3 ^ 1 \ % l < S f' I PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867. BRITISH SECTION. FINE ARTS DIVISION COMPRISING- THE OBJECTS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF LABOUR BEFORE 1800 AND A LIST OF THE CONTRIBUTORS OF THE VARIOUS WORKS OF ART. ALSO A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES, SCULPTURES, MOSAICS, 4c. IN FOUR LANGUAGES. INTERLEAVED FOR REMARKS. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY’S COMMISSIONERS, AND SOLD BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE. MDCCCLXVII. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS WHO HAVE LENT OIL AND WATER-COLOUR PICTURES AND WORKS OF ART TO ILLUSTRATE THE HISTORY OF LABOUR. Her Majesty the Queen. Ackerman, A., Esq. Ackroyd, E., Esq. Acton, Mrs. Stackhouse Addington, S., Esq. Agar, W., Esq. Agnew & Sons, Messrs. Agnew, Thomas, Jun., Esq. Allcroft, John D., Esq. All Souls’ College, Oxford Amherst, Earl Art Union of London Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Athol, Her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Atkin, G., Esq. Attwood, A., Esq. Baring, Thomas, Esq., M.P. Barbour, Robert, Esq. Barker, Alexander, Esq. Balston, Rev. E. Bateson, H. S., Esq. Bath, The Corporation of Bayly, C. G. V., Esq. Beck, Rev. James Bell, J. Lothian, Esq. Bell, W. L., Esq. Benzon, E. L. S., Esq. Bernard, T., Esq. Bingham, Rev. C. W. Bohn, Henry G., Esq. Bolton, Lord Bond, Joseph, Esq. Bowman, Wm., Esq., F.R.S. Brassy, Mrs. Bright, R., Esq. British Museum, The Trustees of the Broadbent, J. J., Esq. Burnand, A. C., Esq. Burnand, Arthur, Esq. Burnand, Theophilus, Esq. Butler, The Right Reverend Bishop Butler, Paul, Esq. Buxton, Charles, Esq. M.P. Cabrera, General Cairns, George, Esq. Campbell, A. C., Esq. Cardwell, Rt. Hon. E., M.P. Carew, W. H. Pole, Esq. H.R.H. the Princess Louise. Carpenters’ Company Cartwright, Samuel, Esq. Castellain, A., Esq. Chapman, John, Esq. Chesham, Lord Clare, William, Esq. Clark, Robert, Esq. Cleveland, The Duke of Clifden, Viscountess Clothworkers’ Company Coleman, E. J., Esq. Collard, Charles L., Esq. Collie, Alexander, Esq. Cooper & Co., Messrs. Coope, 0., Esq. Corpus Christi College, Oxford Cox, David, Jun., Esq. Craven, Frederick, Esq. Crealock, Lieut.-Colonel H. Hope Crewe, Lord Crichton, A. W., Esq. Curzon, The Hon. Robert Dacres, Mrs. Darner, Captain L. Seymour Dawson, M.P. Da^try, Earl Davidson, J., Esq. De l’lsle and Dudley, Lord Devonshire, The Duke of Dexter, J. P., Esq. Diamond, Hugh W., Esq., M.D; Dicker, Richard, Esq. Dickinson, Gilbert, Esq. Dickson, Peter, Esq. Digby, G. Wingfield, Esq. Dixon, Joshua, Esq. Dixon, Abraham, Esq. Duckett, Sir George, Bart. Duke, Rev. Edward Durlacher, Henry, Esq. Dyke, Sir Percy vail H., Bart. Eaton, W. H., Esq., M.P. Eden, James, Esq. Edwardes, J. Dyer, Esq. Ellis, F. R., Esq. Evill, Henry, Esq. Executors of the late John Phillips, Esq., a 2 4 Contributors of Paintings and other Works of Art. Fairbairn, T. Esq. Fallows, James, Esq. Fergusson, James, Esq., F.R.S. Firth, J., Esq. Fishmongers’ Company Fitzhardinge, Admiral Lord Flatow, L. V., Esq. Flatow, V., Esq. Fleming, John, Esq. Flower, Wickham, Esq. Ford, Mrs. Forster, W., Esq. Foster, Mrs. G-. Holgate Frazer, Miss Frere, R. Temple, Esq., M.D. Fuller, Francis, Esq. Fuller, S. B., Esq. Gage, Lady Rokewood Gambart, Ernest, Esq. Gladstone, The Right Hon. W. E., M.P. Glasgow, The University of Gooch, £>., Esq. Gosford, The Earl of Graham, Mrs. Margaret Grapel, W., Esq. Graves, Henry, Esq. Grenville, R. Neville, Esq. Gurney, George, Esq. Haag, Mrs. Carl Haden, Seymour, Esq., M.D. Hailstone, Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. Hardinge, Viscount Harrison, William, Esq. Hawkins, Heywood, Esq. Henderson, John, Esq. Henniker, Lord Hewitson, W. C., Esq. Higgins, M., Esq. Hill, Alexander, Esq. Hodgson, J. Stewart, Esq. Hoare, R., Esq. Holburne, Sir T. W., Bart. Holford, R. S., Esq., M.P. Holtz, A., Esq. Houghton, Lord Howard of Corby, Philip H., Esq. Humphery, John, Esq. Hunter of Hunter, Robert, Esq. James, J., Esq. Jones, John, Esq. Kelk, John, Esq., M.P. Kilduff, The Right Reverend Bishop Kingsley, Rev. W. King’s Lynn, The Corporation of Lambert, Thomas, Esq. Lane, R. J., Esq. Lawrence, Mrs. Leaf, S., Esq. Leaf, William, Esq. Leatham, E., Esq. Leathart, James, Esq. Leech, Miss Lees, Eli, Esq. Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Edinburgh Loundes, G. A., Esq. Lucas, Thomas, Esq. Lucas, Charles, Esq. Macdonald, Miss R. Mcllmaith, R. G., Esq. Manchester, The Duke of Maijoribanks, Sir Dudley Coutts, Bart., M.P. Marham, Mrs. Marlborough, The Duke of Martineau, George, Esq. Matthews, C. P., Esq. Mercers’ Company Merchant Taylors’ Company Meyer, William, Esq. Mildmay, E. St. John, Esq. Mitford, William Townley, Esq., M.P. Moffatt, G., Esq., M.P. Morgan, John, Esq. Morpeth, The Corporation of Morrison, Alfred, Esq. Morby, J., Esq. Morby, S., Esq. Murietta, Joseph de, Esq. Naylor, R. C., Esq. Nevill, Lady Dorothy, New College, Oxford Norwich, The Corporation of Northcote, C. J., Esq. Nottingham School of Art Novelli, A. H., Esq. Osborne, Miss Parker, C. L., Esq. Parry, Thomas, Esq. Pearson, C., Esq. Pembroke College, Cambridge Pender, Mrs. Pender, J., Esq. Pennington, The Hon. A. Perkins, C. F., Esq. Phillips, W., Esq. Phillips, W. J., Esq. Phillips, H. Wyndham, Esq. Phillips, R., Esq. Plummer, S., Esq. Prater, C., Esq. Rainey, J., Esq. Ralli, Madame T. Redmayne, G., Esq. Reid, J., Esq. Reynolds, C. W., Esq. Richmond, The Duke of Roberson, C., Esq. Roberts, H., Esq. Rose, R., Esq. Ross, Lady Mary Rothschild, Baron Lionel de, M.P. # Royal Academy, The Royal Institution Royal Irish Academy Saint Columba College, Dublin Salomans, Mr. Alderman, M.P. Savery, Mrs. Schotel, George, Esq. Science and Art Department Scott, A., Esq. Seymour, H. Danby, Esq., M.P. Contributors of Paintings and other Works of Art. 5 Sibbeth, Edmund, Esq. Simpson, George, Esq. Smith, R. H. Soden, Esq. Sneyd, R., Esq. Sneyd, Rev. W. Somes, Frederick, Esq. Somes, Thomas, Esq. South Kensington Museum Spencer, Earl Stamford and Warrington, The Earl of Stirling, Mrs. Stubbs, C. E., Esq. Streatfield, Captain Talbot de Malahide, Lord Tayler, Frederick, Esq. Taylor, The Rev. Montague Thompson, Miss Todd, The Rev. Dr. Tower of London Trevelyan, Sir Walter C., Bart. Trinity College, Dublin University of Oxford, The Valpy, L. R., Esq. Verney, Sir Harry, Bart., M.P. Wale, W. H., Esq. Wallis, George, Esq. Wallis, Henry, Esq. Warwick, The Earl of Waterhouse, Messrs. Watts, Henry, Esq., F.R.S. Webb, Miss Wells, The Dean and Chapter of White, F., Esq. White, C. H., Esq. White, E. F., Esq. White, W. F., Esq. Wilkin, Mrs. Wilson, —, Esq. Wilson, William, Esq. Willett, Henry, Esq. Winsor, W. H., Esq. Winchester, The Dean and Chapter of Winchester College Withers, Samuel, Esq. Wynn, Sir Watkin W., Bart., M.P. Woodman, Joseph, Esq. York, The Corporation of Young, James, Esq. Zetland, The Earl of HISTORY OF LABOUR BEFORE 1800 BEING A ‘ LOAN COLLECTION OF WORKS OF ART.’ Epochs of Art in the United Kingdom , selected in accordance with those fixed by the French Commission. 1st Epoch. 2nd „ 3rd „ 4th) „ 5th J „ 6th „ 7th „ 8 th ,, 9th ,, 10 th „ The British Isles (Albion and Ierne). Anterior to the use of metals. Stone age. Anterior to the Roman Invasion of Britain. During the dominion of the Romans in Britain. From the departure of the Romans (409) to the reign of Egbert (828). Down to the Norman Conquest (1066). Till the end of the Plantagenet dynasty (1485). The Tudor dynasty to accession of James I. (1603). The Stuarts down to George* I. (1714). The House of Hanover down to accession of George III. (1760). The reign of Greorge III. down to 1800. COMMITTEE. Duke of Richmond, K.G. Duke of Marlborough Duke of Manchester Duke of Cleveland, K.Gr. Marquess of Hertford, K.Gr. Marquess of Northampton Marquess of Ailesbury, K.Gr. Marquess of Kildare Earl of Stamford and Warrington Earl Stanhope Earl of Warwick Earl De La Warr Earl Spencer, K.Gr. Earl Cadogan Earl Amherst Viscount Eversley Lord Elcho, M.P. Lord Bishop of Limerick Lord Petre Lord Arundel of Wardour Lord Stafford Lord Clifford of Chudleigh Lord Delamere Lord Talbot de Malahide Lord De L’lsle and Dudley Lord Overstone Lord Londesborough Lord Taunton Lord Houghton Lord Romilly Lord Henniker Hon. and Very Rev. Gerald Wellesley, D.D. Dean of Windsor Right Hon. W. F. Cowper, M.P. Right Hon. Sir David Dundas, Q.C. M.P. Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. Right Hon. Spencer H. Walpole, M.P. Right Hon. R. Lowe, M.P. Right Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. Hon. R. Curzon Hon. Ashley Ponsonby Hon. and Rev. Reginald Sackville West Sir Philip de Malpas G. Egerton, Bart. M.P. Sir Nicholas W. Throckmorton, Bart. Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, Bart. Sir Percyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. 8 History of Labour before 1800 . Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Bart. M.P. Sir Harry Verney, Bart. M.P. Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart. Sir John P. Boileau, Bart. Sir Boderick I. Murchison, Bart. K.C.B. Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. M.P. Baron Mayer de Kothschild, M.P. Sir Thomas Phillips, Q.C. Very Bev. Henry H. Milman, D.D. Dean of St. Paul’s Very Bev. Thomas Gamier, D.D. Dean of Winchester Bev. Francis K. Leighton, D.D. Vice-Chan¬ cellor of the University of Oxford Bev. James Cartmell, D.D. Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge Very Bev. H. G. Liddell, D.D. Dean of Christ Church College, Oxford Bev. James Norris, D.D. President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford Bev. J. P. Lightfoot, D.D. Bector of Exeter College Bev. B. B. Marsham, D.D. Warden of Merton College, Oxford Bev. Edward Hawkins, D.D. Provost of Oriel College, Oxford Bev. W. Jackson, D.D. Provost of Queen’s College, Oxford Bev. James Pulling, D.D. Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Bev. William H. Bateson, D.D. Master of St. John’s College, Cambridge Bev. W. H. Thompson, D.D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge Thomas C. Geldart, Esq. LL.D. Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge Bev. Charles 0. Goodford, D.D. Provost of Eton Bev. J. H. Todd, D.D. Senior Dean of Trinity College, Dublin Bev. the Principal and Vicar-Choral of Wells Cathedral Bev. John Tulloch, D.D. Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews Most Bev. Archbishop Manning Bight Bev. Bishop Kilduff Very Bev. Dr. Bock Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer, late Master of the Mercers’ Company COMMITTEE T C. C. Black, Esq. Earl Cadogan Hon. Bobert Curzon Lord Houghton Dr. Leighton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart. Lord Talbot de Malahide Most Bev. Archbishop Manning Bight Hon. James Meek, Lord Mayor of York Mayor of Bristol Mayor of Carlisle Mayor of Doncaster Mayor of Morpeth Mayor of Norwich Mayor of Oxford Master of Barber-Surgeons’ Company Master of Carpenters’ Company Master of Clothworkers’ Company Master of Fishmongers’ Company Master of Innholders’ Company Master of Ironmongers’ Company Master of Mercers’ Company Master of Merchant-Taylors’ Company Master of Painter-Stainers’ Company Master of Skinners’ Company Samuel Addington, Esq, Alexander Barker, Esq. George A. F. Cavendish Bentinck, Esq. M.P. George T. Clark, Esq. J. T. Gibson Craig, Esq. G. W. Dasent, Esq. Augustus W. Franks, Esq. B. Temple Frere, Esq. M.D. B. Godwin-Austen, Esq. William H. Gregory, Esq. M.P. F. Seymour Haden, Esq. F.B.C.S. Edward Hailstone, Esq. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Esq. M.P. Frederick Locker, Esq, MacLeod of MacLeod. Sir John D. C. Marjoribanks, Bart. M.P. W. Maskell, Esq. W. Townley Mitford, Esq. M.P. George Moffatt, Esq. M.P. C. Octavius Morgan, Esq. M.P. J. H. Pollen, Esq. Samuel Bedgrave, Esq. J. C. Bobinson, Esq. F.S.A. H. Danby Seymour, Esq. M.P. W. J. Thoms, Esq. Henry Vaughan, Esq. Edmund Waterton, Esq. John Webb, Esq. Thomas M. Whitehead, Esq. Bev. James Beck, M.A.) C. C. Black, Esq. M.A. 1 Secretaries. R SELECTION. G. Moffatt, Esq. M.P. J. H. Pollen, Esq. Hon. Ashley Ponsonby S. Bedgrave, Esq. J. C. Bobinson, Esq. Very Bev. Dr. Bock Earl of Warwick Hon. and Bev. B. S. West A. J. B.Trendell, Secretary. George Wallis, Superintendent of Arrangement . History of Labour before 1800 . 9 REPORT. The Select Committee appointed at a General Meeting of the Associate Commissioners for the History of Labour, held at the South Ken¬ sington Museum on Eebruary 1, 1867, having completed the task entrusted to them by the Lord President of the Council, of soliciting contributions to the Exhibition in Paris, and selecting such objects as, in their opinion, would best illustrate the progress of industry in the British dominions, beg to present the following report of their proceedings. In doing so, they are anxious to guard against an impression being made either in England or abroad, that, in giving their sanc¬ tion to the objects actually selected for exhi¬ bition, they conceive the collection to be com¬ plete. They regret to be obliged to state that the success which has attended their endea¬ vours is not such as they had hoped, and that the collection they have made cannot be looked upon as conveying an adequate representation of the degree of excellence to which the several branches of Art manufacture have attained in this country. The result of the efforts of the Committee would have been more satisfactory but for the reluctance of a large number of those to whom they applied, to incur the risk of possible injury to their property. To this cause may further he added the scantiness of the space allotted to the British Commission for this department of the Exhi¬ bition. The Committee have reason to fear that want of space will compel H. M.’s Com¬ missioners to decline to send some of the most important objects. The apprehension above alluded to is not, in the opinion of the Committee, justified, inas¬ much as the precautions taken by the English and French Goverriments, through the exertions of the late and present Lord President of the Council, together with the satisfactory terms on which ample insurances have been effected, afford as full a guarantee as can be obtained. The readiness with which Her Majesty graciously consented to head the list of con¬ tributors with so magnificent a selection of Ancient Royal Plate, and the confidence thereby manifested by Her Majesty, has had a material effect on the success and complete¬ ness of this branch of the History of Labour. With these observations it only remains for the Committee to submit to Her Majesty’s Commissioners the following list of objects of British Workmanship, together with the names of those who have kindly contributed their valuable works of Art. [Signed] CADOGAN. South Kensivgton Museum , April 8, 1867. COLLECTION OF EARLY ANTIQUITIES FROM THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Corresponding in date to the First, Second, and Third Epochs of Art, as fixed by the French Commission. (They have all been discovered in England and Wales.) CASE A. PANEL I. Drift Period (Epoque quaternaive'). [The flint implements about to be described are found in beds of gravel of a certain kind, termed by geologists the drift; in which they are mingled with the bones of mammoth (Elephas primigenius ) and other extinct ani¬ mals. They are peculiar in form, and have been made by chipping ; they are never ground or polished.] 1. Flint implement, with sharp chipped edges. Discovered about the year 1797, in the drift at Hoxne, in Suffolk. 2. Flint implement, imperfect at the point. Found near Thetford, in Norfolk. 3. Flint implement, found near Thetford, in Norfolk. 4. Flint implement. Found near Thetford. It shows part of the external surface of the flint. 5. Flint implement, from Shrub Hill, near Thetford. 6. Flint implement, from Shrub Hill, near Thetford; showing part of the outside. 7. Flint implement, from Icklingham, in Suffolk, 1863. 8. Flint implement, from Milford Hill, near Salisbury. 9. Implement, of deep amber-coloured flint. Found at Herne Bay, in Kent. 10. Flint implement, from Herne Bay, in Kent; showing much of the outer coating of the pebble from which it has been made. 10 History of Labour before 1800 . Stone Period {Age de la Pierre). 11. Hammer, made out of stag’s horn. Pound in the bed of the Thames, near Kew, in Surrey. 12. Axe-head, made out of stag’s horn, one end rounded, the other bevelled off; the shaft hole is quadrangular. Pound in the Thames, near Kew. 13. Print core, from which flakes have been struck. Pound at Whittington, co. Glou¬ cester. With flakes and scrapers. 14. Flint scraper, very similar in form to those from the caves of France. Found near Leeds Castle, Kent. 15. Set of six flint implements, made out of flakes; two of them are scrapers. Found at Possingworth, near Waldron, in Sussex. 16. Set of fifteen flint implements, con¬ sisting of flakes, scrapers, a leaf-shaped arrow head, a barbed arrow head, and two peculiar triangular implements. All found on the Wolds of Yorkshire. 17. Long flake, delicately chipped at the side. Pound in Cornwall. 18. Flint dagger, carefully chipped all over. Pound in the Thames. This is a rare specimen. 19. Three flint arrowheads. Pound in a barrow on Lambourne Down, Berkshire. 20. Flint celt chipped, but not polished, having been probably considered too thin to undergo that process. Pound in a barrow in Hampshire with No. 28. 21. Flint celt, chipped, preparatory to being polished; the edges have been smoothed. This type is characteristic of the Eastern Counties. Pound at Great Bealings, in Suffolk. 22. Flint implement, rudely chipped, and possibly a block, prepared for striking off long flakes. Pound in the Biver Thames. 23. Celt, of sulphur-coloured flint. Pound in the Thames. It is peculiar for the sharpened end being much rounded. 24. Celt, of dark-brown flint. Found in the Thames, the mud of which has prevented the surface from becoming altered. 25. Celt, of grey-flint. Pound in the Thames, it resembles in form No. 21; but is polished all over. 26. Celt, of brown flint, Pound in the Thames. Of a narrow type. 27. Celt, of an agate flint, and finely marked. Found in England. 28. Celt of flint, whitened by age, and highly- polished ; it is peculiar for the diagonal form of the blade. Pound in a barrow in Hampshire. 29. Celt of a rusty-brown flint, recently in¬ jured at the sharpened end. It was found in Kensington, near London, in 1864. 30. Celt of grey and unaltered flint; thin and quadrangular in shape, flat on one side and slightly convex on the other. Pound in the Thames. 31. Celt of grey trap, apparently diorite, very rounded in form. Pound in the Thames 32. Small celt, of pale grey stone, a kind of diorite. Pound in a barrow at Alfriston, Sussex. 32a. Flint knife or arrow head, the upper part bound round with moss to form a handle. Found in Ireland. (In Case B.) Lord Talbot de Malahide. PANEL II. Bronze Period {Age du Bronze). [Stone axeheads, pierced with shaft holes, are occasionally found in barrows accompanied by bronze daggers; they are usually, therefore, referred to the bronze period.] 33. Stone axehead, made of granite, polished; it has a circular shaft-hole, and is sharp at one end and blunt at the other. Pound at Stan wick, Yorkshire. 34. Stone axehead, of dark syenite, with oval shaft-hole, rounded at one end, sharpened at the other. Pound in the Thames. 35. Stone axehead, thick and rounded at one end, moderately sharp at the other; round shaft-hole. Found in the Thames, London. 36. Hammer-head of granite, blunt at both ends, with a large circular shaft-hole. Pound in the Thames, London. 37. Lump of pure Copper, as smelted. Pound at Welwyn, co. Hertford, with bronze celts imperfectly made and unfinished. 38. Bronze socketed celt, not trimmed off. Pound at Welwyn, with No. 37. 39. Lump of copper. Found at High Booting, in Essex, with similar lumps, and a number of bronze celts. 40. Bronze socketed celt. Found at High Booting, with the copper, No. 39. 41. Cast, from a four-sided stone mould, for casting spearheads and celts; each side has a different mould. The original is made of a kind of hone stone, and was found in the Island of Anglesea. 42. Bronze mould, for casting solid celts with loops (palstaves). It is made in two pieces, and on the outside are ornaments like cord, which have the appearance of having been cast from actual cord. Found in South Wiltshire. 43. Bronze mould, for casting socketed celts, History of Labour before 1800 . 11 with one of the celts found in it. It is in two pieces, and was discovered in York¬ shire. 44. Beonze leaf-shaped swoed, of very un¬ usual size, being the longest specimen in the British Museum (31 in.). It has been broken across and mended. It has eleven holes for the rivets of the handle, five of which remain. Bound at Battle, Sussex. 45. Celt, solid bronze, of the simplest form. This type is rare in England, though very common in Ireland. Bound at Exning, Suffolk. 46. Celt, solid bronze, of a similar form to the last, but more recurved at the edges, and much ornamented with engraved lines. Bound in the neighbourhood of York. 47. Celt, bronze, with broad blade and slight flanges at the sides for the handle. Bound in the Isle of Wight. 48. Celt, bronze, of the same form as No. 47, but with a slight prominence across the blade to assist in fixing the handle. Bound at Mildenhall, Suffolk. 49. Celt, bronze, with flanges at the sides, and a stop-ridge across the stem. The blade has ribs in relief. Bound at Goud- hurst, Kent. 50. Celt, bronze, of a similar form to the last, but with a loop at the side. Bound in Cambridgeshire ? 51. Celt, bronze, unusually small, with loop and stop ridge. Bound at Stibbard, in Norfolk, with others of the same type, all unfinished. 52. Celt, bronze socketed,hexagonal in section, with loop at the side. Bound in Cam¬ bridgeshire. 53. Celt, bronze socketed, square in section, with loop, and ornamented with lines and circles in relief. Bound in the Thames ? 54. Hammee, bronze, square, with socket. Bound at Thorndon, in Suffolk, with Nos. 55-58. An object of great rarity. 55. Gouge, bronze, with socket. Bound at Thorndon, in Suffolk. 56. Knife, bronze, with socket, and two rivet holes. It appears that such knives had short handles, and were fixed to them with two wooden rivets. Thorndon, Suffolk. 57. Awl, bronze. Bound at Thorndon, Suffolk. An object of excessive rarity. 58. Speaehead, bronze, with leaf-shaped blade, and two rivet holes ; the socket is orna¬ mented with engraved bands. Bound at Thorndon in Suffolk. 59. Daggee blade, bronze, very broad and flat, with five large rivets, near which may be distinguished the marks of the handle. Bound in a barrow at Homington, Wilts. 60. Speaehead, bronze, of peculiar form; it has a fluted blade, and a long tang, over which was passed a ferul to keep the blade in the wood. Bound in the River Lea, near Stratford-le-Bow, Essex. 61. Toeques, bronze. Bound in Dorsetshire. 62. Aemlet, bronze, solid, and of a lozenge section. Bound in Dorsetshire, with No. 61. 63. Aemlet, bronze, heavy and solid, cylin¬ drical in section, and ornamented with engraved lines. Bound at Liss, in Hamp¬ shire. PANEL III. [A continuation of the illustrations of the bronze period; but all the objects have been discovered in the River Thames, at or near London.] 64. Shield, circular bronze, with convex boss, and concentric rings. It has a handle, and shows marks of a spear and sword cut; the small loops which are usually found in these shields have been anciently cut away. Bound in the Thames, London. 65. Swoed, bronze, of a broad type, which seems peculiar to the Thames Valley ; in the handle plate is a long slit, and six rivet holes. Thames. 66. Swoed, bronze, of peculiar and highly finished make; the handle plate is without ridges, and retains five out of the six rivets for the handle. Thames. 67. End of swoed sheath, bronze, very beau¬ tifully and evenly cast; about half-way down is a rivet hole, to fasten in the wooden lining, of which a portion remains. Thames. 68. Daggee, or swoed, bronze,, unusually slender; it has had two large rivets for the handle, one of which remains. 69. Daggee, bronze; it has two rivet holes. Thames. 70. Daggee, bronze, of fine work, with two large rivets; the traces of the handle are very distinct. Thames. 71. Knife oe daggee blade, bronze, with two rivets. Thames. 72. Knife, bronze, with a single rivet. Thames. 73. Speae-head, bronze, of unusual size and fine form. Bound in the Thames at Coway Stakes, the spot at which Caesar is supposed to have crossed the river. 74. Speae-head, bronze, leaf-shaped, in fine preservation, with long socket and rivet holes. Thames. 75. Speae-head, bronze, with long socket, two small openings in the blade, and no rivet holes. Thames. 76. Speae-head, bronze, of peculiar form, with 12 History of Labour before 1800 . loops attached to the lower end of the blade ; no rivet holes. 77. Spear-head, bronze, with two loops on the socket, and with ornamental ribs on the blade. Thames. 78. Spear-head, bronze, very rare form, pro¬ bably used in hunting. The blade is barbed, and through the rivet holes is passed a long and projecting rivet of bronze. Bronze rivets have been found in England in spears of this kind, only the rivets in the other kinds having been made of hard wood. Bound in the Plais- tow Marshes, on the banks of the Thames. 79. Celt, bronze (palstave), very carefully made and hammered at the sides. It was found with a bronze sword, spear-head, and pin, in the Thames, near the mouth of the Wandle. 80. Celt, bronze socketed, with loop. Thames. 81. Celt, or chisel, diminutive bronze, of rare form, with a tang to enter the han¬ dle. Thames. PANEL IV. Late Keltic (Premiere Age du Fer). [The specimens in this class show great beauty of workmanship and great singularity in their ornaments. They are chiefly horse- trappings, many of which have been enamelled. The enamelled decoration illustrates an oft- quoted passage in Philostratus, who speaks (leones, I. xxviii.) of the barbarians who live in the ocean (rovs iu ’H/cea v$ fiapfidpovs), having a process for fixing colours to brass horse-trappings. Such horse-trappings have not hitherto been found out of the British Isles.] 82. Horse’s-bit, bronze, with a few engraved lines. Pound at Polden Hill, Somerset, 83. Horse’s-bit, bronze, with remains of ena¬ melled decorations, principally red. Polden Hill. 84. Ring, from horse-harness, bronze. "With engraved patterns and circular ornaments of enamel. Polden Hill. 85. Ring, bronze, similar to Ho. 84, but with triangular ornaments of enamel. Polden Hill. 86. Rings (pair of), bronze, less richly orna¬ mented, but of the same kind as Nos. 82 to 85. Polden Hill. 87. Ring for horse furniture, bronze; the lower part expands, and is ornamented with a scroll of elegant design, on an opaque red enamelled ground. Pound at West- hall, in Suffolk. 88. Plat plate of bronze, from horse furni¬ ture, of a singular form, and enamelled with scrolls of a Keltic pattern in red, white, blue, and green enamel. Pound, with another similar one, at Westhall, Suffolk. 89. Two knobs, bronze, the terminations of iron pins, probably from a chariot. Found at Westhall, Suffolk. Height 1^ in. 90. Ornament from horse-trappings, bronze, once enamelled. Pound, with a great number of other specimens, in the camp at Stanwick, in Yorkshire. 9 1. Ring from horse-harness, bronze, with de¬ pressions for enamel. Stanwick, Yorkshire. 92. Portion of a horse-bit, bronze. From Stanwick, Yorkshire. 93. Sword, iron, in a bronze sheath, peculiarly ornamented; the handle is lost. Found at Stanwick, in Yorkshire. Several swords of this kind have been found in England. Roman Period (Domination Ptomaine). [Roman remains being in all parts of the world very similar, a few specimens only have been sent, viz., some objects of iron and leather, remarkable for their preservation ; and speci¬ mens of pottery made in Britain.] 94. Knife, iron, well preserved, with a bone handle, and a loop at the top. Found in London. 95-100. Six styli of iron for writing; the pointed end for writing on the wax, the flat for erasing; they are in a remarkable state of preservation, and two of them are ornamented with yellow metal. Three of them were found near the Royal Ex¬ change, and three on the site of the Steel¬ yard, London. 101. Roman leather shoe, cut out into loops at the sides, through the ends of which a cord or leathern tie was passed. Pound in London. 102. Sole of a Roman leather sandal, with iron nails. Pound in London. 103. Fragment of a leather shoe, with loops cut out. Pound in London. 104. Fragment of a leather shoe, of more elaborate work. Pound in London. Anglo-Saxon Period (Fpoque Anglo- Saxonne). 105. Set of Silver Pins, partly gilt; they are three in number, and united by links. The heads are richly ornamented with interlaced patterns somewhat of an Irish style, and the workmanship is probably to be referred to the North of England, of which Lindisfarne and Durham were the principal centres, and from their connection with the Scoti, or Irish monks, adopted an Irish style of ornament. Probably 9th cen¬ tury. Pound in the ri verWitham, at Lincoln. Objects found in an Anglo-Saxon Cemetery on Harnham Hill , near Salisbury. 106. Boss of Anglo-Saxon shield, iron, r - ■ History of Labour before 1800 . 13 convex, and ending in a point; four studs to fasten it. 107. Handle of shield, iron. 108. Spear-head, iron, of a long type, and with widely split socket. 109. Spear-head, iron, of peculiar type; lozenge- formed blades, the sides of which are alternately depressed so that the weapon might rotate when thrown. 