^".kes tW g0idm^n|m;puts fi a couBi^ii^ their . :Jf>J>-th 'L> as he-csees ifit, 1^, t^r f! ‘ .iitf>4Jl'o^.hisJ^»,m^ t* eiind*^ ihc ifeY*iti8|• ■ rfi^ ‘♦V’* ■‘■n 'T'ljV S V,.r? ^. /... ■•<. K®.'- \ Wy'‘- "'■ ■' ' v;-: ' ■ : ' - f ' ^••■' i:'\' /Villi'* J . '■• i' “it .‘‘r, •■ ' . 'V/ ,;j'''r'"''. :•' ,' , A i.'■•" . *5 . yfi '. , i’Ji i.: '"* - -■ ; ' , . .■• '■' ..r i . ■’. ■i.^'>'’'''!''''T..'■.' .... '■■•' ^ “‘ •■ ......... i^xd ■'/» J \i ;>(', u’n . -t .- ’•'■}■ ''■-> }r-;h '■ ’f" % •■''■•: '■" V';'^| ,v,--/ ' ‘ v; .-.wv,- '■' *' i-’ ,' ■ . at'.: r>t ■■■ .i' . ! ■■* ’.■*' '.A - r :h \ ', > f. : '*> , *•/ > M',/ , .,V\ "♦•■,- ■ ..1. • ‘ • >. . . . t’lCC i ■.-fi . '■ ' if '■ ^ .', ,, ^ ’ a*J» ■ ■/' /. 1 ) iB^^ '' i'.r'r- A ' i - , ^ r • ' •^•' 51 '-- ■.(••'*.'o sT ■•. - 'f .'.r fV I O V f k:. -s ,'>;• ■ '- , - '■ '/‘'"■iJi. ■>;.^•.•<‘..;..;.,.r^(! ■.,^ jH I ■1 T> ;.. /I :. »* • . ' . • K ’ ■; -,F V,- ■' > tv • • 14 ^' ■' '■'- •• » I I ■ '•' A CATALOGUE, &c First Day’s Sale. / / / ! 1 / . i 1 // 1 I /cT , 1 / • / y / • FOREIGN POTENTATES. tOT 1 JEmPEROR Ferdinand 2d and his Empress, ly Van Sompel—Veiet the Great, W L. ly Wagner, Isfc. — — — — 2 Catherine Empress of Russia, ly C. A. Wortmann, ts’c.—Empresses Ann and Elizabeth, ly Ditto —^Prince Potemkin, &c. — — 3 Emperors Peter the Great and Alexander—Frederick William King of Prussia, 4 Philip 4 th, King of Spain, ly Akerdoot —John 4 th, King of Portugal, ly Hon- dius —Edward, Infanta of Portugal, ly J. Picart, fs’c. fine and scarce 5 Charles 2d, King of Spain, ly J. F. Leonart —Isabella Queen of Spain, ly P. de Jode —Exchange of the Sister of Lewis IStliand the Infanta of Spain, Allet Papina fecit, scarce, ds’c. — — — 6 Albert Archduke of Austria, tz/£ 5 ’c.—Philip 3 d, King of Spain, ly Suyderhoef fs’c. — — — — 7 Princes and Princesses of Orange, ly Houlraken and Tanje, fne 8 Augustus 3d, King of Poland, and his Queen, ly Schmidt —Stanislaus King of Poland, W. L.—Charles Emanuel King of Sardinia, &c. fine — 9 Victor Amedeus Duke of Savoy and Mary Duchess of Savoy, ly Nantueil, Isfc. Christina Queen of Sweden (four different portraitsj SCc. — 10 Christina Queen of Sweden, by Falck —Charles 10 th King of Sweden,/)roo/y,irc. 11 John Frederick Duke of Saxony, surrounded by Coats of Arms, ly G. Penx, 1553 , fine and scarce—Cosmus de Medicis, ly N. de la Casa, ditto, £fc B 4 12 10 4 ^ I 2 JlOYAL FAMILIES. dT 12 Aloysius Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, ly M. Pitteri —Aloysius Pisani, Oy Bar^ tolozzi —and various Portraits of Venetian Generals — — 13 Tchien Long, Emperor of China, W. L. in colours —Kaia Nabee, Ambassador from Bantam, ditto —and Chinese Elabits and Customs, coloured —- BRITISH PORTRAITS. ROYAL FAMILIES FROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE PRESENT PERIOD. y. yy yy y y ^'c;» c y yi i . ;/^i ' i . yy 14 William the Third, Bust, ly Gunst —Queen Mary, ly J. Smith, J. Gole, Sfc. —and William 3d, with historical vignettes relating to the Abdication of James 2d, sheet — — — — 15 William and Mary, crowned, Ovals, by G. Valck, h. sh. mezzs. very fine 16 William and Mary, W. L.’s, crowned and sceptred, by N. Visscher —and Wil¬ liam 3d, W, L. by J. Smith, ditto — — — 17 Queen Anne, by Vertiic, Houbraken, ific. —and a curious Emblematical Print of Queen Anne laying the Foundation Stone to one of the New Churches, attended by her Courtiers, Src. sheet, rare — — 18 Queen Anne, ly J. Smith, IV Faithorne, isfc. —George Prince of Denmark, by Ditto, tdc .—and Prince William of Glocester {three diff'erentj by j J. Smith, fine — — — — jp George Prince ofi Denmark, Oval of Foliage, by D. Loggan, half sheet, scarce, I and Ditto, by G. Verlue,fiol. —■ — — j 20 Princess Sophia of Hanover, in a large hood, Oval h. sA.—Ditto receiving the J Act of Settlement—George Lewis Elector of Hanover, by Simon and Smith, 8tc. —and Ernest Duke of York — — 21 George the First and his Progeny, by J. S. Muller, sheet —Ditto, by Chereau, Floubraken, Vertue, 8:c.—and his Queen Sophia of Zell, by A Birrell 22 George Prince of Wales and the Princess Caroline, by Fcrtue —George the Second on horseback, ly S. Ravenit —and Frederick Prince of Wales and his Princess, W. L.’s, by Baron — — — ; 23 George the Second, Whole Length, by IV, Dickinson, sheet me%. p. p. —Ditto, by Houston, proq/’—and Queen Caroline, by Van Haecken — 24 George the Second, by Houbraken. JVorlidge, Tanje, She. —A curious Political Print relating to Ditto—and three Profile Medallions, Prince Frederick, &c. ; 25 Frederick Prince of Wales, by Simon, Burford, Sfc .—William Duke of Cum- berland—Frederick Duke of Glocester and the Princess Anne, by G. Ver- 2 2 0 5 S 10 ^ 26 c/' 27 V / 28 i //< 1 \ 29 ] y f 30 ^ isr 1 f 1 32 // 33 '^'3. > 35 1 '36 37 i \ i 1 38 //■ KINGS, QUEENS, PRINCES, &C. William Duke of Cumberland, ly Ravenet, Faber, Bookman, — Princesses Louisa and Mary, W. L.’s, by Bookman —Princess Amelia—Princess Anne and Prince William of Orange, by J. Houbraken, P. Endlich, fs’c. Children of Frederick Prince of Wales, by J. Faber, oblong sheet nzes:.—and the Lady Augusta, an Infant, ly Ditto, scarce — — George Prince of Wales and Prince Edward, by M‘ Ardell and Houston —two etcliings of Ditto, by IFbrlidge, fs’c.