CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM ISSUE OF OCTOBER, 1905 WITH ADDENDA TO SEPTEMBER, iqoq, INCLUSIVE | BRENTANO’S, - I Booksellers & Stationers, j 37, Avenue de 1’Opera, Paris. { Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 September, 1909. The changes in the arrangement of some of the Galleries of the Paintings — looking toward a more sequent and comprehensive grouping of the pictures — are proceeding as rapidly as circumstances permit. Owing to the removal of some of the numbered paintings from one gallery to another (since the pub- lication of this catalogue), it is advisable to find the artist’s name upon the label on the frame, then to turn to the alphabetically arranged section of the catalogue. The paintings not numbered are those acquired since October, 1905. These are catalogued in the Monthly Addenda following page 194. Note Finding List preceding the Monthly Addenda. In this Issue of the 1905 Catalogue, the lists on pages xi-xix have not been changed. Beginning March 16th, 1907, the Museum was opened on Saturdays from 10 o’clock A.M. until 10 o’clock P.M., instead of Mondays and Fridays from 8 to 10 P.M. CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM • e @ © © ® ® THE. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART SECOND FLOOR 1909 . GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE PICTURES. GALLERY 11. The Primitifs. GALLERY 12. American School. Early and Modern. GALLERY 13. American School. Early and Contemporary. The George A. Hearn Collection, continued. GALLERY 14. Dutch and Flemish Schools and part of the Henry G. Mar- quand Collection. Portrait of H. G. Marquand. GALLERY 15. The George A. Hearn Collection : Early English, French, and Dutch Schools. American School — Modern. GALLERY 16. William H. Vanderbilt Loan Collection. Principally Mod- ern French School. (Catalogued after Monthly Ad- denda.) GALLERY GALLERY !7.| 18. | !■ Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection. Modern Schools. GALLERY 19. Miscellaneous Schools. GALLERY 20. English School. GALLERY 21. French School. GALLERY 24. Miscellaneous Schools. Important selections from some of the Collections. GALLERY 25. Miscellaneous Schools. Modern. Cf&otice The galleries are open every day in the week until as follows: February 15 to April 1, 5:30 p.m, April 1 to September 1, 6:00 p.m. September 1 to October 15, 5:30 p.m. October 15 to February 15, 5:00 p.m. On Sundays the Museum is opened at 1 o'clock, p.m.; on all other days at 10 o'clock, a.m. The copying of all pictures belonging to the Museum is allowed on every day except Saturdays, Sundays, and Legal Holidays. On Mondays and Fridays an entrance fee of 25 cents is charged. Members and Copyists are admitted free on these days. In the descriptions of the paintings the words “right" and “left" always mean right and left of the spectator, except where they obviously apply (as his or her right or left hand) to a figure in a picture. The Index by numbers, consecutive, is to be found on pages xxv to xlii. Every work in the galleries is distinctly labeled with the name of the artist and the number of the picture. (See insert at title- page.) The size given is of the sight measure or visible painted sur- face ; and in every instance the first number indicates the height. The measurements are given in inches. The Artists' names attached to donations and loans are, as a rule, those given by the donors or lenders. As a rule pictures which are lent are not described. in The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a private corporation, managed and controlled by a Board of Trustees, chosen from its members. At a public meeting, held on the 23rd day of November, 1869, a Provisional Committee of Fifty cultured and public-spirited citizens were appointed to organize the Association. On the 31st day of January, 1870, at a meeting of this Com- mittee, the Officers and Trustees were elected, consisting of a President (John Taylor Johnston), two Vice-Presidents, a Treas- urer, Secretary and twenty-one Trustees. On the 13th day of April, 1870, a Charter was granted by the Legislature of the State of New York, and at a meeting of the Trustees, held on April 27th, 1870, a Constitution was adopted. Soon after, negotiations were entered into which consummated in the purchase of a collection of pictures, consisting chiefly of specimens of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, but containing also important works of Italian, French, Spanish and English masters. It became necessary to make immediate preparation for the custody and exhibition of these paintings. The Trustees took accordingly a lease for two years from May, 1871, of the building known as No. 681 Fifth Avenue, which, although too small for their purpose, was the most available habitation they could find. In 1872, The Metropolitan Museum of Art was removed from its temporary quarters at 681 Fifth Avenue to 128 West Fourteenth Street. This large, double house, known as the Cruger Mansion, was leased for a number of years by the Trustees. The greenhouses and conservatories were fitted up for the exhibition of sculptures, and in one of its courtyards the Trustees built a picture-gallery. This gallery, lighted from the roof, had five times as much wall space as the old quarters on Fifth Avenue, and enabled the Trus- tees to extend the interest of the Museum by loan exhibitions of paintings, and the display of the Cesnola Collection of antiquities from Cyprus, a portion of which had already arrived in this coun- try. The Museum remained in this building until the last days of 1879, and was daily open to the public from 10 o’clock a.m. until 6 o’clock p.m. On the 5th of April, 1871, the State Legislature, at the request of the Municipal Authorities of this City, passed an act appropriat ing the sum of $500,000, with which to erect a building in the Cen* tral Park, “ for the purpose of establishing and maintaining therein a Museum and Gallery of Art.” On April 22d, 1876, the Legislature authorized and directed the Department of Public Parks to make and enter into a contract with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, for the occupation by it of the building which was then being erected, and such other additions as may be made to it from time to time. On the 24th day of December, 1878, the Park Department exe- cuted a written agreement with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, by virtue of which the Trustees took possession of the building in Central Park, which was then finished ; and during the year 1879 all the collections of the Museum were removed from the building on Pourteenth Street and transferred to their new home in Cen- tral Park. Up to this date the Museum was managed, and its work done, by different Committees of Trustees; but it now became evi- dent that the daily work had grown far beyond the possibility of being managed through the personal supervision of committees, and in 1879, General Louis Palma di Cesnola, who was then Secretary of the Board, was chosen Director and placed in charge of the Mu- seum, in which capacity he remained until his death (November 20th, 1904). The new building in Central Park was formally inaugurated by President Hayes, on March 30th, 1880. The first exhibition of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection took place in one of the old Eastern galleries. Soon after it was found necessary to add two wings: the South and the North. The first was inaugurated December 18th, 1888; the second, November 4th, 1894; in both cases with appropriate ceremonies. Plans were then formed by President Henry G. Marquand, General di Cesnola, and the Board of Trustees, and designs made by the architect, Richard M. Hunt, for the creation of a new building which would more appropriately house the art treasures confided to their care, and the City promptly made the necessary appropria- tion of one million two hundred thousand dollars for immediate ^se in the furtherance of the project. On December 22d, 1902, the center portion of the east front of this new building was completed and formally placed in the hands of the Trustees by the Mayor, the Hon. Seth Low, and the doors were then opened to the public. In 1904 the City made another appropriation of one million two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars for extending the new building down Fifth Avenue about three hundred and fifty feet, the working plans vi for which are now being perfected by the architects, McKim, Mead & White, and the construction will be commenced at as early a date as is practicable. The building is of light gray stone, classical in design, and will, when completed, form a hollow square with the old structures enclosed in a grand court. The estimate of the total cost is twenty- two million dollars. The chair of the President, made vacant by the death of Mr. Henry G. Marquand on February 26th, 1902, was filled by Mr. F, W. Rhinelander, who died September 24th, 1904. On November 21st, 1904, Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan was unanimously elected Presi- dent, and on January 21st, 1905, Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke was elected Director, of the Museum. The Board of Trustees have absolute control of all the funds donated and bequeathed to the Institution for its enrichment, and such other funds as are or may be appropriated by the City for its maintenance. H« * * * * * * This hand-book embraces all the pictures which are con- tained in the galleries, staircases, and the Grand Hall. Of the pictures herein catalogued, some are lent, a large num- ber have been purchased by the Trustees, and the others have been acquired either by gift or bequest. The larger portion of them are accompanied by conditions which render impossible a proper classification of the pictures in the galleries of the Museum, and, while the Trustees fully recognize the logical, historical and aesthetic reasons for such a classification of their exhibits, they do not think it of greater moment (at least for the present) than their acquisition. Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe bequeathed in 1887 her entire collection of oil paintings and water-color drawings to the Museum, accompanied by an endowment of $200,000. The income of this fund to be used for the preservation and increase of the collection, which by the terms of the will must be kept together or be forfeited to the legal heirs of the donor. Other donations and bequests of great value, both in objects of art and money, have from time to time augmented the wealth and the treasures of the Museum: the first being the munificent gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, embracing 53 oil paintings by Old Masters, and pictures of the English School; the last, in impor- tance, that of Mr. Jacob S. Rogers, who at his death (July, 1901) bequeathed to the Institution his whole fortune, amounting to several millions of dollars. X Vll The 44 Horse Fair,” by Eosa Bonheur, was given by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt; then followed the gifts of Judge Henry Hilton, “Friedland, 1807,” by Meissonier, and the “ Defense of Champigny,” by Detaille. Mr. George I. Seney also gave twenty oil paintings, containing valuable examples of the Mod- ern Dutch, French, and other Schools. “A Quartette,” by Will- iam T. Dannat, was the gift of Mrs. Wm. H. Dannat. The Museum contains examples of nearly all the leading and world-famed schools of paintings, from Jan Van Eyck (1390-1440) to the latest and most interesting of the modern painters. In Gallery Ho. 11 may be seen the first acquisition of the Museum by purchase, in 1871, a collection of pictures comprised of works by the early Dutch and Flemish painters. In the southeast staircase there is a group of eight pictures of the Kenaissance period, purchased at Florence, and given to the Museum by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt in 1880. Gallery Ho. 15 is occupied with pictures from the collection of Mr. George A. Hearn, twenty-four of which he has given to the the Museum. A remarkable work by Eugene Delacroix, 44 L’Enl&vement de Bebecca,” has been added to the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collec- tion, also a landscape by Kousseau and 4 4 Boats on the Shore,” by Daubigny. And “ The Whale Ship,” by Joseph Mallord William Turner. 44 The Portrait of the Princesse de Conde,” by Jean Marc Hattier, 44 Marie Marguerite Lambert de Thorigny,” by Hicolas de Largillierre, and 44 The Emperor Joseph II. of Austria,” by FranQois Hubert Drouais an&. “Volupte,” by Jean Baptiste Greuze, were purchased by the Museum, and have been placed in Gallery Ho. 19. Among the most recent acquisitions by gift and bequest are: 44 Washington Crossing the Delaware,” by Emanuel Leutze, gift of Mr. John S. Kennedy; 44 Portrait of George Washington,” by Charles Wilson Peale, gift of Mr. C. P. Huntington; Portrait of President Henry G. Marquand, by John S. Sargent, given by the Trustees of the Museum; 44 The Grand Canal at Venice,” by J. M. W. Turner, the bequest of Mr. Cor- nelius Vanderbilt; 44 Christopher Columbus,” by Sebastiano del Piombo, gift of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan; 44 The iEgean Sea,” by F. E. Church, gift of Mr. Wm. Church Osborn and Prof. Henry F. Osborn; 44 Cambyses’ Punishment of an Unjust Judge,” by Peter Paul Kubens, gift of Mr. Wm. E. Dodge, and 44 The Holy Family,” also by Peter Paul Eubens, gift of Mr. J. Henry viii Smith in 1902. And “ The Portrait of Baron Arnold De Roy/ 5 by Van Dyck, the gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1905. The most important loan in the year 1902 was that of Mr. George W. Vanderbilt, who lent for one year one hundred and thirty-five pictures from the collection formed by his father, Mr. William H. Vanderbilt. The term of this loan has now been extended in- definitely. All the paintings in Galleries Nos. 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20 and 21, including those in the staircases, are the property of the Museum, as well as a large number of those in Galleries Nos. 12, 15, 19 and 25. * * * * * * * The biographical matter has been obtained through an extensive and exhaustive correspondence with all the living, and with the relatives, intimate friends and pupils of the deceased artists, who are represented in the Museum; and also from the most recent and authoritative encyclopedias, biographies and continental Museums Catalogues. to Cfloamed of the Cfztidtd (Shzono logically CLzzancjed, and, cfc/ioold tn AMERICAN SCHOOL PRATT, Matthew 1734, 1805 WEST, Benjamin 1738 , 1820 PEALE, Charles Wilson 1741, 1827 STUART, Gilbert 1755, 1828 TRUMBULL, Colonel John 1756, 1843 VANDERLYN, John 1776, 1852 PEALE, Rembrandt 1778, 1860 ALLSTON. Washington 1779, 1843 JOUETT, Matthew Harris 1783, 1827 WALDO, Samuel L 1783, 1861 SULLY, Thomas 1783, 1872 DOUGHTY, Thomas 1793, 1856 JEWETT, William 1795, 1873 INGHAM, Charles Cromwell 1796, 1863 DURAND, Asher Brown 1796, 1886 COLE, Thomas .1801, 1848 INMAN, Henry 1801 , 1846 MOUNT, William S 1806, 1868 PAGE, William 1811, 1885 CASILEAR, John W 1811, 1893 ELLIOTT, Charles Loring 1812, 1868 HEALY, George Peter Alexander 1813, 1894 BROWN, George Loring 1814, 1889 LANG, Louis .1814, 1893 KYLE, Joseph 1815, 1863 HUNTINGTON, Daniel 1816, 1906 LEUTZE, Emanuel 1816, 1868 WHITE, Edwin 1817, 1877 KENSETT, John Frederick 1818, 1872 FAGNANI, Giusseppe 1819, 1873 GRAY, Henry Peters 1819, 1877 BAKER, George A 1821, 1880 FULLER , George 1822, 1884 PEELE, John T .1822, 1897 GIFFORD, S. R 1823, 1880 LAZARUS, Jacob H 1823, 1891 HART, William 1823, 1894 CROPSEY, Ja&per Francis 1823, 1900 WOOD, Thomas W 1823, 1903 MAY, Edward Harrison 1824, JOHNSON, Eastman 1824, 1906 GUY, Seymour Joseph ...1824, xi INN ESS, George 1825 , 1894 CHURCH, Frederic E 1826, 1900 JOHNSON, David 182 7, 1908 HART, James McDougal 1828, 1901 KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, H. D 1829, 1904 JEFFERSON, Joseph .1829, 1905 YE WELL, George H 1830, LOOP, Henry A 1831, 1895 DANA, William P. W 1833, COLMAN, Samuel 1833, RICHARDS, William Trost 1833, 1905 STORY, George H 1835, WYANT, Alexander H 1836, 1892 MARTIN, Homer D 1836, 1897 YEDDER, Elihu 1836 , GAY, Edward 1837, MAGRATH, William 1838 , WARD, Edgar M 1839, WYLIE, Robert 1839, 1877 HOVENDEN, Thomas 1840, 1895 THOMPSON, A. Wordsworth 1840, 1896 IRWIN, Benoni 1840, 1896 GIFFORD, R. Swain 1840, 1905 MOSLER, Henry 1841, WEIR, John F 1841, SHURTLEFF, Roswell Morse 1841, PARTON, Arthur 1842, MAYNARD, George W 1843, EAKINS, Thomas . 1844 , MILLET, Francis D 1846, BLAKELOCK, Ralph Albert 1847 , JONES, H. Bolton 1848, WIGGINS, Carleton 1848, CHASE, William M 1849, TRYON, Dwight W. 1849, PEARCE, Charles Sprague . 1851, PICKNELL, William Lamb 1852, 1897 WEIR, Julian Alden 1852, LOW, Will H 1853, ROBINSON, Theodore 1854, 1896 COFFIN, William Anderson 1855, FITZ, Rutherford Benjamin 1855, 1891 ALEXANDER, John W 1856, BLUM, Robert F 1857, 1903 ULRICH, Charles F 1858, DAVIS, Charles H 1858, BUNKER, Dennis Miller 1861 , 1890 BROWN, William L RICHARDS, Samuel COLLINS, Alfred Quinton 1862 , 1903 BELGIAN SCHOOL DEFRANCE, Leonard de 1735, 1805 VERBOECKHOVEN, Eugene Joseph . ... 1799, 1881 HAGUE, Louis 1806, 1883 GALLAIT, Louis 1810, 1887 GLAYS, Paul- Jean 1819, 1900 xii WINNE, Litvin de 1821 , 1880 ROBIE, Jean 1821, STEVENS, Edouard Joseph 1822, 1892 COL, David 1822, COCK, Cesar de 1823, WILLEMS, Florent 1823, 1905 STEVENS, Alfred 1828, 1906 ROLLER, Guillaume 1829 , 1885 HAGELSTEIN, Paul GUILLAUME, E VRIENDT, Julien de DUTCH SCHOOL MOSTERT, or MOSTAERT, Jan 1474, after 1549 LEYDEN, Lucas van ; real name Lucas HUYGENSZ, or Lucas JACOB SZ .1494, 1533 VEEN, Martin van 1498, 1574 HALS, Frans 1580 or 1581, 1666 POELENBURG (POELENBORCH), Cornelius van 1586, 1667 MYTENS, Daniel 1590, 1656 JANSEN (JANSSENS), real name CORNELIS-JANSON VAN CEULEN 1594, 1664(f) GOYEN, Jan ( Josephsz ) van. 1596, 1656 MOLYN, Pieter, the Elder 1600, 1661 RUYSDAEL (RUISDAEL), Salomon van about 1600, 1670 VRIES, Adrian ( Adriaan ) de 1601, after 1643 NEER, Aert van der 1603, 1677 REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn) . . .1606, 1669 HEEM, Jan Davidsz de 1606, 1683-4 BOTH, Jan, called the Italian 1610, 1652 OSTADE, Adriaen van 1610, 1685 SORG (SORGH), Hendrick Maeriensz .1611, 1669 or 1670 HELST, Bartholomeus van der 1613, 16 iO BORCH, Gerard ter ( TERBURG ) 1613-1617, 1681 LELY, Sir Peter ; real name Peter van der FAES 1618, 1680 BERCHEM (BERGHEM) Claes Nicoldes 1620, 1683 CUYP, Aelbert 1620, 1691 BEYEREN, Abraham Hendricksz van 1620 or 1621, after 1674 OSTADE, I sack van 1621, 1649 WEENIX, Jan Baptista 1621, 1660 EECKHOUT, Gerbrand van den 1621, 1674 KALF (KALFF), Willem 1621 or 1622, 1693 MUR ANT, Emanuel 1622, 1700 LINGELBACH, Johannes 1623, 1674 ROMEYN, Willem about 1624, after 1693 STEEN, Jan Havicksz 1626, 1679 HOOGSTRATEN Samuel van 1627, 1678 RUISDAEL (RUYSDAEL), Jacob Isaacksz van 1628 or 1629, 1682 METSU, Gabriel 1630, 1667 HOOCH (HOOGH), Pieter de 1630, after 1677 STORK (STORCK), Abraham the Elder 1630, about 1710 VERMEER (VAN DER MEER VAN DELFT), Johannes 1632, 1675 MAES, Nicolaes 1632, 1693 HONDIUS, Abraham before 1638, 1695 NETSCHER, Caspar 1639, 1684 LORME, Anton de flourished 1640, was living in 1660 SLINGELAND, Pieter van 1640, 1691 xiii KESSEL Jan {Johan) Van 1641 or 1642, 1680 GELDER, Arent ( Aert ) de„ 1645, 1727 KNELLER, Sir Godfrey , Bart 1646, 1723 HUGHTENBURGH (HUGTENBURCH) , Jan van 1646, 1733 MOOR, Karel van 1656, 1738 RUYSCH, Rachel. . 1664, 1750 JONGKIND, Johan Barthold 1822, 1891 ISRAELS, Jozef 1824, BAKKER-KORFF, Alexander Hugo 1824, 1882 BISSCHOP, Christoff el 1828, 1904 MESDAG, Hendrik Willem. 1831, MARIS, Matthys 1835, MAUVE, Anton 1838, 1888 MARIS, Jacob 1838, 1899 NEUHUYS, Albert 1844 , ENGLISH SCHOOL WALKER, Robert , 1658 THORNHILL, Sir James 1676, 1734 HOGARTH, William 1697, 1764 WILSON, Richard, R.A 1713, 1782 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, P.R.A 1723, 1792 GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas, R.A 1727, 1788 ZOFFANY, Johann, R.A 1733, 1810 PINE, Robert Edge 1742, 1790 RUSSELL, John, R.A 1745, 1806 WHEATLEY, Francis 1747, 1801 BEECHEY, Sir William, R.A 1753, 1839 RAEBURN, Sir Henry 1756, 1823 HOPPNER, John, R.A 1758, 1810 MORLAND, George 1763, 1804 CROME, John, called Old Crome 1769, 1821 LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas, P.R.A 1769, 1830 SHEE, Sir Martin Archer 1769, 1850 TURNER, Joseph Mallord William 1775, 1851 CONSTABLE, John, R.A 1776, 1837 CALLCOTT, Sir August Wall, R.A 1779, 1844 COTMAN, John Sell 1782, 1842 HAYDON, Benjamin Robert 1786 , 1846 HARLOW, George Henry 1787, 1819 NASMYTH, Peter, called Patrick *...... 1787, 1831 LESLIE, Charles Robert 1794, 1859 STARK, James 1794 , 1859 NEWTON, Gilbert Stuart 1795, 1835 VINCENT, George {7)1796, 1832 BONINGTON, Richard Parkes 1801, 1828 LINEN, George 1802, 1888 LUCY, Charles 1814, 1873 PHILLIP, John, R.A 1817, 1867 LEIGHTON, Frederick Lord 1830, 1896 BOUGHTON, George H., R.A 1834, 1905 BROWNING, Robert Barrett about 1848, MACLAREN, Walter 1848, FLEMISH SCHOOL EYCK, Jan van 1380 to 1390, 1440 CRISTUS, Petrus (Pieter CHRISTOPHESEN ) about 1400, 1473 xiv METSYS (or MASSYS or MATSYS), Quentin lk66, 1530 BREUGHEL (BRUEGHEL), Jan, the Elder, called Fluweelen (Velvet) Breughel 1568, 1625 WILLAERTS, Adam 1577, 166k RUBENS, Peter Paul 1577, 16k0 SNIJDERS, Frans 1579, 1657 TENIERS, David, the Elder 1582, 161,9 CRAYER (CRAEYER), Gaspard de 1581,, 1669 VOS, Cornells de, the Elder 1585, 1651 JORDAENS, Jacob 1593, 1678 DIJCK, Sir Anthony ( Antoon ) van 1599, 16.1,1 OOST, Jakob van, the Elder 1600, 1671 TENIERS, David, the Younger * 1610, 1690 FYT, Jan 1611, 1661 RYCKART (RYKART), David 1612, 1661 TILBORGH, Gillis ( Aegidius ) van 1625, about 1678 MEULEN, Adam Frans van der. 1632, 1690 VERENDAEL ( VEERENDAEL) , Nicolas van 161,0, 1691 HUYSMANS, Cornells, called Huysmans of Mechlin 161,8, 1727 HOREMANS, Jan Jozef, the Younger 1711,, after 1790 OMMEGANCK, Balthazar Paulwel 1755, 1826 ASSCHE, Henri van 177k, 1W WAPPERS, Gustaaf, Baron 1803, 187k SCHAEFELS, Hendrik F FRENCH SCHOOL LE NAIN, Antoine 1588 , 161,8 LE NAIN, Louis 1593, 16k8 POUSSIN, Nicolas 159k, 1665 LE NAIN, Mathieu 1600, 1677 LORRAIN, Claude (Lorraine) (Le Lorrain) ; real name Claude GELLEE 1600, 1682 BLANCHARD, Jacques 1600, 1633 POUSSIN, Gaspard; real name, Gaspard DUGHET 1613, 1675 LARGILLIERRE, Nicolas de 1656, 171,6 NATTIER, Jean Marc 1685, 1766 OUDRY, Jean Baptiste 1686, 1755 COYPEL, Noel Nicolas 1692, 173k PATER, Jean Baptiste Joseph 1696, 1736 BOUCHER, Frangois 170k, 1770 DUPLESSIS, Joseph Silfrede .1725, 1802 GREUZE, Jean-Baptiste 1725, 1805 DROUAIS, Frangois Hubert 1727, 1775 BLARENBERGHE, Henri Joseph van 17 kl, 1826 MARNE, Jean Louis de; called de Marnette 17 kk, 1829 PRUD’HON, Pierre 1758, 1823 MICHEL, Georges about 1763, 18k3 GRANET, Frangois Marius 1775, 18k9 VERNET, Emile Jean Horace 1789, 1863 SCHEFFER, Ary 1795, 1858 DELACROIX, Ferdinand Victor Eugene 1798, 1863 B ARGUE, Charles 18 — , 1883 LAML Louis Eugene 1800, 1890 MARECHAL, Charles Laurent 1801, 1887 DECAMPS, Alexandre Gabriel 1803, 1860 ISABEY, Eugene Louis Gabriel 180k, 1886 WINTERHALTER^ Franz Xavier 1806, 1873 JACQUE, Charles Emile 1813, 189k BID A, Alexandre 1813, 1895 DELORT, Charles fidouard 181k, 189k xv FRANQAIS, j Francois Louis 1814, 1897 COUTURE, Thomas . . 1815, 1879 FRERE, Charles Theodore. . 1815 , 1888 MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest 1815, 1891 MfjLLER, Charles Louis 1815, 1892 HUBERT, Antoine Auguste Ernest 1817, PLASSAN, Antoine J^mile 1817, 1903 COURBET, Gustave 1819, 1877 FRERE, Pierre llldouard 1819, 1886 HARPIGNIES, Henri 1819, NOTER, David de .about 1820 9 DEVEDEUX, Louis 1820, 1875 FROMENTIN, Eugdne 1820, 1876 HAMON, Jean Louis 1821, 1874 LUMINAIS, Evariste Vital 1821, 1896 DU VERGER, Thdophile Emmanuel 1821, ZIEM, Fem .1821, BONHEUR, Marie Rosa 1822, 1899 CHAVET, Victor 1822, MERLE, Hugues 1823, 1881 CABANEL, Alexandre 1823, 1889 COMTE, Pierre Charles 1823, 1895 BRION, Gustave 1824, 1877 BONHEUR, Frangois Auguste 1824, 1884 GEROME, Jean Leon . 1824, 1904 TRAYER, Jean Baptiste Jules 1824, MARCHAL, Charles Frangois 1825, 1877 CHAPLIN, Charles Joshua 1S25, 1891 LAMBERT, Louis Eugene 1825, BOUGUEREAU, William Adolphe 1825, 1905 DEFAUX, Alexandre 1820 , FICHEL, Benjamin Eugene 1826, 1895 MARCKE, Emile van 1827, 1890 BRETON, Jules Adolphe 1827, 1906 SCHENCK, Auguste Frederic Albrecht 1828, 1901 CONINCK, Pierre Louis Joseph de 1828, TOULMOUCHE, Auguste 1829, 1890 BROWN, John Lewis 1829, 1890 HENNER, Jean Jacques 1829, 1905 LE ROUX, Hector 1829, 1900 LECLAIRE, Victor 1830, 1885 KAEMMERER, Frederik Hendrik 1830, 1892 DESGOFFE, Blaise Alexandre 1830, MANET, Mouard 1832, 1883 WORMS, Jules 1832, DORft, Gustave Paul 1833, 1883 VOLLON, Antoine ..1833, 1900 BONN AT, Leon Joseph Florentin 1833, LE FE B VRE, Jules - 1834, MESGRINY, Frank de 1836, 1884 COT, Pierre Auguste 1837, 1883 GIRARD, Firmin 1838, ROBERT-FLEURY, Tony 1838, BERNE-BELLECOUR, ttienne Prosper 1833, PELOUSE, Leon Germain 1838 , 1891 GOUPIL, Jules 1839, 1873 POKITONOW, J about 1840 9 CAZIN, Jean Charles 1840 , 1900 VIBERT, Jehan Georges .18)0, 1902 ROYBET, Ferdinand Leon Victor 1840, xvi ivTADRAZO, Raymundo de *641, GLAIZE, Pierre Paul Leon g 1842, LELOIR, Alexandre Louis . . . .* 1843, 1884 CLAIR1N, Georges Jules Victor 1843, DUEZ, Ernest Ange 1843, HERRMANN-LEON, Charles 1844, 1907 LHERMITTE, Leon Augustin «... .1844, MA1GNAN, Albert 1845, RENOUF, fimile . .' 1845, 1894 BENJAMIN-CONSTANT, Jean Joseph. .... 1845, 1902 JACQUET, (Jean) Gustave 1846, BASTIEN-LEPAGE, Jules 1848, 1885 GROLLERON, Paul Louis Narcisse . 1848, 1901 DETAILLE, Jean Baptiste Edouard 1848, WEEKS, Edwin Lord 1849, 1903 BOUTIGNY, Paul Emile about 1850 ? FALERO, Luis 1851, 1901 DEMONT, Adrien Louis 1851, DUPRfl, Julien 1851, LELOIR, Maurice 1853, D ANN AT, William T. 1853, JAN-MONCHABLON, Ferdinand ....1855, SARGENT, John Singer . 1856, GAY, Walter 1856, BOILVIN, j fimile , 1899 DA WANT, Albert Pierre about 1860 ? HOFFER, F LEROLLE, Henri ESCALLIER, Eleonore BARBIZON SCHOOL COROT, Jean Baptiste Camille 1796, 1875 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso Virgilio 1809, 1860 TROYON, Constant 1810, 1865 DUPRE, Jules 1811, 1889 ROUSSEAU, Pierre fitienne Theodore 1812, 1867 DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois 1817, 1878 GERMAN SCHOOL STRIGEL, Bernhard . . .1460, before 1528 PURER, Albrecht 1471, 1528 HOLBEIN, Hans the Younger Probably 1497, 1543 CRANACH, Lucas the Younger. Family name SUNDER 1515, 1586 OUENS, Jurian 1623, 1678 DIETRICH, Christian Wilhelm Ernst 1712, 1774 KOEK-KOEK, Barend Cornells 1803, 1862 MEYER, Johann Georg, called Meyer von Bremen 1813, 1886 PECHT, August Friedrich 1814 , SCHRADER, Julius . . . 1815, GRAEB. Karl Georg Anton .1816, 1884 HI LDEBRANDT, Eduard 1818, 1868 BECKER, Carl 1820, RICHTER, Gustav Karl Ludwig 1823, 1884 KRAUS, Friedrich 1826, RIEF STAHL, Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich 1827 , 1888 SCHREYER, Adolphe 1828 , 1899 xvii KNAUS, Ludwig . , 1829, SEITZ, Anton 1829, SCHAUSS, Ferdinand 1832 , KAULBACH, Friedrich August von , 1850, GLISENTI, A.... VELTEN, W AUSTRIAN SCHOOL RAMBERG, Arthur Georg von, Baron 1819 , 18 . . DEFREGGER, Franz von 1835, MAX, Gabriel 1840, MAKART, Hans 181,0, 1881, JETTEL, Eugene 181,5, 1901 BROZIK, Vacslav von 1852 , 1901 DUSSELDORF SCHOOL PI£EYER, Johann Wilhelm 1803, 1889 HUBNER, Karl Wilhelm 1811,, 1879 ACHENBACH, Andreas 1815 , MULLER, Karl 1818, (?) ACHENBACH, Oswald 1827, 1905 PREYER, filmilie 181,9, WEBB, C. M JANSEN, Joseph MUNICH SCHOOL KAULBACH, Wilhelm von 1805, 1871, VOLTZ, Friedrich 1817, 1886 PI LOT Y, Carl Theodor von 1826, 1886 LINDENSCHMIT, Wilhelm, the Younger 1829, HENNINGS, J. F 1839, GYSIS, Nicolas 181,2, 1901 MUNKACSY, Mihdly de ; real name Michael LIEB. 181,1,, 1900 GAEL, Alois 181,5 , MARR, Carl 1858, SPRING ITALIAN SCHOOL PASINI, Alberto .1826, 1899 BOLDINI, Giovanni 1844* SIMONETTI, Cavaliere Attilio BOLOGNESE SCHOOL ALBANI, Francesco 1578, 1660 SASSOFERRATO, II 1605, 1685 FLORENTINE SCHOOL MASACCIO, Tommaso Guidi 1401, 11,28 or 1429 POLLAJUOLO, Antonio del 1429, 1498 GHIRLANDAJO; real name Domenico di Tommaso Curradi di Doffo Bigordi 1449, 1494 VINCI, Leonardo da 11,52, 1519 COSIMO, Piero di. 1462 , 1521 xviii BARTOLOMMEO, Fra, Baccio della Porta 1475, 151? ALLORI, Cristoforo *; called II Bronzino 1577, 1621 MANNOZZI, Giovanni 1590, 1636 FRANCESCHINI, Baldassare ; called II Volterrano 1611 , 1689 MILANESE SCHOOL BISI, Cavaliere Luigi 1814, 1886 PARMESAN SCHOOL ALLEGRI, Antonio; called IL CORREGGIO. Ufih, 1834 ROMAN SCHOOL CERQUOZZI, Michelangelo 1602, 1660 MARATTA, Carlo 1625, 1713 PANINI, Giovanni Paolo 1695, 1768 JORIS, Cavaliere Pio 1843 , RINALDI, of Rome (Mosaic). VENETIAN SCHOOL PIOMBO, Fra Sebastiano del ; real name Sebastiano LUCIANI. .1485, 1547 MORONI, Giovanni Battista about 1520, 1578 RICCI (orRIZZI) Sebastiano 1662, 1734 TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista 1696, 1770 GUARDI, Francesco 1712 , 1793 NORWEGIAN SCHOOL WUST, Alexander 1837, 1876 SPANISH SCHOOL GRECO, El .1548, 1625 ZURBARAN, Francisco de 1598, 1662 VELAZQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y 1599, 1660 LUCIENTES, Goya y ; Francisco Jose 1746, 1828 ESCOSURA, Leon y 1834, 1901 FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano-Jose-Maria-Bernado 1841, 187 4 ZAMACOIS, Eduardo 1842, 1871 DOMINGO, Franqois (Don Francisco Domingo y Marques) ... .1843, VILLEGAS, Jose 1848 , RICO, Martin 1850, BAIXERAS, Verdaguer Dionisio 1862 , SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Emilio SWEDISH SCHOOL WAHLBERG, Alfred 1834, HELLQUIST, C. G 1851, 1890 xix f&umezical Sndex ^ o the fBamed of the (%ztiotd and to fflie (^fubjectd. ( See Finding List and Monthly Addenda , following page 194. ) NOTE. (This Numerical Index does not include the paintings listed in the Monthly Addenda.) NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 1 Vries, Adrian (Adriaan) de. .. . 2 Goyen, Jan Van 3 Meulen, Adam Frans van der . . 4 Hughtenburgh (Hugtenburch) 5 Kalf (Kalff), Willem 6 Teniers, David (the Younger) . . 7 Teniers, David (the Elder) .... 8 Neer, Aert Vander 9 Maes, Nicolaes 10 Stork (Storck), Abraham (the Elder) 11 Steen, Jan Havicksz 12 Ruysdael (Ruisdael), Salomon van 13 Romeyn, Willem 14 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 15 Rinaldi, of Rome 16 Defrance, Leonard. 17 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 18 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 19 Mannozzi (?), Giovanni 20 Bartolommeo, Fra (or II Frate) Baccio della Porta (?) 21 Allegri, Antonio, called II Cor- reggio (?) 22 Pollajuolo, Antonio del 23 Mannozzi (?), Giovanni 24 Allori, Christoforo 25 F ranceschini, Baldassare (called II Volterrano) SUBJECT. PAGE. Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman 182 The Moerdyck 61 A Combat of Cavalry 121 Repose after the Hunt 30 Interior of a Dutch Cottage. ... 90 Judith with the Head of Holo- fernes 168 A Dutch Kitchen 166 Sunset 128 Portrait of the Duchesse de Mazarin 110 A Seaport 163 The Old Rat Comes to the Trap at Last 162 A Dutch Kermess 154 Cattle in Repose 149 The Fish Market 78 The Ruins of Paestum (Mo- saic) 148 The Forge 36 Spring 77 Summer 78 Venus and Cupid 112 The Virgin and Child, 5 Head of a Cherub and Angel ... 3 St. Christopher and the Infant Christ. 139 Mary Magdalen 112 St. Agatha 3 Head of an Angel 53 xxv NO. NAME OF ARTISTE*. 26 Durer, Albrecht (?) 27 Ghirlandajo (in Florentine dia- lect Grillandajo), real name Domenico di Tommaso Cur- radi di Doffo Bigordi 28 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 29 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 30 Heist, Bartholomeus van der. . 31 Ommeganck, Balthazao Paul- wel 32 V erendael (V eerendael) , Nicolas van 33 Rubens, Peter Paul 34 Fyt, Jan 35 Both, Jan (called the Italian) 36 Yos, Cornelis de (the Elder) . . 37 Huysmans, Cornelis (called Huysmans of Mechlin) .... 38 Breughel (Brueghel), Jan (the Elder) . Called Fluweelen (Velvet) Breughel ......... 39 Breughel (Brueghel) Jan (the Elder). Called Fluweelen (Velvet) Breughel 40 Ruysdael (Ruisdael), Salomon van 41 Berchem (Berghem), Claes Nicholas (Nicolaes) 42 Marne, Jean Louis de (called De Marnette) 43 Jordaens, Jacob. . . 44 Poelenburg (Poelenborch) , Cor- nelis van 45 Heem, Jan Davidsz de 46 Dijck, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van 47 Jordaens, Jacob 48 Rubens, Peter Paul 49 Rubens, Peter Paul 50 Fyt, Jan 51 Fyt, Jan 52 Lingelbach, Johannes 53 Hughtenburgh (Hugtenburch) Jan van 54 Heist, Bartholomeus van der. . 55 Ryckart (Rykart) , David 56 Moor, Karel van 57 Gelder, Arent (Aert) de 58 Hals, Frans 59 Ostade, Adriaen van 60 Ryckart (Rykart), David. .... SUBJECT. PAGE. Head of an Apostle 46 St. Anthony 59 Autumn 78 Winter. 78 The Guitarist. 72 Flemish Pasture 130 A Bouquet of Flowers 178 Cambyses’ Punishment of an Unjust Judge 153 Dead Game . 55 Italian Landscape 15 Portrait of a Young Lady. .... 182 Italian Landscape 82 The Hill 18 The Windmill 18 Marine 155 Rest... 8 A Gust of Wind 114 The Philosophers 89 Fauns and Nymphs Bathing. . 