110. Plate of iron, lozenge-shaped, used to cover part of the wood. 111. Knife blade, iron. 112. Buckle, iron. 113. Steel, used for striking light. 114-116. Three flint chips, used probably with No. 113. POTTERY. [The pottery has been placed on the top of the case, and may be conveniently described together.] 117. British drinking cup, of the stone period. Pound in a barrow at Alfriston, Sussex. It has on it the impressions of a twisted cord. 118. Vase, of thin black Boman pottery; a castaway, and cracked in the baking. It was found in the Upchurch marshes in Kent, and was made at an extensive manu¬ factory situated there, under the Romans. 119. Roman bottle, grey, with a few orna¬ ments. Pound at Lincoln, on the site of the pottery. • 120. Roman drinking cup, of thin ware, with scrolls in relief. It is coated with colour. Though found in the Thames, this speci¬ men was unquestionably made at the large Roman fabric of pottery at Caistor, Northamptonshire. 121. Roman bottle, of dense pottery, painted brown and with white slip ornaments. Pound on the site of a kiln in the New Porest, Hampshire. 122. Drinking cup, of dense brown ware, like stone ware. Pound on the site of a kiln in the New Porest. 123. Open vessel, of pale grey ware, found in London, and probably made at a Roman pottery, of which the site was near the present cathedral church of St. Paul’s, London. 124. Vase, of dull black ware, Anglo-Saxon ; a fine specimen, ornamented with horizontal ribs round the upper part, and impressed patterns, some of which are fylots. Pound at Shropham in Norfolk. 125. Vase, of black ware, Anglo-Saxon, with elaborate impressed ornaments. Pound in an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Prilford, Berkshire. POURTH AND PIFTH EPOCHS. From the Departure of the Homans , a.d. 409, to the Norman Conquest, a.d. 1066. *** A few Anglo-Saxon objects of early date, lent by the Trustees of the British Museum, are shown in Case A, and have been already described: see Nos. 105 to 116, and Nos. 124, 125. METAL WORK, INCLUDING JEWELLERY, ETC. CASE. NO. B 126. Brooch, bronze, overlaid with silver at the back, and with gold in front. Anglo-Saxon. Pound in the Isle of Thanet. The Earl Amherst. 127. Ring Brooch, bronze, enamelled. An¬ cient Irish. Pound in a tumulus at Lagore, Co. Meath. Lord Talbot de Malahide. 128. Ornament, bronze, perforated and enamelled, and inlaid with vitreous mosaic. Ancient Irish. Pound in a tumulus at Lagore, Co. Meath. Lord Talbot de Malahide. 129. Bowl, bronze, overlaid with applique ornaments and rude figures of deer, birds, fishes, &c. Early Anglo- Saxon. Pound near Lullingstone Castle, Kent. Sir Tercyvall Hart Dyke, Bart. 130. Fibula, gold; an arched handle with cup-shaped ends. Ancient Celtic (?) The Boyal Irish Academy. 131. Fibula, gold; the largest known; an arched handle with cup-shaped ends. Ancient Celtic (?) The Boyal Irish Academy. 132. Torque, or breast ornament of gold; the largest known. Found (1810) at Tara, Co. Westmeath. The Boyal Irish Academy. 133. Ornament, gold; believed to be the ancient Celtic ‘ mind,’ or head-orna¬ ment. Pound 1836, in Co. Tippe¬ rary. Ancient Celtic. The Boycd Irish Academy. 134. Ornament, bronze, portion enamelled, and inlaid with vitreous mosaics. Ancient Celtic, 10th or 11th century. College of St. Columba, near Dublin. 135. Fibula, bronze. Pound in Ireland. Probably of the 4th or 5th century. College of St. Columba, near Dublin. 136. Brooch, silver, ring formed, with long pin; the ends and the head of the pin finished with the arbutus berry pattern. Irish, 11th or 12th century. Trinity College, Dublin. 137. Fibula, gold; an arched handle with cup-shaped ends. Trinity College, Dublin. 138. Horn, known as ‘The Kavanagh Horn,’ mounted in bronze. Irish, 11th or 12th century. Trinity College, Dublin. 14 History of Labour before 1800 . B 139. Pastoral Staff, called the Staff of St. Melis; yew wood, overlaid with bronze; interlaced ornament, studded with coral and glass. Irish, 11th century. The Bight Bev. Bishop Kildujf. 140. Bell and Shrine of St. Patrick. The bell, of sheet iron, reputed to be of the 5th century, enclosed in a shrine of the 11th century. The framework of brass, inlaid with plaques of gold filigree work. A panel of silver, perforated with crosses, and sur¬ rounded by an inscription in Irish characters at the back. The Bev. Dr. Todd. 0 141. King, gold, large quatrefoil-formed bezel, inlaid with filigree work, marked with lines and dots of niello and enamel. Irish (?). 11th century. Lord Fitzhardinge. 142. King, gold, with oval bezel, overlaid with granulated filigree work. Anglo- Saxon. B. H. S. Smith , Esq. B 143. Armlet, gold. Pound near Aspatria, Cumberland. Ancient Celtic (?) W. Forster , Esq. ARMOUR. C 144. Helmet, Anglo-Saxon, or Danish. Found in the ruins of Oxford Castle. Date about a.d. 700. Hon. Bohert Curzon. 145. Helmet, Anglo-Saxon, with a nasal. Of the period of King Edward the Con- Confessor, if not earlier. Dug up in Oxfordshire. Date about a.d. 1000. Hon. Bohert Curzon. SIXTH EPOCH. From the Norman Conquest (1066) to the close of the Blantagenet Dynasty (1485). METAL WORK, INCLUDING PLATE, ETC. CASE. NO. B 146. Pastoral Staff, wood overlaid with bronze, supposed to have been used by St. Carthag, first Bishop of Lis- more; a.d. 1112-1113. Irish. The Duke of Devonshire. 147. Pastoral Staff, ‘The Clonmacnoise Crozier,’ wood overlaid with bronze ; inlaid with silver and nielloed. Irish, 12 th century. The Boyal Irish Academy. E 148. Pastoral Staff, ‘ The Limerick Cro- zier,’ silver-gilt and enamelled; the head of elaborate tabernacle work, with many figures of saints. In the centre of the volute is represented the Annunciation. Irish, dated 1418. The Bight Bev. Bishop Butler. CASE. NO. E 149. Mace of the University of Glasgow. Silver; the head gilt, of elaborate tabernacle work. Date, 1465. The Very Bev. the Principal and the Senate of the University of Glasgow. B 150. Candlestick, bronze gilt, known as the ‘ Gloucester ’ candlestick; elabo¬ rate interlaced work, figures, bands of inscriptions, &c. Made for the Abbey of Gloucester, by order of the Abbot Peter. About 1104. South Kensington Museum. 151. Casket, copper-gilt and enamelled; probably made for William or Ay- mer de Valence. About 1290-1300. South Kensington Museum. E 152. Cup and Cover, silver-gilt. The ‘ Lynn’ Cup, enriched with translucent enamel. Date, the middle of the 14th century. Corporation of King's Lynn. 153. Salt-cellar, silver-gilt, with pyrami¬ dal cover. Latter part of the 15th century. Given to the college by Walter Hill, in 1493. New College , Oxford. 154. Cocoa-nut Cup, mounted in silver- gilt, resting on three figures of angels. Date, about 1450. New College , Oxford. 155. Cocoa-nut Cup, mounted in silver- gilt ; foliage round the bowl, rustic palisade round the foot. Date, early 15th century. New College> 0xford ^ 156. Mazer Bowl, in silver-gilt mounting of the 15th century. All Souls College , Oxford . 157. Cover, probably of a Nautilus cup, or of a navicula, silver-gilt, deco¬ rated with cloisonne and champleve enamels. Date, about 1300-40. All Souls College , Oxford. 158. Cup, known as the ‘ Grace Cup of St. Thomas-a-Becket; ivory, mounted in silver-gilt. Date, 1445. Philip H. Howard , Esq., of Corby. B 159. Medallions (two), copper gilt and ena- 160. melled. One represents the Virgin with the infant Saviour seated under a canopy, the back-ground is ena¬ melled red, and has two shields bearing the arms of the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary-at-Warden, in Bedfordshire, az. three pears, or : the other medallion represents the Crucifixion, the back-ground is enamelled, and exhibits two croziers and the letters W. C., probably the initials of an Abbot, the border of each medallion is formed of winged angels. Date, 14th century. The Trustees of the British Museum . ■ History of Labour before 1800 . 15 ARMOUR. CASE. NO. C 161. Helmet, Anglo-Norman, formerly in a church in Berkshire; probably be¬ longing to the family of Curzon, who founded the clhirch. Date, about a.d. 1100. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 162. Helmet, Anglo-Norman, with a close vizor, and flat top. Found in the ruins of Eynsford Castle, belonging to the family of Zouche. Date, about 1150. The Earl of Warwick. 163. Helmet, flat-topped cylindrical, with a nasal, and a hook for attaching the mentoniere of chain mail. Date, about 1150. Tower of London. 164. Helmet, cylindrical flat-topped, with an aventaille. Date, about 1160. Tower of London. 165. Helmet, cylindrical, with an orna¬ mental top. Dug up near Farnham, in Hampshire. Date, about 1180. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 166. Helmet, cylindrical, with an opening for sight in the form of a T. The crown no longer quite flat. Date, about 1200. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 167. Hatjme, or Tilting Helmet? with a round top, and close vizor. Date, about 1250. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 168. Helmet, close, for the Tournament, with a very sharp-pointed crown, and the original chain of 31 links remaining. Date, about 1275. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 169. Helmet, with a moveable vizor, and a chain camail attached to it; the top round. Date, about 1350. The Earl of Warwick. 170. Basinet, with a pointed vizor, and a gorget attached. Date, about 1360. Tower of London. 171. Solleret, or foot armour, with long toe. Date, 14th century. The Earl of Warwick. 172. Armour (nine pieces), consisting of two to leg pieces, two sollerets or foot pieces, 180. one stirrup, two gauntlets, and two pieces for the fore-arm. Date, 14th century. The Earl of Warwick. 181. Basinet, which has had a pointed vizor and a gorget. This probably be¬ longed to Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Date, about 1360. The Earl of Warwick. CASE. NO. C 182. Tilting Helmet, resembling the helmet of Edward the Black Prince, which hangs over his tomb in Can¬ terbury cathedral. Date, about 1370. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 183. Tilting Helmet, with the crown some¬ what peaked. Date, about 1400. Hon. Bobert Curzon. 184. Tilting Helmet, of Bichard Beau¬ champ, Earl of Warwick. It opens at the sides and back in a singular manner, and is exactly represented on his tomb, in the Beauchamp chapel, at Warwick. The spike on the top is for the crest of a swan’s head, which is in existence. The Earl died 1435. The Earl of Warwick. 185. Tilting Helmet. Date, about 1450. Tower of London. CARVINGS IN IVORY, ETC. B 186. Chess Pieces (sixteen), walrus ivory, to consisting of a king, a queen, two 201. bishops, two knights, two warders (castles), and eight pawns. These were found, with a number of others, in the parish of Uig, Isle of Lewis, Hebrides. Date, latter part of the 12th century. The Trustees of the British Museum. O 202. Triptych, boxwood, carved with the Crucifixion, and figures of St. John Baptist, and St. John of Beverley. Date, about 1340. Lord Be l’Isle and Dudley. JEWELLERY, ETC. B 203. Brooch, known as the ‘Hunterston’ Brooch; annular, white bronze, inlaid with delicate gold filigree, and granu¬ lated work, and set with amber bosses; a Bunic inscription on the back. Found on the estates of Bobert Hunter, Esq., at West Kilbride, Ayr¬ shire, in 1830. Celtic. Date, about 11th century. Bobert Hunter , of Hunter, Esq. 204. Brooch, known as the ‘Tara’ Brooch; white bronze, overlaid with plates of delicate gold filigree work, and set with amber and gems (much injured). Irish. Date, 12th century. Messrs. Waterhouse, Dublin. 205. Brooch, ring form, gold set with jewels, inscribed + IMIC VI. 14th century. Found at Sydling, Dorset. Bev. C. W. Bingham. 16 History of Labour before 1800 . CASE. NO. 0 206. Cross, gold, with an enamelled figure of our Blessed Lord; a pectoral cross. 15th century. Lady Rokewood Gage. 207. King, gold, set with a large sapphire ; an episcopal ring. 13 th century. Found in Winchester Cathedral. The Bean and Chapter of Winchester. 208. Ring, gilt bronze, set with a paste imitation of a sapphire. Found in Winchester Cathedral, under the tomb of William Rufus, and sup¬ posed to have been the episcopal ring of Henry de Blois, Bishop of Win¬ chester (died 1171). The Bean and Chapter of Winchester. 209. Ring, gold, set with a pale uncut ruby. Said to be about the date 1192. Bean and Chapter of Wells. 210. Ring, gold, broad hoop, chased with sacred subjects; a motto inside. Date, 13th century. Rev. J. Beck. 211. Ring, gold, set with an amaldine garnet; an episcopal ring. Found at Wells. 15th century. R. H. Soden Smith, Esq. 212. Ring, gold, with inscription; a be¬ trothal ring. Found in Westmin¬ ster. 15th century. R. H. Soden Smith, Esq. 213. Ring, gold, set with a sapphire; an episcopal ring. Found near Nor¬ wich Cathedral. 13th century. R. H. Soden Smith, Esq. PRINTING. D 214. Book. Le Fevre, Recueil des His- toires de Troyes, 2nd Book. Printed abroad by William Caxton, about 1470, and the first book printed in French. The Trustees of the British Museum. LEATHER WORK. B 215. Upper leather of a lady’s shoe (imperfect) ; cuir houilli, ornamented in open work, with several figures, and inscriptions in French, includ¬ ing the motto, honny soit qi mal y pense. This was found in Lon¬ don, and, although the mottoes are French, various peculiarities in the language seem to show that the shoe was made in England, probably for a royal or noble personage. Date, latter half of 14th century. The Trustees of the British Museum. SEALS. (See List at the end of the Tenth Epoch.) SEVENTH EPOCH. The Tudor Bynasty. From 1485 to 1603. METAL WORK, INCLUDING PLATE, ETC. CASE. NO. N 216. Ewer and salver, silver-gilt, chased 217. with strap-work, cartouches, &c. Date, 1597. Her Majesty the Queen. E 218. Cup, silver-gilt, called the ‘ Anathema ’ Cup, from an inscription under the foot —r ‘ Qui alienaverit anathema sit.’ Given to Pembroke College by J. Langton, Bishop of Win¬ chester in 1497. Hall-mark, 1481. Pembroke College, Cambridge. 219. Salt-cellar, silver-gilt, hexagonal. Hour-glass shape, covered with fo¬ liated open work in which are figures of various animals; the cover of similar work set with pearls. Date, about 1500. Given to the College by Bishop Fox, the founder, about 1517. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 220. Pastoral staff of Bishop Fox, silver- gilt and enamelled; the head of tabernacle work with numerous figures of saints; the curve supported by a winged angel, and enclosing a figure of St. Peter. English, 15th century. Given to the College by Bishop Fox, the founder, about 1517. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 221. Chalice, silver-gilt with enamel knop; hexafoil foot, engraved with figures of our Blessed Lord and five saints. Given to the College by Bishop Fox, the founder. Date, about 1508. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 222. Cup and Cover, silver-gilt, matted surface, embossed with bold leaf¬ shaped ornaments, and set with precious stones. A strawberry-leaf border surrounds the base and the lip of the cup, and also the top of the cover. Date, latter part of 15th century. The Warden and Fellows, Win¬ chester College. 223. Salver, parcel-gilt, an enamelled boss in the centre; two bands of in¬ scriptions. Dated 1563. The Warden and Fellows, Win¬ chester College. 224. Sword, two-edged blade, straight cross hilt. Time of Henry VIII. Corporation of York. 225. Cup, tazza form, silver-gilt, engraved with the arms of the City of Nor¬ wich, and the inscription the most HEREOF IS DVNE BY PETER PETER¬ SON, round the rim. He was an Vs: History of Labour before 1800 . 17 CASE. NO. eminent goldsmith of Norwich in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Latter half of the 16th century. Corporation of Norwich. E 226. Collars, a pair of ‘Waits’ collars, 227. silver, parcel-gilt; the links formed of a castle and a lion alternately. Date, 16th century. Corporation of Norwich. 228. Ewer and salver, silver-gilt, of re- 229. pousse or beaten work with figures of cupids, sea monsters, &c. The subject of Neptune and Amphitrite on the salver. The plate-mark of 1597. Corporation of Norwich. 230. Salt-cellar and cover, silver-gilt, decorated with repousse or beaten work, and engraved. Made at Nor¬ wich not later than 1568. Corporation of Norwich. 231. Mace, rock crystal, mounted in silver- gilt and jewelled. A ‘ Chamberlain’s Mace,’ said to have been presented to the City of Norwich by Queen Elizabeth. Date, 16th century. Corporation of Norwich. 232. Cup and cover, silver-gilt; the surface covered with crossed bands, enclos¬ ing maidens’" heads and flagons, the badges of the Company. Round the cup and cover are bands of enamel with inscriptions in silver. Hall-mark for 1499-1500. Mercers' Company. 233. Carriage, on four wheels, silver-gilt, 234. moved by internal mechanism, en¬ riched with arabesque work, scrolls, and circular enamels, and sur¬ mounted by various figures. On this rests a tun or wine barrel, of similar work. Date, first half of 16th century. Mercers' Company. I 235. Dish, silver, parcel-gilt (a rose water dish); a boss in the centre, sur¬ rounded by flowers, lions’ heads, &c. Date, 1590. Merchant Taylors' Company. 236. Dish, silver, parcel-gilt (a rose-water dish) ; a boss- in the centre, sur¬ rounded by flowers, dolphins, &c. Date, 1597. Merchant Taylors' Company. E 237. Salt-cellar, silver-gilt, on pedestal, with cover, repousse ornaments of lions’ heads, flowers, and strap- work. Date, 1581. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, M.P. 238. Salt-cellar, silver-gilt, with cover; base of lions’ heads in scroll borders and flowers. It is surmounted by a bearded nude figure. Date, 1583. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, M.P. E 239. Sugar Caster, silver-gilt; with figures of Eaith, Hope, and Charity. D&te, about 1580. Joseph Bond, Esq. 240. Jug, brown mottled ware, mounted in silver-gilt; with Hall-marks and date letter for 1571. J. P. Dexter, Esq. 241. Cup, tazza form, silver-gilt; with Hall¬ marks and date letter for 1593. J. P. Dexter, Esq. 242. Cup or chalice, silver-gilt, the bowl plain outside, engraved inside. Hall¬ marks and date letter for 1592. J. P. Dexter, Esq. 243. Jug, stoneware, with silver-gilt cover and mounts. Dated 1560. R. Temple Frere, Esq. M.D. F 244. Chalice and cover, silver, chased with a band of conventional foliage. Dated 1571. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. 245. Tankard, with cover, silver. Hall¬ mark for 1577. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. E 246. Snuffers (apair),silver-gilt; inscribed ‘ God save the Kynge Edwarde, wythe all his noble councel.’ Date, about 1550. IL Danby Seymour, Esq . F 247. Chalice and cover or paten, silver; the paten or cover engraved with the Tudor rose. Date about 1560 (?). South Kensington Museum. JEWELLERY, ETC. O 248. Rosary and crucifix of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots; gold, originally enamelled. Date, about 1550. Philip H. Howard, Esq., of Corby. 249. Ring, gold, bearing the signet of Sir Edward Howard, K.G., standard- bearer to King Henry VIII. Philip H. Howard, Esq., of Corby. 250. Ring, gold, set with an oval intaglio, small rubies on either side. Found in the coffin of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester. Date, 1st half of 16th century. Dean and Chapter of Winchester. 251. Ring, gold, engraved within and with¬ out with sacred devices and inscrip¬ tions referring to the five wounds of our Blessed Lord. Found in Coven¬ try Park. Date, end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century. J. Dyer Edwardes, Esq. B 18 History of Labour before 1800 . CASE. NO. 0 252. King, with motto; a posy ring. 16th century. B. H. Soden Smith, Esq. 253. King, gold, a wedding ring ; with posy motto, ‘ Seithe God hathe wrought this choice in thee, so frame thy- selfe to comfourth me.’ Date, 16th century. South Kensington Museum. 254. Jewel, gold, enamelled, in the form of a coffin containing a skeleton. Found at Tor Abbey, Devonshire. Date, about 1550. South Kensington Museum. 255. Miniature case, gold, the back enamelled -with arabesque scrolls, flowers, &c., on black ground, the front pierced and set with precious stones ; containing a portrait minia¬ ture of Queen Elizabeth, by Hild- yard. Date, about 1580. South Kensington Museum. 256. Miniature .case, gold, enamelled with arabesque scrolls on black ground, containing a portrait miniature of Sir F. Drake. Date, about 1590. B. Phillips , Esq. 257. Plaque, gilt copper, with a shield of arms in champleve enamel, and the motto ‘ Espoir en Dieu'.’ Below is written ‘ The armys of the ryght worshipful maester Tonge, otherwyse callyd maester Clarencius, and mis- teris Susan hys wyfe, 1554.’ South Kensington Museum. WATCH. 258. Watch, oviform, in a crystal and enamelled case; said to have be¬ longed to Queen Elizabeth. 16th century. The Boyal Institution. MINIATURE PORTRAITS. 259. Miniature portrait of Queen Eliza¬ beth, by Nicholas Hilliard (.1547- 1619). Samuel Addington , Esq. 260. Miniature portrait of Lady Arabella Stuart, by Isaac Oliver (1556-1617). 6r. Wingfield Digby , Esq. 261. Miniature portrait of Sir Philip Sidney, by Isaac Oliver (1556-1617). John Jones, Esq. 262. Miniature portrait of George Yilliers, first Duke of Buckingham, by Isaac Oliver (1556-1617). Earl of Gosford. 263. Cameo portrait of Queen Elizabeth, in onyx of three strata; date about 1580. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. case. no. O 264. Cameo portrait of Queen Elizabeth, in onyx of three strata ; date about 1580. South Kensington Museum. ARMOUR. C 265. Tilting helmet. Date, about 1490. Tower of London. •266. Shield or target, with a match-lock breech-loading pistol in the centre ; one of twenty-one belonging to the guard of King Henry VIII. Date, about 1530. Tower of London. PRINTING. D 267. Book. Holinshed’s Chronicles, vol. i. London, 1577, fol. 1st edition. The Trustees of the British Museum. SEALS. (See List at the end of the Tenth Epoch.) EIGHTH EPOCH. The Stuart Dynasty, 1603 to 1714. METAL WORK, INCLUDING PLATE, ETC. CASE. NO. wall 268. Frame, silver, repousse or beaten case. work, with festoons of fruit and flowers, interspersed with cupids ; at the top, within a cartouche, is a shield, with the cypher of King Charles II. Date, about 1670. Her Maiesty the Queen. I 269. Table, silver, covered with foliage in repousse or beaten work, and bearing the monogram of Charles II. Date, about 1670. Her Majesty the Queen. H 270. Table, silver, chased, with the arms of William III. in the centre. Date, about 1700. Her Majesty the Queen. I 271. Sconces (a pair), silver-gilt, with sub- 272. ject on each of ‘ The Judgment of Solomon,’ and bearing the crowned monogram of William III. Date, about 1700. Her Majesty the Queen. H 273. Fire dogs (a pair), silver-gilt, on 274. quadrangular bases; formerly be¬ longing to Charles II., and bearing his monogram (subsequently en¬ graved with the arms of the Prince Kegent; the bases modern). Date, about 1670. Her Majesty the Queen. I 275. Fire dogs (a pair), silver-gilt, each sur- 276. mounted by a boy holding a basket 1 History of Labour before 1800 . 19 of fruit; in front of each is the crowned cypher of William III. Date, 1696. Her Majesty the Queen. I 277. Chalice and paten, silver-gilt; bear- 278. ing the monogram of William III. ; Hall-marks and date letter for 1697. The Duke of Manchester. 279. Altar candlesticks (a pair), silver- 280. gilt; bearing the monogram of Wil¬ liam III. Hall-marks and date letter for 1697. The Duke of Manchester. 281. Candlesticks (a pair) brass, enamelled 282. in black and white. 17th century. The Earl of Warwick. L 283. Flagons (a pair), silver, in the form of 284. pilgrim’s bottles. Made for the Duke, of Marlborough, about 1700. Earl Spencer. G 285. Ice pails (a pair), gold ; with lion’s 286. heads at the sides, moulded feet, and gadrooned borders. Given by Queen Anne to the Duke of Marlborough, about 1710. Earl Sjpencer. 287. Ewers (a pair) silver; helmet form, 288. with handles formed of terminal female figures. Made for the Duke of Marlborough (whose arms they bear), in 1702. Earl Spencer. L 289. Wine cooler or ice cistern, silver, with gadrooned edge ; a handle at each end, standing on four scroll feet. Made for the Duke of Marl¬ borough (whose arms it bears inside), in 1702. Earl Spencer. 290. Wine fountain and cistern, silver. 291. Made for the Duke of Marlborough (whose arms they bear), in 1702. Earl Spencer. G 292. Bowl or monteith ; silver, with two handles, and vandyked edge sur¬ mounted by cherubs’ heads. Made for the Duke of Marlborough, in 1702. Earl Spencer. M 293. Wine fountain and cover, silver, fluted and gadrooned surface, the cover surmounted by a crest of a lion issuing from a castle; date about 1710. Earl of Chesterfield. 294. Wine cistern, silver, fluted and gadrooned; lion handles and claw feet; date about 1710. Earl of Chesterfield. 294 a. b. c. d. Fire Dogs (two pairs) brass enamelled in green, blue, and white, with the royal shield in colours. Early 17th century: presented by Charles I., when Prince of Wales, to the family of Long, in Wiltshire. Earl Cowley. M 294e. Holy Water Vessel, silver repousse WOr k’ Earl Cowley. F 295. Salver, silver ; with inscription on the back, stating that the Earl of Straf¬ ford was served from it for the last time. Date about 1630. Lord Houghton. 296. Cups (a pair), silver-gilt; chocolate 297. cups, with covers and stands, two- handled, chased with foliage, &c. Hall-marks and date letter for 1700. Lord Crewe. I 298. Salver, silver-gilt, repousse in high relief. Date, 1662. Baron Lionel de Bothschild , M.P. F 299. Cup, gold; engraved with coats of arms, and bearing an inscription, stating that it was given to the Corporation of York by Marmaduke Kawdon, in 1672. Corporation of York. 300. Cup and cover, silver-gilt, on balus¬ ter stem and wide foot; engraved with coats of arms and inscriptions, and dated 1679. Corporation of York. 301. Tankard, silver-gilt, strap-work, flow¬ ers, fruit, &c. Date, 1618. Corporation of Norwich. 302. Maces (two), silver-gilt; the heads 303. bearing the royal arms of Queen Anne, and of the City of Bath. Date, about 1710. Corporation of Bath. 304. Mace, silver; the head in form of a bowl, engraved with inscriptions and coats of arms. Date, 1604. Corporation of Morpeth. 305. Salver, silver, chased and repousse work, of dolphins, fruit, &c. Date, about 1600. The gift of John Burnell, who died 1605. Clothworkers' Company. I 306. Salver or rose-water dish, silver gilt, chased and repousse work of dolphins, flowers, fruit, &c. Date, 1627. Clothworkers ’ Company. F 307. Salt-cellar, silver, parcel-gilt; shells supported by dolphins. 17th cen¬ tury. Fishmongers' Company. 308. Cups (four), with covers, silver-gilt, to embossed with foliage. An obelisk 311. on the cover of each. The master’s cup, 1611. Senior warden’s cup, b 2 20 History of Labour before 1800 . CASE. NO. 1611. The junior warden’s cup, 1612. And the middle warden’s cup, 1628. Carpenters' Company. F 311a. Tazza, silver, with figures of deities. 1683. Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart. K 312. Toilet service, silver; twelve pieces, to consisting of mirror, caskets, boxes, 323. &c., embossed with foliage and figures of heathen deities. Hall¬ mark for 1683-4. Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart. F 324. Sceptre of Sir Henry St. George, Garter King-at-Arms, in the reign of Charles I.; silver, parcel-gilt, the head enamelled with the royal arms and the Garter, and surmounted by a royal crown. Mrs. Stackhouse Acton. 325. Salver, silver, with flowers and animals in beaten work. Date, 1664-5. Joseph Bond, Esq. 326. Cup, silver; a caudle cup, with cover and two handles, embossed foliage; the inside gilt. Hall-marks and date letter for 1679. Joseph Bond, Esq. 327. Cup and cover, silver-gilt, of dode- cagonal form. Date, 1652. Paul Butler, Esq. 328. Cup, silver, supported by a standing figure of Vulcan, with inscriptions and arms of the Blacksmiths’ Com¬ pany. Hall-marks and date letter for 1655. J. P. Dexter , Esq. 329. Cup and cover, silver gilt, repousse or beaten work; the cover sur¬ mounted by a female figure bearing a shield with a merchant’s mark. Hall-marks and date letter for 1613. J. P. Dexter, Esq. 330. Bowl or cup, silver, two handled, embossed with flowers and foliage. Inscribed and dated 1676. B. Dicker, Esq. 331. Casket, silver, pierced and chased; said to have been the work-box of Queen Henrietta Maria; medallion portraits of Charles I. and his Queen inside the lid. Date, about 1630. Henry Durlacher , Esq. 332. Spoons (six), ‘Apostle Spoons,’ silver, to 17th century. 337. B. Temple Frere, Esq., M.D. G 338. Cups (silver, six), each with two to handies. Late 17th century. 343. B. Temple Frere, Esq., M.D. F 344. Salt-cellar, silver-gilt, in form of a square temple with four Corinthian columns. Date, 1606. B. Neville Grenville , Esq. CASE. NO. I 345. Sconces (a pair), silver, each bearing 346. the cypher of William III., and surmounted by a royal crown. About a.d. 1690. (The sockets are modern.) Balph Sneyd, Esq. G 347. Kettle, with stand and spirit lamp, silver, two taps; engraved on the sides with the arms and monogram of William III. Date, about 1690. G. Moffatt , Esq., M.P. F 348. Tazza, silver gilt, the border of flowers in repousse or beaten work, and chased. Hall-mark for 1661. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. 349. Cup, silver gilt, on tall stem, the bowl surrounded by a broad band of fine diaper work. Hall-mark of 1608. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. 