THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PORTRAIT PAINTERS 1913 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 Catalogue of the Exhibition of the National Association of Portrait Painters Inc. February the First to February the Fourteenth Ninteen hundred thirteen Galleries of M. Knoedler & Company Five Fifty-six Fifth Avenue NEW YORK The Association acknowledges with thanks the courtesy of M. Knoedler & Company in the loan of their Galleries for this Exhibition Inquiries concerning portrait com- missions may be referred to M. Knoedler & Company Copyrighted 1913 National Association of Portrait Painters New York 4 THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PORTRAIT PAINTERS 1913 ACTIVE MEMBERS ALEXANDER, JOHN W. 123 E. 63rd Street New York BEAUX, CECILIA 20 Gramercy Park New York BETTS, LOUIS c/o M. O'Brien 6- Sons 334 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. BORIE, ADOLPHE 4100 Pine Street Philadelphia, Pa. CHASE, WILLIAM M. 333 Fourth Avenue New York CLARKSON, RALPH 410 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, ill 5 COTTON, WILLIAM 146 W. 55th Street New York CKAWFORD, BRENETTA HERRMAN The Enclosure Nutley, N. J. CRAWFORD, EARL STETSON The Enclosure, Nutley, N. )., and 51 W 10th St., New York CUSHING, HOWARD GARDINER 1 2 1 E. 70th Street New York EMMET, LYDIA FIELD 535 Park Avenue, New York and Stockbridge, Mass. GIBSON, CHAKLES DANA Carnegie Hall New York HAGGIN, BEN ALI 33 W. 67th Street New York HECHT, VICTOR D 58 W. 57th Street New York HENRI. ROBERT 10 Gramercy Park New York HUBBELL, HENRY SALEM 1 Lexington Avenue New York JOHANSEN, JOHN C. 5 E. 9th Street New York LOCKMAN, DE WITT M. 58 W. 57th Street New York LOCKWOOD, WILTON Carnegie Hall New York LUKS, GEORGE Cor. Jumel PI. Edgecombe P\d. New York Mac CAMERON, ROBERT I Deceased) MILLER, RICHARD 20 Rue Boissinade Paris, France McLANE, M. JEAN 5 E. 9th Street New York RAND, ELLEN EMMET 62 S. Washington Square New York ROOSEVELT. S. MONTGOMERY 58 W. 57th Street New York SMEDLEY, WILLIAM T. 58 W. 57th Street New York VONNOH. ROBERT 33 W. 67th Street New York WILES, IRVING R. 130 W. 57th Street New York HONORARY MEMBERS GANDAKA, ANTONIO DE LA - Paris, France ZORN, ANDEKS, - - Mora, Sweden 8 Deceased Mac Cameron, Robert Elected, 1912 Deceased. 1913 HIS Association is incorporated 1 for the advancement of Art in the United States of America, the holding of Exhibitions and the ultimate establishment of proper and adequate permanent Gal- leries for the exposition of its own and allied branches of Art, as they are needed. 10 Executive Committee S. MONTGOMERY ROOSEVELT Chairman DE WITT M. LOCKMAN Vice-Chairman EARL STETSON CRAWFORD Secretary and Treasurer ROBERT VONNOH BEN ALI HAGGIN Hanging Committee ROBERT VONNOH WILLIAM COTTON Address all communications to Earl Stetson Crawford Secretary Fifty-one West Tenth Street New York, N. Y. 11 CATALOGUE 1913 I. -Portrait John W. Alexander New York II. -Portrait Cecilia Beaux New York 13 CATALOGUE 1913 Chicago, 111. Ill.