—and the Princess Augusta, after An¬ gelica, by Spilsbury, TF. L. sheet mex. — — His Present Majesty and the late Queen Charlotte, after Zoffany, ly Houston, fine —and Ditto, Whole Lengths, by W. Ryland — — Apotheosis of the Princes Octavius and Alfred, after Mr. West, ly Sir Robert Strange, very fine — — — — George Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick, W. L.’s, sheet mezzs. —and the present Duke of Clarence, W. L. in his Robes of the Garter, after Hoppner, PROOF — — — _ Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland and his Duchess, after Sir Joshua, by T, and J. Watson, the latter a beautiful proof — —- The Royal Family, fi/i'er-Z offany, by Earlom, proof — His present Majesty, after Ramsay, by Woollett and J. Watson, E. Fisher, isfc. two proofs —and her late Majesty, by Frye — — His present Majesty, W. L. after Sir Joshua, fs’c. some proofs —and her late Majesty, ly Bartolozxi, Collyer, {s’c. — — — George Prince of Wales, by W. Sharp, proof and letters —Ditto and the Prin¬ cess of Wales with the Princess Charlotte, ly Collyer —and the Prince Regent, medallion, ly H. D. Thielcke — — — George Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick with a Dog, ly J. Watson - William Duke of Glocester, by Earlom —and the Duke of Clarence, by F. Green, proofs — Edward Duke of York, by Houston — Xing and Queen of Denmark, by Fisher —and the Princess Sophia of Gloucester, an Infant, after Sir Joshua, ly Watson — — — Frederick Duke of York and the Duke of Clarence, by E. Scott, isfc .—William Duke of Gloucester, by J. Skelton —the Princess Sophia, by Bartolozzi, bgfc. Ann Duchess of Cumberland, W. L. by J. K. Sherwin —Queen of Wirtem- burg, ly Ariker Smith —Princess Amelia, by Bartolozzi, Cardan, csfc .—and Duchess of York, W. L. by Cunego — — — William Henry Princess of Orange, ly C. Watson, G. van Nymegen, CS’c.- Princesses Mary and Sophia, by Caroline IFatson —and the Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, ly R, Cooper, isfc. — — -^ 5 4 '' 1 1 y/^ y y y/^ X y /; • I yj^! .y ABDICATED FAMILY. I -42 James Stuart (the Pretender) two cVitFerent, setat. 12 , after De Troy, hj G Edelinck, sheet, fne — — — 43 James Prince of Wales, after De Largilliere, ly Ditto ; Ditto, ly P. Drevel, sheet', and with his Sister, W, L’s. hy J. Smith — ■ 44 James, hirmZ’ed Jacques 3 Roy D’Angleterre, Robes of the Garter, ty M. Hor- teinels, and Ditto encompassed with six heads of his Adherents, scarce ‘ 45 James 3 d and his Sister the Princess Louisa Maria, hy F. Chereau, and the Wonderful Product of the Court Warming Pan, fol. rare — — I 46 James Stuart when advanced in years 17‘17> Profile, Star and Garter; Motto, Quccrit Patria Ccesarem, oval fol. very scarce — — — 47 James and his Consort Clementina Sobieski, Ovals h. sh. mex. ; Ditto hy A. Miller, 1/37 ; and Charles James Edward, eldest Son of the attainted Prince of Wales, Oval, Profle, in a rich dress, h. sh. mex. fine and scarce 48 Charles Edward (the Young Chevalier) hy J, Daulle, N. Edelinck, F. Chereau, &c. one a proof ; and Henry second Son of James Stuart, hy Wille,fine 49 Charles Prince of Wales in armour, hy J. G. TVille, sheet, and the Princess Clementina, hy P. Drevet, J. Veraut, and Jac. Frey — — 50 Charles Edward, hy And. Warren-, and two etchings in profile, hy T. Wbr- I lidge-. Ditto, small oval, in a female habit (no inscription) ; and Henry ! Cardinal Y^ork, hy P. A. Pazxi — — — 51 Charles Edward, W. L. in his Highland Plaid Dress with Sword and Buckler. Ditto, Oval, with Emblematical Figures, by T. Scott ; Ditto, very small, at the head of an Address to him from the Irish Nation j and Perkins’ Tri¬ umph, a curious political print, hy C. Mosley — — — n 5 .•/J" NOBILITY. 52 William Duke of Bedford, hy R. Williams, and Thomas Earl of Pembroke, hy J. Smith, both very fine — — — — 53 William first Duke of Devonshire, hy Becket, and Charles Earl of Dorset, hy J. Smith, ditto — — •— — — 54 John Marquis of Tweedale, hy J. Smith, and Ditto in an ermined robe, hy Ditto, ditto — ““ ~ “ 55 Charles Duke of Shrewsbury, Sold ly E. Cooper, h. s. mex. and William Henry Lord Osborne with his two Sisters, by R. Williams, fine and scarce — 56 William Earl of Portland, hy R. Williams, and John Earl of Bridgewater, hy J, Smith, very fine — _ — — 2 1^^ ' y X' _ 2 c (L - — 2 s 1 2 S - I JO Second Day’s Sale. ' /I V / . 1 y yy 1 . ) 1 i y. j / /z' ■ i i t i t . i . 1 i A f' * /. L . : i ■ /<> i LOT ! 127 128 129 ! 130 13] 132 FOREIGN PORTRAITS. KINGS AND QUEENS OF FRANCE, &c. H. 134 135 136 137 138 139 ,ENRY 4th, on horseback, Tempesta —Ditto, W. L. by Tardicu —Anne of Austria, W, L. by Daret, CS’c. — — — Lewis 13th—Gaston and Philip Due’s d’Orleans, by F. Poilly, isfe. — Lewis 14th (large) by Masson, Poilly, is’e.—and Ceremony of the Marriage of Lewis I4th with the Infanta of Spam, ajter Le Bntn. by Jeaurat Anne of Austria and Mary de Medicis (different portraits) by M, Lasne, Nantueil, ff’e. — — — — Lewis 15 th and his Queen Maria Theresa, Ovals, by De Larmessin, very fine Lewis 15th and Maria Theresa, by J. A/o^rea«—Louis Dauphin and theDau- phiness, by J. G. Wille, {sfc. — — — Celebrated Characters of the Posterity of Lewis 14th, by P. Drevit, isfe. Dukes of Anjou, Burgundy and Berry, by Edelinck —Duke of Orleans, by Drevetffine, isfe. — — — — Royal Family of France—Louis Dauphin—Louis Seize—-Marie Antoinette, &c Napoleon Buonaparte—Lucien Buonaparte—Bernadotte, &c. — Charles Due de la Vieuville, by Lombart —Charles Due de Bourbon, by Vbr- sterman, isfe. — — — — Anthoine Due de Grammont, by W. Vaillant, etching, scarce —Henry Due de Guise, by Morin, dc. — — — — Louis Prince de Conde, W. L. by Lombart —Francis Duke of Modena, by C. Meyssens—izc de Thou, by Lasne, Proof, &c. — 5 6 A 2 7 5 — 8 12 r 11 BRITISH PORTRAITS. NOBILITY, continued. S'. ■ yy^ . Af I A / /|A' ? y2 140 Charles Earl Camden, W. L. hy J. Basire —James Ear! of Charlemont, by J. Dean —W illiam (first) Earl of Chatham, W. L.’s, by E. Fisher —and Ditto, Bust in aqnatinta, by J. Barry — _ _ 141 Chatles Earl Camden, after Dance, by O^'iorne—Ditto, by Collyer, i^c. small etching of Lord Chatham, and Pltilip Earl of Chesterfield, by Barto- lozzi, isSc. — _ _ __ _ 142 Frederick Earl of Carlisle, after Romney, by J. K. Sherwin—and Townshend j Lord De Ferrars of Chartley (eldest Son of George Earl of Leicester) 1793, I small oval, proof, rare — _ _ — j 143 James Earl of Cardigan, by Grozer, proof —Philip Earl of Chesterfield, by I Simon —Henry Viscount Downe, after Sir Joshua, by Fisher —and Archibald ! Earl of Eglintoune, by S. IV. Reynolds, proof — — j 144 William Earl of Chatham, by Houston, proof —Basil Earl of Denbigh and Desmond, ly J. W af/5—John Earl of Eginont, by M’^irdeU, isfc. 145 Philip Earl of Chesterfield (when advanced in years) Oval, Star on his breast, j h. s. mez. proof, rake — ^ — I 146 Robert Lord Clive, after Dance, p. p .—and George Lord Heathfield, after I Sir Joshua, by Bai lolozzi, very fine — — — 147 Charles Marquis Cornwallis (two different) by Bartolozzi, one a proo f Ditto, by F. Howard —James Earl of Charlemont, after Hogarth, proof — and George Earl Cowper, by J. E. Mansfeld of Vienna, 8yo. — 148 John West Fare Delawak, W. L. in his shooting dress, dog and gun. Lord Byron delin. Hen. Roberts sculp, large h. s, very scarce —and a copy of the same, ly S. Harding — — _ 149 IVilliam (late) Duke of Devonshire, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith, proof, and the Duke of Dorset, after Ditto, hy S. IV. Reynolds — 150 James Earl of Erroll, Lord High Constable of Scotland, W. L. in , his Robes, after Sir Joshua, by T. Watson, p. p. very fine — 151 George Capel Earl of Essex, by Harding, proof and letters-^- - Henry Earl Fauconberg, after Copley, by Fogg, p. p .—Jacob Viscount Folkestone, by C. Sherwin, is^c. —. — _ _ ; 152 Augustus Henry Duke of Grafton, after Pompeio Battoni, by J. Watson, and scarce—and Simon Earl Harcourt, by M'Ardell, proof _ jl53 John Marquis of Granby, W. L. leaning on his Horse, after Sir Joshua, j ly J. Watson, proof — — 2 5 12 NOBILITY. // ! 1 ' >' ■ /^,- //. j/zCi / /I: (_ ' // . . // . y' ■ /. /£< . y. //. / 154 Thomas Lord Grantham, hy Dickinson, proof —Augustus Duke of Grafton, after Hoppner, hy C. Turner —John Lord Hervey, after Ditto, hyj. Young, proof—an^ Frederick Lord North, afterwards Earl of Guildford, 5^ Burke 155 Granville Earl Gower and the Marquis of Granby, both after Sir Joshua, by Fisher and Houston, fine — — — 156 Richard Lord Grosvenor, W. L. after JFest, by Dickinson, p. p —and Field Marshal John Griffin Baron Howard of Walden, W. L. in his Robes, by E. Bell, proof — — — — 157 John Earl Granville, in his Robes, ly Major and Nixon —Augustus Duke of Grafton, very small etching, by Miss Norfolk, p. p.—and Robert Trevor, Viscount Hampden, profile medallion, L.Valperga del. et sculp.^ne and scarce 158 Thomas Lord Graves, after Northcote, by Bartolozzi, p. p. proof —and Henry Lord Mulgrave, after Sir W. Beechy, by Skelton, fine — 159 George Dunk Earl of Halifax, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, small oval mez. at the Head of his Answer to the Address of the Flouse of Commons, 1762, by S. Wheatley, rare — — — — 160 Philip Earl of Hardwicke, W, L. by Baron —Philip 2d Earl of Hardwicke, by Bartolozzi and Mariano Bovi —Henry Fox Lord Holland, etching, after Hogarth, proof —and Lord Hood, by G. Fiesinger — — 161 Philip Earl of Hardwicke, 1780, drawing in colours, after the Original at Wrest House, by T. Athow — — — 162 Simon Earl Harcourt, by E. Fisher and Val, Green, proof —Francis Earl of Hertford, ly Dixon —Ditto, after Sir Joshua, by J. IFatts, proof —and Henry Fox Lord Holland, by M'Ardell, &c. ditto — — 163 Richard Earl Howe, by J. Watson, proof —William Duke of Leinster, ly Hodges—John Earl of Loudoun, W. L. by J. Faber, bsfc .—and Lord Loughborough, by Hudson, Proof — — — 164 Thomas Earl of Kellie, by Blyth —Robert Earl of Kinnoull, W, L. by Caroline Watson, p, p. proof —William Marquis of Lansdown, by Bartolozzi —and the Marquis of Hastings, after Sir Joshua, by Baldrey and Jones — 165 James Earl of Kildare, by M‘Ardell —George Viscount Lewisham and his Brother, ly Spilsbury —and Charles Lord Lucan, by Jones, all after Sir Joshua — — — — — 1G6 Francis Duke of Leeds, W. L after Sir T. Lawrence, ly R. Meadows, proof, and Lord Lake with his Son at the Battle of Laswari, W. L.’s, ly R. Cooper 167 JPilliam Duke of Leinster, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon, very fine and scarce 168 James Earl of Lauderdale (Father of the present Earl) W. L. in his Robes, private plate—and the Earl of Leicester, Oval, in a military uniform, after Sir Joshua, by C. Bestland, ditto, Proofs — — • I69 George Lord LytKehon, by Dunkarton —and Thomas Lord Lyttelton, with the Phantom, after Cosway, by C. Townley, h. s. mez. rare — 2 5 I I 6 5 NOBILITY. 13 X y: / y y/-' y y yy /y yy y/ y / yy/ yy 170 George Earl Macartney, hy J. Hall {proof )—William Earl of Mansfield, by J, Jones, T. Holloway (ditto), tsfc .