350. Tankard, with cover, silver, en¬ graved with two coats of arms and with an inscription dated 1681. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. G 351. Candlesticks (a pair), silver, square 352. bases chased with scroll work, fluted pillars. Hall-mark for 1682. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P, F 353. Cup and cover, silver gilt, a loving cup, the bowl and cover surrounded by bands of flowers in repousse or beaten and chased work. Hall¬ mark for 1701. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. G 354. Bowl or monteith, silver, gilt inside, with two ring handles, the surface fluted, two cartouches engraxed with crests. Hall-mark for 1701. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. E 355. Cup and cover, silver-gilt, with bands of scroll work in relief, alternately with engraved subjects of the chase. Hall-mark for 1611. South Kensington Museum. K 356. Cup and cover, silver parcel-gilt, with applique work. Date, about 1670. South Kensington Museum. F 357. Basin and cover, silver-gilt, with bands of flowers. Date, 1660. South Kensington Museum. 358. Plateau, silver gilt, with four com¬ partments of equestrian figures. Hall-mark, 1674. South Kensington Museum. 359. Fire dogs (a pair), brass, enamelled 360. in blue and white. English. Early 17 th century. Bev. Edward Duke. History of Labour before 1800 . 21 CASE. NO. F 361. Fire dogs (a pair), brass, enamelled in 362. blue and white. English. Early 17th century. Rev. Edward Duke. JEWELLERY, ETC. 363. King, gold, with a portrait of King Charles I. in the bezel under crystal; said to have been presented by the king to Sir Edmund Yerney, his standard-bearer. Date, about 1640. Sir Harry Verney, Bart. MB. 364. Ring, gold, set with pearls. Early 18th century. R. H Soden Smith , Esq. 365. King, gold, with monogram under crystal. Late 17th century. R. H. Soden Smith, Esq. 366. King, gold, a wedding ring ; with posy, *As God decreed so wee agreed.’ Date, 17th century. South Kensington Museum. 367. King, gold enamelled, a betrothal ring , with motto, *As true to thee as death to mee.’ Date, 17th century. South Kensington Museum. CLOCK AND WATCHES. 368. Clock, silver; the bed-side clock of King Charles I. ; given by the king to Colonel Herbert, on his way to execution, January 30, 1649. The outer case is of silver, pierced and chased, enclosing two silver bells, on which the hours and quarters are struck. Made by Edward East, London. Date, about 1635. W. Townley Mitford, Esq., M.B. 369. Watch, silver, with several astrono¬ mical dials. The outer case of black shagreen, with silver pique work. Date, early 17th century. E. St. John Mildmay, Esq. 370. Watch, gilt metal, the case chased and pierced. Maker’s name, ‘ Tho¬ mas Taylor, in Holbourn.’ Date, 17th century. South Kensington Museum. 371. Watch, gold, in detached case, chased with the subject of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. Date, 1684-5. South Kensington Museum. 372. Watch, gilt metal, the outer case pierced and chased ; on the front is represented the sacrifice of Abra¬ ham. Date, 17th century. South Kensington Museum. 373. Knife and fork, with ivory hilts, 374. inlaid with silver pique work. An inscription round each of the hilts in pique work, ‘ Benjamin Ay Ioffe, anno 1685.’ South Kensington Museum. MINIATURE PORTRAITS. O 375. Miniature portrait of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, the friend of Shakspeare, by Peter Oliver (1601-1660). Duke of Marlborough. 376. Miniature case, gold enamelled with flowers in various colours (con¬ taining portraits of Sir Kenelm and Lady Venetia Digby). Date, about 1632. G. Wingfield Digby, Esq. 377. Miniature portrait of Sir Kenelm Digby, after Yandyck, by Peter Oliver; dated 1632. G. Wingfield Digby, Esq. 378. Miniature portrait of Lady Yenetia Digby, after Yandyck, by Peter Oliver; dated 1632. G. Wingfield Digby, Esq. 379. Miniature portrait of Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James L, by John Hoskins (died 1664). Samuel Addington, Esq. 380. Miniature portrait of King Charles II., by Samuel Cooper (1609-1672). Duke of Richmond. 381. Miniature portrait of the Earl of Pembroke, by Samuel Cooper (1609- 1672 ). Samuel Addington, Esq. 382. Miniature portrait of William Lenthall, Speaker of the House of Commons during the Long Parlia¬ ment, by Samuel Cooper; signed S C 1652 'r. S. Holford, Esq., M.B. 383. Miniature portrait of Elizabeth Claypole, the favourite daughter of Oliver Cromwell, by Samuel Cooper ; signed S.C. 1653. Duke of Devonshire. 384. Miniature portrait of Fanny Lady Bellasyse, by Samuel Cooper (1609- 1672); signed S. C. Rev. Walter Sneyd. 385. Miniature portrait of General Charles Fleetwood, by Samuel Cooper; signed S. C. 1656. Earl of Gosford. 386. Miniature portrait of Sir John Carew, by Samuel Cooper (1609- 1672). W. H. Bole Carew, Esq. 387. Miniature portrait of Lady Carew, by Samuel Cooper (1609-1672). W. H. Bole Carew, Esq. 388. Miniature portrait of James, first 22 History of Labour before 1800 . Duke of Ormonde, by Thomas Flat- man (1635-1680). C. W. Reynolds , Esq. 0 389. Miniature portrait of Sophia, Coun¬ tess Granville, by Bernard Lens. (1680-1741). Samuel Addington , Esq. 390. Miniature portrait of Letitia, daughter of the Rev. Sir J. Tre- lawney, Bart., by Bernard Lens (1680-1741). W. H. Role CareWy Esq. 391. Miniature portrait of Mrs. Ann Bernard, by Bernard Lens (1680- 1741). Earl of Gosford. 392. Miniature portrait of Anne, Coun¬ tess of Sunderland, and her son, Lord Charles Spencer, after Sir God¬ frey Kneller, by Bernard Lens; signed B. L. 1720. Duke of Marlborough. 393. Miniature portrait of William, Duke of Gloucester, son of Queen Anne and Prince George of Den¬ mark, by Bernard Lens (1680-1741). Charles Villiers Rayly, Esq. ARMOUR, ETC. C 394. Armour, consisting of helmet, breast to and backplate, and gorget, plated 397. with silver and chased, made for King Charles I. when a boy. Date, about 1615. Tower of London. 398. Mask of the Executioner of State Criminals in the Tower of London. Iron. Date, 17th century? Tower of London. STONEWARE. S 399. Bust, Fulham stoneware, of a Dead Child, inscribed ‘ Lydia Dwight, dyed March 3rd, 1672.’ C. W. Reynolds , Esq. 400. Figure of a child, Fulham stoneware. Date, about 1670. C. W. Reynolds , Esq. 401. Figure of a sportsman in the costume of Charles II.’s reign; Fulham stone¬ ware. Date, about 1670. C. W. Reynolds , Esq. PRINTING. D 402. Book. Burton’s Anatomy of Melan¬ choly. 6th edition, London, 1652. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 403. Book. Fuller. A Pisgah Sight of Palestine. London, 1662. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 404. Book. The Book of Common Prayer, London, 1662. Fol. (Charles II.’s Prayer Book.) . The Trustees of the British Museum. D 405. Book. The Holy Bible. Cambridge. John Field. 1668. 4to. The Trustees of the British Museum. 406. Book. Ogilby’s Britannia. Vol. 1. London, 1675. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 407. Book. Burnet’s History of the Refor¬ mation. Part 2. London, 1683. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 408. Book. Dryden’s Fables. London, 1700. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 409. Book. Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion. Vol. 1. Oxford, 1704. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 410. Book. The Spectator, by Addison. 1st edit. London, 1711, &c. Fol. The Trustees of the British Museum. SEALS. LACE, ETC. (See Lists under the Tenth Epoch.) NINTH EPOCH. The House of Hanover , to the Accession of George HI. (1714 to 1760). METAL WORK, INCLUDING PLATE, ETC. CASE. NO. I 411. Flagon, silver-gilt, in the form of a pilgrim’s bottle, with chains attached to the cover. Date, about 1720. (Subsequently engraved with the arms of George Prince of Wales, afterwards George IY.) Her Majesty the Queen. N 412. Kettle and stand, with lamp, silver- , gilt, the kettle melon-shaped; the whole standing on a triangular silver- gilt salver. Date, 1732. Her Majesty the Queen. H 413. Epergne or centre piece, silver- gilt, on stand, with brackets for candles, castors, dishes, &c.; made for Frederick Prince of Wales, the father of George III. Date, about 1750. Her Majesty the Queen. G 414. Tankard and cover, silver-gilt; the drum set with Dassier’s medals of the Kings of England (issued about a.d. 1740). The cover bears the royal arms and cypher of Queen Anne, and is dated 1707. Above it, forming the purchase, is a figure of a bull dog; the handle formed of intertwined figures of satyrs. The tankard bears the Hall-mark for 1826-27, and was probably then re-made from portions of earlier vessels. The Duke of Cleveland. 415. Tankard and cover, silver-gilt; on the drum is a battle scene in high relief; History of Labour before 1800 . 23 a similar subject on the cover, which is surmounted by a figure of a knight or horseback; the handle formed of intertwined figures of satyrs. The tankard bears the Hall-mark for 1823-24, and was probably then re¬ made from portions of earlier ves¬ sels of the first half of the 18th century (?). The Duke of Cleveland. K 416. Toilet service, silver-gilt; consisting to of twenty-four pieces, with repousse 439. classical figure subjects on the covers. Date, 1728. Earl of Stamford and Warrington. G- 440. Tankards (a. pair), silver-gilt, with 441. raised and chased scrolls on imbri¬ cated ground. Date, 1732. These pieces are by the celebrated London goldsmith, Paul Lemaire. Earl of Stamford and Warrington. F 442. Cup, silver, with cover and two handles. A race cup, inscribed, and dated 1731. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P. 443. Ewer, silver, helmet-shaped, with handle in form of a female bust, en¬ graved with the arms of George I. Hall-marks and date letter for 1727. J. P. Dexter, Esq. G- 444. Cup and cover, silver-gilt, double- handled, the handles formed of ser¬ pents. Presented to the Corporation of Hath by Frederick Prince of Wales. Date, middle of 18th century. Corporation of Bath. 445. Salver, silver-gilt, bearing the arms of Frederick Prince of Wales. Date, middle of 18th century. Corporation of Bath. C 446. Basket-hilt of a sword, with design representing the royal arms of Scot¬ land, belonging to Charles Edward Stewart, commonly called the Pre¬ tender. Date, about 1745. Earl of Warwick. H 447. Salver, silver, chased. Date, about 1720. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. F 448. Tankard and cover, silver gilt, sur¬ rounded by wreaths of vine branches in repousse, or beaten and chased work. Hall-mark for 1745. (An engraved inscription recently added.) G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. K 449. Lock, and hinge plates, engraved brass. Foliated scroll open-work, mounted on steel. Signed, ‘Johan¬ nes Wilkes de Birmingham fecit/ Date, about 1760. South Kensington Museum. CASE. NO. 0 450. Key, wrought steel. The open-work bow is partly formed of two grif¬ fins. Date, about 1760. South Kensington Museum. 451. Key of office,, gilt, bearing on the bow the cipher P.W. The official key, used by the chamberlain at¬ tached to the household of Caroline Princess of Wales, afterwards the Queen of Greorge II. Lord Henniker. JEWELLERY, ETC. 452. Bing, gold, set with various coloured stones. 18th century. R. H. Soden Smith, Esq. 453. Bings (six), gold, set with' diamonds, to rubies, and other precious stones. 458. 18th century. South Kensington Museum. 459. Bing, gold ; a wedding ring, with posy or motto, ‘ Let us share in joy and care.’ 18th century. South Kensington- Museum. 460. Bing, black enamel; a mourning ring, ribbon-shaped, with inscribed name and date 1774. South Kensington Museum. 461. Bing, white enamel ; a mourning ring, ribbon-shaped, with inscribed name and date 1756. South Kensington Museum. WATCHES; 462. Watch, in rock-crystal facet-cut case. Maker, Charles Bay, London. Date, 1720. South Kensington Museum. 463. Watch, silver; outer case of tortoise¬ shell, with silver pique work. Early part of 18th century. South Kensington Museum. 464. Watch case ; black shagreen, with gold pique work. 18th century. South Kensington Museum. MINIATURE PORTRAITS. 465. Miniature portrait of Joseph Addi¬ son, in enamel, by Christian F. Zincke; dated 1715. Earl Dartrey. 466. Miniature portrait of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, in enamel, by Christian F. Zincke (1684-1767). Miss Fraser. 467. Miniature portrait of Margaret Lucas, Duchess of Newcastle, by Christian F. Zincke (1684-1767). Miss Webb. 24 History of Labour before 1800 . CASE. NO. 0 468. Miniature portrait of Abraham Cowley, the poet, when young, by Christian F. Zincke (1684-1767). B. S. Hoff or d, Esq., M.P. 469. Miniature portrait of John Chur¬ chill, first Duke of Marlborough, by Christian F. Zincke (1684-1767). Earl Spencer. 470. Miniature portrait of Sarah Jen¬ nings, wife of John, first Duke of Marlborough, by Christian F. Zincke (1684-1767). Earl Spencer. 471. Miniature portrait of Sarah Jen¬ nings, wife of John, first Duke of Marlborough. Date, about 1700. Alexander Barker , Esq. 472. Miniature portrait of Sarah Mal¬ colm, executed for murder, by Na¬ thaniel Hone ; signed N. H. 1750. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. STONEWARE. S 473. Mug, Fulham stoneware, with nume¬ rous ornaments in relief; in the front is a copy of Hogarth’s ‘ Mid¬ night Conversation.’ Height, 6 in. C. W. Beynolds , Esq. PRINTING. D 474. Book. Voltaire’s Henriade. London, 1728. 4to. The Trustees of the British Museum . 475. Book. Holy Bible. Vol. 1. Oxford. Baskett, 1747. 4to. The Trustees of the British Museum. 476. Book. Richardson’s Clarissa Har- lowe. Vol. 1. 1st edit. London, 1748. 8vo. The Trustees of the British Museum. 477. Book. Hume, History of Great Bri¬ tain. Vol. 1. 1st edit. Edinburgh, 1754. 4to. The Trustees of the British Museum. ENGRAVING. (See List of Engravings lent by the Trustees of the British Museum, under the Tenth Epoch.) LACE, ETC. (See List under the Tenth Epoch.) TENTH EPOCH. The Beign of George III. down to 1800. METAL WORK, INCLUDING PLATE, ETC. CASE. NO. N 478. Ewer, silver gilt, antique classical design, supported by groups of ma¬ rine figures, with Bacchanalian pro¬ cession round the body; the handles formed of figures of naiads. Date, 1782 . Her Majesty the Queen. N 479. Salver, silver gilt; in the centre a group of Venus rising from the sea, figures of Neptune, Tritons, &c., round the border. Date, 1782. Her Majesty the Queen. 480. Cup and cover, silver gilt; with shell work, and serpent handles; a fi¬ gure of the infant Bacchus on the cover. Date about 1765. Her Majesty the Queen. 481. Cup, carved ivory, representing the birth of Venus ; the mounting of silver-gilt; the cover with shell pyramid and diaper ornaments of gold; the carving of the 16th cen¬ tury. Date of present mounting, 1785. Her Majesty the Queen. 482. Tureen, cover and lining ; silver gilt, embossed and chased; the Prince of Wales’ feathers surmounting the cover. Date, 1773. Her Majesty the Queen. 483. Tureen, cover and lining ; silver gilt, embossed and chased; the Prince of Wales’ feathers surmounting the cover. Date, 1773. Her Majesty the Queen. 484. Tureen, cover and lining ; silver gilt, leafage and scroll handles and feet, cauliflower button, arms and sup¬ porters of Greorge III. in relief on sides. Date, 1761. Her Majesty the Queen. 485. Jar, silver gilt; with perforated cover, (for pot pourri), richly embossed with flowers, masks, &c. Date, 1789. Her Majesty the Queen. 486. Porringer, with cover and plate, and two spoons, silver gilt ; the cover surmounted by Prince of Wales’ feathers. Date, 1762. Her Majesty the Queen. 487. Salt-cellars, or pickle-stands (a 488. pair), silver gilt, each in the form of a conch shell, supported by two winged dragons. Date, latter half of 18 th century. Her Majesty the Queen. 489. Salt-cellars (a pair), silver gilt, each 490. in the form of a pearl oyster, sup¬ ported by young Tritons. Date, latter half of 18th century. Her Majesty the Queen. 491. Elephant, silver-gilt, with figures of an Indian god, and a driver in Ori History of Labour before 1800 . 25 ental costume. Date, latter part of 18th century. Her Majesty the Queen. N 492. Vase, silver gilt; classical shape, on plain foot, vine-stem handles, the body ornamented with figures. Her Majesty the Queen. 493. Vase ; classical shape, silver, one-half gilt; with subjects in relief, emble¬ matic of the Gold and Silver Ages ; designed by Flaxman. Her Majesty the Queen. 494. Dessert plates (two), silver gilt, 495. rich vintage border. Her Majesty the Queen. G 496. Cup and cover, silver-gilt (a racing cup); the handles formed of figures of foxes. Inscribed Eichmond, 1760. The Duke of Cleveland. 497. Cup and cover, silver-gilt (a racing cup) ; the cover surmounted by a sta¬ tuette of a mountebank. Inscribed Eichmond, 1761. The Luke of Cleveland. 498. Urn, silver, antique classical form, embossed with wreaths of foliage. Hall-marks and date letter for 1778. B. Dicker, Esq. 499. Caddies (set of three), with covers, to silver, embossed with scroll orna- 501. ments, and with pastoral groups on the side. Hall-marks and date letter for 1765. Mrs. Wilkin. 502. Claret jug, silver, antique classical form, embossed with wreaths of foliage. Hall-marks and date letter for 1775. J. James , Esq. 503. Coffee-pot, silver, scroll and foliage pattern. Hall-marks and date letter for 1762. Joseph Bond, Esq. 504. Epergne, or .centre piece, silver, with branches supporting baskets and small saucers. Hall-marks and date letter for 1774. B. Bose, Esq. F 505. Tankard and cover, silver gilt, covered with flowers, foliage, scroll work, &c. in repousse or beaten work, and chased. Hall-mark for 1792. G. Moffatt, Esq., M.P. G 506. Castors and covers (set of three), to silver. Second half of 18th century. 508. Messrs. Hancock. 509. Vase, with cover and two handles, silver; oviform, with raised foliage, &c. Date, about 1800. Messrs. Hancock. CASE. NO. F 510. Sugar-basin, and two tea-caddies, to with covers, silver gilt, embossed 512. with foliage, &c. ; the bases of open work. Hall-marks and letter for 1760. A. Barker, Esq. O 513. Buttons, links, &c. (tray of 14 speci¬ mens) ; ornamented steelwork, manu¬ factured by John Worrallow, of Wol¬ verhampton . Date, 1780-90. George Wallis, Esq. JEWELLERY, ETC.-WATCHES. 514. Watch, gold, chased and pierced; a cipher and coronet set with diamonds on the back, and a chatelaine at¬ tached, bearing various objects. Date, second half of 18th century. Lord Chesham. 515. Watch, gold, set with seed pearls, and enamelled with flowers, &c. Pre¬ sented by Lord Macartney to the Emperor of China, and taken at the sack of the Emperor’s Palace at Pekin. Date, about 1790. Lieut.-Colonel H Hope Crealock. 516. Watch, gold, enamelled; a group of children on the back; with enamelled key. Presented by Lord Macartney to the Emperor of China, and taken at the sack of the Emperor’s Palace at Pekin. Date, about 1790. Lieut.-Colonel H. Hope Crealock. 517. Watch and pedometer, gold, in an enamelled and chased case, by Ealph Gout, London. Date, latter part of 18th century. South Kensington Museum. 518. Watch, gold, gold face ; maker’s name, ‘ Eayner, London ; ’ with chatelaine attached, bearing a compass and a watch-key. Date, about 1780. South Kensington Museum. 519. Watch, gold; in chased and embossed outer case, with pieces of rose-co¬ loured glass inserted ; chased gold dial. Date, 18th century. South Kensington Museum. SCULPTURE. S 520. Medallion, in high relief, terra-cotta, in gilt frame ; a bust of Flaxman, executed by the artist himself. Dated 1778. South Kensington Museum. ENAMEL. 521. Canisters (a pair), Battersea enamel, * 522. rose-coloured ground; with land¬ scapes in medallions. H. G. Bohn, Esq. 26 History of Labour before 1800 . MINIATURE PORTRAITS. CASE. NO. 0 523. Miniature portrait of William Meyer, in his tenth year, by Jeremiah Meyer, K. A.; signed at the back, and dated 1788. William Meyer , Esq. 524. Miniature portrait of Mrs. Robin¬ son, the actress, by Jeremiah Meyer, R.A. (1728-1789). William Meyer , Esq. 525. Miniature portrait of William Hayley, the poet, by Jeremiah Meyer, R.A.; signed at the back, and dated 1774. William Meyer, Esq. 526. Miniature portrait of a young girl, by Jeremiah Meyer, R.A. (1728- 1789). William Meyer, Esq. 527. Miniature portrait of Robert Hun¬ ter, a Scotch advocate, when a boy, by James Nixon, A.R.A. (1751— 1812). The Misses Robertson Macdonald. 528. Miniature portrait of Caroline Treby Ouvry, wife of Sir William Molesworth, by James Nixon, A.R.A. (1751-1812). Mrs. Ford. 529. Miniature portrait of Lady Geor- giana Spencer, wife of William, fifth Duke of Devonshire, by Ozias Hum¬ phrey; dated 1783. Earl Spencer. 530. Miniature portrait of Dame Grace Duckett, by Ozias Humphrey; dated 1780. Sir George Duckett , Bart. 531. Miniature portrait of Charlotte, Duchess of Richmond, by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821). Duke of Richmond. 532. Miniature portrait of Miss Gun¬ ning (afterwards Mrs. Ross) by Richard Cosway, R.A.; dated 1795. Ladg Mary Ross. 533. Miniature portrait of Maria, Coun¬ tess Waldegrave, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester, by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821); in an ormolu frame set with coloured stones. Captain L. Seymour Dawson Darner, M.P. 534. Miniature portrait of Mrs. Fitz- herbert, privately married, in 1785, to George Prince of Wales, by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821). A lock of her hair surrounds the miniature. Captain L. Seymour Dawson Darner, M.P. CASE. NO. 0 535. Miniature portrait of George Au¬ gustus Frederick, Prince of Wales, afterwards King George IV., by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821). A lock of the Prince’s hair surrounds the miniature. Captain L. Seymour Dawson Darner, M.P. 536. Miniature portrait of LadyHoratia Seymour, by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821) ; in a silver frame. Captain L. Seymour Dawson Darner, M.P. 537. Miniature portrait of an officer, by Richard Cosway, R.A. (1741-1821). Lord Chesham. 538. Miniature portrait of a lady, by Samuel Shelley ; date, about 1780. Samuel Addington , Esq. 539. Miniature portraits of two girls, one playing on a spinet, by Samuel Shelley; date, about 1780. Miss Webb. 540. Miniature portrait of Lady Ber- nard, by Samuel Shelley; date, about 1780. Earl of Gosford. 541. Miniature portrait of Lady Frances Bernard, by Samuel Shelley; date, about 1780. Earl of Gosford. 542. Miniature portrait of Sophia Streatfeild, a friend of Dr. Johnson, by John Smart (1741-1811). Captain Streatfeild. 543. Miniature portrait of Mrs. Gray, by Archibald Skirving ; dated, 1798. Mrs. Lawrence. 544. Miniature portrait of Mrs. Hall, by Andrew Plimer; date, about 1790. Frederick Tayler , Esq. 545. Miniature portrait of Miss Joanna Plimer, by Andrew Plimer; date, about 1790. Mrs. Dacres. FLOWER PAINTING. 546. Flower Painting. One hundred and forty-one vignettes of flowers painted by Miss Lawrence, afterwards Mrs. Kerslake, illustrating a copy of the ‘ Guirlande de Julie,’ printed on vellum, and dated, Paris, 1784. Mrs. Bury Palliser. EARTHENWARE, ETC., INCLUDING PORCELAIN. CHELSEA PORCELAIN. B 547. Vases (set of seven), Chelsea porcelain, to claret ground; painted on one side 553. with figure subjects representing the History of Labour before 1800 . 27 CASE. NO. loves of the gods, on the other with flowers, birds, &c.; open work tops and covers. Sir Dudley Coutts Mcirjoribanks, Bart., M.P. R 554. Cups (a pair), Chelsea porcelain, gold 555. ground ; with highly finished paint¬ ings of birds and fruit. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 556. Cups (a pair), Chelsea porcelain, rose- 557. coloured ground, with birds and festoons in gold. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 558. Toilet-box, and cover, Chelsea por¬ celain, in the shape of a fan; con¬ taining five small boxes with covers, gros bleu ground,painted with figures m the Watteau style; and two round boxes gros bleu ground,painted with flowers. In the original green shagreen case bound with gilt metal scrolls. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 559. Vase, Chelsea porcelain, octagonal, gros bleu ground, painted with birds. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 560. Vases (a set of three), with covers, to Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, 562. with medallions of birds, flowers, &c. painted on gold. The covers surmounted by flowers in natural colours. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 563. Bowl or ecuelle, cover and stand, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, richly gilt, with medallions contain¬ ing groups of figures in Chinese costume. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 564. Bowl or ecuelle, cover and stand, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, richly gilt, with medallions contain¬ ing groups of figures in the Watteau style. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 565. Bowl or ecuelle, cover and stand, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, richly gilt, with medallions contain¬ ing groups of figures in the Watteau style. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 566. Toilet boxes, with covers (a pair), 567. Chelsea porcelain, each containing three closely-fitting boxes and covers, CASE. NO. gros bleu ground with birds and foliage in gold. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. R 568. Vases (a pair), Chelsea porcelain, gros 569. bleu, Oriental bottle form with wide mouths, the neck of each encircled with a dragon. Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, Bart., M.P. 570. Figures of Children (four), Chelsea to porcelain; emblematic of the seasons. 573. Seymour Haden, Esq., M.D. 574. Cup and saucer, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, with medallions of birds. Henry G. Bohn, Esq. 575. Vase, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, gold borders, painted with medallions of Cupids. The Earl of Zetland . 576. VASEs(apair), Chelsea porcelain, claret- 577. coloured ground, with white and gold borders. Height, 7J in. The Rev. Montague Taylor. 578. Vase, Chelsea porcelain, painted with Chinese figures on gold, a back¬ ground of leaves and flowers, scroll handles of ruby and gold. R. C. Naylor, Esq. 579. Vases (a pair), Chelsea porcelain, 580. painted with flowers on white, claret- coloured borders. R. C. Naylor, Esq. 581. Scent-bottle, Chelsea porcelain, formed of a group of figures. South Kensington Museum. 582. Scent - bottle, Chelsea porcelain, formed of a group of figures. South Kensington Museum. 583. Scent - bottle, Chelsea porcelain, figure of a shepherdess. South Kensington Museum. 584. Scent-bottle, Chelsea porcelain, formed of a group of figures. South Kensington Museum. 585. Dishes (two), Chelsea porcelain; 586. crimson borders, the centres painted with birds and flowers. South Kensington Museum. 587. Etui, or case, Chelsea porcelain, with design of leaves and flowers. South Kensington Museum. 588. Etui, or case, Chelsea porcelain, in the form of an Ionic column, with two squirrels on the top. South Kensington Museum. 589. Bowl, cover, and stand, Chelsea porcelain, gros bleu ground, with 28 History of Labour before 1800 . ' CASE. NO. compartments painted with birds and flowers on white. Joseph Bond, Esq. It 590. Cup and saucer, Chelsea porcelain, claret-coloured ground, painted with white medallions. J. Bainey , Esq. 591. Plate, Chelsea porcelain, rose border, gilt, a bird in the centre. H. G. Bohn , Esq. 592. Teapot, Chelsea porcelain, gros blew and white ground in alternate stripes, painted with birds and flowers. South Kensington Museum. DERBY PORCELAIN. 593. Plate, Crown-Derby porcelain, Orien¬ tal pattern. South Kensington Museum. 594. Figures (a pair), Crown-Derby bis- 595. cuit porcelain, a youth and girl. Henry Willett , Esq. 596. Dish, Chelsea-Derbyporcelain, painted with wreaths of flowers, gros bleu borders round edge and centre. F. B. Ellis, Esq. 597. Cup (two-handled), with cover and stand. Crown-Derby porcelain. F. B. Ellis, Esq. 598. Plate, Derby porcelain, with flowers in purple camaieu. South Kensington Museum. LEEDS WARE. S 599. Bowl, cover, and stand, Leeds ware, basket pattern, sprinkled with flowers. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. LIVERPOOL PORCELAIN. R 600. Mug, Liverpool printed porcelain. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. PINXTON PORCELAIN. S 601. Custard cup and cover, Pinxton porcelain, painted with flowers. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. PLYMOUTH PORCELAIN. R 602. Salt-cellars (two), Plymouth por- 603. celain, in the form of escallop-shells, resting on a group of small shells. 18th century. South Kensington Museum . WEDGWOOD WARE. S 604. Vase; Wedgwood’s copy of the Bar- berini or Portland Vase, white figures on black ground; from the original in the British Museum. S. Addington, Esq. S 605. Tablet, Wedgwood’s pale green jasper ware, with white figures in low relief. The Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. 606. Vase and cover, Wedgwood’s brown marbled ware, the cover perforated for cut flowers. The Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.D. 607. Vase and cover, Wedgwood’s mar¬ bled ware. The Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. 608. Vase and cover, Wedgwood’s marbled ware, with goats’ head handles. The Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone , M.P. 609. Jardiniere, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, chocolate ground, figures, &c., in white. H. Wdlett, Esq. 610. Pedestal, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, circular, olive ground, frieze of chil¬ dren playing; after Flaxman. South Kensington Museum. 