139 Still-Life 70 St. Martha Interceding with God for a Cessation of the Plague of Tarascon 47 The Visit of St. John to the In- fant Jesus 89 Return of the Holy Family from Egypt 151 The Holy Family 152 Dead Game 55 Dead Game 55 Battle Scene 107 A Siege 80 Portrait of a Dutch Burgo- master 71 The Stowage 155 A Burgomaster of Leyden and his Wife 123 Portrait of a Dutch Admiral ... 58 Hille Bobbe van Haarlem 66 The Old Fiddler 131 The Farm House 155 NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 61 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger) 62 Horemans, Jan Jozef (the Younger). 63 Albani, Francesco 64 Snijders, Frans 65 Kessel, Jan (Johan) van 66 Crayer (Craeyer), Gaspard de.. 67 Cranach, Lucas (the Younger) (Family name Sunder), at- tributed to 68 Veen, Martin van 69 Strigel, Bernhard 70 Metsys (or Massys, or Matsys), Quentin (Quinten) . School of 71 Ruysch, Rachel 72 Assche, Henri van 73 Weenix, Jan Baptista 74 Lingelbach, Johannes 75 Teniers, David (the Younger) 76 Steen, Jan Havicksz 77 Teniers, David (the Younger) . 78 Tilborgh, Gillis (Aegidius) van. 79 Beyeren, Abraham Hendricksz van 80 Lorme, Anton de; and ter Borch, Gerard 81 Netscher, Caspar 82 Slingeland, Pieter van 83 Oost, Jakob van (The Elder) . . 84 Goyen, Jan Josephsz van 85 Hondius, Abraham 85a Mostert (or Mostaert), Jan. . . 86 Piombo, Fra Sebastiano del. . . 87 Unknown 88 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista. . . . 89 Guardi, Francesco 90 Maratta, Carlo 91 Panini, Giovanni Paolo 92 Cosimo, Piero di 93 Cosimo, Piero di 94 Unknown 95 Guardi, Francesco 96 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista. . . . 97 Johnson, Eastman 98 Fuller, George 99 Story, George H 1 00 Linen, George . 101 Kyle, Joseph 102 Leslie, Charles Robert 103 Lazarus, Jacob H xxvii SUBJECT. PAGE. Returning from the Hunt 77 The Horse Pond 78 Children’s Games, The Maze, Kate, etc 2 Lions Chasing Deer 161 Canal at Haarlem 93 Alexander and Diogenes 32 Madonna and Child 31 Portrait of His Father, Jacob Willems van Veen 175 Portrait of a German Lady. . . . 164 The Crown of Thorns 121 Plants, Flowers and Fruit 154 Landscape with Waterfall .... 3 An Italian Seaport 186 Dance of Peasants 108 The Temptation of St. An- thony 167 A Dutch Kermess 162 A Marriage F estival 167 Visit of a Landlord to a Tenant 170 A Study of Fish 8 Interior of a Protestant Church 108 Portrait of a Dutch Lady 129 Portrait of a Dutch Burgo- master 161 Portrait of a Man 131 Panoramic View of the En- virons of Haarlem 61 Wild Boar Hunting 76 Ecce Homo — Mater Dolorosa. 125 Christopher Columbus 138 Spanish Fruit 174 The Crowning with Thoms .... 169 The Rialto 64 Portrait of Clement IX 112 Cardinal Polignac Visiting the Interior of St. Peter’s 133 Hunting Scene 29 Returning from the Chase. ... 29 Virgin and Child 174 Santa Maria della Salute (Ven- ice) 64 Triumph of Ferdinand III 170 Sanford R. Gifford 88 “Nydia” 54 The Young Mother 164 Portrait of Colonel Popham. . . 107 Portrait of a Lady 97 Portrait of Dr. John Wakefield Francis 104 Portrait of Henry Inman 99 NO. 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1 51 152 153 NAME OF ARTIST. Guy, Seymour Joseph Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista .... Sassoferrato, II Greco, El Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose Vedder, Elihu. . . . Plassan, Antoine Emile Duverger, Theophile Emanuel Cole, Thomas Mount. William S Wiggins, Carleton Wood, Thomas W Brown, George Loring Yewell, George H Millet, Francis D Inness, George Jones, H. Bolton Ward, Edgar M Pearce, Charles Sprague Weir, John F Cole Thomas Dannat, William T Coffin, William Anderson ..... Hart, William Church, Frederic E Picknell, William Lamb Chase, William M Inness, George Mosler, Henry Gay, Edward Marr, Carl Blum, Robert Inness, George Tryon, Dwight W Johnson, David Low, Will H Colman, Samuel Shurtleff, Roswell Morse . . Martin, Homer D Gifford, S. R Gifford, S. R Scheffer, Ary Hart, James McDougal Johnson, Eastman Wentworth, Mrs. C. E Inness, George Walker, Robert Jefferson, Joseph . Wheatley, Francis SUBJECT. PAGE. Portrait of Charles Loring Elliott 65 The Sacrifice of Abraham 170 The Madonna 156 The Nativity 63 Jewess of Tangier 60 Caprichos, 1799 : Study 60 The African Sentinel 175 Landscape 138 Threading Grandmother’s Needle . 46 Titan’s Goblet, 1833 26 Raffling for the Goose 125 Young Holstein Bull 188 War Episodes: The Contra- band; The Volunteer; The Veteran 191 View at Amalfi, Bay of Salerno 19 Interior of St. Mark’s, Venice. . 193 A Cosy Corner . 122 Pine Grove of the Barberini Villa, Albano, Italy 84 Spring 88 The Coppersmith 185 Meditation 135 Forging the Shaft 186 Valley of the Vaucluse 26 Portrait of Theodore Child .... 34 The Rain .... 25 Scene at Napanoch 68 The yEgean Sea 23 “ Bleak December ” 136 Portrait of a Lady in Black ... 23 The Delaware V alley 83 A Wedding Feast in Brittany . . 124 Broadacres 57 The Mystery of Life 114 The Ameya, or Candy Vender. . 10 A Passing Storm 83 Evening, Early Spring 172 Monarch of the Meadow 88 Aurora 109 Spanish Peaks, Southern Colo- rado 27 A Mountain Stream 160 View on the Seine 115 Near Palermo 59 Lake George 59 Christ on the Mount 157 Landscape with Cattle 68 Two Men 88 Portrait of Major-General George B. McClellan 187 Autumn Oaks 83 Portrait of General Ireton 184 Ideal Landscape 87 View in Wales 188 xxviii NO. 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169a 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 NAME OF ARTIST. Wheatley, Francis Jones, H. Bolton Gerome, Jean Leon Haydon, Benjamin Robert. . . . Hart, James McDougal Weir, Julian Alden Beechey, Sir William, R.A. . . . Maynard, George W Lely, Sir Peter (Real name, Peter van der Faes) Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. Stuart, Gilbert Turner, Joseph Mallord William Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. Lucy Charles Shee, Sir Martin Archer. ...... Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. (copy) Kruseman van Elten, H. D. . . Durand, Asher Brown Trumbull, Colonel John Gray, Henry Peters Waldo, Samuel L. ) Jewett, William S. \ Stuart, Gilbert Allston, Washington Peale, Charles Willson Sully, Thomas Stuart, Gilbert Bunker, Dennis Miller Waldo, Samuel L . ) Jewett, William S. j Jouett, Matthew Harris Doughty, Thomas Peele, John T Waldo, Samuel L. ) Jewett, William S. \ Durand, Asher Brown Leutze, Emanuel Vanderlyn, John Elliott, Charles Loring Leutze, Emanuel Waldo, Samuel L May, Edward Harrison Hovenden, Thomas Elliott, Charles Loring. ....... Fitz, Rutherford Benjamin. . . . Gray, Henry Peters Cole, Thomas Inman, Henry Stuart, Gilbert Healy , George Peter Alexander Elliot, Charles Loring xxix SUBJECT. PAGE. View in Wales 188 Autumn 88 Prayer in Desert 58 Napoleon at St. Helena 69 The Adirondacks 68 Idle Hours 186 H. R. H., Duke of York 6 In Strange Seas 117 Portrait of a Lady 102 Portrait of Sir Edward Hughes 146 Portrait of John Jay 165 The Grand Canal, Venice 173 Portraits of the Hon. Henry Fane and his Guardians, Inigo Jones and Charles Blair 145 Lord Nelson in the Cabin of the “Victory” 109 Portrait of Daniel O’Connell. . 160 Portrait of Mr. John Hawks- worth 146 Autumn 96 Ariadne (after Vanderlyn) .... 45 Portrait of Alexander Hamilton 172 Cleopatra Dissolving the Pearl 62 Portrait of Mr. Edward Kellogg 183 Portrait of Captain Henry Rice 165 A Spanish Girl 3 George W ashington 134 Portrait of Mr. William Gynn . . 166 Portrait of Mr David Sears. . . . 165 Portrait of the Artist’s Wife ... 20 Portrait of Rev’d Gardiner Spring, D.D 184 Portrait of John Grimes 90 On the Hudson 42 Spring Flowers 135 Portrait of Mrs. Edward Kel- logg 184 Judgment of Gog 45 Washington Crossing the Dela- ware 104 Portrait of the Artist 175 Portrait of M. B. Brady 49 Portrait of Worthington Whit- tredge . 105 “Old Pat the Independent Beggar ” 184 Mary Magdalen 116 Last Moments of John Brown . 79 Portrait of a Gentleman 49 Marie 52 Greek Lovers 62 In the Catskills 26 Portrait of Martin van Buren . . 83 Portrait of George Washington 165 Count of Paris 69 Portrait of a Lady 49 NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 202 Huntington, Daniel 203 Gray, Henry Peters 204 West, Benjamin 205 Ingham, Charles Cromwell .... 206 Pratt, Matthew 207 Page, William 208 Loop, Henry A 209 Brozik, Vacslav von 210 Cole, Thomas 211 White, Edwin. . 212 Huntington, Daniel 213 Fuller, George 214 Casilear, John W 215 Doughty, Thomas 216 Peale, Rembrandt 217 Healy, George Peter Alexander 218 Inman, Henry 219 Durand, Asher Brown 220 West, Benjamin 221 Irwin, Benoni 222 Sully, Thomas 223 Vanderlyn, John 224 Newton, Gilbert Stuart 225 Casilear, John W 225a Collins, Alfred Quinton 225b Sargent, John Singer 225c Stuart, Gilbert. 225d Stuart, Gilbert 225e Weeks, Edwin Lord 226 Rubens, Peter Paul (School of) 227 Hogarth, William 228 Hoogstraten, Samuel van 229 Ricci (or Rizzi), Sebastiano. . . 230 Moroni, Giovanni Battista. . . . 231 Holbein, Hans (the Younger) 232 Dijck, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van (School of) . 233 Vinci, Leonardo da (School of) 234 Hals, Frans 235 Ruisdael (Ruysdael) . Jacob Isaacksz van 236 Heist, Bartholomeus van der 237 Rembrandt van Rijn (Rem- brandt Harmensz van Rijn) 238 Netscher, Caspar 239 Rembrandt van Rijn (Rem brandt Harmensz van Rijn, . 240 Rembrandt van Rijn (Rem- brandt Harmensz van Rijn) . 241 Rembrandt van Rijn (Rem- brandt Harmensz van Rijn) . 242 Sorg (Sorgh), Hendrick Maer- tensz SUBJECT. PAGE. “Mercy’s Dream” 81 Wages of War 62 Triumph of Love 187 The Flower Girl 82 The American School 141 Ideal Head of Shakespeare 133 Love’s Crown 108 Christopher Columbus at the Court of Ferdi nand The Cath- olic and Isabella of Castile . . 20 Roman Aqueduct 26 The Antiquary 188 Portrait of Cyrus W. Field 82 Ideal Head of a Boy 54 In the Pasture 22 A River Glimpse 42 Portrait of Mr. John Finley. . . 134 Portrait of the Artist 69 Young Fisherman 83 In the Woods 45 Hagar and Ishmael 187 Portrait of Mr. Charles H. Fam- ham 84 Portrait of the Artist 166 Portrait of Mr. John A. Sidell . . 175 The Deserted 130 Distant View of the Catskills . . 22 Portrait of the Artist’s Wife . . 26 Portrait of W. M. Chase 156 Portrait of Judge Anthony ... 165 Portrait of Mrs. Judge Anthony 1 65 The Last Voyage — Souvenir of the Ganges — Benares 185 Susannah and the Elders 152 Miss Rich Building a House of Cards 74 Portraits of a Gentleman and a Lady 76 Esther before Ahasuerus 147 Portrait of a Man . 124 Portrait of Archbishop Cranmer 75 Portrait of a Lady 47 Portrait of a Lady 181 The Smoker 66 Landscape 154 Portrait of Jean van Male 72 The Mills 144 The Card Party 129 Portrait of a Man 143 Portrait of a Man 143 The Adoration of the Shep- herds. 144 A Kitchen 161 xxx NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 243 Gainsborough, Thomas, R. A . . 244 Turner, Joseph Mallord William 245 Bonington, Richard Parkes . . . 246 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. . . 247 Molyn, Pieter (the Elder) 248 Dijck, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van 249 Rubens, Peter Paul 250 Leyden, Lucas van (real name Lucas Huygensz, or Lucas Jacobsz) 251 Crome, John (called OldCrome) 252 Constable, John, R.A 253 Dijck, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van 254 Constable, John, R.A 255 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y . 256 Masaccio, Tommaso Guidi (School of) 257 Leyden, Lucas van (real name Lucas Huygensz, or Lucas Jacobsz) 258 Vermeer (Vander Meer van Delft), Johannes 259 Teniers, David (the Younger) 260 Cuyp, Aelbert 261 Unknown 262 Eyck, Jan van 263 Teniers, David (the Younger). 264 Hals, Frans 265 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y (School of) 266 Sargent, John Singer 267 Hals, Frans (School of) 268 Jansen (Janssens), real name Cornelis-Janson van Ceulen 269 Hals, Frans 270 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y 271 Odens, Jurian 272 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y 273 Metsu, Gabriel 274 Teniers, David (the Younger) 275 Cristus, Petrus (Pieter Christo- phesen) 276 Borch, Gerard ter (Terburg) (Terborch), Gerard 277 Zurbaran, Francisco de 278 Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. . . 279 Prud’hon, Pierre 280 Inness, George 281 Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. . 282 Bonington, Richard Parkes. . . 283 Stark, James 284 Wilson, Richard, R.A SUBJECT. PAGE. A Girl with a Cat 56 Saltash 173 Sea Coast 13 Portrait of Lady Carew 146 Landscape with Cottage 123 Portrait of a Man 47 Pyramus and Thisbe 153 Christ Presented to the People . 105 Hautbois Common 32 A Lock on the Stour 28 James Stuart, Duke of Rich- mond and Lenox 48 The Valley Farm 28 Mariana of Austria, Queen of Spain 177 A Man and a Woman at a Case- ment 115 Joseph’s Coat 105 A Young Woman Opening a Casement 178 Landscape. 168 Landscape with Cattle 33 A Burgomaster 174 Virgin and Child 50 The Good Samaritan 168 Portrait of a Man 66 Olivares 177 Portrait of Mr. Henry G. Mar- quand 156 Portraits of Two Gentlemen . . 67 Portrait of a Lady 87 The Wife of F rans Hals 66 Portrait of the Artist 176 Portrait of a Lady 132 Balthazar Carlos 176 The Music Lesson 120 Landscape ... 168 The Deposition from the Cross 32 Portrait of a gentleman 15 St. Michael the Archangel 194 Landscape 56 Assumption of the Virgin 142 Peace and Plenty 83 Portrait of Rev. Humphrey Burroughs 56 Coast Scene, Normandy 14 Willows by the Water Courses 162 The Storm 189 xxxi NO. 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 NAME OF ARTIST. Calico tt, Sir Augustus Wall, R.A Harlow, George Henry Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. . Constable, John, R.A Pine, Robert Edge Hoppner, John, R.A Lely, Sir Peter (real name, Peter van der Faes) Thornhill, Sir James .... Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Bart Raeburn, Sir Henry Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A . . Morland, George Cotman, John Sell Beechey, Sir William, R.A. . . . Claude Lorrain (Lorraine) (Le Lorrain), real name Claude Gellee Wilson, Richard Ostade, Isack van Hooch (Hoogh), Pieter de Willaerts, Adam Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den Murant, Emanuel Poussin, Gaspard (real name. Gaspard Dughet) Cuyp, Aelbert « . . . Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. . Vincent, George Russell, John, R.A Crome, John (called Old Crome) Cotman, John Sell Nasmyth, Peter (called Patrick) Dijck, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van Wilson, Richard, R.A Jongkind, Johan Barthold. . . . Zoffany, Johann Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. . . Blanchard, Jacques Huysmans, Cornells (called Huysmans of Mechlin; also Houseman) Constable, John, R.A Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A . Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. . . Phillip, John, R.A My tens, Daniel Blakelock, Ralph A xxxii SUBJECT. PAGE. Landscape 22 Portrait of the Artist 67 Portrait of Mrs. Arnold 146 Bridge on the Stour 28 Portrait of Mrs. Reid, in the Character of a Sultana 137 Portrait of a Lady (known as The Lady with the Coral Necklace) 77 Portrait of Sir William Temple. 102 Portrait of Mrs. Benson 169 Portrait of Lady Mary Berke- ley t 95 Portrait of Mr. William Forsyth 142 The Duke of Cumberland 146 Midday Meal 123 Coast Scene. . 30 Portrait of a Lady 6 A Seaport 24 Landscape and Figures ....... 190 Winter in Holland 131 Dutch Interior 76 River Scene with Boats 189 Destruction of Sodom and Go- morrah 48 The Farm 127 Landscape and Figures 139 Landscape with Cattle 33 Portrait of a Lady 146 Landscape 180 Lady Beaumont 154 The Landing 32 English Village 30 Landscape 127 Baron Arnold de Roy of Zui- derwyn 48 Italian Landscape 190 Sunset on the Scheldt* 88 Portrait of Ozias Humphrey, R.A ... 193 Portrait of Mrs. Angelo 146 Venus and Adonis 10 Landscape with Figures 82 Portrait of George Gerrard, A.R.A 28 Lady Ellenborough 99 English Landscape 56 Gossips at the Well 13 Portrait of Charles I 11 1 Indian Encampment 9 NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 327 Martin, Homer D 328 Wyant, Alexander H 329 Wyant, Alexander H 330 Wyant, Alexander H 331 Duez, Ernest Ange 332 Neuhuys, Albert 333 Joris, Cavaliere Pio 334 Falero, Luis 335 Leloir, Maurice 336 Hoppner, John, R ; A 337 Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theo- dore 338 Bi da, Alexandre 339 Richards, William Trost 340 Leighton, Frederick Lord 341 Turner, Joseph Mallord Wil- liam 342 Bisschop, Christ off el 343 Vibert, Jehan Georges 344 Leloir, Maurice 345 Vibert, Jehan Georges 346 Maris, Jacob 347 Simonetti, Cavaliere Attilio . . . 348 Schreyer, Adolphe 349 Dore, Gustave Paul 350 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest 35 1 Berne - Bellecour, Etienne Prosper 352 Leloir, Alexandre Louis 353 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest 354 Gerome, Jean Leon 355 Kaulbach, Friedrich August von 356 Delort, Charles Edouard 357 Gallait, Louis 358 Breton, Jules Adolphe ........ 359 Couture, Thomas 360 Achenbach, Andreas 361 Jacquet (Jean), Gustave 362 Hamon, Jean Louis 363 Preyer, Johann Wilhelm 364 Breton, Jules Adolphe 365 Marchal, Charles Francis 366 Defregger, Franz von 367 Koek-Koek, Barend Cornells. . 368 Frere, Pierre Edouard 369 Bouguereau, William Adolphe 370 Graeb, Karl Georg Anton 371 Villegas, Jose 372 Toulmouche, Auguste 373 Haghe, Louis 374 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest 375 Diaz De La Pena, Narciso Vir- gi io SUBJECT. PAGE. Sand Dunes (Lake Ontario) ... 115 A Glimpse of the Sea 192 Landscape in the Adirondacks 192 Broad, Silent Valley 192 The Bouquet 43 Dutch Interior with Figure. . . 129 Italian Courtyard and Figures 89 Twin Stars 51 The Drink of Milk 102 Sarah Franklin Bache 77 Edge of the Woods 150 Massacre of the Mamelukes. ... 9 A Rocky Coast 147 Lachrymae 100 The Whale Ship 173 The Sunbeam 9 Palm Sunday in Spain 179 ‘ ‘Opportunity Makes the Thief ” 102 The First Babe 179 Canal in Holland 114 The Rendezvous 160 ‘ ‘ Abandoned ” 159 The Retreat from Moscow 42 The Sign Painter 118 Soldier in the Trenches 8 Female Figure 101 The Brothers Adrien and Wil- liam Van de Velde 118 Boy of the Bischari Tribe 58 Girl’s Head 91 The Casque 38 The Minstrel Boy 57 Peasant Girl Knitting 17 Day Dreams 31 Sunset after a Storm : Coast of Sicily 1 Female Head 86 An Etruscan Vase Seller 67 Grapes, Plums, Nuts, etc 141 Religious Procession in Brit- tany 17 Evening in Alsace 113 German Peasant Girl 27 Winter Landscape, Holland. . . 95 Visit of a Sister of Charity 54 Brother and Sister 16 Interior of the Cathedral of Fri- bourg, Germany 61 Examining Arms 180 Homage to Beauty 170 Guard Room; the Toast 65 A General and Adjutant (Shores of Antibes) 119 The Holy Family 40 xxxm NO. NAME Of ARTIST. 376 Comte, Pierre Charles 377 Fichel, Benjamin Eugene 378 Koek-Koek, Barend Cornelis . . 379 Hennings, J. F 380 Vibert, Jehan Georges. 381 Dupre, Jules 382 Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene 383 Vernet, Emile Jean Horace. . . . 384 Seitz, Anton 385 Vollon, Antoine 386 Trayer, Jean Baptiste Jules. . . 387 Daubigny, Charles Francis . . . 388 Worms, Jules . . . . 389 Detaille, Jean Baptiste Edou- ard 390 Henner, Jean Jacques 391 Leclaire, Victor 392 Stevens, Alfred 393 Rico, Martin 394 Max, Gabriel 395 Wahlberg, Alfred 396 Schenck, Auguste Frederic Al- brecht 397 Isabey, Eugene Louis Gabriel 398 Riefstahl, Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich 399 Cabanel, Alexandre 400 Cock, Cesar de 401 Hebert, Antoine AugusteEmest 402 Meyer, Johann Georg (called Meyer von Bremen) 403 Fromentin, Eugene 404 Knaus, Ludwig 405 Ziem, Felix 406 Mesgriny, Frank de 407 Willems, Florent 408 Roybet, Ferdinand L6on Victor 409 Simonetti, Cavaliere Attilio. . . 410 Simonetti, Cavaliere Attilio . . 411 Lami, Louis Eugene 412 Glaize, Pierre Paul Leon 413 Leloir, Alexandre Louis 414 Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano- Jose-Maria-Bernado 415 Boldini, Giovanni 416 Daubigny, Charles Francois. . . 417 Rousseau, Pierre fitienne Theo- dore 418 Huntington, Daniel 419 Kaemmerer, Frederik Hen- SUBJECT. PAGl. Lady at her Toilet; XVI Cen- tury 27 Awaiting an Audience 51 Sunset on the Rhine 95 Heidelberg by Moonlight 73 The Startled Confessor 179 The Old Oak 44 L’ Enlevement de Rebecca 37 Preparing for a Race 179 The Discussion 159 A Farm Yard 181 Ribbon Peddler 170 On the River Oise; Evening . . 35 The Letter of Recommendation 191 Skirmish between Cossacks and the Imperial Body-Guard, 1814 39 A Bather 73 Apple Blossoms in a Vase 100 The Japanese Robe 163 Canal of Venice 148 The Last Token: A Christian Martyr. . 116 Port of Waxholm, near Stock- holm, Sweden; Moonlight. . . 183 “Lost.® Souvenir of Auvergne 157 A Banquet Hall 84 A Wedding Procession in the Bavarian Tyrol 148 TheShulamite 21 Landscape; Spring 25 A Girl’s Head 70 The Letter 121 Arabs Crossing a Ford 54 The Holy Family. (Repose in Egypt) 94 Inundation of the Piazza of St. Mark, Venice 193 River Scene 120 Preparing for the Promenade . . 189 The Game of Cards 151 Amateur of Paintings 160 The Flower 160 Interior of a Museum 97 Before the Mirror 60 In His Cups 101 Camels Reposing; Tangier. ... 52 Female Figures; Gossip 11 Boats on Shore 35 Landscape 150 Portrait of Mr. John David Wolfe 81 dnk 420 Leighton, Frederick Lord . Study of a Girl’s Head 90 Head of a Woman, “ Lucia” . . . 101 xxxiv NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 421 Cabanel, Alexandre 422 Diaz De La Pena, Narciso Vir- gilio 423 Boughton, George H., R. A. .. . 424 Voltz, Friedrich 425 Chaplin, Charles Joshua 426 Bonheur, Marie Rosa 427 Preyer, Emilie 428 Detaille, Jean Baptiste Edouard 429 Leloir, Alexandre Louis 430 Coninck, Pierre Louis Joseph de 431 Leloir, Alexandre Louis 432 Dupre, Jules 433 Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel. . 434 Knaus, Ludwig. 435 Marcke, 13 mile van 436 Frere, Charles Theodore 437 Bonnat, Leon Joseph Floren- tin 438 Brion, Gustave 439 Wahlberg, Alfred 440 Munkacsy, Mihaly de 441 Vibert, Jehan Georges 442 Bargue, Charles 443 Berne-Bellecour, Etienne Pros- per. 444 Troyon, Constant 445 Achenbach, Oswald 446 Frere, Charles Theodore 447 Merle, Hugues 448 Worms, Jules 449 Bonheur Marie Rosa 450 Kaulbach, Wilhelm von 451 Lefebvre, Jules 452 Bakker-Korff, Alexander Hugo 453 Jacque, Charles I3mile 454 Domingo, Francois (Don Fran- cisco Domingo y Marques) . . 455 Troyon, Constant 456 Verboeckhoven, Eugene Joseph 457 Marchal, Charles Francois 458 Lambert, Louis Eug&ne 459 Desgoffe, Blaise Alexandre. . . . 460 Piloty, Carl Theodore von 461 Chavet, Victor 462 Robert-Fleury, Tony 463 Daubigny, Charles Francois. . . 464 Diaz De La Pena, Narciso Vir- gilio 465 Brown, John Lewis 466 Zamacois, Eduardo SUBJECT. PAGE. Portrait of Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe 21 Landscape. 41 A Puritan Girl 16 Landscape and Cattle 181 “Haidee” (Byron) 22 A Limier-Briquet Hound .... 12 Fruits, Flowers, etc 141 F ren,ch Cuirassier 39 Wandering Minstrel, Old Nu- remberg 101 Italian Children at a Fountain . 27 Choosing the Dinner 101 The Hay Wagon 44 The Night Patrol at Smyrna. . 36 Old Woman and Cats. . , 94 The Mill 113 Cairo, Evening 53 Egyptian Fellah Woman and Child 14 Return from the Christening. . 18 A Day in October, near Wax- holm, Sweden 183 A Pawnbroker’s Shop 126 The Reprimand 179 A Bashi Bazouk 4 The Intended 8 Holland Cattle 171 Near Naples; Moonrise 1 Jerusalem from the Environs. . 53 Falling Leaves 119 The Fountain of the Bulls, Granada 191 W eaning the Calves 12 Crusaders before Jerusalem. ... 91 “ Graziella,” A Girl of Capri . . . 100 Bric-a-Brac 4 The Sheepfold 85 Interior with Figures 42 Study of a White Cow 171 Interior of a Stable with Sheep and Poultry. .. 177 Morning in Alsace 113 Cat and Kittens 97 Objects of Art; Vase in Rock Crystal (XVI Century) ; Agate and Enamel, etc., etc. ...... 38 The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins 136 In Full Dress 23 A Musical Cardinal 149 On the Seine; Morning 35 Study of Trees 41 Fox Hunters 19 Sleeping Hunter 193 xxxv NO. 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 NAME OF ARTIST. Duverger,Theophile Emmanuel Schreyer, Adolphe Le Roux, Hector. Escallier, Eleonore Madrazo, Raymundo de ..... . Gerome, Jean Leon Makart, Hans ... Ramberg, Arthur Georg von, Baron. v Stevens, Edouard Joseph Cot, Pierre Auguste Bonnat, Leon Joseph Floren- tin Wappers, Gustaaf, Baron Devedeux, Louis Pasini, Alberto. Diaz De La Pena, Narciso Vir- gilio Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theo- dore Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille . . Escallier, Eleonore Merle, Hugues Merle, Hugues Diaz De La Pena, Narciso Vir- gilio. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest Robie, Jean Winterhalter, Franz Xavier. . . Unknown Cabanel, Alexandre. . ........ Vibert, Jehan Georges Gallait, Louis. . . Winne, Lievin de . Bonheur, Marie Rosa Munkacsy, Mihaly de Boucher, Francis. . . Poussin, Nicolas Poussin, Nicolas Largillierre, Nicolas de. Oudry, Jean Baptiste Drouais, Francois Hubert. .... Nattier, Jean Marc Oudry, Jean Baptiste Poussin, Nicolas Pater, Jean Baptiste Joseph . . . Greuze, Jean Baptiste Le Nain (the Brothers), Antoine Louis (called the Roman) and Mathieu Greuze, Jean Baptiste Velten, W SUBJECT. PAGE. Feeding the Bird. 46 Arabs on the March 159 Roman Ladies at the Tomb of their Ancestors. 103 A Pannier of Flowers 49 Girls at a W indo w 109 Prayer in a Mosque; Old Cairo 58 The Dream after the Ball. ..... Ill Meeting on the Lake 142 Surprise 163 The Storm 30 Roman Girl at a Fountain. ... 14 Confidences. 184 The Pride of the Harem 40 Entrance to a Mosque 133 EdgeofaForest 41 River Landscape 150 Ville d’Avray, near Paris. . . ... 29 Chrysanthemums 49 The Spinner 119 Italy, Past and Present 119 Forestof F ontainebleau 41 Man Reading. 119 Flowers „ 149 Florinda 190 Portrait of Mr. William F.Coles 174 Queen Vashti Refuses to Come at the Command of King Ahasuerus 21 “ Le Cordon Bleu ” 180 Portrait of a Lady 57 Portrait of a Gentleman 190 Deer in Forest; Twilight 13 The Death of Mozart 127 The Rescue of Arion from the Waves 15 Mythological Subject 140 Landscape with Figures 140 Marie Marguerite Lambert de Thorigny 98 Ducks 132 Portrait of the Emperor Joseph II of Austria. 43 Princesse de Conde as Diana. . . 128 Dog Guarding Dead Game. ... 132 Landscape with Figures, Fauns and Nymphs 140 The Comical March. 134 Study of a Girl's Head 63 Mendicants 103 Study for a Head in “The Fath- er’s Curse” (Louvre) 63 Halt of Cavaliers 177 xxxvi NO. 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 NAME OP ARTIST. Blarenberghe, Henri Joseph van Coypel, Noel Nicolas • Marechal, Charles Laurent. . . . Kraus, Friedrich Pasini, Alberto Cazin, Jean Charles Hildebrandt, Eduard Duplessis, Joseph Silfrede Muller, Charles Louis. Knaus, Ludwig Guillaume, E Greuze, Jean Baptiste (attrib- uted to) Luminais, Evariste Vital. Scheffer, Ary Hagelstein, Paul Maris, Matthys Defaux, Alexandre Frangais, Francois Louis Dupre, Jules Greuze, Jean Baptiste Verboeckhoven, Eugene Joseph Marr, Carl Schrader, Julius Baker, George A Davis, Charles H Elliott, Charles Loring Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest Israels, Jozef Gifford, R. Swain Fuller, George Colman, Samuel Mauve, Anton Cabanel, Alexandre Maignan, Albert Becker, Carl Kensett, John Frederick Robinson, Theodore Martin, Homer D Bastien-Lepage, Jules Dana, William P. W Bisi, Cavaliere Luigi Pelouse, Leon Germain Renouf, ^ mile Schauss, Ferdinand Desgoffe, Blaise Alexandre .... Harpignies, Henri Bonheur, Francois Auguste. . . . Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano- Jose-Maria-Bemado Schrader, Julius SUBJECT. PAGE. Fete of the Tunny Fishers at Marseilles 10 Venus with Sea Nymphs and Cupids 31 Galileo in V elletri 113 Peasants Going to Church 96 The Love Token 134 Early Morning 22 The Bay of Naples 74 Portrait of Benjamin Franklin 43 The Honeymoon 126 Female Head 94 Le Vocero, Corsican Scene. ... 64 Portrait of a Boy 64 The W reckers 109 Study of a Head 157 Street Musicians 65 Reverie 114 Apple Blossoms 36 Gathering Olives 53 Landscape; Summer 44 Volupte 64 Cattle with Landscape 177 Gossip t 115 Baron Alexander von Hum- boldt 158 Portrait of John F. Kensett, N.A 4 Evening 35 Portrait of the Artist 49 “ Friedland, 1807 ” 118 The Bashful Suitor 85 Near the Coast 59 “ And She Was a Witch” 54 Venice; Moonrise 27 Autumn 116 Birth of Venus 21 “L’attentat d’Anagni” 110 Adelheid and the Bishop of Bamberg (a Scene in Goethe’s Play “Gotz von Berlichin- gen”) 6 View on Long Island Sound ... 93 A Winter Landscape. . ....... 149 Madison and Jefferson 115 Joan of Arc 5 Heartsease 34 Cathedral of Milan 9 “January” (Scene at Cernay, near Rambouillet) 135 After a Storm 145 Resignation 156 Objects of Art 38 Moonrise 68 Woodland and Cattle 11 A Spanish Lady 52 Queen Elizabeth Signing the Death Warrant of Marie Stuart 158 XXXV11 SUBJECT. NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 561 Inness, George 562 Detaille, Jean Baptiste Edouard 563 Manet, Edouard * 564 May, Edward Harrison 565 Lhermitte, Leon Augustin .... 566 Henner, Jean Jacques 567 Richards, Samuel 568 Scheffer, Ary 569 Meyer, Johann Georg (called Meyer von Bremen) 570 Jacque, Charles Emile 571 Bargue, Charles 572 Escosura, Leon y 573 Hovenden. Thomas 574 Ulrich, Charles F 575 Frere, Charles Theodore 576 Meyer, Johann Georg (called Meyer von Bremen) 577 Lang, Louis . 578 Roller, Guillaume 579 Clairin, Georges Jules Victor. . 580 Vriendt, Julien de,. 581 Plassan, Antoine Emile ....... 582 Dupre, Julien 583 Fichel, Benjamin Eugene 584 Eakins, Thomas 585 Kensett, John Frederick 586 Wylie, Robert 587 Stevens, Alfred 588 Mauve, Anton 589 Hamon, Jean Louis 590 Granet, Francois Marius 591 Herrmann-Leon, Charles 592 Michel, Georges 592a Marcke, Emile van 592b Meyer, Johann Georg (called Meyer von Bremen) 592c Verboeckhoven, Eugene Joseph 593 Demont, Adrien Louis 594 Rico, Martin 595 Kensett, John Frederick 596 Courbet, Gustave 597 Escosura, Leon y 598 Piloty, Carl Theodor von 599 Glisenti, A 600 Kensett, John Frederick 601 Wyant, Alexander H 602 Boilvin, Simile 603 Alexander, John W 604 Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst PAGE. Evening 83 The Defense of Champigny. ... 39 Boy with a Sword Ill # The Brigand 117 The Vintage 106 Mary Magdalen at the Tomb of Our Saviour 73 Hour of Prayer 147 Peter’s Repentance 157 The Grandmother 122 Landscape with Sheep 85 Footman Sleeping 4 King Philip Presenting Rubens to Velazquez in the Studio of the Latter 50 “Jerusalem the Golden” ..... 79 Glass Blowers of Murano 174 Departure from Jerusalem for Jaffa 53 Evening Prayer 122 A Country Girl 97 Hugo van der Goes Painting the Portrait of the Infant Mary of Burgundy 96 Moorish Sentinel 24 A Chapel Scene ; Old Antwerp . 182 Table Supplies 138 The Balloon 44 A Violin Player 51 The Chess Players 48 The Old Pine; Darien, Conn. . 92 The Death of a Vendean Chief 192 After the Ball 163 Spring 116 Among the Flowers 67 Benedictines in the Oratory. . . 61 The Hunter 73 The Old Chateau 122 Farm Scene with Cattle. .... . 113 Baby Brother Sleeping 122 Cattle with Landscape. ...... 177 The Old Man’s Garden 38 An Italian Garden 148 View on Long Island Sound ... 92 Coast Scene 30 An Auction Sale in Clinton Hall, N. Y., 1876 50 Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome 136 The Hunter’s Story . . 60 Lake George 93 View in County Kerry, Ireland 192 Louis XI at Prayer 11 Portrait of Walt Whitman .... 2 Surprised 41 NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 605 Kensett, John F rederick 606 Kensett, John Frederick 607 Kensett, J ohn F rederick 608 Kensett, John Frederick 609 Fagnani, Giuseppe 610 Fagnani, Giuseppe 611 Fagnani, Giuseppe 612 Fagnani, Giuseppe 613 Fagnani, Giuseppe 614 Fagnani, Giuseppe 615 Fagnani, Giuseppe 616 Fagnani, Giuseppe 617 Fagnani, Giuseppe 618 Poussin, Nicolas, and Cer- quozzi, Michelangelo 619 Kensett, John Frederick 620 Kensett, John Frederick 621 Kensett, J ohn F rederick 622 Kensett, J ohn Frederick 623 Kensett, J ohn Frederick 624 Kensett, John F rederick 625 Muller, Karl 626 Thompson, A. Wordsworth. . . 627 Gysis, Nicolas 628 Magrath, William 629 Hiibner, Karl Wilhelm 630 Schreyer, Adolphe 631 Cropsey, Jasper Francis 632 Bonnat, Leon Joseph Floren- tin 633 Lerolle, Henri 634 Huntington, Daniel 635 Durand, Asher Brown 636 Noter, David de, and Goupil, Jules 637 Israels, Jozef 638 Hellquist, C. G 639 Kensett, John Frederick 640 Maclaren , W alter 641 Pecht, August Friedrich 642 Kensett, John Frederick 643 Brion, Gustave 644 Browning, Robert Barrett. . . . 645 Jansen, Joseph 646 Kensett, John Frederick 647 Unknown 648 Wust, Alexander 649 Colus, Alphonse 650 Bonheur, Marie Rosa 651 Manet, Edouard SUBJECT. PAGE. On the Coast 93 Coast Scene 92 Landscape Study 92 Sunset on Long Island Sound . . 93 Euterpe; the Muse of Music . . 50 Clio; the Muse of History. ... 50 Terpsichore ; the Muse of Dance 50 Thalia; the Muse of Comedy. . 50 Urania; the Muse of Astronomy 50 Calliope; the Muse of Elo- quence 51 Polymnia; the Muse of Lyric Poetry 51 Melpomene; the Muse of Trag- edy 51 Erato; the Muse of Poetry ... 51 Italian Landscape and Figures 140 Passing away of the Storm .... 92 Early Autumn 92 Scene on the Connecticut Shore of Long Island Sound. 