—and the late Duke and Duchess of i Marlborough, by Bartolozzi, proof before any letters 171 George Duke of Manchester, by J. Jones —George (late) Duke of Marlbo¬ rough, W. L. by Ditto —Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville, W. L. by J, Young —and the present Marquis of Hastings when Lord Rawdon, W. L. j after Sir Joshua, by Jones •— _ 172 George Viscount Malden and Lady Eliz. Cupel, W. L.’s, after Sir Joshua, by C. Turner, proof — _ _ __ 1173 William Earl of Mansfield, W. L. sitting in his Robes, by D. ikfar/in—and Ditto, after Sir Joshua, by Bartolozzi, proofs — — 1174 George Duke of Montague, by J. CoUyer—Lord Morpeth, after Sir Joshua, ' hy Trotter—Hvsgh Earl of Marchmont and Alexander Lord Polwarth, by Pariset —and Frederick Lord North, when young, by J. Jones _ :175 Constantine Phipps Lord Mulgrave, 17/6, in a military uniform, Hat under his arm. Oval h. s, mez. proof, rare j — — 'J76 John Bourke Baron Naas, by Dickinson -Ditto, by C. Townley, 1777, p. p. rare, not in Bromley—and Hugh Duke of Northumberland, by Finlay son and Fisher, one a proof — —- _ 177 Charles (late) Duke of Norfolk, W. L, Vandyck dress, after Gainsbo- ■ rough, by J. K. Sherwin, private plate, fine _ _ 178 Lord Northesk, W, L. byj. Hibbert—^ohexi Lord Romney, byC. Sherwin— Lord Rokeby, proq/’—Marquisses of Rockingham, Salisbury and Stafford, i proofs, iSfc, — _ _ 179 Horace Walpole Earl of Orford, after Sir Joshua, by M'Ardell, p. /».—and Horace Walpole, by J. Simon _ _ _ _ 180 Horace Walpole Earl of Orford, etching, by W. Evans, proof—and William Duke of Portland with his Duchess and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, after Zincke, by Vertue,fine and scarce — __ !I8l William Duke of Portland with hxsDnchess, See. same as the preceding, but height'ned with chalk, by G. Vertue — _ _ 182 Henry Earl of Pembroke, in a military uniform, and Ditto with his Countess I /•y and Son, fine proofs, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon andJ. IVatson _ 1S3 George Lord Pigot, by Scawen, proof—Lord Polwarth, by J. R. Smith _ Charles Duke of Queensberry, by V. Green—Charles Marquis of Rocking¬ ham, by Houston, isfe. — _ _ _ f84 George Lord Pigot, on horseback, after Stubbs, by B. Green, sheet mez. proof —and Charles Earl of Romney, W, L. by V. Green _ |83 William Henry Duke of Portland, when Marquis of Tichfield, W. L, after Sir Joshua, by Jehner, choice proof and very rare E — 11 *^ 2 14 NOBILITY. • i ^ I ^ / , ■ I - - j . i^K -^■7l v^T I /. ^!- \ i 1 i . y y y y* «, y/ // cJ. _ . . 186 WilHarti Henry Duke of Portland with his Brother Lord Edward Bentinck, W. L.’s, hy J. R. Smith, fine —and Jacob Bouverie Earl of Radnor, W. L. after Sir Joshua, by M‘Ardell — __ _ 187 Charles Duke of Richmond, 1778, ly J. Watson, Proof, before the Star on his breast, i^c. and William Henry Earl of Rochford, by Houston and V, Green, the latter a proof — — — 188 Charles Marquis of Rockingham in his Robes of the Garter, W^. L. afer Sir Joshua, by Fisher, very fine — IS9 Robert Lord Romney, W. L. in his Robes, after Sir Joshua, by Finlay son. Choice Proof — ^— 190 John Earl of Rothes in a military uniform, after Sir Joshua, by M‘ArdeU, 191 John Earl of Sandwich, after Zoffany, by Fal. Green, and William Earl of Strafford, after Sir Joshua, by M'Ardell — — — 192 George John Earl Spencer, by S. TV. Reynolds, and George Harry Earl of Stamford, 1723, ly G. Keating, p. p. f tie — — ■— 193 George John Earl Spencer, Bust by Bartolozzi, 1792, arid Ditto, a larger Bust, Proof, private plates — — — — — 194 Lord Henry Spencer, in the character of St. Francesco di Wycombe, holding a Chalice, high finished drawing in colours, by Silvester Harding — 195 Lord Charles Spencer, by C. Turner, Proof, Lord Viscount Sydney, by J. Young, p. p. and John Earl of Westmoreland, by Jones, £$’c. — 196 Lord Henry Spencer, profile etching, 1794, p. p.} John-Lord Sheffield, after Sir Joshua, by Jones; William Earl of Strafford, ditto (from Lord Orford’s Works) Proof-, John Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, by T. Bragg, Ditto j and George Harry Earl of Stamford, by BAsire J97 Philip Earl Stanhope when Viscount Mahon, by J. and T. IVatson ; William Earl of Sutherland, W. L. by J. M'Intosh 5 Richard Earl Temple, by Houston ; John Viscount Tyrconnel, by Faber and Lord JohnTownshend, after Sir Joshua, by Jones — — 198 Nicholas Viscount Taaf'c in his Robes, after R. Hunter, by J. Dixon, rare ; and George Venables Lord Vernon, by J. Dean — — 199 Francis Marquis of Tavistock and Richard Earl Temple, both after Sir Joshua, by J. Watson and Dickinson, Choice Proofs — — — 200 Richard Earl Temple, Lord Chatham, aud Marquis Wellesley, Proofs, by Caroline IVatson, i^c. Duke of Wellington (two different) and various W. L. etchings of Eminent Political Characters, by Sandby 201 James Second Earl of Waldeguave, after Sir Joshua, ly M’Ardell, ! Proof, and with the Letters, fine and rare — — — 202 George fourth Earl of Waldegraie, by R. Eurlom, p. p. j and Francis Earl of Warwick, after Gainsborough, by IVatson, private plate — — 203 Lord Yarborough and Family, by Caroline Watson, p. p. proof, very scarce 4 . — 5 — 6 ■S? . 2^ 2 yy — — 14 1 15 /, / / / i // *■' * ^ t ■ s // • . 