THE CATALOGUE OF THE MAGNIFICENT GALLERY OF PAINTINGS OF MR CHARLES GALLI, BLENHEIM PLACE, EDINBURGH, Which toil! he JjwKtr by Auction, BY MR WRIGHT, IN THE SALOON OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION, EARTHEN MOUND, On Saturday , the 17th January , 1829, and the following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, at One o' Clock precisely. Now on View, and Catalogues (Price One Shilling each) may be had of Mr Wright, and at the Institution. OLIVER & BOYD, PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. That the highest Bidder be the Purchaser ; but should any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots to be put up again, and resold. II. That no person advance less than five shillings up to five pounds; ten shillings up to ten pounds ; and so on in proportion. III. That the Purchasers give in their names and places of abode, and pay down five shillings in the pound, in part of payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. IV. That the Lots shall be taken away with all faults and names, and under all and every de- scription, at the expense of the Purchaser, within three days after the Sale. V. That, to prevent inconveniences, which frequently attend long and open accounts, the re- mainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. And, lastly, That upon failure of complying with these Conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; the Lot or Lots uncleared after the time limited shall be resold by Public or Private Sale ; and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, to- gether with all charges, to be made good by the defaulter at this present Sale. Nota Bene . — Approved bills at six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months, will be taken from Purchasers where the amount of the Paintings bought by them is three hundred pounds and upwards, and the interest on such bills will be added at four per cent. ADVERTISEMENT. Those employed in the disposal of Pictures by Auction have a double duty to perform; first towards the proprietor, whose interest is intrusted to their care, and next to the public, whose confidence they feel it their interest to maintain. Fully impressed with these sentiments, the subscriber feels much pleasure in having been able to prevail on the proprietor to bring this magnificent Gallery of Pictures to sale. The various Collections from which this Gallery was formed were most of them of the highest cele- brity, particularly that of the Royal Society of Physicians of Am- sterdam, — a Collection well known to every admirer of the Fine Arts, and which was publicly sold within the last six months. There are a few of the finest specimens from the Collections of the Baron Luckhurst, and Mynheer Vander Pott of Rotterdam, two celebrated Collections which Mr Galli purchased about two years ago. — A few were obtained from the Collection of Murat, the ex-king of Naples ; and many from time to time, as opportunity presented, from the Collections of Noblemen and Gentlemen of taste. Many were not obtained but at great prices and with great trouble and risk. The Subscriber has refrained from speaking of the merits of the Pictures individually, having no pretension to direct the judgment of the connoisseur, or intention to misguide the less judicious. Every Picture will be found genuine, and