92 Coast Scene, near Darien, Conn. 92 Cedars in the Twilight 92 Evening at Contentment Island, Darien, Conn 92 The Holy Family 126 Old Bruton Church, Virginia, in the Time of Lord Dunmore . . 169 Charity 65 On the Old Sod 110 The Poacher’s Death 80 Battle Scene; Arabs Making a Detour 159 Landscape 33 Portrait of Mr. John Taylor Johnston 14 The Organ Rehearsal 103 Portrait of Mr. William C. Prime 81 Landscape 45 A Dining Room 130 Expectation 85 Peter Sonnavater and Master Knut’s Opprobrious Entry into Stockholm in 1526 71 Eaton’s Neck, L. 1 93 Capri Life. The Embroiderers 109 Portrait of Richard Wagner. . . 135 Twilight in the Cedars 93 A Raft on the Rhine 19 The Meuse from Bouvigne (Belgium) 19 Landscape 87 Scene on Lake George 93 Eurydice 174 A Mountain Torrent in Norway 191 The Entombment 27 The Horse Fair 12 Girl with a Parrot Ill XXXIX NO. NAME OF ARTIST. 652 Hoffer, F 653 Clays, Paul- Jean 654 Webb, C. M 655 Gay, Walter 656 Dannat, William T 657 Kensett, John Frederick 658 Kensett, John Frederick 659 Baixeras, Verdaguer Dionisio. 660 Jettel, Eugene. 661 Gabl, Alois 661a Col, David 661b Riefstahl, Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich 662 Knaus, Ludwig 663 Makart, Hans 664 Richter, Gustav Karl Ludwig 664a Dawant, Albert Pierre 665 Benjamin-Constant, Jean Jo- seph 666 Schaefels, Hendrik F 667 Brown, William L 668 Schreyer, Adolphe 669 Mauve, Anton. . 670 Jacque, Charles Emile 671 Pokitonow, J 672 Jan-Monchablon, Ferdinand. . 673 Girard, Fir min 674 Pasini, Alberto 675 Jacquet (Jean), Gustave 676 Mesdag, Hendrik Willem 677 Merle, Hugues 678 Parton, Arthur . v 679 Boutigny, Paul Emile 680 Becker, Carl 681 Lindenschmit, Wilhelm (the Younger) 682 Sanchez-Perrier, Emilio 683 Jacquet (Jean) , Gustave 684 Huntington, Daniel 685 Koek-Koek, Barend Comelis . . 686 Preyer, Emilie 687 Spring 688 Grolleron, P 689 Becker, Carl 690 Desgoffe, Blaise Alexandre. . . . SUBJECT. PAGE. Decadence of Rome 74 Celebration of the Freedom of the Port of Antwerp, 1863 24 In the Study 185 “Les Fileuses” 57 A Quartette 34 After Sunset 93 Rocks at Darien 93 Boatmen at Barcelona 3 A Marsh in North Holland. ... 87 A Recruiting Scene in the Aus- trian Tyrol 55 Compulsory Education 25 A Religious Procession in the Bavarian Tyrol 148 Peace 94 Diana’s Hunting Party Ill Victory 147 Departure of Emigrants from Havre 35 Justinian in Council 7 Rubens at the Court of Spain . . 156 Fruit 19 Arab Scout 159 Driving Cows to Pasture 116 Sheep 85 Pasture Scene 139 Summer Landscape 86 A Rainy Day in Paris 59 Halt at a Mosque 134 Reverie 86 The Lone Sea 120 The Old Man’s Story 119 Evening: Harlem River 133 The Revolt at Pavia 17 The Rivals 6 The Protest of Luther 106 Lagoon near Venice 155 Study of a Head 86 Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles 82 Winter Scene in Holland 95 Fruit 141 Trial of Strength 162 Soldier at Rest 64 The Emperor Maximilian Re- ceiving the Venetian Em- bassy 6 Objects of Art 38 xl (catalogue Ojlphabeticallg C&zzancjed ; with, cJctioc/ zap hied and 2)eocziptionA. ACHENBACH, Andreas. Dusseldorf School. Born at Hesse Cassel, 1815. Landscape and marine painter; pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, 1827-1835, under Schirmer, and one of the most distinguished painters of the school. He visited Holland in 1832-33; Nor- way, 1835; the Bavarian Tyrol, 1836, and Italy, 1843. He painted land- scapes, mountain, forest, and sea, with like ability and power. Member of the Berlin, Amsterdam, and Antwerp Academies. Paris Salon. Medals: third class, 1839; first class, 1855; third class, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1864. 360 * SUNSET AFTER A STORM; COAST OF SICILY. The sun bursting thro’ the broken stormclouds is setting behind a dark rugged cliff at the right. At the left the sea lashed into foam by the wind has driven to the rocky coast the wreckage of a ship, and a boat, in which the sailors are trying to make a landing. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. On canvas, 32 H. ; 42 W. ACHENBACH, Oswald. Dusseldorf School. Born at Dusseldorf, 1827; died, February 1, 1905] brother and pupil of Andreas. Visited the Bavarian Alps at an early period, and went to Switzer- land and Italy in 1845, 1850, and 1851. His representations of Southern scenery and of peculiar atmospheric effects are of rare excellence. Medals: Paris, third class, 1859; second class, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1863. 445 NEAR NAPLES; MOONRISE. The full moon is seen rising thro’ the dull haze of a hot Summer evening. Smoking Vesuvius is at the left and the creamy wdiite City of Naples lies in the middle distance. A row of tall trees in the foreground line down a dusty roadway crowded with peasants who gather about an old stone fountain at the right to refresh themselves. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Berlin. Signed On canvas, 39 H. ; 55 W. 1 ALBANI, Francesco. Bolognese School. Born at Bologna, 1578; died there, 1660. Son of a silk merchant. Hia father desired to bring him up to his own profession, but his decided art genius so asserted itself that he was placed in the academy of Denys Calvaert, where Guido Reni was a pupil. Albani and Guido became friends, and when the latter went to Rome and entered the school of Carracci, Albani quickly fol- lowed. When Annibale Carracci was employed on the frescos of St. Giacomo degli Spagnuoli he fell sick, and by his recommendation Albani was selected to finish them. He also painted the mythological frescos in the Verospi (now Torlonia) Palace. In the Borghese Gallery and at Turin are his famous pictures of the “Four Elements.” He also painted for the Duke of Mantua the stories of “Diana and Action” and “Venus and Cupid.” His best pictures are those of mythological and fanciful subjects. 63 CHILDREN'S GAMES— THE MAZE, KITE, ETC. A group of eight nude children, two of whom are engaged in drawing figures upon a slab of stone, the others in flying kites. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 25 H.; 53 W. ALEXANDER, John W. American School. Born at Pittsburg, 1856. Studied at Munich, Paris, and in Italy. Medal at Munich. 603 PORTRAIT OF WALT WHITMAN. Three-quarters length, life-size, seated with the face and figure turned to the left of the spectator. The ruddy face is framed in silvery gray hair and a long flowing beard. The dress is black with white collar and cuffs. The background is a dull warm gray. Gift of Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank, 1891. Signed and dated, 1889. On canvas, 49J H.; 39J W. ALLEGRI, Antonio (called II Correggio) ( ?). Parmesan School. Born at Correggio in 1494 ; died there, March 5, 1534. Son of Pel- legrino Allegri. Probably pupil of his father’s brother, Lorenzo, and of Antonio Bartolotti, both second-rate painters of his native town. At Modena he is said to have found a better master in Francesco Bianchi, called Ferrari, who belonged to the school of Francia; but as Bianchi died in 1510, this, like all that concerns Correggio’s training, is uncertain. “Correggio looked at the world in a single mood of sensuous joy,” as a place in which every- thing is full of happy life and soft pleasure. A poetic ideality untrammeled by the conventionality of schools, systems, or methods other than his own, found fullest expression in an all-pervading sweetness which charac- terizes his works. “The Madonna of St. Francis” (1514), “Madonna of St. George,” “Madonna of St. Sebastian,” “LaNotte” (1522 or 1528), Dresden Gallery; “Rape of Ganymede,” “Jupiter and Io,” Vienna Museum; “Madonna Adoring Jesus,” Uffizi, Florence; “Marriage of St. Catherine,” Louvre, Paris. Other works may be seen in St. Petersburg, London, Naples, Venice, and other Galleries, notably that of Parma. 2 2 1 HEAD OF A CHERUB, AND ANGEL. An Angel with outstretched wings is looking down affectionately into the face of a cherub. Gift of Mr. Gornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 20 H. ; 174 W. ALLORI, Cristoforo (called II Bronzino). Florentine School. Born at Florence, 1577; died there, 1621. Pupil of his father, and afterwards of Santo di Tito, whose style- Cristoforo at first followed, but abandoned for the new Florentine eclectic manner based on that of Correggio. He became one of the best artists in Florence of his time, but his habits w T ere irregular, and he left but few pictures. He excelled in portrait painting. 24 ST. AGATHA. Head and bust, with the face three-quarters to the left; the eyes are drooped as if in meditation : a slight piece of drapery falls from the head and a blue mantle covers the shoulders. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 18 H.; 13 W. ALLSTON, Washington. American School . Born at Waccamaw, South Carolina, 1779; died at Cambridgeport, Mass., 1843. 1 75 A SPANISH GIRL. She is seated in the foreground of a warm sunny landscape with moss- grown ruins in the middle distance, and mountain peaks in the background. Gift of Mr. Lyman G. Bloomingdale, 1901. On canvas, 294 H.; 244 W. ASSCHE, Henri van. Flemish School. Born at Brussels, 1774; died there, 1841. Landscape painter; first instructed by his father, an amateur artist, then pupil of J. B. de Roy. Visited Italy, Holland, Germany, and Switzerland. Painted waterfalls with great skill. Member of Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp, and Amsterdam Academies. Several medals. Order of Leopold, 1836. 72 LANDSCAPE, WITH WATERFALL. There is a deep rich brown foreground with a waterfall and a rocky hillside at the left. Two tall trees are in the center of the picture and in the roadway beyond is a group of peasants, and some buildings are on an elevation. The sky is silvery gray with light fleecy clouds. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 15 H.; 134 W. BAIXERAS, Verdaguer Dionisio. Spanish School. Born at Barcelona, Spain, 1862. Pupil of the official school of Beaux - Arts of Barcelona. Medal, third class, Madrid, 1884; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1886; gold medal, Exposition Universelle of Barcelona, 1888. Won several prizes at official competitions. 659 BOATMEN AT BARCELONA. Three boatmen are sitting in the stern of a boat in the harbor of Barcelona. The one at the left with his back to the spectator wears a knit wool cap, a 3 large scarf about his neck, a checked shirt, and a light yellow sash about his waist; both hands are raised with the forefinger of the right resting on the little finger of the left. The center figure to whom he is talking sits squarely to the front with both hands resting in his lap; he has on a cap and wears a dark blue shirt. The third figure sitting at the right, with face and figure in profile to the left, has both hands raised and is lighting a cigarette; a brown coat hangs loosely about his shoulders and a brown cap is on his head. All three figures are in shadow relieved against a background of water and sky aglow with sunshine; steamers and ships line the Wharves on the harbor line which reaches across the picture in the middle distance. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed and dated, 1886. On canvas, 59 H.; 82 W. BAKER, George A. American School . Born at New York, 1821; died there April 2, 1880. Pupil of his father, who was a miniature painter. Studied in Europe, 1844-46. N.A., 1851. 535 PORTRAIT OF JOHN F. KENSETT , N.A . Bust, life-size, three-quarter to the right. Gift of an Association of Gentlemen. 1881. On canvas, 27 H. ; 22 W, BAKKER-KORFF, Alexander Hugo. Dutch School. Born at The Hague, 1824; died at Leyden, 1882. Pupil at The Hague Academy of Kruseman and J. E. J. Van den Berg. He was one of the best modern Dutch painters. 452 BRIC-A-BRAC. An old woman with a white cap on her head is sitting by a table loaded with bric-a-brac. Objets J Art are on the floor and draperies hang about the room in artistic confusion. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the John Wolfe collection. Signed and dated, 1868. On wood, 8H.; 6 W. BARGUE, Charles. French School. Born at Paris (18 — ?) ; died there, 1883. Pupil of G^rome. He painted but few pictures, but they were of exceptional excellence, both in technical execution and color. “Playing Chess on the Terrace,” his last and perhaps his best work, is in the William H. Vanderbilt collection, New York. He did not exhibit at the Salon; but received medals for lithography in 1867, *68. 442 A BASHI BAZOUK. Dressed in barbaric splendor, he is seated upon a light-gray rock at the entrance to a cave. In his left hand is a large ornate pipe, and a be jeweled ivory-handled sword and pistol are thrust into his belt. Purchased in Paris, 1875. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 18 H. ; 12 W. 571 FOOTMAN SLEEPING. A liveried footman in a gaily trimmed, dark-blue coat, canary-colored waistcoat and breeches, and white silk stockings tied with bright red ribbons, is sitting upon a richly carved wooden settee in a hallway. He leans heavily over the arm of the seat and his head, crowned with a luxuriant crop of red 4 pair, droops forward, crowding his chin into his bosom. His right arm rests at his side by the grand chapeau trimmed with broad silver braid, and one of his white gloves has fallen to the floor. At his left are a large umbrella, a brass brazier, and a large armchair with some books on the seat; and on the wall above is a piece of Gobelin tapestry. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix, 1881. Signed and dated, 1871. On wood, 134 H. ; 10 W. BARTOLOMMEO, Fra (or II Frate) (?). Baccio, della Porta. Florentine School . Bom at Soffignano, near Prato, 1475; died at Florence, 1517. He was a pupil of Cosimo Rosselli in Florence, and lived near the gate of St Piero, from which circumstance was derived his name of della Porta. He was the intimate friend of Mariotto Albertinelli. He had acquired great fame for the beauty of his Madonnas, and had been commissioned to execute a fresco of the “ Last Judgment” in the Convent of St. Marco, about the time when Savonarola went to Florence to preach against the sinfulness of the city. Bartolommeo became the earnest friend of the preacher, and was so carried away by his influence that he burned all his studies and drawings of profane subjects and those which represented nude figures. When Savonarola was seized, tortured, and burned, Bartolommeo took the vows of a Dominican friar, and left the unfinished pictures to be completed by Albertinelli. During four years he led a most austere life, never touching his pencil. About this time Raphael arrived in Florence. He was but twenty-one, but already a great painter. He visited the friar’s cell, and a deep friendship between the two was the consequence. To this we owe the after works of Fra Barto- lommeo. About 1513 he visited Rome. After his return to Florence he executed the “Madonna della Misericordia,” now at Lucca, and the “St. Mark,” which is in the Pitti Palace. His boy angels are beautifully painted. His works are seen in the Louvre, Vienna Gallery, and the Berlin Museum, but he is best studied in Florence. 20 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ( School of Fra Bartolommeo) The Virgin full-length, seated, holding the Divine Infant in her arms, is dad in a dull-red dress with green drapery folded loosely about her figure. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 24 H. ; 494 W. BASTIEN-LEPAGE, Jules. French School. Born at Damvillers, 1848; died at Paris, 1885. Pupil of Cabanel. At the Paris Salon of 1877 he exhibited a portrait of Lady L., and “Mes Parents”; 1875, “The Communicant” and a portrait; in 1874, the “ Song of Spring” and a portrait of “Mon Grand-Pere. ” ; in 1878, “Les Foins” and a portrait of M Andre Theuriet. Medals in 1874 and ’75. 550 JOAN OF ARC. “The Maid of Orleans” in peasant garb stands in the garden of her cottage home surrounded by shrubs and small trees; her outstretched left hand toys meaninglessly with the leaves of a young fruit tree as she gazes fixedly before her, at the vision which appears by reflection m the shrubbery behind her. Salon, 1880. Bought from the artist for Mr. Erwin Davis, and given by him to the Museum, 1889. Lent to the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Signed and dated, 1879. On canvas, 98 Ii.; 109 W. 5 BECKER, Karl Ludwig Friedrich. German School. Born at Berlin, 1820; died, 1900. Member and Vice-President of the Academy of Berlin; member of the Academy of Vienna, and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna, and Munich, and other honors and decorations. 546 ADELHEID AND THE BISHOP OF BAMBERG (A Scene in Goethe's Play, 11 G'&tz von Berlichingen”). In a sumptuous apartment seated at a table and playing chess with Adel- heid is the Bishop of Bamberg; at the left a page stoops to kiss his hand, and in the shadow behind this group are ladies and gentlemen one of whom is play- ing on a guitar. Gift of Mrs. Anna Woerishoffer, 1899. Signed. On canvas, 49 H.; 66 W. 630 THE RIVALS. Lent by the Estate of W. H. Hall. On canvas, 261 H.; 45 W. 689 THE EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN RECEIVING THE VE- NETIAN EMBASSY. After the capture of Verona, Senator Antonio Giustiniani, at the head of the Embassy, threw himself at the feet of the Emperor in order to make his address. Immediately a blank sheet of paper was handed to him to be filled up with the conditions of peace. (Schlosser’s History of the World.) Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1877. On canvas, 60J H.'; 941 W. BEECHEY, Sir William, R.A. English School. Born at Burford, Oxfordshire, 1753. Died at Hampstead, 1839 Admit- ted a student of the Royal Academy, London, in 1772, and after painting portraits and pictures in Hogarth’s manner several years in Norwich, returned to London, where he long enjoyed uninterrupted favor with the fashionable world. In 1793 he painted a portrait of Queen Charlotte, and was appointed by her royal portrait painter, and became A.R.A. In 1798 he painted the large equestrian picture, now at Hampton Court, of George III at a Review in Hyde Park, and in the same year became R.A. and was knighted. 160 H. R. H. DUKE OF YORK. Three-quarters length, life-size. Standing upon a balcony, the face turned to the left of the spectator, figure to the front. He is dressed in a scarlet coat richly decorated with gold braids. A black cloak hangs loosely over his shoulders enveloping the figure below and floating out on the back- ground of sky. Gift of Mr. T. J. Blakeslee, 1895. On canvas, 61 H.; 51 W. 298 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Half length. Seated in the open air with the left hand resting easily over the arm of a garden seat, the right holding a closed sun shade which lies in her lap. The figure is turned three-quarters to the right; the face is nearly in profile with curly blonde hair about the forehead; and a black band passes 6 ove* the Head. A red mantle is around the figure. Her decollete gown is of thin white muslin with heavy bands at the shoulders. A tree trunk and foliage are at the left and a vista is at the right where a church spire rises from among the trees into a sky streaked with clouds. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1905. On canvas, 49 H. ; 39 W. BENJAMIN-CONSTANT, Jean Joseph. French School. Born at Paris, June 10, 1845; died at Paris, May 26, 1902. Pupil of Cabanel. Five Medals, Salon of 1875; two in 1876; three at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878; Gold Medal, Exposition Universelle, Faris, 1889; Medal of Honor, Salon of 1895. Member of the Institute of France; Officer of the Legion of Honor, and of several other foreign orders. 665 JUSTINIAN IN COUNCIL. Paris Salon, 1888. Justinian I (Flavius Anicius Justinianus) , surnamed the Great, a Byzan- tine Emperor, born at Tauresium, a village near Sardica (now Sophia), in Bulgaria, in 482 or 483 ; died, 565. He was the son of a poor barbarian family, but his elevation was promoted by his uncle, Justin I, who, shortly before his death in 527, adopted him as Co-Emperor. The political events of his reign may be summed up in the wars of Belisarius and the eunuch Narses, who obtained successes over the Persians in the East, and the Vandals and Goths in Italy, and in the terrible sedition which broke out at Constantinople in 532. The glory of his reign is the famous digest of Roman law, known generally as the Justinian Code , which was compiled out of the Gregorian, Theodosian, and Hermogenian codes, by the ablest lawyers of the empire, under the genius of the jurisconsult, Tribonian. Their labors consist — I, of the “Statute Law,” or Justinian Code, properly so called. II, “The Pandects,” a digest of the decisions and opinions of former magistrates and lawyers. These two com- pilations consisted of matter that lay scattered through more than two thou- sand volumes, now reduced to fifty. Ill, “The Institutes,” an abridgment in four books, containing the substance of all the laws in elementary form. IV, The laws of modem date, including Justinian’s own edicts, collected into one volume and called, “The New Code.” These labors, which a Caesar had not been able to accomplish, were completed by the year 541. Besides this important work of imperial reform, Justinian was a great builder and engineer, and works of public utility were kept constantly in progress in all parts of the empire. He was remarkable for his temperance and chastity, and not less for his great learning and diligent application to the duties of his high office. Gift of Mr. G. Mannheimer, 1890. Signed and dated, 1886. On canvas, 12 ft. 2 in. H. ; 21 ft. 6 in. W. BERCHEM (Berghem), Claes (Nicholas), (Nicolaes). Dutch School. Bom at Haarlem, 1620; died at Amsterdam, 1683. Son of Pieter Klaasze. The reason for his being called Berchem, or Berghem, is not known, but he usually signed his works by that name. He studied with his father, Van Goyen, J. B. Weenix, and Jan Wils, and married the daughter of the latter. It is evident from his works that he went to Italy, although no account of his having done so is given. He painted genre, battles, landscapes, cattle, and portraits. His best works are his small landscapes with figures and cattle. Berchem is the most celebrated of the group of painters to which he belongs. 7 Smith describes 417 of his works, and he left besides more than fifty etchings. The galleries of Munich, Dresden, Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and the Louvre contain the largest number of his works. Some are also in England, in the National Gallery, and at Dulwich, and Lord Ashburton has one of his best productions, called “Le Fagot.” He seldom made large pictures. 41 REST. Beneath a group of trees at the right of the spectator a woman is sitting with a babe in her arms; a man and dog are by her side and sheep and cattle are nearby. The sky is silvery gray with light fleecy clouds. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 16£ H. ; 13 W. BERNE-BELLECOUR, Etienne Prosper. French School. Resides at Chateau d’Egreville (Seine et Marne), France. Born at Boulogne, 1838. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter; pupil of Picot and of F. Barrias. Medals: 1869; first class, 1872; third class, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1878. 351 SOLDIER IN THE TRENCHES. Sitting behind the earthwork with a ready rifle in hand is a single French soldier on the alert for a shot at the enemy. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1872. Water Color, 6H.; 4 W. 443 THE INTENDED , Seated upon green wooden seats in the garden of a chateau are four per- sons dressed in the costume of the early Empire. “The Intended” is winding from a skein held by the hands of a general who sits stiffly at the other end of the seat. Back of the “Intended” is the father wearing an expression of intense satisfaction, and the mother leans over his shoulder in an approving manner. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order. Salon, 1874. Signed and dated, 1874. On canvas, 20 H. ; 31 W. BEYEREN, Abraham Hendricksz van. Dutch School. Born at The Hague in 1620 or 1621 ; died after 1674. A painter of still- life. Master of the Guild at The Hague in 1640, at Delft in 1657. Works in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Lille, Frankfort, Berlin, Vienna, Pesth, and St Petersburg. 79 A STUDY OF FISH. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 24£ H. ; 31 W. BIDA, Alexandre. French School. Born at Toulouse, 1813; died, 1895. Pupil of Eugene Delacroix. Bida is best known through his exquisite designs for the illustrations of the Gospels, exhibited in 1867. He has at times painted portraits, but he represents with exceptional force and grace the life and scenery of Oriental countries, with which he made himself familiar during his visits to the East. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855; Offieer, 1870. Order of Leopold. 8 338 THE MASSACRE OF THE MAMELUKES . “The Viceroy of Egypt, wishing to crush at one blow the warlike Mame- lukes who were making havoc among his people, on the first day of May, 1811, convened, under a false pretext, their leaders. “They were to meet in the old Palace of Cairo, and these proud Mame- lukes in gorgeous robes, and golden helmets shining in the sun, rode up the strange, narrow street, cut out of the solid rock, where, in this narrow defile, conscienceless Mehemet had laid his trap. When the brilliant procession arrived at the gate ‘El Azale,’ the soldiers cried ‘Treason!’ as they saw each house filled with Albanians, armed with long guns. The Mamelukes, sur- rounded by impassable walls, fell like ripe corn, under a hail of bullets, a con- fused mass of men and beasts; the horses, neighing in their fright, bounded through pools of blood over the bodies of the wounded, while the conquerors of a hundred battles, now conquered, shook their clenched fists at the terrible walls. Death passed over them like a whirlwind, not sparing one out of the five hundred horsemen.” Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. Water Color, 37 H.; 25 W. BISI, Cavaliere Luigi. Milanese School. Born at Milan, 1814; died there, 1886. Pupil of F. Durelli at Milan Academy, of which he became professor of perspective and, later, President. 552 CATHEDRAL OF MILAN Interior view of the cathedral with its high towering arches. In the nave are gathered together in worship a large congregation of people. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix. 1881. Signed and dated, 1871. On canvas, 61 H.; 48* W. BISSCHOP, Christoffel. Dutch School. Born at Leeuwarden, 1828. Died, October, 1904, at his Villa “ Frisia,” near The Hague. Genre painter; pupil in Paris of Comte and Gleyre. Medals at Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Paris, Brussels, and Munich. Knight of the Orders of the Dutch Lion; Francis Joseph, of Austria; Leo- pold of Belgium; Commander of the Orders of St. Michael of Bavaria, and of Friedrich of Wiirtemberg. 342 THE SUNBEAM. , . “TJ 16 Sunbeam” lies in a richly decorated cradle with a dark blue canopy which stands by an old Dutch enclosed bed where the fond young mother is couchee Her delicate right hand is raised to the paneled door and her head is turned m affection to her child. A large illustrated open Bible rests on a light-stand near the head of the bed. Purchased from the income of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Endowment Fund for her collection, New York, 1895. Slgned * Water Color, 33 H.; 40* W. BLAKELOCK, Ralph Albert American School. ' -h° m New York, 1847 ; self taught. Honorable mention, Paris Ex- position, 1900. 326 INDIAN ENCAMPMFNT. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. Signed. On canvas, 37 H.; 40 W. 9 BLANCHARD, Jacques. French School. Born at Paris, 1600; died there, 1638. Pupil of his uncle J6r6me Bolley; went to Lyons in 1620 and spent four years in studying with and assisting Horace Le Blanc. He was called the French Titian. 319 VENUS AND ADONIS. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn On canvas, 47 H.; 68 W. BLARENBERGHE, Henri Joseph Van. French School. Born, 1741; died, 1826. Lille. 512 FETE OF THE TUNNY FISHERS AT MARSEILLES. The shore in the foreground is filled with groups of people in gala dress to witness the dashing feats of the fishermen who on this day indulge in aquatic sports in the port of Marseilles. The boats in the harbor are filled with merry makers and divers plunge into the water or swim about at ease. The massive gray walls of the fortress is at the left and windmills crown the hills beyond. The sky is golden flecked with sunlit clouds. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 321 H. ; 47 W BLUM, Robert F. American School. Born at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857; died, 1903. At the age of sixteen he entered a lithographic establishment, but soon came to New York and gave a number of years to illustrative work. From 1880 to 1889 he made several trips abroad. In 1890 he went to Japan, commissioned by the Scribners to work conjointly with Sir Edwin Arnold. In the mean time his paintings had brought recognition and he was awarded bronze, silver and gold medals. The “Bead Stringers,” a Venetian subject, occasioned his election as associate member of the Academy of Design, and “The Ameya” brought him into full membership. Upon his return from Japan in the fall of 1892, after writing and illustrating articles on Japan, and completing several easel pictures, Mr. Blum made an entirely new departure, taking up mural decoration. The “Moods of Music” in Mendelssohn Hall, begun in 1893, is his first serious effort along the new lines and is an initial proof, as later productions bear witness, that the artist was well qualified to exercise his powers in the broad field of mural painting. 136 THE AMEYA , OR ITINERANT CANDY VENDER. In the foreground at the left, “The Candy Peddler” habited in a light blue Japanese robe and with a kerchief of the same color about his head sits upon a brown paper box before a stand of highly decorated, grotesque confections. He is surrounded by a group of girls, all of whom carry upon their shoulders a child gaily dressed in the most brilliant colors. Beyond this group in the middle of the road is a man wearing a white hat. He is seated on the shafts of a jinrikisha, smoking. The farther side of the street from right to left is lined with low shops where trade is going on. Gift of the Estate of Alfred Corning Clark, 1904. 19 On canvas, 251 H.; 301 W. BOILVIN, Emile. French School. Born at Metz, ; died at Paris, 1899. Pupil of Pils. Engraver and painter. 602 LOUIS XI AT PRAYER. The King is kneeling before a crucifix which is on a tapestry-covered table in the center of his private chapel; a black skull-cap is on his head and a voluminous black fur-trimmed gown covers the figure. His barber with a white napkin over his arm stands by holding with both hands a silver salver. Two hounds at the right are closely regarding a man who is making his exit through an open door. At the left is a stained-glass window; a triptych, and decorations are over the mantelpiece. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix, 1881. Signed. On canvas, 34 H. ; 46 W. BOLDINI, Giovanni. Italian School. Born at Ferrara, Italy, 1844. Resides at Paris. 4 1 5 FEMALE FIGURES ; GOSSIP. Three ladies, in the dress of the Empire, are seated in a highly ornate chamber in animated conversation. One at the left in an arm chair is address- ing the other two who rest upon a yellow damask sofa. A large mahogany Empire table stands prominently in the foreground of the picture. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1873. On wood, 7H. ; 9 W. BONHEUR, Francois Auguste. French School. Born at Bordeaux, 1824; died 1884. Son and pupil of Raymond Boil heur (died, 1853). Brother of Rosa Bonheur. Medals: third class, 1852, 1857; second class, 1859; first class, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1867. 558 WOODLAND AND CATTLE. A herd of cattle are grouped about in the shade of a grove of old oak trees illuminated with bright sunlight which shimmers in spots over the field and on the cattle which lie at rest in the foreground. Others stroll about or are gathered at a pool of water in the middle distance, where one white cow stands prominently forth as a leader of the herd. The cowherd leans lazily against the trunk of a tree at the right. From the A. T. Stewart Collection, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 104£ H.; 157 W. Gift of Mr. James Clinch Smith and sisters. 