cent. (1904) 46:634.* Wilham Cullen, 1794-1878. Am. art rev. (1880) 1:468. Wyatt Eaton del. 1878. T. Cole eng. Apple- ton’s ann. cyclop. (1878) 3: front. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 1:422. S. Hollyer. eng. after photo. 1873. Arena (1895) 15:5, 14.* L’Art (1881) 24:7. Eaton des. 1878. Cole sc. Atijintic souvenir (1859) 31. C. L. Elliott p. J.C. Buttre eng. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:188. J. W. Orr eng. — 9:369. Book buyer (1897) 14:261. photo. —(1899) 18:96.* Bookman (1897) 5: 125-9 (6 por.) — (1902) 15:155. Bungay, Off-hand takings (1854) 309. Buttre eng. Blttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 59. Buttre eng. Cent. (1891) 19:642. daguerr.* — (1895) 28:322. daguerr. 1850?* Cent, assoc. Biyant festival (1865) 3, 9. eng. (2 por.) Cleveland, Am. lit. (1859) 377. eng. Critic (1903) 42:518.* Democratic rev. (1842) 10:290. II. Inman del. G. Parker sc. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:901. W Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:464. Chappel p. after piioto. eng. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:442. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1870) 74:257. Geo. E. Perine eng. after photo. Die graph- iscHEN kiinste (1885) 7:42. Eaton del. 1878. Cole eng. Harper’s mag. (1851) 2:581. Lo.ssing-Barritt eng. — (1876) 53:246, 248. eng. after medallions. —(1878) 56:48. —(1894) 89:630, 631. Launt Thompson sc.* (bust) Harper’s w. (1865) 9:549 wdet. — (1878) 22:508. wdet. Harrison, Biog. .sketches (1892) 2: pi. 21* (in 1872) Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 58, 61, 64, 72, front. (5 por.)* Hub- BRYANT 211 BUCHAN BAKD, Little jour. Am. authors (1896) 47.* Illus. Loud, news (1878) 72:. 581. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 81. C. L. Elliott p. Buttre eng. Knicker- bocker mag. (1859) 53:1. Elliott p. Buttre eng. Linton, Wood eng. in Am. (1882) 52a. Eaton del. Colesc. Mao. of Am. hist. (1890) 23: 1.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 367. Ingham p. G. Parker eng. (in youth) — p. 383.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:109. II. B. Hall & sons eng. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:65, 68. —(1894) n. s. 11:129. M. Lamont Brown f. — (1899) n. s. 20:. 532. —(1900) n. s. 22:326. N. Y. mem. hist. (189.5) 4. Buttre eng. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 7. eng. PoR. m. (1864) 1:120. wdet. Putna.m’s m. mag. (1855) 5:1. eng. R. of rev. (1894) 10:3.54. Scribner’s m. (1878) 16:449. Eaton del. 1878. Cole eng. Werckmeister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bild- nissen (1899) 3:pl. 3.50. H. B. Hall eng.* Mrs William Cullen (Frances Fairchild) d. 186.5. Cent, assoc. Biyant festival (1865) 47. BRYCE, James, of Pittsburg, Pa. 1812- Mao. of West. hist. (1886) 3:381. eng. James, m. p. 1838- Acad. (1899) 57 :24.5 (from copyright ser. of por. of contributors to Encycl. Brit.)* Book buyer (1898) 15:639. Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:17.* Cent. (1890) 17:322.* Critic (1898) 32: 10.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1968.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:864.* McCarthy, Brit, political por. (1903) 283.* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:130. Notables of Brit. (1897) 37.* Outlook (1904) 78:.572.* R. of rev. (1904) 30:514,* 548* (in 1904) Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl. 609. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1904) 8:5212.* BRYCE-DOUGLAS, Archibald, 1841-91. See Douglas. BRYDGES, Lady Isabella Anne (Beresford) w. of Sir John W. II. Brydges. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:27. Mrs Mee p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) James, 1673-1744. See Chandos, 1st duke of. Sir Samuel Egerton, 1762-1837. Maclise gall. (1873) 120. Maclise del. Select biog. of celeb, char, pi. 32. eng. BRYDON, J. M. architect, 1840-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:779. William, 1811-74. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 62:369. wdet. after photo. BRYENNIOS, Philotheos, Greek metropolitan, 1833- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:268. wdet. BRYSON, Andrew, u. s. n. 1822-92. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:171. wdet. BUBB-DODINGTON, George, 1691-1762. See Melcombe, 1st baron. BUCAILLE, cur^ de Fr^thun, 1749- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:356. Moreau del. Voyez sc. BUCCLEXJCH, cowitess of, Anne (Scott) 16.51- 1732. See Monmouth, duchess of. 3d duke of, Henry Scott, 1746-1812. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:42. Gainsborough p. Dixon eng.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1328. Reynolds p.* (with Lady Frances &ott & Lord Campbell Scott) duchess of. Lady Elizabeth (Montagu) w. of 3d duke, 1743-1827. Connoisseltr (1904) 10:81. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. James McArdell mezzo. 1 1756.* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2:pl. 58. Reynolds . 1773. James Watson sc.* (with her daughter Lady laiT Scott) — 3: pi. 78. William Owen p. S. W. Rey- nolds sc.* Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 60. Reynolds p. Henry Meyer sc. (with Ladj- Henrietta Montagu) Whitman, Samuel Wilham Reynolds (1903) 84. Owen p. S. W. Reynolds mezzo. 1819.* ith duke of, Charles William Henry Montagu- Scott, 1772-1819. Reynolds, Engravings, 1 :pl. 89. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Revnolds eng. Sterry, Ann. of King’s coll. (1898) 270. Sir W. Beechey p.* 5th duke of, Walter Francis Montagu-Doug- las-Scott, 1806-84. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:228. Warren Knighton f. Goupil eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:161. wdet. — (1884) 84:393. — (1888) 92:159. R. Anderson sc.* (statue, Edin- burgh) Vanity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 1^. lith. after caricature. duchess of. Lady Charlotte Anne (Thynne) w. of 5th duke, 1811-95. Illus. Lond. news (1^5) 106:438.* 6th duke of, William Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 1831- Fairlie, Por. of children (1838) A. E.Chalon del. II. Cook eng. (child por.) Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59: 169. wdet. after photo. duchess of. Lady Louisa (Hamilton) w. of 6th duke, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:426.* BUCER, Martin, 1491-1551. Becustein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 177. eng. IcoNUTi viros virtute atque eruditione illustres reprsesentautium (1599) pi. 26. eng. Rolt, Lives of reformers (1759) 87. R. Houston eng. Schrockh, Abbild. beriihmter gelehrten (1767) 3:pl. 45. eng. Verheiden, Afbeel- dingen (1603) 53. II. f. eng. BUCH, Henri Michel, 1600-66. Soc. Mont}’on et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:231. Durupt p. Geille sc. Leopold von, 1774-18.53. Becustein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 200. eng. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 79. C. Begas, sr. p. C. Fischer lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bild- nissen (1898) l:pl. 43. C. Begas p.* BUCHAN, 11th earl of, John Stewart, 1380-1424. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 15. Blondel p. after p. in chateau de Beauregard. Pigeot eng. 18th earl of, James Erskine, d. 1640. S.mith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 9. Trotter sc. after p. 1615. countess of, Mary (Douglas) w. of 18th earl, d. 1628. Pi.nkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 34. Oliver p. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1797. 23d earl of, David Steuart Erskine, 1742-1829. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 116. John Kay f. 1784 BUCHAX 212 BUCHOLTZ & eng. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1831) 6:429 eng. 20th earl of, Shipley Oordon-Stuart Erskine, 1850- See Cardross, Lord. John, 1875- Bookma.n (1899) 9:499. William, m. d. 1729-1805. Euhopean mag. (1805) 47:167. BUCHANAN, Andrew, 1798-1882. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 144.* Mrs Anna Elizabeth (Martin) Cath. world (1897) 65:133. David, 1830-1900. Baily’s mag. (1900) 74: 174* (in 1881) Sir David Carrick Robert Canick-, 1825- Baily’s mag. (1882) 38:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Sir Ebenezer John, 1844- So. African por. gall. (1897) 15. Franklin, admiral, 1800-74. Cent. (1885) 7:745 (with Com. Josiah Tatnall) Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:224.* George, 1506-82. Anderson, Scottish nation (1863) l:pl. 462. F. Pourbus p. J. B. Bird. Bal- LESTREM, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. iv, 7. eng.?* (Roy. Print cab. Berlin) Biog. mag. (1794) F. Pourbus p. Audinet sc. — (1819) 1:8. Holl sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 19. F. Pourbus p. J. Houbraken sc. 1741. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:351. E!sme de Boulonois f. eng. Cab. por. gall. Br. wor- thies (1845) 4:43. eng. Caw, Scottish jior. (1903) 1:50. p.* (Univ. of Edinburgh) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 1:397. D. Scott del. after orig. S. Freeman eng. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 2:821. Francis Pourbus, jr. f. E. Scriven eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:41. p. 1581.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:82. old eng.* Hume, Por. of leading reformers (1851) pi. 10. F. H. Weisse del. 1849. Fr. Schenck lith. Knight, Gall, of por. (1883) 1:129. Francis Porbus, sr. p. E. Scriven eng. Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1790) 5:161. Macki.ntosh Story of Scotland (1890) 175. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 16. Harding sc. Por. gall. (1853) 1:150. Porbus, sr. p. Scriven sc. Select biog. of celebr. char. pi. 46. F. Pourbus p. H. Meyer sc. Tay- lor, Piet. hist, of Scotland, 2:292. Pourbus sr. p. Scriven sc. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 1:23. Porbus p. eng. Sir George, 1831-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:606.* Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 134.* James, pfes. U. S. 1791-1868. Allq. weltge- schichte (1892) 12: 191. Alm. de Gotha (1858) pi. 4. Carl Ma 5 *er sc. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. oiog. (1887) 1:428. Smith del. II. B. Hall ;r. eng. Buttre, Amer. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 17. Buttre eng. Cent. (1887) 12:370.* Democratic rev. (1842) 11:650. J. Eichholtz p. A. L. Dick eng. — (1856) 38: front. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Duyckinck, Lives and por. of the pres. (1881) 180. eng. after p. (coll, of J. C. Buttre) Dltckinck, Nat. por. gall. (1862) 2:343. eng. after p. (coll, of J. C. Buttre) Getchell, Our nation’s executives (1885) 224. H. B. Hall and sons eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 6:192. wdet. —(1856) 11:49. —(1859) 17: 18. Pierson sc. H.cr- pEr’s mag. (1884) 68:250. Buttre eng. G. Kruell eng.* Harper’s w. (1857) 1:168. wdet. — (1858) 2:169. wdet. —(1868) 12:396. wdet. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) 2: pi. 14. G. P. A. Healy p.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 639. eng.* Lolhat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2:pl. 69. S. Ellis f. 1857. Jules Jacquemart etch, (medal) — 2: pi. 70. A. C. Paquet des. & eng. 1858. Jacque- mart etch, (medal) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 11 : 195. H. Wright Smith eng. New Eng. mag. (IMl) n. s. 24:74. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (18^) 2:368.* Richardson, Messages of pres. (1897) 5:428. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:347. eng. after photo. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1 : 120. eng. after ambrotype. Townsend, Our pres. (1889) 275. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:193.* Wilson, Pres, of U. S. (1894) 277. II. B. Hall jr. eng. James. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 111. Arthur Hacker p.* J ames A. Baltimore merchant. Am. hist, register (1896) 4: pi. 9. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 351. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* John, 1772-1845. Green bag (1894) 6:229.* John P. gov. of Tenn. 1847- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:889. wdet. —(1892) 36:834. wdet. John W. of St Louis. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:785. wdet. Joseph Bay, 1851- R. or rev. (1904) 29:125. Joseph Bodes, 1814-99. Arena (1891) 3:513.* —(1895) 14:1.* McKean, actor, 1823-72. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:92. A. Hill del. Damoreau sc. Bobert, poet, 1841-1901. Bookman (1901) 13:525. ILarper’s w. (1901) 45:640. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:599. —101:491. —(1901) 118:852.* Literature (1901) 8:509. drawing.* Molt.ton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:445. photo. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 14 :309. photo. Thomas Bybum, m. p. 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82: 173.* —(1892) 101:770.* —(1903) 122:345.* W. McClure’s mag. (1894) 2: 175. wdet. after photo. Rev. Walter, 1755-1832. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2 :pl. 222. John Kay f. 1793 & eng. William Insco, 1853- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:11.* Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:385. Out- look (1901) 68:51. R. of rev. (1904) 29: 14. BUCHEB, Lothar, 1817-92. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:110. Hermann Eichens lith.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:57. A. von Wemer del. 1880.* BUCHOLTZ, Andreas Heinrich, 1607-71. K6 n- NECKE, Bilderatlas (1887) 137. Philipp KUian sc. 1664.* BUCK 213 BUCKINGHAM BUCK, Alfred Eliab, 1832-1902. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:421. Augustus H. New Exg. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:394. Dudley, 1839. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 91. Alex. Gribav^off del.* Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:811. H.^rper’s w. (1880) 24:357. wdet. Scrib- Xer’s mag. (1893) 14:75. Baer del? Victor B. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:704. wdet. BUCKEREDGE, Theophilus, 1724-1803. Nichols, Ulus, of lit. hist. ISth cent. (1831) 6:311. Wivel del. B. Reading sc. BUCKHAM, Matthew Henry, 1832- New Exg. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:74. wdet. BUCKHUR3T, Lord, Thomas Sackville, 1536- 1608. See Dorset, 4th earl of. BUCKTNGER, Matthew, 1674-1722. Cal'lfield, For. mem. and char. (1819) 2:22. R. Grave sc. BUCKINGBLAM, 2d duke of, Henry Stafford, 1454-83. Birch, Heads (1813) 161. J. Iloubraken sc. 1747. after p. (Magdalene coll. Cambridge) 3d duke of, Edward Stafford, 1478-1521. Earlom, For. of char. Holbein p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:591. p.* (coll. Marquis of Bath) SiLiKESPEARE illus. (1793) 1:61. Holbein p. S. Harding del. L. Schiavonetti sc. countess of, Mary (Beaumont) mother of 4th duke, d. 1632. Adolphus, Brit. cab. (1799) 1:8. E. Harding sc. after monument (in Westminster Abbev) Biog. miirour (1802) 3: pi. 33. G. F. Harding del. after miniature. Stow sc. ith duke of, George Vihiers, 1592-1628. L’Art (1894) 56:310. Michiel van Mierevelt p. W. J. Delft sc. 1626. Art j. (1896) 48: 140. Isaac Oliver p. (min- iature at Windsor) B.\rdi, Gal. du palais Fitti (18^42) l:pl. 85. J*. Rubens dip. F. Livi inc. Birch, Heads (1813) 67. C. Johnson p. Jacobus Houbraken sc. Chaxcellor, Life of Charles I (1886) 79. Chas. Town- lev eng. 1801.* CMasles, Charles I (1844) 18. Mytens p. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:85. Gerard Honthorst p.* Drecx dc Radier, L’Europe illus. (1///) 3. D. F. p. A. F, eng. Earlom, For. of char. Corn. Jansen p. C. Turner eng. Fixch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1:5. Rubens p.* (Fitti Falace) Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 1:52. p.* (coll, of duke of Fortland) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 15. Isaac Oliver p.* (miniature) G_RE.IT men ... in Munich Finakothek (1885) pi. 15. M. J. Miereveld p. W. J. Delphius sc. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1125. Mierevelt f. eng. K.xackflss, Kunstler-mon<^. (1897) 2:99. Rubens del.* L.\w, Roy. gall, of Hampton court ( 1898) 252. C. Janssen p.* Lodge, For. (1835) 5: pi. 3. Jansen p. J. Cochran eng. Michel, Rubens (1899) 2:142. Rubens del.* (Albertina coll.) Fortfouo ( 1898) no. 35 : 70. Rubens p.* Fortlaxd, Fict. (1804) 93. F. van Somer? p.* For. illus. Waverley novels, pi. 30. C._ Jansen p. R. Cooper eng. Fmpert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 61. I. Oliver p.* Reresby, Travels and mem. (1813) 32. Chas. Townley eng. 1801. Rooses, L’oeuvre de Rubens (1892) 5: pi. 419. Rubens del.* Seidutz, Fortratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 66. Mierevelt p. W. Dell! sc. Schoxbrux- XER, Handzeich. alter meister, 2:176. Rubens p. Skeltox, Charles I (1898) 38. I. Oliver p. eng. (minia- ture) So. Kexsixgtox, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 14. Comelis Jansen p.* (with his family) — ^2: pi. 29. p.* — 2: pi. 30. A. van Dyck p.* I^axe, Brit, autog- Rphy (1819) 2:5. Mierevelt f. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2168. Mile Robert p. (copy) Desjardins eng. Walmsley, Fhysiog. por. (1824) 2:pl. 41. Cornelius Janssen p. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Milliamsox, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 13, 6g. 8. F. Oliver p.* after miniature by I. Oliver now at Windsor (coll. Queen of Holland) l:pl. 15, fig. 9. F. Oliver p.*(Montagu House coll.) l:pl. 17, fig. 12, 13. F. Oliver p.* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) (fig. 13 possiblv duke of Buclangham) WiLLiAMsox, For. miniatur^ (1897) 142. Isaac Oli- ver p.* famil}' of. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton Court (1898) 19. Honthorst p.* duchess of. Lady Katherine (Maimers) w. of 4th duke, 1603- Schoxbrux-xer, Handzeichn. alter meister, 4: pi. 3W. F. F. Rubens del.* So. Kex- sixgtox, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 14. Comelis Jansen p.* (with duke of Buckingham) 5th duke of, George ViUiers, 1628-87. Clarex- Dox, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 1:12. Jansen f. J. Coch- ran eng. CoxxoissEL-R (1902) 2:113. Vandyke p. 1636.* (with his brother, Francis ViUiers) Cust, Nat. por. gaU. (1901) 1: 147. Lely p.* Earlom, For. of char. V an Dyck p. Dunkarton eng. Fixch, His t. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1 :8. FeterLelvp.* G.\r- XETT, Hist of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:102. Verolst f. eng.* Greex, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1028. Miereveldt f. W. J. Delff eng. ? Godfrey, Home life under Stuarts (1903) 65. Vandvek p.* (with his brother Lord Francis ViUiers, child p>or.) Hamiltox, Mern. of Count Grammont, 136. S. Harding del. after p. ^ andenbuighe sc. (coll, of G. Drummond at Stan- more) Hexdersox, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 73. Van der Werft p. eng. Law, Vandyck at Windsoi (1899) 37. \ an Dvek p.* (with his brother Francis) Fortfouo (1896) no. 25:59. Van Dyck p.* (with his brother Francis) Raikes, Hist, of Hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:168. R. White sc.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Kl^. bilderschatz. (1894) 6: pi. 832. Van Dyck p.* (with his bro. Francis, Windsor) Scribx'er’s mag. (1900) 27:130. miniature* (at Devonshire House) Reresby, Travels and mem. (1813) 334. eng. Skel- tox, Charles I (1898) 30. Vandyke p. eng. (with his brother Francis) Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:23, pi. 3. ^kett eng.* Thaxe, Brit, autography (1819) 3:2. Verelst p. eng. Walpole, Roval & noble authors (1806) 3:304. eng. duchess of, Mary (Fairfax) w. of 5th duke, 1638- 1704. Hamilton-, Mem. of Count Grammont. Cooper p. S. Harding del. L. L. Claessens sc. Thaxe, Brit, autc^phy (1819) 3:3. Cooper p. eng. Wil- LL4MSOX. Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 5, fig. 7. Charles Beale p.* — 1 :pl. 35, fig. 7. S. Cooiier p. 16o0* (Montagu House) — 1 : pi. 45, fig. 4. S. Coopier p.* (Montagu House coll.) 6th duke of, John Sheflfield, 1647-1721. Biog. (1794). Sir G. Kneller p. Rothwell sc. Effig- ies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 85. J. Thurston del. after p. BUCKINGHAM 214 BUCKNILL E. Finden eng. (Bodleian gall.) Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:382. wax efiigy* (Westminster abbey) For. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 16. Thurston del. after p. Finden eng. (Bodleian gall.) Kaikes, Hist, of lion, artill. CO. (1878) 1:200. J. Smith sc.* Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 4:90. Sir G. Kneller p. Pastarini eng. duchess of, Lady Katherine (Damley), w. of 5th duke, d. 1743. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. Zincke p.* Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 102. Zincke p.* (with her son) 1st marquis of, George Nugent-Temple-Gren- ville, 1753-1813. Armstrong, Reynolds (IIKX)) 64. Reynolds p.* (with his family) Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1016. Reynolds p * (with his wife and child) So. Kensington, Nat. fiist. por. 5: pi. 26. Gainsborough p.* Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 3: 18(). eng. marchioness of. Lady Mary Elizabeth (Nugent) w. of 1st marquis, d. 1812. Armstrong, Re}’nolds (1900) 64. Reynolds p.* (with her husband and son) La belle assemble (1812) n. s. 5:3. John lloppner p. A. Cardon eng. Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir X Reynolds (1899) 3: 1016. Reynolds p.* (with her hus- band and son) — (1901)4:1520. Rcj’nolds p.* (with her son) Nugent, Mem. of Robert, carl Nugent (1898) 22. lion. Mrs. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 72, fig. 5. J. Smart p.* (E. M. Hodgkins coll.) Charles Luman, 1852- Nat. mag. (1894) 19:435. Williams eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 246. Williams eng. Joseph Tinker, 1779-1861. Ballou’s picto- rial (185.5) 9:332. eng. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:103. Rev. Samuel Giles, 1812-98. New Eng. mag. (1894) n.s. 9:586. Wilhain Alfred, gov. of Conn., 1804-75. Biog. encycl. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 81. eng. Cent. (1888) 13:or. (1884) 6:623, pi. 43. Reynolds p. 1780-81. Francis Hay- ward eng. pub. 1781 (boy por.) Lady Sarah (Lennox) w. of Sir Charles, 1745- 1826. See Napier, Lady Sarah. BUNBURY family name. See also title Rathdonnell. BUNCE, Francis Marvin, c. s. x. 1836-1901. Harper’s w. (1897) 4:1476. John Thackray, editor, 1828-99. Illcs. Ix>nd. news (1899) 115:9.* BUNDY, Jonas Mills, 1835-91. Harper’s mag- (1878) 56:47. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:712. wdct. Jonathan. ANNAi.sof Iowa (1899)ser.3, 4:272. BUNGERT, August, composer, 1846- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 93. Alex. Gribay6do(T del.* BUNN, Charles W. of St Paul, Minn. Green bag (1890) 2:206.* Mrs Margaret Agnes (Somerville) 1799-1883. Lady’s mag. (1824) n. s. 5:175. W. Sharp>e p. R. Cooper sc. (as Hermione) BUNNER, Henry Cuyler, writer, 1855-96. Book buyer (1896) 13:‘281, 345. Bookman (1896) 3:398.* Cent. (1901) 41:61.* Critic (1896) 28:352. —(1904) 45:430. silhouette.* H.vrper’s w. (1891) 35:650. wdct. — (1896) 40:522. wdct. BUNNY, Rupert C. W. Mag. of art (1895) 18:390. R. C. W. Bunny del.* BUNSEN, freUierr von, Christian Karl Josias, 1791-1860. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:643. G. Richmond del. J. H. Robinson.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:243. Rich- mond p. 1847.* Oltlook (1897) 55:426. Seidlitz, Portnitwerk (1894) 5:pl. 116. J. Schnorr von CaroLs- feld del. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 484. Richmond del. H. Rob- inson sc.* freiherrin von, Frances (Waddington) w. of Christian, 1791-1876. Hare, Story of my life (1901) 3:266. eng. 1874 Robert Wilhelm von, 1811-99. Bettelheim, Biog. jahrb. u. deutsch. nekrolog. (1899) 4: front.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:760.* Harper’s w. (1899) 43:837. Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 115:275.* Pop. sci. m. (1881) 19:433. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 68. Johann Marx p.* BUNTING, Rev. Jabez, 1779-1858. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:497. wdct. Meth. mag. (1804) 27:529. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 25) Wesleyan meth. mag. (1829) 52: front. J. Jackson p. J. Thomson eng. BUNTZEN, Andreas, captain, 1781-1830. Lund, Danske inalede por. (1900) 7*: 14. F. C. Groger p.* Fru Andreas (Camilla tlecHe Victoire du Puy) 1790-1870. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7‘ : 14. F. C. Groger p.* Johan Jacob. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7‘ : 14 (with his father and mother, child por.) Thomas, m. d. 1776-1807. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7‘ : 14 (with his wife and son) Fru. Thomas ( Medea Cathrine Garb) Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7*: 14 (with her husband and son) BUNYAN, John, 1628-88. Art j. (1876) 28:300. Boehm sc. II. Balding eng. (statue, at Bedford) Bolton, Fam. leaders men (1894) 123.* Cunning- iiA.M, Lives of em. . . Englishmen (1836) 5:front. So. Freeman eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:sup. p. 3. Thomas Sadler p.* (age 56) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:134. Thomas Sadler p. lith.* — 3:1.35. R. White del.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:951. Robert White f. drawing (Brit, mus.) Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:569. Boehm sc. wdct. (statue at Bedford) New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:241. wdct. Outlook (1901) 69:879. Boehm sc. Louis Rhead del. (statue at Bedford) So. Kensington, Nat. hist por. 2: pi. 89. Sadler p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1^6) 4:26. Derby del. after por. W. Holl eng. BUOL-SCBLAUENSTEIN, graf wn, Karl Ferdi- nand, 1797-1865. -\llg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:2.35. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 113. Kriehuber lith. 1854.* BUONACCORSI 219 BURDETT-COUTTS BUONACCORSI, Filippo {pseud. Callimachus Experiens) 1437-%. Sciiiemanx, Russland, Polen, u. Livland (1886) 1:605. monument* (Dominican chapel at Krakau) Pietro (Perino del Vaga) 1501 ?-47. See Vaga. BUONARELLI, Costanza. IIirth, Der fornien- schatz (1901) pi. 80. Lorenzo Bernini sc.* (bust, Florence mus. nat.) BUONARROTI, Filippo, 1761-1837. Am.ato, Martiri d. liberti ital. (1^1) 1 :311. Masutti des. Parmiani inc. L’jVrt (1882) 28:207. David d’Angers f.* (medallion) —(1894) 59, pt. 1 : 100. David d’An- gers f.* (medallion) Michel Angelo. See Michelangelo. BUONCOMPAGNO, Ugo, 1502-85. See Gregory XIII, pope. BUONTAIiENTI, Bernardo (Bernardo delle Girandole) 1536-1608. MoI'cke, Ritratti (1752) l;pl. 40. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. BUONVICmO, Alessandro, 1498-1555. See Moretto da Brescia. BURBAGE, Richard, 15671-1619. Dor.an, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:16. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:219. Richard Burbage p.* (Dul- wich coll.) Harper’s w. (1891) 35:875. wdet. (as Hamlet) Lee, Shakespeare (1899) 33. Richard Bur- bagel p.* (Dulwich gall.) Outlook (1900) 65:49. Burbage? p.* (Dulwich coll.) Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2:pl. 114. Burbage? p. S. Harding del. & sc. (Dulwich coll.) Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 236. Burbage? p.* BURBANK, Miss, lecturer. Critic (1901) 38:16 (with Miss Mosher) Gardner S. of Fitchburg, Mass. 1809-88. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:330. J. B. Rice and sons. eng. Luther, 1849- World’s work (1901) 2: 1211. Nat. Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:791. Robert Ingalls, 1818-93. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:220. Homer del. after photo. Peirce sc. Geaffon and Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:526.* BURBECK, Henry, general, 1754-1848. Am. hist, register (1895) 2: 1376. Buobee, Mem. of Cincinnati (1890). 124. Drake, Mem. of Cincinnati (1873) 245. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:225. II. B. Hall etch. 1880. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 397. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Sons of the rev. N. Y. Year-bk. (1896) 251. —(1899) 305. BURBREDGE, Stephen Gano, brig. gen. 1831-94. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:28. wdet. Por. in. (1864) 1 : 188. wdet. BURBURE, Leon de, 1812-89. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1893) 59:457. Louis Le Main sc. BURCH, Francois van der, abp. of Cambrai, 1567- 1644. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des honimes utiles, 4:287. J. Berger del. Francois sc. Jakob van der, d. 1660. See Burgh. Louis ^rnile van der, 1794-1862. See Vander- burch. BURCHARD (Buko v. Halberstadt) bp. of Hal- berstadt, 1030-88. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 53:29. Hermann Pell f.* (window in Rathaus, Worms) BURCHGRAEFF, Willem. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 96. Rembrandt p. 1633.* Vrouw Willem (Margaretha van Bilderbeecq) Bode, L’muvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 97. Rembrandt p. 16^.* BURCKARD, Frau Leffler, singer. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:667.* BURCKHARDT, Jakob, 1818-97. Bettelheim, Biog. jahrb. u. deutsch. nekrolog. (1897) 2:front.* Werck.melster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 258. Hans Lendorff del.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 9:97.* — n. s. 9:100. Hans Lendorff del. Johann Ludwig, traveler, 1784-1817. Jar- DiNE, Naturalist’s lib. (1843) ichthyology, 5: front. Stewart del. Lizars sc. BURDEAU, Auguste Laurent, 1851-94. Illus Lond. news (1894) 105:70, 770.* BURDEN, Jane, 1840- See Morris, Mrs William. BURDETT, Sir Francis, 1770-1844. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 3:575. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:65. Sir .M. A. Shee p.* — 2:65. Adam Buck? p.* Holt, Life of George III (1820) 2:414. E. Hastings p. J. Hopwood eng. (miniature) Jer- DAN, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. Lawrence p. J. Morri- son eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6:pl. 29. Lawrence p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:47. Lawrence p. Morrison eng. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:437. F. W. Fairholt wdet. after caricature 1807. Sir Hexuy, 1847- Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 718. Quip f. lith. (caricature) Samuel Swinfin, general, 1836- Beatii, Hist. G. A. R. (1899) 306. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:616. BURDETT-COUTTS, baroness, Angela Geor- gina Burdett-Coutts, 1814- Art j. (1896) 48:366. Sir William Ross p.* Bolton, Lives of girls (1886)320. Book buyer (1893) 10:321. Duyck- iNCK, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:515. eng. after photo. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 6:336. eng. Harper’s mag. (1889) 78: 198. Illus. Lond. news(1871) 59:313. J. R. Swinton p. wdet. (Cancer Hospital, Brompton) — (1881) 78:185.* — (1887) 91 :247. Notables of Britain (1897) 143.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 4. lith. (caricature) BURDETT-COrTTS 220 BURGHLEY William Lehman Ashmead Bartlett- 1851- Baily’s mag. (1891) 55:289. W. Roffe sc. after photo. Illcs. Load, news (1881) 78: 185.* — (1887) 91:247. Vanity fair album (1^1) 1.3: pi. 242. Spy f. lith. (caricature) BURDETTE, Robert Jones, humorist, 1844- America’s grtst men and women (1894) 186.* Har- per’s mag. (1890) 80:794. Mrs Robert Jones (Clara Bradley) 1855- Critic (1904) 44:239.* BURDICK, Francis Marion, 1845- Green bag (1889) 1:482.* BURDON-SANDERSON, Sir John Scott, 1st hart. 1828- See Sanderson. BURDSALL, Rev. John. Meth. mag. (1826) 49:793. W. Poole p. W. T. Fiy eng. BUREAU, Isabelle, w. of Geoffroy Coeur, d. 1491. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13:pl. 111. P. de Buyster sc. J. Bernard! eng. (statue) BUREAU DE LA RIVliKE, Charles, 1340-1400. See La Riviere. BUREAUX DE PUSY, Jean Xavier, 1750-1805. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:360. eng. BURENIN, Victor Petrovitch, 1841- Russian journalist. Bookman (1900) 11:2^. BURGAU, marlcgraf von, Karl, son of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol, 1.569-1618. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:172, fig. 213. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) BURGE, Hubert Murray, head master of Win- chester, 1862- Illcs. Lond. news (1901) 118:339.* Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 885. Spy del. lith. BURGENER, Alexander, 1846- Cunningh.am and Abney, Pioneers of the Alps (1887) 156.* BURGER, Ludwig, painter, 1825-84. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1886) 21:1. G. Zielecke sc. Scbalk, general, acting pres. Transvaal. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:407. —(1902) 120:4.51. BURGERSH, barons. See title Westmorland. BURGES, Miss, dau. of William. Sr Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 11. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* Sir James Bland, Jsf&arf. 1752-1824. Monthly mirror (1801) 11:73. Rigaud p. Ridley eng. Walter Snow, 1808-92. Bioo. encycl. of Conn, and R. 1. (1881) 70. eng. William, architect, 1827-81. Illus. Lond. news (1881)78:429.* BURGESS, Alexander, bp. of Quincy, 111. 1819- 1901. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 252. Benjamin, 1778-1864. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (18&) 2:773. M. Wight p. H.W. Smith sc. Daniel, 1645-1713. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 1:82. eng. Edward, shipbuilder, 1848-91. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:705. wdct. —(1891) 35:564. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:49. Francis. Meth. mag. (1816) 39:641. Blood sc. Frank Gelett, 1866- Book buyer (1897) 15:309 Bookman (1896) 4:9.* George, bp. of Maine, 1809-66. Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 188. eng. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 106. JobnBagnold, painter, 1829-97. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71 :37. wdct. after photo. — (1897) 111:719.* M.\g. of art (1881) 5: 137. wdct. —(1898) 22:172. Klinkicht eng. after photo. John William, 1844- Bookman (1903) 18: 178.* H.arper’s w. (1892) 36:129. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1890) n.s. 2:374. Solon, 1817- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 3:82. eng. Thomsis, bp. of Salisbury, 1756-1837. Eu- ropean mag. (1825) 87:293. Whitman, Samuel Willliam Reynolds (1903) 90. W. Owen p. S. W. Reynolds mezzo. 1820.* William, naturalist, d. 1889. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:618.* BURGE VINE, Captain, d. 1865. H.arper’s mag. (1866) 32:596. eng. —(1868) 37:599. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:33. wdct. BURGH, baroness. Lady Catherine (Clinton) w. of 4th baron. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 17. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 19. Holbein del. A. Car- don sc. Hubert de, earl of Kent, d. 1243. Silvestre, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) 83. W. F. Yeames p. wdct. (with Prince Arthur) Jakob van der, d. 1660. L’Art (1887) 43: 155. Gerard Ter Borch f. 1646. P. Holsteyn eng. Gaz. d. beau.N arts (1887) ser. 2, 35: 129. Gerard ter Borch p. P. Holsteyn eng. Walter Hussey, 1742-83. B.arrington, Hist, mem. (1835) 1:36. Hamilton f. J. Heath eng. 1810. Cath. world (1896) 63:375. BURGH family name. See also title Clanricarde. BURGHCLERE, 1st baron, Herbert Coulstoun Gardner, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:308.* Vanity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 487. Spy f. (carica- ture) BURGHERSH, barons. See title Westmorland. BURGHLEY, 1st baron, W illiam Cecil, 1520-98. Acad. (1898) 55:321. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:15. HoU sc. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3:pl.34. S. Harding del. after p. in Bodleian gdl. Birch, Heads (1813) 35. J. Houbraken sc. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:240. ifarc Gheeraerts p. W. Freeman eng. 1829. C.ab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 4:103. eng. Connoisseur BURGHLEY 221 BURKE (1903) 7:227. Geeraert p.* (Hatfield House coll.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 2:681. Mark Gerard p. W. H. Mote eng. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:49 (3 por.) Drummond, Noble Brit. fam. (1846) l:pl. 26. Fiske, Beginnings of N. E. (1898) 62. Gheer- aerts p. Freeman eng. (poss. Marquis of Exeter) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:42. eng.* (from Her- wologia) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:5. Gheeraedts f.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:739 (Nat. por. gall.) Hawkins, Plymouth armada heroes (1888) 44. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:25. Marc Garrard p. eng. (coll, of Marquis of Exeter) Holland, HeroJologia Anglica (1620) 114. eng. Lives of em. Brit, statesmen (1831) 1 : title. H. Corbould del. E. Finden sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 3:pl.l 9. Mark Gerard p. W. Freeman eng. Macdiar.mid, Lives of Brit, statesmen (1820) 1:155. Freeman sc. Naunton, Fragmenta regalia (1824) 50. R. Cooper eng. Outlook (1900) 65:826. p.* (at Hat- field House) Por. illus. Waverley novels, pi. 24. R. Cooper eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 117. contemn, eng. Skelton, Mary Stuart (1893) 160. Marc Gheeraedts, sr. p.* Kensington, Nat. hist, por. l:pl. 73. p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1:206. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:16. F. Zucchero f. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:60. Geremia eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 27. eng. Wright, Queen Elizabeth and her times (1838) 1:1. Mark Garrard p.* See also [Jessopp, Augustus]. William Cecil, Lord Burghley. London. 1904. T». Historical monograph se- ries. (12 portrait plates and other illustrations.) baroness, Mildred (Cooke), w. of 1st baron, d. 1589. Drummond, Noble Brit. fam. (1846) l:pl. 27. Woodman eng. BURGHLEY title. See also title Exeter. BURGKMAIR, Hans, 147.3-1.531. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:45. RafTaelli f. — (1878) ser. 2, 18:10.59. wdet. after medallion. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:110. Hans Birgk- mair p.* (with his wife) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1888) 7:46. medal 1519.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1895) 7: pi. 968. Hans Burgkmair p.* (with his wife, Vienna gall.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 42. H. Burgk- mair del. 1517.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1884) 19:337. H. Burgkmair p. J. Groh del. R. Bran- d ’amour sc. BURGON, John William, dean of Chichester, 1813- 88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93: 191. BURGOYNE, John, 1722-92. Baxter, Brit, invasion from the north (1887) front. S. Hollyer eng. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 205. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:270. Ram.sev p. 17.50. wdet. Har- per’s mag. (1^7) 55:673. wdet. — (1901) 103:790. Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:9. New Eno. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:682. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:559. Gardner p. eng.* 1784. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 5 : pi. 27. p.* W ilson. Hist, of Am. people ( 1902) 2:269. old eng.* Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:292. eng. (from Political magazine, 1780) — 6:293. en^. (from Andrews’s Hist, of the war, London, 1785, vol. 3) Wright, Eng. under House of Ilanover (1848) 2:32. Sayerf. 1782. F. W. Fairholt. wdet. (caricature) Sir John Fox, bart. general, 1782-1871. Draw- iNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 18. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Nolan, War against Russia, 2: 193. W. J. Edwards eng. after daguerr. SirRoger, 2d bart. d. 1677. Verney family (1894) 3:2.36. p.* (Claydon house) BURGSTALLER, Alois. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:909 (as Parsifal) BURHANS, Samuel, jr. 182.5-1900. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog record (1900) 31:129.* BURINO, Antonio, 1656-1727. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2:9. Burino p. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. BURKE, Master. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 77, fig. 5. Adam Buck p. 1815.* (Victoria and Albert mus.) Edanus, 1743-1802. Bowe.n, Centennial Washington’s inauguration (1892) 100. Hibernian soc. Charleston. Green bag (1899) 11 : 267. p.* Andrew H. gov. of N. Dak. 1850- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:889. wdet. Charles St Thomas, 1822-54. Cent. (1889) 17:199. E. A. of New Orleans. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:807. wdet. Edmund, 1730-97. Armstro.ng, Reynolds (1900) 9. Reynolds p.* Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1821) 3:. 579. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 598. Biog. mag. (1819) 1:10. Holl sc. Brougii.am, Statesmen of time of Geo. Ill (1839) 1:142. Reynolds p. C. E. Wagstaff eng. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 4. J. Jones f. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 6:447. Reynolds p. C. E. Wagstaff sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:315. Reynolds p.* Dow- ling, Poets and statesmen (18.57) 157. Reynolds p. E. Radclyffe eng. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1^3) 1:159. Chappel p. Eclectic mag. (1849) 16:1. — (1858) 44: front. James Doyle p. J. Sartain eng. (group) Edwards, Anec. of painters (1808) 98. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:41. Reynolds p. wdet. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 73. J. Opie p. eng.* (from Nat. por.) Gamlin, Romney and his art (1894) 290. Romney p.* Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3 : 370. Reynolds f.* — 4:78. Romney f.* 80. Reynolds f. lith.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1683. Re}'- nolds f. Green, William Pitt (11X11) 324. Reynolds p. James Wilson f.* Harper’s mag. (1860) 21:679. Gilray del. eng. (caricature) — (18>S) 66:671. R. A. Mullersc.* — (1892) 85:791. death-mask.* — (1901) 103:287. Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 5. R. Sands sc. Holt, Life of Geoi^e HI (1820) 1:197. Hut- ton, Por. in plaster(1894) 169. death-mask.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:5.58. J. Ha ward Thomas sc.* (statue, Bristol) Jerdan, Nat. por gall. (1834) v. 5. Reynolds, p. H. Robinson, eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:33. Reynolds p. C. E. Wagstaff eng. after copy. Lawless, Story of Ireland (1888) 343. Romney p. Jones eng.* — p. 353. drawing. Lloyd, Hist, of Eng. 2 :205. W. II. Brown p. W. Ridley eng. (miniature) Lond. mag. (1770) 39: 174. eng. Mag BURKE 222 BURNABY of Am. hist. (1884) 11:278. Reynolds p. Wagstaff eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4: 137. Rey- nolds p. Alonzo Chappell p.* Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:35. eng. 1797.* Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:348. statue* (Westminster hall) Penny mag. (1832) 1:384. wdct. —(1841) 10:129. Romney p. wdct. PoR.gall. (1853) 3:687. Reynolds p. Wagstaff sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 55. Romney p. J. Jones sc. S.mitii, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1496. Reynolds p. James Watson eng. 1770. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 8. Opie p.* — 5: pi. 9. Reynolds p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:223. vignette. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:123. Reynolds p. II. Robinson eng. Wills, Irish nation, 3:202. W. IIoll eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2: 106. Romne}' p.* Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 5: front. Reynolds p. eng. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:62-199. F. W. Fairholt eng. after Gillray and others (various cari- catures) Mrs Edmund (Jane Nugent) Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:584. Rey- nolds p.* Edmund, comm’r of patents, 1809-82. Demo- cratic rev. (1847) 20: 1. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Edmund Haviland-, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Lady, Elizabeth Mary (Calcraft) w. of Sir John, 17931-1859. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. fe- males (1833) 1:92. W. E. West p. T. A. Dean sc. Glendy, merchant of New Orleans, 1805- De Bow’s rev. (1851) 11:105. Illman and sons eng. Henry Lardner, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:40.* James Henry Thomas, r.n. 1853-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:749.* Sir John Bernard, 1814-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:799.* Joseph, 1815-1902. Cent. (1882) 1:695 (child por.) Kichard, son of Edmund, 17.58-94. *\rmstrong, Reynolds (1900) 9. Reynolds p. 1782.* Kichard. Baily’s mag. (1889) 51:69. G. J. Stodart sc. after photo. Robert E. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:741, 841. Stevenson, 1824- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:296. eng. Thomas Haviland, 179.5-18.52. Athenj;um club. Por. (1836) l:pl. 4. E. V. Eddis del. lith. Thomas Henry, 1829-82. Illus. Ixind. news (1882) 80:4.53.* —(1896) 109:3o7.* Thomas Nicholas (Father Burke) 1830-83. Merry Eng. (1886) 6:283. BURKET, Jacob F. 1837- Green bag (1895) 7 :105,* 289.* BURKHOLDER, William E. 1833-57. Annals of Iowa (1895) ser. 3, 2:157. BURKS, Edward C. 1821-97. Green bag (1893) .5:413.* Virginia bar assoc. Rep. (1897) 9:127.* BURLAMAQUI, Jean Jacques, 1694-1748. Borgeaud, Hist, do I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:514. R. Gardelle p.* BURLEIGH, Albert A. 1841- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1341. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Charles Calistus, 1810-78. Garrison, Story of life (1889) 3:226. eng. after daguerr. (age 35) Out- look (1899) 62:511.* in 1875. Edwin Chick, gov. of Maine, 1843- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1317. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Har- per’s w. (18^) 32:717. wdct. baroTis. See Burghley. BURLEY, James. Meth. mag. (1811) 34:801. W. Patten p. Ridley sc. (age 49) BURLINGAME, Anson, 1820-70. Am. ann. cyclop. (1867)7:120. H. B. Hall jr. eng. Cent. (1887) 12:2(57.* Eclectic mag. (1868) 71: 1037. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:348, 376. wdct. —(1870) 14:172. wdct. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2: 144.* Edward Livermore, 1848- Bookman (19(X)) 12:366. Lettie L. Green bag (1890) 2: 19.* BURLINGTON, 3d earl of, Richard Boyle, 1694- 1753. CuNNiNGiiA.M, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 4:317. Knellerp. W. C. Edwards eng. Krr-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 18. Knellerp. Cooper sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) ll:pl. 1. Knapton f. W. T. Mote eng. S. MITII, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 1680. eng. Walpole Anee. ed. Dallaway (18^) 4:216. Kneller p. W. II. Worthington sc. countess of. Lady Elizabeth (Compton) w. of 4 th carl, 1760-1835. See Compton. For later earls of this family see title Cork. BURMA, kings of. See Mendun-men; Orgoni; The- baw. prince of, Ayeh-men. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:20. eng. BURMEISTER, Hermann, 1807-92. Werck- MEISTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 518. Rud. Hollmann lith. 1856.* BURMESTER, Willy, violinist, 1869- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1274. BURN, Henry. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:. 505. eng. after photo. BURN-MURDOCH, John Francis, 1859- See Murdoch. BURNABY, Edwyn Sherard, maj. gen. 1830-83. Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 419. T. lith. (carica- ture) Frederick Gustavus, 1842-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:77. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1885) BURNAM 223 BURNEY 86: 103,* 107.* Men of mark (1877) 2: pi. 33. photo. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 143. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) BUKNAM, Anthony Rollins, 1846- Green bag (1900) 12:521.* Curtis F. Green bag (1897) 9:342.* BURNAND, Sir Francis Cowley, 1837- II.ae- per’s mag. (1881) 63:661. Hollingshead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 251. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77 : 156* —(1891) 99:85.* —(1902) 121:21.* Merry Eng. (1^7) 8:219. Notables of Britain (1897) 122.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:149. Theatre (1897) n. s. 2:34. photo. — (1883) ser. 4, 1:105. photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 236. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) BURNE , Mrs M. Mao. of art ( 1898) 22:426. Arthur Hacker p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 192. Hacker p.* Sir Owen Tudor, maj. gen. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:57.* Thomas. Memorials of Burne-Jones (1904) 1:32. miniature.* Mrs Thomas (Keturah Jones) aftw. Mrs James Catherwood. Me.morial8 of Burne-Jones (1904) 1 : 32 miniature.* BURNE-JONES. See Jones. BURNELL, Edward Strelley Pegge, 1835- L’Art (1903) 62:159. Baroness Lambert p.* (pastel) BURNEQUEZ, cur4 de Mouthe, 1734- Bioo. mo- deme (1807) 2:361. Perrin del. Texiersc. BURNER, Daniel Green, of 111. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:222.* BURNES, James Nelson, 1832-89. Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 10:625. eng. BURNET, Mr, of Norfolk, Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 617. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Gilbert, bp. of Salisbury, 1643-1715. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:220. Andrew McIIvraith f.* Cent. (1893) 24:111. John Riley p. J. Smith eng.* Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847 & 18.55) 1:415. Riley p. J. Rogers eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 195. Riley p. 1690.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:173. Riley f.* Ixjdge, Por. (1835) 10: pi. 5. Knellerp. H. Robinson eng. Lond. mag. (1753') 22:80. F. Gar- densc. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 2:711. Riley p. R. A. Muller eng. after mezzo, by John Smith. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:405. wdet. Oliphant, Hist. char. ( 1894) 80. Riley p. Muller eng. after mezzo, by John Smith. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 69. Kneller p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:39. Riley p. eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l :pl. 25,26. eng. Jacob, 1770-1853. Green bag (1895) 7:111.* Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:265. H. S. Sadd eng. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 1:467. wdet. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 550. St Memin del. & eng.* James, of Edinburgh, d. 1814. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 235. John Kaj^ f. 1814 & eng. Janet. .iVrt j. (1903) 55: 153. Charlotte McLa- ren p.* (miniature) Mag. of art (1903) 27:462.* Charlotte McLaren p.* (in 1893) John, 1784-1868. .Vrt j. (1850) 2:277. eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:275. J. Simpson p.* John, architect. Mag. of art (1898) 22:232. James Guthrie p.* Thomas, 16351-1715. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:169. Louis Elle (Ferdinand) p. 1675.* Wilham, colonial gov. 1688-1729. Cent. (1899) 35:402. Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 581. eng. Fiske, Dutch and quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 2:232. p.* (State house, Boston) Foote, An- nals of King’s chapiel (1882) 1:376. wdet. King’s chapiel, Boston, 200th anniversary (1887) 110. wdet.* Nat. mag. (1893) 17:400. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21:431. Smith, 13 colonies (1901) 2:38. from Whitehead’s Hist, of Perth Ambov.* Wiiite- HEAD, Contrib. to the early hist, of I*erth Amboy (1856) 168. J. Watson del. lith. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1880) 2:55. Kilburn sc. after eng. (from Drake’s Boston) Mrs William. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:408. wdet. BURNETT, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) aflw. Mrs Stephen Townsend, 1849- America’s grtst men and women (1894) 236. Book buyer (1886) 3:2. —(1900) 20:271.* Bookman (1897) 6:288,* 289.* Bookman lit. yr-bk. (1898) 131. Critic (1881) 1:345. Frank Fowler del. 1881.* —(1896)28:216. —(1904) 44:4.* Henry, of Paducah, Ky. Green bag (1897) 9:271.* Henry Lawrence, 1838- Harper’s w. (1865) 9:408. wdet. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:189. eng. James (Lord Monboddo) 1714-99. European mag. (1790) 17:163. J. Brown del. R. Stanier .sc. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 5, 6, 99. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. — 2: pi. 217, 348. Kay f. & eng. 1799. John, 1764 ?-1810. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 320. John Kay f. 1810 & eng. John, labor commr. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:360. —(1891) 98:563.* Peter Hardeman, 1807-95. Cent. (1890) 18:782. daguerr.* BURNEY, Charles, musician, 1726-1814. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:23. George Dance del. 1794.* Eclectic mag. (1849) 16:1. — (1858) 44:front. James Doyle p. J. Sartain eng. (group) European mag. (1785) 7: 165. Humplireys p. Walker eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 37. Reynolds p.* Charles, d. d. 1757-1817. European mag.(1819) 75: 195. J. Nollekins sc. Wivell del. J. Thomson eng. (bust) EsteUe. Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 21:84. photo. Fanny, 1752-1840. See Arblay, Mme Frances (Burney) d’. BURNHAM 224 BURNSIDE BURNHAM, 1st baron, Sir Edward Levy-Lawson 1833- Ii-Lus. Lond. news (1892) 101:2o9.* Arthur. Harper’s mag. (1869) 40:52. eng. Mrs Clara Louise (Root) 1854- Critic (1897) 31:148. —(1903)42:10.* Daniel Hudson, 1846- H.arper’s mag. (1892) 85:872. IL\rper’s w. (1893) 37:285. wdet. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1896) 19:273. F. R. scout in So. African war. Illcs. Lond. news (1900) 116:147, 703.* —(1902) 120:44.* Gordon Webster, 1803-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:204. wdct. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:84. eng. Samuel, 1833-73. Congreg. quar. (1874) 16: front. H. W. Smith eng. after photo. Sherburne Wesley, 1838- Cent. (1889) 16:301.* Thomas, of Cleveland, O. 1808- M.\o. of West, hist. (1886) 3:427. eng. Thomas Oliver Hazard Perry, 1813-91. Bookman (1897) 4:544.* BURNITZ, Dr P. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 46:13. Hans Thoma p. 1874.* BURNS (or Mathews) Miss, d. 1792. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 306. John Kaj’ f. 1788 & eng. Daniel M. politician. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:230. wdct. F. G. Colorado mine owner, 1858- Mao. of West, hist. (1890) 13:52. eng. Sir George, 1st hart, 1795-1890. Illcs. Lond. news (1889) 94:712.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:553. Jabez, 1801-76. Illcs. Lond. news (1876) 68: 157. wdct. James Madison, u. s. a. ILarper’s w. (1888) 32:821. wdct. John, 1793-1872. Bates, Battle of Gettysburg (1875) 218. G. E. Ferine eng. Blttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 40. Ferine eng. ent. (1886) 11:132.* Harper’s w. (1863) 7:529. wdct. John, labor leader, 1858- Cabinet por. gall. (1893) 4:6.* Cent. (1904) 46: 13.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:220. Faul Renouard del.* Harper’s w. (1892)36:786. wdct. —(1894) 38:584. wdct. Illcs. Lond. news (1886) 88:173. —(1892) 100:321.* McCarthy, Brit, political por. (1903) 178.* Nor.v- BLEs of Brit. (1897) 138.* Octi.ook (1903) 73:585.* Fall Mall mag. (1899) 18:568. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1890) 1:362. J. Collier p.* —(1892)6:530. Spy f.* (caricature) —(1895) 11:37. Spy f.* (caricature) Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11 :418. Stead, For. and autog. (1891) 36.* Vanity fair al- bum (1892) 24: pi. 603. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Robert, j>oet, 1759-96. Acad. (1899) 56:481. Anderson, Fop. Scot. hiog. (1842) 176. Nasmvth p. S. Freeman eng. Ander.son, Scottish nation (1863) l;pl. 498. Nasmyth p. W. Holl eng. Art j. (1881) 33:71. Steele sc.* (statue, N. Y.) Baixou’s pic- torial (1859) 16:176. eng. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:11. Bolton, Fam. Eng. au. (1890) 66. Book buytr (1887) 4:351. — (1894) 11:621. daguerr. after minia- ture* (poss. of Mrs Fields) — (189^ 17:18 — (1901) 23:271. Feter Taylor p. 1786. eng.* Bookman (1896) 4:15. Nasmyth p.* —(1904) 19:442. Ma.x Beer- bohm del. (caricature) Carlyle, Works, Cent. ed. (1899) 26:258. eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:49. Nasmyth p. 1787* (Sept. nat. gall.) Cent. (1883) 4:642. miniature.* — (1898) 33:584. William Mc- Quae f.* Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847) 1:427. Nasmyth p. Ryall eng. — (1855) 1:427. Nasrm’th p. 11. Robinson eng. Critic (1895) 27 : 156. G. E. Bis- sell sc.* (bas-relief, with Highland Mar\') — (1901) 38:205. J. W. Simpson del.* Cust, N*at. por. gall. (1902) 2:149. Nasmyth p.* Dcyckinck, For. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 1:204. Chappell p. eng. Effigies poetieae (1824) 2:pl. 131. Nasmyth p. J. Thurston del. C. Warren eng. Fields, Shelf of old iKwks (1894) 119. wdct. after daguerr. (poss. of Mrs Fields) Fib^lds and Whipple, Fam. lib. of Br. pioetry (1880) 525. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:22, Nasmyth f. lith.* — 4:24 Skiirring f.* Gostwick. Eng. ^ts(1875) 122. Harper’s mag. (1880)61:321, Harper’s w. (1880) 24:669. Steell sc. wdct. (statue. Central park, N. Y.) Hubbard, Little jour. Eng. authors (1900) 1:73. Hutton, For. in plaster (1894) 193. death mask.* Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77:488. Steell sc.* (statue. Central park, N. Y.) — (1884) 85:121. Steell sc.* (statue, Tliames embankment) —(1891) 99:67. G. A. Lawson sc.* (statue, Ayr) Intern.vt. studio (1899) 7:204. Fittendrigh Macgilli- vray sc.* (with Highland Mary; bas-relief) — (1902) 16:275. F. N. Fomeroy sc.* (statue) Jacks, Robert Burns (1896) front. L.adies’ mus. (1829) 1:121. Lit. souvenir (1831) 177. R. Edmonstone p. J. Mitchell eng. (with Highland Maiy) Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 315. Nasmyth p.* Mag. of art (1891) 15:34. Lawson sc.* (statue, Ayr) — (1894) 17:216. W. Grant Stevenson sc.* (statue) —17:238-243 (7 por.) —(1896) 20:55. F. W. Fom- erov sc.* (statue, Faisley) — (1901) 25:253. F. J. Williamson sc.* (statue)* Moutton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:221. Nasmyth f. .\lonzo Chappell p.* Penny mag. (1841) 10:353. Flaxman sc. eng. (.statue, Edinburgh) For. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl. 62. Nasmyth p. J. Thurston del. C. Warren eng. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:466. daguerr. after minia- ture.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 59. P. Taj'lor p. J. Horsbuigh sc. Select biog. of celeb, char, pi. 2. Nasmyth p. E. Scriven sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 70. Nasmyth p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 226. Nasmyth p.* Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904 ) 28. Nasmyth p. Cousins eng. 1830. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 82, fig. 6. H. Bone p.* after Buchan, 1783. (Univ. gall. Oxford) Mrs Robert (Jean Armour) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190:i) 4:22. S. .McKenzie f.* William Henry, 1856- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2185. A. H. Ritchie eng. BURNS-HARTOPP, James, 1862- SreHartopp. BURNSIDE, Ambrose Everett, general, 1824- 1881. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 9. J. C. Buttre BON UP 225 BURKOWS eng. Death, HisU G. A. R. (1899) 123. Butthe, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 78. Buttre eng. Cent. (1886) 10:6^. Ceaft.s, Southern reljellion (1867) 2:161. II. W. Smith eng. Duycki.vck, Nat. por. gall. (1862)2:416. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:3. eng. Harper’s w. (1^1) 6:36, 541. wdct. —(1862) 6:1.36, 753, 785. wdct. —(1864) 8:469. wdct. (with staff) —(1881) 25:109, 653. wdct. — (1887) 31 : 508. Thompson sc. wdct.(cquestr. statue) Harriso.v, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 18. Lincoln p.* (State house, Rrov. R. I.) Hopp, Bun- desstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 701. lith.* Moore, Heroes and martyrs (1861) 143. AIoore, Rebellion record (1862) 2:73. eng. New E.\o. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:605 (statue) Nicolay and Hay, Lin- coln (1890) 6:192.* For. m. (186.3) 1:11. wdct. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 59. G. Stodart eng. after photo. Woodbury, Buraside and 9th army corp® (1867) front. Buttre eng. BTJRNUP, Cuthbert James, cricketer. Daily’s mag. (1903) 80: 1.* BUHPEE, Isaac, 1825- Dext, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:25. lith. BURR, Mrs. Heath’s book of lieauty (1842) 210. B. R. Faulkner p. W. II. Mote eng. Aaron, pres, of Princeton coll. 1716-57. Har- per’s mag. (1876) 53:665. eng. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:354. — 18:277. Princeton book (1879) 35. Princeton univ. mem. book (1898) 354. p.* ^rib- ner’s m. (1877) 13:627. eng. Aaron, vice-pres. U. S. 1756-1836. Ce.nt. (1900) 38:251. Saint Memin eng.* (miniature) Critic (1902) 41:240. eng.* Green bag (1902) 14:451. E. G. Williams eng.* Harland, ^me colonial home- steads (1897) 297. Harper’s mag. (1872) 44:687. eng. —(1884) 68:559. G. Kruell sc.* —(1892) 84:198. Oliver I. Lay p. 1889.* —85:972. death mask.* Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) l:pl. 17. John Vanderlyn p.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundes- krieg in N. A. (1886) 347. from Mag. of Am. hist.* Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 247. death mask.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:451. John Trumbull p.* — (1902) 18:404. James Sharpies del.* (Independ- ence hall, Phila.) Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:189. wdct. — (1884) 12:393. Vandyke p. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 1:471. wdct. Outlook (1901) 69:925. Gilbert Stuart p.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 682. St Memin del. & eng.* Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:52. Vanderlyn p. eng. (in p wdct. —(1896) 40.676. wdct —(1901) 45:1133 * — (1902) 46:492.* Fop sci. m. (1903) 63:568.* R. OF rev. (1902) 25:130 * World’s work (liX)2) 3:1804.* BUTLER 229 BUTTS Pierce, 1744-1822. Bowen, Centennial, Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 100 (2 por.) Fiske, Crit. period of Ain. hist. (1898) 278. Rosenthal etch.* Richard, lieut. colonel, 1743-91. Am. hist, regis- ter (1895) 3:59. Penn. mag. of hist, and biog. (18^) 7:1. eng.* —(1903) 27: 129. p.* Samuel, 1612-80. Biog. mag. (1794) Vertue f. Rothwell sc. C.\B. por gall. Br. worthies (1846) 8:98. eng. Gust. Xat. por. gall. (1901) 1:143. E. Lutterel del.* Efeigies poeticae (1824) l:pl.62. Lelv p. T. Uwins del. R. Rhodes eng. Garnett, Hist.of Eng. lit. (1903)3:142. Lutterel f. ChuzerU.* Linton, Masters of wood-eng. (1889) 181. John Thompson eng. Lond. mag. (1756) 25:80. eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1821) l:pl. 62. Lely p. Uwins del. R. Rhodes eng. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 66. David Loggan p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:28. G. Soest f. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl.45, fig. 2. S. Cooper p.* (^ion- tagu House) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) IM. Loggan p. eng. Samuel, 3 children of. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 82. Arthur Hacker p.* Mrs Samuel. Mao. of art (1894) 17:292. Sey- mour Lucas p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 67. Arthur Hacker p.* Simon, 1757-97. KAY,Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl.230. John Kay f. 1793 & eng. Thomas, 1634-80. See Ossory, earl of. Thomas Belden, 1806-73. Green bag (1890) 2:430.* William, m. d. 1535-1618. Bioor.) Sydney, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* —(1897) 110:174.* Sir Thomas Fowell, 1st bart. 1786-1845. Saun- ders, Political reformers ( 1840) 121. Geoige Hayter f. John Brain eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 17. George Richmond p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846)4:64. H. P. Briggs p. W. Holl eng. Sir Thomas Fowell, Sd hart. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:470.* BUYS, Petronella. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 118. Rembrandt p. 1635.* Hope, Cat. of pict. by old masters, 1 13. Rembrandt p.* BUZOT, Francois Nicolas Leonard, 1760-94. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:363. Labadye del. Courbesc. Scribner’s mag. (1893) 14:576. Nargeot eng. after miniature! BUZZARD, Thomas, m. d. 1831- Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 189. Luke Fildes p.* BYE. See Bie. BYERS, Samuel Hawkins Marshall, major, 1838- Annals of Iowa ( 1896) ser. 3, 2:438. William Newton, 1831-1903. Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 10:50. eng. BYFORD, William Heath, m. d. 1817-90. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11:320. eng. BYINGTON, Rev. Ezra Hoyt, 1828-1901. N. E. niST. and geneal. reg. (1902) 56:115.* BYLERT, Jan, 1603- Meyssens, Por. em. paint- ers (1739) pi. 20. Jo. Bylert p. Petr. Balleu sc. Jo. Mey.ssens exc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 39. J. Bylert p. P. Balleu sc. Meyssens exc. BYLES, John Barnard, 1801-84. Green bag (1899) 11:485.* Mather, 1706-88. Duyckinck, Cycle. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : vil. Roberts sc. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:735. Polyantiios (1806) 4:3. S. Harris sc. WiNsoR, Mem. hist, -of Boston (1881) 2:228. Kil- burn sc. after mezzo. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 5: 128. eng. after drawing (Am. antiq. soc.) BYNG, Lady Agnes (Paget) d. 1845. Heath, Gall, of Brit. eng. (1836 ) 4: pi. 7. A. E. Chalon p. J. Thomson eng. Heath’s Ixiok of beauty (1836) 114. A. E. Chalon p. J. Thomson eng. George, m. p. 1764-1847. Saunders, Political reformers (1840) 98. Geoige Hayter f. W. Holl eng. Gerald Frederick, 1784-1871. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:224. Count D’Orsay f. 1847. lith. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 5. Ozias Humphrey p. J. Single- ton sc. Jesse, Life of Brummell (1886) 1:110. John, admiral, 1704-57. Clowes, Royal navy (1898)3:159. Hudson p. R. Houston eng. Harper, Portsmouth road (1895) 48. Nat. mag. (1893) 19:3. wdct. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4; pi. 26. p.* Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 85, fig. 2. Gervase Spencer p.* Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 1:271-274. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricatures. BYNG family name. See also titles Strafford; Tor- rington. BYNNER, Edwin Lassetter, novelist, 1842-93. Critic (1894) 24:24.* Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1894) ser. 2, 9: 173. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:542. BYNUM, William Dallas, 1846- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:427. Paul Renouard del. wdct. — (1893) 37:869. wdct. —(1896) 40:797. wdct. William Preston, 1820- Green bag (1892) 4:572.* BYRD, Evelyn, 1716-37. Cent. (1891) 20:169. por.* Glenn, Some colonial man.sions (1898) 1 ; front, p.* Harland, Some colonial homesteads (1897) 45. kneller p.* Harper’s mag. (1885) 70:712. p.* Mrs Lucy (Harrison) w. of Richard Evelyn. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1 : 52. p.* Wilham, 1st, colonel, 1652-1704. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:25. miniature.* William, 2d, of Westover, 1674 -1744. Book buyer (1897) 14 ;249. Sheppard copy after p.* Cent. (1891) 20:167. por.* Fiske, Old Virginia (IIXX)) 2: front, p.* Gle.v.v, Some colonial mansions ( 1898) BYRD 231 BYRON 1:18. p.* Harland, Some colonial homesteads (1897)39. Kncllerp.* Harper’s mag. (1885)70:712 p.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 75. Sheppard f. copy after p. ? Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:101. from Wilson’s Washington. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 5:275. eng. after p. (from Ilar- jier’s mag. 1885) Mrs William, 3d (Elizabeth Hill) formerly w. of John Carter, d. 1760. Glenn, Some colonial man- sions (1898) 1:45. p.* — 1:245. p.* Harland, Some colonial homesteads (1897) 81. p.”*" Mrs William, 3d (Mary Willing) 1740-1814- Wharton, Salons (1900) 145. Cosmo Alexander p.* BYRNE, Lieui. col. Baily’s mag. (1885)43:257. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Miss, singer. La belle assembldc (1818) n. s. 17: front. R. E. Drummond p. Hopwood eng. Mrs. See Dacre, Charlotte. Charles, Edinburgh giant, 1761-83 Kay, Orig- por. (1877) l:pl. 4. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Sir Edmund Widdrington, 1844-1904. Iu.us. Lond. news (1897) 110:110.* —(1904) 124:522.* Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 664. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John, major. Cath. world (1893) 57 : 860. WiUiam, vicar-general of Mass. 1836- Cath. world (1897) 66:219. BYRNES, Thomas, chief of police, N. Y. 1842- Harper’s mag. (1887) 74:498. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:196. wdet. —(1889) 311:112. wdet. —(1892) 36:405, 1011. wdet. Outlook (1901) 69:42.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:482. Stead, Satan’s in- visible world displayed (1897) 158.* BYROM, John, writer, 1692-1763. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 107. G. Clint del. after drawing. A. Duncan eng. Vor. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 38. G. Clint del. after drawing. A. Duncan eng. BYRON, 1st baron, Sir John Byron, 1599-1652. Hutchinson, Mem. of Col. Hutchinson (1885) 1:164. Ben. Damnian sc. 0th baron, George Gordon Noel, 1788-1824. Allo. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:303. Thomas Phillips p. Robert Graves eng.* Analectic mag. (1814) 4:68. D. Edwin sc. L’Art (1876) 4:292. David d’Angers sc.* (medallion) — (1904) 63:480. David d’Angers sc.* (medal) Art j. (1888) 40: 132. Count D’Orsay del.* Atkinson’s casket (1834) 145. At- lantic souvenir (1832) 140. G. Sanders p. G. B. Ellis eng. (in early youth) Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:372. Carl Muller sc. N. Orr eng. (bust) Bolton, Fam. Eng. au. (1890) 102. Book buyer (1898) 16:483. p.* Bckik.man (1897) 5 :12. Mrs Leigh Hunt f. 1822* (silhouette) — 5:13. G. Sanders p.* (age 19) — 5:13. Gilchrist p.* (age 20) — 5:13. T. Phillips p.* (age 26) — 5: 13. G. Holmes p.* (age 27, minia- ture) Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 22. Harlow del. Meyer eng. Byron, Works, Poetry, ed. Coleridge (1901) 4:front. G. H. Harlow del. eng.* — 5:front. W. E. West p.* Byron, Works, Letters, ed. Pro- thero (1901) 5: front. A. d’Orsay del. 1823.* — 5:494. Mrs Leigh Hunt f.* (silhouette”) — 6: front. T. Phil- lips p.* Casket (1826) 1:361. Edwin sc. Chor- LEY, Authors of Eng. (1837) 17. E. Baily sc. E. W. Wyon f. (bust) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 8:701. Phillips f. II. B. Ilall eng. Critic (1897) 30:114. Mrs Leigh Hunt f.* (silhouette) — (1898) 33:75. p.* CusT, Nat. pior. gall. (1902) 2:139. R Westall p. 1825.* — 2:139. T. Phillips p.* Duyck- INCK, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 1:507. Phillips p. eng. European mag. (1814) 65:3. West- all p. T. Blood eng. Fields and Whipple, Fam. lib. of Br. p<»try (1880) 784. Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 167. Phillips p. Rob. Grave eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 4: front. Phillips p. lith.* — 4:107. por. 1806?* — 4:110. Westall p.* — 4:111. Count D’Orsay del. 1823.* Gostwick, Eng. poets (1875) 172. photo. Grevedon et Mauzais.se, Les contemp. Strangers (1835) pi. 8. Mauzaisse del. 1826. C. Motte lith. Griswold, Poets and poetry of Eng. (1877) 216. eng. Harper’s mag. (1890)81:790 —(1894)88:369. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:673. wdet. Henkels, Coll, of engr. por. by E. R. Cope (1896) 2:62. J. Holmes p. Henry Meyer eng. Hubbard, Little jour. Eng. authors (1900) 2:27. Kramer p.* Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:37. R. Belt sc. wdet. (statue, Piccadilly) — (1882) 81:516. T. Belt sc.* (statue, Hyde park) — (1888) 92:86. G. Sanders p.* — (1897) 110:53. West p.* (age 34) Intern.ut. studio (1903) 20:212. Alfred Drury sc.* (bust) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. Westall p. II. Robinson eng. Keepsake (1839) 12:180. West- all p. J. T. Willmore eng. —(1845) 18:73. Lake Price p. Willmore eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 16:41. Thorvaldsen sc.* (statue, Cambridge) Ladies’ m. mus. (1824) 20, imp. scr. p. 61. McCar- thy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:108. Westall p.* Mag. of art (1894) 17:253-258 (8 por.)* —(1900) 24:525. Bartolini sc.* (bust) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:731. Phillips p. Alonzo Chappell p.* New m. mag. (1815) 3: front. G. II. Harlow del. H. Meyer eng. —(1832) 35: front. Count D'Orsay del. 18&. Scribner’s mag. (1897) 22:357. fcount D’Orsay del. 1823.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5; pi. 34. Westall p. C. Turner sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 76. Phillips p.* — 6: pi. 77. Westall p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:24. Westall p. II. Robinson eng. Token (1832) 347. Sanders del. J. H. Hills sc. (age 19) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnis.sen (1898) l:pl. 8. Westall p. Turner eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 230. Phillips p.* baroness, Aime Isabella (Milbanke) wife of 6th baron, afhv. Baroness Wentworth, 1792-1860. Acad. (1899) 57: 151.C. Hayter p. 1812*(miinature) Byron, Works, Letteis, ed. Prothero (1899) 3: front. Charles Hayter p.* (miniature) — (1900) 4:66. James Ram- say p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:112. Finden eng. after drawing.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:673. wdet. Ladies’ m. mus. (1816) 3 imp. ser. p. 301. Moi.loy, Sailor King (1903) 1:136. W. J. Newton p. eng.* Arthur William, actor, 1872- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:956. wdet. (as lion. Charles Teviot) Augusta Ada, w. of 1st earl of Lovelace, 1815- 52. Sec title Lovelace. 1 BYEON 232 CADMAN Mrs Catherine (Gordon) m. of poet, d. 1811. Byhon, Works, Letters, ed. Prothero (1898) 1 : 194. T. Stewardson p.* Gaknett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:108. Stewardson f.* Henry James, dramatist, 1834-84. Hollixcss- HEAD, Gaiety chron. (1898) 101. Ileus. Lond. news (1884) 84:408. Theatre (1878) n. s. 1:212.* James. Ar.minian mag. (1791) 14:169 (age 28). Rev. James M. Meth. mag. (1802) 25:395. (age 40) Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1823) 46:349. Renton p. Holl sc. John Joseph, lieut. colonel, 1863- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:681.* Minnie. Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:2.57* (group) BYWATER, Ingram, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:631.* CAAMAS’O, Jose Maria Placido, pres, of Ecuador, 183^ Harper’s w. (1890) 34:216. wdet. CABADA, Frederico Fernandez, Cuban general, 1832- Harper’s w. (1869) 13:661. wdet. CABANEL, Alexandre, painter, 1823-89. L’Art (1876) 4:2.59. Pils del. (sketch) —(1889) 47:207. J. C. Chaplain f.* (medal) Dumas, Illus. biog. (1882) 241. Achille Jacquet etch. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3, 1:265. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:493. eng.? Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:480. Laincel, Peintres de la femme (1888) 167. Cabanel p.* Mao. of art (1886) 9:271. wdet. Montrosier, Chefs-d’oeuvre au Luxembourg (1881) 54. eng. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 7. etch. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 2:390. eng. CABANIS, Pierre Jean Georges, 1757-1808. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (ItiW)) 13: 121. eng.* CABEL, Adrien van der, 1631-95. See Kabel. CABELL, Joseph Carrington, 1778-1856. Green bag (1898) 10:111. p.* Nicholas, St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 584. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* William, 1745- European mag. (1800) 38:163. Matthews p. Ridley sc. (miniature) William H. d. 1864. Cent. (1889) 15:468. Wilham Henry, gov. of Va. 1772-1853. Green bag (1893) 5:.327. St Memin, Coll . of por. (1862) pi. 575. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* Mrs William Henry (Agnes Sarah Bell Gam- ble) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 739. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* CABLE, George Washington, writer, 1844- A.merica’s grtst men and women (1894) 62. Bolton, Fam. Am. au. (1887)346. Book buver(1885) 2:243. —(1899) 17:579.* —(1901) 23:260. Bookman (1897) 5:281* (with J. .M. Barrie, 1896) —(1898) 7:379.* Ce.nt. (1882) 1:480. A. H. Thayer f.* Critic (1881) 1:269. Frank Fowler del. 1881.* — (1897)30:372. Garnsey f. 1897* (caricature) Har- per’s mag. (1888) 74:839. Harper’s w. (1901) 45: 1082. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:392-393 (7 por.)* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 21 : 587. Outlook (1899) 62:481. R. OF rev. (1892)6:75. CABOT, George, 1751-1823. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:604. p.* (in youth) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:214. Kilburnsc. after pastel (age 16) John, fl. 1476-98. New’ Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 17:6.52. John Cassidy sc.* (statue) — n. s. 17:6.53. C. B. Pezzi f.* Sebastian, 1474-15.57. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:90. S. Rawle eng. after p. Drake, Hist, of Boston (1856) 2. wdet. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:13. Chapman p. after Holbein* (Mass, hist soc.) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:594. p? Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:218. Ilolbein p.* — (1893) 86:429. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:788. Nat. mag. (1891) 15:5. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 17:6.52. John Cassidy sc.* (statue) — n. s. 17:657. Scribner’s mag. (1897) 22:65. Holbein? f. (age 80; from Seyers’s Hist, of Bristol, 1823) Smith, 13 col- onies (1^1) 1 :7. del. from Seyers’s Memoirs of Bris- tol.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1:5. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 3:5. photo, after copy by Chapman.* CABRERA, Ramon, conde de Morelia, 1810-77. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 347. eng.* CA9APAVA, barao de, Francisco Jose de Souza Soares de Andrea, 1781-18.58. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:23. A. Sisson lith. 1859 CACCIA, conte, Giovanni Francesco, 1540-1625. Soc. Montvon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5: 169. Clara Nargeot del. Nargeot sc. .1/me Juana (Rossi) 1818-92. See Rossi- Caccia. CACCIANIGA, Francesco, 1700-81. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:11. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CACERES, Andres Avelino, pres, of Peru, 1838- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:923. wdet. CACHIOPIN, Jacob de, art connoisseur. Van Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 97. Ant. van D\’ck p. Vorsterman sc. CADEROUSE, Mme de. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 60. Francois Clouet f. lith. CADESNE, Mme Marie. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1919. Hyacinth Rigaud p. P. Drevet eng. CADET DE GASSICOURT, Louis Claude, 1731- 99. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:8. Fremy del. & sc. CADMAN, Rev. Wilham, canon of Canterbury, 1829-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:671.* CADOGAN 233 CAPIAN CADOGAN, 1st earl, William Cadogan, 1670- 1726. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:207. Louis La- gucrre p.* Hamilton, First or Grenadier Guards (1874)2:78. Laguerre p. T. Simon eng. Gth earl, George Henry Cadogan, 1840- Baily’s mag. (1881) 37:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:5.* — (1900) 117:721.* —(1904) 124, .May 7, sup. p 6 S.J. Solo- mon p.* Notables of Britain (1897) 44.* Koy. acad. pict. (1904) 44. Solomon p.* Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 361. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady Emily, 1871- See Lurgan, baroness. Lady Sophie, aftw. w. of Sir Samuel Edward Scott ,1874- See Scott . CADORE, due de, 1756—1834. See Champagny. CADORNA, Carlo. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 76. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CAJDOULiAL, Georges, 1769-1804. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 44. Z. Belliard del.? Dclpech lith. CADWALAJDER, Hannah. See Morris, Mrs Samuel. John, general, 1742-86. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:344. C. W. Peale p.* (with his family) Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures ( 1898) 32. Peale ? p.* Mrs John (Elizabeth Lloyd) Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 32. C. W. Peale ? p.* John, 1843- Harper’s w. (1885) 29: 181. wdet. Lambert, 1742-1823. Bowen, Centennial Wash- ington’s inaug. (1892) 72. Peale, Stuart f. (2 por.) Penn. mag. of hist, and biog. (1886) 10:1. eng. Thomas, m. d. 1708-99. Cent. (1898) 35:291. Thomas, maj. gen. Am. hist. reg. (1895) 3:447. Mrs Thomas. Am. hist. reg. (1896) 3:539. CADY, Daniel, 1773-1859. Green bag (1890) 2:290.* —(1897) 9:93.* C.SCILITJS JX7CTJNDDS, Lucius. Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1899) Ifg. 46: pi. 455, 456. bust* (Naples) C.fflLIUS, M. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:447. equestr. statue* (Bonn mus.) C^SAR, Caius Julius, 98?-44 B. C. Allg. welt- geschichte (1885) 3:308, 344, 346, 352. various por.* — (1886) 4:44. coin.* Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) l:pl. 13-18. busts.* —1:167, 169, 172, 175, 176. various por. Brit. mus. prints (1889) n. s. pt. 2:pl. 2. eng. 1464.* Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1895) Ifg. 27: pi. 261-268. busts.* —(1901) Ifg. 53:pl, 521, 522. bust* (Munich) Davidson, Cicero (1894) 346. bust* (Brit, mus.) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 3, sec. 1:154. statue* (Capitol mus.) Fowler, Julius Csesar (1892) front, bust* (Brit, mus.) — p. 18. bust* (Brit, mus.) — p. 56. bust* (Naples mus.) — p. 78. W. B. Closson eng. after bust* (Vati- can) — p 106. bust* (Vatican) Gal. hist. univ. (1786) H . Goltzius eng. af ter medal. Gonse, La sculpt, f ran?. (1895) 203. Nicolas Couston sc.* (statue) Gould, Germany (1898) 16. Hale, Storv of Spain (1886) 55. bust.* Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom. ( 1879) 2:558. coin, from Imhoof-Blumer’s Portratkopfe auf rom.munzen. —2:620. statue* (Naples) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6:pl. 9. G. Cooke sc. Jiirb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3: pi. 5. Hans Kels f. (carving) Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:80. Rubens? del. after bust* (Louvre) Plutarch, Vies, Ricards (1838) 9, pt. 2:237. Perry del. after bust. Allais eng. — 9, pt. 2:326. Perry inv. eng. after bas-relief. — 9, pt. 2:348. Perry inv. eng. after bas-relief. — 9, pt. 2:367. Periy del. after medallion. GeMe eng. — 9, pt. 2:429. Perry inv. eng. after bas-relief. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1887) 1 : 131-142. various por. Shakes- peare illus. (1739) l:pl. 77. S. Harding del. after coin. E. Harding jr. sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:24. S. J. Ferris f.* & vignette. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:623. eng. See also Scott, Frank J. Portraitures of Julius Caesar. New York. 1903. 8°. (37 plates and 47 cuts.) Lucius. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1 : 300. Perry del. after medallion. Girouf eng. C.£SAR, Sir Juhus, 1558-1636. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 : 100. eng.* from Lodge’s Life of Caesar, 1827. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:79. p.* Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1 :71. eng.* from Lodge’s Life of Caesar. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:571. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 13. p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:36. eng. CAFFARELLI DU FALGA, Louis Marie Jo- seph Maximilien, 1756-99. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 87. Masson sc. Collier eng. (bust) CAFFERY, Donelson, u. s. senator, 1835- Har- per’s w. (1893) 37:42. wdet. —(1896) 40:797. wdet. CAFFEERI, Jean Jacques, 1723-92. Artistes c^lebres: Les 3t-Aubin (1894) 117. C. N. Cochin del. Saint-Aubin enir Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:349. Favre f. V. J. Vaillant sc. (miniature) — ser. 2,24:357. Cochin f. Saint-Aubin eng. Phihppe, 1714-77. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:3.53. J. J. CafEeri sc. wdet. (bust) CAFFYN, ,1/rs Mannington (Kathleen Hunt) (pseu^Z. Iota) Book buyer (1894) 11 : 193. —(1900) 20:195. Critic (1894) 24:425. CAGGER, Peter, 1812-68. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:484. wdet. CAGIANO DI AZEVEDO, Ottavio. Narfon, Pope Leo XIII (1899) 124. CAGLIARI, Paolo, 1528-88. See Veronese, Paulo. CAGLIOSTRO, conte, Alessandro di (Giuseppe Balsamo) 1743-95. Cent. (1898) 35:294. F. Bonne- ville f.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 69. C. Gudrin sc.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 133. Leclfere eng. after contemp. por. CAHAN, Abraham, 1860- Bookman (1899) 10:101. Critic (1896) 29:61. CAHEN 234 CALAMY CAHEN, Mme Caroline. L’Art (1890) 48:232. Mile Beaurv-Saurel p. & del. Gillot sc. J/jne Coralie. L’Art (1901) (50:328. Emmanuel Ilannaux sc.* (bust) CAHILL, Edward, 1843- Green bag (1890) 2:397.* John Baptist, r. c. bp. of Portsmouth, 1841- Illus. Ijond. news (1900) 117:335.* Marie, actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:666. CAHOON, Joel Butler, 1793-1882. Mao. of West, hist. (1886) 3:557. eng. CAIL, Mme. Willia.mson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 88, fig. 6. Louis Sicardi p.* (as a Bac- chante) CAILLAN, Abbe de. fl. 1747. L’.\rt(1901) 60:208. P. L. Ghezzi f.* (caricature) CAILLABD, Admiral. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:751.* Sir Vincent Henry Penalver, 1856- Vanity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 672. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CAILLEBOTTE, Gustave, 1848-94. Art j. (1895) 47:232. Caillebotte f.* CAIN, Auguste, .sculptor, 1822-94. Mao. of art (1894) 17:428.* Georges. Paris salon (1891) 29. Henri Louis, actor, 1728-78. See Lekain. CAINE, Lily Hall, actress. Theatre (1894) ser. 4, 23:2.50. photo. Ralph, son of T. H. Caine. Harper’s w'. (1902) 46:94. Thomas Henry Hall, 1853- Acad. (1898) 55:187. Starr Wood f.* (caricature, from Critic) Art j. (1900) 52:380. Bernard Partridge p.* Book buyer (1892) 9:420. —(1894) 11:443.* —(1897) 14:. 580. J. B. P. f.* (caricature) — 15:205.* Book.man (1895) 1:149.* in 1876. —(1896) 2:367. Grip f.* (caricature) — (1897)6:9.* — (1^1) 14: 109. draw- ing* (caricature) Bookman lit. vear-bk (1898) 15.* Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:49.* Cr'itic (1894) 2.5: 143. —(189.5) 27:217. -(1897) 31:138. —(1898) 33:. 330. caricature. — (1903) 42:211. Carlo de Fornaro del. (caricature) — (1903) 43:139. Ernest Haskell del.* IIarper’s w. (1902) 46:1.536.* Illus. Lond. news (1891)99:468. —(1892) 100:599. —(1897) 111:248* Internat. studio (1898) 4:271. R. E. Morrison f.* McClupe’s mag. (189.5) 4:443-444. (4 por.)* — 6:81, 87 (2 por.)* Notables of Brit. (1897) 166.* R. of rev. (1895) 12:. 526. —(1897) 16:386. Vanity fair album (1896) 28:pl. 6.51. J. B. P. f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Thomas Henry Hall. McClure’s mag. (1895) 6:83.* William Sproston, m. p. 1842-1903. Illus. Lond. news (l‘X)3) 122:424.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:535.* Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 50.* CAERD, Edward, master of Balliol coll. 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:662.* Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 48. Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 617. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir James, economist, 1816-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:230.* James Tennant, engineer, 1817-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:1.59. John, 1820-98. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 30. CAIRNS, 1st earl, Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, 1819-85. Ca.ssell, Nat. por. gall. 1:73. lith. after photo. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 21. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Ewald, Beaconsfield and his times (1882) 1:437. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. Green bag (1894) 6 : 1.* — ( 1895) 7:422.* — (1901) 13:434. drawing.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64 :. 364. wdct. after photo. — (1885)86:431.* Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 5. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 26. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 2d earl, Arthur William Cairns, 1861-90. Van- ity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 482. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) CAIRO, Francesco, painter, 1598-1674. Mot?CKE, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 4. G. D. Campiglia del. Ferd. Gregory sc. CAIROLI, Benedetto, 1826-89. Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:182. CAISSOTTI, conU, Carlo Luigi de Saint-Victor, 1694-1779. Toselli, Biog. nicoise (1860) 1 : 183. Per- rin lith. 1860. CAITJS, John, 1510-73. Holland, Heraiologia An- glica (1620) 180. eng. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. l:pl. 6. W. N. Egleton f. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:99. Egleton f. CALABRESE, n (Mattia Preti) 1613-99. De- ZAi.LiER d’Argenville, Vie dra plus famcnx printres (1762) 2:260. eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 18. Clio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Grcgori sc. Marco, 14861-1.542? Sec Cardisco. CALABRIA, duca di, Ferdinando, hcrcd. prince of Two Sicilies, 1869- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:787.* Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:119. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo.* — (1899 ) 2:842. Agi Lindegren del. after photo.* duches.sa di, Maria (of Bavaria) w. of Ferdinando, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:787.* Tull- berg, Furstenhiiuser Europ. por. (1898) 1:48.119. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899 ) 2:842. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. CALAMATTA, Luigi, engraver, 1801-69. Acad. roy. de Belgique, .\nn. (1882) 48:219. J. Calamatta p. J. Demannez del. & sc. CALAMY, Edmund, 1600-66? Calamy, Noncon- formists mem. (1802) 1:76. .Mackenzie eng. Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 46. R. White sc. CAL AMY 235 CALHOUN Edmund, 1635 ?-85. Calamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 1: front. Mackenzie eng. GALAS, Jean, 1698-1762. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 173. A. &hmid del. Boulay del. Barhant sc. CALCAK, Johann Stephan van, 1499-1546. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1876) 9:377. Jos. Schon- brunner del. K. Oertel sc. CALCRAFT,jSirHenry George, 1836-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:133.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 226. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CALDAKA, Polidoro, 1492-1543. See Caravag- gio. CALDAS, Francisco Jose de, 1771-1816. Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:212. CALDECOTT, Randolph, illustrator, 1846-86. Harper’s w. (1886) 30: 165. wdct. CALDEIRA BRANT PONTES, Felisberto, 1772-1841. See Barbacena, marquez de. CALDER, A. M. sculptor. Harper’s w. (1888) 32: 137. wdct. Sir Robert, admiral, 1745-1818. Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5: 113. R. H. Cook eng.* CALDERINI, Novella. Critic (1904) 45:425. L. Awald del. 1* CALDERON, conde de, Felix del Rey Calleja, 1750-1821. 5ee Calleja. P hili p Hermogenes, painter, 1833-98. Art i. (1892) 44:190. L. Raven Hill del.* Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:657.* Mag. of art (1878) 1:197. wdct. after photo. — (1898) 22:446. Hubert Herko- mer del.* — (1899) 23:400. D. Trcntacoste sc.* (bust) Men of mark (1882) 6:15. photo. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Pedro, 1601-81 Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:11. eng.* (from front, to his Comedias, 1828) Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:900. R. de Egusquiza etch.* Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 2 : pi. 73. F. de Grado sc.* CALDERWOOD, Hemy, 1830-97. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 63. Hole sc. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:758.* CALDICOTT, Alfred James, 1842-97. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (19(X)) 98. Alex. Gribayedofl del.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:640.* CALDWELL, David. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 119. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Mrs David (Eliza Hewson) St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 271. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Henry Clay, judge, 1832- Arena (1896) 16:177.* Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 111. James R. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 156. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* John, real name, 1628-97. See Fenwick, John. Mary Gwendolen. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:912. wdct. Mary M. 1777-1852. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 744. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Samuel Lunt, prt*s. of Vassar coll. 1820-89. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:788. wdct. Samuel R. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 135. St Memin f. 1799.* Tod B. gov. of N. C. 1818-74. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:700. wdct. Waller C. 1849- Green bag (1893) 5:278.* William B. 1808- Green bag (1895) 7:169.* William Shakespeare. Cath. world (1893) 56:475. Mrs WUham Shakespeare (Mary Brecken- bridge) Catu. world (1893) 56:475. CALEDON, countess of, Lady Catharine Freman (Yorke) w. of 2d earl, 1786-1863. Hare, 2 noble lives (1893) 1:244. Marchioness of Waterford del.* Idk earl of, James Alexander, 1846-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:697.* CALEMARD DE LAFAYETTE, Charles, 1815- L’Art (1877) 10:66. Jules Buisson del.* (sketch) CALENDAR, 1st earl of, James Livingston, d. 1672. Por. of parliamentary officers (1873) 10. R. S. sc. CALENDRINI, Jean Louis. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Genfeve (1900) 1:504. R. Gardelle p.* CALENIUS, Gerwin, d. 1600. Lempertz, Bildei^ hefte (1853-1865) 8. Aug. Braun p. P. Deckers sc. J. C. Baum lith. CALFA, Corbne, prince of Lusignan, Arminian abp. 1835-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:738.* CALFTJRNIO, Giovanni, of Padua, humanist, d. 1503. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 366. relief* (S. Giovanni church, Padua) CALHOUN, Eleanor. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117 : 718* (as Salome) Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 5: 105* photo, (as Dora) James, mayor of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 334. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* James, lieutenant, d. 1876. Cent. (1892) 21:382.* John, 18(X)-59. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:224.* John Caldwell, 1782-18-50. Allg. weltge- schichte (1892) 12:179. Nordheim eng.* Am. rev. (1850) 12:113. F. E. Jones eng. after daguerr. Ap- pleton, C}x. of Am. biog. (1^7) 1:498. Jackman f. after photo. 1 Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:376. H. Valentin del. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 66 eng. Casket (1827) 31. C. B. Kingp. J. B. Longacre eng. Cent. (1887) 12:381. D. C. Fabronius f.* CALHory •236 CALLISEX Cmztk K>~ Hisxd ar.* sLiiTif rtBOCSJ-TJC rr»- ;is3S^ 2:6i- Ftafciensk dca. t-rc — -2 iii Tit»arfa.-d p- A- i_ met .- »ixr» Dctcsebcx. CjcLv A:r-. ci^ IsTT I; 723. R.i':ir:«ac- I^rrc^xscx. peg. gai- 2:1^ ea*: *fi4c p. DncxEsci . Par. £>—. a ea. sate, aai ^isxa. lirZ 2 2-lS- Cn^ppi- p. Gtxrx nwr ;7i£S> llrlK". a.* Haipet's 1^1 S?;’22- IV Sicci P-* — '.*02' d>4^ isast. Hai- PEE ? a. ,1S*T 3lrl?6<- A. E. HAnnsci ac. adr^. ,?;atli‘ HAmsoB. Bj.c atficiit-? ISiC 2 A TPt p_* 5- G. trv Bo»r, BjaafsssAsu m. bmi-sknec e. X. A. 1SS6' -?95l XonbeiB fur * HrTTCo;, Fee. ir. pAfisr iS^ 238 l CSari It :.. isaak Lc?m_Gt oi ifas Am. ’STSC 5. F. I>'A»TraaK. int. r OAra-:~. Ljcagacu mx>o H^rrai:. Sai- TKC £■»_ re Ani. 1SS5 ?:pt 25. J- B. Lrt^ncrt obl. T- W«jc2i ear. McOlcm'? isKT. - r'.^ ar 5 ai. Rttv^ ac.* — ^ !?£•? >,fraci.* V»7- «e insu !>>-? 12.-10SL Xra Es'd. =at Z?L‘Z »-fu2-i 7A X»oeaT and HAT,Li*cciffi IS^r 2 -2^ Fa:'n:gan~ n. tzux pb.aa * OcriiOCB 1S*.L 70:m 7. 5arr»'i»pd^* PA*i\js,FA3»i^ 4 tt-.. 7 r~. J. IJG- F-.rrk f.* A Tiia'‘ne- Tedet. siaiescxtc: ifST" 1-53. IFEtci- v-rrrrx- iHu- jafebsaden ia r£Wma»« 1S99' 3 Ti- 3*^ T-XKi.'p. A- X Biieiif fur.* Wruo*. tlKL- A~ . i»e>;C'V li*!t7 3, 2!«!i. -“as.* — ? :b4. IV 3*ack 1* * ■ Jotr. CaliaeZ- 1>4^5- XaT. mag. 1*H2 15;3i6L S — f--.- E_ IkTTrr. l*i^— ttkC. oi Wca_ 1S6* fiff r AT.T * 7^ 7 Paolo, l- 52 r— S'* o« Vera«>^, Pado. CAilCE. F-rijrr. Anstnan sipicaBa:- iLixa. Lood. spa; lSl*i lCO:^i55-* CAL 7 ? 023 nA JOE. aiampr. Hazpcz'; a 1^72 ' -SklL adpt CAXJGTTLA- CarsaCE:Ssrr. pTTp«gorot Raeat-ll— SI A. I’ Aii<: a; ggfcacr iSSr 3 .-I®. bisi* Taacar LAzt I^' Sbrlda. B£*jsc»rLiJ. J:ftrr. itccx>r. l>rO =21. pt. IrpL 16 l a^.rjp* (J^fsrrrt — = 2 . ps 1 - 35 ' •“»?. after brj** i Laiciaa; — 2 tc. 1 «JT- aiter bas T jit:: ' DcitrT. H»u oi 2 l.ci- ls<- A iect. 2 sterai'* fVaaeaEj HzKTxaeaG. G^acL. rka. kaj a * r i'’ . -ag>es i s3?' 192 has;* A’Ariea:! HifT rail, of per. ISIl 7 ;pt_ 6 - E Stodf -■ LareEST. tfiiafe rc-jal ISlb 2 t1 iZ. 0- asT^rcS's. afrer ire-rat. J.J.ATTsj*nc. Pix-raaca, Sjeard .1 *GS i-5. p«- 1 : IS. ersr. afur stHiaSse • A'StJiHtasCT r T. 1 A 1 L S TTT A2foiiso de Barbs' d. 1- i-S"* •= ■ ‘ —oK-j'-; -rc rb- fj.'jae 06 S.>.-^ 191'1‘ I V Zj-Il . “ CAI-KlX, John 3apt2st.e, caenpoeer. 1S27- Baeez. Bice. <£rt. sioa. :1*.'0 i*S. AVi. Grib«ATkk»5 dtl* CAJ-EEXS. Xorman i s22-S5- Haxm'; a. 1S94 3> adet, H. M. c. IS^- Hastek'; a. 1SS4 • 2>;iS7.aA-: CAI.T.. "STzlkfnson. r. SHtaior, lsS4- Hastek's a. 33:43IX adcs. CAI.LATX). Joao ChrTSostonao. 17iO-lS57- 5visios. Gal. do; Brauetro; iQns. (IjOl 2:11. Ba> aubrr z ■' A. Ssaio del A hih. 1S5&. CAI.I.AGHAX. Mzchaal Fa^. 1m2-««. Cath aocid lrS*5 63;-£Si. C AI.LAK.AX. Ezhelbem lu. bar aasoe. Pror. 156*4 17;141-* rALT.AXBEB. Mrt Jane Erskzne i a. of James H- WsaSTOX.Cjaic-ri; 1V«10 3H5. p.* C.AT.I.A'g'AY. Ge-orgo Frederick, Dearer roer- rhfjt, I5-S~- Mao. oi ''Vest, lust, (1*60 • 13:167, «»£. Hezzrr. bp. oi S: Jocm's. So, Africa, ISlT-r*?. Trir -< licod. Dea; 156*!' • 96:419. 2de de Caideroc. i 750-1 S21. WiEiAia. Xar. and cm. bio. '1S89 S .21'5. eng. irocn Alamas ; Mejjoo, 4 : 77. CAliZXBriRGH- Gerard, admiral, 1*^-1722 CtoaBS. Bor. ziatt 2536; 2:¥&. J. VoUeren; p. P- Tmz.)= '-zig C A T.I.FIXDFIE . John. 17S2- Max>x, Ltie Gilbert Sksat: 1994 53. St uan p.* Vil'iarr. Bazn, d 1 S54. Cxoaaa, Mod. Atbe- rnan^ ISSC r*l 21-*. Cr:*3ii»e L •g-r-A— Beznaine, ls25-7zt Iixr;. Lood. neas 1 rC-i < -'o: I'lTl. tzag- r AT.i.T OOT, The-zohzlns C. 1526- Poa. m. 1 z2 adr. r AT : X j I > Georg, 155 G- 165 rl.. ErmisaEsacxr- rii .* .:- z. ; i^-- V IzijC 1 -rTi*. J.raa Mean -T»e » 'rzicrrx, i'onrirairi l5??4 2:pt.4AJ. rcc Msf«r? >- EXPZBIZXS. paros. z/ Fi- %po b- -.j. - i-4j7-'.*.. ree Boofiacc.>r;L C AT.I.ISEX, Georg, i'. 5 T.^j& 36 - SeeCalzxros. CALLOT 237 CALVIX CALLOT, Jacques, 1593-163.5. A.mi d. monu- ments (189HS) 10:357. p.* (Mus. des offices, Florence) L’Art (1877) 11:119. Ant. van Dyck p. Lucas Vorsterman eng.* — (1894) .56:15. A. do Lemud lith. 1839.* Blllart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (169.5) 2 : 465. A. van Dyck p. Esrne de Boulonois f. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Callot p. eng. Van Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 81. Van Dyck p. Vorsterman sc. Die graphischen kunste (1881) 3:87. Callot f. wdct. Guiffrey, Antoine van Dyck (1882) 49. Van Dyck p. Lucas Vorsterman sc. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1145. Van Dyck f. eng. Mart, v. d. Enden ex. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4:pl. 8. Van Dyck p. G. Cooke sc. Mennechet, Ij<- Plutarque fran?. (18.36) 4: pi. 19. Jacquand del. A. Boilly sc. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 92. Masne del. Abemans sc. Meyssens ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 113. Masne del. Aoemans sc. Meys- sens ex. Mot’CKE, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl.49. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Perrault, Les hommes ilfus. (1696) 1:95. e p.* — p. 95. F. J. Williamson sc.* (bust) Tullberg, Fiirsten- hauscr Europ. por. (1898) 1:245. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 47. 'Ar}'f f. lith. (caricature) Richard Owen, 1717-1802. Boswell, Johnson, ed. Croker (1848) 5:308. eng. Boswell, Johnson, ed. Napier (1884) 2:188. Ozias Humphry del. E. Finden sc. CAMBRONNE, Pierre Jacques fitienne, 1770- 1842. Iconog. des. contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 48. Maurin del.? Delpech lith. Paris salon (1891) 48. E. J. Dr'Iahaye p.* Tardieu, Gdn. Iran?. l;pl. 49. For- estier sc. CAMDEN 239 CAMMANN CAMDEN, 1st earl, Charles Pratt, 1714-94. Bioc. mag. (1820) 2: 12. Holl sc. Bocrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:96. N. Dance f. J. OglHjrnc eng.* Brit. f all. (1822) l:pl. 23. Re 3 ’nolds p. H. Meyer eng. Irouoham, Statesmen (1843) 3: front. II. Wallis eng. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 5:90. II. Wallis eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:311. Nathaniel Dance p.* Eton por. gall. (1876) 422. G. Gabrielli sc. European mag. (1788) 13:307. T. Holloway sc. Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1056. Reynolds p.* Harper’s mag. (1852) 4:304. eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 11: pi. 19. Dance f. H. Rol>- inson eng. Lonu. mag. (1781) 50:555. eng. after drawing. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 85. Reynolds p.* Wright, Hist, of Ireland, 2:509. Dance p. 11. Robinson eng. 1st marquis, John Jeffreys Pratt, 1759-1840. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. J. Hoppner p. G. Adcock eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:80. Hoppner p. Adcock eng. Johnson Newton, u. s. senator, 1828- Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:109. wdet. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:237. eng. William, antiquary, 1551-1623. Biog. mag. (1794) Anker Smith sc. after drawing. Brit. mus. Prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 18. Robert White eng.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:199. N. De L’armessin sc. Cab por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 5:84. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:75. Marc Gheeraedts p. 1609.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:77. Mark Gheeraedts f.* Moule, Por. of illus. persons in Eng. hist. (1869) pi. 14. G. P. Harding del. after p. J. Brown sc. O.xford, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 52. p. 1622* (age 72) Pall Mall mag. (1894) 4:3(30. R. White sc.* (age 73) So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 22. Marcus Geerarts p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:40. eng. CAMELIO, Vittorio Gambello, 1460- Yriarte, Venise (1878) 266. Camelio f. 1508* (medal) CAMERARIDS, Joachim (Liebhard) 1500-74. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 131. eng. CAMERON, Miss. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: May 16, sup. p. 4. Mouat Loudan p.* (with her mother) Mrs. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: May 16, sup. p. 4. Mouat Loudan p.* (with her daughter) Alexander, r. c. bp. of Maximianopolis, 1747- 1828. Gordon, Eccles. chron. Scotland (1867) 4:458. eng. Angus, u. 8. senator, 1826-97. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:213. wdet. Beatrice, actress, w. of Richard Mansfield, 1868- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:33. wdet. (as Lady Anne) Sir Charles, 1st hart. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:689.* —(1897) 110:242.* Sir Charles Alexander, 1830- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:4.* Charles Duncan, d. 1870. Harper’s mag. (1868) 37:344. eng. Charles Hay, 1795-1880. Athen.eum club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 10. lith. Mrs Emily (Sharp) See Cameron, Mrs Henry Lovett. Sir Ewen, of Lochiel, 1629-1719. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:115. p.* Grace, singer. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:808. Henry Clay, 1827- Princeton book (1879) 148.* Mrs Henry Lovett (Emily Sharp) novelist. Black, Women authors (1893) 96.* Hugh, 1835- Art j. (1902) 57:20.* Isabelle Dorothea. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:765.* James, colonel, 1801-61. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:509. wdet. James Donald, u. s. senator, 1833- Harper’s w. (1876) 20:464. wdet. Mrs James Donald. Critic (1903) 43:299* (group) Jane, mistress of the Young Pretender, d. 1790. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:83. eng. Lang, Prince Charles Edward (1900) 106. p.* John M. 1791-1878. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6 : 222 .* John Robson, Canadian journalist, 1845- New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:413. Mrs Juha Margaret (Battle) 1815-79. Cam- eron, Tennyson and his friends (1893) pi. 13. Watts p.* Cent. (1897) 33:4. Watts p.* McClure’s mag. (1893) 2:57. Watts p.* Simon, 1799-1889. Cent. (1888) 13:426.* Harper’s w. (1860) 4:297. wdet. —(1889) 33:537. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1896) 8:47.* — (1899) 12:454.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:15. Moore, Rebellion record (1861) 1:52. eng. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 5:128.* Vemey Lovett, African explorer, 1844-94. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:196,377. wdet. after photo. — (1894) 104:379.* Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 32. photo. Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9:191. eng. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 131. Spy f. lith. (car- icature) Violet, actress. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:22.* Theatre (1879) ser. 2, 2:178. photo. — (1^1) ser. 3, 4:257. photo, (group) — (1882) ser. 3, 5:257. photo. WUham Evelyn, gov. of Va. 1842- Bernard, War talks (1892) 45.* Harper’s w. (1881) 25:772. wdet. ^ CAMILLITS, Marcus Furius, d. 365 B. C. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 67. Bridan sc. Cooke sc. (statue) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 3, pt. 2:238, 270, 276, 301, 370. eng. after bas-relief. CAMMACK, Addison, 1828I-1901. Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:842. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:188. CAMMANN, Henry H. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:933. CAM0EN8 240 CAMPBELL CAMOENS, Luis de, 1524-79. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) l:pl. 109. F. Gerard p. E. F Lignon sc. SroFEORD, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:83. vignette. Stephens, Story of Portugal (1891) 269. from Portu- gal illustrated, 1829.* Wai.msley, Physiog. por. 0822) V. 1. F. Gerard p. T. Wedgewood eng. CAMOYS, 3d baron, Thomas Stonor, 1797-1881. Illcs. Lond. news (1881) 78: 125.* 4ih baron, Francis Robert Stonor, 18.56-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 : 116.* CAMP, David N. educator, 1820- Tru.mbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:278. II. B. Hall eng. Hiram, 1811-93. Bioc. encycl. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 322. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers 0879) 1:158. eng. HoelHinman, 1822- Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 6 : 599. eng. Walter, football coach, 1859- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:226. wdet. William Augustus, 1822-95. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:623. wdet. Mag. of .\m. hist. (1883) 10:22. eng. CAMPAGNY, Pierre de. See Innocent V, pope. CAMPAN, Mme Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genest) 1752-1822. Harper’s mag. (1851) 2: 153. eng. IcoNOG. des contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 47. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. Ladies’ m. mus. (1825) imp. ser. 21:241. CAMPANAIO, Lorenzo di Lodovico (Loren- zetto) sculptor, 1494-1541. Vasari, Kitratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 104. eng. CAMPANARI, singer. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:5. CAMPANELLA, Tomasso, 1568-1639. Bul- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:125. De Lar- me.ssin sc. eng. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 13. Cater. Pirotti-Pirola sc. after eng. Sciirockh, Abbild. beruhmtcr gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 8. eng. CAMPANINI, Barbara (La Barbarina) dancer, 17241-99. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:364. Antoine Pesne p.* Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 1:120. Hogarth del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:208. A. Pesne p. R. Berthold eng. Italo, singer, 1846- Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:807. H.\rper’s w. (1880) 24: 165. wdet. —(1896) 40:1190. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:525. wdet. after photo. « CAMPBELL, 1st baron, Duncan Campbell, d. 1453. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 5. Jameson p. Johnson del. Harding sc. (of St Andrews) 1st baron, John Campbell, 1779-1861. Ann. gift book (1859) 1 :22. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:209. Sir Francis Grant p. & T. A. Woolnoth p.* (2 por.) Green bag (HX)1) 13:302. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 2:286. Wilkie p.* Major. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 97. John Kay f. 1789 & eng. Sir Alexander, 1822-92. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:217. lith. Alexander Hume, d. 1760. Marchmont and Humes of Polwarth (1894) 88. eng. (age 4) Allan, N. Y. city comptroller, 1815-94. Harper’s w. (1880) 24. 832. wdet. —(1882) 26:684. wdet. —(1894) 38:296. wdet. Sir Archibald, lieut. gen., 1739-91. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:16. Romney p.* Archibald, 1768-1833. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 295, 329. John Kay f. & eng. iSir Arcliibald, 1769-1843? Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 4. J. Wood p. J. Cochran eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3: 111. Wood p. Cochran eng. Lord Archibald, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:254. Lady Archibald (Janey Sevilla Callander) Campbell, Records of Arg^’ll (1885) 68. C. Laurie etch. Les lettres et les arts (1888) 1:218. Whistler f. Ijady Augusta, aftw. w. of Gen. Clavering, 1760- 1831. Lond. mag. (1782) 51:260. eng. after drawing. Barrington Bulkeley Douglas, maj. gen. 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:155.* Benjamin B. McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:207.* Lady Carohne, dan. of duke of Argyll, 1717-94. See Dalkeith, countess of. iMdy Charlotte, 1775-1861. See Bur 3 L Mrs Christina Lamond (Drummond) 1735- 1810. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 40. Raeburn p.* Cleveland J. 1838-65. Hutchinson, Storj- of the Hutchinsons (1896) 2:210. Sir Colin, d. 1498? Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 7. Jameson p. Harding sc. Lady [Colin], Marietta (Stuart) Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 6. Jameson p. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1797. ludi/ [Colin], Margaret (Stuart) Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 8. Jameson p. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1797. Sir Colin, d. 1622. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 30. Harding pub. 1798. Colin, d. 1782. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 172. John Kay f. 1789. Z^d;/ [Colin], Gertrude Elizabeth (Blood) w. of 5th s. of 8th duke of .\rgyll. Art]. (1892) 44:193. Cab. jK)r. gall. (1893) 4:76.* Merry Eng. (1^4) 4:69. Colin Powys, captain. Cent. (1897) 33:97.* Daniel. Metii. mag. (1804) 27:4.33. Wm. Rid- ley sc. (ago 32) Donald, of Sonachan, 1735-1808. Kay, Orig por. (1877) 2; pi. 249. John Kay f. & eng. Douglas, historian, 1841-93. Book buyer (1893) 10:104. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:262. wdet. CAMPBELL 241 CAMPBELL Sir Duncan (Black Duncan) 1546-1631. Campbell, Records of .iVrgyll (1885) 102. C. Laurie etch. 1883, after p. 1601. — 348. Jamesone p. C. Laurie etch. 1883. Duncan, 1680?-1730. Caulfield, For. mem. and char. (1819) 2:26. eng. Lady Elizabeth, aftw. w. of Maj. E. H. C. Taylor, d. 1896. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:313. wdct. after photo. Ella, M. u. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:9.* Ellen, actress. La belle assembl6e (1818) n. s. 17: front. R. E. Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. Florence Way. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:213.* Frank L. 1843- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:449. Fremont, of Tacoma, 1857- Mao. of West. hist. (1891) 13:293. Mrs Garden. Heath’s book of beauty (1841) 212. W. Fisher p. W. II. Mote eng. George, 1719-96. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:29. Archibald Robertson f.* Chambers, Em. Scots- men (1847, 1855) 1:475. J. Bogle p. W. Holl eng. Sir George, 1824-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:262.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 283. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Georgine, painter. Bookman (1904) 19:.53.* Grace Sybranat. Cath. world (1896) 63:788. Hon. Mrs Hastings. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:May 15 sup. p. 7. E. Tofano p.* J/rs Helen (Stuart) writer, 1839- Arena (1893) 7:129.* Henry D. singer. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 2:166. Henry Walter, colonel, 1835- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2 :228.* Herbert. Theatre (1888) ser. 4, 11:98. photo, (with Harry Nicholls) Ian, of Islay. Campbell, Records of Argyll (1885) front. C. Laurie etch. Sir Hay, 1st hart. 1734-1823. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2 : pi. 202, 300. John Kay f. 1805, 1808 & eng. Ivar. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 127. Marj' L. Wal- ler p.* (child por.) J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 376. StMe- min del. & eng. 1804.* James. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:103. R. Grave sc. James, 1812-93. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:377. Pierson sc. James, sherifT of Va. Green bag (1899) 11:174. p.* James Colquhoun, bp. of Bangor, 1813-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:630.* Men of mark (1882) 6:9. photo. James Dykes, critic, 1839-95. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 1(X):599. —(1895) 106:702.* James E. gov. of Ohio, 1843- .iLmerica’s grtst men and women (1894) 48. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:912. wdct. Mao. of West. hist. (1891) 14:577. eng. James Henry Mussen, m. p. 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:177.* —(1901) 119:602.* —(1903) 122:382.* Sir James Livingstone, lieut. col. d. 1788. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 189. John Kay f. & eng. James Valentine, Mich, judge, 1823-90. Green bag (1889) 1 : 194.* —(1890) 2:233.* Mag. of West. hist. (18^) 3:683) eng. John, of Edinbuigh, d. 1795. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 203. John Kay f. & eng. John, lieut. col. 1756-94. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 152. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. John, of Md. 1765-1828. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 427. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* John, of Strachur. Woollright, Hist, of the 57th regt. of foot (1893) 90. John, -M. p. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* John, {Lord Stonefleld,) d. 1801. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 194. John Kaj’ f. 1799 & eng. John Archibald, 1811-89. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 350. Max Rosenthal etch, after photo. 1889. Green bag. (1903) 15: 187. Rosenthal etch.* John C. of Wheeling, W. Va. 1800- Living- ston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1 : 161. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. John C. engineer. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14: 164. eng. John M. of Phila. 1850- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:805. wdct. Lady Juliana, 1581- Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 31. Herbert pub. 1797, fr. the orig. Kate Hutchinson. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 2:200. Lewis, 1830- Mao. of art (1898) 22:357. Oscar Roty f.* (medal) Lodowick, convict. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:105. R. Grave sc. Margaret Charlotte, d. 1871. See Levinge, Lady Richard George Augustus. Lolly Margaret (Spottiswoode) w. of Sir Hugh Purves, Hume C. 7th hart. d. 1839. IIeath’s book of beauty (1840) 126. A. E. Chalon p. II. Austen eng.* Mrs Marion (Muirhead) w. of James, 1739- 1815. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 62. Raeburn p.* Lady Mary, dau. of 2d duke of Argyll, 1726-1811. See Coke, viscountess. Lady Mary, dau. of 8th duke of Argyll, w. of Ed- ward Carr Glyn. See Glyn. Mrs Maurice, 1870- See Crosman, Henrietta. 24288—06 16 CAMPBELL 242 CAMPIGLIA Mungo. Lond. mag. (1770) 39: 145. eng. Sir Neil, maj. gen. 1776-1827. Pai.l AIall mag. (1904) 34:5. Lady, Nina (Lehmann) w. of Sir Guv. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 100:725. Millais p.* SIag. of art (1900) 24 : 315. Millais p.* (child por.) O. S. tennis player. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:673. wdct. — (1891) 35:564. wdct. Mrs Patrick (Beatrice Stella Tanner) Book- man (1902) 14:447.* Critic (1901) 39:129. Mar- chioness of Granby del.* — (1902)40:110,* 111,* 142. Harper’s w. (1W2) 46:72,* 180, 1438.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:585. (as Paula Tanqueray) —105:611.* (as Kate Cloud) —(1895) 107:449.* (as Juliet) Mag. of art (1896) 20: 11. Aubrey Beards- ley del.* — (1899)24:^. W. Graham Kobertson p.* — (1903) 27:353.* Manners, Por. of men and women (1900) pi. 44. Marchioness of Granby del. 1895.* Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 117. Solomon J. Solomon p.* (as Paula Tanqueray) — (1899) 93. II. de T. Glaze- brook p.* Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 21:316. photo, (as Clarice Berton) — ser. 4, 22:92. photo (with George Ale.xander) — (1895)ser. 4,25:292. photo. — (1896) ser. 4, 27 : 4. photo, (as Juliet) — (1897) 30:266. photo (as Ophelia) Whyte, Actors (1898) 172,* 200.* Rev. Reginald John, 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:;i82.* —(1904) 125:616. Ralph Cleaver del.* Outlook (1899) 63:53. —(1903) 74:592. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:312.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:708.* Robert Byng Patricia Price, maj. gen. 1838-97 Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:640. Sarah, aftw. w. of Tliomas Woodhouse. Rey- nolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 75. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1778. S. W. Reynolds eng. Whit.man, Valentine Green ( 1902) 136. Reynolds p. Green sc.* Thomas, poet, 1777-1844. Analectic mag. (1815) 5:234. Lawrence p. Gimbrede sc. Anderson, Sottish nation (1863) 1 : pi. 578. Lawrence p. E. Finden eng. .(Vrt j. (1866) 18:149. Besant, K) years ago (1888) 175. por.* (Fraser gall.) Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 24. Lawrence p. S. Freeman eng. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1855) 5:81. Lonsdale p. F. A. Rob- erts eng. Chorley, Authors of Eng. (1837) 81. E. Baily sc. after bust, medallion by E. W. Wyon. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 7. Lawrence p. James Godbysc. — pi. 8. Lawrence p. II. Robinson eng. Cust. N’at. p>or. gall. (1902)2:149. Lawrence p.* Eclectic mag. (1851) 23:289. Lawrence p. Packard and Ourden eng. — (1858) 43:113. T. Faed p. J. Sartain eng. (group) European mag. (1815) 68: 195. p. T. Bkwd eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:63. Law- rence f.* Griswold, Poets and poetry of Eng. (1877) 114. Lawrence p. G. J. Anderton eng. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:508. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:605. J. Mossman sc. wdct. (statue, Glasgow) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. D. McCli.se p. Joseph Jenkins eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1823) 17:1. Law- rence p. James Hopwood eng. Maclise gall. (1873) 10. Maclise del. Monthly mirror (1809) n. s. 5:257. Lawrence p. Freeman eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:433. Lawrence p. J. F. E. Prudhomme eng.* New m. mag. (1814) 2: front. Lawrence p. 11. Meyer eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6 : pi. 64. T. C. Thompson p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846)4:45. McClise p. J. Jenkins eng. William W. 1806-81. Green bag (1892) 4:401* (group) William Wilfred, Canadian p>oet, 1861- Catii. world (1895) 61:796. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:25. CAMPBELL family name. See also titk.^ Argyll; Blythswood; Breadalbane; Cawdor; Clyde; Loudoun; Marchmont; Stratheden. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN family name. See Bannerman. CAMPDEN, John de, fl. 1382. Art union (1843) 5:32. wdct. after effigy (St Cross church, Winchester) CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich, 1746-1818. Bech- STEIN, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 137. eng. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 242. Joh. Heinr. Schroeder p. F. Muller eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 28. Schroder p. lith. CAMPEGGIO, Lorenzo, cardinal, bp. of Salisbury, 1472-1539. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 103. E. Harding sc. after print (medal) Taunton, T. Wol- sey (1902) 203. CAMPEN, van, burgomaster. Ztsch. f. bil- dende kunst (1904) n. s. 15: 174. Gerard Ter Borch p.* (Bremen) Moses van, major. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14 : 348. eng. (age 90) CAMPENHOUT, Francois van, musician, 1779- 1848. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2:420. CAMPER, Pieter, 1722-89. Jardine, Natural- ist’s lib. (1835) mammalia, v. 3:front. Lizars sc. CAMPERDOWN, 3d earl of, Robert Adam Phil- ips Haldane-Duncan, 1841- Vanity fair album (1895) 28: pi. 649. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CAMPHAUSEN, Ludolf, 1803-90. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:99. Hellwig eng. Beck lith. Otto, 1812-96. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:527.* Hf.yck, Monograph z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:111.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:667.* Wilhelm, painter, 1818-85. Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 2: pi. 1. wdct. CAMPHUYSEN, Dirk Rafaelz, 1.586-1627. L’Art (1877) 8:37. Bourotte des. Yves and barret sc. CAMPI, Galeazzo, 1475 1-1536. MoPcke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 10. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Gregorj sc. CAMPIGLIA, Giovanni Domenico, 1692-1763. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. nittori (17651 2, pt. 1:43. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. r. jlnt. I’azzi sc. CAMPION 243 CANETE CAMPION, Edmund, 1540-81. Foley, Records Soc. of Jesus (1882) 71 : 112.* Rood’s coll, of por. (1820) l:pl. 4. Neefs eng. William Magan, 1821-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:566.* CAMPISTRON, Jean Galbert de, 16.^1723. IcoNOO. de Mine de Sdvign^, pi. 30. eng. (in 1701) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 98. eng. CAMPO-GRANDE, harcu> de, Francisco Gomes de Campos, 1788- Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:77. S. A. Sisson lith. 1860. CAMPOAMOR, Ramon de, Spanish poet, 1817 1- 1901. Critic (1901) 39:149.* CAMPOS, Arsenic Martinez, 1834-1900. See Martinez Campos. Francisco Gomes de. See Campo-Grande, haiAo de. CAMPOS SALLES, Manoel Feiraz de, pres, of Brazil, 1841- Alm. de Gotha (1901) front. Th. and A. Weger sc. CAMRADT, JOrgen Frederik, painter. Lund, Dansko malede por. (1900) 7’: 15. J. F. Camradt p.* Johannes Ludvig, 1779-1849. Lund, Danskc malede por. (1900) 7' : 15. CAMUDIO, Anne Marie de. See Boisschot, Mme. CAMUS, Armand Gaston Le, 1740-1804. Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:384. Moreau del. Beljambe sc. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:314. eng.* Jean Pierre, bp. of Belley, 1582-16.52. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Mellan sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1888) ser. 2, 38: 183. Claude Mel- lan p. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:9. Lubin sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® si^cles (1805) l:pl. 5. Lubin sc. CAMUS DE PONTCARR^ , Nicolas. David de St Georges, Marq. du Chastelet (1896) 109. p.* CAMUSAT DE BELOMBRE, Nicolas Jacques, 173.5- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:388. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. CANADA, Charles J. 1838- Harper’s w. (1886) 29:77. wdet. CANALES, Servando, Mexican colonel, 1830-83. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:732. wdet. CANALETTO (Antonio da Canal) 1697-1768. L’Art (1893) .55:222. Antonio Visentini sc.* Yriarte, Venise (1878) 174. CANAPLES, Mme de, d. 1558. See Acigne, Marie d’. CANBY, Edward Richard Sprigg, 1819-73. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:225. wdet. — (1873) 17:339. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:445. R. and E. Taylor eng. after photo. Moore, Rebellion record (1865) 8:36. A. H. Ritchie eng. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:448.* Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:726. CANDALE, comte de, Frederic de Foix, d. 1571. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 220. due de, Henri de Nogaret d’^pemon, 1.591- 1639. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, .sup. 5:pl. 81. eng. CANDEE, Leverett, 179.5-1865. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 160. eng. CANDilZE, Ernest, 1827r98. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique. Ann. (1900) 66:419. Louis Le Nain sc. Ch. Wittmann imp. CANDIANO I, Pietro, doge of Venice, d. 887. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi. di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 16. A. Nani eng. CANDIANO II, Pietro, doge of Venice, d. 939. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 19. A. Nani eng. CANDIANO III, Pietro, doge of Venice, d. 952. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (185.5) l:pl. 21. Nani eng. CANDIANO rv, Pietro, doge of Venice, d. 976. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 22. Nani eng. CANDIANO V, Vitale, doge of Venice, d. 979. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 24. Nani eng. CANDIDA, Giovanni. Gal. naz. ital. (1894) l:pl. 12. medal.* CANDISH, Thomas, 1560-92. See Cavendish. CANDLISH, James Smith, Scottish theologian, 1835-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:.379.* John, M. p. 1815-74. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:581. C. Bacon sc. wdet. (statue, Sunderland) Robert Smith, 1806-73. Crombie, Mod. Athe- nians (1882) pi. 2. Crombie f. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:437. wdet. after photo. CANDOLLE, Augustin Pyrame de, 1778-1841. Werckmei.ster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 286. Bove lith.* CANDY, George, 1841-99. Illus. IjoikI. news 1899) 115:645* CANELLI, Lorenzo, actor. L’Art (1875) 3:383. Jules de Goncourt des. MiSaulle eng. CANER, Rev. Henry, 1700-92. Foote, Annals of King’s Chapel (1896) 2:23. J. Smibert p.* CANETE, ^th marmes, Garcia Hurtado de Men- doza. WiNSOR, Nar. and crit. hi-st. (1889) 2:550. eng. from Ovalle’s Historica relacion de Chile, 1648. CANEVAKO 244 CANNON CANEVAHO, J. F. duke of Zoagli, d. 1900. Illus. Lend, news (1900) 117:761. Napoleon, admiral. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:801.* CANFIEIiD, James Hulme, librarian, 1847- Harper’s w. (189.5) 39:388. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:189. Outlook (1898) 59:876. CANGE, sieur du, Charles du Fresne, 1610-88. See Du Cange. CANG^, Charlotte Phillipine de Gastre de. See Lamure, marquise de. CANHAM, Anthony South. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:836. CANHEMBO IV, king of Cazembe, Africa. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1858) 14:217. S. E. Brown sc. after drawing. CANING title. See Bonaparte. CANISrUS (Pieter de Hondt) 1521-98. Droy- SEN, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 236. eng. 1597* (age 76) Rose, Loyola (1891) 449. eng.* CANlTZjfreiherr von, Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig, 16.54-99. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 142. A. Clerck p. S. Blesendorf sc.* CANITZ UND DALLWITZ, freiherr von, Karl Ernst Wilhelm, 1787-18.50. Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1901) 51:11. P. Veit del.* CANNEEL, Theodore Joseph, 1817-92. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1894) 60:301. G. Ph. Vander Veken sc. 1893. J. B. Van Campenliout imp. CANNING, 1st earl, Charles John Canning, 1812-62. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:225. G. Richmond del.* Hare, 2 noble lives (1893) 2:161. wdet. after photo. — 2:320. bust.* countess, Charlotte (Stuart) w. of 1st earl, 1817-61. IIare, 2 noble lives (1893) 1: front. Thor- burn p. eng.* (miniature, with Hon. Louisa Stuart) — 2 -.front. Swinton p. T. Sulman eng. — 2:484. T. Sulman eng. after photo. Elizabeth, 1743-73. Caui.field, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:108. eng. IjOND. mag. (1754) 23:236. eng. V'iNCENT, Lives of 12 bad women (1897) 205. McArdell f. (mezzo.) Elizabeth, aftw. w. of G. II. Barnett, 1777-1838. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:24. Romney p. 1782* (child por. with her mother) George, 1770-1827. Acad. (1898) 55:287. Gainsborough p.* (child por.) Allo. weltgescliichte (1888) 11:271. Freeman eng.* Alm. de Gotha (1824) pi. 2. M. Gauci p. Bolt sc. AxGLO-Saxon rev. (1899) 3:45. Gainsborough p.* (age 17) Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) 1.56. Gainsborouglt f.* (child por.) L’Art (1875) 3:387. Lawrence p. E. Bocourt dcs. Tourfaut eng. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 229. J. Hoppner p.* — p. 232. Lawrence p. C. Tur- ner eng. BoLTtKE, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:210. Lawrence p. C. Turner eng.* Brougham, Statesmen (1839) 1:277. Lawrence p. Buckingham, Mem. of court of George IV (1859) 2:front. I. H. Baker eng. Cath. world (1895) 61:779. Creevey papers (1904) 2:122. Lawrence p.* (Christ church, Oxford) Cun- ningham, Lives of em. Eng. (1^7) 8:front. S. Freeman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:183. Joseph Nollekens sc. E. H. Baily sc.* (bust) — 2: 183. Chantrey sc.* (bust) Dowling, Poets and states- men (1857) 223. J. Chapman sc. F. RadclvfTe eng. (bust) European mag. (1812) 61:427. Ntdlekens sc. eng. (bust) Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration (1883) 119. Freeman eng.* Fonbi.anque (A.) Eng under 7 administrations (Lond. 1837) l:front. Law- rence p. W. Read sc. Green, Short hist. Eng. peopla (1893) 4:1807. bust (Nat. por. gall.) Grevedon et Mauzaissc, Les contemp. Strangers (1835) pi. 25. Grevedon del. 1827. C. Mottelith. Hamilton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 2:172. Lawrence p.* Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) 2:pl. 1. T. Stewardson p. W. Holl eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1827) imp. ser. 25:301. Latimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 80. Stewardson p. Hopwood sc.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:82. Chantrey sc.* (bust) M.irtineau, Hist, of Eng. (1849) 1:292. Lawrence p. II. B. Hall eng. Microcos.m, ed. 4 (1809) 2:front. li. Lane eng. New m. mag. (1819) 12:83. eng. Outlook (1897) 55:66. — (1902) 70: .560. sketch, 1826.* Paget papers (1896) 2:290. Penny mag. (1832) 1:81. Westmacott sc. eng. (statue) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 95. Lawrence p. W. Say sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 59. Anton Hickel p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. 0846) 1:75. Stewardson p. Holl eng. Thornton, For. secretaries (1881) 1:225. eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 106. Lawrence p. W. Say eng.* Wills, Irish nation, 3:411. Holl eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:262. bust.* from Green’s Hist. Eng. people. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:418. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature, 1804. Mrs Mehetabel (Patrick) w. of Stratford Can- ning, d. 1831. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:24. Romney p. 1782* (with her child) CANNING family name. See also title Stratford de Redcliffe. CANNING (De Burgh-Canning) family name. See title Clanricarde. CANNON, A. M. 1837- Wig. of West. hist. (1891) 13:. 587. eng. Charles Wesley, 1836- Nat. mag. (1892) 15:657. eng. Frank Jenne, u. s. senator, 1859- Harper’s w. (1896)40:100. wdet. George Q. Mormon apostle, 1827-1901. Har- per’s mag. (1884) 69:398. Harper’s w. (1866) 10: 520. wdet. —(1877) 21 -.781. wdet. H. Mornington, jockey, 1873- Baily’s mag. (1890) 54:391 (with his father and 2 brothers) — (1896) 65:t.-p. Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 521. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CANNON 245 CANTERBURY Helen, dau. of Joseph G. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1825.* Henry White, 1850- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:344. wdct. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 180. eng. Mrs James (Elizabeth SheUy) Wii.levmson, John Russell (1894) 16. John 'Russell p.* (pastel; this may be a por. of her sister, Mrs Polhill) Joe, jockey. Baily’s mag. (1881) 36:t.-p. — (1890) M:391 (with his father and 2 brothers) Joseph G. M. c. 1836- Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:505. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:70,* 1824.* — (1904) 48:954. W. A. Rogere del.* (with Theodore Roosevelt, caricature) — 48: 1036 (caricature) Out- look (1903) 73:58.* R. of rev. (1902) 26:389.* —(1903) 28:673.* —(1904) 29:644 (with his 2 grandchildren) World’s work (1903) 5:2925.* —7:4157.* Kempton, 1879- Bailt’s mag. (1902) 77:t.-p. eng. Marion, 1834- .iVrena (1892) 5:592.* Robert, lieut. gen, 1811-82. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:396.* Thomas, jockey, 1846- Baily’s mag. (1877) 30:t.-p. — (1890) 54:391 (with his 3 sons) Vanity fair album (1885) 17 : pi. 340. Spy f. lith. (age 39, cari- cature) Thomas, jr. jockey. Baily’s mag. (1890) 34:391 (with his father and 2 brothers) CANO, Alonso, 1601-67. STiRLiNO-Maxwell, ,\nnals of artists of Spain (1891) 3:936. Cano f. II. Adlard sc. CANON, Hans, painter, 1829-85. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:7. A. von Werner f.* CANOSSA, conte di, Ludovico, 1476-1532. Cas- TiGLiONE, Courtier (1901) 20. por.* CANOVA, Antonio, sculptor, 1757-1822. .Vr- NAULT, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:74. Gerard p. Fremy del. & sc. European mag. (1822) 82:395. J. Jackson p. J. Thomson eng. Gaz. d. licaux arts (1873) ser. 2, 7:588. Jackson p. Rajonsc. Greve- DON et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. Strangers ( 1835) pi. 26. Grevedon del. 1826. C. Motte lith. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:788. death mask.* Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 159. death mask.* Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 14. Giuseppe Bossi p. A. Locatelli sc. Imper. diet, of univ. biog, 1:885. Lawrence p. J. Pos- sclwhite eng. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 36 : front. Rob. Focosi del. Luigi Rados eng. — 36:103. Canova sc. eng. (bust) — 36:112. Lawrence p. eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:165. Lawrence p. J. Po.s.selwhite eng. McCor.mick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 46. Lawrence p. Mag. of fine arts (18.33) 2:4. F. X. Fabre p. H. Adlard eng. New m. mag. (1820) 13:69. A. Appiani p. James Thomson sc. Por. gall. (1853) 3:809. Lawrence p. Posselwhite sc. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 133. Fiiger p.* Seidlitz, Por- triitwerk (1894) 4:pl. 83. R. Focosi del. L. Rados sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:165. p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 122. Gerard p. F. Weber eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 15. Foco.si del. Rados eng.* Yriarte, Venise (1878) 111. Piroli eng.* CANOVAS DEL CASTILLO, Antonio, Span, premier, 1828-97. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:457. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:248. wdct. —(1897) 41:828. IIu.ME, Mod. Spain (1900) 555.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:205.* R. of rev. (1897) 16:307. CANROBERT, Francois Certain, marshal, 1809- 95. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:57. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:64. C. A. Bany del. John Andrew sc. B.VMBERG, Gesch. d. orient, augelegcnheit, (1892). 133. M. Alophe lith.* Bulle, Gesch. dcs 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 231.* Ce.nt. (189-5) 28:719.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:71. Claudius Popelinx p. — (1897) ser. 3, 17:93. M. Lenoir sc. (statue, salon du Champ-de-Mars) Harper’s w. (1870) 14:.529. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106: 134. Noein, War against Russia, 382. W. J. Edwards eng. CANSANSAO DE SmiMBtJ, JoSo Lins Vieira, 1810- Sis.son, Gal. dos Ilrazileiros illus. (1861) 2:95. S. A. Sis.son lith. CANSECO, Pedro Diaz, pres, of Peru. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:1.57. wdct. CANT, Andrew, 1590?-1663. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 1 : 494. S. Freeman eng. after p. CANTACUZENUS, J. Byzantine emperor, fl. 1347. O.MAN, Byzantine empire (1898) 326. eng. from Bayet, L’art byzantin* (contemp. ms.) Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 :34. eng. CANTE-CROrX, princesse de, Beatrice (de Cusance), d. 1663. Art j. (1900) 52:69. Van Dyck p.* CusT, Anthony Van Dyck (1900) 92. A. van Dyck p.* (Windsor) Cu.st, Van Dyck (1903) 2: pi. 5. Van Dyck del. (Cracow) Hirtii, Les grands illus- trateurs, 4:1303. Van Dj'ck f. P. de Jode eng. Kn.ackfuss, KQnstlcr-monog. (1896) 13:77. Van Dj’ck p.* Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 53. Van Dyck p.* McClure’s mag. (1901) 17:110. A. Van Dyke p. 17th cent.* (Wind.sor) Reber u. Bay- ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1894) 6: pi. 863. Van Dyck p.* (Windsor) Zt.scii. f. bildende kunst (1895) n. s. 6 : 245. A. van Dyck p.* CiWTEAU, Frank, actor. Critic (1904) 44:427* (with Dustin Farnum) CANTELUPE, viscount, George John Fred- erick West, 1814-.50. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:21. Count D’Orsay f. 1840. lith. viscount, Lionel Sackville-West, 1868-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:614.* CANTERBURY, 1st viscount, Sir Charles Man- ners-Sutton, 1780-1845. Illus. Ix>nd. news (1895) 106:477. 3d viscount, John Henry Thomas Manners- Sutton, 1814-77. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:20. wdct. after photo. CANTO 246 CAPPELLO CANTO, Estanislao del, Chilean general. Har- per’s \v. (1891) 35:521, 684. wdet. lu.us. Lond. news (1891) 99:302. CANTON, John, 1718-72. Cust, Xat. nor. gall. (1901) 1:;309. p.* William, 1845- Outixx)k (1897) 55:700. CANTRILL, James E. McClure’s mag. (1904) 22:474. CANUTE, king of Denmark and of Eng. 9941-1035. Dreux DU Rawer, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Ba-san eng. Vertue inv. Jewett, Storj- of Normans (1887) 179. eng.l from the Register of Hyde abbey. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:34. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:124. G. Vertue inv. & sc. after coin. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 56. Vertue inv. Basan sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:451. Vertue inv. Basan sc. Vertue, Heads, pi. 3. Vertue del. & sc. CANY, marquis de, Michel de Chamillart, 1652- 1721. See Chamillart. Mme. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 107. Clouet f. lith. CAPDEPON, F. R. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:525. CAPECE, Corrado, d. 1268. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 8. Capriolo eng. CAPECELATRO, Alfonso, cardinal, 1824- Out- look (1900) 66:. 54. CAPEL, Miss, aftw. Lady [Codrington Edmund] Carrington. Friendship’s offering (1832) 9:front. Sir Tho’s Lawrence p. Charles Rolls eng. (So. Ken- sington mus.) Misses. Mag. of art (1898) 22:536. Jacques E. Blanche p.* Hon. Mrs Adolphus. Ladies’ companion (1853) ser. 2, 4:16. T. J. Ilughes f. J. B. Hunt eng. Thomas John, monsignor, 1836- Harper’s w. (1875) 19:26.5. wdet. —(1883) 27:508. wdet. Men of mark (1876) 1:32. photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 49. lith. after caricature. CAPEL family name. See also title Rssex. CAPELL, 1st haron, Arthur Capell, 1603-48. Biog. mag. (1820) 2: 13. Holl sc. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 1:273. —(1843)2:704. Jan- sen f. W. Finden eng. Earlom, Por. of char. Bul- finch del. after p.? R. Dunkarton eng. IjOdge, Por. (1835) 6:pl. 11. JaiLscn f. Finden eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:26. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 3:25. eng. Ben, 1860- Baily’s mag. (1900) 74:t.-p. eng. CAPELL family name. See also title Essex. CAPELLARI, Mauro, 176.5-1846. See Gregory XVI, pope. CAPELLEN, Baron Johan Derek van der. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:14. print.’’' CAPELLO, Andrea. Ztsch. f. bildende kun«. (1896) n. s. 7:130. Tintoretto p.’*' Antonio. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 49:46. Tintoretto p. 1.523’’' (Venetian acad.) Bianca, w. of Francesco de’ Medici, d. 1587. See Cappello. CAPEN, Edward, lihrarian, 1821-1901. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:745. Elmer Hewitt, pres. Tufts coll. 1838-190.5. New Eng. mag. (1886) 4:100. wdet. Nahum, 1804-86. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:145. Homer del. after photo. Pierce eng. Demo- CR.^Tic rev. (1858) 41:337. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Samuel Billings, 1842- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:894. —(1900) 44:386. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:375. CAPERS, Elhson, bp. of S. C. 1837- Perry, Epis- copate in Am. (1895) 3.54. Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1829) 52:217. J. Jackson p. T. C. Dean eng. CAPES, Bernard, novelist. Acad. (1898) 55:486.* CAPET, Marie Gabrielle, painter, 1751-1827. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 27 : 104. Adelaide La- bille-Guiard p.* (with Mme Guiard and Mme Ben-ic) — ser. 3, 27 : 107. Labille-Guiard p.* CAPEWELL, George J. 1843- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:856. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. CAPO DTSTRIAS, Count Joannes, pres, of Greece, 1776-1831. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11 :291. Wright eng.* FLATUE,Zeitalter der restaura- tion & rev. (1883) 151. Wright eng.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 120. Lawrence p.* (Windsor) CAPON, William, architect, 1757-1827. Mag. of art (189.5) 18:289. W. Bone p. eng. (miniature) CAPOTE, Domingo Mendez, brig. gen. 1863- McClure’s mag. (1898) 11 : 105.* CAPP, Thomas, d. 1.545. Cotman, Sepulchral bras.ses (1839) 2: pi. 103. Cotman del. & eten. 1815. (St Stephens church, Norwich) CAPPA, Carlo Alberto, bandmaster, 1834-93. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:42. wdet. CAPPE, Mrs Catherine Harrison, 1744-1821.* L-ADIEs’ m. mus. (1823) 18:1. Woolnoth eng. CAPPELLINI, Alfredo, naval officer, d. 1866. Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 308. CAPPELLO, Bianca, w. of Francesco de’ Medici, d. 1587. .Ami d. monuments (1896) 10:3.59. p.* (Mus. des offices, Florence) Armengaud, Reines (18e. Gregorio, d. 1690. Vertot d’Afrceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 2, bk. 14:97. Cars sc. CARAMAN, due de, Victor Louis Charles de Riquet, 1762-1839. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:1. Gouttiere sc. CARAN D’ACHE, pseud, of Emanuel Poir4. See Poir4. CARATHA, Mahomet, ropedancer. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:149. R. Grave sc. CARAUSIUS, Marcus Aurehus Valerius, ad- venturer, 2501-293 A. D. Chlrch, Story of early Britain (1889) 83. coin.* CARAVAGGIO, Michelangelo Amerighi da, 1569-1609. Dezallier d’^Vrgenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:81. eng. Hist. gaU. of por. (1808) 2: pi. 7. Caravaggio p. G. Cooke sc. Mon'Gez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 4: pi. 1. Mi- chelangelo Amerigi f. Pigeot. Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 2: pi. 19. St Baudot sc.* Pohdoro da (Pohdoro Caldara) 1492-1543. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:387. N. de L’armessin sc. Dezallier d’^Vrgenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:19. eng. Drelt dc Radier, L’ Europe iUus. (1777) v. 6. eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 11. Caravaggio p. G. Cooke sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (17CW) pi. 113. eng. CARAVELLAS 248 CAREW CARAVELLAS, marquez de, Jose Joaquim Car- neiro de Campos, 1768-1836. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazilciros illus. (1861) 2:47. lith. visconde de, Manoel Alves Branco, 1797- Sis- son, Gal. dos Brazilciros illus. (1861) 1:41. Barandier p. A. Sisson lith. CARBERRY, 3d earl of, John Vaughan, d. 1712. KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 28. Kneller p. Cooper sc. baroness, Mary (Toulmin) w. of 9th baron. Art j. (1901) 53: 18.5. J. J. Shannon p.* (with her 2 children) 10th baron, John Evans-Freke, 1892- j. (1901) 53: 185. J. J. Shannon p.* (with his mother and brother, child por.) Ethna. See MacManus, Mrs Seumas. Thomas. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 39.* CARBONE, Lodovico, 1436-82. Hirth, Der fonnenschatz (1894) pi. 5. Sperandio f.* (medal) CARBTJTT, Sir Edward Hamer, 1st bart. 1838- Illcs. Lond. news (1892) 101:. 300.* CARCADO. See Kercado. CARD, Henry, historian, 1779-1844. Monthly mirror (1804) 18:217. Ridley eng. after p. CARDELAN, Mile. CLOUEt, French por. (1875) l:pl. 103. Clouet f. lith. CARDEN, Sir Robert Walter, 1st bart. m. p. 1801-88. .i\jJN. gift book (1859) 1:29. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illits. Liond. news (1889) 92:83.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 348. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARDI, Lodovico (Cigoli or Civoli) 1.559-1613. Dezallier d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 1 : 173. eng. MoNOEZ,Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 4: pi. 37. Cardi f. J. Deleger and C. L. Masquelier eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 11. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. Ant. Pazzi sc. CARDIGAN, 7th earl of, James Thomas Brude- neU, 1797-1868. Baily’s mag. (1868) 15:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (18K) 11:33. eng. after photo. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angclegenheit (1892) 153. J. II. Ljmch Uth.* Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:180. De Prade f. S. Cousins eng.* DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3:pl. 5. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:46. Nolan, War against Russia, 1:390. T. W. Knight eng. after photo. G. H. captain. So. .\frican por. gall. (1897) 45. CARDENAL-WEDDERN, Fraulein von. Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) .56:19. Max Koner del. 1897* (sketch) CARDISCO, Marco (^Calabrese) 14861-1542. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 118. eng. CARDON, Joseph de, 1739- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:38. Perrin del. Texier sc. CARDONA, vizconde de, Ramon Folch (el Prohom) 1259-1320. Carderera y solano. Icpnog. espafiola (1855) l:pl. 17. V. Carderera dib. 6mile Beau lith. (statue, Poblet monastery) CARDONE, due de, P hili ppe de La Mothe- Houdancourt, marshal, 160.5-.57. Iconog. de Mme de S^vigntf, pi. 74. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gav- ard (18^) 8: pi. 1399. M. J. Blondel p. after por. Legvis eng. (chftteau de Beauregard) CARDONNEL, Adam, archaeologist, d. 1820. Mag. of art (1889) 12:311. John Brown del. eng. CARDROSS, 1st baron, Henry Erskine, d. 1636 Pinkerton, Sicotish gall. (1799) pi. 39. Jameson p Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1708. 2d baron, David Erskine, 1616-71. Pinker- ton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 40. Harding pub. 1799. Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 17. Trotter sc. after p. 1636. Lord, Shipley Gordon-Stuart Erskine, 1850- Baily’s mag. (1886) 46:157. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanita' fair album (1884) 16:pl. 301. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARDUCCI, Costabile. Amato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 2:69. eng. Giosue, poet, 1836- Arena (1897) 17:430. Critic (1902) 41 : 100.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 463.* CARDUCHO (or Carducci) Vincenzio, painter, 1585-1638. Stirling-Maxwell, .\nnals of artists of Spain (1891) 2:488. Carducho f. H. Adlard sc. CARDWELL, 1st rnscount, Edward Cardwell, 1813-86. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:20.5. George Richmond p.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdet. Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 10. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 9. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CAREEESS, William, royalist, d. 1689. Wooiv burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 45. eng. (with Charles II) CARETTO. See Carretto. CAREW, baroness, Jane Catherine (Cliffe) w. of 1st baron, 1798-1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:913.* baroness, Julia (Lethbridge) w. of 3d baron. Cab. por. gall. (1892) 2:44.* Bamfylde Moore, 1693-1770? Banks, Blun- dell’s worthies (1904) 57. drawing?* Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:151. Maddocks sc. Lond. mag. (1753) 22:1^. eng. 5irBenjaminHallowell, r. n. 1 760-1834. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:83. John Hayter p.* Frrcii- ETT, Nelson and his captains (1902) 156. lith after print. CAREW 249 GAEL Sir Gawen, d. 1583. Holbein, Facsim. Barto- lozzi (1884) pi. 20. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Hol- bein, For. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 22. Holbein del. Bocquet sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) l:pl. 33. Holbein del.* Sir George, d. 1545. Holbein, Facsim. Barto- lozzi (1884) pi. 19. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Hol- bein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 21. Holbein del. Meyer sc. Holbein, VVindsor coll, of por. (1877) pi. 32. Holbein del.* James Laurence, m. p. 18.53-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:332.* Joseph, 1807- Van Slvck, N. K. manufactur- ers (1879) 1:166. eng. Kate, caricaturist. Bookman (1902) 16:271.* Margaret Felicite Anne, actress. La belle assembl(5e (1817) n. s. 15:99. eng. after p. Ladies’ m. mus. (1823) 18:181. Hastings p. Woolnoth eng. Sir Nicholas, d. L539. Lodge, Por. (1835) 1 :pl. 10. Holbein del.? H. Robinson eng. Pall Mall mag. (1895) 5:99. Sir Reginald Pole- 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:825.* Vanity fair album (IIXX)) 32:front. Spy f. lith. caricature (group) — (1901) 33: pi. 802. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Thomas, po<’t, 15981-1639? Acad. (1899) 56:399. Art j. (1900) 52:68. Van Dyck p.* (with Thomas Killigrew) Cust, Anthony Van Dyck (ItXX)) 138. A. van Dyck p.* 16.38 (with Killigrew, Windsor) Effigies poeticse (1824) l:pl. 30. Van Dyke p. G. Clint del. E. Smith eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:20. Vandyck f.* (Windsor) Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1899) ser. 3, 22 : 327. Van Dyck p. 1638* (with Killigrew) Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:9.53. Van Dj’ck p.* Law, Vand}^k at Windsor (1899) 77. Van Dyck p.* (with Killigrew) Mag. of art (1900) 24:174. Vandvck p.* (with Killigrew) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 30. Vandyke p. G. Clint del. E. Smith eng. (Windsor) CAREW fainil}' name. See also title Totness. CAREY, Arthur. Catii. world (1894) 60:93. Constantine Phipps, maj. general, 18.35- Illus. Lond. news (liX)l) 119:730.* Sir George, d. 1617. Willia.\ison, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 12, fig. 8. I. Oliver p.* 1581 (age 57) Henry, d. 1743. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 2:34. K. Grave sc. Henry Charles, economist, 1793-1879. Am. rev. (1851) 13:front. Collier del. Burt eng. Har- per’s w. (1867) 11:1. wdct. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 13. Sartain sc.* Isaac, Boston alderman. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:136. Rowse del. after daguerr. James, Irish agitator, 1845-83. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:508. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:193.* Joseph MauU, u. s. senator, 1845- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:932. wdct. Matthew, 1760-1839. Duyckinck, Cj^clo. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 668. Roberts sc. MAG.ofAm hist. (1887) 17:99. print.* New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:107. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 175. .John Ncagle p. Sartain eng. Rosa Nouchette, novelist. Black, Women authors (1893) 145.* William, d. d. 1761-1834. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:242. wdct. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:66. Home p. J. Jenkins eng. William bp. of St .Asaph, 1769-1846. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. S. W. Reynolds f. T. A. Dean eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:1(X>. Rejmolds p. Dean eng. CAREY family name. See also titles Hunsdon; Monmouth. CAREBERT I, king of the Franks, 521-67. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. G. Duchange eng. A. Boizot del. L’Ar.messin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 8. De L’Armcs.sin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des Franf. 1:70. Dassy p. Weber eng. Malo, Gal. des rois do France, 34. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 8. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange sc. Velly Hist, de France (1770) 1:39. A. Boizot del. Duchange sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1099. J. J. Dassy p. F. Weljcr eng. Wyatt, Kings of France (1846) pi. 8. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CARIBERT II, king of the Franks, d. 630. Allg. weitgeschichte (1886) 4:46.5. coin.* CARIGNAN, prince de, Thomas Fran9ois de Savoie, son of Charles Emmanuel, duke of Savoy, 1596-1656. Cust, Anthony van D}'ck (1900) 90. A. van Dyck p. 16.34* (Turin gall.) Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 20. A. van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 32. Van Dyck p. G. Fusinati sc. Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 31. Van Dyck p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer. Klass. bilder- schatz. (1899) 12: pi. 1613. V’an Dyck p. (equestr. por. Turin gall.) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1.599. A. van Dyck p. A.Geille eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 13. Vandyke p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. princessede, Marie Thdrbse Louise (de Savoie) dau. of Louis V’ictor Amadeus, 1749-92. See Lam- balle, princesse de. abbe de, Eugene, 1663-17.36. See Eugfene, prince. CARINGTON, Sir William Henry Peregrine, 1845- Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. .557. .Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARINGTON family name. 5eeaZso title Carrington. CARINTJS, Marcus Aurehus, emperor of Rome, 249-285. HEiirzBERG, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 61.5. coin, from Imhoof-Blumer. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1887) 5: pi. 5, figs. 195, 202, 204, 205, 206 (5 medals)* CARL, Jules. L’Art ( 1901 ) 60:25.5. CARLEILL 250 CARLISLE CARLEILL (or Carlile) Christopher, 1551 ?-93. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1: 160 eng.* from Holland’s Ileroologia Anglica. IIoli^and, Ilertaologia Anglica (1620) 92. eng. CARLES, William Richard, 1848- Illu.s. Lond. news (1900) 117:6.* CARLETON (ofCarleton) Istharon, Henry Boyle, d. 1725. Birch, Heads (1813) IM. Kneller p. J. Houbrakensc. 1740. Rapin’ and Tindal, Hist, of Eng. (1745) 4:55. Kneller p. Houbrakensc. 1740. (of Imbercourt) baroness, Anne (Garrard) w. of 1st baron, d. 1627. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :83. M. J. van Miereveldt f.* Edmund, 1797-188-?. Grafton and Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1895) 3, pt. 1 : 170.* Frank Robert Crofton. Illits. Lond. news (1899) 115:722. George Washington, publisher, 1832-1901. Derby, .50 years among authors (1884) 23.5. G. E. Ferine eng. Will, 1845- America’s grtst men and women (1894) 214. Bolton, Fam. Am. authors (1887) 326. Book buyer (1888) 5:.‘K)1. Book.\ian (1896) 3:495.* Dcyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:997. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:. 577. G. Kruell sc.* Har- per’s w. (1873) 17:652. wdct. William, 1797-1877. Van Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:168. eng. CARLETON family name. See o7so title Dorchester. CARLIER, Diego, of Span. navy. Cent. (1899) 36:83. Francis Day del. after Span, print.* CARLILE, Rev. Wilson, 1847- Outlook (1897) 55:924. CARLILL. Thomas. Arminian mag. (1786) 9:633 (age 45.) CARLIN, John, painter, 1813-91. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:. 588. Wilham Passmore, general, 1829-1903. Har- per’s w. (1864) 8:637. wdct. — ( 1893) 37 : 525. wdct. For. m. (1864) 1:133. wdct. CARLING, Sir John, 1828- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:110. lith. CARLINGFORD, 1st baron, Chichester Samuel Parkinson-Fortescue, 1823-98. Cler.mont, Fam. of Fortescue (1880) 209. eng. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:.36. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78 : 453.* — ( 1898) 112:177.* Men of mark 0883) 7 : 4. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) 1 ; pi. 28. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CARLISLE, 2d earl of, James Hay, 15801-1636. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 : 510. eng.* Tuane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:27. eng. countess of. Lady Lucy (Percy) w. of 2d earl, 1000-60. CiiASLEs, Charles I (1844) 148. Bara et Gerard eng. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 2:656. Vandyke p. II. T. Ilyall eng. Hirth, Les grands illustratcurs, 4:1302. Van Dj’ck f. P. de Bail- lue eng. Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 69. Van Dyck p.* Lodge, For. (1835) 7: pi. 12. Vandyke p. T. Wright eng. Stern, Gesch. der rev. in Eng. 0881) 104. Van Dyck p. P. Lombart eng. countess of. Lady Margaret (Russell) w. of 3d earl, d. 1676. Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 49. Van- dyck p.* (child por.) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs 4:1309. Van Dyck p. F. Lombart eng. (with her daughter ?) ith earl of, Charles Howard, 1629-1685. Meage, Relation of 3 embassies (1669) front. Eastham f. Gth earl of, Charles Howard, 1669-1738. Kit- cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 17. Kneller p. Cooper sc. Walpole, Roj’al and noble authors (1806) 4:170. eng. countess of. Lady Anne (Capell) w. of 6th earl, 1674-1752. Adolphus, Brit. cab. (1799) 2: pi. 46. J. J. van den Berghe sc. 1799 after p. 8th earl of, Frederick Howard, 1748-1825. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:76. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. R. B. Farkes eng.* — 1:130. Reynolds p. W. Ward eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 25. J. Hoppner p. II. ^leyer eng. European mag. (1785) 8:327. G. Romney p. T. Holloway sc. Gower, Hist, gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 21. lleynolds p. 1769.* Jesse, George Selwyn (1882) 3: front. Romney p. G. Cook sc. Lond. mag. (1780) 49:539. eng. after drawing. Monthly mirror (1800) 10: 1. Ridley eng. after p. Fall Mall mag. (1894) 3:574. Reynolds p.* (age 25) Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 7:49. Romney p. eng. from Euroj'K'an mag. 1785. countess of, iMdy Margaret Caroline (Leveson- Gower) w. of 8th earl, 1753-1824. Collins, Rey- nolds (1874) pi. 5. Reynolds p. James Watson eng. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1881) l:pl. 3. Reynolds p.* Mag. of art (1890) 13:149. Reynolds p. C. Carter eng. Reynolds, Engravings, l:pl. 37. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1770. S. W. Reynolds eng. ear/ o/, George Howard, 1773-1848. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 17. Rej’nolds p. 1786* (as a boy) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 2. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. Les lettres et les arts, (1887) 2:286. Wilkie p. Tayixir, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:34. Jackson i*. Dean eng. countess of, Lady Georgiana Dorothy (Caven- dish) w. of 9th earl, 1783-1858. Ar.mstrono, Rey- nolds (1900) 172. Reynolds p. 1786* (child por. with her mother) L’Art (1893) 54:252. Reynolds p. Ch. Sodcrlund sc. (child por. with her mother) Art i. (1896) 48:365. Richard Cosway p.* (child por. with countess Granville, miniature) Connoisseur (1904) 8:162. J. Russell p.* (child por. pastel) — 10:37. Saunders p.* Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 54. Rey- nolds p.* (with her mother) Foster, 2 duchesses of Devonshire (1898) 105. Reynolds p. 1786* (with her mother) .Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 8. ’ Cosway p.* (child por. with her sister, miniature) Illus. Ijond. news (1892) 100: Feh. 27 sup. p. 2. Reynolds p. 1786* (with her mother) Masters in art. (1900) pt. 7, l:pl. 10. Reynolds p.* (with her CAKLISLE 251 CARLOS mother) Oldfifli>, Harriet, Countess Granville (1901) 125. Kob: Thorburn p. 1853* (miniature) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 68b. K. Coswaj' p.* (child por. with her sister) 10th earl of, George William Frederick How- ard, 1802-64. Bolrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:100. G. Richmond p. Holl eng.* DuAwi.NG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 14. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:665. Foley f.* wdct. (statue, Dublin) Les leitres ct les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie p. Lonsdale, Worthies of Cumber- land- the Howards (1872) front. Oldfield, Harriet, Countess Granville 01^1) R-'’- J- Hayter p.* Saun- ders, Political reformers (1840) 214. H. Cook eng. after p. 12th earl of, George James Howard, 1843- Internat. studio (1903) 21:121. Cockerell f.* (me- dallion) countess of, Bosalind Frances (Stanley) w. of 12th earl. Outlook (1904) 76:64. Sir Anthony, 1768- 1840. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. l:pl. 7. Sir M. A. Shee p. H. Rob'nsi n eng. Tayixir, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:57. Shee p. Robin- sen eng. John Grifidn, 1835- America’s grtst men and women (1894 ) 20. Green bag (1897) 9:349. Har- per’s w. (1882) 26:740. wdct. —(1888) 32:397. Paul Renouard del. wdct. — (1890) 34:412. wdct. —(1893) 27:781. wdct. —37:206, sup. Louis Loeb del. wdct. —(1896) 40:705. wdct. —(1899) 43:841 . — (1900) 44:501. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4:pl. 28.* World’s work (1904) 8:4878.* CABLO ALBEBTO, king of Sardinia, 1798-1849. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:507. Marghinotti di Caniora p. A. Marchi eng.* Alm. de Gotha (1833) pi. 4. Gio. Seronop. Rosma.sler sc. Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration (1883) 479. Marghinotti di Camora p. A. Marchi eng. Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 131. CABLO EMANTJELE III, king of Sardinia, 1701-73. L’Art (1888) 45:57. J. M. Moreau f. L. Lempereur eng. (medal) Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. La Florentina p. C. Roy sc. (jAZ. d. beaux arts (1880) ser. 2, 22:87. wdct. after bust. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2673. Pigeot eng. CABLO FELICE I, king of Sardinia, 1765-1831. Al.m. de Gotha (1828) pi. 3. Boucheron p. Bolt sc. CABLO. See also Carlos, Charles. CABLO, Phoebe, actress. Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 9:179. photo, (as Alice) CABLOMAN I, duke of Austrasia, s. of Charles Martel, 715-755. ’Freille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 43. eng. CABLOMAN II, king of Austrasia, d. 781 . Treille, .Vustrasise reges et duces (1591) 47. eng. CABLOMAN, king of France, 866-884. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. ^t. Fessard eng. L’^Himessin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 27. De L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franf. (1845) 1:128. Steuben p. Oudaille eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 85. Delpech lith. (with Louis III) Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1885) 1:147. statue* (Notre Dame la Blancle, St Denis) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 29. .Boizot del. ^t. Fessard sc. (with Louis HI) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1118. Steuben p. Oudaille eng. (with Louis III) — 13: pi. 12. E. Le- rouge eng. after statue. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 28. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal (with Louis III) CABLONE, Giovanni, 1590-1630. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fanieux peintres (1762) 2:334. eng. CAB LOS I, king of Portugal, 1863- Alm. de Gotha (1891) front. A. and Th. Weger sc. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:5. —(1889) 95:521. —(1895) 107:543.* —(1902) 121:770.* —(1904) 125:679. H. W. Koekkoek del.* — 125:876* (with king Ed- ward VII) PoLiTiKOs, Sovereigns and courts of Eu- rope (1891) 221. C. Butterworth eng. after photo. R. OF rev. (1895) 12:655.* Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:521. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CABLOS I, king of Spain. See Karl V, emperor of Germany. CABLOS II, king of Spain, 1661-1700. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. E. C. Heiss p. Pinssio sc. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:166. N. Visscher eng.* Hassall, Louis XIV (1895) 332. eng. after print.* Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 214. eng.?* Hume, Year after Armada (1896) 291. Claudio Coello p.* Schenk, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 14. P. Schenck ex. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2364. Delannoy eng. CABLOS III, king of Spain, 1716-88. Allg. welt- geschichte (1887) 8:614. Pieter Schenk mezzo. 1703.* — (1889) 9:501. A. R. Mengs p. Rafaello Morghen eng.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Delle Plane p. C. Roy sc. Harper’s mag. (1895) 90:172. Vela.squez p.* Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 2:16. Weigel eng.* Lond. mag. (1763) 32:3. eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:313. Velas- quez p. Page sc. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1^2) 2:319. Ant. Raph. Mengs p. Raphael Morghen sc. Soc. of colonial wars. Mass. Year-bk. (1899) 165. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2671. A. R. Mengs p. Rebel eng. Wright, Eng. under Hou.se of Hanover (1848) 2:13. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature, 1771) CABLOS IV, king of Spain, 1748-1819. Art j. (1903) 55:207. Goya p.* (with his family) La belle assemblee (1811) n. s. 3:59. Robert Cooper eng. (with queen LouLsa Maria) Connoisseur (1902) 2:27. Goya p.* (equestr. por. Prado) Latimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 26. Rothenstein, Goya (1900) pi. 10. Goya p.* (with his family, Prado) CABLOS of Aragon, s. of Juan II, king of Aragon, 1421-61. See Viana, principe de. CAELOS 252 CAELYLE CARLOS, Don, prince of Spain, s. of Felipe 11, 1545-08. Ar.LG. weltgeschichte (1886) 7 :3.55. medal* (Royal coin cab.) B.\llestrf.m, Maria Stuart ( 1889) pi. 5, fig. 28. print ?* (Berlin) Cardereua y Solano, Iconog. e.spanola (1^54) 2: pi. 74. Leoni sc. V. Car- derera dib. F. Kellerhoven lith. (statue) — 2:pl. 77. V. Carderera dib. after p. Bernardo Blanco lith. Gaciiaro, Don Carlos et Philippe II (1863) 1: front. A. S. Coello p. J. Dcmannez sc. Guell y Rente, Pliilippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 44. A. Muraton eng. after p. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1893) 14: pi. 11, fig. 172. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) Philippson, Westcuropa im zcitalter von Philipp II (1882) 171. eng.* — p. 173. medal (Berlin, Royal coin cab.) Prescott, Hist, of the reign of Pliilip II (1874) 2: front. J. Brown eng. after p. ? Stirlino-Maxwell, Cloister life of Charles V (1891)218. Coello p. R. B. Parkes eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) 10: pi. 190(). Sir A. Mor p. A. C. Danois eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:35. Pompeo Lt:oni f.* medal (age 12) — 5:37. Sancbez Cot-llo p. CARLOS, Don, s. of Felipe III, 1607-.32. Bercete, Velasquez (1898) 20. Velazquez p.* (Prado) Knack- fuss Kunstler-monog. (1900) 6:9. Valazquez p.* (Prado) Portfolio (1896) No. 29:33. Velazquez p. T. lluson eng. (Prado) Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (1895) pi. 5. Velazquez p.* (Prado) Velasquez (1903) front. Velasquez p.* (age 14, Prado) (wrongly named Carlos Balthasar) CAJILOS BALTASAR, infante of Spain, s. of Felipe IV’, 1629-46. Art j. (1901) .53:204, 205. Velazquez p.* Beruete, Velasquez (1898) 6, 27. Velazquez p.* (Prado) — p. 79. Velazquez p.* (age 10- 12, Vienna inus.) — p. 81,83. Velazquez p.* (age 6, Prado) Cent. (1904) 46:695. Velasquez p. Timothy Cole eng. 1903* (equestr. child por. Prado) Con- noisseur (190.3) .5:230. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 23:117. V’elazquez p. wdct. (Madrid mus.) Die graphischen kunstc (1882) 4:70. Velazquez p. Th. Knesing (equestr. por.) Harper’s mag. (1895) 90:938. Velazquez p.* (equestr. por.) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 6:20, 23, 24. Velazquez p.* Lafarge, Great masters (1903) 175. Velasquez p.* (equestr. child por. Prado) — 176. Vela-squez p.* (child with a dwarf, Bost. mus.) McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:. 501. Velasquez p.* (equestr. child por. Prado) — 19:509. Velas- quez p.* (child with a dwarf, Bost. mus.) — (1904) 23:303. Vclasouez p.* (equestr. por) Mag. of art (1883) 6:84. Velasques p. wdct. (equestr. por.) Masters in art (1900) pt. 3, l:pl. 4. VVlasquez p.* (equestr. por.) Pall Mall mag. (1904) .34:23, 28. Velasquez p.* Portfolio (1896) no. 28:. 50, .57. Velasquez p.* — no. 29: front. Velazquez p.* (Prado) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pis. 1157, 1175, 1181. Velasquez p.* (Prado) — (1899) 12: pi. 1592. Velasquez p. 163.5* (age 6, Prado) — 12: pi. 1618. Velasquez p. 1639* (H*ig>'e mus.) Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (1895) 66. Velasquez p.* (age 14, Prado) — p. KX), pi. 18. Velas- quez p.* (Prado) Vela-squez 590.3) 6. Velasquez p.* (child por. Prado) — p. 1 1 . Velasquez p.* (equestr. child por. Prado) — p. 44. Velasquez p.* (with his dwarf) — p. 53. Velasquez p.* — p. 64. Velasquez p.* (Hague mus.) CARLOS, Don, infante of Spain, count of Molina, s. of Carlos IV, 1788-18.55. Al.m. de Gotha (1836) pi. 6. Minez del. Carl Mayersc. La belle assembl6e (1811) n. s. 3:171. Robert Cooper eng. (with brother and sister) Hume, Mod. Spain (19(XJ) .T29. eng.* CARLOS Don, duke of Madrid, pretender as Carlos VI 1, 1848- Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:628.* L’Art (1878) 14:112. L. Bonnat p. L. Lecouleux sc. IIaiu’er’s mag. (1872) 45:882. Abbey del. eng. Har- per’s w. (187.3) 17:797. wdct. —(1885) 29:800. wdct. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 509. Bonnat etch.* Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:281. wdct. (with his staff) — (1894) 104:.543.* Latimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 196. Tullbero, Fiirstcnhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 103. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. Van- ity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 3. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARLOS. See also Carlo, Charles. CARLOTTA (of Belgium), empress of Mexico, w. of Maximilian, 1840- Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:223. Saintin del. Durand lith.* Alm. de Gotha (1861) pi. 3. Carl Mayer sc. Art j. (1857) 9:226. F. X. Winterhalter p. 1855. D. Desvachez eng. (age 15) Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 390. Saintin del. Durand lith. Cent. (1898) 33:423. Hall, Roy. gall, of art 2: pi. 20. Winterhalter p. Des- vachez sc. (age 14) Harper’s w. (1857) 1 : 561. wdct. —(1864) 8:269. wdct. —(1865) 9:. 573. wdct. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1 :68.5.* Tullbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (18^) 1:75. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:462. Lindegren del after photo. Wiiiteiiall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 49. lith. CARLTON, A. B. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:.397. wdct. William T. artist. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:684. CARLYLE, Alexander, n. o. 1722-1805. Kay Grig. por. (1877) l:pls. 29, :30. John Kay f. 1789. .1/r.s Alexander (Mary Carlyle Aitkin). Cent. (1899) 35:325.* in 1874. Mrs Jane (Welsh) w. of Thomas, 1801-66. Bookman (1903) 17:340. Critic (1895) 27:411. — (1903) 42:. 503. K. Macleay p. wdct. (miniature) — 42:. 506. wdct. after photo. 18.54. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:265. Samuel Laurence p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:253. K. Macleay p. R. Henkel eng.* (miniature) Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:893. Harper’s w. (1903) 47 : 1184. eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99 : 146. Lamp (1903) 26:391. K. Macleay p.* (miniature) Literature (1901) 9: 125. Macleay p. 1826 (miniature) — (1901) 9 : 130. Mrs Carlyle f. Mag. of art (1899) 23:3114. S. Laurence p.* Molloy, Sailor king (1903) 2:. 563. K. Macleay p.* (miniature) John, bro. of Thomas, 1801-79. Cent. (1899) 3.5:. 325* (in 1874) Mrs Margaret (Aitken), m. of Thomas Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:249. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:892. CARLYLE 253 CARNAC Thomas, 1795-1881. Acad. (1897) 51:. 524. Mil- lais p.* (Nat. por. gall.) — (1899) 56:687. Ape f.* (caricature from Vanity fair, 1870) L’Art (1879) 16:214. Bw'hm sc. John Watkins des. (statue) Art j. (1878) 30:217. Boehm sc. E. Uoffe eng. (statue) — 0882) 34:7. Mrs Allingham p. C. O. Murray etch, (age 80) Bai.dry, Millais (1899) 58. Millais p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Balix)u’s pictorial (1858) 15:380. eng. after photo. Beli,, Representative painters of 19th cent. (1899) 49. Whistler p.* Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 16. Alf. Croquis del.* (Fraser gall.) Bolton, Fam. Eng. au. (1890) 195. Book buyer (1896) 13:521 Millais p.* (from Lang’s life of Lockhart) — (1900) 20:361. Maeli.se del.* Bookman (1897) 6:98.* (with his brother and niece) — 6:280.* — (1901) 12:480. Watts p.* Ca.meron, Tcnny.son and his friends ( 1893) pi. 7.* Campbell’s for. m. mag. (1844) 5: 139. Count d’Orsay del. J. Sartain eng. Carlyle, Works, Cent. ed. (1896) 1: front. Lawrence p. J. C. Armitage sc. ■ — (1898) 10: front, eng. afterphoto. 1854. — 20:front. Millais p.* CARY,Browning (1899) 104. CARY,Tenny- son(1898)78.* CASSELL,Nat.por.gall.l: 121. lith. after photo. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2: 153. Whistler p. 18721* (poss. corporation of Glasgow) Cent. (1886) 11:229. Boehm sc.* (statue) — (1899) 35:325* (in 1874) Critic (1881) 1:65. eng. (Maclise gall.) —(1895) 27:411. —(1899) 35:682. Mrs Allingham del.* — (190.3) 43:504. Watts p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:265. (3 por.)* — 2:;J03. Watts p. 1869.* Eclectic mag. (18.52) 27:433. Sartain eng. after da- guerr. — (1875) 84:641. J. J. Cade eng. Farrar, Men I have known (1897) 273.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3)4:249.* —4:2.50. Millais f.* —4:251 Lawrence del. J.C. Army tage eng.* — 4: 2.53. *(in 1854.) — 4:255. death mask* (Chelsea pub. lib.) — 4:256. Whistler del. lith.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:37. Boehm sc. wdet. (statue) — (1.S97) ser. 3, 18:99. Millais p. (Nat. por. gall.) Harper’s mag. (1850) 1:586. Avery sc. —(1881) 62:889,* 891.* IIarper’s w. (1858) 2:737. wdet. — (1865) 9:708. wdet. —(1876) 20:640. wdet. —(1881) 25:117. wdet. Henley, Cent, of artists (1889) 7. Boehm sc. Hector Chalmers del. (statue) Hole, For. Edin- burgh univ. (1884) pref. p. 17. W. Hole sc. (group) Hcbbard. Little jour, good men (1895) 30. A. W. Smith eng. after original.* li.i.us. Loud, news (1864) 45:177. R. C. Woodville del. wdet. — 45:180.* (in 1862.) —45:261. —(1881) 78: 152. eng. after photo. — (1892) 100:176. Watts p.* Intern.at. studio (HX)3) 20:16. Alphonse Lt-gros f.* (medal) Lamp (1903) 26:387. drawing. Lang, Life of Lockhart (1897)2:242. Millais p.* Literature (1901) 9: 124- 127. (3 por.) — 9: Aug. 10, sup. pi. 14. R. Bryden eng.* McClure’s rnag. (1893) 2:59.* Mackintosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 310. Maclise gall. (1873) KXl. Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del. Mag. of art (1884) 7:76. Woollier f. wdet. (medallion) — 7:77. Whistler p. wdet. — 7:79. G. Howard del. wdet. — 7:80. Legros etch. wdet. — 7:81. Watts p. wdet. — 7:82. Boehm sc. wdet. (statue) — (1895) 18:431. medallion.* — (1899) 23:356. Mrs Allingham del.* — (1900)24:225. T. Woolner f. (medallion) — (1903) 28:9. Whistler p. W. I. Mo.sses eng. (Glasgow city art gall.) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:229. Millais 1. Walker eng. New Eng. mag. (189.3) n. s. 9:475. Outlook (1897) 57:51.* —(1899)61:548. Watts p.* —(1900)66:801. Whistler p.* —66:326. Watts p.* Pall ih\LL mag. (1900) 21:289. Whistler p.* R. of rev. (1903) 28:175. Whistler p. 1872* (Corporation gall. Glasgow) Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 111. Eyre Crowe del. Strange, Colour-prints of Japan (1904) 76. Whistler f.* (Gla.sgow gall.) Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 12. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Werck- MEISTER, l)a.s 19te jahrhundert in bildni.ssen (1899) 3:455, 459, pi. 321-323 (5 pors.)* Wheatley, Hist. i)or. (1897) 232. Whistler p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8: 143. Bohm sc.* (bust) CA.B.MACK, Edward Ward, u. s. senator, 1858- R. OF rev. (1904) 29:144. CARMAGNOLA, Francesco Bussone, 1390- 1432. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 41. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml.d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:210, fig. 68. p.* (coll, archduke F'erdinand von Tirol) CABMAN, Albert, 1833- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:781. wdet. Bliss, poet, 1861- Bookman (1895) 2:93.* —(1897)4:407. —(1900) 11:521. —(1904) 19:115. Ryan del. (caricature) Cath. world (1895) 61:796. Cent. (1900) 38:822. Theodora W. Thayer p.* (min- iature) CuAP-book (1896) 5:352. Dawson Wat.son del. eng. Critic (1896) 29: 164. —(1902) 40: 155. Robert Bryden eng.* — (1903) 42:397.* Outlook (1901) 67:780. T. W. Thayer p.* (miniature) CABMARTHEN, title. See title Leeds. CABME, Pierre, billiard player. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:193. wdet. CABMEN SYLVA, pseud, of Elisalieth, queen of Roumania. See Elizabeth. CARMENCITA, Span, dancer. Harper’s w.(1890) 34:456. J. S. Sargent p. wdet. Sargent, Works (1903) front. Sargent p.* World’s work (1903) 7:4112. Sargent p.* CARMICHAEL, Eleanor Margaret Gibson, aflw. w. of Alexander Begbie, d. 1883. Ar.m.strong, Raeburn (1901) 92. Raeburn p.* (child por. ) George S. 1827-78. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:617. James, inventor, 1776-185;i. Illus. Lond. news (1876 ) 69:245. J. llutchinson sc. wdet. (statue, Dundee) Lady, Janet Maitland (Dundas) w. of Sir Thomas 7th hart. d. 1814. Arm.strong, Raeburn (1901)25. Raeburn p. 1812.* CARMICK, Daniel, d. 1816. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1962) pi. 226. St Memin del. & eng.* CARMONTELLE (Louis Corrogis) painter, 1717-1806. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 28:434. Carmontelle del.* (Cond6 mus. Chantilly) CARNAC, Mrs Elizabeth (Rivett) 1751-80. Collins, Reynolds (1874) pi. 14. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith eng. Connoisseur (1901) 1 : 183. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith eng.* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 3: pi. 72. Reynolds p. 1778. J. R. Smith sc.* CARNAHAN 254 CARNOT Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) 82. Reynolds p. Smith eng. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:671. Rejmolds p.* Mauqcand coll. (1902) pi. 1428. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith mezzo.* Pall Mall mag. (1893) 1:295. Reynolds p.* Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 48. Reynolds p. Smith sc. CARNAHAN, James, 1775-1859. Princeton book (1879) 52. Princeton univ. mem. book (1898) 4as. p.* CARNARVON, 1st earl of, Robert Dormer, d.l643. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2, pt. 1:349. VaiKh'ke p. Michael Van dcr Gucht sc. — (1843) 1:430. Vand 3 'ke p. II. Robinson eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 5: pi. 20. Vandyke p. II. Robinson eng. countess of, Lady Aima Sophia (Herbert), w. of 1st earl. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4: pi. 5. Van Dyck p.* (with her brother) Verney fam. (1894) 3:246. Vandyck p.* Sd earl of, James Brydges, 1673-1744. See Chandos, 1st duke of. 7th earl of, Heriry George Herbert, 1772-1833. Reynolds, Engravings, l:pl.84. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1776. S. W. Reynolds eng. (child por.) William- so.N, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90.6. An- drew Plimer p.* (miniature) 9th earl of, Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 1831-90. Balcii, Glimpses of old EnglLsh homes (18fX)) 199. G. Richmond del. I860.* Ewald, Bea- consfield and his times (1882) 2:21. E. Stodart eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:169. wdet. — (1885) 29:401. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:364. wdet. after photo. —(1885) 86:651.* —(1890) 97:15.* Men of mark (1880) 4:pl. .34. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 31. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 16. lith. 10th earl of, George Edward Stanhope Moly- neux Herbert, 1866- Baily’s mag. (1899) 71:319. W. II. Mote sc. after photo. CARNAVALET, Francois de Kernevenoy de, 1520-71. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) 10: pi. 1956. A. Geille eng. after p. Mme Fran 9 oise (delaBaume-Montrevel) de, w. of Francois, fl. 1.578. Bouciior, Dames du 16® sifecle (1888) 46. del.* CARNEADES, philosopher, fl. 155 B. C. Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (ItXK)) Ifg. 51: pi. 50.5, .506. bust* (Roy. mus. Copenhagen) Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (11^) 6, pt. 2:t-p. eng. after bust. CARNEGIE, Andrew, 1835- A.merica’s grtst men and women (1894) 128. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1902) ser. 3, 7:96.* Bolton, Fam. givers (1^96) 58. Bcx)k buver (1888) 5:134. B(K)k.uan (1903) 17:120. C. de fornaro del.* (caricature) Connois- seur (1904) 8:17. G. W. de Saulles eng.* (medal) Critic (1899) 3.5:778.* — (1901) 39:12. caricature* from Punch. Harper’s w. (19()4) 48:401. Fornaro del.* (caricature) Illus. Lond. news(llX)l) 118:746.* McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:438-439. various por.* Outlook (1901) 67:76.5. Pop. sci. m. (1901) 59:5. R. OF rev. (1904) 29: 138. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 94. Oulcss p.* Vanity fair album (1903) 35; pi. 898. Spv del. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1901) 1:.^,629. Lady [David], Agnes Murray (Elliot) 1763- 1860. Ar.mstrono, Raeburn (1901) 28. Raeburn p.* CARNEGIE family name. See also titles Northesk; Southesk. CARNEGY, Patrick Alexander Watson, cap- tain, 1836- Baily’s mag. (1885) 44:375. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. CARNEIRO DE CAMPOS, Josd Joaquim, 1768-1836. See Caravellas, marquez de. CARNELLY, Thomas, 1853-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:295. CARNES, John, 1698-1760. Roberts, Hist. Anc. and hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:49. CARNEY, John V. Vt. centen. com. Dedica- tion ... of the Bennington monument (1892) 64. Mrs Julia A. (Fletcher) author, 1832?- Critic (1903) 42:16.* CARNIELO, Rinaldo, sculptor. Art j. (1893) 45:288. CARNOCHAN, Janet, Canadian writer, 1839- Cath. world (1896) 63:783. John Murray, surgeon, 1817-87. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:477. wdet. —(1887) 31:816. wdet. CARNOT, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, 1753- 1823. Allo. weitgeschichte (1887) 10:199. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (18^) 4:110. Alp. Boilly sc. Brougham, Statesmen of time of George III ( 1 839) 2 : 2.59. W . H . Mote eng. Cent. ( 1 895) 27:487. Lt'juene p.* Craik, Pict. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7 :451. W. H. ^iote eng. Gal. hist, de la r^v. franc, ph 15. IcoNiXi. des contemp. (1832) 1 : pi. 49. Maurai&se del. ? Delpech lith. Long, France and its rev. (18.50) 345. Mote eng. Marti.n, Hist, de France depuis 1789 (1884) 3:front. J. .Masson 1 sc. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1 :.599. from Mem. sur Carnot par son fils.* Pop. sci. m. (1902)62: 120. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un jample, 2: pi. 11. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk ( 1894) 4 : pi. 104. F. Bonneville p. J. B. Compagnie sc. Sloane, N'a(X)leon (1896) 1:121. Lejeune p. R. G. Tietzeeng. TARDiEU,Gtfn. franc. 1 :pl- 54. Forestiersc. Nicolas Leonard Sadi, militarv engineer, 1796- 1832. Pop. sci. m. ( 1902) 62:118. Sadi, pres, of the French republic, 1837-1894. .\i.M. de Gotha (18S9) front. A. and Th. Wegcr sc. .\ppleton’s ann. cyclop. (1887) 12:288. V. Gribayc- dolT del. (etching) L’Art (1889) 47:207. J. C. Chap- lain f.* (medal) — (1891) 50:1. .\llx>rt Ardail del. 1889 & sc. Cent. (1897) 32:648. Dayot, Salon of 18‘X),2. L. Bonnat p. 1890.* lOiEMEsidcle (1901) 159. Bonnatp.* GRAND-Cartcret,XIXesi6cle(1893) 107.* Harper’s w. (1887) 31:896. wdet. — (1893) 37:4. wdet. — (1894) 38:624. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:675.* —(1894) 104:80.5. Latimer, CARNOT 255 CARPEAUX France in 19th cent. (1892) 424. Llbox, Mod. France (1898) 390. Muel, Ciouvernements de la France (1895) 464.* Pall Mall mag. (1894) 3:230. Clinton Peters del. ? 1893.* Paris salon (1890) 22. Bonnat p.* R. of rev. (1891) 3:573. — (1894) 10:142. Vanity fair album (1889) 21:pl. 569. lith. after caricature. Mme Sadi (Marie Pauline Cecile Dupont- White) 1843-98. L’Art (1889) 46:183. Amelie Beaury-Saurel p. & del. Pall Mall mag. (1894) 3:238.* CAPO, Elme Marie, 1826-87. Revue illus. (1887) 4:104. Florian sc. after photo. CAPOLINE, queens and princesses. DENMARK Caroline Matilda (of Gt. Brit.) queen, w. of Christian VII, 1751-75. Ali.g. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:617. La belle assembl6e (1808) 4:99. M. A. Bourlier eng. Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:424. Rej’nolds p.* Lady’s mag. (1772) 3: front. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) l:pref. p. 13& pl.2, PederAlsp.* ONCKEN,Zeitalter Fnedricns des Grossen (1882) 2:466. eng.* (from Keith’s Mem. and corresp. v. 1) Caroline Amalie, queen, w. of Christian VIII, 1796-1881. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:28. C. W. Eckersberg p. 1840* (with Christian VIII) ENGLAND (gt. BRIT.) Caroline Wilhelmina, queen, w. of George II, 1683-1737. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:24.5. p * (2 por.) He.ath’s book of beauty (1848) 128. J. W. Wright p. J. Brown eng. Henderson, Side lights on Eng. hist. (1900) 246. contemp. por.* Jesse, Mem. of the court of Eng. (1843) 2: front. Kneller p. John Cook sc. (with her son William, duke of Cum- berland) Por. illus. Waverley novels, pi. 6. Kneller p. R. Cooper eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6:pl. 53. p.* 'Thomson, Mem. (1850) 2:front. eng. Wilkins, Caroline the Illustrious (1901) l:front. 70, 284. Kneller p.* — 2: front.* (with the duke of Cum- berland) Caroline (of Brunswick) queen, w. of George IV, 1764-1821. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1822) 4 :118. Alp. Boilly sc. La belle assembl^e (1806) 1, pt. 1:65. Sir William Bccchy p. Scriven eng. — (1813) n. s. 7:99. Beechey f. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:119. James Lonsdale p.* — 2:119. Lawrence p.* European mag. (1813) 63:275. Nolle- kens sc. J. Taylor eng. (bust) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4:pl. 36. Philip Jean p. 1794.* (minia- ture) ■ Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 156. Lawrence p.* (with princess Charlotte, Windsor) H.amilton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 102. Schroeder eng.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:520. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:July 21, sup. (with princess Char- lotte) L-vdy’s mag. (1795) 26:8. eng. after minia- ture. — 26:157. eng. — (1807) 38:. 59. Heath sc. L.vDiEs’m. mus. (1800) 4: 1. Schiavonetti sc. — (1807) n. s. 2:1. W.M. Craig p. Mackenzie sc. — 0820) 12:1. T. C. Wageman p. Woolnoth eng. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:48. Lonsdale p.* !Mag. of art (1897) 21:83. R. Cosway p.* (miniature) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. pior. 6:pl. 52. Lawrence p.* (with princess Charlotte) Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 52. A. W. Devis p. W. Say sc. 1820. Caroline Elizabeth, princess, dau. of George II, 1713-57. Wilkins, Caroline the Illustrious (1901) 2:348. NAPLES Caroline, queen, w. of Ferdinand IV, 1752 1-1814. La BELLE assemble (1807) 2:227. M. A. Bourlier eng. after p. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 11:248. Augustin p. L. Flameng eng. (miniature) Ladies’ m. mus. (1807) n. s. 3:241. W. M. Craig p. Mackenzie f. Masson, Marie Louise (1902) 2, fig. 2. miniature.* — p. 8. Mme Vig^e le Brun p. Paget papers (1896) 1:214. Caroline Bonaparte, queen, w. of Joachim Murat, 1782-1839. See Bonaparte, Caroline. SAXONY Caroline (of Wasa) queen, w. of Albert, 1833- Alm. dc Gotha (1867) front. Carl Mayer sc. Crowned heads of the time (1880) 13. photo. Illus. Lond. new? (1898) 112:573.* Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:315. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. —(1899)2:709. CARON, Antoine, painter, 1520-98. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16® si^le (1856) 2: pi. 1. eng. after drawing, 1592. Sir Joseph Philippe Rene Adolphe, 1843- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:168. lith. M me Rose (Meuniez) singer, 1857- Les lettres et les arts (1886) 1:316. 'Toulmouche f. Paris salon (1898) 4. L. Bonnat p.* Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:351. eng. CARONDELET, Fer^ (Ferjeux) archdeacon of Besan^on. Masters in art (1904) 5, pt. 49: pi. 3. Fra Bartolommeo p.* (figure in The Madonna of Ferry Carondelet, Besan^on cathedral) Fran 9 ois Louis de, 1753- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:38. Labadye del. Masquelier sc. Jean, 1469-1544. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Raphael p. G. Benoist eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1862) 12:261. Holbein f. Sotain eng. — (1894) ser. 3, 11:353. S^bastien del Piombo p. N. de Larmessin eng. Intern at. studio (1903) 19:226. S. Luciano p. J. C. Le Blon print.* Reber u. Baj-- ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1895) 7:pl. 873. Quentin Massys? p.* — (1899) ll:pl. 1556. Quentin Massis p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 198. Raphael? p. G. Benoist sc. Velly, IIist.de France (1770) 10:369. Raphael? p. G. Benoist sc. CARPACCIO, Vittore, painter, 14.50 ?-1522? Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 3. Giovanni Bellini del.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 82. eng. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 146. p.* CARPEATJX, Jean Baptiste, sculptor, 1827-75. L’Art (1876) 4:306. J. B. Carpeaux sc. A. Lan^on des. (bust) — 5:226. Francis de Saint Vidal sc. CARPEAUX 256 CARR Bichard dcs. Gillot sc. (bust) — (1894)58:147. Car- pcau.\ sc.* (bust) — ^:205. Saint Vidal sc. Gillot sc. (bust) — (1901) 60:.567. Hard sc.* (bust) Cl.\retie, Peintrcs et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:169. L. Massard sc. Focunel, Artistes fran?. contemp. (1884) 417. Gillot sc. Gaz. d. l)eau.x arts (1876) ser. 2, 13:593. Laguillermie f. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:. 501. eng. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19;.586. Carpcaux sc. (bust) — n. s. 19:.599. M. Ber- nard sc. (bust) Paris salon (1903) 383. L. Fagel sc.* (bust) Mine Jean Baptiste. L’Art (1876) 4:307. J. B. Carpcaux sc. Lanfon des. (bust) CABPENTER, Lady Almeria, dau. of 1st earl of Tvivoiiih I. d. 1809. Lond. mag. (1774) 43:260. Page sc. Marquaxd coll. (1902) 31. John Hoppner p.* Alonzo P. 1829-98. Green bag (1890) 2:485.* Southern N. H. bar assoc. Pub. (1893) 1, pt. 2:87.* Benjamin Platt, n. y. state senator, 1837- Harper ' s w. (1882) 26:620. wdct. Charles Carroll, u. s. n. 1834-99. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:333. wdct. » Cyrus Clay, gov. of Iowa, 1829-98. Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1:574. —(1900) ser. 3, 4:437. lith. 1875.* Daniel, police inspector, 1815 ?-66. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:.%9. wdct. Elisha, 1824- Biog. encyc. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 62. eng. Green bag (1890) 2:434.* Francis Bicknell, 1830-1900. Book buyer (1902) 24:283. in 1866. G. M. Southern N. H. bar assoc. Pub. (1895) 1, pt. 4:361.* George B. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:480. George Moulton, 1844-96. Green bag (1890) 2:533.* George O. 1829-96. Roberts, Hist. anc. and hon. artilT. co. (1901) 4:46. George Rice, 1863- Bookman (1903) 18:179.* Louis Henry, brig. gen. 1839- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:497. Mary, philanthropist, 1807-77. Illus. I>ond. news (1877) 71:20. wdct. after photo. Matthew Hale, u. s. senator, 1824-81. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 78. eng. Green bag (1894) 6:441. bust. Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:692.* Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:173. wdct. Stott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 125. Philo, 180.5-86. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:640. eng. Mason, Early Chicago and 111. (1890) 102. H. B. Hall eng. Sarah C. of Brooklyn. Harper’s w. (1884) 2S:6t>7. wdct. Waldo B. 2d u. s. artilleiy. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1065. wdct. WiUiam Benjamin, 1813-85. Eclectic mag. (1875)85:257. J.J. Cade eng. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:625.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:148. wdct. after photo. — (1885) 87:559. Men of mark (1883) 7:5. photo. Pop. sci. m. (1872) 1:745. — dS86) 28:. 5^. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen(1899)3:pl.307.* YEAR-bk.of facts(1873) front. W. H. Mote eng. after photo. William Boyd, bp. of Ripon, 1841- Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2: 49.* Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84: 520. —(1900) 117:456.* —(1901) 119:228.* —(1903) 122:345.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 100.* Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 68. II. T. Wells p.* CARPENTIER, Madeleine, French painter, 1865- L’Art (1894) 57: 136. CARPI, principe di, Alberto Pio di Savoia, d. 1536. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:368. eng. Girolamo da, 1501-56. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 142. eng. CARPUE, John Constantine, 1764-1846. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 1. Stump p.* CARPY, Charles, of Calif. Depew, 100 }*rs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:401. eng. after photo. CARPZOV, Benedikt, the younger, 1595-1666. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18^) pi. 63. eng. CARR, Dr, u. s. N. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 623. St Memin del & eng. 1810.* Lady Anne, dau. of 1st earl of Somerset, 1615-84. See Bedford, countess of. Benjamin, musician, d. 1831. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 186. J. C. Darley p. J. Sartain eng. Elias, gov. of N. C. 1839-1900. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:634. wdct. —(1893) 37:1085. wdct. Eugene Asa, general, 1830- Harper’s w. (1892) .36:730. wdct. Gene, comic artist. Bookman (1902) 16:269.* Joseph A. lieutenant, rough rider. Scribner’s mag. (189?)) 2.5:426. photo. Joseph Bradford, general, 1828-95. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:693. wdct. —(1883) 27:616. wdct. Joseph William Com 3 ms, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (18?)2) 100:5.59.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl. .5.56. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Peter, planter of Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 604. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Philip Comyns. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) ,55:78. Burne-Jones p.* (child por.) Robert James, bp. of Worcester, 1774-1841. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1810) v. 2. G. Hayter f. T. A. Dean eng. Taylor, Nat. pwr. gall. (1846) 3:127. Hayter p. Dean eng. Thomas, robber, d. 1737. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:166. eng. WUliam Holwell, art connois.seur, 1758-1830. Ward, Eng. art (1887) 1:44. John Jackson p.* CARR 257 CARRIES William Wilkins, p. m. of Phila. 1853- Har- per’s w. (1893) 37 : 592. wdct. CARR family name. See aho title Somerset. CARRA-SAENT-CYR, comle, Jean Fran 9 oiSi 1756-1834. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4 : 132. Fremy del. et sc. CARRACCI, Agostino, 1.557-1002. Uezallier d’Argenville, \'ie des plus fameu.x peintres (1762) 2:57. eng. Dreu.x du Racier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. Augustino Carracci p. P. Simon sc. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:264. P. Romagnoli eng. Mot’cKE, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 9. Gio. Dom. Campig- lia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Annibale, 1560-1609. Art j. (1870) 22:369. Biog. mag. 1.(1794). II. Caraccip. Rothwellsc. Cor- ner, Por. of celeb, painters (182.5) pi. 25. Caracci p. John Corner sc. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:67. eng. Dreux du Racier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Annibale Car- racci p. A. Clowe sc. Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 15. I. Girtin eng. Gall, of great artists (1877) 26. Caraccip.* Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 8. Caracci p. G. Cooke sc. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:264. P. Romagnoli eng. Mongez, Gal. do Flor- ence et du palais Pitti (1804) 2: pi. 17. Carracci p. Blot eng. Mot'cKE, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 14. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk(1894)2:pl. 18. Carracci p. C.Townleysc. Antonio Marziale, 1583-1618. MoPcke, Ri- tratti (1754) 2:pl. 41. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. ^LtLVASIA, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:369. eng. Francesco (Franceschino), 1595-1622. Moucke, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 53. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Lodovico, 1565-1619. Dezallier d’Argen- ville, Vie des plus fameu.x peintres (1762) 2:46. eng. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:264. P. Romag- noli eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 1. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:169. CARRANZA, Bartolomd de, 1503-76. Stirling- Maxwell, Cloister life of Charles V (1891) 304. J. Barcelon f. R. B. Parkes eng. (print) CARRAO, JoSo da Silva, 1814- Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:71. A. Sisson lith. 1858. CARRARA, Francesco I da (il Vecchio) d. 1393. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1897) 18: pi. 21, fig. 2. medal 1390.* Francesco II da (Novello), d. 1406. Jiird. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18: pi. 21, fig. 1. medal.* CARRASCO, Antonio. Harper’s w. (1873) 17 :945. wdct. CARR^, Albert, 18.52- Internat. studio (1899) 7:29. A. Charpentier f.* (medal) CARREL, Armand, 1800-36. L’.\rt (1882) 28:183. David d’Angers f. 1819 (medallion) — G894) 59, pt. 1 : 101. David d’Angers f.* (medallion) Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6;pl. 14. Pauquet del. Rosotte sc. Jean Antoine, 1829- Cunningham and Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 197.* CARRElJO, Mme Teresa, 1853- Critic (1901) 38:307. silhouette.* Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1CK2. CARRERA, Jose Miguel de, 1782-1815. Win- SOR, \ar. and crit. hist. (1889) 8:326. L. F. Rojas sc. eng. (from Arana’s Hist, de Chile) CARRiiRE, John. St Memin,Co 11. of por. (1862) pi. 327. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* John Merven, architect, 1858- Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1223. Outlook (1901) 68:51. CARRETTO, Fabrice, d. 1.521. Vertot d’Au- BtEUF, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:418. Cars sc. Ilaria del. Mag. of art (1880) 3:97. Jacopo della Quercia sc. wdct. (effigy, Lucca) CARRICK-BUCHANAN. See Buchanan. CARRIER, Jean Baptiste, 1756-94. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 50. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 273. Bonneville p. Yan d’Argent del. Cordier sc. Revolution fran?. (1801) 2: pi. 10. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la rdv. fran?. (1804) 3: pi. 34. Levachez sc. CARRIER-BELLEUSE, Albert Ernest, .sculp- tor, 1824-87. L’Art (1877) 10:36. F. Cormon p. Damman sc. Montrosier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 57. eng. CARRIERA, Rosalba, 1674-1757. L’Art (1878) 12:41. Carriers p. J. B. Laurens p. after pastel. B^nard des. — (1888) 45:127. Gio. D. Campiglia del. Filter eng. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 1:314. Flipart sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Rosa Alba p. B. L^pici4 sc. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) Rosa- Alba Carriers p. eng. Gall, nazionali ital. (1898) 4:28. Rosalba p. F. Bartolozzi sc. — 4:38. minia- ture 1705.* — 4:42. Rosalba p. 1715.* — 4:50,64, 80, 86 (various por.) Les lettres et les arts (1886) 4:36. Dom. Campiglia del. Filter eng. Moucke, Ri- tratti (1762) 4:pl. 41. Dom. Campiglia del. M. Pieter sc. Portfolio (1895) no. 18:79. .\ntoine Watteau f. J. M. Listard eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 45. R. Carriera p.* Yriarte, V’eniso (1878) 171. Rosalba p.* CARRlilRE, Eugene, 1849- Mag. of art (1898) 22:554. Carrifere p.* — (1902) 26:450. Carri^re p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst. (1903) 14:183. Carri6re p.* Jeanne Fran 9 oise Adelaide, 1743-1820. L’Art (1891) 51:149. Houdon f.* (2 busts) CARRiilS, Jean, sculptor, 1856-94. L’Art (1887) 43:10. Louise Breslau p. & del. Michelet sc. Cent. (1895) 27:751. Jean Carries sc.* (bust) 24288—06 17 CARRIXGTOX 258 CARS CARRINGTON, Lord, Scotch judge, 1616-79. See Primrose, Sir Archibald. 1st baron, Robert Smith, 1752-1838. Graves and Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:960. Reynolds p.* 1st earl, Charles Robert Wynn-Carington, 1843- Baily’s mag. (1873) 23:311. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illcs. Lond. news (1881) 78:53.* —(1888) 93:332. —(1892) 100:321.* —(1895) 107:430.* —(1901) 118:412.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6;pl. 161. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Albert, Mormon apostle, 1813- Harper’s w. (1877)21:7Sl.wdct. Sir Codrington Edmund, 1769-1849. Athe.v- ifM club, Por. (1836) 2:pl. 14. lith. Lady [Codrington Edmund]. See Capel, Miss. Edward, 1749-1810. Green bag (1891) 3:551. etch.* Sir Frederick, maj. general, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:566. Julius M. Price del.* —(1896) 108:515.* —(1897) 110:182.* —(1900) 116:77.* So. African p>or. gall. (1897) 26. Henry Beebee, general, 1824- Book buyer (1898) 17:186. Sir John Worrell, 1847- Illcs. Lond. news (1897) 110:57.* Yates, artist. Mao. of art (1892) 15:324. CARRODUS, John Tiplady, violinist, 1836-95. Illcs. Lond. news (1895) 107:70.* Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:98. W. H. Bartlett p.* CARROLL, if iss, of Baltimore. Mag. of art (1894) 17:185. Emile Wauters p.* Charles, of Carrollton, 1737-1830. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:639. Atkinso.n’s casket (1838) 385. Field p. J. B. Longacre eng. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 169. Bowen, Centennial Wash- ington’s inaug. (1892) (12 por.) Brocgiiam, States- men (1839) 2:193. C. Harding p. W. H. Mote eng. after print by Longacre. Cath. world (1876) 23:537. medal. —(1897) 65:495. Ce.nt. (1903) 43:908. p.I after Gilbert Stuart.* (Maryland hist, soc.) Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1 : 199. Harding p. Durand eng. wdct. Ford, Great words (1898) 56. Gle.n.n, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:347. Harding p. eng.* Green bag (1899) 11:266. p.?* Harland, More colonial home- steads (1899) 2€i8 Hart, Browere's life masks (1899) 60. J. H. 1. Browere f * (age 88) Longacre and Her- ring, Nat. por. gall. (1837) l:pl. 3. Harding p. A. B. Durand eng. McClcre’s mag. (1897) 9. 10.^. J. H. I. Browere f. 1826.* eng. (age f§, life mask) — (1901) 17:224. Peale p.* (Independence hall, Phila.) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:15. eng. —(1889) 22:353. C. L. Hogeboom f.* (study) Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) l:pl. 5. Harding p. A. B. Du- rand eng. St Memin, Coll, of por. (18€2) pi. 332. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* J/rs Charles fMary Damall) Bowen, Cen- tennial Washington inaug. (1892) 99. R. £. Pine f. (group) Charles, ;>. Harland, More colonial home- steads (1899) 259. Rembrandt Peale p.* St Memin, Coll, of f)or. (1862) pi. 333. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* Mrs Charles, i Harriet Chew) Bowe:n, Centennial Washin^on inaug. (1892) 2i64. Trumbull f. (age 18) Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:3^. J. Trumbull p. eng.* Griswold, Republican court (1855) 355. Trumbull p. eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:565. wdct. Daniel, m. c. 1756-1829. Bowen, Centennial Washington inaug. (1892) 437. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 301. Rosenthal etch.* James, M.D. c. s. v. 1854- Cent. (1903)44:887.* John, R. c. abp. of Baltimore, 1735-1817. Cent. (1903)43:908. Gilbert Stuart p.* Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 89. Stuart p. eng. from O’Shea’s Lives of deceased bps. Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:674. eng. John, R. c. bp. of Shrewsburv, 1838-97. Merry Eng. (1893) 22:1. John F. Tammany politician. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:438. John Lee, gov. of Md. 1830- Harland, More colonial homesteads (1899) 276.* Lewis, pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1833-98. See Dodgson. Margaret (Mother Columba) Cath. world (1893) .56:46,5. Mary or Polly, w. of Richard Carter Caton. Su Caton. Thomas, of Tacoma, Wash. 1842- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:39. eng. CARRON, Guy Toussaint Julien, abb^, 1760- 1821. Soc. .Montyon et Franklin, Poret. hist, des bommes utiles, 1: pi. .Ad^le J. deMancy p. Goulusc. CARRTJTH, Frances Weston, 1867- Book buyer (1901) 22:.369.* Bookman (1901) 13:199. CARRUTHERS, Andrew, r. c. bp. of Ceramis, 1770-1852. Gordon, Eccles. chron. S^tland (1867) 4:474. eng. John Johnston, d. 1890. Me. hLst. soc. Coll. & proc. (1891) ser. 2, v. 2: 1.* Robert, 1799-1878. Illcs. Lond. news (1878) 72:. 557. William, 1830- Illcs. Lond. news (1896) 108:280. P. A. Hay p.* See also Caruthers. CARRYL, Guy Wetmore, 1873-1904. Book buver (1902) 25:294. drawing.* Bookman (1904) 18]5S0.* Critic (1903) 43:301.* —(1904)45:396.* Lamp (1904) 28:502.* CARS, Laurent, 1099-1771. Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 143. Perroneau p.* (pastel) CARSON 259 CARTER CARSON, Christopher (Kit Carson) 1809-()8. Cent. (1891) 19:521.* Harper’s mag. (1862) 25:457. Richurdsonn-Cox f. png. Edward Henry, m. p. 1854- Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 625. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Rev. Henry Watters. Illus. Loud, news (1892) 101:45* (wrongly named Joseph Carson) John Miller, 1837- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:941- Paul Renouard del. wdct. Joseph, 1816-98. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:70.* Murray. Tueatre (1894) ser. 4, 23:266.* CARSTAIRS, WiUiam, 1469-1592. Chambers, Em. ScoUmen (1835, 1847, 1855) 1:499. S. Freeman eng. after p. CARSTANG, Effie. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:201. wdct. CARSTARES, Rev. William, 1649-1715. Caul- field, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 1 :87. eng. Caw', Scottish por. (1903) 1:110. William Aikman p. 1710-15.* (Edin. univ.) CARSTENS, Asmus Jacob, painter, 1754-98. Portfolio (1870) 1:76. eng. after drawing. Seid- litz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 87. Carstens f.* CARSTENSEN, George J. B. architect. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1856) 11:208. eng. after photo. CARTE, D’Oyly, theatrical manager, 1844-1901. Fitzgerald, Savoy opera (1894) 32.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:165.* —(1901) 118:. 523.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 498. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARTEAXJX, Jean Fran 9 ois, 1751-1813. Cent. (189.5) 27:494. Bonneville f. R. A. Muller sc.* CARTELLIER, Pierre, sculptor, 1757-1831. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:150. Fremy del. sc. CARTER, Mr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 375. St Memin del. & eng.* C. L. u. s. commr. to Hawaii. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:152. wdct. Charles, of Shirley. Glenn, Some colonial man- sions (1898) 1 :249. p.* Mrs Charles (Anne Butier Moore) Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:251. p.* Ehzabeth, 1717-1806. Craig, Dr. Johnson and the fair sex (189.5) 107. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:33. Lawrence del.* Lady’s m. mus. (1806) 16:289. Mackenzie sc. — (1821) imp. ser. 14:61. eng. Franklin, pres. Williams coll. 1837- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:977. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9: 175. George, of Oatlands. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:276. p.* Mrs George. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:278. p.* George, 1829.- Baily’s mag. (1882) 39:t.-p. Henry (Frank Leshe) 1821-80. See Leslie. Hugh. Meth. mag. (1812) 35:561. Branwhite p. Meyer sc. James Coohdge, 1827-1905. Cent. (1901) 40:817. J. S. Sargent p. Henry Wolf eng. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:392. wdct. —(1900) 44:1207. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:769. World’s work (1904) 8:4877.* James Gordon, 1795-1849. Barnard, Educ. biog. (1859) 182. H. W. Smith sc. John, 1.5.54-1635. Rood’s coll, of por. (1822) 2: pi. 7. Diinstall eng. after print by Vaughan. B. Reading sc. John, of Corotoman, 1690- Glenn, Some colo- nial mansions (1898) 1:237. Kneller p. Mrs John (Elizabeth Hill) d. 1760. See Byrd, Mrs William, .3d. John Bonham-, 1817-84. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:601. wdct. L. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 565. St Me- rain del. & eng. 1805.* Landon. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:255. p.* St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 573. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Mrs Landon. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:259. p.* Mrs Leslie, actress. Critic (1899) 34:2:18.* — (1903) 4.3: 1.34. Ernest Haskell del.* (as Du Barry) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:84 (as Du Barry) — 46: 161. J. C. Clay del. Strang, Famous actresses (1899) 193. Lorenzo, 1767-1814. Harper’s mag. (1886) 72:567. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1884) 1 : 77. W. C. Jackson sc. Robert (Eling Carter) 1663-1732. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:217,226. p.* Har- LAND, Some colonial homesteads (18^) 67. p.* Mrs Robert (Judith Armistead) Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:227. p.* Harland, Some colonial homesteads (1897) 71. p.* Robert, s. of King Carter, d. 1732. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:268. p.* Mrs Robert (Priscilla Churchill) Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:269. p.* Robert, councilor. Glenn, Some colonial man- sions (1898) 1:263. Sir J. Reynolds p.* Mrs Robert (Frances Ann Tasker) Glen.n, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:265. p.* Dr Robert, 1774-1805. St Memin, Coil, of por. pi. 713. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Mrs Robert (Mary Nelson) St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 740. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Robert, 1819-79. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s, 5:294. Outlook (1898) 59:51.* (with John Holmes, Estes Howe, & James Russell Lowell) CARTER 260 CARVALHO Robert Brudenell, 1828- Vakitt fair album (1892) 24: pi. 536. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) Samuel Powhatan, u. s. n. 1819-91. Moore, Rebellion record (1868) 11:170. A. II. Ritchie eng. lady, Susan Laura (Hocker) w. of Sir Gilbert T. ,d. 1895. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:68.* Thomas Henry, 1854- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:726. wdet. —(1893) 37:478. wdet. —(1895) 39:200. wdet. —(1896) 40:617. wdet. Thomas Thellusson, 1808-1901. Iixus. Lond. news (1901) 119:644.* Wilham, 1803-71. CoNGREO.quar. (1871) 13:497. A. H. Ritchie eng. William Adolphus. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 486.* William Marlborough, bp. of Pretoria. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:370.* —(1902) 121 : 343.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 32. Williams, of Va. 1782- St Memin, Coll of por. (1862) pi. 561. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* CARTERET, baroness, lion. Harriet (Courtenay) w. of 2d baron, 1771-1836. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 57, fig. 2. R. Cosway p.* (with her sister Hon. Mrs Caroline Morland) CARTIER, Sir George Etienne, 1814-73. Bou- RiNOT, Story of Canada (1896) 411. from B. Suite’s Hist, des Canadiens-Francais.* Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:73. lith. Scribner’s m. (1871) 2:4.50. eng. WiNsoR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 8: 169. eng. after statue.* Jacques, 1494-1552. Bourinot, Story of Can- ada (1896) 31. from Suite’s Hist, des Canadiens-Fran- fais.* Charlevoix, Hist, of New France (1866) 1:111. Th. Hamel p. J. A. O’Neil eng. (St Malo) Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 5. wdet. Harper’s mag.(1875) 51:625. wdet. —(1883) 66:. 505. — (1901) 102:181. Le Clercq, First establishment of the faith in New France (1881) l:front. Th. Hamel p. J. A. O’Neill eng. (St Malo) Nat. mag. (1891) 15:9. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:234. Park- man, Champlain ed. (1898) 2: front. F. Riss p.* (St Malo) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:181. vi- gnette. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:18. Hamel p. J. A. O’Neill eng. (St Malo)* Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 4:48. Hamel p. O’Neill eng. (St Malo) CARTON, Charles Louis, 1802-63. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1865) 31:131. L. Falmagne eng. R. C. pseud, of Richard Claude Critchett, 1853- Critic (1900) 37:125. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102: 1’2. Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 21 : 16. photo. Mrs R. C. See Compton, Miss. CARTOUCHE, Louis Dominique, robber, 1693- 1721. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 25. L. Bailly del. after bust. Barbant sc.* CARTWRIGHT, Edmund, 1743-1823. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7:697. J. Thomson eng. after p. Knight, Gail, of por. (1836) 6: 102. J. Thomson eng. after p. Por. gall. (1853) 3:908. J. Thomson eng. after p. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 40. H. C. Fehr sc.* (statue) John, 1740-1824. Penny mag. (1832) 1:176. Clarke sc. eng. (statue) W right, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:217. J. Gillray ? del. 1784. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) Peter, 1785-1872. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 15. J. C. Buttre eng. Cent. (1887) 11:516. da- guerr. 1866?* (with his wife) Harper’s w. (1857) 1:36. wdet. —(1869) 13:625. wdet. —(1872) 16:797. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:532.* Mrs Peter. Cent. (1887) 11 : 516. daguerr.1866 ?* (with her husliand) Sir Richard John, 1835- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:172. lith. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:567. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:3.34.* Thomas, puritan, 153.5-1603. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:954. from Clark’s lives of eminent persons. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1 : 919. J. Thomson eng. after p. Thomas, bp. of Chester, 1634-89. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:195. Gerard Soest p.* Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 16. Gerard Soest p.* (Queen’s coll. Oxford) William, 1611-43. Effigies poeticse (1824) 1 : pi. 36. Lombart f. G. Clint del. W. C. Edwards eng. (print, from his Poems) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:8. from his Poems, 1651.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 : pi. 36. Lombart f. G. Clint del. W. C. Edwards eng. (print, from his Plays and poems) William Cornwallis, m. p. 1826- Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 449. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CARUS, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome, 230 ?-283. Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 615. coin, from Imhoof-Blumer. Jhrb d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1887) 5: pi. 5, figs. 193, 195 (2 medals)* CARUS, Paul, 18.52- New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:685. CARUSO, Enrico, singer. Bookman (1904)18:496.* Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124 : Apr. 30, sup. p. 3. CARUTHERS, Abraham. Green bag (1890) 2:65. Robert L. 1800-82. Green bag (1890) 2:68.* —(1893) 5: 178. photo. See also Carruthers. CARVAJAL, Josd M. J. Mexican general, 1809- Harper’s w. (1866) 10:29. wdet. CARVALHO, Mme Caroline Fehx (Miolan) 1827-95. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4:25. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. JoSo Vieira de, 1781-1847. See Lages, mar- qu4z de. SebastiSo Joz6 de, 1699-1782. See Pombal, marqudz de. CARVER 261 CASIMIR CARVER, Jonathan, 1732-80. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:630. eng. Parkman, Champlain ed. (1898) 17:83. eng.* Rev. Robert. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1835) 58:233. Gush p. Dean eng. William Frank. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:449.* CARWARDINE, J/rs Anne (Holgate) 1752-1817. Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) portfolio : pi. 12. Rom- ney p. J. R. Smith eng. Ga.mlin, G. Romney and his art (1894) 134. Romney p. J. R. Smith eng.* CARY, Alice, 1820-71. Duyckinck, For. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2: 199. eng. after photo. Annie Louise, aftw. Mrs Charles Monson Raymond, 1842- Cent. (1882) 2:205. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:808. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 101. Archibald, colonel, 17301-86. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:445. B. West p. eng. —(1884) 11:389. West p. eng. George, of Houlton, Me. 1837- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1350. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Henry Francis, 1772-1844. Illcs. Lond. news (1894) 105:139. Croby f.* (bust, Brit, mus.) John Watson, 1817-95. Green bag (1902) 14:507.* Mary, Washington’s first love. See Ambler, Mrs. CARY family name. See also title Falkland. CARYLL, Mrs Ivan (Geraldine TJlmar) singer, 1862- See Uhuar. CARYSFORT, baroness, Elizabeth (Osborne) w. of 2d baron, aftw. 1st earl, d. 1783. Reynolds, En- gravings, 2:pl. 32. Reynolds p. 1774. J. W. Reynolds eng. CASA LAIGLESIA, marques de, Manuel Ranees y Villanueva. Vanity fair album (1871) 3:pl. 30. lith. after caricature. CASADY, P. M. 1818- Annals of Iowa (1895) ser. 3, 2:195. CASAI^AS, Sebastian, Venezuelan general. Har- per’s w. (1892) 36:364. wdet. CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, Giovanni Gia- como, 1725-1803. Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1882) 3: 190. L. Berka del. & sc.* (age 63) —(1884) 5:68. Gaugeau etch, after bust (chateau de Wald- stein) Yriarte, Venise (1878) 288. p.* Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1897) 1:421. CASARTELLI, Louis Charles, r. c. bp. of Sal- ford, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:302.* CASAS, Bartolome de las, 1474-1566. See Las Casas. CASAUBON, Isaac, 1.559-1614. Borgeaud, Hist, del’univ. deGenfeve (1900) 1:216. eng. 1709?* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 55. eng. Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 15, fig. 7. P. Oliver p.* (Victoria and Albert mus.) CASBERD, Mrs Mary Charlotte. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:833. S. Shelley p.* (miniature) CASE, Almon, u. s. senator, d. 1867. Harper’s w. (1867) 10:100. wdet. Edward, engineer, 1842-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:491.* Jerome Increase, 1818-91. Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:689.* Nat. mag. (1892) 15:5.51. eng. Leonard, of Cleveland, O. 1820-80. Harper’s mag. (1886) 72:575. CASENTINO, Jacopo da, 1310 ?-90? Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (17^) pi. 24. eng. CASERIO, Santo, assassin of pres. Carnot. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:36.* CASERTA, conte di, Alfonso, 1841- Tullberg, Fiirstcnhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:117. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. contessa di, Antonia (de Bourbon) w. of Alfonso 1851- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:117. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CASEY, Edward Wanton, u. s. a. 1851-91. Har- per’s w. (1890) 39:1005. Frederick Remington del. wdet. (equestr. por.) Lyman R. u. s. senator, 1837- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:1000. wdet. Silas, maj. gen. 1807-82. Bartlett, R. I. offi- cers (1867) 95. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Buo- bee, Mem. of Cincinn. (1890) 212. Buttre eng. after plioto. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:421. wdet. — (1882) 26:77. wdet. Thomas Lincoln, u. s. a. 1831-96. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:839. wdet. —(1896) 40:,330. w'dct. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1^3) 90.* CASH, Daniel G. of Duluth, Minn. 1843- Mao. of West. hist. (1889) 9:646. eng. William, 1816-82. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) i):.537. eng. CASIMIR III, THE GREAT, king of Poland, 1309-70. Allo. weltge-schiehte (1891) 6:250, 251. Die ORAPUisciiEN kiinste (1891) 14:106. J. Matejko del. 1890.* ScHiEMANN, Rus.sland, Polen, u. Livland (1886) 1:495. seal from Essenwein’s D. mittelal- terlichen kunstdenkmale d. stadt Krakau.* — 1 : 507. G. Rehlander del. after monument * (Cracou cath.) Tiievet, Por et vies d. homines illus. (1584) 2:232. eng. CASIMIR rv, king of Poland, 1425 ?-92. Scdje- MANN, Russland, Polen, u. Livland (1886) 1:600. relief* (Cracou cath.) CASIMIR V, king of Poland, 1609-72. Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:215. B. Moncornet CASIMIR-PERIEK 2G2 CASTELAR eng.* Morfill, Story of Poland (1893) 142. Jacob Sandrart sc.* — p. 149. coin.* IIirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 41, 44G. 1). Stdmltz p. W. llondius eng. WixTKR. Gesch, des 30 jahrigen krieges (1893) 645. contcmp. print. 1649.* CASIMIR-PERIER, Jean Paul Pierre, pres, of French republic, 1847- Alm. de Gotha (1895) front. Th. and A. Weger sc. 19ieme siiicle (1901) 162. Chaplain sc.* (medal) Harper’s \v. (1894) 38:625, 63.5. wdet. —(189.5) 39:76. wdet. —(1899) 43:834. wdet. Ii.LUS. Lond. news (1894) 10.5: 12. — (1.899) 115:244. Mi’el, Gouvernements de la France (1895) 104. R. OF rev. (1894) 10: 143. Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 596. Cuth f. lith. (caricature) CASINI, Giovanni, 1689-1748. Marrixi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 1:31. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CASIO, Girolamo, poet, 1465-1.530. Ztscii. f. bildendo kunst (1903) n. s. 1.5:. 52. G. Ant. Boltraffio p.* • CASOT, Jean Joseph, s. j. 1728-1800. Thwaites, Jesuit relations (UK)1) 71: front. D. G. McNab p.* CASPIER, Hans (Hans de Ries) 1553-1638. See Ries. CASS, Lewis, 1782-1866. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 23. eng. Cent. (1887) 11:694. H. Velten sc. after photo. Democratic rev. (1845) 16:313. J. B. Forrest eng. after daguerr. (miniature) Dcyck- iNCK, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:355. Chappel p. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (18.53) 4:88. eng. Harper’s mag. (1863) 26:721. eng. Harper’s w. (1&57) 1:228. wdet. —(1866) 10:401. wdet — (1889) 33:164. D. C. French sc. wdet. (statue) IIarrlson, Biog. sketches (1892) 2:pl. 4. Burdick p. 1 after Healey.* Lester, Gall, of illus. Am. (18.50) 25. F. D’Avignon lith. after daguerr. Loxgacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1837) l:pl. 19. J. B. Longacre del. T. B. Welch eng. Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:411. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:3^.* Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 1: pi. 12. Longacre del. Welch eng. Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4: 129. from Harper’s mag. Thomas, colonel, d. 1862. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) .503. R. E. Brooks sc.* (statue, Bos-^ ton public gardens) CASSAGNAC. See Granier de Cassagnac. CASSANA, Giovanni Agostino, painter, 1658- 1720. MoUcke, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 28. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Niccolb (Nicoletto) 1659-1714. MoL'cke, Ri- tratti (1762) 4: pi. 25. Campiglia del. Pazzi sc. CASSATA, a lady. Cloi’et, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 153. Clouet f. lith. CASSATT, Alexander Johnston, 1839- Har- per’s w. (18t)0) 34:435. wdet. —(1892) 36:1113. wdet. —(1899) 43:614. —(1901) 45:899. —(1902) 46:1343.* —(1903) 47:1867. J. S. Sargent p.* McClcre’s mag. (1903) 21:77.* in 1877. Oltlook (1901) 69:280. World’s work (1901) 2:972. CASSEL, van, procureur-g4n6ral. L’Art (1904)63:238 (Zola trial, with Labori) Sir Ernest, 1852- Daily’s mag. (1901) 76:245. W. Allingham sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 1^:44.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31:pl. 767. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CASSELS, Robert, 1843- Gree.n bag (1890) 2:253.* CASSIN, John, captain. St Memix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 402. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Stephen, u. s. n. 1783-18.57. Loubat, Medallic hist. I'. S. (1880) 2: pi. 37. Furst des. & eng. 1814. Jules Jacquemart etch. CASSINI, Graf Artur Pavlovitch, Russian am bassador to U. S. 1835- Oltlook (1904) 76:309. R. OF rev. (1904) 29: 134. World’s work (1903) 6:3822.* —(1904) 7:4673.* Giovanni Domenico, astronomer, 1625-1712. Bourgeois, Grand sidcle (1896) 284. Cossin f. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Baubrun p. N. Dupuis sc. Iconog. di uomini sorami (1854) pi. 15. C. Piotti-Pirola sc. after p. Toselli, Biog. nifoise (1860) 1:196. Perrin lith. CASSODAY, John B. 1830- Green bag (1897) 9:175. CASTAGNA, Giovanni Battista, d. 1.590. See Urban VII, pope. CASTAGNARY, Jules Antoine, 18.30-88. L’Art (1877) 9:125. Amand Laroche p.* CASTAGNO, Andrea del, 14081-.57. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 55. eng. CASTAIGNE, Andre, illustrator. Critic (1893) 23:.57. —(1901) 38:.397, 398. CASTALDO, Giovanni Battista, d. 1562. Cap- RiOLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (ltX)0) 107. Aliprando Caprioli eng. CASTEL, graf von, Konrad II, 1524-77. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. .samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14: pi. 5, fig. 28. Joachim Deschler f. 1.557* (age 33, medal) CASTEL RODRIGO, marques de, Christobal de Moura, d. 1613. Brit. mus. Prints (1898) n. s. pt. 7:pl. 2. Rubens p. Paulus Pontius eng.* Rooses, L’oeuvre de P. P. Rubens (1890) 4: pi. 1^. Rubens p. Pontius sc. marques de, Manuel de Moura, d. 1652. Hlrtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3: 1139. Ruliens p. ? A. v. d. Does eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (18^) 24:205. Velazquez p. CASTELAR, Emiho, 1832-99.‘ Aiajo. weltge- schichte (1892) 12:629.* Cent. (1886)9:642. —(1892) CASTELLAXE 2G3 0A8TLEREAGH 22:122. CHAP-book (1898) 9:88. Eclectic mag. (1873) 81:641. G. E. Ferine eng. Harper’s mag. (1872) 45:47. S. Fox eng. H.\rper’s w. (1869) 13:476. wdct. —(1873) 17: 181,292. wdct. —(1874) 18:929 wdct. — (1898) 42:642. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 478.* Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:225. wdct. after photo. —(1898) 112:586. —(1899) 114:789. L.\timer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 3.50. CASTELIiANE, comte de. Esprit Victor Elisa- beth Boniface, 1788-1862. Cent. (189.5) 28:926.* Paris salon (1897) 36. H. Tenrt; p.* comtc de, Boniface. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:220. wdct. Internat. studio (1901) 15:11. Filip E. L&.S7.16 p.* comtesse de (Anna Gould) Harper’s w. (1895) 39:220. wdct. CASTELLANET, M. 1754- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:402. Labadye del. Courbe sc. CASTELLANOS, Juan de, fl. 16th cent. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:5^. eng. from his Elegias. CASTELLAR-VINTIMILLE, comte de, Joseph Vincent Fran9ois Marie Lascaris, 172t)-93. Toselli, Biog. nifoise (1860) 2:21. Perrin lith. CASTELLAB.D, Paul Lascaris, d. 1657. Ver- TOT d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 2, bk. 14:69. Cars sc. CASTELLAS, Jean Antoine de, abb^. 1735- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:402. Labadye del. Le Tel- lier sc. CASTELLI, Bernardo, 1557-1629. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vic des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:332. eng. Ignaz Franz, 1781-1862. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 284. Kriehuber del. & lith. 1842. Valerio, 1625-59. Dezallier d’.Vroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:346. eng. CASTELLI-DIANA, Tommaso, I8II-748. Amato, Martiri d. liberti ital. (1851) 2:^7. Parmiani eng. CASTELNAU, marquis de, Jacques de Castel- nau-Mauvissibre, marshal, 1620-58. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1417. Henri Decaisne p. J. De Mare eng. General. Cent. (1898) 33:710.* Philippe Fran9ois d’Albignac de, bp. of Angoul^me, 1742- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:403. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. CASTELPERS, dame de, Madelaine (d’Ongnies) Clocet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 211. Clouet f. lith. CASTIGLIONE, marchese di, Luigi Gonzaga, 1568-91. See Gonzaga. due de, Pierre Fran9ois Charles Augereau, 1757-1816. See Augereau. Baldessare, 1478-1.529. Book buyer (1902) 23:540. Raphael p. 1516.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (169.5) 2:321. Raphael p. De L’armessin sc. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) front. Raphael p.* (Louvre) — 313. por.* (Corsini gall. Rome) Gru- YER, Salon-CarnS (1891) 98. Raphael p.* Hare, Ladies of Ital. renais. (1904) 336. Raphael p.* Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 7. Raphael p. G. Cooke sc. Laf.\rge, Great masters (190.3) 93. Raphael p.* (Louvre) McCllre’s mag. (1902) 18:316. Raphael p.* (Louvre) Masters in art (1900) pt. 12, l:pl. 9. Raphael p.* (Louvre) Portfolio (189.5) No. 20:53. Raphael p.* (Louvre) Reber u. Baj-ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1890) 2: pi. 242. Raphael p.* (Louvre) Strachey, Raphael (1900) 44. Raphael p.* (Louvre) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) v. 1. Ratfaele p. T. Wedgwood eng. Francesco Xavier, 1761-1830. See Pius VIII, pope. Giovanni Benedetto (II Grechetto) 1616-70. Dezallier D’^VROENViLLE,Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:.337. eng. MoOcke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 23. G. D. Campiglia del. C. Gregori sc. CASTILLO, Seftor. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:525. Antonio Canovas del, 1828-97. See Canovas. J. D. M. D. of De Long relief exped. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:449. wdct. CASTEN, baron de, Vincent, 16.50-1722. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:579. CASTENE, Clement Claude, lieutenant. Lamp (1904)28:118.* J. W. lieut. col., .M. p. Lamp (1904) 28: 118.* CASTLE, Mrs Agnes (Sweetman) w. of Egerton. Book buyer (1!K)2) 24:122. Bookman (1901) 14:320.* Critic (1904) 44:398.* Egerton, 1858- Bookman (1898) 7:280. —(1899) 10:292 (in 1894) —(1901) 14:321.* — (1903) 17:126. drawing.* Critic (1900) 36:202. —(1904) 44:399.* iLLUs.Lond. news(1891)98:299.* W. R. u. s. commr. to Hawaii. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1.52. wdct. CASTLEHAVEN, countess, Elizabeth (Brydges) w. of 3d earl, d. 1679. Mag. of art (18W) 13:2.88. Janssen p. Jonnard eng. CASTLEMAINE, 1st earl of, Roger Palmer, d. 1705. Hamilton, Mem. of Count firammont, 24. Harding del. J. J. Van den Berghe sc. W.alpole, Royal and noble authors (1806) 5:212. Kneller p. eng. countess of, Barbara Villiers, w. of 1st earl, ^w. duchess of Cleveland, 1641-1709. See title (Cleveland. . CASTLEMAN, Ehse, of Louisville, Ky. Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:785. wdct. CASTLEREAGH, viscount, Robert Stewart, aftw. 2d marquis of Londonderrv, 1769-1822. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:267. t'homson eng.* An- CASTLEREAGH 264 CATHCART GLoSaxon rev. (1900) 5: front, p. 31. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* Ashbocr.ve, Pitt (1898) 302. Law- rence p. Turner mezzo.* B.vkiuxgtox, Hist. mem. (1835) front, eng. 182G. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:190. Lawrence p. Turner eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) 2:pl. 4. Lawrence, p. H. Meyer eng. C.\tii. world (1896) 63:379. Creetey papers (1904) 2:42. Lawrence p.* ( N'at. por. gall. ) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902)2:57. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* — (1902)2:57. Sir Francis Chantrey sc. (bust) — (1902)2:57. George Dance del. 1795.* Eeropeax mag. (1815) 67:195. J. Nollekins sc. J. Stephanoll del. T. Bkwd eng. (bust) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 12. Lawrence p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Hamii.tox, Secret hist, of England (1901) 1 :248. Lawn-nce p. print.* Jerdax, Nat. por. gall. (1830). 4. Lawrence p. G. Adock eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (18^) 16:181. eng. New m. mag. (1820) 13:209. Thomson sc. T.aylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:115. Lawrence p. G. Adcock eng. Tiiorx- TOX, For. secretaries (1881) 2:60. lith. Wills, Irish nation, 3:388. Lawrence p. W. Holl eng. viscountess, Lady Emily Anne (Hobart) w. of 2d marquis of Lontfonderry. Ladies’ m. mus. (1807) n.s. 3:145. W.M. Craig p. K. Mackenzie sc. For other viscounts, see Londonderry, mar- quises of. CASTLETON, Kate, actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:414. CASTLETOWN, 1st haron, John Wilson Fitz- patrick, 1809-83. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82: 149.* 2d haron, Bernard Edward Barnaby Fitzpat- rick, 1849- Vaxitt fair album (1882) 14:pl. 407. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CASTRACANI, Castruccio, 1280-1328. See Castruccio. CASTRIES, marquis de, Charles Eugene Ga- briel de Lacroix, marshal, 1727-1801. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1510. Joseph Boze p. Monnin eng. CASTRIOTO, George, 1404-67. See Scanderbeg. CASTRO, Angelo da, d. 1491. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaisemauses (1897) 18:212, fig. 70. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Antonio de San Jose, bp. of Oporto, .\cker- MAXX, Repository (1810) 3:409. Robert Cooper sc. Cipriano, pres, of Venezuela, 1858- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1392.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:947. R. OF rev. (1903) 27:23,* 726.* Jo8,o de, 1500-48. Stepiiexs, Story of Portugal (1891) 210. after copy of por. from ms. of Pedro Ba- rrato de Rezende* (Palace of viceroys, Goa) Don JuanB. 1799- Ce.xt. (1891) 19:378. Julian, pres, of Venezuela. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:37. eng. Don Manuel, 1801-91. Cext. (1891) 19:378. Paolo da, d. 1441. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:211, fig. 69. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol! Vaca de, d. 1558. Wixsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:535. eng. from Herera, 1728, v. 4. CASTRUCCIO-CASTRACANI, 1280 ? - 1328. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 18. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hom- mes illus. (1584) 2:253. eng. CASTTJS, d. 1170. Vertot u’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:64. Cars sc. CASTYLL, Margaret, d. 1483. Cotmax, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) 1 : pi. 35. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Raveningham church, Norfolk) CASWELL, Alexia, 1799-1877. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 76. F. T. Stuart eng. N. E. hist. and geneal. register (1877) 31:253. Stuart eng. CATALAN, Eugbne Charles, 1814-94. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1896) 62:115. J. Demannez eng. J. B. Van Campenhout imp. CATALANI, Mine Angelica, 1782-1849. La belle assemblt^e (1811) n. s. 4:3. F. Huet Villiers p. AntV Carden eng. Europeax mag. (1822) 81:391. W. Derby p. Thomson sc. Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 2:368. Mrs Clara Maria Pope p. W. Greatbatch eng. (miniature) Lady’s mag. (1807) 38 : 175. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 5:57. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. — (1821) 14:241. Lsabey p. Wool- noth eng. Pall Mall mag. (1900) 22:361. Seid- i.iTZ, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 45. Ph. von Stuben- rauch p. B. Hoefel sc. CATALINA, sister of Juan II of Castile. Literary souvenir (1833) 9: front. G. S. Newton p. C. Rolls sc. (group) CATARGITT, Lascar, 1823- Ba.mberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 3.55.* CATCHINGS, Thomas Clendinen, m. c. 1847- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 ; 869. wdet. —(1894) 38:313. G. W. Breck del. wdet. CATEL, Frau. Kxackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:111. Chodowiecki del.* Franz, 1778-1856. Kxackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 16:77. F. Catel p.* CATELOT, the queen’s fool. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 : pi. 65. Clouet f. lith. CATENA, conte della. Sir Gerald Strickland, 1861- See Strickland. CATERINA CORNARO, queen of Cyprus, 1454- 1510. See Cornaro. CATHCART, Utk baron, Charles Cathcort, 1721- 76. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 :70. Reynolds p. J. McArdell eng.* Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 1 :244. F. W. Fairholt eng. after cari- cature, 1748. 1st earl, William Schaw Cathcart, 1755-1843. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:118. Hoppner p. CATHCART 265 CATHERINE II. Meyer eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 26. Iloppner p. Bestland eng. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:881. Maj. Andr4 f. eng. (silhouette) Holt, Life of George HI (1820) 1:1%. J. Iloppner p. E. Scriven eng. Smith, Am. hist, and lit. curiosities (1860) l:pl. 25. Maj. Andrd f. 1778. eng. (silhouette) 3d earl, Alan Frederick Cathcart, 1828- Baily’s mag. (1889) 52:216. W. Rosse sc. after photo. Vanmty fair album (1888) 20: pi. 541 . Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) CharlesB. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 :68. wdct. Charles W. u. s. senator, 1809- Gleason’s pic- torial (1853) 4:120. Pierson sc. CATHELINEATJ, Jacques, 1759-93. Gal. hist, de la r^v. franp. pi. 16. A. Lacauchie del. Leguay sc. IcoNOG. des contemn. (1832) l:pl. 51. II. Grevedon del. ? 1825. Delpech lith. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 2:pl. 12. A. Lacauchie del. Leguay sc. CATHERINE, saint. L’Art (1880) 23: 101. Veit Stoss f. Mile von Weber des. (with Saint Gdr^on) — (1883) 33: 180. A. Watteau p. ? after Paul Vdron&se.* — 5894)56:338. Bernardino Luini p.* Les lettres et les arts (1889) 1:330. Memling p. Alphonse Fran- fois sc. CATHERINE, saint, of Sienna, 1347-80. L’Art (1882)28:222. Vittore Pisano f. (study) Burling- ton mag. (1904) 5:585. Neroccio di Landi ? sc.* (bust) CiiENNEviERES, Les de.ssins du Louvre (1883) 4:pl.27. Raphael del. (cartoons, Nat. gall.) Droiiojowska, Femmes illus. de I’Europe, 54. Raunheim del. lith. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:152, fig. 19. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) CATHERINE, CATHARINE, queens, princesses See also Katherine. CYPRUS Catherine, queen of Cyprus, 1454-1510. See Cornaro. ENGLAND (gT. BRIT.) Catherine (of Valois) queen, w. of Henry V, 1401-38. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 38. S. Harding del. & sc. from ms. prayer book. Catherine (of Aragon) queen, w. of Henry VIII, 14831-1536. Art union (1843) 5:184. Ilolbem p. Houbraken, 1743. eng. Birch, Heads (1813) 167. Holbein p. J. Houbraken sc. 1743. Celliez, Reines d’Angleterre, 360. lith. Cent. (1900) 39:234. C. R. Leslie p. Timothy Cole eng. (with her maid) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :25. p.* Eclectic mag. (18.59) 47:439. G. H. Harlow p. J. Sartain eng. Friend- ship’s offering (1830) 7: 145. Leslie p. W. Humphreys eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1 :3.52. por.* (Nat. por. gall.) Hlst. gall, of por. (1808) 3:pl. 9. Holbein p. G. Cooke sc. Moule, Por. of illus. persons in Eng. hist. (1869) pi. 3. Holliein p. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbach sc. (miniature) Pollard, Henry VHI (1902) 36. p. 1515 1* (Nat. por. gall.) — p. 127. miniature* (coll, of duke of Buccleueh) Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 : pi. 42. Holbein p. S. Harding del. & sc. (miniature) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 1 :pl. 35. Holbein p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7 :247. vignette. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1 : 5. Holbein p. eng. Catherine Howard, queen, w. of Henrj- VHI, d. 1542. Birch, Heads (1813) 25. Holbein p. Jacobus Houbrakensc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901)1 :25.school of Holbein p.