brought forward in its original state, and will also be found, on the minutest inspection, to be in the very highest state of preservation. The 4 Masters, which are of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools, are — Raphael, Titian, Guido Rheni, Rubens, A. Caracci, Andrea del Sarto, Zucchero,Canaletti, Andrea Sacchi, Jordaens, Ger- hard Douw, Rembrandt, N. Berghem, Breughel, Palamedes, Frank Hals, Berkheyden, Albert Cuyp, Francis Mieris, Peter Neefs, David Teniers, Thomas Wyck, G. de Crayer, Both, Vander Neer, Vander Heyden, Everdingen, Jacob Ruysdael, &c. &c. &c. The whole Contents of this noble Gallery are now before the public, and as the Proprietor is resolved to visit his native coun- try, he has determined this shall be the last Public Sale he will ever have in this city ; and when the Buyers of Pictures look at the many beautiful Specimens which already adorn their walls from Mr Galli’s different selections on the continent, not the least doubt is entertained, that the prevailing Love for the Art of Painting, guided by correct notions, formed by a more attentive study of late years, will lead to a due appreciation of its import- ance, and that ample justice will be on this occasion awarded to the taste, judgment, and liberality of the Proprietor. FRANCIS WRIGHT. Edinburgh, 6th January, 1829. CATALOGUE. Lot 1. G. V. ECKHOUT. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. 9 3. REMBRANDT. Portrait of the Mother of Rembrandt. FLINK. Lawyer at his Study. 4. FLINK. The Doctor in his Study. 5. G. DOUW. Portrait of a Lady. 6. P. NEEFS. Interior of a Church. 7 - G. DOUW. The Astronomer. B 6 Lot 8 . G. DOUW. ' Candlelight Scene. 9- T. WYCK. Hermit in his Cell. 10. POELEMBURG. Landscape, with Nymphs Bathing. 11. N. BERGHEM. Landscape, with Cattle and Figures. 12. F. HALS. View of Haerlem Market-Place, with numerous Figures. 13 CANALETT1. Piazza ch San Marco in V enice. 11 , ALBERT DURER. The Adoration of the Shepherds. 15. PALAMEDES. A Dutch Party. 16. A. VANDER VELDE. Landscape, with Figures and Cattle. 17 . D. TENIERS the Younger. Landscape, with Cottage and Figures. ANDREA SACCHI. Holy Family. CASPAR DE CRAYER. Portrait of a Turk. JOHN and ANDREW BOTH. Landscape, with Figures and Cattle. JOHN BREUGHEL, The Finding of Moses. JOHN BREUGHEL. The Soldiers petitioning Elisha. ROSA DE BRUGES. Landscape with Cattle. TITIAN. Saint Francis. V. BATTEM. Dutch Family. FRANCIS MIER1S. Boy blowing Soap-Bubbles. E. VANDER NEER. Music Party. JORDAENS. Mercury and Argus. TITIAN. Landscape, with Figures. VANDER HELST. John preaching in the Wilderness. BERKHEYDEN, Landscape and Cattle. VANDER HELST. Italian Seaport, with numerous Figures. rfi't . P. MOREELSE. Susanna and the Elders. ALBERT CUYP. The Annunciation to the Shepherds. BOURGOGNONE. Soldiers watering Horses. A. MIGNON. Fruit Piece, with Still Life. BOURGOGNONE. Soldiers watering Horses. 9 Lot 38. FERDINAND BOL. Joseph and his Brethren. 39. FRANCIS SNEYDERS. Bear Hunt. 40. GAROFALO. The Circumcision. 41. BAMBOCCIO. The Nativity. 42. JAN ASSELYN. Landscape and Figures. 43. MOUCHERON. Landscape and Figures. 44. PETER DE HOOGE. Dutch Interior. 45. MOUCHERON. Landscape and Figures. 46. JACOB RUYSDAEL. Landscape, with Cottage and Figures. 