//'////. ‘.J/S // 1 , ! p JC 1 1 SUBSCRIBERS HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CLARENCE. [5 Copies.] HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF CLARENCE, people..] HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS AUGUSTA. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF KENT. IIIS SERENE HIGHNESS BERNARD DUKE OF SAXE COBOURG MEININGEN. The Most Noble The Marquis of Camden. The Most Noble The Marquis of Londonderry. The Right ILonorable The Earl of Liverpool. The Right Honorable the Earl of Mayo. The Right Honorable the Countess of Mayo. The Right Honorable Lord Henley, K.B. The Right Honorable Lord Erskine. The Right Honorable Charles Bathurst, M.P. The Right Honorable Charles Cavendish, M.P. The Honorable Mr. Eden. Sir Walter Stirling, Bart, F. R. A.S. Major General Sir Herbert Taylor, M. P. Sir Andrew Halliday, M.D. Lady Halliday. Lieut.-Colonel Torrens, R. M. F.R.S. John Cam Hobhouse, Esq. M.P. M.A. F.R.S. Thomas Hoblyn, Esq. F. R. S. Rev. Joseph Holden Pott, A. M. Archdeacon of London. Rev. Hugh Bailye, Canon Residentiary of Litchfield. Rev. E. Andrews, L. L. D. Camberwell. Rev. S. Blackburn, Leonarcl-House Academy, Old-street Road- Rev. Richard Bowden, Islington. Rev. George Burder, King’s Road. Rev. William Chapman, Greenwich. Rev. George Clark, Hoxton. Rev. John Clayton, jun. Hackney. Rev. George Clayton, Walworth. Rev. W. B. Collyer, D. D. L.L.D. F.A.S. &c. &c. Rev. F. A. Cox, A. M. Hackney. Rev. Robert Crosby, A. M. St. Leonard’s, Shoreditch . Rev. Samuel Crowther, A. M. Christ Church, New gate-street. Rev. John Duncan, A. M. Academy, Hampstead. Rev. E. A. Dunn, Pimlico. Rev. P. Fenn, A.M. Oxon. Hyde-street Academy, Bloomsbury Rev. W. Gurney, A.M. Chaplain to His late R. H. the Duke of Kent. Rev. George Greig, Sidmouth-street, Gray's-inn-lane. Rev. William Harris, L. L. D. Hoxton Academy. Rev. John Hasloch, Kentish Town. Rev. John Hewlett, B. D. Hunter-street, Brunswick-square. Rev. John Hooper, A. M. Hoxton Academy. Rev. William Wales Horne, Trinity Hall, Aldersgate-streel. Rev. John Hyatt, Tabernacle, Toltenham-court-road. Rev. I. B. Innes, Camberwell-green Rev. Joseph Irons, Cambcrwell-grove. Rev. Archibald Jack, Whitehaven, Cumberland. Rev. John Angel James, Birmingham Rev. Thomas James, Little Moorfields. Rev. William Jay, Bath. Rev. Thomas Lewis, Islington. Rev. D. Morgan, St. Martin's in the Fields. Rev. John Morris, Olney, Bucks. Rev. S. Piggott, A. M. Northamplon-square Academy. Sj-c. Sfc, Sfc. Rev. Thomas Raffles, D. D. Liverpool. Rev. Benjamin Rayson, Tonbridgc-place, New Road. Rev. Isaac Saunders, A. M. St. Anns, Blackfriars. Rev. Richard Heme Shepherd, Ranclagh Chapel, Chelsea. Rev. T. Smith, Gordon House Academy, Kentish Town. Rev. C. F. Steinkopff, D.D. Savoy, Strand. Rev. John Thomas, Ilighgate. Rev. John Townsend, Bermondsey. Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D. D. Glasgow. Rev. Alexander Waugh, D.D. Salisbury-place, Mary-le-bone. Rev. Griffith Williams, Gate-street, Lincoln's-inn-felds. Rev. Daniel Wilson, A. M. Vicar of Islington. Rev. Thomas Wood, Goswell-terrace. Rev. John Yockney, Islington. Dr. Duncan, Mansion House Academy, Hammersmith. Dr. Kelly, Academy, Finsbury-square. Dr. Wanostrocht, Alfred House Academy, Camberwell. . ///// Y/r//u, //m victims s///r //>'// ////////7/ /(was// /.///////// 810