1 y ) • !' // // 1 * '< i I // J I- / i 1 i- i i .. j. i • i 1 1 // i j c / / J i i /<>' j 1 '—' ! i _ 4<- 212 213 i2l6 217 218 J19 ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. Archbishop Tillotson, ly Faler and Vertue, and Archbishop Wake (two dif¬ ferent) by M. F. Gucht — — Archbishop Tenison, ly Vandrelanc, and John Sharpe Archbishop of York, ly R. IVIiite, Jine — — - Alexandeii Cakencross, late Archbishop of Glasgoiv and present Bishop of Raplio in Ireland, 169I, R. White, sculp, oval fol. very fine and scarce Gilbert Burnet Bishop of Salisbury, after M. Beale, by R. White, Oval large h. s. very fine and rare —• •“ Bishop Burnet, after Riley, by J. Smith, h. s. mez. extra fine — Thomas Smith Bishop of Carlisle, Richard Cumberland Bishop of Peter borough, and Edward Fowler Bishop of Glocester, ly J. Smith, and William Fleetwood Bishop of St, Asaph, ly J . Simon, fne Simon Patrick Bishop of Ely, ly R, While, h, sh, and John Moore Bishop of Norwich, ly Ditto, fine _ — Bishop StillingHeet, ly J. Hall, proof-. Archbishop Tillotson, ly RavenSt; Bishop Burnet, by Houlraken, 8vo John Robinson Bishop of London, ly G. Ferine and M. V. Gucht-, and James Gardiner Bishop of Lincoln, ly G. White — — — — John Moore Bishop of Norwich, by W. Failhorne, first state-, Ditto, by T. Hodgetts, large 4 to. me%. -, and Bishop Beveridge, ly W Sheruin, ditto Bishop Beveridge, ly Gucht, h. sh. ,• Bishop Bull, ly Ditto ; Bishop Blackall, by Ditto and Vertue 5 Philip Bisse Bishop of Hereford, ly Ditto j and Charles Hickman Bishop of Derry, ly S. Grihelin, fine — — O William King Archbishop of Dublin, 1/02, Jarvis pinx. A. Miller fecit. Oval h. sh. mez, rare — — William King late Lord Archbishop of Dublin, obiit I72g, two small profiles, R. Tighe Arm. delin. 1728, K. 0 . Hara sculp, and etching after the same, ly Francis Bindon, both very rare ■” “■ Archbishop Wake, ly G. White -, William Talbot Bishop of Durham and Charles Trimnell Bishop of Winchester, ly J. Faler, fine and scarce Lancelot Blackburne Archbishop of York, Edmund Gibson Bishop of London (two different states), William Talbot Bishop of Salisbury, and Francis Gastrell Bishop of Chester, all ly G. Feitue Richard Willis Bishop of Winchester and Atterbury Bishop of Rochester, ly J. Simon ; George Hooper Bishop of Bath and Wells, by G. White ; and John Waugh Bishop of Carlisle, ly Faler — John Hough Bishop of Winchester, sitting, aetat. 9I, by J. Faber, fine and scarce — — ^ ^ >' 2 ^ /.Z ^ — 6 ‘ y 7 c : *—5 , I aI' O- 3 .A;/ — 5 n 4 ^ A lid > ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. 16 X ^ - I 1 ■ • x/- X' ^ • X xi 1 I i : i /X i i I |,. X?. 220 IVhile Kenneit Bishop of Peterloroiigh, J. Faber Sen. ad vivum delin. et fecit I 7 I 9 > Oval h. sh. mez, ditto _ _ _ _ 221 Bishop Hough, etching ly Holloway White Kennett, ly Fit tier) Ditto, W, L. in the Altar Piece at White Chapel Church ; Bishop Atterbury and Bishop Smalridge, ly G. Vertue and S, Bradford Bishop of Rochester. small IV, L. — _ _ _ __ 222 Robert Clavering Bishop of Peterborough, ly J. Simon ; Edward Wadding- ton Bishop of Chichester, ly JT. Faler ■, Stephen Weston Bishop of Exeter, ly G. White-, John Sterne Bishop of Clogher, ly T. Beard-, and Bishop Warburton, ly T. Burford _ _ _ _ 223 Archbishop Herring, after Hogarth, ly Baron, h. sh. and Ditto, with the Speech made ly his Grace at York Castle, after Ditto, by C. Mosley, fine and scarce — _ _ _ 224 Archbishop Herring, ly Faler and M‘Ardell-, Archbishop Hutton, by Faber; and Bishops Sherlock and Seeker, ly M‘Ardell — ^ -L 226 Archbishop Seeker, pen and ink drawing. P. Brookes delin. 1743 ; John Potter Bishop of Oxford and Edward Chandler Bishop of Durham, ly ; G. Vertue ; Bishop Sherlock, ly Ravenet. isfe. _ _ _ I 226 Archbishop Potter, Martin Benson Bishop of Glocester, and Bishops Hoadley, , Smalbroke and Tanner, all Ly G. Vertue _ — 227 George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne, ly Brooks ; Hugh Boulter Archbishop of Armagh, by Beard-, Sir George Fleming Bishop of Carlisle and John Hoadley Archbishop of Dublin, ly Faler ; and Thomas Gooch Bishop of Ely, ly M*At dell and Heins, fine _ __ __ __ 228 George Berkeley Bishop of Cloyne, after Vanderbank, ly Skelton and T. Cooke. PROOFS - _ _ _ __ ‘ 229 Samuel Peploe Bishop of Chester, ly Faler ; Richard Osbaldeston Bishop of . Carlisle, ly M^Ardell. proof-, and Richard Garnett Bishop of Cloyne. Iv 1 Ditto — _ __ _ ^ J > 3 230 Shute Barrington Bishop of Durham, after Romney, ly Jones, proof; a 7 d Joseph Deane Bourke Archbishop of Tuam, after Sir Joshua, ly J. R. Smith 231 Frederick Cornwallis Archbishop of Canterbury, ly £. Fisher-, Zachary ; Pearce Bishop of Bangor and Edward Willes Bishop of St. David’s, ly I Fahr; Arthur Smyth Archbishop of Dublin, ly J. Watson ; and Joseph j Wilcocks Bishop of Glocester, ly Simon, all fine __ _ 232 Robert Drummond Archbishop of York, after Sir Joshua, by J, Watson, PROOF, and Jonathan Shipley Bishop of St. Asaph, after Ditto, lyj. R. Smith 233 John Egerton Bishop of Durham, ly Bartolozzi. diff'erent states, iffc, Richard Trevor Bishop of Durham, ly J. Collyer, and Henry Cardinal York, ly A. Pazxi ^ 2 5 5 X""’ 5 ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS, 17 ■ > 234 235 /: / 236 / / 237 /// 238 ■ //f . 