611. Tea canister, Wedgwood’s jasperware, oviform, lilac ground, white orna¬ ment. South Kensington Museum. 612. Cup and saucer, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, sage colour and light purple. South Kensington Museum. 613. Cup and saucer, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, with medallion of Sagittarius. South Kensington Museum. 614. Cream jug, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, with medallion of Cancer. South Kensington Museum. 615. Sugar basin, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, with medallion of Scorpio. South Kensington Museum. 616. Bowl, Wedgwood’s black Egyptian ware, with frieze of dancing figures in relief. South Kensington Museum. 617. Vase, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, two handles, on square plinth. South Kensington Museum. 618. Saucer, Wedgwood’sjasper ware, olive ground, festoons hanging from rams’ heads in white. South Kensington Museum. 619. Saucer, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, olive ground, small medallions in white. South Kensington Museum: 620. Vase, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, ovi¬ form, two-handled, lilac ground, cameo figures in white. South Kensington Museum . History of Labour before 1800 . 29 CASE. NO. S 621. Vase, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, ovi¬ form, with upright handles, blue ground, frieze of classical figures. South Kensington Museum . 622. Buttons (set of 12), Wedgwood’s blue jasper ware, with mythologic sub¬ jects in white* set in facetted steel. South Kensington Museum. 623. Medallion, Wedgwood’s terra-cotta, elliptic; portrait of Sir W. Hamil¬ ton, Britannic Envoy to the Court of Naples ; modelled by Elaxman. South Kensington Museum. 624. Vase and cover, two-handled, Wedg¬ wood’s black jasper ware, with relief ornaments of a concert by Cupids, musical books, &c. South Kensington Museum. 625. Bust, Wedgwood’s black jasper ware, of L. Annaeus Seneca, the Romarw philosopher. South Kensington Museum\. 626. Butter boats (a pair), Wedgwood’s 627. Queen’s ware, printed pattern. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. 628. Cup and saucer, Wedgwood’s black ware, inlaid with metal. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. 629. Plaque, Wedgwood’s jasper ware, light blue ground, classical figures in white. In gilt frame. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. 630. Vase, in form of a nautilus shell, Wedgwood ware, with iridiscent glaze. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. 631. Cup and saucer, Turner’s imitation of Wedgwood’s jasper ware, pale blue, with classical groups in white. The Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.D. WORCESTER PORCELAIN. R 632. Dish, Worcester porcelain, painted with flowers. Second half of 18th century. Sir T. W. Holhume, Bart. 633. Cup and saucer, Worcester porcelain, painted in imitation of Oriental. Second half of 18th century. Sir T. W. Holhume, Bart. 634. Plates (two), Worcester porcelain, blue 635. ground, painted medallions of birds on white. Sir T. W. Holhume, Bart. 636. Vase and cover, Worcester porcelain, blue scale pattern, with white me¬ dallions of flowers. Lady Dorothy Nevill. 637. Dish, Worcester porcelain, dark-blue ground, painted with birds and insects on white. Henry Willett, Esq. CASE. NO. S 638. Vases and covers (set of three), Wor- to cester porcelain, hexagonal, painted 640. with birds, deep blue borders. Henry Willett, Esq. R 641. Mug, Worcester porcelain, printed with a portrait of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. 642. Cup and saucer, Worcester porcelain, with groups in transfer printing Hugh W. Diamond, Esq., M.D. PRINTING. D 643. Book. Robert Burn’s Poems. 1st edi¬ tion. Kilmarnock, 1786. 8vo. The Trustees of the British Museum. 644. Book. Boydell’s History of the River Thames. Vol. 1. London, 1794. Pol. The Trustees of the British Museum. 645. Book. Milton’s Paradise Lost. Lon¬ don : Printed for Richter by Spils- bury, 1794. 4to. The Trustees of the British Museum. ENGRAVINGS (ON SCREEN). [A selection in illustration of the Art of En¬ graving in England during the 18th cen¬ tury, lent by the Trustees of the British Museum.] *** Several of these Engravings strictly belong to the Ninth Epoch, but it has been judged convenient to give one list only. ETCHING. Blake, William (1757-1827). 1. A selection of fifteen subjects from the 4 Songs of Innocence.’ LINE ENGRAVING. Hogarth, William (1697-1764). The Rake’s Progress. 2. I. The Inheritance. 3. II. The Rake’s Levee. 4. III. The Orgie. 5. IV. The Arrest. 6. V. The Marriage. 7. VI. The Gaming House. 8. VII. The Fleet Prison. 9. VIII. Bedlam. Sullivan, Luke (1705-1762). 10. The March of the Guards to Finchley; after Hogarth. Vivares, Francis (1709-1780). 11. Landscape, the Sacrifice to Apollo; after Claude Lorraine. Browne, John (1719-1790). 12. Landscape, the Baptism of the Eunuch. Strange, Sir Robert (1721-1792). 13. Charles I. in his Coronation Robes ; after Van Dyck. 30 History of Labour before 1800 . 14. Charles I. with the Duke of Hamilton; after Van Dyck. 15. Henrietta Maria and her Children ; after Van Dyck. Bartolozzi, Francesco (1725-1813). 16. Clytie; after Annibale Caracci. Byland, William Wynne (1732-1783). 17. George III. in his Coronation Bobes ; after Allan Bamsay. Woollett, William (1735-1785). 18. Niobe; after Bichard Wilson. 19. Phaeton; after Bichard Wilson. 20. The Spanish Pointer; after George Stubbs. 21. The Battle of La Hogue; after Benjamin West. Sharp, William (1749-1824). 22. The Doctors of the Church; after Guido Beni. 23. Holy Family; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. 24. John Hunter, the Anatomist; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Caldwell, James (fl. about 1780). 25. Mrs. Siddons as the Grecian Daughter; after William Hamilton. Hall, John (1739-1800). 26. Penn’s Treaty with the Indians; after Benjamin West. Parker James (1750-1805). 27. An Illustration to the Guardian ; after Bobert Smirke. Middiman, Samuel (1746-1818). 28. Moss Dale Falls ; after J. M. W. Turner. Fittler, James (1758-1825? ). 29. Benjamin West, P.B.A.; after George Henry Harlow. Landseer, John (1769-1852). 30. Sleeping Lion ; from his own design. 31. Vignette, Head of Holofernes ; after Lou- therbourg. Schiavonetti, Louis (1765-1810). 32. The Dead Christ; after Van Dyck. Heath, James (1756-1834). 33. The Biot in Broad-street ; after Francis Wheatley. Sherwin, C. & J. K. (1751-1790). 34. The Death of Lord Bobert Manners ; after Thomas Stothard. Scott, John (1774-1828). 35. A Field Spaniel; after Beinagle. 35a. The Cottage; after Thomas Gainsborough. STIPPLE ENGRAVING. Bartolozzi, Francesco (1725-1813). 36. Lord Mansfield ; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. 37. Designs for admission tickets, &c.; after G. B. Cipriani and B. West. Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802). 38. The Discovery ; after Thomas Stothard. Cardon, Anthony (1772-1813). 39. Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy, after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Collyer, Joseph (1748-1827). 40. Venus ; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Ogborne, John (1725-1795). 41. Hell Gwynne ; after Sir Peter Lely. Parker, James (1750-1805). 42. The Pulse ; after James Northcote. Howard, Francis (fl. about 1770). 43. Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse ; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Watson, Caroline (1758-1810). 44. Lady Stanhope, after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Tomkins, Peltro William (1760-1840). 45. Amyntor and Theodora ; after Thomas Stothard. Schiavonetti, Lewis (1765-1810). 46. Puck ; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Earlom, Bichard (1740-1822). 47. Lord Heathfield; after Sir Joshua Bey¬ nolds. MEZZOTINT ENGRAVING. Earlom, Bichard (1740-1822). 48. The Boyal Academy; after Johann Zoffany. Fisher, Edtvard (fl. about 1770). 49. The Marchioness of Tavistock; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Marchi, Guiseppe (fl. about 1780). 50. Coleman, the dramatic writer; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Green, Valentine (1739-1813). 51. The Duchess of Devonshire; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Grozer, James (1755-1800). 52. Lady Duncannon; after Sir Joshua Bey¬ nolds. Corbutt, Charles (fl. about 1760). 53. Mrs. Lascelles ; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Jones, John (1740-1790). 54. Charles James Fox; after Sir Joshua Bey¬ nolds. Hodges, Charles Howard (1774-1837). 55. Sir Abraham Hume; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Murphy, John. 56. Charles, Lord Hawkesbury; after G. Bom- ney. Blackmore, John (fl. about 1770.) 57. Foote, the comedian; after Sir Joshua Beynolds. Phillips, Charles (fl. about 1765). 58. Miss Hone ; after Nathaniel Hone. Howard, Francis (fl. about 1770). 59. Master Bunbury; after Sir Joshua Bey¬ nolds. History of Labour before 1800 . 31 Ward, William (fl. about 1790). 60. Travellers; after George Morland. Ward, James (fl. about 1790). 61. The Angry Father; after John Opie. Smith, John Raphael (1752-1812). 62. Mrs. Musters ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Faber, John (1692-1756). 63. Mrs. Woffington ; after E. Haytley. MacArdell, James (1710-1765). 64. George, Duke of Buckingham, and his Brother, Lord Stuart; after Van Dyck. Houston, Richard (fl. about 1780). 65. Mrs. Hartly ; after H. D. Hamilton. Frye, Thomas (1710-1762). 66. His own portrait. Pether, William (1731-1795). 67. The three brothers Smith, painters, of Chichester. Watson, James (1740-1790). 68. The Duchess of Manchester; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Watson, Thomas (1748-1781). 69. Mrs. Abington ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Spilsbury, Inigo (1733-1795). 70. Mrs. Richards ; after Gainsborough. Dixon, John (fl. about 1775). 71. The Tigress ; after Stubbs. Dickinson, William (1746-1802?). 72. Mrs. Pelham ; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Doughty, William (fl. about 1770). 73. Dr. Samuel Johnson; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Dunkarton, Robert (fl. about 1780). 74. Mrs. Horneck; after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Reynolds, Samuel W. (1774-1835). 75. The Falconer; after James Northcote. WOOD ENGRAVING. Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828). 76. Six Sheets of Vignettes and Illustrations to iEsop’s Fables. LACE AND NEEDLEWORK. English , 17 th and 18 th centuries , shown in Pillar Case P. *** These examples illustrate the 8th, 9th, and 10th periods. FRAME 1 . Sampler ; unbleached linen,with ‘ point coupe,’ and other patterns, dated 1618. Lace ; scallops of ‘ point coupe,’ from a design by Vinciolo, a Venetian artist, made in 1589. Mrs. Hailstone. 2. Sampler ; unbleached linen, numerous patterns and alphabets worked in coloured silks and flax. Dated 1669. Infant’s shirt, with ‘hollie work’ on the shoulders. Date, 1700. Sampler ; a portion, ‘ point coupe’ work of very fine patterns. Date, 1669. Mrs. Hailstone 3. Waistcoat ; very fine linen, embroi¬ dered with needlework. Date, 18th century. Mrs. Hailstone. 4. Tape and point lace. Date, about 1700. Mrs. Hailstone. 5. Needlework on muslin ; three spe¬ cimens. Date, early 18th century. Stomacher, linen embroidered in co¬ loured silks. Date, 18th century. Mrs. Hailstone. 6. Lace ; specimen of cushion made ground, to which patterns also made on the cushion are afterwards sewn (‘ applique ’). Date, early 18th century. Lace ; edges of veils (two); length of lace; and a ‘ berthe.’ Northamp¬ tonshire cushion lace. Date, 18th century. Lace ; a length of Buckinghamshire cushion lace. Date, 1760. Lace ; a length of old English cushion lace. Date, early 18th century. Lace ; a length of old English cushion lace, often called ‘ Brussels point.’ Date, early 18th century. Mrs. Hailstone. 7. Lace, white; twelve specimens of the earliest known machine lace made on the stocking frame by the intro¬ duction of the barrel organ system as applied to the tuck presser about 1764. The outlines figured by handwork. Nottingham School of Art. 8. Lace ; two specimens, one white, one black, made on the figured joining machine, an improvement on the stocking frame, about 1771. The outlines figured by handwork. Nottingham School of Art. 9. Lace; black, eighteen specimens of joining net, so called from certain parts being left plain so as to form a joining or pattern. Invented by Robert Frost, about 1773. Nottingham School of Art. 10. Lace ; fourteen specimens, thirteen white, one black, showing an improve¬ ment on the barrel organ system. (Frame No. 7.) Date, about 1780. Nottingham School of Art. 32 History of Labour before 1800 . FRAME 11. Lace; thirty-one specimens of black ‘ double pressed point lace,’ made by the introduction of a point bar to the stocking frame, after the sys¬ tem patented in 1758 by Jedediah Strutt, of Derby. Date, about 1790. Nottingham School of Art. 12. Lace ; twenty-one specimens of black ‘ early warp,’ figured by hand, mqde by a machine invented by Crane, of Edmonton, about 1775, and which, after various improvements, was by 1784 generally used by lace makers. Nottingham School of Art . 13. Lace; eight specimens of black point joining lace. Date, about 1780. Nottingham School of Art. 14. Lace; eight specimens of white ma¬ chine point, made by the stocking frame, and figured by hand. Date, from 1790 to 1808. Nottingham School of Art. PRINTED FABRICS. English , 18 th century ; shown in Pillar Case P. 15 to 33. Specimens (forty-seven) of printing on textile fabrics, executed at works on the rivers Cray (Kent), and Wandle (Surrey), between the years 1760 and 1790, by Messrs. W. Bedford & Co., predecessors of Messrs. Liddiard & Co., 61 Eriday- street, London. Messrs. W. G. Cooper .$• Co ., Successors to Liddiard $ Co.. SEALS. Impressions taken from the Collection of English Seals in the British Museum. Dates, from the 9 th to the \*lth centuries. Shown in Pillar Case P. FRAME 34. Seals of English Corporations, 12th and 13th centuries. 35. Seals of English Corporations, 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. 36. Seals, personal, English, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. 37. Seals, personal, English, 14th century. 38. Seals, personal, English, 14th and 15th centuries. 39. Seals, personal, English, 16th and 17th centuries. 40. Seals of English Bishops, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries. 41. Seals of English Bishops, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 42. Seals of English Abbeys, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. 43. Seals of English Abbeys, 13th century. 44. Seals of English Abbeys, 13th century. 45. Seals of English Abbeys, 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. - PHOTOGRAPHS OF INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, Exhibited by the Department of Science and Art. Selected and arranged by JAMES FERGUS SON, Esq., F.R.S. Case 12. HINDU ARCHITECTURE. Case No. 12 contains illustrations of the Hindu architecture of Northern India, commencing with the examples of Orissa, on the shores- of the Bay of Bengal, and proceeding westward to Dharwar, in the Bombay Presidency. The photographs are selected principally from a work entitled ‘ The Architecture of Dharwar and Mysore,’ published by John Murray, 1866, and from the publications of Majors Dixon and Impey, and that of Mr. Beato; others are from Mr. Fergusson’s private collection. ORISSA. The great temple at Bobaneswar was finished about the year 657 a. d., and is the oldest temple of its class known to exist in the north of India, as well as one of the largest and best finished. The temple of Juggernaut, celebrated for its annual festival, was completed in the year 1198 a.d., and is among the latest of its class. Between these two there are at least 100 temples in Orissa of the same kind. These make up the largest and most characteristic group of the Northern Indian style which now exists. 1. The great temple* Bobaneswar The Lion’s Grate of the great temple 2. Tank to the east of the great temple Group of temples to west of great temple 3. The Annuntu Basa Devi temple The Mookteswar temple 4. The Pursuram Iswar temple The Boital temple 5. The great temple of Juggernaut The Mookteswar temple BERAR. Throughout Berar and the Saugur territories there are a great number of small detached temples which have as yet been only imper¬ fectly examined. None of them seem older than the ninth or tenth century, and the series may be considered as ending with the Mahomedan conquest in the thirteenth. Some of them are remarkable for the beauty of their details, but none of those illustrated by the photographs in the case are of great dimension. 6. Temple at Koch Behar Temple at Deo Temple at Oomga SAUGUR. 7. Temple at Pathari Ruins of Jain temple at Gyraspore Porch of temple at Pathari 8. Temples at Bhilsa Archway at Gyraspore BERAR. The temple at Boodhgya stands in the en¬ closure which contains the celebrated tree under whose shadow Buddha received the ‘ Law.’ It was last repaired by the Burmese about the year 1306. Compare it with the view of the Bodhi Temple, Case 15, No. 48. Temple at Boodhgya 9. Lat at Pathari ORISSA. Monolith at Jagepore Monolith in front of temple of Juggernaut DELHI. Three sides of the courtyard of the mosque which the Mahomedans erected at the Kootub on their first taking possession of Delhi (1297) are composed of fragments of Hindu, or rather Jaina, architecture, which have been rear¬ ranged so as to suit the purposes of the in¬ vaders. As will be seen from the illustrations, the result is singularly picturesque, though, from the mode in which the pillars are used, hardly in the best taste. History of Labour in India . 34 10. The Kootub; exterior of Hindu court The Kootub ; Hindu court 11. The Kootub ; interior of Hindu court The Kootub ; Hindu court 12. The Kootub ; interior of Hindu court The Kootub ; part of the temple-mosque RAJPOOTANA. The following twenty-two photographs repre¬ sent the Northern Hindu style as practised in India at the present day; all the buildings re¬ presented in them having been erected within the limits of the present century, many within the last few years. Some further illustrations of the same class will be found in Case 15, Nos. 22 to 26. 13. Temple at Parusnath, Jhalra-Pattun The great temple, Jhalra-Pattun 14. Tank at Ulwur Temples and tank, Ulwur 15. Temples and hill fort, Ulwur A chutree at Rajgurh 16. The garden palace, Deeg The garden palace, Deeg 17. The town and palace, Boondee The palace, Boondee 18. Grate of Shet Lukhmeechund’s temple, Bindrabun Cenotaph of Rajah Buldeo Singh, Grover- dhun 19. Cenotaph of Rajah Sooruj Mull at Gover- dhun Cenotaph of Rajah Sooruj Mull at Gover- dhun 20. Cenotaph of Rao Rajah Bukhtowar Singh, Ulwur Gateway of the palace, Amber RAJPOOTANA. 21. Palace of the "Winds at Jeypoor Palace and citadel, Amb&r 22. Inner court of the palace, Ulwur The Motee Doongree palace, Ulwur DELHI. 23. Modern Jain temple RAJPOOTANA. Temple at Banghur DHARWAR. The following thirty-two photographs repre¬ sent the Northern Hindu style as practised in the Bombay Presidency, from about the tenth century to the present time. Pew of the temples are large, but many of them are distin¬ guished by great beauty of detail, and consider¬ able elegance of outline. The photographs of Dharwar and Mysore were taken principally by Col. Biggs, R.A., and Dr. Brisbane Neill. 24. Ruined temple, Hooblee Temple at Gokak 25. Temple at Bunkapoor Porch of a Jain temple, Belgaum 26. Temple at Purudkul Porch of a Sivite temple, Moongoor 27. Temple at Lukhmeshwur Sculptured capital, Kirwuttee 28. Temple at Hurulhully Details in temple at Hurulhully 29. Jain temple, Lukhoondee Temple of Someshwur, Hurulhully 30. Temple at Kirwuttee Temple at Lukhmeshwur 31. Temple at Iwullee Double temple at Hurulhully 32. Temple at Dumbul Temples at Purudkul 33. Temple at Iwullee Temple at Iwullee 34. Temple at Hurpunhully Group of temples at Bunshunkuree 35. Sculptured memorial stone at Hungul The palace, Seerhuttee 36. Window of perforated stone, Nursapoor Window of perforated stone, Nursapoor 37. Doorway in temple at Hungul Doorway in temple at Hungul 38. Stone with inscription at Huryhur Sculptured memorial stone, Hungul MYSORE. 39. Colossal bull at Chamondee Colossal bull at the French Rocks The temple of Hullabeed,* in the Mysore Ter¬ ritory, was erected in the thirteenth century, and dedicated to the worship of Siva. It never was completed; the works having been stopped by the Mahomedan invasion in 1310. Not¬ withstanding this, it is one of the most remark¬ able temples in India, both as regards the ex¬ tent of its ornamentation and the beauty of its details. 40. General view of temple Temple, west front 41. Sculptures in west front of temple West front of northern vimana 42. North-west front of northern vimana South-west front of northern vimana 43. Sculptures in southern vimana Pavilion in centre of east front 44. Sculptures in west front South-west front of northern vimana 45. Sculptures in west front Southern door in east front 46. South door and north-east angle South-east angle * A general view of the temple is in a frame on the west wall. / . History of Labour in India . 35 47. South-west front of northern vimana South-west front of southern vimana 48. Ganesha, the god of wisdom South-west front of northern vimana 49. Catharaswara Pagoda from north-west Temple of Siva 50. Catharaswara Pagoda from south-west Temple of Siva from NNE. 51. Temple of Siva Temple of Siva 52. Southern pavilion Sanctuary of southern pavilion The temple at Belloor is about a century older than that at Hullabeed, and even more remarkable for beauty of detail, though much less important as regards size or elaboration. 53. Temple at Belloor Temple at Belloor; detached building in court 54. Temple at Belloor Temple at Belloor ; detail AMRITSIR. All the buildings at Amritsir represented in the following ten photographs owe their exist¬ ence to the magnificence of the late Raja Runjeet Sing, and show great splendour, but a marked decline in taste from those erected in India proper, either contemporaneously or of an earlier date. 55. Gateway of the Rain, Bagh Golden gate and entrance to the temple 56. The sacred temple The Akal Boonga 57. Baba Atal’s temple View through piazza leading to Sikh temple 58. Interior of Sikh temple Golden gate of Sikh temple 59. Street inside sacred tank area Baba Atal’s temple 60. A map of India, with the names of those places only which are illustrated by the photographs in the cases or on the walls Case 15. HINDU ARCHITECTURE. Case No. 15. The illustrations commence with the earliest rock-cut examples inBehar (b.c. 200), and are arranged so as to exhibit the peculiarities of the series of the caves of Western India, at Karlee, Elephanta, and Ellora. Ten views are devoted to the architecture of the city of Oudeypore, and the next forty-six to the style of architecture prevailing in the South of India. To complete the series, and as a means of comparison, ten views have been added of Burmese architecture, and ten from the temples of Cambodia. BEHAR. The Lomas Rishi is the oldest known cave in India possessing any architectural features. These, as will be observed, are all copied from wooden constructions. The date of the cave is 200 to 250 b.c. 1. Lomas Rishi Cave Lomas Rishi Cave Sat Gurba Cave KARLEE. The Karlee Cave is the oldest and largest of its class in Western India. It still shows how great the influence of wooden construction was at the period of its excavation (about the Chris¬ tian era); all the framework of the front, and the ribs of the roof, being still in wood, and only the smallest details represented in stone. The western cave photographs are all by Mr. Hinton. 2. Exterior of cave Cave ; interior of great hall ELEPHANTA. The Elephanta Cave, in Bombay Harbour, is one of the best known in India. It was ex¬ cavated probably in the tenth century of our era, and dedicated to the worship of Siva. As will be observed, it is extremely similar to the Doomar Lena Cave at Ellora (Nos. 14 and 15). 3. Entrance to cave The Lions’ Cave ; exterior 4. Interior of cave ; nuptials of Siva and Parbutty Interior of cave 5. Interior of cave; western aisle Cave ; interior from entrance ELLORA. The Ellora series of caves is one of the mos extensive in India. It commences with a Bud¬ dhist group, the Dehrwarra and Viswa Karma —dating from the eighth or ninth century of our era—culminates in the Kailas, a Sivite temple in the Southern Hindu style of the tenth cen¬ tury, and closes with a Jaina group—the Indra c 2 86 History of Labour in India. Subha—in the twelfth or thirteenth centuries. The illustrations are arranged as nearly as pos¬ sible in the order of their dates. 6. The two Chendwassas; exterior Dehrwarra; exterior 7. Viswa Karma, Chaitya cave; exterior Viswa Karma ; the hall 8. Viswa Karma; sculptures in left gallery Viswa Karma; sculptures in right gallery 9. Teen Tal; interior of great hall Teen Tal; exterior 10. Kailas; exterior Kailas; the great temple 11. Kailas ; exterior, obelisk, and muntapa Kailas; porticos and base of great temple 12. Kailas ; exterior of Lanka Cave Kailas ; interior of Lanka Cave 13. Kailas ; interior of court of nine Durgas Kailas; interior of court of nine Durgas 14. Doomar Lena ; the colonnade Doomar Lena; interior 15. Doomar Lena ; Siva as Vira Badhra Doomar Lena; Siva and Parbutty 16. Kavana Ka Kaie ; interior Havana Ka Kaie ; interior 17. Ramwarra; the entrance Ramwarra ; the interior 18. Ramwarra; the Ling Chapel Das Avatar; interior of great hall 19. Pseudo-structural temple in courtyard of Indra Subha Indra Subha; exterior 20. Indra Subha ; left gallery Indra Subha ; right gallery 21. Indra Subha ; interior of grand hall Indra Subha; interior of temple OTJDEYPORE. The following ten photographs, by Captain Taylor, represent modern building in Oudey- pore, and belong properly to the Rajpootana series in Case No. 12, but arrived too late to be inserted there. The two last are cenotaphs erected in rivalry of the Mahomedan tomb¬ building practice, over the spots where the Ranas or their wives were burnt. 22. Carvings on Juggernaut Raj Temple Front of Juggernaut Raj Temple 28. Tomb of ‘ Suggram Sing’ Carvings on a Hindoo temple 24. Hindoo temple Hindoo temple 25. Tripolio gateway to the Maharana’s palace Court and garden in the Jugneewaz water palace 26. Tomb of Ahmeer Sing View in the royal burial-grounds PURUDKUL. The first four views of temples in Purudkul represent buildings in the Southern Hindu style, probably of the thirteenth century; the last two, the northern and southern style, in juxtaposition. Photographed by Col. Biggs. 27. Great Sivite temple Great Sivite temple 28. Great Sivite temple Great Sivite temple 29. Group of temples Group of temples BEEJANUGGER. The porch of the great temple of Vitoba, at Beejanugger, is one of the most remarkable of its class. It is wholly of granite, each of the piers being cut out of a single block. It was erected in the sixteenth century, and never was completed. The car of the god is also of a single stone. The last five views, 34 to 36, with those of Chamoondee, in Mysore, represent the more modern form of the Southern Hindu style. The photographs of Beejanugger are princi¬ pally by Dr. Neill. 30. Porch of great temple Porch of great temple 31. Porch of great temple Porch of great temple 32. Stone car of god, great temple Small temple 33. Sculptured wall Sculptured wall 34. Principal gateway of a temple Lateral gateway of a temple 35. A small temple General view of ruins 36. Gateway of a temple MYSORE. Gateway of temple of Chamoondee 37. Gateway of a temple Gateway and car of temple of Chamoon¬ dee BEEJANUGGER. The first six photographs illustrate the form which Hindu architecture took under the influ¬ ence of Mahomedan art, and the introduction of the arch as a building expedient, as that had never been employed by the Hindus pre¬ viously in their own styles. The result, as will be seen, is a style of great picturesque¬ ness, but much less pretty than that which proceeded it, 38. Elephant stables Interior of great bath 39. Pavilion of palace Treasury buildings 40. Tower in walls Wall of Zenana 41. Car of god, Bunshunkuree Car of god, Seringapatam History of Labour in India . 37 MADRAS PRESIDENCY. These sixteen photographs illustrate the style of Southern India as generally prevalent in the Madras Presidency, from about the tenth century to the present day. The first eight of these are by Mr. Middleton Rayne. 42. Tanjore Pagoda Great Bull, Tanjore Pagoda 43. Trivalur Temple Gateway of Seringham Temple 44. Village temple and idol cars Trichinopoly rock 45. Base of temple, Trivatore Base of small temple, Tanjore 46. Carved stone pillar in pagoda at Perroor Carved stone pillar in pagoda at Perroor Carved stone pillar in pagoda at Perroor Entrance to the Ulsoor Pagoda, Bangalore 47. Pillars of pagoda, Vellore Pillars of pagoda, Vellore Pagoda at Vellore Side entrance to pagoda at Vellore BURMAH. Ten photographs to illustrate the Buddhist architecture of the Burmese Empire from the time when Paghan was the capital, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, till Mandelay was erected, and became the capital about twenty years ago. 48. Bodhi Temple, Paghan Yenang-Choung, Paghan 49. The Ananda, Paghan Thapinyu Temple, Paghan 50. Monastery at Amerapura Monastery at Amerapura 51. Temple at Amerapura Great temple at Amerapura 52. Modern temple at Mandelay The king’s barge 53. Queen’s khioung The king’s head poongyee house 54. Monastery at Mandelay Monastery at Mandelay 55. The king’s palace, Mandelay A temple at Mandelay CAMBODIA.