1890. BONHEUR, Marie Rosa. French School. Born at Bordeaux, March 22, 1822; died, 1899. Pupil of her father, Raymond B. Bonheur. At the age of 4 years commenced to show a passion for drawing. Began by copying in the Louvre; afterwards made studies and sketches Aeav Paris. Her first two pictures exhibited at Bordeaux, 1841, attracted much attention, and were followed by others which established her Vorld-wide fame. First exhibited at the Salon in 1845. Her painting, “Bceufs Rouges du Cantal,” won her her first reward, a gold medal of the third class, 1847. During the Franco-Prussian War, her studio and residence at By, adjoining the Forest of Fontainebleau, were respected by special order of 11 the Crown Prince of Prussia, Since 1848 she had been Director of the Paris Free School of Design for Young Girls, which she founded. “Exempt” from Jury of Admission by special decree, July 27, 1853. In 1865, Maximilian and Carlotta sent her the Cross of San Carlos. Elected member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp, 1867. Medals: 1845, ’48, ’55, ’67 {Exposition Uni - verselle) . Legion of Honor, 1865, personally delivered by the Empress Eugenie ; Leopold Cross, 1880; Commander’s Cross of Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880. President Carnot, of France, visited her several times in 1893, and prevailed upon her to send some of her work to the Columbian Exhibition. Her exhibit there was the occasion of her being named Officer of the Legion of Honor (1894). Officer of the Most Noble Order of Santo Jacobo, 1894. 426 A LIMIER-BRIQ UET HOUND. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the H. D. Newcomb collection. 1877. Signed. On canvas, 15 H.J 18 W. 449 WEANING THE CALVES. An unhappy mother stands looking demurely over the bars which separate her from her offspring. The poor calf looks up pleadingly for an explanation; four companions in misery are there waiting for the return of the mothers which are seen wending their way slowly down the side of the hill toward the pen in which they are confined. A range of mountains streaked with snow rises over the hills into a clear blue and cloudless sky. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1879. On canvas, 25 H.; 32 W. 650 THE HORSE FAIR . Rosa Bonheur made her debut at the Paris Salon of 1841, to which she sent two small pictures of sheep, goats, and rabbits. She exhibited each following year except 1851-52. In 1853 she exhibited her masterpiece, the now famous “ Horse Fair.” The subsequent history of this painting is given in the following extract from a letter written to Mr. S. P. Avery by Mr. Ernest Gambart, the original purchaser of the picture, formerly of London, and now retired from business and living at Nice: “ I will give you the real story of the ‘Horse Fair’ now in New York. It was painted in 1852 by Rosa Bonheur, then in her thirtieth year, and exhibited in the next Salon. Though much admired, it did not find a purchaser. It was soon after exhibited at Ghent, meeting again with much appreciation, but was not sold, as art did not flourish at the time. In 1855, the picture was sent by Rosa Bonheur to her native town of Bordeaux, and exhibited there. She offered to sell it to the town at the very low price of 12,000 francs ($2,400). While there I asked her if she would sell it to me, and allow me to take it to England and have it en- graved. She said: ‘ I wish my picture to remain in France. I will once more impress on my countrymen my wish to sell it to them for 12,000 francs. If they refuse, you can have it, but if you take it abroad, you must pay me 40,000 francs.’ The town failing to make the purchase, I at once accepted these terms, and Rosa Bonheur then placed the picture at my disposal. I tendered her the 40,000 francs, and she said: ‘I am much gratified at your giving me such a noble price, but I do not like to feel that I have taken advan- tage of your liberality. Let us see how we can combine in the matter. You will not be able to have an engraving made from so large a canvas. Suppose I paint you a small one of the same subject, of which I will make you a present.’ Of course I accepted the gift, and thus it happened that the large work went 12 traveling over the kingdom on exhibition, while Thomas Landseer was making an engraving from the quarter-size replica. “After some time, in 1857 (I think), I sold the original picture to Mr. VVm. P. Wright, New York (whose picture gallery and residence were at Wee- liawken, N. J.), for the sum of 30,000 francs, but as he claimed a share of the profits of its exhibition in New York and other cities, he really paid me only 22,000 francs for it. I offered to repurchase the picture in 1870 for 50,000 francs, but ultimately I understood that Mr. Stewart paid a much larger price for it on the dispersion of Mr. Wright’s gallery. The quarter-size replica, from which the engraving was made, I finally sold to Mr. Jacob Bell, who be- queathed it, in 1859, to the nation, and it is now in the National Gallery in London. A second, still smaller, replica was painted a few years later, and was resold some time ago in London for £4,000 ($20,000). There is also a smaller water-color drawing, which was sold to Mr. Bolckow for 2,500 guineas ($12,000), and is now an heirloom belonging to the town of Middleborough. That is the whole history of this grand work. The Stewart canvas is the real and true original, and only large size ‘Horse Fair.’ “Once in Mr. Stewart’s possession, it never left his gallery until the auction sale of his collection, March 25, 1887, when it was purchased by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt for the sum of $55,500, and presented to the Metropolitan Museum* of Art. Hamerton calls Rosa Bonheur ‘the most accomplished female painter who ever lived,’ and adds: ‘She is a pure and generous woman as well, and can hardly be too much admired, whether we regard her as a woman or artist. She is simple in her tastes and habits of life, and many stories are told of her generosity to others.’” (Note. — The picture was sold to Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt for $53,000.) Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1887. Signed and dated, 1853-5. On canvas, 93£ H. ; 197 W. 496 DEER IN THE FOREST— TWILIGHT. The twilight gleams through a forest of trees from whose intertwining branches the Autumn leaves have fallen, scattering their purple tints over the moss grown rocks and uneven soil. In the center of the wood are three deer at rest; two are lying down, the other stands on the alert; a feeling of silence pervades the scene. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1883. On canvas, 251 H. ; 31£ W. BONINGTON, Richard Parkes. English School. Born at Arnold near Nottingham, 1801; died at London, 1828. His grandfather, and afterward his father, was governor at the gaol of Northamp- ton, but the father, having been displaced for irregularities, set up as a portrait painter in Paris. At the age of fifteen, Richard was a student at the Louvre, and received lessons from Baron Gros. In 1822 he went to Italy. Returning to Paris, he became a victim of consumption, from which he died in London in his twenty-seventh year. 245 SEA COAST. In the foreground is a pool, on the borders of which are two groups of peasants; among them two men in long cloaks, facing the spectator and con- versing. In the distance the sea is seen extending across the picture, with fishing boats under sail. Exhibited at the International Exhibition at London in 1862. Purchased from M. Sedelmeyer in 1888. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On canvas, 16 H.; 231 W. 13 282 COAST SCENE , NORMANDY. On the beach, at the landing place of the fishing boats, is a group of peopl© buying and selling fish. At the right a man is standing in a heavy wagon over which is a canvas canopy; the boat sails rising above are relieved against a mass of light clouds in a silvery gray sky. The man wearing a high hat who is seated in the center of the group of figures is said to be William Cook, the engraver. This picture was exhibited in the special loan collection at Not- tingham Castle Museum Art Gallery, October, 1893. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1896. On canvas, 31 H. ; 47 f W. BONNAT, Leon Joseph Florentin. French School. Born at Bayonne, 1833. Pupil in Madrid of F. de Madrazo, and of Co- gniet, in Paris. Studio in Paris. Second Grand Prix, 1858; then studied three years in Italy. Medals: second class, 1861, 1863, and 1869; of Honor, 1869, Legion of Honor, 1867; Officer, 1374; Commander, 1882. Grand Officer, 1897. Member of the Institute of France. 437 EGYPTIAN FELLAH WOMAN AND CHILD. From studies made at the opening of the Suez Canal. Salon, 1870. Purchased from the John Wolfe collection, 1882. Standing at full length on the border of the Suez Canal is a Fellah woman- habited in a loose, black gown, open at the neck, who bears upon her shoulders a nude, sleeping infant whose head, enveloped in a black hood, rests with its chubby little folded arms upon the head of its mother. The mother’s right hand clasps one leg of the child and the other is raised to its support above. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1870. On canvas, 72 H. ; 39 W. 477 ROMAN GIRL AT A FOUNTAIN. A Roman girl, in peasant costume, about twelve years of age, stands on one foot and leans forward, resting both hands on the rim of an old, stone basin; with upturned face and open mouth she is ready to catch the water which falls from a projecting pipe in the wall above. At the left is a deep-blue sky. Painted to order, 1875. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 654 H.: 384 W. 632 PORTRAIT OF JOHN TAYLOR JOHNSTON, First Pres- ident of the Museum; from 1870 to February, 1890. Sitting in a large armchair with the face and figure turned slightly to the left of the spectator. The large, dark eyes look forward from beneath the heavy brows, and the vigorous face, fresh and florid in color, is framed, with the exception of a clean shaven chin, in iron-gray hair and beard. His hands are brought together and rest on his lap ; he wears a black velvet coat and gray trousers. The background is dark brown shaded to light at the right. Three-quarters length, life-size. Gift of the Trustees, 1880. Signed and dated, 1880. On canvas, 504 H. ; 42 W. BORCH, Gerard ter (Terburg). Dutch School. Bom at Zwolle probably between 1613 and 1617; died at Deventer, 1681. A contemporary of Teniers, and, like him, a painter of genre subjects, but of the higher ranks in life. He usually represented but few figures, and such scenes 14 as ladies at their toilets, musical parties, conversations, etc. He excelled in painting elegant costumes, and his white satin dresses are especially remark- able. The general tone of his pictures is cool, his heads being warmly colored. He painted small portraits, but these are rare in public galleries. His own portrait is at The Hague. His works number a little more than one hundred, and are of enormous value. 276 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Standing beside a table which is covered with a red cloth, the right hand is held before his breast, the left rests upon the table, the face and figure are to the front; his long brown hair falls over a large square linen collar. Purchased in London in 1888. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On panel, 131 H.'; 11J W. BOTH, Jan (called the Italian). Dutch School. Jan born at Utrecht about 1610; died there, 1652. Jan and his brother Andries having learned the elements of painting from their father, Dirck, glass painter, were apprenticed by him to Abraham Bloemaert. The brothers traveled in France and Italy. At Rome, Jan imitated the style of Claude Lorrain and painted some excellent landscapes. He returned to Utrecht in 1640. Andries was drowned at Venice, 1650, and it is said that Jan died of grief at the loss of his brother. 35 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE. A warm, sunny sky, and wooded landscape, in the foreground of which there are two horsemen, one mounted on a light gray which is at rest, and the other dressed in a scarlet cloak and riding a light bay at full gallop with his hand raised in salutation to a man whom he approaches ; another man on foot and two dogs belong to this group, and a woman and child are crossing the field beyond. Five large trees in the center with another at the right dominate the landscape which has two large boulders at the right of the foreground. The middle distance is undulating, and a lake lies at the base of the blue hills tar away. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 50 H. ; 62 W. BOUCHER, Francois. French School. Bom at Paris, 1704; died there, 1770. Attended for a short time the school of Le Moine, then drew from his own compositions or Watteau’s for engravers. In 1723 he took the first prize at the Academie, and later went to Rome with Carle Van Loo. Returning to Paris in 1731, was received into the Academy in 1734; Professor in 1737; Director in 1765, and after the death of Carle Van Loo was appointed first painter to the king. He painted mytho- logical, pastoral and decorative subjects. 498 THE RESCUE OF ARION FROM THE WAVES. According to the legend the Greek poet, Arion, while returning from a musical contest in Sicily in which he had been victor, was thrown into the sea by the sailors, but was saved and carried to Taenarus by dolphins which had gathered about the ship. Arion playing upon a lyre is seated on the back of a 15 dolphin in the center of the picture. Bright red drapery floats about the figure, and sea gods, nymphs, and dolphins are gathered about to listen to the music. At the left are a sinking ship and storm clouds, and above is the bright blue sky. BOUGHTON, George H., R.A. English School. Born in England, 1834; died at London, January, 19, 1905. His family went to Albany, N. Y., 1837. Studied at Albany. First exhibited at the National Academy of Design, New York, in 1858. Made an Academician, 1871. Associate Member of the Royal Academy, 1870, and of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colors, London, 1887, R.A., 1896. 423 A PURITAN GIRL. Three-quarters length, cabinet size. She is standing in an open wood holding a bunch of wild flowers in her hands. Her dress is light fawn color with a black sash about the waist and a broad-brimmed hat is on her head. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On wood, 15 H. ; 11 W. BOUGUEREAU, William Adolphe. French School. Born at La Rochelle, France, 1825 ; died there, August 19, 1905, at midnight. History and genre painter; pupil of Picot, and from 1843 of Fcole des Beaux- Arts. Won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1850. On his return to Paris he was entrusted with important decorative works in public buildings, and in 1866 painted Apollo and the Muses in the foyer orf the theatre at Bordeaux. Medals: second class, 1855; first class, 1857; third class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer, 1876; Member of Institute, 1876; Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878; Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881; Grand Medal of Honor, 1885; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885. A Brittany peasant girl about sixteen years old, wearing a white head- dress and cape, striped apron and short red skirt, is sitting with bare feet in the edge of a wood holding her little brother in her lap; both arms are around the chubby little fellow with the fingers interlocked. The boy is cuddled con- fidently and contentedly in his sister’s arms with one bare leg crossing her lap, the other hanging by her side. An apple is in each hand, a red cap is on his head and a blue dress with purple sleeves covers the figure. Purchased by Miss Wolfe’s father. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1871. Gift of Mr. Leon Gauchez, 1875. Signed. On canvas, 45 H. ; 52£ W. 369 BROTHER AND SISTER. 16 On canvas, 50 H.; 34 W. BOUTIGNY, Paul Emile. French School Born at Paris about 1850 (?). Contemporary. Pupil of Cabanel. Medal, third class, 1884. 679 THE REVOLT AT PAVIA. The scene represented shows the recapture of the town by Napoleon in 1796, and the assemblage of church and municipal dignitaries who have come to the walls to implore the conqueror’s clemency. Exhibited at the Salon of 1895. Gift of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co., 1901. On canvas, 118 H.; 158 W. BRETON, Jules Adolphe. French School Born at Courrieres (Pas-de-Calais), May 1, 1827. Died at Paris, July 5, 1906. Pupil of Drolling and of Felix deYigne, whose daughter he married in 1858. Medals: third class, 1855, Exposition Universelle; second class, 1857; first class, 1859, 1861, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Medal of Honor, 1872. Chevalier, Legion of Honor, 1861; Officer, 1867; Commander, 1889. Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Commander of St. Stanislas of Russia, and of St. Michael of Bavaria. Member of the Institute, 1886. Member of the Academies of Milan, Vienna, Madrid, Stockholm, Antwerp and Brus- sels. Author of several books: “Les Champs et la Mer,” poems, 1875; “Jeanne,” poem (Monthyon prize), 1880; “La Vie d’un Artiste,” 1890; “Un Peintre Paysan,” 1895; “Le Roman des Artistes.” 358 PEASANT GIRL KNITTING . Sitting on the bent trunk of an old appletree, the broad shadow of which covers t-he foreground of the picture, is a French peasant girl knitting. Bright sunshine lies on the grass beyond and a deep wood is in the distance. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris. Signed. On canvas, 22 H.; 18 W. 364 RELIGIOUS PROCESSION IN BRITTANY. Purchased in 1873 from the collection of the late Baron Strousberg, Berlin. The Brittany peasantry are very quaint in their costume, wearing broad-brimmed hats and flowing hair and in some districts trunk hose of the sixteenth century. They are usually spare and wiry in their persons, almost unchanged in their manners, customs, and habits, and old legends and super- stitions still retain their hold on the popular mind. Of ancient monuments of different ages there is no lack in Brittany, and above all, of Celtic remains; those extraordinary masses of rough unhewn stones are supposed to be in some way connected with the religion of the Druids. Brittany appears to have been the sacred land of the Gauls, the center of their worship to which the various nations and tribes repaired on pilgrimages at stated times to pay their devotions. Their mysterious influence is not yet by any means effaced from the minds of the lower orders of Brittany. Almost every church has its strange legend, and every saint his special patronage, and on his fete day a pil- grimage or pardon is celebrated. The pardon of St. Mathurin held at Lamballe on Whitsunday is much frequented by pilgrims, who dance the old Breton dances. The pardon celebrated four times a year at Rumegol, near Le Faou, is attended with very curious ceremonies. These pardons take place at fixed 17 periods around about certain churches, but often in uncultivated fields, where tents are erected, and where the fete continues for several days, and is attended by thousands of the peasantry of both sexes. The most important of these pardons are those of Ste. Anne d’Auray, and of Ste. Anne de Palud, which last is the most picturesque of all, and takes place at the seaside. The one repre- sented in M. Breton’s picture is held at Kergoat, near Douarnenez and Quim- per. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1869. On canvas, 51 EL; 72 W. BREUGHEL (Brueghel), Jan (the Elder), called Fluweelen (Velvet) Breughel. Flemish School. Bom at Brussels, 1568; died at Antwerp, 1625. The most gifted of his family. He had versatility of talent, and painted landscapes, peasants, and scriptural scenes. He often painted festoons and garlands of flowers around the figure subjects of Rubens and other eminent masters, in which he intro- duced butterflies and bright-colored insects in a profuse, delicate, and most skillful manner. 38 THE HILL. A roadway in the center of the picture leads to the top of the hill which is crowned with a group of trees; three horsemen are ascending, and some cows have descended on their homeward way; at the right a group of peasants are resting by the roadside. The sky is deep blue streaked with light. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On panel, 7H.; 10 W. 39 THE WINDMILL. In the middle distance at the left on a slight elevation stands an old mill. At the base of the hill there is a roadway leading down into the foreground of the picture where some men are detaching horses from market wagons, and a man is seen at the left descending the hill with a sack of grain upon his back. The sky is dark blue with a gleam of golden light. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On copper, 7 H.; 10£ W. BRION, Gustave. French School. Born at Rothau, Alsace, 1824; died in Paris, 1877. Pupil of Gabriel Gu6rin in Strasburg. Medals: second class, 1853, ’59, ’61, ’67; first class, 1863; Medal of Honor, 1868; Legion of Honor, 1863. Order of Leopold of Belgium. 438 RETURN FROM THE CHRISTENING. The Christening party are just emerging from the portals of a church where the proud young mother steps to the front with the babe lying asleep upon a white cushion in her arms; following is the father who is dispensing alms to some poor people who have gathered at the church door. A stout maiden at the left is scattering confections among the children, and below, at their right, the tops of the houses in the village are seen in bright sunlight. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order, 1874. Signed and dated, 1874. 18 On canvas, 43 H.j 62 W. 643 A RAFT ON THE RHINE. On the rear of the raft which nearly erosses the foreground of the picture are two men in white shirts vigorously working the steering paddles; another is bent over hauling in a boat which is in tow; and others walk along the edge of the raft with the ends of long poles pressed against their breasts pushing with all their might. Near by a group of women surround a big kettle in which a meal is being cooked. In the center are an improvised tent and a tall pole which floats a red banner. Other groups of figures are scattered along the whole line of the raft which swerves to the left in mid-stream. The shore is veiled in mist and vapory clouds rise into a dull gray sky. Gift of Mr. Georges Petit, of Paris, 1881. Signed. On canvas, 61 H.; 96 W. BROWN, George Loring. American School. Born at Boston, 1814; died, 1889. Pupil of Washington Allston, and in Paris of Eugene Isabey. Visited Europe in 1840. Painted in Antwerp, Florence, Rome, Paris and London. Returned to America in 1860. 117 VIEW AT AMALFI (Bay of Salerno). In the foreground, on a sandy beach, the fishing boats are crowded together in the strong sunlight. Some white buildings in shadow are at the base of a cliff that rises into the sunny sky and stretches away on the crescent line of the shore of the bay into the extreme distance. Gift of Mr. William Church Osborn, 1903. Signed and dated, 1857. On canvas, 33 H. ; 52 W. BROWN, John Lewis. French School. Born at Bordeaux, 1829; died at Paris, 1890. Painter of military and hunting scenes; pupil of C. Roqueplan and of Belloc. Medals in 1865, 1866, and 1867; Legion of Honor, 1870. 465 FOX HUNTERS. A group of mounted fox hunters are starting out for the chase with a pack of hounds in the lead. The country is open and a brilliant cloudy sky is above. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Dated, 1866. On wood, 6 H.; 4 W. BROWN, William L. American School. 667 FRUIT. Lent by Mr. Thomas P. Salter. On canvas, 16£ H. ; 15 £ W. BROWNING, Robert Barrett. English School. Son of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Studied at Antwerp. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1878. 644 THE MEUSE FROM BOUVIGNE (BELGIUM). High green hills rise on either side of the river, and nestled down on its bank at the right is a group of houses and a floating barge is near the shore. Gift of Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. 1882. Signed and dated, 1879. On canvas. 57£ H,: 102* W . 19 BROZIK, Vacslav Von. Austrian School. Born at Pilsen, Bohemia, March 6, 1852; died at Paris, April 16, 1901. Director (and Member) of the Imperial and Royal Academy of the Beaux - Arts, of Prague, Bohemia. After preliminary studies, entered the schools of the Beaux-Arts of Prague and of Dresden, in 1870; and of Munich in 1873, where he remained until 1876. Studied under Piloty and Munkacsv. Went to Paris in 1876, where he exhibited for twenty years. Grand gold medals: Paris, 1878; Brussels, 1879; also at Berlin, Munich, and Antwerp. Medals of Honor at Antwerp and Chicago. Medal of the Second Class, Salon of 1878, for his great picture, “The Embassy of the King of Bohemia and Hungary at the Court of Charles VII of France” (now in the Berlin Museum), and at the Paris National Exhibition, 1883, the Cross of the Legion of Honor, for the “Condemnation of John Huss by the Council of Constance,” purchased by national subscription for the Prague Museum. Most of his smaller pictures are in private American collections. Member of the Royal Academy of Ant- werp; Officer, Legion of Honor; Member of the Institute of France, 1897. Orders of Leopold of Belgium, and of Francis Joseph of Austria; also, the Austrian Order for Arts and Sciences. Officer of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael. Ennobled, June, 1897. 209 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS AT THE COURT OF FERDINAND THE CATHOLIC AND ISABELLA OF CASTILE. The moment chosen in the painting is the beginning of American history. After his repulse by other European States, Columbus has resorted for assist- ance to the Court of Spain. The Spanish Treasury has been exhausted in the Moorish wars, and Isabella offers her jewels to defray the expenses of the expedition. The contract between Ferdinand and Columbus is about to be signed, and the discovery of the New World is assured. (April 17th, 1492.) Gift of Mr. Morris K. jEstrp, 1886. Signed and dated, 1884. On canvas, 12 ft. 10 H. ; 18 ft. 7 W. BUNKER, Dennis Miller. American School. Bom at New York, 1861; died at Boston, 1890. 1 79 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTISTS WIFE. Bust, life-size, face three quarters to the right. The head is thrown back and the eyes are turned full to the front with an expression of disdain. The hair is light and the gown, black. The face is lighted from the left. Gift of several gentlemen, 1893. On canvas, 23£ H.; 201 W. CABANEL, Alexandre. French School. Born at Montpellier, September 28, 1823; died, Paris, January 23, 1889. Pupil of Picot; won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1845; Medal, second class, 1852; first class, 1855; Grand Medals of Honor, 1865, 1867, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1855; Officer, 1864; Commander, 1884; Member of the Institute of France, 1863. Professor in the Itcole des Beaux-Arts. 20 399 THE SHU LAM IT E. She is seated upon a delicate blue rug in the inner court of an Egyptian palace and is dressed in the gauzy costume of the Orient with a gold-trimmed scarlet mantle about her loins. A peacock-feather fan lies at her feet and rich damask drapery is abput her figure. The face is upturned, and the dark eyes are raised as though listening to “The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the moun- tains, skipping upon the hills. . . . He standeth behind our wall. . . . My beloved spake, and said unto me: Rise up, my love, my fair one, and corns away.” — Song of Solomon, 2d chap., verses 8-10. Painted to order. Salon, 1876. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 56 H. ; 42 W. 42 1 PORTRAIT OF MISS CA THARINE LORILLARD WOLFE. Painted from sittings at Paris, 1876. Life-size, nearly full-length, standing in front of a table which is cov- ered with a dark-green cloth embroidered with gold. Her figure is three- quarters to the left, and the face to the front. The deep-brown eyes look kindly forward at the spectator, the fingers of the right hand rest lightly upon the table and the left arm crosses the figure. She has dark hair, and her white satin gown which hangs in rich folds is trimmed with dark fur. The back- ground is a brownish red. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard. Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1876. On canvas, 67 H. ; 42 W. 544 BIRTH OF VENUS. Venus lies at full length upon a curling wave of the sea with its foamy crest breaking from beneath her luxurious light-brown hair which floats on the water before her. Her left arm is extended at full-length, the right is curved above the face to shade her new-born sight; five loves, two of whom are blow- ing upon sea shells, hover in the air above. Gift of Mr. John Wolfe, 1893. Signed. On canvas, 40 H. ; 68 W. 492 QUEEN VASHTI REFUSES TO COM $ AT THE COM- MAND OF KING AHASUERUS. She is seated a little to the left, looking sadly but firmly at the spectator. In her raised right hand is a feather fan, and her left hand rests by her side on the blue cushioned seat of the chair. She wears a blue and gold headdress set with pearls. Heavy gold ornaments are in her ears, and her coal black hair hangs loosely about the shoulders which are covered with diaphanous drapery. About her waist is a jeweled blue girdle with heavy bands rising over the shoulders, while delicate light drapery covers the figure below the waist. The head and hand of the slave who brings the message from the King, projects into the picture at her left. The background is a deep purple red. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1880. On canvas, 501 H.] 38£ W. CALLCOTT, Sir Augustus Wall, R.A. English School. Bom at Kensington, 1779; died there, 1844. A pupil of Hoppner. He at first practiced portrait painting, but later devoted himself to landscapes. Ho has been called the English Claude. In 1837 he exhibited a picture of 21 u Raphael and the Fornarina,” which was quite out of his usual style. “ Milton and His Daughters ” followed in 1840. The Queen conferred knighthood upon him in 1837, and in 1844 he was appointed Conservator of the Royal Pictures. 285 LANDSCAPE. Two men lie on the ground in a rustic gateway, the entrance to a group of cottages. On either side are trees relieved against a sky filled with silvery gray clouds. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1896. On canvas, 271 H.; 351 W. CASILEAR, John W. American School. Born at New York, 1811; died at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1893. Land- scape painter. Studied in Europe in 1840, and in 1857. Elected an A.N.A, in 1835, and N.A. in 1851. 214 IN THE PASTURE. Green pasture land in the foreground with cattle grazing; two large trees at the right; a lake and farm-lands beyond reaching to a range of mountains; light fleecy clouds and blue sky. Gift of Mrs. Rebecca A. Goldsmith, niece of the artist, 1897. On canvas, 24 H. ; 49 W. 225 DISTANT VIEW OF THE CATSKILLS. Two large trees are on the left bank of a stream of water where some cows are grazing; the broad green farm-lands extend to the mountains beyond; the sky is flecked with white fleecy clouds. Gift of Mrs. Rebecca A. Goldsmith, niece of the artist, 1897. (Signed and dated, 1891. On canvas, 291 H. ; 441 W. CAZIN, Jean Charles. French School. 5 1 7 EARLY MORNING. B«rn at Samers (Pas-de-Calais) 1840; died, 1900. Lent by Mrs. Frederick Butterfield. On canvas, 281 H.; 23 W. CHAPLIN, Charles Joshua. French School. Bom at Les Andelys (Eure), 1825; died, Paris, 1891. Pupil of the ficole des Beaux-Arts. In 1860 he was employed in decorating the Tuileries, after- wards the rooms of the Empress in the Elysee. He was successful as a teacher and as a portrait painter. Medals: third class, 1851; second class, 1852 and 1865; Legion of Honor, 1865; Officer, 1877. 425 “HAIDEE” (BYRON). Half-length, standing with her figure turned to the right, face to the front. Her luxuriant blonde hair bedecked with flowers falls down to her shoulders. In her right hand she holds a tambourine, and with her left clasps a large string of pearls which is about her neck. Diaphanous drapery covers her arms and breast and a blue band encircles her waist. The background is warm gray. Purchased in Paris, 1873. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1873. 22 On canvas, 39 H.; 25 W. CHASE, Wm. M. A merican School. Bom in Franklin Township, Indiana, 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes, at Indianapolis; J. O. Eaton, New York; Wagner and Piloty, at Munich. Medal at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Member of the National Academy of Design. 131 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLACK . Full-length, front view, life-size. The right hand rests upon a table upon which there is a full-blown rose, the left upon the hip. Gift of Mrs. William M. Chase, 1891. On canvas, 73 H. ; 35 W. CHAVET, Victor. French School. Born at Aix (Bouches du Rhone), 1822. Pupil of P. Re\oil and C. Roqueplan. Medals: third class, 1853; second class, 1855 and 1857. Legion of Honor, 1859. 461 IN FULL DRESS. A lady in an elaborate white dress is sitting upon a red sofa which stands before an ornate screen of gold and white. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1873. On canvas, 9 H.; 7 W. CHURCH, Frederic E. American School. Born at Hartford, Conn., May 4, 1826; died at New York, April 7, 1900. Pupil of Thomas Cole, at Catskill, where he lived and painted for some years. In 1849 he was elected a member of the N.A.D. Went to South America in 1853, and again in 1857. A few years later he made studies on the Coast of Labrador for his “Icebergs,” which was exhibited in London, 1863; he made studies in Jamaica, 1866; in 1868 he went to Palestine, Greece, and Jerusalem. 