J ! • EMBLEMS OF SAINTS: BY WHICH THEY YRE DISTINGUISHED IN Works of ^tt. IN TWO PARTS, BY THE REV. F. C. HUSENBETH. 01 zzTf^iSfSATi^si/oi roig croXocg rocg XsvKag^ riusg sltrl; " And one of the ancients answered^ and said to me : These that are clothed in white rohes^ who are they ? — Apocalypse vii. 13. aotilron : Burns and Lambeet, 17, Portman Street. MDCCCL. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/emblemsofsaintsbOOhuse PREFACE The object of this Manual is to supply in some degree a want often felt by persons engaged in the pursuits of Archeology and Ecclesiology, by tourists and lovers of the Fine Arts in general. It was undertaken at first for personal convenience ; but continued and completed at the solicitation of valued friends for public utility. It may be found useful for identifying holy personages represented in painting and sculpture ; and also to guide the artist in the representation of saints and angels according to conven- tional and established forms. Its pretensions are very humble : the subject might be pursued far more elaborately and extensively : and the work would be advantageously illustrated by engravings. But this could not be without sacrificing the convenience of a pocket companion : and to keep within a portable size, is in a work of this kind a primary consideration. The church tourist and the inspector of picture galleries require a guide of ready reference and easy portability ; and such a Manual is pre- sented in the following pages. iv. That the tourist and the artist may equally find their convenience in this compilation, it is divided into two dis- tinct parts. In the First, under the name of the Saint, — whether Martyr, Bishop, &c. and the date of his death, or the age in which he flourished, as far as could be ascer- tained with tolerably accuracy, — the emblem or various emblems are given, with which he is found represented in works of art, whether in painting, carving in stone, or wood, or engraving. To each emblem is generally appended a reference to one or more examples in art, or to some work, upon the authority of which the emblem has been appropriated. In selecting these examples, preference has been given to paintings on roodscreens, or glass ; and to sculptured figures on fonts, still remaining in English parish churches, and abounding in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. It would have been easy to multiply such examples, and chiefly from personal inspection ; but the object of this little work is sufficiently attained by present- ing a few select instances. To compile a Manual of this kind, even limited as it is, would have been impracticable without the aid of friends, and the assistance of previous publications. Thanks are eminently due to the Noble Earl of Shrewsbury for much valuable information from the stores of his rich library, which his Lordship condescended to collect himself, and transmit at intervals with the most generous kindness. Dawson Turner, Esq. of Yarmouth, merits also especial thanks for the lively interest which he has taken in this V. work, and tlie readiness with wMcli he has afforded access to the treasures of his very extensive library and vast collection of illustrations of Norfolk. Mrs. Jameson's splendid "Work, Sacred and Legendary Art, has by the kind permission of its authoress, been frequently referred to in the course of this Manual, and has afforded much valuable information. The Rev. Canon Rock, D. D. is heartily thanked for several important and valuable com- munications, as well as for the loan of scarce and curious old books. The Rev. Richard Hart, of Catton, generously permitted the free use of his own List of Emblems of Saints, communicated to the "Archaeological Journal," and this kindness has proved valuable, and is here gratefully acknowledged. Sincere thanks are also tendered to H. Harrod, Esq. and Goddard Johnson, Esq. of Nor- wich, for the loan of curious and useful works ; — and to all other kind friends who have lent their assistance. The principal Works consulted or referred to in the course of this Manual are the following : — Arbor Pastoralis — being a tree of the principal Saints of each century down to the 16th. Bavaria Pia— by Matt. Raderus, S. J. — Munich, 1628. Eilder Legende — Von M. Sintzsl — Munich. Britannia Sancta— by Bp. Challoner — 4to. — London, 1745. Catalogus Sanctorum — a Petro de Natalibus editus, Yene- tiis, 1506 ; Lugduni, 1542. Christliche Kunstsymbolik und Ikonographie — Frankfurt, 1839. Collection of Architectural Ornaments of the Middle Ages, by C. Heidelhoff, Nuremberg, 1844; 2 vols, in 1 ; 4to. vi. De Levens der Heylige van Nederlant— Gliendt, 1705. 2 vols. Der Heyligen Leben — Das Summerteyl f the Winter half not to be met with J Johannes Bamler zu Augs- purg, 14-77. Folio, Die Attribute der Heiligen — Hanover, 1843. Die Heiligenbilder— Von Dr. H. Alt, Berlin, 1845. English Martyrologe- — Wilson, 1608. Fosbroke's Monachism. Golden Legende — Caxton. Icones Sanctorum — per Cleopham Distelmayr — Vienna and Augsburg. Ikonographie der Heiligen — J. v. Eadowitz— Berlin, 1834. Le Tableau de la Croix — Paris, F. Mazot, 1651. Les Images de tons les Saints et Saintes de I'annee— par Jacques Callot, engraved by Israel Henriet — Paris, 1636. Les Vies des Saints pour tons les jours de I'annee- — Lyon, 1783. Liber Cronicarum — Nuremburgae, 1493. Lives of the most renowned Saints of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Rev. F. Jerom Porter, 0. S. B. — Douay, 1632. MS. Hours — a great variety of them, Recherches sur les Costumes, etc. des Anciens peuples — par J. Malliot— 3 vols. — 4to.— Paris, 1809. Primer — printed in 1516. Sacred and Legendary Art, by Mrs. Jameson — 2 vols. — 8vo. 1848. Solitudo, sive vit^ Fceminarum Anachoritarum — Jollain excudit, 1666. Tableaux des peintres primitifs — par le Chevalier Artaud de Montor — Paris, 1843. vii. The List of Patron Saints is chiefly borrowed from the curious German Work — Ikonogra'phie der Heiligen, by J. V. Eadowitz ; and some of the Calendars are copied from another valuable book — Die Heiligenhilder, u. s. w. Von Dr. Heinrich Alt. It may be useful to subjoin some of the more quaint and puzzling modes of spelling the names of Saints in ancient days. A Cff\ PP xLgcH't; . • • /I nni h n jTLUillltil Aiplomay Apollinaris Anneys — Angnes . Agnes Cuthburg Cuthherge Eppalets . . , Hippolyius Eufemye EupJiemia Gernais Germanus Holofius Olave Leothenard — Lithenaid , Leonard Mangus Magnus Mauri .... Maurice Medeldride , Mildred Olaus . . . , Olave Pallets Hippolytus Pernel — Parnelle — Purnel Petronilla Eoyke Roch EufF— Ruphi Rufus Supplis Sulpinus Tooley Olave, VIU. ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. A. or Ab. — Abbot Ar ch . — Ar ch angel Ap. — Apostle App. — Apostles B. — Bishop C. — Confessor D. — Doctor of the Church Emp. — Emperor Ev. — Evangelist H.— Hermit K.— King M.— Martyr MM.— Martyrs P,— Pope Qu. — Queen V. — Virgin W. — Virgins. V. M. — Virgin and Martyr VV.MM.— Virgins & Martyrs W. or Wid.— Widow. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Abercius, B. C. Destroying the Statue of Apollo ; crosier brought to him by an angel .... Icones Sanctorum, A.D. St. Abraham, B. M. 348 Sword near him . • . IkonograpMe der Hei- ligen, St. Abraham, Hermit, C. 350 Clothed in skins , . . Die attribute der Heiligen, St. Abundius, M. Pierced with a spear, and beheaded Callot, Les Images de tons les Saints^ etc,^^ St. Acacius, or Achatius, B.C. 250 Thorns in his hand . . . Liber Cronicarum, Dead bough in his hand. . . Die attribute der Heiligen, Carrying sacred vessels . . Ikonographie, u, s, w, St. AccuRsius, C. 1220 Sword in his breast . . . Ikonographie. 2 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Adalbert, B. M. 997 Lance with club at the lower end Esslingen^ Wurtemhercj, Church of St, Cath, Portal, Pierced with a lance . . Arbor Pastoralis. St, Adjutor, C. 1131 Throwing part of his chain down a precipice. .... Die Attribute, St. Adrian, M. 290 Hammer and anvil in one hand, sword in the other: lion at his feet . Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hammer in left hand, sword in right : anvil near him : standing on a lion. .... M,S, Hours, Anvil in left hand, sword in right : lion by his side . . . M,S, Hours, Lat, but written in France, Carrying an anvil in his arms . Hemlinck. Anvil by his side, on which his hand is chopped off . . . Ikonographie, Arms and legs chopped off : raven descending . . . • Der Heyligen Leben, Arms and legs chopped off . Die Attribute, Thrown off a cliff into the sea . Callot, Standing with a lion by his side. St. ^gidius, see Giles. St. Afra, M. Hands tied to a stake Bound to a tree in flames . Surrounded with flames Boiled in a cauldron. 304 Liber Cronicarum, Ikonogra'phie, Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 3 St. Agapetus, M. 275 Scourged to death . . . Der Heyligen Leben, Hanging downwards over flames Die Attribute, Standing between a mitre and suit of armour . . . • Callof, Exposed to lions. Lion at his feet. St. Agatha, V. M. 251 Holding her left breast cut off, in pincers .... Panel in private posses- sion: formerly on the roodscreen of St, John's Madder Market, Nor- wich. Knife at her breast • • . Wiggenhall Church, Nor- folk. Holding an eye in pincers . Winchester Cathedral, Window, Choir — North Aisle. Pincers in her hand . . Tableau de la Croix. Iron hook in her hands . . Liber Cronicarum, Breasts in a dish . . . Rome — Oratory of Ca- maldulese — Gior. da Pisa. Executioners cutting off her breasts Pitti Palace — Seb. del Piombo Chafing dish by her side . . Die Attribute On a funeral pile . . . Do. Torn by pincers. Broken vessel and coals. St. Agatho, Hermit 4th cent. Pitcher of water . . . Die Attribute. 4 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Agathocles, M. Iron spike — red hot . . Die Attribute. St. Agericus, B. C. Infant lying in a corn field . Callot, St. Agnes, Y. M. 304 or 5 Sword in her hand . . . Private possession : for- merly on the roodscreen of St, James\ Norwich. Sword in her hand : lamb at her feet Denton — church chest. Sword in her throat : lamb in her hand . . . * . lY. ElmJiain — roodscreen. Sword in her hand : lamb on a book Taverham — font. Lamb on a book . . . Lib. Cronicarum. Lamb led by a cord . . . Tableau de la Croix. Lamb on a book : short cross . Ranworth, N. Parclose. Sword in her throat : lamb leaping up to her .... Westhall — roodscreen. Eye — roodscreen. Seated : lamb at her feet : dove bringing a ring . . . Cawston — mural painting. Sword and flames at her feet . Rome, — Ch. of St. Agnes outdde the walls. Lamb and palm . . ,11 Giottino. Dagger and palm . . . Vienna Gal. P. Veronese. On a pile of wood . . . Ikonographie. An angel covering her with a gar- ment .... Gillingham Ch. Window. Angels covering her with their hair Die Attribute. Lamb at her feet. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 5 St. Agnes of Monte Pul- CIANO, V. 1317 In an open tomb : sick praying round it , . . . Callot. St. Aidan, B. C. 651 Giving his horse to a poor man : calming a storm, and extinguish- ing fire, by his prayers . . Icones Sanctorum. Stag crouching at his feet. St. Alban, Protomartyr of England, 303 Tall cross, clerical cap and sword St, Albans — Brass of Abbot Delamere, Sword in his hand . . . Arbor Pastoralis Executioner's eyes dropping out F, Porter s Lives of Saints, Spreading his cloak : sun radiant above him. St. Alban, B. M. 7th cent. Carrying his head cut off . . Der Heyligen Leben, St. Albert of Sienna, Hermit, 1180 Holding a hare in his arms . Ikonographie. Stilling a storm by his prayers . Do, St. Albert of Ogna, C. 1190 Cutting through a stone with a scythe .... Die Attribute. Dove bringing him the Blessed Sacrament .... IJconographie, 6 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Albert of Vercelli, B. C. 1200 Knife in Lis hand . . . Die Attribute, St. Albert of Sicily, Car- Devil driven away from him, as a female, but with horns, and fish's tail ..... Callot. St. Alcmund, M. Abt. 819 Crown and sword. St. Aldegondes, V. 673 Flying from her parents' house . Callot, Angel appearing to her . . Ikonographie, Walking on the water . . Die Attribute. The Holy Ghost giving her a nun's veil ..... Do. St. Aleidis, Alice, or Aliz, Standing behind her son, St. Bernard Cossey Hall Chapel^ win- dow North Side, St. Alexander, M. 3rd cent. Trampling on a Pagan altar, before the Emperor . . . Die Attribute, Trampling on an idol . . Icones Sanctorum, SS. Alexander and Epima- melite. Book and lily 1306 Liessies, Hainault — Ch, of the Benedictins, 1110 cHus, MM. Burnt to death 250 Icones Sanctorum, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 7 St. Alexander Carbonarius, B. M. 3rd cent. St. Gregory Thanmaturgus present- ing a mitre and crosier to a collier, or charcoal-burner Callot. Die Attribute, As a collier, or charcoal-burner . St. Alexius, C. 5tli cent. Stairs held in his arms . . Liber Cronicarum, Lying under a staircase . . Arbor Pastoraliso Pilgrim asleep under a staircase : servant throwing dirty water upon him ..... Der Heyligen Leben, Found dead under a staircase . Callot, Dying near a staircase . , Ikonographie. St. Alo, see Eliguis. St. Aloysius Gonzaga, C. 1591 Crucifix, lily and discipline . Die Attribute, St. Amadeus, C. Prince receiving gloves from the B. Virgin Mary . . . Ikonographie, St, Amandus, B. C. 675 Carrying a church : dragon holding the lower end of his crosier . De Levens de Heylige, St. Amatus, Ab. Abt. 627 Throwing money into a river . Callot, St. Ambrose, B. C. D. 397 Holding a scourge . . . Tableau de la Croix, Milan — Ambros^ Ba- silic, 8 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. Venice Acad, Ant, Viva- rini, Milanese Coins. M,S, Hours, Arbor Pastoralis, Ikonographie, Callot, St. Anastasia, V. M. 290 Burning at a stake, or on a funeral pile . . • . . Catalogus Sanctorum, St. Anastasius, M. 628 Dragged at the tails of vdld horses Rome — Ch, of SS, Vin- cent and Anastasius — Fresco. Pierced with arrows on a gibbet . Do, An axe ..... Ikonographie. St. Anatolia, V. M. 240 Delivering a man from a dragon Calloi. Breathing on the face of a possessed man ..... Icones Sanctorum, Torches and serpents . . Die Attribute, St. Anatolius, B. C. Globes and arithmetical books . Icones SSm, St. Andeolus, see Andreolus. SS. Andochius & Thyrus, MM. Hung over a fire . . . Callot, St. Ambrose (continued). Holding a scourge • A bee hive SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 9 St. Andreolus, or Andeolus, M. 275 A club in his hand . . . Arbor Pastoralis. St. Andrew, Ap. 64 Cross saltire X — leaning upon it Worstead- — roodscreen. Ranworth — Do. Lessingham — Do. Do. held in his hand Tunstead — Do. Stalham — -font, Blofield — roodscreen. Nailed to a frame like the letter V Rome ;S'^ PauVs — Bronze gate, St. Andrew of Crete, M. 761 Seized while painting pious pictures Icones Sanctorum, Angels— The Nine Choirs of. Angels : Bearing a spear : two children look- ing up, as to their guardian . Barton Turf — roodscreen. In an alb of cloth of gold, with a green stole crossed : holding child- ren in a white cloth . . Southwold — roodscreen. Archangels : Standing in a citadel, bearing a sceptre, and resting on a sword Barton Turf — roodscreen. Sword and scales . . . Southwold — roodscreen. Cherubim : Hands lifted in adoration . . Barton Turf — roodscreen. Standing on a wheel : hands folded on breast .... Southwold — Do. Seraphim : Thurible .... Barton Turf — roodscreen. 10 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. Seraphim (continued). Standing on a wheel, — face and hands red, the rest gold ; — scroll in left hand inscribed: Sous, Scvs, Scvs ..... Southwold — Do. Thrones : Throne and golden scales . . Barton Turf — roodscreen. Tower in his hands : belt of squares, all of gold .... Southwold — roodscreen. Dominations : Triple crown and chasuble . Barton Turf — roodscreen. Chalice and sacred Host in right hand : globe and cross in left : church under his feet . . Southwold — Do. Principalities : Crowned : bearing palm-branch Barton Turf — roodscreen. Standing in a citadel : sceptre . Southwold — Do. Powers : Chaining and scourging devils . Barton Turf — roodscreen. Holding devil in a chain ; scourging and trampling upon him . Southwold — Do. Virtues : In green armour of plates or scales Barton Turf — roodscreen. Crown in right, censer in left . Southwold — Do. St. Angelus, M. 1225 Lilies and roses falling from his mouth . , . . Ikonographie. St. Angradesma, Angadresma, or Andragasyna, V. 698 Marks of small pox on her face Fies des Saints — A Lijon 1783. Catalogus Sanctorum. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 11 St. Ann, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Teaching our Blessed Lady to read Houghton le Bale — rood- screen, Taverham — Jont. Callot. Tableau de la Croix Standing behind our B. Lady and Infant Jesus . . . Cossey Hall Chapel — window. Triple crown in left hand ; book in right M.S. Hours, Infant Jesus on her arm : B. V. Mary before her .... Primer — 1516. B. V. Mary on her knee : Infant Jesus on the knee of the B. Virgin .... M,S, Hours, Standing, holding out her mantle : the B. V. with Infant Jesus in front HorcE B, M, V. 1508— Simon Vostre, Meeting St. Joachim at the golden gate of Jerusalem . . Missale Sarish, 1534:. M,S, Hours. St. Ansanus, M. 4th cent. Palm with a cluster of dates : stan- dard of cross . . • Flor, Gall. Sim, Memmi, St. Anscharius, B. C. 865 Converted Danes near him Wearing a fur pellisse Ikonographie, Die Attribute. 12 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Anselm, B. C. D. 1109 B. V. Mary with Infant Jesus, ap- pearing to him . . . Lives of Saints hy F. Exorcising a monk Porter. Die Attribute, Callot. St. Ansovinus, B. C. A barn near him 840 Bie Attribute St. Anthony, Abbot, C. 251 Staff like the letter T . . Cimabue. Staff and bell in his hand . . Wilhelm, Staff : pig with bell hung about its neck ..... Westhall — roodscreen. Walking on fire : a pig on each side M,S, Hours, Pig by his side, or at his feet . Norbury Ch, — window. Arbor Fastoralis, Staff with bell and book hung to it, and pig by his side . . LeucJitenberg Galv Ca- rotto. Bell in his hand . , . Sjparham — window. Cross T on his cloak : pig by his side . . • . . Tableau de la Croix. Torch or firebrand, and bell . Israel v. AlecJcemem. Staff with two bells . . . Turin Gall. — Gaud. Fer- rari. Flames under his feet . . Heures d^Anne de Bre- tagne. Devil at his feet. Devil in the form of a goat. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 13 St. Anthony of Padua, C. 1231 On a book in his left, the Holy Infant Jesus standing: crucifix in his right ..... Tableau de la Croix, Kneeling : Infant Jesus in his arms Alton Towers — Alonzo Cano, Lily and book . . . , Padua — Eremitani ChapeL Eaising a child to life . . Certosa, near Pavia, Ass kneeling ; the saint holding up the B. Sacrament . . . Callot, Preaching to fishes . . . Callot, Vanquishing the devil . . Ber Heyligen Lehen. In Franciscan habit only . . Old Italian Pictures, Lily in right hand, holding one foot of the Holy Infant Jesus standing on a cloud, who embraces him . Old Picture (private possession, J St. Antonia, Y. M. 300 Barrel near her . . . J hono graphic. Shut up in a barrel . . . Die Attribute, St. Antoninus of Toulouse, C. Fountain obtained by his prayers Die Attribute, St. Antoninus of Sorento, C. 830 Standard — Wall of a city . • . Ihonographie, St. Antoninus of Florence, Bp. Conf. 1459 Dominican friar : mitre near him Ihonographie, Drifting down a river in a boat. 14 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St, Anzano, M. 15th Cent. Carrying a heart and liver . . Die Attribute* St. Apelles, Hermit Locksmith's tools about him . Ikonographie. St. Aper, B. C. 5th Cent Delivering possessed persons . Callot, St. Apollinaris, B. M. 79 A club ..... Ikonographie, Beaten by the devil with a club Der Heyligen Lehen. Standing or sitting upon hot coals Die Attribute. Preaching to sheep . . . Ravenna — mosaic in his church, St. Apollinaris Sidonius, B. C. 482 Writing religious poems . . Icones Sanctorum, St. A.POLLONIA, V. M. 249 Holding a tooth in pincers . Ludham — roodscreen. Westhall—Bo. Barton Turf — Do. Lessingham — Do, Tableau de la Croix, Arbor Pastoralis, Her teeth pulled out . . Callot, Pincers, without a tooth . . Bologna — Vitalis. II Giottino, Tied to a pillar, and scourged . Hor^E B, M, T.— 1508. St. Apollonius, M. 300 Funeral pile .... Ikonographie. Drowned in the sea . . . Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 15 SS. Aquila and Prisca, or Priscilla, mm. Making tents .... Shoemaker's tools; each holding a sword , . . « Ikonographie, C allot. St. Aquilinus, B. C. A Wind bishop giving alms Icones Sanctorum. St. Aquiline s, M. 1220 Sword in his neck . . . Bie Attribute. St. Are, B. C. Lying down in a boat. St. Ariadne, V. Hiding in a rock from her pursuers Ikonographie. St, Aristion, M. Burnt on a funeral pile • • Die Attribute, St. Arnold, C. 9th cent. Fish with a ring in its mouth . Ikonographie. St. Arnulphus, B. C. 1087 • Wolf going before him into a town Icones Sanctorum. Fraying in a cave . . . Callot. St. Artemius, M. 330 Heathen temple in flames . Die Heiligenbilder. St. Arcadius, M. Lighted taper . Club and sword 260 Ikonographie. Bie Attribute. 16 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. ss. ascylus or ocysellus and Victoria, M.M. Crowned with roses , . Christliche Kunstsym- bolik. Catalogus Sanctorum, St. Athala, V. Corpse with one hand cut oiF . Die Attribute. St. Athanasia, W. Abbess 850 Weaving at a loom : star over her Callot. Star on her breast . . . Die Heiligenhilder. St. Athanasius, B. C. D. 372 As a Greek archbishop with the pal- lium, standingbetween two columns: open book in his hand . Ancient painting at Alex- andria^ engraved in his works, Paris f 1627. St. Atheogenes, M. Executioner's hand paralyzed, on attempting to scourge him . Icones Sanctorum, St. Attalus, M. 177 Burnt on a red hot stool . ChristL Kunstsymholik, St. Audry, see Etheldreda. .St. Augusta, J, M. Abt. 300 On a funeral pile, holding a sword Die Attribute. St. Augustin, B. C. D. 430 Holding an inflamed heart . Tableau de la Croix, An arrow, or two arrows crosswise, in a heart .... Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 17 St. Augustin (continued). An eagle .... Die Heiligenhilder, Child with spoon on the sea shore National Gah Garofalo, Louvre— Murillo, Child before him, with a shell . Callot, Do. a spoon . Primer — 1516. St. Augustin of England, B. C. 604 Baptizing Ethelbert, King of Kent Lives of Saints, hy F, ' Porter, St. Aurea, Y. Thrown into the sea with a mill- stone hung about her neck . Callot, St. Auxentius, B. C. Eefusing to sacrifice to Bacchus Icones Sanctorum, St, Aventinus, C. 540 Extracting a thorn from a bear's foot Ikonographie. St. Avoice, see Hedwiges. St. BalbinAj V. 130 Chain in her hand, or fetters near her Christl, Kunstsymholih, Painting in Ch, at Rome, St. Baldomer, see Galmier. St. Barbara, Y. M. Abt. 306 Carrying a tower , , , N, Walsham — roodscreen. Barton Turf — roodscreen. Filby — roodscreen . Tower by her side . . . Yaxley — roodscreen. Tableau de la Croix. B 2 18 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Barbara (continued). Tower and palm . . . Eanworth, — N, parclose, Babur— window— NaveN, Tower and chalice . . . Urach — Ch,of St, Amand Tower building ; seated ; book and palm ..... Haarlem — Van Eyck, Chalice with Sacred Host . . Liber Cronicarum. Tower with chalice and S, Host in doorway .... Sienna — Ch, of St, Dominic. Heures par J, Quentin. 1522. At the entrance of a tower, holding chalice with Sacred Host . Munich GaL — Holbein, Carrying a long feather . . Munich Gal, MichLCoxis, Carrying a long feather : tower behind her ..... Quentin Metsys, Spear and palm . . . Vienna Gal, F, Paolo da Fistoja, Cannon at her feet . . . Venice — Ch, of Sa, Maria Formosa, Falma Vecchio, SS. Barlaam and Josaphat MM. 3rd Cent. Praying in a cave . . . C allot. St. Barnabas, Ap. Holding St. Matthew's Gospel . Bonifazio, Stoned Callot. Pressing a stone to his breast . Tableau de la Croix, Burnt to death . . . Der Heyligen Leben. Open book and staff . . Exeter Cathedral — Statue. Three stones. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 19 St. Bartholomew, Ap. Flaying knife in his hand . . Tunstead — roodscreeii. Ranworth — Do . Wot stead — Do, Worstead — screen N, Aisle, St. Alhan's — Brass of Delamere, Tableau de la Croix. Knife and book . . . Blofield — roodscreen, N, Tuddenham — window, Giotto, Healing a Princess of Armenia . Paris — Notre Bame. St. Basil THE Great, B.C.D. 379 Dove perched on his arm : a hand reaching him a pen . . Callot, Before a fire • . . . Die Attribute, St. Basil of Ancyra, M. 362 Torn by a lioness . . . Christl, Kunstsymbolik, Lioness by his side . . . Ikonographie, SS. Basilissa and Anastasia, MM. 1st cent. Burying the martyrs . . Callot, St. Bavo, Anchoret 630 Presenting himself to St. Amand, who is distiibuting alms . National Gal. — Rubens, Sword and sceptre : hooded hawk near him , , . . De Lev ens der Heylige, Living in a hollow tree . . Die Attribute. Carrying a great stone in his arm Ihonographie, A small waggon . , . ChristlicheKunstsymbolik, 20 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Beatrix, Y. M, 303 Cords in left hand ; candle in right M.S, Hours, Strangled with a rope . . Callot, A rope in her hand . . . Ikonogra'phie, St. Benedict, Abbot 543 A devil howling on each side of him : piercing one of them with his crosier .... Burlingham St, Andrew roodscreen. Cup on a book . . . Arbor Pastoralis, Cup breaking : liquor spilt . Die Attribute, Cup with serpents, on a book . Lib, Cronicaruw, Eaven at his feet : cross in his hand Tableau de la Croix, Eaven with loaf in his bill . Ikonograjphie, Eolling in thorns . . . Catalogus Sanctorum, Stick in his hand, raven upon it Gouda Ch, — window. Thorns near him . . . Die Heiligenbilder, In a cave : food let down to him by a monk .... Die Attribute, A pitcher .... Christl, Kunstsymbolik . Ball of fire .... Die Attribute, St. Benignus, M. 169 Idol before him, broken and falling Callot, Holding a key . . . Coins of his Abbey — Piedmont, A dog by his side . . . Ikonographie. Two crossed spears. Cross saltire in the background. St. Benignus of Eome, M. In armour, holding a banner, on horseback .... Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 21 St. Benjamin, M. 424 Reeds thrust under his nails, and a knotted stake through his bowels Callot. St. Benno, B. C. 1106 Two keys, fish hanging to them, sup- ported by an angel . . Bavaria Pia. Fish on a book, and two keys . Bilder Legende, Fish, with church key in its mouth Die Attribute, Fish, key tied round its neck. St. Bernard, Ab. D. 1153 Bearinpj instruments of our Saviour's passion .... Arlor Pastoralis, B. V. Mary with Infant Jesus ap- pearing to him . . , Der Heyligen Lehen, White dog at his feet . . Cossey Hall Chapel — window. White dog with red back . . Die Attribute, B. V. M, with Infant Jesus, appear- ing to him, and giving him milk from her breast . . . Primer 1516. A beehive (as the mellifluous doctor) Ikonographie, Writing : angel holding his crosier Engraving — A Mochetti. St. Bernard of Menthon, C. 1008 Binding an evil spirit. St. Bernard of Tironio, C. 1117 Turner's lathe and tools . . Ikonographie, A wolf bringing him a strayed sheep or calf . . • . Die Attribute, 22 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Bernardinus, C. Monogram I H S surrounded of glory in his hand The same — above him B. V. Mary appearing to him, the gate of a prison 1444 ' rays P. Laurati, GoldenL egende — Caxton . Catalogus Sanctorum. Lib, Cronicarum. M.S. Hours, over Callot. St. Bernward, B. C. 1021 Short cross in his hand . • Die Attribute. Hammer — making a chalice . Do. St. Bartold, Abbot Fishes coming to him Angel holding a fish on a plate Carrying fish and bread . St. Bertulph, Abbot Changing water into wine . Eagle sheltering him from rain A ship or barge in his hand St. Bibiana, V. M. Dagger and palm Branch of a tree in her hand 1130 Bavaria Pia. Acta Sanctorum. Die Attribute. 710 Ikonographie. Christl. Kunstsymbolik. Die Attribute. 363 Rome- — in her Church. Ikonographie. St. Birinus, B. C. Abt. 650 Walking on the sea, carrying B. Sacrament .... Callot. Giving sight to the blind . . Icones Sanctorum. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 23 St. Blandina, V. M. 177 Tied to a pillar ; lion and bear near her ..... Callot, An ox near her . . . Die Attribute. St. Blase, B. M. 304 Crosier and book . . . Aylsham — private pos- session : formerly on the roodscreen of St, James', Norwich, As a Bishop only, with mitre and crosier .... Hempstead — roodscreen. Woolcomb in his hand • . Coins of Ragusa. Simon Memmi. Two woolcards by his side . Arbor Pastoralis. Burning torch or taper in his hand Lib. Cronicarum. Primer, 1516. Torn with iron combs . . Catalogus Sanctorum. Chorister holding a taper by him Die Attribute. Commanding, or healing wild beasts Callot. A pig's head near him . . Do. A bird bringing him food . . Do. St. Blida — (Mother of St. Walstan) Crowned, holding a book and palm Aylsham— private pos- session : formerly on the roodscreen of St. Ja7ne§\ Norwich. A female with apparently the name of St. Blida. . . N. Tuddenham — Chan- cel — N. E. wiiidow. 