CATALOGUE • OF The Genuine^ Capital^ and Valuable Collection of PICTURES, BY THE MOST ESTEEMED MASTERS OF THE ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, and DUTCH SCHOOLS; Selefted by that eminent ArtHl and edeemed ConnoilTeur BENJAMIN VAN DER OUGHT, ESQ.. DECEASED. This CELEBRATED COLLECTION contains fome of the moft RARE and CAPITAL PICTURES ever oifered to the Public ; Camprifmg the following mojl remarkable., viz. A Venus difarming Cupid by Corregio, brought to England by Sir William Hamilton. Two, a moft capital Landfeape, and a Sea Port, by Claude. A Landfeape, a Chef D’osuvre, by Cuyp. A Ditto by Rubens ; and one Ditto, very capital, by Berghem, Le Retour de Chaffe, an elegant Cabinet Pidlure, by Wouvermans. The Judgment of Paris by Vander Werf. A Converfation by Teniers, The Madona and Infant Chrift by C. Dolce. The Transfiguration by fulio Romano. Several fine Portraits by Vandyck, F. Hals, &c. Sec. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION (by order of the ADMIJSfISTRATRIx) By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, On Friday^ March nth, 1796, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be viewed Two Days preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had at the Room in Pall Mall, at One Shilling each CONDITIONS OF SA L E I. ^I^HE higheft Bidder is to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fliall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds, as. 6 d. and fo on in pro- portion, III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Purchafer is to take his Lot or Lots away at his own Expence, within One Day from the Day of Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depolited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, Ihall be re-fold, by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, (hall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. THIS COLLECTION, without any Addition, was formed by the late Mr. Van Der Gucht, of whose Taste and fudgment the Public has had sufficient Testimonials. He was educated an Ar- tist under the Care and Tuition of his Father, a very respectable Engraver and excellent Connoisseur. Being from his Infancy brought to the Sight and Knowledge of the finest Pictures and Works of Art, he acquired that fudgment which made him so justly eminent, and has for77ied some Collections of the highest Celebidty. It is presumed that this Selection, in which are included some of the 7 nost capital Pictures in their various Classes, now ofiered to the Public, will speak for itself without exaggerated Praise. A Catalogue, &c. I Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, MARCH the nth, 1796. PICTURES. Old V. D. Gacht Rofalba — — Holbein — — V / C. Cignani Mr. V. D. Gucht Ditto - 7 ^ Le Seur Sir P. Lely ^ Vandyck / ^ >T. Peter and the Virgin, 2 heads In crayons 2 Two of the feafons in crayons by ditto, after 3 Catharine, (the fourth wife of Charles Brandon) Duchefs of Suffolk, in coloured chalks 4 Sir Charles Wingfield, Knt^f f: 5 A girl with a bird cage U /iftL. gyUy 6 A portrait of an old woman, an expreflive character from nature 7 A magdalen in devotion, ftile of Corregio 8 The portrait of Mr. Garrick the celebrated comedian, the lall picture taken from life of this famous ailor 9 Mr. Woodward, a half-length ditto 10 The burial proceffion of Cupid 1 1 A whole-length portrait of the Duke of Monmouth 12 A half-length ditto of the Earl of Pembroke ( 6 ) //, ^ /» JO /O o L. Carracce Guercino ^ >- A C. Dolc6 s s ^ S /S ^ / 2 4 Ji 0 /2 /Z il^ackhuyfen // 2 ^ P. Da Cortona — Va^’ck s C. Du Jardin ^ Lud. Carracce — — 7 / J4 ^ Rottenhamer and Breughel /3 ^ Van der Held — — t /o. £/ 13 The Madona with infant Chrift and St. Francis, a chafte well-compofed group of figures 14 The head of a Sybil, in manner of Corregio 15 St. Catharine, a fmall elegant pifture Antique Sculpture. 16 A pair of elegant marble vafes mounted with or.moulu, on carved pedeftals 17 A female bufto, antique 1 8 A man’s bufto, ditto, on a marble column pedeflal 19 A STORM AT SEA with fhips in diftrefs. No artifl ever reprefented thofe awful fcenes with more truth and dig- nity — finifhed with great precifion and a delicate pencil 20 THE SACRIFICE, OFFERING, AND COMPACT BE- TWEEN JACOB AND LABAN, a nobly compofed pidlure, full of grace and elegance 21 THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. SEBASTIAN VandycLv after feeing the works of Titian, endeavoured to at- tain that flile of colouring, vifible in this fine and fpirited performance 22 MONTE CAVALLO — the whole evidently a correct copy from nature, figures included, which are full of fpirit. and animation 23 ST. JEROME — a grandeur and bolJnefs of correft academic drawing, the true charaderiflic of the Carracce fchool ; a finifhed cabinet pitlure 24 FOUR PICTURES REPRESENTING THE ELE- MENTS. Few pidlures can deferve more attention, the fubjefts confifling of innumerable objedls, moft won- derfully executed — the whole in perfect prefervation. 