Ube Ibamilton palace Collection. 672 GRAND LOUIS XIV. ARMOIRE, BY BUHL, FROM THE DESIGN OF LE BRUN. Paris : LIBRAIRIE DE L'ART, 33, AVENUE DE L'OPERA. REMINGTON AND CO i 34> NEW BOND STREET, W. 1882. ILotttiott : R. Clay, Sons, and Tayloe, Printers, Bread Street Hill, E.C. THE HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION. B CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required ; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine, and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. ©roer of Sate. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FIRST PORTION. SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1882. Dutch and Flemish Pictures. MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1882. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain, Bronzes, Lacquer Work, and Enamels. French and Italian Decorative Objects, Rock-crystal Chandelier, Antique Porphyry Busts, Tables, and Vases. TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1882. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain, and Lacquer Work. French and Italian Decorative Objects, including Marie Antoinette's Furniture, by Gouthiere and Riesener, and Madame du Barry's Secretaire. SECOND PORTION. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1882. Italian Pictures. MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1882. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain, Old Sevres Porcelain. Objects in Precious Material, French and Italian Decorative Objects, Bronzes, and Bust of Napoleon I. by Thorwalsden. 4 Order of Sale. TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1882. Chinese and Japanese Porcelain, and Enamels. Objects in Silver, Silver Gilt, and other Precious Materials. French and Italian Decorative Objects, including the Armoires by Buhl from the Louvre. THIRD PORTION. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1882. Italian Pictures, and Historical Portraits. MONDAY, JULY 3, 1882. Old Dutch, French, and Italian Faience, Venetian and Persian Glass. Etruscan Pottery. Carvings in Ivory. French and Italian Decorative Objects, including the Due de Choiseul's Writing- Table. The Celebrated Laocoon Group in Bronze, from Stowe. kock-crystal chandelier, and antique porphyry bust of nlobe. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1882. Old French Faience, including the Busts of the Seasons by Vavasseur, Henri II. Ware, and Limoges Enamels. Italian Cinque-cento Metal Work, including the Soltykoff Chess- Table. French and Italian Decorative Objects. Antique Egyptian Porphyry Vases ; and the Florentine Cabinet designed by M. Angelo. Order of Sale. 5 FOURTH PORTION. SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1882. Pictures by Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, and English Artists. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1882. Old Japan Lacquer Work. Oriental and Dresden Porcelain. French and Italian Decorative Objects, including Marie Antoinette's Lac Furniture, mounted by Gouthiere. TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1882. Old Japan Lacquer Work. Oriental Porcelain and Objects of Art. French and Italian Decorative Objects. The Statuette of Voltaire, by Houdon. The Jasper Rosewater-Ewer. Bronzes and Marbles. FIFTH PORTION. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1882. The Collection of Miniatures. MONDAY, JULY 17, 1882. Dresden, Sevres, and English Porcelain ; French and Italian Decorative Objects, including the Louis XV. Parqueterie Commode. 6 Order of Sale. TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1882. Small Objects of Art and Vertu. European Porcelain. Decorative Objects, including the Tapestry Hangings, State Bedstead, and Furniture. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1882. Dresden and English Porcelain, Small Objects of Art and Vertu. French and Italian Decorative Objects. The Bronze Statues made for Francis I. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1882. The Collection of Greek, Roman, and English Coins. ' Antique and Cinque-cento Gems ; and French and Italian Objects of Art. THE HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION. FIRST DAY'S SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1882. IDutcb anb jflemisb pictures- J. VAN BREDA. 1 A Party of Cavaliers, halting at a farrier's shed, and other figures on a road. 10 in. by 15 in. J. VAN BREDA. 2 A Horse Fair — the companion. H. STEENWYCK. 3 Interior of a Church, with a monk preaching, and numerous figures. 21 in. by 17 in. From Fonthill. SOLOMON RUYSDAEL. 4 A Landscape, with a church, peasants with animals, and a carriage on a road. 20 in. by 14 in. PURCHASED BY J. H. Pollen. £262 10s. J. P. Hcscltine. £37 16s. J. H. Pollen. £52 10s. 8 The Hamilton Palace Collection. C. POELEMBERG. 5 The Repose of the Holy Family. 20 in. by 15 in. VAN DYCK. 6 Portrait of Charles I., in a crimson and white slashed dress, with the ribbon of the Garter. 3 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. H. STEENWYCK. 7 Soldiers Guarding St. Peter in Prison — on copper. 7£ in. by 5^ in. H. HOLBEIN. 8 Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset (Lord Protector), in a black furred dress and cap, wearing a chain, and ring on his left forefinger. 20 in. by 15 in. From Fonthill. H. STEENWYCK. 9 St. Jerome at His Devotions. 7i in. by 5^ in. REMBRANDT. 10 Head of a Female. 18 in. by 14 in. RUBENS. 11 Portrait of the Duke D'Olivarez, an oval, composed of Palms, and decorated, with two angels seated at the sides of the pedestal, and various other symbolical ornaments ; among these, and at the top, is a star encircled by a snake, painted in grisaille. 28 in. by 22 in. Engraved by Pontius, and in small by Galle, jun. See Smith's Catalogue, Part II, p. 311. LUCAS CRANACH. 12 Judith with the Head of Holofernes. Signed. 31 in. by 22 in. See Dr. Waagcn, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. PURCHASED BY John Duguid. £147. G. Sedclmeyer. £808 10s. E. Radley. £141 15s. E. F. White. £514 10s. E. Radley. £199 10s. Mrs. Langton. £23 2s. Winckworth. £472 10s. T. Laurie and Son. £115 10s. » The Hamilton Palace Collection. A. VAN DER NEER. 13 View of a Dutch Town on a River, with buildings, boats, and figures, two men drawing a net, and a man in the foreground with a dog : moonlight. 2 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. A. DURER. 14 Portrait of the Artist, with long hair, in white dress and brown cloak and white cap, an hour glass in a niche behind him. Signed with monogram, and dated 1507. 16 in. by 12 in. See Dr. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. A. DURER. 15 Christ led to Calvary — on copper. 15 in. by 11 in. RUBENS. 16 A Battle-piece — a sketch. 18 in. by 9 in. FAHLKRANTZ. 17 A View in Italy. 19 in. by 15 in. VAN DYCK. 18 Henrietta Lotharinga, Princess of Phalsburg, sister to the Duke of Lorraine. Her dress consists of a black silk robe, a white satin petticoat, sleeves of the same, rich lace neckerchief standing up round the shoulders, a black silk bow and ribands adorn the stomacher, and both neck and ears are decked with pearls. She is represented standing with the left hand slightly pressing the skirt of her robe, and the right placed on the shoulder of a black page, who is dressed in red, and bears in his hand a silver salver, on which lies a bunch of roses. A yellow curtain and a portion of a building compose the background. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £278 os. J. IT. Pollen. £409 10s. Grove. £110 os. Winckworth. £105. J. H. Pollen £27 6s. F. Davis. £2,100. 10 The Hamilton Palace Collection. This most admirable picture is signed, and dated 1634, and is doubtless the same which is noted No. 24 p. 80 in the catalogue of Charles I. collection, afterwards in the Orleans Gallery. 84 in. by 50 in. Engraved by Vois, and brought from Brussels by Mr. Endymion Porter. See Smith's " Catalogue Raisonne," Supplement, p. 384, and Buchanans 1 altar seen in the background, over which is a picture of the Holy Family with St. J ohn and the Lamb, by Rubens. 47 in. by 36 in. JS . iSJjliL 11 hJl . The Ford. J. H. Pollen. The view represents on the left a mass of rocks, the summits of which are £735. clothed with trees. A shallow stream extends along the foreground, through which are passing two oxen, an ass laden with linen and cloth, a goat and two sheep ; these are followed by a herdsman and a woman with a child at her back, and preceded at some distance by a man driving a flock of sheep and goats along a winding road, in advance of which is a man on an ass. The effects of the close of a fine day pervades the scene. 15£ in. by 20 in. See Smith's " Catalogue Raisonnd," vol. 5, p. 93. VAN DYCK. oo jA-iiMij v_/±iAitjjjiio j.., in ctimuui ctiiu. wiiiutJ Luiicii, vviiii goiu ciiani aiiu. / /V nl I n pi* badge of the Garter. £199 10s. 28 in. by 25 in. J. VAN BER ULFT. 40 ±\. v iHiVv ui a. uiii ijm mni j-iiiiVAJNi, witn numeious ngures, witn F. Heather. camels, horses, and merchandise. £315. 32 in. by 22 in. H. BE CORT. 41 A Landscape, with a castle and ruined abbey. T.riQiTip HOin Sni/ J_ • JVtt'tv/ vt/ KAj it/It. tJXJIli* 38 in. by 26 in. £29 8s. From Fonthill. J. WYNANTS. 42 A Sunny River Scene, with a castle on the bank, a large thistle / ill 11 Pfl 11 under a group of old trees on the right. Signed, and dated 1670. £189. 31 in. by 26 in. HOLBEIN. 43 Portrait of Edward VI., in a black dress, the border embroidered T. M. Whitehead. with gold and set with jewels, with black cap and feather set with £798. jewels, and wearing a sword, his left hand clasping his girdle, and holding a glove in his right hand ; an orange-damask curtain The Hamilton Palace Collection. 16 The Hamilton Palace Collection. suspended behind — a label attached to a building on the right inscribed " King Edward 6 " — the floor of inlaid marble. 5 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 11 in. RUBENS. 44 The Birth of Venus — oval. The beautiful goddess is represented alighting on the shore from the element that gave her birth, accompanied by nymphs, tritons, and a number of cupids, the latter playfully sporting in the air, bearing chaplets of flowers. The surrounding border is decorated with Neptune and Amphitrite, Cupid and Psyche, sea nymphs, cupids, dolphins, vases, &c. This is a spirited and delightfully painted picture in grisaille, done for a design for a silver salver (most probably for Charles I.). 23 in. by 30 in. See Smith's "Catalogue BaisonnS," vol. 11, p. 250. A. BRAUWER. 45 Interior of a Cottage, with a peasant seated playing a guitar, a woman seated at a table on which is a pan with mussels, a jug on the ground at her side, and a cat licking a kettle, an open door in the background. 14 in. by 12 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. JANNECK. 46 The Kaising of Lazarus — on copper. 30 in. by 21 in. JANNECK. 47 Christ Feeding the Multitude — the companion. RUBENS. 48 The Loves of the Centaurs. This classic scene represents the fresh and verdant groves of Arcadia, in which is introduced the poetic fiction of the centaurs, two of which are fondly embracing in the foreground, and a second pair is seen sportively bounding over the meadows at a little distance. The enchanting beauty of the landscape, and the spirit and energetic expression displayed in the imaginary creatures, render this a production of matchless excellence. 20 in. by 28 in. Collection of a Gentleman in Grafton Street, 1802. The Hon. C. F. Greville (by Mr. Christie), 1810. See Smith's " Catalogue Baisonne'," vol. 2, p. 213. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £1,680. A. lonides. £609. G. Attenborough. £162 15s. Stewart. £2,100. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 17 HOBBEMA. 49 A View of a Watek-Mill and adjoining cottages, situated in a well wooded country. Sid', The composition of this admirable picture presents on the right a thick cluster of trees, the ample foliage of which partly conceals the cottages and overshadows the mill, the latter is placed near the centre of the view, with its gable and wheel towards the spectator, and a plank lies over timber work from an adjacent bank. The mill stream, which extends over the greater part of the foreground, is beautifully fringed with bulrushes and other aquatic weeds, and two pollard willows rise from its bank. The figures which animate the scene are also by Hobbema, and consist of a man angling, another looking on, and a third is crossing a slight rustic bridge ; beyond these are seen two cottages among trees. Light fleecy clouds float over the azure sky and aid the effect by alternate shade and sunshine. Painted with a rich empasto of colour, accompanied by admirable firmness of hand. 24 in. by 33 in. See Smith's "Catalogue Raisonne'" vol. G, p. 156. See Dr. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. C. JANSSEN. 50 Portrait of James I., in white doublet, with brown cloak and hose embroidered with jewels and pearls, with jewelled chain and George, and jewelled grey hat with feather. 44 in. by 34 in. D. TENTERS. 51 A LANDSCAPE, with a woman leading her drunken husband, three peasants in front of a cottage on the right, and a church, with peasants and sheep in the distance. Signed. 31 in. by 25 in. D. TENTERS. 52 Interior of a Stable, with a woman milking a cow and o-ivino- her child a bowl. 25 in. by 19 in. A. DURER. 53 Portrait of the Artist, with long brown hair and black beard, black slashed dress with embroidered bands, coloured vest, and black cap, his right arm resting on a ledge, holding a scroll in his left hand. Signeel. 30 in. by 23 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. PURCHASED BY C. Sedchneyer. £4,252 10s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £735. Duncan. £69 (is. E. Badley. £325 105, E. Butter. £388 105, 18 The Hamilton Palace Collection. H. HOLBEIN. 54 Portrait of a Gentleman, in white and gold embroidered shirt, embroidered brown dress, brown-black cloak and cap, his right hand holding the pommel of his sword ; view of a lake with buildings in the background. A shield of arms on the back inscribed " Henrich. Knobelauch-seines alters xxv., felicitas vestennerin sein gemahel qres alters xxv., mcccccxxix." 19 in. by 13 in. J. BREUGHEL. 55 An Allegory of the Element of Air — on copper. 56 An Allegory of the Element of Water — the companion. C. POELEMBERG. 57 A Pair of Landscapes, with Nymphs Bathing, peasants and animals. J 10 in. by 8 in. From the Collection of King Charles I. J. ARTOIS. 58 A River Scene, with a Hunting Partv ; and a Village Scene, with Animals — a pair. 6^- in. by 5 in. VAN DYCK. 59 A Head of a Monk, represented in nearly a profile view, having scanty hair and mustachios. A mantle of tawny brown colour covers the shoulders, leaving the neck exposed. Painted in a free and dexterous style. 19 in. by 15 in. See Smith's " Catalogue Paisonne," Supplement, p. 402. RUBENS. 60 Christ Triumphant over Sin, Death, and the Grave, a sketch for the picture painted for the Cockx family, engraved by Eynhouedts. 11 in. square. See Smith's Catalogue, Part II, p. 8. HOLBEIN. 61 Portrait of a Knight of the Garter, small whole length, with a dog, inscribed, "eetatis sua3 56, Anno Domini 1555." 6 in. by 4 in. Presented by Charles I. to the Marquis of Hamilton. The King's brand is on the back, both as Prince and King. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £220 10s. T. & W. Banting. £273. j. H. Pollen. £55 13s. J. H. Pollen. £16 16s. C. Sedelmeyer. £33 12s. Winckioorth. £157 10s. F. Davis. £99 15s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 19 MARTIN SCHOEN. 62 The Nativity, with Angels, on gold ground — on copper. 7 in. by 5 in. D. TENIERS. 63 View of a Chateau, with peasants in the foreground. Signed, 7. in. by 5 in. A. ELSHEIMER. 64 Tobit and the Angel — on copper. 7 in. by 4-| in. D. TENIERS. 65 An Interior with Three Peasants, one lighting his pipe at a chafing-dish. 8 in. by 6]- in. P. FERG. 66 A Fair in a Town, with a charlatan, and other figures. 8 in. by 11 in. See Dr. Waagen. REMBRANDT. 67 Head of a Lady, in rich dress and cap, with pearl earrings. 22 in. by 18 in. RUBENS. 68 A Landscape, with a castle and a gibbet on a roadside. 8^ in. by 6£ in. G. BERK HE YD EN. 69 A View in Haarlem, with the Great Church and figures. 16 in. by 14 in. See Dr. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol, 3, p. 294. MOUCHERON 70 An Upright Italian Landscape, with travellers on a road near a lake. 10| in. by 8 A in. P. POTTER. 71 A Sheep and Lamb. 6 in. by 5 in. PURCHASED BY H. G. Bohn. £16 16s. The Hon. W. Massey- Mainiuaring. £110 5s. The Hon. W.Masscy- Mainwaring. £25 4s. J. H. Pollen. £131 5s. Duncan. £241 10s. W inckworth. £630. H. Pollen. £33 12s. Duncan. £210. T. Agnew and Sons. £225 15s. J. II. Pollen. £15 15s. 20 The Hamilton Palace Collection. H. SWANEVELDT. 72 A Landscape, with the Flight into Egypt. 21 in. by 15 in. A. OSTADE. 73 Interior of a Cabaret, with a peasant seated on a tub in front of a fire, from which he is taking a lighted coal ; another peasant, holding a jug in his right hand, and offering a glass of beer to a child playing with a chair, a peasant holding a pipe, taking down a shutter from a window, a stool and utensils on the left. Signed, and dated 1656. 15 in. by 13 in. VAN DYCK. 74 A Study of a Horse's Head. 26 in. by 20 in. VAN DYCK. 75 Queen Henrietta Maria, in white dress, with jewel pearls in her hair, and pearl necklace, half-length. 24 in. by 18 in. J. BE MABEUSE. 76 The Adoration of the Magi, a castle and village on a lake, seen beyond columns in the background. 36 in. by 27 in. From the Beckford Collection. P. WOUVERMANS. 77 A Man Watering his Steed, and a Sportsman with a Gun. A landscape representing an arid country, with a hill on the right, surmounted by a cottage, a hay-rick, and a few straggling trees, the opposite side is watered by a river bounded by distant sandhills. A sportsman on a brown horse, with a gun on his shoulder, and followed by a boy on foot, and a dog is approaching on a winding road which leads over a hill, and in advance of him is a woman with a pack at her back sitting at the roadside. Considerably beyond these are a man and a boy, near the house already noticed. A man is watering his steed at the river, a traveller with a pack at his back, and other persons, are some distance from him. Painted in grey, cool tone of colouring. 23 in. by 28 in. See Smith's " Catalogue Baisonne'" Supplement, p. 198. PURCHASED BY A. Weston. £44 2s. Duncan. £1,837 10.< C. Sedelmcyer £24 3s. T. Agnew a.nd Sons. £735. A. Young. £525. H. Fitzhenry. £693. Ill The Hamilton Palace Collection. 21 JACOB RUYSDAEL. 78 A Woody Scene, with a river falling in a cascade among rocks, some broken trees on the right, a group of fine trees above, rocks on the left, a woman and child seated on a rood beyond, under some palings. 26 in. by 21 in. From Stowe. 31 I EE VELD T. 79 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden — whole length. 6 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 4 in. RUBENS. 80 Daniel in the Den of Lions. The Prophet is represented sitting naked in the middle of the den, his hands clasped, and his countenance directed upward with an expression of earnest prayer. Nine lions are prowling around him. Engraved by Blooteling, Van der Leuw, and Lamb, and in mezzotint by J. "Ward. There is also an etching of it by Street, extremely rare. This is one of the few great pictures by Kubens which we know with certainty to have been entirely executed by his own hand. Rubens says this explicitly in an Italian letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, which Mr. Carpenter has printed in his Pictorial Notices, p. 140. This picture was presented by Sir Dudley Carleton to Charles I., and is inserted in the printed catalogue of his collection at page 87. "No. 14. Done by ( Item. — A piece of Daniel in the lion's den, with lions about him. Sir Peter J Given by the deceased Lord Dorchester to the king, so Paul Rubens. ( big as the life, in a black gilded frame." 7 ft. 6 in. by 10 ft. 10 in. See Smith's "Catalogue Raisonne 1 ," vol. 11, p. 1G2. See Dr. Waagcn, "Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. PURCHASED BY M. Colnaghi. £1,218. F. Davis. £320 5s. Duncan. £5,145. End op First Day's Sale, £43,250 lis. SECOND DAY'S SALE. MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1882. ©lb Japan porcelain. 81 Eight Dishes, with vases of flowers in the centre. 82 Six Ditto ; and two large plates. 83 Five Ditto ; and three others. 84 Five Round Dishes, with flowers and scrolls in colours ; and eight small dishes, with a bird in blue in the centre. 85 Five Dishes ; and six plates, with vases and ornaments. 86 Five Bound White and Gold Dishes, with scalloped borders and butterflies in colours. 87 Eleven Plates, with flowers; and seven others. 88 Ten Ditto, with flowers, and with ornaments on the border ; and twelve others. 89 Six Small Plates, with blue borders, and vases of flowers in the centre ; six with gilt borders ; and two others. 90 Five Round Dishes, with vases of flowers in the centre, and foliage with flower buds on the border. 91 Four Fan-shaped Dishes. 92 Four Octagonal Dishes, with openwork borders, and vases of flowers in the centre. PURCHASED BY J. Anderson. £12 12s. A. Pratt. £10 10s. T. Chapman & Son, £11 lis. J. Anderson. £22 lis. 6d. T. Chapman & Son, £14 3s. 0>d. T. Agnew and Sons. £21. J. Anderson. £7 7s. Anderson. £14 14s. T. Laurie and Son. £16 16s. W. King. £7 17s. 6d. W. King. £32 0s. 6d. A. Buckley. £31 10s.' The Hamilton Palace Collection. 23 PURCHASED BY 93 Five Octagonal Dishes, with pomegranates in the centre. W. King. £31 10s. 94 Eight Round Dishes, with fluted borders, vases of flowers and birds. T. Laurie and Son. £32 lis. 95 Eight Round Dishes, with fluted borders, vases of flowers and birds. A. Pratt. tlo ±oS. 96 Twelve Ditto. CI 7 bamueis. £23 2s. 97 Four Smaller Ditto ; and five others. Duncan. £27 6s. 98 Six Dishes, with fan-shaped medallions, and flowers on the borders. \J . J-V/VUH LO, £11 lis. 99 Eight Ditto, with landscapes in the centre, and flowers on the J. Anderson. borders. £10 10s. 100 Six Plates, with flowers in blue borders ; and six with landscapes J H Pollen rj ■ J L . i 1/1/ 1/ 1 IV. and flowers in medallions. £15 4s. Q'd. 101 Five Ditto, with lotos flowers ; and eleven soup-plates. J. H. Pollen. £20 9s. Qd. 102 Five Ditto, with blue borders and flowers ; and seven soup-plates, J. Anderson. with a crab and "flowers. £15 15s. 103 Sixteen Soup-Plates, with flowers in red. J. Anderson. £11 lis. 104 Eleven Plates; and fourteen soup-plates, of various patterns. J. H. Pollen. £32 lis. Enamelleb Chinese porcelain. 105 An Enamelled Cup, of rare apple-green, with marbled pattern, and three small medallions enamelled with flowers in colours. 106 A Sea-green Cup, enamelled with birds and foliage in colours, grey inside. 107 An Eggshell Basin, enamelled with an interior with figures and a figure in a landscape in two medallions, silver-gilt rim — 4£ in. diam. 108 A Pink Eggshell Vase and Cover, engraved all over, and partly enamelled with lotos plants in colours — 11 in. high. 109 A Pair of Chinese Eggshell Porcelain Vases, enamelled with numerous figures and landscapes in colours on white ground, mounted with feet and necks of engraved silver gilt — 8 in. high. W. King. £3 3s. W. King. £4 4s. Marks, Durlach&r Brothers. £32 lis. F. Davis. £53 lis. W. King. £39 7s. Qd. 24 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 110 A Small Teapot, of globular form, enamelled with flowers and foliage, and with flowers in leaf-shaped medallions, mounted with engraved silver gilt — 3f in. high. 111 A Pair of Hexagonal Vases, chocolate ground, with foliage and butterflies in gold, and each with two medallions, enamelled with landscapes on white ground, lizard handles — 7h in. high. 112 A Bottle, with flowers in blue on gilt ground, and enamelled with figures in medallions — 9 in. high. 113 An Oviform Vase, enamelled with arabesques in brilliant colours on sea-srreen srround, and border of ornaments on the neck, the handles formed as moths and rings — 8 in. high. 114 A Pair of Large Sea-green Bottles and Covers, with animals, butterflies, and foliage in every part, in slight relief and enamelled in colours, the covers surmounted by fruits — 36 in. high. 115 A Pair of Pale-blue Basins, partly enamelled with flowers, the insides green — on chased ormolu stands — 6* in. high. 116 A Pair of Pale-brown Vases, enamelled with flowers and foliage in colours — 10 j in. high. 117 A Pair of Flat, Square-shaped Vases and Covers, enamelled with flowers in colours on dark -blue ground, the covers surmounted by gilt male figures — 22 in. high. 118 A Pair of Eggshell Vases, enamelled all over with river scenes, buildings, trees, and numerous figures, the borders gilt — 11 in. high. 119 A Pair of Pink Vases and Covers, enamelled with flowers in brilliant colours, and with flowers and foliage in medallions on white ground — 17 in. high. 120 A Pair of Vases and Covers, enamelled with flowers and ornaments in brilliant colours on green and pink ground, and with birds, foliage and flowers in large medallions on white ground — 4 ft. 3 in. high. 121 A Pair of Rare Oviform Vases and Covers, black ground, with deep ruby-coloured borders, enamelled with flowers in brilliant colours, and each with three large medallions of flowers and landscapes on white ground — 171 i n - high. 122 A Pair of Fine Mandarin Vases and Covers, white ground, with slightly raised foliage and flowers, and foliage in gold in large leaf-shaped and smaller medallions, the covers surmounted by kylins, gilt and enamelled in colours — 53 in. high. PURCHASED BY W. King. £38 6s. 6d. T. Laurie and Son. £16 16s. J. Anderson. £8 8s. W. Craibc Angus. £21. H. E. Kidson. £173 5s. E. Badley. £52 10s. S. Binq. £58 16s. J. II. Pollen. £34 13s. Marls, Durlachcr Brothers. £204 15s. G. Donaldson. £420. H. Stettiner, £966. Duncan. £420. W. Wareham. £1,239. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 25 ©lb Japan Hacquer, 123 A Circular Box and Cover, of red Soochow lacquer, carved all over with flowers and ornaments, the top encrusted with pierced and carved jade ornaments. 124 A Large Black and Gold Card-Case, with fish and male figures in red and gold. 125 An Oblong Box and Cover, with foliage and flowers in a landscape in relief, and encrusted with flowers and ornaments in silver gilt and coloured stones. 126 A Black and Gold Nest of Three Boxes, and cover, with chrysanthemums and foliage. 127 Another, with two boxes and cover, with foliage in gold. 128 An Oblong Stand, of black and gold lacquer, with a river scene, buildings, boats, and figures. 129 A Black and Gold Medicine-Case, in four compartments, with a river scene in gold. 130 Another, in five divisions, with a river scene, boat, and flowers in relief. 131 A Nest of Five Trays, of Black and Gold Lacquer, containing three small ivory boxes, with figures and flowers in mother-o'-pearl and other materials — in black and gold cover. 132 An Octagonal Tray, with figures and foliage in gold on black ground. 133 A Pair of Black Lacquer Cups and Saucers, with buildings and foliage in gold. 134 An Oblong Box and Cover, with tray inside, with utensils and other ornaments in colours and gold. 135 A Black and Gold Box and Cover, with landscape on the lid, containing four smaller boxes of gold lacquer. 136 A Pair of Square Ditto, with foliage in gold, and four small boxes inside. 137 A Medicine-Box, in five divisions, with monkeys on horseback. 138 A Pair of Fan-shaped Boxes, of red and gold lacquer, with landscapes, trees, and buildings, each containing two small boxes. 4 P PURCHASED BY J. H. Pollen. £5 15s. Gd. A. Castellani. £3 13s. Gd. Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £141 15s. W. Wareham. £10 10s. W. Wareham. £11 0s. Gd. T.M. Whitehead. £15 15s. W. King. £2 2s.' J. H. Pollen. £4 4s. Duncan. £5 5s. W. King. £6 16s. Gd. T. Chapman & Son. £3 13s. Gd, Duncan. £38 17s. J. Trant. £5 5s. J. H. Pollen. £7 7s. W. King. £4 4s. C. Mannheim, £28 7s. e 26 139 A Small Shrine, of black lacquer, containing three figures minutely carved in rice grains. 140 An Oblong Gold Snuff-Box, the top formed of a plaque of fine old Japan lacquer, with a male figure in relief in gold colour on black ground. 141 A Small Shell-shaped Gold Lac Box and Cover, with a land- scape. 142 A Medicine-Box, with five divisions, and an owl, a spider, and foliage in relief. 143 An Oblong Tray, of black lacquer, with foliage in red and gold. 144 A Small Black and Gold Cabinet, with folding doors, containing numerous drawers, trays, and boxes. 145 A Shaped Oval Black Box, the sides decorated with landscapes in gold, a group of flowers in mother-o' -pearl and gold lac on the lid, tray inside. 146 A Fine Oblong Black and Gold Box and Cover, with land- scapes, figures, and buildings in gold, inscribed inside " Maria Van Dieman" — glass shade and stand. 147 A Very Fine Oblong Chest, of black lacquer, with raked land- scapes in gold, and studded with animals, birds, and other objects in silver and gold, and with a large medallion, similar inside the lid. Formerly the property of Napoleon I. PURCHASED BY Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring, £5 15s. 6^/. A. Buckley. £60 18s. S. Wertheirrier. £12 12s. Grundy and Smith £4 4s. T. M. Whitehead. £9 9s. Duncan. £37 16 s. W. H. Copr. £18 18s. W. War chain . £315. T. M. Whitehead. £735. Chinese Enamels. 148 A Canton Enamel Tripod Incense-Burner and Cover, with flowers and ornaments in colours on blue ground, the cover surmounted by a gilt kylin — 13 in. high. 149 A Pair of Incense-Burners, formed as grotesque animals of dark- and pale-blue cloissonne enamel, partly gilt, on oblong shaped pedestals of the same, with serpents — 21 in. high. From the Summer Palace, Peking. 150 A Large Vase of Chinese Cloissonnp: Enamel, with foliage in colours on turquoise ground, mask and ring handles — 19^ in. high. T. M. Whitehead. £24 3s. W. Wareham. £168. J. R. Pollen. £53 lis. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 27 Chinese Bron3e& 151 A Circular Two-handled Incense-Burner, with mask handles — carved and pierced wood stand and cover, with amber knob. 152 A Fluted Circular Incense-Burner, on three feet — wood stand formed as a lotos-leaf. 153 A Square Vase and Cover, with raised gilt band of ornaments, grotesque mask handles and gilt covers, surmounted by a kylin — 13 in. high. PURCHASED BY J. H. Pollen. £5 15s. 6d. Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart., M.P. £16 16s. A. Castellani. £210. Carvings in Hgate anb Jabe* 1 54 A Fluted Agate Cup, with carved handles. 155 A Small Agate Vase, formed as a flower, with foliage in relief — carved wood stand. 156 A Small Vase and Cover of Pale-green Jade, carved with foliage in high relief — wood stand — 6 \ in. high, without stand. 157 A Flat, Fluted Box and Cover, carved with foliage in low relief, and with divisions inside. 158 A Pair of Small Two-handled Cups, of pale-green jade, the handles pierced and carved with foliage. 159 A Ewer and Cover, of pale-green Indian jade, partly carved with foliage in relief, and inlaid with polished rubies and gold — 10 in. high. 160 A Pair of Very Fine Globular Bottles, of pale-green Indian jade, inlaid all over with flowers and leaves in lapis lazuli, jade, rubies, and other precious materials, and borders of gold — on Louis XVI. stands formed as three female figures of gilt metal supporting bronze palm-trees, on triangular marble pedestals supported by camels on marble plinths — 20 in. high. 161 A Curious Gilt-bronze Candlestick, formed as a group of two birds on a rock, inlaid with carved plaques of jade, agates, and other stones — on wood stand — 9£ in. high. W. H. Cope. £11 0s. Qd. Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart., M.P. £33 12s. C. Rhodes. £37 16s. J. H. Pollen. £10 10s. J. II. Pollen. £27 6s. A. Sichel. £81 18s. P. Badley. £1,522 10s. W. Wareham. £131 5s. 28 The Hamilton Palace Collection. decorative ©bjects. 162 A Pair of Tall Oviform Vases, of old gros-bleu Sevres porcelain, mounted with ormolu, with bird's-head handles and festoons of flowers and foliage, chased in high relief by Gouthiere — 14 in. high. See illustration. 163 A Louis XVT. Clock, by Kinable, with enamelled dial, in lyre-shaped case of old Sevres gros-bleu porcelain, mounted with ormolu, with a mask of Apollo at the top, and wreaths and festoons of flowers and foliage chased in high relief, the pendulum formed as a circle of fine old pastes — 25 in. high. 164 A Louis XIV. Chandelier, by Buhl, of ormolu, for sixteen lights, with a vase in the centre with arabesques in relief, boldly chased with scrolls and foliage. 165 A Pair of Louis XVI. Oviform Vases, in bronze, chased with foliage in relief, with fluted handles, necks and feet of ormolu, chased with foliage — 1 ft. 9 in. high. 166 A Louis XIV. Chandelier, of ormolu, with branches for six lights, chased with scrolls and flowers, and with vase in the centre, chased with masks. 167 A Set of Six Chairs, with high backs and carved legs of inlaid walnut, with figures of Minerva in engraved ivory, flowers, and the Hamilton arms and coronet in engraved ivory, mother-o'-pearl, and colours. 168 A Set of Four Ditto. 169 A Pair of Tudor Chairs, of ebony, richly carved with flowers, with spirally twisted columns and stretchers and leather seats, said to have belonged to Cardinal Wolsey. 170 A Pair of Ditto. 171 A Louis XIV. Knee-hole Writing-Table, by Buhl, covered with ornaments in engraved white metal and brass upon tortoiseshell, the inside lined with marqueterie, with six drawers and eight legs, with stretchers — 3 ft. 9 in. by 2 ft. 4 in. PURCHASED BY Clark. £1,680. W. Boore. £462. Duncan. £220 10s. J. H. Pollen. £110 5s. F. Davis. £420. 77. E. Kidsou. £210. F. Davis. £173 5s. T. M. Whitehead. £136 10s. W. J. Goode. £105. Duncan. £210. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 29 172 A Cabinet of Ebony and Mahogany, the front formed of a large panel of Japan lacquer, with a landscape and figures in gold on black ground, with border of mother-o' -pearl, trellis, and flowers, enclosing numerous drawers panelled with slabs of Japan lacquer, richly mounted with ormolu friezes and ornaments of classic design, and painted medallions by Auguste, surmounted by a rose granite slab, on high open stand and marble plinths — 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 6 in., 4 ft. 11 in. high. 173 The Companion Cabinet and Stand. 174 A Louis XIV. Pedestal Cabinet, by Buhl, inlaid with fine designs in engraved brass and white metal on tortoiseshell, richly mounted with ormolu mouldings, masks, and festoons of foliage, a circular medallion of Louis XIV. in the front, black marble slab — 2 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 8 in., 3 ft. 6 in. high. 176 An Oblong Louis XVI. Cabinet, of ebony, inlaid with panels of Japan lacquer, with buildings and trees in gold on black ground, mounted with ormolu, with terminal figures of bacchanalian boys at the angles, the friezes and mouldings of classic design, with Grecian honeysuckles, with slab of antique Egyptian granite — 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 2 in., 3 ft. 2 in. high. 177. An Upright Secretaire, Ensuite — 3 ft. by 1 ft. 5 in., 4 ft. 8 in. high. 178 An Old Italian Ebony Cabinet, with folding doors, enclosing drawers, and on stand, with drawer and stretcher, carved all over with flowers and foliage and mounted with metal gilt — 2 ft. 8^ in. by 1 ft. 9 in., 4 ft. 5 in. high. 179 An Oblong Table, formed of small slabs of matrix of emerald, with border of green Egyptian breccia marble, on carved and gilt stand and plinth, with arabesque figures and flowers — 5 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 11 in. 180 The Companion Table. 181 An Oblong Table, of old Florentine pietre-dure mosaic, on carved and gilt stand, with square column legs and stretcher — 4 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. 182 A Large Italian Coffer, of ebony, massively mounted with ormolu, and enriched with masks, scrolls, fruit, and flowers of old Florentine raised mosaic in high relief, with cut steel key in glazed brass case — 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 8 in., 2 ft. high. From Fonthill. 183 An Old Rock-crystal Chandelier, the frame of chased ormolu, with branches for eight lights, with ball drop, and cut drops of unusual dimensions, with numerous balls, vases, and drops. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £1,029. Duncan. £2,310. S. Wertheimer. £598 10s. W. Xing. £630. W. Boore. £225 15s. T. Laurie and Son. £120 15s. J. H. Pollen. £215 5s. W. Boore. £1,018 10s. S. Wertheimer. £735. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 3L 184 The D'Artois Cabinet, a Louis XIV. Commode, of ebony inlaid with fine panels, by Buhl, of brass and Avhite metal on tortoiseshell, mounted with massive handles and ornaments of ormolu, chased with bacchanalian and other masks in high relief, the monogram C.A. and the arms of France surrounded by boys with garlands of flowers forming the key-plates, and steel key with openwork handle, surmounted by a fine slab of malachite — 5 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 2 in., branded with monogram MS. 185 An Oblong Cabinet, of ebony inlaid with brass, with fluted columns at the angles, inlaid with eight slabs of Florentine pietre-dure mosaic, with birds, fruit, and flowers, richly mounted with friezes, masks, and mouldings of ormolu chased in high relief, black and gold marble slab— 4 ft. 11 in. by 1 ft. 9 in. 186 The Companion Cabinet. 187 An Oblong Table, of antique Egyptian porphyry, of unusual dimen- sions, on stand of ormolu, the legs formed of terminal winged figures holding cornucopias — on stand, with stretcher, boldly chased with masks and foliage in high relief — 7 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. 188 The Companion Table. 189 A Pair of Vases and Covers, of Antique Egyptian porphyry, spirally fluted, with carved handles — on black marble plinths. l'l/RCHASEI) BY Duncan. £766 10s. Duncan. £278. Duncan. £514 10s. P. and D. Golnaghi and Co. £945. P. and D. Golnaghi and Go. £945. G. Donald so n. £299 5s. Sculpture. 190 An Antique P>ust of the Emperor Vespasian, of black basalt, with drapery of original alabaster. From Strawberry Hill. 191 A Bust of the Emperor Augustus, of antique Egyptian porphyry, with gilt metal ornaments. 192 A Bust of the Emperor Tiberius, of antique Egyptian porphyry, with gilt metal ornaments. 193 An Ebony Terminal Pedestal, inlaid with old Florentine mosaics and mounted with ormolu. 194 A Ditto. 195 A Ditto. T. Agnew and Sens. £336. E. Joseph. , £1,732 10 s. S. Wertheimer. £525. J. Duveen. £16 16 s. J. Duveen. £21. J. Duveen. £19 19s. End of Second Day's Sale, £25,072 Ids. J The Hamilton Palace Collection. 192 THIRD DAY'S SALE. TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1882. ©lb Japan porcelain. PURCHASED BY 196 Fifteen Plates, with vases of flowers in the centre. J. Anderson. £20 9s. U. 197 Five Ditto, with baskets of flowers; and ten, with vases of flowers. J. Anderson. £16 5s. U. 198 Eleven Ditto, with three vases of flowers in the centre. W. Craibe Angus. £13 13s. 199 Ten Ditto, with pomegranates on the border, and deep-blue T. Laurie and Son. compartments. £15 15s. 200 Sixteen Ditto, with bamboos and flowers. J. Anderson. £17 6s. 6d. 201 Twenty-four Ditto, with lotos-flower compartments and pomegranates A. Buckley. in the centre. £30 9s.' 202 Twenty-five Ditto. J. H. Pollen. £32 0s. U. 203 Sixteen Ditto, with flowers, a circular medallion in the centre. T. Laurie and. Son. £17 6s. Qd. 204 Eleven Ditto, with a vase of flowers and scroll in the centre; and J. Anderson. six with vases on a table. £18 18s. 205 Thirteen Ditto, with landscapes in square medallions, birds, and T. Chapman & Son. ornaments. £18 18s. 206 Eleven Ditto, with a vase of flowers in the centre. T. Chapman & Son. £15 4s. Qd. 36 The Hamilton Palace Collection. Enamelleo Chinese porcelain* IT U 1\V_/X1 Ao£)l/ 13 1 •>07 r T , WTJ , 'MT'V ATTXTTi 1 Ti A T> IT -PT T"f V ~Pl A TTfCl 'nPTlPlllpd Wlt.il flTm TlOWPVS in gold ; and four dishes — similar. £21. Two Mazarin-blue Dishes, with landscapes and flowers in gold. 7 1 T.noi v i c n yi /7 Nr, v £5 15s. Qd. •)00 oix DKA.-GRk.LN jjishls, \vicn raised nowers. 77 .T Turner £4 14s. Qd. _1U Twelve Plates, with gilt festoons and ornaments and pink Lyril £ lov er, M.r. centres. £33 12s 211 Six Ditto, enamelled with nowers ; tour others ; five soup-plates ; T. Laurie and Son. and a dish. ■PIT 1 1 « JJ 1 1 1 la. 212 Two Ditto, with figures and birds, and with red enamelled borders; J. Anderson. and seven enamelled with poultry and nowers m white, and with xii us. ort. blue enamelled bands. 213 Six Ditto, with roses; and ten, with nowers. W. King. £17 17s. 214 Seven Ditto, with vases of flowers and rich borders. J. Anderson. £10 10s. 215 Five Ditto, enamelled with nowers on scroll shaped medallions. T. Laurie and Son. -P7 17« <=b 1 lib. Oil . 21o Eight Ditto, enamelled with ducks and aquatic plants, and figures W. Wareham. on the border. -p'i n ilU Ob. Oil. 217 Five Ditto, with nowers ; and eight others. W. Wareham . £17 17s. 218 EIVE Ditto, each, with three figures, and landscapes on the border. W. King. XiO OS. Six Ditto, with lotos plants m centre, and enamelled borders. C. Tennant, M.P. £10 10s. 220 Six Ditto, enamelled with two cocks and flowers, and flowers in W. Wareham. compartments on the borders. £42. 221 Eleven Ditto, with a pheasant and flowers. J. H. Pollen. £16 5s. Qd. 222 Eight Ditto, enamelled with ducks and flowers ; and four ditto, with W. Wareham. fish in red and gold. £19 8s. U. 223 Six Ditto, with a flower-pot and tree. T. Agnew and Sous. £12 12s. 224 Two Ditto, with a vase of flowers; three with a pomegranate and T. Laurie and Son. flowers; and four, with a leaf, utensils, and nowers. £13 2s. 6d, The Hamilton Palace Colllection. 37 ©lb Japan porcelain. 225 A Pair of Brown -ware Teapots and Covers, formed as groups of bamboos — 7 in. high. 226 A Pair of Kaga-ware Bowls and Covers, with figures and ornaments in red and white inside, the outside in imitation of black and gold lacquer — 9 in. high. 227 A Pair of Kaga-ware Basins, with flowers and ornaments in red and blue on trellis ground, and enamelled inside — on chased ormolu altar-shaped stands — 6| in. high. Bowl and Cover, with red, blue, and gold ornaments, mounted with silver silt — 4 in. diam. 228 229 A Basin, pale-brown outside, enamelled with lotos plants, mounted 230 with silver gilt — 5i in. diam. A Bowl and Cover, with fish and aquatic plants in colours, mounted with handles, borders, and feet of chased and engraved silver gilt — 6 in. high. 231 A Pair of Octagonal Dishes, with vases of flowers and foliage in red, blue, and gold, eight circular pierced medallions on the border — 8 1 in. diam. 232 An Eggshell Bowl and Cover, with hawks and foliage in gold on white ground, mounted with borders, feet and top of silver gilt — 4|- in. high. 233 A Pair of Vases and Covers, with flowers and birds in compartments in red, blue, and gold, and perforated medallions on the shoulders and covers — 18 in. high. 234 A Pair of very Large Vases and Covers, with buildings and landscapes on white ground, and borders of trellis and semi-circular ornaments — 36 in. high. 235 A Pair of Oviform Vases and Covers, with buildings and trees in two medallions, and flowers and foliage in red, blue, and white, and trellis-pattern bands of paler blue and gold — 27 in. high. 236 A Pair of Jars and Covers, with flowers and foliage in red, blue, and gold, and borders of smaller flowers, the covers surmounted by gilt groups of kylins — 2 ft. 11 in. high. 237 A Pair of Octagonal Vases and Covers, with foliage and flowers in red, blue, and gold, and kylins in medallions on the shoulders, the covers surmounted by figures of kylins — 19i in. high. PURCHASED BY W. H. Cope. £20 9s. 6d. E. J. Turner. £8 8s. E. Radley. £58 16s. W. King. £13 13s. Duncan. £22 Is. F. Davis. £48 6s. W. King. £15 15s. Duncan. £33 12s. T. Agncw and Son* £120 15s. F. Davis. £225 15s. Myers and Son. £315. H. E. Kidson. £336. E. Radley. £168. 38 The Hamilton Palace Collection. ©lb Chinese porcelain, Sic. 238 A Pair of Earthenware Seated Figures of Kylins, with movable heads, coloured to imitate bronze — 14 in. high. 230 A Fluted Ewer, with flowers and landscapes in red and white, mounted with silver-gilt handle, foot, and spout — 4f in. high. 240 A Small Ewer, enamelled with figures, utensils, and trees, mounted with engraved silver-gilt, and twisted handle — 5 in. high. 241 A Pair of Circular Dishes, of Chinese eggshell porcelain, pencilled with trees in Indian ink, and birds in colours, gilt borders — 8 in. diam. 242 A Curious Small Basin, with green foliage pattern on black ground, lined and mounted with engraved silver gilt. 243 A Pair of Large Bottles, of mottled crimson Chinese crackle por- celain, with a dragon and branch of foliage in relief on the neck — 28 in. high. 244 A Double Gourd-shaped Fluted Bottle, with triple neck of old lavender-coloured crackle porcelain — 14 in. high. 245 A Pair of Celadon-green Flat-shaped Vases, with elephant's- head and ring handles, and landscapes in blue and white in medallions — 1 4 in. high. 246 A Pair of Long-necked Sea-green Bottles, splashed with agate, dragons in relief upon the neck — 12 in. high. 247 A Globular Vase of Splashed Crimson and Purple Crackle, mounted with foot and rim of silver gilt — 11 in. high. 248 A Pair of very Fine Celadon-green Flat-shaped Vases, with Ornaments in slight relief, mounted with handles formed as boys holding festoons of flowers, and border with shells and scroll ornaments in ormolu, of the finest work of the time of Louis XV., on stands of the same — 12 in. high. PURCHASED BY T. and W. Banting. £13 13s. Duncan. £11 0s. Qd. Duncan. £18 7s. Qd. W. King. £7 17s. Qd. Duncan. £66 3s. T. Laurie and Son £73 10s. A. Castellani. £12 12s. Duncan. £53 lis. E. Radley. £178 10s. E. Radley. £246 15s. Duncan. £850 10s. ©lb Japan %acquet\ 249 A Nest of Three Boxes, with chrysanthemums in gold on trellis ground. 250 A Pair of Gold Lac Ditto with circular and heart-shaped medallions. E. J. Turner. £4 4s. T. Laurie and Son. £6 16s. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 39 251 A Hexagonal Tray, of gold lacquer, with a river scene, mountains, and buildings in trellis border ; and a gourd-shaped box of red and gold lacquer. 252 An Octagonal Nest of Boxes, formed of thin pieces of bamboo lacquered with gold. 253 A Fan-shaped Box and Cover, of black and gold lacquer, with bamboos and pine-trees. PUECHASKD BY W. H. Tuck. £6 6s. E. J. Turner, £2 12s. U. A. Buckley. £13 2 s. Gd, 254 Another, with birds and flowers in colours, and tray inside. 255 An Oblong Black Box and Cover, with gold ornament on the lid and link border. 256 A Small Nest of Three Boxes, powdered black and gold lacquer, with diamond-shaped ornaments. 257 An Oblong Black and Gold Box and Cover, with a vase and foliage and border of ornaments in gold on the lid, and landscape inside. E. J. Turner. £4 4s. J. H. Pollen. £4 14s. Gd. E. J. Turner. £2 2s. A. Buckley. £68 5s. 40 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 258 An Oblong Stand, on feet of gold lacquer, with a river scene, birds, and buildings. 259 A Square Box, of black lacquer powdered with gold, with a group of three cranes, and fir-tree in gold. 260 An Oblong Tray, powdered black and gold, with chrysanthemums on the border ; and a red and gold letter-case, with cords. 261 An Oblong Stand, on scroll feet, engraved with foliage and insects in colours on trellis ground. 262 A Pair of Hexagonal Gold Trays, with a river scene, mountains, boats, and trees. 263 A Pair of Small Oblong Boxes, black and gold, with chrysanthemums on trellis ground. 264 A Pair of Quatrefoil Black and Gold Boxes, with river scenes and buildings, and boxes inside — on high stands of the same. 265 A Bound Box, with dragons and clouds in gold on the lid, enclosing four smaller boxes and covers. 266 A Small Oblong Gold Tray, with chrysanthemums. 267 A Square-shaped Tray, of powdered gold lac, with bamboos in gold. 268 A Gold Lac Box and Cover, formed as a house. 269 A Pair of Large Circular Trays, black ground, with birds, foliage, and flowers in gold. 270 An Oblong Box, of black and gold lacquer, with figures in a landscape, chased gold mount. 271 A Very Small Gold Lac Medicine-box, in four divisions ; and a small diamond-shaped black and gold box. 272 A Pair of Small Gold Lac Boxes and Covers, formed as geese in different attitudes. 273 A Shaped Oval Box, of gold lac, with a large and small male figure in low relief on the lid. 274 A Circular Box and Cover, of gold lac, with chrysanthemums and foliage in low relief, enclosing four small fan-shaped boxes and covers. 275 A Pair of Small Nests of Three Boxes, with river scenes, buildings, and trees in gold, enclosed in case of the same design. 276 A Pair of Oblong Trays, with shaped ends, with landscapes and buildings in gold. 277 A Shaped Oval Tray, with a river scene, buildings, and an angler in gold, and an oblong black and gold stand on feet. PURCHASED BY Ihmcan. £15 4s. 6^. F. Davis. £13 2s. 6d. J. Mortlock and Co. £1 5s. Duncan. £36 15s. F. Davis. £4 14s. 6 ( /. Clark. £4 4s. Duncan. £30 9s. F. Davis. £36 15s. F. Davis. £6 16s. 6d, Duncan. £9 19s. 6d. W. Craibe Angus. £11 lis. Myers and Son. £42. Duncan. £71 8s. Lee,. £1 lis. U. C. Mannheim. £44 2s. T. M. Whitehead. £13 13 s. F. Davis. £50 8s. W. Wareham. £29 8s. Marks, Durlachcr Brothers. £6 16s. U. J. H. Pollen. £3 13s. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 41 278 A Pair of Small Black and Gold Basins, red inside ; a Pair of small Oval-shaped Trays, with landscapes ; and a Square Tray, on stand. 279 An Oblong Black and Gold Tray, with plants in two medallions. 280 A Round Box and Cover, with chrysanthemums on gold ground. 281 A Large Oblong Tray, with flowers and foliage in gold, on powdered gold ground. 282 A Long Oblong Box, with utensils, trefoil, and other ornaments in relief, on powdered gold ground. 283 A Beautiful Cabinet, of gold lacquer, with flowers and foliage in relief in mother-o'-pearl and silver, drawers inside. 284 A Double-shaped Box, of gold lacquer, with horses in a landscape. '285 An Oblong Gold Tray, on feet, with foliage in relief on engraved concentric ground. 286 A Large Black and Gold Cabinet, with folding doors, landscapes, figures, and buildings in gold — on carved ebony stand. PURCHASED BY E. J. Turner. £5 15s. Qcl. F. Davis. f 1 lis. 6d, A. Sichel. £5 5s. T. Agnew and Sons. £17 17s. Duncan. £21 10s. Qd. Duncan. £267 15s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £86 2s. F. Davis. £30 9s. Clark. £126. decorative ©bjects- 287 A Louis XVI. Secretaire, of pollard oak and Amboyna wood, by G. Beneman, with cylinder enclosing drawers, a glazed cabinet and three drawers above, with statuary marble slab, and brass gallery mounted with ormolu. 288 A Louis XVI. Writing-Table, of mahogany, inlaid with L. P. in brass, with shelf beneath, and Brocatella marble slab mounted with ormolu. 289 A Louis ormolu a vase. XVI. Clock, by Stollewerck, with enamelled dial, in case, chased with masks and festoons, and surmounted bv 290 A Pair of Louis XVI. Ornaments, of ormolu, formed as vases, on openwork stands, with festoons of flowers and figures of sphinxes at the sides, on plinths chased with flames and wreaths of flowers. 291 The Infant Christ, sleeping on the Cross, in statuary marble — glass shade and stand. J. H. Pollen. £320 5s. E. Radlcy. £115 10 s. T. Agnew and Sons. £68 5s. G. Mannheim. £204 15s. L. Puxley. £16 16s. 42 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 292 An Old Japan Lacquer Coffer, with a bullock carrying a vase of flowers, and vases of flowers in gold, and colours, with gilt metal mounts — on black and gold stand — 3 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 4 in., 1 ft. 7 in. high. 293 A Cabinet, the frame of mahogany, with panels of gold Japan lacquer, with richly chased metal-gilt mounts by Auguste, ornamented with medallion portraits and paintings by B. West — on stand, the top and base of black and gold marble — 3 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 4 in., 2 ft. 5 in. high. 294 A Square Italian Table, the top inlaid with geometric pattern of coloured marbles — on carved and gilt stand- — 3 ft. 3 in. square. 295 A Cabinet, with four doors and drawers, on six legs, painted with allegorical figures and trophies in colours on gilt ground, with jasper slab — 4 ft. 11 in. wide, 3 ft. 1 in. high. 296 An Octagonal Card-Table, with borders of ebony, inlaid with shields of arms and flowers of engraved ivory. 297 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Robin, with enamelled dial showing the days of the month and the phases of the moon — in case of chased ormolu, with figures of boys allegorical of Sculpture and Architecture, surmounted by a vase, with festoons of foliage. 298 A Large Table-Cover, of silk tapestry, with flowers, fruits, and orna- ments in colours and gold on dark coloured ground, deep border and silk fringe. 299 An Ebony Cabinet, inlaid with a large slab of Florentine pietre-dure mosaic of a vase of flowers, and with fourteen smaller slabs above, with fruits and flowers, with small glazed cupboards at the sides, mounted with ormolu — 6 ft. high. 300 A Louis XVI. Upright Secretaire, with panels of pollard wood and ebony borders, the door and frieze covered with drawings representing figures, flowers, and lace, richly mounted with ormolu, and openwork gallery, with centre cupboard inside painted with a large portrait, and numerous drawers with pastoral subjects in borders painted in imitation of lace — 5 ft. 4 in. high by 2 ft. 7 in. ivide. Stamped, P. II. Pasquier. Formerly the property of Mme. Du Parry. 301 A Louis XVI. Upright Secretaire, made for Marie Antoinette by Riesener, with an oval chasing in the centre by Gouthiere, repre- senting doves, with a qiuver of arrows and flowers in a shield-shaped panel of marqueterie, with wreaths of flowers in colours ; an oblong panel of marqueterie beneath, with a basket of flowers and fruit and other ornaments, with borders of flowers and parqueterie trellis pattern, mounted elaborate chasings of flowers and mouldings of PURCHASED BY Duncan. £315. J. H. Pollen, £493 10s. T. Laurie and Son . £39 18s. T. M. Whitehead. £777. W. H. Tuck. £126. Duncan. £661 10s. Hon. W. Masscy- Mainwaring. £57 15s. S. Litchfield. £409 10s. G. Attenborovgli. £430 10s. W. Poorc. £4,620. 43 297 44 The Hamilton Palace Collection. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 45 ormolu, white marble slab, and ormolu gallery — Signed Riesener fe. 1790. Branded with cypher of Marie Antoinette and Garde Meuble de la Heine on the hack — 4 ft. 9 in. high by 3 ft. 6. in. wide. 302 A Commode, Ensuite. Signed Riesener fe. 1791. 303 An Oblong Writing-Table, Ensuite, with drawer fitted with ink- stand, writing-slide, and shelf beneath, an oval medallion of a trophy and flowers on the top, and trophies with four medallions round the sides. Stamped J. Riesener, and branded underneath with cypher of Marie Antoinette and Garde Meiible de la Reine. These specimens were executed for Queen Marie Antoinette. In both the wood and metal work the utmost perfection of design and execution is displayed at the culminating period of French decorative art, amd in all probability the suite of furniture, as a whole, is the most important and beautiful work of its kind produced in the age of Louis XVI. Exhibited at the South Kensington Loan Exhibition, 1862. PURCHASED BY H. Stettiner. £4,305. S. Wertheimer. £6,000. End of Third Day's Sale, £23,485 6s. 6d. TOTAL OF FIRST PORTION, £91,808 16s. 6d. FOURTH DAY'S SALE. SATUKDAY, JUNE 24, 1882. pictures. BARROCCIO. 316 The Virgin and Child, with St. Peter, St. John, and St. Catherine. 31 in. by 50 in. TITIAN. 317 Cupid with a Dove. 9^ in. by 13| in. P. VERONESE. 318 St. John Baptizing Christ. 9 in. by 12^ in. P. VERONESE. 319 A Group of Musicians. 7 in. by 10|- in. G. ROMANO. 320 The Decollation of St. John. 39 in. by C7 in. DOMENICHINO. 321 The Martyrdom of a Saint. 45 in. by 67 in. PURCHASED BY F. Davis. £65 2s. J. E. Taylor, £162 15s. W. Dyer. £23 2s. Stogdon. £11 lis. Cyril Flower, M.P. £17 17s. Dr. de No6 Walker. £17 17s. 48 The Hamilton Palace Collection. C. DOLCE. 322 The Laughing and Crying Philosophers. 30 in. by 40 in. A. CARACCI. 323 Susanna and the Elders. 36 in. by 43 in. P. VERONESE. 324 A Sacrifice. 16 in. by 21 in. GIORGIONE. 325 Joshua's Battle. 55 in. by 91 in. C. CAGLIARI. 326 The Presentation in The Temple. 52 in. by 67 in. GUIDO. 327 The Death of Abel. 75 in. by 32 in. E. 8ERANI. 328 Roman Charity. 39 in. by 32 in. TINTORETTO. 329 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress and ruff. 39 in. by 32 in. M. VENUSTI. 330 The Angel Appearing to Joseph. 60 in. by 112 in. BACCIO BANDINELLI. 331 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence. • 39 in. by 50 in. GUIDO. 332 Christ Scourged. 36 in. by 31 in. PURCHASED BY M. Colnaghi. £58 16s. Cyril Flower, M.P. £8 8s. A. Casella. £304 10s. C. H. Waters. £15 15s. W. Dyer. £25 4s. M. Colnaghi. £49 7s. C. H. Waters. £9 9s. M. Colnaghi. £22 Is. F. Davis. £27 6s. C. H. Waters. £32 lis. C. II. Waters. £3 13s. U. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 49 P. LA URL 333 The Repose, with Angels. 71 in. by 6 in. FARRATA. 334 The Madonna and Child. 20 in. by 16 in. GUERCINO. 335 An Allegory, with a warrior, Time, Cupid, and a female. 48 in. by 66 in. RAFFAELLE, After. 336 The Madonna della Sedia. 32 in. by 28 in. 0. DOLCE. 337 Head of Christ — octagonal. S. ROSA. 338 The Battle of the Amazons. 50 in. by 70 in. G. RAZZI. 339 St. Christopher, with the Infant Christ with St. Sebastian and St. Roch. 16 in. by 14 in. GUIDO, 340 St. John in the Island of Patmos. 44 in. by 34 in. PA RMEGIA NO . 341 A Martyrdom. 45 in. by 38 in. 342 A Sacrifice. 46 in. by 36 in. GUERCINO. PURCHASED BY W. Permain. £1 Is. J. P. Heseltinc, £32 lis. M. Colnaghx. £43 Is. Mason. £12 12s. T. Chapman & Son. £3 3s. T. Chapman & Son. £9 9s. T. and W. Panting. £44 2s. G. If. Waters. £3 3s. T. Laurie and Son. £11 lis. T. and W. Banting. £29 8s. H 50 The Hamilton Palace Collection. A. DE MESSINA. 343 Portrait OF A Gentleman, in a black dress and cap — in tortoiseshell and ebony frame. 15^ in. by 11 in. L. DA VINCI. 344 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress and cap — in ebony and tortoiseshell frame. 12 in. by 9 in. GUIDO. 345 St. Francis, reading. 24 in. by 19 in. DOMENICHINO. 346 The Adoration of the Virgin. 20 in. by 15 in. A. DEL SARTO. 347 The Madonna and Child, with St. Catherine, St. Elizabeth, and St. John. 44 in. by 38 in. TINTORETTO. 348 The Descent from the Cross, with Donors. 43 in. by 60 in. GUERCINO. 349 The Madonna and Child. 42 in. by 33 in. GUERCINO. 350 The Vision of St. Jerome. 17 in. by 20 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 351 A Landscape, with a castle and two figures with an animal. 29 in. by 33 in. BRONZINO. 352 Head of a Gentleman, in a black dress and collar. 16 in. by 13 in. PURCHASED BY B. Christie. £131 5s. The National Gallery. £525. C. H. Waters. £5 5s. F. Davis. £16 16s. T. Laurie and Son. £25 4s. J. P. Heseltine. £189. M. Colnaghi. £16 16s. J. Knowles. £16 16s. W. Graham. £86 2s. C. Butler. £11 lis. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 51 PURCHASED BY TINTORETTO. 353 Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet. 79 in. by 160 in. The National Gallery. £157 10s. P. VERONESE. 354 Portrait of a Venetian Lady. 42 in. by 34 in. G. J. Howard, MP. £22 Is. TITIAN. 355 A View near the Coast, with figures and a white horse. W. Dyer. £23 2s. 356 356 ERA ANGELICO. 356 Heads of the Virgin and Announcing Angel — a fair 14^ in. by 10 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 357 A Village Scene, with shepherds and sheep. 25 in. by 38 in. S. ROSA. 358 A Pair of Italian Bay Scenes, with figures. 13 in. by 25 \ in. Winchivorth. £1,312 10s. J. P. ffeseliine. £99 15s. W. Boore, £42. 52 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 359 Hercules and Antaeus. 20^ in. by 16$ in. GUIDO. TITIAN. 360 The Madonna and Child and St. John — octagonal. 15| i n - by 19|- in. BONIFAZIO. 361 Christ going to Calvary. 38 in. by 48 in. M. VENUSTI. 362 The Agony in the Garden. 21 in. by 28 in. P. VERONESE. 363 The Marriage at Can a. 12^ in. by 19^ in. GUIDO. 364 Extreme Unction — octagonal. 13 in. diam. E. SERANI. 365 The Virgin, reading. 33 in. by 27 in. SCHIAVONE. 366 Ecce Homo. 3 ft. 7 in. by 4 9 m SCHIAVONE. 367 Pilate Washing his Hands. 3 ft. 7 m. by 5 2 m. See Dr. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain,'" vol. 3, p. 294. PONTORMO. 368 Joseph Receiving his Brethren. 6 ft. 7 in. by 5 See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. PURCHASED BY Dowoleswell and Doivdeswell. £7 17s. 6d. Cyril Flower, MP. £28 7s. Bramhall. £8 8s. F. Davis. £51 9s. J. Knowles. £63. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £21. Duncan. £15 15s. M. Golnaglii. £50 8s. G. H. Waters. £21. McKelvie. £37 16s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 53 TINTORETTO. 369 The Presentation in the Temple. 5 ft. by 5 ft. 11 in. See Dr. Waagcn, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. G. ROMANO. 370 Portrait of Alexander Borgia, Duke of Valencia, in armour, his right hand resting on his helmet. 4 ft. 5 in. by 3 /£. 4 m, GIORGIONE. 371 The Kesurrection. 5 ft. 3 m. by 5 ft. SCHIDONE. 372 The Coronation of the Virgin. 18 in. by 15 in. G. P. BASSANO. 373 The Doge of Venice presented to the Pope. 19 in. by 17 in. A. SOLARIO. 374 Portrait of a Lady, in a white and gold dress and pearl necklace. 18 in. by 15 in. P. F. MOLA. 375 St. John in the Island of Patmos. 19 in. by 16 in. PARMEG1ANO. 376 Venus and the Graces Bathing. 19 in. by 13 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. A. MANTEGNA. 377 St. Sebastian and St. George— a pair of wings of a tryptych in one frame. 14 in. by 10 in. PURCHASED BY M. Colnaghi. £31 10«s. C. H. Waters. £22 Is. W. Dyer. £157 10s. T. Agnew and Sons. £23 2s. II. Wallis. £12 12s. F. Davis. £23 2s. W. B. Denison. £73 10s. F. Davis. £31 10s. J. E. Taylor. £441. 54 The Hamilton Palace Collection. G. BASSANO. PURCHASED BY 378 The Resurrection. 16 in. by 12 in. Rev. W. E Buckley. £4 4s. PA RMEGIA NO. 379 An Allegory of Vanity. 5 ft. by 9 ft. 5 in. T. Agnew and Sons. £37 16s MARCELLO VENUSTI. 380 The Madonna and Child, with St. Elizabeth and St. John. From the Borghese Gallery. 1 ft 5 on, bv 1 1 in, -L / \j . .J (II., vj y _1 1 ' / f . T. Agnew and Sons. £430 10s. G. A. PORDENONE. 381 The Holy Family, with the Magdalen. 4 /£. by 2 /£. 6 m. Hon. Percy Wyndham, M.P. £451 10s. i^ 7 . FRANCIA. 382 The Madonna and Child, attended by a monk and a nun. 19 in. by 14 in. National Gallery of T 7 7 Ireland. £262 10s. GIORGIONE. 383 The Story of Myrrha. z yf. / Mi. Dy •* yr. •* %n. The Xf lA/U LV IvllO LTtltLLi if, £1,417 10s. ' GIRO FERRI. 384 The Adoration of the Shepherds — on copper. 15 in. by 20 in. T. Agnew and Sons. £60 18s. GUERCINO. 385 A Sibyl. 2 yt 4 w. by 2 G. J. Howard, M.P. £27 6s. SPAGivoi^rm 386 St. Bartholomew. 30 in. by 25 in. T. and W. Banting. £42. TITIAN. 387 Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman. 26 in. by 22 in. T. Agnew and Sons. £84. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 55 8. ROSA. 388 Jason Enchanting the Deagon. 4 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. GUERCINO. 389 A Sibyl, writing, Cupid behind holding a torch. 29 in. by 24 in. CARACCI. 390 St. Francis. 27 wi. by 24 m. P. DA CO ETON A. 391 The Finding of Moses. 21 m. by 14 in. TINTORETTO. 392 Moses Striking the Rock. 3 ft. 10 in. by 5 ft. 10 m. $ee 2>/\ Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. ANDREA MANTEGNA. 393 Luigi Gonzaga, Sixth Lord and Second Marquis of Mantua, DIED 1478, AND HIS WlFE, BARBARA OF BRANDENBURG, with their arms suspended from a column. 27 in. by 40 in. Engraved. See " Vasari," vol. 5, p. 193. See Br. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. PIETRO DELL A VECCHIA. 394 The Four Fathers of the Church. 5 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in. G. B. CIMA (called II Conegliauo). 395 The Madonna with the Infant Christ in her Lap, holding a bird, a landscape with buildings of a fortified town in the background, and a shejDherd and sheep. 13 in. by 10 in. From the Collection of the Nuncio di Verona at Venice, 1770. Formerly belonged to Mr. Strange. From Fonthill. PURCHASED BY A. Young. £10 10s. A. Young. £6 6s. J. Knowlcs. £14 14s. H. Wagner. £5 15s. 6d. C. Butler. £110 5-'. H. Cernuschi. £210. W. B. Benison. £472 10s. T. Agnew and Sons. £651. 56 The Hamilton Palace Collection. BASSANO. 396 A Pair of Wings of a Tryptych, representing incidents in the journey of the Israelites. 33 in. by 15 in. From Fonthill. S. BOTTICELLI. 397 The Adoration of the Magi : in the distant landscape, of grey-brownish tone, is seen the procession of the kings and some pilgrims. 1 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. From the Bedford Collection. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. A. MANTEGNA. 398 A Pair of Upright Panels, painted with figures of vestals in monochrome on agate ground. 28 in. by 18 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. BRONZINO. 399 Portrait of Leonora hi Toledo, wife of Cosmo di Medici, in a rich dress, with pearl necklace ; her son at her side — half-length. 4 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. S. DEL PIOMBO. 400 The Transfiguration. 24 in. by 16 in. Inscribed 1518, with a long sente?we to the purport that this picture was formerly presented to the Emperor Charles V. SASSOFERBA TO. 401 The Madonna in Prayer. 19 in. by 15£ in. MARCELLO VENUSTI {From the Design of M. Angelo). 402 Christ Driving Out the Money Changers. 23 in. by 15^ in. From the Borghese Gallery and the Collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1830. PURCHASED BY T. Agnew and Sons. £609. The National Gallery. £1,627 10s. The National Gallery. £1,785. J. and W. VoTcins. £1,837 10s. H. Nathan. £52 10s. F. Davis. £383 5s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £1,428. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 57 MARCELLO VENUSTI. 403 The Adoration of the Magi. 20 in. by 13 in. From the Aldobrandini Palace and Fonthill. PERUGINO. 404 The Madonna, her hands clasped in prayer. 19 in. by 11 in. E. SERANI. 405 The Virgin and Child, and St. John. in. by 7 in. From the Collection of the Marquis Camlnano, Turin. UNKNOWN. 406 The Madonna, with the Infant Christ and St. John — on slate. 15 in. by 7? in. TITIAN 407 The Artist's Daughter, carrying a basket of fruit. 3 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. BONIFAZIO. 408 The Supper at Emmaus. 5 ft. by 7 ft. 8 in. G. ROMANO. 409 The Circumcision. 5 ft. 5 in. by 7 ft. 9 in. TINTORETTO. 410 Portrait of an Admiral in Armour, with crimson staff, holding a baton in his right hand, his helmet on a pedestal on the left. 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 7 in. GIORGIONE. 411 A Venetian General in Half Armour and Trunk Hose, with sword, his right arm resting on a pedestal, on which are his helmet and gauntlet. 6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 11 in. DOMENICHINO. 412 The Triumph of David. 6 ft. 11 in. by 4 ft. 11 in. PURCHASED BY Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £1,218. ' F. Badley. £504. Hon. W. Masscy- Mairt waring. £27 6s. H. Nathan. £162 15s. T. M. Whitehead. £735. A. Young. £42. H. Nathan. £73 10s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £1,155. F. Davis. £530 5s. A. Young. £24 3s. 58 The Hamilton Palace Collection. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 413 The Death of Cesar. 44 in. by 32 in. PANNINI. 414 Roman Ruins, with figures sacrificing. 26 in. by 22 in. RAFFAELLE, After. 415 Portrait of a Cardinal. 18 in. by 13^ in. G. SANSOVINO. 416 Decorations of the Church of St. Maria del Fiore, Florence, at the visit made to that city by Pope Leo X., 1514 — designed in pen and bistre. 401- in. by 25 in. From Sir T. Lawrence's Collection. SANDRO BOTTICELLI. 417 The Assumption of the Yirgin. It represents, below, the Apostles round the tomb of the Virgin, with the donor and his wife. Above is the Coronation of the Virgin, below that are three circles in the sky, each circle formed of three rows of figures, the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Doctors, Virgins, and Hier- archies. The landscape exhibits views of Florence and Pistoia. Painted for the church of San Pietro Maggiore, Florence, on the commission of Matteo Palmieri, who gave the whole scheme for the work. Vasari, speaking in the highest terms of commendation, says envious detractors of the painter charged him and his patron with heresy, and the work was inter- dicted and covered from view. 147| in. by 89 in. See Dr. Waagcn, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. PUltJHASED BY H. Nathan. £14 14s. Duncan. £215 os. H. Nathan. £141 15s. A. IV. Thibaudeau. £315. The National Gallery. £4,777 10s. End of Fourth Day's Sale^.^C26,804 18s. 6d. FIFTH DAY'S MONDAY, JUNE 26, SALE. 1882. ©lb Chinese, Blue anb Wbtte. 418 Four Dishes, with flowers and butterflies; and two larger ditto, with flowers. 419 Two Ditto, with dragons; and one, with a landscape. 420 A Large Dish, with flowers in the centre; and three others. 421 Three Dishes, with flowers and trellis-pattern borders. 422 Three Ditto, with landscapes in the centre, and engraved borders. 423 A Pair of Basins, with horses. PURCHASED BY Hewett and Co. £2 12s. 6d. TV. Grindlay. £5 lbs. Qd. IV. Craibe Angus. £1 10s. TV. Craibe Angus. £3 13s. Qd. Mrs. Daniel. £1 Is. TV. Craibe Angus. £8 8s. ©lb Chinese Enamelleb porcelain. 424 Six Round Dishes, enamelled with flowers in the centre, and the same in compartments on the border. 425 Twelve Plates, enamelled with landscapes in the centre, and flowers on the border. 426 Thirteen Ditto, with birds and flowers in the centre, and dragons and birds in blue. 427 Thirteen Soup-Plates, enamelled with a sofa, vase and table in the centre. Hewett and Co. £7 7s. G. Gray. £10 10s. T. Laurie and Son. £7 17s. U. W. Wareham. £27 6s. 60 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 428 Four Soup-plates, enamelled with flowers, and with fan-shaped medallions on the border. 429 Six Plates, enamelled with figures in the centre, and fan-shaped medallions on the border. 430 Five Plates, with baskets of flowers in the centre ; and six, with vases of flowers. 431 Thirteen Ditto, with a cock and flowers in the centre ; and Six, with lotos flowers and enamelled borders. 432 Six Crimson Plates, enamelled with figures fishing in the centre, and small medallions of figures on the border. 433 Six Ditto, with a peacock in the centre, and medallions of flowers on gilt borders. 434 Four Plates, enamelled with pheasants and flowers. 435 Thirty-five Ditto, with shaped borders enamelled with flowers. 436 Six Ditto, with circular ornament in the centre. 437 Five Ditto, enamelled with a vase and flowers, and with pink and green trellis borders. 438 Five Ditto, the centres enamelled with a lady playing on a musical instrument, in richly enamelled borders. 439 Thirteen Oriental Plates, enamelled with flowers in colours on brown ground. 440 A Pair of Oriental Dishes, with a kylin, bird, and flowers in brilliant colours. 441 A Dish, with openwork border, enamelled with two figures. 442 A Bottle and Bowl, enamelled with figures in colours, and with ornaments in blue. 443 An Old Chinese Porcelain Vase, lacquered black, and inlaid with figures and landscapes in mother-o'-pearl. 444 A Beaker, of Old Japan porcelain, with flowers and ornaments in red, blue, and gold — 15f in. high. 445 A Cylindrical Yase, of Old Chinese porcelain, richly enamelled with a lady and child in two large medallions, views and plants in smaller medallions, with rich borders of flowers and insects — on carved black wood stand — 19 in. high. PURCHASED B 1 ! T. M. Whiteheid. £5 15s. Qd, W. Craibe Am us. £27 6s. Sir Trevor ZaivrTTT?PW A ^TPTl PY X kJ i\ v n ,\oJj I ' I > X CORREGGIO. 710 St. Francis in Ecstasy, holding a rosary, arched top. Shepherd Brothers. 20 in. by 14 in. £22 Is. BACCIO BELLA PORTA. 711 The Madonna, with St. Joseph and the Infant Saviour, who is in the P. and D. Colnaghi act of blessing St. John. and Co. 42 in. by 33 in. £210. SALVATOR ROSA. 712 A Pair of Eocky Landscapes, with figures. T. Agnew and Sons. 24 in. by 19 in. £84. GUIDO RENI. 713 The Infant Saviour Sleeping on the Cross. J. ivicJs.elvie. 25 in. by 19 in. £23 2s. GUIDO RENI. 714 The Repose of the Holy Family, with St. John and the Lamb, TjHTfJ, TTpTT^P^ JLJ\J 1 \Af J / 1 / / ( 1 -> ■ and two angels. £84. 5 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. C ARRAY AGGIO. 715 Herodias, with the Head of John the Baptist. Young. 