47 - TITIAN. Repose of the Holy Family. C SPADA. Cleopatra applying the Asp. ANDREA DEL SARTO. Holy Family. J. VERNET. Italian Seaport, with Figures and Shipping. BREUGHEL. Landscape and Figures. VOOLART. View on the Rhine. D. TENIERS. Dutch Boor eating Eggs. RUBENS. Our Saviour bearing the Cross, a Sketch. BOTH. Landscape and Figures. MOLINAER. Dutch Merrymaking. Martyrdom of a Saint. STOFFE. A Battle Piece. GUIDO RHENI. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife. RUBENS. The Wise Men’s Offering. ANIBAL CARRACCI. Christ in the Garden. HOBBEMA. Landscape, with Figures. DE HEEM. Fruit and Flower Piece. GUERCINO. Holy Family. Q. B. A Cook-Shop. DUSART. Draught-Players. POUSSIN. Landscape and Figures. GUIDO. Saint Francis. SCHEDONE. The Flagellation. SEE. PIOMBO. The Nativity. After RAFFELLE. The Transfiguration. SCHEDONE. The Flagellation. SCHEDONE. The Three Graces. SALVATOR ROSA. Saint Mark. CARLO DOLCI. Madonna. GIORGIONE. A Holy Family. MOLINAER. 13 Lot 78 . 79 . 80 . 81 . Engraved by 82 . 83 . 84 . 85 . 86 . 87 - MURILLO. Saint Anthony. P. VERONESE. The Finding of Moses. MURILLO. Boy holding an Apple. TITIAN. The Disciples at Emaus. Masson, and commonly known by the name of the Tablecloth. BERGHEM. Italian Seaport. H. VAN STEENWYCK. Interior of a Church. ■ VANDYCK. Portrait of Vandyck. P. DE BLOOT. Dutch Interior. ROSSI. Historical Picture. TITIAN. Lot and his Daughters. D EVERDINGEN. View of Amsterdam. THOMAS WYCK. A Weaver at Work. SCHEDONE. Jacob blessing Joseph’s Children. ALBERT CUYP. Fisherwoman and Stall. GERARD DOUW. Sampson and Dalilah. JACOB RUYSDAEL. Frost-Piece. THOMAS WYCK. Blacksmith’s Shop. D. TENIERS. Dutch Merrymaking. RUBENS. Landscape and Figures. SPADA. Judith with the Head of Holofernes. 15 Lot 98. HOBBIMA. Landscape with Water. 99. VAN GELL. The Death of Saint Elizabeth v 100. GASPAR NETSCHER. A Lady at her Toilette. 101. MURILLO. Our Saviour healing the Sick. 102. L. BACKHUYSEN. Seapiece — View of the Brill. 103. JOHN A. WINKE. Portrait of a Lady. 104. B. GAAL. Halt of Travellers. 105. B. GAAL. Halt of Travellers, companion. 106. ROTENHAMER. Nativity. 107. GIORGIONE. Holy Family. 16 Lot 108. FILLIPO LAURI. Landscape, with Pan and the Muses. 109 BEGA. Dutch Interior. 110. VOOLART. View on the Rhine. 111. JAN STEEN. Lady at her Toilette. 112. VOOLART. Landscape with Waterfall. / t D. TENIERS. Tempus et Veritas. A. DEL SARTO. Holy Family. MURILLO. Fortune-Teller. 116. GERARD DOUW. The Sacrifice. 117 . VANDER HEYDEN. View of a Convent near Cologne. 113. 114. 115. 17 Lot 118. W. VANDER VELDE. Seapiece with Shipping. 119. VAN ALST. Fruit and Flower Piece. 120. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. Ananias and Sapphira. 121. REMBRANDT. Saint Francis at his Devotion. 122. PETER DE BLOOT. Philosopher at his Study. 123. PETER DE HOOGE. Dutch Family. 124. CORNELIUS BEGA. Interior with Figures. 125. A. VANDYCK. Holy Family. 126. JAN STEEN. Dutch Politicians. 127. RICHARD WILSON Landscape with Figures. E 18 Lot 128. VAN NYMEGON. Holy Family. 129- BEGA. Interior Dutch Family. 130. PETER DE BLOOT. Interior Lady knitting Lace. 131. D. TENIERS the Young. Landscape and Figures. 132. BRECKLENBERG. Dutch Interior. 133. REMBRANDT. Old Man’s Head. 134. GERARD DOUW. Flute-Player. 135. EVERDINGEN. Landscape with Waterfall. 136. THOMAS WYCK. Women Washing Clothes. 137 . CORNELIUS BEGA. Dutch Conversation Party. 19 Lot 138. BERKHEYDEN. Landscape and Cattle. 139. BERGHEM. Landscape and Cattle. 