24 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Bona, V. 1207 Short cross, double barred, in her hands joined Die Attribute, St. Bonaventure, B. C. D. 1274 Keceiving the H. Eucharist from an angel .... Callot, St. Boniface, M. Eeeds thrust under his nails 307 Callot, St. Boniface, B. M. Book pierced with a sword 755 Coins of the Abbey of Fulda, Arbor Pastor alis. Lives of SS, by F. Porter. Beaten to death with a club . Der Heyligen Leben, A scourge . . . . T>ie Attribute, Sword upon a book : striking the ground with his archiepiscopal cross, and water springing up De Levens der Heylige. A bishop felling an oak. St. Botolph, Ab. 655 Church or monastery in his hand Nevjcourt — Repertorium Vol, l,p. 306. St. Brice, B. C. 444 Carrying burning coals in his vest- ment : infant on the ground near him ..... Callot, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 25 St. Brice (continued). Carrying burning coals in his cope ; archiepiscopal cross in his hand Langley Hall^ Norfolk — window. Infant in his arms. Burning coals in his hand. St. Bridget of Sweden, Wid. 1373 Cross, cap, and wallet . . Lib, Cronicarum, Pilgrim's staff and bottle . . Arbor Pastoralis. Crowned, crosier, book and chain in her hand .... Westhall — roodscreen. Taper dropping wax upon her arm Die Attribute, Callot, Holding a heart marked with a cross Iltonographie, Our B. Saviour appearing to her, with the instruments of his passion Primer^ 1516. Bed Jerusalem crucifix in her hand Die Attribute, Kneeling before a crucifix, and devil flying off . . . . Callot, Crowned figure, appearing to her. St. Bridget, or Bride, of Kil- DARE, Abbess ' 523 Flame over her head . . Ikonographie, A barn near her . . . Die Attribute, St. Brieruc, or Briocus, B. C. Abt. 502 Fiery pillar above him . . Christl. Kunstsymbolik, St. Bruno, C. 1101 Crucifix, with leaves and flowers at the ends .... Tableau de la Croix, c 26 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Bruno (continued). Star on his breast, crucifix in his hand, globe under his feet . Die Attribute, St. Burkhard, B. C, 753 Sacred Host in his hand . . Ihonograjphie, St. CiESARius, B. C. 542 Hid in a cave : angels extinguishing the flames of a burning city . Icones Sanctorum, Met by people with tapers . Callot. St. Cajetan, C. 1547 Bearing a lily in his hand . . IJconographie, St. Calistratus, M. Supported on two dolphins in the sea Callot, St. Calliopa, V. M. Hot iron applied to her breast . C allot. St. Callixtus, P. M 222 Thrown into a well . . . C allot. Springs of water near him . Die Attribute, Millstone tied to his neck . . Ikonographie, St. Candida, Y. M. Scourged at a stake . • . Callot. St. Canute, K. M. 1086 Dagger, lance, or arrow . . Ikonograjphie. Lying or kneeling before an altar. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 27 St. Caradoc, Hermit. 1124 In chain mail, church in one hand, spear in the other : coronet over his hood of mail . . . Oxford Ashm^- Mus^* Dugdale, G. II. 11. St. Caraunus, or Cheron, M. End of 5th Cent. Carrying his head • . o Chartres Cathed^- Win- dow. St. Carpophorus, M. 304 His body guarded by wolves . Catlot, St. Casilda, V. 1126 E-oses in her lap (Bread changed into them) .... Ikonographie. St. Casimir, C. 1483 Crowned : holding a lily . . Pitti GaL Carlo Dolci. St. Cassian, M. 3rd Cent. Stabbed by his own scholars . Bavaria Pia, St. Castor, C. 4th Cent. Saving a sinking ship • . Ikonographie. St. Castorius, M. Sculptor at work upon a statue Callot, St. Catherine, V. M. 290 Wheel set with spikes . » N, Walsham—roodscreen, Wheel and sword ^ . , N, Walsham—sidescreen. WestJiall — roodscreen, Lessingham — roodscreen, Bahur — Nave S .window. 28 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Catherine (continued). Wheel held by Maximin, the saint trampling upon him . . Westminster — Hen, VI L Chapel window. West WicJcham — window. Wheel — sword point entering it • Burlingham St, Andrew — roodscreen. Wheel — saint kneeling on it, crowned Vienna Gall/- F, Paolo da Pistoja, Wheel — double, with spikes, — two men under it : angel breaking it with hammer . . • M,S, Hours. Wheels broken about her . . Catfield — fresco. Sword in her hand . • . Stratton Strawless — win- dow. Sword and book . . . Filhy roodscreen. Espoused to our B. Saviour . Grosvenor Galv- Pere- gino. Carried by angels to Mt. Sinai . Milan — Brera — Fresco hy Lucini. C allot. Lamb and palm . . . Turin Gain- Guido. Hail striking down her torturers Die Attribute. St. Catherine of Sienna, V. 1380 Crowned with thorns : cross in her hand . . . . » Arhor Pastor alis. Crowned with thorns : crucifix, in- flamed heart . . . Andre, Crucifix upon a heart . . Lib. Cronicarum. Espoused to our B. Saviour, appearing as an infant . . , Pitti Galv- Fra Barto- lomeo. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 29 St. Catherine of Sienna (continued). Espoused to our Saviour, as a man Pitti GaPj' P, Veronese. Holding an inflamed heart • . Buff'almacco, Lily at her feet : rays from stigma in her hand . . . Vienna Galv- F, Paolo da Pistoja. Dove upon her head . . Catalogus Sanctorum, Stigmas : lily and hook . . Sienna, Ch, of St» Dom- inic^ Fresco hy Razzi, Eing in her hand . . . Ikonogra^hie, Eeceiving the sacred stigmas. Crucifix and lily. St. Catherine of Sweden, V. 1381 Dressing a poor man's wounds . Callot, A hind at her side . . . Die Attribute. St. Catherine of Bologna, V. 1463 Carrying the Holy Infant Jesus . Ikonographie. St. Cecily, Y. M. 220 Crown and wreath of flowers, and a palm Filby — roodscreen. Wreath of roses in left hand, sword in right, and wreath of roses on her head ..... Gillingham Ch. — window. Green wreath and a palm . . Burlingham St. And'^^'- — roodscreen. Wreath of red roses on her head, and tall sprig of almond leaves and flowers in her hand . , Trimmingham — 7'ood- screen. c 2 30 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Cecily (continued). Wreatli on her head and in her hand of white roses and lilies . N, Elmham — roodscreen. Sprig of white flowers in her hand Denton Church Chest, Organ pipes in her hand . . Bologna Gallv- Raphael. Arbor Pastoralis Tableau de la Croix, Eeposing in her tomb . . Rome — in her church. Boiled in a cauldron . . Catalogus Sanctorum. Seated, palm and book . • Florence Gallv- Cimabue, Violin . . ♦ . . Campidoglio — N, Con- soni. Appearing to Pope Pascal I. . Ancient Fresco, given by Cimpini, Harp. Three wounds in her neck. St. Chamael, Angel Staff and cup .... Die Attribute, St. Charitina, Y. M. 290 Angel extinguishing a funeral pile Die Attribute. Pair of tongs .... Christl, Kunstsymbolih, St. Charles, B. C. 1584 Communicating the sick, during the plague .... Louvre. Bologna Gallery, Kneeling before an altar : rope round his neck , . . \ Le Brun, St. Cheron, see Caraunus. St. Christiana, V. 4th Cent. Captive converting a king. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 31 St. Christina, V. M. Abt. 300 Pierced by three arrows . Millstone hung about her neck , Her hand resting on a millstone Millstone by her side : two arrows in her hand Holding a millstone Man shooting an arrow at her In prison, breaking idols Holding a serpent . A knife . A pair of tongs Arrow and sceptre . N. Elmham — roodscreen, Venice— Vincenzio Catena, Munich — JohannShoreel, Lucas V, Leyden* Quintin Metsys, Callot. Der Heyligen Leben, Icones Sanctorum, Tableau de la Croix, Ikonoyraphie. Die Attribute, Eye — roodscreen. St. Christopher, M. Abt. 250 Giant wading through a river, bear- ing the Holy Infant Jesus on his shoulder .... Ditto— but the H. Infant with three heads .... Ditto — also hermit with lantern. Cossey Hall Chapel, win- dow : and frescoes in many churches. Sedgford Church, St. Chrysanthus, M. 250 Stoned ..... Callot, Pit near him with mud . . Ihonographie, Axe and torch . . . Die Attribute, St. Clare, Abbess 1253 Chaplet of flowers in her hand ; lilies on her head • , , N, Elmham— roodscreen. 32 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Clare (continued). Eemonstrance in her hand . Trimmingham — rood- screen. Arbor Fastoralis. Tableau de la Croix, Lily in her hand . . . Margheritoni d'Arezzio. Puccio Capanna. Tall cross fixed in a turban on the ground ; and trampling on a scimitar .... French engraving. St. Clare of Monte Falco, Y. 1308 Three balls in her right hand ; in- struments of the Passion on her heart ; lily in her left . . Acta Sanctorum. Three balls in left hand : instru- ments of the Passion on her breast : crosier in right . Callot, St. Claude, B. C. 696 Putting off his episcopal vestments, as resigning his bishopric . Callot. Blessing a boy who kneels before him ..... Tableau de la Croix, Bowel wound round a windlass . Heures a V usage de Meausx — Jehan de Brie, 1521.* St. Clement, P. M. 100 Mitre, triple cross, anchor in his hand ..... Westhall — roodscreen. * Probably a mistake of the printer, as this emblem belongs to St. Erasmus : but it occurs again and again in the book, and always vvitli the name of St. Claude. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 33 St. Clement (continued). Tiara, triple cross, anchor at his feet • , . . . Denton Church Chest : formerly on the rood- screen. Double cross .... Houghton le Dale — rood- screen. Floating, with anchor to his neck C allot. Leaning on an anchor . . Cossey Hall Chapel — window. Fountain obtained by his prayers Die Attribute St. Clodoaldus, or Cloud, B.C. 560 Benedictin monk, with royal insignia Die Heiligenhilder. St. Cointha, V. M. 249 Dragged by her feet, and stoned ChristL Kunstsymbolik, St. Colman, M. 1012 Hung on a gibbet . . . Bavaria Pia, Pilgrim, with a rope in his hand Die Attribute St. Columba, V. M. 273 In chains .... C allot. Bearing a crucifix . . . Tableau de la Croix On a funeral pile ; angel appearing, and a cloud quenching the flames Die Attribute, A fire ..... Do, St. Columban, Abbot 615 Taming a wild beast . . Icones Sanctorum, In a bear's den ; fountain near him Die Attribute, Sunbeams over his head . , Die Heiligenbilder. Kneeling among wolves. 34 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Gomgall, Abbot 601 Eed hot stone in his hand . Ihono graphic. Angel bringing him a fish • Die Attribute. St. Concordia, Y. M. 252 Scourged at a stake with leaden scorpions .... Callot, St. Conon, M. Abt. 275 Drawing a chariot with horses . Callot, St. Conrad, B. C. 976 Chalice with spider over It . Lih» Cronicarum, Giving the Asperges, attended by- angels . . . . Bavaria Pia, Casting out devils . . • Callot, St. Conrad OF Placenza, C. 1351 Small birds fluttering about him Ikonographie, St. Corbinian, B. C. 730 Bear forced by him to carry his baggage, for having devoured his sumpter mule . . . Bilder Legende, Ikonograpliie, St. Cornelia, V. M. Dove flying to her . . . Tableau de la Croix, St. Cornelius, P.M. 250 Horn of unction and tall cross . Wilhelm. Horn and triple cross . . Cosseg Hall Chapel^ window, M.S. Hours. Holding a sword . . . Ikonographie. Horn mounted on a stand, with foot. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 35 St. Corona, M. 2nd Cent. Hands and feet fastened to four trees Callot. Torn asunder between two trees IJconographie, St. Coronatus, M. Lance in his hand , . . Christl, Kunstsymbolih, SS. CosMAs AND Damian, MM. 290 Holding vases and darts . . Callot, In the Eoman toga : one holding an ointment pot . . . Rome — aS'. Lorenzo^ statues. Hung on a beam, and torn with hooks .... Der Heyligen Lehen, With medical apparatus, or surgical instruments in their hands , Iko7iographie, Eod of Esculapius . . . Die Attribute, St. Crescentius, C. 396 Sick about him . . , Ikonographie, SS, Crispin and Crispinian, MM. 280 Two shoemakers at work . , Callot. Strips cut from a hide . , Die Attribute. Shoemakers' tools near them . Ikonographie. St. Cunegundes, Empress, 1040 Walking over hot ploughshares . Callot, Holding in her hand two plough- shares . . , . Bilder Legende. Holding the same lily with St. Henry .... Pitti Gaily- Mancini. Holding model of a church . Die Attribute, 36 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Cunibert, B. C. A dove at his ear at mass 663 Die Heiligenhilder, St. Cuthbert, B. C. Bearing the head of St. Oswald 687 Durham CathedL — old statue, M,S. Life of St. Cuth- bert, in possession of Sir JVm. Lawson,Bart, Devils disturbing him at his prayers Lives of Saints by F, Porter, Pillars of light above him . Swans by his side Otters serving him • St. Cyprian, M. Burning his books of magic Gridiron and sword . Die Attribute. Lhonographie. Christl. Kunstsymbolih. 304 Callot. Die Attribute. St. Cyr, or Quiricus, M. 304 Dashed against the steps of the judge's tribunal by the judge him- self ..... Callot. Der Lleyligen Leben. Mounted on a wild boar. St. Cyriacus, M. 284 Tied to a stake ; hot pitch poured on his head • • • • Callot. Der Heyligen Leben. Collecting money in a dish for poor pilgrims .... Liessies — church of the Benedictines. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Cyriacus (continued). Dragon, or devil under Mm, or chained near him . » . Die Attribute, Crown near a girl, freed by him from the devil . . . Do. St. Cyril of Alexandria, B. C. 444 The Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to him .... Callot, St. Cyril, B. C. 820 Bulgarian converts about him . Ilconographie, St. Cyril, C. 1224 Angel handing him two silver tablets out of a cloud . . . Die Attribute, St. David, B. C. Abt. 544 Preaching on a hill : dove on his shoulder .... Callot, St. Davinus, C. 1051 Bearing a cross on his shoulder Ihonograjphie, Vine growing on his grave . Die Attribute, St. Demetrius, M. 290 Holding a lance and arrow . Ikonographie, Devil appearing to him in prison, as a scorpion . • . Icones Sanctorum. St. Demetrius of Spoleto, C. Golden rays round his head . Die Attribute. St. Denis, see Dionysius. 38 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Deocharus, Abbot. Tomb opened, and exhaling a sweet odour .... Bavaria Pia, St. Deodatus, B. C. 679 Healing a woman possessed . Ihonographie, Keaching his hand towards thunder clouds .... Die Jttrihute, St. Desiderius of Vienne, B. M. 612 Strangled .... Callot, Eope in his hand . . . Ikonographie, St. Didacus, C. 1463 A cross in his hand , » . Die Attribute^ St. Didymus, M. Crucified and flesh torn . . Ihonographie. Treading on serpents . . Die Attribute, St. Dionysius, or Denis, B. M. 272 Carrying his head mitred in his hands .... Arbor Pastor alis. Tableau de la Croix, Carrying a head hare and tonsured, his own head on, and wearing a mitre .... Hempstead Cli. formerly on roodscreen. Head hare, carrying another head hare ..... Bristol, St, Mark's — E, window. Carrying his head mitred, on a hook Esslingen—Ch.ofSt,Cath, Primer 1516. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 39 St. Dioscorus, M. Burning torches applied to his sides Callot, St. Dismas, the good thief. A tall cross by his side . . Die Attribute, St. Dominic, C. 1221 Lily in his hand : star over his head Pitti GalV' B, Angelico, Lily in his hand : star on his head " Alexis Baldovinetti, Lily in his hand : star on his breast Sienna — Public GalV* Lily in his hand : star on his fore- head ..... Vienna Galv- D. Feti. Rosaries in his hand : star on his forehead .... Vienna Galv- Caravaggio, Lily in his hand : dog firing a globe with a torch . . . Tableau de la Croix, Black and white dog firing a globe, &c. ..... Arbor Pastoralis, A sparrow near him . . Ikonographie. Lily in one hand : monastery in the other .... Missale Prcedicatorum — Venice, 1504. Lily and book . . . Buffalmacco, Kneeling before B. V. M. who is attended by two virgins . Der Heyligen Leben, Sword in his hand : books burning. St. Dominic Loricatus, C. 1060 Scourging himself in the cold : his coat of mail lying on the ground Solitudo, St. Donatian, B. M. 118 Sword and lance , , , Ikonogra'phie, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Donatilla, M. Burnt on a gridiron . . . CalloU St, Donatus, B. M. 350 Holding a sword . * . Ihonographie. Wheel set round with lights . Christl. Kunstsymbolih. Tree struck by lightning behind him Bie Attribute. Freeing a poisoned well from a dragon Der Heyligen Leben. Eeading in a cave . . . Callot, On horseback, raising his crosier at a dragon, or monster. St. Donatus, B. C. 9th Cent. Irish wolf dog at his feet . . Fiesoli — Cathedral — picture over his altar. St. Dorotheus of Tyre, B. M. 3rd Cent. Beaten to death with a club . Vatican Lib. Illumination from an old Greek Menology. A scourge in his hand . . Ikonographie, St. Dorothy, V. M. 3rd Cent. Fruit and flowers . . . N. Elmham — roodscreen. Basket of fruit : angel bringing her fruit ..... Darmstadt Galv- Carlo Dolce, Tableau de la Croix. Basket of flowers : bunch in her hand Westhall — roodscreen. Basket of fruit, and a book . Yaxley — roodscreen. Roses in her lap, bouquet of roses in her hand .... Siena — Old picture. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 41 St. Dorothy (continued). Tall bunch of flowers • . Trimmingham—rood- screen. Basket of fruit and a palm , Walpole St, Peter's— roodscreen» A child in purple barefoot, bringing her in a basket three apples and three roses . . . Primer 1516 Tied to a stake, burning torch applied to her side . . Callot, St. Drugo, or Druon, Eecluse 1186 Keeping sheep . . , Die Attribute, St. Dubritius, B. C. 6th Cent. Holding in his left hand two crosiers and an archiepiscopal cross . Oxford Ash^* Mus^- Dugdale G.ILfoL 15« St. Dunstan. B. C. 988 Seizing the devil with pincers . Gt, Plumstead^ formerly on the roodscreen. Kneeling at the feet of our Saviour Painted by himself ; See Gervas, Act, Pontif, Cantuar, inHist,Angl. Script, X. 1. Col. 1647. Dove hovering near him . . B, Museum — A Saxon hLS. Claudius, A, 111, Troop of angels before him . Ikonographie. Voice from a crucifix . . Lives of SS, by F. Porter, Playing on a harp. D 2 42 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Dympna, V. M, 7th Cent. Beheaded hy the king her father Callot, Sword in her hand . . . Ikonographie. Leading the devil bound . . Die Attribute. Kneeling at Mass : her father murder- ing the priest . . . Solitudo. St. Eanswede, V. Abbess 7th Cent. Two fishes on a half hoop , Folkestone — Corpor'^- Seal. St. Ecian, or Echenus, B. C. 577 Plough drawn by stags . . Ikonographie. St. Edelburge, Y. Abbess 7th Cent. Bearing the instruments of the Passion Callot. St. Editha, Y. 984 A nun with royal insignia . . Ikonographie. "Washing the feet of the poor, St. Edmund, K. M. 870 Pierced with arrows Arrow in his hand . Arrow and globe N. Walsham — roodscreen, Ludhanfi — roodscreen. Stalham — roodscreen and font. Hempstead pnlpit — -for- merly on the roodscreen, N. Tuddenham — Chancel window. Denton Church Chest. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 43 St. Edmund (continued). Arrow and sceptre . . . Barton Turf — screen, Trimmingham — rood- screen, Taverham — -font. Arrow and cords . . . Brooke — font. Wolf guarding his body . . Callot, Bound to a tree and sliot with arrows Ihonographie, St. Edmund, B. C. 1242 Making a vow before an image of B. Virgin .... Callot, Our B. Saviour as a child appearing to him .... Do, St. Edward, K. M. 979 In royal robes, apparently holding a cup ..... Burlingham St, Andrew— roodscreen. Stabbed on horseback . . Callot, Lives of Saints^ hy F, Porter, Dagger and cup in his hand . Die Attribute, Dagger and sceptre. Dagger and falcon . . • Trimmingham — rood- screen. Short sword «... Benton Church Chest, St. Edward, K. Confessor 1066 Sceptre in right hand, holding up a ring in his left . . . Ludham — roodscreen, Denton Church Chest, The same . «, . . Stalham — roodscreen and font. 44 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Edward (continued). The same, and purse hanging from his right arm . . . Burlingham St. Andrew — roodscreen. Sceptre, and holding up a ring . Hempstead— pulpit. Barton Turf — screen, Attlehorough — roodscreen . Eye — roodscreen. Sceptre only . . . , N, Tuddenham — Chancel window. Sceptre and three fleurs de lys . Edingthorpe— roodscreen. Carrying a sick man . . Die Attribute, Holding St. John's Gospel. St. Elesbaan, K. C. 6th Cent. King of Ethiopia gaining a miracu- lous victory . , . Icones Sanctorum, St. Eleutherius of Tournay, B. M. 531 Heated oven .... Ilwno graphic. Angel freeing him from stripes . Die Attribute, St. Eleutherius, Abbot Abt. 585 Possessed boy brought to him , Callot, Eaising a dead boy to life . Icones Sanctorum. St. Eligius, Eloi, Alo, OR Loye, B. C. 665 Hammer and crosier in his hands Potter Heigham — rood- screen. Bishop with a hammer in one hand and a horse's leg in the other, with hoof shod .... Hempstead — roodscreen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 45 St. Eligius, Eloi, Alo, or Loye (continued). Working as a gold or silversmith Callot, Bishop with chalice and hammer Der Heyligen Leben, Forging a horse shoe . . Die Attribute, Anvil : hammer and crown upon it De L evens der Heylige. Presenting a shrine to King Dagobert Florence — Belli Arti — Empoli, Standing at an anvil . . Florence Acad, — Botti- celli. St. Elizabeth Holding the infant St. John . Houghton le Bale — rood- screen. Saluting our B. Lady . • Gately — roodscreen. St. Elizabeth, Widow Dying in a desert : angels feeding her child .... Solitudo, St. Elizabeth, V. Abbess 1165 Trampling on a dragon . , Callot. St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Qu. W. 1231 Giving clothing to a crippled child Munich Gallery, Triple crown in her hand . . Arbor Pastoralis, Double crown in her hand . MM, Hours, Double crown on a book : she giving alms ..... Tableau de la Croix, Giving alms .... Primer — 1516. Basket of bread, flagon of wine IJconographie. Eeceiving alms in her poverty . Callot, Roses, and a cripple clothed. 46 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Qu. 1336 Carrying roses in her lap in winter Callot, As a nun of the third Order of St. Francis .... Die Attribute. A beggar near her . . . Ikonographie. A single rose in her hand. St. Elmo, see St. Peter Gon- zales. St. Elphege, B. M. 1012 Chasuble full of stones . . Greenwich Ch. window. Battle axe in his hand . . Arbor Fastoralis. St. Elpidius, Abbot. Vine in leaf in Winter . . Icones Sanctorum. St. Elzear, Count, C. 1323 Knotted cord and lily : coronet at his feet . . . . Callot. St, Emerentia, or Emeren- TiANA, V. M. Abt. 304 Stones in her lap . . . Tableau de la Croix. Stoned to death , . . Ikonographie. St. Emerita, V. M. Torch and sceptre . . . Lib. Cronicarum. St. Emilian of Treves, B. C. Beam near him: a sword . . Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 47 St. Emilion. A boar near him . . . Ikonographie, St. Emmeran, B. M. 653 Wounded in the back with a lance Bie Attribute, Wounded with a lance, and beheaded Der Heyligen Lehen, A ladder . • . . Die Att?'ibute. St. Engelmund, C. 8th Cent, A fountain. St. Ephesus, M. 4th Cent. Kneeling unhurt in a fiery furnace Pisa Campo Santo : fresco by Spinello Aretino, St. Ephrem, C. D. Pillar of light before him Laid out for burial . St. Epimachus, M. Holding a nail St. Epiphanius, B. C. Exorcising a woman 378 SoUtudo, Vatican Museum — Greek Painting, 250 Die Attribute. 403 Callot. 303 St. Erasmus, B. M. Windlass in his hand : bowel wound round it ... • Windlass, with bowel round it, at his feet ..... Hempstead — roodscreen, Norwich — St. MichaeVs at Plea. 48 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Erasmus (continued). Windlass in his hand . . Buchenham — Font. Executioners winding his bowel round a windlass .... Norwich Museum — Old Marble Sculpture. Catalogus Sanctorum. Der Heyligen Lehen. His bowels wound round a windlass, before a statue of Hercules . Vatican — Pietro Valen-- tini. Windlass, with bowel wound round it, in his hand . . . Sculpture from the de- stroyed Ch. of Grim- menthal, Meiningen. Primer^ 1516. Hung up by the hands, and torn with hook with three teeth . . Alton Towers — Caspar Crayer. Hot cuirass put upon him . . Callot. A windlass near him . . Ikonographie. St. Erhard, B. M. Dipping his hand in a font . Bilder Legende. An axe ..... Ikonographie, St. Etheldreda, Edilthride, OR AUDRY, Y. 679 Crowned, with crosier and book Burlingham St. Andrew — roodscreen. Ranworth — N. Parclose. Crowned, with crosier . . Upton, Norfolk — rood- screen. Oxhurgh — roodscreen . Norbury Ch. Derbyshire — window. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 49 St. Etheldreda (continued). Crosier and crown of flowers Crowned — with book Asleep — tree blossoming above ber Crowned, crosier and budding staff. St. Etto, B. C. Abt. 670 Oxen and cows about bim. St. Eucharius, B. C. 450 Standing over an open tomb ; devil issuing from it . . . Callot, St. Eudoxius, M. Entertaining soldiers, who had come Lives of SS. hy F, Porter. Westhall — roodscreen, Ely Cathedral — lantern columns. to seize him St. Eugenius, M. 275 Pushed into the sea A club St. Evilasius, M. 2nd Cent. Sawed in a chest St. Eulalia, Y. M. 290 Burnt to death Crucified Cross .... Dove .... Flame .... St. Eulogius, B. M. 859 Sword or lance . . . Ihonographie, Icones Sanctorum, Callot, Ikonoyraphie, Callot, Icones Sanctorum, Callot. Ikonographie, Christl, Kunstsymholik, Die Attribute, 50 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Eunurchus, C. Dove on his head, St. Euphemia, V. M. Abt. 307 Sword in her breast, lily in right hand, palm in left ; lion by her side grasping her wrist in his mouth .... Cremona — And, Man- tegna. Burnt alive : angels hastening to her Callot. A wheel near her . . . IJconographie. A bear ..... ChristL Kunstsymbolik, Surrounded by wild beasts . Die Attribute, Transfixed with a sword . . Der Heyligen Leben, Between two serpents. St. Euphrasia of Nicomedia, V. M. Soldier near her with a sword . IJconographie. St. Euphrasia, Y. 410 Trampling on the devil , , Callot, The devil throwing her into a well Solitudo, St. Euphrasia, Y. 1534 A nun carrying a stone , . Die Attinbute. St. Euphrosyna, Y, 470 In the habit of a monk . . Ihrnographie, St. Eusebius of Rome, M. 170 Speaking without his tongue . IhonograpJiie, Leaden club .... Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 51 St. Eusebius of Samosata, B. M. 379 Tile in his liand . . . Ikotiographie, Tile thrown on his head by a woman, from a window . . . Callot, Stoned . . . . . Der Heyligen Lehen, St. Euseus, Hermit 14th Cent. Shoemaker's tools about him , Ikonographie. St. Eustachius, M. 119 Stag with cross between his horns Domenichino, Madrid Galv- Breughel, Illuminated Psalter, Warrior, w^ith his two sons « Pitti Palace N. Soggi, Burnt in a bull of brass . « Callot, Blowing a bugle horn . . Die Attribute St. Eustratius, M. 4th Cent. Burnt on a gridiron . . Vatican Library, Catalogus Sanctorum* St. Eutropia, V. M. 5th Cent. Torch near her , , « Ikomgraphie, St. Eutropius, B, M. 1st Cent. Youth taking leave of an aged king, his father . . « „ Sens Cathedral— window , Old Venetian School, Sketch in '^Tableaux des peintres primitifs,'^ St. Eutropius, B. M. 308 Shoes of metal with nails through them Die Attribute, Green tree near him , . Christl, Kunstsymbolik, Skull cloven with a sword a Ikonographie, 52 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Evortius, B. C. Abt. 340 Proclaimed bishop by the appearance of a dove , . • . Icones Sanctorum, St. Ewald, called the White, M. 693 Beaten to death with clubs . Bart, de Briujn of Cologne. Exorcising a possessed woman . Do. The two SS. Ewald, Brothers MM. 693 Light from heaven above them . Die Attribute The Black Ewald bears a sword IJconographie. St. Exuperantius, B. M. 4th Cent. Carrying his head cut off in his hand Die Heiligenhilder, St. Exuperius, B. C. 5th Cent. Holding a plough, St. Fabian, P. M. 250 A dove by his side . . . Ikonographie, A sword . , , . Die Attribute, A club. Kneeling at a block. St. Faith, Y. M. 4th Cent. Sword and gridiron . . . Newton — Northants, Brass, nesting one hand on an iron bed Winchester Cafh, window. Seated, crowned, iron bed and book Norwich — St, Lawrence; Brass of Abbot Lang! eg, noiv torn away. Bundle of rods in her hand. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 53 SS. Faith, Hope and Charity, VV. MM. 120 Three children holding swords , Die Attribute, St. Fara, y. Abbess, Abt. 655 An ear of corn. St Fausta, V. M. 2nd Cent. In a cauldron of melted lead Callot, Ihonograjphie. St. Faustus, M. 304 Bunch of arrows Die Attribute. Defending the city of Brescia besieged Brescia — Grazio Cossale, SS. Faustinus and Jovita, MM, 121 Angel saving them out of the water Callot, SS. Faustinus and Simplicius, MM. 303 Shield bearing three lilies . Die Attribute, St. Febronia, V. M. 300 Crown and sword . . . Ikonographie, St. Felician, B. M. 287 Hands and feet bored through . ChristL Kunstsymbolik, Tongs and hook • . . Die Attribute. St. Felicitas and her Seven Sons, MM. 160 In a cauldron of boiling oil . Villa Magliana — Ra- phaeL Sword with seven heads on the blade M,S, Hours, E 2 54 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Felicitas (continued). Beheaded with her seven sons Sword and seven children Der Heyligen Lehen. ChristL Kunstsymbolih. St. Felix, I.— P. M. An anchor. 274 St. Felix, M. Fastened to a bed of sea shells : angel bringing him a crown . Callot. St. Felix of Pincis, B. M. Schoolboys running iron styles into him, or striking him with their writing tablets . . . Die Attribute, St. Felix of Nola, C. 3rd Cent. Broken earthen vessel, or potsherds Die Attribute, In a cave with cobweb over its mouth .... Ikonographie, Chained in prison . . . ChristL KunstsymboliJc, St. Felix of Yalois, C. 1212 White stag with cross between his horns .... Ikonographie, B. Trinity giving him a scapular, with a cross upon the breast , Die Attribute, Eed and blue cross on scapular and cloak .... Do, Broken chain in his hand . . Die Heiligenbilder, St. Felix of Cantalicio, C. Carrying the Holy Infent Jesus . Die Attribute, 1587 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 55 St. Ferdinand. III. King of Castile, C. 1252 Armed knight, with a greyhound Chartres Cath,- In regal attire, with cross on his -windovj. breast St. Ferreolus, M. 211 Loaded with heavy chains His chains falling off Gibbet near him Broken chain in his hand . St. Fiacre, C. 670 Digging in a garden Hermit kneeling with beads Spade and open book Hind at his feet. St. Fidelis, M. Beaten with rods. St, Fidelis of Sigmaringen, M. 1622 Club set with spikes A whir lb at Morning star . Ikonograpliie, Callot. I cones Sanctorum, Ikonographie, Die Attribute, Callot, Ihono graphic. Die Attribute, Ihonographie, Christl, Kunstsymbolik, Die Attribute, St. Firminus, B. M. 3rd Cent. Carrying his head cut off and mitred M,S. Hours. St. Flora, V. M. 851 Holding her head cut off, and flowers growing out of her neck Fosbrooke's Monachism. 56 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Florentinus Yindemialis, B. C. 5tli Cent. Killing a dragon with a cross . Die Attribute. St. Florentius, B, C. 675 Wild game about him or coming to his hut .... Callot. Giving sight to a king's daughter Icones Sanctorum. Bear keeping sheep for him . Die Attribute. St. Florian, M. Abt. 300 Pouring water on a house or city on fire ..... Monastery of St. Florian. Bilder Legende. Stone about his neck, thrown into the Ens ..... Die Attribute. St. Fortunatus, N. 250 A pair of shears . . . Ikonographie. The Four Crowned Brothers, Martyrs 304 Rule, square &c. at their feet . Nuremberg — Old . Painting. St. Frances, Widow 1440 Angel by her side ; basket of bread Vatican — F, Barbieri. Kneeling, open book, angel at her side in a dalmatic, basket of bread at her feet .... Turin Gaily- Guercliino. Angel by her side in dalmatic . Ikonographie. Rays from a Remonstrance to her heart Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 57 St. Francis of Assissium, C. 1226 Crowned with thorns, stigmas on his hands, feet and side, hearing the cross .... Stalham — roodscreen. Crowned with thorns, displaying the stigmas, hy holding up his hands Hempstead — roodscreen. Friar, carrying a cross . , Turin Galv- Procaccini, Glohe at his feet, or trampling on it Die Attribute, Lily in his hand . . . IJconographie* Propping up the Lateran basilic Christl, Kunstsymholih, Ascending in a fiery chariot . Do, Preaching to a Sultan • . Die Attribute, Seraph with six wings, crucified and darting rays to his hands, feet and side ..... Die Heiligenhilder, St. Francis oe Paula, C. 1508 The word Charitas appearing to him in light .... Callot. Tableau de la Croix, Standing on his cloak on the sea Die Attribute, St. Francis Xavier, C. 1552 Pilgrim's staff and beads . . Pitii Galv- Carlo Dolce. Bearing a lily, and exclaiming : Satis est Domine, satis est.