4 ft. by 3 ft. 2 in. £12 12s. RAZZI. 716 The Repose of the Holy Family, with SS. Francis, Catherine, W. Boore. Teresa, and St. George. £136 10s. 29 in. by 22 in. CORREGGIO. 717 The Madonna and Child. W. Boore. 15 in. by 10 in. £50 8s. BERNARDINO LUINI. 718 The Duchess of Ferrara, in a green dress embroidered with vines, T, Agnew and Sous. black and white embroidered bodice and sleeves, and gold head- £336. dress with pearls, bead necklace and bracelets, holding a book in her right hand and her gloves in her left. 37 in. by 29 in. 94 The Hamilton Palace Collection. G. B. MORONE. 719 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress trimmed with fur, holding a letter in his right hand. Inscribed "Jo. Bap. Moronus, MDLXI." 36 in, by 29 in. CORREGGIO. 720 The Dying Madonna, attended by angels. 31 in. by 24 in. DOMENICHINO. 721 Herod seated in his Garden, near a Fountain, reproved by St. John. 4 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 4 in. A. CARRACCI. 722 A Bolognese Mendicant — whole length. 53 in. by 34 in. DOMENICHINO. 723 St. Cecilia, attended by an angel. 39 in. by 30 in. Engraved by Shepherd. F. SIMONINI. 724 A Battle-piece. 26 in. by 14 in. SALVATOR ROSA. 725 Diogenes. 18 in. by 16 in. CORREGGIO. 726 St. John, with the Lamb. 19 in. by 13 in. GUI DO REN I. 727 A Study for an Altar-piece, with the Madonna and Child and three Saints — on copper. 15 in. by 11 in. PURCHASED BY Viscount Powerscourt. £56 14s. C. Vipan. £325 10s. Major- General Macdonald. £131 5s. D. Sherrati. £31 10s. C. H. Waters £189. J. Hozier. £50 8s. W. Boore. £52 10s. T. Laurie and Sons. £52 10s. Wickham. £16 16s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 95 AMBROGIO FIGORIO. 728 Portrait of Titian, in black robe trimmed with fur, with crimson drapery in front, and curtain behind, a landscape seen through an open window. Inscribed on a scroll, " Ann. ret. agens XLIX." 12|- in. by 10 in. GUERCINO. 729 The Burial of St. Petronella. 24 in. by 42 in. BORGOGNONE. 730 A Battle-piece — on copper. 21 in. by 15 in. CORREGGIO. 731 Christ and St. John. 10^ in. by 8 in. 732 Concert. TITIAN. 9|- in. by 8 in. MORONE. 733 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress and ruff. 19 in. by 16 in. C. CAGLIARI. 734 A Study for an Altar-piece, with the Holy Family and Saints. 24 in. by 14 in. B. GAROFALO. 735 The Madonna, in blue dress, the Infant Saviour seated at her back holding a carnation. 12 in. by 9 in. INNOCENZA DA IMOLA. 736 Repose of the Holy Family. 18 in. by 12 in. PURCHASED BY E. Radley. £120 15s. 737 Head of a Female. 21 in. by 17 in. GUI DO. J. Knowles. £89 5s. W. H. Tuck. £68 5s. Dyer. £18 18s. J. A. Rose. £21. J. and W. Vokins. £178 10s. T. Agneiv and Sons. £120 15s. Duncan. £189. P. H. Edlin, Q.C. £6 6s. Major-General Macdonald. £7 7s. 96 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY DOMENICHINO. 738 Pursuit of Love— small oval. 5 in. by 4 in. Duncan. £126. PARMEGIANINO. 739 The Madonna, with the Infant Saviour, painted on a shield-shaped panel. J. Knowles. £241 .10?. F. MOLA. 740 St. Augustine at Hippona. 29 in. by 21 in. Shepherd Brothers. £60 18s. M. VENUSTI. 741 The Annunciation. 18 in. by 14 in. From the Borqhese Gallery. M. S. Nathan: £115 10s. Jb . JJAJtciiOUClO. 742 The Madonna and Child, with a Saint. 30 in. by 24 in. D. Sherratt. £10 10s. A NDKEA Si A CC1HT 743 Apollo Flaying Marsyas. 2 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 7 in. D. Sherratt. £12 Is. Qd. TITIAN. 744 The Holy Family, with St. John and another Saint. 32 in. by 41 in. Duncan. £1,207 10s. L. DA VINCI. 745 Portrait of a Gentleman, in crimson dress bordered with gold and black cloak, with landscape background, inscribed, "Alessander Oliverius V." 27 in. by 22 in. National Gallery, Dublin. £215 5s. BONIFAZIO BIMBO. 746 The Madonna, seated in a landscape with the Infant Christ in her lap, St. James leaning in adoration, and St. Lucy behind. 39 in. by 28 in. From Fonthill. G. Bedford. £483. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 9 747 Jupiter. 27 in. by 28 in. S. ROSA. TITIAN. 748 Portrait of Ludovico Cornaro, Senator of Venice, in crimson robe and white sleeves, bis hands resting on an open book before him— M. mce 100, 1566. 23 in. by 18^ in. DOMENICHINO . 749 The Penitence of St. Peter. 24 in. by 19 in. A. CARRACCI. 750 The Infant Saviour in the House of Joseph. 13 in. by 9 in. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. 751 Portrait of a Youth, in a crimson dress and white shirt, and black cap with scarf, inscribed on a tablet in front, " 1474 Antonellus Messanus me pinxit." 12 in. by 10 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. PORDENONE. 752 A Legendary Subject, a Venetian nobleman and his wife, kneeling under the protection of St. Francis and St. Jerome, who are beholding a vision. 7 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 11 in. A. BRONZINO. 753 Don Garcia de Medici, in richly embroidered slashed dress, em- broidered collar and cuffs, holding a missal in his right hand. 3 ft. by 2 ft. 2 in. S. DEL PIOMBO. 754 Portrait of Pope Clement VII., seated, and taken in profile. " This picture shows not only his elevated and animated conception, but his warm Venetian colouring, which proves that this picture was painted not long after the elevation of Clement VII. to the papal chair, therefore about 1523." — Dr. Waagen, Art Treasures in Great Britain, vol. iii. p. 303. 4 ft, 10 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. PURCHASED BY Young. £3 13s. 6d. Tlte National Gallery. £336. Major-General Macdonald. £13 13s. M. S. Nathan. £23 2s. C. Sedelmeyer. £514 10s. D. Sherratt. £157 10s. Duncan. £1,785. L. Lesser. £236 5s. 98 The Hamilton Palace Collection. A. BRONZINO. 755 Portrait of Cosmo de Medici, First Grand Duke of Tuscany, in violet dress richly embroidered, and white embroidered collar, holding a handkerchief in his right hand. 34 in. by 26 in. A. BRONZINO. 756 Leonora de Toledo, wife of the preceding, in crimson dress richly embroidered with gold and set with jewels, with pearl necklace and earrings, holding a handkerchief in her gloved left hand. 36 in. by 26 in. PURCHASED BY C. H. Waters. £126. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £430 10s. -k < 6 751 TINTORETTO. 757 The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon. 7 ft. 1 in. by 48 in. TITIAN. 758 The Entombment. J oseph of Arimathea on the right is supporting with his right arm the Body of Christ, St. John standing behind him, the Virgin is holding the left arm, and Mary supports the feet, the Magdalen on the left clasping her hands and looking down. 5 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. J. and W. VoJcins. £346 10s. R. Braithwaite. £157 10s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 99 MASACCIO. 759 The Last Supper — a cabinet work. 12 in. by 8% in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. PURCHASED BY The National Gallery. £630. L. DA VINCI. 760 A Laughing Boy. " Nothing surely can exceed the masterly execution of this picture, it has the correctness of Raphael's drawing, and the grace and softness of Correggio's pencil. " There are two drawings after the same boy in the drawing-book of Leonardo in the Ambrosian Library at Milan. " This picture was in the Arundel Collection, and was inherited by Lady Betty Germaine, who left it in her will to the present proprietor. It was pur- chased at this sale for W. Beckford, Esq., of Fonthill, was lately sold at Fonthill by order of Mr. Farquhar, the purchaser of that fine estate, and was again purchased by Mr. Beckford, in whose collection it now is. This picture by Leonardo da Vinci was the only picture of note in the collection of Sir W. Hamilton." — Vide Buchanan's Memoirs of Painting, p. 79. \o\ in. by 13 in. Winckworth. £2,205. 100 The Hamilton Palace Collection. ANDREA DEL SARTO. 761 Portrait of the Artist's Wife as the Magdalen, in a crimson dress with lilac sleeves and white bodice, holding the alabaster box in her right hand, a green curtain suspended behind. 36 in. by 27 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. LUDOVICO CARRACCI. 762 Sibylla Libyca. 9 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. Formerly at Ferrara, and in the Marquis of Lansdowne's Collection. From Fonthill. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain,'' vol. 3, p. 294. G. BASSANO. 763 Jacob's Vision. 8 ft. 5 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. GUIDO. 764 The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. 5 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 3 in. TITIAN. 765 Portrait of Philip II. of Spain, in black dress and hat, with white ruff and cuffs, whole length, a figure of Fame kneeling before him, wearing a badge inscribed " Philippus II., Secundus His- paniarum Hex," and jewelled ornaments with monogram E. S. V. frequently repeated, the Royal insignia and Order of the Golden Fleece suspended from a sculptured pedestal on the right. 6 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. GIACOMO DA PONTORMO. 766 An Allegory. 3 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. TITIAN. 767 A Venetian Admiral, in armour, with his arms on his breast-plate, a crimson curtain behind, his barge seen on the right. 49 in. by 44 in. PURCHASED BY C. Butler. £357. Duncan. £283 10s. G. W. Currie. £210. J. McKelvie. £46 4s. P. and D. Golnaghi and Go. £110 5s. The National Gallery. £315. P. and D. Golnaghi and Go. £619 10s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 101 BONIFAZIO. 768 The Resurrection. 7 ft. by 6 ft. LUC A SIGNORELLI. 769 The Circumcision. A large altar-piece with ten figures, life-size. In the centre, before the altar apse, is the priest, looking up to heaven, in the angles of the semicircular picture are two circles with two prophets. " This is one of the most important pictures by this great master, who was the precursor of Michael Angelo. The artistic richness of the composition, the understanding of the forms which are of masterly modelling and great truth of nature, the deep, warm colouring and the solid execution, all prove that this admirably preserved picture belongs to Luca Signorelli's maturest time." — Dr. Waagen's Art Treasures in Great Britain, vol. iii. 8 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. Inscribed "Lucas Gortonensis pinxit." Exhibited at Burlington House, 1873. PURCHASED BY National Gallery, Dublin. £231. The National Gallery. £3,150. End of Seventh Day's Sale, £19,785 3s. EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. MONDAY, JULY 3, 1882. ©lb Dutch anb tfvencb faience. 770 Six Delft Plates, painted with landscapes and figures in blue, emblematic of the months of March to August. 771 Seven Ditto, with ornaments in blue on white ground ; and Three Ditto, with shaped borders. 772 Two Round Dishes, on feet, with pierced centres and scroll borders ; and two raised stands, painted with flowers and ornaments in colours. 773 Ten Plates, painted with landscapes in pink and white on buff ground, with blue and white borders. 774 A Set of Six Large Delft-ware Plates, painted with subjects from the Gospels in colours, and with borders of angels and flowers. 775 A Set of Eleven Blue and White Delft-ware Plates, painted with fishing-boats and figures, with inscriptions illustrating the herring fishery. 776 A Round Blue and White Teapot, with open centre, and a bird on a perch. 777 A Yellow Dish, with shaped border, painted with flowers— 10 in. diam. ; and one, shaped as a shell, painted with flowers. PURCHASED BY Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £8 18s. 6d. W. Craibe Angus. £1 lis. 6d. T. M. Whitehead. £4 4s. H. Britten. £2 12s. 6d. W. Wareham. £61 19s. W. Craibe Angus. £25 4s. W. Grindlay. £9 19s. Qd. II. Hadow. £3 13s. 6d. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 103 778 An Oval Cruet-stand, with flowers and foliage in colours, mask handles. 779 A Curious Inkstand, painted with arabesques and heads, surmounted by a figure of Pope Innocent III. in robes, drawer beneath, painted inside with a portrait of a lady holding a dog. 780 An Oval Alcora Plaque, painted with two female figures and cow in a landscape, in border, partly gilt and painted with flowers — 13 in. by 11 in. 781 A Pair of Figures of Lions, with Yellow Manes and Tails — on oblong pedestals, with festoons in relief, inscribed R.V. 782 A Pair of Blue and White Seated Figures of a Dog and a Cat. 783 A Blue and White Figure of a Harlequin Grinning through a Collar. 784 An Italian White-ware Jug, formed as a skull, with snakes in relief in colours, inscribed " Memento mori." 785 A Ditto Jug, formed as a foot, with lion's-head spout, and handle formed as a terminal figure, with a mask beneath, partly coloured. 786 A Glazed-ware Coloured Figure of a Lion Grasping the Trunk of a Tree — on green plinth. 787 A Delft Figure of a Man, in cocked hat and blue coat, seated on a cask. 788 A Large Delft Jug, formed as a seated figure of an old woman, in flowered dress and white apron with spots. 789 A Nevers-ware Benitier, blue ground splashed with white, with cherubs and scrolls in relief. 790 A Ditto Oviform Ewer, with straight spout ; and a Medicine-jar, with inscription. 791 A Triangular Salt-cellar, with seated figures of children and coats- of-arms in colours ; and a Tazza, with openwork border and serpent handles. 792 A Pair of Majolica Dishes, painted with seaports. 793 A Pair of Ditto, with classical figures. 794 A Pair of Dishes, with sunk centres, painted with birds and fruits. 795 A Pair of Delft-ware Long-necked Bottles, painted with lions, birds, and flowers in colours. PURCHASED BY T. M. Whitehead. £5 15s. Qd. T. M. Whitehead. £14 14s. H. Webster. £21 10s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £8 18s. Qd. W. Craibe Angus. £10 10s. Myers and Son. £22 lis. Qd. Rev. J. B. Early. £5 15s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £13 2s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £4 14s. Qd. J. Bowker. £12 12s. W. Craibe Angus. £8 18s. Qd. A.M. Douglas-Hamilton . £4 14s. Qd. F. Vergara. £6 6s. W. Craibe Angus. £8 18s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £9 9s. T. Laurie and Son. £9 9s. W. Grindlay. £14 14s. W. Craibe Angus. £21. 104 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 796 A Fluted Bowl and Cover, partly painted with flowers, with pierced border of Belleville porcelain, supported on tripod of terminal lions — on triangular plinth. 797 A Pair of Old Delft-ware Ewers, of curious form, with twelve sides, painted with figures and landscapes in blue and white in imitation of old Nankin, with twisted handles and fluted lips. 798 A Pair of Blue Glazed Faience Vases, painted with landscapes in imitation of Oriental porcelain. 799 An Oval Dish, of Palissy ware, with pools in the border, and cornucopia? of fruits in relief — llf in. by 9| in. 800 A Pair of Vases and Covers, of old mottled French faience, with openwork rims, handles, and scroll feet of ormolu of the time of Louis XV. — 9|- in. high. 801 A Pair of Vases and Covers, of old French faience, painted with garden scenes and figures in the style of Watteau in colours on pale-blue ground, the covers pierced and surmounted by figures — mark F. Leihamer — 18 in. high. PURCHASED BY A.M. Douglas- Hamilton. £9 9s. Morison and Co. £37 16s. T. Laurie and Son. £6 16s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £3 13s. (id. Duncan. £74 lis. W. Grindlay. £32 lis. Jtaltan fnience. 802 An Abruzzo-ware Plaque, painted with Jason and the Golden Fleece — in blackwood frame. 803 A Ditto, with two figures on the bank of a stream. 804 A Flat Bowl, of Abruzzo ware, painted with a peasant at a fountain and the arms of a cardinal. 805 Six Abruzzo-ware Coffee-cups, painted with angels supporting the arms of a cardinal. 806 An Oval Dish, with fluted border, painted with a bishop in blue and violet; and a Two-handled Puzzle-cup, painted with flowers. 807 An Urbino-ware Inkstand, formed as a bird by the stem of a tree, its foot resting on a mask. 808 A Large Dish, painted with two figures under an archway, land- scape background, the back painted with scrolls, a crown, and monogram. 809 A Dish, with sunk centre, with a coat-of-arms and scroll foliage in white on brown ground. 810 A Pair of Dishes, with sunk centres painted with coats-of-arms, fruits, and wreaths of foliage in colours on pale-blue ground. F. Vergara. £7 7s. F. Vergara. £7 7s. S. Litchfield. £10 10s. E. Radley. £23 2s. T. Laurie and Son. £5 5s. E. Joseph. £22 Is. Myers and Son. £11 0s. Qd. Duncan. £16 16s. W. Wareham. £16 16s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 105 811 An Urbino-ware Benitier, with arabesque figures and a cherub's head in relief, the back painted with a female saint. "DTTT> r^XJ A CDTV T)V G. Davis. £8 18s. Qd. 812 An Urbino-ware Plate, painted with two coats-of-arais, cupids, and arabesques. E. Joseph. £18 18s. 813 A Ditto. E. Joseph. £24 3s. 814 A Ditto. E. Joseph. £33 12s. 815 A Small Lustred Dish, with geometric pattern in blue, white, and brown. I . ivi. w nueneaa. £22 Is. Q 1 (\ A AT TTt> UTXT/"i \XT A T)T? TlTr* -fVvrmCirl oo o V»i vrl uri-fVi o Pr\-m nl a T-\ ah A Oil) J\-IS \J x&nlJN U- W Axtiii ULHjr ? lOIIIlcU. d,b ct UIIU, Willi a ICIIlcilG I16clQ, H. Egger. £46 4s. 817 An Oblong Salt-cellar, of Urbino ware, painted with a coat-of- arms, figures of river gods, figures and landscapes, the top painted with the figure of Minerva. J. E. Taylor. £141 15s. 818 A Pair of Abruzzo-ware Plates, painted with landscapes, buildings, and figures. Laurie and Son. £7 7s. 81 f) A SlVTAT.T, PT.ATTf. naintpfl with milit.nrv trnnlii'ps cmrl witli -fim-ivo of a child in the centre. F. Davis. £47 5s. 820 A Pair of Majolica Pilgrim's Bottles, with spirally fluted necks and ornaments in relief, marbled all over with various colours, the handles formed as terminal female figures. . W. Uraibe Angus. £15 15s. 821 A Pair of Circular Deep Dishes, of Urbino ware, painted with deities. Described at the back, and dated 1550-. F. Davis. £57 15s. 822 A Pair of Reclining Figures of Old Faience. F. Davis. £12 Is. 6d. 823 A Fluted Tazza, of Urbino ware, of Neptune in his car — 12 in. diam. Duncan. £56 14s. 824 A Pair of Pilgrim's Bottles, of Urbino ware, with the Medici arms, portraits and figures in medallions, and arabesques in colours on white ground. E. Joseph. £110 5s. 825 A Pair of Oviform Two-handled Vases of Italian Faience, painted with large subjects of figures in medallions in colours, and with arabesques and ornaments in grisaille and colours on black ground. W. Wareham. £73 10s. 826 A Majolica Tazza, formed as the shell of a crab, the inside painted with Hercules and the lion. F. Davis. £75 12s. p 106 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 827 A Pair of Vases and Covers, of Italian ware, with arabesque figures, handles, and ornaments in blue on yellow and orange ground. 828 The Madonna and Child, a relief in Delia Robbia ware, in carved and gilt Florentine frame. PURCHASED BY E. Joseph. £63. H. Wagner. £52 10s. 829 A Pair of Vases and a Jug, of Moorish ware, with ornaments m j A ' ^ , Douglas- Hamilton colours. a £j j s 830 Two Small Jugs and Four Dishes, of the same. 831 Two Inkstands, formed as mosques. 832 A Mug, of Rhodian ware, painted with flowers in colours on white ground. 833 A Hispano Mauro Deep Dish, painted with bands of scroll foliage and other ornaments in colours and lustre, the centre raised and painted with a shield of arms, with fleur de lys, surrounded by raised fluting, and similar fluting on the border, the outside painted with foliage — 18| in. diam. A.M. Douglas- Hamilton. £4 4s. A. M. Douglas- Hamilton. £2 2s. T. M. Whitehead. £21. Myers and Son. £84. \Denettan ©lass, &c 834 A Blue Glass Drinking-cup, formed as a man's head. 835 A Large Octagonal Scent-bottle, of frosted-blue glass, with silver stopper. 836 A Two-handled Vase, of blue glass, with dragons and ornaments in relief and gilt. 837 A Large Bowl, on foot, with broad band of enamel and gilt scale- pattern ornaments. 838 A Square Pedestal, of coloured Venetian glass, the panels, with birds and scrolls in relief enamelled in colours on gold ground. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £2 12s. Qd. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £5 5s. E. Joseph. £84. T. M. Whitehead. £31 10s. E. Taylor. £27 6s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 107 839 A Pair of Small Purple and White Ewers, with white handles and spouts. 840 A Barrel-shaped Bottle, with spiral white lines on blue ground; and one, with ribs in relief. 841 A Small Oviform Vase, with three necks, dark-blue handles and feet. 842 A Pair of Pine-shaped Vases. 843 A Figure of a Negro, holding a cornucopia. 844 A Figure of the Virgin, enamelled in gold and colours. 845 A Jug and Cover, formed as a Bear. 846 A Fluted Tumbler, of red and white schmelz, on ball feet ; and a purple and gold Beaker. 847 A Puzzle Cup, surmounted by a stag, with vase-shaped stem and pewter foot. 848 A Two-handled Bowl and Cover, surmounted by a coloured fruit ; and a spirally fluted Jug, with dark-blue ribs. 849 A Small Ruby Glass Jug, with silver-gilt lid and foot. 850 A Blue Glass Decanter, with moulded bowl, mounted with silver, gilt top. 851 A Fluted Green-glass Vase. 852 A Ewer, of white Venetian glass, with birds and ornaments in gold and red. 853 Four Large and Four Smaller Bottles, of Old French glass, engraved with figures, cupids, and trees, mounted with engraved silver-gilt tops — in leather case, with old gilt key. 854 A Pair of Vases, of opaque-green glass, with mask handles of ormolu — 12| in. high. 855 A Pair of Altar Candlesticks, of old green Venetian glass, mounted with chased metal gilt, on tripod feet — 23 in. high. PURCHASED BY W. D. Jam,e,s. £3 3s. W. D. James. £4 4s. J. Stansby. £2 12s. Qd. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £8 18s. Qd. E. Radley. £12 12s. H. Egger. £3 13s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £3 13s. Qd. W. Craibe Angus. £5 5s. Rev. R. H. Berens. £2 12s. Qd. Mrs. Garthew. £1 5s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £17 17s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwarinq. £7 7s. * E. Joseph. £12 ls.Qd. W. D. James. £15 4s. Qd. F. Bavv<. £54 12s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainvjaring. £7 17s. Qd. E. Joseph. £84. 108 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 856 A Pair of Altar Candlesticks. 857 A Ewer, of elegant form, of ancient oriental glass, richly enamelled and gilt ; round the junction of the neck and body is a row of projecting tongues of glass ; on the neck, a beautiful pattern of interlaced strap-work, enclosing gold arabesques on blue ground ; on the body are seven equestrian figures, executed in gold and colours, on blue ground with gilt scrolls — 7 in. high. PURCHASED BY E. Joseph. £84. Hart. £2,730 Etruscan pottery 858 A Small Etruscan-ware Ewer, with triple lip, painted with figures and animals in black and purple on red ground ; and one, formed as a female head. 859 An Etruscan Two-handled Vase, with a banquet scene and mutes, on the reverse red figures on black ground. 860 An Etruscan-ware (Enochoe, with figures in red on black ground — 10-g- in. high. 861 A Large Etruscan-ware Krater, with figures in black on red ground. 862 A Small Etruscan Lecythus, with figures in colours in black on red ground. 863 A Large Two-handled Etruscan- ware Krater, with Hercules, Victory, and other figures in red on white and black ground, mutes on the reverse — 15 in. high. 864 An Etruscan (Enochoe, known as the Beckford Vase, of beautiful globular form, with handle and tall neck, with unique orna- mentation, representing a triumphal procession, with a camel, the rider seated on an oriental saddle, side-ways, between the humps, and attended by figures playing musical instruments ; other orna- ments in red and black, heightened with gold, on black ground — 9 in. high. F. Davis. £5 15s. 6d. T. Fry. £7 7s. Harding Cox. £8 8s. L. Lecomte. £12 Is. Qd. W. Grindlay. £3 3s. W. D. James. £16 5s. U. Rollin & Fmardent. £168. Carvings in 3v>or\\ 865 A Circular Ivory Medallion, carved with heads of Pope Innocent XL, Emperor Leopold John, King of Poland, and one other head ; a battle and vultures devouring a camel on the reverse, and scroll with inscription — in metal-gilt frame. E. Joseph £39 18s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 857 The Hamilton Palace Collection. Ill 866 Boys with a Goat, a carving in ivory in high relief — in glazed frame. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £34 13*. 867 An Ivory Group of a Venetian Nobleman and Child under i T. Laurie and Son. a Doorway. 868 A Small Tankard of Ivory, boldly carved with fishermen and children in high relief, lined and mounted with silver gilt, and surmounted by a figure of a boy carved in ivory — 8 in. high. 869 A Pair of Circular Tazze and Stands, of silver gilt, finely engraved with ornaments, the stems of ivory, formed as groups of boys with fruits, boldly carved — 5 in. diam., 4| in. high. 870 A Shrine of Ivory of the XV. Century, with the Madonna and Child seated under a Gothic canopy, with folding wings carved with saints in eight compartments, under Gothic canopies, the fastenings and feet formed of animals, mounted with metal gilt — 8 in. high. 871 An Allegorical Ivory Group of a General Trampling upon a Figure, by Ludwig von Lucke — on fluted ivory pedestal — \b\ in. high. 872 A Pedestal of Ivory, very finely carved with a bacchanalian dance in high relief by Fiammingo, mounted with capital and base of chased ormolu — on black marble plinth, with chasings of ormolu. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 873 The Companion Pedestal, carved with the Triumph of the Infant Bacchus. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. £37 16s. E. Radley, £105. ' E. Radley £173 5s. W. Boore. £78 15s. W. Grindlay. £52 10s. E. Radley. £556 10s. G. Attenborough. £162 15s. decorative ©bjects. 874 A Bronze Statuette of the Farnese Hercules, inscribed under- W. Boore. neath " Bacio Bandinelli Fio. Antico, 1556." £54 12s. 875 A Rock-crystal Chandelier, for eight lights, formed of numerous Duncan. large finely-cut pendants of rock-crystal, and with festoons of beads £441 . and drops, with very large centre pendant, on frame partly mounted with chased silver. 875a Four Hundred and Thirty-seven Rock-crystal Pendants and Ornaments, and about Eighty Beads and Small Pieces. Duncan. £102 18s 112 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 876 An Italian Cabinet, of ebony, of architectural design, with four fluted columns of Giallo Antico with Corinthian capitals of ormolu, inlaid with slabs of old Florentine pietre dure mosaic, with friezes of rare agates and lapis lazuli, mounted with borders of chased ormolu, and surmounted by a Verona marble slab. 877 The Companion Cabinet. These formed part of the furniture in the room in the Winter Palace in which the Emperor Paul was assassinated. 878 The Due de Choiseul's Writing-table and Cartonniere, an oblong Louis XV. writing-table of parqueterie, with six drawers, mounted with vases and festoons of foliage of ormolu, the top covered with green leather with fine old gilt tooling ; the carton- niere of pedestal form, with cupboards and drawers at the ends, and open shelves above, surmounted by a clock by Alard, in finely chased ormolu case, surmounted by a group of allegorical figures of boys with a cock. 879 The Rape of Proserpina, a fine group in bronze, by G. di Bologna, on Louis XVI. ormolu plinth chased with foliage. 880 The Rape of Helen — the companion. 881 A Figure of Puck, seated on a toad-stool, in statuary marble, by Harriet Hosmer. 882 A Figure of a Child, seated, holding a branch of foliage, by L. Pampaloni, 1843. 883 An Old Carved Mahogany Settee, covered with gobelins tapestry of flowers. 884 A Chime Clock, in case of ormolu, of rare and beautiful design, with allegorical figures above, surmounted by a lion holding the arms of England, the feet formed as dolphins, and miniature of dancing bacchanals, by Degault, in the front, with enamelled dials and movement by James Cox of London. 885 An Antique Colossal Marble Bust of Venus. From the Braski Palace. 886 A Colossal Bust of Niobe, of antique Egyptian porphyry. 887 A Large Circular Tazza, of Giallo Antico, sculptured with a mask on each side, supported on spirally fluted stem, and fluted tripod carved with lions' masks, and feet. A Small Tazza, of Giallo Antico, on tripod carved with lions' masks, and feet, and other ornaments. PURCHASED BY , S. Wertheimer. £903. P. and B. Colnaghi and Co. £5,565. Buncan. £1,428. B. M. Bavis. £173 5s. J. B. Lorent. £63. Aug. W. Savile. £48 6s. H. Burlacher. £861. J. and W. Vohins. £120 15s. G. Sinclair. £409 10s. Vide Lot 2066. Buncan. £75 12s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 88G The Hamilton Palace Collection. 115 PURCHASED BY 889 An Antique Marble Group of Two Cupids. Mrs. Williams. £63 890 A Pair of Two-handled Vases, of oriental onyx. Duncan. £225 15s. 891 A Twelve-leaved High-folding Screen, of Chinese lacquer, with subjects in gold and colours. W. Grindlay. f 180 892 The Laocoon, in Bronze. It is the size of the original group, and was executed in Paris by Crozatier, under the direction of the late Mr. Alexis Delahante, a celebrated connoisseur of pictures. It was intended for Mr. Watson Taylor's gallery, that gentleman having agreed to give ,£2,000 for it, but before the work was completed and brought to England Mr. Watson Taylor's affairs became involved, and the group having found its way to Fonthill, it was included in the sale of the contents of that place. It was sold there to the Duke of Buckingham. W. Wareham. £504. From Stoive. End of Eighth Day's Sale, £17,494 5s. NINTH DAY'S SALE. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1882. ©lb jfrencb ^faience, &c. 893 Twenty-four Plates, painted with emblems and inscription?. 894 Twenty-four Ditto. 895 Twenty-four Ditto. 896 Twenty-two Ditto. 897 Ten Moustiers Plates, painted with figures in scroll borders, and ornaments in colours ; and a pair of five-sided Plates, with stag hunts. 898 Fifteen Moustiers Plates, with figures in yellow ; Seven Dishes — similar ; and Three Dishes, with grotesque figures and animals. 899 A Large Oblong-shaped Plaque, of Moustiers faience, painted with the martyrdom of a saint, the top surmounted by dolphins and children. 900 Four Plates, painted with landscapes, buildings, and figures. 901 Six Plates, with a Chinese figure in the centre, and flowers ; and Six, painted with flowers in colours. 902 A Bowl and Cover, formed as a basket of fruit and vegetables, the inside painted with buildings, and dated 1800. PURCHASED BY T. M. Whitehead, £7 17s. 6d. F. Rathhone, £10 10s. F. Rathhone. £9 19s. 6'/. H. Jerningham, M.P. £10 10s. F. Vergara, £18 7s. 6d. W. Wareham. £32 lis. W. H. Tuck £15 15s. W. Wareham. £8 18s. Qd. W. Wareham. £6 6s. W. Grindlay. £1 lis. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 117 903 A Ewer and Oval Dish, with fluted border, of French faience, with birds and flowers in colours on black ground. 904 An Octagonal Two-handled Tray, painted with a basket, festoons of flowers, and scroll ornaments. 905 A Plate, painted with Ecce Homo, after Guido. 906 Another, with Moresque pattern in colours. Signed CP. 907 A Strasbourg Butter-boat and Cover, painted with flowers, surmounted by a cow ; and a two-handled Vase, with openwork border. 908 A Square-shaped White and Gold Bulb-stand, with fluted corners. 909 A Large Tank A.RD, painted with a coat-of-arms, flowers, and birds in colours, pewter lid, marked P. O. 910 A Large Jug, with figures , in medallions, and ornaments i in I blue and pink and yellow bands. 911 A Dark-blue Bowl, with ornaments in white. 912 A Pair of Hexagonal Rouen-ware Dishes, with comucopiee. 913 An Oval Open Rouen-ware Basket, painted with flowers. 914 A Rouen -ware Jug, formed as a bird, with brilliantly coloured plumage. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 915 A Shallow Bowl, painted with "l'arbre d' amour," inscriptions, and date 1735. 916 A Tall Jug. with flat openwork circular centre, painted with flowers ; and a Teapot, with a bust of a cure\ and inscription. 917 A Bottle, of Nevers faience, painted with two large medallions of a bull hunt and a lion hunt, the handles formed as rams' heads, with rings holding flowers. 918 A Nevers-ware Jug, with double twisted handle, and lion's mask, painted with birds and flowers in blue and white on yellow ground. 919 A Large Nevers-ware Rosewater-ewer and Dish, painted with ornaments and flowers in blue and red, the ewer partly fluted, and a mask under the spout — maker's mark, G. S. — the dish 19| in. diam. 920 The Companion. PURCHASED BY S. Bourgeois. £210. T. M. Whitehead. £8 8s. W. Craibe Angus. £2 12s. Qd. T. M. Whitehead. £3 3s. F. Vergara. £2 2s. B. Button. £1 Is. A. W. Thibaudean. £7 17s. Qd. Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £39 18s. W. Wareham. £7 17s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £5 5 s. H. Webster. £1 Is. W. King. £36 15s. B. Button. £5 15s. Qd. F. Davis. £10 10s. W. Wareham. £37 5s. Qd. A. V. Marras. £37 16s. F. Seligmann. £152 5s. F. Seligmann. £110 5s. 118 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 903 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 119 903 120 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 919 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 121 921 An Octagonal Vase, of old Nevers faience, painted with Tritons and boys with musical instruments in colours on blue ground, mounted with foot and cover of chased metal gilt. 922 A Flat-shaped Bottle, with cupids and swans, with ram's-head handles ; and a Pilgrim Bottle, with a river god, and twisted handles, mounted on feet of chased ormolu. 923 A Pair of Small Candelabra, for two lights each, the stems formed of blue and gold porcelain, kneeling figures of cupids bearing baskets with ormolu foliage branches and feet of the same. 924 An Openwork Creil Basket, with flowers in blue; and a pair of Oval Openwork Baskets. 925 A Lille Plate, with playing cards ; and one, with a female figure. 926 A Plate, with a lizard and snake in relief. 927 An Oval Dish, with reptiles, fish, and shells in relief in colours, in the style of Palissy — makers mark, Pull. 928 A Pair of Vases, formed as Nautilus shell, with reptiles in relief, each supported by a group of three fish. 929 A Brown-ware Openwork Pilgrim's Bottle ; and a Cruet-stand. 930 A Coffee-pot, Basin, and Cover ; small oval ditto ; Two Salt-cellars ; Seventeen Cups ; Thirty-one Plates, with raised flowers in colours on white ground. A Flower-pot and Tazza, of splashed blue and white Nevers ware. 931 932 A Pair of Dishes, of Dutch faience, painted with figures in red and gold. 933 A Plaque, with figures in a sleigh. 934 A Sconce, with a male figure in relief, and scroll border. 935 A Blue and White Delft Plate, with figure of a tailor ; and a Dish, with figure of St. Catherine. Dated 1754. 936 A Pair of Blue and White Dishes, with sunk pools ; Five blue and white Plates ; and Three Plates, with flowers in colours. 937 A Small Seau, with figures in medallions and ornaments in colours ; and a coloured Bracket. 938 A Figure of Christ, bound to the column, of brown ware — 8^ in. high. PURCHASED BY Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £31 10s. W. Wareham. £53 lis. E. Radley. £31 10s. E. Radley. £13 13s. W. H. Tuck. £12 12s. W. Philpot. £5 5s. F. Vergara. £4 4s. F. Vergara. £3 13s. Qd. A. W. Franks. £4 14s. Qd. W. Wareham. £9 19s. Qd. F. Vergara. £10 10s. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £59 17s. W. King. £16 16s. A. Casella. £5 15s. Qd. F. Vergara. £2 12s. Qd. E. Lomnitz. £8 8s. Duncan. £4 14s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £3 13s. Qd. r 122 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 939 A Delft Plate, with Cupid in the i centre ; and eight others, with ornaments. 940 A HOchst Faience Figure of a Boy, with a wreath of flowers. 941 A Large Mug, of white glazed ware, with Hogarth's midnight conversation, coats-of-arms, and animals in relief. 942 A Brown Glazed-ware Dish, with figures in relief bearing shields. Dated 1475. 943 A Jug, of German faience, painted with a skirmish of cavalry in black on white ground, monogram W. R., silver lid. 944 A Large Jug, painted with a subject from sacred history in pink, surrounded by flowers, monogram A. H., mounted with silver-gilt foot and cover. 