* Ten photographs, by J. Thomson, of the great temples of Oncor and Nakon Thom, in Cam¬ bodia. These were erected in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and wholly devoted to ser¬ pent worship. The temple of Nakhon Wat is one of the most extensive and magnificent in the East. 56. Part of western gallery, Nakhon Wat Interior, western gallery, Nakhon Wat 57. An inner gallery of Nakhon Wat Great western gateway, Nakhon Wat 58. Nakhon Wat; figures in alto-relievo Nakhon Wat; part of a stone reservoir 59. Nakhon Wat; part of a bas-relief Nakhon Wat; part of a bas-relief 60. Nakhon Thom ; a single tower of ‘ Preasat Sing Poun * Nakhon Thom; alto-relievo sculpture * Two general views of the temple of Nakhon Wat are on the walls in Frame 10. Case 10. MAHOMEDAN ARCHITECTURE. The first twenty-six frames in this case are devoted to the illustration of the Mahomedan archi¬ tecture of Northern India, commencing with the old mosque at Delhi, erected in the beginning of the thirteenth century, and terminating with the modern buildings of Lucknow. The remaining frames are devoted to the cities of Beejapoor, Ahmedabad, and Mandoo. The photographs are selected principally from a large work ‘ On the Architecture of Beejapore ; 9 and another on that of ‘ Ahmedabad/ published by John Murray last year, and from the works of Major Impey and Mr. Beato before alluded to. Others are from Mr. Fergusson’s private collection. DELHI. The buildings at the Kootub were commenced by Kootub-u-deen-Ibek, the first governor of Delhi (1297), but completed principally by Altumsh, his successor, 1210-1235. They are remarkable for the strange admixture of Hindu details with Mahomedan form. From these early examples the series of illustrations is tolerably consecutive till the decay of art and the fall of the great Mogul dynasty. 1. The Kootub-Minar 2. The Kootub ; part of the front of the Ma¬ homedan fa 9 ade The Kootub; north-west corner of the inner enclosure 3. The Kootub; central arch of Mahomedan fa9ade The fa 9 ade on the south side of the outer enclosure 4. The Kootub; gateway on south side 38 History of Labour in India. The Kootub; marble tomb and gateway, south side 5. The Kootub ; tomb of Goree Shah Tomb of Sufter Jung 6. Tomb of the Emperor Hoomayun Tomb of the Emperor Hoomayun 7. The Jumma Musjid The Jumma Musjid 8. The Jumma Musjid; general view The Jumma Musjid from the courtyard AGRA. 9. The gate of the fort The Jumma Musjid SECUNDRA. 10. Mausoleum of Akbar Gateway of mausoleum of Akbar AGRA. 11. Tomb of Etimad-Dowlah Tomb of Etimad-Dowlah 12. The fort; pavilions in the harem court The great court of the fort 13. Dewan Khas in the fort Summum Boorj in the fort 14. The Taj Mahal Dewan Khas in the fort 15. The Taj Mahal from the river The Taj Mahal from the garden 16. The Taj Mahal; near view from the river The principal gateway of the Taj 17. The Taj from top of gateway Gateway of the Taj 18. Mootee Musjid Akbars Palace in fort MUTTRA. 19. Jumma Musjid Jumma Musjid LUCKNOW. The buildings represented in the next four¬ teen photographs were almost all erected within the limits of the present century, and betray the strong influence which European art has exer¬ cised in the decaying dynasties of the great Mahomedan empire. Further illustrations of these buildings will be found in Case 16. 20. Tomb of Saadat Ali in the Kaiserbagh Palace Small mosque in the Kaiserbagh 21. Mosque in the interior of the Hoseinabad Emambara The Shah Mujjuf 22. The Hoseinabad Emambara Tomb of Asph-ud-Dowlah 23. The Roum-i-Durwaza Roomi Gate and the Emambara 24. Mosque inside Asph-ud-Dowlah’s Emam¬ bara The Farad Buksh Palace, with bridge of boats 25. Gateway leading into the Kaiserbagh General view of Hoseinabad from the Jumma Musjid 26. The Martiniere The Begum Kotie BEEJAPOOR. The city of Beejapoor, in the Deccan, was founded by Jusuf Khan in 1501, but except the two first buildings, made up of Hindu remains, its architectural development only commenced with Ali Adil Shah, 1557, and closed with the second of the same name, 1660; so that all great buildings are comprised within one cen¬ tury. The Gol Goomuz, or tomb of Mahmood, is probably the most remarkable domical build¬ ing in the world, the floor space being greater than that of the Pantheon in Rome. The Ibrahim Roza is one of the most elaborately ornamented specimens of Mahomedan art in India, and the great mosque one of the finest of its class. The architectural drawings which illustrate this set were made by A. Cumming, Esq., C.E.; the picturesque photographs by Col. Biggs, R.A. 27. Ancient mosque in the citadel Ancient Hindoo college in the citadel 28. Part of the walls of the citadel Unfinished mausoleum of Ali Adil Shah I. 29. Plans and sections of the Gol Goomuz The Gol Goomuz ; general view 30. Plans and sections of the Gol Goomuz The Sath Khundi, or Palace of Seven Stories 31. Plans and sections of the Ibrahim Roza Mausoleum of the Ibrahim Roza 32. Plans and sections of the Ibrahim Roza Plans and sections of the Ibrahim Roza 33. Plans and sections of the Ibrahim Roza Mosque of the Ibrahim Roza 34. Plans and sections of the Mehturee Mahal The Mehturee Mahal; general view 35. Plans and sections of the Mehturee Mahal Plans and sections of the Mehturee Mahal 36. Plans and sections of the Jumma Musjid The Jumma Mosque ; from the courtyard 37. Plans and sections of the Jumma Musjid Plans and sections of the Jumma Musjid 38. Mosque of Yakoot Dabooli The Jumma Mosque from the north-east 39. Plans and sections of the Ashar Mobarak The Ashar Mobarak; general view 40. Mausoleum of Begum Sahib Mausoleum of Kishwur Khan and Huzrut Shah Ahmed 41. Mosque in the fort Tombs of saints ; names unknown I History of Labour in India. 39 AHMED AB AD. The city of Ahmedabad was founded by Ahmed Shah, 1411, and, after little more than 150 years of prosperity, was absorbed into Akbar’s Empire, 1583. As all its principal buildings were erected in the latter half of the fifteenth century, and overlap one another, no chronological arrangement of them has been at¬ tempted. This is of less importance in this case, as they are characterised by a singular uni¬ formity of style, arising from the employment throughout of Hindu architects to carry out the forms of Mahomedan art. The result of this admixture of styles is an elegance of detail and an originality of forms which render this group perhaps more interesting than any other exam¬ ples of Saracenic art in India. 42. The Jumma mosque; the centre arch The Shapoor mosque 43. Seedee Busseer’s mosque and tomb Seedee Busseer’s mosque and tomb 44. Meer Aboo Toorab’s tomb Mulik Alum’s mosque 45. The queen’s mosque in Mirzapoor Seedee Syeed’s mosque; window of per¬ forated marble 46. Hybut Khan’s mosque Hybut Khan’s mosque ; the porch Syud Alum’s mosque Mulik Alum’s mosque 47 The Jumma mosque; the centre arch Syud Alum’s mosque; the centre arch The Jumma mosque The Jumma mosque; part of northern colonnade 48. |The Jumma mosque; the central mehrab The Jumma mosque; pillars in the interior The Jumma mosque Banee Seepree’s mosque and tomb 49. Banee Seepree’s mosque, from south Banee Seepree ; the mosque The queen’s mosque in Mirzapoor; base of northern minaret The Jumma mosque; niche between the side arches 50. The queen’s mosque in Mirzapoor; niche in base of northern minaret The queen’s mosque in Mirzapoor; northern side arch Seedee Syeed’s mosque ; window of per¬ forated marble Seedee Syeed’s mosque; window of per¬ forated marble 51. Banee Seepree ; base of tomb The queen’s mosque in Mirzapoor; the adjacent tomb Tomb of the queens of Ahmed Shah I. Tomb of Ahmed Shah I. 52. Sirkhej ; view from south-west corner of the tank Sirkhej; view from south-east Sirkhej ; pavilion and tomb of G-unj Buksh Sirkhej; tomb of Gunj Buksh from north¬ east 53. Sirkhej ; waste weir of the tank Howz-i-Kootub; tank Butwa; tombs of Kootub-i-Alum and his son Syud Oosman’s mosque 54. Seedee Busseer’s mosque and tomb Moohafiz Khan’s mosque Mea Khan Chishtee’s mosque Syud Oosman’s mosque; part of north side 55. Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; base of southern minaret Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; base of northern minaret Moohafiz Khan’s mosque Dustoor Khan’s mosque ; the colonnade 56. Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; niche in base of minaret Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; niche in base of southern minaret Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; niche in base of southern minaret Moohafiz Khan’s mosque; summit of a minaret 57. Achoot Beebee’s mosque The queen’s mosque in Sarungpoor; cen¬ tral arch Dada Huree’s well at Asarwa Shah Alum; interior of mosque 58. Dustoor Khan’s mosque; perforated stone window Shah Alum; a small tomb Shah Alum; tomb of the saint Shah Alum ; the mosque 59. Mosque of Mahomed G-hous Mosque of Mahomed G-hous, from the south Mosque of Mahomed Grhous; the interior The Shapoor mosque MANDOO. 60. The Water Palace Jumma mosque 40 History of Labour in India . Case 16. PHOTOGRAPHS BY STEPHEN BOURNE. Case No. 16 contains a selection from the photographs of Northern India, made and published by Messrs. Shepherd and Bourne, of Simla. Some of these illustrate the same buildings as those represented in the photographs in the three first cases, but in themselves they form a very complete illustration of the architecture of the western and northern parts of the Bengal Presidency. The arrangement in this case is partly geographical, partly chronological. SARNATH. The Tope of Sarnath is one of the few Buddhist remains that exist in anything like a perfect state in Bengal proper. Its date is not very well ascertained, but it probably assumed its present external form in the tenth century. The carving in the lower part is peculiar, but very elegant. 1. Ancient Buddhist tope Remains of brick tope 2. Carving on Buddhist tope Carving on Buddhist tope BENARES. Benares is one of the most picturesque and beautiful cities in India, and may be one of the oldest. No building, however, exists in it now whose date is anterior to the thirteenth century; almost all those on the banks of the river, as represented in the accompanying photographs, being of comparatively recent date. 3. General view from opposite bank of Ganges The river and bridge of boats The city and ghats from top of great mosque 4. The great mosque of Arungzebe and ad¬ joining ghats The burning ghat 5. The temple of ‘ Vishnu Pud ’ Rajah Jey Singh’s observatory 6. Sumeree temple at Ramnuggur Sumeree temple at Ramnuggur, showing carvings in lower portion 7. Carvings on Rajah Amehti’s temple HURDWAR. View from opposite bank of the Ganges GWALIOR. The fort of Gwalior is one of the finest of its class in India. Its temples and the Jaina sculpture on the sides of the rock on which it stands range from the tenth to the sixteenth cen¬ turies. The palace was built by Maun Sing, 1486-1516, and some Mahomedan buildings were added after it fell into the power of the Delhi emperors. 8. The palace and principal entrance The fort and city from the ramparts 9. The Happy Valley; Buddhist figures cut in the rock Rocks, with sculptured figures 10. Jaina temple in the fort Jaina temple; the entrance 11. Smaller Brahminical temple in the fort Jaina temple; interior BINDRABUND. 12. Hindu temple, erected during reign of Akbar, 1556-1605 Hindu temple 13. Group of modem temples GOVERDHUN. The palaces of the Bhurtpore Rajas at Go- verdhun and Deeg are among the most remark¬ able examples of the modem Hindu style in Northern India, and are distinguished for their megalithic character; no arches being used any¬ where, though the form of the Saracenic arch is even where apparent. The palace and tank DEEG. 14. The fort from the north-west General view from the fort The palace and tank The palace from the garden GOVERDHUN. 15. Upper portion of the palace DEEG. The Nundh Bhowun ; interior History of Labour in India . 41 KASHMIR. The style of architectural design in Kashmir differs in many essential respects from that found in any other part of India, and betrays in every detail the influence of the classical feeling introduced through the Greek kingdom of Bactria. The one known exception to this is the Tukht-i-Soliman, which is in the Hindu style. In other instances the practice of employing the deodar pine-wood as the principal building material, which is almost universal in the hills, has strongly influenced both the Ma- homedan and Hindu styles of the valley. Il¬ lustrations of this wooden architecture will be found in Frames 20 and 21. 16. Ancient temple at Nowshera Ancient temple at Nowshera ; inner temple 17. Ruins of Martund from south-east Ruins of Martund; central building KANGRA. 18. Ancient temple Porch of temple at Byjnath KASHMIR. 19. Tukht-i-Soliman KANGRA. Stone bullocks in ancient temple CHERGAON. 20. Temple SIMLA. Temple near waterfall PANGI. 21. Temple CHUMBA. Temples and bazaar KASHMIR. 22. Bridge on the Marqual Canal Merchants’ houses on the Marqual Canal SRINUGGUR. 23. Shah Hamadan Musjid SHALIMAR. Nautch bungalow DERALI. 24. Small temples on the Ganges BHEEM TAL. The lake, from near the Dak Bungalow LAHORE. 25. Huzoori Bagh and fort The city, from Wuzeer Khan’s mosque 26. Runjeet Singh’s tomb View from palace in fort UMRITSIR. 27. Babatal temple The golden temple DELHI. 28. The Kootub ; colonnade of Hindu pillars The Kootub; interior of eastern colonnade 29. Ala-ood-deen’s gateway Tomb of Shumsh-ud-deen Altumsh 30. Mausoleum of the Emperor Humaioon View from top of Humaioon’s tomb 31. The Jumma Musjid, from north-east The Kila Kona mosque 32. Mausoleum of Suffer Jung Tomb of Nizam-ood-deen 33. Tomb of Mirza Jehangir Interior of Chousut Kumba 35. The palace; the Motee Musjid The palace; interior of the Dewan-i-Kass 35. Tomb of the Emperor Togluk Ruins of the fort of Toglukabad FUTTEHPORE SIKRI. Futtehpore Sikri, near Agra, was long the favourite residence of Akbar (1556-1605), the greatest sovereign of his race, and he adorned it with a series of buildings as re¬ markable as anything of their class to be found in India. A strong feeling for Hindu art prevails throughout, though not to the same extent as at Ahmedabad, and the whole is stamped with that bold originality which marked every act of the great man to whom they owe their origin. His tomb at Secundra is in the same style, and exhibits the same originality, as the build¬ ing at Sikri. 42 History of Labour in India. The buildings of Agra, Delhi, and Lucknow, have already been alluded to in describing the contents of Case 10. 36. The great gate, Futtehpore Sikri The mosque on the western side of quad¬ rangle 37. Interior of the great quadrangle Interior of the great quadrangle, showing inner side of great gate General view of the ruins 38. View of the ruins from top of tlie Dewan-i- Kass Akbar’s office 39. Tomb of Sheik Selim Chisti Two of the marble screens in tomb of Sheik Selim Chisti 40. Pillar in tomb of Sheik Selim Chisti Temple of Gooroo-ki-Mandi 41. The Pauch Mehal The palaces of the Sultana of Constanti¬ nople 42. The Dewan-i-Kass The palace of Beerbul 43. The Elephant Tower Pillars in the Pauch Mehal AGEA. 44. Pillars in the palace of Akbar SECUNDRA. The entrance gate from the garden 45. The mausoleum of Akbar; the upper mar¬ ble sarcophagus The mausoleum of Akbar; from an angle of the first terrace DELHI. 46. The palace; Lahore gate AGEA. The fort from the south-west SECUNDRA. View from top of entrance gate AGEA. The following ten views are of buildings erected during the reigns of Akbar’s successors, Jehangir and Shah Jehan, a.d. 1605-1658. 47. Front of the Motee Musjid Interior of the Motee Musjid 48. The marble palace of Shah Jehan, with the Taj in the distance The marble palace of Shah Jehan 49. The fort; exterior of the Zenana The fort; exterior of the Zenana 50. The Taj Mahal The Taj; screen enclosing the sarcophagi 51. Mausoleum of Prince Etimad-Dowlah Mausoleum of Prince Etimad-Dowlah, from the gate LUCKNOW. Shuja-ud-Doulah became an independent sovereign, and made Lucknow his capital about the year 1756. None of the buildings here illustrated are so early as this date. 52. Buildings in the garden of the Hooseinabad View from the terrace of the Hooseinabad 53. The Eoumi Darwaza in the fort Great Emambara and mosque 54. General view from the fort Gateway of the Hooseinabad Bazaar 55. The Hooseinabad Emambara View in the Kaiser Bagh 56. The Kaiser Pasund; from south-west The Chutter Munzil; west side 57. The Kaiser Pasund; from north-west The Chutter Munzil 58. The mermaid gate, Kaiser Bagh East gate of the Kaiser Bagh 59. The Chutter Munzil, from the river Vinery and buildings in the Kaiser Bagh CAWNPORE. 60. Screen surrounding the memorial well, de¬ signed by Col. Yule; the marble statue by Marochetti The memorial well; with English church in the distance BENARES. Queen’s College History of Labour in India. 43 ILLUSTRATIONS AND RESTORATIONS OF THE AMRAVATI TOPE. By Jambs Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S. NO The illustrations of the Amravati Tope consist of photographs made by Mr. Grriggs, under the superintendence of Dr. Forbes Wat¬ son, from marbles in the East India Museum, which were brought home principally by Sir Walter Elliot from a great Buddhist monu¬ ment existing on the banks of the river Kist- nah, not far from its mouth, in the northern part of the Madras Presidency. The original name of the city to which it belonged was Dharanikota. Amravati is a modern city erected only seventy years ago. As will be seen from the coloured plan on the wall, what now remains of the monument consists of two stone enclosures 12 feet apart, the outer of these being internally 195 feet in diameter. It originally consisted of upwards of 100 pillars richly sculptured in their inner faces, but less profusely on the external side. The whole height with the frieze and basement was about 14.feet. The two pillars in the centre of the room belong to this rail, and are perfect for about two-thirds of their height. The two frames in the wall (Nos. 1 and 2) contain restorations of the rail in so far as the remains in the East India Museum would admit of this being done. Their scale is one-twelfth of the real size. The two circular slabs of marble beneath these frames are examples of the mode in which the inner and outer faces of the inter¬ mediate rails were ornamented. The inner circle was solid, and half the height of the outer, and even more profusely sculptured than the external rail. A portion of this screen, restored from the fragments in the East India Museum, is shown in the lower part of frame No. 4. Its ornaments w T ere principally representations of the Tope or Dagoba itself. Ten of these, double the scale of the other fragments, are in two frames (Nos. 3 and 5) on the wall. So far as can be made out from the remains, between forty and fifty such representations originally existed, similar in general outline, but all differing in the scenes and emblems represented upon them. One of the smaller type of these dagobas stands on the floor under the frames. In the centre of the enclosure there originally stood a dagoba similar in general outline to the largest of the three exhibited in Frames 3 and 5, but, so far as can be made out from the fragments found on the spot, measuring about fifty feet in height by about thirty to forty feet in diameter. The erection of this monument was com¬ menced apparently in the second or third cen¬ tury of our era, and discontinued before the be¬ ginning of the sixth. The monument is chiefly interesting from the extent and beauty of its bas-reliefs, which illustrate to a greater extent than any other known monument, the legendary history of Buddhism as it existed at the time of its erection. It is moreover especially so from its displaying a larger admixture of serpent wor¬ ship with Buddhism than is found anywhere else in India. In this respect the Amravati Tope is, so far as is now known, nearly unique. THE SANCHI TOPE. South Wall, As a means of comparison, two frames are placed on the wall containing illustrations of the Sanchi Tope, near Bhilsa. This monument is between two and three centuries older than that at Amravati, some parts of it being anterior to the Christian era. Its surrounding rail, as seen in Frames 6 and 7, is much more simple, and is indeed almost entirely without ornament, but its gateways (in Frame 7) are as elaborate as anything at Amravati. Their constructive details, with those of the rail, betray their wooden origin, which is characteristic of all the early structural monuments of India. No image of Buddha is found amongst the orna¬ ments of these gateways, and snake worship can hardly be detected. 44 History of Labour in India. On the other side of the doorway are placed some fragments of Hindu sculpture sent home by Sir Bartle Frere, late governor of Bombay. They are taken from the ruins of a Hindu temple in Rajpootana, and are probably of the fifteenth century. West Wall. Frame 8. Map of India, with the names of those places illustrated by the photographs in the collection. Frame 9. General view of the great temple at Hullabeed; see Case 12. Frame 10. Two general views of the temple of Nakhon Wat, in Cambodia; see Case 15. Frame 11. Six views of buildings at Ahme- dabad; see Case 10. Frame 12. Six views of buildings in Dhar- war and Mysore; see Case 12.* Frame 13. Three views of Beejanugger; see Case 10. 4 Frame 14. Pendant from centae of dome of Jain temple of Vimala Sah, at Abu; eleventh century. Frame 15. Enlarged view of window of Seedee Syeed's mosque ; see Case 10. Frame 16. Two views of palace at Deeg; see Case 12. * The three works on ‘ Dharwar and Mysore,’ on ‘ Beejapoor,’ and ‘ Ahmedabad,’ are in the Indian court of the Exhibition. Besides a great number of pho¬ tographs not shown in these cases, they contain his¬ torical essays by T. C. Hope, Bombay Civil Service, and Col. Meadows Taylor, together with architectural descriptions of the buildings by James Fergusson. CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES, MOSAICS, SCULPTURES, Ac. IN FOUR LANGUAGES. NOTE.—COLLECTION OF MODERN ART. In her public collections, England, with few exceptions, does not possess any of the works of her living artists which have been produced since 1855. The best examples of her Painters, admissible to the Exhibition, according to the rules, are the property of private purchasers, and the ornament of their homes. Such treasures are at all times borrowed with difficulty, which has in this instance been greatly increased by the risk of removal to a foreign country, and by the many recent Exhibitions of pictures on loan in England. For these reasons the art of the English School does not receive its full illustration in the present collection. In Painting, more especially in oil, the works of several distinguished artists do not appear, while some others are but inadequately repre¬ sented. In Sculpture the difficulties were further increased by the absence of appropriate space, and the injuries which unavoidably happened in the transport of marble groups to the former Exhibition, and English sculptors have made only few contributions. NOTE.—CEUVRES D'AHT MOD ERNE. Dans ses collections publiques, VAngleterre , sauf quelques exceptions, ne possede de ses artistes vivants, aucune des oeuvres produites depuis 1855. Les meilleurs tableaux de ses peintres, et qui rentrent dans les conditions dadmissibility a VExposition, sont des proprietes particulares, et ornent les habitations de ceux qui les possedent. Cest toujours avec dfficulte que Von prete de semblables tresors, et ces difficultes sont plus grandes encore, lorsque, comme dans la circonstance preserute, les risques que Von court augmentent par suite du transport des oeuvres dans un pays etr anger; si Von ajoute a cela les diver ses expositions de tableaux pretes qui ont eu lieu dans ces derniers temps, on comprendra pourquoi les specimens cVArt exposes ne representent qxVincompletement VEcole anglaise. En ce qui concerne plus particulierement la peinture a Vhuile,plusieurs artistes distingues ne sont pas represents, tandisque quelques a utres ne le sont que dune maniere insuffisante. Pour ce qui regarde la Sculpture, on a egalement rencmtre des difficultes serieuses a cause du manque demplacement d chord, et des accidents survenus dans le transport des groupes de marbre lors de Vexposition precedente. Les sculp - teurs anglais ont done fait des envois tres-restreints. GROUP I. Works of Art —CEuvres d'Art —Kunstwerke —Opere d’ Arte. COMMITTEE TOR THE GROUP. Duke of St. Albans Duke of Northumberland Marquess of Hertford, K.G. Marquess of Northampton Earl Stanhope Earl Somers Earl Russell, K.G. Lord Elcho, M.P. Lord Talbot de Malahide Lord Overstone Lord Taunton Lord Llanover Lord Romilly Right Hon. Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bart. C.B. M.P. Right, Hon. W. P. Cowper, M.P. Right Hon. H. A. Bruce, M.P. Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart. Sir Francis G-rant, P.R.A. Edward Akroyd, Esq. M.P. Howarth Ashton, Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq. M.P. R. Brocklebank, Esq. T. Brocklebank, Esq. A. Brooks, Esq. A. Burnand, Esq. Theophilus Burnand, Esq. C. Butler, Esq. James Caird, Esq. E. J. Coleman, Esq. Frederick W. Cosens, Esq. Henry W. Eaton, Esq. M.P. James Eden, Esq. Thomas Fairbairn, Esq. Charles Forster, Esq., M.P. Ernest Gambart, Esq. J. Graham, Esq. William Grapel, Esq. William H. Gregory, Esq. M.P. William J. Hamilton, Esq. D. Harrison, Esq. John Heugh, Esq. Henry Holdsworth, Esq. A. J. B. Beresford Hope, Esq. M.P. Louis Huth, Esq. John Kelk, Esq. M.P. J. Leaf, Esq. J. Leathart, Esq. C. Lucas, Esq. John Francis Maguire, Esq. M.P. C. P. Matthews, Esq. S. Mendel, Esq. Philip W. S. Miles, Esq. George Moore, Esq. Richard C. Naylor, Esq. J. Pender, Esq. M.P. John Penn, Esq. William Quilter, Esq. Richard Redgrave, Esq. R.A. James Reiss, Esq. J. Rogers, Esq. S. Rucker, Esq. Mr. Alderman Salomons, M.P. G. Schlotel, Esq. H. Schrceder, Esq. George R. Stephenson, Esq. John Swainson, Esq. Frederick Tayler, Esq. William Tite, Esq. M.P. Frederick T. Turner, Esq. Henry Warren, Esq. J. Whittaker, Esq. Samuel Redgrave, Esq. \ H. A. Bowler, Esq. Eyre Crowe, Esq. \ Secretaries. Charles Collins, Esq. A. C. King, Esq. J CLASS I. Paintings in Oil. Peintures a VHuile. Oelgemalde. Quadri a Olio. (For detailed classification, see p. xiv.) (Voir le systeme de classification , p. xiv.) (Fiir detaillirte Classification, siehe Seite xiv.) ( Vedasi il sistema di classifications, p. xiv.) JUROR—MEMBRE DU JURY PREISRICHTER—GIURATO. Viscount Hardinge. . ASSOCIATE- ASSOCIE HULFSPREISRICHTER—ASSOCIATO. John Leslie, Esq. 1 Ansdell, Richard, A.R.A., Lytham-house, St. Alban’s-road, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Treading ont the Corn (Alhambra) Foulant le hie ( Alhambra ) Kornaustreten (vie in der Alhambra zu sehen) Trehhia del grano veduta nelV Alhambra 2 Archer, James, R.S.A., 21a Phillimore-gar- dens, Kensington, London The property of L. V. Flatow, Esq. Buying an Indulgence for Sins committed and to be committed Se procurant une indulgence pour les peches du passe et de Xavenir Ablasskaufen fur begangene und zukiinftige Siinden Compra di indulgent a per peccati commessi e da commettersi 3 Arm:itage, Edward, A.R.A., 3 Hall-road, St. John’s-wood, London The property of the Artist Esther’s Banquet (Book of Esther vii. 7, 8) Le festin cXEsther (Livre d'Esther vii. 7, 8) Das Banquet Esther’s (Buch Esther vii. 7, 8) II Banchetto d’ Ester (Libro d'Ester vii. 7, 8.) 4 Baxlantyne, John, R.S.A., The Mall, Ken¬ sington, London The property of Peter Dickson, Esq. Daniel Maclise, R.A., at work on his fresco of ‘ The Death of Kelson ’ in the House of Lords Portrait de Daniel Maclise, B.A., occupe a peindre la fresque de ‘ La Mort de Nelson ’ dans la Chambre des Pairs Daniel Maclise, an seinem Fresco, 1 Der Tod Kelson’s,’ im Herrenhause arbeitend Daniel Maclise (Membro delX Accademia Beale') mentre lavora all' affresco della ‘ Morte di Nelson ’ che esegui nella Camera del Lords 48 Paintings in Oil—Peintures a VHuile. 