^' C allot. Dying on a mat, under a shed : angels bringing him a crown . Engraving prefixed to his Life — Dryden^s Trans- lation, St. Francis Borgia, C. 1572 Kneeling before the B. Sacrament Vienna Galv- Ariois, 58 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Francis Solano, C. 1610 Converted Indians around liim . Ikonographie, St. Francis of Sales, B. C. 1622 Sacred heart of Jesus crowned with thorns above him in glory . Die Attribute. Holding a heart in his hand. St. Frederick of Utrecht, B. M. 833 Stabbed by two assassins . . Callot, Pierced with two swords . . Ikonographie. St. Frigidian, B. C. 6th Cent. As an Augustinian monk with a mitre .... Ikonographie, St. Fructuosus, B. M. 259 Singing on his funeral pile . Die Attribute^ SS. Fusca and Maura, MM. Transfixed with swords . . Callot, St. Gabinius, M. In prison, with the doors open . Callot. St. Gabriel, Archangel. Sceptre and shield, wdth monogram of the name of Mary upon it . Souihivold — roodscreen. Bearing a lily . . , In representations of the Annunciatio7i, St. Galaction, M. Tongue plucked out Icones Sanctorum. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 59 St. Galla, V. 504 With a long beard . . . Die Attribute, St. Gallus, Ab. C. . 646 In a cave : wild beasts running away Icones Sanctorum, A bear carrying wood for him . Ikonographie. Hermit with bread and staff . Bie Attribute, St. "Galmier or Baldomer, C. Abt. 650 Pincers, or locksmith's tools . Die Attribute. St. Gamaliel, C. 1st Cent. Appearing to Lucian asleep . Callot, St. Gaudentius of Rimini, B. M. Administering the Holy Communion. St. Gibbard, B. C. 995 Staff, with which he gave sight to a lame man .... Ikonographie-. St. Geminianus, B. C. Abt. 450 Receiving a model of a church from an angel, and about to present it to our Saviour . . . Dresden Gaily- Correggio, Louvre — Guercino, Holding mirror before his breast in which is reflected the B. V. Mary Die Attribute, Devil cast out, standing near him Christl. Kunstsymbolih, St. Genesius, M. 280 Baptized on the stage : angels by him Callot, 60 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Genesius (continued). Playing a violin on the stage . Do. Player holding a sword . . Ihonographie. St. Genevieve, Y. 530 Shepherdess spinning . . Guerin, Holding a candle : devil on her shoulder with a pair of bellows Paris — Gothic Sculpture, The same, but with keys hung on her arm , • . . Tableau de la Croix. Holding a candle, which an angel lights, and devil seeks to extin- guish .... Callot, Heures per Jean C allot, 1522. Keys in one hand, burning candle and palm in the other . . Bilder Legende. Angel lighting candle in her hand HorcE B, V, M, 1508. Simon Vostre, Devil at her feet, with pair of bellows Die Attribute, Restoring sight to her mother . Paris — Ch, oj St, Ger- vais, St. Genevieve of Brabant, Duchess In a cave, a hind near her . Iconographie, St, Gengulph, M. 760 A fountain . . . • Callot, A shield with a cross . . Do, Lance or javelin . . . Die Attribute, A spit ..... Do, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 61 St. George, M. 3rd Cent. Standing in armour, piercing a dragon with a spear, having a cross and banner at the top Hempstead — roodscreen. Standing, with cross on his armour and shield, striking a dragon with his sword .... Ranworth N, Parclose, The same, hut with spear cross- topped .... Filbi/ — roodscreen. In armour : dragon by his side . Arbor Pastoralis, On horseback, dragon below . Tableau de la Croix. On horseback, tilting at a dragon Missale Sarisb, St. Gerard, Abbot 959 St. Peter consecrating his Church in the night .... Icones Sanctorum » St. Gerard of Monza, C. 1207 Forked stick bearing a bunch of ripe cherries in his hand : at his feet a w^ooden bowl and spoon . . Acta Sanctorum, Saying Mass .... C allot, St. Gerasimus, Abbot 475 Lion carrying a basket in his mouth Ikonograjphie, St. Hereon, M. 297 Thrown into a well . . . Icones Sanctorum, Warrior in armour with sword . Ihonographie, St. Gerhard, B. M. 1046 A lance .... Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 62 St. Gerlach, Hermit Living in a hollow tree A thorn in his foot . An ass near him 1170 Ikonographie, Die Heiligenhilder, Die Attribute, St. Germanicus, M. 166 In an amphitheatre : lion fawning upon him .... Callot, St. Germanus of Auxerre, B. C. 448 Dragon with seven heads led bound by him .... M.S, Hours, As a hunter .... Ikonographie, An ass lying before him . . Der Heyligen Lehen. Wild beasts killed — about him . Die Attribute, St. Germanus OF Paris, B.C. 576 St. Peter appearing to him at his bedside with the keys . . Callot, Lying in his bed . . . Die Attribute, Extinguishing fire by his prayers Ikonographie, St. Gertrude of Nivelle, V. 664 Kneeling by the sea, holding a lily Callot, Mice, or rats about her . . Ikonographie. Spinning ; and mice running up and down the distaff . . . Primer, 1516. Two mice at her feet, devil at her side De Levens der Heylige, Fiery tongues over her head . Bilder Legende, As a princess .... Die Attribute, Celestial crown brought her by an angel Do, With a loaf. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 63 SS. Gervase and Protase, MM. 2nd Cent. One with a scourge loaded with lead, the other with a sword . . Callot, St. Giles, A.bbot. End of 7th Cent. Hind lying at his feet . . Lessingham — roodscreen, Hempstead — pulpit : for^ merlyon the roodscreen, TaverJiam — font. Hind resting her feet on his knee : the other knee wounded with an arrow . . . . Gt, Plumstead Ch, for- merly on the roodscreen^ Hind wounded, leaping up to him Norwich cathedral — font. Der Heyligen Lehen, Shot with an arrow : hind lying by him Catalogus Sanctorum, Callot, Seated : arrow in his breast, hind resting her feet on his knees . M.S, Hours, St. Gislerius, C. A bishop and a king holding up a model of a church between them M,S, Hours, St. Goar, B. C. His mitre supported in the air . Icones Sanctorum, St. Goar, C. 575 Three hinds near him . . Ikonographie, A hat suspended on a sunbeam • Do, An earthen vessel or jug . , Die Attribute, Devil upon his shoulder • . Do. 64> SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Godelieve, V. M. 1050 Eope round her neck, or in her hand . . • , Ihonographie, Strangled with a handkerchief . Die Heiligenhilder. St. Godfrey of Amiens, B. C. 1118 Serving the sick . . . C allot, A dog lying dead near him . Die Attribute, St. Godfrey of Cappenberg, C. 1127 Loaves on a dish in his hand . Ihonographie, Church in his hand . . . Die Attribute, St. Goeric, B. C. His eyes before him. St. Gothard, B. C. 1038 Standing before a bishop . . Der Heyligen Leben, St. Grata, Wid. 300 Carrying the head of St. Alex- ander, M. . . » . Bergamo — Santa Grata, St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, B. C. 270 Driving devils out of a heathen temple .... Callot, St. Gregory of Spoleto, M. 304 Called to heaven by an angel . Icones Sanctorum, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 65 St. Gregory Nazianzen, B. C. D. 389 Eeading : Wisdom and Chastity ap- pearing before him . . Callot, St. Gregory of Tours, B. C. 596 A fish in his hand, or near him . Ikonographie, St. Gregory the Great, P. C. D. 604 Tall cross and book Double barred cross Triple cross and tiara Eagle before him Our Saviour appearing to him at Mass .... Dove at his ear . , . Dove hovering over his shoulder Saying Mass : our B. Saviour ap- pearing to him scourged, sup- ported by two angels with scourge and rod .... Ludham — roodscreen, Tunstead — roodscreen. East Ruston — roodscreen, L essingham — roodscreen ^ Liber Cronicarum. Rome- — Chapel of St. Gregory — Sen Ip ture. Missale ad usum Sarum, Bologna Gallery, Heydon Ch, — window, Guercino, Chained to a rock Our Saviour and our B. Lady appear- ing to him .... Heures par I, Callot^ 1522. Heures par Ph, Pick- ouchet, 1488. Die Attribute, Die Heiligenbilder, F 2 66 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Gregory, III. P. C. 741 Statues of the emperors thrown down by an earthquake : holy images set up by his orders . St. Gregory of Nicopolis, B. C. lltb Cent. On horseback, a boy sitting behind him ..... St. Gregory, Hermit 1243 Iron ring round his body . St. Gualfard, Hermit 1127 Stone coffin by him St. Gudelia, V. M. Skin of her head taken off St. Gudula, V. 712 Lantern, which the devil tries to put out ..... Holding a lantern . Angel lighting her lantern, driving away the devil A stone pillar Weaving at a loom. Icones Sanctorum, Die Attribute. Die Attribute, IkonograpMe. Icones Sanctorum. Munich Gall'' Jan. Schoreel. Walpole St. Peter roodscreen. I. Filrich. Christl. KunstsymboliJc, St. Gummarus, C. Obtaining water from a rock 774 Icones Sanctorum. St. Gumtramnus, or Guntran, K. C. 6th Cent. Finding a great treasure, and giving it to the poor Callot, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 67 St. Guthlake, Hermit 714 Putting devils to flight . , . Lives of SS. hy F, Porter, Devils molesting, angels consoling him ..... Solitudo, A scourge in his hand. St. Haniel, Angel Sceptre of a reed, crown of thorns Bie Attribute, St. Hedwiges, or Avoice, W. 1243 Church and statue of B. V. in her hands .... Lih. Cronicarum, Washing the feet of the poor . Callot, Cross in her hand . . . Arbor Pastoralis, Barefooted : shoes in her hand . Ikonographie, Carrying a picture of B. V. with Infant Jesus . . Do, Christ crucified blessing her . Die Attribute, Crown and mantle of princess near her : she in a religious habit . Do. St. Helen, Empress 328 Crowned, bearing a large cross . Stratton Strawless — nave — window. Eye — roodscreen. Bearing a small cross . . Ranworth — aS'. Par close, A double barred, or Jerusalem cross Aylsham — private posses- sion : formerly in St, James\ Norwich, Holding a nail over a cup : hammer below .... Coestvelt Gab* Domeni- chino. 68 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Helen Empress (continued). Cross in her hand . . • , Simon Memmi, Lorenzo Camaldolese, II Giottino. Church of Jerusalem in her hand Die Attribute, St. Henry, Emperor 1024 Holding the same lily with St, Cunegundes . . , Pitti Gab- Mancini, Church and palm : devils in the air Callot, Asleep : St. Wolfgang appearing to him ..... Der Heyligen Lehen, Church and sword . . . Bart de Bruijn, St. Henry, Anchoret 1127 Pilgrims praying round his tomb Bavaria Pia. St. Herculanus, M. Temple of Apollo falling at his look Icones Sanctorum, Benedictin, wearing a mitre . Ikonograjphie, • St. Heribert, B. C. 1022 Obtaining rain by his prayers . Die Attribute, St. Herman Joseph, C. 1226 Our Saviour with an axe appearing Ikonographie, Presenting an apple to a picture of B. V. M Cologne, Church of St, Mary of the Capitol — marble sculpture, Inkhorn, pen-case and writing book Die Attribute, St. Hermenegild, M. 586 King bearing an axe . . Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Hermes, M. Abt. 132 On horseback, casting the devil out of a woman, led by a man with a rope . . . . . M,S. Hours, Devil issuing from the mouth of a child . • . . . Do, St. Hidulphus, B. C. 707 Exorcising a boy . . . Ikonogra'phie, St. Hilarion, Abbot 371 Mounted on an ass, driving away the devil with the sign of the cross Pisa — Campo Santo, Clothed in skins . . . Ihonografhie, Pile of wood, or funeral pile . Die Attribute. St. Hilary of Poitiers, B. C. 368 On an island among serpents . Calloti Bishop with three books. Child in a cradle at his feet. St. Hilary of Arles, B. C. 449 Consecrating a virgin to God : dove at his ear . . . . C allot. Driving away serpents . , Ikonographie, Dove over his head . . . Die Attribute, St. HiLDEGUNDES, Y. 1188 Pilgrim to the Holy Land, in man's clothing .... Ikonographie* An angel on horseback attending her Die Attribute, St. Hillonius, see Tillo. 70 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Hiltrudis, Y. Lamp and book : crown of roses Liessies — Ch.of Benedic- tins, St. Hippolytus, alias Eppalets, HippoLiTEs OR Pallets, M, 255 Bearing a lance . . . Rome — St, Laurence with the walls. Holding a sieve . . . Do. Fastened to a tree, and torn with hooks .... Der Heyligen Leben, Dragged and torn by horses . Callot. Two keys, as a gaoler . . Die Attribute, St. Holofius see Olaus. St. Homobonus, C. 1197 Distributing money and food ; flasks of wine near him . . Venice — Pal, Reale — Bonijazio, Angels making garments for him Icones Sanctorum, St. Honoratus, B. C. 429 Mitre and crosier brought him on an island .... Callot. St. Honorius, B. C. 653 A baker's shovel. St. Hormisdas, C. Abt. 420 A camel near him . . . Christl. Kunstsymbolik, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 71 St. Hubert, B. C. 727 Stag on a hook ; crucifix between its horns .... Munich Galy- Willielm von Koln, Stag with crucifix between its horns Callot, The same — bounding before a hunter kneeling .... M,S, Hours, Book and hunting horn . . Common in French and Flemish Churches, Angel bringing him a stole . French Miniature in the Heures d'Anne de Bre- tagne, 1500. St. Hugh of Grenoble, B. C. 1132 Dream of seven stars . , Callot, Swan, with its bill near his hand Munich Galy- J, W, Van Assen, Three flowers in his hand . . Ikonographie, Mitre ..... Die Attribute, Angel protecting him from lightning Die Heiligenhilder. A lantern. St. Humbert, C. 680 Angel marking a cross on his fore- head ..... Die Attribute . A star on his forehead . . ChristL Kunstsymbolih, A bear ..... Bo, St. Hunna. Piece of linen in her hand . Ihonographie, 72 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Huvar or Herv^us, Abbot, 6th Cent. Blind Frogs near him Die Attribute, Ikonograjphie. St. Hyacinth, C, 1257 Sailing on the sea on his cloak . Die Attribute, Ciborium, and image of B. V. Mary Ikonographie, St. Ida, or Itta, W. Stag with flames at his horns Eaven with a ring in its mouth 790 Die Attribute. Ikonographie, 108 Arbor Pastor alis. Die Attribute, Do, St. Ignatius, B. M. Standing between two lions In chains Exposed to lions Monogram of the Holy name of Jesus on his heart, after his mar- tyrdom .... Do, St. Ignatius of Loyola, C. 1556 Monogram I H S on his breast, or within rays in his hand . . Ikonographie, Eesting his hand on the Book of his Constitutions ; and I H S above in light ..... Warwick Casile- Rubens, St. Ildefonsus, B. C. 667 White cope, or vestments, brought to him by the B. Y. Mary . . Rubens. Callot. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 73 St. Ingenuinus, B. C. Driven along by soldiers into exile Bavaria Pia» St. Iphigenia, Y. Baptized by St. Matthew . St. Irene, Y. M. 1st Cent. Idols at her feet Horse near her Holding a sword St. Ivan, Hermit 910 A horse near him St. James the Greater, Apostle Pilgrim with staff . Callot, Ihonographie, Die Attribute, Do, Die Attribute, Staff and shell Staff, shell, hat, and wallet Staff and wallet, with shell upon it Staff and book Holding a shell On a white charger, conquering the Saracens .... Tunstead — roodscreen. Lessingham — roodscreen. Tableau de la Croix, Worstead — roodscreen, Blofield — roodscreen, N, Tuddenham — Chancel window, Ringland roodscreen, Ranworth — roodscreen. Giovanni Santi, Belaugh — roodscreen, Trunch — roodscreen, Stalham — jont, N, Walsham, S, Parclose Screen, St, Albans — Delamere Brass, Carreno de Miranda, G 74 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. James the Less, Apostle A fuller's club in his hand . Belaugh — roodscreen, Ranworth — roodscreen, Lesswgham — roodscreen, Blofield — roodscreen, Worstead — roodscreen, Ringland — roodscreen. Tunstead — roodscreen, Taverham — font, Stalham — -font, L, van Ley den. Primer — 1516. Heures ires devotes y 1522, As a child, with a toy mill in his hand ..... Ranworth S, Parclose, screen. His brains beaten out with a fuller's club ..... Der Heyligen Leben. A saw in his hand. St. James Intercisus, M. 421 Sawed in pieces . . . Catalogus Sanctorum, Feet and hands chopped off . Die Attribute, St. James of Tarantaise, B. C. A bear drawing a plough . . IJconographie, St. James of Marchia, C. 1476 Cup with a serpent by it . • Die Attribute. St. Jane of Valois, see Joanna. St. Jane Frances, Wid. 1641 Holding a heart. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 75 St. Januarius, B. M. 305 Tied to a tree . . . Christl, Kunstsymbolih, Heated oven by his side . . Die Heiligenhilder, Surrounded by wild beasts . Ikonographie, Yials with his blood, on the Book of the Gospels ... Bie Attribute. Lighting a fire. St. Jerom, C. D. 420 Cardinal's hat or robes, or both . Lessingham — roodscreen. East Ruston — roodscreen. The same, with a wallet and scroll Houghton le Dale — rood- screen. Cardinal's hat on : lion leaping up to him . • . . . Tunstead — roodscreen. Lion at his side . . . Cavjston — roodscreen. Carrying an ink bottle . . Morston — roodscreen. Carrying a church . . . Venice Acad, Ant, Vivarini, Beating his breast with a stone . Dominic Ghirlandajo. A stone in his hand . . Raphael, Trumpet sounding in his ear . Rihera, Crucifix-headed staff : lion at his feet Massaccio. Extracting a thorn from a lion's foot Naples — Coll.'' Antonio da Fiore, Writing : two angels by him : hour glass, &c. . . • . Pitti Palace — Denis Calvart. Holding a skull . . . Turin Gaily- B, Lanini, Kneeling on thorns ; or wearing a garment woven with thorns . Die Attribute, A stone lying near him. Cardinal's hat at his feet. St. Jerom Emilian, C. 1551 Chain and ball near him . . Ikonographie. 76 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Jeron, C. Hooded falcon on liis hand . Die Attribute. St. Joachim, C. Father of B. Y. Mary Meeting St. Ann at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem . , , Missale Sarisb, 1534. M.S, Hours. Leading the B. V. M. as a child Ikonographie. Basket with doves, — and a staff Die Attribute. St. Joanna, (St. Luke xxiv. 10.) Ointment box . , . Die Attribute. Lamb near her : cross in her arms . . » . Ikonographie. St. Joanna, Joan, or Jane of Yalois, Queen. 1505 Crowned ; habit of the Annunciation, crucifix and rosary . » Liessies—Ch. of Bene- dictins. The same : holding our Infant Saviour by the hand, who has a basket on his arm . . Tableau de la Croix. Cup of wine ; basket of bread . Aylsham — private posses- sion: formerly in St. James'' , Norwich. Upton — roodscreen. White veil on her head, covered vase in her right hand, three loaves in her left .... Barnham Broom — rood- screen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 77 St. Jodoc, or Josse, Hermit 668 Two oratories : saint kneeling before one ..... SoUtudo, Crown at his feet . . . Christl, Kunstsymbolih, Spring of water — where he strikes with his staif . . . Die Attribute, St. John the Baptist. Lamb on a book, small cross, close crown or cap — tunic of camel's hair — cope fastened with two leather thongs crossed Lamb on a book Lamb and cross on a book Lamb and cross Lamb ..... Lamb's trotter Lamb and locust His head on a dish. St. John, Ap. and Evangelist. Cup with serpent issuing from it The same, and a palm branch . The same, and a«n eagle below . Palm branch alone . Palm branch, scroll and eagle . Eagle upon a barrel, or cauldron Ranworth— screen, N, Parclose, Worstead — screen^ S. Aisle. Burlingham St. Andrew ■ — roodscreen, Attleborough— rood- screen, Kimberley — Chancel E. window. Pitti Palace— Soggi, Tableau de la Croix, Worstead — roodscreen. Ranworth — roodscreen, N, Walsham — roodscreen. Ringland — roodscreen, Trunch — roodscreen. East Ruston — roodscreen, Stalhain — font, Exeter Caih, — Statue, Oxborough — roodscreen, G 2 78 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. John, Ap. (continued). Eagle before liim, or above his head Bologna Acad,— Perucjino. Mounted on an eagle . . Marseilles — Raphael. Stepping into a grave . . Greek Menology — Vatican MSS. Writing his apocalypse, in the Isle of Patmos .... Lucas v, Leyden, St. John, M. Abt 284 Tearing a paper off a temple . Callot. St. John Chrysostom, B. C. D. 407 Chalice and Book of Gospels . Rubens, Beehive .... Ihonographie. An angel by him . . . Die Attribute, St. John Calybite, Kecluse 450 A beggar discovering himself to his parents, on his death-bed . Callot. St. John the Silent, B. C, 559 Finger upon his mouth . . Die Attribute, St. John of Janina, C. Chains and sword . . . Ikonographie. St. John of Eheims, C. 570 Holding a dragon in a chain . Die Attribute, St. John Thaumaturgus, B. C. Driving the devil out of people . Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 79 St. John or Goto, M. A lance in his hand . . . Ikonographie, St. John Climacus, Abbot 605 A ladder .... Die Attribute, St. John the Almoner, B. C. 616 Wallet in his hand . . . Ihonographie, Loaf and rosary. Giving alms to a cripple. St. John of Beverley, B. C. 721 Shrine at his side . . , Arbor Pastoralis, St. John Damascen, C. 780 Holding a vase . . „ Arbor Pasioralis. B. V. Mary appearing to him in his sleep .... Callot. Carrying a basket . . . Ikonographie, Holding his hand cut off . . Do. B. V. Mary restoring his hand . Die Attribute, St. John Gualbert, Abbot 1073 Clothing his monks at Yallumbrosa Vol. of Offices — See Dibdin^s Decameron, Lp. 85. Standing on the devil, cross and T staff, set on the devil's head , Missale Vallis umbrosce. Image from a crucifix, bending for- wards to him . . . Callot. Picture of our B. Saviour in his hand . . . , . Die Attribute, 80 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. John of Urtica, C. 1163 Nettles in his hand . . . Die Attribute. St. John of Matha, C. 1213 B. Trinity giving him a scapular, with a cross upon his breast . Die Attribute. Broken chain in his hand . Ikonograjphie, Fettered slaves near him . . Do. St. John Nepomucen, M. 1383 Standing on a bridge . . Prague — on the Bridge. Bridge and river near him . Die Attribute. Padlock and finger on his lips , In Bohemia and Austria, of frequent occurence. Hearing the confession of the empress; stars round his head . . Turin Galv- Daniele Thrown off a bridge. St. John Capistran, C. 1456 Pointing to a crucifix, which he holds Lib. Cronicarum. Banner in his hand . . . Die Attribute, Crespi. Eed cross upon his breast Do. St. John of God, C. 1 Alms chest hung up . Carrying bread in a wallet Crown of thorns on his head Two cups hung round his neck . 1550 Die Attribute Do. Ikonographie. Do. St. John of the Cross, C. 1591 Picture of B. V. Mary in his hand Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 81 St. Isidore of Madrid, C. 1170 Angel ploughing for Mm with white oxen, as he prays before a cross Bilder Legende. A hoe, or rake in his hand . Pitti Galy- Simon de Pesaro, St. Jonas, Barachisius, &c. MM. 327 Under a screw press . . Callot, St. Jophiel, Angel Flaming sword : driving Adam and Eve out of Paradise • . Die Attribute. St. Josaphat, B. M. An axe fixed in his hand . • Die Attribute. St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed V. Mary Bearing a rod, with flowers at top Pitti Galv- Guerchino, The same, but lilies at the top . Florence — Ch, of S^- Maria, Novella — Fresco^ by Ghirlandajo. Bearing a lily . . . IlwRographie. Carpenter's square, or tools . Do. Carrying or leading the Holy Infant Die Heiligenbilder, St. Joseph, or JosES Barsabas, THE Just, B. C. Holding a cup of poison . . Callot, Holding a cup or bowl, as a child Ranworth, S, Parclose — screen. St, Joseph of Arimathea, C. Box of ointment, and budding staff. 82 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Jude, or Thaddeus, Apostle. A boat in his hand . Ringland — roodscreen. Lessingham — roodscreen. Belaugh — roodscreen . Worstead — roodscreen. Swafield — roodscreen. Tunstead — roodscreen. Ranworth — roodscreen. A carpenter's square Weston Longueville, rood- screen. Tableau de la Croix, A fuller's bat, in his hand Aylsham — roodscreen. Stalham — -font. A ship with sails, in his hand Blojield — roodscreen. A club . . • . . Lynn^ St, Margarefs — Brass, Carrying an inverted cross Ikonographie, IVCedallion of onr Savionr on his breast, or in his hand . Die Attribute, A halbert. St. Julia, Y. M, 6th Cent. Hanged on a cross . Callot, St. Julian, C. Old man winding off yarn . Engraving, St. Julian of Cilicia, M. 3rd Cent. Led bound on a dromedary Callot, St. Julian of Ancyra, M. Red hot helmet placed on his head Ikonographie, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 83 St. Julian of Mans, B. M. 3rd Cent. Dragon driven away by him . Die Attribute, A fountain .... Christl. Kunstsymbolih, Temple of Jupiter overthrown . Ikonographie, Banner and palm • . . Die Attribute, St. Julian of Emesa, M. 312 A nail in his head . . . Ikonographie, St. Julian Hospitator, Hermit 9th Cent. A stag near him . . . Ikonographie, Ferrying people over a river . Die Attribute, Eeceiving a young leper, as he lands from a boat . . • Pitti Galv- Christ. Allori, A hawk. A boatman in a barge. An oar. St. Juliana, Y. M. End of 3rd Cent. Dragon held in a chain . . N, Elmliam—roodscreen, Scourging the devil, held by a rope round his neck . . . Hempstead — pulpit. Holding the devil in chains . Arms of Santillana. Ikonographie. The same, before a judge . • C allot, St. Julitta, V. M. 304 Oxen near her . . . Ikonographie,. Fountain springing from her blood Die Attribute 84 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Julius, M. Abt. 302 Encouraged to martyrdom by Hesycliius . . . , C allot, SS. JUSTA AND RUFINA, VY. MM. 304 Destroying an image of Yenus . Icones Sanctorum > Kneeling : palms in their hands : earthen vessels near them , Murillo St. Justin, M, 167 Presenting his apology to the emperor .... Callot. St. Justina, V. M. 304 Holding a chain « . . Sparham— -Clerestory — window. Palm : unicorn at her feet . Vienna — Bondicino, Yanquishing the devil by the cross Die Attribute, Lily in her hand : setting a cross on the head of the devil , Callot. St. Justus, M. 304 Scourged with his brother St. Pastor Callot, Drowned, with lead to his neck . Ikonographie. Swords held by him and St. Pastor Die Attribute, Prints of their knees in a stone . Do, St. Jutta, W, 1264 Nun holding a red hot tripod . Ikonographie. St. Juvenal, B. M. 376 Sword between his teeth . . Christl, Kunstsymbolik, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 85 St. Juventius, B. His torturers killing each other in a violent tempest , . , Icones Sanctorum, St. Kenelm, K. M„ 820 King holding a lily . , . Arbor Pastoralis, St. Kentigern, or Mungho, B. C. 601 Holding a salmon, with a ring in its gills .... 0 Acta Sanctorum, St. Kessag, see Mackessoge. St. Kilian, B. 688 Holding a cross : sword under his feet . . . . , Bilder Legende, Dagger and sword . . . Die Attrihtite. Martyred by sword and spear . Der Heyligen Lehen. St. Ladislas, K. C. 1095 King rearing an ensign before his army . . , , * Callot, St. Lambert, B, M. 709 Stabbed with javelins . . Callot, Refusing a cup at the table of Pepin Icones Sanctorum, Praying before a church : city on fire Bavaria Pia, Beaten with a club o • . Der Heyligen Lehen. A lance, or dart . , . Bie Attribute. Bringing hot coals in his surplice, for the thurible . . . Ghent — Ch. of St. Bavo, H 86 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Laurence, M. 258 Deacon, holding a gridiron . Worstead — screen, N. Aisle, Ludham — roodscreen. Hempstead — roodscreen, Ranworth — aS'. parclose, N, Tuddenham — Nave — S, window. Palm : hot gridiron near him . Ikonographie. Deacon with thurible ; standing on a gridiron .... Vivarini, Church and hook : long staff, tipped with a cross . . . Rome — in his Ch, outside the walls— Mosaic, Distributing money, bag of it in his hand ..... Angelico, St. Laurence of Canterbury, B. C. 619 Shewing to King Edbald the stripes inflicted on him by St. Peter . Lives of Saints by F, Porter, St. Lazarus of Constanti- nople, C, His hands burnt, but still painting pictures for churches . . Ikonographie. St. Leger, see Leodegarius. St. Leo the Great, P. C. 461 SS. Peter and Paul menacing Attila C allot. On horseback : Attila and soldiers kneeling before him . . Der Heyligen Lehen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 87 St. Leocadia, V. M. 300 Praying in prison Tower and sword Callot, Die Attribute, St. Leodegarius, or Leger, B. M. 678 His eyes plucked out . . Callot. Icones Sanctorum, A bodkin or pickaxe in his hand Ihonographie, St. Leonard, C, 520 Ox lying near him . Eeleasing prisoners from the stocks Chains, or manacles with a lock Chains and crosier . Broken fetters, with a lock In a cave : chains near him Fetters in his hand . Chain and fetter-lock Manacles and hook . Abbot, holding a chain Die Attribute. Catalogus Sanctorum. Taverham — Jont. Gressenhall—roodscreen, Westhall — roodscreetv^ Norwich cathedral — -font. Liber Cronicarum, Icones Sanctorum, Hempstead— roodscreen. Rome — Ch. Tre Fontane, fresco. Vienna Galb' And. del Sarto. Primer 1516. M.S. Hours. Attleborough, private pos^ session : formerly/ on the roodscreen in St. John's Madder Market. Norwich, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Leopold IV. Margrave of Austria, C. 1136 Carrying a cliurcli . . . Bilder Legende, St. Leu, see Lupus. St. Liborius, C. Abt. 397 Small stones upon a book , Christh Kunstsymbolik, A peacock .... Do, St. Livin, B. M. 633 or 656 Holding a serpent's bead in pincers Be Levens der Heylige, Holding pincers alone . . Die Attribute » St. Longinus, M. Soldier with a spear . . Mantua — And.Mantegna, Rome — St, Peter's^ Sta- tue hy Lor, Bernini, Dragon at bis feet . • . IJwnographie. St. Louis, K. C. 1270 Holding a crown of tborns, and a cross .... Stalham- — font^ Tbree nails in bis rigbt band : stan- dard of tbe cross in bis left . Callot, Crown of tborns in bis band, encir- cling tbree nails : and bolding two sceptres . . . Tableau de la Croix, Dove over bis bead ; lilies of France Foxley — roodscreen. Crown of tborns, nails and sword Madrid Gaily- Claudio Coello. Cross in rigbt band ; clotb or veil in left , . • . . Gately — roodscreen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 89 St. Louis (continued). On horseback, in armour: shield and standard bearing fleurs de lys Chartres Cath. — window. Crowned, bearing a sceptre with a lily . . . . . Ikonographie, Pilgrim's staff . . . Die Attribute. Cross upon his sleeve . . Die Heiligenhilder* Shrine and sceptre, St. Louis of Toulouse, B. C. 1297 Friar holding a chasuble : beggar kneeling before him . . Callot, Washing the feet of the poor . Icones Sanctorum. Cope with fleurs de lys : crown at his feet .... Turin Gallv- Macrino D'Alladio. Three crowns at his feet • . ITconograjphie. St. Lucian of Beauvais, B. M. 312 Consecrating on his own breast, lying on potsherds in prison . Die Attribute, St. Lucius, K. M. 190 Three sceptres, tipped with crosses Lib. Cronicarum. Coins of Coire. St. Lucy, V. M. Eyes in a dish 304 Rome- — Colonna Palace- Titian — Campidoglio — N. Consoni. Bologna — Vitalis. H 2 90 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Lucy (continued). Eyes on a book Presenting her eyes on a dish to the B. V. Mary : dagger in her hand Holding a lamp Sword through her neck . Sword held in both her hands . Wound in her neck, and poinard in her hand In a cauldron, over a fire e Two oxen unable to drag her along Tormented by devils. Pair of pincers. St. Ludger, B. C. 809 Saying his Breviary . IJconographie, A swan .... Die Attribute, A church in his hand . . Do, Eye ( Suff.) roodscreen. Die Attribute, TurinGallV' G.A.Razzi, Peintres Primitifs — P. Laurati. Car otto. Venice— Seb, del Piombo, Lib. Cronicarum, Winchester Cathedral. Siena Acad, Angelico da Fiesole. Die Attribute. Do. St. Ludmilla, Y. M. A veil in her hand . 