945 A Jug, painted with birds and flowers in colours, mounted with silver-gilt foot and cover. 946 A Mottled Pink Jug, with the double eagle, flowers, and birds in colours, pewter lid and cover. Dated 1726. 947 A Jug, of mottled brown ware, with pewter lid. 948 A Pilgrim's Bottle, of dark blue, with a stag hunt, and coat-of-arms in relief. 949 A Jar and Cover, of black ware, formed as a bear holding a shield, painted with a coat-of-arms. 950 A Pilgrim's Bottle, of old gres-de-Flandres stone ware, with fleur de lys and foliage in medallions, in purple and blue — 11 in. high. 951 A Pair of Octagonal Garden-seats, of English white ware, with pierced sides enamelled with insects and flowers in colours — 18 in. high. 952 A Staffordshire-ware Figure of a Sportsman, on square pedestal with medallion heads ; and a ditto figure of a man carrying a sheep. 953 A Large Figure of an Astrologer, of coloured faience, mark a fleur de lys. 954 A Newcastle Toad Mug, printed with a view of the river Wear ; a black and white Teapot, with a raised medallion of the King of Prussia, in colours. 955 A Pair of Delft Boxes, formed as rabbits. 956 A Bottle, painted with heads of Christ and Apostles, cherubs and angels in blue. PURCHASED BY W. Wareham. £4 14s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son £3 3s. B. G. Holmes. £7 7s. W. Grindlay. £24 3s. F. Vergara. £5 5s. W. Grindlay. £18 7s. Qd. F. Davis. £51 9s. B. Button. £2 2s. W. Boore. £7 17s. Qd. J. H. Fitzhenrv.. £4 14s. Qd. W. G. Angus. £13 13s. T. M. Whitehead. £42. W. Grindlay. £31 10s. ' T. Laurie and Son. £7 7s. Myers and Son. £20 9s. 6d, TV. Grindlay. £3 13s. 6d W. King. £5 15s. Qd. W. Craibe Angus. £15 15s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 123 * PURCHASED BY 957 Twelve Plates, with grotesque figures, animals, and flowers. M. Slaes. £27 6s. 958 Twenty-one Ditto, with figures, animals, and flowers. J. H. Fitzhenry. £9 9s. 959 Fifteen Ditto, with Chinese buildings, and dark-blue borders painted F. Seligmann. with flowers. £25 4s. Ibend n. Mare. D60 A Hexagonal Salt-Cellar — 4 in. high, width 3f in. I G. Attenborough. I £840. 960 It forms a raised pedestal, flanked by a small attached three-quarter column ; at each angle of the hexagon, n each of the intervening panels, is an oblong opening, surrounded by a wide moulded architrave or border, through this opening the hollow interior of the piece is visible, and in the centre within is seen a group n the round of three cupids sitting back to back, with their arms interlaced. 124 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY The flat band or border round the side panels is inlaid with an intricate 1 arabesque pattern, whilst the hollow bowl or cavity for the salt at the top is also richly inlaid with concentric zones of ornament surrounding a central medallion of minute arabesques. The base is surrounded by mouldings, and rests on six small cylindrical pedestal feet, betwixt which applique in the centre of each panel, and on the band of mouldings are bold grotesque masks in relief. 961 A Tazza — height 4 in., width 5| in. A shallow hemispherical bowl, surmounted by a low neck or margin, is supported on rather a massive stem, richly adorned with masks and mouldings in relief, and flanked by three large detached scrolls or consoles, also enriched with masks, pecten shells, &c. The exterior is entirely covered with inlaid ornaments Bollin & Feuardent. £1,218. of the richest and most elaborate character in the red tint. The inside of the bowl is also inlaid with a beautiful composition of interlaced strap work, the interstices of which are filled in with arabesque terminal figures, dolphins, festoons, and branches of foliage. A small medallion in the centre of the composition contains the usual device of the three interlaced crescents of Henri II. 962 A Terra-cotta Bust of Mme. Elizabeth, by Marier, signed, and j T. Agnew and Sons, dated 1791 — on dove marble pedestal — glass shade and stand. £441. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 125 962 126 The Hamilton Palace Collection. limoges Enamel 963 A Tablet, painted in colours on a white ground, representing the funeral of Psyche, from the engraving of Marc Antonio, after Raffaelle. It is executed in a pure broad style, and from its peculiar colouring is doubtless a late work of Leonard Limousin — lOf in. by 6 in. From the Battier Collection. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 964 A Quadrangular Plaque, with a half-length portrait executed in colours on a blue ground, it represents a young man in profile, with a close-fitting black dress and lilac sleeves, he holds his gloves in his hands, above his head is inscribed in gold " Ne Memorem Nostri sola hcec te reddat Imago, Anno sue ^Etatis 27, Faciebat, 1559 ; " below, an Italian inscription ; at the back is the signature of the artist in gold, P. Corteys Maf. (in monogram) — 5| in. by 4 in. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 965 A Quadrangular Panel, painted in colours, an old man and woman are passing among trees and approaching a gentleman in the dress of the period, who is embracing a lady. Prom an owl, which is perched on a tree, and from the dark hue of the sky, it is to be presumed that the scene is supposed to occur at night. On a table below is inscribed " Oracle Divin Cognois Toy Toymesms, in one corner P. C. in gold — 5f in. by 5 in. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 966 A Tazza and Cover, of elegant form, on a foot, within the bowl is the subject of Samson and Dalilah, finely painted on the cover are other scenes from the life of Samson, all in grisaille on a brilliant black ground, under the bowl are wreaths and emblems of the Passion ; on the foot are wreaths and trophies ; within the cover are scenes also from the life of Samson, painted in gold in camaieu, underneath the foot is the following inscription in gold, " Johannes Penicavdi Jvnior, 1539"— 8 in high., diam. *l\ in. This very remarkable enamel was formerly at Strawberry Hill. 967 A Small Two-handled Tazza, with fluted border, painted with flowers in colours and with Cupid in the centre, by J. Laudin, the outside painted and gilt, and painted on the bottom with a landscape. 968 An Oval Dish, with the adoration of the shepherds in brilliant colours and gold, in black border, with ornaments in gold and colours. 8£ in. by 10^ in. PURCHASED BY //. Durlacher. £183 15s. T. M. Whitehead. £367 10s. F. Davis. £178 10s. T . M. Whitehead. £2,100. W. Grindlay. £68 5s. W. Wareham. £105. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 127 969 A Ewer, with an oval or slightly flattened body, painted in grisaille on a black ground, with strong flesh tints, on the upper part are marine deities, on the lower centaurs and tritons fighting for women — height 11\ in. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. It is unsigned, unless the signature is concealed by the filigree mounting. S)70 An Oval Dish, painted in grisaille on a black ground, with flesh tints and gilding. The feast of the gods, after Raffaelle ; signed in front J. C, the back is decorated with two masks, and two arabesque figures and scroll work — 20| in. Kensington, 1862. by 15| in. Exhibited at South 971 A Tryptych, painted in colours by Pierre Raymond, in the centre are represented the three Marys weeping over the dead body of Christ, after Raffaelle, in the lower part P. R. in gold. On the left wing, a figure of a prophet, Daniel Profetes, standing under a canopy, painted in brown heightened with gold ; on the pediment and base are figures and arabesques in camaieu. The prophet holds a scroll, "O VOS OMNES QUI TRANSITIS PER VIAM ATTENDITE ET VIDETE si est dolor sicut," on the upper part, in gold, P. R., 1538. On the right wing an apostle, with white beard, holding a scroll, " Christus passus est pro Nobis Vobis Relinquens Exenplum." This is under a similar canopy to the last, drawn in a rich golden brown, touched up with gold and shaded with darker brown, in the upper part P. R. in gold — centre 7| in. by §\ in., sides 7f in. by 2| in. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. [)72 An Oblong Tablet, painted in grisaille without flesh tints ; subject, Samson slaying the Philistines. It is signed mdpp., the two first letters being joined in a monogram — the companion — 6 in. by 3f in. From the Collection of M. Defournet, Paris. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 973 A Quadrangular Tablet, very exquisitely painted in grisaille on a black ground — 6 in. by 3f in. From the Collection of M. Defournet, Paris, 1820. It represents the adoration of the Magi, a rich and florid composition ; in the foreground is a capital of a column, on the truncated portion of which is inscribed p.m. the letters being placed one over the other, perhaps " Penicaudi Manu." 974 A Quadrangular Plaque, painted in grisaille on a black ground, with a few touches of gold. It represents an allegorical subject known as the Calumny of Apelles, being an imaginary reproduction of the painting executed by that artist in allusion to the false accusation brought against him by Antiphilus. This composition PURCHASED BY F. Davis. £735. W. Wareham. £1,207 10s. W. Wareham. £1,218. F. Davis. £173 5s. G. Attenborough. £1,328 5s. A. W. Franks. £320 5s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 129 was drawn by Mantegna, and engraved by Mocetto (Bartsch, xii., p. 113) ; to the left is seated Folly or Midas, supported by Ignorance and Suspicion, before whom Innocence is being dragged by Calumny, assisted by Envy, Ambition, and Guile, behind are Penitence and Truth ; the background represents the Piazza of S.S. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. The back is of clear enamel, with a few red streaks, through which is seen a stamp with I. K. and a lion passant — 4| in. by 3f in. From the Debruge and Battier Collection. 975 A Circular Medallion, painted in colours with a black ground, by L. Limousin ; a head of Roma, helmeted, to the left ; on the edge of her shield " Et SPES MEA EST." It is set in a quadrangular plate of steel, engraved and partly gilt — diam. 5} in. Unsigned. 976 Six Quadrangular Tablets, painted in grisaille on a black ground, and representing subjects from the Old Testament history, viz., The Temptation, the Expulsion from Paradise, Adam and Eve working, Noah building the Ark, Abraham and Lot separating, and the Sacrifice of Isaac. At the back is inscribed " Laudin Emaillieur a Limoges, J.L., 1693." Exhibited at Kensington, 1862. 977 A Triptich, by Nardon Penicaud, in brilliant colours, with paillets of foil, the entombment in the centre, the Deposition from the Cross, and the Resurrection on the wings. Date about 1490 — the centre 8| in. by 10 in., the wings. 81 in. by 4^ in. From Fonthill. PURCHASED BV T. Agnevj and Sons. £273. G. Attenborough. £273. G. Attenborough. £1,764. Italian Cinque^Cento flDetat Work, 978 A Small Steel Casket, with rounded top, inlaid with buildings and ornaments in gold. 979 A Steel Case for Scissors, inlaid with ornaments in silver. 980 An Old Steel Casket, covered with pierced trellis pattern and with chased lock. 981 An Oblong Steel Coffer, with arched top of Milanese early 16th century work, enriched in every part with delicate damascened tracery in gold and silver — 12 in. long, 9| in. high. Duncan. £68 5s. W. Grindlay. £6 16s. 6d. W. D. James. £12 12s. E. Joseph. £630. 130 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 982 A Square Chess-table, in damascened iron, supported on triangular column. The surface of the table is inlaid with panels, cartouches, &c, of the most elaborate gold and silver damascene work, and with slabs of lapis lazuli. The triangular pillar, of beautiful architectural design, is supported at the bottom on three massive divergent feet, representing dolphins, superbly damascened, various portions of the pillar are enriched with relievo ornaments in gilt bronze, and in a niche in each face of the central division is a terminal figure, also in gilt bronze ; every part of the stem is covered with arabesques of the most minute and exquisite design in gold and silver. Milanese work, circa 1540. Reputed to have been presented by a Duke of Milan to a Prince of Savoy. From the Soltykoff and Debruge-Dumenil Collection. Exhibited at South Kensington, 1862. 983 An Inkstand, formed as a book, of steel, damascened and inlaid with gold and silver of Milanese work of the 16th century. 984 A Cabinet, with fall-down front, surmounted by a triangular pediment, overlaid or encrusted with damascened iron plaques, and ornamented with slabs and cabochons of lapis lazuli, jasper, and onyxes, &o, of many varieties ; at each angle of the piece is a detached iron column standing on a regular pedestal. The entire surface is enriched in a most elaborate style with panels of cartouche work, inclosing classical figures executed in low relief in repousse, and damascened in every part with a variety of the richest arabesque patterns in gold and silver. In the inside of the pieces are drawers, which, together with the inside of the falling part, are also enriched in the same elaborate manner — length 42 in., height 36 in. Milanese ivork, circa 1540. 985 An Oblong Coffre-fort, of fine 16th century work, with curious lock, covered with a beautiful network of perforated steel and metal gilt, with fleur de lys and Maltese-cross patterns, elaborately en- graved with animals, birds, flowers, and masks — on old Venetian carved and gilt stand, with glass shade. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £3,150. F. Da i;Ls. £168. W. Wareham. £1,071. W. Wareham. £388 10s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 131 986 132 The Hamilton Palace Collection. decorative ©bjects. 986 A Clock, of Italian Architectukal Design, with Corinthian pilasters, surmounted by vases at the angles entirely encrusted with lapis lazuli and agate, and mounted with metal gilt — glass shade and stand. 987 A Bronze Equestrian Statuette of Napoleon I., by Count Nieuerkerke. 988 A Ditto of the Duke of Wellington. 989 A Bronze Bust of Napoleon I., by Ravrio, 1814. 990 A Fluted Black Marble Tazza, on tripod sculptured with lions' masks, and feet — 3 ft. high and %%\ in diam. 991 A Louis XIV. Ormolu Chandelier, for sixteen lights, with a vase and arabesque figures in the centre. 992 A Cabinet, of Ebony, with three doors inlaid with slabs of old Florentine pietre dure mosaic, representing ruins, fruits, and flowers, with fluted columns at the angles richly mounted with finely chased ormolu, and veined black and gold marble slab. 993 The Versailles Cabinet, of ebony, with a circular plaque of Sevres porcelain in the centre, painted with a basket of flowers, sur- rounded by four crowns, and four chasings of scriptural subjects in relief in ormolu, and rich mouldings of the same, surmounted by a verde antique marble slab. 994 A Loms XIV. Sarcophagus-shaped Commode, of black buhl, with two drawers, with terminal winged figures at the angles in relief, and massive mountings of ormolu, surmounted by a slab of Verona marble. 995 An Italian Table, of Ebony, with friezes of birds, and fruits of old Florentine mosaic in relief, massively mounted with ormolu, surmounted by a slab of antique Egyptian porphyry, inlaid with Florentine mosaics and rare agates, with monogram of the letter A interlaced. 996 An Italian Cabinet, of the 1,6th century, of architectural design, with columns of lapis lazuli in relief, inlaid all over with slabs of rare agates, jaspers, and onyx, and enriched with figures and busts of ormolu — on stand of the same, with six legs on plinth. From the design of M. Angelo. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £189. W. G. Angus. £48 6s. H. Brunning. £44 2s. H. Brunning. £25 4s. W. D. James. £52 10s. W. Wareham. £168. W. Grindlay. £378. G. Attenborough. £262 10s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £1,081 10s. W. Grindlay. £106 Is. Earl of Carysfort. £1,176. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 133 997 A Louis XIV. Knee-hole Writing-table, of red buhl, with numerous drawers, on eight legs, with stretchers. 998 A Toilet-glass, in shaped Louis XIV. frame, by Buhl, designed by Berain, the border inlaid with flowers and foliage in brass and mother-o'-pearl, mounted with ornaments of chased ormolu, and surmounted by a female mask, the back of tortoiseshell, inlaid all over with figures, birds, and ornaments of engraved brass — 23 in. by 19 in. 999 A Clock, by Gaudron, in Louis XIV. case of black buhl, mounted with four terminal female busts at the angles and borders, and ornaments of chased ormolu, surmounted by a figure of a boy with a dog — on square plinth, with chased ormolu border. 1000 A Curious Upright Secretaire, of inlaid woods, the lower part with three long drawers, mounted with metal-gilt handles and scutcheons, fall-down front, inclosing pigeon-holes and desk, the upper part forming a cabinet, with glazed doors, the borders gilt and richly carved with cupids and foliage, the top of architectural design, surmounted by a gilt male bust and a medallion head. 1001 A Louis XV. Parqueterie Secretaire, of tulip and other woods, with fall-down top, inclosing drawers and shelves, two drawers, and two cupboards beneath, mounted with handles, feet, and scroll ornaments of finely-chased ormolu, and with scroll ornaments of the same at each end. 1002 A Hanging Rosewood Cabinet, with folding doors, partly gilt, inclosing drawers and , shelves, the top and sides decorated with boldly-carved dragons, terminal female busts and scrolls, and gilt female mask beneath. 1003 The Seasons, a set of four emblematic busts of the size of life, of old Rouen faience, by Vavasseur, the celebrated potter, on terminal pedestals, enamelled with flowers and ornaments in brilliant colours. Busts 32 in. high, pedestals 54 in. high. 1 004 A Pair of Campana-shaped Vases, of oriental alabaster, the bowls and covers carved with foliage, and with mask handles — 33 in. high — on ebonised pedestals. 1005 A Bust of Homer, in basalt — on bronze socle. 1006 A Pair of Red and White Campana-shaped Marble Vases, with fluted bowls and handles, on stems and plinths — 15 in. high. PURCHASED BY W. D. James. £304 10s. S. Wertheimer. £367 10s. W. King. £65 2s. R. Braithwaite. £367 10s. E. Joseph. £535 10s. W. D. James. £22 Is. Edwards. £2,646. W. King. £315. T. Agnew and Sons. £99 15s. G. Bonnor. £29 8s. 134 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1007 A Pair of Campana-shaped Vases, of Swedish porphyry — 19 in. high. 1008 A Pair of Vases, of Antique Egyptian Porphyry, with fluted bowls and covers, and twisted serpent handles — on antique serpentine plinths — 30 in. high — on ebonised pedestals. PURCHASED BY K H. Waud. £29 8s. S. Wertheimer. £1,365. End of Ninth Day's Sale, £29,383 1.4s. 6d. TOTAL OF THIRD PORTION, £66,663 2s. 6d. r 1003 TENTH DAY'S SATURDAY, JULY 8, SALE. 1882. pictures b£ ©lb Butcb anb Jflemisb Masters. J. ARTOIS. 1009 A Pair of Landscapes, with figures. 14 in. by 22 in. CH. VAN MANDER. 1010 Christian IV. of Denmark and his Wife— a pair — small whole lengths. 13^ in. by 9 in. PAUL POTTER. 1011 A Landscape, with the flight into Egypt. 18 in. by 24 in. ORIZONTI and SASSONE. 1012 A Pair of Landscapes, with horses. 26^ in. by 42 in. RUBENS and WILDENS. 1013 Milking-ttme, a landscape, with peasants and animals. 21 in. by 31 in. RUBENS. 1014 The Descent from the Cross — a sketch. 20 in. by 15^ in. PURCHASED BY M. Gabriel. £9 19s. M. F. Davis. £131 5s. L. M. Casella. £46 4s. C. H. Waters. £40 19s. M. H. Arnot. £90 6s. C. Sedelmeyer. £105. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 137 VAN DYCK. 1015 The Descent from the Cross. 15 in. by 19 in. HOLBEIN. 1016 Queen Catherine Parr, in a crimson dress embroidered with gold, and jewelled black hat, with feather. 25 in. by 20 in. C. VAN HAARLEM. 1017 Michael subduing Satan. 7 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. J. WYCK. 1018 The Battle of Bothwell Brig. 5 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. S TEEN WYCK and F. FRANCES. 1019 An Interior of a House, with Figures. 81 in. by 12 in. W. VAN BE VELDE. 1020 A Calm, with a man-of-war saluting, and fisherman in a boat drawing a net. 9 in. by 8 in. A. VAN DYCK. 1021 Four Small Portraits of Eminent Personages, in grisaille. 9 in. by 7 in. VITRINGA. 1022 Shipping in a Squall. 11^ in. by 81 in. C. J. FAHLKRANZ. 1023 A Forest Scene, with a sportsman. Ill i n - by 13 in. G. HONTHORST. 1024 Portrait of the Princess Mary Stuart, Duchess of Orleans, in yellow silk dress and pearl necklace. Signed, and dated, 1639. 27 in. by 22 in. 1025 Portrait of Charles II., in pink dress and lace collar — the companion. PURCHASED BY M. S. Nathan. £22 Is. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £840. Sir J. Leslie, Bart. £27 6s. F. Davis. £178 10s. The National Gallery. £204 15s. J. Noseda. £304 10s. Earl of Rosebery. £210. M. H. Amot. £110 5s. L. M. Casella. £16 16s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £462. 138 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY TT i "XT T\'\T/~iT7" YAls DYCK. 1026 Portrait of a Youth, in green silk dress and white collar. 21 in. by 16 in. A. A. Weston. £52 10s. T"l T~* n TT y> TT" ~T~1 T BREUGHEL. 1027 A Fair in a Dutch Village — on copper. 9^ in. by 14§ in. M. H. Arnot. £451 10s. T~% S\ fTT TTT ~\T TT A TilTT~1T\ "I Tl T~h TTS~i TT T71 T ROTENHAMER and BREUGHEL. 1028 Apollo, with Venus and Cupids dancing — on copper. 11 in. by 8 m. M. H. Arnot. £304 10 s. VAN DER ULFT. 1029 An Italian River Scene, with ruins and numerous figures. 10 in. by 14 in. W. Dyer. £105. RUBENS. 1030 Bellerophon slaying Chevlera. 13£ in. by 11 in. See Smith's Catalogue, part II., p. 29. From Fonthill. Edwards. £378. MAGNUS DU BLARE. 1031 Portrait of Charles XII. of Sweden —whole length. 49 in. by 39 in. F. Davis. £110 5s. V AJS U 1 OA. 1032 Portrait of Archbishop Laud. 48 in. by 38 in. Earl Eeauchamp. £84. VA N T) YCK f ill! -M-f JL vll, 1033 A Youth Praying. 17 in. by 11 in. M. Warneck. £47 5s. P. G. REMBRANDT. 1034 The Prince of Guilders menacing his Father in Prison. 61 in. by 52 in. M. S. Nathan. £21. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 1035 A Fiddler. 24 in. by 17 in. T. Agnew and Sons £6 6s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 139 J. ARTOIS. 1036 A Pair of Landscapes, with figures and animals. 16 in. by 22 in. HEEMSKIRK. 1037 A Woman Preaching. 30 in. by 23 in. W. VAN BE VELDE. .1038 A Man-of-War in a Stokm, with the artist's signature on the back. 30 in. by 25 in. POELEMBERG. 1039 A Sleeping Nymph and Cupid. 9 in. by in. BREEMBORG. 1040 An Italian Landscape, with figures and animals — on copper — small oval. VAN DYCK. 1041 Head of Charles II., when a boy, in crimson dress and lace collar. 1042 Danae. 15 in. by 13 in. VAN BALEN. 7 in. by 11 in. A. BLOEMART. 1043 Christ and the Woman at the Well. 43 in. by 62 in. A. BLOEMART. 1044 The Woman taken in Adultery — the companion. D. TENTERS. 1045 Interior of a Kitchen, with a peasant in a red cap with feather, holding a pipe in his right hand and a glass of beer in his left, seated at a table, with a woman holding a paper over chafing dish, a jug on the ground in front, four peasants, two of whom are playing cards, in the background. Signed. 9^ in. by 13 in. PURCHASED BY L. M. Casella. £34 13s. D. Parrish. £30 9s. M. H. Arnot. £31 10s. J. Aird. £22 Is. J. A. Rose. £21. M. H. Arnot. £231. M. H. Arnot. £9 9s. M. S. Nathan. £105. M. S. Nathan. £30 9s. M. H. Arnot. £945. 140 The Hamilton Palace Collection. H. STEEN WYCK. 1046 Interior of a Church, with figures — on copper. Signed, and dated 1647. 9 in. by 14 in. A. WOLFAERTS. 1047 Hagar and Ishmael. 18^ in. by 24 in. RO TEN HA EMER. 1048 Jacob's Dream ; The finding of Moses ; Israelites gathering Manna ; and St. John preaching ; a set of four, painted on alabaster, in Italian frames of metal gilt, chased with cherubs' heads, and inlaid with specimens of marble. 11 in. by 17 in. REMBRANDT. 1049 The Magdalen reclining on the Bank of a River, under a Rock. 34 in. by 26 in. A. DE LORME. 1050 Interior of a Church, with figures and dogp. 54 in. by 42 in. D. 1ENIERS. 1051 A River Scene, with peasants, cattle, and sheep. 26 in. by 36 in. L. CRANACH. 1052 Portrait of a Lady, in a crimson dress embroidered with gold holding a miniature. Signed, and dated 1561. 11^ in. by 9 in. VAN DYCK. 1053 James, Duke of York, when a child, with a dog — small whole length — on copper. 10 in. by 8 in. ORIZONTI. 1054 An Upright River Scene, with anglers. 30 in. by YI\ in. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £204 15s. Sir J. Leslie, Bart. £9 19s. 6d. Johnstone, Jeans, and Co. £945. Duncan. £220 10s. M. H. Arnot. £714. S. Wertheimer. £231. T. Agnew and Sons. £325 10s. T. Agnew and Sons. £231. F. Davis. £18 18s. 141 VAN LINT. 1055 An Italian Eiver Scene, with figures. 1H in. by 16| in. VAN DYCK. 1056 Portrait of a Youth, in a yellow slashed dress and cap, a dog at his side — whole length. 44 in. by 35 in. S TEENWYCK. 1057 Lot and his Family leaving Sodom. 7 in. by 8 1 in. BREUGHEL. 1058 A Landscape, with sportsmen — on copper. 6f in. by 8^ in. BREUGHEL. 1059 A Landscape, with St. Jerome — on copper. 5^ in. by 7\ in. POELEMBERG. 1060 A Landscape, with St. John — on copper. 4| in. by 7^ in. BREUGHEL. 1061 A Hayfield, with peasants and animals. 6 in. by 11\ in. BREUGHEL. 1062 A Landscape, with animals. 7£ in. by 1\\ in. ROTENHA EMER and BREUGHEL. 1063 Diana and Action — on copper. 10| in. by 13| in. VAN EYCK. 1064 A Triptych, with the Holy Family in the centre, with an angel presenting grapes, St. Catherine and St. Barbara on the wings. PURCHASED BY H. Britten. £10 10s. Shepherd Brothers. £131 5s. M. H. Arnot. £35 14s. J. A. Rose. £32 lis. H. Frankly n. £23 2s. J. A. Rose. £7 7s. Sir W. Gregory-. £33 12s. H. Martineau. £26 5s. M. H. Arnot. £44 2s. T. Agnew and Sons. £178 10s. 142 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY J. BE MABEUSE. 1065 The Labours of Hercules — a set of eleven small pictures — in ebony M. H. Arnot. frame. £525. RUBENS. 1066 Portrait of a Lady — in chalks. Dated 1623. F. Davis. 26 in. by 21 in. £111 6s. 1067 Portrait of a Gentleman — the companion. M. S. Nathan. £115 10s. pictures lEnQltsb Hrtists* B. WEST, P.R.A. 1068 A Scene from " King Lear." 27 in. by 20 in. N. FARMER. 1069 Portrait of Margaret, Countess of Lennox, mother of the Earl of Darnley. From the picture in the Collection of Mr. Carteret Hames. 14 in. by 12 in. W. ETTY, R.A. 1070 The Prodigal Son — arched top. 26 in. by 21 in. RAMSAY. 1071 George III. in his Robes — whole length. 8 ft. 1 in. by 5 ft. 3 in. 1072 Queen Charlotte — the companion. KNELLER. 1073 Portrait of James II. of England — whole length. 7 ft. 9 in. by 4 ft. 9 in. UNKNOWN. 1074 Portrait of General Fairfax, in armour and white scarf, holding a baton in his right hand — half length. 33 in. by 27 in. R. WILSON, R.A. 1075 Distant View of Rome: sunset. 4 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. H. Graves and Co. £31 10s. A. W. Thibaudeau. £65 2s. T. Agnew and Sons. £99 15s. F. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £il5 10s. Edwards. £63. H. Graves and Co. £105. A. W. Thibaudeait. £57 15s. T. Agnew and Sons. £1,050. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 143 PURCHASED BY GAVIN HAMILTON. 1076 Hector and Andromache — from an Italian design. 20 in. by 26 in. Duncan. £27 6s. SIR P. LELY. 1077 A Lady in a White Dress and Blue Scarf, with pearl necklace and jewels, seated in a red chair — half length. 51 in. by 40 in. F. Davis. £38 17s. E. W. COOKE, R.A. 1078 TrouvIlle Fishing-boat entering Calais Harbour. 10 in. by 8 in. T. Agncw and Sans. £84. UNKNOWN. 1079 A Lady, in white silk dress, with jewels and lace scarf, seated chair at a table. 48 in. by 38 in. in a F. Davis. £30 9s. « SIR P. LELY. 1080 A Lady, in a crimson dress, trimmed with ermine, her right resting on a globe. 48 in. by 38 in. hand F. Davis, i £73 10s. SIR W. ALLAN. 1081 A Pair of Interiors, with Russian peasants. 10| in. by 14 in. W. Permain. £31 10s UNKNOWN. 1082 The Cotter's Saturday Night. 9 in. by 12 in. T. Agncw and Sons. X>{ O 1US. WALKER. 1083 Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots, from an older picture. 29 in. by 25 in. W. Craibe Angus. £12 12s. WALKER. 1084 Portrait of Yan Dyck. 28 in. by 23 in. Youvg. £8 18s. Qd, SIR PETER LELY. 1085 Portrait of a Lady, in Blue and Brown Drapery, with necklace and ornaments. 48 in. by 38 in. pearl Duncan. , , £73 10s. 144 The Hamilton Palace Collection. WALK EE. 1086 Portrait of a Cavalier in Armour, with a lace collar. 27 in. by 22 in. SIR P. LELY. J 087 Two Children, with flowers and fruit. 17 in. by 12 in. GAVIN HAMILTON, 1737. 1088 Portrait of a Lady, small whole length, attended by a negro page. 17 in. by 13 in. H. B., 1826. 1089 A Man with a Brandy Flask, Fish, &c. 12i in. by 10 in. G. GARRARD. 1090 Marmosets. 15 in. by 20 in. SIR P. LELY. 1091 Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, in orange and blue dress, seated at a table. 50 in. by 38 in. D. ALLAN. 1092 A Peasant Family at Procida. 11 in. by 14^ in. J. J. CHALON, R.A., 1810. 1093 Macbeth and the Witches. 60 in. by 84 in. W. AIRMAN. 1094 John Campbell, Second Duke of Argyle. 49 in. by 40 in. SIR P. LELY. 1095 Head of a Lady, in pearl necklace. 24 in. by 17? in. PURCHASED BY F. Davis. £31 10s. W. Bowe. £44 2s. F. Davis. £54 12s. M. H. Arnot. £16 16s. Garrard. £8 18s. 6d. H. Mendoza & Son. £23 2s, Young. £5 5s. H. Mendoza & Son. £33 12s. P. and D. Colnaqhi and Co. £37 16s. P. and D. Colnaqhi and Co. £33 12s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 145 S. GILPIN. 1096 Portrait of a Spaniel. 39 in. by 50 in. G. GARRARD. 1100 A Race Horse and Jockey. 34 in. by 43 in. UNKNOWN. 1101 Portrait of a Bay Horse, in a landscape. 40 in. by 50 in. W. ETTY, R.A. 1102 Adam and Eve — arched top. 17 in. by 34 in. . SIR P. LELY. 1103 Portrait of General David Leslie, created Lord Newark, with crimson scarf and sword. 49 in. by 40 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 1104 A Woody Landscape, with sheep — an early work. 11| in. by 13 \ in. J. GLOVER. 1105 A View in Borrowdale — in water colours. pictures b\> jfrencb Hrttets, MIGNARD. 1106 Portrait of Cardinal Mazarin. 26 in. by 18 in. FRAGONARD. 1107 A Lady, in a crimson jacket, trimmed with swan's-down, and white satin petticoat, witnessing the chastisement of her dog by a female attendant. 12 in. by 9 in. From Fonthill. J. L. DAVID. 1108 Portrait of Napoleon I. — whole length. 6 ft. 7 in. by 4 ft. Painted for the Duke of Hamilton. See Dr. Waagen, "Art Treasures in Great Britain," vol. 3, p. 294. PURCHASED BY J. and W. Vokins. £99 15s. Colonel Milligan. £45 3s. 31. Colnaghi. £17 17s. W. Permain. £18 18s. F. Davis. £388 10s. T. Agnew and Sens. £168. M. H. Arnot. £210. P. and D. Cohiatjhi and Co. £357. T. Agnew and Sons. £472 10s. F. Davis. £378. 146 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY T A UN AY. 1109 An Italian Landscape, with a ruined castle and aqueduct. 9i in. by 1.3 in. From Fonthill. T. Agnew and Sons. £199 10s. jy . Jjjy it u l ±j±j i lid it i -j . 1110 Portraits of James, Prince of Wales, and his Sister, in the garden of St. Germains ; and the engraving. 6 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 11 in. Duncan. £882. N. POUSSIN. 1111 Venus and Cupids. 3 ft. 10 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £22 Is. H. RIGA UD. 1112 Portrait of Marechal de Foix. 50 in. by 37 in. F. Davis. £215 5s. LE BR UN. 1113 Portrait of Mme. de Maintenon, in ermine robe, seated, holding a book in her left hand. Engraved. 52 in. by 40 in. J. and W. VoJcins. £105. VAN LOO. 1114 Portrait of Marshal Saxe, in armour, his hand resting on his baton. 52 in. by 40 in. F. Davis. £173 5s. G. POUSSIN. 1115 A Grand Classical Landscape. 3 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. T. Agnew and Sons. £204 15s. L. A. BLANC HET. 1116 Henry B. M. C. Stuart, Cardinal of York — whole length. 8 ft. by 5 ft. 10 in. Earl of Moray. £1,365. PHILIP DE CHAMPAGNE. 1117 The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 24 in. by 20 in. See Dr. Waagen. M. H. Arnot. £57 15s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 147 G. POUSSIN. PURCHASED BY 1118 A Classical River Scene, with buildings and a flock of sheep. 39 in. by 29 in. G. POUSSIN. 1119 A River Scene, with a cascade, and figures in a thunderstorm — the companion. N. POUSSIN. 1120 The Entombment. 39 in. by 52 in. The body of the Saviour is here extended on white linen along the fore- ground of the picture. St. John kneels at the head, which he supports with one hand, while with the other he holds the Saviour's arm ; at the same time the venerable Joseph of Arimathea, who is clothed in a pink coloured mantle and wears a yellow turban, is partly within the tomb, bending over the feet, apparently engaged in wrapping the body in linen. The mournful ceremony is attended by the three Marys ; one of them, enveloped in a white mantle, is kneeling by the side of her deceased Lord, bathing His hand with her tears. Mary the mother of James stands on the right of Joseph, and the Virgin is near the centre, in the act of raising her blue mantle to wipe her streaming eyes. A brass bowl and vase are on the left of the picture. The gloom of closing day adds to the solemn effect of the scene. Engraved by Pesne and Anonymous. Described in Smith's " Catalogue Baisonne'" vol. 8, p. 60. POUSSIN. 1121 Three Studies of Heads. G. POUSSIN. 1122 A River Scene, with classical figures. 20 in. by 26 in. Johnstone, Jeans, and Go. £147. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £63. National Gallery, Dublin. £504. Sir J. Leslie, Bart. £4 4s. P. Hecht. £15 15s. JEAN COUSIN 1123 The Last Judgment — a pair. 12 in. by 9 in. Duncan. £33 12s. 148 The Hamilton Palace Collection. portraits. 1124 Heneietta Maria, Queen of Charles L, in embroidered and lace dress, wearing a chain — whole length. 1125 Gaston, Due D'Orleans, in crimson and lace dress, holding a bow and arrows — whole length. 54 in. by 38 in. 1126 Nicolas, Due D'Orleans, in green and lace dress, with jewelled chain — whole length. 54 in. by 38 in. 1127 Chretienne, Duchess de Savoie, in crimson and lace dress, and jewelled chain, holding a fan — whole length. 54 in. by 38 in. UNKNOWN. 1128 View of Paris from the Pont Neuf, with numerous figures. Temp. Louis XIV. 30 in. by 50 in. 1129 View of the Louvre from the Seine — the companion. P. DE CHAMPAGNE. 1130 The Marriage of Henri IV. and Marie di Medigts. 9| in. by 12 in. E. LE SUEUR. 1131 Roman Senators going to the Forum. 39 in. by 58 in. H. RIGA UD. 1132 Equestrian Portrait of Louis XVI., crowned by Victory. 46 in. by 36 in. J. L. TOCQUB. 1133 Le Marquis de Marigny (Abel-Francois Poisson), Frere Cadet, de Mine, de Pompadour, Directeur des Batiments, holding a plan of the Ecole Militaire. Engraved by Wille. 54 in. by 40 in. PURCHASED BY P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £294. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £168. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £168. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £315. Duncan. £241 10s. Shepherd Brothers £31 10s. M. S. Nathan. £50 8s. P. Davis. £15 15s. P. Paris. £630. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 149 CLAUDE LORRAINE. 1134 Ariadne and Bacchus ; — or more probably Ulysses discovering himself to Nausicaa, the daughter of Alcinous. The view exhibits a seaport or spacious bay, on the right of which is a beautiful cluster of trees, growing on a rugged bank, amidst bushes, and concealing in part the ruin of an ancient edifice ; beyond this is seen part of the city of Phoenicia, and a fleet of ships at anchor near it, from hence the view extends to the distant mountains and the entrance to the port. In the centre of the foreground is seated a young female (Nausicaa) attired in a red vest and a blue mantle, her attention appears to be suddenly arrested by a man (Ulysses) issuing from behind a tree at the side and cautiously discovering himself to her. The storm of the previous night (described by the poet in the Odyssey, Books V. and VI.) has subsided, and the morning is ushered in by the gentle breezes, which play over the surface of the water, accompanied by the most brilliant purity and freshness of atmosphere. 2 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. H in. Painted in 1658, for Signor Francesco Abericii, from whom it passed into the possession of M. Furnese, and Humphrey Morris, Fsq. Engraved by F. Vivares, and in the " Liber Veritatis." From the Collection of the Earl of Ashbumham, 1850. C. VAN LOO, 1751. 