5 Barclay, J. M., A.B.S.A., 11 Forres-street, Edinburgh The property of Her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Athole Full-length portrait of His Grace the late Duke of Athole Portrait en pied de 8a Grace feuleDued'Athole Portrait seiner Hoheit des verstorbenen Her¬ zogs von Athole in Lebensgrosse Ritratto in piede di Sua Eccellenza il Duca di Athole 0 Barwell, Frederick B., 8, Beresford-ter- race, Notting-hill, London. The property of the Artist The Pit-mouth ‘Unaccredited Heroes’ Heros non reconnus de la houillere Die nicht gewiirdigten Helden der Kohlengrube La bocca di miniera , ‘ Eroi senza Diploma ’ 7 Bottomley, John William, 46 Bedford- gardens, Kensington, London The property of Mrs. G. Holgate Foster Under the Cloud— Convert de nuages Unter den Wolken— Sotto una nube 8 Boxall, William, R.A., 14 Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, London The property of Rt. Hon. E. Cardwell, M.P. Portrait of Mrs. Cardwell Portrait de Madame Cardwell Portrait der Madame Cardwell Ritratto della Signora Cardwell » 9 Brett, John, 6 Pump-court, Temple, London The property of Alfred Morrison, Esq. Capri in the evening Capri , effet de soleil couche Capri im Abend Capri di sera 10 Bridell, Mrs. Lee, 8 Victoria-road, Ken¬ sington, London The property of the Artist An Arab Girl, her hair dyed with henna Jeune file arabe , avec les cheveuxteints dehennah Ein Arabisches Madchen, ihr Haar mit Henna gefarbt Fanciulla araba coi capelli tinti con alchenna 10a Brooks, T., 3 Upper Phillimore-gardens, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Bad news on the threshold Mauvaises nouvelles au seuil de la porte Traurige Nachricht an der Thiirschwelle Cattive nuove alia soglia 11 Burgess, John B., 30 Regent’s-park-road, London The property of Mr. Alderman Salomons, M.P. ‘ Bravo, Toro ! ’—‘ Bravo , Toro ! ’ ‘ Bravo, Toro! ’—‘ Bravo, Toro / ’ 12 Calderon, Philip H., A.R.A., 16 Marl- borough-place, St. John’s-wood, London The property of Alexander Collie, Esq. ‘Her Most High, Noble, and Puissant Grace’ * Tres-Haulte , Noble et Puissante Dame ’ ‘ Ihre sehr Hohe, Erlauchte und Machtige Gnaden ’ [Group I. Sua Altezza Nobilissima, Potentissima e Sere - nissima The property of James Fallows, Esq. The English Embassy in Paris on the night of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew JJAmbassade anglaise a Paris , pendant la unit de la Saint-Barthelemy Die Englische Gesandtschaft zu Paris in der St. Bartholomaus-Nacht LAmbasciata inglese a Parigi la notte del massacro di S. Bartolommeo 13 Carrick, J. M., 32 Regent-street, London The property of the Artist ‘ Chare-Ladder,’ Cornwall ‘ Chare-Ladder ,’ comte de Cornouailles ‘ Chare-Ladder,’ Cornwall ‘ Chare-Ladder ’ in Cornwall 14 Chester, George, 10 St. Alban’s-road, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Through the Wood— A travers laforet Durch den Wald— A tr aver so il Bosco 15 Claxton, Marshall, 13 Osnaburgh-street, Regent’s-park, London The property of the Artist The Procession to the Temple (Psalm lxviii.) La Procession vers le Temple (Psaume lxviii.) Der Zug nach dem Tempel (Psalm lxviii.) La Processione al Tempio ( Salmo lxviii.) 16 Clint, Alfred, 11 Young-street, Kensing¬ ton, London The property of the Artist Sunset after a Storm Soleil couchant apres Vorage Sonnenuntergang nach einem Sturm Tramonto dopo burrasca 17 Cole, Vicat, Holmbury-cottage, Dorking The property of Mr. Alderman Salomons, M.P. Summer’s Golden Crown Couronne dJor de Vfite Die goldene Krone des Sommers Corona aurea delV Estate 18 Collinson, Robert, 20 Hereford-square, London The property of Charles L. Collard, Esq. An English Solitude Paysage en Angleterre — Solitude . Englische Einsamkeit Solitudine inglese 19 Cooke, Edward WTlliam, R.A., F.R.S., The Ferns, Kensington, London The property of Ernest Gambart, Esq. Rescue of the crew of a Barque on the Good¬ win Sands by the ‘ Van Kook,’ North Deal Life-boat Delivrance de Vequipage d'une barque echouee sur le sable de Goodwin par le ‘ Van Rook' bateau de sauvetage de North Deal Rettung der Mannschaft einer Barke auf dem Goodwin-Sand durch das Rettungsboot ‘ Van Kook ’ von North Deal Salvagione della ciurma di una nave sulle Sabbie Goodwin dalla barca di salvagione ‘ Van Kook ’ di North Deal Class I.] Oelgemdlde—Quadri a Olio. 49 20 Cooper, Thomas Sidney, A.R.A^ 2 Dorset- square, Regent's-park, London The 'property of John D. Allcroft, Esq. ‘North’— Paysage en Ecosse ‘ Norden ’—‘ 11 Settentrione ’ 21 Cope, Charles "West, R.A., 19 Hyde-park- gate South, Kensington, London The property of John Kelk, Esq., M.P. The parting of Lord and Lady Russell Berniers adicux de Lord et Lady Russell Lord und Lady Russell’s Abschied L ’ estremo addio di Lord e Lady Russell 22 Corbould, Alfred, 9 Warwick-crescent, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Brigade Eield-day dour de revue par Brigade Feldtag der Brigade Esercizio campale di Brigata 23 Crowe, Eyre, 33 Langham-street, London The property of the Artist Whitefield preaching in Moorfields, 1742 Whitefield prechant a Moorfields , en 1742 Whitefield, predigend in Moorfields, 1742 Whitefield che predica in Moorfields, 1742 24 Davis, H. W. B., 10a Cunningham-place, St. John’s-wood, London The property of J. Morby, Esq. Spring-time, Vallee de la Liane, Pas de Calais Printemps , la Vallee de la Liane , Pas de Calais Eriihling, Vallee de la Liane, Pas de Calais Primavera , Vallata della Liane , Pas de Calais 25 Desanges, Louis W., 16 Stratford-place, London The property of the Artist Portrait of H.R.H. Alexandra Princess of Wales Portrait de S.A.R. Alexandra Princesse de Galles Portrait Ihrer Koniglichen Hoheit der Prin- zessin von Wales Ritratto di S.A.R. la Principessa di Galles 26 Dillon, Frank, 13 Upper Phillimore- gardens, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Temple near the Sphinx excavated by M. Mariette Temple pres du Sphinx , deblaye par M. Mariette Tempel bei der Sphinx, ausgegraben von M. Mariette Tempio presso la Sfinge scavato da M. Ma¬ riette 27 Dobson, Wm. C. T., A.R.A., Eldon-house, Hampstead, London The. property of Wm. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S. The Child Jesus in the Temple E Enfant Jesus au Tmple Das Kind Jesus im Tempel 11 Bambino Gesu net Tempio The property of Wm. Bowman, F.R.S. 27a Mamma’s Birthday La Fete de Maman Mammas Geburtstag La Festa della Mamma 28 Edwards, Miss Ellen, 10 Oakley-street, Chelsea, London The property of Henry Graves, Esq. The last Kiss— Le dernier baiscr Der letzte Kuss— E ultimo Bacio 29 Egg, Augustus, R.A. (the late) The property of T. Fairbairn, Esq. Scene from ‘ Henry Esmond ’ Scene da roman ‘ Henry Esmond ’ Scene von ‘ Henry Esmond ’ Scena dalV ‘ Henry Esmond ’ 30 Elmore, Alfred, R.A., 1 St. Alban’s-rord, Victoria-road, Kensington, London The property of John Kelk, Esq., M.P. The Tuileries, June 20, 1792 Les Tuileries , le 20 juin 1792 Die Tuilerien am 20. Juni 1792 Le Tuileries , 20 giugno 1792 The property of Arthur Burnand, Esq. 30a Within the Convent Walls Au Couvent Innerhalb der Mauern des Convents Tralle Mura del Convento The property of E. J. Coleman, Esq. 30 b ‘ On the Brink ’ ‘ Au bord de Vabime ’ ‘ An dem Abgrunde ’ ‘ Suit Orlo 9 31 Faed, Thomas, R.A., Sussex-villa, Camp- den-hill, London The property of John Fleming, Esq. ‘ His Only Pair ’ — 1 La seule paire ’ ‘ Sein einziges Paar ’ — ‘7? solo Paio ’ The property of S. Leaf, Esq. 31a ‘ Baith Faither and Mither’ ‘ Et pere et mere ’ ‘ Sowohl Vater wie Mutter’ ‘ Babbo e Mamma ’ The property ofZ. Davidson, Esq. 31 b ‘ Music hath Charms ’ ‘ Toute musique a ses charmes 1 Musik hat Reize ’ ‘ La Musica ha Attrattive ’ 32 Farrier, Robert, 2 Hemus-terrace, Chel¬ sea, London The property of the Artist ‘ L’avarice perd tout en voulant tout gagner’ ‘ Eavarice perd tout en voulant tout gagner ’ Geiz (‘L’avarice perd tout en voulant tout gagner’) ‘ H avarizia perde tutto bramando tutto ’ 33 Fisk, Wm. Henry, Perth-villa, Bartholo- mew-road North, Kentish-town, London The property of the Artist The last night of Jesus Christ in His Naza- rene home.—‘ The night is far spent, the day is at hand.’ D 50 [Group I. Painting in Oil—Peintures a VHuile. La derniere soiree de Jesus-Christ a Bazareth. —‘ La nuit est deja fort avancee et le jour s'approche ’ Die letzteNacht Jesu Christi in seiner Heimath zu Nazareth—‘ Die Nacht ist beinahe voriiber, der Tag bricht an ’ E ultima Notte di Gesii Cristo nella Sua Casa in Nazaret —‘ La notte se ne va, il giorno si avvicina ’ 34 Frith, Wm. Powell, E.A., 7 Pembridge- yillas, Bayswater, London The property of Vi. Grapel, Esq. Claude Duval— Claude Duval Claude Duval— Claudio Duval 35 Frost, Wm. Edward, A.E.A., 38 Fitzroy- street, London The property of J. Morby, Esq. The Death of Adonis— La Mort d' Adonis Der Tod des Adonis— La Morte di Adone The property of C. Eoberson, Esq. 35a L’Allegro— E Allegro L’Allegro (das Allegro)— P Allegro The property of C. Eoberson, Esq. 35b A Eiver Nymph— Nymphe du fleuve Eine Flussnymphe— Unaninfa di fume 36 Gale, William, Langham-chambers, Port- land-plaee, London The property of William Clare, Esq. The Alabaster Box of Fhecious Ointment Le vase d'albatre plein dhuile de parfum Die Alabaster-Dose mit werthvoller Salbe La scatola d ’ alabastro delV unguento pre- zioso 37 Gilbert, Jno. Graham, E.S.A. (the late) The property of Lord Provost and Magistrates of the City of Edinburgh Portrait of Eight Hon. Chas. Lawson, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1865 Portrait du Tres-Honor able C. Lawson, Lord Provost d'Edimbourg , 1865 Portrait von Charles Lawson, Lord Provost von Edinburg, 1865 Pdtratto del Motto Onorevole Carlo Lawson, Ijord Provost di Edimburgo, 1865 38 Gill, William, 10 Portland-place, Lea¬ mington The property of the Artist A Eecollection of Guy Fawkes’ Day, Fifty Years Ago Souvenir du Jour de Guy Fawkes, cinquante ans passes. Errinnerung an Guy Fawkes’ Tag (Pulver- verschworung) vor funfzig Jahren Bimembranza della giornata di Guido Fawkes, cinquant’ annifa 39 Good all, Frederick, E.A., 3 Camden- square, London The property of Thomas Lucas, Esq. The Palm-Offering Offrande de palmes Das Palmen-Opfer E Offer t a delle palme The property of the Eoyal Academy 39a The Nubian Harper Jouevr de la harpe de Nubie Der Nubische Harfenspieler E Arpista nubiano 40 Gordon, Sir Watson, E.A. (the late) The property of the University of Oxford Portrait of the Prince of Wales Portrait du Prince de Galles Portrait des Prinzen von Wales Bitratto del Principe di Galles The property of the Eoyal Academy 40a Portrait of Sir Wm. Allan, E.A. Portrait de Sir William Allan, B.A. Portrait des Sir W. Allan, B.A. Bitratto di Sir W. Allan, B.A. 41 Graham, Peter, 13 Gloucester-terraee, Campden-hill, Kensington, London The property of Frederick Somes, Esq. A Spate in the Highlands Crue d'eau dans les Highlands de LEcosse Ein Wasserfall in dem Hochlande Una Piena negli Altipiani ( scozzesi ) 42 Grant, Sir Francis, P.E.A., 27 Sussex- place, Eegent’s-park, London. The property of Viscount Hardinge The late F. M. Viscount Hardinge, accom¬ panied by his two Sons and Colonel Wood, his Military Secretary, returning from the Battle of Ferozeshah Betour de la bataille de Ferozeshah de feu le Marechal Vicomte Hardinge, accompaqne de ses deux fils et du Colonel Wood, Secretaire Militaire Der verstorbene F. M. Viscount Hardinge mit seinen beiden Sohnen und dem Colonel Wood, seinem Kriegs-Secretair, zuriick- kehrend von der Schlacht bei Ferozeshah E fu F. M. Visconte Hardinge accompagnato dai suoi due figli e dal Colonnello Wood suo Segretario Militare, al ritorno dalla battaglia di Ferozeshah The property of M. Higgins, Esq. 42a Portrait of M. Higgins, Esq. (the Dog painted by Sir E. Landseer) Portrait de M. M. Higgins {le chien par Sir E. Jjandseer) Portrait des Herrn M. Higgins (der Hund ist gemalt von Sir E. Landseer) Bitratto del Signor Higgins {il cane dipinto da Sir Edwin Landseer') The property of Mrs. Markham 42b Portrait of Mrs. Markham Portrait de Madame Markham Portrait der Madame Markham Bitratto della Signora Markham The property of Mrs. Brassey 42c Portrait of Mrs. Brassey, with favourite Horse and two Dogs Portrait de Madame Brassey, avec son cheval favori et deux chicns Portrait der Madame Brassey, mit Lieblings- pferd und zwei Hunden Bitratto della Signora Brassey con cavallo e due cani prediletti — • 51 Class I.] Oelgemalde- 43 Hardy, Frederick D., Cranbrook, Kent 1 'he property of Jas. Eden, Esq. The Sweep! Le Bcimoneur! Der Schornsteinfeger! Lo Spazzacammino ! The property of Samuel Cartwright, Esq. 43a The Crash! Le Fracas ! Der Einsturz ! Lo Sco?iquasso! 44 Hardy, George, Cranbrook, Staplehurst, Kent The property of W. H. Wall, Esq. Evening— Soir Der Abend— Sera 45 Harvey, Sir George, P.R.S.A., Edinburgh The property of James Young, Esq. Scottish Moorland Bruy'ere de VEcosse Schottisches Moorland Landa scozzese 46 Hayllar, James, 15 Mecklenburgh-square, London The property of the Artist Queen Elizabeth’s Toothache Mai de dents de la Heine Elisabeth Das Zahnweh der Konigin Elisabeth 11 mal di denti della Begina Elisabetta 47 Hemsley, Wm., 13 Hereford-square, South Kensington, London The property of Lord Bolton The Start La Course Der Anfang des Rennens La Mossa 48 Hodgson, John Evan, 5 Hill-road, Abbey- road, London The property of S. Cartwright, Esq. Return of Sir Francis Drake to Plymouth after the Naval Expedition against the Spaniards in 1587 Betour de Sir Francis Drake a Plymouth, apres Vexpedition 'maritime contre VEspaqne en 1587 Zuriickkunft des Sir Francis Drake nach Plymouth nach der See-Expedition gegen die Spanier, 1587 Bitorno di Sir Francis Drake a Plymouth dopo la spedizione navale contro gli Spagnuoli , 1587 49 Hook, James C., R.A., Witley, Godaiming The propfrty of C. P. Matthews, Esq. From under the Sea Du fond de la mer Yon unter der See Di sotto il mare The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. 49a Sea Urchins— Gamins de la mer Seeigel— Bicci di mare The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. 49b Trawlers— Pecheurs Fischer— Pescatori di pesci piccoli Quadri a Olio. 50 Horsley, John C., R.A., Willesley, Staple¬ hurst The property of Thomas Lucas, Esq. The New Dress La nouvelle robe Das neue Kleid E Abito nuovo 51 Hughes, Arthur, Windsor-lodge, Wind- sor-street, Putney The property of James Leathart, Esq. Home from Work Apres une journee de travail Die Heimkehr von der Arbeit A casa dal lavoro 52 Hunt, Alfred W. The property of J. Lothian Bell, Esq. Time and Tide Temps et maree riattendent personne Zeit und Fluth E Ora e la Marea 53 Hunt, W. Holman, 15 Queensborough- terrace, Bayswater, London The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. The Afterglow in Egypt Apres le coucher du soleil en Egypte Die Abenddammerung in Egypten E Ardore riflesso in Egitto 54 Hurlstone, Fred. Y., 9 Chester-street, Belgrave-square, London The property of the Artist Gulnare and the Pacha Gulnare et le Pacha Gulnare und der Pascha Gulnara col Pascia The property of D. Gooch, Esq. 54a Mazeppa Watched by the Cossack Maid La jeune file cosaque veille sur Mazeppa Mazeppa bewacht von dem Cosaken-Madchen Mazzeppa vegliato dalla fanciulla cossacca 55 Inchbold, J. W., 25 Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London The property of A. Morrison, Esq. King Arthur s Island E lie du Boi Arthur Konig Arthur’s Insel E Isola del Be Arturo 56 Johnston, Alex., 2 Upper Fitzroy-street, London The property of Frederic Somes, Esq. The Land o’ the Leal Le pays des fidelcs Das Land Leal La terra di Leal 57 Keyl, Fred. Wm., 33 Carlton-hill, St. John’s-wood, London The property of Henry Graves, Esq. Water Dogs Chiens a Veau Wasserhunde Bracchi da acqua d 2 52 Paintings in Oil—Peintures a VHuile. [Group I. 58 Knight, John P., R.A., 20 James’-street, Buckingham-gate, London The 'property of the Royal Academy Sir C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A. Portrait de feu Sir Charles L. Eastlake, Presi¬ dent de V Academie Royale Sir. C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A. Sir C. L. Eastlake, P.R.A. The property of General Cabrera 58 a General Cabrera, Condede Morelia Portrait du General Cabrera, Comte de Mo¬ relia General Cabrera, Graf von Morelia 11 General Cabrera , Conte di Morelia 59 Landseer, Sir Edwin, R.A., 1 St. John’s- wood-road, London The property of W. H. Eaton, Esq. M.P. * The Shrew Tamed’— 1 La Jument domptee ’ ‘ The Shrew Tamed’ (das gezahmte bose Weib) ‘ L Indomita domata ’ 60 Leader, Benjamin Wm., The Lodge, Whit¬ tington, Worcester The property of A. Castellain, Esq. Autumn’s Last Gleam Pernier rayon de VAutomne Der letzte Glimmer des Herbstes R ultimo barlume d'Autunno 61 Leighton, Ered., A.R.A., 2 Orme-square, Bayswater, London The property of Messrs. Agnew & Sons The Brides of Syracuse Les Fiancees de Syracuse Die Braute von Syracus Le Fidanzate di Siracusa The property of E. L. S. Benzon, Esq. 61a Golden Hours Reures precieuses Goldene Stunden Ore auree 62 Leslie, George, 2 Elgin-road, Edgware* road, London The property of John Humphery, Esq. Clarissa— Clarisse Clarissa— Clarissa 63 Levin, Phobus, 19 Westbourne-park- crescent, London The property of Archibald Scott, Esq. A Royalist Mother Depositing her Child at the Eoundling Hospital, 1792 line mere royaliste deposant son enfant a VHospice des Enfants trouves, en 1792 Eine Royalistin, die ihr eigenes Kind in das Eindelhaus bringt, 1792 Madre Realista che deposita il Figlio ai Trovatelli , 1792 64 Lewis, Charles J., Cheyne-house, Chelsea, London The property of the Artist A Berkshire Barleyfield Piece Lorge, comte de Berkshire Ein Gerstenfeld in Berkshire Campo I Orzo in Berkshire 65 Lewis, John Fred., R.A., Walton-on- Thames The property of Wm. Leaf, Esq. The Hosh (courtyard) of the House of the Coptic Patriarch, Cairo Covr de la maison du Patriarche Cophte , au Caire Der ‘ Hosh ’ oder Hof des Hauses des Copti- schen Patriarchen zu Cairo ‘X’ Hosh ’ ( cortile ) della Casa del Patriarca Copta at Cairo The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. 65a A Turkish School in the Vicinity of Cairo Ecole turque aux environs du Caire Eine Tiirkische Schule in der Nachbarschaft von Cairo Scuola Turca nei dintorni del Cairo 66 Linnell, John, Sen., Red Hill, Surrey The property of John Chapman, Esq. A Cornfield Champ de ble Ein Kornfeld Campo di grano 67 Linnell, Thomas G., Red Hill, Surrey The property of the Artist The Gipsey Dell Repaire des Bohemiens Das Zigeuner-Loch II Valloncello dello Zingano 68 Linnell, Wm., Red Hill, Surrey The property of William Harrison, Esq. ‘ As a Shepherd divideth the Sheep from the Goats ’ ‘ Comme un berger separe les brebis davec les boucs ’ * Wie ein Schafer die Schafe von den Ziegen absondert ’ ‘ Come il Pastore separa le Pecore dalle Capre ’ 69 Long, Edwin, 33 Ovington-square, London The property of Henry Wallis, Esq. Theatre at a Spanish Fair Theatre de foire en Espagne Theater auf einer Spanischen Messe Teatro ad una Fiera spagnuola 70 Lucy, Charles, Tudor-lodge, Albert-street, Morninglon-crescent, London The property of the Artist Burial of Charles I. in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, 1649 Sepulture du Roi Charles I er dans la Chapelle St. George , a Windsor, en 1649 Begrabniss Karls I. in dor St. George’s Kapelle, zu Windsor, 1649 Tumulazione di Carlo I. nella Cappella di S. Giorgio a Windsor, 1649 72 MacCallum, A., 47 Bedford-gardens, Camp- den-hill, London The property of A. Morrison, Esq. Edge of Gorge aux Loups, Fontainebleau Bord de la Gorge aux Loups, a Fontainebleau Rand der Gorge aux Loups zu Fontainebleau Orlo della Gorge aux Loups , Fontainebleau Class I.] Oelgemalde—Quadri a Olio. 53 73 McCulloch, George, 12 Bloomsbury- street, London The 'property of the Artist Lost Eurydice Eurydice perdue Lie verlorene Eurydice Euridice perduta 74 McCulloch, Horatio, E.S.A., Edinburgh The property of ¥m. Harrison, Esq. Loch Katrine, Perthshire Le Lac Katrine, en Ecosse Loch Katrine (Katrinensee), Perthshire Lago Katrine, Perthshire 75 McInnes, Robt., Ravenscroft, Stirling The property of Miss Margaret Graham The Infant Sunday School Eecole du dimanche Lie Sonntagsschule fur kleine Kinder La Scuola infantile dominicale 76 Macnee, Lanl., R.S.A., 14 Montagu-place, Glasgow The property of the Artist Mother and Child La mere et son enfant Mutter und Kind Madre e Figlio 77 Marks, Henry S., Camden-villa, Hill-road, London The property of E. Akroyd, Esq. The Franciscan Sculptor and his Model Le sculpteur franciscain et son modele Lie Franciscaner Bildhauer und sein Modell Lo Scultore francescano ed il suo Modello 78 Marshall, Thomas F., "Walton-villa, Vic¬ toria-road, Kensington, London The property of the Artist The Parting Lay Le jour dl adieu Ler Abschiedstag 11 Giorno di Tartenza 79 Martineau, Robert B., 1 Clarendon-road, Victoria-road, Kensington, London The property of A. H. Novelli, Esq. The Last Lay in the Old Home Le dernier jour dans la vieille demcure Ler letzte Tag im alten Hause E ultimo Giorno nelV antica Dimora 80 Millais, J. Everett, R.A., Cromwell- place, South Kensington, London The property of Charles Lucas, Esq. The Eve of St. Agnes La veille de Ste. Agnes Ler Abend von St. Agnes La Vigilia di Sta. Agnese The property of J. Pender, Esq. 80a Sowing Tares Satan semant Tivraie Unkrautsaen Seminar Zizzania The property of W. L. Bell, Esq. 80b The Romans leaving Britain Les Romains quittant la Grande-Bretagne Ler Abzug der Romer aus England I Romani che abbandonano la Gran Brettagna 81 Moore, Henry, 8 Shefiield-terrace, Ken¬ sington, London The property of the Artist Brading Lown, Isle of Wight Brading Down, lie de Wight Brading Lown, Insel Wight La Duna di Brading, Isola di Wight 82 Morgan, John, The Villas, Aylesbury The property of John Morgan, Esq. Sums Le calcul Summen Somme 83 Morris, P. R. 11 Queen’s-road West, Chelsea, London The property of Thomas Lambert, Esq. Knightly Mirror Le miroir chevaleresque Ritterspiegel Specchio cavalleresco 84 Mutrie, Miss A. F., 9 St. Alban’s-road, Kensington, London The property of C. E. Stubbs, Esq. Cactus— Cactus —Cactus— Cactus 85 Mutrie, Miss M. L., 9 St. Alban’s-road, Kensington, London The property of C. E. Stubbs, Esq. Orchids— Orchis —Orehiden— Orchidee 86 Nicol, Erskine, 24 Lawson-place, London The property of Thomas Somes, Esc. Paying the Rint Le paiemeut du loyer Las Bezahlen der Miethe II Bagamento del Fitto The property of George Simpson, Esq. 86a Both Puzzled Tous deux embarrasses Beide verwirrt Ambedue confusi 87 Oakes, J. Wright, 28 Victoria-road, South Kensington, London The property of the Artist The Levil’s Bridge, Pass of St. Gothard, Hail Storm coming on Le pont du diable, Defile de St. Gothard, ap- proche de la grele Lie Teufelsbriicke in dem St. Gotthards-Passe, der kommende Hagelsturm Ponte del Diavolo, Basso del S. Gottardo, Gran - dine immincnte 54 Paintings in Oil—Peintures a VHuile. [Group I. 88 O’Neil, Henry, A.R.A., 7 Victoria-road, Kensington, London The 'property of E. Leatham, Esq. Eastward Ho !— Partant 'pour la Crimee Ostwarts Ho !— All ’ Oriente! The property of E. Leatham, Esq. 88a A Volunteer Levouement Ein Freiwilliger Volontario 89 Orchardson, W. Quiller, 20 Brecknock- crescent, London The property of Stephen Plummer, Esq. The Challenge Le defi Hie Herausforderung La Sfida The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. 89a Christophero Sly Christophero Sly ( Shakspeare ) Christophero Sly Cristoforo Sly ( scaltro) 90 Osborne, Emily, 133 Grower-street, Bed ford-square, London The property of C. Prater, Esq. Hesitation Hesitation Unentschlossenheit litubanza The property of Miss Osborne 90a ‘ Half the world kno.vs not how the other half lives’ ‘ Nous ne savons guere ce qui se passe a cote de chez nous' ‘ Hie eine Halfte der Welt weiss nicht, wie die andere lebt’ ‘ Meta del mondo non sa come vice V altra meta' 91 Paton, Sir J. Noel, R.S.A., 33 George- square, Edinburgh The property of Alex. Hill, Esq. In Memoriam (India, 1858) In Memoriam ( Indes , 1858) In Memoriam (India, 1858) In Memoriam (India, 1858) The property of Wm. Wilson, Esq. 91a Homo from the Crimea Le retour de la Crimee Heim aus der Krim A Casa dalla Crimea 92 Paton, Waller, H., R.S.A., Rosehall- lodge, Edinburgh The property of Mrs. Stirling Outlet to Loch Achray Lebouche du Lac Achray Her Ausfluss des Achray-Sees Emissano al Lago Achray 93 Pettie, John, A.R.A., 37 Gloucester-road, Regent’s-park, London The property of V. Flatow, Esq. The Arrest for Witchcraft Sorciere arretee Hie Verhaftung fur Hexerei Arresto per Stregoneria 94 Phillip, John, R.A. (the late) The property of John Pender, Esq. La Gloria, a Spanish Wake La Gloria,veille en Espagne La Gloria, ein Spanischer Begrabnissschmauss La Gloria, Veglia spagnuola The property of the Executors 94a A study—Ein Studium Etude—Studio 95 Phillips, Henry W., 8 George-street, Ilanover-square, London The property of the Artist Portraits of Captains Speke and Grant, Afri¬ can travellers Portraits des Capitaines Speke ct Grant, ex - plorateurs de VAfrique Portraits der Capitane Speke und Grant (Rei- sende in Afrika) Bitratti dei Capitani Speke e Grant, viaggia- tori in Africa 96 Pickersgill, Fred. Richard, R.A., Park- house, East Moulsey, Surrey The property of C. J. Northcote, Esq. Pirates of the Mediterranean playing at dice for prisoners Corsaires de la Mediterranee jouant aux des pour leurs prisonniers Seerauber vom Mittellandisehen Meer, die Gefangene auswiirfeln Pirati del Mediterraneo che si giuocano a dadi i Prigiotiieri 97 Poole, Paul Falconer, R.A., Glyddes- house, Haverstock-hill, London The property of C. F. Perkins, Esq. The Song of Philomena on the Shore of the Beautiful Lake Chanson de Philomene sur le bord du Beau Lac Her Gesang der Philomena am Ufer des Schonen Sees II Canto di Filomela suite rive del Bel Lago The property of C. P. Matthews, Esq. 97a A suburb of Pompeii during the time of its burial under the ashes of Mount Vesuvius Faubourg de Pompeii, pendant son ensevelisse- ment sous les cendres du Vesuve Eine Vorstadt von Pompeji wahrend ihres Begrabnisses unter den Aschon des Vesuvs Sobborgo di Pompei al tempo in cui fu sepolta dalle ceneri del Vesuvio 98 Prinsep, Val. C., 1 Holland-park-road, Addison-road, London The property of the Artist Berenice, a Venetian study Berenice, etude de Venise Berenice, ein Venetianisches Studienblatt Berenice, studio veneziano 99 Rankley, Alfred, Clifton-villa, Camp- den-hill, Kensington, London The property of Alex. Collie, Esq. ‘ The Hoctor’s Coming! ’ ‘ Voila le medecin !' ‘ Her Hoctor kommt! * ‘ 11 Lottore viene ! * Class I.] Oelgemalde—Quadri a Olio . 55 99a Raven, John, The Grange, Shepperton Green, Chertsey, Surrey The 'property of the Artist The Crops Green— Champs de hie Die griine Saat— Grano in erha 100 Redgrave, Richard, R.A., 18 Hyde-park- gate South, Kensington, London The property of C. Lucas, Esq. Jane Shore Jane Shore Jane Shore Giovanna Shore The property of the Artist 100a The Valleys stand thick with Corn Les vallees sont revetues defroment Die Thaler sind voll von Korn Le Valii sono folte di Grano 101 Roberts, David, R.A., (the late) The property of C. Lucas, Esq. View of Greenwich Hospital Vue de Vhbpital de Greenwich Ansicht von Greenwich Hospital Veduta dello sped ale di Greenwich The property of C. Lucas, Esq. 101a View on the Thames, Westminster Vue de la Tamise, a Westminster Ansicht der Themse, Westminster Veduta sul Tamigi, Westminster 102 Salter, William, Devon-lodge, Portland- place, Kensington, London The property of Robert Barbour, Esq. Interview between Charles I. and his three younger children, Duke of York, Duke of Gloucester, and the Princess Elizabeth, in the presence of Cromwell Entrevue du Boi Charles Ier et les trois plus jeunes de ses enfants, le Due d' York, le Due de Gloucester et la Princesse Elisabeth, en presence de Cromwell Unterredung von Karl I. mit seinen drei jiingeren Kindern, dem Herzog von York, dem Herzog von Gloucester und der Prin- zessin Elisabeth, in Gegenwart Cromwell’s Abboccamento fra Carlo lei suoi tre figli minori, Duca di York , Duca di Gloucester, e la Principessa Elisabetta in presenza di Crom¬ well 103 Sant, James, A.R.A., 43 Lancaster-gate, Hyde Park, London The property of the Artist The First Sense of Sorrow—an incident in the life of Steele De premier chagrin—incident de la jeunesse de Steele Die erste Sorge, ein Zufall in dem Leben Steele’s La prima Sensazione di Dolore—disgrazia della gioventu di Steele The property of the Artist 103 a Claude, younger Son of N. Mantefiore, Esq. Portrait de Claude , fils cadet de M. N. Monte- fiore Claude, der jiingere Sohn des Herrn N. Man- t ffiore Claudio , figlio minore del Signor M. Montefiore 104 Smallfield, Frederick, 15 Greville- place, Ivilburn priory, London The property of Charles Pearson, Esq. The Approach of Twilight L' appro che du c repus aide Der Anbruch des Zwieliehtes L Avvicinarsi del Crepuscolo 105 Solomon, Rebecca, 106 Gower-street, Bedford-square, London The property of Charles Prater, Esq. Peg Woffington’s Visit to Triplet Visite de Peg Woffington a Triplet Peg Woffington’s Besuch zu Triplet Visita di Peg Woffington a Triplet 106 Stanfield, Clarkson, R.A., 6 Bel size- road, London The property of Theoph. Burnand, Esq. The Bay of Naples Bale de Naples Die Bai von Neapel La Baia di Napoli 107 Spence, B., Villa Spence, Florence The property of the Artist A Bacchante Bacchante Eine Bacchantin Baccante 108 Stone, Frank, A.R.A. (the late) The property q/Thos. Baring, Esq., M.P. ‘ Bon jour, Messieurs ! ’ 1 Bon jour. Messieurs!' ‘ Bon jour, Messieurs i ’ ‘ Bon jour, Messieurs !' The property of A. C. Burnand, Esq. 108 a Marguerite at her Spinning-wheel Marguerite filant au roust Gretchen am Spinnrad Margherita al Mulinello 109 Sykes, Godfrey (the late) The property of J. Firth, Esq. Interior of a Sheffield Workshop Lnterieur dun atelier a Sheffield Das Innere einer Werkstatt in Sheffield Lnterno di un ’ Officina a Sheffield 110 Tennant, John, Springfield-villa, Queen’s- road, Richmond The property of the Artist The Last Drops after a Storm Les dernieres gouttes de pluie apres Vorage Der letzte Tropfen nach einem Sturm Le ultimo Gocce dopo una Burrasca 56 Paintings in Oil—Peintures a VHuile. 