* (age 21) Gower, Hist. gall, of En». (1882) 2: pi. 12. Ilolliein p.* (miniature) Hist. gall, of por. (1^8) 3: pi. 19. Holbein p. G. Cooke sc. Hol- bein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 39. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 41. Holbein del. Cheesman sc. Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:134. Holbein p.* (miniature) Pollard, Henry VHI (1902) 245. min- iature* (Wind.sor) — p. 268. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Williamson. Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 2, fig. 2. Holbein p.* (Wind.sor) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 22. Holbein p. eng. Catherine Parr, queen, w. of Henry VHI, 1510-48. Art union (1843) 5:184. eng. after p. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 10. Holbein p. eng. (min- iature) Heath’s book of beauty (1848) 61. J. W. Wright p. W.H. Mote eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 28. Holbein p. G. Cooke sc. Ladies’ m. mus. (1821)13:1. Woolnoth eng. Lambeth palace illus. 5806) 44. eng. after p. L«dge, Por. (1835) l:pl. 17. Ilolbein p. J. Cochran eng. Mag. of art (1898) 22:283 p.* (Nat. gall.) T’ollard, Henry VHI (1902) 276. p. 1547 ?* (coll, of earl of Ashbumham) St Maur, Ann. of Seymours (1902) 47. print.* So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 1 : pi. 46. Holbein p.* — l:pl. 47. Christoph Amberger? p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:5. eng. after p. ? (Lambeth gall, coll.) Walpole, Royal and noble authors (1806) 1:46. Holbein p. E. Boequet sc. (miniature) Catherine (of Braganza) queen, w. of Charles II, 1638-1705. Connoisseur (1903) 5:171. Nathaniel Di.xon p.* (miniature) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:137 (3 p.)* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. 5^93) l:pl. 30. W. Sherwin sc.* Forneron, Louise de Keroualle (1887) 80. Dawsons sc. Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 84. S. Cooper p.* (miniature) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4: pi. 17. S. Cooper p.* (miniature) Hamilton, Mem. of Count Gram- mont, 97. S. Harding del. Van den Berghe sc. after print (Magdalen coll. Camb.) Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont (1809) 1 : 182. Freeman sc. Hen- derson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 143. Melacr eng.* Jameson, Mem. of beauties of court (1838) 1:37. Sir Peter Lely p. B. Holl eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 20. Lady p. S. Freeman eng. S.mith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1597. W. Wissing p. R. Williams eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 4. p.* Stephens, Story of Portugal (1891) 328. Faithorne eng.* Thane, Brft. autog. (1819) 3: 1. eng. Verney family (1899) 4:13. p.* (Claydon house) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2348. E. Conqueyeng. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 10. N. Dixon p.* Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 44. eng. after print. FRANCE Catherine de’ Medici, queen, w. of Henri II, 1519-89. Allo. weltgeschichte (18%) 7:369. medal* (Roy. coin cab. Berlin) Ar.mengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 33. De la Charleriedel. Jonnardsc. L’;1 rt(1878) CATHERINE 266 CATHERINE FRANCE — coatinucd 15:28. Ldonard Limosin f. Puvplat eng. (enamel) — 15:32. Limosin f. Camille Gilbert des. Puvplat sc. (enamel) — (1887) 43:110. Limosin f. P. Ruty del. (enamel) — (1903) 62: fig. 160. medal. Ballestuem, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 2, fig. 9. school of Clouet p.* Book buyer (1893) 10:205. Bocchot, Catherine de Mddicis (1899) (13 por.) Bouciiot, Lcs femmes de Brantome (1890) 128. Antoine Caron f.* — p. 276. por.* (Biblio. nat.) BouRDERYetLachenaud,Ldonard Limosin (1897) 32, 40. Limosin f. Celliez, Reines de France, 425. A. Dur^' lith. Cent. (1890) 18:239. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europo illus. (1777) v. 2. Th. de Leri f. eng. G.\z. d. b(>aux arts ( 1884) ser. 2, 29:238. wdct. after medallion (Louvre) —0887) ser. 2, 36:219. Corneille de Lyon f. after eng. 15.53 — (1892) ser. 3, 8: 123. miniature (Roy. treasurj-, Vienna) — (1894) ser. 3, 11:285. (jermain Pilon f. (Saint- Denis) — ser. 3, 11:289. Germain Pilon f. (Saint- Denis) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 22. Clouet p.* Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:235. wdct. (in youth) — 4:. 354. wdct. (with Charles IX) Har- per’s mag. (1870) 41:808. eng. Harper’s w'. (1872) 16:981. wdct. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. 2: .57. Clouet p.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:735. Nicolo Nelli f. 1567. wdct. Jackson, Last of the Valois (1888) 1:366. Hopwood sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhausi^ (1898) 19: pi. 2, fig. 165. Clouet p.* (miniature) Lady’s mag. (1836) 9:1. Ed. Hargrave sc. after p. Lavallee, Hist, des Franp. (1845) 1:558. Clouet p. Pigeoteng. Le Roux DE Lincy, Femmes cdldbres (1858) 2 : 44. Lantd del. Gatine sc. L’Hopital, CEuvres (1824) 6:pl. 5. Janet p. A. Tardieu eng. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 134. Delpech lith. Marguerite de Valois, Mem. (1892) 106. eng.* Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 64. Charles State eng. after p. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franp. (1838) 3: pi. 25. Fritz .Millet del. Leclerc sc. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16® s. (1848) l:pls. 7, 8. eng. after drawings. Pardoe, Francis I (1849) 2: ‘266. J. W. Cook eng. Piiilippson, West- europa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 108. medal* (Roj-. coin cab. Berlin) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 219. Th. de L(?u f. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1: pi. 97. Thomas deL^u sc.* Skelton, Mary Stuart (1893) 128. drawing* (Biblio. nat. Paris) Velly, Hi.st. de France (1774) 12:492. Th. de L6u f. eng. — (1781) 14: 117. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1888. Clouet p. Pigeot eng. WiLLERT, Henry of Navarre (1893) 146. p. 1* Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 86, fig. 2. Janet p.* NAVARRE Catherine de Bourbon, princess, dau. of Antoine, sister of Henri IV of France, 1558-1604. See Bar, duches.se de. I*OLAND Catharine Opalinska, queen, w. of Stanislas I, 1680-1747. IIiRTH, Les grands illustrateurs, 6 : 21.38. C. Amed^e P. van Loo p. J. Moyreau eng. (with her husband) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2519. J. B. van Loo p. Pedretti eng. RUSSIA Catherine I, czarina, w. of Peter the Great, 1688- 1727. Allo. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:89. p.* (Winter palace, St Petersburg) Bain, Pupils of Peter the Great (189’) ’L Bruckner, Peter der Grosse (1879) 562. p.* (Romanof gall. St Petersburg) Dreux du Radier, L’Europo illus. (1777) v. 4. J. M. Nattier p. P. Dupin sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, v. 12:93 J. M. Nattier p. P. Dupin sc. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67: 107. Illus. Loud, news (1894) 105: Nov. 10 sup. p. 7. Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) 175, 178. wdct. Scribner’s m. (1881) 22:589. Iloubraken eng. Catherine II, czarina, 1729-96. Allo. welt- geschichte (1889) 9:449, 626 (4 medals)* — 9:564. Schebanoll p. Ja. Walker eng.* — 9:604. J. B. Lampi p. Walker del.* Armengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 9. Viollat del. Pannemaker sc. .\rnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (182‘2) 4:184. Alp. Boill3’ sc. L’Art (1901)60:451. Falconetsc.*(equest. statue) — (1902) 61:142. drawing. Bolto.n, Fam. leaders, women (1895) 55. Bruckner, Katharina II (1883) 36. Jesim Winegradow eng. 1761. — p. 100. Schebanoll p. J. Walker eng. — p. 113, 119. J. Samuel del. (4 medals) — p. ‘236. Lampi p. J. Walker eng. — p. 566. W. Borowski p. N. I. Nutkin eng. Cent. (1890) 18 : 645. Eclectic mag. (1865) 64 : 529. Geo. E. Ferine eng. after p? Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:151. wdct. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19: 107. Alex. Roslin p. Caroline Watson eng. — (1903) ser. 3, v. 30:323. D. G. Levitski p. 1793* (Acad, imper. St Petersburg) Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. strangers (183.5) pi. 14. Grevedon del. 1827. C. Motte zlith. Guiot, Pop. hist, of France, 6:321. E. Rontat del.? Hildebrand sc. (with Diderot) Harper’s mag. 1871. 42:684. eng. —(1883) 67: 110. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 14. N. del. G. C. sc. ' Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: Nov. 10 sup.' p. 8. Keli.y, Hist, of Ru.ssia (1855) 1 : front. Lafnpi f. png. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:120. Titelbach p. 1772. Chodowiecki f,* Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:103. Rosselin p. R. Woodman eng. after eng. by Caroline Watson. Lady’s mag. (1798) 29:5. eng.'*' — (1836) 8: 1. Ed. Hargrave sc. Ladies’ m. mus. (1815) imp. ser. 1:185. Mason, .Women of Fr. salons (1891) 176. G. Kruell eng. Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) 219, 222. wdct. Nolan, War against Russia, 1:411. Rosselin p. R. Woodman eng. after eng. by Caroline Watson. O.NCKEN, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:335. Daniel Berger eng. after medal. 1763. Portfolio (1894) no. 3:60. J. Wedgwood f. after gem* (medallion) Por. gall. (1853) 3:680. Rosselin p. Caroline Watson eng. R. Woodman sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 105. P. Rotari p. J. Tsch6- mesiofT sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, pior. (1884) 6: 176, pi. 17. W. Di( kinson eng. after p. Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 2:192. vignette. — 2:209. L. Poilleux Saint-Ange f.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2670. E. Lerouge eng. Vizetelly, True story of Chevalier d’Eon (1895) 94. J. B. Fosseyeax eng.'* WiLLiAM.soN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 102, fig. 5. p.* (Czar of Russia coll.) Wt'RTEMBERO Catherine Paulovna (of Russia) queen, w. of Wilhelm I, 1788-1819. La belle as.sembl<5e (1814) n. s. 10: 147. eng. after p. — (1816) n. s. 14:99. Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1894) ser. 3, v. 1 1 :317. Henri Benner p. Mecou sc. (miniature) — (1903) ser. 3, v. 30:324. D. G. Levitski p.* CATHERWOOD 267 CAUSSIN CATHEKWOOD, Mrs Mary (Hartwell) 1847- 1902. America’s grtst men and women (1894) 136. B(X)k buyer (1901) 23:261.* Bookman (1897) 6:184.* — (1901) 14:111.* Bookman lit. vear-bk. (1898) 140. Critic (1903) 42:100.* CATINAT, Nicolas de, 1637-1712. Drecx dd Rauier, L’Europe illu-s. (1777) v. 4.1 X. p. J. G. Will sc. Gtvl. franf. (1822) 2:388. Hesse del. IcONOO. de Mme de S4vign<5, pi. 31. eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^:. (18^) 6: pi. 3. J. Boil ly del. A. Boilly sc. Petitot, Emau.x (1862) 2: pi. 2. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. Versailles, Gal. htst. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1437. P. J. Jollivet p. Leclerc eng. — 13: pi. 316. Dejoux sc. E. J. Ruhierre eng. (statue) CATLETT, George Calmes, 1828- Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 7:96. eng. CATLEY, Aim, 1745-89. Lady’s mag. (1770) 1 : 179. eng. (as Rosetta) Ryan, Dram, table talk (1825) 1:92. W. Read eng. GATLIN, A. W. naval cadet. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:496. wdet. George, ethnologist, 1796-1872. Pop. sci. m. (1891) 39:289. Yolmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 336. eng. after miniature. Henry Guy, author, 1843- Bookman (1897) 5:458. Bookman lit. year-bk. (1898) 17. John M. colonel. Harper’s w. (1880) ^4:289. wdet. Milton M. M. D. 1846- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:853. eng. ~ CATLING, Thomas, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:706.* i CATO UTICENSIS, Marcus Porcius, 95-46 B. /c. oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1894) Ifg. 21: pi. 210. bust, (Vatican). Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 8. G. Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Kicard (1838) 11, pt. 2:t.-p. Perry f. after statue. Caron eng. — 12, pi. 1:118, 126, 1^. Langlois eng. after bas-relief. Perry inv. » .Authenticity doubtful. CATO, Octavius V, d. 1871. Harper’s w. (1871J 15: 1005. wdet. CATON, Cornelius, publican. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3: 173. R. Grave sc. JohnDean, 1812-95. Green bag (1891) 3:223.* III. bar assoc. Proc. (1893) 16: front, eng. Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 12:227. eng. Mrs Mary (Carroll) w. of Richard. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:355. Griswold, Republican court (1855) 209. R. E. Pine p. eng. CATRON, James. Green bag (1903) 15:137. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1889.* John, 1779-1865. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 299. Rosenthal etch. 1889 after p. (Tenn. hist, soc.) Green bag (1893) 5:127. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2.805. F. Girscheng. CATS, Jacob, poet, 1577-1660. Fiske, Dutch and Quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 1:7. eng.* (from his works, 1700) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 3:59. Rembrandt etch. 1635.* Portfolio (1^'^) 11:68. Rembrandt etch. 1635.* Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 378. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. .50. M. Mierevelt p. W. Delff sc. CATT, Mrs Carrie Chapman (Lane) Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:3^.* CATTELL, WiUiam Cassidy, pres. Lafayette coll. 1827-98. Scribner’s m. (1876) 13:192. eng. CATTERMOLE, Evelyn (pseu^. Contes-sa Lara) 1858-99. Seel^ara. CAXJCHON, Joseph l^douard, 1816- , Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:138. lith. CAUCHY, Augustin Louis, mathematician, 1789- 1857. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 581. J. Roller p. Belliard lith.* CAUGHRAN, Josephus D. 1839- Mag. of west, hist. (1891) 13:297. CAULAINCOURT, Armand Augustin Louis de, due de Vicence, 1773-1827. Cent. (1896) 29:683. Francois Gi5rard p. G. Kruell sc.* Iconog. des con- temp. (1832) l:pl. 52. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. SixiANE, Napoleon (1896) 3:94. Fran<“ois Gerard p. G. Kruell sc. Tardieu, G^n. franf. 2: pi. 114. Forestier sc. Thiers, Vimettes et {x>r. (1856-62) pi. 63. E. Charpentier del. Goutifere sc. comte de, Auguste Jean Gabriel, 1777-1812. Tardieu, G^n. franf. 2: pi. 115. Forestier sc. CAULERY, Joris de (?) 16001-61. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 84. Rembrandt p. 1632.* Michel, Rembrandt (1894) 1:117. Rembrandt p. 1632.* CAULFEILD family name. See title Charlemont. CAULKINS, Frances Manwaring, 1795-1869. N. E. HIST, and geneal. register (1869) 23:377. F. T. Stuart eng. CAUMONT, seigneur de, Jean Louis de Nogaret de la Valletta, 1554-1642. See Epemon, due d’. due de, Jean Armand de Maille, 1619-46. See Br^z^, marquis de. Jacques Nompar de, 1558-1652. See La Force, due de. CAUNT, Benjamin, prize-fighter, d. 1861. Har- per’s mag. (1892) 85:631. death mask.* Hltton, Por. in plaster (1894) 87. death mask.* CAURIA. conledi, Teodoro Trivulzio, 1456-15.32, See Trivulzio. CAUSSIDlilRE, !Marc, 1808-61. Ami d. monu- ments (1902) 16:40. drawing.* CAUSSIN, Nicolas, 1582-1651. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:223. P. Clouwet f. eng. CAUSTON 268 CAVENDISH CAUSTON, Richard Knight, m. p. 1843- Illus. Lend, news (1892) 101:308.* CAUTEER, M. L’Art (1889) 47:61. Mantelet- Goguet del. Sgap sc. CAUTUEY, Laurence. Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 10: 16. photo. CAUTRAINE, Francois Joseph, 1801-68. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1869) 35:101. Jh. Demannez sc. CAUVIN, Louis, 1754-1825. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 314. John Kay f. 1817 & eng. CAVAIGNAC, Godefroy, 1801-45. L’Art (1894- 1900) 59, pt. 2:938. Rude et Christophe f.* (statue). Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6:pl. 19. Pauquet del. E. Rosotte sc. Jacques Marie Eughne Godefroy, 1853- L’Art (1904) 63:287. Paul Renouard des.* Cony- BEARE, Dreyfus case (1898) 272. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:910. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:366.* Louis Eugene, 1802-57. Forbes, Napoleon III (1897) 138. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:769. wdct. Muel, Gouvernements de la France (1895) 232. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 10. eng. CAVALCA, tyrant of Pesaro. Bonaparte Gal. (1812) pi. 82. Barocciop. Pistrucci eng. CAVALCANTI, Guido, poet, 12.50 1-1300. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:214, fig. 72. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) CAVALCASELLE, Giovanni Battista, art critic, 1817-97. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 9:79. CAVALlfeS, Jean Reymond, 1742- Bioo. modernc (1807) 2:407. Perrin del. LeTelliersc. CAVALLINI, Pietro, 12701-1350. Vasari, Ri- tratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 14. eng. CAVALLO, Tiberius, 1749-1809. European mag. (1787) 12:255. Trotter sc. Turnor, Astra castra (1865) 462. CAVALLOTTI, FeUce Carlo Emanuele, 1842- OS. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:397.* CAVAN, countess of, Lydia (Arnold) w. of 7th earl, d. 1862. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (18^) 2:66. Sir M. A. Shee p. Scriven sc. Court scrap-book (1842) pi. 29. Shee p. Scriven sc. 0th earl of, Frederick Edward Gould Lam- bart, 1839-1^. Illus. Lond. news (1900)117: 151.* CAVANAGH, Michael, poet. Book.man (1900) 12:206. CAVANILLA, Father. Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1897) 10.62. Murillo p.* CAVE, Alfred, 1847-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:971.* Edward, 1691-1754. Boswell, Johnson, ed. Napier (1884) 3:36. F. Kyte p. 1740. W. C. Edwards sc. Nichols, Lit. anec. (1812) 5: front. F. Kyte p. 1740. J. Basire sc. Sir Lewis William, 1832-97. Green bag (1896) 8:290.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 :346.* Men of mark (1883) 7:2. photo. Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 42. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Stephen, 1820- Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:581. wdct. after photo. Men of mark (1878) 3:pl. 6. photo. Vanity fair album (1874) 6:pl. 186. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CAVEDONE, Giacomo, 1577-1660. Dezallier d’Aroe.nville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:120. eng. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2: 143. eng. Mot'cKE, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 36. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Gregorj sc. CAVELIER, Pierre Jules, sculptor, 1814-94. Mag. of art (1894) 17:216.* CAVEN, Wilham, d. d. 1830- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2: 190. lith. CAVENDISH, J/r. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 58 A, fig. 5. R. Cosway p.* pseud, of Henry Jones, 1813-99. See Jones. Ada, q/ltr. Mrs. Francis Albert Marshall, 1839-95. CoLE.MAN, Charles Reade (1903) 316.* Theatre (1882) ser. 3, 5: front, photo. — (1885) ser. 4, 5:159. photo. Lady Anne, aftw. w. of Robert Rich, d. 1638. Secrctan, Cat. of paintings (1889) 2: 12. A. van Dj-ck p. eng. Lady Catherine, w. of 6th earl of Thanet, 1665- 1712. See title Thanet. Sir Charles, d. 1617. Portland, Duke of, Piet. (1894) 101. D. Mytens p.* Charles, colonel, 1620-43. Cust, Van D3’ck (1903) 2:pl. 13. Van Dyck p.* Mrs Charles, d. 18.50? Hayter, Beauties of court of Queen Victoria (18.50) pi. 8. J. Haj'ter del. B. Eyles sc. Lady Dorothy, w. of 3d duke of Portland, 1750- 94. See title Portland. Lord Edward, 1838-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:671.* Vanity fair album (1886) 18:pl. 501. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Edward, s. of Victor, 1895- Internat. studio (1901) 14:119. Ralph Peacock p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 177. Ralph Peacock p.* Lady Elizabeth, w. of 3d earl of Bridgewater, d. 1663. See title Bridgewater. Lady Elizabeth, w. of 1st duke of Montagu, d. 1734. See title Montagu. Lady, Elizabeth (Hardwick) w. of Sir William, 1520-1607. See title Shrewsbury. CAVENDISH 269 CAYLUS Lady Evelyn (Fitzmanrice) w. of Victor C. William, 19th cent. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:166* Lord Frederick Charles, 1836-82. Illl’s. Lond. news (1882) 80:4.56.* —(1884) 84:465. A. Bruce Joy sc.* (statue) — (1896) 109:357.* Out- look (18^) 57 :290.* Lady Georgiana Dorothy, w. of 9th earl of Carlisle, 1783-18.58. See title Carlisle. Lady Harriet Elizabeth, w. of 1st earl Gran- ville, 1785-1862. See title Granville. Henry, scientist, 1731-1810. Pop. sci. m. (1901) 59:430. C. Rosenberg sc.* Maud, dau. of Victor, 1896- Akt j. (1902) 54:218. Ralph Peacock p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 35. Peacock p.* Lord Richard, 1752-81. Portl^ind, Pict. (1894) 37. Re>Tiolds p.* Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 54. Sir J. Bejmolds p. 1780-81. S. W. Rej-nolds eng. Richard Frederick, m. p. 1871- VANm- fair album (1900) 32:pl. 722. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Thomas, 1560-92. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:180. eng. from Holland’s Heroologia, 1620. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:283. De L’armcssin sc. eng. Clowes, Royal navj’ (1897) 1:636. wdet. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1 :38. eng.* from Holland’s Heroologia. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:230. Hawkins, Plymouth armada heroes, Su- perior ed. (1888) 80 (with Hawkins and Drake) IIol- land, Herr. with her 2 broth- ers) Lady Sophia Georgiana (Lennox) w. of Lord Thomas CecH, d. 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120 : 120 .* Thomas, fl. 1630. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dalla- way (1828) 5:50. Lewis del. J. W. Cook sc. LLon Thomas, 1797-1802. Williamson, John Russell (1894) 77. John Russell p. 1799* (pastel, child por. with his brother and sister) CECIL family name. See also titles Burghley; Cran- bome; Exeter; Ros of Hamlake ; Wimbleton. See also Caw, James L. The portraits of the Cecils. In [Jessopp. .Augustus.] William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Lon- don. 1904. 1 °. pp. 91-105. CECIL (Gascoyne-Cecil) family name. See title Salisbury. CECILIA, saint. L’^Vrt (1889) 46:268. Paul Chop- pin f. & del. Sgap sc. (statue) Cath. world (189o) 60:661. Hoffmann f. CECILIE 271 CESNOLA CBCILIE (of Mecklenburg-Schwerin) crown princess of Germany, w. of Friedrich Wilhelm, 1886- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:354 * Tullberg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:387. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CEDERSTROM, baron, Rolf, h. of Adelina Patti, 18531- Critic (1903) 43:399* (with his wife) Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:114.* C^UESTE, Mme (Cdleste Elliot) dancer, 1814- Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:428.* Whyte, Actors (1898) 116* (as Cynthia) CEIiESTINE V, pope, (Pietro da Morone) 1215-96. L’Art (1903) 62:591. miniature 14th cent. CELLTER, Alfred, composer, 1844-91. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:6.* CELLINI, Benvenuto, 1500-70. L’Art (1887) 42:68. J. N. Robert-Fleury p. A. Masson sc. — (1894) 58:254. p.* Die qraphiscuen kunste (1882) 4:50. F. Laguillermie f.* Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:363. Iconoo. di. uomini sommi (18.61) pi. 16. Giorgio Vasari p. Cater. Piotti-Pirola sc. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:490. J. Haynes Williams p.* Scrib.ver’s mag. (1889) 6:496. eng. Scribner’s m. (1874) 9: 193. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 89. G.Geniani sc.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (186.5) 1:189. CELMAN, Juarez, pres, of Argentine republic. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:90.3. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:609. wdet. CELSI, Lorenzo, doge of Venice, d. 1365. Cico- GNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 58. Nani eng. CELTES, Konrad, 1459-1508. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 145. eng. Geiger, Renaissance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 459. Hans Burgkmair eng.* Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:86. Hans Burgkmair eng.* IIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 1:335. wdet. Konnecke, Bildcr-atlas (1887) 72. Durer? eng.* Seidlitz, I^rtratwerk (1894) l:pl. 25. II. Burgk- mair eng. CENCI, Beatrice, 1577-99. Armengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 34. Hotelin-Hurel sc. Bentley’s misc. (1847) 22:105. Guido p. J. Cook sc. Book buyer (1899) 18:445. Guido p.* Eclectic mag. (1873) 80:1. Guido p. Geo. E. Perine eng. Green bag (1900) 12:633. Guido? p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz. (1899) 11: pi. 1534. Guido p.* (Barberini gall. Rome) CENTER, Alexander J. Harper’s mag. (1859) 18: 154. eng. CENTLFVRE, Mrs Susanna (Freeman) dra- matist, 16751-1723? Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1:237. wdet. Ladies’ m. mus. (1814) n. s. 16:301. CENTRA, Pio, valet to Pope Leo XIII. Criti) (1903) 43:108.* Narfon, Pope Leo XIII (1899c 106. CENTRANIGO, Pietro (Barbolano) doge of Venice, d. 1032. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1: pi. 28. Naniinc. CERERO, R. Span, general. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1094. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:559. C^RESTE, marquis de, 1672-1750. See Brancas, Louis de. CERISAY, Antoinette de. See Olivier, Mme Francois. CERNON, baron de, Jean Baptiste de Pinteville, 1756- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:410. Turlure del. Voyez jeune, sc. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de, 1547- 1616. Bentley’s misc. (1848) 24:626. Joannes Morenus p. Joseph Brown sc. Biog. mag. (1794) Rivers sc. after drawing. — (1819) 1:13. Holl sc. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) J. de Castillo eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 5:52. Velasquez p. eng. Lmper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:957-9. D. F. Selma eng. E. Mackenzie eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:147. Selma eng. Mackenzie eng. Por. gall. (1853) Selma eng. Mackenzie sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 10. J. del Castillo p. M. S. Carmona sc. CERVERA Y TOPETA, Pasquale de. Span, admiral. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:851. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:463, 686. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:46. McClure’s mag. (1898) 1 1 : 405.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:279.* CERVINI, MarceUo. Mag. of art (1899) 23:298. Pontormo p.* (Borghese gall.) CiSAR DE BOURBON, son of Henri IV, king of France, 1594-1665. See Vend6me, due de. CESARE DA NAPOLI, d. 1568. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 108. Aliprando Cap- riolo eng. CESARESCO DA BRESCIA, conte, Sciarra Martinengo, d. 1569. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Kla«s. bilderschatz (1898) 10: pi. 1348. Moretto da Brescia (Alessandro Bonvicino) p.* (Lond. Nat. gall.) Cl^SARGES, Jean Baptiste Florimond Joseph de, abb6, 174^ Biog. moderne (1807) 3:38. Perrin del. I>e Tellier sc. CESARI, Giuseppe cavaliere d’Arpino 1560-1640. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:224. eng. Lioni, Ritratti di pittori (1731) 37. Ottavio Lioni eng. JLarrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) l,pt. 1:7. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CESI, Bartolommeo, 1556-1629. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:239. eng. CESNOLA, conie di, Luigi Palma, 1832-1904. Arena (1904) 32:225. Harper’s mag. (1872) CESPEDES • 27*2 CHALGRIX 45:ldS. 5. Foi Hastei:'? w. (ISTT 21:1053. lossrs-G, of X. Y. «ix <1?5>4 2:SS2. G- E. P«ine rag. CESPEUZS, Carlos Mariiel de, prps. of Oiba. ISl?- Hailtes'i. ^If^' 13:061. ■■Tdc*. Pai)l:^ de, 153*^1 Oils. Maxvell. Annaif of artists of Spain ^1S91'' 2:3iC. EiiqDidazMS i H. Ariiard sr. Pecrc. d. 1ST3. Haepeks w. ^5=^' 17:10cO. a-dct- CZSSAC. ocmir it, 17o2-lS41. 5«^ Laco^, Jtan Girard. CESSXA. John. n. c, 1S21-0S. Haxpeb's w. 0033 37:1244. ardea- CESSOI_ omit it, Htlarion Spinalieri. 1776-1 S45. TcisEini. moMsr ;1*<3C' 2;235, Prrnn Bth. ijOO. CETIl'i ATO, king of Zoloiand, d. 1SS3. Hae- PEE S w. (1S7& 23:233. atxJrt. — 1SS3 27:433 ■ada. Ini'S. Ijood. ilS73 1 74:165- E. Tih dd. 1S77.* Vaxttt fair albam (1 SS2 14:|d. 16. Spv f. ith. cmxxcaye CH.\ KK yLOOl^ tager-ciuei of Yucatan. Hau- Ssojj of klexioo 1334 73. staiae.* CHASA27XES. Annotne de. 1411— SS. Set Dam- martin. ooDOr dp. Jacqnes I de. 14001-^3 Gax. d. beanx arts (3536 aer. 3 15:245. BihJ. nai. Jacqnes II de. d. 1525 5 «p La PaBoe, seignpor dp. CHABAITLT. MVhpl. 1714- Biog. modenip 1507 '2:411. Labadye 6-1. Conrbe sc. CSABOT, Francois. 1757-34 Lexotke. Le Baron 04- Banz -.Par. 15(36, man. Henri de. 1616-55 Yeksaxlles. GaL Lia. Gavard 1535 13:pL 21& Blanchard eag. after stanuf. Phihrpe de, cocme dp Champy, amiral dp BnoG, 1454*-1>45. 5« Bnon. CHASDT tamily namp. S4 irdca. Oliver. Xra Esc. mag. 1330 n_a3:lSL CHADBOTTRlvE, Pad AnseL pres. WilUams coU. 1523-53 Xett Exg. mag. (1503 n. a 9: 170. CHAD VICK. Sir Ed-wln. 1501-90. Ctsx, Xat. poc. gafl. ' 1302 1 2:259. .l.dan: Salomon sc.* (bust' IinrkLood.npTrs (15550' 34:372 * —i, 1500 97:53.* French Ensor, r. s. x. 1544- Cext. (15199) 35:555>5>-* CKmc (IsSb 33:314.* Haepeb s w. (15550 33:929. ardet. — (lJ05 42:19(6.337. Mc- CYtee's mag. ^1509' 13:392* .arith Admiral Samp- son OrruooK tl903 74:605 Geor^ Alexander, hp. erf Dpny. 1540- Ilets. Lood. nears 1900' 117:456.* Geor^ Vhirneld. 1x54- Baeek. Biog. diet, mns 13Y' 107, .Gpx. Ghbaaedod del.* Habpee's ar. 1505' 42:1015 XEar'ExG. mag. (1555S* n. a 1:«L —1900 n. a 23:16. John WhiTe. 1540-1904 Ajlex'a. 1S3o' 15:4* Booe baypT (^19iX' 21:255 S. X. It n. iLura Loud, nears (15731 63:129. G B. Birch sc. ardet. stanie, Bohoo CHA-ZM-EZT, Egyptian o&taL Hetcx, Mono- grant. z. arehgesch. i^l9X> 10:51. carrii^?* (Berlin nsna CHAFPACI.T DE BESK£. ooaile dm, Louis Charles. 1705-93. Veesailles, GaL hist. Gavard, sap. 4:r 1. 56. Marlei p. Deiannoy eng. nTAp 4kE tfiTift T4n— iRTiyn T- s t TajO- HaS- pee's mag. (1S99 9S:549. Habpee's ar. (15SG) 42:566. F. Bemingtoo deL* — (1900 ' 44:64S. — 1904 ' 4x: 159.* r35«L* OntooK (1900 ' 66:15 — 1901 6x:'2*0. B. or lev. ,^1902 26:142* — 1904 29:151.* Sceibx'Ee's mag. ^15951 24:410 l* Woem's arork 1901 ' 1:342. Jerome B. r. a senator, 1525-56. Haepee's ar. aSS6 ' 30:151. ardet. CHAFFERS. Villiam. archeologist, lSll-92 lura Lcmd. nears ISSC) 100:543.* CHAFRA- king of Egrpt. 5«c Cbephren. CHAELLOeX. Femanm scul^Kor. L’Abt (1903) 62:315 CHAJLLC, Pad Belloni du, 1S3S>-1903- 5« Du ChaiDii. CHALAACBERT, Abel de. 1535- L’Aet (1901) 60:255 CHALCOXDYLAS. Demetrius, 1424 1-1510! BrLLAKT. .\cad. d. scL et d. arts (1GS2' 1:280. X. L'armpssin sc. nTAT-F A 1 Hf>[ X Mtht de. Gaz. d. beaux arts ( 15G4 ' ser. 3. 12: 103. J. M. Xattier p. BaMchoa sc. CHAXGRD7, if ate Marguerite Pdcheiie (Temet L'AetiISTT 5:99. L. David p. Saint- F-lme Gautier dea Puyplax eng. CHALIE 273 CHAMBERLAIN CHALIE, Francis, wine merchant, 1741- Ecko PEAN mag. (1810) 57:83. S. Drummond p. Ridley eng. CHALIER, Marie Joseph, 1747-93. Iconog. des contemp. {1S.32) l:pl. 54. L.Duprddel.? Delpech lith. Revolution franp. (1801) 2;pl. 9. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la r^v. fran<;. (1804) 3: pi. 31. Levachez sc. CHALIGNY, comUsse de, Claude de Moy, 1572- 1627. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 27. Gustave Levy eng. after por. CHALLE, Charles Michel-Ange, painter, 1718-78. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 25:505. J. J. GuilTre}’ p. Le Rat eng. CHALLEMEL-LACOini, Paul Armand, 1827-96. Critic (1897) 30:9. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:617.* —(1893) 102:387. —(1896) 109:566. CHALLONER, Miss, of Quebec. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:325. wdct. John H. 1853- Harper’s w. (1869) 13:.325. wdct. Richard, r. c. bp. of London, 1691-1781. Merry Eng. (1894) 22:417. eng.* Thomas. Baily’s mag. (1863) 6:t-p. CHALMERS, Mr. Mao. of art (1902) 27:57. Frank Bramley p.* (with his wife) Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 123. Bramley p.* (with his wife) Sir David Patrick, 1829-99. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:929.* —(1899) 115:203.* George, of PittencrielT, 1742-1825. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 6. Raeburn p. 1776.* Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 27. H. Edridge f. R. Cooper eng. H. H. 1833-85. Green hag (1899) 11 :.508.* James, mis.sionary. Lindt, Picturesque New Guinea (1887) pi. 3. John, d. 1800. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 35. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. Thomas, 1780-1847. Am. rev. (1848) 7: front. J. Sartain eng. Anderson, Scottish nation (1863) 1: pi.' 622. T. Duncan f. J. B. Bird. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:113. Duncan p. 1843.* Chambers, Era. Scotsmen (18.55) 5: front. Duncan p. H. Robin- son eng. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 34. B. W. Crombie f. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of era. men & women (1873) 2:337. Chappel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1847) 12:145. Sartain eng. after daguerr. — (18.57) 40:1. Sartain eng. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:782. death mask.* Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 93. death mask.* Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:204. Sir John Steelle sc. eng. (statue, Edinburgh) Mack- intosh, Story of Scotland (1890) 298. Mag. of art (1900)25:33. Kenneth Mackay p. 1847.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:377. \V. G. Jackman eng. after daguerr.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall (1846) 2:57. eng. William, m. d. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 3.5. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. CHALON, Hardouin de. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:419. Gros del. Texier sc. Maria, painter. Ladies’ m. mus. (1827) imp. ser. 26:1. Renter, 1802-89. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1900) 66:45. D. J. Desvachez sc. CHALONER, Richard, colonel Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 67. Arthur Hacker p.* Sir Thomas, 1521-65. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 :2.50. eng. after monument (Chiswick, Middle- sex) Connoisseur (1902) 2: 106. Vandvke p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:39. Antonio Moro p. 15.59.* CHAM, French caricaturist, 1819-79. See No^, Ainad^e de. CHAMBERLAIN, Austen, s. of Joseph. R. of rev. (1902) 26;.300. eng. Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 711. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Daniel Henry, gov. of S. C. 1835- Green bag (1889) 1:479.* Harper’s w. (1876) 20:45. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:570. photo.? Eugene Tyler, 1856- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:40. W. C. Smith f. eng. George Earle, gov. of Gregon, 1854- R. of rev. (1902) 26:21.* Henry Richardson, 1859- Bookman (1904) 19:251.* Humphrey Barker, 1847- Mao. of West. hist. (1889) 10:148. eng. Ivory, N. Y. editor, d. 1881. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:204. wdct. Joseph, 1836- Art j. (1889) 41:59. Frank Holl p. Book buyer (1896) 13:219. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 4:49. lith. after photo. Cent. (1904) 46:13.* Critic (1896) 28:272. —(1901) 39:454. Max Beer- bohm del.* (caricature) Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:163.* —(1890) 81:103.* —(1893) 88:41. —(1897) 95:118. Paul Renouard del.* —(1900) 100:296.* Harper’s w. (1887) 31:816. wdct) —(1888) 32:825. wdct. —(1896) 40:682. wdct. —(1899) 43:1059, 1315. —(1902) 46:750. —(1902. 47:663. Scotson-Clark del.* Illus. Lond. news(1876) 69:69. wdct. after photo. — (1886) 88:149. — ( 1895) 107:5.* —(1897) 110:174.* —(1898) 112:279. T. Walter Wilson del.* —(1903) 122:303. S. Beggdel.* (group) — 123: Dec. 19, sup. p. 5. S. Begg f.* (with his sec. Mr Wilson) Lamp (1903) 26: 1.57. W. Nichol- son del.* McCarthy, Brit, political por. (1903) 74.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:210. Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 28. photo. Notables of Brit. (1897) 23.* Gutlook ( 1897) 57 : 290.* — ( 1899 ) 61 : 527.* —63:324.* —(1900) 65:538.* —(1903) 75:572.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:269. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) — (1903) 31:291.* R. of rev. (1892) 6:267. Nops del.* —(1896) 13:180. —(1903) 28:386.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 5. Vanity fair album (1877) 9:pl. 241. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1880) 12: front. 2. T. f. lith. (caricature, with 24288—06 18 CHAMBERLAIN 274 CHAMILLART Gladstone and Lord Hartington) — (1897) 29: front. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) — (1901) 33:pl. 733. Spy f. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1903) 7:4045.* Mrs Joseph (Mary Crowinshield Endicott) Harper’s w. (1888) 32:888. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:72. Pall Mall mag. (1903) 31 :293.* Sarge.vt, Work (1903) pi. 34. Sargent p. 1902.* Joshua Lawrence, 1828- New Exg. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:80. Jackson sc. (bust, capitol, Augusta, Me.) — (1891) n. s. 5:464. Scribner’s in. (1876) 12 : 59. eng. Mellen, librarian, 1821-1900. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:748. Richard, m. p. 1840-99. Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:488.* Selah, 1812- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:613. Sartain eng. after photo. Wilbur J. reporter. R. of rev. (1904) 29:255. CHAMBERLAYNE, Sir Thomas, 15601-1625. O.xroRD, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 54. school of Marcus Gheeraerts p. 1619* (age 59) Thomas, 1805- Baily’s mag. (1867) 12:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo WiUiam, 1619-89. Effigies poeticse (1824) 1:43. Hertocks eng. J. Thurston del. C. Rolls eng. (from his Pharonnida) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 : pi. 43. Hertocks eng. Thurston del. Rolls eng. (from his Pharonnida) CHAMBERLIN, Thomas Chrowder, 1843- New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:20. Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51:790. CHAMBERS, Alexander, 1819-75. Mag. of West. hist. (18^) 3:377. eng. Anne, w. of 2d earl Temple, 1709-77. See title Temple. Charles Haddon, dramatist, 1860- Critic (1900) 37:127. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:82. photo. Mrs Ernest. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 111. H. T. Wells p.* John, 1470-1549. Knackfcss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17:151. Holbein p.* (age 88) Reber u. Bay- ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1895) 7: pi. 940. Hol- bein p.* (age 88, Vienna gall.) John, gov. of Iowa, 1779-1852. Annals of Iowa (1871) 9:553. —(1894) ser. 3, 1:432. Sadd eng. — ser. 3, 1:441. Geo. H. Yewell p.* Harper’s mag. (1889) 79 : 170. Juhus, 1850- Arena (1891) 4:25.* Robert, publisher, 1802-71. DRAWiNO-room por. gall. (I860) ser. 4:22. D. J. Pound eng. after C ' Dto. Fields, Shelf of old Ixioks (1894) 102. wdct. H.MANN, Men & women (1896) 13. Lehmann f. 1861.* Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:464 (with William) Robert William, novelist, 1865- Book buver (1896) 13:401. —(1902)25:201.* Bookman (1899) 9:102. —(1901) 13:101. CiiAP-book (1898) 8:32.5. Critic(1901) 39:301.* Harper’s mag. bkshelf (1902) 105.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1018.* (various por.) — 46: 1389 (age 37) — (1904)48:396.* Literature (1898) 2: June 15, sup. pi. 9. Miss S. D. Mag. of art (1900) 25:23. J. Russell p.* Rev. Talbot Wilson, 1819-96. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:328. wdct. Sir Thomas, 1814- Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:400. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 455. Spy f. hth. (caricature) Wesley, oil operator. McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:9.* Sir William, architect, 1726-96. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 4. J. F. Rigaud p.* (with Jos. Wilton and Sir Joshua Reynolds, Nat. por. gall.) Art j. (1889)41:238. Reynolds p. (Roy. acad.) Bioo. mag. (1794) Reynolds p. George Murray sc. Cust, Nat. TOr. gall. (1902) 2:3. Rigaud p. 1782.* —2:3. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* European mag. (1796) 29: 147. W. Bromley sc. Scribner’s mag. (1904) 36:421. Reynolds p.* Select biog. of celebr. char. pi. 28. Reynolds p. Joscmh Jenkins sc. Wheatley, Hist, or. (1897) 234. Rigaud p.* (with Sir J. Reynolds and oseph Wilton) Lady [William], Catherine (Moore) d. 1797. Goodwin, James McArdell (1903) 72. Reynolds p. 1756? James McArdell sc.* Portfolio (1882) 13: front. Reynolds p. J. Mc.\rdell mezzo.* William, publisher, 1800-63. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 3:105. lith. after photo. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4:23. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Fields, Shelf of old books (1894) 102. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:. 540.* Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:464 (with Robert) WiUiam Lea, chief justice of Samoa, 1852- IIarper’s w. (1899) 43:645.* CHAMBOLLE, Michel Auguste, 1802-82. IIuARTet Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 21. Benjamin f. CHAMBON-LATOTJR, Jean Michel, 1739- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:420. Labadye del. Texier sc. CHAMBOB.D, comte de, Henri, 1820-83. See Bor- deaux, due de. CHAMBRAY, Jacques Francois de, 1687-1756. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. eng. CHAMBRUN, comte de, Joseph Dominique Aldebert de Pineton, 1821- Outlook (1897) 56:51. CHAMIER, Frederick, writer, 1796-1870. New m. mag. (hS.'iS) 52:front. Schmitz del. Freeman eng. CHAMILLARD, Guido, d. 1675. L’Art (1891) 50:79. R. Nanteuil p. 1664. R. Nanteuil sc. CBLAMILLART, Michel de, ma^uis de Cany, 1652-1721. IcoNOG. de Mme de S6vign6, pi. 32. eng. after contemp. por. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2472. Wolf eng. CHAMILLY 275 CHAMPLIN CHAMILLY, marquis de, Noel Bouton, marshal, 1636-1715. Veesailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, 8; pi. 1439. F. J. Heim p. J. F. Pourvoyeur eng. CHAMINADE, Cdcile Louise Stephanie, com- poser, 1861- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 107. Alex. Gribay6doff del.* Cent. (1898) 33:769.* CHAMISSO, Louis Charles Adelaide de {pseud. Adalbert von Chamisso) 1781-1838. L’Art (1876) 5:84. David d’Angers f.* (medal) Gostwick, Ger- man poets (1874) 206. photo. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 276. Ritschel del. Oldermann lith.* Pop. sci. m. (1890) 38:145. Seidi.itz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 104. Reinick p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildni^cn (1898) l:pl. 22. Rob- ert Reinick p.* CHAMMOYNAT, MUe de, 1892- See Assilva, Carmen d’, pseud.. CHAMP-RENAXJD, MUe The'rbse de. Paris salon (1892) 61. CHAMPAGNE, comte de, Henri I, le Liberal, 1127 f-81. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 81. Decaisne p. Delannoy eng. comte de, Thibaut III, d. 1191. See Blois, comte de. comte de, Thibaut IV, king of Navarre, 1201-53. See Thibaut. Catherine de Sainte Suzanne de. L’Art ( 1892) 52:77. Philippe de Champagne p. Lefort del. G. R. Levillain sc. (with M^re Catherine Agn^s Amauld) Jean Baptiste de, nephew of artist, 1643-88. Chexnevieres, Les dessins du Luovre (1883) 5: pi. 2. Philipfie de Champagne del. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2360. Massard eng. Louis de, 1342-1402. See Sancerre, comte de. Philippe de, 1602-74. L’Art (1891) 51:115. Champagne p. 1668. Gdrard fidelinck sc. — (1894) 59, pt. 1 : 412. Ph. de Champaigne p.* — (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:774. Champagne p. Edelinek eng.* Brit. mus. prints (1899) n. s. pt. 8: pi. 12. Champaigne p. Edelinek eng.* Desc.amps, La vie des peintres flamands (1754) 2:62. C. Eisen inv. Gaillard sc. De:zallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameu.x peintres (1762) 3:367. eng. Drelx du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Champagne p. Ph. le Febvre sc. Henkels, Coll, of eng. por. by E. R. Cope (1896) 2:30. Champagne p. Edelinek eng. Hist. gall, of j)or. (1809) 4: pi. 9. Champagne p. George Cooke sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1253. ChampaiCTe p.* (Louvre) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2172. Champaigne p. Giroux enc. Walms- ley, Physiog. por. (1824) l:pl. 15. Champagne p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. Weyermax, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2;pl. 51. CHAMPAGNY, Jean-Baptiste Nompere de, duke of Cadorc, 1756-1834. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 18. Nargeot eng. after contemp. por. C HAM PCENETZ, Mme. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 15:466. Greuze p. Morse sc. CHAMPDIVEB.S, Odette de. Court mag. (1841) 18:87. eng. after contemp. ms. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:70. C. Laplante sc. (with Charles \T) CHAMPEAuX, Joseph Nicolas, 1753- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:422. Moreau del. Le Tellier sc. CHAMPEAUX-PALASNE, d. 1795. Biog. mo- deme (1807) 2:422. Godefroy del. Massard sc. CHAMPFLEURY (Jules Fleury - Husson) 1821-89. L’Art (1892) 52:5. P. Vidal del.* — (1893) 55:5. Albert Ehivivier del. Trichon sc. L’Art et l’id4e (1892) 1:186. eng. after drawing. Bookman (1902) 16:38. Nadar del.* (caricature) Gal. contemp. ( 1^6) pi. 12. photo. Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1886) 7:344. PailJet f. Manesse sc. (water color) CHAMPION, Edme, 1764-1852. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 6. Steules p. Bouvier eng. George, 182.5- Baily’s mag. (1882) 38:t.-p. CHAMPIONNET, Jean Etienne, 1762-99. IcoxoG. des contemp. (18.32) l:pl. 55. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Revolution franc. (1801) 2; pi. 29. Levachez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 3: pi. 14. eng. Tableaux hist, de la r4v. franc. (1804) 3: pi. 47. Levachez sc. Tardieu, GSn. franc. 1 : pi- 5. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8: pi. 1622. Francois Bouchot p. G. L4vy eng. CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de, 1567-1635. Bouri- NOT, Story of Canada (1896) 69. from Suite’s Hist, des Canadiens-Francais, 1882-84.* Le Clercq, First establishment of the faith in New France (1881) 1:65. Th. Hamel p. J. A. O’Neil eng. (Moncoraet por.) Charlevoix, Hist, of New France (1866) 2: front. Th. Hamel p. O’Neill eng. (Moncornet por.) Guizot, Pop. liist. of France, 6:174. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:515. —(190.3) 107:9.50. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:515. Nat. mag. (1892) 15:238. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:582, 684. Parkman, Champlain ed. (1898) 2:60. Hamel . O’Neill eng.* (Moncoraet por.) Spoffdrd, Lib. ist. char. (1896) 1:164. vignette. W 11 ..SON, Hist, of jVm. people (1902) 2:7. old print.* Wi.nsor, Nar. and crit. nist. (1889) 4:119. Hamel p. eng. (Moncornet por.) CHAMPLATREUX, seigneur de, Louis Mole 1679-1709. IcoNOG. de Mme de S4vignd, pi. 33. eng. CHAMPLIN, Christopher Grant, c. s. senator, 1766-1840. St Memix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 464. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 138. Saint Memin p.* James Tift, d. d. 1811-82. Me. hist. soc. Coll, and proc. (1890) ser. 2, 1:337. John Wayne, 1831-1901. Green bag (1890) 2:391.* Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:692. eng. Margaret. See Mason, Mrs Peggy. CHAMniX 276 CHAXXIXCt St«phen. c, s. x. irSS>-lS70. Harper's niAg. (1863 27:298. ei^. Harper’s w, (1860'^ 4:568. wdct. CHAMPITEIS. S. merchant of Cbariestown. S. C. St Merix, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 218. St Memin del. .fc eog. 1902.* CHAJtPXZY, Janie® Wells. 1843-1903. Cext. (1900) 38:823. Marie Chatnpney Humphreys p.* (miniature) CHAMPNEYS, William Weldon. 1907- Draw- iXG-room jwr. gall. (I860) ser. 4:8. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. CHAMPOLUON, Jean Francois, 1790-1832. Werckmeister. Das 19te jahrhunden in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 278. Coignet p.* CHAMPOLLIOK-FIGEAC, Jacques Joseph, 1778-1867. L’Art (1875) 2:105. Bartholdi f.* (statue) CHAMPS. Edouard de. Harper's w. (1S6S) 12:376. wdct. CHA27AC. Guillaume, abp. of Paris, d. 1348. Versauxes. Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. Oi. J. Bemardi eng. after statue. CHANCE, Frank, d. 1897. Illcs. Lond. news (1897) 111:174.* James. Rot. acad. pict. (1894) 76. Thomy- crtrft sc.* (bust) Marian. Rot. acad. pict. (1894) 93. James Sant P* CHANCEAUME. St Memix, Cyck p.* (Louvre) — (1897) 9: pi. 1288. A. van Dyck p.* (Dresden gall.) Scribner’s mag. (1900) 27:293. Lely p. replica (Dresden gall.) — 27:313. Frank Craig del. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 64. A. van Dvck p. P. do Jode sc. Sheppard, Old roy. pal- ace of Whitehall (1902) front. Van Dyck p.* Skel- ton, Charles I (1898) front. 7,26, 70, 86, 98, 114, 119, 130, 174, 181 (lOpor.) S.mitii, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 1038. A. Van Dyck p. R. Robinson eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 35. D. 5Wtens p.* (with Henrietta Maria and infant) .Stern, Gesch. d. rev. in Eng. (1881) 27. Van D\*ck p. contemp. eng. — p. 48. Van Dyck p. Strange eng. Taylor’s Piet. hist, of Scotland, 2:650. A. Van Dyck p. T. W. Knight sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2: front. Van Dyck p. eng. Verney family (1802) 2:80. Vandyck p.* Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^18) 10: pi. 2162. A. van Dyck p. L. G. Thibault eng. Vertue, Heads, pi. 34. A. Vandyke p. G. Vertue sc. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 16. Vandyke p. Cosmo .Vrmstrong eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 1:134. E. Boequet sc. \V eldon. Court and char, of King James (1817)59. .\. Vandyke p. Geo. Vertue sc. Wheatley, CHARLES 281 CHARLES Hist. por. (1897) 168. A. van Dyck p.* Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (UK)4) 1 ; pi. 15, fig. 1. P. Oliver p. 1630.* (Montagu house) — 1; pi. 16, 6g. 3. P. Oliver ?p.* (age 14) — 1: pi. 46, fig. 8. John Hos- kins p.* (liijks mus. Amsterdam) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1 : 173. A. Vandyck f. eng.* Win- ter, Gesch. des 30 jahrigen krieges (1893) 273. Van der WerfI p. Benoit Audran sc. Woouburn’s gall. (1816) 1 : pi. 29. Elstracke sc. eng. — 1 : pi. 30, 31, 32. S. Pass eng. — l;pl. 33. eng. from Faithorne’s set of kings. — l:pl. 34. Glover sc. (with Henrietta Maria) — l;pl. 35. Hollar sc. eng. — l:pl36. eng. after print. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 26. Briot f. AVorthington eng. (medallion) 3 children of. (Charles II, James II, Mary, princess of Orange.) Art j. (1900) 52:17. Van Dyck p.* Cust, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 110. Ant. van Dyck p. 1635* (Royal gall. Turin) Foster, The Stuarts (1902) l:pl. 64. Van Dyck p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1874) ser. 2,9:231. A. Van Dyck p. Ad. Lalauze etch. (Louvre) — ser. 2, 9:232. A. Van Dyck p. wdet. (in Turin) Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) 60. A. Van Dyck p. Gaujean sc. (Turin) — p. 173. A. Van Dyck del. (Louvre) Hall, Roy. gall, of art, 2: pi. 12. Van Dyck p. J. Burnet sc. Hanf- STAENGL, Gal. in Dresden (1849) 3: pi. 55. A. van Dyck p. F. Hanfstaengl eng. — 4: pi. 82. Van Dyck Hanfstaengl eng. Henderson, Side lights ling, ist. (1900) 87. Van Dj'ck p. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1801) 105: July 21, sup. Van Dyck p.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 13:75 (Dresden gall.) Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 33. Van Dyck p.* Mao. of art (1882) 5:429. Van Dyck p. wdet. M.ag. of .\m. hist. (1886) 16:513. Van Dvek del.* (Louvre) Masters in art (19(X)) pt. 1, l:pl. 6. Van Dyck p.* OtTTLOOK (1899) 63:320. Van Dyck p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1895) 7: pi. 892. Van Dyck p.* (Windsor) —(1898) 10: pi. 1438. Ant. van Dyck p.* (Turin gall.) Skelton, Charles I (1898) 62. Vandyke p.* So. Kensi.ngton, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 34. A. van Dyck p.* Stern, Gesch. dcr revo- lution in England (1881) 54. Van Dyck p. Robert Strange eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1: front. Van Dj'ck p. S. Cooper p.* (Montagu house) Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1882) 27:193. A. Van Dyck p. Gaujean sc. (Turin gall.) 5 children of. (Charles II, James II, Mary, princess of orange, Elizabeth, Anne.) Art). (1902) 54:168. Vandyck p.* (Windsor) Con- noisseur ( 1902) 2:112. Vandvke p.* Cust, Anthony Van Dyck (1900) 112. Ant' van Dyck p. 16.37.* (Windsor) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 103. Sir A. Van Dyck p. old copy.* Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) 172. A. Van Dyck p. Gaujean sc. (Wind- sor) Hall, Royal gall, of art, 3: pi. 9. Van Dyck p. H. Bourne sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 13:73. Van Dyck p.* (Berlin mus.) Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 55. Van Dyck p.* Mag. of art ( 1900) 24 : 200. Vandyck p.* Heber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1235. Van Dyck p.* (Berlin mus.) Charles II, king, 1630-85. Allg. wcltge.schichte (1887) 8:363. P. Lely p. G. Vertue eng. Archer, Piet. & roy. por. (1884) 2: front. Kneller p. J. L. Williams del. II. Bourne eng. Art j. (1896) 48:325. Petitot p.* (miniature) Art union (1843) 5:282. from The courtier’s calling. Book bu}'er (IfX)l) 23:395. A. van Dj’ck p.* (child por.) 6rit. mus. Prints (1898) n. s. pt. 7: pi. 11. Na.son p. Cornells van Dalen eng.* (T'arlyle, Works, cent. ed. (1897) 9: front. Cent. (1893) 23:912. Samuel Cooper f.* Clare.ndon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2:410. Michael Van der Gucht sc. after p. — (1843) 2:fK)8. Lely p. W. Finden sc. Clowes, Royal navy (1898) 2:266. medal* (coll, of prince Louis of Battenberg) — 2:420. medal* (coll, of prince Louis of Battenberg) Connoisseur (1902) 2:248. William Sherwin eng.* mezzo.* — (1904) 9:228. Lely p. A. Blooteling f. & ex. 1680.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 135 (3 p.)* — (1902) 2:sup. p. 5. Pieter Nason p.* Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 451. wdet. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Lely p. Basan eng. Earlo.m, Por. of roy. piersonages (1816) pi. 9. Charles Turner eng. Eng. painters of the Georgian era (1876) 28. Benjamin West p.* Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:533. Kneller p. R. Willims sc. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) l:pl. 25. Richard Gaywood eng.* Fea, Flight of the king (1897) front. i97. S. Cooper p.* (miniature) Fellowes, Hist, sketch of Charles I (18^) 276. A. Lommelin eng. Maurin del. Langlumd lith. Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898)218. Lely p. Blooteling eng. (Library of Congress) Fiske, Old Viiginia (1900) 2: 17. Mrs M. Beale p. eng. from Nat. por. gall. Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 79. medals.* — 2: pi. 80. Van Dyck p.* (in youth) — 2: pi. 85. Cooper p.* — 2; pi. 92. p.* (middle age) — 2: pi. 95. medal* (Brit, mus.) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 3:97. John Greenhill f.* Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2:pl. 24. Petitot p.* (miniature) — (1884) 4:pl. 17. Cooper p.* (miniature) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1286. ilium, on patent (Pub. record office) — 3: 1352. S. Cooper p. (miniature, Windsor) H.amii.ton, First or Grenadier Guards (1874) 1: front. Kneller p. eng. Ha.milton, Mem. of Count Gram- mont, 12.5. Lely p. S. Harding del. Birrell sc. — (18()9) 2:front. Bocquetsc. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:865. J. Greenhill p.* — (1889) 79:379. effigy* (Westminster abbey) Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 61. Van Dyck p. eng. (child [)or. with father) — p. 120. Lely p. Brown eng. 1678. Hirth, Li's grands illustrateurs, 4:1.375. Van Dvck p. ? W. Hollar eng. 1649 (child por.) — 5: 1856. !•*. Na.son p. J. Sandrart eng. Hl'me, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 11:183. L<“ly p. W. Ridley eng. Hutchinson, Mem. of Col. Hutchinson (1885) 2:244. Ben. Damman sc. IcoNOG. de Mme de S6vign6, pi. 36. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:749. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 355. John Kay eng. 1809, after equestr. statue (Edin- burgh) Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 5, 73. Van D3'ck p.* Lodge, Por. (18.35) 9: pi. 4. Lelj' p. Finden eng. Oliphant, Hist. char. (1894) 16. S. Cooper p. T. Johason eng. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:343. statue (Westminster hall) — 34:290. W. Nicholson del.* after effigy (Westminster abbej’) Pepys’ diary, Wheatley ed. (1896) 8:200. John Greenliill p.* INat. por. gall.) Piiilippson, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 60. Lelyp. G. Vertue eng. 1736. Portfolio (1896) no. 25:44. Van Dj’ck p.* Port- land, Piet. (1894) 27. A. van Dyck p.* Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:101. Ch. Turner sc.* Rawn, Hist, of Eng. (1733) 2:618. Leh' p. G. Vertue CHAELES CHAELES 282 EXGLAXi)— -continued sc. 17:56. Keber u. Baversdorfer, Klas-s. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1216. Van byck p.* (child por. Windsor) Keresby, Travels and mem. (1813) 2iM. E. Scriven sc. after p. (Cashiohury) Scribxer’s mag. (1900) 27:464. t^*ymour Lucas del. 1900. Seidijtz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 109. Kneller p. R. Williams sr. sc. Shei’eard, Old roy. palace at Whitehall (1902) 256. miniature.* Skeltox, Charles I (1898) 106. miniature* (child por.) So. Kensixotox, Nat. hist, por. 3: pi. 9. Lely p.* —3: pi. 10. Gaspard Nctscher p.* — 3:pl. 11. John Grecnhill p.* — 3:pl. 12. Ely p.* (child por.) Taylor, Piet. hist, of Scotland, 2:682. Lely p. Tuaxe, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:41. Van lloeck p. eng. — 3:1. Lely p. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl.'2347. Bertonnier eng. Vertue, Heads, pi. 36. Lely p. G. Vertue sc. 1736. Walpole, Royal & nohle authors (1806) 1:154. E. Boequet sc. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 172. Greenhill p.* Whitmax, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 14. W. Sherwin eng. after mezzo. 1669. William- sox, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 1, fig. 4. p. 1663.* — 1 pi. 16, fig. 7. p.* (coll. Duke of Rutland) — l:pl. 17, fig. 6. P. Oliver p. 1621* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) — l:pl. 20, fig. 5. J. Hoskins p.* (in youth, Montagu house) — l:pl. 26, fig. 4. David des Granges p.* (Ham house) — 1 : pi. 32, fig. 3, 5. D. Loggan p.* — l:pl. 33, fig. 2. D. Paton p. 1668* (Ham house) — l;pl. 34, fig. 3. J. Hoskins p.* (as a hoy) — l:pl. 36, fig. 1, 3. S. Coojx-r p.* (Montagu house) — l:pl. 37, fig. 1. S. Cooper p.* — l:pl. 40. S. Cooper p. 1665* (Goodwood coll.) — l:pl. 41. fig. 1. S. Cooper p. 1665* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) — l:pl. 47, fig. 10. p.* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) — l:pl. 47, fig. 12. S. Cooper? p.* (as a hoy, Rijks mus. Amsterdam) — 2: pi. 81, fig. 3. Prieur p. 1669* after S. Cooper. Williamsox, Por. miniatures (1897) 144. S. Cooper p.* — p. 164h. David Loggan p.* WiLsox, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:214. Lely f. print.* WcxJDBURx’s gall. (1816) 1 : pi. 40, 41, 42, 43, 45 (various por.) Worthixgton, Sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 28. Lely p. Worthington eng. See also Charles I, 5 children of, and Charles I, 3 children of. Charles Edward Stuart, prince, the Young Pretender, 1720-88. See Stuart. Charles Edward, prince, duke of Albany, gr. son of Victoria, 1884- See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, her- zog von. fraxce Charles Martel, 6891-741. Chroxiicke vande Hertoghen van Brabant (1612) 28. eng. Gal. frany. (1821) 1:8. intro'd. Rulmann del. (Roy. lib. of St Denis) Mexxechet, Le Plutarque frang (1838) l:pl. 5. de Triqueti del. Migneret sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13:pl. 5. De Bay sc. E. Conquy eng. (statue) Charles the Great, king, 742-814. See Charle- magne. Charles II, le Chauve, emperor of the Franks’ 823-877. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5: 122, 128, 129' Dibihx, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2:162. G. Ewis del- after ilium. ms.G. W. Hutin eng. Drel’X du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. F. Aveline eng. Fiske, Dutch and Quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 1:23. Rubens p.* (Imperial gall. Vienna) L’Armessix, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 25. L’Arinessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 1:116. Steuben p. Colin eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 79. Delpech lith. Prltz, Staatengesch. des abendlandes (1^5) 1:120, 130. (3 por.) Recceil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 26. .-Boizot del. F. Aveline sc. Treille, .\ustrasise reges et duces (1591) 57. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:304. .(Boizot del. F. .\veline sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1116. Steuben p. Colin eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kin^ of France (1846) pi. 26. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. Charles III, le Gros, emperor of the Franks, 833- 888. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. Will eng. L’.\rmessix, E's roys de France (1679) pi. 28. De L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 1:130. Amiel p. Oudaille eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 87. Delpt-ch lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 30. .Boizot del. J. G. de Will sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:365. Jloizot del. J. G. de Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1119. L. F. .\niicl p. Ou- daille eng. Charles le Simple, king, 879-929. Chroxiicke vande hertoghen van Brabant (1612) 40. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. de Will eng. L’.Vrme.ssix, Es roys de France (1679) pi. 30. De L’Armessin sc. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 91. Delpech lith. Prutz, Staaten- gesch. d. abendlandes (1885) 1 : 164. seal from De Witt, Es chroniqueurs de I’hist. de France. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 35. .Boizot del. G. de Will sc. Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 63. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1777) 1:379. .Boizot del. G. de Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1121. Georges Rouget p. F. Delannov eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 31. W. L. Ormsbi' sc. after medal. Charles IV, le Bel, king, 1295-1328. Dreux du Radier, I<’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. .Boizot del. Piassio eng. L’.4r.messix, Les rovsde France (1679) pi. 48. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 1:133. Rouget p. Delannoy eng. — 1:304. Mine Deherain p. Giroux eng. Recueil d. jx)r. (1786) 1: pi. 114. .-Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 145. Delpech lith. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 4:344. .Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1140. Mme Deherain p. Giroux eng. —sup. 6: pi. 53. eng. after bust. yatt. Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 49. W. L. Orinsbi' sc. after medal. Charles V, le Sage, king, 13.37-80. Allg. wclt- geschichte (1891) 6:221. Jean de Bruges f. 1371* dedication page in Bible) L’Art (1904) 63:105 p.* (palais :1 Paris, as Dauphin with his father Jean II le Bon) Gal. franc. (1821) 1 : introd. p. 36. X. H. Jacob del. (from a por. on vellum in Roy. lib.) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Jloizot del. Pinssio eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:8.59. Jean de Bruges p. wdet. (miniature) — ser. 2, 18:977. — (1886) ser. 2, 33:406. Leone Leoni f. (bust, musee du Prado) — (1888) ser. 2, 38:498. (bust) — (1904) 31, ser. 3:357. statue 2d half 15th CHARLES 283 CHARLES cent, (church of St Denis) Gcizor, Pop. hist, of France, 2:371. eng. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:345. Orazio Fontana p. wdct. L’-Vrmessix, Les roj's de France (1679) pi. 51. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franf. (1845) 1:340. Dejuinne p. Blan- chard jr. eng. Mag. of art (1887) 10:208. Leoni f.* (bust) — 10:209. L«‘oni f.* (group) — (1897) 21:295. Leoni f.* (bust) ^Lvlo, Gal. des rois de France, 154. Delpech lith. Mexneciiet, Le Plu- tarque fran^*. (1838) 2: pi. 7. Bouteraek del. A. Boilly sc. Michaud ct Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (1854) l:59i. Dejuinne p. Blanchard jr. eng. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abt'ndlandes (1887) 2:243. Jean de Bruges f.* (dedication page) Kecueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 124. .Boizot deh Pinssio sc. Silvestre, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) sec. 3, no. 21: pi. 44. Lucien M^lingue p. eng. (with Etienne Marcel, 1358) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 5:297. .Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1143. F. L. Dejuinne p. A. J. B. M. Blanchard eng. — 13: pi. 63. A. J. E. Valois sc. Masson eng. (statue) — sup. 6: pi. 50. Pigeot eng. after bust. Wyatt, Hist, of kinsi of France (1846) pi. 52. W. L. Ornisby sc. alter medal. Charles VI, king, 1368-1422 Dreux du R.ldier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. A. Boizot del. Pinssio eng. Drohojowska, Femmes illus. de. I’Europe. p. 43. Jules David del. lith. (with Valentine de Milan) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:70. C. Laplante sc. (with Odette) L’Armessix, Les roj's de France (1679) pi. 52. L’.iVrmessin sc. Hwallee, Hist, des franf. (1845) 1:3.54. Pannier eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 157. Delpech lith. Mas.son, Mediaeval France (1888) 231. E. Roujat eng.?* Michaud et Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (1854) 2: front. Pannier eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 128. Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Shakbspeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 88. De Bie f. S. Harding sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 6:105. A. Boizot del. Pin.ssio sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1144. Gillot Saint-Evro p. J. E. Pannier eng. — 13:pl. SO. J. Bt'mardi eng. (statue) Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 53. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. Charles VII, king, 1408-61. -\rt j. (1888) 40:22. Antoine Barye sc. (equestr. statue) Dreu.k DU Radier' L’ Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. A. Boizot del. Pin.ssio eng. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1885) ser. 2, 32:31. fragment of statue at Saint-Denis. — (1896) ser. 3, 16:350 (Versailles mus.) L’-\rme.s- six, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 53. L’Armessin sc. LuAVAllee, Hist, des franc. (181.5) 1:382. Pannier eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 161. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 151. Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Reresby, Travels and mem. (1813) De Bie f. S. Harding del. Ridley sc. (print) Shake.s- PEARE illus. (1793) 2:pl. 89. De Bie f. Harding del. Ridley (print) Velly, Hist.de Franco (1770) 7:349. Boizot del. Pinssio sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 9:pl. 1145. C. E. R. H. S. Lc'hmann p. J. E. Palmier eng. — 13: pi. 108. C. E. M. Seurre sc. E. Conquy eng. (statue) Versailles, Xolhac et Perat^ (1896) pi. 9. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 54. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. Charles VIII, king, 1470-98. Allg weltge- schichte (1891) 6:664. p. 15th cent.* Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 81. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Castiglioxe, Courtier (1901) 360. bust* (Xat. mus. Florence) Corvo, Chronicles of the house of Borgia (1901) 120. medal.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. A. Boizot del. Fillcpul eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18: 1060 wdet. after medallion. — (1884) ser. 2, 30:213. wdet. after medal. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:262, 293. W. Wellstood sc. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:44. medal.* (Roy coin-cab. Berlin) Jhrb. der kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:39, fig. 1.59. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) L’Armessix, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 55. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 1:448. Pannier eng. ^Lalo, Gal. des rois de France, 168. Delpech lith. Menxechet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 3:pl. 5. Chasselat del. Allais sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (1854) 4:381. Pannier eng. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:7&, 742. p. 1.5th cent.* Recueil d. por. (1786) 2j)1.190. Boizot del. Filloeul sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:71. A. Boizot del. Filloeul sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1147. J. F. Gigoux p. Pannier eng. — 13 : pi. 94. J. B. J Do Bay sc. E. ConquA* eng. (statue) Vill-ari, Life of Maehiavelli (1898) 2: front, (bust* Xat. mus. Florence) Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) 56. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. Charles IX, king, 15.50-74. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:379. Francois Clouet (Janet) p.* L’Art (1882)30:86. Clouet p. C. E. Wilson del. (miniature) —(1892) 52: 191. sketch.* Art j. (1903) 5.5: 136. Ger- main Pilon sc. 16th cent.* (bust, Wallace coll.) B.al- LESTREM, Maria Stuart (1^9) pi. 11, 13. Clouet p.* (coll, of duke of Aumale) Bouchot, Catherine de M^dicis (1899) 66. p.* (miniature, with Elisabeth of Austria) — p. 106. des. afterschoolof Fontainebleau.* Bourdery ct Lachenaud, Liionard Limosin (1897) 70. Limosin f. Burlington mag. (1904) 6: 154. Francois Clouet del.* (Roj*. lib. of France) Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 13. Clouet f. lith. (age 2) Dreux DU H.adier, L’£urof)e illus. (1777) v. 2. A. Boizot del. Filloeul eng. Fremy, L’acad. des derniers Valois, 27. Jacq. G. II. f. P. Courdelle exc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (18ife) ser. 3, 8: 125, 126. Clouet p.* Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 29, no. 1 . Clouet p.* — pi. 29, no. 2. Primaticcio del.* (equestr. por.) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:3.54. wdet. (with Catherine de’ Me- dici) ILamilton palace coll. Illus. price cat. (1882) 193. Janet p. C. E. Wilson del. P. eng. H.arper’s mag. (1870) 4 1 : 81 4. eng. —(1900) 100:763. (child por. ms. in Bibl. nat.)* Harper’s w. (1872) 16:981. wdet. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs,2:734. Math. Zundt f. 1568. wdet. (age 18) Jackson, Last of the Valois (1888) 1:134. eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19: pi. 2, fig. 168. F. Clouet p.* (miniature) — 19:227. eng.* from Schrenckhs von Xotzingen Bilderwerk. — (1901) 22:pl.39. F. Clouet p.* (child por. Vienna gall.) L’Armessin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 60. L’Armessin sc. Laa'allee, Hist, des franc. (184.5) 1:588. Brune p. Pannier eng. L’Hopital, (Euvres (1824) 6: pi. 7. Clouet p. A. Tar- dieu des. & eng. Wag. of art (1886) 9:292. Germain Pilon f. wdet. (bust) Magniac, Cat. of coll. (1892) 75. Limosin f. (with Elizabeth of Austria) XLalo, Gal. des rois de France, 185. Delpech hth. Warguerite CHARLES 284 CHARLES FRANCE — continued DE Valois, Mem. (1892) 70. eng.* Neil, Por. person, fr. du 16® s. (1848) l:pl. 14, 15. eng. after drawing. Peroer, Die kunsterschatze Wien’s (1854) 314. E. Hamman p. 1849. A. Simon sc. Piiiuppson, West- europa iin zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 264. Clouet p. E. Krell sc.* — p. 270. (medal, Berlin Roy. coin- cab.) Kecceil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 254. .-Boizot del. Fillocul sc. Roberts, Mem. of Christie’s (1897)2:200. Limousin f. after Clouet (enamel) Skelton, Mary Stuart (1893) 88. drawing (Bibl. nat. Paris) Tiie- VET, Por. et vies d. homines iUus. (1584) 2:224. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1771) 15:11. A. Boizot did. Filloeul sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1152. A. Brune p. after Clouet. J. E. Pannier eng. Willert, Henrj^ of Navarre (1893) 100. Clouet p. eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 61. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. Charles X, 1523-90. See Bourbon, Charles de, cardinal. Charles X, king, 1757-1836. Allg. weltge- schichte (1888) 11:3^. Francois Pascal Gerard p. F. Gamier eng.* Alai, de Gotha (1827) pi. 2. Saint p. F. Bolt sc. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1820) 1:23. Saint p. Fremy del. & sc. L’ Art (1894) 57: 103 Decamps litli. 1830* (caricature) —(1902) 61:79. Horace Vernct p. Manduit eng. (equestr. por.) Cape- FiGUE, Hist, de la restauration (1^3) 7:front. E. H. f. P. Degobert lith. Cesena, Bourbons de France (1886) 420. lOiEME sifecle (1901) 65. Ingres p. 1829.* European mag. (1824) 86:287. Flatiie, Zi'italter der restauration (1883) 226. Gerard p. F. Gamier eng. Harper’s mag. (1895) 90: 177. Gerard p. C. S. Rein- hard del.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgcsch. (1900) 13:62. eng.* — 13:63. F. II. Drouais p.* Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 58. Maurin del.? Delpiech lith. Jackson, Court of the Tuileries (1883) 2: 164. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 89. John Kay f. 1796 & eng. L.m.MER, France in 19th cent. (1892) 16. L\- VALLEE, Hist, des fran?. (1845) 2:722. Vemct p. Colin eng. Lebon, Mod. France (1898) 161. Les LETTREs et les arts (1889) 1 : 96. Mine Vig^e Le Bmn p. Le LivRE,bibliog. rlStrospective (1888) 9:200. F.Cour- boin etch. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 235. Del- pech lith. MuEL,Gouvernements de la France (1895) 137. Noliiac, La dauphine Marie Antoinette, 12. Drouais p.* (child por. with Madame Clotilde de France) Noliiac, La reine Marie Antoinette (1890) 1 16. Mine L(' Bmn ? p.* Saint Mlrtin, 60 ans d’un peuplc, 5:pl. 15. Gaildrau del. Rdville sc. Versail- les, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) 9: pi. 1161. j. P. Franciue . after Vemet. Colin eng. — v. 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. . M. Fontaine. — 12: pi. 2597. Drouais p. A. Geillo eng. — sup. 6: pi. 90. eng. after statue. Weber, Mem. of Maria Antoinetta (1805-12) 2:125. II. Dan- loux p. L. Schiavonetti sc. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 71. W. L. Ormsby eng. after medal. Charles de Valois, prince, s. of Philippe III, 1270-1325. See Maine, comte du. Charles d’Orleans, father of Louis XII, king of France, 1391-1465. See Orleans, due d’. Charles d’Orleans, dauphin, s. of Charles VIII, 1492-96. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:95. Peinture de I’^cole franfaise, 1494.* — (1904) ser. 3, 32: 129. Le Maitre de Moulins p.* (coll. Charles Avr, London) Charles d’Orleans, s. of Francois I, 1522-45. See Orleans, due d’. Charles de Valois, prince, s. of Charles IX, 1573-1650. See Angouleme, due d’. Charles, prince, grandson of Louis XIV, 1686- 1714. See Beriy, due de. NAPLES Charles I d’Anjou, king, 1220 ?-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:563. (medal, Roy. coin-cab Berlin) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitanl (1600) 10. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1900) 12:158. coin.* Men- nechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) l:pl. 30. C. Jacquand del. Leclerc sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 93. Decaisne p. Geoffroy eng. Charles IV, king, 1.500-58. See Karl V, em- peror of Germany. Charles V, king, 1661-1700. See Carlos II, king of Spain. Charles VII, king, 1716-88. See Carlos III, king of Spain. Charles IV d’Anjou, prince, son of Louis II, king of Naples, 1414-73. See Maine, comte du. NAVARRE Charles I, king, 1295-1328. See Charles IV, king of France. Charles II, le Mauvais, king, 1332-87. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 2:334. Hilihbrand eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, 5:pl. 5. Ziegler p. J. M. Fontaine eng. ROLTtfANIA Charles I, king, 1839- Allg. weltgeschichte, (1892) 12:644.* Al.m. de Gotha (1868) pi. 6. P. Bar- fus sc. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 494.* Forbes, Czar and Sultan (1894) 148. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:525. wdet. —(1893) 37:44. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:331. — (1892) 301:6.* — (1893) 102:50.* Latlmer, Russia and Turkey (1893) 374. Politikos, Sovereigns and courts of Europe (1891) 341. C. Butterworth. wdet. Tullberg, Furstenhau-ser Europ. por. (1899) 2:557, 595. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Charles, prince, 1893- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:473.* Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:597. Agi Lindegren del after photo. SWEDEN Charles IX, king, 1.550-1611. .\llg. weltge- schichte (1886) 7:681. p.* (in Gripsholm) Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 230. A. Nieder- mann sc. after p. (Schloss Gripsholm) Charles X Gustavus, king, 1622-60. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:161. David Beck p. Jeremias Fnlck eng.* Erdmannsimrffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:13. Joachim von Sandrart [). Wolf- gang Kili an eng. Hirtii, Les grands illustruteurs. CHARLES 285 CHARLOTTE 4:1483. Beck p. Falck eng. Winter, Gcsch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 575. An.sclnius van Hulle p. Coraelis Galle, jr. eng. Charles XI, king, 1655-97. EiiDMANNSDijRFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:613. K. White sc. 1683.* ScnENCK, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 20. P. Schcnck f. & exc. Charles XII, king, 1682-1718. Allg. weltge- schichte (1887) 8:635. Kraft p. 1717.* Bain, Charles XII (1895) front. Julius Kronbergf.* — p. 290. Engbergp.eng.* — p. 300. death mask.* BrI'ckner, Peter der Grosse (1879) 360. Kraft p. 1717.* Dregx DU Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Crafts p. Piquet sc. Erdmannsd<‘>rffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:153. D. Craft p. 1701. J. Smith sc. 1701. — 2:3^. D. Craft p. 1717. P.Tanje eng. 1739. Gal. hist. univ. (1786)Crafts p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:907 (death mask)* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:351. wdct. after statue. Henderson, Side liglits Eng. hist. (1900) 220. Kliicker p. Schenck eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:119. D. Kraft p. P. Tanje eng.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:2004. David Krafft p. P. Tanje eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) 1 :pl. 12. Crafts p. G. Cooke sc. Hut- ton, Por. in plaster (1894) 219. (death ma.sk)* Mor- fill, Story of llassia (1890) 147. print* (Brit, mus.) Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:339. T. de Thulstrup p. 1889.* Scribner’s m. (1881) 21:331. eng. Seid- LiTZ, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 42. David Kraft p. Tame sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 2:267. A. Tholey f.* & vignette. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2514. Craft f. ScholF eng. Charles XIV, king, 1764-1844. See Bema- dotte, Jean Baptiste Jules. Charles XV, king, 1826-72. Alm. de Gotha (1852) pi. 2. —(1861) pi. 2. Carl Mayer sc. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1858) 14:252. eng. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:15.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:305. wdct. Loubat, Narr. of mission to Russia of G. V. Fox (1873) 394. J. C. Buttre eng. Smith, Tent life with Eng. gypsies in Norway(1873) front. Whympersc. Charles John, crown prince, 1764-1844. See Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste Jules. Charles, prince, duke of Westgotland, s. of Oscar II, 1^1- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:19.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:334.* Tullbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:776. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. CHAKLES, Sir Arthur, 1839- Green bag (1893) 5:345.* group. Illus. Lond. news (1^7) 91:342. — (1899) 114:488.* Vanity fair album (18^) 20: pi. 395. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Elizabeth (Bundle) writer, 1828-96. Illus. Loud, news (1896) 108:422. Frances, novelist, 1872- Book bu\'er (1902) 24:43.5. Jacques Alexandre Cesar, inventor, 1746- 1823. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:93. Turnor, Astra castra (1865) 140, 462. S. C. Miger sc.* CHARLET, Nicolas Toussaint, 1792-1845. L’Art (1889) 47:149. Sgap sc. —(1892) 53:81. Hippoh’te Bellang^ lith. 1846. Gillot sc. — (1901) 60:260. Alexandre Charpentier f.* (bas-relief, Paris) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) .ser. 3, v. 10:46 Huart et Philippon,Gal. de la presse (1841) 3:pl. 1. Benjamin f. CHABLEVILLE, countess of, Catherine Maria (Da'^son) w. of 2d earl. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1 : 5. Hamilton p. J. Thomson sc. countess of, Harriet Charlotte Beaujeaulois (Campbell) w. of 3d earl, d. 1848. Burke, Por.- all. of distin. females (1833) 2:8. F. W. Wilkin p. . Cochransc. (miniature) Court scrap-book (1842) pi. 10. G. Sayer p. Cochran sc. CHARLEVOIX, Pierre Fran 9 ois Xa-vier de, Jesuit mis.sionary, 1682-1761. Ciiarlevoi.x, Hist, of New France (1866) 1: front. J. A. O’Neill eng. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:385. wdct. Tiiwaites, Jesuit relations (19W) 67: front. Donald Guthrie McNab f. p.* Win- soR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 5:64. eng. from Shea’s Charlevoix, v . 1 . CHARLEY, Sir WiUiam Thomas, 1833-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:80.* CHARLIER, Charles, d. 1797. Les lettres et les arts (1889) 3:288. Jean, 1363-1429. See Gerson. CHARLOTTE, queens and princesses. BELGIUM Charlotte, princess, dau. of Leopold I, 1840- See Carlotta (of Belgium) empress of Mexico. DENMARK Charlotte Amalie (of Hesse Cas.sel) queen, w. of Christian V, 1650-1714. Lund, Dauske malede por. (1897) 2:323. D’Ager p.* ENGLAND (gT. BRIT.) Charlotte, queen, w. of George HI, 1744-1818. Armsttsong, Gainsborough (1898) 32. Gainsborough f. in 1782-84* (South Kensington mus.) — p. 188. Gains- borough f.* Art j. (1896) 48:326. Ozias Humphrey p.* (miniature, Wind.sor) Bell, Gainsborough ( 1 897) 96. Gainsborough p.* (Windsor) La belle assembl^e (1806) l,pt. 1: front. Sir William Beechey p. Scriven eng. — (1811) n. s. 3:3. Robert Cooper eng. (with George III) — (1819) n. s. 19:3. Beechey p. Scriven eng. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 3. Beechey p. Evans eng. Connoisseur (1903) 5:276. Gaiasborough p. W. Egan p. lith. (Victoria and Albert mus.) — (1904) 8:138. Lsaac Gossett ? f.* (relief) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:281. Allan Ramsay p.* European mag. ( 1818) 74:379. II. Meyer eng. after drawing. George III (1824) 2:front. eng. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 36. Ozias Humphrey p. after Gains- borough* (3 miniature.s) Hamilton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 1:302. Beechey p.* Harper’s mag. (1860) 21:671. eng. —(1880) 61:512. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (19(X)) 277. Beechey p. Ryders eng. 1804. Holt, Life of George HI (1S20) 2:front. Beechej' p. Holl eng. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:83.3. II. Bone p. 1801* (miniature) — (1894) 105:July 21 sup. (with George IV) Lady’s mag. CHARLOTTE 286 CHARMOIS ENGLAND — continued (1773) 4:121. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1802) 8:289. Mackenzie sc. — (1807) n. s. 2:145. IjOnd. mag. (1761) 30:667. eng. Masters in art (1901) pt. 23, 2: pi. 9. Gainsborough p.* New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 26:36. Benjamin West f. New m. mag. (1818) 10:385. II. Meyer eng. after drawing. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. J. Meyer p.* Roy. mag. (1761) 5:51. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 4: pi. 75. Francis Cotes p.* — 4: pi. 76. Gains- borough p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 24. Heal}’ p. Lechard eng. Walpole, Mem. of reign of George III (1845) 2: front. Westp. J.Cook eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 75, fig. 2. O. Humphrey p.* (Windsor) Wrax- ALL, .Mem. (1884) 4:58. Gain.sborough p. Read sc. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:202- 210. J. Gillray del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (5 carica- tures, 1791-9.5) Charlotte Augusta Matilda, princess, dau. of George HI, queen of Wiirtemberg, 1766-1828. Art j. (1902) .54:166. Gainsborough p.* (with her sisters Augusta Sophia and Elizabeth; Windsor) Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 92. Gainsborough p.* (daugh- ters of George III, Roy. coll.) La belle assemlude (1806) 1, pt. 1 : 175. Sir W. Beechey p. Scriven eng. George HI (1824) 2:278. eng. Oower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 3. miniature.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:515. Lady’s mag. (1781) 12:64. eng. —(1786) 17:225. Cook sc. —(1792) 23:171. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1800) 4:325. Rivers del. Ridley sc. — (1807) n. s. 2:193. W. M. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. Lond. mag. (1779) 48:99. eng. S.mitii, Brit, mezzo, or. (1884) 6:240, pi. 23. T. Gainsborough p. Gain.s- orough Dupont sc. 1793 (3 daughters of George HI) Ward, Eng. art (1887) 1:26. Gainsborough p.* Charlotte (of Wales) princess, dau. of George IV, w. of Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, 1796-1817. L’Art (1893) 55:139. John Russell p.* (cliild por. with nurse) Art j. (18.59) 11:336. Lawrence p. T. Garner sc. (age 6) La belle assemblde (1807) 2 : 59. — (1813) n. s. 7:171. Conway p. eng. (miniature) — (1816) n. s. 13:51. eng. after miniature. — n. s. 13:243. Byron, Works, Poetry, ed. Coleridge (IIKX)) 3:44. miniature.* Connoisseur (1903) 7:1^. re- lief.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:119. G. Dawe p.* — 2:119. R. l\oodman p.* European mag. (1816) 70:3. T. Blood eng. after drawing. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 3: pi. 86. Lawrence p. 1817. Richard Golding sc.* George HI (1824) 2:427. eng. (with Prince Leopold) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4: pi. 36. Richard Collins p. after Dawe* (miniature) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) E ref. p. 2. Lawrence p.* (child por. Windsor) — p. 156. awrence p.* (child por. with Queen Charlotte, Wind- sor) Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Lcs contemp. Strangers (1^5) pi. 5. Grevedon del. 1825. C. Motte lith. IIall, Royal gall, of art, 4:pl. 9. Lawrence p. T. Garner sc. (child por.) Hamilton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 1:202. II. Meyer eng.* Harper, Ports- mouth road (1895) 128. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:.521. Illus. L^md. news (1894) 105:Julv 21 sup. (with Queen Caroline) Jerdan, Nat. por. ga)l. (1830) V. 1. Ladies’ m. mus. (1807) n. s. 2 : 49. W.M. Craig p. Mackenzie sc. — (1817) imp. ser. 6:301. Lati- mer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 52. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12:pl. 14. A. E. Chalon p. II. T. Ryall eng. New m. mag. (1817) 8: front. Forster eng. after draw- ing (miniature) Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 66. Lawrence p. T. Gamer. Pall Mall mag. (1895) 6:548 (with Prince Leopold, 1813) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 52. Lawrence p.* (with Queen Caroline) — 6;pl. 54. George Dawe p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:111. Lawrence p. Wm. Fry eng. WiiiT-MAN, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 58. A. W. Devisp.C. Turner sc. 1819. WiLUAMSON,Hist.ofpor. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 80, fig. 1. II. Spicer p.* (^fon- tagu house) Willia.mson, Por. miniatures (1897) 50, 50b. Humphrey p.* — p. 52. Ozias Humphrey p. after Gainsborough.* See also Jones. Mrs. Herbert. The princess Charlotte of Wales; an illustrated monograph. London. 1885. 4». (12 por.) FRANCE Charlotte de Savoie, queen, w. of Louis XI, 1483-1515. Celliez, Reines de France, 398. Du- ruy lith. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 123. Del- pech lith. Charlotte, princess, dau. of Francois I, 1516-24. Burlington mag. (1904) 6:145. Jean Clouet p.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1899) pi. 6. Pierre Bon- temps? sc. 16th cent, (on monument of Francois I, St Denis) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 131. E. Conquy eng. after statue. PRUSSIA Charlotte, princess, dau. of Friedrich Wilhelm HI, 1798-1860. See Alexandra, czarina of Russia. Charlotte, princess, dau. of Emperor Friedrich HI, 1860- See Sachsen-Meiningen,erbprinzessin von. RUSSIA Charlotte (of Branswick) crown princess, w. of Alexis, d. 1715. Bruckner, Peter der Grosse (1879) 312. p.* (Romanoff gall. St Petersburg) Mobfill, Storv of Russia (18W) 165. Scribner’s m. (1881) 22:7"53. eng. wurtembero Charlotte, queen, w. of Karl Wilhelm, 1766-1828. See Charlotte, princess of England. Charlotte (of Schaumburg-Lippe) queen, w. of Wilhelm II, 1864- Alsi. de Gotha (1893) front. A. and Th. Weger sc. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:730, 829. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CHARLOTTE, attendant of I.sabeau of Bavaria, queen of France. Lady’s mag. (1833) 2:139. eng. after p. 1389. CHARLTON, John, 1849- Mag. of art (1898) 22:402. Charlton del. 1898.* Robert M. u. s. senator, 1807-54. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:89. Pierson sc. CHARLY, Louise, 1526-66. See Lab4. CHARMETANT, r. c. mi.ssionurv. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:731. CHARMOIS, Martin de, sieur de Lanz^, 160.5-61. Les LETTRES et les arts (18815) 2: 153. SiSbastien Bour- don f. Simoneau. CHARNAY CHASE 287 CHAKNAY, comte de, Philippe de Chabot, amiral de Brion, 1480-1543. See Brion. Desire, 1828- Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 1:187. eng. from eng. in his Ancient cities of the New World, 1887. CHAROLAIS, comle de, Charles le Temeraire, 1433-77. See Bourgogne, due de. comtess de, Isabelle (de Bourbon) 1st w. of Charles, le Tdm^raire, duke of Burgundy, d. 1465. Le Koux de Li.ncy, Femmes c^lfebres (18^) 1:116. Lantd del. Gatine sc. lith. Mile de, Louise Benedicte de Bourbon, 1676- 1753. See Maine, duchesse du. Mile de, Louise Anne de Bourbon dau. of Louis III, prince of Condd, 1695-1758. Gower, Le- noir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 58. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 94. Mauduisson eng. CHAB.OST, due de, Armand Joseph deBethune, 1728-1800. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:35. J. F. Le Breton del. E. Con- quy sc. CHARPENTIER, Alexandre, sculptor. Ister- NAT. studio (1900) 10:93. Gervais Helbne, 1805-71. Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1888) 9:236. Manesse etch. CHABBIER, Marc Antoine, 1755-94. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:437. eng. CHARRINGTON, Francis, colonel. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 55. Henry T. Wells p.* Katherine V. RoY.acad.pict. (1900) 181. II. T. Wells p.* Rachel. Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 143. Wells p.* Spencer, m. p. 1818-1904. Illl's. L(jnd. news (1904) 125:904.* CHARRON, Pierre, 1541-1603. Gal. franp. (1821) pi. 28. Chrdtien del. CHARTERIS, Mr, d. 1798? Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 63 John Kay f. 1787 & eng. Archibald Hamilton, 1835- Hole, Por. Edin- burgh univ. (1884) 163. W. Hole sc. Francis, colonel, 1675-1732. Calxfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 3:176. R. Grave sc. Sec- COMDE, 12 bad men (1894) 200. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 63, fig. 1. Ozias Hum- phrey p.* (Victoria and Albert mus.) Matthew, 1840- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 128.* CHARTERIS (Wemyss - Charteris - Douglas) family name. See titles Elcho; Wemyss. CHARTIER, Alain, poet, 13901-1430? Gal. franf. (1821) 1 : introd. 54. N. H. Jacob del.afterms. por. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) 2 : pi. 12. Chasselat del. Delaistre sc. Guillaume, bp. of Paris, 1392-1471. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. J. Robert del. R. Gaillardeng. RecueilcI. por. (1786) 2:pl. 163. Rob- ert del. Gaillard sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:292. Robert del. Gaillard sc. CHARTON, fidouard, 1807-90. L’Art (1891) 51:171. Gaston Vuillier del. H. Thiriat sc. CHARTRES, vidAme de, Jean de Ferribres. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 :pl. 40, 41, 42. Clouet f. lith. vidAme de, Fran 9 ois de Vend6me-Chabanois, d. 1.562. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 163. Clouet f. lith. due de, Louis Philippe d’Orleans, 1782-1850. See Louis Philippe, king of the French. duede, Robert d’Orleans, 1840- Baily’s mag. (1869) 17:333. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Cent. (1885) 8:140* (with other French officers) Glea- son’s pictorial (1852) 3:20. Alfred de Dreux p. eng. (child por. with comte de Paris) Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:137.* Tullberg, Furstenhauscr Europ. por. (1898) 1:157. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duehesse de, Franijoise (d’Orleans) w. of Robert, 1844- Les lettres et les arts (1887) 3:290.* Tull- BERO, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:157. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. For other dukes of Chartres see Orleans, dues d’. Mile de (Elisabeth Charlotte d’Orleans) dau. of Philippe, “Mon-sieur,” w. of Leopold, 1676-1744. See Lorraine, duchesse de. Mile de(Louise Adelaide d’Orleans) 1698-1743. See Orleans. CHASE, 2Irs, mother of William Merritt Chase. Harper’s mag. (1893) 87:7. W. M. Chase p.* Carlton, bp. of N. H. 1794-1870. Perry, Epis- copate in Am. (1895) 92. Enoch, of Milwaukee. Mao. of Am. hist. (1889) 22:275. Frederick Henry, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:860.* George Lewis, 1828- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:516. eng. Horace, 1810-86. Mao. of West. hist. (1887) 6:466. eng. Jeremiah Townley, 1748-1828. Green bag (1894) 6:227. Philander, bp. of III. 177.5-1852. Perry, Epis- copate in Am. (1895) 40. Scribner’s m. (1878) 15:701. eng. after p. (with his wife) Salmon Portland, 1808-73. A.m. ann. cyclop. (1867) 7:479. H. B. Hall jr. eng. Barnes, Supreme court U. S. (1877) 55. Hall jr. eng. after photo. Car- son, Supreme court (1891) 389. Max Rosenthal etch. 1890 after photo. Ce.nt. (1882) 3:173.* —(1888) 13:425.* Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862)2:320. Chappelp. after photo, eng. Eclectic mag. (1873) 81:257. G. E. Perine eng. after photo. CHASE *2SS CHATEAUBRIAXD GL*ii=ox‘5f^ari*l 4;SS. Wrisfctsc. Gbffx hag 1S»5' 7:313. — < 1«C 14:1^ — '19G3 15:222 B/OS>«iiiia] etch. IS&Ci.* Hakpeb's rz^. ;^1ST2 44:496. eng. Haepeb'sw. IStiO 4:296. wd«. — .1S61 5:158.665. »rirt- — (1954 S;S17. wdn. — 1965 12:72. wdci- .groop' — 4S73' 17:440. — 199C» 34:104. «tin. Hncmssox, Siory of the Haiehinsons > 1586' 1:295. McCutre's mag. < 1596) S:46.» —1595 10:565. —(1589 12:516. F. B. Carpenie-T p.* (CaphoL, Wasiiingtoo: M.^g. of Am. hia- 1955 14:9. SJooee. ^beQkio record 15621 3:95. HaD eng. 1562. Xrw Else. mag. 1580 n. s. 2:27. Skolat and Hav, LiiMxifn il590 6:'224.* Po». m. (1953 l:3-i»-d«. PrrxAii’s mag. (,1565) n. 5.2:112. Th- Naa del. eng. Sconrr. Kstin. Am. ia-ar-ers (1991 1 133. Shekilex. RecoD. (1595 2:504. Sr-ofTOBD. lib. hia- ebar. '1996 9:277. J. L. G. Ferris f.* — 9:292. Tignene. Stow^. Men of oar times ( 1565 pL 5. A. H. Ritchie ei^. Tbowbridge. MvoanaoTT (1903 370* ;age 55' Wilsos, TTk i. of 4m people '19CG 4:127. from Harper's mag.* S&mueL 1741-1511. Ba3CTEE. Godchild of Wash- ington '1597 ' 165. Cjutsox, Sojweme coon 1991) 157. C. W. Peale p. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1590. Fisee. Am. rev. (1596 1 1:195. Jartis p. Forrest eng. ado. Gbeex bag '1903< 15:77. Peale p.* (Inde- pendence ball. P Mla ) Loxgacke and Herring. Xat. C w. gaD. of (fist. Am. ( 1539 4:|d. 21. Jarris p. J. B. Msarre deL J. B. Forrea atg. McCltee's mag. (1901 1 17:224. Peale p.* Iitd^xndence hall. Phik-) Rice and Han. Nat. por. gall. d». Am. (1553 ' 4:|J. 4. Jarris p. Longaoe del. F«rea eng. Saxdebsos, Biog. of signers '1527 9:157. J. W. Jarris p. Lxmg- acre deL eng. Thomas, pres. Harerford eoIL 1527- Haepeb’s a. (15S1) 25:Sfe5L ado. Vaixer K. life-sarer. Habpee's a. (1593 37:65. ado. William Ltererert, 1553-95. Soxs of the rev. Ma^. Re^ster (1599) front. Winia-m! Martin. 1537- Socthebx \. H. bar asKC. Pub. .1993 pt- 2. 1:57.* William Merritt, painter, 1549- Am. an rev. (15>51 2:93.* Cext. (1903) 43:646. J. S. Sargent p. 1902 * (?ErrKr (1903 ) 42:196. E39. (jtrodet-Trioeon p.* Aim. de Gotha (1828) IS. (iirodei-Trioeon p. Laurens sc. Absaclt, Biog. nouv. .coDtem. (1822 ■ 4:349. (jirodet-Trioeoti f. Frvmy del. &. sc. L’Abt .1882) 28:127. David d’ Angers L 1520 (medalboc) —(1888) 45:117. Aimf MIDet sc. J. Rocauh deL Trichioo sc. (statue) Bextiet's misc. (1848 ' 24:169. G. Cook eng. Book- max (1901. 12;-501. Klh.* CBinc (1898 ) 33:164. Hofsce Vemrt del* — 1903 : 42 : 64. eng.* 19i±me siecle (1901 ■ 190. David d’.^ngeis t (medaHioo) — p. 191.Girodetp.* Ecixcnc mag. (1848) 15:145. J. Sartain eng. after p.! Gbaxd-Cabteeet, XIXe aede '1893) 643. Hopwood eng.* Hcabt et Phi- hppcKi. Gal. de la presse (1840 2: pi. 25. Julien f. IcnxoG. des oootemp. (1532) l:pL .59. Z. BelHard deL! Delperft Bth. Ixtebxat. «tudio (1598. 5:35. Vernet dd.* Jocbxae 3’ 2:795. fJirotfct-Trioasoo p.* Pail- hes. (Thateaubriand. front, (jirodet f.* Petit de JrLLEvnxE. Hist, de la langu» et de la lit. frang. (1899 7:16. Guerin p.* Saect Mabtix. 60 ans d'un peuple, 5:pL 16. eng. Seidutz, Portritwerk (15&4) 5;pL 50. J. Belliard p. Delpech liih- Webck- CHATEAUBRIAND 289 CHATILLON jtEi 5 TEB, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1S9S) l:pl. 108. Belliard lilh.* rieomUsse de, C^este Buisson de Lavigne) 1775-1847. Ljescuee, Les grandes Spouses (ls84) 512. Huyot sc. after por. ' Infinnary Jlarie-Therise) P attjtf-s , Chateaubriand, 320. Fath del. Waltner sc. CHATEAUBBIANT, sieur de, Jean de 31ont- morency-Laval. CujrET, French por. vlS75) l:pl. 13G. Clouet f. lith. eomleiu de, Fran 9 oise (de Foix) w. of Jean de Laral, 1475-1537. Bocchot, Les femmes de Bran- tdme (1890) Jean Clouet p.* Clocet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 46. Clouet f. lith. — l;pb. 56,76. Clouet f. lith. L-ady’s mag. (1834) 5:1. Janet p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Rocx de Lixct, Femmes c^bres (1858 ) 2:30. Lani^ del. Gatine sc. Uth. XiEL, Por. person, fr. du 16* s. (1848) l:pl. 5. deL eng. SiCHEL, Women Jt men (1901) 112. del.* from Niel’s “Portraits des personnages fran^ais le phis iDustres.” (Tg A TK A u jy E Li P, Guillaume de, d. 1260. Vebtot D’AcBtECT, Knights of ^lalta (172S) 1:160. Cars sc. Marie Anne de, 1670-1748. See Duclos. Mile. La Belle de ^.Benee de B.ieux) 1550- Boc- CHOT, Les femmes de Brantdme (1890) 4. Francois Clouet p.* Le Rocx de Lixct, Femmes edfebres (1858) 2:56. Lante del. Gatine sc. lith. r rtr a TT: ATTN k u k- RAN DOIC, comU de, Alex- andre Paul Guerin, 1757-1816. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:441. Labadye del. Courbe sc. ( TgA rKAlj'k.OijX. dudiesse de, Marie Anne de Mailly-Nesle, marquise de La Toumelle, 1717—44. Dilke, Fr. painters ISth cent. (1899) 148. Nattier p.* PoRTi-cxD, Piet. (1804) 74. J. M. Nattier p.* CHAT£IGNBBAJ£, seitmeru- de la, Francois de Vivonne, 1520-47. See La (TIiAteigneiaie. CHATEL. See Du ChAtel. CHATELET, marquite du, Gabrielle Emiiie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil), 1706—49. I ’Akt (1S80) 20:311. J. J. Frey p. Charles Kreutzberger des. (pastel) — (1882) 29:17. J. M. Nattier p. Eug. Gau- iean sc. — (1892) 52:171. Marianne Loir p. P. G. Langlois sc. Carlyle. Works, cent. ed. (18981 14:191. eng. Cext. (1890) 18:605. Foccacx, (^elques salons de Paris. 40. Gau franf. (1823) 3:253. Drouais f. H. Grevedon del. Harper's mag. (1874) 48:‘22. eng. Lady's m. mus. (1803) 10:1. Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1792) 8:161. Angus eng. Masox, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 165. R. A. Muller er^. after eng. 1 Por. d. bom roes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 55. Monnt't del. Lempereur sc. Restolt, Gal. iranc. (1771) 1 :pl. IS. Monnet del. Lempereur sc. Sax Dox-ato cat. (ISiiO) 346. Frey p. (pastel) Seid- UTZ, Portratwerk (18041 3:pl. Loir p. G. E. Petit sc. W iLLiAMSOX, Hi?t. of por. miniatures (19041 2:pl. 87, fig. 6. Oudry p.* (Montagu house) Claude Louis, painter, 1753-95. L’Aet (1901) 60.519. Duplessis-Bertaux del.* 24288— 06 19 (JilA 1 E LH KR A U T , due de, James Hamilton, *2:froot. Bromp- too p.* Greex. Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:16^. Hoare f. — 4:1645. Bromptoo f. Greex, William Pitt (1901) frooi. D. MacdoweU sc.* vstatue, Westminster) — p. 94. Hoare p.* (Nat. por. galL) — p. 286. J. Wiltem ?sc. Brampton p. I. K. Strain sc.* (cast) H.ARFER *3 mag. (1852) 4:304. eng. — (1883' 67:434. BromDton p.* — (1901) 108:r27. Hist. ^1. of por. (18071 l:pL 1^ Hiwe p. G. Cooke sc. Ihper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:1003-4. Bromptoo p. W. HoU eng. after ^ut by Fisher. Kxight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:55. Bromptoo p. HoU eng. after print bv Fisher. Lodge. Por. (1835) ll:pL 10. Hoare f. HoU eng. Loxd. mag. (1757) 26:3- eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1882) 8:214. wdet. after statoe (Charles- ton, S. C.) — il8S7) 17:97. Hoare p. Houston s>c. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:118. wdet. OxcxEx, Zettalter Friediicla des Grossen (1881) 1:337. Hoare p. Cor- butt eng. Pall M-all mag. (19041 32:347. statue (Westminster hall) Pexxt mag. (1S321 1:320. eng. Por. gall. (1S531 2:602. Brom^on p. Fis^r eng. HoU sc. Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 4:pl. 47. Houston sc. So. Kexsixctox, Nat. hist, por., 4:pL 79. Hoare p.* — 1 : pi. 90. Bromptoo p.* spottord. Lib. hist. char. (1S961 8:346. J. L. G. Ferris f.* Jt vignette. STORT,BuiIdingof Br. empire (1S9(> 2:173. Walpole. Roy. Jt noble authors ^lS»3i 4:313. eng. WixsoB, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:109. eng. from Bickerstaff's Boston almanac, 1772. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover ( 18481 1 : front. Brompton p. Cook sc. — 1:395.396.430. F. W. Fairbok eng. after caricatures. CHATILLON. due^f*e de. Anne Gabrielle (le V eneur de Tillieres) 1699-1781. Lespixasse. Let- ters (1902 187. Rosalba-Carriera p.* 1675-1757 Louvre) cardinal de, 1517-71. See Coligny. Odet de. teiqneur de, 1584-1646. 8ee Cohgny. Gaspaid de. Agathe de, 1571-1630. Drecx dc Radiek, L'Euiope iUus. (1777; v. 6. ei^. CHAUVEAU CHATILLON 290 Gaucher de, comte de Cr6cy et de Foreman, con- stable, 1250-1329. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 2:pl. 3. I. Boilly del. Geille sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1242. P. R. J. Mon- voisin p. L. Y. Qu6verdo eng. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. fran. pi. 4. eng. Hugues de, comte de Saint-Polet de Blois, 1200-48. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 51. Pigeot eng. after statue. CHATRIA, Laurent, 1732- Bioo. modeme (1807) 446. Perrin del. Le Tellier sc. CHATRIAN, Alexandre, novelist, 1826-90. Book buyer (1889) 6:239 (with Erckmann) Harper’s w. (1&2) 26:293. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78 : 377.* — ( 1890) 97 : 323.* CHATTERTON, Thomas, poet, 1752-70. Bioo. mag. (1820) 2:17. IIoll sc. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1908) 3:298 (from Dix’s Life of Chatterton) Mag. of art (1900) 24:289. II. Wallis p.* CHAUCER, Geoffrey, 1328-1400. Bioo. mag. (1794) Houhraken f. Rothwell sc. — (1819) 1:15. Holl sc. Bircii, Heads (1813) 1. Houhraken sc. 1741. Book buyer (1892) 8:638. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 1:120. eng. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 1:851. J. Thomson eng. Critic (1900) 37:109, 111. ilium, mss.* (Br. mus.) Cunninoha.m, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 2: front. S. Freeman eng. CusT, Nat. {lor. gall. (HX31) 1:9. copy of minia- ture.* ( (Brit, mus.) Effigies pocticae (1824) 1 :pl. 1. J. Thurston del. W. Finden eng. from Occlevc’s De regimine principis. Fields and Whipple, Fam. lihr. of Brit, poetry (1880) front. II. Robinson eng.* Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1 '.front, lith. ? after Ellesmere ms. (equestr. por. Bridgewater house) — 1:138 (Nat. por. gall.) — 1:140 from Hoccleve’s De regimine principiuni.* (Harleian ms. Brit, mus.) George, From Chaucer to Arnold (1898) front. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 1:419. from Harleian ms. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:613. Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:176. J. Thomson eng. after por. (from Occleve’s poems) Lamp (1904) 28:108. George Frampton sc.* (bust, Guildhall, Lond.) Lond. mag. (1753) 22:398. eng. Mag. of art (1900) 24:397-498. various por.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1?X)1) 1 : 125. H. Robin.son f. Penny mag. (1841) 10:496. eng. Pou. gall. (1853) 1:24. J. Thom- son sc. after por. (from Occlevc’s poems, Brit, mus.) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 1. J. Thurston del. after por. W. Finden eng. (from Occleve’s De regimine principis) Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 28. George J. Frampton sc.* (bust) — (1903) 29. Frampton sc.* (bust) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 4. G. Vertue sc.* Select biog. of celebr. char. pi. 26. Vertue sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 8, 9. p.* Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 50. C. Knight sc. See aUo Spielmann, M. II. The portraits of Geoffrey Chaucer. London. 1900. obi. 8». Chaucer Society. (10 cuts.) CHAUDAN. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 226 Clouet f. lith. CHAUDET, Antoine Denis, sculptor, 1763 -1810. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:359. Augus- tin p. Fremy del. & sc. CHAUDORDY, comte de, Jean Baptiste Ale- xandre Dameize, 1826- Harper’s w. (1877) 21 ; 59. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:549. wdet. after photo. CHAUDRON, Simon. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 235. St Memin del. & eng. lik)l.* CHAULEEU, ahbe de, Guillaume Amfrye, 1639-- 1720. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. de Troy p. Ficquet sc. Gal. fran^. (1823) 3:63. II. Rigaud p. Rulmanu del. CHAULNES, due de, Honore d’Albert d’Ailly, seigneur de Cadenet, marshal, 1581-1649. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8:pl. 1379. Lecoq p. E. Lerouge eng. duchesse de, Fran 9 oise (de Neufville-Ville- roy) 1625-1701. Iconog. de Mme de S4vign6, pi. 39. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 74. Gustave L6vy eng. after contemp. por. CHAUMETTE, Pierre Gaspard, 1763-94. looNOG. des contemp. (1832) 1 :pl. 60. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. Revolution fran?. (1801) 2:pl. 5. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. fran^. (1804) 3: pi. 36. Levachez sc. CHAUMONT, sieurde, Charles d’Amboise, 1473- 1511. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3:350. wdet. Kindersley, Joyous hist, of Bayard (1884) 129. H. Thiriat sc. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:179. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 10. Pigeot eng. Mme Celine, 1850- L’Art (1879) 16:132. Jules Dalou sc. Charles Kreutzberger des.* (bust) Scrib- ner’s mag. (1892) 11 :491. Kenyon Cox del.? after photo. 1891. Donation le Ray de. Cent. (1888) 13:743. Robin f.* CHAUNCEY, Henry, 19th cent. Harper’s mag. (1859) 18:147. eng. Isaac, 1772-1840. Am. hist, register (1895) 2:1158. Analectic mag. (1814) 3:177. J. Wood p. D. Edwin sc. Baines, Hist, of wars of I'r. rev. (1835) 2:393. Wood p. Edwin sc. Harper’s mag. (1862) 24:176. eng — (1863) 27:741. eng. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 7:388. Wood p. Edwin sc. (from the Analectic mag. v. 8) CHAUNCY, Charles, 1592-1671. Drake, Hist, and antiq. of Boston (1856) 393. II. W. Smith eng. N. E. hist, and geneal. register (1856) 10:105. II. W. Smith eng. Charles, 1705-87. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:318. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:226. Kilbum sc. after p. (Mass. hist, soc.) Sir Henry, 1632-1719. Malcolm, Lives of topog- raphers (1824) pi. 6. eng. Thane, Brit, autography (1819) 3:43. J. Savage f. eng. CHAUVEAU, St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 252. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* CHAUVEAIT 291 CHENIER Francois, 1613-74. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:99. Le Febvre p. Edelinck sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17*' et 18® sifecles (1805) 2:pl. 100. Le Febvre p. Edcliuck sc. Pierre Joseph Oliver, 1820- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:199. lith. CHAUVEAU-LAGABDE, Claude Francois, 1756-1841. IcoNOo. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 61. Maurin del.? Delpech lith. CHAU VEL, Theophile Narcisse, 1851- L’Art ( 1901) 60:front. Th. Chauvel etch. 1898.* CHAUVELm, marquise de. L’Art (1877) 10:213. Ad. Lalauze etch. Yves and Barret sc. marquis de, Bernard FranQois, 1766-1832. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:367. Alp. Boilly sc. CHATJVET, Phe. Cath. world (1896) 63:194. por. after death. CHAUVIN, Mme. Les lettres et les arts (1889) 3:236. Ingres p.? 1814.* Mme Helene. Paris salon (1903) 6. A. Faivre p.* (with young daughter) Jeanne. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:696. CHAVASSE, Francis James, bp. of Liverpool, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:361.* CHAVES, Diego. Guell y Rente, Philippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 117. A. Muraton eng. after p. CHAVOIX, Jean Baptiste, 1738- Biog. moderne (1807) 2:446. Labadye del. Courbe sc. CHAWORTH, 2d viscouni, John Chaworth, d. 1645? Hutchinson, Mem. of Col. Hutchinson (1885) 1:200. V. Focillon sc. Mary Anne, aftw. w. of John Musters, d. 1832. Byron, Works, ed. Coleridge, Poetry (1898) 1:276. miniature.* English arm. (1837) 343. J. Moore p. J. Cochran eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:112. Stone del. after drawing.* Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 2:214. CHEATHAM, Mrs Adehcia (Hayes) Ellet, Queens of Am. soc. (1867) 417. eng. Benjamin Franklin, major-general, 1820-86. Cent. (1887) 12:599.* Por. m. (1864) 1:153. wdet. Henry Plummer, m. c. 1857- Harper’s w. (1889) 33: 165. wdet. CHECA, Ulpiano, 1860- Paris salon (1892) 41. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 16:312.* CHEESMAN, Thomas, engraver, 1760-1835? CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:17. Francesco Bar- tolozzi p.* CHEETHAM, Henry, bp. of Sierra Leone, 1827-99. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:7.* John Frederick, 1835- Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 62. H. T. Wells p.* CHEEVER, Rev. George Barrell, 1807-90. Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:788. wdet. Por. m. (1864) 1 : 149. wdet. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:52. silhouette. CHEKE, Sir John, 1514-57. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:329. from Holland’s Heroologia, 1620.* II0LI.AND, Ileriaologia Anglica ( 1620) 53. eng. Rood’s coll, of por. (1820) 1 :pl. 6. T. Berry sc. after print (from the Heroologia) CHEKHOFF, Anton Pavlovitch, 1860-1904. See Tchekhov. CHELMSFORD, 1st haron,Sir Frederic Thesiger 1794-1878. Ann. gift book (1859) 1:21. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:368, fig. 8. eng. Green bag (1901) 13:310. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:169. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:360. wdet. after photo. Men of mark (1876) 1:16. photo. Vanity fair album (1870) 2:pl. 39. lith. after caricature. 2d baron, Frederick Augustus Thesiger, gen- eral, 1827- Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:192.* Men of mark (1882) 6:7. photo. So. African por. gall. (1897) 24. Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 370. Spy. f. lith. (caricature) CHEMNITZ, Martin, theologian, 1522-86. Ico- NUM viros virtute atquo eruditione illus. reprsesentan- tium (1.599) pi. 8. eng. Veriieiden, Af-beel-d ingen (1603) 115. eng. ch£n NGEN-TAO, Chinese naval commander. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:869. wdet. CHENANY, Giovanna di. See Arnolfini, Signora Giovanni. CHENERY, Thomas, editor, 1826-84. Har- per’s w. (1884) 28: 129. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:180. Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 206. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CHENE V ARD , Mrs J ohn (Mary J uha Seymour ) See Seymour. CHENEY, Benjamin Pierce, 1815-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1687. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Mrs Ednah Dow (Littlehale) w. of Seth W. 1824-1904. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) 133. George. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:469 wdet. Mrs Julia (Arthur) w. of Percy, 1869- See Arthur, Julia. Seth Wells, 1810-56. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:332. Barry del. after photo. Peirce sc. Fre.ncii, Art and artists in Conn. (1879) 75. eng. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:688. CHfiNG TSAO-JU, Chinese minister to U.S.d. 1894. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:28. wdet. CHENIER, Andre, poet, 1762-94. Lebox, Mod. France (1898) 1.38. Mennechet, Lc Plutarque rfan?. (1841) 8: pi. 7. Tony Johannot del. Gaitte sc. CHENIER 292 CHESTER Petit de Juli-evii.le, Hist, do la languo ct do la lit. franp. (1898) 6 ; 072) J. B. Sur^o p. llenriqiiol-Diipont enR. Marie Joseph Blaise, pool, 1704-1811. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contein. (1822) 4:375. Alp. Boilly sc. IcoNOo. dos contcnip. (1832) l:pl. 02. H. Grevodon, dol. ? 1825. Dolpoch lith. CHENNEVlilRES - POINTEL, marquis de, Charles Phihppe, 1820- L’.Vrt (1903) 02:013. Jules Buis.son dol.* Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1899) .ser. 3. 21:397. p.?* CHEPHREN, king of Kgvpt. Ai.lo. weltgeschichte (1884) 1:47. —1:48. bust* (statue) L’Art (1875) 2:323. Valentin dos. aftor .statue. — 3:1^. H. Valentin dos. aft(T statue. Mao. of art (1878) 1:21. wdet. after statue. CHEPOY, sire de, Jean, admiral, fl. 1335. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard,. sup. 4: pi. 3. If. Pigeot eng. ^ (or Cepoy), sire de, Thibaut, admiral, d. 1315. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 2. H. Pigeot eng. CHERBULEEZ, Charles Victor, novelist, 1829-99. Ce.nt. (1884) 5:404.* CHEREAU, Franpois, 1680-1729. Dreux du Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Dufreneau p. Petit sc. CHERECCHINI, Giovanni. Bode, Renais. Sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 12: pi. .50. Donatello sc.* (statue) CH£RET, Jules, 1836- Art j. (1899) 51:246. J. E. Blanche p.* Internat. .studio (1899) 8:11. Blanche p.* Mao. of art (1893) 16:368. J. Be.snard dol. Romagnol eng. — (1898) 22:305.* Paris salon (1899) 74. Blanche p.* CHERFILS, M. 17.37- Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:452. Lahadye dol. Voyezsc. CHEREBERT, kings of the Franks. See Caribert. CHARIER. L’Art (1876) 4:312. J. B. Carpoaux sc. A. Lan?on dos. (bust) CHERMSIDE, Sir Herbert Charles, gov. of Queensland, 18.50- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:913.* CHARON, Augustin Athanase, dramatic singer, 1760-1829. L’Art (1884) 37:205. Lo Ffevre del. Colinet sc. — 37:222. .Janinot f. 1787. eng. (as CEdipe) — 37:223. Coeur^ dol. Prud’hon eng. 1800 (as Agamemnon) — 37:223. Janinot f. 1787. eng. (as Agamemnon) Elisabeth Sophie, aflw. w. of Jacques L<‘ Hay, 1648-1711. L’Art (181$t) 45:125. Mine Le Hay p. F. Chereau eng. (ago 3.5) Cent. (1890) 18:91. Dezallikr D’.\RiiF..wiLi.E, Vie dos plus fanieux pein- tres (1762) 4:238. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, v. ^:263. Louis Charon f. wdet. Ma.son, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 40. eng.* \ ersailles. Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl. 2412. Mine L*> Hay p. Dion eng. William.sox, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 92, fig. 7. Elisabeth Charon p.* 1677. Louis, 1600-1723. Dezallier d’Argesvili.e Viedes plus famoux peintres (1762) 4:.327. Aubert sc. CHERRY, Mr. Williamson, .Vndrew and Nathan- iel Plimer (190.3) 90, 9. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Andrew, actor, 1762-1812. European mag. (1806) 49:167. Drummond f. Ridley and Holl eng. Monthly mirror (1804) 17:73. Saxon p. Ridley eng. CHERUBINI, Maria Luigi, composer, 1760-1842. Baker, Biog. diet. inus. (1900) 109. Alex. Gribay^- doff del. Ohamplin, Cyclop, of music (1888) 1:3^. Ingres p. S. Hollyer etch. Clement, Musiciens c41fcbres (1873) 226. L. M. eng. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pr. 37. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1 : pi. 8. lith.* — 1:95,99,101,103, 105 (5 por.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl.42. lith. vVerckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bild- nissen (1899) 2:pl. 1.52. Ingres p.* CHESELDEN, William, 1688-1752. European mag. (1804) 46:83. Richardson p. Ridley sc. So. Ke.nsinoton, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 15. Richardson p.* CHESEMAN, Robert. Knackfuss, Kunst.ler- monog. (1896) 17:123. Holbein p. 1533.* Masters in art (1900) pt. 4, l:pl. 10. Holbein p.* (Hague gall.) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bildcrschatz (1890) 2: pi. 184. Holbein p. 1.5^* (age 48, Hague gall.) CHE SHAM, 3d baron, Charles Compton Wilham Cavendish, 1850- Baily’s mag. (1889) 51: front. G. J. Stoddart sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:938.* —(1900) 117:680.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32:pl. 719. Spy f. lith. (caricature) baroness, I^dy Beatrice (Grosvenor) w. of 3d baron. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 14. lith. CHESHIRE, JosephBlount, jr. bp. of N.C. 1850- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (189.5) 300. CHESNEY, Sir George, 1830-9,5. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:406.* CHESNUT, James, m. c. 181.5-85. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:801. wdet. CHESNUTT, Charles Waddell, author, 1858- Book buyer (1899) 18:301. Bookman (1899) 9:295. Critic (1899) 35:586.* CHESSHYRE, Misses, of Bath, Eng. Byrne, Gos- sip of the cent. (1892) 2:.528. Alfred E. Chalon f. CHESTER, 2d earl q/^Hugh d’Avranches, d. 1101. Monkiiouse, Brit, contemp artists (1899) 39. G. F. Watts sc.* (equestr. .statue) C. H. mate of Polaris. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:988. wdet. Colby Mitchel, u. s. n. 1S44- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:309. Edith, actress. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:107* CHESTER 293 CH EVERT Eliza, actress, 1799- Ladies’ in. inus. (1822) 16:301. R. E. Drummond p. T. Woolnoth eng. WniT-MAN, Samuel William Reynolds (1903) 126. J. Jack-son p. S. W. Rej'nolds mezzo. 1826.’*’ Mrs Elizabeth (Huntington) 1757-183-1. Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (1895) 28-1. T. Sully p.* George, artist, 1813-97. Inteknat. studio (1897) 2:100.* John, colonel, 1749-1809. Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (1895) 286. p.* Joseph Lemuel, genealogist , 1821-82. N. E. hist, and geneal. register (1884) 38:1. J. C. Buttn.' eng. after photo. N. Y. geneal. and biog. record (1882) 13:149. Buttre eng. after photo. William Bennett, bp. of Killaloe, 1820-93. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:221.* —(1893) 103:278.* CHESTERFIELiD, countess of, Catherine (Wot- ton) w. of 2d earl, d. 1667. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 24. p.* (miniature, at castle How- ard) 3d earl of, Philip Stanhope, d. 1714. IIamii^ TON, Mem. of Count Grammont, 158. S. Harding del. after por. E. Harding sc. (carl of Harrington’s coll.) — (1809) 2:86. E. Boequet sc. after por. (earl of Harrington’s coll.) Williamson, Hi.st. of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 45, fig. 5. S. Cooper p. 1667* (Mon- tagu house) countess of, Ijody Elizabeth (Butler) w. of 3d earl, 1640-65. See Stanhope. ith earl of, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 1694- 1773. Bentley’s misc. (1853) 34:223. Jos. Brown sc. Biog. mag. (1794) Taylor sc. after drawing. — (1820) 2:79. Holl sc. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1^2) 1:29. W. Hoare f. Brooks eng.* Chalmers, Brit, essayists (1802) 27: front. Neagle sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:257. Allan Ramsay p. 1765.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:368. Hoare f.* Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7: pi. 8. R. Sands sc. John- son, 18th cent, letters (1898) 121. Gainsborough p. 1769. E. Bell sc.* Lawless, Story of Ireland (1888) 321. Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) 2^. Jo- seph Brown sc. 1832. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 83. J. Collyer sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1077. Hoare p. I. Simon f. eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 40. Gainsborough p.* Walpole, Roy. jfc noble authors (1806) 4:290. O. Humphry f. eng. Wilkins, Caroline the Illustrious (1901) 2:194. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) countess of. Lady Elizabeth (Saville) w. of 4th earl. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 66. N. Dixon p.* (miniature) 5th earl of, Philip Stanhope, 1755-1815. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:46. Sir W. Beechey p. J. R. Smith eng.* Pall Mall mag. (1895) 5: 110. eng.?* W’lLLiAMSON, John Rus.sell (1894) 24. John Russell p. 1769* (age 14) Gth earl of, George Stanhope, 1805-66. Baily’s mag. (1861) 2:55. Joseph Brown sc. countess of, Anne Elizabeth (Forester) w. of 6th earl, d. lt^5. Heath’s book of Iwauty (1845) 64. R. Buckner f. H. Austen eng. CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith, essayist, 1874- Bl. 4. Boizot del. C. Dupuis sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1 : 10. Boizot del. C. Dupuis sc. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 4. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CHILDEBIC II, king of the Franks, 653-673. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:470. coin.* Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. J. G. Will eng. A. Boizot del. L’Armessin, Les ro}’s de France (1699) pi. 14. De L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845)1:83. Signolp. Blanchard, jr. eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 47. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 14. Boizot del. J. G. Will sc. Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 25. eug. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1 : 150. Boizot del. Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1105. Emile Signol p. A. J. B. M. Blanchard eng. Wyatt, Hi-st. of kings of France (1846) pi. 14. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CHILDEBIC III, king of the Franks, 734-754. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. J. G. Will eng. A. Boizot del. L’.Vrmessin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 21. De L’Armessin sc. Levallee, Hist, des franp. (1845) 1:94. Monvoisin p. Pannier eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 60. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) 1: pi. 21. Boizot del. J. G. Will sc. Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 41. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:187. Boizot del. Will sc. Versailles, Gal, hist. Gavard (1838) CHILDERS 296 CHISHOLM 9:pl. 1112. Kmilc Signol p. J. E. Pannier en". Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 22. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CHILDERS, Hugh Culling Eaxdley, 1827-96. Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) IStJ.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:163.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdct. Ileus. Lond. news (1896) 108:163.* Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 28. photo. Vanity fair album (1869) 1 :pl. 20. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CHILDREN, John George, 1777-18.52. Atue- NiEUM club, Por. (1836) 1 :pl. 9. E. U. Eddis del. lith. CHILDRESS, Asa Dabner, of Los Angeles, Cal. 1859- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 7 : 185. H. B. Hall eng. CHILDS, Asaph P. Vt. centen com. Dedication Bennington monument (1892) 1.50. George William, publisher, 1829-94. Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 313. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 65. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Derby, 50 years among authors (1884) 333. G. E. Perine eng. Varrar, Men I have known (1897) 168.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:33.5.* —(1894) 89:12. Benjamin Constant p. 1893.* Harper’s w. (1867) 1 1 : 605. wdct. — (1891) 35:368. J. W. Alexander p. wdct. . — (1894) 38:141. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:163. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 75. Whitechurch sc. (age 37) I . of rev. (1894) 9:283. Henry, 1819-85. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4: 112. eng. Ozro WiUiam, nurseryman, 1824-90. Ban- croft, Chron. (1892) 7:558. H. B. Hall eng. CHILLINGWORTH, William, 1602-44. Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:5. Kyte eng.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1307. F. Kyte eng. CHILON, wise man of Greece. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 2, pt. 1 : front, eng. after mosaic. CHILPERIC I, king of the Franks, 523-.584. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange eng. L’Armessin, Lesroys de France (1679) pi. 9. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franf. (1845) 1:72. Mme Varcolier p. Weber eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 36. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 9. jBoizot del. G. Duchanche sc. Treille, Austrasia reges et duces (1591) 37. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1.43. Boizot del. G. Duchanche sc. VERSAiLins, Gal. hist. Gavard(1838)9:1100. Mme Varcollier p. F. Weber eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 9. 17. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CHILPERIC II, king of the Franks, 670-721. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Boizot del. J. G. Will eng. L’Armessin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 19. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franf. (1845) 1:90. Signol p. Pannier eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 55. D.'lpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 19. .-Boizot del. J. G. Will sc. Treille, .\ustrasi® reges ct duces (1591) 33. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:170. Boizot del. Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1110. P. R. J. Monvoisin p. J. E. Pan- nier eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 20. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CHILTON, Horace, u. s. senator, 1853- Har- per’sw. (1891) 35:368. wdct. —(1895)39:200. wdct. R. S. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 373. eng. CHIMAY, prince de, Charles Philippe de Croy, due d’Arschot, 1560-1612. Reyd, Voornaemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlanden (1626) 70. eng. princesse de , .l/m« Jean Lambert ( Jeanne Marie Ig^ace Thdrese de Cabarrus Talhen) 1773-1835. See Tallien. CHIMENTI, Jacopo (Jacopo daEmpoli) 1554- 1640. Mot’CKE, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 49. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Silv. Pomarede r ■. CHINA, empierors, empresses, princes of. See Ch’un I-huan; Hsien F^ng; Kuang; IPsu: Kung; Su; T’a Chi; Tao Kuang; Tz‘u-hsi; T’ung Chih; Y4-‘h6-na-la. CHTNARD, Joseph, sculptor, 1756-1813. L’Art (1894)56:8. de Lemud lith.* CHINCARINI, Sister. Cath. world (1894) 58:718. CHINCHOLLE, Charles Henri Hippolyte, 1845- L’Art et I’id^e (1892) 1:188. eng. after drawing. CHING, Prince, Chinese peace comm’r. Harper’s w. (1901)45:32.* CHINIGUY, Charles Paschal Telesphore, 1809-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:79.* CHENNERY, George, painter, d. 1857. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:129. Ctiinnery p.* CHINTREUIL, Antoine, 1814-73. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:49. Chintreuil p. etch.* CHIPMAN, Richard Harrison, 1837- Wiiitte- MORE, Heroes of .\m. rev. (1897) sup. 89. CHIPP, Charles Winans, u. s. n. d. 1883. Har- per’s w. (1882) 26: 13, 297. wdct. CHISHOLM, Mrs Caroline (Jones) philanthro- pist, 1808-77. Harper’s mag (18.52) 6:21. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:349. Angelo Hayter p. 1850.* Ladies’ companion (1853) ser. 2, 3:24.5. Claudet f. J. B. Hunt eng. Comeha, d. 1877. Harper’s w. (1877)21:488. wdct. Henry, 1822- Mag. of West hist. (1885) 2:301. Samuel Sarfain eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:743. Sir Samuel, 1st hart. 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:730.* Internat. studio (1903) 18:299 Joseph Henderson d.* CHISHOLM 297 CHOISEUL W. B. of Charleston, S. C. Harper’s w. (1901) 48:2023. group. William, sr. inventor, 1825- JLag. of West. hist. (1885) 3: 174. Samuel Sartain eng. after photo. William, 1843- Mao. of West. hist. (1886) 4:247. eng. CHISHOLME, James J. Scott, colonel, d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:765. Melton Prior del.* CHITTENDEN, Jainis, 1745-1828. Sons of the Am. rev. Minn. Year-bk. (1895) 226. silhouette.* Mrs Jairus (Rebecca Hall) Sons of the Am. rev. Minn. Year-bk. (1895) 226. silhouette.* Russell Henry, 1856- Pop. sci. m. (1898) 53:1. Simeon Baldwin, m. c. 1814-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:329. wdet. Thomas, 1730-97. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 159. eng.* from Walton’s records of the Council of Safety of Vt. Harper’s mag. (1903) 107:370. Post del. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:696. CHITTLE, John. Metii. mag. (1807) 30:385. Ridley sc. (age 27) CHITTY, Sir Joseph William, 1828-99. Illcs. liond. news (1899) 114:259.* Men of mark (1883) 7:28. photo. Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 15. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CHIVERS, Thomas Holley, 1807-58. Cent. (1903) 43:435. p.l* CHTVERTON. Sir Richard, lord mayor of London. Earlom, Por. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. CHLODWIG, kings of the Franks. See Clovis. CHLOPICKI, Joseph, 1772-1854. Aixg. welt- geschichte (18^) 11:390. Glowacki p.* Flatue, Zeitalter der restauration (1883) 273. Glowacki p. & lith. CHLTJM UND KOSCHTJMBERG, graf von, 1572-1652. See Slavata, Wilhelm. CHMELARZ, Eduard, 1847- Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1901) 22:255. A. Steininger f.* CHMIELNICKI, Bogdan, Cossack chief, 1593- 1657. See Khmel'nitskil. CHOATE, David, 1796-1872. Congreg. quar. (1875) 17:481. II. W. Smith eng. Hannah, 1739-8.5. See Lathrop, Mrs Rufus. Joseph Hodges, ambassador, 1832- Cent. (1901) 40:803. J. 8 . Sargent p. H. Wolf eng. — (1904) 46:84. H. Davidson eng. after daguerr.* (Harvard univ.) Critic (189.5) 26:367. — (1899) 34:100.* Drysdale, Helps for ambitious boys ( 1899) 98. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:. 5.52. T. deThulstnip del. wdet. —(1894) 38:348. wdet. —(1899) 43:69. — 43:1315. Harvard grad. mag. (1902)11:185. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:851. ■ II. Herkomer p.* R. OF rev. (1894)9:651. V.Gribayddoffdel.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31 : pi. 760. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) World’s work (1902) 3:1612.* — (1903) 6:3372.* —(1904) 8:4875.* Rufus, orator, 1799-1859. A.M. rev. (1847) 5: front. T. Douey eng. after daguerr. Book buyer (1902) 20:102. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 31. H. B. Hall eng. after plioto. Cent. (1900) 37:875. D.C. French sc.* (statue) — (1901)40:732.* Duyck- INCK, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:253. Chap- pel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1859) 48:295. J. Sartam eng. Gleason’s pictorial (18.54) 6:76. eng. Green bag (1889) 1:273.* — (1898) 10 : 505. statue* (court house, Boston) — (1903) 15:399. Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:875. eng. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:816. French sc.* (statue) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) 2:pl. 28.* Johnston, Hist, of Library of Congress (1904) 1:404. H. B. Hall eng. after photo.* Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1896) ser. 2, 1 1 : 124. II. Wright Smith eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:258. wdet. after photo. — (1898) n. s. 19:344. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 143. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:603. eng. after photo. CHOCARNE-MOREAU, Charles Paul. Paris salon (1893) 37 CHODKIEWICZ, Jan Karol, 1.5601-1621. Batos- zewicz, Hetmani Polscy koronni, pi. 7. W. Gerson del. II. .\schenbrenner lith. CHODOWEECKA, Jeannette. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:24. Chodowiecki p. 1763.* — ^21:114. drawing, 1774. Susette. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:115. Chodowiecki f.* — 21:79. drawing. CHODOWEECXI, Daniel Nikolaus, 1726-1801. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 115. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2 : 401 . Johann Christoph Frisch p. Bennet Salomon eng. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21 : front. Anton Graff p.* — 21:4. Chodowiecki eng. 1772. — 21:88. Frisch p. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 9. Frisch p. B. Salomon sc. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1895) n. s. 6:185. D. Chodowiecki p.* (miniature) Ztsch. f. bueberfreunde (1898) 2:155. Anton Graff p.* Frau Daniel Nikolaus. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 21:109. Chodowiecki f.* (miniature) — 21 : 1 13. Anton Graff p. grandchildren of. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 21:80. Chodowiecki p.* Isaac Heinrich. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:115. Chodowiecki del.* CHOH, Navajo artist. Mag. of Am. hist. (1889) 22:465. Choh del.* CHOISEUL. Lavallee, Hist, des franp. (184.5) 2:324. Massard eng. due de, Cesar de Choiseul, comte de Plessis- Praslin, marshal, 1597-1675. IIreux du Radif.r, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. eng. Iconog. de Mme d<* CHOISEUL 298 CHOWFA S4vignd, pi. 108. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8; pi. 1403. G. Saint-Evre p. after orig. J. F. Joubert eng. comte di, Claude de Choiseul, marquis de Franciferes, marshal, 1633-1711. Iconoo. de Mme de S6vign6, pi. 41. Mme Ilaudebourt p. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4; pi. 38. Ilaudebourt p. Contenau eng. due de, Etienne rran 9 ois, comte de Stainville, 1719-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:417. P. F. Ba.san eng.* L’.\rt (1892) 53:50. H. Courselles- Dumont del.* Cent. (1894) 27:5. L. M. \ an Loo p.?* Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:317. print.* — (1892) 28:349. Nolhac, La dauphine Marie An- toinette, 74. Vanloo p.* Oncken, Zeitalter Fried- richs des Grossen (1881-82) P. Francois Basan eng.* Parkman, Champlain ed. (1898) 15:240. Van Loo p.* (Versailles gall.) Ver.saii.les, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2667. J. M. Fontaine eng. duchesse de,, Louise Honorine (Crozat du Chatel) w. of Etienne Francois, 1737-1801. Les- CURE, Les grandes 6p>ouses (1884) 320. Huyot sc. after pastel. Walpole, Letters (1840) 4: front. Carmontel del. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbach sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 7:front. M. Carmon- tel del. after p. W. Greatbatch sc. (with marquise du DefTaud, Strawberry Hill) CHOISEUL family name. See also title Praslin. CHOISEUL-D’AILLECOURT, comU de, Michel Felix Victor, 1754-1815. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:455. Labadyedel. Texicrsc. CHOISEUL-PRASLIN, due de, Charles Laure Hugues, 1805-47. L’Art (1903) 62:635. A. Cour- selles-Dumont del.* CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, due de, Jean, mar- shal, 1735-89. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1517. T. A. Vauchelet p. Qu6verdoeng. CHOKrER, baron, Erasme Louis Surlet de, 1769- 1839. See Surlet de Chokier. CHOLLET, T. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 214. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* CHOLMELEY, Catherine, dau. of Montague Cholmeley, d. 1802. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904)2:29. Romney p. 1789-90.* Flora Caroline Elizabeth, ajlw. w. of Henry Hussey Vivian, 1st baron Swansea, d. 1868. Court album (1853) pi. 10. J. Hayter p. J. J. Penstone eng. Sarah, dau. of Montague Cholmeley, 1771-1856. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:30. Romney p. 1791.* CHOLMONDELEY, marchioness of, Ixuly Oeorgi- ana Charlotte (Bertie) w. of 1st marquis, 1764- 1838. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 58, fig. 1. R. Cosway p.* (with her sister) marchioness of, Marcia Georgiana (Arbuth- not) w. of 3d marquis, d. 1878. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:71. C. Ross p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) 4th marquis of, George Henry Hugh Cholmon- deley, 1858- Baily’s mag. (1886) 46:.383. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:206. Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 289. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Harriet. Illus. Lend, news (1895) 106, June 1 sup. p. 3. J. Hoppner p.* Hester Frances, d. 1844. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 40. Reynolds p. 1767. Giuseppe Mar- chi sc. Mary, novelist. Book buyer (1900) 20 : 15, 184. Bookman (1900) 11:7.* —12:37. Critic (1900) 36:299. CHOMEDEY, Paul de, d. 1676. See Maisonneuve, sieur de. CHOM^TOWSKI, Stanislas, 1673-1728. Bar- toszewicz, Hctmani Polscy koronni, pi. 25. W. Ger- son del. H. Aschenbrenner lith. CHOPIN, Frederic Francois, composer, 1810-49. L’Art (1879) 16:91. Eugene Delacroix des. — (1890) 49:30. A. Bovy f. d’Myrac sc.? (medal) — 49:31. Cingeser and (joschl sc. — (1904) 63:278. Eugene Delacroix des.* Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 111. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* Bellaigue, Musical studies (1900)336. Bookman (1904) 19:455. eng.* Champ- LiN, Cyclop, of music (1888) 1:360. Schick p. etch. Dole, Score of famous composers (1891) 402. Hadow, Studies in mod. music (1895) 2 : front. Winterhalter del. 1847.* — 2: 144. Graefle del. 1849* (after death) Lehmann, Men and women (1896) 14. Rudolf Leh- mann f. 1847.* McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:118. Delacroix del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:pl. 49. Ary Scheffer p. — 2:761, 765, 769 (3 jior.) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:166. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5: pi. 92. A. Bovy sc. 1837* (bas-relief) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 207. Stattler p. after Ary Scheffer.* — 2:2S2. George Sand del.* J/rs Kate (O’Flaherty) author, 1851-1904. Book buyer (1899) 18: 186. Critic (1899) 35:677. CHORLEY, William Loveband, 1827- Baily’s mag. (1900) 73:241.* CHOSROES, kings of Persia. See Khusro. CHOTEK VON CHOTKOWA UND WOGNIN, graf, Johann Rudolf, 1748-1824. Wou u. Zwie- deneek, Oesterreich (1884) 229. P. Fendi del. J. Armann eng. CHOUET, Jean Robert. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:418. R. Gardelle p.* CHOULES, Rev. John Overton, 1801-56. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1856) 10:220. eng. CHOUTEAU, Charles P. of St Louis, Mo. Pop sci. m. (1898) 52:630. Pierre. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:345. CHOWFA MAHA VAJIRAVUDH, crown prince of Siam, 1880- See Siam. CHOY 299 CHRISTIE CHOY CHEW, of San Francisco. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:573. wdct. CHRISTENSEN, Christian T. general, 1832- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:661. wdct. Odin Tidemand, 1851- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7'':8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (group) CHRISTIAN I, king of Denmark, 1425-81. Boy- ESEN, Story of Norway (1886) 479. CHRISTIAN II, king of Denmark, 1481-1559. Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 617. Jakob Bink eng.* Brit. mus. Prints (1897) n. s. pt. 6:pl. 1. Binck eng.* Hirtii, Les grands illustra- teurs, 325. Lucas Cranach f. 1523. wdct. Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2:20. Seidi.itz, Portrat- werk (1894) 1 ;pl. 86. Binck ? sc. 1517.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 35. Richomme p. after Holbein. Pannier eng. Ztsch. f. bildende, kunst (1895) n. s. 6:167. p. 1515* (Roy. gall. Copenhagen) ZiMMERN, The Hansa towns (1889) ^1. 3 children of. (John, 1518-32. Dorothea, aftw. w. of Friedrich II, kiirfurst von der Pfalz, 1520- Christina, afiw. w. of Francesco Maria Storza, duke of Milan, ana of Francois due de Lorraine, 1521-90.) (long supposed to be children of Henry VII) Gower, Hist. gall, of England (1883) 3;pl. 1. Mabuse p.* (child por.) Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: July 21, sup. I. Maubeugias p. 1496. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 29. Mabuse p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1895) n. s. 6:165. Mabuse p.* (in Hampton court.) CHRISTIAN III, king of Denmark, 1503-59. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:857. P. k Merica f. eng. CHRISTIAN rV, king of Denmark, 1577-1648. Allg. weltgeschichte (1^7) 8:52. Hendrik Hondius eng.* Earlom, Por. of roy. personages (1816) pi. 10. W. Passe f. R. Dunkarton sc. (print, with his son Frederick) Erdmannsdorffkr, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:35. Theodor Matham eng.* Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:43. Lucas Kilian eng. 1625.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 16:90. Thorvaldsen sc.* (statue) Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2: front. Karol van Mander p.* — 2:68. Hans Kniept'r p.* (child por.) — 2:78. Jacob van Dort p. 1610.* — 2:94. Peter Isachs p.* — 2:96. Isachsp.* (with the queen Anna Catharine) — 2:98. David Bailly p. 1627.* —2:80, 110, 1^, 148 (equestr.) — 2:1.56, 160. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 35. P. Isaaksz p. 162.5. J. Muller sc. Willia.mso.n, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. .50, fig. 2. 1. Oliver? p. 1611.* Winter, (Sesch. dcs 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 243. Jodocus Hondius eng.* — p. ^2. Hendrik Hondius eng.* CHRISTIAN V, king of Denmark, 1646-99. Erd- MANNSDORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:629. eng.* from Theatrum Europieum. Lund, Danske malede por (1897) 2:290. Heimbach p.* — 2:296. Karel van Mander p.* (child por.) — 2:298. D’Ager p.* — 2:298. Abraham Wuchters p.* — 2:300. D’Ager p.* (with his sons) Schenck, Oppermagten in Eu- ropa (1690) pi. 21. P. Schenck f. & exc. William- son, Ili.st. ot por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. .50, fig. 3. Alexander Cooper p.* (age 10) CHRISTIAN VII, king of Denmark, 1749-1808. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:615. medal.* Lond. mag. (1768) 37:393. ,1. Miller f. eng. Lund, Danske malede por. (189.5) 1' : 13. Vier f. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedriclis des Grossen (1882) 2:464. Daniel Berger eng. after wdct. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2678. Laderer eng. CHRISTIAN VIII, king of Denmark, 1786-1848. Alm. do Gotha (1841) pi. 3. Barentzen del. Carl Mayer sc. Boyesen, Stor\' of Norway (1886) 517. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:28. C. W. Ec- kersberg p. 1840* (with queen Caroline Amalie) CHRISTIAN IX, king of Denmark, 1818-1906. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:758.* Alm. de Gotha (1864) pi. 2. Carl Mayer sc. Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5: 17.* Crowned heads of the time (1880) 31. photo. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:1. wdct. —(1885) 29:717. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:661. —(1898) 113:519. —(1904) 125:287.* Loubat, Narr. of mission to Russia of G. V. Fox (1873) 11. B. Hall eng. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:18. Otto Bache p. 1896* (equestr. por.) Outlook (1901) 69:309. Politikos, Sovereigns and courts of Eu- rope (1891) 289. C. Butterworth wdct. after photo. Tullberg, Furstenhauscr Europ. por. (1898) 1:203. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CHRISTIAN, prince of Denmark, s. of Christian IV', 1603-47. Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2:167. Jacob van Dort p.* (with his mother) — 2:169. Karel van Mander p. 1643.* — 2:179, 180. equestr. por.* CHRISTIAN, crown prince of Denmark, s. of Fred- erick VTH, 1870- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:521* — (1898)112:613.* — 113:518. Tullberg, Fiirsten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:205. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CHRISTIAN, capt. of police, Shenandoah, Pa. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:121. wdct. Ewan, architect. Mag. of art (1895) 18:240.* Sir Hugh Cloberry, 1747-98. Clowes, Royal navy (1899) 4:292. J. Northcotc p. H. R. Cook eng. CHRISTIANCY, Isaac Peckham, u. s. senator, 1812-90. Green bag (1890) 2:383.* CHRISTIANSEN, Christian, 1843- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (group) CHRISTIE, James, auctioneer, 1730-1803. Red- ford, Art sales (1888) 2: front. Roberts, Mem. of Christie’s (1897) 1: front. R. Dighton f. (print) — 1 : 10. Thomas Gainsborough p. James, 1773-1831. Roberts, Mem. of Chris- tie’s (1897) 1:12. Harry Behnes sc. (bust) John, D. D. Anderson, Aurora borealis aca- demica (1899) 176.* CHRISTIE 300 CHRYSTAL Richard Copley. Zxscii. f. bucherfreundc (1902) 5:433. p.* W. captain. Baily’s mag. (18G5) 9:271. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. William Henry Mahony, astronomer, 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:2.57.* CHRISTEN, Charles GabrieUe Freddric, 1744-99. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:462. Labadye f. N. F. J. Masqiielier sc. CHRISTINA, CHRISTINE, queens, princesses, archduchess(“s. AUSTRIA Christina Maria, archduchess, 1742-98. Nol- UAC, La reine Marie Antoinette (1890) 136. Roslin p. M. I^ncdetti des. F. Bartolozzi eng. DENMARK Christina, princess, dau. of Christian II, w. of Francesco Maria Sforza, duke of Milan, and of Fran- cois, duke of Lorraine, 1521-90. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1881) l:pl. 4. Holbein p.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1891) pi. 88. Hans Holbein p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:131. Holbein p. 1538.* .\Lvo. of art (1887) 10:237. Holbein p. wdet. —(1894) 17:317. Holbein p. VV. B. Gardner. sc. Ma.sters in art (1900) pt. 4, 1 :pl. 4. Holbein p.* (Nat. gall.) Pollard, Henry VIII (1902) 2.50. Holbein p. 1538.* Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 127. eng. See also Christian II, 3 children of. Christina, princess, dau. of Christian IV, 1626-98. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) 1*:15. Karel van Mander p.* FRANCE Christine, princess, dau. of Henri IV, 1606-63. See Savoie, duchesse de. SPAIN Christina, queen regent, w. of Ferdinand VII, 1806-78. See Maria Christina. Christina (of .\ustria) queen regent of Spain, 1858- Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:496.* —(1889) 94:427 (with her 3 children) —(1898) 112:618* (with Alfonso XIII) Christina, infanta of Spain, widow of Sebastian, infante of Spain, 1833- Tullbero, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:802. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. SWEDEN Christina, queen, 1626-89. .\rmengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 27. Pannemaker sc. Brit. mus. prints (1899) n. s. pt. 8:pl. 9. S^bastien Bourdon p. Robert Nanteuil eng.* Chennevieres, Les dessins du Lou- vre (1883) 4:pl. 1. Sdbastien Bourdon del. Court mag. (1840) 16:281. Bourdon p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Doran, Monarchs (1857) 2: front. Bourdon p. J. Brown sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. Bourdon p. Petit eng. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:97. Bourdon p. Nanteuil sc. 1654. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) Nanteuil p. eng. Hirth, Les glands illustrateurs, 4:1445. J. Sandrant eng. — 4:1486. David Beck p. J. V. Meurs eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 15. Bourdon p. G Cooke sc. Lady’s m. mus. (1813) n. s. 15:241. eng. Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1793) 11:1. Lutzow, Gesch. d. deutsch. kupferstiches (1889) 240. Jeremias Falck eng.* (as Pallas Athene) PETiTOT,Emaux(1862) 1 :pl. 16. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894)2:pl.91. David Beck p. J. Falck sc. 1649. Spop- ford. Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:173. vignette. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2194. Masson eng. after p. — sup. 5: pi. 79. Dumesnil p. Rebel eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:1477. Petitot p.* (Louvre) Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 4:501. eng. from Keen’s map of New Sweden, 1638-1655. Winter, Gesch. des 30iahrigcn krieges (1893) 589. D. Beck p. J. Falck sc. 1653. TWO SICILIES Christina (of Sardinia) queen, w. of Ferdinand II, 1812-36. Alm. de Gotha (1835) pi. 4. Gatti del. C. Mayer sc. CHRISTINE DE PISAN, 1363-1431. See Pisan, Christine de. CHRISTISON, Sir Robert, 1st hart. 1797-1882. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) pref. 17. W. Hole sc. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59:501. wdet. CHRISTLIEB, Theodor, 1833-89. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:945. wdet. CHRISTOPHE, Ernest Louis Aquilas, sculptor, 1827-92. Art j. (1894) 46:41, 42. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 3:198. Edouard H^douin f. CHRISTOPHER, s. of George I, king of Greece 1888- Illus. I»nd. news (1897) 110:322.* CHRISTY, Edwin P. minstrel, 1815-62. Hutton Curiosities of .\m. stage (1891) 131. George N. minstrel, 1827-68. Gleason’s picto- rial (1854) 7:336. Thwaites del. Bobbett and Hooper sc. (3 por.) Howard Chandler, illustrator, 1873- Book buyer (1899) 19:167.* — 19:170. Christy del. Bookman (19(X)) 10:554. Critic (1899) 35:877. II. C. C. del.* Outlook (1899) 63:793. Christy del.* Mrs Howard Chandler (Mabelle Gertrude Boone) Bookman (1900) 10:553 (in 1899) CHRYSIPPUS, philosopher, d. 208 B. C. Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 2:305. Perry del. after medallion. Gelde eng. CHRYSOLORAS, Emanuele, d. 1415. Bullaht. .\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 :265. N. L’Armessin sc, CHRYSOSTOM, saint, 350—407. Thevet, Por. and vies d. illus. homines (1584) 1 :15. eng. CHRYSTAL, George, mathematician. 1851- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 39. Hole sc. CHRYSTIE 301 CHURCHILL CHRYSTIE, James, major, 1750-1807. Bowen, Centennial, Washington inaug. (1892) 42. Sir Henry Raeburn f. Cincinnati Instit. (188(5) 171. CHU AH- LUNG, highbinder. IIakper’s w. (1886) 30:100. wdct. CHUBB, Thomas, 1679-1747. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:231. George Boare p. 1747.* Har- per’s mag. (1903) 107:9. George Beare p.* CHUBLEIGH, Elizabeth, w. of 2d duke of King- ston, 1720-88. See title Kingston. CHUE-EN-ATEN (or Kliu-en-aten), king of Egj'pt, fl. 1383-1365 B. C. See Amenophis IV. CEHJLALONGKORN I, king of Siam, 1853- See Siam. CHUMASERO, William, 1818- Mao. of West, hist. (1891) 14:63. eng. CH’UN I-HUAN, pririw, father of emp. of China, Kuang-H’su, d. 1891. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:116. Illvs. Lend, news (1894) 105:626. CHUN LAN-PIN, minister to U. S. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:696. wdct. (group) CHUNG AH-KIT, highbinder. Harper’s w. (1886) 30: 100. wdct. CHUNG LI, gov. of Peking. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:762. drawing.?* CHURCH, Alonzo, educator, 1793-1862. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:56. Benjamin, 1639-1718. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1882) 19:245. P. Revere sc.* New Eno. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:612. Benjamin SUliman, engineer, 1836- Har- per’s w. (1883) 27:549. wdct. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14:174. eng. Frederick Edwin, painter, 1826-lSXX). French, Art and artists in Conn. (1879) 130. eng. Harper’s w. (1867) 11 :3(54. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1895) n. s. 13:298. Frederick Stuart, illustrator, 1842- L’.\rt (1882) 30:131. G. Bechard del. Petit sc. —(1901) 60:195. B(X)k buyer (1894) 1 1 : 196. V. Gribav^dofT del.* Harper’s mag. (1888) 78:53. C. Y. 'Turner del.* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:959. wdct. George E. colonel. Barti.ett, K. 1. officers (1867) 293. J. C. Buttre eng. Henry, 1750- Harper’s mag. (1859) 19: 16. eng. Leonard, 1800- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1 :35. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Louis Kossuth, gov. of Dakota, 1846- Har- per’s mag. (1889) 78:363. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:12. wdct. Moses James, 1818- Bancroit, Chron. (1892) 3:217. H. B. Hall eng. Sir Richard, 1784-1873. Sergeant, Greece in the 19th cent. (1897) 184. Richard William, dean of St Paul’s, 1815-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97 :pl. 740.* Me.n of mark 0882) 6:11. photo. R. of rev. (1891) 3:20.* Van- ity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 350. Lib f. lith. (carica- ture) Samuel Harden, writer, 1858- Pop. sci. m. (1901) 59:7. Sanford Elias, 1815-80. Green bag (1890) 2:323.* Harper’sw. (1870) 14:6.53. wdct. —(1880) 24:349. wdct. Thomas, 1801-71. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:649. eng. Sir William Selby, 1st hart. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:529.* —(1900) 117:119.* CHURCHER, Walter. Internat. studio (1903) 21:22. Tom Browne del.* (caricature) CHURCHILL, baroness, Lady Jane (Conyng- ham) w. of 2d baron, 1826-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:12.* Lord Alfred, 1824-93. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:944. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:439.* Arabella, 1648-1730. Adolphus, Brit, cab (1799) 2:pl. 38. J. J. van den Berghe .sc. after p. Bioo. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 13. Jarvis p. S. Harding del. W. P. Sherlock sc. Charles, poet, 1731-64. Bioo. mag. (1794) A. Smith sc. Cu.sT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :269. J. S. C. ^haak p.* Effigies poeticse (1824) 2: pi. 109. G. Clint del. after p.? E. Smith eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:296. J. S. C. Schaak f.* Mass. hist, soc. Proc. (1882) 19:245. eng.* from Court misc. 1768. ^^ouLTON, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:475. Schaak p. Augustus Fox eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl. 40. G. Clint del. after p. ? E. Smith eng. Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 1:380. Ho- garth f. 1763. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) George, 1829- McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:546.* Lady Georgiana Spencer, aftw. w. of 5th earl Howe. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:241.* Jerome, financier, 1826- Bancroit, Chron. (1892) 7:199. H. B. Hall eng. Lord Randolph Spencer, 1849-95. Baily’s mag. (1890) 54:289. W. Rofle sc. after photo. Har- per’s mag. (1882) 65: 178.* —(1893)88:41. Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:401. wdct. Illi's. Lond. news (188.5)86:6.50.* —(1886)89:161. —(1895)106:141. — 106: Feb. 2 sup. p. 1-4 (5 por.) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:349. bust* (Westminster hall) R. of rev. (1891) 3:580. —(1895) 11:304.* Stead, Por. and autographs (1891) 48.* (age 41) Vanity fair album (1880) 12:pl. 331. Spy f. Tith. (caricature) — (1881) 13:front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1889) 21:pl. 5.57. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Lady Randolph Spencer- (Jennie Jerome) aftw. Mrs George Cornwallis-West. See West. Winston, novelist, 1871- Acad. (1899) 57:195. Book buyer (1898) 16:387. —(1900)20:362. Book- CHURCHILL 302 CICQUEL MAN (1899) 9:293.* CuAP-book (1898) 8:471. Critic (1899) 3.5:686. R. J. Campbell del? 1898.* —(1900) 37:488. -(1902) 40:98. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:836. Outlook (1899) 62:475. R. J. Camplxdl del. 1898.* World’s work (1901) 3:1449.* Winston Leonard Spencer- writer, 1874- Acad. (1899) 57:627.* Book buyer (1900) 20: 10.* Bookman (1904) 19:33.* (fromCollier’s w.) Critic (1899)35:866. —(1900)37:388.* Harper’s mag. (1900) 101 :215.* Illus. Bond, news (1899) 115:756. —(1900) 117:480.* Pall Mall mag. (1903) 31:91. del* (caricature, from Press gall.) Vanity fair al- bum (KXX)) 32: pi. 792. Spy f. litli. (caricature) CHURCHILL family name. See also titles Bland- ford; Marlborough. CHUTE, John. Walpole, Letters (1840) 3:432. Muntz f. G. P. Harding del. W. Greatbatch sc. Sir Trevor, 1817-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:4.50. CIABILLI, Giovanni, 1688-1746. Marrini, Ritratti di cel pittori (1765) 2, pt. 1 :29. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CIAJA, Ignazio. A.mato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851)1:117. Tommasini des. Parmiani eng. CIALDENI, Enrico, 1811-92. Allg. weltge- schichte (1892) 12: 13.5.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2d kai- serreiches (1890) 273.* Harper’s w. (1866) 10:469. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:355.* Or.si, Mod. Italy (1900) 281. CIARTRES (Fran 9 ois Langlois) See Langlois. CIBBER, Cains Gabriel, father of Colley, 1630- 1700. Cibber, Apology (1889) 1 :18. Laroon and Christian Richter p. R. B. Parkes mezzo. Cunning- ham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 3:17. Christian Richter p. ? W. C. Edwards eng. Wauole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:152. wdct. Colley, dramatist, 1671-1757. Bioo. mag. (1794) Vanloo p. Rhodes sc. Book buyer (1899) 19:98. print* (as Antient Pistol) Bookman (1902) 15:. 550. Vanloo p.* Bourke, Hist, of W”hites (1892) 1:54. Vanloo p. Van der Gucht eng.* Cibber, Apology (1889) 1: front. Vanloo p. R. B. Parkes mezzo. — 2: front. J.Grisonip. R. B. Parkes mezzo, (as Lord Foppington) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:247. Louis F. Roubiliac? sc.* (bust) Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:183. J. B. Van Loo p. — 1:266. Gn- soni p. eng. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 102. Gri- soni p. G. Clint del. J. H. Robinson eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3: 168. Ijouis F. Roubiliac sc. lith.* (bust) Gower, Hist, gall of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 33. \V. Robins p. 1715.* miniature. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:651. Lamp (1904) 28:366. eng.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pl. 33. Grisoni p. Clint del. J. II. Robinson eng. Wiimi an. Masters of mezzo. (1898) 22. G. Grisoni p. John Simon sc. Wil- liamson, Por miniatures (1897) 104. William Robin- son p.* Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 1 : 103. Hogarth del. 1725. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) Mrs Susanna Maria (Ame) w. of Theophilus, 1714-66. Cibber, Apology (1889) 2:222. T. Hudson p. R. B. Parkes mezzo. — 2:288. Peter van Bleeck p. Parkes mezzo, (as Cordelia) Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 2:272. eng. European mag. (1794) 26:243. Eckhart p. Fairn eng. Lond. mag. (1766) 35:312. eng. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:329. T. Hudson p. J. Faber jr. f. 1746. eng. Theophilua, s. of Colley, 1703-88. Cibber, Apology (1889) 2:86. Parkes mezzo, (as .\ntient Pistol) I>)R AN, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 2:49. eng. after p. — 2:213. W. Hogarth del. wdct. Lamp (1904) 28:371. Hogarth eng.* (with Kitty Clive, 1792) —28:372. eng.* CIBO, Giovanni Battista, 1432-92. See Inno- cent VIII, pope. CICCIO, Vabhate, 16.57-1747. See Solimena, Fran- cesco. CICERI, Pierre Luc Charles, painter-decorator, 1782-1868. L’Art (1904) 63:434. Dantan Jeune sc.* (bust) CICERO, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 B. C. Ali.g. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:303. bust.* from Hubner, Antike bildwerke (Madrid) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) l:pl. 10. bust* (Madrid) — l:pl. 11. bust* (Chiaramonti mus.) — 1 :pl. 12. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — 1:138. eng. after bust (USizzi) oBrunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1895) Ifg. 26: pi. 252,253. bust* (Uffizi) — Ifg. 26: pi. 2.54, 2^. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — ifg. 26: pi. 2.56. bust* (Mantua) — Ifg. 26 : 2.57, 2.58. bust* (\ atican) Davidson, Cicero (1894) front, bust* (Roy. gall. Madrid) Firth, Augustus Caesar (1903) .30. bust* (Roy. gall Madrid) Fowler, Julius Caesar (1892) 72. bust* (Roy. gall Madrid) Gal. hist. univ. (1786) M. A. Canini eng. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:. 569. wdct. after bust. Hertzberg, Ge.sch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 2:561. bust, from Hubner, Antike bildwerke (Madrid) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 10. G. Cooke sc. Penny mag. (1838) 7:261. Rubens p. after bust. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 12, pt. 2:2.56. Perry del. after bust. Lecomte eng. — 12, pt. 2:345. eng. after bas-relief. Perrj' inv. — 12, pt. 2:351. Perry del. after bust. Prevost eng. — 12, pt. 2:394. eng. after ba-s-relief. Perry inv. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 82. E. Harding jr. sc. after bust. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1:91. vignette. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:602. eng. o Authenticity doubtfui. CICOGNA, Pasquale, doge of Venice, d. 1595. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (185.5) 2: pi. 88. A. Nani inc. Gre.at men ... in Munich Pmako- thek (1885) pi. 10. Tintoretto p. ? eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl. 16. Tintoretto p. ? etch. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 94. Tintoretto etch.* CICOGNARA, conte di, Leopold©, 1767-1834. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 36:102. Canova sc.* (bust) CICQUEL (or Gicquel) Benjamin A. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:760. wdct. CID 303 CRaLETTI CID (Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bivar) 1040 ?-99. Penny mag. (1841) 10:4. W. Harvey del. J. Jackson sc. Watts, Christian recov. of Spain (1894) pi. 72. CIGNA, Giovanni Francesco, 1734-90. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:413. Petit sc. after medal! (with Lagrange and Saluces) CIGNANI, conte. Carlo, 1628-1719. Dezallier d’Argenqille, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:174. eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 35. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Gregori sc. CIGOLI, 1559-1613. See Cardi, Lodovico. CIL£)A, signor, Ital. composer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:722.* CILLEY, Bradbury Longfellow, educator, 1838- 99. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:16. Robert Gordon Hardie f. Jonathan, 1802-38. Democratic rev. (1838) 3:67. Me. hist, and gencal. recorder (1889) 6:385. Me. hist. soc. Coll, and proc. (1892) scr. 2, 3:127. silhouette. — ser. 2, 3:337. Joseph, 1735-99. Abbatt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 70. Trumbull p.* CIMABUE, Giovanni, 1240-1300? Allg. welt- § eschichte (1891) 6:72. Simone Martini p.* (fresco, I. Maria Novello, Florence) Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:311. Simon Memmi p. N. de L’Armessin sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (18.59) 2:261. Memmi p. Mecuri eng. Iconoo. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 17. Simone Sanese p. A. Locatelli sc. Penny mag. (1843) 12:25. Harvey del. H. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 1. eng. CIMAROSA, Domenico, composer, 17491-1801. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 114. Alex. Gribay6- doff del.* Clement, Les musiciens c6Rbrcs (1873) 172. C. Deblois eng. 1^7. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 18. L. Bridi sc. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1:148. C. Deblois eng.* Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 4: pi. 82. R. Focosi p. L. Rados sc. CIMATORE, Piero. Turn i trionfi (1750) 1:166. J. Vesc. CIMBURGIS VON MASOVIEN, w. of Ernst, duke of Austria. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1895) 5:6. statue* (Hofkirche zu Innsbruck). Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9: pi. 52 after p. 262,. Francesco Terzio del.* CmCINNATUS, Lucius Quintus, fl. 458 B. C. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 64. Chaudet sc. G. Cooke sc. (statue) CINGUI, Giovanni, 1667-1743. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2:33. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CINI, Giovanni Battista, 1530?- Torn i trionfi (1750) 1 :255. eng. emo DA PISTOIA, 1270-1337. Jhrb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:215, fig. 73. p.* (coll. Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) CINQ-MARS, marquis de, Henri Coiffier de Ruze, 1620-42. L’Abt (1893) 55:196. Le Nain p. Maurin lith. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europc illus. (1777) v. 3. H. A. p. Daret eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 94. Louis XIII, king of France del. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1423. Moncomet eng. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 121. Daret p. Yan d’Argentdel. Trouv6 sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 27:245. Lenain p. eng. Perkins, Richelieu (1900) 196. Le Nain p. eng.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2139. Lcstang p. Mathieu eng. CINTI-DAMOREATJ, Mme Laure Cinthie (Mon- talant) 1801-63. L’Art (1902) 61 : 683-87. various por. — (1903) 62:4. P. F. Bertonnier eng. 1827.* — 62: 7. Alexandro Lacaucliie lith.* (as Ang&le in Domino noir) — 62:9. L4on Noel lith.* — 62: 93. Deveria lith.* (as Isabelle in Robert le Diable) — 62:97. Pierre Roch Vigneron lith.* — 62:137. bust (Mus. de l’op<5ra) -^2:139. Marie Alexandre Alophe lith.* Cent. (1882) 1:873. por.* Grand- Carteret, XIXe sifecle (1893) 190. Vigneron lith. 1829?* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 49. E. Las.salle f. 1839. CIOCCHI, Giovanni Maria, 1658-1725. Mar- rini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2: 11. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. CIONE, ANDREA DI, 1308-69. See Orcagna. CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista, 1727-85. Art j. (1890) 42:110. F. Bartolozzi del.* Edwards, Anec. of painters (1808) 111. Rigaud p. R. Earlom sc. Leonetto, 1814- Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 17:376. eng. CIRILLO, Domenico, 1734-99. .iVmato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851) 1:59. Tomasini des. Parmiani eng. CIRTJJEDA Y CIRUJEDA, Francisco. Har- per’s w. (1897) 41:43. CISCO, John J. banker, 1806-84. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:217. wdet. Mao. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:10. eng. CISSEY, Ernest Louis Octave Courtot de, general, 1810-82. Harper’s w. (187.3) 17:572. wdet. CITADELLA, Alfonso, 1487-1536. See Lom- bardi. CITERMANS, Judocus, 1597-1681. See Suster- mans, Justus. CIVANI, Angelina Pagano. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:9.54 (as Samaritana) CIVILE TTI, Benedetto, sculptor, 1850- Har- per’s mag. (1^1)63:82. CIVILI 304 CLAPP CrVILI, Napoleone. Greaud, Meissonier, 14. E. Meissonier del. 1885.* CrVOLI, 155&-1613. iSee Cardi, Lodovico. CLAER. Knackkuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1895) 9:93. A. von Werner del. 1885.* CLAFLIN, Horace Brigham, n. y. merchant, 1811-85. Harper’s w. (188.5) 25:772. wdct. Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 12:121. eng. N. Y. me.m. hist. (1895) 308. eng. John, 1850- Harper’s w. (1889) 33 : 860. wdct. —(1894) 38:964. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:208. eng. N. Y. mem. liist. (1895) 310. eng. William, gov. of Mass. 1818-1905. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:52. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:658. Mrs Wilham (Mary Bucklin Davenport) 1825- 96. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:269. Wm. Morris Hunt p. wdct. CLAGGET, Thomas John, bp. of Md. 1742-1816. Ferry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 12. William H. u. s. senator, 1838- ILarper’s w. (1891) 35:168. wdct. CLAGHORN, James L. banker, 1817-84. Har- per’s mag. (1^2) 64:336.* Harper’s w. (1884) 28:579. wdct. CEAEBORNE, John Herbert, 1763- Wuitte- MORE, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2:91. John Herbert, 1828- Bernard, War talks (1892)237.* Thomas, d. 1812. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 473. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Wilham, 1587-1676. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:90. wdct. — 10:98. wdct. Whittemore, Ileroi's of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2:90. Wilham Charles Cole, 1775-1817. Fiske, Old Viiginia (1900) 1:269. eng.* from Lt)ngacre’s Nat. por. gall, (wrongly named William Claiborne, 1587- 1676) Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 29. A. Duval p. J. B. Long- acre eng. (miniature) Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall, dist. .\m. (1853) 4: pi. 14. Duval p. Longacre eng. (miniature) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 459. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* CLAINE, Jules, traveler in Sumatra. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:335. CLAIRATJT, Alexis Claude, 1713-65. Por. d. hommos et d. femmes (1792) pi. 44. C. N. Cochin del. Cathelin sc. Restout, Gal. franf. (1771) 1: pi. 28. Cochin del. Cathelin sc. CLAIRE, saint, 11941-1253. Droiiojowska, Fem- mes illus. de I’Europe, 26. Jules David del. lith. CLAIRE, Attahe. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 17:85. photo. CLAIRIN, Jules Victor Georges, painter, 1843- Critic (181W) 35:811 (with Mme Beninardt) CLAERMONT, comte de, Louis Charles Joseph Desclaibes. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:74. Labatfye del. Courbesc. CLAERMONTE, Mrs Egerton {pseud. Geoige Egerton) See Egerton. CXiAERON, Mile (Claire Hippolyte Josbphe Leris de Latude) 1723-1802. L Art (1875) 1:319. Charles Waltncr des. after medallion. — (1901) 60:28. C. N. Cochin, le fils, des. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:217. Lemoyne sc.* (bust, Com^die franf.) Hawkins, French stage of 18th cent. (1888) 2:front. (as muse of tragedy ). Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 9. R. Sandssc. Ladies’ m. mus. (1802) 8:1. Thoin-son del. after orig. Mackenzie sc. Men- NECHET, Le Plutarque frany. (1840) 7: pi. 14. Chas- selat del. Geille sc. CEAM-MARTENIC, (frdjin von, 1792-1872. See Meade, Lady Selina. CLANCY, John. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1065. wdct. CLANMORRIS, baroness, Maria Helena (Persse) w. of 3d baron, 1802-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:419.* C LAN RICARDE, countess Frances (Wal- singham) w. of 4th carl. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 48. Isaac Oliver p. S. Harding del. H. R. Cooke sc. (miniature) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 6. Oliver p.* (miniature) 1st marquis of, XJhck De Burgh, 2d earl of St Albans, 1604-57. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 51. eng. 3d marquis of, Ulick John De Burgh, 1802-74. Baily’s mag. (1866) 11:.333. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:220. Count D’Orsay f. 1845. lith. marchioness of, Harriet (Canning) w. of 3d marquis, d. 1876. Heath’s book of beauty (1840) 1. I. Lucas p. W. T. Knight eng. ith marquis of, Hubert George de Burgh- Canning, 1832- Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 725. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CLAN WILLIAM, Mh earl of, Richard James Meade, admiral, 18;i2- Illus. Lond. news (1891) t)9:267.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 137. Rudolf Leh- mann p.* Vanity fair album (1903) 35:pl. 755. Spy del. lith. (caricature) CLA.PIERS-COLLONGUES, chevalier de. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:468. Gros del. Courbe sc. CLAPISSON, Antonin Louis, compo.ser, 1808-66. L'Art (1902) 61:.591. Mile Elisabeth Lothon f. Adolphe Mouilleron lith. CLAPP, Asa, of Portland, Me. 1762-1848. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1272. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 1:539. T. Doney eng. CLAPP 305 CLARETIE Asa William Henry, m. c. 1805-91. Datis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1272. S. A. Sclioff eng. David, 1806-93. N. E. hist, and geneal. regis- ter (1894) 4«:145. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Derastus, Boston constable, 1792— Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:220. Barrj’ del. after photo. Peirce sc. Ebenezer, 1809-81. Orcutt, Good old Dor- chester (1893) 459.* Elmer Frederick, surgeon, 1843- Annals of Iowa (1882) n. s. 1:33. Henry Austin, dramatic critic, 1841-1904. Book buyer (1902) 24:281. Critic (1902) 41:7.* William Warland, jr. 1826-91. Ballou’s pic- torial (1856) 11:348. Barry del. after photo. Peirce sc. CLAPPERTON, Hugh, African explorer, 1788- 1827. Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9:186. Gribay^dofl del. CLARA. See Klara. CLARA, Josd, Span, sculptor. L’Art (1903) 62:315. CLARE (in England) 1st earl of, John Holies, 1564-1637. Biog. mirrour (1795) 1 :pl. 11. R. Clamp sc. after drawing. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 2:276. &cquet eng. CLARE (in Ireland) 1st earl of, John Fitzgibbon, 1748-1802. Ashbourne, Pitt (1898) 249. H. D. Hamilton p.* Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 1 : 18. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1809 Cath. world (1896) 63:375. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 89. p.* Wills, Irish nation, 3:306. Le Conte eng. CLARENCE, 2d duke of, Thomas Plantagenet, 1389-1421. Kingsford, Henry V (1901) 348. eliigj’* (from tomb, Canterbury cath.) 3d duke of, George, bro. of Edward IV, 1449-78. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl- 52. S. Harding del. after drawing. R. Clamp sc. (Brit, mus.) — 1 :pl. 53. Godfrey sc. after (wr. (poss. of earl of Huntington) Ifh duke of, Wilham Hemy, s. of George HI, 1765-1837. See William IV, king of England. Robert Henry, chief of Mosquitia. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:417. wdct. CLARENCE AND AVONDALE, duke of, Albert Victor, s. of Edward Vll, 1864-92. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:41.* Harper’s mag. (1885) 70:769.* Harper’s w. (1866) 10:81. wdct. (with his mother) — (1892) 36:76. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62: Mar. 22, sup. lith. after photo. — (1878) 72:May 25, sup. — (1885) 86:front.* — 86:Apr. 11, sup. (with father and mother) — (1890)96:801. — (1891) 99:755.* —(1892) 100:71 (age 3). —100:105. W. Simpson del.* (after death) — 100: 108. R. C. Mood- ville del.* — 1(X):112.* — 100:114* (with Princess May of Teck) —100: 114.* child por. —100:115.* (with Prince George and Princess Louise.) — 100: 199. F. J. Williamson sc.* (as a child, statue) — 100: Jan. 16, sup. — 100: Jan. 23, sup. (9 por.)* — 101:230. Edward Tayler p.* (miniature) — (1895) 106: June 1, sup. p. 4. C. Bauerle p.* (with Princess Louise and Pnnco George) Mag. of art (1893) 16:359. A. V. Soord p.* R. OF rev. (1892) 5: 143. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 170. F. J. Wilhamson sc.* (bust) Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 9. Hay f. lith. (caricature) CLARENDON, 1st earl of, Edward Hyde, 1(509-74. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:18. Holl sc. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 7:99. eng. Cent. (1899) 37:264. Gerard Soest p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 1, pt. 2: front. Lely p. — (1843) 1: front. Led}’ p. J. Cochran eng. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 11. Loggan f. R. Dunkarton eng. (print) Craik, Pict. hist, of Eng. (1849) 3:703. C. E. Wagstaff eng. after p. ? (Bodleian lib.) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :149. Soest p.* Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:254. Gerard Zoust p. eng. (Nat. por. gall.) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:34. Loggan sc. after eng.* — 3:36. Soest f. lith.* Green, Short hist. Eng. peo- ple (1893) 3: 1329. Loggan eng. Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 92. Lel^- p. S. Harding del. W. N. Gardiner sc. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:533.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:968. Wagstaff eng. after p. ? (Bodleian lib.) Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 5:25. Wagstaff eng. after p.? (Bodleian lib.) Lodge, Por. (1835) 8: pi. 7. Lely p. J. Cochran eng. Mac- DiARMiD, Lives of Brit, statesmen (1820) 2:281. Free- man sc. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (19(30) 72. Gerard Soest p.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 2:137. Freeman eng. Por. gall. (1853) 2:345. Wa^taff sc. after p. ? (Bodleian lib.) Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 3: pi. 21. Lely p.* Stern, Gesch. der rev. in Eng. (1881) 97. Li-ly p. R. Cooper eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:35. G. Zoust f. eng. Walpole, Royal & noble authors (1806) 3:151. Boequet eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:223. Lely f. M. Burg eng.* 2d earl of, Henry Hyde, 1(338-1709. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 33. Harding sc. after p. (Badminton) Walpole, Royal and noble authors (1806) 4:27. Boequet eng. 3d earl of, Edward Hyde, 1661-1723. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:41. Nat. mag. (1892) 17:96, 117. wdets. Portland, Pict. (1894) 98. Lely p.* 7th earl of, John Charles Vilhers, 1757-1838. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:70. R. T. Bone eng.* 8th earl of, George William Frederick Vilhers, 1800-70. Archer, Gladstone and his contemp. (1883) 3:150. lith. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1857) 40:145. G. Smith p. J. Sartain eng. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:41. wdct. after photo. Thornton, For. secretaries (1882) 3:208. eng. Vanity fair al- bum (1869) l:pl. 12. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 9th earl of, Edward Hyde Vilhers, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62: 157. wdct. after photo. —(1900) 117:187.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33:pl. 731. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CLARETIE, Jules Arnaud Arsbne, 1840- Book-man (1901) 14:336.* —(1903) 17:567.* Cent. 24288—06 20 CLAKGES 306 CLARK (1887) 13:208. Jeannoit f.* Critic (1898) 33:64. with Jean Richepin. Gal. coiitemp. (1876) pi. 14. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:35. Mar- cellin Desboutin p. Bordier sc. Harter’s mag. (1887)74:709. — (1892)85:496. Le litre, bibliog. r^trospiective (1885) 6:72. Nargeot etch. Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26: 165. M.\g. of art (1884) 7:463. LAm Bonnat del. wdct. Revce Ulus. (1886) 1:257. P. Renouard del. Florian sc. CLAR6ES, Lady, Mary (Proctor), w. of Sir Thomas. Art j. (1900) 52:261. Gainsborough del. — 52:266. Gainsliorough p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 108. Gainsborough p.* Mag. of art (18^) 23:352. Gainsborough p.* CLARK, Abraham, 1726-94. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17:225. por.* (Independence hall, Phila.) Alonzo, M. D. 1807-87. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:672. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:683. wdct. Alvan, telescope maker, 1804-87. H.crper’s w. (1887) 31:629. wdct. New Esg. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:686. Scribner’s m. (1873) 7 :49. eng. Sir Andrew, physician, 1826-93. Ccst, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:309. G. F. Watts p.* Illl’s. Lond. news (1883) 83:189.* —(1893) 102:595.* —(1894) 104:594. Watts p.* Leumaxn, Men and women (1896) 15. Rudolf Lehmann p.* Mag. of art (1894) 17:269. Watts p. Jonnard eng. Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 29. photo. Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 34. Watts p.* — (1895) 153. Lehmann p.* Andrew J. 1835-82. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:432. A. H. Ritchie eng. Ben. Cent. (1889) 16:537. Frederic Remington del.* Benjamin C. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. com- merce (1895) 2:492. W. C. Smith f. eng. Champ, M. c. 1850- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1113. caricature. Charles Edgar, u. s. n. 1843- Cent. (1899) 36:104.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:853. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:472. —(1902) 46:637. Mrs R. P. Burgess p.* Oltlook (1903) 74:851. World’s work (1902) 3:1798. Charles Finney, 1836- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1 : 45. eng. after photo. Charles Heber, (pseud. Max Adder) 1841- Book buyer (1902) 25:124.* Clarence Don, d. s. senator, 1851- Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:508. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:200. wdct. Davis Wesgatt, m. e. bp. 1812-71. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:633. wdct. — (1871) 15:525. wdct. E. W. cadet. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:489. wdct. Edgar Erastus, 1856- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1.530.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:486.* Out- look (1903)74:40.* Edward, architect, 1822-1902. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 85.* Emmons, 1827- Harper’s w. (1880) 24:289. wdct. — (1882) 26:693. wdct. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:678. G. E. Perine eng. Mag. of Am. hbt. (1885) 14:67. Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:74. Gustav Kruell sc. Francis, 1841-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:39.* Francis Edward, Christian Endeavor founder, 1851- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:668. wdct. — (1894) 38:664. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:517. — (1895) n. s. 12:514. Mrs G. W. reformer. Arena (1895) 14:27.* Galen. World’s work (1902) 3:1721. George Hunt, 1809-81. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 479. Capewell & Kimmel eng. George Rogers, explorer, 1752-1818. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:112. Jarvis p.* Harper’s mag. (1864) 28:302. wdct. —(1887) 75:53.* eng. Lo.ng- ACRE and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1839) 4:pl. 17. J. W. Jarvis p. J. B. Longacre p. ? T. B. Welch eng. Hag. of -\m. hist. (1889) 21:387. p.* (Vincennes univ.) Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:137. wdct. Ohio archseol. and hist. pub. (1898) 6:11. eng. after p. (from Howe’s Hist. coll, of Ohio, 1:386) Reynolds, Pioneer hist, of 111. (1887) eng. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 24: front. Howard Pyle del.* — 24:67. J.W. Jarvis? p. Henry Wolf eng. (minia- ture) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:295. Jarvis f.* (Wis. hist, soc.) Greenleaf. Green bag (1892) 4:170.* Horace Francis, m. c. 1815-73. De.mocratic rev. (1857) 40:97. J. C. Buttre eng. II.arper’s w. (1873) 17:596. wdct. Imogen, writer. Book buyer (1901) 22:285.* Isaac, 1761-1819. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:771. Fabronius f. Trochsler lith. J. B. temperance advocate, 1778-1867. Har- per’s w. (1867) 11:220. wdct. James, 1730-1826. N. Y. geneal. and biog. record (1897) 28:65. T. Badger p.* (age 95) James G. poet, .\rena (1893) 7:513.* Sir James Richardson Andrew, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:508.* John, d. 1527. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 60. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (St Andrew’s church, Norwich) John, M. d. 1598-1664. Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898) 196 (Mass. hist, soc.) 'Tiiacher, Am. med. biog. (1828) 1:222. Edwards del. after p. 1664. Pendleton lith. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 3:315. eng. after p. John Francis. Baily’s mag. (1876) 28:t-p. John Willis. Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 586. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs John Y. (Harriet Girard), fomurly Mrs Henry D. Lallemand. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniaturt>s (1898) 190. Anna C. Peale p.* Jonas Gilman, founder Clark univ. 1815-liWO. Clark univ. Decen. celebration (1899) front, eng. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:422. wdct. Rep. men of Ma.ss. (1898) 38. eng. CLARK 307 CLARKE Joseph Sylvester, 1800-61. Congreg. quar. (Jan. 1862) 4: front. II. W. Smith eng. after p. Josiah. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:767. Latimer, electrician, 1822-98. Illus. Lend, news (1898) 113:705.* Leander, 1823- Annals of Iowa (1895) ser. 3, 2:44. Lewis Gaylord, writer, 1810-73. Knicker- bocker gall. (1855) front. C. L. Elliott f. J. Cheney eng. Knickerbocker mag. (1849) 34:front. Elliott p. Cheney eng. — (1853) 41 : front. Elliott p. Cheney eng. Lewis Whitehouse, 1828-1900. Green bag (1890) 2:482.* Southern N. H. bar. assoc. Pub. (1893) l,pt.2:87.* Malcolm, 1817-69. Larpentecr, 40 years a fur trader (1898) 2:240.* J/rs Mary Ann (Farquhar) Ladies’ m. mus. (1809) n. s. 6 :113. Mackenzie sc. Bichard, chamberlain city of London, 1739- 1831. European mag. (1806) 49:327. Mather Brown f. Ridley eng. London’s roll of fame (1884) 87. Sievier sc. 1829 (bust) i?er.Bnf us Wheelwright, 1813-66. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 5:236. H. Brichersc. after daguerr. Samuel, 1626-1701. Calamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 1:301. Mackenzie eng. after print. Mrs Sarah (Wood) w. of J. Mitchell Clark. IIarper’s w. (1904) 48: 1063. F. A. Bridgman f.* Silas M. 1834- Green bag (1891) 3:81.* Thomas, 1737-1816. European mag. (1816) 70:291. Findlater p. T. Blood eng. Thomas March, bp. of R. I. 1812-1903. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 7. J. C. Buttre eng. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8: 146. — (1901) n. s. 23:494. Outlook (1901) 69:265.* —(1903) 75:296.* Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 134. R. OF rev. (1893) 7:311. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 586. Buttre eng. Walter, 1846- Arena (1892) 5:464.* —(1896) 15:,349.* —16:217.* —(1904) 32:457.* Green bag (1892) 4:. 58.3.* Walter Appleton, illustrator, 1876- Book buver (1899) 18:211. Bookman (1900) 10:555. W. A. Clark del.* Outlook (1899) 63:794.* Rev. William. Dediia.m hist, register (1894) 5 : 45. p.* WiUiam, 1770-1838. Book buyer (1901) 23:423. Cent. (11K)4) 46:873. p.* (as young man) -^6:874 George Catlin p.* (age 62) Scribner’s mag. (1^1) 30:292. George T. Tobin f. Mrs Wilham, of Newark, N. J. Rot. acad. pict. (1894) 170. W. E. Lockhart p.* Wilham Andrews, u. s. senator, 1839- Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:136. —(1902) 46:367. W. A. Rogers del.* Wilham Braddock, 1841- Davis, N. E. states (1897)2:528. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Wilham H. Tex. bar ass6c. Proc. (1896) 15: front.* Wilham J. writer. Book buyer (1899) 17:572. Wilham S. pres, of Mass. Agricultural coll. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:847. eng. Wilhs Gaylord, 1810-41. Casket (1840) 1. J. P. Frankenstein p. J. Sartain eng. CLARKE, Mr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 587. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Mr, actor. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 2:48. wdet. (as Antonio) Adam, commentator, 17621-1832. Arminian mag. (1796) 19:417. Ridley sc. (age 33) Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:356. eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1^4) V. 5. J. Jenkinson p. J. Thomson eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:117. Jenkinson p. Thomson eng. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1823) 46: front. John Jackson p. James Po.sselwhite eng. Wills, Irish na- tion, 4:438. S. Freeman eng. Mrs Adam fMary ) Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:360. eng. (age 71) Albert, 1840- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2265. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 337. Wilcox eng. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of Benning- ton . . . monument (1892) 126. Sir Andrew, 1824-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:484.* Arthur Frederic, archdeacon of Lancaster, 1848- Roy acad. pict. (1899) 105. James Sant p.* C. W. V. pedestrian. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:693. wdet. Sir CampbeU, 1835-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:343.* Sir Caspar Purdon, 1846- Mag. or art (1892) 15:106.* Charles Carlos. Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 664. Spy. f. lith. (caricature) Charles Cowden, 1787-1877. Cent. (1899) 36:130* (in 1873) Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:292. eng. after photo. Mrs Charles Cowden (Mary Victoria No- veUo) 1809-97. Cent. (1899) 36: 127.* —36:129. Francis Day del. after photo. 1^1.* — 36: 131. draw- ing* (as Mrs Quickly) Critic (1896) 29:345 Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:107.* Sir Charles Mansfield, 1st hart. 1782-1857. Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 1 :pl. 8. S. Lane f. J. Coch- ran eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 : 16. Lane f. Cochrane eng. Sir Charles Mansfield, 3d hart. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:383.* —(1900) 116:508.* Daniel B. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 100,* 109.* Dorus, 1797-1884. N. E. hist. & gencal. register (1884) 38:233. H. W. Smith eng. Dumont, of N. Y. clearing house. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1691.* R. of rev. (1904) .30:531.* CLAKKE 308 CLAUDE DE FRANCE Sir Edward, 1841- Green bag (1891) 3:445.* Not.\bi.es of Brit. (1897) 55.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12:pl. 323. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (190.3) 35: pi. 882. Spy del. litb. (caricature) Edward Daniel, 1769-1822. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 : pi. 29. J. Jackson f. II. Meyer eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:163. John Opie p.* Sir Ernest, 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:41. Sir George Sydenham, 1848- K. of rev. (1904) 29:196. Henri Jacques Guillaume, comte dc Hune- bourg, due de Feltre, 1765-1818. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1551. G. D. J. Descamps p. A. Boilly eng. James, 1825-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:247. James Freeman, 1810-88. Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1896) 2:623. eng. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:449. wact. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1887) ser. 2, 4 .‘front. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 357* (in 1883) New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:699. William Morris Hunt p. wdet. — (1900) n. s. 22:323. John Badger, 1820- Bay state m. (1885) 3:9. F. Halpin eng. John Hopkins, u. s. senator, 1789-1870. Glea- son’s pictorial (1853) 4:120. eng. John Sleeper, 1835-79. Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 6:149. photo. McDonald, poet, 1798-1842. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:41. Roberts sc. Sir Marshal, 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:733.* So. .^Vfrican por. gall. (1897) 32. Mrs Mary Anne (Thompson) 1776-1852. Vin- cent, 12 bad women (1897) 289. Lady, OUvia (Owenson) w. of Sir Arthur, 1779-1859. Gerard, Some fair Hibernians (1897) 191. Behnes p.* (miniature) Powhattan H. d. 1893. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:216. F. Remington del. wdet. — (1893^ 37:736. wdet. Samuel, d. d. 1675-1729. Bioo. mag. (1794) Gibson p. Rivers sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 213. Gil>- son p. J. Houbraken sc. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:233. John Vanderbank p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:185. Vanderbank f.* Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1791) 7:421. Lives of illust. persons (1820) Thomson sc. Sidney, 1831- Barnes, Hist, of 39th congre.ss (1868) 89. G. E. Ferine eng. Thomas Shields, sculptor, 1860- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:138. Sir William, 16231-66. William.son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 44, fig. 3. S. Cooper p.* Lady [William], Dorothy (Hyliard) w. of Sir William, d. 1695. Williamson, Hi.st. of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 44, fig. 1. S. Cooper p.* William, gov. of Mo. 1770-1838. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 477. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* William B. lawyer, 1817- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:299. II. B. Hall eng. WiUiam Bingham, banker, 1848- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:226. Sir Wilham John, 1st hart. 1831-97. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:652.* William Penn, 1817- Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1 : front. CLAIIKSON, Major, d. 1812. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 160. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. Coker F. 181 1-90. Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1:408. Floyd, 1831-94. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 278. eng. James S. 1842- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:557. wdet. —(1896) 40:617. wdet. Matthew, 1758-1825. .Am. hist, register (189.5) 2:1160. Bowen, Centennial, Washington inaug. (1892) 160. Gilbert Stuart f. Cincinnati Instit. (1886) 173. G. Stuart p. eng. (age 35) Sons of the rev. N. Y. Year-bk. (1893) 104. Stuart p. eng. (age 35) Robert Harper, bp. of Neb. 1826-84. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:19.3. wdet. Perry, Episcopate in .Am. (1895) 164. Thaddeus Stevens, 1840- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:942. wdet. Thomas, Eng. abolitionist, 1760-1846. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:213. C. F. De Breda p.* Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. ct hist, des hommes utiles, 2:pl. 29. Hardivillier sc. 1835 (with Wilberforce) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 40. Samuel Lane p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:50. Lane p. Cochran eng. CLARY, Dexter, 1798- Congreg. quar. (1876) 18:357. II. W. Smith eng. Eugenie Bernardine Desiree, w. of Bernadotte (Charles XIV) king of Sweden, 1781-1860. See Berna- dottc, Mme. John A. 1815-80. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6 : 120 .* Marie Julie, 1777-1845. See Bonaparte, Mme. Joseph. CLASON, Patrick, d. d. 1789-1868. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 5. B. W. Crombie f. CLAUDE DE FRANCE, queen, w. of Franfois I. 1499-1524. Ami d. monuments (1^8) 2: 153. Fran- cois Marchand sc.* (statue) Bourdery et Lachenaud, Ldonard Limosin (1897) 84. Limosin f. Gower, Le- noir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 8. Clouetldel. — pl.9,no.8. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhau.ses (1898) 19:42, fig. 162. p.* (coll. Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Lady’s mag. (1833) 3:173. C. I. Page eng Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes cdldbres (1858) 17. Lantd del. Gatinesc. Lescure, Les grandes dpouses (1884) 62. Clouet p. 16th cent, eng, Malo, Gal. des reines do CLAUDE DE VALOIS 309 CLAY France, 131. Dclpech lith. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16* s. (1848) 1 : pi. 3. eng. after drawing. Yersaii.les, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) 9: pi. 1820. E. Conquy eng. after p. — 13: pi. 128. J. Bernard! eng. after statue. CLAUDE DE VALOIS, princess of France, dau. of Henri II, 1547-75. See Lorraine, duchesse dc. CLAUDE, Frere, 1st pres, parl’t of Dauphine. L’Akt (190.3) 62:178. medal. CLAUDE, Eugene, 1844- L’Abt (1894) 57:137. Jean, 1618-87. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. Laurent p. P. Dupin sc. Impf.r. diet, of univ. biog. 1 : 1052. W. IIoll eng. after p. 1 (Roy. mus. Paris) Mme Jeanne Mathilde. L’Art (1889) 47:207. J. C. Chaplain f.* (medal) Mag. of art (1^^99) 23:374. Chaplain f.* (medallion) CLAUDE LORRAIN (Claude Gelee) 1600-82. L’Art(1902)61 : 17 6. Joachim deSandrart eng. Art]. (1851) 3: 165. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762)4:54. eng. Etched por. of celebr. painters, pi. 16. l.Girtineng. GAL.franf.(1822) 2:207. Hesse del. Gall, of great artists (1877) 43. Claude p. Boydell sc.* Gaz. d. ueau.x arts ( 1884) ser. 2, 30:317. L. Limosin f. (enamel; hospital de Joinville) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France,5:675. Philippoteaux p. C. Laplante eng. (with Lo Poussin) Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 29. G. Cooke sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 2: 136. W. Hull eng. after p.? (Roy. mus. Paris) Menneciiet, Le Plutarque fran^:. (18il6) 4: pi. 23. Laederick del. Leclerc sc. Porteolio (1885) 16:241. eng. — (189.5) no. 15:13. wdet.* Por. gall. (1853) 2:325. Holl sc. after p. ? (Roy. mus. Paris) Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 2: pi. 46. eng. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (lf^5) 1:492. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2172. Giroux eng. after p. — sup. 6: pi. 71. Pigeot eng. after bust. CLAUDIUS DRUSUS NERO, Tiberius, emp. of Rome, 10 B. C.-54 A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:472, 476. statue* (Vatican) Art j. (1902) 54:177. cameo* (Windsor) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1886) 2, pt. l:pl. 17. statue* (Vatican) — 2, pt. l:pl. 18. bust* (Brunswick mus.) — “2, pt. 1:331. eng. after bust* (Capitol, Rome) — 2, pt. 1:3.33. eng. after bust* (V^atican) — 2, pt. 1:336. Mongez eng. after bust (Louvre) — 2, pt. 1 :338, 339. Mongez eng. after bust (Madrid) — 2, pt. 1:342. eng. after medal (Windsor) Church, Story of early Britain (1889) 37. coin.* Connoisseur (1902) 4:225. cameo* (Windsor) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 4, sec. 2:516. statue* (Naples mus.) Hertz- berg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 199, 207. statue* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7 : pi. 10. R. Sands sc. Illus. Lond. news (1875) ()6:4. wdet. after cameo (Br. mus.) Laurent, Mus. roy. (1816) 2: pi. 77. Vanderwat des. after statue. Avril eng. Mao. of art (1899) 23:5.54. cameo.* Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 1.5, pt. 1 :22. eng. after bust. — 15, pt. 1 :23. Perry del. after medallion. Jacquemin eng. oAuthenticity doubtiul. CLAUDIUS II GOTHICUS, Marcus AureUus, emp. of Rome, d. 270 A. D. Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1890) 589. coin, from Imhoof- Blumer. IIirth, Der formenschatz (1884) pi. 142. Heinrich V^ogtherr f.* (medal) CLAUDIUS CHRYSIPPUS. Bednn u. Arndt, Griech. u. riim. portrats (1897) Ifg. 39: pi. 384. bust* (Nat. mus. Athens) CLAUDIUS, Matthias, 1740-1815. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 188. eng. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 193. Leisching p. Otto Speckter lith.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 27. Lei- sching p.* CLAUGHTON, Thomas Legh, bp. of St Albans, 1808-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 102: 131.* CLAUREN, Heinrich, psextd. of Karl Gottlieb Samuel Henn, 1771-1854. Konnecke. Bilderatlas (1887) 269. lith. 1825 ?* CLAUS, Emile, Belgian painter, 1849- Internat. studio (1899) 8:143.* —(1900) 10:93. CLAUSADE , Louis, 1862- L’Art (1894) 57 : 309. CLAUSEL, comte, Bertrand, 1772-1842. Gavard, Gal. des mar6chaux de France (1839) pi. 38. Chainj)- martin p. Ruhifere eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 15^. C. E. Callande de Champ- martin p. E. J. Ruhierre eng. CLAUSEN, George, painter, 1852- Art j. (1890) 4:2289. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:132. Mag. of art (1895) 18:401. G. Clausen p. 1895.* Randolph. Cent. (1899) 35:435. CLAUSEWITZ, Karl von, 1780-1831. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 73. W. Wach p. F. Michelis lith. CLAUSIUS, Rudolf Julius Emanuel, 1822-88. Pop. sci. m. (1889) 35:1. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 558.* CLAVERHOUSE, John Graham of. See Dundee, 1st viscount. CLAVERING, Sir Thomas. Art j. (1901) 53:89. G. Romney p.* (child por. with his sister) Ga.mlin, George Romney and his art (1894) 12. Romney p.* CLAVIGERO, Francisco Saverio, 1720-93. WiNSOR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 1:159. eng. after lith. (from Cumplido’s Mexican ed. of Prescott’s Mex- ico, v. 3) CLAVIUS, Christoph, 1537-1612. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:117. E. de Boulonois f. eng. CLAWSON, .1/rs Alice (Young) w. of 11. B. Claw- son. Scribner’s m. (1872) 3; 40.5. eng. CLAXTON, Marshall, painter, 1813-81. Meth. mag. (1815) ^:401. Jackson p. lloll sc. CLAY, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903. Cent. (1887) 11:858.* H.arper’s w. (1860) 4:297. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:68. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 447. G. E. Perine eng. CLAY 310 CLAYTON Clement Claiborne, u. s. senator, 1817-82. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:116. wdct. — (1^1) 5:81. wdct. Frederic, composer, 1840-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:754.* Green, general, 1757-1826. Harper’s mag. (1863) 27:290. eng. Henry, 1777-1852. Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:187. A.M. liist. register (1895) 1:571. S. F. B. Morse p.* Am. rev. (1845) 1: front. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. — (1851) 13:383. eng. after daguerr. Analectic (1820) n. s. 1:178. eng. .Vppletox’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 1:640. W. G. Jackman eng. after photo. Bolton, Famous Am. statesmen (1888) 230. eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 25. eng. Casket (1828) 145. J. B. Longacre eng. after miniature. Cent. (1885) 8:480. daguerr.* — (1886) 11:162. daguerr.* — 11:165* (with his wife ) — 11:176. miniature.* — ( 1895) 28 : 769. Mat- thew Harris Jouett p.* (age 43) Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:144. Chappel p. eng. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:228. Chappel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (1861) 53:145. J. Sartain eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:49. Leslie sc. — 3:64. T. D. Jones sc. (medal) — 3:105. bust. — (1859) 16:376. H. Valentin del. eng. Green bag (1895) 7:441. —(1900) 12:25. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:945. Davignon del.* — (1892) 85:914. death mask.* Harper’s w. (1860) 4:268. Joel T. Hart sc. wdct. (statue) — (1867) 11:397. Hart sc. wdct. (statue) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) l:pl. 30. Sartain eng.* Hart, Browere’s life masks (1899) 74. J. II. I. Browere f.* (age 48) IIealy, Reminis. (1894) 148. Healy p.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 401. eng. after daguerr. Hubbard, Little jour. Am. states- men (1898) 296. eng.* Hunt, Am. biog. panorama (1849) 237. eng. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 257. life mask.* Lester, Gall, of illus. Am. (1850) pi. 5. F. D’Avignon lith. after daguerr. Life of Thurlow Weed (15^4) 2:120. eng. Longacre and Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1837) 1 :pl. 15. W. J. Huli- ard p. longacre eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:. 569.* —(1896)6:535.* —(1897)9:911. Browere f. 1825* (life mask) — 9:940-47. various por. Mc- Cormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 80. Francona f. ilAO. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:385. Nicolay and Hay, Lin- coln (1890) 1:240. daguerr.* Outlook (1902) 70:55.3. Rice and Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) l:pl. 18. Hubard p. Longacre eng. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 151. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:201. eng. after daguerr. Seward, Auto- biog. (1877) 732. eng. Spofkord, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:371. vignette. — 7:387. Ferris f.* Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 95. Hart sc.* (statue, Richmond) W erckmelster. Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnis.sen (1899) 3:pl. 274. eng.* Wii.son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:211. por.* (Long Island hist, soc.) — 4:2. Jouett f.* (age 4.3) .^:112. Da- vignon del.* WiNSOR, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 7:.343. eng. after p. (Long Island hist, soc.) Mrs Henry (Lucretia Hart) Cent. (1886) 11:165* (with her husband) McClure’s mag. (1897) 9 : 948. Oliver Frazer p. 1851 ? eng.* John Cecil. Book buyer (1902) 25:.39.* J ohn Randolph, 1808-85. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:133. eng. Joseph, 1770-1811. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 428. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* Laura. Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:270.* Mrs Mary Barr, 1839- Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1887) 3:817. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Matthew. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 39. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* CLAYBORNE. Claiborne. CLAYDEN, Peter William, writer, 1827-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:304.* CLAYE, Jules, painter, 1806-86. Le livre bibliog. retrospective (1886) 7:2^. Leop. Flameng etch. R. 1735- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:468. Perrin del. Courbesc. CLAYPOLE, Mrs Elizabeth f Cromwell) w. of John, 1629-58. Cent. (1900) 38:875. Crosse p.* (miniature, Windsor) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:115. John Michael Wright p. 1658.* Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell ( 1899) 69. S. Cooper p. 16.53* (min- iature) — p. 160, 168. S. Cooper p. (miniature) — p. 194. J.M. Wright p. 1658. Hope, Cat. of pict. by old masters, 75. Lely p.* Morley, Oliver Crom- well (1900) 2:464. Louis Crosse? p.* (miniature) Roberts, Mem. of Christie’s (1897) 2:236. Lely p.* Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 35, fig. 2. S. Cooper p.* (Montague house) John, d. 1688. Cent. (1900) 38:733. p.* (Chequer’s court) Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 2:430. p.* (Chequer’s court) CLAYPOOLE, Abraham George. Sons of the rev. Mo. Year bk. (1895) 81. Rembrandt Peale p.* Rebecca. See Pratt, Mrs Henry. CLAYS, Pierre Jean, Belgian painter, 1819- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23 : 495. p. ?* Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:65. CLAYTON, Mr. Williamson, Andrew and Na- thaniel Plimer (1903) 14. Andrew Plimer p. 1786?* (miniature) Mrs. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 14. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (miniature) Miss, or Miss Clayton Napier. William.son, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 14. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Miss E. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 14. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (minia- ture) E. C. 1837- Baily’s mag. (1885) 44:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Mr G. Williamson, Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 14. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) CLAYTON 311 CLE11EN8 Henry Helm, meteorologist, 1861- New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:41. Isaac. Metu. mag. (1806) 29:481. Branwhite sc. Rev. John, jr. 1780-1865. European mag. (1819) 76:483. S. Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. John, actor 1843-88. Hollingshead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 85. Illcs. Lond. news (1888) 92:247. Theatre (1888) ser. 4, 11 : 180. photo. John Middleton, 1796-1856. Del. hist. soc. Papers (1879) 4:front. eng. Harper’s mag. (1879) 59:201. Sir Oscar, 1816-92. Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 87. A{)e f. lith. (caricature) PoweU, 1833- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:421. Sir Robert, 1629-1707. Pall Mall mag. (1894) 4:358. eng. after p.* CLAYTON family name. See also title Sundon. CLEARY, J. M. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:784. wdct. Thomas, n. y. alderman, 1839- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:260. wdc‘ CLEASB Y, Sir Anthony, judge, 1804-79. Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 31. photo. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 12. Spy f. Bth. (caricature) CLEAVELAND, Moses, founder of Cleveland, Ohio. 1754-1806. Harper’s mag. (1886) 72:563. Johnston, Yale and her honor-roll in the Am. rev. (1888) 328. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 1:170. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:323. Parker, 1780-1858. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 126. T. Badger f. J. C. Buttre eng. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:55. eng. CLEAVES, Henry Bradstreet, gov. of Me. 1840- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1375. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Harper’s w. (1894) 895. wdct. CLEBURNE, Patrick Ronayne, 1828-64. Cent. (1887) 12:608.* CLEEF, Joost van, 14901-1556. L’Art (1901) 60:305. eng.* Jaiirb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1895) 16:14. Joost van Cleef f.* Meyssens, True eflSgies-(1694) pi. 12. Th. Galle ex. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 1:243. J. van Cleeve p. W. H. Worthington sc. Mevrouw Joost van. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Kla,ss. bilderschatz (1895) 7: pi. 939. Joost van Cleef p.* (Windsor) CLEGG, Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1831) 54:657. J. Jackson p. Jenkins eng. CLEGG-HILL family name. See title Hill. CLEGHORN, Alexander, d. 1850. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 47. R. W. Crombie f. CLELAND, John, 1835- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 112.* CLEM, John, 1852- Harper’s w. (1864) 8:85. wdct. CUfiMENCE (of Hungary) queen of France, w. of Louis X, 1293-1328. Malo, Gal. des’reines dc France, 108. Delpech lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard sup. 6 : pi. 55. eng. after bust (statue, St Denis) CL^MENCE ISAURE, 14501-1500? See Isaure, CMmence. CL^MENCEAU, Georges, journalist, 1841- L’Art (1904) 63:235. Paul Renouard des.* Book- man (1900) 10:545. Cent. (1887) 13:207. Jeannoit f.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:342.* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:4. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:179. M. Feuillet del.* Re\x*e illus. (1886) 1:223. J. F. Raffaelli del. CLEMENS, Clara L. dau. of S. L. Clemens. Har- per’s w. (1901) 45:71. Jean, dau. of S. L. Clemens. Critic (1904) 44:523.* equestr. por. 1904. Jeremiah, u. s. senator, 1815-65. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:88. Pierson sc. Joseph, abp. of Cologne, 1671-1723. Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:721. L. Hecken- auer eng.* — (1893) 2:184. Peter van Gunst sc.* Samuel Langhome {-pseud. Mark Twain) 1835- Acad. (1898) 55:144. Aaierica’s grtst men and women (18M) 97. L’Art et I’idde (1892) 2:343. Bolton, Fam. Am. au. (1887) 366. Book buyer (1890) 7:148. —(1896) 13:140.* —(1897) 15: 197,* 303.* —(1901) 22:178.* Bookman (1896) 3:207,* 208.* — (1899) 10:5. Theresa Feodorovna Ries sc.* (bust) —(1901) 12:440. Cent. (1882) 2:642. Abbott Thayer f.* —(1893) 25:232.* (in 1890) —(1898) 35:96.* — (1901) 41:51. C. L. Post del. after photo. 1901.* Critic (1896) 28:286. —(1898) 32:94. — 33:224. — (1899) 35:772. Theresa Feodorovna Ries sc.* — (1900) 36:193. Everett Shinn del.* —(1901) 38:107.* —(1903) 42:2. Shinn del.* (age 67, pastel) — (1904) 44:519,* 522.* Duyckinck, Cj’clo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:951. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:721. Karl Gerhardt sc.* (bust) — (1896) 92:816.* (in 1895) —(1902) 105:Bkshclf.* Har- per’s w. (1887) 31 :248. Karl Gerhardt sc. wdct. (bust) — (1891)35:717. J. Carroll Beckwith p. wdct. —(1896) 40:536. wdct. (6 por.) —(1898) 42:662. sketch 1898. —(1900) 44:1201. W. Nicholson del.* —(1901) 45:154.* —(190.3) 47:1962. R. Stroth- mann del.* (caricature) — (1904) 48:753,* 1347. E. Gelli p.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:624.* Inxernat. studio (1899) 8: 127. T. F. Ries sc.* (bust) — (190.3) 20:291. Ugo Catani p.* (miniature) Mc- Clure’s mag. (1896) 7:74-78. various por.* — (1897) 10 : front.* — ( 1898) 1 1 : front.* (with Theresa Feodor- ovna Ries, 1898) —(1899) 13:525.* —(1900) 14:287.* Outlook (1904) 78:843. Kate Rogers Nowell del.* Pall Mall mag. (1898) 16:28. Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 196. Stead, Por. and auto- graphs (1891) 62.* Truxibull, Mem. hist, of Hart- ford CO. Conn. (1886) 1:171. World’s work (1900) 1:129.* (age 65) CLEMENT 312 CLEOPATRA CLEMENT VI, pope (Pierre Roger) 1291-1352. L’Art (1891) 50;41. L. Lc Riverend del. eng. Jhrb. der kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:125, fig. 21. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) CLEMENT VII, pope(GiuUo de’ Medici) 1478- 1535. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:20. Rafael p.* (with pope Leo X and cardinal de Rossi, Pitti palace) — 7:67. Daniel Hopfer eng.* L’^Vrt (1880) 23:262. Raphael Sanzio p. eng. from Yriarte’s Florence (with Lfo X and cardinal de Rossi) — (1903) 62:592. .statue (church of the Celestins) Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 438. Daniel Hopfer eng.* Geiger, Renaissance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 284. Rafael p. S. Jesi eng. (with Leo X and cardinal de Rossi, Pitti palace) Harper’s mag. (1890) 80:365. Benvenuto Cellini sc.* (medal) Hevck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:112. Raflael Santi p.* (with Leo X and cardinal de Rossi, Pitti palace) — 1:119. Bronzino p.* — 1:120. p.* (with Karl V) Taunton, T. Wolsey (1902) 149. print.* Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 99, fig. 2. Bronzino Angiolo p.* (Uflizi) Win- SOR, Xar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:407. eng. from the Latin Cortds, 1524. CLEMENT VIII, pope (Ippolito ALldobrandini) 1536-1605. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:33. L. Bebru? f. 1592. eng.* (age 54) Jackson, First of the Bourbons (1890) 1:346. print* (Brit, mus.) Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2005. Pigeot eng. after p. CLEMENT IX, pope( Giulio Rospigliosi) 1600- 69. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1164. Carlo Maratta p.* (Pallavicini palace, Rome) Walmslev, Phvsiog. por. (1824) 2: pi. Carlo Maratti p. J. T. Wedgwood eng. CLEMENT XII, pope (Lorenzo Corsini) 1652- 1740. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2565. Andrews eng. CLEMENT XIII, pope (Carlo Rezzonico) 1693- 1769. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 36:15. Canova sc.* (monument, St Peters) CLEMENT XrV, pope (Giovanni Vincenzo An- tonio Ganganelli) 1705-74. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:. TOt). J. D. Porta p. D. Cunego eng.* Bioo. mag. (1794) Rothwell sc. after drawing. llisT. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 16. Godin del. G. Cooke sc. Knackfuss, Kiinstlcr-monog. (1898) 36: 13. Canova sc.* (monument, Rome) Oncken, Zeitalter Fried- richs des Grossen (1882) 2:428. Porta p. Cunego eng. Sf.idlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 15. G. D. della Porta p. Cunego sc. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, 1501-220? A. D. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. homines illus. (1584) 1:5. eng. CLEMENT, Bulgarian metropolitan. Cath. world (1896)63:325. CLEMENT, Reynold Alleyne, 1834- Baily’s mag. (1897) 67: 405. W. Rolfe sc. after photo. Stephen M. 1825- Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 5:802. eng. William H. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:429. wdct. CLEMENT, M. print seller. L’art et I’id^e (1892) 1 : 187. eng. after drawing. Alberic, seigneur du Mez, marshal, d. 1191. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 83. De- caisne p. Rebel eng. Henri I, d. 1214. See Mez. CLfiMENT DE RIS, comte, Dominique, 1750- 1827. L’Art (1902) 61 : 553. eng. CLEMENTI, Muzio, 1752-1832. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 117. Alex. Gribav^dolf del.* Jer- DA.N, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. J. Lonsdale p. H. Cook eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 41. J. Hardy sc. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:28. Lonsdale p. Cook eng. CLEMENTINA SOBIESKA, princess, w. of the Old Pretender, 1702-35. See Sobieska. CLEMENTINE, princess of Belgium, dau. of Leo- pold II, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:723.* ^•LLBERG, Fiirstenliauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:73. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CLEMENTONE (Clemente Bocciardo) 1620-58. See Bocciardo. CLEMENTS, Edward Henry, editor, 1843- Bookman (1902) 15:328.* Efide. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 17:1.53. photo, (with E. W. Garden) Mrs Henry Theophilus (Catherine Beres- ford) 1760-1S;36. Ward and Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:68. G. Romney p.* 1788. Ralph Arthur Penrhyn, maj. gen. Illus- Lond. news (1900) 117:929. CLEMENTS family name. See also title Leitrim. CLEMM, Mrs Maria. Bookman (1897) 5:210 daguerr. 1850.* Critic (1903) 42:499. p.* Howe Am. bookmen (1898) 92. daguerr. 1850.* Virginia. See Poe, Mrs Edgar Allan. CLEMMER, Mary, 1840-84. See Ames, Mrs. CLENARD, Nicolas, 1495-1.542. Bullart, .\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:285. E. de Boulonois f. CLENDENIN, David Ramsay, colonel, d. 1895, Harper’s w'. (1865) 9:408. wdct. CLEOMENES III, king of Sparta, d. 220 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) pt. 1, 13:42. Chateau eng. after medallion. CLEOPATRA, queen of Egypt, 69-30 B. C. Aixo. weltgeschiehto (1885) 3:373. statue* (Vatican) L’Art (1876) 7:296. Giambattista Tiepolo p. Per- riehon sc. (fresco) — 7:297. Tiepwlo p. C. Maurand eng. (fresco) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:364. Mine Labille-Guiard p.* Goodrich, World fainou.s women (1879) front. Charles Staal f. Grimm, Life of Michael .ilngelo (1896) 2:392. Michelangelo CLEOPHAS 313 CLERMONT-TONNE RRE p. ?* Hertzberg, Gcsch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 2’.677. statue* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5;pl. 11. George Cooke sc. M.\g. of art (1879) 2:276. W. W. Stor\’ sc. wdct. (statue) Plutarch, Vies, Ricarcl (1838) 9, pt. 2:316. Perry del. after medal- lion. GelTiolds (1894) 314. Reraolos p. J. R. Smith eng.* R. OF rev. (1903) 27: 176. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith eng.* (child por.) Spencer. Green bag (1889) 1:427.* CLINTON (Pelham-Clinton) family name. See titles Lincoln and Newcastle. CLIPPESBY, John, d. 1594. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2 : pi. 84. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1813 (with his wife, Chppesby church, Norfolk) CLISSON, Ohvier de, 13351-1407. L’.\rt (1892) 53: 15. Emmanuel Fr^niict sc. Gillot sc. (bas-relief) -(1894-1900) 59:1083. Frdmiet sc.* (bas-rehef) Mennechet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 2 : pi. 6. Fragonard del. Allais sc. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. fran?. pi. 6. eng. CLITHEROW, Edward John Stracey-. 1820- 1900. Baily’s mag. (1880) 35:125. Jos<>ph Brown sc. after photo. CLIVE, 1st baron, Robert Chve, 1725-74. Art j. (1896) 48:328. J. Smart p. 1774 (miniature) Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:144. N. Dance f. Bartolozzi eng.* Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 6:30. H.Wal- lis eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:293. Dance p.* Frazer, Brit. India (1897) 79. eng.* from Malcolm’s Life of Clive. Graves and Cromn, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1 : 344. Rej-nolds p.* (with his family) Green, Short hist. Eng. jx-ople (1893) 4:1708. Dance f. Bartolozzi eng. Green, William Pitt (1901) 118. A. Walker sc.* Harper, Portsmouth road (1895) 124. Lodge, Por. (1835) 11 :pl. 9. W. T. Mote eng. Lond. mag. (1763) 32:180. eng. Pall Mall mag. (1895) 5 : 625. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 84. Dance-1 lolland p.* Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 8:317. vignette. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:115. baroness, Margaret (Maskelyne) w. of 1st baron, d. 1817. .;Vrt j. (1896) 48:328. J. Smart p. 1770 (min- iature) Mrs Catherine (Raftor) 1711-85. Connois- seur (1904) 7:187. p.* (as the Fine Lady in I>‘the, Brit, mus.) Craig, Dr. Johnson and the fair sex (1895) 1 19. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 2 : 20. wdet. (as Mrs Heidelberg) — 2:3.59. eng. after p. (Strawberry Hill) Lamp (1961) 28:371. Hogarth eng. 1792* (with Theophilus Cibber) Mao. of art CLIVE 317 CLOTILDE (1898) 22:603. Romney p. D. A. Wehrschmidt mezzo.* Ryan, Dram, table talk (1825) 3:92. W. Read eng. So. Kensington, Xat. hist. por. 4 : pi. 32. Hogarth p.* Walpole, Letters (18'10) 3: 1. Davison G. P. Harding del. Greatbatch sc. Walpole, tters, cd. Cunningham (1866) 4: front. J. Davison del. after p. W. Greatbatch sc. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 162. C. F. Zincke p.* Franklin. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:99. W. H. Bartlett p.* Lady Harriet (Windsor) 1797-1869. Mao. of art (18^) 13:417. Lawrence p. ? 1822? Berthold eng. Percy Archer, captain, 1873- Illcs. Lend, news (1900) 117:574.* CLIVE family name. See also title Powis. CLIVE (Windsor Clive) family name. See title Windsor. CLOAKE, Rev. John W. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1837)60:241. W. Gush p. H. Cook eng. CLODION, king of the Franks, d. 448. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. Ra venet eng. L’Armessin , Les roys de F ranee (1679) pi. 2. L’Armessin sc. Malo, Gal. des rois de France 13. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 2. Boizot del. Ravenet sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770)1:5. Boizot del. Ravenet sc. Wyatt, Hist, of kinM of France (1846) pi. 2. W. L. Ormsby eng. after medal. CLOETE, Mrs Montrose. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: May 16, sup. p. 4. Hugh De T. Glazebrook p.* CLOFULLIA, Mme Josephine Fortune, bearded lady of Geneva. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:268. eng. CLOLIN, Richard, 1627- Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 121. P.C. f. eng. CLONMELL, Jtih earl of, John Henry Reginald Scott, 1839-91. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:196. eng.* Vanitt fair album (1881) 13:pl. 367. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CLOOTZ, Jean Baptiste Anacharsis, 1755-94. Revolution franf. (1801) 1 : pi. 9. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. franp. (1804) 3: pi. 21. Levachez sc. CLOPINEL, Jean, 1250?-1300? See Jean de Meun. CLOPTON, Charles Boothby, d. 1800? See Skrjmishire. David, M. c. 1820-92. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:81. wdet. CLORAL, Ute chief. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:845. wdet. CLOSE, Francis, dean of Carlisle, 1797-1882. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:45.* Kathleen. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: Apr. 30,sup. p. 13. J. Sant p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 43. J. Sant p.* CLOSSER, Louise, actress. Bookman (1904) 18:597* (as Prossie) CLOTAIRE I, king of the Franks, 497-561. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange eng. Jure. d. kunstliist. samrnl. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9:pl. 34. after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* L’Arme.ssin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 7. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des fran?. (1845) 1:69. Bdzard p. Weber eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France 32. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) 1 :pl. 7. Boizot del. G. Duchange sc. Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 9. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1 : 38. Boizot del. Duchange sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. KW8. J. L. B^zard p. F. Weber eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 7. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOTAIRE II, king of the Franks, 584-628. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:464. coin.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange eng. L’j\rmessin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 10. L’Armessin sc. Lav.allee, Hist, des franp. (1845) 1:76. Monvoisin p. Weber eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 39. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 10. Boizot del. Duchanche sc. Treille, Austrasiee reges et duces (1591) 19. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:57. Boizot d^. Duchanche sc. Versau.les, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1101. P. M. J. Monvoisin p. F. Weber eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 10. W. L Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOTAIRE III,kingoftheFranks,652-668. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. E. Aveline,jr. eng. L’Armessin, Le. roys de France (1679) pi. 13. L’Armessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des Fran?. (1845) 1:82. Signol p. Blanchard, jr. eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 46. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 13. A. Boizot del. F. Aveline, j r. sc. V elly , Hist . de F ranee ( 1 770) 1:147' Boizot del. Aveline, sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838 ) 9:pl. 1104. P. R. J. Monvobin p. A. J. B. M. Blanchard eng. IVyatt, Hist, of kings of France ( 1846) pi. 13. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOTAIRE rV, king oftheFranks, d. 720. Treille, Austrasi® reges et duces (1591) 35. eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kinra of France (1846) pi. 19. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOTILDE , queen of the F ranks, w. of Clovis 1, 475 ?- 545. Celliez, Les reines de France, front. Jules David lith. Le Rou.x de Lincy, Les femmes cdRbres (1858) 1:18. Girard lith. Malo, Gal. d. reines de France, 17. Delpech lith. Sergeant, The Franks (1898) 115. statue (12th cent.)* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13:1. J. Bernardi eng. after statue. CLOTILDE, queen, w. of Thierr}’ I, king of the Franks, 6th cent. Malo, Gal. d. reines de France, 43. Delpech lith. CLOTILDE 318 CLYDE CLOTILDE, Mme, princ«ss of France, granddau. of Louis XV, 1759-1802. See Marie Clotilde (of France) queen of Sardinia. CLOTILDE (of Savoy) princess, w. of Prince Na- poleon Bonaparte (Plon-Plon), 1843- Ballou’s pic- torial (1859) 16:249. eng. (with prince Napoleon) Cent. (1895) 28:717* (with prince Napoleon) Ec- lectic mag. (1861) 54:433. John Sartain eng. after photo, (with prince Napoleon) Harper’s w. (1859) 3:141.wdct. — (1861) 5:529, 573. wdct. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:87, 327. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. CLOTILDE. See also Klotilde. CLOUD, N. B. of Ala. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:757. wdct. CLOUET, Fran 9 ois, painter, 1516 ?-73? Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 36:469. Francois Clouet p. (Louvre) CLOUGH, Anne Jemina, 1820-92. Cent. (1891) 20:288.* Illds. Lend, news (1892) 100: 322. Arthur Hugh, poet, 1819-61. So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 7:pl. 81. J. H. B. Carter del.* Rev. Benjamin, missionary. Metu. mag. (1826) 49:73. J. Jackson p. W. T. Frj^ eng. David Marston, gov. of Minn. 1846- Outlook (1897) 55:41. John A. of Colo., 1826- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11:629. eng. CLOUS, John Walter, brig.-gen. 1837- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:5. CLOUSTON, J. Storer, author. Critic (1901) 38:295.* Thomas Smith, 1840- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 277. William Hole sc. (with D. A. Robertson) Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:169.* CLOVER, Benjamin H. m. c. 1837- Arena (1892) 5:452.* Lewis P. N. Y. custom-house olDcer in 1850, b. 1790. Democratic rev. (1850) 26:193. wdct. Richardson, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:549. CLOVIO, Giulio, 1498-1578. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 155. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 98, fig. 4. Giulio Clovio p.* (Uffizi) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8:177. Domenico Theotocopuli p.* CLOVIS I, king of the Franks, 4661-511. Auxs. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:4.39. statue* from Montfau- con’s Mon. de la monarchie fran^aise (St Germaine- des-Pri>s church) Catu. world (1896) 63:717. Blanc Dreux I)U Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. oizot del. C. Dupuis eng. Gal. franf . (1821) 1 :prcf. p. 6. Rulmann del. after effigy on tomb. Gal. nist. univ. (1786) eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:5. statue * (Hofkirche, Innsbruck) Jurb. d. kuusthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (189Q) ll:pl. 32. effig 3 ’ ?* L’Ar.mb:ssin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 5. L’Armcssin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des Fran^. (1845) 1:56. Dejuinne p. Gve. Lcwv eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 20. Delpech lith. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran<;. (1838) l:pl. 1. De Triqueti del. Bein sc. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 5. Boizot del. C. Dupuis sc. Sergeant, The Franks (1898) 112. statue* (12th cent.) Silvestre, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) 37. Paul Joseph Blanc p. wdct. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:235. vignette. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:180. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:13. Boizot del. Dupuis sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1096. F. L. Dejuinne p. G. L4vy eng. — v. 13. J. Bemardi eng. after statue. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 5. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOVIS II, king of the Franks, 6331-655. -A.llo. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:468. coin.* Dheu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange eng. L’Ar.messin, Les roys de France (1679) pi. 12. L’Armcssin sc. Lavallee, Hist. di« Franf. (1845) 1 :82. Signol p. Gve. Levy eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 44. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 12. Boizot del. G. Duchange sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:141. Boizot del. Duchange sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1103. Emile Signol p.G. Lc^'v eng. — v. 13:pl.6. copy. E. Conquy after statue. IVyatt, Hist, of kings of France (18^) pi. 12. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOVIS III, king of the Franks, 680-695. Dreux do Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Boizot del. J. G. Will eng. L’^Vrme.ssin, Les roys do France (1679) pi. 16. L’Armcssin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des Fran<;. (1845) 1:86. Rouget p. Pannier eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 51. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 16. Boizot del. J. G. Will sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:161. Boizot del. Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1107. G. Rouget p. J. E. Pannier eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 16. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. CLOWES, George Hewlett, of Waterbury, Conn. 1842- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:1090. eng. CLUSERET, Gustave Paul, 1823-1900. Oncken, Ztalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:359.* CLUTTERBUCK, Henry, 1767-1856. Petti- grew, Med. por. gall. 2: pi. 6. Henrv Room f. J. Cochran eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:88. Room f. Cochran eng. CLUYS, Phihppe de. See Briante, sieur de. CLUYSENAAR, Alfred, painter, 1837- Illus L ond. news (1888) 93:65. CLYBOURN, Archibald, 1802-72. Mao. of West, hist. (1890) 12:527. eng. CLYDE, 1st baron, Sir Colin CampbeU, 1792-1863. Ann. gift book (1859) 1:16. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. .\rcher, Gladstone & his contemp. (1883) 3:96. Sir Francis Grant p. lith. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:332. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) CLYMER 319 COBDEN 2:245. Grant del.* — 2:245. G. G. Adams sc. (bust) Eclectic mag. (1858) 44:289. Jolui Sartain ei^. Frazeu, Brit. India (1897) 300. Lmper. diet, of univ. biog. (1865) 3: 1071-73. Holl eng. after photo. Lan- MER, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 282. War against Russia, 2: front. T. W. Hunt eng. after photo. CLYMER, George, .m. c. 1739-1813. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 71. C. W. Peale & Trumbull p. (2 por.) Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 331. Peale p.* McClure’s m^. (1901) 17:225. Peale p.* (Penn. acad. line arts, Phila.) Mc- Master & Stone, ed. Penn. & the fed. const. (1888) 27. Benjamin Trott p. John Sartain e^. (miniature) IiLyo. of Am. hist. (1880) 5:196. Sartain eng. after p. — (1885) 13:319. Sanderson, Biog. oif signers (1823) 4:173. Trott p. J. B. Longacre eng. (minia- ture) COALE, Edward Johnson. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 338. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* COAN, Titus, D. D. missionary, 1801-82. ILcr- per’s mag. (1873) 47 :389. eng. IIarper’s w. (1883) 27:29. wdet. COAPE, Charlotte. Heath’s book of beauty (1842) 171. A. E. Chalon p. H. Austen eng. COATES, Edward Feltham, xi. p. 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:946.* Janies, stockbroker. Vanitv fair album (1889) 21:pl.438. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John. Metii. mag. (1815) 38:721. Blood sc. Robert, actor, 1772-1848. European mag. (1813)63:179. Newton p. T. Blood eng. (miniature) Times, Eng. eccen. (1877) 41 (as Romeo) Samuel, philanthropist, 1748-1830. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 212. Thomas Sully p. Samuel Sartain eng. COATS, Joseph, 1847-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:187.* COATSWORTH, George, surgeon. Coatsworth, Loyal people of the Northwest (1869) 385. eng. COBB, David, general, 1748-1839. Am^ hist, reg- ister (1895) 3:18. Buobee, Mem. of Cincinnati (1890) 136. Stuart p. II. W. Smith sc. Drake, Mem. of Cincinnati (1873) 258. Stuart p. II. W. Smith sc. Me. hist. soc. C 0 II.& proc. (1895) ser. 2,6:1. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1864) 18:5. Stuart p. H. W. Smith sc. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:68. PoLYANTHOS (1812) 1 : 225. Edwin sc. Ehjah, 1768-1848. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:764. J. H. BufTord lith. Henry Ives, architect, 1859- Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:883. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:276. Howell, 1815-68. Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 111. eng. Cent. (1887) 13:65.* Democratic rev. (1849) 25:193. T. Doney eng. — (1858) 41:131. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1857) 1 : 228. wdet . N icolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:176.* White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (18^) 252. eng. James, dramatist, 1756-1813. Eu*ropean mag. (1797) 31 : 155. Drummond p. Chapman eng. Monthly mirror (1803) 15; 1. Ridley eng. after mini- ature. Joseph Beckham, 1819-58. Am. rev. (1851) 13:97. eng. Moses Gill, 1820- Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:261. Nelson, 1811- Green bag (1892) 4:323.* Samuel Crocker, 1826-91. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincinnati (1890) 141. F. T. Stuart eng. Mass. hist, soc. Proc. (1892) ser. 2, 7 :318. F. T. Stuart eng. Sylv.anus, jr. 1823-87. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:8. wdet. Thomas, 1854- Book buyer (1900) 21:186.* Thomas Reed Roots, 1823-62. Cent. (1886) 10:621.* Green bag (1892) 4; 19.* Wilson, Hist, of ^\m. people (1902) 4:283. photo. Wilhamson R. W. m. c. 1807-64. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:81. wdet. COBBE, Alexander Stanhope, lieut. col. 1870- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:602.* Frances Power, 1822-1904. Critic (1894) 25:220. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:556.* Lamp (1904) 28:503.* COBBETT, William, 1762-1835. Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 141. por. from Fraser gall.* Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:99. J. R. Smith f. William Ward eng.* Macuse gall. 173. Maclise del. Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:275. print.* Monthly mirror (1810) n. s. 8: front. Freeman eng. after p. Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1836) 28:97. eng. Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiosities (1860) 2:pl.58. eng. after print. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 63. John R. Smith p.* 'Times, Eng. eccen. (1877) 481. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:434. J. Gillray del. 1806. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) COBBLEIGH, Tom, pseud, of Walter Raymond, 1852- See Raymond. COBBOLD, John Patteson, m. p. 1831-75. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:629. wdet. after photo. COBBS, Nicholas Hamner, bp. of Ala. 1796-1861. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 94. COBDEN, Richard, 1804-65. Allg. weltge- schichte (1892) 12: 165. C. A. Duval p. Jac. Stephen- son eng.* Archer, Gladstone & his contemp. (1883) 2: front, lith after p. 1 Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 335. C. A. Duval p. J. Stephenson eng. Cust, Nat. por. gaU. (1902) 2:203. Lowes Dickiuson p.* — 2:203. 'Thomas Woolner sc. 1866 (bust) DRAWiNG-room pior. gall. (1860) ser. 4:19. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:71. eng. after photo. Fagan, Reform club (1887) 41. Louis Fagan del.* Harper’s w. (1865) 9:300. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:600. G. C. Adams sc.* (statue, Stockport) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:58. Dickin- C0BDEN-8ANDERS0X 320 COCHRANE son p.* Moore, Rebellion record (1869) 1 : sup. p. 359. A. II. Ritchie eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:511. photo. Outlook (1897) 55:658. eng.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 41. Bean p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:415. Tay- lor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:51. C. A. Du Val del.? G. Adcock eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te iahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 327. Du Val del. Lewis eng.* — 3:463. Dickinson p.* COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. 1840- See San- derson. COBERGHER, Wenzel, 1557-1635. See Coeber- ger. COBET, Caj-el Gabriel, 1813-89. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:. 503. COBHAM, ith baron, Jolin Oldcastle, d. 1417. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 1:188. Gerimia sc. (of Kent) 9th baron, George Brooke, 1497-1558. L’Art (1884) 37:167. Holl)ein del.* Holbein,. Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 23. Holbein del. Bar- tolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 2.5. Holbein del. A. Cardon sc. Holbein, Wind- sor coll, of por. (1877) l:pl.l4. Holbein del.* (of Kent) 11th baron, Henry Brooke, 1564-1619. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:80. eng.* 1st viscount. Sir Richard Temple, 16691-1749. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:203. J. B. Vanloo p.* KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 25. Kneller p. Cooper sc. 8th viscount, Charles George Lyttelton, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:157. wdet. after photo. COBLEIGH, Nelson Ebenezer, 1814-74. Har- per’s w. (1866) 10:633. wdet. COBOS, Francisco de los. See Los Cobos. COBOS DE PORCEL, Dofia Isabel. Mag. of art (1896) 20:54. F. Goya p.* (Lond. nat. gall.) COBURN, Abner, of Me. 1803-85. Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 137. eng. Alvin Langdon, photographer. Lamp (1904) 28:19.* Daniel J. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:28. Barry del. after photo. Peirce sc. F. D. World’s work (1902) 4:2520.* Nathan Parker, 1817-94. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:292. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Philander, 1807-76. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 43;?. eng. COCCEJI, freiherr von, Heinrich, 1644-1719. L’.\rt (1889) 47:55. Antoine Pesne p. G. F. Schmidt sc. freiherr von, Samuel, 1679-1755. Allg. welt- geschichte (1889) 9:359. R. Lysiesky p. J. J. Haid mezzo.* Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:313. Anton Pesne p. G. F. Schmidt eng.* Eri>- .MANNSDORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:489. Pesne p. Schmidt sc. 1751. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedriehs des Grossen (1881) 1:546. R. Lysiesky p. J. Jacob Ilaid mezzo. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 64. A. Pesne p. G. F. Schmidt sc. COCCIO, Marc Antoine, 1436-1506. See SalieU licus. COCHELET, Adrien Rene Barthdlemy, 1753- 1804. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:474. Perrin del. Voyez sc. COCHERY, Georges Charles Paul, 1855- Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:1611.* COCHIN, Charles Nicolas, jHs, engraver, 171.5-90. L’Art (1879) 18: 137. Monnet des. Gauchereng. 1789. — (1893) 54:241. Cochin, jr. del. J. Daull^ sc. 1764. — (1901) 60:10. Cochin, jr. des. Daull^ eng. 1754. — W:64. Cochin des. 1771. St Aubin eng. — (1904) 63:86. Cochin, jr. del. 1781. B.L. Provost sc. .Vrti.stes c^l^bres, Lc-s St Auhin (1894) 111. Cochin des. 1771. Saint-Auhin eng. Denys, 1851- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 27 : 460. Albert Besnard p.* Jacques Denis, 1726-83. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:75. E. Conquy sc. Jean Denis Marie, 1789-1841. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:^1. Clara Nargeot del. & sc. Nargeot sc. COCHON DE LAPPARENT, comU, Charles, 1750-1825. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:475. Gros del. Courbe sc. COCHRAN, G. G. major. Harper’s w. (1895) 9:102. wdet. Mrs James (Catherine Van Rensselaer Schuyler) 1781- See Schuyler. John, M. D. 1730-1807. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 450. Cincinnati, Instit. (1886) 180. Leney sc. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10: 190. eng. — (1884) 12:241. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1879) 3:241. Leny eng. Mrs John (Gertrude Schuyler) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:8. Mine de NeuviJle del.* John, 1813-98. Democratic rev. (1855) 36:265. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguem Harper’s w. (1859) 3:92. wdet. Thomas, 1832- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:80. eng. Wilham F. philanthropist, 1832-1901. Har- per’s w. (1897) 41:921. COCHRANE, Lady Adela (Rous) w. of Thomas Belhaven Henry, 1865- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:929. photo, after miniature. Sir Alexander Forrester Inghs, admiral, 1758-1832. Brenton, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 2:2.59. eng. Hon. Basil, d. 1788. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 153. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. i COCHRANE 321 CODINGTON Charles, ironmaster, d. 1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:733.* Thomas Belhaven Henry, 18.56- Illus Lond. news (1898) 112:929. photo, after miniature. Thomas. Harper’s w. (1876) 20:. 509. wdct. COCHRANE family name. See also title Dun- donald. COCHRANE-BAILLEE family name. See title Lamington. COCK, Alfred, 1851-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:617.