239 " I 240 j/cT' 1 ■ 241 . ■ '242 ./// 1 y 243 - /<-> 244 245 /. c} 246 /. ry 247 i I John Hinchliffe Bishop of Peterborough, ly J. Young —John Douglas Bishop of Carlisle, ly IV. IVard —and Christ: Wilson Bp. of Bristol, ly J. Jones, fine Benjamin Hoadley Bishop of Winchester, after Hogarth, ly Baron —Ditto, by Sherlock, 8vo. and Profile, ly J. Basire —and Thomas Wilson Bishop of Sodor and Man, ly G. Vertue, isfc. — — — Hugh Hamilton Bishop of Ossory, ly IV. Evans —Bishops Hurd and War- burton, ly J. Hall, tsfc .—and Bishop Horne, ly J. Heath, proof and letters Edmund Law Bishop of Carlisle and Bishop Mas^n, ly TV. Dickinson —John Warren Bishop of Bangor, ly Val. Green —and John Thomas Bishop of Rochester, after Sir Joshua, ly T. Park — — Robert Lowth Bishop of London, ly J. K. Sherwin —Archbishop Newcome, by C. Knight, isfc .—and Richard Beadon Bishop of Bath and Wells, by S. Facias, p. p. proof — — — — Charles Lyttelton Bishop of Carlisle, ly J. Watson —Eusby Cleaver Bishop of Leighlin and Ferns, by J. Grozer, prorf—anA Bishop Porteus, ly E Orme JVilliam Markham Archbishop of York, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith - - and Thomas Percy Bishop of Dromore (when Dean of Carlisle) after Ditto, by W. Dickinson, both proofs __ __ — Archbishop Markham (when Head Master of Westminster School) after Sir Joshua, proof —and Bishop Newton, after Ditto, by T. Watson — Archbishop Moore, after Romney, ly Jones —Samuel Seabury Bishop of Con¬ necticut, ly W. Sharp —and Brownlow North Bishop of Winchester, ly W. Bond, fine — — — — Charles Moss Bishop of Bath and Wells and William Cleaver Bishop of Bangor, after Hoppner, by S. Reynolds and J. Ward — Dr. Robinson, Archbishop oj Armagh, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith, CHOICE PROOF - - - - Spencer Bishop of Peterborough, ly Cheesman —Beilby Porteus Bishop of London, by Harding, proofs in different stales —and Ditto, by C. Townley, J. Hall, ifc. — — — — Shipley Bishop of St. Asaph, after Sir Joshua, by Trotter —Dr. Warburton Bishop of Limerick, by R. Cooper, proo/'—Warburton Bishop of Gloucester, (profile etching) by Hoare and Houbraken — Watson Bishop of Llandaff, by W. T. Fry, ifc. — — — — Richard Terrick Bishop of Peterborough, by E. Fisher —Dr. Thomas Bishop of Winchester, by Houston, proofs — — — 3 2 ^ Ar c. 2 1 ^ ^ n- 7 END OP SECOND DAy’s SALE. Third Day’s Sale tOT y /F 1 ^ 248 i • 249 250 251 / 252 253 / 254 255 / / 256 / 257 / / 258 259 / - / 260 y 261 FOREIGN PORTRAITS. POPES, CARDINALS, &c. ARIOUS Heads of Popes, ly Matham, Westerhout, f*fc. — ~ Alexander 7 th, hy F. Spierre and Fan Schup- pen —Innocent i 1 th, ly D. Loygan, tsfc, — — Alexander 7 th, ly Langlois and C. Visscher-— 14 ^ Clement 10 th, ly P, Simon and G. Fallal—Clement Qth, lyj. Hall,proof, isfc. ---- Clement 13th and Clement 14th, ly Kilian, Cunego, isfc. — — — __ .. .- ■ — Innocent 10 th, ly F. Greew—Benedict 14th, ly FnVz 5 c/t—Pius 6 th and Pius 7 th, ly Raphael Morghen, &c. fine Cardinal Bentivoglio, W. L. after Fandyck, ly Picchianti, tsfc _Cardinal Ottoboni, ly J. Audran, fs’c. — — Cardinal Bellarmine—Cardinals de Bourbon and Lorraine, ly J. Gourmont, SCc. Cardinal Richelieu, ly Nantueil, fine —Archbishops of Paris and Rheims, &c. ly Ditto — — — — _ Cardinal Mazarine, ly Fan Schuppen, very fine —Hardouin de Perefixe, ly Pitau, ditto, i^c. —■ — — _ Cardinal de Bouillon, ly J. M. Prew/er—Cardinal Rospigliosi, ly N. Bonnart and P. Simon, isfc. — — __ Cardinal Fleury, ly Chereau —De Rohan, ly Drevit —Fenelon, ly B. Audran, Cardinal de Polignac, ly Daulle —Cardinals de Tencin and Columna, ly mile, £5’c. — — _ _ Bossuet Bishop of Meaux, W. L, ly Drevet, very fine, before the Asterisms Various Ecclesiastics—Drelincourt, ly L. Fisscher, i^c. —- 19 • . i. 1 I I I / y:i .AT / / / /. /. i' / // /I / // // BRITISH PORTRAITS. INFERIOR CLERGY. 262 Thomas Comber, Dean of Durham, ly F, Place —George Walker, ly J. Gole, proof—Wemy Aldrich, ly Smith —Ralph Battell, ly Simon —^Thomas Bur- i net, ly Faber —and Dr Richard Busby, by J Watson — 263 Timothy Halton, S. T. P. Provost of Queen's College, Oxon, Obiit 1704 , aetat. 72 , ly M. Burghers, fol. fine and rare, from Mr. Gulston's Collection — _____ 264 Benjamin WoodrofFe, Robert South, Anthony Horneck, Henry Wharton, Philip Henry, John Scott and John Shower, all fine, ly R. White 265 John Broadgate, alias the Smirna Doctor, aetat. 75 , 1701, large 4 to. me %.— and John Shower, by W. Clarke, Qvo. met. fine and scarce, from the Folhergill Collection _ _ _ _ 266 Dr. Richard Busby, eetat. 89, 1695, by R. White—and John Todd, A. M. aetat. 25 , I691, byj. Drapentier, scarce — _ 267 Nathaniel Vincent, S, T. P. aetat. 58 , 1694, R. White sculp. Oval 4 to. fine and scarce, from the Musgrave Collection — — 268 Dr. Thomas Burnet, etching, by B. Wilson —John Ray, A. M. ly W. Hiblart —John Shower, ly Gucht —Benj. Piggott, by G. Vertue —Humphry Hody and John Scott, by Guc/it—James Owen, by Sutton Nicholls—and Samuel Pomfret, by Drapentier — — — 269 John Shower, aetat. 52 , 1709, and John Nesbitt, 1709, Ovals, 4 to. met. by J. Faber,^ne and scarce _ _ — — 270 Dionysius Granville, Dean of Durham, by G. Edelinck —and Dr. John Hud¬ son (Librarian of the Bodleian) by S. Gribelin, both very fine — 271 George Walker, Governor of Londonderry (three different) by P. Fandrebanc, SCc. —and Samuel Slater, ly R White — _ 272 William Woodward, by J. Smith —and Timothy Rogers, Cogito ergo Sum, by R. Williams, scarce — — — — 273 George Hickes, S. F. P. by R. White —Charles Leslie, by Chereau, proq/’— Benjamin Keach, by Drapentier, 4 to.