129 THE rEGEAN SEA. In the middle distance of the picture lies the sea in the glow of a rainbow, which appears in the sky above and curves down to the waters below. The distant storm clouds and islands crowned with classic ruins are beyond, and a city borders the sea at the right. Ruined palaces are on the shore at the foot of the hill which ascends to the immediate foreground broken with rocks and shrubbery. Two large olive trees stand at the left by which is a winding path- way down the hill to the entrance of a tomb built m the solid rock towering above. Gift of Mr. Wm. Church Osborn and Prof. Henry F. Osborn, 1902, by request of Mrs. William H. Osborn, in her will. Signed. On canvas, 54 H. ; 84 W. CLAIRIN, Georges Jules Victor. French School . Born at Paris, September 11, 1843. History painter. Pupil of Picot and Pils and of the Ftcole des Beaux-Arts. Studied in Paris. Medal, 1882. Among his works are: “Incident of the Conscription of 1813” (1866) ; “ Burn- ing Yarech in Brittany,” “Robbers of Bay of Trepasses in Brittany” (1868); “Volunteers of Liberty in Spain, 1868” (1869); “Massacre of the Abencer- rages in Granada,” “Moses the Sheik’s Son” (1878); “Entering the Harem/ P in the collection of Mr. W. C. Walters, Baltimore. 23 579 MOORISH SENTINEL . The sentinel stands on the marble stairs before the entrance to a palace, Holding across his shoulders with both hands, a long, Moorish gun. He is habited in an orange-colored gown with black drapery crossing the breast and falling back of and silhouetting his figure to his bare feet. A white turban is upon his head, and behind him is a deep, rich red curtain. Moorish carvings are on the doorway at the right. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix, 1881. Signed. On canvas, 27$ H. ; 19 W. CLAUDE LORRAIN (Lorraine) (Le Lorrain), Attributed to. (Real name, Claude Gellee.) French School. Born at the Chateau de Chamagne (near Toul), 1600; died at Rome, 1682. Pupil of his brother, of Geoff roy Walls, and of Agostino Tassi. 299 A SEA-PORT . There are two large columns which support the massive architecture that juts out at the right over a clear blue sky; beyond is a ship being hauled into port, and on the quay in the foreground some fishermen are drawing a net. At the left is a tall square tower and the ancient city with ships lying at the docks which curve around the water front to a high cliff and a lighthouse on a point at the entrance to the harbor, over which is the declining sun in a golden haze casting a glint of light over the surface of the water to the immediate foreground of the picture. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1905. On canvas, 37$ H.; 47$ W. CLAYS, Paul- Jean. Belgian School . Born at Bruges, Belgium, 1819; died at Brussels, 1900. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Medals: Paris, 1867, Exposition Universelle. Legion of Honor, 1875. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Commander of the Order of Charles III, of Leopold, and of St. Michael of Bavaria. Member Royal Academy of Belgium, and of the Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp. 653 CELEBRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF THE PORT OF ANTWERP, 1863. In the middle of the river is a large white float carrying a statue of Lib- erty which holds high above its head a scroll bearing the inscription “Scheldt Vry.” The river is dotted with small boats filled with people who are taking part in the celebration of this important national event. All the ships in port are flying the national flag of Belgium in addition to their own. The cathedral tower rises high above the city of Antwerp into a sky of bright, sunlit clouds. Gift of the Artist and an Association of Gentlemen, 1881. Signed. On canvas, 48$ H.; 78 W. COCK, Cesar de. Belgian School, Bom at Ghent, Belgium, 1823, where he now resides. Medals: 1*867, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1869. Diploma of Honor, Amiens, 1868. Grand medals: International Exposition, Havre, 1868, and at Munich, 1869. 24 Diploma of Honor, International Exhibition, London, 1872. Grand Medals International Exposition, Amsterdam, 1883. Medal at Ghent, 1883. Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1883. 400 LANDSCAPE; SPRING. On the bank of a stream, which passes from the immediate foreground through the center of the picture, is a boy fishing; above, there is abundant bright green foliage, and a bit of sky. Painted to order, 1878. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed* On canvas, 33 H. ; 52 W. COFFIN, William Anderson. American School . Born at Allegheny, Penn., in 1855. Graduated at Yale College, 1874. Pupil of Bonnat, Paris, 1877-1882. Member of the Society of American Artists. Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889. Webb Prize for Landscape (awarded for “The Rain”), Society of American Artists, 1891. Second Hall- garten prize, N.A.D., 1886. 127 THE RAIN. The heavy storm clouds sweep over the water-soaked hillside and meadow lands, enveloping the whole scene in an atmosphere of rain. Gift of Several Gentlemen, 1892. Signed. On canvas, 39 H. ; 29 W. COL#, David. Belgian School. Bom at Antwerp, 1822. Genre painter. Pupil of Antwerp Academy. His pictures, mostly on a small scale, are to be found hi nearly all the Museums and private collections of Belgium. Order of Leopold, 1875. 661 A COMPULSORY EDUCATION. Lent by Mrs. W. J. Syms. On canvas, 271 H.; 21& W. COLE, Thomas. American School. Born at Bolton le Moor, England, February 1, 1801; died near Catskill, N. Y., February 11, 1848. Landscape painter. In 1819 his father emigrated to America and settled in Ohio, where Thomas first learned the rudiments of his art from a portrait painter named Stein. After studying nature under great difficulties, he went in 1825 to New York, and was first brought into notice by his “Views on the Hudson.” He made several visits to England, France, and Italy, but passed the greater portion of his professional life in New York. Exhibited at Royal Academy, London, “View in New Hamp- shire,” “Tomb of General Brock” (1830), and “View in United States” (1831). Two of his allegorical series, “The Course of Empire” (owned by the New York Historical Society) and “Voyage of Life,” were very popular. 25 125 THE VALLEY OF VAUCLUSE. On the towering cliffs over which the clouds are breaking, stands an old feudal castle. A pinnacled rock is at the left, and at its base is the pathway to the sunny foreground of broken rocks where an old sentinel pine is seem- ingly keeping guard over the rushing waters which pour down through the valley below. Gift of Mr. William E. Dodge, 1903. Signed. On canvas, 68} H.; 49 W. 197 IN THE CATSKILLS . A thickly wooded landscape showing the broad farm lands extending to the base of the distant Catskill mountain range, which rises into a qlear and cloudless sky. Gift to the Museum in memory of Jonathan Sturges by his children, 1895. Signed and dated, 1837. On canvas, 38 H. ; 62 W. 210 ROMAN AQUEDUCT. An old ruin is in the immediate foreground, and the aqueduct passes from left to right through the middle distance. The low hills and mountains over which the light clouds are breaking rise into a clear, bright and luminous sky. Purchased by the Museum from income of the Jacob S. Rogers Fund, at the Henry G. Marquand Sale, 1903. Signed and dated on the back, 1832. On canvas, 14 H. ; 22} W. 113 “TITAN’S GOBLET, 1833.” A remarkable symbolic painting by the distinguished American painter, influenced by the Norse Legend of the Tree of Life. The rugged mountains catching the departing gleams of the setting sun form the background for a gigantic cup placed on the projecting point of a rocky headland jutting into a sea, on the shore of which is seen an Eastern City, in the immediate foreground verdure-clad cliffs glowing in the setting sun, an extensive landscape spreading out to the left. The spiritual idea in the center of the painting conveying the beautiful Norse theory that Life and the World is but as a tree with ramifying branches, is carefully carried out by the painter, the stem of the goblet being a massive tree-trunk, the branches of which spread out and hold between them an ocean dotted with sails, surrounded by dense forests and plains, in which appear Greek rui ns and a modern Italian building, typical of ancient and modern civilization. The painting has been exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1842, and many later exhibitions. Gift of Mrs. S. P. Avery, 1904. Signed and dated, 1833. On canvas, 18} H. ; 16 W. COLLINS, Alfred Quinton. American School. Bom at Boston, 1862; died at Cambridge, Mass., 1903. Pupil of Bonnat at Paris. Among his best known works are the portraits of the Rev. Dr. Rainsford and Hon. John Jay. 225 A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTISTS WIFE. Bust, Iff e-size, face and figure to the front; the deep blue eyes look directly from the pale interesting face into those of the spectator; her hair is dark Urown and the dress a delicate sage green cut low at the neck. The back- ground is silvery gray and mystical. %ffc <*£ his friends, 1905. On canvas, 25} H.j 21} W. COLMAN, Samuel. American School. Bom at Portland, Maine, 1833. After 1860, studied two years at Paris and in Spain. Subsequently at Paris, Rome, and Dresden. N.A., 1862. First President of the American Society of Water Colors. 141 SPANISH PEAKS, SOUTHERN COLORADO. There is a stream of water running from the center of the picture to the right of the shadowy foreground with arid plains on either side. In the middle distance is a fort in subdued sunlight and beyond are the “Spanish Peaks” which rise into a late afternoon sky. Some cattle and horses are on the bank of the river. Gift of Mr. H. 0. Havemeyer, 1893. Signed and dated, 1887. On canvas, 30 H. ; 71| W. 542 VENICE; MOONRISE. The full moon rising out of the clouds above the city, illumines the waters of the Giudecca. The shipping, and the domes of Santa Maria della Salute, the Campanile, and the rows of palaces with their glitter of lights are veiled in the mystery of night. In the distance at the right is San Giorgio Maggiore and the entrance to the Grand Canal. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1888. On canvas, 24 H.j 30 W. COLUS, Alphonse. 649 THE ENTOMBMENT. Gift of Mr. L. A. Lanthier, 1884. On canvas, 42 H.J 75 W. COMTE, Pierre Charles. French School. Born at Lyons, 1823; died 1895. Genre and history painter; pupil of Paul Delaroche, Horace Vernet, and Robert Fleury. Medals: third class, 1852; second class, 1853, 1855, and 1857. and third class, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1857. 376 LADY AT HER TOILET, XVI CENTURY. From the John Wolfe Collection, 1882. She is seated with her back to the spectator, before a table which is cov- ered with a green cloth with a wide border. Upon the table are a casket of jewels and a mirror which reflects the face of the lady as she raises her hands to arrange a string of pearls in her light-brown hair. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On wood, 16 H.j 12 W. CONINCK, Pierre Louis Joseph de. French School. Born at Meteren (Nord), France, 1828. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals: 1866, ’68, ’73, ’89 ( Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1889. Medals: Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; and at International Exposition of Vienna, Amsterdam, and at Moscow. 430 ITALIAN CHILDREN AT A FOUNTAIN. Two Italian children are standing by an old well. One of them is spin- ning a thread from a distaff which she holds under her arm. The other leans over the curb and looks smilingly out of the picture. A water jug stands on the ground by their side The figures are life-size. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order. Signed. On canvas, 60 H.J 42 W. 27 CONSTABLE, John, R.A. English School. Born at East Bergholt, June 11th, 1776; died suddenly, at London, 1837. His style was very broad and powerful, and his landscapes are possessed of a noble quality which reveals the beauty of English cultivated scenery in the most charming manner, and his landscapes, in which mills, weirs, and dykes are prominent features, often glisten with the early morning dew, or, wet with rain, sparkle in the sunlight bursting through the storm clouds in the sky. He was both vigorous and realistic; strong in his originality, yet refined and cultivated in his mind. His pictures possess a quality which fill a place unoccupied by any other English landscape painter, and they have done much to form the style of the modern French landscape school. 252 A LOCK ON THE STOUR. An old timber lock, through which a boat is passing from the. higher to the lower level, occupies the middle foreground of the picture. In the bow of the boat one man is tugging at a rope, and two other men are engaged opening the gate of the lock; on the left the country is flat, bounded by low hills which encircle the church the square tower of which marks the place where the village stands. Cumulus clouds fill the sky, and a group of old oaks with their massive foliage shadow the canal which passes underneath their branches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1824, and sold on the first day of the exhibition for £157 10s. It is engraved in Constable’s Works, also on wood in Brock-Arnold, Life of Constable, p. 78. This picture was in the possession of Lucas, who engraved the 22 prints in Various Subjects of Landscapes . . . by John Constable, London, in 1833, and was purchased from Alfred Lucas, brother of the engraver. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On canvas, 51 H.J 464 W. 254 THE VALLEY FARM . Copy of the picture in the National Gallery , London. Situated on the bank of the Stour, and known as “ Willy Lott’s House.” The house occupies the center of the picture and is illumined only by a glint of light which penetrates the group of heavy, dark, oak trees which overshadow the whole place. Some cows have wandered down into the stream, and two boats are there containing figures. At the left are some rocks and heavy timbers with brush, which border the stream and lead on to a hill in the middle distance. The sky is filled with silvery-gray clouds. “Flatford Mill,” the property of the painter’s father in East Bergholt, Suffolk, was near this place. Constable painted this subject several times. The one in the National Gallery in London was in the Vernon collection, and was engraved by J. C. Bentley. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On canvas, 534 H. j 451 W. 288 BRIDGE ON THE STOUR. An arched stone bridge with three smaller arches at the right crosses the tenter of the picture. Small trees rise above and at the right in the immediate foreground is a steep bank topped with trees of larger growth. The placid water clearly reflects the objects above, and the sky is filled with silvery-gray clouds. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1897. On canvas, 21 H. ; 324 W. 321 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE GERRARD, A.R.A. On canvas, 27 J H. 2 224^1. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. 28 COROT, Jean Baptiste Camille. Barbizon School. Born at Paris, 1796; died there, 1875; pupil of Michallun and Victor Bertin. Visited Italy in 1826, and on his return from this first tour he brought those admirable studies which established him as one of the pathfinders in the development of the modern French School of landscape art. Corot was gifted with a highly poetical temperament, and rendered in the most charming and alluring manner the serene aspects of nature, with an intelligence replete with appreciation, and knowledge of the most beautiful truths. Medals: second class, 1833; first class, 1848 and 1855; second class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 483 VILLE D'AVRA Y, NEAR PARIS. Is seen through the shimmering silvery gray foliage which borders the banks of the river. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 20 H.j 31 W. COSIMO, Piero di. Florentine School. Real name, Piero di Lorenzo, called COSIMO from his master , COSIMO ROSSELLI. Born at Florence, 1462; died there, 1521 (?). Pupil of Cosimo Rosselli, but was influenced by the work of Filippino Lippi and afterwards by the Milanese School. He accompanied Rosselli to Rome when the latter went, about 1480, to decorate the new Chapel of the Vatican for Sixtus IV. Cosimo was the master of Andrea del Sarto. 93 RETURNING FROM THE CHASE. Clouds of smoke rise from the distant hills into a bright, luminous sky above; beneath is a lake or bay, upon the border of which in the immediate foreground are boats laden with game. Men and women with skins about their loins are disembarking on the shore where prominently at the right is a centaur with a nude female sitting on his back. Upon the branch of an old tree trunk above, a man waves his hand in welcome to those below, where a woman is springing from the bow of a boat, and two others are holding a live ape between them. A faun is carrying a deer ashore upon his back and a man at the left is in the act of swinging a boar from his back to the ground. In the middle distance at the left, the woods are on fire and the hunters are busy with their prey. Gift of Mr. Robert Gordon. On panel, 28 H. ; 66 W. 92 HUNTING SCENE. A thickly wooded landscape with tall tree trunks in the foreground and an opening over the fields on either side to the hill and sky beyond. The fore- ground is crowded with fauns, satyrs, men and centaurs, with huge knotted clubs, who are slaying the animals which have been driven from the thick woods by fire. The fight is fierce to the death and extends to all parts of the picture: at the right lies the dead body of a man with his club beside him, and near by an animal has sprung from a tree and fastened his teeth in the neck of a centaur; prominently at the left, two men attack a lion who is biting a boar, and another holds a struggling bear in his arms; other animals flee up the hill only to meet the slayers there. Gift of Mr. Robert Gordon. 29 On panel, 28 H.$ 66 W. COT, Pierre Auguste. French School. Bom at Bedarieux (Herault), 1837; died, 1883. Pupil, in Paris, 01 Cabanel, L6on Cogniet, and Bouguereau. Medals: 1870; second class, 1872; Legion of Honor, 1874. 476 THE STORM. A youth, with a horn at his side, whose loins are girt about with the skin of a beast, and a maiden enveloped in white diaphanous drapery are fleeing down a shadowy glen before the coming storm. They hold ballooned above their heads a piece of yellow drapery. Painted to order. Salon, 1880. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1880. On canvas, 90 H. ; 60 W. COTMAN, John Sell. English School. Born at Norwich, June 11, 1782; died at London, July 28, 1842. Land- scape and marine painter. Drawing master of King’s College School, 1834. His water colors were considered more successful than his oils. 297 COAST SCENE. A fishing boat is hauled up on a wet beach; two seagulls are flying over the water; the sky is filled with cool gray clouds. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1896. Si * ned - On panel, 13* H. ; 17* W. 3 1 2 ENGLISH VILLAGE. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. On canvas, 15* H.; 19* W. COURBET, Gustave. French School. Born at Ornans (Doubs), 1819; died at La Tour-de-Peilz, near Vevay, 1877. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter. Sent to school at Besan§on, and then to study law at Paris in 1839. Studied chiefly with David d’ Angers. Began a!t an early age to paint caricatures, especially of priests; but did not treat landscapes until 1841, at Fontainebleau. He exhibited in 1844, though it was not until 1849 that he first attracted attention. Charged with being the chief instigator of the overthrow of the Colonne Vendome, May 16, 1871, he was sentenced to six month’s imprisonment, and to bear the cost of its restoration. It is claimed by his friends that he was innocent of the charge. After his release he retired to Switzerland. 696 COAST SCENE. A desolate part of a coast where a fishing boat with bedraggled sails lies high up on the beach among the scattered boulders. The unquiet sea rolls to the shore beneath a clearing sky with a mellow sunlight breaking through the clouds above. Gift of Mrs. Mary Goldenberg, 1899. Signed. On canvas, 25 H. ; 31 W. COUTURE, Thomas. French School. Born at Senlis (Oise), 1815; died at Villiers-le-Bel (Seine-et-Oise) , 1879. Histuvy and genre painter; pupil of Gros, and of Paul Delaroche. Won the 30 Grand Prix in 1837. In 1847 Gouture became celebrated by his “Romans of the Decadence” (Louvre), a picture which, in the united qualities of concep- tion, composition, drawing, and color, has few, if any, rivals in modern art. Medals, 1844, ’47, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1848. 359 DAY DREAMS. Sitting, full length, leaning back in a chair richly upholstered with tapes- try, is a graceful youth dressed in black velvet; a small white collar is at the neck and white cuffs are at the wrists. His ideal head leans against the back of the chair as he watches with a dreamy expression two soap bubbles which float in the air before him. Relaxation from study is expressed in every line of the figure and the hands which lie listlessly by his side, one of which is resting upon the seat of the chair, the other holding the straw with which the bubbles were blown. On a table before him are a spinning top, a glass of froth, a bunch of school books, and a mirror, and above the youth’s head, on the wall, is a wreath of laurel. The background is warm gray. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. About 1855. Signed, T. C. On canvas, 50b H. ; 37b W. C0YPEL, Noel Nicolas. French School. Born, 1692; died, 1734. 513 VENUS WITH SEA NYMPHS AND AMOURS. Aphrodite raised from the sea by sea gods and nymphs sits upon a huge sea shell beneath a drapery canopy. She is surrounded by sea gods, nymphs and dolphins who sport in the water of the sea. Above are cupids bearing flowers and zephyrs receiving two white doves which have been brought by Love in a golden chariot. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth W. Chapman, 1903. On canvas, 31£ H.; 25 W. CRANACH, Lucas (the Younger), (family name Sunder) (Muller ?), attributed to. German School. Born at Wittenberg, 1515; died there, 1586. Pupil of his father, Lucas the Elder, whom he succeeded in his studio at Wittenberg and as Burgomaster. He formed his style after his father and Albrecht Dtirer. In the principal church of Wittenberg there are several of his works, and they are also in the Galleries at Munich, Dresden, etc. 67 MADONNA AND CHILD. The Madonna, seated, is nursing the nude Infant, whom she holds to her right breast, the left hand being raised and pressed against it. She wears a black waist and a red mantle which covers her shoulders. Two cherubs are above, one at each side, holding suspended a piece of black drapery with an embroidered border. Gift of Mr. Louis Ehrich, 1895- On canvas, 19 H. ; 14 W. CRAYER (Craeyer), Gaspard de. Flemish School . Born at Antwerp, 1584; died at Ghent, 1669. Pupil of Raphael Van Coxcyen, in Brussels, a contemporary of Rubens, who, it is said, admired his works. He was also the friend of Van Dyck, who painted his portrait. Crayer’s pictures were mostly of biblical subjects. His color was subdued, but truthful; he had a free, masterly touch, and his feeling for beauty sometimes 31 borders on the ideal. “ The Coronation of St. Rosalie by the Infant Christ/’ in the Museum at Ghent, is one of his finest works; this picture was carried away by the French, but returned. The “Martyrdom of St. Blasius, ,, in the same museum, was his last work, executed when he was over eighty years old. In the Munich Gallery there is an immense enthroned Madonna with Angels, surrounded by Saints; the lower figures are portraits of himself, his brother, sister, and nephew. Works of his are also in the Louvre, Brussels Gallery, etc. 6 © ALEXANDER AND DIOGENES. Alexander clad in armor, with a richly embroidered red mantle knotted and falling over the right shoulder into the hands of a page, is standing before Diogenes with his right hand extended and resting upon his' unsheathed sword. Soldiers clad in armor and holding spears surround the tub in which Diogenes is seated. At the right of the picture an equerry, with a dog at his feet, is holding a dapple-gray horse from which the King has dismounted. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 874 H.; 127 W. CRISTUS, Petrus (Pieter Christophesen). Flemish School. Born at Baerle near Deynze, Belgium, about 1400; died at Bruges, 1473. Probably pupil of Jan Van Eyck, whose style he imitated. Bought freedom of Bruges, July 6, 1444, registered in guild of St. Luke in 1450, and 1469 was one of the notables. In March, 1472, he officiated as umpire for the guild in a dispute with Pierre Constain, the ducal painter. 275 THE DEPOSITION FROM THE CROSS. Composition of six figures. The body of our Saviour extended on a shroud or winding-sheet, held at the end by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arima- thea, occupies the foreground. In the center the fainting Virgin is upheld by St. John, on the left. Mary Magdalen is seen advancing towards them. Gift of Mb. Henry G. Marqtjand, 1890. On panel, 13f H. ; 9| W. CROME, John (called Old Crome). English School. Born at Norwich, 1769; died there, 1821. He began life as a doctor’s boy, and afterwards was apprenticed to a coach-painter. He took to land- scape-painting without having had any professional training, and settled at Norwich, where in 1805 he founded the Norwich Society of Artists. He was never in London except on hasty visits, spending his entire life in his native town. He had a son and a brother, both artists. 251 HA UTBOIS COMMON. In the center of the picture is a group of trees with a winding roadway beneath, reaching from the immediate foreground to the middle distance where there are cottages and farm lands in a bright sunlight. On the common at the left cattle are grazing, and a team of horses drawing a loaded cart are on the road beneath the trees; near by are two asses standing in the shade. The sky is filled with cumulus clouds brilliantly illumined above the tops or the trees. From the Sherington, Ellison, and Albert Levy collections. Exhibited at the Inter- national Exhibition, London, 1862, by Mrs. Ellison. Purchased from M. Sedelmeyer, in 1888. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marqtjand, 1888. On panel, 214 H. ; 34 W. 311 THE LANDING. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. 32 On canvas, 23 H.; 19 W. CROPSEY, Jasper Francis. American School. Bom at Rossville, N. Y., 1823; died, 1900. Pupil of Edward Maury. Visited England, France, Switzerland, and Italy, in 1847. Went abroad again in 1855, and spent seven years in London. Elected N.A. in 1851. 631 LANDSCAPE. An open landscape with a lake and broad farm lands, and wooded hills at the left. The sun is setting in a clear blue sky with a few flickering sunlit clouds above. Bequeathed by Mrs. Sarah Ann Ludlttm, 1877. Signed and dated, 1853. On canvas, 32 % H. ; 47i W. CUYP, Aelbert. Dutch School. Born at Dortrecht, 1620; died there, 1691. This highly gifted painter was from early infancy associated with, and attracted by,, the beauties of graphic imitation. His father, Jacob Gerritz Cuyp, an artist of no inconsid- erable talent both in portraiture and landscape, was one of the founders of the Academy of Painting at Dort, and it was from him that Aelbert received his first instructions, and in his early works may be traced the style of his father. England appreciated and purchased his works long before his own country- men recognized his ability. 260 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. In the immediate foreground, beneath a glowing sunset sky, a large group of cattle is watched over by a cowherd and his dog, both stretched out upon the meadow grass near by. At the right, and beyond, a man is leading a horse, and a soldier stands watching some fishermen drag their net upon the bank of the stream on which are two boats, one with the sail spread. Upon the opposite bank are two mansions. At the left of the spectator the river fades away and there are vapory indications of a distant town near the horizon. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1890. On panel, 31 H.; 41i W. 307 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. Described in the Supplement to Smith’s Catalogue Raisonne, page 665 t as follows : “A woman milking. A landscape composed on the left of a hilly country, adorned with a few light trees, and bounded in the opposite side by a stream, on the margin of which lies an old eel basket among bulrushes and other aquatic weeds; a stork and some ducks are here seen in their element. Three cows are in the meadow, one of which a woman in a red dress is milking; and another is lying down. A dog is crouched near a brass can on the foreground. At some distance off are four cows slaking their thirst in the stream.” 33 Signed. Formerly in the collection of R. R. Renaigle, Esq., afterwards in the possession of Rickets, Esq., Bristol. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. Sifened. On canvas, 43 H. ; 70 W, DANA, William P. W. American School . Born at Boston, 1833. He was a student at the ficole des Beaux- Arts at Paris, a pupil of Picot and of Le Poitevin. Elected N.A.D. 1863. 551 HEARTSEASE. An invalid child with a bouquet of heartsease in her hands is lying in bed beneath a blue canopy. On the bed and on the table are flowers in profusion. Gift of Mr. S. Howland Russell, 1891. On canvas, 37 H.; 47 W. DANNAT, William T, French School. Born at New York, 1853. Resides in Paris. Educated at the Royal Academy, Munich, and at Paris. Pupil of Munkacsy. Medal Salon, 1883. Hors Concours, Exposition Universelle, 1889. Member International Jury. Legion of Honor, 1889; Officer, 1897; Commander, 1901; Commander of the Portuguese Order of the Immaculate Conception ; Grand Officer of The Order of the Crown of Italy, 1907; President of the Paris Society of American Painters. His “A Woman in Red ” and “Aragonese Smuggler ” are in the Musee National du Luxembourg. 656 A QUARTETTE. Three of the four strolling musicians are seated on a wooden bench in a bare room with an entrance door at the left, and at the right a window screened with a rickety old green blind through which the sunlight breaks in streaks across the broken slats. At the left of the group is a burly Spaniard sitting squarely to the front with his large mouth wide open, singing. His face except for a glint of light on his temple is in deep shadow. He wears a white coat trimmed with black cloth and gold buttons, a sash and breeches of dark blue, a dark ’kerchief is bound closely about his head, and sandals are on his feet. At his left, the center of the group, is a young woman playing the castanets. Her face and figure are to the front in deep shadow; she wears a black dress relieved by two bright red bows; her bare shoulders are visible through a heavy, coarse knit shoulder cape; and a high shell comb rises above her coal-black hair. Sitting by her side with his back to the spectator is a man leaning over to the right, smoking a cigarette and playing upon a guitar. Behind this group is another man who stands leaning against the wall by the window with his head thrown back and his face animated by the song he sings and the mandolin he plays. Gift of Mrs. Wm. H. Dannat, 1886. Signed and dated, 1884. On canvas, 92f H. ; 90£ W. 126 PORTRAIT OF THEODORE CHILD. Bust, life-size. In profile. Gift of Mrs. Theodore Haviland, 1893. On canvas, 18$ H. ; 15 W. DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois. Barbizon School. Born at Paris, 1817; died there, 1878. Son and pupil of the distinguished miniature painter of the French Restoration, Edme Francois Daubigny, 1789- 1843. He visited Italy, and returning in 1836, studied under Paul Delaroche. Daubigny was, with Rousseau, Corot, and Jules Dupre, a lover of the banks of the Oise. On a boat arranged with all necessary equipments for a house and 34 studio combined, he made long excursions on the Oise and Seine. A dweller in the open air, he rendered with all the freshness of springtime, the tender accuracy of color, which contact with nature alone made possible, and brought to landscape painting an unusual grace. Medals: 1848, ’53, ’55, ’57, ’59, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 387 ON THE RIVER OISE; EVENING. Near the shadowy bank of a river where the pond lilies grow are two women in a boat; other figures are on the bank of the stream beyond; the deep green trees bordering the river are relieved against a sunset sky. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order. Signed and dated, 1874. On wood, 15 H.; 27 W. 4 1 6 BOA TS ON SHORE. Fishing boats line the sandy shore of a stream that leads out to the sea. A few huts are seen at the horizon. The sky is dull and heavy. Purchased from the income of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Endowment Fund for her collection at the Mrs. S. D. Warren Sale, 1903. Signed and dated, 1871. On panel, 13 H.; 22£ W. 463 ON THE SEINE ; MORNING. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order, 1871. Signed and dated, 1871. On wood, 16 H.; 27 W. DAVIS, Charles H. American School. Born at Amesbury, Mass., 1858. Studied at Boston and Paris. Studio in Paris. 536 EVENING. A tall leafless oak stands at the right, and the evening star glimmers in a cloudless sky above the broad meadowland over which the misty haze of early evening gathers. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 38 H.; 57 W. DAWANT, Albert Pierre. French School. Born at Paris about 1860 (?); contemporary. Pupil of J. P. Laurens. Medals: third class, 1880; second class, 1885, Paris; 'first class, 1888, Uni- versal Exposition, Barcelona. Gold Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Medal of Honor, Exposition, Budapest, 1889. Chevalier, Legion of Honor. Important works by this artist are in the museums of Rochefort, Havre, Toulouse, Amiens, Nantes, etc., and in the Luxembourg, Paris. 664 A DEPARTURE OF EMIGRANTS FROM HAVRE. A steamship lies at the wharf where are gathered a multitude of emi- ? rants, mostly of German origin, who are about to embark for a foreign land, n the foreground at the right, among the crowd and yet a little apart, is a family group. The mother is nursing her infant, while an older child, fast asleep, leans heavily against her shoulder. The father is stretched out at full length, with his head resting upon his left hand; and a cloud of blue smoke curls upward from a pipe which he is smoking. His son sits idly by, gazing at his mother and the infant. An older sister with very blond hair stands by, holding a child in her arms. In the center of the picture is an old 35 Ionian with a large bundle; her right hand is extended to receive from a girl who sits at her side a piece of bread, which has been taken from a basket. Behind these stand three men in conversation, one of whom with an Alsatian air is smoking a large German pipe. Sitting at the left is a man, tired and listless, with a hat in his right hand, and by him is a young German girl in a tall hat, who holds with both hands a large black bag. Beyond are a mass* of people huddled together, and the steamer, broadside on, with its gang- planks out, receiving both human freight and baggage. The picture is gray, colorless, and depressing both in subject and treatment. Gift of Mr. Thomas Achelis, 1897. Signed and dated, 1887. On canvas, 118 H.; 161 W. DECAMPS, Alexandre Gabriel. French School. Born at Paris, 1803; died at Fontainebleau, 1860. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, David, and Ingres. He freed himself from the classical style of his masters, and early placed himself with Delacroix, as a .leader of the modern romantic French school. In 1827 he visited Greece, Constantinople, and Asia Minor, and conceived a lasting predilection for Oriental subjects, which he treated with consummate skill and power. 433 THE NIGHT PATROL AT SMYRNA. The captain of the Patrol, mounted on a richly caparisoned white horse, is in the center of a group of native soldiers who are running through the streets of Smyrna. An ornate Moorish balcony is above and down a narrow street at the left is an arch through which the blue sky is visible. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the collection of Mr. John Taylor Johnston, 1876. Signed. On canvas, 29 H. ; 36 W, DEFRANCE, Leonard. Belgian School. Born at Liege, 1735; died, 1805. A painter of historical pieces, land- scapes, game, fruit, flowers, and architecture. He was the first professor of design to the Academy at Liege. Partitioned off midway of the picture are two smiths, one blowing the bel- lows, the other at the anvil; at the left of the spectator three others are stand- ing at full-length, illuminated by the light from the forge; one is fondling a babe held in its mother’s arms. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. Signed. On canvas, 12 H.; 16 W. DEFAUX, Alexandre. French School. Born at Bercy, 1826. Medals in 1874, *75. 528 Lent by the Misses Hall. APPLE BLOSSOMS. On canvas, 25£ Hj 17£ W. 16 THE FORGE. 36 DEFREGGER, Franz von. Austrian School. Born at Stronach, Tyrol (Austria), 1835. Pupil of Munich Academy under Piloty, 1860. Gold Medals: Munich, Vienna, Berlin, Paris. Professor of Munich Academy. Orders of St. Michael; of Francis Joseph; of Isabella the Catholic. Honorary Member of the Berlin, Vienna, and Amsterdam Academ- ies. Ennobled in 1880. 366 GERMAN PEASANT GIRL. She has dark hair and eyes and her dress is that of a German peasant. Bust, life-size. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased from the artist, 1880. Signed. On wood, 21 H. ; 16 W. DELACROIX, Ferdinand Victor Eugene. French School. Born at Charenton St. Maurice, near Paris, 1798; died at Paris, 1863. Pupil of Guerin. Exhibited in 1822 his “Dante and Virgil,” which won him reputation, and he might have received high academic honors if he had not diverged from the prevalent classicism of the school of David and joined the romantic school, of which he became one of the leaders. He traveled in Spain and North Africa in 1831, and between that and 1855 executed important public commissions, decorating the Chamber of Deputies, the Library of the Luxembourg, the Church of St. Sulpice, and galleries in the Louvre and the Hotel de Ville. Legion of Honor, 1831; Officer, 1846; Commander, 1855; Member of the Institute, 1857. 382 L’ ENLEVEMENT DE REBECCA. Rebecca, a character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel “Ivanhoe,” was the daughter of Isaac of York. She secretly loves Ivanhoe whom she cures of a wound, and repulses at the peril of her life the criminal love of De Bois Guil- bert, on account of whose infatuation she is condemned as a witch, but is saved by the sudden death of her accuser. In the foreground, Bois Guilbert, mounted on a restless dapple gray horse, has turned in the saddle and is reach- ing out to receive the limp form of the swooning maiden from the hands of a knight, who has borne her in his arms from the burning Chateau Front de Boeuf, which is in flames on the crest of a hill. A cavalier at full gallop, fol- lowed by others, is about to arrive from the scene of the abduction. CEuvre de Delacroix par A. Robaut, page 255, No. 974. CEuvre de Delacroix par A. Moreau, pages 181, 245. 1846, Salon; 1852, Collot Sale; 1856, M. T , Brussels; 1870, Edwards Sale; 1874, Exposition, Alsace-Lorraine; 1883, Sabatier Sale; 1888, Goldschmidt Sale: 1903, Lyall Sale. Purchased by the Museum from M. Knoedler & Co., 1903. from the income of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Endowment Fund for her collectioa. Engraved by Hedouin for the Artist, 7& x 5f-. Engraved by Ramus for Catalogue Sabat ier, 5f x 4|. Photographed by Braun. Signed and dated, 1846. On canvas, 46 H.; 314 W. DELORT, Charles Edouard. French School. Bom at Nimes, 1814. Died, 1894. Genre painter, pupil of Gleyre and of Gerome. Medals: third class, 1875; second class, 1882, 37 356 THE CASQUE. A man dressed in the costume of the fifteenth century and holding a steel casque contemplatively in his hands, is standing by a table against which leans two heavy swords and a crossbow. On the floor at his feet are a breastplate and other pieces of armor. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris, 1872. Signed and dated, 1872. On canvas, 20 H.] 14 W. DEMONT, Adrien Louis. French School. Born at Douai (Nord), France, 1851. Studied at “Vj&cole de Droit,” but in 1874 abandoned the law for the fine arts. First exhibited at the “Exposi- tion des Amis des Arts,” of Douai, of which society he is now president. Re- ceived valuable advice of Emile Breton. Went to Paris in 1875, where he studied with Joseph Blanc. In 1880 married the daughter of Jules Breton, niece of his instructor, Emile Breton. Medals: third class, 1879; second class, 1882, Hors Concurs; gold medal, first class, 1889, Exposition Universelle, Paris; gold medals, Munich, 1890, Exposition Universelle, and Antwerp, 1894. Member of the Society of French Artists, 1890. Legion of Honor, 1891. Chevalier, Order of St. Michael, of Bavaria, 1892. Officer of Order of San Iago, of Portugal, 1893, and of Nichan Iftikhar, 1895. 593 THE OLD MAN'S GARDEN. In the rear of a long row of cottages, the red tiled roofs of which are dimly seen through the dark green trees and thick shrubbery, is a garden overgrown with flowering plants. A cluster of bright red poppies is in the foreground, and by a clearing at the left are three hives of bees which an old man is showing to a little girl. The sky is filled with vaporous clouds. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. From the Salon of 1884. Signed and dated, 1884. On canvas, 45 H. ; 59 W. DESGOFFE, Blaise Alexandre. French School. Born at Paris, 1830. Pupil of Flandrian and Bouguereau. Medals: 1861, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1878. A most skillful imitator of objects of art. He considers himself the never-tiring pupil, by observation, of the old Dutch and Flemish Masters, and by dint of perseverance has fathomed some of the secrets of their technique. 459 OBJECTS OF ART: VASE IN ROCK CRYSTAL, XVI CENTURY; AGATES AND ENAMELS, PONIARD OF PHILIPPE II, COLLARETTE OF LOUIS XIII, ETC., ETC. Salon, 1874. (The original objects are in the collection at the Louvre, and were selected for the artist by Miss Wolfe.) 1874. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 28 H. ; 36 W. 556 OBJECTS OF ART. Gift of Frau Rittmeister Koehler, nee Margaret Conover Schaus, 1887. Signed and dated, 1880. On canvas, 34 H.*, 25$ W. 690 OBJECTS OF ART. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed. On canvas, 38$ H. ; 31$ W- 38 DETAILLE, Jean Baptiste Edouard. French School. Paris. Born at Paris, 1848. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Exhibited at Salon, in 1868, his “ Halt of Infantry,” which received much praise, and in 1869 the “Rest During the Drill at Camp St. Maur,” which won for him a medal, and which established his reputation , as one of the most popular mili- tary painters of the day. Member of the Institute, 1892. He served upon the Staff in the Tunisian Campaign, 1881. Visited and painted in England and Austria, and in Russia he executed many important works for the personal collection of the Czar. President of the Society of French Artists, 1895 (( Champs Ely sees). Medals, Paris, 1869, ’70, ’72. Medal of Honor, 1888. Legion of Honor, 1873: Officer, 1881; Commander, 1897. Grand Medal of Honor, 1897. Grand Cordon of the Order of St. Stanislas of Russia, 1897; Military Medal of England (Queen’s Jubilee), 1897; Colonial Medal (Tunisian Expedition). 389 SKIRMISH BETWEEN COSSACKS AND THE IMPE- RIAL BODY-GUARD, 1814. Tearing down a muddy roadway through a wood of leafless trees are a squad of brigandish looking Cossacks, pursued and overtaken by Napoleon’s Imperial Guard, who rush upon them with overwhelming force, cutting right and left with their curved swords. The leader of the Cossack band, mounted on a light horse loaded with plunder, turns in his saddle with a ready pistol raised to shoot. Others are scattering through the woods, and at the left, one has clutched a soldier to drag him off his horse. The long spears of the Cos- sacks in a conflict like this are of little use and there is safety only in flight. Salon, 1870. Purchased from the collection of the late Edward Matthews, Esq. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1870. On canvas, 39 H. ; 32 W. 428 FRENCH CUIRASSIER. Mounted on a heavy, dark bay horse the cuirassier fully equipped stands at rest. A troop of cuirassiers is in the background. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1872. Water Color, 13 Hq 10 W. 562 THE DEFENSE OF CHAMPIGNY. Paris, May 29, 1897. Mr. Henry Hilton. My Dear Sir : I have learned with great pleasure that you have become the purchaser of my painting, exhibited this year in our Art Salon, and I am happy that it finds a place in your gallery, which enjoys a very great reputation in France. I know that I shall be “in good company” with you, and it is so much the more gratifying to me, as I consider this last painting the most im- portant work I have ever produced. The episode which I have chosen gives scope for a great development of subject. It is the moment when the division of General Faron (now inspector of Marne), after having taken Champigny, situated above the Marne, fortified itself in the village and defended, foot by foot, the house and enclosures against the return attack of the Saxony and Wurtemberg divisions, in the battle of 2d December, 1870. The chateau which I have shown is one of those which are found at the fork of the two roads at Chennevieres — a place well known to those Parisians who took part in the scenes of the siege of Paris. The officer 39 shown in the center of the picture is General Faron, who was appointed Gen- eral of Division on the field of battle. The foot soldiers belong to the 113th Regiment of the Line, who lost a great number in the three days of fight. The Sappers, who are making the embrasures in the wall to allow the sharpshooters to fire under protection, and are barricading the opening with all kinds of material; the artillerists, who are placing the battery guns in position; all like- wise were under the orders of General Faron, who at this time commanded the right wing of the French army. I have endeavored to portray, in the most exact manner possible, the vari- ous scenes of which I was a witness, having been myself a soldier in the “Garde Mobile” during the siege of Paris; and in painting this work I have had the advantage of being able to reproduce some souvenirs absolutely per- sonal. I attach, therefore, much importance to this painting, and am specially desirous — outside of the Paris Exhibition — for permission to exhibit it in Ger- many, where I have been very particularly solicited to show my military works. I particularly desire to be represented at this international gathering, and I have selected naturally this my most important work. It is the first time since the war of 1870 that French art has been exhibited in Germany, and the presence of military paintings recalling souvenirs of the late war will add a peculiar piquancy. I have always been very sensible of the favors shown me in America, and I am happy to be able to testify this to you especially. Receive, sir, the expression of my distinguished regards, etc. Edouard detaille. Gift of Judge Henry Hilton, 1887. Signed and dated, 1879. On canvas, 48 H. ; 85 W. DEVEDEUX, Louis. French School. Born at Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, 1820; died at Paris, 1875. Pupil of Delaroche and Decamps. 479 THE PRIDE OF THE HAREM. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased from the artist. Signed. On canvas, 30 H.J 26 W. DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso Virgilio. Barbizon School. Born at Bordeaux, of Spanish parents, 1809; died at Mentone, 1860. Diaz was one of those who gave celebrity to the village of Barbizon, in the forest of Fontainebleau. Anything served him as a pretext for bringing to light his marvelous aptitude as a colorist. He rendered with equal facility the enchant- ments of the landscape flooded with sunshine, and the deep forest in luminous twilight, or nymphs with flesh of exquisite tone; and dazzled the eye with all the seductions of a grand colorist. Medals: third class, 1844; second class, 1846; first class, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. 375 THE HOLY FAMILY The Virgin clad in a pink dress with a dark blue mantle crossing her figure is seated with the Infant and St. John on either side. Her left hand is resting on the shoulder of the Child who is leaning upon her lap. A woody landscape forms the background. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the collection of the late Baron Strousberg, Berlin, 1873. Signed and dated, 1850. On wood, 12 H.; 9 W. 40 422 LANDSCAPE. A roadway passes through an open field with trees in the middle distance and low hills beyond. The sky is filled with cool gray, moving, clouds. 4* Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris. Signed. On wood, 91 H.; 13| W. 464 STUDY OF TREES . Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris. Signed. On wood, 14 H.; 10 W 48 1 EDGE OF A FOREST. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris. Signed. On wood, 9 H. ; 11 W. 487 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEA U. There is a deep, rich. brown wood with light tree trunks at the right. In the foreground are pools of water and an opening to a denser forest, and above is a patch of blue sky. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1872. On panel, 16$ H. ; 13$ W. DIETRICH, Christian Wilhelm Ernst. German School. Born at Weimar, 1712; died at Dresden, 1774. Pupil of his father and Alexander Thiele, and succeeded well in copying the works of Rembrandt, Everdingen, Ostade, Poelemberg, Heinrich Roos and Salvator Rosa. He had no originality, and his color and execution were subject to much criti- cism, yet he had great popularity, and his works are numerous. The Dresden Gallery has fifty-one, and all the German Galleries have specimens of his works. In the National Gallery the “Wandering Musicians” is an unusually good work of this artist. 604 SURPRISED. Two lovers secreted with a Love at their side, in the shade of some large trees in the garden of a chateau, have been surprised by a party of ladies and gentlemen who have been led to the scene by Cupid who bears a flaming torch in his right hand. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 28 H. ; 28 W DOMINGO, Francois (Don Francisco Domingo y Marques.) Spanish School. Born at Valencia, Spain, 1843. Pupil of the Royal Academies of San Carlos, of Valencia, and of San Fernando, of Madrid. Prize of Rome, 1867. Received a first-class medal at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Madrid. 1871. Was appointed Professor in the Academy of Valencia; made Com- mander of the Order of Don Carlos III, 1876; and received the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1883. Commander of the Golden Crown of Bavaria. The municipality of Valencia named a street after him in 1887. Member of the Royal Academy of Antwerp, 1888. Has resided for several years in Paris. 41 454 INTERIOR WITH FIGURES. The light from a casement window at the left center falls full upon a group of soldiers who surround a small table and are playing at cards. One man with a pitcher in his hand stands leaning over watching the game, and another who is standing behind the table is smoking a long clay pipe. Behind this group is a large chimney-piece and in the shadow beyond at the end of the room is a balcony beneath which there is another table where other soldiers are intent upon the game. A wine cask and other objects are in the foreground at the left; and a sleeping dog, a drum, and a broken pitcher are on the floor at the right. Painted to order. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887, On wood, 6 H.; 8 W. DORE, Gustave Paul. French School. Original name Dorrer, but changed by him to French form. Born at Strasburg, 1833; died at Paris, 1883. Illustrated periodicals when fifteen years of age. Exhibited in Salon, 1848, pen and ink landscape drawings, and in 1855 his first oil picture, “Battle of the Alma,” which was followed in 1857 by the “Battle of Inkerman.” The great wealth of his imagination, and wonderful facility of execution, led him into exaggerations which deprived him of fame as an historical painter. 349 THE RETREAT FROM MOSCOW. Napoleon’s army is in full retreat over a frozen waste. In the foreground a wagon-load of soldiers are being ridden down by a squadron of Russian cavalry who mercilessly slay both man and horse. Dead horses and an over- turned army wagon are at the left, and a group of Russian soldiers appear in the middle distance. A cold, leaden sky overhangs the scene, and vultures flock in swarms above the field. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the John Taylor Johnston collection, 1876. Signed and dated, 1865. Water Color, 28 H.J 38 W. DOUGHTY, Thomas. American School. Born at Philadelphia, 1793; died, 1856. Spent his youth in mercantile pursuits, painting in his leisure moments. He finally adopted art as a profes- sion about 1820, painting at London, Paris, and in the United States. 1 82 ON THE H UDSON. A brown, woody foreground with the Hudson River in the middle distance, and the hills of West Point beyond. The sky is filled with bright silvery clouds. Gift of Mr. S. P. Avery, 1894. Signed. On canvas, 13 H.J 18 W. 215 A RIVER GLIMPSE. A woody landscape with a glimpse of the river in the middle distance. Gift of Mr. S. P. Avery, 1895. Signed. On canvas, 29| H.j 24i W. 42 DROUAIS, Francois Hubert. French School. Born at Paris, 1727; died there, 1775. Portrait painter. Son and pupil of Hubert Drouais: continued his studies under Nonnotte, Carle van Loo,.Natoire and Boucher; received in the Academy in 1758 and later became court painter. 503 PORTRAIT OF THE EMPEROR JOSEPH II OF A U STRIA . Brother of Marie Antoinette, called “King of the Romans.” Painted in Paris in 1770. From the collection of the Marquis de Foz, Portugal. Joseph II of Austria, “Emperor of the West” and King of Germany, was the son of Francis I of Lorraine, and the celebrated Marie Therese, daughter of Charles VI. Born, 1741; succeeded his father, 1765; died, 1790. The youthful emperor, life-size, with his head thrown back and his eyes confidently to the front, stands at full length in the center of the picture. He is dressed in a scarlet velvet coat and a waistcoat of white satin richly em- broidered with gold lace; his right hand is extended over a massive and highly ornate gilt table upon which are books, a medallion and a figure of Mars; between the columns and beneath a curtain is the blue sky and the landscape; at the right is a chair covered with green tapestry and at the left on the floor at his feet is a pet dog. Purchased by the Museum from Dowdeswell and Dowdeswells, L’t’d, 1903, from in- come of the Jacob S. Rogers Fund. On canvas, 96 H.j 67i W. DUEZ, Ernest Ange. French School Born at Paris, 1843. Genre painter; pupil of Carolus Duran. Medals third class, 1874; first class, 1879; Legion of Honor, 1880. 331 THE BOUQUET. A lady in a black walking costume is stepping daintily forward with a bouquet in her left hand. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. Water Color, 12 H.; 8 W- DUPLESSIS, Joseph Silfrede. French School. Born at Carpentras, France, 1725; died at Versailles, 1802. 519 PORTRAIT OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. On the back of the canvas is written in the handwriting of the artist, “Peint par Duplessis, pour obliger le Vicomte De Buissy.” Head and bust life-size. The face and figure are three-quarters to the right, the eyes to the front. His long, gray hair falls down over his shoulders mingling with the fur collar on his dull-red coat. The background is a brown gray. Gift of Mr. Geo. A. Lucas, of Paris, 1895. On canvas (oval), 27$ H.; 22$ W. DUPRE, Jules. Barbizon School. Born at Nantes, 1811 ; died at LTsle-Adam, 1889. One of the most original and powerful painters of the moctern French School. At twelve years of age he was the principal decorator in his father’s porcelain factory on the banks of the Oise. “It was in the contemplation of nature, in his isolation amidst her 43 influences, that the mind of the lad was opened to her beauty, and that her mystery was sounded by his thought. In his hours of freedom the boy used to wander over the fields with sketch-book and pencil. No professor inter- posed himself between this talent in its birth and what it portrayed. What ke was ignorant of he asked but of her; what he learned was from her teaching. At eighteen the little china painter had become a young master. At sixty, he was the illustrious, respected, veteran of the School of 1830 — Delacroix, Rous- seau, Diaz, Corot, Barye, Millet, Decamps, and Troyon. ,, Medals: second class, 1833 and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer, 1870. 381 THE OLD OAK. The old oak stands boldly out against a brilliant sky of cumulus clouds; below there is a dark pool of water and meadow-lands where two cows are feeding; beyond, a low hill with a glint of light at the horizon. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 32 H. ; 25 W. 432 THE HAY WAGON. Climbing a low, sandy, hill in the center of the picture is a team of horses attached to a hay wagon in which are a woman and child. A man behind is pushing and another is walking by the team; a group of dark trees at the right, the limbs of which overreach the roadway are relieved against a mass of light clouds and a blue sky. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. From the late Wm. T. Blodgett collection, 1876. Signed. On canvas, 14 H.; 18 W. 530 LANDSCAPE— SUMMER. In the foreground a group of cattle are standing in the water; at the left is an old oak tree with its sturdy branches stretching out over a sky that is filled with brilliant clouds. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed. On canvas, 61 H. ; 11£ W. DUPRE, Julien. French School. Born at Paris, 1851, where he now resides. Pupil of Pils, Laugee and Lehmann. Honorable mention, 1879. Medals: third class, 1880; second class, 1881; Hors Concours. Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle; Gold Medals, 1890, Munich and at Antwerp, 1894. Legion of Honor, 1892. 582 THE BALLOON. In a bright green field of new-mown hay are a group of French peasants who have suddenly ceased work and are gazing intently at a balloon which is floating along in a midday sky. All have their backs to the spectator. One stalwart woman with a rake in her hands stands in the center of the picture. At the right, is an old woman with a red kerchief on her head and a boy is in the grass at her feet. Standing by the boy is an old man with a straw hat upon his head and further on is a young girl. At the left, a man on his knees in the grass with his arms full of the new-mown hay is looking up at the novel sight. There are a few tall trees scattered about and a hill borders the fields at the right. Gift of Mr. George T. Seney, 1887. Signed and dated, 1886. On canvas, 96 H. ; 78 W. 44 DURAND, Asher Brown. American School. Born at South Orange, N. J., August 21, 1796; died there, 1886. He studied engraving with his father and with Peter Maverick, whose partner he became in 1817. His “Declaration of Independence,” after Trumbull, first brought him into prominent notice as an engraver. He was one of the original members of the National Academy of Design, organized in 1826, and was elected president at the resignation of Professor Morse in 1845, a position he held until 1861. About 1835 he resolved to become a painter, and until the time of his death devoted himself to that branch of the pro- fession. Among the better known of his earlier works are: “Harvey Birch and Washington,” “The Wrath of Peter Stuyvesant,” “The Capture of Andre,” “Dance on the Battery,” “The Forest Primeval,” and “Franconia Mountains.” Many of his pictures have been engraved. 1 70 ARIADNE (after Vanderlyn). Lying at full length, nude, in the broad light of day, with white and red drapery on the ground beneath, Ariadne sleeps. The dark brown, woody landscape and open sea beyond give no sign of her truant lover, Theseus. The original picture is life-size, and is now in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Gift of Mr. S. P. Avery, 1897. On canvas, 14 H.; 18 W. 219 IN THE WOODS. A thick wood in mid-summer with large beech and birch trees on either side, the over-reaching branches arch a winding brook which finds its way to an opening beyond. There is a glint of blue sky above. Gift to the Museum in memory of Jonathan Sturges, by his children, 1895. Signed and dated, 1855. On canvas, 58 H.; 47 W. 185 JUDGMENT OF GOG. The fulfillment of the judgment of Gog, in the valley of Hamon-gog where the troops of the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal are being over- thrown. On either side the dark towering mountain peaks are enveloped in storm clouds and the forked lightning is splitting the rocks asunder. Ezekiel, 39th chapter, fourth verse: “Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee; I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.” Gift to the Museum in memory of Jonathan Sturges, by his children, 1895. On canvas, 59 H.; 49 W. 635 LANDSCAPE . A stream of water runs from the foreground through the distant fields and woodlands to a blue mountain from which the clouds float upward into a blue sky. Bequeathed by Mrs. Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877. On canvas, 32£ H.; 48 W. DURER, Albrecht (?). German School. Born at Nuremberg, 1471; died there, 1528. This artist, if not really the founder of the German school, perfected the art which already existed in his country. He was a sculptor, architect, and painter. His drawing 45 was rich in life and expression; his coloring very unequal; his nude figures ugly and vulgar, and his love for the fantastic prevented him from becoming what he might otherwise have been. He became a disciple of Michael Wolge- muth, in whose atelier he remained three years. In 1490 he set out on his travels, and in 1494 returned to Nuremberg and settled himself as a painter. He remained there ten years. In 1505 he went to Venice, Padua and Bo- logna. The following year he returned to Nuremberg, where he remained till 1520, and executed an immense number of paintings, drawings, engravings, and some carved works in boxwood and steatite. He then made a journey into the Netherlands, was absent about a year, and returned to his native city, never to leave it again. Although his pictures are scarce, the large Ger- man Galleries have specimens of his work. “The Four Temperaments” are now in the Pinakothek at Munich, this Gallery has also five large pictures of the life of Christ. The Virgin holding the naked Child in her arms is now in the Belvedere at Vienna. These are but a small part of the important works of Diirer; the Berlin Gallery has several, and the Dresden Gallery four. 26 HEAD OF AN APOSTLE. The head is of heroic size with long gray hair and beard; the right hand is raised and the forefinger is extended as if in admonition. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 171 H. ; 13 W. DU VERGER, Theophile Emmanuel. French School. Bom at Bordeaux, 1821. Medals: third class, 1861, 1863; Medal, 1865. 467 FEEDING THE BIRD. The interior of a kitchen in which a child wearing a black hood and cape is kneeling on the floor before a bird-cage into which she is putting some food for the bird. The mother wearing a brown dress and blue apron, and holding a roll of white cotton cloth on her lap, sits by regarding the child. Purchased in Paris. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On wood, 12 H.; 9 W. 112 THREADING GRANDMOTHERS NEEDLE . Lent by Mrs. Israel Corse. On panel, 12£ H.g 9£ W . DIJCK, Sir Anthony (Antoon) van. Flemish School. Bom at Antwerp, 1599; died at London, 1641. The most distinguished of Rubens’ pupils. One of the many great artists whose gifts showed them- selves almost from birth. He was the son of a glass painter. At ten he had already begun to paint; at fifteen he had entered Rubens’ studio; and at nineteen he was himself a “master.” For five years (1620-25) he was traveling and painting in Italy, with letters of introduction from Rubens, and on his return to Antwerp he at once became the court painter of his time. Queens visited him in his studio, and the nobility of three nations considered it an honor to be painted by him. He twice visited London, in 1620 and in 1627, before he finally settled there in 1632. 46 On his first presentation to Charles I, he obtained permission to paint the king and queen. He was appointed painter to the court, was knighted, and received a pension of £200. A town house was given him at Black- friars and a country house at Eltham. He always went magnificently dressed, had a numerous and gallant equipage, and kept so good a table in his apartment that few princes were more visited or better served. For seven years Van Dyck worked at the portraits of the English aris- tocracy with indefatigable industry. Nearly half of all his known pictures are in England (a large collection of them was brought together at the Gros- venor Gallery in 1887), but in the National Gallery he is at present incom- pletely represented. There are no pictures there either of women or of children in both of which he excelled. The last two years of his life were mainly spent in traveling with his young wife, the granddaughter of Lord Ruthven. He died when only forty- two, and was buried in the old Church of St. PauFs. Van Dyck was essentially the painter of princes, distinguished by the indelible mark of courtly grace and refinement which he gave to all his sitters. 