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 495. Stuff Gownsman f. lith. (caricature) Hieronymus, 1.509 1-1.570. L’.;\jit (1901) 60:298 Jan Wierix eng.* Mathias, 15091-1548. L’Art (1901) 60:306. eng.* Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 13. Th. Galle exc. COCKAIN, Sir Aston, 1608-83. Bioo. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 19. Clamp sc. after print. COCKAYNE, Miss. Heath’s book of beauty (1839) 275. A. E. Chalon p. W. H. Mote eng. James. Daily’s mag. (1898) 70:t.-p. eng. COCKBTJRN, Sir Alexander James, 1802-80. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:41. lith. Cusx, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:71. Alexander Davis Cooper p.* Green bag (1889) 1 :39.* —(1896) 8:288. —(1897) 9:529. —(1901) 13:354. Harper’s w. (1872) 16: 429. wdct. — (1874) 18:261. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66: Mar. 27 sup. eng. after photo. — (1880) 77:521.* Outlook (18^) 55:662. Pall Mall mag. (1903) 29:520. A. D. Cooper p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 1. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Lady, Augusta Anne (Ayscough) w. of Sir James. Armstrong, Reynold.s (1900) 164. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1773.* (with 3 children) L’Art (1901) 60:244. Reynolds p. .\d. Lalauze sc. Cent. (1897) 32:802. Reynolds p. 1778. T. Cole eng.* (with chil- dren) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: front. Reynolds p.* (with her children, Nat. por. gall.) — (1900) 116 :804. Reynolds p.* (with her children, Nat. por. gall.) Mag. of art (1900) 24:478. Reynolds p. (with 3 children) Master.s in art (1900) pt. 7, l:pl. 4. Reynolds p.* (with 3 children, Nat. por. gall.) Port- folio (1873) 4:84. Reynolds p. E. H. Mitchell eng. (with children) — (1893) 24: front. Reynolds p. 1773?* (with children) Sir George, admiral, 1772-1853. Brenton, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1^7) 2:301. eng. Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) 10. Saye eng.* Henry Thomas {Lord Cockbum) Scotch judge, 1779-18.54. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 14. B. W. Crombie f. Sir John Alexander, 1850- Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 124. Alfred Drury sc.* (bust) Nathaniel Clayton, 1866- Daily’s mag. (1899) 72:305. W. H. Mote sc. after photo. Thomas. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 70, fig. 7. John Smart p. 1790.* 24288—06 21 COCKE, B. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 539. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* COCKER, Edward, arithmetician, 1631-75. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:109. p.* Godfrey, Home life under Stuarts (1903) 42. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Pepys, Diary, Wheatley ed. (1894) 4:212. Cocker? f. wdct. COCKERELL, Sir Charles, 1st hart. d. 1837. Wil- liamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 20. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) George Russell. Roy. acad. pict. (19(X)) 87. George Frampton sc.* (bust) S. Pepys, sculptor. Internat. studio (1903) 21 : 119. (Jnslow Ford f.* (medallion) COCKERILL, John, 1790-1840. Illus. Lond. news (1871) .59:537. wdct. after statue (Seraing, Belgium) COCKING, Robert, d. 1837. Turnor, iVstra cas- tra (1865) 462. COCEILE, Sir James, 1819-9.5. Roy. soc. Lond. Proc. (1896) 59:32 (age 73) COCKRAN, Thomas,' of Charleston, S. C. St Me- min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 665. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* William Bourke, orator, 1854- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 15. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:.5,53. wdct. —(1892) 36:340. wdct. —(1893) 37:869. wdct. —(1896) 40:797. wdct. R. of rev. (1904) 29:517. —30:9.* COCKRELL, Francis Marion, u. s. senator, 1834- Harper’s w. (1875) 19: 180. wdct. —(1881) 25:93. wdct. Marion, dau. of F. M. Cockrell. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:53. COCKRILL, Stirling Robertson, 1847- Green bag (1892) 4:436.* COCKS, Miss Somers-. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 29. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) COCTEAU, Mme. Laincel, Les peintres de la femme (1888) 411. Joseph Wencker p.* COeXEE. SeeCoxie. CODDINGTON, Gilbert Smith, 1834-1900. N Y. geneal. & biog. record (1900) 31:193. Jacques Reich del. ? after photo. John, d. 1750. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819)3:189. eng. CODINGTON, Mr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 75. St Memin del. & eng. 1797 * CODMAN 322 COFFIN CODMAN, Henry Sargent. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:881. John, D. D. 1782-1847. Congregat. quar. (Jan. 1860) 2: front. Huntingdon p. N. E. hist. & gencal. register (1894) 48:409. Huntingdon p. C. E. Wag- staff & J. Andrews eng. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:400. Orcutt, Good old Dorchester (1893) 261. p.* (Dorchester church) CODRINGTON, Captain. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 94. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* Christopher, 1668-1710. BioG. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 31. Sir James Thornhill p. Harding del. Clamp sc. Sir Edward, admiral, 1770-1851. Brenton, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 625. eng. Clowes, Royal navy (1900) 5: 148. H. P. Briggs p. R. J. Lane litK.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:89. Briggs p. 1843.* James, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 6:472. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. W. Greathatch eng. Jer- DAN, Nat. por. gall. (l830) v. 2. Lawrence p. J. Coch- ran eng. Saunders, Political reformers (1840) 150. George Hayter p. B. Holl eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 100. Lawrence p.* Tayixir, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:56. Lawrence p. Cochran eng. Lady Georgiana (Somerset) w. of Christopher W. Heath’s book of beauty (1845) 134. Rowrt Thorburn f. W. J. Edwards eng. Sir William, general, 1804-84. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85: 181. GODWIN, John E. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:. 572. wdct. CODWISE, Mrs Patty (Livingston) Cent. (1896) 31 : 172. miniature* (age 32) CODY, WiUiam Frederick (Buffalo Bill) 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:523. COE, Benjamin Hutchins, 1799- French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 61. eng. George Simmons, banker, 1817-96. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:486. wdct. Israel, 1794- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 176. eng. Lyman Wetmore, 1820-93. Bioo. encycl. of Conn. & R. I. (1881) 333. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2: 1088. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufactur- ers (1879) 1:177. eng. COEBERGER, Wenzel, 1557-1635. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d arts (169.5) 2:479. eng. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:205. C. Eisin del. Gaillard sc. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 47. A. Van Dyck p. L. Vorstermans sc. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:423. COECK, Pieter, 1.502-50? L’Art (1901) 60:296. Jan Wierix eng.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:409. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Meyssens, TVue effigies (1694) pi. 16. Th. Gallo cx. COEFFETEAU, Nicholas, bp. of Dardanie, 1574- 1623. Perrault, Les hoinmes illus. (1700) 2:5. Edelinck sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17* et 18* slides (1805) 2: pi. 53. Edelinck sc. COELHO, Jeronymo Francisco, 1806-72. Sis- son, Gal. dos BrazUeiros illus. (1861) 1:87. A. Sisson lith. 1858. Josd Joaquin, 1797-1860. 8ee Victoria, bar&o da. COEMANS, Eugbne, 1825-71. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, .Annuaire (1872) 38:109. Demannez del. De- meersman sc. COES, Aury G. 1817-75. Van Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:180. eng. Frank Loring Russell, 1836-72. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:421. A. H. Ritchie eng. Loring, manufacturer, 1812- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:418. A. H. Ritchie eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 178. eng. COETIVY, Pregent de, admiral, 13991-1450 Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 9. eng. COETLOGON, marquis de, Alain Emmanuel, marshal, 164(5-1730. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 44. eng. after contemp. por. CCEUR, Jacques, 1400-56? L’Art (1875) 2:221. Auguste Pr^ault sc. E. Gaucherel des. (statue) — (1886) 40:14. Pr^ault f. (statue) Fournel, Les artistes fran?. contemp. (1884) 281. Pr^ault sc.* (statue) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 3: 165. eng. Masson, Mediaeval France (1888) 276. p. ?* Men- nechet, Le Plutarque fran^;. (18^) 2: pi. 15. Duprd del. Migneret sc. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:285. J. Boilly del. T. Gou- tiere sc. CCEUVRES, comtede, Victor Marie, due d’Estrdes, 1660-1737. See Estrdes, due d’. COFFEE, John, general. Harper’s mag. (1864) 28:606. eng. Peter, pilot, b. 1777. Harper’s w. (1872)16:844. wdct. COFFEY, Silas D. 1839- Green bag (1892) 4:249* (group) COFFIN, Catherine. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:67. Charles, 1676-1749. Dreux du Radier, L’Europt' illus. (1777) v. 5. H. Rigault p. Ch. Simon- neau sc. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:307. Petit sc. A. Collas eng. (medal, with Lt' Gendre and Collot) Charles Carleton, 1823-96. Bay state m. (1885) 3: front, eng. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1896) .50:289. eng. Charles Hayden, singer, 1862- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99: 166. Theatre (1887) scr. 4, 10:74. photo. — (1891) ser. 4, 17:288. photo. — (1894) ser. 4, 23:326. photo, (as Charles Goldheld) COFFIN 323 COITIER Henry C. admiral. Scribner’s m. (1873) 6:394. eng. Herbert R. 1S40- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:1095. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Sir Isaac, admiral, 1759-1839. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1886) 17: front. Gillx-rt Stuart p. Kil- burn eng. W’insor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:3. Stuart p. Kilburn sc. James Henry, meteorologist, 1806-73. Poi’ sci. m. (1873) 3:401. Scribner’s m. (1876) 13: 192. eng. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 447. eng. after photo. Joshua, antiquarian, 1792-1864. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51 : 176. eng. Levi, abolitionist, 179S-1S77. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:67. Martha, w. of Richard C. Derby. See Derbj’. Nathaniel, m. d. Tiiaciier, .t\jn. med. biog. (1828) 1:229. G. Stuart p. Pendleton lith. Owen Vincent, of Conn. 1836- Harper’s w. (1894) 38: 1088. wdct. Rev. Paul, 1738 1-1821. Me. hist. soc. Coll. (1&56) 4:239. p.l William Anderson, 1855- Outlook (1901) 68:51. COFFENBERBY, James M. jurist, 1818-91. Mao. of West. hist. (1885) 2:388. eng. COFFING, John Henry, 1811-82. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1 : 408. J. A. .1. Wilcox eng. COFFMAN, Victor H. .m. d. 1839- Mag. of West, hist. (1889)9:4.50. eng. COGALNICEANO, Michael, historian, 1817-91. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 337.* COGGESHALL, Mrs Mary J. Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:948.* COGHLAN, Charles Francis, actor, 1848-99. Harper’s w. (1899) 43: 1228. Joseph Bullock, u. s. n. 1844- Harper’s w. (1898)42:501. —(1899)43:977. Rose, actress, 18.53- Harper’s w. (1891) 35: 478. wdct. (as Rosalind) — (1903) 47 : 1829* (as Penelope) -McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (18%) 249. COGNIARD, Charles Theodore, 1806-72, and Jean Hippolyte, 1807-82, dramatists. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 :pl.9. COGNIET, Ldon, painter, 1794-1880. L’.iVrt (1876)4:259. Pi Is del. Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:361. L. Massard sc. Dumas, Livret illus. du Mus^e du Luxembourg (1884) 14. L. Bonnat p.* Fournel, Artistes franp. contemp. (1884) 93. Bonnat p. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1875) ser. 2, 12:494. Pils del. Gillot sc. — (1881) ser. 2, 23:43. L. Bonnat p. & sc. McClure’s mag. (18%) 7:299. Bonnat p.* Mao. of art (1881) 4:429. Bon- uat p. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1881) 16:288. Bon- nat p. A. Ramsthal del. COGSWELL, Charles Nortliend, 1797-1843. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 175. S. V. Homan del. J. C. Buttre eng. Joseph Green, librarian, 1786-1871. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:524. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16: 18. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 43. New Eng. mag. (18%) n. s. 2: 154. Mason Fitch, 1761-1830. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1 ;(i00. William, n. d. 1787-1850. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1883) 37 : 1 17. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. WiUiam, of Salem, 1838-95. Repr. men of Ma.ss. (1898) .365. eng. COHEN, Louis Lionel, m. p. 1830- Vanity fair album (1886) 18:pl. 488. Lib f. lith. (caricature) COHN, Adolphe, 1851- Bookman (1%1) 12:. 540. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:136. wdct. Alexander Meyer. Ztsch. f. buchcrfreunde (1904) 8:. 327. Frau F. T. (Klara Viebig) 1860- See Viebig, Clara. COIGNARD, Jean Baptiste, painter, 1717-68. Soc. Montyon et F'ranklin, Por. et liist. des hommes utiles 3:321. Petit sc. A. Collas eng. (medal) COIGNY, due de, Francois de Franquetot, mar- shal, 1670-1759. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1467. P. J. B. Gu6rin p. Noel eng. due de, Marie Francois Henri de Franquetot, marshal, 1737-1821. Gavard, Gal. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 27. Rouget p. Darodes eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1.549. Rouget p. Darodes eng. COINGNilRES, sieur de. Cixiuet, French por. (1875) 2:pl. 176. Clouet f. lith. COIRON, Mr, of Charleston, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 310. St Memin del. & eng.* COISLIN, due de, Armand du Cambout, 16.35- 1702. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 103. Ch. Geoffroy eng. due de, Henri-Charles du Cambout, prince bishop of Metz, 1664 -1732. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 100. Sisco eng. after p. Pierre du Cambout de, cardinal, 1636-1706. Veilsailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 103. Ch. Geoffroy eng. COIT, Daniel Lathrop, 17.54-1833. Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (189.5) 164. Alvan Fisher p.* Mrs Daniel Lathrop (Elizabeth Bill) 1767- 1846. Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (1895) 164. Alvan Fisher p.* COITIER, Jacques, d. 1.5% ? Recueil d. por. (1786) 2 mj 1. 185. J. Robert del. Francois sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:13. Robert del. Francois sc. COKE 324 COLBJORNSEN COKE, viscountess, Lady Mary (Campbell) w. of Edward, 1726-1811. Goodwin, Janus McArdell (1903) 128. Allan Ram.say p. 1762. James McArdell sc.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:192. Reynolds p.* Lady Anne. Court scrap-liook (1842) pi. 1. J. Slater del. J. Cochran sc. Sir Edward, 1551-1634. Biog. mag. (1794) Barratt sc. after bust. — ( 1820) 2 : 19. Holl sc. after bust. Bircu, Heads (1813) 65. J. Houbraken sc. 1741. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:490. eng.? 1795. Barratt eng. Cent. (1899) .37:263. C. Janssen p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 3:55. J. Posselwhite eng. after p. (Sergeant’s Inn, Lond.) CusT, Nat. |X)r. gall. (1901) 1:77. Cornelius Jansen van Ceulen p. 1608.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2: 12. Jansen f.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:997. David Loggan eng. Green bag (1894) 6:413, .507. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:1081-83. J. Posselwhite eng. after p. (Seigeant’s Inn, Lond.) Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:1.5. J. Posselwhite eng. after p. (Sergeant’s Inn, Lond.) Lives of illus. persons (1820) J. Tfiompson sc. Mor- LEY, Oliver Cromwell (19fX)) 2:196. Cornelius Jans- sen p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Por. gall. (18.5.3) 1:199. J. Posselwhite sc. after p. ? Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 21. Houbraken eng. C. Picartsc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 2.3. p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 202. Jansen p.* Sir John, 1.563-1644. Ci.arendon, HLst. of re- bellion (1732) 1:64. Sturt f. after p. Connolsseur (1903) 7:230. Vandyck p* (Hatfield house) Ear- LOM, Por. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. after p. ? Lady Kathajine (Grey) w. of H. T. Coke. Illus. Ixind. news (1901) 119:914. Richard, u. s. senator, 1829-97. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:77. wdet. Scott, Disting. Am. lawyers (1891) 173. Thomas, m. e. bp. 1747-1814. Arminian mag. (1779) 2:296 (age 36) Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 76. eng. William, 17.38-1819. Kay, Grig. p«r. (1877) 2:pl. 182. .John Kay f. 1810 & eng. COKE family name. See also title Ijeicester of Hokham. COLANGE, Auguste Leo de, 1819- Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1.S77) 2:.S66. wdet. COLAUD, Claude Sylvestre, 17.54-1819. Tar- DiEU, G6n. fraiif. 2: pi. 85. eng. COLAUD DE LA SALCETTE, Jacques Ber- nardin, 1733-96. Birui. modeme (1807) 2:479. Gros del. Courlw sc. COLBERT, comte de, Auguste Marie Francois, 1777-1809. Tardieu, G6n. franf. 1 :pl. 71. Fores- tier sc. Charles Joachim, 1667-1738. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. J. Raoux p. T. Balechor sc. Edouard, marouis de Villacerf, 1629-99. Bour- geois, Grand sifecle (1896) 252. Martin van der Bogaerts Desjardins sc. (bust, Louvre) Versaiiaes, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2309. P. Mignard p. Fontaine eng. £douard Pierre David, 1774-1853. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 4:465. Isaliey p. Fremy del. & sc. Jean Baptiste, 1619-83. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887)8:369. N. Laigilliiire p. J. Audran sc. L’Art (1891) 51:33. Nicholas Robert p. L. Le Riverend del. — (1894) 59, pt. 1:414. Ph. de Champaigne p. Nanteuil sc. 1660. Bourgeois, Le grand si^clc ( 1896) 253. Le Febvre p. Audran sc. Connoisseur (1903) 6:40. p. ?* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. Mignard p. Pinssio eng. Gal. franc. (1822) 2:301. II. Rigaud p. Jacob del. Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:377. Jac. Lubin eng. wdet. — (1902) ser. 3, 27:405. F. de Poilly eng.* Gower, Lenoir coll of por. (1874) pi 111. Nanteuil del. Guizor, Pop. hist, of France, 5:404. wdet. Hassall, Louis XIV (1895) 126. eng.* after por. in Philippson’s Das zeitalter Ludwigs XIV. IIirth, Les grands illus- trateurs, 5:1835. P. de Champaigne p. R. Nanteuil eng. IcONOG. de Mme de S^vign6, pi. 42. A. Lefevro p. Dequevauvilliers sc. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1 : 1084. P. Mignard p. W. Holl sc. James, Life & times of Louis XIV (1838) 3:166. Philippe de Cham- pagne p. W. Greatbatch eng. after print by Nanteuil, 1660. Knight, Gall, of por. (1835)4:122. Mignard p. Holl eng. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 2:136. Lefevre p. Dequevauvilliers eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1837) 5:pl. 10. Chasselat del. Geille sc. Pardoe, Louis XIV (1886) 3: 136. Champaigne . W. Greatbatch eng. after print by Nanteuil, 1660. errault, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:37. Jac. Lubin sc. Petitot, Les dmaux (1862) 1 :pl. 15. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. Philippson, Ztalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 49. Jac. Lubin eng.* Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du pair, en ranee (1884) 81. Claude Lefevre p. Benedictus Audran sc. Por. gall. (1853) 2:377. Mignard p. Holl sc. Poe. d hommes illus. d. 17'' et 18'’ sifecles (1805) l:pl. 19. Lubin sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1889) l:pl. 35. Chamiiagne p. 1668* (Karlsruhe gall.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 11 ?:pl. 104. Champaigne p. Nan- teuil sc. 1662. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:141. Geille sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2300. C. IjC- fSvre f. Dequevauviller eng. Williams, Mme do Montespan (1903) 70. Champaigne p. eng.* Jean Baptiste, 1651-90. See Seignelay, mar- quis de. Jean Baptiste, 1665-1746. See Torcy, marquis de. COLBERT DE CASTLEHILL, bp. of Rhodes, 17.36-1808. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:479. Perrin del. N. F. J. Masquelier sc. COLBJORNSEN, Jacob Edvard, 1744-1802. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7': 17. Jens Juel P* Fru Jacob Edvard (Marie Hansen) Lund, Danske malede por. (UXX)) 7': 17. Juel p.* COLBORXE 325 COLEMAN COIiBORNE family namo. See title Seaton. COLBBAN, Isabella Angela, w. of llo.ssini, d. 1845. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 1 : .55. COLBURN, Jeremiah, 1815-91. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1893) 47:42.5. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Waldo, 1824-8.5. Dediia.m hist, register (1901) 12: front.* Warren, mathematician, 1793-1833. Barnard, Educ. biog. (1859) 195. II. Wright Smith eng. after bust. Dedham hist, register (1894) 5:. 53. lith.* (bust) — 5:54. bust from Colburn’s Arithmetic. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:634. COLBY, Charles Lewis, 1839- Mag. of West. hist. (1889)10:546. N. Y. mem. hist. (189.5) 286. Williams eng. Mrs Clara Bewick. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:689. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Frank Moore, 186.5- Bookman (1902) 15: 127.* Gardner, 1810-79. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:307. eng. COLCHESTER, 1st haron, Charles Abbot, 1757- 1829. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 : pi. 5. J. Northcote f. C. Picart eng. European mag. (1817) 72:195. Samuel Drummond p. Henry Meyer eng. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:477. COLDEN, CadwaUader, 1688-1776. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 80. Critic (1902) 41:164. eng. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:85. N. Orr eng. Harper’s mag. (1891) 83:. 502. eng.* from Colonial records. Mao. of Am. hist. (1877) 1:337. Mathew Pratt p. P. Purdon Graham sc. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:119. wdet. COLE, Mme Belle, singer, d. 1905. Brit, min- strelsie (1899) 3:5.* Sir Ch"istopher, 1770-1837. Wilmot, Life of vice-adm. Edmund, Lord Lyons (1898) 30. Lady, Frances (Harris) w. of Sir Lowry Cole, d. 1847. See Harris, Hon. Frances. Fremont. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:24. wdet. Sir Galbraith Lowry, general, 1772-1842. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 30. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. C. Picart eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:95. William Dyce p.* Griffiths, Wellington mem. (1898) 350. Lawrence p. ? W. L. Colls sc.* George, painter, 1S00-S3. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 83:309.* George W. general, d. 1875. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:389. wdet. George Watson, 1850- Lib. j. (1896) 21:455.* Gordon E. 1833- Green bag (1890) 2:205.* Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 8:66. eng. Lady Henrietta Frances, dau. of earl of Ennis killen, 1784-1848. See Do Grey, countess. Sir Henry, 1808-82. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:259. Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm sc.* (bust) Har- per’s mag. (1875) 51:491. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:36. wdet. —(1882) 80:417.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 21. photo. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 29. lith. after caricature. J. Comyns. Baily’s mag. (1893) 59:217. W. Roffe sc. after photo. James H. Cent. (1893) 23:806.* Joseph, 1748-1826. Arminian mag. (1786) 9:345 (age 36) —(1794) 17:617. W. Ridley^sc. (age 45) Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 226. John Kay f. 1790 & eng. Orasmus, 1819-1903. Green bag (1897) 9:114. Sir Ralph, 1625I-1704. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:1(KX), pi. 72. P. L- bey) — 103:42. J. Kayser del. (sketch) Maclise gall. 102. Daniel Maclis'e del. Moulton, Lib. of lit. criticism (1902) 5:205. Peter Vandyke p.* New m. mag. (1819) 11:240. Outlook (1902) 70:845. eng. 1809.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:326. Robert Hancock del.* (Nat. por. gall.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 81. Thomas Phillips p.* —6: pi. 82. .\llston p.* Werck- meister. Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 151. Allston p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 228. P. Vandyke p.* (in youth) Mrs Samuel Taylor (Sara Fricker) d. 1845. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:52. miniature.* Sara, dau. of S. T. Coleridge, 1802-52. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:894. eng. (age 27) —47:896. COLES 327 COLIGXY COLES, Abraham, 1813-91. N.\t. mag. (1892) 16:228. A. II. Ritchie eng. N. J. hist. soc. Proc. (1892) ser. 2, 12:79. Ritchie eng. Scribner’s mag. (1902) 32:389. J. Q. A. Ward sc.* (bust) Isaac, M. c. 1747-1813. Bowen, Centen. Wash- in^on inaug. (1892) 111. J. Peale & Ramage p. (2 miniatures) Mrg Isaac (Catherine Thompson) Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) .59. Ramage p. (miniature) Isaac A. 1780-1841. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 416. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* COLET, John, dean of St Pauls, 1466-1519. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 2:80. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:321. from Ifolland’s Ilero- ologia 1620.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:597. from Holland’s Heroologia. Holbein, Fac- sim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 24. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 26. Holbein del. Boequet sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) l:pl. 3. Holbein del.* Holland, Ilena- ologia anglica (1620) 145. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:170. eng. from Holland’s Heroologia, 1620.* New Eno. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:116. Hol- bein del. (Windsor) Rolt, Lives of reformers (1759) 22. R. Houston eng. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 123. W. H. Thornveroft sc.* (statue) Roy. mag. (1759) 1:335. eng. after bust. Taunton, T. Wolsey (1902) 101. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) 14:78. Thorny- croft sc.* (statue) COLEY, Benjamin. Memorials of Burne-Jones (1904) 1:2. p.* COLFAX, Schuyler, 1823-85. Amer. ann. cyclo. (1868) 8:front. Barnes, Hist, of 39th Congress (1868) front, eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 7. eng. Coatsworth, Loyal people of the Northwest (1869) 42. eng. H.arper’s w. (1863) 7:817. wdet. —(1868) 12:356. wdet. —(1885) 29:53. wdet. Putnam’s mag. (1868) n. s. 1:763. Thomas Nast del. Speer eng. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 1:338. Stowe, Men of our times (1868) pi. 10. H. W. Smith eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:91. from Harper’s w.* Wilham, captain, 1760-1838. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1900) 2:428. COLGATE, James Boorman, n. y. merchant, 1818- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:404. wdet. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 284. Williams eng. . Samuel. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:424. eng. after photo. COLIGNY, Francois de, seigneur d’Andelot, 1531-69. Bentley’s misc. (1852) 31:107. T. Wage- man del. E. Radclyffe sc. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 : pi. 33. Francois Clouet p. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 35. Du Moustier or Clouet del. (with brothers, Gaspard and Odet) Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:50. Marc du Bal eng. 1579* (with brothers, Odet and Gaspard) Jhrb. d. kunstliist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:60, fig. 178. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2; pi. 238. eng, Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:527. eng. Versailles, Gal hist. Gavard (l838) 10:pl. 194. Dumoustier p. Oleszeynski eng. Mme Francois de (Claude de Rieux) 1525- See Andelot, Mme d’. Gaspard de, admiral, 1517-72. Allg. weltge- schichte (1886) 7:375. p. 16th cent.* (Soc. de I’hist. du protestantisme) Ammidown, Hist. coll. (1874) 1:36. A. H. Ritchie eng. after bust. L’.:Vrt (1877) 8:118. School of Clouet p. 16th cent. Bocourt des. Bentley’s misc. (1852) 31 : 107. T. Wageman del. E. Radclyfle sc. Bouchot, Catherine de M^dicis (1899) 112. Francois Clouet del.* Clouet, Fr. por. (1875) l:pl. 35. Francois Clouet p. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. F. G. Schmidt eng. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:19. Chretien eng. after p. 1571 (from La galerie francaise, v. 1) Gal. franc. (1821) l:pl. 19. Chretien del. after p. 1571. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 35. Du Moustier or Clouet del. (with brothers, Odet and Francois) — pi. 36. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:346. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1870) 41:813. eng. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:981 wdet. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:50. Marc du Bal eng. 1579* (with brothers, Odet and Francois) — 2:51. p.* Hirth, Les grands illustra- teurs, 2:764. Jost Amman f. wdet. Iconoo. de Mmo de S^vigne, pi. 43. eng. after contemp. p. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:66, fig. 185. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Men- NECHET, Le Plutarque franc. (1838) 3: pi. 23. Bouter- wek del. Geille sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 8:567. eng. after contemp. p. Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) Niel, Por. d. person, franc, du 16® sifecle (1856) 2:pl. 10,11. eng. after drawings. Parkman (Champlain ed.) (1898) 1:^ p.* (Louvre) Piiilippson, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 99. Niedermann sc. after p. 16th cent. (Soc. de I’hist. du protestantisme) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 223. F. G. Schmidt sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (l8W) 1 :pl. 98. J. .\mman sc.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:144. vignette. Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:163. — (1781) 14:79. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1205. Bertonnier eng. Wilbert, Henry of Na- varre (1893) 60. eng. after p. ?* Wiluamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 4, fig. 1. John Bettes p.* (Madresfield court) if me Gaspard de (Jacqueline de Montbel). See Entremonts, comtesse d’. Gaspard de, seigneur de Cliatillon, marshal, 1584-1646. Hirth, grands illustrateurs, 4: 1222. M. J. Mierevelt p. ? eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 8:pl. 1382. P. J. B. Guerin p. E. Lerouge eng. Guy Paul de, 15.56-86. See Laval, comte de. Henriette de, 1618-73. See La Suze, comtesse de. Louise de, dan. of Gaspard, 1555-1620. See Orange, princesse d’. Odet de, cardinal de Ch4tillon, 1517-71. Bent- ley’s misc. (1852) 31 : 107. T. Wageman del. E. Rad- clylle sc. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 35. Du Moustier or Clouet del. (with brothers, Gaspard and Francois) — pi. 38. Clouet p. Gruyer, La peinture uu chftteau de Chantilly (1896) l;pl. 16. COLL Y TOSTE 328 COLLINS Primaticcio p.* (age 31) Heyck, Monog. z. welt- gesch. (1897) 2:50. Marc du Bal eng. 1579* (with brothers, Francois and Gaspard) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 252. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1781) 14:338. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1894. p. P. F. Bertonnier eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat6 (1896) pi. 14. COLL Y TOSTE, of Puerto Rico. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:258. COLLAMEB, Jacob, 1791-1865. Aii. rev. (1849) 9:111. A. H. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Green bag (1894) 6:19. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:305. wdct. COLLANGES, Gabriel de, 1521-72. L’Art (1892) 52:185. Francois Clouet? del. eng. COLLAR, William Coe, teacher. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 12:398. COLLAS, Achille, 1795-1859. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:490. bust.* COLLAZO, Enrique, general. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:375.* COLLCUTT, Thomas Edward, architect, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:594. wdct. COLL^, Charles, 1709-83. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 30:207. J. A. de Peters p.* (with wife) COLLENUCCIO, Pandolfo, d. 1500? Bull^irt, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 ; 143. E. de Boulonois f. COLLEONI, Bartolommeo, 1400-88. See Col- eoni. COLLES, Christopher, 1738-1816. Mao. of Am. hist. (1878) 2:344. F. Halpin eng. after p. (N. Y. hist, soc.) COLLETTA, Pietro, 1775-1831. .\mato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 2:436. Carelli inc. COLLETTE, Charles. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 13:121. photo. Mary. Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 16:241. photo. COLLEY, 5ir George Pomeroy, general, 1835-81. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:224.* COLLIER, Charles A. 1848- Harper’s w. (1895) 39:59. wdct. Mrs Christiana (Gwyn) Reynolds, Engrav- ings, 1 : pi. 72. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1764. S. W. Reynolds eng. (as Lesbia) Constance. Mag. of art (1899) 23 : 102. M. Menpes del.* (2 por.) — (1903) 27:284. Percy Anderson p * (as .Athene) Sir George, 1738-95. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:28. Blood lith. from Naval chronicle, 1814.* John, painter, 1850- Art j. (1894) 46:65. John Payne, 1789-1883. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 83:309.* Rev. Joseph. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1824) 47:793. J. JacKson p. W. T. Fry sc. Robert, ed. of Collier’s weekly. Critic (1904) 44:327.* Mrs Robert J. (Sara Stewart Van Alen) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:10.56. p. ?* Thomas, painter, 1840-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:699.* COLLIER family name. See also Collyer, and title Monkswell. COLLIN, Charles Avery, 1846- Green bag (1889) 1:481.* Heinrich Joseph von, 1772-1811. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 259. Lange p. John eng.* Nicholas. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:148. eng. Raphael, 1850- Mag. of art (1890) 13:369. Ra- phael Collin del. Richard, 1627-97 ? Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 100. P. C. f. eng. COLLIN D'HARLEVILLE, Jean Francois, poet, 1755-1806. .\rnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5: 1. Houdon f. Fremy del. & sc. COLLIN DE SUSSY, comte, Jean Baptiste, 1826- Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 23. Delannoy eng. after contemp. p. COLLINGS, Jesse, 1831- Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:273. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 554. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John. Wooddurn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 53. R. White del. & sc. 1678. COLLINGWOOD, 1st haron, Cuthbert CoUing- wood, 1750-1810. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev. (18.35) 1 : front, eng. Brenton, Naval hi.st. of Gt. Br. (1837) 2:71. eng. Cent. (1896) 29:611. C. Turner eng.* Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5:front. Henry Howard p. Walter L. Colls eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:83. bust.* European mag. (1810) 57:323. Ridley eng. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:690. James, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 4:36. W. Great- batch eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. E. Howard p. W. Finden eng. Laughton, Nelson mem. (1896) 66. Turner eng.* after p. Lockhui, Mem. of celeb, naval commanders (1832) pi. 15. H. Howard p. W. Holl sc. Mahan, Life of Nelson (1897) 2:312. Howard p. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1JH6) 1:39. E. Howard p. Finden eng. George, d. 1716. Caulfield, Por. mem. and char. (1819) 2:41. eng. William Pope, maj. gen. 1830-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:577.* COLLINS, Alfred S. librarian. Bookman (1898) 6:409.* Amos Morris, 1788-1858. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1:600. eng. David, 1756-1810. B.akton, N. So. Wales (1894) 2:265. COLLINS 329 COLMAN (or O’Collon) Domenic, Jesuit martyr, 15C7- 1603. Woodbubn’s gall. (1816) 2; pi. 23. eng. after print. Edward Kni ght, 1802-78. Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1:256. wdct. after daguerr. — (1854) 7:412. John Andrew sc. Harper’s inag. (18^) 84:469. Erastus, 1815-80. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1:666. eng. Frank P. war corresp. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:947. Jerome J. scientist. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:13. wdct. John, 1794- Freeman, Hi.st. of Cape Cod (1858) 1:670. lith. John. Gammage, Hist, of chartist movement (1894) 131. eng.* John Anderson, anti-slavery agitator, 1810- Garrison, Storj' of life (1889) 3:64. eng. after daguerr. (age 35) IIutcuiNson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1:72. John Churton, 1848- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:114. wdct. John S. of Gilsum, N. H. 1841- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1727. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Loren Warren, 1838- Green bag (1892) 4:173.* Lottie, singer. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:946. wdct. Mortimer, novelist, 1827-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:205. wdct. after photo. Napoleon, u. s. n. 1814-75. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:753. wdct. Patrick Andrew, mayor of Boston, 1844-1905. Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 214. eng. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:285. wdct. —(1899) 43:841. —(1901) 45:664. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 24:78. Sir Richard Henn, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:527.* —(1897) 111:601.* —(1901) 119:610.* —(1904) 125:613. P. F. S. Spence del.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 38. Quiz f. lith. (caricature) Stephen, 1811-86. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2174. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Thomas, actor, 177.5- Monthly mirror (1804) 17:145. De Wilde p. Ridley eng. Thomas, m. p. 1825- Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 153. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Victor, of N. Y. sun. Bookman (1904) 19:255.* Wilkie, 1824-89. Acad. (1897) 51:334. Sir J. Millais p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Book buyer (1889) 6:8. Bookman (1901) 13:160. —(1902) 14:471. Millais p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Cole.man, Charles Reade (1903) 250.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (HX)2) 2:285. Millais p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:248. Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:78. eng. Harper’s w. (1862) 6: 189. wdct. —(1869) 13:741. wdct. —(1871) 15:813. wdct. —(1873) 17:185. wdct. —(1874) 18:833. wdct. — (1889) 33:804. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:396. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 16. Rudolf Lehmann p.? 1862.* Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 11. photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 39. lith. (caricature) William, poet, 1721-59. European mag. (1811) 60:208. eng. after drawing (age 14) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:291. drawing.* Pen.ny mag. (1839) 8:205. Flaxman sc. eng. (bas-relief, Chichester cath.) William. Arminian mag. (1784) 7:509 (age 48) William Edward. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:984.* WiUiam Job, 18.59- Illus. Ixmd. news (1897) 110:351.* COLLINSON, Peter, 1694-1768. Cent. (1899) 36:754. print.* Fothergill, Works (1783) 2:333. Trotter eng. Lond. mag. (1776) 45:3. eng. Nich- ols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (181.5) 9:tl09. eng. (age 75) Sir Richard, explorer, 1811-83. Cu.st, Nat. por. gall. (UX32) 2:237. Stephen Pearce p.* Illus. Lond. news (1883) 83:309.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 12. photo. COLLIS, Lloyd. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:429. wdct. COLLMAN, Leonard. Art j. (1902) 54:386. Alfred Stevens p.* (So. Ken.sington mus.) Mrs Leonard (Mary Ann Leonard) Art j. (1902) 54:385. Alfred Stevens p.* (Tate gall.) Mag. of art (1901) 25:172. Alfred Stevens p.* COLLOT, Bernard, d. 1756. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:307. Petit f. A. Collas eng. (medal, with Le Gcndrc and Coffin) Philippe, 1.593-1656. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:87. Edelinck sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17® et 18® sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 94. Edelinck sc. COLLOT D’HERBOIS, Jean Marie, 17.50-96. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:9. Delaporte sc. Gal. hist, de la r4v. frang. pi. 19. A. Lacauchio del. Leguay sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 2: pi. 8. Lacauchie del. Leguay sc. COLLYER, Mrs Harriet (Norman) mother of Robert. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:82.5. eng. Robert, d. d. 1823- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 43. Critic (1893) 23:400. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:819. eng. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:628. wdct. Scribner’s m. (1875) 10:548. eng. William Bengo, 1782-18.54. European mag. (1817) 72:407. Samuel Drummond p. Henry Meyer eng. COLMAN, Benjamin, d. d. 1673-1747. Drake, Hist. & antiq. of Boston (18.56) 543. wdct. N. E. HIST. & geneal. register (1849) 3: 105. eng. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 26:477. Records cf church in Brattle sq. Boston (1902) 12. eng. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:212. Smibert p. P. Pelham eng.* COLMAN 330 COLONXA George, sr. dramatist, 1732 ?-94. Brit. gall. (1822) l;pl. 31. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. E. Scrivcn eng. CiiALMER.s, Brit, essayists (1^2) 30: front. Anker Smith sc. Ccst, Xat. por. gall. (1902) 2:53. Gainsborough p.* Effigies poetic® (1824) 2: pi. 128. Zoffany p. J. Thurston del. E. Smith eng. Eu- ropean mag. (1785) 8:81. Gainsborough p. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:374. Gains- borough f.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 59. Zoffany p. J. Thurston del. E. Smith eng. George, j>. dramatist, 1762-1836. Bentley’s misc. (1837) 1 : front. W. Grcatbatch sc. European mag. (1809) 55:3. Drummond p. Ridley & Blood eng. Monthly mirror (1797) 4:65. Ridley eng. after p. Jeremiah James, .m. p. 1830-98. Baldry, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 56. Herkomer p.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60: 157. wdct. after photo. — (1898) 113:439.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1^1) 59. Herkomer p.* John, Boston merchant, 1670-1751 . Colon, soc. of Mass. Pub. (1904) 6:86. Smibert p.* Norman Jay, u. s. comm’r agriculture, 1827- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:245. wdct. COLNAGHI, Martin. Art j. (1896) 48:126. Walery p. COLOMB, Sir John Charles Ready, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:232. Vanity fair al- bum (1887) 19: pi. 516. Ape f. lith. (caricature) P hili p Howard, vice-admiral, 1831-99. Illus. Ixmd. news (1899) 115:568.* COLOMBEL, Nicolas, 1646-1717. Dezallier d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:224. Aubert sc. COLOMBIER, MUe du. Cent. (1894) 27:172. Eric Pap»e del. after p. (Ch&teau Colombier) Sloane, Napoleon (189()) 1:47. Eric Pape del. after p. (Cha- teau Colombier) COLOMBO, Bartolomeo. Irving, Columbus, quadricentcn. ed. (1892) 2:7. from print in Herrera’s Histori’ of West Indies. Cristoforo, 14411-1506. Allg. weltgeschichte 6:641. p.* (Ministry of marine, Madrid) Apple- ton’s ann. cyclop. (1892) 17:front. E. G. Williams eng. after the Yanez por. Arena (1892) 6:604. wdct. after p. ? (Biblioth. imper. Paris) — 6:605. wdct. from Herrera’s West Indies. — 6:606. wdct. after bust (Genoa) — 6:608. wdct. from Mufioz Historia del nuevo mundo. — 6:608. wdct. from De Bry’s America. L’Abt (1875) 2:411. Cordiersc. Valentin des. (statue) Biog. mag. (1794) Rothwell sc. after drawing. — (1820)2:20. Hollsc. Bolto.n, Earn. voy- agers (1893) front. Book buyer (1886) .3:68. from Jefferson copy of Florentine p.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 265. L’Arraessin sc. eng. Capri- OLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (16(X)) 60. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Casket (1829) .529. M. Maella p. P. Slaverick eng. Cath. world (1892) .56: front. 7, 14. —(1893) 57: 149,2.57,266. Cent. (1892) 22:front. p.* (Marine mus. Madrid) — 22 : 124. G. Sunol sc.* (statue, Madrid) — 22:802. Lotto p.* Delaplaine’s reposi- tory (1815) 1. M. Maella p. P. Maverick sc. Ec- lectic mag. (1863) 59:267. Parmigiano p. Furse p. G. E. Perine eng. Fiske, West Indies (1899) 52. Sir Antonio Moro p. L542.* Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:272. Costoli sc. eng. (statue) — (1853) 5:233. Chapin del. S. E. Brown sc. (Del Medico statue) Hale, Storv of Spain (1886) 309. p.* Harper’s mag. (1871) 43:358. tabet. (Havana) —(1877) 54:1. eng. after Venetian mosaic. — 54:7, 8. — (1^2) 65:729 Harper’s w. (1888) 32:92. Rafael Atcli6 sc. wdct. (statue) — ( 1890) 34 : 524-25. Vacslav Brozik p. wdct. — (1892)36:620. Bozzano sc. wdct. (bust) — 36:620. wdct. after mosaic (City hall, Genoa) — 36:801. Gaetano Rasso sc. wdct. (statue) — (1893) 37:396. wdct. after p. (Bradley por.) — (1897) 41:318. Paul Bartlett sc.* (statue. Congress, lib.) Iconog. di uomini soinmi (1854) pi. 19. G. Stuppi sc. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:441. ^bastian del Piombo p.* —(1892) 101 :Oct. 8, sup. p. 1-6* (6 por.) —(1899) 114:130. p.* from Illus. Lond. news, Oct. 8, 1892. Irving, Columbus, quadricenten. cd. (1892) 1:6, 33, 121, 154, 197, 326, 377. —2:25, 87, 122, 189, 403. — 3: pref. p. 14, 29, 63, 171. Mag. of Am hist. (1890) 23:265. —23:353. —(1891) 25: 161-255 (various por.) — (1892)27:99. — 27:103. Antonia del Riconl I. — 28:321 (Florence p)or.) Mag. of art (1900) 24:345. StGaudens sc.* (medal, Columbian expos. 1893) Me. hist. soc. Coll, and proc. (1893) ser. 2 4:1. p.* (Yanez por. Nat. lib. Madrid) — 4:31. p.* (Florentine por. Medici gall. Florence) Mus. of for. lit. &sci. (1827) 10: 1. M. Maella p. P. Maverick sc. Nat. mag. (1891) 15: front, eng. Perger, Die kunstschatze Wien’s (18^) 44. N. de Keyser p. E. Schuler sc. Prescott, Ferdinand & Isabella (1873) 3: front. Parmigiano p. W. Grcatbatch sc. R. of rev. (1891) 4:616. p.* from Winsor’s Christopher Columbus (the Florence por.) Ruge, Gesch. d. zeitalters d. entdec- kungen (1881) 234-35. Seidi.itz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl.22. p.* — l:pl. 22. T. Stimmer. wdct. Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiasities (1860) 2: pi. 4. eng. after por. in De Bry. — 2 : pi. 4. medal from De Bry . Smith, 13 colonies (1901) 1:3. p.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 2: 134. R. Balaca p.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:522. eng. VERSAiLLia, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 16. P. Mercuri eng. after contemp. p. Wilkie gall. v. 2. Sir David Wilkie del. H. Lemon eng. (La Rabida convent) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:71-79 (9 por.) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:5. Vincenzo Vela sc. R. Berthold eng. (statue) See also Butlf.r, James D. Portraits of Columbus; a monograph, /n Wiscon.sin State hi.st. soc. collections. 1882. ix. Neri, Achille. I ritratti di Cristoforo Colombo. In Raccolta di documenti e studl pubbl. dalla r. commissione Colombiana. Roma. 1894. f». pt. 2. vol. lii. pp. 249-280. (30 plates.) PoNCE de Leon, Nestor. The Columbus gal- lery. The discoverer of the new world as represented in por- traits, monuments, statues, medals, and paintings. New York. 1893. 1. 8». (95 plates and cuts.) Diego, s. of Cristoforo. Irving, Columbus, quad- ricenten. ed. (1892) 2:403. eng. after p. from Ed- wards’s West Indies, (with father and mother) Fernando, s. of Cristoforo. Irving, Columbus, quadricenten. ed. (1892) 2:403. eng. after p. from Edwards’s West Indies, (with father and mother) COLONNA, Carlo. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 26. .\. van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. COLONNA 331 COLVILLE Egidio, abp. of Bourgos, 1247-1316. Thevet, For. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 1 : 149. eng. Giulia (di Gonzaga) w. of Vespasiano, d. 1.566. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. saniinl. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:216, fig. 89A. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ippolita (di Gonzaga)), w. of Fabrizio, 1535-63. See Gonzaga. Isabella, w. of Luigi Rodomonte Gonzaga, d. 1570. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:215, fig. 88. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Marcantonio, d. 1522. Capriolo, Kitratti di cento capritani (1600) 93. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Michelangelo, 1600-87. Dezallier d’Aroen- viLLE, Vie des plus fameux pcintres (1762) 1:59. Aubert sc. Malvasia, FeLsina pittrice (1841) 2:345. eng. MoiicKE, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 8. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. C. Gregori sc. Ottone, 1368-1431. See Martin V, pope. Prospero, 1464-1523. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 92. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Mao. of art (1893) 16:1.56. bust (Colonna gall. Rome) —16:159,160. Stefano, fl. 1328. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 94. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Le GALL. naz. ital. (1897) 3:254. Bronzino p.* Mao. of art (1893) 16:204. Vittoria, marchesa di Pescara, 1490-1547. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:335. Sebas- tano del piombo p. De L’armessin sc. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 320. medal.* Drohojowska, Femmes illus. de I’Piurope, 135. Raunheim del. lith. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1876) ser. 2, 13:100. medal 16tli cent. Grimm, Life of Michael Angelo (1896) 2:286. Michelangelo p.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:551. G. Gilardi sc. wact. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 20. S. Maffeis sc. after medal. Portfolio (1871 2:40. Michael Angelo del.* Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 2:227. H. Schneider f.* COLONNA-CASTIGLIONE, duchesse de, Adele d’Affry, sculptor, 1857-79. L’Art (1876) 6:90. Smile ^Idi f. Saint-Elme Gautier des. Gillot sc. (medal) — (1888) 44:254. Henri Dumont des.* COLONNE, Edouard, musician, 1838- L’Art (1889) 47:58,59. Mantelet-Goguet del. Sgap sc. (2 por.) Bookman (1904) 18:494.* Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11 :488. eng. COLONSAY, 1st baron, Duncan McNeill, 1793- 1874. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 39. B. VV*. Crombie f. Green bag (1901) 13:484. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 154. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COLOROW, Ute chief. Harper’s w. (1887) 31 :629. wdet. COLPOYS, Sir John, admiral, 17421-1821. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:299. Mather Brown p. Ridley eng. COLQUHON, Archibald Campbell, d. 1820. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2:pl.317. John Kay f. 1813. COLQUHOTJN, Archibald Ross, 1848- Book- man (1900) 12:16. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:240.* Outlook (1902) 71 : 217. So. African por. gall. (1897) 38. John, D. D. 1748-1827. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 245. John Kay f. 1793 & eng. Patrick, police magistrate, 174.5-1820. Cham- bers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 1:547. S. Freeman eng. European mag. (1818) 73:187. Samuel Dnimmond p. Henry Meyer eng. Sir Patrick, 1815-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:703.* COLQUITT, Alfred Holt, 1824-1894. Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 519. eng. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:61. wdet. — (1894) 38:318. wdet. COLSON, Jean. Biog. moderne (1807) 2:485. Labadyedel. Voyez, jr.se. COLSTON, Edward, philanthropist, 1636-1721. Internat. studio (1899) 8: 126. John Cassidy sc.* (statue) COLT, CaldweU Holt, 1858-94. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:826. eng. Harper’s w. (1894)38: 100. wdet. J/rs Henrietta L. (Peckham) 1812- Brock- EiT, Woman’s work in civil war (1868) 609. A. H. Ritchie eng. James B. 1818- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853)149. R.Theweng. Samuel, inventor, 1814-62. Ballou’s oictorial (1857) 12:80. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:824. H. Smith eng. after photo. Democr.atic rev. (1856) 37:521. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:446. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford Co. Conn. (1886) 1 : 562. eng. COLTON, Arthur, 1868- Book buyer (1901) 22:369. Gardner Quincy, 1814- Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. City (1884) 2:738. George E. Ferine eng. WiUiam Robert, sculptor, 1867- Mag. of art (1903) 27:258.* COLUMB A, Mother (Margaret Carroll) See Cai- roll. COLUMBUS, Christopher, 1441-1.506. See Co- lombo. COLVILLE, Sir Henry Edward, maj.-general 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:424.* — (1901) 118:7.* Vanity fair album (1895) 27:pl. 633. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir WiUiam James, 1827-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:608.* (of Culross) 1st viscount, Charles John Colville, 1818-1903. Baily’s mag. (1867) 13: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:414.* —(1903) 123:42.* Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) 152. Joseph Brown sc.? after photo. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 148. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COLVIN 332 COMMODUS COLVIN, John, sacrist, 1843-91. Anderson, Aurora borealis acadcmica (1899) 3.50. Archibald D. Reid p.* Sidney, 184.5- Acad. (1899) .56:449. Art]. (1891) 43:170. Critic (1899) 35:873.* Harper’s mag. (1888)76:828.* Rotiienstein, Eng. nor. (1898) pi. 12. Will Rotiienstein del. 1897 lith. llov. acad. pict. (1897) 128. Sir E. ,T. Poynter p.* COLVOCORESSES, George Musalas, u. s. n. 1816-1872. Harper’s w. (189!)) J3: 977. COLYAR, Arthur St Clair, confed. M. C. 1S18- Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:684. New Enq. mag (1889) n. s. 1:143. COLYER, Vincent, 1825-88. French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 124. eng. COLYNS DE NOLE, Andreas, sculptor, 17th cent. CusT, Anthony van Dvek (1900) 80. A. van Dyck p.* (with wife and child, Munich roy. gall.) Van Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 93. A. van Dyck p. Pet. de Jode, sc. COMBALET, Mme de, Marie Madeleine (de Vignerot) 1604-75. See Aiguillon, duchessc d’. COMBARIEU, J. F. A. L’Art (1904) 63:452. Fernand Cormon des.* COMBE, Dr. Andrew, 1797-1847. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90,18. Andrew Plimerp.* (miniature) George, phrenologist, 1788-1858. Balloi;’s pictorial (1858) 15:268. eng. Crombie, Mod. Athen- ians (1882) pi. 42. B. W. Crombie f. Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:186. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 54. Sir J. W. Gordon p.* Harvey Christian, d. 1817. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 268. John Kay f. 1800 & eng. Ida, dau. of R. II. Combe. Mao. of art (1880) 3:438. G. I). Leslie p. wdet. (child por.) John, d. 1614. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 112. S. Harding del. & sc. after monument, Stratford on Avon church. Thomas, 1797-1872. Hamerton, Man in art (1892) 274. 'Thomas Woolner sc. 1863. G. de Roton (bust) WUliam, author, 1741-1823. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2 : 25. Richard Cosway p.* COMB^FIS, Fran 9 ois, 160,5-79. Perradlt, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:1!). Jac. Lubin sc. Por. d. hommes illus. d. 17® et 18* sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 60. Jac. Lubin sc. COMBERMERE, 1st viscount, Sir St&pleton Stap- leton-Cotton, 1773-1865. Ann. gift book (18,59) 1:15. I). J. Pound eng. after photo. Bocrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:18(). J. Hayter p. S. Reynolds eng.* CvsT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:95. Mrs Mary Pearson p. 1823.* Griffiths, Wellington mem. (1898) 276. M. Pearson p. Walker & Bontall sc.* Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1831) v. 5. Mrs C. Pearson p. J. Jenkins eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 4,5. John Hayter p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:127. Mrs C. Pearson i>. J. Jenkins eng. 2d tiscouni, Wellington Henry Stapleton- Cotton, 1818-91 Baily’s mag. (1868) 15:109. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:591.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. ,542. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COMBES, £mile, premier, 1839?- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:860.* Outlook (1902) 71:878. —(1904)78:73. R. or rev. (1902) 26:24. COMEGYS, 3/r, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. ^3. St Memin del. & eng.* Cornelius, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 304. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* John R. of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 378. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* COMENIUS, John Amos (Homensky) 1592- 1671. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:326. wdet. after bust. Maurice, Story of Bohemia (1896) 492. COMER, Thomas, actor. Ballou’s pictorial (18.56) 11:76. Charles Barrj’ del. after photo. Peirce sc. COMINES, Philippe de, 1445-1509. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 140. N. de L’armessin f. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. M. .\ubertsc. afterp. Gal. fran?. (1821) 1 :pref. p. 60. Rulmann del. after p. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France 3:217. eng. Masson, Mediaeval France (1888) 330. Menneciiet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) 2: pi. 23. Chaaselat del. Migneret sc. Michaud et Pouioulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 4: front, eng. Petit de Julle- viLi.E, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franf. (1896) 2:330 statue* (with wife, Louvre) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 176. Auliert sc. after p. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:317. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 9:60. Aubert sc. after p. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1792. Mas- sard eng. from copy by N. F. 0. Tassaert. COMINS, John. Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) 168.* COMMERELL, Sir John Edmund, r. n. 1829- 1901. Gaz. d. iK-aux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31:367. A. Besnard p.* Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:473. wdet. after photo. — (1901) 118:745.* Intern at. studio (1904)23:12. Besnard p. 1884.* Men of mark (1883) 7:13. photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 250. lith. (caricature) — (1889) 21:pl. 434. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COMMINGES, comte de, Mathieu de Foix, d 14.53? L’Art (HKM) 63:77. Peiresc des. after p. (Avignon) comte de, Gaston Jean Baptiste, 1630-70. Jus- SERAND, French ambassador (1892) 42. COMMODUS, Lucius 53ius Aurelius, Roman emp<>ror, 161-192 a. d. Ai.lg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:. 596. bust* (as Hercules, Capitolinc mus.) L’Abt C0MNENU8 333 COXDE (1875) 2:92. P. d’6pinay des.* (bust) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2:pl. 61. (CoiLserv. palace, Rome) — pi. 62. bu.st* (Capitol, Rome) — pi. 63. bust* (as young man, Capitol, Rome) Brunn u. Amdt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1894) Ifg. 23: pi. 229. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — pi. 230. bust* (Conserv. palace, Rome) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 6, sec. 2:442. statue* (Vatican) IIertzbero, Ge.seh. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 483. bust* (Vatican) — p. 487. bust* (as Hercules, Capitoline mus.) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 10. George Cooke sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1884) 2: pi. 5, fig. 51, 53, 55, 57, 60. —pi. 6, fig. 61-63, 66-67, 69. COMNENTJS, Ddmetrius Stephanos, 1749-1821. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:22. Delaval p. Fremy del. & sc. COMNENUS. See also Alexius. COMODI, Andrea, 1560-1638. MoI’cke, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 13. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. Giu. Vagner sc. COMONFORT, Ignacio, pres, of Mexico, 1812-63. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:653. wdct. COMPANS, comte, Jean Dominique, 1769-184.5. Tardieu, G^n. fran^;. 2: pi. 119. eng. COMPS, Amaud de, d. 1167. Vertot d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:.56. Cars sc. Bertrand de, d. 1248. Vertot u’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:149. Cars sc. COMPTON, 1st baron. Sir Henry Compton, d. 1.589. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 10. J. Brown eng. after p. Miss, aftw. w. of R C. Carton. Theatre (1897) 29:66. photo. Alwyne, bp. of Ely, 1825- Illus. I.ond. news (1886) 88:180. Alwyne Frederick, m. p. 1855- Vanity fair album (1902) 34:pl. 749. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Sir Charles, d. 1661. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 14. Lady Elizabeth, aftw. countess of Burlington, 1760-1835. Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) portfolio, pi. 7. Sir J. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith eng. 1780. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:Feb. 27,sup. p.2. Reynolds p. 1780-81.* Whitman, Valentine Green (1902) 40. Reynolds p. Valentine Green sc.* Sir Francis, lieut.-gen. d. 1716. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 1 :pl. 17. Henry, bp. of London, 1632-1713. Cent. (1893) 23:906. David Loggan eng.* Dix, Hist, of TVinity church, N. Y. (1898) 1: front. Drummond, Noble. Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 19. Simon Du Bois p. J. Posselwhite eng. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 :799. Oliphant, Hist. char. (1894) 20. David Loggan eng. from life. E. Heinemann eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 44. John Riley p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:33. Loggan eng. Trinity church, N. 1 . Bicen. celeb, (18^) pi, 1. Henry. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 18. Henry, comedian, 1805-77. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:212. wdct. after photo. Whyte, Actors (1898) 152.* Sir Spencer, d. 1659. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 16. J. Brown eng. after p. Sir Spencer, 1674 1-1743. See Wilmington, 1st earl of. Sir William, d. 1663. Dri'.m.mond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 15. COMPTON family name and title. See also title Northampton. COMSTOCK, George Francis, 181 1-92. Green bag (1890) 2:289.* Mrs Harriet Theresa (Smith) w. of Philip C. 1860- Book buyer (1902) 25:203.* Milton Lemmon, 1824- McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:546.* COMTE, Auguste, 1798-1857. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 276 Tony Toullion lith.* Pierre Charles, painter, 1823- Montrosier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxemliouig (1881) 81. Comte sc. CONANT, Charles Arthur, 1861- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1803. Rev. Thomas Jefferson, 1802-91. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:328. wdct. —(1891) 35:339. wdct. CONATY, Thomas James, r. c. bp. of Los Angeles, 1847- Cath. world (1893) 57:80. Har- per’s w. (1896) 40:1188. wdct. CONCA, Sebastiano, 1679-1764. MoCcke, Ri- tratti (1762) 4: pi. 42. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Silv. Pomarede sc. CONCAS, Victor, Spanish captain. Cent. (1899) 36:70. Francis Day del. after photo.* CONCHA, Manuel Gutierrez de la, 1808-74. See Gutierrez. CONCINI, Concino, d. 1617. See Ancre, mar- quis d’. CONCONE, Giuseppe, composer, 1810I-61. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 121. Alex Gribay^dofl del.* COND^, prince de, Louis I de Bourbon, son of Charles, due de Venddme, 1530-69. Aumai.e, due d’. Hist, des princes de Cond6 (1863) 1: front. Janet del. J. Francois sc sous la direction de Henriquel Dupont. Dreux DU Rauier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. C. B. f. C. A. N. eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:285. wdct. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:67, fig. 186. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von T5rol) Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^:. (1836) 4: pi. 2. Dupr^del. Allaissc, Michaud ct Poujoulat, CONDE 334 CONDE Nouv. toll. (1854) 6:545. eng. after tableau du temps. Reoueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 240. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:547. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1935. Ole.szcynski eng. after p. •princesse de, Eleonore (de Roye) w. of Louis I de Bourbon, 1535-64. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 33. Mile Belloc p. after por. Contenau eng. (coll. Cliflteau de Chantilly) princesse de, Francoise (d’Orleans-Longue- ville) w. of Louis I de Bourbon, 1549-1601. Bou- CHOT, Les femmes de Brant6me (1890) 192. Francois Clouet p.* prince de, Henri I de Bourbon, 1552-88. Au- MALE, due d’. Hist. d. princes de Cond6 (1864) 2:front. Danguin sc. after drawing 16th cent. (Biblioth&que imp6riale) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. L. E. p. Aubert eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1973. P. A. V. F. Cassel p. A. Geille eng. princesse de, Marie (de Clbves) w. of Henri I de Bourbon, 1553-74. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^lfebres France (1858) 2:54. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. (“ 1574”) WiLLiAM.soN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 87, fig. 1. J. Clouet p.* (Montagu hou.se) princesse de, Charlotte Catherine (de la Trd- moiUe) w. of Henri I de Bourlxin, 1565-1629. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16“^ s. (1856) 2:pl. 23. eng. after drawing. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1974. J. L. A. Beaujouan p. A. Geille eng. — 13: pi. 163. Oleszczynski eng. (kneeling statue) prince de, Henri II de Bourbon, s. of Henri I, 1588-1646. Aumale, due d’. Hist. d. princes de Condd (1886) 3: front. Ottavio Leoni del. 1623. Fleisch- mann sc. Brit. mus. prints (1899) n. s. pt. 8: pi. 3. Leonard Gaultier eng.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. A. E. p. Gaillard eng. Jackson, First of the Bourbons (1890) 2:70. print.* (Brit, mus.) Le LiVRE, bibliog. retrospective (1888) 9:200. F. Courboin etch. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2124. Voyez eng. after p. princesse de, Charlotte Marguerite (de Mont- morency) w. of Henri II, 1593-1650. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. A. F. p. Pinssio eng. Freer, Hist, of the reign of Ileniy IV (1863) 6: front, eng. after p. (with her 2 children) Jackson, First of the Bourbons (1890) 2:398. print* (Brit, mus.) Lady’s mag. (1836) 9:353. Ed. Hargrave sc. after p. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes ceidbres (1858) 2:76. Lante del. Gatine sc. lith. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (18.54) 26: front. Ducayer p. eng. Per- kins, Richelieu (1900) 38. Versailles, Gal. liist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2126. Auguste de Creuse p. J. Hopwood eng. prince de, Louis II de Bourbon, the Great Condd, 1621-86. Allg. weltge-schichte (1887)8:329. Robert Nanteuil p. Ph. Lefebvrceng.* L’Art(1876) 5:82. David d’Angers f. Bocourt des. (statue) — (1882) 28: 185. David d’Angers f. J. B. Drouot del. (statue) — (1894) 59, pt. 1 : 104. David d’Angers sc.* (statue) Au.male, due d’. Hist. d. princes de Condd (1886) 4:front. Stella p. A. Francois sc. — (1889) 5: front. Coysevox sc. vers 1648* (bust) — (1892) 6:front. D. Teniers p. 1653* (ago 3l) — (1896) 7:117. Juste van Egmont ? p, 1660.* — 7:760. Coy- sevox f.* (medallion) Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 301. Antoine Coysevox sc. (bust, Louvre) — p. 301. C. F. Cheronsc. (medal) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Ph. Le Febvre eng. after drawing by Nanttuil. Gal. franeaise (1822) 2:159. Hesse del. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1892) ser. 3, 7:218. Coysevox sc.* (bust, ch&teau de Chantilly) — (1898) ser. 3, 19: .505. Frdmict sc.* (equestr. statue) Gonse, La sculpt, frany. (189.5) 1^. Coysevox sc.* (bust) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1470. minia- ture (So. Kensington mus.) Gruyer, Peinturc au ch&teau de Chantilly (1896) 1 :pl. 30. David Tenniers (le jeune) p. 16.53.* — l:pl. 31. Juste d’Eginont p.* Guizot, Popular hist, of France, 5:348. wdet. Ham- ilton, Memoirs of count Grammont, 64. Nugent sc. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:449. Teniers p. Lisebetten eng.* Ha.ssall, Louis XIV (1895) 156. eng. (from eng. reproduced in Philippson’s Das Zeitalter Lud- wigs XIV) IIiRTH, Der lormenschatz (1901) pi. 68. Antoine Coyzevox sc.* (bust, Louvre) Hirth, L»>s f rands illustrateurs, 4:1408. eng. 1649. Iconog. de line de S4vign4, pi. 19. eng. after contem. por. Jackson, Old Paris (1895) 1:^)4. James, Life and times of Louis XI V" (1838)1:118. Jacques Lubin print. W. Greatbatch eng. Lavali.ee, Hist, des fran^rais (1845) 2:110. eng. Les lettres et les arts (18^) 4:310. Coysevox f. (statue) Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^ais (11^7) 5: pi. 13. J. Boilly del. A. Boilly sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 26:189. eng. after contemp. por. PaRdoe, Louis the 14th (1886) 1:316. Jacques Lubin print. W Greatbatch eng. Perkins, France under Mazarin (1886) 2:200. Perkins, Richelieu (1900) 320. Perrault, L<‘s hommes illus. (1696) 1 :23. Jac. Lubin sc. Philippson, Zeitalter Ludwigs 14 (1879) 104. Nanteuil del. Ph. Le Febvre sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17“ et 18“ sifccles (1805) 1 :pl. 12. Jac. Lubin sc. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. J. Tontin p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 3. R. Nanteuil sc. Spofixird, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:169. vignette. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 2257. Antoine Gelid eng. after p. — ll:pl. 2261. Delannov eng. after p. — 13:pl. 264. P. L. Roland sc. E. J. ftuhidre eng. (statue) — sup. 6: pi. 73. Collier eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 79, fig. 1465. Jean Petitot p.* (Louvre) princesse de, Claire Cldmence (de Mailld) w. of the Great Condd, 1628-94. Petiixit, Emaux (1862) 1 :pl. 20. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. prince de, Louis III de Bourbon, s. of Henri Jules, 1668-1710. See Bourbon, due de. princesse de, Louise (de Bourbon) w. of Louis III, 1673-1743. See Bourbon, duchesse de. prince de, Louis Henri de Bourbon, s. of Louis III, 1692-1740. See Bourbon, due de. prince de, Louis Joseph de Bourbon, s. of Louis Henri, 1736-1818. .\rnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1820) 1:78. Deseine.* Fremy del. & sc. IcONOiJ. des contem. (1832) l:pl. 39. Mauvaisse f. 1823. Delpech lith. Tardieu, Gdndraux franc. 2:pl. 129. Forestier sc. Varsailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12; pi. 2734. R. Cazes copy. A. Geille eng. princesse de, Charlotte Godefride Elisabeth (de Bohan-Soubise) w. of Louis Joseph, 1737-60. 335 CONNAUGHT CONDE Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2734. Mnio Danssc de Romilly copy. A. Geillc eng. •prince de, Louis Henri Joseph de Bourbon, 1756-1830. See Bourbon, due de. princesse de, Louise Marie Therese Bathilde (d’Orldans) w. of Louis Henri Joseph, 1750-1822. See Bourbon, duchessc de. Charles de, 1535-1602. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 58. eng. (with his son Jean) Jean de. Versailles, Gal. hi.st. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 58. eng. (with his father, Charles de Cond^) Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon de, s. of Louis Henri Joseph, prince de Cond(5, 1772-1804. See Enghien, due a’. CONDE, James M. cartoonist. Critic (1900) 37:401. Ja. M. Conde del.* (caricature) CONDER, Charles, painter, 1868- Internat. studio (1898) 4:232.* CONDILLAC, l^tienne Bonnot de, philosopher, 1714-80. Gal. franc. (1823) 3:23.5. Danlou del. Grevedon del. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la lan^e et de la lit. fran?. (1898) 6:824. Baldrighi p. Is. Volpato eng. CONDOLMERO, Constant Gabriele, 1383-1447. See Eugenius IV, pope. CONDORCET, marquis de, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, 1743-94. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:27. Alp. Boilly sc. L’Art (1901) 60:399. Jacques Perrin sc. llippolyte Guy del.* (statue) Gal. franc. (1823) 3:465. St Aubin f. Bordes del. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 72. Petitot sc. George Cooke sc. (statue) - — (1810) 6: pi. 11. Cooke sc. fcoNoo. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 63. Maurin del.? Delpech lith. Pop. sci. in. (1904) 64:528. Revolution franc. (1801) pi. 19. eng. Tableau.\ hist, de la rdv. franc. (1804) 3: pi. 12. Levachez sc. CONE, Edward Payson, 1835- Whittemore, Heroi's of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2, p. 70. Joseph Spencer, 1822- Bancroft, Chronicles (1892) 3:176. eng. Spencer Houghton, d. d. 178.5-185.5. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 31. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. CON^GLIANO, due de. Bon Adrian Jeannot de Moncey, 1754-1842. See Moncey. CONFALONIEBI, Federico, 17901-1846. Amato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (18.51) 1:524. Parmi- ani inc. Teresa. A.m.ato, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851) 1:525. Masutti dis. Parmiani inc. CONFLANS, Louis de Brienne de, marquis d’Armentiferes, 1711-74. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 49. Rouget p. after por.? Weber eng. CONFUCIUS. Douglas, China (1899) 12. Out- look (1901) 67:294. Philip Martiny sc.* (statue) CONGER, Arthur L. 1838- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:839. eng. EdwinHurd, 1843- Book buyer (1902) 23:560. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:789. wdet. —(1899) 43:. 307. — (1900) 44:^9, 790. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:8.5. Outlook (1900) 65:531. Everton J. u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:292. wdet. Omar Dwight, u. a. senator, 1818-98. Har- per’s w. (1881) 2.5 :93. wdet. CONGLETON, Sd baron, Sir Henry WiUiam Par- nell, 1809-96. Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 630. Spy f. lith. (caricature) baroness, lion. Caroline Margaret (Dawson) w. of 3d baron. See Dawson. CONGREVE, William, dramatist, 1669-1729. Biog. mag. (1794) Sir G. Kneller p. Birrell sc. — (1819) 1:17. Holl sc. Cibber, Apology (1889) 1:272. Kneller p. 1709. R. B. Parkes mezzo. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:217. Kneller p.* Effigies poeticse (1824) 2: pi. 90. J. Thurston del. after p. J. Fittler eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:158. miniature* (Windsor) — 3:164. Kneller f.* (Bayfordburv) Krr-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 43. Kneller p. Cooper sc. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 2:633. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2:pb 21. J. Thurston del. after p. ? J. Fittler eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 90. Kneller p.* Sir Wilham, 1772-1828. Boitike, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:142. J. Lonsdale p. Clint eng.* CONINCK, Frdderic de, 1740-1811. Lund, Danskc malede por. (1895) l‘:70. D. Orme p.* CONINGSBIE, Afrs Jane (Windham) d. 1608. CoTMAN, Sepulchral brasses (i839) 2: pi. 89. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (Felbrigg church, Norfolk) CONKLING, Roscoe, u. s. senator, 1829-88. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 29. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:49. wdet. —(1888) 32:309. wdet. McC’lurf.’s mag. (1897) 10:29. Mag. of Am. hist. (1888) 20:89. Nicolay and Hay, Lincoln (1890) 5:208. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 189. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:270. —(1899) 25:165. Wiuson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:161.* CONLEY, of associated pr('.s3 financial bureau. Bookman (1904) 19:1.39.* CONLIN, Peter, chief of police, N. Y. city, 1841- Harper’s w. (1895) .39:1210. wdet. CONNAL, WiUiam, jr. picture collector. Mag of art (1894) 17:335. Albert Moore f. CONNAUGHT, duJee of, Arthur, prince of Gt. Brit. s. of queen Victoria, 1850- Alm. do Gotha (1879) front. A Weger sc. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:36.* Harper’sw. (1869) 13:577. wdet. —(1870) CONNAUGHT 336 CONRY 14:85. wdct. —(1882) 26:548. wdct. —(1892) 36:28. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:269. wdct. after photo. — (1875) 66: May 29 sup. wdct. — (1879) 74: Mar. 15 sup. lith after photo. — (1882) 81:160.* —(1892) 100:386. Wade sc.* (statue, Hong Kong) — (1893) 103:211* (with his family) — 103:407. old print* (age 3) — (1894) 105: July 21 sup. (in 1851) —(1898) 113:.539.* —(1901) 118:129.* —119:972. Wade sc.* (statue) —(1902) 121:20,* 177.* —(1904) 124:333. H. W. Koekkoek del.* M\g. of art (1893) 16:359. C. L. Bums p.* — (1895) 18:306. Mary Thornj-croft sc. 1859* (bust) Pall Mall mag. (1898) 15:460. A. J. Goodman del.* Pauis salon (1895) 38. E. Detaille p.* (with Edward VII) K. OF rev. (1902) 26: 140.* —(1904) 29:280. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 143. Herkomer p.* Tull- BERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:241. Agi Lindcgrcn del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 4. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1890) 22: pi. 13. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Whitma.n, Samuel Cousins (1904) 108. F. X. Winterhalter p. S. Cousins eng. 1851 (with Victoria, prince Albert, and duke of IVel- lington) duchess of, Luise Margarete, princess of Prus- sia, 1860- Alm. de Gotha (1879) front. Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:44.* Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74: Mar. 15 sup.* —(1901) 118:129.* R. of rev. (1902) 26:140.* Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:241. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:547. Lindegren del. after photo. CONNAWAY, J. W. veterinarian. R. of rev. (1904) 29:55. CONNEAU, Henri, 1803-77. Forbes, Life of Na- poleon III (1897) 118. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:233. wdct. CONNELL, Sir John, jurist, d. 1831. Kay, Grig, por. (1877) 2: pi. 320. .John Kay f. 1810. Maurice, arctic explorer. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:485. wdct. William J. Omaha lawyer, 1846- Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 9:293. eng. CONNEMAHA, 1st baron, Robert Bourke, 1827- 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:378. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 2.50. Spy f. lith. (caricature) baroness, Gertrude (Walsh) w. of 1st baron, d. 1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:821.* CONNER, David, commodore, 1792-1856. Simp- son, Em. Philadelphians (18.59) 236. Samuel Sartain eng. Edmond Sheppard, actor, 1809-91. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1899) 26:431.* Henry Workman, of Charleston, S. C. 1797- De Bow’s rev. (1851) 10:495. eng. Jerome, sculptor. Critic (1899) 35: 1005 (with Elbert Hubbard) Phineas Sanborn, of Cincinnati, O. 1839- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:983.* CONNESS John, 1821- Barnes, History of 39th Congress (1868) 541. eng. CONNOLLY, James Bennet, writer, 1868- Book buyer (1902) 24:433. Bookman (1903) 16:431.* Outlook (1902) 72:793.* Richard B. Harper’s mag. (1872) 44:845. eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:136. wdct. after photo. CONNOR, Alfred, fireman. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:760. wdct. George Henry, 1823- Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:425.* Ralph, -pseud, of Charles William Gordon, 1860- See Gordon. Washington Everett, broker, 1849- Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:838. CONOLLY, Arthur, captain, 1807-42. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:241. James Atkinson del.* Dr John. Green bag (1897) 9:488. CONQUEST, George. Theatre (1895) ser. 4, 26:154. photo. Ida, actress. Critic (1900) 37:429* (with John Drew in Richard Carvel) Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1195.* —(1904) 48:801.* Leon. Ztscii. f. bucherfreunde (1901) 5:32.* CONRAD, king of Jemsalem, d. 1192. See Mont- ferrat, marchese di. CONRAD and CONRADIN. See Konrad and Konradin. CONRAD, Joseph, 1857- Acad. (1898) 55:82.* Book buyer (1898) 16:390. Bookman (1896) 3:397.* Critic (1903) 42:396. drawing.* Robert Taylor, dramatist, 1809-58. Duy- ckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:418. Roberts sc. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 4M. eng. Timothy AbbotL 1803-77. Pop. sci. m. (1895) 47:145. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 385. eng. after photo. CONRADI, burgomaster. Knackfuss, Kunstler- raonog. (1897) 21:39. Chodowiecki del. 1773.* CONRARD, George Harrison, 1872- Cath. world (1897) 64:856. CONRART, Valentin, founder of French Academy, 1603-75. Bourgeois, Le grand sifecle (1896) 291. Cl. Lefebvre p. Cossin. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 28: 533. 1635. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 71. eng. CONRIED, Heinrich, 185.5- Bookman (1899) 9:209. Critic (1904) 44: 101.* Outlook (1903) 73:770.* —(1904) 77:80.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:445.* World’s work (1903) 5:3266.* CONRING, Hermann, 160(>-81. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 196. eng. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 89. J. Sandrart sc.* CONRY, Florence, abp. of Tuam, 1.561-1629. CoNYNOHAM (D. P.) Lives of the Irish martjTs (N. Y. 1873) front. CONSALVI 337 CONSTANTINE CONSALVI, Ercole, cardinal, 1757-1824. Enq. painters of Georgian era (1876) 36. Sir Thomas Law- rence p.* CONSALVO DE CORDOBA, 1443-1515. See Cdrdova. CONSCIENCE, Henri, Belgian novelist, 1812-83. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1885) 51:295. J. B. Micliiels f. J. Bouwens imp. Ballou’s pic- torial (1859) 16:329. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1^) 83:285.* CONSED^RAlNT, Victor, socialist leader, 1808-93. Haiiper’s w. (1894) 38:617. wdet. CONSITT, Mgr. Merry Eng. (1887) 8:363. CONSTABLE, A. G. major. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:497. wdet. A. J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 634. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Archibald, Edinburgh publisher, 1775-1827. Eclectic mag. (1858) 43: 113. Thomas Facd p. John Sartain eng. (group) Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:501. eng. Kay, Orig. p>or. (1877) 2:pl. 329.* John Kay f. 1823 & eng. Sir Frederick Augustus Talbot Clifford-, 3d hart. 1828-94. Baily’s mag. (1880) 35:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Henry, jockey, 1851-81. Baily’s mag. (1874) 25: t.-p. John, painter, 1776-1837. Art j. (1903) 55:5. C. R. Leslie p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:135. John Constable del.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:154. Constable del.* (Nat. por. gall.) McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:258. Leslie p. Lucas eng.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 32. p.* Spoon- er, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1^5) 1 : 219. Werckmeis- TER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 79. Constable del.* Ztscii. f. bildende kuust (1904) n. s. 15:133. Constable? p.* Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1837) 60:81. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. CONSTABLE-MAXWELL family name. See Maxwell. CONSTANCE, CONSTANCIA,KONSTANZE, queens, empresses, and princesses. FRANCE Constance (d’Ai-les) queen, w. of Robert II, king of France, d. 1032. Celliez, Les reines do France, 185. A. Duruy lith. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 78. Delpech lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13:pl. 18. J. Bernard! eng. after statue. Constance (of CastiUe) queen, w. of Louis VII, d. 1160. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 23. E. Conquy eng. after statue. GERMANY Xonstanze (of Sicily) empress, w. of Heinrich VI 1155-98. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:501. seal.* Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1885) 1:541. seal (from Heffner, Die deutschen kaiser u. konigssicgel) SPAIN Constancia (of Aragon) dau. of king Jaime I, w. of Guillelmo Ramon de Moncada. Carderara y So- lano, Iconog. espafiola (1855) 1 : 10 bis. V. Carderera del. C. Mugica hth. after statue (Lerida cath.) CONSTANS, Roman emperor d. 350. Jiirb. d kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9:pl. 5, fig. 282, 285-89. medals.* —9 : pi. 6, fig. 292-93, 297, 298-99. medals.* — 9:183-86 (3 medals) CONSTANS, Jean Antoine Ernest, ambassador, 1833-Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 4. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:298.* R.of rev. (1891) 3:574. Guth del.* CONSTANT, Andre Benjamin-, s.of J. J. Art j. (1898) 50:127. Benjamin Constant p.* Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:822. Constant p.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:788. Constant p.* Mag. of art (1896) 19:361. Constant p.* —(1899) 23:473. Benjamin-Constant p.* — (1902) 26:463. Constant p.* (Luxembourg) Paris salon (1896) 13. Constant p.* Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1900) n. s. 11 :265. Constant p.* Emmanuel Benjamin-, s. of J. J. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:822. Constant p.* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:788. Constant p.* Ztscii. f. bil- dende kunst (1900) n. s. 11:265. Constant p.* Jean Joseph Benjamin-, painter, 1845-1902. Book buyer ( 1902) 24 : 458. Illus. Lond. news(1887) 90:503. Mag. of art (1893) 16:358.* —(1899) 23:468.* —(1902)26:459.* Paris salon (1884) 71. H. Pille p.* —(1892) 1. R. of rev. (1902) 26 : 350.* CONSTANT DE BEBECQDE, Henri Benjamin, 1767-1830. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:38. Cent. (1895)28:663. Lina Vallier p.* lOifeME sifecle (1901) 184. D’Angers f. 1830* (medallion) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 25:88. David d’An- gers sc. 1830* (medallion) Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6 : pi. 5. Pauquet del. E. Rosotte sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2: IK. Lina Vallier p. T. Johnson sc. Timon, Livro des orateurs (1844) 323. Loderer del. & sc. CONSTANTINE (Saint Cyril) d. 868? See Cyril. CONSTANTINE, emperors, grand dukes, princes. ROME Constantine I (Flavius Valerius Aurelius) the Great, Roman empieror, 272-337. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:639. coin.* (Berlin roy. coin cab.) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 50-52 (3 por.) oBrunn u. Arndt. Griech. u. rom. por. (1892) Ifg. 9: pi. 82, 83. statue* (Lateran) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 7, sec. 2:464. statue.* Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiser- reiches (1880) 723. del. after coin (Berlin Roy. coin cab. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 9. eng. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3: pi. 5. •"Authenticity doubtful. 24288—06 22 CONSTANTINE 338 CONTY ROME — continued Hans Kels sc.* (medallion) — (1889) 9: pi. 3, fig. 236-37. medals.* —9: pi. 4, fig. 238, 240-44, 246-53. medals.* — 9 : pi. 4, fig. &8 (with Crispus and Constantine II) — (1897) 18: pi. 22. medal.* Oma.n, Byzantine empire (1892) 14. statue.* — p. 28. drawing 15th cent, after equestr. statue. Spofford, Lib. liist. char. (1896) 7 : 113. S. J. Ferris f.* & vig- nette. Thevet, For. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2: 177. eng. Constantxae II, Roman emperor, d. 340. Jhrb. d.kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses(1889)9:pl.4, fig. 268. medal* (with Crispus and Constantine I) — 9:{U. 5, fig. 272-76, 278, 280-81. medals.* Constantine VI, Roman emperor, 771-797. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:157. coin* (child por. with mother Irene; Bor. (1896) Ifg. 30: pi. 296-97. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — Ifg. 30 : pi. i®8. bust* (Paris) oAuthenticity doubtful. COBBY, Balph, 1598-1644. Foley, Records Eng. rovincc of Soc. of Jesus (1878) 3 : front, p.* (Lan- eme convent) — (1882) 7, pt. 1:168. COBCOBAN, Michael, general, 1827-63. Har- per’s w. (1861) 5:509. wdct. — (1862) 6:545. wdct. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 49. G. E. Ferine eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1862) 3:75. Ferine eng. For. m. (1863) 1:41. wdct. Wilham Wilson, founder Corcoran art gall. 1798-1888. Cent. (1882) 2 : 817. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:5, 148. wdct. Harvey, History Wash, monument (1903) 104.* Straiian, Art treasures of Am. 1 : front. G. L. Elliott p.* (Corcoran gall.) COBDANG, cyclist. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:410.* COBDAY, Charlotte, 1768-93. Allo. weltge- schichte (1887) 10:155. Vestier p. 1793. Baudran mezzo.* Armenoaud, Les rcines ^862) pi. 10. Pan- nemaker sc. Art j. (1894) 46:323. Tony Robert- Fleuryp. ?* Bentley’s misc. (1847) 21:570. Marko p. W. Greatbatch sc. Book buyer (1893) 10:. 503. Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1896) 4:160. eng. Critic (1899) 35:1081. Mortimer Menpes del.?* — (1903) 42:37 p.* Duyckinck, For. gall, of cm. men (1873) 1 :218. A. Chappel p. eng. Gal. hist, do la r6v. franf. pi. 18. A. Lacauchie del. Roxe sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1861) 10:277. Paul Baudry f. Pannemaker eng. Goodrich, Court of Napoleon (1871)30. Ary Scheffer p. J. Champagne del. S. Hol- lyersc. Hillis, Metrical hist, of Napoleon (1896) 52. LeVachex eng. 1804.* Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 64. II. Grevedon del.? 1823. Delpech lith. Intern AT. studio (1899) 8 : 97. Menpes del.* L.\ti- MER, Scrap-book of French rev. (1898) 262. Maurice, Le livre rouge (1863) 309. Hauer p. Boulay del. Pan- nemaker sc. Oncken, Zeitalter d. rev. (1884) 1 : 587. Vestier p. 1793. Baudran mezzo. Paris salon (1889) 34 .Julian Story p.* Revolution fran<;. (1801)1 : pi. 22. Levachez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 3 : pi. 2. Lacauchie del. Roze sc. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 4: pi. 79. Janinet sc.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:350. J. F. C. Clere f.* & vignette. Straiian, Art treas. of Am. 1:3. C. L. Muller p .* (Corcoran gall.) Tableaux hist, de la r^v. franf. (1804) 3: pi. 28. Levachez sc. Thiers, Hist, of the Fr. rev. (1838) 3:40. Marke p. Greatbatch sc. Ver- sailles, Nolhac et Peratd (18%) pi. 75. Hauer f. COBDELL, Sir William, 1490-1581. Oxford, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 32. Cornelius de Zeen p. 1565* (age 75, St John’s coll.) COBDEN, William, painter, 1819-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:404. COBDEB, Miss. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:493. J. M. W’histler p.* William, murderer, 1804-28. 'Times, English eccent. (1877) 316. COBDES, Jacquehne (van Caestre) de, w. of Jean Charle.s de Cordes. L’Art (1878) 13:334. Rubens p. Ch. Waltner sc. Cent. (1895) 28:482. Rubens p.* Cole, Old Dutch masters (1895) 172. Rubens p. Timothy Cole eng. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:205, Rubens p.* (Brussels mus.) Port- folio (1898) no. 35: front. Rubens p.* Jean Charles de, seigneur de Wichelen-Cescamp. L’Art (1878) 13 : 332. Rubens p. Ch. Waltner sc. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:204 Rubens p.* (Brussels gall.) CdBDOVA, Fernando Femdndez de, general, 1792-1883. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:292. wdct. Gonzalvo de (Hemdndez y Aguilar), the Great Captain, 1443-1515.- Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 87. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Carderera Y Solano, Iconog. espaCola (1864) 2:pl. 65 bis. V. Carderera del. after eng. E. Zarza and J. Ruffle lith. (Ambras castle) Castiglione, Courtier (1901)368. Annibal sc.* (medal, Nat. mus. Florence) JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:18, fig 148. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Prescott, Hist, of the reign of Ferdinand & Isabella (1873) 3:385. Freebaim eng. after medal. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (18%) 3:222. vignette. 'Tiievet, For. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:326. eng. Luis Fernandez de, captain in Peru, 17th cent. WiNSOR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:302. eng. from Ovale’s Regno de Chile, Rome, 1648. COBEA. See Korea. COBEHOUSE, Lord, Scotch judge, d. 1850. See Cranstoun, George. COBELLI, Arcangelo, violinist, 1653-1713. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 124. Alex. Griba}'th eari of, Richard Edmund St Lawrance Boyle, 9th carl of Orrery, 1829-1904. Baily’s mag. (1870) 18:217. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:204. —2:220. drawing.* Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) 184. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 104. lith. after caricature. llih earl of, Charles Spencer Canning Boyle, 10th earl of Orrery, 1861- Vanity fair album (1897) 27:693. Spy f. lith. (caricature) earis of. See also title Burlington. CORKHILL, George B. of Washington, D. C. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:801. wdet. CORLETT, John, 1841- Baily’s mag. (1895) 64: front. W. J. Alais sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 440. Lib f. lith. (caricature) CORLISS, George Henry, inventor, 1817-88. Harper’s w. (1876) 20:509. wdet. — (18^) 32:149. wdet. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 6. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1: front, eng. CORMENIN, vicomte de, Louis Marie de laHaye, 1788-1868. Timon, Livre des oratcurs (1844) front. David d’Angers del. Vallot sc. CORMICK, C. M. CoRMicK, Hist, of Eng. 1 : front. R. Corbauld del. W. Ridley eng. CORMON (Fernand Piastre) 1845- Paris salon (1891) 9. CORNARO, Caterina, queen of Cyprus, 1454-1510. ANGLo-Saxon rev. (1900) 4:220. Gentile Bellini p.* Hare, Ladies of Ital. renais. (1904) front. Titian p.* Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 8:1. Titian p.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1894) pi. 55. Titian p.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:385. Titian p.* Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 29:80. Titian p.* (Uffizi) Mag. of art (1^1) 25:455. Giorgione p.* (Crespi coll. Milan) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (18^) 18:319. M. Laemmel del. after bust. 1505. Francesco, doge of Venice. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (18&) 2: pi. 101. Nani inc. Giorgio. Mag. of art (1895) 18:208. Titian f. W. Cerlton eng. Giovanni I, doge of Venice, d. 1629. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di V’enezia (1855) 2: pi. 96. Nani inc. Giovanni II, .doge of Venice, 1647-1722. Ci- COONA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2: pi. 111. Nani dis. & inc. Luigi, 1462-1566. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) 1: pi. 110. Tizianop. P. Trasmondi sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899) 11: pi. 1576. Tintoretto p.* (Pitti gall.) Marco, doge of Venice, 12841-1367? Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1 :pl. 59. Nani inc. CORNARO family. Portfolio (1898) no. 37:88. Titian p.* CORNBURY, title. See title Clarendon. CORNEILLE, Michel, 1642-1708. Dezai.i.ier d’Argenvili.e, V^ie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:198. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2361. R. Lurac-Tourni&res f. Masson eng. Pierre, 1606-84. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 8:156. C. Le Brun p. Droj’er sc. L’.\rt (1884) CORNEILLE 347 CORNET 37:157. f. 1643. sc. Bick;. mug. (1794) Le Brun p. Birrell sc. — (1820)2:21. IIolTsc. Bouimjeois, Lc grand sitele (1896) 299. Lebrun p.* Dreux ou Ra- DiER, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. E. Dupin sc. Ec- lectic mag. (1870) 75:641. G. E. Ferine eng. Gal. frarif. (18^) 2:291. Hesse del. after por. (Theatre fran<:.) Gar.nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903j .3:7. por. 1643.* Harper’s mag. (1887) 74:693. statue* (Com6die fran^;.) Hawki.ns, Annals of Fr. stage (1884) l:front. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1849. eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5: pi. 63. Caf- fieri sc. George Cooke sc. (statue) Iconoo. de Mme de S4vign6, pi. 44. eng. after p. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:1119, pi. 6. Lebrun p. Woolnoth eng. .Jack- son, Old Paris (1878) 1 : 170. Hopwood sc. — (1895) 1 : 150. Knight, Gall, of por. (183.3) 1 : 153. Lebrun p. \V oolnoth eng. Le litre, bibliog. retrospective ( 1882) 3:2. Ph. de Champagne p. .J. Adeline sc. Mag. of art (1884) 7:172. Caflien sc. wdet. (bust) Menne- CHET, Le Plutarque franp. (1837) 5: pi. 2. Rogier del. Geille sc. Pardoe, Louis XIV (1886) 2:288. G. & W. Mea.som eng. Paris salon (1892) 22. G. A. Chicotot p.* Penny mag. (1841) 10:369. DesmaLson p. eng. Perki.ns, Richelieu (HX)0) 310. print.* Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:77. Jac. Lubinsc. Petit DE .JuLLEViLLE, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran^. (1897) 4:316. M. Lasne eng. 164.3.* Philippstin, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 162. Le Brun p. Droyer sc. Por. gall. (1853) 2:332. Lebrun p. Woolnoth sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® slides (180.5) l:pl. 39. Lubin sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl. 61. M. La.sne del.* Select biog. of celeb, char. E l. 33. Le Brun p. J. Thom.son sc. V ersaille.s. Gal. ist. Gavard (1838) 11 : pi. 2301 . P. F. Bertonnier eng. — 13:pl. 29.5. C. R. Laiti^sc. .J. Bernard! eng. (statue) — 13: pi. 296. N. A. Matte sc. E. J. Ruhierre eng. (bust) — sup. 5: pi. 73. Rebel eng. 7/racu. f. bil- dende kunst (1879) 14: 1.57. David d’Angers sc. .J. L. Trombauer sc. (statue, Rouen) Thomas, 162.5-1709. Drecx du Radier, L’Eu- rope illus. (1777) V. 5. P. Dupin sc. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 117. Vanloosr. p. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) ll:pl. 2302. P. F. B«-rton- nier eng. — 13:pl. 296. E. .J. Ruhierre aftercopyby J. L. Cnenillon (statue) CORNEL, D&lia Beatriz, prioress of convent of Sigena. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1^5.5) l:pl. .38. Carderera f. after p. Eusebio Zarza lith. (tomo, convent of Sigena, Aragon) CORNELIA, mother of the Gracchi. Goodrich, World-famous women (1879) 49. J. Champagne f. J. McGoffin. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 13, pt. 1:215. Lallemand eng. after bas-relief. Perry inv. CORNELISSEN, Antonis. Durand, Eaux-fortes de A. van Dyck, pi. 5. A. van Dyck etch. Amand Du- rand f. Dyck, <>nt. por. (1878) pi. 9.5. Van Dyck p. Vorsterman sc. Gaz. d. lx*aux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24 : 5.35. Van Dyck p. wdet. Gltffrey, A. Van Dyck (1882) 119. Van Dyck del.* Marie Elisabeth de, 1855- See Lucas, Mrs Sey- mour. Norbert, 1769-1849. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1851) 17:77. Madou eng. after drawing. Davidson sc. CORNELISZ, Jacob, 1608-63. Wit, Aflxeldin- gen van veele voornaame manneii (174.3) pi. 20. C. de Vischer del. J. C. Philips sc. CORNELITTS, pope, d. 2.52. Knackfuss, Kflnstler- monog. (1879) 24:. 39. Book (1900) 65:82. John, 1.557-94. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1878) 3:4.3.5. Charles Weld del. after p. '<* (Gesd, Rome) —(1882) 71 : 170. W’eld del. after p. ? (Gesd, Rome) Lucius, praetor. Ber.noulli, Rom. ikonog. (1882) 1:70. eng. after bust (llolkham) Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 23. eng. after print. Peter von, painter, 178.3-1867. Art union (1844) 6:61. wdet. Die graphlschen kunste (1882) 4:29. L. Jacoby f.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. ( 1898) 31 : 102. M. von Sebwind p.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 17. Rudolf Lehmann del. 18.54.* Rueinisches taschenbuch (1844) 7, front. Neubauer sc. Kaulbach del. Seidlitz, Portratwerk ( 1894) 5: pi. 23. F. Overbeck del.* (with Overbeck) Werck- MELSTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 241. Cornelius p. — 3:pl. 242. Louis Jakoby sc. Ztsch. f. bildende kuast (1867) 2:101. Max Lohde sc. wdet. (deathbed por.) — (1875) 10:3.35. Fr. von Olivier del. F. W. Badersc. — (1882) 17:112. Overljeck del. wdet. (with Overbeck) Peter, composer, 1824-74. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 124. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:603.* Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 576.* , son and dau. of. Internat. studio ( 1898) 3: 193. George Sauter f.* CORNELL, Alonzo B. gov. of N. Y. 1832- Har- per’s w. (1879) 23:765. wdet. Ezra, founder Cornell univ. 1807-74. Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 238. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:141. wdet. —(187.3) 17:528. wdet. —(1874) 18:1073. wdet. Lamp (1904) 28:62.* F. R. E. 1821-81. Green bag (1892) 4: 169. George Birdsell, engineer, 1855- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:472. wdet. John Black, 1821-87. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:801. wdet. Thomas Clapp, 1819-94. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (189.5) 26:49. A. H. Ritchie eng. WiUiam Wiggins, capitalist, 182.3-70. Har- per’s w. (1870) 14:22.5. wdet. CORN^LY, Jean Joseph, 1845- L’Art (1904) 63:225. Paul Renouard cles.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:320. Edgar Chahine del.* CORNET, Fran 9 ois Leopold, 1834-87. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1889) 55:519. D. Des- vachez sc. COKNEWALL 348 COER COKNEWALL, Henrietta. See Lyttelton, Hon. Mrs Spencer. Mary Fanny. Court album (1852) pi. 10. John Hay ter del. J. Brown eng. CORNILLAN, Pierre de, d. 1355. Vertot d’Ad- BCEUF, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 :263. Cars sc. CORNING, Erastus, 1794-1872. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:324. wdct. Mao. of West. hist. (1888) 9; 107. eng. CORNISH, Charles Edward, bp. of Grahamstown, 1842- Illus. Lend, news (1899) 114:294.* Charles John, 1859- Mag. of art (1892) 15:228.* Francis Warre, author, 1839- Vanity fair al- bum (1901) 33: pi. 824. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Henry, alderman of Loud. d. 1685. Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2:84. John Savage eng.* W. D. Green bag (1890) 2:208.* CORNIJEL, Mme Anne Marie (Bigot) 1605-94. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Ferdi- nand p. E. Fessard sc. CORNWALL, 11th earl of, John Plantagenet, of Eltham, 1316-36. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:91. monument. A. Kruger del. from Stothard’s Monu- mental effigies of Gt. Brit.* (St Edmund’s chapel, Westminster abbey) Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abend- landes (1887) 2:217. monument. A. Kruger del. from Stothard’s Monumental effigies of Gt. Brit.* (St Ed- mund’s chapel, Westminster abbey) Barry, pseud, of Bryan Walter Procter, 1788-1874. See Procter. Charles Wolfran, 1735-89. Lond. mag. (1780) 49:491. eng. after drawing. Henry Bedinger, 1844- Princeton book (1879) 156. CORNWALLIS, 1st baron, Frederick Cornwallis, 1610-62. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3: 14. eng. after por. (coll, at Gorhambury) ith baron, Charles Cornwallis, 1675-1722. KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 27. Kneller p. Cooper sc. 1st marquis, Charles Cornwallis, 1738-1805. A.m. hist, register (1895) 3:199. Barrington, Hist, mem. (1835) 2:282. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1809. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 172. Sir W. Beechey p. J. Ward eng.* Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:44. D. Gardiner f. J. Jones eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:291. Thomas Gainsborough p. 1785.* Eton por. gall. (1876) 300. G. Gabridli sc. European mag. (1786) 10:67. T. Prattent eng. after drawing. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:243. wdct. — 1:256. Copley p.* llARPf:R’s mag. (1857) 15: 1.59. — (1881) 63:325. Holt, Life of George HI (1820) 1:3.50. eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Copley p. S. Freeman eng. Lawless, Story of Ire- land (^1888) 374. S. D. Koster del. James Stow eng.* Lives of illus. persons (1820) I. Wright sc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12: pi. 8. Copley p. W. Holl eng. Lond. mag. (1781) 50:251. eng. after p. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 24:600. F. Haward eng. 1784.* So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 52. Copley p.* Spof- ford. Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:150. vignette. Tay- lor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:94. Copley p. Freeman eng. W1LLIA.MSON, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 70, fig. 9. John Smart p. 1792.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:317. print.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:474. eng. from Andrews’ Hist, of the war, v. 2, Lond. 1785. — 6:475. eng. from London mag. June, 1781. Wright, Hist, of Ireland, 2:628. Copley p. Holl eng. countess, Jemima Tulikens (Jones) w. of 2d earl & 1st marquis, d. 1779. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 72, fig. 4. John Smart p.* (E. M. Hodgkins coll.) marchioness. Lady Louisa (Gordon) w. of 2d marquis, 1776-1850. La belle assembl6e (1807) 2:283. eng. after miniature. Lady’s m. mus. (1810) n.s. 8:181. Mackenzie sc. Fiennes Stanley Wykeham, .m. p. 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:469.* Lady Jemima Isabella, w. of Charles W3’keham Martin. See Martin. Sir Wilham, admiral, 1744-1819. Clowes, Roj’. navy (1898) 3:476. D. Gardner p. 1775. Ridley lith. CORN WALLIS- WE ST family name. See West. COROLLER DU MOUSTOER, L. J. H. 1742- Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:497. Moreau del. Voyez sc. COROT, Jean Baptiste Canalle, 1796-1875. L’Art (1875) 1:241. A. Gilbert des. G. Perrichon eng. — (1882) 29:180. tit. Gab. Bocourt del. & sc. Art & letters (1883) 2: 105. A. Gilbert del. Perrichon eng. Art j. (1897) 49:33.* Cent. (1889) 16:162.* — 16:255. Wj’att Eaton del. 1888.* Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:97. L. Massard sc. Fournel, Les artistes franc, contemp. (1884) 129. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (If^l) 11:416. Brac- quemond f. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66: 197. Gil- bert del.* Smeeton-Tilly sc. Les lettres et les arts (1888) 4: 16. Jules Girardet f. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:466.* Mag. of art (1888) 11:181. wdct. after photo. Masters in art (1901) pt. 18, 2:21.* Montie'aud, Les romantiques (1877) 60. Marie Duclos sc. Montrosiehi, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Lu- xembourg (1881) 161. E. de Liphart del. 1880. eng. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 8. etch. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:690, 704. wdct. — (1893) n. s. 8:372-. M. Lament Brown eng. Portfolio (1870) 1:60. II. Grenaud del. & sc.* Thomson, Barbizon school (1891) 81. Bocourt etch. — 83.* Werck- MEISTER, Das 19te jahrluindert in bildnis.sen (1901) 5: pi. 549.* Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1896) n. s. 7:193. CORPORANDI, Joseph d’Anvare, general, 1722- 1804. Toselli, Biog. nicoise (I860) 1:249. Perrin lith. 1860. CORK, Erin, engraver, 1803-62. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1865) 31:141. J. B. Michiels sc. CORRADI 349 CORVINUS CORRADI, Domenico, 1449-94. See Ghirlandaio. Ridolfio, 1485-1560. See Ghirlandaio. CORRAL, Diego del. Bercete, Velasquez (1898) 63. Velazquez p.* Ramon, vice-pres. of Mexico. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:19.51. CORRARIO, Angelo, 1325?-1417. See Gregory XU, pope. CORREA, SeTtor. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:525. CORREGGIO, Antonio Allegri da, 1494-1534. Art j. (1869) 21:361. Bui.lart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts, (1682) 1:345. De L’Armessin sc. Dezai.i.ier d’Arqenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:3. eng. Gall, of great artists (1877) 21. Con'eggio p. Salandrisc.* Die graphischen kiinste. (1880) 2: 1. John? f. \V. Wocrnle. sc. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 12. Correggio p. George Cooke sc. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:1121. Correggio p. II. Meyer eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:. 57. Correggio . Meyer eng. Mag. or the fine arts (1834) 3:133. . Jackson del. 1819 after p. ? eng. (Parma cath.) Penny mag. (1845) 14:92. Harvey del. Clarke eng. PoR. gall. (18.53) 1:120. Correggio p. Meyer sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 66. A. Besutius del. eng.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1 : 18. Vasari, Kitratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 86. eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 20. Corregio p. John T. Wedg^vood eng. CORRER, Teodoro, 1750- L’Art (1886) 41 :219. Bernardino Castelli p. C. E. Wilson del. CORRIGAN, Michael Augustine, r. c. abp. of N. Y. 1839-1902. H.arper’s w. (1885) 29:692. wdet. —(1902) 46:620.* CORRODI, August, poet, 1826-85. Jacks, Rob- ert Bums in other tongues (1896) 156. Hermann, painter, 1844- Mag. of art (1889) 12:217. Hermann Corrodi p. eng. CORROGIS, Louis, 1717-1806. See Carmontelle. CORRY, Sir James Porter, 1st hart, 1826-91 Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:124.* —(1891) 99:726.* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 521. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Sir William, 2d hart, 1859- Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 173. W. E. Lockhart p.* Lady [WiUiam], Charlotte Georgiana Frances (Collins) w. of 2d bart, d. 1896. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 173. W. E. Lockhart p.* CORRY (Lowry-Corry) family name. See titles Belmore; Rowton. CORSE, John Murray, maj.-gen. 1835-93. An- nals of Iowa (1895) ser. 3, 2: front. — (1896) ser. 3, 2:278. Cent. (1887) 12:463.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:688. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1888)6:107. eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:464.* CORSINI, Lorenzo, 1652-1740. See Clement XII pope. Neri, 180.5-59. Internat. studio (1903) 20: 187. G. F. Watts del.* (Holland house) CORT, Cornehs, 1536-78. Meyssens, Por. cm. painters (1739) pi. 79. Franc van der Steen sc. I. Meyssens ex. Meyssens, Tme effigies (1694) pi. 100. Vander Steen sc. Meyssens ex. Frans de, poet, 1834-78. Jacks, Robert Bums in other tongues (1896) 198. CORTELYOTJ, George Bruce, 1862- Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:505. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:1296. —(1900)44:399. —(1903) 47:3* (age 40) —(1904) 48:935,* 1456.* Outlook (1902) 72:499.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:299.* —(1904) 29:651. World’s work (1902) 4:2313.* —(1903) 5:3261.* —(1904) 8:4945.* Mrs George Bruce. R. of rev. (1903) 27:300.* CORTENAJVR, Egbert Meeuszoon, vice-adm. of Holland, d. 1665. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 2:261. Jan Kralinge. eng.* CORTES, Hernando, 1485-1547. Allg. welt- f eschichte (1886) 7:236. medal* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) looKbuyer(18f^)3:69. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. etd, arts (1695) 2:277. eng. Carderera y Soi.ano. Iconog. espafiola (1864) 2: pi. 72. P. Clav6 del. after p. Bernardo Blanco lith. (Mexico) Harper’s mag. (1897) 94:503. p.* (Hospital de Jesus) Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1 : 1122. W. Holt eng. after p. (Florence gall.) Irving, Columbus, quadri-centen. ed. (1892) 3:262. del. from A. de Solis’ Istoria della conquiesta del Messico. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1895) 16:pl. 5, fig. 11. P. Flotner sc. 1529.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1836) 6: 122. W. Holl eng. after p. (Florence gall.) Por. gall. (1853) 1:97. Holl sc. after p. (Florence gall.) Ruoe, Gesch. d(>s zeitalters d. entdeckungen (1881) 361. medal* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 2:175. vi- gnette. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:385. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1857. F. J. Dequevauviller eng. after copy by A. B. Marquet. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:354, 357, 360, 381, 389, 395-96. CORTOIS DE BALORE, Pierre Marie Made- leine, bp. of Nismes, 1736-1812. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:498. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. CORTOIS DE PRESSIGNY, Gabriel, abp. of Rennes, 174.5-1825. GRAND-Carteret, XIX® sidcle (1893) 127. Ingres etch. 1816.* CORTONA Pietro da, 1596-1669. See Berrettini, Pietro. CORVETTO, conie di, Luigi Emanuele, 1756-1281. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:74. Quaglia p. Fremy del. & sc. CORVINUS, Jakob, pseud, of Wilhelm Raa'oe 1831- See Raabe. Matthias, king of Hungary, 1443-90. See Mat- thias. CORVISAKT DES MAKETS 350 COTENTIN COKVISART DES MAEETS, Jean Nicolas, 1755-1821. IcoNOG. dcs contemn. (1832) 1 : jpl- 65. Bazin jr. del. ? Delpech lith. Soc. Montyon et Frank- lin, For. et liLst. des hommes utiles, 4:81. J. Boilly del. Geille sc. (with A. Petit) CORWIN, Thomas, 1794-1865. .\m. rev. (1852) 16: front. A. II. Ritchie eng. Harper’s w. 0860) 4:212. wdet. CORWITH, Henry, 1813-88. Nat. mag. (1891) 15:109. eng. CORY, Fanny Young. Critic (1900) 37:51. F. Y. Cory del.* Mrs Herbert. Ixter.nat. studio (1899) 7:119. \V. Goscombe John sc.* (bust) CORY-WRIGHT famih* name. See Wright. CORYATE, Thomas, 1577-1617. Pexny mag. (1845) 14:5. Harvey del. Jackson eng. (from front, to Coiyate’s Crudities) CORYNDON, Robert T. 1870- So. African por. gall. (1897) 42. COSGRAVE, John, ed. Eveiybody’s mag. 18691- Critic (1904) 44:325.* COSGROVE, Henry, r. c. bp. of Iowa, 1834- Nat. mag. (1893) 19:184. eng. COSIMO, Pietro, 1441-1525 ? Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) 87. eng. COSIN, John, bp. of Durham, 1594-1672. ScHRoCKH, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) 1 :pl.9. eng. COSSA, Balthasar, d. 1419. See Jolin XXHI, pope. COSSfi, Artus de, comte de Secondigny, marshal, 1512-82. Dreux nu Radier, L’Europe ulus. (1777) V. 2. N. p. Pinssio eng. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:pl. 3, fig. 187. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Recveil d. por. (1786) 2: nl. 237. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1778) 13:498. N. p. Pinssio sc. — (1786) 15:201. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 26. Dauois eng. after contemp. p. Marguerite de, w. of Francois de Neufville, seigneur de Villeroi, 1648-1708. See Villeroi. COSSl^ family name. See title Brissac. COSS^-BRISSAC, Philippe de, bp. of Coutance, d. 1548. Clouet, Frencn por. (1^5) 2:pl. 232. Clouet f. lith. COSSIERS, Jan, 1603-52. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 47. J. Cossiers p. Petrus de Jode sc. Joannes Mevssens exc. Meyssens, True efiigies (1694) pi. 66. tossiers p. De Jode sc. Meyssens exc. COSTA, barone, Gaetano, 1784-1836. .Vmato, Martiri d. libortA ital. (1851) 2:327. Lauro inc. Giovanni, 1826- Mag. of art (1883) 6:25. Sir Frederick Leighton p. wdet. Lorenzo, 1460-1535. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 64. eng. Sir Michael, 1810-84. .Vrt ann. (1884) 14. Sir Frederick Leighton p. eng. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 125. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 2:89. lith after plioto. DiL'iwTNo-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 34. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:653. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:440. Men of mark (1883) 7:12. photo. Rhys, Sir F. Leighton (1895) 30. Leighton p.* Vani- ty fair album (1872) 4: pi. 47. lith after caricature. COSTA CARVALHO, Josd da, 1796- See Monte Alegre, marquez de. COSTAKI Pasha, Anthropoulos. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 107:759.* COSTANZI, s. of Tuzio Costanzi. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 8:74. Georgione p.* (as St Lilx'ralis, Castelfranco) COSTANZO, Angelo di, signor de Cantalupo, 1507-91. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 24. Caterina Piotti-Pirola sc. after p. COSTER, Adam de, painter. Cust, Anthony Van Dyck (1900) 164. A. van Dyck del. (study for the Iconographie, Brit, mus.) Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 75. A. van Dyck p. P. de Jode sc. Schon- BRUNNER, Handzeich. silter meister, 3:pl. 348. A. van Dyck del.* Mme Anne (VaUayer) painter, 1744-1818. L’.\rt (1888) 45:129. .Mme Coster del. 1770. C. F. Letellier sc. Harper’s mag. ( 1871 ) 42 : 719. eng. after p.l 1780. Sigisbert Etienne, abbd, 1734-1825. Biog. modeme (1807) 2:499. Godefroydel. Massardsc. COSTER. See also Koster. COSWAY, Louisa Paolina Angehca, dau. of Richard. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 57, fig. 3. Richard Cosway p.* (child por.. Varese sale) Richard, 1740-1821. .Vrt j. (1890) 42:210. G. Dance del.* — (1896) 48:365. R. Cosway p. (minia- ture, Nat. por. gall.) Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 6:1. W. C. Edwards eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:11. R. Cosway p.* (miniatun*) Ounxx)K (1901) 67:778. R. Coeway p.* (miniature) Mrs Richard (Maria Hadfleldl fl. 1820. Art j. (1890) 42:209. R. Cosway p. Connoisseur (1902) 2:5. Maria Cosway p. Valentine Green eng.* Gwynn Mem. of J. Northcote (1898) 149. R. Cosway p. L. Schiavonetti sc.* (miniature) Lady's m. mus. (1800) 5:337. Rivers del. Ridley sc. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2^1. 71, fi^. 2. John Smart p. 1784* (Salting coll.) Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (18^) 1:363. F. W. Fairhmt eng. after cari- cature 17^. COTENTIN family name. See title Tourville. COTES 351 COTTON COTES, Charles Cecil, m. p., 1846- Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 435. Spy f. lith. (caricature) i/rs Everard (Sara Jeannette Duncan) 1863- Book buyer (1891) 8:368. — (1900)20:354. Book- man (1895) 2:180.* Catu. world (1896) 63:791. Cbitic (1895) 27:214. —(1901)39:5.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:498. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:33. Francis, painter, 17251-70. Akt j. (1890) 42:112 P. Falconet del.* COTHREN, William. N. E. hist. & geneal. regis- ter (1854) 8:200. F. Halpinsc. COTMAN, John Sell, 1782-1842. Portfolio (1897) no. 32:51. lith.* C(JtON, Pierre, 1564-1626. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. P. A. p. Gaillard eng. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 73. Lagneau del. COTONER, Nicolas, d. 1680. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 2, bk. 14:89. Cars sc. Raphael, d. 1663. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 2, bk. 14:86. Cars sc. COTREUIL, singer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124: Ap. 30, sup. p. 2. COTTA,/reiA€rr von, Johann Friedrich, 1 764-1 832. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 257. lith.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk, (1894) 4: pi. 95. Karl Leybold p. lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 223. lith.* Ztscii. f. biicherfreunde (1899) 3:93. eng. COTTAM, Thomas, 1549-82. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1882) 7, pt. 1 : 174. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 23. eng. after print. COTTE, Robert de, architect, 1656-1735. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2527. A. C. Danois f. COTTENATJ, Dennis, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 242. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* COTTENHAM, 1st earl of, Sir Charles Christo- pher Pepys, 17S1-1851. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:571. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie p. iih earl of, Kenelm Charles Edward Pepys, 1874- Baily’s mag. (1898) 70:321. W. H. Mote sc. after photo. COTTER, William A. of N. J. Arena (1896) 16:33.* COTTESLOE, 1st baron. Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle, 1798-1890. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:740. Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 230. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 2d baron, Thomas Francis Fremantle, 1830- Baily’s mag. (1892) 58:73. W. Roffe sc. after photo. COTTET, Charles, painter, 1863- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:37. Constantin Meunier sc.* (bust) Intern AT. studio (1899) 6:228. Rend M^ifkrd R.* —(1900) 10:93. —(1904) 21:197. Jacques Emile Blanche p.* Mag. of art (1902) 26:487.* COTTIER, Daniel. Caffin, Am. masters of sculpture (1903) 136. Olin L. Warner sc.* (bust) Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:434. Warner sc.* (bust) James, d. 1506. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Francois eng. J. Robert del. Maurice. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2,26:52. Maurice Cottier p. A. Gilbert sc. COTTLN, Jacques Edmd Leger, 1754- Biog. modeme (1807) 2:,500. Labadye del. Texiersc. J/me Marie (Sophie Risteau) 1773-1807. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran<:. (1841) 8: pi. 22. Chasselat del. Migneret sc. COTTENGTON (of Hanworth) 1st baron, Francis Cottington, 1579?-1652. Birch, Heads (1813) 187. J. Iloubraken sc. 1743 after p. (coll, of Francis Cotting- ton) Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:270. Van Somer p. eng. (in Lodge’s por.) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2:382. —(1843) 2:754. Van Somer f. J. Cochran eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:87. p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 7: pi. 3. Van Somer f. Cochran eng. COTTLOW, Augusta, pianist. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1131. COTTMAN, Vincendon Lazare, u. s. n. 1852- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:869. wdet. COTTOLENGO, Giuseppe. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:181. Dequevauviller sc. COTTON, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1803-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:167.* —(1900) 117:696. Charles, poet, 1630-87. Daniell, Cat. of eng. por. of celeb, personages (1900). Sir Peter Ixdy p. eng. Effigies poeticse (1824) l:pl. 69. Lely p. G. Clint del. A. Duncan eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:43. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 69. Lelv p.l Clint del. Duncan eng. (coll, of John Beres- ford) Scribner’s mag. (1893) 14:274. eng. So. Ken.sinoton, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 38. Lely p.* Sir Charles, admiral, 1753-1812. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:258. Page eng. after miniature. Charles Stanhope, u. s. n. 1843- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:472. E. J. railway manager, d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:909.* Sir Henry, 1821-92. Green bag (1895) 7:380.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:262.* Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 32. photo. Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 22. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Henry, 1845- Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 43. H. H. Armstead sc.* (bust) Hugh Benjamin. Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 5.S0. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COTTON 352 COURBET Rev. John, 1584-1652. Conoreg. quar. (1861) 3: 133. H. W. Smith eng. after p. Drake, Ilist. & antiq. of Boston (1856) 159. H. W. Smith eng. after p. (coll, of J. B. Thayer) Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898) 120. p.* Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:349. New Eng. mag. (1887) 5:299. —(1896) n. s. 14:613. — (1899) n. s. 21:97, 396. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1 : 143. p.* Winsor, Mem. hist, of Bos- ton (18k)) 1:157. Kilburn sc. after p. Sir John Hynde, d. 1752. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (lkl8) 1:225. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature 1746. Nathaniel, 1705-88. Effigies poeticie (1824) 2: pi. 126. J. Thurston del. after sketch. W. H. Worth- in^on eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 57. Thurston del. after sketch. Worthington eng. Richard, m. d. Internat. studio (1903) 9:209. R. E. Morrison p.* Sir Robert Bruce, 1571-1631. Brown, Gen- esis of U. S. (1890) 1:280. C. Jansen p. 1629. J. Tookey eng. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:75. p.* Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 62. R. White eng. wdct. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:80. Paul Van Somer p. ? print.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:36. P. van Somer p. eng. Sir Sydney John, lieut. gen. 1792-1874. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:312. wdct. after photo. Sir William James Richmond, 1822-1902. Illcs. Lond. news (1875) 67:452. wdct. after photo. —(1902) 120:860.* Vanity fair album (1885) 17:pl. 472. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Willoughby, general, 1783-1860. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:226. Count D’Orsay f. lith. Gust, Nat. por. gaU. (1902) 2:241. James Atkinson del.* COTTON (Stapleton-Cotton) family name. See title Combermere. COTTRELLY, Mathilde. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:320. wdct. (as Mme Vinard in Trilby) COTUGNO, Domenico, 1736-1822. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 22. A. Locatelh .sc. after miniature. COUCH, Arthur Thomas QuiUer- 1863- Book buyer (181H)) 12:804, 807. —(1898) 16:211. Book- man (1895) 2:257.* —(1898) 7:193. —(1904) 18:583.* Lit. ycar-bk. (1897) 1:184.* Outlook (1899) 63:776. Darius Nash, 1822-97. Cent. (1885) 8:117.* Harper’s w. (1862) 6:485. wdct. — (1863) 7:109. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1865) 8:42. A. H. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1863) 1:16. wdct. Ira, 1806-57. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:356. eng. J. J. 1828- Harper’s w. (1877) 21:501. wdct. COUCY, Enguerrand IV de, admiral, d. 1311. Versailles, (ial. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 1. H. Pigeot eng. COUDERT, Frederic Rene, 1832-1903. Har- per’s w. (1893) 37:336. wdct. —(1896) 40:28. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:99. R. of rev. (1892) 5:394. —(1904)29:29. CODES, Elliott, 1842-99. Annals of Iowa (1895) ser. 3, 2:20. COULANGES, Christophe, abb^. S^:vione, Let- tres choisies (1862) 487. G. Staal del. Ferd. Delannoy sc. COULIN, Frank, 1828- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:944. wdct. COULMIERS, S. de, abb4, 1741- Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:39. Labadye del. Courbe sc. COULON, Mr, of Philadelphia. St Memin, (?o11. of por. (1862) pi. 261. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* COULSON, Harry H. 1850- See Conway, Harry B. Mrs Harry H. (Kate Goldney) See Phillips, Kate. COUMOUNDOUROS, Alexander, 1812-83. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:477.* COUNCILL, William Hooper, educator, 1848- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:500. wdct. COUNCILMAN, William Thomas, 1854- World’s work (lk)3) 6:3490.* COUP, W. C. founder N. Y. aquarium. Scribner’s m. (1877) 13:578. eng. COUPARD, M. 1740- Bioo. modeme (1807) 2: 501. Turlure del. Guersant sc. COUPERIN, Fran 9 ois (le Grand) composer, 1668- 1733'. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 126. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* COUPLAND, John, 1834- Bailt’s mag. (1871) 21:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 307. Ape f. lith. (caricature) COUPP£ DE KERVENNON, Gabriel Hya- cinthe, 1757-1832. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:502. Labadj'e del. Courbe sc. COURAJOD, Louis, 1841-96. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 16:203. COURANT, Maurice, painter, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:443. COURAYER, Pierre Francois le, 1681-1776. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18tn cent. (1828) 5:60. Audinet sc. COURBET, Gustave, 1819-77. L’Art (1878) 12:147. Masson eng. Smeeton & Tilly eng. — (1882) 29:227. E. G. Bocourt del. & sc. —(1^) 40:241. Courbet p. C. E. Wilson del. Cent. (1884) 5:492.* Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1 :241. L. Massard sc. Fournel, Les artbtes fran?. contemp. 1 COURCEL 353 COUSTOS (1884) 349. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 29:147. Manet del. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:475. Courbet p.* (Louvre) Montrosier, Les chefs- d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 153. E. de Lip- hart del. 1880. eng. Werckmeister, Das 19to jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 328.* COURCEL, haron de, Alphonse Chodron, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102 : 769. —(1894)105:459. — (1898) 113:665.* Vanity fair album (1895)27 :pl. 611. Guth f. 1895. lith. (caricature) CCURCILLON family name. See title Dangeau. COUmER DE M£R^, Paul Louis, publicist, 1772-1825. L’Art(1882)31:33. Gigoux des. Seid- UTZ, Portratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 52. eng. Werck- meister, Das 19to jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 302. Vigneron del. Constans lith.* COURREJOLLES, vice-admiral. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:6.* COURSELLES-DUMONT, Henri, 1856- L’Aht (1892) 53:209. Delaunay del. 1888. Gillot sc. —(1894) 57:196. COURTENAY, Rev. Charles Leslie, 1816-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:590.* Josselin de. iSee Josselin. Pierre de, emperor of Constantinople, d. 1220? See Peter. Thomas Peregrine, 1782-1841. Atiien.*:um club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 5. E. M. Eddis del. lith. COURTENAY family name. See also title Devon. COURTENS, Franz, painter, 1853- L’Art (1904) 63:305. Eugene Broermann des.* COURTENVAUX, marquis de, Gilles de Souvre, 1542?-1626. 5ee Souvr^. COURTES, M. actor. Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 17:293* (with Mile Jane May and Mme Schmidt) — (1892) ser. 4, 20:80* (group) COURTEVILLE family name. See title Hodicq. COURTHOPE, William John, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 105:694.* COURTIN, Honord, d. 1703. Jusserand, French ambassador (1892) 138. Nanteuil eng.* COURTNEY, Leonard Henry, 1832- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:73.* Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:267. Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:567. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 340. T. f. lith. (caricature) William Leonard, ed. Fortnightly, 1850- Critic (1902) 40:35.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:462. COURTOIS, Guillaume, 1628-79. Dezallier d’Argenvtlle, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4: 166. eng. 24288—06 23 Gustave Claude Etienne, painter, 1852- Paris salon (1886) 49. C. Von Stetten p.* — (1891) 85. Jacques, 1621-76. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des jdus fameux peintres (1762) 4:1.50. eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 29. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. COURTOWN, countess of. Lady Mary (Scott) w. of 3d earl, 176^1823. See Scott. COUSAERT, Salomon. L’Art (1878) 12:35. Frans Hals p. Lalauze des. COUSIN, cur6 de Cucuron, 1736- Bioa. modeme (1807) 2:^3. Labadye del. Texier sc. Jean, painter, 1.5001-90? L’Art (1884) 36:135. Jean Cousin sc. J. B. Drouot del. (medallion) De- zallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:3. eng. Gal. franf. (1821) l:pl. 20. R. N. Jacob del. after p. 1 (Biblio. toy.) Louis, 1627-1707. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard, sup. 5: pi. 96. Bertonnier eng. Michael. Metii. mag. (1812) 35:241. N. Bran- white p. H. Meyer sc. Victor, 1792-1867. L’Art (1876) 5:83. David d’Angers sc.* (medal) — (1903) 62:11. D’Angers sc.* (medallion) —62:13. A. Masson eng. after photo. Le centen. de I’^cole normale (1895) 260. eng. Harper’s mag. (1893) 86:188. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 47. Julien f. Les LETTRES et les arts (18^) 1:141. D’Angers sc. A. Charpentier eng. (medal) — p. 1.50. Georges R^cipon f. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franc. (1899) 7:592. Ambroise Tardieu des. & eng. 1828.* Werckmeister, Das 19te iahr- hundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 85. Maurin lith.* COUSm-MONTAUBAN, Charles GuiUaume Marie Apollinaire Antoine, 1796-1878. See Palikao, comte de. COUSnJO, Dofia Isadora, of Santiago, Chile. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:567. COUSINS, John Ward, m. d. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:311.* Samuel, engraver, 1801-87. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:602. Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) front. Frank Holl del. 1879.* — p. 132. Edwin Long p. S. Cousins eng. 1884. COUSLANDE-GRAFT, Princess. Art j. (1902) 54:66. Antoine Pesne p.* COUSSEMAKER, Charles Edmond Henri de, 1805-76. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Annuaire (1884) 50:283. I. Desjardins eng COUSSINS, Jonathan. Arminian mag. (1786) 9:65 (age 28) COUSTOS, John. Caulfield, Por. mem. et char. (1819) 3:207. R. Grave sc. C0U8T0U 354 COWEN COUSTOU, Nicolas, sculptor, 1658-1733. Dreux DU Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Le Gros p. Oubricr sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 25:205. Guillaume Coustou, jr. sc.* (bust) COXJTAN, J/. picture dealer, d. 1830. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, 28:346. Paul Delaroche del. 1826. II. Gu4rard eng. J/me H. Internat. studio (1901) 14: 130. Hip- polyte Coutan p.* COUTTET, Fran9ois, 1828- Cunningham & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps, 172.* COUTTS, Mrs Harriot (MeUon) 17771-1837. See Mellon, Harriot. COUTTS. See Burdett-Coutts. COUTURE, Thomas, painter, 1815-79. Am. art rev. (1881) 2, pt. 2:246. T. Juglaris del. L’Art(1889) 47:240. J. Hugard del.* Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contcmp. (1882) 1:337. L. Massard sc. Fournel, Les artistes fran^. contemp. (1884) 331. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:365. wdct. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 9. etch. COUZDJS, Phoebe W. 1840?- Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:front. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. COVAHRUBIAS, Antonio de, 1524-1602. Lynch, Toledo (18^) front. El Greco p.* COVENEY, Jeremiah W. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:592. wdct. COVENTRY, 1st baron, Thomas Coventry, 1578-1640. Birch, Heads (1813) 73. J. Houbraken sc. 1741. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:290. C. Jansen p. eng. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 1:52. Jansen p. W. H. Mote eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:77. Jansen p.* Lodge, Por. (1^5) 5:pl. 14. Jansen p. Mote eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. i>or. 2: pi. 43. William Dobson p.* — 2:pl. 44, 45. Jansen ? p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:27. Jansen p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble au- thors (1806) 2:310. eng. after print. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 12, fig. 3. Isaac Oliver p.* (Wallace coll.) 8th earl of, George Wilham Coventry, 1722- 1809. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 : 86. A. Ram- say p.* countess of, Maria (Gunning) w. of 8th earl, 1733-60. See Gunning. countess of, Barbara (St John) w. of 8th earl, d. 1804. Jesse, George Selwyn (1882) 2:front. J. Reynolds p. C. Cook sc. Marquand coll. (1902) pi. 1434. Reynolds p. James Watson mezzo.* Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1902) 6:319. Reynolds p. Watson f.* lllh earl of, George William Coventry, 1838- Baily’s mag. (1865) 10:161.* Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:234.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98 :7;i6, 769 drawings.* —(1898) 113:9. —(1899) 114:922.* Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) 82. photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 368. Ape f. fith. (caricature) Arthur, 1852- Baily’s mag. (1882) 40:t.-p. — (1903) 79:237.* Vanity fair album (18^) 16:pl. 300. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Aubrey, 1845- Vanity fair album (1903) 35:pl. 874. Cloister del. lith. Charles John, 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:439.* Lady Dorothy, 1872- Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:29.* Emily. See Pott, Emily. H. Baily’s mag. (1865) 10:t.-p. Henry, 1619-86. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 28. Harding sc. after p. (coll, at Long Leat) Sir John, d. 1682. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 34. Harding sc. after p. (coll, at Long Leat) Sir Wilham, 1628 ?-86. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 29. E. Harding sc. after p. (coll, at Long Leet) COVERDALE, Miles, bp. of Exeter, 1488-1567. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:335. 'Trotter eng.* Harper’s mag. (1JX)2) 104 : 524. Thomas Trotter eng.* COVERLY, Wilham. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:514. wdct. COWAN, Edgar, u. s. senator, 1815-85. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 5:front. Samuel Sartain eng. Sir Edward Porter, 1842-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:452.* James, m. p. 1816-95. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:52. wdct. after photo. Sir John, 1st hart. 1814-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:363.* John Black, 1829-96. Stewart, Univ. of Glas- gow (1891) 144.* COWARD, Edward Fales, 1862- II.arper’s w. (1890) 34:^5. A. E. Sterner del. wdct. (as Captain Kidd) — 35:141. wdct. (as Captain Kidd) COWDIN, Elhot C. N. Y. merchant, 1819-80. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:277. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:463. Robert, 1805-74. Roberts, Hist. Anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:379. COWELL, Sir John Clayton CoweU, maj.-gen. 1832-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:29.5.* COWEN, Frederic Hymen, composer, 1852- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 127. Alex Gribay^ doff del.* Buffen, Musical celebrities (1889) 63.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:833. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:631.* 'Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:98. W. H. Bartlett p.* John A. colonel. Mao. of art (1898) 22:404. J. Charlton p.* Sir Joseph, 1800-73. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:36. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 128. lith. (caricature) COWEX 355 COX Joseph, 1831-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:416. wdct. after photo. — (1900) 116:253.* Men of mark (1881) 5: pi. 21. photo. Vanity fair album (1878) 10:pl. 271. Spy f. lith. (caricature) COWIE, William Garden, bp. of Auckland, 1831- Illu.s. Lond. news (1902) ri0:lk)2.* COWING, Rufus B. judge, 1840- Harper’s w. (1878) 22:929. wdct. —(1892) 36:946. wdct. COWLES, Alfred, rowing coach. Harper’s w. (1894)38:620. wdct. Alfred Abemethy. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:.332. eng. after photo. Edwin, ed. Cleveland Leader, 1825-90. Har- per’s mag. (1888) 77:682. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:212. wdct. William Sheffield, u. s. n. 1846- Harper’s w. (1898)42:400. COWLEY, 1st baron, Hemy Wellesley, 1773-1847. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 54. Nathaniel Plimer p.* (miniature) Williamson, Hist, of p>or. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 67, fig. 11. N. Plimer p.* 1st earl, Henry Richard Wellesley, 1804-84. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:131. Bulle, Gesch. des. 2d Kaiserreiches (1890) 211. eng.* 3d earl, Henry Arthur Mornington Wellesley, 1866- Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 558. Spy. f lith. (caricature) Abraham, poet, 1618-67. Biog. mag. (1794) A. Smith sc. after Faithorne. — (1820) 2:22. Holl sc. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3:pl. 14. Sir Peter Lely p. Sil. Harding del. W. P. Sheriock sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:143. Mrs Mary Beale p.* — 1:143. Mrs Beale or Lely p.* Effigies poeticse (1824) l:pl. 50. J. Thurston del. after p. W. H. Worthington eng. (Trinity coll. Camb.) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:72. Mrs Beale or Lely f.* — 3:72. V’ertue eng.* Lond. mag. (1754) 23:342. eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pT. 50. Thurston del. after p. Worthington eng. (Trinity coll. Camb.) So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 80. p.* Thane, Brit, eutog. (1819) 3:29. Lely p. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 29, fig. 6. Thomas Flatman p.* (Monatgue house) — l:pl. 42, fig. 4. Samuel Cooper p.* 1653 (Welbeck abbey) Mrs Hannah (Parkhouse) 1743-1809. Euro- PBiAN mag. (1789) 15:427. T. Holloway f. Lady’s mag. (1784) 15:487. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1801) 7:^1. Mackenzie sc. Monthly mirror (1806) 22:1. Cosway p. Ridley eng. COWPER, 1st earl, William Cowper, 1665?-1723. CrsT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:203. Sir G. Kncller p. 1722.* Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 91. Jonathan Richardson p.* countess, Mary (Clavering) w. of 1st earl, d. 1724. Wilkins, Caroline the Ulus. (1901) 1:324. Sir G. Kncller p.* 5tk earl, Peter Leopold Louis Francis Cow- er, 1778-1837. European mag. (1812) 62:339. J. orthcote p. T. Blood eng. countess, Emily Mary (Lamb) w. of 5th earl, aftw. w. of 3d viscount Palmerston, 1787-1869. See title Palmerston. countess. Lady Arme Florence (Robinson) w. of 6th earl, 1806-80. English ann. (1838) 19. J. Lu- cas p. eng. 7th earl, Francis Thomas De Grey Cowper, 1834- Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:541. — (1889) 94:398. Manners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 27. Marchioness of Granby del. 1894.* Mrs Ann (Donne) mother of William, d. 1737. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:2. Finden eng.* Lady Emily, dau. of 5th earl Cowper, d. 1872. See title Shaftesbury. Lady Frances, d. 1880. See Jocelyn, viscountess. William, 1731-1800. Acad. (1897) 51 : 381. Rom- ney p.* (Nat. por. gall.) — (1899) 57:326. Romney p. (head) Bioo. mag. (1819)1:19. Holl sc. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 32. F. Abbot p.H. Meyer eng. Craik Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7:716. Holl eng. after p. ? Cunningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (183^7) 6:front. S. Freeman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:27. Romney p.* & W. Harvey del.* after copy by L. F. Abbott (2 por.) Effigies poetic® (1824) 2: pi. 134. Jackson p. & del. W’. Raddon eng. Elwin, Some 18th cent, men of letters (1903) 1:495. L. F. Abliott del.* (Nat. por. gall.) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:3. Sir Thomas Lawrence f.* — 4:5. Rich- ard W'cstall del.* — 4:6. Romney f. lith.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 5: 189. Holl eng. after p. ? Lady’s m. mus. (1801) 6:85. Ridley sc. Monthly mirror (1801) 11:189. Lawrence p.* Ridley eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:221. S. Freeman eng.* Penny mag. (1841) 10:149. eng. (Knight’s gall, of por.) Por. gall. (1853) 3:692. Holl sc. after p. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 65. Jackson p. & del. W. Raddon eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl.72. p.* W’lLLiAMSON, John Russell (1894) 54. John Rus- sell p.* (pastel) COWPER-TEMPLE family name. See title Mount- Temple. COWPERTHWAITE, Allen Corson, 1848- An- nals of Iowa (1882) n. s. 1 :33. COX, Sir Charles, 1810-92. Vanity' fair album (1881) 13: pi. 247. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Daniel, d. 1850. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 131. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Mrs Daniel (born Bard) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 732. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* David, painter, 1783-1859. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 135. drawing 1855.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7 : pi. 78. Sir J. W. Gordon p.* Fred. Baily’s mag. (1880) 35:t.-p. — (1899) 71 : 330.* Sir George William, 1827-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:272.* Harding, 1854- Baily’s mag. (1887) 47:35.5. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Henry. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:240.* photo. cox 356 CRABBE Jacob Dolaon, general, 1828-1900. Cent. (1887) 12:600.* Harper’s w. (1866) 10:641. wdct. — (1869) 13:209, 216. wdct. —(1900) 44:779. wdct. WooDBi-RY, Burnside & 9th army corps (1867) 160. J. C. Buttre eng. John, colonel. Wharton, Salons (1900) 108. miniature.* John, 1825-90. Dedham hist, register (1891) 2:54.* Sir John WiUiam, lieut.-gen. 1821-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:524.* Kenyon, painter, 1856- Book buyer (1891) 8 : 414. New Enq. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:141. Richard, bp. of Ely, 1499-1581. Bioo. mirrour (1795) 1 : pi. 31. S. Harding del. after p. R. Clamp sc. Robert, 184.5-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:829.* Samuel, d. d. 1827-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:422.* Samuel Hanson, d. d. 1793-1880. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 68. J. C. Buttre eng. after da- guerr. Fowler, Am. pulpit (1856) 351. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7 : 105. eng. Samuel Sullivan, 1824-89. Harper’s w.( 1872) 16:125. wdct. —(1885) 29:221. wdct. —(1888) 32:616. wdct. —(1889) 33:757. wdct. —(1891) 35:463. Louise Lawson sc. wdct. (statue) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 19. p.1* Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 397. eng. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 2:1088. Walter Smith, judge, 1826-1902. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:801. wdct. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monu- ment (1903) 85.* William Ruffin, 1832- Outlook (1899) 61:32. COXCIE (Coxcien, Coxeyen) See Coxie. COXE, Arthur Cleveland, bp. of West. N. Y. 1818-96. Critic (1896) 29:76.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:176. wdct. —(1895) 39:963. wdct. —(1896) 40:748. wdct. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 158. Brinton, 1833-92. Penn mag. of hist. & biog. (1892) 16: front. Richard S. 1792- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:247. H. S. Sadd eng. Mrs Sarah Cox, w. of John R. Coxe. Wharton, Salons (1900) 168. Thomas Sully p.* Tench, 1755-1824. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:167. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 259. J. Paul p. 1795. Samuel Sartain eng. Rev. WiUiam, 1747-1828. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 : pi. 33. Sir William Becchey m W. T. Fry eng. Eu- ropean mag. (1787) 11:5. Thomas Holloway eng. COXEY, Jacob Sechler, leader of Coxey’s army, 1854- Cath. world (1894) 59:670. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:308. wdct. —(1896) 40:796. wdct. Jesse A. s. of Jacob S. Cath. world (1894) .59:671. COXIE, Michielvan, 1497-1.592. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:440. N. L’armessin sc. eng. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1 : 338. COXWELL, Henry, aeronaut, 1819-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:92. —(1900) 116:43.* Tur- NOR, Astra castra (1865) 462. COY, E. W. of Cincinnati. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:640. wdct. COYLE, John. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:518. wdct. COYPEL, Antoine, painter, 1661-1722. L’Art ( 1881) 24:229. Coypel p. J. B. Mass4 eng. Dezal- LiER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:339. eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1762) 4 : pi. 30. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) pi. 2508. E. Conquy eng. Noel, 1628-1707. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4: 170. eng. Noel Nicolas, painter, 1690-1734. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:441. eng. COYSEVOX, Antoine, sculptor, 1640-1720. L’Art (1882) 31:42. Hyacinthe Rigaudp. Jean Au- dran eng. 1708. Petit sc. — (1894) 59, pt. 1 : 131. Rigaudp. Audran eng. 1708. Bourgeois, Le grand .sifecle (1896) 327. G. Allou p.* (Versailles) Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Rigaud p. Malthey sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, ^ : 525. Antoine Coyzevox sc. wdct. (bust) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 10. Rigaud p. George Cooke s.c. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 1529 G. Allou p. Villerey sc. — 13: pi. 363. Coysevox sc. E. J. Ruhierre eng. (statue) COYTE, George, actor. Armstrong, Gains- borough (1898) 116. Gainsborough p. 1780.1* COZENS-HARDY, Sir Herbert Hardy, 1838- See Hardy. COZZENS, Frederick Swartwout, 1818-69. At- lantic souvenir (1859) 117. C. L. Elliott p. J. C. Buttre eng. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:140. Elliott p. Barrv del. Peirce sc. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 1: pi. 44. Elliott p. Buttre eng. Cent. (1901) 41:49* (in 18601) Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 163. Elliott p. Buttre eng. Knickerbocker mag. (1857) 49:1. Elliott p. Buttre eng. CRABBE, Russian admiral. Loubat, Narr. of mis- sion to Russia of G. V. Fox (1873) 108. J. C. Buttre eng. George, poet, 1754-1832. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:151. Sir Francis Chantrey del.* Eclectio mag. (1858) 43:113. Thomas Facd p. John Sartain eng. (group) European mag. (1819) 76: 195. H. W. Pickersgill p. J.Thomson eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:11. T. Phillips f.* —4:12. drawing.* Ladies’ m. mus. (1825) imp. ser. 21:181. Liter- ature (1901) 9:297. Thomas Phillips p.* New m. mag. (1815) 4: front. Pickersgill del. H. Meyer eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 78. Pickersgill p.* CRABETH 357 CRAMP CRABETH, Dirk, d. 1601. Wealb, Early masters in Christ, decor. (1846) 1 :29. Kenier van Persijn eng. after glass, 16th cent. Wouter, glass painter, fl. 1560. Weale, Early masters in Christ, aecor. (1846) 1:28. Weyerman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) l:pl. B. Reynicr Parsyn eng. lloubraken eng. CRABTREE, Charlotte, 1847- See Lotta. CRACHERODE, Rev. Clayton Mordaunt, 1730- 99. Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 221. CRACKENTHORPE, Hubert Montague, 1870-96. Critic (1897) 30:29. CRADDOCK, Charles Egbert, pseud, of Mary Noailles Murfree, 1850- iSce Alurfree. CRADOCK, Joseph, 1742-1826. Nichols, Ulus, of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1858) 8:655. Hone p. 11. II. Dyer eng. (miniature, 1764, age 23) Samuel, 16211-1706. Calamy, Nonconformists mem. (1802) 3: 154. Mackenzie eng. Zachary, v. d. 1633-95. Benson, Fasti Eton- enses (1899) 88. Sir Peter Lely p.* CRAESBEKE, Joostvan, 1608-62. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1754) 2:138. J. B. Descamps inv. A. Pinssio sc. CRAFT, Mabel Clare. Critic (1900) 36:203. (from The land of sunshine.) CRAFTS, James Mason, 1839- Pop. sci. m. (1900) 57:281. CRAGGS, James, 1686-1721. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:199. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 22. p.* (with Sir Robert Wal- pole) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst. (1904) n. s. 15:88. Kneller p.* (this por. wrongly named James Crapps) CRAGIN, Aaron Harrison, u. s. senator, 1821-98. Grafto.v & Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:505.* E. F. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:185. wdct. CRAHAY, Jacques Guillaume, 1789-1855. Acad. roy. de. Belgique, Annuaire (1856) 22:117. De- maunez eng. CRATES, Agathonike, dau. of W. Craies. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:624. Mrs A. L. Swynnerton p.* CRAIG, Ailsa, dau. of Ellen Terry. Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 21:100. photo, (in Liberty hall) — (1895) ser. 4, 26:218. photo. Alfred M. 1831- Green bag (1891) 3:227. bust. Mrs Charity (Rusk) 1851?- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:638. Gordon. Critic (1903) 42:136.* Lamp (1903) 27:6.* Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 15:107. photo. Whyte, Actors (1898) 200* (with Ellen Terry in The dead heart) James, 1817-88. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 8: 165. eng. James C. of Denver. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:280. Sir James Gibson, 1st hart. 1765-1850. Crom- BiE, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 15. B. W. Crombie f. Mrs Margaret M. (Craig) w. of John Craig. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 74.* Richard Manifold, lieut. col. Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 67. W. F. Yeames p.* Robert, 1730-1823. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 278. John Kay f. 1815 & eng. Robert Hunter, m. p. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Wilham, {Lord Craig) Scotch judge, 1745-1813. Kay, Grig. por. ( 1877) 1 : pi. 122. John Kay f . 1799. —2:300. John Kay f. 1808. CRAIGE, Mrs Seth (Angehne Shaw) Whar- ton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 216. John II. Brown p.* CRAIG IE, Mrs Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards) {pseud. John Gliver Hobbes) 1867- Book buyer (1894) 11:127. —(1895) 12:287. Bookman (1895) 1:221.* —1:369. Walter Spindler del. 1895* —(1897) 5:10. Walter Spindler del. 1895.* —(1898) 6:395. Schmalz p.* —(1900) 12:33. Bookman lit. year-bk. (1899) 55.* Critic (1894) 24:224. —(1895) 26:442. —(1900) 37:119. —(1901) 39:297. Rothenstein del.* Lit. year-bk. (1899) 55.* Literature (1898) 3: Sept. 7, sup. p. 21. Gutlook (1900) 66:809. —(1902) 72:792.* CRAIK, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock) novelist, 1826-87. Acad. (1898) 55:535. bas-relief* (Tewks- bury abbey) Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:2.* Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:475. George Lillie, 1798-1866. Art j. (1901) 53:61. Sir Geoi^e Reid p.* James, m. d 1730-1814. Stone, Gur French allies (1884) 190. eng. after silhouette. CRALL, Leander H. 1835- Nat. mag. (1893) 17:285. eng. CRAM, Ralph Adams, architect, 1863- Chap- book (1896) 4:457. eng. after drawing. CRAMER, ColoTid. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:15. Max Koner p. 1889.* Gabriel, 1704-52. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:504. Gardelle p.* Johann Baptist, 1771-1858. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 128. Alex. Gribay6do(T del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:590. CRAMER-ROBERTS family name. See Roberts. CRAMP, Charles Henry, ship builder, 1828- De- pew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:124. eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:647. wdct. Wilham, ship builder, 1807-79. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:646. wdct. CKAMPTON 358 CRANMER CRAMPTON, Charlotte. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:875 (as Hamlet) CRANACH, Lukas, sr. 1472-1553. Allg. welt- geschichtc (1886) 7:79. Lukas Cranach p. A. Steinla eng.* Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 156. eng. Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 757. L. Cranach p. M. Steinla eng. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler gall. (1813) Franck f. Movcke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 6. Giu. Monabuoni del. 15.50. P. A. Pazzi sc. (age 77) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 60. L. Cranach, sr. p. 1550.* CRANBORNE, viscouniess, Lady Diana (Max- well) w. of Charles Cecil, viscount Cranbome, d. 1675. Connoisseur (1903) 7:229. Vandyck p.* (Hatfield house) viscount, James Edward Hubert Gascoyne- Cecil, 1861- See Salisbury, 4th marquis of. CRANBROOK, 1st earl of, Gathome Gathome- Hardy, 1814- Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:92.* Cas- sell, Nat. por. gall. 2:105. lith. after photo. Ewald, Beaconsfield & his times (1882) 2:^9. E. Stodart eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:169. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:364. wdet. after photo. —(1885) 86:650.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 25. photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4:pl. 110. lith. after caricature. CRANCH, Christopher Pearse, poet, 1813-92. Book buyer (1899) 18:193.* Wilham, 1769-1855. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 23. p.* CRANDALL, Prudence, aftw. Mrs Calvin Philleo, 1803-90. Cent. (1885) 8:781. F. Alexander p. 1838.* — 8:784* (in 1882) Garrison, Story of life (1885) 1:316. F. Alexander p. eng. (age 31) Rand Percy, surgeon u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:980. wdet. CRANE, Beatrice, dau. of Walter, a/u>er. diet, of univ. biog. 1 : 1 133—1. Holl eng. after p. (Lambeth palace) Knight, Gall, of por. (1^4) 3: 141. Holl eng. after p. (Lambeth palace) Lives of em. Brit, statesmen (1831) 1 ;t.-p. H. Corbould del. E. Findensc. Lodge, Por. (1835) 2: pi. 8. Flicciuslf. Holl eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1:271. FUck p.’^ Penny mag. (1833) 2:101. eng. Pollard, Henry VIII (1902) 194. Fliccius p. 1546* (Nat. por. gall.) Por. gall. (1853) 1:108. Holl sc. after p. (Lambeth palace) Rolt, Lives of reformers (17.59) 181. II. Houston eng. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 98. Harding del. after p. Clamp sc. (Oxford gall.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 39, 40. p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:5. Holbein p.? eng. Verheiden, Af- beeldingen (1603) 59. Hhon f. 1599. eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 190. Fliccius p.* CRANSTON, Earl, m. e. bp. 1840- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:534. wdet. CRANSTOUN, George {Lord Corehouse) Scotch judge, d. 1850. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 19, 20. — 2: pi. 320. John Kay f. 17^ & eng. CRANWORTH, 1st baron, Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1790-1868. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:207. George Richmond p.* Green bag 5^01) 13:86. W. Read del. ?* Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121 :. 566.* 2d baron, Robert Thomhagh Gurdon, 1829- 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:534.* — (1899) 114:4.* CRAPO, William Wallace, m. c. 1830- Bay state m. (1885) 3:309. A. 11. Ritchie eng. after photo. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2142. A. 11. Ritchie eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:111. wdet. CRAPONNE, Adam de, engineer, 15251-76. Soc. Montyon et P’ranklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 : pi. 27. Dequevauviller sc. CRARY, Rev. B. F. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:633. wdet. CRASSUS, Marcus Idcinius, 1081-53 B. C. Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 10, pt. 1:176. Perry inv. Lefoire eng. (bas-relief) — 10, pt. 1:181. eng. after bas-relief. — 10, pt. 1:216. eng. after bas-relief. CR ATHORNE , Henry. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer(1903) 90, pi. 15. Andrew Plimer p. 1794* (miniature, coll, of earl of Dysart) CRATS (or Critz) Oliver de, painter, 17th cent. OxPORD loan coll. (1905) pi. 7. O. de Crats p.* (Ash- molean mus.) CRAUFTJRD, James {Lord Ardmillan) Scotch judge, 180.5-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:284. wdet. after photo. Robert, maj. gen. 1764-1812. Griffiths, Wel- lington mem. (1898) 339. CRAVATH, Erastus Milo, 1833-1900. New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:148. CRAVEN, 1st earl of, William Craven, 1608-97. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:123. Gerard Ilonthorst p.* FisKE,01d Virginia(1900)2:257. Ilonthorst eng. from Nat. por. gall. Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 14. Ilonthorst p. II. Robinson eng. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. CO. (1878) 1 : 189. Ilonthorst p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:7. eng. baroness. Lady Elizabeth (Berkeley) w. of 6th baron, 17.50-1828. See Ansbach-Bayreuth, inark- grafin von. countess of, Louisa (Brunton) w. of 2d earl, 1738-1860. La belle assembl^e (1808) 4:3. M. A. Bourlier eng. European mag. (1806) 49:3. S. J. Stump p. & eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 4: 105. Mackenzie sc. Monthly mirror (1806) 21:217. Stump p. Ridley eng. (miniature) 3d earl of, William Craven, 1809-66. Baily’s mag. (1865) 8:327. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. countess of. Lady Emily Mary (Grimston) w. of 3d earl, 181^1901. Heath’s book of beauty ^845) 40. Robert Thorburn f. W. H. Mote eng. Jfii earl of, George Grimston Craven, 1841-83. Baily’s mag. (1872) 22:187. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. countess of, Cornelia (Bradley-Martin) w'. of 5th earl. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:7^.* Alfred Wingate, 1810-79. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14:164. eng. Mrs Augustus (Pauline de la Ferronays) 1808-91. Merry Eng. (1891) 17:73. Hon. Mrs Georgiana (Smythe) w. of George A. Craven, d. 1867. Heath’s book of beauty (1843) 37. Dubufe p. W. II. Mote eng. J. Albert. Baily’s mag. (1870) 18:271. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Mrs Tom. Mag. of art (1900) 24:385. Luke Fildes p.* Tunis, u. s. N. 1781- St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. .533. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Tunis Augustus Macdonough, captain, 1813- 64. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:240.* William George, 1835- Baily’s mag. (1865) 10: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 362. Lib f. lith. (caricature) CRAWFORD, 26th earl of, James Ludovic Lind- say, 1847- Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 196. W. Q. Orchardson p.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 273. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Miss, aftw. Mrs Jolm Fortune. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 46, 47. .John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Abel. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63: 17. J. .Johnson f. Thulstrupp eng. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:720. Emmet, captain, d. 1886. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:229. wdet. Eva Leslie. Art j. (1899) 51:258. Mrs M. F. Raphael p.* CRAWFORD 360 CREEVEY Francis Marion, 1854-- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 92. Book buyer (1890) 7:4. —(1893)9:669. —(1897) 14:139. —(1898)15:650* —(1902)24:188. Bookman (1898) 6:403.* —(1900) 11:8.* —(1903) 17:9.* Critic (1893) 22:97. —(1894)24:243. —(1897)30:100. —(1898)32:36. L.v.mi> (1903) 27:217.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:317.* — 4:323. wdct. after photo, (in 1890) (in 1894) Outlook (1899) 63:773. —(1900) 60:809. Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 455. R. OF rev. (1893) 6:713.* Mrs Francis Marion (Elizabeth Berdan) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 34:116. Len- bach p. 1890.* George Washington, 1798-1872. .\m. rev. (1849) 10; front. A. 11. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 150. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 245. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Josiah, of Indiana. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:. 501.* Martin Jenkins, m. c. 1820-83. Cent. (1888) 13:606.* IIarpf.r’sw. (1860)4:228. wdct. —(1861) 5: 1. wdct. Nicolay & Ilay, Lincoln (1890) 3:401.* Robert Wigrani, .m. p. 1813- Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 135. lith. after caricature. Samuel, 1820-61. Gree.n bag (1897) 9:112. Samuel Wylie, surgeon, 'u. s. a. 1829 2-92. Har- per’s w. (1861) 5: 177, 284. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 5:31. A. H. Ritchie eng. Thomas, sculptor, 1813-57. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:703. eng. after medallion. Lester, Artists of Am. (1846) 233. Kuchlcr del. Burt eng. (sketch) Sir Thomas, surgeon, 1825-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:487.* Thomas Hartley, judge, 1786-1863. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:233. wdct. WiUiam, 1732-82. Ohio archacol & hist. pub. (1898) 6: front, p. 2* (age 35) William, m. p. 1833- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:512.* William Harris, 1772-1834. Am. hist, register (1896) 4:138. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 26. J. W. Jarvis p. S. H. Gimbcreng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:401. Out- look (1902) 70:555. Jarvis p. Gimb<‘reng. Wiuson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:213. print.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1^9) 7:348. Jarvis p. eng. (from Nat. por. gall. 1839, v. 4) CRAWFURD, William Stuart Stirling, 1819-83. Baily’s mag. (1879) 33:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 210. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CRAWLEY, Mrs Eliza Katherine, w. of Charles. CoNNOLssEUR (1903) 7:251. Sir William Charles Ross p. 18252* (miniature) CRAWSHAW, 1st haron, Sir Thomas Brooks, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:67.* GRAYER, Gaspard de, painter, 15851-1669. L’.Vrt (1879) 19:101. Van Dyck des.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. ct d. arts (1695) 2:495. A. van Dyck p. E. de Boulonois f. Descamps, La vie des peihtres flamands (1753) 1:350. A. van Dyck p. C. Eissen del. Ficquet sc. Dezallier u’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintrcs (1762) 3:321. Aubert sc. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 50. Van Dyck p. Paul du Pont sc. Guif- FREY, A. Van Dyck (1882) 15. A. van Dvck del. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 11. Van t)yck p. George Cooke sc. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 13:48. Van Dyck p.* Franz Hanfstangt eng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 42. Van Dyck p. Jacobus Neefs sc. Joan Meyssens exc. Meyssens, True eflBgies (1694) pi. 61. Van Dyck p. Jacobus Neess sc. J. Meyssens exc. Walmsley, Phj’siog. por. (1822) 1 :pl. 21. Vandyke p. John T. Wedgwood eng. CREAGH, Walter, colonel. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:577. CREALOCK, Henry Hope, lieut. gen. 1831-91 Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:771.* Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 196. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CREASY, SirEdward Shepherd, 1812-78. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:133.* Men of mark (1876) l:pl.2. photo. CR^BILLON, Prosper Jolyot de, poet, 1674- 1762. Gal. fran?. (1823) 3:159. Grevedon del. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:69. La Tour p.* (pastel, St Quentin mus.) — ser. 3, 30:218. Le- moyne sc. Augustin de Saint-Aubin eng.* (bust) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 120. De La Tour p. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran^. (1898) 6:544. Aved p. Balechou eng. Por. d. hommes et d. femmes (1792) pi. 49. De la Tour p. Moitte sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18' sifscles (1805) 2:pl. 141. Blanchard sc. after min- iature. Restout, Gal, frany. (1771) 1 :pl. 23. Do la Tour p. Moitte sc. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12; pi. 2642. eng. — 13:pl. 383. Pigalle sc. J. Bemardi eng. (statu^ CR^CY, comte de, Gaucher de Ch&tillon, 1250- 1329. See Chfttillon. comte de, Ferdinand Denis, 1744-1810. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:39. Labadye del. Courlx' sc. CREDA, J. Mexican colonel. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:732. wdct. CREDI, Lorenzo di, 1453-15352 .Vet j. (1901) 53:48. Lorenzo di Crt'di p.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pit- tori (17(‘)0) pi. 103. eng. CREE, Thomas K. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:266.* CREECH, Thomas, Fellow of All Souls, Oxford, 1659-1700. Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 18. Willem Sonmans p.* (Bodleian library'.) CREE LM AN, James, 1859- Bookman (1902) 16:310.* —(1904) 19:36.* CREEVEY, Thomas, 1768-1823. Ceeevey papers (1904) 1: front, drawing.* Mrs Thomas (Elizabeth Ord) papers (1904) 2: front. J. Hoppner p.* Ckeevey CREGAN 361 CREW CK.EGAN, Michael, politician. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:413. wdct. CREGIER, De Witt Clinton, mayor of Chicago, 1829-98. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:185. wdct. John A. fireman. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:377 CREIGHTON, James. Arminian mag. (1785) 8:241 (age 45) John Andrew, 1831- Cath. world (1895) 61:289. Mandell, bp. of London, 1843-1901. Art]. (1900) 52:172 H. Herkomer p.* (enamel) Baldry, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 66. Herkomer p. J. H. L. Hyatt sc.* (enamel) Book.man lit. year bk. (1901) front.* Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:41.* Critic (1896) 29:322. M. Fresner f.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:238.* —(1896) 108:651.* —(1896) 109:587. A. Fore-stier del.* —(1899)115:546.* —(1901) 118: Jan. 19, sup. p. 1.* Interkat. studio (1903) 19:173. Herkomer p.* (enamel) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 54:124. Herkomer p.* Lit. year bk. (1901) front.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 99.* Rotiienstein Eng. por. (1898) pi. 5. Will Rothenstein del. 1897 lith. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 61. Herkomer f.* (enamel) V’anity fair album (1897) 29:pl. 683. F. T. D. f. lith. (caricature) M rs Mandell (Louise von Glehn) 1850- Illcs. Ijond. news (1896) 109:469.* CRELE, Joseph, 1726- Harper’s w. (1865) 9:445. wdct. CRELINGER, Frau Auguste, actress, 1795-1865. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1881) 16:340. F. Kruger del. R. Bong sc. (with 2 daughters) CRELL, Nikolaus, 1550 1-1601. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenformation (1893) 374. eng.* CREMER, John, d. 1610. Cotman, Sepulchral bra&scs (1839) 2:pl. 90. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815. (with family, Snettesham church, Norfolk) William Randall, m. p. 1838- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:511.* Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1611.* Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:950.* CR^MIEUX, Adolphe, 1796-1880. L’.Art (1876) 5:244. Pierre Narcisse Jacques sc. Saint-Elme Gautier del. Gillotsc. — (1904) 63:433. Dantan jeune sc.* (statuette) Bulle, Gesch. des 2d kaiserreichcs (1890) 517. Aug. Biy lith.* Hector Jonathan, dramatist, 1828-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:455.* CREMONINI, Giovanni Battista, d. 1610- Mal- VASiA, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:225. eng. Giuseppe, singer. Bookman (1901) 13:254 (as Caverdassi in La Tosca) CRIEQTJY, marquis de, Charles de Blanchefort, marshal, 1578-1638. Dreux du Radier, L'Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. M. Lane eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1381. N. F. O. Tassaert p. Masson eng. marechal de, Francois de Blanchefort, 1625-87. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:541. contcmp. eng.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1888) scr. 2, 37:463. Claude Mellan f. Iconog. de Mme de S4vign6 pi. 45. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 8:pl. 1419. Henri Decaisne p. J. Do Mare eng. CR^QUY family name. See title Jamac; Lcs- diguiferes. CR^QUY ET CANAPLES, Mme de, Marie (d’Acignd) w. of Jean, d. 1558. See Acignd. CRESPEL-DELLISSE, Louis Francois Xavier Joseph, 1789-1865. Soc. Montyon & Franklin, Por. hist, des hommes utiles, 3:275. Durupt p. Bossel- mann sc. CRESPI, Daniele, 1590-1630. Art). (1870) 22:37 MofcKE, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 47. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. Giuseppe Maria, 1665-1747. Dezallier d’jVr- GENVILLE, Vie des plus fameux p>cintres (1762) 2:207. Aubert sc. MotCKE, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. CRESPIGNY. See De Crespigny. CRESPO, Joaquin, pres, of Venezuela, 18451-98. Harper’s mag. (1895) fe:106. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:367, 943. wdct. —(1896) 40:41. wdct. —(1897) 41:1205. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:46. CRESSON, Guillaume Ernest, 1824- L’Ami d. monuments (1901) 15:319. Paris salon (1897) 94. Dalou sc.* (bust) CRESSY, Dorothy. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 1600, pi. 110. G. Kneller p. R. Williams eng. CRESTI, Domenico (H Passig^ano) 1560-1638. MoOcke, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 7. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. CRESWELL, John Angel James, 1828-91. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:193, 216. wdct. Joseph, 1844- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:662. eng. CRESWICK, Thomas, painter, 1811-69. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:53. wdct. after photo. CRET7TZ, grefve, Carl Gustaf. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 48, fig. 16. Alexander Cooper p.* (Gothenburg mus.) CR^VANT, Louis de, 1628-94. See Humiferes, due d’. CRilVECtEXJR, Philippe de, d. 1494. See Es- querdes, seigneur d’. CREW (of Stene), 3d haron, Nathaniel Crew, bp. of Oxford, 1633-1722. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 195. John Riley p.* Earlom, Por. of char. Dun- karton eng. Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1814) 8:371. eng. Sir Ranulphe, chief justice, 1558-1646. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3: 1031. W. Hollar f. CREWE 362 CEITCHETT CREWE, 1st earl of, Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes, 1858- Baily’s mag. (1896) 66:333. W. J. Allingham sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:263.* —(1899) 114:570,* 615-16. Vanity fair album (1892) 24:pl. 606. Spy f. lith. (caricature) countess of, Lady Margaret (Primrose) w. of 1st earl, 1881- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:570,* 615, 616. (of Crewe) 1st baron, John Crewe, 1742-1829. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 5. Sir Joshua Rey- nolds p. 1760-68.* (of Crewe) baroness, Frances (Greville) w. of 1st baron, d. 1818. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:262. Sir J. Reynolds p.* (with Mrs Bouverie) Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 36. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1772. S. W. Reynolds eng. (of Crewe) Sd ftaron. Hunger! ord Crewe, 1812-94. Vanity fair album (1882) 14:pl. 386. Spy f. lith (caricature) Mrs. Connoisseur (1904) 9:47. Gardner p. Thomas Watson eng. lith. Elizabeth and Emma. .Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 108. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1766-70.* Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 32. Reynolds p. John Dixon sc. Frances. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 8. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (child por.) John Frederick, 1788-1840. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 92. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1776.* (child por. as Henry VIII) Reynolds, Engravings, 1 : pi. 36. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1776. S. W’^. Reynolds eng. (child por. as ifenry VIII) CREWS, LauraHope, actress. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:137.* (as Rosie in Merely Mary Ann) CRICHTON, Lady Elizabeth Penelope, aftw. w. of John Stuart (Lord Mount-Stuart) d. 1797. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 26. Sir Henry Raeburn p. 1793.* (with mother, Margaret, countess of Dum- fries) Bookman (1903) 16:558. Raeburn p.* (with mother, Margaret, countess of Dumfries) James, the Admirable, 1560-82? Caw, Scot- tish por. (1903) 1:48. p.* (Airth por.) Sir James, of Frendraught, d. 1650. Geddes, Musa Latina Aberdonensis (1892) 1:296. George Jamesonc p.* Lady [James], Elizabeth (Gordon) Geddes, Musa Latina Aberdonensis (1892) 1:298. George Jamesone p.* Patrick, colonel, d. 1823. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 1.55. John Kay f. 1794 & eng. CRICHTON family name. See also titles Dumfries; Erne. CRICHTON-BROWNE family name. See Browne. CRICHTON-STUART family name. See title Bute. CRICKETT, John. Meth. mag. (1805) 28:145. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 66) CRILLON, due de, Louis Alexandre, 1742-1806. Bioo. modeme (1807) 2:511. Godefroy del. Massard sc. Louis Balbis de Berton de, 1543-1615. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Van Dyck p. T. Balechou eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1836) 4:pl. 5. Chasselat del. Contenau sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18' sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 137. Blanchard sc. after p. (miniature) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1597. Bernard Gaillot p. Bosq eng. CREMMINS, John Daniel, 1844- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:111. CRINKLE, Nym, yseud. of Andrew Carpenter Wheeler, 1835-1903. See Wheeler. CRIPPS, Charles Alfred, m. p. 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110: 174.* Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 147. Walter W. Ouless p.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 7.50. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Henry William, 1815-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:239.* Julia and Rosie, dau. of W. H. Cripps. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 121. W. Llewellyn p.* CRISP, Misses, 3 dau. of F. Crisp. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 69. C. M. Q. Orchardson p.* Charles Frederick, m. c. 1845-96. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 26. Harper’s w. (1891) 35: 1020. wdet. —(1892) 36:340. wdet. —(1893) 37:26. wdet. Frank. Vanity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 470. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Fred. Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 566. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CRISPI, Francesco, 1819-1901. Acad. (1899) 57:154. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:714.* L’Art (1891) 51:125-27 (7 caricatures) Cent. (1894) 27:209.* Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:179. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:780. wdet. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:137.* Illus. Lond. news 1887)91:454. —(1891)98:171.* —(1901) 119:227* Oncken, Das zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:903.* Outlook (1901) 69:58. V. Gribay^doff del.* R. OF rev. (1895) 11:298* (in 1894) CRISPINA, w. of emperor Commodus. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2: pi. 64. bust.* (Capitol, Rome) CRISPUS, Flavius Julius, a. of Constantine the Great, d. 326. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kalser- hauses (1889) 9: pi. 4, fig. 268. medal.* with Constan- tine the Great and Constantino II) — 9: pi. 5, fig. 271-72. medals.* CRITCHETT, George, oculist, 1817-82. Iixus. Lond. news (1882) 81:497.* CRITCHETT 363 CROKER Sir George Anderson, oculist, 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:730.* Koy. acad. pict. (1898) 101. Frederick Goodall p.* Kichard Claude, 1853- See Carton, II. C. pseud. CKITTENDEN, John Jordan, c. s. senator, 1787-1863. Am. rev. (1846) 4:325. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:277. Chappel p. eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:408. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4:240. photo, after daguerr. 1851 ?* For. m. (1863) 1:68. wdct. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 235. Mrs John Jordan (Elizabeth Moss) Ellet, Queens of Am. soc. (1867) 327. eng. John Jordan, lieutenant, d. 1876. Cent. (1892) 21:382.* Thomas Leonidas, general, 1819-93. Cent. (1886) 9:750.* Harper’s w. (1862) 6:273. wdct. —(1893) 37:1048. wdct. Thomas Theodore, gov. of Mo. 1832-1905. Arena (1896) 16:46.* Harper’s w. (1880) 24:817. wdct. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 241. E. G. Williams eng. CRIVEL, Enrique, fl. 1407. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (18^) l:pl. 36. Carderera del. after p. Rufino Casado lith. (tomb, convent of San Do- mingo, Alcaraz) Duila Elvira (Sanchez de Villodre) w. of Enrique Crivel. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1855) l:pl. 36. Carderera del. after p. Rufino Casado lith. (tomb, convent of San Domingo, Alcaraz) CRIVELLI, Giovanni. Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 14:^- 59. Donatello sc.* (tablet, St Maria in Araceli, Rome) Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1903) 65:65. Donatello f.* (tablet, church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome) Lucrezia, mistress of Lodovico il Moro. Bur- lington mag. (1904) 5:209. Bernardo Martini (Zen- ale) p. 1490?* See m Holland’s Heroologia. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:8. Holbein p. W. Holleng. Holland, Herooologia anglica (1620) 6. eng. L\mp (1904) 28:98. Hans Holbein del.* (study from Davies’s Holbein, Wilton house) Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:571. Lodge, Por. (1835) l:pl. 11. Holbein f. S. Freeman eng. Pollard, Henry VHI (1902) 180. Holbein p. 1537* (coll, of countess of Caledon) Shakespeare illus. (1793)1 : pi. 70. Holbt'in p. S. Harding del. Schiavon- etti sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 4.5. Holbein p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:7. Hol- bein f. eng. Walm.sley, Physiog. por. (1822) v. 1. Holbein p. Andrew Duncan eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 54. P. Stout ex. 1553. John Filian sc. William Nelson. World’s work (1904) 8:4876.* CRONACA, II, 14.54-1.509. See Pollajuolo, Simone. CRONEGE, freiherr von, Johann Friedrich, 1731-.58. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 148. J. M. Bemigroth eng. 1760.* CRONISE, Florence. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:697. CRONJi, Pietrus Amoldus, general, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:288. CRONWRIGHT, Mrs Olive (Schreiner) 1863- See Schreiner, Olive. CROOK, George, maj.-gen. 1828-90. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:661. wdet. —(186.5) 9:389. wdet. —(1883) 27:493. wdet. —(1888) 32:280. wdet. — (1890) 34:251. wdet. Nicolay & Hav, Lincoln (1890) 9:400.* John. Arminian mag. (1793) 16:225 (ago 49) CROOKES, Sir William, 1832- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:.53.* —(1898) 113:338.* Pop. sci. m. (1877) 10:641. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 6:198. eng. Vanity fair album (1903) 35:pl. 879. Spy del. lith. (caricatun>) CROOKS, Adam, 1827- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2:139. lith. Rev. George Richard, 1822-97. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:().32. wdet. —(1873) 17:916. wdet. —(1897) 41:234. William, m. p. 1852- Ili.us. Lond. news (1903) 122 :424.* Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:320.* Wilham H. colonel. World’s work (1902) 4:2314.* CROPSEY, Jasper Francis, painter, 1823-1900. Book buyer (1902) 24:283. CROSBIE, viscotintess, Diana (Sackville-Ger- maine) qfiw. countess of Glandore, 17.56-1814. .:1jim- CROSBIE 367 CROUCH STRONG, Reynolds (1900) 116. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1779.* Fagan, EnOTavin^ in Elng. (189.3) 2: pi. 64. Reynolds p. 1779. W. Dickin.son sc.* IIirtii, Der formenschatz (1893) pi. 32. Reynolds p. Dickinson eng. 1779. Masters in art (1900) pt. 7, l:pl. 8. Reynolds p. 1779.* Phillu»s, Sir J. Reynolds (1894) 272. Reynolds p. W. Dickenson eng.* John TalbotDamley Talbot-, licut. col., 1843- Baily’s mag. (1891) 56:361. W. Rofle sc. after photo. CROSBY, Brass, lord mayor, 1725-93. Lond. mag. (1771) 40:216. eng. C. P. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:209. wdct. Ebenezer, 1753-88. Cincinnati, Institution (1886) 188. R. O’Brien eng. Enoch, 1750-1835. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:307. Ernest Howard, 1856- Arena (1901) 25:353. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:235. wdct. Rev. Howard, 1826-91. Arena (1890) 1:375.* Eclectic mag. (1874) 82:641. G. E. Ferine eng. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:485. wdct. — (1881) 25:365. wdct. — (1891) 35:252. wdct. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:298. Ferine eng. John. Arminian mag. (1795) 18:473. Win. Ridley sc. (age 37) John Schuyler, colonel, 1839- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:767. wdct. Nathan, 1798-1885. Bay state m. (1884) 1 : 183. wdct. Wilham Bedlow, 1786-1865. N. Y. oeneal. & biog. record (1898) 29:183. Waldo p. 1812.* Mrs William Bedlow (Harriet Ashton Clark- son) d. 1859. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog. record (1898) 29:183. Waldo p. 1812.* William George, 1805-81. Me. hist. & geneal. recorder (1887) 4:1.53. William Otis, geologist, 1850- Pop. sci. m. (1899) 55:457. CROSLAND, Sir Joseph, m. p. 1826-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:320.* Thomas William Hodgson, author, 1868- Bookman (1902) 16:1.* Critic (1902) 41:294.* CROSLEY, George W. colonel, 1839- Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1 :369. CROSMAN, Henrietta, aftw. Mrs Maurice Campbell, 1870- Book buyer (1901) 22:94* (as Nell Gwyn) Bookman (1900) 12:391 (as Nell Gwynn) Critic (1900) 37:544 (as Mistress Nell) —(1901)38:395* (as Mistress Nell) —(1902)41:396* (in The sword of the King) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:373* (as Rosalind) —(1903) 47:1375* —(1904) 48:437* (as Sweet Kitty Bellairs) CROSS, 1st viscouTit, Sir Richard Assheton Cross, 1823- Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 2:121. lith. after photo. Ewald, Boaconsfield & his times (1882) 2:325. G. Cook eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65: 178.* Harper’s w. (1885) 29:401. wdct. Illcs. Lond. news (1874) 64:365. wdct. after photo. —(1885) 86:050.* —(1895) 107:5.* Men of mark (1880) 4:pl. 1. photo. Notables of Brit. (1897) 38.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6:pl. 171. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) — (1881) 13: front. 2, lith. after caricature. Benjamin, 1786-1857. Simpson, Em. Phila- delphians (18.59) 269. A. B. Walter eng. after daguerr. David. Southern n. h. bar assoc. Pub. (1892) 1, pt. 1:31. A. H. Ritchie eng. David W. 1814- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:430. eng. Edward Ephraim, 1832-63. Cent. (1886) 11:291.* Waite, N. H. in the great rebellion (1873) 262. G. E. Ferine eng. George N. educator. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:81. Henry, 1865-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:507.* John Woodrow. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 100. Solomon J. Solomon p.* Mrs Marian (Evans) Lewes, 1819-80. See Eliot, George, 'pseud. Rev. Thomas TJttermore, 1851-93. Banks, Blundell’s worthies (1904) 208.* William, naturalist, d. 1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:535.* Wilham Henry, m. p. 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:19.5.* CROSSFIELD, Wilham, of Liverpool, Eng. Harper’s w. (18^) 43:894. CROSSLEY, Ada, .singer. Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 3:6.* Sir Francis, 1st hart. 1818-72. Baines, York- shire past & present, 1:1. eng. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2:pl. 27. D. J. Pound eng. after photo, Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:57. wdct. after photo. Sir Savile Brinton, 2d hart. 1857- Illus. Loud, news (1902) 121:810.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 5.53. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CROSSMAN, James A. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:296. wdct. CROSWELL, Wilham, 1804-51. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:216. wdct. CROTCH, Wilham, composer, 1775-1847. Euro- pean mag. (1822) 82:299. W. Derby p. J. Thomson sc. CROUCH, Mrs Anna Maria (Philhps) singer, 1763-1805. European mag (1^5) 48:323. Alex. Pope p. Ridley eng. Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) 101. J. R. Smith eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:214. print* (in Beggar’s opera) Gra\"es & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1096. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 2:437. W. Greatbatch eng. Monthly mirror CROUCH 368 CRUICKSHANK (1801)11:115. Hutchinson p. Ridley en^ Ward& Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:32. George, Romney p.* 1787 (coll, of J. Ii. McFadden) — 2:t.-p. Romney p.* (sketch, coll, of Thos. Agnew & sons) Frederich William NicoUs, composer, 1808-96. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:858. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:486.* CROT7SAZ, Jean Pierre de, pliilosopher, 1663- 1750. Read, Hist, studies in Vaua (1897) 2:279. CHOUSE, George Washington, 1832- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:614. eng. CROUSILIiAT, Antoine Blaise. Cent. (1893) 24:46. A. Castaigne p.* CROW EAGLE, Sioux chief. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:181. CROW, Crazy. Caulfield, For. mem. & char. (1819) 3:215. R. Grave sc. Wayman, of St Louis. Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:515. CROWDEN, Charles T. inventor. Illus. Lond news (1898) 112:192. CROWE, Eyre, painter, 1824- Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:437. wdet. after photo. Sir Joseph Archer, 182.5-96. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:734. —(1896) 109:326. CROWELL, Isaiah, 1779-1864. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:775. J. H. Buflord lith. John, of Haverhill, Mass., 1823-90. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:22.50. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. CROWLE, John Charles, antiquarian. Cusx, Hist. soc. of Dilettanti (1898) 226. Sir Joshua Rey- nolds p.* (group) CROWLEY, Mary Catherine, author. Catii. world (1897) 65:424. Critic (1902) 40:302. Cul- len, Irish in Boston (1890) 282. eng. CROWNINSHEELD, Frederic, 1845- Bookman (1900) 12: 101. Critic (1903) 42:232.* Mrs Schuyler (Mary Bradford) Bookman (1898)7:99. Critic (1900) 37:304. CROWQUILL, Alfred, pseud, of Alfred Henry Forrester, 1804-72. See Forrester. CROWTHER, liev. Jonathan, 1760-1824. Armin- lAN mag. (1794) 17:169. Wm. Ridley eng. (age 32) Metii. mag. (1813) 36: 161. Jackson p. Hollsc. Wes- leyan Meth. mag. (1837) 60:481. James Hill p. T. A. Dean eng. Robert. Arminian mag. (1792) 15:393 (age 27) Samuel Adjai, bp. of Niger territory, 1810-91. Illus. Ijond. news (1892) 100:47.* Timothy. Arminlvn mag. (1793) 16:171. Rid- ley sc. (age 35) Metii. mag. (1814) 37:241. J. Jack- son p. Holl sc. CROY, due de. Reber u. Baversdorffer, Klass. bilderschatz (1896) 8:pl. 1105. Hans Memling p.* (Antwerp mus.) due de, Charles Alexandre, 1574-1624. Allen, Masterpieces (1884) l:pl. 34. Van Dyck p. Rabb etch. wdet. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 13:13. Van Dyck p.* Reber u. Bayersdorffer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899) ll:pl. 1497. Ant. van Dyck p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) duchesse de, Genevihve {marquise d’Urfd) w. of Charles Alexandre. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 15. A. Van Dyck p. Pet. de Joden sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 13:12. A. Van Dyke p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Reber u. Bayersdorffer, Klass. bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1607. Ant. van Dyck p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) duchesse de, Marie Claire. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1258. Van Dyck p. C. Waumans eng. Emmanuel, prince de Mceurs et de Solre, 1718- 84. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 54. Vauchelet p. Sisco eng. CROY family name. See also titles Chifevres; Chimaj'; Havre. CROZAT, Mme Marguerite, w. of Antoine Crozat. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:472. Jacques Aved p. C. H. Waltner sc. CROZIER, M. Portfolio (1891) 22:179. Louis Galliac f.* John, 1822- Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:1. W. J. Allingham sc. after photo. John Baptist, bp. of Ossory, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111: 758.* Robert, 1827-95. Green bag (1892) 4:32.5.* William, 1855- Oltlook (1899) 62:25.* CRUCIGER, Kaspar, 1504-48. Eclectic mag. (1859) 48:580. P. A. Labouchere p. John Sartain eng. Verheiden, Aibeeldingen (1603) 32. eng. CRUDEN, Alexander, 1701-70. Cuambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 2:front. T. Fry del. W. Holl eng. CRUGER, John, 1710-92. Harper’s mag. (1891) 83:506. eng. from The colonial records.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1720. p.?* Mao. of Am. hist. (1877) 1: front, eng. N. i . geneal. & biog. record G875) 6:76. G. R. Hall eng. after p. (N. Y. Chamber of com- merce) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 43. St Memin del. & eng. 1776.* Peter, merchant. St Memin Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 120. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Stephen van Rensselaer, 1844-98. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:676. wdet. CRUICKSHANK, John, prof, of mathematics d., 1875. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:54. Sir John Watson Gordon p.* CRUIKSHANK 369 CULLUM CRTJIKSHANK, Mrs, of Langley Park. Ar.m- STEOXG, Raeburn (1901) 50. Sir Henrv Raeburn p. 1805.* Edwin Allen, 1843- H.\rper’s mag. (1888) 77:929. George, 1792-1878. Ccst, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:275. William Behnes sc.* (bust) G.\rnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:235. D. Maclise f.* H.\rper’s mag. (1875) 51:505. George Cruikshank del. 1871. eng. (age 79, caricature) Harper’s w. (1875) 19:417. woct. — (1878) 22:208. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:153. —(1881) J. A. Acton sc.* (bust, St Paul’s catb.) Maclise gall. 106. Daniel Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del. Mag. of art (1880) 3: 170. wdct. after photo. — (1897) 20:266. Cruikshank del.* William, gr. s. of George. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:165. William Cruikshank del. wdct. William Cumberland, anatomist, 174.5-1800. European mag. (1787) 12: 171. I. Corner del. & eng. M.ag. of art (1900) 24:362 (2 por.) James Tassie f.* Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. 3:ph 6. Gabriel Smart f. W. & F. Holl eng. CRUM, Walter Erskine. Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 645. Spy f. lith. (caricature) CRUMMELL, Alexander, 1819-98. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:237. wdct. CRUMP, Frederick Octavius, legal writer, 1840- 1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:535.* Sir William John, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:730.* CRUSE, Thomas, of Helena, Mont. Harper’s mag. (18^) 77:591.* M.ag. of West. hist. (1901) 13:721. eng. CRUSSOL, baronne de. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:446. Vig6e Lebrun p. J. Pa 3 rrau sc. (Tou- louse mus.) CRUTCHLEY, Mrs Charles. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:550. C. E. Halle p.* CRUZ, Fernando. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:216. wdct. CUBIT, Rev. George. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1835) 58:889. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. CUB ITT, AJick and Harry, s. of Hon. Henrv. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 117. William R. Symonds p'.* Hugh and Rowley, s. of Hon. Henrv. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 70. W. R. Symonds p.*' Maria Caroline, singer. La belle assemble (1818) n. s. 17:51. Rose Emma Drummond p. J. Thomas eng. Sir William, 1756-1861. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 52. Sir William Boxall p.* CUBITT family name. See also title Ashcombe. CUFF, William, pres. Baptist Union. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:520.* 24288—06 24 CUFFE, Hamilton John Agmondesham, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:526.* CUFFE family name. See also title Desart. CUGLEERERO, Angelo, sculptor. L’Art (1887) 42:47. C. E. Wilson del. eng. CUI, Cesar, musician, 1835- L’Art (1894) 56:249, 255. Gillot sc. after photo. — 59, pt. 1:497. Repine p. Henri Courselles-Dumont del. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 130. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:847.* CUIGNET, commandant. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:350. CUJAS, Jacques, jurist, 1522-90. Bullart, .\cad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:244. N. L’armessin sc. Gal. frany. (1821) l:pl. 12. Cujas del. Rulmann del. Seidlitz, Portnltwerk (1894) l:pl. 100. .\eg. Rous- selet sc.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1993. Bernardi eng. after p. CULANT, baron de, Louis, admiral, 1.360 ?-1444. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. v. 4: pi. 8. H. Pigeot eng. CULAJJT-CIRE, marquis de, Rene Alexandre, 1718-99. Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:514. Moreau del. Courbe sc. CULBERSON, Charles Allen, u. s. senator, 1855- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:136. CULBERTSON, Rev. Robert, 1765-1823. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 252. John Kay f. & eng. CULLEN, Edgar Montgomery, 1843- ILarper’s w. (1900) 44:46. Paul, R. c. abp. of Dublin, 1803-78. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:580. wdct. —(1878)22:957. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:421. wdct. after photo. Robert, d. 1810. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 282. John Kay f. 1799. — 2:300. John Kay f. & eng. 1808. William, m. d. 1710-90. Ch.ambers, Em. Scots- men (1847, 1855)2:18. W. Cochrane p. William How- ison eng. European mag. (1803) 44:251. Ridley sc. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 103. John Kay f. 1784. — 1 :104. John Kay f. 1787. Lives of Brit, physi- cians (1830) 204. D. Martin f. W.C. Edwards. Petti- < grew, Med. por. gall. (1840) 4:pl. 3. Martin f. 1777. F. Holl eng. ? CULLOM, Shelby Moore, u. s. senator, 1829- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 221. Harper’s mag. ( 1899) 98 : 508. Harper’s w. (1883) 27 : 61 . wdct . —(1898) 42:726. —(190.3) 47:44.* .Moses, III. hist. & statistical (1892) 2:840. R. of rev. (1903) 27:27.* ScxjTT, Distin. ,\m. lawyers (1891) 249. World’s work (1902) 3:1.574.* CULLUM, George Washington, general, 1809-92. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:243. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1867) 10: front. .\. H. Ritchie eng. Por. m. (1864) 1:188. wdct. CULLUM 370 CUMMINGS Sir John, 1733-85. Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1814) 8:209. Angelica Kauffman p. 1778. J. Basire sc. CULME-SEYMOUR, Sir Michael, Sd hart, ad- miral, 1836- See Seymour. CULPEPER family name. See Colepeper. CULVER, Reuben, of Ohio, 1798- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:95. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. CUMBERLAND, 1st duke of, Rupert, 1619-82. See Rupert, prince of Bavaria. 2d duke of, George (of Denmark) husband of Queen Anne, 1653-1708. See George (England) 3d earl of, George Clifford, 1558-1605. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:260. eng.* Clowes, Roy. navy (1897) 1:525. C. Picart eng. after p.? wdct. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 1 :61. p. 1588.* Earlom, Por. of char. J. Oliver p. C. Turner eng. (miniature Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 6. Isaac Oliver p. 1594* (miniature) Holland, Her&iologia anglica (1620) IM. eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 4:{>1. 3. W. T. Fry eng. Williamson, Hist, of jxir. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 9, fig. 1. Nicholas Hilliard p.* (Montagu house) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 30. I. Oliver f.* countess of. Lady Margaret (Russell) w. of 3d earl, 1560-1616. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:7^. eng. after p. (coll, at Gorhambury) Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:61. p.* (age 25) Th.ane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:11. eng. after p. ? (coll, at Gorham- bury) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2 : 168. Becquet eng. 3d duke of, Wilham Augustus, s. of George II, 1721-65. Browne, Hist, of Highlands (1843) 3:200. eng. CuNNiNGHA.M, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 6:front. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. Freeman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :265. C. Jervais p.* — 1:265. D. Morier p.* — 1:265. Reynolds p.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1^7. medal. 1746. Ha.m- iLTON, First or Grenadier Guards (1874) 2:104. T. Hudson p. T. Faber eng. Jesse, Mem. of court of Eng. (1843) 2: front. Kneller p. John Cook sc. (with queen Caroline) Lang, Prince Charles Edward (1900) 132. Reynolds p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hisL por. 4:pl. 33. John Wooton p.* (equestr. por.) — 4: pi. 38. Reynolds p.* Wilkins, Caroline the Ulus. (1901) 2:front.* (child por. with queen Caroline) Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 1 :236, 237, 299, 414, 415, 429. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricatures, 1746- 65) 4tk duke of, Henry Frederick, bro. of George HI, 174^90. ANGLO-Saxon rev. (lfk)l) 10:66. Gain.s- l>orough p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 76. Gains- borough p.* (Royal coll.) (with wife) Lond. mag. (1771) 40:581. eng. (with wife) Reynolds, En- gravings, 2:pl. 45. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1773. S. W. Reynolds eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 34. Gainsborough p.* (with wife) duchess of. Lady Anne (LuttreU) w. of 4th duke, 1743-1809. .\NGLO-Saxon rev. (1901) 10:63. Gains- borough p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 76. Gains- borough p.* (Royal coll.) (with husband) — p. 100. Gainsborough p. V. Green mezzo. La belle assem- blde (1806) 1, pt. 2:505. Revnolds p. M. A. Bourlier eng. Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 216. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:244. Gainsborough p.* Lady’s mag. (1771) 2: 152. Ladys’ m. mus. (1809) n. s. 7:169. Mackenzie sc. Lond. mag. (1771) 40:581. eng. (with husband) So. Kensi.ngton, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 34. Gainsborough p.* (with husband) Walpole, Lt'tters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 8:20. Reynolds p. Cook sc. Walpole, Letter to Mann (1^3) 2: front. Reynolds p. Cook sc. 5th duke of, Ernest Augustus, s. of George HI, 1771-1851. See Ernst August, king of Hanover. duchess of, w. of 5th duke, 1778-1841. See Friede- rike, queen of Hanover. 6th duke of, George, grandson of George III, 1819-78. See Georg V, king of Hanover. 7th duke of, Ernest Augustus, 1845- See Braunschweig-Liineburg, herzog zu. duchess of Thyra (of Denmark) w. of 7th duke, 1853- See Braunschweig-Liineburg, herzogin zu. Miss, dau. of Richard. Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) portfolio:pl. 5. George Romney p. J. R. Smith eng. Richard, dramatist, 1732-1811. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:22. Holl sc. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 35. J. Clover f. E. Scriven eng. Chalmers, Brit, essay- ists (1803) 41:front. W. Lane del. J. Neagle sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:53. Romnev p.* European mag. (1809) 56:3. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:374. Romney f-* Monthly mirror (1797) 4:193. Romney p. Ridley eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:323. Clover f. Scriven eng.* CUMING, Edward William, colonel. Mackenzie, Hist, records of 79th Cameron Highlanders (1887) 160. James, m. d. 1834-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:311.* James R. Green bag (1899) 11:463.* John, 1759-1824. See Leslie, John. William, .m. d. 1714-88. Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (. 815) 9:589. Beach p. 1783. Sharp sc. 1785. GUMMING, Sir Arthur, admiral, 1817-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:234.* Rev. John, 1807-81. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 72: pi. 9. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:724. wdct. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 44. lith. after caricature. William, Edinburgh banker, d. 1790. Kay, Grig, por. (1877) 2: pi. 225. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. Sir William Gordon-, 1848- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:4.52. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:731. drawing?* — 98:736. V’anity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 227. Ape f. lith. (caricature) CUMMINGS, Amos Jay, m. c. 1841-1902. Amer- ica’s grtst men & women (1894) 52. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:1227. CUMMINGS 371 CUNNINGHAM Asa, 1790-1856. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 65. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. J. W. R. c. priest, 1824-66. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:65. wdet. — (1866) 10:45. wdet. James, N. y. merchant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. W. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.’*’ Mrs James. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 737. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* John, 1812-98. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1899) 53:273. eng. John C. Pop. sci. m. (1899) 55:452. Rev. Joseph, 1817-90. Gleason’s pictorial (1853)5:268. Peirce sc. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1888)32:49. wdet. Prentiss, 1840- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2115. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Thomas Harrison. Cath. world (1893) 57 : 857. Thomas Seir, artist, 1804-94. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:863. Ixissing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:216. G. E. Perine eng. William Hayman, composer, 1831- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 131. Alex. Gribay^dolf del.* Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:747.* William Huse of Lisbon, N. H. 1817-91. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1722. eng. CUMMINS, Albert Baird, gov. of Iowa, 1850- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:866. —(1902) 46:1322* (with senator Dolliver) Outlook (1902) 70:27.* R. OF rev. (1902) 26:266. —(1904) 29:137. World’s work (1902) 5:2698.* —(1904) 8:4878. George David, bp. of Ky. 1822-76. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pf. 19. J. C. Buttre eng. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 174. James Turner, brig. gen. 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:260.* CUNARD, Sir Bache Edward, 3d hart. 1851- Baily’s mag. (1879) 33:125. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 239. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Cyril, 2 daughters of. Art j. (1904) 56:142. F. Vallet-Bisson p.* (child por.) Sir Samuel, 1st hart. 1787-1865. Dent, Cana- dian por. gall. (1881) 4:182. lith. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:553. CUNDY, William H. printer, 1832-97. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1901) 4:303. CUNHA, Nuno da, 1487-1539. Ruge, Gesch. d. zeitalters d. entdeckungen (1881) 196. from Lendas da India.* CUNHA BARBOSA, Januario da, 1780-1846. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 1:111. Bar- andier p. S. A. Sisson del & lith. CUNINGHAM, Charles, city clerk Edinburgh, d. 1856. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 48. B. W. Crombie f. John, {Lord Cuningham), Scotch judge, 1782- 1854. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 13. B. W. Crombie del. & etch. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 326. John Kay f. 1811 & eng. (or Keningham) Wilham, author, fl. 1586. Dibuin, Typog. antiq. (1819) 4:72. eng. after wdet. in the Cosinographical glasse, 1559. CUNINGHAME, Sir William James Montgom- ery, 9th hart. 1834-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:720.* CUNIO, conie di, Alberico da Barbiano, 1349- 1409. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 37. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 23. G. Stuppi sc. after p. CUNLIFFE-LISTER family name. See title Mashanu. CUNLIFFE-OWEN, Philip, 182S-94. See Owen. CUNNIFF, Michael M. 1850- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 350. CUNNINGHAM, Mrs {alias Burdell) Harper’s w. (1857) 1:301. wdet. Sir Alexander, general, 1814-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:726.* Allan, 1784-1842. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall.(1830) V. 4. J. Moore p. J. Jenkins eng. Maclise gall. 76. Daniel Maelise del. Alfred Croquis del. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 85. William Boxall p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:92. Moore p. Jen- kins eng. Andrew, merchant, 1760-1829. Roberts, Hist, anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:270. Ann Pamela. Am. hist, register (1895) 1:407. Laindin p.* Charles J. 1850- Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:241. W. Allingham sc. after photo. Dan, of W. Va. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:216. Daniel John, prof. Trinity coll. Dublin, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117 : 119.* James, painter, 1721-95. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:144. James Adams, general, 1830- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:692. Mrs James Adams. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2 : 693. Jennie. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:556. wdet. John, poet, 1729-73. Bioo. mag. (1794) Audi- net sc. after drawing. Effigies poeticse (1824) 2:pl. 113. B<‘wick del. J. Thurston del. W. H. Worth- in^on eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 44. Bewick del. Thurston del. Worthin^on eng. John, D. D. 1819-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:310.* Nathaniel, merchant, d. 1748. Roberts, Hist, anc. & hon. artill. co. (1895) 1:445. CUNNIXGHAM 372 CURRY Peter, author, 1816-69. Illus. Lend, news (1892) 100:598. Mrs Virginia (Juhan) actress, 1834- Bal- lou’s pictorial (1859) 16:120. Homer del. Peirce sc. CUNNINGHAM family name. See also title Glen- cairn. CUNNINGHAME-GBAHAM family name. See Graham. CUNNYNGHAM, Mrs John. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 31. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* CUNYNGHAM, William Henry Dick-, lieut.-col. 1851-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:383.* McClure’s mag. (1898) 10:494.* CUNYNGHAME, Sir Arthur Augustus Thur- low, general, 1812^. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:273.* CUPELIN, Edouard, 1840- Cunxinguam & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps (1887) 185.* CURE, Edward Capel, canon of Windsor, 1830-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:707.* CUREAU, Noemi, mistress of Fran(;ois I. Le Roux DE Lincy, Les femmes c61febres (18^) 2:20. Lante del. Gatine sc. lith. CURETON, Sir Charles, general, 1826-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:71.* CURIE, Pierre, prof. 1859-1906. Cent. (1904) 45:455* (with wife and M. Petit) Critic (1904) 44 : 294* (with wife and child) Harper’s mag. ( 1902) 105:365* (with wife) Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:477* (with wife) CURIONE, Ceho Secondo, 1503-69. Iconl’m viros illus. repraesentantium (1599) pi. 24. eng. CURLEWIS, Mrs H. R. {pseud. Ethel Turner) novelist. See 'Turner. CURLING, Jesse. Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:188. F. Babbage eng. after photo. CURLL, Walter, bp. of Winchester, 1575-1647. WooDBURx’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 55. J. Cecill sc. CURRADO, Francesco, 1570-1661. Marrixi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 1 :9. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. MoTcke, Ritratti (1754) 2:pl. 22. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. CURRAN, John Elliott, author. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:468. John Philpot, 1750-1817. Barrington, Hist, mem. (183.5) 2:155. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1809. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1 :23. Hollsc. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 36. J. B. Lane del. after p.l S. Freeman eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:211. p. after style of William Owen.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men (1873) 1:396. eng. after p. European mag. (1818) 73:92. Sir Thoma.s Lawrence p. Henry Meyer eng. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (189.3) 4 :1777. Lawrence f. J. Raphael Smith eng. Green bag (1893) 5:463. — (1900) 12:57. Lawrence p.* Har- per’s mag. (1892) 85:791. death mask.* Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 173. life mask.* Jerdan, Nat. por gall. (1830) v. 3. Lawrence p. C. J. Wagstalf eng. Mag. of art (1901) 25:514. Lawrence p.* Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 31. Lawrence p. Meyer sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 58. Lawrence p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2: 123. Lawrence p. C. J. Wagstalf eng. Wills, Irish nation, 3:316. J. Le Conte eng. Sarah, 1780-1808. Gerard, Some fair Hiber- nians (1897) 87. Romney p.* CURREY, Georg'S, d. u. 1816-85. Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86:. 582.* CURRIE, 1st haron, Sir Pliilip Henry Wodehouse Currie, 1^4- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:822. (1895) 107:627.* —(1896) 109:667.* —(1899) 114:4.* —(1902) 121:984.* Not.^bi.es of Brit. (1897) 71.* Bertram Wodehouse, 1827-96. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:42. Sir Donald, m. p. 1825- Illus. Lond. news. (1892) 100 :Apr. 30, sup. p. 9. W. W. Ouless p.* — (1900) 116:84.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 20. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 447. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Lady [Donald], Margaret (Miller) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: Apr. 30, sup. p. 16. W. W. Ouless p.* Roy. acad. pict. (19C)0) 154. Ouless p.* Rev. Duncan D. ILvrper’s w. (1874) 18:840. wdet. James, of Richmond, Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 588f St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* James, m. d. 1756-1805. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 37. 'T. Hargreaves p. W. T. Fry eng. (minia- ture) Mrs Mark. Art j. (1898) 50:38. Geoige Rom- ney p.* Mag. of art (1898) 22:283. Romney p.* —(1899) 23:289. Samuel, 1816-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:512.* CURRIEHILL, Lord, John Marshall, Scotch judge, 1794-1868. See Marshall. CURRIER, Amos Noyes, 1832- Annals of Iowa (1882) n. s. 1:33. —(1899) ser. 3, 4:49. Charles Warren, 1857- Cath. world (1896) 64:135. John, jr. 1802-87. Cltirier, Old Newbury (1896) 284. Moody, gov. of N. H. 1806-98. Davis, N. E. states (1S97) 3:1693. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:767. wdet. CURRY, Rev. Daniel, 1808-87. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:632. wdet. —(1887) 31 :608. wdet. CURRY 373 CURTISS Daniel, oil mfr. 1832- Vak Si-yck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:208. eng. Jabez Lamar Monroe, 182&-1903. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:100. wdct. —(1861) 5:81. wdct. —(1885)29:682. wdct. —(1900)44:194. K.orrev. (1903) 27:261.* CUKSON, Sir John, d. 1471. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1^9) l:pl. .32. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (with wife; Belaugh church, Norfolk) CUKTEIS, George Herbert, canon of Lichfield, 1825-94. Ii.Lcs. Lond. news (1894) 105:495.* CURTEYS, William, d. 1490. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) l:pl. 39. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (Holm Hale church, Norfolk) CURTI, Girolamo til Dentone) 1576-1631. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:105. eng. CURTIN, Andrew Gregg, gov. of Pa. 1815-94. Cent. (1888) 13:900. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:365. wdct. —(1869) 13:297. wdct. —(1894) 38:991. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1899) 13:270.* Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:112.* Por. m. (1864) 1 : 177. wdct. Jeremiah, translator, 1838- Critic (1900) 36:391* (with Henr}’k Sienkiewicz) Roland Irvin, ensign, U. S. N. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 24:519.* CURTIS, Albert, of Worcester, Mass. 1807- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2202. eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:210. eng. Benjamin Robbins, 1809-74. Carson, Su- preme court (1891) 345. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1889 after photo. Cent. (1887) 12:212. Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1896) 2:543. F. T. Stuart eng. Green bag (1903) 15: 180. eng.* Harper’s w. (1868) 12:244. wdct. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1878) 16:16. F. T. Stuart eng. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 277. Charles Pelham, 1792-1864. Foote, Annals of King’s chapel (1896) 2:537. wdct. Dick, Indian interpreter. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:301. wdct. Edmund, boy poet. Critic (1896) 29: 10. H. H. Bridman del. 18%.* Edwin Upton, mayor of Boston. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1208. wdct. Frederick H. u.s.n. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:693. George Milton, 1844- Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 261. George Redfield, of Meriden, Conn. 1825-93. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:1070. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. George Ticknor, 1812-94. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:316. wdct. R. of rev. (1894) 9:.529. George WilUam, 1824-92. Ballou’s pict. (1855) 9:369. Kilburn del. eng. Book buyer (1893) 10:282. —(1898) 16:154. —(1902) 24:102. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 16. J. C. Buttre eng. Cent. (1883) 3:483.* —(1887) 12:668. —(1892) 23:87. —(1901 ) 41:47* (in 1865?) Critic (1893) 23:73. —(1895) 26:278. daguerr. 1852* (with 'T. Hicks and C. A. Dana) Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:696. Roberts sc. Eclectic mag. (1872) 79:129. G. E. Perine eng. Harper’s inag. (1893) 86:470-71,* 47.3,* 475.* —(1897) 96:140, 145. — (19(K)) 100:962. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:865, 868. wdct. —(190.3) 27:2098. J. Q. A. Ward sc.* (bust) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:326.* Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 329. J. C. Buttre eng. Knickerbocker mag.(1858) .52:441. Buttreeng. Lamp(1904) 28:242.* McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:563. A. St Gaudens sc.* (Leno.x library) — 23:617.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:55. W. G. Jackman eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:397. N. Y. me.m. hist. (1895) 9. Buttre eng. Outlook (1897) 55:695. Putna.m’s m. mag. (1854) 4:1. Samuel Lawrence del. ? II. B. Hall eng. R. of rev. (1892) 6:258, 283, 28.5. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:442. daguerr. 1852?* (with Thomas Ili^s and C. A. Dana) Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:128. photo. Henry Barnes, 1799-1885. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:618. eng. Ouio archseol. & hist. quar. (1888) 1: front. J. Tlmbs, English eccent. (1877) 312. John Harrison, m. d. d. 1860? European mag. (1819) 75:291. J. Shand p. Robert Cooper eng. Joseph Bridgham, lieut.-col. 1836-62. Bart- lett, R. I. officers (1867) 225. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Moses Ashley, botanist, 1808-72. Pop. sci. m. (1889) 34:289. Nathaniel, 1774-1857. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1868) 22:1. II. W. Smith eng. Sir Roger, 1746-1816. European mag. (1782) 2:403. Miller del. Angus eng. Lond. mag. (1783) 52:3. eng. Samuel Ryan, general, 1807-66. Annals of Iowa (1866) 4:625. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1866) 33:581. wdct. — (1889) 79:180. Harper’s w. (1862) 6: 157. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4:432.* Warden Allan, author. Critic (1904) 44:9.* William, botanist, 1746-99. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:24. Holl sc. Botanical mag. Index to v. 1-53 (1828) front. Sir Wilham, 1752-1829. European mag. (1799) 35:147. Drummond p. Bromley eng. William Edmond, 1855- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 348. wdct . — ( 1 900) 44 : ,501 . Wilham Eleroy, 18,50- Book buyer (1901) 23:264. Bookman (190,3) 17:552.* Harper’s w. (1892) ,36:802. wdct. Outlook (1901) 69:901.* Sir William Michael, 4^/i hart, 18.59- Baily’s mag. (1902) 78:373.* CURTISS, John Milton, of Cleveland, O. 1840- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 5:113. eng. CURTIUS 374 CUSTANCE CUHTnJS, Ernst, historian, 1814-96. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:641. Reinhold Lejjsius p.* Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:49. Max Koner p. 1896.* Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:206. eng. Werck- MEi.sTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 205. Max Koner p.* CTJRWEN, John, musician, 1816-80. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:169. William Gush p.* CITRZON, viscounts. See Howe, earls. (of Kedleston), 1st baron, George Nathaniel Curzon, viceroy of India, 1859- Critic 1898) 33:136.* Harper’s w. (1899) 43:506.* Ileus. Lond. news (1891) 99:694.* —(1895) 106:499.* —(1898) 113:257.* —(1903) 122:17.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:52. Marchioness of Granby del.* R. OF rev. (1900) 21:642. Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 594. Spy f. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1901) 1:493. baroness, Mary Victoria (Leiter) w. of 1st baron. Critic (1898) 33: 137.* Harper’s w. (1899) 43:446. —(1902) 46:1532.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:499.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:130.* (of Penn) viscountess, Ann (Meredith) /ormerfy Mrs Barlow Trecothick, w. of 1st viscount, d. 1804. See Trecothick. lion. Frederick Graham, 1868-Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:236. photo. Paul Alfred de, painter, 1820-95. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) sor. 3, 16:273. Mrs Sara Anne, 1833- Catii. world (1896) 63:781. CTJRZON-HOWE family name. See title Howe. CUSANCE, Beatrice de, d. 1663. See Cante- Croix, princesse de. CUSHING, Caleb, 1800-79. Book buyer (1900) 21:44. Buttre, .\m. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 28. eng. Cent. (1887) 12:533.* Currier, Old Newbu^ (1896) 666. De-mocratic rev. (1845) 17:401. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:377. Pierson sc. Green bag (1892) 4: 1. Har- per’s mag. (1875) 51 : 169. eng. IIarper’s w. (1860) 4:300. wdct. —(1872) 16:100. wdct. —(1874) 18:53. wdct. — (1879) 23:53. wdct. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 311* (in 1870) New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:174. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:224.* Raikes, Hist, of bon. artill. co. (1879) 2:454. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:219. Frank Hamilton, ethnologist, 1857-1900_ Cent. (1882) 2:528. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:74| Grafton. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:285. .\lfred E. Sterner del. wdct. (in Joan of Arc) Thomas, 1725-88. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:34. Kilburn sc. after p. Wilham, 1732-1870. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 144. Sharplcss p. 1799. Max Rosenthal etch. 1889 (pastel) Green bag (1901) 13:415. p.* Wilham Barker, u. s. n. 1842-74. Cent. (1888) 14:433. Harper’sw. (1864)8:737. wdct. —(1899) 43:884. II. A. Lukeman sc.* (statue, Dewey arch) Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:48.* CUSHMAN, Ara, of Auburn, Me. 1829- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1346. eng. Charlotte, actress, 1816-74. Book buyer (189.5) 12:566. print* (as Lady Macbeth) — (190O) 20:41. W. II. M atkins p. G. B. Black lith.* (as Mrs Haller) Bookman (1902) 15:131. eng.?* (as Meg Merriles) Cent. (1890) 18:820.* Critic (1904) 45:323.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men (1873) 2:. 554. A. Chappel p. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1 : 184 wdct. Harper’s w. (1876) 20:193. wdct. Leh- mann, Men & women (1896) 18. Rudolf Lehmann p. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 20. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:42^ (as Romeo) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:368. Kilbum sc. George Hewitt, 1814- French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 86. eng. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 212. G. II. Cushman p.* (minia- ture) Henry Irving, d. d. of Providence, R. I. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6: 152. eng. Henry T. jr. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of the Bennington monument (1892) 174. Henry Wyles, 1805-63. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1864) 18:321. II. W. Smith eng. after daguerr. CUSINS, Sir Wilham George, 1833-93. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 131. .\lex. Gribay^doff del.* Buffen, Musical celebrities (1893) ser. 2:73.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:594. —103:310.* CUSPINIAN, Johann (Spiesshammer) 1473- 1529. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz p898) 10: pi. 1347. Bernhard Strigal p.* (with fam- ily, Berlin mus.) CUSSY, Gabriel de, 1739-93. Bioo. moderne (1807) 2:516. Masquelier sc. CUST, Arthur Perceval Purey-, dean of York, 1828- Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:277.* Hon. Henry Cockayne, s. of Lord Brownlow, 1780-1861. .\rt j. (1903) 55:379. Hoppner p.* (with brother John, child por.) Henry John Cockayne, .m. p. 1861- Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:365.* Manners, Por. of men & women (19(X)) pi. 50. Marchioness of Granby del. 1892.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 632. Spy f. (lith. caricature) J/rs Henry John Cockayne (Emmeline Mary Elizabeth Welby-Gregory) Manners, Por. of men & women (1900) pi. 51. Marchioness of Granby del.* Lionel, 1859- Mag. of art (1895) 18:357.* CUST family name. See also title Brownlow. CUSTANCE, H. B.aily’s mag. (1866) 1 1 : t.-p. CUSTER 375 CUSTER, George Armstrong, g- neral, 1839-76. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2; pi. 26. eng. Cent. (1887) 11:458* (equostr. por. 1863) — 11:459 —(1892) 21:360.* —21:374.* Harper’s w. (1864) 8:177. wdct. (equcstr. por.) —8:200. A. R. Waud del. wdct. —(1865) 9:389. wdct. —(1876) 20:601. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4:pl. 31. sketch.* McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:445.* Moore, RebelUon record (1865) 8:66. A. H. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:200.* Scribner’s mag. (1895) 1/ :729-30.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:250. & vignette. —10:252. F. Remington del.* Tomes, War with the South (1862) 3: 3.3.5. J. Rogers sc. after photo. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:103. drawing.* Thomas Ward, captain, 1845-76. Cent. (1892) 21:381. CUSTINE, cmnte de, Adam Philippe, 1740-93. Allo. weltgeschichte (1887) 10: 129. eng.* Gal. hist, de la r6v. franf. pi. 20. Pauquet del. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 66. Mauraisse del.? 1824. Del- pech lith. Oncken, Das Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:507. eng.* Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18“ si^cles (1^5) 2:pl. 111. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Revolution franf. (1801) l:pl. 16. Le Vachez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peiiple 2:pl. 17. Pauquet del. eng. Tableaux hist, de la r^v. franc. (1^4) 3:pl. 41. Levachezsc. TARDiEU,G^n. franc. l:pl. 2. Lambert sc. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1613. Mile Le Baron p. Ducasse eng. CUSTIS, Daniel Parke, 1st h. of Martha Wash- ington. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1900) 2: 49. Harper’s mag. (1853) 7:438. Wool last on p. Lossing Barritt eng. Eleanor Parke, 1779-1852. See Lt>wis, Mrs Lawrence. EUza Parke. See Law, Mrs Thomas. George Washington Parke, 1781-1857. Bax- ter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 489. Cent. (1889) 15:842. p.* (child por.) —15:843. p.* Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1900) 2:69. minia- ture.* H.ARPER’smag. (1853)7:435.eng. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:684. wdct. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 9. John, f. of Daniel. Harper’s mag. (1853) 7:437. & eng. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 414. St emin del. & eng. 1808.* John Parke, s. of Martha Washington, 1753-81. Cent. (1890) 18:25. miniature.* Ford, True George Washington (1897) 30. p.* (with Martha Parke Custis, child por.) — p. 225. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1900) 2:55. Woolaston p.* (with sister Martha, child por.) PLvrper’s mag. (1896) 93:494. minia- ture* (poss. of Gen. Custis Lee, Lexington, Va.) iirs Martha (Dandridge) wid. of Daniel Parke Custis, afhv. w. of George Washington, 1732-1801. See Washington. Martha Parke (Patty) dau. of Martha Wash- ington, d. 1773. Book buyer (1901) 22:206. minia- ture* (poss. of Mrs Kirby F. Smith, Balt.) Ford, True ^orge Washington (1897) 30. Woolaston p.* (with brother John, child por.) (jlenn. Some colonial CUTTING mansions (1900) 2:54. p.* — 2:55. Woolaston p.* (with brother John, child por.) CUSWORTH, Joseph. Meth. mag. (1814) 37:81. Blood sc. CUTCH, rao of. See Kutch. CUTELBERT, Mistress. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1897) ser. 3, 18:250. Thomas Lawrence p.* Anthony. Aii. hist, register (1896) 3:544. sil- houette.* James Latimer, Philadelphia merchant, 1782- 1825. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 198. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* John, 1778-1848. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 185. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* CUTHBERTSON, Sir John NeUson, 1829- Rot. acad. pict. (1904) 151. J. Seymour Lucas p.* CUTLER, Carroll, d. d. 1829-94. New Eng. mag. (1896) n.s. 14:168. Ephraim, 1767-1853. Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:56.5. Jervis, 1768-1844. Hildreth, Early settlers of Ohio (1852) 414. Anderson lith. Lysander, 1806-66. Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 414. eng. Manasseh, 1742-1823. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 219. from Life journals and corresp. of Rev. Manasseh Cotier, Cin. 1888. Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:555. New E.ng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:718. —(1896) n. s. 14:34. —(1901) n. s. 24:454. N. Lake- man f. Ohio archaeol. & hist. quar. (1888) 2: front. J. C. Buttre eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:537. eng. from Harper’s mag. 71:555. Pliny, Boston merchant, 1783- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:327. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Rev. Samuel, 1805-80. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1881) 35:213. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Timothy, 1684-1765. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:214. P. Pelham p. f. 1750.* CUTTER, Ammi Ruhamah, m. d. 1735-1820. Sons of the rev. N. Y. Year book (1896) 81. sil- houette.* Charles Ammi, 1837-1903. Lib. j. (1903) 28:695.* CUTTING, A. K. Am. editor. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:524. wdct. Francis Brockholst, 1805-70. Cent. (1901) 40:813.* Jonas, 1800-76. Green bag (1896) 8:63.* Mrs Mary (Stewart) author, 1851- Bookman (1902) 16:225.* Robert. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:285. Albert E. Sterner del. wdct. (in Wliittington junior) CUTTS 376 DACIER CUTTS, 1st baron, John Cutts, 1661-1707. Cust, Nat. por. gail. (1901) 1:203. William Wissing p.* Richard, .m. c. 1771-1845. Me. hist. soc. Coll. & proc. (1897) ser. 2, 8:1. Stuart p.* CUVIER, baron, Georges, 1769-1832. Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) 65. Cap, Mus. hist. nat. (1854) pt. 1:115. Mine Fournier sc. A. F^art del. & sc. Hakpek’s mag. (1897) 94:675. Iconoo. dcscontenip. (1832) l:pl. 67. Maurin del.? Delpech lith. Impf.k. diet, of univ. biog. 1:1149-50. J. Thomson eng. after p. ? Jardine, Naturalist’s libr. (1841) mammalia, V. 2 : front. Lizars sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1883) 2:150. J. Thomson eng. after p. ? Mennechet, Le Plutarque franp. (1841) 8:pl. 17. Mme de Mirbel et Giraud del. Chollet sc. Petit de Ji lleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franp. (1899) 8:614. Vincent p. Miger eng. Por. gall. (1853) 3:869. J. Thomson sc. after drawing. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 106. N. Jacques del. C. Lorichon sc. Soc. Montj-on et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:75. Mme Lizinka de Mirbel p. T. Richomme sc. Werck- meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 36. Maurin lith.* CUVILLIER-FLEURY, Alfred Auguste, critic, 1802-87. Jour. d. debats, Livre du centen. (1889) 224. J. C. Chaplain p.* CUYLER, Rev. Comehus C. 1783-1850. Simpson, Em. Philadelphians (1859) 273. S. B. Waugh p. J. M. Butler eng. Comehus Cuyler, banker. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1534.* James. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 78. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* John M. 1810 ?-84. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:358. wdet . Rev. Theodore Ledyard, 1822- Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 57. eng. Fowler, Am. pulpit (1856) 331 . J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:169. wdet. —(1885) 29:252. wdet. CUYP, Albert, 1605-91. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:61. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:241. CUZA, Alexander John, prince of Moldavia, 1820- 73. Ba.mbero, Gesch. d. Orient, angelegenheit (1892) 323. lith.* CUZZONI, Francesca, 1700-70. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 1:99. Countess of Bur- lington ? del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (with Farinelli and Heidegger, caricature) CYPRIAN, saint, 200?-258. Thevet, Por. et vies d. illus. hommes (1584) 1:112. eng. CYPRIAN, Ernst Solomon, 1673-1745. ScuRiicKH, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) 2: pi. 44. I. C. S. sc. CYRANO DE BERGERAC, Savinien, 1619-.55. Book buyer (1899) 18:294. eng.?* Critic (1898) 33:154. —(1899) 34:38. eng. ?* — 34:308. J. Se- herm del. & sc. Harper’s w. (1898)42:993. eng.* CYRIL, saint, abp. of .\lexandria, d. 444. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:19. eng. CYRIL, saint (Constantine) d. 868? Maurice, Story of Bohemia (1896) 13. window of church in Ca rolinen-Tha 1 . * CYRUS, the Great, king of Persia, d. 529 B. C. Benjamin, Stoir of Persia (1887) 47. ancient sculp- ture.* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3:pl. 6. Hans Kels sc.* (medallion) Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 10, pt. 2:413. Gel^e eng. Perry inv. (bas-relief) CZ in Ru.ssian names. See Tch. CZAJKOWSKI, Tchaika. See Muzaffer Pasha. CZAPKAY, L. J. Hungarian patriot, 1825- Bal- lou’s pictorial (1857) 17:237. eng. CZAPSKI, Strasnik. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 21:39. Chodowiecki del. 1773* (with Starostin Ledikowska) CZARNIECKI, Stefan, 1599-1659. Bartosze- wiEcz, Hetmani Polscy koronui (1862) pi. 17. W. Gerson del. .\schenbrenner lith. CZARTORYSKA, Konstancya, d. 1769. See Zamoiska, Mme. CZASNIKI, Adam. Hirth, Les grands illustra- teurs, 5: 1545. W. Hondius eng. CZERMAK. Johann Nepomuk, 1828-73. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnL«sen (1899) 3: pi. 339.* CZERNY, Karl, 1791-1857. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (HMX)) 132. Alex. Gribay^dolF del.* Die gra- phischen kunste (1881) 3:17. Joseph Kriehulier lith.* (group) CZOLGOSZ, Leon, assassin, d. 1901. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:944. DABADIE, baron, Jean Melchior, 1748-1820. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:5. Moreau del. Courbe sc. Henri, painter, 1867- L’Art (1901) 60:421. DABNEY, Charles Wilham, 1855- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:28. wdet. R. of rev. (1904) 29:130.* World’s work (1902) 4:2138.* DABULAMANZI, Zulu chief. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:397. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:3^. DACH, Simon, 1605-59. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 124. Philipp Westphal p. del. after photo.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl. 85. Westphal p.* DACIER, baron, Bon Joseph, 1742-1833. .\r- NAULT, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:152. Fri'my p. & sc. Andre, 1651-1722. Dreux du Radier, L’Eu- rope illus. (1777) v. 5. Ferdinand p. Gaillard sc. DACIER 377 DAHLGREN Mme Anne (Leffevre) 1651-1720. Gal. franp. (1822) 2:531. Largillidre p. Rulmann del. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 11. Ferdinand p. George Cooke sc. Mennechet, L<> Plutarque franc. (18:38) 6: pi. 13. Rogierdel. Geillesc. Sainte Beuve, Nouv. gal. de femmes c^l^bres (1865) 115. G. Staaldel. Ferd. Delannoj’ sc. DACOSTA. St Memin, Coll, of pior. (1862) pi. 691. St Memin del. & eng. 179^* DACRE, 22d baron, Thomas Crosbie William Trevor, 1808-90. IIoltike, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:164. G. Richmond p. J. R. Jackson eng.* Arthur. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 14:257. photo. Charlotte (pseud. Rosa Matilda) Lady’s m. mus. (1805) 14:^1. Buck p. Mackenzie eng. (minia- ture) DACRES, James Richard, r. n. 1788-1853. Clowes, Roy. navy (1900) 5:105. Robert Bowyer f. Page eng. Oltlook (1902) 70:.327. 5ir Richard James, general, 1799-1886. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79: 181.* —(1886) 89:657. Sir Sydney Colpoys, r. n. 1806-84. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:321. wdct. after photo. Men of mark (18^) 7:15. photo. DADA, Hattie A. Brockett, Woman’s work in civil war (1868) 431. A. H. Ritchie eng. (bust) DADD, B. pseud of John H. Williams. See Williams. DADMUN, Harry L. sprinter. Harrer’s w. (1891) 35:400. wdct. DAEY, Marten, 1604- Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 107. Rembrandt p. 1634.* Frouw Marten (Machteld van Doom) 1605-46. Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1897) 2: pi. 108. Rembrandt p. 1634.* DAFT, Richard, cricketer, 1835-1900. Baily’s mag. (1871) 20:t.-p. DAGGETT, David, 1764-1851. Green bag (1889) 1:241. H. N. 1821- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:212. eng. DAGMAR, princess of Denmark, dau. of Christian IX, 1847- See Marie Feodorovna, dowager czarina of Russia. DAGMAR, princess of Denmark, dau. of Frederick VIII, 1890- 'Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europe, por. (1898) 1:207. Agi Lindcgren del. after photo. DAGNAN-BOU VERET, Pascal Adolphe Jean, 1852- Art j. (1897) 49:179. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) Cent. (1894) 26:6.* Harper’s mag. (1890) ^):835. R. Renaud del.* Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:443. Lcs lettres et les arts (1889) 4:386. Dag- nan-Bouveret p. 1885.* Mag. of art (1893) 16:121.* Mme Pascal Adolphe Jean. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 28:134. C. Verlet sc.* (bust) DAGOBERT I, king of the Franks, 602-638. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. A. Boizot del. G. Duchange eng. L’Armessin, Roys de France (1679) pi. 11. L’jVrmessin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des franc. (1845) 1 :80. Signol p. Gve. Levy eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France, 41. Delpech lith. Re- CUEIL d. por. (1786) l:pl. 11. Boizot del. Duchange sc. Sergeant, The Franks (1898) 1. statue, 9th cent.* Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1591) 21. eng. Velly, Ilist. de France (1770) 1:126. Boizot del. Duchange sc., Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18:38) 9: pi. 1102. Emile Signol p. G. Levy eng. — v. 13. Duscigneur sc. E. Conquy eng. (statue) Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 11. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. DAGOBERT II, king of the Franks, d. 679. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:471. coin.* Dreux du Ra- dier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Boizot del. Will eng. L’Armessi.n, Roys de France ( 1679) pi. 18. L’Armes- sin sc. Lavallee, Hist, des fran?. (1845) 1:88. Monvoisin f. Delannoy eng. Malo, Gal. des rois de France,53. Delpech lith. Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 18. Boizot del. J. G. Will sc. Treille, Austrasise reges et duces (1.591) 31. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:167. Boizot del. Will sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1109. 6mile Signol p. J. E. Pan- nier eng. Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1846) pi. 18. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal. DAGOBERT III, king of the Franks, d. 715. Allg. weltgeschichte (18t^) 4:474. coin.* DAGOBERT DE FONTANILLE, Louis Sim- don Auguste, 1736-94. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 8: pi. 1618. .\ntoine Maurin p. E. Conqu}' eng. DAGUERRE, Louis Jacques Mandd, 1789-1851. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:289. Kilburn del. eng. Cent. (1904) 46:85. daguerr.* Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:358. daguerr.* — (1897) 95:761. daguerr.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 39. Ii.es, Flame, electricity & the camera (1900) 276, pi. 8. da- guerr.* Werckmeister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 279. Grtivedon lith.* DAG WORTH, Sir Nicholas, d. 1401. Cotman. Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 13. J. S. Cotman del, & etch. (Blickling church, Norfolk) DAHL, Carl Bodilius August, 1810-70. Lund, Danske maledepor. (1895) 1:77. Constantin Hansen p. Hans, painter, 1849- Allen, Masterpieces (1884)2:28. wdct. Katrine. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 11:696. Michael, 1656-1743. Walpole, Ancc. ed. Dallaway (1827) 4:8. Michael Dahl p. W. 11. Watt sc. Thorkild Christian, 1807-72. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) l':77. Constantin Hansen p. DAHLGREN, John Adolph, u. s. n. 1809-70. Ann. of sci. discoverv (1862) front. H. W. Smith eng. Crafts, Southern relielliou (1867) 2:304. H. Wright Smith eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:244. DAHLGKEN 378 DALHOUSIE wdct. — (1870) 14:492. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1868) 11:400. A. H. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 7:80.* For. m. (1863) 1:54. wdct. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1:599. J. Rogers eng. after photo. TTlric, colonel, 1842-64. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:193. wdct. For. in. (1864) 1 : 132. wdct. DAHLMAlNN, Friedrich Christoph, 1785-1860. Air.G. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:408. F. Fccht del. 1838.* Flathe, Ztaltcr d. restauration u. revolution (1883)307. F. Fecht del. 1838.* Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887)271. del.* after daguerr. 18501 Onxken, Das zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:63. G. Feckert eng.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissem (1899) 2:169. Fecht del. Hanfstangl lith.* DAHN, Felix, 1834- Franzos, Die gesch. des erstlingswerks, 111.* (in 1858) Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 307. drawing after photo.* DAIE, John, 1522-84. See Day. DAILEY, Peter F. actor. Bookman (1904) 18:596.* (with Louis Mann as Waffles) DAILL^, Jean, 1594-1670. Dreux du Radier. L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Vaillant p. F. Dupin sc, DAILLY, Joseph Francois, 1839- L’Art (1883) 32:169, 171-73, 175. C. E. Wilson del. (in various rdles) Marc Francois, 1724-1800. Bioo. modeme (1807)3:7. Fernn del. LeTelliersc. DAILY, W. H. life-saver. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:477. wdct. DAIRE, M. Harper’s mag. (1889) 78:338. DAKIN, Sir Thomas, 1808-89. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57-481. wdct. DALAYRAC, Nicolas, 1753-1809. Clement, Les musiciens c^l^bres (1873) 192. eng. Faine, Famous composers (1891) 2:741. Quenedey del.* DALBEB.G, freiherr von, Karl Theodor Anton Maria, abp. of Mentz, 1744-1817. Allo. weltge- schichte (1&7) 10:319. F. Tischbein p. J.G. Muller eng.* Alm. de Gotha (1811) pi. 2. F. Lehman sc. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 8. eng. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 228. D. Buerger eng. 1790.* Oncken, Das Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:104. Tischbein p. J. G. Muller eng. Ztsch. f. bticher- freunde (1899) 3: 192 Anton Niedermayr lith. 1802. Bauer lith. frei},err von, Wolfgang Heribert, 17.50-1806. Gerard, Grand duchess (1!K32) 2:439. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 220. B. Schertle lith. after p.* DALBERG-ACTON family name. See title Acton. D’ALBERT, Eugen, pianist, 1864- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 10. Alex. GribavddofI del.* Cent. (1888) 13:726. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:953. wdct. DALBY, Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1838)61:81. M. Claxton p. H. Cook eng. Sir William Bartlett, surgeon, 1840- Illus. Lond. nows (1886) 88: 104. Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 415. Ape f. lith. (caricature) D’ALCOTIRT, Dorothy. Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 9: 179. photo, (in Alice in Wonderland) DALE, Alfred Taylor, r. n. 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108 ; Jan. 18, sup. p. 1.* Sir David, 1st bart. 1829- Illus. Lond. news (1890)96:360. James Wilkinson, 1812-81. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:860. wdct. Margaret, actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:1497.* —(1904)48:521.* Richard, u. s. n. 1756-1826. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:534. Harper’s mag. (1862) 24:162. eng. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1836) 3: pi. 21. J. Woodp. J. B. Longacre del. R. W. Dodson eng. Fenn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1880) 4:500. Eicnholtz p. D. Edwin eng. 1817. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 3: pi. 6. J. Wood . Longacre del. Dodson eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. ist. (1889) 7:369. J. Wood p. Longacre del. eng. (from Nat. por. gall. 1839) Rev. Robert WUham, 1829-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:347.* —(1897) 111:521. Onslow Ford sc.* (statue, Birmingham) Mag. of art (1898) 22:117. Ford sc.* (statue) Outlook (1899) 63:596. Samuel, 1659 ?-1738. Malcolm, Lives of topog- raphers (1824) pi. 7. Rivers sc. Thomas, 1797-1870. DRAWiNO-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 4:9. D. J. Found eng. after photo. Rev. Thomas Pelham, 1821-92. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77:489.* William, 1837- BAiur’smag. (1899) 72:t.-p.eng. Wilham Duncan, aeronaut, d. 1892. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:38.* D ALEK ARLEEN, hertiginna of, Therese (of Saxe- Altenburg) w. of August, 1836- Tullberg, Furst- enhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:678, 777. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. DALEN, Nicolaus van. Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 11:15. Breeckner p. 1645* (ggoup) DALEY, John. Baily’s mag. (1867) 19:t.-p. DALGETY, Edmund Henry, colonel, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:601.* DALGLISH, Robert, m. p. 1808-80. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 145. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DALHOUSIE, 11th earl of. Fox Maule-Ramsay, 1801-74. .4.NN. gift book (1859) 1:7. D. J. Found eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:61. wdct. after photo. DALHOUSIE 379 DALTON 1st marquis of, James Andrew Brown-Ram- say, 1812-60. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:144. Sir J. Watson Gordon p. 1847* (Nat. por. gall.) Cusx, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:225. Gordon p. 1847.* 13th earl of, John William Ramsay, 1847-87. Illcs. Lond. news (1887) 91:675.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 218. Spy f. lith. (caricature) countess of, Lady Ida Louise (Bennet) w. of 13th earl, 1857-87. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:675.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 5. lith. (caricature) IJtih earl of, Arthur George Maule Ramsay, 1878- • Critic (1900) 37:104. J. S. Sargent p.* Mao. of art (1900) 24:389. Sargent p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 64. Sargent p.* DALKEITH, earl of, James Scott, 1674-1705. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:119. Sir Godfrey Kneller p. 16184?* (with mother and brother, coll, of duke of Buccleuch) Fea, King Monmouth (1902) 59. Knel- ler p.* (with mother and brother) countess of. Lady Caroline (Campbell) w. of F rancis, 1717-94. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4: 1296. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* earl of, Walter Montagu Douglas Scott, 1861-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:3.57. earl of, John Montagu Douglas Scott, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:144.* countess of, Margaret (Bridgeman) w. of John, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:144.* DALKEITH, earls of. See also title Buccleuch. DALL, Robert. Arminian mag. (1780) 3:625 (age 42) DALLAS, Alexander James, 17.59-1817. Ana- LECTic mag. (1817) 10:265. G. Stuart p. Leney sc. McMaster & Stone, ed. Penn. & the fed. const. (1888) 213. G. Stuart p. Goodman & Piggot eng. StMemin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 138. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Eneas Sweetland, author, 1828-79. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:129.* George Mifflin, 1792-1864. Ann. mft book (1859) 1:26. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:348. eng. Cent. (1891) 20:162. Sully p.* Democratic rev. (1842) 10:158. P. H. Reason eng. Rice & Hart, Nat. f>or. gall. dist. Am. (1853) 4:pl. 29. T. B. Welch eng. after daguerr. DALLAS-GLYN, Mrs Isabel. See Glyn. DALLEY, William Bede, of New South Wales, 1831-88. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:428. DALLIN, Cyrus Edwin, sculptor, 1861- New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21:196, 207. DALLING AND BDLWER, Jsfiaron, Sir William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, 1801-72. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:205. G. Fagnani p. 1865.* Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 61. Ape f. hth. (car- icature) DALLY, Lieut, col. Paris salon (1887) 96. L. P. Jazet p.* Abram, 1795-1893. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 191. wdct. DALMAHOY, Henrietta. Art j. (1903) 55: 153. Charlotte McLaren p.* (miniature, child por.) Patrick. Art j. (1903) 55:153. Charlotte McLaren p.* (miniature, child por.) DALMATIE, due de, Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, 1769-1851. See Soult. DALMORES, singer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124 : Apr. 30, sup. p. 2. DALOU, Jules, 1838- L’Art (1884) 37:36. A. Rodin sc. & del. (bust) — (1888) 44:257. Rodin sc. Auguste Leveill6 eng. (bust) Art j. (1903) 55:360. Rodin sc.* (bust) Gonse, La sculpt, fran?. (1895) 324. R(xiin sc.* (bust) Internat. studio (1898) 4:216. Rodin sc.* (bust) — (1902) 17:62. Victor Peter f.* (medal) Mag. of art (1888) 11 : 142. Rodin sc. Leveill6 eng. (bust) Portfolio (1877) 8:80. Alphonse Legros etch.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8: 101. Rodin sc.* DALRYMPLE, Alexander, 1737-1808. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:187. John Brown del. Blood eng. European mag. (1802) 42:323. Sir Charles, 1st hart, 1839- Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 599. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir David, 3d hart, {Lord Hailes) 1726-92. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:28. Seton p.* Kay, Grig, por. (1877) l:pl. 147. John Kay f. 1793, & eng. Grace, 17581-1823. See Elliott, Mrs. Louis. Bookman (1902) 16:270.* DALRYMPLE family name. See also title Stair. DALRYMPLE-HAY, Sir John Charles, 1821- See Hay. DALRYMPLE-HORN-ELPHENSTONE family name. See title Elphiustone. DALSEN, Mrs C. W. cyclist. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:671. wdct. DALTON, Dr, of Charleston, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 621. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Charles, actor. Critic (1902) 40:41* (in Hel- met of Navarre) Rev. James, of Croft, Yorks, d. 1843. Wil- liamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 16. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Mrs James (Maria Gibson) 1773-1858. Wil- liamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 16. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) John, chemist, 1766-1844. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:103. medallion, 1842.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:755. Pop. sci. m. (1903) 63:280. J. Ste- phenson del. & etch.* DALTON 380 DAMPIERRE John Call, m. d. 1825-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:144. Eastman Johnson p. wdct. Seymour Berkeley Portman-, 1838- Van- ity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 296. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) — (1^3) 35: pi. 876. Cloister del. lith. (caricature) Tristram, 1738-1817. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 89. Blackburn, Trumbull f. (2 por.) Currier, Old Newbuiy (18^) 478. T. B. Lawson p.* DALY, Arnold, actor. Bookman (1904) 19 :165* (as Napoleon) C'ritic (1904) 44:420* (as Napoleon) Harper’s w. (1904) 48 :436* (in Candida) Augustin, theater manager, 1838-99. Book buyer (1900) 20:33.* C'ritic (1896) 29:423. —(1899) 35:578,* 714.* Harper’s w. (1889) 33 : 98. wdct. —(1899) 43:593. —(1900) 44:227. Ii.lus. Lend, news (1891) 99:382. —(1899) 114:869.* McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:207.* Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:313* (with 2 sons) Cesar Denis, architect, 1811-94. L’Ami d. monuments (1894) 8:83. A. Barret sc. Charles Patrick, 1816-99. Blttre, *Vm. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 54. H. B. Hall etch. 1869. Green bag (1889) 1:157.* —(1894) 6:489.* Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:468. G. E. Ferine eng. Sir Henry Dermont, general, 1821-95. Baily’s mag. (1887) 47:211. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Marcus, 1842-1900. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:1119. DALY family name See also title Dunsandle. DALYELL, Sir John Graham, bari. 1778-1851. Kay, Orig. por. 2: pi. 326. John Kay f. 1811, & eng. (or Dalzell) Thomas, of Binns, general, 1599?- 1685. Biog. mirrour (1798) 2:pl. 6. S. Harding del. after print. Clamp sc. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:95. D. Patton del. P. Van der Banck eng.* Cha.mbers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 2:58. R. Page eng. 1847, after p. H. Robinson eng. 1855. Earlom, Por. of char. Vanderbank eng. Charles Turner eng. (print) Por. illus. Waverley novels, pi. 11. R. Cooper eng. after print. DALZELL, John, m. c. 1845- R. of rev. (1903) 27:147.* Thomas, 15991-1685. See Dalyell. DALZIEL, Andrew, prof. Univ. of Edinburgh, 1742-1806. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 131. John Kay f. 1789, & eng. DAM, Rip van. Fiske, Dutch & quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 2:241. pair.* (N. Y. hist, soc.) DAMAS-CRUX, comte de, £tienne Fran<;ois, 1735-1814. Tardieu, G^n. franp. 2: pi. 86. eng. DAMASCENTJS, Joannes, 7001-760? Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:23. eng. DAME, WiUiam E. lieutenant, Rough rider. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:430.* DAMER, Hon. ,Vrs Anne Seymour (Conway) w. of John Darner, 1748-1828. La belle assembl6e (1810) n. s. 1:115. Robert Coojx>r eng. Connois- seur (1904) 9:2. Angelica Kauffman p. T. Ryder eng. lith. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 3:269. Richard Cosway p. ? W. C. Edwards eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:11. Sir Joshua Reyn- olds p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3, 1:38. Cosway p. Schiavonetti eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1801) 7:217. Walker del. Mackenzie sc. Rey.nolds, En- gravings, 2:pl. 53. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1771. S. W. Reynolds eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 2. Re 3 'nolds p.* Walpole, Anec. ed. Dalla- wa}' (1827) 4:front. MrsDamersc. H. Corbould del. J. Thomson eng. (bust) Waij^le, Ix>tters (1840) 6:424. Cosway del. G. P. Harding del. Greatbatch sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 5: front. Cosway del. W. Greatbach sc. Miss Dawson-. Court album (1854) pi. 9. J. Hayter f. J. Brown eng. DAMER (Dawson-Damer) family name. See also title Portarlington. DAMERON, £mile Charles, 1848- Paris salon (1892) 21. DAMIEN DE VEUSTER, Joseph {Father Da- mien) 1840-89. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:391. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:727. Shoemaker (M. M.) Islands of the southern seas (1898) 15. DAMIENS, Robert Fran 9 ois, 1715-57. Mau- rice, Le livre rouge (1863) 31. Boulay del. Roland sc. after contemp. por. DAMINS, Johan. L’Art (1878) 12:34. Frans Hals p. Camille de Roddaz des. Puj’plat eng. Art & letters (1883) 2:39. Hals p. de Roddaz del. DAMMARTIN, comlesse de, Jeanne de Sancerre, d. 1328. Lady’s mag. (1837) 11:325. Ed. Hargrave sc. after p. (St Reni church, Dammartin) comte de, Antoine de Chabannes, 1411-88. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Ficquet eng. J. Roliert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 160. J. Robert del. Ficquet sc. (tomb, Dam- martin) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:202. Rob- ert del. Ficquet sc. DAMOREAU, Mme Laure Cinthie (Monta- lant) 1801-63. See Cinti-Damoreau. DAMPEER, Thomas, bp. of Ely, 1748-1812. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 38. James Northcote p. E. Scriven eng. William, buccaneer, 1652-1715. Clowes, Rov. navv (1898) 2:545. C. Sherwin eng. after p. (formerly in Brit, mus.) Cust, Nat. pwr. gall. (1901) 1:193. Thomas Murray p.* Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:341. Horsbergh eng. from Lives of Drake, Cavendish & Dampier, 1837. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:18. DAMPIERRE, sire de, Jacques de Chastillon, 1363-1415. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 7. Pigeot eng. I DAMPIERRE 381 DANCKELMANN baron de, Claude de Clermont, d. 1545. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 100. Clouet f. lith. haronne de, Jeanne (de Vivonne) w. of Claude de Clermont, d. 1583. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 72. Clouet f. lith. comte, Henri Duval-, 1580-1620. See Duval de Danipierrc. marquis de, Auguste Henri Marie Picot, 1756-93. PoR. des homines illus. des 17® et 18® si^cles (1805) 2: pi. 113. Blanchard sc. after minia- ture. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8; pi. 1615. P. R. J. Monvoisin p. Mauduisson eng. DAMPMARTIN, vicomte de, Anne Henri Cabot, 17.5.5-1825. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:181. Bonnemaison p. Fremy del. & sc. DAMPT, Jean Auguste, sculptor, 1858- Mag. of art (1899) 23:307. Ainan Jean p.* DAMR^MONT. See Danr(?inont. DAMRONG, prince of Siam, half brother of Chula- longkom I, 1856?-. See Siam. DAMROSCH, Frank, 1859- Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 133. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* Leopold, 1832-85. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 133. Alex. Gribayddotr del.* Critic (1881) 1:115. Blum del.* —(1892) 32:287. Robert Blum del. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:805. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:751. wdet. — (188.5) 29:117. wdet. Scribner’s mag. (1893) 14:73. Baer f. after photo. Walter, 1862- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 134. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Bixikman (1896) 3:111.* Harper’s w. (1890) 34:94. wdet. — (1891) 35:651. wdet. —(1893) 37: 101. wdet. —(1895) 39:121. wdet. — (1902) 46: 1926* (various por.) DAMVILLE, due de, Charles de Montmorency, admiral, d. 1612. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1214. Geille eng. DANA, Charles Anderson, 1819-97. .America’s grtst men & women (1894) 36. .Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1897) ser. 3, 2: front. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:92. Barrv del. after daguerr. Brightlv sc. Bookman (1895) 2:‘l93.* —(1902) 15:8.* Cent. (1896) 31:18. C. S. Reinhart del.* Critic (189.5) 26:278. daguerr. 1852* (with Thomas Hicks and G. W. Curtis) Harper’s mag. (1878) 56:53. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:753. wdet. —(1889) 33:712. wdet. —(1897) 41:1072. Literature (1898) 3:Sept. 14, sup. pi. 22. McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:370,* 39.5-99.* (10 por.) —(1895) 4:557.* —(1897) 9:1087.* — 10:99. C. K. Linson p. H. Wolf eng. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:395. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:442. daguerr. 1852?* (with Thomas Hicks and G. W. Curtis) Francis, of Mass. 1743-1811. Harper’s mag. (1902) 104:781. Henry Swan. Da.na, Hist, of Woodstock, Vt. (1889) front. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. James Dwight, 1813-95. America’s grtst men & women (1.894) 208. -\nn. sci. discovery (1869) front. H. W. Smith eng. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 392.* Eclectic mag. (1879) 93: 129. J. J. Cade eng. H.\rper’s mag. (1897) 94:913. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:5.32. wdet. — (1895) 39:388. wdet. Pop. sci. m. (1872) 1:362. Marvin, cd. of Smart set, 1867- Critic (1904) 44:325.* Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh, maj.-gen. 1822- Por. m. (1864) 1 : 1.52. wdet. Paul, ed. N. Y. Sun, 18.52- Harper’s w. (1902) 46: 19. W. A. Rogers del.* Richard, 1700-72. Wharton, Salons (1900) 231. Edward G. Malbone p.* (miniature) Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:581. Copley p. Kil- burn sc. Mrs Richard (Lydia Trowbridge) Wharton, Salons (1900) 231. Edward G. Malbone p.* (minia- ture) Richard Henry, 1787-1879. Cleveland, Am. lit. (1859) 304. J.M. Butler eng. after photo. Duyc- KiNCK, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:7^. Roberts sc. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:145. wdet. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 257. Butler eng. after photo. Richard Henry, jr. 1815-82. Book buyer (1901) 21:551. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:546. Roberts sc. Harper’s mag. (1900) 101 :832. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:36. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:373. wdet. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1891) ser. 2, 6:262. J. A. J. Wilco.x sc. Samuel Luther, chemist, 1795-1868. Pop. sci. m. (1896) 49:577. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 311. eng. after albert ype. Samuel Whittlesey, u. s. senator, 1760-18.30. St Memin,'Co11. of por. (1862) pi. 430. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Wilham. Mag. of Am. hist. (1888) 19:285. Malbone p. 1799?* (miniature) Mrs William (Eliza Davis) Mag. of Am. hist (1888) 19:285. Malbone p. 1799?* (miniature) Mrs William Starr, aflw. Mrs Frances Theodora Parsons, 1861- See Parsons. DANBY, 1st earl of, Henry Danvers, 1573-1643. Lodge, Por. (1835) 6: pi. 5. W. T. Mote eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:12. Van Dyck p. eng. earl of, Thomas Osborne, 1631-1712. See title Leeds. Frank, pseud, of Mrs Julia Frankau, 1864- Bookman (1903) 17:444.* Critic (1903) 43:302.* DANCE, Miss, actress. Ladies’ m. mus. (1821) 14:121. R. E. Drummond p. Thomas Woolnoth eng. George, architect, 1741-1825. Mag. of art (1898) 22:656. G. Dance del.* DANCE-HOLLAND family name. See Holland. DANCKELMANN, /reiAerr von, Eberhard, 1643- 1722. Erdmansdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) DANCKERTS 382 DANIEL 2:111. Peter Schenck mezzo.* Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:11. P. Schenck en^* Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 66:54. Eberlein sc.* (bust, Bt'rlin) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 32. D. Richter p. G. P. Busch sc. DANCKERTS, ComeUs, jr. 1561-1634. Meys- SENS, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 78. Pet. Danckert de Key del. Pet. de Jode sc. lo. Meyssens exc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 99. Danckers de Ry del. Pet. de Jode sc. Meyssens exc. Pieter, 1605-59. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 52. Danckerse de Ry p. Mej’ssens exc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 71. Danckerse de Ry p. Meyssens exc. DANCKWERTS, William Otto Adolph Julius. Vanitt fair album (1898) 30: pi. 716. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DANCOURT (d’Ancourt) Florent Carton, 1661- 1725. Gal. fran<:. (1823) 3: 193. Grevedon del. after bust (Th6&tre fran^:.) DANDELEN, Germinal Pierre, 1794-1847. Acad. roy. de Belmque, ^Innuaire (1848) 14:12.5. — (1852) 18*: front. Demander sc. DANDELOT, seigneur, 1531-69. See Coligny, Francois de. DANDINI, Pietro, 1646-1712. MotCKE, Ritratti (1762) 4:pl. 7. Gio. Dom. Fcrretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. DANDOLO, Andrea, doge of Venice, 13061-54. CicooNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 54. Nani inc. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 8:44. p.* (saale des Maggior Consiglio) Enrico, doge of Venice, 11051-1205. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:620. coin* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 41. Nani inc. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 28. Guzzi sc. after p. of Venetian school. Yriaete, Venisa (1878) 5. Francesco, doge of Venice, d. 1339. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1:52. A. Nani inc. Giovanni, doge of Venice, d. 1289. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 48. Nani inc. Vincenzo, 1758-1819. Arnault, Bi^. nouv. contem. (1822) 5: 183. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 5:257. Nargeot sc. DANDR^, baron, Antoine Balthazar Joseph, 1759-1825. Biog. moderne (1807) 3: 12. Perrin del. Courbe sc. Honors, f. of M. F. Dandr4-Bardon. L’Art (1901) 60:363. J. B. Van Loo del. S. Thomassin sc. DANDR^-BARDON, Michel Francois, 1700-83. L’Art (1902) 61:151. Roslin sc. Moitte del.* (bas- relief ?) DANE, Francis, 1819-1875. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:216. eng. Nathan, 1752-1835. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 234. Rosenthal etch.* Green bag (1891) 3:549. etch.* DANEAU, Lambert, 1530-93? Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:224. Sebastian Furck eng.* Verheiden, Af-beeldingen (1603) 118. eng. DANENHAUER, John Wilson, u. s. N. 1849- Harper’s w. (1882) 26:13. wdet. DANFORTH, Charles, 1815-90. Geeb^i bag (1896) 8:113. George Franklin, 1819-99. Green bag (1890) 2:333.* Harper’s w. (1878) 22:929. wdet. Samuel, .m. d. 1740-1827. 'Thacher, Am. med. biog. (1828) 2:233. G. Stuart p. R. Peale del. Pendle- ton lith. DANGAN, viscount, Henry Arthur Momington Wellesley, 1866- See Cowley, 3d earl. DANGEATJ, marquis de, Philippe de Courcillon, 1638-1720. Bourgeois, Le grancfsi^cle (1896) 82, pi. 4. H. Rigaud p. P. Drever sc. Iconog. de Mme de S4vign4, pi. 47. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2471. Rigaud p. Contenau eng. Ver- sailles, Nolhac et Perat4 (1896) pi. 38. H. Rigaud p. 1702. ViARDOT, Masterpieces of Fr. art (1883) 1:12. Rigaud p. wdet. D’ANGELI, Miss, actress. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1 : 22 .* DANGER, Mme. Bitilington mag. (1903) 2:345. Louis Toeque p. 1793* (Louvre) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, ^:271. Louis Tocqu6 p.* (Louvre) DANGEVILLE, Mile (Marie Anne Botot) 1714- 96. Goncourt, Dessins du 18® si^cle, 77. Maurice Quentin de la Tour del. DANGLER, David A. of Cleveland, Ohio. Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:782. eng. DANICAN-PHILIDOR, Francois Andre, 1727- 95. Cle.ment, Les musiciensc4Rbres (1873) 102. eng. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:739. DANIEL, Cromwell’s porter. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 56. eng. from a print, coll, of marquis of Buckingham. DANIEL, John, d. 1418. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 17. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (St Stephens church, Norwich) John Moncure, of Richmond, Va. 1825-65. Democratic rev. (1852) 30:385. J. Ourdan eng. after daguerr. .Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:451. John Warwick, u. s. senator, 1842- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 250. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:508. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:837. wdet. — (1896) 40:700. wdet. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monu- ment (1903) 104.* Joseph John, 1784-1848. Green bag (1892) 4:523. Peter Vivian, 1784-1860. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 302. Max Rosenthal etch. 1890 after p. DANIEL 383 DANTE Samuel, poet, 1562-1619. Effigies poeticse (1824) l:pl. 19. T. Uwins del. after p. ? R. Rhodes eng. (coU. of earl of Thanet). Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:264. t.-p. of Daniel’s Civile warres 1609.* Illus. Lond. news ^892) 101:613. Lee, Shakes- p>eare (1899) 95. Thomas Cockson eng.* (from Civile warres, 1609) For. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 19. T. Uwins del. after p. ? R. Rhodes eng. (coll, of earl of Thanet) Sir William, d. 1610. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :57. p.* DANIELE DA VOLTERBA, 1509-66. See Ric- ciarelli. DANIELL, Edmund Robert, d. 1854. Athe- .ENUM club. For. (1836) 1 :pl. 16. E. U. Eddis p. lith. Edward, 1807-92. Daniell, Cat. of eng. ports, of celeb, personages (1900) front, eng. Mark. Metu. mag. (1805) 28: front. \Vm. Rid- ley sc. (age 32) William H. New Eng. mag. (1887) 6:7. eng. DANIELS, Charles, 1826-97. Green bag (1889) 1:423.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:649. wdct. Winthrop More, 1867- Critic (1903) 42:514.* DANIELSON, George W. of Frovidence, R. I. New Eng. mag. (1887) 5:574. eng. DANIES, Nicolas, 1800- Rogers, Our represen- tatives abroad (1874) 238. W. G. Jackman eng. DANILO I, prince of Montenegro, 1826-60. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1859) 16 : 133. eng. DANILO ALEXANDER, crown prince of Monte- negro, 1871- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:172.* Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:429. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. DANJURO, Ichikawa, actor. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:232. Ransome, Japan in transition (1899) 88, 94.* DANNAT, William T. 1853- Faris salon (1892) 81. DANNECEER, Johann Heinrich, 1758-1851. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 309. Schick p.* DANNEICEB, John I. 1798- Harper’s w. (1880) 24:620. wdct. DANNESKJOLD-SAMSOE, Greve Frederik, 1703-70. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) 14:7. DANREMONT, comU de, Charles Marie Denis, 1783-1837. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. v. 6 : pi. 94. Figeot eng. after statue. DANSEY, Herbert, actor. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:360 (in The garden of lies) DANTAN, Jean Pierre ((Dantan jeune) 1800-69. L’Art (1904) 63:383. Dantan jeune sc.* (bust) — 63:385 (caricature) Huart et Fhilippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 1. DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. Acad. (1899) 57:247. mask.* Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:49. Giotto p. Mussini acjuarelle.* — 6:290. Florentine medal 15th cent. (Berlin Roy. coin-cab.) L’Art (1876) 5:24. Ary Scheffer p. C. Deblois etch, (with Beatrix) — (1879) 17:291. Jean Faul Aub6 sc. & del. (statue) — 19:187. Charles Kreutzbeiger des. (death mask, 1321) — (1880) 23: 183. Guinti f. eng. from Yriarte’s Florence. — (1881) 25:209. Albert Maignan del. — (1886) 40:156. Eugene Delacroix p. L. Carred sc. (with Virgile) —(1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:1019. Faul Aub6 sc.* (statue) Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:305. E^me de Boulonois f. eng. Cent. (1884) 5:574. Kenyon Cox del. after death mask.* — 5:576. bust* (Naples mus.) — 5:577. Raphael p.* — 5:579. Giotto p. Seymour Kirkup del.* — 5:580. Fietro Lombardi sc.* (tomb, Ravenna) Connoisseur (1903) 6:249. Andrea Orcagna p.* Critic (1902) 40:427. Stefano Totanelli p.* — (1903) 42:482. Faczka etch.* — 42:524-27* (3 por.) Duffy, Tus- can republics (1893) front. Giotto p.* (fresco, Flor- ence) — 254. Julius Friedlander medal. Fournel, Les artistes fran^ais contemp. (1884) 113. Arv Schef- fer p. A. Faquier del. L. Chapon sc. (with Beatrix) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1870) ser. 2, 3:372. Giotto p. Flamengsc. — (1872) ser. 2, 6: 122. Gaillard sc. after bust 15th cent. (coll, of Sir Richard Wallace) — (1876) ser. 2, 13:204. wdct. after medal 15th cent. — (1900) ser. 3, 23:423. A. C. Coppier p.* (pastel) — (1903) ser. 3, 29:389. Auguste Fr^ault sc.* (medallion, Louvre) — ser. 3, 30:314. Faolo Uccello p.* (fresco, S. Maria Novella) Geiger, Renaissance u. humanis- mus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 12. Giotto p. Mus- sini aquarelle. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:859. eng. —(1878) 56:818. eng. —(1884) 68:665. (statue* (Verona) — (1892) 85:619. death mask.* IIeyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:4. Giotto p.* (fresco, Baigtdlo) IIiRTH, Der formenschatz (1893) pi. 113. death mask* (Uffizi) Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 17. Stradanus p. George Cooke sc. Hutton, For. in plaster (1894) 7. 1321* (death ma.sk) IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 3. Rafaello Sanzio f. S. L. Folaco sc. (fresco) Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:264. p.* (fresco of the Faradiso, S. Maria Novella) Lmper. diet, of univ. biog. 2 : 22-24. Tofanelli p. Raffaelle Morghen f. eng. Wagstaff eng. Internat. studio. Am. studio talk (1904) 22:295. John Elliott del. & p. 1904.* Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1899) 43:45. Benozzo Gozzoli p.* (fresco, San Francesco, Montefalco) —43:54. Giotto p. (Bar- gello, Florence) — (1901) 53:86. Hermann Fell p.* (with Beatrice) Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 1 : front. 'Tofanelli p. Raffaelle Morghen eng. C. E. Wagstaff eng. Fenny mag. (1843) 12: 104. Giotto p.? Harvey del. H. Clarke sc. For. gall. (1853) l:front. Tofa- nelli p. Morghen eng. Wagstaff sc. Roy. acad. pict. (1904)61. Arthur G. Walker sc.* (statue) Seidlitz. Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 1. Giotto p. lith. (fresco) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:155. vignette, Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1727. E. Conquy p. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 24. Tofanelli p. W. H. Worthington eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:116. DANTOX 384 DARIUS Micbelino p. (cath. Florence) — (1900) n. s. 11 :256. bust* (Naples mus.) — n. s. 11:257. Orcagna p.* (Florence) — n. s. 11:259. mask* (Uffizi) See also Koch, Theodore IV. Iland list of framed repro- ductions of pictures and portraits belonging to the Dante collection [of Cornell university library]. Ithaca. 1900. 8». LocELLA, G. Dante in der deutschen kunst. Dresden. 1890. f». (4 ports.) Norton, C.E. On the original por- traits of Dante. Cambridge. 18C5. 4». (4 plates.) pAS- SERiNi, O. L., Conte. Del ritrattodi Dante. Firenze. 1903. 8». (12 cuts.) DANTON, Georges Jacques, 1759-94. Acad. (1899) .56:375. p.* Ai.lg. weltgcscbicbte (1887) 10:62. J. L. David del.* (from D’H^ricault’s La revo- lution) L’Art (1889) 46: 119. Lfion Longepied sc. Henri Dumont del. (statue) Barkas, Mem. (1895) 1:184. David del.* Brough a.m, Statesmen of time of George III (1843) 3:72. W. 11. Mote eng. Carlyle Works, Centen. cd. (1896) 4:16. eng. Craik, Piet, bist. of Eng. (1849) 6:532. Mote eng. Gal. bist. de la r^v. fran 9 . pi. 21. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 29:221. David del. wdet. Heyck, Monog. z. welt- geseb. (19(X)) 13: 109. J. Baptiste Greuze? p.* Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6:pl. 13. F. Bonneville p. George Cooke sc. IcoNOG. des contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 1. H. Grevedon del.? 1825. Latimer, Scraj>-book of P'r. rev. (1898) 278. Lebon, Mod. France (1898) 34. Long, I<'rauce& its rev. (18.50) 261. Mag. of art (1903) 28:85. Pierre Koebe sc.* (bust) Martin, Hist, de France depuis 1789 (1878-85) 2: front. Geolfroy sc. Maurice, Le livre rouge (1863) 225. Bonneville p. Boulay del. Roland so. Oncken, Das zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:361. J. L. David del.* (from D’II6ri- cault’s La revolution) R. of rev. (1891) 4:131. statue* (Paris) Revolution franc. (1801) l:pl. 15. Lavacbez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 2: pi. 2. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 77. J. Bonneville del. Sandoz sc. Tableaux bist. de la res fran?. (1804) 3: pi. 35. Levacbez sc. Thiers, Hist, of P'r. rev. (1838) 3:338. Greatbatcb eng. Ti- MON, Livre des orateurs (1844) 225. David j). 1793. J. Caron del. & sc. 1841. DANTZIC, due de, 1755-1820. See LeFebvre, Fran- fois Joseph. DANVERS, Mr. Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) 1 :pl. 52, fig. 9. Lawrence Crosse p. 1683* (Univ. gall. Oxford) Sir John, 1588?-1655. Brow.n, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 :310. eng. after drawing (coll, of R. S. Tigbe) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1 :208. eng.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:33. eng. after drawing (coll, of R. S. Tigbe) DANZICA, Salomone di, fl. 1695. MoOcke, Ri- tratti (1762) 4:pl. 45. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Carlo Gregori sc. DAPONTE, Lorenzo, poet, 1749-1838. Cent. (1882) 1:702. p. ?* (coll, of Tbos. J. Mackee) DAPPER, Olfert, Dutch physician, d. 1690. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1878) 13:192. Eckhout p. J. Eis- senbardt sc. DAPS, Ermengard, d. 1192. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (17^) 1:85. Cars sc. DARBHANGA, maharaja of, Sir Lachhmeswar Singh, 1856-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:2.59.* DARBISHLRE, Samuel Dukinfleld, 1846- Harper’s mag. (1869) 40:53. eng. D’ARBLAY, Mme Frances (Burney) 1752-1840. See Arblay, Mme d'. DARBOY, Georges, abp. of Paris, 1813-71. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:499. L. Massard etch.* L’Art (1875) 2:232. PI. Guillaume sc. L. Cbapon eng. (bust) —(1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:935. Guillaume sc.* (bust) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1875) ser. 2, 12:35. Guil- laume sc. wdet. (bust) Gonse, La sculpt, franp. (1895) 310. Guillaume sc.* (bust) Harper’s w. (1871) 15:653. wdet. Lati.mer, P'' ranee in 19th cent. (1892) 323. Oncken, Das zeitalter des Kaisers Wil- helm (1892) 2:38-3. L. Massard eng.* Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:453. eng. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1^1) 16:160. Guillaume sc. wdet. (bust) DABBY, Elizabeth, d. 1838. Connoisseur (1902) 2:38. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (coll, at Petworth) John Fletcher, of Mis.souri, 1803- Livingston, Por. of cm. Am. (1853) 1 :3.33. S. Hollyer eng. Mary, actress, 1758-1800. See Robinson, Mrs. DARCEL, Alfred, 1818-93. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:15.5. DARCET, Jean, 1725-1801. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. ct hist, des bommes utiles, l:pl. 41. Gerant p. E. Conquy del. & sc. 1834. DARCHE. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:21. Perrin del. Lit' Tellier sc. DARCY (Darcie) Abraham, fl. 1625. Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. .57. Fr. Delaram sc. eng. (facsim. from print) DARCY family name. See also title Holdernesse. D’ARCY, Mrs Ameha (Didier) w. of John N. D’Arcy. Harper’s mag. (1S82) 65:31. EUa. Bookman (189.5) 2:260.* Mrs William Elnox (Nina Boucicault) Rot. acad. pict. (1902) 163. P’rank Dicksee p.* DARGAN, Edmund Spawn, 1805-79. Demo- cratic rev. (1851) 29:3. R. of Darlington. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:356. wdet. DARGOMYZHSKXI, Aleksandr Sergieevitch, 1813-69. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 136. Alex. Gribayddortf del.* DARIEU, of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 256. St Memin f. 1800.* DARroS I HYSTASPIS, king of Persia, d. 485 B. C. Allg. weltgeschichte (1884) 1 : 388. Texier f.* Benjamin, Story of Persia (1887) 106. sculpture.* JusTi, Gesch. (fes alten Persiens (1879) 65. from Descr. de I’Egypte, 1 : pi. 29. DARIUS 385 DARWIN DARIUS III CODOMAUmrS, king of Persia, d. 330 B. C. Allo. weltgeschichte (1884) v. 1. mosaic* (Pompeii) Benjamin, Story of Persia (1887) 143. mural p.* (Pompeii) Justi, (jesch. des alien Persiens (1879) 142. DARLAUD, Jeanne, actress, 1865- Grand-Car- TERET, XIX® sifecle (1893) 205. Andr^ Brouillet p. 1888.* Les lettres et les arts (1888) 1:354.* DARLEY, Felix Octavius Carr, painter, 1822-88. Book buyer (1902) 24:283. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:273. w^ct. —(1888) 32:243. wdct. Mrs (born Westray) actre.ss, 1780- Polyan- THOS (1806) 3:145. Doyle p. Edwin sc. DARLING, Charles Hial, asst. sec. of navy, 1859- New Eno. soc. of Penn. 2.3d festival (1903) 52. photo. Sir Charles John, m. p. 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:640.* Vanity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 688. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Grace Horsley, 1815-42. Cent. (1886) 10:562. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:181. D. Dunbar sc.* (bust) Ladies’ companion (18.52) ser. 2, 2:319. eng. New m. belle assemblee (1843) 18:61. G. Cook p. ? C. Cook eng. DARLINGTON, countess of, Lculy Katharine (Powlett) w. of 4th earl. 1766-1807. See Powlett. DARMESTETER, Mme Agnes Mary Frances (Robinson) 1857- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:885.* DARNAUDAT, Louis Jean Henri, 1739- Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:22. G. Malbeste etch. 1790. Perrin del. Courbe sc. DARNAUT, Hugo, painter, 1850- Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 2:2.57. wdct. DARNLE Y, Lord, Henry Stuart, h. of Mary, queen of Scots, 1546^7. Brit. mus. Prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 4. Renold Elstracke eng.* (with Mary, queen of Scots) Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1 : 26. Lucas de Heere p. 1.563* (age 17, with brother, earl of Lenox; Wind- sor) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:35. effigv* (West- minster abbey) Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 37. ^?* Earlom, Por. of roy. personages (1816) pi. 2. R. ELs- trake f. R. Dunkarton eng. (with Mary Stuart; print) Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) l:pl. 3. R. Els- tracko eng.* (with Mary, queen of Scots) Foster, The Stuarts (1902) l:pl.l7. coin, 1.56.5* (with Mary Stuart) — l:pl.41. p. (when voting) Harper’s mag. (1873) 46:3.52. eng Hume, Hist, of Eng. Coi^e’s ed. 7 : 78. W. Ridley eng. after p. Lodge, por. (1835) 2:pl. 14. II. Robinson eng. Pall ^LvLL mag. (1903) 31:63. A. S. Hartrick del. after contemp. por. — (1904) 32:535. A. S. Hartrick del. (with Mary, queen of Scots) Paton, Scottish nat. mem. (1890) pi. 10. Lucas de Heere p. 1563* (age 17, with brother, earl of Lenox) Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1733) 2:70. Lucas de Heere p. G. Vertue sc. Skelton, Mary Stuart (1893) 64. 11. Elstruck eng.* (with Mary, queen of Seots; Brit, mus.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 89. p.* Vertue, Heads of kings of Eng. p!. 30. Lucas de Heere p. 1563. G. Vertue sc. 24288—06 25 Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:24. Rivers eng. after print. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 47, fig. 7. p.* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) Jiih earl of, John Bhgh, 1767-1831. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 : pi. 39. T. Phillips p. H. Meyer eng. countess of, Emma Jane (Parnell) w. of 5th earl, 1804-84. Art j. (1902) 54:1. Sir Thomas Law- rence p.* Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 37. Law- rence p. R. A. Artlett. 6th earl of, John Stuart Biigh, 1827-96. Baily’s mag. (1897) 67:99.* Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:880.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl. 627. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 8th earl of, Ivo Francis Walter Bhgh, 18.59- Baily’s mag. (1884) 42:589. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. DARROW, Clarence S. 1857- R. of rev. (1903) 27:411.* DART, Rev. John, d. 1730. Malcolm, Lives of topographers (1824) pi. 8. eng. WiUiam A. 1814- Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 241. eng. DARTIQUENAVE, Charles, epicure, 1664-1737. KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 44. Knellerp. Coopersc. DARTMOUTH, earl of. Propert, Hist, of minia- ture art (1887) 78. S. Cooper p.* (miniature) 2d baron, George Legge, admiral, 1648-91. Charnock, Biog. navalis (179.5) 3:front. Shipstereng. Clowes, Roy. navy (1898) 2:421. Sir P. Lely p. Vanderbank eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:191. Michael Dahl p.* 2d earl of, Wilham Legge, 1731-1801 ? Har- per’s mag. (1851) 4:5. eng. Lond. mag. (1780) 49:443. eng. after drawing. Lond. soc. of arts, "rrans. (1803) 21: front. Gainsborough p. Wm. Evans del. & eng. Sd earl of, George Legge, 1755-1810. Lond. soc. of arts, Trans. (1813) 31: front. Thomas Law- rence p. Charles Warren eng. countess of. Lady Frances Finch, w. of 3d earl, 1761-1838. See Finch. Gth earl of, Wilham Heneage Legge, 1851- Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 6.58. Stull f. lith. (caricature) DARU, comte, Pierre Antoine Noel Mathieu Bruno, poet, 1767-1829. L’Art (1902) 61:332. Ambroise Tardieu eng. after drawing 1822. comte, Napoleon, 1807-90. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 160. wdct. DARWIN, Catherine, 1810-66. Darwin, More letters (1903) 1: front. Sharpies del.* (with brother Charles, 1816; child por.) Charles, 1809-82. Acad. (1897) 51:406.* Arena (189.3) 7:257.* Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) 347. Cameron, Tennyson & his friends (1893) pi. 16.* Cent. (1883) 3:322.* Clodd, Pioneers of evolution DARWIN 386 DAUDET (1897) front. John Collier p. Critic (1896) 28:407. photo, from Romanes’ Darwin & after Darwin. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:255. John Collier p.’*' — 2:255. Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm sc.* (bust) Darwin, More letters (1903) l:front. Sharpies del.* (with sister Catherine, 1816; child por.) — 2: front.* (in 1881) — 2:204* (in 1854?) Eclectic mag. (1871) 76:641. G. E. Ferine eng. Farrar, Men I have known (1897) 126.* Garneit, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:300. John Collier f.* Griswold, Personal sketches (1898) 54. Harper’s mag. (18^) 69:762.* — (1897) 95:936.* Harper’sw. (1871)15:308.wdct. — (1874) 18:345. wdet. —(1882) 26:269. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:244. wdet. after photo. — (1882) 80:416.* —(1887) 91:686. statue* (Nat. hist. mus. Loud.) —(1897) 111:209. Montford se.* (.statue, Shrewsbury) Internat. studio (1903) 20:12. Alphonse Legros del.* (coll, of G. J. Knowles) L.\mp, (1903) 26:299.* McCartuy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:148. John Collier p.* (Nat. por. gall.) McClure’s mag. (1893) 2:00.* — (1901) 17:330.* Mag. of art (1882) 5:^3. Legros f. wdet. (medal) Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 36. photo. Outlook (1900) 66:790. S. Hollyer etch.* Pop. sci. m. (1873) 2:38.5. — G882) 21:145. —(1901) 60: front. —60:5. — (1903) 62:386. Smithsonian inst. Ann. rept. (1895) 478. Collier p. Flameng etch. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:46. vignette. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 33. lith. (caricature) Werck- meister. Das 19to iahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 177. John Collier p.* — 2:pl. 178.* (in 1874) Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 220. John Collier p.* Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8: 144. Collier p.* Mrs Charles (Emma Wedgwood) d. 1896. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:4.58. Erasmus, 1731-1802. Biog. mag. (1819) 1 : 24. Holl sc. Cent. (1899) 36:760. Joseph Wright p. (Nat. por. gall.) T. Johnson eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:^9. Wright p.* Effigies poeticse (1824) 2:pl. 135. Wright p. J. Thurston del. J. T. Wedgwood eng. European mag. (1795) 27:75. W. Bromley sc. after drawing. G.arnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:32. Wright f.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:933. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4 : 421 . H. Meyer eng. after bust.* Pop. sci. m. (1903) 62:388. Kawlinson p. Haughton sc. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 66. Wright p. Thurston del. Wedgwood eng. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 47. Kawlinson p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5, pi. 30. Rollason of Derby p.* George Howard, s. of Charles, 1845- Pop. sci. m. (1899)56:17. Mrs Robert Waring (Susannah Wedgwood) m. of Charles, d. 1817. Darwin, More letters (1903) 1:30.* DASHEELL, Robert Laurenson, m. e. bp. 1826-80. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:213. wdet. DASHKOV, jmnneess, Ekaterina Romanovna, 1744-1810. BrI'ckner, Katharina II (1883) 71. G. Scorodoomolf del. & sc.* DASBTWOOD, Mrs Charles F. Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 22:347* (as Galatea) Lady, Mary (Graham) w. of Henry Watkin, 3d bart. L’.Vrt (1894) 59, pt. 1 1 : 176. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1784. Ch. Coppier sc. (with her child) DASKAM, Josephine Dodge, aflw. Mrs Selden Bacon, 1876- Book buyer (19(X)) ^:191. Book- man (1902) 14:445.* Critic (1902) 40:332. photo. Harper’s w. (1904) 48 : 724.* Lamp (1903) 26:236.* OuTr.ooK (1904) 78:289. DATI, Leonardo, 1408-72. Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 5:pl. 11. L. Ghiberti f.* (tomb) DAT7BENTON, Louis Jean Marie, 1716-1800. Cap. Mus. d'hist. nat. (1854) pt. 1:25. Adrien Fedrt sc. (medal) DAUBENY, Charles, f. r. s. 1795-1867. Athe- naeum club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 2. M. Haughton p. lith. D’AUBIGN^. See Aubignd. DAUBIGNY, Charles Fran 9 ois, painter, 1817-78. L’.Art (1881) 25:74. A. Lalauze des.* —(1883) 35:2.50. Smeeton & Tilly sc. —(1889) 47:240. Cent. (1892) 22:322,* 331. Claretie, Peintres ct sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:265. L. Massard sc. Fournel, Les artistes frany. contemp. (1884) 340. Smeeton Tilly sc. Mag. of art (1889) 12:300. L. Massard etch. wdet. Modern Fr. masters (1896) 156. T. Johnson eng. after photo. 1865. Mont- ROSiER, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembouig (1881) 189. Comte sc. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 10. etch. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 81. etch. Thomson, Barbizon school (1891) 283 (from Jouast’s Peintres contempwrains) DAUBLEBSKY, Hermann, freiherr von Sterneck zu Ehrenstein, 1829-97. See title Sterneck. DAUBRAY (Michel Rene Thibault) actor, 1837-92. L’Art (1878) 14:308. Andr6 Gill p.* F^lix Buhot des. Smeeton & Tilly sc. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:488. Kenyon Cox del. after photo. 1891. DAUCHEZ, Andrd, painter. Internat. studio (1900) 10:93. DAUCHY, comie, Hue Jacques l^douard, 1747- 1817. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:28. Godefroy del. Massard sc. DA'&D Pasha, 1816-80. Eclectic mag. (1867) 68:393. Ferine & Giles eng. Scribner’s m. (1877) 14: 138. eng. DAUD Shah, Afghan general, d. 1879. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 7.5:^5. W. Simpson del. wdet. DAUDE, M. 1749- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:28. Perrin del. Desliens sc. DAUDET, Alphonse, 1840-97. Book buyer (1892) 9:324. —(1898) 16:35. Carrifere f. (sketch) —(1899) 18:295. Bookman (189.5) 2:. 5.* —(1896) 3:118.* —(1898) 6:502.* — 8: 194. J. F. Raffielli del.* — (1899) 9:11.* Bookman lit. year-bk. (1898) DAUDET 387 DAVENPORT 65. Cent. (1883) 4:483.* Critic (1881) 1:239. Frank Fowler del.* — (1894) 25:144. caricature.* —(1897) 31:394. Fowler del.* —(1898) 32:111. —32:112 (after death) —(1898) 33:245. Carri^re p.* (with his daughter.) — (1901) 39:390. St Marceaux sc.* (statue) Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 16. photo. Harper’s mag. (1890) 81:2. F. W. A. f.* Har- per’s w. (1897) 41:1284. J. W. Alexander del.* iLLUS.Lond. news (1891) 99:562. —(1897) 111:917.* — (1903) 122:514. W. Rothenstein p.* (pastel) Internat. studio (1902) 16:260. Carri^re p.* Stein del. Les lettres et les arts (1886) 1:137.* Lit- erature (1898) 3: Aug. 19, sup. pi. 17. McClltie’s mag. (1893) 1:24-25* (4 por.) —(1894) 3:138,* 141,* 148.* Mag. of art (1894) 17:356. Carriferc p. Frank Baudoin eng. — (1898) 22:557. Carrifere p.* (with his daughter) Pall Mall mag. (1898) 16:292. J. F. Raffaeli del.* Paris salon (1901) 91. R. de Saint Marceaux sc.* (statue) Petit de Julle- nLLE, Hist, de la langue fran?. (1899) 8: 192.* R. of rev. (1898) 17:1.30. Revue illus. (1886) 1:81. P. Renouard del. Froment sc. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:558. Carri^re del.* —(1898) 23:104. Carri^re del.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. 558. Guth f. lith. (caricature) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 296.* Mme Alphonse (Julie Allard) 1847- McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:142* (with daughter) Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23: 105. J. Tissot f.* Leon, s. of Alphonse, 1868- Bookman (1895) 1:371.* — (1901) 14:109.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:239.* Mme Leon (Jeanne Hugo) Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:239.* DAXJMESNIL, Pierre, general, 1777-1832. Sil- vestre. Gall, of contemp. art (1884) 61. Gaston M^lingue p. wdct. (group) DAUMIER, Honore', 1808-79. L’Art (1878) 13:27. Sinecton et TiUy eng. — (1881) 26:178. Auguste Boulard del. sc. — (1888) 45:93. Carjat del. eng. — (1889)47:239. fit. Carjat del. ? Michelet sc. —(1901) 60:236. Cent. (1890) 17:403. Cla- retie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:313. L. Massard sc. Fournel, Les artistes fran?. con- temp. (1884) 491. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 17:429. Henri Monnier f. wdct. Mag. of art (1900) 24:571. Adolphe G. Dechaume f.* (bust) DAUN, graf von, Leopold Joseph Maria, 1705-66. Allo. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:401t. Martin van Mey- tens p. J. E. Nilson eng.* Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 128. eng. Oncken, Zcitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:313. Kilian p. Bolt sc. Wolf u. Zwiedeneck, Oesterreich (1884) 61. Martin van Meytens p. J. E. Nilson eng. DAUHOU, Pierre Claude Francois, 1761-1840. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1822) .5:225. Dela- porte, jr. f sc. DAUPHIN, Eugfene, painter. Paris salon (1893) 73. DAUVERSlilRE, Jdrdme Le Royer de la. See La Dauversifere. DAVEIS, Charles Stewart, colonel, 1788-1865. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:19. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 163. F. T. Stuart eng. Cleavei.and, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 152. J. C. Buttre eng. Drake, Mem. of Cincin. (1873) 279. Stuart eng. N. E. HIST. & geneal. register (1897) 51:141. Stuart •eng. DAVENANT, Sir William, dramatist, 1605-68. Bookman (1902) 15:546. Faithome f.* Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1:213. Greenhuth p. wdct. Effigies poeticse ( 1824) 1 : pi. 52. J. Thurston del. after p. 1 W. H. Worthington eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:71. Greenhill f. Faithome eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:651. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 52. Thurston del. after p. ? Worthington eng. DAVENPORT, Miss. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 736. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* Mrs Charlotte (Sneyd) d. 18‘29. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:746, pi. 47. G. Romney p. J. Jones eng. 1784. Edward Loomis, actor, 1814 ?-77. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:76. Bany del. eng. Hutton, Cu- riosities of Am. stage (1891) 287. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17:257.* Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:566* (coll, of Peter Gilsey) Fanny, 1850-98. Critic (1898) 33:232* (in Cleopatra, 1898) McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:205.* McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 108 (in Gismonda) Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:318-19* (2 por.) Franklin, d. 1829? St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 470. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* George. Nat. mag. (1893) 19:6.5. George, d. 184.5. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:312. George L. 1817-85. Annai.s of Iowa (186.3) 1:97. Aln-ed Jones eng. Homer Calvin, cartoonist, 1867- Book.man (1902) 16:123.* Ira, N. Y. state senator, 1841-1904. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:693. wdct. —(1883) 27:616. wdct. —(1885) 29:640. wdct. John, 1597-1670. Cent. (1883) 3:732. p* (Yale coll.) Drake, Hist. & antiq. of Boston (1856) 76. wdct. Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898) 222. p.* (Yale univ.) Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:359. Harper’s w. (1892) .36:. 500. Chas. H. Niehaus sc. wdct. (statue) Hollisfer, Hist, of Conn. (1857) 1:91. L. S. Punderson eng. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:6. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:481. Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (11W2) 1:162. p.* (Yale univ.) WiNsoR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 3:332. Andret eng. after p.* John, M. c. 1752-1830. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 426. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Mrs Mary Aim (Harvey) actress, 17651-1843. Monthly mirror (1805) 19:73. De Wilde p. Ridley eng. DAVENPORT 388 DAVIDSON Sir Samuel, 1818- Illus. Lond. nows (1886) 89:117. William Bromley-, m. p. 1821^4. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 252. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William Bromley-, 1863- Illus. Lond. nows (1904) 124:218.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 550. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DAVES, John, major. Am. hist, register (1895) 2:1215. DAVEY, Sir Horace {Lord Davey) 1833- Green bag (1894) 6:57.* —(1902) 14:31.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:375.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 51.* William Harrison, dean of LlandalT, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:640.* DAVEZAC, Aug^uste, major. Democratic rev. (1845) 16:109. J. B. Forrest eng. DAVID II, king of Scotland, 1324-57. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 2. Jameson p. Robert Johnson del. E. ilarding sc. DAVID, Felicien, composer, 1810-76. L’Art (1876) 4:234. Pils did. P. Renouard des. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 137. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* Clement, Les musiciens c^Rbres (1873) 532. L. Mas- sard eng. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 17. photo. Har- per’s mag. (1877) 55:206. eng.? Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:268. wdet. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:753. Massfi.rd eng.* Ferdinand, violinist, 1810-73. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (190()) 137. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* Gerard, painter, 14501-1523. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1866) 20:. 543. Sotain eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai.serhauses (1887) 5:110. David Gdrard p.?* (Arras mus.) Jacques Louis, 1748-1825. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:231 . Bouget p. Fremy del. & sc. L’Art (1889) 47:46. Navez p. 1817. J. L. Po- trellesc. —(1894) 57:59, 63,67,69 (4 por.) —(1901) 60:468. Navez p. 1817. Potrelle eng. — (1904) 63:171. Jobard Je.une lith.* Iconog. des contem. (1832) 2:pl. 2. Monauteuil del. ? Delpech lith. Mc- Ci.ure’s mag. (1896) 6:146. J. L. David p.* Men- NECHET, Lo Plutarque fran?. (1840) 7:pi. 24. Gros del. Mingeret sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 73. Rouget p. 1814. Bourgeois sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:250. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 92. Bude sc. eng. (bust) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1 :pl. 86. David p.* Jean Baptiste, 1801-66. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Annuaire (1867) 33:99. J. Demannez eng. Baron Jerome Frederic Paul, 1822-82. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 477.* Lucien, 1740-93. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:31. Labadyc del. Michon sc. Nina, 1873- Arena (1904) 32:392.* DAVID D’ANGERS, Pierre Jean, 1789-1856. L’Art (1882) 28: 123. Lehmanny f. Ch. Kreutzberger des. — (1893) 54:33. Ingres f. 1815. A. Collette sc. — (1894) 59, pt. 1 :97. Henri Lehmann des.* — (1903) 62:21. Horace Vernet del.* (caricature) — (1904) 63:176. Achille Devdria des.* Art union (1847) 9:281. wdet. Fournel, Les artistes franp. contemp. (1884) 79. medallion. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:4.54. Hdbert f.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 25. Julien f. Ruland, Aus dem Goethc-nat. mus. (1895) l:pl.23. Schnieller del. 1829.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 94. A. Deveria lith. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1879) 14: 1.53. Ingres del. J. L. Trambauer sc. 2Irne Pierre Jean (^milie MaiUocheau) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:459. P. J. David f. 1832. wdet. (medallion) DAVID DE ST GEORGES, Arthur. David de St Georges, Marq. du Chastelet (1896) 16. Louis Tiriant f. Thiriat sc. (medallion) DAVID GEORGE, 1.501-56. See Jorisz, David. DAVEDGE, Walter W. lawver. Harper’s w (1881) 25:80.5. wdet. William, actor, 1847-99. Book buyer (1901) 22:470.* .Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:323.* DAVEDOV, Karl, 1838-89. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 1.38. Alex. Gribay^dofT del.* DAVEDSON, Alexander Dyce, m. d. Ander.son, Aurora borealis academica (1899) 302. Sir George Reid p.* Andrew B. 1840-1902. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:329. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:199.* John, d. 1797. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 99. John Kay f. 1787, & eng. John, author, 1857- Bookman (1895) 1:85.* —(1896) 3:386. Sickert del.* CiiAP-book (1897) 6:2.54. Max Beerbohm f.* (caricature) Critic (189.5) 26:146. — (1902) 40:1.59. Robert Bryden eng.* Lucretia Maria, 1808-25. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:325. Roberts sc. Harper’s mag. (1876) 53:394. eng. Margaret Miller, 1823-38. Ditckinck, Cyclop, Am. lit. 1 1877) 2:327. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1876) 53:394. eng. Randall Thomas, abp. of Canterbury, 1848- Critic (1904) 45:293. Scotson-Clark del. 1904.* Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1385.* Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:549.* —(189.5) 107:199.* —(1901) 118:102.* —(1903) 122:95.* —(1904) 124: .May 7, sup. p. 6. A. S. Cope p.* Notables of Brit. (1^7) 102.* Outlook (1903) 73:291.* —(1904)78:26.5 * Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 37. Cope p.* Vanity fair album (1901) 33: pi. 743. Spy i. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1904) 8:5215.* Samuel, d.d. 1806-99. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:541.* Rev. Thomas, 1747-1827. Kay, O rig. por. (1877) l:pl. 154. John Kay f. 1790 & eng. Thomas, 1840-1900. Outlook (1899) 62:761. i DAVIDSON 389 DAVIS 5iV William, 1617 ?- Earlom, Por. of char. R. Dunkarton ong. after print. Sir William, barl. d. 1664. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:16. Hagens f. eng. DAVEB, William Richardson, 1756-1820. Lono- ACRE & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1836) 3:pl. 19. Vanderlvn del. 1800. J. B. Longacre, eng. Mao of Am. hist. (1885) 13:329. —(1892) 28:416. DAVIES, Acton, dramatic critic. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:939. Alfred, m. p. 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Arthur B. painter, 1862- Critic (1897) 31 :63.* Ben, singer, 1858- Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 1:5.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:441. wdct. Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 15:211. photo. — (1891) ser. 4, 17:288. photo. Mrs Christian (Mother Ro.ss) 1667-1739. C.vul- FiELD, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:43. eng. David, .M. p. 1818-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:135.* Freda Langdon-. Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 119. Hugh G. Riviere p.* Rev. Henry. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1839) 62: front. W. Crush p. T. A. Dean eng. Henry Ebenezer, 1805-81. Green bag (1890) 2:282.* Henry Eugene, u. s. a. 1836-94. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:200. wdct. Henry Hubert, author. Critic (190.3) 43:298.* Sir Horatio David, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:637.* John. Meth. mag. (1812) 35:481. Patten p. Holl sc. Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1835) 58:161. J. Jackson p. Cook eng. John Llewelyn, d. d. 1826- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:461.* Jonathan, d. d. 1736-1809. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 214. eng.* (Eton coll.) Sir Louis Henry, 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:76.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:7.59. Lucy, d. 1679. See Huntingdon, countess of. Maggie. Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 4:3.* Mrs Mary, singer. Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 1 : 1.5.* Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:76.* Nathaniel Edward Yorke-, 1844- Vanity fair album (1900 ) 32:pl. 778. Spy. f. lith. (caricature). Owen, 1752-1830. JIeth. mag. (1799) 22:261 (age 44) — (1809) 32:. 533. N. Branwhite p. W. Holl sc. Sir Robert Henry, 1824-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:343.* Samuel, 1723-61. Princeton book (1879) 40. PRiNCBroN univ. Mem. book (1898) 370. p.* Sarah Emily, 1830- Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 19. Rudolf Lehmann p. 1880.* Sneyd, archdeacon of Derby, 1709-69. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1817) 1 :485. II. Meyer sc. Mrs Somerset (Anne Hamond) Cent. (1898) 34:3.52. George Romney p. Timothy Cole eng.* Thomas. Meth. mag. (1819) 42;. 561. Blood sc. Thomas, 18.37-91. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:. 38.* Thomas Frederick, bp. of Mich. 1831- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 318. W. Cadwalader. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 1 18: May 11, sup. p. 7. W. G. John sc.* (bust) Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 39. John sc.* (bust) WiUiam, mi.ssionarv at Sierra Leone. Meth. mag. (1817) 40:321. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1837) 60:. 561. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. Sir William George, maj. gen. 1828-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:889.* DAVEES-EVANS family name. See Evans. DAVILA, Enrico Caterino, 1576-1631. Bul- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:183. E. de Boulonois f. DAvILA Y DAZA, Sancho, 1523-83. Carde- RERA Y Solano, Iconog. espaftola (1864) 2: pi. 82 bis. V. Carderera del. after p. Jo.s6 Vallejo lith. (coll, of Marqufo de Miraflores) DAVILLLER, baron, Jean Charles, 1823-83. Gaz. d. beaux arts (18^) ser. 2, 28:189. wdct. after photo. DAVIN, Nicholas Flood, 1843- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:35. DAVIS, Abner, 1764-1839. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 1 :640. L. Grozelier lith. Amasa, 1743-1825. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:280. Andrew Jackson, 1826- Brittan, Shekinah (1853) 3:1. A. II. Ritchie eng. Charles, 1788-1866. Ribblesdale, Queen’s hounds (1897) front. Byron Webb f. (about 1834) — p. 81. eng. after photo. Rev. Charles, of Baltimore, Ireland. Harper’s mag. (1889) 78:199. Charles Augustus, humorist, 1795-1867. Cent. (1901) 41: 48. eng.* Charles Henry, u. s. n. 1807-77. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 192. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2; pi. 54 Buttre eng. after photo. Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 6: .55. A. H. Ritchie eng. New Eng. mag. (1903) n. s. 27:424. Charles Hemy, u. s. n. 1845- Harper’s mag. (1899) 99:59. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:549. Curtis, 1814- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:218. eng. DAVIS 390 DAVIS Cushman Kellogg, u. s. senator, 1838-1900. Harper’s mag. (1899) OS:. 508. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:65. wdct. —(1894) 38:656. wdct. —(1898) 42:875. —(1900)44:1196. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11 :222. drawing.* Outlook (1898) 60:577. K. of rev. (1901) 23:. 57.* Daniel, 1713-99. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (18.58) 1:468. L. Grozelier lith. David, jurist, 1815-86. Barnes, Supreme court of U. S. (1877) 89. eng. after photo. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 403. Max Rosenthal etch. 1889 after photo. Cent. (1883) 3:811. Famev f.* — (1887) 11:538.* IIarper’sw. (1868) 12:72.\vdct. —(1886) 30:420. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 7:171.* Moses, 111. hist. & statistical (1892) 2:852. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 1:304.* Scribner’s m. (1878) 15:6^. eng. E. of Louisiana. Harper’s w. (1863) 7 : 1.33. wdct. Ebenezer, 17.531-99. Bugbee, Mem. of Cincin. (1890) 1.59. F. T. Stuart eng. Drake, Mem. of Cin- cin. (1873) 27.5. Stuart eng. Ethel H. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:597. H. T. Wells p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 140. H. T. Wells p.* Fay, actress. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:30,* 1339.* Tiie.itre (1897) 29:248. photo. Whyte, Actors (1898) 164* (with George Alexander) George Royal, 1840-99. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 5. Harper’s w. (1890) 34: 185, 769. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:549.* George Whitefield, maj.-gen. 18.39- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:62.5.* Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 96.* Outlook (1904) 76:834. R. of rev. (1902) 26:142.* —(1904) 29:422. World’s work (1904) 8:4718.* Harry, private, 46th Ohio. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:592. wdct. Henry Gassaway, u. s. senator, 1823- Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:111.5, 1159,* 1203,* 1267. R. of rev. (1904) 30:172. Henry WiUiam Banks, 1833-73. Art j. (1892) 44:243.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 62:1.57. wdct. after photo. Mag. of art (1881) 4:125. wdct. after photo. Henry Winter, m. c. 1817-65. Cent. (1889) 16:414.* Harper’s w. (1866) 10:45. wdct. Nico- lay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:112.* Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 283. Scribner’s m. (1878) 15:699. eng. Isaac, lieul. 1749-1826. Sons of the Am. rev. Cal. Hist, const. & by-laws (1897) 28. Isaac, M. D. 1836- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 3:1.59. eng. Isaac Beecher, of Hartford, Conn. 1817-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2:8.56. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Isaac P. 1771-1855. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1869) 11:94. Rev. James, 1812- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:945. wdct. Jefferson, 1808-89. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12: 193. Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 233. eng. Cent. (1887) 13:68.* Democratic rev. (1855) 35:331. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:377. Pierson sc. Harper’s w. (1858) 2: 17. wdct. —(I860) 4:248. wdct. —(1861) 5:65, 125,340. wdct. —(1889) 33:992. wdct. Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in X. A. (1886) 655. Goupil lith.* Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:751. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:384. —(1900) 16:103. —(1901) 16:243 (age 77) Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:pl. 117. — (1886) 15:596. eng. Moore, ReMlion record (1861) 1 :30. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Xico- LAY & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:192.* Por. m. (1863) 1:5. wdct. R. of rev. (1893) 8:6.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:269. vignette. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1 :94. eng. after photo. Trent, Southern statesmen (1897) 2.57. White, Robert E. Lee (1897) 94.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:209.* J efferson, gov. of Ark. 1862- R. of rev. (1902) 26:536.* Jefferson C. general, 1828-79. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 34. O’Neill eng. Cent. (1887) 12:924* (group) Harper’s w. (1861) 5:177, 284. wdct. — (1864) 8:605. wdct. — (1865) 9:405. wdct. — (1873) 17:365. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1^8) 11:4.50. A. H. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:224.* Por. m. (1863) 1:51. wdct. John, pres. Mass. hist. soc. 1761-1847. -\m. hist, register (1895) 3:14. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1818) 1:273. John, u. 8. senator, 1787-1854. Am. rev. (1850) 11:113. P. M. MTielpley mezzo. S. V. Hunt etch, after daguerr. — 12:113. J. M. Whelpley mezzo, after daguerr. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:120. eng. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:542. John, M. c. 1826-1901. .Veena (1892) 5:452.* —(1894) 10:289.* Harper’s w. (1890) 34:932. wdct. Sir John, general, 1832-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:889.* John, colonel, 1834-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:88.* John B. Green bag (1893) 5:345* (group) John Chandler Bancroft, 1822- Harper’s w. (1872) 16: 100. wdct. —(1881) 25:892. wdct. Sir John Francis, 1st hart. 1795-1890. Athe- N^UM club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 13. W. Drummond p. lith. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:680.* John WiUiam, gov. of R. I. 1826- Harper’s w. (1887) 31:388. wdct. Joseph John, 1828-92. Green bag (1892) 4:378.* Leonard L. 1837- Van Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:220. eng. Lucien, artist, 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:592. Mary, actress, mistress of Charles II, fl. 1663. CusT, Nat. p)or. gall. (1901) 1 : 159. Sir Peter Lely p.* Earlom, Por. of char. R. Earlom eng. Foster Tne, DAVIS 391 DAVYDOV Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 91. Lely p.* Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 351. Kneller p.* W. N. Gardi- ner sc. — p. 351. S. Harding del. after miniature. Schiavonetti sc. — (1809) 3:203. Bocquet sc. after miniature. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:87. Lelyp.* Maurice, m. d. d. 1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:545. Nathan Smith, m. d. 1817- Cath. world (1897) 65:777. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:665. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 11:115. eng. Noah, 1818-1902. Green bag (1897) 9:1.* Harper’s w. (1873) 17:620, 1108. wdct. Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:316. G. E. Ferine eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:142.* Noah Knowles, of Univ. of Va. 1830- R. of rev. (1904) 29:125. Mrs Paulina Wright, 1813-76. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1881) 1 :273. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Reuben, 1813-73. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:65. wdct. Richard Harding, 1864- AiiERiCA’s gitst men & women (1894) 201. Book buyer (1891) 8:196. —(1894) 11:241. —(1898) 16:9. Emil Poliak del.* — 16:309.* — 17:^1. Penthyn Stanlaws del.* — (1902) 25:110,* 216-19* (various por.) Book- man (1897) 5:462.* —(1902) 16:8.* —(1904) 19:34. F. Remington del.* (from Harper’s w.) Bookman lit. vear-bk. (1898) 23. CiiAP-lxiok (1896) 6:5.5. Cecil Cfark del. eng. Critic (1896) 29:320. —(1898) 32:2.52. Stanlaws del. —32:283. photo. Harper’s mag. (1894) 89:10. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:510. Remington del.* — (1902) 46:429. C. C. Davis del.* Literature (1898) 3: Dec. 14, sup. pi. 34. McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:36-38* (5 por.) Samuel B. colonel, d. 1854. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:627. Theodore R. illustrator, 1841-94. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:564. wdct. Thomas, 1792- Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:119. Thomas Frederick, bp. of S. C. 1804-71. Har- per’s w. (1892) 36:1065. wdct. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 122. Thomas Osborne, 1814-45. Dunlop, Daniel O’Connell (1900) 242. from Duffy’s Life of Davis. Varina Anne Jefferson (Winnie) dau. of Jef- ferson, 1864-98. Critic (1898) 33:219.* —(1899) 34:394. G. J. Zolnay f. (bas-relief) Harper’s w. (1898) 42:959. Literature (1898) 3:Sept. 28, sup. pi. 24. William Steams, novelist, 1877- Book buyer (1900) 20:188. Bookman (1900) 11 :410. DAVISON, John Robert, m. p. 1826-71. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:444. wdct. after photo. Mrs Maria Rebecca (Duncan) actress, 1780- 1858. La BELLE assembl^e (1812) n. s. 6:3. Henry Singleton _p. A. Cardon eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1820) 12:301. Thomas Woolnoth f. after p. Peter Weimer, u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:489. wdct. Wilham Theophilus, d. d. 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:122.* DAVITT, Michael, Irish agitator, 1846-1906. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:65.* Devot, Land of Eire (1882) 38. S. Hollycr eng. Green bag (1894) 6:364.* Harper’s mag. (1^7) 75:422. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:541. wdct. — (1891) 35:6. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:145.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:401. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1904) 29:254. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 89.* DAVOL, Charles S. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:670. wdct. Stephen. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3: 188. WiUiam C. 1806- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:188. DAVOTJD Pasha, 1816-80. See Dadd Pasha. DAVOUST, Alexis, prior of abbey of St Ouen, 1727- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:33. G. Malbeste etch. 1791. Gros del. Bcljambe sc. DAVOUT, Louis Nicolas, due d’Auerstiidt, prince d’Eckmtihl, marshal, 1770-1823. Cent. (1896) 29:384. Claude Gautherot f.* Gavard, Gal. des mardchaux de France (1839) pi. 14. Gautherot p. Ladoerer eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 20:142. L. Bonnat p.* Headley, Napoleon & his marshals (1847) 1:114. eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 3. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech litli. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:276. Tito Marzocchi p. after Gautherot. R. A. Muller sc. Tardieu, Gdn. franc. l:pl- 29. Forestier sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (18^-62) pi. 32. Karll Girardet del. Paul Gi- rardet sc. Ver.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1536. Gautherot p.* DAVY, Sir Humphry, 1778-1829. Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) 139. Brougham, Lives (1845) 1:448. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. E. Sicriven eng. (coll, of Roy. soc.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 8:705. Lawrence p. Scriven eng. Cunningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (1837) 8: front. S. Freeman eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:103. W. Bruce Jov f.* (medallion) Harper’s mag. (1897) 94:217. H. How- ard p.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:373. W. & T. Wills sc. wdct. (statue, Penzance) — (1899) 114:846. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (18.30) v. 1. Lonsdale p. Thomson eng. New m. mag. (1821) n. s. 3:front. I. Thomson sc. Pop. sci. m. (1879) 14:698. Por. gall. (1853) 3:896. Lawrence p. Scriven sc. Scrib- ner’s ibag. (1889) 5:645. eng. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, l:"pl. 47. Potter sc. 1834. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 57. Lawrence p.* Tayi.or, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:73. Lonsdale p. J. Jenkins eng. Werck- MEiSTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 263. Lonsdale p. Worthington eng.* DAVYDOV, princess. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:330. D. G. Levitski p.* (with Mile Rjevski, child por. Peterhof) DAWE 392 DAY DAWE, Elizabeth. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures ( 1904) 2 : pi. 74, fig. 3. Elizabeth Da we p.* (coll, of E. M. Hodgkins) DAWES, Mrs. WiLLiAiisON, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 54. Nathaniel Plimer p. 1778* (minia- ture, coll, of lord Hcathfield) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 67, fig. 9. N. Plimer p. 1778* (coll, of lord Heathfield) Anna Laurens, dau. of Henry, 1851- New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:10. Charles Gates, 1865- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:808. Elizabeth A. S. Critic (1895) 26:204. Henry Laurens, u. s. senator, 1816-1903. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 151. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:93. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4:pl. 5.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:10. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:2.56.* R. OF rev. (1903)27:302.* James William, gov. of Nebr. 1845- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:631. wdct. Mary Clara. Illus. Lond. news (1884)85: 121. Thomas, jr. 1731-1809. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2: 138. DAWISON, Bogumil, actor, 1818-72. Thust u. Kiihn, Biog. kiinstlcr album (1867) v. 1. Jager lith. DA'WKINS, Sir Clinton Edward, 1859- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:730.* Mrs Collier (bom Forbes) Willi.\.mson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 40. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 61, fig. 4. Andrew Plimer p.* William Boyd, geologist, 1838- Harper’s w. (1884)28:5.55. wdct. DAWNAY, Guy Cuthbert, 1848-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94 : 443.* DAWNAY family name. See also title Downe. DAWSON, Mrs. Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 57, fig. 1. Richard Cosway p.* Alec John, novelist, 1871- Bookman (1900) 12: ’217. Lady Anne (Fermor) d. 1769. Reynolds, Engravings (1833) 2: pi. 25. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1754. S. "VV. Reynolds eng. (as Diana) lion. Caroline Margaret, aftw. w. of 3d baron Congleton. Hayter, Beauties of court of Queen Victoria (1850) pi. 13. J. Hayter del. W. IIoll sc. Douglas Frederick Rawdon, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:642.* Vantty fair album (1903) 35:pl. 863. Spy del. lith. Emily, aftw. w. of J. II. Wyndham King. Court album (18.52) pi. 5. .lohn Hayter del. W. H. Mote eng. George, 1821-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:581. wdct. after photo. George, jr. Baily’s mag. (1888) 50:t.-p. Henry Barton, 1821-89. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1890) 44:233. eng. James, captain. So. African port. gall. (1897) 38. John, of Charleston, S. C. St Memin, Coll, of p>or. (1862) pi. 664. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* John, friend of Lincoln, 1791-1850. McClure’s mag. (1896)6:311. John, horse trainer. Baily’s mag. (1890) 53:321. G. J. Stodart sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1896) 28:front. lith. after caricature. Sir John WUham, 1820-99. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2:133. lith. Harper’s w. (1884) 2H:5o5. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:253. Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:1. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:27. —(1898) n. s. 18:647. — n. s. 19:246. Pop. sci. m. (1875) 8:129. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 1:380. eng. after photo. Lilian, dau. of W. II. Dawson. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 118. Herbert J. Drapier p.* Llewellyn Styles, African explorer. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:213. wdct. Matthew, horse trainer, 1820-98. Baily's mag. (1884) 43:t.-p. Vanity fair album (1886) 18:pl. 370. Lib. f. lith. (caricature) — (1896) 28: front, lith. after caricature. Nancy, dancer, 17301-67. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 1339, pi. 90. Charles Spooner f. Nathaniel Henry Rhodes, 1829-95. Lib. j. (1887) 12:66.* Richard. Barrington, Hist. mcm. (1835) 2:166. Hamilton p. Maguire del. J. Heath eng. 1812. Vesey John, colonel, 1853- Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 797. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William Causby, u. s. senator, 1798- 1856. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4 : 88. Pierson sc. White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 481. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. William James, novelist, 1854- Bookman (1896)4:193.* DAWSON-DAMER family name. See Darner; also title Portarlington. DAWTRY, Lady, Jane (Shirley) w. of Sir. John. See Lister, Lady. DAY, Albert, of Binghamton, N. Y. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:828. wdct. Alfred. Baily’s mag. (1860) l:t.-p. photo. Anne, aftw. w. of Sir Peter Fenouilhet. Brit. mus. Prints (1895) n. s. pt. 5: pi. 16. Sir J. Reynolds p. Macardell eng.* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2:pl. 40. Reynolds p. 1760. James McArdell sc.* Calvin, 1803-84. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hart- ford CO. Conn. (1886) 1 :670. eng. David Talbot, 1859- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:519. DAY 393 DEANE Rev. George Edward, 1815- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:328. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:79. J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 365. St Wemin del. & eng. 1804.* James Roscoe, chancellor Syracuse univ. 1845- IIarper’s w. (1894) 38:81. wdct. Jeremiah, pres, of Yale, 1773-1867. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 67. S. F. B. Morse p. Hinmansc. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 42. Eclectic mag. (1860) 51 :289. John Sartain eng. after ambro- type. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:432. Out- look (1899) 62:774 (with Woolsey and Silliman) —(1901) 68:795. John, 1522-84. Dibdin, Typograph. antiq. (1819) 4:40. eng. after wdct. 1562. — 4:47. Le.m- pertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853- 1865) 44. wdct. 1562. Lives of illus. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. Sir John Charles, 1826- Green bag (1893) 5: front.* (group) —(1894) 6:366. —(1896) 8:294. —(1897) 9:534. Merry Eng. (1888) 11 :277. Van- ity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 23. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) Rev. John William. New Eng. mag. (1893) n.s. 8:487. Luther, 1813-85. Green bag (1895) 7:179.* Martin. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1879) ser. 2, 19:54. Rembrandt p. Leopold Flameng sc.* Maurice Fitzgerald, bp. of Cashel, 1816- Mag. of art (1898) 22:. 560. Walter Osborne p.* Simon. Arminian mag. (1791) 14:597 (age 37) Thomas, sr. Williamson, Andrew & Nathan- iel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 17. Andrew Plimer p.* (minia- ture, coll, of Lord Barnard) Thomas, jr. s. of Thomas. Williamson, An- drew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 17. .\ndrew Plimer p.* (age 12; miniature, coll, of Lord Barnard) Thomas, author, 1748-89. European mag. (1794) 26:387. J. Cond4 sc. Thomas, 1777-1855. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1 : 126. eng. William Rufus, 1849- Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:505, 507. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:448, 853, 875. —(1903) 47:212.* McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:223. Outlook (1898) 60:574. R. of rev. (1898) 17:386.* —(1903) 27:282.* World’s work (1903) 5:3151.* DAYE, John, 1522-84. See Day. DAYTON, Alston Gordon, .m. c. 1857- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1088. wdct. Charles Willoughby, of N. Y. city, 1846- Harper’s w. (1893) .37:592. wdct. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:310. Williams eng. N. Y. me.m. hist. (1895) 382. Williams eng. Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. p. 36. Williams eng. Ehas, 1737-1807. Cincin. Por. of pres. gen. (1887) pi. 15. James Henry, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:400. Jonathan, u. s. senator, 1760-1824. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:290. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 241. Rosenthal etch.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 444. St Memin del. & eng. 1798.* William Lewis, u. s. senator, 1807-64. Am. rev. (1849) 9:front. A. II. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 13. J. C. Buttre, eng. after photo. Cent. (1887) 12: 107.* Green bag (1891) 3:423. Harper’s w. (186.5) 9:28. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:64.* DAZINCOURT (Jacques Jean Baptiste Al- bouy) comedian, 1747-1809. Gal. th^atrale, pi. 8. Favart del. Chaponnier sc. (as Dubois) DEACON, Albert. Vanity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 474. Spy f. lith. (caricature) H. W. 1824. Baily’s mag. (1870) 18:55. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. James Justice, of Bath. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 15. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) DEADRICK, James W. 1812-90. Green bag (1893) 5:227.* DEADY, Matthew Paul, judge, 1824-93. Ban- croft, Chronicles (1892) 2:465. eng. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:274. wdct. DEAE, Franz, 1803-76. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:533. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:172. wdct. Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bild- nissen (1900) 4:pl. 431. Kriehuber del. & lith.* DEAKIN, Edwin, painter. Outlook (1904) 76:75.* DE AMELAND, Lady Augusta, w. of Prince Augustus, duke of Sussex, d. 1830. See Sussex. DEAN, Amos, 1803-68. Annals of Iowa (1899) ser. 3, 4:10. Green bag (1890) 2: 155. Gilbert, lawyer, 1819-70. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:339. II. S. Sadd eng. John, d. 1747. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:115. William Verelst p.* John. Meth. mag. (1803) 26:289. William Rid- ley sc. (age 35) John Ward, 1815-1902. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1902) 56:223. J. Harvey Young p.* Juha, actress, 1830-69. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:177. Rowse del. eng. (in The priestess) Cent. (1890) 17 : 379.* Harper’s w. (1903) 47: 1.555.* Oliver, 1783-1871. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6: 149. eng. Peter. Bancroft, Chronicles (1892) 2:339. eng. DEANE, Sir Anthony, shipbuilder, 1638?-1721. Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1876) 2:27. Charles, 1813-89. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1891) ser. 2, 7: front. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. after photo. WiK- SOR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 1 :pref. 11. eng. DEANE 394 DECATUR Henry BargraveFinnelly, lawyer, 1846- Vax- ITT fair album (1898) 30:pl. 721. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) Sir James Parker, 1812-1902. Illus. Loud, news (1902) 120:44.* Silas, 1737-89. Du Simitiere, Amer. legislators (1783) pi. 3. Du Simitifere del. B. licading eng. European mag. (1783) 4:243. Du Simitii^re del. W. Angus eng. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1894)18:273. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:443. Webb, Corresp.& jour. (1893) 1 : 36. B. Read- ing sc.* (Simitiferc coll.) Winsor, Xar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:26. eng. from Du Simitiere 's 13 por. Lond. 1783. Thomas, colonel, 1841- Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:329.* DEAH, James. Baily’s mag. (1876) 29:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. DEARBORN, George Raleigh, s. of Ilenrj’. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 399. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Henry, general, 1751-1829. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:1. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev. (1835) 2:front. eng. Cent. (1903) 43:543. Gilbert Stuart p.* (Calumet club, Chicago) Me. hist. & geneal. recorder (1886) 3:1. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:615. Outlook (1902) 70:329. II. B. Hall etch.* Rodenbougii & Haskin, Army of U. S. ( 1896) 193. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 401. St Memin del. & eng.* Scribner’s mag. (1901) 30:297. Win.sor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:574. Stuart p. 1812. Kilburn sc. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7 :385.* eng. from Lossing’s Field-book of war of 1812, 249. Henry Alexander Scammell, 1783-1851. Am. hist, register (1896) 4:274. Cincin. Por. of pres. gen. (1887) pi. 10. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10: 184. eng. Me. hist. & geneal. recorder (1886)3: 69. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:386. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 400. St Memin del. & eng.* DEARMER, Percy, 1867- Bixjkman (1900) 11:412. DEASE, Sir Gerald, colonel, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:76.* DEASY, Henry Hugh Peter, captain, 1866- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:703.* DEBAT-PONSAN, Edouard Bernard, 1847- Paris salon (1891) 41. DE BATHE, Sir Henry Percival, 4th hart. 1823- Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 141. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) DE BIiANC, Alcibiades. Green bag (1891) 3:127.* DE BLAQUlilRE, 1st baron, John Blaquibre, 1732-1812. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1335) 1:216. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1811. DE BOW, James Dunwoody Brownson, 1820- 67. De Bow’s rev. (1867) n. s. 3: front. W. G. Jack- man eng. DEBRAY, Henri, 1827-88. Le centen. de l’6cole normale (1895) 426. eng. DEBRIT, Marc, journalist, 1833- Outlook (1897) 56:545. DEBRY, Jean Antoine Joseph, 17601-1834. Revolution fran?. (1801) 2: pi. 33. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. fran?. (1804) 3: pi. 40. Levachez sc. DEBS, Eugene Victor, 18.55- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:656. wdet. — (1896) 40:796. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:228.* R. of rev. (1894) 10:133. — (1896)14:301. Gribav^doff del.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:475. DEBXJCOURT, Jean Baptiste. Connoisseur (1902) 4:108. Louis Philibert Bucourt f.* (age 10) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:82. P. L. Debu- court sc.* (child por.) PhUibert Louis, painter, 1755-1832. L’Art (1902) 61:317. Debucourt del. E. Clair Guyot del. (Mus. Cama valet) DEBURAU, Gaspard, 1796-1847 L’Art (1889) 47 : 169. Vautier p. Patrice Dillon del. Sgap sc. — 47 : 173. Auguste Bouquet p. Dillon del. Sgap sc. (in Le billet de millc francs) — 47 : 175. Bouquet p. Dillon del. Sgap sc. Grand-Carteret, XIX* slide (1893) 423. Lacauchie lith. 1841.* DE BURGH family name. See titles Clanricarde; Dunkellin. DEBUSEY, Claude. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:453. J. E. Blanche p.* Internat. studio (1904)21:199. Jacques Emile Blanche p.* DE BUTTS, Mrs Ehsha, of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 729. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* DECAISNE, Joseph, botanist, 1807-82. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1884) 50:369. Desvachez sc. DE CAMP, Miss, actress, 1774- Monthly mirror (1801) 12:291. Barry p. Ridley eng. (miniature) John R. of Cincinnati, 1848- Mag. of West, hist. (1887) 7 : 190. eng. DECAMPS, Alexandre Gabriel, painter, 1803-60. L’.AlRT 0894) 57:90. Decamps p. 1839 * Fournel, Les artistes franc, contemp. (1884) 383. H. Rousseau del. J. Guillaume sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1862) 12:102. JeanGigouxf. Diensc. Huart& Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 32. McClure’s mag. (190.3) 21 : 121.* Stebbins, Cat. of the private coll. (1889) 56. etch. DECATUR, Stephen, u. s. n. 1751-1808. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 407. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* DECATUR 395 DEERmC Stephen, u. s. n. 1779-1820. Analectic mag. (1813) 1:369. G. Stuart p. D. Edwin sc. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev. (1835) 2:371. Stuart p. Edwin sc. Dawson, Battles of U. S. (1858) 2:41. Chappel p. G. 11. Hall eng. Dutckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1 : 412. Chappel p. eng. Har- per’s mag. (1862) 24:180. wdet. — (1902) 104:932. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:3.58. Sully p. wdet. —(1899) 43:884. G. F. Brewster sc.* (statue, Dewey arch) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) l:pl. 31. Sully p.* (mayor’s office, N. Y.) Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1836) 3:pl. 23. T. Sully p. A. B. Durand eng. after copy by Jam js Herring. Locbat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2:pl. 28. Furst des. & eng. 1812. Jules Jacquemart etch. Octlook (1902) 70:331. Gilbert Stuart p.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (1854) 3 pi. 8. T. Sully p. A. B. Durand eng. after copy by James Herring. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 650. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* WiNSOR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:372. Sully p. Durand eng. after copy by Herring p. (from the Nat. por. gall.) DECAZES, due, ^Ue, 1780-1860. L’Ami d. monu- ments (1902) 16:141. eng.* Iconog. des contemn. (1832) 2:pl. 4. L. Dubr6 del.? 1828. Delpech lith. Laforge, Hist, de MacMahon (1898) 3:120. E. Bo- court eng. due, Louis, due de Glucksberg, 1819-86. L’Art (1876) 5:268. E. C. D. Guilbert sc. & des. Gillot sc. (bust) Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 18. photo. DECEBALUS, king of the Dacians, d. 108 A. D. Miller, Balkans (1896) 7. bust.* (St Petersburg) DECENTITJS, Magnus, d. 353. Jhrb. d. kunst- hist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) ll:pl. 1, fig. 336-37. medals.* DECHAUME, Geoffrey, artist. L’Art (1892) 53:278. Franck Bail p. G. Manesse sc. DECHERT, Robert Porter, general, 1842-94. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:713. wdet. —(1894) 38:487. wdet. DECHEZ, Louis Alexandre Hippolyte, 1803-30. See Jenneval. DECIAN, Tiberio, jurist, 1508-81. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:234. Esme de Boulonois f. DECIO, Filippo, jurist, 1454-1535. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:213- DECIUS, Caius Messius Quintus Trajanus, Roman emperor, 200 ?-251 A. D. Allg. weltge- schichte (1^5) 3:615. bust* (Capitoline mus. Rome) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 46. bust* (Capitol, Rome) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 7, sec. 1:^8. statue.* (Capitol mus.) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 555. bust.* (Cap- itol mus.) JuRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1885) 3: pi. 4, fig. 135. medallion.* (Samml. der Karthauser, Rome) DECK, Joseph Theodore, 1823-91. L’Art (1878) 14:307. Eugene Gluck p. & des.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3, 6:79. C. 11. Decaux f. DECKER, Charles, dwarf. Harper’s w. (1866) 10: 13. wdet. Frans, 1684-1751. Etched por. of celeb, painters pi. 19. I. Girtin eng. John, engineer N. Y. fire dept. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:124. wdet. Pierre Jacques Fran 9 ois de, 1812-91. Acad. Toy. de Belgique, Ann. (1892) 58:215. A. Danse eng. Mrs Sarah S. Platt. Outlook (1904) 78:266.* DECLE, Lionel, author, 1859- Bookman (1899) 10:99. DE CLIFFORD, baroness, Sophia (Campbell) w. of 20th baron, 1743-1828. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1104. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* baroness, Lady Mary Elizabeth (Bourke) w. of 21st baron, d. 1845. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. fe- males (1833) 2:29. Derby p. J. Wright sc. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1208. Reynolds p.* DE CORA, Angel, artist. Outlook (1900)65:82. DECRAIS, Albert, ambassador, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:62.* Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. .576. Guth f. lith. (caricature) DE CRESPIGNY, Lady, Mary (Clark) w. of Claude Champion, 1st hart. European mag. (1804) 46 : 403. Emma Smith p. Ridley eng. (miniature) Lady’s m. mus. (1810) n. s. 8:61. 11. D. Hamilton p. Mackenzie sc. Mrs Dorothy (Scott) w. of Philip Champion De Crespigny, d. 1837. Mag. of art (1901) 25:557. George Romnev p. 1786.* Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:28. Romney p.* 1786. DECRETOT. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:40. Le Ber- lin etch. Perrin del. Beljambe sc. DEDELAY D’AGIER, Claude Pierre, 1750-1827. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:40. Gros del. Beljambe sc. DEE, John, 1.527-1608. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:320. Scheneker eng. 1792.* Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 46. .Scheneker eng.* DEEDES, Mrs (born Forbes) Williamson, An- drew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 40. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) DEEMS, Rev. Charles Force, 1820-93. Blttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 51. eng. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:916. wdet. —(1893) 37: 1144. wdet. DEEPING, Warwick, author, 1871- Bookman (1904) 18:582.* Outlook (1903) 75:848. DEERHURST, viscountess, Virginia Lee (Daniel) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:691.* DEERING, William, 1826- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 237. 396 DE HASS DEFACQZ DEFACQZ, Eugene, jurist, 1797-1871. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1873) 39:227. J. Demannez sc. F. Nys imp. DEFFAND, marquise du, Marie (de Vichy-Cham- rond) 1697-1780. Cent. (1890) 18:881. Gal. fran?. (1823) 3:277. Carmontelle f.* Z. Belliard del. Les- piNASSE, Letters (1902) 25. p. ? 18th cent.* Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 203. J. P. Davis eng. Sainte Beuve, Nouv. gal. de femmes cdliihres (1865) 225. G. Staal del. Geoffroy sc. Tallentyre, Women of the salons (1901) 1. print.* Walpole, Letters (1840) 4: front. Carmontel del. G. P. Harding del. Greatbatch sc. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 7: front. M. Carmontel del. W. Greatbatch sc. (with Duchess de Choiseal) DEFOE, Daniel, 1663-1731 i Biog. mag. (1794) Rothwell sc. after Vandergucht. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 11:118. eng. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1:104. eng. Cent. (1893) 24:745. Van Der Gucht eng.* Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng.(1849) 4:798. M. Vandergucht f. J. Thomson eng. (print) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:252. Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7: 112. Vandergucht f. Thomson eng. (print) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:23. Taverner f. Gucht. Olipiiant, Hist. char. (1894) 136. Van der Gucht eng. C. A. Powell eng. Outlook (1901) 69:877. eng.* Penny mag. (1833) 2: 152. eng. Por. gall. (1853) 2:503. Vandergucht eng. Thomson sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (18^) 3: pi. 23. J. Rich- ardson p. J. Hopwood sc. James W. descendant of Daniel. Cent. (1899) 36:387.* DE FOREST, Miss F. Internat. studio, sup. (1898) 6:9. W. M. Chase p.* John William, novelist, 1826- Book buyer (1899) 17:572. Bookman (1899) 8:515.* Lee. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:298.* Robert Weeks, lawyer, 1848- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:1207.* DEFREGGER, Franz, 1835- Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 1:11. wdet. Die graphischen kiinste (1882) 4:17. V. Jasper, after photo. Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:11. eng.? Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 18:front.* 31.* -Mag. of art (1886) 9:186. wdet. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 311. Defregger p.* Robert, s. of Franz. Die graphiscue.n kiinste (1886) 8: 116. Fr. Defregger p. L. Kuhn sc. (child por.) DEFRIES, Milly, dau. of D. C. Defries. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 132. Ethel Wright p.* Wolf. Internat. studio (1903) 20:10. Alphonse Legros del.* DE GARMENDIA, B. Spalding', tennis player. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:158, 409. wdet. DE GARMO, Charles, of Cornell univ. 1849- Har- piai’s w. (1891) 35:761. wdet. — (1894) 38:640. wdet. DEGAS, Hilaire Germain Edgard, 1834- Internat. studio (1904) 21:193. Jacques Emile Blanche p. 1903.* DEGEN, Vincenz. Ztscii. f. biicherfreunde (1899) 2:467. F. John eng.* DEGETAU, Federico, of Porto Rico, 1862- Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:258. —(1900) 44:1251. R. of rev. (19041 20:272. DE GEX, Sir John Peter, 1809-87. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:656.* DE GRAFF, Henry P. n. y. merchant, 1825- Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 683. II. B. Hall eng. DE GRESS, Francis, captain. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:564. wdet. DE GREY, earl, Thomas Philip Robinson, 1781-1859. Fagan, Eng. in Eng. (1893) 3:pl.76. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1788. Thomas Cheesman sc.* (with brothers; child por.) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 1. W. Robinson p. Henry Robinson eng. Reynolds, Engravings, l:pl. 40. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1788. S. W. Reynolds eng. (with earl of Ripon and Hon. Philip Robinson, as boys) Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:75. W. Robinson p. H. Robinson eng. countess, Lady Henrietta Frances (Cole) w. of 2d earl, 1784-1848. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. fe- males (1833) 2: 133. Miss Kendrick p. J. Cochran sc. (miniature) earl, Frederick Oliver Robinson, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:414.* Vanity fair album (1890) 22:pl. 460. Spy f. lith. (caricature) countess. Lady Constance Gladys (Herbert) w. 01 F. O. Robinson, carl De Grey, 1859- Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 34:113. Lenbach p. 1895.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 3. Chartran f. lith. (caricature) For other earls, see title Ripon. Marie, actress. Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:129. photo. DE GREY family name. See also Grey; and title Walsingham. DEGUERRY, Gaspard, abb4, 1797-1871. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1887) 1:462. D'EGVILLE, James Harvey, dancer, fl. 1796- 1809. Monthly mirror (1809) n. s. 5:1. Freeman eng. after p. DE HAAS, John Philip, general, 1735-86. Sons of the rev. Penn. Decennial register (1898) 288. Maurice Frederick Hendrick, painter, 1832-95 Harper’s w. (1880) 24:468. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:142. DEHANEY, Mr and Mrs and daughter. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 82. Gainslxirou^ p.* DE HASS, Fr ank S. 1821- Rogers, Our repre- sentatives abroad (1874) 246. eng. DE HAVILLAXD 397 DELAGRAXGE DE HAVILIiAND, Reginald Saumarez, 1853- Vaxity fair album (1901) 33;pl. 814. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DEHMEL, Richard, poet, 186.3- Critic (1900) 36:238. DE HO LAND, Thomas, 9th earl of Kent, aftw. 1st duke of Surrey, 1374-1400. See title Surrey. DEHON, Theodore, bp.of S.C. 1776-1817. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 30. DE HORSEY, Miss. Keepsake (1854) 27:49. R. Buckner p. W. H. Mote eng. DEICHMANN, frexherr von, Adolph Wilhelm, 1831- Vanity lair album (1903) 35: pi. 878. Spy del. lith. freiherrin von, Hilda Ehsabeth (von Bunsen) 1848- Baldry, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 8. Herkomer p.* Mao. of art (1900) 24:278. Marion Gemmell p. 1896* (pastel) Fru Bolette (Gyldendal) w. of Jacob, 1790- 1877. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7-:32. Otto Bache p.* Elsa, dau. of freiherr von Deichmann, 1883- Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 140. James Sant p.* DEIGNAN, Osborn, u. s. n. Cent. (1899) 35:435. CuAP-book (1898) 9:95. DEINSAC, Mme, fl. 1825. Soc. Montvon et Frank- lin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2:pf. 13. E. Con- quy sc. 1835. DEITERS, Heinrich, painter, 1840- Die graphi- SCHEN kunste (1891) 14:93. etch. DEJAZET, Virginie, actress, 1797-1875. L’Abt ( 1904) 63:425. Leon Noel lith.* Grand-Carteret, XEX® sifecle (1893) 425. Bourdet lith. 1838?* (in Chansons de Desaugiers) Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 30. Les lettres et Ics arts (1887) 1:74. DEJEAN, comte, Jean-Fran 90 is-Aimd, 1749- 1824. Versailles, Gal. hist, Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 19. Desjardins eng. comte, Pierre Fran 9 ois Marie Auguste, 1780- 1845. Tardieu, G^n. fran?. 2:pl. 122. Forestier sc. DEJOUX, Claude, 1731-1816. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1822) 5:285. Dejoux f. Fremy del. & sc. DE KALB, iaron, Johann Kalb, 1721-80. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:744. H. Gugeler eng.* Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2: 191. wdct. after p. — 2:194 Ephraim Keyser sc. wdct. (statue) Harper’s mag. (1867) 35:227. eng. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:549. Ephraim Keyser sc. wdct. (statue) Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:153. H. B. Hall eng. Oncken, Zeit- alter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:729. Gugeler eng.* DE KAY, Charles, author, 1848- Critic (1894) 25:11. DE KEYSER, Sir Polydore, 1832-98. Illus. Lond. news (18S7) 91:5.50. —(1897) 112:107.* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 389. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DE KOVEN, Reginald, 1859?- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 222. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 141. Alex. Gribav4dofT del.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:3.50. wdct. -^(1892) 36:1101. wdct. Mrs Reginald (Anna Farwell) 1860- Critic (1901) 38:. 393. DELABORDE, comte, Henri, 1811-99. Gaz. d. beaux arts (18911) ser. 3, 22:75. J. C. Chaplain p.* Mag. of art (1899) 23:470. Benjamin-Constant p.* Fran 9 ois, historian, 18.54- L’Art (1892) .52:. 54. Pierre Vidal del.* DE LA COMBRE, abb^. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:47. Labadye del. Texier sc. DELACOUR, John. Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 327. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DELACROIX, baron, Fran 9 ois Joseph Pam- pMe, 1774-1842. L’Art (1879) 16:93. Eugene Delacroix des. Eugene, 1799-1863. L’Art (1878) 13:2.58. Ga- vami des. — (1879) 17:15. Pr^ault f. Ltion Gau- chcrel des. (medallion) — (1882) 29:69. Delacroix p. 1829. — (190.3)62:151. Gavarni del.* —62:153. Delacroix p.* (Louvre) — (1904) 63:207. Jean Gigoux lith.* — 63:273. Gavami des.* Art j. (1894) 46:3.53. Delacroix f.* Art union (1848) 10:3^. wdct. 19 ieme siiicle (1901) 266. Dalou sc.* (bust) Fournel, Les artistes fran^. contemp. (1884) 185. Henri Rousseau del. L. Seriakoff sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1864) 16:6. Jean Gigoux sc. — (1865) 19:149. Delacroix f. Sotain sc. Huart et Philip- pon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 22. Lebon, Mod. France (1898) 243. Linton, Masters of wood eng. (1889) 210. Rousseau del. L. Seriakoff sc. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:347. Delacroix p. 1837.* —(1903) 21:116. Delacroix p. 1829* (Louvre) Montifaud, Les romantiques (1877) 1. A. Ma.sson eng. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1: pi. 104. Df'lacroix p. ?* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1902) n. s. 13:222. Delacroix p.* Mme Marie Josephine, d. 1839. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 715. St Memin del. & eng. 1797. DE LACY, Robert E. n. y. alderman. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:252. wdct. DELAFOSSE, Leon, pianist, 1871- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:534. Internat. studio (IfXX)) 10:6. J. S. Sargent p.* Sargent, Work (1903) pi. 11. Sargent p.* DELAGE DE VOLADE, Natahe de (Mrs Thomas Sumter) 1782-1841. St Memi.n, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 725. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* DELAGRANGE, Miss. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 680. St Memin del. & eng.* DELAHERCHE 398 DE LA WARE DELAHERCHE, Auguste. L’Aet et I’id^e (1892) 1:88. Eugbne Courboin del. eng. Intern at. studio (1897) 3:112. P. Mathey? f.* —(1900) 10:93. DELAHTJNTY, James, m. p. 1808- Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 120. lith. (caricature) DELA.MBRE, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 1749-1822. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contein. (1822) 5:298. Fremy del. & sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:165. Boilly p. 2 B. Holl eng. Por. gall. (1853) 3:790. Boilly p. Holl sc. DELAMER, 2d baron, Henry Booth, afiw. 1st earl of Warrington, 1652-94. See title Warrington. DE LANCEY, Edward Floyd, 1821- N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1888) 19:21. William Heathcote, bp. of western N. Y. 1797- 1865. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 496. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 76. Sir William Howe, d. 1815. Griffiths, Wel- lington mem. (1898) 358. DELAND, Lorin F. lawyer. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1144. wdct. Mrs Margaret (Campbell) w. of Lorin F. 1857- Book buyer U888) 5:387. Bookman (1903) 341.* Critic (1894) 25:334. —(1898) 33:34.* —(1904) 44:107.* Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1839.* —(1904) 48:1738.* DELANDENE, Antoine Fran 9 ois, 1756-1820. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:49. Labadye del. Guersant sc. DELANE, John Thaddeus, ed. London Times, 1817-70. Harper’s mag. (18M) 63:846.* Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:548.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:394.* DE LANEY, Charles. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:696. wdct. DELANY, Mrs Mary (Granville) 1700-88. Craig, Dr. Johnson (1895) 1'22. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:33. John Opic p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 5: pi. 38. John Opie p.* DELAPLAINE, John F, n. y. merchant. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 586. St Memin del. & eng. 1810.* DELAREY, Jacob Hendrick, general, 1849- R. OF rev. (1902) 26:7.* DELAROCHE, Paul, 1797-1856. L’^Vrt (1889) 47:167. eng. 2 — 47:167. Michelet sc. after contemp. caricaturt'. Fournel, Les artistes fran?. contemp. (1884) 157. E. Bocourt del. J. Guillaume sc. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 7. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 2:1137. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 156. Paul Delaroche del. Aristide Louis eng.* Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1892) n. s. 3:71. wdct. DELAROM, the fair Circassian. La belle as- semblde (1819) n. s. 20: front, p. James Thomson eng. DELARUE, Gervais, abb^, 1751-1835. See La Rue. Warren, 1815-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:583.* Men of mark (1882) 6:26. photo. Van- ity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 595. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DE LASHMUTT, Van B. of Portland, Oreg. 1842- Bancroft, Chronicles (1892) 2:644. eng. DELATTRE D’ABBEVILLE, F. P. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:51. Perrin del. Voyez sc. DE LATTRE DE BATSAERT, 1743- Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:51. Labadye del. Courbe sc. DELAUNAY, Mme, mother of pointer. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3, 6:486. Elie Delaunay p. 1863. ^ lie, 1828-91 . L’.Art ( 1891 ) 51 : 105. J. C. Chap- lain eng.* (medal) — (1892) 53:231. Henri Chapu eng. 1864* (medallion) — (1894) 56:279. H. Cour- selTes Dumont del. after photo. — 57:325. Dumont del. after photo. — (1^1) 60:474. Chaplain eng.* (medal) — (1903)62:379. Dumont del after photo.* — 62:5^. Chaplain sc.* (medal) — 62:551. Jules Debomieau del.* — (1904) 63:451. Henri Chapu sc. 1864* (medal) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3, 6:353. Chaplin p. Mag. of art (1892) 15:71.* Jean Marie, 1723- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:52. Moreau del. Courbe sc. Louis Arsene, actor, 1826-1903. L’Art (1876) 7:314-19. Paul Renouard did. eng. (in various idles) Art & letters (1883) 2:334-35 (vanous por.) Febvre & Johnson, Album de la Comddie fran?. (1880) 4. E. Abot etch. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74: 5^).* DELAUNAY D’ANGERS, Joseph, 1746-94. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 129. eng. DE LAUNEY, Jean Baptiste, 1752-1831. See Launey. DELAVAL,iSiV Francis Blake, 1724-71. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1304. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* DELAY AN, Daniel, captain, 1757-1835. Sons of the rev. N. Y. Yearbk. (1896) 280. p.* DELAVIGNE, Jean Franvois Casimir, poet. 1793-1843. L’Art (1888) 45:120. J. Robert sc. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 32. DELAVILLE, actress. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:809. Heim des. 1827.* DE LA WARR, 3d baron, Thomas West, 1577- 1618. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:1010. Hil- liard p.* Hall eng. Cent. (1882) 3:74. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:152. p.* (State lib. Richmond) Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:1. H. B. Hail eng.* Smith, 13 colonies (1901) 1:70. print.* W’insor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1^9) 3:142. eng. after p. ? DE LA WARE 399 DELOLME countess, Mary (Wynyard) w. of 2d earl, d. 1784. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4: 1440. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* 6th eaii, Charles Richard Sackville-West, 1815-73. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:1-57. wdct. after photo. 7th earl, Reginald Windsor Sackville-West, 1817-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108: 102.* Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 312. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 8th earl, Gilbert George Reginald Sackville- West, 1869- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:102.* — (1900) 116:77.* Vanity fair album (1896) pi. 28:673. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DELBRttCK, Hans, ed. Prcussiche jahrbucher, 1848- Critic (1902) 40:228.* Martin Friedrich Rudolph, 1817- Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:4-55.* Alm. dc Gotha (1876) front. A. Weger sc. Heyck, Monog. z. welt- gesch. (1898) 4: 109.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-raonog. (1898) 34:33. Lenbach p.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:283.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 506.* DELCASS^, Theophile, 1852- L’Art (1904) 63:452. Fernand Cormon des.* Illus. Lond. news (1898)113:545.* Outlook (1898) 60:572. —(1904) 78:72. Vanity fair album (1899) 31:pl. 738. Guth del. lith. (caricature) DEL^CLUZE, Etienne Jean, painter, 1781- 1863. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) scr. 3, 10:310. Ingres del.* JouR. d. d^bats, Livre du centen. (1889) 472. Ingres del.* EELEDDA, Grazia, Sardinian novelist. Critic (1903) 43:20-l-.5-* DELESCLUZE, Louis Charles, 1809-71. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:367.* Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:302. eng. DELESSERT, n. y. merchant. St Memin, Col. of por. (1862) pi. 105. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* Etienne, banker, 1735-1816. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:1-53. Mme Girard del. Blanchard sc. Gabriel, 1786-1858. L’^Vmi d. monuments (1901) 15:331. DELFAU, Guillaume, abb^, d. 1792. Biog. mod- eme (1807) 3:55. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. DELFF, Willem Jacobsz, engraver, 1580-1638. Die GRAPHiscHEN kiinste (1887) 10:22. M. J. Van Mierevelt p. L. Kuhn sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, EJass. bilderschatz (1891) 3: pi. 316. Mierevelt p.* (Cal. Schwerin) DELFINO, Giovanni, doge of Venice, d. 1361. CicOGNA, Biog. dei dogi di \enezia (1855) l:pl. 57. Nani inc. DELHAYE, Antoine. Mag. of art (1900) 24 : 506. Michel Cazin f.* DELIBES, Clement Philibert Leo, composer, 1836-91. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 142. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* DELILLE, Jacques, abbd, 1738-1813. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:316. Mine Lebrun p. Fremy del. & sc. L’Art (1889) 46:13. Pujos del. 1777. eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. .5. II. Grevedon del. ? 1824. Delpech lith. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 3:246. B. Roger sc. Mennecuet, Le Plutarque Iran?. (1840) 7:pl. 20. A. Guilleminot del. A. Boillv sc. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat^ (1896) pi. 68. Danloux f. DELION DE SURADE, Jacques, 1738- Biog. modeme (1807) 3 : 57. Perrin del. Le Tellier sc. DE LISLE, Edwin, m. p 1852- Merry Eng. (1889) 13:297. DELISLE, Leopold, 1826- Le livre bibliog. retrospective (1887) 8:264. Manesse etch. Min- erva (1903) 12; front. H. Manesse sc. DELITZSCH, Friedrich, 1850- Outlook (1903) 73:761.* DE LLANOS, Mrs Fanny (Keats) McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:460. Juan Keats de Llanos p.* DELLENBAUGH, Frederick Samuel, author, 1853- Book buyer (1901) 21:540. DELLEY D’AGIER, Claude Pierre, 17-50-1827. See Dedelay d’Agier. DELLO, Florentine painter, 1372-1421. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 33. eng. DELMAS, Antoine Guillaume, 1768-1813. Tardieu, Gen. franp. l:pl. 59. Forestiersc. DELM£, Lady Elizabeth (Howard) 1747-1813. Connoisseur (1901) 1:163. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (with 2 children) Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:39. Reynolds p.* (with 2 children) Mag. of art (1894) 17 : 430. Reynolds p. (with her children) Marquand coll. (1902) pi. 1420. Reynolds p. Valentine Green mezzo.* (witn 2 children) Reynolds, Engravings, 1 : pi. 19. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. (with 2 children) DELlVCfi-RADCLIFFE, Beatrice, 1875- See Radclifle. DELMONICO, Charles, d. 1884. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:56. wdct. Lorenzo, d. 1881. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:637. wdct. Siro, 1823-81. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:892. wdct. DEL MONT, Deodatus, 1581-1644. Dyck, Cent, por. (1878) pi. 46. A. Van Dyck p. Vorsternian sc. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 25. Deodatus del Mont p. C. Waumans sc. Meyssens, True cfiBgies (1694) pi. 44. Del Mont p. Waumans sc. DELOLME, Jean Louis, Swiss jurist, 1740-1806. Biog. mag. (1819) 1:25. IIoll sc. DE LONG 400 DEMOSTHENES DE LONG, George Washington, u. s. n. 1844-81. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:13, 2!J7. wdct. —(1892) 36: 164. F. S. Lamb sc. wdct. (tablet) Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:13.* DELORAINE, 1st earl of, Henry Scott, 1676- 1730. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1: 120. Sir Godfrey KiU'ller p. 1684* (with mother and brother; coll, of duke of Buccleuch) Fea, King Monmouth (1902) 59. Kneller p.* (with mother and brother) DELORME, M. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:801. Ingres des.* Marion, 1612-50. Armengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 36. Hebert sc. Philibert, 1510-70. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1836) 3: pi. 20. Jacquand del. Leclerc se. DELPIT, Martial, 1813-87. L’Art (1892) 52:52. P. Vidal del.* DEL RICCIO, Domenico, 1494-1567. See Riccio. DEL SANDYS, George, s. of Maj. E. del Sandys. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:732. H. Harris Brown f.* (child p>or.) Mervin, s. of Maj. E. del Sandys. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:732. H. Harris Brown f.* (child por.) DELSARTE, Francois Alexandre Nicolas Ch^ri, 1811-71. L’Art (1881) 27:197. Magdeleine Del Sarte des. DE LUSSAN, Zdhe, singer. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1160. wdct. (as Carmen) — (1895) 39:176. wdct. DELVAILLE, Mme Caro. Internat. studio (1904) 23: 17. Caro Delvaille p.* (with sisters) DELVALLE, Rebecca, 1761-1848, w. of Wilson L. See Lowry, Mrs. DELVATJ, Alfred, 1825-67. Le litre modeme (1890) 2:264. E. Bocourt eng. after photo. 1862. DELVAUX, Laurent, 1695-1778. Hvmans, Bruxelles, 1:261. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 4: 197. wdct. DELYANNIS, Theodoros, Greek premier, 1826- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:78.* —(1897) 110:351.* Scribner’s mag. (1897) 22:403. DELZAUT, M. Mag. of art (1901) 25:247. F61ix Bracquemond etch.* DEMANET, C. A. J. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1869) 34 : 143. — 35 : 34. J. Demannez eng. DEMANGE, Charles Gabriel Edgard, 1841- L’Art (1904) 63:237. Paul Renouard des.* Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:834. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:203.* DEMARNE, Jean Louis, painter, 1754-1829. L’Art (1889) 47:66. Boilly lith. 1826. eng. DE MAULEY, 1st baron, Wilham Francis Spencer Ponsonby, 1787-1855. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 56, fig. 8. Coswav p.* (with brother Sir F. C. Ponsonby, child por. coll, of Lord De Maule3^) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 168. Richard Coswav p. eng. (with brother child por.) DEMETRroS I POLIORCETES, king of Mace- don, 337-283 B.C. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 2:413. bust from Visconti Iconografia Greca.* Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 1:574. bust from Visconti. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 14, pt. 1 :6. Perry del after medallion. Goulou eng. DEMETRIUS II NICATOR, king of Syria, d. 126 B.C. Morrison, Jews (1890) 239. coin.* DEMETRIUS, czar of Russia, 1581-1606. Droy- SEN, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 227. Lucas Kilianeng. 1606.* DEMETRIUS, grand duke of Russia, s. of Constan- tine, 1860- Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (18^) 2:620. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. D^MEUNIER, Jean Nicolas, 1741-1814. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:61. G. Malbeste etch. 175X). Perrin del. Beljambesc. DEMIDOV, Prokofli Akinflievitch, 1710-86. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:501. D. G. Levit- ski p.* (school of commerce, St. Petersburg) DE MILLE, Mrs. Critic (1900) 36:5* (with Harriet Ford) DEMING,EleazerHubbell, 1785-1828. Whitte- MORE, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2, p. 57. Lucius Parmenius, 1836- Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2, p. 14. Philander, author, 1829- Book buver (1902) 25:15.* DEMISSY, Samuel, 1755- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:62. Labadye del. LeTelliersc. DEMOCRITUS, d. 362 B. C. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 19. George Cooke sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 2:7. Rubens del. after an- tique. L. Vorstermann eng. DE MONTALT, 1st earl, Cornwallis Maude, 1817- Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 382. T. f. lith. (caricature) DEMOSTHENES, 381-322 B. C. Allo. welt- geschichte (1885) 2:352. bust* (Berlin mus.) Brun.v u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1893) Ifg. 14: pi. 136—40 busts.* Duruy, Hist, of Greece (1892) 4, sec. 1 :69. statue* (Vatican) Gal. hist. univ. (1786) J. A. Canini eng. Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom (1879) 1:47.5. bust* (Berlin) Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 9:24, 25. statue* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1807) 1 : pi. 18. George Cooke sc. Knack- fuss, Kuiustler-monog. (1897) 2:8. Rubens del. after antique. L. Witdoek eng. Penny mag. (1838) DEMOUSTIER 401 DENKER 7:445. Rubens del. after bust. eng. PLxrrARCH, Vies, Ricard (1838) 10: pt. 1:73. eng. after bas-relief. — 12, pt. 2:186. Perry del. after bust. Prevost eng. — 12, pt. 2:196. Lefevre etch, after bas-relief, eng. Perry inv. — 12, pt. 2:225. eng. after bas-relief. Perry inv. — 12, pt. 2:350. Perry del. after bust. Gel6e eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1:244. Lecomte de Nouy f.* Wheeler, Alexander the Great (1900) 120. statue* (Vatican) DEMOUSTIER, Charles Albert, 1760-1801. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:344. Pajou p. Fremy del. & sc. DEMPSEY, Charles, n. y. alderman. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:260. wdct. DEMPSTER, George, Scottish lawyer, 1736-1818. European mag. (179^ 24:163. eng. William Richardson, vocalist, 1809-71. Knick- erbocker mag. (1846) 28:95. Charles Burt eng. after daguerr. DENBIGH, 1st earl of, William Feilding, 1582?- 1643. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 1 : 384. Vandyke p. H. T. Ryall eng. ? Earloh, Por. of char. Van Voerst eng. R. Dunkarton eng. (print) Lodge, Por. (1835) 6: pi. 2. Vandyke p. H. T. Ryall eng. Nugent, Mem. of J. Hampden (1874) 57. Vandyke p. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2: 12. eng. 2d earl of, Basil Feilding, 1608 ?-75. Por. of parliamentarj- oflBcers (1873) R. S. sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2: 13. eng. Vicars, England’s worthies (1845) pi. 22. eng. 3d earl of, William Feilding, 1640-85. Am. hist, register (18%) 4:489. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:13. countess of, Lady Mary Elizabeth Kitty (More- ton) w. of 7th earl, 1798-1842. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (18^) 1:82. T. Kirby p. J. Tliomson sc. 8th earl of, Rudolph William Basil Feilding, 1823-92. Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 268. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 9th earl of, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine Feilding, 1859- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:19.5.* —(1902) 120:342.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 641. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DENBY, Charles, 1830-1904. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:381. wdct. —(1898) 42:983.* DENE, Misses, actresses. Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:20.* Dorothy, actress, 1861-99. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1243. wdct. DENFERT-ROCHEREAU, 1836-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:327. Pierre Marie Phihppe Aristide, 1823-78. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 19. photo. DENHAM, Dixon, 1786-1828. Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9:187. H. D. f. after photo. 24288—06 26 Sir John, 1615-69. Biog. mag. (1794) Roth- well sc. after p. ? Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:76. eng.* Ha.milton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 200. Le Goux sc. after p. ? (coll, of earl of Chesterfield) — (1809) 2: 117. Lo Goux sc. after p.? (coll, of earl of Chesterfield) Lady [John], Elizabeth (Brooke) Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianse (1822) 250. Sir P. Lely p. S. Freeman eng. Earlom, Por. of char. C. Turner eng. after miniature. Hamilton, Mem. of Count Gram- mont, 187. S. Harding del. Le Goute sc. (coll, of Sir Brook Booth by) — (1809)2:164. Bocquet sc. after L (coll. of Sir Brook Boothby) Jameson, Mem. of auties of court (1838) 1:147. Lely p. 'T. Wright eng. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 80. Lely p.* DENHOFF, Stanislas, d. 1728. Bartoszewicz, Hetmani Polscy koronni (1862) pi. 23. W. Gerson del. H. Aschenbrenner lith. DENHOLME, James, d. 1822. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 295. John Kay f. 1818 & eng. DENIO, Hiram, 1799-1871. Green bag (1890) 2:286. DENIS, saint, d. 272? L’Art (1878) 12 : 303. Eugfene Viollet-le-Duc des. after statues. Thevet, por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:1. eng. DENIS, Henry. Green bag (1890) 2:121.* Jean Ferdinand, 1798-1890. L’Art (1892) 52:6. P. Vidal del.* Johann Kosmas Michael, 1729-1800. Kon NECKE, Bilderatlas (1887) 251. C. Caspar p. 1790. Cl. Kohl eng. 1792.* Wolf u. Zwiedeneck, Oester- reich (1884) 199. J. Donner p. ? Jacob Adam eng. 1781. DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 1394-1471. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:161. eng. DENISON, Adna Curtis, 1815- Biog. encycl. of Me. (1885) 425. eng. Adna T. 1839- Van Si.yck, N. E. manufactur- ers (1879) 1:225. eng. Mrs Charles H. Outlook (1902) 71 : 648. M rs Dimies T . S . Critic ( 1 904) 44 : 239.* Out- look (1904) 78:269. George Anthony, 1805-%. DRAWiNO-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3:pl. 10. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (18%) 108:389.* Men of mark (1876) 1:30. photo. George Taylor, 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1877) 71:524. wdct. after photo. John, d. 1629. Rodd, Coll, of por. (1822) 2:pl. 8. R. Sawyer sc. after print. DENISON family name. See also titles Londes- borough; Ossington. DENKER, Theodore E. Cent. (1893) 23:806.* DEXMAN 402 DEO DENMAN, 1st haron, Thomas Denman, 1779- 1854. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:71. Sir M. A. Sheep.* — 2:71. J. J. Halls p.* Gree.n bag (1901) 13:70. p.* Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:285. Wil- kie p. So. Kensinoton, Nat. hist. por. 6:pl. 91. Shee p.* 2d baron, Thomas Aitchison-Denman, 1805- 94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: 198.* Sd baron, Thomas Denman, 1874- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:474.* George, m. p. 1819-96. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:460. wdct. —(1892) 101:542.* —(1890) 109:392.* Men of mark (1882) 6: 16. photo. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 51. H. T. Wells p.* V.\nity fair album (1892 ) 24: pi. 37. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) DENNE-BAilON, Pierre Jacques Rend, 1780- 1854. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:352. Augustin p. Fremy del. & sc. DENNER, Balthasar, 1685-1749. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1763) 4:253. eng. Franck, Deutsche kuiistler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7*:25. Balthasar Denner p. 1719.* D'ENNERY (Adolphe Philippe) dramatist, 1811- 99. Revue illus. (18i^) 1:37. P. Renouard del. lith. ? DENNLE, Joseph, Phila. journalist, 1768-1812. Mao. of Ain. hist. (1887) 17:117. eng.* New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:675. Portfolio (1816) scr. 4, 1 :^1. Goodman & Piggott sc. after silhouette. DENNING, E. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 309. Ape f. lith. (caricature) William, 1740-1819. N. Y. oeneal. & biog. record (1899) 30: 133. miniature.* DENNIS, James Shepard, d. d. 1842- Outlook (1900) 64:774. John, critic, 1657-1734. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1:89. J. Vandcr Gucht sc. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:181. Van der Gucht sc.* Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 :pl. 4. Clamp, sc. Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 58. Vandcr Gucht sc. John, M. c. d. 1808? St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 499. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Louis, 1799- Robert.s, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:141. Rodney, 1826- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 2 : 608. eng. DENNISON, Wilham, gov. of Ohio, 1815-1882. Ce.nt. (1888) 13:900. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:49. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:176.* Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 1:324. DENNISTOUN, Mrs. Heath’s book of beauty (1842) 2.59. Partridge p. W. H. Egleton eng. (witn her child) DENNY, Albert Hendrickson, 1835- Bancroft, Chronicles (1892) 7:193. eng. Sir Anthony, 1501-49. Iodge, Por. (1835) l:pl. 19. Holbein p. W. T. Mote eng. Mag. of art (1897) 21:42. Holbein p.* (Longford coll.) Shakes- peare illus. (1793) l:pl. 76. Holbein p. S. Harding del. E. Harding jr. sc. Edward M. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 36. Ouless p.* Mrs Edward M. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: Mav 30, sup. p. 2. Ouless p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 133. Ouless p.* William Henry Leigh (Dugmore) 1853- Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 19: 1.52. photo. DENON, baron, Dominique Vivant, 1747-1825. Clement de Ris, Les amateurs d’autrefois (1877) 407. Henri Lefoit. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2:459. Bosio. sc. Laguiche del. J. Agar eng. (bust) — (1829) 2:285. F. J. Bosio sc. Laguiche del. J. Thomson eng. (bust) Iconog. des conteiM. (1832) 2:pl. 6. Z. Bclliard del.? Dclpech lith. Pi.vset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 197. Prud- hon p.* DENONVILLE, marquis de, Jacques Rend de Bresay. Park.man (Champlain ed.) (1898) 9:122. (coll, of baronne la Lareinty) DENORMANDEE, Louis Jules Ernest, 1821- L’Art (1877) 9:280. Jules Buisson del. Yves & Bar- ret sc. DENT, Henry Francis, major, 1839- Baily’s mag. (1884) 42:203. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. John H. u. s. N. d. 1823. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 644. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Marmaduke Herbert, 1849- Green bag (1900) 12:299.* DENTON, Sir Alexander, of Hillesden, s. of Sir Thomas. Verney family (1892) 2:200. p.* (Claydon house) Sir George Chardin, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:6.33.* Rev. John, 1625-1708. Meth. mag. (1809) 32:22.5. Branwhitep. Ridley sc. Sir Thomas, of Hillesden, d. 1627? Verney family (1892) 2: 189. p. 1627* (Claydon house) Lady [Thomas], Susan (Temple) Verney family (1892) 2:6 p.* (Claydon house) William, physician to Charles I, 1605-91. Ver- NEY family (1892) 2:295. p.* (Claydon house) DENTONE, H. 1576-1631. 8ee Curti, Girolamo. DENVER, James Wilson, gov. of Kans. 1817-92. Democratic rev. (1859) 43:9^ J. C. Buttre eng. after ambrotype. DENZA. Luigi, 1846- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 143. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* DEO, Emanuele de. ^Vm.cto, Martiri d. libertk ital. (1851) 1:13. Parmiani inc. DE PAUW 403 DEREY DE PAUW, Washington Charles, 1822-87. Harpek’s w. (1887) 31:368. wdct. DEPEW, Chauncey Mitchell, 1834- America’s grt.st men & women (1^94) 24. Book buyer (1890) 7:63. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2: front. W. E. Marshall p.* Harper’s w. 0^^) 32:329. wdct. —(1889) 33:628. wdct. —(1890) 34:164. T. de Thulstnip del. wdct. — (1892) 36:. 588. wdct. —(1899) 43:88, 1296. —(1904) 48:10.36 (caricature) IIarrisox, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 27. p."* Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:375. II. C. Sep- pings Wright del.* Mao. of West. hist. (1889) 10:491. eng. N. Y. me.m. hist. (189.5) 60. eng. Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 16. Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 86. A. Bruce Joy sc.* (bust) Scott, Distin. Am. lawj’ers (1891) 1^1. Vanity fair album (1889) 21:pl. 445. Spy f. lith. (caricature) J/rs Chauncey Mitchell (May Palmer) Har- per’s w. (1902) 46:106. DE PEYSTER, Abraham, 1753-99? Draper, Kings Mountain & its heroes (1881) 479. eng. Fiske, Dutch & quaker col. in Am. (1903) 2:200. p.* (poss. J. Watts de Peyster) Arent Schuyler, 1736-1832. Ohio archseol. & hist. pub. (1898) 6:20. p. “likeness ’’ in Detroit Jour- nal, 11 July, 1896.* Frederic, lawyer, 1796-1882. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:548. wdct. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. City (1884) 1:74. G. E. Perine eng. Mao. of Am. hist. (1882) 8:769. eng. —(1886) 16:235.* N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 168. eng. John Watts, general, 1821- Book buyer (1896) 13:519. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:503. wdct. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1890) 170. eng. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 517. H. B. Hall eng. Nicholas, jr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 86. St. Memin del. & eng. 1797.* DEPRETIS, Agostino, premier, 1813-87. Har- per’s mag. (1887-88) 76:179. D^PREZ-CRASSIER, 1733- Bioo. modeme (1807)3:63. Lahadye del. Voyez, jr. sc. DEPUE, David Ayres, 1826-1902. Green hag (1891) 3:493* (group) —3:50.5. DEPUTES, James H. minister in Liberia. Har- per’s w. (18^) 32:416. wdct. DE QUENCEY, Thomas, 178.5-1859. Ac.ad. (1897) 51 ; 47. Sir J. Watson Gordon p.* (Nat. por. gall.) —(1899) 50:478. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:124. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:1.57 Gordon p.* — 2:157. Sir .lohn Steell sc.* (bust) Fields, Shelf of old books (1894) 110. wdct. after bas-relief. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:161. Gordon f.* — 4:162. James Archer del. lith.* — 4: 163. miniature.* Harper’s mag. (1851) 2 : 156. eng. — (1881) 62:21. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:710. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:462. eng. after bas-relief. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7 : pi. 80. Gordon p.* Mrs Thomas (Margaret Simpson) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:163. miniature, 1816.* DERAISMES, Maria, 1828-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:162. DERAMORE, 1st haron, Sir Thomas Bateson, 1819-90. Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:559. Van- ity fair album (1882) 14:pl. 387. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) DE RAMSEY, 2d baron, WiUiam Henry Fel- lowes, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:196.* DERBIGNY, Pierre, gov. of La. d. 1829. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1^2) pi. 323. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* DERBY, 10th earl of, Thomas Stanley, d. 1504. Bioo. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 43. S. Harding del. after p. H. R. Cooke sc. (Knowsley) Lodge, Por. (183.5) 1 : pi. 2. Hans Holbein p. E. Finden eng. countess of. Lady Margaret (Beaufort) w. of 10th earl, wid. of 1.5th earl of Richmond, 1441-1.509. See title Richmond. 12th earl of, Edward Stanley, 1508 ?-74. Bioo. mirrour (1802) 3:pl. 45. S. Harding del. after p. ? 11. R. Cooke sc. (Knowsley) Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 25. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 27. Holbein del. T. Cheesman sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 1:8. Holbein del.* ISth earl of, Henry Stanley, d. 1592. Bioo. mirrour (1802) 3 : pi. 46. S. Harding del. after p. ? H. R. Cooke sc. (Knowsley) 14 th earl of, Ferdinando Stanley, 15591-94. Bioo. mirrour (1802) 3:pl. 47. S. Harding del. after p. ? James Stow sc. (Knowsley) IGih earl of, James Stanley, 1607-51 . Claren- don, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 3, pt. 2:412. Vandyke p. Michael Van der Gucht sc. — (1843)2 : 762. Van- dyke p. H. Robinson eng. ? Cust, Anthony van Dyck (llXXl) 128. A. van D3'ck p.* (with wife and daughter, coll, of earl of Clarendon) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:125. V’an Dyck p. (copy*) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, ^:339. Van Dyck p.* (with wife and daughter) Lodge, Por. (1835) 7: pi. 2. Vandyke p. H. Robinson eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:32. Van Dyck p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:37. eng. counters of, J^dy Charlotte (de La Tremouille) w. of 16th earl, d. 1663. Bioo. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 12. S. Harding del. after p. Nugent sc. (coll, of earl of Oxford) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 2:766. Vandyke p. H. T. Rvall. Cust, Anthony van D\'ck (1900) 128. A. van l)yck p.* (with husband and daughter, coll, of earl of Clarendon) Gaz. d. beaux arts (UXX)) ser. 3, 23:339. Van Dj'ck p.* (with husband and daughter) Earulm, Por. of char. C. Turner eng. after miniature. Lodge, Por. (1835) 7 :pl. 15. V'andvke p. J. Thomson eng. So. Ken- 8iNOTON,Nat. hist. por.2:pl.32. Rubens p.* — 2: pi. 66. A. van D\xk p.* Warbubton, Mem. of Prince Rupi'rt (1849) 1:362. Honthorst p. G. P. Harding del. Jos. Brown sc. Williamson, Hist, of por. min- DERBY 404 DERMODY iaturps (1904) 1 : pi. 37, fig. 7. Samuel Cooper p. 1671* (Montagu house) 17th earl of, Charles Stanley, 1628-72. Cos- NOissEUB (1902) 2:247. A. Blooteling m mezzo.* Earlom, For. of char. Van Dyck p. R. Dunkarton eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3 :126. eng. 21st earl of, Edward Smith-Stanley, 1752-1834. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1873) ser. 2, 7:141. Georges Romney p. M. E. Deschamps. wdct. (with sister, child por.) countess of, Lady Elizabeth (Hamilton) w. of 21st earl, 1753-97. Burlington mag. (1903) 2:116. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (child por. coll, of earl of Normanton) Cent. (1898) 34:322. George Romney p.* Collins, Reynolds (1874) pi. 10. Reynolds p. W. Dickenson eng.* Connoisseur (1902) 2 : 4. Romney p. John Dean eng. Gamlin, George Rom- ney (1894) 94. Romney p.* Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 90. Reynolds p. eng. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. fleynolds (1899) 1 :224. Reynolds p.* (age 5) Henley, Cent, of artists (1889) 161. Romney p.* Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:80. Romney p.* 1776-78 (coll, of Sir Charles Ten- nant) countess of, Elizabeth (Farren) w. of 21st earl, 1759-1829. See Farren, Elizabeth. 22d earl of, Edward Smith-Stanley, 1775-1851. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 14. William Derby p.* 2Sd earl of, Edward Geoffrey Smith-Stanley, 1799-1869. Archer, Gladstone (1883) 2:296. lith. after photo. Art j. (1875) 27:240. Matthew Noble sc. W. Rofle (statue) Baily’s mag. (1861) 2:front. Joseph Brown sc. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:225. — 14:368, fig. 1. eng. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 317. G. H. llarlow p.* (Election chamber, Eton coll.) Connoisseur (1902) 2:138. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* Ewald, Beaconsfiold & his times (1882) 1:133. Holl eng. after photo. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:220. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1868) 36:800. eng. Harper’s w. (18.58) 2:213. wdct. — (1867) 11:168. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:60. Matthew Noble sc. eng. (statue, Parliament sq. Westminster) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. G. Harlow p. H. Robinson eng. Outlook (1897) 55:903. D. J. Pound eng.* Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:50.* Sterry, Annals of King’s coll. (1898) 247. Lawrence p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:51. G. Harlowe p. H. Robinson eng. Vanity fair al- bum (1869) l:pl. 17. Ape f. lith. (caricature) countess of, Emma Caroline (Bootle-WHbra- ham) w. of 23d earl, 1805-76. English ann. (1837) 168. F. W. Hurlestone p. J. Cochran eng. (with son) 24th earl of, Edward Henry Stanley, 1826-93. Ann. gift book (1859) 1:8. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:368, fig. 10. eng. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:25. lith after photo. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:205. S. Laurence del.* Eclectic mag. (1876) 87:513. J. J. Cade eng. Eng- lish annual (1837) 1^. F. W'. Hurlestone p. J. Coch- ran eng. (with mother) Ewald, Bc^aconsfield & his times (1^2) 2:151. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1868) 36:801. eng. — (1882) 65: 179.* Harper’s w. (1867) 11:168. wdct. IIo- ziER, Franco-Prussian war, 1:148. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:365. wdct. after photo. —(1883)82:36. —(1890)97:175.* —(1893) 102:515.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:210. Samuel Lawrence del.* Men of mark (I 88 I) 5: pi. 34. photo. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 49.* Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 21. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) 25th earl of, Frederick Arthur Stanley, 1841- Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:54.* Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:356.* —(1885) 86:651.* —(1893) 102:518.* Mag. of Am. hi.st. (1891) 26:5. Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 303. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Ehas Hasket, 1739-99. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:606. p.* (East India marine soc. Salem) Hunt, Lives of Am. merchants (1858) 2: 17. J. C. Buttre eng. Osgood & Batchelder, Hist, sketch of Salem (1879) 130. James Frothingham p.* George Horatio (pseud. John Phoenix) 1823-61. Cent. (BX)1) 41 :60. F. B. Carpenter p.* James Cephas, 1818-92. Derby, 50 years among authors (1884) front. G. E. Ferine eng. John, captain, of Salem, fl. 1775. Cent. (1899) 36:716. Gilbert Stuart p.* John, of N. Y. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 96. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* Mrs Martha (Coflfin) w. of R. C. Derby. Whar- ton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 238. E. G. Mal- bone p.* (miniature) Richard, of Salem, Mass. 1712-83. Cent. (1899) 36:715. J. Alden W^eir copied after p.* DERFFLINGEB, freiherr von, Georg, 1606-95. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:192. J. Hainzelmann del. & sc. Erdhannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:616. Hainzelmann sc.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1854. Hainzel- mann eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 114. Hainzelmann del. & sc. 1690.* DERHAM, Wilham, d. d. 1657-1735. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1793) 10:161. DERICKSON, Marie, actress. . Harper’s w. (1902) 46:569.* — 46:1310* (with John Drew) DERING, Lady. See 'Turner, Miss. Daniel, colonel, d. 1691. Paton, Hbt. records of the 24th regt. (1892) 6. p.* Edward, 15401-76. Holland, Herooologia anglica (1620) 194. eng. Sir Edward, 1598-1644. Hirth, Los grands illustrateurs, 4: 1373. Comclis Jansen f. G. Glover eng. 1640. Sir Edward, d. 1689. Paton, Hist, recprds of the 24th regt. (1892) 2. p.* D^RIVIS, Louis Etienne, 1780-1856. Gal. thdatrale, pi. 6. Favart del. Ruotte eng. (as Z^thus) DERMODY, Thomas, poet, 1775-1802. Monthly mirror (1802) 14:73. -Vllingham p. Ridley eng. DERMOTT 405 DESCAMPS DERMOTT, George. Meto. mag. (1805) 28:49. William Ridley sc. (age 42) DERNBURG, Friedrich, 1833- Ztsch. f. bildendc kuDst (1904) n. s. 15:274. Max Kruse sc.* (bust) DE ROBECK, baron, John Henry Edward Fock, 1823- Baily’s mag. (1899) 71:1. W. J. AJais sc. after photo. DE ROS, 2ith baron, Dudley Charles Fitz-Ger- ald de Ros, 1827- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:908. baroness. Lady Elizabeth Grey (Egerton) w. of 24th haron, 1832-92. Fairi.ie, For. of children (1838) A. E. Chalon del. H. Cook eng. (with brother, aftw. 3d earl of Wilton; child por.) D^ROni^DE, Paul, poet, 1846- Harper’s w. (1893)37:4.wdct. —(1899)43:834. —(1900)44:46. Outlook (1898) 60:830. R. of rev. (1890) 2:536. DERRY, Rev. Francis. W’esleyan Meth. mag. (1840) 63:361. W. Gush p. J. Brain eng. DERUET, Claude, painter, 1588-1660. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1161. Jacques Callot f. 1632. Scribner’s m. (1872) 4:409. Callot etch. eng. DE RUTZEN, Sir Albert, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:129.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 788. Wag f. lith. (caricature) DERVISH Pasha, Ibrahim, 1817-96. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:33.* DERVIZ, Mme J. fon. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:825. Benjamin-Constant p.* Paris salon (1899) 4, pi. 2. Benjamin-Constant p.* DERWENT, 1st baron. Sir Harcourt Vanden- Bempde Johnstone, 1829- Baily’s mag. (1867) 12:271. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. DERWENTWATER, countess of. Lady Mary (Tudor) w. of 2d earl. Costello, Mem. of em. Englishwomen (1844) 3:303. L. J. Costello p. C. Cook sc. 3d earl of, James RadclyfPe, 1689-1716. Browne, Hist, of Highlands (1843) 2:349. Sir G. Kneller p. S. Freeman eng. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:52. eng. Cunningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 3:front. Kneller p. S. Freeman eng. Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2: 104. contemp. eng.* Thomson, Mem. of the Jacobites (1845) 1 :224. Kneller p. Cook sc. D^RY, Juliane. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1899) 42:115. Franz Stuck p.* DERZHAVIN, Gabriil Romanovitch, poet, 1743- 1816. Bruckner, Katharina II (1883) ^9. Ferd. de Meys del. J. Rozonow eng. DESAGULIERS, John Theophilus, 1683-1744. Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1815) 9:641. H. Hyfing p. J. Tookey sc. DESAIX DE VOYGOUX, Louis Charles An- toine, 1768-1800. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822)5:365. Delaportejr.se. Cent. (1895) 28:527. Jean Baptiste Paulin Guerin p.* Hillis, Metrical hist, of Napoleon (1896) 121. Guerin p. E. G. Herhan eng. 1798.* Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 7. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4 :166. wdet. after photo. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1841) 8:pl. 12. Tony Johannot del. Leclercsc. Por. des hommes illus. des W' et 18“ slides (1805) 2:pl. 114. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Revolu- tion franc. (1801) 2:pl.34. Levachezsc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 2:101. Gu6rin p. R. G. Tietze sc. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. franc. (1804) 3 : pi. 57. Lo- vachezsc. Tardieu, Gen. franc. l:pl. 9. Lambert sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (1856-^2) pi. 4. E. Girardet del. Revel sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1625. Baron von Steuben f. Oleszeynski eng. DESANDROITINS, vicomte, S. 1740- Bioo. mo- derne (1807) 3:71. eng. DESART, Ifh earl of, William XJlick O’Connor Cufle, 1845-98. Baily’s mag. (1884) 42:141. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:439.f Vanity fair album (1874) 6:pl. 79. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 5th earl of, Hamilton John Agmondesham Cuffe, 1848- Vanity fair album (1TO2) 34: pi. 833. Spy del.* lith. (caricature) DESAULT, Pierre Joseph, surgeon, 1744-95. Gal. franc. (1823) 3:461. N. Cochin f. Ilordes del. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:351. J. Boilly del. Geille sc. (with Bichat) DE SAUMAREZ, 1st bar on, Sir James Saumarez, 1757-1836. Brenton, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 1:545. eng. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:466. Car- bonier p. C. Turner mezzo. European mag. (1801) 40:243. Jean p. Ridley sc. Fitchett, Nelson & his captains (1902) 200. Carbonnierp. mezzo.* James, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 3:iront. Thomas Phil- lips f. W. Greatbatch eng. DE SAUSSURE, Henry William, 1763-1839. W’hittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 80:sup. 2. William Ford, u. s. senator, 1792-1870. Glea- son’s pictorial (18^) 4:153. eng. DESBOROUGH, John, general, 1608-80. See Disbrowe. Samuel, 1619-90. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 420. p.* DESBOUTIN, Marcellin, painter, 1823-1902. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:33. DESBROSSES, Marcelin Gilbert, 1823- Bur- lington mag. (1^5) 6:361. Millet del.* DESCAMPS, Captain. Cent. (1896) 30:931. Jean Baptiste, painter, 1706-91. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:376. Gois f. Fremy del. & sc. DESCARS 406 DESMARETZ DESCABS, Mme Fran 9 oise (de Longfw^) w. of Jacques de Pdnisse, 15th- 16th cent. See Brion, ami- rale de. DESCABTES, Bene, 1596-1650. BomoEOis, Grand sifecle (1896) 282. S. Bourdon p. (Louvre) Bui.lart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:134. De L’armessin sc. eng. Dkeux du Kadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. F.Halsp. P.Dupinsc. GAL.fran^-. (1822)2:177. Hals p. Weber del. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 5 : 316. P. Philipjxiteaux p. C. Laplantesc. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61: 822. statue* (Chi- non) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4: 1443. Hals p. 1. Suijderhoeff eng. Iconoo. de Mme de S6vign6, pi. 48. eng. after contemp. por. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:79-81. Hals p. \V. Holl eng. Knigut, Gall, of por. (1835) 4 : 189. Hals p. Holl eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1836) 4:pl.22. Jacquand del. Gaitte sc. Perrault, Les hommes illus. ( 1696) 1 : 59. Jac. Lubin sc. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran^;. (1897) 4:464. Hals p.* Pop. sci. m. (1890) 37:721. Por. gall. (1853) 2:front. Hals p. Holl sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18” siicle8(1805) pi. 30. Lubin sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. Hals p. G. Edelinck sc. Soc. Mon- tyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2:pl. 33. L. Butarand sc. 1835. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2286. Pedretti eng. — 13: pi. 223. A. Pajou sc. J. Bernard! eng. (statue) DESCHAMPS, Charles. I nternat. studio (1904) 23:357. Henri Kautsch f.* (plaquette) imile, 1791-1871. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2:pl. 14. M. Alophe f. Gaston, 1861- Critic (1901) 38 : 201. Har- per’s w. (1901) 45:233. Harvard grad. mag. (1901) 9:376. Leon, sculptor. L’.iVrt (1903) 62:318. Louis Henri, artist, 1846. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 16:565. photo. DESCHAMPS-JEHIN, Mme Blanche, singer, 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:694.* DESCHANEL, £inile, 1819- Les LETTREs et les arts (1889) 1:140. A. Toussaini f. Paul, 1856- Iixus. Lond. news (1898) 112:943.* Paris salon (1899) 14. L. E. Fournier p.* D^SCLANS, Chevalier. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:74. Gros del. Masquelier sc. DESCLEE, Aimee Olympe, actress, 1836-74. Les LETTRES et les arts (IJ^^) 1 : 18. Jules Girardet f. DESCUBET-LABOBDE, M. 1736- Biog. mo- deme (1807) 3:75. Perrin del. Courbe sc. DESENFANS, No61 Joseph, art collector, 1745- 1807. Monthly mirror (ISCiO) n. s. 6:321. Freeman eng. after p. Roberts, Mem. of Christie’s (1897) 1:41. Northcote p. Freeman eng. DESENNE, Alexandre Joseph, 1785-1827. L’Abt (1892) 52: 125. Mourlan p. Ilenriquel-Dupont etch. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1874) ser. 3, 10:510. A. J. Mourlan p. Henriquel Dupont sc. etch. DESESCOUTES, M. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:76. Turlure del. Texier sc. DESESSABS (de Viefville) lawyer. Biog. mo^ deme (1807) 3:75. Paris etch. Gros del. Courle sc. DES-ESSABS, Jean Marie Baptiste. Pall Mall mag. (1903) 31: 195. .\. S. Hartrick del.* after contemp. por. (with Adam Gordon) DESEzE, Paul Victor, 1754- Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:76. Perrin del. Le Tellier sc. DESFONTAINES, Pierre Fran 9 ois Guyot, 1685-1745. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. B. p. Pinssio sc. Bene Louiche, 1750-1833. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 5:384. Fremy del. & sc. DESFOUBNAUX, Edme Etienne Borne, 1767- 1849. Tardieu, Gdn. franf. 2:pl. 106. Forestier sc. DESFBICHES, Thomas Aignan. L’Art (1877) 8:147. Cochin fils des. Moyreau eng. DESGENETTES, baron, Nicolas Bend Dufriche 1762-1837. Iconoo. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 8. Maurin del. 1 Delpech lith. DESHAYES, Mme Eugenie (Worms) L’Art ( 1881) 24:25. Th. Thomas des. eng. (as Sangarre) Leon Paul, actor, 1833-91. L’Art (1881) 24:25. Th. Thomas des. Guillaume sc. (as Ivan OgarelT) DESHLEB, David W. of Columbus, O. Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:722. DESHON, George, 1823-1904. Cath. world (1897) 66: front. DESHOIJLIEbES, Mme Antoinette (de Ligier de la Garde) 1638 1-94. .^.rmengaud, Reines ( 1862) pi. 12. Jonnard sc. Cent. (1890) 18:86. Pierre Mignard p.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. M. El. Sophie Cheron p. G. E. Schmidt sc. Gal. franc. 2:219. \itelot p. Hesse del. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 109. Mimard p.* Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 43. Mignard p. J. P. Davis eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc- (1837) 5: pi. 24. Bouterwek del. Leclerc sc. Petitot, Emaux (1862) 1 :pl 23. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. DESEDEBIO DA SETTIGNANO, sculptor, 1457-85. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 62. DESJABDINS, Martin van der Bogaert, 1640-94. L’Art (1886) 40:68. Rigaud p. G. Ede- linck sc. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. H. Rigaut p. P. Dupin sc. IIenkeir, Coll, of eng. por. by E. R. Cope (1896) 2:24. Ripaud p. Edelinck eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11: pi. 2489. Rigaud p. Massard eng. DESMABETZ, Jean Baptiste Fran 9 ois, 1682- 1762. See Maillebois, marquis de. DESMAZIERES 407 DE T A BLEY DESMAZlilHES, Thomas Marie Gabriel, 1743- 1818. Biog. moderne (1807) 38:0. Moreau del. Ileuriquez sc. DE SMET, Rev. Peter John, 1801-72. Cent. (1890) 19:114. DES MOLLAIN, Sieur Nicolas, 1651- Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 104. DESMOND, countess of, Katherine (Fitzgerald) w. of 12th earl, d. 1604. Lawless, Story of Ireland (1888) 186 (Burne coll.)* Lond. mag. (1774) 43:541. J. Lodge sc. after p. (coll, of earl of Kinnoul) Scrib- ner’s m. (1875) 11:42. eng. (age 145) DESMOULINS, Camille, 1760-94. Brougham, Statesmen in time of George III (1843) 3:87. W. H. Mote eng. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 6:383. Mote eng. Gal. hist, de la r4v. fran?. pi. 22. A Lacauchie del. Woltner sc. Heyck, Monog. z. welt- gesch. (1900) 13:70. Mote eng.* —13:71. F. Bonne- ville eng.* IcoNOG. des contemn. (1832) 2: pi. 9. Maurin del. ? Delpech lith. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:49. F. J. Barrias p.* — 95:56. Long, France & its rev. (1850) 284. Mote eng. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 233. Boze p. Bocourt del. L. Chapon sc. Paris salon (1888) 84. Barrias p.* Revolution franp. (1801) 1 :pl. 7. rng. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 2:pl. 1. Lacauchie del. Waltner sc. Sil- VESTRE, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) 251. Fred. Theo. Lix p. wdet. Tableaux hist, de la r^v. franf. (1804) 3:pl. 7. Levachez sc. Thiers, Hist, of the Fr. rev. (1838) 3:54. W. Great batch sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 130. Lerouge eng. Roger, d. 1187. Vertot d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:73. Cars sc. DESMOUSTIERS DE MERINVILLE, Rene, 1742- See Merinville. DESNOYER, M. dancer. Wright, Eng. under hou.se of Hanover (1848) 1:120. Hogarth del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) DESNOYERS, Louis, 1805-68. Hcart et Philip- pon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 47. DESOBRY. St Memin. Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 703. St. Memin del. & eng. 1803.* DESPATYS-COURTEILLE, baton, Pierre l^tienne, 1753-1841. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:86. Moreau del. Masquelier sc. DESPENCER (Le Despencer) baroness, Mary Frances Elizabeth (Stapleton) w. of 7th viscount Falmouth, 1822-91. See title Falmouth. baroness, Rachel (Dashwood) widow of Sir Robert Austen, 3d. bart. d. 1788. Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) pref. p. 9.* DESPORTES, Alexandre Francois, 1661-1743. Art j. (1854) 6:242. Dezallier d’.Vrgenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:332. eng. Dilke, Fr. painters 18th cent. (1899) 1^. Desportes p.* (Louvre) Philippe, 15451-1606. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695)2:362. N. L’Armessin sc. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:1063. Primavera f. wdet. (medallion) (Iower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 48. Du Moustier del.* DESPR^AUX, Mme Marie Madeleine (Gui- mard) 1743-1816. See Guimard. Nicolas BoReau, 1636-1711. See Boileau- Desprdaux. DESPR^S, Joaquin, 14501-1521. Paine, Fa- mous composers (1891) 1:17. Suzanne, actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:2032.* DESSALINES, Jean Jacques, 1758-18(X5. Win- soR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:287. eng. from Leben des J. J. Dcssalines Lpz. 1805. DESSOLE, marquis, Jean Joseph Paul Augus- tin, 1767-1828. Tardieu, G#n. fran?. 2: pi. 101. eng. DESTINN, Fraulein, singer. Illus Lond. news (1904) 124: Apr. 30, sup. p. 3. DESTOUCHES. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 658. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* P hili ppe Nericault, dramatist, 1680-1754. Gal. fran-68. Baily’s mag. (1868) 14: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. DE TABLEY, 1st baron. Sir John Fleming Lei- cester, 1762-1827. European mag. (1823) 84:3. Sir Joshua Revnolds p. J. Thomson eng. New m. mag. (1819) 11:428. DE TABLET 408 DE VESCI baroness, Georgina Maria (Cottin) w. of 1st baron, 1794-1859. See Leicester, Lady John Fleming. 3d baron, John Byrne Leicester Warren, poet, 1835-95. Critic (1895) 27:412. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:662.* D^TAILLE, Edouard, 1848- Claretie, Peintres et sculpteurs contemp. (1884) 2:249. L. Massard del. sc. Claretie, Por. contemp. (1875) 383. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:503. — (1894) 105:245. Paris salon (1891) 33. Kevue illus. ^887) 4:379. Stebbins, Cat. of private coll. (1889) 75. etch. DETCHON, Adelaide, actress. Cab. por. gall. (1892 ) 3:68.* DE THTJLSTRXTP, Thure, illustrator,1848- Book buyer (1895) 12:439. New Eno. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:132. DETMOLD, Edward, 1883- Mag. of art (1900) 24:112. Maurice Detmold del.* Maurice, 1883- Mag. of art (1900) 24:112. Edward Detmold del.* DE TRAFFORD, Sir Humphrey. bart. 1808-86. Baily’s mag. (1873)23:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Sir Humphrey Francis, 3d bart. 1862- Bailt’s mag. (1894) 61:73. R. Josey sc. after photo. Lady [Humphrey Francis], Violet Alice Maud (Franklin) w. of 3d bart. Merry Eng. (1891) 17:147. DE TROBRIAND, PhiUppe Rdgis, 1816-97. Moore, Rebellion record (1866) 9:208. A. H. Ritchie eng. DEUCHAR, David, etcher, 1745-1808. Arm- strong, Raeburn (1901) 4. Raeburn p. 17921* (miniature) DEUCHER, Adolf, pres. Swiss republic, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:40.* DEUX PONTS. See Zweibrucken. DEVARS, Ferdinando, 1808- 49. ,\mato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 2:5^. Lauro inc. DEVAUgAY, 2{me. L’^Vrt (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:787. Ingres des.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1867) 23:58. Ingres p. Leopold Flameng sc. DEVAUX, Paul Louis Isidore, 1801-80. Acad. roy. de Belgique, .Ann. (1882) 48:181. Desvachez sc. Hy.mans, Bruxelles, 2:277. Baugniet f. DEVEAUX, Barnwell, lawj’er of S. C. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 673. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* James, 1812-44. Lester, Artists of Am. (1846) 173. De Veaux p. Burt eng. Thomas. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 521. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* DEVELLE, Jules Paul, 1845- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 736. wdet. DEVENS, Charles, jr. 1820-91. Adams, 24th nat. encampment G. A. R. (1890) front.* Beath, Hist. G. A. R. (1899) 144. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:238. eng. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:716. wdet. — (1877) 21:241. wdet. — (1879) 23:269. wdet. Koehler, Am. art. (1886) front. F. P. Vinton sc. S. A. Schoff etch. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1891) ser. 2, 7:104. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:606. — (1891) n. s. 4:18. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:438. Olin Warner sc.* (statue, Boston) David, of Charlestown, Mass. 1777- Li%tng- STON, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:21. S. Hollyer eng. Richard. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:550. H. Sargent p. 1793. Kilbum sc. DE VERE, Aubrey, 1814-1902. * Book buyer (1897) 15:347. —(1902) 24:102. Cent. (1894) 26:913.* Critic (1898) 32:7. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:807.* —(1902) 120:120.* Merry Eng. (1886) 8: front. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:459. F. Hollyer f. photo. 1 DE VERE family name. See also title Oxford. DEVERELL, George. Metii. mag. (1802) 25:487. William Ridley sc. (age 32) W. H. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 173. W. W. Ouless p.* DEVEREUX, Hon. Mrs. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: Apr. 30, sim. p. 6. F. Goodall p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 70. F. Goodall p.* Harry. New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 13:494. Horace K. lieutenant. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:430. photo. John Henry, 1832-86. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:196. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:253.* Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:217. eng. Mary, ajtw. Mrs Watson. Book buyer (1900) 20:431. Bookman (1900) 11:200.* —(1901) 14:336.* Critic (1900) 37:294. DEVEREUX family name. See also titles Essex; Hereford. DEV^RIA, Achille. 1800-57. L’Art (1894) 59, pt. 1:103. David d’ Angers f. 1828* (medallion) Fournel, Les artistes franp. contemp. (1884) 85. David d’Angers f. 1828. Tamisier sc. (medallion) Literary souvenir (1832) 8:325. A. Dev^ria p. S. Sangster eng. (group) Mme Achille. Grand-Carteret, XIX* si^cle (1893) 216. A. Dev^ria del. Lemercier lith. (with her child) DEVERY, William S. chief of iwlicc N. Y. citv. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:881. R. of rev. (1902) 26:400.* DE VESCI, I'iscountess, Lady Evelyn (Charteris) w. of 4th viscount, 1849- Art ann. (1896) 26. G. F. Watts p.* DEVIENNE 409 DEVONSHIRE DEVEENNE, Fran9ois, 1759-1803. L’Art (1901) 60:470. L. David del.* DEVILLiAS, Louis, 1747-1832. Soc. Montvon et Paris, Por. et hist. des. homines utiles, 3; 161. J.'Boilly del. Dequevauviller sc. (with Broulard and Br^zin) DEVILLE, Henri Etienne Sainte Claire-, 1818-81. See Sainte-Claire-Deville. DE VILLIERS, Sir John Henry, 1842- So. African por. gall. (1897) 15. DE VINE, Kitty, bareback rider. Harper’s w. (1902)46:530. DE VINNE, Theodore Low, printer, 1828- Book buyer (1900 ) 20:100.* Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:317. W. C. Smith f. eng. Harper’s w. (1891) 35: 184. wdct. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 298. Williams eng. DEVISME, Jacques Fran 9 ois Laurent, 1749- 1830. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:94. Gros del. Bel- jambe sc. DEVITT, T. L, Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 133. J. S. Sargent p.* DEVOISINS, Pierre, 1724- Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:94. Perrin del. Courbc sc. DEVON, 21st earl of, Edward Courtenay, 1526-56. Lodge, Por. (1835) 2: pi. 9. J. Cochran eng. Wal- pole, Anec. ed. Dallawaj' (1826) 1 :245. Sir A. More p. H. Bone p. W. H. Worthington sc. Slst earl of, William Reginald Courtenay, 1807-88. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77:372. E. B. Stephens sc.* (statue, Exeter) — (1888) 93:639.* countess of, Lady Elizabeth (Fortescue) w. of 31st earl, 1801-67. English ann. (1838) 242. Mrs J. Robertson p. eng. Sith earl of, Henry Hugh Courtenay, 1811- 1904. Illus. lAind. news. (1904) 124:182.* DEV ONSHIRE, 1st earl of, Charles Blount, Baron Mountjoy, 1563-1606. Lodge, Por. (1835) 4:pl. 4. Juan Pantoxa f. H. T. Ryall eng. Willia.mson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 5, fig. 2. Laurence Hilliard p. 1593.* — l;pl. 8, fig. 5. N. Hilliard p.* l:pl. (Madresfield court) Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 16. eng. from print. 2d earl of. Sir William Cavendish, 1552-1625. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:200. Gardiner del. B. Reading eng. after p. (Hardwick) Portland, Pict. (1894) 53. p.* Rodd, Coll, of por. (1820) l:pl. 5. Gardiner del. Reading sc. after p. (Hardwick) countess of, Christian (Bruce) w. of 3d earl, 159.5- 1674. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 58. A. van Dyck p. earl of, William Cavendish, 1617-84. Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 47. Vandyck p.* countess of, Elizabeth (Cecil) w. of 4th earl, d. 1689. Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 48. Vandvek p.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1311. Van Dyck p. P. Lombart eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 9: pi. 11. Vandyke p. T. Wright eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 34, fig. 1. Samuel Cooper p.* 1642 (coll, of marquis of Exeter) 1st duke of, William Cavendish, 1640-1707. Lodge, Por. (1^5) 10:pl. 1. Riley f. W. Finden eng. ProperTj Hist, of miniature art (1887) 77. B. Lens p.* (miniature) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 73. p.* Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 4:21. eng. duchess of. Lady Mary (Butler) w. of 1st duke, 1646-1710. Jameson, Mem. of beauties of court (1838) 2:187. C. E. Wagstalf eng. after p. 1 (Hard- wicke) 2d duke of, William Cavendish, 1673-1729. KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 5. Kneller p. Cooper sc. duchess of. Lady Rachel (Russell) w. of 2d duke, 1674-1725. Adolphus, Brit. cab. (1799) 2: pi. 37. E. Harding sc. after p. (Petworth) 3d duke of, William Cavendish, 1698-1755. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:44. James Wors- dale p. John Brooks eng.* 5th duke of, William Cavendish, 1748-1811. Armstrong, Reynolds (1900) 5. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 8. Cos- way p.* (miniature) Williamson, Andrew& Nathan- iel Plimer (1903) 22. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (minia- ture) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 62, figs. 1-2. Andrew Plimer p.* Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 64b. Richard Cosway p. eng. duchess of, Lady Georgians (Spencer) 1st w. of 5th duke, 1757-1806. ANGLO-Saxon rev. (1899) 1:225. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Armstrong, Rey- nolds (1900) 48. Reynolds p. 1779*(coll. of earl Spencer) — p. 172. Reynolds p. 1786* (with her daughter) L’Art (1893) 54:252. Reynolds p. Ch. Soderlund sc. (with daughter) Art j. (1896) 48:367. Richard Cos- way p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 64. Gains- borough p.* (coll, of earl Spencer) Bookman (1901) 13:300. Gainsborough p.* Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 41. Gainsborough p. H. Meyer eng. Byron, Works, Poetry, ed. Coleridge (1901) 5:330. Reynolds p. Val- entine Green mezzo.* Cent. (1897) 32:816-17. Reynolds p.* Chapin, Masters of eng. (1894) 192. Reynolds p. Francesco Bartolozzi eng. Collins, Reynolds (1874) l;pl. 8. Reynolds p. V. Green eng.* Connoisseur (1903) 5:75. Gainsborough p. W. W. Burney eng.* — 5:161. Angelica Kauffman p.* (with brother and sister; coll, of earl Spencer) — (1904) 9:198. Lady Diana Beauclerc p. Bartolozzi eng. lith. — 10:130. John Downman del.* (Rich- mond House theatre) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:39. Reynolds p.* (child por.) Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 54. Reynolds p.* (with daughter) — pi. 55. Reynolds p.* Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianae (1822) 266. Reynolds p. S. Freeman eng. European mag. (1787) 11:219. P. Wray del. T. Holloway eng. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2:pl. 55. Reynolds p. V. Green sc. Foster, 2 duchesses of Devonshire G898) 84. Gainsborough p. 1775.* — p. 96. Romney p. 1775-81* — p. 105. Reynolds p. 1786* (with daughter) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 3. (3 miniatures)* — (1883) 3‘pl. 9. Cosw'ay p.* (3 DEVONSHIRE 410 DEWAR miniatures) — (1884) 4: pi. 16. Reynolds p.* IIaij., Roy. gall, of art, 1 : pi. 3. Reynolds p. P. Lightfoot sc. Hill, Women in Eng. life (1896) 2: front. Reynolds p. J. Cook sc. Illus. Lond. news ( 1876) 68 : May 20, sup. Gainsborough p. wdct. — (1892) 100:Feb. 27, sub. p. 2. Reynolds p. 1786* (with daughter) — (1894) 104: Feb. 17, sup. Reynolds p.* — (1901) 118:523, 854. Gainsborough p.* LADiEs’m. mus. (1800)4:241. Drummond del. Ridley sc. — pSlO) n. s. 8:242. Mackenzie sc. Loxn. mag. (1776) 45:288. eng. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1901) 17:103. Gainsborough p. 1783.* M.\g. of art (1887) 10:260. Kauffman p. William Dickinson eng. (with sister, countess of B<\ssborough) —(1901) 25:36«k73 (10 por.) —(1904) 28:247. Kauffman p.* (with Lady ElizaWth Hervey) M.^.s- TERS in art (1900) pt. 7, 1 :pl. 10. Reynolds p.* (with her child; Windsor) Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 11. Reynolds p. 1784. P. Lightfoot. Pall Mall mag. (1902) 28:416. drawing! Portfolio (1877) 8:181. Gainsborough p. V. Lhuillier etch. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. H. Bone p.* Rey- nolds, Engravings. l:pl. 9. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Williamson, Andrews & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 22. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (miniature) — 90, pi. 6. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (miniature) — 90, pi. 15. Andrew Plimer p.* (2 miniatures: coll, of earl of Carlisle) — 90, pi. 34. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature; coll, of Claud Ponsonby) Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 58A, fig. 1, 6. Richard Cosway p.* (Devonshire house) — l:pl. 62, fig. 1. Andrt'w Plimer p.* Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 506. Ozias Humphrey p.* — p. 76. Andrew Plimer f.* (3 por.) — p. 166. Cos- way p. eng. Willing, Some old-time beauties (189.5) 1. Gainsborough p.* Wrax.all, Posthumous mem. ( 1836) 3 : front, eng. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:112, 114. F. W. Fairholt eng. (3 caricatures 1784) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8: 145. Reynolds p.* (child por.) duchess o f, Lady Elizabeth (Hervey) 2d w. of 5th duke, d. 18'24. Bell, Gainsl)orough (1897) 102. Gainsborough p. wdct. (the lost picture) La belle assemble (1810) n. s. 1:59. eng. Critic (1!X)1) 38:486. Gainsborough p.* Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 57. Reynolds p.* Foster, 2 duchesses of Devon- shire (1898) front, print.* — p. 132. p.* — p. 340. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1881) 1 :pl. 19. Gainsborough p.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: Feb. 27, sup. p. 3. Reynolds p. 1787.* — (1901) 118:854. Gainsliorough p.* Mao. of art (1901) 25:370-73. p.* (7 por.) —(1904) 28:247. Angelica Kauffman p.* (with lady Georgians Swncer) WiLLi.^MSON, Por. miniatures (1897) 68. Richard Cosway p. 1784.* 6ih duhe of. William Spencer Cavendish, 1790- 18.58. Art j. (1896) 48:366. Richard Coswav p.* (miniature, child por.) Bourke, Hist, of M hites (1892) 1 : 172. Sir Tliomas Lawrence p.* Fletcher, Eng. lx)ok coll. (1902) 364. Ciower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 8. Cosway p.* (miniature) Old- field, Harriet, countess Granville (1901) 167. Baug- nitt lith.* WiLLiAM.soN, Por. miniatures (1897) 64b. Cosway p. eng. (child por.) 7th duhe of, Wilham Cavendish, 1808-91. L’.Vrt (1901) 60:278. W. Goscomlie John sc.* (statue) .\rt j. (1901) 53:176. John sc.* (statue) Devon- shire, Coll. (1901) pi. 58. Watts p.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:13.* Mag. of art (1895) 19:39. W. D. Keyworth sc.* (bust) — (1900) 24:376. Jolin f.* (sketch model of statue) Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 40. John sc.* (bust; study for statue) — (1901) 83. John f.* (study for statue) Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 174. Ap>e f. lith. (caricature) 8th duke of, Spencer Compton Cavendish, 1833- Archer, Gladstone (1883) 4:270. lith. after photo. Baily’s mag. (1876) 28: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:194. eng.* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 2:145. lith. after photo. Devon.siiire, Coll. (1901) front. Millais p.* Green bag (1895) 7:337.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:163.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdct. — (1892) 36:3. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:117. wdct. after photo. — (1880) 76:May 8, sup. p. 360. —(1887) 90:Jan. 8, sup.* —(1892) 100:12.* —101:556.* —(1893) 192:731. —(1895) 107:5.* —(1903) 123:. 523.* Mao. of art (1897) 20:2.56. H. Herkomer p.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 22.* Outlook (1897) .57:. 50.* R. of rev. (1892) 5:4. —1904) 29:277. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 22.* Vanity fair album (1869) 1 :pl. 8. Ape f. lith. (carica- ture) — (1880) 12:front.2. T. f. lith. (with Glad- stone and Chamberlain, caricature) — (1888) 20: pi. 547. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1902) 34: pi. 752 Spv f. lith. (caricature) Whithhiall rev. coll. (1880) pl.23. lith. duchess of, Louise Fredericke Auguste (von Alten) w. of 8th duke. Art j. (1896) 48:368. R. Thorburn p. (Devonshire house) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:231.* DE VOS, Martin, 1534-1604. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:447. E. de Boulonois f. eng. MofcKE, Ritratti (1752) l:pl.38. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. DEVOTION, Mrs Martha (Lathrop) 1715-95. Perkins, Old houses of Norwich (1895) 2^. p. ?* D^VOUASSOUD, Fran 9 ois Joseph, 1831- Cunningh.am & Abney, Pioneers of the Alps (1887) 160.* Mathews, Annals of Mont Blanc (1898) 2.54* (age 56) DEVREESE, father of artist. Internat. studio (1899) 7:62. G. Devreese sc.* (bust) DEVREENT, Ludwig, actor, 1784-1832. Seid- i.iTZ, Portratwerk (1.S94) 5: pi. 68. L. Dassinger p. J. Kriehuber lith. Werck.meister, Das 19te iahr- hundert in bildnlssen (1898) l:pl. 119. Rohrbach lith.* DEVRliS, Mme Fidfes, singer, 1852- Revue illus. (1886) 1:61. DEVXJEZ, Amould, 1642-1724. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:125. Fiquet sc. DEW, J. Harvie, m. d. 1843- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:220. eng. DEWAR, Arthur, m. p. 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:949.* DEWAR 411 DEXTER James, 1842- Illcs. Lond. news (1893) 102:106.* McClure’s mag. (1893) 1 : 527.* Port- folio (1895) no. 14:71. W. Q. Orchardson f.* (Peter- house, Carnb.) John Alexander, m. p. 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Sir Thomas Robert, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:637.* —(1902) 121:20.* DEWAWONGSE VAROPRUKAR, prince of Siam, foreign minister. See Siam. DEWEES, William Potts, m. d. 1768-1841. Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:541. Neagle p.l 1833. M. E. D. Brown lith.* DEWELL, James Dudley, of New Haven, 1837- Da vis, N. E. states (1897) 2:1085. eng. William. Caulfield, Por. mem. «fe char. (1819) 3:21.7. G. Cruikshank sc. DE WET, Christian, 1853- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:79. C. Carlton del.* Pall Mall mag. (1901) 23:285. G. R. Halkett f.* (caricature) R. of rev. (1902) 26:6.* —(1903) 27: front.* Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:548.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 845. E. B. N. del. lith. (caricature) World’s work (1901) 1:464. DEWEY, Charles, 1784-1862. Green bag (1892) 4:211. Charles, brother of George, 1826- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:657. Charles A. of Northampton, Mass. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 27:501. Charles E. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of Ben- nington monument (1892) 136. Rev. Chester, 1784-1867. Parker, Rochester (1884) 170. N. Bryant sc.* Edward, brother of George. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:956. George, u. s. n. 1837- Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1898) ser. 3, 3: front. Cent. (1899) 35:915.* — (1899) 36:928. D. C. French f.* (medal) Cuap- book (1898) 9:5. Cecil Clark del.* — 9:49 (2 por.) Drysdale, Helps for ambitious boys (1899) front. Harper’s mag. (1899) 99:169, 804, 805, 813 (5 por.) Harper’s w. (1898) 42: 4.36,* 457.* —(1899) 43: 150. medal * —43:231,* 635,* 763, 862, 953, 956. — (1901) 45:791, 977. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:646. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11: 178.* —(1899) 12:370-371* (3 por.) — 13:483-85* (various por.) —13:498.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:315. D. C. French f.* (medal) New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:270, 316. Outlook (1899) 63:299. medal.* —63:313.* —(1903) 73:783.* R. of rev. (1899) 20: 406. *Wil- SON, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:289.* Hiram Todd, 1816- Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 133, sup. Juhus Yemans, m. d. father of George. Har- per’s mag. (1899) 99:801.* Harper’s w. (1899) 43:955. T. W. Wood p.* Justin, of Springfield, Mass. 1836-1900. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:^9. Melvil, 1851- Book.m an (1898) 6:408.* Cath. world (1893) 57:31. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:20. wdct. — (1896) 40: 179. wdct. Nelson, gov. of Wis. 1813-89. Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:684.* Orville, 1794-1882. Cent. (1895) 28: 563. print.* Fowler, Am. pulpit (1856) 267. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Thomas C. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 61. Arthur Hacker p.* Mrs Thomas C. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 151. Arthur Hacker p.* DE WINDT, Harry, 1856- Harper’s mag. (1902) 104:769. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:404.* DEWING, Thomas Wilmer, painter, 1851- Har- per’s mag. (1895) 91:167. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:257. wdct. DE WINTON, Sir Francis, maj.-gen. 1835-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:,579.* — (1901) 119:958.* DE WITT, Alexander, 1798-1879. Ammidown, Hist. coll. (1874) 1 : 105. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo, of bust. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:315. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. John, 1821- Harper’s w. (1885) 29 : 329. wdct. John, D. D. 1842- Harper’s w. (1899) 43: 1010. Rev. Thomas, 1791-1874. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 35. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:438. G. E. Ferine eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:2,30. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog. record (1874) 5:161. Buttre eng. after photo. DE WITT. See also Witt. DE WOLF, Calvin, lawyer, 1815-99. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:139. eng. DE WOLFE, Elsie, actress, 186.5- Bookman (1901) 14:334* (in The way of the world) Critic (1890) 34:292. Jan van Beers p.* —(1901) 38:400 (with E. M. Holland in Shades of night) — 39:555.* —(1903) 42:205. Ernest Haskell del.* (poster) — 43:295* (group) — 43:296* (with Clyde Fitch) — 43:299* (group) Harper’s w. (1894) 38:9.56. wdct. (as Lady Kate Ffennel) — (1903) 47:58.5* (in Cynthia) Strang, Famous actresses in Am. (1899) 248. DE WORMS, Henry, 1840-1903. See Pirbright, 1st baron. f DEXTER, Charles Haskell, of Windsor Locks Conn. 1810-69. Trumbull, .Mem. hist, of Hartford CO. Conn. (1886) 2:568. eng. George, 18.38-83. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1884) ser. 2, 1:327. DEXTER 412 DIBBS Henry, sculptor, 1806-76. New Exg. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:691. Rev. Henry Martyn, 1821-90. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:28. wdct. —(1890) 34:905. wdct. M.ass. hist. soc. Proc. (1891) ser. 2, 7:90. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. John Singer, major. Mag. of Am. hbt. (1883) 10:361. eng. Hansom, m. d. 1831- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11:655. eng. Samuel, 1726-1810. Dedham hist, register (1892) 3:45. p. 1792.=* Nat. mag. (1892) 16:165. Simeon Newton, 1785-1862. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:819. H. B. Hall eng. Lord Timothy. 1747 1-1806. Esse.x antiq. (1903) 7:97. — 7:101. Doyle del. Wightman sc. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:80. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 24:175. eng.’*' New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:737. DEY, William. Internat. studio (1902) 17:168. E. A. Walton p.’*‘ DEYM, (jraJ, Franz, 1838-1903. Illcs. Lond. news (1903) 123:370.’“ Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 705. Spy f. lith. (caricature) D’EYNCOTJHT, E. C. Tennyson, Lond. police magistrate. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 112:78.’“ Louis Charles Tennyson, Lond. police magis- trate, 1814-96. Illus. Lond. news (18%) 109:8%.’“ DEYNTJM, Jean Baptiste van, 1620- Metssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 71. J. B. van Devnum p. eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 92. beynum p. Robert Smith sc. DE YOUNG, Michael Harry, editor, 1848- Har- per’s mag. (1888) 77:698. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:577. wdct. —(1893) 37:909. —(1902) 46:207. W. A. Rogers del.’“ DEYSTEH, Louis de, 1656-1711. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:336. Piquet sc. DEYVERDUN, George, Swiss writer, 1735-89. Read, Hist, studies (1897) 2:front. eng. after por. (at La Grotte) DHANIS, haron, Belgian maj. gen. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:448.’“ DHERA J, king of Nepal, 1875- See Nepal, king of. DHU, John, Scottish highlander. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 2, 90. John Kay f. 1734 & eng. DHULIP SINGH. See Singh, Sir Dulip. DIADUMENIANUS, Marcus Opelius, ? Roman emperor, 208-218. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 24. statue’“ (Chiardmonti mus.) DLAKOS, Athanasius, patriot, d. 1822. Koloko- TRONfes (1892) 44. Sergeant, Greece in 19th cent. (1897) 114. DIANE DE FRANCE, dau. of Henri IV, 1538- 1619. See Angouleme, duchesse d’. DIANE DE POITIERS, 1499-1566. See Poitiers, Diane de. DIAN’ri, Laura di. Gruyer, Salon-Carr6 (1891) 156. Titian f.’“ Jure. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1899) 20:20. Titian f.’“ Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 29:37. Titian p.’“ (with Alfons von Ferrara; Louvre) Masters in art (1900) pt. 2, 1 : pi. 2. Titian p."“ (with Alfonso of Ferrara) Port- folio (18%) no. 25: front. Titian p.* (with Alfonso I of Ferrara) Reber u. Baversdorfer, Klass. bilder- schatz (1895) 7: pi. 891. Titian p.’“ (Louvre) DIAOULE-KARMOKO, African prince. Revue illus. (1886) 2:629. P. Renouard del. lith. DIAZ, Diego Valentin, d. 1660. Stirung-Max- well, Annals of artists of Spain (1891) 3:874. Diego Valentin Diaz p. R. B. Parkes f. (with wife) Juan, d. 1546. Verheiden, Af-beeldingen (1603) 51. II. f. eng. Juan Martin, 1775-1823. See Martin Diaz. Porflrio, pres, of Mexico, 1830- Alm. de Gotha (1904) prof. p. 22. Th. & A. Weger sc. Arena (18%) 16:45.”“ Book buyer (1887) 3:542. Cent. (1898) 33:604. Hale, Story of Mexico (1894) 397. Har- per’s mag. (1882) 64:414. —(1885)71:763. —(1897) 94:743,”“ 745. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:165. wdct. —(1883) 27:228. wdct. —(1885) 29:37. wdct. —(1901) 45:456. —(1%4) 48:1952. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:720. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:581. Outlook (1%1) 69:536.'“ R. of rev. (1893) 6:676.”“ — (1%3) 28:319.”“ World’s work (1%1) 2:683. — (1%3) 6:3844.”“ SeTiora, w. of Porfirio. Harper’s mag. (1897) 94:746. Porfirio, jr. Harper’s mag. (1897 ) 94:747. DIAZ DE BIVAR, Rodrigo (Ruy) 10401-99. See Cid. DIAZ DE LA PESA, Narcisse Virgile, 1809-76. L’Art (1877) 8:49. Georges Profit des. Smeeton & Tilly sc. — (1889) 47:237. Sgap sc. Burlington mag. (1905) 6:362. Millet del.* Clarette, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1882) 1:217. L. Massard sc. FouRNEL,Les artLstes fran^. contemp. (1884) 239. eng. Mag. of art (1889) 12:181. wdct. Morgan, Cat. of art coU. (1886) 12. etch. Thomson, Barbizon school (1891) 191. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1879) 14:97. F. A. Joerdens del. & sc. DIAZ DE SORIA, Frdddric. L’Art (1892) 53:273. Rodolphe Piguet del. & etch. DIAZ DE VILLEGAS, Juan G. Cuban general, 1821- See Villegas. DIBBLE, Henry C. of New Orleans, 1844- Har- per’s w. (1871) 15:7.57. wdct. DIBBS, Sir George Richard, of New South Wales, 1834- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101 :82.* DIBDIN 413 DICKIXSOX DLEDIN, Charles, song writer, 1745-1814. Best- ley’s misc. (1838) 4:628. Thomas Phillips p. W. Greatbatch sc. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:167. Phillips p. 1799.* European mag. (1809) 55: 171. S. Drummond p. Ridley eng. Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 2:440. Imillips p. Greatbatch eng. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99: 176. Phillips p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6:pl. 1. Phillips p.* Woodward, Gen. hist, of Hampshire (1870) 2:361. Philips p. George Stodart eng. Charles, 1768-1833. European mag. (1819) 76:99. R. W. Satchwell p. J. Thomson eng. (minia- ture) Thomas Frognall, 1776-1841. Coll, of eng. por. pi. 14. Henry Edridge p. Henry Mayer eng. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1829) 1: front. ’Phomas Phil- lips p. James Thomson eng. Lamp (1903) 26: 103. eng.* Thomas John, 1771-1841. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 3:272. wdct. (as Mungo) Euro- pean mag. (1817) 71:187. Samuel Drummond p. H. Meyer eng. Monthly mirror (1802) 14:361. C. Al- lingham p. Ridley eng. DICK, Dr, Washington’s physician. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 524. St Memin del. & eng.* Beetty, of Dalkeith, 1693-1773. Kay, Grig, por. (1877) 2: pi. 291. John Kay f. 1809 & eng. Charles, m. c. 1858- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:18. R. OF rev. (1904) 29:394. Sir James Nicholas, 1831- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:512.* Robert, naturalist, 1811-66. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:93. wdct. Robert Paine, 1823-1900. Green bag (1892) 4:535.* DICK-CUNYNGHAM, William Henry, 1851- 1900. See Cunyngham. DICKEN, Charles Shortt, 1841-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:770.* DICKENS, Charles, 1812-70. Acad. (1897) 51:573. Ary Scheffer p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Ann. gift book (1859) 1:34. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Bolton, Fam. Eng. authors (1890) 311. Book buyer (1896) 13:21 (age 20) Bookman (1897) 6:189. Sol Eytinge f. 1867.* 190. Spy f.* (caricature from Vanity fair, 1870) — 6: 191. Gill f.* (caricature from L’^clipse, 1868) —(1901) 13:62-63, 468. —(1903) 17:132. eng.* Ce.nt. (1899) 35:493. Frank French f.* Coll, of eng. por. pi. 15. 11. K. Browne f. Con- noisseur (1902) 4:2. G. Egg p. after p. lith. Critic (1899) 34:240. Eytinge jr. nth.* — 34:245. p. (un- finished) —(1902) 40:43-45, 47. (4 por )* —(1904) 45:236. eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:283. Scheffer p. 1855.* — 2:283. Daniel Maclise p. 1839.* Democratic rey. (1842) 10:315. H. Dexter sc. A. Halbert eng. (bust) Drysdale, Helps for ambitious boys (1899) 162. Duycki.vck, Por. gall, of em. men (1873) 2:3^. en^ after photo. Eclectic mag. (1867) 68: front. G. E. Perine eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:234. J. C. Armytage eng. after photo. 1868.* — 4:236. Samuel Lawrence del. Weld Tay- lor lith.* — 1:238. Daniel Maclise f. lith.* —4:242. Maclise f. 1843.* (with wife and sister-in-law) Har- pers mag. (1856) 12:381. —(1864)29:66. —(1901) 104:700 (age 26) Harper’s w. (1860) 4:740. wdct. —(1867) 11:757. wdct. —(1870) 14:408. wdct. — (1892) 36: 184. F. E. Elwell sc. wdct. (statue, with Little Nell) — (1902) 46:274.* Hubbard, Little jour, good men (1895) 260. Lawrence del. 1838.* Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:301, 629. wdct. — (1892) 100:619. Elwell sc.* (statue, with Little Noll) — (1902) 121:392. Maclise p.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 20. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1861.* Lit- erature (1901) 9:Dec. 21, sup. pi. 33.* — 9:569, 572, 576, 579. Le litre, bibliog. retrospective (1886) 7:4 (age 18) Comte d’Orsay del. 1845. Theodore Joyeuse sc. 1885. — 7:104. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:16. Scheffer p.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 23:177. Mag. of art (1888) 11:285. Cruikshank f. 18371 — 11:286. Count d’Ors^ del. 1841. — 11:287. Margaret Gillies p. 1844. R. Taylor eng. (miniature) — 11:288. Scheffer p. J. M. John- stone eng. — 11:322. W. P. Frith p. 1^9. — 11:323 Johnstone eng. after photo. 1852. — 11:324. R. Taylor eng. after photo. 1861. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:551. J. Greatbach eng. 1 after photo. Outlook (1898) 60:319. Scheffer p.* Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 747. J. Greatbach sc. after hoto. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in ildnissen (1899) 2:169.* — 2:pl. 133. Maclise p. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 232. Scheffer p.* See also Kitton, Frederic G. Charles Dickens by pen and pencil, and supplement. London. 1890. I». (178 ilfus- trations, mostly portraits.) Charles, ;>. 1837-96. Book buyer (1896) 13:459. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:685. wdct. Henry Fielding, s. of Charles, 1849- V’anity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 681. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Letitia Mary, aftw. Mrs Henry Austin, sister of Charles Dickens, 1816-93. See Austin. DICKERSON, Mahlon, 1770-1853. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:296. Green bag (1891) 3:413- Lonoacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1836) 3: pi. 34. J. Vanderlyn p. G. Parker eng. N. Y. GENEAL. & biog. record (1891) 22:21. Worth W. m. c. 1851- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:532. wdct. DICKEY, George A. of Berwick, Me. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:601. wdct. DICKIE, George, .m. d. 1812-82. Anderson, Au- rora borealis academica (1899) 326.* DICKINS, R. St Memin, Coll, of p>or. (1862) pi. 181. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* DICKINSON, Andrew GlasseU, 1835- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:473. eng. Anna Elizabeth,, lecturer, 1842- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 195. Por. m. (1863) 1:46. wdct. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1882) 2:front. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Rev. Charles A. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:6.50. DICKINSON^ 414 DIDION Charles Monroe, 1842- McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:467.* Daniel A. 1839-1902. Green bag (1892) 4: 169.* Daniel Stevens, 1800-66. Democratic rev. (1846) 19:81. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. — (1857) 40:1. eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1865) 9: 141. wdct. Kilbourne, Biog. hist, of Litclifield co. Conn. (1851) 187. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Donald McDonald, 1847- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 119. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:921. wdct. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:239. from Harper’s weekly.* Emily, 1830-86. Book buyer (1894) 11:485. (child por.) John, 1732-1808. Bolles, Pennsylvania (1899) 2:98. Du Simitiere, Amer. legislators (1783) pi. 12. Du Simitifere del. B. Reading eng. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 191. wdct. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:46. wdct. (from Du Simitifere’s 13 por. Lond’ 1783) Fiske, Grit, period of Am. hist. (1898) 95. C. W. Pcale p.* Harper’s mag. (1851) 3:153. wdct. —(1883) 67:741. —(1901) 103:299. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:413. wdct. —(1887) 31:678. wdct. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of dist. Am. (1836) 3:pl. 4. Pealep. 1770. J. B. Forrest eng. JLig. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:327. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1891) 15:1. eng. ? Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, dist. Am. (1854) 2:pl. 21. Peale p. 1770. F'orrest eng. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:16. Peale p. 1791.* Spof- FORU, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:61. vignette. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:137. eng.* — 2:198. Du Simitiere del.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:82. eng. from Nathaniel Ames’s Astronomical diary or almanack, Bost. 1772. — 6:268. B. Reading sc. eng. (from Du SimitiSre’s 13 por. Lond. 1783) John Thilman, of Houston, Tex. 1858- Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:577. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:549.* Jonathan, 1688-1747. Princeton book (1879) 33. Princeton univ. Mem. book (1898) 348. p.* Scribner’s m. (1877) 13:627. eng. Smith, 13 col- onies (1901) 2:45. Mrs Mary (Lowe) w. of John B. 1839- Amer- ica’s grtst men & women (1894) 140. Peard, 1759- Arminian mag. (1792) 15: front, (age 33) Philemon, m. c. 1739-1809. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 72. J. Trumbull p Richard, fl. 1720. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819)2:59. H.C.sc. Townsend. Green bag (1892) 4:419. DICKMAN, Franklin J. Green bag (1895) 7:105* (group) —7:283.* DICKONS, Mrs Maria (Poole) w. of Peter, singer, 17701-1833. La belle assembl6e (1812) n. s. 8:283. Marie Anne Bourlier eng. after drawing. Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 5:169. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. Monthly mirror (1808) n. s. 3:409. Freeman eng. after p. DICKSEE, Frank, 1853- Art j. (1890) 42: 137.* Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:9.* Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:429.* M.\o. of art (1887) 10:219. wdct. Men of mark (1883) 7:30. photo. DICKSON, Alexander, 1836-87. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 201. W. Hole sc. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 144. Rev. David, 1754-1820. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 274. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. Sir David, d. d. 1780-1842. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 2. B. W. Crombie f. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2 : pi. 319. John Kay f. 1812 & eng. i/rsEmma (Wells) Catii. world (1896) 63:785. Harris, 1868- Book buyer (1900) 20:97. Book- man (1900) 11 : 5. Critic (1902) 40:302. ILarper’s w. (1902) 46:474. James, bookseller, d. 1800. Kay', Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 49. John Kay f. 1786 & eng. James Robert, of Queensland, 1832-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:184.* Samuel, 1837- Penn, bar assoc. Rept. (1896) 2:3.* Thomas, 1822-84. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:538. wdct. Wilham, bp. of Down, 1745-1804. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 2:321. J. Heath eng. 1810. Wilham Purdie, 1823- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 82. DICKSON-POYNDER family name. SeePoynder. DIDEROT, Denis, 1713-84. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:482. L. M. van Loo p. David eng.* L’Art (1878) 12:123. F. H. Drouais? p. Smeeton & Tilly eng. — 12:124. Mile Callot sc. 1772. Tourfaut eng. (bust) — 12:125. Pigalle sc. Puyplat eng. (bust) — 12:128. Rosset-Dupont sc. Leveill^ eng. (bust) — 12 : 129. Charles Valton sc. & des. 1877 (statue) — (1901) 60:453. Rosset-Dupont sc.* (bust) Art j. (1896) 48:229. Houdon sc. (bust, Versailles) Bur- lington mag. (1903) 3:290. Jean-Honord Fragonard p.* (Louvre) Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1899) 28:177. eng. Gal. franf. (1823) 3:283. Greuze p. II. Gr^vedon del. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:400. J. Garand p. (miniature) — (1898) ser. 3, 19:333. Levitsky p.* — (1903) ser. 3, 29:502. Levitski p.* (Geneva lib.) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 6:314. —6 :321, wdct. E. Rontat del. Hilde- brand sc. (with Catherine 11) Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:7. J. B. Greuze p. Augustin de St Aubin eng.* Le livre, bibKog. retrospective (1884) 5:234. C. Vanloo p. eng. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:513. L. M. Van Loo p. David eng. Petit de JuLLEViLLE,lIist. delalangue et de la lit. franp. (1898) 6:318. J. B. Greuze p. St Aubin eng. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18® siedes (1805) 2: pi. 115. Blanchard sc. after minia- ture. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 100. L. M. Vanloo p. B. L. ilenriquez sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 81. P. Girardet eng. after bust. DEDION, MUe Barbe Fran 9 oise Madeleine, 1798-1836. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3 : 103. Durupt p. Blanchard sc. DIDIUS JULIANUS 415 DIGBY DUDIUS JTJLIANTJS, Marcus Severus, Roman emperor 133-93. “ Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, t. 3; pi. 4. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — 2, pt. 3;pl.5. ust* (Vatican) — 2, pt. 3:10. Visconti-Mongez eng. after statue (Casscl) Hertzberg, Gesch. des roru. kaiserreichcs (1880) 492. bust* (Vatican) Laurent, Mus. roy. (1816) 2: pi. 73. Laugier des. & eng. after statue. Mag. of art (1899) 23:553. cameo* (with wife, Manlia Scantilla) oAuthcnticity doubtful. DEDON, Henri, 1840-1900. Cent. (1900) 38:729. T. Jolmson eng. after photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887)ser. 2, 35:422. P. Gaillard del.* Illus. Lond. news G900) 116:397.* Mao. of art (1893) 16:327. F. Cormon p.* DEDOT, Firmin, 1764-1836. Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 200. Girodet-Trioson des.* DEEBITSCH-SABALKANSKI, Hans Karl Friedrich Anton, 1785-1831. Allg. weltgc- schichtc (1888) 11 :293. bust* (Walhalla, Regensburg) Flatue, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 157. bust* (Walhalla, Regensburg) DEEDERICHS, Otto von, vicc-adm. McClure’s mag. (1899) 12:388.* DEEDO, Francesco, philosepher, d. 1484. Yriarte, Venisc (1878) 264. medal.* Paolo. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 265. medal 1507.* DEEHEiMANN, Henry, musician. Cath. world (1897) 66:222. DIEEiMAN, Frederick, 1847- Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1711.* DEEPENBEEK, Abraham van, 1607-75. Dezal- LiER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:393. eng. Meyssens, Por. em. painters 5739) pi. 51. Abr. A. Diepenbeke p. Paul Pontius sc. le. Meyssens eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 70. Abr. van Diepenbeck p. Pontius sc. J. Meyssens eng. Walpole, .^ec. cd. Dallaway (1826) 2:187. Diepenbeck p. P. Thomson sc. DIERGARDT,/mtn von. Internat. studio (1901) 15:9. Filip E. L£szl6 p.* DIEST, burgomaster of. See Zierpele. Adriaan van, 1655-1704. Edwards, Anec. of painters (1808) 8. A. Bannerman sc. (with Le Piper) Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 32:64. wact. DEESTERWEG, Adolph, mathematician, 1790- 1866. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 403. W. Hensel del. Eichens eng.* DE^TEREE, painter. L’Art (1904) 63:454. Fernand Cormon des.* DEETERIEEN, Wendelin, 1540-99. Franck, Deutsche kunstlcr-gall. (1813) Franck f. DEETHER VON ISENBURG, abp. of Mayence. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:523. tomb* (Mayence cath.) DEETMAR VON AIST, fl. 1170. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 21. after miniature from Pariser liederhandschrift.* DEETMAYR, Berthoud, 1670-1739. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1821) 3:415. George Lewis del. after p. Worthington eng. (Monastery of Molk, Austria) DEETRICH, Charles Henry, u. s. senator, 1853- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:395. Christian Wilhelm Ernst, painter, 1712-74. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Veit, 1506-49. Iconum viros illus. reprtesen- tantium (1599) pi. 12. eng. DEETRICHSTEIN, fretherr von, Sigmund V. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14:pl. 2, fig. 1. Thomas Behatn? eng.* (medal) Leo. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:320. wdet. (in Trilby) DEETZ, Linda, actress. McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:208.* DEETJAEDE, William. Ar.mini.an mag. (1795) 18:57. William Ridley sc. (age 38) DIEUEiAFOY, Georges, 1840- Critic (1900) 37 : 525. Jean V'iber del.* Marcel Auguste, explorer, 1844- L’Art (1889) 47:248. H. Thiriat sc. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:4 (with wife) Mme Marcel Auguste (Jane Paule Rachel Magre) 1851- L’Art (1889) 47:249. H. Thiriat sc. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:4 (with husband) DEEUSEE, comte de, d. 1794. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:98. Perrin del. Voyez sc. DEEZ, Friedrich, 1794-1876. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 571.* Wilhelm, painter, 1839- Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1887) 22:293. Th. Knesing sc. after photo. DIGBY, 1st earl, Henry Digby, 1731-93. Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures 0904) l:pl. 63, fig. 10. Nathaniel Hone p. 1767* (Sherborne castle) countess, Mary (Knowler) w. of 1st earl, d. 1794. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 63, fig. 9. H. S. p.* (miniature; Sherborne castle) 9tk baron, Edward St Vincent Digby, 1809-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:522. Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 432. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady Jane Elizabeth (Coke) 1777-1863. See Andover, viscountess. DIGBY 416 DILLON Sir Kenelm, 1603-65. Abt j. (1S96) 43:138. Peter Oliver p. 1627 (miniature; coll, of baroness Burdett-Coutts) Biog. mag. (1820) 2:25. Holl sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 193. A. Vandyke p. J. Hou- braken sc. 1748. Bcixakt, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:137. Van Dyke p. N. L’armessin sc. Cvst, Xat. por. gall. (1901) 1:}^. Van Dyck p.* Dibdix, Aedes Altnorpianse (1822) 265. C. Jansen p. James Fittler eng. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 38. Van Dyck p. K. V. Vorst sc. Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dvck (1882) 167. Van Dyck del.* L.cw, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 11. Van Dyck p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 7: pi. 16. Vandyke p.l Thomas Wright eng. P.\Li, M.ux mag. (1904) 32:518. Van Dyck p.* (witli wife and 2 sons; Sherborne castle) Rood, Coll, of por. (1820) l:pl. 7. Van Dyck p. R. V. Vorst eng. B. Reading sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 40. Van Dyck p.* (with family) Th.\ne, Brit, autog. (1819) 3: 17. Van Dyck p. 1 eng. Wilu.ymson, Hist, of por. miniaturt's (1904) l:pl. 15, fig. 5. Peter Oliver p. after Van Dyck (Montagu liouse) — 1 : pi. 18, fig. 1 . P. Oliver p.* (Sherborne castle) son of. WiLij.\MSON, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 18, fig. 7. Isaac Oliver p.* (child por. Slierbome castle) Lady [Kenelm], Venetia (Stanley) 1600-35. Art j. (1^9) 12: 172. Vandyck p. A. J. Annedouche eng. (Windsor) — (1896) 48:138. Peter Oliver p. (miniature; coll, of baroness Burdett-Coutts) Biog. mirrour (1802) 3:pl. 6. Isaac Oliver p. S. Harding del. A. Birrell sc. (miniature) CrsT, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 114. Van Dyck p.* (Windsor) Godfrey, Home life under Stuarts (1903) 153. Vandyck p.* (Windsor) H.\ll, Roy. gall, of art, 4: pi. 19. ^ an Dyck p. Annedouche sc. Knackfvss, Kunstlo nionog. (1896) 13:63. Van Dvck p.* L.\w, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 19. Van £)yck p.* Wilu-amson, Hist, of por. mimatuD»s (1904) l:pl. 18, fig. 2. P. Oliver p.* 1633 (age 32; Sherborne castle) — 1:18, fig. 3. after Van Dyck (after death) Sir Kenelm Edward, 1836- Illl s. Lond. news (1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Spence del.* William, 1849-1904. Illcs. Lond. news (1904) 125:466.* DIGBY family name. See also title Bristol. DIGGES, Sir Dudley, 1583-1639. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 40. C. Jansen p. S. Harding del. H. R. Cooke sc. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:340. Harding del. 1813 after p. C. Turner eng. (coll, of W. Hammond, St Albans’ court) E.arlom, Por. of char. G. Harding del. after p. C. Turner eng. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker cols, in Am. (1903) 1:79. from Brown’s Genesis of U. S. Illcs. Lond. news (1897) 111:571. DIGGLE, John William, bp. of Carlble, 1847- Illcs. Lond. news (19(X)) 117:456.* — (1903) 123:902.* —(1904) 125:946.* Joseph Robert, 1849- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:65.* DIGNAM, David Brown, criminal. Lond. mag. (1777) 46:227. eng. after drawing. DIGNE, fl. 1747. L’Art (1901) 60:204. Pier Leone Ghc3zi des.* (caricature) DIGNT7M, Charles, actor, 17651-1872. Ecro- PEAN mag. (1798) 34:3l>3. Drummond p. Ridley eng. DILGER, Rev. Nathanael. L’Art (1886) 40:66. G. Edelinck sc. P’inset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 113. Edelinck eng.* DILKE, Sir Charles Wentworth, 2d hart. 1843- Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:73.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:‘231.* — (1897) 95:‘220. Paul R^nouard del.* Harper’s w. (1^2) 16:317. wdet. Illcs. Lond. news (1870) 56:205. wdet. after photo. — (1883) 82:81.* —(1885) 87:361. Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 22. photo. OcTLOOK (1897) 57:290.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 19:118. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 97. lith. after cari- cature. Lady [Charles Wentworth], Emilia Frances (Strong) w. of 2d bart. 1840-1904. Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:73.* Illcs. Lond. news (1885) 87:361. —(1904) 125:608.* DILKS, George W. police inspector, N. Y. city. H. arper s mag. (1887) 74:499. Harper’s w. (I860) 9:568. wdet. DILL. James Brooks, 1854- World’s work (1902) 3:1884.* —(1904)8:4877.* Ludwig, painter, 1848- Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8:210. Ernestine Schultze-Naum- burg p.* DILLARD, John Henry, 1819- Green bag (1892) 4:575.* DILLAWAY, Charles Knapp, d. 1889. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:686. -^1895) n. s. 12:396 DILLAYE, Blanche, artist. America’s grtst men Jc women (1894) 216. DILLENBACK, John Wesley. Harper's w. (1895) 39:771. Frederick Remington del. wdet. DILLENS, Juhen, sculptor. L’.\rt ( 1903) 62:575. Jules Lagae sc.* (bust) DILLICH, Johann Wilhelm, engineer, 15th cent. CoNXOissECR (1902) 3:81. Michel Le Blond eng.* (placque) DILLINGHAM. Paul, goy. of Vt. 1799-1891. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:620. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:690. William Paul, c. s. senator, 1813- ILarper’s w. (1888) 32:696. wdet. —(1900) 44: 1049. New E.ng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:690. DILLON, viscountess, Henrietta ^Browne) w. of 13th viscount, d. 1862. Bcrke, Por. gall, of distin. femaU's (1833) 1 : 167. Mrs Mee p. Thomson sc. (minia- ture) DILLOX 417 DINTEVILLE Lady. Connoisseur (1901) 1:6. Gainsborough p.* (with Lady Erne, coll, of Sir Charles Tennant) Henley, Cent, of artists (1889) 70. Gainsborough p.* (with Lady Erne) Arthur, abp. of Narbonne, 1721-1806. Jer- NiNGHA.M letters (1896) 2:t.-p. miniature. Hon. Arthur, French count, 1750-94. Cath. world (1897) 65:500. Hon. Mrs Arthur (Lucie de Rothe) d. 1782. Jerninoham letters (18%) l:t.-p. miniature. David M. of Fitchburg, Mass. 1843- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2197. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Dominique, 1742-1806. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:99. Perrin del. Masquelier sc. £mile Joseph, journalist. R. of rev. (1904) 30:435. Henrietta Lucy, aftw. w. of Comte de la Tour du Pin Gouvernet, d. 1803. Jerninoham letters (1896) 2:72. miniature, 1798. John, Irish nationalist, 1851- Devoy, Land of Eire (1882) 51. II. & C. Koevoets eng. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:422. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:748. wdct. — (1891) 35:6. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:231.* Outlook (1897) 57:290.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:398. G. 11. Halkett f.* (carica- ture) R. OF rev. (1891) 4:245. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 88.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14: front. 3. Henry Furniss f. lith. (caricature) — (1887) 19:pl. 520. Ap)c f. lith. (caricature) John Forrest, 1831- Green bag (1889) 1:379.* Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:179. Nat. mag. (1892) 15:221. eng. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 301. eng. Mrs John Forrest (Anne Price) d. 1898. An- NAI.S of Iowa (1900) ser. 3, 4:454. etch, after photo. 1883. Richard, of Trinity coll. Dublin. Arminian mag. (1785) 8:175. Sidney, 1812-92. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:168. wdct. —(1890) 34:1008. wdct. —(1892) 36:589. wdct. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 102. Williams eng. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 587. J. C. McRae eng. Wentworth, 16301-85. See title Roscommon. DILLWYN, Lewis LleweUyn, m. p. 1814-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:782.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 400. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Susan. See Emlen, Mrs Susan. DIMICK, Justin, u. s. a. 1800-71. Por. m. (1863) 1:60. wdct. DIMITRI. See Demetrius. DIMMICK, Braddock, 1761-1845. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:476. Fabronius f. A. Trochsler eng. DIMMOCK, William Reynolds, educator, 1835-78. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:336. wdct. DIMOND, William, dramatist, 17801-1837. Monthly mirror (1807) n. s. 2:377. Bennett p. Free- man eng. William Wyatt, actor. Lady’s mag. (1779) 10:363. eng. (as Edward in Albina) Monthly mir- ror (1808) n. s. 3:345. Bennett p. Freeman eng. DIMSDALE, baron, Thomas Dimsdale, 1712- 1800. CusT. Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:.309. Nathaniel Plinier p.* (miniature) European mag. ( 1802) 42 : 83. Padley eng. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:572. Nathaniel Plimer p.* (miniature) Lives of illus. per- sons (1820) H. R. Cook sc. Williamson, .iVndrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 54. Nathaniel Plimer p.* (miniature, Nat. por. gall.) Sir Joseph Cockfield, 1st hart. 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:526.* —(1901) 119:482.* — (1902) 121:21.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34:pl. 755. Spy del.* lith. (caricature) DINAKI, queen of Persia, w. of Yazdijard II. Ai-lo. weltgeschichte (1884) 1:471. gem* (seal of Count Stroganov) DINELY, Sir John, d. 1809. Penny mag. (1841) 10:356. wdct. DIN GAN, Zulu chief. 'Theal, Story of So. Africa (1894) 168. Capt. Gardiner del.* DINGELSTEDT, freiherr von, Franz, 1814-81. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 289. drawing after photo.* DINGLEY, Nelson, m. c. 1832-99. Harper’s w. (1899) 4.3:106.* New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 13:522. DINGLINGER, Johann Friedrich, 1700-67. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. Thien- pondt p.* Johann Melchior, 1665-1731. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:2008. A. Pesne p. G. G. WollT- gang eng. Lutzow, Gesch. d. deutsch. kupferstichen (1889)253. J. G. Wolfgang eng.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1888) 23: 197. Ant. Pesne p. J. G. Wollfgang sc. DING, duchesse de, Dorothea (de Courlande) duchesse de Talleyrand-P^rigord, 1792-1862. See Talleyra nd-P6rigord . DENOCHEAU, Jacques Samuel, 1732-1815. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3: 100. Moreau del. Michon sc. DINSMOOR, Charles McKenzie, m. d. of Omaha, Nebr. 1828- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:383. eng. Samuel, gov. of N. II. 1799-1869. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:208. wdct. after daguerr. DINSMORE, WUliam B. 1810-88. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:300. wdct. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:100. eng. DINTEVILLE, Jean de, seigneur de Polizi, bailly of Troyes, 16th cent. Burlington mag. (1904) 5: 412. drawing* (Chantilly) — 5:412. Holbein p.* (from Nat. gall.) 24288-06 DIXWIDDIE 418 DIX DINWTDDEE, Robert, 1690-1770. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:372. p. ?* Harper’s mag. (1901) 103:124. Parkman (Champlain cd.) (1898) 13:142. family p.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:80. front.* to Dinwiddle papers, v. 2. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:269. eng. William, 1867- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:892. DIOCLETIANTJS, Valerius, Roman emperor, 245-313. Allo. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:627. bust* (\'atican) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 622. bust* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6:pl. 16. George Cooke sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. Kaiserhauses (1887) 5:pl. 5, fig. 214, 218. medals.* DIODATI, conte, Giulio. Mag. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:60. DIOGENES, 419- B. C. Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1896) Ifg. 33: pi. 321-26. (3 por.) Ge.ms of Dresden gall. (1877) pi. 22. Ribera f. Daull6 eng. Gonse, La sculpt, fran^:. (1895) 198. Pierre Puget f.* (with Alexander the Great, bas-relief) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 9. George Cooke eng. Pll'tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 9, pt. 1:28. Perry del. Caron eng. (bust) Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:52. eng. DION, comte de, automobilist. Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 761. Guth f. lith. (caricature) DIONIAN, Beatrice. Arena (1895) 12:371.* (child por.) J. S. Armenian banker. Arena (1895) 12:369.* Zabelle. Arena (1895) 12:371* (age 3) DIONIS DU S£ JOUR, Pierre AchiUe, 1734-94. Biog. moderne (1807) 8:294. Perrin del. Courbe sc. DIONISIUS of Alexandria, saint, d. 265. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:11. eng. DIONYSIUS the Carthusian, d. 1471. See Denis le Chartreux. DIOSCORIDES PEDANIUS, botanist 1st cent. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes. illus. (1584) 1:92. eng. DidSY, Arthur, 1856- Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 852. Spy del. lith. (caricature) DIPPED, Andreas, singer, 1866- Bookman ( 1899) 9:230* (as Siegfried) —(1900) 11:216. —(1901) 13:258 (as Lohengrin) Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1298. DIRCKZ, Dirck Alewyn, 17th cent. Mao. of art (1894) 17:22. Paul Moreelse p. Mevrouw Dirck Alewyn (Maria Schurmans) Mag. of art (1894) 17:23. Paul Moreelse p. J. M. Johnstone eng. DIRICHLET, Gustav Lejeune, 1805-59. Har- per’s mag. (1882) 64:587. J/»»e Gustav Lejeune (Rebecca Mendels- sohn-Bartholdy) Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:585. T. Johnson sc.* DIRK VAN HAARLEM, 1400-75? See Bouts, Dierick. DIRKSZ, Abraham, 17th cent. Wit, Afbeeldin- gen van veele voornaame mannen (1743) pi. 13. C. de Pas del. A. van Buisen, jr. sc. J. C. Philips del. & f. DISBROWE, John, maj.gen. 1608-80. Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 172. eng.? after p. (coll, of Miss Disbrowe, Walton Hall, near Burton-on-TVent) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 95. p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:47. Simon f. eng. DISNEY, David Tieman, m. c. 180.3-57. De.mo- CRATic rev. (1850) 26:193. II. S. Sadd eng. after daguerr. John, D. D. 1746-1816. Lives of illus. persons (1820) C. Picartsc. DISRAELI, Benjamin, 1804-81. See Beacons- field, 1st earl of. Coningsby Ralph, m. p. 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:494.* Isaac, 1766-1848. Athen^um club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 24. Denning p. lith. Bentley’s misc. (1848) 23:219. Denning p. G. Cook eng. Garnetp, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:100. Denning f.* Maclise gall. (1873) 60. Daniel Maclise del. .^Vlfred Croquis del. Monthly mirror (1796) 2:451. Drummond p. Ridley eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:447. Den- ning p. G. Cook eng.* Ralph, brother of Benjamin, 1809-98. lu.us. Lond. news (1898) 113:625.* DISTELMEYER, Lampert, 1522-88. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 : 103. eng. 1670 ?* DITSON, Ohver, music dealer, 1811-88. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 116. DIVVER, Marian. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9: 140. eng. after daguerr. (child por.) DIX, Beulah Marie, 1876- Bookman 1902) 15:308.* —(1903) 18:119.* Dorothea Lynde, 1802-87. Bolton, Type.s of womanhood (1892) 241. Cent. (1893) 1^:468. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:327. Dorothy, pseiid of Mrs Elizabeth (Meriwether) Gilmer. Bookman (1902) 16:15.* Edwin Asa, 1860- Bookman (1901) 13:526. Critic (1901) 38:296. Eulabee, miniaturist. Bookman (1904) 18:632.* John Adams, maj. -gen. 1798-1879. jVM.artrev. (1881) 2, pt. 2:4. Daniel Huntington p. Charles Met- tais del. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. hiog. (1887) 2:183. Bogardus f. A. II. Ritchie eng. Bitttre, Am. p)or. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 70. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. DE.MOCRATicrev. (1845) 17.321. T. Doneyeng. after daguerr. Duyckinck, Cyclop. .\m. lit. (1877) 2:842. wdet. Eclectic mag. (1867) 69: 1 Perine & Giles eng. Harper’s w. (1861)5:548. wdet. — (1862) 6:485. wdet. —(1864) 8:228. wdet. —(1873) 17:49 wdet. — (1879) 23:365. wdet. Harrison, Biog. DIX 419 DOBSON sketches (1892) 2; pi. 27. Anna M. Lea p.* ^LvG. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:113. A. H. Ritchie eng. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 139. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. Moore, Rebellion record (1861) 1 59. Ferine eng. after photo. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895)77. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (18W) 6:464.* For. m. (1863) 1:49. wdct. Morgan, d. d. 1827- Harper’s w. (1862) 6:797. wdct. —(1893) 37:8. wdct. —(1897) 41:492.* Outlook (1901) 69:267. For. m. (1864) 1:165. wdct. Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:417. eng. Trinity church, N. Y. Bicen. celebr. (1897) pi. 10. William Chatterton, hymn writer, 1837-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:439.* William Frederick, brother of Edwin Asa, 1867- Critic (1903) 42:14.* DIXEY, Henry Edward, actor, 1859- Bookman (1901) 13:5.37. (as David Garrick) Critic (1900) 37:297 (as Francois) Hollingshead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 436. DIXIE, Lady Florence (Douglas) w. of Sir Alex- ander B. C. 1857- Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:285. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 6. T. f. lith. (carica- ture) DIXON, Archibald, u. s. senator, 1802-76. Cent. (1887) 11:699. daguerr.* Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:121. Fierson sc. Livingston, For of em. Am. (1853) 2:737. H. S. Sadd eng. Sir Daniel, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: June 25, sup. p. 1.* George, m. p. 1820-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:141. George Washington, singer, 1808-61. Hutton Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 121. James. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1832) 55:541. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. John, civil engineer, 1835-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891)98:207.* Jonathan. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:621. wdct. Jonathan, jr. 1839- Green bag (1891) 3:493.* (group) Luther Swift, 1825-91. Green bag (1897) 9:117. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:312. eng. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:493. eng. Rev. Myles C. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1832) 55:469. T. Carrick p. Jenkins eng. Nathan Fellows, u. s. senator, 1847-97. Har- per’s w. (1889) .33:329. wdct. Thomas, jr. 1864- Book buyer (1902) 19.5. Bookman (1902) 15:114.* Critic (1^.3) 43:6.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:650. wdct. William. Meth. inag. (1821) 44:401. Jackson p. IIoll sc. William Hepworth, 1821-79. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:61.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 4. photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 45. lith. after caricature. William Manley Hall, maj.-gen. 1817-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:391. DIXON-HABTLAND, Sir Frederick Dixon, 1832- See Ilartland. DIXSON, Thomas. Arminian mag. (1788) 11 :449 (age 42) Meth. mag. (1798) 21 :261. William Ridley sc. DIXWELL, Epes Sargent, d. 1899. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:685. — (1898) n. s. 18:642. D JEM, s. of Muhammad II, 14.59-95. Castigi.ione, Courtier (1901) 141. Finturicchio p.* (fresco, Vat- ican) Masters in art (1904) 5, pt. 55: pi. 6. Fin- turicchio p.* (fresco, Vatican) DJEVAD Fasha, grand vizier of Turkey. See Jevad. DMITRI. See Demetrius. DMITRKeV, Ivan Ivanovitoh, 1760-1837. Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:327. D. G. L4vitski p.* (Tr6tiakor gall. Moscow) DOAK, Samuel, d. d. 1749-1830. Temple, East Tenn. & the civil war (1899) 20. DOANE, George W. judge, 1824- Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 9:402. eng. George Washington, bp. of N. J. 1799-18.59. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:324. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:142. Ferry, Episcopate in Am. (18.59) 66 . William Croswell, bp. of Albany, 1832- Har- per’s w. (1895) 39:963. wdct. Outlook (1900) 64:775. Ferry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 196. R. OF rev. (1895) 11:427. —(1903) 27:403.* DOBBIE, Joseph, .m. p. 1862- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:182.* DOBBIN, James Cochrane, 1814-57. Glea- son’s pictorial (1853) 4:377. Fierson sc. DOBBINS, Daniel, 1776-1856. Mag. of West, hist. (1886)4:238. David Porter, 1817- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4 : 229. eng. DOBBS, Arthur, of N. C. 1689-1765. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:856, pi. 59. William lloaro p. James MacArdell f. eng. DOBELL, Sydney, 1824-74. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:321. wdct. after photo. DOBIE, William Murray, m. d. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:773.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 1.51. W. W. Ouless p.* DOBSON, Austin, 1840- Book buyer (1887) 4:12.3. Bookman (1895) 2:271. William Strang etch.* — (1897) 5:196. Strang etch.* — (1901) 14:14. Strang etch.* — (1902) 14:461. caricature DOBSON 420 DODSON —(1904) 18:577* Cent. (1884) 6:802. Frederick Watts f.* —(1901) 39:642. J. W. Alexander del.* Critic (1881) 1:225. drawing.* — (1902) 41:292.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:876.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:491. —(1897) 110:151. Literature 0901) 9:413. draw’ing.* Sir Benjamin Alfred, 1847-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:359.* Thomas. Arminian mag. (1795) 18:525. Wil- liam Kidley sc. (age 30) William, painter, 1610-46. Brit. mus. Prints (1895) n. s. pt. 5: pi. 12. William Dobson p. George White eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 105. Dobson p.* Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux pcintres (1762) 3:411. eng. Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 20. I. Girtin eng. Internat. studio (1897) 1:89. Dobson p. ?* Wal.msley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 25. Dobson p. Charles Pye eng. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2:251. Dobson p. S. Freeman sc. Wheatley, Hist, por. (1897) 40. Dolison p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:84. Doljson p.* WUliam Charles Thomas, painter, 1817-98. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:29. II. Taylor eng. after photo. —(1898) 112:177.* Mao. of art (1878) 1:183. wdct. after photo. — (1895) 18:357.* —(1898) 22:288.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 18. photo. Sir William Lambert, chief justice of Tasmania, 1833-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:433.* DOBYNS, John Porter, of Ky. 1815- Living- ston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:7. W. Wellstood eng. DOCENO, n, 1500-56. See Gherardi, Cristofano. DOCHE, Mme Marie Charlotte Eugdnie (de Plunkett) 1821- L’.Vrt (1876) 6:64. Eug. Dela- planche sc. Saint-Elme Gautier des. (bust) DOCIMUS, Macedonian officer. Plutarch, Vies, liicard (1838) 10, pt. 2:306 Perry del. after medal- lion. Caron eng. DOCEZERILL, Margaret. Internat. studio (1898) 4:8. E. 11. Johnson p.* DOD, Miss, tennis champion, 1872- Cab. por. gall. (1892)3:92.* DODD, Amzi, 1823- Nat. mag. (1893) 18:297. eng. Amzi S. 1831-90. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:. 52. wdct. Joseph, N. Y. post-office clerk. Harper’s mag. (1871) 44:651. S. Fox f. eng. Moses Woodruff, publisher, 1813-99. Book- man (1900) 10:557. Samuel C. T. lawyer, 18.36- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:94. McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:206.* Rei\ William, forger, 1729-77. Cust, Nat. por. gall. 0901) 1:303. John Russell p. 1759.* DODDRIDGE (Doderidge) Sir John, 1555-1628. Cust, Nat. por. gall. 1 :.57. p.* Rev. PhUip, 1702-51. Bioo. mag. (1820) 2:26. Holl sc. Ladies’ mus. (1829) 2:301. Sciirockh, Abbild. lx!ruhmter gclehrten (1766) 2:pl. 41. Svsang sc. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 3. Soldi p. R. Cooper sc. DODDS, Alfred Amedee, general, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:670.* DODGE. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 377. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* Mr, of Richmond, Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 204. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Augustus Csesar, u. s. senator, 1812-83. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:152. eng. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:168. Grenville Mellen, general, 1831- Annai.s of Iowa (1866) 4:673. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. — (1893) ser. 3, 1 : front. A. H. Ritchie eng. — (1894) ser. 3, 1:305. — (1901) ser. 3, 4:577. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:476. —(1898) 42:983. Henry, 1782-1867. Annals of Iowa (1898) ser. 3, 3:290. Gleason’s pictorial (18.53) 4:153. eng. Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:681. J. C. Marine p.* Mrs Mary (Mapes) w. of William, 1838-1905. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 132. Book buyer (1889) 5:575. Cent. (1904) 46:88. daguerr.* Reuben Rawson, genealogist, 1819-99. N. E. HIST. & geneal. register (1885) 39:9. eng. Theodore Ayrault, 1842- Bookman (1904) 19: 126.* Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:356. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Wilham Earl, merchant, 1805-83. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:916. wdct. —(1883) 27.125. wdct. — (1887) 31:937. wdct. Lo.s.sino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:108. G. E. Ferine eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 128. Ferine eng. Tru.mboll, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1:658. A. H. Ritchie eng. DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge (pseud. Lc'wis Car- roll) 1833-98. Acad. (1898) .55:469. Book buyer (1899) 18: 121. — 18: 122. silhouette (age 8) BK (1901) 69:874. George Haydock, painter, 1811-80. Illus. Lond. news (18,80) 76:612.* —(1892) 100:592. DODEEU, Claude, seigneur de V^ly, d. 15.58. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhaust's (189.5) 16: pi. 3, fig. 5. F. Flotner f.* (medal) DODINGTON, George Bubb-, 1691-1762. See title Melcomljc. DODOENS, Rembert, 15181-85. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:99. Esme de Boulonois f. eng. DODSON, Edward, explorer. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:44.* DODSON 421 DOLGORUKOV John E. actor, 1857- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:959. wdct. (as Matthew Kebor) —(1901) 45: 1 155 (as Kalph Warriner) Strang, Famous actors (1900) 278 (as John Weathersby) DODSON family name. See also title Monk-Bretton. DODU, Lucie Juliette, 1850- Grand-Carteret, X1X“ sidcle (1893) 185. Loevy p. after photo.* DOD WORTH, Harvey B. s. of Thomas, sr. hand- master. 1822-91. Harper’s w’. (1891) 35:103. wdct. Thomas, sr. bandmaster. 1790-1876. Glea- son’s pictorial (1852) 2:41. Chapin del. wdct. (with 4 sons, Allen, Charles, Harvey B. and Thomas) DOE, Charles, 1830-96. Green bag (1897) 9:245.* Southern N. H. bar assoc. Pub. (1892 )1, pt. 1:1. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. —(1893) 1, pt. 2:87.* —(1896) 2, pt. 1:81.* Joseph Bodwell, 1855- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1244. wdct. DOEDES, J. T. prof. univ. of Utrecht. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:789. wdct. d 3LL, Johann Veit, medal engraver, 1750-183.5. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 124. eng. DOLLINGER, Ignaz, 1799-1890. Allg. weltge- schichte (1892) 12:493. G. Engelbach lith.* L’Art (1879) 18:36. F. Lenbachp. A. Bichard sc. — (1888) 45:31. Lenbach p.* heliog. (with Gladstone) Ec- lectic mag. (1872) 79:257. G. E. Ferine eng. Har- per’s mag. (1872) 44:6.54. eng. Harper’s w. (1871) 14:5.53. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (181X)) 96:71.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 34:28, 29, 30. Lenbachp.* — (1902)60:41. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (bu.st) Lenbach, Zeitgenossische bildnisse (1887) pi. 13. Lenbach p.* — pi. 24. Lenbach p.* (with Gladstone) O.ncken, Zeitalter des kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:205. Engelbach lith.* Pall M.\ll mag. (1899) 17:488. Scribner’s m. (1881) 22:368. Len- bach p. Juengling? sc. Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 115. Lenbach p.* DONHOFF, reichsgraf von, Gerhard, d. 1648. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1422. W. Hondius del. t & eng. DOrPFELD, Wilhelm, architect, 1855- Critic (1896) 29:322. DOES, Jacob van der, 1623-73. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (17.54) 2:3.33. J. B. Des- camps inv. A. Pinssio sc. Dezallier d’Argenvtlle, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3: 164. Aubert sc. Johan van der, 1545-1604. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:364. D. L’Armessin sc. eng. IcoNu.M viros illus. reprsesentantium (1599) pi. 1. eng. DOESTICKS, Philander, pseud, of Mortimer Thomson, 1832-75. See Thomson. DOGGET, Thomas, d. 1721. Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1:310. wdct. after contemp. print. DOGGETT, Daniel Seth, m. e. bp. 1810-80. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:388. wdct. DOHM, Christian Wilhelm von, 1751-1820. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch (1900) 13:2.5. eng. after Guerin.* Walter, sprinter. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:980. wdct. DOHN, A. W. musical conductor. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:478. DOHNA, graf von, Heinrich, general. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4: 1293. eng. after equestr. por. Fabian von, 1.550-1622. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (189.3) 3.3.5. W. J. Delff eng.* DOHRN, Anton, 1840- Harper’s mag. (1902) 104-5.54. DOLAN, Philip A. 1863- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:727. eng. DOLARO, Mme Selina. Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 4:296. M. Sraj-thson del. wdct. (as Carmen) DOLBEAU, Henri Ferdinand, surgeon, 1830-77. L’Art (1877) 10:34. Fdlix Martin sc. & des. (bust) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:43. Martin sc. (bust) DOLBEN, John, abp. of York, 1625-86. Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 14. Sir P. Lely p.* (with Bp. Fell and Dr. Allestree) Sir William, 1727-1814. Lond. soc. of arts, Trans. (1814) 32: front. Mather Brown f. Chas. War- ren eng. (Christchurch, Oxford) DOLBY, Mrs Charlotte Helen Sainton, 1821-85. See Sainton-Dolby. DOLCE, Carlo, 1616-86. MoNOEZ.Gal. de Florence et du Palais Pitti (1804) 3:pl. 21. Dolci f. J.C. Ulmer. Mot'CKE, Ritratti (17M) 3:pl. 22. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Ludovico, 1508-66 ? Hirtii, Les grands iilustra- teurs, 2:390. wdct. 1561. DOLE, Charles Sidney, Chicago grain dealer, 1819- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 7:583. eng. Nat. mag. (1893) 18:311. eng. James H. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:412. Sanford Ballard, pres, of Hawaii, 1844- Har- per’s w. (1893) 37: 1.52, 1 146. wdct. —(1898) 42:726, 896. Krout (M. H.) Hawaii and a rev. (1898) 287. Outlook (1898) 58:316. R. of rev. (1894) 9: 130. DOLET, l^tienne, 1509-46. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 145. G. Boulay del. after contemp. eng. Hildi- brand sc. DOLGORUKOV, Natalia Borisovna Shereme- tev, w. of prince Ivan A. 1714-71. Armenoaud, Reines (1862) pi. 14. Pannemaker sc. DOLGORUKOV 422 DOMKA Vasilii Mikhailovitch (Krymskii), 1722-82. Ali.c. weltgeschichte (1889) 9;5.S9. E. Kudrjakow eng.* ButJcKNER, Katharina II (1883) 287. Kudrja- kow eng.* DOLITZKI, Menahem, Hebrew poet. Critic (liXX)) 36:255. Jacob Epstein del.* DOLLFUS, Jean, 1800-87. L’Art (1885) 38:9. Kingel eng. & del. (medallion) DOLLING, Robert William Radclyfife, 1851- 1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:749.* DOLLIVER, Jonathan Prentiss, u. s. senator, 18.58- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:831. —(1902) 46:1922* (with Gov. Cummins) -^(lOOJ) 48:1033 (caricature) Outlook (19(X)) 64:27. DOLLMAYR, Hermann. Jiirb. d. kunstbist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1901) 22 : 169. DOLLOND, John, 1706-61. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 4:785. J. Posselwhite eng. after p. ? (Greenwich observ.) Knight, Gall, of p>or. (1834) 3 : 12. Posselwhite eng. after p. 1 (Greenwich observ.) PoR. gall. (1853) 2:573. Posselwhite sc. after p.l (Greenwich observ.) Peter, optician, 1731-1820. European mag. (1820) 78:99. J. Hoppner p. J. Thomson eng. DOLOMIEU, Deodat Guy Sylvain Tancrede Gratet de, 1750-1801. Arnault, Biog. nouv. con- tem. (1822) 6:31. Fremy del. & sc. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 14. St Aubin p. George Cooke sc. DOLPH, Joseph Norton, u. s. senator, 1835-97. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:724. wdet. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 309. DOMAT (or Daumat) Jean, jurist, 1625-96. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. N. Coy pel p. Franfois sc. DOMBASLE, Charles Joseph Alexandre Mathieu de, agriculturist, 1777-1843. Fournel, Les artistes franp. contemp. (1884) 81. David d’Angers sc. J. Gaguiet del. A. Gusmand sc. (statue) DOMBES, prince de, Louis Auguste deBoimbon, s. of Louis Auguste, due du Maine, 1700-55. Ver- sailles, Gal. Wst. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2623. J. M. Saint-Eve. DOMBROWSKI, Jaroslav, 1838-71. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:525. wdet. Jan Henryk, 1755-1818. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:41. Fremy del. & sc. DOMENICHI, Ludovico, 1515-64. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:616. Enea Vico f. sc. wdet. (medal) DOMENICHINO, II (Domenico Zampieri) 1581-1641. Corner, Por. of celeb, painters (1825) pi. 8. Domenichino p. John Corner eng. Dezallier d’Akoenville, Vie des plus fameux pcintres (1762) 2:125. eng. Dreux dc Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. Randon sc. Hist. gall, of por. (181l) 7: pi. 12. Domenichino p. George Cooke sc. Mal- VASIA, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:219. eng. Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 2:pl. 29. Domenico p. P. G. Langlois eng. Mot’cKE, Ri- tratti (1754) 2: pi. 38. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P.' Ant. Pazzi sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 21. Domenichino p. C. Townley sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1^5) 1:265. DOMETT, Alfred, poet, 1811-87. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 109. Sir William, admiral, 1754-1828. Cixiwes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:265. Bow\’er p. Ridley & Holl lith. DOMINGO, J. painter. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 13. DOMINGUEZ, Master Vincent de. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: fig. 3, pi. 104. Ahm Williams p.* (child por.) DOMINIC, saint, 1170-1221. L’Art (1883) 34:275. Della Robbia ? f. John Watkins del. (with St Francois) DOMINICIS, Teodosio de. .\mato, Martiri d. liliertk ital. (1851) 2:68. F. Lorusso del.? E. Par- miani inc. DOMINICK, George, 1739-1832. Sons of the rev. N. Y. Yearbk. (1893) RIO. William Sartain eng. after p. — (1896) 286. Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. p. 23. DOMINIS, John Owen, prince consort of Liliuo- kalani. Liliuokalani, Hawaii’s story (1898) front. DOMITIA, w. of Crispus Passienus ( ?) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1886) 2, pt. 1:182. eng. after statue* (Chiaramonti mus.) DOMITIA LONGINA, w. of emperor Domitian. cBernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2: pi. 20. bust.* (Capitol, Rome) — 2, pt. 2:pl. 21. head* (Louvre) Laurent, Mus. roy. (1816) 2: pi. 61. G. H. Chatillon des. & eng. after statue. oAuthenticity doubtful. DOMITIANUS, Titus Flavius, Roman emperor, 51-96 D. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:528, statue* (Vatican) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2 : pi. 17-19 (3 por.) Duruy, Hist, of Rome (1883) 5, sec. 1 : 188. statue* (Vatican) Hertzberg, Gesch. des r6m. kaiserreiches (1880) 317. statue* (Vatican) Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 13. R. Sands sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (18^) 1, pt. 1:20. Perry del. after medallion. Lignon eng. DOMITILLA, dau. of emperor Vespasian. Hirth, Der formenschatz (1884) 131. Enea Vico f. eng. DOMMARTIN, Elzdar Auguste, 1768-99. Tar- DiEU, G6n. franp. 2: pi. 125. Forestiersc. DOMNA, Julia, w. of Septimius Severus, Roman emperor, 170-217. See Julia Domna. DOMPIERRE D’HORNOY 423 DONNE DOMPIEB,RE D’HORNOY, Charles Marius Albert de, 1816- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:572. wdct. DOMVILE, May, dau. of Compton. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 133. Marie Seymour Lucas p.* (child por.) DOMVILLE, Sir William Cecil Henry, bart. rear-admiral, 1849-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:640.* DON, Sir William Henry, actor, 1825-62. Cent. (1890) 17:377. DONAHOE, Patrick, publisher, 1811-1901. Cul- len, Irish in Boston (18SO) 228. eng. DONALD, Rev. Elijah Winchester, 1848-1904. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8: 150. DONALDSON, Mrs. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 143. Luke Fildes p.* Andrew, 1713-93. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 247. John Kay f. 1789 & eng. Charles V. u. s. a. d. 1890. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1065. wdct. Isobel. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 163. Colin Hun- ter p.* James. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 45. John Kay f. 1786 & eng. DONATELLO (Donato di Belto di Bardo) sculptor, 1383-14^. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:324. De Larmessin sc. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 65:2. wdct. (from Vasari’s life of Donatello, 1568) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 5. Paolo Uccello p.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pit- tori (1760) pi. 42. eng. ^ DONATI, Lucrezia. Mao. of art (1886) 9:504. Bastianini sc.* (bust) DONATIEN (pr Donas) saint, d. 389. L’Art (1892) 52:176. Elie Delaunay f.* —(1902) 61:581. Jean van Eyck p. 1436. Burlington mag. (1903) 3:259. Jean Gossart of Maubeuge p. 1520?* (Tournai mus.) DONATO, Francesco, doge of Venice, d. 1553. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2: pi. 79. Nani inc. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 8: 138. Girolamo (Geronimo) of Venice, 1457-1511. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 365. bas-relief* (Milan mus.) Leonardo, doge of Venice, d. 1612. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2: pi. 90. Nani inc. Nicold, doge of Venice, d. 1618. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl. 93. A. Nani inc. DONCASTER, John. Metii. mag. (1804) 27:49. William Ridley sc. (age 30) BONDERS, Frans Comehs, 1818-89. Roy. soc. Lond. Proc. (1890-91) 49: front. G. F. Watts p. Dew- Smith (age 57) DONDXJCCI, Giovanni Andrea (II Mastelletta) 1575-1655. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:67. eng. DONEGALL, marchioness of, Barbara (Godfrey) w. of 1st marquis, 1768-1829. Ladies’ m. mus. (1808) n. s. 5:273. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. marchioness of, Lady Harriet Anne (Butler) w. of 3d marquis, 171^18(i0. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:29. Mrs Mee p. J. Thomson sc. (miniature) DONERAILE, 8th viscount, Hayes St Leger, 1818-87. Baily’s mag. (1879) 34: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. viscountess, Mary Anne Grace Louisa (Lenox- Conyngham) w. of 8th viscount. See St Leger, Hon. Mrs. DONGAN, Thomas, of N. Y. 1634-1715. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:374. wdct. DONI, Agnolo. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1845) 4: pi. 92. RafTaelo d’Urbino f. A. Cappelli, inc. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 1:23. Raffael p.* (Pitti) Portfolio (1895) no. 13:45. Raphael p.* (Pitti) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bdder- schatz (1898) 10;pl. 1334. Raphael p.* (Pitti) Sthachey Raphael (1900 ) 88. Raphael p.* (Pitti) Antonio Francesco, 15031-74. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:612. Enea Vico f. Medaglia del. wdct. Maddalena (Strozzi) w. of Agnolo Doni. See Strozzi, Maddalena. DONINGTON, 1st baron, Charles Frederic Abney-Hastings {formerly Clifton) 1822-95. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:334.* DONIZETTI, Gaetano, composer, 1797-1848. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 150. Alex. Gribay^- doff del.* Bentley’s misc. (1848) 23:537. Krie- huber del. G. Cook sc. Ciiamplin, Cvclop. of music (1888) 1:400. Eugen Felix p. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1888. Clement, Les musiciens cdlfebres (1873) 4.52. C. Deblois eng. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2:pl. 7. M. Alophe f. Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) 1 :pl. 6. Roscioni f.* — 1:76-80 (3 por.) caricature.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 76. Kriehuber lith.* DONKIN, Rufane Shaw, 1773-1841. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. H. Mayer p. W. Holl eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:19. Mayer p. Holl eng. W. F. photographer. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:407.* DONNE, D. d. 1617. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 61. I. Ohver p.* (miniature) John, poet, 1573-1631. Acad. (1899) 57:505. G. Clint del.* Art j. (1902) 54: 175. Isaac Oliver f.* (Wind.sor) Biog. mag. (1794) Audinet sc. after draw- ing. Bookman (19(X)) 11:118. Effigies poetic» (1824) 1 : pi. 24. Clint del. after p. ? A. Duncan eng. DOXNE 424 DORCHESTER Garnett, Ilist. of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:292. Lombart eng. after contemn, eng. — 2:308. lith. after niinial ture, 1G16* (Windsor) — 2:374. William Marshal- sc. after p. 1591. lith.* — 2:374. from Death’s duel, 1630* (in winding sheet) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1:711. Cornelius Jansen f. Port- folio (15X)2) no. 43: pi. 21. W. Hollar f. after monu- ment (St Paul’s cath.) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 24. Clint del. after p. ? A. Duncan eng. Walter J. Art j. (1899) 51:274. DONNELL, John Ellingwood, of Portland, Me. 1814-92. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1308. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. DONNELLY, Dorothy, actress. Bookman (1904) 18:597.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:428. Eleanor Cecilia, poet, 1838- Cato, world (1893) 57:672. —(1897) 64:772. Ignatius, 1831-1901. Cath. world (1897) 64:774. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:492. —(1901)45:43. Sir John Fretcheville Dykes, 1834-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120: 518.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 103. Henry T. Wells p.* Michael. Harper’s w. (1904) 48: 1318.* DONNER, Diamond, actress. Harper’s w. (1903) 47:1230* (in Prince of Pilsen) DONNY, Fran 9 ois, 1822-96. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1900) 66:437. J. Demannez sc. Ch. VVittrnann eng. DONO, Paolo di, 1395?-1472. See Uccello. DONOGHUE, Joseph, champion skater, 1870- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:41. wdct. DONOUGHMORE, baroness, Christiana (Nick- son) 1715-88. Aji.mstrono, Reynolds (1900) 61. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1766.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 61. Reynolds p.* 1st earl of, Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 1756- 1825. Graves & Cronin, IVorks of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1480. Reynolds p.* 2d earl of, John Hely-Hutchinson, 1757-1832. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 2:279. Knight f. J. Heath eng. 1815. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 73. T. Phillips f. K. Mackenzie eng. Cath. world (1896) 63 : 375. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Revnolds (1901) 4:1488. Reynolds p.* 5th earl of, John Luke George Hely-Hutchin- son, 1848-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:144. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1879) ll:pl. 315. Spy f. lith. (caricature) 6th eoii of, Richard Walter John Hely-Hutch- inson, 1875- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123:642.* —(1904) 124:218.* DONOVAN, Edward J. 1864- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 354. eng. DOO, George Thomas, engraver, 1800-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:579. DOOGT7E, Wilham, 1828- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 356. eng. DOOLEY, Mr, pseud, of Finley Peter Dunne, 1867- See Dunne. DOOLITTLE, James Rood, u. s. senator, 1815- 97. Green bag (1903) 15:203.* Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:687.* Harper’s w. (1866) 10:545. wdct. III. bar assoc. (1893) 16:80.* Mark. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1852) 6:217. L. S. Punderson sc. after daguerr. Thomas, 1633 1-1707. Calamy, Nonconform- ist’s mem. (1802) 1:86. eng. DOOMER, Herman (le Doreur) Bode, L’oeuvre complete de Rembrandt (1900) 4:pl. 275. Rembrandt p. 1640.* DOONAN, Rev. James A. Cath. world (1893) 57:855. DOOR, Eben. StMemin,Co 11. of por. (1862) pi. 203. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* DORA, Sister, 1832-78. See Pattison, Dorothy W}*ndlow. DORAN, John, 1807-78. Doran, ^Vnnals of Eng. stage (18^) 1 : front, eng. Illus. Lond. news ( 1878) 72: 133.* Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 72. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir John, lieut. gen. 1824-. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:329.* DORANTES, Prudenciano. Green bag (1896) 8:205.* DORAT, Jean, 1.508-88. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:359. N. L’armessin sc. eng. DORCHAIN, Mme Auguste. Paris salon (1903) 4, pi. 2. Edouard Lain p. 1903.* DORCHESTER, 1st viscount. Sir Dudley Carle- ton, 1573-1631. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:170. Rivera p.l eng. 1807. Clarendon, IBst. of rebellion (1732) 1 : 64. Mierevelt p. Sturt f. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:83. Michiel Jansz van Miere- veldt p.* Fiske, Dutch & Quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 1 : 101 . from Brown’s Genesis of U. S.* Wal- pole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:262. eng. countess of, Catharine (Sedley) 1657-1717, See Sedley. marchioness of. Lady Catherine (Stanley) w. of 1st marquis. See Stanley. 1st baron. Sir Guy Carleton, 1724-1808. Cent. (1902) 43:75. W. WelUngp. 1783.* —(1903) 43.726. print* (from Political mag. 1782) Fiske, .■Vm. rev. (1896) 1 : 174. wdct. (from Political mag. June, 1782.) Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:245. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 9:409. eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:15. eng. 1782.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:164. eng. (from Political mag. 3:351) DORCPIESTER 425 DORSENNE-LEPAIGE baroruss, Lady Maria (Howard) w. of 1st baron, 1753-1836. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 73, fig. 7. John Smart p.* jiih baron, Dudley Wilmot Carleton, 1822-97. Bailt’s mag. (1876) 25): 373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 246. Spy f. lith. (caricature) baroness, Henrietta Anne (Carleton) Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 101. G. Nicolet p.* Rev. Daniel, 1827- New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5.775. D0R£, Gustave, artist, 1832-83. (1883) 32:118. Dor^ f.* Book buyer (1902) 24: 194. Cla- RETiE, Peintres et sculpt, contcmp. (1884) 2: 105. L. Massardsc. Eclectic mag. (1866) 67:512. Ferine & Giles eng. Fournel, Les artistes fran^. contcmp. (1884) 427. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:841. wdct. — (1877) 54:490. wdct. Harper’s w. (1883) 26:68. wdct. Hubbard, Little jour. em. painters (1899) 470. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82 :120.’*’ Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 36. photo. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 158. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DOBIA, Aithon, admiral, fl. 1339. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 4. H. Pigeot eng. Andrea, Genoese admiral, 1468-1560. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:103. Nikolaus Meldemann eng. 1^?* wdct. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 102. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Har- per’s mag. (1878) 56:339. R. Lewis eng. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 33. Lodovico Pelli sc. after p. 1 Lane-Poole, Story of the Barbary cor- sairs G890) 79. eng.1* Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:453. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1853. E. Goyet copy. Massard eng. Giacomo. Burlington mag. (1903) 1:184. Titian p.’*' Gian Andrea, prince of Melfi. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:265, fig. 172. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Gianbattista. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17: pi. 13, fig. 167. Cesare Cort p 1579?* ' ^ Giovanna, w. of Gianbattista Doria. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17: pi. 13 fig. 168. Cesare Corte p. 1579?* ’ DORIGNY, Loi^, painter, 16.54-1742. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:271. M. Aubertsc. Sir Nicholas, engraver, 1658-1746. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1828) 5:239. wdct. DORION, Sir Antoine Aime, 1818-91. Dent Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:65. lith. ’ DORISIAXJS, Isaac, 1595—1649. Fellowe.s, Hist, sketches of Charles the 1st (1828) 21.5. Ducar- me lith. after drawing (coll, of St John St Aubyn) DORLON, Alfred, oyster merchant, 1817-81. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:749. wdct. DORMANS, Jean de, cardinal, d. 1373. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 78. E. Con- quy eng. after statue. Renaud de, archdeacon, d. 1.386. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 79. E. Conquy eng. after statue. DORMER, Miss. He.\th’s book of beauty (1843) 88. W. Drummond p. W. H. Egleton eng. Sir James Charlemagne, lieut.-gen. 1834-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:571.* Merry Eng. (1889) 14:front. Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 496. Bint f. lith. (caricature) John, brig. gen. d. 1741. Krr-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 40. Kneller p. Cooper sc. DORMER family name. See also title Carnarvon. DORNER, Isaac August, of Berlin univ. 1809-84. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:944. wdct. DOROTHEA, prince.ss of Denmark, dau. of Chris- tian II, w. of Friedrich II, Kurfiirst von der Pfalz, 1520- See Christian II, 3 children of. DOROTHEA, princess of Wurtemberg, 1759-1828. See Maria Feodorovna, czarina of Russia. DORP, Mevrouw Jan van. Book.man (1899) 9:51. Michiel Janszen Mierevelt p.* DORR, Dorothy, actress. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:698. Ebenezer. Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:782. eng. Mrs Juha Caroline (Ripley) w. of Seneca M. 182.5- Book buyer (1887) 4:3. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:908. wdct. New E.ng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:689. Vt. centen. anniv. (1879) 39. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Thomas Wilson, of R. I. 180.5-54. Demo- cratic rev. (1842) 11:201. A. L. Dick eng.? after daguerr. New E.\o. mag. (1890) n. s. 2: 401. —(1892) n. s. 7 :71. Wilson, Hist, of iVm. people (1902) 4:130. print.* DORREGARRAY, Don Antonio, Carlist leader, 1823-82. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:469. wdct. DORRIEN, Horace Lockwood Smith-, maj. gen 1858- Vanity fair album (1901) 33: pi. 830. Spy f. lith. (caricature) D’ORSAY, comte, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, 1801-52. Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 112. drawing from Fraser gall.* Bourke, Hist of Whites (1892) 1:226. Count D’Orsay f. lith. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3: 180. eng. — (1853) 4:8. equestr. por. Har- per’s mag. (1875) 51:795. eng. Maclise gall. (1873) 146. Daniel Maclise del. DORSCH, F erdinand. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:242. DORSENNE-LEPAIGE, comte, Jean Marie Fran9ois, 1773-1812. Tardieu, G6n. fran?. l:pl. 73. eng. DORSET 426 DOTY DORSET, 6th marquis of, Henry Grey, aftw. 7th duke of Suffolk, 1510 ?-54. See title Suffolk. marchioness of, Lady Frances Brandon, w. of 6th marquis, afiw. 7th duke of Suffolk, d. 1559. See title Suffolk. 4th earl of, Thomas Sackville, 1536-1608. -Vet j. (1896) 48:275. Isaac Oliver p. (So. Kensington mus.) Bikch, Heads (1813) 49. G. Vertue sc. Effigies poeticae (1824) l:pl. 9. J. Thurston del. after p. 1 A. Warren eng. (coll, of duchess of Dorset) Garxett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:130. Lodge, For. (1835) 4: pi. 5. Thomas Wright eng. Moultox, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1:711. from Lodge’s por. For. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 :pl. 9. J. Thurston del. after p. ? A. Warren eng. (coU. of duchess of Dorset) So. Kex- siXGTON, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 3. p.* Tuaxe, Brit, autog. (1819) 1 :27. eng. (coll, at Knowle) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:124. eng. 6th earl of, Richard Sackville, 1589-1624. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:810. eng.* Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 60. eng. after print. countess of. Lady Anne (Clifford) w. of 6th earl, 1589-1675. Costello, Mem. of em. Englishwomen (1844) 2:228. Mytens p. 1 Ozias Humphrv' p. J. Cook eng. (miniature) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:83. p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:265. ^Iytens f.* Lodge, For. (1835) 8: pi. 9. Mj’tens p. 1 H. T. Rvall eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (18l9) 2:20. eng. V^'alpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:165. O. Ilumphre)' p. eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 12, fig. 5. Isaac Oliver p. (Montagu house) 7th earl o/',Edward Sackville, 1590-1652. Birch, Heads (1813) 81. A. Vandyke p. G. Vertue sc. 1741. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2:800. eng. 1800.* Clare.vdon, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1:60. Vandyke p. Michael Van der Gucht sc. — (1843) 1:26. Van- dyke p. F. Lightfoot eng. Cust, Van Dyck (1903) 2: pi. 16. V’an Dyck p.* (coll, of lord Sackville) Earlo.m, For. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. Lodge, For. (1^5) 7: pi. 5. Vandyke p. Lightfoot eng. Nugent, Mem. of J. Hampden (1874) 227. V’andyke p. Fhillibrown sc. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 43. Van Dyck p. R. Coojjer sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2; 14. V’an Dyck p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:201. Van Dyck p. Bocquet eng. (wrongly named Richard, 8th earl) VV'ood- burn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 54. Faithome f. eng. (print, with Fhilip, earl of Fembroke) countess of. Lady Frances (Cranfield) w. of 8th earl, d. 16871 Willia.mson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1900) 1 :pl. 5, fig. 6. Matthew Snelling p.* 9th earl of, Charles Sackville, 1637-1706. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:167. Sir Godfrey Kneller p. 1694.* Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 77. Kneller p. J. Thurston del. R. Rhodes eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:210. Kneller f.* Hamilton, Mem. of count Grammont, 350. Kneller p. S. Harding del. Clamp sc. KiT-cat club, Mem (1821) pi. 15. Kneller p. Cooper sc. Fepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1876) 3:97. For. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 8. Kneller p. Thurston del. Rhodes eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 4:13. eng. countess of, Elizabeth (Bagot) w. of 9th earl, formerly w. of 1st earl of Falmouth, d. 1684. See title Falmouth. 1st duke of, Lionel Cranfield Sackville, 1687- 1765. Krr-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 12. Kneller p. Cooper sc. 3d duke of, John Frederick Sackville, 1745-99. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Re\-nolds (1899) 2:. 592. Reynolds p.* 4th duke of, George John Frederick Sackville, 1793-1815. Bourke, Hist, of VV’hitcs (1892) 1:176. Charles Robertson f. C. Ficart eng.* DORSEY, John, Fhiladelphia architect. Sr Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 162. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* John Syng, m. d. 1783-1819. -\nalectic mag. (1819) 13:265. Thomas Sully p. Goodman & Figgot sc. Portfolio (1819) ser. 4, 7 :265. Sully p. Good- man & Figgot eng. Walter, judge. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 337. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* DORSHEIMER, WiUiam, m. c. 1832-88. Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:440. wdet. —(1888) 32:244. wdet. DORST, J. H. colonel. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:225. DORT, Abraham van der, d. 1640. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2: 101. wdet. DORTANT, comte de, Charles Francois Marie Joseph. Biog. modeme 1807) 3:108. Perrin del. Courbe sc. DORUS-GRAS, Mme Julie Aimee (van Steen- kiste) (Emihe Dorus), 1813- Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3:pl. 31. Ch. Vogt f. 1840. DORVAL, Mme (Marie AmeUe Thomase Delau- nay) actress, 179^1849. Grand— Carteret, XIX* si^cle (1893) 171. L^on Noel lith.* Huart et Philip- pon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 31. Lcs lettres et les arts (1886) 2:99. L^on Noel f. Frey. Monti- FAUD, Les roniantiques (1877) 12. L(k>n Neil del. Marie Duclos sc. DOSSI, Giovanni (Dosso Dossi) painter, 1479- 1542. MoPcke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 9. Gio. Dom. Cainpiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. DOSTIE, Anthony Paul, of New Orleans, d. 1866. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:. 540. wdet. DOSTOEVSKit, Fedor MikhaUovitch, 1821-81. Critic (1900) 37:421 * —(1903) 42 : 3‘29. Feli.x Vallotton f.* wdet. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 256.* DOTY, James Duane, 1799-1865. Green bag (1897)9:19. Harper’s mag (1891)82:683. daguerr.* (W is. hist, soc.) DOU 427 DOUGLAS DOU, Gerard, 1613-74. Cohver, Por. of celeb, painters (1825) pi. 17-18. G. Douw p. J. Corner sc. (2 por.) Descamps, La vie des peintres Eainands (1754) 2 : 216. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Dezallier d’.:\jigenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3: 136. eng. Dresden gall. (1875) pi. 29. Dou p.* Etched por. of celeb, painters, pi. 22. I. Girtin eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2,^5: 19. Dou p. (Bruns- wick mus.) Hamerton, Etching& etchers (18^) 294. Dou p. Kaion etch.* Hanfstaenol, Gal. in Dresden (1849) 3; pi. 46. Dou p. F. Hanfstaengl eng. — 4: pi. 80. Dou p. Hanfstaengl eng. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:177. —(1902) 105:470. Dow p. II. Wolf eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5: 1693. Dou p. F. R. Ingoref eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 15. Douw p. George Cooke sc. Martin, Gerard Dou (1902)26. Dou p.* (Dresden gall.) — p. 36. Dou p.* (Munich mus.) — p. 66. Dou p.* (Am.stcrdam mus.) Moccke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 20. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Portfolio (1876) 7:33. Dou p. P. Raion etch. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Elass. bilderscnatz (1897) 9: pi. 1217. Dou p.* (Rijks mus.) Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:^1. ZTScn. f. bildende kunst (1869) 4: 125. Dou p. W. Unger sc. — (1889) 24:52. Dou p. L. Kuhn sc. DOUAY, Charles Abel, general, d. 1870. Har- per’s w. (1870) 14:557. wdct. DOUBLEDAY, Abner, maj. gen. 1819-93. Bates, Battle of GetU-sburg (1875) 66. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:177, 284, wdct. — (1893) 37:115. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890)4:48.* Frank Nelson, publisher. Critic (1899) 35:583.* DOUCE T, Henri Lucien, 1856- Paris salon (1893) 29. DOUDEAUVILLE, due de, Ambroise Polycarpe de La Rochefoucauld, 176.5-1841. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3: 145. Durupt p. T. Goutifere sc. due de Sosthbne, de La Rochefoucauld, 1785- 1864. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:812-13. Heim des. 1826, 1828.* DOUGALL, Lily, novelist, 1858- Bookman (1896) 3:194.* DOUGHERTY, Daniel, 1826-92. Green bag (1897) 9:141. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:892. wdct. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 321. Henry, colonel. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:741. Bill Travis del. wdct. James J. Catii. world (1893) 58:23. Newton C. of Peoria, 111. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:676. wdct. DOUGHTY, George, m. p. 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:227.* DOUGLAS, Ute chief. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:845. wdct. DOUGLAS, 2d earl of, James Douglas, 13581-88. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 1 :pl. 12. p.* 5th earl of, Archibald Douglas, 1390 1-1439. Blore, Monumental remains (1826) pi. 22. Edward Blore del. & eng. after monument in church of Doug- las. duchess of, Margaret (Douglas) w. of 1st duke, d. 1774. Caw, Scottish por. (190.3) 2:5. Sir .Joshua Revmolds p. 1764* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Re}-nolds 1:392. Reynolds p.* — (1901) 4:14(X). Reynolds p.* baroness. Lady Frances Scott, w. of 1st baron, 17.50-1817. iSee Scott. marchioness of {Princess Marie of Baden) w. of 11th duke of Hamilton, 1818-88. Keep.sake (1851) 24: front. R. Buckner p. W. H. Mote eng. (with son, earl of Angus) Alexander, 1780-1851. Crombie, Mod. Athe- nians (1882) pi. 9. B. W. Crombie f. Archibald, fl. 156.5-86. Pall Mall mag. (1903) 31:369. A. S. llartrick del.* after contemp. por.* Archibald Bryce-, marine engineer, 1841-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:499.* Sir Archibald Lucius, vice-admiral, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:944.* —(1904) 124:948.* — 125:320.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 843. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Aretas Akers-, 18.51- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:52.* Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 473. ape f. lith. (caricature) Beatrice, dau. of James. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:May 16,sup. p. 7. Nellie M. H. Edmunds f. Benjamin, 1816-9.5. Bioo. encvcl. of Conn. & R. 1. (1881) 341. eng. Van Slyck, 5I. E. manufac- turers (1879) 1:229. eng. Charles Whittingham Horsley, maj. gen. 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:491.* —(1904) 124:218.* Edwdn, animal painter, 1848- Art j. (1885) 37:214. Douglas f. J. D. Cooper eng. Rev. George, 1825- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2:94. lith. George, of Glasgow, 1826- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:329. wdct. George, pseud, o/ George Douglas Brown, 1869- 1902. Bookman (1902) 14:547.* 16:100.* Critic (1902) 40:202.* —41:300.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:76. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:343.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1902) 20:101.* Sir James, 1803-77. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:202. lith. Mrs John. Arm.strono, Gainsborough (1898) 68. Gainsborough p. 1786?* John, bp. of Salisbury, 1721-1807. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 42. R. Muller f. G. Bartolozzi eng. Sir John, 1817-87. Mackenzie, Hist, records of 79th . . . Cameron Highlanders (1887) front. DOUGLAS 428 DOVER John, gov. of New Guinea, 1828- Lindt, Pictur- esque New Guinea (1887) pi. 48. Hon. John, 4 children of. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) .56. John Iloppner p. James Ward sc. 1799. Lady Margaret, dau. of queen Margaret Tudor and earl of Angus, 1.515-77. See Lennox, countess of. Sir Niel, 1779-1853. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 37. B. W. Crombie f. Mackenzie, Hist, records of 79th . . . Cameron Highlanders (1887) 56. Kobert, Swedish general, d. 1662. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1506. David Beeck p. 16.51. J. Falck eng. Stephen Arnold, 1813-61. Ballou’s pictorial (1859)16:17. C. H. Brainard lith. Homer del. Dam- oreau eng. Bungay, OlT-hand takings (1854) 383. J. C. Buttre eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 42. eng. Cent. (1887) 12:383. L. W. Volk f.* (life mask) — 12:384. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:273. Chappel p. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:88. Wright sc. Green bag (1903) 15:455. Harper’s w. (1^7) 1:816. wdct. — (1859) 3:17. L. W. Volk sc. wdct. (statue) — (1860)4:241, 249. wdct. — (1861) 5:381. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 26. p.* (Capitol, Springfield, 111.) McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:231,* 539.* —7:406.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:487. Moses, 111. hist. & statistical (1889) 1:508. eng.* New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:302. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:160. daguerr.* Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 1:338. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:277. J. L. G. Ferris f.* & vignette. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1:17. T. Knight eng. after daguerr. Wilson, Hist, of Am. jjeople (1902) 4: 176.* W illiam , 1742-77. IIoLi.isTER, Hist, of Conn. (1857) 2:284. L. S. Pundcrson eng. Sons of the Am. rev. Conn, yearbk. (1891-96) 232. Samuel Sar- tain eng.* Sir William Fettes, 1822-91. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:404.* Mag. of art (1891) 15:35.* William Lewis, 1845- Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 419. eng. DOUGLAS family name. See also titles An^s; Hamilton; Kelheaa; Morton; Queensberry; Selkirk. DOUGLAS (Montagu-Douglas-Scott) family name. See titles Bucclcuch; D^keith. DOUGLAS (Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas) fam- ilj' name. See title IVemyss. DOUGLAS-BLAMILTON family name. See title Hamilton. DOUGLAS-PENNANT family name. See title Penrhyn. DOUGLAS-SCOTT-MONTAGU family name. See title Montagu of Bi'aulieu. DOUGLASS. Meth. mag. (1807) 30: 145. Mrs Charles. See Randolph, Susanna. Frederick, 1817-95. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 246. Griffiths, Autog. for freedom (1854) 251. J. C. Buttre eng. Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:310. eng. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:305. wdct. —(1883) 27:737. wdct. —(1895) 39:196. wdct. Holley, Life for liberty (1899) 196. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) l:pref. p. 15. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 24:33. Oltlook (1898) 60:54* (in 1876?) Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 29. ^ribner’s mag. (1^5) 17:290.* Stowe, Men of our times (1868) pi. 12. A. H. Ritchie eng. George L. of Kansas. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:210. wdct. DOUSA, Sir James Nicholas, 1826-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:9.* Johannes, 1545-1604. See Does, Johan van der. Samuel T. 1814- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 3:700. eng. DOULTON, Sir Henry, potter, 1820-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:758.* Mag. of art (1898) 22:172.* DOUMIC, Rene', 1860- Book buyer (1898) 16:112. CiiAP-lwok (1898) 8:35.5. Critic (1898) 32:174.* —(1899) 34:513. DOUSTE, Jeanne, 1872- Buffen, Musical celeb- rities (1889) 23.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106: 143* (as Gretel) Merry Eng. (1895) 24:165. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 49. Conrad Dressier sc.* (bust) DOUVEN, Johannes Franciscus, painter, 1656- 1710. MoGcke, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 19. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. DOUW, Gerhard, 1613-74. See Dou, Gerard. Volckert Peter, 17*20-1801. Ba.xter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 52. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:. 534. DOURO, marchioness of, Elizabeth Hay, 1820-84. See Wellington, duchess of. DOUZETTE, Louis, 1834- Die graphischen kunste (1891) 14: 13. .\. Kaiser f. DOVE, Heinrich Wilhelm, 1803-79. Pop. sci. m. (1879) 16:145. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. ‘246. C. Steckmest del. & lith.* DOVER, 3d baron, George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1797-18^. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (ItvlO) V. 2. T. Philips p. E. Scriven eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:49. Philips p. Scriven eng. baroness. Lady Georg;iana (Howard) w. of 3d baron, 1804-60. Art j. (1859) 11:3*25. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. (with her child) -\rt union (1847) 9:216. Lawrence p. J. C. .\rm3’tage eng. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (18.3.3) 1:11. .1. Jackson p. J. Thomson sc. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 82. Lawmnee p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (with son, viscount Clifden) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) DOVIZI 429 DOWNSHIRE V. 1. Jackson f. ? II. Robinson eng. Keepsake (1830) front. Lawrence del. Charles Heath eng. Keepsake fran,Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 221. Durer p.* Brit. mus. Prints (1897) n. s. pt. 6 : pi. 4. Rottenhammer p. after Durer. Lucas Kilian eng. 1608.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:&3. E. de Boulonois f. 1520. eng. Cath. world (1894) 59:299. Diirer p. ? Corner, Por. of celebrated painters (1825) pi. 21. Diirer p. J. Comer sc. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:3. er^. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 21. eng. Gall, of great artists (1877) 46. Diirer p. Forstersc.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1876) ser. 2, 14:2.59. Diirer f. wdct. (age 13) — (1899) ser. 3, 21 :223. Diirer del.* (when a young man) — (1903) ser. 3, 29:74. Diirer p. 1493. J. Patricot sc.* Har- per’s mag. (1870) 40:812. — 40:813. Rauch sc. (statue) lIiRTH, Der fomieiLschatz (1891) pi. 57. Diirer p. 1497-98.* —(1891) pi. 86, 87. Durer del.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 1 :248. wdct. (in 1.527) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 13. Durer p. George Cooke sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:219, fig. 104. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Klein, Gal. hist, des illus. Germain.s (1806) pi. 1. Durer p. Verhelst sc. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1900) 5:2, 7, 15, 25 (4 jior.)* La- farge, Great masters (1903) 189. Diirer p.* (Munich gall.) Lempertz, Bilder-liefte z. gesch. d. buchcr- handels (1853-65) 27. vignette from Vitruv von Rivius. Les LETTRES et les arts (1.886) 2:89. Diirer p. wdct. (Pinakothek, Munich) McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:115. Diirer p.* (Munich gall.) Mag. of art (1882) 5:164. Durer ael. wdct.? (age 14) Masters in art (1901) pt. 15,2:21. Dflrer p.* (Munich gall.) —(1904) pt. 51, 5:1(16. Diirer p.* (Prado) MoI'cke, Ri- tratti (1752) l:pl. 5. G. Dom. Fcretti del. G. M. Preistrsc. Paris salon (1903) 58, pi. 2. Diirer f. J. Patricot p. ?* Portfolio (1894) no. 10. various por. —(1896) no. 25:14. Durer p.* — (1897) no. 31 ;25. Diirer f.* (Uffizi) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1891) 2: pi. 152. Diirer p.* (Prado) (age 26) —3:410. Durer p. 1493. —(1898) 10:pl. 1436. Diirer p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Seidutz, Portrat- werk (1894) l:pl. 27. Diirer p. 1500.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:281. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 26. Diirer f. Charles Pye eng. (head) Weale, Early masters in Christian dec- oration (1846) 1:2. Ilendrick Hondius eng. Charles Rosenberg eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1885) 20:197. Durerf. 1493. L.Schulzsc. —(1890)25:21. Durer f. 1493. L. Schulz sc. — (1892) n. s. 3:98. Schmidgniber sc. wdct. (statue, Wien) Frau Albrecht (Agnes Frey) d. 1539. L’Art (1878) 14:155. A. Diirer p. 1521. Saint-Elme Gau- tierdes. Art j. (1855) 7:61. — (1883) 35: 51. draw- ing. Hirth, Der formenschatz (1895) pi. 71. Durer del. 1504.* Knackfuss, Kiiastler-monog. (1900) 5:113. Diirer del. 1521.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1869 4:78. Diirer del. Jos. Schonbrunner sc. Andreas, bro. of Albrecht, the younger. Schon- BRUNNER, Handzeich. alter meister, 3: pi. 306. Diirer f. 1514.* — 4:pl. 375. Diirerdel.* Hans, bro. of Albrecht, the younger. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1892) 4; pi. 542. A. Diirer p. 1500.* (Pinakothek, Munich) DUEB.O, marques del, Manuel Gutierrez de la Concha, 1808-74. See Gutierrez. DUilSE, Jacques, 1243-1334. See John XXII, pope. DUEZ, Ernest Ange, 1843-96. Mag. of art (1896) 19:336.* Mme Ernest Ange. Gaz. d. In-aux arts (189ti) ser. 3, 15:429. E. A. Duez p. Paris salon (1893) 65. DUFAU, 1742- Biog. inodeme (1807) 3:130. Mulard del. Le Tellier sc. DU FAUR, Guy, 1529-84. See Pibrac, .s<>igneur de. DUFAURE, Jules Armand Stanislas, French premier, 1798-1881. G.\l. contemp. (1876) pi. 21. photo. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:4.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 17. eng. DUFF 439 DUFllESNE DUFF, Adam, d. 1840. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 14. B. W. Crombie f. Alexander, missionary, 1806-78. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:172.* Lady Alexandra, dau. of Princess Louise and 1st duke of Fife, 1891- C.\b. por. gall. (1893) 4:68* (child por.) — (1894) 5:17* (child por.) Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:293* (with Alexandra, prin- cess of Wales) — 102:295* (with her mother) — (1895) 106:603* (with queen Alexandra and Lady Maud Duff) — (1903) 123:733* (with duchess of Fife and Lady Maud Duff) —123:733* (with Ed- ward VII and" Lady Maud Duff) Andrew Halliday, 1830-77. See Halliday, An- drew. George, r. n. Clowes, Royal navy (1900) 5: 151. Geroff f. Ridley eng.* Jamie, an Edinburgh idiot, d. 1788. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 2. John Kay del. & eng. 1734. — 2:pl. 175, 173. John Kay f. 1827 & eng. John, of Muldavit. Art j. (1884) 36:214. George Jamesone p. 1640. C. Dietrich eng. (age 25, Duff nous<') — 36:363. Jamesone p. Dietrich eng. (with his sister) Connoisseur (1904) 10:7. Jame- sone p.* (with his sister. Duff house) Mrs John, of Muldavit. Art j. (1884) 36:215. George Jamesone p. C. Dietrich eng. (Duff house) Connoisseur (1904) 10:69. Jamesone p. 1643* (Duff house) John, actor, 1787-1831. Poltantiios (1812) n. s. 2: 145. eng. Lady Maud, dau. of princess Louise and 1st duke of Fife, 1893- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:603* (with queen Alexandra and Lady Alexandra Duff) — (1903) 123:733* (with duchess of Fife and Lady Alexandra Duff) — 123:733* (with Edward VII and Lady Alexandra Duff) Sir Mountstuart Grant-, 1829- Critic (1904) 45:299.* Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:. 32.* Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 33. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Patrick, of Fetteresso. Burlington mag. (1903) 3: 122. Raeburn p.* Sir Robert William, gov. New South Wales, 1835-95. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:267.* — (1895) 10():3.50.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 424. lith. after caricature. William, d. 1833. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 26. John Kay f. 1816 & eng. DUFF family name. See also title Fife. DUFF-GORDON family name. See Gordon. DUFFERIN AND AVA, 1st marquis of, Sir Fred- erick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1826-1902. ,\rt j. (1893) 45:217. B. Constant p.* Cameron, Tennyson and his friends (1893) pi. 28* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1:129. lith. after photo. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:295. G. F. Watts p.* Eclec- tic mag. (1874) 83:129. O. Pelton eng. Etcher (1883) 5: pi. 1. Anna Lea Merritt etch. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:621. wdet. —(1878) 22:885. wdet. (group) Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86:370.* — (1891) 99:Nov. 14, sup.* — (1901) 118:May 11, sup. p. 6. Mrs Nor- mand (Henrietta Rae) p.* — (1^2) 120:229. Mao. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:front. M.\a. of art (1893) 16:328. Benjamin Constant p.* — (1899) 23:474. Benjamin-Constant p.* Men of mark (1876) 1:1. photo. Notables of Britain (1897) 58.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 40. Henrietta Rae p.* Spry, Life on the Bosphorus (1895) 80. Stead, For. and autog. (1891) 23.* Vanity fair album (1870) 2: pi. 46. lith after caricatun*. marchioness of, Harriot Georgina (Hamilton) w. of 1st marquis. Book buyer (1892) 8:639. Har- per’s w. (1878) 22:885. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:628.* Spry, Life on the Bosphorus (1895) 195.* 2d marquis of, Terence John Hamilton- Temple-Blackwood, 1866- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:. 503.* marchioness of. Flora (Davis) w. of 2d marquis. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:361, 723.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:. 503.* DUFFEY, Sir George Frederick, 1843- Illus Lond. news (1896) 109:662.* DUFFEfi, Alfred Nattie, brig. gen. 1836-80. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 209. J. C. Buttre eng. DUFFIELD, Divie Bethune, 1821-68. Mag. of W’est. hist. (1886) 4:116. eng. John. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 29.5. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* John Thomas, mathematician, 1823-1901. Harper’s w. ( 1 901 ) 4.5 : 445. Princeton book ( 1 879) 145. DUFFY, Sir Charles Gavan, 1816-1903. Devoy, Land of Eire (1882) 23. eng.* Illus. Ixind. news (1898) 112:36ti. from My life in 2 hemispheres.* —(1903) 122:228.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:284.* Michael, n. y. alderman. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:260. wdet. Richard. 1873- Critic (1904) 44:324.* Tom, New Orleans newsboy. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:872. wdet. DUFIEF, Nicholas Goiun. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 307. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* DUFLOS, Fran 9 ois Philothee, 1710-46. Mar- RINI, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2: 19. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. DUFOUR, Guillaume Henri, general, 1787-1875. L’Art (1881) 24:170. F. Lanz sc. David Riquier des. (equestr. statue) Theophile Andre, of Geneva, 1844- Outlook (1897) 56:544. DUFRESNE, 1732- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:133. Perrin del. Courbe sc. Charles, 1610-88. See Du Cange, sicur. Charles Georges, artist. L’Art (1902) 61:271.* DU FRESNOY 440 DU JARDIN DU FRESNOY, Charles Alphonse, 1611-65. Dezallier d’Aegenville, Vie des plus fameux pointres (1762) 4:87. eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3:pl. 16. Du Fresnoy p. George Cooke sc. Nicolas Lenglet-, 1674-1755. See Lenglet- Dufrosnoy. DU FRESNY, Charles Rivifere, 1648-1724 Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 1 12. Le Nain p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 82. Pigeot eng. after bust. DUFRICHE, actor. L’Art (1875) 2:32. P. Re- nouard del. (as Zuniga) G. singer. Illcs. Lond. news (1904) 124: April 30, sup. p. 2. DUFTON, Wilham. Arminian mag. (1786) 9: 177 (age 36) DUGAN, J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 169. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* DUGAZON, Gustave, 1782-1826. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31:408. J. B. Isabey p.* Mme Louise (Lefevre) actress, 1755-1821. L’Art ( 1892 ) 53 : 159. Isabey p. Monsaldi eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12:477. Isabey p. — (1900) ser. 3, 23:13, 15, 16. Hoin p.* (as >dna) — ser. 3, 23:17. Hoin p.* (miniature, mus. de Dijon) Goncourt, Dessins aquarelles et pastels du 18' silcle, 63. Hoin p. 1789 (as Nina) DUGDALE, Frank, 1857- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:230.* Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:914. J/rs Frank {Lady Eva Sarah Louisa Greviile) Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:914. Mrs John S. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:May ll,sup. p. 3. H.T. Wells p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 77. H. T. Wells p.* Sir William, garter king-of-arms, 1605-86. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 9. Berrel sc. after p. (Bodleian gall.) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:87. p.* Malcolm, Lives of topographers (1824) pi. 10. R. Rothwell sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:18. Hollar f. eng. DUGMORE, Arthur Radclyflfe, nature photogra- pher, 1870- Book buyer (1902) 25:200.* World’s work (1900) 1:46. DUGOMMIER, Jean Fran 9 ois CoquiUe, 1736-94. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6: 142. Tardieu, G4n. fran?. 1 :pl. 34. Forestier sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1617. Georges Rouget p. E. Conquy eng. Nicolas, 1739-94. Por. des hommes illus. des 17* et 18* slides (1805) 2:pl. 115. Blanchard sc. after miniature. DU GUAST, Louis Bdranger, 1545-75. See Guast. Pierre, 1560 ?-1630 ? See Monts, sieur de. DUGUAY-TROUIN, Rene, 1673-1736. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Petit sc. after p.* Gal. franf. (1823) 3:185. L’.lrgillifere p. Hesse del. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) 6: pi. 24. Chasselat del. Geille sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 33:611. eng. after contemp. por. Norman, Corsairs of France (1^7) 155. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1607. A. C. Danois eng. after p. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 8:357. eng. from Mdmoires de Monsieur du Guay-Trouin 1740. DUGUERNIER, Louis, 1550-1620? Gaz. d. beaux arts (1892) ser. 3, 8:401. S. Bernard p. DUGUESCLEN, Bertrand, constable, 1314 ?-80. L’Art (1902) 61:347. Emmanuel Fr^miet sc. E. Clair Guyot del. (equestr. statue) Gal. franf. (1821) l:introd. 40. Weber del. after tomb (St Denis) Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:72, fig. 191. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Masson, Mediaeval France (1888) 214, 216. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franp. (1838) 2: pi. 5. Jacquand del. Migneret sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 1 :433. eng. Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 4:210. vignette. Tuevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:259. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1249. E. F. F^ron p. copy. L. G. Thibault eng. — 13: pi. 67. J. J. Foucou sc. E. Conquy eng. (statue) — sup. 5: pi. 6. G6offroy eng. — sup. 6: pi. 58. Foucou sc. eng. (bust) Vul- SON, Por. d. hommes illus. fran 9 . pi. 5. eng. Mme Bertrand, d. 1433. See Laval, Jeanne de. DUGUET, Jacques Joseph, 1649-1733. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europ>e illus. (1777) v. 5. A. P. f. Ravenet sc. DU HAMEL, Jacques, 1581-1650. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2214. Brasch eng. after p. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri Louis, scientist, 1700-82. Gal. fran?. (1823) 3:437. Drouais, pfere p. H. Grevedon del. DU HART, baron, Jean Bernard, 1765- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:135. Perrin del. Courbe sc. DUHEM, Henri. Internat. studio (1900) 10:93. DUHESME, comie, Phihppe Guillaume, 1766- 1815. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. franf. (1804) 3: pi. 64. Chinard sc. Levachez des. & eng. DUHOuX, Charles Joseph Hyacinthe, 1734- 1827. See Viom^nil, marquis de. DUIGENAN, Patrick, 1735-1816. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1^5) 2:90. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1810. Cath. world (1896) 63:379. DUISSON, Godfrey de, d. 1194. Vertot d’Au- BCEUF, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 : 100. Cars sc. DUrVENVOORDE, Jan van. Clowes, Royal navy (1897) 1:510. H. Goltzius eng. 1579. wdct. DU JARDIN, Karel, 1635-78. See Jardin. DUKE 441 DUMERSAN DUKE, Basil W. general. Green bag (1897) 9:268. Henry Edwaxd, m. p. 1855- Illus. Lend, news (1900) 117:480.* Sir James, 1st hart. 1792-1873. Illus. Lend, news (1873) 62:541. wdet. after photo. DTTT.Af!, Charles Marie, 1866- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899)3, ser. 21:325. p.* DULANY, Daniel, 1721-97. Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1879) 3: 1. W. G. Armstrong sc. 1755. DTTT.ATT, Jean Marie, abp. of Arles, 1738-92. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:137. Labadye del. Le Tel- lier sc. DULCE, Domingo, marqu^ de Castelflorite, Span, general, 1808-69. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:713. wdet. Scribner’s m. (1873) 6:14. eng. DULLAEKT, Heyman, 1636-84. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:47. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. DUMAINE, Louis Francois, actress, 1831- L’Art (1880) 21:20. Th. Thomas des. (as Attila) DUMANOm, Philippe, 1806-65. Huart et Philip|K)n, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 :pl. 29. DUMAR, Charles J. Harper’s w. (1891) 35: 184. wdet. DUMAS, Alexandre, j>lre, 1802-70. Acau. (1898) 55:542. Achille Dev6ria lith. 1830. C. H. sc.* L’Art (1876)5:266. H. M. A. Chapu sc. Bichard des. Gillot sc. (bust) — (1904) 63:384. Dantan jeune sc.* (bust) Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:220. Barry del. after photo. Peirce sc. Book buyer (1899) 18:208. Achille Dev^ria lith. 1830.* — 18:366. — (1902) 25:463. Leun Noel lith.* Bookman (1902) 15:414.* — 15:449. Gordon Craig del. & eng.* — 16:33. Nadar del.* (caricature) Cent. (1896) 29:727. Dubufe f.* Critic (1902) 41:61. Stuart etch. — 41:210, 211. Et. Carjat del.* (caricatures) — (190.3) 43:65. Stuart etch. Eclectic mag. (1854) ^:417. Sartain eng. Fournel, Artistes fran<;. contemp. (1884) 470. Gus- tave Dor6 sc. (statue) Grand-Carteret, XIX* sifecle (1893) 443. Dev4rialith. Rougeron Vignerot sc.* Harper’s mag. (1873) 47 :834. eng. — (18iS) 76:685. H. Dochy sc. 1887.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:853. wdet. — (1902) 46:975 various por.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 :pl. 3. Le uvre, bibliog. rdtrospective (1883) 4:204. Gustave Dord sc. L. Libonid del.* (statue) — (1886) 7 : 17. Devdria lith. 1832.* —(1889) 10:75. David sc. 1829 (age 26, medal) — 10:89. Giraud lith. 1838. G. Janet del. M. Dieneng. — 10:89. Maurin lith. 1832. Le litre modeme (1890) 2:322-337 (18 por. and caricatures) Petit de Jullevtlle, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franp. (1899) 7:370. Devdria lith.* S^ibner’s mag. (1889) 6:261. eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 28».* Alexandre,^, 1824-95. L’Art (1876) 4:308. Carpeaux sc. A. Lan^on des. (bust) — (1886) 41:79. Ringel eng. & del. (medallion) Bookman (1896) 2:382.* —(1902) 14:550.* —16:35 Nadar del.* (caricature) Ce.nt. (1884) 5:389.* — (1896) 29:728.* Critic (1895) 27:429. 19i*me sidcle (1901) 313. Meissonier p.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 22. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:511. Meissonier p. Mongin eng. Gonse, L’art mod. &. I’exposition de 1878 (1879) 70. Meissonier p. A. Mongin sc. Grand-Carteret, XlX'sidcle (1893) 427. Meissonier p. 1873. A. Mongin eng. Greard, Meis.sonier (1897) 209. Meissonier p.* ILvrper’s mag. (1873) 47 :835. wdet. — (1888) 76:687. Bonnat p. 18^. H. Dochy sc. 1887.* Harper’s w. (1857) 1 : 212. wdet. — (1895)39: 1167. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107 :707.* Les lettres et les arts (1886) 2: 106. Julien f. — 2:308. Ldon Bonnat f. Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26 :91. Mag. of art (1886) 9:524. Ringel f.* (medallion) —(1897) 21:318. C. R. St Marceau sc.* (statue) Montifaud, Les romantiques (1877) 6. eng. New E.ng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:591. J. B. Carpeaux sc. (bust) Paris salon (1887) 38. L. Bonnat p.* Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la lang. etde la lit. fran<:. (1899) 8:86.* Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 118.* V.vNiTYfair album (1879) 11: pi. 212. "r. f. lith. (caricature) Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 295. Bonnat p.* Jean Baptiste Andre, chemist, 1800-84. Deutsche chem. gesellsch. Berichte, (1884) 17 referate:629. C. H. Jeens f. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:625. Pop. sci. m. (1880) 18: 14.5. VVerckjieister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 491. Maurin lith.* Comte Mathieu, 1753-18.37. Tardieu, Gdn. franf. 2: pi. 102. Forestiersc. Versailles, Gal. hbt. Gavard, sup. 6 : pi. 20. Lerouge eng. DUMAS-GONTEER, 1737- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:140. Gros del. Courbe sc. DU MAUREER, George, illustrator, 1834-96. L’.\bt (1890) 48:220. C. E. Wilson del. Petit sc. Book buyer (1894) 11:2.51. —(1896) 13:617. Cab. por. gall. (1891)2:38.* Ce.nt. (1883) 4:48.* Critic (1894)25:158. — 25:331. Du Maurier del. — (1895) 27:201. caricature. —(1896)29:22.3,225. —(1897) 30:445. C. D. Gibson del. —(1898) 32:. 347.* — (1899) 34:51. Gibson del. Griswold, Personal sketches (1898) 96. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:63.* —(1896) 93:650 —(1898) 96:513.* —(1901) 103:871. Du Maurier del.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:77. wdet. —(1894) 38:341. wdet. —(1895) 39:799. Du Maurier del. wdet. — (1896) 40:1021. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:517.* Lit. year-bk. (1897) 1:271.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:.390,* 396.* —(1903)20:302. Du .Maurier p.* Mao. of art (1889) 12:211. Millais f. Klinkicht eng. —(1896) 19:10. -MUlais f. Klinkicht eng. —20:56.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8;.329. photo. R. OF rev. (1896) 14:. 566.* Scribner’s mag. (1897) 22:85. C. D. Gibson del. 1896.* Vanity fair album (1896) 28:pl. 641. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DUMELEA, w. (or dau.) of Solyman U, sultan of Turkey. Jhrb. der kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:1.30, fig. 17. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) DUMERSAN, Theophile Marion, 1789-1849. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 : pi. 36. Alophe f. L^ LETTRES et les arts (18OT) 3:12. Alophe f. DUMESNIL 442 DUNBAR DUMESNIL, Mile (Marie Fran^oise Marchand) actress, 1713-1803. IIist. gall, of Mr. (1807) 1 :pl. 20. B. del. G. C. sc. Les lettres et les arts (1^7) 1 : 10. Lucien Doucet f. Robert. L’Aet et l’id6e (1892) 1:183. eng.J after drawing. DU METZ. See Metz. DU MEZ. See Mez. DUMFRIES, countess of, Margaret (Cratiford) w. of 6th earl, d. 1799. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 26. Raeburn p. 1793* (with her dau. Lady Elizabeth Penelope Crichton) Bookman (1903) 16:558. Rae- burn p.* (with Lady Elizabeth Penelope Crichton) DUMMER, Jeremiah, 1680-1739. Colon, soc. of Mass. Pub. (1904) 6:172. eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:115. Kneller? p. eng. William, lieut. gov. of Mass. 1677-1761. Cur- rier, Old Newbury (1896) 320. Robert Fekel p.* Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:179. eng. (wronglj- named Richard Dummer) Kino’s chapel, Boston, 200th anniv. (1887) 130. wdct. ?* Parkman, Champlain ed. (1898) 11:240. p.* (Metropolitan mus.) Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1895) 1:401. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:114. eng. after p. ? Mrs William (Katherine Dudley) d. 1752. Currier, Old Newbury (1896) 321. p.* DUMMICK, KimbaU Hale, 1812- Am. rev. (1851) 13:193. C. Burt sc. DU MOND, Frank Vincent, painter, 1865- Har- per’s mag. (1900) 100:954. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:258. wdct. Frdderic Melville. Paris salon (1893) 57. DUMONT, 1732- Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:144. Labadye del. Guersant sc. Albert, archaeologist, 1842-84. L’.\rt (1889) 47:207. J. C. Chaplain eng.* (medal) Alberto Santos-, 1873- See Santos-Dumont. Andre, 1764-1836. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1858) 24:91. J. Schubert del. J. Delboete sc. Aristide, 4th s. of Francois, d. 1853. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:178. Francois Dumont p.* (child miniature, with his brother Bias, Louvre) — ser. 3, 29: 190. Ingres del.* Mme Aristide (born Dufresne) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:190. Ingres del. 1834.* Bias, s. of Francois, d. 1878. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:178. Francois Dumont p.* (child miniature, with his brother Aristide, Louvre) Franqois, 1751-1831. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:178. F. Dumont p.* (miniature, Louvre) Jacques (le Remain) painter, 1701-81. L’.Vrt (1901) r>0:8. Cochin fils des. Augustin de St Aubin eng. Artistes cfel^bres, Les St- Aubin (1894) 33. Cochin fils del. Saint-Aubin eng. Markus Theodor, 1784-1831. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-1865) 11. Mengelberg p. Wengenroth sc. Tony. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 29:185. Francois Dumont p.* (pastel) DU MORTEER, Barthelemy Charles, 1797-1878. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1879) 45:503. Louis Gallait p. Pierre Arendzen eng. DUMOULIN, vicomtesse, Appoline Aubert (d’Au- bimy) 1755-1831. Soc. ilontyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:7. Durupt p. Lerouxsc. 1836. Charles, 1500-66. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:223. Elsme de Boulonois f. Dreux DU Radier, L’EuropK! illus. (1777) v. 5. A. B. p. Ficquet sc. DUMOUREEZ, Charles Francois, 1739-1823. ^Irnault, Biog. nouv. contemp. (1822) 6 : 443. L’Art (1880) 21:181. E. Betsellfere p. E. Betsell^re del. Bingham, Bastille (1888) 2:198. Gal. hist, de la rev. franc, ph 23. Lacauchie del. E. Leguay sc. IcoNoo. des. contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 13. Hesse del.l 1823. Delpech lith. Revolution franc- (1801) 2: pi. 11. Levachez sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, l:pl. 16. Lacauchie del. Leguay sc. Ta- bleaux hist, de la r€v. franc- (1804) 3:pl. 10. Leva- chez sc. Tardieu, G4n. franc. I ^ ph 50. Forestier sc. Thiers, Hist, of the Fr. rev. (1838) 2:298. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1614. J. B Rouillard p. Monsiau or Manseau eng. DUMOUSTEER DE LA FOND, Jacques, 1739- 1823. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:150. T\irlure del. Courbe sc. DU MUY, comte, Louis Nicolas Victor de Felix d’Ohbres, marshal, 1711-75. Versaiixes, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1508. Monin eng. after p. DUN, Edwin, diplomat, 1848- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:348. wdct. Patrick, d. 1649. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1889) 1:231. George Jamesone f.* Robert Graham, 1826-1900. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:668. G. E. Ferine eng. DUNANT, Jean Henry, philanthropist, 1828- Lt's PRi.x Nobel en (1901) et, 1872-1906. Bookman (1896) 4:19.* —(1899) 9:199. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:681. WilHam, 1834- ILvrper’s w. (1882) 26:13. wdct. DUNBOYNE, 16th baron, Robert St John Fitz- Walter Butler, 1844- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:958.* DUNCAN (of Camperdown) 1st viscount, Adam Duncan, admiral, 1731-1804. Armstrong, Rae- burn (1901) 38. Raeburn p. 1798.* Baines, Hist, of Fr. rev. (1835) 1: front, eng. Bourke, Hist, of Wliites (1892) 2:54. Copley p. R. Earlom eng.* Brenton, Nav. hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 1:347. Hoppner p. R. Cooper eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2 :63. Raeburn p. 1798* (Trinity house, Leith) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1835) 2: front. I. Hoppner p. R. Pago eng. — (1847,1855) 2:156. Hoppner p. Clowes, Royal navy (1899) 4:330. D. Orme p. C. Turner eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:85. Henri Pierre Dan- loux p.* European mag. (1798) 33:3. Ridley sc. James, Nav. hist, of Gt. Br. (1886) 6: front. H. P. Danloux p. W. Greatbatch eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (18^) V. 2. J. Hoppner p. J. Andrews eng. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 145, 146. John Kav f. & eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12:pl. 6. Hoppner p. T. Mote eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (18^) 1:86. Hoppner p. Andrews eng. Miss, actress. Monthly mirror (1805) 19:361. Ridley eng. after p. A. H. F. So. African por. gall. (1897) 39. Andrew, 1744-1828. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 190, 191. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. Edward, painter, 1803-82. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:404.* —(1892) 100:591. Francis, author, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:131. Vanity fair album (1887) 19:pl. 515. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Isadora, dancer. Critic (1899) 34:392.* James, colonel, d. 1849. Democratic rev. (1852) 30:193. eng. James, 1857- McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:487.* James Hastings, m. p. 1855- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* James Matthews, m. d. 1826-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:323.* John (Ginger-bread Jock) beggar, 18th cent. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 8. John Kay f. 1784. John, traveler, 1805-49. Bentley’s misc. (1847) 22:412. C. Durham del. G. Cook sc. JohnsonKelly, 1827-62. Cent. (1886) 10:447.* Joseph, 1789-1844. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:235.* Moses, 111. hist. (1889) 1:400. Mrs E. P. Kirby sc.* (bust) Reynolds, Pioneer hist, of 111. (1887) 403. eng. Norman, writer, 1871- Bookman (1900) 11:502. —(1904) 20:5.* Critic (1904) 45: 199.* Harper’s w. (1904) 48: 1848. Gltlook (1904) 78:865. Samuel A. colonel, 1836- Waite, N. II. in the great rebellion (1873) 507. G. E. Perine eng. Sara Jeannette, 1863- See Cotes, Mrs Everard. Thomas, 1807-45. Art union (1847) 9:380. Duncan p. J. Smyth eng. from calotype. William M. of Nashville, Tenn. New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:140. William Wallace, m. e. bp. 1839- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:357. wdct. DUNCAN (Haldane-Dimcan) family name. Set title Camperdown. DUNGANNON, viscountess, Lodi/ Henrietta Fran- ces (Spencer) w. of 3d earl of Bessborough, 1761- 1821. See title Bessborough. DUNCH, Edmund, 1657-1719. KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 41. Kneller p. Cooper sc. DUNCKEB., Maximilian Wolfgang, 1811-86. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 309. wdct. after draw- ing.* DUNCKIiEY, Henry, 1824-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:7.* DUNCOMBE, Hon. Anne, a_flw. countess of Rad- nor, d. 1829. Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) 44. Gainsborough f.* Lady Charlotte (Legge) w. of 1st baron Fever- sham, 1774-1848. Art). (1886) 38:55. Hoppner p. Wilkin eng. La belle assembl^e (1809) 6:71. Hopp- ner p. Robert Cooper eng. Hoppner, Bygone beauties (1797) pi. 1. Hoppner p. 1794. Wilkin eng. Thomas Slingsby, m. p. 1797-1861. Ann. gift book (1859) 1:28. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Lady Ulrica, 1875- Manners, Por. of men and women (1900) pi. 17. Marchioness of Granby del. 1896.* William, 1690-1769. Nichols, Select coll. (1780) 6:front. Joseph Highmore p. 1721. T. Cook eng. DUNCOMBE family name. Seealso title Feversham. DUNDAS, 1st baron. Sir Thomas Dimdas, 1741- 1820. CusT, Hist. soc. of Dilettanti (1898) 226. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* baroness. Lady Charlotte (Fitzwilliam) w. of 1st baron, 1746-1833. See Fitzwilliam. Charles Leslie, archdeacon of Dorset, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:304. David, solicitor-gen. for Scotland, 1854. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 123:606.* Francis, general, 1750-1824. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2 : pi. 280. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. Frederick G. 1846-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:373.* George, d. 1580. Drum.mond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2: pi. 7. G.mond, Amiston mem. (1887) front. William Hole etch. DUNDAS 444 DUXLEATH Mrs George (Katherine Oliphant) 1532- Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 2. Williatn Hole etch . Sir James, gov. of Berwick, 1570-1628. Decm- MOND, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2:pl. 7. 0-MOXd, Amiston mem. (1887) 8. W. Hole etch. Sir James (Lord Amiston) d. 1679. Drum- mond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2 :pl. 27. Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 14. William Hole etch. James, Philadelphia banker, 1788-1865. Whar- Tox, Salons (1900) 247. Henry Inman p.* Mrs James (Anna Pratt) Whartox, Salons (1900) 247. Henry Inman p.* Janet Maitland, w. of Sir Thomas Carmichael, 7th bart. d. 1814. See Carmichael. Robert (Lord Amiston) d. 1726. Drusimoxd, Noble Brit, famihes (1846) 2:pl. 8. Omoxd, Amis- ton mem. (1887) 42. William Hole etch. Robert, of Amiston, lord pres. 1685-1753. Drum- mond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2:pl. 7. Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 58. W. Hole etch. Robert, of Amiston, lord pres. 1713-87. Arm- strong, Raeburn (1901) 10. Raeburn p. 1787.* Bookman (1903) 16:554. Raeburn p.* Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 2:pl. 8. Raeburn p. Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 162. Raeburn p. W. Hole etch. Robert, lord chief baron, 1758-1819. Drum- mond, Noble Brit, famihes (1846) 2: pi. 8. Jerdax, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Raeburn p. T. Woolnoth eng. K.\y, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 48. John Kav f. 1790 & eng. Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 292. Hole etch. Taylor, Nat. jwr. gall. (1846) 4:103. Raeburn p. Woolnoth eng. Sir Robert, 1st hart. 1761-1835. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 280. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. Robert, of Amiston, 1797-1838. Omoxd, Amis- ton mem. (1887) 358. Wilham Hole etch. Robert Adam, 1804-77. See Hamilton. Mrs Sophia Jane (Williainaon) w. of Thomas. English ann. (1838) 35. H. P. Briggs p. eng. William, m. p. 1762-1845. Omoxd, Amiston mem. (1887) 280. J. Hoppner p. William Hole etch. DTTNDAS family name. SeeoZsotitlesMelville; Zet- land. DUNDEE, 1st viscount, John Graham, of Claver- house, 1650-89. Browne, Hist, of Highlands (1843) 2:170. Lely p. S. Freeman eng. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:97. p.* Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1&5) 2:front. Lely p. S. Freeman eng. — (1847, 1855) 2:522. Lely p. Freeman eng. Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 102. p.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1495. p.I Lodge, Por. (1835) 9:pl. 10. Lely p. H. Robinson eng. Paton, Scottish nat. mein. (1890) pi. 16. por.* (poss. of Lady E. Leslie Melville Cartwright) Por. ulus. Waverley novels, pi. 8. R. Coop>er eng. after p. in coll, of Lord Leven. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 22, 23,24. p.* Taylor, Piet. hist, of Scotland, 2:727. Lely p. W. J. Edwards sc. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) front. White (Gleeson) Master painters of Britain (1897) l:pl. 1. Lely 1 p. DUNDONALD, 10th earl of, Thomas Cochrane, admiral, 1775-1860. Ackermanx, Repository (1809) 1:495. R. Cooper sc. Bentley’s misc. (1817) 22: 1. James Ramsay f. J. Cook sc. Caw, Sicottish por. (1903)2:141. P. E. Stroehling p. 1809.* Clowes, Royal navy (1900) 5:264. P. E. Stroehling p. 1809.* European mag. (1809) 55:339. Thomson del. Ridley eng. James, Nav. hist, of Gt. Br. (1886) 4:4^. Stroehhng p. W. Greatbatch sc. Latimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 184. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:333. eng. (from Europiean mag. 1809) 12th earl of, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Ham- ilton Cochrane, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:86.* —(1900) 116:113.* —116: March 10, sup. p. 1. — (1902) 120:561.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32:front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1902) 34: pi. 751 Spy del. lith. (caricature) DUNDRENNAN, Lord, Scotch judge, 1792-1851. See Maitland, Thomas. DUNFERMLINE, 1st baron, James Abercrom- bie, 1776-1858. Henderso.v, Bk. of the illus. (1845) 29. J. Stewart del. H. Cook eng. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:477. DUNGARVAN, viscountess. Lady Catherine (St Lawrence) w. of Charles Boyle, d. 1879. Heath’s book of beauty (1841) 82. J. Hayter f. W. H. Mote eng. viscounts. See title Cork. DUN HAM , Austin, 1805-77. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1:572 eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 2:708. eng. Clark, ed. Burlington Hawkeye, 1816-71. An- nals of Iowa (1899) ser. 3, 4:209. Helen. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:1090. J. S. Sar- gent p. wdet. Jarvis Nelson, of SpringSeld, 1828-91. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2231. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. DUNIWAY, Mrs Abigail Scott, 1834- Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:769. eng. D U IN JlE LLIN, viscount, Ulick Canning De Burgh 1827-67. Bourke, Hist, of IVhites (1892) 2:184. ll. Graves f. Sanders eng.* DUNKEN, Edwin, astronomer, 1821-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:863.* DUNLAP, Robert Pinckney, gov. of Me. 1794-1859 Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 181. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Maine hist. & general, recorder (1887) 4:69. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. William, dramatist, 1766-1839. Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1 : 558. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:684. William Dunlap f. (with his par- ents) DUNLEATH, 1st baron, John MulhoUand, 1819- 95. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:148. wdet. after photo. DUXLOP 445 DUNSTAN DUNLOP, Mrs Frances Anne (Wallace) 1730- 1815. Bookman (1898) 7:15. (age 17) Critic (1898) 32:285. (age 17) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:25. J. Innne f.* George, jr. d. 1879. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 30. B. W. Crombie f. George Kelly, bp. of New Mexico, 1830-88. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 264. William, 1795-1848. Maclise gall. 94. Maclise del. Alfred Croquis del. DUNMORE, 4ih earl of, John Murray, 1732-1809. Mag. of Am. hist. (1889) 21:177. drawing?* Ohio archseol. & hist. pub. (1898) 6:7. p.* (State lib. Richmond, Va.) — (18^) 7:351. p.* (State lib. Richmond) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2: 182. print.* countess of, Lady Susan (Hamilton), w. of 5th earl, d. 1846. McCormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 45. Lawrence p. ? 7th earl of, Charles Adolphus Murray, 1841- Vanity fair album (1878) 10:pl. 289. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DUNN, Mrs. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 173. John Kay f. 1780 & eng. Archibald, architect. Mehiry Eng. (1886) 7:365. Charles, chief justice, Wis. 1799-1872. Green bag (1897) 9:25. Horace Sargent, d. 1862. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:8. James R. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:670. wdct. John Ainsworth, 1831- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2215. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Moses. Metu. mag. (1813) 36:880. Jackson p. Hollsc. Patrick S. Art j. (1897) 49:91. Sir William, 1st hart., 1833- So. African por. gall. (1897) 55. Wilham A. surgeon, 1852- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 304. Wilham H. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 174. Solo- mon J. Solomon p.* Whham Hew. Baily’s mag. (1898) 70:395. W. H. Mote. sc. after photo. DUNNE, Finley Peter {pseud. Mr Dooley) 1867- Acad. (1899') 56:231. Book buyer (1899) 18:13. Bookman (1899) 9:216.* Cent. (1901) 41:63.* Critic (1899) 34:205.* —(1902) 40:336. Har- per’s w. (1903) 47:331.* age 35. Sir John, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:276.* DUNNELL, Elbridge Gerry, journalist, 1845- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:911. Paul Renouard del. wdct. DUNNING, Benjamin Franklin, lawyer, 1819- N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 209. eng. E. H. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 76. J. Seymour Lucas p.* Mary, 1733- Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:1040. Reynolds p.* (with her brother baron Ashburton) DUNNING family name. See also title Ashburton. DUNOIS, comte de, Jean d’Orleans, bastard, 1402-68. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Gaillard eng. F. W. p. Mennechet, Le Plu- tarque franc. (1838) 2: pi. 16. Enguerrand de Morte- mart del. Geille sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 3:69. Tassaert p. eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 1.56. F. W. p. Gaillard sc. Shakes- peare illus. (1793) 2:pl. 93. Harding sc. after p. ? (Montfaucon) Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:402. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard 0838)8. N.F.O. Tassaert p. Mile Andre eng. Velly, Hist de France (1770) 8:133. F. W. p. Gaillard sc. VuLSON, Por. d. hommes illus. franc. pl 8. eng. comtesse de, Renee d’Orleans, 1508-15. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:57. Pigeot eng. of statue (in church of Saint-Denis) DUNRAVEN, 4lh earl of, Windham Thomas Wyndham-Quin, 1841- Baily’s mag. (1893) 60:73. Debenham f. W. Roffe sc. after photo. Har- per’s w. (1892) 36:1239. wdct. —(1893) 37:885. wdct. —(1895) 39:859. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:503.* —(1902) 121:731.* McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:429.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10:272. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1894) 26:front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) countess of, Florence (Kerr) w. of 4th earl. McClltie’s mag. (1893) 1:430.* DUNS, Joannes Scotus, 12651-130S? Ser- geant, John Wyclif (1893) 68. J. Faber p. ? after Oxford por.* Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes. illus. (1584) 1:147. eng. DUNSANDLE, 2d baron, Denis St George Daly, 1810-93. Baily’s mag. (1897) 68:89. W. J. Alais sc. after photo. DUNSANY, 17th baron, John William Plunkett, 1853-99. Illus. Lond. news. (1899) 114:79.* DUNSFORD, Martin, merchant, 1744-1807. Banks, Blundell’s worthies (1904) 89. Mortimer p.* (miniature, age 37) DUNSINANE, Lord, Scotch judge, 1731-1811. See Nairne, Sir William, 5th bart. DUNSMORE, J. M. Kansas politician. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:210. wdct. DUNSTALL. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 3:143. wdct. (as Hodge) DUNSTAN, saint, abp. of Canterbury, 924-988. Church, Story of early Britain (1889) 247. Original ms.* Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:72. G. B. p. 1743. G. Brockman eng. DUNSTAN 446 DUPONT DUNSTAN, Sir Jeflfery, 1759 ?-97. Critic (1903) 43:129. wdct. from Hone’s Every-day book, (carica- ture ?) DUNTON, John, 1659-1733. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1908) 3: 182. Van der Gucht f. * Knight del. J. Swaine sc. Theodore Watts-, poet, 1836- Acad. (1898) 55:151. Rossetti del.* Bookman (1898) 6:495.* — (1899)8:402. D. G. Rossetti del.* Critic (1901) 39:517, 519. Illus. Lend, news (1897) 111:892.* Lit. year-bk. (1898) pi. 71.* Marillier, D. G. Rossetti (1899) 155. Rossetti del. 1874.* Pall Mall mag. (1901) 25:437. Rossetti del.* DUNZ, Johann, Swiss painter, 1645-1736. Des- camps, La vie des peintres damands (1760) 3: 175. eng. DX70DO, Domenico. Gall. naz. ital. (1902) 5:32. Alessandro Vittoria sc.* (bust) Francesco. Gall. naz. ital. (1902) 5:32. Ales- sandro Vittorio sc.* (bust) DTJPAN. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) no. 263. St Memin del. & eng. 1^1.* DTJPANIiOUP, Fdlix Antoine Philibert, bp. of Orleans, 1802-78. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:494. Muzelle etch.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 331. Muzelle eng.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 23. photo. Harper’s mag. (1871) 42:22. eng. Illus. Lend, news (1878) 73:385. wdct. after photo. Merry Eng. (1886) 6:139. Petit de Jul- LEViLLE, Hist, de la lang. et de la lit. franf. (1899) 8:494. DUPARC, Mme Arthur. CnENNEViEREsJjes dessins du Louvre (1882) 2: pi. 11. Henri Regnault del. DU PATY DE CLAM, Colonel. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:910. DUPEE, Mrs Caroline T. of Dorchester, Maas. Critic (1904) 44:334.* DUPERR^, baron, Victor Guy, 1775-1846. Gavard, Gal. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 36. Court p. Boilly eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 15^. J. D. Court p. A. Boilly eng. DU PERRON, Jacques Davy, cardinal, 1556-1618. Bullart, Acad.sd. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:49. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’ Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. eng. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 17:161. eng. (coll, of the Sorlxmne) Perrault, Les hommes illus. ( 1 700) 2:1. Edelinck sc. PoR. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 51. Edelinck sc. V'ersailles, Gal. hist. (1838) 10: pi. 2063. Ladcrer eng. after p. DUPETIT-THOUARS, Abel Aubert, admiral, 1793-1864. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6: pi. 17. eng. DUPIN, M. L’Art (1877) 10 :19. Jules Buisson del.* Colonel. Cent. (1898) 33:857.* Andre Marie Jean Jacques, 1783-1865. .\rnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:195. L’^Irt (1894) 57:104. Decamps lith. 1830* (caricature) -(1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:828. Heim des. 1832.* Fournel, Artistes fran^. contemp. (1884) 496. Daumier f. (caricature) Huart et Pliilippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2 : pi. 3.5. tmile Lassalle f. 1839. Saint iL\RTiN, 60 ans cl’un peuple, 7: pi. 20. Pauquet del. Pigeot sc. Tlmon, Livre des orateurs (1844) 443. Marckldel. Tony Gautiere sc. DUPIAQUET, Charles Vincent, 17.30-1801. Bion. moderne (1807) 3:155. eng. DU PLAT, Sir Charles Taylor, general, 1822-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:761.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 514. Spy f. lith. (caricature) DUPLEIX, Joseph Francois, 1697-1763. Gui- zot, Pop. hist, of France, 6:168. E. Rontat del. 1 Hildebrand sc. DUPLESSIS, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet-, engraver, 1834-99. ^DG. of art (1898) 22:. 3.58. Oscar Roty eng.* (medal) Marie, 1824-46. Le livre, bibliog. retrospec- tive (1887) 8:132. eng. after {x>r. (St Evroult de Montfort) DU PLiESSIS, Jean. See La Bourgonnifere, sieur de. DU PLESSIS family name. See also title Richelieu. DUPLE SSIS-LLANCOURT, Anne, dame de Coulanges-la-Vineuse. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 31. Legris eng. after p)or. DU PLESSIS-MORNAY, seigneur, Philippe de Momay, 1,549-1623. Dreux du Radier, L’Europo illus. (1777) V. 5. A. R. p. PI. Fessard sc. Gal. franf. (1821) l:pl. 38. Rullmann del. after p. 1598. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1879) ser. 2, 20:217. Lagneau f. Vallettc eng. ^^ENXECHET, Le Plutarque franf. (1836) 4: pi. 9. Hautier del. Allais sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 17:361. Sichling sc. after old p. Versailles, Gal hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2028. Henri Scheffer p. after fam. por. L. G. Sichling eng. DUPONCEAU, MUe, dau. of Pierre Etienne. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) no. 25. St Memin del. & eng.* Pierre l^tieime, 1760-1844. Am. hist, register (189(5) 3:.523. pi* (poss. Am. philos. soc.) DUPONT, Charles Irenee, 1797-1869. .(Vm. hist, register (1896) 3:635. p.* (poss. of Miss Mary Van Dyke Dupont) Mrs Charles Irenee (Dorcas Montgomery Van Dyke) 1806-.38. .\.m. hist, register (189(5) 3:637. p.* (poss. of Miss Mary Van Dvke Dupont) Wharton, Salons (1900) 227. Thomas Sully p.* fileuthere Irenee, 1771-1834. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:5. wdct. after photo. DUPONT 447 DUPUY Francis Gurney. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. com- merce (1895) 1:192. eng. after photo. Gainsborough, 1754 ?-97. Aemstrosg, Gains- borough (1898) 128. Gainsborough {.* Henry Algernon, 1838- Hakpee’s w. (1895) 39:506. wdct. Jacques Marie Antoine Celestin, cardinal, 1792-1859. Toselli, Biog. nifoise (18^) 1:271. Perrin lith. 1860. Joseph, musician, 1838-99. Acad. roy. de Bel- gmue Ann. (1902) 68:259. Ch. Gemier? eng. Ch. Wittmann imp. Louis Pierre Henriquel-, 1797-1892. See Henriquel-Dupont. Paul (Paul Pontius) 15961-1 660? See Pon- tius. Pierre, d. 1536. Vektot d’Aubcecf, Knights of Malta (17^) 2:61. Cars sc. Pierre, 1821-70. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 24. photo. Pierre Charles Francois, 1740- Biog. mod- eme (1807) 3:159. Perrin del. Voyez, jr. sc. Samuel Francis, c. s. n. 1803-65. Bltthe, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 78. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Crafts, Southern rebellion (1862) 1:42.5. H. Wright Smith eng. after photo. DutckuiCK, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1862) 2:432. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:70.5, 764. wdct. — (1863) 7:257. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 14:330. Moore, Heroes and martyrs (1861) 221. eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1^2) 3:69. eng. Nicolat & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 7:48."' Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1:599. J. Rogers eng. after photo. Victor Marie, 1767-1827. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:631. p.* (poss. of Mrs C. I. Dupont) Mrs Victor Marie (GabrieUe Josephine de la Fite de PeUeport) 1770-1837. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:633. p.* (poss. of Mrs Willard Saulsbury, jr.) DUPONT DE L’^ TANG, comte, Pierre Antoine, 1765-1840. Tardiec, G4n. fran^!. l:pl. .58. Forestier sc. DUPONT DE L’EURE, Jacques Charles. 1767- 1855. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:824. Heim des.* — (1903) 62:305. lith. ?* Saixt Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 1. Mondain sc. DU-PONT-DE-NEMOURS, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817. Biog. modeme (1807) 3: 158. Gros del. CourbK' sc. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:212. Soc. Montyon ct Franklin, Por. ct hbt. des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 16. E. Conguy sc. DU PONT-JEST, Rene. Book buver (1900) 21:272. DUPORT, Adrien, 1759-98. Biog. modeme (1807) 3:159. eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 14. Z. Belliard del. ? Delfiech lith. James Mourant, canon of Norwich, d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:295.* DUPORT-DUTERTRE, Marguerite Louis Fran9ois, 1754-93. Ami d. monuments (1902) 16:81. Jassy p. G. Macret eng. 1792.* Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:^2. DUPPA, Brian, bp. of Winchester, 1588-1662. Rood’s coU. of por. (1820) l:pl. 8. R. WTiite f. B. Reading sc. (print) DUPPLIN, viscouni, George Robert Hay, 1849-86. Vanitt fair album ( 1876) 8: pi. 138. Spj* f. lith. (caricature) DU PRAT, Antoine III, cardinal, 1463-1535. Clouet, French p>or. (1875) l:pl. 98. Clouet f. lith. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:24. wdct. Guillaume, bp. of Clermont, 1507-60. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 47. F. Quesnel del.* DXJPRAY, Henri Louis, painter, 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:443. DUPRi, 1742- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:163. Labadye del. Voyez, jr. sc. Giovanni, sculptor, 1817-82. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1869) 4:43. Aug. Neumann sc. Jules, painter, 1811-89. Art j. (1890) 42:188 Claretie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1884) 2:177. L. Massard sc. Claretie, Por. contemp. (1875) 369. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:453. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 14. Leon Victor, 1816-79. Burungton mag. (1905)6:361. Millet del.* MUe Madelon, 17th cent. Petitot, Emaux (1862) 2: pi. 25. Petitot p. Ceroni sc. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 78, fig. 7. Petitot p.* (with duchesse de Mazarin and marquise de Montespan) DUPREZ, Caroline, singer, 1832- Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:84. eng. (with ^f. Duprez) Francois, physician, 1807-84. .Acad. roy. de Belgique, .Ann. (1888) 54:237. J. Demannez eng. Gilbert Louis, singer, 1806-96. Glea.son’s pic- torial (1852) 3:84. eng. (with Mile Duprez) Huart et PhiUppon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 28. DUPUIS, Adolphe, actor, 1824-91. L’.Art (1884) 36:123. C. E. Wilson del. — 36:125. C. E. Wilson del. (as Olivier de Jalin) Charles Francois, 1742-1809. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:239. Pierre, painter, 1610-82. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5: 1708. N. Mignard p. -A. Masson eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (18^) 1 :pl. 27. N. Mignard p. Cosmo .Armstrong eng. Thomas Sanders, oiganist, 1733-96. L’.Art ( 1893) 55:141. John Russell p. Gillot sc. William- son, John Russell (1894) 58. John Russell p.* (pastel) DUPUY, Charles Alexandre, French premier, 1851- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1232. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:755. —(1898) 113:665.* R. OF rev. (1894) 10:371. DUPUY 448 DURELL Dominique Martin, general, d. 1798. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 87. Rolland sc. Collier eng. (bust) Henri, 1574-1646. See Putte, Hendrik van der. Jean Baptiste Edouard Louis Caruille, 1770- 1822. Lund, Danske inalede por. (1895) 1' : 133. Gillberg p. 1799.* Mme Jean Baptiste Edouard Louis Camille (Anna Louis Frederikke MUUer) 17831-1831. Lund, Dansko inalede por. (1895) l';134. Camradtl p. 1798?* Pierre, 1582-1651. Perrault, Les homines illus. (1696) 1:53. Jac. Lubin sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17“ et 18“ sifecles (1805) l:pl. 27. Lubin sc. Raymond, master of Hospitallers, 1080?-! 160? Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, .sup. 4: pi. 82. Laem- lein p. eng. Vertot d’Aub(Eue, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:22. J. F. Cars cx. eng. DUPTJY DE LOME, Enrique, Spanish diplomat. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:460. IIarper’s w. (1895) 39:330. wdct. —(1896) 40:248. wdct. —(1898) 42:190. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:249. DUPUYTREN, haron, Guillaume, 1777-1835. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc . (1^1) 8:pl. 23. Laederick del. Langlois sc. Sou. Montyon et Frank- lin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:85. Ach. Mar- tinet del. & sc. DUQUESNE, actor. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:224. wdct. (as Napoleon) marquis, Abraham, 1610-88. Dreux du Ka- DiER, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Petiteau p. Ficquet sc. Gal. franc. (1822) 2:21 1. Hesse del. Iconog. de Mme de S^vign^, pi. 49. eng. after contemp. por. Lavallee, Hist, des Franc. (1845) 2:164. eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franc. (1837) 5:pl. 4. Guilleminot del. Delaistre sc. Perrault, I es hom- ines illus. (1700) 2:37. Edelincksc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17“ ct 18“ sifecles (180.5) 2:pl. 69. Edelinck sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1602. A. Geill6 eng. after p. — 13:pl. 309. Monnot sc. E. Conquy eng. (statue) DUQUESNOY, Francois (Francois Flamand) 1594-1642. L’Art (1879) 19:300. Ant. Van Dyck p. Ch. IVnltner sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Randon sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3, 3:177. Van Dyck p. Hlst. gall, of por. (1809) 4:pl. 13. Flamand p. George Cooke sc. DURAN, Mme, mother of Carolus. L’Art (1883) 34:100. C. Duran p. Abel Lurat sc. Mile, dau. of Carolus. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:118. Duran f. Carolus, 1837- .iVm. art rev. (1880) 1:260. J. S. Sargent p. ? L’Art (1876) 6:63. Alexandre Fal- guifere sc. A. Bichard des. Gillot sc. (bust) — (1901) 60:24. Falgui^re sc.* (bust) CiiAP-book (1898) 8:433.* Claretie, Peintres et sculpteurs contemp. (1884) 2: 153. Duran f. 1888. Mas.sard eng. Claretie, Por. contemp. (1875) 381. wdct. Critic (1898) 32:320.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, 28:89. Sargent p. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1887) 75:685. Sargent p.* Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:503. — (1904) 124:408. Laincel, Les peintres de la femme (1888) 271. Duran p. 1883.* Lamp (1904) 28:331.* Mao of art. (1902) 26:445. Duran p.* (with his family) Montrosier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 190. Ch. Kreutzberger del. Comte sc. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 16:232.* DURAND, 1729- Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:168. Mulard del. N. F. J. Masquelier sc. Mme Alice (Fleury) 1842-1902. See Gr^ville, Henry, pseud. Asher Brown, engraver, 1796-1888. Book buyer (1902) 24:18. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:861. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:619. wdct. Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 198. G. E. Ferine eng. Sir Henry Mortimer, ambassador to U. S. 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:447.* —(1903) 123:642.* Outlook (1904) 76:67. World’s work (1904) 7:4270. DURAND DE MAILLANE, Pierre Toussaint, advocate, 1729-1814. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:169. Godefroy del. Massard sc. DURANDO, Giovanni, general, 1804-69. Har- per’s w. (1866) 10:469. wdct. DURANGEL, Leopold, painter. L’Art (1894- 1900) 59: 1101. Elie Delaunay f.* (study) DURANT, Henry Fowle, founder of Wellesley coll. 1822-81. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:362. John Charles, m. p. 1846- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:512.* Thomas Clark, 1820- Harper’s w. (1870) 14:109. wdct. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 245. C. B. Hall eng. DURANTE, Louis, 1781-1852. Toselli, Biog. nifoise (1860) 1:277. Perrin lith. DURAS, due de, Jacques Henri de Durfort, marshal, 1625-1704. Iconog. de Mme de S6vignd, pi. 50. Clotilde Gerard p. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 39. Mile Clotilde G6rard p. after p. Pedretti eng. (mus. roy.) due de, Emmanuel Felicitd deDurfort, marshal, 1715-89. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 51. Albrier p. Legris eng. duchesse de, Claire (Lechat deKersaint) 1778- 1828. Cent. (1891) 20:17. Mme Rouchierf.* Ma- son, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 274. Mme Rouchier p. print.* DURAS family name. See titles Feversham; Lorges. DURBIN, Rei\ John Price, pres. Dickinson coll. 18(X)-76. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:437. wdct. —(1866) 10:632. wdct. —(1876) 20:909. wdct. —(1883) 27:413. wdct. DURELL, Edward Henry, 1810-87. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:364. wdct. DU RELLE 449 DURYEA DU RELLE, George, 1852- Green bag (1900) 12:519* DURESTAL, comte de, Frangois de Scepeaux, seigneur de Vieilleville, 1510-71. See Vieilleville. DURET, Mme Cbcile (d’Herbez-St Albin) 1785- 1862. Bouchot, Le luxe franf. I’empire, 141. Horace Vernet p. ? copy (as Coudrillon) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 11:249. Muneret p. (minia- ture) Francisque, 1804-65. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1866) 20: 106. M. A. Cot f. La Guillerniie eng. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2:pl.8. Alophe f. Theodore, 1838- Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:272. Whistler p.* DURFEE, Thomas, chief justice R. I. 1826-1901. Bioo. encycl. of Conn. & R. I. ( 1881) 43. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2571. eng. Green bag (1890) 2:534. D’URFEY, Thomas, poet, 1653-1723. Caul- field, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1:16. eng. Effi- gies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 88. J. Thurston del. after p. ? C. Pye eng. (coll, of the duchess of Dorset) Por. of Brit. [K)ets (1824) 2:pl. 19. Thurston del. after p.? C. Pye eng. (coll, of the duchess of Dorset) DURFORT. See title Duras. DURFORT DE DURAS, Guy-Aldonce do, 1628- 1702. See Lorges, due de. DURFORT DE LORGES, Guy Michel de, 1704-73. See Randan, due de. DURGET, Pierre Antoine, 1745-1817. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3: 171. Labadye del. Masquelier sc. DURGIN, William Butler, 1833- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1728 J. A. J. Wilcox eng. DURHAM, 1st earl of, John George Lambton, gov. of Canada, 1792-1840. Dent, Canadian pair, gall. (1880) 2:27. lith. Henderson, Bk. of the illus. (1845) 17. J. Stewart del. H. B. Hall eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 4. Lawrence p. J. Cochran eng. Saunders, Political reformers (1840) 193. II. Cook eng. after p. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:371. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:46. Lawrence p. Cochran eng. countess of, Lady Louisa Elizabeth (Grey) w. of 1st earl, 1797-1841. Art j. (1904) 56:29. Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins eng.* Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 2:123. Lawrence p. J. Thomson sc. Creevey papers (1904) 2:244. Sir Thoma.s Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (child por. with her mother and sister) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 84. Lawrence p. Cousins mezzo.* (child por. with her mother and sister; Brit, mus.) Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 36. Lawrence p. Cousins eng. 1830 (child por. with her mother and sister) — p. 96. Lawrence p. Cousins eng. 1843. £d earl of, George Frederick D’Arcy Lamb- ton, 1828-79. Baily’s mag. (1867) 12:109. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:202. 24288—06 29 3d earl of, John George Lambton, 1855- Baily’s mag. (1888) 49:351. G. J. Stodart sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist of W'hites (1892) 2: 208. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 82:173.* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 535. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Israel W. of Philadelphia. McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:2.59.* J oseph, sculptor, 1813-77. Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 9. photo. Milton Jamison, comptroller of U. S. treasury, 1824- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:204. wdet. DURIVAGE, Francis Alexander, writer, 1813-81. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:188. Barry del. after photo. Peirce eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:9. wdet. DURNFORD, Richard, bp. of Chichester, 1802-95. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:. 505. wdet. after photo. —(1895) 107:487.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 2. photo. Walter, s. of Richard. V'anity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 8.59. Spy del. lith. (caricature) DURNENG-LAWRENCE, Sir Edwin, 1st hart. 1837- See Lawrence. DURNOVO, Ivan Nikolaevitch. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:106.* DUROC, Geraud Christophe Michel, due de Frioul, general, 1772-1813. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1866) 6:272. Cent. (1896) 30:399. Grosf.* IcoNoo. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 15. Z. Belliard del. ? Delpech lith. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peu- ple, 4:pl. 6. J. Guildrau del. L. Berlier sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4: 36. p.?*( Versailles mus.) Tardieu G4n. franc. 2: pi. 94. eng. Thiers, Vignettes et por- traits (1856-62) pi. 12. E. Charpentier del. Audibran sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. Leclerc eng. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat4 (1896) pi. 96. Gros f. DURRETT, Reuben Thomas, 1824- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:. 53,3. wdet. DURRIE, George Henry, 1820-63. French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 108. eng. DURUY, Victor, historian, 1811-94. Buli.e, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 3.59.* 19ieme sifecle (1901) 377. Henri Regnault del. 1870.* Duruy, Hist, of Greece (1892) 4, sec. 2: front, eng. DURWARD, Charles P. painter, 1844-75. Cath. world (1894) .59:222. DURYEA, J/rs. Critic (1904) 44:44. John W. Alexander p.* Mrs Anna S. P. w. of Joseph Tuthill Duryea Bookman (1897) 4:410.* Rev. Joseph TuthiU, 1832-98. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:424. wdet. DUEYEE 450 DUVAL D’EPREMESNIL DTJRYEE, Abram, general, 1815-90. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:289. wdct. —(1890) 34:789. wdct. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 131. A. H. Ritchie eng. DUSATJLX, Jean, 1728-99. .\rnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:289. DUSE, Eleonora, actress, 1859- Bookman (1896) 3:8.* —3:104* (as Magda) Cent. (1895) 29: 132.* Critic (1893) 22:65. —(1896) 28:128,* 256. Edw. Gordigiani p.* — (1900) 37:305. Lenbach del.* (study) —(1901) 39:509. Lenbach del.* —(1902) 40:303 (as Francesca da Rimini) — (1902) 41:417- 424.* Harper’s w. (1893) 37:90, 164. wdct. —(1896) 40:224. wdct. —(1902) 46:341. —(1903) 47:51. Lenbach p.* (with Lenbach’s child) Illus. Lend, news (1900) 116:673 (as Paula) Lamp (1903) 26:156. W. Nicholson del.* Lenbach, Zeitgenos- sische bildnisse (1887) pi. 29. Lenbach p.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1897) 9:561.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 17:491. Lenbach p.* World’s work (1902) 5:2816.* DU SO MME R ARD, Alexandre, artist, 1779-1842. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la prcsse (1841) 3: pi. 15. Emile Lasselle f. 1840. DUSSEK (Dusvek) Johann Ladislaus, 1761- 1812. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 160. Alex. Gribay4doff del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2 : 588. Callamard sc.* (bust) DUTCHER, Warren W. 1812- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:243. eng. DU TERRAIL, Pierre, 1475-1524. See Bayard. DUTHIE, Walter, writer to the signet, 1795-1868. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 47. B. W. Crombie f. DUTILH, Miss, dau. of fetienne. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 20. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Edmund G. 1798- St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 136. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Edward, 1799-1833. St Memin, Coll, of jior. (1862) pi. 137. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Etienne, 1756-1810. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 299. St Memin del. & eng.* Mrs Etienne (Catherine M.) 1770-1824. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 722. St Memin del. & eng. 1796.* DUTILLEUX, Constant, 1807-65. L’Art (1879) 19:146. Alfred Robau des. after photo.* Joseph, s. of Constant. L’Art (1879) 19:147. Uutilleux p. 1864. Alfred Robaut des.* DUTILIiIEU, Jacques Charles. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:408. Perronneau del.* DU TILLOY, H. 1747. L’Art (1901) 60:200. P. L. Ghezzi des.* (caricature) DU TOIT, Rev. Stephanus J. So. African por. gall. (1897) 50. DUTT, Toru, poet, 1856-77. Cent. (1884) 5:372* (age 17). DUTTON, English lawyer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Spence del.* Mrs Ann, 17th cent. Gibbon, Mem. (183.5) 380. Betsey Maria, dwarf, 1850- Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:305. Homer del. Tarbell sc. Henry, Yale professor 1796-1869. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. 2:687. H. S. Sadd eng. Junietta, dwarf, 1848- Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:305. Homer del. Tarbell sc. Sir Piers. New m. mag. (1818) 10:289. wdct. after p. (poss. of Mr Gunnery, Liverpool) Rev. Samuel William Southmayd, 1814-66. CoNOREG. quar. (1866) 8:129. DUTTON famih' name. See also title Sherborne. DUTUIT, Eugfene, 1807-86. L’art et I’id^e (1892) 1:185. eng. after drawing. DUVAIR, Guillaume, 1556-1621. See Lisieux, comte de. DUVAL, Alexandre, dramatist, 1767-1842. L’Art ( 1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:JW5. Heim des. 1827. Gaz. d. beaux arts (18OT) ser. 3, 17:34. Heim f. Elisabeth, painter. Bouchot, Dames du 16® sifecle (1888) front. Francois Clouet? del.* Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16® sificle (1848) l:pl. 24. eng. after drawing Eugbne Emmanuel Amaury- 1808-85. See Am a u r v-Du val . Gabriel, 1752-1844. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 233. All)ert Rosenhtal etch, after p. (Capitol, Washington, D. C.) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 404. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Nicolaas, Dutch painter, 1644-1732. See Duval, Robert. Robert, 1644-1732. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:172. eng. Valentin Jameray, 1695-1775. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:359. Geille sc. DUVAL-TOPFFER, Mme. Gaz. d. beau::^ arts (1902) ser. 3, 28:336. Massot & J. Ferrifere p.* DUVAL DE DAMPIERRE, Comte Henri, 1580- 1620. Winter, Ge.sch. des 30 jahrigen krieges (1893) 185. Wolfgang Kilian eng.* DUVAL DE GRAND PR^, Charles Fran 9 ois, 1740- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:176. G. Paris f. Moreau del. Courlie sc. DUVAL DE L’:^PINAY, Louis, fl. 1751. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31 : 280. M. Q. de La Tour del. Julie G. Romain sc. DUVAL D’EPR^MESNIL, Jean Jacques, 1745-94. See Kpremesnil. DU VAL D’OGUES 451 DYAS DU VAL D’OGUES, MUe Charlotte. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1897) ser. 3, 18:158. J. L. David p. 1803.* DUVAR, John Hunter-, Canadian writer, 1830- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:34. DU VEEN, Mrs Joseph. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 55. J. Seymour Lucas del.* DUVENECK, Frank, artist, 1848- Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:9. W. M. Chase p. eng. Mrs Frank. Critic (1904) 44 : 39. F. Duvcneck p.* DU VERGER family name. See title La Kochejac- quelain. DUVERGEER DE HA UR ANNE, Jean, abb6 de St Cyran, 1581-1643. L’Art (1893) 54 : 1 13. Philippe de Champagne p. Morin sc. Bourgeois, Grand si^cle (1896) 401. Ph. de Champagne p. (Versailles mus.) Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 5:234. wdet. DUVERNOIS, Clement, 1836-79. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserrciches (1890) 509.* DUVERNOY, Victor Alphonse, composer, 1842- L’Art (1875) 2:32. P. Renouard del. (as Morales) Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 161. Alex. Gribay6- doff del.* DUVERT, Fdlix Auguste, 1795-1876. IIuart et Philippion, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 9. Benja- min f. DUVEYRIER, Charles, economist, 1803-66. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 4. Honore, 1787-1865. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la pres.se (1839) 1 :pl. 4. DU VIGEAN. See Vigean DUVIVIER, 1735- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:179. Labadye del. Texier sc. Lieut. Cent. (1896) 30:931. DUYCKINCK, Evert Augustus, writer, 1816-78. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 8. eng. Duyc- KiNCK, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 :t.-p. H. B. Hall eng. Harper’s w. (1878) 22:717. wdet. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1879) 33:133. eng. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1879) 10:53. eng. George Long, bro. of Evert, 1823-63. Duyc- KiNCK, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2: front. Chas. Burt sc. DUYSE, Prudens van, 1805-59. Acad. roy. do Belgique, Ann. (1862) 28:120. De Meersman sc. —(1871) 37:337. DVORAK, Antonin, Bohemian composer, 1841- 1904. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 161. Alex. Gribay^dolT del.* Cent. (1892) 22:642 Critic, (1897) 30:241. V. GribayedofI del.* II a do w. Studies in mod. music (1895) 2:190.* Harper’s mag. (1895) 90:428. T. V. Ch. f. E. S. sc.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:441. wdet. Illus, Lond. news (1893) 102:326.* —(1904) 124:680.* Outlook (1902) 71:6.51. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:pl. .50.* R.of rev. (1904) 29:750. DWERHAGEN, H. C. of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 686. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* DWERNICKI, Joseph, lieut. general, 1779-1857. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3, 2:349. J. F. Gigoux f. lith. DWIGHT, Francis, educator, 1808-45. Barnard, Educ. biog. (18.59) 4.57. A. II. Ritchie del. & eng. Henry Otis, 1843- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:386. James, tennis champion, 18.50- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:615. wdet. —(1886) ;10:.580. wdet. —(1887) 31:673. wdet. John Sullivan, musical critic, 1813-93. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 162. Alex. Gribay^doff del. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 165. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:399 Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 120. Joseph, 1703-65. Roberts, Hist. anc. and hon. artill CO. (1897) 2:25. Theodore William, 1822-92. Green bag (1889) 1:1.53.* Harper’s w. (1892) 36:692. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:371. R..of rev. (1892) 6:24. Thomas, m. c. d. 1819. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 436. St Memin del & eng. 1806.* Timothy, pres. Yale coll. 17.52-1817. Am. lit. inag. (1848) 2:265. Analectic mag. (1817) 9:265. Wood del. Leney sc. Duyckinck, CVclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:371. Roberts sc. Dwight, rale life (1903) 40. Johnston, Yale & her honor roll in the An. rev. (1888. 160. J. Trumbull p. J. B. Forrest eng. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 143. Trumbull p. For- rest eng. liONGACRE & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. An. (18.37) 1 :pl. 27. Trumbull p. Forrest eng. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:718. — (1900) n. s. 23 :242. John Trumbull p.* —(1901) n. s. 25:434. Outlook (1901) 68:793. Rice& Ilart, Nat. por. gall, distin. Am. (1854) l:pl. 21. .Trumbull p. Forrest eng. Timothy, pres. Yale coll. 1828- Book buyer (1886)3:371. Bookman (1903) 17:60.5.* Dwight, Yale life (1903) .370.* Harper’s w. (1881) 25:365. wdet. —(1886) 30:.340. wdet. —(1899) 43:18. Outlook (1899) 62:772. —(1901) 68:796.* Wilder, 1833-62. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:322. Kilburn sc. William Theodore, 179.5-1865. Congreg. quar. (1869)11:181. DWYER, Charles, ed. of Delineator, 1859- Critic (1904) 44:322.* Jeremiah, of Detroit, 1837- Depew, 100 yrs. of An. commerce (1895) 2:357. eng. after photo. M. F. turfman. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:435. wdet. DYAS, William Godfrey, of Chicago, 1807- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11:324. eng. DYCE 452 DYKE DYCE, Master, s. of William. Pali, Mai,l mag. (1903) front. William Dyce p.* Robert. Ander.son, Aurora borealis aeademioa (1899) 313.* DYCK, Sir Antonis van, 1599-1041. jVmi d. mon- uments (1899) 13:241. A. van Dvck eng.* L’Art (1875)2:428. Van Dyck etch.* .\j{T j. (1900) 52:25. print.* Biog. mag. (1794) Vandyke p. Thonithwaite sc. Book buyer (18^) 3: 10. Van Dyck etch.* Bri.- LAKT, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:475. A. van Dick p. L’armessin sc. Chasles, Charles 1, sa cour, sa peuple (1844) 134. J. David eng. Connoisseur (1901) 1:217. Vandyke p.* Corner, Por. of cele- brated painters (1825) front. Van Dyck p. John Cor- ner eng. CusT, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 19, 20. A. van Dyck p.* — p. 100. Van Dvck etch.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:105. Van Dvck p.* Cust, Van Dyck (1903) l:pl. 1. Van Dyck p.* (Nat. por. gall.) — 2:pl. 1. Van Dyck etch.* Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1754) 2:8. A. van Dyck p. C. Eisen del. Piquet sc. Dezallier d’.iVrgenVille. Vie des plus fameux peintres (1702) 3:344. eng. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 0. Alb. Clouvet sc. Durand, Eaux-fortes de A. van Dyck, pi. 6. A. van Dyck etch.* Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) front. van Dyck p. Vorsterman sc. — t.-p. A. van Dvck del. & sc. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi'. 66. I. Girtin eng. Gall, of great artists (1877) 58. Van Dyck p. Neefs sc.* Gaz. d. beau arts (1875) ser. 2, 12:262. Van Dyck eng. wdct. — (18^) ser. 2, 26:3.58. Van Dyck f. wdct. — (1893) ser. 3, 10:335. Vandyck p. Courboin sc. (with Endymion Porter) — (1899) ser. 3, 22:32.5. V'an D^yck p.* Die grapiii- schen kunste (1879) 1 :69. A. Van Dyck f.* — (1890) 13:75. A. Van Dyck etch.* Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) front. A. Van Dyck p. F. Mylius sc. (with Endymion Porter, mus. roy. Madrid) — p. 1. A. van Dyck sc. etch, (vignette) Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:191. Van Dyck p. Mandel eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1142. Van Dyck f. eng. Mart, van den finden exc. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 28 Van D}-ck p. G. Ciwkc sc. IIubbard, Little jour. em. painters D899) 246. Illus. Ijond. news (1899) 115:212. — 11.5:213. Oscar Wilson del. after statue (Place do mus^e, Antwerp) Internat. studio (190.3) 19:263. Vandyke p. J. C. Le Blon print* (Windsor) Knackfuss, Riin.stler-monog. (1896) 13: front. Van Dyke p.* (Uffizi gall.) — 13:2. VanDykep. — 13:61 (with Endymion Porter) Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 1. Van Dyck p.* Mao. of art (1882) 5:424. Jacob Neefs eng. after bust. — (1887) 10:199. Van Dyckf.wdct. —(189.5) 18:429. medallion.* —(1900) 24:199. Vandyck p. O. L. Lacour eng. Masters in art (1900) pt. i, 1 :23. Van Dyck p.* (Ixnivre) Meys- SENS, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 14. A. van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. J. Meyssens des. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 3il. van Dyck p. Pontius sc. J. Meyssens exc. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1 : 197. Van Dvck etch.* (Nat. lil). Paris) Mongez, Gal. de Flor- ence et du palais Pitti (1804) 2: pi. 5. Van Dyck p. Blot eng. MoITke, Ritratti (17.56) 3-pl. 5. Gio. Dom. Feretti del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Outlook (189?)) 63:321. Van Dyck p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilder- schatz (1899) ll:pl. 1.577. van Dvck p.* (Pinako- thek, Munich) Revue illus. (1887) 4:. 320. J. Pan- nier eng.* Rooses, L’oeuvre de Rubens (1890) 4: pi. 318. Rubens p. W. Dickinson sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 78. A. van Dyck f. etch.* Suedd, Famous painters & paintings (1876) 16(). Van Dyck p. J. Neefs eng. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (186.5) 2: 1012. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (182^8) 10:pl. 2171. A. van Dyck p. Giroux eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) i:pl. 28. Vandyke p. John Scott eng. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2: 188. A. Vandyck p. W. H. Worthington sc. Whe.atley, Hist. por. (1897) 38. A. van Dyck p.* Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:85. A. van Dyck p.* Mevrouw Antonis van {Lady Mary Ruthven) d. 164.5. Atlantic souvenir (18&) 240. J. B. Long- acre eng. after p. (poss. of Dr. Chapman, of Phila.) Buixart, .\cad.d.sci.et d. arts (1695) 478. D.L.eng. Cust, Van Dyck (1903) 2: pi. 17. Van Dyck p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Dyck, Cent. pior. (1878) pi. 45. A. Van Dyck p. S. A. Bolswert sc. Guiffrey, An- toine Van Dyck (1882) 207. A. Van Dyck p. Bolswert sc. IIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1150. Van Dyck p. ? S. >5 Bolswert eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler- nionog. (1896) 13:79. Van Dyck p. Franz Hanf- stangl eng. ? Mag. of art (1882) 5:428. Van Dyck p. Schelt van Bolswert eng. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (18fS) 10: pi. 1366. A. van Dyck p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Ztscii. f. bildende kuiLst (ISOS') n. s. 10:1. A. van Dyck p. P. Halm etch. Ernest Marie Hubert van, singer, 1861- See Van Dyck. DYCKMAN, Garrett, major, 1814-68. Harper’s w. (18.57) 1:637. wdct. DYE, Mrs Eva Emery, w. of Charles Henry. Book buyer (1900) 21 :2t')0. DYER, Alexander Brydie, 1815-74. Moore, Rebellion record (1868) 11:550. II. Ritchie eng. Clement Henry Swinnerton, lieut.-col., ia34-9S. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:433.* Elisha, gov. of R. I. 1839- Harper’s w. (18e7) 41:421. Sir James, 1512-82. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1!X)1) 1:57. James], Margaret (Abarrow)/ormerfy w. of Sir Thomas Elyot, d. 1569. See Elyot. John, poet, 1700-58. Biog. mag. (1794) Roth- well sc. after p. ? Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:28:1. print.* Mrs Micah (Julia Knowlton) 1829- New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:695. Nehemiah Mayo, u. s. n. 1839- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:. 501. —(1899) 43:977. Samuel, mathematician, 172.5-72. Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 67. Sir Jo.shua Reynolds f. 1770. S. W. Reynolds eng. Sir William Turner Thiselton-, 1843- Illus. Ixmd. news (1899) 114:4.* DYKE, Mary, 1875- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:426.* DYKE 453 EARLE Sir William Hart, 7th hart. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:174* —(1904) 124:756* Vanity fair album (1875) 7:pl. 213. Ape f. lith. (caricature) DYMOKE, Miss. Heath’s book of beauty (1845) 172. J. Ilajrter del. W. II. Mote eng. DYNE, John Bradley, prebend of St Paul’s, 1808- 98. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:7.* DYBENFORTH, Robert St George, comm’r of agriculture, 1844- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:772. wdct. DYSART, countess of, Catharine (Bruce) w. of 1st earl. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 22, fig. 1. John Hoskins p. 1638.* countess of, Lady Elizabeth (Murray) aftw. w. of Sir Lionel Tollemache, d. 1698. See Lauderdale, duchess of. countess of, Anna Maria (Lewis) w. of 6th earl, 1745-1804. Collins, Reynolds (1874) pi. 7. Rey- nolds p. John Jones eng.* Illus. Ijond. news (1892) 100: Feb. 27, sup. p. 1. Reynolds p. 1786.* Mag. of art (1897) 21:81. R. Cosway p.* (minia- ture) Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 5. Sir J. Rey- nolds p. 1786. S. W. Reynolds eng. — 2: pi. 20. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1785. S. W . Reynolds eng. countess of, Lady Louisa (Tollemache) 1745- 1840. Art]. (1901) 53:319. J.Hoppnerp.* Col- UNS, Reynolds (1874) pi. 15. Reynold p. Valentino Green eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:16. Hoppner p.* Mao. of art (1901) 25:553. Hoppner p. C. Turner mezzo.* Reynolds, Discourses, ed. John- son (1891) 171 Reynolds p.* Winifred. Linton, Wood-engraving in Am* (1882) 66 B. George Fuller p. Wm. B. Closson sc. (young girl) E., A. L. O. pseud. (^Charlotte Maria Tucker, 1821- 93. See Tucker. EADS, James Buchanan, engineer, 1820-87. Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 1:4^. A. II. Ritcliio eng. Cent. (1885) 7:425. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:209. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:594. Pop. sci. m. (1886) 28:433. —(1898) 52:642. Scribner’s m. (1871) 2:163. eng. —(1879) 19:48. eng. EADY, Sir Charles Swinfen, 1851- Ro-. aead. pict. (1901) 109. J. Seymour Lucas del. 1900.* — (1902) 61. J. S. Lucas p.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34: pi. 65. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Dorothy, dau. of Swinfen. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 137. Marie Seymour Lucas p.* (child por.) EAGLE, James Philhp, gov. of Ark. 1837- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:717. wdct. Mrs James Phillip (Mary Kavanaugh Old- ham) 1854-1903. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 228. EAKIN, John R. 1822-85. Green bag (1892) 4:343.* EAHXNS, Thomas, painter, 1844- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:3;i6. EAMES, Benjamin T. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 346. II. B. Hall & sons eng. Mme Emma, w. of Julian Story, singer, 1867- Bookman (1899) 9:237.* (ns Elsa) —(1900) 11:216. (as j\ida) Buffen, Musical celebrities (1893) ser. 2:51.* Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:92.* Cent. (1903) 44:463.* (as Juliet) Critic (1900) 36:290.* Harper’s w. (1889) 33:553. wdct. —(1891) 35:925. wdct. —(1894)38:89, 411. wdct. —(1895) 39:176. wdct. (in Nozze di Figaro) — (1896) 40:1268. wdct. (as Elsa) — (1898)42:819. Sheppcrson del.* (as Ero) —42:1200. —(1901)45:1308.* —(1902)46:1741.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:498.* — 98:617* (as Juliette) — (1901) 119:47.* (asJuliette) Lahee, Famous singers (1898) 258. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:363. eng. Thomas Palmer. Baily’s rnag. (1901) 75:328.* EARDLEY, baroness, Maria Marowe (Wilmot) w.of 1st baron, d. 1794. Reynolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 81. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Maria Marowe and William. Graves & Cro- nin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1608. Rey- nolds p.* EARDLEY-TWISLETON-FEENNES, Gregory Wilham, 1769-1844. See Saye and Seal, 14th baron. EARDLEY-WILMOT family name. See Wilmot. EARL, Isaac N. army scout, d. 1864. Love, Wis. n the war (1866) 907. wdct. Robert, 1824-1902. Green bag (1890) 2:321.* (ingroup) — 2:339.* Virginia, actress. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:328.* (as Sergeant Kitty) William Daggett, comb mfr. 1830- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2187. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. EARLE, Alfred, bp. of Marlborough, 1828- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:608.* Charles Warrington, 1845- Mag. of West, hist. (1890) 11 :453. eng. Ferdinand P. 1839- Whiitemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2:52. John, Anglo-Saxon scholar, 1824-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122: 190.* Mary Tracy, writer, 1864- Book buyer (1900) 21:180.* Parker. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:28. wdct. Timothy Keese, mfr. Worcester, Ma.ss. 1823-81. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:437. Thomas Chubbuck eng. William, maj.-gen. 1833-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:125. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:160.* — (1885)86: Feb. 21, sup. —(1887) 91:743. C. B. Birch sc.* (statue, Liverpool) EARLE 454 EBER William Benson, 1740-96. Lond. soc. of arts, Trans. (1797) 15: front. Wm. Iloare del. 1769. Wm. Evans eng. EARLY, John, m. e. hp. 1786-1873. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:388. wdct. Jubal Anderson, brig.-gen. 1816-94. Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:244. wdct. Iixus. Lond. news (1894) 104:286. Nicoi.ay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:176.“^ EARNSHAW, William, 1828-85. Beath, Hist. G. A. R. (1899) 205. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:610. EASBY-SMITH, James S. 1870- See Smith. EASON, Charles, Dublin, publisher, d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:7.53.* EAST, Alfred, painter, 1849- Art). (1891) 43: 198. Raven Hill del. 1891.* —(1899) 51:94.* Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:196.* Internat. studio (1902) 17:40. George Frampton sc.* (head) — 17 :210. J. H. Bacon del. 1901.* Mao. of art G894) 17:113. Arthur Hacker f. — (1895) 18:81. Hacker f. 1893. —(1899) 23:237. Hacker del.* Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 19. George J. Frampton sc.* (bust) EASTBURN, Manton, bp. of Mass. 1801-72. Gleason’s pictorial (18.53) 5: 3(X). Bricher sc. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:145. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 88. EASTLARE, Sir Charles Locke, painter, 1793- 1865. Art j. (1891) 43:121.* ART-union (1847) 9:96. T. Bridgeford del. J. Srr^th eng. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:333. eng. Byrne, Gossip of the cent. (1892) 2:477. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:269. John Gibson sc. (bust) DRA^\YNG-room p^r. gall. (1860) ser. 4:14. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:269. Bridgefora del.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7:pl. 79. J: P. Knight p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1869) 4:93. Aug. Neumann sc. Lady [Charles Locke], Elizabeth (Rigby) 1809-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103 : 470.* Mary. Theatre (1883) ser. 4, 1:266. photo. — (1885) ser. 4, 6:291. photo, (in Hoodman blind) EASTMAN, Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) 1858- Book buyer ( 1 902) 24 : 22. Outiaiok (1900) 65:83. Charles Ganimage, poet, 1816-61. Knicker- bocker gall. (185.5) 4,53. Capewell & Kimmel eng. Nathaniel, m. d. 1792- Harper’s w. (1860) 4:569. wdct. EASTNOR, viscountess, Lady Caroline Harriet (Yorke) aftw. w. of 2d earl Somers, 1794-1873. See title Somers. EASTON, Miss. Mag. of art (1893) 16:151. Regi- nald Easton p. (miniature) Jason C. 1823- Mao. of West. hist. (1888) 8:. 562. eng. John. Arminian mag. (1784) 7:229. (age 51) Reginald, painter, 1807-93. Mag. of art (1893) 16:1.50. Wendell, 1848- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 4 : 492. H. B. Hall’s .sons eng. EASTWOOD, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1831) .54:73. J. Jackson p. Jenkins eng. EATON, Amos, botanist, 1776-1842. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 71. A. II. Ritchie eng. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:36. Pop. sci. m. (1890) 38:1. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 111. A. H. Ritchie eng. Dr Cora (Smith) of Minneapolis. Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:518.* Daniel Cady, botanist, 1834-95. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 408.* New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:43. Dorman Bridgman, m. c. 1823-99. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:173. wdct. —(1885) 29:740. wdct. —(1900) 44:22. Outlook (1897) 55:696. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1895) 18:280. Ebenezer, 1787-1874. Orcutt, Good old Dor- chester (1893) 441.* Frederick A. Art j. (1893) 45:361. John Pettie p. George N. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:228. wdct. Henry Franklin, lumber merchant, 1812-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1358. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Rev. Homer, 1834- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:993. wdct. — (1896) 40:441. wdct. John, 1801-90. Dedham hist, register (1900) 11:67.* John, 1829- Lib. j. (1887) 12:66.* Seymour, 1859- Bookman (1902) 15:117.* World’s work (1902) 4:2028.* Sherburne Blake, lawyer, 1840- N. Y. mem. hist. (189.5) 230. Williams eng. William, general, 1764-1811. McClure’s mag. 0902) 18:407. por.* (coll, of Hampton L. Carson) Outlook (1901) 69:922. Hamlin eng.* Polyan- Tiios (1807) 5:73. Do vie p. Snyder sc. St Memin, Coil, of por. (1862) pi. 398. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Wyatt, 1849-96. Cent. (1889) 15:396. Olin Warner f.* (medallion) EATON familj- name. See also title Cheylesmore. EAVES, Nathaniel Ridley, of S. C. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:597. A. H. Ritchie eng. EBELENG, Christoph Daniel, 1741-1817. Win- SOR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) l:pref. 3. eng. (from eng. in Allgemeine geog. ephemeriden. May, 1800) EBER, Paul, 1511-69. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 160. eng. EBERHARD 455 EDDINGTON EBERHARD, Konrad, sculptor, 1768-1859. Knackfuss, Kilnatler-monog. (1901) 51:41. P. Veit del.* EBERLE, Edward Walter, lieutenant U. S. N. Cent. (1899) n. s. 36, 58:914.* EBERLEIN, Gustav, sculptor, 1847- Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 66:1. son of. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 66: 106. Eberlein sc.* (as a boy, bust) EBERS, Georg, novelist, 1837-98. Book buyer (1893) 10:309. Bookman (1898) 8:15. Critic (1893) 23:58. —(1898) 33:142. Fr.a.nzos, Gesch. des erstlingswerks, 183. Hermann Emecke del. 1856.* Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 307. del. after photo. Literature (1898) 3: Aug. 24, sup. pi. 19. EBERT, Johann Arnold, poet, 1723-95. Kon- necke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 148. Liebe eng.* (medall- ion) Karl Egon, 1801-82. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 300. Kotterba eng.* IEBL£, Jean Baptiste, general, 1758-1812. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 8. L. Mas.sard del. Geraut eng. EBNER-ESCHENBACH, freifrau von, Marie (Grii^n Dubsky) 1830- Franzos, Gesch. deserstling- swerks, n. d. 05. Grafin Maria Kolovrat p. 1846.* Werckemlster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 517.* Zrscii. f. bildendekun.st(1895)n. s. 6 : 249. Julius Schmid p.* EBOLI, priiicipe de, Ruy Gomez de Silva, d. 1573. Gt?ELL Y Kent6, Philippe II et Don Carlas (1878) 82. A. Muraton eng. after p. princesa de, Dofui Ana (Mendoza) 1540-92. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1855-64) 2; pi. 78. V. Carderera del. after p. Jose Vallejo hth. (poss. duke of Pastrana) EBRINGTON, viscountess. Lady Susan (Ryder) w. of 2d earl Fortescue, 1796-181^. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:106. Linnell p. J. Cochran sc. viscount, Hugh Fortescue, oldest s. 3d earl Fortescue, 1854- Baily’s mag. (1884-5) 43:389. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 512. Ape f. lith. (caricature) viscounts. See also title Fortescue. EBURY, 1st baron, Robert Grosvenor, 1801-93. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 12. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:662.* Va.vity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 82. Ape f. lith. (caricature) ECCLES, James. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 179. W. Ilamo Thomycroft sc.* (bas-relief) ECCLESTON, John Bowers, 1794-1860. Green bag (1894) 6:235.? ECHEGARAY, Josd, Span, dramatist, 18.3.5- Bookman (1895) 2:82. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:292. wdct. ECK, Johann, 1486-1543. Schrockii, Abbild. beriihmter gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 3. eng. (age 43) Leonhard von, 1475-1.5.50. Allo. weltge- schichte (1886) 7:82. Bartel Beham eng.* Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 475. Bartel Beham eng. 1527.* Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 : pi. 64. B. Beham sc.* ECKARDSTEIN, freiherr von, Hermann, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:487.* —(1902) 121:731.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl.719. Spy f. lith. (caricature) freiherrin von, (Grace Blundell Maple) w. of Hermann, 1876- Illus. Lond. news(1896) 108:487.* ECKEL, John J. Harper’s w. (18.57) 1 :.301. wdct. ECEIELS, James Herron, comptroller of currency, 18.58- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:7.36. wdct. —(1904) 48:1113 (caricature) ECKENBRECBEER, Themis tokles von, 1842- Allen, Masterpieces ( 1884) 2: 100. wdct. ECKERMANN, Johann Peter, 1792-1854. Leh- mann, Men & women (1896) 22. Rudolf Lehmann f.* Ruland, Aus dem Goethe-nat.-mus. (1897) 2: pi. 21. Schmeller del.* ECKERSALL, Mrs. Reynolds, Engravings, 1 ; pi. 83. Sir.!. Reynolds p. 1775-77. S. \V. Reynolds eng. 182.3. ECKERT, Thomas Thompson, 1825- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:128. eng. after photo. Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:688. G:E. Perine eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:100.* ECKFORD, Henry, ship builder, 1775-1832. Cent. (1882) 2:361. IIarper’s mag. (1882) 65:225. Velton sc. after p.* (poss. of L. I. Hist, soc.) ECKHART, Johann Georg von, 1674-1730. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 106. eng. ECKHEL, Joseph Hilarius, 1737-98. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 24. eng.* ECKHOF, Conrad, 1720-78. See Ekhof, Konrad. ECKMOKL, prince d’, Louis Nicolas Davout, 1770-1823. See Davout. ECKSTEIN, Ernst, poet, 1845- Franzos, Ge.sch. des erstlingswerks, 199* (in 1868) ECKSTORM, Mrs Fanny (Hardy) w. of Rev. Jacob, writer, 186.5- Bookman (1904) 19:4.50.* EDBRETZ, J. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 609. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* EDDINGTON, Arthur Stanley, senior wrangler 1882- Illus Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* EDDIS 456 EDGEWORTH EDDIS, Eden Upton, painter, 1812-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:560.* EDDY, Clarence, organist, 1851- New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:488. Devotion Carnot, 1812- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:51. eng. F. J. Are.\a (1896) 16:41.* Henry Turner, 1844- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:630. wdct. Jesse, woolen manufacturer, 1801-73. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:245. eng. Joshua, 1748-1833. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (18M) 8:201. H. W. Smith sc. 3/ rs Mary (Baker) 1822- Arena (1899) 21 :551. Rev. Thomas Hears, 1823-74. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:632. wdct. Zechariah, 1780-1860. Congreg. quar. (1862) 4:223. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. EDE, S. M. Baily’s mag. (1867) 12:t.-p. EDELENCK, Gerard, engraver, 1649-1707. L’Art (1886) 40:64. Thelebat p. Nicolas Edelinck sc. Drel’x DU Radier, ij’Europc illus. (1777) v. 6. Tortebat p. F. Dupin sc. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 14. G. Edelinck p. George Cooke sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 82. Rigaud p. Gustave Levy eng. EDEMA, Gereird, painter, 1652-17001 Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:94. wdct. EDEN, George Rodney, bp. of Wakefield, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:314.* LoJu [John], Dorothea (Johnson) w. of 6th bart. Bell, Gainsborough (1^7) 72. Gainsborough P* Robert, bp. of Moray, 1805-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:272. Sir William, 7th hart. 1849- Baily’s mag. (1881) 37 : 187. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Lady [William], Sibyl Frances (Grey) w. of 7th bart. Balury, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 34. Herkomer p.* Book buyer (1899) 19:16. Whistler p.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 54:57. Herkomer p.* Mag. of art (1902) 26:509. Herkomer p.* EDEN family name. See also title Auckland. EDENBORN, William, 1848- McClure’s mag. (1901) 18:6.* EDER, Georg, 1524-86. Droysen, Gesch. der gegeiireformation (1893) 353. Martin Rota eng. 1.573* (age 51) EDES, or Eedes, Richard, 1555-1604. Bioo. mirrour (1798) 2:pl. 38. S. Harding del. after p. ? E. Harding sc. (Bodleian gall.) EDESON, Robert, actor. Bookman (1902) 15:5* (as Robert Clay) — (1904) 19:10* (as Lieut. Ran- son) Critic (1900) 37:432 (with Mrs Le Mojme in The greatest thing in the world) — (1902) 40: 109.* —(1904) 44:10.* —44:426* (with Sandol Milliken in Ranson’s foil}') EDGAR, king of England, 944-75. Allg. weltge- schichte (1891) 5:406. p.* (in Anglo-Saxon ms. 10th cent. Br. mus.) Art union (1842) 4:248. wdct. after Cotton ms. Church, Story of early Brit. (1889) 254 (orig. ms.)* EDGAR, James, d. 1799. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 153. John Kaj’ f. 1784 & eng. John. Reynolds, Pioneer hist, of 111. (1887) 116. eng. William Francis, surgeon, u. s. a. 1823- Ban- croft, Chron. (1892) 7:357. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. EDGCUMBE, 2d baron, Richard Edgeumbe, 1716-61. Bourke, Hist, of W’hites (1892) 2:front. Reynolds p. J. Scott eng.* Jesse, George Selwyn (1882) 1:1. Reynolds p. W. Greatbach sc. (with SelwjTi and Williams) So. ’Kensington, Nat. hist. Mr. 5:jpl. 18. Reynolds p.* (with G. A. Selwvn and G. J. IVilliams) Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 3:475. Revnolds p. W. Greatbach sc. (with Selwyn and Gilly Williams) Henrietta (Mme Frader de Lavalette) Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:328. Reynolds p. 1760.* Lady Victoria, aftw. w. of Lord Algernon Malcolm Arthur Percy. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:241.* EDGCUMBE family name. See also title Mount Edgeumbe. EDGE, Sir John, 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:412.* —(1904) 125:613. P. F. S. Spence del.* EDGERTON, Albert, of St Paul. Sons of the Am. rev. Minn. Yearbk. 1889-9.5 (1895) front. Allred P. civil service commr. 1813-97. Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:740. wdct. EDGEWORTH, Maria, 1767-1849. Dltckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:293. A. Chappel p. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:93. Joseph Slater del.* Hamilton, Women wri- ters (1892) 1:161 (with her father) Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 5:217. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. Lamp (1904) 28:203. eng.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit (1992) 5:191. Chapp<'l p.* Richard Lovell, 1744-1817. Hamilton, Wo men wTiters (1892) 1:161 (with Maria Edgeworth) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 39. Hamilton p.* Mrs Richard Lovell (Honora Sneyd) Har- per’s mag. (1876) 52:824. eng. EDGEWORTH FAMILY. Hill, Talks about au- tog. (1896) 14. La.mp (1904) 28:205. eng.* (from T^ks about autographs) EDGEWORTH-JOHNSTONE 457 EDWARD II EDGEWOB.TH-JOHNSTONE, Walter. See Johnstone. EDGHILL, John Cox, d. d. 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:420.* —(1899) 115:455.* EDHEM Pasha, vizier of Turkey, 1823- Harper’s w. (1877) 21:384. wdct. —(1897) 41:432. wdct Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:165. wdct. — (1897) 110:678.* McClure’s mag. (1898) 1 1 : 136.* Miles Military Europe (1898) 18. EDINEUKGH, duJce of, Prince Allred, s. of Vic- toria, 1844-1900. See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, herzog von. duchess of, Marie (of Russia) w. of Alfred. See Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, herzogin von. EDIS, Robert William, 1839- Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 330. Ape f. hth. (age 46, caricature) EDISON, Thomas Alva, inventor, 1847- .finER- ica’s grtst men& women (1894) 90. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 66. A. H. Ritchie eng. Cent. (1894) 26:209* (in 1893) Dayot, Salon of 1890(1890) 8. A. Anderson p.* Drysdale, Helps for ambitious boys (1899) 284. Eclectic mag. (1879) 92:2.57. J. J. Cade eng. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:728. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:444-5. T. de ThuLstrup del. wdct. —(1901) 45: 1303. —(1903) 47:630* (2 por.) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 33.* Iles, Flame, electricity & the camera (1900) 212, pi. 5. Illus. Lond. news (1888)93:81.* — (1890) 9(): Mar. 15, sup.* McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:124*-125 (5 por.) — (1897) 10:80. W. D. Stevens del.* Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:306. Marden, Winning out (1900) 168. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:187. Pop. sci. m. (1878) 13:385. R. of rev. (1893) 8:2.* —8:40. R. J. F. del. —(1902) 26:348* (with his 2d wife) Scribner’s m. 0879) 18:840. Francis Lath- rop del. 1879. F. Juengling eng. Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 10:318. A. Anderson f.* Werck- MEISTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissem (1899) 3: pi. 305. A. A. Anderson p.* EDLIN, Sir Peter Henry, judge, 1819- Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 34. Spy f. lith. (caricature) EDMAN, Thomas. Metii. mag. (1803) 26:383. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 35) EDMANDS, John, librarian, 1820- Bookman (1898) 6:409.* EDMISTON, Miss, actress. Ladies’ m. mus. (1822) 15:181. R. E. Drummond p. Woolnoth eng. EDMONDS, John Worth, 1799-1874. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 36. Girsch etch. Living- ston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:797. Girsch etch. Richard Hathaway, 1857- Depew, 100 yrs of Am. commerce (1895) 1:232. eng. after photo. Walter John, canon of Exeter, 1834- Har- per’s w. (1900) 44:386. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:476.* Outlook (1900) 64:772. EDMONDSON, Jonathan. Arminian mag. (1796) 19:261. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 28) Meth. mag. (1826) 49:577. J. Jackson p. W. T. Fry eng. Rev. Jonathan, jr. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1838) 61:881. M. Claxton p. T. A. Dean eng. EDMONSTONE, Sir William, Mh hart. 1810-88. Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 296. Spy f. lith. (caricature) EDMUND OF LANGLEY, 1st duke of York, s. of Edward HI, 1341-1402. Art union (1843) 5:31. wdct. (ilium, ms.) Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 50. S. Harding del. after limning. R. Clamp sc. (Brit, mus.) EDMUNDS, George Franklin, u. s. senator, 1828- America’s grtst men& women (1894)33. Cent. (1883) 3:813. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:125. wdct. —(1881) 25:85. wdct. —(1901)45:53. New Eng. mag. (1891) n . s. 4:687. Scott, Distiu. .\m. lawyers (1891) 333. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:604. EDOULN, Mrs Willie, 1854-99. See .\therton, Alice. EDSON, E. B. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:826. Franklin, 1832-1904. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:210. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:684. wdct. N. Y MEM. hist. (1895) 302. G. E. Perine eng. Rev. Theodore, of Lowell, Ma.ss. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:631. EDWARD T HE CONFESSOR, king of England, d. 1066. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:407 (seal)* Church, Story of early Brit. (1889) 3.52. seal* (Brit, mus.) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 1:343. wdct. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:66. Carl Leonhard Becker del. after seal* (Brit, mus.) EDWARD I, king of England, 1239-1307. Barry, Papal monarchy (1902) 399. eng.* Dreu.x du Ra- DiER, L’Europ<‘ illus. (1777) v. 1. Basan eng. Vertue del. Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898) 17. George Vertue eng. after statue* (Carnarvon castle) Hume, History of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 3:81. W. Ridley eng. after p. from statue. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:171. Prutz, Staatengc'sch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2 : 121. C. L. Becker del. after impression of seal (Berlin, IWal archives) Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:3.57. G. Vertue del. & sc. after statue (Car- narvon castle) Recueil d. por. (1786) 1: pi. 99. Ver- tue del. Basan sc. Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 93. Thomveroft del.* (design for equestr. statue) Spof- FORi), Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:273. vignette. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 3:362. Vertue del. Basan sc. Vertue, Heads of the kings of Eng. nl. 12. G. Vertue del. & sc. after statue (over gate of Carnarvon castle) Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 61. eng. from Fai- thorne’s setof kings. Worthington, Por. of sover- eigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 9. Vertue del. Worthington eng. EDWARD II, king of England, 1284-1327. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:3. eflBgy* (Gloucester cath.) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Basan eng. Vertue del. Hume, History of Eng. Cooke’s ed. EDWARD III 458 EDWARD VI 3:171. W. Ridley eng. Illds. Lend, news (1901) 118:171. —119:749. Penny ma^. (1845) 14: 1-54. Fairholt del. after effigy. Sly eng. (Gloucester cath.) Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:3^. G. Vertue del. & sc. after statue (Gloucester cath.) Recueii. d. por. (1786) 1: pi. lOS. Vertue del. Basansc. 1748. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 4:211. Vertue del. Basan sc. 1748. Vektue, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 13. G. Vertue del. & sc. after effigy (Gloucester cath.) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 1 : 16. E. Boc- q^uet sc. WooDBURN’sgall. (1816) l:pl.62. eng. from Faithome’s set of kings. Worthington, Por. of sov- ereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 10. Vertue del. Worthing- ton eng. EDWARD III, king of England, 1312-77. Bixjre, Monumental remains (1826) pi. 13. Henry Le Keux eng. Edward Blore del. (effigy, Westminster abbey) Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (184.5) 1:.58. eng. Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :4. effigy* (Westminster abbey) Drec.y DC Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Basan eng. Vertue del. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:136. effigy* (Westminster abbey) Hume, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 3:210. W. Ridlev eng. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:171. ftAPiN, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:406. G. Vertue del. & sc. after p. (Wind- sor) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 115. Vertue del. Basan sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 2. p.* Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 4:371. Vertue del. Basan sc. Vertue, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 14. G. Vertue del. & sc. after p. (Windsor) Woodburn’s all. (1816) l:pl. 63. eng. from Faithorne’s set of ings. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 11. Worthington eng. after p. (Windsor) EDWARD IV, king of England, 1441-83. Art j. (1857)9:60. Alexander Johnston p. Dalziel brothers eng. (with Elizabeth Grey) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1‘531) 1 : 13. p.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Gaillard eng. J. Robert del. Hume, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 4:200. W. Ridley eng. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:701. — (1901) 118:171. Paston letters, 1422-1509 (1900) 2:front. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:613. G. Vertue del. & sc. after p. (Ken.sington palace) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 165. J. Robert del. Gaillard sc. Shakes- peare illus. (1793) 1 :pl. 30. J. Parker sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 16. p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:3. eng. after p. ? (Windsor) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8: 165. J. Robert del. Gaillard sc. Vertue, Heads of kings of Eng. pi. 22. G. Vertue del. & sc. after p. (Keasington palace) Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2: front. Birnd eng. after ilium, ms. (with Earl Rivers and Caxton) W(X)d- burn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 64. eng. from Faithome’s set of kings. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 16. Worthington eng. after p. (Kensington palace) EDWARD V, king of England, 1470-83. L’.Art (1888) 45; front. Paul Delaroche p. A. Mongin sc. (with his brother) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Basan eng. Vertue del. ILamerto.n, Contemp. French painters (1868) 41. Delaroche p.* (with his brother) Hume, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 4:246. W. Ridley eng. after p. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118: 171. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1 :629. G. Vertue del. & sc. after ms. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 193. Vertue del. Basansc. Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 31. S. Harding del. & sc. after orig. (Lambeth lib.) Strickland, Bachelor kings of Eng. (1861) 101. J. Buckley del. S. Allen sc. ifoubraken eng. after Vandergucht. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:3. eng. after orig. (Lambeth lib.) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10: 198. Vertue del. Basansc. Ver- tue, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 23. G. Vertue del. & sc. after limning (ms. l)ook, Lambeth lib.) Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l;pl. 65. eng. from Faithome’s set of kings. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 17. Worthington eng. after ms. (Lambeth palace) EDWARD VI, king of England, 1537-53. Au.g. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:149. Hans Holbein del.* (child por. Windsor) Archer, Pictures & roy. jx>r. (1884) 1 ;96. J. L. Williams del. T. Brown eng. L’Art (1882) 28:119. Holbein f. E. Rivoalen del. Petit sc. Art j. (1898) n. s. 50: 159. Mark Rogers, jr. sc.* (bust) Ballestrem, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 5, 10a. Hans Holbein p.* — pi. 5, 10b, 10c. Connoisseur (1902) 2:200. Gwillim Stretes p.* Creighton, Queen Eliza- beth (1896) 16. eng. i after miniature (Windsor) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :27. (3 por.) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Holbein p. Basan eng. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:15. eng.* from Holland’s Heroologia Lond. 1620. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:361. from Holland’s He- roologia, 1620.* Gower, Hist. ^11. of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 18. Nicholas Hilliard p.* (miniature) Gree.n, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:711. coronation medal (Brit, mus.) IIamilton palace coll. Illus. price cat. (1882) 14. Holbein p. Petit sc. Harper’s mag. 0884) 69:594. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897)2:9. Holbein’s school p.* — 2:10. G. Vertue eng. after p. (Windsor) Holbein, Facsim. Barto- lozzi (1884) pi. 27, 28, Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. (3 por. at different ages) Holbein, Por. of illus. per- sonages (1828) pi. 29, 30, 31. Holbein del. Cooper sc. (3 por. at different ages) Holbein, Windsor coll of por. (1877) 2; pi. 52, 53. Holbein del.* (2 por. at dif- ferent ages) Holland, Hercoologia Anglica (1620) 22. eng. IIu.ME, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed 6: 146. Holbein p. W.Ridleveng. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: July 21, sup. llollx-in p. eng. (child por.) — (1901) 118:171. —(1902) 120: 197. Holbein ?p.* —120:244. Guillim Stretes p.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17:132, 149. Holbein f.* (as prince of Wales) Lodge, Por. (1&15) 2: pi. 1. Holbein f. 11. T. Rj-all eng. Mao. of art (1899) 24:88. Mark Rogers, jr. sc.* (bust) New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:112. Hans Holbein p. wdet. Penny mag. (1832) 1:205. eng. after statue (Christ Church pa.ssage, Lond.) Philipp- soN, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 45. Holbein del.* (child por. Windsor) Poi.i.ard, Henry VIII (1902) 242. Ilolliein p. 1.540* (Roval picture gall. Hanover) — p. 297. onyx(with Henry VlII, Wind- sor) Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 66. L. Teerlinck p.* Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1733) 2:3. Hol- liein p. G. Vertue sc. (Kertsington palace) Reoueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 235. Holbein p. Ba.sansc. Rolt, Lives of reformers (17.59) 167. R. Houston eng. Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 74. George Frampton sc.* (statue, Giggleswick school, Yorkshire) — (1902) 85. Jessie Maegregor p.* St Maur, .\nnals of Seymours (1902) .34. p.* (at Stover, poss. of 11. St Maur) — p. 36. print. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:320. School of Holbein EDWARD VII 459 EDWARD p.* (age 6, Nat. por. gall.) Skelton, Mary Stuart (1893) 32. Guillim Stretes p. ? 1550.* So. IJensing- TON, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 54, 56. Holbein p.* — l;pl. 55. Holbein p.* (child por.) Strickland, Bachelor kings of Eng. (1861) 19^ Holbein p. J. Buckley del. S. Allen sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:7. Holbein eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 13:346. Hol- in p. Basansc. Vertce, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 27. Holbein p. Vertue del. & sc. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 1:56. J. Scott, 1806. eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 154. p.* Williams, Domestic mem. of Eng. (1860) 1: front, eng. Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 5, fig. 3. Streetes p.* — 1 : pi. 47, fig. 4, 6. (Kijks mus. Ajnster- dam) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 26. Nich- olas Hilliard p.* Woltmann, Holliein & his time (1872) 433. Holbein del. eng. (child por.) Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 66. eng. from Faithorne’s set 1 of kings. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. I (1824) pi. 21. Worthington eng. after p. (Kensington) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) n. s. 14:78. G. F. Frampton sc.* (statue) EDWAKD VII, king of Gt. Brit. 1841- Alm. de Gotha (1862) pi. 4. CarlMayersc. — (1903)pref. p. 12. Th. u. A. Weger sc. Am. nist. register (1896) 4:483. ANGLO-Saxon rev. (1901) 8: front.* Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1900) ser. 3, 5; front. Archer, Glad- stone & his contemp. (1883) 3:front. lith. after photo. L’Art (1878) 15:290. Ch. Waltner del. & sc. — 15:291. J. E. Boehm sc. Ch. E. Wilson des. (equestr. statue) — (1885) 38:151. Bastien-Lepage f. (study) Art j. (1901) 53:380. J. Bastien-Lepage p.* — (1902)54:176. E. Wehrschmidt p.* — (1903) 55:241. Edward Laut^re sc.* (bust) ART-union (1848) 10:104. Mary Thomycroft sc. Edward Cor- bould del. W. RofT eng. (statue as Winter) Baily’s mag. (1883) 40:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 16:285. eng. — 17:37.* (Royal family) Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1 : 19.* Cent. 0900)38:712. Amalia Kussner p. 189^* (miniature as Knightof Malta) DRAWiNo-room pwr. gall. (18.59) ser. 2 ; pi. 1 . D. J . Pound eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1860) 50:435. G. Richmond del. J. Sartain eng. — (1863) .59:front. G. E. Perine eng. Die graph- iscHEN kiinste (1880) 2:64. Ch. Waltner del. & sc. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:236, 239 —(1885) 70:751.* —(1898) 97:457.* Harper’s w. (1^) 4 : 488, 529, 625, 692. —(1862) 6:781. wdct. —(186.3) 7:228. wdct. (with princess of Wales) • — (1870) 14:221. wdct. —(1871) 15:1229. wdct. —(1872) 16:92-93. wdct. (with family) — (1875) 19:430. I wdct. —(1891) 35:452. wdct. —(1901) 45:111, ' 143, 144, 1.53. —(1902) 46:816.* —(1903) 47:4.58. Peter Newell del.* (caricature) — 47 : 1698.* — (1904) 48: 1581* (with Sir Gilbert Parker) Illus. Lond. news (1872) ^:Feb. 24, sup. lith.? after photo. — (1875) 66: May 1, sup. eng.? — 67: India and the prince of Wales sup. p. 1. wdct. — (1878)72: sup. end of v. Alfred Hunt del. lith. — (1883) 83:496. Giovanni Fontana sc.* (statue, Sidney, New South W ales) — ( 188.5) 86, April 1 1 , sup. (with prince J Albert Victor^ —(1887) 90:26. —(1888) 92:2.59.* j (in 1863 and 1888) —(1891) 99:589.* —99:. 592 1 (5por.) —99: 593 (with family) —(1892)100:109.* I (with his family) —100:595. —(1894) 10.5: July 1 21, sup. G. Hayter del. 1842.* (child por. and t with princess royal) — (1898) 113:59. — (1899) 115:13.* —115:20. J. G. Middleton p. 1863.* —115:246.* —(1901) 118:106,* 129,* 171.* — 118:255. S. Begg del. — 119:650* (with his son, prince Edward) — (1902) 120:6. DeSaulles f.* (coin) — 120:344 (medal) — 120:567. Wade sc.* (statue) — 120:755. Walter Merrett sc.* (bust) — 120:June 14, sup. p. 1. S. Begg p.* — 121:389.* (with queen Alexandra) — (1903) 122:673.* — 123:733* (with ladies Alexandra and Maud Duff) —123:806.* —(1904) 124:290. Tony Szirmai sc.* (with Franz Joseph I, medal) — 124 : 484. P. Canonica sc.* (bust) — 125:287,* 876* (with Carlos I, of Portugal) Internat. studio (1902) 17:53. Greorgc Frampton & Emil Fuchs f. 1902* (with queen Alexandra; 2 coronation medals) —(190.3) ^:287. E. Fuclis f.* (medallion) Ladies companion (1854) ser. 2, 5:20. A. Hunt f. J. B. Hunt eng. Latimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 426. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 1:1. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1862.* McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:40. McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:696* (with queen Victoria, 1862?) — (1898) 11:254.* (in Jubilee procession, 1897) —(1901) 16:. 37 1-384 (various por.)* Men of mark (1876) 1 : front, photo. Miles, Military Europe (1898) 37* (in Jubilee procession) — p. 67. Nichol- son, 12 por. (1899) pi. 2. Nicholson del.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 6,* 9.* Outlook (1897) 56:576* (with queen Victoria) — 57 :857* (with Alexandra and Mr and Mrs Gladstone) —(1901)67:233. —(1902) 71:605. Pall Mall mag. (1894) 4:. 560. Archibald Stuart-Wortley p.* — (1902) 27:147. Maurice Greiffenhagen del. after photo.* — 27:564.* Paris salon (1895) 38. E. Detaille p.* (with the duke of Connaught) Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1879) 2; front. R. OF rev. (1890) 2:312. —(1891) 4:2. — (1894) 10:148. — (1895) 12:574 (as a yachtsman) — (1901) 23:295 (with queen Alexandra) — (1902) 26:3.* — • 26:41* (with Alexandra) — 26:130. C. M. Sheldon del.* (with lord Salisbuiy) — 26: 135* (with Alexandra) Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 168. Alfred Drury sc.* (bust) — (1904) 61. W. Gos- combe John sc.* (statue) Stead, Por. autog. (1891) 3.* Tullberg, Fiirstenliauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 ;237. Agi Lindegnm del. after photo. Van- ity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 1. lith. after caricature. — (1878) 10: front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1894) 26:front. lith. after caricature. — (1902)34:pl. 25. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 1. lith. Williams, Domestic mem. of the royal family (1860) 3:front. eng. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 86. William C. Ross p. E. Rob- inson eng. (child por. with princess Victoria) World’s work (1901) 1:48.5. (with queen Victoria, 1897) — 1:491 (youthful por.) EDWAKD, princes of England (Gt. Brit.) Edward (The Black Prince) prince of Wales, s. of Edward III, 1330-76. See Wales, prince of. Edward (Plantagenet) prince, grandson of Ed- ward HI, 1373?-1415. See \ork, 2d duke of. Edward, prince of Wales s. of Heniy VI, 14.5.3-71. See W ales, prince of. Edward (Plantagenet) prince, s. of George, duke of Clarence, 18th earl of Warwick, 1475-99. See title Warwick. EDWARD 460 EDWARDS Edward Augustus, prince, brother of George 111, 1739-67. See York, 10th duke of. Edward, prince, 4th s. of George III, 1767-1820. See Kent, duke of. Edward Albert (of Wales) prince, son of George, prince of Wale.s, 1894- Harper’s w. (1902) 46:815. Ileus. Load, news (1894) 105:131. A. Forestier del. 1894.* — (1895) 106: front. 193.* — (1896) 108:267* (with queen Alexandra) — 109: 473.* —(1898)113:338.* . —(1901) 119:650.* (with Edward VII.) — (1902) 120:123. Mrs Gertrude Massey p.* (miniature) — 120: June 14, sup. p. 1. Allan Stewart p.* — (1903) 122:465* (with his brother, prince George) — 123 : 733* (with his mother and brother Albert) — (1904) 124:716* (with his brother, prince Albert) Mag. of art (1901) 25:252. F. J. W'illiam.son sc.* (infant por.) (statue) Nota- bles of Brit. (1897) 12.* Outlook (1897) 56:579* (with Alexandra) R. of rev. (1895) 12:275.* Roy. acad. pict. (1896) 26. J. F. Williamson sc.* (stat- uette) Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 238 Agi Lindegren del. after photo. EDWARD, Thomas, naturalist, 1814-86. Har- per’s mag. (1877) 54:697. R. 1876. eng.? Pop. sci. m.(1877) 10:513. EDWAKDES, Lady Blanche (Butler) w. of Cuth- bert Ellison, 1854- See Butler. George, actor. Holllngshead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 440 (in 1887) Herbert, major, 1819-68. Bentley’s misc. (1850) 27:400. Alfred Crowquill del. eng. — (1850) 28:440.* Morrison del. S. Freeman eng. Sylvia Gay, maid of honor, 1880- Illus. Land, news (1900) 118:426.* EDWARDES family name. See also title Kensing- ton. EDWARDS. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 517. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Abraham, 1798-1870. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:159. Alfred George, bp. of St Asaph, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:372.* —(1891) 99:467.* Amelia Blandford, egyptologist, 1831-92. Arena (1891) 4:299.* Bolton, Types of woman- hood (1892) 327. Book buyer (1889) 6:3(33. Book- man (1901) 13:375. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:181. Pcrcival Ball sc. 1873* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:22.* Harper’s w. (1865) 9:. 397. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:7(39. — (1892) 100:510.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:197.* —(1893) n. s. 7:548.* Charles Grove, colonel, 1843- Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 101. 11. T. Wells p.* Edward, of Philadelphia, d. 1805. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 694. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* Edward, 1738-1806. Edwards, Anec. of paint- ers (1808) front. Edward Edwards p. Cardon sc. Edwin, painter, 1823-79. L’Art (1875) 2:137. Fantin La Tour p. L. Monzies sc. — (1879) 19: 170. L. Lhermittc f. Burlington mag. (1905) 6:492. Fantin Latour p.* (with his wife, Nat. gall.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1879) ser. 2, 20:438. La-Tour p. wdct. Internat. studio (1902) 15:234. Latour p.* (with his wife) Mrs Edwin (Elizabeth Ruth) L’Art (1875) 2:137. Fantin La Tour p. L. Monzies sc. Burling- ton mag. (1905) 6:492. Fantin Latour p.* (with her husband, Nat. gall.) Internat. studio (1902) 15:234. Latour p.* (with her husband) Sir Fleetwood Isham, lieut. col. 1842- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118-301.* George, naturalist, 1694-1773. Lives of illus. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. Henri Milne, zoologist, 1800-85. Pop. sci. m. (1883) 22:433. Sir Henry, 1820-97. Baines, Yorkshire past and present, 2:1. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 39 (death mask)* Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:37.* —(1886) 88: 128. W. & T. Wills sc.* (statue, Weymouth) — (1897) 110:211.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14:pl. 41.5. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Henry Thomas, dean of Bangor, 1837-84. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:. 520. Isaac, prof. Albany law school. Green bag (1890) 2:157.* James. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 619. St Memin del. & eng. 18C18.* John, brig.-gen. 1815- .Ynnals of Iowa (1870) 8:297. John Passmore, philanthropist, 1824- Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 76. G. F. Watts n.* —(1898) 99. George Frampton sc.* (bust, Camberwell mus. and sch. of art) Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 475. Ape f. hth. (caricature) Jonathan, 1703-58. Bltttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 79. S. S. Jocelyn &S.B. Munson eng. Cent. (1895) 28:563. old print.* Cleveland, .\m. lit. (1859) 25. C. W. Peale p. J. D. Gross eng. Dur- ckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:102. Roberts sc. Elliott (C. W.) N. E. hist. (N. Y. 1857) 2: front. Copley? p. J. C. Buttix^ eng. Griswold. Prose wnters of Am. (1853) 53. Peale p. J. Sarlain eng. J. D. Gross eng. Harper’s mag. (1871) 43:823. eng. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:574. Ilcrbert Adams sc.* (bas-reh'ef) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1892) 1 : front. Rembrandt Peale p. after Smibcrt.* Hollister, Hist, of Conn. (1857) 1:469. R. Babson & J. An- drews eng. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 59. S. Joce- lyn eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1892) 3:381. A. B. Waller eng. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21 :98. —(1900) n. s. 21:582. Outlook (1903) 75:255. Moultrop f. — (1903) 75:2.59. mem. tablet (North- ampton) Princeton book (1879) 37. Princeton univ. mem. book (1898) 366. p.* Scribner’s m. (1877) 13:628. eng. Trumbull (J.*R.) Hist, of Northampton, Mass. (1898) 1: front. Rembrandt Peale p. 1828, after Smybert. Emily Sartain eng. (poss. Sirs Eli Whitney, New Haven) Tru.mbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:130. R. Babson & J. Andrews eng. / EDWARDS EGGELING 4()1 Mrs Jonathan (Sarah Pierrepont) 1710- Harper’s mag. (1871) 43:823. wdct. — (1880) 61:873. Matilda Barbara Betham-, 1836- Black, Wonion authors (1893) 120.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:552. Ninian, 1775-1833. Moses, 111. liist. and sta- tistical . . . (1889) 1:242. II. B. Hall & sons eng. after p. (Chicago hist, soc.) Reynolds, Pioneer hist, of 111. (1887) 367. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Ninian Wirt, 1809-89. Cent. (1887) 11:382. H. B. Hall & sons eng.* McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:311.* i/rs Ninian Wirt (Elizabeth P. Todd) 1813-88. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:439. Healy p.* Pierrepont, 1750-1826. Bioo. encycl. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 124. eng. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 160. J. W. Jarvis f. Thomas, 1753-1806. Bugbee, Mem. of Cinn. (1890) 181 . P. T. Stuart eng. William. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) no 172. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* EDWABDS-MOSS, Sir John, 2d hart. 18.50- See Moss. EDWIN, Captain, r. n. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 307. John, actor, 1749-94. Monthly mirror (1805) 20:217. Ridley eng. after p. Mrs John (Elizabeth Rebecca Richards) actress, 1771 (-1854. La belle assembl^e (1812) n. s. 5:227. Cardon eng. after miniature. Lady’s m. mus. (1813) n. s. 14:241. Monthly mirror (1810) n. s. 7:81. Freeman eng. after p. EECKHOUT, Gerbrandt van den, 1621-74. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1754) 2:326. eng. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux pemtres (1762) 3: 161. M. Aubert sc. EEDEN, Frederik van, writer, 1860- Critic (1903) 42:295.* EEDES, Richard, 15.5.5-1604. See Edes. EEKHOUD, Georges, Belgian writer, 1854- Thompson, Fr. por. (1900) 50. EELLS, Dan Parmelee, of Cleveland, O. 1825- 1903. Mao. of West. hist. (1885) 2:279. eng. EELS, Mercy, 1743-1833. See Lathrop, Mrs Joshua. EFFIAT, marquis d’, Antoine Coiffler, 1.581- 1632. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (18.54) 27: front. Gigoux p. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 34. Gigoux p. after eng. Waltener eng. EGAN, John, 17.50 (-1810. Barrington, Hist, mem. (1835) 2:311. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1811. Cath. world (1896) 63:379. John M. railway pres. 1848- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:1008. wdct. John M. S. 1849- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 12:. 500. Maurice Francis, 18.52- Cath. world (1890) 64:277. Patrick, 1841- Devot, Land of Eire (1882) 46. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:696. wdct. — (1892) 36: 117. wdct. Le Caron, 25 yrs. in secret st-rvice (1892) 160. Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 90.* EGBERT, king of England, d. 837. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. Basan eng. Vertue inv. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1732) 1:&3. G. Vertue del. & sc. after old coin (medallion) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 24. Vertue inv. eng.? Basan sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1 :258. Vertue eng. ? Basan sc. Vertue, Heads of the kings of Eng. pi. 1. G. Vertue del. & sc. EGBERT, Augustus Riley, u.s.a. d. 1890. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:821. wdct. Harry Clay, colonel, u. s. a. 1839-99. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:347. EGERTON, 1st earl, Wilbraham Egerton, 1832- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:829.* —(1894) 105:163.* Vanity fair album (1886) 18:pl. 506. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Lady. Heath’s book of beauty (1836) 191. W. H. Mote, eng. Lady Grey-. Heath’s book of beauty (1842) 73. J. Hayter p. Hall eng. E. H. major. Vanity fair album (1889) 21 :pl. 437. Lib f. lith. (caricature) Lady Hlizabeth Grey, 1832-92. See De Ros, baroness. Francis, r. n. 1824-95. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:205. wdct. after photo. George, pseud, of Mrs Egerton Clairmonte (Mary Dunn) Book buyer (1894) 11:243. Bookman (1896) 6:285.* John, bp. of Durham, 1721-87. European mag. (1795) 27:291. E. Balston sc. Lady Mabel, dau. of earl of Ellesmere, 1869- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:53. Mrs Sarah (Fisher) actress, 1782-1847. La BELLE assemble (1817) n. s. 16:147. Rose Emma Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. EGERTON, family name. See also titles Brackley; Bridgewater; Ellesmere; Wilton. EGERTON (of Tatton) 2d baron. See Egerton, 1st earl. EGG, Augustus Leopold, painter, 1816-63. Art- union (1S47) 9:312. W. P. Frith p. J. Smyth. EGGELING, Julius, 1842- burgh univ. (1884) W. Hole sc. Hole, Por. Edin- EGGENBERG 462 EICHBERG EGGENBERG, freiherr, Hans Ulrich, aftw. furst von. 1568-1634. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgcsch. (1898) 3:67. medal* (Roy. coin cab. Vienna) EGGERS, freiherr von, Christian Ulrich Detlev, 1758-1813. Lund, Danske malede por. 7': 22. Lorenz f. copy 1882* (Berlin) Johanne Ernestine (MUnter) von, w. of Christian, 1773-97. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7': 22. Jens Juel p.* freiherrin von, Antoinette Frederikke (Bang) w. of Christian, 1774-1851. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7': 22. p.* freiherr von, Friedrich, 1800-56. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':23. C. A. Jensen p. 1^8.* Ferdinand H. 1849- Mao. of West. hist. (1888) 8:382. eng. Heinrich Friedrich von, 1722-98. Lund, Danske malede por. (1!XX)) 7‘:23. Lorenz f. copy 1882* (Berlin) Heinrich Peter von, s. of II. F. von, 1751-1836. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7' :23. p.* Fru Heinrich Peter von (Anne Eilert), 1777- 1841. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':23. Tieck p. 1816* (with her daughter) WenzelLne von, dau. of H. V. von, 1809-37. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':23. Tieck p. 1816* (child por. with her mother) EGGERT, Charles A. 1835- Ann. of Iowa (1882) n. s. 1:33. EGGLESTON, Edward, novelist, 1837-1902. Ameuica’s grtst men (1894) 169. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1902) front. Book buyer (1887) 4:83. — (1902) 25:^2. eng. Bookman (1902) 16:99. eng. Critic (1896) 29:389. —(1902)41:301.* Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:821.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35 :184. wdct. Outlook (1897) 55:435.* R. of rev. (1902) 26:449. Jacques Reich del. Scribner’s m. (1873) 6:561. eng. George Cary, 1839- Book buyer (1901) 22:186. EGIUY, von, lieut. com. Ger. navy. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:301. Christoph Moritzvon, 1847-98. Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 559.* EGINHARD, 7701-840. See Einhard. EGLESTON, Azariah, major, 1757-1822. N. Y. GENEAL. and biog. record (1892) 23:99. p.* Sons of the rev. N. Y. Yearbk. (1896) 92. miniature* (poss. of T. Egleston, N. Y.) Thomas, mineralogist, 1832-19(X). New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:373. Pop. sci. m. (1899) 55:145. EGLI, Frau Knuffer, singer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124: April 30, sup. 3. EGLINTON, countess of, Susanna (Kennedy) w. of 9th earl, 1689-1780. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2 :13. Gavin Hamilton p.* (poss. earl of Egliuton) 120i earl of, Hugh Montgomerie, 1739-1819. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 214, 280. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. 15th earl of, George Amulph Montgomerie, 1848- Baily’s mag. (1903) 79:317.* Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 663. Spy f. lith. (caricature) EGMOND (orEgmont), family name. SeeGueldre, dues de. EGMONT, 2d earl of, John Perceval, 1711-70. Walpole, Roy. and noble au. (1806) 5:275. Freeman eng. comtesse d\ Sophie (de Vignerot du Plessis- Richeheu) 1740-73. Nolhac, Louis XV et Mme do Pompadour (1903) 156. Roslin p.* Williamson, Hist, of p)or. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 96, fig. 4. P. k. Hall p.* (Nat. mus. Stockholm) graaf van, Lamoraal, 1522-08. Allg. welt- geschichte (1886) 7:395. eng.* (Cab. dcs estampes, Brussels) Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:752, pi. 1105. wdct. after por. 1^8 (age 46) Hymans, Bnix- elles, 1 : 312. Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 92. PniLippsoN, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 142. eng.* (Brussels, print cab.) — p. 15.5. medal (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) Putna.m, William the Silent (1895) 1 : 156. from P. Bor’s Neder- landsche historien.* EGREMONT, 2d earl of, Charles Wyndham, 1710-63. Adolphus, Brit. cab. (1799) 2:pl. 47. E. Harding sc. (at Petworth) Sd earl of, George O’Brien Wyndham, 1751- 1837. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2: 110. George Clint f. T. Lupton eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 44. T. Phillips p. J. S. Agar eng. Horsfield, Hist, of Sussex (1835) 2: front. J. E. Carew sc. T. Hen- wood del. E. Scriven eng. (bust) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 4. Phillips p. H. Cook eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:87. Phillips p. II. Cook eng. j^GUILLES, marquis d’, Alexandre Jean Bap- tiste de Boyer, 1708-83. Lang, Prince Charles Edward (1900) 142. p. (poss. of M. le Commandant Heckenroth, Marseilles) EHNINGER, John Whitten, painter, 1827-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:104. wdct. EHNN, Bertha, .Austrian singer, 1845- Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:8.31. EHRENBERG, Christian Gottfried, 1795-1876. Pop. sci m. (1879) 14:553. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 481. Radtke p.* S., politician. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:868. wdct. EHRENSTRAHL, David Klttcker von, 1629-98. See Klocker. EHRLICH, Prof. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:. ‘364.* EICHBERG, Julius, composer, 1824-93. Har- per’s w. (1869) 13:444. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:477. —(1893) n. s. 8:199. EICHENDORFF 463 ELDER EIOHKNDOBFF, freiherr von, Joseph, 1788- 1857. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 263. drawing* (poss. of his dau.) Seidutz, Portratwerk (18^) 5: pi. 109. E. Eichens del. & sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4:pl. 383. Franz Kugler del.* EICHHOBN, Johann Albrecht Friedrich, 1779- 1856. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:31. Fr. Kruger p. Fr. Jentzen lith. Johann Gottfried, 1752-1827. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 56. eng. Karl Friedrich, 1781-1854. Seidutz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5;pl. 76. II. Lowenstein p. J. Sprick lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 204. L. E. Grimm del. & etch.* EIDLITZ, Charles L. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:205.* EIFFEL, Gustave, 1832- Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 78.* Vanity fair album (1889) 21:pl. 424. Guth f. 1889. lith. (caricature) EIGENBBODT, Charles S. captain, 1825-64. Por. m. (1864) 1 : 109. wdct. EILERS, H. A. sailor d. s. n. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:259. wdct. EILOABT, Mrs. Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 143. W. Reynolds-Stephens p.* , EINHARD, biographer of Charlemagne, 7701-840. Menneciiet, Le Pfutarque fran<;. (1838) l:pl. 9. Dupr6 del. Allais sc. EINSIEDEL,/reiA€rr von, Friedrich Hildebrand, 17.50-1828. Gerard, Grand duchess (1902) 1 :288. p.* (coll, of Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar) Kon- necke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 239. p.* (poss. grand duke of Weimar) Ruland, Aus dem Goethc-nat. mus. (1895) l:pl. 17. J. Schmeller del.* EINSTEIN, Edwin, n. y. politician. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1035. wdct. EISEN, Charles, 1720-78. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) Vispr6 p. eng. EISENDECHER, freiherr von, Ger. ambassador to U. S. 1841- Harper’s w. (1883) 27 : 148. wdct. EISENHUZ, Maria, actress. Bookman (1900) 12:267. EISENMENGER, August, 1830- Allen, Mas- terpieces (1884) 2:209. wdct. Die graphischen kflnste (1884) 6:77. V. Jasper f. EISMANN, Johann Anton, painter, 1634-98. Moccke, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 13. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. EISTON, John, m. d. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 120 John Kay f. 1786 & eng. EITEL FRIEDRICH, prince of Prussia, s. of Wil- helm II, 1883- Roberts, 2 royal lives (1888) 179. (with ^nai William and prince Adalbert) Tull- BERG, Ftirstenliauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:541. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. EKHOF, Konrad, 1720-78. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 24. eng. Konnecke, Bdder-atlas (1887) 240. Anton Graff p. F. Miillereng.* Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 8. A. Graff p. F. Muller sc. EKIN, Janies Adams, u. s. a. 1819-91. Harper’s w. (186.5) 9:408. wdct. Moore, Rebellion record (1867) 10:762. J. C. Buttre eng. EKMAN, Gustav, Swedish inventor, 1804-76. Connoisseur (1904) 8: 16. medal 1877.* EL MEHEDI EL MENEBHI, Morocco minister of war. See Mehedi el-Menebhi. ELAGABALUS, Varius Avitus Bassianus, Roman emperor, 2041-222. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 25. head* (Capitol) — 2, pt. 3:&5. Visconti-Mongez eng. after head* (Louvre) Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 526. bust* (Mus. Naples) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. satnmi. d. kaiserhaus.*s (1884) 2:pl. 7, fig. 80. medallion* (Tie- polo coll.) ELANDI, Rita, opera singer. Book.man (1900) 12: 137. (as Elizabeth in Tannhauser) Critic (1900) 37:331.* (as Elsa) Harper’s w. (1900) 44:897. ELBA, Marie, actress. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:143.* ELBERT, Samuel Hitt, 1833-99. Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 10:56. eng. E LB HE CQ , haron d’, Pierre J oseph du Chambge , 1733-93. Biog. modeme (1807) .3:182. Paris etch. Barbier del. Beljambe sc. ELCHINGEN, due d’, 1769-1815. See Ney, Michel. ELCHO, Lord, David Wemyss, 1721-1787. Lang, Prince Charles Edward (1900) 98. drawing* (coll, of earl of Wemyss) Lord, Hugo Richard Wemyss-Charteris- Douglas, 18.57- Vanity fairalbum (1892) 24: pi. 588. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady, Mary Constance ( Wyndham) w. of Hugo Richarcl, 1862- Sargent, Work (1903) pi. 37. John S. Sargent p.* (with Mrs Tennant & Mrs Adeane) Lords. See also title Wemyss. ELDER, Samuel James, lawyer, 18.50- New Eng. soc. of Penn. 23d festival (1903) 64. photo. Samuel Sherer, u. s. a. d. 1885. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:276. wdct. Thomas, 1737-99. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 144. John Kay f. 1790& eng. — 2:pl. 310. John Kay f. & eng. 1793. ELDER 464 ELEANOR Sir Thomas, 1819- Illus. Load, nows (1876) 69 :17. wdct. William, chemist, 1840- New Eno. mag. (1888) 6:309. wdct. William, fl. 1680-1700. Walpole, Anec. od. Dallaway (1828) .5:228. wdct. William Henry, r. c. abp. of Cincinnati, 1819- 1904. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:197. T. Eakins p.* Interxat. studio, Am. studio talk (1904) 22:230. Thomas Eakins p.* ELDm, Lord, Scotch judge, 17.57-1832. See Clerk, John. ELDON, 1st (arl of, John Scott, 1751-1838. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:75. Lawrence p.* — 2:75. Frederick Tatham sc. 1831* (bust) European mag. (1816) 69: 195. p. T. Blood eng. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 18. Lawrence p.* (Windsor) Green bag (1890) 2: 97. —(1895)7:419. -(1901)13:22-31 (4 por.) Hill, Talks about autog. (1896) 34. (statue, with Baron Stowell) Jeruan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 3. Lawrence p. Henry Robinson eng. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1: 40. Lawrence p.* Mar- TiNEAU, Hist, of Eng. (1849) 1:11. Lawrence p. H. Wallis eng. Pall Mall mag. (1898) 14:214. Taylor Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 : 54. Lawrence p. H. Robinson eng. Ti.mbs, English eccent. (1877) 549. ELDRED, John, 1552-1(}32. Brow'n, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1 :390. eng.* (pub. by Soc. of antiquaries of Lend. 1806) ELDRED6E, Barnabas, Chicago mfr. 1843- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:94. eng. Charles, jr. 1743-98. Harris, Battle of Groton heights (1882) 242. Heman P’isher, brewer, 1852- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1732. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Jesse H. u. s. life saver. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:68. wdct. Marcellus, brewer, 1838- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1731. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. ELEANOR, ^L^ANORE, ELEANORA, ELEONORE, empresses, queens, and princesses. DENMARK Eleonore Christina, princess, dau. of Christian IV, 1621-98. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:514. eng. ENGLAND Eleanor (of Giiienne) queen, w. of Henry II, d. 1204. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:577. monu- ment. A. Kruger del. from Stothard’s Monumental effigies* (Fontevrault) Prutz, Staatengesch. d abendlandes (1887) 2:95. monument. A. Kruger del. from Stothard’s Monumental effigies (Fontevrault) Eleanor (of Provence) queen, w. of Henry HI, d. 1291. Book of beauty (1848) 141. J. W. Wright p. B. Eyles eng. Eleanor (of Castile) queen, w. of Edward I, d. 1290. Blore, Monumental remains (1826) pi. 2. H. Le Keux eng. E. Blore del. (effigv, Westminster abhey) Book of beauty ( 1848) 270. J. W. Wright p. W. H. Egleton eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:3. W’illiam Torel f.* (1291) (effigy, Westminster abbey) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 1:346. (eflBgy, Westminster abbey) Jenks, Edward Plantagenet (1902) 92. effigy* (from Stothard’s Monumental effi- gies) FRANCE l^leanore (of Austria) queen, w. of Fran^:ois I, 1498-1558. L’Art (1878) 12:78. Leone Leoni sc. B4nard des. (bust) — (1887) 43:94. Maurice Deville del. eng. ? Bourdery et Lachenaud, Leonard Limo- sin (1897) 108. Leonard Limosin f. Clouet, Fr. por. (1875) 1 :pl. 26, 27, 135. Fr. Clouet f. Jure. d. kunst- hist. .samml. d. kaiserhauses (1892) 13:69,fig.6. Leone Leoni eng.* (medal) — (1893) 14:144, fig. 153. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Lady’s mag. (1833) 3:239. C. I. Page sc. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 202. Jean Clouet f.* — p. 206. Maitre Ambroise ? or Janet ? p.* (with Francis I) Le Roux DE Lincy, Femmes cdl^b,-es (1858) 2: 19. Lante del. Gatine sc. lith. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16* s. ( 1848) 1 : pi. 4. eng. after drawing. Pardoe, Francis I 6S49) 2: 192. C. G. Clements eng. Siciiel, Women & men (1901) 162. from Niel’s Portraits des person- nages francais.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 43. Darodes eng. after contemp. por. Ztscu. f. bildende kunst (1886) 21:322. Franfois Clouet p.* ^Idanore de Bourbon, princesse d’Orange, w. of Philippe Guillaume, 1587-1619. See Orange. GERMANY Eleonore (of Portugal) empress, w. of Friedrich III, 1437-67. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6: 538. Nic- olaus Lerch sc.* (effigy, Neuklostor, Wiener-Neustadt) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:7. statue* (Innsbruck) IIuG, Switzerland (1890) 201. statue* (Innsbruck) Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1889) 9: pi. 52 after 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1890) ll:pl. 28. .statue* (Innsbruck) —11:168. statue. —(1893) 14:120, fig. 110. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Prutts, Staaten- gesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:697. G. Rehlender del. 1887 after relief (Neukloster, Wiener-Neustadt) Eleonore di Gonzaga, queen of Bohemia and empress, w. of Ferdinand 11, 1598-1655. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) l:pl. 99. G. Sustermans p. L. Errani eng. — 3: pi. 83. F. Porbus, jr. p. Lasinio figlio eng. (child Por.) Hirth, Les grands illustra- teurs, 3:1083. Wolfgang Kilian eng. Lt'Tzov,', Gesch. d. deutsch. kupferstiches (1889) 249. Ludwig von Siegen mezzo.* Eleonore Magdalene Theresie, empress, w. of Leop duchesses, archduchesses, princesses. AUSTRIA EUsabeth (of Carinthia) duchess, w. of Albrecht 1, 1262-1313. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1889) 9: pi. 54 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* Elisabeth (of Bohemia) duchess, w. of Rudolf, 1269-96. See Agavs. Elisabeth (of Bohemia) duchess, w. of Albrecht III, 1358-73. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1893) 14:103, fig. 77. p.* (coll, of Ferdinand von Tirol) Elisabeth (of Bavaria) empress, w. of Franz Joseph I, 1837-98. Alm. de Gotha (1855) pi. 1. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:225. eng. (with the em- peror) Critic (1899) 34:323 (age 28) Crowned heads of the time (1880) 21. photo. EcLBxmc mag. (1862) 57:289. G. E. Ferine eng. Harper’s mag. (1893)87:31. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:932. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:320. drawing.* — (1898) 113:397.* Ladies’ companion (18M) ser. 2, 6:44. E. Hunt f. J. B. Hunt eng. TV-lleerg, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:59. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1884) 16:pl. 9. C. De Grimm f. lith. (caricature) Ehsabeth, archduchess, dau. of Maximilian II, 1554-92. See Elisabeth, queen of France. Elisabeth, archduchess, w. of Karl Ferdinand, 1831- Tulleerg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:476, 487. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Elisabeth, archduchess, dau. of Karl Ludwig, 1878- Titlleerg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:464. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Elisabeth Marie, archduchess, dau. of crown prince Rudolph, 1883- Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94: 193. (child por) — (1901)119:562.* Tulleerg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:461. .•Vgi Linde- gren del. after photo. EAV.CRIA Elisabeth Charlotte, princess, dau. of Karl Ludwig, 1652-1722. See Orleans, duchesse d’. EELGIUM Elisabeth Valerie (of Bavaria) princess, w. of Albert, 1876- Tulleerg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:57. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. EOnE.MlA Elizabeth Stuart, queen, w. of Friedrich V, 1.596-1662. L’Art (1894) 56:320. Michiel van Mierevelt p. W. J. Delff sc. 1623. Bromley, Coll, of orig. royal letters (1787) pref p. 10. Ger’d Honthorst p. C. Sherwin sc. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 2 :950. Honthorst p. T. A. Dean eng. 1826. Chancellor (E. B.) Life of Charles I (Lond. 1886) 28. Boequet eng.* Connoisseur (190.3) 5:285. Miereveldt p.* Costello, Mem. of em. English- women (18^4) 2: front. J. Cwk sc. from print aftei Mireveldt. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:97. Miere- veldt p.* — 1 : 97. Honthorst p.* Devonshire, Duke of, Collection (1901) pi. 46. Honthorst p.* (with her 3 children) Earlom, For. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. after p. ? Fiske, E>utch and Quaker colonies in Amer. (1903) 2:122. Honthorst p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:213. Miereveldt p.* Foster, The Stuarts (1902) l:pl. 50. Meiiweldt? p.* (poss. duke of Portland) Geddes, Musa Latina Aber- donen.sis (1892) 1:80. Honthorst p.* Gower, Hist, gall, of Eng. (1882) 2:pl. 23. Peter Ohver p.* (minia- tur»‘) — (18^) 4: pi. 35. Isaac Oliver p.* (miniature) Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 92. Mirevelt p. Green, Lives of princesses of England (1854) 5: front. Honthorst p. hth. Gruyer, Peinture au ch&teau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl. 25. Miereveldt p.* Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 51. iliere- veldt p. 16^. Delph eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgcsch. (1898) 3:26. Gunst eng.* — 3:29. Adr. van der Venne p. (with Frederick V) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:960. Crispin van Queeboren f. eng. — 3:1093. Miereveldt p. eng. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 48. Honthorst p.* Lodge, Portraits (1835) 7: pi. 14. Honthorst p. H. T. Ryall eng. Portfolio (1884) 15:87. Honthorst p.* Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 59. NichoW Hilliard p.* Rait, 5 Stuart princesses (1902) 49. Honthorst p.* Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (17^) 2:186. Honthorst p. G. Vertue del. & sc. Reresby, Travels and memoirs (1813) 144. eng. Scott, Rupert, prince Palatine (1899) 10. Honthorst p. Van Vorst sc.* Skelton, Charles I (1898) 54. Honthorst p. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2: pi. 17. Honthorst p.* Vertue, Heads of the kings of England, pi. 35. Hont- horst p. Vertue del. & sc. Walpole, Royal and noble authors (1806) 1:146. E. Bocimet eng. (from print in coll, of A. II. Sutherland) Weldon, Court and char, of king James (1817) 31. Honthorst p. Vertue del. & sc. William.son, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) 1 : pi. 48, fig. 7. Alex. Cooper p.* (age 36) Wlnter, Gesch. des ^jahrigen krieges (1893) 140. Mierevelt p. W. J. Delff eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 : pi. 76. B. Moncomet sc. Elisabeth, princess, dau. of King Otto II, 1269- 96. See Agnes. Elizabeth, princess Palatine, dau. of Friedrich V, 1618-80. See Pfalz. ELIZABETH 467 ELIZABETH DENMARK Elisabeth (of Austria) queen, w. of Christian II, 1501-26. See Isab<‘lla. Elisabeth Augusta, princess, dau. of Christian IV, 1623-77. See Lindenov, Fru. ENGLAND (GT. BRIT.) Elizabeth Woodville queen, \v. of Edward IV, 1437-92. Art j. (1857) 9:60. A. Johnston p. Dalziel brothers eng. (with Edward IV) —(1876) 28:237. Book of beauty (1848) 1 14. J. W. Wright ^ H. Au.sten eng. Court mag. (1841) 18:165. Ed. Hargrave sc. after illuminated ms. (Brit, mus.) Ilh's. Lond. news (1902) 120:285. p.* 0.\- FORD, Ulus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 16. p.* (Ashmolean mus.) Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 40. W. N. Gardiner sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 1 :pl. 17. p.* Elizabeth (of York) queen, w. of Ilenrj' VII, 1466-1503. Art union (1843) 5:183. Holbein p. wdct. Birch, Heads (1813) 163. eng. 1747. Celliez, Heines d’Angleterre, 348. L. R. lith. Court mag. (1841) 18:245. Holbein p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:15. p.* — 1:15. effigy* (Westminster abbey) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1894) ser. 3, 12 :137. W. Rogers f. 1589. Illus. Lond. m'ws (1902) 120:285. p.* Lodge, Portraits (1835) l:pl. 1. W. Holl eng. Pollard, Henry VIII (1902) 1. John Hoskins p.* (miniature) Roberts (E.) Mem. of York and Lancaster (Lond. 1827) 1: front, eng. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 : pi. 41. S. Harding del. after p. A. Birrell sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 1 : pi. 20. p.* Elizabeth, queen, 1533-1603. Allg. weltge- schichte(1886)7:423. Franz Porbus,sr.p.* — 7:425. seal (Klg. Geh. Staats-Archiv. Berlin) — 7:490. I. Olivet p. after Crispin van Passe eng. Anglo- Saxon rev. (1899) 2:front. Federigo Zuccaro p.* Archer, Pictures & royal por. (1884) 1:116. J. L. Williams del. W. Ridgway eng. (New Palace of We.st- minster) L’Art (1879) 16:291. Hilliard p. John W atkins des. (miniature) Art j . ( 1890) 42 : 29. F rede- rica Zucchero p.* — (1896) 48:101. Oliver? p. (min- iature) — (1904) 56:164. Federigo Zucchero? p. (Jesus coll. Oxford) Balch, Glimpses of old English homes ( 1890) 7. p.* — p. 111. p.* (Bridge castle) Bal- LESTRE.M, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 4, 14a. Porbus p.* — pi. 4, 14b. A. and W. Dawson sc. after p. (Nat. por. gall. Lond.) Ballou’s pictorial (18.57) 13:268. eng. Brit. mus. Prints (1897) n. s. pt. 6: pi. 12. I. Oliver f. Crispin van der Pas.se eng.* — (19(X)) n. s. pt. 9:2. I. Oliver del. W. Rogers eng.* Brown, Genesis of U. S. ( 1890) 1:1. W. Holl eng. after p. (St James’ pal- ace) Burlington mag. (1903) 2: 19.5. Rogers eng.* (coll. Edward VII). —(1904) 5:577. Nicholas Hil- liard ? del.* (design forIrishseal,poss.P.Gellatly) Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 5:front. eng. Celliez, Heines d’Angleterre, 4^. Jules David lith. Claren- don, Hist, of reliellion (1732) 1:74. A. More p. M. V. deGuchtsc. Connoisseur (1902) 3:17. Rogers eng. (Brit, mus.) — 4:289. I. Oliver p.? Crispin de Passe eng. E. J. Parris del. lith. — (1W3) 7:225. Zuccaro p.* (Rainlww p)or. Hatfield house) Creighton, Queen Elizabeth (1896). eng. (11 por.) Cust. Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :.53. (9 por.) Devonshire, Duke of. Collection (1901) pi. 34. Dibdin, Typographical antiq. (1819) 4:.538. T. Gemini eng. 1559. Dreu.x DU Radier, L’Eurojie illus. (1777) V. 3. eng. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 186. Crispin van Queboorn sc. 1625.* FIarlom, Por. of char. Nic Hilliard p. R. Earlom eng. (miniature) Earlom, Por. of roy. personages (1816) pi. 1. I. Oliver del. Crispin de Passe eng. C. Turner eng. Eclectic mag. (1859) 48:14.5. Zucchero p. J. Sartain eng. Fagan, EngravinginEng.(1893) l:pl.6. Rogers eng.* fcli.Lis ed. Orig. letters (1827) ser. 2, 3 : front. Nicholas Hil- liard f. T. A. Dean eng. — l:pl. 8. I. Oliver p. Crispin van de Passe sc. 1592.* Fiske, Beginnings of N. E. (1898) .5;B. Holl eng. after p. (coll, of queen Vic- toria) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:.54. Hendrik de Hondt, the younger, eng.* Foster, The Stuarts (1902) l:pl. 16. p.* (coll, of duke of Devonshire) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2: 1. I. Oliver f.* Crispin de Passe, eng. (print) — 2:64. P’. Zuccero del. 1.575.* Gower, Hist. gall, of King. (1882) 2:pl. 6. I. Oliver p.* (miniature) — 2:pl.24. Hilliard p.* (miniature) Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek (1885) pi. 12. I.Oliverp.C. van de Passe sc. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:7.34. O. Lacour eng. after p. ? (Pen.shurst) — 2:930. effigy on tomb (Westminster abbey) Harper’s mag. (1873) 46:3.51. wdct. — (1^9) 79:.377. effigy* (Westminster abbey) Harper’s w. (1888) 32:517. wdct. after medal, 1.589. Hawkins, Plymouth armada heroes (1888) 40. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 1. Hilliard p. Greatbach eng. — p. 9. J. West eng. after p. (poss. of earl of Morton) Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:1,126 (14 por.) Hey- WOOD, Lives of 9 worth}' women (1640) 18.3. eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:pref. p. 12. wdct after 2 por. — 3:925. Crispin do Passe f. eng Holland, Herooologia Anglica (1620) .34. eng. Hume, Courtships of Queen Elizalieth (1896) front. Zucchero p.* Hume, Hist, of Eng.Cooke’s ed. 7: front. W. Ridley eng. Illus. Lond. news (1872) (i0:212. I. Oliver del. C. Turner eng. after Crispin de Passe eng. (print) — (1888) 93:41. — (1902) 120:197. F. Zucchero p.* Jhrb. d. kiinsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (188ti) 4:pl. 3, fig. 7 (cameo)* —(1898) 19:92, fig. 213, pi. 3, fig. 212. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Knight Gall, of por. (1836) 6:177. Holl eng. after p. (St James’ palace) Ladies’ m. mus. (182.5) imp. ser. 22:241. Lady’s mag. (1837) 10; 1. Zucchero p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 138. Zucchero? p.* — p. 226. Zucchero p.* — p. 228. Mark Gerrard p.* Lee, Shakespeare (1899) 71. p. 1592* (por. pastel) — p. 172. John Russell p.* Stephen, bp. of Ga. 1806-66. Perry, Episco- pate in Am. (1895) 82. William Pearson. Williamson, John Russell (1894) 45. John Russell p. 1795* (age 15; pastel) ELLIS, Mr. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 4. Andrew Plimer p.* Mrs. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 4. Andrew Plimer p.* Arthur, journalist, 1850-94. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:. 56.* Edwin, of Ashland, Wis. 1824- Mag. of West, hist. (1888) 9:21. eng. Edwin, painter, 1841-95. Mag. of art (1894) 17:107.* —(1895) 18:320.* Mrs Francis, 1713-1818. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 223. John Kay f. 1818 & eng. George, u. s. n. d. 1898. Cent. (1899) 36:101. Francis Day f.* George Edward, d. d. 1814-94. Am. art rev. (1881) 2:68. F. P. Vinton del. (sketch) Mass. hist, soc. Proc. (1895) ser. 2, 10: front. F. F. Vinton p. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:286. —(1898) n. s. 19:340. Joel, 1818-86. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 14:48. eng. John, 1698-1791. European mag. (1792) 21:3. T. Fry del. B. Reading eng. ELLIS 472 ELMORE John Edward, m. p. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:174* Sir John Whittaker, 1st hart. 1829- Vanity fair album (1882) 14; pi. 265. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Joseph, poet, 1815-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:135.* Sister Mary Ellen, 1816-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:448. Robinson, 1834- Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 588. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Rev. Rufus, 1819-85. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 5:108. eng. after daguerr. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:337. Mrs Sarah (Stickney) writer. Gleason’s pic- torial (1852) 3:188. eng. Thomas Edward, m. p. 1859-99. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* —(1894)104:286.* —(1899) 114:529.* William, idiot. Caulfield, For. mem. & char. (1819) 1:94. eng. Rev. WiUiam, writer, 1794-1872. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:625. wdct. after photo. Wyime, 1790-1875. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:37. wdct. after photo. ELLIS family name. See also title Mendip. ELLIS (Agar-EUis) family name. See titles Clif- den; Dover. ELLIS (Scott-EUis) family name. See title How- ard de Walden. ELLISON, Henry John, canon of Canterbury, 1813-99. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:7.* James, m. d. 1817-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110 : 211 .* John, u. s. A. d. 1884. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:504. wdct. Thomas, 1701-79. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 24:85. p?* Thomas, 3d, colonel. Mag. of Am. hist. (1890) 24:93. ELLISON-MACARTNEY, Wilham Grey, 1852- See Macartney. ELLISTON, Robert William, 1774-1831. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 3:320. G. H. Harlowe p. eng. European mag. (1819) 76:387. S. Drummond p. J. Thomson eng. Harper’s mag. (1879) 59:61. Monthly mirror (1796) 2:259. Drummond p. eng. Whyte, Actors (1898) 46 (as Colonel Feignwell) William Alfred, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:224.* ELLSKWATAWA, Indian prophet. See Elkswa- tawa. ELLSLER, Eflde, Mrs Frank Weston, 1858- Har- per’s w. (1901) 45:236 (in Barbara Frietchie) John, actor. Harper’s w. (1883) 27 ;281. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:176.* ELLSWORTH, Ephraim Elmer, colonel, 1837-61. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 55. J. C. Buttre ,eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:289, 357. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:355*-360 (various por.) Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 161. G. E. Ferine eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1861) 1:80. wdct. — (1869) sup. 1 : 179. G. E. Ferine eng. Erastus Wolcott, writer, 1822- Pltna.m’s m. mag. (1855) 5:337. Forrest eng. Ohver, 1745-1807. .\m. lit. mag. (1847) 1:193. Trumbull p. D. C. Hinman eng. (miniature) Ana- LECTic mag. (1814) 3:382. Trumbull p. D. Edwin sc. Barnes, Supreme court of U. S. (1877) 27. J. Herring p. E. Mackenzie eng. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 78. R. Earle & Trumbull f. (2 por.) Car- son, Supreme court (1891) 185. Sharpless p. Max Rosenthal etch. 1890 (pastel) Cent. (1882) 3:171. R. Earle f. 1792* (with his wife) — (1887) 12:441. Tmmbull p.* (miniature) — (1889) 15:807. Trum- bull p.* Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:345. Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 268. Ilernng p. Mackenzie eng. Green bag (1895) 7:19. — (1899) 11 :264. p ?* —(1901) 13:503. —(1903) 15:19. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:817. wdct. —(1887) 31:679. wdct. -(1890) 34:104. W'heeler p. wdct. Hollister, Hist, of Conn. (1857) 2:435. Trumbull p. D. C. Hinman eng. (miniature) Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4: pi. 11. Herring p. E. Mackenzie eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:339. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:23. — (1895) n. s. 13:616. J. Trumbull p.* Portfolio (182.5) n. s. 20; 185. Trumbull p. Edwin sc. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1854) 3: pi. 18. Herring p. Mackenzie eng. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:526. R. Earle p. 1792* (with his wife) — 2:527. p.* (from Mag. of Am. hist.) Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:84. Herring p. eng.* Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 7 ;261. Herring p. eng. from Nat. por. gall. 1839, V. 4. Mrs Ohver (Abigail Wolcott) Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 78. Ralph Earle f. (with Oliver Ellsworth) Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:526. R. Earle p. 1792* (with her husband) Wilham Webster, 1855- Critic (1898) 33:336.* Wilham Wolcott, -m. c. 1791-1868. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 2:527. ELMENDORF, John Aug^ustus, 1828- Whitte- MORE, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 138 sup. ELMER, J. P. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:69. wdct. Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus, 1793-1883. Green bag (1891) 3:461. ELMHIRST, Edward PenneU, captain, 184.5- Baily’s mag. (1895) 64:321. W. Roffe sc. ELMORE, Alfred, painter, 1815-81. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:125.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 33. photo. ELPHINSTONE 473 EMBREE ELPHINSTONE, Sir Howard Cranfurd, maj. gen. 1829-90. Illl's. Lond. news (1890) 96:3.58.* Sir James Dalrymple-Hom-, 2d hart. 1805-86. Vanity fair album (1878) 10:pl. 275. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Robert Dalrymple-Hom-, 1st hart. 1766- 1848. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 303, 304. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. William, bp. of Aberdeen, 1431-1514. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:15. William of Bruges p.* (poss. Lord Elphinstone) Connoisseur (1903) 6:52. William of Brnges p.* ELPHINSTONE family name. See also titles Bal- merinoch; Keith. ELSHEIMER, Adam, 1574-1620. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1 :283. C. Eisen inv. R. Gaillard sc. Dezallier dAroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:23. eng. Etched por. of celebrated paintersml. 23. eng. Fran'ck, Deutsche, kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 25:401. Adam Elzheimer p. J. Frey eng.* Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 9. I. Meysens p. & ex. W. Hollar eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 28. J. Meyssens p. & ex. Hollar eng. Moucke, Ritratti (1754) 2; pi. 25. Gio. Dom Ferretti del. Giacomo Frei sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1893) 5:pl. 671. Adam Elsheimer p.* (Uffizi gal.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 26. Hollar sc. Weyerman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 1 :pl. C. Houbraken eng. ELSSLER, Fanny, dancer, 1810-84. Cent. (1882) 1:869. ELTON, Charles Isaac, m. p. 1839-1900. Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 525. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Edmund Harry, 8th hart. 1846- Art j. (1901) 53:374 (with G. Masters) John P. 1809-64. V.an Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 2:657. eng. ELVEY, Sir George Job, composer, 1816-94. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:408. wdct. —(1893) 102:758.* Men of mark (1882) 6:21. photo. ELVIRA, princess of Bavaria, dau. of Adalbert, w. of Rudolf, reichsgraf von Wrbna u. Freudenthal, 1868- See Wrbna u. Freudenthal. ELVIRA, princess of Bourbon, dau. of Don Carlos, 1871- See Bourbon, Elvira de. ELWELL, Edward Henry, journalist, 1825-90. Me. hist. soc. Coll, and proc. ser. 2 (1892) 3:1. James WiUiam, 1820-99. Mao. of West. hist. (1891) 13:653.* ELWES, John, 1714-89. Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1790)5:241. Lives of illust. persons (1820) Page sc. Penny mag. (1840) 9:49. eng. (from Tophams’ Life of Elwcs) ELWIN, Rev. WhitweU, 1816-1900. Elwin, Some XVHIth cent, men of letters (1902) l:front. Henry Weigall p.* (poss. Miss A. II. Murraj') ELWOOD, Arthur. Theatre (1893) ser. 4, 21 :332. photo. ELWYN, Richard, canon of Canterbury, 1828-97. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:437.* — (1897) 111:445. ELY, marchioness of, Anna Maria (Dashwood) w. of 2d marquis, 1785-1857. McCor.mick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 44. LawTence p ? marchioness of, Jane (Hope-Vere) w. of 3d‘mar- quis, 1821-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:774.* Alfred, 1778-1866. Congreg. quar. (1867) 9:137. J. C. Buttre eng.? Alfred, 1815-92. Moore, Heroes and martyrs (1861) 127. Buttre eng. Edward, 1830- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:380. eng. George H. Mao. of West. hist. (1885) 2:362. eng. George W. sec’y N. Y. stock exc. Harper’s mag. (1885) 71:834. Nathaniel, of Longmeadow, Mass. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:589. Richard Theodore, political economust, 1854- Arena (1895) 15:1.* Smith, 1825- Democratic rev. (1859) 43 :122. J. C. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1877) 21 :45. wdct. William, 1767-1847. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford county. Conn. (1886) 1:664. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. ELYOT, Sir Thomas, 1490?-1546. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:326. Holbein f. Bartolozzi eng.* Hirtii, Der formenschatz (1889) pi. 182. Hans Holbein del.* Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 30. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 32. Holbein del. C. Knight sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 1 :pl. 29. Holbein del.* Masters in art (1902) pt. 27, 3:pl. 4. Holbein del.* New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:114. Holbein p. Lady [Thomas], Margaret (Abarrow) d. 1569. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 31. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. person- ages (1828) pi. 33. Holbein del. A. Cardon sc. Hol- bein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) pi. 30. Holbein del.* Masters in art (1902) pt. 27 : 3 pi. 3. Holbein del.* ELZEVIER, Daniel, 1626-80. Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1881) 2:24. L. Roussel sc. after p. Matthys, 1564-1640. Zt.scii. f. bucherfreunde (1897) 1:489. EMANTJELE, prince of Italy, 1869- See Aosta, duca di. EMBDEN, Frau Charlotte (Heine) sister of poet. Critic (1900) 36:10 (from Reclam’s Universum, Leipzig.)* EMBREE, Charles Fleming, writer, 1874- Book buyer (1900) 20:3.53. EMBURY 474 EMERY EMBURY, Philip, founder Am. Methodism, 1729-75. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:973. wdct. Mrs Philip (Mary Switzer) Harper’s w. (1873) 17:973. wdct. EMERIC, Joseph, of San Francisco, d. 1889. Ban- croft, Chron. (1892) 6:574. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. £mERIC-DAVID, Toussaint Bernard, 1755- 1839. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 13:489. Jules Boilly p. EMERSON, Benjamin Kendall, prof, of geologj’, 1843- Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51 :217. Edward. Cent. (1897) 31:328. Franz von Lenbach p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1898) 34 : 97. Lenbach p. 1894.* Edward O. gas well owner. McClure’s rnag. (1904) 22:638. George Barrell, educator, 1797-1881. Bar- nard, Educ. biog. (1859) 333. H. W. Smith eng. after daguerr. Cent. (1893) 23:871. Me. hist, and geneal. recorder (1889) 6:449. H. W. Smith eng. after daguerr. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1882) 20:232. H. W. Smith eng. after daguerr. New Eno. mag. (1892) n.s. 6:651. —(1896) n. s. 14:38. Henry Pondexter, Buffalo supt. of education, 1847- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:676. wdct. Ralph Waldo, 1803-82. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) 105, 107. .Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 2:343. Munroe f. H. B. Hall, jr. eng. Arena (1894) 10:721.* — (1895) 15:6.* Bolton, Fam. Am. authors (1887) front. Book buyer (1899) 19:155, 365.* Bookman (1896) 4:312 (group) — (1897) 6:205. wdct.* (early por.) — 6:207. Rowse del. W. Wright Smith eng.* — 6:208. Wyatt Eaton del. T. Cole eng.* (in 1878) —6:209. drawing.* —(1903) 17:332-35. (2 por.)* Cath. world (1896) 62:601. Cent. (1882) 2:322. Daniel C. French sc.* (bust) —(1883) 3:802. daguerr.* —(1890) 17:482* (in 1859) —(1895) 28:563. daguerr.* —(1903) 44:66. Timothy Cole eng. after photo.* Cent, assoc. Bryant festival (1865) 16. eng.? Critic (1881) 1:329. Frank Fowler del. 1881.* —(1897) 30:225. —31:157. (from Century gall, of 100 por.) — (1903) 42:318* (in 1854) — 42:386. S. W. Rowse del. 18^. SchofI eng.* (poss. C. E. Norton) — 42:387.* — 42:417. eng. after photo. 1869. — 42:419* (in 1875 with Samuel Bradford and William H. Furness) —A2 : 423. D. C. French sc. Kruell eng.* (bust) — 42:426. Scott p.* (Concord ptib. lib.) — 42:428. p? 1847.* — 42:429. King sc. 1854* (bust) — 43:194. George Frampton sc.* (bust) Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877)2:183. Robertssc. Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 2:32. wdct. —(1859) 16:81. C. H. Brainard litli. 1 lomer del. Peirce eng. Griswold, Prose writers of Am. (18.13) 440. Mj^ Kildreth f. J. D. Grass eng. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51 :25. wdct. —(1881) 62:;188. — (1882) 6.5:162. S. Rowse del. W. B. Clos.son eng. — (1894) 89:449. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:273. John W. Alexander del. wdct. — 26:277. wdct. — (1895) 39:1043. Jonathan S. Hartley) sc. wdct. (bust) — (1903) 47:783.* IIarrlson, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 6.* IlARVARDgrad. mag. (19011) 1 1 :493(in 18.54) Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 180, 182, 196 (3 por.) Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1:88. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:437.* Lamp (1903) 26:317* (in 1854) —26:319* (in 1859) —(1904) 28:92. George T. Tobin del. lith. Literature (1901) 9:268, 274 (2 por.) — 9:Sept. 21, sup. pi. R. Biyden eng.* McClure’s mag. ( 1896) 6 : 293.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:314. D. C. French sc.* (bust) Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1885) ser. 2, 2: 107. J. A. J. Wilcox sc. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 137. Hawes p.* — p. 145. — p. 151 (in 1847) Moulton, Lip. of lit. crit. (1904) 7 :343. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. New Eng. mag. (1890) n.s. 3:410. Rowse del. — (1896) n. s. 15:386. wdct. after photo. — n. s. 15:449-64 (various por.) — (1897) n. s. 16:261. D. C. French sc. (bust. Memorial hall, Camb.) — n. s. 17 : 455. Charles Akers f. (medallion) —(1898) n. s. 18:394. —(1900) n. s. 22:326. Out- look (1898) 58:27. Eastman Johnson p.* — 59:41 (por. from Ballou’s pict. Feb. 5, 1859) — (1899) 61:297 (in group) — (1900) 66:799. Alfred E. Smith p. after daguerr.* — (1902) 72:307. A. E. Smith p. after daguerr.* — (1903) 74:17. A. E. Smith p.* — 75:551. Sidney Morse sc.* (bust) Scribner’s m. (1879) 17:457. Wyatt Eaton del. 1878. T. Cole eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:309. vignette. Stearns, Sk. fr. Concord (1895) 100. King sc. 1854* (bust) Trowbridge, My own story (1903) 348. daguerr.* (poss. Emerson family) Werck- MELSTER, Das 19te janrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 449.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:79.* Rev. Wilham, father of Ralph Waldo, 1769-1811. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:336. Polyanthos (1812) n.s. 1:217. eng. EMERY, Clay, j>seiid. of Clayton Mayo, 1870- See Mayo. Daniel Freeman, of Portland, Me. 1808-91. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1301. J. A. J. Wilcxo eng. Jacques Andrd, 1732-1811. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:349. Sair p. Fremy del. & sc. James Woodward, 1808-91. Southern N. H. bar. assoc. Pub. (1896) 2, pt. 1:62.* John, comedian, 1777-1822. Monthly mirror (1803) 15:289. Allingham p. Ridley eng. Lewis, jr. of Bradford, Pa. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:187. LucUius Alonzo, 1840- Green bag (1895) 7:. 561.* Samuel Anderson, actor, 1817-81. Holli.vgs- HEAD, Gaiety chron. (1898) 91. White, Actors (1898) 152* (in The duke’s motto) Mrs Sarah E. V. 1838- Arena (1892) 6: 165.* W. H. L. A. w. Harper’s w. (1.890) 34 :670. wdct. William, archdeacon of Elv, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:461.* Winifred, Mrs Cyril Maude, 1862- Theatre (1883) ser. 4, 1:137. (as Lydia Languisli) — (1893) ser. 4, 22:196. photo. — ser. 4, 22:312. photo, (with Brandon Thomas in Sowing the wind) — (1894) ser. 4, 24:282. photo. Whyte, Actors (1898) 170* (as Babbie, with Cyril Maude) EMILI 475 EMS ZU HOHENEMS EMILI, Emilio de’, da Verona (?) Rebee u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (18^) ll:pl. 1454. Paolo Morando p.* (Dresden gall.) EMILY KEENE, princess of Wazzam, grand shereefa of Morocco, 1^9- See Keene. EMIN Pasha (Eduard Schnitzer), 1840-92. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:687.* Book buyer (1894) 11:652. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:116. wdet. lu.us. Lond. news (1887) 90:146.* —(1888) 92:142. —(1889) 95:677.* —(1893) 103:310. R. of rev. (1890) 1:387. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 6:515. J. Reich eng. Werckmeister, Das 19ic jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4:pl. 438* (in 1890) EMINE. See Emma, w. of Raoul, king of France; Emma, w. of Lothaire, king of France. EMINEH HANEM, w. of Tewfik Pasha. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81 : Oct. 28, sup.* —(1892) 100:67. EMLEN, Anne, w. of Charles Willing Hare. See Hare. ifrs Hannah (Logan) Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:155. eng. Mrs Susan (Dillwyn) w. of Samuel Emlen. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 30 (mini- ature)* EMLY, Isi baron, William Monsell, 1812-94. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:145. wdet. after photo. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 74. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) EMMA, queens and princesses. ENGLAND Emma (iBlfgifu) queen, dau. of Robert the Fear- less, w. of .lEthelred II and a/hv. of Cnut, d. 1052. Jeivett, Story of Normans (1887) 105. eng. from reg- ister of Hyde abbey. FRANCE Emma, w. of Lothaire, king of France, d. 987? Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 72. Delpech lith. Emma, w. of Raoul, king of France, 10th cent. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 67. Delpech lith. Emma, dau. of Charlemagne. Les lettres et les arts (188t5) 3:.320. Grasset f. HAWAII Emma, queen, w. of Kamehameha IV, 1857- Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:396. eng. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:513. wdet. —(1866) 10:533. wdet. NETHERLANDS Emma (of Waldeck) queen dowager and regent, w. of Willem HI, 1858- Al.m. de Gotha (1892) front. A. Th. Weger sc. Crowned heads of the time (1880) 37. photo. Harper’s mag. (1885) 70:519.* Harper’s w. (1889) a3:260. wdet. —(1898) 42:876. iLLUs.Lond. news(1890)97:692. —(189.5) 106:472.* Outlook (1898) 60:282. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Eiirop. por. (1899) 2:443, 816. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. EMMERSON, Henry Hetherington, painter, 1831-95. Illus. Lond. .news (1895) 107 :294.* EMMERY, Jean Louis Claude, comte de Gro- zyeulx, 1742-1823. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:190. Moreau del. Masquelier sc. EMMET, Joseph Kline, actor, 1841-91. Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:482. wdet. Robert, 1780-1803. Barrington, Hist. mom. (1835) 1:65. George Petrie p. J. Heath eng. 1815. Cath. world (1897) 66:93. John Mulvany f. Gerard, Some fair Hibernians (1897) 96. Petrie p.* Law- less Story of Ireland (1888 ) 378. J. Heath, eng.* Thomas Addis, 1764-1827. Green bag (1896) 8:273. EMMETT, Daniel Decatur, negro minstrel, 1815- IIuTTON, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 125. Lafayette, 1822- Green bag (1892) 4:162.* M. Metii. mag. (1809) 32: front. W. Branwhite p. W. Holl sc. EMMONS, A. H. 1816- French, Art & artists in Conn. (1879) 90. eng. Ebenezer, geologist, 1799-1863. Pop. sci. m. (1896) 48:289. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 347. eng. after photo. Francis Asbury, m. d. 1839- Mag. of West, hist. (1890)12:43. eng. Halmer Hull, of Detroit, Mich. 1815-77. Liv- ingston, Por. of em. Am. (18^) 2:451. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Nathaniel, d. d. 1745-1840. Congreg. quar. (July, 1861) 3:225. New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:735. — (1899) n.s. 21:328. EMO, Angelo, Venetian admiral, 1731-92. Knack- fuss, Kiinst ler-monog. (1898) 36:34. Canova sc.* (bust) Giovanni. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 263. medal.* EMORY, Frederic, 1853- World’s work (1902) 3:1579.* Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1822) 45:73. William Hemsley, u. s. a. 1811-87. Moore, Rebellion record (1867) 10:164. A. H. Ritchie eng. William Hemsley, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:253, 484. wdet. —(1898)42:400. EMPECINADO, El (Juan Martin Diaz) 1775- 1823. See Martin Diaz. EMPOLI, Jacopo da, 1554-1640. See Chimenti. EMPSON, Wmiam, 1791-1852. Danvers, Mem. of Hailcybury college (1894) 170, pi. 10. J. Linnell f. W. Walker mezzo.* EMS ZU HOHENEMS, Jakob von, 1465-1512. JiiRB. d. kunsthi.st. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:229, fig. 113. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) ENCHEASKWE 476 EXGLEHEART ENCHEASKWE, chief of the Coeur d’Alfenes. Cent. (1893) 24:438. O. L. Warner f. 1891.* ENCKE, Erdmann, sculptor, 1843-96. Mag. of art (1896) 19:464.* ENDE, Hans am, painter. Knackfuss, Kiinstlcr- monog. (1903) 64:84. ENHERLIN, Joseph Louis, sculptor, 1851- L’*Vrt (1901) 60:326. ENDERS, Jean, painter. L’Akt (1903) 62:384. ENDICOTT, John, gov. of Mass. 1589-1665. Cent. (1883) 3:364. Smi&'rt p. after drawing* (Mass, hist, soc.) Drake, Hist. & antiq. of Boston (1856) 57. D. L. Glover sc. after p. (jK)ss. of W. P. Endicott) Felt, Ann. of Salem, eitalter der rev. (1884) 1 :87. contemp. eng.* Revolution franc. (1801) l :pl. 3. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la r6v. franf. (1804) 3 : pi. 6 Lt'vachez sc. EPSTEIN, musician, of Vienna. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:829. l^RARD, Sdbastien, piano manuf. 1752-1831. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 41. Hardivillier sc. 1830. ERASMUS, Desiderius, 14651-1536. Allo. welt- geschichte (1886) 7:83. Hans Holbein p.* L’Art (1^) 44:146. Holbeineng.* —(1891)50:91. Hol- bein p. Bracquemond sc. — (1902)61:292. Holbein f. -Art j. (1897) 49: 103. Holbein f.* Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 229. Holbein eng.* wdet. Biog. mag. (1794) Holbein p. Rothwell sc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:159. Holbein p. E. de Boulonois f. Catu. world (1894) 59:86. Hol- bein f. ? Durand, Eaux-fortes de A. van Dvck, pi. 7. A. van Dyck etch. Amand Durand eng. Dyck, Cent, por. (1878) pi. 6. A. van Dyck etch. Fiske, Dutch and Quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 1:16. Holbein p.* (Louvre) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:315. Albert Diirer eng.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1879) ser. 2, 19:268. A. Diirer f. 1.520. wdet. — (1884) ser. 2, 29:423. Holbein f. wdet. Geiger, RenaLssance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 531. Hol- bein p.* Gower, Lenoir coll, of nor. (1874) pi. 18. Holbein? del.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893)2:600. Albert Diirer f. Griter, Salon-Carr6 (1891)300. Holbein p.* Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:181. wdet. Heyck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1899) 7:49. p. 1.523* (Louvre) Hirtii, Der Tomienschatz (1897) pi. 151. Quentin Massys p.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 1:339. Albrecht Diirer f. 1526? wdet. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 21. Holbein p. G. Cooke sc. Hu.me, Por. of leading reformers (1851) pi. 4. Holbein p. L. Ghdniar del. 1849. Fr. Schenck lith. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:413. Holbein p.* 1. MPER. diet, of univ. biog. 2:259-62. G. Penn p. E. Scriven eng. Internat. studio (1904) 23: 104. Hol- bein p.? Fdlix Bracquemond etch.* Jhrb. d. kun.st- hist. .samnil. d. kais<*rhauses (1894) 15:220, fig. 105. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) » Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:51. Hans Lutzel- burgerleng.* — 17:52. Holbein p. 1523. — 17:113. wdet. from works of Erasmus. — 17 : 1 15 (miniature) Knight, Gall, of por. (18.33) 2:56. G. Penn p. Scriven eng. Lafarge, Great masters (1903) 208. Diirer eng. 1526.* Lamp (1904) 28:95. Holbein p. 1523* (from Daries’s Holbein; Longford castle) IIvurent, Mus. roy. (1816) 1 :pl. 65. Holbein p. Anastasi del. Dequ"- vauviller eng. Los lettres et les arts (1886, 1887) 2, 2:69, 292. Holbein p. AL\.sters in art (1900) pt. 4, l:pl. 6. Holbein p.* (Louvre) Motley, Rise, of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 768. Xew Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10: 109. Penny mag. (1832) 1:296. eng. Portfolio (1882) 13:32. Albrecht Durer eng. 1526. helio. —(1896) no. 25:23. Holbein p.* Por. gall. (1853) 1 : 49. G. Penn p. Scriven sc. Propert, IRst. of miniature art (1887) 59. Nicholas Hilliard p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1889) l:pl. 63. HolK’in p.* (Mus. Basel) — (1894) 6:pl.814 Holliein p.* (Louvre) — (1899) 11 :pl. 1478. Holbein D.* (Parma gall.) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 231. Holbein p. Flipart sc. Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 54. Rolt, Lives of reformers (1759) 34. R. Houston eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pl. 46. Holl>ein p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por, 1 :pl. 49 G. Penez p.* Tuevet, Por. et vies d. homines illus. ERBACH-SCHONBERG 479 ERNST (1584) 2:547. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 13:2^. Holbein p. Flipart sc. Veriieiden, Af- feeldingen 1603. p. 15. H. f. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (183S)9:pl. 1862. Walmsley, Physiog. r. (1822) l:pl. 29. Holbein p. Charles Pye eng. EYERMAN, Dc levensbcsclir. d. ncderl. konst- schilders (1728) l:pl. A*. Houbraken eng. Wolt- MANN, Holbein and his time (1872) 187. Holbein p. eng; Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:45-56 (12 por.) ERBACH-SCHONBERG, von, Elisabeth (of Waldeck-Pvrmont) 1873- Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80;May 2, sup. p. 4.* Tullbero, Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:817. Agi Ldndegren del. after photo. ERBEN, Henry, rear-admiral, u. s. n. 1832- Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:461. wdet. — (1894) 38:560. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:708. ERCILLA Y ZUSlGA, Alonso de, poet, 1.533-96. Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 108. J. M. Jejada sc.* ERCKMANN, ^mile, novelist, 1822-99. Book buyer (1889) 6:239. Harper’s w. (1882) 26:293. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:377.* ERCOLE DA FERRARRA, 1462-1531. See Grandi. ERHARDT, Joel Benedict, collector port of N. Y. 1838- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:289. wdet. — (1900) 44:1207. ERICHSEN, Sir John Eric, surgeon, 1818-96 Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:6.* — (1896) 109:424.* ERICSON, Leif, Norse navigator. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:807. Anno Whitney sc. wdet. (statue) Spopford, Lib. hist. char. fl896) 1 : 105. C. Krohg f.* ERICSSON, John, inventor, 1803-89. Ann. sci. discovery (1^) front. H. W. Smith eng. Apple- ton’s Ain. cyclop. (1889) 14: front. S. Hollyer eng.? Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 1 ; 170. S. Hollyer eng. Cath. world (1895) 61:833. Cent. (1885) 7:754.* Eclectic m^. (1862) 56:433. G. E. Perine eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7 : 100. eng. Harper’s mag. (1862) 25:435. eng. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:205. wdet. —(1887) 31:1. wdet. —(1888) 32:661. wdet. —(1889) 33:213. wdet. —(1902) 46:696. bust* (Stockholm) Mao. of Am. hist. (1891) 25:1. — 25:9 (age 21) Pop. sci. m. (1893)44:1. —(1903)63:474. X S. Hartley sc.* (statue, N. Y. city) Por. m. (1863) 1:43. wdet. Scribner’s mag. (1890) 7 : 170, 175, 337, 341 (4 por.) Scribner’s m. (1879) 17:841. eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:225. vignette. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 428. G. E. Perine eng.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:238. eng.* Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 374. eng. after photo. Mrs John (Amelia Byam) Scribner’s mag. (1890) 7:340. J. Reich eng. after daguerr. baron. Nils, 1802-70. Mao. of Am. hist. (1891) 25:17. ERIE XIV, king of Sweden, 1.533-77. Ballestrem, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. V, 26. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 205. eng.* ERIK, prince of Sweden, son of crown prince Gustaf, 1889- See WestmanJand, hertig af. ERIZZO, Francesco, doge of Venice, 15701-1646. CioOGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2; pi. 98. A. Nani eng. ERLACH, Jean Louis d’, 1595-1650. Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 538. P. Aubry eng.* ERLANGER,/retA€rr von, 2 daus. of. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 54:103. Ilerkomer p.* 1895. freiherrin von. Internat. studio (1901) 15:6. Fihp E. L&szl6 p.* ERLE, Sir William, 179.3-1880. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:209. F. A. Tilt p. 1868.* Green bag (1901) 13:77. p.* Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:157.* ERMAN, Johann Peter, 1733-1814. Hetck, Monog. z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:27. T. Doepler mezzo. ERNE, countess of. Lady Mary Hervey, w. of 1st earl, d. 1842. Connoisseur (1901) 1:6. Gains- borough p.* (with Lady Dillon; coll. Sir C. Tennant) Foster, 2 duchesses of Devonshire ( 1898) 2 (with her father) — p. 43. miniature.* Henley, Cent, of artists (1889) 70. Gainsborough p.* (with her sister Lady Dillon) 3d earl of, John Crichton, 1809-85. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:61. wdet. after photo. Jfh earl of, John Henry Crichton, 1839- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:222. drawing.* Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:146.* —(1892) 100: June 25, sup. p. 1.* ERNEST. 8ee Ernst. ERNI, Henry, u. s. consul at Basle. Rogers, Our represantatives abroad (1874) 274. eng. ERNOUL, Jean Edmond, 1829- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:572. wdet. ERNST, ERNEST, kings, electors, archdukes, etc. AUSTRIA Ernst, der Eiseme, archduke, 1377-1424. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) 5:8. statue* (Hof- kirche zu Innsbruck) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1888) 7: pi. 75. Burgkmair eng.* — (1889) 9: pi. 10 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio d(H.* Ernst, archduke, gov. of the Netherlands, 1553- 95. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1 : 248. Reyd, Voornaemste gheschiedenissen indc Nederlanden (1626) 343. eng. ENGLAND (gT. BRIT.) Ernest Augustus (of Hanover) brother of Geoige I, 1674-1728. See York, 9th duke of. Ernest Augustus, 7th duke of Cumberland, 1845- See Braunschweig-Liineburg, herzog zu. ERNST 480 ERSLEV HANOVEE Ernst August, elector, 1629-98. Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. 1648-1740 (1892) 1:397. eng.* Ernest Augustus (of Gt. Brit.) king, 1771-1851. Atm , de Gotha (1834) pi. 4. G. L. Sanders p. Ros- masler sc. 1833. George III (1824) 1:384. eng. ILtRPER’s mag. (1880) 61:523. Jerdax, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 4. G. L. Saunders p. II. R. Cook eng. Lady’s mag. (1793) 24:339. eng. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie f. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. CO. G879) 2:268. C. S. Taylor sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. p)or. 4 : pi. 35. Sir William Beechey p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:102. G. L. Saunders p. II. R. Cook eng. ERNST, Heinrich Wilhelm, 1814-65. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 171. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Die GR-\PHiscHEN kunste (1881) 3:17. Joseph Krie- huber hth.* (group) Oswald Herbert, brig. gen. 1842- H.arper’s mag. (1899) 99:65. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:625.* ERNSTHAUSEN, /reiAcrr von. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:217.* ERPENGHAM, Sir John, d. 1370. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 5. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Erpingham church, Norfolk) Sir Thomas. Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 105. drawing after glass window formerly in Norwich cath. (coll, of Thomas Alien) ERPS, comtesse d\ Anne Marie (de Camudio). See Boisschott, Mme. ERRAZURIZ Y ECHAURREN, Federigo, pres, of Chile, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:624.* ERRINGTON, Sir George, 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87 :76.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14 : pi. 395. T. f. lith. (caricature) ERROLL, 16th earl of, George Hay, 1767-98. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) l:pl. 84. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. countess of, Elizabeth Jemima (Blake) w. of 16th earl, d. 1831. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1 :87. Cosway p. T. A. Dean sc. (mini- ature) New m. belle assembl4e (1841) 14:253. Cos- way p. T. A. Dean sc. 20th earl of, Charles Gore Hay, 1852- Illus Lond. news (1900) 119:123.* ERSKINE ' of Restormel castle) 1st baron, Thomas Erskine, 1750-1823. Anderson, Scottish nation (1863) 2: pi. 171. J. Iloppner p. J. B. Bird eng. Boogher, Misc. Am. (189.5) 135. wdet. Brougham, Statesmen (1839) 1:237. Hoppner p. R. Woodman eng. (Windsor) Caw, Scottish por. p903) 2:79. Gainsborough p. 1785 1* (poss. Sir James Wolfe Murray) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7:614. Hoppner p. Woodman eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:75. Sir SVilliam Ross p.* European mag. ( 1816) 70 ; 195. S. Drummond p. T. Blood eng. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 1:271, pi. 4. Hoppner p. R. Woodman eng. Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 1:284. lith. 1 Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:front. Hoppner p. Woodman eng. Penny mag. (1835) 4:256. Chantrey sc. eng. (statue, Lincoln’s Inn chapiel) Por. gall. (1853) 3:851. Hoppner p. Woodman sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 54. Anton Hickel p.* 2d baron, David Montagu Erskine, 1776-1855. Boogher, Misc. Am. (1895) 134. wdet. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 707. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* baroness, Frances (CadwaUader) w. of 2d baron, 1781-1843. Boogher, Misc. Am. (1895) 138. R. Field p. 1800* (miniature) Cent. (18^) 33:802. Gilbert Stuart p.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 19. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* Wharton, Salons (1900) 195. Stuart p.* Hon. J/’rsAlbany(AliceEllenKeyser) White- hall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 37. hth. Hon. Andrew, d. 1793. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2; pi. 192. John Kay f. 1783 & eng. Arthur, 11 . 1 566. Pall Mall mag. ( 1 904) 32 : 227. A. S. Hartrick del.* Lady Augusta (Fitz-Clarence) w. of John Kennedy Erskine, d. 1865. Engush ann. (1834) 124. T. A. Dean eng. Ebenezer, founder of the Secession Ch. 1680- 1754. Anderson, Pop. Scot. biog. (1842) 284. S. Freeman eng. after p. (coll, of Walter Wardlaw, Glas- gow) Henry, 1746-1817. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 18^) 2:237. Raeburn p. Wm. Howison eng. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 & 2: pis. 58, 187, 320. John Kay f. 1790, 1810 & eng. Paton, Scottish nat. mem. (1890) pi. 23. James Tassie f. (medalhon) Henry David, 1838- Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:57. Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 583. Spy f. lith. (caricature) James Francis, colonel, brother of 24th earl of Mar. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 307. John Kay f. 1796 & eng. John, 1662-1743. Scottish hist. soc. Pub. j[1893) 14: front, miniature 1692.* John, D. D. 1721-1803. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 73, 74. John Kay f. 1793 & eng. Lady Sybil Mary St Clair, 1871- See title Westmorland. Thomas, 1788-1864. Les lettres et les arts (1887)2:286. Wilkie f. ERSKINE family name. See also titles Buchan; Cardross; Kelhe; Mar. ERSKINE (St Clair-Erskine) family name. See title Rosslyn. ERSLEV, Kristian Sofus August, prof, of liis- torv, 1852- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (in group) ERTVELT 481 EBTVELT, Andries van, painter. Dyck, Cent, por. (1878) pi. 59. A. Van Dyck p. S. A. Bolowert sc. (Augsburg gall.) ERWIN, Cornelius B. 1811-85. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford county, Conn. (1886) 2:316. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. George Z. 1846- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:37. wdct. ERWm VON STEENBACH, architect, d. 1318. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 31:86. M. v. Schwind p.* after wdct. ES, Jacob van, 1606-66. Metssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 38. J. Meys.sens p. & ex. W. Hollar 1. Meyssens, 'True effigies (1694) pi. 57. Meyssens p. & ex. Hollar f. ESCARS, seigneur d’. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 47. Clouet f. lit h. Suzanne d’, w. of Geoffrey, vicomte do Pompa- dour, 16th cent. See title Pompadour. ESCHELSSON, Elsa, lawyer. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:696. ESCHENBACH, Wolfram von, fl. 1220. See Wolfram von Eschenbach. ESCHER VON DER LINTH, Johann Konrad, geologist, 1767-1823. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 44. A. Bouvier sc. ESCOBEDO, Mariano, Mexican general, 1827- Harper’s w. (1867) 11:365. wdct. ESCOMBE, Harry, premier of Natal, 1838-99. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:815* (with his wife) —(1900)116:7.* —(1901)119:972. G.E.Wadesc.* (statue) ESCOSURA, Ignacio Leon y. See Leon y Esco- sura. ESCOTT, Thomas Hay Sweet, writer, 1844- Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 331. Ape f. lith. (caricature) (age 41) ESCOTJBLEAU, dame d’, Anne (de Rostaing) d. 1625. See Sourdis, baronne de. Jean d’, 1493-1562. See Jouy, sire de. ESCOULA, I/wie,m.of Jean. L’Art( 1887) 43:237. Jean Escoula del. eng. Jean, sculptor, 1851- L’Art (1889) 46:236. Louis Malteste p. & del. Sgap sc. — (1890) 49:6. Louis Jules Malteste p. Gillot '( sc. — (1901) 60: 182. ESDAILE, Charles Edward Jeffries, 1845- Baily’s mag. (1887) 47:141. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. ESHER, 1st viscount, William Baliol Brett, 1816-99. Green bag (1893) 5:58.* —(1895) 7:73, 378.* —(1897) 9:532. —(1901) 13:574. Illus. ESQUERDES Lond. news (1897) 111:.571. —(1899) 114:797.* Men of mark (1877) 2: pi. 31. Notables of Britain (1897) 50.* Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 10. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 2d viscount, Reginald Baliol Brett, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:412.* R. of rev. (1904) 29:193. ESKGROVE, Lord, Sir David Rae, 1st hart. Scotch judge, 1724 1-1804. See Rae. ESLINGTON, baron, Henry George Liddell, 1821-1903. See title Ravensworth. ESMARCH, Friedrich von, 1823- Werck- MEISTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 533.* Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:145. Paul Sturm sc.* (plakette) ESM^NARD, Joseph Alphonse, poet, 1769-1811. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contcm. (1822) 6:401. ESMOND, Georgie. Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 20:112. photo. Henry V, playwright. Bookman ( 1900) 1 1 : 203.* Critic (1900) 37:‘l21. —(1903) 42:78. T. Downey del. (caricature) Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1224. Literature (1^1) 9: Nov. 2, sup. pi. 22. Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 19:204. photo. —(1896) ser. 4, 27:52. photo. Mrs Henry V. See Moore, Eva. ESPARBES DE LUSSAN, Fran9ois d’, d. 1628. See Aubeterre, vicomte d’. ESPARTERO, Baldomero, regent of Spain, 1792- 1879. Allo. weltgeschichte (1^8) 11:.501. A. Lc- grand lith.* Alm. de Gotha (1843) pi. 6. Maurin p. Carl Mav'er sc. Campbell’s for. m. mag. (1843) 4:322. C. L. Eastlake p. J. Sartain eng. Eclectic mag. (1854) 33:1. Sartain eng. Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 363. A. L(>grand lith.* Harper’s w. (1879) 23:157. wdct. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 351. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:61.* L.atimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 242. ESPIAND, Pierre Amould. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:817. Ingres del. 1816.* ESPINASSE, Esprit Charles Marie, 181.5-.59. Bulle, Gesch. des 2d kaiserreiches (1890) 225.* ESPINOSA, Diego de, cardinal, 1502-72. Guell Y Rente, Philippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 60. A. Muraton eng. after p. ESPOZ Y MINA, Francisco, 1784-1836. See Mina. ESPY, James Pollard, meteorologist, 1785-1860. Pop. sci. m. (1889) 34:721. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 196. eng. after p. ESQUERDES, seigneur d\ Philippe de Creve- coeur, marshal, d. 1494. V’ersailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1323. E. F. M. J. Dev^ria p. A. GeMe eng. 24288—06 31 482 ESSEX ESQUIROL ESQT7HROL, Jean Etienne Dornmique, 1772- 1840. Green bag (1897) 9:484. ESSE, seigneur d’, Andr^ de Montalembert, 1483 ?-1553. See Montalembert. ESSELEN, Ewald. So. African por. gall. (1897) 50 (in group) ESSENWEEN, August, architect, 1831-92. L’Abt ( 1894) 59, pt. 2:524. medal.* ESSEX, 1st earl of, Geoffrey de Mandeville, 10901-1144. Kugler, Gesch. der kreuzzuge (1880) 155. from Wagner, Trachtenbuch des mittelalters (tomb, Temple church, Lond.) 16th earl of, Thomas Cromwell, 14901-1540. See Cromwell. 18th earl of, Walter Devereux, 1541-76- Bourne, Sir Philip Sidney (1891) 104. eng.* (in Lodge’s Portraits) Coll, of eng. por. pi. 18. eng. Holland, HeroJologia anglica (1620) 58. eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 3 : pi. 2. H. Robinson eng. Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1877) 5:449. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:13. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806)2:18. Geremiaeng. Wright, Hist, of Ireland, 1:534. H. Robinson eng. (coll. Lord Bagot) countess of, Lettice (RnoUys,) \v. of 18th earl. See Knollys. 19th earl of, Robert Devereux, 1567-1601. Biog. mag. (1819) 1:27. Holl sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 51. I. Oliver p. J. Houbraken sc. Bourne, Sir Philip Sidney (1891) 340. eng.* (in Lodge’s Por- traits) Brit. mus. Prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 3. T. Cockson eng.* Clowes, Ilo 3 -al navj' (1897) 1:512. Hilliard p. W. T. Fry eng. Connoisseur (1902) 3:15. Tnomas Cockson (or Coxon) eng.* Creighton, Queen Elizabeth (1896) 133. eng. after miniature (Windsor) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:51. p. 1597.* Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 1 :pl. 7. William Rogers eng.* Firth, Oliver Crom- well (1900) 78. por.* (from Devereux’s Lives of the Devereux) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:8. por.* (Nat. por. gall.) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882)2:pl.6. I.Oliverlp. 1588* (miniature) Gower, Tower of Lond. (1901) 1 : 222. contemp. eng.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people. (1893) 3:1142. W. Hollar f. (equestr. por.) — 3:11M. W. Hollar f. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:599. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:124. Hilliard p. W. T. Ni lote eng. Holland, Heriaologia anglica (1620) 120. eng. Hu.me, Year after Annada (1896) front, p. ? (coll, earl of Verulam) Lodge, Por. (1835) 3: pi. 20. Ililliard f. Mote eng. Mag. of art (1884) 7:517. Isaac Oliver p. after print (Brit, mus.) Out- look (1900) 66:77. IValker p. 1 T. Wright eng.* (coll, marquis of Stafford) Pall Mall mag. (1895) 5: 103. eng.* Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 61. I. Oliver p* Scribner’s mag. (1900) 27:450. S. Cooper p.* (miniature; Windsor) Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) l:pl. 120. J. Granthomme sc.* Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 71. I. Oliver p^ S. Harding del. F. Bartolozzi sc. (miniature) So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 82. Isaac Oliver? p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1 : 173. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1 : 14. Oliver p. eng. Wau*ole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 2:76. Geremia eng. aWiLLiAMsoN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 17, fig. 4. p.* (Rijks mus. Amsterdam) Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 71. eng. after p. ? (coll, at Strawberry Hill) “Authenticity doubtful. countess of, Frances (Walsingham) w. of 19th earl. See title Clanricarde. 20th earl of, Robert Devereux, 1591-1646. Bell, Mem. of the civil war (1849) l:front. Walker p. J. W. Cook sc. Biog. miirour (1798) 2: pi. 11. sc. after print. Cent. (1900) 37:430. Cooper p.* (min- iature; Windsor) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2, pt. 1:208. Vandyck p. —(1843) 1:374. Walker p. II. T. Rj’all eng. Gardiner, Oliver Crom- well (1899) 16. miniature* (Windsor) Gower, Hist, gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 15 (miniature)* L^dge, Por. (1835) 6: pi. 10. Walker p. Thomas Wright eng. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 120. S. Cooper p.* (miniature; Windsor) Por. of parliamentary officers (1873) 13. R. S. sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:14. Van Dyck f. eng. Vic.ars, England’s worthies (1845) front, eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:5. Geremiaeng. Williamson, Por. minia- tures (1897) 32. 1. Oliver p.* — p. 36. John Hoskins f.* Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 72. Hulett sc. & del. — 1 : pi. 73. Hollar sc. eng. after print (Earl Spencer’s coll.) — l:pl. 74. countess of, Lady Frances (Howard) w. of 20th earl, 15931-1632. See Somerset, countess of. 21st earl of, Arthur CapeU, 1631-83. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1882) 2: pi. 9. Petitot p.* (minia- ture) — (1883) 3: pi. 24. Peter Oliver p.* (minia- ture, with his wife) Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2:76. Sir P. Lely p. B. Picart sc.* — 2:84 (contemp. print) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 30b. P. Oliver p.* (with countess of Essex) — p. 88. Jean Petitot p.* countess of, Lady Elizabeth (Percy) w. of 21st earl, 1636-1717. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 24. Peter Oliver p.* (miniature, with her hus- band) Wiu.iA.MSON, Por. miniatures (1897) 30b. Peter Oliver p.* (with Arthur Capell, earl of Essex) 22d earl of, Algernon Capell, 1670-1710. Kit- cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 16. Kneller p. Cooper sc. countess of. Lady Jane (Hyde) w. of 23d earl, d. 1724. WiLLiA.MsoN, Por. miniatures (1897) 10. Bernard Lens p. 1722* (miniature) countess of, Catharine (Stephens) w. of 25th earl, 1794-1882. Art j. (1899) 51:68. J. Jackson p.* La BELLE assemblde (1815) n. s. 11 :3. eng. after p. Cust, Nat. por. gall. 2:49. John Jackson p.* Euro- I’EAN mag. (1818) 73:3. G. II. Harlonp. II. Meyer eng. Hall, Vernon gall. 4:pl. 11. J. Jackson p. G. Stodart eng. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:228. Sir W. J. Newton p. 1820* (miniature) 26th earl of, Arthur Algernon Capell, 1803-92. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:442.* — (1892) 101:358.* countess of. Lady Caroline (Beauclerk) w. of 26th earl, 1804-62. Court scrap-book (1842) pi. 30. F. G. Hurlstone p, J. Cochran sc. English ESSEX 483 ESTE ann. (1837) 114. Hurlestone p. J. Cochran eng. IIayteb, Beauties of court of queen Victoria (1850) pi. 7. J. Hayter del. W. H. Mote sc. S^th earl of, George Devereux de Vere Capell, 1857- Illl's. Loud, news (1893) 102:756.* countess of, Adela (Grant) w. of 27th earl. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:722.* Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:756.* —(1901) 119:837. G. Harlow p.* ESSINGER, Mrs. Ixterxat. studio (1903) 20 : 8. Alphonse Legros etch. ESSLEMONT, Peter, m. p. 1834-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: 198.* ESSLING, prince d’, 17.58-1817. See Ma$s4na, Andr4. ESTA-YESHI, Navajo Indian, mother of artist. Mag. of Am. hist. (1889) 22:463. Choh del.* ESTABROOK, Experience, 1813-94. Grafton & Coos bar assoc. Proc. (1895) pt. 1, 3: 149.* ESTAGNIOLE, comte d\ Nicolas Louis, 1741- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:20.5. Gros del. Courbe sc. ESTAING, comte d’, Charles Hector, 1729-94. .;\jiNACLT, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:408. Cath. world (1897) 65:498. CiN. Por. of pres. gen. (1887) pi. 19. H. B. Hall’s Sons eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2 : 77 (wdct. after French folio eng.) Jones, Hist, of Georgia (1883) 2:37.5. J. Porreau eng.* after por. 1791. Versaillb», Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4 :pl. 55. Pierre Franque p. J. Porreau eng Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 6:594. Bonneville p. eng. — 6 : 595. eng. (from Andrews’s Hist, of the war, Lond. 1785, V. 1) ESTAMFES, duchesse d’, Anne (de Pisseleu) 1508-75. Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:70, fig. 190. p. (in coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) — (1901) 22 : pi. 36. J. Clouet ? del. (in Chan- tilly) Lady’s mag. (1834) 5:65. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c41ubres (1858) 2:22. Lant^ del. Gatine sc. lith. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 8:101. eng. after por. Pardoe, Francis 1 (1^9) 2: 149. S. Freeman sc. Portfolio (1873) 4 : front. Bonington f. Leopold Flameng etch, (with Francois I, king of France) Versaille-s Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1835. F. Delannoy eng. after p. Mme d’, Anne (de Rottehn) w. of Claude. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1:70, 87. Clouet f. lith. Claude d’. Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 :pl. 88. Clouet f. lith. — 2: pi. 267. Clouet f. lith. Jacques d’, marquis de La Fert6-lmbault, mar- shal, 1590-1668. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1407. J. L. Lugardon p. Masson eng. ESTCOTJRT, Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron, M. p. 1801-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:76. wdct. after photo. ESTE, Alfonso I d’, duke of Ferrara, d. 1534. Duffy, Tuscan republics (1893) 4.30. medal.* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1900) 21:229, fig. 85. miniature* (aus dem Officium Alfonsos I) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 29:30. Titian p.* (Prado) Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:379. eng. Yriarte, Autour d. Borgia (1891) 139. Titian p.* Alfonso II d’, duke of Ferrara and Modena, d. 1597. Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 9, fig. 3. medal 1.556.* Silvestre, Gall, of contemn, art (1884) sec. 2, no. 16:pl. 31. Fer- dinand Heilbuth p. (joupil eng. (group) ^ Anne d’, dau. of Ercole II, w. of Fran<»is de Lor- raine, 1531-1607. See Guise, duchesse de. Azzo VII d’, marquis of Ferrara, d. 1264. Ca- PRiOLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 5. .lliprando Capriolo eng. Barbara d’ (of Austria) duchess of Ferrara, w. of Alfonso II, 1539- Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 12, fig. 2. medal 1565.* Beatrice d’, duchess of Milan, w. of Ludovico Sforza, 1475-97. Burlington mag. (1904) 5:203. Zenale & Bernardino de’ Conti ? p.* (detail of altar piece, Brera gall. Milan) Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 352. Piero della Francesca p.* (Pitti gall.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:333. Antonio da Monza p. 1 (miniature) —ser. 2, 16:337, 341 (bust, Louvre) Hare, Ladies of Ital. renais. (1904) 112. Leonardo da Vinci p.* Heyck, Monograph, z. welt- gesch. (1898) 5:55, 56. .Andrea ^lari f.* (monument) Borso d’,lstdukeof Ferrara and Modena, 1413-71. L’.Art (1884) 36:194. Petrecini f.* medal (grandeur r^duite moiti6 du diamStre) Castiglione, ^urtier (1901) 77. Fran. Cossa p.* (fresco in pal. Schifanoia, Ferrara) Gall. naz. ital. (1894) l:pl. 13. Jacopo Lixignolo f. 1460* (medal) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:68. Franc. Cos.sa p.* Cesare I d’, duke of Modena, 1562-1628. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 12, fig. 6. medal 1575.* Eleanora d’, duchess of Ferrara, w. of Ercole I d’Este, 1450-93. See Eleanora of .Aragon. Eleanora d’, dau. of Ercole II, duke of Ferrara, 153/-81. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 8, fig. 9. medal 1553.* Silvestre, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) sec. 2, no. 16:pl. 31. Ferdinand Heilbuth p. Goupil & co. eng. (“Tasso at Ferrara,” a group of 4 piersons) Ercole I d’, duke of Ferrara, 1433-1505. Ca- priolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 7. .Aliprando Capriolo eng. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 129. bas-relief* (So. Kensington mus.) Con.noisseur (1903) 7:91. Francesco Cossa p.* Gall. naz. ital. (1894) l:pl. 13. medal.* IIarper’s mag. (1875) 51 :658. eng. Jhrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1898) 19:179. Sperandio f. (Louvre) Ercole II d’, duke of Ferrara, 1508-59. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 8, fig. 3, 11 (2 medals, 1554)* Filippo d’, marquis of San Martino, 1540-92. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 12, fig. 4. medal 1.575.* Foresto d’. Gall. naz. ital. (1894) 4:212, pi. 62. planchette, 15th cent.* ESTE 484 ESTOILE Francesco I d’, duke of Modena, 1610-58. Be- RCETE, Velazauez (1898) 73. Velazquez f. 1638* (Mus^e de Mod^ne) Francesco III d’, duke of Modena, 1698-1780. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2679. Pigeot eng. Ippolito d’, cardinal, 1479-1520. Castiguone, Courtier (1901) 22. medal* (Imp. mus. Vienna) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauscs (1891) 12:pl. 8, fig. 6. medal, 1554.* — 12;pl. 12, fig. 4. medal, 1561.* Isabella d’, marchioness of Mantua, w. of Gian- francesco II Gonzaga, 1474-1539. .4jit j. (1898) n. s. 50:43. Leonardo da Vinci del.* (Mus. des Offices, Florence) Castiguone, Courtier (1901) 204. Titian m* (Imp. mus. Vienna) Connoisseur (1902) 4:234. Titian p. (lost orig.) Pordenone p.* (with her son, Federigo of Gonzaga Ferrara; coll. Dr Ludwig Mond) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1888) ser. 2, 37 :418. Leonard de Vinci del.