—and Elias Keach, by R. White, fine 274 George Stanhope, D. D. by J. Faber —Henry Sacheverell, by P. Schenck - Dean Swift, by Fanhaecken —William Tong, by Simon —and Jean Armand Dubourdieu, by Pelham,fine — — — 275 Humphry Prideaux, D. D. William Lancaster, S. T. P. and Isaac Mills, M. A, by G. Vertue, rare — — — — 27G Dr. Sacheverell, Oval, holding the portrait of Charles the first, 7 b/. icarcc—Tho¬ mas Wood, ly Gucht —Jeremiah White, te/a/. “ 0 , 1707 —William Nichols, ly Gucht —Jeremiah Seed, ly Ravemt—and Joseph Smith, by Baron, 8 vo. _ — 8 2 2 2 7-7 <5 INFERIOR CLERGY. 20 /' 277 278 279 2 . / 280 2 — : 281 / 282 d > ... . 283 284 ■ 2S5 / //, 2S6 1 . \ i/ 2S7 y 288 y yc> 289 y • ’ 290 y y ;■ 291 292 // 293 Humphry Gower D, D.—Richard Fiddes—John Edwards—Anthony Hall— and Dean Swift, all hy G. Vertue, fine — — John Gilbert—Peter Newcome—Robert Moss Dean of Ely—John Flamslead —Daniel Burgess—Matthew Henry and John Harris, prooj and letters, all by G. Vertue, ditto — — — — James Warner, V. D. M. Qvo. me%. —Henry Shute, A. M. hy J. Faber, 8 vo. me%. Thomas Bradbury, hy Spilsbury, 8 vo. mez. proof, t^c. — Daniel Burgess, V. D. M. xXal. 6 l, 1707, Oval h. s. mez. by J. Faber, and rare — — — — — Dean Swift, by Fourdrinier, prooj —Ditto, W. L. by G. Vertue —etching, by B. Wilson, 8 iC ,—and Dr. Thomas Sheridan, by Cook, proof and letters Henry Finch Dean of York, h. sh. —Charles le Cene, by F. M. la Cave - Dr. Samuel Salter (etching) by Vivares —White Kennett,W. L. A hellowes pinx. —and two different of Thomas Hearne, by G, Vertue — Dr. Henry Sacheverell, Dr. Benj. Hoadley and Dr, John Gale, proofs - Edmund Calamy, Laurence Echard and John Strype, all by G. Vertue Benjamin Ibbot (small oval mez.) p. p. proo/’—Samuel Croxall, Christopher Clarke, A. M. Dr. Samuel Clarke, Dr. Robert Bragge and Andrew Snape, by J. Faber — — — — — Dr. William Derham (two difi'erent) —Robert Newton and Matthew Hole, by Gucht —Robert Warren (two different) —Archibald Cockburn—Benjamin Rennet and Walter Ilarte, by W. Hibbart, tsdc. — - - Robert Lumley Lloyd, D. D, Rector of St. Paul's, Covenl Garden, by J. Faber, jun. —and Sir John Dolben, Prebendary oj Durham, by Faber, fine and scarce — — — — Peter Finch, aetat. 87 , 1750 , by Heins —Joshua Richardson and Thomas New¬ comb, by Faber —Joim Lewis of Margate, A. M. by G. White —and Thomas Brett, by M'Ardell, proof — — — Ralph Taylor, S. T. P. Richard Welton, Lawrence Howel, Edward Tenison, &c. all by G. Vertue — — — — Robert Orme, Priest of the Church of England, and Edmund Calamy, by J. Faber, Ovals, 4 to. mezzs, fine and scarce — — George Brown, A. M.—Henry Grove—Thomas Bradbury—Joseph Stennet —A. Blackwall—Benj. Bayly—John Lawrence—Nathaniel Spinckes and Dr. Walts, all by G. Vertue, fine — — — Dr. Savage, drawing in colours, t'vom the Original in the Club Room, Royston, by S. Harding —and the Rev. Mr, Say (Sketch) by Richardson —witli the etching, after Ditto — — — — Paul Atkinson, English Franciscan, aetat. 73 , 1728 , 41 o etching,awr/vcarce Thomas Strickland, Bishop of Namur, by Tuniassin, h. sh, - — and Ditto, by J. Faber, proof — — — — '7 8 12 5 2 3 /O INFERIOR CLERGY. 21 r i i /. /s /j // / /. i ( i ! I ( f { i 294 Thomas Bradbury, ly H. Burgh —Dr. W. Crowe, ly J. Smith -riiomas Dyche and Thomas Wise, by Al. v. Gucht —Thomas Creech and Robert Fleming, by R. While -Thomas Cockman and various Heads of Non¬ conformist Divines, by J. Caldwall, isfe. — — 295 Matthias Earberry, by J. Cole —^Thomas Emlyn, by G. v. Gucht, &c.—and Dr. Robert Nixon, a nonjuring Clergyman, tried for a seditious Libel, 14 July 1737, small oval, over a view of Westminster Hall, very scarce, not I described in Bromley — ~ — 296 Samuel Harris (Nonconformist) Oval, 8 vo. scarce —Dr. William Harris, by [ J. Alynde—and John HaiTis, A. M. setat. 37 , R. White del. G. White sculp. ^ 297 Henry Gandy, cetat. 85 , Svo.—Benjamin Newton and Robert Warren, by G. v. Gucht —Ebenezer Pemberton, by H. Fletcher —Ihomas Sharp, by ■ Aliamet—Dr. Thomas Shaw, by J. Green—and Edward Wallin, by J. Alynde i 298 Dr. Samuel Clarke, Dr. Stackhouse, Dr. Bentley, &c. by G. FeWue—Christo¬ pher Pitt, by Coott—John Taylor, by Houbraken—and Nicholas Tindal, by i B. Picart _ — — — — 299 Lewis Atterbury—Thomas Bisse, proof, —Dr. Doddridge—Dr. Gill j Joseph Spence A. M. and William Whistoa, by G. Ferine—and Sir Wil- 1 liam Dawes, by S. Gribelin — t 300 Dr. Isaac Watts, by Ravenet, J. C. Philips, {sfc.—William Whiston, etching, I by B. Wilson—and Dr. Young, by Houbraken, b^c. - I 301 Dr. Charles Ashton, by APArdell—Dx. Thomas Ashton, by Di«o—Thomas j Baker, by James Bradley, by Faber—and Dr. Birch, h. s. mez proof 302 Samuel Ayscough, F. A. S. by Easire—Edward Barry, by J. Jones—George 1 Berkeley, LL.D. by IF. Skelton—Samae\ Bishop, by C. Tuwnley and H. Thielcke—GWhert Boyce, by H. Burgess, bsfe. — i 303 Dr. Thomas Barnes and the Rev. R. Broomhead, both after J. Allen, by E. Scriven, fine — — 304 Charles Barnewell, of Mileham, Norfolk, by P. S. Lamborn—and Dr. Na¬ thaniel Bliss, of Oxford, “ Sure this is Bliss if Bliss on Earth there be," i small etchings, private plates, and very scarce — — 305 Dr. James Beattie, after Sir Joshua, by J. Watson, proof-and Dr. John Eveleigh, after Hoppner, by IF. Say, p p. 300 Richard Fisher Belward, D.D. ajter Opie, by Facius, p. p. proof-and James j Bentham, Prebendary of Ely, after Kerrich, by Ditto ' 307 Daniel Bellamy, J. ^aAVey-J. Benson, M.A. by T. Palmer-and Dr. j Samuel Berdmore, by IF. Nutter, proofs-Eranexs Blackburn, M. A. by j J.Fittler-iohn Brand, M. A. by Ditio-and the Rev. George Butt, proof ' 308 Dr, Hugh Blair, by J. Caldwall-iohn Berridge, A. M. by J. Ogborne, bsfe.