46 ST. MARTHA INTERCEDING WITH GOD FOR A CES- SATION OF THE PLAGUE AT TARASCON. St. Martha, full-length, clad in a brown habit, with a halo about her head, and face upturned and arms extended downwards in an attitude of supplication is being upborn on a white cloud by a group of cherubs. At the extreme left, one of these bearing a death’s head in his hands, and another clasping his nostrils, represents the plague. A third is lifting the mantle calling the attention of the Saint to the distress below. At the left hand upper comer another cherub is seen crowning the Saint with a wreath of roses. Beneath the group far away under the horizon are vapory indica- tions of the plague stricken city. An early work painted under Venetian in- fluence. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 38£ H. ; 28£ W. 232 PORTRAIT OF A LADY . Three-quarters length, standing, with the face and figure turned to the right. Her dark eyes are looking at the spectator, a large fluted ruff is about the neck, and her black gown is richly embroidered with black and gold lace. The dark brown hair is dressed with pearls and a triple string of pearls is looped across the breast and falls below. The right hand rests upon the arm of a chair and the left holds a black feather fan. Two columns, a red £urtain, a bit of sky, and the red back of an arm-chair form the background. Exhibited by P. P. Roupell at the Royal Academy in 1875, purchased by Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On panel, ‘48£ H. ; 37& W, 248 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Half length, standing; three-quarters to the right; hair light brown; pointed beard. He wears a black dress with a large-fluted ruff about his neck ; the right hand, falling naturally, holds his gloves; the left rests on the back of a chair near which he stands. This picture belonged to Lord Methuen, and is mentioned in The English Connoisseur , London, 1766, Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1877. Purchased from Lord Methuen in 1886. Half length. Formerly attributed to Rubens. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On panel, 41 H.; 28i W. 47 253 JAMES STUART, DUKE OF RICHMOND AND LENOX. He is represented standing in an easy attitude, with the left hand resting on his hip, and the right hand on the upturned head of a large greyhound. The figure is three-quarters to the left, with face turned to the front; his long blond hair falls in curls over his sloping shoulders, and the large pointed lace collar, which is about his neck, partially conceals a broad blue ribbon, from which is suspended a gold locket. The dress is of rich figured black silk, with the “crachat” of the Order of “Saint Esprit” upon the left side. The stockings are white and the shoes dark, with large ornamental rosettes. En- graved, 1773, in mezzotint, by R. Earlom, and in line, by Houbraken. Purchased, in 1886, from Lord Methuen. Smith, Cat. Rai., Ill, No. 594. Mentioned in The English Connoisseur, London, 1766, II, 20, as belonging to Paul Methuen. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On canvas, 83| H. ; 48J W. 314 PORTRAIT OF BARON ARNOLD DE ROY OF ZUIDERWYN. Full length, life-size, standing squarely to the front with the eyes looking directly forward. The face is lighted from the left and the warm flesh tints are in pleasant contrast with the broad white fluted collar which is about his neck. His habit is black and a black cloak is thrown over the left arm, the hand is raised and rests upon the hip. The right fore arm is over the back of an antique chair and in the hand is a large hat. The back-ground is warm gray. Purchased by Stefan Bourgeois, Paris, from the Chateau Zuyder Wyn; sold to Laurie & Co. of London, from Laurie & Co. to Blakeslee of New York, 1905. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1905. On canvas, 76 H.| 48 W. EAKINS, Thomas. American School. Bom at Philadelphia, 1844. Pupil of Gerome and the Beaux-Arts at Paris. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and Philadelphia Artists’ League. 584 THE CHESS PLAYERS. Two men are seated at a table in the center of a room playing chess; a third man stands behind the table overlooking the game. On a small side table at the left are decanters of wine, etc. Gift of the artist. 1881. On canvas, 111 H.; 151 W. EECKHOUT, Gerbrand Van Den. Dutch School. Born at Amsterdam, 1621 ; died there, 1674. Pupil of Rembrandt, 304 DESTRUCTION OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. On panel, 131 H.; 191 W. ELLIOTT, Charles Loring. American School. Born at Scipio, New York, 1812; died at Albany, 1868. Son of an architect; pupil of Col. John Trumbull and Quidor. He painted portraits in the western part of the State while still a young man, and opened a studio in New York City early in his career. He was elected Associate of the N. A. D. in 1845, and Academician in 1846. He is said to have painted more than 48 seven hundred portraits of eminent people, among them Fletcher Harper, Fitz-Greene Halleck, W. W. Corcoran, Fenimore Cooper, Gov. Seymour, and Erastus Corning. “The vigor and truth of his best likenesses, the char- acter and color which distinguished them, are such as to win the respect and interest due to a master.” 537 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST. Bust, life-size, face turned to the left of the spectator. His black hair falls down nearly to the shoulders, and the dark eyes look steadily forward. Gift of Mr. Robert Hoe, 1888. On canvas, 29 H. ; 24 W. 188 PORTRAIT OF M. B. BRADY. 1857. M. B. Brady’s fame as a historical photographer rests upon his standard portraits of the great men of the period, and as author and originator of War Series and Battle Scenes, the excellence of which have been so fully recog- nized that they have been almost universally used as illustrations for maga- zines and periodicals when treating of historical men and events. Died, 1896. Face slightly to the right, eyes looking forward at the spectator. Hair and beard black; background olive gray. Bust, life-size. Gift of his friends, 1896. On canvas, 24 H. ; 20 W. 194 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Full-face, the figure turned slightly to the right. The hair is dark and curly. Coat dark brown. Background gray. Bust, life-size. Gift of Mrs. Henry Marquand, 1900. On canvas (oval), 29 H. ; 24 W 201 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Seated, with both hands folded across her lap and the figure inclined forward, she is looking intently to the right. Her black hair and white dress are relieved against a dark woody landscape background. Gift of Mrs. Henry Marquand, 1900. On canvas, 35 % H.; 281 W. ESCALLIER, Mme. Eleonore. French School. Born at Poligny (Yura) ; contemporary. Pupil of Ziegler. Medal, 1868. 470 A PANNIER OF FLOWERS. Painted to order. Salon, 1873. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 28 H. ; 22 W. 484 CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Painted to order. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 27 H. ; 23 W. ESCOSURA, Leon y. Spanish School. Bom at Oviedo, the capital of the Asturias, Spain, 1834; died suddenly at Toledo, Spain, May, 1901. Studied at the Royal Museum at Madrid, and with Gerome, at Paris. King Amadeus of Spain conferred upon him the Cross of Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Commander of the Order of Charles III. Chevalier of the Order of Christ, of Portugal. 49 672 KING PHILIP PRESENTING RUBENS TO VELAZ- QUEZ IN THE STUDIO OF THE LATTER. The King has advanced to the center of the studio with Rubens by his side and is presenting him to Velazquez who, costumed in black velvet, stands with palette in hand before an unfinished portrait of the Infanta and bows a welcome to the great Flemish painter. At the right are the Infanta and her maid, and at the left the court Jester is seated in an arm- chair with a greyhound at his feet. Gift of Mr. Frederick Loeser, 1891. From the collection of King Ludwig. Signed. On canvas, 50£ H. ; 79 W. 597 AN AUCTION SALE IN CLINTON HALL, NEW YORK CITY , 1876. This old auction room which is now only a memory is here faithfully portrayed with the auctioneer in the act of giving the last call on a couple of plaques which the man in front of the desk holds before the audience. Gift of the Artist, 1881. Signed and dated, 1876. On canvas, 21 i H.; 31 W. EYCK, Jan van. (?) Flemish School. Bom at Maeseyck, Eyck-sur-Meuse 1380 to 1390(?) ; died at Bruges, 1440. The brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck are distinguished as being the inventors (or improvers) of Oil Painting. The chief credit is usually given to Jan, but probably Hubert has the better claim. Jan was by 24 years the younger of the two. They resided chiefly at Ghent and Bruges. 262 VIRGIN AND CHILD. The Virgin, dressed in a long scarlet robe, stands in a niche of richly sculptured gothic architecture, looking tenderly down upon the Child which she holds against her breast. On a baldachin over her head is inscribed, “DOMUS DEI EST _ET PORTA CEL1;” beneath is “IPSA EST QUAM PREPARAVIT DOMS FILIO DNI MEI.” King of Holland sale, 1850. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, and at the Royal Academy in 1871, by A. J. Beresford Hope. Described in Waagen Art Treasures, IV, 190. The figures of the Virgin and Child are copied from a signed picture by Jan van Eyck, the “Virgin by a Fountain,” at Antwerp. The architectural background is similar to that in one of Hubert van Eyck’s miniatures at Turin (now destroyed). Everything, therefore, points to the picture being done in Jan van Eyck’s studio by a close follower. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On panel, 22 H. ; 11£ W. FAGNANI, Giuseppe. American School. Bom, Naples, December 24, 1819; died, New York, May 22, 1873. Studied at the Royal Academy. Elected an Academician, 1846. Painted portraits of the Sultan and Ministers at Constantinople, Presidents Taylor, Fillmore, and many other eminent statesmen in America. 609 EUTERPE; THE MUSE OF MUSIC. 610 CLIO; THE MUSE OF HISTORY. 61 1 TERPSICHORE ; THE MUSE OF THE DANCE . 612 THALIA; THE MUSE OF COMEDY. 613 URANIA; THE MUSE OF ASTRONOMY. 50 614 CALLIOPE; THE MUSE OF ELOQUENCE. 615 POLYMNIA; THE MUSE OF LYRIC POETRY. 616 MELPOMENE; THE MUSE OF TRAGEDY. 617 ERATO; THE MUSE OF POETRY. Nos. 609 to 617 inclusive, represent types of American beauty; being portraits of Society Women from different parts of the Union. Gift by an Association of Gentlemen, 1873. Signed. On canvas, 43^ H. ; 33J W t FALERO, Luis. French School. Born at Granada, Spain, May 23, 1851, of rich parents. Died, 1901. In 1860 he went to Paris, where he studied until 1866, when he entered the Spanish Navy; this he soon abandoned for art, and unaided, he made his way to Paris, where he supported himself by painting portraits. Self-taught. Rarely exhibited at the Salons. Gold medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle (Section of Guatemala), Mention Honorable (Section of Spain), Diploma (Section of France). 334 TWIN STARS. Suspended in mid-air among the celestial bodies are two nude female figures clinging to each other with their hands raised toward twin stars which, glitter above them. Diaphanous black drapery falls about their limbs and droops down into the night. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1881. Water Color, 16 H. ; 9 W. FICHEL, Benjamin Eugene. French School. Born at Paris, 1826; died there, 1895. Pupil of Paul Delaroche, but preferred to devote himself to genre, taking Meissonier as his model in man- ner. Subjects and style somewhat in the manner of Meissonier, but in execution he lacked those vital qualities which gave to Meissonier’s works their peculiar charm. Medals: third class, 1857, 1861, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1870. 377 AWAITING AN AUDIENCE. The reception-room in the palace of a King of France with a cardinal and courtiers standing about awaiting an audience. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Purchased in Paris, 1873. On wood, 19 H.; 31 W. 583 A VIOLIN PLAYER. A man in a red coat is standing before a piece of music and playing upon a violin. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phoenix, 1881. Signed and dated, 1871. On wood, 8£ H.; W. 51 FITZ, Rutherford Benjamin. American School. Born at New York, 1855; died there, 1891. Student at the National Academy of Design, 1878. In 1879 he went to Munich, where he remained four years, returning to New York in 1883. His principal pictures are “ Marie/’ “ Reflection,” “Toilers of the Field,” “Autumnal Showers/’ and “Modern Cinderella.” 195 MARIE. Face nearly front; the eyes are slightly drooping; loose light drapery falls over the shoulders. Bust life-size. Gift of several gentlemen, 1892. On canvas, 15 H. ; 22 W. FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano-Jose-Maria-Bernado. Span- ish School. Born at Reus, Catalonia, Spain, 1841; died at Rome, 1874. His parents were poor. Drawing was his absorbing passion. In 1847 he attended a public course in drawing in his native town. At 12 years of age he began the study of painting, and while so engaged he lost both of his parents, which intensified his unfortunate lot. In 1857 he won the Prix de Rome from Spain, and from that time he quickly rose to fame. His career was as brilliant as it was short. In 1867, already celebrated among painters, he married M’lle Cecilia de Madrazo, the sister of the celebrated artist Ray- mundo de Madrazo. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 414 CAMELS REPOSING; TANGIER . A group of camels lie on the ground in the bright sunlight. Their keeper is reclining over the back of one with its neck stretched out at full length on the ground. Small light arches of masonry are behind the group. From the collection of the artist, M. Gerome. Purchased in Paris. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1865. Water Color, 8 H.; 14 W. 559 A SPANISH LADY. Three-quarters length, standing with the face and figure turned to the right of the spectator. The poise of the head and the gentle expression of the eyes give to it an air of elegance which bespeaks a lady of rank. Her delicate right hand clasps the folds of a black silk dress trimmed with lace, and the left toys with a jewel attached to a gold chain. A crisp white linen collar is about the neck and a coral pin and buttons adorn the dress. The background is deep olive in interesting harmony with her gown. She was the wife of a Secretary of the Spanish Legation at Rome. Gift of Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, 1889. Signed and dated, 1865. On canvas, 53 H.; 38J W. FRANQAIS, Francois Louis. French School. Born at Plombieres (Vosges), November 17, 1814; died at Paris, May 28, 1897. Pupil of Gigoux and Corot. He painted French and Italian scenes. In 1829 he went to Paris and became a bookseller’s clerk. He exhibited his first landscape in 1841. Medals: Third Class, 1841 ; First Class, 1848, ’55, ’67. Medal of Honor, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1853; Officer, 1867. 52 529 GATHERING OLIVES. In the foreground by a path leading up a steep hill stands a tall young tree from which a boy with a long pole is thrashing olives; three girls are below, one pulling a branch of the tree, and the others gathering the fruit. On the path above is a man with a donkey, and beyond are the heights and waterfalls of Tivoli. Gift of Mr. J. Montaignac, 1897. Signed and dated, 1865. On canvas, 82 H. ; 51 W. FRANCESCHINI, Baldassare (called II Volterrano). Flor- entine School. Born at Volterra, 1611; died at Florence, 1689. He was distinguished as a fresco painter, but his oil pictures were also very commendable. His knowledge of foreshortening was exceptional; his color harmonious. The works of this artist, both in fresco and oil, may be seen in Florence and Volterra. 25 HEAD OF AN ANGEL. A colossal head with open mouth and upturned eyes as if in adoration. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 19 H.; 13£ W. FRERE, Charles Theodore. French School. Born at Paris, 1815; died, 1888. Pupil of Cogniet and Roqueplan. Medals: 1848, 1865. 436 ' CAIRO , EVENING. The city is dimly seen in the distance. Tall palms rise above the horizon into a clear blue evening sky, and a drove of camels cross a bridge in single file on their way down to the foreground where the Arabs are filling their water jars at the river. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 29 H. ; 42 W. 446 JERUSALEM FROM THE ENVIRONS. Prominently on a hill in the distance, beneath a clear blue sky is the city of Jerusalem encircled by a great wall. The middle distance is dotted with olive trees, and in the foreground are groups of Arabs, camels and tents. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Painted to order. Signed. On canvas, 29 H. ; 42 W. 575 DEPARTURE FROM JERUSALEM FOR JAFFA. At the right a group of camels are striding over a dusty road and beyond are the creamy-white buildings of the city relieved against a cloudless blue sky. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phocenix, 1881. Signed. On wood, 9 H. ; 14$ W. \ / FRERE, Pierre Edouard. French School. Bom at Paris, 1819; died, 1886. Genre painter; pupil of Paul Delaroche and of JEcole des Beaux- Arts. He gained his first success in 1843. Medals: third class, 1850, and in 1855; second class, 1852; Legion of Honor, 1855, 58 368 VISIT OF A SISTER OF CHARITY. The Sister is sitting in the middle of a room in a poor cottage, giving medicine to a sick child which she holds on her lap; kneeling at her side is the anxious mother with a bottle in her hand. Behind her stands a girl about ten ysars old looking fondly and sadly upon the baby. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1877. On wood, 19 H. ; 16 W. FROMENTIN, Eugene. French School. Born at La Rochelle (Charente-Inferieure) , 1820; died at St. Maurice t near La Rochelle, 1876. Pupil of Remond and Cabat; visited Algiers in 1846-48 and in 1852-53. Brought home many sketches, from which he painted his characteristic pictures of Oriental life. He was the author of a successful romance, “Dominique,” 1863, and of admirable works on art and travel. Medals: second class, 1849, 1857; first class, 1859. Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer, 1869. 403 ARABS CROSSING A FORD. A landscape with a bright blue sky, fleecy clouds and a rocky gorge through which passes a stream of water. A company of Arabs, some of whom are mounted, are crossing the ford and climbing out on the left bank of the stream. Purchased from the Artist. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1873. On panel, 19 H. ; 24 W. FULLER, George. American School. Born at Deerfield, Mass., 1822; died in Boston, 1884. Studied in Boston, New York, London, and on the continent of Europe. A.N.A., 1857. Me- morial Exhibition of his works at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1884. 213 IDEAL HEAD OF A BOY. Study of a Boy’s Head. Bust, life-size, face to the front. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. On canvas, 26 H.] 22 W. 98 > Pilate.’ Gift of Mb. Henbt G. Mabquand, 1888. On linen, 67i H.J 56$ W. LHERMITTE, Leon Augustin. French School. Born at Mont-Saint-Pere (Aisne), 1844. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Medals: third class, 1874; second class, 1880; Medal of Honor, Exposition XJniverselle , 1889. Chevalier, Legion of Honor, 1884; Officer, 1894. Cheva- lier of St. Michael of Bavaria. 565 THE VINTAGE. A young woman in the garb of a peasant stands upright holding a basket of grapes in her right hand, and resting the left upon her hip. She is looking down to a boy who sits at her feet munching grapes. At the left are an old woman standing beneath a tree and a young man who is stooping to clip the ripe fruit from the vines. From the Paris Salon of 1884. Gift of Mr. William Schaus, 1887. Signed and dated, 1884. On canvas, 98 H.J 81 W. LJNDENSCHMIT, Wilhelm (the Younger). Munich School. Born at Munich, 1829; died, 1895. History painter. Pupil of Munich' Academy, then of Stadel Institute in Frankfort and of Antwerp Academy. Continued his studies in Paris, 1875. Professor at the Academy, Munich; member Berlin Academy. Gold medal, Berlin, 1870. 681 THE PROTEST OF LUTHER. Gift of Mr. William E. Dodge, 1903, Signed. On canvas, 24 H.J 30$ W. LINEN, George. English School. Born at Greenlaw, Scotland, 1802; died, New York, 1888. Student of the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh. Afterwards he spent some years in the successful practice of his profession in England, coming to America in 1843, settling in New York. He excelled in painting cabinet portraits in oil, and his ability was soon recognized. Added to his facilty in securing a like- ness, he finished his pictures with extreme delicacy, without in the least rob- bing them of their force and character. He painted Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. In 1839 the National Academy of Design awarded him the medal offered for the best specimen of portrait painting exhibited. 106 100 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL POPHAM. Cabinet size, three-quarters length, sitting, figure to the left of the spec- tator, face nearly front with both hands resting on the arms of the chair, and an open book on the table. Major William Popham was born in Ireland, 1752, and came to America in 1761. He entered the U. S. Army when the revolution broke out, accepted a commission and rendered distinguished services at the battles of Long Island and White Plains, and afterward acted as aid to General Clinton, remaining in the army until the close of the war. At the age of ninety-two he was elected President of the Cincinnati Society in place of the late General Morgan Lewis. At that time he was the only living officer of Washington’s army which had been disbanded and dismissed without pay, or emolument of any kind, the army then lying in detachments in the vicinity of Fishkill, Newburgh, New Windsor and West Point, with headquarters at New Windsor. Gift of Mr. S. P. Avery, 1897. On panel, 11£ H. ; ©I W. LINGELBACH, Johannes. Dutch School . Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1623; died at Amsterdam, 1674. He went to Italy, but returned, and settled in Amsterdam, painting chiefly fairs, market-scenes, and battle-pieces. 52 BATTLE SCENE . In the immediate foreground of the picture there is a furious cavalry charge where the men and horses are being overthrown and driven from the field. Upon another hill beyond, the old round fort floats its banner high up amid the smoke of battle drifting to the cumulous clouds. The arched bridge leading to a city is crowded with the contending soldiers, and reserves are seen coming up the hill at the left in support of the successful troops. Purchased by the Museum. 1871. Signed and dated, 167-. On canvas, 44 H. ; 63 W. * I LtNGELMCH i*z 107 74 DANCE OF PEASANTS Merry-making peasants fill the foreground of the picture. In the middle of the group one man is amusing himself and others by dancing to the music of a bagpipe. An old house with rickety looking stairs is at the left and the trunk of a large tree with slight foliage against a bright sky is in the center ot the canvas. Purchased by the Museum. 1871. Signed and dated. 165-. On canvas, 26 H.; 28$ W. Born at Hillsdale, N. Y., 1831 ; died at Lake George, 1895. Came to New York in 1850. Studied with Henry Peters Gray one year. In 1856 he went to Paris and entered the atelier of Couture, subsequently visiting Rome, Venice, and Florence. He went abroad again in 1867, visiting the Continental art cities and remaining about eighteen months. He was elected N.A. in 1861. 208 LOVE’S CROWN. Clad in loose, flowing white drapery, with her hands folded about her up-raised knee, and with one foot in a pool of water, a female figure is being crowned with a flowery wreath by a nude child who stands on the bank by her side. Light fleecy clouds, distant hills, and a lake form the background of the picture. Gift of Mrs. Henry A. Loop, 1898. Signed. On canvas, 28 H. ; 18£ W. LORME, Anton de, and ter Borch, Gerard. Dutch School. Anton de Lorme flourished at Rotterdam about 1640. Was living in 1660. A painter of the interior of Dutch churches. His works are rare, and monotonous in tone, but his perspective and his light and shade are excellent. His best works have figures by Terburg (ter Borch) and other artists. 80 INTERIOR OF A PROTESTANT CHURCH. A church with plain Gothic arches, tall columns, and windows which flood the place with a warm silvery light is filled with a large congregation who are listening to a sermon from a preacher whose pulpit stands near the center. Most of them are dressed in warm brown clothing and the men wear their old Dutch broad-brimmed hats. An hour-glass stands on the pulpit in front of the preacher. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 25£ H.; 29 W. LOW, Will H. American School . Bom at Albany, N. Y., in 1853. Figure and genre painter. Pupil of G6r6me and Carolus Duran, in Paris, in 1873-77. Member of the National Academy of Design. 108 140 AURORA. Standing in transparent drapery with both hands raised to the right shoulder, a female figure with auburn hair is looking down into the basin of a fountain. Some shrubbery and a bit of sky form the background. Gift of Mr. Wm. T. Evans, 1895. Signed and dated, 1894. On canvas, 51 H. ; 32J W. LUCY, Charles. English School. Born at Hereford, 1814; died at London, 1873. History painter. He studied at the Beaux- Arts and also under Paul Delaroche; afterwards he became a pupil of the Royal Academy, London. His works are important on account of their subject and the scale on which they are painted, rather than for their originality. Many of his pictures have been engraved. 167 LORD NELSON IN THE CABIN OF THE “VICTORY." In the full dress of an English Admiral, he is seated in a chair in front of his desk in an attitude of deep thought, his bowed head resting upon his closed left hand with the empty right sleeve folded across his breast. Before him on the desk are an open book and a letter which he has just written, dated Oct. 21st, 1805; other books, a telescope and his chapeau are there also, and his unsheathed sword leans against a locker at the left. An oriental rug is upon the floor. The light enters the cabin from a slanting window through which are seen bits of sky. Gift of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900. Signed and dated, 1858. On canvas, 79 H.; 60 W. LUMINAIS, Evariste Vital. French School. Born at Nantes, 1821 ; died, Paris, 1896. Pupil of Cogniet and Troyon Medals: third class, 1852, 1855, 1857, 1861; Legion of Honor, 1869. 524 THE WRECKERS. Lent by Mr. George H. Story. On canvas, 71i H. ; 1091 W. MACLAREN, Walter. English School. 640 CAPRI LIFE; THE EMBROIDERERS. A group of women embroidering are seated between two large columns; another woman stands at the right holding a nude babe in her arms. The green hills and a soft gray sky are beyond. Gift of Mr. George Hayward, 1876. Signed. On canvas, 21 H.; 32 W. MADRAZO, Raymundo de. French School. Born at Rome, 1841. Son and pupil of Federico (who was painter to the Court of Spain), and student in Paris at the ficole des Beaux- Arts, and later of Leon Cogniet. Medals: first class, 1878, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Legion of Honor, 1878; Officer, 1889. Gold Medals, 1889. Visited America in 1896, and is at present in this country. An art collector of rare j udgment. Brother- in-law of Fortuny. 471 GIRLS AT A WINDOW . Purchased in Paris. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 28 H.; 23 W. 109 MAES, Nicolaes. Dutch School. Born at Dordrecht, 1632; died at Amsterdam, 1693. Pupil o t Rem- brandt, and distinguished from most of the Dutch genre painters by his richer coloring. In the latter years of his life he seems to have become chiefly a por- trait painter. The Amsterdam Gallery has twelve, the National Gallery five, and the Berlin Gallery, the Uffizi, and the Van der Hoop Collection have each one of his pictures, but most of them are in private collections. Smith mentions only forty-five of his works in all. 9 PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESSE DE MAZARIN. Standing, three-quarters length, face and figure three-quarters to the right of the spectator, wearing a white satin decollete gown richly embroidered with gold. A red mantle draped over her raised left arm falls loosely around the figure; the folds of her dress skirt are clasped by the right hand at her side. Surmounting her abundant brown hair is a rich turban-shaped head-dress of red and white feathers. The background is sombre with a bit of sky. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. . On canvas, 48 H. ; 34 W. MAGRATH, William. American School. Born in Ireland, 1838. Associate National Academy of Design, 1874. Elected N.A.D. in 1876. Member Society of Painters in Water Colors. 628 ON THE OLD SOD. ( IRISH FARMER IN CONTEM- PLATION.) Paddy with both hands folded behind his back and his face turned in pro- file to the left, is standing contentedly on a green hillside. A short clay pipe is in his mouth, a stick under his arm; a high felt hat adorns his head, and heavy brogans his feet, from which blue stockings rise to his short gray breeches which button at the knee. A group of trees are in the middle dis- tance where sheep are grazing and a flock of geese are waddling about on the side of the hill. On the distant fields at the left is a white thatched cabin. The sky is light, luminous, and cloudy. Gift of Mr. William Carr, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 371 H.; 27£ W. MAIGNAN, Albert-Pierre-Rene. French School. Born at Beaumont, France, 1845; died at Paris, Sept. 29, 1908. Pupil of Luminais. Medal, third class, 1874; second class, 1876; first class, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1883. Gold medal, 1889 ( Exposition Universelle ). Grand Medal of Honor, 1892. Officer, Legion of Honor, 1895. 545 V ATTENTAT D J ANAGNI. Boniface VIII, a native of Anagni, was elected Pope in 1294. Philip the Fair, of France, resisted his authority in spiritual matters, and, aided by Italian enemies of the Pope, compelled him to take refuge in his native town. Hither he was pursued by Sciarra Colonna, at that time head of the most cele- brated and powerful of the Roman aristocratic families. The picture repre- sents the moment when Boniface says to his assailants, “ Here is my neck; here is my head; strike! but I will die Pope.” Boniface was thrown into prison, and though liberated by the people of Anagni, died within a month. Gift of Messrs. Wallis & Son, London, 1883. Signed and dated, 1877. On canvas, 114 H. ; 83 W. 110 MAKART, Hans. Austrian School. Born at Salzburg, 1840; died at Vienna, 1884. Pupil in 1858, of Vienna Academy, under Ruben, and in 1861-65 at the Academy in Munich, under Piloty. Visited London and Paris in 1863, Italy in 1866, 1868, 1869, Vienna, 1868, 1869; in 1869 settled in Vienna at the invitation of Emperor Francis Joseph, who in 1876 conferred on him the title of professor. The winter of 1875-76 he spent in Egypt, then visited Antwerp, and in 1877, Spain. Pro- fessor at Vienna Academy from 1879; Honorary Member of Vienna, Berlin, and Munich Academies. Gold Medals in Vienna, 1857, 1882; Medal of Honor, Paris, and Legion of Honor, 1878; Officer, 1884. In August, 1884, he became Insane. 473 THE DREAM AFTER THE BALL. After anight at the ball a young girl in deshabille sits with bowed head and folded hands, dreaming of her future. By her side among the rich dra- peries are two loves playing with hearts. Painted to order, 1882. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 60 H.; 37.W. 663 DIANA’S HUNTING PARTY. Diana with her hunting party has just emerged from a dense primeval forest bordering a lake. She stands in flowing crimson drapery with a dart poised in her right hand ready to hurl at a fleeing stag who has plunged into the water. By her side is a nymph in the act of drawing a bow, and at her right crowding the bank are five others in hot pursuit of the game, one of whom is holding by a leash two straining hounds. . In the immediate fore- ground are a group of bathers who have been surprised and startled by the incident; one has caught the stag by its horns, another with uplifted hands pleads for its life, and a swan at the left with outspread wings and violent action resents the intrusion of the hounds. Gift of Mrs. Ellen Josephine Banker, 1888. Signed. On canvas, 168 H. ; 372 W. MANET, Edouard. French School. Born at Paris, 1832; died there, April 30, 1883. Genre painter. Pupil of Couture, with whom he studied six years. He was the founder of the school of 11 Impressionistes.” His pictures were several times rejected at the Salon. But later he was better understood and received. Medals, second class, 1881. * Legion of Honor, 1882. 