* (Louvre) — (1895) ser. 3, 13: 14. Titian p. (Mus. de Vienne) — ser. 3,13:17. Leonardo de Vinci p. (des. it la sanguine de Museo- ple (1893) 3:1364. Stephanus Picart f. Etienne Picart eng. IcONOG. de ^Lne de S4vign<5, pi. 51. Heim p. eng. JussERAND, French ambassador (1892) 21. Picart f. wdet. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 36. Heim p. Weber eng. estr£es, due d\ Francois Annibal, marshal, 1573-1670. IcoNOG. de Mine de S4vign^, pi. 52. J. M. Langlois p. eng. Michaud ct Poujoulat, Xouv. coll. (18W) 20:371. Langlois p. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 33. Langlois p. Leclere eng. due d’, Victor Marie, comte de Coeuvres, marshal, 1660-1737. IcoNOG. de Mine de S4vignizot del. Fessard sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard (1838) 9: pi. 1120. L. F. Amiel p. Delannov eng. — 13: pi. 13. copy. E. Conquy eng. (statue) NVyatt, Hist, of kings ot France (1846) pi. 30. W. L. Ormbsy sc. after medal. EUDES DE LAGABY, d. 1099. See Urban II, pope. EUDES DE MEZERAY, Fran9ois, 1610-83. See M^zeray. EUDES DE MONTREUIL, 12201-89. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:503. eng. EUDOXIA, empress of Constantinople, w. of Con- stantine Ducas and Romanus Diogenes. -Allg. welt- geschichte (1891) 5:424. Bvzantine ivory carving, 11th cent.’*' (with Romanus iV) Hertzberg, Gesch. der byzant. u. osmanreiches (1883) 247. ivoiw carv- ing, 11th cent.* (with Romanus R*) Oman, Byzan- tine empire (1892) 253. ivory* (at Paris) EUDOXIA FEODOROVNA, w. of Peter the Great, 1669-1731. Bruckner, Peter der Gross*' (1879) 82. p.* (Romanoff gall.Winter palace, St Peters- burg) Morfill. Story of Russia (1890) 138. Scrib- ner’s m. (1880) 20:185. eng. EUDOXINE, w. of Childebert II, king of France. Malo, Gal. des reines de France, 44. Delpech lith. EUGENE, EUGEN, EUGilNE, archdukes and princes. AUSTRLC Eugen, archduke, 1863- Tui.i.berc,. Fursten- hauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:483. -Agi Lmaegren del. after photo. FRANCE Eugbne de Beauhamais, prince of Eichstadt 1781-1824. -Allg. weltwschichte (1887) 10:353. J. B. Bosio del. Louis Rados eng. 18CI8.* -Alm. de Gotha (1810) pi. 4. eng. .Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1821) 2:247. -Alp. Boilly jr. f. Cent. (1895) 29:212. Henri Scheffer p.* 19ieme si^le (1901) 23. eng. (Bibl. nat.) Iiarper’s mag. (1854) 9:591. Lossing Barritt eng. —(1882) 64:5. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) l:pl. 15. Maurin del. 1 Delpech lith. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 16:78. 'Thor- valdsen p.* (Micaelskirche, Munchen) McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:127. Gerard p. 1813, after Loughi sc. Mennechet, LePlutarque franf.(1841) 8:pl. 24. Fritz Millet del. Chollet sc. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886)2:131. J. B. Bosio del. Louis Nados eng. 1808. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:32. Henri Scheffer p. C. -A. Powell sc. T.aroieu, G^n^raux fran^. 1 :pl. 18. Lambt'rt sc. Thiers, Vimettes et por. (18o6-62) pi. 35. -A. Sandoz del. Outhwaite sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1638. Henri Scheffer p. Morinet eng. (equestr.) Eugbne, prince imperial, 1856-79. Sm Bonaparte. SAVOY Eugene, prince, 1663-1736. Allg. weltge- schichte (1887) 8:537. Jakob van Schuppen p. B. Picart eng. 1722.* Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:28. Holl sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Eurojie illus. (1777) v. 4. Wan- culpen p. C. Rov sc. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2‘:97. eng.* —2:187. G. F. Schmidt eng. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 224. Vogel eng.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (IWl) 14:112. J. Smith eng. after D. Richter.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 6; 1941, J, van Schup- EUGENE 487 EUSDEN poL f. B. Picart eng. Iconog. de Mme do S^vignd. pi. 116. eng. Philippson, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 356. J. van Schuppen p. B. Picart eng. 1722. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3; pi. 39. J. van Schup- pen p. Bernard Picart eng. Smollett, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 2:166. W. Ridley en». after drawing. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3:jn. 83. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2497. Massard eng. Wilson, Hist, of Aiu. people (1902) 2:31. old eng.* SWEDEN Eugen, prince, .s. of Oscar II, 1865- See Nerike, hertig af. EUGENIA, princess, dau. of Oscar I, king of Sweden, 1830-89. H.\rper’s mag. (1882) 64:22.* EUGENIE CLABY, queen of Sweden, w. of Bemadotte (Charles XIV) 1781-18(X). See Berna- dottc. EUGENIE, empress of the French, w. of Napoleon III, 1826- Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:24. F. X. Winterhalter p.* — 12:110. Winterhalter p. (with the ladies of her court) Alm. de Gotha (1856) pi. 5. Book buyer (1895) 12:669. —(1899) 19:410. Bl’lle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 70. F. X. Winterhalter p.* Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:76.* Cent. (1894) 25:642. — 25:645* (with Napoleon III) —(1895) 28:713.* —28:716* (with Napoleon III and Prince Imperial) — 28:921* (in 1860) — (1897) 33:114. Francis Day f.* Connoisseur (1902) 4:205. E. T. Parris del. 1853 lith. 19ikME sifecle (1901) 118. Oliva sc.* (bust) DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 2. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men and women (1873) 2:595. Eclectic mag. (1853) 29: 141. Sartain eng. — (1859) 46:301. F. Winterhalter p. J. Sartain eng. — (1860) 49:1. Winterhalter f. J. Sartain eng. Forbes, Life of Napoleon III (1897) 166. Winterhalter p.* (Versailles) Gleason’s picto- rial (1853) 4: 172. eng. —4:176. —(1858) 14:341. Winterhalter del. — (1859) 16:411. Goodrich, World famous women (1879) 433. J. Champagne f. F. Halpin eng. Grand-Carteret, XIX" sifecle (1893) 91. L. Massard del. & eng. Hamel (E.) Hist, du 2“ empire (Paris, 1893) 1:177.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:18. — (1888)76:619. Hozier, Franco-Prussiaii war, 2: front. Francis Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:88. wdct. after photo. — (1879) 74:613. from 111. Lond. news, June 21, 1856* (with infant Prince Imperial) Imbert de St .:Vmand, Louis Napoleon and Mile de Montijo (1897) pi. 432 (age 26) Imbert de St .\m.\nd, Napoleon III and his court (1898) 160. Jerrold, Life of Napoleon HI (1875) 3: front. H. Adlard eng. after miniature. Ladies’ companion (1854) ser. 2, 5:215. E. Hunt f. J. B. Hunt eng. Latimer, France in 19th cent. (1892) 165, 232. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1 :7.55. Winterhalter p. L<5on Noel lith. Tull- BERG, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:88. .\gi Lindegren del. after photo. EUGENIUS rv, pope (Constant Gabriele Con- dolmero) 1383-1447. G.\z. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3, 4:277. Jean Foucquet p. after eng. Jurb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kauserhauses (1896) 17:133, fig. 28. p.* (in coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Knackfuss, Kilnstler-monog. (1897) 25:13. Ghir- landajo p.* (Sistine chapel) EUGENIUS, Flavius ( ?) Homan emperor, d. 394. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3:pl. 57. bust* (Louvre) EUIlALIA, infanta of Spain, duchessa di GaUiera, dau. of Isabella II, 1864- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:509. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:37. R. OF rev. (1893) 7:527. Tullberg, Furstenliauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:163. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:800. A^ Lindegren del. after photo.* EULATE, Antonio, capt. Span. navy. Cent. (1899) 36:^. Francis Day del. alter photo.* EULENBURG, graf zu, Friedrich Albrecht, 1815- 81. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:525.* A. Weger eng.* alter photo. Oncken, ^italter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1 :613. Weger eng. after photo. EUUENBUBG UND HEBTEFELD, fiirst zit. PhUipp, 1847- Alm. de Gotha (1901) front. Th. & A. Weger sc. EULEB, Johann Albrecht, 1734-1800. .\rnault Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 6:418. Leonhard, scientist, 1707-83. **llg. weltge- schichte (1889) 9:156. Abramson f.* (medal) Bruck- ner, Katharine II (1883) 535. Abranuson f. J. Samuel del. (medal) Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 5:129. A. Lorgna p. B. Holl eng. Lit. mag. and Brit. rev. (1789) 3:321. Thomthwaite sc. PoR. gall. (1853) 2:592. Lorgna p. Holl. sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 76. E. Handmann p. C. von Mechel sc. EUMENES, 360-317 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 6, pt. 2:359. Perry del. after medallion. Bou- vier eng. — 10, pt. 2:328. Langlois eng. after bas- rehef. Perry inv. —10, pt. 2:332. eng. after bas- relief. Perry inv. — 10, pt. 2:353. eng. after bas- relief. EUPEN, Pierre Jean Simon, 1744-1804. Hy- mans, Bruxelles, 2:159. EUBIPIDES, 480-406 B. C. Abbott, Pericles (1891) 320. bust* (Naples mus.) Allg. weltge- schichte (1885) 2:282. sc. (bust)* Brunn u. Arndt, Griech. u. rom. por. (1891) Ifg. 4: pi. 35, 36. sc. bust* (at Mantua) — Ifg. 4: pi. 37. sc. bust* (at Berlin) —(1893) Ifg. 13:pl. 121, 122. sc. bust* (at Naples) — Ifg. 13: pi. 123. sc. bust* (at Bonn) — Ifg. 13: pi. 128, 130. sc. bust* (at Naples) Duruy, Hist, of Greece (1892) 3, sec. 1:49. statue* (Vatican) Hertzberg, Gesch. von Hellas u. Rom. (1879) 1:364. bust (from Visconti’s Iconografia Greca 1) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 18. G. Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 8, pt. 1 :32. Sisco eng. after bust. Perry del. EUSDEN, Laurence, poet laureate, 1688-1730. Bookman (1902) 15:549. Jonathan Richardson del. <* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:651. EUSE 488 EVARTS EUSE, Jacques d’, 124li-1334. See John XXII, pope. EUSEBIUS PAMPHILIUS, bp. of Caesarea, 266 i- 340? Tuevet, For. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 :86. eng. EUSTACHE (Belin, le Bon Noir) 1773- Soc. Montyon et Franklin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles, l;pl. 10. Adele Jarry de Manej- n4e Le Breton p. Dutilloia sc. EUSTACHIUS, saint, d. 130. IlmTU, Der formen- •schatz (1890) pi. 4 & 5. Albrecht Diirer eng.* EUSTIS, Mrs Edith (Morton) Bookman (1902) 15:422.* Harper’s mag. bkshelf. (1902) 105.* George, 1796-1858. Green bag (1891) 3:114. James Biddle, u. s. senator, 1834-99. Har- per’s w. (1884) 28:38.5. wdet. —(1893) 37:301. wdet. William, gov. of Mass. 1753-1825. Am. hist, register (1895) 2:138. Bugbee, Mem. of Cin. (1890) hS. Stuart p. Geo. E. Ferine eng. Drake, Mem. of Cinn. (1873) 299. Stuart p. G. E. Ferine eng. New E.\g. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:749. —(1902) n. s. 25:539. EUSTON, countess of, Lady Charlotte Maria (Waldegrave) w. of 4th duke of Grafton, 1761-1808. L’^Irt (1893) 55:front. Reynolds p. 1780. Ch. Cour- try sc. (The Ladies AV aldegrave) La belle assembles (1809) 7:127. eng. Connoisseur (1902) 2: 11. Rey- nolds p. Valentine Green eng. (The Ladies AValde- grave) Hoppner, Bygone beauties (1802) pi. 7. John Hoppner p. 1798. C. Wilkin eng. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100 : Feb. 27, sup. p. 3. Reynolds p. 1780* (The Ladies Waldegrave) Lady’s m. mus. (1810) n. s. 8:121. wdet. eng. Mag. of art (1885) 8:126. John Downman del.* (Brit, mus.) Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 9: front. Reynolds p. J. Brown sc. (The Ladies Waldegrave) Willia.mson, Hist. of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 75, fig. 1. llopp- ner p.* (J. Fierpont Morgan coll.) Williamson, For. miniatures (1897) 148. John Hoppner p.* EVANS, Bernard, 1848- Mag. of art (1892) 15:342. Solomon J. Solomon del. 1892. C. Ralph. • Harper’s w. (1888) 32:704. wdet. Eev. Caleb, 1737-91. Guild, Early hist, of Brown univ. (1897) 388. Rev. David. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1839) 62:441. M. Claxton p. T. A. Dean eng. Sir David, lord mayor of London, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:591. Sir De Lacy, general, 1787-1870. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56 : 101. wdet. after photo. Nolan, War against Russia, 1:661. W. J. Edwards eng. after daguerr. Elizabeth, aftw. w. of George Edward Stanley. Ward& Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:118. G. Romney p. 1789* (Arthur W. Davis coll.) J/rs Elizabeth. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:917. Sir Francis Henry, m. p. 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:839.* —(1896) 108:262.* Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 670. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Frederick Wilham, Shaker, 1808-93. Har- per’s w. (1871) 15:893. wdet. George, u. s. senator, 1797-1867. Aii. rev. (1847) 6: front. T. Doney eng. Henry, 1606-1771. Caulfield, For. mem. and char. (1819) 1:96. eng. Henry Clay, gov. of Tenn. 1843- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1088. wdet. —(1897) 41:421. —(1899) 43:906. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:902.* Out- look (1902) 71:46. World’s work (1901) 2:1130.* Mrs Herbert Davies- (Mary Eleanor Jones) Cent. (1889) 17 : 164 (miniature)* J. B. of Fhiladelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por (1862) pi. 40. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* John, gov. of Colorado, 1814-97. Mag. of West, hist. (1889) 9:6.59. eng. Sir John, 1823- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 : 221 .* John Gary, gov. of S. C. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1088. wdet. Mary Anne, 1819-80. See Eliot, George, psetid. Ohver P. Green bag (1889) 1:523.* PhUip, 164.5-79. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1879) 5:882. Alex.Voetf.* — (1882) 7:232. A. Voct f.* Richard Herber, d. d. 1836-97. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:198.* —(1897) 110:42.* Robert, father of George Eliot. Critic (1901) 38:301. Mrs C. Bray del.* Cust, Nat. por. gall (1902) 2:281. Mrs Bray del. 1842.* Robley Dunglison, u. s. n. 1846- Book buyer (1901) 22:396.* Cent. (1899) 36:52.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:853. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:100. wdet. — (1898) 42:337, 866.* McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:182.* —(1902) 19:32.* Outlook (1903) 74:605. Silvan, AVelsh scholar, 1818-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:820.* Thomas WUtberger, dentist, 1823-97. Har- per’s w. (1897) 41 : 1171.* Rogers, Our representa- tives abroad (1874) 438. eng. W. u. s. N. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:112. wdet. Rev. William, 1795-1891. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:203.* Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1838) 61:front. M. Claxton p. H. Cook eng. EVANS-FREKE family name. See title Carbery; also family name Freke. EVARTS, Jeremiah, 1781-1831. Eclectic mag. (1863) 58:141. eng. William Maxwell, 1818-1901. America’s grtst men (1894) 81. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1877) 2: front. Thomas Hicks p. H. B. Hall eng. Cent. (1887) 12:669. Thomas Hicks f. 1867.* —(1897) 32:183. St Gaudens sc.* (bas-relief) — (1901)40:813.* Cent, assoc. Bryant festival (1865) 69. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 442,* Eclectic mag. (1876) 86:129. EVE 489 EWART J.J. Cade eng. Green bag (1896) 8:93.* Harper’s V. (1867) 11:228. wdct. —(1868) 12:244. wdct. —(1872) 16:100. wdct. —(1877) 20:572. wdct. —(1878) 21:241. wdct. —(1879) 23:269. wdct. —(1885) 29:65. wdct. —(1900)44:223. A. Franzen p.* — (1901) 45:271. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:702. William Morris Hunt p. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4:144. T. Hicks p. 1867.* R. of rev. (1901) 23:386.* Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 341. EVE, Harry Trelawney, m. p. 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:72.* EVELYN, John, diarist, 1620-1706. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:29. Holl sc. Book buyer (1887) 4:197. Swaine sc.* Cent. (1893) 23:907. F. Bartolozzi f.* Coll, of eng. por. pi. 17. Kneller f. T. Bragg eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:115. eng.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 2:665. Oliphant, Hist. char. (1894) 8. F. Bartolozzi eng. E. Heine- mann eng. Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1876) 3:295. Nanteuil eng.* — ^:107. Kneller del. Sieveking, Gardens, ancient & modern (1899) 371. Nanteuil eng.? Swaine eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:30. eng. Walpole, Anec. ed; Dallaway (1828) 5:171. Rob. Walker p. W. H. Worthington sc. Willi.am- soN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 : pi. 20, fig. 1. J. Hoskins p.* (Montagu house) EVERARD, Henry, fl. 1524. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 2.5. eng. (with Margaret, his wife; Denston church, Suffolk) Jan Secundus, Dutch poet, 1511-36. Bul- lart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:333. E. de B. f. eng. EVERDINGEN, Aldertvan, 1621-75. Descamps, La vie des peintres fiamands (1754) 2:319. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 24. I. Girtin eng. Weyerman, De levensbcschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2:pl.Dl. EVERETT, Colonel, 1834- Baily’s mag. (1873) 23:187. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Alexander Hill, 1790-1847. Democratic rev. (1842) 10:460. Jordan & Halpin eng. Outlook (1902) 70:558. miniature* (poss. of E. E. Hale) Charles, of Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 626. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Charles Carroll, prof, in Harvard univ. 1829- 1900. Colon, soc. of Mass. Pub. (1905) 7:336.* Harvard grad. mag. (1900) 9: 178.* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:733. Edward, 1794-1865. Am. rev. (1850) 12:449. R. M. Staigg p. J. Cheney sc. Austin, Hist, of Mass. (1876) 426. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:177. Charles Barry del. after photo. Brightly sc. Book buyer (1900) 20:447. contemp. eng.* Bungay, Off-hand takings (1854) front. Staigg p. J. Cheney eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 13. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Cent. (1887) 12:671. Cent, assoc. Br 3 'ant festival (1865) 64. eng. Crafts, Southern rebellion (1867) 2:280. H. Wright Smith eng. DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2;pJ. 31. M. Wight p. D. J. Pound eng. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 :883. W. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of cm. Am. (1862) 2:400. Chappel p. eng. Eclectic mag. (18.56) 39:285. J. Sartain eng. — (1859) 47:145. J. Sartain eng. aftc>r ambrotype. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:194. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:97. wdct. —(I860) 4:305. wdct. —(186.5) 9:60. wdct. —(1891) 35:544. wdct. after statue. Harri.son, Biog. sketches (1892) 2: pi. 19. Moses Wight p.* Homes Am. au- thors (18^) 223. Stagg p. J. Chenej’ sc. Hubbard, Little jour. Am. au. (1896) 336. Stagg p. eng.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4:pl. 31. A. B. Durand p. G. Parker eng. McClure’s mag. (1896) 8:13.* JLvss. hist. soc. Proc. (1858) 3:361. G. Stuart Newton del. 1821. eng. —(186.5)8:101. T. Ball sc. J. H. Bufford lith. (bas- relief) Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:615. J. C. Buttre eng.? after photo. New Eng. mag. (1895) n.s. 12:738. — (1897) n. s. 16: 106. — (1898) n. s. 19:344. — (1901) n. s. 24:349 (statue; Boston pub- lic garden) — (1902) n. s. 25:.543. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:208.* Orcutt, Good old Dorchester (1893) 205. G. S. Newton p. wdct. Out- look (1898) 58:28 (5 pres, of Harvard coll.) — (1902) 71:404. daguerr.* — 72:304. Records of church in Brattle sq. Boston (1902) 56. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall. dist. Am. (18^) 4: pi. 8. Staigg p. J. Cheney eng. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 3:153. eng. WiNSOR, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:671. G. S. Newton p. 1818. Kilburn sc. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:495. sc. after photo. 1861. Sylvester T. 1838- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:807. eng. William, s. of Edward, 1839- Cath. world (1894) 60:92. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:869. wdct. EVERILL, H. C. Li.ndt, Picturesque New Guinea (1887) pi. .50. EVERMANN, Barton Warren, ichth}-ologist , 1853- Book buyer (1902) 24:370. EVERS, John, artist, 1797- Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:86.3. EVERSLEY, 1st viscount, Charles Shaw-Lefevre, 1794-1888. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:8. —(189.5) 106:477. EVERTSEN, Comehus, Dutch admiral, 1642- 1706. Fiske, Dutch & quakcr colonies in Am. (1903) 2:29. eng.* (Boston athenaeum) EVREuX, comte d’, Henri Louis de la Tour d’Auyergne, 1679-1753. L’Art (1903) 62:. 508. H. Rigaud p.* Hirth, Les grands illustratcurs, 6:2010. H. Rigaud p. G. F. Schmidt eng. Pierre d’ (Pierre de Navarre) comte de Moi^ tain, 1366-1412. See Mortain. EWALD, Alexander Charles, writer, 1842-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:71.* Frau Prof. Richard. Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1901) 56:65. Max Koner p. 1897.* EWART, Charles Joseph Roderick, vice-admi- ral, 1816-84. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85:133. EWAET 490 EYCK Sir Henry Peter, maj.-gf'n. 1838- Illus. Lend, news (1901) 118:301.* Vanity fair album (1881) ^ 13: pi. 248. T. f. lith. (caricature) James Cossar, 1851- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 239. W. Hole f. Sir John Alexander, general, 1821-1904. Ii-Li's. Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* Sir William Quartus, 2d hart. 1844- Illus. Lond. new.s (1892) 100:784.* EWELL, Benjamin Stoddert, 1810-94. M.\o. of West. hist. (1885) 2:532. wdet. Mai'shail Davis, 1844- Green bag (1889) 1 :33.j.* Bichard Stoddert, 1817-72. B.ates, Battle of Gettysburg (1875) 166. O’Neill eng. Cent. (1886) 9:608.* Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 6:5. A. II. Ritchie eng. Nicolay’ & Ilav, Lincoln (1898) 7:208.* Por. m. (1864) 1 : 1.52. wdet. Snow, Anth- em gen. (1866) 361. O’Neill eng. EWEN, John, 1741-1821. Robertson, Letters & papers (pref. 1897) 16. Andrew Robertson f. J. Collyer eng. 1804.* EWING, Charles, 1780-1832. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:298. Green bag (1891) 3:417. Long- acre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1836) 2:pl. 34. J. B. Longacre p. after C. Lawrence. E. Wellmore eng. Charles Lindsay Orr-, m. p. 1860-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:6.* Ephraim B. 1819-73. Green bag (1899) 11:441.* Rev. Greville, 1767-1841. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 80. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. James Alfred, 18.55- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:577.* James S. m. n. Portfolio (1824) ser. 4, 17:3.53. eng. James Stevenson, u. s. minister to Belgium, 1835- Harper’s w. (1893) 37 :368. wdet. John, u. D. 1732-1802. Portfolio (1827) ser. 4, 22:353. eng. Mrs Juliana Horatia (Gatty) 1841-85. Book buyer (1891) n. s. 8:430. Thomas, 1789-1871. A.m. rev. (1850) ll:front. A. II. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 9. A. II. Ritchie eng. after daguerr. Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:299. Thomas, 1829-96. Green bag (1892) 4:322.* Harper’s w. (1879) 23:705. wdet. Nat. mag. (1891) 15:42. N. Y. mem. hi.st. (1895) 207. eng. Sher- man, Retoll. (1895) 1 :338. EXETER, 1st earl of, Thomas Cecil, 1.542-1622? Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:230. Marc Gheer- aerts p. H. Meyer eng. 1828. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:67. Marc Gheeraedts p.* Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) 1 :pl. 28. Marcus Geerarts, sr. p. II. B. Hall eng. — l:pl. 36. W. S. Williamson eng. after statue. Lodge, Por. (1835) 4:pl. 14. Jan- sen p. J. Cochran eng. countess of, Dorothy (Nevill) w. of 1st earl, d. 1608. Drummond, Noble Brit, families (1846) l:pl. 36 (recumbent statue) marchioness of, Elizabeth Anne (Burrell) w. of 1st marquis, formerly w. of 8th duke of Hamilton, d. 1837. See title Hamilton. 2d marquis of, Brownlow Cecil, 1795-1867. Baily’s mag. (1860) 1:311. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:150. J. Sant f. C. Wars eng.* Williamson, John Russell (1894) 77. John Russell p. 1799* (pastel; child por. with his brother and sister.) 3d marquis of, Wilham AUeyne Cecil, 1825-95. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:370. —(1895) 107:70.* Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 356. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 4th marquis of, Brownlow Henry George Cecil, 184^98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:541.* Van- ity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 518. Ape f. Uth. (carica- ture; when Lord Burleigh.) marchioness of, Myra (Orde-Powlett) w. of 5th marquis, 1879- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:601.* EXMOUTH, 1st viscount, Edward Pellew, ad- miral, 1757-1833. Brenton, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837 ) 2:560. eng. Clowes, Royal Navy (1900) 5:308. Lawrence p. C. G. Turner mezzo.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:83. James Northcote p. 1804.* European mag. (1817) 72:99. S. Drummond p. Henry MeY’er eng. Fitchett, Nelson and his captains (1902)260. J. Northcote p.* (Nat. por. gall.) James, Naval hist, of Gt. Br. (1837) 6: front. Sir W. Beechey p. W.Greatbatch eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 3. W. Owen p. W. Holl eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12:pl. 19. Lawrence p. H. Robinson eng. Martin, Australia (1853) pi. 8. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 6: pi. 12. Lawrence p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. ^846) 4:37. Owen p. Holl eng. Wrigut, Life and reign of William IV (1837) 2:456. eng. EXPILLY, Louis Alexandre, bp. of Finist^re, 1742-94. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:209. Labadye del. Courbe sc. EYBE, Albrecht von, 1420-75. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 65. eng. 1511* (aus dem “Spiegel der sitten.’’) EYCK, Hubert van, 1366-1426. Bclijirt, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:. 377. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1886) .ser. 2, 33:513. eng. (recueil dc Lampsonius) Harper’s mag. (1878) 56.699. eng. (with Jan) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 35:2. p.* (altar piece, Ghent) — (1899) 38:23. E. von Gebhardt p. 1871* (with Jan) Masters in art (1904) pt. 56, 5:316. Jan van Eyck p.* (Berlin gall.) Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 1. Coxennius p. Galle cxc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 1. Coxennius p. Th. Galle exc. eng. .Seidlitz, Portriit- werk (1894) 1 :pl. 9. Van Eyck p.* Jan van, 13901-1440? Bulijvrt, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:379. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Des- camps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:1. eng. EYCK 491 FABRICIUS Etched ^r. of celebrated painters pi. 25. I. Girtin eng. Harper’s mag. (1878) 56:699. eng. (with Hubert) Knackfcss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 35:3. p.* (altar piece, Ghent) — (1899) 38:23. 12. von Gebhardt p. 1871* (with Hubert) Masters in art (1904) pt. 56, 5:306. Jan van Eyck p.* (fig. in The just judges, Berlin gall.) Meyssens, For. em. painters (1739) pi. 2. Th. Galle exc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 2. Galle exc. eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 9. Van Eyck p.* J/ewouu) Jan van. L’Art (1902) 61:587. Jean van Eyck p. Clair Guyot del. Burunuton mag. ( 1903) 1 : 46. Jan Van Eyck p.* (Bruges mus.) Connoisseur (1902) 4:172. Jan Van Eyck p.* (Brugi's mus.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) scr. 3, 28:99. Jan Van Eyck p. 1439* (Bruges mus.) Knackeuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 35:99. Jan van Eyck p.* Masters in art (1904) 5, pt. 56: pi. 7. Jan van Eyck p.* (Bruges mus.) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klassisoher bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1700. Jan van Eyck p,* (Bruges mus.) EYCKEN, Jean Baptiste van, 1809-53. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1854) 20:139 — (1855) 21:front. L. Falmagne sc. EYCKENS, Pierre, sr. 1648-95. De.scamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760) 3:286. C. Eisen inv. R. Gaillard sc. EYEB, John, d. 1561. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 72. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with Margarate, his wife; Narburgh church, Norfolk) EYKYN, Roger, m. p. 1830- Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 130. lith. after caricature. EYMAR DE WALCHR^TIEN, Jean Francois Ange, abb^, 1741- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:209. Labadye del. Masquelier sc. EYMARD, Peter Julien, 1811-68. Catii. world (1896) 63:184. EYNDEN, Hubert van den, sculptor, fl. 17th cent. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 94. A. van Dyck p. Vorsterman sc. Internat. studio (1903) 20:193. Van Dyck del.* (Brit, mus.) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 30. Vandyke p. Francis Engleheart eng. EYRE, Charles, r. c. abp. of Glasgow, 1817-1902. Gordon, Eccles. chron. Scotland (1^7) 4:642. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:486.* Merry Eng. 1894)23:321. Edward John, gov. of Jamaica, 1815-1901. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:285. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:867.* Sir James, 1734-99. European mag. (1800) 37:3. S. Drummond p. Ridley sc. Sophie. Tiie.atre (1883) ser. 4, 2:226. photo. — (1886) ser. 4, 8:177. photo (in group) — (1887) ser. 4, 9:235. photo. William, d. 1507. Cot.man, Sepulchral bras,ses (1839) l:pl. 48. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (Great Cressingham church, Norfolk) William, s. j. d. 1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:359.* EYS, J. C. N. van. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 20:660. EYTON, Robert, canon of Westminster, 184.5- Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 713. F. T. D. f. lith. (caricature) FABER, Eberhard, d. 1879. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:7^. G. E. Ferine eng. Edmimd Beckett, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:332.* George Denison, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:217.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32:773. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) FABER DU FAUR, Otto von, painter, 1828-1901. Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 1:155. wdet. FABER. STAPULENSIS, 1455?-1537. See Le F^vre d’Etaples. FABERT, Abraham de, marshal, 1599-1660. Gal. franf. (1822) 2:95. N. 11. Jacob del. after p. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1890) ser. 3, 4:225. Robert Nan- teuil p. Perrault, Lc>s hommes illus. (1700) 2:35. Edt'linck sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17"’ ct 18" sixties (1805) 2 : pi. 68. Edelinck sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1416. J. V. Schnetz p. A. Geille eng. FABRE, Ferdinand, 1830-98. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 25. photo. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:498. FABRE D'^GLANTINE, P hili ppe Fran9ois Nazaire, 1755-94. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7: 1, pi. 4. Gal. hist, de la rdv. frany. pi. 25. IcoNoo. des contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 17. H. Grevedon del.? 1825. Delpech lith. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 2:pl. 6. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 128. Walkener eng. FABRE DE L’AUDE, comte, Jean Pierre, 1755- 1832. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:3. FABRE PALAPRAT, Bernard Raymond, 177-5- Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:9. Michalon f. Fremy del. & sc. FABRI DE PEIRESC, Nicolas Claude, 1580- 1637. See Peiresc. FAHRIANO, Gentile da, 1370-1450. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) 8, pi. 56. eng. FABRICE, graf von, Georg Friedrich Alfred, 1818-91. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (189.5) 9:29. A. von Werner del. 1871.* FABRICIUS, Johann, 1644-1729. Schrockh, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) 2: pi. 37. eng. Johann Albert, 1668-1736. Schrockh, Abbild. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 30. eng. FABUS 492 FAIBCHILD FABUS, Jan. L’^^t (1890) 48 : 170. G4rard Ter Borch del.* Artistes c^lfebrcs; Gerard Terburg (1887)20, pi. 1. Ter Borch del. (coll. Albertine) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1886) ser. 2, 33:401. Ter Borch p. (Albertina, Vienna) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 19:13. Terborch del.* FACCHINETTI, Antonio, 1519-91. See Inno- cent IX, pope. FACCINI, Pietro, 1560-1602. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:397. eng. Moucke, Kitratti (1754) 2: pi. 18. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. FACIO. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 690. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* FACTOR, Pedro Nicolas, 1520-83. Stireing- Maxwell, .\nn. of artists of Spain (1891) 2:441. J. Camaron f. wdet. FADEN, Jane. Williamson, John Russell (1894) front. John Russell p. 1789.* FAED, Thomas, r. a. 1826-1900. L’Art (1882) 31:271. II. Thiriat eng. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:169. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:316.* Mag. of art (1878) 1:93. wdet. after photo. — (1893) 16:268.* —(1900) 24:564.* Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 30. photo. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (18^) 15. etch. FAUSTLE, Johann Nepomuk von, 1828-87. Oncken, Zeitalter des kaisers Wilhelm (18^) 2:622.* FAGAN, Louis, 1845-1903. Book buyer (1897) 15:203. Mag. of art (1903) 27:311. Jonn S. Sar- gent p. 1894.* FAGGIUOLA, Uguccione della, d. 1319. Ca- PRIOLO, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 17. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. FAGIUS, Paul (BUchlein) 1504-49. Ico.num viros virtute atque eruditione illus. reprsesentantium (1.599) pi. 27. eng. Verueiden, Af-beeldingen (1603) 57. VB f. eng. FAGON, Guy Crescent, 1638-1718. Cap, Mus. d’ hist. nat. (1854) pt. 1:10. Adrien F^art del. & sc. (medal) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. Iliacinte Rigaud p. Ficquet sc. Iconog. de Mme de S6vign^, pi. 54. Sandoz del. after contemp. f)or. Sichling sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18.38) 11: pi. 2482. L. G. Sichling eng. FAHEY, James, 1804-85. Illcs. Lond. news (188.5) 87:667. FAIDEB, Charles, 1811-93. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1894) 60:377. J. Demannez sc. FAIDHERBE, Louis Leon Cesar, general, 1818- 89. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:449.* Belle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 305.* FAILING, Henry, of Portland, Oregon, 1834- Ban- croft, Chron. (1892) 6:4.55. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:275. wdet. Josiah,of Portland, Oregon, 1806-78. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 6:439. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. FAILLY, comte de, Pierre Louis, 1724- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:215. Moreau del. Tessier sc. Pierre Louis Charles Achille de, 1810-92. .(Vllg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:419.* Belle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 543.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:529. wdet. FAIR, James Graham, 1831-94. Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 4:209. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:93. wdet. — (1895) 39 : 46. wdet. FAIRBAERN, Sir Andrew, engineer, 1828-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:813.* Andrew Martin, d. d. 1838- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:894. Outlook (1899) 63:56. V. Gri- bay^doff del. R. of rev. (1892) 5:423. Stead, Por and autog. (1891) 123.* Helen, Canadian writer. Cath. world (1896) 63:794. Sir William, engineer, 1789-1874. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:461. E. Geflowski sc.* (statue, Man- chester) Year-bk of facts (1862) front. W. II. Mote eng. after photo. — (1879) front. E. Geflowski sc. wdet. (statue) FAIRBANKS, Charles Warren, vice-pres. U. S. 1852- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:628. wdet. — (1897) 41:128. —(1899) 43:778. —(1904) 48:1033,1036, 1038, 1232,* 1267 (p. 1033, 1036, 1267 caricatures) Outlook (1903) 77:495.* R. of rev. (1904) 30:5, 142,* 177.* —30:528* (in 1904) ' Constance, Canadian writer. Cath. world (1896) 63:785. Erastus, gov. of Vt. 1792-1864. Benedict, Vt. in civ. war (1886) 1 : front. Metropolitan pub. & eng. CO. eng. CoNGREG. quar. (1867) 9: front. A. II. Ritchie eng. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:707 Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 : 252. eng. Franklin, 1828-95. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:706. Horace, gov. of Vt. 1820-88. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:707. Vt. Centen. anniv. (1879) 12. A. 11. Ritchie eng. Moses, mineral waters, 1816- Va.n Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:2.56. eng. Thaddeus, inventor, 1796-1886. Harper’s w. (1877) 21:105. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:707. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 :2.54. eng. FAIRBOURN, Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1832) 55. frontispiece. T. A. Dean eng. FAIRCHILD, Captain. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 309 Charles Stebbins, 1842 Harper’s w. (188.5) 29:181. wdet. —(1887) 31:25.3. wdet. —(1892) 36:604,987. —(189.5) 40:797. wdet. —(1897) 41:1037. —(1899) 43:841. H. F. 1817-66. Green bag (1892) 4:427.* FAIRCHILD 493 FAITHORXE Herman Le Roy, scientist, 1850- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:808. wdct. James Harris, 1817-1902. Eclectic mag. (1879) 92:385. J. J. Cade eng. Harper’s \v. (1887) 31:789. wdct. Lucius, gov. of Wis. 1831-96. Beath, Hist. G. A. R. (1899) 325. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:181. wdct. — (1886) 30:541. wdct. Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 305. Western eng. co. Chicago, eng. Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 5:433. eng. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:618. FAERCLOTH, William Turner, 1829-1900. Green bag (1892) 4:573.* FAIRFAX, 1st baron, Sir Thomas Fairfax, 1.560- 1640. So. Kensington, N^t. hist. por. 2: pi. 33. p.* 2d baron, Ferdinando Fairfax, 1584-1648. Cent. (1900) 37:436. medal* (Br. mus.) Earlom, Por. of char. eng. after p.1 Fellowes, Hist, sketches of Charles 1 (1828) 348. J. Cluis lith. after p. Mor- LEY, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 136. medal* (Br. mus.) Por. of parliamentary officers (1873) 15. R. S. sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (iS19) 2:28. eng. 3d baron, Thomas Fairfax, 1612-71. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 8:232. John Hoskins p. C. II. Jeens eng.* (miniature) Biog. mag. (1820) 2:29. Holl sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 101. Cooper p. J. Houbraken sc. Brit. mus. Prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 14. W. Faithorne eng.* Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1897) 8 : front. Cent. (1900 ) 37 : 571. miniature* (Windsor) Clarenekjn, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2, pt. 1:138. M. V. de Gucht sc. Connois- seur (1902) 3: 16. William Faithorne sr. eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:115. W. Dobson p.* Earl- om, Por. of char. R. Earlom eng. after miniature. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) l:pl. 18. Edward Bowersp. W. Marshall sc.* Fellowes, Hist, sketches of Charles I (1828) 346. Delaporte del. after old eng. Ducarme lith. Firth, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 122. Gerard Zoust p.* Gardiner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 73. Robert Walker p. eng. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1169. Hondius eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4 : 1490. R. Walker p. W. Hollar eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:218, 225.* Mor- LEY, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 1.36. miniature* (Wind- sor) Por. of parliamentary officers (1873) 16. R. S. sc. Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1^7) 78. S. Cooper p.* (miniature) Reresby, Travels and mem. (1813) 161. eng. after equestr. por. Scribner’s mag. (1900) 27:298. Robert Walker p.* (at Althorp) Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:720. eng. after p. (wth his wife; poss. of Chas. Gregory Fairfax) Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 2 : pi. 69. William Dobson p.* (with Lady Fairfax) Stern, Gesch. der rev. in Eng. (1881) 131. J. Hoskins p. C. H. Jeens eng. (minia- ture) Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2 : 29. Edward Bowers p. eng. Vicars, Eng. worthies (1845) 35. eng. — p. 40. eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) 1 : pi. 31. S. Cooper p. Charles Pye eng. (miniature) Walpole, Roy. & noble au. (1806) 5: 110. R. Walker p. Boequet eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 77. J. Hulett del. & sc. after miniature (poss. of Brian Fairfax, esq.) —(1816) 1:78. eng. —(1816) 1:79. R. Walker p. W. Faithorne sc. baroness, Anne (Vere) w. of 3d baron, d. 1665. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:115. W. Dobson p.* Earlom, Por. of char. Zoust p. C. Turner eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:223. rare print * (coll. Dr. T. Ad- dis Emmet) Scribner’s m. (1879) 18 : 720. eng. after p. (with her husband; poss. of Chas. Gregory Fairfax) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 69. William Dobson p.* (with her husband) Woodbuhn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 80. eng. 6th baron, Thomas Fairfax, 1692-1782. Cent. (1889) 15:835. p.* (Washington lodge, Alexandria Va.) Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:375. p. 1730* (Washington lodge, .iMexandria, Va.) Harper’s mag. (1896) 92:551. J. W. Alexander del. after p. (Wash- ington lodge, Alexandria) Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:716. eng. after p. (Washington lodge, Alexandria, Va.) 8th baron, Bryan Fairfax, 1737-1802. Cent. (1889) 15:847. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:302. eng. 9th baron, Thomas Fairfax, 1762-1846. Scrib- ner’s m. (1876) 12:303. eng. Sir Henry, admiral, 1837-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:748.* —(1900) 116:469.* Henry, horseman. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1113. wdct. Lettice, actress. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:504.* Mary, 1638-1705. See Buckingham, duchess of. Thomas Ferdinand, d. 1883. Mao. of Am. hist (1885) 13:235. Sir WiUiam George, vice-admiral, 1739-1813 Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:.325. Ridley eng. 1801.* FAIRFAX- LUCY family name. See Lucy. FAIRFIELD, John, 1797-1847. Democratic rev. (1846) 18:158. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Me. HisT.&geneal. recorder(1887) 4:front. T Doney eng. WiUiam Wells, 1805-91. Nat. mag. (1892) 15:660. eng. FAIRHOLME, George, banker, 1730-1800. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 162, 164. John Kay f. 1785-84 & eng. FAIRLIE, James, lieutenant, 1757-1830. .\m. hist, register (1895) 3:157. Cincinnati, Inst. (1886) 199. James OgUvy Reginald, 1848- Intern.\t. studio (1898) 5:160. James Clark f.* Mrs Louisa (Purves) w. of John, d. 1843. Heath, New gall, of Brit. eng. (1846) pi. 34. J. Stone- house p. II. Robinson eng. Keepsake (1843) 16:88. Stonehouse p. Robinson eng. FAIRVIEW, Florence, /^iena (1895) 13:359.* FAITHFULL, Emily, 1835-95. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:52.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:735.* FAITHORNE, William, engraver, 1616-91. Cust Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1: 151. Robert Walker p.* Mag. FALBE 494 FALMOUTH of art (1895) 18:429. medallion.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine art.s (1865) 1 :298. Waltole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1828) 5: 131. W. Faithorne del. John H. Robinson eng. FALBE, Sir Christian Frederik von, 1828-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:744.* FALCEEBI, Giovanni Battista, d. 1874. Byron, Works, Letters, ed. Prothero (1900) 4:404. D. Mae- lise del.* FALCON, Marie Comdlie, singer, 1812-97. IIc- ART et Philipjwn, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 25. FALCONER, Hugh, 1808-65. Darwin, More letters (1903) 1:252* (in 1844) FALCONER (Keith-Falconer) family name. See title Kintore. FALCONET, Etienne Maurice, sculptor, 1716-91 . L’Art (1902) 61 : 137. Mile Collot sc. Clair Guyot del. (bust) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1869) ser. 2, 2: 117. Sotain sc. wdet. « if me Marie Anne (Collot) w. of Pierre Etienne, 1748-1821. L’Art (1902) 61 : 141. Marie Anne Col- lot sc.* (bust) — 61:152. Pierre Etienne Falconet p.* FALGUlilRE, Alexandre, sculptor, 1832- L’Art (1887) 43:207. Kingel sc. Petit sc. (medallion) — (1890) 49:4. L. Bonnatp. A. Lurat sc. — (1901) 60:18. Victor Peter sc.* (medal) — 60:386. Victor Peter sc.* (bas-relief) — (1903) 62:476. A. Rodin sc. Mme M. J. J. Bazin eng.* (bust) Claretie, Peintres& sculpt, contemp. (1^4) 2:369. L. Massard sc. Critic (1899) 34:109. A. Falgui&re del. Scap sc.* — (1902)41:522. A. Rodin sc.* (bust) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:399.* Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:240. Internat. studio (1899) 8:7. Auguste Rodin sc.* (bust) — (1902) 18:146. Rodin sc.*(bust) Scribner’s mag. (1901) 29:95. Auguste Rodin sc.* (bust) FALIERO, Marino, doge of Venice, 1274-1355. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:298. coin.* Ordelafo, doge of Venice, d. 1117. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 34. Nani eng. Vitale, doge of Venice, d. 1096. CkcooNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 32. Nani eng. FALK, Adalbert, 1827-1900. Ai.lg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:543.* Hevck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:111.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wil- helm (1.892) 2:483.* Hermon Eugene, 1821-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:141.* FALKE, Gustav, poet, 1853- Critic (HKX)) 36:133. FALKINER, ifrs C. Litton. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 10. Walter Osborne p.* i/rs F. J. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:96. Sir Frederick Richard, 1831- Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 145. Walter Osborne p.* FALKLAND, Isi viscount, Henry Cary, 1575?- 1633. Brown, Genesis of L’. S. (1890) 1 : 130. Van- soiuerp. G. P. Harding del. J. Brown eng. Fiske, Old \irginia (1900) 1:72. Paul Vansomer p.* Mocle, Por. of illus. persons (1869) pi. 10. Vansomer p. G. P. Harding del. J. Brown sc. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1 :32. P. van Somer p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:65. Van Somer p. eng. 2d viscount, Lucius Cary, 1609—43. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:30. Hoi 1 sc. Cent. (1899) 37:264. p.* (at Chequers court) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 1, pt. 2:340. —(1843) 1:432. Vandyke p. H. T. ^-all eng. Earlom, Por. of char. Com. Janssen p. C. Trimer eng. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 2:25. Vandj-ke p.* (Amndel coll.) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 15. John Hoskins p.* (mimature) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1127. Franz Hals f. (poss. lord Arundell of Wardour) Lodge, Por. (183.5) 6:pl. 4. Vandj-ke p. H. T. R}-all eng. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (19()0) 72. p.* (at Cliequers court) O.xford loan coll. ■(1905) pi. 3. p.* (Bodleian lib.) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:342. statue (Westminster hall) Skelton, Charles I (1898) 38. J. Hoskins p. eng. (miniature) So. Kensing- ton, Nat hist. jx)r. 2: pi. 52. A. van Dyck p.* — 2:pl. 62. p.* Ster.n, Gesch. der rev. in Eng. (1881) 96. Van Dyck p. E. Scriven eng. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:23. Van Dyck p. eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:80. Boequet eng. War- burton, Mem. of Prince Rupert (1849) 2:front. Wageman del. S. Freeman sc. after p. (coll, of earl of Clarendon) Williamson, Por. nuniatures (1897) 36b. John Hoskins p.* viscountess, Lettice (Morison) w. of 2d viscount' 1612—47. Art. j. (1884) 36:361. George Jamesone p- C. Dietrich eng. (age 30) Connoisseur (1904) 10:3- Jamesone p.* (coll, at Duff house) Earlom, Por. of char. Corn. Janssen p. C. Turner eng. Gibbonsi Mem. (1835) 258. FALLOUX, comte de, Frdddric Alfred Pierre, 1811-86. Baudrillart, Gentilshommes ruraux, 327. L. Bordier sc. Oncken, 2ieitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:269. Decaisne p. 1837.* FALLOWS, Samuel, bp. 1835- Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 874. Western eng. co. eng. FALMOUTH, countess of, Elizabeth (Bagot) w. of 1st earl, d. 1684. La belle assembl^e (1819) n. s. 19:245. Sir Peter Lely p. J. Thomson eng. H.amii.- TON, Mem. of count Grammont, 236. Sir Peter Lely p. Ozias Humphrey p. S. Harding del. AV. N. Gardiner sc. (miniature) — (1809) 3: front. Sir P. Lely p. Ozia-s Humphrey p. Boequet sc. (miniature) Jame- son, Mem. of beauties of court (1838) 2:03. Sir Peter Lely p. J. Thomson eng. Law, Roy. gall, of Hamp- ton court (1898) 78. Lely p.* (misnamed countess of Ossory) 2d viscount, Hugh Boscawen, 1678?-1734. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 40. Harding sc. after p. (coll, at Badmenton) 7th viscount, Evelyn Boscawen, 1819-89. Baily’s mag. (1864) 7: front. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. — (1899) 71:401. W. J. .vlais sc. after photo. Illus. Ixrnd. news (1889) 95:619. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 259. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FALMOUTH 495 FARINELLI viscowitess, Mary Frances Elizabeth (Staple- ton) baroness Li' Dospencer, w. of 7th viscount, 1822-91. Court album (1853) pi. 4. H. Weigall, jr. f. W. H. Mote eng. Fairlie, For. of children (1838) A. E. Chalon del. H. Cook eng. HEAxn’s book of beauty (1845) 93. Sir W. C. Ross f. II. Robinson eng. 8ih viscount, Evelyn Edward Thomas Bos- cawen, 1847- Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 700. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FALBET, Jean-Pierre, 1824- Green bag (1897) 9:485. FANCHEB, Frederick Bartlett, gov. of N. Dak., 1852- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1124. FANE, Lady Geormana, d. 1874. .iVmulet (1829) pi. 6. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. C. Armstrong eng. (The mountain daisy) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence H900) 114. Lawrence p. 1800* (age 5; child with a kid, Nat. gall. Lend.) Ward, Eng. art (1887) 1:46. Lawrence p.* (age 5) Hon. Mrs Henry (Anne Batson) of Fulbeek, Lincolnshire. ^Yrmstrong, Gainsborough (1898) 32. Gainsborough p. 1772.* Lady Rachel, dau. of earl of Westmorland, 1613-80. See Bath, countess of. Sir Spencer Ponsonby-, 1824- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:639. W. W. Ouless p.* —(1901) 118:301.* Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 55. Walter W. Ouless p.* Vanitt fair album (1878) 10:pl. 172. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Hon. Thomas, colonel, 1760-1807. Connois- seur (1903) 5:171. Richard Cosway p.* (miniature; Ward Usher coll.) Williamson, For. miniatures (1897) 48b. Cosway p.* FANE family name. See title Westmorland. FANETJIL, Peter, 1700-43. Foote, .iVnn. of King’s chapel (1896) 2:72. wdct. King’s chapel, Boston, 200th anniv. (1887) 170. wdct.* AL\g. of Am. hist. (1882) 8:521. Smibert p. H. B. Hall eng. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 21 :518. Smibert p. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 2:260. p. KJlbum sc.* FANENG, Eaton, 1850- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 175. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* FANSHAWE, Arthur Dalrymple, rear-admiral, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:89.* Sir Richard, 1608-66. Biog. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 14. Sir F. Lely p. S. Harding del. E. Harding, jr.se. Effigies poeticse (1824) 1 :pl. 51. Faithorne eng. G. Clint del. C. Fve eng. (scarce print) Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:89. W. Faithorne f.* For. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 51. Faithorne eng. G. Clint del. C. Fye eng. (print prefixed to his Funeral sermon) Lady [Richard], Anne (Harrison) 1625-80- Costello, Mem. of em. Englishwomen (1844) 2:315. C. Cook sc. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:90. Hill, Women in English life (1896) 1 : front. C. Cook sc. I FANTI, Manfredo, 1810-65. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiscrreiches (1890) 247.* Vincenzo, painter, fl. 1744. Marrini, Ritrattf di cel. pittori (176.5) 2, pt. 2:33. F. Ant. Fazzi del. & sc. FANTIN-LATOUR, Henri, 1836- L’.\rt (1904) 63:445. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:461. Fantin-Latour des.* Internat. studio (1902) 15:231. Fantin-Latour p. 1863* (Uffizi gall.) — (1904) 24:41. Fantin-Latour p.* (pa.stel; poss. M. Viau) Ztsch. f. bildendc kunst (1904) n. s. 15:232. Whistler del.* FARADAY, Michael, 1791-1867. Acad. (1899) 56:324. S. F. T. f.* Ann. gift book (18.59) 1 :32. D. J. Found eng. after photo. ^Vrt i. (1904) 56:372. Thomas Fhillips p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Atiien^um club. For. (1836) 1 :pl. 10. E. H. Bailj' sc. lith. (bust) Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 2.59. from the Fraser gall.* Bolton, Foor boys (1885) 96. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:2.57. Thomas Fhillips p. 1842.* — (1902) 2:257. J. H. Foley sc.* (bust) Duyckinck, For. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:173. eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1^8) 70:397. F. T. Stuart eng. Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:263. Har- per’s w. (1867) 11:652. wdct. Iles, Flame, elec- tricity & the camera (1900) 104,* pi. 3. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70:233. J. H. Foley sc. wdct. — (1899) 114:846 (statue; hall of Royal institution) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. IL W. Fickersgill p. J. Coch- ran eng. Maclise gall. (1873) 184. Daniel MacUse del. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6:511. photo. Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1836) 29:92. etch. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1888) 3:308. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 47. H. W. Fickersgill p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1:82. Fickersgill p. J. Cochran eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissfm (1898) 1 :pl. 101. Fhillips p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 222. Fhillips p.* Yearbk of facts (1845) front. H. Anelay p. J. Cook eng. FARDELL, Thomas George, 1835-96. Illus Lond. news (1895) 106: 198.* FAREL, GuiRaume, 1489-1565. Guizot, Fop. hist, of France, 4:181. wdct. Verheiden, Alf-becl- dingen (1603) 78. H. f. eng. FARGE, Antoinette (Mother Marie de Jesus) Cath. world (1895) 62:380. FARGO, William George, 1818-81. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:322. eng. Mao. of West. hist. (1886) 3:^9. eng. FARGUEIL, Anais, singer, 1819-96. IIuart et Fhilippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 4. Benjamin f. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 1 :78.* FARGUS, Frederick John (pseud. Hugh Conway) 1848-85. Illus. Lond. news (1885) 86 : 559. FARINE, vicomte, Pierre Joseph, 1770-1833 Tardieu, G6n. franf. 2:pl. 123. Forestiersc. FARINELLI (Carlo Broschi) 1705-82. Hogarth, Mem. of mus. drama (1838) 1:416. Amiconi p. W. Grealbatch eng. Wright, Eng. under house of Han- over (1848) 1:99. Countess of Burlington? del. F. W. Fairholt eng. (with Cuzzoni and Heidegger; cari- cature) FARINGTOX 496 FARNUM FAHINGTON, Joseph, painter, 1747-1821 . Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 47. T. Lawrence f. II. Meyer eng. FARINHOLT, Frances Conigland, author. Catii. world (1897) 6.5:565. FARINI, Luigi Carlo, 1812-66. Or.si, Mod. Italy (1900) 363. FAKJASSE, Denis Dominique, 1801- Har- per’s w. (1874) 18:929. wdct. FARLEY, Charles, actor, 1771-1859. Monthly mirror (1806) 21:145. Miss Emma Smith del. Ridley eng. J. H. maj’or of Cleveland, Ohio. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:244. wdct. John Murphy, r. c. abp. of N. Y. 1842- Har- per’s w. (1902) 46:1268.* OfTi.ooK (1902) 72:275.* Patrick, 1848- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:260. wdct. Robert, of Ipswich, Mass. 1760-1823. Sons of the rev. N. Y. Yearbk. (1893) 141. miniature 1800* (poss. of Gustavus Farley, jr.) FARLOW, William Gilson, 1844- Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:291. FARMER, James, 1802- Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 3:36. Samuel Sartain eng. after photo. John, genealogist, 1789-1838. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1847) 1:9. T. Moore eng. after mini- ature 1824. John, organist, 1835-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:122.* Moses Gerrish, electrician, 1820-93. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:32. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 6:197. eng. Richard, 1735-97. Dibdin, Typog. antiquities (1816) 3:503. T. Hodgetts eng. after p. (Emmanuel coll. Camb.) Shakespeare illus. (1793) l:pl. 5. S. Harding del. Ridley sc. FARNA,J/Ce, actress. L’Art( 1882)28: 137. Th. Thomas del. (as Scheherazade) FARNAM, Henry, civil engineer, 1803-83. Par- ton, Men of progress (1870-71) 501. R. O’Brien eng. FARNBOROTJGH, 1st baron, Sir Thomas Erskine May, 1815-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:589. Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 22. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) (of Bromley Hill Place) 1st baron Sir Charles Long, 1761-1838. Brit. gall. (1822) 2: pi. 5. H. Edridge f. C. Picart eng. FARNESE, Alessandro, 1466-1549. See Paul HI, pope. Alessandro, cardinal, d. 1589. Knackfuss, KQnstler-monog. (1897) 29:91. Titian p.* (with pope Paul HI and Ottavio Farnese; Nat. mus. Naples) Portfolio (1898) no. 37:61. Titian p.* (with jwpe Paul HI and Ottavio Farnese; Naples gall.) Reberu. Bayersdorfer, Klas-sischer bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 1728. Titian p.* (with pope Paul HI and Ottavio Farnese, duke of Parma; Nat. mus. Naples) Alessandro, duke of Parma, 1.547-92. Creigh- ton, Queen Elizabeth (1896) 126. Boussod, Valadon & CO. eng. after p. ? (Versailles) Dreu.x du R.adier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. A. E. p. Fiquet eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 5:32. wdct. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:66. contemp. por.* IIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:920. Crispin de Passe f. eng. — 3:969. Otto van Veen f. P. de Jodc eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 40. Sands sc. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:385. — 2:51. Jackson, Lady, First of the Bourbons (1890) 1:228. rint.* (Brit, mus.) Jhrb. d. kuiusthist. samml. d. aiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 11, fig. 7. medal 1566.* Motley, Hist, of the united Netherlands (1860) 1: front. Wierix eng. Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) .574. Putnam, William the Silent (1895) 2:266. old eng. (from Hyman’s “Bruxelles i travers les ages”) Reyd, Voor- naemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlanden (1626) 34. C. vanSichemeng. SEiDLirz,Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 107. C. de Passe sc.* Versailles, Gal, hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 1910. Mauduison eng. after p. Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 11. J. Wierix eng. 1591.* Williamson, Hist, of jxir miniatures (1904) l:pl. 19, fig. 3. Lundens p.* (coll, queen of Holland) Maria (of Portugal) duchess of Parma, w. of Ales- sandro Farnese, 1,521-77. See Maria, princess of Portugal. Girolama, w. of Alfonso San Vitale. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 9, fig. 2. medal 1.5.56.* Ottavio, 2d duke of Parma, 15201-86. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 8, fig. 1, 10. Pastorino eng. 1552, 1556* (medal) Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 29:91. Titian p.* (with pope Paul HI and Alessandro Farnese; Nat. mus. Naples) Portfolio (1898) no. 37:61. Titian p.* (with pope Paul HI and cardinal Farnese) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klassischer bilderschatz (1900) 12: pi. 17^. Titian p.* (with pop>e Paul HI and cardinal Alessandro Farnese; Nat. mus. Naples) Margarethe (of Austria) w. of Ottavio, 1522-86. See Margarethe, archduchess of Austria. FARNHAM, 7th baron, Henry Maxwell, 1799- 1868. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60; 120. S. C. Lynn sc. wdct. (statue at Cavan) Dustin, actor. Critic (1904) 44:110* (as The Virginian) — (1904) 44:427 (with Frank Canteau in The Virginian) Rev. Luther, 1816-97. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1898) 52:405. Ralph, 1755- Harper’s w. (1860) 4:629. wdct. FARNSWORTH. Elon John, 1837-63. Cent. (1887) 11:4.57. FARNUM, Dustin, actor. See Famham. John Egbert, 1824-70. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:332. wdct FARO 497 FARREN FARO, Jogo Pereira Darrigue, d. 1856. See Rio Bonito, visconde do. FARQUHAR, 1st baron, Sir Horace Bland Town- send-Farquhar, 1844- B.ui.y’s mag. (1902) 77 :257. W. Allinghani sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:41.* —(1902) 121:730.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 44. Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 695. Spy f. lith. (caricature) George, 1678-1707. Garnett, Hist, of h'ng. lit. (1903) 3:168. Gilbert. Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 9:250. photo. Henry, scientist, 1851- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:808. wdct. FARQUHARSON, James, colonel, 1834-88. Va.n- iTY fair album (1876) 8:pl. 134. J. T. C. f. lith. (cari- cature) James John, 1784-1871. Baily’s mag. (1866) 11:113. Pouncy f. Joseph Brown sc. ■ Joseph, painter, 1847- Art j. (1893) 45:153. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:187.* Mao. of art (1900) 24:526.* Robert, m. p. 1837- Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 653. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Robert James, m. d. 1824- Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51:89. FARR, Florence, actress. Book buyer (1894) 11 -383. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:290. John, 1810-92. Grafton & Cobs bar assoc. Proc. (1894) 2, pt. 5:549. J. C. Buttre co. eng. William, m. d. 1807-83. Illus. Lond. news (1883)82:549. Pop. sci. m. (1883) 23:289. FARRAGTJT, David Glasgow, 1801-70. ann. cyclop. (1865) 5:596. H. W. Smith eng.? after photo. Appleton’s cyclop, of *\jn. biog. (1887) 2:412. Ilollyer eng.? after photo.? Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 219. Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 2: front. S. Hollver eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 1 :pl. 6. 40.* Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 120.* Va.n- iTT fair album (1891) 23: pi. 520. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) John, 1802-84. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:149. wdct. after photo. Meth. mag. (1820) 43:321. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1839) 62:961. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. Percy. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:71.* Sidney Howard, engin»‘er. So. .Vfrican por. gall. (1897) 52. Timothy, judge, 1747-1849. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (18.52) 6:313. J. G. Cole p. H. W. Smith sc. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:100. Timothy, judge, 1788-1874. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1875) 29:225. H. W. Smith eng. after photo. FARRE, Arthur, m. d. 1821-87. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91 : 766. FARREL, Almon, foundry, 1800-.57. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:264. eng. Owen, dwarf, d. 1742. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:230. eng. FARRELL, Sir Thomas, sculptor, 1820-lfMX). Mag. of art (1894) 17:107.* FARRELLY, Patrick, 1841-1904. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:737.* FARREN, Mrs (born Russell) actress. Ballou’s pictorial (18.55) 9:.3(X). J. W. Orr sc. Elizabeth, aftw. countess of Derby, w. of 21st earl, 17-59-1829. I>a belle assembl^e (1813) n. s. 7:3. Lawrence p. C. Knight eng. 1810 (miniature) Cent. (1899) 37:197. Lawrence p. Timothy Cole eng.* CoNNOLssEUR (1904) 8:171. Lawrence p.* — 10:66. John Downman del. Collyer eng. lith. (for scenery’ at Richmond house) Doran, ^Vnn. of Eng. stage (1888) 3:96. Lawrence p. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3, 5:130. Lawrence p. Bar- tolozzi .sc. Gerard, Some celebrated Irish beauties (189.5) 2.56. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 33. miniature.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 24288—06 32 FARREN 498 FAUQUIER 8. Lawrence p. F. Bartolozzi eng.* Hietii, Der formenschatz (1893) pi. 16. Lawrence p. Bartolozzi sc. Illi’s. Lend, news (1898) 113:991. Lawrence p. Bartolozzi eng. IjADy’s mag. (1788) 19:62. eng. (with Thomas King) Lady’s m. mus (18(X)) 4:409. Rivers dc'l. Ridley sc. iL\G. of art (1S86) 9:143. Lawrence p. Bartolozzi eng. — (1898)22:139. Law- rence p.* — 22:265. Lawrence f.* Monthly mir- ror (1796) 2:387. eng. after miniature. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 69, fig. 3. S. Shelley p.* (with her child; J. W. Whitehead coll.) WiLUAMSON, Por. miniatures (1897) 54. Shelley p.* (with her daughter) — p. 84. Lawrence p.* — p. 166. Richard Cosway p. eng. Ellen, aflw. Mrs R. Soutar, actress, d. 1904. Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1 :22.* Hollingshe.ad, Gaiety chron. (1898) 450. Tiie.\tke (1881) ser. 3, 3:257. photo (in Forty thieves) — (1890) ser. 4, 14:49. photo (with Fivd Leslie) Whyte, Actors (1898) 200* (with Fred Leslie) William, gr. actor, 1786-1861. Ecropean mag. (1822)81:99. George Clint p. James Thomson eng. Mrs William, sr. 1789-1857. See Faucit, Mrs Harriet (Diddear) WiUiam, jr. 1825- Theatre (1878) n. s. 1:360. photo. FAKRER, Isi baron, Sir Thomas Henry Fairer, 1819- 99. Illus. Lond. news (1883) 83:261.* —(1893) 162:689.* —(1899) 115:569.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 196.* Mrs. Court album (1854) 29. John Hayter f. W. H. Mote eng. FARRINGTON, Ira Putnam, of Portland, Me. 1820- 94. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1304. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. FARWELL, Charles Benjamin, 1823-1903. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:56. wdet. Moses, 111. hist. & statistical (1892) 2:916. Sir George, 1845- Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 58. F. T. D. f. lith. (caricature) John Villiers, 1825- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 130. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:269. Nathaniel W. cotton bleaching and dyeing, 1818- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:287. eng. FASSETT, Jacob Sloat, 1853- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:604, 716. wdet. FASTOLF, 5ir John, 13781-1459. Bioo. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 2. Clamp sc. after eng. (from the Oxford Almanack for 1731) Lives of illust. persons (1820) Parker sc. FATEH LAL MEHTA, of Udaipore. Harper’s mag. (1895) 90:454. FATHA ALI Shah, king of Persia, 17621-1834. Be.njamin, Story of Persia (1887) 289. photo. Mal- colm, Hist, of Persia (1815) 2:314. C. Heath eng. after a Persian painting. FATTORE, n, Ital. painter, 1488-1528. See Penni, Giovanni Francesco. FATTCHER, C^sar and Constantin, 1759-1815. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 5: pi. 6. eng. FAUCIGNY DE LTJCINGE, comte, Louis Charles Amedee, 1755-1801. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:219. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. FATJCIT, Mrs Harriet (Diddear) w. of Savile F. afiw. Mrs W. Farren, actress, 1789-1857. La h f.i.i.f. assemble (Aug. 1817) n. s. 16:51. Rose Emma Drummond p. James Thomson eng. Helen, afiw. w. of Sir Theodore Martin, 1819-98. Acad. (1899) 57:444. J. H. Foley del. J. Hughes f.* (alto-relievo) Art j. (1858) 10: 124. J. H. Foley sc. J. Brown eng. (alto-relievo) Critic (1898) 33:410. Myra Drummond p.* Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1117. Illl's. Lond. news (1898) 113:664.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 48. Rudolf Lelunann p. 1872.* M\o. of art (1900) 24:142. J. H. Folev del. J. Hughes sc.* (monument) W hyte, .\ctors (1^98) 102. Rudolf Lehmann p.* FATJCONBERG, viscouniess, Mary (Cromwell) w. of 2d viscount, 1637-1712. Ce.vt. (1900) 38:874. Cornelius Janssen p.* (at Chequers court) Gardi- ner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 160. eng.? after minia- ture (coll, duke of Buccleuch) — p. 168. Lawnmee Crosse p. (miniature) — p. 1^. Jansen p. Morley, Oliver CVomwell (1900) 454. Janssen p. ?* (Chequers court) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 17. Jansen p.* FAUDEL- PHILLIPS, Sir George Faudel, 1st bart. 1840- See Phillips. FAULKNER, Charles James, 1806-84. Demo- cratic rev. (1858) 41 : 17.5. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 49. eng. Charles James, u. s. senator, 1847- H.abper’s w. (1887) 31 :368. wdet. —(1894) 38: 1048. wdet. Charles Joseph. Memorials of Burne-Jones (1904) 1 : 106* (age 24) Francis, woolen mfr. 1760-1843. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 :269. eng. Francis Augustus, of Keene, N. H. 1825-79. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2320. H. Ritchie eng. James, major, war of 1812. Harper’s mag. (1863) 28 9. eng. FAULKNOR, Elizabeth, afiw. w. of Hon. Henry Fitzroy Stanhope. See Stanhojie. Robert, r. n. 1763-95. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:489. Holl p.* European mag. (1795) 28:75. J. Roberts del. Balston eng. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 16. George Engleheart p. eng. FAUNCE, Edmund, lieut.-gen. 1838-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:529.* William Herbert Perry, 1859- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:593. Outlook (1899) 62:796. FAUQUIER, Wilham, d. 1788. Cusr, Hist. soc. of Dilettanti (1898) 112. George Knapton p.* FAUR 499 FAWCETT FATJR, Guy du, 1529-84. See Pibrac, ."spigneur de. FAUKE, Camille A, electrician. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 6:199. eng. Felix, pres, of France*, 1841-99. Ai..m. de Gotha (1896) front. Th. and A. Weger sc. ^Vi’pleton’s ann. cyclop. (1895) 20:280. photo. Critic (1898) 33:229 (2 por.)* 19ieme si5cle (1901) 161. Bonnat p.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:76. wdct. —(1896) 40:152. Bonnat p. wdct. —(1897) 41:825.* —(1899) 43:206. iLLUs.Lond. news (1895) 106:97.* — (1899) 114:270. Paris salon (1895) 38. L. Bonnat p.* R. OF rev. (1895) 11 : 131. Gribay^doff del.* — 11:507. — (1899) 19:258.- Vanity fair album (1895) 27:pl. 650. Guth f. 1895. lith. (caricature, age 54) Gabriel, composer, 1845- Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (19(X)) 177. Alex. Gribaylidoir del.* Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:581. J. S. Sargent del.* In- TERNAT. studio (1900) 10:8. J. S. Sargent del. 1896.* Jean Baptiste, actor, 1830- L’^Vrt (1877) 9:53. Paul Renouard des. Gillot eng. (in Hamlet) Grand-Carteret XIX® sifccle (1893) 452. contemp. lith.* (in Hamlet, 1868) Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:61. wdct. after photo. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1884) 19:249. Ed. Manet p. II. Gu^rard del. FAUSBtiLL, Michael Viggo, 1821- Lund, Danske malede jxir. (1900) 7-:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (group) FAUST, Johann, d. 1466. See Fust. FAUSTA, w. of Constantine I the Great, d. 326. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9:pl. 4, fig. 270. medal.* FAUSTINA, w. of Antoninus Pius, 105-141 A. D. Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2 pt. 2:pl. 46, 47. busts.* Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 389. coin (from Imhoof Bloomer’s Portratkopfe auf rom. munzen) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (18^) l:pl. 6, fig. 29-31 (3 medals)* McClltie’s mag. (1901) 17:107. bust 2d cent. A. D.* (Nat. mus. Naples) FAUSTINA, w. of Marcus Aurelius, d. 175. oBern- “ Authenticity doubtful. ouLLi,Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2:pl. 52-54(3 busts) Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 390. coin (from Imhoof-Blumer’s Portratkopfe auf rom. munzen) HisT.gall.ofpor.(1811) 7:pl. 16. R. Sands sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1883) l:pl. 7, fig. 4.3-45 (3 medals)* FAUSTINA BORDONI, 1700-83. See Hasse. FAUSTUS, Johannes, d. 1466. See Fust. FAUVEAU, Mile Felicie de, sculptor, 1803- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, .30:281. Ary Scheffer p.* (Louvre) FAVA, barone de, Ital. ambassador to U. S. Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:272. wdct. FAVART, Mile Marie (Pierrette Ignace Pin- gaud) 1833- Febvre & Johnson, Album de la com6die fran?. (1880) 26. E. Abot etch. Mme Marie Justine Benoite (Duronceray) actress & singer, 1727-72. L’Art (1879) 18:195. C. N. Cochin jr. del. 17.53. J. J. Flipart eng. 1762. — 18:199. C. Vanloo p. J. Daulld eng. 1754 (as Bas- tienne) — (1883)35:200. Lebas eng. 1759. gravure tir^e de I’llist. du costume au tli64tre par Adolphe Jullicn (in Ninette k la cour, 1756) — (1903) 62:. 503. C. N. Cochin jr. del. 1753. J. J. Flipart eng. 1762.* Art j. (1902) 54:1.52. Jean-Baptiste Van Loo p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 26:254. M. Q. de Latour p. wdct. — (1893) ser. 3, 10:409. J. Garand p. (miniature) Hikth, Les grands illus- trateurs, 6:2136. C. van Iajo p. J. Daull^ eng. (as Bastienne) FAVERSHAM, William, actor, 1868- Bookman (1901) 14:222* (in A royal rival) Critic (1901) 39 : 329* (as Don Csesar) Harper ’s w. ( 1 904) 48:1 668* (with Carlotta Nillson in Letty) Strang, Famous actors (1900) 94 (as Eric Von Rodeck in The conquer- ors) — (1902) ser. 2:144 (as Lieut. J. Hinds) FAVIERS, baronne de, fl. 1817. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31 :309. Guerin del.* (coll, du baron de Berckheim, with baronne de Franck, vicomtesse de Bussikrc and Mile d(; Balthasar) FAVILLE, Oran, 1817-72. Annals of Iowa (1869) 7:111. G. E. Perine & co. eng. FAVRE, Jules, 1809-80. Allg. weltgcschichte (1892) 12:461. Anton von Wemer del. 1870* (with Bismarck) L’Art (1902) 61:608. lith. Book buyer (1898) 16:1.36. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 175.* Harper’s mag. (1875) 50:343. eng. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:349. wdct. —(1870) 14:685. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:453. wdct. Latimer, France in 19th cent. (1892) 292. Oncken, Zeitalter des kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:637. Weger eng. after photo. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de fang, et lit. franc (1899) 8:510. Ch. Lefebvre p. G. Bertinot eng. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:11. J. Reich eng. FAWCETT, Adam, vice-pres. A. P. A. Har- per’s w. (18M) 38: 1017. wdct. Edgar, 1847-1904. America’s grtst men and women (1894) 191. Arena (1891) 5:26.* L’Art et I’id^e (1892) 2:345. Bookman (1904) 19:341. p.1* (poss. J. M. Stoddart) Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:818. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 73. Henry, 1833-84. Bolton, Eng. statesmen (1891) 378 Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 4:9. lith. after photo. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:205. Mary Grant f.* (medallion) Harper’s mag. (1875) .50:352. eng. (with his wife) — (1882) 65:176.* Illus. Lond. news (1880) 76:465. —(1884) 85:465. —(1887) 90:634. statue* (at Salisbury) — (1892) 101:7^. G. TTinworth sc.* (statue) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:124. Harold S. Rathl>one p.* Men of mark (1876) 1:15. photo. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 132. lith. after caricature. John, comedian, 1768-1837. Art. j. (1854) 6:374. Sir T. Lawrence p. W. J. Edwards eng. (Ver- non gall.) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:51. Law- rence p.* European mag. (1816) 69:99. Harlow p. FAWCETT 500 FECKENHAM T. Blood eng. Hall, Vernon gall. 4: pi. 32. Law- rence p. Edwards eng. Monthly mirror (1799) 8:65. Sir William Beechey p. Ridley eng. Whyte, Actors (1898) 90 (as Touchstone) Mrs Millicent (Garrett) w. of Henry, 1847- Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:68.* Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85:473. Notables of Brit. (1897) 149.* K. OE rev. (1890) 2:2.* Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 101. T. Blake Wirgman p.* Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 105.* Philippa Garrett, dati. of Henry. Illus. Lond. news (18tX)) 96:776.* R. of rev. (1890) 2:17. Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 104.* FAWKES, juggler. Caulfield, Por mem. & char. (1819) 2:65. eng. FAXICUKA, Philip Francis, Japanese ambas- sador, 11. 1615. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3: 1048. R. Sadeler f. eng. FAXON, Henry Hardwick, 1823-190.5. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 148. eng. William, 1822- Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 1:70. J. M. Butler eng. FAY, Alford Forbes, captain, 1843-81. Wiiitte- MORE, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. 2:121. Clement Kelsey, 184.5-98. Sons of the rev. Ma.ss. Register (1899) 55. George Flagg, of Fitchburg, 1828-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:329. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Joseph Story. Harper’s mag. (1869) 40:52. eng. (Harvard crew, Harvard-Oxford rowing match, 1869) Theodore Sedgwick, 1807-98. Ati*antic sou- venir (1859) 109. Capewell & Kimmel eng. Duyc- KiNCK, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:240. Roberts sc. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 269. Capewell Kim- mell eng. FAYDEL, Jean Felix, 1744-1827. Bux;. nio- derne (1807) 3:226. Labad 3 ’e del. Courtx' sc. FAYDHERBE, Lucas, sculptor and architect, 1617-97. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 90. G. Coques p. Pet. de Jode sc. Meyssens, True effi- gies (1694) pi. 111. G. Coques p. Pet. de Jode sc. (age 44) FAYE, Hervd Auguste Etienne Albans, astron- omer, 1814-1902. Harper’s mag. (1889) 78:, 506. FAYERWEA'THER, Daniel B. 1821-fK). Har- per’s w. (1890) 34:99(i. wdct. FAYOLLE, Peter. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) j)l. 308. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* FAYRER, Sir Joseph, 1st hart. 1824- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:203. —(1896) 108:52.* FAZAKERLEY, John Nicholas, and William. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1 :.36. G. Romney p. 1792* (children, Lady .(\gnew coll.) FAZI. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 246. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* FAZY, Jean Jacob (James Fazy) 1796-1878. Harper’s mag. (1872) 4.5:879. Abbey del. eng. FEALY, Maud, actress. Harper’s w. (1903) 47 :1671* (in Hearts courageous) FEARING, Blanche, 1863- New Eno. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:688. FEARN, John Walker, 18,32-99. Harper’s w (1885) 29:341. wdct. FEARON, William Andrewes, u. n. 1841-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:144.* — (1893) 103:119.* FEATHERSTON, Isaac Earl, m. d. 1813-76. Gisborne, N. Zealand nilers (1897) 67. Miss Vane, actress. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 14:185. photo. FEATHERSTONHAUGH, Mr. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (19()4) 2:pl. 70, fig. 8. J. Smart p.* (lord Hothfield coll.) FEATHERSTONHAUGH. See also Fetherston- haugh. FEBIGER, Christian, 1746-96. M.\o. of Am. hist. (1881) 6:201. H. B. Hall etch. 1880. Christian C. Philadelphia publisher. Harper's w. (1891) 35:184. wdct. FEBO, Pastor. Turn i trionfi (17.50) 1 .238 JVe sc. FEBVRE, Alexandre Frdddric, actor, 183.5- L’Art (1877) 8:86. Paul Renouard del. Yves & Bar- ret sc. (as Fritz Kobus) Febvre & Johnson, Album de la comedie frany. (1880) 10. E. Aliot etch. Har- per’s w. (1895) 39:196. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:13. Jacques Reich eng. FECHNER, Gustav Theodor, 1801-87 Har- per’s mag. (1899) 99:518.* McClure’s ma" (1893) 1 : 407. wdct. after photo. W erckmeister. Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 250.* Fran Harms (born Reuiaux) Ztscti. f. liildende kunst (1901) n. s. 12:104. Hanns Fechner p. 1898.* FECHTER, Charles Albert, actor, 1824-79. Ce.nt. (1890) 18:, 544. lith.* (as Hamlet) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:228 (as Hamlet) Harper’s w. (1879) 23:68,5. wdct. —(1891) 35:876. wdct. (as Hamlet) Hutton, Curiosities of Am. .stage (1891) 307. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:157.* Scrib- ner’s m. (1881) 21:,530. Robert Blum del. after photo.? (as Monte Christo) Theatre (1879) ser. 2, 3:70. photo, (as Hamlet) Whyte, Actors (1898) 144* (as Hamlet) — p. 146* (4 photo, as Othello, iago, and Robert Macaire) — p. 190* (with his son in The mountebank) FECKENHAM, John de, 1518 ?-85. Lit. souve- nir (1832) 8.173. J. Northcote p. J. Mitchell eng. (visiting lady Jane Grej' in the Tower) FECTOR 501 FELIPE FECTOR, William, actor, 1764- European mag. (1789) 15;347. eng. FEDE, Francesco del. IIirtu, Dcr forincnschatz (1894) pi. .52. Andrea Fcrrucci ? sc.* (bas-relief, church of S. Maria Primerana, Fiesole) Lucrezia del, w. of Andrea del Sarto. See Va- nucchi. FEDELE, Cassandra, 146.5-1.558. Yriarte, Venise (1878) 191. wdet. 1497.* FEDERICI, Francesco, 1748-99. Amato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 1:78. FEDERICO III, king of Naples, 1452-1.504. Cas- TiGuoNE, Courtier (1901) 400. medal* (Nat. mus. Florence) FEDERIGHI, Benozzo, bp. d. 1450. Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 49: pi. 235. Luca della Robbia sc.* (monument in S. Trinitil, Florence) FEDOROVSKI, capt. Russian navy. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:708. wdet. FEEHAN, Patrick Augustine, r. c. abp. of Chi- cago, 1829-1902. Nat. mag. (1892) 16:484. eng. FEIGEL, August, Ger. consul gen. in N. Y. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:^2. wdet. FEUd, Diogo Antonio, 1784-1843. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:81. S. A. Sisson lith. FEILD, Everard M. col. Confed. army. Bernard, War talks (1892) 65.* FEILDING, vuicouniess, Anne Catherine (Powis) 1772-1852. See Powis. Lady Frances, aftw. countess of Winchil.sea, d. 1734. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-IIill (1901) 1:281. Vanderbank p.* Robert (Beau Feilding) 1651 (-1712. Brit. mus. Prints (1895) n. s. pt. 5:pl. 6. Kneller p. I.saac Beckett eng.* Daniell, Cat. of eng. por. of cele- brated personages (1900) 52. eng. after early eng. S.MITH, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:32, pi. 4. W. Wis- sing p. I. Beckett f. eng.* FEILDING family name. See also Fielding and title Denbigh. FEITNER, Thomas L. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:882.* FEL, Mile Marie, singer, 1713-89. L’Art (1876) 4:332. La Tour p. A. L2*veill6 eng. (pastel) — 5^90) 48:21. La Tour p. eng. (pa.stel) Art j. (1^7) 39:308. La Tour p. Dillon del. Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1882) ser. 2, 26:253. M. Q. dc Latour p. wdet. (pa.stel) FELBRIGG, Sir George, d. 14(X). Cotman, Sepul- chral bra.sses (1839) 2: pi. 6. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Playford church, .Suffolk) Simon de, d. 1351. Cot.man, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 8. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with his wife; Felbrigg church, Norfolk) Jb'JULBRIGGE, Sir Roger de, d. 1380? Cotman, St'pulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 8. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with his wife; Felbrigg church, Norfolk) Sir Simon, d. 1443. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 :pl. 15. el. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (with his first wife, Margaret: Felbrigge church, Norfolk) FELCH, Alpheus, gov. of Mich. 1806-9(j. Cleave- land, Hist, of Bowcloin coll. (1882) 367. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Glea.son’s pictorial (18.53) 4:89. eng. Green bag (1890) 2:380.* Mao. of West hist. (1886) 4:60.5. eng. FELDHAUS, Richard. Outi.ook (1904) 78:22. FELIPE I, king of Spain, 1478-1.506. Ciiron. vande Hertoghen van Brabant (1612) 90. eng. Halma, Tooneel der Ver. Nederlanden (1725) 2:142. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltge.sch. (1898) 5:5. statue* (Innsbruck) — 5:72. Flemish school p.* — 5:74. B. Strigel p.* (Maximilian I and his family) Hirtii, Der formenschatz (1884) pi. 6. Heinrich Vogtherr eng. Hy.mans, Bnixelles, 1 : 128. — 1 :221. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. sainml. d. kaiserhauscs (1885) 3: pi. 5. Hans Kels f.* (carving?) — (1887) 5: pi. 21. — (1888) 7 : reg. 4.579. watercolor sketch?* — (1889) 9: pi. 5, after p. 26‘2. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1890) 11 : 170 & pi. 27 (2 monuments)* Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 192. .J. Mostard p. .J. J. Flipart sc. ScRivERius, Principes Hollandiae et Westfrisise (16.50) 34. T. Mostart p. C. Visscher sc. Vei.ly, Hist, de, France (1770) 10:184. .J. Mostard p. .1. .J. Flipart sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1801. Pedretti eng. after p. — sup. 6: pi. 66. Massard eng. after statue. FELIPE II, king of Spain, 1527-98. Allo. welt- geschichtc (1886) 7:3.36. P. P. Rubens p.* (Prado) — 7:398. medal* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) — 7:420. seal* (with Mary of England) — 7:477. Antonio Moro p.* L’Art (1878) 12:27. Ix'one Leoni sc. C. Molony des. (statue) Balle.stre.m, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 5, fig. 27. Titian p.* (Pitti gall.) Bardi Gal. du. palais Pitti (1842) l:pl. 109. Titian p. Lasinio F'iglio eng. Bouchot, Catherine de Mddicis (1899) 66. miniature* (with Elisabeth de Valois) Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1864) 2: pi. 74. Leoni.se. V. Carderera del. F. Kellerhoven lith. (statue) — 2:pl. 75. Pantoja p. 1.598. V. Car- derera del. A. Lemoine lith. (Escurial lib.) Cent. (1898) 34:207. Titian p.* Chro.n. vande Hertoghen van Brabant (1612) 108. eng. Creighto.n, Queen Elizabeth (1896) 72. Boussod, Valadon & co. eng. after equestr. por. (Windsor) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:33. Alonzo Sanchez Coello p.* — 1:33. .Jacopo da Trezzo sc. 15.55* (medallion) Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Titian p. Gail- lard eng. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 176. Anton. Wicrix eng.* — p. 178 (medal*) Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898 ) 31 . Jeronimus sc.* (old print. Library of Congress) Fiske, Old Vir- ginia (IfKJO) 1 :8. Titian p.* (Prado) Gall. naz. ital. (1899 ) 4:2.56. medal.* Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek (1885) pi. 11. Jevoninas f. 1.586. eng. Green, .Short hist. Eng. people( 1893) 2: 823. F. Hogen- berg eng. 1.5.55. GCell y Rente, Philippe II et Don Carlos (1878) 1. A. Muraton eng. after p. Halma, FELIPE 502 FELIPE Tooneel der Ver. Xederlandcn (1725) 2:143. eng. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:595. Trezzo f.* (with Mary of England; medallion) — (1893)86:533. Titian p.* Harper’s w. (1888) 32:517. wdct. Hawki.ns, pV" mouth armada heroes (1888) 79. eng.* Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 2. contemp. por.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:18, 19. seals* (Roy. archives, Berlin) — 2:46. Coello p.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1887) pi. 24. Antonio Campi eng. — (1893) pi. 21. Titian p.* — (1894) pi. 38. Titian p.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:753. wdct. Hi.st. gall, of por. (1811) 7 :pl. 42. San^ sc. Hume, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 6:139. W. Ridley eng. after p. Hu.me, Year after Armada (1896) 125. An- tonio Moro p.* (with Mary of England) Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:137, 243. Iixus. Lond. news (1888) 93:41. Jure. d. kunsthist. .samml. <1. kaiserhauses (1887) 5:78. Leone Leoni f.* (medal) — (1889) 9: pi. 37, after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1892) 13: pi. 3, fig. 6 & pi. 4. Leone Leoni f.* (2 medals) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 29:109. Titian p.* (Ih-ado) — 29:113. Titian p.* (Pitti gall.) Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 234. Ant. More p.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:409. Titian p. eng.* Mag. of art (1897) 21 :290 (bust)* Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (1898) 18 (medallion)* — p. 134. eng. i* Philippson Westeuropa im zeitaltervon Philipp II (1882) 174. P. P. Rubens p. Niedermaim sc. (Prado) — p. 66. seal* (with Mary of England) — p. 147. coin (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) — p. 387. An- tonio Moro p.* Portfolio (19CX)) no. 41: pi. 19. cameo* (\'ictoria & Albert mus.) Prescott, Reign of Philip II (1874) l:front. Titian p. J. Brown eng. Putnam, William the Silent (1895) 1:100. eng.* — 2:328. old print, 1586* (from Hymans’ Bruxelles k travels les ages; age 59) Rapin', Hist, of Eng. (1733) 2:36. Titian p. Vertue sc. 1735. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 244. 'Titian p. 1549. J. J. Flipart sc. Reyu, Voornaemste gheschiedenissen inde Neder- landen (1626) 1. C. v. Sichem sc. Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 57. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:320. Jacopo da Tezzo f. 15.5.5* (medal, with Marv of Eng- land; Nat.por.gall.) ScRiVERius,Principes Ilollandise ct Westfrisi8e(1650) pi. .36. Titian p. 1.549. C. Visscher sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pl. 103. Hieron- ymus Wierx sc. 1.586.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 1 :pl. 64. Sir A. Moro p.* Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 3:234. S. Arcos f.* & vignette. Steph- ens, Story of Portugal (1891) 282. Stirling-Max- WELL, Cloister life of Charles V, ed. 4 (1891) 16. Titian p. R. B. Parkes eng. — p. 169. Coelo. p.* (at Keir) Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1:23. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:8. Titian p. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1781) 14:76. Titian p. Gaillard sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18fI8) 10: pi. 1901. A. Danois eng. after p. Vertue, Ileads of the kings of Eng. pi. 29. Titian p. G. Vertue del. & sc. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 1, fig. 3. miniature, 1556* (with MaryLfi'ieen of England) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (l&l) 16:305. W. Ui.ger sc. after bust (Ambraser coll. Vienna) — (1892) n. s. 3:168. Titian p.* Ztsch. f. bucher- freunde (1904) 8:192. Coello p.* (Berlin mus.) FELIPE III, king of Spain, 1578-1621. L’Art (1875) 1:318. Charles Waltner del. (bust) Beruete, Velasquez (1898) 106. Velazquez p.* (Prado) Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:18. Boizet p. Ogborne eng. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:78. Boizet p. Ogborne eng. ScRiVERius, Principes Hollandise et Westfrisiae (16.50) pi. 37. A. Moro p. C. Visscher sc. Steven- son, Art of Velasquez (189.5) pi. 15. Velasquez partly p. after B. Gonzkles (equestr. por.) Velasquez (1903) 4. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Winter, Gesch. des SOjahrigen krieges (1893) 269. Velasquez p. F. J. de Goya y Lucientes eng. Ztsch. f. bildonde kunst (1883) 18:309. R. Bcrthold eng. after equestr. statue (in Madrid) FELIPE rV, king of Spain, 160-5-65. Allg. welt- geschichte (1887) 8:283. Velasquez p. 1625.* L’Art (1882)30:13. Velasquezp. C. E. Wilson del. Petit sc. — (1894) 55, pt. 1:51. Velazquez p.* Art & let- ters (18^) 1:326. Vela-simez p.* Art j. (1894) 46:2^. Velasquez p.* Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1845) 4: pi. 123. Velasquez p. L. Errani eng. Beruete, Velasquez (1898) 33, 62, 87, 125, 132, 167. Velazquez p.* Cent. (1904) 45:577. Velasquez p. eng.* (Prado; in hunting costume) Connolsseur (1902) 3:. 55. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1863) 15:74. Velasquez p. M. W. Haussoulier sc. — (1887) ser. 2, 3.5:263. Velasquez p. Gre.\t men ... in Munich Pinakothek (18^) pi. 25. P. P. Rubens p. P. Pontius sc. 1632. Hamilton palace coll. Ulus, price cat. (1882) 151. Velasquez p. C. E. Wilson del. Petit sc. Harper’s mag. (189.5) 90:932. Velasquez p.* (as a young man) Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:35. Velasquez p.* (equestr. por.) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1890) pi. 10. Velasquez p. Francisco Goj-a sc. 1778 (equestr. por.) Hirth, Les grands illustrateuis, 4 : 1 180. P. P. Rubens p. P. Pontius eng. (Ermitage, St Peterburg) Hope, Cat. of pict. by old masters, 131. Velasquez p.* Hume, Year after Armada (1896) 323. Velasquez p.* Illus. Lond. news (1901^18:5.58. Velasquezp.* Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 2:104. Rubens p.* — (1900) 6:7, 8, 33, 40, 54. Velazquez p.* Lafarge, Great masters (1903) 161. \ elasquez p.* (Prado) Mc- Clure’s mag. (1902) 19:508. Velasquez p.* (Prado) Mag. of art (1886) 9:424. Velasquez p. wdct. — (1892) 15:65. Velazquez p. C. Carter eng. — (1894) 17:39.5. Velasquez p. Masters in art (1900) l,pt. 3:pl. 9. Velasquez p.* (Nat. gall. Lond.) Michel, Rubens (1899) 2:113. Rubens p.* (Munich gall.) Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:25 (eipiestr. por.) Portfolio (1874) 5:81. Velazquez p. P. Rajon etch. (Nat. gall.) — (1896) no. 28:29, 53, 83. 'elasquez p.* — no. 29:31, 49. Velazquez p.* (Prado) Pro- pert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 96. Prieur p.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1890) 2: pi. 2-55. Diego Velasquez p.* (Louvre) — (1892) 4: pi. .558. Velasquez p.* — (1899) ll:pl. 1529. VeWsquez p.* (Prado) — (1900) 12:pl. 1.587. Velas- quez p.* (Prado; in hunting costume) — 12:pl. 1645. Velasquez p. (Turin gall.) Rooses, L’oeuvre de P. P. Rubens (181X)) 4:pl. 308. P. P. Rubims p. Cos- mus Mogalli sc. (equestr. por.) — t :pl. .309. P. P. Rubens p. Paul Pontius sc. (Pinakotliek, Munich) SciioNBRUNNER, Handzcicli. alterineister, 3:pl. 3.54. Velazquez p.* (Budapest) Scriverius, Principes Hol- landiae et Westfrisite (16.50) pi. 38. P. P. Rubens p. Corn. Visschersc. Secretan, Cat. of paintings (1889) 2:68. Velasquez p.eng. Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 2: pi. 68. P. P. Rubens p. P. Pontius sc. Spruyt, Lith. . . . de la coll, de . . . Prince Auguste d’Aren- FELIPE 503 fenjlojv berg (1829) pi. 69. Rulwiis p. Ch. Spruyt del. Simon- eau lith. Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (189.j) pi. 3. 9,24,42,70,76, 110, pt. 41. Velazquez p.* Stotiiert, French & Spanish painters (1877) ^3, pi. 2. Vales- quez p. \V. Hauesoullier sc. Velasquez (190.3) 10. Velasquez p.* (Prado; as a young man) — p. 13. Velasquez p.* (Prado) (as a young man) — p. 16. Velasquez p.* (Prado) — p. 26. Velasquez p.* (Prado; equestr. por.) — p. 31. Velasquez p.* (Prado; with his family, in Velasquez’ studio) — p. 37. Velasquez p.* (Nat. gall. Lond.) — p. 41. Velasquez p.* (Nat. gall. Lond.) — p. 42. Velas- quez p.* (Dulwich gall.) — p. 54. Velasquez p.* ^Rizi) Veu.sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10 : pi. 2182. L. G. Thibault eng. after p. Winter, Gesch. des 30iahrigen krieges (1893) 330. P. P. Rubt'ns p. J. Louys sc. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1883) 18:313. R. Berthold sc. after equestr. statue (in Madrid) — 18:389. Velasquez? p. W. Woernle sc. (equestr. por. Uffizi) FELIPE V, king of Spain, 1683-1746. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:66. L. M. Van Loo p.* G. F. Schmidt & J. G. Wille eng.’*' Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 180, pi. 12. Hvacinthe Rigaud p. (Ver- sailles) Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. C. P. R. eng. C. Simonneau f. Fiske, Old Vir- ginia (1900) 2:343. Regaud p. eng. (in Gavard’s Versailles) Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (19(X)) 211. Hafner eng.’*' Iconog. de Mine de S^vign^, pi. 3. eng. ONCKEN,^italter Friedrichs des Grossen G88? ) 1:144. L. M. Vanloo p. J. G. Wille eng. Pinset et d’Auriac, Hist, du por. en France (1884) 83. Troye p. Edelinck eng. Portfolio (1893) 24:29. Obrisset f.’" (medal bust) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2491. FELIPE, infante of Castile, s. of Fernando HI, d. 1274? Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espa&ola (1855) l:pl. 12. V. Carderera del. after statue. Rufino Casado lith. (church of the Templars de Santa Maria at Villasirga) FELIPE PROSPER, infante of Spain, s. of Felipe IV, 1657-61. Beruete, Velasquez (1898) 161. Velazquez p.’*‘ (mus. de Vienne) Burlington mag. (1904) 5:345. Velazquez p.’*‘ (child por. Vienna gall.) Portfolio (1896) no. 28:87. Velasquez p.’*‘ (Vienna) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (19(X)) 12: pi. 1656. Velazquez p.’*‘ (child por. Vienna gall.) FELIX J, saint and piope, d. 274. L’Art (1891) 51:250. Elie Delaunay f.* (study) FELIX IV, pope, d. 530. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:109, fig. 3. p.’*‘ (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) FELIX V, antipope, 1383-1452. See Savoie, due de, Amad4e VII 1. FELIX, king of Sardinia, 1765-1831. See Carlo Felice I. FilLIX, Dinali, actress, 1837- Febvre & Johnson, Album de la Com^die fran^;. (1880) 34. E. Abot etch. Elisabeth Rachel, 1821-58. See Rachel. FELIX D’OLI^lRES, Louis Nicolas Vieij. 1711-75. Sec Du Muy, comte. ’ FELKER, W. B. Colorado state senator. ARt. (1895) 14:4.’'' FELL, Jesse W. of Bloomington, III. McClure’s mag. (1896) 8:48.’" John, bp. of Oxford, 1625-86. Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 14. Sir P. Lely p.* (with Abp. Dolben and Dr. Allestree) FELLER, Francois Xavier de, 1735-1802. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2: 145. ' FELLOWES, Ailwyn Edward, 1855- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:820.’*' Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 675. Spy f. lith. (caricature) non. Mrs Mary Julia (Milles) w. of Edward. Court album (18.53) pi. 3. W. Egley f. W. H. Mote .sc. FELLOWES family name. See also De Ramsey. FELLOWS, Enoch Q. 182.5- Waite, N. H. in the great rebellion (1873) 402. G. E. Perine eng. John R. 1832-96. Harper’s w. (1896) 40: 12.57. wdet. Stephen N. 18.30- Annals of Iowa (1882) n. s. 1:33. FELT, Joseph Barlow, 1789-1869. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1870) 24:1. F. T. Stuart eng. FELTHORPE, Roger, d. 14.54. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) l:pl. 23. J. S. Cotman del. & etch, (with his family; Blickling church, Norfolk) FELTON, Charles N. u. s. senator, 1832- Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:220. wdet. Cornelius Conway, 1807-62. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 24. H. W. Smith eng. Har- per’s mag. (1876) 52:195. eng. Mass. hbt. soc. Proc. (1867) 10:352. II. Wright Smith eng. after daguerr. Mitchell, Am. lan^ (1899) 287. Out- look (1898) 58:28. —59:320. —(1902)72:304. FELTRE, due de, Henri Jacques Guillaume Clarke, 1765-1818. See Clarke. Morto da (Pietro Luzzi) 1474-1530. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 117. eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1902) 13:302. Vittorino da, 1379-1447. See Vittorino da Feltre. f£n£ LON, Franqois de Sahgnac de la Mothe, abp. of Cambray, 1651-1715. Allg. weltgeschichte (1^7) 8:521. contemp. eng.’*' L’Art (1882) 28:185. David d’Angers sc.' 1824. C. Gilbert des. (statue) — (1891) 50:80. J. Vivien p. P. Drevet sc. — (1894) 59, pt. 1:95. David d’Angers sc.’*' (statue) Biog. mag. (1794) Armstrong sc. after drawing. — (1819) 1:.%. Middlemist sc. Book buyer (1899) 18:219. Vivien p. P. Savart sc. 1771.’*' Bourgeois, Grand si^cle (1896) 297. Bailleul eng. Claude Duflos eng. 504 FERDINAND (front, T61emaque, 1717) — p. 431. Vivien p. K’er'****®) — P- 436, Vivien p. P. Drevet sc. Drecx ' ...Iadier, L’Europc illus. (1777) v. 5. Vivien p. pJupinsc. Gal. fran?. (1822) 2:483. Vivien p. isse del. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) Vivien p. eng. UIZOT, Pop. hist, of France, 5:610. P. Philipf)oteaux 6 C. Laplante sc. (with the duke of Burgundy) ASSALL, Louis XIV 0895) 308. eng. after old print. IcoxoG. de Mme dc ^vign4, pi. 55. Vivien p. eng. Tllus. Lond. news (1901) *119:620. p.* Jackson, Old Paris (1878) 2:286. Hopwood sc. — (1895) 2:246. Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 1 : 137. Vivien p. J. Thomson eng. Mexxechet, Le Plutarque fran^. (1838) 6:pl. 12. Robert Floury del. Blanchard sc. Petit de Jclleville, Hist, de la langue et dc la lit. fran^:. (1898) 5:494 Vivien p. P. Drevet sc. PiiiL- ippsoN, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 329. contemp. eng.* Por. gall. (1853) 2:486. Vivien p. J. Thomson sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® si&cles (1805) 2: pi. 117. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Reber u. Bayei-sdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1898) 10: pi. 1385. Vivien p.* (Pinakothek, Munich) Seid- LITZ, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 10. Vivien p. B. Au- dran sc. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utile.s, 4 : 303. Francois del. & sc. Spof- FORD, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:188. vignette. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl. 2397. Vivien p. Delannoy eng. — sup. 6 : pi. 78. Felix Lecomte sc. Pigeot eng. (statue) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) 1 :pl. 32. Vivien p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. FENN, George Manville, 1831- Book.man (1902) 16:114.* FENNELL, James, actor, 1766-1816. Polyan- THOS (1807) 4:217. Doyle p. Snyder sc. FENNER, Charles Erasmus, 1834- Green bag (1891) 3:121.* FENNO, Eliza. See Verplanck, Mrs Gulian Crom- melin. Isaac, 1823-97. Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 118. eng. FENOILLET. Outlook (1900) 66:574 (from LTllustrazione italiana)* (The guides of the Abruzzi expedition (4)) FENOUILHET, Lady [Peter] See Day, Anne. FENTON, Mrs Alice Davies (Rochester) w. of Charles Wendell. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:141.* Angela. Theatre (1887) ser. 4, 9:295. photo. Elijah, 1683-1730. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 27. S. Harding del. after p. ? H. R. Cooke sc. (at Beaudesert) Effigies poeticse (1824) 2:pl. 91. A lady del. after p. ? A. Warren eng. (jx»ss. of Thomas Fenton) Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 22. A lady del. after p. ? A. IVarren eng. (poss. of Thomas Fen- ton) Faith, Canadian author. Catu. world (1896) 63:783. Lavinia, aftxc. duchess of Bolton, w. of 3d duke, 1708-60. Art j. (1885) 37:70. Hogarth p. C. Diet- rich eng. (as Polly Peacham) Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1 :384. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1808) n. s. 5:113. W. M. Craig del. Mackenzie sc. — (1813) n. s. 15:181. I. Ellys p. H. R. Cook sc. Mag. of art (1885) 8:41. W. Hogarth f. wdct. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:348, pi. 29. J. Elh's p. J. Faber, jr. f. 1728. eng. Sir Myles, 1830- Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 48. Luke Fildes p.* Vanity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 455. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Reuben Eaton, gov. of X. Y. 1819-85. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1859) 17 :177. D’Avignon del. Peirce sc. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:620. wdct. —(1885) 29:588. wdct. Theodore Cornell, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:980. wdct. FENWICK, Mrs Bedford (Ethel Gordon Man- son) 1857- Outlook (1900) 64:56. Charles, .m. p. 1850- Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:514.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:315.* George. Baily’s mag. (1874) 25:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. John, gov. of Del. colony, 1618-83. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:669. Vanderbank p. eng.* (equestr. por. Execution of Charles I) John (John Caldwell) 1628-79. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1 : 19. R. Graves sc. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1879) 5:244; 7 : 109. Martin Bouche sc.* John Roger, captain, q/iic. brig. -gen. 1780-1842. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 410. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Noel. Baily’s mag. (1892) 57 :287. W. Rofle sc. after photo. Thomas. Arminian mag. (1782) 5:449 (age 53) FENWICK-BISSET, Mordaunt, 1825-84. See Bisset. FEODOR III ALEKSIEEVITCH, czar of Russia, 1658-82. Morfill, Story of Russia (1890) 134. eng.* Scribner’s m. (1880) 19:561. eng. FERAUD, Charles, 1736- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:229. Labadye del. Le Tcllier sc. f£RAUDY, Marie Maurice de, actor, 1859- Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:10. eng. FERDINAND, FERDINANDO, FERNANDO emperors, kings, princes, archdukes, grand dukes, etc. AUSTRIA Ferdinand I, emperor, 1793-1875. Aim. dc Gotha (1832) pi. 4. Liider p. Rosmasler sc. (when prince imperial) — (1837) front. Kriehuber del. Carl Mayer sc. Knickerbocker mag. (1848) 31 282. W. L. Ormsby sc. after medal to E. Anthony of X. Y. Masson, Marie Louise (1902) 2, fig. 7. miniature.* — p. 280. Isabey p. 1812* (miniature) Ferdinand, archduke, s. of Ferdinand I, emperor of Germany, 1529-95. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. FERDINAND 505 FERDINAND kaiserhauses (1889) 9:261. Francesco Terzio p.* — 9 : pi. 18 after 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14:156, fig. 179. miniature.* — (1896) 17:pl. 18. G. Iloefnagel p.* (miniature; Bocskay’s Schriftmus- terbuch) Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Este 1781-1850. Alm. de Gotha (18.39) pi. 6. Laub p. eng. Ferdinand, archduke, brother of Franz Joseph, 1832-67. Al-m. de Gotha (1^54) pi. 4. Carl Mayer sc. Ferdinand Karl Ludwig, archduke, nephew of Franz Joseph, 1868- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:464. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BAVARIA Ferdinand, prince, s. of Ludwig Ferdinand, 1884- Tcllbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:55. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. BULGARIA Ferdinand I, prince, 1861- Cath. world (1896) 63:319 (with his son Bori.s) Cent. (1891) 20:68. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:260. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:93. —(1892) 100:718.* —(1893) 102:275.* — (1896)108:212. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1898) 34:101. Lenbach p.* Latlmer, Russia & Turkey (1893) 400. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:686 (in 1895) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:191. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. —(1899) 2:698. GERMANY Ferdinand I, emperor, 1503-64. Allg. weltge- schichte (1886) 7:199. Bartel Behain eng.* (age 2®) — 7:544. Hans Sebald Lautensack eng. 1556.* — 7:546. coin 1529.* Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. .50. eng. Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch reformation (1890) 597. A. Liitke del. after coin 1529* (Berlin Rov. coin cab.) — p. 628. B. Beham eng.* Dreux DU IIadier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. P. Sout- mann p. D. Sornique eng. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 28. P. Soutman del. P. von Sompel eng. Gould, Germany (1898) 2(X). Beham eng. 1531* (age 29) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:74. B. Strigel p.* — (1894) pi. 23. Hans Kcls f. 1535?* (carving) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1884) pi. 6. Heinrich Vogtherr eng. — (1897) pi. 41. Heinr. lieitz sc.* (medal) Hirtii, Les grands illus- trateurs, 2:517. Bartel Bi'hani f. 1531. wdct. (age 29) — 2:547. wdct. (with his wife) — 2:658. Hans Lau- tensack f. 1556. wdct. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samnil. d. kaiserhau.ses (188.5) 3: pi. 6. Hans Kels f.* (carving) — (1886) 4: pi. 3, fig. 2. cameo.* — (1889) 9: pi. 3 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1890) 11 :pl. 10. Barbel Beham p. J. Groh etch. — (1892) 13: pi. 6, fig. 1, 5. Leone Leoni sc.* (2 medals) — (1893) 14: pi. 2, fig. 8. medal 1.528.* — 14: pi. 3, fig. 1. Lud- wig Neufarer sc.* (medal) — 14:30, fig. 13 & pi. 4, fig. 10. Joachim Deschler sc. 1558, 15.59.* — 14:pl. 10, fig. 151. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) — (189.5) 16:44, fig. 48. P. Flotner sc. 1532* (with Karl V, medal) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2 : pi. 220. P. Soutman p. D. Sornique sc. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 2:448. eng. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 1 :pl. 62. B. Beham eng. 1531.* — (1896) 17:307, fig. 1. Hans Leonard Schaufelein p.* (minia- ture, with Karl V) Piiilippson, IVesteuropa im zeit- alter von Philipp 11 (1882) einltg. p. 120. H. S. Lauten- sack eng. 1556.* Velly, Hist, de France (1774) 12:493. P. Soutman p. D. ^rnique sc. Wuitman, Austria (1899) 140. medal.* Ferdinand II, empi-ror, 1577-1637. jVllg. weltgeschichte (1887) v. 8. eng.* Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) 1 : pi. 98. G. Sustermans p. V. Benucci eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 3. R. Gaillard eng. Droyse.n, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 4.^. eng.* Gindely, Hist, of 30 yrs. war (18^) 2: front. X A F Zibika Polacek sc.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:4. Egidius Sadeler eng.* — 3:23. W. Kilian sc. 1622.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1079. Martin von Falckenburg p.? eng. — 3:1082. Kilian eng. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. sammi. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 12, fig. 9. medal.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2 : pi. 29. P. Soutmann del. P. van Sompel sc. Whitman, Austria (1899) 177. eng.* Winter, Gesch. des 30- iahrigen krieges (1893) 199. contemp. eng.* — p. 527. Kilian sc. 1622.* Ferdinand III, emperor, 1608-57. L’Art (1885) 39:125. P. P. Rubens p. Prenner sc. Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. 1648-1740 (1892) 1:149. Frans Snyers p. Frans van der Steen sc. Gindely, Hist, of 30 yrs. war(1884) 2:258. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:86. eng.* (Thea- truiu Europi'uni) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1298. Van Dyck f. C. Galle eng. Jiirb. d. kunst- hist. saiuml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 12, fig. 10, 1 1 (2 medals)* Seidlitz Portratwerk (1894) 2 : pi. 80. Jonas Snyderhoef sc.* Whitman, Austria (1899) 191. Winter, Gesch. des SOjahrigen krieges (1893) 546. Elias Wideman eng. 1644.* NAPLES Ferdinando I (of Aragon) king, 1423-94. L’-Vmi des monuments (1893) 7 : 139. eng. after bas-relief 15th cent. CAPRiOLO,Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 55. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Ferdinando II, king, 1469-96. Caprioix), Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 57. Aliprando Cap- riolo eng. Castiglione, Courtier (15)01) 328. bust.* (Xat. mus. Naples) Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 117. Trinity of Italy (1867) front. Vincent Brooks lith. Ferdinando III, king, 1452-1516. See Fer- nando V, el Catdlico, king of Spain. Ferdinando IV, king, 1751-1825. Alm. de Gotha (1820) pi. 1. Bolt sc. Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration (1883) 83. J. E. Mansfeld eng.* Port- folio (1894) no. 3:59. Italian contemp. model* (medallion in blue and white jasper by Josiah Wedg- wood) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:213. p.* (Nat. Mus. Naples) PORTUGAL Fernando II, king, prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, consort of queen Maria II da Gloria, 1816-85. Alm. de Gotha (1837) pi. 2. Eckhardt p. C. Mayer sc. Bal- lou’s pictorial (1856) 10:16. eng. FERDINAND 506 FERGUSON ROUMANLA Ferdinand, crown prince, 1865- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:44. wdct. Ileus. Lond. news (1891) 99:331 —(1892) 100:713. Schonberg del.* —100:715. — 101 :97 (with princess Marie of Edinburgh) — (1893) 102:49,* 67,* 85.* L.vtimer, Russia & Turkey (1S93) 378. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:555, 597. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. SPAIN Fernando I, el Magno, king of Castile and L^on, d. 1065. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1855) 1 :pl. 1*. V. Carderera del. after statue. Carlos Mujica lith. Fernando II, king of L^on, d. 1188. Allg. welt- geschichte (1891) 6:622. coin* (Dublone, Roy. coin cabinet, Berlin) Fernando III, el Santo, king of Castile and L/on, 1200-52. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (1855) 1 :pl 9. V. Carderera del. after statue. Jos4 de Mendez lith. (Burgos cath.) Knackfuss, Kunstler- inonog. (1897) 10:32. Murillo p.* Watts, Christian recov. of Spain (1894) 123. effigy* (Burgos cath.) Fernando I, king of Aragon, 1380-1416. Carde- rera Y SoiANO, Iconog. espaflola (1855) l:pl. 39. Carderera del. after contemp. p. Emile Beau lith. (with his wife Dofla Leonor and others) Fernando V, el Catdlico, king of Spain, 1452- 1516. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 59. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaflola (.1864) 2: pi. 58. V. Carderera del. after contemp. p. Emile Beau lith. (Xat. mus.) Cas- TiGLioNE, Courtier (1901) 219. Miguel Zitloz p.* (Prado gall.) Cath. world (1893) 57:246. Cent. (1892) 22:3^. kneeling statue* (Malaga cath.) Con- noisseur (1904) 9:52. Domenico Theotocopuli p.* (Louvre) Hirtu, Der formenschatz (1894) pi. 23. Hans Kels f. 15351* (carving) Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:246. Antonio del Rincon p.* Irving, Columbus, Quadri-centen. ed. (1892) 1:58. redrawn after old print. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1885) 3: pi. 6. Hans Kels f.* (carving) — (1889) 9:pl. 38 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1898) 19:10, fig. 143. p.* (coll, archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Mao. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:257. rare contemp. print* (with queen Isabella) Nat. mag. (1891) 15:2. wdct. Prescott, Reign of Ferdinand & Isabella (1873) 2: front. Ximene & Camaron del. G. F. Storm sc. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlande (1887) 2:773. eng. 1602.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 22. Holbein? p.* (with Henry VII, king of Eng.) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:208. vignette. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6 : pl.65. eng. after recumbent statue. Watts, Christian recov. of Spain (1894) 280. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:85. eng. after ancient medallion (from eng. in Buckingham Smith’s coll.) Fernando VI, king of Spain, 1713-59. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:5(X). Johann Daniel Herz mezzo.* Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881-82) 316. Johann Daniel Herz mezzo.* Fernando VII, king of Spain, 1784-1833. Alm. de Gotha (1821) pi. 1. Bolt sc. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:92. La belle assembl4e (1811) n. s. 3:115. Robert Cooper eng. (with his sister?) Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 185. Madrazo p. lith.* Lady’s mag. (1810) 41 :99. Heath sc. after nuniature. Latimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 98. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:365. J. F. Bolt eng.* Re- vista de archives 3* ^poca (1898) 2:83. Gova del.* Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 8:224. freeman sc. after p. (after a print in William Walton’s Spanish colonies (London, 1810) v. 1, following a portrait owned by Admiral Apodaca) Fernando, infante, card. abp. of Toledo, s. of FeUpe IV, 1609-41. .\RTj. (1852) 4:335. Velastmez p. wdct. (wrongly named Don Carlos Balthasar) Beru- ETE, Velasquez (1898) 84, 91 . Velasquez p. ?* ( Prado) Hirtu, Les grands illustrateurs, 4 : 1 189. P. P. Rubens p. P. Pontius eng. (Prado, equestr. por.) Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 13:62. Van Dvck p* — (1900) 6:25. Velasquez p.* Michel, kubens (1899) 2:105. Rubens p.* (in his cardinal’s robes; Munich gall.) Portfolio ( 1896) no. 28 : front. Vclas- uez p.* (Prado) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bil- erschatz (1899) 12: pi. 1591. \elasquez p.* (Prado) Rooses, L’ceuvre de P. P. Rubens (1890) 4: pi. 286. P. P. Rubens p. Paul Pontius sc. (equestr. por. ^ladrid mus.) Stevenson, Art of Velasquez (1895) 12. Ve- lasquez p.* (Prado) Velasquez (1903) 18. Velas- quez p.* (Prado) Versaii.les, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 21^. Gaspard de Crayer p. Rebel eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1880) 15:^5. A. Van Dyck p. J. Schonbrunner del. TWO SICILIES Ferdinando II, king, 1810-59. Alm. de Gotha (1835) pi. 3. Gatti del. C. Mayer sc. Ballou’s pic- torial (1857) 12:21, 256. eng. Harper’s w. (1^9) 3:396. wdct. Ferdinando, hereditary prince, 1869- See Cala- bria, duca di. FERGUS I, king of Scotland, fl. 330 B. C. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:625. eng. FERGUSON, Mr, of N. Y. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 73. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Adam, 1723-1816. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 48. W. Evans del. after p. ? J. B. Lane eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 91. Sir Henry Rae- burn p.* Alexander. McClure’s mag. (1895) 6:68.* Mrs Alexander (Annie Laurie) 1682- See Laurie. Champ. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:593. wdct. Mrs Elizabeth (Graeme) w. of Hugh Henry, 1739-1801. Ellet, Womenof Am. rev. (1900) 1:21*9. George Bagot, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:159.* Ifrs Jabez Edward Johnson- (Williamina Cunningham) Art j. (1895) 47 : 181. Luke Fildes p.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:579. Luke Fildes p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 100. Luke Fildes p.* FERGUSON 507 FERRAND James, astronomer, 1710-76. Craik, Pursuit of knowl. (18.30) 1:209. James Northcotc p. T. Wright eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:638. Town- sends f. Holl eng. ? John, mayor of N. Y. city in 1815. St Memini Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 112. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* John, 1837- Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 122 .* Rev. John William, 18091-54. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 23. B. W. Crombie f. Neil, 1750-1803. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 133. John Kay f. 1802 & eng. Robert, of Raith, 1770-1840. Arm.strono, Rae- burn (1901) 87. Sir H. Raeburn p. 1790* (with Ron- ald; boys) — p. 104. Raeburn p.* Bookman (1903) 16:559. Sir II. Raeburn p.* (with Ronald; poss. Mr R. C. Munro Ferguson) Sir Ronald Crauiurd, general, 1773-1841. Arm- strong, Raeburn (1901) Sir H. Raeburn p.* — p. 87. Raeburn p. 17901* (with Robert; boys) Bookman (190.3) 16:559. Sir H. Raeburn p.* (with Robert; poss. Mr R. C. Munro Ferguson) Mackenzie Hist, records of the 79th .. .Cameron Highlanders (1887) 86. Samuel David, bp. of Caj)e Palmas, 1842- Har- per’s w. (1885) 29:424. wdct. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 292. Thomas B. u. s. minister to Sweden. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:172. wdct. William, of Kilrie. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 16. Sir H. Raeburn p. before 1790.* Mrs Wilham (Jane Craufurd) of Raith. Arm- strong, Raeburn 0901) 8. Sir H. Raeburn p. 17801* (with her children) FERGUSSON, Charles, 186.5- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:79.* George {Lord Hermand) 1746-1827. Kay, Orig. por. (1CT7) 1 :pl. 1.56. John Kay f. 1799 & eng. —2:300. Kfty f. & eng. 1808. H. B. Art. ann. (1897) 9. W. Q. Orchardson p.* (Dundee free lib. 1) James, 1808-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88: 104. Pop. sci. m. (1887) 31 : 1. Sir James, 6tA hart, 18.32- Gisborne, N. Zea- land rulers (1897) 196. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:399.* Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 590. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Robert, poet, 1750-72. Eclectic mag. (1858) 43:113. T. Faed p. J. Sartain eng. (in group) Samuel Mure. V’anity fair album (190.3) 35: pi. 883. Spy del. lith. Sir William, 1st hart, surgeon, 1808-77. Leh- mann, Men & women (1896) 23. Rudolf Lehmann p.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 11. photo. Vanity mir album (1870) 2: pi. 17. Ape f. lith. (caricature) FERIA, conde de, Emanuel Frokas. Van Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 24. Ant. V’an Dyck p. Paul Pon- tius sc. FERLAND, Jean Antoine Baptiste, abb4, 180.5-64. Charlevoix, Hist, of New France (1872) 6:pref. J. A. O’Neill, N. Y. eng. FERMANAGH, 1st viscount, Sir John Vemey, 2d hart, 1641-1717. Verney family (1894) 3:351. Soest f.* — (1899) 4:160. p.* (at Claydon house) viscourUess, Elizabeth Baker, w. of 1st viscount, d. 1736. See Baker. FERMAUD, Charles, gen. sec. Y. M. C. A. Har- per’s mag. (1882) 64:268.* FERMONT DES CHAPELIERES, Jacques de, 1752- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:40. Moreau del. Courbe sc. FERMOR, Mrs H. of Tusmore. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 85 , fig. 4. Boit p.* (Univ. gall. Oxford) FERNALD, Chester Bailey, 1869- Book buyer (1896) 13 :405. Critic (1897) .30 : 358. Merritt Caldwell, 18.38- New Eng. mag. (1887) 5:. 546. eng. FERNANDES, Bartheldmy, 1514-90. See Bar- tholameu Fernandez. FERNANDES PINHEIRO, Josd Feliciano, 1774-1847. See Santo Leopoldo, visconde de. FERNANDEZ, James, 183.5- Theatre (1883) ser. 4, 2:201. photo. — 0886) ser. 4, 8:177. photo, (in The road to ruin) — (1896) ser. 4, 28: 154. photo. Maria del Rosario, La Tirana, actress, 18th cent. Connoisseur (1902) 2:24. Goya p.* (San Fernando gall. Madrid) Prospero, pres, of Costa Rica, 1834-8.5. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:120.* FERNANDEZ de CORDOVA, captain in Peru, 17th cent. See Cordova. FERNANDO. See Ferdinand. FERNEL, Jean, 1497-1558. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:83. N. L’armessin sc. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:567. eng. FERNIE, C. W. B. Baily’s mag. (1891) 55:145. W. Roffe sc. after photo. W. J. Baily’s mag. (1896) 66:49. FERNOW, Bernhard Eduard, 1851- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (189.5) 1:200. eng. after photo. FERRABOSCO, Girolamo, painter, 6. 1650. MoPcke, Ritratti (17.52-1762) 3: pi. 40. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. FERRAND, B. Sr Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 16. St Memin del. & eng. 1810.* FERllAR 508 FERRY FERRAK, Rev. Nicholas, jr. 1592-1637. Brown, Genesis of I'. S. (1890) 1:400. C. Johnson p. P. W. Tomkins eng. 1791. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:195. Johnson p. Tomkins eng. 1791. Robert, bp. of St. David’s, d. 1555. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 1:8. eng. FERRARA, dukes and duchesses of. See Este. FERRARA, Ercole da, 1462-1531. See Grandi, Ercole di Giulio. FERRARI, Andrea, cardinal, 1850- Outlook (1900) ee:.^. FERRARIS, Frau. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:66, 67. Max Koner 2 p. 1898.* FERRAZ, Angelo Moniz da Silva, 1812- Sis- son, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:85. S. A. Sisson lith. 1861. FERRE, Charles Theophile, 1845-71. Har- per’s \v. (1872) 16:53. wdct. FERREIRA DE MELLO, Jose Bento Leite, 1785-1844. Sisson, Gal. dos BrazUeiros illus. (1861) 2:101. S. A. Sisson Uth. FERREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, Pedro, 1809-60. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:61. A. Sisson lith. FERRE L, William, meteorologist, 1817-91. Pop. sci. m. (1892) 40:577. FERRERO, Charles Vincent Marie, cardinal, 1682-1742. Toselli, Biog. nicoise (18^) 1:290. Perrin lith. 1860. Edward, 1831-99. Ce.nt. (1887) 12:778.* GugUelmo, anthropologist. Green bag (1898) 10:386.* FERRERS, earl, Lawrence Shirley, 1720-60. Caulfieui, For. mem. & char. (1819) 3:233. Audran sc. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:46. lOih earl, Sewallis Edward Shirley, 1847- Baily’s mag. (1877) 30:187. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Norman Macleod, n. d. 1829-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:190. FERRETTI, Giovanni Domenico, 1692-1750. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 1:41. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. Giovanni Maria Mastai, 1792-1878. See Pius LX, pope. FERRI, Ciro, 1634-89. Dezallier d’.;Vrgentille, Vie des plus fameux pcintrcs (1762) 1:97. eng. MofcKE, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 44. Gio. Dom. Ferretti del. S. Pomarede sc. Enrico, anthropologist, 1856- Green bag (1898) 10:383.* Gesualdo, 1728-80. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:43. G. F. Ferri del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. FERRIAR, John, m. d. 1761-1815. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 49. T. Stothard del. G. Bartolozzi eng. FERRIER, Gabriel Joseph Marie Augustin, 1847- Paris salon (1893) 13. James, 1800- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:93. lith. Susan Edmonstone, 1782-1854. Acad. (1899) 56:152. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:130. R. Thor- bum p.* (miniature) Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120; Mar. 8, sup. p. 17. FERRlilRES DE MARSAY, marquis de, Charles Ehe, 1741-1804. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:234. Perrin del. Courbesc. FERRIOT, rector univ. of Grenoble. Greard, Meissonier ( 1897 ) 9. Meissonier p. Mme. Greard, Meissonier, ( 1897)8. Meissonier p.* FERRIS, Isaac, 1798-1873. Harfer’s w. (1873) 17 : 597. wdct. FERRONlilRE, La belle, mistress of Franfois I. Burlington mag. (1904) 5:114. Leonardo da Vinci p.* (called Lucrezia Crivelli ; Louvre) Hare, Ladies of Ital. renais. (1904) 128. Leonardo da Vinci p.* (called Lucrezia Crivelli) Knackfuss, KCinstler- monog. (1898) 33:43. Leonardo da Vinci p.* (Louvre) Lady’s mag. (1834) 5:321. Titian p.* Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^lebres (1858 ) 2:33. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17.108. Leonardo da Vinci p. 15th cent.* (Louvre) M.LSTERS in art (1901) 2, pt. 13: pi. 7. Leonardo da Vinci ? p. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:77. Leonardo da Vinci p.* (in Louvre) FERRUCCI, Andrea, 1465-1526. Vasari, Rit- ratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 98. eng. FERRUS, Guillaume Marie Andre, 1784-1861. Green bag (1897) 9:487. FERRY, Dexter Mason, of Detroit, Mich., 1833- , Harper’s w. (1889) 33:669. wdct. Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 4:263. eng. EUsha Peyre, gov. of Wash. 1825-95. Har- per’s w. (1889) 33:836. wdct. Jules, 1832-93. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:745.* .^LM. de Gotha (1885) front. A. Weger sc. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 347.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:339. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:937. wdct. —(1893) 37:285. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91 :702. —(1893) 102:266, 355.* Paris salon (1888) 29. L. Bonnat p.* Scribne:r’s mag. (1887) 1:11. J. Reich eng. Noah H. major. Moore, Rebellion record (1869) sup. 1 :573. F. Halpin eng. after photo. Orris Sanford, 1823-75. Congreg. quar. (1877) 19:219. FERSEN 509 FEW FERSEN, gr^ve af, Axel, 1755-1810. Ali.g. wclt- geschichte (1887) 10:71. miniature* (age 28) Har- per’s mag. (1884) 68:549. Tietze sc. Latimer, Scrap-book of French rev. (1898) 164. Mag. of Am. hist. (1879) 3:300. eng. Oxcken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:373. miniature* (from Klinckowstram’s Le comte de Fersen et le cour de France) Stone, Our French allies (1884) 409. lith. after miniature (age 28) FERSTEL, freiherr von, Heinrich, architect, 1828-83. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 30:460. H. Toussaint eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1885) 20:1. G. Franck sc. FERTIG, John. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:394.* FERXJCCI. See Ferrucci. FERTJK Khan, Persian ambassador to France. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 12:240. Persian artist p. eng. (miniature) FERVACQUES, comte de, Guillaume de Haute- mer, marshal, 1538-1613. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 30. Dedreux Dorcy p. Lt^vy eng. (after family por.) FERVILLE (Louis Basile Veaucorbeille) 1783- 1864. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 30. Benjamin f. FESCH, Joseph, cardinal, 1763-1839. Forbes, Life of Napoleon III (1898) 11. Meynier p.* IcONOO. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 18. Bazin, jr. del. 1 Delpech lith. JuNOT, Mem. (1883) 2:230. W. Read sc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 4; pi. 4. A. La- cauchie del. Monin sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:225. Jerome Maglioli p. M. Haidersc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. Charles Meynier p. Thibault eng. FESSENDEN, Francis, general, 1839- Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 224. eng. Reginald Aubrey, 1866- Harper’s w. (1903) 47:298.* Samuel, 1784-1869. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 182. eng. Willis, Hist, of law ... & lawyers of Me. (1863) 541. J. H. BulTord lith. (age 46) WDliam, 1763- Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:155. J. H. Bufford lith. (age 77) William Pitt, 1806-69. Biog. cncycl. of Me. (1885) 21 . Metropolitan pub. & eng. co. ? eng. Cent. (1889) 16:297.* Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. G882) 263. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:481. wdct. —(1869) 13:613. wdet. Me. hist. & geneal. recorder (1895) 8:1. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1871) 25: 10.1 G. E. Ferine eng. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:5.57. —(1898) n. s. 18:2. Nico- lay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 9:96.* Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 351. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 1:338. FESTENG, Edward Robert, maj.-gen. 1839- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:62(5.* John Wogan, bp. of St Albans, 1837-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:751.* — (1903) 122:7.* FETHERSTONHAUGH, Harry, 1861- Baily’s mag. (1888) 49: front. G. .1. Stodart sc. after photo. FETHERSTONHAUGH. See also Featherston- haugh. FETI, Domenico, 1589-1624. Dezallier d’Ar- genville. Vie des plus fameux pieintres (1762) 1:.50. eng. F^TIS, Framjois Joseph, 1784-1871. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1874) 40:377. A. Danse eng. 1872. L’Art (1902) 61:688. Mardon lith. 1831. — (19(M) 63:476. Dantan jeune sc.* (head) Clement, Musiciens c^lfebres (1873) 344. C. Deblois eng. 1867. FEUCHTERSLEBEN, /reiAerr von, Ernst, poet, 1806-49. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 284. J. Danhauser del. Fr. Stoter eng. 1840.* FEUERBACH, Anselm, painter, 1829-80. Die GRAPiiisciiEN kiinste (1881) 3:1. A. Feuerbach p. ? V. Jasper. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildni.ssen (1898) l:pl. 32. Feuerbach p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1873) 8:161. F. A. Joerdens del. & sc. Ludwig, 1804-72. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 153.* FEUILLADE, singer. See La Feuillade. FEUILLET, Octave, 1821-90. Cent. (1884) 5:397.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 27. photo. Grand- Carteret, XIX® si^cle (1893) 439.* Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:840. eng. —(1888) 76:690. P. R. f.* Petit de Julleville, Hist, de lang. et lit. franf. (1899)8:180.* Revue illus. (1886) 1:397. P.Renou- ard del. lith.1 FEUQUlilRES, comtesse de. See Mignard, Cath- erine. FEURGARD, Julie. L’Art (1886) 41 : 18. Louise Breslau p. & del. Sgap sc. FEVERSHAM, 2d earl of, Louis de Duras, mar- quis de Blanquelort, 1641-1709. Fea, King Mon- mouth (1902) 283. Hamilton, Mem. of count Grammont, 233. Beckett eng. Harding del. Burrell sc. (print) (of Duncombe Park) barones.i. Lady Charlotte (Legge) 1774-1848. See Duncombe. (of Ryedale) 1st earl of, William Ernest Dtm- combe, 1829- Baily’s mag. (1863) 6: 109. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity- fair album (1878) 10:pl. 269. Ape f. lith. (caricature) FEVRE, Pierre. Ami d. monuments (1888) 2:2. Juste Sustermans p.* FEW, William, 1748-1828. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 76. Ramage, Brandt f. 1790 (2 por.) XLyo. of Am. hist. (1881) 7:321. H. B. Hall eng. FEW 510 FIELD Mrs William. Bow^n, Centen. Wasliington inaug. (1892) 59. John Ramage p. (miniature) FEWKES, Jesse Walter, ethnologist, 1850- Pop. sci. m. (1899) 55:464. FEYEN-PERRIN, Auguste, painter, 1829-88. Montkosier, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 102. eng. FEYERABEND, Sigmund, 1528-90. Bech- STEIN, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 153. eng. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte. z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-1865) 13. Jobst Amman eng. J. C. Baum lith. — p. 13. J. Sadeler eng. 1.587. P. Dc'ckers lith. Kon- NECKE, Bilder-atlaa (1887) 106. Jost Amman eng.* (in leones Livianse) Win’sor, Xar. & crit. hist. (1889) 1 :pref. p. 31. wdet. FEZENSAC. See Monte.squiou-Fezensac. FIALEN, Jean Gilbert Victor de, 1808-72. See Persigny, comte de. FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814. Bech- STEIN, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 175. e^. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:520. Heinrich Dahling p. 1808. J. F. Jugel eng. 1814.* Bigelow, Ger. struggle for liberty (1896) 1:232. R. Caton Woodville del.* Harper’s mag. (1896) 92 : 458. R. Caton Woodville del.* Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 245. Bury del. A. Schultheis eng.* Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:396. H. Dahling p. 1808. J. F. Jugel eng. 1814. Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:84. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 91. Daliling p. 1808. Jugel sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1898) 1 ;pl. 73. Dahling p. 1808. Jugel eng.* FICINO, Marsilio, 1433-99. Armstrong, Lorenzo de’ Medici (1896) 3^. Antonio Ferrucci sc.* (bust; cathedral, Florence) Bl'llart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:71. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:63. Andrea Fer- rucci f.* (monument: cathedral, Florence) Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1^8) 9: pi. 1761. E. Lerouge eng. after p. FICKLEN, Orlando B. 1808-85. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:.540.* FIDELIS, pseud, of Agnes Maule Machar. See Machar. FIEDLER, Dr. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) 60:37. Adolf Hildebrand sc.* (bust) Casper Friedrich, 1744-1811. Lund, Danske malede jwr. (1900) 7*:27. J. J. Turretin p.* Frederik Christian, 1775-1829. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':27. L. A. F. Aumont p.* Frederik Juhus, 1806-80. Lund, Danske ma- lede por. G900) 7':27. L. A. F. Aumont p. 1830.* Frederik Sporon, 1861- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':‘28. Brita Barnekow p. 1897.* Fru Frederik Sporon (Anna Sophie Holm) 1866- Lund, Danske maJede por. (1900) 7*:28. Brita Barnekow p.* 1896. Ivar Christian Frederik Sporon, 1899- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7*:2S. Brita Bame- kow p. 1903.* FIELD, 1st haron, Sir William Ventris Field, 1813- Green bag (1902) 14:29. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:181. wdet. after photo. Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 18. Spy f. hth. (caricature) Miss . Walter, Mem. of Washington (1887) 83. James Sharpies p.* Albert, 1795-1869. Van Slyck, X. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:271. eng. Benjamin Hazard, 1814-93. Lossing, Hist, of X. Y. city (1884) 2:476. G. E. Ferine eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:237. Mrs Benjamin Hazard (Catherine Matilda Van Cortlandt De Peyster) Ellet, Queens of Am. soc. (1867) 175. A. H. Ritchie sc. Cyrus West, 1819-92. Book buver (1893) 10:71. —(1896) 13:359.* Bookman (1902) 15: 160. Buttre, .\.m. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 69. -A. 11. Ritchie eng. Critic (1896) 29:268 (from Judson’s Cjtus W. Field)* Democratic rev. (1858) 42:177. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Eclectic mag. (1866) 67:385. Ferine & Giles eng. Harper’s mag. (1871) 43:826. eng. —(1885)71:841. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:280. wdet. —(1858) 2:528. wdet. —(1865)9:504. wdet. —(1866) 10:504, 757. wdet. —(1882) 26:168. wdet. — (1892) 36:716. wdet. Knicker- bocker mag. (1858) 52:331. J. A. O’Xeill eng. after daguerr. Lossing, Hist, of X. Y. city (1884) 1 :236. G. E. Ferine eng. Loubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 77. J. G. BrufT del. Barber sc. 1867. Jules Jacquemart etch, (medal) McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:98. Daniel Huntington p.* (group; projectors of Atlantic cable) Xew Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4 :185. Huntington p. wdet. — (1893) n. s. 9: 14. — (1897) n. s. 16:584. X. Y. me.m. hist. (1895) 16. A. H. Ritchie eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnisstm (1901) 5:pl. 555. L. Grozelier lith.* David Dudley, sr. 1781-1867. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:149. wdet. Xew Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:412. — (1898) n. s. 19:8. Robert Gordon Hardie p.* Mrs David Dudley, sr. (Submit Dickinson) Harper’s w. (1894) 38:149. wdet. David Dudley, 1805-94. Book buver (1899) 18:193.* Green bag (1891) 3:. 50.* —(18W) 6:209.* Harper’s w. (1874) 18:929. wdet. — (1894) 38:149. wdet. (with his grandchildren) — 38: 149, 361 . Robt. G. Hardie p. wdet. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:98. Daniel Huntington p.* (group; projectors of Atlantic cable) Xew Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9: 14. Farton, Men of progress (1870-71) 23. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. R. OF rev. (1894) 9:514.* Scott, Dist in. Am. lawyers (1891) 359. Edward, admiral, r. n. 1830- Fall Mall mag. (1899) 19:122. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 580. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Elizabeth. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir Joshua Rej-nolds (1899) 1:16. Sir Joshua Rejnoldsp.* FIELD 511 FIELITZ Eugene, 1850-95. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 157. Book buyer (1891) 8:100. —(1896) 12:809. drawing?’^ —(1902) 24:27,29. Bookman (1895) 2:263.* Cent. (1901) 41:61.* Critic (1894) 25:290. —(1895) 27:324. —(1896) 28:429 (with James Whitcomb Riley and Bill Nye) — (1897) 30:130 (wdth Mr Wilson as Raphael’s cherubs) Harper’s w. (189.5) 39:1098. wdct. — 39:1241. G. Trentanove f. wdct. (death mask) Ileus. Lond. news (1895) 107 :574. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:194* (in 1893) — 1 :314* (7 por.) —(1896) 6:139.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:687. R. of rev. (1895) 11:663. p.* (Union league club, Chicago) — 12:661. p.* (Union league club, Chicago) Frederick, 1801-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:329. wdct. • George Thomas, lieut.-gen. d. 1889. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:359.* Henry F. state treas. of Vt. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of the Bennington . . . monument (1892) 92. Henry Martyn, 1822- Book buyer (1896) 13:273. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:14. R. of rev. (1894) 9:241. John, 1782-1837. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 182. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 58. C. Mayer eng.* Sir John, 1821-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:605.* Kate, 1840-96. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 57. Arena (1896) 16:881.* —(1899) 21:407. Bay state m. G885) 3:429. wdct. after photo. Critic (1904) 45:428. drawing?* R. of rev. G896) 14:317. Todd (M. L.) Corona and coronet (Bost. 1898) 98. Marshall, 1835-1906. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 182. Art j. (1904) 56:212. I>?onBon- nat p. 1903.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:200. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1901) 18:9.* —(1903) 21:456.* New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 65:64. R. of rev. (1903) 27:437.* Mrs Marshall, jr. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:755.* Nathaniel, 1587-1633. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:26. eng. after p. (Dulwich coll.) Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:356. p.* (Dulwich coll.) Outlook (1900) 65:51. p.* (Dulwich coll.) Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 116. S. Harding del. after p. W. N. Gardiner sc. (Dulwich coll.) Pindar, 1794-1873. Congreg. quar. (1876) 18:493. H. W. Smith sc. after photo. Roswell Martin, 1851- Book buyer (1901) 22:14.* Critic (1902) 41:391.* Stephen Johnson, 1816-99. .jAmerica’s grtst men & women (1894) 103. Bancroft, Chron. (1891) 1:393. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Barnes, Su- preme court of U. S. (1877) 95. H. B. Hall & sons eng. after photo. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 406. Max Rosenthal etch, after photo. 1890. Cent. (1882) 3:169. Green bag (1899) 11:245.* —(1903) 15:322.* Harper’sw. (1868) 12:73. wdct. —(1877) 21:125. wdct. —(1890) 34:104. wdct. —(1899) 43:391. A. J. Goodman del.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:31. — (1893) n. s. 9: 14. Scott, Disting. Am. lawyers (1891) 373. William, 1848- Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:569. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) FIELDEN, Colonel, d. 1815. Williamson, An- drew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 17. Andrew Pliraer p.* (miniature; coll. V. A. Blacque) Randle Joseph, lieut. gen. 1825-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:638.* Thomas, 1854-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:521.* FIELDING, viscountess, Anne Catherine (Powis) 1772-1852. See Powis. Antony Vandyke Copley, painter, 1787-1855. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:129. Sir W. Boxall p.* Augusta, aflw. Mrs Hicks. Finch, Hist. Burley- on-the-Hill (1901) 1 :310 (miniature)* Charles, rear-admiral r. n. 1780-1837. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1:310. Miss Birrell p.* (miniature) Henry, 1707-54. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1898) 114. W. Hogarth del. Ja. Basire eng.* (age 48) Biog. mag. (1794) Rivers sc. after drawing. — (1819) 1:31. Holl sc. Elwin, Some 18th cent, men of letters (1902) 2:139. Hogarth del. Basire eng.* (age 48) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:312. William Hogarth del. James Basire eng.* (age 48) Mag. of art (1883) 6:372. W. Hogarth del. James Basire sc. — 6:373. MargaretThomassc. wdct. (bust) Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1812) 3:3.56. Roberts sc. after miniature (poss. of Miss Sophia Fielding) Seid- LiTZ, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 84. W. Hogarth p. Granger sc. Sir John, d. 1780. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:18. F. W. Fairholt eng. after cari- cature, 1771. Matilda. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1:310. Plimer p.* (miniature) Sophia, aflw. Ladv Robert Fitzgerald. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-llill (1901) 1:310. miniature* (age 19) Mrs Sophia (Finch) w. of Charles. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1:310 (miniature)* fielding title and family name. See also Feild- ing. FIELDS, James Thomas, 1817-81. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11:12. A. Hill del. eng. Bookman (1896) 4:310.* —(1897) 6:337. daguerr.* (with Havithome and Ticknor) Critic (1904) 45:3.5* (with Nathaniel Hawthorne and W. D. Ticknor) Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:391. — (1894) 89:230 (about 1870) Harper’s w. (1881) 25:313. wdct. Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 220. daguerr.* (with Hawthorne and Ticknor) Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 187. H. W. Smith sc. Knickerbocker mag. (1859) 53:223. H. W. Smith sc. McClure’s mag. (1896) 7 :6.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 231 . New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:279. —(1896) n. s. 14:461. Outlook (1898) 58:616.* —59:554.* FIELITZ, Alexander von, 1860- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 182. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* FIENNES 512 FILLEBROWN FIENNES, Nathaniel, 16081-69. Clarekdox, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1:186. M. V. de Gucht sc. Gakdixer, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 188. Mirevelt p. eng.? So. Kexsixgtox, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 87. M. J. Mierevelt p.* Tuaxe, Brit, autog. 1819) 2 ; .50. eng. WooDBCRx’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 82. W. Hollar f. 1844. eng. (rare print) FIENNES family name. See a?so title Sayc andSele. FEERA, Giovanni Battista, of Mantua, 1469-1.538. Burlington, School of Ferrara-Bologna (1894) pi. 9. L. Costa p.* FIERO, James Newton, 1847- Penn, bar assoc. Report (189.5) 1:89.* Joshua, senator, 1818-86. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:181. wdet. FIESCHI, Giovanni Luigi, 1.523-47. Harper’s mag. (1878) .56:343. Van Dyck p. eng.? Giuseppe, 1790-1836. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 47. .\llard-C'ambray del. after p. Berrardo sc. (coll. Bibl. Imp^riale) Ottobuono de’, d. 1276. See Adrian V, pope. Sinibaldo de’, d. 1254. See Innocent R’, pope. FEESOLE, Andrea da (Andrea Ferrucci) 1465- 1526. See Ferrucci. Fra Giovanni Angelico da, 1387-1455? See Angelico. Mirm da, 1430 ?-86 ? See Mino da Fiesole. FIFE, countess of. Lady Dorothy (Sinclair) w. of 2d earl, 1739- Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Rey- nolds (1899) 2:480. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* 3d earl of, Alexander Duff, 1731-1811. Con- noisseur (1904) 10:67. G. Pope p.* (Duff house) earl of, James Duff, 1776-1857. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 2. Rochard p. William Holl eng. Tayixir, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:86. Rochard p. Wm. Holl eng. 1st duke of, Alexander WiUiam George Duff, 1849- Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1 :front.* Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:9, 101. —(1891) 99:3(57* (with duchess of Fife and their baby) — (1901) 118:129.* — (1902) 120:199.* Vanity fair album (1876) 8:pl. 238. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1889) 21: pi. 4^. Spy f. lith. (caricature) duchess of. Princess Louise (of Gt. Brit.) w. of 1st duke, 1867- jVrt j. (1893) 45:147. A. Stuart Wort- ley f.* Cab. por. gall. (1890) l:front.* — (1894) 5:17.* Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:Feb. 16, sup.* —(1889) 95:9, 101. —(1892) 100:11.5* (with duke of Clarence and prince George) — (1893) 102:29.5* (with her daughter lady Alexandra Dull) — (1895) 106: June 1, sup. p. 4. C. Bauerle p.* (with prince George and prince Allx'rt Victor) — (1901) 1 18: 129.* — (1903) 123:733* (with daughters, ladies Alexandra and Maud Duff) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. j)or. (1898) 1 :239. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Wilham, jr. j-acht designer, d. 1902. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:885. wdet. —(1899) 43:766.* Illus. Ijond. news (1902) 120:158. WiUiam Henry, captain, 1845- Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:433. W. Allingham sc. after photo. FIFER, Joseph Wilson, gov. of 111. 1840- Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:896. wdet. III. bar assoc. Proc. (1891) 14:23.* Moses, 111. hist. & statistical (1892) 2:924. FIGG, James, prize fighter, d. 1734. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:67. R. Grave sc. FIGHTING BEAR, Mandan chief. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:249. wdet. (with his family) FIGNER, Vera, d. 1885. Cent. (1888) 14:729. FIGETERAS, Estanislao, 1819-82. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:2.53, 292. wdet. FIGUERAS-CHIQIJ^S, Jose Maria, 1851- Green bag (1902) 14:190.* FIGTJEER, Louis, 1819-97. Gal. eontemp. (1876) pi. 26. photo. Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51 :721. FILANGEERI, Gaetano, 1752-88. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 34. Stuppi sc. after p. FILARETE, Antonio, sculptor, fl. 14.50? Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 44. eng. FILARGO, Pietro, 1339-1410. See Alexander V, pope. FILCOCK, Roger, .Jesuit martyr, d. 1601. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1882) 7, pt. 1:254. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 2: pi. 24. curious and rare print, eng. FILDES, Luke, 1844- Art ann. (1895) 12. Reg- inald Cleaver del.* — p.22,29.* Art). (1891) 43: 153. Leaven Hill p. 1891* (painting. The doctor) Cab. p>or. gall. (1894) 5:86.* Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:833.* Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74: 408. —(1901) 118:7.53.* Mag. of art (1880) 3:50. wdet. —(1889) 12:209. Luke Fildes p. Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 552. Spy f. lith. caricature (age 48) Mrs Luke. Art ann. (189.5) 19. Luke Fildes p.* Temple, Art of painting (1897) 342. Luke Fildes p.* FILELFO, Francesco, 1398-1481. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:270. N. De L’Armes- sin sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 8. T. Stimmer eng.* (from an old book) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 10. eng. after old por. FILEN, Jacob van. Mag. of hist. (1884) 11:15. Brecckner p. 1645.* FILIPPI, Paul, 15751- Toselli, Biog. nicoise (1860) l:2i>3. Perrin lith. Rosina. Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 16:277. photo. —(1896) ser. 4, 27:218. photo. FILLEBROWN, Thomas Scott, u. s. n. 1820-84. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:667. wdet. FILLMORE 513 FINLAYSON FILLMORE, MiUard, pres. U. S. 1800-74. Apple- ton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 2:452. Baker f. H. B. Hall jr. eng. B.^llou’s pictorial (1859) 17 :80. Pierson sc. Cent. (1887) 12:105. daguerr.* Duyc- EiNCK, Lives & por. of the pres. (1)^1) 169. Chap- pel p. after photo, eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of era. Am. (1862) 2:347. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Gettchell, Our nation’s executives (1885) 196. eng. Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1:152. Wallin deb Worcester sc. — (1853)4:376. Pierson sc. — (1856) 10:229. Harriso.v, Biog. sketches (1892) 2:pl. 29. G. P. A. Ilealy p.* Lester, Gall, of illus. Am. (1850) 21, pi. 10. F. D’Avignon lith. after daguerr. Lolbat, Medallic hist, of U. S. (1880) 2:pl. 66. S. Ellis del. & eng. 1850. Jules Jacqueraart etch. Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 11 : 191. H. right Smith eng. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1877) 31 :9. J. C. Buttre eng. Nico- lay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:32. daguerr.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1853) 4:pl. 27. T. B. Welch eng. after daguerr. Richardson, Mes- sages of pres. (1897) 5:62. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17 : 343. Carpenter p. 18.^. eng. (N. Y. city hall) 'Townsend, Our pres. (1889) 263. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:230.* Wilson, Pres, of U. S. (1894) 246. H. B. Hall, jr. eng. Mrs Millard (Abigail Powers) 1798-1853. Holloway, Ladies of the White house (1886) 2:211. eng. FILMORE, Lewis, 1815-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:70. FILSON, John, 1747-88. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:546. wdct. FINCASTLE, viscount, Alexander Edward Mur- ray, 1871- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:561.* FINCH, 1st baron, Sir John Finch, of Fordwich, 1584-1660. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1732) 1 :73. Cor. Johnson p. Eon. Mrs. Connoisseur (1903) 5:171. minia- ture* (Ward Usher coll.) Williamson, Por. minia- tures (1897) 54b. p.* (Ward Usher coll.) Lady Augusta Elizabeth, d. 1797. William- son, Por. miniatures (1897) 74. Andrew Plimer p.* Lady Charlotte (Fermor) w. of William, 1725- Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the Hill (1901) 1:285. p.* Lady’s m. mus. (1807) n. s. 3: 193. W.M. Craig p. K. Mackenzie sc. Lady Frances, aftw. countess of Dartmouth, 1761-18^. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reyn- olds (1901) 4:1536. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Francis Miles, 1827- Green bag (1889) 1:478* — (1890) 2:321* (in group" N. Y. Ct. of Appeals, 1st Div. 1890”) Harper’s w. (1881) 25:693. wdct. George, 1794-1870. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the- HiU (1901) 1:339. Woodforde p.* (child por.) George Henry, m. p. 1835- Finch, Hist. Burley- on-the-Hill (1901) 1:339. Hurlestone p.* (as a boy) —1:345. George R. of St Paul, Minn. Harper’s w. (1886) 30: 120. wdct. Sir Heneage, d. 1631. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 33. p.* Lady [Heneage], Frances (Bell) Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hili (1901) 1:131. Com. Jansen f.* Lady Louisa (Somerset) w. of George, d. 1892. Finch, Hist. Burley-on-the-Hill (1901) 1:340. Philip p.* (child por.) Margaret, queen of the Gj^isies, d. 1740. Caul- field, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:247. Cook sc. Times, English eccent. (1877) 177. 1739. FINCH family name. See also titles Nottingham; Winchilsea. FINCH-ELATTON family name. See title Winchil- sea. FINCH, Frederick, 1834- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:260. wdct. Henry Theophilus, 1854- Book buyer (1893) 10:306. FINDLATER, earls of. See title Seafield. Jane Helen. Bookman (1896) 4: 101.* New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 27 : 187. Outlook (1904) 78: 869 (with Kate Douglas Wiggin, Mary Findlater, and Allan McAulay) Mary W. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 27:187. Outlook (1904) 78:869 (with Kate Douglas Wiggin, Jane Findlater, and Allan McAulay) FINDLAY, Sir George, 1829-93. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:390.* Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 549. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John Ritchie, 1824-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:585.* Mag. of art (1900) 24:527. SirG. Reid p.* FINDLEY, Wilham, 1750-1821. McMaster & Stone, Penn. & the fed. const. (1888) 454. C. W. Peale p. Albert Rosenthal sc. FIN£, Oronce, 1494-1555. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 36:117. Jean Clouet p. after eng. (from The vet’s Hommes illustres) The vet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:564. eng. FINGALL, 10th earl of, Arthur James Plunkett, 1819-81. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:205. wdct. after photo. 11th earl of, Arthur James Francis Plunkett, 1859- Baily’s mag. (1888) .50:67. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. FINK, Albert, 1827-97. Scribner’s mag. (1888) 4:486. eng. FINLAY, Charles John, 1833- Cent. (1903) 44:857.* Sir Robert Bannatyne, 1842- Illus. Lond. news (189.5) 107:259.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 555. Ape f. lith. (caricature) FINLAYSON, John, 1770-1854. Kat, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 273. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. 24288—06 33 FINLEY 514 FISH FINLEY, John. McClure’s mag. (190.3) 20:345. Rembrandt Peale p.* (Metropolitan mus. of art) John Huston, 1863- Acad. (1899) 56:620. (with Ian Maclareni Bookman (1899) 9:307.* (with Ian Maelaren) Critic (1903) 42:515.* Harper’s w. (1903) 47:743* (age 39) McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:544.* Outlook (1903) 74:827.* Pop. sci. m. (1903)64:92.* R. of rev. (1903) 27:672.* World’s work (1903) 7:4050.* John Park, u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:945. wdef . Samuel, 1715-66. Princeton book (1879) 43. Princeton univ. mem. book (1898) 376. p.* FINNEY, Charles Grandison, 1792-1875. Con- GREGAT. quar. (1877) 19: front. FINNIE, John, painter. Internat. studio (1903) 19:207. Frank T. Copnall p. 1903?* FINSEN, Niels, 1860-1904. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:286. —(1903) 123:950.* —(1904) 125:466.* McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:362* (in his working clothes) R. of rev. (1902) 26:431.* FIOCRE, MUe. L’Art (1876) 4:307. J. B. Car- peaux sc. A. Lanfon del. (bust) — (1894) 58:199. Carpeauxsc. Gillot sc. (bust) — (1901)60:566. Car- peaux sc.* (bust) FIORENTINO, H, 1301-50. See Stefano. FlOm, Mario da, 1603-73. See Nuzzi. FIORILLO, Federigo, 1753-1825. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 184. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* FERENZUOLA, Antonio da. Tutti i trionfi (1750) 1:173. Ve sc. FIRMIAN, graf von, Leopold Anton, abp. of Salz- burg, 1679-1744. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:337. Christoph Mayrhoffer mezzo.* Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:385. Christoph MajThoffer mezzo.* FERMONT, Henry Essex Edgeworth, 1741- 1807. IcoNOG. des contemp. (18.32) 2:pl. 19. H. Grevedon del. ? 1823. Delpech lith. FERR, Thomas, 1842- Baily’s mag. (1878) 32:t.-p. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 316. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FERTH, Mrs Anne. Stuart, Letters to Louisa Clinton (1901) 356. Miss Clinton p.* (water-color sketch) Charles Harding, 1857- Critic (1900) 37 : 499. C. de Fornaro del. after photo.* Joseph Firth Bottomley, 1842-89. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80:124. eng. after photo. — (1889) 95:325. FISCH, Georges, 1814- Hari'er’s w.(1873) 17:944. wdet. FISCHART, Johann (Mentzer) 1545?-90? Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:631. eng.* (from Ehezuchts- bucluein zu Strassburg, 1607) Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18.W) pi. 83. eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 102. eng.* (from Ehezuchts- buchlein, zu Strassburg, 1607) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 114. Th. Stimmer eng.* Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1898) 2:22. eng. FISCHER. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1902) 58:4. Grutzner del.* AUce, actress. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:644* (with Joseph Miron) Emil, singer. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:884. wdet. —(1894) 38:581. wdet. Hermann Emil, 1852- Les prix Nobel en 1902 (1905) 58.* Johann Christian, 1733-1800. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 140. Gainsborough p.* Mrs Johann Christian. See Gainsborough Mary. Kuno, 1824- Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 312. drawing after photo. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 265. Kas- par Ritter p.* FISCHER. See also Fisher. FISCHER VON ERLACH, Johann Bernhard, architect, 1656-1723. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:149. Julius Berger p. G. Kempf del.* (with Daniel Grau) FISCHER-NISSEN, Frau Dr. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 43. Henry Hugh .iVrmstead f.* (bronze) FISH, Charlotte. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Revnolds (1899) 1:352. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1761.* Hamilton, 1808-93. Am. ann. cyclop. (1869) 9:front. Am. hist, register (1896) 4:281. Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 501. Bugbee, Mem. of Cin. (1890) 3. eng. Cincinnati, Instit. (1886) 127. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. Cin. Por. of pre.s. gen. (1887) pi. 11. Eclectic mag. (1872) 78:513. Geo. E. Perine eng. after photo. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:152. eng. Green bag (1889) 1:145.* Harper’s w. (1867) 11:228. wdet. —(1869) 13: 193, 216. wdet. —(1871) 15:293. wdet. —(1890) 34:100. wdet — (1893) 37:884. .\rtbur J. Goodman del. wdet. —37:1169. wdet. (in 1848, 1873, 1881, & 1893) Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:82. G. E. Perine eng. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:171. —(1886) 16:229. —(1893) 29:202. eng. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 112. lith. after caricature. Hamilton, sergeant, d. 1898. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 25:268.* Nicholas, 1758-1833. Am. hist, register (1895) 2:1154. — 3:191. Bowen, Centennial, Washington inaug. (1892) 41. Inman, Malbone, Trumbull p. (3 por.) Cent. (1889) 15:825. por.* Cincin. Instit. (18^) 201. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:1169. wdet. Mag. of Am. hist. (1883) 10:175. eng. FISH 515 FISK Preserved, 1766-1846. Harper’s mag. (1892) 84:463. Stuyvesant, 1851- Depew, 100 yrs. of -\m. commerce (1895) 1 : 104. eng. after photo. Mrs Stuyvesant. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:783. Thomas, 1762-1848. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 2:478. Fabronius f. A. Trochsler lith. William. Arminian mag. (1792) 15:505 (age 28) FISHBACK, William Meade, gov. of Ark. 1831- 1903. Arena (1898) 20:289. Harper’s w. (1893) 37 : 1085. wdct. FISHER, major. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 21. John Kay f. 1790. Alvan, 1792-1863. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 3:685. —(1895) n. s. 13:297. Benjamin Franklin. Brown, Signal corps, U. S. A. in the war of the rebell. (1896) 164.* Catherine Maria (Kitty Fisher) aftw. Mrs John Norris, d. 1767. Armstrong, Refolds (19(X)) 12. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (poss. of Earl of Crewe) Art j. (1892) 44:^. Re^ol^ p.* — 44:21. Rey- nolds p.* (as Cleopatra dissolving the pearl) Eng. painters of the Georgian era (1876) 2. Reynolds p.* (with the doves) Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:456. Reynolds p.* Pall ^L^LL mag. (1900) 20:289. Reynolds p.* Reynolds, Dis- courses, Johnson (1891) 81. Reynolds p.* (as Cleo- patra) Reynolds, Engravings 1 : pi. 15. Sir J. Rey- nolds p. S. W. Revnolds eng. — l:pl. 50. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. (as Cleopatra) Roberts, Mem. of Christie’s (1897) 2:^2. Reynolds p. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 15. Rey- nolds p.* Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 75, fig. 4. O. Humphrey p.* (E. M. Hodgkins coll.) M illiamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 162. after Sir Joshua Reynolds.* Charles, actor, 1816-91. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:461. wdct. McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 204. Clara, aftw. Mrs James G- Maeder, actress, 1811- 98. La BELLE assembl^e (1818) n. s. 18:3. Book buyer (1900) 20:42. C. G. Childs lith.* Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:420. C. G. Childs lith.* (in coll, of Peter Gilsey) E. M. P. Roy’. acad. pict. (1900) 69. George Frampton sc.* (bust) Ebenezer, 1815-79. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:773. wdct. George Camac, bp. of Ipswich, 1844- Illcs. Lond. news (1899) 114:709.* George Park, 1827- Book buyer (1886) 3:107. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:894. Harrison, illustrator, 1875- Bookman (1900) 11:51. Henry Hutt f.* (study) John, bp. of Rochester, 1459-1535. Birch, Heads (1813) 9. Holben del. Jacobus Houbraken sc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:7. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:340. Holbein del.* (Brit, mus.) Gower, Tower of Lond. (1901) 1:134. Holbein del.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 2:681. Holbein del. (Brit, mus.) Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 62. Holbein del. Bar- tolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 64. Holbein del. Facius sc. Holbein, Windsor coU. of por. (1877) l:pl. 2. Holbein del. 1535.* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:162, fig. 31. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Knackfcss, Kunstler-monog. (1896) 17:98. Holbein del.* Masters in art (1902) pt. 27, 3: pi. 8. Holbein del.* Portfouo (1902) no. 43:pl. 17. Hol- bein del.* (Brit, mus.) Schrockh, Abbild. lieruhmter gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 16. eng. 'Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:1^. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 9: pi. ICTO. Pigeot eng. after p. John, bp. of Salisbury, 174S-1825. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 50. J. Northcote f. E. Scriven eng. John. Meth. mag. (1810) 33:249. N. Branwhite p. H. Meyer sc. Sir John Arbuthnot, admiral R. N. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:948.* — 125:820.* Intern-at. studio (1903) 20:42. A. S. Cope p. 1903 1* Notables of Brit. (1897) 87.* Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:95.* R. of rev. (1904) 29:196. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 87. A. S. Cope p.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34:pl. 856. Spy del. eng. (caricature) John Dix, 1799-1850. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:673. MiRy. L’Art (1880) 22:199. R. W. Macbeth p. Ch. E. Wilson del. (child por.) Sydney Arthur, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:337.* Wilham Hayes, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:577.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32:pl. 723. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FISHER. See also Fischer. FISK, Archie Campbell, 1836- *\rena (1893) 8 : 273. eng.* Nat. mag. ( 1892) 17:88. eng. Clinton Bowen, 1828-90. Arena (1890) 1:247.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:452. wdct. —(1890) 34:551. wdct. George Clement, 1831- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:411. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. James, 1768-1844. Green bag (1894) 6:73. James, jr. 1834-72. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:669. wdct. — (1872) 16:49. wdct. Katharine, singer, 1851- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:7. Photius, 1807-90. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:369. Richmond, 1836- Harper’s w. (1868) 12:773. wdct. Wilbur, D. D. 1792-1839. Barnard, Educ. biog. (1859) 297. L. S. Punderson eng. Hollister, Hist, of Conn. (1857) 2:554. L. S. Punderson eng. Scrib- ner’s m. (1876) 12:651. eng. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1837)60:321. W.Gushp. T. A. Dean eng. FISKE 516 FITZGERALD FISKE, Helen, 1831-85. See Jackson, Mrs Helen (Fiske) Hunt. John, 1842-1901. America’s grtst men and women (1894) 215. Book buyer (1890) 7:240. — (1901) 23:7.* Bookman (1901) 13:519. Critic (1895) 26:311. —(1901) 39:10.5. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:121. Fred’k Dielman del. wdct. — (1901) 45:733. Harvard grad. mag. (1901) 10: 1. Lamp (1903) 26:43.* Outlook (1898) 60:824. —(1901) 68:801. World’s work (1901) 1 :230.* Airs Minnie (Maddem) actress, 1865- Book buyer (1899) 19:79. Penrhyn Stanlaus del.* (as Becky Sharp) —(1899) 19:81.* Bookman (1897) 5:105.* (as Tess of the D’Urbervilles) — (1899) 8:519* (in Little Italy) — 9:119* (as Magda) —10:240* (as Becky Sharp) —(1901) 14:226.* Bookman lit. j'earbk. (1898) 125* (as Tess) Chap- book (1898) 9:93 (as Cj'prienne) Critic (1897) 30:185 (as Tess) —(1899) 34:334.* —(1899) 35:897.* —(1901) 39:433. Ernest Haskcl del.* —(1902) 41:532,* 535* (as Mary of .Magdala) — (1904) 44:419. Ernest Haskell del.* (poster as Mary of Magdala) Harper’s w. (1897) 41:288 (as Tess) —(1899) 43:237 (as Magda) —(1901) 45:1059, 1184, 1343. —(1902) 46:729,* 730.* — (1903) 47 : 1519* (as Mary of Magdala) McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 328. Strang, Famous actresses in America (1899) 50 (as Tess) Nicholas, astrologer, 1575-1659. O.xford loan coll. (1905) pi. 5. Cornelius Neve p.* (Ashmolean mus.) Samuel {pseud. Dunn Browne) 1828-64. Con- gregat. quar. (Jan. 1866) 8: front. H. W. Smith eng. FISSON-JAUBERT, J. L. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:240. G. Malbeste etch. 1790. Perrin del. Courbe sc. FITCH, Miss. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 718 St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Asa, naturalist, 1809-79. N. Y. geneal. & biog. record (1903) 34:155. photo. Pop. sci. m. (1879) 16:1. Ashbel Parmelee, 1848-1904. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:340. wdct. Nat. mag. (1893-94) 19:213. Williams eng. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 240. Williams eng. Clyde, 1865- Book buver (1898) 17:119* (in 1897) Bookman (1899) 8:530.* —(1902) 14:449.* CnAP-book (1896) 5:385. Ma.x Beerbohm del.* (cari- cature) —(1898) 8:274. Critic (1899) 34:143.* —(1901) 38:225.* —(1903) 43:296* (with Elsie De W'olfe) — 43:400. Everett Shinn del.* (pastel; in his study) Harper’s w. (1891) 35:651. wdct. —(1901)45:808. -(1902)46 : 20. —46: 1261* (age 37) Eleazar Thompson, 1791-1871. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 76. George K. journalist. Harper’s mag. (1888) 77:697. James Mason, 1815- Congregat. quar. (1868) 10:141. II. W. Smith eng.l Luther, 1783- Wiixis,Hist. of law . . . & law- yers of Me. (1863) 592. J. II. Bufford lith. (age 75) Thomas, 1669-1736. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1895) 1:363. W. C. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:341. wdct. FITCHETT, William Henry, Book buyer (1900) 20 : 10 .* FITCHETTE, John, of Minneapolis. McClltie’s mag. 1903) 20:233.* FITLER, Edwin Henry, 1825-96. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:152. wdct. FITTON, James, 1803-81. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:786. FITTS, Benaiah, 1821- Van Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 2:622. eng. FITZ, Thomas B. 1844- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 410. J. P. Murphy co. eng. FITZAILWIN, Henry, 1st mayor of London, d. 1212. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:586. FITZALAN, Brian, d. 1306. See Bedale, baron of. Henry, 1512-80. See Arundel, 24th earl of. Lady Joan, dau. of 16th earl of Arundel. See Abergavenny. FITZALAN-HOWARD family name. See title Norfolk. FITZBALL, Edward (Edward Ball) 1792-1873. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:446. wdct. after photo. FITZCLARENCE, Augusta Oeorgiana Fred- erica, d. 1855. Fairlie, Por. of children (1838) A. E. Chalon del. II. Robinson eng. Frederick, illeg. s. of king William IV, 1799- 1854. BotTRKE, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 :226. Count D’Orsay f. 1841. lith. FITZ-CLARENCE family name. See title Munster. FITZGERALD, Lady Alice (FitzGerald) w. of Col. C. J. Oswald F. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:313. wdct. after photo. Lord Edward, 1763-98. Barrington, Hist, mem. (1835) 1:183. Hamilton f. J. Heath eng. 1809. Cath. world (1896) 63:379. Lawless, Story of Ire- land (1888) 360. Hamilton p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 47. II. D. Hamilton p.* Lady (Edward [Pamela], Sims) 17761-1831. Gamlin, G. Romney & his art (1894) 236. G. Rom- ney p.* Edward, 1809-83. Book buver (1896) 13:752. etch.* Bookman (1896) 3:297.*' —(1900) 11:297. Critic (1898) 33:486. —(1903) 43:560. p.* Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:343. Moulton, Lib. of lit. orit. (1904) 7:229.* Edward Arthur, 1871- Critic (1897) 30:28. Sir E. Burne-Jones p.* FITZGERALD 517 FITZMAURICE George Francis, 1751-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:339.* Pop. sci. m. (1903) 63:472.* Roy. soc. Proc. (1904) 75:152.* George Robert, 1748 ?-86. Seccombe, 12 bad men, 265. eng. Lord Gerald, 1821-86. Vanity fair album (1883) 15: pi. 285. lith. after caricature. J. Percy. So. African por. gall. (1897) 53L James, 1742-1835. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 2:290. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1811. James Edward, 1818-96. Gisborne, New Zealand rulers (1897) 65. James Newberry, m. e. bp. 1837- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:400. wdct. —(1891) 35:375. wdct. Mrs John (bom Fitzgerald) Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:122. A. E. Chalon p. T Wright sc. (miniature) John David, 1816-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:519.* Louis, 1838- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:348. wdct. Sir Maurice, 2d hart. (The Knight of Kerry) 1844- Vanity fair album (1901) 33:pl. 818. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Oscar Penn, m. e. bp. 1829- Harper’s w. (1890) 34:452. wdct. Lord Otho Augustus, m. p. 1827-82. Vanity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 150. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lord Robert, 1765-1833. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 60, fig. 7. G. Engleheart p.* (Messrs Duveen coll.) Sir Robert Uniacke-Penrose-, 1st hart. 1839- Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 648. Spy f. lith. (car- icature) William Henry WUson-, 1844- Roy. acad. pict. (19(X)) 150. Frank Bramlcy p.* Sir William Robert Seymour Vesey, 1818-85. VANm' fair album (1874) 6: pi. 169. Ape f. lith. (caricature) William Thomas, poet, 1759?-1829. Euro- pean mag. (1804) 45:163. Drummond p. Ridley eng. FITZGERALD family name. See also title Leinster. FITZGEBBON, viscoutU, John Charles Henry Fitzgibbon, 1829-54. Art j. (1858) 10:284. P. McDowell sc. W. H. Mote eng. (statue. The young hussar, at Limerick) FITZGIBBON farail}^ name. See title Clare (in Ireland ) FITZHARDINGE, viscouniess ,'Ba,Thaj:a, (Villiers) w. of 4th viscount, 1656-1708. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 80. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* (with duchess of Marlborough) 1st haron, Maurice Frederick Fitz Hardinge Berkeley, 1788-1867. Baily’s mag. (1863) 6:217. Joseph Brown sc. 2d haron, Francis Wilham Fitz-Hardinge Berkeley, 1826-96. Baily’s mag. (1872) 22:365. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. FITZ-HARRIS, viscountess, Lady Corisande Emma(Bennet) 1807-76. See Malmesbury, count- ess of. FITZHERBERT, Alleyne, 1753-1839. See title St Helens. Mrs Maria Anne (Smythe) w. of king George IV, 1756-1837. L’Art (1876) 4:119. G. Romney p. Charles Waltner sc. — (1903) 62:446. Romney p. Waltner sc.* Art j. (1897) 49:36. T. Gainsborough .* — (1900)52:328. J. Cond6 eng.* Bell, Gains- orough (1897) 98. Gainsborou^i p.* La belle assemblde (1810) n. s. 1:211. Robert Cooper eng. Book buyer (1895) 11:747. Creevey p^ers (1904) 1 : 50. John Russell p.* (poss. Basil Fitzherbert) European mag. (1786) 9:227. T. Holloway eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 14:230. Cosway p.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:7(14. J. Russel p. 1791.* Jesse, Life of George Brummcll (1886) 1 :256. Lady’s mag. (1786) 17:169. Cooksc. Lady’s m. mus. (1804) 12:217. Hopwood eng. Lcvtimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 52. Romney p.* Pall Mall mag. (1896) 9:200. Cosway p.* Williamson, Andrew & Na- thaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 13. Andrew Plimer p. 1786* (miniature) Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) 1 :pl. 58A, fig. 7. Cosway p.* (marchion- ess of Hertford coll.) — l:pl. 60, fig. 8. G. Engle- heart p.* (Wallace coll.) — l:pl. 68, fig. 1. Andrew Robertson p.* (Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower coll.) WiLLiAMSO.N, John Russell (1894) 62. John Russell p. 1791* (pastel) Sir William, d. 1891. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 107. William, 1874- Vanity fair album (1896) 28:pl. 646. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FITZHUGH, William Henry, colonel. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 527. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* FITZ-JAMES, due de, Edouard, 1776-1838. Tlmon, Livre des orateurs (1844) 371. Mme de Mirbel p. Pannier sc. due de, Charles, 1712-87. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. .52. Mine Haudebourt p. after fam- ily por. W’eber eng. Arthur. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (19(X)) 168. Lawrence p.* (child por. wth Mrs Maguire; coll, duke of Abercorn) James, 1671-1734. See Berwick, 1st duke of. FITZMAURICE, Lady Beatrix, dau. of 5th mar- quis of Lansdowne, w. of 6th marquis of W^aterford, 1877- See title Waterford. Lord Edmund George, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:327.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 266. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady Isabella. Court album (1854) 3: pi. 2. John Hayter f. W. H. Mote eng. FITZMAUEICE 518 FLAGG FITZMAURICE (Petty-Fitzmaurice) family name. See title Lansdowne. FITZPATRICK, Lady Anne, dau. of John, earl of Upper Ossory, 1774- Gerakd, Some fair Hiber- nians (1897) 44. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1775* (as the Girl with the bunch of grapes) Reynolds, Engravings, 2:pl. 72. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1791. S. W. Reynolds eng. (as Sylvia) Benjamin, gov. of Ala. 1802-69. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:81. wdet. Charles, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:337.* Lady Gertrude, dau. of John, earl of Upper Ossory. La belle assembl^e (Aug. 1809) 7 : 47. Hoppner p.? Rolnirt Cooper eng. Gerard, Some fair llibemians (1897) 50. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1779* (asCollina) — p. 57. Hoppner p.* Hoppner, Bygone beauties (1803) pi. 10. Charles Wilkin p. 1802 & eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1810) n. s. 9:61. Rey- nolds, Engravings, 1 :pl. 7. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Rej-nolds eng. (child por.) — 1 : pi. 62. Sir J. Rey- nolds p. 1779. S. W. Reynolds eng. John, mayor of New Orleans. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:292.'wdct. Lady Mary, aftw. w. of 2d baron Holland, d. 1778. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 6:469. S. Freeman eng. after drawing (poss. of the Rt. Hon. Vernon Smith) Richard, 1747-1813. Jesse, Life of Geoi^e Brummell (188(5) 1:190. y FITZPATRICK family name. See also titles Castletown; Upper Ossory. FITZROY, Caroline Blanche Elizabeth. See Lindsay, Lady. Edward Algernon, 1869- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Henry, illeg. s. of Henry VIII, 1519-36. See Richmond, 1st duke of. Henry, lieut.-col. 1807-59. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1879) 2:365. J. G. Middleton p.* Sir Robert O’Brien, vice-admiral, 1839-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:618.* FITZROY family name. Su oho titles Grafton; Southampton. FITZWALTER, 1st baron, Sir Brook William Bridges, 1801-75. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67 :629. wdet. after photo. Robert, d. 1235. Penny mag. (1841) 10:117. eng. after seal. FITZWILLIAM, earl, William Fitzwilliam, 174S-1833. Ashbourne, Pitt (1898) 180. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Grozer mezzo.* Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 1. W. Owen f. R. Hicks eng. Lond. mag. (1783) 52:107. eng. Reynou>s, Engravings, 2 :jm. 13. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1784. S. W. Reynolds eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:9. W. Owen p. R. Hicks eng. 6th earl, William Thomas Spencer Went- worth-Fitzwilliam, 1815-1902. Baines, York- shire, past & present, 2:1. W. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 93:283. — (1902) 120:304.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 282. Ape f. lith. (caricature) countess. Lady Frances Harriet (Douglas) w. of 6th earl, d. 1895. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:283. Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 137. Mary L. Waller p.* 7th earl, William Charles de Mure Went- worth-Fitzwilliam, 1872- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:773.* —(1898) 112:178.* —(1904) 124:182.* countess. Lady Maud (Dundas) w. of 7th earl, 1877- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:773.* Lady Ada (Osborne) w. of Hon. William, 1870- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:May 16, sup. p. 5. Hugh De T. Glazebrook p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 75. Glazebrook p.* Lady Charlotte, aftw. w. of 1st baron Dundas, 1746-1833. Connoisseur (1904) 9: 179. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1764? J. M. McArdeU mezzo.?* Good- win, James Mc.Yrdell (1903) 40. Reynolds p. 1754? James McArdell sc.* Rey’NOlds, Engravings, 2: pi. 84. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1764. S. W. Reynolds eng. Mrs George. See Ramsay, Eleanor. Lady Mary (Butler) w. of William Henry Went- worth, 1816- See Butler, Lady Mary. William Henry Wentworth, 1840- Baily’s mag. (1888) 49:273. G. J. Stodart eng. after photo. FITZ WILLIAM family name. See also title Southampton. FITZ WYGRAM, Sir Frederick Wellington John, Ath hart. 1823-1904. Illus. Lond. news(1904) 125:904.* FLABANICO, Domenico, doge of Venice, d. 1043. CicooNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 29. Nani eng. FLACHAT, Plre, fl. 1747. L’Art (1901) 60:203. Pier Leone Ghezzi des.* (caricature) FLACIUS ILLYRICUS (Matthias Vlacich) 1520-75. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 41. eng.?* Sciirockh, AbbOd. beruhmter gelehrten (1766) l:pl. 5. eng. 1571 (age 51) Ver- ueiden, Af-beeldingen (1603) 104. H. eng. FLAGET, Benedict Joseph, r. c. bp. of Bards- town, Ky. 1763-1850. Cath. world (1893) 56:464. FLAGG, Augustus, bookseller. Bookman (1897) 5:374.* Azariah Cutting, 1790-1873. Democratic review (1855) 36:91. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr George Whiting, 1816-97. French, Art and artists in Conn. (1879) 92. eng. Jared Bradley, 1820-99. French, Art and artists in Conn. (1879) 107. eng. FLAGG 519 FLAXMAX Rufus Cushman, 1846- New Eng. mag. (1894) n.s. 11:137. FLAGHAC, baron de. L’.Vrt (1877) 10:63. Jules Buisson del.* FLAGLER, Henry M. 18.30- McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:12.5. George T. Tobin del.* —(1903) 20:252. eng. (in 1872) FLAHAULT, comtesse de, Adble (Filleul) 1760- 1836. See title Souza. FLAHAULT DE LA BILLARDERIE, comie de, Auguste Charles, 1785-1870. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:82. (from an engraving in club) comtesse de, Margaret (Elphinstone) w. of Auguste Charles, 1788-1867. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:360. Mine Labille-Guiard p. Fortier- Marotte h^lio. Internat. studio (1903) 20:182. G. F. Watts del. about 1840.* (Holland house) FLAl^AND, Francois, 1594-1642. See Uuques- noy, Fraiifois. FLAMENG, Francois, painter 1856- L’Art (1886) 40:79. G^ry Bichard del.* Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:503. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 16:65, 67. John S. £ int p.* (2 por.) Marie A’ aste, painter, 1843-93. Mag. of art (1894) 17:72. FLAMmni. CS, Titus Quintius, 230 ?-174 ? B. C. a Bernocuj, Rom. ikonog. (1882) 1:62. Rev. numism. 1852, pi. 7 (Cab. des m4dailles, Paris) Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 7, pt. 1 :66. Bouvier eng. after bas-relief. — 7, pt. 1:110. eng. after bas-relief, o Authenticity doubtful. FLAMMARION, Camille, 1842- Arena (1891) 3:257.* —(1897) 18:721. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:491* (3 por.) —(1894) 2:570,* 575.* R. of rev. (1892) 6:130. J/me Camille. McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:571.* FLAMSTEED, John, 1646-1719. Biog. mag. (1794) Gibson p. Birrell sc. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1299. Gibson p.* Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 43. R. Gibson p.* FLANDRAU, Charles Eugene, 1828-1903. Green bag (1892) 4 : 121. Mag. of West. hist. (1888) 7 :655. eng. Charles Macomb, 1871- Bookman (1897) 6:283.* —(1901) 13:3. FLANDRE, comte de, Robert I. le Prison, d. 1093. Halma, Tooneel der Ver. Nederlanden (1725) 2 : 165. eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 1 :64. C. F. Flipart sc. Seriverius, principes Hollandiie et Westfrisise (16.50) {fl. 8. Cornelis Visscher sc. Velly, Hist, de France. (1770) 1 :500. C. F. Flipart sc. comte de, Robert II, of Jerusalem, d. 1111. Ver- sailles, Gal. Hist. Gavard, sup. 4, pi. 73. Decaisne p. eng. comte de, Philippe, prince of Belgium, 1837- Gleason’s pictorial (1852) 3:21. eng. (with Leopold, duke of Brabant, as boys) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:74. jVgi Lindegren del. after photo. comtesse de, Marie (of Hohenzollem-Sigmaringen) w. of Philippe, 184.5- Alm. de Gotha (1866) pi. 3. P. Barfus sc. Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:74. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2 : 558. Lindegren del. after photo. FLANDREN, Hippolyte, painter, 1809-64. Ami d. monuments (1896) 10:. 3.57. p.* (Mus. des offices, Florence) Fournel, Artistes fran<;. contemp. (1884) 248. L^op. Flameng sc. after photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1864) 17:106. Flameng sc. after photo. Leh- mann, Men & women (1896) 24. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1864.* FLANNAGAH, William W. 1844- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:480. eng. FLANNERY, Sir James Fortescue-, 1st hart. engineer, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:4.* —(1904) 125:724.* FLATMAN, Thomas, poet and painter, 16.37-88. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 151. Sir Peter Lely p.* Effigies poetic® (1824) 2: pi. 71. Li'ly del. J. Thurs- ton del. J. T. Wedgwood eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:153. Thomas Flatman p.* (minia- ture) Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 24. miniature.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 2. Lely del. J. Thurston del. J. T. Wedgwood eng. (poss. of the publisher) Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:59. Lely del. W. C. Edwards sc. Williamson, Hist, of por, miniatures (1904) l:pl. 29, fig. 3. T. Flatman p. 1662* (miniature; Victoria and Albert mus.) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 42b. Thomas Flatman p.* FLAUBERT, Gustave, 1821-80. Bookman (1895) 2:1.30. f. 1830* (age 10) —(1902) 16:39. Eugene Girard del.* (caricature) Le livre, bibliog. retrospective (1888) 9:176. Girard del.* (caricature) Paris salon (1890) 90. H. Chapu sc.* (monument) Petit de Jullevili.e, Hist, de lang. et lit. franc- (1899) 8:168.* Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:112.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:490.* FLAUST, Pierre Marie Jean Baptiste, 1762- Biog. modeme (1807) 3:242. Mulard del. Courlx* sc. FLAVEL, John, 1630 ?-91. Calamy, Noncon- formists mem. (1802) 2: front. Chapman eng. FLAXMAN, John, sculptor, 1755-1826. Art j. (1867) 19:101 (bust) —(1889) 41:73. Flaxman sc. Freebaim eng. (bas-relief) — (1893) 45:326. G. Dance f. — (1903) 55:332. E. Hodges Baily sc.* (bust) Cent. (1899) 36:612. G. Romney p. H. Wolf eng. (Nat.^r. gall.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 7:746. John Jackson p. R. Woodman eng. Cun- ningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1330) 3: front. John Jackson p. W. C. Edwards eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:9. James Atkinson del.* — 2:9. Romney p.* — 2:9. Henry Howard p.* El'eopean mag. FLAXMAN 520 FLETCHER (1823)83:387. W. Derby p. J. Thomson sc. Knight Gall, of por. (1833) 1 :27. John Jackson p. R. Wood- man eng. Mag. of art (1881) 4:372. Flaxman f. wdct. (medallion) Penny mag. (1832) 1:125. eng. Portfolio (1894) no. 3:94. John Flaxman f.* (me- dallion) Por. gall. (1853) 3:786. J. Jackson p. R. Woodman sc. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7 : pi. 62. John Jackson p.* Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:312. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 6. Jackson p. Pannier eng. Werck- meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 14(). Romney p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1879) 14 : 156. P. J. David d’Angers sc. (bas-reUef) Mrs John (Ann Denman) d. 1820. Art j (1867) 19:201. Flaxman sc. (bust on medalUon) Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:9. Henry Howard p.* FL^CHIER, Esprit, bp. of Nimes, 1632-1710. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe Ulus. (1777) v. 5. H. Rigaud p. El. Marlin L^picw sc. Gal. Iran?. (1822) 2:551. H. Rigaud p. Iconog. de Mme de S^vigne, pi. 56. eng. after contemp. por. Por. des hommes Ulus, des 17” et 18' sRicles (1805) 2:pl. 118. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2495. J. Beraardi eng. fleet, George Rutland Barrington-. See Barrington-Fleet. FLEETWOOD, Charles, d. 1692. Birch, Heads (1813) 99. Walker p. J. Houbraken sc. 1740. Cent. G9(X)) 38:734. miniature* (coll. Sir Richard Tangye) Earlom, Por. of char. R. Dunkarton eng. after minia- ture. Gardi.ner, Oliver Cromwell (1899) 172. eng.? after p. (Soc. of antiquaries, Lond.) Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 316. miniature* (coU. Sir R. Tangye) Scribner’s mag. (1900) 27:530. Walker p.* oo. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 93. p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 2:48. Walker p. eng. William- son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 26, fig. 5. David des Granges p. 1656* (Madresfield court) Mrs Charles, dau. of Oliver Cromwell, 1624-81. See Cromwell, Bridget. Charles, theatrical manager, fl. 1735. Cibber, Apology (1889) 2:254. J. Dixon del. R. B. Parkes mezzo. FLEISCHMANN, Julius, mayor of Cincinnati, R. OF rev. (1903) 27:. 532.* FLEMAEL, Bertholet, 1614-75. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:42. M. Aubert sc. FLEMING, Aretas Brooks, gov. of W. Va. 1839- Harper’s w. (1890) 34: 128. wdet. Lady Diana (Howard) Le. See Le Fleming. Esther, w. of Thomas Lowrey. See Lowrey, ^irs. James. Rov. acad. piet. (1902) 42. George J. Frampton sc.* (bas-relief) James, canon of York. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2:86.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31 :pl. 753. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs John (Jtine Coleman) 1732-1813. See Laseelles, Mrs Edwin. Marjorie, 1803-11. Fields, Shelf of old books (1894) 8.3. Isabella Keith p. wdet. (waU?r color in poss. of David Douglas, of Edin.) Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:457. Isabella Keith del. eng. (water color) Paul, 1609-40. Bechstein, 200 deutsche man- ner (1854) pi. 117. eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 122. Anna Marg. Schuurmann etch.* (age 31) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 85. A. M von Schurmann sc.* Richard, bp. of Lincoln, d. 1431. Sergeant, John Wyclif (1893) 334. p.* Sir Sandford, 1827- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:983.* New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:331. FLENSBORG, Carl Juhus, 1804-52. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':29. N. P. Ilolbech p. 1836.* Christian Peter, 1692-1767. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7':30. U. F. Beenfeldt p. 1747.* Christian Peter, 1772-1838. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7‘:30. F. F. Helsted p.* « Fru Christian Peter (Catherine Marie Alexandrine d’Origny) 1776-1855. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7‘:30. F. F. Helsted p.* Peter Vilhelm, 1808-60. Lund, Danske ma- lede por. (1900) 7':31. N. P. Holbech p. 1835.* Fru Peter Vilhelm (Elsie Hedrig Anette Trock) 1802-65. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7’:31. N. P. Holbech p. 1835.* FLESHER, Mrs Helen (Gregory) Catii. world (1896) 63:791. FLETCHER, Andrew, of Saltoun, 1653-1716. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1 :99. W. Mad- docks sc. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:112 p.* (jjoss. earl of Stair) Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1835) front. Aikman p. Freeman eng. — (1847, 1855) 2:317. Aikman p. Freeman eng. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pf. 48. Harding pub. 1798. Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 19. Aikinann p. Birrell sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 61. p.* Archibald, 1746-1828. Kay, Orig. jior. (1877) 2:pl. 320. John Kay f. 1810 & eng. Austin Barclay, 1852- N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 244. Williams eng. Banister, architect, 1833-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:49.* Calvin, 1798-1866. N. E. hist. & geneal. regis- ter (1869) 23:377. H. Wright Smith sc. G. C. scenic artist. Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:245. Barry del. Peirce eng. Sir Henry, 4th hart. 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:7.30.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 701. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Job, sr. 1793-1872. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:311.* John, 1579-1625. Bioo. mag. (1794) Audinet sc. after Vertue. Book buyer (1900) 19:. 541. W’. Marshall eng.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 81. p.* FLETCHER 521 FLOOD Effigies pocticae (1824) l;pl.21. J. Thurston del. after p. ? J. H. Robinson eng. (coll, earl of Clarendon) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:308. lith. after miniature* (Windsor) — 2:324. p.* (Nat. por. gall.) — 2:326. eng.* (in 2d ed. of Beaumont’s & Fletcher’s plays) Lee, Shakespeare (1899) 209. William Mar- shall f. (print prefixed to Comedies & tragedies, 1647) Lond. mag. (1754) 23:464. eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1 :629. II. Robinson eng. ? Outlook (1900) 66:72. p.* (poss. earl of Clarendon) Port- land, Piet. (1894) 70. C. Jansen p.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 1 :pl. 21. J. Thurston del. after p. ? J. II. Robinson eng. (coll, earl of Clarendon) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2:pl. 14. G. Vertue sc. Sir P. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 63, fig. 5. John Bogle p.* (G. C. William- son coll.) P hili p, R. c. priest. Merry Eng. (1893) 20:409. Robert, 1823- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:892. Paul Renouard del. wdet. William, Irish judge, 1751- European mag. (1814) 66:479. T. Blood eng. William Alfred Littledale, 1869- Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl. 559. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William E. supt. N. Y. produce exch. Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:204. FLEURANGE, 'pseud, of Mrs Lily Alice (Cooke) Lefevre. See Lefevre. FliEURANGES, seigneur de, Robert III de La Marck, 1492-1537. See Bouillon, due de. FLEURETTE, Mariemne, mistress of Henri IV, d. 1592. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c41febres (1858) 2:68. Lant6 del. 1580. Gatine sc. FLEURIAU, Charles Jean Baptiste, comte de Morville, 1686-1732. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 109. Bertonnier eng. FLEURY, comte, £mile Fdlix, 1815-84. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 81.* cur6 d’Aige, Glaire, et Villette. Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:245. Mulard del. Courbe sc. Mme, actress. Critic (1899) 35:684 (as Ophelia, 1769) Andrd Hercule de, cardinal, 1653-1743. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:115. II. Rigaud p. Fr. Chereau eng.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Rigaud p. C. Roy sc. Erd.manns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:475. Rigaud p. P. Drevet eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 6:110. A. de N. p. C. II. Barbant sc. Iconog. de Mme de S4vignd, pi. 57. eng. Merry Eng. (1890) 14:309. E. Harding sc. after p. (coll, of Horace Walpole) Oncken, Zeitalter Fnedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1 : 184. Rigaud p. Chereau eng. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 3: pi. 91. Rigaud p. P. Drevet sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 104. Rigaud p. Pedretti eng. Wright, Eng. under house of Han- over (1848) 1:141, 175, 190, 191. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricatures. Claude, 1640-1723. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Roussel p. D. Soniique sc. Mme Denise (de Neufville) de, 16th cent. L’Art (1892) 52:187. Fran<;ois Clouet? del. Gillot sc.* Frangois Louis Teisseidre de, lieut. col. 1749- Loubat, Mcdallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 4. Duvivier del. & eng. 1779. Jules Jacquemart etch. Jerome d’Argouges, d. 176-. See Argouges- Fleury. Joseph Nicholas Robert, 1797-1890. See Robert-Fleuiy. Liard, 1708-93. Gal. th^atrale, pi. 13. Favart del. Lignon sc. (as marquis de Moncadc) Tony Robert-, 1838- See Robert-Fleury. FLEUR YE, 1745- Bioo. moderne (1807) 3:246. Paris etch. Moreau del. Beljambe sc. FLEEDNER, Theodor, 1800-64. Cent. (1895) 29:84. Engelbach f.* FLINCK, Govaert van, 1615-60. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands {1754) 2:246. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. FLINDERS, Matthew, 1774-1814. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:325. FLINN, William. McClure’s mag. (1903) 21 :27.* FLINT, Annie Austin, dau. of Dr Austin. Critic (1903) 43:12.* Austin, sr. M. d. 1812-86. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:669. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:196. wdet. Austin, jr. m. d. 1836- Pop. sci. m. (1876) 9:1. Benjamin, 1813-91. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 293. Williams eng. Charles Ranlett, 1850- Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1 :65. eng. after photo. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 296. Williams, N. Y. eng. World’s work (1902) 3:1676.* Grover, 1867- Bookman (1898) 7:281. Robert, 1838- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 145. W. Hole sc. FLIPPER, Henry Ossian, colored lieut. U. S. A. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:637. wdet. flOckher, von. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:42. Max Koncr p. 1895.* FL5TNER, Peter, d. 1546. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16:2, fig. 1. eng.* FLOOD, Henry, 1732-91. Barrington, Hist, mem. (1^5) 2:106. John Comerford del. J. Heath eng. 1811. Cath. world (1896) 63:375. Green, Short hist. Eng. p>eople ( 1893) 4 : 1779. Comerford del. eng. in Barrington’s Historic memoirs. Lawless, Story of Ireland (1888) 324. Comerford del.* So. FLOOD 522 FLOYD Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 65. p.* Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover 5^48) 2:132. F. W. Fairholt eng. after caricature, 1785. James Clair, 1826-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33 : 165. wdct. Peter F. 1812-88. Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:504. eng. FLOQTJET, Charles Thomas, 1830-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:102.* Revue illus. (1886) 2:439. P. Renouard del. Florian sc. V.anity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 403. Ape f. lith. (caricature) FLORENCE, Evangeline. Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 4:10.* Katherine, actress. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1065. —(1901) 45:236 (in The lash of a whip) Mrs Malvina (Pray) w. of William J. 1834- Bali.ou’s pictorial (1855) 8:160. John Andrew sc. (as the Dutch orange girl) Thomas Birch, 1812-75. Democratic rev. (1851) 28:97. Illman & sons eng. William Jermyn, actor, 1831-91. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 8:160. C. A. Barry del. John Andrew sc. (as Paudeen O’Rafferty) Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:80. Roberts sc. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:208. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:665. Fred’k Barnard del. wdct. (as Captain Cuttle) — (1891) 35:936. wdct. IIOLLINGSUEAD, Gaiety chron. (1898) 418. McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 94. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:567* (with Joseph Jeffer- son) —(1901) 29:314.* Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 2:191. photo (as the Hon. Bardwell Slote, in The mighty dollar) — ser. 3, 2:222. wdct. FLORENT, Adrien, 1459-1523. See Adrian VI, pope. FLORIAN, comtesse de. Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:202.* Frdddric, engraver, 1858- Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:578. Florian eng. Jean Pierre Claris de, 1755-94. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:183. FLORIANTJS, Marcus Annius, Roman emperor, d. 276 A. D. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1887) 5: pi. 4, fig. 170 (medal)* FLORIDA, negro boy. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 266. eng. after life mask. FLORIDA-BLANCA, conde de, Jose Monino, 1728-1808. European mag. (1790) 18:403. M. Griffiths del. Corner sc. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:139. wdct. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:53. eng.l (from the European mag.) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1900) n. s. 11:235. Goya p.* FLORIO, John, 15531-1625. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 2:106. Gus. Hole sc. 1611* (from the por. in the 1613 ed. of Montaigne; age 58) FLORIS, Frans (Frans de "Vriendt) 1520-70. L’^Vrt (1890) 49:200. —(1901) 60:297. Jan Wierix eng.* Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:432. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Descamps, La vie des jieintres flamands (17^) 1:111. eng. Dezai.lier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:234. Aubertsc. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1 :371. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:223, fig. 107. Wilhelm Key? p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 22. I. H. W. p. Th. Galleex. FLORSHETM, Miss and Master. Mag. of art (1893) 16:152. Reginald Easton p.* (miniature) FLOTOW, freiherr von, Friedrich, 1812-83. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 187. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:600.* FLOTTE, Pierre II de Revel, admiral, fl. 1345. ViaiSAiLLES, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 5. eng. FLOURENS, Gustave, 1838-71. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1: 290. eng. after photo. FLOWER, Benjamin Orange, 1858- Arena (1891) 4:1. wdct. after photo. — (1900) 24:449. —(1904) 32:584.* Lady [Charles], Anne (Squire) lady mayoress of London. Lady’s m. mus. (1809) n. s. 7 : 1. T. Nugent del. Mackenzie sc. Edgar. Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 104. Phil. R. Morris p.* (with his daughter Lilian) Elliott, 1863- Critic (1902) 40:528. —(1904) 44:293.* Richard C. m. d. New Eng. mag. (1886) 5:55. eng. Roswell Pettibone, gov. of N. Y. 1835-99. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 184. Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:904. wdct. —(1895) 39:111. Olin L. Warner sc. wdct. (bust) — 39:736. wdct. —(1899) 43:514. Sir William Henry, 1831-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:9.* Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:381. Roy. soc. Proc. (1901) 75:72.* FLOWER family name. See also title Battersea. FLOYD, Aaron. Meth. mag. (1819) 42:721. Blood sc. J. Arthur, 1857- Cath. world (1897) 65:564. John. Arminian mag. (1782) 5:57. John Buchanan, gov. of Va. 1807-63. Cent. (1884) 7:287.* Harper’s w. (1857) 1:228. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:128.* Por. m. (1863) 1:93. wdct. Mark. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6 : 252.* William, 1734-1821. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 123. R. Earle, Tmmbull f. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1901) 17 :225. Earl p. ?* (poss. J. Gar- rison Floyd) Sanderson, Biog. of signers (1823) 4:131. A. B. Durand eng. after p. Sons of the rev. N. Y. Yearbk. (1893) 146. Ralph Earle p.* FLUE 523 FOLKES FLttE, Nikolaus von der, 1417-87. See Lowen- brugger, Nikolaus. FLttGGEN, Joseph, painter, 1842- Mag. of art (1882)5:190. wdct. FLUNGER, Franziska. Harper’s mag. (1871) 42 : 182. eng. (Maria, Oberammergau passion play, 1870) Tobias. Harper’s mag. (1871) 42: 180 (Pilatus, Oberammergau passion play, 1870) FLUSSER, Charles W. 1833-64. Cent. (1888) 14:422. FLTJVIAN, Antoine, d. 1437. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 :322. Cars sc. FLYNN, Captain. Harper’s w. (1863) 7 :669. wdct. Maurice Bennett, 1848- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:333. wdct. FLYNT, Henry, 1675-1760. New Eno. mag. (1900) n. s. 23:284. Josiah, pseud, of Josiah Flynt Willard, 1869- See Willard. WiUiam Norcross, 1818-95. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2222. A. H. Ritchie eng. FOA, Mme Eugenie (Rodrigues-Gradis) 1798?- 1853. Huart et Philippon, Gal. do la presse (1841) 3: pi. 35. FOCK family name. See title De Robeck. FOERDERER, Robert H. 1860-93. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:496. eng. after photo. FOGAZZARO, Antonio, writer, 1842- Critic (1902) 41:101.’^ FOGG, Francis Brinley, of Tenn., 1795- Living- ston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:667. S. Hollyer eng.? FOGG-ELLIOT, Charles Thurston, 1870- See Elliot. FOIX, comte de, Jean III de Grailly, d. 1376. L’Art (1904) 63:75. Peiresc des. after p. (church of the Celestins, Avignon) Andre de, d. 1547. See Lesparre, seigneur de. Frangoise de, mistress of Francois 1, 1495?-1537. See Chateaubriant, comtesse de. Frederic de, d. 1571. See Candale, comte de. Gaston de, 1489-1512. See Nemours, due de. Mathieu de, d. 1453 ? See Comminges, comte de. Nicolas Michel, 1743-1830. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 38. Leroux sc. Odet de, 1485-1528. See Lautrec, vicomte de. Pierre de, cardinal 1386-1464. Dreux du Radier L’Europe Ulus. (1777) v. 2. eng. Lenfant, Hist, du Concile de Constance (1714) 1:368. eng. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2 :pl. 154. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:67. eng. Thomas de, d. 1525. See Lescun, seigneur de. FOLEY, baroness, Lady Harriet (Stanhope) w. of 4th baron, 1750-81. Lond. mag. (1776) 45:620. eng. 7th baron, Henry Thomas Foley, 1850- Van- ity fair album(lS82) 14 :pl. 416. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) Lady Anne (Coventry) d. 1784. Gerard, Some celebrated Irish beauties (1895) 78. Daniel P. 1st lieut. U. S. R. C. S. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:977. Lady Emily (Graham) w. of Edward T. 1805- 1900. Ileus. Lond. news (1900) 116:7.* John Henry, sculptor, 1818-74. jVrt j. (1887) 29:377. T. Brocksc. G. Stodart eng. (bust) — (1889) 41 : 49. Illus. Lond. news ( 1874) 65 : 249. wdct. after photo. Mag. of art (1901) 25:515. T. Mogford p.* Murray D. 1849- Bancroft, Chronicles (1892) 7 : 160. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Sir St George Gerald, general, 1814-97. Illus, Lond. news (1897) 110:142.* Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 290. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Thomas, admiral, 1757-1833. Fitchett, Nelson & his captains (1902) 278. R. Smirke p. ? eng.* (Brit, mus.) Thomas, r. c. bp. of Chicago, 1822-79. Har- per’s w. (1879) 23:225. wdct. FOLGER, Charles James, 1818-84. Green bag (1890) 2:330.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:653. wdct. —(1880) 24:373. wdct. —(1881) 25:749. wdct. —(1882) 26:620. wdct. —(1884) 28:595. wdct. Henry Clay, jr. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. com- merce (1895) 1 :20i9. eng. after photo. William Mayhew, u.s.n. 1844- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:549. FOLI, Signor (Allen James Foley) singer, 1842-99. Brit, minstrelsie (1899) 2:12.* Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:609.* FOLJAMBE, Francis John Savile, 1830- Baily’s mag. (1879) 33:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. FOLJAMBE family name. See also title Hawkes- bury. FOLK, Joseph Wingate, gov. of Mo. 1869- II.ar- per’s w. (1904) 48:1117. caricature.* —48:1827.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:578.* —(1903) 20:548.* Outlook (1902) 72:527. R. of rev. (1904) 29 :660. World’s work (1903) 6:3713.* —(1904) 8.4830.* FOLKES, Martin, 1690-1754. Hogarth, Compl. wks. Hannay, 167. W. Hogarth f. Robt. Hart eng. William C. 1845-90. Green bag (1893) 5:280.* FOLKESTONE 524 FONTENILLE FOLKESTONE, 1st viscount, Sir Jacob Bouverie, 1702?-61. Lond. soc. of arts, Trans. (1784) 2:32. T. Gainsborough p. Chas. Sherwin eng. viscountess, Elizabeth (Marsham) w. of 1st vis" count, d. 1782. Burlinoto.v mag. (1903) 3:125- Thomas Gainslwrough p.* (poss. Mrs George Holt) viscountess, Rebecca (Alleyne) w. of 2d viscount, 1725-64. Art j. (1897) 49:364. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1760* (Longford castle) viscount, Wilham Pleydell-Bouverie, 1841- See title Radnor. viscount, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 1868- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:75.* FOLKS, Homer, n. y. comm’r of charities. Out- look (1903) 75:21.* FOLLANSBEE, Charles, 1810-87. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 13:247. eng. FOLLEN, Charles Theodore Christian, 1796- 1840. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1:986. Roberts sc. Garrison, Story of life (1885) 2:228. Gambardella p. eng. (age 43) Liberty bell (1843) 1: front, eng. FOLLETT, David Lyman, 1836-99. Green bag (1890) 2:32^ (in group “N. Y. Ct. of Apjjeals, 2d Div. 1890 ”) Dexter H.;>. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1901) 4:174. Martin Dewey, 1826- Green bag (1895) 7 :277 FOLLEVILLE, marquis de, Anne Charles Ga- briel, 1749-1835. Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:248. Labadyedel. Courbesc. FOLSOM, Albert Alonzo, captain. Am. hist, register (1896) 4:459. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1901) 4:pref. p. 5. — 4:192. Joseph Libbey, 1817-55. Cent. (1892) 21:560.* FOLTZ, Mrs Clara (Shortridge) w. of J. I). 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 :697. FOLZ, Hans, d. 1515? Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 60. Hans Schwartz del.* FONDVILLE, Mme de, 1719- Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 25:45. J. B. Dcfernex sc. 1759* (bust; mus. du Maris) FONSDEVIELA, Major. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:137. FONSECA, Manuel Deodoro da, 1827-92. Har- per’s w. (1889) 33:1000. wdct. FONTAINE, Pierre Fran 9 ois Leonard, archi- tect, 1762-18^. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 47. Pannier eng. FONTAINES, seigneur de, Honorat de Bueil. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 221. FONTANA, Domenico, architect, 1543-1607. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. eng. IcoNoti. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 35. A. Locatelll sc. after medal. Lavinia, 1552-1614. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:173. eng. MoL-cke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 53. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pozzi sc. William- son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 99, fig. 8. Lavinia Fontana p.* (Uffizi) Prospero, 1512-97. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1: 173. eng. FONTANE, Theodor, novelist, 1819-98. Bet- TELHEiM, Biog. jahrb. & deutsch. nekrolog (1898) 3:front.* Franzos, Gesch. des erstlingswerks, 1. Kersting del. 1842.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 45:77. Max Liebermann del. 1896.* Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 111. Hanns Fechner p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1901) n. s. 12:98. Hanns Fechner del.* FONTANES, marquis de, Louis, 1757-1821. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:206. Ver- s.AiLLES, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 15. eng. FONTANGES, dueJiesse de, Marie Angehque (D’EscoraiUes de Roussille) 1661-81. Armen- GAUD, Reines (1862) pi. 47. Viollat del. Jounard sc. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1877) v. 4. M. G. . Fiquet sc. Iconog. de Mme de S6vign6, pi. 58. eng. ady’s mag. (1835) 7:61. Mignard p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^Rbres (1858) 2:108. Lant6 del. Gatine sc. lith. Michaud et Pou- ioulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 32:480. Petitot p. eng. Petttot, ^maux (1862) 2:pl. 19. Petitot p. Ceronisc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl. 2337. J. Petitot p. E. J. Ruhierre eng. Williams, Mme de Montespan (1903) 226. Mignard p. eng.* Wiluam- soN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl.78, fig. 8. Jean Petitot p.* (with duchesse de La Valli^re and Mme de Maintenon; Alfred de Rothschild coll.) — 2: pi. 82, fig. 5. II. P. Bone p. 1846. after Mignard* (Univ. gall. Oxford) FONTENAY, JeanBaptisteBelin de, 1653-1715. Dezallier d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:280. M. Aubert sc. FONTENELLE, Bernard Le Bovier de, 1657- 1757. Biog. mag. (1794) Savart del. Comer sc. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. La Tour p. P. Dupin sc. Gal. fran?. (1823) 3:137. Granger del. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 6:269. wdct. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1793) 10:241. Men- NECHET, Le Plutarque franp. (1838) 6:pl. 17. Guil- leminot del. Challet sc. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran?. (1898) 6:8. H. Rigaud p. M. Do-ssier sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17'’ et 18'’ slides (1805) 2: pi. 119. Blanchard sc. after minia- ture. Versaillm, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl 2526. Giroux eng. — sup. 6: pi. 81. Girardet eng. after bust. Versailles, Nolhac et Perat6 (1890) pi. 55. Greuze f. 1793. FONTENILLE, haronne de, Paule de Viguier, 1518-1610. See Viguier. FOOT 525 FORBES FOOT, Homer, 1810- Davis, X. E. states (1897) 1 : 427 J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Jesse, 1746-1826. Monthly mirror (1810) n. s. 8:241. Opie p. Freeman eng. Solomon, u. s. senator, 1802-66. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:120. eng. Hahper’s w. (1866) 10:237. wdct. FOOTE, Andrew Hull, u. s. n. 1806-63. Biog. cncyclop. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 293. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 2:480. eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 22. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Cent. (1885) 7:434.* Crafts, Southern rebellion (1862) 1:497. J. Rogers eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1^2) 2:340. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Harper’s mag. (1898) 97:742. Harper’s w. (1862) 6: 113, 268. wdct. — (1863) 7:445. wdct. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1^1) 247. G. E. Ferine eng. Moore, Rebellion rec- ord (1862) 4: front. G. E. Ferine eng. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 11:258. Nicolay & Hav, Lincoln (1890) 5:112.* For. m. (1863) 1:21. wdct." Tomes, War with the South (1862) 2:26. G. Stodart eng. after photo. Arthur, 1853- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 188. Alex. Gribay^dolT del.* New Eng. mag. (1^9) n. s. 1:479. Charles B. book collector. Critic (1895) 26: 165. Ebenezer, 1756-1829. Abbatt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 20. Henry Stuart, u. s. serator, 1800-80. Demo CRATic rev. (1851) 29:193. Illman & sons eng. after daguerr. Rev. Henry Wilder, 1838-89. Foote, Ann. of King’s Chapel (1896) 2:569. eng. !Mass. hist. soc. Froc. (1893) ser. 2, 8:236. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Horatio K. 1843-65. Love, Wis. in the war (1866) 889. wdct. John Johnson, 1816- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:102. Maria, aftw. countess of Harrington, actress, 1797-1867. La belle assemble (1817) n. s. 15:51. eng. after p. Connoisseur (1903) 6 : 196. G. Clint p. C. Ficart eng. lith. Ladies’ m. mus. (1817) imp. ser. 6:121. Mrs Mary (HaUock) w. of Arthur D. 1847- Book buyer (1894) 11:338. Critic (1900) 37:132. E. Foote del.* Samuel, 1720-77. Bentley’s misc. (1837) 1:298. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. W. Greatbatch sc. Biog. mag. (1794) Reynolds p. Cooper sc. Doran, .iVnn. of Eng. stage (1888) 2:380. F. Colson p. 1769. copper-plate eng. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2: pi. 48. J. Zoffany p. J. Finlayson sc.* (with W^eston) Lond. mag. (1768) 37:449. eng. (as Major Sturgeon) Ryan, Dram, table talk (1825) 2:260. W. Read eng. 'Theatre (1886) ser. 4, 8:74. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 6:239. Reynolds p. W. Great- bach sc. (in poss. of the duke of Newcastle) Wal- pole, Letters to Mann (1843) 2:333. Reynolds p. W. Greatbatch sc. Samuel Augustus, 1780-1846. Green bag (1891) 3:556. p.* FORAIN, Jean Louis, painter, 1852- Critic (1900) 37:265. Hy. Mayer del.* (caricature) FORAXER, Joseph Benson, gov. of Ohio, 1846- America’s grtst men and women (1894) 39. Har- per’s mag. (1899) 98:508. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:381. wdct. —(1885) 29:692. wdct. —(1887) 31:565. wdct. —(1896) 40: 100. wdct. —(1901) 45:616. R. OF rev. (1904)29:390. Julia, dau. of Joseph B. Foraker, w. of F. K. Wainwright. See Wainwright. FORAN, Joseph Kearney, 1857- Catii. world (1895) 61:800. FORBES, baroness, Lady Margaret (Douglas) w. of 8th baron (Lady Reres) Fall Mall mag. (1904) 32:393. A. S. Hartrick del.* (of Fitsligo) baron, Alexander Forbes, d. 1762. Allardyce, Hist, papers (1895) 2:341. A. S. Belle f.* Alec. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 138. Elizabeth Stanhope Forbes p.* (age 2) Archibald, 1838-1900. Art ann. (1892) 3. Hubert Herkomer p.* Baldry, Hubert von Her- komer (1901) 84. Herkomer p.* Book buyer (1900) n. s. 20:281,* 363.* Bookman (1900) 11:204. —(1904) 19:29.* Cent. (1892) 22:80.5. Herkomer p.* — 23:303.* Eclectic mag. (1880) 95:513. J. J. Cade eng. Harper’s mag. (1881) 63:669. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:121. drawing* (ride from Ulundi) — (1900) 116:469.* Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1901) .54:33. Herkomer p.* Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 169 Ape f. lith. (caricature) Sir Charles John, J^h bart, 184.3-84. Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 230. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Dimcan, of Culloden, 1685-1747. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:278. Jeremiah Davison p.* Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:133. Davison p.* (pos.s. Faculty of Advocates, Edin.) Chambers, Em. ^ots- men( 18.35) 2: front. S. Freeman eng. — (1847,1855) 2:329. S. Freeman eng. Culloden papiers (1815) t.-p. Lewis Francis Roubilliac sc. Robert Cooper eng. (statue) — front. W. Aikman p. Robert Coopier eng. CusT, Nat por. gall. (1901) 1:263. William Aikman? P* Edward, 1815-.54. Darwin, More letters (1903) 1:52* (in 1844?) Eli, D. D. 1726-1804. New Eng. niag. (1892) n.s. 6:698. Gordon. William.son, Andrew & Nathaniel Flimer (1903) 90, pi. 12. Andrew Flimer p.* (minia- ture; coll. J. Fierjxint Morgan) Harriet. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Flimer (190.3) 40. Andrew Flimer p.* (miniature; coll. J. Fierpont Morgan) James, commissioner on the Queen’s Highland estate. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:242. James David, 1809-68. Hole, For. Edinburgh univ. (1884) pref. p. 17. W. Hole sc. (group) James Staats, railway director, d. 1904. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:522.* Vanity fair album ( 1900) 32 : pi. 775. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FORBES 526 FORD John. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 362. St Mcmin del. & eng. 1804.* John, 1802-99. Anderson, Aurora borealis academica (1899) 150.* John Murray, 1807-85. Cent. (1902) 41:360. daguerr.* Patrick, bp. of Aberdeen, 1564-1635. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 1:67. p.* (Aberdeen univ.) Lippe, ^Vodrow’s biog. coll. (1890) front. Wood- bcrn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 83. R. G. sc. from a scarce print, eng. Paul W. major. So. African por. gall. (1897) 39. Robert Rennet, 1804-89. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 17:113. Homer del. after photo. Peirce sc. Ma.ss. hist. soc. Proc. (1890) ser. 2, 6:197. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Stanhope Alexander, painter, 1857- Art j. (1892) 44:66.* Illus. Lona. news (1892) 100:163.* Internat. studio (1901) 14:81. Mrs S. A. Forbes p.* Mao. of art (1892) 15:181. photo. Mrs Stanhope Alexander (Elizabeth Adela Armstrong) Mao. of art (1894) 17:114. photo. William, bp. of Edinburgh, 1585-1()34. Lippe, Wodrow’s biog. coll. (1890) 244. George Jamesone p.* William, of Tolquhon. Geddes, Musa latina aberdonensis (1895) 2:85. George Jamesone p.* Sir William, 6th hart. 1739-1806. Chambers; Em. Scotsmen (1835) 2: front. Sir II. Raeburn p. H. Robinson eng. — (1855) 2:349. Raeburn p. S. Freeman eng. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 76, 102. John Kay f. & eng. Lady [William], Ehsabeth (Hay) w. of 6th bart. d. 1802. Hirtii, Der formenschatz (1900) pi. 107. George Romney p.* (coll. Sir John Hay) Lady [Wilham], Williamina (Stuart) w. of 7th hart. d. 1810. Bookman (1896) 4:191. Cent. (1899) 36:368. Cosway p. Frank French eng. (miniature) William, of Callendar, d. 1815. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 207. John Kay f. 1797. William, 1833- Baily’s mag. (1882) 39:249. Jo.seph Brown sc. after photo. William. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 121. Stanhope A. Forbes p.* WiUiam Cameron, Philippine commissioner. R. OF rev. (1904) 29:403.* FORBES family name. See also title Granard. FORBES-ROBERTSON family name. See Rob- ertson. FORBEN, comte de, Claude, 1656-1733. Drecx DU Radier, L’Europc illus. (1777) v. 4. de Lorraine sc. Gal. franp. (1823) 3:111. Jacob del. after bust. comte de, Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste, 1777-1841. .'Vrnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:215. Paulin Guerin p. Fremy del. & sc. L’Art (1903) 62:246. Ingres del.* FORBUSH, MenUl Augustus, of Worcester, Mass. 1817-87. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:409. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. FORCADE DE XiAROQTTEPXE, Jean Louis Victor Adolphe de, 1820-74. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 503.* FORCE, Manning Ferguson, 1824-99. Mao. of West. hist. (1887) 5:687. A. H. Ritchie eng. Peter, 1790-1868. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monu- ment (1903) 39.* Mao. of Am. hist. (1878) 2:193. Friedlein del. eng. FORCKENBECK, Max von, 1821-92. Harper’s mag. (1883 ) 66:370. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:443. Fritz Hecht lith.* W’erck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 583.* FORD, Corydon L. 1813- Mao. of West. hist. (1886) 5:248. eng. Daniel Sharp, 1822-99. Critic (1900) 36:108. Trowbridoe, My own story (1903) 328.* Edward Onslow, 1852-1901. Art j. (1899) 51:176. Wolfram Onslow Ford p.* — (1902) 54:61. Wolfram Onslow Ford p. 1* Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:478. — (1894) 104:594. Arthur Hacker p.* —(1895) 107:132.* —(1902) 120:17. Internat. studio (1902) 16:57. Wolfram Onslow Ford p.* Mag. of art (1895) 18:435.* Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 151. J. M’Lure Hamilton p.* — (1894) 141. Arthur Hacker p.* — (1899) 117. Wolfram Onslow Ford p.* Sir Francis Clare, 1830-99. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:141.* —(1893) 102:822.* —(1899) 114:151.* Sir Francis ColviUe, bart. 1850-90. Baily’s mag. (1882-3) 40:125. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Harriet. Critic (1900) 36:5* (with Mrs De Mille) Horace, champion archer, fl. 1849-59. Cent. (1904) 46:631.* Isaac Nelson, 1848- Book.m\n (1904) 19:251.* James Lauren, 1854- Bookman (1903) 16:429.* —(1903) 18:2. John Donaldson, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:975. Mary Theodosia. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 166. Charles Fraser p. 18291* Patrick, ed. Irish world. Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 91.* Paul Leicester, 1865-1902. jVppleton, Ann. cyclop. (1902) front. Bixik buyer (1902) 24:363. Bookman (1896) 3:103.* —(1900) 10:564.* —(1902) 15:310. p.* Critic (1898) 33:345.* —(1900) 37:494. —(1902) 40:486.* Harper’s w. (1^2) 46:618. Literature (1898) 2:May 18, sup. Outlook (1899) 63:776. SeweU, 1868- Lamp (1903) 26:507.* Wolfram Onslow, painter. Art j. (1896) 48:343. J. McLure Hamilton p. (child por.) Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 117. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) FORD 527 FORREST Mrs Wolfram Onslow. Roy. acad. pict. (1904) 79. W. Onslow Ford p.* Worthington Chaimcey, 1858- Depew, 100 yrs. of Ain. commerce (1895) 1:20. eng. after photo. FORDE, Miss, singer and actress. Ladies’ m. mus. (1822) 16:241. R. E. Drummond p. Woolnoth eng. FORDHAM, Edward Snow, 1858- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:403.* George, jockey, 1837-87. Baily’s mag. (1864) 7:t.-p. Illv.s. Lond. news (1887) 91 ; 475. Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 262. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FORDRED, Rev. John. Wesleyan Metli. mag. (1831) 54:217. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. FORDWICH, viscounts. See title Cowper. FOREE, Pryor J. Green bag (1897) 9:310.* FOREEST, Pieter van, 1522-97. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:103. FOREL, August, 1848- Clark univ. Decen. cele- bration (1899) 409. FOREST, Jean Baptiste, 1636-1712. Dezaluer d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:185. eng. Dilkf, Fr. painters 18th cent. (1899) 142. LargilUfere p. 1704* (Berlin mus.) FORESTER, baroness, Lady Katharine (Man- ners) w. of 1st baron, 1779-1829. See Manners. 2d baron, John George Weld Weld-Forester, 1801-74. Baily’s mag. (1867) 13:163. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. 3d baron, George Cecil Weld Weld-Forester, 1807-86. Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 215. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Jith baron, Orlando Watkin Weld Weld-For- ester, 1813-94. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:344.* —(1894) 104:811. Sir Andrew, fl. 1704. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 47. E. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1797. Hon. Charles Robert Weld-, 1811-52. Bourke Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 :220. Count D’Orsay f. 1840. lith. Henry Townshend, lieut.-col. 1821-97. Van- ity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 294. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) Hon. Miss Selina Louisa, aflw. countess of Bradford, w. of 7th earl, d. 1894. Heath’s book of beauty (1842) 205. F. Grant p. H. Robinson eng. FORESTLER, C. Amedee, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:593. Henri Joseph del 1790-1868. L’Art (1894- 1900) 59''^:837. Ingres des.* (with his family) FORESTIER - WALKER family name. See Walker. FOREY, Elie Frederic, 1804-72. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 377.* FORFEIT, Robert. Baily’s mag. (1899) 71 :3.59. eng. after Biederman. A. Fogg eng. FORFEITT, Rev. and Mrs Lawson, missionaries. Cent. (1897) 32:711.* FORGET, Augustin. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:249 wdet. Pierre, seigneur du Fresne, 1544-1610. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5:pl. 52. iUle Ros- signon p. after p. eng. (coll, at chftt. de Beauregard) FORMAN, Joshua, 1777-1848. Clark, Onondaga (1849) 2 : 69. D. C. Hinman eng. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:513. wdet. Justus Miles, painter and author, 1875- Book- M.AN (1902) 16:322.* FORNARINA, La, mistress of Raphai'l. Jhrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml.(1886) 7 : 58. S. del Piomba p.* FORNASARI, Luciano, singer. Cent. (1882) 1:697 (coll. Thomas J. McKee)* FORNEROD, Constant, pres, of Switzerland 1820- Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 14:108. eng. FORNES, ’Charles V. of N. Y. citv. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1016. FORNEY, John Wein, 1817-81. Ballou’s pic- torial (1857) 12:284. eng. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:772. wdet. — (1881) 25:876. wdet. FORRES, Filipino general. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:419. FORREST, Ed-win, 1806-72. Cent. (1890) 17 : 494. S. Lawrence f. 1835?* —17:496*. —17:498* (as Metamora) — 17: 500.* (as King Lear) Glea- son’s pictorial (1854) 7:396. eng. (as Hamlet) — (1855) 8:380. eng. after photo. — (1856) 11:320 (as Macbeth, Spartacus, Virginius, Metamora, and Jack Cade) ILirper’s w. (1873) 17:5. wdet. —(1891) 35:876. wdet. (as Hamlet) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 11.* Hart, Browere’s life masks (1899) 102. J. 11. 1. Browere f. 1827*(age21) Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 11. Por. m. (1863) 1:57. wdet. Scribner’s mag. (1899) 26:419. daguerr.* (coll. Peter Gilsey) Mrs Edwin. See Sinclair, Mrs Catherine Norton. Sir John, 1847- Illus. uond. news (1897) 110:815* (with Lady Forrest) — (1899) 114:184.* Vanity fair album (1897)27: pi. 692. Jmp f. lith. (caricature) Nathan Bedford, 1821-77. Cent. (1887) 12:.598.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:339. Thustrom del.* — 98:345.* Harper’s w. (1865) 9:109. wdet. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 6:480.* Robert Wilham, dean of Worcester. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:839.* —(1893) 103:440.* Thomas, colonel. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:681. FORRESTER 528 FORTESCUE FORKESTER, Alfred Henry (■pseud. Alfred Crowquill) 1804-72. Bentley’s misc. (184G) 19:87. Charles, n. y. fireman. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:196. Fanny, pseud. See Judson, Mrs Emily (Chub- buck) Frank, pseud. See Herbert , Henry William. FORSAI'TH, Samuel Caldwell, of Manchester, N. H. 1827-8.'). Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1707. A. H. Ritchie eng. FORSSLUND, Louise (Mary L. Foster) 1873- Book buyer (1902) n. s. 25:202.* Bookman (1902) 16:103.* Harper’s mag. Bkshelf. (1902) 105.* FORSTER, Mme. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:471. Pagnest del.* Major. L’Art (1877) 10:127. John Collier p. F. M. Tadden del. J. Swain eng. Sir Charles, 1st hart. 1816-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:135.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 165. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Hugh Oakeley Arnold-, 1855- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:218.* Johann, 1495-1556. Iconu.m viros virtute atque eruditione illus. repraesentantium (1599) pi. 10. eng. Johann Georg Adam, 1754-94. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 2.50. D. Berger etch. 1782, after medallion* (with his father) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4:pl. 38. D. Berger sc. 1782* (with his father) Johaim Reinhold, 1729-98. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 250. D. Berger etch. 1782, after medallion* (with his son) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 38. D. Berger sc. 1782* (with his son) John, 1812-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:157. wdet. Literature (1901) 9:574. Don Juan, San Diego, Cal. Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:62 (and wife) Thomas, 1675?-1738. Rood’s coll, of por. (1820) 1: pi. 9. Rosalba p. J. T. Wedg^voodsc. (minia- ture) WiUiam Edward, 1818-86. Archer, Gladstone & his contemporaries (1883) 4:212. lith. after photo. Bolton, Eng. statesmen (1891) 259. Cassel, Nat. por. gall. 2:49. lith. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:163.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdet. — (1870) 14:332. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77: July 31 , sup.* —(1886)88 : 370. Men of mark (1878) 3:pl. 8. photo. Outlook (1897) 57:50.* Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 5. Ape f. lith. (carica- ture) Mrs WiUiam Edward (Jane Martha Arnold) 1821-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:609.* FORSYTH, Alexander. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 288. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Helen. Theatre (1886) ser. 4, 7:291. photo (as Molly Scagrim) Jacob, 1821- Nat. mag. (1893) 18:200. eng. James William, maj.-gen. U. S. A. 1836- Har- per’s w. (1865) 9:389. wdet. — (1894) 38:1208. wdet. Jean, pseud, of Jane Newton Mcllwraith. See Mcllwraith. John, 1781-1841. Democratic rev. (1838) 2:273. eng. White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 233. J C. Buttre eng. John, 1813-79. Ce.nt. (1887) 13:605.* Nico- LAY & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:400.* Peter Taylor, d. d. 1848- Outlook (1899) 63:55. Robert, advocate, 1766-1846. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 16. B. W. Crombie f. William, 1812-99. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:225. wdet. FORT, G. Seymour. Li.ndt, Picturesque New Guinea (1887) pi. 49. FOR TEG U ERRI, Niccolb, cardinal, d. 1473. Knackfuss, Kun.stler-monog. (1901) 52:37. Mino da Fiesole sc.* (statue) — (1901) 52:39. Mino da Fiesole sc.* (bust; Pistoia cath.) — (1901) 52:40. Lorenzetti sc.* (statue, Liceo Forteguerri) FORTESCUE (of Credan),fst baron, John For- tescue-Aland, 1670-1746. Clermont, Fam. of Fortescue (18^) 143. eng. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 84. Gardiner del. eng. 2d earl, Hugh Fortescue, 1783-1861. Cler- mont, Fam. of Fortescue (1880) 138. E. U. Eddes f. Zobel f. Saunders, Political refonners (1840) 147 George Harder p. W. Holl eng. 3d earl, Hugh Fortescue, 1818- Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 372. T. f. lith. (caricature) Miss, actress. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 85:Nov. 22, sup. lith. after photo. Sir Adrian, 14761-1.539. Clermont, Fam. of Fortescue (1880) 273. eng. after p. (Collegio de San Paolo, Malta) Mrs BeviU (Dorothy Augusta Hosts) Art. j. (1899) 51:321. Ellis Roberts p.* Sir Edmund, 1610-47. Clermont, Fam. of Fortescue (1880) 30. Hiar Danckees sc. Jan Dan- ckaerts? eng. (from a drawing of the orig. print in Bodleian lib.) Elizabeth, 1745-80. See Lothian, marchioness of. Sir John, 1394 1-1476? Clermont, Fam. of Fortescue (IsiSO) front. Faithone f. eng. (print of wdet.) — p. 64. lith. after drawing (poss. of G. Har- dinge) — p. 94. eng. after p. ? (Bosworth hall) Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:249. W. Faithone sc. (from P'ortescutus illustratus, 1663; medallion) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 14. Hans Mem- linc? p.* Sir John, 1531 ?-1607. Clermont, Fam. of For- tescue (1880) 312. T.W. Hunt eng. — p.358. William Camden? f. wdet. (part of the funeral proces.sion of queen Elizabeth) — p. 372. G. Wynne del. G. Zobel sc. FORTESCUE 529 FOSTER Seymour John, 1856- Vanity fair album (1895) 27:pl. 632. Spy f. lith. (caricature) William, 1687-1749. Clermont, Fam. of For- tc^uc (1880) 166. Thomas Hud.son p. eng. FORTESCUE family name. See also titles Carling- ford; Clermont; and Ebrington. FORTESCUE-FLANNERY family name. See Flannery. FORTGENS, Michael, 1663-95. Wit, Afbecl- dingen van veele voornaame mannen (1743) pi. 27. N. Bidio p. J. Folkeraa sc. J. C. Philips del. & f. FORTH, 1st earl of, Patrick Ruthven, 15731-1651. See title Brentford. Mrs C.H.B. Mao. of art (1904) 28:106. Rich- ard Jack p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 166. Jack p.* FORTINI, Francesco. Tltti i trionb (1750) 1:252. J. Ve sc. FORTNUM, Charles Drury Edward, 1820-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 1 14:413.* FORTUNY, Mariano, 1838-74. L’Art (1875) 1 :362. Adrien Didieretch. & sc. Cent. (1881) 1 : 16.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1875) ser. 2, 11:352. C. P. d’Epi- nay sc. (bust) Harper’s mag. (1888) 76 : 492. Hub- bard, Little jour. em. painters (18^) 286. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:552. M. d’Epinay sc. wdet. (bust) Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9:235. Gemitosc. eng. (bust) Stebbins, Cat. of the private coll. (1889) 107. etch. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1874) 9:341. A. Ramsthal sc. FORWOOD, Sir Arthur Bower, 1st hart. 1836-98. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:166.* —(1898) 113:507.* Vanity fair album (1890) 22:pl. 572. Lib f. lith. (caricature) FOSCARI, Francesco, doge of Venice, 1372?-1457. CicooNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl.65. Nani eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1883) ser. 2, 27:361. Bartolommeo Vivarini f. R. Walker wdet. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1899) 8:59. Gentile Bellini p.* Yriarte, Venise (1878) 4. — p. 261. medal. Francesca. Keepsake (1837) 10:43. K. Mead- ows p. Knight eng. FOSCARINI, Marco, doge of Venice, 1696-1763. CiooGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl. 117. Nani eng. FOSCOLO, Ugo, 1778-1827. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 5: pi. 46. etch. FOSDICK, Charles B. 1824- N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 249. Williams eng. FOSS, Cyrus David, m. e. bp. 1834- Harper’s w. (1875) 19:784. wdet. —(1880) 24:344. wdet. —(1888) 23:sup. p. 328, wdet. —(1891) 35:374. wdet. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:653. eng. FOSSEUSE, La Belle (Fran<;oise de Montmo- rency) 1566- Bouchot, Dames du 16’’ si^cle (1888) 28. F. Qucsnel ? del.* Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c^lbbres (1858) 2:72. Lant6 del. 1579. Gatine sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 3:158. A. Morion p.* FOSTER, Mrs Abby (KeUey) 1811-87. Garri- son, Story of life (1885) 2:348. eng. after daguerr. (age 44) Harper’s mag. (1880) 60: 190. Holley, A life for liberty (1899) 60. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1:436. Outlook (1898) 60:55. Grozelier lith. 1858?* Abiel, 1735-1806. Bowen, Centen. Washing- ton inaug. (1892) 105. J. Trumbull p.* (Washington resigning his commission) Addison Gardner, 1837- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:210. New Eng. soc. of Penn. 22d festival (1902) 55. photo. Addison Howard, 1838- Mag. of West. hist. (1891) 13:492. eng. Sir Augustus John, 1st hart. 1780-1848. Fos- ter, 2 duehe.sses of Devonshire (1898) 154. p.* Lady [Augustus John], Albinia Jane (Ho- bart) w. of 1st hart. d. 1867. Fo.ster, 2 duchesses of Devonshire (1898) 411. p.* Sir Balthazar Walter, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 645. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Ben, painter. Outlook (1901) 68:58.* Birket, painter, 1825-99. Art]. (1877) 29:193. lLLUS.Lond.news(1892) 100:591. —(1899)114:488.* Mag. of art (1899) 23:^36.* Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 27. photo. Charles, 1828-94. Harper’s w'. (1879) 23:705. wdet. —(1891) 35: 168. wdet. Dwight, 1757-1823. Green bag (1889) 1:50.* Lady Elizabeth (Hervey) aftw. w'. of 5th duke of Devonshire, d. 1824. See title Devonshire. Enoch, 1839- Green bag (1895) 7 :565.* George Eulas, 1847- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:188. wdet. —(1897) 41:567. Henry. Arminian mag. (1787) 10:57 (age 40) Harry Seymour, 1855- Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. .518. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Hubert, youngest s. of John. Rot. acad. pict. (1896) 71. James Sant p.* (child por.) James Peers, 1848- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:120. eng. John, D. D. 1731-73? Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 208. p.* (Audit room, Eton coll.) Rev. John, 1770-1843. Christian offering (1832) 200. Robinson del. John Barton, 1822-97. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:309. wdet. John Burt, of Bangor, Me. 1819- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1339. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. John Gray, 1823-74. Crafts, Southern rebel- lion (1862) 1 :520. II. Wright Smith eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:8. eng. Harper’s w.(1861) 24288—06 34 FOSTER 530 FOUQUE 5:84, 177,284. wdct. — (1862) 6: 140. wdct. —(1863) 7:21. wdct. ■ — (1865) 9:408. wdct. Moore, Rebel- lion record (1865) 8:6. A. II. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 3:48.* For. m. (1863) 1 :40. wdct. Woodbury, Burnside & 9th army corps (1867) 96. A. II. Ritchie eng. John Watson, 1836- Harper’s w. (1880) 24:181. wdct. —(1883) 27:148. wdct. —(1892) 36:668. wdct. —(1893) 37 : 336. wdct. —(1900) 44:194. John Wells, 1815-73. Mag. of West. hist. (1885) 2:86. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 7 :689. Mrs Judith KUen (Horton) w. of E. C. 1840- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 254. Green hag (1890) 2:20.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1124. wdct. R. OF rev. (1892) 5:652. La Fayette Sabine, 1806-80. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:45. wdct. Livingston, For. of em. Am. 5S53) 1:1, pi. 1. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:170. bust. Mary Louise, 1873- See Forsslund, Louise. Sir Michael, 1836- Green hag (1894) 6:511. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:830.* — 115:419.* —(1900) 116:253* Fop. sci. m. (1899) 56: 14. Murphy James, gov. of La. 1849- Harper’s w. (1892) :i6:429. wdct. —(1895) 39:292. wdct. Myles Birket, organist and composer, 1851- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 190. Alex. Gribay6- doff del.* Rachel G. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:465. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Randolph Sinks, m. e. bp. 1820-1903. Har- per’s w. (1872) 16:449. wdct. —(1880) 24:345. wdct. —(1888) 32 : sup. p. 328, wdct. — ( 1891 ) 35 : 374. wdct . Stephen Collins, 1826-64. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:66. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 143. Stephen Symonds, 1809-81. Garrison, Story of life (1889) 4:30. eng. after photo, (age 60) Out- look (1899) 62:514. Theodore, 1752-1828. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 126. 2 pair, (family por.) William. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 50. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Mrs William Henry (Henrietta Wameford) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:May 7, sup. p. 3. J. Col- lier p.* William L. n. h. judge. Green bag (1890) 2:479.* Southern N. H. bar assoc. Fub. (1893) 1, pt. 2:181.* FOTHERGILL, Anthony, m. u. 17321-1813. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 171. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Jessie, 1851-91. Black, Women authors (1893) 184.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:167.* John, M. D. 1712-80. Gent. (1898) 35:292. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1790) 4:1. Mrs Wright sc. C. Blackberd del. J. Hall eng. Nichols, Lit. anec. of the 18th cent. (1815) 9:740. R. Livesay p. after bust F. Bartolozzi sc. (poss. of Dr Lettsom) Soc. Mont- yon et Franklin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 :pl 38. Sstigneret sc. FOUBERT, iSmile Louis, painter. Faris salon (1891) 4.5. Paul Louis Amedee, 1812-86. L’Art (1877) 10:18. Jules Buisson del.* FOUCART, father of Faul Foucart. L’Art (1894) 58:137. Carpeaux del.* FOITCAULT DE LARDIMALIE, marquis de Louis, 1755-1805. Biog. moderne (1807) 3:256 Labadye del. Texier sc. FOUCHE, Joseph, due d’Otrante, 1754-1820. Ami d. monuments (1901) 15:277. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:241. L’Art (1894) 59, pt. 1 : 18. Sambat p. Monsaldy eng. (miniature) Cent. (1895) 28:847. Claude Marie Dubufe f.* Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 20. II. Grevedon del. ? 1824. Delprech lith. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un pieuple, 3:pl. 3. eng. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:169. Claude Marie Dubufe p. II. Davidson sc. FOTJCHER. St Me^iin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 267. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* FOTJCHER DE CAREIL, comU, Louis Alex- andre, 1826-91. L’ART (1901) 60:526. FOTJDRAS, Mme L. M. de. 19 ikme si&cle (1901) 176. p. (coll, de Henri Rouart) FOTJGEIROL, Edouard, 1843- Arena (1896) 15:221.* FOTJGERET, dame de, Anne Fran 9 oise (d’Oul- tremont) 174.5-1813. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 :pl. 25. eng. after p. FOULD, Achille, 1800-67. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:167.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890)39. Niedermann sc. after photo. Grani>-Car- TERET, XIX' sifecle (1893) 121. Faul Delaroche p. Aug. Lemoine lith. Greard, Meissonier (1897) 172. E. Meissonier p.* Mile. Achille. Faris salon (1883) 92. Leon Commerre p.* FOULIS, Robert, painter, 1707-76. Mao. of art (1894) 17 : 1.50. James Tassie f. (medallion) FOTJLKE, Wilham Dudley, 1848- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:5. wdct. —(1902) 46:94. Outlook (1902) 70:21.* FOTJLON, Mile. Ami d. monuments (1900) 14:225. Drouais p.* FOXJNTArNE,5tV Andrew, 1676-1753. Redford Art sales (1888) 1 :382. Roubiliac sc.