900 St. Luke, Evangelist. An ox lying near him Painting a portrait of B. V, Mary Die Attribute, East Ruston — roodscreen, Rome — Acad, of St» Luke. Munich — J. V, Eyck, Aguado GallV' F. Rizi, Primer 1516 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Luke (continued). Holding a picture of B. Y. Mary Die Attribute, Painting materials about him . Ikonographie. St. Lupus of Sens, B. C» Abt. 623 A diamond falling into his chalice at Mass . . . . , Callot, At the altar, giving the diamond to King Clotaire . . . Der Heyligen Lehen. A cup in his hand, containing a diamond fallen from heaven . Ikonographie, Extinguishing a fire by his prayers Die Attribute. A hind, St. Lutgardis, Y. Abbess, 1246 Cistercian nun, blind . , Ihonogrdphie. Arm of a crucifix extended towards her . » . . . Die Attribute. St. Macarius of Alexandria, Hermit 394 A lamp, or lantern near him , Ikonographie. Flies stinging him in the desert Die Attribute, St. Macarius of Eome, Hermit Two lions digging his grave . ChristL Kunstsymbolik , SS. Macedonius andTheodulus, MM. Burnt on a gridiron , . Callot, 92 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Macra, V. M 303 Pincers or shears for cutting off her breasts .... Ikonographie, St. Macrina, Eecluse Aht. 500 Two stags near her . . . Die^ Attribute, St. Magnus, B. C. Building churches . . . Catalogus Sanctorum. St. Magnus, M. 666 Crosier : reptiles and monsters at his feet .... Bavaria Pia, Martyred by sword and club . Der Heyligen Lehen, Blind man restored to sight . Die Attribute. Surrounded by serpents and wild beast .... Ihonographie, Boy keeping sheep . . . Die Heiligenbilder, Angel giving him gold . . Do, St. Mackessoge or Kessoge B. C. 560 Arrows and bent bow . . Acta Sanctorum. St. Malachy, B. C. 1148 Presenting an apple to a king, and thereby restoring him to sight Icones Sanctorum. St. Mamas, M. Abt. 275 Wild beast licking him . . Icones Sanctorum, St. Mamertinus, C. 5th Cent, Exhorting monks, lying on a mat in his cell before his death . Der Heyligen Leben, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 93 St. Mang, C. 7th Cent. Under a crab tree, ordering a Lear not to toucli the best crabs . Der Heyligen Lehen. St. Manuel, B. M. Sword across his breast » . Arhor Pastoralis, St. Mansuetus, B. C. Abt. 90 Kaising a young nobleman to life Bavaria Pia, Bishop preaching to people • Callot. St. Marcellus, P. M. 309 Kneeling in a stable . . Callot, Ass and crib near him . • Ihonographie. St. Marcellus, M. Buried alive .... Icones Sanctorum. St. Marciana, Y. M. 3rd Cent. Torn by a wild bull . . . Callot, Leopards and lions around her . Ikonographie. A leopard and an ox near her . Die Attribute, St. Margaret, V. M. 4th Cent. Piercing a dragon . , . iV. Walsham— rood- screen, Filhy — roodscreen^ L essingham — roodscreen . Taverham — -font. Piercing a dragon with a long cross Westhall — roodscreen. Dragon behind : lamb before her Arhor Pastoralis, Dragon at her feet : • cross and palm Tableau de la Croix. Dragon near her : angel protecting her . . ^ . . Brington Ch, pew. 94 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Margaret (continued.) Eising out of a dragon : end of her robe in his mouth . . M.S. Hours. Dragon chained, at her feet . Ikonographie. St. Margaret of Cortona, Y. 1297 In an ecstasy : two angels supporting her : our Saviour appearing in glory .... Pitti Gaily- Lanfranc. Cross and instruments of the Passion Ikonographie. St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland 1093 Holding a black cross, and visiting the sick .... Callot. St. Marian, M. Hung up by his thumbs, with weights to his feet . . Callot. St. Marina, Y. 8th Cent. In a monk's habit, cairying a child Louvre — Sp. Galv- Nursing a child in a hermitage . Die Attribute. Drawing a -wood cart to a monastery Do. Kneeling before an open tomb : dove descending to her . . Der Heyligen Lehen. St. Marinus, C. 4th Cent. Mason's hammer and tools . ChristL Kunstsymholik. St. Marius, Hermit 555 A cock near him . . . Ikonographie. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 95 St. Mark, Evangelist. Lion by his side Seated : a fig tree behind him Strangled East Ruston — roodscreen, Venice — A. Busati, Catalogus Sanctorum, Primer, 1516. St. Mark, B. C. 4th Cent. A bishop dragged over thorns. St. Mark, Hermit 400 Angel bringing him the Blessed Sacrament in a spoon . . Die Heiligenhilder, Wolf bringing him a ram's skin Die Attribute, St. Martha, Y. Vanquishing a dragon with a crucifix Der Heyligen Lehen, Binding a dragon with her girdle Catalogus Sanctorum, Holy water vesesl and asperges : dragon at her feet . . Tableau de la Croix, St. Martial, B. C. 3rd Cent. St. Valeria bringing him her head cut off, while he is saying Mass, and then dying at his feet . Vatican — Sjpadarino, Dead raised to life . . . Der Heyligen Leben, Extinguishing a fire with his crosier Callot, St. Martin^ B. C. 402 On horseback, dividing his cloak with a poor man . . . Windsor — Van Dych, Golden LegendebyCaxton, Lib, Cronicarum, Tableau de la Croix, 96 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. Vienna Galb- Lazzaro Baldi, French sculpture, and stained Glass. book Gt. Plumstead — -formerly on the roodscreen. Aylsham — private posses- sion, formerly in St, James*, Norwich, St. Martin, Hermit, Chained to a rock . « . Ikonoyraphie. St. Martina, Y. M. 255 Barbed fork with two prongs, and an axe near her . . . Rorne — P. da Cortona, Lightning destroying a temple of Diana .... Ikonographie, Funeral pile extinguished by rain Die Attribute, A pair of tongs . . . Bo. St. Martinianus, C. 1st Cent. SS, Peter and Paul striking a rock for water to baptize him . Die Attrihuie. St. Martinianus, Hermit, Abt. 400 A dolphin .... Christl. Kunstsymholtk. Standing on a rock in the sea . Ikonographie, St. Martin (continued). Raising to life a dead child A goose by his side . In episcopal vestments — open In episcopal vestments only SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 97 THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. The usual representations of the Blessed Virgin are too well known to need being particularised here : but the two following emblems are given as rare. Carrying two fishes on a dish : a pitcher of water in her other hand Hildesheim Ch. of St. Godard — choir — carv- ing. St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent. A box of ointment in her hand . OxhorougJi — roodscreen, Lessingham — roodscreen . Ludham — roodscreen, N, Walsham — roodscreen. Bramfield — roodscreen. Yaxley — roodscreen. Tableau de la Croix. Holding a boat and an open book Denton^ Church chest. Preaching to King Rene, at Mar- seilles .... Hotel de Cluny. Skull in her hand, or at her feet Louvre — Murillo. Angels taking her up to heaven . Der Heyligen Lehen. Standing covered with her flowing hair ..... Florence — Baptistery. Statue hy Donatello. Standing at the entrance of a cave ; ointment box on a book at her feet Bologna Gaily* Timoteo della Vite, Receiving the H. Communion from St. Maximin . • • Cossey Hall Chapel- — window over the altar. 98 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Mary of James : called also of Cleophas. Seated, with lier four sons as chil- dren about her, who hear the fol- lowing emblems : — St. Jude — a boat. St. Simeon— a fish. St. James the Less — a toy mill, meant probably for a fuller's mill. St. Joseph Barsabas— a cup or bowl Ranworth — aS'. Parclose ' — screen, St. Mary of Succours, V. 13th Cent. Holding a ship . . . Hist, de V Ordre de la Mercy, 170, St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, V. 1607 Eeceiving the B. Sacrament from our Saviour . . . Die Heiligenhilder, Eeceiving a white veil from the B. Virgin .... Do, An inflamed heart and crown of thorns .... Ikonographie. St. Augustin appearing to her, and inscribing on her heart the words : Verhum caro factum . . Die Attribute, St. Mary of Egypt, Penitent. 5th Cent. Covered with her long white hair M,S, Hours, The same, holding three loaves . Tableau de la Croix, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 99 St. Mary of Egypt (continued.) Lying dead : a lion digging her grave .... Pitti Palace — P. da Cortona, SoUtudo : sive Vitce fcemin^' Anachorit^- Communicated by Zosimus in the desert .... Pisa — -Campo Santo, Carried by angels to heaven . SoUtudo, Death's head before her : giving her- self the discipline in the desert Alton Towers— Guercino, Discovered by Zosimus . , Der Heyligen Leben, St. Maternus, B. C. 3rd Cent. Church in his hand . . . De L evens der Heylige. Church with three towers, in his hand .... Die Attribute, Three mitres, one on his head, the other two on a book , . Christl, Kunstsymbolih, Crosier and pilgrim's staff . Die Attribute, Preaching from a pulpit. St, Mathias, Apostle. Bearing a halbert . . . Aylsham — roodscreen. Ringland — -roodscreen, Blofield — roodscreen. ^ Tunstead — roodscreen. Stalham—jont, Leaning upon a sword . , Hunstanton— roodscreen, S outhwold — roodscreen. Holding a sword by the point . Florence Gal, Cos, Rosselli, Holding a lance . . . Raphael, 100 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Mathia^s (continued). Holding a hatchet, or axe A stone in his hand Lynn^ St. Margarets — Brass. Tableau de la Croix. Die Heiligenhilder, St. Matthew, Ap. and Evan. Leaning on a short sword . , * The same, with a dolphin at his feet Holding a money bag Three money bags , Holding a square money box Money box Money box with chain to it, at his feet .... Angel near him — crowned Angel holding inkstand for him Halbert, book and inkhorn Axe and book Battle axe A square T probably meant for a square Ranworth—roodscreen, Primer — 1516. Hemes 'par J, Quentin 1522. Raphael, N, Walsham — roodscreen, Worstead — roodscreen, Ringland — roodscreen. Norhury Ch. — window. Exeter Cath. — statue. Aylsham— roodscreen. Cavjston — roodscreen. East Ruston — roodscreen. Callot. Tableau de la Croix, Blofield — roodscreen. Coins of Gosslar. Beeston Regis — rood- screen. Beeston Regis. Stalham — -font. Ir stead — roodscreen , N. Walsham — carving on spandrils of screen — aS'. Parclose. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 101 St. Maura, V. 850 Crucifix before her • . . Ihonogra^phie, St. Maurice, M. 280 Warrior in armour • . Strasbourg Cathedral — window. Lyons do* do. Holding a standard at the head of the Theban Legion . . Der Heyligen Lehen, Banner with seven stars . . Die Attribute, As a moor .... Christl, Kunstsymbolih, St. Maurilius, B. C. 5th Cent. Calling down lightning upon idols, and fish with two keys in its mouth Icones Sanctorum, Fish with key of the Church in its mouth .... Die Attribute. St. Mauront, Abbot. 706 Sceptre and church . . Douay — Ch. oj St. Amatus. St. Maurus, Abbot. 584 Saving St. Placidus from drowning Callot. Catalogus Sanctorum. With a crosier, going towards the water .... Die Attribute. St. Maximinus, B. C. 349 Eeceiving St. Athanasius at Triers Callot. Bear at his side • . . IJconographie, St.MaximusofNola,B.C. 250 Bunch of grapes upon a bramble Die Attribute. I 2 102 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Maximus of Eiez, B. C. Abt. 460 Raising the dead to life . . Icones Sanctorum, St. Maximus of Turin, B. C. Abt. 467 A doe near him . . . Ikonographie. St. Medard, B. C. 545 Kneeling : dove over his head . Callot, Eagle sheltering him from rain . ChristL Kunstsymholih,^^ Three white doves above him . Ikonographie. Leaving his footmarks in a stone Do. Giving alms .... Die Attribute, A beggar near him . . . Do. An ox . St. Mederic, Ab. Teaching his monks . , Callot, St. Meinhardt, or Meinrad, C, 863 Two ravens pursuing his murderers Die Attribute, Two ravens by his side . . Ikonographie, St. Melanius, B. C. 530 Ship with his body sailing against the stream . . . Ikonographie, Driving out the devil . * Die Attribute, St. Mercurius, M. Abt. 250 Angel bringing him a sword . Callot. St. Melitina, V. M. Bearing a sword : idol overthrown Ikonographie. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 103 St. Methodius, C. 899 Picture of the Last Judgment . Die Attribute St. Michael, ArchangeL In armour, striking a dragon with a sword .... Ranworth, Parclose, Pair of scales : black devil in one, white figure in the other . Filhy — roodscreen. Pair of scales : devil in one, souls in the other .... Martham — window. Weighing souls ; devil depressing one scale ...» Montivilliers — capital of a column. Lance and shield . . . Angelico, Piercing Satan with a long cross ; and a short cross in his hand . Tableau de la Croix, St. Milburge, V. Abbess. 7th Cent. Flock of wild geese, taking flight at her command . . . Lives of SS, by F. Porter. St. Minias, M. Javelin, lily and palm . . In his Ch, near Florence. St. Mitrius, M. 3rd Cent. Bearing his head in his hands . Aix—CathedraU-window, St. Monica, Wid. 387 Standing behind St. Augustin kneel- ing Siena — Ch. oj St. Aug. Pietro Perugino. Handkerchief and open book . Tableau de la Croix. 104 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Moses, the Ethiopian, M. As a moor . . • . Ikonographie, Stabbed with a knife . . Die Attribute. St. Mungho, see Kentigern. St. Narcissus, B. C. 216 Pitcher of water by him . . Ikonographie , Angels conveying his soul to heaven ChristL Kunstsymholik , St. Natalia, Wid. 3rd Cent. A lion by her side . . . Ikonographie, SS. Nazarius and Celsus, MM. Abt. 68 A man and boy walking on the sea Callot, St. Nemesion, or Nemesius, M. 250 Burnt together with two thieves Callot, Icones Sanctorum, St. Nestor, B. M. 250 Praising God upon the rack . Callot, A cross .... Ikonographie. St, Nicasius, B. C. 5th Cent. Top of a skull mitred, in his hand Munich Gall/- L v, SchoreeL St. Nicephorus, M. 260 In a tub with holes, through which executioners torment him . Callot, St. Nicetas, M. 372 Burnt on a funeral pile . . Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 105 St. Nicholas, B. C. 342 Three children in a tub . . Hemes d'Anne de Bretagne, Tableau de la Croix, Three children kneeling before him Die Attribute, Three golden balls upon a book . Rome — Capitol — Botti- celli, Rome — Gaetano Bianchi, Rome — A, Scaccioni, Imperial Coins, Primer, 1516. Holding three balls in his hand . Cimabue. Friburgh Coins, Three balls at his feet, or in his lap Dibdin's Decameron — Vol. I. Three balls on a book on one knee Tableaux des peintres primitifs. Three balls on a book before him kneeling .... Pitti Pal, And, del Sarto, Six balls marked on a book . Ikonographie, Three loaves on a book, or in his hand .... Nuremberg — Sepulchre of St, Sebald, Handing money, or bread, through a window to three poor maidens Angelico da Fiesole, Anchor, or ship in the back ground Christl, Kunstsymbolih, Model of a church in his hand . Die Heiligenbilder, St. Nicholas of Tolentinum, C. 1306 Sun and Stars on his breast . Pitti Galy- Carlo Dolce» Staff tipped with a star . . Lib, Cronicarum, Star over his grave . , Ikonographie. 106 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Nicholas (continued). Star on his breast, or behind him Die Attribute. Holding a bowl with gold and a lily Die Heiligenbilder, Angels singing with him . . ChristL Kunstsymholih, Devil beating him with a club . Der Heyligen Leben. St. Nicomedes, M. Abt. 90 Club set with spikes . . Die Attribute. St. Nilus, the Younger, Abbot. 1005 Holding a lamp with oil, but not lighted .... IJconographie. St. Nonnosus, Ab. A mountain before him, in the clouds Callot. St. Norbert, B. C. 1134 Holding up chalice with Sacred Host, in his right hand . . Vatican — Fil. Bigioli. Carrying Remonstrance with B. Sact. Arbor Pastoralis, Angel holding Remonstrance before him .... Old Engraving. Episcopal vestments brought him by the B. Virgin Mary . . Callot. Chalice with a spider in it . Ihonographie. Devil at his feet, or chained up Die Attribute. St. Nothburga, W. 690 Carrying bread and a sickle . Die Attribute The same, and a heavy weight lying near her feet . . • Bavaria Pia. In a corn field ; sickle near her Bilder Legende. Nine children, or eight on her arm, and the ninth at her feet . Ikonographie. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 107 St. Ocysellus, see Ascylus. St. Odilo, Ab. Two cups, or goblets Addressing his monks 1049 Catalogus Sanctorum. Callot. St. Odulph, C. 9th Cent. Dish in his hand . . . Die Attribute, St. Glaus, Olave, Holofius, Sceptre and sword . , . Arhor Pastor alls. St. Onesimus. Stoned to death , . . Callot. St. Onuphrius, Hermit. 4th Cent. Hairy man, with girdle of palm leaves Callot, Buffalmacco, Hairy man, crown and sceptre, gold and silver at his feet , . Louvre Span, Gaily- Clothed with leaves . . • IkonograpMe. Clothed in skins . , . Die Heiligenhilder, Crawling on his hands and feet, and pursued by hounds as a wild beast Do, An angel blessing him . . Die Attribute. OR TOOLEY, K. M. 1030 Dagger in his hand . Halbert and loaf Ikonographie. Barton Turf—side screen-. St. Opportuna, Y. Abbess 770 B. V. Mary appearing to her on her death bed . , . , Callot. 108 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Optatus of Milevum, B. C. 4tli Cent. Trampling on the enemies of the faith . . . . C allot, St. Orcas or Ozias, Holding a bird, with its head down- wards .... Heydon Church — win- dow, St. Osith, see Sitha. St. Osmund, B. C. 1099 Book of the Sarum use in his hand. ♦ St. Oswald, B. C. Driving the devil off a large stone Lives of SS, hy F, Porter, St. Oswald, K. M. 642 Sceptre and cross . , , Aylsham — private posses- sion, formerly in St, James' Ch. Norwich, Arbor Pastoralis, Breaking up a silver dish for the poor Icones SSm, Eaven bringing him a letter, and a golden box of holy chrism . Der Heyligen Lehen, Eaven in his hand : ring in its bill Die Attribute, Dove over his head . . Ikonographie, St. Oswin, K. M. 651 Spear and sceptre . . . Seal of Tynemouth Priory, St. Othmar, Ab. 759 Keg of wine in his hand . . Lib, Cronicarum, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 109 St. Othilia, V. 772 Carrying two eyes upon a book . Primer 1516. Die Heiligenbilder, Two eyes lying at her feet . Vienna Galv- Cignaroli, Baptized and receiving her sight Bavaria Pia, Holding a cup, or chalice . Solitudo, St. Ozias, see Orcas. St. Otho of Ariano, Hermit, 1120 Falcon perched upon a cottage . Ihonographie, St. Otho, or Otto, B. C. 1139 Making nails at a forge, out of arrows .... Christl. Kunstsymholih, Holding arrows . . . Die Heiligenbilder, St. Pachomius, Hermit 348 Angel appearing to him . . Callot, St. Pamphilius, M. Abt. 290 A razor in his hand , . . Die Attribute, St. Pancras, or Pancratius, M. 304 Sword and stone in his hands . Die Heiligenbilder, Youth armed — palm in his hand, Saracen under his feet. St. Pant^enus, Father of the Church. Abt. 215 Lecturing from a pulpit . , Icones Sanctorum, K 110 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Pantaleon, M. 303 Bound, his hands above his head nailed to an olive tree, sword at his feet .... Venice — various ^pictures. Nail through his hands into his head Lih, Cronicarum, Pushed off a rock with a pitchfork Callot, Killed with a club . . . Der Heyligen Leben, Healing a sick child . . Paul Veronese. Stone tied to his neck . . Die Attribute, St. Paphnutius, B.C. 4th Cent. Working in the mines . . Callot, Angel giving him a monastic rule Ikonographie, St. Paphnutius, M. Bound to a palm tree . • Icones Sanctorum, St. Parthenius, B. C. 4th Cent. Killing a mad dog by the sign of the cross . . • . . Die Attribute. St. Paschal Baylon, C. 1592 Vision of chalice and sacred Host Ikonographie, St. Pastor, see Justus. St. Paternus, B. C. 565 Serpents about him . . . Christl, Kunstsymbolik, St. Patricia, V. On a pilgrimage with two companions Callot, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. Ill St. Patrick, B. C. Chasing reptiles Driving serpents out of a cave Serpents at his feet A fire before him St. Paul, Apostle Besting upon a sword Holding a sword Holding two swords . Sword and book Three springs, where his bounded 464 Arbor Past oralis. Callot, Ihonographie. Die Attribute. 65 Aylshara — roodscreen. Lessingham — roodscreen^ Belaugh — roodscreen, StalJiam — font, Tunstead — roodscreen, Ranworth — roodscreen. Primer 1516. Filby — roodscreen. head Die Attribute, St, Paul, the First Hermit 342 Eaven bringing him a loaf . Arbor Pastoralis, Callot, Dividing his loaf with St. Anthony Catalogus Sanctorum, Wearing a cloak of palm leaves . Solitudo, St. Paul of Constantinople, B. M. 350 Stole in his hand . . . IJconographie, St. Paula, W. 404 Pilgrim leading her daughter . Callot, 112 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Paula Barbata. Long beard obtained by prayer . Bie Attribute. St. Paulinus of Nola, B. C. 431 Preaching to the poor . , Callot. St. Pegasius, M. Bound on a pile of wood, to be burnt .... Icones Sanctorum, St. Pelagia of Tarsis, V. M. 3rd Cent. In a bull of brass, over a fire . C allot, St, Pelagia of Antioch, Penitent 5th Cent. Listening to St. Nonnus preaching Menology oj St, Basil, Eeligious, praying before a Church Do, Kneeling, jewels before her, on the ground . . . Callot, Found dead in her cell . . Solitudo, Falling from a roof, or window . Ihonogra'phie. Standing in a baptismal font . Bie Attribute, St. Pelagius, M. 925 Sword in left hand, right cut oW Arbor Pastoralis, Bed hot pincers . . . Ihonographie, St. Peregrinus, B. M. Preaching from an eminence . Callot, St. Perpetua, M. 203 A wild cow by her side . . Ihonogra'phie, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 113 St. Perpetuus, B. C. Directing the building of a church Callot. St. Peter, Apostle 65 Key in his hand . . . Tunstead — roodscreen. Lessingham — roodscreen » Buckenham — font, Stalham — font. Two golden keys . . . Irstead — roodscreen, Filhy — roodscreen , Wor stead— screen, S. Aisle, Ringland— roodscreen. Ranworth— roodscreen, Blofield — roodscreen. One gold and one silver key . Sw afield — roodscreen, Westwich— roodscreen. Two keys, open book, with the words : Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem , . . Truneh — roodscreen . Weeping ; cock crowing near him Pitti Palace— Guido. Bo, — Carlo Dolce, Meeting our B. Saviour on the Appian Way . . . Vatican — Raphael. Crucified, with his head downwards Vatican — Giotto, In chains, in prison. St. Peter of Alexandria, B. M. 311 Our Saviour appearing to him as a child in a tattered garment . Callot. St. Peter Damian, B.C.D. 1072 Hermit with a cardinal's hat by his side * . . . . Ihonographie, A scourge . . . . Die Attribute. K 2 114 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Peter Thomas, Carmelite, M. An arrow .... Ihonographie, St. Peter Gonzales, or Elmo, 1246 Lying in his mantle upon hot coals Die Attribute, St. Peter, Martyr 125.2 Cut across his head : palm in his hand ..... Pitti Galv* B, Angelico. Knife in his head : sword in his breast . . . . UAgincourt — Painting of the I6th Century, Stabbed and his skull cloven . Der Heyligen Lehen, Martyred in a wood : angels ap- pearing .... National Galv- Giorgione. Sword fixed in his head . . Ikonographie, Writing Credo on the ground, with his blood, at his martyrdom . Die Attribute. St. Peter Celestin, P.C. 1300 Tiara, friar's habit, dove at his ear Liessies — Hainault—Ch, of the Benedictins, St. Peter of Alcantara, C. 1562 Cross in his arm, or before him . Ikonographie, Walking on the water with a lay brother : a star over his head Munich Galv- CI, Coello, Scourge, and instruments of penance Die Attribute, A dove at his ear . . . Christl, Kunstsymbolik, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 115 St. Petronilla, V. 1st Cent. Key and clasped book . . N. Elmham — roodscreen, Trimmingham — rood- screen, St. Peter conversing with her at table Der Heyligen Leben, Holding a broom . . • Tableau de la Croix, Keceiving the Holy Viaticum . Callot, St. Petronius, B. C. 452 Holding a model of the city of Bologna, with its two leaning towers .... Bologna Galv- Lor. Costa. Interceding for the city to our B. Saviour in the arms of the B. Virgin .... Bologna Galv- Guido, St. Philibert, Ab. 684 Stilling a storm at sea . . Callot. An ass standing by him. St, Philip, Apostle Abt. 80 A basket in his hand A basket held up . . Basket with bread . Two loaves and a cross Mar sham — roodscreen. N, Walsham — S, Par close ^ Ringland — roodscreen. Ir stead — roodscreen, L essingham — roodscreen . Tunstead — roodscreen, Belaugh — roodscreen, Wor stead — roodscreen. Worstead— screen — N. Aisle. Blofield — roodscreen . N, Tuddenham — chancel window^ 116 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Philip (continued). Three loaves in his hand . Cross in his left, money in right Bearing a knotted cross . Crucified, with his head downwards Rome — St, PauVs — Bronze Gates — Trunch — roodscreen . Tableau de la Croix, Wilhelm, Tall cross Maria in Trastevere, Lynn St. Margaret's — Brass, Alb, Durer, Tall cross and book Devils and idols driven away and overthrown by the cross from an altar . . . . • Die Attribute. Serpent driven from beneath an altar Florence — S^ Croce — FiL Lippi. of Mars A spear and double cross St. Philip Neri, C. 1595 A rosary in his hand St. Philogonius, B.C. 322 A bishop, as a lawyer, writing . Tableau de la Croix. Icones Sanctorum. St. Phocas of Antioch, M. Serpents twined round him Ihonographie. St. Phocas of Sinope, M. 303 A gardener with a spade . . Venice — St. MarFs. With a sword . . . Ikonographie. St. Piat, M. Abt. 286 Carrying his head cut off. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 117 St. Pirminius, M. Serpents twined roiind him . Die Attribute, SS. Placidus and Flavia, MM. The former hung up by the heels over smoke : the latter standing with a heavy weight to her feet Callot, St. Placidus, M. 541 Pointing with a sword to his tongue torn out .... Die Attribute, SS. POLIANUS AND NeMESIAN, MM. 3rd Cent. Working in marble quarries . Callot, St, Policronius, B. M. Bound to a stake and stoned . Callot, St. Polycarp, B. M. 166 Stabbed, and burnt to death . Callot, Pile of wood in flames near him Ikonographie, St. Pontianus, M. 180 In a den with lions , . . ChristL Kunstsymbolih, Angels feeding him . . . Die Attribute, St. Poppo, Abbot 1048 Restoring to life a man killed by a wolf ..... IJconograjphie, St. Posidonius, B. C. 500 Pagan idols overthrown . . Die Heiligenbilder, 118 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. SS. POTAMIANA AND MaRCELLA, MM. 3rd Cent. Both burnt at the same stake . Callot, St. Potentiana, V. Burying the martyrs. . • Callot, Giving alms . • . . Der Heyligen Lehen, Holding an urn . . . Agnus Dei, blessed hy Pope Innocent XL St. Potentinus, M. 6th Cent. In armour, holding a lance and two arrows . . . . Acta Sanctorum, SS. Praxedes and Pudentiana, VV. Abt. 150 Taking up the blood of martyrs with a sponge .... Rome — Pomerancio. St. Primatius, B. M. Burnt to death . . . Arbor Pastoralis. SS. Primus and Felicianus, MM. 286 Angel visiting them in prison : one nailed to a post, the other chained by his neck to the wall . Callot. St. Prisca, V. M. Abt. 275 Lion at her side : palm in her hand Callot, Two lions at her side . . Ikonographie. An eagle near her . . . Die Heiligenbilder. A sword in her hand . . Die Attribute. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Privatus, B. M. 3rd Cent. Beaten to death by soldiers in a cave Callot, Praying in a cave before a cross Icones Sanctorum, SS. Processus and Marti- NiANus, MM. 1st Cent. Scourged with scorpions . . Ikonographie. St. Procopius, M. 303 Incense forced into his hand . Icones Sanctorum, St. Procopius, Hermit 1053 A stag taking refuge near him . Ikonographie. St. Proculus, M. 4th Cent. An axe in his hand . . . Bolognese — paintings. Carrying his head in his hands . Do, St. Pulcheria, V. Empress, 453 Bearing a sceptre and a lily . Callot, St. Quintin, M. 287 Broken wheel at his feet . . Callot, Hands in stocks, nails in his shoulders .... M.S. Hours » A spit ..... French and Flemish pictures. His body washed up from the sea Icones Sanctorum, His hands and feet fettered . Die Attribute, St. Quiriacus, B. M. Abt. 362 Stabbed in the back . , Der Heyligen Lehen. Holding one hand cut off . . Die Attribute, 120 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Quiricus, see Cyr. St. Quirinus, M. 275 Nine balls upon his shield : palm ; horse and hawk near him His tongue cut out and thrown to a hawk .... Dragged by horses . • • St. Quirinus, B. M. 309 A millstone by him St. Eadegundes, Queen 590 Crowned : mantle with fleurs de lys Crowned : sceptre tipped with a fleur de lys White head-dress : tunic with fleurs de lys : mantle with castles Visiting the sick Two wolves by her . Crown at her feet Wild beasts about her St. Raineldis, V. M. Dragged along the ground by her hair . • . . • St. Rainerius, see Regnier. St. Raphael, Archangel. Bearing a staff Boisseree Gab' No. 9. Bie Attribute, Bo. Ihonographie, Poitiers, window in her church. Bo. Bo. I cones Sanctorum, Ikonographie. Bie Attribute. Bo. Callot, Bearing a fish Leuchtenberg Galv* Murillo. Tableau de la Croix, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. IIAPHA.EL (continued). Wallet over his shoulder . . Hours of Anne of Brittany » Walking on a river, v^rith pilgrim's staff . . . . . Callot, A gourd bottle . . . Die Attribute, St. Raymund Nonnatus, C. 1240 Lock on his lips . . . Ikonographie, Moors, or ransomed slaves about him Die Attribute, St. Raymund of Pennafort, C. 1275 In a boat, with his cloak for a sail Bologna — Z. Caracci, St. Regina, y. M. 3rd Cent. In a boiling cauldron : torches applied to her . . . • Callot. Bound to a cross : torches applied to her sides . . . Der Heyligen Leben, In prison, chained, praying : dove on a luminous cross appearing . Bilder Legende, Lamb, or sheep about her . . Ikonographie, Scourged with rods. St. Regnier, C. 1589 A bull near him . . . Die Heiligenbilder, Dying in a coarse penitential habit Pisa — Campo Santo, St. Regula, Y. M. 303 Carrying her head cut off . . Ikonographie, St. Regulus, B. M. Kneeling before the executioner, mitre at his feet . . • Lucca — at his altar. 