1135 A View of the Stern of the Ship Le Triompham, with the arms of France, trophies of arms, arabesques, and royal ciphers, with crowns beautifully designed in gold and colours. 32 in. by 23 in. PURCHASED BY M. H. Arnot. £840. P. and D. Colnaghi and C £194 5s. pictures Spanish Brtists- VELAZQUEZ. 1136 Portrait of Pope Innocent X. 25 in. by 18 in. VELAZQUEZ. 1137 Portrait of a Youth, in a hat with feather. 28 in. by 21 in. From the Collection of the Marquess of Lansdowne, and Fonthill. F. Davis. £110 5s. M. E. Arnot. £283 10s. 150 The Hamilton Palace Collection. MURILLO. 1138 The Infant Christ Sleeping, holding a crook with scroll, angels guarding sheep in the background. 25 in. by 20 in. From Fonthill. PURCHASED BY M. H. Arnot. £2,415. MURILLO. 1139 St. Catherine. 16 in. by 13 in. W. Dyer. £33 12s. Shepherd Brothers. £56 14s. VELAZQUEZ. 1140 The Duke d'Olivarez, in black dress and white collar. 29 in. by 26 in. COELLO. 1141 Portrait of the Duke of Alva, in white dress and ruff, and j rp Agnew and Sons partly-gilt breastplate, holding a baton in his right hand. £420. 2 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. 10 in. From Fonthill. VELAZQUEZ. 1142 Philip IV. of Spain, Avearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, standing in a black dress trimmed with silver, holding in his hand a paper inscribed with the name of Velasquez — full length, life size. 6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 8 in. Taken from the Palace at Madrid during the war, by the French General JDessolle, from whose daughter it was purchased by Mr. Woodburn, afterwards at Fonthill. See Stirling's "Annals of the Artists of Spain" vol. 3, p. 1397, and Buchanan 's " Memoirs of Painting," vol. 1, p. 147. JUAN PANTOXA. 1143 A Council of Eleven English and Spanish Statesmen, including portraits of the Duke de Frias, Count Villarmediana, Alexander Rouldio, Count dArenberg, Verreykyn; the Earls Dosset, Nottingham, Densier (Devonshire), Northampton, and Robert Cecil. Signed, and dated 1594. 6 ft. 9 in. by 8 ft. 9 in. The National Gallery. £6,300. National Portrait Gallery. £2,520. End of Tenth Day's Sale, £33,562 4s. ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1882. t ©lb Japan lac. 1144 A Red Lac Stand, with foliage in green and gold; and one, with cranes and tortoises. 1145 An Oblong Black and Gold Stand, with cabinet above ; and a pair of circular green, black, and gold boxes and covers. 1146 An Oblong Tray, of powdered gold lacquer, with a river scene, buildings, and figures in a boat. 1147 A Small Red Bowl; a ditto tray; a very small ditto, with cranes; and one, with foliage. 1148 A Round Plaque, of japan lacquer, with foliage and butterflies in gold on black ground ; a black and gold oval tray, with a basket of flowers; and one, with birds and flowers in mother-o' -pearl and gold. 1149 A Red and Gold Stand, with flowers; a smaller ditto, with birds; and one, with a fir tree. 1150 A Red and Gold Box and Cover, formed as a pomegranate— on stand of foliage. 1151 An Oblong Box and Cover, with landscapes and buildings in gold on black ground, enclosing four smaller boxes — on square raised stand. 1152 A Hexagonal Stand, of powdered gold lacquer, with a river scene, birds and foliaore — on three feet. PURCHASED BY Rev. E. Dewick. £1 Is. W. C. Angus. £7 7s. Rev. E. Dewick. £2 2s. Rev. E. Dewick. 15s. W. C. Angus. £12 U. 6d. Rev. E. Dewick. 10s. 6d. Duncan. £3 3s. W. C. Angus. £8 8s. Duncan. £12 Is. U. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 153 1153 A Square Cabinet, of old japan lacquer, with folding doors, enclosing drawers, landscapes, foliage, and birds in gold on black ground, and with engraved metal-gilt mounts. 1154 The Companion Cabinet. 1155 A Canteen, of old japan powdered gold lacquer, containing a nest of five boxes, two trays, and a box with a large grotesque male figure, decorated with circular ornaments, bamboos, and foliage, and contained in open case, with silver handle, on metal-gilt foot. 1156 A Pair of Pound Trays, of Chinese black lacquer, with figures and landscapes in coloured mother-o'-pearl and gold ; and five square trays, with landscapes. 1157 A Rosewater-ewer AND Dish, of old black and gold japan lacquer, with figures and landscapes. 1158 The Companion Ewer and Dish. 1159 A Pair of Hanging Vase-shaped Jardinieres, of black and gold japan lacquer. 1160 A Small Cabinet, of black and gold japan lacquer, with drawer — 11 in. by 6 in., 10 in. high. 1161 An Oblong Box, of old japan lacquer, with a cart and plants in gold, mounted with metal gilt — 16 in. by 13 in. 1162 A Pair of Vases, Covers, and Stands, with buildings, birds, and plants in gold on black ground, mounted with twisted snakes of ormolu. 1163 A Black and Gold Japan Lacquer Nest of Five Boxes — 9£ in. high. 1164 A Deep Black Tray, with a tree in gold; and one, on feet. 1165 A Very Fine Oblong Coffer, of Old Japan Lacquer, with a large landscape, buildings, trees, and a river, with a bridge and figures in the foreground, in border of birds and scrolls, animals and birds in gold and silver in relief, similar landscapes on the front and ends and inside the lid, black and gold trellis-border, with circular ornaments, inlaid with mother-o'-pearl, chased metal-gilt mounts — on carved and gilt wood stand — 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. From the Collections of the Cardinal Mazarin, the Due de Bouillon, and Fonthill. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £66 3s. E. Radley. £95 lis. W. H. Tuck. £39 18s. F. Reynolds. £4 4s. W. Grindlay. £15 15s. TP. Grindlay. £13 13s. T. La,urie and Son. £2 12s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son, £9 19s. Qd. Duncan. £13 13s. S. Wertheimer. £210. T. Laurie and Son. £7 17s. Qd. W. C. Angus. £22 Is. Sir Trevor Lawrence, Dart. £682 10s. x 154 The Hamilton Palace Collection. ©dental ©bjects of Hrt. 1166 An Oblong Agate Tray, with shaped corners and carved border. 1167 A Plain Basin, on foot. 1168 A Pound Bowl, of striated agate ; and a smaller ditto. 1169 Three Two-handled Cups. 1170 A Cup, on foot, with carved border. 1171 A Bowl, on foot, of striated agate ; and one, rather smaller. 1172 Two Flat Bowls; and one smaller ditto. 1173 A Dark Agate Cup, on foot ; and one other. 1174 Three Small Bowls, on feet. 1175 An Oval Striated Agate Cup; and two smaller ditto. 1176 A Small Cup, with handle; a triangular tray; a round ditto; an antique serpentine letter- weight ; and one other. 1177 Two Cups and Saucers, of Tonquin gold bronze, chased with foliage in high relief. 1178 A Mottled Beaker, of Chinese Bronze — on carved wood stand — 9 in. high. 1179 An Oval Bowl, of very pale-green jade, with carved foot, and handles of foliage design. 1180 A Cup, of rhinoceros horn, carved with plants, and with handle in relief. 1181 A Match-pot, formed as a group of bamboos, carved in yellow soapstone ; and a two-handled glass cup. 1182 An Oval Cup, of striated agate, carved with ornaments, on foot of the same, mounted with metal gilt. 1183 An Upright Slab, of Chinese Soapstone, carved with figures in a landscape. 1184 A Cup, of Chinese Soapstone, carved with buildings and foliage. PURCHASED BY E. Radley. £64 Is. W. D. Cutter. £36 15s. W. II. Cope. £22 Is. W. Permain. £18 18s. T. Lucas. £21. W. II. Cope. £27 6s. T. Lucas. £21. F. Reynolds. £9 19s. Qd. E. Radley. £27 6s. Duncan. £8 8s. Duncan. £15 15s. Ellis and Co. £9 19s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £6 16s. Qd. W. Wareham. £133 7s. W. C. Angus. £6 16s. Qd. W. Wareham. £9 9s. F. Davis. £52 10s. W. Grindlay. £7 7s. Rev. Mr. Hutton. £1 lis. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 155 1185 A Ciecular Fluted Gold Box and Cover, finely chased with nTTiJiTYiP'n'f'C! "wit.n phfiin ntt.npnpn nun nmlcnpn rnViv rm +li n +/vr* vi 11 Cli 1 1 1 vJ 1 JL LOj W lull \jlillCvl • A Coffee-pot and Cover, of Chinese brown ware, with characters — glass shade and stand ; and a square matchpot, of Chinese brown ware, with landscapes in relief — 6 in. high. XT/ A /Ti /m / q v v . iv. y±ioyuo. f3 3s 1224 An Oriental Chinese Porcelain Plate, with the Baptism of W. Smith. Christ in red and gold. £o os. 1225 A Pair of Old Japan Porcelain Two-handled Cups and Covers, with plants in red, blue, and gold. W. War eh am. £18 7s. U. 1227 A Set of Three Old Japan Jars and Covers, with figures and Sir Trevor Lawrence, ornaments in red, blue, and gold. Bart. £51 9s. 1228 A Pair of Partly-fluted Two-handled Vases, of Chinese blue porcelain. E. Badley. £4 4s. 1229 A Large Flat Double Gourd-shaped Two-handled Bottle, of Chinese green porcelain — 18 in. high. Myers and Son. £21. 1230 A Vase, of old Japan porcelain, with bamboos and ornaments in red, Harks, Durlacher, white, and blue. Brothers. £34 13s. 1231 A White Oriental Porcelain Figure of an Ostrich ; and a pair of small turquoise ditto, mounted on old French stand of ormolu, with band of openwork — on claw feet — glass shade and stand. E. Joseph. £75 12s. 1232 A Pair of Candlesticks of Old Chinese Porcelain, the stems formed of grotesque seated figures bearing trays, on oblong pedestals richly enamelled in colours all over. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £42. 1233 A Pair of Curious Bottles and Covers of the Same, formed as pagodas, red ground pencilled with gold, six monsters in relief round the top. W. C. Angus. £18 18s. 158 The Hamilton Palace Collection'. ©lb IDresben porcelain. 1234 Three Dresden Coffee-cups, painted with flowers. 1235 A Canister, painted with landscapes in medallions, ribbons, and flowers. 1236 Twenty-one Plates and Eleven Soup-Plates, painted with flowers in colours, and with brown edges. 1237 Eleven Plates, painted with flowers and birds in Chinese taste. 1238 Six Ditto, with raised borders; and three, with basket borders. 1239 A Globular [Bottle, with long neck, painted with kylins on white ground — 15 in. high. 1240 A Dresden Basin and Cover, encrusted and painted with flowers. 1241 A Pair of Fluted Cups and Saucers, of old Dresden porcelain, with views in medallions. 1242 A Pair of Dresden Candelabra, with fluted white and gold stems, and gilt festoons in relief — on feet painted with birds and insects in colours, and branches for two lights each. 1243 Four Cups and Saucers and a Teapot, painted with flowers in colours, the handles of openwork, with female busts. 1244 A Small Oviform Fluted Urn, painted with flowers, on scroll feet, with flowers in relief ; and a stand, with basket borders, and gilt edge. 1245 A Centre Stand, of Dresden porcelain, formed as the stem of a palm, with three seated figures of winged sphinxes partly coloured and gilt, 1246 A Square Bottcher Teapot and Cover; and a basin, cover, and stand, with foliage and flowers in gold. 1247 A Pair of Coffee-cups and Saucers, with tulip flowers in relief in colours. 1248 A Pair of Cups and Saucers, with basket borders, and handles formed as terminal female figures, painted with flowers in colours. 1249 Three Large Dark-blue and Gold Shaped Cups and Saucers, painted with views and medallions. PURCHASED BY Ellis and Co. £2 12s. Qd. JRev. Mr. Hutton. £7 17s. Qd. Johnstone, Jeans and Co. £27 6s. T. Laurie and Son. £14 14s. Robinson. £4 14s. Qd. Willson and Son. £12 12s. T. Laurie and Son. £3 13s. Qd. M. Colnaghi. £12 Is. Qd. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £23 2s. Duncan. £33 12s. E. Joseph. £9 9s. Willson and Son. £5 15s. Qd. S. Wertheimcr. £30. S. Litchfield. £10 10s. E. Joseph. £18 18s. W. Rome. £11 0s. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 159 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 A Pair of White Ditto, with blue and gold scroll ornament; and one, nearly similar, with view of a palace. Three White Coffee-cups and Saucers, with gilt edges, painted with bouquets of flowers. An Oval-shaped Cup and Saucer, painted with garden scenes and figures, in the style of Watteau, in eight medallions, in raised scroll borders, with flowers in colours. A Large Oval-shaped Cup and Saucer, with storks, swans, flowers, and shells in low relief and partly coloured. An Oval White and Gold Basket — on basket- pattern stand of ormolu. A White Cup and Saucer, encrusted with flowers outside, the inside gilt, with shells and other decorations. A Pair of Tall Cups and Saucers, with flowers and trellis in pink and gold. An Ecuelle, Cover, and Stand, coloured in imitation of porphyry, painted with portraits of Werther, Charlotte, and two other por- traits, in borders of gilt flowers, three medallions with emblems on the stand. 1258 An Ecuelle, Cover, and Stand, painted with four large subjects of garden scenes and figures, in gilt flower borders, the stand with smaller subjects, similar, and openwork with flowers in eight alternate compartments, the lid surmounted by a strawberry. 1259 A White and Gold Marcolini Dresden Vase and Cover, with openwork fluted neck, partly gilt, gilt handles, formed as sphinxes' heads, and festoons in relief, painted with two large medallions of a landscape with sportsmen and flowers in gilt border, the lid surmounted by a gilt figure of Cupid — on square plinth — 12| in. high. 1260 A Pair of Ditto White and Gold Candelabra, the stems formed as fluted columns, with gilt festoons in relief, on round feet, painted with birds and insects, and with branches for two lights each. 1261 A Pair of Candlesticks— similar, without branches. 1262 A Marcolini Dresden Group of Three Children with Baskets of Flowers and Fruit, and One with a Spade, painted in colours — on white and gold pedestal, partly coloured. 1263 An Old Dresden Group of Two Men with a Rat-trap, coloured and gilt — on plinth, encrusted with flowers in colours. PURCHASED BY Sypher and Co. £4 14s. 6rf. G. Kerridgc. £2 12s. 6d. D. M. Currie. £19 8s. 6rf. W. Forster. £3 3s. E. Joseph. £22 Is. Willson and Son. £3 13s. U. Duncan. £7 7s. W. Philpot. £25 4s. W. Grindlay. £34 13s. H. E. Kidson. £31 10s. E. Joseph. £19 19s. T. Laurie and Son. £7 17s. 6d. W. Fermain. £14 14s. E. Joseph. £210. 160 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1264 A Group formed of an Old Dresden Figure of a Horse with Harness, drawing a Cart, of metal gilt, containing a tub and various vegetables— on oval wood plinth. PURCHASED BY E. Joseph. £157 10s. ^Decorative furniture. 1265 A Louis XVI. Commode, of parqueterie, with five drawers, with Greek key-pattern frieze, and richly chased handles of ormolu, and dove marble moulded slab. 1266 A Pair of Carved and Gilt Pedestals, with masks and flowers, on feet formed as dolphins — 4 ft. 4 in. high. 1267 A Pair of Louis XV. Candelabra, formed of an infant satyr and young bacchanalian, bearing ormolu branches for two lights each. 1268 A Toilet-cover, of crimson silk and old point lace. 1269 A Pair of Candelabra, for six lights each, boldly chased with foliage. 1270 Nessus Carrying away Dejanira, a very fine reduced group in bronze, by G. di Bologna — with glass shade. 1271 A Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Sofa, with crimson and gold Chinese brocade. 1272 A Set of Six Louis XVI. Fauteuils, covered ensuite. 1273 A Carved and Gilt Cheval Fire-screen, covered ensuite. 1274 A Walnut Writing- and Chess-table, on standards, with stretcher, mounted with ormolu. 1275 An Oblong Italian Table of Walnut, of the 17th century, inlaid with, a large subject of Mary Washing the Feet of Christ on the top, and all over with heads and trophies in medallions, and flowers and birds in engraved ivory and mother-o' -pearl, and gold picque work — on stand, with six columns and stretcher — 4 ft. by 2 ft. 1|- in. Stamped, Habert. 1276 A Small Florentine Cabinet, of ebony, with columns of lapis lazuli, inlaid with slabs of Florentine pietre dure mosaic and lapis lazuli — on stand, mounted with metal gilt — 21 in. by .12 in., 4 ft. 4 n. high. The Countess Festetics. £189. E. Joseph. £46 4s. W. Boore. £107 2s. T. W. Woodgate. £278 5s. W. Fhilpot. £54 12s. F. Davis. £1,050. Earl of Carysfort. £78 15s. Earl of Carysfort. £84. W. C. Angus. £31 10s. The Countess Festetics. £25 4s. E. Renton. £210. S. Wertheimer. £178 10s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 161 1277 An Old German Clock, in square-shaped case of engraved metal gilt, with columns of rock crystal at the angles, carved, sur- mounted by a peacock of chased metal gilt, its tail set with coloured stones, the bird flaps its wings when the clock strikes, on carved and gilt wood feet, with arabesque figures. 1278 An Italian Casket, of ebony, inlaid with slabs of Florentine mosaic, mounted with metal gilt — 14 in. by Hi 8 in. high. 1279 A Pair of- Louis XIV. Girandoles, of gilt wood, boldly carved with dragons, scrolls, and flowers in high relief, with branches for three lights each. 1280 A Pair of Louis XIV. Octagonal-shaped Pedestals, of black buhl, richly mounted with masks and mouldings of ormolu — 5 ft. 4 in. high. 1281 A Pair of Verde Antique Marble Pedestals, with richly chased ormolu bases — 6 in. high. 1282 A Louis XIV. Commode, of black buhl, with three drawers and semi- circular ends, with columns in relief, richly chased with masks, scroll handles and moulding in relief surmounted by a black and gold moulded marble slab — 4 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 9 in., 3 ft. 1 in. high. 1283 The Companion. 1284 An Old Flemish Cabinet, of ebony, richly carved with the Judgment of Paris in two medallions, and engraved with flowers and other ornaments — on stand, with six columns and base, mounted with metal gilt — 4 ft. 9 in. by 1 ft. 9 in., 6 ft. 3 in. high. 1285 A Small Cabinet, of ebony, of architectural design, with ten drawers, inlaid with plaques of enamel in flowers and colours and with gilt mounting. 1286 A Richly Carved and Gilt Table, supported on four legs formed of griffins, or dragon feet, with stretcher, with rising plate-glass top lined with white satin — 30 in. by 20 in. 1287 A Pedestal Cabinet, of ebony, mounted with ormolu, inlaid with slabs of Florentine pietre dure mosaic, lapis lazuli, agates, &c, black marble slab. 1288 A Tudor Arm-chair, of ebony, boldly carved with flowers and foliage, with cane seat and leather cushion. 1289 A Tudor Chair, of ebony, with spirally-twisted columns and stretcher, the seat covered with leather. PURCHASED BY Johnstone, Jeanes and Co. £94 10s. T. Laurie and Son. £42. W. Grind lay. £37 16s. F. Davis. £1,680. S. Wertheimer. £105. C. Mellier and Co. £1,312 10s. C. Mellier and Co. £840. T. Laurie and, Son. £231. H. Samuel. £30 9s. TV. Grindlay. £257 5s. T. Laurie and Son. £52 10s. W. J. Goode, £100 16s. W. LI. Tuck. £52 10s. 162 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1296 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 163 1290 A Chippendale Table, of mahogany, with folding top, and eight drawers, brass mounted, carved \vith lions' masks and feet, Greek key-pattern and foliage. 1291 A Commode, of inlaid walnut, with centre cabinet and drawers, with chased ormolu handles. 1292 A Book-case, of king wood and ebony, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves, and open shelves at the ends, inlaid with medallions of lapis lazuli. 1293 An Old Cabinet, of inlaid rosewood, with folding doors enclosing drawers, with chased metal-gilt lock and hinges — on mahogny Chippendale stand, with carved lions' feet. 1294 An Italian Coffee-fort, of iron, with gilt ornaments in relief, and curious lock — on carved wood stand, partly gilt — 22 in. by 13| in. 1295 A Pair of Venetian Gilt Tables, boldly carved with cherubs, lions' masks, feet, and scrolls, with verde antique slabs. 1296 A Louis XVI. Cabinet, of ebony, inlaid with slabs of black and gold lacquer, exquisitely mounted with ormolu by Gouthiere, a large oval plaque with a sacrifice to Cupid on the door, surrounded by wreaths of flowers in high relief, terminal figures of Victory at the angles, the friezes and handles chased with infant satyrs, cupids, birds, and flowers in high relief — on stand, with three drawers and stretcher beneath, with slabs of black and gold lacquer — 5 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 5 in., 5 ft. 1 in. high. 1297 A Louis XVI. Secretaire, of ebony, inlaid with slabs of black and gold lacquer, exquisitely mounted with ormolu by Gouthiere, with the monogram of Marie Antoinette in the frieze, entwined with wreaths of flowers, with trusses at the angles, from which garlands are suspended, and with wreaths and festoons of flowers in front in high relief, surmounted by a black marble slab — 3 ft. 7 in. by 1 ft. 4 in., 4 ft. 9 in. high. Branded, Garde Meuble de la Peine. 1298 A Louis XVI. Commode, of ebony, inlaid with shaped panels of lacquer, with birds and plants in gold on black ground, mounted with ormolu by Gouthiere, with friezes formed of wreaths of flowers and ribbons, and the monogram of Marie Antoinette, and with wreaths and festoons of flowers chased in high relief, surmounted by a shaped and moulded black marble slab — 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. Branded, Garde Meuble de la Beine. PURCHASED BY F. Davis. £60 18s. The Countess Festetics. £99 15s. W. H. Cope. £50 8s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £79 16s'. W. King. £105. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £147. S. Wertheimer. £5,460. F. Davis. £9,450. S. Wertheimer. £9,450. End of Eleventh Day's Sale, £36,105 19s. 6d. 164 The Hamilton Palace Collection. TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1882. ©lb Japan Xacquer. 1299 A Red and Gold Stand, with a junk; and a shell-shaped ditto, with a landscape and a square tray. 1300 A Nest of Three Trays and Cover, shaped as a hoof, with flowers in gold. 1301 A Fine Gold Lac Box, formed as a group of three vases, lined and mounted with gold — in shagreen case. 1302 A Small Oblong Box, of gold lac. 1303 A Pair of Boxes, of red Soochow lacquer, carved with flowers and inlaid with carved jade. 1304 Two Medicine-cases, with raised figures with ivory faces on gold ground. 1305 A Ditto, with landscapes, with a metal button chased with insects; and a black ditto, with birds. 1306 Two Tortoiseshell Trays, with river scenes in gold. 1307 A Carved Wood Tray, with storks in gold; a gold lacquer tray, with foliage in colours; and a pair of candle-screens. 1308 An Oblong Plaque, of old japan black and gold lac, with figures and trees in low relief, and inlaid with mother-o' -pearl — in gilt frame. PURCHASED BY W. E. Tuck. £10 10s. T. Laurie and Son. £3 13s. Qd. W. King. £246 15s. Rev. E. Bewick. £1 Is. W. Grindlay. £4 14s. U. W. H. Cope. £15 15s. T. M. Whitehead. £26 5s. T. M. Whitehead. £17 17s. T. M. Whitehead. £27 6s. Duncan. £210. 166 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY 1309 A Bamboo Match-pot, carved with figures and trees. W. Smith. £2 2s. lOIA A Square Nest of Three Boxes, of black and gold japan lacquer. TIT" T> W . Boore. £12 12s. lol 1 An Octagonal Tray, with handle of black and gold lacquer, inlaid r V , L/ ■ ^1 IbU vb>i. with mother-o' -pearl ; a pair of square trays, black and gold ; and £3 13s. 6d. an oblong stand. 1312 A Square Tray, of gold lacquer, with plants in gold in circles. Rev. E. Devjicl: £2 2s. 1313 Two Round Boxes, of the same, with round medallions. W. Boore. £3 13s. U. 1314 A Scalloped Tray, with black and gold, and gold trellis border; and a circular black and gold tray, with a landscape. Spalding & Dupuy. £2 2s. 1315 A Pair of Boxes, with a dragon, utensils, and characters in black and gold. Young. £1 5s. 1316 A Pair of Panels, with figures and landscapes in coloured mother- o'-pearl. R. E. Kidson. £1 lis. Qd. 1317 A Nest of Three Boxes and Stand, with figures in gold on black ground. W. 0. Angus. £18 18s. 1318 A Pair of Square Lacquer Bottles, with foliage, in borders inlaid with mother-o'-pearl. W. Grindlay. £7 7s. 1319 A Figure of the Japanese Idol Amida — on gilt stand and wood plinth — glass shade. From Fonthill. TV. JBoore. £131 5s. 1320 A Pair of Large Seated Male Figures, of black and gold lacquer, with movable heads, and carrying branches decorated with utensils, foliage, and circular ornaments in gold, the faces and hands gilt. K. Wedderburn. £60 18s 1321 An Oval-shaped Lacquer Box, with tray inside, with landscapes in W. H. Cope. £3 3s. red and gold in low relief on black ground ; and a black and gold lacquer box and cover. 1322 A Pair of Oblong Metal Plaques, with views of the Palais Corsini and Palais Caprarole, Rome, in gold on black ground of old lacquer. W. Boore. £26 5s. 1323 A Writing-desk, with a fir-tree in gold. Duncan. £9 9s. 1324 A Box and Cover and an Oblong Tray, with flowers in gold. W. Grindlay. £9 9s. 1325 A Black and Gold Cabinet, formed as a pagoda. W. Grindlay. £4 14s. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 167 ©dental porcelain. 1326 A Group of a Bird and Lotos Leaf, in green and yellow porcelain. 1327 A Small Basin, with quails and flowers in red and gold. 1328 An Eggshell Cup and Saucer, with ornaments in colours, and flowers inside; and one, with landscapes. 1329 Thirteen Enamelled Chinese Plates; and an old japan plate. 1330 A Pair of Candlesticks, of brown ware, on triangular feet and stems, with dragons in relief, in colours, mounted with metal- gilt. 1331 A Pair of Bottles, with Chinese figures, in colours, on black ground. 1332 Two Satsuma Cups; a brown crackle beaker, with ornaments in blue ; and six old japan cups and saucers, with fan-shaped ornaments. 1333 A Small Basin and Six Cups and Saucers, red and gold, with white flowers, and landscapes in medallions. 1334 Four Circular Dishes, with flowers in blue, on white ground 14 in. diam. 1335 A Kettle of Red Ware, with wood handle and silver top, two dragons in relief; and one other. 1336 A Pair of Chinese Eggshell Porcelain Basins and Covers with foliage in green and white, mounted with chased ormolu, in the style of the Empire, forming vases. 1337 A Cylindrical Jar and Cover, of black porcelain, mounted with rims, handle, and foot of chased ormolu. 1338 A Pear-shaped Bottle of Chinese Celadon Porcelain, with foliage in high relief in four medallions, and ornaments in low relief on the neck and lower part. 1339 An Oviform Vase, of oriental brown glazed ware, with ornaments in relief — on wood stand. 1340 A Large Old Japan Dish, with a vase of flowers in the centre, medallions of birds, flowers, and dragons on the border. 1341 The Companion. 1342 An Octagonal Jar and Cover, enamelled with landscapes and figures in alternate compartments. PURCHASED BY Myers and Son. £2 2s. Robinson. £1 5s. D. M. Currie. £18 18s. Robinson. £8 18s. 6d. W. Grindlay. £26 5s. 8. Wertheimer. £8 8s. Duncan. £6 16s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £6 16s. U. T. Agnew and Sons. £3 13s. 6d. W. Grindlay. £2 2s. D. M. Davis. £12 Is. Qd. E. Radley. £52 10s. T. M. WJiitchead. £28 7s. T. M. Whitehead. £71 8s. Duncan. £71 8s. Myers and Son. £8 8s. 168 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1343 A Bowl, enamelled with Chinese figures and landscapes in four medallions, and flowers on gold ground. 1344 A Pair of Octagonal Dishes, of old Japan, with perforated medal- lions, and flowers in red, blue, and gold. 1345 A Pair of Ditto Small Round Dishes, with plants in blue, on white ground, and borders of ornaments in gold and colours — in. diam. 1346 A Pair of Blue and White Basins, with plants in red and gold. 1347 An Apple-green Crackle Bottle. 1348 A Small Mottled Crimson Bottle, with metal foot — 6 in. high. 1349 A Blue Teapot and Cover, pencilled with flowers in gold; and a teapot and cover, in imitation of gold bronze. 1350 A Round Box and Cover, of gold japan lacquer, with plants in circles and trees — 4| in. diam. 1351 A Pair of Openwork Match-pots, formed as branches of trees encrusted with fruit and flowers, mounted with chased metal gilt — 6 1 in. high. 1352 A Pair of Saucers, enamelled with birds and flowers ; and a pair of ditto, with flowers in red and gold. 1353 Thirteen Plates, with foliage in. gold, and enamelled with insects in colours. 1354 A Pair of Green and Blue Leaf-shaped Dishes, with brown edges. 1355 An Eggshell Cup and Cover, with dragons in red and gold. 1356 A Pair of Oriental Porcelain Cups, with ornaments in gold on red ground. 1357 A Pair of Brown Cups and Saucers, with gold spots lined and mounted with silver gilt. 1358 A Small Fluted Cup, enamelled blue and encrusted with vines ; and two octagonal stands, with flowers and insects. 1359 A Pair of Eggshell Bottles, enamelled with birds and flowers — 9^ in. high. 1360 A Pair of Coffee-Cups, Five Tea-Cups, and Five Saucers, with blue trellis borders enamelled with Chinese figures and flowers ; and a teapot and cover — similar. 1361 A Teapot and Cover, enamelled with birds and flowers; a milk-pot and cover; and four cups and saucers, with flowers. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £19 19s. E. Badley. £18 7s. Qd. T. Agnew and Sons. £6 16s. Qd. T. Agneiv and Sons. £6 6s. Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £76 13s. W. King. £10 10s. S. Wertheimer. £17 17s. W. Boore. £5 15s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £81 18s. W. King. £1 lis. Qd. D. M. Currie. £17 17s. W. II Cope. £11 lis. W. King. £5 15s. Qd. Duncan. £7 7s. W. Wareham. £17 17s. Hon. W. Masscy- Maimvaring. £5 15s. Qd. Duncan. £45 3s. W. Grindlay. £52 10s. Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart. £6 6s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 169 1362 A Fluted Bamboo-pattern Teapot, enamelled with birds and plants; and a cup and saucer, with figures. 1363 A Cup and Three Saucers, enamelled with Chinese figures; a milk-pot and cover, with birds and flowers ; and a pair of cups and saucers, with flowers. 1364 A Japan Sugar-basin and Milk-Jug, enamelled with figures and jolants in gold and colours, and mounted with silver gilt. 1365 A Blue and White Bottle and a Basin, enamelled with Chinese figures and ornaments in colours. 1366 A Japan Basin and Cover, on three feet, with flowers in colours. 1367 A Japan Cup, and a White Cup, with plants in relief. 1368 A Chinese Black-ware Vase, with elephant' s-head handles and ornaments in high relief — 12^- in. high. 1369 A Pair of Ditto Bottles, in imitation of bronze — 1\ in. high; and a pair of boxes and covers, of black japan lacquer. 1370 A Pair of Jars and Covers, of Chinese porcelain, with dragons and plants in gold on blue ground — 18 in. high. 1371 A Pair of Dark-blue Chinese Porcelain Jars and Covers, metal collars and hinges — 23^ in. high. 1372 A Chinese Porcelain Octagonal Beaker, enamelled with butter- flies and flowers on white ground — 19 in. high. 1373 A Pair of Square Mottled Grey Ditto Vases— 12 m. high. 1375 A Pair of Old Chinese Bottles, powdered blue ground enamelled with plants and birds in medallions, mounted with ormolu — 12 in. high. 1376 A Pair of Dark-blue Jars and Covers, of Chinese porcelain, with metal collars and hinges — 23^ in. high. 1377 An Oviform Vase, of old Chinese porcelain, with plants and bats in slight relief, in brown, blue, and white, on blue ground, mounted with ormolu, with masks forming handles, and on stem and foot of the same, chased with foliage — 25 in. high. 1378 A Pair of Tall Shaped Vases, with river scenes, figures, and foliage in medallions, and chrysanthemums and foliage in gold on blue ground, and dragons and clouds on the neck — 20 in. high. 1379 A Pair of Tall Vases, of old japan porcelain, with views and plants in gold and colours in medallions, and ornaments in gold on blue ground — 24 in. high. PURCHASED BY F. Davis. £15 15s. Sir Trevor La wrence , Bart. £4 4s. Duncan. £31 10s. W. Grindlay. £11 0s. 6d. W. Wareham. £1 5s. Col. Stewart. £4 4s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £1 lis. M. II. E. Kidson. £1 Is. E. Badley. £86 2s. Sypher and Go. £13 13s. W. Boore. £27 6s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £16 16s. Duncan. £149 2s. W. Grindlay. £21. F. Davis. £530 5s. W. C. Angus. £472 10s. T. M. Whitehead. £420. 170 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY 1380 A Pair of Hexagonal Bottles, of Chinese brown ware, with plants W. Grindlay. in relief; and a pair of red- ware vases, with ornaments in £5 15s. 6d. relief. 1381 A Pair of Large Japan Jars and Covers, with flowers and orna- D. M. Davis. ments in blue, red, and gold, on white ground, surmounted by kylins £378. 3 ft. high. ©dental ©bjects of Hrt. 1382 A Pair of Japanese Bronze Beakers, with foliage handles, and ornaments in relief — 10 in. high. 1383 A Bottle and Cover, of Indian bronze inlaid with ornaments in silver. 1384 An Oval Fluted Bowl, formed of a very large piece of lapis lazuli — 8 in. by 6 in. 1385 An Ivory Slab, carved with numerous Chinese figures in high relief. 1386 Two Chinese Necklaces, with moth er-o' -pearl beads and metal-gilt pendants ; and an ostrich, painted with flowers in colours and Arabic inscriptions. 1387 An Oriental Hand-screen, of silk, pearls, and beads, with ivory and jade handle. 1388 A Large Chinese Soapstone Bowl, on openwork stand, carved with figures, animals, and foliage in high relief. 1389 A Chinese Bronze Incense-burner and Cover, formed as a fruit. 1390 A Two-handled Basin, of pale-green jade, the outside fluted, and with carved borders — 6 in. diam. 1391 A Shell-shaped Cup, of pale-green jade, with foliage handle. 1392 An Agate Cup; and two saucers. 1393 A Fluted Agate Cup; and a bowl for a spoon. G. Branch. £17 17s. W. Permain. £4 4s. W. Grindlay. £69 6s. F. Reynolds. £3 3s. F. Reynolds. £5 15s. Qd. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £7 17s. Qd. A. A. Fraser. £6 6s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £4 4s. T. Lucas. £99 15s. T. Lucas. £22 Is. F. Reynolds. £6 16s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £7 17s. Qd, 171 ©lass. 1394 A Round Cut-glass Dish, gilt at the back — 10 in. diam. ; a pair of black and gold ewers, gilt inside ; and two small Venetian glass tazze. 1395 A Tankard, engraved with a figure of a sportsman, flowers, and ornaments. 1396 A Large Jug, engraved with a ship, buildings, figures, and birds, mounted with silver-gilt cover and foot. 1397 A Green-glass Tankard, with bosses in relief, engraved inscription, and date 1663, with silver-gilt cover, inlaid with a medal of Admiral Tromp, the handles chased with an arabesque figure. Hexagonal Tankard, of purple glass, with heads in relief, pewter top. Beaker, enamelled with a mountain, animals, long inscription, and date 1714. Flask, with a coat-of-arms supported by griffins, silver stopper — dated 1708. 1398 A 1399 A 1400 A 1401 A Pair of Square Bottles, enamelled with flowers 1402 A Large Jug, of green glass, enamelled with a Chinese figure, and flowers. 1403 A Cylindrical Cup and Cover, enamelled with the arms of the Electors ; and one, with portraits. 1404 A Tall Cylindrical Cup, with a coat-of-arms, and date 1699. 1405 A Cup and Cover, with tall foot, painted with a stag hunt, and flowers in brown. 1406 A Moulded Glass Cup and Cover, with marine deities and dolphins in relief, on ball feet. 1407 A Large Claret-jug, with ribs in relief, engraved with birds and flowers. 1408 A Pair of Decanters, engraved with vases, festoons, and birds, mounted with silver-gilt. 1409 One Ditto, unmounted ; and a jug, with ribs in relief. PURCHASED BY Duncan. £9 9s. J. McKehie. £2 12s. 6d. Duncan. £15 15s. Duncan. £42. H. Samuel. £3 13s. Qd. W. Wareham. £3 3s. J. McKehie. £4 14s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £7 17s. Qd. H. Britten. £3 13s. Qd. Rev. E. Dewicli. £11 lis. F. Davis. £11 0s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £5 15s. Qd. T. T. Grey. £4 4s. W. Grindlay. £10 10s. P. Flower. £13 13s. W. Grindlay. £7 7s. 172 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY 1410 A Blue-glass Pistol-shaped Bottle, with ornaments in white W. C. Angus. Llll' til JLOXJ.. £5 5s. 1411 A Pair of German Glass Goblets, painted with full-length figures T. M. Whitehead. of Martin Luther and Catarina. de Bora, swans on the reverse. £14 14s. 1412 A Ribbed Glass Decanter, engraved with foliage ; and a pair of W. D. Greig. small opalised tazza. £11 lis. 1413 A Tazza, on Foot, of Venetian Vitro de Trina — 11 in. diam. H. W. Bedford. £5 5s. ^Decorative Jfutntture, Garbles, &c. 1414 A Vase and Cover, of Derbyshire spar. A. A. Fraser. oDll US. \)Cl. 1415 /"N , _____ . J_, T *' '11 i * 111 1 11 11 (Janovas Lions — a pair, m giallo antico, on black and gold marble F. Davis. pedestals. £21. 