* (bust) FOUNTAINHALL, Lord, Scotch judge, T646-1722. See Lauder, Sir John, 2d bart. FOUQTJi. See La Motte-Fouqu6. FOUQUET 531 FOWLER FOUQXTET, Basil. Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1902) 6:287. Robert Nanteuil sc. 1658.* Charles Louis Auguste, 1684-1761. See Belle Isle, due de. Jehan, 1415-80. Burlington mag. (1904) 5:359. Jean Fouquet f.* (enamel; Louvre) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1867) 23:97. Boetzel eng. 1 — (1869) ser. 2, 1:316. Boetzel sc. after enamel, wdet. (Louvre) — (1875) ser. 2, 11:386. enamel. 15th cent. — (1904) ser. 3, 32:142. Jean Fouquet p.* (enamel; Louvre) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 10. enamel plate* (Louvre) Nicolas, 1615-80. L’Art (1878) 13 :12. Camille Gilbert del. Smeeton & Tilly eng. — (1881) 27 : 145. R. Nanteuil p. & sc.* Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 32. S. Bourdon p. (Versailles) Dreux du Rauier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. Nanteuil p. Gaillard eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 5:404. wdet. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 5:1834. Claude Mellan p. i eng. IcoNOG. de Mme de S^vignd, pi. 59. eng. Mi- chaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (18^) 29: front. Sdb. Bourdon p. Waltener eng. Propert, Hist, of minia- ture art (1887) 96. Chatillon p.* (miniature) Se- viGNE, Lettres choisies (1862) 22. G. Staal del. Ferd. Delannoy sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 85. Sdb. Bourdon p. Waltener eng. Ver- sailles, Nolhac et Peratd (1896) pi. 35. Sdbastien Bourdon p. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 80, 6g. 5. Prieur p. 1658* (earl of Dartrey coll.) FOUQTJIER, Henry, 1838- Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:640. J. Reich f. Mile Henry. Paris salon (1899) 85. A. de La Gandara p.* FOUQUIER-TINVILLE, Antoine Quentin, 1746-95. Allo. weltgeschichte (1887) 10:179. C. Muller eng. 1795.* Gal. hist, de la rdv. franp. pi. 26. A. Lacauchic del. Florensa sc. Iconoo. des eontemp. (1832) 2: pi. 21. Maurindel.1 Delpech Uth. Maurice Livre rouge (1863) 293. Bonneville p. Boulay del. Thdnard sc. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:651. C. Muller eng. 1795.* Revolution fran?. (1801) 2: pi. 19. Levachezsc. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un people, 3: pi. 1. A. Lacauchie del. Florensa sc. Tableau.x hist, de la rdv. fran?. (1804) 3:pl. 32. Levachez sc. FOXTQUlilRES (Jacques Foequier) 1595I-16.59. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 3:315. eng. FOURCROY, comte de, Antoine Francois, chem- ist, 1755-1809. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:260. Chaudet f. Fremy del. & sc. Iconog. des eontemp. (1832) 2:pl. 22. Z. Bclliard del.? Delpieoh lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. P. F. Bertonnier eng. FOURIER, baron, Joseph, 1768-1830. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:147. J. Boilly del. Geille sc. Fran 9 ois Marie Charles, 1772-1837. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6: pi. 9. eng. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te janrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi, 412. Gigoux p. Cisneros lith.* FOURMENT, Helena, Ruben’s 2d wife, 1614- See Rubens. Susanna, sister of Rubens 2d wife, 1599- Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:256. Rubens p.* (Louvre) Portfolio (1871) 2:^. P. P. Rubens p.* (called ChapK-au de paille) Rooses, L’oeuvre do Rubens (1890) 4: pi. 293. P. P. Rubens p. R. Cooper sc. (called The straw hat) — 4: pi. 294. P. P. Rubens p. W. Pether sc. (as a shepherdess) — (1892) 5: pi. 420. P. P. Rubens del.* Scuonbrunner, Handzeiebn. alter meister, 5: pi. 527. P. P. Rubens del.* FOURNET, Andre Hubert, abb4, 1752-1834. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2 : pi. 37. Durupt p. E. Conquysc. FOURNETZ, Mathieu de, 172.5- Biog. moderne (1807)4:263. Perrin del. LcTelliersc. FOURNIER, Telesphore, 1823- Green bag (1890) 2:245.* FOURNIER-SARLOVilSE, comte, Fran 9 ois, 1775-1827. See Sarlov{:se. FOURTON, Mme imile. Harper’s mag. (1901) 102:823. Benjamin-Constant p.* FOWLE, WUham Bentley, 179.5-1865. N. E. HIST. & geneal. register (1^9) 23:109. H. Wright Smith eng. FOWLER, Absalom, of Arkansas. De Bow’s rev. (1851) 11:549. F. Girsch etch. Asa, 1811-85. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2315. eng. Charles Henry, m. e. bp. 1837- Harper’s w. (1873) 17:821. wdet. —(1884) 28:352. wdet. —(1888) 32: sup. p. 328. wdet. —(1891) 35:374. wdet. —(1896) 40:441. wdet. Charles Newell, 1852- R. of rev. (1903) 27 : 14.* David, 1836 - Green bag (1894) 6:286.* Edward Payson, 18.34- Nat. mag. (1894) 19:315. Williams eng. Eldridge M. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:352. eng. after photo. Ellen Thomeycroft. Academy (1898) .55: .552.* Bookman (1899) 10:210. Emily. Hollingsiiead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 51. Theatre (1878) n. s. 1:406. photo. Sir Henry Hartley, 18.30- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:7.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 33.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:102. G. R. Halkett del.* (cari- cature) Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 37. A. S. Cope p.* — (1896) 163. Arthur S. Cope p.* Vanity fair album (1892) 24: front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Isaac V. Democratic rev. (18.56) 38:173. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:575. wdet. after photo. Sir John, 1817-98. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:292.* —(1898) 113:777.* Men of mark (1882) 6:5. photo. FOWLER 532 FOX Rev. Joseph. Weslet.\x Meth. mag. (1837) 60:801. W. Gush p. J. Thomson eng. Philemon Halstead, 1814-79. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:372. wdct. Robert, painter. Mao. oi art (18^7) 22:3. li. E. Morrison p.* Sir Robert Nicholas, 1st hart. 1829-91. Illcs. Lond. news (1891) 98:703.* Lond. roll of fame (1884) 1. Vanity fair album (1881) 13:pl. 363. T. f. lith. (caricature) Samuel Page, 1800-88. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1892) 4(i;^9. A. H. Ritchie eng. Thomas, d. d. 1832-1904. Illcs. Lond. news (1904) 125:766.* Vanity fair album (1899) 31:pl. 763. E. T. D. f. lith. (caricature) Thomas Powell, 1851- Harper's w. (1902) 46:1343.* William. Meth. mag. (1811) 34:881. W. Patten p. W. Holl sc. FOWNES, Edwin. Baily’s mag. (1893) 59. t.-p. FOX. Austen George, 1849- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:1037. Lady Caroline (Lennox) afhc. baroness Hol- land, 1723-74. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:216. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Han. Caroline. 1767-1845. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:608. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (child por.) Sir Charles, civil engineer, 1810-74. Illcs. Lond. news (1874) 64:609. wdct. after photo. Charles James, 1749-1806. Allg. weltge- schichte (1889) 9:37.5. F. Sloane p. Comorotto eng.* (same por. v. 10, 1887, p. 379) Armstrong, Reyn- olds (1900) 72. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1784* (coll, of earl of Leicester) — (1900) 103. Reynolds p.* (coll, of earl of Ilchester) Arnaclt, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:275. Baines, Hist, of wars of Fr. rev. (1835) 1:76. Edwin sc. Benson, Fasti Etonenses 5S99) 198. Reynolds p. 1764 ?* (age 15) Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:32. Holl sc. Bocrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:148. J. R. Smith f. S. W. Reynolds eng.* Brit. gall. (1822) l;pl. 51. Reynolds p. H. Meyer eng. Buckingham, Mem. of court of George HI (1855) 4:front. eng. Cent. (1895) 28:657. Karl Anton Hickel p.* CoRMicK, Hist, of Eng. 3:43. W. H. Brown del. W. Ridley eng. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 6:2. Reynolds p. I. W. Cook eng. Critic (1899) 34:328. Karl Anton Hickel p.* Ccn- ntngiiam. Lives of em. Englishmen (1837) 7:front. S. Freeman eng. Cesr, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :313. Hickel p.* -^1901) 1:313. Joseph Nollekens sc.* (bust) Dorman, Hist, of Brit, empire (1902) 1 : 164. K. A. Hickel p.* Dowling, Poets & statesmen (1857) 193. J. Chapman sc. E. Radcl}'fle eng. (bust) Ecropean mag. (1806) 50:251. S. Drummond p. Ridley & Holl ei^. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:7. John Opie p. wdct. Fiske, Crit. period of .\m. hist. (1898) 7. Reynolds p. eng.* (poss. of Lord Denman) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1721. Hickel p.* Hamilton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 1:58. John Opie p.* Harper’s mag. (1860) 21 :678. Gilray del. eng. (caricaturo) — (1^) 66:672, Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7: pi. 17. Sands sc. Holt, Life of George III (1820) 2:176. Hopwood eng. Jeroan, Nat. pior. gall. (18^) V. 1. Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 1:158 (bust) Jcnot, Mem. (1883) 2:250. Ozias Humphry p. W. Read sc. Knight, Gall, of por. (1833) 1:103. Reynolds p. I. W. Cook eng. L. u)y’s mag. (1806) 37:567. eng. Lodge, Por. (1835) 12: pi. 11. Opie p. H. Robinson eng. Lond. mag. (1779) 48:4&. eng. after drawing. Long, France and its rev. (1850) 472. Reynolds p. J. W. Cook eng. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1 : 10. Hickel p.* (Nat. por. gall) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 11 :279. eng. M. ag. of the fine arts (1833) 2:123. H. .\dlard eng. (re- cumbent sculpture in Westminster abbey) Monthly mirror (1806) 22:145. Ridley eng. after p. Moul- ton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:499. eng.* pub. by A. Fullarton co. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:29. F. Sloane p. Comorotto eng. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:348. statue* (1\ estminster hall) Phillips, Sir J. Reimolds (1894) 72. Reynolds p. T. Watson eng.* (with Lad^* S. Bunbury and Ladv S. Strangwaj’s) Por. gall. (1853) 3:769. Reynolds p. I. W. Cook sc. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 24:723. John Gilbank mezzo. 1806.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 56. Hickel p. J. G. Huck sc. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 45. Johann ZofTanv p.* — 5: pi. 46. Reynolds p.* Sterry, Ann. of Icings coll. (1898) 174. Reynolds p.* Taylor, Nat. por. ^11. (1846) 2:30. H. Richter p. S. Freeman eng. Thornton, For. secretaries (1881) 1:147. lith. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 34. Reynolds p. Thomas Bragg eng. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 42. Reynolds p. John Jones sc. 1784. Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:299. Opie p.* WiNsoR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7 :97. eng. after eng. (in the Political mag.) — 7:98. eng. (from Wright’s House of Hanover, 1842; caricature) Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 3: front. Reynolds p. eng. Wraxall, Posthumous mem. (1836) 1:160. Humphry p. W. Read eng. (miniature) Wright, Eng. under House of Hanover (1848) 2:7-430. F. W. Fairholt eng. after 29 caricatures. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (18^) n. s. 8:144. Hickel p.* Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1899) 3:29. T. Nollekens sc.* (bust) Mrs Charles James (Elizabeth Bridg'et Baue) 1749-1842. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Rejmolds (1901) 4:1664. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Ret.nolds, Engravings, 2: pi. 48. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Charles Richard, 1796-1873. Iixus. Lond news (1873) 62:393. wdct. after photo. Edward, 1815- Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 169. eng. Edward Long, m. d. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107-78.* George, 1624-91. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1 ;33. Mid- dlemist sc. Ce.nt. (1900) 38:889. Sir Peter Lely p. G. T. Tobin del.* Fiske, Dutch & quaker colonies in Am. (1903) 2:100. L»-ly p.* (Swarthmore coll. Penn.) Harper’s mag. (1874) 49:306. eng. Mag. of art (1898) 22:604. R. Spence etch.* (with the pipe of tobacco) Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 408. Sir P. Lelv p. drawing* (Swarthmore coll.) So. Ke.n- sINGTON,^^at. hist. por. 2:pl. 100. p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 3:470. Honthorst p. 1654. Holmes sc. FOX 533 FRAIKIX George Lane-, 181&-96. Baily’s mag. (1861) 3:327. Southwell f. Joseph Brown sc. — (1896) 66:436. Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 182. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs George Lane (Georgiana Henrietta Buckley) Borke, For. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1 :77. Mrs Mee p. ,J. Thomson sc. (miniature) Heath New gall, of Brit. eng. (1846) pi. 13. A. E. Chalon p. W. H. Mote eng. George Malcolm, 1843- Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 658. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Guatavus Vasa, u. s. n. 1821-83. Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 1 :^. eng. Ce^. (1888) 13:708.* Locbat, Nar. of mission to Russia ... of ... G. V. Fox (1873) 16. H. B. Hall eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4:32.* James A. 1827- Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:387. James Thomas Richard Lane-, 1841- Bai- ly’s mag. (1901) 75:79. W. J. Allingham sc. after photo. John, jr. 1862- Book buyer (1896) 13:346. —(1901) 23:196. —(1903) 25:581.* Bookman (1^1)12:438. CiiAP-^ok (1896) 5:304. Fred Rich- ardson del. eng. ? Critic (1897) 31 : 50. Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:942. Outixiok (1903) 75:844.* World’s work (190-3) 6:3920.* Katharine, spirit rapper, 1839- Ballou’s pic- torial (1856) 10:380. eng. after daguerr. (with Mar- garet Fox) Parker, Rochester; a story hist. (1884) 268. A. H. Ritchie eng. J/i«sLane-. Keepsake (1851) 24: 251. R. Buck- ner p. W. H. Mote eng. Margaret, spirit rapper, 1836- Ballou’s picto- rial (18.56) 10:.380. eng. after daguerr. (wnth Katharine Fox) Martin. McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:489.* Mary, aflw. prinzessin Liechtenstein, 1850-78. Internat. studio (1903) 20:179. G. F. Watts p.* (child por. with dog; Holland hou.se) Richard, bp. of Winchester, 14481-1528. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:19. p. ? after p. by Joannes Corvus* (Corpus Christ! coll. Oxford) Taunton, T. Wolsey (1902) 29. p.* (Corpus Christ! coll.) Samson, 1838-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 123.642.* Selina Fitzherbert. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:722.* Sir Stephen, 1627-1716. Hamilton, Mem. of count Grammont, p. 221. Harding del. after scarce print. E. Harding sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 3: pi. 2. p.* Ztscii. f. biicherfn'unde (1899) 3 : 30. Sir Peter Lely p.* (Holland house) Sir Wilham, 1812-93. Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 193. Rev. William B. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1822) 45:277. Holl sc. FOX family name. See also Foxe and title Holland. FOX-STRANGWAYS family name. See family name Strangw'ays; also titles llchester and Stavor- dale. FOXCROFT, John. Fisher, True B. Franklin (1899) 105. p.* (poss. of Hist. soc. of Penna.) FOXE, John, martyrologist, 1516-87. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :41. p. 1587.* Garnett, llist. of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:70. por.* (Nat. por. gall.) Hol- land, Hercoologia .‘Vnglica (1620) 201. eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 1:711 (from Foxe ’s Acts and monuments) Mrs John (Christian Foxe) d. 1618. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 41. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (Oxford church, Suffolk) Richard, bp. of Winchester. See Fox. FOXHALL, Henry. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 413. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* Mrs Henry. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 727. St Memin del. & eng. 1806.* FOY, Eddy, actor. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:644* (as Peter Pouflle) Maximilien Sdbastien, 1775-1825. Allo. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:359. Horace Vemct p. Achille Leffevro eng.* .Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:286. L’Art (1876) 5:81. David d’Angers sc. Bocourt del. Gillot sc. (statue) — (1902)61:76. eng. — 61:595. Horace Vemct lith. Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 223. Horace Vemet p. Achille Leffevre eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 23. Maurin del.? Delpcch lith. Mc- Clure’s mag. (1895) 4:123. Horace Vernet p. LefSvre sc.* (about 1820) Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4 : 176. Francois Gerard p. G. Kruell sc. Tardieu, G^n. franc, 1 :pl. 74. Forestiersc. Ti.mon, Livre des orateurs (1844) 307. H. Vemet p. J. Caron del. & sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. F. P. S. G6rard p. ? Mauduisson eng. FOYN, Svend, 1809-94. Bull (H. J.) Cmise of the Antarctic (Lond. 1896) 8. FRACASTORO, Girolamo, 1483-1553. Bui.- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:77. De L’armes- sin sc. eng. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1^7) 5:pl. 6. bust.* — (1887) 5:64. medal.* FRAENKEL, Knut. McClure’s mag. (1898) 10:413.* FRAGONARD, Mile. Schonbrunner, Hand- zeichn. alter moister, 4:pl. 362. Jean Honor6 Frago- nard p.* Jean Honore, painter, 1732-1806. L’Art (1890) 49:243. Le Carpentier etch.* — (1901) 60:311. Le Carpentier etch.* Art j. (1853) 5:189 (in 1778) Critic (1901) 39:418. Fragonard p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1880) ser. 2, 21:318. Mlle Gdrard? p. P. Le Rat sc. Die graphischen kiinsto (1889) 12:130. Honors Fragonard del.* FRAEKIN, Charles Auguste, sculptor, 1819-93. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1900) 66:381. L. Grouse eng. FEALEY 534 FRANCIS FRALEY, Frederick, 1804-1901. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:124. wdct. FRAMLINGHAM, John. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2:pl. 11. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1817 (with his wife Margaret; Debenham church, Suffolk) FRAMPTON, George, sculptor, 1860- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:177. Internat. studio (1901) 13:277. J. H. Bacon del. Mag. of art (1894) 17:179. George Frampton p. 1894. — (1897) 21 :62. Solomon J. Solomon p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 34. Solo- mon p.* FRAN9-^I®» Francois Louis, 1814-97. L’Art (1882) 28:48. F. L. I->anfais f. (study) —(1904) 63:313. — 63:367. F. L. Fran^ais des.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1889) ser. 3, 2:521. Carolus Duran p. — (1897) s<‘r. 3, 18:455. Die graphischen kxinste (1890) 13:88. Carolus Duran p. Charles Baude sc. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:453. — (1897) 110:844. Paris salon (1883) 185. Mile M. Lancelot sc.* (bust) —(1892) 25. FRAN 9 AIS DE NANTES, comU, Antoine, 1765- 1836. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:293. Frcmy del. & sc. FRANCE, Anatole, p-teud. of Jacques .<\natole Thibaiilt, 1844- Acad. (1898) 55:407. C. H. sc. after photo.* L’Art (1904) 63:226. Paul Renouard des.* Bookman (1898) 8: 130. eng. Critic (1896) 28:129. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:333. Internat. studio (1902) 15:195. Edgar Chahine etch. 1900.* Revue illus. (1887) 4:161. G. de la Barre del. eng. Ret. W. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1822) 45:485. Blood sc. FRANCESCA, Pietro della, 1416 ?-92. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 46. eng. FRANCESCHI-DELONNE, hiron, Jean Bap- tiste Marie, 1767-1810. Tardieu, Gen. fran?. 2: pi. 78. eng. FRANCESCHINI, Baldassare (H Volterrano) 1611-89. MoCcke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 17. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Girolamo Rossi sc. Marco Antonio, 1648-1729. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vic des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:187. Aubertsc. Moucke, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 8. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. Ant. Pazzi sc. FRANCESCO D’ASSISI, saint, 1182-1226. Ali.g. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:531. Giotto di Bondone p.* (fresco) — 5:535. Giotto di Bondone p.* (fresco) L’Art (1879) 17:58. Pedro de Mena sc. A. Brun del.* (statue) — 17:59. Alonso Cano? sc. Pu\-plat eng. (statue) —(1^) 34:275. Della Robbia? f. John Watkins del. (with Saint Dominique) Gonse, L’art anc. k I’cxposition de 1878 (1879) 186. Cano f. Gaujean sc. (statue) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1890) pl. 137. Francisco Zurbaran p.* Laurent, Mus. roy. (1816) l:pl. 42. Lahire p. Chasselat del. Forster eng. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) n. s. 15:49. Gentile da Fabriano p.* See also Westlake, N. H. J. On the authentic por- traiture olS. Francis of Assisi. London. 1897. 4°. (Opiates.) FRANCESCO DI PAULA, saint, 1416-1507. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 189. A* p. Pinssio sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 10:67. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1892) n. s. 3:153. Murillo p. J. M. Ardell eng.* FRANCESCO I, king of Two Sicilies, 1770-1830. Alm. de Gotha (1829) pl. 5. Bolt sc. FRANCESCO II, king of 'Two Sicilies, 1836-94. Alm. de Gotha (18W) pl. 2. Carl Mayer sc. Har- per’s w. (1859) 3:396. wdct. —(I860) 4:593. wdct. FRANCESCO DI GIORGIO, 1439-1502. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pl. 60. eng. FRANCHI, Alessandro, cardinal, 1819-78. Har- per’s w. (1878) 22:2.57. wdct. Antonio, 1638-1709. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) pt. 1, 1:39. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 52. Gio. Dom. Cam- pigUa del. Silv. Pomarede sc. FRANCHOYS, Lucas, jr. 1616-81. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pl. 65. Lucas Franchoys p. Coenr. Waumans sc. Meysse.ns, True effigies (1694) pl. 86. Lucas Franchoys p. Coenr. Waumans sc. Pieter, 1604-54. Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pl. 29. Lucas Franchoys p. C. Waumans sc. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pl. 48. Lucas Francois p. C. Waumans sc. FRANCIA, n (Francesco Raibolini) 1450-1518. Art j. (1870) 22:269. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1 :41. eng. Penny mag. (1844) 13:41. Harvey del. H. L. Clarke sc. V.asari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pl. 80. eng. FRANCIA, Giovanni Battista, d. 1575. Mal- vasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 1:51. eng. FRANCIA BIGIO, Marc Antonio, 1482-1525. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittore (1760) pl. 116. eng. FRANCIS forename. See Francesco, Francisco Fran(;ois, and Franz. FRANCIS, Anne, aftw. Mrs James Tilghman. Cent. (1897) 31:812. J. S. Copley p.* Convers, 1795-1863. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:250. David Rowland, gov. of Mo. 1850- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 38. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:896. wdct. —(1896) 40:868. wdct. —(1900) 44:345. —(1901) 45:923. —(1903) 47:791.* (with pres. Roosevelt & Grover Cleveland) R. of rev. (1903) 27 : 405,* 554.* World’s work (1901) 3 : 1353. —(1904) 8:5114. H. M. sec. Morton trust co. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1802 (with Ijevi P. .Morton) James Bicheno, civil engineer, 1815-92. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2152. A. J. A. Wilcox eng. New E.ng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:634. Rep. men of Mass. (1898) 3^. J. X. J. Wilcox eng. John Morgan, 1823:97. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:348. wdct. FRANCIS 535 FRANgOIS DE SALES John Wakefield, 1789-1861. Book buyer (1887) 4:127. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 56. J. Gollmann del. W. G. Jackman eng. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 1 :822. Roberts sc. H.\rper’s w. (1858) 2:465. wdct. Knickerbocker gall. G85.5) 189. J. Gollmann del. W. G. Jackman eng. Knick- erbocker mag. (1858) 52:111. J. Gollmann del. W. G. Jackman eng. Longacre & Herring Nat. por. all. of distin. -\in. (1839) 4: pi. 35. James Herring p. . F. E. Prud’homme eng. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:38. G. E. Ferine eng. ALvo. of Am. hist. (1890)23:437. James Herring p.* (age 40) — 23:439. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (185:1) 4:pl. 11. James Herring p. J. F. E. Prud’homme eng. Joseph, 1801-93. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:332. wdct. M. E. pseud. o/Mrs Francis Blundell. Bookman (1898) 8:11. Mrs Maria Bingham (Willing) w. of Willing Francis. Wharton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 206. George Freeman? p.* Mark. R. of rev. (1904) 29:. 55. Sir Phihp, 1740-1818. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:728. John Hoppner p. II. Adlard eng.’*' CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: 101. James Lonsdale p.* Harper’s mag. (1891) 82:3.54. caricature 1788.’*' Monthly mirror (1810) n. s. 7:321. Freeman eng. after p. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:688. J. Hoppner p. II. Adlard eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 60. John Hoppner p.* WiLUAMSoN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 72, fig. 2. J. Smart p. 1781* (E. M. Hodgkins coll.) Sir Philip, d. 1876. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:253. Tench, d. 1758. Green bag (1891) 3:21. Whar- ton, Heirlooms in miniatures (1898) 26. James Peale p. 1798* (miniature) FRANCISCO DE BORJA, saint. 1510-72- L’Art (1876) 6:216. Jean Paul Laurens p. Leopold Flameng sc. etch, (with Isabella de Portugal) CoRvo, Chronicles of the house of Borgia (1901) 324. PiiiLippsoN, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) Einltg. p. 41. Hieronymus Wierx eng.* Rose, Loyola and the early Jesuits (1891) 442. eng. after p.* (Borgia palace, Gandia) Stirling-Maxwell, Clois- ter-life of Charles V, ed. 4 (1891) 448. Caspar Massi f. R. B. Parkes eng. (print) FRANCISCO XAVIER, saint, 1506 ?-52. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1788) 1:241. Murray', Story of Japan (1894) 175. p. ?* (coll, of St Francis Xavier, N. Y.) Rose, Loyola and the early Jesuits (1891) 285. Marco Pitteri eng.* FRANCISCO, king of Spain, husband of Isabella II’ 1822-1902. Aijtf. de Gotha (1849) pi. 3. Maurin del. Carl Maver sc. L.vfimer, Spain in 19th cent. (1897) 274. I'uLLBERG, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:801. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. FRANCISCO DE PAULA, infante, 3d s. of Carlos IV of Spain, 1794-1865. La belle as.sembl^e (1811) n. s. 3:171. Robert Cooper eng. (with brother & sister) FRANCISQUE, 1642-79. See Millet, Francois. FRANCK, baronne de, fl. 1817. Gaz. d. l>eaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31:309. Guerin del.* (with vicomtesse de Bussifere, baronne de Faviers & Mile de Balthasar; coll, de baron de Berckheim) Cdsar Auguste, 1822-90. L’Art (1891) 50:97. eng.? Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 191. Alex. Gribay^doir del.* Outlook (190‘2) 72:284. p.* (coll, of Georges Franck) Portfolio (1891) 22:178. Mile Rongier f.* Joseph, 182.5-83. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1888) .54:275. J. Franck del. De Meersmansc. 1884. FRANCK. See also Francken. FRANCKE, August Hermann, 166.3-1727 Beckstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 47. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:318. Bern- hard Vogel eng.* Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2: 115. Bernhard Vogel eng.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:71. J. G. WollT- gang eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 36. B. Vogei del. & sc. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 4:3^. Francois del. & sc. Ztscu. f. bucherfreunde (1898) 204. Puschel exc.* (age 56) Kuno, 1855- Critic ( 1903) 42 : 1.35.* FRANCKEN, Frans, jr. 1581-1642. Dezallier d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux pieintres (1762) .3:90. eng. Durand, Eaux-fortes de A. van Dyck, pi. 8. A. van Dyck etch. ,\mand Durand f. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 3. Ant. van Dyck etch. — pi. 68. Ant. Van Dyck p. G. Hondius sc. Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) 114. A. Van Dyck sc.* Mag. of art (1882) 5:426. Van Dyck etch. wdct. Sebastiaan, painter, 1573-1647. Dyck, Cent por. (1878) pi. 66. Anton Van Dyck p. S. A. Bolswert sc. FRANCKENBERG, graf von, Johann Heinrich, cardinal, abp. of Mechlin, 17:^-1804. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2: 137. FRANCKENSTEIN, freiherr von, Georg Arbo- gast, 1825-90. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:118. A. von Werner del.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:683.* FRANCLIEXJ, marquis de, Paul Pasquier, 1810- 77. L’Art (1877) 10:20. Jules Buisson del.* FRANCO, Giovanni Battista (Semolei) 1510-80 Vasari, Ritratti de pittori (1760) pi. 145. eng. FRANC (EUR, Louis Joseph, compo.ser, 1738- 1804. L’Art (1884) 37:225. Moreau jr. del. Mme Ling^e sc. FRANQOIS DE SALES, saint, 1567-1622. Cath. world (1893) 56:822. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1877) V. 5. G. Edelinck eng. Iconog. de Mme de S6vign6 pi. 60. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran?. (1897) 3:360. Leonard Gaul- tier eng.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10 : pi. 2065. Massard eng. after p. FRANCOIS 53* Plutarque frany. (1838) 3:pl. 14. Grosdel. L<‘fevro sc. Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1831) 18:481. Titian p. W. Keenan eng. Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16' s. (1848) 1 : pi. 2. eng. after drawing. Pardoe, Francis I (1849) 1 : front. Titian p. Jos. Brown sc. Pmi.ipp- SON, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp 11 (1882) .5. medallion* (coll, of comte de Reiset) Portfolio (1873) 4: front. Bonington f. Leopold Flameng etch, (with duchess of Etampes) — (1898) no. 37: 20. Titian p.* (Louvre) — (1900) no. 41 :18. cameo cut on a double sardonyx* (Brit, mus,.) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 211. .Boizot del. Et. Fessard sc. Re- vue illus. (1886) 2:663. Clouet f. 16th cent, femile Buland sc. Robertson (W.) Hist. ... of Charles V (Lond. 1769) v. 2. Titian p. Wale del. Ravonot sc. Robillard, Mus. frany. (1805) 2:pl. 65. Titian p. J. B. Massard sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pl. 69. F. Clouet p. N. Platte-Montagne eng. Spof- FORD, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 2:115. vignette. — 2:118 A. Triedlcr f.* Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 2:210. eng. Velly, Hist, de France, (1774) 12:1. A. Bouzotdel. Et. Fessardsc. — (1781) 14:303. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1149. F. Delannoy eng. after p. — 13:pl. 126. J. Bernard! eng. after statue. — 13: pi. 134. J. E. Dumont sc. A. Gelde eng. (statue) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pT. 35. Titian p. John T. Wedgwood eng. William.son, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) l:pl. 1, fig. 1. p. 1527.* Wyatt, Hist, of kings of France (1^6) pi. 58. W. L. Onnsby sc. after medal. FRAN 9 OIS II, king of France, 1543-60. Allo. weltgeschichte (1886) 7:361. eng.* aus dem Verlage von Moncomet. Art j. (1896) 48:103. Jennet p. (miniature) Bali.estrem, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 2, 4. Clouet p.* Bouchot, Catherine de Mddicis (1899) 66. miniature* (with Marie Stuart) Bourdery et Lachenaud, Likinard Limosin (1897) 158, Lor. (18£^) 1:49. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. GERMANY Franz I, emperor, 1708-65. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:258. Martin van Meytens p. P. A. Kilian eng.* Dreux dc R.\dier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Bn p. Gaillard sc. Hender.son, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900)253. Meitens p. Kilian sc. Seidlitz, Portrat- werk (1894) 3: pi. 107. Meytens p. Kilian sc. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2649. E. Conquy eng. Whitman, Austria (1899) 239. Wolf u. Zwiedeneck, Oesterreich, 1740-92 (1884) 78. Met'- tens p. Kilian eng. — p. 150. J. S. Liotard del 1762. J. Schmuzer eng. 1769. Franz II, emperor, 1768-1835. Allg. weltge- schichte (18^) 10:141. Johann Ziteur p. Franz Wienk mezzo.* Alm. de Gotha (1805) pi. 1. Ros- mseslersc. — (1835) front. CarlMayersc. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:297. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18^) pi. 31. eng. Cent. (1895) 28:57. Leopold Kupelwiesser f.* Gleason’s pic- torial (1854) 6:384. Pompeo Marche.sie .sc. eng. (statue) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 44. Lawrence del.* (water-color drawing; Mus. Cond^) Die GRAPHiscHEN kunste (1887) 10:67. F. G. Wald- muller p. SteinmuUer eng. Gruyer, Peinture au FRANZ 540 FRAZER chateau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl. 40. Lawrence p.* IcoNOC. des contenip. (1832) 2;pl. 24. Bazin, jr. del ? Delpech lith. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:206. Gros p. Delauny sc.* (with Napoleon at Austerlitz, 1805) Masson, ilarie Louise (1902) 2, fig. 5, 8. miniatures.* — p. 264. Isahey p. 1812* (miniature) Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:55. J. Ziteur p. Franz Wienk mezzo. Paget papers (1896) 2:102. Dumont p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 115. N. Schiavonip. G. Longhi sc. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 1:268. Leopold Kupelwieser p. Haider eng. — 2:249. Gros p. M. Haider sc. (with Napoleon at Austerlitz) FRANZ, Robert, 1815-92. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 192. Alex. Grihay^dofl del.* Cent. (1893) 24:238.* Champlin, Cyclop, of mus. (1888) 1:430. C. Herrmann p. etch. Outlook (1904) 76:68. Max Landsberg sc.* (bust) Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) l:pl. 2.5.* — 1:465,469. Werck- MEISTER, Das 19to jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4;pl. 415. Curt Hermann p.* Frau Robert (Marie Hinrichs) Cent. (1893) 24:240.* FRANZEN, Frans Michael, Swedish poet, 1772- 1847. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarhundrede (1870) 94. H. P. Hansen eng. FRANZOS, Karl Emil, 1848- Franzos, Gesch- des erstlingswerks, 211* (in 1878) FRASER, Sir Alexander, 1537 ?-1623. Pinker- ton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 24. Jameson p. Comes Buchaniai del. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1797. Alexander, general, 1824-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:889.* Mrs Alexander, novelist. Black, Women authors (1893) 234.* Alexander Campbell, 1819- Hole, Por. Ed- inburgh univ. (1884) 55. W. Hole sc. Alexander George, artist. Art j. (1904) 56:378. Alexander Fraser p.* (poss. A. K. Brown) Sir Charles Craufurd, lieut.-gen. 1830-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:734.* Vanity fair al- bum (1879) 11: pi. 203. Sp}' f. lith. (caricature) Daniel. Harper’s mag. (1868) 36:433. eng. Donald, d. u. 1826-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:230.* Mrs George Rae. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 62. .\rthur Hacker p.* Mrs Hugh (Mary Crawford) Book buyer (1902) 24:1(X). James, bp. of Manchester, 1818-85. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1 :97. lith. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:349. wdet. after photo. — (1885) 87:444.* Men of mark (1878) 3:pl. 16. photo. James Baillie, 1783-1856. AriiENiEU.M club, Por. (1836) 2: pi. 21. E. U. Eddis del. lith. James Keith, lieut.-gen. 1832-95. Illus. Lond. news (189-5) 107:161.* Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 219. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Jane A. C. of Reelig, 1797-1880. Armstrong, Raeburn (1901) 88. Sir H. Raeburn p. 1816.* John Foster, journalist, 1868- Bookman (1902) 16:100.* John George, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:5.35. Mrs Lionel, 1820-92. See Houstoun, Mrs Matilda C. (Je.ss6) Sir Malcolm, 1834-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1886)89:173. —(1900)117:260.* Simon, 1667-1747. iSee Lovat, 11th baron. Simon, d. 1777. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:339. wdet. after an Eng. mezzo. Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:682. eng. Simon Joseph, 1871- See Lovat, 14th baron. Thomas, d. 1789. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 77. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Thomas, admiral, 1796-1870. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 35. B. W. Crombie f. Thomas Richard, 1841- Hole, Por. Edin- burgh univ. (1884) 245. W. Hole sc. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:169.* William Alexander, 1859- Book buyer (1900) 21:87. Sir Wilham Augustus, hart. 1826-98. Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 192. Ape f. lith. (cari- cature) FRASER-TYTLER family name. See Tytler. FRATELLINI, Giovanna, painter, 1666-1731 Mot‘cKE, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 37. Gio. Dom. Cam- piglia del. Girol. Rossi sc. FRAUENLOB, Heinrich von Meissen, 1250?- 1318. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 48. eflBgy?* (Mentz cath.) FRAUNHOFER, Joseph von, 1787-1826. Pop. sci. m. (1875) 6:641. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 81. K. Chr. Vogel von Vogelstein del. 1825. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 211. p.* (Munich acad. of sci.) — 2:287. Vogel del.* FRAVlilRES, Marianne. L’Art (1883) 33:31. J. Trinquesse del. 1778.* FRAZEE, George W. Ann. of Iowa (1899) ser. 3 4:118. John, 1790-1852. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 31. J. Frazee sc.* (bust, Penna. acad.) FRAZER, Andrew, major, d. 1792. Kay, Orig por. (1877) 2: pi. 192. John Kay f. 1783 & eng. David R. m. d. N.ct. mag. (1893) 17-..363 —18:287. James Somerville, 1824-93. Green bag. (1892) 4:251.* Persifor, 1844- Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51:215. FREAKE 541 FREDERIX FREAKE, Sir Charles James, 1st hart. 1814-84. Vanity fair album (1883) 15:pl. 279. T. f. lith. (cari- cature) FREAR, Walter Francis, 1863- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:886. FRECCLA, Clearco. A.mato, Martiri d. liberty ital. (1851) 2:377. FRECHETTE, Louis Honore, 1839- Bookman (1900) 11:.521. Bourinot, Story of Canada (1896) 441. por.* (from L. J. Tache’s Canadian por. gall.) FR^DfiGONDE, queen of France, w. of Chilp4ric I, 545-96. Gal. hist. univ. (1786) eng. Le Rou.x de Lincy, Femmes c^Rbres (1858) 1:34. Girard lith. Les LETTREs ct les arts ( 1886) 3:316. Grasset f . Mao. of art (1880) 3:280. L. Alma-Tadema p. wdct. Malo, Gal. des reincs de France, 29. Delpecn lith. FREDERIC, Harold, 1856-98. Acad. (1898) 55:103.* Book buyer (1891) 8:150. —(1898) 17:284. —(1899) 18:102. silhouette 1888.* Book- man (1896) 3:200.* —4:196.* CHAP-book (1896) 4:535. Fred Richardson del. eng.? — (1898) 8:358. Critic (1896) 28:371. —(1898) 33:320. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:62.5.* Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:99. W. H. Bartlett p.* (group; Saturday evening at the Savage club) FREDERICA AMELIA, princess of Denmark, d. 1704. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 50, fi". 5. Alexander Cooper p. 1656* (coll, king of Denmark) FREDERICA DOROTHEA (of Baden) queen of Sweden, w. of Gustavus IV Adolphus, 1781-1826. Alm. de Gotha (1805) pi. 4. Rosmasler sc. La belle assemblde (1808) 4:243. Bourlier eng. (medal; with Gustavus IV) Ladies’ m. mus. (1808) n. s. 4:217. W. M. Craig f. Mackenzie sc. FREDERICA. See also Friederike. FREDERICK, kings and princes. Seealso Federico, Friedrich. DENMARK Frederick II, king, 1.534-88. Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2:35. bust* (at Rosenborg) Frederick III, king, 1609-70. Boyesen, Story of Norway (1886) 497. Earlom, Por. of roy. p<>r- sonages (1816) pi. 10. W. Passe f. R. Dunkarton sc. (rare print; with Christian IV) Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:273. eng.* (in Theatrum Erimseum) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1521. J. Falck eng. Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2:227,228. — 2:229. Heimbach p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl.2350. Legris eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 81, fig. 2. Prieur p. 1663* (king of Denmark coll.) — 2:pl. 81, fig. 6. Prieur p. 1666-69* (king of Den- mark coll.) Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 642. Jeremias Falck eng.* Frederick V, king, 1723-66. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 159. C. G. Pils p. J. M. Preisler eng. 1748.* Frederick VI, king, 1768-1839. Alm. do Gotha (1812) 49:pl. 1. F. Lehman sc. Lund, Danske malede por. 7:till8eg, p. 1. Jens duel p.* Frederick VII, king, 1808-63. Gleason’s pic- torial (1854) 6:9. Kilburn del. G. H. Hayes sc. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:1. wdct. Frederick VIII, king, 1843- Alm. de Gotha (1870) pi. 3. Carl Mayer sc. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:661. —(1898) 113:518. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (in group) Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:205. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album (1895) 27:pl. 18. Spy f. lith. (caricature) ENGLAND (GT. BRIT.) Frederick, prince, s. of George II, 1707-51. See Wales. Frederick, prince, s. of George III, 1763-1827. See York, 11th duke of. Frederick (Adolphus Frederick) prince, 1774- 1850. See Cambridge, 6th duke of. NETHERLANDS Frederick, prince, s. of king William 1, 1797-1881 Alm. de Gotha (1834) pi. 5. Rosmasler sc. 1833. POLAND Frederick Casimir, prince, bp. of Cracow, car- dinal, 1468-1503. Morfill, Story of Poland (1893) 62. monument, 1510* (Cracow cath.) SWEDEN Frederick I, king, 1720-51. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 95. Niklas Lafrenson p.* (with his queen and 10 regents of the Va.sa family; nat. mus. Stockholm) Frederick Adolphus, prince, 1750-1804. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:112. Roslin p.* FREDERICK-LEMAtTRE, Antoine Louis Prosper, 1800-76. L’Art (1876) 4:285. E. Morin des. — 4:286. Ad. Lalauze des. (as Robert Macaire) — 4:287. Ad. Lalauze des. (as Robert Macaire) — 4:302. Bichard des. Gillot sc. (as Robert Macaire) — 4:303. F. Buhot des. Gillot sc. (as P6re Gachette) —(1904) 63:533. E. Morin des.* —63:534,535. Adolphe Lalauze des.* (as Robert Macaire) — 63 : 537. G(Sry Bechard des.* (as Robert Macaire) — 63:538. Felix Buhot des.* (as P^re Gachette) Art & let- ters (1883) 2:317-320 (in various characters) Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 46. photo. — pi. 47. Anatole Lionnet del. 1876. wdct. (death-bed sketch) Grand- Carteret, XlX'sifecle (1893) 441. Lorcay eng. 1860* (in Ruv Bias) Harper’s w. (1887) 31:830. wdct. Illus. iLond. news (1876) 68:133. wdct. after photo. FREDERICKS, Julius. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:485. wdct. FR^D^RIX, Gustave, 1834-94. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1897) 63.45. Louis Le Nain sc. J. B. Van Campenhout imp. FREDRICKS 542 FREMONT FREDRICKS, Charles D. photographer, 1823- Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:754. G. E. Ferine eng. FREEDMAN, Andrew. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:881. FREEMAN, Abraham Clark, 1843- Green bag (1890) 2 :145.* 51 : 793. Poole p. Dean eng. Rev. Ambrose. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1828) Daniel, of Nebr. World’s work (1901) 1:460. Daniel, of Los Angeles, Cal. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:984. wdet. Daniel, of Englewood, Cal. 1837- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 3: 12.5. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Edward Augustus, 1823-92. Critic (1893) 23:302. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:332.’*’ Harper’s mag. (1890) 81 :250.’*‘ Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:383.’*' McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:238. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:163. Walker & Boutall eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:613. Scribner’s mag. (1893) 14:612. J. Carroll Beckwith del. after photo. George Washington, bp. of Ark. 1789-1858. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 100. Grace, actress. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:736. James, 1759-1835. Foote, Ann. of King’s Chapel (1896)2:378. C. Gulla^er f.’*' —2:406. S. V. Clevenger sc. wdet. (bust) King’s Chapel, Boston, 200th anniv. (1887) 182. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1793) 1:49. G. Stuart p. Edwards del.’*' New Eng. mag. (15KX)) n. s. 22:318. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1880) 1:473. Stuart p. Kilburn sc. Mrs Joseph. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118: May 11, sup. p. 7. H. H. Armstead sc.’*' (bust) Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 57. Armestead sc.’*' (bust) Nathaniel, 1741-1827. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 1 : 464. L. Grozelier lith. 'Tuaciier, Am. med. biog. (1828) 2:241. Pendleton lith. Samuel, 1743-1831. Me. hist. soc. Coll. & proc. ser. 2 (1894) 5:1. Thomas, 1821- Nat. mag. (1893) 18:70. eng. Thomas J. 1827-91. Green bag (1893) 5:276.’*' Tristam B. of Philadelphia. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 209. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.’" Watson, 1762-1813. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod (1858) 1:600. L. Grozelier lith. FREEMAN-MITFORD family name. See title Redesdale. FREEMAN-THOMAS, Freeman, 1866- See Thomas. FREGOSO, Galeazzo, d. 1602. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:261, tig. 164. p.’" (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) FREILIGRATH, Ferdinand, poet, 1810-76. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:325. wact. after photo. Jacks, Robert Burns in other tongues (1896) 112. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 290. drawing after hoto.’" Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in ildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 125. J. P. Hasenclever p. 1851.’" FREKE, Hon. Ralfe Evans-, 1897- Art i. (1901) 53:185. J. J. Shannon p.’" (with his mother and brother; child por.) FREKE (Evans-Freke) family name. See title Carbery. FRELINGHAUSEN, Frederick Theodore, 1817-85. H.arper’s w. (1870) 14:509. wdet. —(1877) 21:125. wdet. —(1881) 25:876. wdet. — (1885) 29:341. wdet. N. J. hist. soc. Proc. (1886-87) ser. 2, 9:45. A. II. Ritchie eng. N. Y. MEM. hist. (1895) 79. A. H. Ritchie eng. Theodore, 1787-1861. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:291. Am. rev. (1845) 1 :front. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1857) 1:317. wdet. FREMANTLE, Sir Arthur James Lyon, gen- eral, 1835-1901. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:758.'" —(1901) 119:482.=" Sir Edmund Robert, admiral, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:748.’" —(1901) 118:491.=" Vanity fair album (1894) 26:pl. 605. Pat f. lith. (caricature) William Robert, dean of Ripon, 1818-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:319,* 438.* R. of rev. (1892) 6:312. FREMANTLE family name. See title Cottesloe. FR^MIET, Emmanuel, sculptor, 1824- L’Art (1887) 43:74. C. E. Wilson del. sc. —(1892) 52:53. P. Vidal del.* —(1894) 59, pt. 1:138. —(1902) 61:351, 352. Henri Grdber sc. 1902?* (statuette) — (1903)62:321. Henri Gr6ber sc.* (statuette) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:494. drawing.* — ser. 3, 19:499. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:180. Paris salon (1892) 89. FR^MINET, Martin, 1567-1619. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 4:6. Adam Lorns? del. E. Fissard sc. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 49. M. Fr^minet del.* FREMONT, Mrs Jessie (Benton) w. of John C. 1824-1902. Bookman (1903) 16:538.* Cent. (1891) 19:769. Dodge p.* (miniature) Ellet, Queens of Am. soc. (1^7) 440. McClure’s mag. (1899) 12:449. p. '<* John Charles, general, 1813-90. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1890) 15:front. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11 :97. Rouse del. after photo. John .\ndrew sc. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 41. Roekwood f. J. C. Buttre eng. Ce.nt. (1887) 12:106. eng.* ^ —(1890) 18:777. daguerr. 1850?* Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of cm. Am. (1862) 2.329. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Har- per’s mag. (1854) 8:577. Richarcl.son-Cox sc. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1860) 4 .296. wdet. — (1861) 5:444. wdet. (equestr. por.) — 5.548. wdet. after FREMSTAD 543 FREW equestr. por. — (1890) 34:573. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3; pi. 25.* Hopp, Bundesstaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 635. F. d’Avignon lith. after daguerr. Lester, Gall, of illus. Am. (1850) pi. 6. F. D’Avignon lith. after daguerr. McClure’s mag. (1899) 12:449.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:485. Moore, Heroes & martyrs (1861) 119. J. C. Buttre eng. Moore, Rebellion record (1861) 1:85. J. C. Buttre eng. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 25:240. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 4:416. eng.* Poe. m. (1863) 1:36. wdct. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 1:424. eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people 5902) 4:175. eng. after photo.* FREMSTAD, Olive, opera singer. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:364* (as Sieglinde) Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:667.* FRENCH, Abram Stickney, 1809-96. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2246. A. H. Ritchie eng. Alice (pseud. Octave Thanet) 1850- Amer- ica’s grtst men & women (1894) 75. Book buyer (1889)6:92. —(1895) 12:24. —(1896) 13:293. Critic (1897) 31 : 106. Charles Howe, 1814-89. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:256. A. H. Ritchie eng. Daniel Chester, sculptor, 1850- Cent. (1900) 37:872.* Mag. of art (1901) 25:311.* New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:260. Edwin Davis, book plate engraver, 1851- Cent. (1901) 412:45. Jay Hambidge del. after photo.* George Arthur, maj.-gen. 1841- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 1 16 : 668.* Outlook (1900) 64 : 543. Henry Minot, m. d. 1853-93. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1719. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Sir John Denton Pinkstone, maj.-gen. 1852- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:196. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:424.* —(1900) 116:219.* —(1901) 119:656.* Vanity fair album (1900) 32: front. Spy f. lith. (caricature; group) — 32: pi. 783. G. D. G. f. lith. (caricature) Jonas H. 1829- Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1898) 3:360. Lillie Hamilton, 1854- Critic (1904) 45 : 201 .* Lamp (1903) 27:343.* Somerset Richard, 1849- So. African por. gall. (1897) 12. Stephen B. Harper’s mag. (1887) 74:497. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:413. wdct. Thomas. Baily’s mag. (1870) 18:t.-p. Thomas Valpy, bp. of Lahore, 1825-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:699.* William Henry, maj.-gen. 1815-81. Por. m. (1864) 1:129. wdct. William Merchant Richardson, 1843- New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:420. FRENEAU, Philip, 1752-1832. Critic (1902) 41:239. eng.* Mag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:121. valuable print* (poss. of Dr. Emmet) — (1892) 28:352. print* (poss. of Dr. Emmet) FRERE, Sir Bartle, 1st hart. 1815-84. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:473. wdct. after photo. —(1884) 84:552. —(1888) 92:652. T. Brock sc.* (statue) Men of mark (1876) l:pl. 23. photo. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 215. Halpin eng. So African por. gall. (1897) 8. Vanity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 68. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John Hookham, 1769-1846. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 221. J. Hoppner p. W. Winston Barney eng.* Byron, Works, Poetry, ed. Coleridge (1901) 4:154. J. Hoppner p. W. W. Barney mezzo.* Microcosm (1809) l:front. B. Lane eng. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 58. John Hoppner p.* FRilRE, Charles Edouard, 1837-94. Mag. of art (1895) 18:120. photo. Edouard, 1819-86. Art j. (1886) 38:323. Har- per’s mag. (1871) 43:801. eng. Morgan, Cat. of art coll. (1886) 15. FRilRE-ORBAN, Hubert Joseph Walter, 1812-96. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2:125. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:70.* Lenbach, Zeitgenossische bildnisse (1887) pi. 22. Franz Lenbach p.* FR£R0N, ^lie Catherine, 1719-76. L’Art (1877) 8:267. Saint-Aubin eng. (with La Beaumelle and Voltaire; front, to Commentaire sur la Henriade) Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6: pi. 20. Cochin p. G. Cooke sc. Mme. L’Art (1883) 32:236. C. N. Cochin des. 1751. FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo, 1583-1644. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 193. Alex. Gribay6doff del.* Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. Cl. Mellau Gall del. & sc. eng. Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) 1 : 151. FRESCOLN, M. L. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:568. drawing* (in 1902) FRESENIUS, Karl Remigius, chemist, 1818-97. Harper’s mag. (1878) 57:511. eng. FRESHFIELD, Charles Kaye, 1812-91. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 66:225. wdct. Douglas William, 1845- Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:570.* FRESNAY, marquis de, Jean Baptiste Joseph de BaUly, 1732- Biog. moderne (1807) 3:3>». Labadj'e del. Courbe sc. FRESNE, Charles du, 1610-88. See Du Cange, sieur. FRESNEL, Augustin Jean, 1788-1827. Har- per’s mag. (1897) 9.5:264. FRESSINET, baron, Philibert, 1767-1821. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:351. Tardieu, G<5n. franf. 2 : pi. 95. eng. FREVILLE, Mrs de. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65- 197. FREW, W. N. Pop. sci. m. (1901) 59:7. FREWEN 544 FRIEDRICH FREWEN, Accepted, abp. of York, 1588-1664. Oxford loan coll. (1905) pi. 9. p.* (Magdalen coll.) Edward, 1850- Daily’s mag. (1881) 37:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Moreton. Arena (1896) 15:213.* FREY, nephew of Col. Swan. Sx Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 513. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Frau Katharina (Diirer) Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1900) 5:90. Albrecht Diirer del. 1514.* FREYCINET, Charles Louis de Saulces de, 1828- Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:433.* Oncken, Zeitalter des kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:225.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. 577. Guth f. 1891. lith. (caricature) FREYMANN, Johann Wolfgang, 1548- Hirth, Der formenschatz (1883) pi. 109. dost Amman eng. 1574 (age 28) Lrxzow, Gesch. d. deutsch kupfer- stiches (1889) 226. dost Amman eng.* (age 27) FREYTAG, Gustav, 1816-95. Bookman (1895) 1:315. Ili.us. Lond. news (1895) 106:606. Kon- necke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 306.* Werckmeister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 13. Karl Staulfer-Bern etch.* FREZZOLINI, Erminia, singer, 1818-84. Cent. (1882) 2 : 37. FRIANT, comte' Louis, 1758-1829. Tardieu, G4n . f ran c . 2 : pi . 79. F orestier sc. £mile, painter and sculptor, 1863- L’Art(1903) 62:225. Scribner’s mag. (1894) 16:676. photo.?* FRIAS E VASCONCELLOS, Miguel de, 1805- 59. Sisson, Gal. dos Brazileiros illus. (1861) 2:35. S. A. Sisson lith. miCK, Henry Clay, 1849- Harper’s w. (1892) .'16:678. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1901) 18:11.* Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:378. eng. TRICKER, John, 1827- Daily’s mag. (1879) 34:t.-p. FREDERICIA, Juhus Albert, 1849- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7’:8. P. S. Kroyer p.* (in group) FREEDBERG, Heinrich von, 1813-95. Knack- F.iss, Kiinstler-rnonog. (1895) 9:92. A. von Werner p. lith.* Oncken, Zeitalter des kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:613.* FRIEDE, Sergey. McClure’s mag. (1899) 14:79.* FREEDEL, Charles, 1832-99. Deutsche chem. gesellseli. Berichte (1899) jahrg. 32, bd. 3:3721. FREEDERIKE, queens and princesses. See aUo Frederica. HANOVER Friederike (of Mecklenburgh-Strclitz) queen, w. of Ernst August, 1778-1841. Burke, Por. gall, of dist. females (18^) 2:91. Carbonnier del. J. Thomson sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 22:520. Schadow sc.* (statue) (with her sister, queen Louise of Prussia) Friederike, princess, dau. of George V, 1848- See Pawel-Rammingen, freiherrin von, w. of Alfons. PRUSSIA Friederike Luise (of Hesse-Darmstadt) queen w. of Friedrich Wilhelm II, d. 1805. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2 : 464. Daniel Berger eng. after p.* Friederike Sophie Wilhelmine, princess, dau. of Aumst Wilhelm, 1751-1820. See Orange, prin- cesse d’. FRIEDHEEM, Arthur, pianist, 1860- Cent. (1886) 10:658.* —(1888) 13:727. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:581. wdct. FREEDEAND, herzog von, Albrecht von Wallen- stein, 1.583-1634. See Wallenstein. FRIEDMAN, Isaac Kahn, 1870- Book buyer (1902)23:263. Critic (1902) 40:397. FRIEDRICH, kings, emperors, dukes, archdukes, princes, etc. See also Frederick. AUSTRIA Friedrich III, duke and German king, 1286-1330. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 1. eng. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9: pi. 13 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14: pi. 7, fig. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 112. eng. Vei.ly, Hist, de Franco (1770) 4:27^ eng. Friedrich V, duke, d. 1436. Lenfant, Hist, du Concile de Constance (1714) 1:17. B. Picart eng. 1713. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 141. B. Picart f. 1713. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 7: 152. eng. Friedrich, archduke, 1821-47. Alm. de Gotha (1845) pi. 3. Kriehuber del. CarlMayersc. ' BOHEMIA Friedrich V, king, 1596-1632. See Pfalz, kur- furst von der. GERMANY Friedrich I Barbarossa, emperor, 1123-90. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:462. ms. end 12th cent. lith. (after v. Hefner- Alteneck; Vatican library) — 5:465. coin* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) — 5:466. seal* (Brit, mus.) — 5:481. golden bull 1168* (from Heffner) — 5:615. statue* (cloister of St ^>no) Archer, Crusades (1895) 310. eontemp. statue* (in cloisters of church of St 2^no near Reichenhall) L’Art (1902) 61:145. D. Berger eng.* Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (KKX)) 1. Aliprando Cap- riolo eng. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) FRIEDRICH 545 FRIEDRICH V. 1. P. Soutman p. Basan ong. Gould, Germany (1898) 121. statue* (in cloister of St Zeno, Reichen- hall) Heyck, Monograph, z. woltgesch. (1900) 12:101. statue?* (Freising cathedral; with bishop Adalbert I) — 12:104. miniature 1188* (Vatican library) Jurb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15: 152, fig. 3. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Pe.nny mag. (1844) 13:425. C. F. Lessing p. Harvey del. Jackson sc. Prutz, Staatenge.sch. d. abendlandes (1885) 1:537. statue* (cloister of St Zeno) — 1:477. seal* (Brit, mus.) — 1:477. golden bull 1168* (from llefTner) Kecueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 76. P. Soutman p. Basan sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:70. vignette after coin. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 2:54. P. Soutman p. Basan sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4:pl. 86. eng. Friedrich II, emperor, 1194-1250. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 5:529. seal* (after Heffner; Brit, mus.) — 5:540. coin* (after Seroux d’Agin- court) — 5:545. golden bull 1237* (after Heffner) — 5:555. seal* (as king of Jerusalem; Brit, mus.) Archer, Crusades (1895) 289. 13th cent, ms.* (with his falconer and hawks, in his treatise, De arte venandi cum avibus) — p. 382. seal* (as king of Jemsalem) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 2. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 1. J. Oubrier eng. Geiger, Renais- sance u. humanismus in Ital. (1882) 4. del. after coin (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Kugler, Gesch. der kreuz- zuge (1880) 327. stal (from Eye u. Falke’s Kunst u. leben der vorzeit) — p. 331. seal* (from Seroux d’Agincourt) — p. 336. miniature* (in a ms. on fal- conry, from Seroux d’Agincourt) Penny mag. (1844) 13:449. Philip Veit p. Harvey del. Jackson sc. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlanm's (1885) 1:615. seal* (Brit. mus. after Heffner) — 1 :627. seal* (Brit. mus. after Heffner) Recueil d. por. (1786) l:pl. 91. J. Oubrier sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:86. vignette. Thevet, Por. et vies d. homines illus. (1584) 2:247. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 2:234. J. Oubrier sc. Ztsch. f. bildendc kunst OSO'J) n. s. 14:17-18. bust* (in Acerenza) — (1903) n. s. 14:246-254 (various por.) Friedrich III, emperor, 1415-93. Allg. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:412. coin* (Berlin, Royal archives) — 6:418. Pinturicchio p.* (fresco, Sienna cathedral; with Eleanor of Portugal) — 6:517. medal* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) — 6:538. N. Lerch ? sc.* (monument, St Stephen’s cathedral, Vienna) CoRvo, Chronicles of the house of Borgia (1901) 62. medal.* Dreu.x do Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. Soutman p. Basan eng. Geiger, Renaiasance u. humanismus in Ital. u. Deutschland (1882) 341. medal* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Gould, Germany (1898) 171. statue* (tomb at Vienna) Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgescli. (1898) 5:4, 10, 11, 58 (4 por.)* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3:pl. 5. Hans Kels f.* (carving) — (1888) 7:pl. 76. Burgkmair eng.* — (1889) 9: pi. 7 after p. 262. Francesco Terzio del.* — (1893) 14: pi. 2, lig. 4, 5. B. Beham, jr. f. 1513* (2 medal.s) Prutz, Staaten- gesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:419, 422, ^3. C. L. Becker del. after seals (Berlin, Royal archives) — 2:697. G. Rehlender del. after monument (St. Stephen’s cathedral, Vienna) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 158. P. Soutman p. Basan sc. Velly, Hist. de. F ranee ( 1 770) 8 : 1 /5. eng. 24288—06 35 Friedrich III, emperor, 1831-88. Alm. de Gotha (1854) pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. — (1889) front. A. & 'Th. Weger sc. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:320. F. Winterhalter p. Fr. Weber eng.* — 12:722. H. von Angeli p.* Ann. gift book (1859) 1:3. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1887) 12: front. V. Gribayedoff sc. Ballou’s pic- torial (1856) 11:229. eng. after photo. — (1858) 14:172. eng. (with his wife) — (1859) 16:369. Kil- burn del. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891)2:653. Franz Kruger p. 1849.* — 2:677. lith. 1858* (with his wife) — 2:746. Eclectic mag. (1858)43:433. J. Sartain eng. (with his wife) Gould, Germany (1898) 419. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:355.* Harper’s w. (1857) 1:385. wdet. — (1866) 10:469. wdet. —(1870) 14:516,592. wdet. —(1879) 23:537. wdet. —(1883) 27 : 81. wdet. —(1888) 32 : 189. wdet. —32 : 452-.S3. wdet. —(1892) 36 : 925. wdet. Headla.m, Bismarck (1899) 446. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgescli. (1898) 4:150.* Hozier, Franco-Prussian war, 1:118. W. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:185. wdet. after photo. — (1887) 91:770. For- estier del. 1877.* —(1888) 92:286. —92: Mar. 24, sup. — 92:June 23, sup.* — (1890) 97:783. Sir Edgar Boehm sc.* (statue) Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) ll:pl.30. statue.* — 11:167. statue.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1895) 9:17. A. von Werner del. 1^1* (in Versailles) — 9:19. A. von Werner p.* — 9:27. A. von Werner del.* — 9:67. A. von Werner p.* (Rathaus, Saar- brucken) — (1897) 20:70,71. Begas sc.* (busts) — 20:77,78. Begas f.* (sarcophagus at Potsdam) —(1898) 34:22. Lenbach p.* —(1903) 66:33,34. Eberlein sc.* (statue, Elberfeld) L.atimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 422. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 2. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1854.* Lenbach, Zeitgenossiche bildnisse (1887) pl.|3. Franz Lenbach p. Malleson, Refounding of the German empire (1893) 166.* Men of mark (1880) 4: front, photo. Oncke.v, Zcitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:656. F. Win- terhalter p. Fr. Weber eng. — 2:1000. II. von Angeli p.* PALLMALLmag. (1894) 4:548. Angeli p. ? 1874.* —4:553. Angeli p. 1885.* —(1904) 34:345. Rob- erts, 2 royal lives (1888) front. & p. 11 (2 por.) Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:42.* (1887) Sybel, Founding of the German empire (1891) 4:front. Vanity fair album (1870) 2:pl. 11. lith. after carica- ture (when crown prince) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1897) n. s. 8:132. R. Begas f.* (sarcophagus at Potsdam) PRUSSIA Friedrich I, king, 1657-1713. Allg. weltge- schichte (1887) 8:549. J. F. Wenzel p. E. Dcsrochers eng.* Ber.ner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :228. J. F. Wentzel p. J. G. Wolffgang eng.* Erd.manns- dorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:603. eng.* (in Theatrum Europieum) — (1893) 2:102. J. F. Wenzel p. E. Desrochers sc. Gould, Germany (1898) 271. Wenzel p.* Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:696. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 213. Weigel eng.* — p. 253. J. D. Schleuen eng.* — p. 256. contemp. news leaf* (with Peter the Great) Heyck, Monograph, z. weitgesch. (1901) 14:1-128. various por.* Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 6: 1939. Sam- uel Blesendorff eng. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:211, fig. 93. p.* (coll, archduke FRIEDRICH 546 FRIEDRICH PRUSSIA — continued. Ferdinand von Tirol) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 66:52, 53. Elierlein sc. (statue) Piiilippson, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 493. J. F. Wenzel p. E. Desrochcrs eng. Pop.sci.m. (1904)64:422. Scuenck, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 10,32. P. Si’henck f. Seidi.itz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 30. J. Ilainzel- mann del. & sc. Friedrich Wilhelm I, king, 1688-1740. Allo. weltgeschichte (1887) 8:643. M. Bernigeroth eng.* — (1889) 9:96. Antoine Pesne p. J. G. Wolflgangeng.* Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :260. F. W. Weidemann p.* — 1:259. Arnold Boonen p. P. van Gunst sc.* (age 12) — 2:272. Louis de Silvestre p. W. Devrient sc.* (with Augustus II, king of Poland) Carlyle, Friedrich II (1859) 2 : front. A. Pesne p. eng. Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1898) 13: front. An- toine Pesne p. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Ant. Pesne p. C. F. Schmidt sc. Erd.mannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:319. A. Boonen p. P. van Gunst sc. — 2:341. Pesne p. Schmidt sc. — 2:355. A. Lutke del. after coin (Ber- lin, Roy. coin cab.) — 2: 405. A. Liitke del. after medal 1712 (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) — 2:429. Joseph Caspar sc. — 2 : 482. Ant. Pesne p. J . G. Wollfgang eng. Harper’s mag. (1869) 40:4. eng. — (1884) 68:697. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1901) 14:68. Loos f. 1801* (medal; group, 5 kings of Prussia) — 14 : 120. Anton V. Schoonjans p.* (age 14, as David) — 14 : 121. E. C. lleisseng.* (as crown prince) Lenfant, Ilist.du concile dc Constance (1714) 1 : front. Ant. Pesne p. B. Picart del. &sc. Les LETTREset les arts (1889) 2:244. O.NCKEN,ZeitalterFriedrichsdesGrossen(1881) 1 :224. C. L. Becker del. 1881, after medal (Berlin, Roy. coin cal).) PiiiLippsoN, Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV (1879) 496. M. Bernigeroth eng.* Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:422. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 55. A. Pesne p. J. G. Wolffgang sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2538. Giroux eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1888) 23: 188. Pesne p. t wdet. — (1892) n. s. 3:142. G. Schadow eng. wdet. Friedrich II der Grosse, king, 1712-86. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:210. medal* (Berlin Roy. coin cab.) — 9:2V^. T. Huber p.* — 9:229. A. Pesne p. 1740? J. G. Wille eng.* — 9:261. A. Pe.sne p. G. F. Schmidt eng. 1746.* — 9:356. A. Pesne p. G. F. Schmidt eng. 1743.* — 9:678. Anton GralT p. J. F. Bause eng. 1787.* Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. 7:322. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 13. eug. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1 :267. Anton Pesne p.* (with his sister IVilhelmine) — 2:362. N. A. Monsiau p. P. C. Batpioy eng.* (with Voltaire) — 2:428. Bennet Salomon eng.* Bioo. mag. (1794) Rothwell sc. after drawing. — (1819)1:35. Ho!l sc. Brougham, Statesmen of time of George HI (1839) 1:321. Carlo Vanloo p. E. Scriven eng. Carlyle, Fru-drich II (1859) 1 : front. Ant. Pesne p. Francis Holl eng. after copy (The little drummer; poss. of lord -Vshburton) —(1862) 3: front. A. Pesne p. 1742. S. Lukomsky sc. 1861, after Wille. — (186.5) 5: front. Franke p. eng. (age 58) — (1866) 6: front. Joseph Cunningham p. J. F. Clemens eng. 1787. J. Browne sc. 1864 (age 73; equestr. por.) Carlyle, Works, Centen. ed. (1898) 12: front, eng. — p. 15: front. A. Pesne p. 1742.S. Lukom- skysc. 1861, after Wille. — p. 17:front. Francke p. 1770? Mandelsc.l860(age58) — p. 19: front. J. Brown sc. 1864* (age 73; equestr. por.) Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 4:603. Carlo \ anioo p. ? E. Scriven eng. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. P. p. Ficquet sc. Dltyckinck, Por. gall, of cm. men & women (1873) 1 :60. II. Ramberg del. eng. Eclectic mag. (1861) 54:289. Carlo Vanloo p.? J. Sartain eng. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:439. G. W. von KnobelsdorfI p.* Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:49. Franke p. 1770. Mandel eng. wdet. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1859) 4:9. Christian Rauch sc. Des- chainps eng. (statue, Berlin) — (1864) 17:453. Chris- tian Rauch sc. Deschamps sc. (equestr. statue, Berlin) — -(1884) ser. 2, 30:76. Ad. Menzel p. wdet. Gould, Germany (1898) 280. Chodowiecki del.* — p. 29. Bause p.* Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek (1885) pi. 38. B. Salomon sc. eng. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1635. eng. (Bibl. nat. Paris) Green, William Pitt (1901) 280. Meyer eng.* (Brit, mus.) Harper’s mag. (1871) 42:557. eng. (age 58) —42:874 (equestr. por.) —(1884)68:701. —(1892) 85:908 death mask.* — (1896) 93:49. Menzel p. 1853.* Harper’s w. (1904) 48: 1799. statue* (Wash- ington, D. C. ) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 13:33. A. Graf p. II. Marssis sc.* —(1901) 14:68. Loos f. 1801* (medal; in group, 5 kings of Prus- sia) Hirtii, Der formenschatz (1898) pl.^. Antoine Pesne p.* (Roy. gall. Berlin) Hirtii, Lk-s grands illastrateurs, 6:2015. Pesne p. J. G. Wille eng. — 6:2095. J. E. Ridinger f. eng. (equestr. por.) — 6:2166. AntonGrafTp. J. F. Bauseeng. —6:2167. J. F. Bau.se eng. — 6:2212. Daniel Chodowiecki p. & eng. (reviewing troops; equestr. por.) Hist. gall, of por. (1807) l:pl. 24. Tassaert p. G. Cooke sc. IIuTTON, Por. in plaster (1894) 223. death mask.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:491-3. Carlo V’anloo p. Scriven eng. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 21:9. Chodowiecki p.* (2 miniatures) — (1900) 7:35. A. von Menzel del. 1850.* —(1903) 66:102. Eberlein sc.* (with Graf von Hertzber"; statue) Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:155. Carlo Vanloo p. E. Scriven eng. Konnecke, Bilderatlas (1887) 156. Pesne p. J. G. Wille eng.* Lewis (C. T.) Hist, of Germany (N. Y. 1874) front, eng. (age 58) Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1791) 6:81. Menzel, Aus konig Fried- richs zeit (1886) pi. 1. Menzel del. 1850. Eduard Kretz-schmar sc. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:465. Menzel f. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedcrichs des Grossen (1881) V. 1 (7 por.) — (1882) v. 2 (5 por.) Penn. mag. of hist. & biog. (1881) 5:247. M. J. Ellinkhuysen eng. 1783. eng. (on glass with diamond) Pop. sci. m. (1904) 64:524. Por. gall. (1853) 2:595. Carlo Vanloo p. E. Scriven sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1890) 9:pl. 1248. Pesne p.* (Bi'rlin mus.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 61 . IVsne p. G. F. Schmidt sc. — 3: pi. 113. Bennet Salomon sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 4: front. R. Warthmuller f.* — 4:5. vignette. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2653. E. Lerouge eng. Wai.msley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 36. Pesne p. E. F. I'inden eng. Winsor, Nur. & crit. hi.st. (1889) 7:7. Daniel Chodowiecki p. Daniel Berger .sc. 1777. Wolf u. Zwiedeneek, Oesterrcich, 1740-92 (1884) 29. Pesne p. 1740? J. G. Wille eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1892) n. s. 3:142. G. Schadow del. wdet. — n. s. 3:253. 11. Magiuissen sc.* (statue) — (1894) n. s. 5:25. statue* (Brieg) — (1895) n. s. 6:270. Rauch sc.* FRIEDRICH 547 FRIEDRICH VON HAUSEN (statue, Berlin) — (1899)n. s. 11 : 1 . H. Magnussen sc.* (statue) — n. s. 11:5. Magnussen sc.* (bust) — n. s. 11:8. Magnussen sc.* (statuette) Ztscii. f. biicher- freunde (1900) 4:88. G. F'. Sebmidt sc. 1746.* Friedrich Wilhelm II, king, 1744-97. Allg. weltgescbichte (1887) 10:85. A. Graff p. 1792. Jacob Adam eng. 1793. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:465. D. N. Chodowiecki etch.* Gould, Germany (1898) 325. Schroder p.* Harper’s mag. (1884) 68:702. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. 5901) 14:68. Loos f. 1801* (medal; group, 5 Prussian kings) Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1^4) 1:487. A. Graff p. 1792. Jacob Adam eng. 1793. Pop. sci. m. (1904) 65:81 (when prince royal) Seid- LiTZ, Portriitwerk (1894) 4: pi. 85. J. II. Schroder p. H. Sintzenich sc. Friedrich Wilhelm III, king, 1770-1840. Allg. weltgescbichte (1887) 10:297. F. Gerard p. 1814. F. Forster eng. 1817.* —10:534. L. Wolf del. F. W. Bollinger eng. 1811.* Alm. de Gotha (1828) pi. 1. Fr. Kruger del. Bolt sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preu.ss. staates (1891) 2:466. D. N. Chodowiecki del.* (age 8) — 2:471. E. S. Ilenne eng.* (with his family) — 2:474. Dahling p. Meyer sc. (with his family) — 2:498. Franz Kruger p.* Bigelow, Ger. .struggle for liberty (1896) 1 ; 138. Cent. ( 1896) 29 : 520. por.* (llohenzollern mus. Berlin) European mag. (1814) 65:379. Fr. Bolt p. T. Blood eng. Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 408. Christian Rauch sc. K. L. Becker del. (with queen Louise; statue, mausoleum at Charlottenburg) Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:80. eng. after statue 1851 (Kimigsberg) Gould, Germany (1898) 343. contemp. p.* (with Alexander I and Napoleon I) Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:20. Wolff eng.? (statue) — (1884) 68:702. — (1895) 91 :539. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1^1) 14:68. Loos f. 1^1* (Five kings, medal) IcONOO. des contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 26. Z. Belliard del.? Delpech lith. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897)20:11. Begas sc.* (equestr. statue) — (1903^) 66:. 50, 55. Eberlein sc.* (statues) Lady’s mag. (1809) 40:195. eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:217. Wolff del. Giigel sc.* (with Napoleon and Alexander I, at Tilsit) — 4:218. Lauer p. 1798. Dickenson sc.* Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:327. Franpois G6rard p. 1814. Francois Forster eng. 1817. Paget pajjers (1896) 2:208. W. II. Ward & co. sc.* Pop. sci. m. 5904 ) 65:81. Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 5:pl. 1. Fr. Kruger p. F. Jentzen lith. Sloane, Na- poleon (1896) 3:24. T. Johnson sc. after por.? (Ho- nenzollern mus. Berlin) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12. F. P. S. Gerard p. J. Francois eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1881) 16:340. F. Kruger del. R. Bong wdet. Friedrich Wilhelm IV, king, 1795-1861. Allg. weltgescbichte (1888) 11:245. F. E. Eichens eng. 1808* (when crown prince) — 11:5.52. Eduard Eichens sc.* Alm. de Gotha (1817) pi. 1. Rossmasler sc. (when crown prince) — (1841) front. iVach p. C. Mayer sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preuss. staates (1891) 2:475. del. 1802* (when crown prince, with Wilhelm I) — 2:642. Franz Kruger p.* Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 69. Eduard Eichens eng. 1838* (when crown prince) — p. 416. Eduard Eicnens eng. after photo. Gleason’s picto- rial (1854) 6:8. Kilburn del. G. H. Hayes sc. Har- per’s mag. (1880)61:199. —(1884)68:704. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:48.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:84. Franz Kruger p. Gust. Luderitz mezzo. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 34:167. Friedrich Christian Ludwig, prince, 1772- 1806. See Ludwig Ferdinand. Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, prince, 1794-1863. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:409. Van Loo p. G. F. Schmidt eng.* Friedrich Karl, prince, 1828-85. Allg. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:277. E. Milster lith.* Alm. do Gotha (18.55) pi. 6. Carl Mayer sc. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:721. Albert Teichel eng.* Eclectic mag. (1871) 76:513. Geo. E. Perine eng. Harper’s w. (1870) 14:516. wdet. —(1879) 23:.537. wdet. — (1885) 29:405. wdet. Hozier, Franco- Prussian war, 1 : 120. eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 57:249. wdet. —(1879) 74:240.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:67. A. von W’erner p.* (Rathaus, Saarbrucker) McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:211.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers W’il- helm (1890) 1 :.5.37. E. Milster lith.* • Friedrich Wilhelm, crown prince, 1831-88 See Friedrich HI, emperor of Germany. Friedrich Leopold, prince, 1865- Harper’s w. (1892) 36: 1063. wdet. Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:548. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Friedrich Heinrich, prince, 1874- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:550. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. Friedrich Wilhelm, prince, 1880- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:551. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. saxony Friedrich August I, elector and king, 1750- 1827. Allg. weltgescbichte (1887) 10:391. A. Graff p. J. F. Bause eng.* Alm. de Gotha (1809) pi. 3. eng. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:251. A. Graff p. J. F. Bause eng. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1894) n. s. 5:174. A. R. Mengs p.* (child por.) Friedrich August II, king, 1797-1854. Alm. de Gotha (1831) pi. 1. C. Vogel p. Bolt sc. (when duke of Saxony) Hanfstaengl, Gal. in Dresden (1836) 2: pi. 2. Joseph Stieler p. F. Hanfstaengl eng. Friedrich August III, king, 1865- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:655. —(1904) 125:655. Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:712. photo. WtiRTE.MBERO Friedrich I, king, 17.54-1816. Alm. de Gotha (1809) pi. 2. eng. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:522. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:711. Scele p. G. Rift eng. Lady’s mag. (1796) 27:294. eng. FRIEDRICH VON HAUSEN, d. 1190. Kon- necke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 22. miniature* (from Weingartner Liederhandschrift) FRIEND 548 FROMBATON FRIEND, John, 1675-1728. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2: sup. p. 3. Michael Dahl p.* FRIERSON, Rev. M. L. New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 1:688. FRIES, Adrian de, 1560- See Vries. Auguste. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 26. Wulf, violoncellist, 1825-1902. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 136. FR IE SEN, /reiAerr von, Richard, 1808-84. Allo. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:457.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:65.* FRIETCHIE, Barbara. Harper’s w. (1866) 10:477. wdct. FRIEZE, Henry Simmons, 1817-89. Harper’s w. (1887) 31 :489. wdct. Mao. of West. hist. (1886) 5:255. wdct. FRINK, John Samuel Hatch, 1832- Southern N. 11. bar assoc. Pub. (1895) 1, pt. 4:347.* • FRION. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) .ser. 3, 23:447. Gamelin p.* (mus. de Perpignan) FRIOUL, due de, Geraud Christophe Michel Duroc, 1772-1813. See Duroc. FRIPP, Alfred Downing, painter, 1822-95. Illus. L^nd. news (1895) 106:374.* Mao. of art (1895) 18:470.* George Arthur, painter, 1813-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109:534. FRISCHLIN, Phihpp Nikodemus, 1547-90. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 100. Hieronymus Resch eng.* (from Frischlin’s Hildegardis, 1578) FRISSELL,Holhs Burke, principal Hampton inst. 1851- World’s work (1902) 4:2139.* FRITH, Mary (Moll Cutpurse) 1584 1-1659. Vin- cent, Lives of 12 l>ad women (1897) 49. Wood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 85. eng. after very scarce print. William Powell, painter, 1819- Art union (1847) 9:164. A. Egg p. J. Smyth eng. Drawino- room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. .33. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Mao. of art (1879) 2:80. wdct. after photo. — (1888) 11:189. A. L. Egg p. F. Babbage eng. (age 30) —(1889) 12:101. W. P. Frith f. 1876. J. M. Johnstone eng. Men of mark (1880) 4:pl. 21. photo. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 63. Spy f. lith. (caricature) FRITSCH, Hugo, 1840-89. Harper’s w. (1889) 33:104. wdct. FRITSCH-ESTRANGIN, Mme Henri (born Boissiere) Mao. of art (1903) 27:276. Wilfrid Gabriel von Glehn p.* (pastel) FRITSCHE, Fru Agnes Bolette (Hegel) 1879- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:30. P. V. listed P* FRITZ, John, 1822- Pop. sci. m. (1902) 62:188.* World’s work (1902) 5 :2818.* FROBEN, Johann, printer, 1460-1527. L’Art (1902) 61:299. p. ?* Connoisseur (1904) 8:78. Holbein p.* (Hatheld house coll.) Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 220. Holbein p.* Lem- PERTZ, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853- 1865) 5. J. C. Baum lith. after medallion. Les LETTREs et les arts (1886) 2:73. Holbein f. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:107. Hans Holliein f. Portfolio (1896) no. 25: 111. Holbein p.* Wolt- MANN, Holbein and his time (1872) 177. Holbein p. K. & R. sc. FROBISHER, Sir Martin, 1.535-94. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:410. S. A. SchofT eng. after eng. (from Ileroologia Anglica) Clowes, Roy. navy (1897) 1:409. wdct. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1 :23. eng. (from Ileroologia) Harper’s w. (1888) ^:517. wdct. Hawkins, Plymouth armada heroes (1888) 88. Whymj)er sc.* Holland, Ileroeologia Anglica (1620) 100. eng. Illus. Lond. news (18^) 93:49. N. E. HIST. & geneal. register (1849) 3: front. S. A. Schoff sc. Oxford, Illus. cat. of loan coll. (1904) 36. Cornells Ketel p. 1577* (age 39; Bodleian libr.) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 7. Cornelis Ketel p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1 :73. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 1:21. eng.* (from H. Holland’s Heraiologia Anglica, 1620) Winsor, Narr. & crit. hist. (1^9) 3:87. eng. (after eng. in Hakluyt soc. ed. Frobisher’s Voyages) FRSBEL, Friedrich, 1782-1852. Cent. (1893) 23:369. — (1899)35:493. Frank French f.* Weeck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl.244. Hahn lith. Strauch del.* FROhLICH, Katharina, 1800-79. Ztsch. f. bil- dende kunst (1891) 26:8. R. Berthold sc. Fru Sophie Marie (de Coninck) w. of Heinrich Lorentz F. 1792-1874. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) 1 i:75. Kratzenstein Stub, p. 1814.* FROLICH, Guillaume, 1492-1562. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:414. eng. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1590. J. L. Lugardon p. Mauduisson. FRiiSCHL, Karl, painter, 1848- Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1890) 25:26. C. Froschl f. Paul. Harper’s mag. (1871) 42:182. eng. (Na- thaniel, Oberammergau pas.sion play, 1870) FROHMAN, Daniel, stage manager, 18.53- Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:1989. FROISSART, Jean, 1337-1410. Bioo. mag. (1820) 2:32. Holl sc. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:124. De L’.\rmessin sc. Ma.sso.n, Mediseval France (1888) 169. Mennechet, Le Plu- tarque franf. (1838) 2:pl. 8. Leon del. Migneret sc. Penny mag. (1842) 11:9. W. Harvey del. Jackson eng. FROMBATON, fl. 1747. L’Abt (1901) 60:201. Pier Leone Ghezzi des.* (caricature) FROMENT 549 FRY FROMENT, J. M. de. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:286. G. Malbeste etch. 1790. Gros del. Courbe sc. FROMENTEN, Eugene, 1820-76. L’.\et (1877) 8:11. Smeeton & Tilly sc. Claeetie, Peintres & sculpt, contemp. (ISiS) 1:193. L. Massard sc. Critic (1881) 1 : 363. Smeeton & Tilly sc. Focexel, Artistes franf. contemp. (1884) 370. Gaz. d. beaux art.s (1878) ser. 2, 17:401. Mongin f. wdet. ^L\G. of art (1^5) 18:4.54.* Moxtrosier, Les chefs- d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 13. eng. Mor- gan', Cat. of art. coll. (1886) 15. FRONDE VILLE, marquis de, TTiomas Louis Cesar Lambert, 1757-1816. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:286. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. FRONSAC, due de, Louis Armand des Plessis, due de Richelieu, 1696-1788. See Richelieu, due de. FRONTENAC, comte de, Louis de Busule, 1621-98. Bocrin'Ot, Story of Canada (1896) 193. Hubert sc.* (statue; Quebec) Nat. mag. (1892) 16:633. comtesse de, Anne (de la Grange-Trianon) 1632-1707. PARKMAN',Champlained. (1898)9:front. p.* (Versailles) FROSMONT, E. of Dieppe. L’Art (1881) 26:49. E. Millet de Marcilly sc. E. Millet de Marcilly del. (bust) FROSSARD, Charles Auguste, general, 1807-75. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:405.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiseireiches (1890) 381.* Harper’s w. (1870) 14:528. wdet. Oncken', Zeitalter des Kaisers Wil- helm (1892) 2:103.* FROST, Captain, Onondaga Indian, 1760-1846. See Os-sa-hin-ta. Arthur Burdett, illustrator, 1851- Book buyer (1894) 11:56. Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:699. J. W. Alexander p. 1890.* —(1900) 100:951. Daniel M. 1823-1900. Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 11 :267. eng. John. 1774-1877. Cent. (1882) 1:428.* Gam- mage, Hist, of Chartist movement (18W) 69. W. Read eng. after p.* Ohver, Boston alderman. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4: 136. Rowse del. after daguerr. Sir Thomas Gibbons, 1820-1904. Illi s. Lond. news (1904) 124:556.* Wilham Edward, painter, 1810-77. Art j. (1849) 1 : 184. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 58:61. wdet. after photo. FROTHINGHAM, George Edward, 1836- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 5:261. eng. John Bradbury, c. s. a. d. 1881. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:68. wdet. Nathaniel Langdon, d. d. 1793-1870. Mas.s. hist. soc. Proc. (1^70) 11:371. H. W. Smith eng. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 19:337. Octavius Brooks, 1822-95. ^Lass. hist. soc. Proc. (1896) ser. 2, 10:507. Richard, 1812-80. ^Iass. hist. soc. Proc. (1884) ser. 2, 1: front. F. T. Stuart eng. Winsoe, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:186. eng. FROT7DE, James Anthony, 1818-94. Book buyer (1893) 10:238. Bookman (1901) 13:158. Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 4:153. lith. after photo. Critic (1881) 1:129. —(1894) 25:274. R. W. B. f.* EIclectic mag. (1872) 79:513. Geo. E. Perine eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 4:328.* ILarper’s mag. (1888) 76:8.39.* ILarper’s w. (1871) 15:801. wdet. — ^1894) 38:1036. wdet. Illcs. Lond. news (1871) 59:69. wdet. ? after photo. — (1892) 100:4.52.* —(1894) 105:Oct. 27, sup.* Men of mark (1876) 1 : 14. photo. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:255. H. B. Hall etch. R. or rev. (1892) 5:. 5.37. — (1894) 10:492.* Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17 : 135.* Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 71.* Van- mr fair album (1872) 4: pi. 38. Uth. after caricature. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:553.* FROULAY, Rene' de, 1651-172-5. See Tess^, comte de. FRUNDSBERG, Georg von, 1475-1.528. Allc. weltgeschichte (18^) 7 : 101. eng. 1602* (in d. Werke uber d. Ambraser samml.) Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18.54) pi. 136. eng. Bezold, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (18W) .543. por.* (Schloss Ambras) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgcsch. (1899) 7:24. Christoph Amberger p.* Reber u. Bayers- dorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1257. Ani- berger p.* (Berlin, Roy. gal.) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pi. .57. Amberger p.* FRY, Mrs Alfred Brooks (Emma V. Sheridan) 1864- ILarper’s w. (1892) 36: 1242. wdet. Caroline, afiw. Mrs Wilson. Art j. (1902) 54 : 4. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* (Nat. gall.) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 77. Lawrence p.* (Nat. gall.) Charles Burgess, 1872- Baily’s mag. (1902) 77 :419. W. Allingham sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1894) 26: pi. 584. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Edward, 1827- Green bag (1895) 7:379.* Illl's. Lond. news (1898) 113 : 49.* — (1900) 117:886.* —(1904)125:902.* Men of mark (1881) 5:pl. 26. photo. R. of rev. (1902) 26:421.* Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 49. H. A. Pegram sc.* (bust) V.an- ITY fair album (1891) 23: pi. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) Mrs Elizabeth (Gurney) 1780-184.5. Bolton, Lives of girls (1886) 240. Cusr, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:175. C. R. I>“slie p.* (miniature) Dcycki.nck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:.529. Leslie p. ILarper’s mag. (1882) 65:399. Henkels, Coll, of eng. pxjr. by E. R. Cop»e (1896) 2:2. G. Richmond p. S. Cousins mezzo. Hubbard, Little jour. fam. women (1897) 252. Leslie p. Outlook (1900) 64:62. Soc. Mont von et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, l:pl. 36. Leslie p. eng. T.aylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:37. Leslie p. J. Cochran eng. FRY 550 FULDE James Bamet, maj.-gen. 1827-94. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 7:16.* Por. m. (1864) 1:128. wdct. Joseph, capt. S. S. Virginius, 1828-73. Har- per’s w. (1874) 18:29. wdct. Sir Theodore, 1st barf. 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:7.* William Henry, 1815-64. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:443. daguerr.* (poss. of Horace B. Fry) FBYAR, J. F. pres. A. P. A. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1017. wdct. FRYE, Alexis Everett, 1859- Harper’s w. (1900) 44:243. Thomas, artist, 1710-62. Europea.n mag. (1788) 14:397. Bromley sc. Wilham Pierce, 1831- Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:508. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:201. wdct. —(1898) 42:875. —(1901) 45:977. New E.\o. mag. (1891) n. 8.4 : 559. —(1895) n. s. 13:522. Outlook (1898) 60:578. — (1900) 64:22. Scott, Distin. Am. law- yers (1891) 379. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:584. FRYER, Sir Frederic William Richards, 1845- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:351.* FI) W^IN-LUNG, Chinese comm’r to U. S. Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:556. wdct. FUAD Pasha, Mehemet, 1814-69. Allg. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:36.* Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 267.* Harper’s w. (1860) 4:509. wdct. FUAD Pasha, Mehemet, marshal, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:678.* FUCHS, freiherr von, Paul, 1640-1704. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1W)1) 14:7. J. G. Wolff- gang eng.* iS mil e. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120 : 17.* Leonhard, 1501-66. Hirtii, Le.s grands illus- trateurs, 2:570. wdct. (age 42) Iconum viros virtute atque eruditione illus. repraesentantium (1599) pi. 22. eng. FttGER, Friedrich Heinrich, 1751-1818. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1897) 18:56. II. F. Fiiger p.* (miniature) FUjuRICH, Joseph von, painter, 1800-76. Die ORAPiiisCHEN kiinste (1886) 8:1. Fiihrich f. wdct. — 8:2. V. Jasper f. after photo. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1868) 3: 181. Aug. Neumann sc. wdct. FUNFEIRCHEN, ffraf von, captain Maximilian’s imperial g;iard in Mexico. Cent. (1898) 33:708.* griijin von, Aloyaia (of Liechtenstein) w. of Hein- rich, 1838- Tuli.berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:343. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. FUENTES, condede, Pedro Henriquez d’Azeredo, 1.560-1643. ILtians, Bruxelles, 1:251. Reyd, Vooraaemste gheschiedenissen inde Nederlanden (1626) 404. eng. Alberto, of Chili. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:521. wdct. FtlRCHTEGOTT VON VERSEN, Maxim’han Albert, 1833- See Versen. FTJrLEGER, Eatharina. Portfolio (1897) no. 31 ; 37. Albrecht Diirer p.* (Augsberg) F 0 RSTENBERG, graf von, Egon VII, 1588-1635. Hirtii, Lcs grands illustrateurs, 4:1288. eng. graf von, Franz Egon, bp. of Strasbnrg, 162.5- 82. Erdmannsoorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:199. eng. 17th cent.* graf von, Wilhelm Egon, card. 1629-1704. Bourgeois, Grand sifecle (1896) 454. mezzo, after caricature. Erdmannsoorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:513. contemp. eng.* fiirst von, Earl Egon, 1820-96. Alm. de Gotha (1881) front. A. Weger sc. FUGGER, CasteUus. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 4, fig. 4. P. Flotner eng. 1528* (medal) Jacob II von, 1459-1525. Becustein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 125. eng. Heyck, Monograph z. weltgesch. (1898) 5:95. Hans Burgk- mair eng.* Hirtii, Lcs grands illustrateurs, 1:28. Hans Burgkmair sc. Jost Dieneker eng. NEmExo. mag. (1894) n. s. 10:105. Hans Holbein f. wdct. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1899) 12: pi. 1629. Albrecht Durcr p.* (Pinakothek, Mu- nich) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 40. H. Burgkmair wdct.* Woltmann, Holbein and his time (1872) 74. Hans Holbein del. eng. Johann Jakob, 1516-75. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1894) 15:pl. 25, fig 109. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Otto Heinrich von, general, 1592-1644. Hirtii, Les grands illustrateurs, 4:1291. Lucas Eilian eng. Raimund, 1489-1535. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 25:257. wdct. after medallion. 1527. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16:pl. 3, fig. 3. P. Flotner eng.* (medal) — 16: pi. 4, fig. 3. F. Flotner eng. 1529* (medal; age 40) FUGGER-BABENHAUSEN, fUrst, Earl, 1829- Alm. de Gotha (1894) front. A. and Th. Weger sc. FUEUSHIMA, Jap. general. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:787. Melton Prior del.* FUEUZAWA, Yukichi, 1834-1901. Cent. (1901) 40:833. Harper’s w. (1895) 39: 12 (2) wdct. Ran- SOME, Japan in transition (1899) 78. FULDA, Ludwig, poet, 1862- Franzos, Gesch. des erstlingswerks, 283* (in 1885) FULDE, Edward B, painter. Internat. studio. Am. studio talk (1902) 17:93. Victor D. Brenner f.* (medal) FULLER 551 FULTON FULLER, Cdonel, d. 1815. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimcr (1903) 48. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature; coll. Henry Drake) Mrs, w. of colonel. Williamson, Andrew & Na- thaniel Pliner (1903) 48. Andrew Plimer p.* (minia- ture; coll. Henry Drake) Mr. St Memin, Coll, of f)or. (1862) pi. 576. St Memin f. 1809.* Anna, 1853- Critic (1896) 28:24. —(1898) 33:237. Frank, murderer of abp. Seghers. Harper’s w. (1887) 31:788. wdct. Frederick, prof, of math. Anderson, Aurora borealis academica (1899) 33.* George, painter, 1822-84. Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:521. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:217. wdct. Mag. of art (1889) 12:349. R. G. Tietze eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:44. -^1895) n. s. 13:301. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:458. Wil- liam B. Closson eng. after por. fr. life. Henry Blake, 1857- Book buyer (1896) 12:821. —(1902) 24:185. Bookman (1895) 2: 15.* Critic (1897) 30:216. Henry Holton, 1790- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (18>1) 1 : 173. A. G. Hoit p. C. E. Wagstaff & J. Andrews eng. Henry Weld, 1784-1841. Wilus, Hist, of law & lawyers of Me. (1863) 700. J. H. Bufford lith. Mrs Herbert. Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 21. W. Llewellyn p.* Hiram, 18201-80. Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:60. Barry del. after photo. Brightly sc. Horace Williams, 1844-1901. Green bag (1901) 12:551.* Isaac, painter, 1606-72. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:6. wdct. John L. of Liberia. Harper’s w. (1858) 32:416. wdct. John Michael Fleetwood, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Levi Knight, gov. of Vt. 1841-96. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:892. wdct. Vt. centen. com. Dedication of Bennington monument (1892) 44. Margaret, aftw. marchcsa d’Ossoli, 1810-50. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) 113. Bolton, Lives of girls (1886)^. Book buyer (1899) 19: 177. Bookman (1897) 6:213. — (l'903) 17:564. Cent. (1893) 23:933. Thomas Hicks f.* Critic (1903) 43:334. drawing?* Duyckinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 2:388. W. Roberts sc. Duyckinck, Por. gall. (1873) 2:273. Chappel p. Hart, Female prose writers (1852) 237. Hicks f. eng. Howe, Am. bookmen (1898) 190. daguerr.* Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 177. Moul- ton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:. 535. H. B. Hall jr. eng.* Outlook (1898) 60:854. daguerr.* — (1899)61:301. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:442. daguerr.* (hist. coll, of H. W. Fay) Melville Weston, 1833- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 7. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1888) 13:359. S. Hollyer eng. after photo. Carson, Su- preme court (1891) 534. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1889 after photo. Goode, Acct. of Smithsonian Inst. (189.5) pi. 2. Green bag (1889) 1:1.* —(1903) 15:422.* Harper’s w. (1888) 32:340. wdct. — (1890) 34:105. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:465. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 387. Mrs SarahE. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:635. Thomas, 1608-61. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1846) 7:58. eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3 : 49. David Loggan sc.* Malcolm, Lives of tojx)g- raphers (1824) pi. 12. eng. (age 53) Thomas Brock, bp. of Niagara, 1810-84. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 4:125. lith. FULLERTON, Lady Georgiana Charlotte (Lev- eson-Gower) w. of Alexander George, 1812-85. OmriELD, Harriet, Countess Granville (1901) 43. S. E. Belnes del.* (with her son) Sir John Reginald Thomas, vice-admiral, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:677.* William, 1817- M.cg. of West. hist. (1890) 12:333. eng. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 393. FULLGRAFF, Ludolph A. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:236. wdct. FULLUM, Abel. Outlook (1902) 70:846. Ellen D. Hale del.* FULLWOOD, John, painter. Art j. (1896) 48:372. FULTON, Charles, actor. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:.360. Ralph Cleaver del.* (as Col. von Altoorf in The garden of lies) Theatre (1896) ser. 4, 28:32. photo. Sir Forrest, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1890) 97:676.* — (1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Spence del.* Roy. acad. pict. (1893) 66. Lance Calkin p.* Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 60. Spy del. lith. (caricature) Justin Dewey, 1828-1901. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1017. wdct. Robert, 1765-1815. Analectic mag. (1815) 5:304. B. West p. W. S. Leney sc. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 2:563. B. West p. H. B. Hall jr. eng. Casket (1^7) 161. B. West p. W. S. Leney sc. Cent. (18^) 31:169. Critic (1902) 41:340. Richardson eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:439. Chappel p. eng. Duyc- kinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:360. A. Chappel p. Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:305. Kilbum del. eng. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:844. H. Buberl sc. wdct. (statue) — (1883) 27:164. Howard Roberts sc. wdct. (statue) — (1889) 33:17. wdct. (statue) — (1895) 39:87. wdct. — 39:87. Benj. West p. wdct. Harrison, Bi<^. sketches (1892) l:pl. 22. H. R. Burdick p. after Benjamin West.* Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1836) 3: pi. 30. West p. G. Parker eng. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:26. West p. G. Parker eng.* iL\G. of Am. hist. (1889) 22:201. West p.* Mus. of for. lit. & sci. (1826) 8:289. West p. W. S. Leney eng. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 24:75. Outlook (1901) FULTON 552 FYLER 69:557. West p. II. B. Hall jr. png.* Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, distin. Am. (1854) 3: pi. 12. West p. G. Parker eng. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 :pl. 19. Adfele J. de Maney, n^e Le Breton p. Ferd. Goulu sc. Spofford, Lin. hist. char. (18Sfe) 2:383. A. Tholey f.* & vignette. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899)3:375. B. West p. H. B. Hall jr. eng.* Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 4:4. West p. 1805.* iirs Robert (Haxriet Livingston) Cent. (1896) 31 : 168. Walter, Mem. of Washington (1887) 241. James Sharpies p.* William, of Colorado. Arena (1895) 14:9.* FITMEL DE MONTS^GUR, marquis de, 1742- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:288. Perrin del. Texier sc. FTJNCK-BRENTANO, Frantz, 1862- Bookman (1903) 16:427.* FUNK, Franz Xaver von, 1840- Cath. world (1894) 60:33. FUNSTON, Edward Hogue, 1836- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:193. wdet. Frederick, 1865- Harper’s w. (1895) 39:492. wdet. — (1898)42:226. — (1899) 43:491. drawing.* —43:1085,1129. —(1901)45:357. World’s work (1901) 2:679. FDRBER, Mrs Herbert. Art j. (1903) 55:320. Winifred Sandys p.* (miniature) FURNISS, Harry, 1854- Book buyer (1897) 13:942.* Critic (1896) 29:391. Harry Fumiss del.* — (1900)37:355. Hy. Maj'er del.* (caricature) Har- per’s mag. (1901) 103:876. H. Fumiss del.* (cari- cature) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:592. Mag. of art (1893) 16:21.* FURNIVALL, Frederick James, 1825- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:470.* FURSE, Charles Wellington, archdeacon of Westminster, 1821-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:187.* FURZ, John. 69) -\rminian mag. (1787) 10:337 (age FUSELI, Henry, 1741-1825. Art j. (1890) 42:338. George Dance del.* Coix. of engr. por. pi. 19. Baily sc. 11. Corbould del. T. Thomson eng. (bust) Cun- ningham, Lives of Brit, painters (18^) 2:260. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. ? W. C. Edwards eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:9. John Opie p.* European mag. (1825) 87:101. E. H. Baily sc. H. Carbauld el. T. Thomson eng. (bust) Gaz. d. beaux artsd (1859) 3:28. G. H. Harlow p. E. Bocourt del. L. L. Chapon sc. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. G. Harlowe p. J. Rogers eng. Monthly mirror (1801) 11:1. Opie p. Ridley eng. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1 :332. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:121. G. Harlowe p. J. Rogers eng. FUSHIMI, Sadanaru, prince of Japan, 1858- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1763. FURINI, Francesco, 1604-49. Marrini, Ritratti de cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 1:23. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. Moucke, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 11. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. FURLEY, Sir John, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:43. FURMAN, Lucy S. Book buyer (1897) 15:118. Critic (1897) 30:79. FURNE, Charles, d. 1859. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1859) 3:245. FURNEAUX, Rev. WiUiam Mordaunt, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:424.* FURNESS, Sir Christopher, 1852- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:526.* Horace Howard, 1833- Book buyer (1903) 25:.578.* Critic (1900) 37:302.* Harper’s mag. (1882)64:332.* Outlook (1902) 72:810. Horace Howard, jr. Book buyer (1903) 25: .578.* Critic (1903) 42:16.* John. Arminian mag. (1796) 19:365. Win. Ridley sc. (age 31) Meth. mag. (1821) 44:881. Blood sc. WiUiam Henry, d. d. 1802-%. Aixott, Sonnets (1882) 99. Critic (1903) 42:419* (in 1875, with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Samuel Bradford) Har- vard grad. mag. (18%) 4:545. New Eng. mag. (l.S%) n. s. 15:462. FUST, Johann, d. 1466. L’Art (1892) 53:63. Rembrandt p. 1648.* Burlington mag. (1904) 5:79. Rembrandt etch.* (Dutuit coll.) Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1900) 11:^. eng.* (after Mat- taire in De Vinne’s Invention of printing) — 11 :88. eng. 1611* (from Opmeer’s Opus chronologicum) — 11:94. medal* (with Gutenberg and Senoffer) — 11:95. Eduard Schmidt von der^'unitz sc. after Thorwaldsen* (statue, with Gutenberg and Schoffer) Lafarge, Great masters (1903) 112. Rembrandt etch. 1648.* Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 169. L. Boudan f. eng. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:79. eng. Velly, Hist, de Franw (1770) 8:403. FUSTEL DE COULANGES, Numa Denys, 1830-89. Le centen. de I’^cole normale (1895) 324. eng. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de lang. et lit. franf. (1899) 8:280. FUZELIER, Pere, guardian of the Louvre. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1872) ser. 2, 5:383. Louis David f. Comte f. FYFE, John, prof, of moral philos. Anderson, Aurora borealis academica (1899) 103.* Robert Alexander, d. d. 1816-78. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2: 104. lith. WiUiam Baxter Collier, 18361-82. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81 :364.* FYLER, John Arthur, 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:502.* FYLES 553 GAGON-DU-CHENAY FYLES, Franklin, dramatic critic. Bookman (1900) 12:316. GABBIANI, Antonio Domenico, 1652-1726. MoL'cke, Kitratti (1762) 4:pl. 10. Gio. Dom. Campig- lia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. GABEL, Fru Birgitte Sophie (Rosenkrantz) w. of Christian Carl G. 1746-69. Lond, Danske malede por. (1900) 7 :till8eg p. 7. p.* GABELSBERGER, Franz Xaver, 1789-1849. VVerckmeister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 99. lith.* GABET. Acad. (1898) 55:72 (with Hue) GABLENZ, freiherr von, Ludwig Karl Wilhelm, 1814-74. Allg. wcltgeschichte (1892) 12:312. Oncken, Zcitalh'r des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1 :533. GABRIEL, Jacques III, architect, 1667-1742. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2583. E. Lerouge eng. Paul Joseph Constantin, painter, 1828- Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 31:158.* Rooses, Dutch painters of 19th cent. (1898) 213. eng. Sir Thomas, 1812-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:303.* GACHARD, Lotus Prosper, 1800-85. Acad, roy, de Belgique, Ann. (1888) 54 : 193. eng. GACHET, Dr. L’Art (1892) 53:274. Rodolphe PigU(‘t del. Gillot sc. GACHONS, Andhr a des, artist, 1871- Chap- book (1896) 4:347. Paul Berthon del. eng. ? GADDI, Agnolo, 1324 ?-87. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 20. eng. Gaddo, 12401-1312. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 5. eng. Taddeo, 1300-60? Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:322. N. de L’armessin sc. Penny mag. (1843) 12:145. Harvey del. H. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 16. eng. GADE, Niels Wilhelm, 1817-90. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 199. Alex. Gribay^dofT del.* Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 56.* — 2:839. Weinhold p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 404. J. W. Tegner lith.* GADSBY, Henry, 1842- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 200. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* GADSDEN, Christopher, 1724-1805. Sons of the rev. Mo. Yearbk. (1895) 68. drawing* (poss. of Paul Trapier Gadsden, St Louis) Christopher Edwards, bp. of S. C. 1785-1852. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 78. GADSKI, Mme Johanna, singer, 1871- Harper’s w. (1895) 39:121. wdet. (as Sieglindc) — (1897) 41 :358. —(1898) 42:56, 1226. GAEDKE, Colonel, military critic of Berliner Tagc- blatt. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:426.* GAEL, Jan Niclaesz, 1606-06. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1873) ser. 2, 7:278. A. Palam^des f. GAETANI, Benedetto, 1228-1303. See Boniface VIII, pope. GAGE, Colonel. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 86. Bullfinch del. eng. (Roy. coll.) Albert S. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:824. wdet. Mrs Frances Dana (Barker) 1808-84. Stan- ton, Woman suffrage (1881) 1 : 129. Henry T. gov. of Cal. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:1124. Sir John, 1479-1557. Holbein, Facsim. Bar- tolozzi (1884) pi. 32. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 34. Hol- bein del. Boequet sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 1 : pi. 39. Holbein del.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1896) 17:144. Holbein del.* Masters in art (1902) 3 pt. 27, pi. 10. Holbein del.* Lyman Judson, 1836- America’s grtst men & women (1894) 29. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:185. wdet. —(1901) 45:252, 965. Outlook (1897) 55:644. R. of rev. (1897) 15:290.* World’s work (1901)2:737. Mrs Lyman Judson (Cornelia Washburn) Harper’s w. (1901) 45:259. Mrs Matilda (Joslyn) 1826-98. Stanton, Woman suffrage (1^1) 1 :7^. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Thomas, general, 1721-87. Drake, Hist. & antiq. of Bo.ston (1856) 750. wdet. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:99. wdet. after p. Foote, Ann. of King’s Chapel (1896) 2:282. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1901) 103:641. Nat. mag. (1894) 19:246. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21:432. Sumner, Hist, of E. Boston (1858) 360. J. II. Bufford lith. after p. (coll, of Gen. W. Hyslop Sumner) Webb, Corres. & jour. (1893) 1:60. p.* (State house, Boston) Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2: Ifk). G. M. Bruestle eng. after an old print.* Thomas Hovey, m. d. 1826- Repr. men of Mass. (1898) 268. eng. GAGERN, freiherr von, Heinrich Wilhelm Au- gust, 1799-1880. Allg. wcltgeschichte (1888) 11:54(5. lith.* Alm. de Gotha (1849) 86:pl. 6. Carl Mayer sc. Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 555. lith.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 397. Hassel- horst lith.* GAGNlilRE, Pierre. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:290. Labadye del. Courbe sc. GAGNON, Phildas, 1854- Bookman (1895) 2:270.* GAGON-DU-CHENAY, M. 1736- Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:290. Godefroy del. Ma,ssard sc. GAGUIN 554 GALE GAGUIN, Robert, 1425-1502. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 137. Do Larmcssin sc. Tiievet, Por. ct vies d. homines illus. (1584) 2:530. eng. GARAN, Thomas. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:741, 841. GAIGNETJR, Elizabeth, writer. Cath. world (1897) 64:564. GAIL, Jean Baptiste, 1755-1829. L’Art (1879) 18:138. Le Barbier f. Gaucher eng. GAILHARD, M. Revue illus. (1886) 1:37. P. Renouard del. * GAILLARD, Ferdinand, 1834-87. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 35:233. T. de Mare p. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1887) 22:316 (vignette) GAILOR, Thomas Frank, bp. of Tenn. 1856- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 356. GAIMARD, Joseph Paul, 17901-1858. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles 3:193. Durupt p. Blanchard sc. GAINES, Edmund Pendleton, general, 1777- 1849. Am. hist, register (1896) 4:136. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2: pi. 48. T. Doneyeng. Demo- cratic rev. (1848) 22:481. T. Doney eng. after daguerr. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4:pl. 38. J. \V. Jarvis p. J. B. Longacre eng. Ixiubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 45. Fiirst del. & eng. 1814. Jules Jacquemart etch. Rice & Hart, Nat. por. gall, distin. Am. (18.53) 4: pi. 13. J. W. Jarvis p. J. B. Longacre eng. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 556. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Mrs Edmund Pendleton (Myra Clark) 1805-85. Eli.et, Court circles (1869) 167. H. B. Hall eng. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:225. wdet. GAINSBOROUGH, 4th earl of, Baptist Noel, 1708-51. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 4:206. Freeman eng. Margaret, dau. of 'Thomas. Art j. (1897) 49:209. Thomas Gainsborough p.* Bell, Gains- borough (1897) 66. Gainsborough p.* (with her sister Mary, child por. poss. of Rev. E. Gardiner) Mag. of art (1897) 21:46. Gainsborough p.* — (1901) 25:375. Gainsborough p.* (with her sister Mary, child por.) — (1904) 28:425. Gainsborough p.* (with her sister Mary) Mary, aftw. Mrs Johann Christian Fischer. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 66. Gainsborough p.* unfin. (with Margaret, child por. poss. of Rev. E. Gardiner) Mag. of art (1901) 25:375. Gainsborough p.* (with Margaret, child por.) — (1904) 28:425. Gainsbor- ough p.* (with her sister Margaret) Thomas, 1727-88. Acad. (1898) 55:286. Zof- fany p. C. H.sc.* Arm.stron'g, Gainsborough (1898) t.-p. Zoffany p. — p. 52.* — p. 108.* Art j. (1889) 41:293. Gainsborough p. (Roy. acad.) — (1897) 49:208. Zoffany p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 1 . Zoffany p.* (Nat. gall.) Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 52. Gainsborough p. H. Meyer eng. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 1:^. Gainsborough? p. T. Mosses eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:5. T. Gainsborough p. Francesco Bartolozzi del.* Har- per’s mag. (1&9) 78:967. J. Jackson p.* Lives of illust. persons (1820) Murray sc. Mag. of art (1897) 21:175. Zoffany p.* Masters in art (1901) 2, pt. 23,2:21. Gainsborough p.* Portfolio (1894) no. 9:65. Gainsborough p.?* (Roy. acad.) Scribner’s mag. (1904) 36:565. Gainsborough p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 49. Gainsborough p. F. Bartolozzi sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 97. Gainsborough p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 70. Zoffany p.* Mrs Thomas (Margaret Burr) Art j. (1889) 41:297. mezzo. (Brit, mus.) GAIRDNER, Sir William Tennant, m. d. 1824- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:41.* Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 110. GAITA, Ramero, colonel of Tunis. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:660. wdet. GALANENO, D, 1578-1638. See Alois!, Baldas- sare. GALANTINI, Ippolito (II Cappuccino) 1627- 1706. Moucke, Ritratti (17.56) 3: pi. 33. G. D Campiglia del. C. Gregori sc. GALAUP, Jean Francois, 1741-88. See La Pdrouse, comte de. GALBA, Servius Sulpicius, Roman emperor, 3 B. C.-69 A. D. Allg. wcltgescbichte (1885) 3:503. bust* (Nat. mus. Naples) Bernoulli, Rom. ikonog. (1891) 2, pt. 2:pl. 1. bust* (Naples; from Hercu- laneum) — 2, pt. 2: pi. 2. bust* (Capitol, Rome) — 2, pt. 2:3. Mongez eng.* after bust (Louvre) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 266 bust* (Naples) Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7:pl. 18. R. Sands sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1897) 18:69, fig. 2. Marco Sesto eng. D. Ber- ger sc. (medal) — (1897) 18:71, fig. 3. coin.* Plu- tarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 15, pt. 1 :6. Thevenin eng. after bust. Perry inv. — 15, pt. 1:7. Perry del. after medallion. Gonlu eng. GALBAJO, Giovanni, doge of Venice, fl. 787-804. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 8. Nani eng. Maurizio, doge of Venice, d. 787. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1 :pl. 7. Nani del. & eng. GALBERT, vicomte de, Gaspart. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:292. liabadye del. Cmirbe sc. GALDdS, Benito Perez, 1845- See Perez Galdds. GALE, Christopher, 1670?- Green bag (1892) 4:459. George, 1756-1814. Bowen, Centen. Washing- ton inaug. (1892) 99. (2 miniatures). GALE 555 GALLAS Rev. George. McClure’s mag. (189.5) 4:542.* John (Dumb Jack) Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 1 :25. II. Cook -sc. Leonard D. Cent. (1888) 13:930. Norman Rowland, 1862- Critic (1893) 22:84. Roger, 1672-1744. Adolphus, Brit. cab. 2: pi. 45. J. .1. van den Berghe sc. 1799 after p. (Pub. lib. Canibr.) Thomas, 16351-1702. Biog. mirrour (1802) 3: pi. 4. II. sc. after drawing (Pepys coll. Cambr.) Zona. Bookman (1901) 13:520. GALEN, /reiAerr von, Christoph Bernhard, prince, bp. of Munster, 1606-78. Erdmannsdorffeu, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:205. Larmessin eng.* — (1892) 1:349. caricature.* Abraham Haan de, 1622-1706. Wit, Afbeel- dingen van vcele voornaaine manncn (1743) pi. 23. J. C. Philips del. & sc. Claudius, 131-200? Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. (1840) 4: pi. 4. W. Skelton sc. after bust (Roy. coll, of physicians) Henrik, m. d. Williamson, Hist, of por. minia- tures (1904) 2: pi. 96, fig. 5. N. Lafrenson p. 1798* (Nat. mus. Stockholm) Jan van, admiral, 1604-53. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5: 1570. Jan Lievens p. M. Mozijn eng. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:374. eng. 1653* (from the Faithful post) GALEOTA, Jacomo Capece, d. 1488. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 9. Aliprando Cap- riolo eng. GALEOTTI, Sebastiano, 1676-1746. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 1:3. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. GALERIUS, Caius Valerius Maximianus, Roman emperor, d. 311. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9 : pi. 3, fig. 230, 233 (2 medals)* GALES, Joseph, 1786-1860. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:45. wdct. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 39* GALIANI, Ferdinando, 1728-87. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 103. S. Leffevre del. J. Gill- berg sc. GALICHON, ^mile, 1829-75. L’Art (1875) 1:211. H. Lehmann p. A. Gilbert del. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1875) ser. 2, 11:206. Leopold Flameng etch. GALIGAI (Leonora Dori) 1573-1617. See Ancre, marquise d’. GALIGNANI, John Anthony, 1796-1873. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 64:48. wdct. after photo. GALILEI, Galileo, 1564-1642. Allg. weltge- ’ schichte (1887) 8:301. Justus Susterraan p.* (Ufiizi) Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) 1 :pl. 101. Sustermaas p. F. de Fournier eng. Berry, Short hist, of astronomy (1899) 171. Bolton, Men of sci. (1889) 1. BullarTj Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:131. N. de larmessin sc. Eclectic mag. (1852) 26:145. II. Wyatt f. S. Sartain eng. —(1853) 30:1. Sartain eng. (in prison) — (1860) 51 :289. II. Wyatt f. S. Sartain eng. ? Harper’s mag. (1874) 49:703. eng. IcoNOG. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 36. Sustermann p. Cat. Piotti-Pirola sc. Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:536-9. Ramsay p. Hart eng. Knight, Gall, of por. (1834) 3:113. Ramsay p. Robert Hart eng. Penny mag. (1833) 2:64. Portfolio (1878) 9:72. Carlo Piloty p. Fr. L. Meyer sc. Por. gall. (1853) 1:241. Ranusay p. Robt. Hart sc. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 23. Sustermans p.* Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 32. Martinet del. & sc. Spofford, Lib. hist, char. (1896) 10:23. vignette. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pT. 2161. Francesco Boschi p. (school of L. Calamatto) GALINDO, Beatriz, 1475-1535. Drohojowska, Femmes illus. de I’Europe, 103. lith. GALIOT DE GENOUILLAC. See Genouillac. GALISSONlilRE, marquis de la, Boland Michel Barrin, 1693-1756. See La GallLssonifere. GALL, Sioux chief. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:996. wdct. Outlook (1898) 60:324. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:727.* Franz Joseph, 1758-1828. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 122. eng. Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. Strangers (1835) pi. 14. Grevedon del. 1828. C. Motte lith. GALLA PLACIDA, dau. of Theodosius the Great, d. 450? Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 4:186. relief* (diptych at Monza) GALLAGHER, Hugh John, u. s. a. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1065. wdct. GALLAIT, Louis, painter, 1810-87. Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1888) 23:117. wdct. GALLAND, Bertha, actress. Bookman (1901) 14:225* (in The forest lovers) Critic (1900) 36:323* (with Mr Hackett) —(1901) 39:326* (in The forest lovers) — (1903) 43:393* (as Dorothy Vernon of Iladdon Hall) Harper’s w. (1901) 45:832. —(1904) 48:173* (as Dorothy Vernon) Pierre Victor, painter-decorator, 1822-92. L’Art (1894 ) 59, pt. 1:65. Mag. of art (1893) 16:144. photo. GALLARDO, Don Pedro Rincon, of Mexico. Cent. (1898) 33:859.* GALLAS, graf von, Matthias, 1584-1647. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:111. B. Mon- cornet eng.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4 : 1289. eng. Winter, Gesch. des 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 463. Moncornet eng.* GALLATIN 556 GALLUS GALLATIN, Albert, 1761-1849. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 64. A. L. Dick eng. after daguerr. Democratic rev. (1843) 12:641. A. L. Dick eng. after daguerr. Duyckinck, Cycle. Am. lit. (1877) 1:511. wdet. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1 :405. Chappel p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1872) 44:490. eng. Mao. of Am. hist. (1893) 29:428. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3: 144. drawing after old print.* GALLAUDET, Mrs Edson F. (Marian Cock- rell) Harper’s w. (1903) 47 :318.* Edward Miner, 1837- Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:186. Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 109.* Scribner’s m. (1872) 3:729. eng. Thomas, 1822-1902. R. of rev. (1902) 26:411.* Thomas Hopkins, 1787-1851. Barnard, Educ. biog. (1859) 98. eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 4. eng. Scribner’s m. (1872) 3:728. eng. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 313. French sc.* (group; Washington) Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford Co. Conn. (1886) 1:426. eng. GALLAWAY, Robert Macy, 1837- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:964. wdet. William, accountant of Edinburgh, 1771-1851. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 27. B. W. Crombie f. GALK^, £mile, artist. Mag. of art (1897) 20 ; 249. Victor Prouv6 p.* GALLE, Theodore, engraver, 1.560 1-1633. Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. 87. Ant. van Dyck p. Vorster- man sc. GALLEGO, Mrs Joseph (Mary Magee) d. 1811. Harper’s mag. (1885) 70:719. p.* GALLEHER, John Nicholas, bp. of Louisiana, 1839-91. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:977. wdet. Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 262. GALLETTI, Filippo Maria, 1636-1714. Moucke, Ritratti (17.56) 3: pi. 48. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. GALLI, Ferdinando, da 1657-1745. See Bibbiena. GALLI-MARI^, .1/me, actress, 1840?- L’Art (1875) 2:27. P. Renouard del. (as Carmen) Paris salon (1884) 38. L Doucet p.* GALLIANO, Giuseppe, colonel, d. 1896. Har- per’s w. (1896) 40:245. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:166.* GALLICO, Paolo, pianist, 1868- Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1197. GALLIENUS, Pubhus Licinius Valerius, Roman emperor, 2331-268. Allo. weltgeschichte (188.5) 3:617. bust* (Capitoline mus.) Bernoulli, Romische ikonog. (18W) 2, pt. 3: pi. 48. bust* (Louvre) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 564. bust* (Capitol mus.) Jheb, d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3 : pi. 4, fig. 144, 145, 146, 147 (4 medallions)* — (1887) 5: pi. 3, fig. 148, 149, 151, 154, 157-162, 168(11 medals)* GALLIERA, duca di, Antonio de Bourbon- Orleans, s. of due de Montpensier, 1866- Har- per’s w. (1893) 37:509 wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91 :37. Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :163. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duchessa di, Eulalia (of Spain) w. of Antonio de Bourbon-Orl4ans, 1864- See Eulalia. GALLIFET, marquis de, Gaston Alexandre Auguste, 1830- Cent. (1898) 33:709.* Har- per’s w. (1899) 43:669. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115 : 9.* Outlook (1899) 63:45. GALLIMARD, Mme. Mag. of art (1902) 26:452. Eugene Carrifere p.* GALLINGER, Jacob H. u. s. senator, 1837- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:61. wdet. GALLIOT de Genouillac. See Genouillac. GALLON, Tom, 1866- Bookman (1901) 13:201. GALLOT, Jean Gabriel, 1744- Bioo. modemc (1807) 4:294. Aug. Delorme del. Voyez sc. GALLOUPE, Charles William. Rep. men of Mass. (1898) 319. E. G. Williams & bro. eng. GALLOWAY, 10th earl of, Alan Plantagenet Stewart, 183^1901. Vanity fair album (1873) 5: pi. 138. lith after caricature. countess of. Lady Mary (Cecil) w. of 10th earl, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1871) ^:313. wdet after photo. Charles Betts, m. e. bp. 1849- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:357. wdet. Joseph, of Pennsylvania, 17291-1803. Wil- son, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:197. old print.* Mabel. Mag. of art (1888) 11 :297. E.J. Gregory f. J. M. Johnstone eng. GALLUP, David, 1808- Biog. encycl. of Conn, and R. I. (1881) 314. Metropolitan pub. & eng. co. eng. Mrs Elizabeth Wells. Pall Mall mag. (1902) 26:392. GALLUS, Caius Vibius Trebonianus, Roman empteror d. 254. Bernoulli, Romische ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3:159. Visconti-Mongez eng. after head (from Villa Mattel, Gregorian mus.) Jiirb. d. kuns- thist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1885) 3: pi. 4, fig. 136 138 (2 medallions)* Constantius, d. 354. Jiirb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) 11:60, 61, & pi. 1, fig. 338, 341 (4 medals)* GALLUS, Jean. L’Art (1885) 39:199. Anto- nio Moro p. 1559. D. Mordant sc. Michel, Ijcs mus. d’Allemagne (1879) 218. Antonio Moro p. 15.59. D. Mordant sc. GALLUS 557 GAMBIER Mme Jean. L’Aet (1885) 39:200. Antonio Moro p. D. Mordant sc. Michel, Lcs mus. d’Alle- magnc (1879) 236. Antonio Moro p. D. Mordant sc. GALLWEY, Henry Lionel, lieut -col. 1859- Illus. Load, news (1902) 121:810.* Sir Kalph William Payne-, 3d bart. 1848- Vanity fair album (1893) 25: pi. .571. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Stephen Payne-. Oust, Hist. soc. of Dilettanti (1898) 222. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1779* (group) Mrs Stephen Payne- (Philadelphia De Lancey) Frankau, J. R. Smith (1902) portfolio:pl. 6. Sir J. Reynolds p. J. R. Smith eng. Portfolio (1884) 15:1. p.* 1779 (entitled Pickaback) GALOFR^, Baldomero, 1848-1902. L’Art (1890) 49:62. Niccola Sanesi del.* Harper’s mag. (1888) 76:496. GALPm, Sydney C. Mao. of art (1899) 23:319.* GALT, Sir Alexander TiUoch, 1817-93. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 2:181. lith. Illl’s. Lond. news (1893) 103:406.* John, 1779-1839. Besant, 50 years ago (1888) 86. drawing* (Fraser gall.) Bookman (1895) 2: 139. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:183. G. Hast- ings f.* Ladies’ m. mus. (1824) imp. ser. 20:181. Maclise gall. (1873) 24. Daniel Maclise del. Mus. of for. lit. and sci. (1831) 19:241. W. Keenan etch. GALTON, Sir Douglas Strutt, 1822-99. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:295.* —(1899) 114:373.* Francis, 1822- Pop. sci. m. (1886) 29:1. Samuel, 1753-1832. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. {X>r. 3: pi. 27. Longastre p.* GALVANI, Aloisio, 1737-98. Pop. sci. m. (1892) 41:291. GALVIN, George William, m. d. 1854- Arena (1904) 32:472.* GALWAY, viscountess, Catherine Elizabeth (Hanfield) w. of 9th viscount, 1783-1862. Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 65, fig. 3. Grimaldi p.* (viscount Galway coll.) 10th viscount, George Edward Monckton- Arundell, 1805-76. Baily’s mag. (1870) 19:171. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68: 195. wdct. after photo. 11th viscount, George Edmund Milnes Monck- ton-ArundeU, 1844- Baily’s mag. (1878) 31:187. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news ( 1877) 70:121. wdct. after photo. V’anity fair album G899) 31 :pl. 705. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GALWEY, Thomas F. 1846- Catii. world (1897) 65:132. GAMA, Saldanha da, Brazilian admiral. Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:124. wdct. Vasco da, 14.501-1524. Allg. wcltgcschichte (1891) 6:640. eng.* (ms. Pedro Baretto de Re.senda, Br. mus.) Beazley, Prince Henry the Navigator (1895) 314. p.* (poss. count of Lavradio) Irving, Columbus, Quadri-centen. ed. (1892) 2:265 (old print, Sloane ms.) Ruge, Gesch. dcs zeitalters der entdec- kungcn (1^1) 111. p. (from Stanley’s The 3 voyages of Vasca da Gama. Hakluyt soc. poss of count de Lapradio) — p. 135. eng. (ms. Pedro Baretto de Rescnda, Brit, mus.) Stephens, Story of Portugal (1891) 168. eng.* (from ms. Brit, mus.) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:364. vignette. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:42. eng. after p. (poss. count do Lavradio) GAMAZO, Senor, Spanish minister of public works. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:586. GAMBA, baron, Francesco, director gen. Pina- cotheca rcale, Turin. L’Art (1880) 22:2^. Niccola Sanesi del. eng. Enrico, d. 1883. L’^Vrt (1884) 36 : 152. GAMBACCIANI, Francesco, 1701- Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:13. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. GAMBETTA, Joseph, f. of L^on. Cent. (1883) 3:708. Leon, 1838-82. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:365. G. P. A. Healy p.* Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1881)6:313. II. B. Hall, jr. eng.? L’Art (1877) 9:283. Jules Buisson del. — (1887)43:189. Ringel f. Ringel del. (medallion) Bolton, Poor hoys (1885) 204. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiscrreichcs (1890) 501. La Fosse lith. 1876.* Cent. (1883) 3:643. E. Boctzel f.* 19ieme si^cle (1901) 395. Chaplain sc.* (medal) — (1901) 404. mask* (mus. Camavalet) Eclectic mag. (1871) 76:385. Geo. E. Ferine eng. Gal. con- temp. (1876) pi. 28. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 16:365. Healy p. T. de Marc eng. — (1883) ser. 2, 27 : 122. Bonnat f. 1883. eng. (upon death bed) Harper’s w. (1870) 14:104. wdct. —(1877) 21:553. wdct. — (18^) 27 : 17. wdct. Healy, Remin. (1894) 188. G. P. A. Healy p.* Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:102.* IIozier, Franco-Prussian war, 2:79. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1877) 57:405. wdct. —(1881) 79:541.* —(1883) 82:29. Latimer, France in 19th cent. (1892) 382. Lebon, Mod. France (1898) 383. Martin, Hist, de France depuis 1789 (1885) 7:337. L. Lefrancq del. & sc. Men of mark (1882) 6:31. photo. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:221. Healy p.* Petit de Julleville, Hist, de lang. ct lit. franf. (1899) 8:516.* Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:15. eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:198. vignette. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 127. lith after cari- cature. W’ashburne, Recol. (1887) 2:342. eng. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 345.* GAMBLER, 1st baron, James Gambier, admiral, 1756-1833. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 53. Sir William Beechev p. G. Bartolozzi eng. Clowes, Royal navy (1900) 5:212. Beechey p. W. Evans del.* Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. Beechey p. W. Holl eng. GAMBLE 558 GABOIN So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6; pi. 16. Beechcy p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:61. Beechey p. W. Holl eng. GAMBLE, Hamilton Rowan, 1798-1864. Green bag (1891) 3:165. Robert. Arminian mag. (1789) 12:225 (age 25) Thomas, u. s. n. 1783-1818. Analectic mag. (1819)13:413. S. Waldo p. J. B. Longacre sc. GAMBRIVnjS, German chief. Jurb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 2. P. Flotnerf.* (bas-relief) — 16:14, fig. 12. GAMENARA, Manuel, 1794- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:370.* GAMMAGE, Robert G. d. 1888. Gammage, Hist, of Chartist movement (1894) 387.* GAMMAN, Isabel, dau. of II. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 15. Marie Seymour Lucas p.* (child por.) GANDERAX, Louis, 1855- Critic (1902) 40:130.* GANDOLPHE, JerSme Claude, 1749- Biog. moderne (1807) 296. Labadye del. Courbe sc. GANE, George Augustus, of Leominster, Mass. 18.50- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2189. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. John Lawrence, m. p. 1838-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:470.* GANESSE, marquis de la, Diego Fehpe de Guz- man, 1590- See Legands. GANGANELLI, Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio, 1705-74. See Clement XIV, pope. GANKOFER, Georg, architect, d. 1488. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. GANN, Miss. Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1 :32. eng. (with Miss Phillips in Cherry and Fair Star) GANNETT, Mrs Benjamin 1760-1827. See Sam- son, Deborah. Ezra Stiles, d. d. 1801-71. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:861. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:6.50. Rowse del. GANG, Daniel, of Cincinnati, O. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:247. G. Kruell sc. John, 1727-1804. Guild, Early hist, of Brown univ. (1897) 40. eng.* (from Cathcart’s Baptist en- cyclop.) GANSBACHER, Joseph, prof. Vienna conserva- tory of music. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:836. GANSEVOORT, Leonard, 1751-1810. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62 -.537. Goetse sc.* Peter, 1749-1812. Baxter, Godchild of Wash- ington (1897) 365. Gilbert Stuart p.* Bonney, Legacy of hist, gleanings (1875) 1:81. Stuart p. J. F. E. Prud’homme eng. Cincinnati, Inst. (1886) 210. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1 :297. Stuart p. Prud’homme eng. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1861) 23:327. eng. — 5^77) 55: 174. eng. Jour, of milit. exped. of Sulli- van (1887) 479. eng. N. Y. in the rev. (1898) 40. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:^7. eng.* (from Lossing’s Field-book of Am. rev.) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:629. Stuart p. Prud’- homme sc. GANTRELLE, Jules Joseph, 1809-93. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1896) 62:45. Lauwers sc. J. B. Van Campenhout imp. GANTT, James Britton, 1845- Green bag (1891) 3:187.* GARAKONTHEE, Daniel, d. 1676. Cath. world (1894) 59 : front. 69, 73, 77. Kelly f. GARAMOND, Claude, d. 1561. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. biicherhandels ( 1853-1865) 43. J. C. Baum lith. after wdet. GARAT, comie, Dominique Joseph, 1749-1833. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:298. Labadye del. Voyer, jr. sc. Dominique, VaitU-, 1735-99. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:298. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. GARBETT, James, 1802-79. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:373. GARBI, Signor. Gaz. d. In-aux arts (1904) ser. 3, 32:293. Vincent del.* Signora. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1904) ser. 3, 32:292. Vincent del.* GARBEERI, Lorenzo (II Nipote) 1580-1654. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:211. eng. GARBUTT, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1828) 51 : 145. J. Renton p. W. T. Fry sc. GARCELON, Alonzo, gov. of Me. 1813- New Eng. mag. (1895) n. s. 13:516. GARCHET. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 277. St Meinin del. & eng. 1800.* GARCIA, Clementina, teacher in Cuba. Out- look (1900) 65:774. Pauline {Mme Viardot) 1821- See Viardot. GARCIA liJiGTJEZ, Calixto, general, 1840-98. Harper’s w. (1897) 41:89. —(1898) 42:1263. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:41 9. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:377. R. of rev. (1899) 19:2.* GARCILASO DE LA VEGA, 1.503-36. Carde- RERA Y Solano, Iconog. e.spafiola (1864) 2: pi. 73. V. Carderera del. after p. B. Blanco lith (coll, of le Conde de Onatc) Jaiirb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml (1893) 14:178. p.* GARCIN, Jules, 1330- Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:491. J. Reich eng. GARDEL 559 GARDNER GAKDEL, Maximilien Leopold Philippe Joseph, dancer, 1741-87. L’Art (1883) 35:ltH). Boquet del. after eng. (with Mile Asselin, from Ju- llien’s Hist, du costume, au thd&tre) Pierre Gabriel, 1758-1840. Les lettres et les arts (1888) 4:219. Duterte p. Cor^e, sc. GARDEN, A. P. capt. of Capitol police. Outlook (1899) 61:34. Alexander, major, 1757-1829. Wiiittemoue, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) sup. no. 2:83. E. W. Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 15:159. photo, (with Annie Hughes & E. S. Willard in Middle- man) — (1891) ser. 4, 17:153. photo, (with EflBe Clements in La cigale) Francis {Lord Gardenstone) 1721-93. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 :pl. 7. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. Hugh Richardson, 1840- Nat. mag. (1892) 16:82. eng. Mary, opera singer. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:667.* Peter, of Aberdeenshire. Scribner’s m. (1875) 11:37 eng. (age 131) GARDENER, Helen Hamilton, 1858- Arena (1890)3:61.* —(1895)11:192.* GARDENHIRE, Samuel Major, 1855- Har- per’s w. (1904) 48:128.* GARDENSTONE, Lord, Scotch judge, 1721-93 See Garden, Francis. GARDET, Georges, sculptor, 1863- L’Art (1894) 57:313. —(1902) 61:. 350.* GARDETTE, James, dentist. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 2.50. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* GARDIE family name. See La Gardie. GARDINER, Miss. Ballou’s pictorial (1857) 13:113. Champney del. eng. (age 16) Addison, 1797-1883. Green bag (1890) 2:281. Alexander, colonel, d. 1864. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:716. wdct. Arthur, bicycler. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:366. wdct. Asa Bird, 1839- Harper’s w. (1899) 43:882. —(1901) 45:19. David Lion, 1816-92. N. Y. oeneal. & biog. record (1892) 23:1.59. Williams eng. Mrs E. W. See Rorke, Kate. Edward, nephew of artist. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 68. Gaimsborough p.* (preliminary study for a Blue Boy; poss. of Rev. E. Gardiner) F. W. Theatre (1886) ser. 4, 8:235. photo, (in group, A run of luck) Frances. Cath. world (1893) 56:465. Hampden S. arctic explorer, d. 1884. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:485. wdct. Sir Henry Lynedoch, general, 1820-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:243.* —111:917.* James, colonel, 1688-1745. Por. illus Waverley novels, pi. 2. Whincop’s p. R. Cooper eng. John, 1731-93. Foote, Ann. of King’s Chapel (1896) 2:3.57. J. S. Copley p.* John Lyon, d. 1816. Mao. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:27. Mrs John Lyon (Sarah Griswold) Mao. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:26. John Sylvester John, d. d. 1765-1830. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8 :142. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:453. eng. Mrs Luke (Elizabeth Montgomery) w. of viset. Mountjoy, 1751-83. Masters in art (1900) pt. 7, 1 : pi. 5. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1773* (3 ladies adorn- ing a term of Hymen; Nat. gall.) Nathaniel, m. d. 1759-1804. Abbatt, Crisis of the rev. (1899) 62. miniature* (poss. of Mrs D. Lyon Gardiner) Samuel Buell, 1815-82. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:29. Samuel Rawson, 1829-1902. Critic (1901) 38:498. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (190.3) 4:3.35.* Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:533.* — (1902) 120:301.* Samuels. Mao. of Am. hist. (1887) 18:381. Silvester, 1707-86. Foote, Ann. of King’s Chapel (1896) 2:147. J. S. Copley p. H. W. Smith eng. Stephen, bp. of Winchester, 1483-1555. L’Art (1881) 24:268. Hans Hollx-in p. Eugfene Gaujean sc. Art j. (1889) 41 :308. Quintin Matsys f. Bioo.mirrour (1795) l:pl. 35. S. Harding del after p. W. N. Gard- iner sc. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1 :328. S. Harding eng.* Lives of illust. persons (1820) J. W. Cook sc. Secretan, Cat. of paintings (1889) 2:33. Quinten Matsys p. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 1 :pl. 62. p.* Lady [Thomas], Cary (Verney) 1626-1704. See Verney, Cary. GARDINER family name. See titles Blessington; Mountjoy. GARDIOL, curd de Callian. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:301. Godefroy del. Mas.sard sc. GARDNER, 1st baron. Sir Alan Gardner, admiral, 1742-1809. Clowes, Royal navy (1899) 4:238. W. Daniell p. 1794. George Danct' del. — (19(X)) 5:100. Ridley eng. after p.?* European mag. (1794) 26:315. Pierson eng. after p. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 3. Beechey p. Fenner & co. eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:89. Beechey p. eng. 2d baron. Sir Alan Hyde Gardner, vice-admiral, 1770-1815. CixjWEs, Royal navy (ISOO) 5:115. II. Eldridge p. H. R. Cook eng.* (miniature) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 4. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. H. Cook eng. GARDNER 560 GARIBALDI 3d baron, Sir Alan Legge Gardner, 1810-83. Vanity fair album (1883) 15; pi. 427. Spy f. lith. (car- icature) Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:120. Lawrence p. II. Cook eng. baroness, Frances Margaret (Hughes) w. of 3d baron, d. 1847. IIeatu’s book of beauty (1840) 97. J. Bostock p. \V. 11. Mote eng. lion. Miss. Court scrap-book (1842) pi. 25. Miss E. Kendrick p. J. Cochran sc. (miniature) Mrs F. J. Roy. acad. pict. (189.5) 66. H. T. Wells p.* Francis, master Boston Latin school. Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:712. eng.? Knowlton (H. M.) Art life of W. M. Hunt (Bost. 1899) 54. W. M. Hunt p.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:686. Frank S. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:369. wdct. George W. of Cleveland, Ohio, 1834- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:776. eng. Henry Joseph, gov. of Mass. 1819-92. Glea- son’s pictorial (18M) 7.3.52. John jlndn*w sc. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:654. Mrs James. See Rorke, Kate. James Tynte Agg, m. p. 1846- Illds. Lond. news (1900) 117:480.* John Dunn, 1811-1903. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:116.* Robert, 1763-1818. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. CO. (1897) 2:.304. Robert Richardson-, 1827- Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 242. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GARDNER family name. See also title Burghclere. GARDOQUI, Don Diego. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 46. F. G. y Lucientes p. (miniature) Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1889) 227. p.* (from Bowen’s Washington centennial, 1889) GARDYNE, Mrs D. G. Bruce- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124; May 28, sup. p. 2. Catherine Ouless p.* GARFIELD, Mrs Eliza (Ballou) mother of pres. 18CX1-88. Harper’s w. (1881) 25: (165. Avdct. Hol- loway, Ladies of the White house (1886) 2:503. J. Sartin eng. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:321.* Harry Augustus, 1863- Outlook (1903) 75:. 570.* James Abram, pres. IJ. S. 1831-81. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) 147. Alm. de Gotha (1882) front. A. Weger sc. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (1887) 2:.599. H. B. Hall, jr. eng. after photo. Bolton, Famous Am. statesmen (1888) 361. eng. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 61 eng. after photo. Cent. (1881) 1:169. daguerr.* (age 16) —1:173* (in 1880) —(1882) 1:432.* —(1886) 10:.586. Charles II. Niehaus sc.* (statue, Cincinnati) —(1887) 11:955.* —(1895) 28:559. daguerr.* Duyckinck, Lives & por. of the pres. (1881) 230. II. & C. Koevoets eng. Getciieli,, Our nation’s executives (1885) 338. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Har- per’s w. (1862) 6:157. wdct. —(1877) 21 ; 125. wdct. —(1880) 24:408, 740. wdct. —(1881) 25:481, 641. wdct. — 25:648-9. wdct. (after death) — (1887) 31:341. J. Q. A. Ward sc. wdct. (statue) Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4:pl. 25. Miss Ransom p.* Illus. Lond. news (1880) 77 :465.* — (1881) 79:24,* 309.* —(1894) 105:14. McClure’s mag. (1894) 3 : 245* (6 por.) —(1896) 6 : 269* (4 por.) — ( 1 898) 10:355. Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 11 :205. eng. after photo. Moore, Rebellion record (1867) 10:94. A. H. Ritchie eng. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:167. -—(1896) n. s. 14:338. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:96.* Por. m. (1864) 1 : 104. wdct. R. of rev. (1903) 27:427.* Richardson, Messages of pres. (1898) 8:2. eng. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:268.* — 18:269. daguerr.* — (1899) 25:166. Sherman, Recoil. (1895) 2:822. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:236. J. L. G. Ferris f.* & vignette. Stone, Our French allies (1884) 546. J. C. Buttre eng. Taft, Hist, of Am. sculpture (1903) 396. Charles Nie- haus sc.* (statue, Cincinnati) Townsend, Our pres. (1889)344. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5:155.* Wilson, Pres, of U. S. (1894)426. H. B. Hall, jr. eng. Mrs James Abram (Lucretia Rudolph) 1832- Harper’s w. (1881) 25:581. wdct. Holloway, Ladies of the White house ( 1886) 2 : 482. S. Sartin eng. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:321.* M.ag. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:398. James Rudolph, 1865- Outlook (1902) 71 :27. R. OF rev. (1903) 27:268.* World’s work (1903) 5:3263.* GARGAN, Thomas J. 1844- Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 236. J. P. Murphy co. eng. GARGITJLO, A. A. McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:587.* GARIBALDI, Giuseppe, 1807-82. Allg. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:152.* Am. ann. cyclop. (1866) 6:410. Archer, Gladstone & his conteinp. (1883) 2:152. lith. after photo. Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 172. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 314.* Cent. (1882) 2:496. —(1893) 23:591. Richard Gross f.* De-mocratic rev. (1852) 31 : 193. J. Ourdan sc. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:624. photo. Eclectic mag. (1860) 51 : 145. J. Sartain eng. after photo. Fagan, Reform club (1887) 108. L. Fagan del.* Harper’s w. (ia59) 3:385. wdct. — (1860) 4:353. wdct. after equestr. por. — 4:540. wdct. — 4:720. Pagliano p. wdct. — (1862) 6:673. Beauc^ p. wdct. (wounded and a prisoner) —(1867) 11:657. wdct. —(1871)15:4. wdct. —(1882) 26:360. wdct. —26:381. Thos. Nast del. wdet. Hozier, Franco- Prussian war, 2:81. W. Holl eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 80; June 10, sup.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:557-59. W. Holl eng. after photo. McClure’s mag. (1896) 8:4.* Martin EN(iO-CESARi:.sco, Liliera- tion of Italy (1895) front. Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 209. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:337. C. Ademollo f.* & vignette. Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 181. T. f. lith. (caricature) Werck.meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 512.* Menotti, s. of Giuseppe*. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:709. wdct. GARIONI 561 GARKETT GARIONI, Italian colonel in China. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:151.* GARLAND, Augustus Hill, 1832-99. Harper’s w. (1883) 27;77. wdct. —(1885) 29:169. wdct. —(1886) 30:64. wdct. —(1899) 43:112. Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 401. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:573. Hamlin, 1860- America’s grtst men & women (1894)210. Arena (1890)3:97.* —(1892)5:253.* Bookman (1896) 2:462 (statue bust)* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:432 (2 por.)* —(1903) 47:1921* (in 1903) Lamp (1^3) 27:350.* McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:239* (5 por.) i/rs Hamlin (Zulime Taft) Book buyer (1900) 20:190. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:433. Hugh A. of St Louis, Mo. 1805-54. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:657. J. C. Buttre eng. after dagucrr. Samuel, 1830-62. Cent. (1886) 10:141.* GARLINGTON, Ernest Albert, 1853- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1168. wdct. GARNEAU, Fran 9 ois Xavier, 1809-66. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:619. eng. (from Daniel’s Nos gloires nationales) GARNER, J. R. engineer. McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:253.* Richard Lynch, 1848- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:1036. wdct. — (1894) 38:297. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:365. wdct. after photo. William T. 1840-76. Harper’s w. (1876) 20:653. wdct. GARNERIN, Andrd Jacques, aeronaut, 1769- 1823. Turnor, Astra castra (1865) 462. E. H. Locker del. 1802.* GARNETT, Henry, 1555-1606. Foley, Records Eng. province of Society of Jesus (1878) 4:lront. —(1882) 7, pt. 2:288. Henry Highland, 1815-82. Harper’s w. (1881) 25.542. wdct. Nelly. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 73, fig. 3. J. Smart p. 1770* (E. M. Hodgkins coll.) Richard, 1835-1906. Acad. (1899) 56: 223 (from Ser. of por, of contrib. to Encycl. Brit.) — 57:377. J. Collier p.* Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:.598. —(1899) 114:295.* Lib. j. (1899) 24:559. p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 27. George Frampton sc.* (bust) Vanity fair album (1895) 27: pi. 618. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Richard Brooke, 1819-63. Cent. (1887) 11.630. Thomas, 1574-1608. Foley, Records Eng. province of Siociety of Jesus (1883) 7, pt. 2:1430. p.* (English coll. Valladolid) Thomas, 1766-1802. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:846. GARNICA, Josd de. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 1 13 : 559. Outlook (1898) 60 : 577. GARNIER, Charles, 1746-95. 19ieme sifecle (1901) 298. Paul Baudry p.* Gal. contemp. (1876) 1. 29. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1876) ser. 2, 13:621. arpeaux sc. Duvivier (bust) — (1898) ser. 3, 20:341. Chaplain f.* (medal; age 70) — (1900) ser. 3, 24:213. J. B. Carpeaux sc.* (bust) Internat. studio (1898) 6: 17. T. C. Chaplain f. (medal; age 70) New Eno. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:591. Carpeaux sc. (bust) Fran 9 ois, 1839-73. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 20 : 137. Denys Puech sc.* (bust on monument) Robert, 1534-90. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1897) ser. 3, 17:151. Michel II Bourdin sc. (bust. Chateau du Luart) GARNIER DE NAPOLI, d. 1187. Vertot d’Aubceue, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 :83. Cars sc. GARNIER-PAGilS, Etienne Joseph Louis, 1801-41. Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un pieuple, 6 : pi. 15. Pauquet del. Rosotte sc. Tlmon, Livre dcs orateurs (1844) 349. Marckl p. Tony Gouti^re sc. Louis Antoine, 1803-78. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:456. wdct. after photo. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 1:13. J. Reich eng. GAROFALO, Benvenuto, painter, 1481-15.59. Penny mag. (1845) 14:60. Harvey del. H. L. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 141. eng. GAROFOLO,R. 1852- Green bag (1898) 10:384.* GARRAN DE COULON, Jean Philippe, 1749- 1816. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 7:404. GARRARD, Kenner, general, 1830-79. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:85. wdct. Marc, 1561-1635. See Gheeraerts, Marcus, jr. GARRAUD, Eugene, actor, 18.30-93. L’Art (1877) 8:88. Paul Renouard del. (as Christel) GARREATJ, Pierre, d. 1881 ? Larpenteur, 40 years a fur trader (18^) 1 : 124 (in 1879) GARRETSON, Hiram, 1817-76. Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 3:312. eng. GARRETT, Alexander Charles, bp. of northern Tex. 1832- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 228. Rev. Charles, 1825-. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:141.* Edmund William, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:129.* F. Edmund, 1865- Notables of Brit. (1897) 85.* George Mursell, 1834-97. Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 205. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Illus. I^nd. news (1897) 110:516.* John A. colonel, 1824-77. Annals of Iowa (1871) 9:393. 24288—06 36 GARRETT 562 GARRISON John Worth, 1820-84. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:651. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1888) 4:476. eng. Rev. Philip. Metii. mag. (1819) 42:481. Jack- son p. Holl sc.* Robert, 1847-96. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:799. wdct. — (1886) 30:29. wdct. Thomas, 1783-1871. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:111. GARRETTSON, Rev. Freeborn. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1827) 50:721. J. Paradise p. W. T. Fry eng. GARRICK, Mrs {Miss Gray) singer. La belle assembl4e (1818) n. s. 17:99. Rose Emma Drum- mond p. J. Thomson eng. David, 1716-79. Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) 28. Gainsborough p. ? 1768.* L’Art (1875) 1:125. Hogarth p. Tourfaut eng. Art j. (1855) 7:42. Hogarth p. H. Bourne eng. (with his wife) — (1902) 54:162. Hogarth p.* (Windsor; with his wife) Balcu, Glimpses of old Eng. homes (1890) 139. p.* (pastel, Cliiswick house) Bell, Gainsbor- ough (1897) 74. Gainsborough p.* (Christ church, Oxford) Biog. mag. (17^) Sir J. Reynolds p. Burnley or Bumloy sc. — (1819) 1:36. Holl sc. Biog. mirrour(1802)3:pl. 26. S. Harding del. after p. J. Ogborne sc. (as Richard HI) Book bu 3 ’er (1902) 25:30-33. por.* (in various characters) Britton, Fine arts of the Eng. school (1812) 51. Reynolds p. Anthony Cardon eng. (between Tragedy & Comedy) Cath. world (1895) 61:775. Cent. (1897) 32:322. Hogarth p. 1* (with his wife) Critic (1901) 38:37. Sir J. Reynolds p. W. II. Worthington eng.* Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:41. Luke Sullivan p.* — 2:41. R. Pl Pine p.* — 2:41. J. K. Sherwin del.* — 2:41. bust.* Doran, Annals of Eng. stage (1888) 1:36, 135, 236, 355, 426 various por. — 2:front. Zoffany p. eng. (with his wife plaving piquet) — 2 : 74, 108, 277. —2:289. wdct. (as Macbeth) --2:304 (between Tragedj’ & Comedy) — 2 : 335 (as Sir John Bute. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:106. R. E. Pine p. Eclectic mag. (1849) 16:1. — (1858) 44: front. James Doyle p. J. Sartain eng. (a literair party at Sir Joshua Rey- nolds’) — 45:139. Hogarth p. ? J. Sartain eng. (with his wife) Effigies poeticse (1824) 2:pl. 119. Gainsborough p. T. Uwins del. W. Sharp eng. European mag. (1809) 56:243. Rejmolds p. Schiaranotti sc. Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2: pi. 45. Rej’nolds p. 1762. Edward Fi^er sc.* (between Tragedy and Comedy) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. ( 1903) 3 : 340. Reynolds f .* Hall, Royal gall, of art, l:pl. 5. Hogartli p. H. Bourne sc. (with his wife) Harper’s mag. (1868) 37: 172. eng. — (1875) 51:792 (with his wife) — (1879) 59:53. Tinkey sc.* — (1892) 85:623. death mask.* Harper’s w. (1891) 35:875. wdct. (as Hamlet) — (1895) 39:2.56. Pine p. wdct. — (1900) 44:2^. Wilson p.* (as Ham- let) lIiRTii, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:2059. Hogarth p. Hogarth & C. Grignion eng. (as Richard HI) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 46. Hogarth p. G. Cooke sc. (as Richard III) — (1811) 7: pi. 19. R. Sands sc. Hogarth, Compl. wks. Ilannay, 163. Hogarth p. Portbury sc. (as Richard HI) Hut- ton, Por. in plaster (1894) 21. life mask.* Lee. Shakespeare (1899) 277. R. E. Pine p. *( Nat. por. gall. ) Lond. mag. (1749) 18:282. eng. —(1796) 38:405. Miller sc. Masters in art (1902) pt. 34, 3: pi. 9. Hogarth p.*(with his wife) Monthly mirror (1807) n.s. 1:297. Reynolds p. Freeman eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:553. R. E. Pine p. Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 25. Hogarth p. H. Bourne eng. (with his wife) Penny mag. (1837) 6:188. eng. (as Macbeth) Portfolio (1894) no. 9:31. Gainsborough p.* Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 50. Gainsborough p. T. Uwins del. W. Sharp eng. Redford, Art sales (1888) 1 :39. Reynolds p.* (between Tragedy and Com- edy) Reynolds, Eng. l;pl. 31. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. (between Tragedy and Comedy) — 1 :64. Sir J. Reynolds p. S.W. Reynolds eng. Ryan, Dram, table talk (1825) 2:182. W. Read eng. Seid- LiTz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 88. R. E. Pine p. W. Dickinson sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:210, pi. 20. J. Zoffany p. I. Dixon eng. 1791 (as Abel Drugger) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5:pl. 12. Reynoldisp.* (between Tragedy and Comedy) — 5: pi. 13. Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland p.* — 5: pi. 14. Reynolds p.* (with his wife, son, and daughter) Thrale. Sk. of life (1891) 94. ^ffany p. J. Dixon sc. (as Abel Drugger) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 37. Pine p. Charles Warren eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 242. Pinep.* Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 44. Pine p. William Dickinson sc. 1776. Whitman, Samuel William Reynolds (1903) 120. N. Dance p. S. W. Reynolds mezzo. 1825* (as Richard HI) Mrs David (Eva Maria Violette) 1724-1822. Craig, Dr. Johnson & the fair sex (1895) 126. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 2:198. Hi^arth p. wdct. Harper’s mag. (1868) 37:177. Zoffany p. eng. Ladies’ m. mus. (1820) 12:61. Rose Emma Drum- mond p. T. Woolnoth eng. Lond. mag. (1749) 18:282. eng. Timbs, Eng. eccen. (1877) 374. (in her youth) See also Garrick, David. Sir James Francis, 1835- Illus. Lond. news (1886)89:173. GARRISON, Abraham, 1804- Mag. of West, hist. (1885) 2:562. eng. Charles Grant, 1849- Green bag (1891) 3:507.* ComeUus Kingsland, 1809-85. Harper’s w. (1885) 29:292. wdct. N. Y. mem. hist. (1895) 90. eng. from Mag. of West. hist. Parton, Men of prog- ress (1870-71) 195. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Daniel Randall, 1815- Mao. of West. hist. (1889) 10:210. eng. Mrs Joseph (Theodosia Pickering) Book- man (1902) 16:16.* WiUiam Lloyd, 1804-79. Alcott, Sonnets (1882) 145. Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 156. Cent. (1885) 8:448.* —8:594. 'Swain p.* (in youth) — 8:596. daguerr. 1851* (with Geoi^e Thompson and Wend^ Phillips) —(1887) 15:398. Olin Warner sc.* (statue, Boston) Garrison, Story of life (1885) l:front. Anne Whitney sc. eng. (bust, age 72) — 1:1. M. C. Torrey p. J. Sartain mezzo, (age 30) —1:56. Swain 'p. eng. (age 20) — (1889) 3: front, eng. after daguerr. (age 35) GARRISON 563 — 3:358 eng. after daguerr. (age 47) — 4: front.* (age69) Harper’s w. (1870) 14:325. wdct. — (1879) 23:465. wdct. Holley, A life for liberty (1899) 96. Hutchinson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1:88. — 2:234. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:537.* Liberty bell (1846) front, eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 7:553. Anne Whitney sc. (bust) New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:441. Grozelier lith. 1854. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:80.* Outlook (1898) 59:44 (with Wendell Phillips) —59:47. —60:53.* (in 1876) —(1902) 71:869. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 148. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:439. Warner sc.* (statue, Boston) Stowe, Men of our times (1868) pi. 3. H. W. Smith eng. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 3:373. eng. after daguerr. 18531 Mrs William Lloyd (Helen Eliza Benson) 1811-76. Garrison, Story of life (1885) 2: front, eng. after daguerr. (age 42) New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:455. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 152. GAE.ROD, Sir Alfred Baring, m. d. 1819- Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:227.* Alfred Henry, m. d. 1846-79. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 75:424.* GABROW, Sir William, 1760-1840. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:59. Romney p. 1785* (Mrs R. W. Hudson coll.) GARSTIN, Sir William Edmund, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:590. —(1902) 121:944.* GARTH, Sir Samuel, 1661-1719. Bioo. mag. (1794) Sir G. Kneller p. F. Sansom sc. Birch, Heads (1813) 211. Kneller p. J. Houbraken sc. 1748. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:217. Kneller? p.* Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:317. W. Hogarth del. wdct. (with Pope) Effigies poeticse (1824) 2: pi. 84. Sir Godfrey Kneller p. G. Clint del. R. Newton eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:179. Kneller p.* (Bayfordbury) KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. Kneller p. Cooper sc. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1901) 2:665. T. Cook eng. 1 Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 15. Kneller p. G. Clint del. R. Newton eng. Thomas Colleton. Vanity fair album (1895) 27:front. lith. after caricature. — (1896) 28: pi. 661. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GARTHSHOBNE, Mrs Dr, of Bath. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 25. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature; coll. C. S. Gulbenkian) GARTRELL, Rev. James. Meth. mag. (1819) 42:81. Blood sc. Lucius J. general, 1821-91. Avert, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 557. Harper’s w. (1861) 5:1. wdct. GARVE, Christian, 1742-98. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18W) pi. 112. eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 243. Anton Graff p. C. Geyser eng.* GARVEY, Andrew J. n. y. politician. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:237. wdct. GASSEL GARY, Elbert Henry, judge, 1846- McClure’s mag. (1901) 18:5.* George, 1824- Mao.oI West. hist. (1889) 10:728. James Albert, 1833- Outlook (1897) 55:646. Joseph Easton, 1821- Cent. (1893) 23:804. GARZA, Catarino. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:93. wdct. GARZEZ, Martin, d. 1601. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 2: book 14, p. 59. Cars sc. GARZI, Lodovico (or Luigi) 1638-1721 . Dezal- LiER d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux pcintres (1762) 1:101. eng. GASCA, Pedro de la, 1485-1560. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1899) 2:M9. eng. after p. — 2:540. eng. after eng. (from Herrara, 1728.) GASCOIGNE, George, 15251-77. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:134. eng.* (Brit. mus. presenting his book to the queen) Lives of illus. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) 1 :pl. 87. eng. after rare wdct. Richard, d. 1716. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:74. eng. Sir William, 13501-1419. Art union (1843) 5:106. efSgy. wdct. after Gough (in Harwood church, Yorkshire) Kingsford, Heniy V (1901) 90. effigy* (from altar tomb, Harwood church, Yorkshire) Shakespeare illus. (1793) 2: pi. 106. W. Bury del. from his monument at Harwood. S. Harding sc. GASCOYNE, Sir Crisp, 1700-61. Lond. mag. (1754) 23:318. eng. GASCOYNE-CECIL family name. See title Salis- bury. GASELEE, Sir Alfred, brig.-gen. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:870.* GASIEWSKI, Vincent. Bartoszewicz, Helmani Polscy koronni (1862) pi. 15. W. Gerson del. Aschen- brenner lith. GASKELL, Amy, aftw. Mrs Bonham. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 55:81. Burne-Jones p. 1893.* If rs Elizabeth Cleghom (Stevenson) 1810-65. Bookman (1896)3:315. —(1899) 10: 113 (bas-relief).* Critic (1896) ^:354. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. li„ (1903)4:285. George Richmond f.* — 4:286. bust, before 1832* (p»oss. of Miss Gaskell) IlAMiLTONt Women writers (1893) 2: front. GASPARS, Jan Baptist, painter, 16201-91. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:51. wdct. GASSEL, Lucas van (Lucas van Helmont) 15201-61 1 Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:419. eng. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 21. I. H. W. p. Th. Galle ex. GASSELIN DE FRESNAY 564 GATTAMELATA GASSELIN DE FRESNAY, Augustin Andr6, 1802-89. L’Akt (1877) 10:64. Jules Buisson del.* GASSENDI, Pierre, 1592-1655. Bourgeois, Grand sifeclc (1896) 287. Varin sc. (medallion; coll, of baron J^r6me Pichon) Dreux du Radier, L’Europc illus. (1777) V. 5. C. Mellan Gall eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1888) ser. 2, 38:179. Claude Mellan p. Per- RAULT, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1 :63. Jac. Lubin sc. PoR. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® slides (1805) l:pl. 32. Jac. Lubin sc. GASSER, Hans, sculptor, 1817-68. Zxscii. f. bil- dende kunst (1871) 6:281. Fr. Krichuber del. F. W. Bader sc. GASSICOURT, Louis Claude Cadet de, 1731-99. See Cadet. GASSION, comte de, Jean, marshal, 1609-47. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. N. R. p. Bonnet eng. Perrault, Les hommes illus. (1700) 2:33. Edelinck sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17® et 18® sifecles (1805) 2:pl. 67. Edelinck sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1402. Jean Alaux p. A. Geille eng. GASTANAGE, marquis, Antonio August. ScuENCK, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 33. eng. GASTAUD, Angele. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:568. A. Perrot p.* (child por. pastel) Knack- fuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 65:88,89,91. Dona- tello f.* (statue, Padua) GASTE, N. de, gr. master Knights of Malta, d. 1170. See Castus. GASTELIER, Rene Georges, 1741-1821. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. 8:7. M“® Foullon p. Fremy del. & sc. GASTINEAU, Henry, painter, 1791-1876. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:133. wdet. after photo. GASTON, William, n. c. judge, 1778-1844. Green bag (1892) 2:525. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1835) 2:pl. 27. G. Cooke p. A. B. Durand eng. William, gov. of Mass. 1820-94. Bay state m. (1885) 2:243. Metropolitan pub. & eng. co. N. Y. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2126. W. II. Brett eng. co. eng. Harper’s w. (1874) 18:981. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1902) n s. 25:660. Rep. men of Mass. (1898) 197. W. H. Brett eng. co. eng. William Alexander, 1859- Rep. men of Mass. (1898) 288. E. G. Williams & bro. eng. R. of rev. 0902) 26:537.* GASTON DE FRANCE, s. of Henri IV, 1608-60. See Orleans, due d’. GATACRE, Sir William Forbes, maj.-gon. 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:106.* GATCH, Conduce H. colonel, 183.5-97. Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1:334. —(1895) ser. 3, 1:629. GATES, Ephraim C. Calais, Me. 1817- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1363. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. George Augustus, 1851- Harper’s w. (1887) 31:293. wdet. New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:469 Horatio, 1728-1806. jVm. hist, register (1894) 1 : 166. G. Stuart p. C. Trebout eng. 1798. Baxter, Brit, invasion fr. the North (1887) 46. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Cincinnati, Inst. (1886) 96. Stuart p. H. B. Hall & sons eng. Du Simitiere, Am. legislators (1783) pi. 6. Du Simitiiire del. B. Reading eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:2.55 Chappel p. eng. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1:265. wdet. after print (Harvard univ.) — 2:39. wdet. after Du Simitiere 1783. — 2:44. wdet. after Bickerstaff’s Boston almanack 1778. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 115. Trumbull del. eng.* Harper’s mag. (1877) 55:680. eng. —(1901) 103:6.53. Henkels, Coll, of eng. por.lw E. R. Cope (1896) 1:4. “John Morris ’’ mezzo.* Loubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 2. N. Gatteaux del. & eng. 1777. Jules Jacque- martetch. Mag. of Am. hist. (1880) 5:241. Stuart p. H. B. Hall eng. Mason, Life & wks. of Gilbert Stuart (1894) 183. Stuart p.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 515. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* ^ribner’s mag. (1898) 23:559. R. E. Pine p. 1785.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 6:70. vignette. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:309. Stuart p. C. Tiebout eng.* (N. Y. Pub. lib.) Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:302, 303. eng. —6:311. eng. (with Wash- ington) — 6:476. Du Simitiere eng. 1783. John Warne, 1855- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:519 Josiah, 1805- Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1:277. eng. Lewis Edwards, 1860- Critic (1903) 42:132.* Merrill Edwards, 1848- New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:242. GATLIFF, Mrs Elizabeth Corbin (Griffin) Cent. (1899) 35:697. Gilbert Stuart p. 1* GATLING, Richard Jordan, 1818-1903. Biog. encycl. of Conn. & R. I. (1881) 362. eng. from the Science record. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:448 (age 80) Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford county. Conn. (1886) 1:186. eng. GATTA, Bartolommeo della, 14181-1501. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 70. eng. GATTAMELATA, Stefano Giovanni, d. 1443. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:980. Donatello sc.* (equestr. statue, Padua) Bode, Renais. sculp. Tos- canas, Ifg. 25: pi. 112, 113. DonaUdlo sc.* (statue, Padua) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 51. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1902) ser. 3, 27 :260. Giorgione? p.* (Gal. des Ollices, Florence) Gonse, L’art anc. i rexposition de 1878 (1879) 132. Donatello sc. F. Gaillard del. & sc. (equestr. statue) Die graphischen kiinste (1885) 7 : 18. Donatello sc. C. von Liitzow eng. (statue at Padua) 11 EYCK, Monograph z. weltgesch (1899) 8:57. Donatello sc.* (statue, Padua) Hirth, Der forraenschatz (1892) pi. 2. Donatello sc.* (statue) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1896) n. s. 7 :278. Donatello sc.* (statue, Padua) GATTEAUX 565 GAWEN GATTEAUX, Mme, m. of Nicolas Marie. L’Art ( 1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:794. Ingres del.* Jacques Edouard, engraver, 1788-1881. L’Art (1876) 4:235. Pils del. P. Kenouard del. — (1894- 1900) 59, pt. 2:797. Ingres del.* Nicolas Marie, 1751-1832. (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:793. Ingres del.* Chennevieres, Les dessins du Louvre, 3: pi. 4. Ingres f. GATTI, Agostino, theatrical manager, d. 1897. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:110.* Bernardino, 1495-1575? Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 99, fig. 9. Bernardo Gatti p.* (UflSzi) GATTY, Mrs Alfred (Margaret Scott) 1809-73. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 63:369. wdct. after photo. GAUCHER, Charles Etienne, 1740-1804. L’Art ( 1879) 18:136. Mile de Norreterrc f. 1787. C. E. Gaucher eng. GAUDAUR, Jacob Gill, oarsman, 1858- Har- per’s w. (1887) 31:424. wdct. GAUDY,/retA€rrvon, Franz, 1800-46. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 211. II. Kretschmar p. 1839. Rohrbach lith.* Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1900) 4:15-16. 3 por.* GAUERMANN, Friedrich, painter, 1807-62. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1883) 18:137. Jos. Krie- huber lith. 1852. GAUL, Alfred Richard, composer. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 103:482.* Gilbert William, painter, 1855- Outlook (1898) 59:572. William Thomas, bp. of Mashonaland. So. African por. gall. (1897) 44. GAULLI, Giovanni Battista (II Baciccio) 1639- 1709. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:350. eng. MottcKE, Ritratti (1756) 3: pi. 53. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Pietro Campana sc. GAULO, Galla, doge of Venice. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1 :pl. 5. A. Nani del. & eng. GAULTER, Rev. John. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1832) 55:389. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. GAULTIER, Aloisius Edouard Camille, abb6, 1746-1818. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, dcs hommes utiles, 1 :pl. 40. Lacour sc. Jacques, fl. 1620-48. Connoisseur (1904) 9:24. eng. 1620.* John. Arminian mag. (1788) 11:337 (age 24) —(1797) 20:313. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 32) GAUNT, John of, 1340-99. See John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. GAUSS, Karl Friedrich, 1777-1855. Pop. sci. m. (1888)33:577. Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:650 (with Weber) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 72. Chr. A. Jensen p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 116. Jensen p.* GAUTHIER, 1745- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:312. Aug. Delorme del. Voyez jr. sc. Henri, 1782-1835. See Rigny, comte de. GAUTHIER DES ORClilRES, A. F. (or Gau- thier de L’Ain) 1750-1824. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:312. Gros del. Courbe sc» GAUTIER, Jean Antoine, 1674-1729. Bor- GEAUD, Hist, de I’univ. de Genfeve (1900) 1:580. Gardelle p.* The'ophile, 1811-72. L’Art (1877) 9:29. Theodore Chass6riau del.* — (1904) 63:520. Theo- dore Chasseriau des.* Bookman (1902) 16:40. Nadar del.* (caricature) Critic (1903) 43:47.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:205. Aug. de Chutillon p. 1839. — (1895) ser. 3, 13:491. Celestin Nanteuil hth. (1838) Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:837. eng. Huart et Philippwn, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1 :pl. 42. Celestin Nanteuil f. 1838. Les lettres et les arts (1889) 4:92. Auguste de Ch&tillon f.* — 4:96. Swertchkow f. 1859.* Le uvre, bibliog. retrospec- tive (1882) 3:84. II. Mailly del. Daudenard sc. (caricature) — (1888)9:56. Cattelain sc. after photo. 1856. Montifaud, Les romantiques (1877) 8. eng. after photo. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franp. (1899) 7:760. David d’Angers f. 1845. Eug. Marc lith. (medallion) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 347.* GAUTREAU, Mme. Sargent, Work (1903) pi. 3. John S. Sargent p.* GAUTSCH VON FRANKENTHURM, freiherr von, Paul, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:839.* GAVARNI, Paul (Guillaume Sulpice Cheval- lier) 1804-66 L’Art (1875) 1 : 54. Pierre Gavami f. 1865? F. Meaull4 sc. — (18^)45:92. Roubaud del. Vibbos sc. (caricature) Art and letters (1883) 2 :195. Pierre Gavami f. F. Meaull4 sc. Le uvre, bibliog. retrospective (1882) 3:116. Gavami del.* GAVAUDAN, Mme Alexandrine Marie Agathe (Ducamel) 1781-1850. Gal. theatrale, pi. 9. Favart del. Monsaldy sc. (as Margot) GAVAZZI, Alessandro, 1809-89. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:365. wdct. GAVRE, marquis de, Pran 9 ois Antoine Rasse, d. 1826. L’Art (1901) 60:473. David p. 1816* (age 16) GAWDY, Lady Vere. Verney Family, 3:224. p.* (Claydon House) GAWEN, John, 1640-79. Foley, Records Eng. province of Soc. of Jesus (1879) 5:454. Martin Bouche sc.* (Antwerp) — (18^) 7, pt. 1:290. Bouche sc.* (Antwerp) GAWLER 566 GEDDES GAWLER, Masters. Mag. of art. (1889) 12:190. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. 1777. A. Bloss6 eng. (2 boys) — (1900) 24:554. Reynolds p. 1777* (2 boys) Rey- nolds, Discourses, Johnson (1891) 17. Reynolds p. 1777* (2 boys) GAY, J/ rs Bettie, of Texas. Arena (1892) 6 : 165.* Charles C. F. m. d. 1821-86. Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 4:260. eng. Rev. Ebenezer, 1696-1787. New Eng. mag. (1893) n. s. 8:481. George W. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:628. eng. after photo. John, 1688-1732. Biog. mag. (1794) Aikman p. Rothwell sc. — (1819) 1:37. IIollsc. C^sx, Nat. Mr. gall. (1901) 1:217. Sir Godfrey Kneller p.* (un- finished) Edwards, Anec. of painters (1808) 37. Effigies poeticae (1824) 2: pi. 92. Dahl p. J. Thurs- ton del. J. Romnej" eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:213. Kneller p.* Harper’s mag. (1880) 60 : 503. Lond. mag. ( 1754) 23 : 559. eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1^2) 3:403. William .(Vikman p.* PoR. of Brit, pioets (1824) 2: pi. 23. Dahl p. J. Thurs- ton del. J. Romney eng. Roscoe, Robert Harley (1902) 218. Kneller del.* (unfinished sketch) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 3. William Ho- garth p.* St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 182. St Memin del. & eng. 1802.* Mme Marie Francois Sophie (Michault de Lavalette) 1776-1852. Sainte Beuve, Nouvelle gal. de femmes cdldbres (1865) front. G. Staal del. Ferd. Dclannoy sc. Martin, 1726-1809. Col. soc. of Mass. Pub. (1900) 3:379. p.* (pastel, poss. of Winckworth Allan Gay) Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1897) 2:168. Sidney Howard, 1814-88. Outlook (1898) 59:867. Walter, 1856- Internat. studio (1900) 10:93. Paris salon (1892) 37- GAY-LUSSAC, Joseph Louis, chemist, 1778- 1850. Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:757. Seidlitz, Portriitwerk (1894) 5:pl. 57. Delpech lith. Werck- MEisTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnLssen (1899) 2: pi. 214. Belliard-Delpech lith.* GAYANGOS Y ARCE, Pasqual de, 1809-97. Outlook (1898) 60:297. Revista de archivos 3* epoca (1897) 1:545. photo. GAYARRlfi, Charles Etienne Arthur, 1805-95. Critic (1895) 26:128. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:227. Roberts sc. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:310. wdct. Julian, .singer, 1844-90. Illus. Lond. news (1890) 96:67.* GAYLORD, Elsie. See Latham, Mrs John C. Emerson, of Chicopee, Mass. 1817- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 1:422. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Van Slyck, N. E. manufacturers (1879) 1 :279. eng. GAYTON Miss, dancer. Monthly mirror (1809) n. s. 5:65. Buck p. Freeman eng. GAZA, Thdodore, 14001-79. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 :273. N. L’armessin sc. Tue- VET, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:36. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9:pl. 1762. W olf eng. after p. GAZAN DE LA PEYRlilRE, comte, Honord Theodore Maxime, 1765-1845. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:36. Aubryp. Fremydel. &sc. GAZI OSMAN Pasha, 1837-1900. See Osman pasha, Ghazi. GAZZAM, Joseph Murphy, 1842- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:77. eng. GE, Nikolai Nikolaevitch, painter. R. of rev. (1890) 2:700. Yareschenko p.* GEAR, John Henry, gov. of Iowa. 182.5-1900. Annals of Iowa (lOOO) ser. 3, 4:555. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:100. wdct. GEARY, Sir Henry Le Guay, gov. of Bermuda, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 1^:44.* John White, gov. of Pa. 1819-73. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3:pl. 70. eng. Cent. (1887) 12:97.* Harper’s w. (1864) 8:589. wdct. —(1869) 13:705. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 2:16* (in 1866) GEBER, Arabian alchemist, fl. 8th cent. A. D. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 :73. eng. GEBHARD, consul, at Elberfeld. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 56:68. Max Koner p. 1899.* GEBHARD TRUCHSESS VON WALDBIJRG, abp. of Cologne, 1.547-1601. Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 281. eng.* GEBHARDT, Frau von, mother of Eduard. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1899) 38:4. E. von Gebhardt p.* (study) Eduard von, painter, 1838- Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 2:11. wdct. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1899) 38:2. Hugo Crola p.* — 38:5, 6. Geb- hardt p.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4:pl. 462. Hugo Crola p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1890) 25:81. wdct. Frau Eduard von. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1899) 38:35. E. von Gebhardt p. 1895.* GEDDES, Mrs Andrew (Adela Plimer) Wil- liamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (190-3) 90, pi. 1. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, as a child; coll. J. Ker- pont Moi^an) Henry, captain, U. S. N. Am. hist, register (1896) 3:629. James, 1763-1838. Clark, Onondaga (1849) 2:45. F. Halpin eng. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:106. John, R. c. bp. of Morocco, 1735-99. Gordo.n, Eccles. chron. Scotland (1867) 4:454. eng. Margaret, aftw. w. of John Walker, 1737-1802. Gibbon, Mem. (1835) 445. GEDDES 567 GELON Sir William Duguid, 1828-1900. Anderson, Aurora borealis academica (1899) 25.* Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:217.* GEDON, Lorenz, 1843-83. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1900) 48:4. Kaulbach p.* Frau Lorenz. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 48:4. Kaulbach p. 1876* (with her son) GEDOYN, Nicolas, 1667-1744. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 99. Colin eng. GEDROiTS, Prince. Paris salon (1883) 183. J. Jouant sc.* (bust) GEE, Henry Simpson- Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 80. Walter W. Ouless p.* Richard, canon of Windsor, 1817-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:416.* Thomas, 1815-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:507. GEEFS, Guillaume, 1806-83. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1886) 52:185. A. Danse eng. Joseph, 1808-85. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann* (1888) 54:301. eng. GEER, Charles de, naturalist, 1720-78. Jardine, Naturalist’s lib. (1840) entomology, v. l:front. Lizars sc. Theodore Thurston, gov. of Oreg. 1851- IIarper’s w. (1898) 42:1030. GEERTS, Charles, 1807-55. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1856) 22 :127. eng. GEEST, Cornells van der, 1577-1647. Cust, Van Dyck (1903) l:pl. 3. Van Dyck p.* (Nat. gall.) Dyck, Cent. por. (1878) pi. %. Ant. van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. Masters in art (1900) 1, pt. 1 :pl. 2. Van Dyck p.* Pall Mall mag. (1900) 21 : 16. Van Dyck p. Luke Taylor etch.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1896) 8: pi. 1139. Van Dyck p.* (Nat. gall.) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) 1 : pi. 38. Vandyke p. Andrew Duncan eng. Wybrand van, fl. 1625. Descamps, La vie des ^intros flamands (1753) 1:402. C. Eisen del.? R. Gaillard sc. GEFFRARD, Fabre, pres, of Haiti, 1806-79. Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 17:40. eng. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:261. wdct. —(1865) 9:557. wdct. GEFFROY, Edmond Aimd Florentin, actor and painter, 1806- L’Art (1877) 9:18. Paul Renouard del.* (as Frol Gherasz) Gustave, 1855- Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:108. Eugene Carrifere del.* GEGENBAUR, Karl, anatomist, 1826- Werck- MEiSTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 534.* GEIBEL, Emanuel, poet, 1815-84. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 301. eng.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi.- 136. Semmler eng. Quentell del.* GEIGER, Jacob, 184S- Mao. of West. hist. (1888) 7:547. eng. Peter Johann Nepomuk, 1805-80. Ztscii. f. bucherfreunde (1900) 4:276-77 (2 por.)* GEIJER, Erik Gustaf, Swedish poet, 1783-1847. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarhundrede (1870) 53. II. P. Hansen eng. GEEKIE, Sir Archibald, geologist, 1835- Illus. Lond.ncws (1892) 101:166.* —(1903) 123:854.* Pop. sci.m. (1893) 43:145. James, 1839- Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 113. W. Hole sc. GEILER VON KAISERSBERG, Johann, 1445- 1510. Beciistein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 3. eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 74. eng. 1522.* Les LETTRES et les arts (1886) 2:80. wdct. after eng. 1522. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l:pl. 23. II. Burgkmair f. 1490.* GEINGER, Georg, 1500-77. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1893) 14: pi. 3, fig. 10. Ludwig Neufarer f. 1542* (medal) GEISSEL, Johann von, abp. of Cologne and car- dinal, 1796-1864. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:293. Heuss p. Schertle lith-. GELDER, Aart de, painter, 1645-1727. L’Art (1886) 40:272. Aart de Gelder p.* (painting) GELDORP, George, fl. 1611-60. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2:233. wdct. GELE, Captain van, African explorer. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:39. wdct. GEL^E, Claude, 1600-82. See Claude Lorrain. GELHAY, Edouard, 1856- L’Art (1894) 57 : 144. GELIMER, king of the Vandals, fl. 530. Allg. weltgeschichte (1^6) 4:299. coin.* GELL, Frederick, bp. of Madras, 1820-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:486.* GELLARD, George. Meth. mag. (1807) 30:433. Branwhite & Meyer sc. GELLERT, Christian Fiirchtegott, 1715-69. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:21.50. Anton Graff p. M. Steinla eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 150. A. F. Oeser p. J. F. Bause eng. 1767.* Seid- litz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 72. A. Graff p. J. F. Bause sc. GELLI, Giovanni Battista, 1493-1563. Bullart Acad. d. sci. et d. arts ( 1695) 2 : 89. Esme de Boulonois f. eng. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 2:618. Enea Vico f. Medaglia del. wdct. Turn i trionfi (1750) 1:221. J. Ve sc. GELON, d. 478 B. C. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 5, pt. 1:27. Perry del. after medallion. GEMITO 568 GENSONNE GEMITO, sculptor. Greard, Meissonier (1S97) 106. Ernest Meissonier p.* GEMMA FBISniS, Rainer, 1508-55. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:79. Esme de Boulo- nois f. eng. GEMMINGEN, Johann Konrad von, bp. of Eichstadt. Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauscs (1894) 15: pi. 9, fig. 4. Paulus van Vianen f. 1608* (medal) GENALA, Francesco. Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:182. Gl^NARD, Pierre, 1830-99. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1902) 68:247. G. Biot eng. GENDEBIEN, Alexandre, 1789-1869. IItmans, Bruxelles, 2:288. Baugniet f. GENECH, comte de, Fran 9 ois de Sainte Alde- gonde, 1756- Bioo. modeme (1807) 3:44. Perrin del. Massard sc. GENELLI, Buenaventura, painter, 1798-1868. Die GRAPHiscHEN kunste (1882) 4:1. V. Jasper f. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 130. James Marschall p.* Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1870) 5:1. W. Unger etch. GENEST, Jeanne, 1752-1822. 5ee Campan, Mnic. GENiSlT, Edmond Charles, 1765-1834. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 3:131. eng.* (from Har- per’s mag.) Mme Edmond Charles (Comeha Clinton) Griswold, Republican court (1855) 295. eng. after p. (poss. of her daughter, Mrs Van Renssalaer) GENETET, Phihbert, 1727- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:314. Turlure del. Voyez sc. G^NEVlilVE, saint, 422-512. Gal. fran?. (1821) 1 :4. Hesse del. after statue (St Germain I’Auxerrois) Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c4l6bres (1858) 1:8. Girard lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 49. eng. after statue. GENEZ, Francisco y Salvador, murderer. Har- per’s w. (1865) 9:797. wdct. GENGA, Annibale deUa, 1760-1829. See Leo XII, pope. Girolamo, 1476I-1551. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 137. eng. GENIN, John Nicholas, 1819-78. Ballou’s pic- torial (1^5) 8:348. J. W. Orr eng. GENLIS, seigneur de, Francois de Hangest. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 216. Clouet f. lith. comte de, Charles Alexis Brulart, marquis de Sillery, 17.37-93. See Sillery. Mme de, Stephanie Fehcitd (Ducrest de Saint Aubin) 1746-1830. Cent. (1891) 20:14. Deveria f.* 19ieme sifecle (1901) 72. Romney p.* IcoNOG. des conterap. (1832) 2: pi. 27. Z. Belliard del.l Dclpech lith. Lady’s m. mus. (1802) 8:145. Misit f. E. W. Thomson del. Mackenzie sc. — (1817) imp. ser. 6:1. Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 268. Deveria del. print. T. A. Butler eng. New m. mag. (1819) 11:523. Sainte Beuve, Nouvelle gal. de femmes c^lfebres (1865) 527. G. Staal del. Regnault sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) v. 12. J. Porreau eng. GENNADE, priest of Marseilles, d. 496 A. D. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:126. eng. GENNADIUS, George, d. 1854. Sergeant, Greece in the 19th cent. (1897) 370. John. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:849.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 396. Spy f. lith' (caricature) GENNARI, Benedetto, jr. 1633-1715. MoCcke, Ritratti (17^) 3:pl. 43. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Car. Gregori sc. GENOELS, Abraham (Archimedes) painter, 1640 ?-1723. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1760)3:92. C. Eisen del. Ficquet sc. Weyerman, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) 2:pl. DD. Dirk Jonkmann sc. GENOT7ILLAC, Jacques Gourdon de (Gahot or Galliot) 1466-1546. Bourdery et Lachenaud, Leonard Limosin (1897) 170. Leonard Limosin f. (has been called a portrait of Charles Tiercelin) Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 217, 236. Clouet f. lith. GENOUILLAC-VAILLAC, Gahote-Gourdon (de Sainte Anne) 1588-1618. Vertot d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 : 185. Cars sc. GENOtriLLY, Charles Rigault de, 1807-73. See Rigault de Genouilly. GENOVA, duca di, Ferdinando, 1822-55. Orsi, Mod. Italy (1900) 199. duchessa di. Princess Ehsabeth (of Saxony) w. of Ferdinando, 1830- Tullberg, Furstenhduser Europ. por. (1898) 1:330. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:711. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duen di, Tomaso, prince of Savoy, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106-702.* —107:70. Tull- berg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:330. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duchessa di. Princess Isabella (of Bavaria) w. of Tomaso, 1863- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 56, 330. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. GENOVESI, Antonio, 1712-69. Iconog. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 37. C. Piotti-Pirola sc. after P- GENSONN^ , Armand, 1758-93. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:54. Revolution fran^. (1801) 2: pi. 2. Levachez sc. Tableaux hist, de la rdv. fran?. (1804) 3:pl. 19. Levachez sc. GENT 569 GEOKGE GENT, George W. Iixus. Lond. news (1898) 112:733.* Thomas, 1693-1778. Maixolm, Lives of to- pographers (1824) pi. 13. P. Rothwell sc. (age 80) GENTILE DA FABRIANO, 1370-1450. See Fabriano. GENTILE DA LIONESSA, d. 1453. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 52. Aliprando Capri- olo eng. GENTILESCHI, Artemisia, painter, 1590-1642. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 86. Arte- misia Gentileschi p.* Orazio, 1563-1646. See Lomi. GENTRY, Joseph, boy friend of Pres. Lincoln. McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:505.* Meredith Poindexter, 1809-66. Am. rev. (1852) 16:97. A. H. Ritchie eng. GENTZ, Friedrich von, 1764-1832. Allo. welt- geschichte (1887) 10:359. p.*^o.ss. of prince Mettcr- nich-Winneburg) Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891)2:482. F. Lieder p. 1824.* Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration u. revolution (1883) 64. p.* (poss. of prince Mettemich-Winneburg) Paget papers (1896) 2:256. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4:pl. 117. Lindner sc. Wilhelm, painter, 1822-90. Alle.v, Master- pieces (1884) 1 :233. wdct. Zrscn. f. bildendc kunst (1891) 26:178. GEOFFREY PLANTAGENET, count of Brit- tany, 1158-86. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:3. enamel* (Le Mans mus. France) Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 1 : 191. effigy (Le Mans) GEOFFRIN, Mme Marie Therese (Rodet) 1699- 1777. Armengauu, Reines (1862) pi. 15. C. Laplante sc. Cent. (1890) 18:646. Chardin p.* Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 171. Chardin p. W. B. Closson eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarcjue fran?. (1840) 7: pi. 7. Chasselat del. Delaistrcsc. Petit ue Julle- viLLE, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. fran?. (1898) 6:410. Chardin p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk G894) 3:pl. 102. S. C. Miger sc. Sainte Beuve, Gal. de femmes cdlfebres (1859) 253. Staal del. Geoffroy sc. Tallenttre, Women of the salons (1901) 40. print.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2664. Jeanneret eng. GEOFFROY, Jean, painter, 1853- L’.4 jit (1894) 57:146. Juhen Louis, 1743-1814. Journal d. d^bats, Livre du cent. (1889) 416. R. Victor-Meunier sc. GEOFFROY-SAINT HILAIRE, Etienne, natu- ralist, 1772-1844. Cap, Mus. d’hist. nat. (1854) pt. 1 : 104. A. F^art sc. (medal) Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:935. Pop. sci. m. (1884) 24:289. Werckmei.ster Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 213. Belliard lith.* GEOGHEGAN, Joseph, pres. Castleknock college. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:601. GEORGE, saint, of Cappadocia, d. 303. L’Art (1880)21:^1. Donatello sc. N. Sanesi des.* (statue) GEORGE, GEORG, kings and princes.' BAVARIA Georg, prince, s. of Li-opold, 1880- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:52. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. BOHEMIA George (of PodCbrad) king, 1420-71. Maurice, Story of Bohemia (1896) 327. DENMARK George, prince, s. of Frederick HI, 1653-1708. See below under England. ENGLAND (gT. BRIT.) George I, king, 1660-1727. Allg. weltge- schichte (1889) 9:52. Sir G. Kneller p. John Smith mezzo.* Archer, Piet. & roy. por. (1884) 2:58. Kneller p. J. L. Williams del. W. N. Lizars eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 221 (2 p.)* Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. Basan sc. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:59. Jos. von Montalegre sc.* — 2:338. Kneller p. J. Smith sc. 1715. Great men ... in Munich Pina- kothek (1885) pi. 33. B. Picart sc. 1714. eng. Hen- derson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 242. eng. 1714.* Illus. Lond. nows (1902) 120:244. Kneller p.* Internat. studio (1903) 19:261. Jakob Christoflel Le Blon f.* (3-color print) Mag. of art (1897) 21:301 . Roubiliac sc.* (bust) Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1 :102. Kneller p. J. Smith eng. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1 :271. Kneller . G. Vertue sc. 1715.* Rapin & Tindal, Hist, of ng. (1747) 4, pt. 2:front. Kneller p. I. Houbraken sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 50. Bernard Picart sc. Smollett, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 3:92. Kneller p. W. Ridley eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 5. p.* (as elector of Hanover) — 4:pl. 6. Kneller p.* Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 39. Kneller p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. Whe.^vt- LEY, Hist. por. (1897) 182. Kneller p.* Wilkins, Caroline the Illus. (1901) 1:174. Kneller p.* Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 55, fig. 3. L(>ns p.* (Montagu house coll.) IVorthing- TON, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 33. Kneller p. Worthington eng. George II, king, 1683-1760. Allg. weltge- schichte(1889)9:118. Francesco Carlo Rusca p. C. F. Fritzsch eng. 1739.* Archer, Piet. & roy. por. (1884) 2:66. Zeeman f. J. L. Williams del. T. Brown eng. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:33. Kneller p.* (at White’s club) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :243. (4 p.)* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 4. Founun p. Basan sc. Erdmannsdorffer, Deutsche gesch. (1893) 2:423. Kneller p. G. Vertue sc. 1715. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:269. Thomas Worlidge f.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4: 1622. medal 1743.* —4: 1655. medal 1759.* Green, William Pitt (1901) 38. Bentley p.* Hen- derson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 244. p.* (poss. of GEORGE 570 GEORGE ENGLAND (gt. BRIT.) — Continued. T. Jeffery s) — p.248. Pfeffelcng.* Nat. mag. (1893) 17:419. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 21:6 .t0. Oncken, Zeitaltcr Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:28. F. C. Rusca p. C. F. Fritzsch eng. 1739. Raike.s, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:280. Kneller p. J. Faber sc.* Portfolio (1893) 24:29. bu.st.* Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiosities (1860) 1 :pl. 65. eng. after effigy (torn from Christ church, Philadelphia) Smollett, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed. 3:247. Kneller p. W. Ridley eng. Soc. of col. wars. Mass. Yearbk. (1899) 67. Chambers sc.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 25. Kneller p.* Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) 1 :pl. 40. Thomas Worlidge f. Edward Smith eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 184. Worlidge p.* Wilkins, Caroline the Ulus. (1901) 1:70 (at time of his marriage) — 2:14. J. Shack leton p.* Winsor, Nar. &crit. hist. (1889)5:130. eng. 1765. eng. Worth- ington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 34. R. E. Pine p. Worthington eng. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 1:192, 197, 215. F. W. F airholt eng. after 3 caricatures. George III, king, 1738-1820. Ajxilphds, Hist, of Eng. (1805) ed. 2, 1 : front. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. R. II. Cromek eng. Allg. weitgeschichte (1889) 9:387. J. Zoffany p. 1771. R. Houston eng. 1772.* Akcher, Piet. & roy. por. (1884) 2:86. Allan Ramsay p. J. L. Williams del. W. Ridgway eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:76. L’Art (1875) 1 :295. Gillray f. (caricatures) Baxter, Godchild of Washington (1897) 603. Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 94. Gainsborough p.* (Roy. coll.) La belle assem- bl6e (1806) 1, pt. 2: sup. front. — (1809) 7:127. Thomas Gainsborough p. Hopwood eng. — (1811) n. s. 3:3. Robert Cooper eng. (with Queen Charlotte) Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 2. Sir William Beechey p. A. Cardon eng. Clowes, Ror. (1822) l:pl. 41. Edridge p. William Sharp eng. (miniature; age 73) Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 186. Allan Ramsay p.* Williamson, Por. minia- tures (1897) 60. William Grimaldi p.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:177. Benoit eng.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1^9) 6:20. ReynolcL p. eng. 1785. — 6:76. eng. 1770. Worthington, Por. sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 35. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Worth- ington eng. Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 3:50. eng Wright, Eng. under house of Hanoyer (1848) 1:405, 436, 446. F. W. Fairholt eng. after 3 caricatures. — 2:13-213. F. W. Fairholt eng. after various carica- tures. 5 children of (2 boys, 3 girls) Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 117. West p.* George IV, king, 1762-1830. Allg. weitge- schichte (1888) 11:304. Thomas Phillips p. S. W. Rejmolds eng.* Alm. dc Gotha (1816) pi. 1. Fr. Bolt sc. (when prince regent) Archer, Piet. & roy. por. (1884) 2:122. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. J. L. Williams del. A. Krausse eng. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:85. Art j. (1859) 11:328. Lawrence p. — (1891) 43:346. John Hoppner p.* Bell, Gains- borough (1897) 98. Gainsborougn p.* (Roy. coll.) Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 : 154. Gainsborough . J. Raphael Smith eng.* Brit. gal. (1822) l:pl. 1. . Phillips p. L. Schiavonetti eng. Buckingham, Mem. of court of Eng. (1856) 1 : front. A. Heath eng. Casket (1830) 265. wdct. Cormick, Hi.st. of Eng. 2:front. De Wilde p. W. Ridley eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:117. Lawrence p.* Dunlop, Daniel O’Connell (1900) 112. Lawrence p.* (Nat. por. gall.) European mag. (1782) 1: front, eng. Flatiie, Zeitalter der restauration & rev. (1883) 162. T. Phillips p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Frankau,J. R. Smith (1902) 234. T. Gainsborough p. J. R. Smith eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1895) ser. 3, 14:249. Cos- way p. George HI, his court & family (1824) 1 :&8. eng. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1884) 4: pi. 36 miniature.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 64. Lawrence p.* (Lat^ran mus.) H.ymIlton, Secret hist, of Eng. (1901) 2:212. J. Hoppner p.* Harper, Brighton road (1892) front. Lawrence p. eng. Har- per’s mag. (1880) 61:513. Henderson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 274. eng.?* Holt, Life of George HI GEORGE 571 GEORGE (1820)2:651. J.Hoppnerp. E. Scrivt>n eng. Hughes, Hist, of Eng. (1836) 20:221. Freeman eng. Iconog. des contomp. (1832) 2:pl. 28. Z. Belliard del. ? Del- pech lith. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:.Iuly 21, sup. (with queen Charlotte) Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. ( 1830) V. 2. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. W. Finden eng. 1 E. Scriven eng. Jesse, Life of George Bruinmell (1886) 2:10. Ladies’ m. mus. (1822) 15:1. T. C. Wageman p. Woolnoth eng. Lady’s mag. (1786) 17:169. Cook sc. — (1792) 23:59. eng. — 5"95) 26:157. eng. L-vtimer, Eng. in 19th cent. 5^94) 46. Lawrence p.* Law, R03’. gall, of Hampton court (1898)118. West p.* (with Duke of York) Lond. mag. (1779) 48:3. eng. Lond. soc. of arts. Trans. (1792) 10:front. J. C. Loch^e sc. 1791. Burney del. Scharp sc. (bust) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1:46. Lawrence p.’*‘ Mag. of art (1897) 20:189. J. Russidl p.’*' (miniature, unfinished) — 21:38. miniature.* — 21:83. (miniature,* child por.) — 21:110. statue.* New m. mag. (1820) 13: front. Thomson sc. Outlook (1897) 5.5:412. old print.* Paget papers (1896) 1:178. R. Cosway p.* Pop. sci. m. (1897) 51:381. Gillray del.* (caricature) Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 115. R. Cosway p.* (child por.) Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:322. T. Gainsborough p. A. Cardon sc.* — (1^79) 2:280. Sir T. Lawrence p. William Finden sc. Rey- nolds, Engravings 1 : pi. 14. Sir J. Rejmolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. — 2: pi. 1. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. (in robes of the Garter) Robertson, Letters & papers (pref. 1897) 208. Andrew Robertson p. (miniature) 1812.* So. Kensington, .Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 99. Thomas Gainsborough p.* — 6: pi. 49. Sir David W’ilkie p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 4:5. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. E. Scriven & W. Finden eng. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1824) 1 :t.-p. Lawrence p. Cosmo Armstrong eng. Wheatley, Hist. por. 5S97) 188. Lawrence p.* William.son, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. .56, fig. 2, 7. R. Coswaj" p.* — l:pl. 65, fig. 2. .Jeremiah Meyer p.* (child por. olim earl of Chichester’s coll.) — 1 :pl. 68, fig. 3. Andrew Robertson p. 1812.* — 2:pl. 85, fig. 1. II. Bone p. 1805 after Mine Le Brun* (Univ. gall. Oxford) Williamson, John Rus-sell (1894) 124. John Russell p.l William.son, Por. miniatures (1897)68. Richard Cosway p. (child por.) — p. 110. Henrj’ Bone p. 1812.* (as prince regent) — p. 1 12. Henry Bone p. 1815.* — p. 132. John Russell p. eng. Worthington, Por. of sovereigns of Eng. (1824) pi. 35. R. T. Stothard del. Worthington eng. Wrax- ALL, Mem. (1884) 5:348. A. Heath eng. W’raxall, Posthumous mem. (1836) 1 : front. R. Cosway p. W. Read eng. Wright, Eng. under house of llan- over (1848) 2 : 119-160 (5 caricatures) George, prince, bro. of Edward IV, 1449-78. See Clarence, 3d duke of. George (of Denmark) prince, consort of Queen Anne, 16.5;3-1708. Cent. (1893) 23:919. Godfrey Kneller p.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 197. Wil- liam Wi.ssing p.* Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2 : pi. 106. old^rint* (Brit, mus.) Jesse (J. II.) Mem. of court of Eng. (Lond. 1843) 1: front. Boit p. J. Cook sc. T. Wageman del. (with his wife, miniature) Lund, Danske malede por. (1897) 2:329. Oliphant, Hist. char. (1894) p. 12. Sir Godfrey Kneller p. John Smith mezzo. R. A. Muller eng. Portfolio (1893) 24:28. C. Wermuth f. 1708* (medal) Raikes, Hist. of hon. artill. co. (1878) 1:239. W. Sherwin sc.* Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1744) 4:104. G. Kneller p. I. Iloubraken sc. Schenck, Oppermagten in Europa (1690) pi. 26. P. Schenck f. & ex. So. Kensington Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 81. Michael Dahl p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:44. Sir Godfrey Kneller p. ? eng WiLLiA.M.sON, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 81, fig. 8. C. Boit p.* 1704 (King of Denmark coll.) George William, prince, 2d s. of George H, 1717-18. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: July 21, sup. George, prince, s. of Ernest Augustus, duke of Cumberland, 1819-78. See Georg V, king of Hanover. George, prince, s. of Adolphus, duke of Cam- bridge, l.S1^1904. See Cambridge, 7th duke of. George, prince, s. of Edward VII, 1865- See Wales, prince of. George William, prince, s. of 7th duke of Cum- berland, 1880- See Braunschweig-Luneberg, herzog zu. George (of Wales) prince, 1902- Illus. Lond. news (190.3) 122:465.* (with his brother Edward Al- bert). GREECE George I, king, 1845- Alm. de Gotha (1868) pi. 4. Carl Mayer sc. Cab. por. gall. (1893) 4:57.* Crowned heads of the time (1880) p. 57. photo. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:822. —(1892) 85:362. Harper’s w. (18^) 29:717. wdet. — (1897) 41 : 197 416. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 1(X):661. —(1897) 110:273.* —(1898) 113:518. Lund, Danske ma- lede por. (1900) 7^:19. Otto Bache p. 1898.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1898) 11 : 140. Miles, Military Europe (1898) 25. Outlook (1897) .56:43.* Politikos, Sovereigns & courts of Europe (1891) 241. C. Butter- worth eng. after photo. Scribner’s mag. (1897) 22:402 (in 1897) Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :208, 219. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. Vanity fair album ((1876) 8: pi. 12. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) George, prince, s. of George I, 1869- Alm. de Gotha (1902) pi. 3. Th. & A. Weger sc. Harper’s w. (1891)35:388.wdct. —(1897)41:416. iLi.us.Lond. news (1891) 99:13.* —(1897) 110:239. —(1898) 113: 592.* McClure’s mag. ( 1898) 11:140. Miles Military Europe (1898) 25. ^ribner’s mag. (1897) 22:412 (on the Royal yacht) Tullberg, Fiirsten- hauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:223. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. George, prince, s. of Constantine, s. of George I, 1890- Tullberg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 :222. Agi Lindegren del after photo. HANOVER Georg V, king, 1819-78. Alm. de Gotha (1853) pi. 2. eng. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:541. wdet. after photo. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3 G. L. Saunders p. T. A. Dean eng. PRUSSIA Georg, prince, s. of Prince Friedrich, 1826-1902. AiJi. de Gotha (1871) front. Carl Mayer sc. Tull- berg, Fiirstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:551. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. GEORGE 572 GERARD RUSSIA Georee, grand duke, son of grand duke Michael, 1863- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:322. Tull- BERo, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:624. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. George, grand duke,s. of Alexander III, 1871-99. Flourens, Alexandre III (1894) 88. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:Nov. 10, sup. p. 6.* —(1899) 115:49.* R. OF rev. (1899)20:321. SAXONY Georg, king, 1832-1904. Alm. de Gotha (1860) pi. 3. Can Mayer SC. — (1904) pref. p. 10. Th. & A. Weger sc. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:847.* — (1904) 125:572.* Scheibert, Heerfiihrer d. gegen- wart (1894) pi. 7.* Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899)2:711. servia George, crown prince, 1887- ' Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:947. GEORGE, of Trebizonde, 1396-1486. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. ct d. arts (1695) 2:68. N. L’annessin sc. eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1 :99. eng. GEORGE ROCnJS of Antioch, admiral of Sicily. L’Art (1890) 48:77. Marie Weber del. 12th cent, (mo- saic in Martorana, Palermo) GEORGE, A. B. sprinter, 1868- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:400. wdct. Grace, actress. Critic (1904) 44:421* (with Margaret Illington in The 2 orphans) Harper’s w. (1902) 46:762. —(1904) 48:472* (in The 2 or- phans) Henry, 1839-97. .America’s grtst men and women (1894) 105. .Arena (1898) 19: front. Cent. (1899) 35:553. Peter Aitken f.* Critic (1897) 31 :269. pen and ink drawing* in N. Y. Herald. Har- per’s w. (1886) 30:632. wdct. —(1897) 41:1116. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111 :640.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:383.* New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 21:261. Outlook (1900) 66:817. Stead, Por. and autog. (1891) 102* (in 1890) Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 495.* James Zachariah, 1826-97. Green bag (18J19) 11:509. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:588. wdct. Simon, of Cornwall. L’Art (1886) 40:273. Holbein p.* — (1903) 62:32. Holbein p. Forrn- stechcr sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. jjcrsonages (1828) pi. 35. Holbein del. Cooper sc. Holbein, Facsim. Bartolozzi (1884) pi. 33. Ilolliein del. Bar- tolozzi sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 2:pl. 48. Holliein del.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1896) 17:140. Holbein p.* Mag. of art (1903) 28:30. Holbein p.* (Frankfort gall.) Heber u. Ba^ersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1890) 2: pi. 154. Holbein p.* (Stadelschcs inst. Frankfort) Walter GoodaU, runner. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 315. Ape f. lith. (caricature) William, d. 1756. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 134. p.* (as a boy; Eton coll.) William Reuben, 1866- Harper’s w. (1896) 40:513. wdct. GEORGES, M, 1741- Biog. modeme (1807) 4:321. Moreau del. Courlx* sc. La belle assemblde (1817) n. s. 16:99. Rose Emma Drummond p. eng. Mr, d. 1832. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 234. St Memin del. & eng. 18CK).* Mile (Marguerite Josephine Weimer) actress, 1787-1867. Armengaud, Rcines (1862) pi. 3. Pan- nemaker sc. 19ieme siiicle (1901) 302. Gerard p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1891) ser. 3, 5:73. Francois Gerard p. 1804. Goodrich, Court of Napoleon (1871) 402. J. Champagne del. after miniature. J. C. Buttre sc. Gi^RARD TIJM or TUNC, founder of the Knights of Malta, 1040 1-1121 ? Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:20. J. F. Cars ex. eng. GERARD, baron, Francois, 1770-1836. L’Art (1889) 47:106. Boilly lith.* Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 154. Lawrence p.* (Versailles) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. p. 6: pi. 45. Law- rence p. Colin eng. — sup. p. 6 : pi. 92. Pradier sc. eng. (bust) baronne, Francois (Marguerite Mattei) Gaz. d. beaux arts (18^) ser. 3, 4:455. Francois Gerard del. 1794. comte Etienne Maurice, 1773-1852. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:827. Heim del. 1832.* Gavard Gal. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 37. Lari- vifere p. Boilly eng. Tardieu, Gfe. fran^. 2: pi. 107. Forestier sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1559. C. P. A. de Larivi^re p. A. Boilly eng. — sup. p. 6 : pi. 97. Jaley sc. Pigeot eng. (statue) Conrad Alexandre, 1729-90. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:155. C. W. Peale p. wdct. Windsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 7:46. eng. after p. ? (Independence hall, Phila.) Jean Baptiste, 1737- Biog. moderne, 4:324. Perrin del. Voyez, jr. sc. Michel, 1737-1815. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:323. G. Paris f. Perrin del. Courbt> sc. Los let- TRES et les arts (1889) 3:226. Louis David p.* (with his family) McClure’s mag. (1896) 6:147. David p.* (with his family) GERARD (of Bryn) Ut baron, Robert Tolver Gerard, 1808-87. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 76:61. wdct. after photo. Vanity fair album (1878) 10: pi. 285. Spy f. lith. (caricature) (of Brj'ii) 2d baron, William Cansheld Gerard, 1851-1902. Baily’s mag. (1877) 30:249. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Illus Lond. news (1902) 121 : 200 .* (of Bryn) baroness, Mary Emmeline Laura (Milner) w.of 2d baron. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:. 36. Alexander, d. d. 1728-95. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 35. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. GERARD 573 GEROLT F. Theatre (1880) ser. 3, 2:319. photo (as Ophelia) James Watson, 1794-1874. N. Y. oeneal. & biog. record (1874) 5:113. eng. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 91. eng.* John, 1545-1612. Brit. mus. Prints (1900) n. s. pt. 9: pi. 10. J. Payne eng.* (t.-p. to Herball) Con- noisseur (1904) 8:190. print 1598* (age from Herbal) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:3, sup. p. 1.587.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 2:86 por.* (Nat. por. gall.) Rood’s coll, of por. (1820) 1 :pl. 10. Payne eng. T. Berrv sc. (front, to 1633 ed. of his Herbal) GERARD family name. See also title Macclesfield. G^RARDIN, A. L’.Vrt (1892) 53:271. Rodolphe Piguet del.* (dry print) Gi^RARDY, Jean, boy violoncellist. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:166.* GERBERGE (of Saxony) queen of France, w. of Louis IV, 9131-9701 Malo, Gal. des reines dc France, 69. Delpech lith. GERBERT, 940 ?-1003. See Sylvester II, pope. GERBIER, Sir Balthasar, painter, 1592-1667. Law, Vandyck at Windsor (1899) 87. Van Dyck p.* (with his wife and 9 children) Meyssens, Por. em. painters (1739) pi. 43. Van Dyck p. Joan Me 3 'ssens ex. Meyssens, True cflBgies (1694) pi. 62. Van Dyck p. Mey.ssens ex. Rooses, L’oeuvre de Rubens (1890) 4: pi. 295. P. P. Rubens p. J. Mac Ardell sc. (with his wife and 4 children) Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2:114. wdet. Pierre Jean Baptiste, 1725-88. Gal. frany. (1823) 3:413. Houdon sc. Maurin del. (bust) GERBRYGGE, Sir Wilham, d. 1340? Cotman, S^ulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 2, 3, sup. eng. after effigies (with his wife, Joan; in Wickhampton church, Norfolk) GERE, CharlesHenry, 1838- Mao. of West. hist. (1889) 10:375. eng. GERGY (Languet de Gergy) family name. See Languet de Gergj'. GERKARDT, Paul, 1607-76. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 171. eng. Erd.manns- DORFFER, Deutsche gesch. (1892) 1:477. K. L. Buck- horn eng. after p.* (church at Lubben) Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 129. Buckhorn eng. after p. (church at Lubben) Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 87. Buckhorn sc. after p.* (church at Lubben) G^RICAULT, Thdodore, painter, 1791-1824. L’Art (1889) 47:29. Sgap sc. —(1901) 60:462. G^ricault p.* — (1902) 61 :212. drawing. Werck- MEisTF.R, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 167. G4ricault p.* GERICKE, Otto, 1602-86. Mag. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:185. eng.* Scribner’s mag. (1889) 5:644. P. Aubry ex. Wilhelm, 1845- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 211. Alex. Griby'^dofl del.* Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:632. New Eng. mag. (1889) n. s. 1:236. Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:970. GERING, Ulrich, printer, 14401-1510. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1901) ser. 3, 26:243. eng.* GERLACH, Ernst Ludwig von, 1795-1877. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:469.* GERLACHE, baron de, Etienne Constantin, 1785-1871. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1874) 40:109. F. De Meersman sc. Imp. F. Nys. Hymans, Bruxelles, 2:317. Adrien de, lieutenant. McClure’s mag. (1899) 14:5.* GERLE, Christophe Antoine, 1736-1801. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:325. Labadve del. Le Tellier sc. GERMAIN, saint,, bp. of Auxerre, d. 448. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 49. eng. after statue. GERMAIN, Ambroise Francois, 1726- Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:326. Labadye del. Texier sc. Lady Elizabeth (Berkeley) w. of Sir John Ger- main, 1680-1769. See Berkeley. Lord George Sackville-, 1716-85. See Sack- ville, 1st viscount. J. M. captain. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:76. GERMANICUS (Claudius Nero Drusus) 38 B. C.-8 A. D. See Drusus. GERMANICUS CiESAR, 15 B. C.-19 A. D. Allg. weltgeschichte (1885) 3:453. statue* (Lateran) Bernoulli, Romische ikonog. (1882) a 1 ; pi. 21. upper half of statue* (Louvre) al : 228. eng. after statue (Louvre) — (1886) 2, pt. 1 :pl. 10. statue* (Louvre) — 2, pt. 1 :pl. 11. bast* (in Erbach) — a2, pt. 1 : 170. eng. after statue* (Lateran) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 21:103. cameo.* Hertzbero, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 156. statue* (Lateran) Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 5:pl. 12. George Cooke sc. Plutarch, Vies, Ricard (1838) 15, pt. 2: t.-p. eng. after medallion. a.Yuthenticity doubtful. GERMANOS, abp. of Patrse, 1777-1825. Allg. weltgeschichte (18^) 11:276. Peter Hess p. H. Kohler lith.* (fresco at Munich) GERMAR, Ernst Friedrich, 1786-1853. Bech- stein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 152. eng. GEROK, Karl, 1815-90. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 303. drawing after photo.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl 515.* GEROLAMA SACRATA aus Ferrara. See Hieronima Sacrata. GEROLT, /mAerr von. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:116. wdet. GEROME 574 GESNER G^BOME, Jean Ldon, painter and sculptor, 1824- 1904. L’Art (1876) 4:259. Pils del. —5:105. Carpeaux sc. A. Lanfon del. (bust) —(1879) 17 : 171. Pierre Paul Ldon Glaizc p. Maurand eng. — (1894- 1900) 59, pt. 2:1005. Carpeaux sc.* (bust) — (1904) 63:141. Carpeaux sc. Auguste Lan^on des. (bust) — 63:488. llenri Gr4bcr sc. Jacques Gruber des. (statuette) Cent. (1889) 15:487. Chaplin f.* (me- dallion) Claeetie, Peintres et sculpt, contemp. (1884) 2:57. L. Mas.sard sc. Gaz. a. beaux arts 0876) ser. 2, 14:218. Carpeaux sc. P. Achet des. (bust) — (1902) ser. 3,28:276. J. Dagnan-Bouveret p. L. llurey lith.* Gonse, La sculpt. fran(;'. (1895) 297. Carpeaux sc.* (bust) Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:483. eng.? —(1903) 106:379. drawing.* Illus. Load, news (1883) 82:480. Lamp (1904) 28:239* (with Mme Bonnat) Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 25. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1870.* Mag. of art 0880) 3:454. wdet. after photo. Montrosier, Les chefs- d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 30. eng. Mor- gan, Cat. of art. coll. (1886) 16. Paris salon (1891) 53. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 2:390. eng. Stebbins, Cat. of the private coll. (1^9) 104. etch. GERONIMO, Apache chief. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:228,265, 601. wdet. GERRISH, Benjamin, ;V. 1839- Rogers, Our representatives abroad (1874) 289. eng. GERRITSZ, Harmen. See Rembrandt’s father. Lubbert, L535-1612. L’.Vrt (1894) 56:311. Michiel van Mierevelt p. W. J. Delff sc. 1612. Wit, Afbeeldingen van veele voomaame mannen (1743) pi. 3. Mierevelt p. I.Folkemasc. J.C. Philips del. &f. GERRITSZ VAN EMBDEN, Jan, 1.560-1617. Wit, Afbeeldingen van veele voomame mannen (1743) pi. 5. Vylenburgh p. J. Falkema sc. J. C. Philips del. &f. GERRY, Elbridge, 1744-1814. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 92. Ramage, Trum- bull, Vanderljm f. (3 por.) Casket (1838) 433. Vanderlyn del. J. B. Longacro eng. Cent. (1889) 15:806. miniature.* Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898)271. Vanderlyn p. J. B. Longacre eng.* Har- per’s mag. (1874) 49:183. eng. —(1884) 68:248. Harper’s w. (1887) 31 :679. wdet. Johnston, Hist, of Library of Congress (1904) 1:18. Vanderlyn del. Koevoets eng.* McClure’s mag. (1901) 17 p.* ( Indepiendence hall, Phila). Mao. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:389. Vanderlyn del.* J. B. Longacre eng. New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:. 536. Sanderson, Biog. of signers (18^) 8:7. John Vanderlyn del. J. B. Long- acre eng. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5: 138. eng.* (from Higginson’s Hist, of L . S.) 'Winsor, Nar. crit. hist. (1889) 7:474. Vanderlyn del. Longacre sc. (from Austin’s Life of Gerry) Mrs Elbridge (Ann Thompson) Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) .59. Ramage & other f. (2 por.) Elbridge Thomeis, 1837- Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 2:. 536. G. E. Perine eng. N. Y. MEM. hist. 189.5) 124. G. E. Perine eng. R. of rev. (1892) 4:689. GERSON, Jean de (Jean Charlier) 1363-1429. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. L. Surugue eng. B. Picart del. Lenfant, Hist, du concile de Constance (1714) 1:75. B. Picart del. 1712. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2:pl. 134. B. Picart del. 1712. L. Surugue sc. Soc. Montj-on et Franklin, Por. et hist, des homines utiles, 5:207. Fran^'oissc. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1.584) 1 : 153. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 6:407. B. Picart del. 1712. L. Surugue sc. GERSTACKER, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian, 1816-72. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 299. Weger & Singer eng.* GERSTENBERG, Heinrich Wilhelm von, 1737- 1823. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 251. Schreyer eng.* J. Harper’s w. (1874) 18 : 929. wdet. GERSTER, Etelka, singer, 1857- Ce.nt. (1882) 2:208. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:806. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:780. wdet. —(1901) 45:1191. Illus. Lond. news (1878) 73:157. wdet. GERTRUD, w. of Rudolf I. emperor of Germany, 1225-81. See Anne (of Hohenberg) GERTZ, Martin Clarentius, 1844- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7*: 8. P. S. Kroyer p. (in group) GERVAIS, Alfred Albert, admiral, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:267. drawing.* — (1901) 119:408.* Vanity fair album (1902) 34:pl. 846. Guth del. 1902. lith. (caricature) John Lewis. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 228. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* John Lewis, jr. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 269. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Paul, zoologist, 1816-79. Pop. sci. m. (1887) 31:433. GERVEX, Henri, painter, 1852- Cent. (1889) 17:259. GERVICUS VON WEINGARTEN, 1495-1567. See Blaarer, Gcrvicus. GERVINUS, Georg Gottfried, 1805-71. Allo. weltgeschichtc (1888) 11:410. K. W. F. Oesterley p. Herm. Eichens lith.* Fijithe, Zi'italter der restau- ration & rev. (1883) 305. Oesterley p. Eichens lith. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) pref. 24. Oesterley p. Eichens lith.* Werckmeister, Das 19to jahrhun- dert in bildnissen (1899) 2: pi. 202. Oesterley p.* GESNER, Johann Mathias, 1691-1761. Seid- LiTz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 74. F. Reibenstein p. J. M. Bernigeroth sc. Konrad von, 1516-65. Iconum viros virtute atque eruditione. illustres repnesentantium (1599) pi. 23. eng. Jardine, Naturalist’s library (1841) mammalia, v. 12: front. Lizars sc. after p. K6n- NECKE, Bilder-atlas (1887) pref. p. 19. Chr. Maurer del.* Ludwig Frig sc. 1.564* (age 48) Seidutz, Portratwerk (1894) 1 :pl. 81. C. Meyer f. etch.* GESNER 575 GIACOSA Salomon, painter, 1730-88. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:118. Bechstein, 2(X) deutsche manner (18M) pi. 134. eng. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:33. Holl sc. Hirth, Lk>s grands illustra- teurs 6:2199. Anton Graff p. M. G. Eichlcr & J. F. Bause eng. Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2:pl. 10. A. Graaff p. George Cooke sc. Klein, Gal. hist, des illus. Germains (1806) pi. 13. Anton Graff p. M. G. Eichler sc. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1^7) 155. Anton Graff p. J. F. Bause eng.* Lempertz, Bilder- hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandeLs (1853-65) 33. A. Graff p. A. Wengenroth lith. Lit. mag. & Brit, rev. (1789) 2:241. J. Thomthwaite sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 120. A. de St Aubin sc. GESS, Wolfgang Friedrich, 1819-91. Harper’s w. (1879) 23:805. wdct. GESVKES, marmis de, Louis Potier, 1610-45. Versailles, Gal. nist. Gavard (1838) 3:pl. 235. E. Conquy eng. after kneeling statue. GETA, Lucius or Publius Septimius, Roman emperor, 189-212. L’Art (1881) 26:151. L. David del. (death scene) Bernoulli, R6mische ikonog. (1894) 2, pt. 3: pi. 22. bust* (Louvre) — <»2, pt. 3, pi. 23. bust* (Capitol, Rome) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kaiserreiches (1880) 494. coin* (from Imhoff- Blumer’s Portratkopfe auf romischen munzen) o Authenticity doubtful. GEUDER, Johann, s. of Martin III Geuder. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhau-ses (1895) 16: pi. 4, fig. 11. P. Flotner f. 1533* (age 37, medal) Martin III, 1455-1532. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 4, fig. 8. P. Flotner f. 1528* (age 73, medal) GEVAERT, Fran 9 ois Auguste, 1828- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 212. Alex. Gribayddoff del.* GEVAERTS, Jan Easpar, 1593-1666. Cust, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 166. Ant. van Dyck del.* (study for the Iconographie, Brit, mus.) Cust, Van Dyck (1903) l:pl. 20. Van Dyck del.* (Brit, mus.) DYCK,Cent.por. (1878)pl. 36. Ant. Van Dyck p. P. du Pontius sc. Guiffrey, Antoine Van Dyck (1882) 201. A. Van Dyck del. (Albertina coll. Vienna) Portfolio (1872) 3:144. Vandyck p. Rajon eng.* Rooses, L’oeuvre de P. P. Rubens (1890) 4; pi. 296. P. P. Rubens p. Paul Pontius sc. (Antwerp mus.) Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l;pl. 42. Vandyke p. John T. Wedgwood eng. GEVERS, Barrni W. A. F. 1856- Harper’s w. (1900)44:281. GEYER, Ludwig, d. 1821. Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) 2:535. Geyerp.* GEYGER, Adolph, 1835-87. Deutsche chem. gesellsch, !^richte (11^7) 20:3025. wdct. GHEEL, j. F. van. Hymans, Bruxelles 2: 168. GHEE MX (Ghenst or Gheymst), Janneke van der, mistress of Charles V, emperor, d. 1586. Ver- sailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1883. Boullay eng. after p. GHEERAERTS, Marcus, jr. 1561-1635. Wal- pole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 1:269. S. Freeman sc. GHEQTJIERE, Francis W. 1786- St Memin, Coll, of pK)r. (1862) pi. 368. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* GHERARDESCA, TJgolino della, d. 1288. See Ugolino. GHERAR.DI, Bancroft, admiral u. s. n. 1832- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:697. wdct. —(1893) 37:341. wdct. Christofano (II Docino) 1500-.56. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 134. eng. GHERARDENI, Alessandro, 1655-1723. Mar- RiNi, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2:7. P. Ant. Pazzidel.&sc. Tommaso, 1715-07. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 2, pt. 2:27. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. GHERARDO, miniature painter, fl. 1494. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 71. eng. GHEZZI, Pietro Leone, painter, 1674-1755. L’Art (1880) 21:123. P. L. Ghezzi del. —(1901) 60:198. P. L. Ghezzi del.* (caricature) Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 2:45. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. MorcKE, Ritratti (1762) 4: pi. 38. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Nic. Billiy sc. GHIBERTI, Lorenzo, painter, 1378-1455. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:991. Lorenzo Ghiberti sc.* (bas-relief) Penny mag. (1843) 12:185. Harvey del. H. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 37. eng. GHIKA, Alexander X, prince of Wallachia, 179.5- 1862. Alm. de Gotha (1842) 79:pl. 7. Kriehuber p. Carl Mayer sc. Gregor V, prince of Moldavia, 1807-57. Bam- berg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 295. lith. Niedcrmann sc.* Jon, 1817- Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angele- genheit (1892) 342.* GHIRLANDAIO (Domenico Corradi) 1449-94. Armstrong, Lorenzo de’ Medici (1896) 432. p.* (de- tail from Adoration of the Magi, Chapel of the Inno- cent!, Florence) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 25:2. Ghirlandajo p.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 72. eng. (Ridolfo Corradi) 1485-1.560. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 143. eng. GHISLERI, Michel, 1504-72. See Pius V, pope. GHOLSON, Wilham Yates, 1807-70. Green bag (1895) 7:176. GIACOSA, Giuseppe, writer. 41 : 105.* Critic (1902) GIAMBERTI 576 GIBSON GIAMBERTI, Francesco. Reber u. Baycrs- dorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1892) 4: pi. 476. Piero di Cosimo p.* (Gal. Haag) Giuliano, 1443-1.517. Se« San Gallo, Giuliano da. GIAMBTJLLAE.I, Pier Francesco, 149.5-1504. Tutti i trionfi (17.50) 1: 198. J. Ve sc. GIANELLO (Giovanni Torriani) 16th cent. See Torriani. GIANNTJZZI, Giulio dei, 1492-1.546. See Ro- mano, Giulio. GIAPELLO. Lenbach, ZcitgenossLsche bildnisse (1887) pi. 19. Franz Lonbacli p. 1865.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 17:489. Franz Lcnbach p.* GIBB, 3/rs, of Edinburgh. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 341. John Kay f. 1812 & eng. GIBBON, 3frs. Bookman (1900) 11:231. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. ?* (as Miranda) Edward, 1737-94. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:126. Bioo. mag. (1794) Geo. Mur- ray SC.1 after p. — (1819) 1:38. Holl sc. Book buyer (1901) 23:195. silhouette.* Brougham, Lives (1847) 2:277. J. Brown eng. after bust. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849) 5:621. Sir J. Reynolds p. Jas. Hall eng. W. Holl eng. Critic (1897) 30:178. .silhouette.* Dutckixck, Por. gall, of cm. men & women (1873) 1 :75. A. Chappel p. European mag. (1788) 13: 150. eng. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. 0898) 35. Reynolds p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. 0903) 3:354. Reynolds p.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 3:984. Reynolds p.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:1043. C. II. Niehaus .sc. wdet. (statue) Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7: pi. 20. R. Sands sc. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105: Nov. 17, sup. p. 1-4 (8 por.)* Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7 : 25. Reynolds p. J. Hall eng. W. Holl eng. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1794) 12:81. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 4:173. Alonzo Chappell p.* after Reynolds. Por. gall. (1853) 3:726. Reynolds p. James Hall eng. W. Holl sc. Read, Hist, studies (1897) 1 : front, eng. after p. (at La Grotte) Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 58. Reynolds p. J. Hall sc. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 1. Reynolds p. R. Cooper sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hi.st. p>or. 5: pi. 28. Reynolds p.* Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 2:287. Reyn- olds p. eng. George. Arminian mag. (471M)) 13 : front, (age 39) John, maj.-gen. 1827-96. Nicolay & Hay, Lin- coln (1890) 10:208.* GIBBONS, Alfred St Hill. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:404.* Daniel Lewis, 1786-1853. Roberts, Hist. anc. & hon. artill. co. (1898) 3:32. Edward. Metii. mag. (1803) 26:241. Wm. Ridley sc. (age 36) Grinling, wood carver, 1648-1720. Connois- .seur (1904) 9:11. Kneller p.* (Hermitage) Cun- ningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 3:1. Kneller p. W. C. Edwards eng. Select biog. of celeb, char, pi. 10. Kneller p. Joseph Jenkins sc. So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 3:pl. 37. Kneller p.* W'alpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3: 157. Kneller p. S. Free- man sc. James, cardinal, 1834- Cath. world (1893) 58: front. Harper’s mag. (1895) 92:339. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:125. wdet. —(1901) 45:876.* Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 3:32* 33* (2 por.) New Eng. mag. (1901) n. s. 24:77. R. of rev. (1893) 8:.503. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 99.* John Lloyd, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:213.* Sir Sills John, 1809-76. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59:4.57. wdet. after photo. GIBBS, 3frs (born Logan) actress, fl. 1783-1844. La BELLE assembl^e (1812) n. s. 6:227. Samuel De Wilde p. Robert Cooper eng. Monthly mirror (1800) 10:65. Clarke p. Ridley eng. (as Cowslip) 3frs Alexander, actress, 1804-54. See Graddon, Miss. Herbert, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:Apr. 30, sup. p. 8. W. W. Ouless p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1892) 113. W. W. Ouless p.* J ames, 1682-1754. Cunningham, Lives of Brit, painters (1830) 4:284. W. Hogarth f. W. C. Edwards eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:23.5. John Michael Williams p.* Walpole, Anec. ed. Dalla- way (1827) 4:76. 11. Huysingp. W. H. Worthington so. Josiah Willard, 1790-1861. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 266. p.?* New Eng. mag. (1900) n. s. 22:78. Frank B. Carpenter p.* Josiah Willard, 1839-1903. Pop. sci. m. (1894) 63:188.* Oliver Wolcott, 1822- New Eng. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:642. Pop. sci. m. (1900) 57:115. Robert Paton, actor. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:320. wdet. (as Gecko) William Warren, 1846- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:475. eng. GIBBS family name. See title Aldenham. GIBERT, Balthasar, 1662-1741. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Bouis p. A. J. de Fehrt sc. 1752. GIBSON, Alan George Sumner, bp. of Cape Town, 1856- So. African por. gall. (1897) 16. Alexander. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 568. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Alfred. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 139. Herbert A. Oliver p.* Charles, 182.5- Mag. of West. bust. (1889) 10:446. eng. Charles Dana, 1867- Art j. (19(X)) 52:44. Book buyer (1894) 11:487.* Critic (1894) 25:335 C. Mortimer del.?* — (1899) 34:48. GIBSON 577 GIGOUX Charles Hopper, 1842-1900. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:138. wdct. Edmund, bp. of London, 1669-1748. Rood’s coll, of por. (1822) 2: pi. 10. Vandrebanc p. 1737. Faber mezzo. Reading sc. 1820. Irving E. Vx. centen. com. Dedication of the Bennington . . . monument (1892) 144. John, sculptor, 1790-1866. Art j. (1849) 1 : 141. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:133. Margaret Carpen- ter p. 1857.* DRAWiNG-room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2, pi. 34. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 26. Rudolf Lehmann p. 1853.* John Bannister, judge, 1780-1853. Am. hist, register (1895) 3:450. Green bag (1891) 3:71. Mrs Margaret Dunlop. Cent. (1904) 46:748.* Patrick, of Richmond, Va. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 563. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* Randall Lee, u. s. senator, 1832-92. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:61. wdct. — (18^) 32:616. wdct. Richard, 1615-90. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dalla- way (1827) 3:124. wdct. (with his wife) Thomas Milner, 1806-84. Illos. Lond. news (1884) 84:217.* William Hamilton, 1850-96. Book buyer (1888) 5:1. —(1896) 13:421. —(1897) 15:13,495. Critic (1896) 29:63. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:724. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 15:644. GIBSON family name. See title Ashbourne. GIBSON-CRAIG family name. See Craig. GICQI7EL, Benjamin A. See Cicquel. GEDDENS, George, 1855- Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 14:33. photo. — (1896) ser. 4, 28:210. photo. GIDDINGS, Franklin Henry, 1855- Bookman (1903) 18: 178.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:399. wdct. Howard Alden. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:135. wdct. Joshua Reed, 1795-1864. Cent. (1887) 11:541.* Griffiths, Autog. for freedom (1854) front. J. C. But- tre eng. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:401. wdct. Hutch- inson, Story of the Hutchinsons (1896) 1 :88. Mag. of West. hist. (1884) 1:77. eng. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:333. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 1:288.* GIDEON, Lady, Maria Marowe (Wilmot) d. 1794. See Eardley, baroness. Maria Marowe, aftw. w. of 14th baron Saye and Scle, 1767-18.34. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1608. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* (with her brother, William Eardley) GIDMAN, Mrs Mary Lea. Hare, Story of my life, 1901 (1901) 4:40. Barber p.* (miniature) GI^, seigneur de, Franqois de Rohan, d. 1559. Clouet, French por. (187.5) 2: pi. 174a. 24288—06 37 seigneur de, Pierre de Rohan, marshal, 1450?- 1513. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Pinssio eng. J. Robert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 184. J. Robert del. Pinsio sc. (Cab. du Roy.) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 9:478. J. Robert del. Pinsio sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1322. P. R. J. Monvoisin p. Huot eng. GIEDROYC, Prince. See Gedrolts. geese, Fritz, of Boston. Ryan, Recoil. (1899) 72. GIESEBRECHT, Friedrich Wilhelm Benjamin von, 1814-89. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 310.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 342. Grabhein p.* GIFFARD, Mrs. Illus. Lond. news (1892) l(X):May 7 sup. p. 2. J. Collier p.* GIFFARD family name. See title Halsbury. GIFFEN, Sir Robert, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:735.* GIFFEN, Etta Josslyn. Lamp (1903) 26:152.* GIFFORD, 1st baron, Sir Robert Gifford, 1779- 1826. Green bag (1901) 13:35. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:571. 5r. (1877) l:pl. 98. John Kay f. 1794 & eng. Connie (Constance), countess of Orkney, 1865- Burlinoton mag. (1905) 6:434. Whistler p.* Cab. por. gall. (1890) 1:22.* Hollinoshead, Gaiety chron. (1898) 336. Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 3:41. wdct. Octavius Graham, 1779-1823. Monthly mirror (1810) n. s. 8:81. Lonsdale p. Freeman eng. William Wallace, 1846- Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 215. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Harper’s w. (1890) 34:96. wdct. GILDEA, George Frederick, maj.-gen. 1831-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:541.* GILDEMEISTER, Charles, architect. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11 :208. eng. after photo. GILDER, Jeannette Leonard, 1849- Bookman (1896) 4:16.* —(1900) 12:367. Richard Watson, 1844- L’Art et l’id6e (1892) 2:347. Bolton, Fam. Am. authors (1887) 310. Bookman (1900) 12:361. —(1902) 15:83.* Critic (1896) 29:265.* Harper’s mag. (1886) 73:819. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:592. W. A. Rogers del. wdct. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:9. Outlook (1899) 61:316.* Wilham Henry, arctic explorer, 1838-1900. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:157. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1 : 159. wdct. after photo. GILDERSLEEVE, Basil Lanneau, philologist, ia31- Harper’sw. (1883)27:369. wdct. GILES, Monsignor. Merry Eng. (1889) 12:405. Alfred, 1817-95. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:839.* Aquila, general, d. 1822. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 140. St Memin del. & eng. 1797.* Ernst, Australian explorer. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 69:17. wdct. James, lieutenant, d. 1825. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 190. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* John S. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:764. wdct. Wilham Branch, 1762-1830. Bowen, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 112. Harding, Stuart and others f. (5 por.) GILES. See also Gyles. GILFILLAN, James, 1829- Green bag (1892) 4:164.* GILL, Andre, caricaturist, 1840-85. Bookman (1903) 17:484. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 30. photo. Charles Frederick, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:769. drawing.* —(1899) 114:7.* —(1904) 125:613. Percy F. S. Sp>ence del.* Vanity fair album (1891) 23:pl. M7. Spy f. lith. (caricature) iSi’r David, astronomer, 1843- So. .\frican por. gall. (1897) 11. James. Meth. mag. (1811) 34:403. Ridley sc. John, 1697-1771. Biog. mag. (1820) 2:34. Holl.se. Laura Drake, dean of Barnard coll. 1860- World’s work (1904) 8:5042.* Theodore Nicholas, 1837- Harper’s w. (1893) 37:892. Paul Renouard del. wdct. Thomas. Meth. mag. (1813) 36:321. Blood sc. GILLAM, Bernard, 1856-96. Book.man (1903) 18:43.* .Mag. of art (1896) 19:336. S. of Rotherhithe, 1719-93. Europea.n mag. (1793) 24:83. T. Holloway del. 1787 & sc. GILLARD, Frank. Baily’s mag. (1892) 58:t.-p. —(1896) 65:278 (with duke of Rutland) GILLE, PhUippe, 1831- Revue illus. (1887) 3:243. P. Mathey del. Floriansc. GILLEM, Alvin Cullen, u. s. a. 1830-75. Har- per’s w. (1873) 17:365. wdct. GILLESPIE, Mrs Ehzabeth Duane. Book buyer (1901) 22:467.* Critic (1901) 38:391. George De Normandie, bp. of Mich. 1819- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 236. James, of Spvlaw, 1726-97. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 244. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. Joseph, judge, 1809-86. McClure’s mag. (1896) 7:81.* 5t> Robert Rollo, maj.-gen. 1766-1814. Wills, Irish nation, 3:395. E. Hawkset f. S. Freeman eng. Wilham, d. 1797. Kay, Orig. por.(1877) 2:pl. 244. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. GILLETT, Frederick Huntington, 1851- New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 9:589. GILLETTE, Omer T. 1845- Annals of Iowa (1882) n.s. 1:33. Wilham, actor, 1855- Book buyer (1898) 16:26. Bookman (1898) 8: 112* (in Secret service) — (1902) 16:308, 309* (2 por. as Sherlock Holmes) — (1904) 18:514.* Harper’s w. (1903) 47:2061. Kate Carew del.* (caricature; in The Admirable Crichton) Out- look (1900) 65:267. drawing.* Strang, Famous actors (1900) 174 (in Secret service) — (1902) ser. 2:89 (as Sherlock Holmes) Whyte, Actors (1898) 200 .* GIL LHA M, Robert, civil engineer, 1854-99. Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 10:337. eng. GILLIES 580 GILMOUR GILLISS, Adam {Lord Gillies), Scotch judge, 1760-1842. Crombie, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 13. B. W. Crombie f. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 312, 326. John Kay f. 1812, 1811, & eng. David. Cent. (1899) 36:388. John, 1747-1836. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 54. J. Opie p. C. Picart eng. GILLILAN, Gladys, dau. of W. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100: May 7, sup. p. 15. Miss M. Porter p.* GILLILAND, William, 17341-96. Am. hist, reg- ister (1895) 2:1438. GILLINDER, James. Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 1:276. eng. after photo. GILLIS, James, r. c. bp. of Limyra, 1802-64. Gordon, Ecclcs. chron. Scotland (1867) 4:480. eng. Pieter, 1490-1555. See ^Kgidius, Petrus. GILLMAN family name. See Gilman. GILLMOBE, Frank, 1867- Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 20:128. photo. James Clarkson, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:436. —(1900) 44:296. McClure’s mag. (1900) 15:292. drawing, 1900.* Quincy Adams, 1825-88. Ann. of sci. discovery (1864) front. II. W. Smith eng. after photo. Crafts, Southern rebellion (1862) 1:569. H. Wright Smith eng. after photo. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:^1. wdct. —(1863) 7:584. wdct. —(1888) 32:280. wdct. Mag. of Am. hist. (1886) 16:5M. Moore, Rebellion record (1864) 7:front. A. H. Ritchie eng. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 7:432.