111 Thomas, George Hotjsman, Uplands, Sur¬ biton, Surrey The property of Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Consort at Aldershot La Feme et le Prince Albert, a Aldershot ‘J)ie Konigin und der Prinz-Gemahl in Al¬ dershot La Regina e il Principe Consorte a Aldershot 112 Thompson, Jacob, The Hermitage, Hack- thorpe, Penrith The property of the Artist The Holiday— Le jour de conge Der Feiertag — Giorno di Festa 113 Thorburn, Pobert, A.R.A., View-park, Lasswade, Edinburgh The property of the Artist A Magdalene— La Madeleine Fine Magdalene— Maddalena 114 Wallis, Henry, 1 Westminster-chambers, London The property of Samuel Withers, Esq. Chatterton— Chatterton — Chatterton — Chat - terton 115 Walton, Jas. T., 123 Walmgate, York The property'of the Artist A Scene near Algiers Vue pres d' Alger Eine Scene bei Algier Seen a presso Algeri 116 Ward, Edward M., R.A., Kent-villa, 1 Lansdowne-road, Notting-hill, London The property of J. Pender, Esq. The Night of Rizzio’s Murder La nuit du meurtre de Rizzio Die Nacht von Rizzio’s Ermordung La Notte delV Uccidio di Rizzio The property of the Artist 116 a Ante-room at Whitehall during the last Moments of Charles II. Antichamhre a Whitehall;—dernieres heures du Roi Charles II. Das Vorzimmer in Whitehall wiihrend der letzten Augenblicke von Karl II. Anticamera a Whitehall duranti gli ultimi momenti di Carlo II. 117 Ward, Henrietta, 1 Lansdowne-road, Notting-hill, London The property of A. Holtz, Esq. Palissy the Potter Palissy le potier Palissy der Topfer Palissy il Vasellaio 118 Watkins, B. Colles, R.H.A., 77 Dame- street, Dublin The property of the Artist Waterfall between Vossevangen and Vasen- den, Norway Chute d'eau entre Vossevangen et Vasenden (Norvege) Wasserfall zwisehen Vossevangen und Vasen¬ den, Norwegen Cascata fra Vossevangen e Vasenden in Nor - vegia [Group I. 119 Watts, G. F., A.P.A., Little Holland House, Kensington, London The property of Wm. Bowman,Esq. Orlando pursuing the Fata Morgana Roland poursuivant le feufollet Poland verfolgt die Fata Morgana Orlando che insegue la Fata Morgana The property of Vi. Bowman, Esq. 119a Portrait of W. Bowman, Esq., F.R.S. Portrait de M. W. Bowman, F.R.S. Portrait des Herrn W. Bowman, F.R.S. Ritratlo del Sig. W. Bowman (Membro della Societa Reale) 120 Webster, Thos., R.A., Cranbrook, Kent The property of T. Bernard, Esq. Village Gossips Les Commeres du Village Dorfgeschwatz Pettegolezzi del Villaggio 121 Weigall, Henry, 102 Piccadilly, London The property of the Artist H.R.H. Alexandra, Princess of Wales Portrait de S.A.R. la Princesse de Galles Ihre Konigliche Hoheit Alexandra, Prinzessin von Wales S.A.R. Alessandra Principcssa di Galles The property of Viscountess Clifden 121a Viscountess Clifden Portrait de la Vicomtesse Clifden Viscountess Clifden Viscontessa Clifden 122 Wells, Henry T., A.R.A., 17 Stratford- place, London The property of the Artist Volunteers at a Firing Point, w’ith portraits of Lt.-Col. the Hon. W. Colville, Lt.-Col. Lord Elcho, Lt.-Col. Halford, Capt. Drake, P.E., Capt. Horatio Ross, Capt. Heaton, Stewart Pixley, Martin R. Smith, and Ed¬ ward C. Ross Volontaires an tir—portraits Freiwillige auf dem Schiessstand—Portraits Volontan inpunto difarfuoco — div.rsi ritratti 123 Yeames, Wm. Fredk., A.R.A., 4 Grove- end-road, St. John’s-wood, London The property of 0. Coope, Esq. Queen Elizabeth receiving the French Ambas¬ sadors, after the news of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew Reception par la Reine Elisabeth des Ambas- sadeurs de France apres avoir regu la nouvelle de la Saint-Barthllemy Konigin Elisabeth empfangt die Franzosischen Gesandten nach der Nachricht von der St. Bartholomaus-Nacht La Regina Elisabetta chericeve gli Ambasciatori francesi dopo le notizie del Massacro di S. Bartolommeo The property of the Artist 123a II Sonetto Il Sonetto Il Sonetto (das Stiindchen) Il Sonetto Class II.] Gemalde und Zeichnungen in Wasscrfarben—Acquerelli e Disegni. 57 CLASS II. Water-colour Paintings and Drawings. Aquarelles et Dess ins. Gemalde und Zeichnungen in Wasser- farben. Acquerelli e Disegni. (For detailed classification, see p. xiv.) ( Voir le systeme de classification , p. xiv.) (Fur detaillirte Classification, siehe Seite xiv.) (Vedasi il sistema di classificazione , p. xiv.) JUROR— MEMBRE DU JURY— PREISRICHTER—GIURATO. Hon. Spencer Cowper. ASSOCIATE—ASSOCIE— HULPSPREISRICHTER—ASSOCIATO. S. Vincent, Esq. 1 Absolon, John, 43 Aldridge-road Villas, Westbourne-park, London The property of the Artist ‘ Kiss-in-the-ring ’ Jeu anglais, dit ‘ Kiss in the Bing ’ Der Kuss in dem Ring fein Spiel) II Bacio net Circolo (giuoco popolare) 2 Andrews, George, The Cedars, New Brent¬ ford, Middlesex The property of F. White, Esq. The Colosseum, Rome Le Colisce a Borne Das Colosseum zu Rom B Coliseo, Boma 3 Bailey, J. W., 119 Blenheim-crescent, Notting-hill, London The property of the Artist Twenty-one enamels of animals’ heads j Emaux. Tetes dtanimaux Ein und zwanzig Emaillen yon Thierkopfen Ventuno smalti di teste d'animali 4 Bayliss, Wyxe, Clapham-park-creseent, London The property of the Artist La Sainte Chapelle La Sainte Chapelle Die heilige Capelle Ija Santa Cappella 5 Bennett, W illiam, Milford-lodge, NewPark- road, Brixton-hill, London The property of W. Agar, Esq. Richmond Hill; sunset La colline de Bichmond ; soleil couchant Der Hiigel von Richmond ; Sonnenuntergang Bichmond Hill; tramonto The property of C. H. White, Esq. 5a The Shag Rock, South Devon Le rocher Shag, comte de Devon {Sud) Die Shag-Felsen, Siid-Devonshire 11 Shag Bock net Slid Devon 6 Blunden, Miss Anna, The Close, Exeter The property of the Artist An English Lane Sentier en Angleterre Eine Englische Gasse Una viottola inglese 7 Bowler, Henry Alexander, 21 Pembroke- square, Kensington, London The property of the Artist On the Lake of Lucerne, Switzerland Sur le lac de Lucerne , la Suisse A uf dem Lueerner See, Schweiz Sul Lago di Lucerna, Svizzera 8 Boyce, George Price, 14 Chatham-place, London The property of J. Stewart Hodgson, Esq. At Binsey, near Oxford A.. Binsey, pres dJ Oxford Zu Binsey, bei Oxford A Binsey , presso Oxford 10 Brett, John, 6 Pump-court, Temple, London The property of George Martineau, Esq. A North-west Squall in the Mediterranean Coup de vent du nord-ouest dans la Mediter- ranee Ein Nordwest-Wind im Mittellandischen Meer Un Bifalo dal Nort-ovest nel Mediterraneo 11 Burgess, John, Wellington-house, Lea¬ mington The property of the Artist Yew Tree, Churchyard, Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales If dans le cimetiere de Bettws-y-Cocd (pays de Gall.es, Kord) Eibenbaum, Kirchhof, Bettws-y-Coed, Nord- Wales Tasso , cimitero di Bettws-y-Coed, Kord Galles The property of the Artist 11A The Calvary at Pleyben, Brittany Calvaire, a Pleyben en Bretagne Der Kalvarienberg zu Pleyben, Bretagne II Calvario a Dleyben, Brettagna 12 Callow, William, Great Missenden, Bucks The property of the Artist Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen Chute du Bhin, a Schaffhouse Der Rheinfall zu Schaffhausen Cascate del Beno a Shaffhausen The property of the Artist 12 a Inverary— In verary —Inverary— Inver ary 13 Cattermole, George The property of John Henderson, Esq. The Saucy Page Le page impertinent Der unartige Page B Baggio impertmente 14 Cole, Vicat, Holmbury Cottage, Dorking The property of E. F. White, Esq. Evening— Soir Abend— Sera 58 Water-colour Paintings and Drawings—Aquarelles et Dessins. 15 Corbould, Edward Henry, 6 Prince of Wales’-terrace, Kensington-palace, London The property o/H.R.H. the Princess Louise ‘ Morte d’Arthur ’ (Tennyson’s poem) * Morte dArthur ’ (Poeme de Tennyson ) ‘ Morte d : Arthur (Tennyson’s Gedicht) ‘ Morte d? Arturo ’ (Poema di Tennyson) 16 Cox (the late), David The property of David Cox, Esq., jun. Peat Gatherers Coupeurs de tourbes Torfstecher Raccoglitori di Torba The property of H. G. Bateson, Esq. 16a Snowdon, from Capel Curig Snowdon (montagne dans le pays de Galles) Snowdon, von Capel Curig Snowdon da Capel Curig The property of David Cox, Esq., Jun. 16b Going to Market Allant au marche Auf den Markt gehen Verso il Mercato The property of David Cox, Esq., Jun. 16c Darley Churchyard Cimetiere a Darley Der Kirchhof von Darley Cimitero di Darley 17 Cox, David, jun., 2 New Park-road, Brixton- hill, London The property of W. J. Phillips, Esq. Pass of Llanberis Defile de Llanberis Der Pass von Llanberis Tasso del Llanberis 18 Criddle, Mrs. H., Addlestone, Weybridge, Surrey The property of B. Hoare, Esq. Guinevere and Little Novice Guinevere et jeune Novice Genoveva und die kleine Novize Ginevra e la piccola Novice 19 Davidson, Charles, The Laurels, Redhill, Pei gate The property of C. Prater, Esq. Spring Time Trintemps Er iihling Trimavera 20 Dodgson, George, 1 St. Mark’s-crescent, Regent’s-park, London The property of Thomas Parry, Esq. Crossing the Brook Passage du ruisseau Der Weg iiber den Bach La Traversata del Ruscello The property of Mrs. Carl Haag 20a In Knole Park Parc de Knole In Knole-Park In Knole Park [Group I. 21 Duffield, Mrs. William, 4 Upper Philli- more-gardens, Kensington, London The property of A. Attwood, Esq. Rhododendrons and Rose Peony Rododendrons et pivoine Rhododendra und Peony-Rose Rododendri e Rosa Peonia 22 Egley, William, 8 Montague-street, Port- man-square, London The property of the Artist La premiere Jeunesse La premiere Jeunesse Die erste Jugend La premiere Jeunesse The property of the Artist 22a D. D. Home Lyon, Esq. M. Home Lyon D. D. Home Lyon, Esq. II Sig. D. D. Home Lyon 23 Evans, William, Eton The property of Rev. E. Balston The Gleam of Hope Le rayon d'espoir Der Glimmer von Hoffnung Un Barlume di Speranza 24 Fahey, James, 71 Cadogan-place, London The property of Charles Prater, Esq. • Watermouth, near Ilfracombe, Devon Water mouth, pres dIlfracombe, comte de Devon Watermouth, bei Ilfracombe, in Devonshire Watermouth presso Ilfracombe, Devon The property of the Artist 24a Whicham Mill, Cumberland Whicham Mill, comte de Cumberland Die Whicham-Miihle, in Cumberland II Mulino di Whicham, Cumberland 25 Ford, William B. The property of the Artist Enamel. Mrs. Siddons, after T. Gainsborough, R.A. Mme. Siddons (actrice ), d'apres T. Gains¬ borough, R.A. Madame Siddons, nach T. Gainsborough, R.A. La Signora Siddons {dal quadro di T. Gains¬ borough) The property of the Artist 25a Enamel. Alexander and Diogenes, after Sir E. Landseer, R.A. Alexandre et Diogene, Japres Sir E. Landseer, R.A. Alexander .jmd Diogenes, nach Sir E. Land¬ seer, R.A. Alessandro e Diogene (dal quadro di Sir Ed. Landseer) - ■ Class II.] Gemalde und Zeichnungen in Wasserfarben—Acquerelli e Disegni. 59 27 Gastjneau, Henry, Camberwell, Surrey The 'property of the Artist Pass of Killicrankie, Scotland Defile de Killicrankie, Ecosse Der Killicrankie-Pass, in Schottland Passo del Killicrankie, Scozia 28 Gilbert, John The property of C. L. Parker, Esq. The Venetian Council Le conseil de Venise . Der Rath von Venedig 11 Consiglio Veneto 29 Goodall, Edward A., 3 Fitzroy-road, Regent’s-park, London The property of Joshua Dixon, Esq. London from below Bridge Londres, en aval dupont London von unterhalb der Briicke Londra al disotto dei Ponti The property of the Artist 29 a The Houses of Parliament and Thames Embankment Works Chambres du Parlement et travaux de leh- diguement de la Tamise Das Parlaments-Gebaude und die Eindam- mung der Themse Palazzo del Parlamento e lavori dell ’ Argi- namento del Tamigi 31 Gray, George, 11, Chester-terrace, Eaton- square, London The property of the Artist Enamel. Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman, after C. R. Leslie, R.A. Mon oncle Toby et la Veuve Wadman, d'apres C. B. Leslie, BA. Onkel Toby und Wittwe Wadman, nach C. R. Leslie, R.A. Lo Zio Toby e la Vedova Wadman {dal quadro di C. B. Leslie, BA.) The property of the Artist 31 a Enamel. ‘The Butt’—Shooting a Cherry— after William Mulready, R.A. ‘ Le butd'apres W. Mulready, BA. Der Scheibenstand — Schiessen nach einer Kirsche—nach William Mulready, R.A. ‘ II Bersaglio ' — il Tiro della Ciriegia (dal quadro di W. Mulready, BA.) The property of the Artist 31 b Enamel painting on porcelain, after the picture by W. Mulready, R.A., ‘ Choosing the Wedding Gown’ Peinture sur porcelaine emaillee, d'apres le tableau ‘ Le Choix de la Bobe de Noces,' par W. Mulready, B.A Emaille-Gemalde auf Porcellan, nach dem Gemalde von W. Mulready, R.A., ‘ Die Wahl des Hochzeitskleids’ Pittura in porcellana smaltata, dal quadro ‘ Scelta deli abito da Kozze ’ di W. Mulready, B.A. 32 Haag, Carl, 16 New Burlington-street, London Theproperty of Edmund Sibbeth, Esq. A Family of Wandering Arabs Famille d'Arabes errants Eine wandernde Araber-Familie Famiglia di Arabi nomadi 33 Haghe, Louis, Fern-lodge, Stoekwell- green, London The property of Abraham Dixon, Esq. Church of St. Gomer, Lierre, Belgium Eglise de St. Gomer, Lierre, Belgique Die Kirche von St. Gomer, Lierre, in Belgien Chiesa di S. Gomer, Lierre, Belgio 34 Hall, George L., 28 Clifton-rcad, St. John’s-wood, London The property of A. W. Crichton, Esq. The Bass Rock Le roch r Bass Der Bass-Felsen La roccia Bass 35 Harrison, Maria, 115 Gloucester-terrace, Hyde-park, London The property of the Artist Wild Roses Boses sau cages Wilde Rosen Bose selvatiche 36 Hayes, Edwin, R.H.A., 18 Earl’s-court- gardens, Old Brompton, London The property of the Artist Marine view; Fishing Boats off Great Yar¬ mouth Vue marine ; Bateaux pecheurs a la hauteur de Great Yarmouth Seeansicht; Fischerbote von Great Yar¬ mouth Marina ; Barche pescareccie presso Great Yar¬ mouth 38 Hunt, Alfred William, 21 Old Elvet, Durham The property of Rev. W. Kingsley Snowdon after an April Hail-shower Snowdon apres la grile en avril Snowdon nach einem Hagelschauer im April Snowdon dopo una Grandine d' Aprile The property of R. Bright, Esq. 38a Harlech Castle Chateau de Harlech Schloss Harlech Castello di Harlech 39 Hunt, William (the late) Theproperty of W. Leaf, Esq. The Dead Peacock Paon mort Ein todter Pfau Pavone morto The property of Francis Fuller, Esq. 39a Fruit — Fruits Frucht —Frutta 60 Water-colour Paintings and Drawings 40 Jopling, Joseph M., 130 Piccadilly, London The 'property of the Artist P redegonda— Fredegonde Predegonda— Fredegonda 41 Lamont, T. K., 73 Denbigh-square, London The property of W. H. Winsor, Esq. Bored to Death Ennuye a la mort Zu Tode geargert Seccato a Morte 42 Leech, John (the late) The property of Miss Leech Rotten Row and the Drive, 1851 Botten Roto et la Promenade cn voitures, 1851 Die Anlage zum Reiten und Fahren im Hyde- Park, 1851 Botten Bow e il cor so della carrozze , 1851 The property of Miss Leech 42a A Case of real Distress Accable d'un veritable chagrin Ein wirkliches Ungliick Caso di reale AjjtUime 43 Leitch, William Leighton, Seaforth -house, 14 Abbey-road, St. John’s-wood, London The property of John Reid, Esq. Dee side ; view near Balmoral Les rives de la Dee; vuepres de Balmoral Dee side ; Ansicht nahe bei Balmoral Presso il Lee ; veduta nei dintorni di Balmoral 43a Lewis, Charles J., Cheyne-house, Chel¬ sea, London The property of the Artist Evening— So ir —Ab end— Sera 44 Lundgren, Egron, 13 Upper Phillimore- place, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Interior of the Library at Siena Interieur de la Bibliotheque a Siene Das Innere der Bibliothek zu Siena Interno della Libreria a Siena 45 MacCallum, Andrew, 47 Bedford-gardens, Campden-hill, London The property of the Artist The Old Bridge, Lucerne Vieux pont, a Lucerne Die alte Brucke zu Luzern 11 Ponte Vecchio , Lucerna 46 MacLeay, Kenneth, R S.A. The property of the Queen The Prince Consort Portrait du Prince Albert Der Prinz-Gemahl Ritratto del Principe Alberto The property of the Queen 46a William Ross— Guillaume Boss Wilhelm Russ— Gugiielmo Boss The Property of the Queen 46b Angus Macdonell— Angus Macdonell Angus Macdonell— Angus Macdonell — Aquarelles et Dessins. [Group I. 47 Maplestone, Henry, 13 Earl’s-court- gardens, Brompton, London The property of the Artist An English Landscape ; sunset Paysage anglais ; soleil couche Eine Englische Landschaft; Sonnenuntergang Paesaggio inglese ; tramonto 48 Margetts, Mary, 4 Park-place, Upper Church-street, Little Chelsea, London The property of Mrs. Pender Gatherings from the Green-house Fleurs de serre Blumen gesammelt im Trejbhause Baccolte di serra 49 Mawley, George, 40 Gower-streAt, London The property of J. J. Broadbent, Esq. Interior of an old Barn Interieur dlune vieille grange Das Innere einer alten Scheuer Interno d ; - ■tecchio Granaio 50 McKewan, David Hall, Upper Park-road, Haverstock-hill, London The property of A. Ackerman, Esq. The Valley of Desolation, Bolton Park, York¬ shire La vallee de Desolation , Bolton Parle , comte de York Das Thai der Verwiistung, Bolton-Park, in Yorkshire La Valle della Desolazione , Bolton Park , York¬ shire The property of G. A. Lowndes, Esq. 50 a Watching the Trout Guettant les truites Das Warten auf die Forelle Attento alia Trota 51 Mogford, John, Brecknock -house, Breck¬ nock-crescent, Camden-road, London The property of the Artist An Easterly Gale, Manacle Rocks, Falmouth Bay Vent de Test , Manacle Bocks , Bale de Fal¬ mouth Ein Ostwind, die Manacle-Felsen, in Fal- mouth-Bai Vento fresco di Levante, Boccie Manacle , Fal¬ mouth 52 Moira, Edward, 1 Lower Seymour-street, Portman-square, London The property of the Artist H.R.H. The Princess Alice of Hesse SA.B. la Princesse Alice de Hesse Ihre Konigliche Hoheit die Prinzessin Alice von Hessen S.A.B. la Principessa Alice di Assia 53 Mole, J. H., 6 Lamb’s - conduit - place, Guildford-street, London The property of YY\ Lees, Esq. Mussel Gatherers Les pecheurs de moules Muschelsammler Pescatori di Mitili ■ Class II.] Gemdlde und Zeichnungenin Wasserfarben—Acquerelli e Disegni. 61 The property of George Gurney, Esq., Jun. 53a On the coast near Tynemouth, Northum¬ berland Cote pres de Tynemouth, comte de Northumber¬ land An derKiiste nahe bei Tynemouth, in North¬ umberland Sulla Costa presso Tynemouth, Northumber¬ land 54 Mornewick, Charles Augustus, 3 Princes-terrace, Regent’s-park-road, London The property of the Artist A Water-spout at Sea Trombe en mer Eine Wasserhose auf der See Tromba di Mare 55 Newton, Alfred P., 44 Maddox-street, Regent-street, London The property of Alfred. Morrison, Esq. Mountain Glory Paysage—montagnes Gebirgspracht Gloria montana The property of — Wilson, Esq. 55a The Approach of Winter, Argyllshire E approche de Vhirer, en Ecosse Die Ankunft des Winters, Argyleshire E Avvicinarsi delV Inverno, Argyleshire 56 Oakes, J. Wright, 28 Victoria-road, Ken¬ sington, London The property of the Artist The Yew-tree’s Shade Ombrage de Vif Der Schatten des Eibenbaumes E Ombra di un Tasso i 57 Oliver, Mrs. W., Watford, Herts The property of the Artist Near Minster, Kent Pres de Minster, comte de Kent Nahe bei Minster, in Kent Presso Minster , in Kent 58 Paton, Waller IT., R.S.A., Rosehall-lodge, Edinburgh The property of A. C. Campbell, Esq. The Dhulochan Le Dhulochan—paysage en Ecosse Der Dhulochan (Schott and) II Dhulochan ( Scozia ) 59 Palmer, Samuel, Furze-hill-house, Mead- vale, Redbill, Surrey The property of L. R. Valpy, Esq. The Early Ploughman Laboureur matinal Der friihe Pfliiger 11 Bifolco mattutino The property of L. R. Valpy, Esq. 59a Lycidas— Lycidas —Lycidas— Licida The property of~L. R. Valpy, Esq. 59b The Chapel by the Bridge La chapelle pres du pont Die Capelle bei der Briicke La Cappella presso il Ponte 60 Phillips, H. Wyndham, 8 George-street, Hanover-square, London The property of the Artist Arab Head Tcte d'Arahe Araberkopf Testa Araba 61 Read. Samuel, 55 Argyle-road, Kensington London The property of Thomas Lucas, Esq. Interior of St. Stephen’s, Vienna Vue de Vinterieur de St.-Etienne, a Vienne Das Innere der St. Stephens-Kirche zu Wien Interno di S. Stefano , Vienna The property of Charles Lucas, Esq. 61a Interior of the Church of St. Gomer, Lierre, Belgium Vue de Vinterieur de VEglise de St.-Gomer, Lierre, Belgique Das Innere der Kirche zu St. Gomer, Lierre, in Belgien Interno della Chiesa di S. Gomer , Lierre , Belgio 62 Redgrave, Richard, R.A., 18 Hyde-park- gate South, London The property of the Artist The Yew-tree’s Shade Ombrage de Vif Der Schatten des Eibenbaumes E Ombra di un Tasso 63 Richardson, Thomas Miles, 18 Porches- ter-terrace, Hyde-park, London The property of W. C. Hewitson, Esq. Scene in Glenco, Argyleshire Le defile de Glenco, en Ecosse Scene in Glenco, in Argyleshire Scena in Glenco , Argyleshire 64 Riviere, Henry Parsons, 17 Kilburn- priory, London The property of the Artist Campagna of Rome Campagna cl Borne Die Campagna zu Rom Campagna di Boma The property of the Artist 64a Holy Thoughts —Saintes pensees Heilige Gedanken —Pensieri santi 66 Ross, Sir William (the late) The property of Madame T. Ralli The Three Children of Madame T. Ralli Les trois enfants de Madame T. Balli Die drei Kinder der Madame T. Ralli I tre Figli di Madame T. Balli 67 Rowbotham, J. L., Percy-lodge, Camden- hill, London The property of William Miller, Esq., M.P. Amalfi. — Amalfi —Amalfi —Amalfi The property of S. B. Fuller, Esq. 67a Ischia— Ischia — Ischia —Ischia 62 Water-colour Paintings and Drawings—Aquarelles et Dessins . [Group I. 68 Schetky, John Christian, 11 Kent-ter- race, Regent’s-park, London The property of The Hon. A. Pennington H.B.M.S. Bellerophon Scudding in a Gale Le Bellerophon (vaisseau de la Marine Boyale) courant vent arriere Das Englische Kriegsschiff Bellerophon in einem Sturm La Nave Reale Bellerofonte che corre la for - tuna di un vento fresco 69 Severn, Arthur, 24 Gower-street, Bed- ford-square, London The property of Charles Buxton, Esq., M.P. Waves by Moonlight Vagues au clair de la lune Wellen bei Mondschein Onde al chiaro di luna 70 Smallfield, Frederick, 15 Greville-place, Kilburn-priory, London The property of the Artist The Slave of the Pishpond Hesclave du vivier Der Sklave des Fischteiches Lo Schiavo della Peschi ra The property of the Artist 70a Tartini— Tartini —Tartini— Tart ini The property of the Artist 70b The Blind Goatherd— Le chcvrier aveugle Der blinde Ziegenhirt— 11 Capraio ceco 71 Smith, Collingwood, Wyndham-lodge, Brixton-hill, London The property of the Artist Sunset; Grand Canal, Venice Grand Canal de Venise; soleil couche Sonnenuntergang ; der grosse Canal zu Vene- dig Tramonto; Canal Grande, Venezia The property of the Artist 71a The Lake of Como, from Bellagio, Serbel- loni Villa Le lac de Come Der Como See, von Bellagio, aus der Serbel- loni Villa Lago di Como, da Bellagio, Villa Serbelloni 72 Sykes, Godfrey (the late) The property of ^Science and Art Depart¬ ment A Smith’s Shop— Atelier de forger on Die Schmiede— Officina di Fabbro The property of G. Atkin, Esq. 72a Endcliffe (a study) Endclijfe {etude) Endcliffe (eine Studienzeichnung) Endcliffe ( studio) 73 Tayler, Frederick, 4 Horbury-crescent, Notting-hill, London The property of Frederick Craven, Esq. The Heron brought down in the Village Lje heron abattu dans le village Der im Dorfe geschossene Beiher L' airone preso net villaggio The property of E. F. White, Esq. 73a Nan Gwynant, North Wales; Collecting the Flocks Nan Gwynant, pays de Galles, Nord; ras - semblement du troupeau Nan Gwynant, in North Wales; das Sam- meln der Herden Nan Gwynant, Nord Galles; radun amento dei greggi The property of George Schotel, Esq. 73b The Mistress of the Buckhounds La Grande Veneuse Die Herrin der Jagdhunde La Gran Maestra delle Cacce The property of Joseph de Murietta, Esq. 73c Highland Sport La chasse en Ecosse Vergniigungen der Hochlander La Caccia in Scozia 74 Tidey, Henry, 30 Percy street, Bedford- square, London The property of The Duke of Manchester Dar-Thula — Dar-Thula — Dar-Thula— Bar - Thula The property of Francis Fuller, Esq. 74a Christ Blessing Little Children Le Christ benissant les enfants Christus segnet die kleinen Kinder Cristo che benedice i Fanciulli 75 Tilt, Frederick, 114 New Bond-street, London The property of Gilbert Dickinson, Esq. H. R. H. The Princess Mary of Teck Portrait de S.A. B. la Princesse Marie de Tech Ihre Konigliche Hoheit die Prinzessin Mary von Teck S.A.B. La Principessa Maria di Teck The property of Gilbert Dickinson, Esq. 75a The Marchioness of Hastings Portrait de la Marquise de Hastings Die Marquise von Hastings La Marchesa di Hastings 76 Topham, F. W., Warwick-house, 86 Ade- laide-road, London The property of the Artist A Feast Day in Connemara Jour de fete en Connemara, Lrlande Ein Festtag in Connemara Giorno di Festa in Connemara 77 Vacher, Charles, 4 The Boltons, West Brompton, London The property of Joseph Woodman, Esq. Salvator Rosa among the Brigands Salvator Bosa entre les mains des brigands Salvator Rosa unter den Raubern Salvator Bosa fra i Briganti 78 Walker, Frederick Subject from Thackeray’s ‘ Philip’ Sujet tire de 1 Philip ,’ roman par Thackeray Eine Scene aus Thackeray’s ‘Philip.’ Soggetto tratto dal ‘ Filippo ’ di Thackeray Class II.] Gemalde und Zeichnungen in Wasserfarben—Acquerelli e Disegni. 63 79 Walton, Prank, 17 Nassau-street, Mid- dlesex-hospital, London The property of Henry Evill, Esq. Evening; near Dorking, Surrey Soir ; pres de Dorking , comte de Surrey Abend ; nahe bei Dorking, in Surrey Sera ; presso Dorking , in Surrey The property of Wickham Flower, Esq. 79a Medmenham on Thames Medmenham , sur la Tamise Medmenham, an der Themse Medmenham , sul Tamigi 80 Warren, Albert H., New-court, Temple, London The property of the Artist ‘ Ave Maria ’— 1 Ave Maria ’ ‘ Ave Maria ’— ‘ Ave Maria ’ 81 Warren, Edmund G.,29 Upper Phillimore- plaee, Kensington, London The property of S. Morby, Esq. First Notes of the Cuckoo Le premier chant du coucou Der erste Ruf des Kuckuks Prime Note del Cuculo The property of W. F. White, Esq. 81a Wood Scene— Scene de foret Waldscene— Scena loschiva The property of W. F. White, Esq. 81b Cornfield— Champ de hie Kornfeld— Campo di Grano 82 Warren, Henry, 24 Upper Phillimore- place, Kensington, London The property of the Artist Song of the Georgian Maiden (from Moore’s ‘ Light of the Harem ’) La chanson de la jeune Georgit nne (‘ LaLumiere du Harem ’— Moore ) Der Gesang des Georgischen Madchens (zu Moore’s ‘Licht des Harems’) II Canto della Fanciulla Georgiana {dalla ‘ Luce del Ilaremf di Moore ) The property of Her Majesty the Queen 82a The Great Pyramid La Grande Pyramide Die grosse Pyramide La Gran Piramide 83 Wehnert, Edward Henry, 12a Park- village west, Regent’s-park, London The property of Henry Watts, Esq., F.R.S. George Fox, preaching in a Tavern George Fox prechant dans un cabaret George Fox, predigend in einem Wirthshaus Giorgio Fox che predica in una Taverna The property of the Artist 83a Shylock and Jessica Shylock et Jessica ( Sliakspeare ) Shylock und Jessica Shylock e Jessica 84 Weigall, Alfred, 8 Clarendon-road, Ken¬ sington, London The property of the Artist Portrait of a Lady— Portrait June dame Portrait einer Dame— Bitratto di una Signora The property of the Artist 84a Mrs. Algernon de Horsey Portrait de Madame A. de Horsey Madame Algernon de Horsey La Signora Algernon de Horsey 85 Weir, Harrison, 11 Lyndhurst-villas, Lyndhurst-road, Peckham, London The property of George Gurney, Esq. The Morning Hymn— Hymne du matin Der Lobgesang am Morgen— LLnno mattutino The property of George Gurney, Esq. 85a The Noontide Song Chanson de Vheure de midi Der Nachmittags-Gesang La Canzone del Mezzodi 86 Wells, Henry T., A.R.A., 17 Stratford- place, London The property of the Artist Portraits, a Family Group Portraits de famille Portraite, eine Familiengruppe Bitratti, gruppo di Famiglia The property of the Artist 86a Alice T. Wells— Alice T. Wells Alice T. Wells— Alice T. Wells 87 Werner, Carl, Arts Club, 17 Hanover- square, London The property of the Artist Interior of the Duomo di Spalatro, in Dalmatia, once the Temple of Jove Vue interieure du Duomo de Spalatro , en Dalmatie, jadis Temple de Jupiter Das Innere des Domes Spalatro in Dalmatien. einstmals der Tempel Jupiters Interno del Duomo di Spcdatro in Dalmazia , gia Tempio di Giove The property of the Artist 87a Interior of the Armoury in the Castle Wartburg ; Choosing a Sword Vue interieure de l'arsenal du chateau Wart¬ burg ; choisissant son epee Das Innere des Zeughauses auf der Wart¬ burg ; die Wahl des Schwertes Interno delV Armenia net Castello Wartburg; lo Scelta di una Spada 88 Whittaker, J. W., Ffirtli-cottage, Lanrwst, North Wales The property of H. Roberts, Esq. Snow-storm, Llyn Idwal Neige (pays de Galles) Der Schneesturm, Llyn Idwal Burrasca di Neve , Llyn Idwal The property of H. Roberts, Esq. 88a Old Welsh Bridge; storm coming on Vieux pont (pays de Galles) ; V or age approche Eine alte Briicke in Wales; der drohende Sturm Antico Ponte gallese ; burrasca che viene 89 Whymper, J. W., Town-house, Haslemere The property of Robert Clark, Esq. The River Tees, at Wycliffe La Tees , a Wycliffe Der Tees-Fluss, nahe bei Wycliffe B Fiume Tees , a Wycliffe 64 ' Water-colour Paintings and Drawings—Aquarelles et Dessins. [Group I. The property of George Cairns, Esq. 89a Hurried Loading; Hay-fields in showery Weather Chargeant le foin a la hate; temps pluvieux Das beeilte Aufladen; Heumachen in Regen- wetter Fretta nel caricare; campi di fieno in tempo piooo so 90 Willis, H. Brtttan, 6 Palace-garclens- terrace, Kensington, London The property of R. G. Mcllraaith, Esq. A Scene in the Western Highlands of Scotland Scene des Highlands de Vo nest de VEcosse Eine Scene im westlichen Hochlande Schott- lands Scena negli Altipiani occidentali della Scozia The property of G. Redmayne, Esq. 90a A Harvest Scene in Sussex Temps de la moisson, comte de Sussex Eine Erntescene in Sussex Scena della Messe nel Sussex Mosaics (App. p. 2.) Mosaiques. Mosaiken. Mosaici. 