122 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Eeinoldus, C. 7tli Cent. A hammer in his hand . . Ikonographie, In armour .... ChristL Kunstsymholih. St. E-emigius, B. C. 545 Carrying the Holy Oils . . Formerly in the Cathedral of Chartres, Dove bringing him Holy Chrism Arbor Fastoralis, The same, and Clovis kneeling before him ..... Callot, St. Eestituta, Y. M. 272 An angel above her . • . Die Attribute, Another St. Restituta, V. M. 3rd Cent. Standing in a burning ship unhurt : the fire destroying those who lighted it . . . . Callot. St. Richard, K. C. 722 Pilgrim : crown at his feet . Arbor Pastoralis. On a pilgrimage, with his two sons Ihonographie, St. Richard, B. C. 1253 Ploughing . . . , Callot, Chalice at his feet. Kneeling, with a chalice before him, St. Rieul, C. 130 Frogs about him . . . Christl, Kunstsyrnbolik, Fountain, where his tears had fallen Die Attribute, A stag by him . . . Do, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 123 St. Egbert, C. Nobleman, stabbed through his left shoulder .... Formerly on the rood- screen at Erpingham, B. Robert of Arbrissel, C. 1116 Coat of mail next his skin . Ikonographie. St. Robert of Kananesbury, C. 1239 Holding an asperges brush, and threatening the devil . . Formerly painted in Eng- lish Convents of the Trinity, Compitum, Book ii. Ch, x. St. Roch, C. 1327 or 1348 Pilgrim : plague spot on his thigh Stalham roodscreen. Pilgrim : plague spot on his leg ; dog with a loaf in his mouth . Venice — Tintoretto, Pilgrim : plague spot on his thigh ; angel pointing to it . . Leuchtenherg Galy- Ca- rotto. The same, and dog with loaf in his mouth .... Tableau de la Croix. Pilgrim with staff only . . Pitti Palace — And, del Sarto, Pilgrim, wound in his thigh, angel touching it, dog with loaf in his mouth .... Prints in Dihdin's Deca- meron, Vol, II, and Hone's Every Day Book, Vol, L 124 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Roch (continued). Plague spot on his thigh : angel speaking to him . • . Primer — 1516. Pilgrim : dog licking his wounds Die Heiligenhilder, St. Romanus, B. C. 639 Dragon or Gargouille by his side Die Attribute. Standing before a river : cross in his hand .... ChristL Kunstsymbolik, Dragon : stole or scapular about its neck .... Die Heiligenhilder, St. Romanus, M. Abt. 258 His tongue cut out . . . Icones Sanctorum. St. Romedius, C. Three pilgrims : a bear with them Bavaria Pia. St. Romuald, Abbot 1027 Pointing to a ladder with monks ascending upon it to heaven . Vatican — And. Sacchi. Vision of monks ascending two and two without a ladder . . Die Attribute, St. Rosalia, V. 1617 Receiving a chaplet of roses from the B. Virgin Mary . . . Vienna Galv- Van Dyck* In a cave, with a cross and skull Bilder Legende, Crown of roses, usually white, on her head .... Die Attribute. Embracing a distaif. St. Rose of Viterbo, V. 1261 Roses in her hand or apron . Ikonographie. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 125 St. Eose of Lima, V. 1617 Garland of roses on her head . Pitti Galv* Carlo Dolce, Infant Jesus in a nosegay of roses Bilder Legende, Crown with sharp points on her head, and a rose in her hand . . Ikonographie. St. Rudbert, B. C. Holding a basket of eggs . . Saltzburgh coins. SS. RUFINA AND SeCUNDA, VV. MM. 257 Floating in the sea, a weight to their necks .... Callot. St. RuFus, B. M. Aht. 116 An axe ..... Die Attribute, St. Rumold or Rumbold, B. M. 775 A man lying behind him, holding a hoe ..... Z)e Levens der Heylige. St. Rupert, B. C. 718 Baptizing Theodon, Duke of Bavaria Callot. A salt box in his hand . . ChristL Kunstsymholih, St. Sabas, M. 372 Boiled in a cauldron • . Callot, Hung by his hands upon a fig tree Ihonogra'phie. St, Sabas, Abbot 531 An apple in his hand . , Die Attribute. L 2 126 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Sabinus, B. M. 304 His hands chopped off . . Callot. Overthrowing an image of Jupiter Icones Sanctorum, St. Salome, wife of Zebedee Seated with her two children, SS. James and John hefore her . Ranworth — S, Parclose St. Salvator ab Horta, C, 1567 A young tree in his hand . . Ikonographie. As a gardener . . . Die Attribute, Walking over hot coals . . ChristL KunstsymboUJc, St. Sativola, see Sidwell. St. Saturninus, B. M. Dragged by a wild bull Strangled St. Savina, V. Giving alms to a cripple . 275 Callot, Icones Sanctorum, Der Heyligen Lehen, St. Scholasttca, V. Abbess, 542 Crucifix in her hand : her soul depart- ing in the form of a dove , Tableau de la Croix, St. Sebaldus, Hermit 8th Cent. Pilgrim : church in his hand . Liher Cronicarum, Pilgrim preaching . . . Solitudo. Two oxen near him . . . JJconographie, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 127 St. Sebastian, M. 288 Kneeling on one knee, offering up to Heaven two arrows . . Pitti Galv- Guercino^ Standing, with a lily by him . Louvre— Spanish Gallery^ picture by Hernando Yanez. Bunch of arrows in his hand . Lib, Cronicarum. Bound to a tree, pierced with arrows Colney — font. Tableau de la Croix, Primer, 1516. Wells near him : thrown into one Die Attribute, St. Secundus, Hermit 119 Angel bringing him the B, Sacra- ment .... Die Attribute. Clouds over him • . . Ikonoyraphie, Angels burying him • » Christl, Kunstsymbolih, A sword .... Die Attribute, SS. Seraphia and Erasma, VV. MM. Praying by the bodies of martyrs : an angel standing by them . Callot, St. Serapion, M. Thrown off a house . Thrown out of a window St. Sergius, M. Angel healing his wounds Shoes with spikes inside Callot, Ikonographie. 290 Die Attribute Ikonographie, St. Sernin, see Saturninus. 128 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Servatius, B. C. 384 Lying in an open tomb . . Callot. Key in liis hand : dragon at his side De Lev ens der Heylige, Asleep in the sun : an eagle shading and fanning him . . . Der Heyligen Leben. St. Servulus, C. 590 A beggar lying on a pallet, listening to the Scriptures read to him : angels above with celestial music Callot. Seven Sleepers, MM. 250 Whose names were — SS. Maxi- MIANUS, MaLCHUS, MaRTIAN, DioNYSias, John, Serapion, and CONSTANTINE, Seven men asleep in a cave . Westminster — Chapel of St. Edward Conf, Der Heyligen Leben, Callot. Seven men asleep: angel guarding them Icones Sanctorum, Seven men praying in a cave. SS. John, Constantino, and Maxi- mianus — each a club. SS. Martian and Malchus— an axe. St. Serapion — a torch. , St. Dionysius — a large nail. St. Severianus, M. Abt. 300 Hung up, with stones to his feet Ikonographie. St. Severinus, B. C. 482 Vision of angels . . . Callot, Church in his hand . . . Ikonographie, Preaching to the people . . Die Attribnte, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 129 St. Severus of Ravenna, B. C. 390 Weaver's loom and implements . IJconographie, Dove on his shoulder . . Die Attribute. St. Severus of Eome, M. Nail in his head and hand . Christl, Kunstsymbolih, St. Severus of Avranches, B. C. 6th Cent. A horse by his side . . . Ihonogra'phie, St. Sexburga, Queen, Abbess. End of 7th Cent. Bearing a palm branch . . Waljpole Ch.—v)indow. St. Sidonius Apollinaris, see Apollinaris Sidonius. St. Sidwell, or Sativola, V. M. Abt. 740 Scythe or sickle and well . . Exeter Cath, — E, window* Carrying her head in her hand . Do. — capitals of columns, St. Silvanus, B. M. Devoured by a lion . . . Callot. St. Silvanus, Hermit, Watering flowers . . . Engraving — private pos- session. St. Simeon, Prophet. Holding the Holy Infant Jesus in his arms .... Arbor Pastor alis. 130 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Simeon, B. M. 116 Crucified .... Callot. As a child with his mother and brothers ; a fish in his hand (hy mistake, confounding him, as often done, with St. Simon the Apostle ) Ranworth, S, Parclose. St. Simeon Stylites, C. 459 Living upon a pillar . . Lib. Croniearum, Arbor Pastor alis. St. Simeon Salus, Hermit. 6th Cent. Blowing bladders, to appear as a fool : children pointing at him Callot. Pretending to cure the blind with vinegar, to pass for a fool . Icones Sanctorum. St. Simon, Apostle. A fish in his hand . . . Ranworth — roodscreen. Blofield — roodscreen. Worstead — roodscreen. N, Walsham — roodscreen. Aylsham — roodscreen. A fish on the leaves of a closed book held with the leaves upwards . Trunch — roodscreen. Two fishes in his hand . . Sw afield — roodscreen. Belaugh — roodscreen. Tunstead — roodscreen. An oar in his hand . Southwold — roodscreen. Lessingham — roodscreen . Stalham — font. A fuller's bat .... Ringland — roodscreen. Cavjston — roodscreen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 131 St, Simon (continued). A saw in his hand . . . Sotterley — roodscreen, Catalogus Sanctorum, Tableau de la Croix. Primer, 1516. Exeter Cathedral — statue, Israel v, MecJcemem, Heures 'par /. Quentin, 1522. Sawed through longitudinally . Callot. St. Simon Stock, C. 1265 Scapular in his hand . . Ikonograjphie, St. Simon of Trent, M. 1472 A child with a cross by his side Die Attribute. St. Simpertus, B. C. Persons praying at his tomb : wolf before it with a live child in his mouth . . . • Bavaria Pia, St. Sira, V. M. 588 A rope in her hand . , . Ikonographie. Dogs about her . . , Die Attribute. St. Sitha, or Osith, Queen, Y. Abbess, M. Abt. 870 Eosary and large key , . N. Elmham — roodscreen. Rosary, bag and keys . • Barton Turf — roodscreen, Aylsham — private posses- sion, formerly in St» James^ Ch. Norwich. Rosary alone .... Denton — Church chest. 132 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Sitha, or Osith (continued). Two keys and three loaves . Mells Ch. Somerset, Keys and book , . . Tateshale Ch. Lincoln, Winchester Cathedral — window. Book and rosary . . . Westhall — roodscreen. Two keys .... Norhnry Ch, — window, SS. Sophia and Daughter, MM. Breasts cut off, and variously tortured Icones Sanctorum, St. Sophronia, Recluse Birds dropping flowers on lier corpse Ikonographie. St. Sozon, M. 290 Shoes with spikes through them Die Attribute, St. Spiridion, B. C. 348 Needles for putting out his eyes Die Attribute, Giving a poor man an eel, which changed into gold . . Callot, Icones Sanctorum, St. Stanislaus, B. M. 1070 Martyred at the altar . . Callot, St. Stanislaus Kostka, C. 1586 Two angels giving him the Holy Communion . . . Vienna Gab- Artois, One angel by his side . . Die Attribute, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 183 St. Stephen, Protomartyr. Deacon holding stones in a napkin Ranworth — Parclose, Holding stones in his robe . Ludham — roodssreen, Westminster Abbey — statue. Arbor Pastoralis. Holding stones in his hand , Hempstead — roodscreen. Bavarian Coins. Two stones in one hand, one stone on his head, and palm in the other hand ..... Tableau de la Croix, Deacon, holding stones in his dal- matic . . . . B, de Bruijn, The same, but one stone wounding his head .... MS. Hours. St. Stephen, P. M. 257 Stabbed in his back, at the altar Der Heyligen Leben, St. Sulpicius, B. C. 591 Visiting the sick . . . Callot. St. Susanna, Y. M. Abt. 295 Crown and sword . . . Ikonographie. SS. Susanna, Martiana, and Palladia, MM. Bearing palms : child with them bearing a palm . . . Callot, St. Swidbert, B. C. 713 Star on his breast, or in his hand Die Attribute. 134 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Sylvester, P. C. 335 Baptizing Constantine the Great Callot, Ox lying by his side . . Die Attribute, Tiara, double cross, and scroll . Houghton le Bale — roodscreen, St. Symphorian, M. Abt. 178 Encouraged by his mother, on his way to martyrdom . . C allot. St. Symphorosa, M. 120 Thrown into pit before the tyrant Der Heyligen Leben, St. Tarasius, B. C. 806 Pictures of saints about him . Ikonographie. St. Tatiana, Y. M. Exposed to wild beasts . . Callot. St. Telesphorus, P. M. 154 A club ..... Die Attribute, St. Teresa, V. 1582 Pen and book : dove flying to her Tableau de la Croix, Pen and book : angel by her with a dart and a heart . . . Vatican — Statue by j Valle, Crucifix with four diamonds on the sacred wounds . . . IJconographie. An inflamed heart in her hand . Die Attribute. St. Tescelin, or Tesselin, C. Standing by his son, St. Bernard Cosseg Hall Chapel- window. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 135 St. Thaddeus, Ap. see St. JUDE. St. Thais, Penitent, Abt. 348 Doing penance in a cell . Burning her jewels and ornaments St. Tharsilla, V. Vision of our B. Saviour and saints St. Thecla, V. M. 1st Cent. Burnt to death Led towards the fire to be burnt Unhurt in the midst of wild beasts Lion at her side : cross in her hand. Between two serpents. St, Themistocles, M. Iron caltrops near him St. Theobald, B. C. In episcopal vestments Solitudo» Die Attribute, Callot, Callot. Der Heyligen Lehen, Ikonographie. Die Attribute. St. Theobald, C. Shoemaker's tools . St. Theodora, Penitent. In the habit of a monk St. Theodora, Empress, Evil spirit taking her hand. Hempstead — pulpit: Jor- merly on the roodscreen. 1150 Ihonographie, 460 Die Attribute. 867 306 St. Theodore Tyro, M. Our B. Saviour appearing to him in prison .... Callot. 136 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Theodore Tyro (continued). Firing the temple of Cybele with a torch .... Chartres Cathedral — window. Crown of thorns on his head . Ikonographie. A funeral pile . . . Die Attribute. St. Theodore of Heraclea, M. 319 Eoman General — sword and dragon Die Heiligenhilder, St. Theodore, B. C. 613 On horseback : crocodile under his feet . . . . . Venice — Piazzetta — colunfins. On horseback : spearing a dragon with three heads . . . Coins of Mont s err at. Trampling on the devil . . C allot, St. Theodosia, Y. M. 308 A stone in her hand . . Die Attribute, St. Theodosius, Cenobiarch. 529 Giving a cord to a man kneeling Callot, Bags of money by him . . Ihonographie, Iron rings on his neck and arms Die Attribute, St. Theodota, Y. M. 318 Heated oven .... Christl, Kunstsynfibolik, St. Theodotus, M. 303 Torch and sword . . . Ihonograjphie, St. Theodula, M. 3rd Cent. Nailed through her feet to a cypress, and hanging by her hair upon it Die Attribute SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 137 St. Theodulus, B. C. 391 Devil with a great bell at his feet Die Attribute, St. Thomas, Apostle. A spear or lance . « . Ranworth — roodscreen. Blofield—roodscreen. Sw afield — roodscreen. Belaugh — roodscreen, Ringland — roodscreen, Tunstead — roodscreen, Sotterley — roodscreen, CrostwicJc — -font. Stalham — -font. Tableau de la Croix. Primer 1516. A carpenter's square . . Raphael, Isr, V. Meekenem, M,S, Hours, Handling our B. Saviour's wounds Antwerp — Rubens, St. Albans— old fresco ^ Eeceiving a girdle, which the B, Virgin lets fall to him, at her Assumption . . . Florence Galv- Granacci. Bearing an arrow. St. Thomas of Canterbury, B. M. 1170 Pallium, crosier with battle axe head Sparham — roodscreen, Archiepiscopal cross . . Stalham— roodscreen, Worstead — N, Parclose, Cossey Church — window. Burlingham St, Andrew — roodscreen. The same, with pallium . . Attleborough — screen, M 2 138 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Thomas of Canterbury (continued). Sword in his head, or mitre Sword across the back of his head Martyred before an altar. St. Thomas of Aquin, C. D. 1274 Star on his breast , Sun on his breast Dove at his ear . . . Dove on his shoulder Chalice and Sacred Host . St. Thomas of Villanova, B. C. • 1555 Bishop, with a wallet in his hand, and beggars about him . Ikonographie, Arbor Pastor alis. Pitti Galy- B, Angelieo, Vaticano — Giov, Angelico da Fie sole ^ Arhor Pastoralis, Lib, Cronicarum, Ikonographie. St. Thomassus, C. 1337 Carmelite carrying water . St. Thutael, M. Sawed in pieces on a cross St. Tiburtius, M. 229 Walking on red hot coals . St. Tillo, Tillou, Tyllo, or HiLLONius, C. Abt. 700 Crosier and chalice . Ikonographie, Christl. Kunstsymbolik, Ikonographie, Die Attribute. Acta Sanctorum, St. Timon, Deacon, M. Burnt to death . . . Callot, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 139 St. Timothy, B. M. 97 A club and a stone . . . Die Attribute, SS. Timothy and Maura, MM. Funeral pile . . . . Ikonographie. St. Titus, B. M. 1st Cent. His face bright and beaming . Die Attribute. St. Tooley see Olaus. St. Tosso or Tozo, B. C. 7tli Cent. Lighted torch and rosary . . Bavaria Pia. St. Trophymus, M. 270 Carrying his own eyes plucked out Christl. KunstsymboUJc. St. Tryph^na, V. M. 1st Cent. An ox near her . . . IJconographie. SS. Tryphon and Companions, MM. 250 Feet nailed to the ground . . Callot. St. Ulmar, Abbot 710 In a hollow tree : a peasant bringing him a loaf .... Callot, St. Ulric, or Udalric, B. C. 973 Asleep, two angels before him, one with the B. Sacrament, the other with a crosier . . . Der Heyligen Leben, 140 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Ulric, or Udalric (continued). Angel bringing him a chalice and a cross ..... Die Attribute, Angel bringing him a cross . Bilder Legende. The same— to him on horseback in battle .... Icones Sanctorum. A fish in his hand . . • Liber Cronicarum, A fish near him . . . Ikonographie, Giving a coat to a poor man . Die Attribute, St. Urban, P. M. 230 Scourged at a stake . . C allot. Beheaded : idol falling from a broken column .... Der Heyligen Leben> St. Urban of Langres, B. C. 5th Cent A vine at his side . . . Ikonographie, St. Uriel, Angel. Scroll and book . . , Die Attribute. St. Ursicinus, B. M. 67 Carrying his head cut off, with palm branches sprouting from his neck Die Heiligenhilder. St. Ursula, V. M. 5th Cent. Arrow in her hand, virgins beneath her mantle .... Eye, ( Suffolk J rood- screen. Arrows in her hand, virgins, as above .... Barnham Broom — rood' screen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 141 St. Ursula (continued). Arrow in each hand, virgins, as above Winchester Cath. — choir — window. One arrow in her hand . • Lih. Cronicarum. Primer 1516. Crowned : arrow in her hand . Margheritone d^Arezzo. II Giottino. Arrow : white banner with red cross Vienna Galv* Palma Vechio, Banner with cross — and book . Guido da Sienna. Shot with an arrow : virgins slain around her .... Catalogus Sanctorum, Dove at her feet . . . Die Attribute Ship near her, or the saint landing from it ... . Christl, Kunstsymholik, Arrow and book . . . IJconographie, St. Ursus, M. 300 Banner and sword • . . Die Heiligenbilder, St. Utho, Hermit. Discovered in his cell by a hunter Bavaria Pia, St. Valentine, M. Abt. 270 A priest bearing a sword . . Ikonographie, St. Valentine of Terracina, B. C. 312 Raising a dead boy to life . Die Attribute, St. Valentius, M, A scythe .... Ikonographie. 142 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Valeria, V. M. Abt. 250 Bringing her head cut off to St. Martial, saying Mass . . Vatican — Spadarino. Bearing her head in her hands, with a coronet upon it . . Limoges Cathedral — window, St. Valerian, M. 3rd Cent. Our B. Saviour animating him to suffer .... Icones Sanctorum, Guardian angel by him . . Ikonographie, St. Varus, M. 290 A flail in his hand . . . Die Attribute, St. Vautrude, see Waltrude. St. Vedast, B. C. 539 A wolf with a goose in its mouth ChristL Kunstsymholik, St. Venantius, M. 250 Banner : a wall near him • . Die Attribute, St. Venantius of Tours, B. C. Abt. 500 Lions about him . . . Die Attribute, St. Verena, V. 3rd Cent. B. V. Mary appearing at her death Der Heyligen Leben, Crown of thorns on her head . Die Attribute, Houses washed away : figure at the window of a prison. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 143 St. Veronica, Y. Holding a veil impressed with the countenance of our B. Redeemer Rome — St, Peter's — Mo- saic after Andrea Sac- chi» Tableau de la Croix, St. Veronus, C. 9th Cent. Pilgrim : woman near him pouring out water .... Die Attribute, St. Victor of Marseilles, M. 3rd Cent. Trampling down a Pagan altar . Die Attribute, His foot cut off . . . Icones Sanctorum, Millstone and sword . . Ikonograjphie, St. Victor of Milan, M. 303 His foot on a broken altar . Cremona — in his Church; Andrea Campi^ As a Moor .... Die Attribute, Burnt in an oven or metallic ox . Ikonographie. St. Victoria, V. M. 250 Obtaining the destruction of a dragon by prayer .... Icones Sanctorum, St. Victorinus, M. Abt. 300 Bruised to death in a mortar . Ikonographie, His leg or foot cut off . . Die Heiligenbilder. Pagan altar overturned . . Die Attribute, Banner and globe . . . Do, 144 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Vincent, M. Deacon holding an iron hook 304 Sparham — clerestory window. Sail — aS'. Transept window. Iron hook Norwich — St, Peter's Hungate — E, window. His bowels torn with a hook, and his body burnt on a gridiron A gridiron with spikes Catalogus Sanctorum, Die Attribute, Crow driving wild beasts from the martyr's body . . . Bourges and Chartres Cathedrals — windows. Two crows piloting the ship with his relics. A crow, or raven, sometimes on a millstone .... Sacred and Legendary Arty hy Mrs. Jameson, St. Vincent Ferrer, C. 1419 Sun with monogram I H S in his hand ..... Ihono graphic, Jewish and Saracen converts . Die Attribute, St. Vincent of Paul, C. 1660 Ransomed slaves around him . Chrisil, Kunstsymbolik, St. Virgilius, B. C. A church in his hand 780 IJwnographie, Coins of Salzburg, St. Vitalis, M. 1st Cent. Buried in a pit Buried in a pit, with earth and stones cast upon him Milan— Br era— Baroccio, Der Heyligen Leben, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 145 St. YiTALis (continued). Stoned .... Die Attribute, With a whirlbat . . . Ikonographie, SS. YiTALis AND Agricola, MM. Abt. 304 The first, as a liorse soldier, bearing a standard . Crucified with many nails Thrown into a river . Buried alive . A club set with spikes The second, bound to a post Venice— Carpaccio , Callot. Die Attribute, Do, Do, Callot, St. Vitus, B. C. 285 A cock perched on a book Lib, Cronicarum. Coins of the Abbey of Corbie, Der Heyligen Leben, Die Attribute. Ihonographie. Boiled in a cauldron of oil Holding a vessel of boiling oil , A wolf or lion at his side . St. Walburges or Walpurgis, Abbess 780 Oir exuding from her tomb . Bavaria Pia, Seated at the door of a convent, reading .... Bilder Legende. Oil flasks, or three ears of corn Ikonographie, Three flasks on a book, an angel bringing her a fourth . . Die Attribute, Kneeling before the Blessed Sacra- ment exposed . . . Do, Oil dropping from her hand. 146 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Walstan, C. 1016 Crowned, in royal attire, holding a scythe and styled oj)ifer , Burlingham St, Andrew — roodscreen» Leaning on a straight staff, with a scythe blade tied to the top . Aylsham — ]priv ate posses- sion — formerly in St, James^ Ch, Norwich, Scythe and sceptre . . . Ludham — roodscreen, Barnham Broom — rood- screen. Scythe — crowned — two calves below Sparham — roodscreen. Scythe .... Denton — Church chest, St. Walter, B. C. Bird bringing him a fish . » Ikonographie, St. Waltheof, C. 1159 Restoring a blind man to sight. Kneelmg at a block at sunrise. St. Waltrude, or Vautrude, W. 686 Offering her husband a crucifix, and refusing a crown of roses . Bavaria Pia, St. Wenceslas, M. 938 Warrior in armour, bearing a stan- dard ..... Vienna Gall/- Tommaso da Mo den a, Radislas kneeling to beg his pardon, angel appearing above . . Callot, SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 147 St. Wenceslas (continued). King in armour : white eagle on a red banner . , . . Die Attribute. Eeaping corn for altar -bread . * Callot. St. Wendelin. A.bbot 1015 Keeping sbeep : dog at his feet . Bilder Legende, Keeping sheep : dog held by a cord ..... Der Heylige7i Leben. Kneeling at a shrine with beads : dog at his feet. St. Werenfrid, C. 600 A bhip in his hand . . . Die Attribute, St. Werner, M. 1285 A peasant boy (martyred by the Jews) .... Ikonographie, St. Wilfrid, B. C. 709 Baptizing Pagans . . . Icones Sanctorum, St. Wilgefortis, V. M. Crucified with ropes, red robe tied round her ankles, mantle ex- tended, beard obtained by prayer for protection . . . Wor stead — roodscreen. Crucified with ropes, blue robe tied round her feet, mantle extended, beard as above . . • M.S. Hours. 148 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Willebrord, B. C. 738 Placing the foot of his cross in a barrel .... De Levens der Heglige, A water cask near him ^ . Die Attribute, Carrying a child . . , Ikonograjphie, St. Willehad, B. C. 789 Overturning idols . . . Die Attribute. St. William Firmatus, Hermit. Burning his arm in a fire . • Die Attribute, Kaven conducting him to the Holy Land .... Do. A ring . . . • ChristL KunstsgmboUJc. St. William of Aquitaine, H. 812 A coat of mail upon him . . Callot, St. William of Norwich, M. 1137 Child crucified . . . Arbor Pastor alis. Crowned with thorns, holding two nails, knife in his left side . Worstead — roodscreen. Child bound to two posts with cords, but one foot nailed : Jews mock- ing him, and one stabbing his left side, and catching the blood in a bowl .... Loddon — roodscreen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 149 St. William of Norwich (continued). Three nails in his head, holding three in his right hand, and a hammer in his left Panel — private posses- sion ; formerly in St, John's Madder Market, Norwich, Large cross held on his right arm ; three nails in his left hand ; wounds bleeding in his hands and feet . . . . ( Suffolk J rood- St. William of Montpel- LIER, C. Lily growing out of his mouth in his grave : Ave Maria in gold upon it Chris tl, Kunstsymholik, St. William of Monte Ver- GINE, C. 1142 A wolf by his side • . . Bie Attribute, St. W1LLIA.M OF York, B. C. screen. 1154 With an archiepiscopal cross N, Tuddenham — chancel window^ St. William of Maleval, H. 1157 Benedictin, with armour near him and sword in his hand . Ikonographie, N 2 150 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. William of Rceschild, Ab. 1203 Torch flaming spontaneously on his grave .... Die Attribute » St. Willibald, B. C. 790 Church building ; bishop directing Der Heyligen Lehen, Keceiving a grant of land from a kingj to build a monastery . Bavaria Pia, Words, Spes, Fides, Charitas, on a a rational on his breast . . Ikonographie, A broken glass . . . Die Attribute. St. WiLLiGis, B. C. 1011 A white wheel on a red ground . Ikonographie. St. Winifred, V. M. 7th Cent. Carrying her head cut off. St. Winwaloc, or Winwaloe, Abbot Abt. 529 Bell : fishes coming up at its sound .... Acta Sanctorum. St. Withburge, V. 743 Church in her hand . . Barnham Broom — rood- screen . Church inscribed Ecclia de Estder- ham in her hand : two does at her feet looking up to her . • Burlingham St, Andrew — roodscreen. SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. 151 St. Wolfgang, B. C. 999 Church in his hand . . . Bilder Legende, Hatchet in his hand . . Die Attribute, Church by his side . . . Ihonogra'phie. Church and hatchet . . Raynshurgh Coins, Primer 1516. Young emperor, with the words Post Sex above him , . , Die Attribute. St. Wolstan, or Wulstan, B. C. 1095 Fixing his crosier in St. Edward's tomb : devil behind him with a hook . . . . Lives of Saints hy F, Porter. St. Wuleran, B. C. 720 A youthful king near him . . Die Attribute, St. Yyo, C. 1353 Giving alms to the poor . , Callot, St. Zadkiel, Angel. Sacrificing knife (Abraham's) . Ikonographie, St. Zaphkiel, Angel. A wand in his hand . . Die Attribute, St. Zenais. A thorn in his foot . . . Christl, Kunstsymholih. St. Zeno, M. Reproaching an emperor for worship- ping Ceres .... Icones Sanctorum, 152 SAINTS WITH THEIR EMBLEMS. St. Zeno of Verona, B. C. 380 Fishing rod and line, with a fish Verona- —in his Church, Fish at the end of his crosier . Morando and Liherale of Verona, Fishing ..... Catalogus Sanctorum, Exorcising a possessed woman . Do, St. Zex^obius, B. C, Close of 4th Cent. Kaising a child to life . . Ghiberti — on his shrine, Massaccio, Ghirlandajo, St. Zoa, or Zoe, M. Burnt to death . , . Callot. Hung to a tree by her hair . Die Attribute, St, Zosimus, B. C. 4th Cent. With beggars about him . . Ikonographie. St. Zuirard, Hermit. Seated in a hollow tree, covered with thorns .... Ikonographie. END OF FIRST PART. part S^^otttit EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. AbboT' — teaching his monks . St. Mederic, Ab. Alms — given to the poor . — Bavo Anchoret. ■ — Homobonus, C. — Medard, B. C. ■ — Potenfiana, V. given to a cripple . . ■ — - John the Almoner^ B. C, — Savina^ V. giving her only loaf in prison — Godelieve, V. M, receiving . . . — ■ Elizabeth of Hungary, Qu. Altar — kneeling before . — Canute, K. M. — Charles, B. C. lying before , , ■ — Canute, K. — Catherine, V. M. martyred at . . . — Stephen, P. M. ' — Stanislas, B. M. — Thomas of Canterbury, B. M. Pagan, kicking down . — Victor of Marseilles, M. trampling upon . . — Alexander, M. overturned ... — Victorinus, M. % 154 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Anchor Angel — calling him to heaven — appearing to him . . — consoling him molested by devils . . . ■ — playing on a violin to him — standing by his side » — protecting him from light- ning holding his inkstand freeing him from stripes healing his wounds blessing him giving him gold bringing him a cross, or a cross and a chalice bringing him the B. Sacra- ment bringing him the Sacra- ment in a spoon bringing him a sword bringing him a fish giving him the Rule of his Order marking a cross on his fore- head handing two silver tablets blets out of a cloud Sl Clement, P. M, — Felix, P. M. Nicholas, B, C. Gregory of Spoleto, M, Pachomius, Hermit, Guthlac, Hermit, Francis of Assissiim, C. John Chrysostom, B. Stanislas Kostka, Valerian, M. Hugh, B, C. Matthew, Ajp. Ev. Eleutherius, B, M, Sergius, ikf. Onuphrius, Herinit, Magnus, C, Ulric, B, C. Secundus, H, Mark, H. Mercurius, M, Cong all, Ah, Paphnutius, B, C, Humbert, B, C, Cyril, C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 155 Angel — visiting two martyrs in prison SS\ Primus and Felicianus. M M, holding a fish on a dish . St, Bertold, Ah, holding his crosier while he writes ... — Bernard^ Ab, holding the plough for him , while he is in prayer , — Isidore of Madrid, C, holding a hasket of fruit and flowers ... — Dorothy, V, M, burying him . . — Secundus, H, walking by her side . — Frances, W, appearing to her . . — Aldegondes, V, appearing to her on a funeral pile, which a cloud extin- guishes ... — Columba, V, M, extinguishing a funeral pile — Charitina, F, M, above her . . . - — Rcbtitiita, F^ M, on horseback, by her . — Hildegundes, F, bringing a garment to cover her . . — Agnes, F. M, bringing her a flask. . — Walburge, Abbess, Angels — conveying his soul to heaven . . . • — Narcissus, B, C, administering to him the B. Sacrament . . — Stanislaus Kostka, C, singing with him . . — Nicholas of Tolentinum, making clothing for him bring him B. Sacrament and — Homobonus, C, standing by him vision of taking her up to heaven a crosier — Ulric, B. C, — Dunstan, B. C, — Severinus, B, C, — Mary Magdalen, Pi, 156 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Angels — covering her with their long hair . , . Si, Agnes^ M, V, carrying her body to Mount Sinai ... — Catherine^ V. M, feeding her child in the de- sert ... — Elizabeth, W. Anvil — in his hand . . — Adrian, M, standing by it . . — Eligius, B, C. Apology — presented to an em- peror ... — Justin, M, Appearing — to Lucian in his sleep ... — Gamaliel. Apple — presenting to a king^ and restoring him to sight — Malachy, C, presenting to the picture of the B. Virgin Mary . B, Herman Joseph, C. Arithmetic and Globes— Study- ing , . . St, Anatolius, B. C. Arm — his own burning in a fire — William Firmatus, H, his own — cut off . . — Pelagius, M, Armour — lying near a monk — William of Maleval, li. and mitre — standing between them ... — Agapetus, M. Arms and Legs — his own — cut off ... — Adrian, Jl/. Arrow — wounding his knee . — Giles , Ah. shot at his breast . . Do, . in his hand . . . St. Edmund, K. M. and sceptre . . . Do, and cords . . . Do, in his hand . , . St. Peter Thomas, M, — Canute, K. M, or two arrows crossed, pierc- ing a heart . . ■ — Augustin, B. C. D. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 157 Arrow — shot at her in her hand, or in each hand and white banner marked with a red cross Arrows — piercing him piercing him on a gibbet two, offering them to heaven two in her hand : millstone by her side two, and a lance bunch of, in his hand and bent bow Asleep — in the sun : an eagle fanning him St. Wolfgang appearing to him under a staircase : dirty water thrown upon him tree above her blossoming AsPERGEs — giving it, attended by angels holding, and threatening the devil Ass — lying before him . attending him mounted upon, and driving away the devil . and crib near him . kneeling to the B. Sacrament aS'^. Christina, V. M. — Ursula, V. M, Do, St. Edmund, K, M, — • Sebastian, M, — Anastasius, M, ■ — Sebastian, M, — Christina, V, M. — Potentinus, M. — Sebastian, — Otho, B. C, — Faustus, M, ■ — Machessoge, C. — Serv alius, B, C. — Henry, Emp, — Alexius, C, — ■ Etheldredra, V. — - Conrad, B, C — Robert of Kanenesbury, C, — Germanus, B, C, — Philibert, Ab. — Gerlachy H. — Hilarion, Ab, — Marcellus, P. M. — Anthony of Padua, C. 158 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Athanasius St. — received by him Ave Maria — on a lily growing out of liis moutli in his grave Axe — held in his hand . held by our Saviour near him fixed in his head . held in their hands held in his hand , and torch Bag— and key, or keys of money in his hand Bags — of money near him Ball — and chain near him of fire Balls — three on a book, or in his hand . three in his lap, or at his feet six, on a book nine, upon his shield Banner — holding, at the head of his legion with seven stars in his hand . and globe and palm and sword • A^i^. Maximinus, B, C, — William of Montjpellier^ C. — Mathias, Ap. — Matthew, Ap. Ev. — Anastasius, M, — Proculus, M, — Herman Joseph, C. — Josaphat, B, M. SS» Martian and 31alchus, two of the Seven Sleepers, MM, St. Rufus, B. M. — Chrysanthus, M. — Sitha, or Osith, Qu, — Matthew, Ap, Ev. — Theodosius, C. — Jerom Emilian, C, — Benedict, Ah. — Nicholas, B. C, Do. Do. St. Quirinus, M. — Maurice, M. Do. St. John Capistran, C. — Victorinus, M. — Julian, B. C. — Ursus, M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 159 Banner — and a wall near Mm and with princely insignia and in armour : often on horseback red, with white eagle upon it white, with red cross upon it ... . Baptized — and receiving sight on the stage by St. Matthew . Baptizing — Pagans the Duke of Bavaria Ethelbert, King of Kent Constantine the Great Barefoot — carrying her shoes in her hand Barge Barn — near him near her Barrel — setting his archiepisco- pal cross in it . shut up in . near her eagle rising out of it Basket in his hand of bread in his hand in her hand near her of eggs in his hand of flowers in her hand of fruit in her hand of fruit and a palm St. Venantius, M, — Leopold of Austria, C. — Benignus of Rome, M. ■ — Wenceslas, M, — Ursula, V. M. — Othilia, V, Abbess. — Genesius, M, — I][)higenia, V, — Wilfrid, B. C. — Rupert, B, C, — Augustin of England, B. C. — Sylvester, P, C. Hedwiges, W. Bertulphus, Ab. Ansovinus, B, C, Bridget, or Bride, Ab- bess. — Willebrord, B. C. — Antonia, V. M. Do. St. John, Ap. Ev. — John Damascen, C. — Philip, Ap. — Joanna, Qu. — • Frances, W. — Rudbert, B. C. — Dorothy, V. M. Do. Do. 160 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. three roses, brought her HJy d UliilU. • • Do, "R A T"T"T "P A 'VP in niQ nJlvin Sf FlmhpHp Pi M KJVt JJjUUft'OULy JLJ , J.V1 » llcdtLilig liio ClUoiCl o — — ihn'YY)n cl XULlIiLcliil VVltillll — — f.nLQiTYinn^ /4nnrif y^UvUiliiUU/ It, ylUU'JL » "Rp-Tk Ivino' in it ■ fTPVW/y^^iQ n'f f^/yvi Q /? C/ IIIU/ IvIAjO I/I JL lA/l Co J J-J * "U" • of iron in hpr hj^Tid — Faith V M T? "C" "P XT T^T" JJ ±i Hi xl 1 V • • • • — — /i fWiri'vno o hi 7l yllllUiUoo, JJ , O . Ur, — jjoi 1 1 till ii, o » jy » B, C, jD. Beggar — near him — Medard, B. C. malcinp' himsplf Icnown to his i.Xl(AiS\.Xi.XcL XXIIXIOCXX XVXXVy VY XX V\J XIXO JJctlCllloj dt lllo UcdLH • — — S f\ h Vi t /y 1/1 1 ni'to r\or>iiioo llolclllliy LU Lilc OLIlULLHCk> n P P V n P T Aid VitijClUcLll/ UJ A Ul LU'tftli, Qu, Beggars — about him . — Zosimus, B. C, Beheaded — by her own father — Dympna, F. M. with her seven sons — Felicitas, M, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 161 Beheaded — and thrown into the sea . . . St, Chrysogonus, M. Bell — in his hand, or hung on his staflp , , , — Anthony f Ah. and fishes . . . — Winwaloe, Ah, Bells — two ... — Anthony, Ah, Bellows — held by the devil — Genevieve, V. Benedictin^ — with royal insignia — Cloud, B, C, Bird — ^held head downwards — Orcas, or Ozias, bringing him food . — Blase, B. M, bringing him a fish . — Walter, B, C» Birds — about him . . — Conrad, C, strewing flowers on her corpse — Sophronia, Recluse, Bishop — saint standing before him ... — Gothard, B, C. Blessed Virgin — with holy In- fant Jesus . . — Ann, taught to read . . Do. with holy Infant Jesus stand- ing before him . . St. Anselm, B. C. B. appearing over a prison gate — Bernardin, C. giving him milk from her breast ... — Bernard, Ah, D. Blessing a child . . — Claud, B. C. Blind Bishop relieving the poor — Aquilinus, B. C. Blind — restored to sight . — Birinus, B. C. man restored to sight . — Magnus, C. with frogs about him . — Huvar, or Hervceus, Ab. Cistercian abbess . . — Lutgardis, Ahhess, daughter of a king, restored to sight . . . — Florentius, B. C. Block — kneeling at . . — Fahian, P. M. kneeling, at, at sunrise . — WaltheoJ, C. o 2 162 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Blowing Bladders — to pass for a fool Boar — near him Boat — in his hand in her hand. . saint in it . saint in it, with cloak for a sail Boatman — ^in a barge . Bodkin— in his hand . Body— washed up by the sea Book — of the Sarum use opeuj Infant Jesus standing upon it . and hunting horn . stag upon it, with crucifix on his head . and scroll pierced through with a sword Books — burning before him . of magic burnt by him . three, held by a bishop . Bottle— and shears . Bough— dead, in his hand Bound — to a tree Bo¥/ — bent, and arrows Bowels — wound round a windlass Bowl — or cup in his hand Simeon Salus^ Hermit, Emilion, Jude^ Ap, — Mary Magdalen^ Pen^- — Antoninus, B, C, — Are, B. C. — Raymund of Pennafort, C. — Julian Hospitator, Her- mit, — Leodegarius, or Leger, B.M. — Quintin, M. — Osmund, B. C, — Anthony of Padua, C, — Hubert, B. C. Do. St. Uriel, Angel, — Boniface, B, M, — Dominic, C, — Cyprian, M, — Hilary of Poitiers, B,C. SS, Cosmas and Bamian, MM. St. Acacius, B. C. ' — Sebastian, M. — Mackessoge, or Kessoge, B. C. — Erasmus, B, M, — Joseph Bar sab as, C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 163 Bowl — with gold coin in his hand and spoon at his feet, and cherries in his hand • Box — of ointment Boy — riding behind a bishop on the same horse . keeping sheep Branch of a tree in her hand Bread .... and staff basket of, and flagon of wine carrying in a wallet and fish handing through a window to three poor maids Breast — his own, serving him as an altar Breasts — cut off, and lying in a dish cut off, and variously tortured Breviary — a bishop reciting Bridge — standing upon, or thrown off from and river near him Broom — in her hand . Bugle Horn — blowing Bulgarian Converts — around him Bull — near him . aS'^, Nicholas of Tolentinum, C. — St. Gerard of Monza^ C. — Mary Magdalen^ Peni- tent, — Gregory of Nicopolisy B, C. — Magnus, C, — Bibiana, V. M. — - Gallus, C, Bo. St. Elizabeth oj Hungary^ Qu, • — John of God, C, — Bertold, Ab. — Nicholas, B. C. — Lucian, B. M, — Agatha, V. M. — Sophia and daughters, MM. — - Ludger, B. C. — John of Nepomucen. C. Do. St. Petronilla, V. — Eustachius, M. — Cyril, B. C. — Regnier, C. 164 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Bull — wild, dragging and tearing him . . , St, Saturninus, B, M, crouched at his feet . — Sylvester, P. 0. of brass, burnt in it . — Eustachius, M, — Pelagia, V. M, wild, torn by . . — Marciana, V. M, Buried — alive ... — Vitalis, M, — Marcellus M. Burning her ornaments and jewels ... — Thais, Penitent. Burnt — to death . . — Primatius, B. M, ' — Barnabas, A'p, — Timon, Deacon, SS, Alexander and Epima- chus, MM. St. Thecla, V. M. ■ — Eulalia, V. M, — Euphemia, V, M. — Zoa, M, SS. Potamiana and Mar- cella, MM. in a bull of brass » . St, Eustachius, M. — Pelagia, V. M. with two thieves . . - — Nemesion, M. Burying the martyrs . . SS.BasilissaandAnastasia, MM. Caltrops— near him . . St, Themistocles, M. Calves — two, at his feet . - — Walstan, C. Camel — near him . . — Hormisdas, C. Candle — in her hand . . — Beatrix, V. M. devil trying to blow it out — Genevieve, V. Caps — on their heads . . SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM. Captive — converting a king St, Christiana, V. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 165 Cardinal's Hat — sometimes robes also hat . . . • Cart — with wood, drawing . Cauldron — boiled in . in, over the fire of boiling lead, standing in of boiling oil, standing in Cave — cobweb over its entrance saint in, beasts coming out fed in from a basket, by monk living in . . . praying in . beaten by soldiers in praying in, before a cross living in, with her infant with a cross and a skull Cell — doing penance in Chafing Dish Chain broken in his hand part of, thrown down a pre- cipice and ball near him . in her hand . , Chains — in his hand . aS'^. Jerom, C, D. — Peter Damian, B, C, D, — Marina, V, — Afra, M. — Cecily, F. iif. — Lucy, F. M. — Fausta, V. M, • — John, Ap, Ev. — Felicitas, M, — Felix of Nola, C, — G alius, Ah. — Benedict, Ah, — Leono.rd, C, — Arnulphus, B, C, SS, Barlaam and Josaphat, MM, St, Privatus, Do. St, Genemeve of Brahant, — Rosalia, F, — Thais, Penitent. — Agatha, F, M, — John of Matha, C, — Ferreolus, B, M, — Felix of Falois, C, — Adjutor, C. - — Jerom Emilian, C, — Justina, V. M, — Bridget, W, — Balhina, F» — Leonard, C, 166 EMBLEMS WITH Chains — and sword loaded with . falling off from him standing hound with near her Chained — in prison Chalice — with sacred Host . appearing to him . in the entrance of a tower in her hand . . . with a spider in it with a spider above it . and crosier . and hammer and Book of the Gospels at his feet, or kneeling be- fore it . » . in her hand . Charcoal Burner — or collier, chosen bishop . Charger — mounted on, encourag- ing to the conquest of the Moors Chariot — fiery, taking him to heaven harnessed to, with horses " Charitas" — the word appear- ing to him reading Chasuble — held by a friar . filled with stones . THEIR SAINTS. aS'^. John of Janina, C, — Ferreolus, B. M. Do. St. Ignatius, B. M. — . Columba, V. M. — Balhina, V. M. — Peter, Ajp. — Felix of Nola, C. — Thomas of Aquin, CD, — Paschal Baylon, C, — Barbara, V. M. Do. St. Norhert, B. C. — Conrad, B. C. — Tillon, C, — Eligius, or Eloi, B. C. — John Chrysostom, B. C. D. — Richard, B. C. — Othilia, V. — Alexander Carbonarius, B. M. — James the Greater, Ajp. — Francis of Assissium, C. — Conon, M. — Francis of Paula, C. — Louis, B. C. — Elphege, B. M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 167 Cherries — in his hand, bowl and spoon at his feet . St. Gerard of Monza, C, Child — raised to life by him — Zenobius, B, C. in his arms, or on the ground — JBrice, B, C, carried by a bishop . — Wiilibrord, B, C, crucified , . . — William of Norwich, M, holding a cross and nails Do, holding nails, and nails in his * head . . . Do, with a cross by him . St. Simon of Trent, M. holding a spoon, or shell near him ... — Augustin, B. C. D. bringing her fruit and flowers — Dorothy, V. M, Children — looking up to their guardian . . . The Choir of Angels. pointing at him, who is blow- ing bladders . . St. Simeon Salus, Hermit. Children, Two — holding swords SS. Justus and Pastor, 31 M. one on her knee, the other before her . . *S'^. Salome. three in a tub, or kneeling before him . . — Nicholas, B, C. three, holding swords . SS, Faith, Hope, and Char ig, VV. MM. four, about her . . St. Mary of James. nine, about her . . — Nothburga, W, several about him . . — Joseph Calasanctius, C Chorister — by him, holding a wax candle . . — Blase, B. M. Church — in his hand . . — Jerom, C. D. — Nicholas, B. C. — Ludger, B. C. — Lawrence, M. — Geminianus, B. C. 168 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Church — in his hand . . St, Sehaldus, Hermit. — Firgilius, B, C. — Leopold IV, of Austria, — Amandus, B, C, — Godfrey, C, — Wolfyang, B, C. — Severinus, B, C. or monastery in his hand — Botolph, Ah, with three towers in his hand — Maternus, B, C, Church — of East Dereham in her hand . • . — Withhurge, V, Church — in her hand . . — Cunegundes^ Empress, Church — of Jerusalem in her hand ... — Helen, Empress. Lateran, propped up by him - — Francis of A ssissium, C. a king and bishop hold- ing it . . . — Gislerius, C. building, bishop directing it — JVillibald, B, C. — Perpetuus , B, C. vessels, carrying . . — Acacius, B. C, and sword ... — Henry, Emperor, and spear ... — Caradoc, Hermit. and hatchet . , . — Wolfgang, B. C. and sceptre ... — Mauront, Ah. Churches — building . . — Magnus, B. C. CiBORiuM — and statue of B. V. Mary ... — Hyacinth, C. City — guarded . . . Choir of Archangels. of Bologna in his hand . St. Petronius, B. C. Clerical Cap — and dress . — Alhan, M. Cloak — divided with a poor man — Martin, B. C. spread out before him . — ■ Alhan, M. sailing upon it on the sea — Hyacinth, C. standing upon it on the sea — Francis of Paula, C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 169 Cloak — set up for a sail on the sea St, Raymund of Pennafort, C, of palm leaves, clothed with — Paul, Hermit, Clothing — his monks . — John Gualhert, Ab, Clouds — above him . , — Secundus, Hermits Club, fuller's — in his hand • — James the Less, Ap, — Simon, Ap, Club — in his hand . . — Eugenius, M, — Telesphorus, P. M. SS, John, Constanfine, and Maximian, MM. ( of the Seven Sleepers,) St, Fabian, P, M, — Boniface, B, M, — Andreolus, M, set with spikes . . — Nicomedes, M, — Vitalis, M, beaten with ... — Lambert, B, M. by the devil . . — Apollinaris, B, M, — Nicholas of Tolentinum^ C, of lead ... — Eusebius, M, killed by . . . — Pantaleon, M, — Dorotheus, B, M. Club — and sword . . — Arcadius, M, martyred with , , - — Magnus, M, and stone ... — Timothy, B, M, Clubs — beaten with . . — Valentine, M, — Ewald, M, Coals — hot ... — Tiburtius, M, hot in his lap, vestment, or hand ... — Brice, B, C, walking over . . — Salvator ab Horta, C. standing, or sitting upon — Apollinaris, B, M, p 170 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Coals — holding incense over St acolyth bringing in his sur- plice Coat — giving to a beggar Coat — of mail next to his skin Cock — crovring near him near him or cockatrice, on a book Collier, or charcoal burner, chosen bishop . Combs, iron — torn with Communion — received in the de- sert received from St, Maximin from an angel from two angels by a man possessed Confession — of the Empress, hearing . Cope, or white vestments, brought him by the Blessed Y. Mary Cord — knotted, and lily in her hand, or about her neck Cords — in one hand, arrow in the other . in her hand . Corn Field — saint in, sickle near her . Coronet — at his feet . Cyrilla, M, Lambert^ B» M, Ulric, B. C. Dominic Loricalus, C. Robert, C. Peter, Ap, Marius, Hermit. Vitus, B. C. Alexander Carbonarius, B.M. Blase, B. M. Mary of Egypt, Penitent, Mary Magdalen, Pent. Bonaventure, B. C, D. Stanislas Kostka, C, Gaudentius of Rimini, B. M. — John Nepomucen, M. — Ildefonsus, B. C — Elzear, C — Sira, V, M. — Edmund, K, M. — Beatrix, V, M, — NotJihurga, V. — Elzear, C, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 171 Corpse— with one hand cut off St, Athala, V, in a ship, sailing against the stream Countenance — beaming Cow — wild, by her side Cows — and oxen about him . Crab-tree — and bear Crawling — on his hands and feet Cripple — clothed giving alms to Crocodile — under his feet . Crosier — and pilgrim's staff brought him from heaven held by an angel near him fixed in St. Edward's tomb with a fish hanging from it with a battleaxe head and book, or budding staff Crosiers, two — and Archbishop's cross, all held in his left hand Cross — tall, T, or triple in his hand in her hand . Cross — cap and wallet . Cross — inverted, carrying Melanius, B, C. Titus, B. M. Pev'petua^ M. Etto, C. Mang, C Onuphrins, Hermit, Elizabeth of Hungary/, Qu. John the Almoner, C, Theodore, B. C, Mat emus, B, C, Ahercius, B. C Bernard, Ah. D. Wolstan, B. C. Zeno, B, C. Thomas of Cant, B, M. Etheldreda, V. Duhricius, B, C. Philip, Ap, Michael, Archangel. Nestor, B. M. Alhan, M. Francis of Assissium, C. Bidacus, C. Hedwiges, W. Agnes, V. M. Eulalia, V. M. Thecla, V. M, Bridget, W. Jude, Ap. 172 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Cross — archbishop's, double, or triple barred archbishop's, and two crosiers black, in her hand short, in his hand in his hand ; standing before a river brought him by an angel in his arm, or above him red — on his breast on his shoulder saltier in the background red and blue, on his cloak and scapular tall, by his side and three nails and Lamb . in his hand : sword under his feet marked on her heart and Instruments of the Pas- sion bound to, and torches applied to her and sceptre short, double-barred, in her hands Crow, or Kaven, or two, guarding his remains Crown of Thorns — in his hand St, Gregory Great, P. CD. — Duhricius, B, C, ■ — Margaret of Scotland, Qu, — Bernward, B, C. ' — Romanus, B, M, — Ulric, B. C. — Peter of Alcantara, C. — John Capistran, C, • — Davinus, C, — Andrew, Ap. — Benignus, M, — Felix of Valois, C, — Bismas, the good thief, — William of Norwich, M, Do. St. John Baptist. — Joanna. — Kilian, B. M. — Bridget of Sweden, W. — Helen, Empress, — Regina, V. M. — Oswald, K. M. — Bona, V. — Vincent, M. — Louis, K. C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 173 Crown of Thorns — on his head >S'^. Francis of Assissium, C» — Theodore Tyro, M. — John of God, C, — William of Norwich, M, on her head . . — Catherine of Sienna, V, — Verena, V. on her head : heart in her — M, Magdalen of Pazzis, hand ... F. with sharp points on her head , . . — Rose of Lima, V. Crown — or three crowns at his feet ... — Louis, B. C, at the feet of a pilgrim . — Richard, K. C. of a hermit ... — Jodoc, Hermit, and sword ... — Alemund, M. near a possessed girl . — Cyriacus, M, and sword ... — Susanna, V, M, — Fehronia, V. M. — Catherine, V. M, at her feet ... — Radegundes, Qu, celestial, brought by an angel — Gertrude of Nivelles, V. triple, in her hand . — Ann, W, and princely attire, near her — Hedwiges, W, double, or triple . . — Elizabeth of Hungary, Qu, Crowned Figure — appearing 'to her . . . . — Bridget, JV. Crucifix — voice proceeding from — Dunstan, B, C, lily and discipline . . — Aloysius, C. in his hand ... — Bruno, C. pointing to it . . — John Capistran, C. ends blossoming . . — Bruno, C. image on it bending towards him ... — John Gualhert, Ah, 174 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Crucifix — and lily, or crucifix on a heart . . . St. Catherine of Sienna, V. offering to her husband, on her knees . . — Waltrude, V. standing before her . — Maura, V, with four diamonds on the wounds ... — Teresa, V. red Jerusalem one, in her hand ... — Bridget, W. in her hand ... — Joanna, Queen, — Columba, V, M, kneeling before it . . — Bridget, W, Crucified — with his head down- wards . . . ■ — Peter, Ap. — Philip, Ap. Crucified ... — Simeon, B, M, — Didymus, M, child . . . • — William of Norwich, M, with many nails • . — Vitalis, M, Crucified ... — Julia, F. M. — Eulalia, V. M. female, with the beard of a man ... — Wilgefortis, V, M. Cuirass Hot — put on him . — Erasmus, B. M. Cup, or bowl, in his hand . — Joseph Barsabas, B. C. on a book, or in his hand = — Benedict, Ah, bursting, or falling to pieces JDo, and serpents issuing from it Do, serpent or dragon coming out of it . . . St. John, Ap, Ev. and dagger, or cup alone — Edward, K, M, with serpent near it . — James oj Marchia, C, with a diamond in it . — Lupus of Sens, B, C, and staff ... — Chamael, Angel, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 175 Cup— refusing, at the king's table of wine in her hand Cups — two hung from his neck Cut — or wound across his head Dagger .... and sceptre . and cup and falcon . and sword . and palm Dart, or Lance . Darts — in their hands Dead^ — raised to life . young nobleman, raised to life boy raised to life . child raised to life killed by a wolf, raised to life .... fotmd so in her cell Deer — at his feet Defending Brescia Desert — found in, by Zosimus Devil — in the shape of a scorpion on his shoulder in the form of a young woman of a goat St, Lambert, B, C, — Joanna, Qu, ' — Odilti, Ah, — John of God, C, — Peter, M, ■ — Olaus, or Olave, K, M. — Canute, K, M, — Edward, K, M, Do, Do, St, Kilian, B, M. — Bihiana, V. M, — Agnes, V, M, — Lambert, B, M, SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM, — • Maximus of Riez, B, C, — Martial, B, C. — ■ Mansuetus, B, C, ■ — ■ Eleutherius, Ah, — Zenobius. B, C, — Anthony of Padua, C. — Poppo, Ah, — Pelagia, Penitent, — Henry, Emperor, SS, Faustinus and Jovita, MM. St. Mary of Egypt, Pent' — Demetrius, M, — Goar, Hermit. Albert, Carmelite C. — Anthony, Ah. 176 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Devil — beating him with a club St, ^poUinaris, B, M, — Nicholas of Tolentinum^ C. driven away by the sign of the cross . — Hilar ion, Ah» cast out of a man by the cross — Linus, P, JSJ^, cast out of a boy • . — ' Hidulphus, JB» C. cast out of a woman — Zeno, B, C, cast out of a woman led by a rope • • • — HevTues, M. cast out • — Melanius, B, C. L/dot ULitj iiccti mill • \J Villtlll/U/iOUo, ±J » \^ • vannnislipd /tTith.n'm/ rioi n XJ-HiVlvKJ IVU \J j X VUlAjfAiUj, chained * ■ • — Norhert, B. C. . Oswald B C tiiiVcii UUL ui ueuuic • OUlvil X llU/UlllUvtli U (lb, B. C. IooU.111^ JLl Ulli Ot l^lliiU. o iliULltil . Oswald E C issuing from a man at Com- ilIU.lllUll • • • — fr-nii n PTiiioi Q CiT fxi'vyii'Y)! \J^U'U/IA/C ILL olio xJj JLXjIiILIjIvI B. M. — Theodore B C and held down by his staff — • John Gualhert, Ah. pierced through the head with the foot of a crosier , — Benedict, Ah. at his feet ' — Michael Archangel ■ — Norhert, B. C. — Anthony, Ah, with a large bell . — Theodulus, B, C, under his feet, or chained near him - — Cyriacus, M, behind him with a hook . — Wolstan, B. C, seized with hot pincers . — • Dunstan, B, C. overcome by the cross . — Justina, V, M, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 177 Devil — trampled upon mocking by lier side led bound . beld by a rope, or chain, and scourged . taking hold of her hand throwing her into a well on her shoulder, or at her feet, with a pair of bellows Devils — disturbing him at his prayers casting them out • put to flight by the cross chained and scourged howling at his feet, one pierced through the head with a crosier driven out of a Pagan temple about him . . . tormenting her Diamond — falling into his chalice at mass . giving it from the altar to K. Clotaire Digging in a garden Discipline in his hand lily and crucifix . Dish, silver — broken up to relieve the poor . aS'^. Euphrasia, V, — • Gertrude of Nivelles, Ah. — Dympna, V, M, — Juliana, F, M, — Theodora, Empress — Euphrasia, V, — Genevieve, V, — Cuthhert, B. C. — Conrad, B, C, — Guthlac, Hermit, — Philip, Jp. Choir of Powers St, Benedict, Ah, — Gregory Thaumaturgus, B, C, — Peter Celestin, P, C, — Lucy, V. M. — - Lupus of Sens, B, C, Do, St, Fiacre, C. — Dominic Loricatus, C, — Mary of Egy^t, Pent, — Aloysius Gonzaga, C, — Oswald, K, M, 178 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Dish — in his hand, collecting money for pilgrims . St, Cyriacus, M. in his hand ... — Odulph, C. Distaff in her arms . . — Rosalia^ V, Doe near him . . . — JMaximus of Tuvin^B, Ch Does, two — looking up to her — Withhurge, V, Dog — at his feet ... — Bernard Ah, D, white with red back . Do, at his feet . . . St. Wendelin, C, near him ... — Benigms, M, with a loaf in his mouth - — Roch, C» licking his wounds . Do, with a torch, firing a globe St, Dominic^ C, mad, killed by the sign of the cross . • . — Parthemius, C, dead, near him . . — • Godfrey ^B, C. Dogs — by her ... — Sir a, V, M, Dolphin . . . . — Martinianus, H. Dolphins, two — supported by them ... — Calistratus, M, Dominican — with a mitre near him . . . " — Antoninus, B, C, Dove .... — Fabian, P. M, appearing, to proclaim him bishop ... — Evortius, B, C. at his ear . . . — Peter of Alcantara, C. — Hilary of Aries, B, C — Peter Celestin, P, C or at his shoulder . . — Gregory Great, P,C,D, at his ear, at Mass . — Cunihert, B, C, at his ear, or on his shoulder — Thomas of Aquin, CD, on his shoulder . . — David, B, C, — Sever us of Ravenna, B, C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 179 Dove— over his head . on his head • on his left arm in his hand ... bringing him the B. Eucharist bringing him a holy Chrism box descending to her . bringing her a ring flying to her on her head . her soul departing in the form of . Doves — in a basket three, white, over him , Dragged — by her feet, and stoned Dragon — by his side, or pierced v/ith his spear, or sword killed with a cross held by him in a chain . at his side . at his feet « at his side, or with stole round its neck . under him, or chained near him Louis, K, C. - Oswald, K. M. - Medard, B. C. - Hilary of Aries, B, C, - Bunstan, B, C, - Eunurchus - Basil, B, C. D, - Edward, K, C, - Albert, C. - Remigius, B, C, - Marina, V. - Agnes. F. M. - Cornelia - Teresa, V, ' Catherine of Sienna, V, - Scholastica, V, - Joachim, C, - Medard, B. C. - Cointha, V, M. - George, M. - Michael, Archangel, - Florentinus Vindemialis, B. C. - John of Rheims, C - Servatius, B, C. - Theodore of Heraclea, M. - Longinus, M, - RomanuSf B, C. - Cyriacus, M, 180 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Dragon — driven away by liim holding the foot of his crosier with three heads, speared with seven heads, led by him held by her in a chain or rope trampled upon by her delivering a man from it vanquished by a crucifix destroyed through her prayers at her feet, or bound with her pierced by her ; under her feet, or the saint rising out of it Dromedary — riding bound upon it . Drowned — in the sea with leaden weights to his neck Dying — on a mat, under a shed on a mat in his cell ; monks around him in a penitential habit Eagle — before him, or above him before him . sheltering him from rain fanning him, sleeping in the sun bearing him on its back rising out of a barrel near him at her side . Ear — of corn — Julian of Mans ^ B. M, — Amandus, B. C, — Theodore^ M» — Germanus of Auxerre^ B. C. — Juliana, V, M, — Elizabeth, Abbess — Anatolia, V. M. — Martha V. — Victoria, V. M, — Martha, V. — Margaret, V. M. — Julian of Cilicia^ M. ' — Apollonius, M, — Justus, M. — Francis Xavier, C. — Mamertinus, C. — • Regnier, C. ■ — John, Ap. Ev,, — Gregory Great, P,C,D, — Bertulph, Ab, — Medard, B, C. — Servatius, B, C. ' — Joh7i, Ap. Ev, Do, St, Augustin, B, C, D. — Prisca, V, M, — Fara, V, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 181 Ears of corn, three Earthen vessel EcsTACY — a nun in, supported by two angels Eel — given to a poor man, turn- ing into gold Emperor— young : words Post Sex above him . reproached for worshipping Ceres Encouraged on his way to mar- tyrdom Ensign — reared by a king Entertaining soldiers in pursuit of him Espoused to our Blessed Saviour to our Infant Saviour Ethiopian King — gaining a miraculous victory Exorcising a monk a young woman Extinguishing a house on fire Eye — held in pincers . Eyes — in a dish . on a book on a book, or at her feet his own, before him • plucked out • carrying them of executioner dropping out Falcon and sword St, Walhiirge, Abbess - — Goar, Hermit — Margaret of Cortona, V, ion^ B, C — Woljgang^ B. C, ' — Zeno, M, — Julius, M. — Ladislas, K, C, ■ — Eudoxius, M» — Catherine, V, M. — Catherine of Sienna^ V. Bo, St, Elesboan, K, C, — A7iselm, C, — Epiphanius of Salamis, B. C, — Florian, M. — Agatha, F. M, — Lucy, V. M. Bo. St. Othilia, V. — Goeric, B. C, ■ — Leodegarius, or Leger, B, M. — Trophymus, M. — Alban, M, — Edward, K, M, 182 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Falcon perched upon a cottage hooded — on his hand Feather — in her hand Feet — nailed to the ground . and hands chopped off . Female — scourged at a post crucified, with a man's beard Females, three — with palms ; a child with them Ferrying travellers over a river Fetters in his hand . on