140. BERGHEM. Shepherd and Shepherdess. 141. GERARD TERBURG. Card-Players. 142. KARL DU JARDIN. Landscape, Cattle and Figures. 143. ALBERT CUYP. Portrait of a Gentleman. 144. ALBERT CUYP. Portrait of a Lady, companion. 145. FLINK. Portrait of a Lady. 146. VICTOR. Portrait of a Gentleman. 147. ZUCCHERO. Holy Family. 20 Lot 148. VANDER CAPELLO, Seapiece. 149 P. V. AS. Landscape with Water. 150, BASSANO. Interior of a Church. 151. VAN STRY. Landscape with Cattle. 152. PETER NEEFS. Interior of a Cathedral. 153. ; POUSSIN. Venus and Adonis. 154. WATTEAU. Garden Scene, with Figures. 155. RUBENS. Two Figures. 156. MURILLO. Ascension of the Virgin. 157 - D. TENIERS. Pan and Syrinx. 21 Lot 158. 159- 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. SALVATOR ROSA. David and Goliath. ABRAHAM STORK. View of Amsterdam. VANDYCK. Cupids. HELL BREUGHEL. Purgatory. DE HEEM. Flower-Piece. VAN NYMEGON. Landscape and Figures. D. TENIERS. Shoemaker and his Wife. REMBRANDT. The Adoration of the Shepherds. VANDER HEYDEN. View of a Church. MUSSCHER. Portrait of a Gentleman. F Lot 168. 22 STOFFE. Battle-Piece. 169- VANDER BLECK. Interior of Greek Church at Rotterdam. 170. ‘ SCHWEICKHARDT. Landscape, with Waterfall. 171 THOMAS WYCK. Interior of a Smithy. 172. CATANIO. Head of John the Baptist. 173. P. MAAS. The Angel appearing at the Pool of Siloam. 174. WILLARTS. Seaport. 175. Portrait of a Gentleman. 176 . ELLIGER. The Adoration of the Shepherds. 177 - Portrait of a Lady. 178 . REMBRANDT. Portrait of a Laughing Philosopher. 23 Lor 179 . 180 . 181 . 182 . 183 . 184 . 185 . 186 . 187 . 188 . REMBRANDT. Portrait of a Gentleman. VAN LYO. Ascending to the Third Heaven. ROTTENHAMER. Bearing the Cross. REMBRANDT. Portrait of a Lady. VANDER HELST. Dutch Family.* POLIDORE CABARRA. Bearing the Cross. CASPAR DE CRAYER. Friar and Nun. KARL DU JARDIN. Portrait of Himself. WATTEAU. Merrymaking. FRANCIS HALS. Group of Figures. 24 Lor 189- KARL DU JARD1N. Landscape with Goats. 190. WYNANTS. Landscape with Figures. 191. SASSO FERATO. Virgin and Child. 192. LUVINI. The Plague. 193. PETER DE BLOOT. Interior with Figures. 194. HOLBEIN. Altar-Piece. 195. ANIBAL CARRACCI. Virgin and Child. 196. ANIBAL CARRACCI. Fete of Cupids. 197- PELEGRINO TIBALD. Holy Family. 198 . RUBENS. Head of our Saviour. 25 Lot 199 . 200 . 201 . 202 . 203 . 204 . 205 . 206 . 207. LANGENDYK. Halt of Soldiers. ALBERT CUYP. Fruit-Piece. PRIMATICCIO. Virgin and Child. BREKLENBERG. Dutch Feast. STENWYCK. Interior of a Church. QUINTIN MATSYS. The Miser and Wife. PETER NEEFS. Interior of a Church. C. DE HEEM. Fruit and Flower Piece. FRANK HALS. Fishwoman. 208 . DIRK VAN BERGEN. Landscape, with Stag-Hunt. G Lot 209. FLINK. Portrait of a Lady. 210. D. TENIERS. Allegorical Picture. 211. RAFFAELLE. Holy Family. 212. RAFFAELLE. Bearing the Cross. 213. RAFFAELLE. Holy Family. 214. SALVATOR ROSA. Landscape. 215. HOBBIMA. Landscape, with Figures. 216. HOLBEIN. Portrait of Martin Luther. 217 . .JACOB RUYSDAEL. Landscape View on the Maese. 213 . VANDER NEER. Seapiece, Sunrise. 27 Lot 219. 220 . 221 . 222 . ORRIZONTI. Italian Landscape. JACOB RUYSDAEL. Landscape. GUERCINO. Sleeping Christ. GAB METZU. Interior. 223. GEDDES. Draught-Players. 224. FERG. Cup found in Benjamin’s Sack. 225. FERG. Rebecca at the Well. 226. ZORG. Boors playing at Cards. 227 KARL DU JARDIN. Landscape and Cattle. '