1416 A Lioness, carved in Sienna marble — 4 in. long. H. W. Bedford. £3 3s. 1 4.1 7 An Octagonal Pedestal, of malachite. W. Orindlay. £7 17s. 6d. 1418 A Pair of Smaller Ditto, with metal-gilt bases. Dnncan. £13 13s. 1419 A Pedestal, of antique porphyry, with antique cap and base— 8 in. T. M. Whitehead. high. £50 8s. 1420 A Pair of Circular Two-handled Tazze, of red marble, the bowls D. M. Davis. partly fluted — on stems and plinths. £80 17s. A Square Tazza, of antique Egyptian alabaster. T. M. Whitehead. £8 18s. 6d. 1422 A Pair of Models of the Ruins of the Roman Forum, in giallo W. Lethbridge. marble. £11 lis. 1423 A Pair of Roman Mosaics, with birds, a mouse, and serpent— in W. Grindlay. gilt frame. £54 12s. 1424 A Head of a Lion, carved in oriental alabaster in high relief — in T. M. Whitehead. carved and gilt frame. £115 10s. 1425 A Monk holding a Cross, in Florentine raised mosaic. J. McKelvie. £10 10s. 1426 A Small Antique Roman Bust of a Boy. J. and W. Vokins. £157 10s. 1427 An Antique Male Bifrons Bust, with ivy wreath round the Duncan. hair. £66 3s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 178 1428 An Anatomical Figure of a Horse, in bronze — on wood plinth. 1429 A Pair of Bronze Figures of Boys holding Shells. 1430 A Circular Fluted Tazza, of lapis lazuli, elegantly mounted, on high openwork stand of ormolu, with serpents entwined and bird's-head handles — on oval plinth, of lapis lazuli, mounted with ormolu, the feet formed of four lions — glass shade and stand. 1431 A Wounded Soldier, a fine old Italian bronze — on large oblong pedestal of lapis lazuli, with mouldings of ormolu, chased with foliage, the pedestal 12 in. by 9 in., 7 in. high. 1432 The Companion Bronze and Pedestal. 1433 A Circular Tazza, of antique green serpentine, with fluted bowl and twisted serpent handles — on stem and foot and square plinth — 16 in. diam., 14 in. high. 1434 A Circular Tazza, of antique green porphyry, supported on a group of the Graces, of chased ormolu, on plinth of green porphyry, and half column of jasper mounted with ormolu — 15 in. high. 1435 A Pair of Circular Tazze, of verde antique, supported on groups of female figures of bronze, on half columns of verde antique, with chased ormolu mounts — 11 in. high. 1436 A Rosewater-ewer of Brown Jasper, fluted and carved with foliage, the handle formed of a terminal monster mounted with metal gilt — on stand supported by four terminal figures of boys ; and a large oval-shaped dish, with carved flutings — on metal-gilt stand formed as four figures of sphinxes — glass shade and stand. 1437 A Circular Table, of antique serpentine marble, on tripod oak stand — on circular plinth inlaid with a slab of oriental alabaster, mounted with ormolu. 1438 A Ditto, with slab of grey porphyry, on four legs — on plinth inlaid with a slab of lapis lazuli. 1439 An Octagonal Ditto, with slab of pietre dure mosaic, on four legs, the stand inlaid with a slab of pietre dure. 1440 An Oblong Table, of black marble, inlaid with a stag hunt and flowers in Florentine pietre dure mosaic — on stand with four trusses of statuary marble boldly carved with scroll foliage — 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. PURCHASED BY T. M. Whitehead. £23 2s. Duncan. £44 2s. W. Grindlay. £320 5s.' W. King. £262 10s. W. King. £451 10s. Duncan. £168. W. Grindlay. £367 10s. W. Boorc. £283 10s. Duncan. £850 10s. W. Grindlay. £52 10s.' W. Grindlay. £31 10s. W. Grindlay. £42. F. Davis. £115 10s. 1436 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 175 1441 An Oblong Indian Box, inlaid with ivory, mother-o' -pearl, tortoise- shell, and silver — 18 in. by 9 in. 1442 A Group, emblematic of Charity, of statuary marble, of fine old French work — 25 in. high. 1443 A Statuette of Voltaire, in marble, exquisitely and minutely carved by Houdon — on square sienna marble pedestal — glass shade and stand — 18 in. high. 1444 A Vase and Cover, of antique Egyptian porphyry, spirally fluted. and with carved handles — on square plinth — 17 in. high. 1445 Cupid with a Swan, life size, in bronze, by Susse — on ebonised plinth. 1446 The Warwick Vase, a fine reduced copy, in statuary marble — on black marble plinth. 1447 A Bust of Niobe. 1448 A Bust of a Roman Empress. 1449 A Two-handled Bed Marble Vase — on wood stand — 15 in. high. 1450 A Louis XVI. Mahogany Secretaire, with cylinder front, mounted with ormolu. 1451 A Louis XVI. Cylinder Secretaire, of mahogany, with numerous drawers and slides at the ends, mounted with ormolu, surmounted by a statuary marble slab, with ormolu gallery. 1452 A Louis XV. Pier-table, boldly carved with terminal female figures, masks, and festoons of foliage, richly gilt, with shaped slab of matrix of amethyst, with rich mouldings of ormolu — 6 ft. by 1 ft. 9 in. 1453 The Companion Table. 1454 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Dutertre, with enamelled dial, contained in a vase-shaped case of ormolu, with festoons of foliage in relief, boys emblematic of Sculpture and Architecture seated on the plinth, with festoons of foliage in relief. 1455 A Pair of Oviform Vases of Gros-bleu Sevres, set in tripods of ormolu, of elegant design, of the time of Louis XVI., richly chased with goats' masks and festoons of vines, with goats' feet on triangular bases, chased with scrolls and foliage — 31 in. high. PURCHASED BY C. Butler. £13 13s. T. M. Whitehead. £42. S. Wertheimer. £1,050. D. M. Davis. £236 5s. F. Davis. £204 15s. F. Davis. £78 15s. J. R. Lorent. £84. H. Samuel. £13 13s. Duncan. £18 18s. W. Boore. £73 10s. F. Davis. £325 10s. T. M. Whitehead, £2,016. W. Boore. £441. II. Samuel. £404 5s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1454 178 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1455 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 179 1456 A Louis XIV. Writing-table and Cartonniere, of ebony, the table on eight fluted legs, with lions' feet, enriched with massive frieze of ormolu and festoons of foliage of the same in relief, the border fluted and richly chased with scroll foliage, the top covered with crimson leather, with rich gilt tooling. The cartonniere, with Greek key-pattern frieze and massive festoons of foliage in relief — 6 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. Stamped underneath, J. F. Leleu. 1SE. PURCHASED BY P. and D. Colnaglii and Co. £3,202 10s. End of Twelfth Day's Sale, £16,079 5s. TOTAL OF FOUKTH PORTION, £85,747 8s. 6d. THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. SATUEDAY, JULY 15, 1882. fUMmatures- 1460 George Munnix, in brown coat and wig, by Henrietta Wolters, 1759. 1461 A Gentleman, with blue coat and powdered hair — in shagreen case. 1462 A Lady, in a white dress with roses, playing the harp. 1463 The Emperor Maximilian II., and the Empress Maria, daughter of Charles Y. — in oils. 1464 The Emperor Mathias; Rudolph II. ; and two others — in oils. 1465 Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of Charles IX. ; Maria Anna, Queen of Philip of Spain ; and Albert, governor of the Low Countries — in oils. 1466 Portrait of a Gentleman, in red dress, with gorget, red cap, and feathers — in oils, on silver. Signed C. G., 1659. 1467 Portrait of Frederick III., Emperor of Austria, father of Maximilian. 1468 The Queen of Hungary, enamel, by Jean Mussard, 1745. 1469 Cosmo III. di Medicis, Grand Due de Toscane, oval enamel, by Jean Antoine Mussard, 1724. PURCHASED BY E. E. Kidson. £6 16s. 6d. J. Knowles. £13 2s. Qd, H. E. Kidson. £4 14s. Qd. L. F. Lawrence. £4 14s. %d, H. E. Kidson. £5 5s. J. Noseda. £8 8s. J. E. Taylor. £19 19s. E. Joseph. £94 10s. H. E. Kidson. £8 8s. L. F. Lawrence. £4 4s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 181 1470 Portrait of a Gentleman, in embroidered dress, lace cravat, temp. Louis XIV. — in oils — in enamelled locket, with crown and monogram outside and coats-of-arms inside. 1471 Another Miniature, of the same gentleman — in similar locket. 1472 A Miniature of a Lady, in dress trimmed with fur, and pearl necklace — in enamelled locket, with monogram coronet and coat-of-arms. 1473 Portrait of a Lady, in richly jewelled dress — in light blue enamel locket, set with rubies. 1474 A Circular Plaque, enamelled on each side with a portrait of a gentleman, in black dress and white collar, and a lady, in white dress and cap. 1475 Portrait of a Man, with grey hair, ruff, black dress, and cap, oval enamel, by J. N. Barbette, 1690. 1476 Stanislas Leszczynski. 1477 A Lady, in a black dress and ruff — in oils, on copper — inscribed " iEtatis 50, Anno 1606 " — in circular blackwood frame. 1478 Portrait of a Lady, in black cloak and pearl necklace — in oils. 1479 A Lady, in a blue dress trimmed with fur, by J. D. Wilpes. 1480 Portrait of a Lady, in a pink dress and cap embroidered with silver, and green cloak. 1481 Portrait of a Lady, in a straw hat and lavender dress, a negro page by her side. 1482 Ferdinand, Brother of the Emperor Charles V. From Sir T. Lawrences Collection. 1483 Head of a Lady, landscape background, by Prud'hon. Signed. 1484 Napoleon I., when first Consul, in gold locket enamelled with a wreath of bay leaves. 1485 Tee King of Holland, by Saint, inscribed on the back "Portrait d'apres nature, rapporte" de St. Helene, par le Mar Bertrand." 1486 Portrait of a Lady, in a black dress, her head resting on her hand. Signed A. B. 1487 A Lady, in a purple dress and red sash. Signed Dun. 1488 A Lady, in a grey dress and brown scarf; a highly finished miniature, by Augustin, 1803. 1489 A Lady, with her head-dress formed of wheat ears. Signed E. Strych. PURCHASED BY A. W. Thibaudeau. £33 12s. E. Joseph. £27 6s. E. Joseph. £37 16s. T. Agnew and Sons. £24 3s. J. Nose-da. £27 6s. A. W. Thibaudeau. £22 Is. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £8 8s. J. E. Taylor. £34 13s. J. Noseda. £5 5s. H. E. Kidson. £7 17s. 6d. T. Agnew and Sons. £25 4s. W. Grindlay. £14 14s. A. W. Thibaudeau. £46 4s. T. Agnew and Sons. £15 15s. W. Grindlay. £32 lis.' F. Davis. £27 6s. W. Boore. £57 15s. F. Beynolds. £11 lis. H. E. Kidson. £12 12s. E. Benton. £25 4s. 182 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1490 Portrait of a Lady, in a white dress and head-dress — in gold locket. 1491 A Lady, in a black dress and red sash. 1492 Portrait of a Lady, landscape background — in large gold locket. 1494 The Empress Marie Alexandrovna of Russia, wife of Paul I. 1495 A Miniature of a Boy — in gold frame. 1490 Two Portraits of a Lady and a Boy, in grisaille, by Bourdon— in blackwood frames. 1497 A Female Head, in grisaille. Signed S. V. 1498 Portrait of a Lady, in a white dress, holding a wreath of flowers, a bronze bust by her side, large miniature, by Cattellini, 1785. 1499 A Lady, in a green dress and crimson cloak trimmed with fur. 1500 A Boy, in a blue coat, his hand resting on a spaniel. 1501 Louis XV., in purple coat with blue riband. 1502 Marie Leszczynska, in red dress, trimmed with fur. 1503 A Gentleman, in a pink coat, seated in a chair, by Siccardi. 1504 Portrait of a Boy, in a broad hat, and a girl, in a white cap and dress, by his side. 1505 Marie Leszczynska, when old — in oils, on silver — in chased gold frame. 1506 Portrait of Andre-Marie de Chenier, large circular miniature by Dumont. 1507 Madame de St. Fargeau, montrant le buste de son mari a son jeune enfant, by Hoffman. 1508 Portrait of a Lady, seated, holding a book of music — oblong miniature in ormolu frame. 1509 Portrait of a Girl, in a pink and white dress, her head resting on her hand. 1510 Mlle. Devienne, in white head-dress. Signed, and dated 1791. PURCHASED BY F. Gall. £21. L. F. Lawrence. £4 14s. 6d. J. H. Fitzhenry. £21. Clark. £14 14s. F. Davis. £6 6s. Sir J. Leslie. £15 15s. Sir J. Leslie. £8 8s. J. E. Taylor. £14 14s. T. Agnew and Sons. £15 15s. E. E. Holmes. £3 3s. Sir J. Leslie. £6 16s. 6d. W. Grindlay £19 19s. W. Grindlay. £35 14s. Clark. £60 18s. J. Noseda. £23 2s. R. G. Millns. £26 5s. Earl of Moray. £84. J. Noseda. £73 10s. W. Boore. £42. J. Noseda. £23 2s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 183 PURCHASED BY W. King. £23 12s. 6d. 1511 A Lady, in a blue and white dress, with roses in her hat, a large circular miniature, by Hall. 1512 Head of a Girl, with a pink riband in her hair, and white drapery, f. Agnew and Sons. by Lenglois, 1786. 1513 A Lady, in a white dress, a large miniature, by J. Guerin — in gold frame, with blue enamel border. 1514 A Lady, with pearl necklace and earrings, large circular miniature, by L. B. Parant. 1515 Madame la Comtesse de Cayla, in a white dress and purple scarf, by Augustin. 1516 A Lady, with blue drapery over her head and shoulders. £44 2s. II. E. Kid son. £18 18s. J. M. Pott. £14 14s. M. Coureau. £6 16s. Qd. 1517 Madame de Genlis, in brown dress, with red riband in her hair, landscape background, a circular miniature, by Weiter. 1518 Portrait of a Lady, in a purple dress and straw hat, with blue and white ribands, a circular miniature, by Dumont — in engraved gold frame. 1519 A Lady, in a pink dress and white cap with blue ribands, large circular miniature, by Perin. 1520 A Lady, with a white cap and pink riband. 1521 A Lady, in a white dress and veil, with architectural background — in oblong frame of chased ormolu. 1522 Ninon de l'Enclos, in blue dress, with pearl necklace. 1523 Portrait of a Gentleman, in lavender and red dress and lace cravat, temp. Louis XIV. 1524 Mlle. de Fontange, oval enamel, by Vincent de Mont-Petit — in gold frame. 1525 Richelieu, oval enamel — in silver-gilt frame. 1526 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour, with green riband. 1527 A Lady, in pink dress — in oils, on copper. Signed Largilli&re. 1528 A Lady, in a blue dress trimmed with fur — in fish-skin case, studded with silver. 1529 Jean Baptiste Lulli, a large oval enamel, by Petitot — in gold frame. 1530 Louis XIV., circular enamel, by Petitot — in blackwood frame. J. B. Crcntch. £6 16s. Qd. W. Grindlay. £37 16s. W. King. £29 18s. Qd. A. A. Weston. £16 16s. S. Wertheimer. £33 12s. Sir J. Leslie. £15 15s. Earl of Moray. £21. W. Grindlay. £42. E. Benton. £31 10s. H. G. Thompson. £7 17s. Qd. F. Beynolds. £4 4s. Sir J. Leslie. £2 12s. Qd. F. Gall. £3 13s. Qd. W. Philpot. £85 Is. Sir J. Leslie. £71 8s. 184 The Hamilton Palace Collection. j 1531 A Lady, in yellow dress and pearl necklace, by Petitot. 1532 Madame de Maintenon, in brocaded green dress and white head- dress, miniature in oils — in fish-skin case, with coronet and initials in gold. 1533 La Belle Gabrielle, in black and white dress, and ruff — in chased ormolu frame. 1534 The Marquise de Verneuil — in similar frame. 1535 The Marechal d'Ancre and Eleonar Caligay, a pair of small miniatures in oils— in silver frames. 1536 Odet de Coligny, Cardinal Chatillon, and his two Brothers, the Admirals Gaspar and Francois de Coligny. 1537 Guillaume Bude, in black dress and cap, Librarian of France, Ambassador at Rome. It was at his instigation that the King founded "Le College Royale." Born at Paris 1467. 1538 Charles IX. of France — in carved wood frame. 1539 Philip V. of Spain, on horseback, a large miniature. Signed V. B. 1540 A Lady, in a white dress, with a green riband in her hair. 1541 A Lady, in a black dress, with pink and white riband round her neck. 1542 A Lady, in a white dress and coral necklace, seated in a chair. 1543 A Lady, in a lilac dress, with ribands in her hair. 1544 Queen Charlotte, by Ramsay. 1545 Portrait of a Lady, in a white dress and head-dress, by Lonsdale, 1801. 1546 A Lady, in a black dress, with pink riband in her hair, by R. Cosway, R.A. — in gold locket, with blue enamel back. 1547 Another Portrait of the same lady. 1548 A Lady, in a white dress with black ribands, by R. Cosway, RA. 1549 Jack Bannister, the comedian, oval enamel, by W. Bate, 1811. PURCHASED BY D. M. Currie. £35 14s. Earl of Moray. £17 17s. Penman. £27 6s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £34 13s. J. Noseda. £73 10s. J. E. Taylor. £58 16s. J. Noseda. £44 2s. J. Thrupp. £7 7s. Clark. £57 15s. C. Vipan. £9 9s. A. Bellairs. £6 6s. T. Agnew and Sons. £30 9s. Penman. . £15 15s. T. Agnew and Sons. £9 9s. S. Wertheimer. £65 2s. W. Philpot. £194 5s. W. Philpot. £204 15s. Clark. £147. Hunt and Roskell. £17 17s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 185 1550 Burns, the poet — in oils. 1551 A Lady, in a black dress trimmed with fur, white cap and ruff. Signed G. S., 1760. 1552 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black cloak trimmed with fur, by R. Cosway, R.A. 1553 Lady Cowper, in a blue dress, with pearls in her hair, by Smart. 1554 Charles, 4th Earl of Aboyn — in gold locket. 1555 A Lady, in a blue dress. 1556 A Gentleman, in a blue coat, temp. George II. 1557 Portrait of a Gentleman, in uniform, wearing an eye-glass. 1558 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a blue coat and embroidered waist- coat ; and a lady, in orange dress and blue veil — a pair — in oils — temp. Queen Anne. 1559 A Lady, in an orange dress and crimson cloak lined with ermine, temp. Queen Anne. 1560 A Lady, in a lilac dress and crimson cloak lined with ermine, oval enamel, temp. George I. 1561 A Lady, in a blue dress, oval enamel, by Zincke. Signed, and dated 1715. 1562 Allan Ramsay, by B. Lens. The Scotch poet, and author of "The Gentle Shepherd" (1685-1758). 1563 A Gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat, oval enamel, by Zincke — in gold clasp. 1564 The Duchess of Suffolk, in a black dress and veil, oval enamel, by Zincke. 1565 A Lady, in a white dress and cap. 1566 A Lady, in a white dress, with flowers in her hair. 1567 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a pink coat and lace cravat. Signed and dated, 1760. 1568 A Lady, in a purple dress and pearl necklace — in gold locket, with coronet and initials A. D. 1569 Prince James Edward Stuart, in armour— painted in oils, on copper. PURCHASED BY Hunt and Roskell. £12 12s. S. Litchfield. £4 14s. U. W. Grindlay. £43 Is. W. Grindlay. £32 lis. W. Grindlay. £13 13s. J. Noseda. £14 14s. S. Litchfield. £4 4s. A. Bellairs. £13 13s. H. P. Home. £39 18s. Benman. £16 16s. Earl of Moray. £27 6s. W. Grindlay. £36 15s.' Earl of Moray. £21. F. Gall. £19 19s. li. H. Gills. £26 5s. L. F. Lawrence. £2 12s. Qd. P. and D. Colnaghi and Go, £2 12s. Qd. Runt and Roskell. £10 10s. Clark. £27 6s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £21. B B 186 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1570 Marie Clementina Sobieska, in blue dress, with pearls, and ermine robe — painted in oils. 1571 Prince James Edward Stuart, by J. A. Arland, 1651. 1572 Marie Clementina Sobieska, in blue dress trimmed with pearls, yellow cloak trimmed with fur, pearl necklace, and earrings. 1573 Prince James Edward Stuart, in armour, with crimson cloak and blue riband. 1574 Prince James Edward Stuart, in pink and white dress, with blue riband and star. 1575 Prince James Edward Stuart, in blue coat and pink cloak. 1576 Prince James Edward Stuart and Marie Clementina Sobieska, a small oval miniature. 1577 Princess Louisa of Stolberg, oval enamel. Signed G. S., 1760 — in chased silver-gilt frame. 1578 Prince Charles Edward Stuart, in armour, with the blue riband — in fish-skin case, with crown and monogram in gold. 1579 Prince Charles Edward Stuart, in the dress of Betty Burke, a transfer-printed enamel. 1580 Prince Charles Edward Stuart, in red coat, with blue riband and star — in gold frame. 1581 Prince Henry Benedict, in blue coat, and pink cloak — in similar frame. 1582 The Cardinal York — in silver frame set with garnets. 1583 John Graham, Viscount Dundee, in armour, the back of the locket of steel, inlaid with Cupid and scrolls in gold. 1584 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour, with powdered wig, oval enamel. 1585 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour, with lace cravat. 1586 Portrait of a Lady, in a white dress and blue scarf, her hand resting on a globe, landscape background. 1587 James II., by Bullfinch, a large miniature in Indian ink — in silver- gilt frame. 1588 Charles II., in armour, with lace cravat and blue riband, a large oval miniature. PURCHASED BY B. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £21. E. Benton. £26 5s. H. E. Kidson. £8 18s. 6d. S. Litchfield. £12 12s. H. G. Thompson. £10 10s. H. H. Gibbs. £8 8s. Sir Charles Stuart, Bart. £4 4s. Earl of Moray. £48 6s. B. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £210. C. Schreiher, M.B. £15 15s. B. and B. Colnaghi and Co. £44 2s. B. and B. Colnaghi and Co. £25 4s. B. and B. Colnaghi and Co. £15 15s. Earl of Moray. £65 2s. F. Gall £8 8s. Sir J. Leslie. £12 12s. F. Gall. £12 12s. H. E. Kidson. £22 Is. H. H. Gibbs. £96 12s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 187 1589 King Charles II., oval enamel, by Boit— in silver-gilt filigree frame. 1590 Mary, Princess of Orange, in blue dress trimmed with pearls, by J. Hoskins the younger. 1591 Charles II. and Prince Kupert, two small miniatures. 1592 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in purple and white dress, lace collar, and blue riband, oval enamel. 1593 Charles I., in armour, oval enamel, by Bordier. 1594 Portrait of a Lady, in a striped pink and black dress, gold necklace, and ruff, by P. Oliver. Signed P. 0. 1595 A Gentleman, in brown dress brocaded with gold, and large lace collar, by Hoskims. 1596 A Gentleman, in a black dress and white collar, by S. Cooper. Signed, and dated 1658. 1597 A Gentleman, with long hair, brown coat, and white collar, by S. Cooper. 1598 The Earl of Sandwich, in brown dress and lace cravat, by S. Cooper. Signed, and dated 1659. 1599 Sir John Maynard, in black dress, white collar, and black skull-cap, by J. Hoskins, landscape background. Signed I. H, 1657. From the Strawberry Hill Collection. 1600 A Gentleman, with long wig and lace cravat, by Lewis Cross. 1601 A Gentleman, in armour, with lace cravat, by Lewis Cross. 1602 Portrait of a Lady, in lace ruff and black hat, by David de Grange. 1603 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour, by David de Grange. 1604 A Lady, in a blue dress trimmed with lace, and pearl necklace, by David de Grange. 1605 A Lady, in a black dress, pearl necklace, and earrings. 1606 Portrait of a Lady, with pearl necklace, by Hoskins. 1607 A Gentleman, in slashed blue dress and lace collar, by P. Oliver. Signed. PURCHASED BY Sir J. Leslie. £22 Is. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £48 6s. Sir J. Leslie. £7 7s. D. M. Currie. £22 Is. S. Litchfield. £8 8s. S. Addington. £27 6s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £25 4s. Sir J. Leslie. £45 3s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £16 16s. W. Philpot. £267 15s. W. Philpot. £231. A. Bellairs. £27 6s. Sir J. Leslie. £9 9s. T. Agnew and Sons. £22 Is. Sir J. Leslie. £6 16s. U. Penman. £10 10s. C. H. Waters. £5 5s. E. B. Holmes. £4 14s. U. Sir J. Leslie. £18 18s. 188 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1608 Lady Digby, after Van Dyek, by P. Oliver. Lady Digby, on vellum (6 in. by 5 in.), in an ebony casket, set with Wedgwood cameos. It was originally in Horace Walpole' s collection, and afterwards purchased by Lord Northwick. It is in all probability the miniature described in Walpole's anecdotes of painting as " another lady of the family, exquisitely painted by Peter Oliver, probably the second wife of John Digby." If this be correct, it must be the portrait of Margaret, daughter of Sir E. Longueville, of Wolverton, Bucks. 1609 The Duchess of Kichmond, daughter of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in a blue dress and pink scarf, with pearl necklace holding a wreath of roses. 1610 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and large lace collar. 1611 Lady Arabella Stuart, by N. Hilliard, with long flowing hair, lace ruff, and richly embroidered dress, blue background — 2£ in. by 2^ in. 1612 Anne, Lady Hunsdon, by Hilliard, in richly jewelled dress and lace ruff, her hair turned back and surmounted by a tiara, the back- ground a crimson curtain. 1613 Prince Henry, son of James I., in ruff, embroidered jerkin, and cuirass, with the George suspended by a blue riband, a purple curtain behind him. 1614 Princess Elizabeth, in black -and white dress, lace ruff, necklace, earrings, and aigrette, blue background. 1615 James I., by Hilliard, in lilac dress brocaded with gold, blue riband, and lace collar, the background formed of a crimson curtain, in original case enamelled with the Royal cypher in diamonds, and with openwork border set with diamonds. 1616 Mary, Queen of Scots, in black dress trimmed with fur, inscribed " Maria Pegina Scotorum." 1617 Four Drawings of Pompeian Frescoes, in body colours. 1618 A Pair of Chinese Subjects, with figures, silvered glass. 1619 Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, as Diana, by Sir P. Lely — whole length. 1620 Portraits of Louis XV. and Marie Leszczynska — a pair — circles. 1621 A Lady, as Cleopatra — on copper. 1622 Portrait of John Van Eyck — oval; with engraving. 1623 Head of the Madonna — on porcelain — oval. PURCHASED BY P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £294. E. Benton. £38 17s. W. Philpot. £11 lis. W. Philpot. £273. D. M. Currie. £40 19s. F. Davis. £33 12s. F. Davis. £21. E. Joseph. £2,835. W. Grindlay. £110 5s. T.M. Whitehead. £34 13s. Denman. £52 10s. Denman. £42. W. Permain. £17 17s. D. Parrish. £12 12s. F. Davis. £17 6s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £6 16s. Qd. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 189 PURCHASED BY 1624 Portrait of Franqois de Foix, Comtesse de Chateaubriand, in black A. W. Thibaudeau. and gold dress, holding a rosary and book — whole length. £42. 1625 Le Seigneur de Montaigne, with arms. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. 1626 La Royne d'Espagne, in crimson and gold dress. Denman. XOa LIS. 1627 La Royne de Portugal, Sceur du Roy d'Espagne, in black dress, Sir J. Leslie. her left hand resting on a dog's head. -COT dn 1628 Ferdinand, Archiduc d'Austriche, in armour and black cap. Visct. Powerscourt. £22 Is. 1629 Le Prince d'Orange, in black and gold armour, with baton. Visct. Powerscourt. £18 18s. 1630 Le Due de Saxe, in armour. W. Philpot. £6 16s. Qd. 1 fi^l TjTT ("IfVWTTi 1 TiH? S AT M iti n rm 0111™ n Yif\ nl 51 "n luOI JLJ I j Vvll 1 Jj ±J Fj 1\- 1-i i-'l y 111 ClllliUUl OjlXKX K)\.e jfurmture* 1777 A Circular Table, the top inlaid with rare specimens of agate and jasper in an octagon, with border of porphyry and marble — on carved and gilt tripod stand. 1778 Another, the top inlaid with jasper, agate, and marble, forming a chess table — on similar stand. 1780 An Old Italian Cabinet, of ebony, with folding doors, inlaid with numerous plaques of ivory engraved with figures and landscapes^ enclosing drawers and cupboard inlaid in similar style, brass lions' mask handles. 1781 An Anatomical Figure of a Horse, carved in wood — on black- wood pedestal. 1782 An Ebony Table, with carved border and twisted legs and stretcher, the top formed of a large oblong plaque of old French faience, painted with subjects and decorations forming the "Nouveau Jeu de L'Himen." 1783 An Old Italian Pedestal, of walnut wood, of open architectural design, the corners carved each with two terminal female figures, arabesque figures in front holding a shield of arms. 1784 A Pedestal-shaped Cabinet, with small centre door, carved with figures, cherubs, and ornaments, surrounded by drawers, and groups of figures at each corner — on pedestal and plinth. T. M. Whitehead. £54 12s. J. A. Jamieson. £19 19s. Mackay & Chishohn. £24 3s. J. Nosed.a. £35 14s. W. Boore. £178 10s. Denman. £157 10s. Johnstone, Jeancs and Co. £54 12s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 203 1785 An Old Bkonze Group of Mercury and a Boy. 1786 A Milanese Secretaire, of ebony, beautifully inlaid all over with flowers, masks, arabesques, and foliage of ivory, mother-o'-peaii, and coloured woods, surmounted by a carved ebony gallery, with arabesque figures supporting a shield with the Hamilton arms — on carved ebony inlaid stand of the same, and stretcher, inlaid with arabesques and a cat and kitten in a shell. 1787 A Louis XIV. Clock, by Manooche, with enamelled dial, in case of black buhl, mounted with chased scroll ornaments of ormolu. 1788 A French Cabinet, of mahogany, with large drawer above and fold- ing doors below, mounted with Cupid in a biga, torches, laurel wreaths, and ornaments of chased ormolu, in the style of the Empire, surmounted by a marble slab. By Jacob Frdres, Rue Meslcc, 1789 A Pair of Small Indian Cabinets, of ebony, with folding doors enclosing drawers, inlaid all over with elaborate foliage design in engraved ivory, metal gilt hinges. 1790 A Small Louis XVI. Parqueterie Cabinet, on tall straight legs, with four drawers, the back inlaid with a circular plaque of old Sevres porcelain, painted with a basket of flowers on white ground, with green and gold border, the sides each with a turquoise and gold plaque of the same, with a bouquet of flowers in the centre, mounted with handles, scutcheons, and borders, and gallery of chased ormolu, and surmounted by a white marble slab. Stamped, J.H. RIE. 1791 A Pair of Louis XV. Ormolu Wall-lights, with branches for two lights each, of scroll design. 1792 A Set of Six Old High-backed Walnut-wood Chairs, and a Pair of Arm-chairs, the legs inlaid and mounted with metal-gilt, with flat chasing, the backs and seats stuffed and covered with rich satin damask; and a dressing-stool, en suite. 1793 A Louis XVI. Upright Mahogany Secretaire, with drawer and fall-down front above and folding doors beneath, fluted pilasters at the angles, mounted with borders and ornaments of chased ormolu, surmounted by a veined white marble slab. Stamped, P. Dcnizot. 1794 A Small Cabinet, of ebony, inlaid all over on the front and sides with foliage design in ivory, folding doors above, and two drawers beneath — 18 in. high. 1795 A Pair of Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Easy Chairs, with stuffed backs and arms and loose seats. PURCHASED BY W. H. Tuck. £141 15s. W. H. Tuck. £441. P. and D. Golnaghi and Go. £52 10s. Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £44 2s. W. Grindlay. £147. Penman. £110 5s. E. Radley. £15 15s. P. and D. Golnaghi and Go. £52 10s. Hon. W. Masscy- Mainwaring. £65 2s. T. M. Whitehead. £27 6s. G. Mcllier and Go. £29 8s. 204 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1796 A Louis XV. Marqueterie Commode, with shaped front, and two drawers, mounted with handles and borders of chased ormolu, moulded Brescia marble slab. 1797 A Louis XVI. Circular Hanging Lantern, of ormolu, chased with female figures at the sides, and cupids, birds, and festoons round the upper part, and. border of foliage underneath, with glass panels — fitted for gas. 1798 A Fine Louis XIV. Winged Ebony Cabinet, by Buhl, with centre door inlaid with scroll foliage, with a mask in the centre, and four chasings of ormolu at each corner, doors at the sides, with inlaid borders panelled with glass ; the cabinet is mounted at each corner with ormolu chasings of scrolls and foliage, key-plates and borders of the same, and panels of fine buhl work at each end. 1799 A Pair of Old English Mahogany Encoigneures, painted with a subject of a nymph sacrificing, and a bacchante with a child in the centre of each door, in grisaille, in borders of flowers in colours, wreaths of barley and cornflowers at the sides mounted with ormolu — white marble slabs. 1800 A Clock, by Deniere, in Louis XV. case, of ormolu, chased with a figure of a girl playing a hurdy-gurdy, scrolls, and flowers — on scroll plinth, with two branches for lights. 1801 A Louis XVI. Clock, in case of ormolu, formed as Cupid seated on a cloud beating a drum — on oval pedestal, chased with cupids and ornaments. 1802 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candlesticks, of ormolu, formed as spirally fluted columns twined with laurel foliage, with Ionic capitals — on square-shaped feet, and with reversible nozzles. 1803 A Louis XVI. Upright Secretaire, of mahogany and parqueterie, with fall-down front, formed of a beautiful marqueterie panel, inlaid with a trophy of musical instruments, wreaths, and baskets of flowers, and emblems on ground of radiated pattern, with head of Apollo in the centre, folding doors of parqueterie below, mounted with borders and gallery of ormolu, and surmounted by a white marble slab. 1804 A Pair of Louis XVI. Wall-lights, with branches for two lights each, formed as fluted Corinthian columns, chased with festoons of oak and other foliage, and surmounted by vases with festoons of laurel foliage. PURCHASED BY Denman. £162 15s. F. Davis. £84. Denman. £451 10s. J ohnstonc, J lanes and Co. £246 15s. T. Laurie and Son. £39 18s. T. Laurie and Son. £68 5s. S. Wertheimer. £86 2s. Williams. £1,407. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co, £273. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 205 1805 A Pair of Ebony Commodes, each with eight drawers, inlaid at the angles with engraved brass and white metal, and with chased ormolu foliage capitals, the fronts of the drawers and ends formed of plaques of old black and gold lacquer, and mounted with borders, feet, and key-plates of chased ormolu, surmounted by slabs of giallo marble — 3 ft. \\ in. by 2 ft. 9 in. Stamped, E. Levasseur. 1806 A Very Fine Louis XV. Parqueterie Commode, with shaped front and ends, mounted with massive ormolu chasing of oak branches and foliage, which rise from the feet, and are carried entirely over the front and ends ; two large figures of boys rest on the branches in front, and numerous birds ; half-length figures of boys at the angles ; the key-plate is formed as a vase-shaped burning lamp, surmounted by moulded brocatella marble slab. PURCHASED BY C. Mellier and Co. £3,150. S. Wertheimer, £6,247 10s. End of Fourteenth Day's Sale, £16,996 7 s. 206 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 180K FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1882. ©bjects of Hvt anb IDertu. 1807 A Cocoa-nut, mounted with silver as a flask. 1808 A Round Tortoiseshell Stand, mounted with silver rim and claw feet. 1809 A Tortoiseshell Cup, on foot, with silver rims. 1810 A Cup, formed of a cocoa-nut, carved with heads of Charles I. and three other portraits, mounted with lip and bands and foot of silver, engraved and chased. 1811 A Large Cocoa-nut, carved with animals and inscription, mounted with silver rim and handle. 1812 A Small Oblong Ivory Casket, mounted with bands and lock of chased silver. 1813 An Oval Frame, with sixteen ivory medallions, carved with heads of celebrated personages and others in relief. 1814 Six Dresden Knife-handles, painted with "Watteau figures in pink and green scale borders. 1815 An Oblong Casket, of brass, engraved with cherubs' heads, squirrels, and arabesques, the ground enamelled red and black, with mother- o'-pearl inlaid, the borders chased with arabesques, scrolls, and flowers. 1816 A Cup, formed of slabs of mother-o'-pearl, on agate stem, mounted with embossed silver rim, foot, and ornaments. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £2 2s. J. R. Lorent. £21. F. Reynolds. £5 os. Eric C. Smith. £18 18s. If. C. Brunning. £8 8s. W. King. £67 4s. H. C. Brunning. £30 9s. J. and W. Vokins. £5 5s. H. Taylor. £129 3s. E. Joseph. £35 14s. 208 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1817 A Small Silver Cup, with band of engraved ornaments. 1820 The Assumption of the Virgin, a relief in bronze — arched top. 1821 Napoleon I., on an Eagle, medallion in bronze — in ormolu frame. 1822 An Oval Plaque, of enamel, with a harvest scene — in metal-gilt frame — 5f in. by 4 in. 1823 A Set of Four Brown Turned Vases — 11£ in. high. 1824 A Pewter Ewer, by Briot, with classical figures, masks and ara- besques in relief. 1825 An Old French Clock, in case of turquoise porcelain, mounted with metal-gilt foliage, on circular plinth, with Chinese figures and animals also of turquoise porcelain ; and a pair of candlesticks, with nozzles for two lights each — ensuite. 1826 A Miniature Spinning-wheel, forming a silk-winder, of metal gilt and tortoiseshell, inlaid with vases, scrolls, and flowers of gold picque, with drawer and chased ormolu feet. 1827 An Oval Plaque, enamelled with Abraham's Sacrifice and Tobit and the Angel in colours ; and the companion plaque, with Judith and Holofernes. 1828 A Louis XIII. Watch, in gold case, enamelled with classical figures, and six small medallions outside, the inside enamelled with figures sacrificing, the dial enamelled with Cupid — with outer frame. 