-Portrait of Martin O'Brien, Esq. Adolphe BORIE Philadelphia, Pa. IV.-Lady with Black Scarf 14. CATALOGUE 1913 Wm. M. Chase New York V. -Portrait of R. IT. Johnson, Esq. Loaned by the Century Co. William Cotton New York VI. -Portrait of Miss Dvorak 15 CATALOGUE 1913 P Vll.-Portrait of Mr. Russell Earl Stetson Crawford New York Vlll.-Signorina Marguerita Brenetta Herrman Crawford Nutley, N. J. 16 CATALOGUE 1913 Lydia Field Emmet New York IX.-" Boy" Loaned by Mr. C. H. Mackay Ben Ali Haggin New York X.-Mrs. George M. Landers Loaned by George M. Landers, Esq. 17 CATALOGUE 1913 Victor D. Hecht New York XI. -Portrait of Mrs. Arthur Hinckley Robert Henri New York XII. -Lady in Black Velvet 18 CATALOGUE 1913 Henry Salem HUBBELL New York XIII.-L. Clark Seelye, D.D., LL.D., President Emeritus, Smith College JOHANSEN New York XIV. Mr. J. S. Coleman 19 CATALOGUE 1913 New York XV. -Portrait of Miss D. Q Wilton LOCKWOOD New York XVI. -Mrs. Knowles Loaned by L. J. Knowles, Esq. 20 CATALOGUE 1913 George LUKS New York XVII.-Mr. C. W. Kraushaar Robert MacCameron {Deceased) XVIII.-" Don Quixote" 21 CATALOGUE 1913 M. Jean McLane New York XIX.-"Brother and Sister" Loaned by Mrs. Arthur Mackie Ellen Emmet Rand New York XX.-"Miss Peabody" 22 CATALOGUE 1913 S. Montgomery Roosevelt New York XXI. -Portrait of Bishop Darlington, Diocese of Western Pennsylvania Wm. T. Smedley iflhi New York XXII.-'^ Gypsy Spade" 23 CATALOGUE 1913 \ \ 4 - Robert VONNOH XXIII.-Dr. Talcott Williams, Di- rector School of Journalism, Columbia University Irving R. Wiles New York XXIV.-Mrs. Willis Sharp Kilmer 24 CATALOGUE 1913 Antonio de la Gandara XXV. -Portrait of Mrs. Frances Roche Anders Zorn XXVI. -Portrait President Loaned by Mr. of the late Vice- Sherman Charles Deering 25 I ALEXANDER, JOHN W. Portrait 27 II BEAUX, CECILIA Portrait 28 Ill BETTS, LOUIS Portrait of Martin O'Brien, Esq. 29 IV BORIE, ADOLPHE Lady with Black Scarf 30 V CHASE, WM. M. Portrait of R. U. Johnson, Esq. Loaned by the Century Company 31 VI COTTON, WILLIAM Portrait of Miss Dvorak 32 VII CRAWFORD, BRENETTA HERRMAN Portrait of Mr. Russell m VIII CRAWFORD, EARL STETSON Signorina Marguerita 34 IX EMMET, LYDIA FIELD "Boy" Loaned by Mr. C. H. Mackay 35 X HAGGIN, BEN ALI Mrs. George M. Landers Loaned by George M. Landers, Esq. 36 XI HECHT, VICTOR D. Portrait of Mrs. Arthur Hinckley / XII HENRI, ROBERT Lady in Black Velvet 38 XIII HUBBELL, HENRY SALEM L. Clark Seelye, D.D., LL.D., President Emeritus, Smith College 39 XIV JOHANSEN, JOHN C. Mr. J. S. Coleman 40 XV LOCKMAN, DeWITT M. Portrait of Miss D. 41 XVII LUKS, GEORGE Mr. C. W. Kraushaar 43 XVIII MacCAMERON. ROBERT "Don Quixote" XIX McLANE, M. JEAN "Brother and Sister" Loaned by Mrs. Arthur Mackie 45 XX RAND, ELLEN EMMET "Miss Peabody" 46 XXI ROOSEVELT, S. MONTGOMERY Portrait of Bishop Darlington, Diocese of Western Pennsylvania 47 XXII SMEDLEY, WILLIAM T. "Gypsy Spade" 48 XXIII VONNOH, ROBERT Dr. Talcott Williams, Director School of Journalism, Columbia University 49