91 Aldridge, W. E., South Kensington Mu¬ seum, London Spandrel executed in Minton’s earthenware tesserse, after a design by the late Godfrey Sykes Tympan execute en tesseres de faience cle Min ton, d'apres un dessin par feu Godfrey Sykes Spandrel in Minton’s Tessara (einer Art Mortel) ausgefiihrt nach einem Entwurf des verstorbenen Godfrey Sykes Triangolo ad un lato semiarcuato eseguito in tessera di terraglia di Minton da un disegno del fu Godfrey Sykes 92 Cole, Miss, The Residences, South Ken¬ sington Museum Portrait of Gascoyne Marquess of Salisbury, executed in Minton’s earthenware tesserae Portrait de Gascoyne, Marquis de Salisbury, execute en tesseres de faiei c de Minton Portrait von Gascoyne, Marquis von Salisbury, in Minton’s Tessara ausgefiihrt Bitratto di Gascoyne Marchesa di Salisbury, eseguito in tessera di terraglia di Minton 93 Cole, Miss; Aldridge, W.E.; and Cooper, Samuel, South Kensington Museum, London Fra Beato Angelico, executed in Minton’s earthenware tesserse, after a design by C. W. Cope, R.A. Fra Beato Angelico , execute en tesseres de faience de Minton, d'apres un dessin de C. W. Cope, B.A. Fra Beato Angelico, ausgefiihrt in Minton’s Tessara nach einem Entwurfe von C. W. Cope, R.A. Fra Beato Angelico, eseguito in tessera o cubo di terraglia di Minton da un disegno da C. W. Cope, B.A. 94 Harland & Fisher, 33 Southampton - street, Strand, London Phidias, executed in English glass tesserae, after a design by J. Poynter Phidias, execute en tesseres de verre anglais, d'apres le dessin de J. Poynter Phidias, in Glas-Tessara Ausgefiihrt, nach einem Entwurfe von J. Poynter Phidias, eseguito in tessera di vetro inglese da un disegno di J. Poynter CLASS III. Sculpture and Die-Sinking. Sculptures et Gravures sur Medailles. Bildkauerarbeit und Stempel- schneidekunst. Scultura e Incisione a Conio. (For detailed classification, see p. xiv.) ( Voir le systeme de classification, p. xiv.) (Fur detaillirte Classification, siehe Seite xiv.) ( Vedasi il sistema di classifcazione , p. xiv.) JUROR—MEMBRE DU JURY PREISRICHTER—GIURATO. A. H. Layard,Esq. M.P. ASSOCIATE—ASSOCIE HULFSPRE LSRICHTER—ASSOCIATO. Yf. Calder Marshall, Esq., R.A. 1 Adams, G. G., 126 Sloane-street, London The property of the Artist H.S.H. Prince Teck, a plaster bust S.A.S. Le Prince Teck , buste, platre Seine Durchlaucht Prinz Teck, eine Gips-Biiste S.A.S. il Principe Teck , busto in gesso The property of the Artist The late Viscount Palmerston, bust Feu le Vicomte Palmerston, buste Der verstorbene Vicomte Palmerston, Buste B fu Visconte Palmerston, busto 2 Davis, William, 208 Euston-road, London The property of the Artist Statuette of Clymene, plaster Statuette de Clymene, platre Statuette der Clymene, Gips Statuetta di Climene, gesso 3 Durant, Susan, 3 Bryanston-place, Bryan- ston-square, London The property of the Queen. Medallion portraits of Members of the Royal Family, forming part of the decora¬ tion of the Wolsey Chapel Medaillons, portraits de Memhres de la Famille Boy ale, faisant partie de la decoration de la chapelle de Wolsey Medallion-Portraits der Mitglieder der konig- lichen Familie, Theile der Verzierungen der Wolsey-Capelle Bitratti a medaglione di membri della Fami- glia Beale, che fanno parte del decoramento della capella di Wolsey The property of Madame B. Delessert 3a Bust of Mons. H. de T. Bust de M. H. de T. Buste des Herrn H. de T. Busto del Sig. H. de T. . Class III.] Bildhauerarbeit etc. — Scultura , ecc. G5 4 Epinay, P. de, Rome The property of the Artist Innocence, marble statue UInnocence, statue, marhre Unschuld, Marmor-Statue L Innocenza, statuain marmo The property of the Artist 4a Transteverina, marble bust Transte verine, buste, marhre Transteverina, Marmor-Biiste Trasteverina, busto in marmo The property of the Artist 4b Asunta, wife of Dambrosio la Ruella, brigand condemned at Rome on November 28, 1865—marble bust Asunta, femme de Dambrosio la Ruella, bri¬ gand condamne a Rome le 28 nov. 1865— buste, marbre Asunta, die Frau des Dambrosio la Ruella, eines am 28. November 1865 zu Rom ver- urtheilten Raubers—Marmor-Biiste Asunta, moglie di Dambrosio la Ruella, Irrigante giustiziato a Roma il 28 novembre 1865— busto in marmo 5 Foley, J. TL, R.A., 10 Osnaburgh-street, Regent’s-park, London The property of the Art Union of London Caractacus, a statuette— Caractacus, statuette Caractacus ; Statuette— Caractaco, statuetta 6 Gamble, J., South Kensington Museum, London Figures of Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michael Angelo, and Titian, modelled after sketches left by the late Godfrey Sykes, for bronze doors in the South Kensington Museum; models of figures for a majolica column Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michel-Ange, et le Titien, modeles d'apres les ebauches de feu Godfrey Sykes pour portes de bronze pour le Musee de South Kensington ; modeles de figures pour une colonne de majclique ■ Figuren von Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michael Angelo und Titian, modellirt nach Skitzen hinterlassen von dem verstorbenen Godfrey Sykes, fur Bronze-Thuren in dem South Kensington Museum; Modelle von Figuren fur eine Majolica Saule Figure di Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramante, Michelangelo, e Tiziano , modellate dai bozzetti lasciati del fu Godfrey Sykes per porte di bronzo net Museo, South Kensington, modelli e figure per una colonna in maiolica 7 Gardie, Louis, Bath, Somerset The property of the Artist The late Captain Speke, a bronze bust Feu le Capitaine Speke, buste, bronze Der verstorbene Capitain Speke ; Bronzebiiste 11 fu Capitano Speke, busto in bronzo 8 Lawlor, John, 101 Stanhope-street, Hamp- stead-road, London The property of the Artist The Fugitive, statue in plaster Le Fugitif statue, pldtre Der Fmchtling, Gipsfigur La Fuggitiva, statua in gesso 9 Munro, Alexander, 6 Upper Belgrave-place, London The property of the Artist Boy asleep, plaster alto relievo Enfant endormi, haut relief, pldtre Der schlafende Knabe, im Hoch-Relief in Gips Fanciullo dormiente, alto rxlievo in gesso The property of the Artist 9a Joan of Arc, plaster bust Jeanne d 1 Arc, buste, pldtre Johanna d’Arc, Gips-Biiste Giovanna d’Arco, busto in gesso The property of the Artist 9b Medallion of the Duchesse de Yallombrosa La Duchesse de Vallombrosa ; medaille, marbre Medaillon der Herzogin de Vallombrosa La Duchessa di Vallombrosa, medaglione 10 Stephens, Edward, A.R.A., 27 Upper Bel¬ grave-place, London The property of the Art Union of London Mercy, a statuette La Misericorde, statuette Mi tie i den, eine Statuette La Misericordia, statuetta 11 Townroe, Reuben, South Kensington Museum, London Figures of Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michael Angelo, and Titian, modelled after sketches left by the late Godfrey Sykes, for bronze doors in the South Kensington Museum; models of figures for a majolica column Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michel-Ange, et le Titien, modeles d'apres les ebauches de feu Godfrey Sykes pour portes de bronze pour le Musee de South Kensington; modeles de figures pour une colonne de majolique Figuren von Davy, Newton, Watt, Bramanti, Michael Angelo, und Titian, modellirt nach Skitzen hinterlassen von dem verstorbenen Godfrey Sykes fur Bronze-Thuren in dem South Kensington Museum; Modelle von Figuren fur eine Majolica-Saule Figure di Davy, Newton, JVatt, Bramante, Michelangelo, e Tiziano, modellate da boz¬ zetti lasciati dal fu Godfrey Sykes per porte di bronzo net Museo South Kensington, modelli di figure per una colonna in maiolica 12 Westmacott, J. S., 14 St. George’s-road, Eccleston-square, London The property of the Artist Model for statue of Alexander the Great Alexandre le Grand, statue, modele Modell fiir eine Statue Alexanders des Grossen Modello per statua J Alessandro il Grande 13 Wyon, E. W., 19 Stanhope-street, Hamp- stead-road, London The property of the Artist William Fairbairn, Esq., D.C.L., plaster bust from the marble in possession of W. Fair¬ bairn, Esq. E 6G Architectural Designs , Sfc. — Dessins , etc., d' Architecture. [Group I. Monsieur W. Fairbairn , D.C.L., buste, piatre, d’apres le buste en marbre qui lui appartient William Fairbairn, Esq., D.C.L., Gips-Biiste nach dem Marmor im Besitz des W. Fair¬ bairn, Esq. II Signor William Fairbairn , D.C.L., busto in gesso dal marmo posseduto dal Sig. W. Fairbairn 14 Woolner, T., 29 Welbeck-street, Caven¬ dish-square, London Bust in terra cotta of the late Capt. Fowke, B.E. Feu le Capitaine Fowke, du Genie Royal, buste, terra cotta Der verstorbene Capitan Fowke, R.E., Biiste in Terra-Cotta 11 fu capitano Fowfce, del genio militare, busto, terra cotta 15 Wyon, J. S. & A. B., 287, Regent-street, London Medals— Medailles —Medaillen— Medaglie CLASS IV. Architectural Designs and Models. Dessins et Modeles d*Architecture. Architectonische Entwiirfe nnd Modelle. Progetti e Modelli Architettonici. (For detailed classification, see p. xiv.) (Voir le systeme de classification, p. xiv.) (Fiir detaillirte Classification, siehe Seite xiv.) (Vedasi il sistema di classificazione, p. xiv.) JUROR—MEMBRE DU JURY PREISRICHTER—GIURATO. James Fergusson, Esq. ASSOCIATE- ASSOCIE HULFSPREISRICHTER—ASSOCIATO. Lieut.-Col. Scott, R.E. 2 Banks & Barry, 1 Westminster-chambers, Victoria-street, London 1 Design submitted in competition for New Assize Courts, Manchester Dessin admis au concours pour la nouvelle Cour des Assises, a Manchester Eingereichter Competitions-Entwurf fiir die neuen Gerichtsgebaude zu Manchester Progetto sottomesso al concorso pelle nuove Corti delle Assise a Manchester View of the new buildings forming the ‘ Piazza dello Statute,’ Turin, now in course of erection Vue des nouveaux batiments formant la ‘ Piazza dello Statuto,' a, Turin, actuellement en con¬ struction Ansicht der neuen Gebaude, die die ‘Piazza dello Statuto ’ zu Turin bilden, gegenwartig im Bau begriffen Veduta dei nuovi edifizi formanti la * Piazza dello Statuto ’ ora in costruzione a Torino 3 Barry, Charles, 1 Westminster-chambers, Victoria-street, Westminster 3 View of the exterior of a design for the Memorial to the late Prince Consort, pro¬ posed to be erected in Hyde-park Vue de Vexterieur dun dessin projete your le Monument eleve a la memoire de feu le Prince Albert, dans Hyde-park Ansicht der Aussenseite eines Entwurfes fiir das Denkmal des verstorbenen Prinzgemahls, das im Hyde-park errichtet werden soil Veduta esterna di un progetto pel Monumento al fu Principe Consorte da erigersi in Hyde- park 4 View of the interior of same Interieur de ce monument Ansicht des Innern desselben Veduta interna del medesimo 4 Barry, Edward M., A.R.A., 1 Old Palace- yard, Westminster 5 Crypt of St. Stephen’s, Westminster (restored) Crypte de St. 'Etienne, a Westminster ( restauree ) Die St. Stephens-Gruft zu Westminster (re- staurirt) Cripta della chiesa di Sto. Stefano a Westmin¬ ster (restaurata ) 6 Schools for the parish of St. Giles’s, London Batiments d’Ecoles pour la paroisse de St. Giles, a Londres Schulen fiir das Kirchspiel von St. Giles in London Scuole pella parrochia di S. Giles a Londra 7 Hotel, Cannon-street, London Hotel, Cannon-street, a Londres Hotel, in Cannon-street, zu London Hotel, Cannon-street, Londra 5 Brandon, David, F.S.A., 24 Berkeley-square, London 8 Hemsted-house, Kent Hemsted-house, comte de Kent Hemsted-house, in Kent Hemsted House, Kent 9 Chilham Castle, Kent Chateau de Chilham, comte de Kent Schloss Chilham, in Kent Chilham Castle, Kent 10 Taverham Hall, Norfolk Taverham Hall , comte de Norfolk Taverham Hall, in Norfolk Taverham Hall, Norfolk 6 Broderick, Cuthbert, 14 Buckingham- street, Strand, London 11 View of Town Hall, Leeds Hotel de Ville, a Leeds Ansicht des Rathhauses zu Leeds Veduta del Palazzo Comunale, Leeds 7 Burges, William, 15 Buckingham-street, Strand, London 12 View of the interior of east end of Waltham Abbey Vue de Vinterieur de VAbbaye de Waltham (yartie Est) Ansicht des Innern des ostlichen Endes der Abtei zu Waltham Class IV.] Architectonisclie JEntwilrfe etc. Veduta interna delV estremita orientate della Badia di Waltham 13 Guardrobe at Gay hurst Garderobe a Gayhurst Garderobe zu Gayhurst Guardaroba a Gayhurst 8 Chancellor, Frederic, Pinner’s Hall, Old Broad-street, London 14 White Hart Inn, Chelmsford, Essex Auberge White Kart, a Chelmsford, comte d' Essex Gasthaus zum Weissen Hirsch, zu Chelms¬ ford, in Essex Albergo del Cervo Bianco a Chelmsford, Essex 9 Clarke, George Somers, 20 Cockspur-street, London 15 A printing establishment in Smithfield, London (now taken down) Imprimerie a Smithfield, Londres (recemment demolie) Eine Buchdruckerei zu Smithfield, in London (jetzt abgebrochen) Stabilimento tipografico in Smithfield, Londra (ora demolito) 16 Interior of chapel of the Merchant-Sea¬ men’s Orphan Asylum, near London Vue de Vinterieur de VJEglise de VAsile pour les Orphelins des Marins de batiments de Com¬ merce (pres de Londres) Das Innere der Capelle im Waisenhaus der Handelsmatrosen, bei London Interno della Cappella dell ’ orfanotrofio dei Marinari mercantili 10 Clarke, Joseph, F.S.A., 13 Stratford-place, Oxford-street, London 17 View of Church at Galle, Ceylon Vue de VEglise a Galle, lie de Ceylon Ansicht der Kirche zu Galle, in Ceylon Veduta di chiesa a Galle, Ceylon 18 View of Church at Heywood, Lancashire Vue de VEglise a Heywood, comte de Lancaster Ansicht der Kirche zu Heywood, in Lancashire Veduta di chiesa a Heywood, Lancashire 11 Cockerell, Charles Kobert, R.A. (the late, Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy, London) 19 Sculpture in pediment of St. George’s Hall, Liverpool Fronton sculpte de la Salle St. George, a Liverpool Sculptur im Thiirgiebel der St. George’s-Halle zu Liverpool Scultura net frontone delV Aula di S. Giorgio a Liverpool 12 Cockerell, Frederick Pepys, Carlton- chambers, 8 Regent-street, London 20 View of Freemasons* Hall, London Vue de la Salle des Francs-magons, d Londres Ansicht der Freimaurer-Halle zu London Veduta delV Aula dei Liberi Muratori a Londra 13 Collman, Leonard W., 53 George-street, Portman-square, London 21 Coloured decoration of Assyrian Court at Crystal Palace, Sydenham—(architecture by James Fergusson, F.R.S.) '.—Progeiti e Modelli Architettonici. 67 Decorations murales de la Salle Assyrienne au Palais de Cristal, d Sydenham Gemalte Decoration im Assyrischen Hofe des Crystallpalastes zu Sydenham—(die Archi¬ tects ist von James Fergusson, F.R.S.) Decoramento colorato del compartimento assiro al Palazzo di Cristallo a Sydenham — (archi- tettura di J. Fergusson, F.R.S.) 14 Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, Ph.D., late Professor of Architecture at University Col¬ lege, London), 21 Upper Bedford-place, Russell-square, London 22 View of exterior of a memorial to the Prince Consort, in Hyde-park Vue de Vexttrieur dlun monument d la memoire du Prince Albert, dans Hyde-park Ansicht der Aussenseite des Denkmals des Prinz-Gemahls im Hyde-park Veduta esterna del Monumento al Principe Consorte in Hyde-park 23 View of interior of same Lnterieur de ce monument Innere Ansicht desselben Veduta interna del medesimo 15 Edis, Robert W., 4 Osnaburgh-terrace, Regent’s-park, London 24 Warehouse in S'outhwark-street, London Magasin, Southwark-street, a Londres Waarenlager in Southwark-street, zu London Magazzino in Southwark-street, Londra 16 Fergusson, .James, F.R.S., 20 Langham- place, London 25 Design for Albert Memorial, Hyde-park, London Projet de monument d la mlmoire du Prince Albert, dans Hyde-park, d Londres Entwurf fur das Albert-Denkmal im Hyde- Park, zu London Progetto pel Monumento Alberto, Hyde-park, Londra 17 Ferret, Benjamin, F.S.A., 1 Trinity-place, Charing-cross, London 26 Clandeboye, Belfast, Ireland, the seat of Lord DutFerin, G.C.B. • Clandeboye, d Belfast, Irlande, la residence de Lord Dujferin Clandeboye, zu Belfast, in Irland, der Wohn- sitz des Lord DutFerin, G.C.B. Clandeboye, Belfast, Irlanda, residenza di Lord Dujferin, G.C.B. 18 Fowke, Captain Francis, R.E. (the late) 27 Perspective view of Design for New Mu¬ seum, South Kensington, London Vue perspective du dessin pour le Nouveau Musee, d South Kensington Eine perspectivische Ansicht des Entwurfes fiir das neue Museum in South-Kensington Veduta prospettiva dl un progetto di Nuqvo Museo, South Kensington 28^ Elevation and sections of the same Elevation; coupes Aufriss und Durchschnitt desselben Elevazione e profili del medesimo e 2 68 Architectural Designs, Sgc. — Dessins, etc., d'Architecture. [Group I. 29 Elevation: design for completion of the Exhibition of 1862, Cromwell-road front 'Elevation: projet pour Vachievement du Palais de VExposition de 1862, fagade sur Cromwell- road Aufriss: Entwnrf fur die Vollendung der Ausstellung von 1862, die Fa$ade von der Cromwell-road Elevazione: progetto per complemento dell' Esposizione del 1862, facciata sul Cromwell- road 19 Gibson, John, 13 Great Queen-street, West¬ minster, s.w. 30 View of the exterior of the National Pro¬ vincial Bank of England, London Vue de Vexterieur de la Banque Rationale Pro¬ vinciate d’Angleterre, a Londres Ansicht des Aussenseite der ‘ National Pro¬ vincial Bank of England ’ zu London Veduta delV esterno della Banca Nazionale Provinciale d' Inghilterra, a Londra 20 Giles, J., 20 Craven-street, Charing-cross, London 31 Langham Hotel, Portland-place, London Hotel Langham, Portland-place ., a Londres Das Hotel Langham, Portland-place, London Langham Hotel, Portland-place, a Londra 21a Goodwin, Albert, Boxley-road, Maidstone The property of the Artist 32 A Study of Colour— Etude de couleur Farbenstudienzeichnung— Studio di colore 21 Hardwick, Philip Charles, F.S.A., 21 Cavendish-square, London f33 View of interior of Lincoln’s-inn-hall, London Vue de Vinterieur de la Salle de Lincoln's- inn, a Londres Ansicht des Innern von Lincoln’s-inn-hall, zu London Veduta interna delV Aula di Lincoln's Inn 34 View of interior of Town Hall, Durham Vue de Vinterieur de VHotel de Ville, a Durham ! Ansicht des Innern des Kathhauses zu Durham Veduta interna del Palazzo Comunale, Durham 35 Detail of exterior of Adare House, Ireland Details de Vexterieur de Adare House, en Irlande Detail der Aussenseite von Adare House in Irland Dettaglio dell' esterno del Palazzo Adare, Irlanda 22 Hayward, Charles Forster, F.S.A., 20 Montague-street, Russell-square, London 36 Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Plymouth Hotel ‘ Due de Cornouailles ,’ d Plymouth Hotel ‘ Duke of Cornwall ’ zu Plymouth J.ocanda detta del Duca di Cornwall , a Ply¬ mouth 23 Hayward, Charles Forster, F.S.A., 20, Montague-street, Russell-square, London; and Davis, H. D., 32, Moorgate-street, London 37 Queen’s Hotel, Aberystwith Hotel d,e la Heine, d Aberystwith Queen’s Hotel zu Aberystwith Locanda della Regina, Aberystwith 24 Howell, C. H., 3 Lancaster-place, Strand, London 38 Oakley House, Merstham, Surrey Oakley House, a Merstham, comte de Surrey Oakley House, zu Merstham, in Surrey Palazzo Oakley, Merstham, Surrey 25 I’Anson, Edward, 7a Laurence Pountney- hill, London '39 View of Royal Exchange-bgs., London Vue des batiments de la Bourse Royale Ansicht von Royal Exchange-buildings Veduta dell' edijizio della Borsa Reale 40 View of Colonial-chambers, Fench.-st. Vue de la Cite Coloniale, Fenchurch-street, Londres Ansicht von Colonial-chambers, in Fen¬ church-street, zu London Veduta dell' edijizio detto Le Camere Col&niali, Fenchurch-street, Londra 41 View of No. 80 Lombard-street Vue du No. 80 Lombard-street, a Londres Ansicht von No. 80 Lombard-street Veduta del No. 80 Lombard-street 42 View of Argus Life Office, Pall Mall Vue des Bureaux de la Compagnie d'as¬ surances Argus, Pall Mall, a Londres Ansicht der Bureaux der Argus-Lebens- Versicherung-Gesellschaft, in Pall Mall Veduta dell' Ufficio di Assicurazione ^ V Argus' Pall Mall, Londra 43 View of the Hop Planters’ Offices and Ware¬ house, Southwark-street, London Vue des bureaux et magasins des cultivateurs du houblon, Southwark-street, a Londres Ansicht der Bureaux und Niederlage der Hopfenpflanzer, in Southwark-street, zu Lon¬ don Veduta degli TJffici dei Piantatori dei Luppoli, Southwark-street, Londra 44 View of No. 83 Lombard-street, London Vue du No. 83 Lombard-street, a Londres Ansicht von No. 83 Lombard-street, zu Lon¬ don Veduta del No. 83 Lombard-street, Londra 26 James, Joseph, 2 Circus-place, Finsbury- circus, London 45 View of Springhill College, Birmingham Vue du College de Springhill, a Birmingham Ansicht des Springhill-Collegiums, zu Bir¬ mingham Veduta del Collegio di Springhill, Birmingham 27 Jones, Horace, City Architect, Guildhall, London 46 View of the interior of Guildhall, London (restored) Vue de Vinterieur du Guildhall, a Londres (rcstauration) Ansicht des Innern der Guildhall zu London (restaurirt) Veduta delV interno del Guildhall (Palazzo Comunale') I^ondra ( restaurato ) p CD Class IV.] Arcliitectonische HHniwurfe etc.—Progetti e Modelli Architettonici. 69 27a Jones, Owen, 9 Argyle-place, Regent- street, London 47 Interior of Messrs. Osier’s Warehouse Interieur du magasin de MM. Osier Das Innere der Niederlagen der Herren Osier Veduta interioredelmagazzinodei Signori Osier 28 Keeling, E. Bassett, 1 V erulam-buildings ,• GrayVinn, London 48 View of Church at Killingworth Vue de VEglise d Killingworth Ansicht der Kirche zu Killingworth Veduta della Chiesa a Killingworth 29 Lamb, E. B., 3 Hinde-street, Manchester- square, London 49 North-east view of Aldwork Manor House Vue (nord-est) de la Maison Seigneuriale de Aldwork Nordostliche Ansicht des Herrenhauses zu Aldwork Veduta nord-est del Palazzo , Aldwork 50 View of Town Hall, Eye, Suffolk Vue de VHotel de Ville, d Eye , comte de Suffolk Ansicht des Rathhauses zu Eye, in Suffolk Veduta del Palazzo Comunale di Eye 30 Lewis,Professor Thomas Hayter, E.S.A., 9 John-street, Adelphi, London 51 Memorial to the Officers of the Army Me¬ dical Department who fell in the Crimea: erected at Netley Monument eleve, d Netley , d la memoire des officiers du Departement Medical de Xarmee qui succomberent dans la Crimee Denkmal fur die Militair-Wundarzte, die in der Krim fielen, errichtet zu Netley Monumento eretto a Netley agli Vjfiziali del Dipartimento Medico delV Armata che caddero nella Crimea 31 Lynn, William H., Belfast, Ireland 52 Houses of Parliament and Government Offices, Sydney, New South Wales ( Pesign selected for execution, and to which the first premium was awarded, International Compe¬ tition,, November 9, 1861) Chambres du Parlement et Bureaux de VAd¬ ministration, d Sydney, Nouvelle Galles du Slid (Dessin qui a remporte le premier prix au concours international du 9 novembre 1861, et qui a ete choisi pour execution ) Die Parlaments- und Regierungs-Gebaude zu Sydney in Neu-Siid-Wales (der Entwurf wurde fur die Ausfuhrung gewahlt und erhielt den ersten Preis in der interna- tionalen Competition am 9. November 1861) Edifizi del Parlamento ed Uffici Governativi a Sydney, New South Wales {progetto scelto per esecuzione ed al quale fu aggiudicato il primo premio, concorso internazionale 9 novembre 1861) 32 Masey, P. E., 61 Mornington-road, London 53 Design for a country house Projet de maison de campagne Entwurf fur ein Landhaus Progetto per una villa 33 Norton, John, 24 Old Bond-street, London 54 Tynestesfield, Somersetshire Tynestesfield, comte de Somerset Tynestesfield, in Somersetshire Tynestesfield, Somersetshire 34 Pearson, John L», F.S.A., 22 Harley- street, London 55 View of St. Peter’s Church, Vauxhall, London J&glise St.-Pierre, a Vauxhall ( Londres ) Ansicht der St. Peterskirche zu Vauxhall, London Veduta della Chiesa di S. Pietro, Vauxhall, Londra 35 Pennethorne, James, 7 Whitehall-yard, London 56 View of a design for the Prince Consort Memorial, proposed to he erected in Hyde- park, London Dessin pour le Monument projete dans Hyde- park, d Londtes, d la memoire du Prince Albert Ansicht des Denkmals des Prinzgemahls, das im Hyde-park zu London errichtet werden soli Veduta di progetto pel Monumento del Principe Consorte da erigersi in Hyde-park, Londra 36 Prichard, J., Liandaff 58 Design for a mansion for Don Senor Manuel M. Glonzalez at Jerez de la Erontera, Spain Dessin de Xhotel die Don Serior Manuel M. Gonzalez, d Jerez de la Erontera, en Espagne Entwurf eines Wohnhauses flir Don Senor Manuel M. Gronzalez zu Jerez de la Erontera, in Spanien Progetto di palazzo per Don Manuel M. Gon¬ zales a Jerez de la Erontera in Spagna 37 Redgrave, Gilbert, South Kensington Museum, London 59^ Architectural study Etude darchitecture Architectonische Studienzeichnung Studio architettonico 38 Ridge, Alfred M., 26 Clifton-road, Lower Clapton, London 60 Design for a Hall of Science and Art (to which the Gold Medal of the Boyal Academy was awarded, December 9, 1865) Dessin pour une Salle de Science et dArt (Medaille dor de V Academic Boy ale, decernee le 9 decembre 1865) Entwurf eines GebaudeS fur Wissenschaften und Kunst (erhielt die goldene Medaille der koniglichen Academie am 9. December 1865) Progetto per urX Aula di Scienze e d Arti (a cui fu aggiudicata la Medaglia d oro delV Accademia Beale il 9 dicembre 1865) 39 Scott, George Gilbert, R.A., E.S.A., 31 Spring-gardens, London. (Appendix, p. 256) 61 View of the Prince Consort Memorial, now in course of erection in Hyde-park, London 70 Architectural Designs , 8fc. — Dessins , etc., cTArchitecture. [Group I. Vue du monument a la memoire du Prince Albert , actuellement en construction dans Hyde-park, a Londres Ansicht des Denkmals des Prinzgemahls, das im Hyde-Park zu London errichtet wer- den soil Veduta del Monumento del Principe Consorte ora in costruzione in Hyde-park, a Londra 39a Seddon, J. P., 12 Park-street, West¬ minster, London 61 a Study for street architecture Etude de facade sur les rues Studienzeichnung fiir Strassen-Architectur Studio pell ’ architettura stradale 40 Slater, William, Carlton-chambers, 4 Regent-street, London 62 View of the interior of Sherborne Minster, Dorset (restored) Vue de Vinterieur de VJEglise-Cathedrale de Sherborne , comte de Dorset (restaure ) Ansicht des Innern des Ministers zu Sher¬ borne, in Dorsetshire (restaurirt) Veduta interna del Sherborne Minster, Dorset (restaurato) 63 Delamore House, South Devon Delamore House, comte de Devon ( Sud) Delamore House, in Siid-Devonshire Palazzo Delamore, Sud Devon 64 View of the interior of Church, Burnt-island Vue de Vinterieur de VEglise, a Burnt-island, Ecosse Ansicht des Innern der Kirche, Burnt-island Veduta interna di Chiesa, Burnt-island 41 Slater, Wtlliam, and Carpenter, R. Her¬ bert, Carlton-chambers, 4 Regent-street, London 65 View of St. John’s Chapel, Hurstpierpoint Vue de la Chapelle St.-Jean, a Hurstpierpoint Ansicht der St. John’s-Capelle, zu Hurstpier¬ point Veduta della Cappella di S. Giovanni, a Hurstpierpoin t 42 Smith, Thomas Roger, 57 Strand, London 66 European General Hospital, Bombay Hopital General Europeen, a Bombay Das allgemeine Europaische Hospital zu Bombay Spedale Generale Europeo, Bombay 43 Smith, Thomas Roger, 57 Strand, London, and Trubshaw, James, Bombay 67 View of the exterior of the building designed for the Bombay International Exhibition Vue de Vexterieur du bdtiment destine a VEx¬ position Internationale de Bombay Ansicht der Aussenseite des Gebaudes, ent- worfen fiir die internationale Ausstellung zu Bombay Veduta esterna delV edifizio progettato pell ’ Esposizione Internazionale di Bombay 68 View of the interior of same Vue de Vinterieur de ce batiment Ansicht des Innern derselben Veduta interna del medesimo 44 Sorby, Thomas Charles, 15 Bedford-row, London 69 Town Hall, Bromley Hotel de Ville, a, Bromley Rathhaus zu Bromley Palazzo Comunale, Bromley 45 Spiers, Richard Phene, 14 St. Giles’s- street, Oxford 70 Design for a staircase to a royal palace (to which the Gold Medal of the Royal Academy was awarded' in 1863) Dessin de grand escalier de palais (medaille M.D. CLASS 1 1 1 2 5 3 4 1 1 Newton, Alfred P. Nicol, Erskine Norton, John 2 1 4 Oakes, J. Wright . »» »> >> • Oliver, Mrs. W. . O’Neil, Henry, A.R.A. . Orchardson, W. Quiller Osborne, Emily 1 2 2 1 1 1 Palmer, Samuel n »> „ William J. Paton, Sir J. Noel, R.S.A. Paton, Waller H., R.S.A. ii ii ii ii Pearson, George „ John L., F.S.A. Pennethorne, James Penrose, F. C., M.A. Pettie, John, A.R.A. Phillip, John, R.A. (the late) Phillips, Henry Wyndham Pickersgill, Frederick Richard, R.A. Poole, Paul Falconer, R.A. Prinsep, Val. C. Prichard, J. 2 5 5 1 1 2 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 Rankley, Alfred . Raven, John Read, Samuel Redgrave, Gilbert. „ Richard, R.A. M ii i> • ii ii ii Reid, Andrew Richardson, Thomas Miles Ridge, Alfred M. . Riviere, Henry Parsons Roberts, David, R.A. (the late) Robins, Edward C. Robinson, J. H., A.R.A. Ross, Sir William (the late) . Rowbotham, J. L. 1 1 2 4 1 2 5 5 2 4 2 1 4 5 2 2 Sachs, John.5 Salter, William.1 Sant, James, A.R.A.1 Schetky, John Christian Scott, G. Gilbert, R.A., F.R.S. ,, J ames .... Seddon, John P. Severn, Arthur .... Sharpe, C. W. Simmons, William H. . Slater, William .... „ „ & Carpenter, R. H. Smallfield, Frederick ii ii ... Smith, Collingwood „ Thomas R. „ ,, & Trubshaw, James Solomon, Rebecca .... Sorby, Thomas C. ... Spence, B. . Spiers, Richard Ph6ne . Stanfield, Clarkson, R.A. St. Aubyn, James P. Stephens, Edward, A.R.A. Stephenson, James Stocks, Dumb, A.R.A. . Stone, Frank, A.R.A. (the late) Street, George E., A.R.A., F.S.A. . Swaine, Joseph . . . ^ Sykes, Godfrey (the late) n ii ii • ii ii n ♦ CLASS 1 2 2 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 3 5 5 1 4 5 1 2 4 Tasker, W.4 Tayler, Frederick.2 Tennant, John ..... 1 Thomas, George Housman ... 1 „ W. L.5 Thompson, Jacob.1 ,, John (the late) ... 5 Thorburn, Robert, A.R.A. ... 1 Tidey, Henry.2 Tilt, Frederick.2 Topham, F. W. ..... 2 Townroe, Reuben.3 n »»••••• 4 Trubshaw, James.4 Turner, Charles, A.R.A. (the late) . 5 Vacher, Charles.2 Verity, Thomas.4 Vintner, J. A.5 Walker, Frederick .... 2 Wallis, Henry.1 Walton, Frank.2 „ James T. .... 1 Ward, Edward M., R.A, ... 1 „ Henrietta ..... 1 Waring, J. B.4 Warren, Albert H. .... 2 „ Edmund G.2 „ Henry.2 Waterhouse, Alfred .... 4 Watkins, B. Colies, R.H.A. ... 1 84 Index. Watson, Thomas H. Watts, G. F., A.R.A. . Webster, Thomas, R.A. Wehnert, Edward Henry Weigall, Alfred ,, Henry Weir, Harrison Wells, Henry T., A.R.A. 5J )> >> JJ Werner, Carl Westmacott, J. S. . White, William, E.S.A. . Whittaker, J. W. Whymper, J. W. Willis, H. Brittan Willmore, James T., A.R.A. (the late) Woolner, T. . Wyatt, M. Digby, F.S.A. , „ Thomas Henry . Wyon, E. W. „ J. S. & A. B. . Yeames, William Frederick, A.R.A. . 1 CLASS 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 LONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NEW-STREET SQUARE peciAt, 'i3-6 3331 • J.i.