* Por. m. (1863) 1:47. wdct. Tomes, War with the South (1862) 3:91. eng. after ambrotype. GILLON, J. N. Bioq. moderne (1807) 4:331. Isabey del. Beljambe sc. Paulin, 1794-1878. L’Art (1877) 10: 17. Jules Buisson del. GILLRAY, James, caricaturist, 1757-1815. Bent- ley’s misc. (1848) 24:419. James Gillray p. Jos. Brown eng. (miniature) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:11. James Gillray p.* (miniature) Mao. of art (1891) 15:25. Gillray p. Jonnard eng. (miniature) —(1897) 21:257. Gillray del.* (as a boy) —21:263. Gillray p. Jonnard eng. (miniature) Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:358. eng.* Weight, Eng. under house of llanover (1848) 2: front. Gillray p. Joseph Brown sc. (miniature) GILLY, comte, Jacques Laurent, 1773-1829. Tardieu, G^n. franf. 2: pi. 108. eng. GILMAN, Benjamin Ives, 1765-1833. StMemin, Coll, of por. (lf^2) pi. 706. St Memin del. & eng. 1801.* Bradley, 1857- Book buyer (1900) 20:272. Jfrs Caroline (Howard) 1794-1888. Durc- kinck, Cyclo. Am. lit. (1877) 1:896. Roberts sc. Mrs Charlotte (Perkins) w. of G. H. Gilman 1860 - See Stetson, Mrs. Daniel Coit, 1831- Book buyer (1901) 22 :7.* Bookman (1902) 15:125.* Harper’s mag. (1895) 92:345.* Eclectic mag. (1875) 85:1. J. J. Cade eng. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:28. wdct. — (1899) 43:1317. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:99. Lamp (1903) 26:67.* New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 5:89. —(1900) n. s. 22:231. Outlook (1899) 62:760. —(1901) 68:819. R. of rev. (1901) 23:51. Scrib- ner’s m. (1879) 19:206. eng. World’s work (1901) 1:349.* Fred. Green bag (1889) 1:391.* Jeremiah H. u. s. a. 1831- Harper’s w. (1861) 5:125. wdct. John E. M. D. 1841- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:550. eng. John Taylor, m. d. 1806-84. Bioo. encycl. of Me. (1885) 322. eng. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3:1291. eng. Mabel, actress. Harper’s w. (1899) 43:764 (as Priscilla in The rounders) — (1902) 46:312.* Nicholas, 1755-1814. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 105 (3 por.) Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:334. GILMEB, George Rockingham, gov. of Ga. 1790-1859. White, Hist. coll, of Ga. (1855) 235. J. C. McRae eng. John Alexander, 1805-68. Cent. (1887) 13:86.* Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:343. F. Halpin eng. GILMOR, Mrs Charles (born Patterson) Cent. (1897) 31:816. Benj. West f.* Robert, 1748-1822. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 352. St Memin del. & eng.* Mrs Robert (Ellen Ward) Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:28. Robert, jr. 1774-1848. Harper’s mag. (1882) 65:26. Sir T. Lawrence p. G. Kruell sc.* Mrs Sarah Reeve (Ladson) St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 284. St Memin del. & eng.* William, 1775- St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 353. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* GILMORE, John Curtis, brig.-gen. 1837- Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:625. Patrick Sarsfield, 1829-92. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:385. wdct. —(1892) 36:978. wdct. William J. 1821- Green bag (1895) 7:237.* GILMORER, Sir John, d. 1671. Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 15. Old Scougal p. C. B. Ryley sc. GILMOIJR, J. H. actor. Harper’s w. (1893) 37.273. wdct. (as Mr Stanyhurst in The decision of the court) Sir John, 1st hart. 1845- Baily’s mag. (1901) 75:157. W. J. Alais sc. after photo. GILMOUR 581 GIRARD Richard, r. c. bp. of Cleveland, 1824-91. Cath. world (1897) 66:329. Mag. of West. hist. (1887) 6:49. eng. GILPIN, Charles, 1815-74. DRAWiNO-room por. gall. (1860) ser. 3: pi. 20. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:273. wdct. Vanity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 1^. lith. after caricature. Henry Dilworth, 1801-60. Democratic rev. (1840) 8:512. II. Inman p. R. W. Dodson eng. Sawrey, 1733-1807. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:90. p. (pK)ss. of Capt. Nordcliffe Gilpin) Gilbey, Animal painters (1900) 1:202. p.* (poss. of Capt. Gilpin) William. Meth. mag. (1812) 35:881. Blood sc. William, 1724-1804. Harper’s mag. (1869) 69:339. eng. William, gov. of Colo. 1822-94. Bancroft, Chron. (1891) 1:507. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:256. GILROY, Thomas F. 1840- Harper’s w. (1889) 33:553. wdct. —(1892) 36: 1035. wdct. GIMENEZ ARANDA, Luis, 1845- See Jimenez, Luis. GINSBURG, Christian David. Harper’s w. (1885) 19:329. wdct. GIOCCI, Giovsjoni Maria, 1487-1555. See Julius HI, pope. GIOCONDO", Fra Giovanni, architect, 1435-1515. Ami d. monuments (1890) 4:349. bas-relief* (du Palazzo della Ragione, V6rone) Mona Lisa del (La Gioconda) w. of Francesco. Cath. world (1895) 61:243. Leonardo da Vinci p. Cole, Old Italian masters (1892) 176. Leonardo da Vinci p. Timothy Cole eng. GIOFFRBDO, Pietro, 1629-92. Toselli, Biog. nicoisc (1860) 1:326. Perrin lith. 1860. GIOLITTI, Giovanni, premier of Italy. R. of rev. (1904) 29:281. GIORDANO, Luca, 1632-1705. Dezallier d’Ar- genville. Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:285 eng. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 26. I. Girtin eng. Marrini, Ritratti di cel. pittori (1765) 1, pt. 1:37. P. Ant. Pazzi del. & sc. MotJcKE, Ritratti (1756) 3:pl. 41. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. Rocco Pozzi sc. GIORGI, Marino, doge of Venice, 1231-1312. CicooNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 50. Nani eng. GIORGIO, Francesco di, 1439-1502. See Fran- cesco di Giorgio. GIORGIO DA GIJBBIO, fl. 1498-1552. See Andreoli Giorgio. GIORGIONE da Castelfranco (Giorgio Barba- relli) 1477-1511. L’Art (1893) 55:91. Augusto Benvenuti sc. Ch. Kreutzberger del.* (statue) Bul- LART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:343. Do L’Armessin sc. Corner, Por. of celebrated painters (182.5) pi. 4. Giorgione p. John Comer eng. Dezal- lier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux pointers (1762) 1:196. Hist. gall, of por. (1810) 6:pl. 21. Giorgione p. G. Cooke sc. Moccke, Ritratti (1752) l:pl. 4. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. M. Ant. Corsi sc. Penny mag. (1845) 14:204. Harvey del. Clarke eng. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 85. eng. GIOTTINO (Tommaso di Stefano) 1324-56. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 18. eng. GIOTTO (Ambrog^o or Angiolotto diBondone) 1276-1336. L’Art (1875) 3:183. Thomas Vinpotte sc. J. F. Taelemans del. (statue) Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas, Ifg. 74: pi. 359. Benedetto da Majano sc.* (statue; Dom zu Florenz) Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:317. Do L’Armessin sc. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:852. eng. Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:28. Benedetto da Majano sc. 1490* (monument; cath. Florence) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1899) 43:2, 45. Be- nozzo Gozzoli p.* (fresco) — 43:45. Giotto p.* (fresco) — 43:150. Benedetto da Majano sc.* (bas- relief) Masters in art (1902) pt. 32, 3:21. Paolo Uccello p.* Penny mag. (1843) 12:89. Harvey del. H. Clarke sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) l;pl. 5. Paolo Uccello p.* (with Donatello, Manetti, Brunel- lesco, and Uccello) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:181. vignette. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 1:360. eng.* Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 7. eng. GIOVANNI DA UDINE, 1487-1564. See Udine, Giovanni da. GIOVANNINO. Ztsch. f. bildendc kunst (1893) n. s. 4:151. Donatello sc. Albert Kruger etch, (bust, Berlin mus.) GIOVIO, Paolo, 1483-1552. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1 : 152. De L’armessin sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. saminl. d. kaiserhauses (1898) 19:146. medal 1552.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1832. F. A. B. Audibran eng. after p. Winsor, Nar. and crit. hist. (1889) 2:70. eng. 1589. eng. (in Reusner’s leones) Paolo jr. 1530-85. Iconog. di uomini somnii (1854) pi. 38. Eug. Silvestri sc. after p. GIRADIN, Louis Hue, d. 1824. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 260. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* GIRANDOLE, Bernardo delle, 1536-1608. See Buontalenti. GIRARD, MUe, queen of the F^libres. Cent. (1893) 24:48. A. Castaigne f.* Adam Charles, 1837- McClure’s mag. (1894) 3:180.* Aimd, chemist, 1830- Ann. du conservatorie (1898) ser. 2, 10:96. photo. Harriet. See Clark, Mrs John Y. GIRARD 582 GISELE Marius, 1838- Cent. (1893) 24:44. A. Cas- taigne f. 18^.* Stephen, 1750-1831. Bolton, Fam. rivers (1896) front, p. 1* (poss. of H. A. Ingram) De Bow’s rev. (1848) 5: front. W. N. Dunnel sc. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am. (1861) 1:467. Chappcl p. eng. Girard, Semi-cent. Pliila. (1898) front. Otis p. Lambert p.* Gleason’s pictorial (1851) 1:165. eng. Devereaux del. after statue. (Girard coll.) Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:645. wdct. Smith, Am. hist. & lit. curiosities (1861) 2: pi. 35. eng. after drawing? (poss. of J. McAllister) Soc. Montyon et Franklin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 : pi. 7. Bouvier sc. GLRAUDET, Jules, painter, 1856- Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:443. 6IRAIIDEY, Victor J. B. Bernard, War talks (1892) 161.* GIRABDIN, comte de, Louis Stanislas Cecils Xavier, 1762-1827. j\jinault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:155. Iconoo. des contemp. (1832) 2:29. Maurin del. ? Delpech lith. imile de, 1806-81. L’Art (1878) 14:255. Sarah Bernhardt sc. & del.* (bust) Art and letters (1882) 1:294. Sarah Bernhardt sc. (bust) Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 599. Masson eng.* Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 31. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1876) ser. 2, 13:727. Carolus Duran del. Gonse, L’art mod. k I’eimosition de 1878 (1879) 47. Carolus Duran p. 1878. (jillot sc. Grand-Carteret, XIX® sikclc (1893) 671. Carolus Duran p. eng. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51 :642. eng. Harper’s w. (1881)25:313. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:444.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 7: pi. 18. Pauquet del. Rosotte sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 301. Masson del. & sc.* Mme £mile de (Delphine Gay) 1804-55. L’Art (1890) 49:239. Chas.seriaux f. G. Staal del. Delangle sc. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:373. eng. Grand-Carteret, XIX® sikcle (1893) 290. Julien lith.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2: pi. 43. Marc, 1801-73. See Saint Marc Girardin. GIRAIIDON, Fran9ois, 1628-1715. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 6. P. Dupin sc. Hist. gall, of por. (1809) 4: pi. 14. H. Rigaud p. George Cooke sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 : pi. 2488. Pedretti eng. Mme Fran 9 ois, 1630-98. See Du Chemin, Catherine. GERAUD, Herbert, m. d. 1817-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:142. Pierre Francois Eugbne, 1806-81. Mont- ROSiER, Les chefs-d’a'uvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 85. Comte sc. Sdbastien Charles, 1819-92. Mao. of art (1893) 16:72.* Victor, painter, 1840-71. Montrosier, Lt's chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 17. Comte sc. GIRD, Richard, 1836- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 3:77. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. GERGENTI, coniessa di, Isabel (infanta of Spain) w. of Gaetano, 1851- Art j. (18^) 45:238. photo. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:44. wdct. Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 123. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:800. GEROD, J. Pierre, 1736- Bioo. modeme (1807) 4:336. Perrin del. Courbe sc. GEROD DE THOERY, J. L. 1732- Bioo. mod- eme (1807) 4:336. Moreau del. Courbe sc. GERODET-TRIOSON (Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy) 1767-1824. L’Art (1889) 47:30. Girodet- Trioson del. J. B. Lambert lith. BenoIt (F.) L’art franfais (Paris, 1897) 317. Girodet p. Vigneron lith. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. Roman sc. eng. (bust) GERODON, Louis Charles, general & prince of Burmah, 1811-65. See Orgoni. GEROLAMO DA CARPI, 1501-56. See Carpi. GEROUARD, Sir Edouard Percy Cranwill, 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:200.* GIRS, Mikhail, Russian minister to China. Har- per’s w. (1900) 44:669. Nikolai Karlovitch, 1820-95. Allo. welt- geschichte (1892) 12:696.* Harper’s w. (1895) 39:124. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:133.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:941.* Outlook (1900) 66:18. Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 321. Nemo f. lith. (caricature) GIRTEN, Thomas, painter, 1775-1802. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:135. John Opie p.* Inter- NAT. studio (1902) 18:81. Opie p. S. W. Reynolds eng.* GIRTY, Simon, 17501-1815? Ohio archseol.& hist, pub. (1898) 6:23 (likeness in one of Prof. W. H. Ven- able’s works)* GISBORNE, Thomas, 1758-1846. Brit. gall. (1822) l:pl. 55. J. Hoppner f. J. Meyer eng. William, 1826-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:107.* GISELA (of Austria) princess of Bavaria, w. of Leopold 1856- Alm. ae Gotha (1873) front. Carl Mayer sc. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:441. wdct after photo, (with Prince Leopold of Bavaria) Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:51. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. — (1899) 2:461. Lindegren del. after photo. GISELA (of Austria) queen of Hungary, w. of Ste- phan I. JiiRB. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1890) 11:199. Christoph Amberger f.* (efSgy) GISELE, oueen of the Franks, w. of Child^ric III. Malo, Gal. oes reines de France, 47. Delpech lith. 583 GLADSTONE GISSE GISSE, Georg. See Gyzo, Georg. GISSING, George, 1857-1903. Book buyer (1898) 6:41. Bookman (1895) 1:226.* —(1896) 4:18.* —(1898)7:99.* —(1901)14:13.* —(1904) 18:600.* Critic (1897) 31 : 174. —(1899) 34:20. Will Rothenstein del.* —(1901) 39:103.* —(1904) 44:197. H. G. Wells del. 1901.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:600. —(1904) 124:6.* Lit. year-bk. (1897) 1:162.* Liter.\ture (1901) 9: July 20, sup. pi. 11.* Rothenstein, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 22. Will Rothenstein del. 1897. lith. GIST, Eleanor, actress. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1155. George (Se-Quo-Yah) inventor of Cherokee alphabet, d. 1842. Harper’s mag. (1870) 41:545. eng. Mordecai, 1743-;92. Longacre & Herring, Nat. por. gall, of distin. Am. (1839) 4 : pi. 16. Wuittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 42. GISZE, Georg. See G}’ze. GIUGGIOIcA, Guglielmo. Tutti i trionli (1750) 2:259. eng. GIULIO ROMANO, 1492-1546. See Romano, Giulio. GIUNTINI, Francesco, 1522-90. Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-65) 41. wdet. GITJSTI, Giuseppe, 1809-50. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 500. C. Raimondi eng.* GIUSTINIANI, marchese. L’Art (1877) 8:44. Hugo van der Goes p. A. Bichard del. (one of the figures in painting Mystic marriage of St Catherine) Bartolommeo, Genoese senator. Art j. (1900) 52:221. Van Dyck p.* GIUSTINIANO, Marco Antonio, doge of Venice, d. 1688. CicoQNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2: pi. 107. Nani eng. GLADDEN, Washington, n. n. 1836- Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 3:241.* New Eng. mag. (1893) n. 3.9:173. R. of rev. (1904) 29 : 126. GLADDING, Munro H. lieutenant, 1828-62. Bartlett, R. I. officers (1867) 179. J. C. Buttre eng. GLADSTONE, Ames, dau. of William E. w. of Edward Charles Wickham, 1842- See Wickham. Anne, sister of William E. Outlook (1897) 55:65. miniature* (at Hawarden) Catherine Jessy, dau. of William E. 1845-50. Outlook (1897) 55:655. p.* (at Hawarden castle; child por.) Helen, dau. of William E. 1849- Cent. (1891) 20:290.* Outlook (1897) 57:43. Countess Love- lace del.* —57:602.* Henry Neville, s. of William E. 1852- Out- look (1897) 55:655. Mary Severn del.* (age 3) —57:603.* Herbert, s. of William E. 1854- Cent. (1904) 46:13.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:744. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* —(1899) 114:569.* —(1901) 119:689.* Outlook (1897) 55:655. Mary Severn del.* (age 4) — 57:603.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 399. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs Herbert (Dorothy Paget) Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:689.* Sir John, 1st hart. 1764-1851. Harper’s w. (1898) 42:532. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:581. W. W. Ouless p.* Outlook (1897) 55:64. p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 171. W. W. Ouless p.* Lady [John], Anne (Robertson) d. 1835. Out- look (1897) 55:63. p.* John Hall, 1827- Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 6. photo. Vanity fair album (1891) 23: pi. 523. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Robertson, brother of William E. 1805-75. Outlook (1897) 55:65. Stephen Edward, s. of William E. 1844- Outlook (1897) 57:602.* Thomas, grandfather of William E. d. 1809. Outlook (1897) 55:62. Sir Thomas, 2d hart. 1804-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 94:407. Wilham Ewart, 1809-98. Acad. (1899) 57 : 369. W. Nicholson del.* Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:751.* Alm. de Gotha (1881) front. A. Weger sc. Am. ann. cyclop. (1868) 8:248. — (1898) ser. 3, 3:306. Archer, Gladstone & his contemp. (1883) 1: front, lith. after photo. Arena (1890) 2:385.* L’Art (1875) 3:^8. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (caricature, with Disraeli) — 3:279. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (car- icature, with Disraeli) — 3:297. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (caricature, with Disraeli) — 3:299. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (caricature, with Lowe) — 3:305. Tenniel des. Swain sc. (caricature, with Thiers) — (1888) 45:31. Franz Lenbach p.* (with Dollinger) — (1893) 54:12. J. MacLure Hamilton p. A. Fiat sc. Art j. (1876) 28:244. J. Adams-Acton sc. W. Roffe eng. (statue, St George’s Hall, Liverpool) — (1888) 40:111. Franz Lembach p. — (1896)48:344. X Mc- Lure Hamilton p. (Luxembourg) — (1898) 160. Sir J. E. Millais p.* Baldry, Millais (1899) 70. Millais p.* (Christ church, Oxford) Benson, Fasti Etonenses (18^) 494. Bradley p.* (age 32) — p. 496. Millais p. T. O. Barlow eng.* — p. .500. Key p.* (Eton coll.) — p. .504. Sir J. E. Boehm sc. Adams sc.* (bust) Bol- ton, Eng. statesmen (1891) 414. Book buyer (1898) 16:379.* —17:461. —17:479. A. S. Forrest del.* Bookman (1895) 1:219. Phil May del.* (cari- cature) —(1896) 3:393.* —(1898) 7:388* (in 1898) —7 : 389. A. C. Gould f .* (silhouette) —7 : 390. — (1903) 18:241* (family group) — (1904) 19:13* (in 1898) Brett, Yoke of empire (1897) 152. Cameron, Tennyson & his friends (1893) pi. 9. G. F. Watts f.* Cassell, Nat. por. gall. 1 :1. lith after photo. Cent. (1897) 32:716-721. Harry Fumiss del.* (several sketches) Cath. world (1893) 58:82. Kurtz f. — 58:87. — (1896) 64:171. Kurtz f. CuAP-book GLADSTONE 584 GLADSTONE (1898) 9 : 57. — 9 ; 79 (with Mrs. Gladstone at church) — 9;^ (his last por.) Critic (1895) 26:311.* —(1896) 29:45. C. Bcnet del.* —(1898) 32:86. C. • Benctdel.* —32:340. Millais p.* —33:80. Millais p.* — (1899) 34:200. J. McClure Hamilton p.* — (1903) 43:390* (age 82, with his wife) Ccst, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:293. G. F. Watts p. 1865.* Draw- iNG-rooin por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 23. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men 6 women (1873) 2:416. A. Chappel p. Eclectic mag. (1866) 66:137. Perine & Gdes eng. — (1880) 95:129. J. J. Cade eng. Fagan, Reform club (1887) 106. L. Fagan del. 1874.* Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 4:1849. W. Biscombe Gardner eng. after photo. Harpeb’s mag. (1882) 64:741.* — 64:751. p. on ivory 1811 (with his sister) — (1893) 88:41. — (1897) 95:114. Paul Renouard del.* —(1901) 102:402. Lenbach p.* —103:872. Harry Fumiss del.* (caricature) Harper’s w. (1866) 10:316. wdct. —(1868) 12:429. wdct. —(1869) 13:36. wdct. —(1873) 17:265. wdct. —(1874) 18:1025. wdct. —(1880) 24:321. wdct. —(1895) 39:1018-9. wdct. —(1894) 38:241. wdct. —(1896) 40:420-1. Sydney P. Hall del. wdct. — (1898) 42:530, 531, 532. Hozier, Franco-Prussian war, 2:35. Holl eng. after photo. Hubbard, Little jour, good men (1895) 82.* Illus. Loud, news (1870) 50:529. John Adams- Acton sc. wdct. (statue, St George’s Hall, Liverpool) — (1874) 64 : 125. eng. after photo. — (1879) 75:541. drawing* (as lord rector of univ. of Glasgow) —(1880) 76:401. -(1883) 82: 184* (with his wife) — (1889) 94:4. Albert Toft 8c.* (bust) —94:425. —(1891) 98:202. Walter Wilson del.* —(1892) 100:595. — 101 : 17,* 33.* —101: Aug. 20, sup.* —(1893) 102:185. McLure Hamilton p.* —(1894) 104:288. F. Walter Wilson del. ?* (last speech in the House of Commons as prime minister) — 104:292.* — 104:622. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (statue) — (1896) 109:421. S. Begg del.* (speak- ing at Liverpool) — (1897) 111:490.* — (1898) 112:138.* —112:775. H. Schadow p. 1894.* — 112: May 21, sup. p. 1* (at time of his 4th premier- ship) — 112: May 21, sup. p. 3. G. Richmond p.* — 112: May 28, sup. S. Beck del.* (on his deathbed) — (1899) 115:246. bust* (at PenmaenmawT) — (1902) 120:17. E. On.slow Ford sc.* (statue) Internat. studio (1898) 5:134. J. McClure Hamilton p.* — (1903) 20:16. Alphonse Legros f. 1882* (medal) — 20:2^. Phil May del.* (caricature) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1898) 34:27, 28. Lenbach p.* Lamp (1904) 28:125* (from Morley’s Life of Glad- stone) Latimer, Eng. in 19th cent. (1894) 388. Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 28. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1891.* Lenbach, Zeitgenossischc bildnisse (1887) pi. 12. Franz Lenbach p.* — pi. 24. Lenbach p.* (with Dollinger) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899)2:32. McClure’s mag. (1893) 1:50.* — (1895) 4:375* (age 6; with his sister) — 4:376. George Havter p. 1832.* —4:377. Bradley p. 1839.* — 4':378. W. B. Richmond del. 1841.* —4:379* (in 1852) —4:379* (in 1865) —4:380* (in 1859) —4:381. SirG. F. Watts p.l* (in 1865) —4:382* (in 1866) —4:382* (in 1868) 382* (in 1880) — 1:384. McClure Hamilton p. ? 1890* (with his grandson) — 4 : 385* (in 1 893, with his granddaughter Dorothy Drew) —4:386* (in 1893) — (1896) 7 • 194.* — 7 : 197* (with his wife and his granddaugh- ter Dorothy Drew) —7:200* (in 186.5) —7:201* (in 1893) —7 : 202-203.* —7 : 205* (with 3 genera- tions) Mag. of art (1889) 12:83. W. B. Richmond f. P. Naumann eng. — 12:84. Thomas Woolner sc. (bust) — 12:85. G. F. Watts p. ? 1858. wdct. — 12:87. H.J.Thaddeusf. 1888. J. M. Johnstone eng. — 12:88. Hanr Fumiss del. 1888. J. Swain eng. (in the House of (Jommons) — 12:88. J. E. Millais p.* — 12:89. Harry FumLss del. (caricatures) — (1892) 15:178. Percy Bigland f. — (1896) 19:59. W. B. Gardner eng. after photo. — 19:11. Millais p.* —(1898) 23:39. Toft sc.* (bust) —23:140. John Rhind sc.* (bust) — (1900) 24:153. Millais p.* — 24:432. F. W. Pomeroy sc.* (statue) — (1901) 25:198. Sir W. B. Richmond p. P. Naumann eng. —25:395. Albert Toft sc.* (bust) —(1903) 28:25. Sir J. E. Millais p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Men of mark (1882) 6:1. photo. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 8:383. Walker & Cockerell eng. after photo. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:122, 124, 133.* —(1898) n.s. 18:518. Nicholson, 12 por. (1899)pl.4. Nicholson del.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 9,* 17.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:845.* Out- look (1897) 55:60-893 (9 por.)* —56:26-872 (13 por.)* —57: 38-859 (18 por.)* —(1900) 66:327. G. F. Watts p.* R. OF rev. (1892) 5:437,* 441.* — 6:141. — 6:522 (with his granddaughter) — (1893) 8:626 (with his granddaughter) — (1894) 9:416. —(1895) 11:630.* —(1896) 14:404* (with Li Hung Chang) —(1898)17:642.* —18:60. Sydnev P. Hull del.* Roy. acad. pict. (1894) 99. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (statue) Scribner’s mag. (1900) 27:735. J. McLure Ilamilton p.* (Luxembourg gall.) — (1902) 109. Thomas Brock sc.* (statue for Westminster abbey) — (1903) 33:200. Walter Wilson del. Corwin Knapp Linson del.* (bringing forward Irish home rule. House of Commons, Feb. 1893) Scribner’s m. (1880) 21:128. eng. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 10:204. S. J. Ferris f.* & vignette. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 5.* Vanity fair album (1869) 1 :pl. 2. Ape f. lith. (caricature) — (1879) 11: front. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1880) 12: front 2. T. f. hth. (caricature, with Lord Hartington and J. Chamber- lain) — (1882) 14: front. 4. lith. after caricature (the Gladstone memorial) — (1887) 19: pi. 532. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1892) 24: front. Spy f. nth. (caricature) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4:pl. 465. Lenbach p.* Wihte- iiALL rev. coll. (18^)) pi. 2. lith. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:250. Millais p.* Mrs William Ewart (Catherine Glynne) 1812-1900. Art j. (1896) 48:341. J. McClure Ham- ilton p. Critic (1903) 43:390* (with her husband) Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:745. E. Brighton f.* Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:530. —(1900) 44:5&5. Illus. Lend, news (1883) 82:184* (with her husband) —(1898) 112:May 21, sup. p. 4.* —(1900) 116:844. G. Richmond p.* McGlure’s mag. (1893) 1 :231, 237. — (1896) 7:197* (with her husband and her grand- daughter Dorothy Drew) New Eng. mag. (1890) n.s. 2:124. Notables of Brit. (1897) 9.* Outlook (1897) 55:408-858 (various por.) Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 29.* William Glynne Charles, s. of W. 11. grandson of W. E. 1885- Outlook (1897) 57:601* (child por.) William Henry, s. of William E. 1840-91. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:744. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:39. Outlook (1897) 57:601.* Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 389. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GLADWIN 585 GLENESK Gleason’s pictorial GLADWIN, Henry, d. 1791. Haeper’s mag. (1897)95:90. J. Holland p.* Mrs Henry. Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:89. Romneyl p.* GLAISHIEB, James, meteorologist, 1809-1903. Harper’s w. (1884) 28:555. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:93. —(1887) 90:146. Albert Toft sc.* (bust) —(1903) 122:228.* Pop. sci. m. (1890) 36:433. Turnor, Astra castra (1865) 462. GLAIZE, Auguste Bar thelemy, painter, 1807-93. Mao. of art (1893) 16:427. photo. GLANDAZ, Antoine Sigismond, 1792-1877. L’Art (1903) 62:228. Paul Aub6 sc.* (plaquette) GLANDOB.E, countess of, Lady Diana (Sackville- Germaine) w. of 2d earl, 1756-1814. See Crosbie, viscountess. GLANT7SE, 1st baron, Sir Joseph Russell Bailey, 1840- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:4.* GLANVILLE, Sir John, 1586-1661. Bioo. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 15. S. Harding del. after p. 1 R. Clamp sc. Oust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:121. p. 1648.* GLAS, John, 1695-1773. New Eng. mag. (1896) n.s. 14:239. GLASER, Lulu, actress. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:914. wdct. (as Rita in The chieftain) — (1896) 40:965. wdct. (as Pierrette) — (1900) 44:1246 (as Sweet Anne Page) — (1901) 45:464. — (1902) 46:149* (a new Dolly Varden) GLASGOW, 6th earl of, James Carr-Boyle, 1792- 1869. Baily’s mag. (1860) 1 : 247. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. 7th earl of, David Boyle, 1833- Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 223. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:230.* EUen, 1874- Book buyer (1897) 14:565. —(1900)20:273. Bookman (1897) 5:369.* —(1904) 19:14.* Bookman lit. yr. bk. (1898) 26. Critic (1897)30:391. —(1900)36:400. —(1904)44:200.* Lamp (1904) 28:150.* Outlook (1902) 71:213. World’s work (1902) 5:2793.* GLASS, Henry, u. s. n. 1844- Harper’s mag. (1899)99:171. GLASSFORD, Wilham A. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:993. wdct. GLATIGNY, seigneur de, Jean Bri 9 onnet, d. 1477. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 81. Lagneau del.* GLAVE, Edward James, African explorer, 1862- 95. Cent. (1895)28:864.* GLAZUNOV, Aleksandr Konstantinovitch, 1865- Baker Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 217. Alex. Gribay^dofl del.* GLEASON, Frederick. (1852) 2:9,216. wdct. GLEICHEN, graf von, Ernst, 13th cent. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1900) 12:139. monument* (with his 2 wives, Erfurt cathedral) graf von, Melchior von Hatzfeldt, 1593-1658. See Hatzfeldt. graf von, Viktor, prince of IIohenlohe-Langen- burg, 1833-91. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:38.* Vanity fair album (1884) 16: pi. 8. Go. f. lith. (car- icature) graf von, Edward, 1863- Vanity fair album (1898) 30:pl. 701. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GLEICHEN-RUSSWURM, freifrau von, Emilie Henriette Luise (Schiller) youngest dau. of Schiller 1804-72. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 235. drawing after photo.* GLEIG, Rev. George Robert, 1796-1888. Athe- N.EUM club, Por. (18.36) 2: pi. 6. E. M. Eddis p. lith. Maclise gall. (1873) 1^. Daniel Maclise del. New m. mag. (1837) 49 : 153. eng. GLEIM, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, poet, 1719- 1803. Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (1854) pi. 179. eng. Konnecke, Bildcr-atias (1887) 152. H. Ramberg p. F. M. Schreyer eng.* Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 118. H. Ramberg p. F. M. Schreyer sc. GLiElZES DE XiA BIlANQXJE, Joseph Gabriel, 1747- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:339. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. GLEN, Dr, of Edinburgh, d. 1786. Kay, Orig. por (1877) 1 :pl. 9. John Kay f. 1784 & eng. GLENBERVIE, baroness. Lady Catherine Ann (North) w. of Sylvester Douglas, 1760-1817. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:274. Ingres f. 1813. eng. GLENCAIRN, 5th earl of, Alexander Cunning- ham, d. 1574. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 19. Harding sc. after drawing from intaglio. 9th earl of, Wilham Cunningham, 16101-64. Pinkerton, Sc:otish gall. (1799) pK 43. Harding p. 1798. countess of. Lady IsabeUa (Erskine) Hamilton, w. of 1.5th earl, d. 1824. See Hamilton. GLENCORSE, Lord, justice-gen. of Scotland 1810-91. See Inglis, John. GLEND INNING, John, actor. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:320. wdct. (as the Laird) GLENESK, 1st baron. Sir Algernon Borthwick, 1830- Baily’s mag. (1894) 62:217. W. J. Ailing- ham sc. after photo. Cab. por. gall. (1891) 2: (5.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:43.* Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:234.* —(1895) 107:510.* Vanity fair album (1871) 3:pl. 26. Ape f. lith. (caricature) baroness, Alice (Lister) w. of 1st baron, d. 1898. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:469.* GLENGALL 586 GLOUCESTER GLENGALL, courdess of, Emily (Jefferies) w. of 1st earl, 1767-1836. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) front. Lawrence p.* (double por. coll, of earl Stanhope) GLENN, ELas, of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 380. St Memin del. & eng.* GLENN AN, M. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:490. GLENNON, Christopher, of Dalton, Mass. 1823- Da vis, N. E. states (1897) 1:267. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. GLENNY, James. Internat. studio (1898) 5: 119 E. A. Walton p.* GLENTWORTH, Marguerite Linton {pseud. Gladys Dudley Hamilton) 1881- Book buyer (1902) n. s. 25:303.* Bookman (1902) 15:119.* GLEYRE, Marc Charles Gabriel, 1806-74. Fournel, Artiste franp. contemp. (1884) 219. eng. GLINKA, Mikhail Ivanovitch, 1804-57. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 218. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* Dole, Score of famous composers (1891) 434. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2:pl. 51. — 2:786. — 2:789. (bust)* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhun- dert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 254.* GLISAN, Rodney, 1827- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 7:448. II. B. Hall’s sons eng. GLCESENER, Michel, 1794-1876. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1878) 44:277. —(1879) 45:front. Demannez sc. GLOGAU, herzog von. Prutz, Staatengesch. d. abendlandes (1887) 2:132. imp. of seal. A. Ltitke del. (Royal archives, Berlin) GLOSE, Augusta, actress. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1059. —(1903) 47:1303.* GLOSSOP, Augustus, 1852-96. See Harris, Au- gustus. GLOUCESTER, countess of, w. of 7th earl, 1272- 1307. See Joan (of Acre) 1st duie of, Thomas of Woodstock, s. of Ed- ward HI, 135^97. Art union (1843) 5:31. wdet. after ilium, ms. 2d duke of, Humphrey Plantagenet, s. of Henry IV, 1391-1447. Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 13. Jacques Le Boucq ? del.* Shakespeare illus. (1793) 1 : pi. 56. S. Harding del. after p. ? W. N.Gardi- ner sc. (coll, of Horace Walpole) Walpole, Roy. & noble au. (1806) 1 : 198. Gerimia sc. J^h auke o/, Henry Stuart, s. of Charles 1, 1640 -60. L’Art (1879) 16:291. Samuel Co^er p. John Wat- kins des. (miniature) Foster, Tiie Stuarts (1902) l:pl. 62. Simon Luttechuys p.* (miniature) IIamil- TO.N, Mem. of Count Grammont, 90. S. Harding del. after print. Clamp sc. Hu.me, Hist, of Eng. Cooke’s ed.ll : 191. W. Ridley eng. lu.us. Lond. news (1894) 105: July 21, sup. Mao. of art (1896) 19:381. M. I. Dicksec p.* (with his sister Elizabeth) Rapin, Hist. of Eng. (1733) 2:621. G. Vertue del. & sc. 1736. Reresby, Travels & mem. (1813) 165. Le Coeur sc. Roy. acad. pict. (1895)5. Margaret I. Dicksee p.* (with his sister Elizabeth) Skelton, Charles I (1898) 114. Daniel Mytens a Jean Boussod eng. (with father and mother) So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 2:pl. 58. A. van Dyck ? p.* Vertue, Heads, pi. 37. G. Vertue del. & sc. 1736. Weldon, Court & char, of King James (1817) 46. G. Vertue del. & eng. 1736. Wil- liamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) l:pl. 43, fig. 3. Samuel Cooper p.* (Victoria and Albert mus.) duke of, William, s. of queen Anne, 1689-1700. Cent. (1893) 24:105. Sir Godfrev Kneller p.* — 24:106. Lewis Crosse p. R. A. Muller sc.* (minia- ture) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:197. Michael Dahl p. 1695?* (with queen Anne) Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 105. old print* (Brit, mus.) — 2: pi. 111. M. Dahl p.* (with queen Anne) Olipiiant, Hist. char. (1894) 44. Kneller p. John Smith mezzo. R. G. Tietze eng. — p. 52. Lewis Crosse p. R. A. Muller eng. (miniature) Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1744) 3:409. Kneller p. I. Houbraken sc. 1745. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 3: pi. 77. Michael Dahl p.* (with his mother, queen Anne) — 3: pi. 82. Charles Jervas p.* Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:37. T. Murrey f. eng. 5th duke of, William Henry, 1743-1805. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:616. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Hamilton, First or Grena- dier Guards (1874) 2:203. H. D. Hamilton p. R. Earlom eng. duchess of, Maria (Walpole) w. of 5th duke, widow of 2d earl Waldegrave, 1736-1807. La belle assembl^e (1806) 1, pt. 2:445. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Hopwood eng. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 3. Ozias Humphrey p. 1769* (miniature) Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:360, 728. Reynolds p.* Gruyer, Peinture au chateau de Chantilly (1896) l:pl. 37. Reynolds p. 1761* (with her daughter) Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:261. Reynolds p.* Lond. mag. (1774) 43:1. eng. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 3:170. Reynolds p. S. Bull sc. (Strawberry Hill; in 1857) Williamso.n, Por. miniatures (1897) 76c. Richard Cosway p.* C)th duke of, William Frederick, 1776-1834. Harper’s mag. (1880) 61:528. Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 1 :334. Raikes, Hist, of hon. artill. CO. (1879) 2:268. C. S. Taylor sc. Ztsch. f. bOcher- freunde (1902) 6:322. Reynolds p. Caroline Watson Bc. (child por.) duchess of, Mary (princess of Gt. Brit.) w. of 6th duke, 1776-1857. Art j. (1860) 12:260. Copley p. 1785. R. Graves sc. (with her .sisters Sophia and Amelia) Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 100. Gains- borough p.* (Roy. coll.) La belle as.sembl^e (1806) l,pt. 2:337. Sir William Beechey p. Cheeseman eng. — (1816) n. s. 14:3. Beechey p. eng. George III (1^4) 1 :440. eng. Gower, Hist. gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 3. miniature.* Hall, Roy. gall, of art, 4:pl. 22. Copley p. 1785. R. Graves sc. (childnm of George HI) IlARPER’smag. (1880)61 :518. LADiEs’m. mus. (1806) n. s. 1:193. W. M. Craig p. K. Mackenzie sc. Lady’s mag. (1792) 23:283. eng. Law, Roy. gall, of Hampton &)urt (1898) 117. West p.* Ollier, Our GLOVATSKI 587 GNEISENAU Brit. por. painters, 57. J. S. Copley p. R. Graves sc. (child por. with her sisters Sophia and Amelia) Wil- liamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 52b. Ozias Humphrey p. eng. GLOVATSKI, Alexander, 1847- Book buyer (1902) 25:112.* GLOVER, Mrs Charles, of S. C. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:19. eng. Charles Carroll, 1846- Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 109.* George, engraver, fl. 1625-50. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1828) 5:50. Lewis del. J. W. Cook sc. Mrs George (Charlotte Affleck) William- son, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 16. Andrew Plimer p.* (with her mother and 2 sisters when children) John, 1732-97. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 2:80. wdct. after print. Harper’s mag. (1OT4) 49:200. eng. — (1876) 53:343. eng.? after statue (Common- wealth ave. Boston) John, painter, 1767-1849. Art j. (1850) 2:216. Mrs Julia (Betterton) actress, 1779-1850. Ladies’ m. mus. (1802) 9:73. Monthly mirror (1802) 14:1. Ridley eng. after p. Miss P. dau. of Julia (Betterton) Glover. Ladies’ m. mus. (1822) 16:61. R. E. Drummond p. Thomas Woolnoth eng. Whyte, Actors (1898) eng. 1818.* Richard, 1712-85. Effigies poeticse (1824) 2; pi. 123. Hone p. J. Thurston del. W. Ensom eng. (miniature) European mag. (1786) 9: 1. Hone eng. after p. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 54. Hone p. J. Thurston del. W. Ensom eng. (miniature) GLOYNE, Charles. Meth. mag. (1807) 30:289. Ridley & co. sc. GLUCK, Christoph Wilibald von, 1714-87. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 219. Alex. Gribay4- dolT del.* Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18M) pi. 22. F. Reusche sc. Bellaigue, Por. & silhouettes of musicians (1897) 249. Champlin, Cyclop, of mus. (1888) 1:460. Duplessis p. Albert Rosenthal etch. 1881. Clement, Musiciens c^lfebres (1873) front. Joseph Duplessis p. S. C. Miger eng.* Dole, Score of famous composers (1891) 118. Elson, Great com- posers (1898) 38. Hist. gall, of por. (1807) 1 :pl. 27. Duplessis p. G. Cooke sc. Lespin asse. Letters ( 1 902) 157. Joseph-SilfrSde Duplessis p.* (improvising) Les LETTREa et les arts (1888) 4:201. Greuze des. Mag. of art (1884) 7:284. Houdon sc. wdct. (bust) Paine, Famous composers (1891) l:pl. 15. Duplessis p.* — 1:223. Duplessis p.* — 1:^7. Houdon sc. draw- ing* (bust) — 1:237. Houdon sc.* (statue) — 1:239. monument* (in Weidenwang) — 1:241. St Aubin f.* Rimbault, Gall, of great composers (1874) 18. Carl Jager p. eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4 : pi. 12. J. Duplessis p. S. C. Miger sc. V’ersailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 83. Francin sc. Waltener eng. (bust) GLtJCK, James Fraser, 1852-97. Green bag (1889) 1:427.* GLUGE, Gottheb, 1812-98. Acad. roy. de Bel- gique, Ann. (1900) 66:153. G. Montenez eng. GLYN, Edward Carr, bp. of Peterborough, 1843- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 107 :621.* Mrs Elinor (Sutherland) w. of Clayton. Har- per’s w. (1901) 45:842. —(1902) 46:1929.* Mrs Isabel Dallas-, 1825-89. Theatre (1889) ser. 4, 14:215. Henry Carr, vice-admiral, 1829-84. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:205.* Lady Mary (Campbell) w. of Edward Carr Glyn. Illus. Lond. news (lt&2) 80: May 2, sup. p. 20.* Sir Richard George, 3d hart. 1831- Baily’s mag. (1871) 20:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Mrs Thomas Clayton (Henrietta Elizabeth Sackville Hollingberry) d. 1845. Ward & Rob- erts, Romney (1904) 2:61. Romney p. 1789* (J. Pier- pont Morgan coll.) GLYN family name. See also title Wolverton. GLYNDON, Howard, pseud, of Mrs Laura Catherine (Redden) Searing, 1840- See Searing. GLYNN, James, u. s. n. 18001-71. Harper’s mag. (1898) 97:741. John, 1722-79. Lond. mag. (1763) 32:707. eng. after p. Robinson, m. d. Internat. studio (1901) 15:136. R. E. Morrison p.* GLYNNE, Sir John, 1603-66. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:18. eng. (coll, at Broadlane, Flintshire) Mary, w. of 6th baron Lyttelton, 1813-57. See title Lyttelton (of Frankley) Lady [Stephen], Mary (Bennet) w. of 7th bart Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:844 (Mrs Gladstone’s' grandmother) Sir Stephen Richard, 8th bart. 1780-1815. Out- look (1897) 55:418. p.* (Hawarden castle; Mrs Gladstone’s father) Lady [StephenRichard],Mary (Neville) w. of 8th bart. Mrs Gladstone’s mother Illus. Lond. news (1900) 116:844. Outlook (1897) 55:418. p.* (at Hawarden castle) GNEISENAU, graf von, August Neithardt, 1760^- 1831. Allg. weltgeschichte (1887) 10:413. Christian Rauch sc.* (statue, Berlin) Bechstein, 200 deutsche manner (18^) pi. 141. eng. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 2:517. Franz Kruger del. J. C. Schall lith.* Bigelow, Ger. struggle for liberty (1896) 1 :26. R. C. W. sc.* (equestr. por.) — p. 124. statue.* Harper’s mag. (1895) 91:535. plaster cast* (Rauch mus. Berlin) — (1896)93:134. R. C. W.sc.?* Hen- derson, Side lights Eng. hist. (1900) 295. I. Buchhorn del. Carl Mayer sc. Oncken, Zeitalterder rev. (1886) 2:339. Christian Rauch sc.* (statue) Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 5:pl. 8. F. Kruger del. Schall lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 52. Gebauer p.* GNEIST 588 GODINOT GNEIST, Rudolf, 1816-95. Alixj. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:510.* Harper’s mag. (1883) 66:374. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:136. E. Henseler p.* Oncken, Zeitalterdes Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:449.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhun- dert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 527.* GNEEWOSZ, V. R. von. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1610.* GOBART, Albert. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1611.* GOBAT, Charles Albert, 1843- Les prix Nobel en 1902 (1905) 68.* GOBEILLE, Leon. Critic (1901) 38:335 (with Charles Sibleigh) GOBEL, Jean Baptiste Joseph, bp. of Lidda, 1727-94. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:339. Labadye del. Courbe sc. GOBIN, John Peter Shindel, 1837- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:820. wdct. —(1900) 44:934. GOBRIGHT, Lawrence Augustus, 1816-79. Harper’s mag. (1874) 48:229. eng. GODARD, Benjamin Louis Paul, 1849-95. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 220. Alex. Gribay^- doff del.* Revue illus. (1886) 2:661. P. Mathey del. Froment sc. Eugbne, aeronaut, 1827-90. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 11 : 172. Hill del. after photo. Damoreau sc. GODART, Georges, 1562- Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (18^) 10: pi. 2155. Contenau eng. after p. GODART DE BELBEUP. See Belbeuf, marquis de. GODDARD, ArabeUa {Mrs J. W. Davison) 1836- Ann. gift book (1859) 1:39. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Benjamin, 1766- Bond, Fam. & desc. of . . . Watertown (1860) 242. II. W. Smith sc. (age 80) Delano Alexander, 1831-82. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1882) 19:438. F. Norton. McClure’s mag. (1901) 16:449.* R. OF rev. (1904) 29:655. J. of Baltimore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 361. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* Romaine Vinton (Baroness von Overbeck) Cath. world (1893) 56:831. WiUiam, printer, 1740-1817. Mao. of Am. hist. (1887) 17:18. rare print* (poss. of Dr T. Addis Em- met) GODEAU, Antoine, bp. of Grasse, 1605-72. Per- RAULT, Les hommes illus. (1696) 1:11. Jac. Lubin sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17' et 18* slides (1805) 1 :pl. 6. Jac. Lubin sc. GODEBERTE, saint, d. 700? L’.\rt (1885) 39:57. Petrus Christus p. C. E. Wilson del. GODECHARLE, Guillaume, sculptor, 1750-1835. Hymans, Bruxelles, 1:263. GODEFROI DE LUSIGNAN, d. 1194. See Lu- signan, Gui de. GODEFROY DE BOUILLON, duke of Lorraine, 1058?-1100. L’Art (1877) 9:187. Louis Gallait f. & des. (decorative panel) Brit. mus. Prints (1889) n. s. pt. 2:pl. 3. eng. 1464.* Cath. world 0895) 62:3^ (statue) Kugler, Gesch. der kreuzzQge (1880) 27. ms. De passagiis in Terram sanctum.* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1889) 9: pi. 41. Francesco Terzio del.* Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1838) l:pl. 17. J. Boilly del. A. Boilly sc. Recueil d. por. (1786) 1 :pl. 52. J. J. Fli- part sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 4:136. Tuevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:237. eng. Treille, Austrasia reges et duces (1591) 83. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 1:501. J. J. Flipart sc. (Scriver mus.) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 61. E. Signol p. Massard eng. GODEFROY, Denis I, 1549-1622. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1 :290. Henri Bary eng. 1605.* Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 5. eng. Jacques, 1587-1652. Borgeaud, Hist, de I’univ. de Geneve (1900) 1:374. M. van Somer eng.* Louis. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:340. Perrin del. Voyez, jr. sc. GODERICH, Viscount. See title Ripon. GODET DES SIARAIS, Paul de, bp. of Chartres, 1647-1709. Bourghxiis, Grand sifecle (1896) 433. Paul Bria p. Jean Crespy eng. 16.50. GODEY, Alexis. Cent. (1891) 19:762. daguerr.* GODFREY, Daniel, bandmaster, 1831- Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:70.* Theatre (1891) ser. 4, 18:99. W. H. Bartlett p.* (Sat. eve. at the Savage club) Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 398. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Edmund Berry, 1621-78. Cust., Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 163. Edward Lutterel del.* Earlom, Por. of char. Sir G. v. Kneller p.? R. Dunkarton eng. Gower, Tower of Lond. (1902) 2:84. John Savage eng.* Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1879) 6:87. Edward Settle, captain, U. S. A. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:729.* Elizabeth, pseud, of Jessie Bedford. Book buyer (1902) 24:286.* Bookman (1900) 11:299.* G. L. 1836- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:.397. wdct. Percy. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 102:234. GODIN, Jean Baptiste Andrd, 1817-88. Har- per’s mag. (1885) 71:917.* GODINOT, Jean, abbiS, 1661-1749. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 3:149. Durupt p. Goulu sc. GODKIN 589 GOES QODKIN, Edwin Lawrence, 1831-1902. Book buyer (1896) 13:5. Bookmax (1896) 2:482.* —(1900) 10:410. —(1902) 15:157.* Critic (1896) 29:407. —(1898) 32:295.* —(1899) 35:1070.* —(1902) 41:2.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:707. Illus. Lend, news (1902) 120:787.* Outlook (1900) 64:285. GOD LICHE, Andreas Hartvig, 1714-69. Lund, Danske malcde por. (1900) 7^:33. U. F. Beenfeldt p. 1776.* Fru Andreas Hartvig (Anna Magdalena HOpffner) 1721-80. Lund, Danske 'malede por. (1900) 7-: 33. U. F. Beenfeldt p. 1776.* GODOLPHIN, 1st earl of, Sidney Godolphin, 1645-1712. Birch, Heads (1813) 145. SirG. Kneller p. J. Houbraken sc. Burnet, Hist, of own times (1838) 2:893. Kneller p. T. W. Mote eng. Cent. (1896) 24:704. Kneller p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 10: pi. 2. Kneller p. Mote eng. Oliphant, Hist, char. (1894) 192. Kneller p. John Smith mezzo. Peter Aitken f. Rapin, Hist, of Eng. (1744) 3 ;792. Kneller p. Houbraken sc. Roscoe, Robert Harley (1902) 44. Kneller p.* (coll, of duke of Leeds) So. Kensington, Nat. lust. por. 3: pi. 84. Kneller p.* 2d earl of, Francis Godolphin, 1678-1766. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:251. Jonathan Richard- son p.* KiT-cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 21. Kneller p. Coopier sc. Henry, 1648-1733. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 90. p.* (Eton coll.) Sidney, 1610-43. Bioo. mirrour (1795) l:pl. 17. Harding del. after drawing from p. R. Clamp sc. Effigies poeticse (1824) l:pl. 35. Bulfinch del. J. Thurston del. R. Rivers eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 35. Bulfinch del. J. Thurston del. R. Rivers eng. (Strawberry Hill coll.) GODOWSKY, Leopold, pianist, 1870- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:1197. —(1898) 42:1173. GODOY, Manuel de, principe de la Paz, duque de la Alcudia y de Sueca, 1767-1851. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:184. Hume, Mod. Spain (1900) 21. Carmona eng.* — p. 29. Oncken, Zeit- alter der rev. (1886) 2:^1. Steven p. J. B. Fosscyeux eng. GODSALVE, Sir John, d. 1556. Biog. mirrour (1795) 1 : pi. 16. John Betts p. 1.540. S. Harding del. R. Clamp sc. (miniature.) Holbein, Facsim. Barto- lozzi (1^4) pi. 34. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Hol- bein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 36. Holbein del. Facius sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) 1 : pi. 28. Holbein del.* Knackfuss, KOnstler-monog. (1896) 17:104. Holbein p. 1528* (with his father) Masters in art (1902) pt. 27, 3: pi. 6. Holbein del.* Reber u. Bayersdorfer Klass. bilderschatz (1892) 4: pi. 455. Holbein p.* (with his father; Dresden gall.) Sir Thomas, d. 1587. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1896) 17 : 104. Holbein p. 1528* (with his son, John) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klas.s. bilderschatz (1892 ) 4: pi. 455. Holbein p.* (with his son; Dresden gall.) GODSCHALL, Mrs. Williamson, John Russell (1894) 51. John Russell p. 1791* (pastel) GODWIN, George, 1815-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 92:142.* Parke, 1816-1904. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 163. Bookman (1902) 15:158.* — (1904) 18:578*-579. drawing.* Critic (1904) 44 :102.* Harper’s mag. (1879) 59:250. Le Clear p.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:579. wdet. after photo. Putnam’s m. mag. (1854) 4:345. T. Hicks del.? II. B. Hall eng. William, 17.56-1836. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2 :141. James Northcote p.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:83. John Opie p.* Harper’s mag. (1868) 38 : 459. eng. Maclise gall. (1873) 140. Daniel Maclise del. Mag. of art (1899) 24:83. James North- cote p.* Monthly mirror (1805) 19 : 1. Lawrence del. Ridley eng. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 5:293. Northcote p.* So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 84. James Northcote p.* Mrs William, 1757-97. See Wollstonecraft, Mary. GOEBEL, Wilham, 1856-1900. Harper’s w. (1899) 43 :692. —(1900) 44:126. GOEBEN, August von, 1816-80. Allo. welt- Mschichte (1892) 12:453.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 597.* Oncken, 2^italter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:321.* GOCKINGK, Leopold Friedrich Gunther von, 1748-1828. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 193. Anton Graff p. J. F. Bause eng. 1797.* GOE JE, M. J. de, prof, at Leyden univ. Minerva (1897) 6 : front. Th. Schwartze sc. GOELET, Beatrice. Cent. (1892) 21 :773. John S. Sargent p.* (child por.) — (1896) 30:174. Sar- gent p.* (child por.) Harper’s w. (1891) 35:345. Sargent p. wdet. (child por.) May, w. of 8th duke of Roxburghe. See title Roxburghe. g5b.GEY, Arthur, general, 1818- Internat. studio (1902) 16 :.303. Filip E. Ldszld del.* GdBB.ES, Johannes Joseph von, 1776-1848. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 65. E. Steinle del. C. Muller sc. Werckmeister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 109. Settegast p.* G6BTZ, George Henrik {friherre Schlitz) 1668- 1719. Bain, Charle.s XII (1895) 278. old eng. GOES, Aart van der, advocate of Holland, 1475- 1545. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 218. I. M. Quinkhart p. Flipart sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1774) 12:487. Damiano de, 1501-73. Schonbrunner, Hand- zeich. alter meister, 3; pi. 299. Albrecht Durer f.* Hugo van der, 1420 ?-82 ? L’Art (1875) 2: 138 E. Wauters p. L. Monzi^ sc. GOSCHEN 590 GOETZ GQSCHEN family name. See title and family name Goschen. GOESSEL, Kurt von. Harper’s w. (1895) 39: 124. wdct. GOETEDE, August von, s. of the poet, 1789-1830. Ruland, Aus dem Goethe-nat. mus. (1895-97) 1: pi. 12. Sclimeller del.* Cornelia von, sister of the poet, w. of J. G. Schlosser, 1750-77. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 194. Goethe del.* Ruland, Aus dem Goethe-nat. mus. (1895) pi. 3a. Goethe del.* Johann Kaspar, father of poet, 1710-82. Har- per’s w. (1871) 15:705. wdct. after statue (Frankfort) — (1889) 33:845. Koll)e p. wdct. — 33:846. Oeser eng. wdct. (age 19) — 33 : 864. Henry Baerer sc. wdct. (statue) Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 194. eng.* (in Lavater’s Phys. fragm. 1777) Zxscu. f. bucherfreunde (1899) 3:218. eng. after por. 1777. Frau Katherine EUsabeth (Textor) 1731-98. Gerard, Grand duchess (1902) 2:406. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 194. drawing* (in Lavater’s sammlung) Seidlitz, Portratwem (1894) 4: pi. 19. Hendschel del.* Johann Wolffgang von, 1749-1832. Allg- weltgeschichte (1889) 9:663. G. M. Kraus del. 1776- Daniel Chodowiecki eng.* — (1887) 10:469- Schwerdtgeburth del.* Arnault, Biog. nouv- contem. (1822)8:201. L’Art (1880) 23.273. Eugene Delacroix des. 1828. Charles Molte lith. — (1903) 62:111. Porret sc. 1828* (medallion) — 62:114. Delacroix del. C. Molte lith.* Art i. (1888) 40 :130. D. Maelise p. Bechstein, 200 deutsehe manner (1854) pi. 41. eng. Balia)u’s pictorial (1858) 14:76. eng. after statue (Weimar) — (1859) 16:44. eng. after statue (Weimar) Bookman (18^) 10:20, 21. Byron, Works, Poetry ed. Coleridge (1901) 5:282. D. Maelise del.* Carlyle, W’orks, Centen. ed. (1899) 23:front. p.* — 23:1. bust.* — 24:front. p.* — 24:1. statue* (Frankfort) Critic (1902) 41:400. Tischbein p.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1:226. photo. 1 Gall, der deutschen klassiker (18^) pt. 1: front. George Oswald May p. Carl Meyer eng. — pt. 1. J. K. Stieler p. Kracker eng. Gerard, Grand duchess (1902) 1:157, 211. — 2 : 343, 357. — 2 : 430. Angelica Kaufmann p. 1782.* — 2:506-558 (4 por.) Gleason’s pictorial (1854) 7:292. Schwanthaler sc. eng. (statue) Go- sciiEN, Life (1903) 1 : 164. May p.* (age 30; poss. Baron von Cotta, Stuttgart) — 1:242. Tischhein p.* (Stadel mus. Frankfort) Gostwick, German poets (1874) 128. photo. Die orapiiisciien kiinste (1886) 9 : 13. J. Melchior f. 1775. etch.* (medallion) — 9:14. J. S. Schmeller f. 1823. wdct. — 9 :15. silhouette, 1775 (as a young man) — 9 : 15. L. J. Fr. Hopfner f. 1772 (silhouette; as a young man) — 9 : 15. silhouette 1782 (reading) — 9:15. silhouette 1780 (with a sword) —9:15. J. F. Anthing f. 1782 (silhouette; in riding dress) — 9:16. Hauch sc. 1820* (bust) — 9:17. A. Trippel sc. 1787* (bust) — 9 : 18. J. K. Stieler p. 1828. W. Unger sc. (New Pinakothek, Munich) —9:18. J. II. W. Tischbein f. 1787. wdct. —9 : 18. J. K. Fischer f. 1827. wdct. (medallion) Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. Strangers (1835) pi. 29. Mauzaisse del. 1827. C. Motte lith. Harper’s mag, (1872)44:651. Schwanthaler sc. eng. (statue) Hirth. Der formenschatz (1899) pi. 1C6. Tischbein p.* Hirth, Les ^ands illustrateurs, 6:2223. F. Kirsch- ner f. G. F. Riedel eng. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:290. R. Bong del.* Imper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:659-63. George Dawe p. Posselwhite eng. Inter- NAT. studio (1£&4) 22:81. Rudolf Mayer f.* (medal) Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1903) 66:87. Eberlein sc.* (bust) — 66:114, 115. Elierlein sc.* (statue, Rome) Knight, Gall, of por. (1835) 4:46. George Dawe p. J. Posselwhite eng. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) pref. p. 3. Schadow f. 1816* (medal; a^e 66) — p. 195. silhouette* (poss. of Herr. Advocate Ehscher, Budapest) — p. 197. p. 1773.* — p. 198. silhouette 1774.* — p. 202. J. P. Melchior f.* (medal) — p. 205. Tripfx-l sc. 1787* (bust) — p. 208. J. H. Lips del. 1791.* — p. 210. Ferdinand Jagemann p. 1806.* — p. 210. Ferd. Jagemann del. 1817.* — p. 215. J. K. Stieler p. 1828.* Ladies’ mus. (1829) 1 : 181. Mac- LISE gall. (1873) 57. Daniel Maelise del. Mao. of art (1903) 27:451. Fritz Flebcher p.* New m. mag. (1832) 34:507. eng. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 135. G. M. Kraus del. 1776. D. Chodowiecki eng. — (1886) 2:392. Schwerdtgeburth del. 1832.* Outlook (1899) 63:38. -(1900) 66:803. C. Jager p.* Por. gall. (1853) 3:775. G. Dawe p. J. Possel- white sc. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilder- schatz (1899) 12:pl. 1590. Tischbein p.* (Frankfort) Rui*and, Aus dem Goethe-nat. mus. (1895) l:pl. 1. II. Kolbep.* —l:pl. 11. Schmeller del.* —(1897) 2: pi. 14a. C. A. Schwerdgeburth del. 1832.* — 2: pi 14b. silhouette 1829.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 20. etch.* — 5: pi. 17. G. Dawe p. Th. Wright sc. Sloane, Najxileon (1896) 3:140. E. E. Ilille- macher p. Charles State sc. (with Napoleon I and Wieland) Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:365. A. Borckmann f.* vignette. Werck.meister, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:317-322, pi. 233-239 (9 por.)* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1874) 9:364. G. Ilesz sc.? (statue) —(1880) 15:292. Schapier sc. M. Laemmel del. (monument, Berlin) — (ifel) 16:401. G. O. May p. 1779. W. Unger se. —(1889) 24:244. J. F. A. Darlies p.? 1785.* —24:244. P. J. David sc. 1829.* —24:244. F. Jagemann f. 1817.* — 24:244. J. Juel f. 1779.* — 24:244. G. O. May f. 1779.* — 24:244. Rauch sc. 1820* (bust) —24:244. L. Sebliers f. 1826.* —24:244. J. K. Stieler f. 1828.* —(1892) n. s. 3: 62. Seekatz p.* (with his family) — (1894) n. s. 5:249- 283 (20 por.)* —(1904) n. s. 15:249. Fritz Behn sc.* (bas-relief) Ztscii. f. bucherfreunde (1900) 4:79. C. Jaeger p.* See alto Rollett, Hermann. Die Ooethe-bildniiise bi- ographisch-kunsteesehichtlich dargestellt. Wien. lf«3. 4 “ (,S engravings, 2 heliogravures, 78 woodcuts.) Zarncke, Friedrich. Kurzgefasstes verzeichniss der originalaufnah- men von Goethe’s bildniss. Leipzig. 1888. 8». Abhandl. der philol. hist, classe der k. sachsischen gesellsch. der wisa bd. xi. (15 plates containing 183 portraits.) Frau Johtinn Wolfgang von (Johanne Chris- tiane Sophie Vulpius) 176.5-1816. Konnecke Bilder-atlas (1887) 206. Raalie p. 1810.* Zt.scii. f bildende kunst (1889) 24:48. Bury del. GOETZ, Mrs Charles. Roy. aead. pict. (1897) 192. Rudolph Lehmann p * GOTZ 591 GOLDSCHMIDT q 6TZ, Hermann, 1840-76. Allen, Masterpieces (1884) 2:185. wdct. Bakek, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 222. Alex. Gribay4dolI del.* GOTZ VON BEBLICHINGEN, 1480-1562. See Berlicliingen. * GOETZE, Robertvon, general, 1829- Scheibert, Heerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 15.* GOTZEN, graf von, Adolf, 1866- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:5^. F. Remington del.* GOEZE, Johann Melchior, 1717-86. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 166. Christoph Fritsch del. & eng. 1767* (age 50) GOFF, Darius, 1809- Van Slyck, N. E. manu- facturers (1879) 1:286. eng. John W. Green bag (1897) 9:465.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:604. wdct. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:482. Stead, Satan’s invisible world displayed (1897) 126.* Lyman Bullock, of Pawtucket, R. I. 1841- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2577. Nathan, sec. of navy, 1843- Harper’s w. (1881) 25:77. wdct. GOFFE, William, d. 16791 Fiske, Beginnings of New Eng. (1898) 220. W. N. Gardiner del. GOFFIN, Arnold, Belgian poet, 1863- L’Art (1904) 63:296. Jules Lagae sc.* (bust) Internat. studio (1904) 23:357. Lagae sc.* (bust) Hubert, d. 1821. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles. l:pl. 24. Dequevauviller sc. (with his son) GOFFINET, baron, aide de camp to king of Bel- gians. Pall Mall mag. (1896) 9:172. Emile Wau- ters p.* haronne. Pall Mall mag. (1896) 9:173. 6mile Wauters p.* GOGOL, Nikolai Vasil'evitch, 1809-52. Book buyer (1887) 4:21. Critic (1900) 37:419. Matthees eng.* Seidlitz, Portnltwerk (1894) 5: pi. 85. Th. Moller p. Th. Jordan sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1900) 4: pi. 373. W. Matthees eng.* GOHAIN family. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24:219. Boilly p.* GOHIER, Louis Jer6me, 1746-1830. Cent. (1898) 28:402. L. Dupr^ f. 1829.* Iconoo. des contemp. (1832) 2:pl. 30. L. Duprd del.1 1829. Delpech lith. GOIBAXJD-DUBOIS, Philippe, 1626-94. Drecx DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 5. Varri p. Pinssiosc. GOICOLCHEA, Don Juan Bautista de. Con- noisseur (1902) 4:119. Goya p.* (Saragossa) Doha Narcisa (Barahona) de, w. of Juan Bau- tista. Connoisseur (1902)2:30. Goya p.* (poss. Felipe Modet) GOING, Jonathan, 1786-1844. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 5:783. GOIZABD, Alejandro. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:586. GOLD, Charles W. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:349. wdct. Harcourt Gilbey, 1876- Baily’s mag. (1896) 66:47. Vanity fair album (1899) 31: pi. 742. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Thomas. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 288. John Comerford f. J. Heath eng. 1811. GOLDEN, Grace, actress. Critic (1900) 37:328.* (as Juliet) GOLDIE, George. Princeton book (1879) 271. Sir George Dashwood Taubman, 1846- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:412.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 54:117. Herkomer p.* JohnH. D. 1849- Baily’s mag. (1871) 20: 125. Joseph Brown sc. GOLDEE-TAUBMAN, Sir John Senhouse, 1838-98. See Taubman. GOLDING, Richard, engraver, 1785-1865. Art j. (1867) 19:6. GOLDMARK, Karl, 1832- Baker, Biog. diet, mus. (1900) 223. Alex. Gribay6doff del.* Harper’s mag. (1896) 93:629. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:442. wdct. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2 : pi. 30.* GOLDNEY, Sir Gabriel, 1st hart. .m. p. 1813-1900. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 133. lith after carica- ture. GOLDONI, Carlo, 1707-93. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:214. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1899) 8: 193. Pietro Longhi p.* Iconoo. do uomini sommi (1854) pi. 39. Piazzetta del. Redenti sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 112. G. B. Peazzetta p. G. M. Pitteri sc. Yriate, Venise (1878) 190. GOLDSBOROUGH, Charles Washington, 1779- 1843. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 415. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* Louis Malesherbes, rear-admiral, 1805-77. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) l:pl. 70. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:4. wdct. — (1866) 32:567. wdct. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:36, 136, 333. wdct. — (1865) 9:437. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 5:240.* Tomes, War with the South. (1862) 1 : 599. J. Rogers eng. after photo. GOLDSCHMIDT, Meyer Aaron, Danish novelist, 1819-87. Hansen, Nordiske digtere i vort aarhun- drede (1870) 443. II. P. Hansen eng. GOLDSCHMIDT 592 GOMES Otto, husband of Jenny Lind, 1829- Harper’s mag. (isk)) 60:828. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 6:394. Mrs Otto, 1820-87. See Lind, Jenny. GOLDSMID, Abraham, 1756-1810. European mag. (1810) 58:244. Madley p. W. Ridley sc. Sir Francis Henry, 2d hart. 1808-78. Vanity fair album (1872) 4: pi. 131. lith after caricature. Sir Julian, 3d hart. 1839-96. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:39.* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 519. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GOLDSMITH, Bernard, 1832- Bancroft, Chron. (1892) 7:146. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. Oliver, 1728-74. Art j. (1865) 17:156. J. H. Foley sc. G. Stodart eng. (statue, Univ. of Dublin) Ballou’s pictorial (1858) 15:296. eng. La belle assembl^e (1809) 6. sup. front. Bioo. mag. (1794) Audinet sc. after orig. drawing. — (1819) 1:39. Holl sc. Bolton, Poor boys (1885) 90. Critic (1904)45:332. Sir Joshua Reynolds p. Joseph March! f.? R. Sayer ex.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:21. Ozias Humphry? f.* (silhouette) — (1902) 2:21. School of Reynolds p.* Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 1 : 28. Reynolds p. EcLExrric mag. (1849) 16:1 — (1858) 44:front. James Doyle p. J. Sartain eng. (a literary party at Sir Joshua Reyn- olds’) Effigies pwcticse (1824) 2:pl. 115. Reyn- olds p. G. Clint del. E. Smith eng. EIlwin, Some XVIII cent, men of letters (1902) 2:225. Reynolds p.* (Nat. por. gall.) F'ields & Whipple, Fam. libr. of Br. poetry (ISS)) 431. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:344. School of Reynolds p. lith.* Gostwick, Eng. poets (1875) 106. photo. Harper’s mag. (1850) 2:1. eng. — (1874)48:681. Reynolds p. eng. — 48:681. J. II. Foley sc. (statue) — 48:682. Hogarth p. Hist. gall, of por. (1811) 7: pi. 21. R. Sands sc. Hubbard, Little jour, good men (1895) 300. Reyn- olds p.* Lond. mag. (1773) 42:57. eng. Mao. of art (1880) 3:432. John Faed p. wdct. Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1902) 3:613. Reynolds p. Alonzo Chappel f. Penny mag. (1842) 11:25. Reynolds p. Anelay del. Andrew eng. Por. of Brit, poets (1824) 2: pi. 46. Reynolds p. G. Clint del. E. Smith eng. Reynolds, Engravings, l:pl. 97. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. ^ribner’s mag. (1894) 15:95. Reynolds p. March! eng.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 84. Th. Cook del. & sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo por. (1884) 6:914, pi. 63. Reynolds p. Joseph March! eng. 1770. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 54. William Hogarth p.* — 4: pi. 55. Thomas Gainsborough p.* Wills, Irish nation, 4:572. W. HoII eng. Sir William Burgess, r. n. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:346.* GOLDSWORTHY, Martha, attendant of the Queen. Williamson, John Russell (1894) 58. John Russell p. 1789.* (pastel) Walter Tuckfield, maj.-gen. 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:8, sup. May 17. II. J. Hudson p.* GOLDTHWAIT, Thomas, colonel, 1717-99. Me. HIST. soc. Coll. & proc. ser. 2 (1896) 7 : 1. Copley? p.* GOLETTI, contessina. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 9, fig. 9. medal, 1557.* GOLITZYN, prince, Boris Aleksieevitch, 1641- 1710? Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:711. eng. prince, Dmitrii Aleksieevitch, 1738-1803. L’Art (1^1) 60:174. Drouais p. 1762. J. Tardieu sc. Bruckner, Katharina II (1883) 483. J. Samuel del. after medal (poss. of J. Iversen, St Petersburg) prince, Dmitrii Augustin (Jbrmeriy Dmitrii Dmitrievitch) 1770-1840. Catii. world (1895) 61:97. GOLLAHER, Austin, playmate of Lincoln. Cent. (1886) 11:19.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 5:487.* GOLLAN, Julie, dau. of Spencer H. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 195. James Sant p.* (child por.) GOLLANCZ, Israel, 1864- Lit. year-bk. (1897) 1:70.* GOLTZ, freiherr von der. Max, admiral, 1838- Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 56:38. Max Koner del. 1893.* graf von der, Robert Heinrich Ludwig, 1817-69. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:325. Weger en^. after photo.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhehn (1890) 1:561. Weger eng. after photo. GOLTZIUS, Hendrik, 1558-1617. Bullart, Acad. d. sci.etd. arts (1695) 2:444. E. de Boulonois f. eng. Descamps, La vie des pieintres fiamands (1753) 1:230. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 6. eng. Etched por. of celebrated ainters, pi. 27. I. Girtin eng. Franck, Deutsche unstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. Goltzius? del.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1888) pi. 25-26. Jacob Matham sc. 1617 (age 59) Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 3: pi. 17. Goltzius J). George Cooke sc. Mag. of art (1885) 8:305. Karel van Mander er^. wdct. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 2 : pi. 9. H. Cfoltzius sc. eng. W’alms- LEY, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl.43. H. Goltzius p. Charles Pye eng. Hubert, 1526-83. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:161. Esme de Boulonois f. Descamps, La vie des peintres fiamands (1753) 1:128. eng. Franck, Deutsche kunstler-gall. (1813) Franck f. GOLUCHOWO-GOLUCHOWSKI, graf von, Age- nor, 1849- Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:243.* Scribner’s mag. (1902) 31 : 198. GOLVENTUAULT, Joseph, 1744- Bioo. mo- derne (1807) 4:343. Labadye del. Courbe sc. GOLZ, Gustav Adolf, general, 1833- Scheibert, D. heerfuhrer d. gegenwart (1894) pi. 16.* GOMERSAL, actor. Art j. (1887) 39:143 (as Bounaparte in the battle of Waterloo) GOMES, Antonio Carlos, 1839-96. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 224. Alex. Gribay^doff del.* GOMEZ 593 GONZAGA GOMEZ, Leandro, Brazilian general. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:221. wdct. Maximo, Cuban general. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:461. wdct. —(1897) 41:536. —(1898) 42:587.* —(1899) 43:211, 435. McClure’s mag. (1898) 11:106. Sylvester Scovel del. 1897.* Rea, Facts & fakes about Cuba (1897) 234* (on horseback, 1897) R. OF rev. (1896) 13.386. GOMEZ DE SILVA, Buy, d. 1573. See Eboli, principc do. GOMM, Sir William Maynard, 1784-1875. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:95. James Bowles p.* Illus. Lond. news (1872) 61:412. wdct. after photo. Van- ity fair album (1873) 5:pl. 67. Spy f. lith. (carica- ture) GOMME, George Laurence, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:262.* GOMPERS, Samuel, 1850- Arena (1896) 16:35.* Harper’s w. (1886) 30:849. wdct. —(1894) 38:702. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1902) 19:490.* R. of rev. (1894) 10:27. drawing.* GOMPERTZ, Theodor, 1832- Ztscii. f. bildende kunst (1904) n. s. 15:95. Ludwig Michalck p.* GONCOURT, Edmond de, 1822-96. Book buyer (1896) 13:445. Bookman (1901) 14:120. Gavarni del.* (with Jules) Critic (1896) 29:63. 19ieme sifecle (1901) 357. Charpentier sc.* (bas-relief) Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 32. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15: 188. Carrifere p.* Harper’s mag. (1892) 85:329. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 109: 102.* Internat. studio (1904) 23:95. F^lix Bracqucmond p.* Mao. of Am. hist. (1891) 26:99. Scribner’s mag. (1898) 23:103. Eugfene Carrifere del.* Werck- MEiSTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 580.* Jules de, 1833-70. L’Art (1875) 3:377. Ed- mond de Goncourt f. 1867. C. Maurand eng. Book- man (1901) 14:120. Gavarni del.* (with Edmund) Dumas, Livret illus. du Mus. du Luxembourg (1884) 181. F. Bracquemont del.* Gal. contemp. (1876), pi. 33. Claudius Popelin f. wdct. (enamel) Scrib- ner’s mag. (1898) 23:102. Varin eng.* Werck- meister. Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:882. Varin eng.* GONDAL, ihakur saheb of, Sir Bhagwatsinghji Sagramji, 1865- Illus Lond news (1897) 111:46. GONDELACH (or Gundelach) Matthaeus, painter, d. 1653. Franck, Deutsche kiinstler-gall. (1813) Franck f GONDI, Mme Anne (de Velez de Guevara) w of Francois Mario dc Gondi. L’Art (1892) 52:190. Francois Clouet 1 del * Charles de, marquis de Belle-Isle, 1569-96. Versailles, Gal hist.Gavard,sup.5:pl.53. eng. after contemp por. Jean Francois de, abp. 1584-1654. Dreux DU Raoier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. eng. M. afne f. Pierre de, cardinal, 1533-1616. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 13: pi. 195. E. Conquy eng. after kneeling statue. GONDI family name. See also Retz, due de, and Retz, cardinal de. GONDINET, Edmond, 1828-88. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 34. photo. Revue illus. (1886) 2:757. R. Renouard del. GONDOMAR, conde de, Diego Sarmiento de Acuna, d. 1625. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:430. Myters p. Ben Damman eng. Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:189. Mytens p. Damman eng. (at Hampton Court palace) Herbert, Autobiog. (18^) 235. Ben Damman etch. GONDBIN, marquise de, Marie Victoire Sophie de NoaiUes, w. of Louis de Pardaillan d’Antin, 1688-1766. See Toulouse, comtesse de. Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de, 1665-1736. See Antin, due d’. GOiJl, Luis, of Chile. Harper’s w. (1891) 35:521. wdct. GONNE, Maud, 1866- R. of rev. (1892) 5:643. GONSALVES, J. Wilton, composer, 1870- Illus. Lond. news (18^) 114:222.* GONSALVI, Orcole, cardinal, 1757-1824. See Consalvi, Ercole. GONSALVO DE CORDOBA, the Great Captain, 1443-1515. See Cordova. Ferdinando. See Sesa, duque de. GONSE, Charles Arthur, general. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:244. GONTAUT family name. See title Biron. GONTHIER, Johann, 14871-1574. Iconum viros virtute atque eruditione illus. reprsesentantium (1599) pi. 20. eng. GONTIER DE BIRAN. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:345. Godefroy del. Massard sc. Mme (Rose Fran^ise Carpentier) 1747-1829. Gal. th^atrale, pi. 3. Favart del. Chaponnicr sc. (as P^rette) GONZAGA, Andrea di, marquis of Specchia, 1539-86. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:204, fig. 70. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Barbara di (of Brandenburg) marchioness of Mantua, w. of Ludovico III, 1423-81. L’Art (1888) 45:215. Mantegna f. St Elme Gautier del. (fresco) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 27:. 55. Andrea Mantegna f.* (detail of fresco) — (1897) 27:72. School of Mantegna eng.* (from Lodovico II Gonzaga und seine Gemahlin) 24288—06 38 GONZAGA 594 GONZAGA Caterina (Anguisciola) w. of Luigi Alessandro, d. 1550. See Anguisciola. Cesare di, count of Guastalla, 1530-75. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:203, fig. 69. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Eleonora di, duchess of Urbino, w. of Francesco Maria II della Rovere, d. 1570. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) l:pl. 38. C. Dolci p. Studio Rosaspina eng. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 244. Titian p.* (Imp. mus. Vienna) Hirth, Der formenschatz (1889) pi. 86. Titian p.* — (1894) pi. 134. Titian p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 29:75. Titian p.* (UfEzi gall.) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1878) 13:257. Titian p. W. Unger sc. Eleonora (of Austria) di, duchess of Mantua, w. of Guglielmo, 1534-94. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl. 11, fig. 3. medal, 1561.* Hirth, Der formenschatz (1895) pT. 59. Frans Pour- bus, jr. p.* (child por.) S. (A. M.) Point & pillow lace (18^) front. Porbus il Giovane p.* (Pitti palace) Eleonora di, w. of Ferdinand II of Germany, 1598-1655. See Eleonore, empress of Germany. Elisabetta, duchess of Urbino, w. of Guidobaldo di Montefeltro, 1471-1526. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 12. Andrea Mantegna?* (Uffizi gall. Florence) Connoisseur (1903) 6:183. G. Caroto p.* (Uffizi gall.) Emilia (Bentivoglio) di, w. of Pirro, d. 1529. See Bentivoglio. Federigo I di, marquis of Mantua, 1440-84. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 322. Mantegna p.* (fresco in Gonzaga pal. Mantua) Knackfuss, Kunst- ler-monog. (1897) 27:56. Andrea Mantegna p.* (fresco in Gonzaga pal. Mantua) Federigo II di, duke of Mantua, 1500-40. Bur- lington mag. (1903) 1:146. Francesco Raibolini p * (coll. A. W. Leatham) Capriolo, Ritratti dicen to capitani (1600) 30. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Cas- tiglione, Courtier (IWl) 279. medal* (coll, of P. Valton) Connoisseur (1902) 4 :234. Titian p. Por- denone p.* (child with ffis mother, duchess Isabella of Gonzaga; coll. Dr. Ludwig Mond) —(1903) 5:272. Francia p. 15101* Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:pl. 12, fig. 57. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) 14:263. Francesco Raibolini p.* (age 10) Federigo di, principedi Bozzolo, d. 1527. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:211, fig. 82. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ferdinando di, duke of Mantua, cardinal, 1587- 1626. Michel, Rubens (1899) 1:48. Rubens del.* (Stockholm mus.) Francesco I di, lord of Mantua, 1363-1407. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 25. Ah- prando Capriolo eng. Francesco di, cardinal, 1444-83. Allg. weltge- schichte (1891) 6:659. Andrea Mantegna p.* Gal. naz. ital. (1902) 5:212. Mantegna p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 27:67. Andrea Mantegna p.* (fresco in Gonzaga pal. Mantua) Francesco di, marquis of Vescovardo, 1496-1523. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:238, fig. 132. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) ^ • Gianfrancesco I di, marquis of Mantua, 1394- 1444. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 26. Aliprando Capriolo eng. . Gianfrancesco di, count of Rodigo, s. of Ludo- - vico III, the Turk, 1443-96. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:208, fig. 78. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Knackfuss, ^ Kunstler-monog. (1897) 27:57. Andrea Mantegna p.* 'S (fresco in Gonzaga pal. Mantua) Gianfrancesco II di, marquis of Mantua, 1466- 1519. L’Art(1892)52:219. Spierandiol sc. J.Hugard del. (equestr. statue) — 52:221. Sperandio f.* (medal) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 28. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Castiglione, Courtier (1901) 409. Fran. Bonsignori p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1886) ser. 2, 33:71 (Louvre) Thevet, Por. et vies d. bommes illus. (1854) 2.329. eng. Gianfrancesco di, marquis of Luzzara, d. 1524. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17 :232, fig. 116. p * (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Giovanni di, marquis of Vcscovado, 1474-1.523. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml d kaiserhauses (1896) 17:191, fig. 54. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) GiiUia di, w. of Vespasiano Colonna, d. 1.566. See Colonna. Guglielmo di, duke of Mantua, 1536-87. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12.pl 11, fig. 2 medal 1561.* Guido Sforza di, marquis of Vescovado, 1552- 1607. Jhrb. d. kunsthist samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:242, fig. 139. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) Ferdinando I di, count of Guastalla, 1507-57. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 31. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:412. eng. Ferdinando, count of San Martino, 1550-1605. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17: pi. 13, fig. 100. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ferdibando II di, duke of Guastalla, 1563-1630. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:206, fig. 75. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Henriette (de Cleves) di, w. of Luigi Gonzaga, due de Nevers, d. 1601. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 12, fig. 62. p* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) IppoUta di, w. of Fabrizio Colonna, 1535-63. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhau.scs (1887) 5:76. Leone Leoni f.* (medal) Isabella (d’Este) di, marchioness of Mantua, w. of Gianfrancesco II, 1474-1.539. See Este. Isabella di, marchioness of Luzzara, w. of Rudolfo II. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- GONZAGA 595 GOODALL hauses (1896) 17:233, fig. 119. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Isabella (Colonna) di, w. of Luigi Rodoraonte, d. 1570. See Colonna. Lucrezia (d’Incisa) di, w. of Federigo, marquis of Gazolo. See Incisa. Ludovico I di, lord of Mantua, 1267-1360. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 24. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1903) 65:93. Donatello f.* (bronze head, Paris) wife of. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kai- serhauses (1896) 17 : 178, fig. B. p.* (coll, of Archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ludovico II di, lord of Mantua, 1334-82. Allo. weltgeschichte (1891) 6:659. Andrea Mantegna p.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1897) 27:54, 64. Andrea Mantegna p.* (fresco, Gonzaga pal. Mantua) — (1897) 27:72. school of Mantegna eng. (from Lodo- vico II Gonzaga und seine Gemahlin) Portfolio (1877) 8:56. A. Diirer B. A. Mantegna del. Amand Durand eng. (with his wife, Brit, mus.) Ludovico III di, the Turk, marquis of Mantua, 1414-78. L’Art (1882) 28:155. Meleoli f. (medal) —(1884) 36:194. Vittore Pisano f.* (medal) Bode, Renais. sculp. Toscanas,lfg. 29:pl. 133. Donatello sc.* (bust, Berlin mus.) Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 27. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Gall. naz. ital. (18^) 4:212, pi. 11, fig. 46. bas-relief.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:13. equestr. statue* (ducal pal. of Sabbioneta) Jahrb. d. k. preuss. kunstsamml. (1889) 10:50. Donatillo sc.* (bust) Ludovico di, bp. of Mantua, 1458-1511. Cas- TiGLiONE, Courtier (1901) 215. Mantegna p.* (fresco in Gonzaga pal. Mantua) Luigi di, due de Nevers, 1539-95. Bourdert et Lachenaud, L<;onard Limosin (1897) 296. Leonard Limosin. Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 50. Clouet f. — 1 : pi. 124. Clouet f. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 10, fig. 8 (medal) 1559* (Alvisio Gonzaga) — (1896) 17:pl. 12, fig. 61. C .* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ztsch. f. ildende kunst (1896) n. s. 7:231. Titian p.* (Hamp- ton court) Luigi (St Aloisius) marquis of Castiglione, 1568-91. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kauserhauses (1896) 17 :pl. 11, fig. 111. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdi- nand von Tirol) Luigi Rodomonte di, papal general, 1500-28. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 29. Ali- prando Capriolo eng. Gaz. d. l>eaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:15. equestr. statue* (ducal pal. of Sabbioneta) Margherita di (15th cent.) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10.367. V. Pisano p. A. Bertrand sc. Margherita di (of Montserrat) duchess of Man- tua, w. of Federigo II, 1510-66. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml d kaiserhauses (1891) 12:pl 11, fig. 5. medal 1561.* —(1896) 17;pl. 12, fig. 58 p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) Margherita di, duchess of Ferrara, w. of Alfonso II d'Este, 1564- 161s Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (18%) 17. 199, fig. 66. p.* (coll, of arch- duke Ferdinand von Tirol) Maria di, duchess of Rethel, dau. of Francesco, duke of Mantua, 1609-60. Keepsake (1839) 12:235. Miss F. Corbeaux p. W. H. Mote eng. Maria Luigia di, 1621-67. See Maria Louisa, queen of Poland. Massimiliano di, marquis of Vescovado, 1514- 69. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (18%) 17: pi. 13, fig. 133. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Ottavio di, 1543-83. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml’ d. kaiserhauses (18%) 17:pl. 11, fig. 73. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Rodolfo di, marquis of Luzzara, 1450-95. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. sarrmil. d. kaiserhauses (18%) 17:225, fig. 105. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Kn.ackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 27:59. Andrea Mantegna f.* (detail from fresco in bridal chamber) Susanne Henriette (d’Elbeuf) di, duchess of Mantua, w. of Carlo IV, d. 1710. Sciionbrunner, Handzeich. altermeister, 1 : pi. 59. Hyacinthe Regaud f. Vespasiano di, duke of Sabbioneta, 1.531-91. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:12 (statue)* (ducal pal. of Sabbioneta) — (1898) ser. 3, 19:208. Lione Leoni f. Gusman eng.* (statue) Vincenzo I di, duke of Mantua, 1562-1612. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12:142, fig. 9; 143, fig. 10 (2 medals)* Vincenzo II di, duke of Mantua, 1594-1627 Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12 : 1 44 , fig. 1 1 . medal .* GONZALES, of Paraguay. Harper’s w. (1869) 13:44. wdet. Manuel, pres, of Mexico, 1833-93. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:414. GONZALEZ VIGIL, Francisco de Paula, 1792- 1875. New Eng. mag. (1892) n. s. 7:445. GONZALES Y FERNANDES, Josd, murderer. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:797. wdet. GONZALO DE CORDOBA, the Great Captain, 1443-1515. See Cdrdova. GOOCH, Arthur, 1837- Vanity fair album (1882) 14: pi. 258. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sir Daniel, 1st hart. 1816-89. Illus. Lond. news (1889) 95:522. Vanity fair album (1882) 14:pl. 417. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GOODALE, George Lincoln, 1839- Pop. sci. m. (1891) 39:577. —(1899) 55:455. GOODALL, J/iss, singer, 1800?- Ladies’ m. mus. (1824) 20 imp. ser. 181. Miss, dau. of Frederick Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 151. F. Goodall p.* Frank. Baily’s mag. (1872) 22;t.-p Frederick, R. A. 1822-1904. AriJ (1850)2:213. Illus. Lond. news (1%1) 118:753.* — (1%4) 125.148.* Men of mark (1878) 3; pi. 13. photo. GOODALL 596 GOODWYN Joseph, D. D. 1760-1S40. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 268. John Jackson p.* Harper’s mag. (1876) 53:526. eng. after silhouette. Outlook (1898) 59:858. Aug. Edouart f. 1823* (silhouette) Rica, dau. of F. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:686. F. Goodall p.* Thomas, admiral of Hayti, 1767-1832? Euro- pean mag. (1808) 53:323. Drummond p. Ridley & Blood eng. GOODBODY, M. F. tennis player. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:813,861. wdct. GOODE, George Brown, 1851-96. Cent. (1885) 7 : 356.* Harper’s w. (1887) 31 : 652. wdct. — (1896) 40:916. wdct. Pop. sci. m. (1897) 50:289. — (1903) 62:332.* Sons of the Am. rev. D. C. Register (1896) front. GOODELL, David Harvey, gov. of N. II. 1834- Harper’s w. (1888) 32:868. wdct. William, d. d. 1792-1867. Eclectic mag. (1862) 56: front. G. E. Ferine eng. after photo. GOODENOUGH, James Graham, r. n. 1830-75. Illus. Lond. news (1875) 67:244. wdct. after photo. Sir William Howley, It.-gen. 1833-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:625.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 23. GOODEKE, Samuel, r. n. 1687-1741. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 3:2.50. R. Grave sc. GOODFORD, Charles Old, 1812-84. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 4.58. R. Hannah p. T. O. Bar- low eng.* Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:465. Men of mark (1878) 3: pi. 27. photo. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 121. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GOODHART, Harry Chester, 1858-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:. 534.* GOODHUE, Benjamin, 1748-1814. Bowen, Centen. Wa.shington inaug. (1892) 91. J. Wright f. GOODLAKE, Gerald Littlehales, 1832-90. Baily’s mag. (1878) 32:373. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. GOODLOE, Abbie Carter. Book buyer (1897) 15:112. GOODMAN, Maud, aftw. Mrs Arthur E. Scanes, painter. Mao. of art (1898) 22:481. F. L. Scanes del.* GOODNOW, Frank Johnson, 18.59- R. of rev. (1904) 29.213. GOODRICH, Aaron, 1807- Green bag (1892) 4:114 Caspar Frederick, u. s. n 1847- Harper’s w. (1898) 42.472 Chauncey, 1759-1815. Sr Memin, Coll, ol por. (1862) pi. 493. St Memin del. & eng. 1799.* Mrs Chauncey (Mary Ann Wolcott) Gris- wold, Republican court (1855) 345. J. Rogers eng. after p. (poss. of F. H. Wolcott, N. Y.) Wharton Solons (1900) 62. miniature.* Chauncey Allen, 1790-1860. Dwight, Yale life (1903) 86. Henry Augustus, of Fitchburg, Mass. 1830- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2198. A. H. Ritchie eng. Samuel Griswold (pseud. Peter Parley) 1793- 1860. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. A. H. Ritchie sc. 1853. eng. (medal) Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:110. Roberts sc. Mitchell, Am. lands (1897) 331. Bannister eng. after daguerr. Tru.mbull, Mem. hist, of Hartford co. Conn. (1886) 1 : 162. William M. of Templeton, Mass. fl. 1805-33. New Eno. mag. (1897) n. s. 17:486. GOODSELL, Daniel Ayres, m. e. bp. 1840- Har- per’s w. (1888) 32:400. wdct. —(1891) 35:374. wdct. GOODSIR, John, 1814-67. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) pref. 17. W. Hole sc. (group) GOODWIN, Arthur, 15931-1643. Devonshire, Coll. (1901) pi. 50. Vandyck p.* Daniel Raynes, 1811-90. Cleaveland, Hist, of Bowdoin coll. (1882) 431. J. C. Buttre eng. Harvey, bp. of Carlisle, 1818-91. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:36. wdct. after photo. — (1891) 99:723.* Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 157. Hamo Thomy- croft sc.* (recumbent statue) Vanity fair album (1888) 20: pi. 399. Spy f. lith. (caricature) James, d. 1878. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hart- ford co. Conn. (1886) 1 :512. H. B. Hall’s sons eng. John, .\rminian mag. (1789) 12:561 (age 46) Lyde, jr. 1782-1845. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 341. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* Mrs Maud (Wilder) w. of Almon, 1856- Book buyer (1896) 13:215. Bookman (1896) 4:192.* Critic (1897) 31:322. Nathaniel Carl (Nat Goodwin) 1857- Book- man (1899) 8:531* (as Nathan Hale) —(1901) 13:536* (as David Garrick) Critic (1901) 38:488* (as Shylock) Harper’s w. (1883) 27:281. wdct. — (1893) 37 : 1024. wdct. (as the sheriff in In Mizoura) McKay & Wingate, Fam. Am. actors (1896) 377. Strang, Famous actors (1900) 118 (as David Garrick) — (1902) ser. 2:43 (as R. Carewe) — ser. 2:53 (as Shylock) Mrs Nat C. See Elliott, Maxine. Thomas, d. d. 1600-80. Calamy, Nonconform- ists mem. (1802) 1 ;236. Hall eng William Watson, 1831- Harper’s w. (1883) 27:369 wdct. Outlook (1902) 71 :881. GOODWYN, Robert, d. 1532. Cotman, Sepul- chral brasses (1839) 1 .pi. 65. J. S. Cotman del. & eteh. (with his wife, Necton church, Norfolk) Robert H. of S. C. 1795- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1.193. J. C. Buttre eng. alter daguerr. GOODYEAR 597 GORDON GOODYEAR, Charles, inventor, 1800-60. Har- per’s w. (1857) 1:221. wdct. Harrison, Biog. sketches (1893) 3: pi. 3. por.* (poss. of Goodyear Rul> ber CO.) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:304. Pop. sci. m. (1898) 53:577. GOOLD, William, 1809-90. Me. hist. soc. Coll. & proc. ser. 2 (1898) 9.337. GOOLD-ADAMS, Sir Hamilton John, 1858- See Adam, s GOORLE, Abraham van, 1549-1609. See Gor- Iseus, Abraham. GOOS, August Herman Ferdinand, 1835- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroycr p.* (group) GORDES, baron de, Bertrand-Rambauld III de Simiane, d. 1578. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 227 Clouet f lith. (Mr dc Gordes.) GORDIANTJS III PIUS, Marcus Antonius, Roman emperor, 225-244. Bernoulli, Romische ikonog.(1894) 2, pt. 3 : pi. 38. half-figure* (Louvre) —2, pt. 3. pi. 39. bust* (Villa Albani) Hertzberg, Gesch. des rom. kais<>rreichcs (1880) 551. coin (from Imhoof- Blumer’s Portratkopfe auf romiseben munzen) Jhrb. d kunsthist. samml. d. kaiscrhauscs (1885) 3:pl. 2, fig 99. 100, 105, 108, 111, 112, 113 (7 medallions)* GORDIN, Jacob M. 1853- Bookman (1901) 14:269. B Gussow del.* GORDON, marquis of. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pt. 51, fig. 2. Alexander Cooper 1 p.* (coll. Miss Swinburne) 1st duke of. George Gordon, 1643-1716. Hunt- LY, Records of Aboque (1894) 545. Sauvd sc.* 4th duke of, Alexander Gordon, 1743-1827. Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 60b William Grimaldi p 1805.* duchess of, Jane (Maxwell) w. of 4th duke, 1748- 1812 Art j. (1890) 42:207. R. Cosway p.* (minia- ture) La BELLE assembl^e (1808) 5.145. Robert Cooper eng. Burlington mag. (1901) 4 . 104. George Romney p.* (coll. Sir Edmund Antrobus) Caw, Scot- tish pir. (1903) 2.72. Reynolds p. 1774* (poss. duke of Richmond and Gordon) European mag. (1791) 20:3 Reynolds p. 1774. Stanier sc. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 2:432. Rey- nolds p.* (with her young son) — 2 552. Reynolds p.* li.Lus Lond. news (1897) 111:611. Ladies’ m. mus (1806) 16:145. Mackenzie sc. Pall Mall mag. (1898) 14:408. Reynolds p.* (with lord Huntley) Propert, Hist, of miniature art (1887) 115. R. Cos- way p.* Reynolds, Engravings, 2. pi 50. Sir J. Reynolds p. 1774. S. W. Reynolds eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 69, fig 4. S. Shel- ley p* (E. M. Hodgkins coll) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 156 Richard Cosway p. eng. Wraxall, Posthumous mem. (1836) 3.266. eng 5th duke of, George Gordon, 1770-1836. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2 152. Geoige San- ders f. John Lucas eng* Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 .pi. 78 John Kay 1. 1791 & eng. Robertson, Let- ters & papers (prel 1897) 96. Andrew Robertson p * (mimatuie) (of Drumearn) baron, 1814-79. See Gordon, Edward Stratheam. Adam, 16th cent. Pall Mall mag. (1903) 31 : 195. contemp. por. A. S. Hartrick del.* (with Jean-Marie Baptiste Des-Essars) Lord Adam, 17261-1801. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 88, 89. John Kay f. 1796 & eng. Adoniram Judson, d. d. 1836-9.5. New Eng. mag. (1888) 6:3.54. wdct. Alexander (Lord Rockville) Scotch judge, 1739- 92. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1 : pi. 33. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. Archibald, 1800-48. Outlook (1897) 57:72. silhouette.* Catherine, 1770- Outlook (1897) 57:71. sil- houette.* Sir Charles Alexander, 1821-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:529.* Charles George (Chinese Gordon) 1833-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:686.* Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1884) 9:282. H. B Hall, jr. eng. after photo. Art j. (1^8) 40:381. Hamo Thornycroft sc. (statue, Trafalgar sq.) Boulger, Hist, of China (1898) 1 : front. Cent. (1885) 7:660* (in 1867) Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:247. Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm sc* (bust) Eclectic mag (1884) 40: front. Har- per’s w. (1884) 28:113. wdct. —(1885) 29:101, wdct. Hill, Talks about autog. (1896) 101. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:80.* —(1885) 86:Feb. 14, sup. — (18^) 93:21. Stuart Burnett sc * (statue, Aber- deen) — 93:483. Hamo Thornycroft sc * (statue, Trafalgar sq.) —(1898) 113:377. —113:379. Thornycroft sc.* (statue, Trafalgar sq.) —(1902) 12017. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (statue) McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 2:226. Mag. of art (1889) 12:69. Hamo Thornycroft sc. J. M. Johnstone eng. (statue) Merry Eng. (1884) 2:213. O.ncken, Zeit- alter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:901.* Outlook (1899) 61:278. por.* (in Wliittier’s garden room at Amesbury) Pall Mall mag. (1896) 9: 140. Sander- son, Africa in 19th cent. (1898) 166.* Scribner’s mag. (1889) 6-517. J. Reich eng after photo (age 40) — (1903) 33:52.* Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 9:381. J. L G. Ferris f * & vignette. Vanity fair album (1881) 13 pi. 241. Ape f. lith. (caricature) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1901) 5:pl. 536.* Charles William (pseud. Ralph Connor) 1860- Bookman (1899) 9:392. Critic (1900) 37:299. Douglas Hamilton-, canon of Salisbury, 1824- 1901. Illus. Ijond. news (1901) 119:913.* Dudley Gladstone, 1883- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:350. Mme Louisa Starr Canziani p.* (child por. with his brother) Lady Duff-, Lucie (Austin) w. of Sir Alex- ander Cornewall, 3d bart. 1821-69. Critic (1893) 22 165. Lamp (1903) 27 . 36. p 1* Edward Stratheam (Baron Gordon of Dru- mearii) 1814-79. Vanity fair album (1874) 6 : pi. 187. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GORDON 598 GORE Lady Elizabeth, dau. of earl of Sutherland, w. of Sir James Crichton. See Crichton. Lord Esmd Stuart, 1853-1900. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:236. photo. George (Z/ordHaddo) 1764-91. KAY,Orig. p>or, (1877) 1 : pi. 84. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. George, captain, Scotch brigade, d. 1803. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 56. John Kay f. & eng. (group of 3) George Angier, d. d. 1853- R. of rev. (1904) 29:126. George H. of Miss. 1801- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:45. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. George William, d. 1865. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:757. wdct. Lady Georgiana, w. of 9th duke of Bedford, d. 1853. See title Bedford. Gilbert, d. 1845. Outlook (1897) 57:72. sil- houette, 1812.* Mrs Gilbert, 1740-1832. Outlook (1897) 57:73. silhouette.* Lady Grace, dau. of marquis of Huntley, w. of 6th carl of Lonsdale, 1854- See title Lonsdale. Harry Panmure, 1837-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 121:378. Hubert Herkomer p.* Ian Archibald, 1884- Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:350. Louisa Starr Canziani p.* (child por. with his brother) J. A. M. D. of Charleston, S. C. Harper’s w. (1904) 48:2023 (group) Sir James Alexander, r. n. 1782-1869. James, Naval hist, of Gt. Brit. (1837) 6:312. W. Greatbatch eng. Lord John, d. 1630. See Melgum, 1st viscount. John Brown, gov. of Ga. 1832-1904. Avery, Hist, of Ga. (1881) 506. Cent. (1887) 12:785.* Harper’s w. (1877) 21:352. wdct. —(1890) 34:932. wdct. —(1894) 38:700. wdct. Lamp (19a3) 27:221* (age 33) — 27:223* (in 1896) M^lure’s mag. (1894) 3:70. wdct. after photo. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:160.* R. op rev. (1904) 29:205, 206. Scribner’s mag. (1903) 33:515. George T. Tobin del. after daguerr. (age 22) John Edward, 1850- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:842.* John Ponsonby, 1801- Outlook (1897) 57:72. silhouette.* Sir John Watson, painter, 1788-1864. Art j. (1850)2:373. —(1903)55:301. Sir J. W. Gordon p.* Kate M. Stanton, Hist, woman suffrage (1902) 4:678.* Mrs Laura (de Force) 1843- Green bag (1890) 2:22.* Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:753. J. C. Buttre eng. Lord Lewis, d. 1754. Allardyce, Hist, papers (1895) 1:209. Cosmo J. Alexander f.* Lady Louisa, dau. of duke of Gordon, 1776-1850 See Cornwallis, marchioness. Nathaniel, of Exeter, N. II. 1820- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1734. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Patrick, 1635-99. Allg. weltgeschichte (1889) 9:83. p.* (Winter palace, St Petersburg) BrCckmer, Peter der Grosse (1879) 98. p.* (St Petersburg) Scribner’s m. (1880) 20:709. eng. Robert, of Straloch, 1580-1661. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:185. George Jamesone p.* Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1835) 2:front. Jamieson p. S. Freeman eng. — (1847,18^)2:467. Jamieson p. S. Freeman eng. Pinkerton, ^otish gall. (1799) pi. 35. del. after p. eng. (King’s coll. Aberdeen) Smith, Iconog. Scotica (1798) pi. 13. Trotter sc. after p. (King’s coll. Aberdeen) Robert, d. d. 1786-1853. Crombie, Mod. Athe- nians (1882) pi. 5. B. W. Crombie f. Seth Chase, of Portland, Me. 1830- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3: 1293. J. ’ . J. Wilcox eng. Thomas, 1714-97. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 35. John Kay f. 1787 & eng. William, d. 1716. See Kenmure, 6th viscount. Lady [William]. See Ingram, Hon Frances. William, 1730-1807. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:470. Hayter p. Chapman sc. William Eden Evans, major, 1857- Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:526 * William J. of Cleveland Ohio, 1818- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 5:292. eng. William Washington, brig -gen , commissioner for Puerto Rico, 1834- Harper’s w. (1898) 42.853. GORDON family name. See also titles Aberdeen; Gordon; lluntly; Stanmore. GORDON-CUMMING, Sir William, 1848- See Camming. GORDON-LENNOX family name. See title Rich- mond; also family name Lennox. GORE, J/iss. Illus Lond news (1901) 119:837. Romney p * Mrs Catherine Frances (Moody) w of Charles Arthur, 1799-1861. New m. mag. (1837) 49:305. J. Freeman eng Charles, bp. of Worcester and aftw. of Birming- ham, 1853- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:732 * —(1904) 125:946.* Outlook (1902) 70:577.* Christopher, gov. of Mass. 1758-1827. Am. hist, register (1895) 3: 12. Cent. (1900) 39: 110. J. Trum- bull p.* (Harvard mem. hall) Foote, Ann. of King’s chapel (1896) 2:476. John Trumbull p. D. Kimberly eng. Mass. hist. soc. Proc. (1827) 1:399. p.* (poss. Mass. hist, soc.) — (1875) 13.405. p.* (poss. Mass, hist, soc.) New Eng. mag. (1902) n. s. 25:535. Winsor, Mem. hist, of Boston (1881) 4:589. J. Trum- bull p. Kilburn sc. GORE 599 GOSCHEN Lady Esther, aftvo. w. of W. F. D. Smith, 1870- Illus. Lend, news (1891) 99:53. —(1894) 105:99.* Joel Rogers, of Chicago. Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 11:538. eng. John Ralph Ormsby-, 1816-76. See Harlech, 1st baron. GORE family name. See title Arran. GORE-BOOTH family name. See Booth. GORGONIO, Apache medicine man. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:341. wdet. GORHAM, Charlotte Spry, aftw. Lady Jackson, d. 1807. Illds. Lond. news (1894) 104:557. J. Russell p.* (poss. of Mrs Hawker) Rev. George Comehus, 1787-1857. Bentley’s misc. (1850) 27:612. Alfred Crowquill del. eng. Nathaniel, 1738-96. Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 103. Rosenthal etch.* GORIN, B. Bookman (1901) 14:26.5. B. Gussow del.* GORING, Lord, George Goring, s. of earl of Nor- wich, 160^57. Cent. (1900) 37:436. miniature* (Windsor) Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2, pt. 2:555. M. V. de Gucht sc. — (1848) 1:512. Van- dyke p.? W. T. Ryall. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:103. William Dobson p.* Lodge, For. (1835) 6: pi. 18. Vandyke p.? W. T. Ryall eng. Morley, Oliver Cromwell (1900) 140. miniature* (Windsor) Warburton, Mem. of Prince Rupert (1849) 1:312. Vandyke p. J. W. Cook sc. (wrongly named earl of Norwich) GORJAS, Gonzalo de. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (1864) 2:pl. 44. Carderera del. after miniature. Emile Beau litn. (cath. of Burgos) GORKY, Maxim, pseud, of Aleksiel Maksimovitch Pieshkov, 1868- Book buyer (1901) 23:82, 187. Bookman (1902) 16:328.* Critic (1901) 39:45.* —(1903) 43:11* (with Tolstoy) —(1904) 45:16* (with Leonide Andreyeff Skitaletz) Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120: Apr. 5, sup. p. 4. por.* (from Tales from Gorky) R. of rev. (1902) 26:442.* GORL.SUS, Abraham, 1549-1609. Connoisseur (1902) 4:223. contemn, eng.* Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:906. J. de Gheyn f. eng. GORMAN, Arthur Pue, u. s. senator, 1839-1906. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 171. Har- per’s w. (1881) 25:109. wdet. —(1896) 40:705. wdet. — (1904) 48 :115. W. A. Rogers del.* (carica- ture) — 48:264. — 48:1116 (caricature) Mc- Clure’s mag. (1900) 15:488. Jay Hambridge del.* R. OF rev. (1894) 9:647.* —(1903) 27:401.* —(1904) 29:24,* 273, 653. Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:484. GORMANSTON, IJ^ viscount, Jenico William Joseph Preston, 1837- Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102-358.* GORRJEUS, Joannes, jr. See Gorris, Jean des, fils. GORREN, Aline. Book buyer (1900) 20:357. GORRENGE, Henry Honeychurch, u. s. n. 1841- 85. Cent. (1882) 2:885.* Harper’s w. (1885) 29:456. wdet. — (1886) 30:623. Caspar Buberle sc. wdet. (medallion) GORRIS, Jean des, fUs (the orig. of the supposed por. of Pynson) Dibdin, Typog. antiquities (1812) 2 : 400. Mary Byfield eng. GORST, Sir John Eldon, 1835- Cab. por. gall. (1892) 3:54.* Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:53.* —(1890) 96:360. —(1891) 98:839.* —99:626.* Notables of Brit. (18^) 41.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:566. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1880) 12:pl. 333. Spy f. lith. (caricature) — (1881) 13: front. Spy f. litn. (carica- ture) GORT, 2d 'Ascount, Charles Vereker, 1768-1842. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 2:281. John Comer- ford f. J. Heath eng. 4th viscount, Standish Prendergast Vereker, 1819-1900. Mao. of art (1901) 25:425. Lilian Ver- eker Hamilton f .* ( medal ) GORTCBLAKOV, prince, Aleksandr Mikhailo- vitch, 1798-1883. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:77. — 12:695.* Alm. de Gotha (1872) front. Carl Mayer sc. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, ange- legenheit (1892) 115.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 445. C. Schulz lith. after photo. Ec- lectic mag. (1865) 64:273. Geo. E. Perine eng. Harper’s w. (1871) 15:37. wdet. —(1872) 16:789. wdet. — (1883) 27:180. wdet. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:130. Anton von Werner p.* — 4:131.* Illus. Lond. news (1878) 72:576. Knackfuss, Kuntsler-monog. (1895) 9:47. A. von Werner del. 1878.* Loubat, Narr. of mission to Russia of G. V. Fox (1873) 362. J. C. Buttre eng. Whitehall rev. coll. (1880) pi. 31. lith. prirux, Mikhail Dmitrievitch, general, 1795- 1861. Bamberg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 73. lith.* Gleason’s pictorial (ifel) 6:176. eng. prince, Petr, 1790-1868. Harper’s mag. (1873) 47:668. eng. princess. Laincel, peintres de la femme (1888) 412. Joseph Wencker p.* Les lettres et les arts (1887)2:114. J. Wencker f. GORTJP-BESANEZ,/reiAcrr von, Eugen, 1817-78. Deutsche chem. gesellsch. Berichte (1880) 13:589.* GOSCBCEN, Jsl viscount, George Joachim Go- schen, 1831- Goschen, Life (1903) 2:front.* Harper’s mag. (1897) 95:117. Paul Renouard del.* Harper’s w. (1869) 13:36. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 90:55. —(1895) 107:5.* —(1898) 113:153. —(1900) 117:440.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 35. photo. Notables of Brit. (1897) 34.* Pall Mall ni^. (1899) 18:268. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 18.* Vanity fair album (1869) l:pl. 19. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GOSCHEN 600 GOTTI Georg Joachim, 1752-1828. Ceitic (1903) 43:16. p.* (poss. viscount Goschen) Goschen, Life (1903) 1: front, p.* (poss. viscount Goschen) Kon- NECKE, Bilder-atlas G887) 257. S. Granicherdel. lith.* Lempertz, Bilder-hefte z. gesch. d. bucherhandels (1853-1865) 24. M. Bauer f. G. Osterwald sc. Frau Georg Joachim (Henrietta Heun) Gosche.n, Life (1903) 1:294. Graf p.* (poss. viscount Goschen) George Joachim, jr. 1866- Illcs. Lond. news (1896) 108:195.* Wilhelm Heinrich. Goschen, Life (1903) 2:388. H. VV. Phillips p.* (after death) GOSCHINGEB, Frau von. Lenbach, Zeitgenos- sische bildnisse (1887) pi. 38. Franz Lcnbach p.* GOSFOBD, j^lh earl of, Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson, 1841- Bovrke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:234. photo. Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:414.* countess of, Lady Louisa Augusta Beatrice (Montagu) w. of 4th earl, 1854- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 118:414.* Vincent, steward of Tich borne estate. Har- per’s w. (1874) 18:261. wdct. GOSHORN, Alfred Traber, 1833-1902. Har- per’s w. (1876) 20:352. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1876) 68:405. wdct. GOSLING, Audley Charles, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:709.* Mrs Barbara, w. of Francis, d. 1836. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1901) 4:1568. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* GOSPER, J. J. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1017. wdct. GOSS, Charles Frederic, novelist, 1852- Book buyer (1900) 21:11. Bookman (1900) 11:295.* GOSSAERT, Jan, 1499-1532. See Mabuse, Jan van. GOSSE, Edmund, 1849- Acad. (1899) 57:221 (from series of por. of contrib. to Encycl. Brit.) Bookman (1896) 4:206.* Critic (1903) 42:302.* Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:876. Alma-Tadema del.* Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:254.* — (1904) 124:290.* Literature (1901) 8: June 15, sup. pi. 6.* Mag. of art (1892) 15:223. photo. Phihp Henry, naturalist, 1810-88. Illus. Lond. news (1888) 93:279. GOSSEC, Fran 9 ois Joseph, composer, 1734-1829. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:^5. Brun f. Fremy del. & sc. L’Art (1902) 61:3. wdct.l — 61:16. wdct.?* (cab. des estampes) — (1904) 63:174. eng. (cab. des estampes) GOSSELIN, Sir Martin le Marchant Hadsley, 1847- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:159.* —(1902) 120:860.* GOSSET, Sir Ralph Allen, 1809-85. Illus Lond. news (1885) 87:157.* —87:582. Harry Fumissdel. Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 82. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GOSSET BE GUINES, Louis Alexandre, 1840-85. See Gill, Andr4. GOSSIN, Pierre Francois, 1754-94. Bioo. modeme (1807) 4:347. Moreau del. Thomas sc. GOSSLER, Gustav von, 1838- Heyck, Mono- graph. z. weltgesch. (1898) 4:129.* Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1895) 9:104. A. von Werner p.* lith. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:733.* GOSST7IN, Constant Joseph Eugbne, 1758- 1827. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:347. Labadye del. Courbe sc. GOSTICK, Joseph. Meth. mag. (1813) 36:241. Blood sc. GOT, Edmond, 1822-1901. L’Art (1876) 4:102. Carpeaux p. Bocourt des. Tourfaut sc. — 4:103. P. Renouard des.* (in II ne faut jurer de rien) — 4:105. P. Renouard des.* (as Monsieur Poirier) — 4:107. P. Renouard des.* (as M^ecin malgr4 lui) — (1877) 8:84. Paul Renouard des. Yves & Barret sc. (as David Sichel) — (1887) 43:190. Ringel f. & del. (medallion) — (1889) 47:207. J. C. Chap- lain f.* (medal) — (1^1) 60:569. J. B. Carpeaux p.* Art and letters (1883) 2:336-338 (in various characters) F ebvre & Johnson, Album de la Comddie fran?. (1880) 2. E. Abot etch. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:580.* Mag. of art (1886) 9:525. Ringel f.* (medallion) Scribner’s mag. (1892) 11:5. C. K. f. GOTT, Mrs Allan. Baily’s mag. (1896) 65:198. John, bp. of Truro, 1830- Illus. Lond. news (1891)98:771.* Roy. acad. pict. (1899) 125. Walter W. Ouless p.* GOTTER, graf von, Gustaf Adolf, 1692-1762. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1893) 4:266. A. Pesne p.* (with his niece) Friedrich Wilhelm, poet, 1746-97. Bech- STEiN, 200 deutsche manner (18M) pi. 67. eng. GOTTFRIED VON NEISEN, minnesinger, fl. 1255. Konxecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 42. minia- ture* (from Pariser Liederhandschrift) GOTTFRIED VON STRASSBIJRG, poet, d. 1210? Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 34. minia- ture* (from Pariser Liederhandschrift) GOTTHELF, Jeremias, pseud, of Albert Bitzius. See Bitzius. GOTTI, AureUo, 1834- L’Art (1875) 3:87. Tourfaut eng. Gironimo Maria, cardinal, 1834- Harper’s w. (1902) 46.972.* Narfon, Pope Leo XIII (1899) 229. Outlook (1900) 66:55. R. or rev. (1902) 26:607.* GOTTSCHALK 601 GOULD GOTTSCHALK, Louis Moreau, 1829-69. Ba- ker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 226. Alex. Gribay4doff del.* Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4:224. W. Orreng. GOTTSCHALL, Rudolf von, 1823- Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 306.* drawing after photo.* GOTTSCHED, Johann Christoph, 1700-66. Allo. weitgeschichte (1889) 9.147. E. G. Hausmann J. M. Bernigeroth eng. 1739.* Erdmannsdorffer, utsche gesA. (1893) 2:399. Anna Maria Werner p. J. J. Haid sc. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 146. J. F. Reiff p. 1757. J. M. Bernigroth eng. 1753.* O.NCKEN, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1881) 1:531. E. G. Hausmann p. J. M. Bernigeroth eng. 1739. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3:pl. 69. J. F. Reifistein p. J. M. Bernigeroth sc. Frau Johann Christoph (Luise Adelgunde Viktorie Kulmus) 1713-62. Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 146. E. G. Hausmann p. J. M. Bernig- roth eng.* GOUBERT, Francois, 1735- Bioo. modeme (1807) 4:348. Perrin del. Voyez, jr. sc. GOUBET, inventor of submarine boat. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:116. photo. G01JDY, Wilham C. 1824- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 12:417. eng. GOUFFIER, Artus, 1475-1519. See Boisy, seigneur de. Claude, d. 1570. See Roannez, due de. Guillaume, 1488-1525. See Bonnivet, seigneur dc. GOUGAR, Mrs John D. (Helen M. Jackson) 1843- Arena (1893) 7:385.* Stanton, Woman suffrage (1887) 3:704. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. GOUGE, William, d. d. 1578-1653. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 440. J. Dunstall eng.* GOUGH, 1st viscount, Hugh Gough, 1779-1869. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:243. Sir Francis Grant del.* — (1902) 2:243. George Gammon Adams sc. (bust) Mackay, Fisher’s Drawing-room scrap-book (1850) 33. J. R. Jackson f. H. B. Hall eng. Mag. of art (1878) 1:49. Sir Francis Grant p. wdet. 2d viscount, George Stephens Gough, 1815-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:734.* Bloomfield, It. col. 1851- Illus. I^ond. news (1899) 115:760. Sir Hugh Henry, general, 1833- Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:213.* Hugh Sullej, general, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:496.* John Bartholomew, 1817-86. Drawing- room por. gall. (1859) ser. 2: pi. 36. D. J. Pound eng. after photo. Harper’s mag. (1898) 96:612. Har- per’s w. (1886) 30: 140. wdet. Hutton, Curiosities of Am. stage (1891) 113. Pond, Eccen. of genius (1900) 2. Sir John Bloomfield, general, 1804-91. Illus. Lond. news (1891) 99:434.* GOUGH-CALTHORPE family name. See title Calthorpe. GOUJET, Claude Pierre, abb6, 1697-1757. Dibdin, Bibliog. tour (1821) 2:379. eng. GOUJON, Jean, sculptor, 15151-72? Gal. fran?. (1821) l:pl. 40. N. H. Jacob del. after bust. Menne- CHET, Le Plutaroue fran?. (1838) 3: pi. 21. C. Jacquand del. Leclerc sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 71. Pigeot eng. after bust. GOULBURN, Edward Meyrick, d. u. 1818-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 110:668.* Men of mark (1880) 4: pi. 36. photo. Henry, m. p. 1784-1856. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 7: pi. 24. George Richmond p.* GOULD, Anna. 5ee Castellane, comtesse de. Augustus Addison, conchologist, 1805-66. Ann. sci. discovery (1861) front. H. W. Smith eng. after daguerr. Benjamin, 1751-1841. Bugbee, Mem. of Cin- cinnati (1890) 218. Badger p. 1835. F. T. Stuart sc. Benjamin Apthorp, astronomer, 1824-96. Col. soc. of Mass. Pub. (1900) 3: front.* Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1144. wdet. Harvard grad. mag. (1896)5:373. Pop. sci. m. (1882) 20:577. Bernard, 1861- See Partridge, Bernard. Charles. Harper’s w. (1857) 1 :428. wdet. Charles, captain Yale football team. Book buyer (1902) 25:44. John Cecil Clay del. 1900.* Charles A. Wiiittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 191, sup. no. 2. E. G. Williams & bro. eng. Edwin, 1866- Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1232. wdet. Jfrs Edwin (Sarah Cantine Shrady) Har- per’s w. (1902) 46:938.* Evelyn, dau. of II. Gould. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 121. H. Hurst p.* (child por.) Francis Carruthers, 1844- Vanity fair album (1890) 22: pi. 461. Lib. f. lith (caricature) Mrs Frank Jay (Helen Margaret Kelly) 1883- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1246.* George Jay, 1858- Harper’s w. (1886) 30:29. wdet. — (1891) 35:651. wdet. — (1901) 45:519. —(1902) 46:1301* (age 44) Vanity fair album (1894) ;^:pl. 598. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Mrs George Jay (Edith Kingdon) Harper’s w. (1892) 36: 1232. wdet. —36: 12.32. wdet. (in char- acter) — (1895) 39:1091. Carolus Duran p. wdet. J. Nutcombe. Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 20:32. photo, (group from Lady Windermere’s fan) — ser. 4, 276. photo. Jacob, general, of Rochester, N. Y. 1794- Liv- ingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:75. F. Halpin eng. James, 1770?-1838. Harper’s mag. (1877) 54:515. Waldo p. eng. Hollister, Hist, of Conn. (1857)601. Waldo p. R. Babson & J. Andrews eng. GOULD 602 GOUY D’ARSY Jay, 1836-92. Harpee’s mag. (1885) 71:852. Harper’s w. ( 1882) 26:168. wdct. —(1890) 34 : 1009. wdct. — (1892) 36:1184. Benj. Constant p. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:738.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 20:121.* Nat. mag. (1893) 18:79. Williams eng. N. Y. meai. hist. (1895) 92. Williams eng. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 287. C. B. Hall. eng. R. of rev. (1893) 6:662. H. T. Smith del.* — 7:24. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:286.* Jay, s. of George Jay. Paris salon (1897) 30. Albert Lynch p.* (with his brother Kingdon, boys) Jedediah, 1804-69. Whittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 186, sup. no. 2. John, ornithologist, 1804-81. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 78:220.* Josiah B. u. s. life saver. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:68. wdct. Kingdon, s. of George Jay. Paris salon (1897) 30. Albert Lynch p.* (with his brother Jay, boys) Marjorie, dau. of George Jay. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:1089. Albert Lynch p. wdct. (child por.) Patrick, sergt. maj. 1749-1815. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 185. John Kay f. 1797 & eng. Sabine Baring- 1834- Cab. p>or. gall. (1893) 4:38.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 107:420.* — (1896) 109:338.* Samuel Sheldon. New Eng. mag. (1891) n. s. 4:8. Thomas Ridgeway, sculptor, 1818-81. New Eng. mag. (1896) n. s. 14:465. GOUNOD, Charles, 1818-93. L’Art (1876) 5:113- Carpeaux sc. A. Lanfon del. (bust) — (1877) 9:13- Ingres des. 1844* (age 26) — (11^) 41:23. Pils p. 1842. G. Clairin del. (study) — 41:27. Carjat f. 1867. Sgap sc. (caricature) —41:29. Ringel f. & del. (medallion) — (1891) 51:304. S. Hugard sc. eng. (front. Jullien’s Musiciens d’aujourd’hui) — (1893) 55:241. Carolus Duran p.* — (1894-1900) 59, pt 2:960. Ringel d’lllzach f. 1886* (medal) Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 227. Alex. Gribay^doll del.* Bellaigue, Por. & silhouettes of musicians (1897) 167. Blackburn (V.) Fringe of an art (Lond. 1898) front. W. L. Bruckman f.* Buffen, Musical celebrities (1889) 53.* Cent. (1892) 21 :322. A. J. Goodman f. 1890.* — (1903) 43:869.* Ciiamplin, Cyclop, of mus. (1889) 2:48. G. Mercier etch. Clement, Musiciens c61^bres (1873) 618. L. M. eng. Critic (1893) 23:276. —(1896) 29:148. 19ikME siiiclo (1901)299. Delaunay p.* GAL.contemp. (1876)pl.35. photo. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1893) ser. 3, 10:438. —(1897) ser. 3, 17:181. M. E. Hebert f. —(1901) ser. 3, 25:269. E. Hubert p.* — ser. 3, 25:271. Ingres des. 1844.* — ser. 3, 25:275. E. Hubert des. 1869.* Grand-Carteret, XIX® sifecle (1893) 455.* (in his study, 1890) Harper’s w. (1892) 36:487. Carolus Duran p. Ch. Baudeeng. — (1893)37:1025. Carolus Duran p. Ch. Baude eng. — 37 : 1040. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (189.3) 103:503.* —(1893) 103:541.* Lehmann, Men & women (1896) 29. Rudolf Lehmann f. 1893.* New Eng. mag. (1899) n. s. 19:591. Jean Baptiste Carpeaux sc. (bust) Paine, Famous com- posers (1891) 2: pi. 48.* —2:723* (age 41) —2:729.* —2:732. R. of rev. (1893) 8:671. Revue illus. (1886) 1:67. lith.? Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 192. T. f. lith. (caricature) W'erckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3 : 336. Carolus Duran P* GOUPIL, Adolphe, 1806-93. Art j. (1893) 45:221. GOUPIL DE PREFELNE, Guillaume Francois Charles, 1727-1801. Biog. modeme (1807) 4:353. Perrin del. Courbe sc. GOUPILLE, Phe. Cath. world (1895) 61 : 39. GOUPILLEAU, Jean Fran 9 oia (Goupilleau de Fontenay) 1753-1823. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:354. Labadye del. LeTelliersc. GOUPY, Lewis, painter, d. 1747. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 4:183. Louis Goupyp. J. Thom- son sc. GOURAUD, George Edward, colonel. Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 421. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GOURD, Jean Jacques, 1850- Outlook (1897) 56:544. GOURDIN, Theodore. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 671. St Memin del. & eng. 1809.* GOURDON, E . French actor. L’Art ( 1881) 24 : 233 Th. Thomas del. (as Spallanzani) GOURGAUD, baron, Gaspard, 1783-1852. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:257. GOURGEON. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 325. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* GOURGUES, Dominique de, 1530-93. Park- man (Champlain ed.) (1898) 1:158. I. E. Lasnes eng.* GOURLEY, Sir Edward Temperley, 1828-1902. Illus. Lond. news (1902) 120:600.* Henry 1. 1838- Mag. of West. hist. (1886) 4:210. eng. GOURSAT, Georges (psetwl. Sem) Critic (1904) 45:547. Boldini p.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1903) ser. 3, 30:29. Boldini p. 1901.* GOUVION-SAINT-CYR, mortis, Laurent, mar- .shal, 1764-1830. Gavard, Gaf. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 25. Horace V’ernet p. Boilly eng. Iconog. des contemp. (1832) 2: pi. 31. H. Grevedon del. ? 1824. Delpech lith. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:8. Horace Vemet p.* TARDiEU,G6n. franc. 1 : pi- 47. Forestier sc. Thiers, Vignettes et por. (18^-62) 8:234, pi. 39. H. Vemet p. Maasard del. Taverniersc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1547. E. J. H. Vemet p. A. Boilly eng. GOUY D’ARSY, marquis de, Louis Henri Marthe 1753-94. Biog. modeme (1^7) 4:359. Moreau del. Voyez jr. sc. GOVE 603 GOYA Y LUCIENTES GOVE, James. Ahminian mag. (1791) 14:113. (age 29) GOVONA,Rosa, 1716-76. Soc. Mon tyon et Frank- lin, For. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 36. Durupt p. E. Conquy sc. GOW, Andrew Carrack, painter, 1848- Art j. (1891) 43:125. Illcs. Lend, news (1881) 78:429.* Neil, 1727-1807. Art j. (1890) 42:22. Sir Henry Raeburn p. wdct. Cent. (1890) 18:5. Andrew Roll- ertson f. 1780?* GO WAN, James Robert, 1815- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:236. lith. GOWANS, William, bookseller, 1803-70. Book- man (1895) 1:130. wdct. GOWDY, John Kennedy, 1843- Harper’s w. (1897) 41:359. —(1900) 44:374. GOWEN, Franklin Benjamin, 1836-89. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1895) 18:82.* GOWER, 2d earl, Granville Leveson-Gower aftw. 1st marquis of Stafford, 1721-1803. European mag. (1788) 13:67. T. Holloway eng. Mag. of art (1^1) 4 : 205. Romney p. wdct. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 1:237. F. W'. Fairholt eng. after caricature 1747. children of. Connoisseur (1902) 2:10. Romney p.* J. R. Smith eng.* Gamlin,G. Romney & his art (1898) 258. Romney p.* Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:114. Romney p. 1776.* countess, Lady Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana (Howard) w. of 2d duke of Sutherland, 1806-68. Amulet (1831) front. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. William Finden eng. (with her child) Burke, Por. gall, of dis- tin. females (1833) Lawrence p. T. A. Dean sc. Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:146. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. 1828* (with her daughter Elizabeth) Court scrap- lxK)k (1842) pi. 2. Sir T. Lawrence p. T. A. Dean sc. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:181. Matthew Noble sc.* (bust) Gower, Hist. gal. of Eng. (1883) 3: pi. 2. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* (with dau. Elizabeth) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 58. Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo* (with her daughter) Heath’s book of beauty (18.39) front. A. E. Chalon p. II. Rob- inson eng. Mag. of art (1890) 13:89. Lawrence p. 1828. A. Knessing eng. (with her daughter) — (1904) 28 : 240. Lawrence p.* (with her daughter) Oldfield, Harriet, Countess Granville (1901) 141. F. X. Winter- halter p.* — p. 223. G. Jackson del.* Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 44. Lawrence p. S. Cousins eng. 1831 (with her daughter) Lady Anne Leveson-, aftw. w. of E. V. Vernon Harcourt abp. of York, 1761-1832. See Gower, 2d earl, children of. Lady Charlotte Sophia Leveson-, 1771-1854. See Beaufort, duchess of, w. of 6th duke, also Gower, 2d earl, children of. Hon. Edward Frederick Leveson-, 1819- Oldfield, Harriet, Countess Granville (1901) 251. Baugniet lith.* Lady Elizabeth Leveson-, 1824-78. 5ee Argyll, duchess of, w. of 8th duke. Sir Erasmus, admiral, 1742-1814. Clowes, Roy. navy (1899) 4:261. Livesay p. Ridley lith. Lady Evelyn Leveson-, aftw. w. of 12th baron Blantyre, 1825^9. Whitman, Samuel Cousins( 1904) 92. Sir E. Landseer p. S. Cousins eng. 1840 (child por. with her brother) George Granville Leveson-, 1858- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* Vanitt fair album (1886) 18: pi. 363. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady Georgiana Leveson-, aftw. w. of William Eliot, 1769-1806. See Gower, 2d earl, children of. John, 13251-1408. Blore, Monumental re- mains (1826) pi. 17. Edward Blore del. H. Le Keux eng. (St Saviour’s church, Southwark) Effigies poe- ticse (1824) l:pl. 2. J. Thurston del. after Limning. C. W'arren eng. (in Vox clamantis, Cottonian lib.) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 1:176. miniature* (Egerton ms. Brit, mus.) — 1 : 177. recumbent statue* (St Saviour’s church, Southw’ark, Lond.) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:613. Lond. mag. (1754) 23:24. eng. For. of Brit, poets (1824) l:pl. 2. J. Thurston del. after limning. C. Warren eng. (in Vox clamantis, Cottonian lib.) John Leveson-, admiral r. n. 1740-92. Wil- liamson, John Russell (1894) John Russell p. 1787?* (with his wife, pastel) Lady Margaret (Compton) Leveson-, w. of Edward Frederick, d. 1858. Oldfield, Harriet, Countess Granville (1901) 270. Harriet Hosmer f.* (bas-relief) Rev Richard. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1827) 50:289. J. Renton p. W. T. Fryeng. Lord Ronald Charles Sutherland-Leveson-, 1845- Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 155. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Lady Susan Leveson-, aftw. w. of 1st earl of Harrowby, 1770-1836. See Gower, 2d earl, children of. GOWER (Leveson-Gower) family name. See titles Granville; Stafford. GOWER (Sutherland-Leveson-Gower) family name. See title Sutherland. GOWING, Richard, d. 1899. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:79.* GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco Jose de. 1746-1828. L’Art. (1877) 9:3. Goya p. F. Milius sc. Connoisseur (1901) 1:59. Goya etch.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1860) 7:221. Goya f. V. Farent del. Boetzel eng. — (1868) 24:173. Francisco Goya f. Filinskieng. — (1875) ser. 2, 12:507. Francisco Goya eng. wdct. — ser. 2, 12:511. V. Lopez p. A. Lalauze sc. — (1903) scr. 3, 29:200. Goya p.* (coll. Bonnat, Bayonne mus.) Internat. studio (1902) 15:155. Lopez of Valencia p.* (Frado) MdTLURE’s mag. (1896) 6:3.39. Goya etch. wdct. Fortfolio (1879) 10:68. Lopez p. Louis Lucas sc. Seidlitz, Fort- ratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 84. Goya etch.* Stirling- Maxwell, Ann. of artists of Spain (1891) 4:1482. wdct. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1875) 193. Lopez p. F. A. Joerdens del. & sc. GOYA Y LUCIENTES 604 GRAFIGNY grandson of. Internat. studio (1902) 15: 161. Goya p.* (child por. coll, marquis d’Alcaflicfe) GOYARD, Jean Joseph, 1738- Bioo. moderne (1807)4:360. Perrin del. Courbesc. GOYEN, Jan van, 1596-1656. Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands (1753) 1:419. eng. Etched por. of celebrated painters, pi. 28. I. Girtin eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1875) ser. 2, 12:138. Carl do Moor f. Gillotsc. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 5: 1649. Karel de Moor etch.? Weyer.man, De levensbeschr. d. nederl. konst-schilders (1728) l;pl. H 24. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1874) 9:12. wdct. GOYON family name. See Matignon. GOYON DE VAUDURANT, comte. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1896) ser. 3, 15:319. Perronncau f. p. GOZLAN, Ldon, 1816-66. L’Art (1901) 60:369. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1877) ser. 2, 15:375. H. B. Mon- nier f. Gillot. IIuart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) 1: pi. 49. M. Alophef. GOZON, Dieu-Donne de, d. 1353. Vertot d’Aubceuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1:260. Cars sc. GOZZI, conte, Gasparo, 1713-86. Iconoc. di uomini sommi (1854) pi. 40. Francesco Bartolozzi sc. Gius. Magonio sc. GOZZOLI, Benozzo, painter, 1420-85. L’Art (1880) 21:79. Benozzo Gozzoli p. L. Carred del. Cent. (1889) 17:60. Benozzo (jozzoli f.’*' (fresco, Riccardi palace, Florence) Cole (T.) Old Ital. masters (N. Y. 1892) 112. Gozzoli f. Timothy Cole eng.? Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 25:92. Goz- zoli f. L. Carret del. wdct. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 1:52. Gozzoli f.* (fresco, Florence) Penny mag. (1843) 12:301. Harvey del. H. Clarke sc. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 59. eng. GRAAF,Reinier de, 1641-73. L’Art (1888) 45: 39. Watel6 f. Kdelinck eng. GRABBE, Christian Dietrich, 1801-36. Kon- NECKE, Bilder-atlas (1887) 264. W. Pero del. W. Sc- verin lith.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3:pl. 356. Weibezahl lith.’*' GRACCHUS, Cains Sempronius, 159?-121 B. C. L’Art (1878) 13:256. Eugiine Guillaume sc. La- lauze etch, (bust) (the Gracchi) a Bernoulli, Ro- inische ikonog. (1882) 1 :75. eng. after bust (in Naples) a Authenticity doubtful. Tiberius Sempronius, 168?-133 B. C. L’Aht ( 1878) 13:256. Eugene Guillaume sc. Lalauze etch, (bust) (the Gracchi) GRACE, Elena M. Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 87. Hubert von Herkomer p.* Thomtis Langdon, r. c. abp. 1814-97. Catu. world (1893) 57:749. William Gilbert, cricketer, 1848- Baily’s mag. (1870) 18 : t.-p. Illus. Lend, news (1888) 93:Sept. 8, sup.* —(1891) 98:678.* R. of rev. (1895) 12:12. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 150. Spy f. lith. (cari- cature) William P. of Ark. 1822- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1 :323. eng. William Russell, 1832-1904. Harper’s w. (1880) 24:749. wdct. —(1894) 28:719. wdct. — (1896) 40:797. wdct. Lossing, Hist, of N. Y. city (1^4) 2:606. G. E. Perine eng. R. of rev. (1904) 29:537. World’s work (1904) 8:4722.* GRADDON, Miss, aftw. Mrs Gibbs, singer, 1804-54 ? Ladies’ m. mus. (1825) imp. ser. 22:1. GRADENIGO, Bartolomeo, doge of Venice, d. 1342. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) l:pl. 53. Nani eng. Giovanni, doge of Venice, 1279-1356. Cicoona, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 1 :pl. 56. Nani eng. Pietro, doge of V’enice, 1249-1311. Cicogna, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1^5) 1 :pl. 49. A. Nani eng. WiEL, Venice (1894) 192. eng. of cameo (Mus. Correr) GRADY, Henry Woodfln, 1850-89. Harper’s w. (1887) 31 : 12. wdct. —(1890) 34:16. wdct. New Eno. mag. (1890) n. s. 2:89, 427, 428. C. W. Mates f.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 19:178.* GRAEF, Lieuwe Willemsz, 1652-1704. Wrr, Afbeeldingen van veele voomaame mannen (1743) pi. 25. J. C. Philips del. & f. P. Tanj6 sc. Miss O. M. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:1046. Len- bach p. wdct. GR A FE, Albrecht von, 1828-70. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899)3 :pl. 262. C. Wildt del.* GRAEME, Thomas, m. d. 1688-1772. Glenn, Some colonial mansions (1898) 1:388. GRAFF, Anton, artist, 1736-1813. Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 6:2202. Anton Graff p. J. G. Muller cog. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilder- schatz (1899) ll:pl. 1572. Anton Graff p.* (Dresden gall.) Zt.scii. f. bildende kunst (1898) n. s. 10:74. Anton Graff p.* (with his family) GRAFFAN, Joseph Sauveur Jacques, 1757- Bioo. modeme (1807) 4:361. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. GRAFIGNY (or Graffigny) Mme Fran^oise (d’Issembourg d’Happoncourt) de, 1695-1758 L’Art (1892) 52:172. J. B. Garond del. N. De Lau- nay sc. Cent. (1890) 18:884. Gal. franp. (1823) 3:^1. Maurin del. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 29:222. Quentin de la Tour del.* — (1893) ser. 3, 10:405. J. Garand p. (miniature) Ladies’ m. mus. (1806) 16:73. Mackenzie sc. Lit. mag. & Brit. rev. (1791) 7:321. Mason, Women of Fr. salons (1891) 187. C. A. Powell eng. after eng. ? Por. d. hommes et d. femmes (1792) pi, 45. Lcv6que sc. Bestoct, GRAFLY 605 GRAHAM Gal. franf. (1771) 1 :pl. 27. LevSquesc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12:pl. 2580. L. Tocqu6 p. Pedretti eng. GRAFLY, Charles, sculptor, 1862- New Enq. mag. (1901) n. s. 25:228. Eva Watson f. GRAFTON, 1st duke of, Henry Fitzroy, 1663-90. Earlom, Por. ofchar. R. Dunkartoneng. Hamilton, First or Grenadier Guards (187 •!) 1 :251. Sir G. Knel- ler p. 1. Beckett eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (19(M) 1 :pl. 25, fig. 1 . Nathaniel Dixon p.* 1676 (when young; Montagu house) — 1 :pl. 52, fig. 4. Lawrence Crosse p.* (Montagu house) duchess of, Lady Isabella (Bennet) w. of 1st duke, 1667-1722. Earlom, Por. of char. Wissing p. R. Dunkarton eng. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1{^4) 6:1422, pi. 100. P. Lely p. J. Verkolje f. & ex. 1683. 2d duke of, Charles Fitzroy, 1683-1757. CufST, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :227. William Hoare p.* Kit- cat club, Mem. (1821) pi. 4. Kneller p. Cooper sc. 3d duke of, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 1735- 1811. Acad. (1898) 55:196. caricature.* Jesse, Life of George Brummell (1886) 1:200. lith.1 Lives of illust. persons (1820) T. Wright sc. Walpole (H.) Mem. of reign of George HI (Lend. 1845) 4: front. P. Battoni p. J. Cook eng. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 1 :98. en^. (caricature, from Wright’s House of Hanover) Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848)2:78. F. W. Fairholt eng. aftercaricature. 1783. duchess of, Anne (Liddell) w. of 3d duke, 1738- 1804. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham (1866) 4:26. David Lucas eng. after drawing (poss. of R. Vernon Smith) duchess of, Elizabeth (Wrottesley) w. of 3d duke, 174.5-1822, Portfolio (1894) no. 9:29. Thomas Gainsborough p.* duchess of. Lady Charlotte Maria (Walde- grave) w. of 4th duke, 1761-1808. S««Euston, countess of. 6th duke of, William Henry Fitz-roy, 1819-82. Baily’s mag. (1879) 34:311. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. 7th duke of, Augustus Charles Lennox Fitz- roy, 1821- Vanity fair album (1886) 18: pi. 496. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Charles Chapman, bp. of Fond du Lac, 1830- Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 314. GRAHAM, Miss. Mao. of art (1904) 28:108. R. Jack p.* Mr. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 312. John Kay f. 1812 & eng. Mrs. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 162. Walter C. Horsley p.* Mrs Charles Cunningham-. Roy. acad. pict. (1903) 121. H. Harris Brown p.* (with her son Angus) Charles Kinnaird, 1824-89. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:173. wdet. Christopher Columbus, of Louisville, Ky. 1784- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:719. wdet. NewEno. mag. (1893) n. s. 7:752,753. (miniature) Daniel. Arminian mag. (1792) 15:617. Ridley sc. (age 32) David, 1808-52. Green bag (1894) 6:3.55. David, jr. Green bag (1894) 6:357. Mrs Donald (Gertrude Lawrence Clara Dun- sterville) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:764. J. J. Shannon p.* George, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Harper’s mag. (1883) 67:248. G. Kruell sc. Sir Gerald, lieut.-gen. 1831-99. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:160.* —(1884)84:205.* —(1885) 86:194. —(1899) 115:903.* Harry Robert, 1850- Vanity fair album (1893) 25:pl.612. Spy f. lith. (caricature) r James, m. d. 1745-94. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 1: pi. 11,12. John Kay f. 1785 & eng. James Gillespie, architect, 1777 ?-*1855. Crom- BiE, Mod. Athenians (1882) pi. 36. B. W. Crombie f. Sir James Robert George, 2d hart. 1792-1861. Briggs, Naval admin. (1897) 108.* Wilmot, Vice- adm. Edmund, Lord Lyons (1898) 56. Lady [James Robert George], Frances (Cal- lander) w. of 2d bart. d. 1857. English ann. (1834) 350. Mrs J. Robertson p. T. A. Dean eng. John, u. s. minister to Brazil, 1774-1820. St Me.min, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 553. St Memin del. & eng. 1808.* John, N. Y. lawyer. Green bag (1894) 6:353. John. Roy. acad. pict. (1897) 30. Frank Bram- ley p.* Mrs Margaret (Collier) w. of Donald M. Gra- ham, 1850- Critic (1895) 27:137. Hon. Mrs Mary (Cathcart) w. of Thomas, Lord Lynedoch, 1757-92. Armstrong, Gainsborough (1898) 84. Gainsborough p.* (Nat. gall. Scotland) Art j. (1903) 55:311. Gainsborough p.* Bell, Gainsborough (1897) 114. T. Gainsborough p.* (Nat. gall. Scotland) Caw, Scottish por. (1903) 2:30. Gainsborough p. 1775-76* (Scot. nat. gall.) Cent. (1897) 33:162. Gainsborough p.* Connoisseur (1903) 5:73. Gainsborough p. Timothy Cole eng.* (Nat. gall. Scotland) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1859) 1:118. Gainsborough p. Flameng sc. Mag. of art (1890) 13:7. Gainsborough p. C. Carter eng. — (1903) 27:417. Gainsborough p. Timothy Cole eng. 1897.* Masters in art (1901) pt. 23:2, pi. 8. Gainsborough p * Portfolio (1880) ll:front. Gainsborough p. 1778. C. O. Murray etch. Willing, Some old-time beauties (1895) 13. Gainsborough p.* Maurice, engineer. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 124:349. Menton, teacher of Lincoln. Cent. (1886) 11:252. daguerr.* McClure’s mag. (1895) 6:20.* Peter, painter, 1836- Illus. Lond. news (1877) 70: 157. wdet. after photo. Mag. of art (1879) 2:145. wdet. after photo. Sir Reginald Henry, 8th hart. 1835- Baily’s mag. (1869) 16:267. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Boueke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:214. eng.* (in club) GRAHAM 606 GRAMONT Kobert Bontine Cunninghame-, 1852- Acad. (1899) 56:117. Max Beerbohin del.* (carica- ture) Art j. (1904) 56:9. John Lavery p-* Rotu- ENSTEiN, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 23. Will Rothenstein del. lith. Stead, Por. & autog. (1891) 39.* Vanity fair album (1888) 20:pl. 549. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Sylvester, vegetarian, 1794-1851. Harper’s mag. (1880) 60:190. Trumbull, Mem. hist, of Hart- ford CO. Conn. (1886) 2:413. Thomas, 1748-1843. See title Lynedoch. Thomas, 1805-69. Illus. Lond. news (1872) 60:. 592. W. Brodie sc. wdct. (statue, at Glasgow) Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3;pl. 247. Trautschold p.* YEAR-bk. of facts(1857) front. C. Cook eng. after photo. Thomas J. of Colo. 1830- Mao. of West. hist. (1891) 13:563. Walter. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 96. Frank Bramley p.* Wilham. Me.morials of Burne-Jones (1904) 1:294. Edward Burne-Jones p.* (age 62; poss. Mrs J. F. Horner) William Alexander, 1804-75. Am. rev. (1852) 15:189. A. H. Ritchie eng. — 16:193. A. H. Ritchie eng. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:228. wdct. William Montrose, brig.-gen. 1834- Harper’s w. (1898) 42:441. GRAHAM (of Claverhouse) John, 1650-89. See Dundee, 1st viscount. GRAHAM FAMILY, 4 children of R. R. Graham. Burlington mag. (1903) 3:221. William Hogarth p.* (Normanton coll.) GRAHAM family name. See also titles Menteith; Montrose; Preston. GRAHAM-MONTGOMERY family name. See Montgomery. GRAHAME, Cissy, 1862- Theatre (1882) ser. 3, 6:129. photo. — (1886) ser. 4, 8:1. photo, (in the Pickpocket) Frances. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:590. wdct. (as Rowy in Pudd’nhead Wilson) J. G. Theatre (1886) ser. 4, 8:235. photo, (in a group, A run of luck) Rev. James, 1765-1811. Chambers, Em. Scots- men (1847, 1855) 2:489. S. Freeman eng. after minia- ture. James, 1790-1842. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 5:621. eng. (after the eng. in the Boston ed. of his hist.) Kenneth, author. Book buyer (1896) 13:287.* --(1898) 17:287. —(1900) 21:186.* CiiAP-book (1896) 4:561. Fred Richardson del. eng. 1 Critic (1899) 34:4.* GRAHN, Lucile, dancer, 1821- Huart et Philip- pon. Gal. de la presse (1^1) 3:pl. 14. Ch. Vogt f. 1840. GRAILLY, Jean III de, d. 1376. See Foix, comte de. GRAIN, Richard Comey, singer, 1844-95. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:349.* Vanity fair album (1885) 17: pi. 338. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GRAINGER, Henry Allerdale, 1848- Illus. Lond. news (1901) 119:298. GRALATH, Frdulein. Knackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1897) 21:92. Chodowiecki del. 1773.* GRAM, J6rgen Pedersen, 1850- Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7^:8. P. S. Kroyer p. (in group) Gregers. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:769. GRAMMONT. See Gramont. GRAMONT, comtesse de, w. of Philibert, who d. 1580. See Andouins, Corisande d’. due de, Antoine III, marshal, 1604-78. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 4. W. Vaillant p. Mathei sc. Hamilton, Mem. of Count Grammont, 325. C. Knight sc. Iconog. de Mme de S^vimd, pi. 62. Mile Bresson p. eng. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 31: front. Mile Bresson p. eng. Perrault, Lt« hommes illus. (1700) 2:29. Edclinck sc. Por. des hommes illus. des 17“ et 18“ sifecles (1805) 2: pi. 65. Edelinck sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4 : pi. 35. Mile Bresson p. Lehmann eng. comte de, Phihbert, chevalier de Gramont, 1621- 1707. Hamilton, Mem. of count Grammont, 3. Harding del. after p. 1 R. Clamp sc. (poss. of earl of Orford) — (1809) 1:5. eng. after p. ? ({X)ss. of earl of Orfordl comtesse de, Elizabeth (Hamilton) “La belle Hamilton,” w. of Philibert, 1641-1708. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 155 (2 p.)* Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2:pl.86. Sir Peter Lelv p.* Gower, Hist, gall, of Eng. (1883) 3:pl. 31. Lely p. 1660?* Ham- ilton, Mem. of count Grammont, 113. S. Harding del. W. N. Gardiner sc. — (1809)2:2. W. N. Gardi- ner sc. Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:358. Lely p eng. (from Foster’s The Stuarts; orig. coll, of the king) Jameson, Mem. of beauties of court (1838) 1 : 101 . Lely p. J. Thom.son eng. Jusserand, French ambassador (1892) 95. Lely p.* Law, Rov. gall, of Hampton court (1898) 82. Lely p.* (as St Catherine) Ollier, Our Brit. por. painters, 18. Lely p. C. Rolls eng. Portfolio (1894) no. 7:23. Lely p.* duchesse de, Charlotte (de Castelnau) w. of Antoine Charles, 1648-94. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 75. Gustave Levy eng. after p.? (Chateau d’Eu) due de, Antoine TV, 1672-1725. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 4: pi. 43. Mine BruyJ^re p. eng. due de, Antoine Agdnor Alfred, 1819-80. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:381. A. Weger eng. after photo.* Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 527.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1 :757. A. Weger eng. after photo. duchesse de, w. of -\g^nor, 1855- See Rothschild, Marguerite de. GRAMONT 607 GRANGIER Mme de, mother of Corisande d’Andouins. CiX)UET, French por. (1875) l:pl. 85. Clouet f. lith. Antoine I d’Aure, dit de, d. 1576. Clouet, French por. (1875) 2: pi. 208. Clouet f. lith. Catherine Charlotte de, w. of Louis Grimaldi, prince of Monaco, 1639-78. See Monaco. GBANACCI, Francesco, 14751-1544. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 122. eng. GRANADA, Luis de, Spanish author, 1505-88. See Luis de Granada. GBANARD, 6th earl of, George Forbes, 1760- 1837. Barrington, Hist. mem. (1835) 1:322. Wright f. J. Heath eng. GRANBERY, John Cowper, m. e. bp. 1829- Harper’s w. (1882) 26:341. wdct. GRANBY, marquis of, John Manners, 1721-70. Biog. mag. (1794) Sir J. Reynolds p. Rothwell sc. — (1820) 2:35. Holl sc. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:64. Reynolds!. J. Watson eng.* Britton, Fine arts of Eng. school (1812) 29. Reynolds p. W. Bond eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 :291. Reyn- olds del.* Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reyn- olds (1901) 4:1464. Reynolds p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 11:^. 6. Reynolds f. H. Robinson eng. Reynolds, Engravings, 1 :pl. 42, 91. Sir J. Reynolds p. S. W. Reynolds eng. Kensington, Nat. hist, por. 4:pl. 39. Reynolds p.* W'almsley, Physiog. por. (1^4) 2: pi. 11. Reynolds p. Edward Smith eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 59, fig. 5. Liotard p.* (duke of Rutland coll.) marquis o/. Sir Henry John Brinsley Manners, 1852- Baily’s mag. (1900) 74:229. W. H. Mote sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:695.* — (1899) 115:585.* Manners, Por. of men (1900) pi. 11. Marchioness of Granby del. 1889* Vanity fair album (1887) 19: pi. 384. Ape f. lith. (caricature) marchioness of, Violet (Lindsay) w. of Henry John Brinsley Manners. Art j. (1893) 45:113* (with her children) — (1902) 54:219. George Frampton sc.* (bust) Critic (1901) 39:99. Marchioness of Granby del.* Harper’s w. (1902) 46:934. George? Frampton sc.* (bust) Manners, Por. of men (1900) pi. 12. Marchioness of Granby del. 1898.* Rothen- STEiN, Eng. por. (1898) pi. 6. Will Rothenstein del. 1897. lith. Roy. acad. pict. (1902) 3. George J. Frampton sc.* (bust) marquises of. See also Rutland, dukes of. GRANGE Y, comte de, Jacques Ldonor Rouxel de Mddavy, marshal, 1655-1725. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8:pl. 1456. Mauzaisse p. Pigeot jr. eng. GRAND, Alexander and Elsk. Paris salon (1900) 4. F. Humbert p.* (children) Mme Sarah, pseud, o/ Mrs M’Fall. Bookman (1897)6:287.* Critic (1893) 23: 128, 361. —(1897) 31:323. —(1901) 39:399. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1104 caricature)* Lit. year-bk. (1897) 1:56.* Notables of Brit. (1897) 176.* R. of rev. (1893) 8:342. GRANDGAGNAGE, Francois Joseph, 1797- 1877. Acad. roy. de Belgioue, Ann. (1878) 44:163. P. J. Arendzen sc. F. Michiels imp. GRANDI, Ercole di Giuho (Ercole da Ferrara) 1462-1531. Vasari, Ritratti de’ pittori (1760) pi. 65. eng. GRANDIER, French actor. L’Art (1877) 9:23 Paul Renouard del.* (as Prince Bakwiz) TJrbain, 1590-1634. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 61. Barbant sc. after print (Bibl. imp.) GRAND IN, Elijah B. McClure’s mag. (1903) 20:395.* FranQois Henri Christophe. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:361. Perrin del. Voyez sc. GRAlNDISON (of Limerick) 2d viscount, William ViUiers, 1614-43. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1843) 1:410. Vandyke p. H. T. R 3 ^all. f. Critic (1901) 38:98. Van Dyck p.* Cust, Anthony van Dyck (1900) 212. Van Dyck p.* (coll. Jacob Herzog, Vienna) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1899) ser. 3, 22:231. Van Dyck p.* Internat. studio. Am. studio talk (1901) 12:21. Van Dyck p.* (coll. Wm. C. Whitney) Lodge, Por. (1835) 6:pl. 1. Vandyke p. H. T. Rj-all eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 5:187. Pastorini eng. GRANDMl^NIL, Jean Baptiste Fauchard de, 1737-1816. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:282. Fremy del. & sc. Gal. thdatrale, pi. 4. A Godfrey eng. (as Harpagon) GRANDRAL, vicomiesse de, Marie Fdlicie Cld- mence (de Reiset) 1830- Cent. (1898) 33:771.* GRANDVILLE (Jean Ignace Isidore Gdrard) designer, 1803-47. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3:pl. 12. Emile Lassallc f. 1840. GRANET, Fran 9 ois Marius, 1775-1849. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822 ) 8:284. Ingres p. Fremy del. & p. L’Art (1889) 47:166. eng.1 Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24:151. Ingres p. 1807.* GRANGENETJVE, Jean Antoine, 1751-93. L’Art (1883) 33:171. Joseph Layraud del. after p. Petit sc. GRANGER, Gordon, general, 1821-76. Cent. (1887) 11:9.59.* Harper’s w. (1863) 7:780. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 8:48.* Por. m. (1864) 1:132. wdct. James, 1723-76. Book buyer (1887) 4:93. Connoisseur (1902) 4:273. P. Falconer del. 1768. D. P. Paris ? sc.* Mme Jean Perrin. Gaz. d. lieaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 24:287. J. P. Granger p.* Moses Moorhead. 1831- Green bag (1895) 7:228.* GRANGIER, Pierre Joseph, 1758-1821. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:365. Perrin del. Courbe sc. GRANIER 608 GRANT GRANIER, Jeanne, actress, 1852- Grand- Carteret, XIX®si^cle (1893) 201. R. Piguct eng.* Les LETTREs et les arts (1886) 2:308. Mme Madeleine Lemaire f. GRANIER DE CASSAGNAC, Bernard Adolphe, 1808-80. Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiser- reiches (1890) 27.* Huart et Philipp>on, Gal. de la presse (1841) 3: pi. 42. Benjamin f. Paul, 1842- Bookma.n (1900) 11:40. Har- per’s mag. (1875) 51:044. eng Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 318. T. f. lith. (caricature) GRANT, Colonel, Times corresp. Cent. (1892) 23 : 302.* Albert, m. p. 1830-99. Illus Lend, news (1899) 115:347.* Vanity fair album (1874) 6: pi. 162. Ap>e f. lith. (caricature) Sir Alexander, 8th hart. 1826-84. Hole, Por. Edinburgh univ. (1884) 5. W. Hole sc. Alexander, fireman S. S. America, 1831- Har- per’s w. (1857) 1:657. wdet. Mrs Anne (Macvicar) 1755-1838. Brit gall. (1822) l:pl. 57. W. T. Fry eng Fiske, Dutch & Quaker col. in Am. (1903) 2:256. Sir John Watson Gordon p.* Ladies’ m. mus. (1817) imp. ser. 5;1 Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 12:12. K. Macleay p* (miniature) Nat. mag. (1893) 18.214. wdet So. Kensington, Nat. hist por 6: pi. 74. James Tan- nock p.* Catherine, dau. of Owen (the lady in white) Art ann. (1892) 8. Hubert Herkomer p. Baldry, Hubert von Herkomer (1901) 32 Herkomer p.* Gaz. d. beau.x arts (1889) ser. 3, 2:22.5. Herkomer p Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog (1901) 54:44. Her- komer p.* Charles, 1746-1823. Smith, 12 Indian states- men (1897) front. Sir II. Raeburn p.* Charles James William. Harper’s w (1891) 35:363 wdet. Claudius Buchanan, 1835- Green bag (1890) 2:395* Colquhoun, d. 1792. Kay, Orig. por (1877) l:pl. 165. John Kay f. 1785 & eng. Eppie. Mag. of art (1879) 2:212. John Phillip p. 1850. wdet (child por.) Sir Francis, 1803-78. Art j. (1903) 55:303. Sir J. W. Gordon p.* Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:269. Sir Francis Grant p: * — (1902)2:269. Mary Grant sc.* (bust) Eclectic mag. (1866) 66:649. Perine & Giles eng. Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108:269. Mag. of art (1878) 1.47. wdet —(1901) 25:416. Sir F. Grant p.* Vanity fair album (1871) 3;pl. 21. Ape f. lith (caricature) Frederic Dent, 1850- Harper’s w. (1885) 29:‘260 wdet. —(1887) 31:692. wdet —(1889) 33:268. wdet. —(1895) 39.618 wdet —(1898) 42:625 McClure’s mag. (1894) 2.519 * Out- look (1898) 59.535* (in 1867) —59.538 (in 1874) —59.540* George Monro, d. d. 1835- Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1880) 1:167. lith. New Eng. mag. (1890) n. s. 3:333. Gregory, m. d. d. 1803. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 208. John Kay f. 1799 & eng. Hugh John, mayor of N. Y. 1855- Harper’s w. (1884) 28:667. wdet. —(1889) 33:553. wdet. R. OF rev. (1892) 5:25.* —(1894) 10:470. Isaac, d. 1784. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 221. John Kay f. 1785 & eng. James, general, m. p. 1720-1806. Kat, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 178. John Kay f. 1798 & eng. Sir James, of Grant, 7th hart. m. p. 1738-1811. Kay, Orig por. (1877) l:pl. 113. John Kay f. 1798 & eng James, journalist, 1802-79. Illus. Lond. news (1879) 74:561.* James, 1812-91. Annals of Iowa (1873) 11:561. J. C Buttre eng. after photo (with his wife) Nat. mag. (1893) 19:81. eng. Mrs James (Elizabeth Brown Leonard) 1825- Annals of Iowa (1873) 11:561. J. C. Buttro eng. after photo (with her husband) Sir James Alexander, m. d. 1830- Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91 : 160 — (19a2) 120:749.* J ames Augustus, captain, 1872-92. Eclectic mag. (1863) 60: 137. G. E. Perine eng. (with capt. J. H. Speke) Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:227.* Scribner’s mag. (1891) 9: 184. eng. (with Speke) James Benton, gov. of Colorado, 1848- Har- per’s w (1882) 26:740 wdet. James Francis, d d. 1760-1837. Kay, Orig. por (1877) 2: pi. 321. John Kay f 1801 & eng. Sir J ames Hope, general, 1808-75. Cust, Nat. por gall. (1902) 2.245 Sir Francis Grant p.* Illus. Lond news (1875) 66.273. R. & E. Taylor eng. after photo. — (1901) 1 18: Jan 5, sup. p. 8 * Jesse, s of U S Ce.nt (1885) 8 929* (with Gen. Grant and his wife) Jesse Root, father of U. S. 1794-1873. Har- per’s w (1869) 13.180 wdet —(1873) 17:621. wdet (with his wife) — (1885) 29.260. wdet. — (1897 ) 41:438* (with his wife) McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:517* (with his wife) —(1896) 8 : 128* (age 69) Mrs Jesse Root (Hannah Simpson) 1798- 1883. Harper’s w. (1869) 13.180. wdet —(1873) 17:621. wdet. (with her husband) —(1883) 27 324. wdet. — (1897) 41:438* (with her husband) Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 2:517* (with her husband) —(1896) 8:126* John. .Metii. mag (1800) 23:101 Ridley sc. (age 30) Sir John Peter, 1807-93 Cust, Nat. por gall. (1902) 2 309 G. F. Watts p * Lewis Addison, 1829- Benedict, Vt in civ war (1886) 1 : 352 A H Ritchie eng Nellie, dau. LI S. Grant. See Sartons, Mrs Algernon Charles F rederick. GRANT 609 GRANT Sir Patrick, field marshal, 1804-95. Illus. Lend, news (1895) 106:406.* Robert, f. k. s. 1814-92. Stewart, Univ. of Glasgow (1891) 68. photo. Robert, novelist and judge. Book bu)'er (1893) 9:655.* —(1900) 20:427.* Bookman (1900) 11:409.* Critic (1900) 37:5, 490. Outlook (1904) 78:867.* Seth Hastings, 1828- Harper’s w. (1883) 27:508. wdet. Tom, 1754- Baily’s mag. (1897) 67:339. F. Babbage eng. Gilbey, Animal painters (19(X)) 1:141. R. Barrett Davis p. F. Babbage eng. Ulysses Simpson, pres. U. S. 1822-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12: 199. Nast p.* — 12:761.* Alm. de Gotha (1870) 107: pi. 5. Carl Mayer sc. An- nals of Iowa (1897) ser. 3, 3:226. Appleton, Am. ann. cyclop. (1864) 4: front. Appleton’s ann. cyclop. (1885) 10: front. C. Schlecht f. after photo 1869. Appleton’s cyclop, of Am. biog. (18CT) 2: front. Kurtz f. II. B. Hall jr. eng. Bolton, Famous Am. statesmen (1888) 307. eng. Book buyer (1901) 22:102. C. Burt eng.* Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 2:pl. 58. eng. after photo. Catii. world (1893) 58:67. James E. Kelly sc. (statue. Grant at Donelson) Cent. (1884) 7:163. —(1885) 8:158* (in 1864) — 8:658. — 8:926. old daguerr.* (when a cadet, and with Gen. Alexander Hays) — 8:927. daguerr.* — 8:929* (headquarters. City Point, with his wife and son Jesse) — 8:932* (headquarters during V’ir- ginian campaign) — 9:127* (at Mt. McGregor, 1885) —(1887)12:148.* —12:304. C. W. Reed f.* (equestr. por.) —13:126* (in 1875) —(1893) 25:225. — (1896) 31 : 18. C. S. Reinhart f.* (at Gen. Thomas’s headquarters) — 31 : 21* (in 1865) — (1897)31:484* (in 1^3) — 31:841.* Church, U. S. Grant (1897) front.* — p. 24* (in 1844) — p. 220* (in 1865) CoATSwoRTii, Loyal people of the Northwest (1869) 15. Western eng. co. eng. Crafts, Southern rebel- lion (1867) 2: front. II . Wright Smith eng. after photo. Critic (1897) 30:303. TilTany & co. f * (medal issued by Am. numism. and archaeol. soc. of N. Y.) — (1901) 38:334. Charles Burt eng.* Duyckinck, Lives and por. of the pres. (1881) 211. Nast p. eng. Duyckinck, Nat. por. gall, of em. Am (cl^2) 2:456. Chappel p. after photo, eng. Duyckinck, Por. gall, of em. men & women (1873) 2:542. A. Chappel p. Getch- ell. Our nation’s executives (1885) 2%. H. B. Hali & sons eng. Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:151. eng. —(1865) 31:68. eng. —(1885) 71:584. —(1892) 85:909. death mask.* — (1894) 89:198. Harper’s w. (1862) 6:145, 273. wdet. —(1863) 7:365, 465. wdet. — 7:376-7. wdet. after equestr. por. — (1864) 8:197. wdet. (receiving commission as lieut.-gen.) —8:340, 449. wdet. —(1865) 9:393, 772. wdet. — 9:436. wdet. (with staff) — (1867) 11:216. wdet. after equestr. por. — 11:228. wdet. — (1868) 12:356. wdet. — (1869) 13:216 wdet. (with cabinet) —(1872) 16:. 508, 653, 733. wdet. —(1873) 17:229. wdet. —(1879)23:784. wdet. —(1885)29:209,525. wdet. (in 1865) — 29.241. wdet. (during illness) — 29:405, wdet. (with family) — 29:504-5. wdet. — 29:508. T. de 'Thulstrup del. wdet. (in the Wilder- ness) — (1886) 30:703. Louis T. Rebisso sc. wdet. (equestr. statue) — (1889) 33:748. Ijorado Taft sc. wdet. (statue) — (1891) 35:447. John Gelert sc. wdet. (statue) — (1897) 41:433. W. A. Rogers del.* — 41 :436. death mask.* — 41 :437* (in 1865) Har- rison, Biog. sketches (1893) 4: pi. 13. LcClere p. 1878.* Healy, Remin. (1894) 30. G. P. A. Healy p.* Hopp, Bundestaat u. bundeskrieg in N. A. (1886) 681. Nast p. eng. Hutton, Por. in plaster (1894) 227 (death maA)* Illus. Lond. news (1885) 87:101. Loubat, Medallic hist. U. S. (1880) 2: pi. 73. Antrobus del. Paquet eng. 1863. Jules Jacquemart etch. — 2: pi. 79. Paquet del. & eng. 1871. Jules Jacquemart etch. Love, Wis. in the war (1886) 209. J. C. Buttre eng. after photo. McClure’s mag. (1894) 2:506 — 540* (various por.) — 1895 4:261* (in 1863) -5:39* (in 1861) —5:421. W. R. O’Don- ovan sc.* (equestr. statue) — 5:426. Karl Gerhardt sc.* (death mask) —5:435.* —(1896) 6:591. Wil- liam O. Partridge sc.* (equestr. statue) — 7:41.* —8:98* (age 21) —(1898) 10:433 (in 1864) Mag. of Am. hist. (1884) 11:201. II. Wright Smith eng. — (1885) 14:225. J. L. Phillips eng. Mao. of West, hist. (18^) 2:401. eng. Marden, Winning out (1900) 90. Moore, Rebellion record (1863) 6: front. A. H. Ritchie eng. Moses, III. hist. & statisticjor. (1786) 2:pl. 135. B. Picart del. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 6:455. GREGORY XIII, pope (Ugo Buoncompagno) 1502-85. Allg. weltgeschichte (1886) 7 :381 . medal.* Droysen, Gesch. der gegenreformation (1893) 1253. P. de Jode eng. Foley, Records Eng. province of soc. of Jesus (1880) 6: front. eflB^’* (German coll. Rome) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:55. F. Hulsius eng.* Jure. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiser- hauses (1901) 22:134 (with Herzog Karl Friedrich von Cleves) Philippson, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 271. medal* (Berlin, Roy. coin cab.) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 1990. Desjardins eng. after p. GREGORY XrV, pope (Niccolb Sfondrato) 1535- 91. L’Art (1879) 18:292. C. E. Wilson del. after bust. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2002. A. Geille eng. after p. GREGORY XV, pope (Alessandro Ludovisio) 1554-1623. lIiRTH, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1100. L. Rilian eng. Winter, Gesch. des 30 jahrigen krie- ges (1893) 259. Peter Isselburg sc.* GREGORY XVI, pope (Mauro Capellari) 1765- 1846. Alm. de Gotha (1835) pi. 2. G. Zanetti del. Rosmasler sc. Flathe, Zeitalter d. restauration u. revolution (1883) 405. Ferd. Caralleri del. Francesco Fontana eng. GREGORY NAZIANZEN, saint, 328-389. Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 1:17. eng. GREGORY, Alfred J. m. d. So. African por. gall. (1897) 14. Lady [Charles Hutton] 181.5-95. See Stirling, Mrs Mary Anne (Kehl) David, 1661-1708. Pinkerton, Scotish gall. (1799) pi. 46. Harding pub. 1798. Edward John, painter, 18.50- Illus. Lond. news (1883) 82:469. —(1898) 112:137.* Mag. of art (1884) 7:353. E. J. Gregory del. wdet. —(1898) 22:281.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 109. Henry A. Pegram p.* Eliot (the Idler) 1854- Book buyer (1900) 20:359. Critic (1899) 34:299. —(1904) 45:102.* GREGORY 617 GRENVILLE Francis Hoyt, u. s. n. 1789-1866. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:396. A. Hill del. after daguerr. Peirce sc. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:556. wdet. George Burrow, 1813- Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 324. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Janies, 1638-75. Anderson, Fasti acad. (1898) 2:221. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 2:536. W. Holl eng. after p. Pinkerton, Scotisli gall. (1799) pi. 45. Comes Buclianiae del. E. Harding sc. Herbert pub. 1798. James, m. d. 1753-1821. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 136,137. John Kay f. 1797 & 1795? & eng. — 2:322. Kay f. & eng. Mrs James (bom Macleod) 1770-1847. Arm- strong, Raeburn (1901) 34. Sir H. Raeburn p. 1796.* John, m. d. 1724-73. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 18M) 2:539. G. Chalmers p. Wm. Howison eng. European mag. (1806) 49:407. Ridley eng. (age 40) John Milton, 1822:98. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:173. wdet. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 18:280. Olinthus Gilbert, 1774-1841. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1834) v. 5. R. Evans p. H. Robinson eng. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 ; 60. R. Evans p. H. Robinson eng. Robert, d. d. 1819- Illus. Lond. news (1891) 98:4.* Men of mark (1877) 2:pl. 32. photo. Robert C. 1811-85. Green bag (1892) 4:223.* William, gov. of R. I. 1849-1901. Harper’s w. (1900) 44:328.* Sir William Karle Welby-, ^th hart. 1829-98. Mag. of art (1880) 3:277. Frank Dicksee p. wdet. (with his wife) Sir William Henry, 1817-92. Illus. Lond. news (1892) 100:322.* Vanity fair album (1871) 3:pl. 102. lith. after caricature. GREIFFENHAGEN, Maurice, painter. Book buyer (1897) 14:149.* GREINER, John B. Cent. (1893) 23:806.* GRELLET, Mme Grace (IngersoU) Goodrich, Court of Napoleon (1871) 367. Sully del. J. Cham- pagne del. S. Hollyer sc. GRELLET DE BEAUREGARD, 1750- Biog. modeme (1807) 4:371. Paris etch. Gros del. Courbe sc. GRENE, Edmund, d. 1490? Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 1 : pi. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1816 (with his wife Agnes; Hunstanton church, Norfolk) GRENFELL, 1st baron, Sir Francis Wallace Grenfell, maj. gen. 1841- Baily’s mag. (1893) 59:361 . W. Rofle sc. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:657. W. W . Ouless p.* —(1897)111:208.* —(1898) 113:585. —(1902) 121:21.* Roy. acad. pict. (1^4) 109. W. W. Ouless p.* So. African por. gall. (1897) 2C. Vanity fair album (1889) 21 :pl. 444. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Bernard Pyne, 1869- McClure’s mag. (1897) 9:1023. George. Harper’s w. (1890) 34:38. wdet. Wilfred T. m. d. Critic (1904) 45:393.* William Hen^, 1855- Baily’s mag. (1890) 54:front. W. Rode sc. after photo. Harper’s w. (1902) 46:725. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:598.* Vanity fair album (1890) 22:pl. 491. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GRl^NIER, haroii, Jean, 1753-1841. Bioo. mo- derne (1807) 4:371. Perrin del. Courbe sc. comte, Paul, 1768-1827. Tardieu, G^n. fran?. 2:pl.83. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 7. Pigeot eng. GRENOT, Antoine, 1748-1808. Bioc. luoderne (1807) 4:372. Moreau del. Courbe sc. GRENVILLE, 1st baron, William Wyndham Grenville, 175^1834. Barton,N.So. Wales (1894) 2:71. Brit. gall. (1822) 1 :pl. 59. W. Owen f. J. S. Agar eng. Buckingham, duke of, Mem. of court of George HI (1853) 2: front, eng. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902)2:59. John Hoppnerp.* Dowling, Poets & statesmen (1857) 259. J. Chapman sc. E. RadclyfTe eng. (bust) European mag. (1817) 71:475. W. Owen p. H. Meyer eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) V. 1. J. Jackson f. T. A. Dean eng. Paget papers (1896) 1:28. Sterry, Ann. of King’s coll. (1898) 182. George Romney p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 3:95. J. Jackson p. T. A. Dean eng. Thornton, For. sec. (1881) 1:1. Versailles, G^. hist. Gavard, sup. 6: pi. 44. Mars eng. Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 4:101. eng. Wright, Eng. under house of Hanover (1848) 2:429. J. Gillray del. 1806. F. W. Fairholt eng. (caricature) Sir Bevil, 1596-1643. Clarendon, Hist, of rebellion (1731) 2':283. Green, Short hist. Eng. jjeople (1893) 3:1147. f>or. ? (coll, ^rnard Grenville) Nugent, Mem. J. Hampden (1874) 346. eng. Prince, Worthies of Devon (1810) front. James Fittler eng. 1640 (age 39) Catherine. See Braybrooke, baroness. George, 1712-70. Fiske, Am. rev. (1896) 1: 14. Ridley eng. 1797. wdet. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds, ( 1901) 4: 1424. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 2:125. old print.* Sir Richard, 1541 ?-91. Brown, Genesis of U. S. (1890) 1:450. eng. pub. by E. Harding, 1802.* Fiske, Old Virginia (1900) 1:^. eng.* (from Heroologia) Holland, HeroJologia anglica ( 1620) 85. eng. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 1:168. Sir Theobald, fl. 1350. Prince, Worthies of Devon (1810) 440. James Fittler eng. (the plate is lettered Sir R. Grenville) Thomas, 1755-1846. Buckingham, Mem. of court of George HI (1855) 3: front, eng. Cust, Nat. pior. gall. (1902) 2:63. C. Manzini p. 1841* (minia- ture) Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (1898) 11. J. Hoppner p. eng. from Nat. por. v. 6. Fletcher, Eng. book coll. (1902) 283. Hoppner p. wdet. Jer- GRENVILLE 618 GREVY DAN, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 1. Hoppncrp. T. A. Dean eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 6: pi. 13. Hoppner p.* Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 2:86. lloppnerp. Dean eng. GRENTVILLiE family name. See also titles Bucking- ham and Chandos; Buckingham; Temple. GRESELA.M, Mrs, and daughter. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:579. W. P. Frith p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1895) 50. Frith p.* Herbert, actor Harper’s w. (1895) 39:268. wdct. (as Speed) Sir Thomas, 15191-79. Bioo. mag. (1819) 1:41. Holl sc. Cab. por. gall. Br. worthies (1845) 4: front, eng. Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:45. Antonio Moro p.* GREEN,Shorthist. Eng. people(1893)2:786. Moro p. (Nat. por. gall.) Heyck, Monograph, z. weitgesch. ^897) 2:59. Moro p.* Lodge, Por. (1835) 3: pi 3. Hans Holbein f. H. Robinson eng. Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1877) 4:76. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 80. Moro p.* Wheatley, Hist. por. (1897) 252. Moro p.* Zimmern, Hansa towns (1889) 327. statue ?* Walter Quinton, 1832-95. America’s grtst men & women (1894) 9. Harper’s w. (1883) 27:236. wdct. —(1884) 28:651. wdct. —(1888) 32:221. wdct. —(1892) 36:986. wdct. —(1893) 37:206, sup. Louis Loeb del. wdct. — (1895)39:527. wdct. Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:734.* R. of rev. (1895) 12:2.* Scott, Distin. Am. lawyers (1891) 411. Wilson, Hist, of Am. people (1^2) 5:249. from Harper’s w.* GRESLEY, Sir Robert, 11th hart. 1866- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:238. photo. Sir Roger, 8th hart. 1799-1837. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:174. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* Laily Sophia Catherine (Coventry) w. of 8th hart. d. 1875 Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:37. W. S. Newton p. J. Thomson sc. (min- iature) Mrs Thomas (Elizabeth Vincent) 1733-69. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reynolds (1899) 1:56. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* Lady [Thomas), Wilmot (Hood) w. of 5th hart. 17.50-90. Graves & Cronin, Works of Sir J. Reyn- olds (1899) 1:384. Sir Joshua Reynolds p.* GRESSET, Jean Baptiste Louis, poet, 1709-77. Gal. franf. (1823) 3:225. H. Grevedon del. after old por. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1840) 7 : pi. 10 Chasselat del. Durand sc. PoR. des hommes illus. des 17“ et 18“ sifecles (1805) 2:pl. 120. Blanchard sc. after miniature. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 12: pi. 2676. L. Toeque p. J. Bernadi eng. GR£TRY, Andrd Ernest Modeste, 1741-1813. Arnault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:320. Flatters f. Fremy del. & sc. L’Art (1902) 61 :5. Moreau jr. del. & eng.* —61:11. bust.* —(1904) 63:175. Moreau, jr. des. & eng. Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (19(X)) 2&. Alex. GrihayddofT del.* Ci.ement, Musiciens c^Rhres (1873) 150. eng. Mennechet, Le Plutarque franf. (1840) 7: pi. 21. Isabey del. Geille sc. Paine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 37. (Juenedey p. 18()8.* —2:630. Mme Lebrun p.* Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 121. Mme Lebrun p. Giroux eng. — sup. 6:pl. Waltener eng. after bust. GRETTON, John, m. p. 1867- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:228.* GREUX, Gustave Marie, painter, 1838- L’Art (1901)60:259. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste, 1725-1805. L’Art (1889) 46:257. Greuze p. Bordes lith. — (1904) 63:116. Greuze p. Bordes lith. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1862) 13:402.Greuze f.Leopold Flameng eng. Mas- ters in art (1904) pt. 50, 5:65. Greuze p.* (Louvre) GREVILLE, 2d haron, Algernon Wilham Fulke Greville, 1841- Baily’s mag. (1884) 43:63. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1881) 13: pi. 251. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Charles Cavendish Fulke, 1794-1865. Baily’s mag. (1864) 7:217. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1 :2(X). Count D’Orsay f. 1840. lith. Charles Francis, 1749-1809. Cust, Hist. soc. of dilettanti (1898) 226. Reynolds p.* (in group) Hon Charles Fulke, 1762-1832. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:52. Romney p. H. Meyer eng.* Lady Charlotte. L’Art (1893) 55:24. John Hoppner p. F. E. Jeannin sc. Hon. Ronald Henry Fulke, 1864- Illus. Lond. news (1903) 122:228.* Sidney Robert, 1866- Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:226. photo. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 114:43.* — (1901) 118:414. Vanity fair album (1900) 32: pi. 779. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GREVILLE family name. See also titles Brooke; Warwick. GRi^VILLE, Henry, pseud. o/Mme Alice (Fleury) Durand, 1842-1902. Bookman (1902) 15:518.* GR^VIN, Alfred, 1827-92. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 36. photo. GR^VY, Jules, pres. French republic, 1807-91. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:748. L^on Bonnat p.* Alm. de Gotha (1880) front. A. Weger sc. Apple- ton’s ann. cyclop. (1879) 4:front. L’Art (1880) 21 : 153. Carrier-Belleuse sc. L. Rousseau eng. (bust) — 22:30. L. Bonnat p. Ad. Lalauze sc. — (1885) 38:4. Ringel f. & del. (medallion) Bulle, Gesch. des 2. kaiserreiches (1890) 497. La Fosse lith. 1877.* 19IE.ME sifecle (1901) 158. Bonnat p.* Eclectic mag. (1879) 92:513. J. J. Cade eng. Gal. contemp. (1876) pi. 37. photo. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64:349.* Harper’s w.( 1877) 21: 989. wdct. —(1879) 23:132. wdct. —(1887) 31:873. wdct. —(1891) 35.712. wdct. Illus. I.ond. news (1877) 71.468. wdct. after photo. —(1879) 74:120.* —(1887) 91:646. — (1891) 99:331. Latimer, France in GREVY G19 GREY 19th ceut. (1892) 408. Les lettres et les arts (1888) 1:5. Jules Girardet f. Muel, Gouvernements de la France (1895) 424. Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1892) 2:820. L^on Bonnat p.* Vanity fair album (1879) 11: pi. 309. T. f. lith. (car- icature) Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1882) 17:369. Bonnat p. R. Berthold sc. Mme Jules, d. 1893. Illus. Lond. news (1893) 102:298.* GREY, 1st earl, Sir Charles Grey, 1729-1807. European mag. (1797) 32:219. Ridley eng. after miniature. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. 5: pi. 53. Sir Thomas Lawrence p.* Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 6:383. eng. after eng. (from Doyle’s Official baronage) countess, Elizabeth (Grey) w. of 1st earl, d. 1822. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:99. T. A. Dean sc. after miniature. £d earl, Charles Grey, 1764-1845. Alm. de Gotha (1833) pi. 6. Sir T. Lawrence p. Rosmiisler sc. Archer, Gladstone & his contemporaries (1883) 1:80. Lawrence p. lith. Benson, Fasti Etonenses (1899) 257. T. Phillips p. C. Turner eng.* — p. 256. G. Romney p.* (age 18) Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:212. Lawrence p. T. Cousins eng.* Buckingham, Mem. of court of Eng. (1856) 2: front. Creevey papers (1904) 2:216. Lawrence p.* (Nat. por. gall.) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2 : 183. Lawrence p.* Fonblanque, Eng. under 7 administrations (1837) 2:78. W. Read eng. after p. Henderson, Bk. of the illus. (1845) 5. R. Scanlan del. H. Cook eng. Jerdan, Nat. por. gall. (1830) v. 3. Lawrence p. J. Cochran eng. Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:286. Wilkie f. Martineau, Hist, of Eng. (18^) 2:20. Lawrence p. eng. Molloy, Sailor king (1903) 1:33. Lawrence p. eng.* Outlook (1897) 55:77. Saunders, Political reformers (1840) 217. B. R. Haydon f. H. Cook eng. Select biog. of celeb, char. pi. 6. J. Hunter del. R. Page sc. Sterry, Ann. of King’s coll. (1898) 192. George Romney p.* Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:363. Taylor, Nat. por. gall. (1846) 1 : 27. Lawrence p. J. Cochran eng. Thornton, For. sec. (1881) 1:186. eng. lith. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 2:66. G. Romney p.* 1784 (earl Grey coll.) Wraxall, Mem. (1884) 5:17. A. Heath eng. countess, Mary Elizabeth (Ponsonby) w. of 2d earl, 1776-1861. Creevey papers (1904) 2:244. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (with her 2 children) Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence (1900) 84. Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (with her children; Brit, mus.) IVhitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 36. Lawrence p. S. Cousins mezzo. 1830 (with her two daughters) 3d earl, Henry Grey, 1802-94. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:495 * Les lettres et les arts (1887) 2:286 Wilkie f. Vanity fair album (1869) 1 :pl. 14. Ape f. lith. (caricature) 4th earl, Albert Henry George Grey, gov. gen- eral of Canada, 1851- Illus. Lond. news (1896) 108.262.* —(1904) 125:354.* Outlook (1904) 78:569. R. of rev. (1904) 30:568-70.* Vanity fair album (1898) 30: pi. 693. Spy f. lith. (caricature) countess, Alice (Holford) w. of 4th carl. R. of rev. (190-1; 30 571.* (of Werke), 3d baron, Ford Grey, aftw. 1st ";arl of Tankerville, 1655-1701. See title Tankerville. disabled .seaman. Harper’s w. (1867) 11:552. wdet. Lady. Keepsake (1857) 30:116. W. Gush or L. W. Desanges p. B. Eyles eng. Charles, general, 1804-70. Illus. Lond. news (1870) 56:416. wdet. after photo. Sir Edward, Sd hart. 1862- Illus. Lond. news (1892) 101:260.* McClure’s mag. (1902) 18:224.* Pall Mall mag. (1899) 18:100. G. R. Halkett del.* (caricature) Vanity fair album (1903) 35: pi. 756. Spy del. lith. Lady Elizabeth, aftw. w. of John Croker Bulteel, d. 1880. Creevey papers (1904) 2:244. Sir Thomas Lawrence p. Samuel Cousins mezzo.* (child por. with her mother and sister) Gower, Sir Thomas Law- rence (1900) p. 84. Lawrence p. Cousins mezzo.* (child por. with her mother and sister, Brit, mus.) Whitman, Samuel Cousins (1904) 36. Sir T. Law- rence p. S. Cousins mezzo. 1830 (child jxir. with her mother and sister) Rev. G. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Pli- mer (1903)78. Mary Ann Knight del.* (Plimer fam- ily coll. ) Sir George, 2d hart. 1790-1882. Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:340.* Sir George, gov. of New Zealand, 1812-98. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:227. Hubert von Herkomer p.* Gisborne, N. Zealand rulers (1897) 35. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 104:660.* —(1898) 113:4.39.* Roy. acad. pict. (1901) 155. E. Onslow Ford sc.* (bust) So. African por. gall. (1897) 7. Story, Building of Br. empire (1898) 2:407. Lady Georgiana, 1800-1900. Illus. Lond. news (1900) 117:404. Sir Henry, d. 1492 ? Cot.man, Sepulchral braases (1839) l:pl. 40. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (with his wife, Keteringham church, Norfolk) Henry, 7th duke of Suffolk, 15101-54. See title Suffolk. Henry, d. d. 1778-1859. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl.324. JohnKayf. 1815&eng. Sir Henry George, 1766-1845. Ward& R oberts, Romney (1904) 1:86. G. Romney p.* 1786 (earl Grey coll.) Lady Jane, 1537-54. Armengaud, Reines (1862) pi. 6. Pannemaker sc. Art j. (1867) 19:154. J. C. lIorsleyp.L. Stocks sc. (with Roger Aesham) — (1889) 41:169. Luca Penni? f. (Spencer coll, at Althorpe) Atlantic souvenier (1831) 85. C. R. Leslie p. Thomas Kelly eng. Bijou (1830) 112. De Heere p. Dean eng. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:293. Esme de Boulonois f. Cab. por. gafi. Br. worthies (1845) 3:68. eng. Connoisseur (1902) 2:199. Lucas de lleere? p.* Court mag. (1840) 16:81. \^an der Werff p. Ed. Hargrave sc. Creighton, Queen Eliza- beth (1896) 107. Bou.ssod, Valadon & co. eng.? after miniature (at Windsor) Cunningham, Lives of em. Englishmen (1836) 1 : front. S. Freeman eng Cusr, Nat. por, gall. (1901) 1; 31. Lucas d’lleerep.* Dreux GREY 620 GRIFFIN DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. Vanderwerff p. Basan eng. Eclectic mag. (1850) 19:433. A. Devena p. J. Sartain eng. — (1851) 22:433. A. Deveria p. O. Pelton eng. (marriage) Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) l:i&2. eng.* (from Holland’s Her&Jologia, 1620) Gibbon, Mem. of pious women (1835) front. Gower, Tower of Lond. (1901) 1:184. Lucas van Heeie p.* — 1:190. Holbein p. I Wijngaerde eng.* Holland, Herwoologia Anglica (16^) 33. eng. Lady’s m. mus. (1799) 3:397. I. Plott del. I. K. Sherwin sc. (por. in colored wax) — (1821) 13:241. Woolwortn eng. Literary souvenir (1832) 8:173. J. Northcote p. J. Mitchell eng. (in the Tower, visited by Dr. Fecken- ham) Lodge, Por. (1835) 2: pi. 4. J. Thom-son eng. Penny mag. (1833)2:56. J. Jackson eng. RECEUiLd. por. (1786) 2:pl. 241. Van der Werff p. Basan sc. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 57. Lucas de Heere? p.* Spoffxjrd, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 1:371. vignette. Walpole, Roy. & noble au. (1806) 1 :299. Vertue del. eng. (Strawberry Hill) Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 13:559. Lady Jane, dau. of 9th earl Stamford, 1899- Harper’s w. (1901) 45:1240* (child por.) Lady Katharine, dau. of earl of Wilton. See Coke. Katherine, actress. Harper’s w. (1902 ) 46:601. Lady Louisa Elizabeth, 1797-1841. See Dur- ham, countess of. Lord Richard. Stebry, Ann. of King’s coll. (1898) 69. from a brass. Sibyl. Theatre (1885) ser. 4, 6:57. photo (with Lenora Braham and Jessie Bond, in the Mikado) Sylvia. Theatre (1890) ser. 4, 15:301. photo. Thomas de, d. 1562. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l:pl. 75. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1814 (Merton church, Norfolk). William de, d. 1520. Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) l;pl. 55. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (with his 2 wives and 10 children; Merton church, Norfolk) Zachary, 1688-1766. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1822) 4:241. S. Harding del. P. Audinet sc. Shakespeare illus. by an assembla^ of por. and views (1793) l;pl. 7. S. Harding del. after por. Knight sc. (poss. of Rev William Cole, of Ely) GREY family name. See also titles Stamford; Tank- erville. GREY DE ROLLESTON, 1st boron, Charles North, 1636-90. See North, 1st baron. GREY DE RUTHYN, 20th baroness, Barbara Yel- verton, 1810-58 . See Hastings, marchioness of, w. of 2d marquis. GREY DE WILTON, viscounts. See title Wilton. GRID LEY, Albert Gallatin, of Clinton, N. Y 1813- Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1.63 H. B. Hall eng. Charles Vernon, captain U. S N. 1845-98. CiiAP-book (1898) 9:95. Harper’s w (1898)42:472. —(1899) 43.977. Outlook (.1903) 73:787.* R. C. of Austin, Nev. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:45. wdct. GRIEG, Edvard Hagerup, 1843- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 234. .VIcx. Gribav^doff del.* Cent. (18^)25:705.* Outlook (1902) 71 : 53. —(1902) 71:57 (with his wife) P.aine, Famous composers (1891) 2: pi. 55.* Werckmeister, Das 19te jahr- hundert in bildnissen (1901) 5: pi. 525. Erik Weren- skiold p.* GRIEPENKERL, Christian, 1839- .\llen. Masterpieces (1884) 2:269. wdct. GRIER, Dr. H.arper’s w. (1898) 42:53. Ceci- lia Beaux p.* Internat. studio (1899) 8:221. Ce- cilia Beaux p.* Scribner’s mag. (1897) ‘22:477. Cecilia Beaux p.* Robert Cooper, 1794-1870. Carson, Supreme court (1891) 343. .Albert Rosenthal etch. 1890 after photo. Green bag (1903) 15:184. .Albert Rosen- thal etch. 1890.* Harper’s w. (1868) 12:72. wdct. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 2:813. H. S. Sadd eng. GRIERSON, Benjamin Henry, 1826- Harper’s mag. (1864) 30:273. eng. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:353. wdct. after equestr. por. Por. m. (1863) 1 : 17. wdct. Francis, essayist. Critic (1903) 42:493.* James, 1828-87. Illus. Lond. news (1887) 91:475.* GRIESPECK, Florism, 1509-88. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. kaiserhauses (1895) 16: pi. 6, fig. 7. Mathes Gebel? f. 1543* (medal) GRIESS, Johann Peter, 1829-88. Deitsche chem. gesellsch. Berichte (1^1) 24 referate: 1P07.* GRIEU, Louis Charles de, 1755- Biog. modeme (1807) 4:378. Isabey del. Be Ij am be sc. GRIEVE, 3frs. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 173. John Kay f. 1780 & eng. John, d. 1803 Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 56. John Kay f. & eng. John Mackenzie. Vanity fair album (1877) 9: pi. 168. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GRIFFENFELD, yreve, Peder Schumacher, 1635-99. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7' ; 36. p.* GRIFFENHAGEN, Edward E. n. y. policeman. Harper’s w. (1892) 36:1022. wdct. GRIFFIER. Jan, 1656-1718. Walpole, Anec. ed. Dallaway (1827) 3:91. wdct. GRIFFIN, Albert. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:601. wdct. Charles, maj.-gen. 1826-67 Cent. (1884) 7 ; 100. Harper’s w. (1865) 9:493. wdct — (1867) 11:620. wdct. Nicolay & Hay, Lincoln (1890) 10:176.* Powell, 5th Army corps (1896) 80S* (in 1866) GRIFFIN 621 Cyrus, 174&-1810. Aii. hist, register (1895) 2: 1233. miniature* (when a young man) — 2:1234. Bowe.n, Centen. Washington inaug. (1892) 156. L. Sully p. (miniature) Fiske, Crit. period of Am. hist. (18^) 105. Sully p. 1801* (miniature; in Inde- pendence Hall) Rev. Edward Dorr, 1770-1837. Nat. mag. (1893) 17:3.59. —18:282. New Enq. mag. (1893) n. s. 9:165. Francis Butler, 1852- Wuittemore, Heroes of Am. rev. (1897) 183, sup. Francis Vield-. See Viel4-Griflin. Heneage Mackenzie, 1848- Mao. of West, hist. (18901 12:495. Henry, fl. 1829. Harper’s w. (1901) 45:177. silhouette.* Rev. John. Meth. mag. (1821) 44 : 481. IIoll sc. Mrs John Griffin (Catherine Clayton) 1748- 1807. Ward & Roberts, Romney (1904) 1:90 G. Romney p.* 1782 (Sir William Clayton, hart, coll.) Levi Thomas, 1837-96. Green bag (1889) 1:199.* Lomer, of Lodi, Ohio, 1759- Harper’s w. (1875) 19:3.53. wdct. Samuel, 1750-1810. Bowen, Centen. Wash- ington inaug. (1892) 111. Stuart & other f. (2 por.) Rev. Simon Goodell, 1824-1902. Waite, N. H. in the great rebellion (1873) 306. G. E. Ferine eng. Thomas. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 500. St Memin del. & eng. 1805.* Thomas Dillard, u. s. n. Harper’s w. (1888) 32:980. wdct. Willis, of Lodi, Ohio. Harper’s w. (1875) 19:3.53. wdct. GRIFFIS, William Elliot, 1843- Book buyer (1900) 21 : 82. GRIFFITH. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 487. St Memin del. & eng. 1807.* Mrs Elizabeth (Griffith) w. of Richard, 17201-93. Lady’s m mus. (1801) 7:14.5. Rev. I. Thomas del. Mackenzie eng. George, bp. of St Asaph, 1601-66 Adolphus, Brit. cab. ( 1799) 2: pi. 19. Harding sc. after p. (Oxford) Joseph Evan, lieut. 1843-77. Annals of Iowa (1899) ser. 3, 4:294 Mrs Maria Thong (Patterson) 1774- Cent. (1899) 36.2. Gilbert .Stuart p Henry Wolf eng. Sir Richard John Waldie-, 3d bart. 1850- Baily’s mag. (1901) 75.237. W. Allingham sc. after photo. Silas L. of Danby, Vt. 1837- Davis, N. E. states (1897) 3.1567. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Thomas Waters, 1767-1834. Latimer, Scrap- book of French rev. (1898) 10. Walter, Arminian mag. (1795) 18.577. Win. Ridley sc. (age 33) GRIJALVA Walter Scott, 1808-72. Congregat. quar. (1874) 16:215. Rev. William. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1838) 61:241. M. Claxton p. 11. Cook eng. Sir William Branford, 1824-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:410.* —(1898) 112:41.* William Ridgely, of Baltimore. Harper’s w. (1894) 38:224. wdct. GRIFFITHS, John, 1820-97. Illus. Lond. news (1897) 111:346.* Margaret. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 54:52. Herkomer p.* (as Here in llerkomer’s first song play) Ralph, 1720-1803. European mag. (1804) 45:3. Ridley sc. GRIFFITTS, Hester, w. of Capt. James Mont- gomery. See Montgomery, Mrs. GRIFFON DE ROMAGN]^, Pierre £tienne Lazarre, 1723- Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:376. Perrin del. Le Tellier sc. GRIGG, John, of Phila. 1792-1864. Ballou’s pictorial (1856) 10:156. eng. De Bow’s rev. (1852) 13:109. 'T. H. Welch eng. after daguerr. Harper’s w. (1864) 8:565. wdct. GRIGGS, Chauncey Wright, of Tacoma, 1832- Mao. of West. hist. (1890) 13.20. eng. James M. 1861- R. of rev. (1902) 20:267. eng. John William, 1849- Green bag (1898) 10:89.* Harper’s mag. (1899) 98:. 505 (in group) Harper’s w. (1895) 39.978. wdct. —(1901) 45:251. GRIGNAN, comte de, Frangois de Castellane- Adhemar de Monteil, 1629-1714. Petitot, Emaux (1862) l:pl. 22. Jean Petitot p. Ceroni sc. comtesse de, Frangoise Marguerite (de Se- vigne) 1646-1705. Catii. world (1894) 59:009. Dreu.x du Radier, L’Eurime illus. (1777) v. 6. Ferdinand p. Pinssio sc. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 110. Hirtii, Les grands illustra- teurs, 5:1877. Petit eng. Iconog. de Mme de S4vign6, front, eng. after contemp. por. Lady’s mag. (1836) 8:213. Mignard del. Ed. Hargrave sc. Le Roux de Lincy, Femmes c4l6bres (1858) 2:92. Ijant4 del. Gatine sc. lith. Petitot, fimaux (1862) 2: pi. 14. Petitot p. Ceroni sc. Sevione, Lettres choisies (1862) pref. p. 17. G. Staal del. L. Mas-sard sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2340. Blanchard eng. GRIGNON, seigneur de, 1.529-1607. See Bcllifevre, Pompone de. GRIGSBY, William Ebenezer Grigsby, 1847-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:347.* GRIJALVA, Juan de, navigator, d. 1527. Irv- ing, Columbus, Quadricenten. ed. (1892) 3:210. re- drawn from Herrera’s Hist, of the West Indies. WiNsoR, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 2:216. eng. after eng. in Herrera. GRIJSPEER 622 GRIMTHORPE GRIJSPEER, Pieter, fl. 1625-55. Wit, Afbeel- dingen van veele voornaame mannen (1743) pi. 15. C. de Pas del. S. Fokke sc. J. C. Philips del. & f. GRILLO, marchesa del, 1822- See Ristori, Adelaide. GRILLPARZER, Franz, dramatist and poet, 1791-1872. Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 282. Kriehuber del. & lith. 1841.* Ruland, Aus dem Goethe-nat.-mus. (1895) l:pl. 22. J. Schmeller del.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 108. J. Kriehuber sc. & lith. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 25. Kriehuber lith. 1858.* — 1 ; pi. 26. Penther p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1888) 23:225. Fr. Amerling p. J. Auchentaller del. — (1890) 25:264. K. Kundmann sc. wdet. (monu- ment, Vienna) — (1891) 26:8. R. Berthold sc. Ztscu. f. bucherfreunde (1902) 5:477. J. Danhauser f. F. Stdber sc.* GRIMALDI, Bernardino, 1841- Harper’s mag. (1887) 76:179. Giovanni Francesco (D Bolognese) 1606-80. Dezallier d’Aroenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:160. eng. Joseph, 1779-1837. Bentley’s misc. (1846) 19:160. S. Raven p. W. Greatbatch sc. Casket of lit. sci. & entertainment (1837) 369. W. Lake lith. Cost, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:51. John Cawse p.* Times, English eccen. (1877) 382. De Wilde f. (as clown) Whyte, Actors (1898) 12. GRIMALDI family name. See title Monaco. GRIMANI, Antonio, doge of Venice, 1436-1523. CicoGNA, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl.76. Nani eng. Cecilia, actress. Ladies’ m. mus. (1822) 15:301. R. E. Drummond p. Woolnoth eng. Domenico, cardinal, 1460-1523. Gall. naz. ital. (1896) 2: pi. 24. medal.* Yriarte, Venise (1878) 264. medal.* Marino, doge of Venice, d. 1605. Cicoona, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (18M) 2: pi. 89. Nani eng. Knackeuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1901) 53:65. Her- mann Pell p.* Pietro, doge of Venice, d. 1752. Cicoona, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl. 115. A. Nani del. & eng. GRIMATTD, Joseph. Harper’s w. (189,3) .37 : KKX). wdet. GRIMBERGHE, Honord de. See Bossu, comtesse de. GRIMES, James Wilson, gov. 1816-72. Annals of Iowa (1894) ser. 3, 1; front. — ser. 3, 1:521. Harper’s mag. (1889) 79:171. John. Harper’s mag. (1889) 98:915. Jouett p. E. Schladitz eng.* GRIMK^, Angelina Emily, 1805-79. See Weld, Mrs. Sarah Moore, 1792-1873. Garrison, Story of life (1885) 2:134. eng. after daguerr. Thomas Smith, 1786-1834. Mitchell, Am. lands (1899) 123. GRIMM, freiherr von, Melchior, 1723-1807. Ar- nault, Biog. nouv. contem. (1822) 8:333. L’Art (1902) 61:143. Carmontellc del. Ambroise Tardieu eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 3: pi. 103. Car- montelle del. A. Tardieu sc. Hermann, 1828-1901. Bookman (1901) 13:526. Scribner’s m. (1879) 18:207. eng. Jakob, 1785-1863. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:4718. L. Sichling eng. after photo.* (with Wil- helm) Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 418. L. Sichling eng. after photo, (with Wil- helm) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1903) 66:25. Eberlein s<’.* (with Wilhelm; statue, Hanau) Kon- NECKE, Bilder-atlas (1887) pref. p. 21. J. L. K. Grimm del.* Oncken, Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm (1890) 1:67. Burggraf del. Werner lith. Seidlitz, Por- tratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 77. Franz Kruger del. Werck- meister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) 1:1. Ludwig Emil Grimm etch. 1815.* — l;pl.2. Herman Grimm del. 1855.* Wilhelm, 1786-18.59. Allg. weltgeschichte, 11:471. L. Sichling eng. after photo.* (with Jakob) Flathe, Zeitalter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 418. L. Sichling eng. after photo, (with Jakob) Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1903) 66:25. Eberlein sc.* (with , Jakob; statue, Hanau) Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) pref. p. 21. W. K. Grimm del.* Seid- litz, Portratwerk (1894) 5: pi. 77. Franz Kr^er del. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1898) l:pl. 1. Ludwig Grimm del. 1822.* — 1:3.* GRIMOARD, Guillaume de, 1309-70. See Urban V, pope. GRIMOD DE LA REYNlilRE, Alexandre Balthasar Laurent, 1758-1838. L’Art (1903) 62:518. GRIMSHAW, John, 1833- Baily’s mag. (1865) 8:t.-p. Rev. William, 1708-63. Meth. mag. (1821) 44:241. J. Thomson sc. GRIMSTON, 1st viscount, William Grimston, 16921-1756. Walpole, Rov. & noble authors (1806) 5:263. eng. Dorothy, dau. of W. H. Kendall. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 151. George 11. Boughton p.* Lady 'Emily Mary, dau. of earl of Verulam, 1815- 1901. See Craven, countess of. Sir Harbottle, 1603-85. Biog. mirrour (1798) 2: pi. 10. Sir P. Lely p. Harding del. Clamp sc. CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 121. Sir Peter Lely p.* William Hunter. See Kendal, stage name. GRIMSTON family name. See also title Verulam. GRIMTHORPE, 1st baron, Edmund Beckett, 1816- Vanity fair album (1889) 21: pi. 559. Spy f. lith. (caricature) GRIMWOOD 623 GROOT GRIMWOOD, Mrs Frank (Ethel St Clair) Har- per’s w. (1891) 35:1001. wdct. Illus. Load, news (1891) 98:833. —99:708.* GRINDAL, Edmund, abp. of Canterbury, 15191-83. Holland, Heriaologia Anglica (1620) 198. eng. So. Kensington, Nat. hist. por. l:pl. 74. p.* GRINDROD, Rev. Edmund. Wesleyan Meth. mag. (1824) 47:289. Renton p. Hoi 1 sc. — (1838) 61:321. W. Gush p. T. A. Dean eng. GRINLY, William, 1747-1827. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 196. John Kay f. 1795 & eng. GRINNELL, Henry, 1800-74. Winsor, Nar. & crit. hist. (1889) 8:99. eng. after photo (from a reprod. of a photo, in Nourse’s Hall’s second expedition) Josiah Bushnell, 1821-91. Annals of Iowa (1896) ser 3, 2: front. New Eno. mag. (1898) n. s. 18:457. Julius S. 1842-98. Cent. (1893) 23:805. New Eng. mag. (1894) n. s. 11:140. Moses Hicks, 1803-77. Harper’s mag. (1892) 84:464. J. O. Eaton p.* Lossino, Hist, of N. Y. city (1884) 1:98. G. E. Ferine eng GRIPENBERG, Russian general. Illus. Lond. news (1904) 125:^33. H. W. Koekkoek del.* GRISCOM, Clement Acton, 1841- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:249. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1901) 18:11.* World’s work (1902) 5:2859.* Frances, golf champion of Phila. Outlook (1899) 62:256. Lloyd Carpenter, 1872- Harper’s w. (1903) 47:539* (age 30) R. of rev. (1903) 27:138.* GRISEBACH, Eduard, 1845- Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1900) 45:73. Max Liebermann p. 1896.* Ztsch. f. biicherfreunde (1898) 165. Max Liebermann p * (pastel) GRISI, Mme Carlotta, 1815-78. Grand-Car- teret, XIX® sifecle (1893) 265. Dev^ria del. For- mentin et cie lith Giulia, singer. 1811-69. Cent. (1882) 2:194. Huart et Philippon, Gal de la presse (1839) l:pl. 41. Pall Mall mag. (1904) 32:460. old print* (as Norma) GRISON, Adolphe, painter. Stebbins, Cat. of the private coll. (1889) 24. etch. GRISSOM, Arthur, 1868-1901. Bookman (1902) 15.271.* GRISWOLD, Alexander Viets, bp. of Mass. 1766- 1843 Christian keepsake (1839) front. H. Inman p. R. W Dodson eng Perry, Episcopate in Am. (1895) 28. Mrs Daniel Paine, amateur actress. Harper’s w (1891)35:141 wdct. GeorgeD. N. Y shipping merchant. Harper’s mag. (1892)84.466. bust.* Mrs Hattie (Tyng), w. of Eugene Sherwood. 1840- America’s grtst men and women (1894) 168, Hiram, of Cleveland, Ohio. Livingston, Por. of em. Am. (1853) 1:373. J. C. Buttre eng. after daguerr. John. Mag. of Am. hist. (1885) 13:22. John Augustus, 1818-72. Boynton, Hist, of navy (1868) 1:188. J. C. Buttre eng. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:477. wdct. Parton, Men of progress (1870-71) 343. G. E. Ferine eng. Rufus WUmot, 1815-57. Buttre, Am. por. gall. (1877) 3: pi. 20. eng. Cleveland, Am. lit. (1859) 690. Burt eng. Duyckinck, Cyclop. Am. lit. (1877) 2:533. Roberts sc. Knickerbocker gall. (1855) 449. GRITTI, Andrea, doge of Venice, 1454-1538. Capriolo, Ritratti di cento capitani (1600) 101. Aliprando Capriolo eng. Cicoona, Biog. dei dogi di Venezia (1855) 2:pl. 77. A. Nani eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1882) ser. 2, 25:84. Bayard wdct. after eng. 16th cent. Harper’s mag. (1875) 51:659. Vittore Camelo? f. 16th cent. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1899) 8:128. Titian p.* Illus. Lond. news (1895) 106:386. Titian p.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1897) 29:41. Titian p.* (gall, of count Casimir Ezernin Ehndenitz) Pacully, Coll. (1903) 101. Tintoretp.* GRIVEAU, G. French artist. Internat. studio (1900) 10:93. GRIVOT, Pierre Francois, actor, 1835?- L’Art (1881)24:235. Th. Thomas del. (as Frantz) GR(3BEN, graf von der, Karl Joseph, 1788-1876. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1901) 51:11, 12. P. Veit del.* GROESBECK, Stephen Walley, u. s. a. 1840- Harper’s w. (1)^5) 29:676. wdct. Wilham Slocomb, 1815-97. Harper’s w. (1868) 12:260. wdct. GROGAN, Ewart Scott, 1874- World’s work (1901)1:305. GROIZARD Y CORONADO, Carlos. Har- per’s w. (1898) 42:525. GROLLERON, Paul, 1848-1901. Paris salon (1892) 33. GROOS, Mrs Margaret, d. 1390? Cotman, Sepulchral brasses (1839) 2: pi. 1, app. J. S. Cotman del. & etch. 1815 (St Lawrence’s cnurch, Norwich) GROOT, Hugo de, 1583-1645. Bullart, Acad, d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2.213. De L’armessin sc. eng. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker coll, in Am. (1903) l:87.eng.* (Har\’ard coll. L.) Harper’s w. (1899) 43:738. statue* (at Delft, Holland) Hirth, Les grands illustrateurs, 3:1144. M. J. Mierevelt f. 1632. W. Delff eng. Knight, Gall of por. (1835) 4:201. M. J. Mirevelt p. J. Posselwhite eng. Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1789) pi. 7. Rubens p. GROS 624 GROTH Morel eng. (4 philosophers) Motley, Rise of Dutch repub. ed. Griffis (18^) 806. New Eng. mag. (1900) D. s. 22:2. PoK. gall. (1853) 1 : 267. M. J. Mirevelt p. J. Posselwhite sc. Rogers, Story of Holland (1889) 237. ScHROCKii, Abbild bcruhmter gelehrten (1766) 2: pi. 43.eng. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 44. M. Mierevelt p. W. DelfT sc. Vondel, De werken (1858) 4:front. Moritz Calisch del. D. J. Sluyter sc. GROS, haron, Antoine Jean, 1771-1835. L’Art (1878) 15:115. Heim f. 1825 Saint-Elme Gautier des. P. Comte eng. (study) — (1889) 47:101. eng. — (1890) 49:249. Gros p. Petit sc. — (1894) 59, pt. 1:373. Gros des.* —(1904) 63:173. Gros p.* — 63:343. Mennechet, Le Plutarque fran?. (1841) 8:pl. 19. J. Boilly del. Gaitte sc. huronne, w. of Antoine Jean. L’Akt (1894) 59, pt. 1:377. Baron Gros p. Pibou lith.* Bernard, 1736- Bkxj. moderne (1807) 4:380. Gros del. Courbc sc. Joseph Marie, 1742-92. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:379. Labadyedel. Texiersc. GROS DE BOSE, Claude, 1680-1753. See Bt)ze. GROS-GUILLAUME, French actor, 1.554-1634. See Guerin, Robert. GROSE, Francis, 1731 ?-91. Edw.\rds, Anec. of painters (1808) 100. N Dance del. F Bartolozzi sc. European mag. (1797) 32:3. N. Dance del W. Ridley sc. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) l:pl. 18. John Kay del. & sc. 1789. Sir Nash, 1740-1814. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2:pl. 267. John Kay del. 1800&eng. GROSGURm, French officer, d. 1893. Harper’s w. (1893) 37:716. wdct. GROSS, Samuel David, 1805-84. Harper’s w. (1884)28:320. wdct. Samuel Eberly, 1843- Nat. mag. (1893) 17:373. eng. Wilham Heebner, of Lee, Mass. Davis, N. E. states (1897) 4:2236. J. A. J. Wilcox eng. Wilham L. III. barassoc. Proc. (1891) 14:17.* —(1893) 16:21.* GROSSCTJP, Peter Stenger, 1852- Harper’s w. (1894) 38:700. wdct. McClure’s mag. (1904) 23:2.30.* Outlook (1903) 74:66. GROSSE, Theodor, 1829-91. Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 2: 119. wdct. GROSSHEIM, Earl von, architect, 1841- Mag. of art (1902) 27 : 14. Curt Stoeving p. 1894.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1893) n. s. 4:96. C. Stoving p.* GROSSI, Giovanni. Hirth, Les grands illustra- teurs, 3: 1039. Francisco Villamena f. 1613. eng. GROSSMAN, George Paul Albrecht, 1846- Mag. of West. hist. (1889) 9:454. eng. GROSSMITH, George, 1847- Critic (1901) 39:4.55. Max Beerbohm del.* (caricature) Fitz- gerald (P.) Savoy opera (Lond. 1894) .35. wdct. Theatre (1879) ser. 2:216. photo. — (1885) ser. 4, 5:284. photo (as Ko Ko in the Mikado) Vanity fair album (18^) 20: pi. 393. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Weedon, Theatre (1892) ser. 4, 19: 100. photo. — (1894) ser. 4, 24:72. photo, (as the New boy) — (1895) ser. 4, 26:128. photo (with his wife) GROSVENOR, 1st earl, Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1731-1802. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 2:38. Benjamin West f. Dickinson eng.* countess, Lady Elizabeth Mary (Leveson- Gower). See Westminster, marchioness of. earl, Victor Alexander Grosvenor, 1853-84. Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:97.* countess, Lady SibeU Mary (Lumley) widow of V’ictor Alexander. Cab. por. gall. (1894) 5:60.* Charles Henry, 1833- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:696. wdct. —(1899) 43:1204. Mag. of West, hist. (1886) 5:94. eng. Edwin Augustus, 1845- Bookman (1896) 2:371.* Hon. Emmeline. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 64. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature, poss. E. M. Hodgkins) Lemuel Conant, 1833- Mag. of West. hist. (1890) 12:160. eng. Lady Margaret, w. of Adolf, duke of Teck, 1873- See Teck, herzogin von. Lady Mary Frances, 1821- See Macclesfield, countess of. Lady Octavia, aftw. w. of Sir Michael R. Shaw Stewart. Court album (1852) pi. 9 John Hayter del. W. H. Mote eng. GROSVENOR family name. See also titles Eburj- and Westminster. GROTE, Arthur, 1814-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886)89:657. George, 1794-1871. Critic (1899) 34:330. T. Steward.son p.* CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:263. Stewardson p. 1824.* Eclectic mag (1880) 95:257. J. J. Cade eng. Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:298. Steward.son p.* Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59:13. wdct. after photo. McCarthy, Eng. in 19th cent. (1899) 1'86. Stewardson p.* Moulton, Lib. of lit. crit. (1904) 6.533. S. P Denning del. H. Robinson eng. Outlook (1897) 55:78. p* Saunders’ political reformers (1840) 47. S. P. Den- ning del. H. Robinson eng. Werckmelster, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen tl899) 3. pi. 324. Stewardson p.* GROTH, Klaus, poet, 1819- Internat. studio (1900) 12:63. Hans Olde etch.’|; —12.65. Hans Olde p.* (water-color study! Konnecke, Bilder- atlas (1887) 301. drawing after photo.* Werck- MEISTER, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2:pl. 217. Ludwig Bokelmann p.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1899) n. s. 11:3. 11. Magnussen sc.* (bust) GROTIUS 625 GRUMBACH GROTIUS, Hugo, 1583-1645. See Groot, Hugo de. GROT JAN, Peter Adolph, Ger. merchant of Phila. 1774- Scribner’s mag. (1894) 15:205. T. Johnson eng. after por. (poss. of family) GROT JOBLANN, Philipp, 1841-92. Allen, Mas- terpieces (1884) 2: 100. wdct. GROUARD, imile, R. c. bp. of Ibora, 1840- Cath. world (1895) 61:110. GROUCHY, marquis de, Emmanuel, 1766-1847. Cent. (1896) 30:891. Jean Sdbastien Kouillard p.* Gavard, Gal. des mar^chaux de France (1839) pi. 41. Rouillard p. Geille eng. Scribner’s mag. (1887) 2:40. eng. after a colored print. Sloane, Napoleon (1896) 4:188. Rouillard p. Henri Wolf sc. Tardieu, G6n. franiiosc. due de, Amould d’Egmont, d. 1472. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europ>e illus. (1777) v. 2. Pinssio eng. J. Robert del. Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 178. J. Robert del. Pinssio sc. Velly, Hist, de France (1770)9:285. GttNDERODE, Herr von. K.nackfuss, Kunstler- monog. (1901) 51:64. P. Veit del.* GUENEAU DE MUSSY, FranQois, 1774-1857. Le CENTEN. de l’6cole normale (1895) 216. del.* GUENET 627 GUICCIOLI GUENET, dancing master of Phila. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1862) pi. 324. St Memin del. & eng. 1803.* QUENIN, of Philadelpliia. St Memin, Coll, of jwr. (1862) pi. 29. St Memin del. & eng. 1800.* GttNTHER, Johann Christian, 1696-1723. Kon- NECKE, Bilder-atlas (1887) 143. S. G. Herzog del. J. D. Philippin sc. 1756.* GU^RANGER, Prosper, abb^ dc Solcsmes, 1805- 75. L’Art (1887) 42: 182. F. Gaillard eng.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1878) ser. 2, 18:146. F. Gaillard f. eng. GU^RARD, Henri Charles, painter, 1846-97. Burlington mag. (1903) 1 : 139. Ilenri Gu^rard etch.* (Brit, mus.) GXJERBEL, comtesse de, Genevibve (Ward) w. of Constantine, 1838- See Ward. GUERCHEVILLE, marquise de. See Pons, An- toinette de. GUERCINO (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) 1590-1666. See Barbieri. GUERICKE, Otto von, 1602-86. Erdmanns- DORFFER, Deutsche ge.sch. (1892) 1:391. eng.* Seid- LITZ, Portratwerck (1894) 2: pi. eng.* GUERIN, d. 1236. Vertot d’Aubieuf, Knights of Malta (1728) 1 : 147. Cars sc. GUERIN, baron, Pierre Narcisse, 1774-1833. Versailles Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 6:pl. 92. Dumon sc. eng. (bust) Frhre, 1157-1229. Ami d. monuments (1897) 11:53. Maillard des. after seal 13th cent. Claudine Alexandrine, 1681-1749. SeeTencin. Jules, artist. Lamp (1904) 28:294.* Pierre, cardinal, 1679-1758. See Tencin, sei- gneur de. Robert (Gros Guillaume) actor, 1554-1634. Gal. th^atrale, pi. 10. G. Huret p. 1630. Favart del. Monsaldy sc. GUERRA, Ramon, Venezuela minister of war. Harper’s w. (1896) 40:41. wdet. GUERRIER, Jean Baptiste. L’Art (1902) 61 :441. Paul Baudry del. 1869* (coll. Ur. H. Guerrier) GUESDE (Jules Bazilet 1845- Harper’s w. (1894)38:617. wdet. GUEST, quarterma.ster. Kay, Grig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 344. John Kay f. 1798 & eng. Arthur Edward, 1841-98. Vanity fair album (1896) 28: pi. 657. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Augusta Elizabeth Grosvenor, 1879- Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:193.* Lady Charlotte Elizabeth (Bertie) w. of Sir Josiah tfiohn, aftw. w. of Charles Schreiber, 1812-95. See Schreiber. Montague John, 1839- Bourke, Hist, of Wliitcs (1892) 2:192. eng.* (in club) Vanity fair album (1880) 12: pi. 334. Spy f. lith. (caricature) Merthyr, 1838- Baily’s mag. (1895) 63:81. W. J. Alais sc. after photo. Vanity fair album (1897) 29: pi. 694. C. G. i. lith. (caricature) Lady Theodora (Grosvenor) w. of Merthyr. Baily’s mag. (1898) 69:201 (on “Pembroke ’’) GUEST family name. See also title Wimborne. GUEYMARD, if me Pauline (Lauters) DeUgne, singer, 1834- Ballou’s pictorial (1859) 17:312. eng. GUEZ DE BALZAC, Jean Louis, 1594-16.54. See Balzac, seigneur de. GUFFENS, ]^gide Godefroid, 1823-1901. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1902) 68:159. A. Duriau eng. GUFFEY, James McClurg, 1839- Harper’s w. (1904) 48:1113, 1116 (caricatures) GUFFY, Bayless Leander Durant, 1832- Green bag (1900) 12:518.* GUI DE LUSIGNAN, d. 1194. iSee Lusignan. GUI DE PONTHIEU, d. 1076. Jewett, Story of Normans (1887) 259. eng.? after Bayeux tapestry. GUIARD, Mme AdeTaide (Labille) 1749-1803. L’Art (18^) 45: 130. eng.* Gaz. d. beaux arts (1900) ser. 3, 23:10. Mme Guiard p. C. Hoin eng. 1786* (miniature) —(1901) ser. 3, 26:365. Mme Labille- Guiard p.* (pastel) — ser. 3, 26:477. — (1902) ser. 3, 27:104. Adelaide Labille-Guiard p.* (with her pupils, Mile Capet et Mme Bervic Rosemond) GUIBERT, comte de, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte 1743-90. Mennechet, Le Plutarquo fran<;. (1840) 7: pi. 23. Roubault del. Geille sc. comtesse de, Alexandrine Louise (Boutinon de Courcelles) 1765?-1826. Lespinasse, Letters (1902) 113. Jean-Baptiste Greuze p.* Joseph Hippolyte, cardinal, abp. of Paris, I802- 86. Catii. world (1897) 65:627. Grand-Carteret, XIX* si^cle (1893) 135. Alphonse Lamotte eng.* GUIBORD, Joseph, printer. Harper’s w. (1875) 19:980. wdet. GUICCIARDINI, Francesco, 1482-1540. Bul- i*ART, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1682) 1:149. N. de L’armessin f. GUICCIOLI, contessa, Teresa (Gamba) aftw. marquise de Bois.sy, 1802-73. Bookman (1897) 5: 100. p. after miniature.* Byron, Works, Letters, ed. Prothero (1900) 4:front. A. d’Orsay del. 1^9.* Garnett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 4:114. bust* (Palazzo Gamba, Ravenna) Keepsake (1839) 12 : front. A. E. Chalon p. J. Thomson eng. GUICHE 628 GUILLOUX GUICHE, comtesse de, Marguerite Louise de Bethune, w. of Armand de Graminont, 1643-1726. See Lude, duchesse de. GUEDARELLI, Guidarello. Critic (1901) 38 ;14. recumbent figure. Joseph L. Smith, repro. GUIDI, Tommaso (Masaccio) 1401-43. See Masaccio. GUEDO RENI, 1575-1642. Corner, Por. of celeb, painters (1825) pi. 22. Guido Reni p. J. Corner sc. Dezallier d’Argenville, Vie des plus fameux peintres (1762) 2:91. eng. Gall, of great artists (1877) 28. Reni p. Cipriani sc.* Hist. gall, of por. (1808) 2: pi. 11. Guido p. G. Cooke sc. Mai.vasia, Felsina pittrice (1841) 2:5. eng. Meyssens, Por. cm. painters (1739) pi. 10. Guido Rhenus p. J. Meyssens f. & ex. Meyssens, True effigies (1694) pi. 29. Guido Rheni p. J. Meyssens sc. Mot!cKE, Ritratti (1754) 2: pi. 26. Gio. Dom. Campiglia del. P. A. Pazzi sc. Mongez, Gal. de Florence et du palais Pitti (1804) 2; pi. 37. Reni p. Manage eng. Seid- LiTZ, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 20. Guido Reni p. L. F. Manage sc. Spooner, Biog. hist, of fine arts (1865) 2:774. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 98, fig. 8. Guido Reni p.* (Uffizi) GUIGNE, comtesse de. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 78, fi^. 10. Jean Petitot p.* (Alfred de Rothschila coll.; with duchesse de Brissac and princesse de Conti) GUIGNIAUT, Joseph Daniel, 1794-1876. Le CENTEN. de r^cole normale (1895) 253. eng. GUILBERT, Yvette, .singer, 1869- Bookman (1895) 2:97 (cover of song)* CiiAP-book (1896) 4:441. Cecil Clark del. eng. 1 Critic (1900) 37:528. Jean Veber del.* (caricature) Paris salon (1896) 9. H. Alberti p.* GUILD, Calvin, 1808-97. Dedham hist, register (1897) 8:65.* Reuben Aldridge, 1822-99. Guild, Early hist, of Brown univ. (1897) 6. New Eno. mag. (1906) n. s. 22:481. GUILDEFORD, Sir Henry, 1489-1532. Hol- bein, Fac.sim. Bartoolzzi (1884) pi. 35. Holbein del. Bartolozzi sc. Holbein, Por. of illus. personages (1828) pi. 37. Holbein p. R. Cooper sc. Holbein, Windsor coll, of por. (1877) l:pl. 38. Holbein del.* Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:101. Hol- bein p. 1527.* McCormick, Cat. biog. (1897) pi. 1. Holbein f. Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilder- schatz (1893), .5: pi. 656. Holbein p.* (Windsor) Shakespeare illus. (179.3) 2: pi. 107. Holbein p. S. Harding del. Schiavonetti sc. GUILFORD, 1st baron, Francis North, 1637-85. Burnet, Hist, of own times (18.38) 2:424. Riley p. W. T. Mote eng. Cust, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1:149. David Loggan del. & sc.* Lodge, Por. (18,35) 9:pl. 7. Riley f. W. T. Mote eng. Walpole, Roy. & noble authors (1806) 3:278. Bocquct eng. Jfth earl of, Frederick North, 1732-92. See North, Lord. countess of, Harriet (Warde) w. of 8th earl, d. 1874. Burke, Por. gall, of distin. females (1833) 1:.52. A. Robertson p. Thomas Wright sc. (minia- ture) 9th eaH of, Dudley Francis North, 1851-85. Baily’s mag. (1873) 23:125. Joseph Brown sc. after photo. GUILHERMY, baron de, Jean Francois Cdsar, 1761-1829. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:391. Moreau del. Le Telher sc. GUILLAIN, Simon, 1581-1658. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2210. N. A. Coypel p. J. Fran(!ois eng. GUILLAUME, Frire. 1475-1537. See Marcillat. GUILLAUME DE LORRIS, fl. 1237. Petit de J uLLEViLLE, Hist. de la langue et de la lit. fran^. (1896) 2:120. Bibl. Natl. Fds. fr. 804, v. 1.* GUILLAUME DE TYR, abp. 11301-90? Thevet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:485. eng. GUILLAUME, baron, Henri Louis Gustave, 1812-77. Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ann. (1881) 47 :239. J. Demannez sc. Eugbne, sculptor, 1822- L'Art (1885) 38:67. Ringel f. & del. (medallion) — (1889) 47:207. J. C. Chaplain f.* (medal) -(1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:865. Ringel d’lllzach f.* (medallion) Paris salon (1892) 93. Louis Marie, 1750- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:393. Gros del. Deshens sc. GUILLAUMET, Gustave, painter, 1840-87. L’Art (1882) 30:229. J. J. Pujqjlat sc. — (1887) 42:130. E. Berne-Bellecour del. 1887* (after death) GUILLEMARDET, Ferdinand, 1765-1809. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1876) ser. 2, 13:341. F. Goya p. wdct. (Louvre) GUILLEMET, Jean Baptiste Antoine, painter, 1843?- Illus. Lond. news (1884) 84:453. Mont- ROsiER, Les chefs-d’oeuvre d’art au Luxembourg (1881) 37. eng. GUILLERY, Philippe, d. 1608. Maurice, Livre rouge (1863) 7. Abraham Bosse sc. Ldon Bailly del. Gusmand sc. GUILLON, Adolphe Irende, 1829- L’Art (1894) 57:1,50. GUILLOTIN, Joseph Ignace, 1738-1814. L’Art (1889) 46:15. T. M. Moreau del. Prevost sc. Bioo. moderne (1807) 4:396. Moreau del. Voyez, jr. sc. Cent. (1898) 35:294. F. Bonneville f.* Lenotre La Guillotine (1893) front. Henri Bouillon sc.* (bust) GUILLOUX, Albert Gaston, sculptor. L’Art (1903) 62:326. GUILMANT 629 GUISE GUILMANT, F^lix Alexandre, 1837- Baker, Biog. diet. mus. (1900) 239. Alex. Grebay^doff del.* Harper’s w. (1897) 41 : 1243. —(1904) 48: 1821. GUIMARD, Marie Madeleine, dancer, 1743- 1816. Connoisseur (1903) 5:88. Fragonard p.* (coll. Harland-Peck) Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 20:267. Gaetan Mercbi sc.* (bust) Les lettkes et les arts (1888) 3:354. GUINDEY. L’Art (1901) 60:280. Albert Misery sc.* (recumbent statue on his tomb) GUINEY, Louise Imogen, 1861- Book buyer (1897) 13:937. drawing?* Bookman (1896) 3:11.* CiiAP-book (1894) 2:1.* Critic (1894) 25:416 (A little English gall. 1894)* —(1896) 29:367. — (1902) 40:206.* Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 264. J. P. Murphy co. eng. New Eng. mag. (1901) n. 8. 24:79. Outlook (1897) 56:593. Patrick R. 1835-77. Cullen, Irish in Boston (1890) 104. GUINNESS, Henry Grattan, 1835- Harper’s w. (1860) 4:188. wdet. Mrs Noel. Roy. acad. pict. (1898) 57. Walter Osborne p.* (with her daughter) Ztsch. f. bildende. kunst (1904) n. s. 15:241. Walter Osborne p.* (with her daughter) GUINNESS family name. ^See also titles Ardilaun; Iveagh. GUINO, J. L. 1734- Bioo. modeme (1807) 4:397. G. Malbeste etch 1790. Moreau del. Courbe sc. GUINOT, Eugene, 1812-61. Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1839) l:pl. 15. GUION, Stephen Barber, 1820-85. Harper’s w. (1886) 30:12. wdet. GUIOT, Florent, 1755-1834. Biog. moderne (1807) 4:397. Isabey del. Ia' T ellier sc. GUIRAUDEZ DE ST M^ZARD. Bioci. mo- deme (1807) 4:398. Labadye del. Le Tellier sc. GUISCARD, Robert, 10221-85. See La Pouille, due de. GUISE, due de, Claude de Lorraine, 1496-1550. Bardi, Gal. du palais Pitti (1842) 2: pi. manner of Holbein p. F. Rosaspina inc. Bouruery et Lachc- naud, Leonard Limosin (1897) 172. Leonard Liimosin f. Burlington mag. (1904) 6:154. Jean Clouet p.* (Idtti gall.) Clouet, French por. (1875) l:pl. 32, 144. Francois Clouet f. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1884) ser. 2, 30:317. L. Limosin f. wdet. (enamel) Guizot, Popular hist, of France, 4:130. wdet. L’H6pital, CEuvres (1824) 6:pl. 7. F. Clouet dit Janet p. A. Tardieu eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1589. Riondet p. Mauduison eng. duchesse de, Antoinette (de Bourbon) w. of Claude, 1494-1583. Bourdery et Lachenaud, Leonard Limosin (1897) 176. Leonard Limosin f. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 9: pi. 1854. Desjardins eng. after p. due de, Francois de Lorraine, 1519-63. Bal- LESTREM, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 2, fig. 15. F. Clouet p. (poss. due d’Aumale)* Clouet, French por. (1875) 1 :pl. 90. Clouet f. lith. Dreux dit Radif.r, L’Europe illus. (1777) V. 2. A. D. p. Gaillard eng. Gal. fran?. (1821) l:pl. 10. Chrdtien del. after Janet & Porbus. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:302. wdet. L’Hopital, QCuvres (1824) 6:pl. 8. F. Clouet (Janet) p. A. Tardieu des. & eng. Menneciiet, Le Plutarque franf. (1838) 3:pl. 24. Fritz Miller del. Leclerc sc. Michaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (18.54) 6: front, eng. Recueil des por. des homines illus. (1786) 2:pl. 224. eng. Skei.ton, Mary Stuart (1893) 28. drawing* (Bibl. nat’le, Paris) 'Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:427. eng. Velly, Hist, do France (1778) 13:1^. Alp. Gaillard sc. — (1781) 14:152. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1591. J. F. Gigoux p. copy. Bosq. eng. (after por. at Chateau d’Eu) — 10: pi. 1930. Massard eng. after p. Vulson, Por. d. hommes illus. fran?. pi. 16. eng. duehesse de, Anne (d’Este) w. of Francois, 1531- 1607. Eouciiot, Catherine de M(5dicis (1899) 58. p.* Jhrb. d. kunsthLst. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1896) 17:pl. 14, fig. 161. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von 'Tirol) —(1898) 19: pi. 3, fig. 196. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) Magniac, Cat. of his coll. (1892) 77. Leonard Limosin f. (with cardinal de Guise) Niel, Por. person, fr. du 16'' sifecle (1856) 2: pi. 19. del. eng. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1951. Oleszczynski eng. after p. due de, Henri I de Lorraine (Le Balafr^) 1550-88. Alul weltgeschiehte (1886) 7:449. Fr. Clouet (Janet) p.* Ballestre.m, Maria Stuart (1889) pi. 5. Porbus? p. (po.ss. P. de St Victor, Paris) Dreux du Radier, L’Kiuropc illus. (1777) v. 2. Du- mouticr del. C. Dupuis eng. Fournel, Artistes franfais contemp. (1884) 177. Paul Delaroche p. eng. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:293. wdet. — (1900) ser. 3, 23:374. School of Francois Clouet p.* Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 42, no. 1. R. Gower autolith. (from a p.) — pi. 42, no. 2. Du Monstier? del. R. Gower autolith. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 4:332. W. Wellstood sc. Harper’s mag. (1870) 41:810. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1897) 2:63. Francois Clouet p.* Jack- son, Last of the Valois (1888) 2:92. Hopwood sc. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhau.ses (1898) 19:78, fig. 197. p.* (coll, of archduke Ferdinand von Tirol) — 19:229. eng.* (from Schrenckhs von Not- zingen Bilderwerk) Menneciiet, Le Plutarque franc. (1836) 4: pi. 10. De Triqueti del. Allaissc. AIichaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 14:front. eng. (from the coll, of Chftteau d’Eu) Phii,ipp.son, Westeuropa im zeitalter von Philipp II (1882) 319. Francois Clouet (Janet) p.* Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) pi. 102. old eng.* Silvestre, Gall, of contemp. art (1884) sec. 1, no. 10: pi. 15. Pierre Charles Comte p. Goupil & CO. eng. (with Henry HI) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 8: pi. 1594. Mile Robert p. copy. Monin eng. — 13: pi. 164. E. Conquy eng. after kneeling statue. — sup. 6. pi. 70. Pigeot eng. after statue. Willert, Henry of Navarre (1893) 170. F. Clouet p. eng.* duchesse de, Catherine (de Clbves) w. of Henri I, 1547-1633. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1881) ser. 2, 24:295. cire, 16th cent. wdet. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard GUISE 630 GULSTON (1838) 13; pi. 106. E. Conquy eng. after statue. — sup. 6: pi. 70. Pigeot eng. after statue. due de, Charles de Lorraine, 1571-1640. Hieth, Les grands illustrateurs, 4: 1410. eng. duchesse de, Henriette Catherine (de Joyeuse) w. of Charles de Lorraine, 1585-1656. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2128. A. van Dyck p. Jeanneret eng. due de, Henri II de Lorraine, 1614-64. Mi- chaud et Poujoulat, Nouv. coll. (1854) 31:211. eng. Versailles, Gal. liist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2197. E. F. Fdron repro. E. Lerouge eng. duchesse de, Anne (de Gonzaga-Cleves) w. of Henri II, 1616-84. Drohojowska, Femmes illus. de I’Europe, 200. Raunheim del. lith. Iconog. de Mme de S^vignd, pi. 61 (contemp. por.) Petitot, femaux (1862) l:pl. 11. Jean Pettior p. Ccroni sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10:pl. 2150. Pedretti eng. after p. duchesse de, Honorine (de Glimes Grimberghe) w. of Henri 11, d. 1670. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 11 :pl. 2270. Sichling eng. after p. ducAessede, Elisabeth (d’Orleans) {Mile d’Alen- 9 on) w. of Louis Joseph I, 1646-96. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) ll:pl. 2256. Lechard eng. after p. due de, Jean de Bourbon-Orleans, s. of Robert, due de Chartres, 1874- Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:158. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. duchesse de, Isabelle (de Bourbon-Orleans) w. of Jean, 1878- Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 156. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. cardinal de, Louis (I) de Lorraine, 1527-78. Jhrb. d. kunsthist. samml. d. kaiserhauses (1891) 12: pi. 10, fig. 7. medal, 1560.* cardinal de, Louis (II) de Lorraine, 1555-88. Dreux DU Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 2. A. E. p. Gaillard eng. Gaz. d. lx«aux arts (1879) ser. 2, 20:127. Dunionstier f. wdet. Maoniac, Cat. of his coll. (1892) 77. Leonard Limosin f. (with his mother, Anne d’Este Ferrara: on plaques) Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 1976. p. Tronchon eng. cardinal de, Louis (III) de Lorraine, 1575-1621. Gower, Lenoir coll, of por. (1874) pi. 61. Du Moustier del. R. Gower autolith. Charles de, s. of Claude, l.st duke, 1525-74. See Lorraine, cardinal de. GUISLAIN, Joseph, philanthropist, 1797-1860. Gree.v bag (1897) 9:48:1. statue.* GUITEATJ, Charles James, father of assassin. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:821. wdet. Charles Julius, assassin of Garfield, 1841-82. Harper’s w. (1881) 25:472. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:533. .sketch.* W11.SON, Hist, of Am. people (1902) 5: 159.* GUITERAS, John, m. d. 1852- Cent. (1903) 44:857.* GUIZOT, Francois Pierre Guillaume, 1787- 1874. Allg. weltgeschichte (1888) ll:5lk Paul Delaroche p. etch.* Alm. de Gotha (1837) pi. 8. C. Mayer sc. L’.i1rt (1880) 20:16. Delaroche p. E. Ronjat del. II. Thiriat sc. — (1903) 62:301. Delaroche p. Laugier sc.* Bentley’s misc. (1848) 23:425. C. Cook sc. 19ieme sifecle (1901) 173. Paul Baudry p.* Duyckinck, Por. gall. of. em. men & women (1873) 2:346. photo. Eclectic mag. (1879) 93:513. J. J. Cade eng. Fi^athe, Zeitalter d. res- tauration u. rev. (1883) 387. Delaroche p. etch. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1861) 10:330. Paul Baudry p. Leopold Flameng sc. — (1883) ser. 2, 28:87. Dela- roche p. wdet. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 1 : front. Delaroche p. Sidney I. Smith eng. Harper’s w. (1872) 16:^9. wdet. Healy, Remin. (1894) 174. G. P. A. Healy p.* Huart et Philippon, Gal. de la presse (1840) 2:pl. 29. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:277. wdet. Internat. studio (1903) 20:177. G. F. Watts p.* "(Holland house) McClure’s mag. (1895) 4:508. Martin, Hist, de France depuis 1789 (1881) 5:274. eng. N. E. hist. & geneal. register (1875) 29:129. Delaroche p. Sidney I. Smith eng. Petit de Julleville, Hist, de la langue et de la lit. franp. (1899) 7:610. Delaroche p.* Saint Martin, 60 ans d’un peuple, 6; pi. 20. eng. Timon, Livre des orateurs (1844) 513. Delaroche p. Calamatta del. Ch. Blanc sc. Werckmeister, Das 19te jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 2; pi. 146. Paul Elelaroche p. Calamatta eng.* Ztsch. f. bildende kuust (1901) n. s. 12:189. H. Daumier lith. 1848* (caricature) Mme Franpois Pierre Guillaume (Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan) 1773-1827. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 2: pi. 18. eng. GULICH, John Percival, illustrator, 1865-98. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:945.* Mag. of art (1899) 23:192.* GULICK, James. Harper’s mag. (1881) 62:191. John Thomas, 1832- Romanes (G. J.) Darwin & after Darwin (Ch. 1897) front. GULL, Sir William Withey, 1st hart. 1816-90. Cassell, Nat. j)or. gall. 4:105. lith. after photo. Illus. Lond. news (1871) 59:612. wdet. after photo. —(1886) 88:355.* —(1890) 96; 131. Men of mark (1878) 3:pl. 35. photo. Vanity fair album (1875) 7: pi. 119. Ape f. lith. (caricature) GULLIVER, Lemuel, of Redriff, captain. Gar- nett, Hist, of Eng. lit. (1903) 3:244. Sturter Shep- pard sc.* (front, to Swift’s Gulliver’s travels; age 58) GULLON, Pio, Span, minister of foreign affairs. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 112:586. GULLY, James Manby, 1808-83. Vanity fair album (1876) 8: pi. 133. Spy f. lith. (caricature) John, prize fighter, 1783-1863. B.\ily’s mag. (1861) 2: 107. Joseph Brown sc. William Court, 1835- See title Selby. GULSTON, Joseph, 1745-86. Nichols, Illus. of lit. hist. 18th cent. (1828) 5:front. S. Beilin sc. GUMPPENBERG 631 GURKO GUMPPENBERG, freiherr von. Knackfuss, Kunstlcr-monog. (1896) 16:77. F. Catel p.* (group) GUNDAMUND, king of the Vandals, d. 496. Allg. wcltgeschifhte (1886) 4:297. coin.* GUNDE LINDE, princess of Bavaria, dau. of Lud- wig, 1891- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1 : 50. Agi Lindegrcn del. after photo. GUNDLACH, John Christopher, 1810- Pop. sci. m. (1897) .50:577. GUND LING, /mAerr von, Jakob Paul, 1673-1731. Berner, Gesch. d. preus. staates (1891) 1:317. Titel- kupfer, 1729.* Nikolaus Hieronymus, 1671-1729. Schrockh, Abbild. beriihmter gelehrtcn (1766) 2: pi. 38. eng. GUNGL, Joseph, 1810-89. Ili.us. Lond. news (1874) 65:448. wdct. GUNN, Archibald, 1863- Bookman (1902) 16:266.* Martha, Brighton bathing woman, 1726-1815. L’Art (1893) 55:139. John Russell p. 1795* (with a child) Williamson, John Russell ^894) 60. John Russell p. 1795* (with a child) GUNNELL, Francis M, '1827- Harvey, Hist. Wash, monument (1903) 100, 109.* GUNNING, Catherine, a/tw. Mrs Travis, d. 1773. Gerard, Some celebrated Irish beauties (1895) 98. Cotes p.* Elizabeth, aftw. duche.ss of Hamilton, w. of 6th duke, and then duchess of Argyll, w. of 5th duke, 1734-90. Burlington mag. (1903) 1:237. H.Mor- laiid p.* (called “ Washing;” poss. Asher Wertheimer) Fagan, Engraving in Eng. (1893) 2: pi. 47. Catherine Read p. J. Finlayson sc.* Gerard, Some celebrated Irish lx*auties (1895) front. G. A. Hamilton p. eng. in the Iveagh coll. Nat. gall. Dublin. — p. 88. Har- per’s mag. (1884) 69:250. Catherine Read p.* Illus. Lond. news (1882) 81:69. Read p. J. Finlayson eng. 1770.* Jesse, George Selwyn, l:front. C. Read p. J. Cook sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6:799, pi. 51. C. Read p. R. Lowry eng. pub. 1771. So. Ken- sington, Nat. hist. por. 4:pl. 70. Morland p.* — l:pl. 71. Francis Cotes p.* Thrale, Sk. of life (1891)18. Cotes p. R. Houston sc. Whitman, Mas- ters of mezzo. (1898) front. C. Read p. J. Finlayson eng. Williamson, Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer (1903) 90, pi. 27. Andrew Plimer p.* (miniature) Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2:pl. 88, fig. 5. P. A. Hall p.* (with her sister Maria; Wallace coll.) Willing, Some old-time beauties (1895) 87. C. Read f.* Elizabeth, aftw. Mrs Plunkett, 1769-1823. Ge- rard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 104 (wrongly named Catherine Gunning) Ladies’ m. mus. (1802) 9:289. John, father of Elizabeth Gunning. Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 35. Liotard p.* (miniature, Nat. gall. Dublin) Maria, aftw. countess of Coventry, w. of 8th earl, 1733-60. Art j. (1896) 48:327. miniature (coll, of Gaspar Fanshawe) Burlington mag. (1903) 1:237. H. Morland p.* (called “Ironing;” poss. Asher Wert- heimer) Gerard, Some celeb. Irish beauties (1895) 51. Francis Cotes f. 1751* (watch paper por.) — p. 57. Gavin Hamilton p.* Harper’s mag. (1884) 69:252. C. Read p.* Heath’s book of beauty (1836) 69. H. Cook eng. Jesse, George Selwyn (1882) 1:162. F. Cotes p. J. Cook sc. Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 161.3, pi. 113. B. Wilson p. & eng. So. Kensing- ton, Nat. hist. por. 4: pi. 72. Morland p.* Thrale, Sk. of life (1891) 18. F. Cotes p. J. McArdell sc. Whitman, Masters of mezzo. (1898) 34. Thomas Frye sc. 1761. WiLLiAM.soN, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 88, fig. 5. P. A. Hall p.* (with her sister Eliza- beth; Wallace coll.) Willing, Some old-time beau- ties (1895) 99. Gavin Hamilton p.* Peter, bp. of Ely, 1614-84. Thane, Brit, autog. (1819) 3:23. Loggan f. eng. Robert Henry, lieut col. 1852-99. Illus. Lond. news (1899) 115:64.5.* GUNSAULUS, Frank Wakeley, 1856- Mc- Clure’s mag. (1894) 2:267.* New Eng. mag. (1897) n. s. 16:358. GUNSBURG, Isidor, chess player, 1854- Har- per’s w. (1889) 33:329. wdct. GUNST, Moses, of San Francisco. Harper’s w. (1895) 39:2:10. wdct. GUNTER, Archibald Clavering, 1847- Ameri- ca’s grtst men & women (1894) 95. Bookman (1902) 16:103.* GUNTHER, Charles Godfrey, 1822-85. Demo- cratic rev. (1858) 41:156. J. C. Buttre eng. after ambrotype. Harper’s w. (1863) 7:813. wdct. —(1885) 29:77. wdct. Pou. m. (1864) 1:153. wdct. F. Frederic, d. 1895 Depew, 100 yrs. of Am. commerce (1895) 2:584. eng. after photo. GUNTON, George, prof. 1845- R. of rev. (1902) 26:598.* GUNZ, Dr. G. Thust u. Kuhn, Biog. kunstler al- bum (1867) v. 1. A. Waldow lith. GURDON, Bertrand Evelyn MeUish, 1867- Cent. (1897) 33:102.* Edward Temple, 1855- Vanity fair album (1892) 24: pi. 527. Stuff f. lith. (caricature) GURDON family name. See also title Cranworth. GUREVITCH, S. nihilist. Harper’s mag. (1891) 83:431. P. Rd f.* GURKO, Iosif Vladimlrovitch, general, 1828- 1901. Allg. weltgeschichte (1892) 12:663.* Bam- berg, Gesch. d. orient, angelegenheit (1892) 528.* Forbes, Czar and sultan (1894) 200. Illus. Lond. news (1894) 105:815 (this por. wrongly named Nicho- las V. G.) GURNEY 632 GUTENBERG QUKNEY, Rev. Alfred. Illus. Lend, news (1895) 106:543. G. F. Watts p.* RusseU, 1804-78. Mag. of art (1898) 22:398. G. F. Watts p.* Vanity fair album (1871) 3: pi. 92. lith. after caricature. GUROWSKI, count, Adam, 1805-66. Scribner’s mag. (1895) 17:443. daguerr.* (in poss. of C. A. Dana) GTJRREA Y ARAG(5N, Martin de, duque de Villahermosa, 1525-81. See title Villahermosa. GURWOOD, John, colonel, 1790-1845. Bourke, Hist, of Whites (1892) 1:218. Count D’Orsay f. 1845. lith. GUSSOW, Karl, painter, 184.3- Ali.en, Master- pieces (1884) 1:269. wdet. GUSTAVTJS kings and princes. DEN.MARK Gustavus, prince, s. of Frederick VIII, 1887- Tullbero, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1898) 1:207. Agi Lindegren del. after photo. SWEDEN. Gustavus I Vasa, king, 1496-1559. Allg. weitgeschichte (1886) 7:136. BBaoLD, Gesch. d. deutsch. reformation (1890) 720. Iixus. Lond. news (1894) 105:14. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5: 198. vignette. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard, sup. 5: pi. 35. Mile Revest p. after p. Pannier eng. (Palais Roy.) Winter, Gesch. d. 30jahrigen krieges (1893) 340. Martin Rota eng.* Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1903) n. s. 15:6. Anders Zorn f.* (statue in Mora) Gustavus II Adolphus, king, 1594-1632. Allg. weitgeschichte (1887) 8:104. A. Van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. L’Art (1894) 56:318. Michiel van Miere- velt p. W. J. Delfl sc. 1633. Craik, Piet. hist, of Eng. (1849)3:147. Van Dyck f. Paul Pontius eng. J. Pos- .selwhite f. Dreu.\ du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) v. 3. A. N. p. A. T. eng. Dyck, Cent por. (1878) pi. 18. Anton van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. Fiske, Dutch & Quaker col. in Am. (1903) 1 :207. Van Dyck p.* Fletcher, Gustavus Adolphus (1897) 130. H. P. Hansen eng. after por. 16.32. Gindely, Hist, of 30yrs. war (1884) l:front. Van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc.* Great men ... in Munich Pinakothek (1885) pi. 16. Van Dyck p. Paul Pontius sc. Mart, vanden Endenex. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3: 1069. Micre- veldt p. Delff eng. Guizot, Pop. hist, of France, 5:282. wdet. Harper’s mag. (1876) 52:706. eng. Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgesch. (1898) 3:40. coin* (Berlin coin cab.) — 3:84. Van Dyck p.* Hirtii, Les grands illu.strateurs, 3:11.55. Van Dyck del. P. Pontius eng. (Pinakothek, Munich) — 4:1234. L. Kilian eng. — 4:1241. J. Hulsmann f. eng. (death r.) Hlst. gall, of por. (1807) 1 : pi. 25. Van Dyck p. Cooke sc. Hume, Por. of leading reformers (1851) pi. 14. Van Dyck p. L. Gh^mar del. Fr. Schenck lith. (with Wallenstein) I.mper. diet, of univ. biog. 2:7.59-60. Van Dyck p. J. Posselw’hite eng. Knack- fuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 13:55. Van E)yck p.* Knight, Gall, of por. (1837) 7:front. Van Dyck p. Paul Pontius eng. J. Posselwhite eng. Nat. mag. (1892) 15:352. wdet. Perkins, Richelieu (1900) 162. Por. gall. (1853) 1:298. Van Dj’ck p. P. Pontius eng. J. Posselwhite sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 2: pi. 38. Van Dyck p. Pontius sc. Spofford, Lib. hist char. (1896) 5:208. L. Braun f.* & vignette. — 5:220. coin. Versailles, Gal. hist. Gavard (1838) 10: pi. 2152. L. G. Thihault f. after p. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l:pl. 45. Vandyke p. Edward Smith eng. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1; pi. 49, fig. 6, 8. Alexander Cooper p.* (fig. 6, Gothenburg mus. fig. 8, coll, king of Sweden) — 2: pi. 96, fig. 6. Marquise de Fourilles p.* (Nat. mus. Stock- holm) Winter, Gesch. des SOjahrigen krieges (1893) 346. Ant. van Dyck p.* — p. 349. L. Kilian sc. G. Rehlender del.* (medal, Berlin coin cab.) — p. 380. G. Rehlender deb* (medal, Berlin coin cab.) vVood- burn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 90. eng. after curious print. Gustavus III, king, 1746-92. Allg. weitge- schichte (1889) 9:609. eng. 1777* (St Petersburg) Bruckner, Katharina II (1883) 373. eng. 1771* (St Petersburg) European mag. (1790) 18:145. T. Prattent sc. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1898) ser. 3, 19:95. Roslin p.* (with his 2 brothers) Grevedon et Mauzaisse, Les contemp. strangers (1835) pi. 1. Grevedon del. 1828. C. Motte lith. Hist. gall, or por. (1807) 1 : pi. 26. Roslin p. G. Cooke sc. Lond. mag. (1773) 42:5. eng. after p. (in cab. of the French king) Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1884) 1:466. L. Pasch p. P. Finding eng. Oncken, Zeitalter Friedrichs des Grossen (1882) 2:483. N . Lafrensen p. C. S. Gaucher sc. Seidlitz, Portratwerk (1894) 4: pi. 41. Tli. Patch p. P. Finding sc. Versailles, Gal. hist. Ga- vard, sup. 5: pi. 1 19. Girardet eng. after contemp. por. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 2: pi. 96, fig. 3. P. A. Hall p.* (Nat. mus. Stockholm) — 2;pl. 101, fig. 6. P. A. Hall p.* (Paul SinebrychofI coll.) Gustavus rV Adolphus, king, 1778-1837. Allg. weitgeschichte (1887) 10:317. eng.?* Alm. de Gotha (1805) pi. 3. Rasmasler sc. La belle assem- bl6e (1808) 4:243. Bourlier eng. after medal (with Frederica Dorothea Wilhelmina, queen) Lady’s mag. (1808)39:187. Heath sc. Oncken, Zeitalter der rev. (1886) 2:157. eng.* Gustavus, prince, s. of Gustavus IV, 1799-1877. See Wasa, prince of. Gustavus, prince, duke of Upland, s. of Oscar I, 1827-52. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64 : 8. Gustavus, crown prince, 1858- Hare, Storv of my life (1901) 3:504. Harper’s mag. (1882) 64 :20.* Illus. Lond. news (1881) 79:300.* — (18^) 91:5. —(1897) 111:391. —(1900) 117:597.* Internat. studio (1904) 22: 110. Oscar Bjorck p.* Tuli3ERo, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (18^J) 2:773. Agi. Linde- gren del. after photo. Gustavus Adolphus, prince, duke, of Schonen, 8. of crown prince Gustavus, 18&2- Tullberg, Furstenhauser Europ. por. (1899) 2:774. Agi Linde- gren del. after photo. GUTENBERG, Johann, 1397-1468. L’Art (1893)54:35. David d’Angers sc.* (statue) Ballou’s pictorial (1855) 9:289. Kilbum deb eng. Bullart, Acad. d. sci. et d. arts (1695) 2:242. De L’armessin sc. eng. Dreux du Radier, L’Europe illus. (1777) GUTHRIE 633 GUZMAN V. 2. Gaillard eng. J. Robert del. Eclectic mag. (1869) 73:1. O. Pelton eng. ( at the printing press) Harper’s mag. (1855) 11 :470. eng. after p. A^'ntz) Heyck, Monograph, z. weltgcscn. (1900) 11:1-95. (14 por.) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 16:81. Thorvaldsen sc.* (statue, Mentz) Outlook (1900) 65:31. eng.?* —65:32. Ralph B. Goddard sc.* (statue) Penny mag. (1837) 6:501. eng. after statue (IKayence) Recueil d. por. (1786) 2: pi. 168. J. Robert del. Gaillard sc. Scribner’s m. (1876) 12:73. Thorwaldsen sc. eng. (statue) Soc. Montyon et Franklin, Por. et hist, des hommes utiles, 1 :pl. 31. J. C. C. Muller sc. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 5:383. J. L. G. Ferris f.* & vignette. Tiievet, Por. et vies d. hommes illus. (1584) 2:514. eng. Velly, Hist, de France (1770) 8:402. Woodburn’s gall. (1816) l:pl. 91. eng. after p. (Mentz) Ztsch. f. bucherfreunde (1897) 1:485. medal* (Royal mus. Berlin) — (1900) 3:422-36. (various por.)* GUTHRIE, Mrs, artist’s mother. Ztsch. f. bildende kunst (1902) 14:33. James Guthrie p.* Frederick, 1833-86. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 89:518. GecJTge James, 1785-1856. Gust, Nat. por. gall. (1902) 2:165. Reginald Easton p.* (miniature) Pettigrew, Med. por. gall. (1840) 4: pi. 5. H. Room f. J. Cochran. George Wilkms, 1848- McClure’s mag. (1903) 21:28.* James, 1612 ?-61. Chambers, Em. Scotsmen (1847, 1855) 2:548. S. Freeman eng. Willcock, Great marquess (1903) 328. p. ?* James, sec. treas. U. S. 1792-1869. Gleason’s pictorial (1853) 4 : 377. Pierson sc. Green bag (1897) 9:261. Harper’s w. (1860) 4:249. wdet. James, 1859- Art j. (1903) 55:26.* John, of Edinburgh, 17481-1824. Kay, Orig. por. (1877) 2: pi. 182. John Kay f. 1810 & eng. Mrs Murray (Olive Louisa Blanche Leslie) Art j. (19(X)) .52:161. Sir E. J. Poynter p.* Roy. acad. pict. (1900) 186. Poynter p.* Thomas, d. d. 1803-73. Crombie, Mod. Athe- nians (1882) pi. 21. B. W. Crombie f. Harper’s w. (1873) 17:^1. wdet. Illus. Lond. news (1873) 62:216. wdet. after photo. —(1874) 64:569. Brodie f. wdet. (bas-relief inStJohn’sFree church, Edinburgh) Wilham Dameron, 1859- Harper’s w. (1891) 35:652. wdet. GUTIERREZ DE LA CONCHA, Manuel, mar- quds del Duero, 1808-74. Illus. Lond. news (1874) 65:37. wdet. GUTTENBERG, Gustav, d. 1901. Pop. sci. m. (1901)59:6. GUTZKOW, Karl Ferdinand, 1811-78. Allo. weltgeschichte (1888) 11:404. Doris Raab etch.* Flathe, Zi'italter der restauration u. rev. (1883) 421. Doris Raab etch.* Konnecke, Bilder-atlas (1887) 287. Luntenschfltz del. A. Weger sc.* Werck- MEisTER, Das 19tc jahrhundert in bildnissen (1899) 3: pi. 333.* GUY, ELppolyte, painter, L’Art (1901) 60:424. Thomas, 1644?-1724. Bolton, Fam. givers (1896)130. Bo<3k buyer (1901) 22:448. Caulfield, Por. mem. & char. (1819) 2:78. R. Grave sc. GUY LE CHAPELEER, Isaac Rene', 1754-94. See Chapelier. GUYANCOURT, comte de. L’Art (1894-1900) 59, pt. 2:811. Heim des.* GUYARD, Marie {Mhe Marie de I’Incarnation) Bourinot, Story of Canada (1896) 131. eng.?* (fr. B Suite’s hist, des Canadiens-Franfais) Parkman (Champlain ed.) (1898) 3:267. J. Edelinck eng.* Parkman’s works 3-4. Jesuits in N. Am. GUYENNE, due de, Charles de France, s. of Charles Vll, 1446-72. See Berry, due de. GUYON, Claude, 1724- Biog. moderne (1807) 4:403. Labadye del. Courbe sc. Mme Jeanne Marie (Bouvier de la Motte) 1648-1717. Bourgeois, Grand si^cle (1896) 430. Van Broen eng. (age 44) Dreux du Radier, L’Eu- rope illus. (1777) v. 6. Cheron p. Aubert sc. Hub- bard, Little jour. fara. women (1897) 42. Cheron Pinal eng. (age 44) Jules, M. d. 1805?- Greard, Meissonier (1897) 217. E. Meissonier p. 1884.* Maximilienne, painter. L’Art (1889) 46.204. Maximilienne Guyon p. & del. Sgap sc. Richard Debaufre, general, 1803-56. Nolan, War against Russia, 1:294. G. Stodart eng. after daguerr. GUYOT, Arnold Henry, 1807-84. Pop. sci. m. (1884)25:145. Princeton book (1879) 142. Scrib- ner’s mag. (1897) 21:674. Olin W^arner f.* (bronze, tablet, Marquand chapel, Princeton univ.) Scrib- ner’s m. (1877) 13:632. eng. Youmans, Pioneers of sci. (1896) 492. eng. after photo. Yves, 1843- L’Art (1904) 63:227. Paul Renouard des * GUZMAN, Alonso Perez de, El Bueno, 12.58- 1309. Spofford, Lib. hist. char. (1896) 7:145. S. Mart inez-Cu bells f.* Alvaro Perez de, almirante. mayor de Castile, d. 1394. Carderera y Solano, Iconog. espaftola (185.5) 1 : pi. 25. V. Carderera del. after .statue. .Jose Mendez lith. (chapel of St Andrew, Seville cath.) Diego Fehpe de. Walmsley, Physiog. por. (1822) l :pl. 46. Vand3’ke p. Francis Engleheart eng. DofM Elvira de Ayala, w. of Alvaro Perez de Guzman. Carderera y Solano, Iconog espafiola (1855) l:pl. 25. V. Carderera del. after statue. Jo.sd Mendez lith (chapel of St Andrew, Seville cath.) Gaspar de, 1587-164.5. See Olivares, duque de. Juan Alonso Perez de, d. 1351. Carderera Y Solano, Iconog. espafiola (185.5) l:pl. 28. Carde- rera del. after statue. Simile Beau lith. (Santi-Ponce monastery, Seville) GUZMAN 634 GZOWSKl Don Pedro. Reber u. Baycrsdorfer, Klass. bil- derschatz (1897) 9;pl. 1270. P. Pourbus p.* (Vienna gall.) GWALCHMAI, Welsh bard, 1803-97. See Parry, Richard. GWALIOR, maharajah of, Jaiaji Rao Sindlua, d. 1886. Illus. Lond. news (1886) 88:687. GWATKm, Theophila. See Lowther, Mrs. GWIN, William McKendree, 1805-85. Cent. (1890) 18:783.* —(1898) 33:608. A. B. Walter f.* Democratic rev. (1850) 27:386. A. B. Walter eng. Gleason’s pictorial (18^) 4:152. eng. Harper’s w. (1858) 2:337. wdct. GWENNETT, Button, gov. of Ga. 1732-77. McClure’s mag. (1901) 17:^6. p.* (poss. Hampton L. Corson) GWYDYR, 1st baron, Peter Burrell, 1754-1820. Williamson, Hist, of por. miniatures (1904) 1 :pl. 57, fi|. 6. R. Cosway p.* (Willoughby Burrell coll.) Williamson, Por. miniatures (1897) 62. Cosway p.* baroness. Lady PrisciUa (Bertie) w. of 1st baron, 1761-1828. See IVilloughby de Eresby, baroness. 2d baron, Peter Robert Drummond-Burrell, 1782-1865. Williamson, Hist, of pior. miniatures (1904) l:pl. .57, fig. 7. R. Cosway p.* (with his mother; child por.) GWYN, Eleanor, actress and mistress of Charles 11, 1650-87. La belle assembl^e (1819) n. s. 19:51. Sir Peter Lely p. J. Thomson eng. Book buyer (1895) 12:675. —(1900) 20:37. Wolfsen p.* —(1901) 22:187. Bookman (1900) 12: 115. Con- noisseur (1903) 7:151. Lely p.* (coll. Earl Spencer) CusT, Nat. por. gall. (1901) 1 : 157. Lely p.* Dibuin, Aedes Althorpianse (1822) 247. Lely p. E. Scriven eng. Doran, Ann. of Eng. stage (1888) 1:83. Gas- car p. eng. Earlom, Por. of char. Samuel Cooper p. Richard Earlom eng. (miniature) Forneron, Louise de Keroualle (1887) ^2. Dawsons sc. Foster, The Stuarts (1902) 2: pi. 78. clay figure* (w.ss. of Mr Dormer; as orange girl) — 2: pi. 88. Sir P. Lely, p.* — 2:pl.89. H.Gascar p.* (with her .sons) Goodrich, World famous women (1879) 263. J. B. Wanderforde f. W. J. Jackman. Green, Short hist. Eng. people (1893) 3:1354. Lely f. Hamilton, Mem. of count Grammont, 298. Lely p. S. Harding del. Sheneker sc. — (1809) 3 : 201. Lely p. Sheneker sc. — (1846) front, eng. Harper’s mag. (1879) 59:49. Lely p.* Harper’s w. (1884 ) 38:1043. Lely p. wdct. — (1900) 44:228. p.* Jameson, Mem. of beauties of court (1838) 1 : 157. Lely p. eng. Mag. of art (1898) 22:314. Lely p.* —(1899) 23:73. Landseer & Millai.s p.* Pepys, Diary, Braybrooke (1877) 5:41. Portfolio (1894) no. 7:65. Lely p.* Scribner’s mag. (1896) 20:323. Lely p.* (Nat. por. gall.) Smith, Brit, mezzo, jior. (1884) 6:1372, pf. 94. Lely p. R. Tompson ex. (with her 2 sons) So. Ke.nsington, Nat. hist, por. 3: pi. 6. Lely p.* — 3:pl. 7. Simon \*r:4st p.* Theatre (1881) ser. 3, 3:200. wdct. HE-iTLEY, Hist. por. (1897) 240. Ltdy p.* ATrs Mary (Horneck) 1753-1840. Arm.strong, Reynolds (1900) 175. Sir J. Reynolds p.* (with her sister, Mrs Bunbury) Burlington mag. (1903) 2:225. Reynolds p.* (with her sister Catharine ; coll, carl of Normanton) Fagan, Eng. in Eng. (1893) 2: pi. 62. Reynolds p. 1767. R. Dunkarton sc.* Har- per’s w. (1894) 38:1046. Iloppner p. wdct. Mar- QUAND coll. (1902) 36. John Hoppuer p.* Smith, Brit, mezzo, por. (1884) 6: 183, pi. 18. D. Gardner p. W. Dickinson eng. (Merry Wives of Windsor) GWYNN, William, 1775-1854. St Memin, Coll, of por. (1^2) pi. 220. St Memin del. & eng. 1804.* GWYNNE, John Wellington, 1814- Green bag (1890) 2:249* (in robes) Julia. Theatre (1884) ser. 4, 4:1. photo. GY]6. See title Gi6. GYLDENDAL, S«ren, 1742-1802. Lund, Danske malede por. (1900) 7'^: 34. Erik Pauelsen p.* GYLDENLOVE, Ulrick Frederik, 1638-1704. Lund, Danske malede por. (1895) l‘:90. Frans van Mieris p. GYLES (or GUes) Henry, 16401-1709. Wal- pole, .\nec. ed. Dallaway (1826) 2:39. wdct. GYLLEMBOURG-EHRENSVARD, Fru Tho- masine Christine (Buntzen) Danish novelist, 1773-18.56. Hansen, No'diske digtere i vort aarhun- drede (1870) 261. H. P. Hansen eng. GYP, pseud. o/Sybille Gabrielle Marie Antoinette (de Riquetti de Mirabeau) comtesse de Martel de Janville, 1850- See Martel de Janville. GYSIN, Georg. See Gyze. GYSIS, Nikolaus, painter, 1842- Allen, Master- pieces (1884) 1:41. wdct. Knackfuss, Kiinstler- monog. (1902) 59:2.* Frau Nikolaus. Knackfuss, Kunstler-monog. (1902) 59:61. Gysis p.* Iphigenia, dau. of Nikolaus. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) 59:60. Gysis del.* (child por.) Margherita, dau. of Nikolaus. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) 59:50. Gysis p.* (child por.) Penelope, dau. of Nikolaus. Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1902) .59:56, 57. Gysis p.* GYTJLAI, graf von, Franz, 1798-1868. Harper’s w. (1859) 3:349. wdct. GYZE, Geor^. Gaz. d. beaux arts (1887) ser. 2, 35:437. Holbein p. 1532 (Berlin mus.) Knackfuss, Kiinstler-monog. (1896) 17:118. Holbein p. 1532* (Berlin mus.) Masters in art (1900) pt. 4, 1 :pl. 3. llolbein p.* (Berlin mus.) Reber u. Bayersdorfer, Klass. bilderschatz (1897) 9: pi. 1192. Holbein p. 1532* (Berlin mus.) GYZEN, Georg. See Gyze. GZOWSKl, Sir Casimir Stanislaus, 1813-98. Dent, Canadian por. gall. (1881) 3:91. lith. Illus. Lond. news (1898) 113:329.* i I I I % . } I. i I I ^ . I GETTY CENTER LIBRARY