25 A DUTCH BURGOM.'\STER, half length, a fine and corredl reprefentation. This mailer is efteemed the Vandyck of the Holland fchool ( 7 ) f /J ^ D. Teniers ' // // P Sk11» „ - ^ ^ ^ Sal. Rofa — . ?// /a P- /' ' 3 3 ^Vandyck ^ ^ Albano — 3 / /^ / F. Bartolomeo ^ ^ N. Pouflin 2i 1 P~ // / G Douw r /7' ^ 27 / ^ /2 / 2 ,’ A7 ; 7 26 A landfcape, view in Flanders, with cottages and peafants, one of thofe fpirited pidlures which never fail our admira- tion ; the figures inimitably touched 27 The holy family, a beautiful cabinet pidture 28 The temptation of St. Anthony, a fubjcdl well fuited to the genius of this Angular artift, to bring forward thofe magic powers his mind poffefied for incantations or fuper- natural effedls, in which he has here fucceeded to admi- ration— a very capital pidlure 29 A whole-length portrait of the Duke of Richmond, placed in a genteel eafy attitude, the true charadler of Vandyck’s fine portraits 30 A Flora with Cupids. Albano poiTefied the graces in an emir nent degree ; the charadler and figure of Flora is elegant j the whole mellow and harmonious in colouring 31 The head of Chrift, fully imprefiive of meeknefs and Divinity 32 A view of a fountain and part of the CololTeum, and other noble fragments of antiquity ; to thefe interefting objedls he has placed a young artift drawing, as handing to pof- terity thofe venerable remains 33 A hermit in meditation. Douw was a fcholar of Rembrandt, whofe glowing effedls he ftrongly imitated with a cor- redlnefs of drawing and high finiftiing far furpafling his mafter. This is of his fineft clafs 34 A man’s portrait, three-quarter, a very ftriking marked cha- rafter, painted and coloured in his fineft manner 35 A vafe with flowers. He has never finiflted a pidure more highly ; the flowers appear as detached from the furface ; the colouring clear and beautiful 36 A Dutch lover treating his miftrefs, one of thofe hlgh-finiflied performances which fo eminently diftlnguifti this mafter’s works 37 An Italian fea port with galleots and various fliipping, em- belllftied with figures, placed in a proper mercantile fituation, a pleafing clear pidure ( 8 ) 3:?- ‘ / ^ D M. Carravagio — 38 ' 1 % ^ Gafper De Crayer — ■ 39 dJt 0 ^ P. Panini 40 33 /s/ X yf Rubens — — 41 42 n- ^ Vandyck — — 43 44 ^ Rubens 45 23 ^ /f Murillio 46 17 0 Vandyck 47 t74 . 7 ^ Claude 48 h ^ ^ ^ Sir Joihua Reynols K 49 fo *49 / 3 ; uercino works of this mailer are much admired for their boldnefs and relief of colours irge pifture of a repofo with angels. This painter was a rival candidate with Rubens for colouring— painted in a mafterly grand llile itto with ruins, exhibiting the moll capital remains of tho& noble antiquities in the environs of Rome, fo much the admiration of the world — executed with a freedom and taile for which his works are eminently dillinguillied had lludied the works of Titian and Veronefe, whofe taile of colouring and compofuion he has joined to his^ own lively imagination— it was ever eileemed one of his finell pidures in the Orleans colledion A half-length oval portrait of the Eledor Palatine, replete with taile and elegance Lord Herbert, pourtrayed with great fpirit and finely colcured- A NOBLE LANDSCAPE, witha diilant view of theEfcuria! — ■ the fcene is prefumed to be a corred view— the whole treated, in a mafterly llile — a very capital performance THE VIRGIN AND INFANT CHRIST— a graceful eafe ■and maternal affedion in the madona beholding the beloved infant — a very capital pidure A WHOLE-LENGTPI PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF QUALITY, a very lively and expreiTive countenance — a rich and boldly coloured pidure 48 A SEA PORT. Claude had a fingular happinefs in the choice of his fubjeds. This noble and extenfive fc^ne poiTeiTes- all that vapour or true aerial perfpedive, that will ever attrad our admiration — very capital e children in the wood, a moll beautiful combination of effeds, finely coloured dndfcape with Jacob and Rachel, with cattle. Landfcapea by Murillio are very fcarce and valuable **49 Seneca in the bath J70 /g- ^ End of the Firft Day’s Sale. { 9 ) Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, MARCH the 12th, 1796. Omeganck •— Rerghem — 5° Tintorett — - 5» % Gerard — 52 //„ Pouflin — 53 $ % Car. Lotti — 5 + /X / y Lanfranco — SS P. da Cortona — 56 76' /r 6 Canaletti — 57 P 'l c r U R E S. ^HEEP from nature A fmall pifture with ruins, cattle and figures The defcent from the crofs, a mafterly fpirited pidture A farm yard with African Iheep, &c. The triumph of David, by the late Mr. V. D. Gucht, after the original brought into England by Mr. V. D. Gucht’s father St. Jerome. This artift was moftly employed in decorating churches and large works, vifible in the manner of this pifture Sufannah with the elders, painted in a grand llile St. Francis in ecftacy and fervent devotion View of the caftleofSt. Angelo, with the furrounding buildings, a very correft and grand fcene fP A L /7 // 0 Vases and Bronze. 