563 BOY WITH A SWORD. A boy habited in a dull black suit wearing a broad white linen collar and blue stockings stands at full length life-size in the center of the picture and holds with both hands a heavy sword whose broad leather strap depends below the knees. His dull, heavy eyes look directly at the spectator. The background is dark gray, and wq»rm in tone. Gift of Mr. Erwin Davis, 1889. Signed and dated, 1860. On canvas, 50 H. ; 35 W. 651 GIRL WITH A PARROT. Full-length, standing, life-size, with the face turned slightly to the left of the spectator and the figure to the right. The eyes are looking directly for- ward; she holds a bunch of violets in her raised right hand, and the left toys^ - AYJ? - / fro 'la.cAett, with the string attached to a monocle. Her loose fitting gown in light and creamy-gray in color shades to violet in the shadows. A large parrot is on a stand by her side and below is a clever piece of still-life in a cut lemon. The background is cool gray shading to light at the bottom of the canvas. Gift of Mr. Erwin Davis, 1889. Signed. On canvas, 83 H. ; 61 W. MANNOZZI(P), Giovanni. Florentine School. Born at San Giovanni in 1590; died at Florence, 1636. Sometimes called Giovanni da San Giovanni. Pupil of Matteo Rosselli, whose finished style was not suited to the capricious imagination and facile execution of his pupil. Though he often fell into extravagance, Mannozzi was capable of serious work. Works: “ Portrait of a Cook,” “Reunion of Huntsmen,” “Madonna,” Pitti, Florence; “Vapus and Cupid,” “Marriage of St. Cath- erine,” “Jesus Served by Angels,” “Madonna,” Uffizi, Florence. 19 VENUS AND CUPID. Venus slightly draped is seated with Cupid standing before her with out- stretched arms; a dull reddish gray drapery and bit of sky form the back- ground. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 13 H. ; 25£ W. 23 MARY MAGDALEN. The nude figure with light drapery across the loins is seated in an open landscape at the entrance to a cave with both hands folded across her breast, the head is turned over her right shoulder to a crucifix and on the ground at her side is a skull. Gift of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1880. On plaster, 14 H. ; 19 W. MAR ATT A, Carlo. Roman School. Born at Camerano, 1625; died at Rome, 1713. (Called also Carluccio dalle Madonne, from the large number of Madonna pictures that he painted.) Was an imitator of Raphael, and for nearly half a century the most eminent painter in Rome. The portrait of a Pope or Cardinal should have come kindly to him, for he was in the service of several Popes, and was appointed Superin- tendent of the Vatican Chambers by Innocent XI. Clement XI entrusted to him the complete restoration of the frescos of Raphael, and gave him the insignia of the “ Order of Christ” for his labor upon them. He was President • of the Academy of St. Luke at the time of his death. 90 PORTRAIT OF CLEMENT IX. Seated with face and figure three quarters to the left of the spectator, clad in pontifical robes and cap. His right hand is raised and rests firmly upon a closed book; he has iron gray hair, slight mustache and a goatee. Gift of Mr. Archer M. Huntington. 1894. , On canvas, 361 H.; 291 W. MARCHAL, Charles Francois. French School. Born at Paris, 1825; died there, 1877. Genre painter, pupil of Drolling and Dubois. Improved and prospered until 1876, when he lost his eyesight, and in despair committed suicide. Medals: 1864, 1866, and 1873. 112 365 EVENING IN ALSACE. A tired old man is sitting on a machine drawn by a yoke of oxen over a ploughed field. The group is relieved against a bright evening sky in which the new moon and the evening star appear. Purchased from the Artist. Salon, 1873. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1873. On canvas, 36 H."; 57 W. 457 MORNING IN ALSACE. A man and a heavy yoke of oxen with which he is ploughing a field are relieved against a bright morning sky. Black birds hover about the newly turned furrow. Purchased from the Artist. Salon, 1873. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed, 1873. On canvas, 36 H.; 57 W. MARCKE, Emile van. French School. Bom at Sevres, 1827; died suddenly at Hyeres, 1890. The most dis- tinguished pupil of Troyon, whose attention he attracted while employed in the porcelain works as a decorator, and through whose influence he began the study of nature, and subsequently abandoned the pottery at Sevres for a studio in Paris. The influence of Troyon is evident in all of Van Marcke’s earlier works. But he was a consummate draughtsman, and soon developed a style of his own, displaying marked ability and freedom in composition, individuality of touch, and a quality of color differing from that of his mas- ter. His works sparkle with sunlight, and beneath the showery skies there is a freshness of verdure replete with the charm of midsummer days. Medals : 1867, 1869, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. First class medal, 1878. 435 THE MILL. A broad breezy landscape with an old mill at the left and a group of trees at the right. A white cow stands prominently in the foreground and two other cows lie on the luxuriant green meadow-grass by her side; a bull is at the left, and a dun-colored cow is drinking from a brook at the right. Painted to order, 1875. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 59 H.; 78 W. 592 A FARM SCENE, WITH CATTLE. Lent by Mrs. L. V. Bright. On canvas, 351 H.; 51 f W. MARECHAL, Charles Laurent. French School. Born at Metz, 1801. Died at Bar-le-Duc, January, 1887. Pupil of Re- gnault. Usually painted in water color or on porcelain and glass. Medals : third class, 1840; second class, 1841; first class, 1826, 1842, and 1855; Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer, 1855. 514 GALILEO IN VELLETRI. Lent by Mrs. J. W. Botle. Signed and dated, 1853. 113 Pastel, 50 H. ; 80 W. MARIS, Jacob. Dutch School c Born at The Hague, August 25, 1838; died, 1899. Pupil of Van Hove Strobel and of the Antwerp Academy. Medals at Amsterdam, Paris, and Munich. Knight of the Orders of the Dutch Lion and St. Michael of Bavaria. 346 CANAL IN HOLLAND. A canal in the center of the picture is spanned by a rustic bridge beneath which a boat is passing. An old woman carrying pails of milk is walking on the footpath to the village where cottages are clustered on either side of the canal. Light luminous clouds fill the sky. Purchased from the income of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Endowment Fund for her collection, 1895. Signed. Water Color, 18 H.; 144 W. MARIS, Matthys. Dutch School. Born at The Hague in 1835. Genre painter, pupil of The Hague and Antwerp Academies, where he was specially attracted by Leys; returned to The Hague, went to Paris in 1869, and, influenced by Hamon, completely changed his style, which found favor in England, in the private galleries of which most of his pictures, bought at high prices, are to be found. 527 REVERIE. In a low-toned, olive-colored dress, a young girl with abundant blonde hair streaming down over her shoulders, is seated with a distaff on her lap. Her figure and face are turned towards a cat on the floor at her right. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. On canvas, 12 H.; 9£ W. MARNE, Jean Louis de (called De Marnette). French School. Born at Brussels, 1744; died, Batignolles, Paris, 1829. Pupil of Gabriel Briard. His love for the old Dutch masters is made evident in his own works, where may be seen reflected many of their fine qualities of color and exquisite technique. Works: “Road with Diligence,” “Fair at the Door of an Inn,” “ Starting for a Wedding in a Village,” Louvre ; “ Halt of Travelers,” Bordeaux Museum. His pictures are seen in all of the larger Galleries. 42 A GUST OF WIND . On the border of a brook which winds down through the center of the picture stands a large tree with its branches waving in the wind, and at its base is a small field of golden grain. Close by, the white cover of a wagon is flap- ping in the breeze and around a small chapel in the winding roadway sheep and cattle wend their homeward way. The sky is blue with gathering storm- clouds rising over the hills. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. On canvas, 144 H.; 174 W. MARR, Carl, Munich School. Bom at Milwaukee, 1858. Now at Munich. Pupil of Dietz. 135 THE MYSTERY OF LIFE. An old man tired of life, having courted death in every form without avail, discovers the lifeless form of a beautiful young girl on the shore, and cries in the agony and pity of his heart to his Maker to know why one so young and beautiful should be lost, and he, worn, weary, and bad, allowed to live. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed and dated, —84. On canvas, 644 II. ; 944 W. 114 533 GOSSIP. In a room with a long low window curtained with gauzy white are two peasant girls spinning. They wear white aprons, shoulder capes and white caps. The one at the right has on a black dress; the other, a blue one. A kitten is playing upon the floor and potted plants are on the window sill be- neath which is a table spread with a white cloth and set for lunch. The picture is silvery gray in tone. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed and dated, 1884. . On canvas, 41 H. ; 65£ W. MARTIN, Homer D. American School. Born at Albany, N. Y., 1836; died, 1897. Pupil of William Hart. Land- scape painter. Elected A.N.A., 1868, and N.A., 1875. Member of the Society of American Artists. 143 VIEW ON THE SEINE. The limpid water of the Seine reflects a group of tall slim trees which are on its right bank; and at the left is a rocky embankment and sandy shore which lead off to a distant town. The sky is blue, streaked with light clouds. Gift of Several Gentlemen, 1897. Signed and dated, 1895. On canvas, 281 H. ; 40 W. 549 MADISON AND JEFFERSON. Two snow-capped mountains rising into a cold cloudy sky. From Ran- dolph Hill, White Mountains. Gift of Mr. William T. Evans, 1891. On canvas, 30 H. ; 40 W. S27 SAND DUNES ( Lake Ontario). Lent by Mr. George A. Hearn. On canvas, 36 H.; 59 W. MASACCIO, Tommaso Guidi. (School of.) Florentine School. Born at Castel San Giovanni, 1401; died at Rome about 1428 or ’29. He is supposed to have been the pupil of Masolino da Panicale, at Flor- ence, and to have assisted that master in his works. He went to Rome, where he died in about his 27th year. 256 A MAN AND A WOMAN AT A CASEMENT. The woman is in the corner of a room before a window, at which the face of a man is seen looking in; her dress consists of a crimson velvet bodice with brown sleeves, and a quaint headdress of crimson stuffs; her hands are clasped before her body; both faces are in profile. The coat-of-arms is that of Porti- nari, founder of the Hospital at Florence. Purchased in Florence about 1829 by Thomas J. Sanford, who bequeathed his fine collection of Italian pictures to Lord Methuen. Purchased in 1883 from Lord Methuen. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1888. On panel, 24f H. ; 16£ W. MAUVE, Anton. Dutch School. Bom at Zaandam, Holland, 1838; died at Arnhem, 1888. Pupil of Pieter Frederick Van Os. Was a member of the Dutch Society of Arts and Sciences and the Societe des Aquarellistes Beiges, and a Knight of the Order of Leopold. He received medals at Philadelphia, Amsterdam, Vienna, Ant- werp, and Paris. His works are in the Museum at Amsterdam and The Hague, and in many of the leading private collections of modem pictures. 115 588 SPRING. A shepherd and his dog stand in the foreground facing a flock of sheep who are feeding down the meadow. There are some small trees at the right which extend down the field to a distant grove which breaks the horizon line. The sky is filled with gray clouds charged with rain. Gift of Mr. George I, Seney, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 22 H.; 35 W. 543 AUTUMN. A large flock of sheep moving slowly over a heavy road on their way to the fold are followed by a faithful dog and a good shepherd who is carrying a lamb under his arm. The tints of autumn are on every side, and a cool gray cloudy evening sky is above. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 25£ H. ; 37 W. 669 DRIVING COWS TO PASTURE. Lent by the Misses Stokes. Water color, 6 H.; 12 W. MAX, Gabriel. Austrian School. Born at Prague, 1840. Pupil of his father, the sculptor Joseph Max, and of Piloty. First exhibited in 1867. Gold Medals at Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Sydney, etc. Honorary Member of the Munich, Prague, Amsterdam, and other academies. Chevalier of the Bavarian Order of St. Michael, of Maxi- milian’s Order for Arts and Sciences, and of the Spanish Order of Carlos III. 394 THE LAST TOKEN— A CHRISTIAN MARTYR. Clad in a white dress with a black mantle wrapt about her head and shoulders, the Christian martyr stands in the arena with one hand raised, touching the high wall which makes secure the throng above. Her colorless face gives no sign of fear as it looks up in recognition of “The Last Token,” a rose dropped from the hand of a faithful friend. A fierce leopard creeps through the wall beneath the raised iron grating at her left, and a hyena and leopard tumble about on the ground at the right of the victim. Purchased at Munich. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 66 H. ; 46 W. MAY, Edward Harrison. American School. Born in England, 1824; died at Paris, 1887. Taken to America when a child; pupil of Daniel Huntington in New York, and of Couture in Paris in 1851. Elected A.N.A. in 1876, but rarely exhibited in New York. His pro- fessional life was spent chiefly in Europe. Medal, third class, Paris, 1855. 192 MARY MAGDALEN. Lying at full length upon the ground, with her right arm outstretched over a rough stone, Magdalen pillows her head upon the mass of golden hair which falls loosely over her bare shoulders to the ground. The left arm lies nervelessly with upturned palm before her, and the agony of despair is in her face. Three crosses relieved against a blood-stained sky at the distant horizon tell the sad story. Gift of the artist’s sister, Miss Caroline May, 1884. Signed. On canvas, 46 H. ; 76 W, 116 564 THE BRIGAND. An Italian brigand, life-size, three-quarters length, stands with his left hand raised to his ear as if listening for a signal. With his right hand he grasps a rifle. A pistol is thrust in his belt and a haversack hangs at his side. He wears a blue coat, scarlet waistcoat, and buff trousers. Gift of Several Gentlemen, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 51 H.; 38 W. MAYNARD, George W. American School. Bom at Washington, D. C., 1843. Pupil of Royal Academy, Antwerp, painted on the Continent in 1874, and again in 1877-1878. Elected A.N.A., 1882; N.A., 1885. Studio in New York. 161 IN STRANGE SEAS. A broad, open, sunny sea with curling waves where sporting mermaids are at play, one of whom on the crest of a wave is pointing to a distant ship. Gift of Mr. Wm. F. Havemeyer, 1901. Signed and dated, 1889. On canvas, 36 H. ; 50 W. MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest. French School. Born at Lyons, France, February 21, 1815; died at Paris, 1891. He went to Paris when quite young, and was, for a time, a pupil of Leon Cogniet. First exhibited at the Salon in 1836. His picture, “La Rixe” (1855), was purchased by Napoleon III, and presented to the late Prince Albert, of Eng- land. 1846, Chevalier Legion of Honor; 1855, Officer; 1867, Commander; 1880, Grand Officer; 1889, “ Grand-Croix ” ; 1861, Member of the Institute of France; 1876 and 1891, President of the Institute; 1878, Vice-President International Jury, Exposition Universelle; 1883, President Section of Paint- ings, National Exposition, Beaux-Arts; 1889, President International Jury of the Fine Arts, Exposition Universelle ; Member of the Academy of Lyons. Medals, 1840, third class; 1841, second class; 1843, first class; 1848, first class; 1855, Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle; 1867, Grand Medal of Honor, voted by the International jury, Exposition Universelle; 1878, “Rappel” of Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle; 1883, “Rappel” of Medal of Honor, National Exposition; 1889, “ Rappel ” of Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle; 1848, Captain of Artillery, National Guard; 1870-71 (Siege of Paris), Lieutenant-Colonel of Infantry, National Guard, Staff. Grand Officer, Order of Leopold of Belgium; Commander of the Orders of: Saints Maurice and Lazare, of Italy; Francis Joseph, of Austria; North Star, of Sweden; Medjidieh, of Turkey; Order of the Golden Lion (Nassau). Member of the Royal Academies of: Beaux-Arts, Munich, 1867; Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1869; London, 1869; Beaux-Arts, San Fernando, Madrid, 1872; Accademia di San Luca, Rome, 1875; Beaux-Arts, Venice, 1879, “ Memhre d’Honneur”; of the French University, Boston, 1886; of the Royal Academy, Accademia Albertina of Turin, and “President d’Honneur” of the Kunst- club of Rotterdam, 1888; Vice-President of the International Jury, Exposition Universelle, Vienna, Austria, 1873; President of the International Jury, Exposition Universelle, Antwerp, 1885; Expositions Universelles, Austria, “Rappel” of Medal of Honor, 1873, and Belgium, 1885. 117 350 THE SIGN PAINTER . In the court-yard of an inn, the painter and his patron stand side by side before an easel upon which is the portrait of a man holding a glass of wine. Purchased in Paris, 1872. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1872. Water Color, 9 H.; 7 W. 538 u FRIEDLAND, 1807.” Extract from the Artist’s L&tter to Mr. A. T. Stewart, dated January 27th, 1876. “I did not intend to paint a battle — I wanted to paint Napoleon at the zenith of his glory; I wanted to paint the love, the adoration of the soldiers for the great Captain in whom they had faith, and for whom they were ready to die. “ I previously had represented, in the picture 1 1814/ the heartrending end of the Imperial Dream — those men only recently intoxicated with glory, now shown exhausted, and no longer believing in their invincible chief. My palette then did not have colors sad enough for the purpose; but to-day, in ‘Friedland, 1807/ wishing everything to appear brilliant at this triumphant moment, it seemed to me I was unable to find colors sufficiently dazzling. No shade should be upon the Imperial face, to take from him the epic character I wished to give him. The battle, already commenced, was necessary to add to the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and make the subject stand forth, but not to diminish it by saddening details. All such shadows I avoided, and presented nothing but a dismounted cannon, and some growing wheat which would never ripen. “ This was enough. “ The men and the Emperor are in the presence of each other. The soldiers cry to him that they are his, and the impressive Chief, whose Imperial will directs the masses that move around, salutes his devoted army. He and they plainly comprehend each other, and absolute confidence is expressed in every face. “ Such was the idea as it leaped from my brain the first instant when I em- bodied the picture in thought; and which, in spite of the long time I have taken to put it on canvas, has always remained with me so clear and plain that I have never in any manner modified it.” “Friedland, 1807” was sold at auction at the sale of the Stewart Collec- tion, March 25, 1887, and purchased by Judge Henry Hilton for $66,000, and by him given to the Museum in 1887. Napoleon mounted on his famous white horse and surrounded by his generals and aides is upon a slight eminence in the center of the picture. In wild enthusiasm the Cuirassiers are charging before him through a field of unripe wheat, every soldier rising in his stirrups and shouting “Vive FEm- pereur” as he raises his sword flashing in the light of a midday sun. The bat- tle rages in the distance and above is a clear blue sky with light floating clouds. Signed and dated, 1875. On canvas, 521 H. ; 951 W. 353 THE BROTHERS ADRIEN AND WILLIAM VAN DE VELDE. From the Laurent-Richard collection, Paris, 1878. The Van de Velde brothers, dressed in gray doublets and white shirts with full sleeves, are in the studio looking at a picture which is on an easel before them. The one wearing a bright red cloak over his shoulders is sitting bent forward looking intently at the picture, his right foot is on a bar of the easel ; his right arm is resting across his knee ; and in his left hand he holds a large straw hat. The other stands with his figure thrown back and the head to one side. His right hand is raised to his breast and in his left he holds his palette and brushes. Behind this group, on the top of a large old oak cabinet 118 are a steel helmet, a mandolin and other objects of art. Sketches and tap- estry are on the walls, and an open folio of drawings lies on the floor at the left. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1856. On wood, 10 H.; 8 W. 374 A GENERAL AND ADJUTANT ( SHORES OF ANTIBES). From the collection of the late Baron Strousberg, Berlin, 1873. Over a dry sunburnt road that borders the harbor of Antibes are two officers apparently in motion, one mounted on a gray, the other on a bay horse. There are some low buildings at the left, but there is no sign of life other than that seen in the moving figures. The outlying forts and low hills in the distance rise into an almost cloudless sky. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1869; On wood, 8 H. ; 10 W. 483 MAN READING. A man habited in black is sitting in a large armchair with his right foot across the left knee. He is reading from an open book which he holds in both hands. A low latticed window is at his left from which the light enters the room crossing the figure which is turned slightly towards the window. A dark, warm brown tone pervades the room. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1850. On panel, 8£ H. ; 6 W. MERLE, Hugues. French School. Born at St. Marcellin (Isere), March 1, 1823; died at Paris, March 26, 1881. Genre painter. Pupil of L. Cogniet. His pictures are carefully drawn, cool and gray in color, and often dramatically treated. Medals: 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. 447 FALLING LEAVES. Autumn is represented by a female figure, life-size, full-length, standing in a wood with her face turned over her left shoulder and the eyes looking upward. Covering the figure and clasped in the folded hands resting upon her breast is a diaphanous mantle of black striped with gold. The autumn leaves shimmer in the sunlit air as they fall from the trees about her, and a figure of Love is stealing away into the shadowy grove. Purchased by Miss Wolfe’s father, 1872. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed and dated, 1872. On canvas, 68 H. ; 40 W. 677 THE OLD MAN’S STORY. Lent by Mr. George A. Adee. On canvas, 37£ H. ; 49£ W. 486 ITALY, PAST AND PRESENT. Lent by Mrs. Israel Corse. On canvas, 29 H. ; 36 W. 485 THE SPINNER. A French peasant girl is seated by a spinning-wheel with her left hand resting lightly over the wheel; with the right hand she holds a distaff. The figure is turned slightly to the right of the spectator; the face squarely to the front. Her long black hair falls about her shoulders, and her dark full eyes look intently out of the picture. An old bronze lamp is suspended from the light gray wall which forms the background. Three-quarter length, life-size. Bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth U. Coles, 1892. Signed and dated, 1874. On canvas, 50£ H. ; 34} W. 119 MESDAG, Hendrik Willem. Dutch School. Born at Groningen in 1831. Pupil of Alma-Tadema; resides at The Hague. Medals, Paris, 1870; third class, 1878. 676 THE LONE SEA. Lent by the Artist. On canvas, 70 H. ; 55 W. MESGRINY, Frank de. French School. Born at Paris 1836: died 1884. Pupil of Worms and Lalanne. 406 RIVER SCENE. Bordering the river in the middle distance are a row of trees and a shed where washerwomen are at work. The sky is filled with light fleecy clouds. Painted to order. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 14 H. ; 22 W. METSU, Gabriel. Dutch School. Born at Leyden, towards 1630; died at Amsterdam, 1667. The gentleman- ly portrait of this artist, now in the Queen of England’s collection, represents him to have been a man of a naturally delicate frame and of a sensitive mind; he unquestionably formed his style from the study of works by such distinguished men as Gerard Dou, Frans Van Mieris, Terburg, and Jan Steen, who were all superior to him in invention and the delineation of character; but Metsu obtained a grace of expression and an elegance in demeanor which left him without a rival in the old Dutch School. 273 THE MUSIC LESSON. Seated near the center of a room is a lady in a golden brown dress, with her face upturned to a man who is standing behind her to whom she is showing a sheet of music which she holds in her right hand, her left hand rests upon a guitar which lies upon a red tapestry-covered table by her side. At the lady’s left is a man playing a violoncello, and behind this group is an open case- mented window, and a door through which a servant approaches with refresh- ments. In the foreground at the left is an open case, and sheets of music are on the floor, and at the right is the cloak and trappings of a cavalier. From the Perkins Collection. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1890. Signed and dated, 1659. 120 On canvas, 24 H.; 21 W_ METSYS (or Massys or Matsys), Quentin (Quinten). ( School of.) Flemish School. Born, according to the Royal Museum of Belgium, at Louvain, Belgium, 1466; died at Antwerp, 1530; the National Gallery and the Louvre have it: bom at Antwerp before 1460; died there 1530-31. Early in life he was a blacksmith, and, it is said, became a painter for the sake of an artist’s daughter, whom he loved, and whose father was determined she should marry none but a painter. Metsys, the first of the great Antwerp painters, was the last who remained faithful to the traditions of the early Flemish School. His most important work was an altar-piece in three parts, now in the Museum of Antwerp. “ The Misers,” at Windsor Castle, is a notable work by this Master. His pictures are seen in all large European Galleries. He is buried in front of the Cathedral in Antwerp, and the immediate spot is marked with the simple inscription, “M. Q. M., obiit 1529.” 70 THE CROWN OF THORNS. The head of the Saviour. Front view. The hair and beard are of a red- dish brown. The brow is bleeding from the cruel thorns and the expression of the eyes and face is one of great agony, but noble patience and endurance. Gift of Mr. S. P. Avery, 1884. On panel, 10 H.; 7 W. MEULEN, Adam Frans van der. Flemish School. Born at Brussels, Jan. 11, 1632 (1634 — Louvre); died at Paris, Oct. 15, 1690. Pupil of Peeter Snayers. Became court painter to Louis XIV, was lodged at the Gobelins, had a pension of 6,000 livres, and accompanied the King to Flanders to paint his battles. Member of the Academy of Painting, 1673; Councellor, 1681; first Councellor, 1686. Genre, landscape and battle painter. 3 A COMBAT OF CAVALRY. The foreground of the picture is completely occupied with the contending forces, and at the right of the spectator the troops press forward in fierce encounter to the base of a small hill. Purchased by the Museum, 1871. Signed. On canvas, 18 H.; 24 W. MEYER, Johann Georg (called Meyer Von Bremen). German School , Bom at Bremen, 1813; died at Berlin, 1886. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Karl Sohn and Schadow. Painted at first Biblical subjects, afterwards genre. Repeatedly visited Belgium, and in 1852 moved to Berlin where he was made professor in 1863. Member of Amsterdam Academy; Order of Leopold: medal in Philadelphia, 1876. 402 THE LETTER. Standing in the court-yard of a cottage are two German peasant women, the elder having left her washtubs to overlook a missive just received by the girl from the hand of a boy messenger who stands by with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Purchased in Berlin, 1873. Bequeathed by Miss Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Signed. On canvas, 25 H. ; 19 W. 121 369 THE GRANDMOTHER. The grandmother is sitting with a babe in her arms, its mother by her side, and a boy and a girl on the floor at her feet. All are illumined by a lamp which stands on a round table. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix, 1881. Signed and dated, 1858. On canvas, 15 H. ; 12£ W. 576 EVENING PRAYER. In the kitchen of a German peasant cottage are an old woman with a girl upon her lap and a boy sitting on a bench at her feet. All are engaged in prayer. Bequeathed by Mr. Stephen Whitney Phcenix, 1881. Signed. Water Color, 4£ H.; 3$ W. 592 B BABY BROTHER SLEEPING. Lent by Mrs. W. J. Syms. On panel, 21f H. ; 16 W. MICHEL, Georges. French School. Born at Paris, about 1763; died, Paris, 1843. In his style, he reverted to the sincerity and simplicity of the old Dutch landscapists Hobbema and Ruisdael. His favorite subject was the plain of Montmartre, with its receding distance and large skies. 592 THE OLD CHATEAU. There is a level country extending from the foreground of the picture to the extreme distance. At the right is the chateau standing near a grove of trees. The sky is filled with rolling clouds. Gift of Mr. Durand-Ruel, of Paris, 1881. On canvas, 20 H.; 27 W. MILLET, Francis D. American School , Born at Mattapoisett, Mass., 1846. Pupil of the Royal Academy at Antwerp, gaining the silver and gold medals of Honor in 1872 and 1875. Has painted in the United States, Belgium, England, Italy, France, and Austria. Was the American Art-Juror at the Paris Exposition of 1878, and has dis- tinction as a journalist in America and Europe. 119 A COSY CORNER. By a latticed window in an old kitchen with its huge fire place, iron dogs, and smouldering fire, sits a young maiden of the “ Dolly Varden” type reading from a book which she holds in the right hand, while with the left she folds back a thin curtain to admit the light. Gift of Mr. George I. Seney, 1887. Signed and dated, 1884. On canvas, 35£ H. ; 22 \ W. MOLYN, Pieter (the Elder). Dutch School. Bom at London before 1600; died at Haarlem, March 23, 1661. Land- scape painter. Entered Haarlem Guild in 1616, dean in 1633. Painted flat and hilly landscapes, with great truth; colored warm and forcible; skies of great transparency. He also painted military scenes. A good picture by him of two cottages with rich woods is in the Berlin Museum. 122 247 LANDSCAPE WITH COTTAGE. A cottage with a group of trees is on a slight elevation in the middle dis- tance. A roadway from the fields beyond passes by and down into the fore- ground over which there is a deep brown shadow. Gift of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, 1895. Signed and dated, 1629. On panel, 14£ H.; 211 W. MOOR, Karel van. Dutch School. Born at Leyden, 1656; died at Warmond, 1738. Pupil of Gerard Dou, Abraham van den Tempel, and Frans van Mieris. He painted sacred and profane history in large and small pictures, but his portraits were his best works. He imitated Gerard Dou in his small pictures, and etched a few por- traits from his own designs, among which were those of Dou and Mieris. 5 © A BURGOMASTER OF LEYDEN AND HIS WIFE. Oval, half-length, the man’s head is turned to the spectator’s left, that of the lady three-quarters to the front; both have dark brown hair and brown eyes. The Burgomaster wears a dark coat open at the neck showing a white frilled collar. The wife in a warm brown decollete gown, has large pearl ear ornaments and a string of pearls about her neck; the right hand, gloved, rests in her husband’s left, the other at her side clasps the folds of her gown. The back-ground is warm, deep, and luminous. Purchased by the Museum, 1873. On canvas, 44 H.; 331 W. MORLAND, George. English School . Born at London, 1763; died there, 1804. Was the son of Henry Robert Morland, a portrait painter in crayons, and an engraver in mezzotint. He married the sister of James Ward, R.A., who was afterwards united to Maria Morland, the painter’s sister. Morland exhibited altogether, at the Royal Academy, between 1779 and 1804, thirty-six pictures. The first is called in the catalogue “ A Drawing with a Poker.” The last, in 1804, is termed, “A Landscape with Hounds in full Chase.” “The Inside of a Stable,” exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1791, was purchased from the exhibition by the Rev. Sir Henry Bate Dudley, Bart., and was presented to the National Gallery by his nephew, Mr. Thomas Birch Wolfe, in 1877. 296 MIDDAY MEAL. At the left of the picture there is a pig-sty sheltered by a group of large trees which shadow the foreground; a young farm hand approaches with a pail of feed followed by three hungry swine; beyond are the open fields where 123 the ripe grain and homely cottage are all aglow in the warm sunlight; above, the golden clouds float over a deep blue sky. Gift of Mr. George A. Hearn, 1895. On canvas, 27£ H.J 35 W. Signed and dated, 1795. / 7