his hands and feet Fig Tree — behind him hung by his hands upon it Finger — laid upon his mouth Fire before him . standing before it . extinguishing it with his crosier — by prayer before her . led towards it to be burnt Firebrand in his hand Fire-ship — saint in it unhurt Fish in his hand . Fish, or two fishes brought him by an angel in his hand, or near him in his hand . brought him by a bird . St, Otho, Hermit. — Jeron, C, — Barbara, V, M, — Tryphon, M, — James Inter cisus, C. — Julitta M, — migefortis, V, ill. SS, Susanna, Martiana, and Palladia, MM, St. Julian Hospitator, C, — Leonard, C, — Quintin, M. — MarJc, Ev. — Sabas, M. — John the Silent, B. C, — Patrick, B. C. — Basil, B. C. D. — Martial, B. C. — Aidan, B, C, — Lupus of Sens, B. C. — Germanus, of Paris, B. C. — Columba, V. M. — Thecla, V. M. — Anthony, Ab. — Restituta, V.M. — Raphael, Archl, — ■ Simon, Ap. — Corny all f Ab, — Greyory of Tours, B. C, — Udalric, or Ulric, B. C, — JValter, B. C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 183 Fish — hanging to two keys, sup- ported by an angel . aS'^. Benno, B, C, on a book, and two keys Do. with a key, or two keys in its mouth, or tied round its neck . . . St, Maurilius, B, C, with a ring in its mouth — Arnold, C, on a dish, held by an angel — Bertold, Ah^ hanging from his crosier — Zeno, B, C. at the end of a line on a rod Do, and bread , . , St, Bertold, Ah, Fishes coming to him out of the water . . . Do, bearing up his corpse in the water , , , St, Chrysogonus, M, coming up at the sound of his bell , . , Winwaloc, Ah» preaching to them , , ■ — Anthony of Padua, C, two, on a half hoop . — Eanswide, V, Abbess, Fishing .... — Zeno, B, C, Flail .... — Varus, M, Flame .... — Eulalia, V, M. Flames, hung over, with head downwards . . ■ — Agajpetus, M, burning in . . , — Primatius, B, M, walking on . . . — Anthony, Ah, stabbed in . . . — Polycarp, B, M. of a city extinguished by angels ... — Alexander, M, near her, or over her head — Bridget of Kildare, Abbess, in her breast . . — M, Magdalen of Pazzis, V, and sword, at her feet . ■ — Agnes, M, 184 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Flasks — three on a book : angel bringing her a fourth . Flesh torn Fleurs de Lys — three Flies stinging him in the desert Flower in her hand Flowers — basket of . wreath of . three in his hand . strewed by birds on her corpse springing out of her neck, after her being beheaded Flying from the house of her parents Font — dipping his hand into it standing in it Foot cut oiF • . . Footsteps — imprinting in a stone Forging a horse shoe . FoRK^ — two-pronged and barbed Fountain springing up at his prayers beneath his cross . near him where his tears had fallen obtained by his prayers . springing up from her blood Franciscan Habit — without any emblem . St, Walburge, Abbess, — Didymusy M. — Edward, K, C. — MacariuSy C, — Dorothy, F. M. Do. St. Cecily, V. M. — Hugh, B. C. — Sophronia, Recluse. — Flora, V. M. - — Aldegondes, V. — Erhard, B. M. ' — Pelagia, Penitent. — Victor of Marseilles, M. — Victorinus, M. — Medard, B. C. — Eligius, B» C — Martina, V. M. — Clement, P. M. — Boniface, B. M. — Julian of Mans, B. M. — Engelmund, C. — • Gengulph, C. — Rieul, C. — Antoninus of Toulouse, C. — Julitta, V. M. — Anthony of Padua, C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 185 Friar kneeling before the B. Virgin Mary, who is at- tended by two virgins Frogs about him Fruit — basket of Funeral pile singing upon it . extinguished by rain laid upon — bearing a sword burnt upon . Fur Pelisse — bishop clothed in Gardener — with a spade Gargouille, or dragon, by his side Giant wading through a river, with the Holy Infant Jesus on his shoulder . Gibbet — hanged upon • pierced with arrows upon near him Girdle of B. V. Mary let down to him by her, at her As- sumption . Globe at his feet, or under his feet under his feet and banner , Gloves presented to him by the B. V. Mary Goat — devil in the shape of . St. DominiCf C. — Huvar, or Hervceus, Ah, — Rieul, C, — Dorothy, V. M. — Theodore Tyro, M. — ApoUonius, M, — Fructuosus, B, M. — Martina, V, M. — Augusta, V, M. — ■ Aristion, M, — Nicetas, M, — Anscharius, B» C. — Phocas,M. — Salvator ab Horta, C. — Romanus, B, C, — Christophe'^, M, — Caiman, M. — Anastasius, M. — Ferreolus, B, M. — Thomas, Ap. — Francis of Assissium, C — - Bruno, C, — Victorinus, M. ~ Amadeus, C. — Anthony, Ab. Q 2 186 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Goose in a wolf's mouth by his side . Gospel of St, Matthew in his hand of St, John in his hand , Gourd Bottle . Grapes — growing upon a bramble Grave — stepping into . Greyhound following a knight Gridiron set with spikes or iron bed, and sword • Habit, Cistercian— given to St. Bernard . Hail — striking down her torturers Hair — covered with her own, long and flowing dragged by it along the ground Hairy Man — with girdle of palm leaves crowned — before a cross Halbert and loaf Hammer in his hand aS'^. Fedast, B. C. — Martin, B. C. — Barnabas, Ap. — Edward, K. C. — Raphael, Archl, — Maximus of Nola, B,C. — John, Ap, Ev, — Ferdinand, K, C, — Laurence, M, — Cyprian, M. • — Eustratius, M. — JDonatiUa, M, SS, Macedonius and Theo- dulus, MM. St. Vincent M. — Faith, V. M. — Stephen, Ah, — Catherine, V, M. — M, Magdalen, Pen^- — Raineldis, V> M, — Onuphrius, H. Do. St. Mathias, Ap, — Matthew, Ap. — Jude, Ap. — Holofius, or Olave, K. M. — Reinoldus, C. — Adrian, M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 187 Hammer and sword in one hand ; three nails in the other . and chalice and horse's leg, hoof shod making a chalice with it Hand cut off, held in the other on our B. Saviour's wounds Hands burnt chopped off . and feet chopped off fastened to posts . and feet bored through . Handkerchief and open book strangled with Hanging by her hair to a cypress tree, and nailed to it . Hare in his arms Harp Hat, or hood, hung up in the sun Hatchet and church . Hawk . . , , hooded, by his side Head cut off — three springs gushing out his own, carried in his hands or on a book Do. St. William of Norwich, M. — Eligius, B. C, Do. jSt, Bernward, B. C. — Quiriacus, B. M, ■ — John Damascen, B. C. — Thomas, Ap. — Lazarus of Constanti- nople, C. — Sahinus, B. M. — James Inter cisus, M. — Quintin, B, M. — Felician, B. M. — Monica, W. — Godelieve, V. M. — Theodula, M. — Albert of Sienna, H. — - Dunstan, B. C. — Cecily, V. M. — Goar, Hermit. — Mathiasy Ap. — ■ Matthew, Ap. ^ Wolfgang, B. C. Do. St. Julian Hospitator, H. — Quirinus, M. — Bavo, Anchoret. — - St. Paul, Ap. — Dionysius, B. M. 188 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Head- — his own, carried in his hands mitred palm branches sprouting from his neck . on a dish her own, carried in her hands of St. Oswald in his hand of St. Alexander in her hand Healing the princess of Armenia a sick child . Heart in his hand in her hand . and crown of thorns in her hand and liver — carrying Heathen Converts about him converts (Danes) about him Hermit with a lantern near a river, which the sahit is wading through , Proculus, M, Mitrius, M. Fiat, M. Caraunus, or Cheron^ M. Alhan, B, M. Fir minus, B» M. Ursicinus, B, M. John Baptist, Winifred, V. M. Valeria, V, M, Flora, V. M. Regula, F. M. Cuthbert, B. C. Grata, W, Bartholomew, Ap, Pantaleon, M. Francis of Sales, B, C, Augustin, B, C, D. Catherine of Sienna, V. Teresa, V, Sidwell, V, If. Jane Frances, W M, Magdalen of Pazzis, V. Anzano, M. Cyril, B. C, Anscharius, B, C. Christopher, M, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 189 Hermit discovered by a .hunter Hill — preaching upon . Hind .... or doe . Hinds — three Hoe — a man with, behind him or rake in his hand Holy Water Vessel and asperges brush . Hook . . . Hooks — torn with, bound to a tree hung on a beam Horn of unction in his hand • hunting — and book Horse standing by him by her leg of, with the hoof shod Horseback — mounted on, Attila kneeling before him . boy riding on the same horse behind him Horses — dragged and torn by dragged at the tails of . St» Utho, Hermit, — David, B. C, — Lujpus of Sens, B, C, — Catherine of Sweden, V, — Genevieve of Brabant, V. — Goar, Hermit, C, — Rumold, B. M. — Isidore of Madrid, C, — Martha, V. — Eulalia, V, M, — Filician, B, M, — Vincent, M, — Agatha, V. M. ' — ' Hippolytus, M. SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM, St, Cornelius, P, M, — Hubert, B, C. — Severus of Avranches, B. C. — Ivun, Hermit, — Irene, V. M. — EUqius, B, C. — Leo, P. C. — Gregory of Nicopolis, B, C. — Hippolytus, M. — Quirinus, M. — Anastasius, M. 190 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Horse Soldier — with standard Host, Sacred — in his hand . Houses carried away by a flood Hung up by his thumbs with stones at his feet . by his heels over smoke over a fire Hunter .... Hunters and hounds pursuing him Idol — broken and falling overturned and trampled upon sword in her hand Idols — overturned by him overturned by the cross . at her feet . Image of B. V. Mary, and a ciborium . student making a vow before it . of Jupiter overturned of Venus, ditto Images, holy — set up by his orders Incense forced into his hand held over hot coals by her Indians converted aS'^. Vitalis, M, — BurcJchard, B, C. — Verena, V, — Marian. M, — Severiams, M, — Placidus, M, SS, Andbchius and Thi/rus, MM. St Germanus of Auxerre, B. C. — Hubert, B. C. — EustachiuSf M, — Onuphrius, H. — Philip, Ap. — Urban, P. M. — BenicjnuSf M. — Alexander, M. — Melitina, F. M. — Willehad, B. C. — Posidonius, B, C, — Philip, Ap. — Irene, V. M. — Hyacinth, B, C. — Edmund, B. C, — Sabinus, B, C. SS, Justa and Rufina, VV. ayid MM. St. Gregory HI. P. C. — Procopius, M. — Cyrilla, V. M. — Francis Solano, C, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 191 Infant Jesus in his arms on his shoulder with three heads, on his shoulder . appearing to him . standing on an open hook held hy him embracing him in his arms, as he kneels in her arms . in a hunch of roses v/ith a basket on his arm taken by the hand Infant on the ground near him found in a corn field dashed against the steps of a tribunal . Inkbottle Inkhorn and pencase . pencase and writing book Instruments of the Passion c our B. Saviour . on her heart Iron, hot — applied to her breast rings on his neck and arms spikes, red hot Island with serpents upon it St, Joseph, C, — Simeon, — Felix of Cantalicio, C, — Christopher, M, Do. St, Edmund, B, C. — Anthony of Padua, C. Do. Do. St, Catherine of Bologna, V. — Rose of Lima, V. — Joanna, Qu. Do, St, Brice, B, C. — Agericus, B, C. — Quiricus, M, — Jerom, C, D. — Matthew, Ap. Ev. B. Herman Joseph, C. St. Bernard, Ah, — Bridget, W. — Edelhurge, V. ■ — Clare of Monte Falco, V, — Calliopa, V, M, — Theodosius, C. — Agathocles, M, — Hilary of Poictiers, B. C. 192 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Island — saint upon it receiving a mitre and a crosier Javelin, or lance lily and palm Jewels and ornaments before her on the ground . Jewish and Saracen converts Keg of Wine — in his hand . Key — or two keys in his hand Key in his hand . and clasped book . and rosary . « rosary and bag Keys and book, or loaves two — as a gaoler . two, and a fish on a book hung on her arm . of heaven, brought by St. Peter King- — with a cross on his breast young — near him . rearing an ensign . bearing an axe Kneeling at the feet of our B. Saviour in a fiery furnance unhurt (Radislas) to beg his pardon Knees — print of in a stone . Knife in his hand in her hand . aS'^. Honor atas, B, C. — Gengulph, C — Minias^ — Pelagia, Pen^- — Vincent Ferrer^ C, — Othmar, Ah, — Peter ^ Af, — Servatius^ B. C, — Benignus, M. — Petronilla, V. — Sitha, or Osith, Qu. Do. Do, St, Hippolgtus, M, — Benno, B, C. — Genevieve, V, — Germanus q/ Paris, B, C. — Ferdinand, K, C. — Wulfran, B, C. — Ladislas, K, C, — Hermenegild, M, — Dunstan, B. C, — Ephesus, M, — Wenceslas, M, SS, Justus and Pastor, MM. St, Albert of Vercelli, B. C, — Christina, V, M, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 193 Knife— flaying . sacrificing . stabbed with at her breast in her hand : her breasts a book Ladder Laid out for burial Lamb at her feet . by her side • on a book and cross, on a book and cross in his lap and locust . and cross and palm Lamb's Trotter Lamp in her hand . in one hand, book in other with oil, but not burning Lance, or spear . on the St, Bartholomew^ Ap, • — ZadJciel, Angeh — Moses the Ethiopian^ M. — Agatha, V. M. Do. St, John CUmacus, Ah, ■ — Emmeran, B, — Ephrem, C, D, — Agnes, V, M. — Regina, V, M, ' — Genevieve, V. — Regina, V. M. — John Baptist. Do. Do. Bo. St. Joanna, - — Catherine, V. M. ■ — John Baptist. - — Macarius of Alexandria, C. — Lucy, F. M. Hiltrudis, V. Nilus the Younger, Ah. Gengulph, M. Hippolytus, M. Canute, K. M. Mathias, Ap. Emmeran, B. M. Gerhard, B. M. Longinus, M, 194 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Lance, or spear pierced with . or sword or dart and shield . and sceptre . and palm and church . and double cross Lances, or spears two, crossed Land received from a king . Lantern .... devil trying to extinguish Lawyer — bishop writing as a Leaden weight to his neck Leaves — clothed with . Leg cut off. Leopard and ox . Leopards and lions Leper received as he lands from a boat Letter — brought him by a dove Light — from heaven above them Lightning — consuming idols destroying the temple of Diana angel protecting him from Lily — in his hand jSt, John of Goto, M. — Eulogius, B. M, — Coronatus, M, — Thomas, Ap, — Adalbert, B. C. — Donatian, B, M. — ■ Lambert, B. M. — Demetrius, M, — Michael, ArchL — Oswin, K, M. — Barbara, V. M, — Caradoc, H, — Philip, Ap, — Benignus, M. — Willibald, B. C. — Hugh, B. C. — Gudula, V, — Philogonius, B, C. ' — Justus, M, — Onuphrius, H. — Victorinus, M. — Marciana, F. M, Bo. ~ Julian Hospitator, C. — Oswald, K. M. The two SS. Ewald, MM. St. Maurilius, B, C, — Martina, V. M. — Hugh, B. C. — Joseph, C, — Dominic, C, — Gabriel, ArchL EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 195 LiLY^ — in his hand near him in her hand held hy both together and sceptre . and book and palm and monastery- book and lamp palm and javelin out of his mouth in his grave crucifix and discipline . Lilies and roses out of his mouth Limbs cut off . . . Linen in her hand Lion by his side . by her side . St, Cajetan, C, — Casimir, C, — Kenelm, K. M. — Albert, C, — Sehast, M. — Clare, V. — Clare of Monte Falco, V. SS, Henry and Cunegundes, Emp, and Empress, St, Pulcheria, Empress. — Anthony of Padua, C, — Euphemia, V, /I/, — Dominic, C, — ■ Albert of Sicily, C, — Minias, M, — William of Montpellier, C, — Aloysius Gonzaga, C. — Angelus, M. — - Adrian, M, — Hunna, — Adrian, M, — Jerom, C, D, — Mark, Ev, — Thecla, V. M. — Natalia, W. — Euphemia, V, M. — Prisca, V. M. — Agapetus, M, or two, by her side at his feet . carrying a basket in his mouth ... — Gerasimus, Ab, leaping up to his knee . — Jerom, C, D, thorn extracted from its foot Do, 196 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Lion fawning on him in the am- phitheatre devouring him digging her grave . and bear standing by her Lioness — torn by Lions — exposed to about him standing between two two, digging his grave , in a den with : fed by an angel and leopards Loaf . » . . and rosary • and halbert . brought him by a raven . dividing with St. Anthony Loaves in his hand, or in a basket in a dish three, on a book, or in his hand three, in her hand three, on the ground by her three, and keys Lock on his lips . Locksmith's tools Locust and Lamb aS'^. GermanicuSy M» — Silvanus, B, M, — Mary of Egypt, Pent. — Blandina, V. M, — Basil of Ancyra, M, — Ayapetus, M. — Ignatius, B, M- ~ Venantius of Tours, B. C, — Ignatius, B. M. — Macarius of Rome, C. — Pontianus, M, — Marciana, V. M. — Gertrude of Nivelle, F. — John the Almoner, C — Holofius, or Olave, K.M. — Paul, Hermit, Do, St Philip, Ap. — Godfrey, C. — Nicholas, B, C, Joanna, Qu, — Mary oj Egypt, Pent, — Sitha, or Osith, Qu, St, Raymund Nonnatus, C, — Galmier, C, ■ — Apelles, H, — John Baptist, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 197 Loom — weaving at Mail — coat of . Marble Quarries — working in Martyred by two men with sword and spear Mason's tools Mass — celebrating celebrating : St. Valeria bringing her head cut off to him at the altar Medallion of our Blessed Saviour . Meeting at the golden gate of J erusalem Mendicant bishop, with a wallet Mice, or rats about her Mill, or mortar, bruised in . Millstone about her neck, thrown into the sea about her neck, at her side, holding, or resting her hand upon it . tied to his neck and sword . alone .... Mines — condemned to work in Mirror — before his breast with image of the B, V. Mary Mitre .... St, Gudula, V. — Athanasia, Abbess — William of A quitaine, K. SS, Polianus and Nemesian, MM. St. Kilian, B. M. — Marinus^ C. — Gerard, C. — Martial, B. C. — Jude, A]p, SS. Joachim and Ann, B.C. St, Thomas of Villanova, B. C. — Gertrude of Nivelles, V. - — Victorinus, M, ' — Aurea, V, Christina, V, M, Callixtus, P, M. Victor of Marseilles, M. Quirinus, B. M. Paphnutius, B, C. Geminianus, B, C. Hugh, B, C. Herculanus, M, Frigidian, B, C, R 2 198 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Mitre and armour, standing be- tween Mitres — three . Monastery, model of—in his hand Money — in his hand . Money — bag or box , box with chain to it, at his feet . . . „ bags — three given to the poor . throwing into a river Monk's Habit — clothed in . child on her arm • Monks — addressing ascending to heaven on a ladder . Monogram I H S— in his hand above him . in a sun, in his hand appearing to him . inscribed on his heart after death Monster— lifting his crosier against it Moor . . . . Morning Star , Mortar, or mill — bruised in Mother — encouraging her son to martyrdom St» Agajpetus, M, — - Mat emus, B, C, — Dominic, C. — Philip, Ap, — Matthew, Jp, Ev, Do. Do. St, Gumtramnus, C. — Amatus, Ah. — Euphrosyna, V. — Theodora, Pent, — Marina, Recluse. — • Odilo, Ah. — Romuald, Ah. Do. St. Bernardinus, C. Do. St. Vincent Ferrer, C. — Ignatius, C. Do. St. Donatus, B. M. — Victor of Milan, M. — Maurice, M. — Moses the Ethiopian, C. — Fidelis of Sigmaringen, M. — Victorinus, M. — Symphorian, M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 199 Mountain — in clouds before him Nail — in his head in his head and hand through his hands into his head large .... held in his hand . Nails — forging, out of arrows in his hands and head . three in left hand, cross right arm . driven through his shoes driven into his shoulders three, held in his hand . three, held in his hand, with- in a crown of thorns , Napkin thrown over his shoulder Needles for putting out his eyes Nettles .... Nosegay of roses, with Holy- Infant Jesus in the centre Nun of the third Order of St. Francis Oak felled by a bishop . Oar ..... Oil — boiled in, or holding a ves- sel of . . . distilling from her hand , flasks Ointment Box . St, Nonnosus, Ah, — Julian oj Emesa^ M, — Severus of Rome^^M, — Pantaleon^ M, — Dionysius^ M, ( one of the seven sleepers,) — Epimachus, M, — Otho, B, C, — - William of Norwich, ill. in Do, St, Eufropius, B, M, — Quint in, M, ■ — Louis, K, C, Do, St, Stephen, Protomartyr, — Spiridion, B, C. — John ah Urtica, C — Rose of Lima, V, — Elizabeth of Portugal, Qu, JVido — Boniface, B. ■ — • Jude, Ap, — Julian Hospitator, H. — Vitus, B, C, — Walhurge, F, Do, St, Mary Magdalen, Pent, — Joanna 200 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. OiNTMENT-box and budding staff holding a vessel of Oratories in honour of SS. Peter and Paul Organ .... Oven — heated Oven by his side Ox . . . near him near her heated — burnt in . and leopard Oxen — two near him . attempting to drag her along and cows about him Padlock — on his lips . Painter — painting a picture of B. V. Mary seized by executioners Palm and cup and banner and lily and book bearing dates : standard of the cross tree — bound to it leaves, girdle cloak of . . St. Joseph of Arimathea^ C. SS, Cosmas and Bamiariy M.M. St, Jodoc, or Josse, C, — Cecily, r, M, — Eleutherius^ B, M, — Victor of Milan, M, — Theodota, V. M, — Januarius, B, M. — LuJce, Ev, — Leonard, C, — Sylvester, B. C, — Medard, B, C, — Julitta, V, M, — Blandina, V, M, — Victor of Milan, M, — Marciana, V, M, — Sehaldus, Hermit — Lucy, V, M, — Etto, B, C, — John Nepomucen, C, — Luhe, Ev, — Andrew, M, — John, Ap, Ev* — Julian, B, M, — Euphemia, V, M, — Blida, — Ansano, M, — Paphnutius, M. — Onuphrius, H, — Paul, H, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 201 Palms and earthen vessels . Peacock .... Peacock's Feather . Peasant Boy Pen — hand reaching it to him and book Penance — intruments of Penknives — martyred with . Peter, St. appearing in a church conversing with his daughter at his bedside, with a key and St. Paul, menacing Attila Philosopher — lecturing Physicians, two — attending a sick bishop Pick axe — in his hand Picture — of our B. Saviour in his hand . of B. V. M. and Infant Saviour . of Last Judgment of B. V. Mary . Pictures — of Saints near him Pig — by his side Pig's head Pile — of wood and flames bound upon laid upon of wood, on which he burnt a dragon . SS. Justa and Rufina^ VV. MM. St, Lihorius, B. C. — Barbara, V, M, — Werner, M, — Basil, B, (7. D. — Teresa, V. — Peter of Alcantara, C. — Cassian, M, — ' Gerard, Ah, — Petronilla, V. — Germanus of Paris. — Leo the Great, P,C,D. — Pantcenus, SS, Cosmas and Bamian, MM. St, Leodegarius, or Leger, B, M. John Gualhert, Ah, Hedwiges, W, Methodius, C, John of the Cross, C, Tarasius, B, C. Anthony, Ah. Blase, B. M, Polycarp, B, M, Pegasius, M, Agnes, V. M, Agatha, V, M. Hilar ion. Ah. 202 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Pilgrim — with staff, hat, shell, wallet, some, or all of them with staff crown at his feet , church in his hand preaching asleep under a staircase with a wound plague spot on his leg with two companions with her daughter in man's clothing Pilgrim's Staff and crosier . Pilgrims — three, himself and two sons three — a hear walking with them Pillar of Light — appearing to him of fire above him . saint living upon it tied to it . of stone scourged at Pillars of Light above him Pincers, or locksmith's tools red hot torn by . . . held in her hand . tooth held in them for cutting off her breasts St. James Great, Ap. — Raphael, Archl, — Richard, K, C, — Sehaldus, C. Do. St. Alexius, C. — Roch, C. — Patricia, V, — Paula, W. — Hildegundes, V. — Louis, K. C. — Maternus, B. C. — Richard, K. C. — Romedius, C. — Ephrem, C. D. — Brieuc, B. C. — Simeon Stylites, C. — Blandina, V. M. — Gudula, V. — Bihiana, V. M. — Cuthhert, B. C. — Galmier, C. — Pelagius, M. — Agatha, V. M. — Lucy, V. M. — Apollonia, V. M. Do. St. Macra, V. M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 203 Pins or iron styles run into him by children . . St, Felix of Pincis, B. M, Pit near him . . . — Chrysanthus, M, buried in . . . — Vitalis, M. thrown into ... — Symjphorosa, M. Pitch — hot — poured on his head — Cyriacus, M. Pitcher . . • . — Benedict, Ah, of water near him . . — Agatha^ H, — Narcissus, B, C. Plough held by him . . — Exuperius, B. C. — Richard, B, C drawn by stags . . — Ecian, or Echenus, B,C, held by an angel for him - — Isidore of Madrid, C, Ploughshares, red hot, walking over ... — Cunegundes, Empress two, held in her hand . Do, Poems — religious — writing them St. ApoUinaris Sidonius, C, Possessed boy brought to him — Eleutherius . Ah, persons delivered . . — Aper, B, C, man cured by breathing upon — Anatolia, V, M, woman cured . , — Ewald, M, — Deodatus, B, C, Post — tied to it . . . — Agricola, M, Pot — earthen broken, or pot- sherds ... — Felix of Nola, C, broken, and coals • . — Agatha, V, M, Potsherds, lying upon, in prison — Lucian, B, M, Praying by the bodies of the martyrs . . . aS'aS'. Seraphia and Erasma, M. M. before a church : city on fire St. Lamhert, B, M. Preaching from an eminence — Peregrinus to the court at Marseilles — Mary Magdalen, Pent, to the people . . — Severinus, B, C, 204 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Priest martyred at Mass Princess . Prison cell — doors open praying in . chained in, praying, dove and Preaching to the poor on a hill to sheep — Paulinus of Nola, B, C, — David, B. C. — ApolUnaris, B. M, — Dympna, V, M, — Gei'trude of Nivelles, V. — Gabinius, M, — Leocadia, V, M. luminous cross Regina, V. M. window — figure at it . — Verena, V, Saint within, breaking idols — Christina, F. M. Purse — ^handed through a window — Nicholas, B, C. Purses — three . . . Do, crucified upon • . — • Eulalia, V, M, Rain— obtained by his prayers • — Herihert, B. C. Raising — a child to life . — Martin, B, C, Eake, or hoe in his hand . — Isidore of Madrid^ C. Rats, or mice about her . — Gertrude of Nivelles, V, Raven at his feet . . — Benedict, Ah, on a stick, in his hand , Do, bringing him a loaf , St, Paul, H, in his hand, with a ring in its mouth . . — Oswald, K, M, ring in its mouth . • — - Ida, W, or crow, or two, guarding his body ... — Vincent, M, bringing him a letter and chrism box . . — Oswald, K, M, conducting him to the Holy Land ... — William Firmatus, H, descending, as his arms and legs are chopped off . — Adrian, M, Rack — stretched upon praising God upon St, Vincent, M. — Nestor, B, M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 205 Eavens — two, pursuing his mur- derers Eays of Glory round his head Eazor in his hand Eeaping Corn for bread for the altar Eeeds thrust under his nails Eemonstrance — carried by him, or by an angel before him kneeling before it . before it ; rays from it to her heart in her hand . Eeposing in her tomb . Eeptiles destroyed by him . Resigning his bishopric Restoring sight to her mother EiNG . . • , held up by him iron round his body Rings — iron, on his neck and arms River — angel walking upon, with a pilgrim . saint standing before, with a cross . . . with a bridge near him Rock — standing upon . chained to , water obtained from by SS. Peter and Paul . hiding in, from her pursuers aS'^. Meinhardt, C, — Demetrius, H, — Pamphilius, M, — Wenceslas, M, — Boniface, M, — Benjamin, M, — Norbert, B. C. — Walhurge, F. — Frances, W» — Clare, F. — Cecily, F. M. — Patrick, B, C. — Magloire, B, C. — ■ Genevieve, V. — William Firmatus, H. — Edward. K, C, — Gregory, H, ' — Theodosius, C, — Raphael, Archl. — Romanus, B. C. — John Nepomucen, IVI, — Martinianus, FL — Martin, H, ' — Gregory Great, F, CD. — Martinianus, C. — Ariadne, V, 206 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Rock — pushed off it, with a pitch- fork EoD, or wand, in his hand with flowers at the top of (Esculapius Rods — beaten with in her hand , Roof— falling from Rope given to a man kneelin round his neck in his hand . EosARY Beads in his hand, kneel- ing . . . and lighted torch . and loaf and staff and key, or keys, and hag Rosaries in his hand . Roses in her lap and hand on her head on their heads and a cripple clothed in her hand, or apron crown of, receiving from B V. Mary . St, Pantaleon, Mm — Zaphkiel, AngeL — Jose]ph, C, SS, Cosmas and Damian, MM. St Fidelis, M. — Regina, V, M» — Faith, V. M. — Pelagia, Penitent, — Theodosius, Cenobiarch, — Charles, B, C, — Besiderius, B, M, — Colman, M, — Fiacre, C, — Tosso, or Tozo, B, C, — John the Almoner, C, — Francis Xavier, C, — Sitha, or Osith, Qu. — Dominic, C, — Casilda, V, — Elizabeth of Portugal, Qu, — Dorothy, V. M, — Rose of Lima, V. — Hiltrudis, V, SS, Ascylus and Victoria, MM, St, Elizabeth of Hungary, Qu, — Rose of Viterbo, F, Rosalia, V, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 207 EosES, white, crown of on her head and lilies falling from his mouth growing out of his head after death : the word Maria above them KuLE — square, &c, at their feet Sacrament — the Blessed, kneel- ing before it carried by him, walking on the sea administered to him by two angels Sacrifice — refusing to offer to idols Salmon — with a ring in its gills Salt Box in his hand . Saracen under his feet and Jewish converts Satis est Domine, satis esf — uttering . Saviour — our Blessed, appearing to him in prison appearing as a child with garment rent appearing to him in his tor- ments on the Appian way at Mass . Do. St, AngeluSf C, — Joscion, C, The Four crowned Martyrs. St, Francis Borgia, C. — Birinus, B, C, — Stanislaus Kostka, C, — Auxentius, B, C. — Kentigern fMunghoJ, B, C, — Rupert, B, C, — Fancras, M. — Vincent Ferrer, C> — Francis Xavier, C, — Theodore Tyro, M. — Peter of Alexandria, B. M, Valerian, M, Peter, Ap, Gregory the Great, F, C, D. appearing to her with the instruments of his Passion Bridget, W, 208 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Saviour appearing to her, or giv- ing her the Blessed Sacra- ment , , > St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, V. extending one arm towards her .... — Lutgardis, Abbess. blessing her from his cross — Hedwiges, W. and B. Virgin appearing to him • . . — Gregory the Great, P. C. D. — Anselm, B, C. Saw^ ..... — Simon, Ap. — James the Less, Ap, Sawed in pieces ... — James Intercisus, M, — Evilasius, M, on a cross . — Thutael, M, through, lengthways . — Simon, Ap* Scales — golden . . The Angelic Choir of Thrones, weighing souls in them . St. Michael, Archl, Scapular in his hand . . — Simon Stock, C. given to him hy the B. Trinity ... — John of Martha, C. — Felix of Valois, C. Sceptre and sword . . — Olaus, or Olave, K, M, and cross . . . — Oswald, K. M. and arrow . . . — Edmund, K, M. and ring ... — Edward, K, C, and dagger ... — Edward, K. M. tipped with a lily . . — Louis, K. C. and lily ... — Pulcheria, Empress, and church ... — Mauront, Ab. and torch ... — Emerita, V, M. of a reed and crown of thorns — Haniel, Angel, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 209 Sceptres — two, crown of thorns, and three nails . three, tipped with crosses Scourge .... loaded with lead . Scourges with scorpions and swords Scourged .... at a pillar at a stake with scorpions executioner's hand paralysed Screw Press Scroll and book Scythe . . . . or sickle, and a well Sea — pushed into thrown into floating miraculously in . man and boy walking on beheaded and thrown into walking on, carrying the Sacrament Seashore — walking along kneeling by . aS'^. Louis i K, (7. — Lucius, K, M. — Ambrose, B, C, D, — Boniface, B, M. — Peter Damian, B, C, — Guthlac, H. — Dorotheus, B, M, — Gervase, M. SS, Processus and Marti- nianus, MM, St, Agapetus, M, — Alexander, P. M, — Urban, P. — Concordia, V, M, — Atheogenes, M, SS. Jonas %c. MM. St. Uriel, Angel, — Walstan, C, — Valentius, M, — Sidwell, F. M. — Eugenius, M. — Adrian, M, SS, Rufina and Secunda, MM. SS, Nazarius and Celsus, MM. St. Chrysogonus, M. ' — Birinus, B. C. — Augustin, B. CD. — Gertrude of Nivelles, F. s 2 210 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Serpent rising out of a cup or chalice under his feet in her hand . Serpent's Head held in pincers Serpents — treading upon on an island about him twined round him . driving away betv/een two and torches . and wild beasts Seven Persons Asleep — or praying in a cave Shears .... or pincers, for cutting off her breasts . . and bottle Sheep — keeping about her kept by a bear Shell — escallop in his hand, or on his hat, cloak, or wallet Shells — laid upon a bed of . Shepherd — with a dog at his feet Shepherdess — spinning Shield marked with monogram WR and sceptre J. John^ Ap, Ev» — Patrick, B. C. — Christina, F. M, — Livin, B. M. — Didymus, M. — Hilary of Poictiers, B.C. — Paternus, B. C, — Phocas of Antioch^ M. — Pirminius, M, — Hilary of Aries, B, C, — Thecla, V. M. — Euphemia, V, M. — Anatolia, V. M. — Magnus, C. The Seven Sleepers, MM. St. Fortunatus, M. — Macra, V. M. SS. Cosmas and Bamian, MM. St. Brugo, or Druon, Recluse. — Regina, V. M. — Florentius, B. C. — James Greater, Ap. — Felix, M. — Wendelin, Ah. — Genevieve, V. — Gabriel, Arch v. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 211 Shield and lance with three lilies upon it . on his breast with cross upon it . Ship— with sails in his hand near her, or landing from it with corpse, sailing against the stream saved from sinking in his hand . in his hand . Shoes in her hand with spikes through them Shoemaker's Toobs . and each a sword . Shoemakers — two at work . Shovel — baker's Shrine — kneeling at . presented to K. Dagobert at his side . and sceptre . Sick around him , served by him visiting man carried by him Sickle or scythe, and a well near her, in a corn field Sieve — held by him Do. SS, Faustinus and Simpli^ cius, MM. St. Peter Nolasco, C. — Gengulph^ C, — Jude, Af. — Ursula, V. M. — Melanius, B. C. — Castor, C, — Werenfrid, C. — Mary of Succours, V. — Hedwiges, W. — Sozon, M. — Sergius, M. — Euseus, H, — Theobald, C. SS. Aquila and Priscilla, MM. SS. Crispin and Crispinian, MM. St. Honorius, B. C. — Wendelin, C. — Eligius, B. C, — - John of Beverley B. C. ■ — Louis, K. C. — Crescentius, C. — Godfrey, B. C. — Sulpitius, B. C. — Radegundes, Qu. — Edward, K. C. — Sidwell, V. M. • — Nothhurge^ V. — Hippolytus, M. 212 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Silversmith working . Skin — clothed in of her head taken oif Skins — clothed in Skull in his hand, or at his feet in her hand, or at her feet cloven with a sword top, mitred — in his hand Slaves ransomed, about him fettered, near him . Small-pox Marks on her face Soldier with a sword near her Soldiers driving him to exile Spade . . , « held by a gardener Sparrow .... Speaking with his tongue cut out Spear, see lance. Speared and beheaded Spes, Fides, Charitas^^ — on his breast Spider over a chalice . Spirit— evil — bound . Spit .... Sponge — wiping up the blood of martyrs . Spoon — held by a child near him Springs of Water near him Square — carpenter's or builder's St» Eligius, or Eloi, B. C, — Abraham, H. — Gudelia, M. — Hilarion, Ah, — Jerom, C. D. — ■ Mary Magdalen, Pent. — Eutropius, M. — Nicasius, B, C. — Vincent of Paul, C, — Peter Nolasco, C, — John ofMatha, C, — Angradesma, V. — Euphrasia, V, M, — Tngenuinus, B. (7. ■ — Fiacre, C. — Phocas, M, — Dominic, C, — Eusebius, ■ — Abundius, M, ™ Willibald, B. C. — Conrad, B, C, B, Bernard of Menthon, C. St, Qidntin, M. — Gengulph, M. SS. Praxedes and Fuden- tiana, VV. St, Angus tin, B, C. D, — Callixtus, P. M. — Joseph, C, — Judc, Ap. — Matthew, Ap, EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 213 Square — carpenter's or builder's Stabbed in the back . on horseback through bis left shoulder with javelins — to death . by two assassins . Stable — a pope kneeling in Staff — budding, and box of ointment . and open book and cup and bread tipped with a star » with a cross pilgrim's and rosary with bar at top with bell hanging from it with which he cured the blind with bar at top and sharp pointed end, set on a de- mon under his feet budding, and crosier Stag .... white . . , . crouching at his feet with flames at the ends of its horns with crucifix between its horns the same, or on a book • Stags — two, near her . aS'^. Thomas^ Ap. — Quiriacus, B. M, — Edward, K. M. — Robert, C. — Lamherty B, M. — Frederick, B. M, — Marcellus, P. M. — Joseph of Arimathea, C, — Barnabas, Ap, — Chamael, Angel, — G alius, Ab. — Nicholas of Tolentinum, C. ■ — Laurence, M, — James Greater, Ap, — Francis Xavier, C, — Anthony, Ab, Do. St. Gebhard, B. C. — John Gualbert, Ab, — Etheldreda, V, — Julian Hospitator, C. — Rieul, C. — Felix of Falois, C, — Aidan, B, C, — Ida, W. — Eustachius, M. — Hubert, B, C. — Macrina, Recluse. 214 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Stairs, or steps — carrying, or lying under . . St. Alexins, C. Stake— hands tied to it . — ^/^<^j M, bound to, and stoned . — Poller onius, B, M, and faggots ... — Jnastasia, V. M. tied to, and scourged with scorpions ... — Coneordia, V, M, two youths scourged at . SS, Justus and Pastor, MM. knotted — through his bowels ^S'^. Benjamin, M, Standard reared by a king , — Ladislas, K, C and wall of a city . . — Antoninus, Ah, Star over his head, or on his head, forehead, or breast — Dominic, C, on his forehead . . — Humbert, C, on his breast . . — Bruno, C, — Thomas of Aquin, C. i>. on his breast, or in his hand — Swidhert, B, C, on his head, as he walks on the water ... — Peter of Alcantara, C, on his breast, over his grave, or behind him . . — Nicholas of Tolentinum, C. on her breast . . — Athanasia, Abbess, over her, as she is weaving Do. Stars round his head in the Con- fessional , . , St, John Nepomucen, M. seven appearing to him in his sleep ... — Hugh of Grenoble, B. C. Statue of B. Virgin in her hand — Hedwiges, W, Statues of emperors thrown down by an earthquake . — Gregory HI. P, C, Stigma in her hand : rays from it . . , • — Catherine of Sienna, V. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 215 Stigmas of the wounds of our B. Saviour . . . St. Stocks ; prisoners released from — Stole in his hand Stone near him, or beating his breast with . . — and club ... — red hot in his hand . — pressed to his breast . — large one, carrying in his arm — cut through with a scythe — and sword ... — about his neck : thrown into the Ens . about his neck in her hand . carried by a nun . Stones in his robe or hand in his chasuble in her lap three Stone Coffin by him . Stoned bound to a stake . and dragged by her feet Stool — red hot . Storm stilled by his prayers Francis of Assisskm, C. Catherine oj Sienna^ V, Leonard, C, Paul of Constantinople f B. M. Jerom, C, D, Timothy, B. M. Congall, Ah, Barnabas, Ajp, Bavo, Anchoret, Albert, C. Pancras, M, Florian, Pantaleon, M. Theodosia, V. M, Euphrasia, V. Stephen, M. Elphege, B, M. Emcrentiana, V. M, Barnabas, Ap, Gualfard, H, Barnabas, Ap, Chrysanthus, M, Vitalis, M, Onesimus, M, Eusebius, B, l\L Policronius, B, M, Cointha, V. M. Aitalus, M, Aidan, B, C, Albert of Sienna, H, 216 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Storm at sea stilled Strangled Stripes — shewing to a "king . Strips cut from a hide Sultan — preaching to . Sun on his breast and stars on his breast . in glory above his head . with monogram I H S in his hand Sunbeams over his head Surgical Instruments Swan by his side Swans by his side Sword in his hand or lance . borne by a priest . or a crown with it . between his teeth . across his head, or in it held by the point . cleaving his skull . across his breast . stabbed with piercing his breast St. Philibert, Ab. — DesideriuSf B. M, [ ] — Saturninus, B, M, — Godelieve, V, M, — Laurence, B. C, SS. Crispin, and Crispi- nian, MM, St, Francis of Assissiurn, C, — Thomas of Aquin, CD, — Nicholas of Tolentinum, C. — Alban, M. — Vincent Ferrer, C, — Columban, Ab. SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM. St, Hugh of Grenoble, B, C. — Ludger, B. C. — Cuthbert, B. C, — Paul, Ap. — Secundus, H, - — Dominic, C. — Eulogius, B. M. — Valentine, M, — Alban, M. — Juvenalis, B. M. ■ — Thomas of Canterbury, B. M. — Mathias, Ap. — Peter, M. — Manuel, B. M, — Magnus, M. — Boniface, B. M. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 217 Sword piercing his breast St, Accursius^ C, her body — Euphemia^ V. M, a book, or upon a book — Boniface^ B. ;!/. in her hand . — Catherine, F. M. under his feet, cross in his hand ■ — Kilian, B, M. flaming — in his hand — Jophiel, Angel. held by each SS. Aquila and Priscilla, MM. in her hand, or run into her neck St. Agnes, V. M. in his neck . — Aquilinus, M. through her neck . — Lucy, V. M. in her hand . — Irene, V. M. in her breast — Euphemia, V, M. with seven heads on the blade SS, Felicitas and her seven sons, MM. and crown . St. Susanna, V. M. ' — Alcmund, M. — Fehronia^ V. M, and stone — Pancras, M. and chains . — John of Janina, C and club — Arcadius, M. and beam ... - — Emilian, B. C, and church . — Henry, Emp. and hammer — Adrian, M. and wheel, or fixed in a wheel — Catherine, V. M. and an idol overthrown . — Melitina, V. M. and flames at her feet — Agnes, V. M. and millstone — Victor of Marseilles, M, and dagger . — Kilian, B. M. and book — Catherine, V. M. and gridiron, or iron bed Faith, V. M. T 218 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Sword — and tower . . St, Leocadia, V. M, Swords — two ... — Paul, Ap, transfixed with . . SS, Fusca and Maura^ MM. and scourges with scorpions SS, Processus and Marti- nianus, MM, pierced with two . . St, Frederick, B, M, Tearing down a paper from a temple ... — John, M, Taper dropping wax upon her arm — Bridget, W, lighted ... — - Arcadius, M, Teeth pulled out . . - — Apollonia, V. M, Temple — heathen — in flames — Artemius, M> of Jupiter, overthrown . — Julian of Mans, B, C, of Diana, destroyed by light- ning . . . ■ — Martina, V, M, of Apollo, falling . . — Herculanus, M, Tent Making . . » SS, Aquila and Priscilla, MM. Thorn in his foot , . St, Gerlach, H, — Zenais, extracting from a bear's foot — Aventinus, C. Thorns — kneeling on, or wearing — Jerom, C, D. near him, or rolling in . - — Benedict, Ah. Thrown off a house, or out of a window ... — Serapion, M. into the sea . . — Adrian, M, Thunder Clouds — hand raised towards . . . ■ — Deodatus, B, C. Thurible . . . Choir of Seraphim. Tile thrown on his head . — Eusehius, B. M. Tomb — devil issuing from . aS'^. Eucherius, B. C. opened, exhaling a sweet odour » . . — Deocharus, Ah. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 219 Tomb — bishop lying m it )St, oervahus, B, C. iONGS .... ' — • Cnaritma^ M, — relician, ±>» IVl, — Martina, V, M. — Cfiristma, y , M, Tongue plucked out — GalactioTif JM. cut out — Romanus, M, thrown to a hawk . — Quirinus, M, pointing to it with a sword • • — AiaciCLus, ivi. still speaking — JEusehius, JW, ioNGUES 01 nre over her head — brertruae, y. looTH held m pincers . ' — ApoUoma, V , m. Torch lighted ' — Blase B. M. and rosary ■ — losso, or lozOf z>. C catching fire on his grave — • William ofHoeschildjAb, in his hand • . • — • Theodore Tyro, — SerapionC seven sleepers ) near her —— Eutropia, V, M, applied to her side ' — Dorothy, V , M, and axe — Lhrysanthus, M, and sceptre . 77 T7" Tl/T - — Lmenta, v, M. and sword — iheodotus, M. lORCHES applied to his sides . — Bioscorvs, M, and serpents ~ Anatolia, F. M. applied to her in a cauldron — Regma, V , M, loRTURERs killing each other — Juventius, B, Tower .... — Barbara, F. M. With Chalice and Sacred Host in the entrance . Do, and sword , , — Leocaaia, y, m» Trampling on the enemies of the faith . — Optatus, B, C. on the devil . — Theodore, B. C. 220 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Treasure found by him . St, Gumtramnus, K, C, Tree — hung to by her hair . — Zoe, M, , green — near him . . — Bavo, Anchoret, — Eutropius, B, bound to in flames . ■ — Afra, M. hollow — lying in , . — Ulmar, Ah. sitting in, covered with thorns . . — Zuirard, H, struck by lightning behind him . . . ■ — Donatus, B, M. young — in his hand . — Salvator ah Horta, C, bound to, and torn with hooks — Hijppolytus, M, cypress — her feet nailed to it - — Theodula, M, bound to ... — Januarius^ B, M, blossoming above her, as she sleeps ... — Etheldreda, Abhess, Trees two — torn between them — Corona, V, M. four — bound to them, by her hands and feet . . Do. Tripod — red hot — held by a man . . . aS'^. Jutta, W. Trumpet sounding in his ear — Jerom, C. D. Tub Perforated — tortured in — - Nicephorus, M. Turban — setting foot of a cross upon it . . . — Clare, V. Turner's Lathe and tools . — Bernard of Tironio, C. Unicorn crouched at her feet — Justina, V. M. Urn in her hand ... — Potentiana, V, M. Yase in his hand . . — John Damascen, C. Yases in their hands . . SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM. Yeil in her hand . . St. Ludmilla, V. M. nun's, given by the Holy Ghost . . • — Aldegondes, V. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 221 Veil — white, given by the B, V. Mary . , , St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, V, with impression of our Sa- viour's face . . — Veronica, V, " Verhum earo ^ actum on her heart ... — Mary Magdalen of Pazzis, V, Vestments — pontifical — bishop putting off . . — Claude, B, C, white, or cope brought by B. V. Mary ... — Ildefonsus, M. brought him by the B. V. Mary ... — Norbert, B. C. Vials with his blood, on book of Gospels Viaticum administered to her Vine — in leaf in winter at his side growing on his grave Violin .... Angel playing to him Virgin Mary — blessed — appear- ing to him . . — Cyril of Alexandria, B. C. led by him when a child — Joachim, C appearing to him in his sleep — John Damascen, B, C. restoring his hand cut off Do, bringing him episcopal vest- ments . . . St. Norbert, B. C, appearing to her at her death — Verena, F. — Opporfuna, Abbess. Virgin — Consecrating to God — Hilary of Aries, B, C, T 2 — Januarius, B. M, — Petronilla, V, — Elpidius, Ab. — Urban, P. M. — Urban of Langres, B. C, — Davinus, C. — • Genesius, M. — Francis of Assissium, C. 222 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Virgins protected under her mantle slain around her <, Vision of our B. Saviour and Saints of Angels Visiting the sick, holding a black cross .... Waggon — carrying Wall of a city . Wallet in his hand , and scroll . Wand in his hand Warrior, with his two sons . in armour Washing the feet of the poor Water — changed into wine , vessel of, emptied by a woman procured from a rock by SS. Peter and Paul carrying vessels of two saints saved from walking upon a monk saved from going towards walking upon, with a lay brother Water-cask near him St. Ursula, V. M. Do. St, Tharsilla, V, — Severinus, B, C, — Margaret of Scotland, Qu. — - Bavo, C. — Antoninus, Ab. - — Thomas of Villanova, B. C. — John the Almoner, C. — Jerom, C, D. — ZaphJciel, Angel. — ' Eustachius, M. — Gereon, M. — Louis, K. C. — Editha, F. — Hedwiges, W. — Bertulph, Ab. — Veronus, C. — Gummarus, C, — Martinianus, C. — Thomassus, C. SS. Faustinus and Jovita, MM. — Aldegondes, V. — Maurus, Ab. Do. St. Peter of Alcantara, C. — Willibrord, B. C. EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. 223 Watering flowers Wax Tapers borne in procession to meet him Weaver's loom . Weaving — star above her Weight — fastened to her feet lying by her feet . Well — thrown into by the devil praying and freeing it from a dragon and scythe, or sickle Wheel .... white, on a red ground . and sword, or wheels broken set round with lights wheel armed with spikes broken at his feet . Whirlbat — Wild Beast tamed by him , beasts licking him killed — lying about him exposed to them . surrounding her . him , commanding them about her sparing her . St, Silvams, H. — • Ccesarius^ B, C, — Severus, of Ravenna, B. C. — Athanasia, Abbess. — Flavia, M. — Nothburge, V, — Gereon, M. — CaUixtus, P, M. — Sebastian, M. — Euphrasia, V. — Donatus, B. M, — Sidwell, V. M. — Catherine, V, M. — Euphemia, V, M, — Willigis, B, C. — Catherine, V, M, — Donatus, B. M, — Catherine, V, M. — Quintin, M, — Fitalis, M. — Fidelis, M. — Columban, Ab. — Mamas, M. — - Germanus of Auxerre, B, C. — Tatiana, V. M. — Euphemia, F. M, ' — Januarius, B, M, — Blase, B. M. — Radegundes, Qu, — Thecla, F. M. 224 EMBLEMS WITH THEIR SAINTS. Wild Eeast — and serpents . Wild Boar — mounted upon Wild G-ame — coming to his hut Wild Geese — flying off at her command . Windlass — or bowel wound round it . Window— falling out of Wine — flagon of . Wisdom and Chastity (figures) before him Wolf — with a live child in its mouth with a goose in its mouth bringing him a ram's skin conducting him into a town by his side . guarding his body . bringing back a sheep or calf Wolf Dog, Irish — at his feet Wolves — kneeling among guarding his body two Woman listening to a preacher praying before a church WooLCARDS, or woolcomb Working in mines in a marble quarry Wound in her neck Wounds, three, in her neck aS'^. Magnus^ C, — Cyr, M. — Florentius, B, C, — Milburge, Abbess — Erasmus, B, M. — Pelagia, Penitent, — Elizabeth of Hungary, Qu, — Gregory Nazianzen, B. C, D. — Simpertus, B. C — Fedast, B. C. — Mark, H. — Arnulphus, B. C, — William of Mi^- Vergine, C. — Edmund, K, M. — Bernard oj Tironio, C, — Donatus, B> C. — Columban, Ab, — Carpophorus, M. — - Radegundes, Qu, — Pelagia, Penitent, Do. St. Blase, B, M, — Paphnutius, B, C, SS, Polianus and Nemesian, MM, St, Lucy, V. M, — Cecily, V, M. EMBLEMS OF PATRIARCHS, &c. 225 Wounds of a poor man dressed aS'^. Catherine of Sweden, V. Wreath, green, or of flowers, in her hand, or on her head, or both ... — Cecily, V. M. Wreath of flowers in her hand — Clare, Abbess. Writing his Apocalypse in Patmos — - John, Ap, Ev, religious poems . . ■ — ApoUinaris Sidonius, B, C, Yarn — wound oif by an old man — Julian, C, Youth taking leave of his royal father . . . ■ — Eutropius, B. M. EMBLEMS OF ANCIENT PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS. Aaron — Censer, rod, vestments Abraham — Firepan and knife Abdias — Carrying a pitcher of water and loaves Amos — Shepherd's crook Shepherd with sheep about him Baruch— Scrip and knotted staff Daniel — a lion, or among lions in their den ram with four horns praying between two lions arrayed as a satrap David — Harp shepherd boy with sling C allot, Callot, Ihonographie der Heiligen. Southwold — roodscreen, Ihonographie, Southwold — roodscreen . Callot, Christl, Kunstsymbolik, Die Heiligenbilder, Malliot. Southwold — roodscreen. Die Heiligenbilder, 226 EMBLEMS OF PATRIARCHS, &c. Elias— Scroll, red robe, and red cap . . . Westhall — roodscreen, fiery chariot taking him up Callot, hairy man with leather girdle Malliot, sword in his hand, child near him . . . Ikonographie. Eliseus — two-headed eagle on his shoulder . . Do, EzECHiEL — Turreted gateway in his hand . . . Do. Gedeon — warrior, bending over a fleece spread out . Die Heiligenhilder, IsAiAs — sawed through the middle Callot, clothed with a sack . Malliot. holding a saw . . Ikonographie, Jeremias — a wand in his hand Christl, Kunstsymholik, Job— on a dunghill, his wife up- braiding him . . Callot, Joel — lions near him . . Ikonographie. Jonas — a whale and ship near him Die Heiligenhilder. Joseph — holding a purse . Do. JosuE and Caleb — carrying a large bunch of grapes on a pole, on their shoulders Do. Malachy — an angel near him Ikoiiographie. Melchisedech — as priest and king . . . Die Heiligenhilder. MicHEAs — as a prophet . Introduced in old paintings oj the Nativity. Moses — holding the tables of the law Westhall — roodscreen. holding a rod and tables : his face horned and radiant Aylsham — roodscreen. before the burning bush Die Heiligenhilder. striking the rock . . Christl. Kunstsymholik. PATRONS OF ARTS, TRADES, &c. 227 NoE — in the' ark : dove above him with olive-branch . Die HeiligenMlder. Samson — holding the jaw-bone of an ass . . . Die Heiligenhilder, Tobias — holding a fish . ChristL Kunstsymbolik, Zacharias — temple building Die HeiligenUlder. PATRONS OF ARTS, TRADES, AND PROFESSIONS. Archers ^ Bakers Brewers Carpenters and Joiners Children Cobblers Cooks Firework-makers Gardeners . Glaziers Goldsmiths , Grooms Horse-soldiers Hunters Husbandmen Innkeepers . Lawyers St. Sebastian, M. - — Honor ius, B, C. — Adrian, M. — Joseph, C ■ — Nicholas, B, C. — Ursula, V. M. — Euseus, C, — Laurence, — Barbara, V, M. ■ — Urban of Langres, B, C, ■ — James Allemanmus, C. — Dunstan, B, C, — Ann, W, ' — George, M, — Hubert, B, C. ' — Eustachius, M, — Walstan, C, — Theodotus, M. — Ym. C. 228 PATRONS OF ARTS, TRADES, &c. Locksmiths Millers Mowers Musicians . Navigators, or St, EUgius, B. C. — Arnold, C, — Walstan, C, Sailors — Cecily, 7. M, — Nicholas, B, C, — Christopher, M, — ■ Peter Gonzales, or Elmo, C, Painters .... — Lule, Ev, — Lazarus, C, Peasants .... — Lucy, V. M. Philosophers ... — Catherine, V . M. Saddlers .... — Gualjard, H. Shepherds . . . ^ — Wendelin, C. - — Drugo, C, Shoemakers . . • Crispin and Crispinian, MM. Smiths .... ^'i^ Eligius, B. C. Soldiers .... — George, M. Stonemasons ... — Reinoldus, C. Students .... — J^rom, C. D. Physicians . aS'^S'. Cosmas and Damian, MM. St. Pantaleon, M. — Laurence, M. — Mathurin, C. — Mary Magdalen, Pent. ~ Catherine, V. M. — Gregory the Great, P. C. D. Tailors Theologians — Homohonus, C. — John the Baptist — Augustin, B. CD. — Thomas of Aquin, C. D. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. 229 Travellers , . , > St, Julian Hospitator, C, Washerwomen . , . — Hunna Weavers .... SS, Crispin and Crispinian, MM. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Aix . . » , , St Maximinus, C, Alcala . . . . ~ Jucunda, V, M. SS. Justus and Pastor, MM, St, Asturius, • — Didacus, C, Altaich . . . . - — Peter, Ap, Amarante . . . , — Gundisalvus - — Amarantus. Amiens , . . . — John Baptist, Ancona .... — Cyriacus, B. M, Angers .. . . . — Maurice, M, — Alhan, M, — Rene, Antequera .... — Euphemia, V, M, — Justin, M, Aquileia . . . , - — Hermagoras. Arezzo Donatus, B, M, Aries ..... — Trophy mus^ M, Arras . . . . ^ — Vedast, B, C, Ascoli , . . . — Emidius As^ — Secundus, M, V 230 PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Asturia St, Ephrem^ C, Z). Augsburg , B. V. Mary St, Ulric, B. C, — Afra, M. Autun ' — Lazarus, C Auxerre ■ — Euphemia, V» M» — Justin, M, Avignon — John Baptist o — Benezet, C. Avrancbes « — Andrew, Ap> Babur — Waist an, C Bacbarach . — Werner. Baden — Peter, Ap. Badajoz ■ — Vincent, M, ' — Maurus, Ah. Bamberg— bishopric SS, Henry and Cuneg' city , B. Virgin Mary, Barcelona , St. Eulalia, V. M. — Sever us, M, — j^therius. " — Pacian^ — Matrona, - — Oldegaris^ ' — Candidus. ' — Sahinus, B, M. Basle — bishopric . — Ursicinus, B, M. city B. V. Mary. Batenburg . St. VicforinuSf M. Bavaria B. V. Mary. . St, George, M. Bayonne — Leo, P. C. D. Beauvais — Lucian, B. M. Berg B. V. Mary. St. Michael, Archl. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. 231 Berg St. Martin, B, C. — Oswald, K, Bergen — Pancras, M, Berlin — Paul, Ap, Berne — ymeent, M, iiesan^on . T 7 75 J.' J ■ — John Baptists - — Linus, P, M. Biscay — Ignatius, C Blois B, V. Mary. Bohemia CI J. AT 2. J. T> St. JSlorbert, B. C. — nenzeL, T 7, AT HAT ■ — - John JS/epomucen, ■ — Adalbert, B. M. a3o. Cynl ana Methodius. oS. Cosmas ana Damian, Ml M. bt. Veit. T 7 '77 T7" Tl/T — Ludmilla, V. M. - — Frocopius, M. Bologna - — Petronius, B, C. — • Dominic, C. — Francis, C. — Benedict, t. - — Proculus, M. — Eligius, B. C. Bordeaux , - — Andrew, Ap. - — - Martial, n. iTi 'TL J. — Gilbert. • — Delphinus. Boulogne - — Joseph, C. Bourges Ox 7, 71 /f — - btephen, M. ■ — Ur sinus. Bozzolo — Exuperiusy B. C. Brabant — Peter, Ap. 232 PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Brabant Braga Brandenburg Breisach Bremen Brescia Breslau — bishopric city Brieux Bruges Brunswick — house of . city • Brussels Burgundy . Burgos Cadiz Cahors St. Philip, Ap. — Andrew, Ap. — Leontius, — Ovidius, — Authert. — ApoUonius, M, — Martin, B. C. — John Baptist. — Stephen, M. — Anscharius, B. C. — Peter, Ap. — Willehad, B, C. — Fansiinus, M. — ApoUonius, M, — John Baptist. — Wenzel,M. — - Brieuc, or Briocus, B. C. — Donatian, B. M. • — Andrew, Ap, ■ — Autor. — Ann. — Christopher, M. — Michael, Archl. — Gudule, V. — Andrew, Ap. — Juliana* V. — Radegundes, Qu. — Victoria, V. M. — Adelelm. — Susanna, V. M. — Martha, F. — Servandus. — Gengulph, M. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. 233 Cahors . ... St, Stephen, M. Calahorra .... — Emetherius, Camerino « , . , — Venantius, M, — Ansovinus, B, C, Cambray • . . . - — John Baptist, — Maximilian. Campten . • . , - — Magnus, Ah, Canary Islands ... — Avitus, Canterbury ... — Anselm, B, C, Carinthia . . . . — Leopold, — Rupert, Carthagena . . , ^ — Charitina, V, M. • — Hippolytus, M, — Adelhard, — Fulgentius, B, C, — Modestus, M. — Candida, V. M, Casale . , , , — Evasius, Castro , , . . ■ — Savinus, Castiglione . . . , B, Virgin Mary, St, Antoninus, B, C, — Francis of Assissium, C, — Geminianus, B, C, Chalons sur Marne . , B, Virgin Mary, St, Stephen, M. — Memic, Chalons sur Saone , . — Vincent, M, — Marcellus, P, M, Chartres . . . . B. V, Mary. St. Savinian. Chester .... — Werehurge, V, Abbess. Ciudad Eodrigo , . . - — Absalom. ■ — Athanasius, B, CD. Clermont . . . . B. Virgin Mary, V 2 234 PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Clermont Cleves Coblenz Coirabra Coire— bishopric « Colmar Cologne — -archbisliopric city Concha Constance , Compostella Corbach Cordova Correggio . Corvey Croyland aS'^. ApoUinaris, B. M, ■ — Urbiscus* — Sidonius. — John Baptist, ~ Martin, B. C. — Castor, C, — Otho^H. ' — Berardus. B. V„ Mary. St. Lucius, K, M. — Martin, B. C. — Peter, Ap, The Three Kings, St. Ursula, F. M, ' — Gereon, M, ~ Julian, — Conrad, B, C, — Pelagius, M. — James Great, Ap, — Dativus, — Kilian, B. M. ' — Dominic, C, — Eugenia, F. M. — Eulogius, B, M. — Columha, V. M. - — Faustus, M. — Lupus, B, C, ■ — Narcissus, B, C. — Valerian, M. — Roderick. — Quirinus. M. B. V. Mary. St. Vitus, M. — Guthlahe, Hermit, I PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. 235 Derby St, Alcmund, M. Dijon — Benignus, M, Dortmund . — Reinold, Dorpat — Peter, Ap, Dueren . . — Oswald, K, M, Durham ~ Cuthbert, B, C. East Friesland ■ — • John Baptist, — Ludger, B, C. — Stephen, M. Eichstadt — bishopric B, F, Mary. St, Walhurge, V, — WillihaU, B, C. Elvira — Liheratus, England B. Virgin Mary, St, Michael, Archl, — George, M. ' — Thomas of Canterbury, B, M. — Edward, K, C, Essen . . . SS. Cosmas and Damian, MM. St, Engelbert, Evora — Felix, Evreux - — Taurinus, Faenza — Novellonius^ Fano — Paternianus. Fermo B. Virgin Mary, St, Bartholomew, Ap, Ferrara — Geminianus, B, C. — George, M. - — Maurelius, B, C, — Prosper, ' — Theodore, B, C, Florence — John Baptist, 236 PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Jboligno Jborli — Nier curiam. iranconia . — Kilian, B. M, Frankfort . — John Baptist. — Jraui^ Ap, France B. V, Mary, C V mi k^dAuiiy SOS Kjciiwdr zuurg-~'-Jiou.Sc oi UdlWclLZ! • • « Schwytz 0 0 e >— — AviflTPQII Aon s XJ. IvxAil fjW ^ xl. jJ • »— IVTfiTfinTpf Oil, iji. oeDastian o » o OvUCLSlllllfl^ IVI 9 Segovia . . • 0 — Fructuosus, Seligenstadt » , — Benedict^ u4h. — McLTcellinuSy ii^. Senlis — Pvoculus, Sens .... , — S cLviuidnus , CI 'll Seville T*'i ' J/" i\/r — jDtoiana, v. — Callixtus, P, M, — Felix. — Narcissus. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Seville Sicily Siebenburgen Sienna Sion . Soissons Solothurn Sorrento Spain Spire Stettin Steyermark Strasbourg Swabia Sweden Tarragona . Terouanne Thorn St. Flavian, — Pius. — Severinus. — Florentius, — Leander, B, C, B. V. Mary. St. Vitus, M. — Rosalia, V. B. V. Mary. B. V. Mary St. Theodulus. — Gervase, M. — Ursus. — Antoninus, B. C. — James the Great, Ap. — Stephen, M. — Philip, Ap, B. V. Mary. St. Leopold. B. V. Mary. St. Othilia, Abbess. — Conrad, B. C. — Bridget, W. — Erich. — Fructuosus, B. C. — Thecla, V. M. — Columbana. — Badulph. — Ascarius. — Agathodurus. — Damasus. ' — Omer, B. C. B. V. Mary. St. Michael, Arohl. w 2 246 PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Thann Thuringia . Toledo Tortosa Toulon Toijlouse Tours Triers Trieste Troyes Ulm . Unterwalden TJrbino Uri . Utrecht St, Theobald. — Elizabeth, — Boniface, — Honoratus, — Ildephonsus, SS, Justus and Pastor^ MM. St. Lucy, V. M. ' — Leocadia. — • Raymund. — Paternus, — Julian, — Fulgentius. — Delphinus. ' — Vitalis, M. ' — Marciana, — Rufuso — - Cordula. Honoratus. ~ Stephen, M. — Saturninus, M. — Martin, B, C. - — Gratian. B. V. Mary. St. Mathias, Jp. — Helen, Empress^ — Justus, M. - — Amator. — Lupus, B. C. — George^ M. — Martin, B. C. — Toinassus. — Crescentius. — Martin, B. C. — David. PATRONS OF COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Utrecht Valence Valencia Valenciennes Valladolid . Vence Venice Verona Vigevano Vittoria Volaterra Wales Werden Westphalia Wismar Worms Wurtzburg Ypres Zamora Zug . Zurich Zwoll St. John Baptist, — Martin, B. C. — Apollinaris. — ■ Eugenius, • — Regulus, — Desiderius. — Vincent, M, — Maurus, Ah, — Urban, P M. — ■ Gernon, — • Paul, Jp, — Eusehius. — Marh, Ev, — Justina, , — Theodore, ' — Zeno, — George, M, ' — Formerius. ■ — ■ Justus, — David, B. C. Martin, B. C, ' — Joseph, C — Laurence, M, — Peter, Ap. — Kilian, B, M. — Martin, B. C. — Columha, — Ildephonsus. — Paternus, — Oswald, K. M. — • Exuperantius, — Felix, — Regula, — Michael, ArchL 248 pi o 2 o 13 fl .2 ^ r-H*^ o ^ b 3 ;::3 ^ .t: ^ 2i y «^ '53 ^ aT^ o 3^ I ! Ih^ I i 1 I 1^^' M I 1 U' I I I I I I I I ............ a =-3 S g S .'=5^ g i.s s.^g> b-Sll s-s^-s ^-^^ C» H C/2 U O O 0> H O O O O O O O c« I I I I c« c/2 c» H c/2 U CO I I I I 1 249 >- o > r-H ...» S oT '^5 of K _o .2 g C3 5h O <1 CZJ I 1 I H ^* . o ^ "it C3 o ^- g I H ^- , . . O ^ ^ ^ O HH - I o §0. ^ . , 3PQ 1^1 ?i o. \m ^^^^ I 02 t/2 Ph C/2 - § "5 2 S3 S ^ ^ . - m 03 -et 03 . 5 cc <1J C3 0) 03 C/2 1 I nam P^ ^• o S o 00 P3 go S ^ I I 8 o ^"3 lis PiH S P^ r-^(:No:5'5plO'01>.QOCiOr-H(NCO'^t001>.COO^Or-HC > >- < pq w .pq ^> ^ o ^ o PQhI 0) CD 03 y-i ^ J- PP. 5^ 'Is . PQ (M yrf , UJ ,r-^ pq fiH CO O H I I I I M I <1P PQ fl •N 03 0 ?H c3 I C» 3 ^ f-< I — I pqPQ HO M PQ ^ w ^ © . 52 03 CO C O o3 C/2 PM CO PQ 2 § p be o o 7? <1.iX50iO^-H(^^(^:)Tj^lo<:o^^-oociO-H(^q(^:)T^ 251 ^= =^ . 1^1 si III S'i a1 o'-i o I l^g'g'lif -I ^1^^ I I M I I I I i I I 1 1 I 1 1 M ISc^ I 1 M (25 o 5 s^S^^ o § ^1 C/5 Ph i/2 C g • -3 O 03 H I I o I I PQ <1 O OS I I I p^:;^ bp W W Q PL, PQ o . Ph I ^* S . ^ ^ L_: pq> I ^* I M •4:3 C ^ *rG OS :3 C/2 CZ2 C £0 S.5 P-. ^ 5 e3 id . ,0 0<5 S S S J. ^ ^ ^ 03 O g^U— ! 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