1829 A Steel Knife and Fork, with ivory handles elaborately carved, each with three groups of figures. 1830 A Steel Knife, with old ivory handle carved with two female figures ; and a fork and ivory spoon — in a case. 1831 An Old Steel Knife and Fork, the blade of the knife engraved and partly gilt, with gold handles inlaid with mother-o'-pearl. 1832 A Straight Dagger, with engraved blade, with metal-gilt handle formed as a skeleton, with emblem — in velvet sheath, mounted with metal gilt. 1833 An Old Steel Lock, partly damascened with gold. 1834 A Knife, Fork, and Spoon, with steel handles, inlaid with vases of flowers and heads in gold and silver — in stamped leather case. 1835 A Knife and Fork, in leather sheath, mounted with gilt and nielloed silver, and with silver chain and clasp. PURCHASED BY Goodwin. £14 14s. F. Reynolds. £7 17s. 6d. Sypher and, Co. ' £18 18s. S. Dockerill. £7 7s. F. Reynolds. £8 8s. T. M. Whitehead. £42. S. Wertheimer. £105. W. King. £267 15s. S. Dockerill. £7 17s. 6d. Gordon. £210. E. Joseph. £26 5s. W. Grindlay. £5 5s. E. Joseph. £43 Is. Captain Hayne. £11 0s. Qd. W. Boore. £2 12s. U. T. M. Whitehead. £9 9s. Captain Hayne. £5 5s, The Hamilton Palace Collection. 209 1836 An Indian Knife, with ivory handle, mounted with chased silver gilt — in silver sheath, chased with foliage. 1837 A Pair of Old German Figures of Ostriches, of metal gilt, carrying horse-shoes in their beaks, the bodies formed of ostrich eggs — on engraved metal-gilt plinths. 1838 A Pair of Limoges Enamel Candlesticks, the stems fluted and ornamented in white on black ground, raised white foliage, and coats-of-arms in colours on the feet. 1839 An Old Italian Ebony Box, inlaid with foliage and flowers of engraved ivory, mounted with metal-gilt key, plate, and corners. PURCHASED BY D. M. Currie. £21. S. Lewis. £141 15s. Willson and Sen. £16 16s. F. Davis. £73 10s. European porcelain. 1840 Cupid Bound by the Graces, shade. group in biscuit porcelain — glass 1841 A Pair of Square Pedestals, with pink and gold scroll borders and fqet, and raised white flowers — impressed mark P. *H. 1842 A Sceaux Penthievre Custard-cup and Cover, painted with flowers and colours ; an Arras blue and white ditto ; and a Court ille ditto. 1843 A Dessert Service, by Boyer, painted with large medallions of figures, and pastoral trophies, flowers, and arabesques in colours, on deep-blue ground : consisting of A pair of ice-pails. Two large oval baskets. Four round ditto. Four etageres. Eight round raised dishes. Eight low ditto. Two sugar-tureens. Sixty plates. 1844 A Dessert Service, with chocolate-coloured borders, painted with children and infant fauns in green : consisting of Two high fruit-dishes. Four lower ditto. Four compotieres. Two sugar- tureens and covers. Thirty-six plates. 1845 Nine Furstenburg Cups and Saucers, with landscapes in pink in scroll borders, with flowers in colours. W. Permam, £14 14s. J. H. Fitzhcnry. £5 5s. S. Litchfield. £3 13s. Qd F. Davis. £231. W. Grin dlay. £81 18s. Johnstone, Jeanes and Co. £16 5s. Qd. e £ 210 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1846 A Large White Furstenburg Figure of a Lady dancing. 1847 A Gera Cup and Saucer, with festoons of flowers in pink and gold border. 1848 A Pair of Hague Tureens, Covers, and Stands, with dark-blue and gold borders, painted with landscapes and festoons of flowers in colours. 1849 A HOchst Figure of an Actor, in a brown coat and wig. 1850 A Pair of Figures of Children, of Hochst faienoe. 1851 A Concert of Dogs round a Pig-sty. 1852 A Lozenge-shaped HOchst Plateau, lavender ground, painted with a nymph and infant satyr, and four medallions with cupids on the border — mark, a star' and I. S. impressed. 1853 A Pair of White Ewers, with female heads in relief. 1854 A Pair of Limbach Cups and Saucers, with basket borders, painted with heads in medallions and flowers in colours. 1855 A Loosdrecht Cup and Saucer, with equestrian figures. 1856 A Ludwigsberg Group of Lovers at an Altar. 1857 A Pair of Fluted Ludwigsberg Cups, with foliage in relief, painted with minute landscapes and flowers. 1858 A Pair of Figures of Gardeners. 1859 A Group of Three Figures at an Archway. 1860 A Group of an Oriental with a Camel. 1861 A Pair of Madrid Porcelain Vases, with handles, openwork necks, and covers surmounted by cupids, and painted with views in brown in medallions — 11 in. high. 1862 A Naples Cup and Saucer, monogram D. M., and Grecian pattern borders in gold; and six white cups and saucers, with raised figures and trophies in medallions. 1863 A Pair of Nymphenberg Figures of Ecclesiastics. 1864 A Nymphenberg Cup and Saucer, painted with David and Bath- sheba, and landscape and sheep in Indian ink. PURCHASED BY S. Litchfield. £7 17s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £3 3s. Johnstone, Jeanes, and Co. £17 6s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £12 12s. T. Laurie and Son. £6 6s. T. Laurie and Son. £14 3s. Qd. Denman. £6 16s. Qd. S. Litchfield. £2 12s. Qd. Johnstone, Jeanes, and Go. '£4 14s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £4 14s. Qd. Willson and Son. £17 6s. Qd. Johnstone, Jeanes, and Co. £3 13s. Qd. Bev. J. Hutton. £7 7s. H. C. Brunning. £42. D. M. Currie. £11 lis. S. Litchfield. £28 7s. J. J. Duveen. £8 18s. Qd. E. Badlcy. £17 17s. Miss Hesse. £5 5s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 211 1865 Six Kudolstadt Cups and Saucers, painted with cupids, in pink. 1866 A Pair of Tournay Vases, turquoise and gold, painted with Watteau subjects, and mounted with ormolu, as moderator lamps. 1867 A Two-handled Venice Basin and Cover, with cupids and festoons of flowers in colours. 1868 A Venice Jug, yellow ground, painted with playing cards. 1869 A Pair of Venice Ice-pails, Covers, and Liners, painted with buildings and flowers. 1870 A White Weesp Figure of a Girl with a Bird-cage. 1871 A Cup, Cover, and Saucer, of Vienna porcelain, brown ground, richly gilt pink medallions, with head of Catherine II. of Russia in grisaille, and a double-headed eagle flying away with the earth in chains on the saucer. 1872 A Deep. Vienna Dish, painted with a large oval medallion of a shepherdess in a landscape in pale yellow border, richly gilt. 1873 A Coffee-pot and Basin, painted with landscapes and figures. PURCHASED BY Willson and Son. £9 9s. W. Grindlay. £32 lis. Mackay & Ghisholm. £8 8s. B. Button. £2 12s. U. S. Litchfield. £22 Is. Rev. J. Hutton. £5 5s. Johnstone, Jeanes, and Co. £13 2s. Qd. T. Laurie and Son. £14 14s. S. Litchfield. £3 3s. Enolteb porcelain anb Mare. 1874 Four Candlesticks, of glazed ware, painted with flowers and birds in colours. 1875 An Ecuelle, Cover, and Stand, painted with Chinese figures. 1876 Seven Derby Coffee-Cups and Saucers, blue and gold bands, the borders with vines in gold. 1877 A Pair of Two-handled Oval Wedg wood-ware Basins, with scrolls and foliage in white on blue ground. 1878 An Old Worcester Service, with deep-blue and gold bands, and painted with flowers : consisting of teapot, sucrier, milk-jug and cover, basin and stand, seven teacups, four coffee-cups, and eleven saucers. J. J. Duveen. £5 5s. Mackay & Chisholm . £4 4s. Willson and Son. £19 8s. 6d. W. Boore. £46 4s. T. Laurie and Son. £42. 212 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1880 A Dessert Service, by Flight, Barr arid Barr, Worcester, with deep-blue borders richly gilt, painted with vases of flowers and groups of shells : consisting of A pair of oval openwork baskets and stands. Six round ditto. Two oval dishes. Two smaller ditto. Four shaped ditto. Four square ditto. Four shell -shaped ditto. Thirty-six plates. Thirty-six small plates. A pair of ice-pails. A pair of ditto. 1881 A Pair of Small Chelsea Figures of Boys with Baskets of Flowers. 1882 Six Chelsea Soup-plates, painted with flowers, strawberries, and foliage in relief on the borders. 1883 A Salopian Dessert Service, painted with flowers in dark blue and gold : consisting of A pair of ice-pails, covers, and liners. An oval dish — on foot. Four shell-shaped dishes. Two heart-shaped ditto. Two oval ditto. Two sugar-tureens, covers, stands, and ladles. Twenty-four plates. 1885 Two Derby Teapots, Two Milk-jugs, and Two Basins, with ornaments in red and gold. 1886 Two Broth-basins, Covers, and Stands — similar. 1887 A Pair of Glazed Wedgwood Baskets and Stands, painted with birds. 1888 A Crown Derby Basin, with flowers in colours and gold. 1889 An Oval two-handled Worcester Basket, with flowers; and four round ditto. PURCHASED BY T. Laurie, and Son. £346 10s. Zee. £4 4s. W. Grind la y. £11 lis.' W. Boore. £54 12s. W. Permain. £8 18s. Qd. W. Permain. £7 17s. 6d. D. Sherratt. £3 13s. 6d. E. Radley. £26 15s. 6d. IV. Grindlay. £21. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 213 PURCHASED BY 1890 An Old Worcester Dessert Service, painted with flowers in T. M. Whitehead. medallions in gilt borders. £441. Two large oval dishes. Four smaller ditto. Two leaf-shaped ditto. Four smaller ditto. Four small ditto, with handles. Twenty-eight plates. 1891 A A Dessert Service, with grapes m purple and richly gilt borders : J. Mortlock and Co. consisting of £43 Is. Three ice-pails. Oval centre- dish, with handles. Four oval dishes. Four square ditto. Four shell-shaped ditto. Three round ditto. Two sugar-tureens, covers, and stands, and Forty-one plates. A UEKJ3Y ±71JNJNxtirl AJND UiLofeHjlil OliiKVlCrj, W10I1 Ueep-DlUe anQ gOlU F. Davis. borders, painted with vases and flowers in colours '. consisting of £138 Jzs. Two oval dishes. Four smaller ditto. Four square ditto. Two heart-shaped ditto. Two round ditto. Sugar-tureen and cover. Thirty-eight plates. Thirty-four soup-plates, similar, and Basket, on foot. 1893 Five Derby Biscuit Vases, with festoons of flowers in relief; and F. Reynolds. one smaller ditto. £8 18s. U. 1894 A Pair of Oviform Vases, of Minton's porcelain, with plants and W. Permain. insects in gold and colours on sea-green ground, with cordage in £16 5s. Qd. relief, and openwork necks. 214 1900 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 215 decorative ©bjecte. 1895 An Old English Chime Clock, in high mahogany case, with fluted Corinthian columns at the angles, surmounted by an eagle. 1896 A Harpsichord, in the original case, the top painted with Apollo and the Muses, the sides with masks and festoons of flowers on gold ground. 1897 A Cabinet, of old japan black and gold lacquer, with folding doors, enclosing numerous drawers, and landscapes and animals in low relief, mounted with engraved metal gilt — on old Italian gilt wood stand, carved with terminal figures, cupids, and foilage. 1898 Bust of Jupiter, in bronze, by Sayers — of colossal size. 1899 Bust of Bacchus — the companion. 1900 Bust of Peter the Great, in armour, in bronze. 1901 Bust of the Empress Catherine II.— the companion. 1902 A Louis XVI. Sofa of Unusual Dimensions, with settees at the ends, the frame elaborately carved with trophies of arrows and flowers in high relief, and richly gilt, covered with fine old Gobelins tapestry of flowers in colours, on pink ground. From Versailles. 1903 A Set of Six Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Fauteuils, with tapestry ensuite. 1905 A Set of Twelve- Louis XV. Carved and Gilt Fauteuils, the seats, backs, and arms covered with Gobelins tapestry, with baskets of flowers. 1906 A Louis XV. Cheval Screen, richly carved and gilt, with a vase of flowers in Gobelins tapestry and brocade on the back. 1907 Two Pairs of Window-curtains, of rich satin damask brocade, with flowers in colours on crimson ground, lined with yellow silk and trimmed with gimp. 1908 A Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Sofa, covered with Gobelins tapestry, with a musical trophy, festoons of flowers, and drapery. 1909 A Set of Ten Louis XVI Carved and Gilt Fauteuils, covered ensuite. PURCHASED BY P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £106 Is. S. Wertheimer. £273. Willson and Son. £25 4s. T. Laurie and Son. £50 8s. T. Laurie and Sou. £50 8s. W. Boore. £1,060 10s. D. Sherratt. £215 5s. C. Mellier and Co. £1,176. F. Davis. £441. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £892 10s. W. Boore. £441. Denman. £67 4s. Denman. £766 10s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 217 F F 218 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 1910 A Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Sofa, with settees at the ends, covered with rich satin damask brocade. 1911 A Bed-cover of Old Gobelins Tapestry. 1912 A Louis XVI. Bedstead, richly carved and gilt, with a vase of flowers at the head, the back stuffed and covered with a panel of Gobelins tapestry, with lofty canopy lined with tapestry, and with double valences and back of the same, with garlands and wreaths of flowers and foliage, and tapestry bolster covers; and a pair of yellow silk curtains. 1913 A Set of Four Louis XV. Carved and Gilt Fauteuils, covered with old Gobelins tapestry, with baskets of flowers. 1913a A Pair of Carved and Gilt Venetian Arm-chairs, covered with crimson velvet. ^Tapestries, 1914 An Oblong Piece of Gobelins Tapestry, with a subject from Tasso's "Jerusalem Delivered," in border, with caryatid figures, masks, flowers, and fruits by Nouzou — in carved gilt frame — 12 ft. by 20 ft. 10 in. Signed, and dated 1735. 1915 Another Panel — made to correspond — by P. Ferloni, ot Rome — 12 ft. by 15 ft. 3 in. 1916 An Upright Ditto— 12 ft. by 10 ft. 4 in. 1917 Three Square Over-door Panels, with vases of flowers of the same — 4 ft. square. 1918 An Oblong Panel of Tapestry, with a subject from Tasso's "Jerusalem Delivered" in border, with caryatid figures, masks, fruits, and flowers — by Ferloni — in carved and gilt frame — 12 ft. by 19 ft. 4 in. 1919 An Upright Ditto — ensuite — 12 ft. by 10 ft. 3 in. 1920 Three Square Over-door Panels, with groups of flowers — 4 ft. square. 1922 An Oblong Piece of Tapestry, with a subject from Tasso's " Jerusalem Delivered " in border, with caryatid figures, masks, flowers, and fruits— in carved and gilt frame. Signed Nouzcu, and dated 1735—12 ft. by '21 ft. 6 in. 1923 An Upright Piece, with another illustration to Tasso, made to correspond — by P. Ferloni — in carved and gilt frame — 12 ft. square. PURCHASED BY P. and P. Colnaghi and Co. £63. E. EadJey. £357. E. Eadlcy. £1,155. P. and P. Colnaghi and Co. £315. P. and P. Colnaghi and Co. £110 5s. P. Sherrati. £488 5s. P. Sherratt. £325 10s. H. E. Kidson. £215 5s. J. J. Puveen. £37 16s. P. Sherratt. £351 15s. H. E. Kidscn. £246 15s. J. J. Puveen. £48 6s. Penman. £882. J. J. Puveen. £267 15s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 219 1924 The Companion Piece— 12 ft. by 11 ft. 1925 Four Square Pieces for Over Doors, with groups of flowers — in carved and gilt frames — 4 ft. square. 1926 Two Pairs of Rich Brocaded Satin Damask Window-curtains, with flowers in colours on crimson ground, lined with yellow silk and trimmed with gimp. Two Pairs of Rich Satin Brocade Window-curtains, with flowers in colours, on crimson ground, lined with yellow silk and trimmed with gimp and fringe. Two Pairs of Window-curtains, of rich satin damask brocade, with flowers in colours on crimson ground, lined with yellow silk and trimmed with gimp. An Upright Piece of Old Spanish Tapestry, of coloured silks and silver thread, with Abraham and the Angels, mask, and scrolls at the top — 15 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. Another, with Susanna and the Elders — 14 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 A Smaller Ditto, with the Repose of the Holy Family — 8 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft, 8 in.. Another, with three figures at a Well — 8 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 7 in. A Large Upright Ditto, with Judith and Holofernes, caryatids, masks, and scrolls on each side — 15 ft. by 8 ft. 2 in. Another, with the Creation of Eve — 14 ft. 6 in. by 8 ft. 6 in. A Larger Ditto, with Moses and the Brazen Serpent — 14 ft. 10 in. by 12 ft. 4 in. Another, with Moses striking the rock — 14 ft. 10 in. by 12 ft. 6 in. Another, with the Judgment of Solomon — 15 ft. by 13 ft. Another, with the Worship of the Golden Calf — 14 ft. 10 in. by 11 ft. 9 in. Another, with the Destruction of Pharaoh's Host — 14 ft. 10 in. by 12 ft. 4 in. Another, with Queen of Sheba visiting Solomon — 14 ft. 6' in. by 12 ft. 4 in. Portrait of the Empress Catherine II., in old Gobelins tapestry —8 ft. 10 in. by 5 ft. 10 in. The Madonna and Child, a piece of embroidery partly painted in colours — 10|- in. by 14 in. End of Fifteenth Day's Sale, £14,754 Is. 6d, PURCHASED BY J. J. Duveen. £236 5s. W. Grindlay. £57 15s. Denman. £52 10s. Denman. £52 10s. Denman. £52 10s. Willson and Son. ^£14 3s. Qd. Willson and S071. £12 Is. Qd. Willson and Son. £11 0s. Qd. Willson and Sen. £11 lis. Willson and Son. £15 4s. U. Willson and Son. £15 4s. M. Willson and Son. £18 7s. Qd. Willson and Son. £14 14s. Syphsr and Co. £26 5s. J. J. Duveen. £36 15s J. J. Duveen. £31 10s. J. J. Duveen. £22 Is. J. J. Duveen. £325 10s. Denman. £13 13s. SIXTEENTH DAY'S SALE. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1882. IDresben porcelain. 1943 A White and Gold Vase and Cover, with fluted neck, painted on each side with a landscape, buildings, and figures, the top surmounted by a flower — 12 in. high. 1944 A Square-shaped White and Gold Vase and Pierced Cover, with gilt festoons, ring handles, and ornaments in relief, and two panels on the sides with fruit in low relief, in white — 10 in. high. 1945 A Very Large Cup, Cover, and Stand, gilt all over, and painted with a bouquet of flowers, circular ornaments, and borders in colours, the handle formed of a terminal female winged figure, the lower part encrusted with flowers — 23^ in. high. 1946 A Coffee-pot and Cover, with flowers in colours, ground. on gilt 1947 A Leaf-shaped Dish, partly painted with an extensive landscape, and numerous figures, in gilt border. 1948 A Teapot and Cover, painted with Chinese figures in medallions, a mask under the spout — mark, K. P. M. 1949 A Marcolini Cup, on lion's-claw feet, painted with a portrait in black, with blue and gold border, the saucer inscribed " En amitie." 1950 A Cup and Saucer, with foliage in relief, painted with equestrian figures and flowers — mark, a Caduceus. PURCHASED BY W. Sturdy. £9 9s. Ellis and Co. £4 4s. W. Grindlay. £3 13s. Qd. Hon. W. Masscy- Mainwaring. £4 4s. W. Grindlay. £13 2s. Qd, W. Grindlay. £14 14s. W. Heath. £2 12s. Qd. Miss Hesse. £5 5s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 221 1951 A Pair of Cups and Saucers, painted with comic groups of animals, wreaths of flowers, scrolls, and scale ornaments. 1952 A Pair of Cups and Saucers, minutely painted with coast scenes, shipping, and numerous figures, and cupids bearing a shield of arms in colours and gold. 1953 A Tall Cup and Saucer, painted with insects, and encrusted with flowers in colours. 1954 An Openwork Hanging Basket, with loose handle, the border painted with dragons and flowers in oriental style. 1955 A Teapot and Cover, lilac ground, painted with birds and flowers, the spout formed as a dragon's head. 1956 An Oval-shaped Cup and Saucer, lilac ground, painted with birds and flowers, and with flowers and birds on white. 1957 A Cup and Saucer, painted with coast scenes and figures, and with gilt edges — marked Teicher. 1958 A Pair of Marcolini Figures of a Girl with a Churn and a Boy with a Gun, with coloured drapery — on round plinths. 1959 A Set of Four White Figures, representing the Seasons — 8 in. high. PURCHASED BY Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £21. TV. Grindlay. £37 16s.' W. Heath. £2 2s. Hon. W. Masscy- Mainwaring. £34 13s. S. Litchfield. £5 5s. Zee. £5 15s. Qd. W. Bennington. £4 4s. T. Laurie and Son. £12 12s. S. LAtchfield. £29 8s. ©bjects of Hrt anb Dertu, 1960 An Oriental Knife, the handle and sheath inlaid with mother- o' -pearl and gold, mounted with silver and coloured stones. 1961 Two Knives, the handles inlaid with silver; one with tortoiseshell, pearl, and silver handle ; and three others. 1962 A Dagger, with ivory handle and embossed silver sheath; two silver-gilt knives, with glass handles ; and a knife, with ivory handle carved with a skull. 1963 A Circular Silver Plaque, engraved with Saints in a rocky landscape, the border chased with flowers, scrolls, and animals by G. Pentz. A Gold Stick Handle, chased with scrolls and flowers, the top set with a cairngorm. A Small Pewter Dish, by Briot, with a male head in the centre, and border of animals and scroll foliage. 1964 1965 1966 A Mother-o' -Pearl Scent-bottle, studded and mounted with gold. D. M. Currie. £11 Os. Qd. MacJcay & Chisholm. £12 Is. Qd. Machay & Chisholm , £8 18s. Qd. Lion. W. Massey- Mainwarinq. £4 14s. Qd. W. Boore. £17 17s. T. M. Whitehead. £4 14s. Qd. W. Boore. £24 3s. 222 1967 A Louis XV. Memokandum Book, with agate case, formed as a violin, mounted with figures of children, scrolls, and festoons of chased gold. 1968 A Brooch, with a head of Charles I., in silver and chased gold. 1969 A Heart-shaped Silver-gilt Pendant, with a miniature of Mary Queen of Scots, and with bow set with a garnet. 1970 A Louis XIII. Watch, with enamelled dial, in gold case, chased with figures in medallions, with enamelled openwork borders. 1 971 A 'Spherical Case of Silver-gilt, chased with a lion's mask, heads in medallions, children, vases, and birds, containing two minute wood-carvings of Death and the Last Judgment. 1972 Almanach de la Cour, 1776, the cover painted with figures. 1973 A Circular Silver-gilt Box, covered with enamelled filigree work; and an oblong ditto, with chain. 1974 An Oval Box, of Russian enamel, with scroll-work in colours. 1975 A Fluted Indian Silver-gilt Box, with green enamel top and gold figures. 1976 A Parcel-gilt Circular Box, with a group of flowers on the lid. 1977 An Oval Silver Box, embossed with figures of infant bacchanals. 1978 A Small Blackwood Casket, with boxwood panels, carved with figures, horses, scrolls, and a mask, the inside of the lid carved with five figures. 1979 An Oblong Snuff-box, of brown jasper, mounted with chased gold. 1980 An Oval Tortoiseshell Box, mounted with chased gold thumb- piece, the top inlaid with a trophy in gold, and with a miniature of Prince Charles Edward Stuart inside the lid. 1981 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, with a large miniature of a lady, temp. Louis XVI., in gold border. 1982 An Oval Louis XVI. Box, with black and gold lacquer panels, the top and bottom with numerous figures in landscapes, lined with gold, and with chased gold cage mounting. 1983 A Shell-shaped Box, of gold lac, lined and mounted with gold. 1984 A Striped Green and Gold Vernis-Martin Needle-case; and a silver needle-case, chased with scrolls and flowers. PURCHASED BY W. Boore. £257 5s. H. Taylor. £21. Earl of Moray. £27 6s. W. Grindlay. £32 lis. Williams. £483. E. Joseph. £115 10s. W. Grindlay. £9 19s. U. J. II. Fitzhenry. £12 12s. Clark. £21. Mackay & Ghisholm £4 14s. 6d. g. j. mu. £8 18s. 6d. Williams. £90 6s. Hon W. Massey- Mainwaring. £11 lis. Earl of Moray. £294. Hon. W. Massey- Mainvjaring. £105. Marks, Durlacher, Brothers. £399. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £27 6s. S. Litchfield. £4 14s. 6d. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 223 1985 A Vase of Flowers, and bird's-nest on a marble slab, large minia- ture by Van Spandoenck — in ormulu frame. 1986 A Circular Bonbonniere, of tortoiseshell, inlaid with scrolls of gold pique, and gold mounted, a fine enamel portrait by Petitot inside the lid. 1987 An Oblong Slab of Black Marble, inlaid with a shell, butterfly, | and flowers in Florentine mosaic. 1988 A Clock-watch, in silver case, the back chased with figures, in outer fish-skin case, silver mounted. 1989 A Silver Spoon, the handle chased with masks; and one with a bird on the handle. 1990 A Spoon, with ivory handle carved as a female figure, with silver bowl ; and one with wood bowl and silver figure handle. 1991 Three Spoons, with shell bowls. 1992 A Small Spherical Case of Engraved Silver, opening into six compartments. 1993 A Circular Box of Silver-gilt Openwork, with portrait of Charles I. on the lid, containing 37 silver counters engraved with figures of the Kings aud Queens of England. 1994 A Vernis-JVIartin Needle-case, with cupids and children in colours on gold ground. 1995 A Small Table-clock, with silver dial, in hexagonal metal-gilt case and outer leather case. 1996 A Louis XV. Travelling Inkstand, of metal gilt, chased with scroll ornaments, with a child holding a watch-case and branches for two lights, in old stamped leather case. 1997 Seven Oblong Boxes, of Battersea 'enamel, painted with landscapes, figures, and cattle, in gilt scroll borders, the sides painted with flowers — in wood box. 1998 A Pair of Candlesticks, of carved wood, each formed as a group of three lions. 1999 Christ Bearing His Cross, a composition of numerous figures, painted on lapis lazuli — in metal-gilt frame. 2000 A Pail of Rock Crystal, carved with scale-pattern ornaments and with silver-gilt handle. 2001 A Pound Bowl, on foot — 5| in. diam. 2002 A Large Fluted Crystal Tumbler — 4f in. high. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £43 Is. Williams. £399. Hon. W. Masscy- Mainwaring. £9 19s. U. W. Permain. £37 16s. D. M. Currie. £10 10s. Hon. W, Massey- Mainwaring. £29 8s. W. Grindlay. £8 18s. Qd, 8. Litchfield. £14 3s. Qd. S. Wertheimer. £43 Is. Clark. £42. J. H. Fitzhenry. £30 9s. W. Grindlay. £40 19s. W. Wareham. £372 15s. E. Joseph . £25 4s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £29 8s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £52 10s. Hon. W. Massey- Maimuaring. £29 8s. T. Laurie and Son. £30 19s. Qd, 224 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 2003 An Oval Fluted Two-handled Cup, of rock crystal, engraved with foliage, in stamped leather case. 2004 A Pair of Ostrich Eggs, mounted with silver gilt, as cups and covers. 2005 A Smaller Ditto, mounted as a cup. 2006 A Small Square Jewel Casket, of architectural design, covered with red morocco leather, elaborately tooled and gilt, with two figures, initials B. M., and date 1551 on the front. 2007 A Large Oviform Vase, of rock crystal, engraved with cornucopia and scroll ornaments, with carved handles, mounted with lions' masks, handles of ormolu. 2008 A Chatelaine, with large etui, fitted with implements and two smaller cases, chased with figures, shells, and scrolls. 2009 A Small Gold Spoon, with twisted stem and seal top. 2013 An Oblong Casket, formed of five large slabs of agate, mounted with gold, with Corinthian columns at the angles — G in. by 4 in., 5 in. high. 2014 A Plain Agate Saucer — 5^ in. diam. ; and a red agate saucer smaller. 2015 Two Agate Cups, unmounted ; and one with fluted border. 2016 A Small Agate Cup, a ditto saucer, a small jasper tazza, un- mounted, a piece of amber, and a soapstone seal. 2017 An Octagonal Block of Malachite, forming a paper-weight. 2018 A Circular Wax Medallion Portrait of Titian, in richly em- broidered furred black dress, holding a portrait of his son, in gilt frame set with pearls, inscribed " Titiani Pict. et Filii Efigies " — in blackwood frame — 5 in. diam. 2019 A Priming Flask, of old niello silver work, with ornaments in silver, borders of geometric design, and partly gilt, suspended from a long silver chain, with enamelled openwork links, and with a short chain and picker. 2020 A Plaque, of oriental sardonyx, five specimens of agate and jasper, six plaques of malachite, and four small round plaques of lapis lazuli, and an oval jasper box and cover. 2021 An Oblong Box, of niello silver work, with pastoral subjects on gold ground — gilt inside. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £44 2s. W. Grindlay. £64 Is. Hon. W. Massey- Maimoaring. £26 5s. E. Joseph. £105. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £215 5s. W. Permain. £12 Is. U. W. Grindlay. £2 12s. U. E. Badley. £315. Willson and Son. £3 3s. W. Boore. £12 12s. H. Hadow. £4 14s. Qd Machay & CMskolm. £1 10s. Williams. £325 10s. E. Joseph. £16 16s. W. J. Goode. £3 13s. Qd, W. Permain. £13 2s. U. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 225 2022 An Octagonal Louis XVI. Gold Snuff-box, with chased borders, the lid and bottom formed of two lac plaques, each with a large Chinese figure of mother-o'- pearl and jade stone in relief; Eight similar Plaques, with flowers and fruit at the sides. 2023 An Oblong Gold Snuff-box, beautifully enamelled with six medallions of seaports, with shipping, and numerous figures in borders, chased with scrolls and shells. 2024 A Gold Snuff-box, with engraved trellis and borders of foliage, the top and bottom formed of two large plaques of malachite with bevelled edges. 2025 An Oblong Snuff-box, formed of six slabs of bloodstone inlaid with numerous discs of red agate, in gold borders, mounted with gold, chased with flowers and foliage. 2026 A Large Oblong Gold Box, enamelled with brilliant colours, with two slabs of agate, forming the lid and bottom, fitted inside for holding rings — 5f in. by 3| in. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £110 5s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £535 10s. W. Grindlay. £25 14s. 6d. W. Wareham. £60 18s. W. Boore. £189. JVJ.JA/A/r. 2027 2027 An Oval Cup, of rock crystal, very finely carved with marine monsters, waves, masks, and ornaments mounted with gold, enamelled in colours. 2028 An Oval-shaped Fluted Cup and Cover, of lapis lazuli, on stem and foot of the same, mounted with silver gilt, with bird's-head and serpent handles finely chased with fruits — 9 in. high. 2029 A Small Oval Tazza, of rock crystal, engraved with scrolls and fruits on stem and foot of the same, mounted with silver gilt. Marks, Durlacher Brothers. £1,207 10s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £787 10s. W. Boore. £84. G G The Hamilton Palace Collection. 227 2030 A Cup, of rock crystal, of tall oval shape, with bands of en- graved ornaments, finely carved with an arabesque female figure in high relief — on foot of silver gilt, chased and set with tur- quoises, &c. — 8| in. high. From the Royal Collection of France. From Fonthill. 2031 A Circular Cup and Cover, of agate, on stem, with two balls of the same, studded with eleven polished rubies, mounted with silver gilt, finely chased with ornaments — 5| in. diam., 9f in, high. From the Bechford Collection. PURCHASED BY W. Boore. £840. T. M. Whitehead. £535 10s. 2030 2032 An Oval-shaped Cup and Cover, of moss agate, on stem and foot of the same, mounted with silver gilt finely chased with orna- ments, with griffin handles— 4i in. by 3£ in., and 71 in. high. 2033 An Oblong Casket, formed of slabs of moss agate, with chased silver-gilt mounting, set with coloured stones— 5 in. by 3£ in., 5 in. high; and an Agate Spoon. W. Philpot. £525. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £220 10s. 228 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 2034 An Agate Cup— four inches diam.— mounted on stem and foot of silver gilt, with chased openwork — 5^ in. high. 2035 A Fluted Cup, of brown jasper, on stem and foot of the same, mounted with metal gilt — 5 in. high. 2036 An Oval Cup, of hematite, with carved mask handles, on stem and foot of the same, gold mounted — 3^ in. high. 2037 A Mottled Stone Cup, on foot, 2| in. high ; an Agate Cup on foot ; and Two Small Agate Cups. PURCHASED BY W. Qrindlay £246 15s.' W. Boore. £162 15 s. Williams. £630. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £16 5s. 6rf. JEnoUeb porcelain. 2038 A Pair of Old Worcester Fluted Cups and Saucers, with flowers and borders of ornaments, in lilac, gold, and green. 2039 A White and Gold Figure of Mars, of modern Worcester por- celain. 2040 A Pair of Old Worcester Openwork Baskets, with foliage handles, deep-blue and gold borders painted with flowers. 2041 A Pair of Ditto. 2042 A Pair of Larger Ditto. 2043 A Tea Service, fluted, with blue and gold bands and flowers in colours, consisting of teapot and stand, milk-jug, basin, su crier, cover, and stand, a tea-caddy and stand, six two-handled cups, nine teacups, three coffee-cups, and fourteen saucers. 2044 Twelve Plates, with raised rosebuds and foliage, and painted with flowers. 2045 Twelve Ditto. 2046 Twelve Ditto. 2047 Twelve Ditto. 2048 Twelve Ditto. 2049 Sixteen Ditto. 2050 Four Small Dishes, similar, and Four Leaf-shaped Dishes. W. Orindlav. £27 16s. U. S. Litchfield. £5 15s. 6d. H. E. Kidson. £27 6s. W. Grindlay. £24 3s. W. Grindlay. £30 9s. S. Litchfield. £79 16s. J. Mortloch and Co. £32 lis. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £32 lis. W. Grindlay. £26 15s. 6d. Major Campbell. £27 6s. W. Grindlay. £25 4s. W. Grindlay. £37 5s. U. W. Grindlay. £18 18s. ' The Hamilton Palace Collection. 229 2051 An Old Worcester Dessert Service, deep blue, marbled with gold, painted with fruits in medallions : consisting of A pair of ice-pails, covers, and liners. Centre-dish, on foot. Four oval dishes. Two square ditto. Two round ditto. Two sugar-tureens and covers and one stand. Ten plates. 2052 An Old Worcester Tea and Coffee Service, with fan-shaped ornaments in colours and gold, in the style of old J apan : consisting of Teapot and stand. Milk-jug and cover. Sugar-basin, ' cover and stand. One large basin. Three smaller ditto. Six teacups. Eight coffee-cups. Nine saucers. One dish. 2053 A Pair of Oval Openwork Baskets, deep blue and gold, painted with groups of fruit. 2054 Three Baskets, with pierced covers and stands, flowers and foliage in relief; and a Pair of Stands — similar. PURCHASED BY T. Agnew and Sons. £131 55. W. Grindlay. £88 4s. 2055 A Worcester Service, consisting of with festoons of green and gold drapery : Teapot. Canister and cover. Basin. Sugar-basin. Six coffee-cups. Eight teacups. Eight saucers. Two dishes, and a Milk-jug. Marquis of Bristol. £19 195. W. Grindlay. £63. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £90 6s. 230 The Hamilton Palace Collection. ^Decorative ©bjects. 2056 A Louis XV. Secretaire, of inlaid woods, with two doors below, containing panels of marqueterie, of vases wreathed with flowers, and similar panels at the sides, and with fall-down front and sacred emblems in marqueterie on the top. 2057 An Old French Secretaire, of parqueterie, with cylinder front, inlaid with a large subject of a Chinese river-scene, figures, and buildings, in coloured woods and ivory — on knee-hole stand, with six drawers. 2058 A Pair of Old High-backed Oak Chairs, with carved open backs and carved legs and twisted stretchers, the backs and seats stuffed and covered with old Venetian painted and gilt stamped leather. 2059 A Wardrobe, of ebony, inlaid with white metal, with folding-doors formed of two large panels of black lacquer, inlaid with land- scapes, buildings, and figures, in coloured mother-o'-pearl. 2060 A Pair of Shaped Tulip-wood Commodes, with two drawers each, mounted with feet, scutcheons, and ornaments at the angles of chased ormolu, surmounted by fine slabs of Bianco and Nero marble, with chased metal-gilt borders. PURCHASED BY P. and D. Colnaghi and Go. £105. S. Litchfield. £73 105. W. Craibe Anqus. £64 Is. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £73 10s. P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. £252. 2061 Apollo Belvedere — on square black marble pedestal — 7 ft. high. 2062 The Diana of Versailles —on similar pedestal— 6 ft. 4 in. high. 2063 The Borghese Gladiator— on similar pedestal— 5 ft. high. 2064 The Belvedere Antinous — on similar pedestal — 6 ft. 5 in. high. 2065 Hercules and Telephus— on similar pedestal — 6 ft. 5 in. high. These statues were cast in Italy by order of Francis I. early in the 16th century for the decoration of his palace at Villeroi in moulds taken from the original statues, they were afterwards acquired by Nicholas Neuville, Secretary of State. At the Revolution they were removed and afterwards purchased by Alexander, tenth Duke of Hamilton, and placed in Hamilton Palace. See Dr. Waagen, " Art Treasures in Great Britain" vol. 3, p. 294. 2066 Large Circular Tazza of Giallo Antico {vide Lot 887). H. Slettiner. £504. H. Stettiner. £525. H. Stettiner. £561 15s. H. Stettiner. £483. H. Stettiner. £477 15s. W. Wareham. £236 5s. End of Sixteenth Day's Sale, £14,955 12s.. SEVENTEENTH DAY'S THUESDAY, JULY 20, 1882. SALE. (Sreefc, IRoman, lEnoltsb, anb jfordon Coins. GOLD. 2069 Panormus or Carthage, s. 4£, Head of Ceres with earrings and necklace, rev. Horse standing to right — fine work, in the finest state. 