58 A PAIR OF ELEGANT GRANITE VASES, with or- moulu decorations, on carved pedeftals 59 DITTO 3 % /3» /3^^AIbano /2 ^pC. dujardia ft 0 i 7 7 ,, ' / ^P> da Cortona /^yudn 2 ^^., Van der Werf IS! ■ ■ ./. , / 72 HERODIUS, a very beautiful elegant figure. Dolce was quite original in his manner, which was very elaborate ; from his great attention and accuracy of drawing and high-finifh- ing, he has produced very few pidures, which makes them in great requeft 73 THAT NOBLE AND EXTENSIVE SCENE, the boall of modern Rome, the great church of St. Peters, with the approach of the grand colonade, including the Vatican; it is enriched with many figures, and finiihed in a correct ftile 74 THE COMPANION, Place del Popel’o, of equal merit 75 ST, IGNATIUS attired in his prieftly habit, in the attitude of ecftacy and infpired devotion ; Rubens hrs treated this fub- jeft in a grand ftile, the colouring truly harmonious, and painted with a fpirited and flowing pencil 76 THE SACRIFICE OF IPHIGENIA, after Pouflin, the firft artift of the French fchool; the whole is a mafter piece of compofuion full of charafter and expreftlon, and damped w'ith true genius 77 A GROUP OF CATTLE IN A LANDSCAPE, the pic- tures of this mafter are defervedly in great efteem, there is a pleafing delicate Ibftnefs with a tranfparent glow of colouring, very fafcinating, which this pidure poflefles in the higheft perfe( 5 tion 78 THE MAGDALEN IN THE DESERT, attended by an- gels ; how graceful has he imagined this fubjedl of borrow, piety, and refignation, as giving up the foul prepared for Eternity. This pidture does great honour to the works of Cortona ; from the colleflion of the Duke de Noailles 79 A LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE, one of his fineft high- finifhed cabinet pidlures ; his piftures are very fcarce and held in great efteem ; he died only aged 29 years 80 THE JUDGEMENT OF PARIS. Vander Werf hardly ever produced a more capital pifture ; if we take it for elegance of compofition, it has all the graces of a Parmegiano, with that high-finiftiing and rich colouring in which his works fo much excel ( 12 ) ////• / • ^ Si.JL nants Teniers «/ Z^aUati-h ^ N. Berghem B 20 A. Oftade 20 « /T (f Q Sv/aneveld til Wouvermans '/hoy^cm / Titian — . I 2 >, ^ Quintus Matzis 2 / 5 "^ C. Dolce a - /. 81 A LANDSCAPE FROM NATURE in a pleafing tone of colouring, which piilures are in much requeft ; the figures fuited to the fcene and finely painted by Ad. Van de Velde; a fine cabinet piflure 82 FLEMISH PEASANTS PLAYING AND RECRE ATING WITH SKETTLES, &c. a very animated pidure, with that filvery tone of colouring and fmart penciling fo much admired in his fineft works 83 A SMALL LANDSCAPE WITH A GROUP OF OAT- TLE AND FIGURES. This cabinet jewel includes all the beauties and perfedions of this admired artift 84 A DUTCH PEASANT, OR A POT COMPANION HOLDING A JUG. One of the fineft fpecimens of this great artift for corrednefs of drawing and beautiful warmth of colouring 85 THE COMPANION EQUALLY FINE 86 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL SMALL PLEASING LAND- SCAPES AND FIGURES, ovals 87 THE RETURN FROM THE CHACE. One of his finiftied and elaborate cabinet pidures, poflefiing all the powert both in compofition and execution of this inimitable artift 88 THE BATH OF DIANA WITH ACTEON. Titian has repeated this fubjed with variations on a larger fcale; but this is admitted one of the moft beautiful rich co- loured cabinet pidures extant of this mafter 89 Without prefuming too much, it is hardly poflible for the arts of drawing and colouring to do greater juftice to the arch looks and fpirited countenances of this group of peafants, which was painted in the infant difcovery of oil colours and has happily remained in perfed prefervation Qo THE MADONA AND INFANT CHRIST. The very na- tural and graceful attitude of the Madona and beautiful pleafing charader of the infant Saviour are in compleat harmony ; the colouring chafte and true to nature, with a ftrid corrednefs of finiftiing; fo much admired in the works of this celebrated artift / ! fl A , Rubens — f k%e Raphael - A — 92 A»r.: cr '>-■• ■ 'j ■ .' A - fc-'-:V ■■ ^ ■ -v:' ;■ ■ "■■■'. ■ ■ ■■’■ -^Vv-: 'v - J' T ;■- ' ■ '.*T_ ,• /•■>■*”■’* - 1 ■ y, ' '■ ■ ■ V-ivV : rrW'i ■ V r J, ' ''''It'. ■ '' ■^/ ‘ * 'I '■■ ' “1 ', • .'V ;>,:;•■ < . • :■, -i'- h:: . rf- ^ I II.: •’ :*• / / ■\X - - . / \ ;4 I S . - a , U'. S'.v' ^ / t. I i 1 I I i > ¥ / / t,