1 2070 Syracuse, electrum, s. 4, 2TPAK02II1N, Head of Apollo, behind a bow, rev. XflTEIPA, Head of Diana to right, behind a quiver and bow — extremely rare, and in very fine condition. 1 2071 Syracuse, s. 2\, Head of Apollo to left, small diota behind, rev. XTPAKOXlUN, Biga to right, with a triquetra under the horses — extremely fine. 1 2072 Philip II., King of Macedon, s. 3, a fine Head of Apollo in high relief, rev. <£>IAinnOT, Biga to right, a trident under the horses — in the finest state. 1 2073 Philip II. and Alexander III. — usual types. 2 2074 Alexander III., Tetradrach, s. 5, Head of Minerva to right, rev. AAEEANAPOT, Victory holding a wreath and a vexillum, in the field a thunderbolt — rare, and in good condition. 1 2075 Arsinoe, wife of Ptolemy Philadelphia, Octodrachm, s. 8, veiled head to right, behind K, rev. AP2INOH2 . <£IAAAEAOT, double cornucopise with taeniae — fine work, very rare, and in fine condition. 1 2076 Campanian. 60 and 20 Sesterces, Head of Mars to right, rev. Koma, Eagle on a thunderbolt — both very fine. 2 PURCHASED BY Rollin & Feuardent. £5 7s. Qd. Rollin & Feuardent. £31 10s. H. Hofmann. £5. Rollin & Feuardent. £6 2s. 6d. H. Hoffmann. £4. W. Webster. £8. W. Webstei £10. A. Hess. £4 10s. 232 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 2077 Claudius. Ti . Claud, &c, laureated Head to right, rev. de . britann, on triumphal arch — very fine. 1 2078 Domitian. Domitianus Augustus, laureated Head to right, rev. GERMANICUS . COS . xill., Pallas walking to right— very fine. 1 2079 Vespasian. A. Pius, rev. pietate . AUG . cos . mi., Piety standing, &c. — fine. 2 2080 Trajan. Imp. Trajanus, &c, Bust to right, rev. forum trajan, a grand building — fine and very rare. 1 2081 Trajan. Imp . caes . ner . trajano, &c, Bust to right, rev. regna . ADSIGNATA, Trajan seated on an estrade addressing three kings • — fine and rare. 1 2082 Hadrian and Trajan. Imp . caes . trajan . hadriano, &c, Bust to right, rev. DIVO . trajano . patri, small Bust to right — very fine and extremely rare. 1 2083 Hadrian. Imp . caes . trajan . hadriano, &c., fine Bust to right, rev. divi . ner . nep, &c, Head of the Sun to right, below, Oriens — extremely fine. 1 2084 Antoninus Pius, rev. pietati, &c. — very fine. \ 2085 A. Pius. Imp . t . ael . caes . hadri . Antoninus, bare Head to right, rev. AUG . Pius, &c, Piety standing before an altar — very fine. 1 2086 Faustina, Sen., rev. Aeternitas, Fortune standing. 1 2087 Faustina, Sen., rev. Augusta, Fortune standing. 1 2088 Marcus Aurelius. Aurelius Caesar, &c, young Head to right, rev. TR . POT . vii . COS . IL, Rome standing — very fine. 1 2089 Faustina, Jun. Faustina . aug . pii . aug . fil, fine Bust to left, rev. Concordia, Dove to right — very fine. 1 2090 Faustina, Jun., Bust to right, rev. Junoni Lucinae, Juno standing — very fine. 1 2091 Faustina, Jun. Bust to right, rev. Venus, the Goddess standing holding an apple in her right hand — very fine. 1 2092 Julia Domna. Julia Domna, Aug., Bust to right, rev. Veneri. Victr. Venus standing and leaning on a column — very rare, and in the finest state. 1 2093 Caracalla. Antoninus Pius Aug. Germ, Bust to right, rev. p . m. te . p . xviii . CAS . nil .P.P., radiated Lion walking to left with a thunderbolt in its mouth — very rare, and in the finest state. 1 PURCHASED BY Rollin & Feuardent. £4 6s. Lincoln and Son. £4 10s. T. Laurie and Son. £3 7s. U. Lincoln and Son. £3 5s. Rollin & Feuardent. £5 7s. Qd. Rollin & Feuardent. £10 10s. Rollin & Feuardent. £6 6s. Rollin & Feuardent. £2 5s. Lincoln and Son. £3 5s. Rollin <&• Feuardent. £2 5s. Rollin & Feuardent. £2 5s. H. Britten. £2 2s. Rollin & Feuardent. £5 2s. Qd. Rollin & Feuardent. £4 2s. 6d. J. K. Ford. £4 10s. Lincoln and Son. £11. Lincoln and Son. £12. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 233 2094 Magnentius, rev. victoria . AUG . lib . romanor, Victory and Liberty supporting a trophy, Honorius, rev. victoria . auggg. ; Arcadius, rev. concordia auggg. ; Theodosius II., rev. imp . xxxxu . cos . xvii .p.p., Rome seated. 4 2095 Early British. Boadicea, Evans, pi. 1, n. 2, reading [BJODVOC across the field— fine and very rare. 1 2096 James I., Rose Rial, m. m. escallop— usual type. 1 2097 William IV. and Adelaide Coronation Medal— extremely fine. 1 2098 Victoria Coronation Medal — extremely fine. 1 2099 Zodiacal Muhrs, Taurus and Pisces. 2100 Portugal. Alfonsus V., Ducats. 2101 John II. ; 2, Dobla de la Vanda. 2102 John II., Emmanuel, Sebastian, Ducats. 2103 Castille. John II., 2 ; Dobla de la Vanda ; Ferdinand and Isabella Ducat. 3 2104 Moorish, Portuguese, &c. 5 PURCHASED BY Lincoln and Son. £3 5s. Lincoln and Son. £5 5s. Lincoln and Son. £4. T. Laurie and Son. £4 8s. T. Laurie and Son. £4. J. K. Ford. £3 5s. A. Hess. £8. H. Hoffmann. £23. J. a. Hall. £4 10s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £3 5s. H. Hoffmann. £3 5s. (Breefc Cities anb IRings, SILVER. 2105 Leontini, s. 7\. Lion's head to right, surrounded by four grains of Barley, rev. Triga in slow motion to right, a victory crowning the horses — extremely fine. 1 2106 Lysimachus, King of Thrace. Tetradrachm ; Alexander III. of Macedon, Drachm ; Antiochus VII. of Syria, Tetradrachm. 3 2107 Agrigentum, 2, s. 6. Eagle and Crab, with different ornaments under the crabs — fine and scarce. 2 2108 Syracuse, s. 7, Hunter, tab. 53 n. fig. 13, 2TRAK02ION retrograde, Female head to right, surrounded by four dolphins, rev. Biga to right, exergue, a serpent — extremely fine. 1 Rollin & Feuardent £3 10s. Lincoln and Son. £1. W. D. Cutter. £13 5s. Eollin & Feuardent. £5 15s, h h 234 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 2109 Boeotia, s. 5 J, Buckler, rev. BOIfl, Diota and club ; Orchomenus, s. S L\, Head of Ceres to left, rev. ep mon. within a wreath of cora — very fine and rare ; Tauromenium, s. 3i, Head of Apollo, rev. Tripod — fine. 3 2110 Syracuse, s. 6|-, rev. Quadriga to left, above, a triquetra ; Thurium, 2, s. 5, usual type, varied, one with a Dove under the Bull ; Agrigentum, s. 4, Eagle and Crab. 4 2111 Metapontum, 2 s. 4|, Head of Ceres with corn, earrings, and necklace, rev. meta, Ear of corn, a plough in the field ; s. 4|, Head of Leucippus ; Tarentum, 2 s. 4^, Tnras, on a dolphin, varieties — one of fine work. 4 2112 Athens, 3; Thasus, s. 9, rev. Hercules; Rhoda, s. 3^, Head of Ceres to left, rev. a full-blown rose ; and others. 8 2113 Agathocles, King of Syracuse, s. 7, KOPA2, Head of Cora to right, rev. ArAQOKAEIOS, Victory erecting a trophy behind it, a triquetra — fine Sicilian art, in beautiful condition. 1 PURCHASED BY Bollin & Feuardent. £3 15s. W. D. Cutter. £5 10s. Bollin & Feuardent. £3. Bollin & Feuardent. £13 10s. Bollin & Feuardent. £16. 2114 Mary, Queen of Scots, and Henry, Lord Darnley, Cruikstone Dollar, struck on their marriage in 1565, and set in a frame composed of wood from the famous yew-tree, the frame mounted in silver, with plates on one side, inscribed, " A piece of Queen Marys Yew Tree," "From Cruikstone Castle, Benfrewshire." " Presented to Mis Boyal Highness the Duke of Sussex, by Sir John Maxwell of Pollock." And on the other, " This silver medal was struck on the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots, with Henry, Lord Darnley." " When Harie met Marie under this yew-tree, What Harie did to Marie I'll no tell to thee!' A very curious and historically interesting relic. 1 2115 Silver: Medal of Canova, 1795; and two pieces of Chinese ingot money. Copper : Medals of Canning, Samoscius, Francis I. of Sicily and Queen, and a coin of Diocletian. 7 2117 A Gold Medal of Pope Pius VI. and a Silver ditto in morocco case. 2118 A Bronze Penny of George III, 1797. Proof from the first die. 2119 Exposition Universelle de 1855, two gold, one silver, and one bronze medal, in a case. 2120 An Oval Silver Medallion, engraved with a portrait of James I., and with the royal arms on the reverse, by S. de Passe. 2121 Another, engraved with portraits of James I., Anne of Denmark, and Charles, Prince of Wales, arms and mottoes on the reverse. 2122 Another, with the Elector Palatine, Frederick V., and the Princess Elizabeth, and their son. Earl of Moray. £168. T. C. Button. £2 5s. Bollin & Feuardent. £2 10s. W. Pcrmain. £1 18s. Lincoln and Son. £30. Earl of Moray. £33 12s. ' The Hamilton Palace Collection. 235 PURCHASED BY 2123 An Oval Case, for a miniature, of gold enamelled black and white, the front of rock crystal, the back pierced with a coronet and £78 15s. cypher, and with French inscriptions. 2124 A Small Gold Pendant, with a medallion of Gustavus Adolphus, J. Noseda. and polished emerald pendant. £16 16s. 2125 A Ping, with a wax medallion of George II., and two Pings with' H. E. Kidson. Wedgwood medallions. £8. 2126 A Mourning Ring, with an amethyst vase, and a Ping with an J. G. Robinson. onyx. £4 10s. 2127 A Large Oval Onyx of three strata. W. D. Cutter. £15 15s. 2128 Napoleon I., crowned with laurel, white cornelian, by Pichler. H. E. Kidson. £6 6s. 2129 Venus Anadyomene, striated onyx, by Pichler. G. Gurney. £10. 2130 Head of Mercury, cornelian. Bollin & Feuardent. £4 4s. 2131 A Male Head, cornelian. J. C. Robinson. £5 12s. Qd, 2132 A Head of a Man, with his chin resting on his hand, sard. H. E. Kidson. £3 12s. Qd. 2133 A Chariot Pace, cornelian. W. Boore. £14 14s. 2134 Diana Holding a Spear, onyx of three strata. J. E. Boehm, r,a. £7 7s. 2135 Cupid on the Back of a Warrior, sard — a fragment. Bollin & Feuardeuf. £18. 2136 A Lion, onyx. W. Boore. £14. 2137 A Male Head, sard. W. Boore. £10 10s. 2138 Three Warriors in a Chariot, sard — a fragment. Bollin & Fcuardent. £36 15s. 2139 Two Oxen, sard. W. Boore. £6 5s. 236 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY 2140 A Male Head, sard. Rollin & Feuardent. £12. 2141 A Draped Female Figure, playing the lyre, signed ME., jacinth. W. Boore. £27. 2142 A Male Figure, with a tnquetra, and a seated female figure. W. Boore. £6. 2143 A Male Figure, leaning on a staff before a cippus — striated W. Bocre. onyx. £34 13s. 2144 A Figure of Hercules, with inscription, sard. W. Boore. £15 15s. 2145 A bifrons, sard. W. Boore. £5 15s. 6^. 2146 An Agate Ring, with a griffin. Nelthropp. £1 17s. 2147 A Male Head, the hair bound with a fillet sio-ned Oprhara 77 TP TTnrlenm si . Hi. j\.%ason. £10 10s. Cameu 2148 Cupid Holding a Cornucopia, onyx of two strata, by Girometti. H. E. Kidson. £11 lis. 2149 Head of the Madonna, onyx of two strata. H. F. Kidson. £5 5s. 2150 Head of a Eoman Emperor, onyx of three strata, in gold frame, W. Boore. chased with snake?. £44 2s. 2151 Head of an Empress, onyx of three strata— a fragment. Young. £15. 2152 A Bacchante Seated, holding a Thyrsus, onyx of two strata— a F. Davis. fragment. £141 15s. 2153 A Male and Female Figure, onyx of two strata. J. C. Robinson. £5 15s. 6d. Camei mounteb as IRings, 2154 Cupid and Psyche, onyx of two strata. t. Laurie and Son £14 14s. 2155 Bust of Mercury, ditto. J. c. Robinson. £10 10s. 2156 Head of a Roman Emperor, crowned with laurel, onyx of three W. Boore. strata. £30 19s. U. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 237 2157 Head of a Youth, onyx of two strata. 2158 A Male Head, onyx of two strata — a fragment — in chased gold setting. 2159 Head of Mercury, full-face. 2160 Head of Roman Emperor, onyx of three strata. 2161 Head of a Philosopher, onyx of two strata. 2162 Head of a Roman Emperor, crowned with laurel, onyx of two strata. 2163 A Male Head, full-face in high relief — sard. 2164 Head of the Emperor Tiberius, crowned with laurel, a fine onyx cameo, mounted in a large oval gold pendant enamelled black, the back enamelled with the stump of a tree and inscription AEI . OAAE2. 2165 Head of an Emperor, a Male Head, and Head of a Ram — three unset camei. 2166 A Large Cameo, with three heads in profile, two figures, and a bird. PURCHASED BY Rollin <& Feuardent. £6 10s. J. C. Robinson. £15 15s. T. Laurie and Son. £3 3s. J. McKelvie. £10 10s. Rollin & Feuardent. £17 17s. E. Kidson. £3 13s. Qd. W. Boore. £34 13s. T. M. Whitehead. £882. W. D. Cutter. £4 10s. W. D. Cutter. £7. ©bjects of Hrt 2167 A Small Oblong Tortoiseshell Box, mounted with corners and hinges of silver gilt. 2168 A Round Ditto, inlaid with a grasshopper, and ornaments in gold picque. 2169 A Spirally-fluted Silver Cup, with handle chased. 2170 A Triangular Box, of Dresden porcelain, painted with six medal- lions of Watteau in brown. 2171 A Persian Lacquer Pen-tray, painted with female figures. 2172 A Knife and Fork and Silver Spoon, with ivory handles carved with figures — in old leather case. 2173 Two Ivory Knives, with crystal handles and sheaths. S. Litchfield. £9 19s. Qd. W. Per main. £6 6s. T. M. Whitehead. £13 2s. Qd. W. Boore. £48 6s. W. H. Tuck. £2 2s. F. Joseph. £15 4s. Qd. W. Permain. £5 5s. 238 The Hamilton Palace Collection. PURCHASED BY 2174 A Knife, with ivory handle, carved with grotesque figures ; and two J . Mcis.ei'vie. Persian knives, with ivory handles, set with stones. £1 lis. 6d. 2175 A Knife, with bronze handle, formed as a female figure ; and a knife J. N. Hclwcs. and fork with ivory handles, inlaid with silver, and painted. £2 5s. 2176 A Knife, with tortoiseshell handle, inlaid with gold picque. A. Joseph. £2 10s. 2177 A Long Dagger, with ivory hilt and sheath, engraved with a figure T. W. Greene. of Fame, portraits, and inscription Jacolus Trivlters. COO 11o fiJ iZZ IIS. Ou. 2177a A Silver-gilt Knife, with red coral handle. Ellis and Co. •CO Oo 3U£ ZS. 2178 Henri IV. and Marie de Medicis — a fine gilt bronze medallion, Denman. 1605 — circle. £16 16s. 2179 Charles Bene Peau, Seigneur de Mosnac — circular medallion in Rollin & Feuardent. terra-cotta, bv Nini, 1768. -PO 91 80 A Cavalier Holding a Heart — whole length carving in wood in E. Lowengard. relief. -CO Or. *y vs. 2181 The Empress Catherine II. of Russia, and Frederick, Elector T. Laurie and Son. of Bradenburg — a pair in Tassie's enamel — circles. £9 9s. 2182 A Statuette of Minerva — in wax — glass shade and stand — F. Reynolds. 13 in. high. £6 6s. 2183 A Series of Forty-one Oval Terra-cotta Medallions of W. Vallentinc. Celebrated Persons — in four black and gold frames, with £12 Is. U. Lilt; Ilcilllcb IDbCXIUcU. UI1 llltJ UclOK.. 2184 An Oblong-shaped Casket, of black buhl, the top inlaid with a W. King. large subject of nymphs clipping Cupid's wings, in mother-o'-pearl, £236 5s. engraved brass and white metal in trellis border, with birds and busts in medallions, cupids and landscapes at the sides, mounted with finely chased borders, feet, and foliage, ornaments of ormolu — 12 in. by 10 in. 2185 The Companion Casket, with Venus attired by cupids on the lid. TV TCit) n r r • J.JL VffylJ • £262 10s. 2186 A Smaller Casket, with cupids — 7| in. by 5f in. Baker. £105. 187 A Ditto, the top forming a pin-cushion. E. Joseph. £44 2s. 2188 A Circular Box, of Vernis-Martin, painted with figures in an artist's Hon. W. Massey- studio, gold mounted. Mainwaring. £21. 2189 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, inlaid with gold stripes, a miniature & Litchfield. of a gentleman on the lid. £21. 2190 A Circular Box, with a miniature of three cupids on the lid, in W. Grindlay. frame, with border of enamelled gold foliage. £16 16s. The Hamilton Palace Collection. 239 2191 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, the top and bottom painted with landscapes in grisaille, gold mounted, in shagreen case. 2192 A Wax Medallion Head of a Nobleman, with red dress and ruff, in case, formed of an oval box of metal gilt, the top chased with three figures of warriors. 2193 An Oval Tortoiseshell Box, the top with King Charles in the oak in gold, the sides of silver. 2194 A Square Bottle, of Russian enamel, with ornaments in colours on white ground. 2195 An Oval Fluted Bowl, of veined red and yellow jasper, on stem and foot of the same, mounted with metal gilt — 10|- in. by 7i in. 2196 A Pair of Louis XVI. Candlesticks, formed as vases and covers, of white marble, on ormolu altar-shaped stands, chased with rams' heads and foliage — on marble plinths. 2197 A Dessert Service, of enamelled metal, deep-blue, white and gold : consisting of A three-tier circular dessert-stand. Two dessert-dishes, on feet. Four smaller ditto. Eighteen plates. Two candlesticks, for three lights each. Four candlesticks. 2198 An Oblong Casket, of tortoiseshell, inlaid with engraved metal, and mounted with ormolu. 2199 A Small Old German Table-clock, in octagonal case, of metal gilt, engraved with figures of deities, and with openwork dome top. 2200 A Papier-mache Snuff-box, with portraits of Napoleon I. and the Empress Marie Louise on the lid. 2201 Another, with a military subject and inscription. 2202 A Bird Box, in tortoiseshell case, with an oval medallion on the top, enamelled with a landscape, in colours on gold. 2203 An Oblong Tortoiseshell Box, lined and mounted with gold, an enamel portrait of a man in armour, after Van Dyck, on the lid. 2204 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, mounted with gold, the top painted with Louis XVI., Marie Antoinette, and the Dauphin, in grisaille. 2205 A Cocoa-nut Shell, carved with angels crowning the Infant Christ, arabesques and scrolls in low relief. 2206 The Stuart Watch, in outer and inner case of gold, enamelled with portraits of the Stuart family. PURCHASED BY Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £22 Is. Williams. £110 5s. F. Davis. £12 12s. T. M. Whitehead. £23 2s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £210. JE. Radley. £57 15s. W. Grindlay. £97 13s. F. Davis. £54 12s. S. LitcJifield. £23 2s. F. Davis. £4 4s. J. M. Hawes. £2 2s. T. Laurie and Son. £9 19s. 6d. S. Litchfield. £40 19s. Clark. £31 10s. J. M. Havjes. £3 13s. 6d. Earl of Moray. £514 10s. 240 The Hamilton Palace Collection. 2207 A Circular Box, of yellow horn, the top painted with a bouquet of flowers, by G. Van Spaendonck, in gold border. 2208 A Tortoiseshell Ditto, with a vase and flowers on a marble slab, by the same artist, in chased gold border. 2209 A Circular Box, of crimson Vernis-Martin, gold mounted, an enamel portrait on the lid. 2210 A Round Snuff-box, of Dresden enamel, with Chinese figures and landscapes, in gold on black ground, a portrait of a gentleman inside the lid. 2211 A Carved Wood Figure of a Peasant, carrying a silver basket — on wood foot, mounted with silver figures. 2212 A Larger Ditto of a Peasant, with silver staff and pilgrim's bottle carrying a panier, with sixteen silver shields attached, engraved with shields of arms, dates and inscriptions on foot, with reptiles. 2213 An Old Italian Bronze Figure of a Seated Female Satyr— on wood stand. PURCHASED BY W. Grindlay. £39 18s. W. Grindlay. £39 18s. Hon. W. Massey- Mainwaring. £47 5s. S. Litchfield. £6 16s. 6^. E. Lowengard. £73 10s. W. Grindlay. £128 2s. J. Noseda. £33 12 s. End of Seventeenth Day's Sale, £4,651 9s. 6c?. THE HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION. ERRATA AND ADDENDA. Lot 6 Cost at Bemal's Sale 80 guineas. It is not by Van Dyck, but by Mytens ; was catalogued as by Mytens at the Bernal Sale (No. 796, page 61). 18 Engraved by Voisand. Brought from Brussels by Mr. Endymion Porter. 30 Dated 1724. Delete description. 33 For "Quintin Matsys " read " M. Heemskirk." 38 Signed, and dated 1654. 43 For " Holbein " read " G. Streete." 61 Portrait of Lord Dacre. 316 Delete " Barroccio." 344 For " L. da Vinci " read " Bellini." 380 From Woodburn's Collection. The original design is at Oxford. 382 For "Francia" read "Perugino." 399 From Woodburn's Collection. 402 From Woodburn's Collection. The original design is at Oxford. 409 For " G. Romano" read "Vasari" 415 After "Cardinal" read "Giulio di Medici." 417 Add, From Woodburn's Collection. 471 Bronze. 476 Strike out " paper-knife." 488 Add, Hall-mark, Paris, 1734, and mark of H. Louvet, controller. 503 For " Sevres " read " Courtille." I I 242 Errata and Addenda. Lot 507 For "green, white, and gold" read "gros bleu and white." 517 Should be, Louis XVI. 519 Should be, Louis XVI. 542 Add, "Said to have been" presented by Princess Pauline Bonaparte. 623 Add, Hall-mark, 1675. 673a Whitbread's Yard, by Garrard. 675 Delete " ancient." 685 This was withdrawn in consequence of being William, second Duke of Hamilton. 693 By Nason. Engraved by V. Dalen. In Bernal's Sale Lot 794, when it sold for 71 guineas. 697 Add, In water-colours, by Reid. 741 Add, From Woodburn's Collection. 748 For "Titian" read "II Greco." 754 From Woodburn's Collection. 962 For "Marier" read "Marin." 977 Add, Sold at Fonthil] for 40 guineas. 1010 From the Bernal Sale, Lot 828, £32 lis. 1017 Add, V. Salembini, signed, and dated 1603. 1036 Delete "J. Artois." 1043 and 1044 Add, Brand of Charles I., and inscription on the back, "This picture, which did belong to Queen Ann, is given by the King to the Lady Marquise Hamilton out of the King's Gallerie of Oatland's House, 1637." 1061 For "Breughel" read "S. V. Ruysdael, 1627. Signed." 1077 For "a Lady" read "Dorothy Percy, Countess of Leicester." 1082 For "unknown" read " T. Stothard, R.A." 1112 For "De Foix" read " Vauban." Add, Bernal's Sale, Lot 786. 1113 Add, Bernal's Sale, Lot 675, and, From the Collection of Quintin Crawford. 1114 For "Van Loo" read " H. Rigaud." For "Marshal Saxe" read " Mareschal Fouquet de Belle Isle, great grandson of the Minister of Louis XIV., engraved by Wille." Bernal's Sale, Lot 787. 1128 and 1129 Bernal's Sale, Lots 868, 871. 1132 For "Louis XVI." read "Louis XIV." 1143 This picture, although dated 1594, the Council did not sit till 1604, as recorded in Stowe's Chronicle. 1226 Vide Lot 243. 1275 After "Christ" insert "After Subleyras." Add, Stamped " Habert." 1297 and 1298 Branded "Garde Meuble de la Reine." 1374 Vide Lot 562. 1386 After "ostrich" insert "egg." 1456 Stamped "J. F. Lelen, ML" 1486 For "a Lady" read "Lady Hamilton." Errata and Addenda. 243 Lot 1493 Strike out. 1531 For "a Lady" read "Marie Therese." 1559 For "a Lady" read "the wife of the Old Pretender." 1560 The same. 1564 For "Duchess" read "Countess." 1571 For "Arland" read "Arlaud," 1751. 1577 Add, An exceedingly scarce portrait. Bernal's Sale, Lot 983. 1589 Bernal's Sale, Lot 976, £17 17s. 1617 For "drawings" read "coloured engravings." 1633 Strike out all words after "armour." 1651 Add, From Rattier' s Sale. 1661 For " a Lady " read " Madame de Maintenon." 1667 Add, By Oliver, copy made for King Charles L 1786 Read " A Secretaire, of ebony, by Gatti of Rome." 1799 For "English" read "French." 1810 Add, Bernal's Sale, Lot 1406. 1818 and 1819 Vide 2123 and 1525. 1895 Strike out "chime." 1993 Bernal's Sale, Lot 1350. 2010 Vide 2166. 2011 Vide 2150. 2012 Vide 2164. 2116 Vide 2097. SUMMARY. 1st Day's Sale £43,250 11 2nd „ 25,072 19 3rd „ 23,485 6 6 4th „ „ * . 26,804 18 6 5th „ „ ' . • 30,331 1 6 6th „ 31,500 10 7th „ 19,785 3 8th „ 17,494 5 9th „ 29,383 14 6 10th „ 33,562 4 11th „ 36,105 19 6 12th „ 16,079 5 13th „ 13,348 13 14th „ „ - • 16,996 7 15th „ „ • • • 14,754 1 6 16th. „ „ . ... • • • 14,955 12 17th „ ? , 4 > 651 9 6 Total . . £397,562 6 The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. i MR. DAVIS, (LATE OF PALL MALL,) VALUER & PURCHASER op WORKS OF ART. COLLECTIONS CATALOGUED. VALUATIONS FOR PROBATE DUTY. 147, New Bond Street, London. ii The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements GUARDI GALLERY, ■ 11, HAYMARKET. MR. MARTIN COLNAGHI Can be Consulted on all Matters Connected with the "Works of the OLD MASTERS, Between the Hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. AT THE GUARDI GALLERY, li, HAYMARKET, LONDON. The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. Valuable Pictures and Drawings. EDWARD FOX WHITE, Collector, Stealer, ano Daluer. ESTABLISHED 1854. (3alleries :— 13, KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, S.W. THE KING STREET GALLERIES, 10, KING STREET. THE NORTH BRITISH GALLERIES, GLASGOW. Speciality :— The Works of GREAT MODERN PAINTERS direct from their Studios. The Works of THE BEST RISING ARTISTS. An EXTENSIVE COLLECTION of the Works of J. M. W. TURNER, JOHN CONSTABLE, OLD CROME, GAINSBOROUGH, BONINGTON, DAVID COX, DE WINT, JOHN LINNELL, JOHN PHILIP, and other deceased Artists. PICTURES CAREFULLY CLEANED AND RESTORED, VALUATIONS FOR AUCTIONS, PROBATE, dc. dc. The Hamilton Palace Collection — -Advertisements. L. H. LEFEVRE'S fine Bvt $allerg, KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, S.W. i A, A PERMANENT FREE EXHIBITION OF Modern Paintings and Drawings, L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. H. STACY MARKS, R.A. FREDK. GOODALL, R.A. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. EYRE CROWE, A.R.A. JAMES WEBB. EDOUARD FRERE. AND MANY BY ROBERT W. MACBETH. JOHN SMART, R.S.A. J. WATSON NICOL. CLARA MONTALBA. W. DENDY SADLER. HENRIETTE BROWNE. HEYWOOD HARDY. OTHER ARTISTS OF NOTE. A LARGE COLLECTION OF Engravings anb Etchings Of the highest class, published by L. H. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, P.R.A. L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. THOMAS FAED, R.A. W. P. FRITH, R.A. JOHN PHILLIP, R.A. FREDERICK GOODALL, R.A. DANIEL MACLISE, R.A. H. STACY MARKS, R.A. J. C. HOOK, R.A. EYRE CROWE, A.R.A. LEFEVRE, from paintings by ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. H. LEJEUNE, A.R.A. W. HOLMAN HUNT. W. DENDY SADLER. J. WATSON NICOL. HEYWOOD HARDY. ROSA BONHEUR. J. L. E. MEISSONIER. JOSEF ISRAELS. EDOUARD FRERE. NOTICE. — Subscribers' names can be still taken for a few remaining Artist Proof impressions of the Engraving (Plate of which will be destroyed) from Mdlle. ROSA BONHEUR'S chef-d'oeuvre, THE LION HOME, Which has been exhibited at this Gallery during the past season with unusual success, and Mr. Lefevee hopes to have an Etched Trial Proof of the Engraving ready to show before Christmas. Subscription Forms may be had on application. The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. J. J. DUVEBN, 181, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. AND 8, EAST 18TH STREET, NEW YORK. ^\VVVVVVV\VVVVVVVVVVVSVVVVVi.VVV JEypevt anb 2>ealet in Becorative ^furniture, ©lb ©dental China, anb Wotfcs of Htt. THE LARGEST STOCK OF OLD TAPESTRIES IN LONDON. VALUATIONS FOR PROBATE, AND PRIVATE COLLECTIONS PURCHASED. vi The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. Uhc Cit£ of Honoon fine Hrt (Salter^, 20 & 21, GRACECHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C. GLADWELL BROTHERS, CARVERS AND GILDERS, ** PICTURE + -EWE + M^oto^ei^, *• PRINTSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, AND DEALERS IN WORKS OF FINE ART. ESTABLISHED NEARLY HALF A CENTURY. THE WINTER EXHIBITION OF WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS AND ETCHINGS, HELD AT ^be Git\> of Xonbon jf me Hrt <5aller& WILL BE OPENED EARLY IN DECEMBER. MESSRS. GLADWELL BROTHERS devote special attention to the Cleaning, Re-lining, and Restoration of Ancient and Modern Paintings ; to the removal of Mildew and other Stains from choice Engravings, and to the preservation of Water Colour Drawings. MESSRS. GLADWELL BROTHERS personally superintend their Manufactory, and are thus enabled to insure the use of sound materials only and to see for themselves that only skilful workmen are employed ; and by reason of the large stocks they keep in hand are enabled to execute all orders with promptness and despatch. MESSRS. GLADWELL BROTHERS Have constantly on view at Zhc Ctt\> of Xonbon fine Hrt SUPERB COLLECTION OF THE FINEST MODERN ETCHINGS, HIGH-CLASS LINE AND MEZZOTINT ENGRAVINGS, AND CHOICE WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, BY MODERN ARTISTS. Messrs. Gladwell Brothers have recently issued a Pamphlet entitled " A FEW WORDS ON ART,"— which are also words of advice and warning — containing a description of the various states of impressions printed from engraved plates, also information how spurious proofs are made ; the history of the Printsellers' Association, etc., etc., and much other useful information. Free by post, One Shilling. GLADWELL BROTHERS, 20 & 21, GRACECHURCH STREET, E.C. The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. Vll THE LATE FRED. WALKER , A.R.A. A - -FINE ETCHING From an UNEXHIBITED PICTURE, by the above great Artist, BY CHARLES WALTNER {THE ONLY GAINER OF A MEDAILLE D'HONNEUR, PARIS, 1882) , SIZE, 24 Inches by 16 Inches, WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED BY E. E. LEGrGrA.TT, (From T. AGNEW & SONS,) 46, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C., ENTITLED "THE PEACEFUL THAMES," (STKEATLEY HILL). " In lowly dale, fast by a river's side, With woody hill o'er hill encompass'd round ; It was, I ween, a lovely spot of ground. And then a season atween June and May, Half prank't with spring, with summer half embrown'd, A listless climate made ; where sooth to say No living wight could work, ne cared ev'n for play. * * * * # * • * * And nought around but images of rest." Thomson's Castle of Indolence. A VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF PROOFS WILL BE ISSUED, i.e., r Remarque Proofs on Vellum, 50 ONLY Remarque consisting of the Artist's Head. Artist Proofs on Japanese Paper, 150 ONLY. £10 10s. each. 9 Copies only LEFT UNSOLD. £6 6s. each. A few Copies only LEFT UNSOLD, Orders can now be sent to the Publisher at above Address. viii The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. ARTHUR TOOTH AND SONS, PRINT8ELLER8 AND PUBLISHERS, 5 & 6, Haymarket, Pall Mall, S.W. H large Collection of Engravings anb Etchings of tbe Iblgbest Class always on IDlew. wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ETHUE TOOTH & SONS will publish in October the Engraving by Samuel Cousins, R.A, from the New Picture "POMONA" by J. E. Millais, RA. SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES ARE BEING TAKEN. ix ARTHUR TOOTH AND SONS' ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF HMQb Class English & Continental flMctures, AT 5, HAYMARKET, PALL MALL, S.W. HE Exhibition, which is Now Open, includes Paintings and Drawings by all the leading English and Continental Artists, and are received direct from the Artists' Studios. x The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. NOSOTTI & CO., i DECORATORS AND UPHOLSTERERS, Manufacturers of HIGH 0LA88 FURNITURE, PARQUET FLOOR MANUFACTURERS On View, the FACSIMILE CABINET TO LOT 174, Which was purchased for ^2,310, PRICE 250 GUINEAS. NOSOTTI & CO., 93 to 97, OXFORD STREET, 93 to 97. ESTABLISHED 1822. The Hamilton Palace Collection. — Advertisements. XI ibrairie be ||' A Biographical Study, by WALTER ARMSTRONG. Un volume illustre, in-4° colombier, relie en parchemin, 15 fr. Ha Decoration &pj)ltqttc attje Fascicule orni de 21 gravures.', Par E. E. VIOLLET-LE-DUC. Prix, 8fr. PRIME GRATUITE POUR 1882 Les Abonnes de L'ART, pour l'annee entiere, recevront GEATUITEMENT L'ATTENTE ; — LE SAMEDI A VILLERVILLE Une Magnifique eau-forte de ULYSSE BUTIN, d'apres son tableau. Mesurant sans marges, haut., m 45 ; larg., m 58. GALERIES DEPOSITION ^jsssr^ TABLEAUX MODERNES, AQUARELLES, DESSINS, PASTELS, SCULPTURES. xiv The Hamilton Palace Collection: — Advertisements PUBLISHED MONTHLY. PRICE ONE SHILLING. ART AND LETTERS, AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF FINE ART AND FICTION, Conducted by J. COMYNS CAKE. Free by Post, Is. 1\d. SUBSCRIPTION PER ANNUM, including Postage, 15s. The NUMBER for SEPTEMBER, 1882, COMPLETES the first year of "ART AND LETTERS." With the number for October will be issued an Ornamental Title-page, Half-title, and full Index of Contents, to accompany the volume. Handsome Cases for Binding, of special design, are supplied at 5s. each, and will be forwarded on receipt of P. O.O. for that amount. Frontispiece to Vol. I. — It has been decided to issue as a Frontispiece to this Volume an Etching from Mr. Alma Tadema's well-known picture of " Sappho," which may be obtained by subscribers at 2s. Qd. The price to non-subscribers will be 5s. Bound Copies of Vol. I., containing the Etching referred to, will shortly be ready, price 21s. PBESS NOTICES. "Vies with the leading Art publications of London and Paris." — Daily Telegraph. "Sumptuously printed on fine paper, in large folio form, and accompanied by illustrations of artistic value, the new periodical seems likely to win a permanent place in public favour." — Daily News. " The typography, paper, and general finish are all that could be desired." — Pall Mall Gazette. "Well written, beautifully printed, and illustrated with Gngravings of such merit that they are worthy of being framed." — Morning Post. "A distinct advance in the Art Literature of England." — Allen's Indian Mail. " We wish the new magazine all success, and 'gladly welcome this praiseworthy effort to bring the highest forms of art within the reach of all classes." — Saturday Review. " 'Art and Letters ' is admirably got up, and should have a successful career before it. " — Court Circular. " A very creditable production in every respect, well calculated to create a favourable impression." — Globe. " ' Art and Letters ' should speedily win its way to popular favour." — North British Daily Mail. " Clear and elegant printing, many good and some first- rate illustrations, and papers of various kinds, all of which are more or less thoughtful, and graceful, and readable. The story, 'An 111- Considered Blow,' is of phenomenal excel- lence. "— *A thenozum. ' ' The new venture stands quite alone among English artistic magazines." — Liverpool Mail. "Marvellously cheap and singularly good." — Era. "One of the most promising ventures in periodical litera- ture that has been seen for many years." — County Gentleman. " Likely to receive, as it certainly merits, a considerable share of public attention." — Liverpool Courier. "The second number will still further strengthen the favourable impression made by the first." — Leeds Mercury. " A splendid shilling's worth." — Guardian. " An excellent shilling's worth." — Bazaar. "A wonderful shilling's worth." — World. " An amazing shilling's worth." — Vanity Fair. " A marvel for the money." — Society. '"Art and Letters' is an amazing shilling's worth." — Vanity Fair. " Mr. Comyns Carr has reason to be proud of the artistic work as well as the descriptive letter-press." — Bell's Life. " Of art journals this is one of the cheapest and the best." — Surrey Comet. " Few more attractive magazines are published than ' Art and Letters.' " — Wolverhampton Chronicle. "The editor, Mr. Comyns Carr, must be congratulated , upon providing one of the very best shilling's worth obtain- able." — London Figaro. " If the price of ' Art and Letters ' were half-a-crown instead of a shilling, it would seem more like the fitness of things."— Detroit Free Press. " ' Art and Letters ' is the most wonderful shilling's worth we have ever seen." — Lady's Pictorial. "'Art and Letters' is an excellent production." — European Mail. "Nothing, in fact, could be better in its way than this charming miscellany with its brightly-written letter-press and still brighter woodcuts." — Manchester Courier. " Maintains the character it assumed at starting, as one of the best written and best illustrated, as well as one of the cheapest of our fine art serials." — Scotsman. "It is a remarkably fine work, and a great amount of ability is manifestly expended upon its production." — Grantham Journal. "The numbers of 'Art and Letters' are surprisingly cheap, and one wonders how for a shilling so much that is attractive and artistic can be offered to the public." — Colliery Guardian. "'Art and Letters' stands in the first rank of artistic magazines, and is, honestly speaking, absurdly cheap at the price of a shilling." — Carmarthen Journal. "The Magazine certainly occupies a prominent place among illustrated journals partially devoted to artistic matters." — Belfast News Letter. " We are inclined to speak highly of this journal, the get- up of which is beautiful. " — South Wales Press. " Full of excellent engravings, printed on the finest paper." — Life. "This first-class magazine is now before us, and fully sustains, in every respect, the high standard with which it started." — The Welshman. REMINGTON AND CO., 134, New Bond Street, W. The Hamilton Palace Collection — Advertisements. XV LIMMBES' GEORGE STREET, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W. " A High-Class Family Hotel," with exceptional arrangements for Wedding Breakfasts, Banquets, &c.,