— Dr. B°uch.anan, by J. lFhessell—E>r. Richard Burn, by Trotter, isfe. G s 9 2 ^ I, 4 22 INFERIOR CLERGi”. •30p Thomas Bronghton, A.M. hy Bunltarlon—i. Cornier, D. D, hy J. IFatson^ Emanuel Collins, ly M‘Ardell~W\\Y\?im Coxe, F. R. S, by IV. Pelhcr, proof, — _ _ _ _ 310 'Ihomas Campbell, ly J. Parker, proof —Thomas Cherry, B. D. by H. D. T'/jfe/fie—'I'horaas Coke, by Ridlerj—Br. Collyer, by Fittler—Y{e\. W. Coo- per, by J. Scott, bsfc. _ _ _ _ 10 *- 311 Dr. Conybeare (afterwards Bishop of Bristol) 8vo. p. p.—Dr Richard Conyers, by J. Record—John Cowper, Vicar of Foxton, profile etching, ly M Tyson, p. p.—W. Coyte, Rector of Burgholt, Suffolk, &c. _ ■312 William Cole, A. M. ly Facius, p. p. proof, and the Copy in 12mo.—Robert Crosby, ly T. IPoolnoth—Rev. Thomas Crofts fa great Collector of Books) p. p. proof—Hew. Herbert Croft, by Skelton—S\c John Cullum, Bart, by Basire, isfc. — _ _ _ ___ 313 C\aytoaMonhantCYachewde,lyJVorthington—Rev.T.F.D'ihdin,byH.Meyer, proof—Dr. John Disney, F. S. A. lyj. iJasire—and William Drak^ ly Bromley, proof and letters — _ ■314 Sneyd Davies, D. D. by H. Meyer—Dr. Doddridge, ly Heath—George Dyer, ly Eliz. Cristail-Dr. John Evans—Dr. Entick, proof, isle. 315 Dr. Dodd, iy IV. Humphrey, proof—WiWiam Hanbury, A. M. by Earlom, p. p.—Dr. Richard Harrison, by J. JVatson, proo/—and the Rev. Mr. Kynnesman, ly Ditto 4 / 3lG Rev. Mr. Eglin, etching, by TV. Doughty—'Rex. Ur. Foote, ditto, p. p.—Rev, Mr. Grierson, ditto —Richard Graves, Rector of Claverton, by Hibhert and Dupont, p. p. mez. — — _ _ 317 h)r. Richard Farmer, after Romney, Samuel Forster, S. T. P. after Opie, ly E. Bell —W. B. Kirwan, ly Clint, IV. L.'s, proofs, SCc. 318 Dr. S. Glasse, proof—A\ex. Geddes, Rev W. Gostling and Rev. Mr. Green¬ way, etchings—iames Granger, John Gutch, &c. 3lg David Garrow, of Hadley, by C. Hodges, isle. p. p. proofs —Andrew Gifford, Benj. La Trobe (Moravian) and Vincent Perronet, 4to. mez. ly Spilslury, ye. 320 Dr. John Guyse and the Rev. James Hervey, by Faber—John Glas and Ste¬ phen Hales, ly M'Ardell, ye. _ _ _ 321 Dr. Ant. Hamilton, by R. Dunkarton—and the Rev. Mr. Madan with Mr. De Coetlogon, W. L.’s, by y. JVatson, sheet, me%, — _ 322 Dr. Robert Hawker, ly A. Smith—Dr. George Heath, by J. JVright, proof— Dr Robert Henry, by J. Ca id wall—Richard Hutchins, ly J. Basire, &c. 323 Richard Harrison, by C. Rowland Hill, by J. Collyer— John Hender¬ son, ty IV Pa//ner—Septimius Hodson, by JV. Skelton, proof—Dr. T. James, by M. Houghton, isle. r. Henry Hunter, by Trotter—John Hutchins (Author of the History of Dorset) by Collimore—Rev. John Henderson, Omall circle) ly Ames and Bagwell—D. Homer, A. M. hy J. Jones, iSlc. 13 xy- ;/x I /- / A/J /J / /f) /. xl i y / i X^: I I X y y . XX' — 13*^ — — 2 J2 INFERIOR CEERGY. 323 Job: Joniii, hy //a//-Job; Glen King, by G. Smith, proo/-Rev. Richard ohnson and C. Knight, by Terry—lohn Kemp, by Trotter, ifc _ 326 Thomas Jones rTutor of Trinity College, Cambridge) and Charles Lawson, AM I7u7, by J. Heath, p. p. _ _ _ / Gilbut Kenned), V. D M, obiit 1773 , (Etat. 67 , h, s. mez ,—and John Law- son, D. D. by And. Miller, ditto, scarce _ __ 328 Thomas Kerrich, Principal Librarian of die University of Cambridge and Dr. Isaac Milner, Dean of Carlisle, both by Facias, private plates, proofs _ _ _ r > 329 Dr. Andrew Kippis, by Bartolozzi—Samael Lysons, A. M. etch'd by IF. Daniell, p. /).—Robert Masters, F. S. A. by Facias—al^d Dr. W. Morrice, by A. Car¬ dan, p. p. _ _ _ _ 330 Nathaniel Lardner, ^'3^ AWii/t-Dr. W. Leechnian, ^ 3 . CaWi 4 /a//_John Lloyd, by P. Maxell—T) t. M. Lort, by J. /S/om'—E dward Lye (Antiquary) by T. Burke, Kc. _ _ _ 331 Dr. Leland, after Sir Joshua, by J. Dean, proof—Zachanah Mudge, by Wat¬ son, after Ditto—Roger Long, by R. Fisher—Dt. John NicolJ, byM'Ardell p. p. fSJ’c. _ _ _ _ _ ; 332 Dr. Samuel Madden, by R. Purcell andJ. Brooks—Thomas Maxfield and.his ^ I Family, by P. Dawe, pro^—Francis Maxwell, by Ditto—Dx, Robert Myd- dleton, by Dickinson, proof, Sfc. _ _ _ 333 Edward Rowe Mores, Antiquary, two small ovals, after Fan Bleeck,by J. Mynde, and W. L. of Ditto in his Library, by Ditto, scarce _ 334 Charles Mason, D. D. etching by Bretherton—Dx. Jonathan Mayhew, (Rust) by Cipriani—Dx. Robert Markham, by W. Robert Midgley, bu Fittler, i^c. — __ _ _ 335 Charles Mortimer, D. D. W. L. etching—T. Morell, after Hogarth, by Basire —John Murphy, D. D. etching, 4/o —Dr. Samuel Parr, ditto, by J. Sayers _ Francis Peck, Antiquary, ditto, by Collins—and two satyrical of the Rev. Samuel Peck on horseback, by Banbury, iffc. _ _ 336 Dr. Nash (Author of the History of Worcestershire) byj. Caldwall, proof, scc. Dr. Samuel Parr, by Englcheart, and Dr. Samuel Pcgge, by P. Audinet, proofs-3ohxi I’rice, F. S. A. by J. C. Bromley-aud John Robinson, of Hinckley, W. L. Scc, with Fariation _ _ _ 337 Dr. Samuel Parr and Archdeacon Paley, after Romney, by Jones—and Dr. A* Rees, by J. Yeatherd _ _ _ _ 838 Samuel Pcgge, A. M, 5^/ J. Basire —Dr. Priestley, by W. Nutter, {ffc._Rgy. j W. Peters, R. A. by Leney, proof—Dr. Peck well, by Fittler, fs’c. — 339 John Peele, M. A. after Opie, and Dr. John Smith, after Sir Joshua, proofs, by Facius — — _ _ 23 . / ' O 2 4 3- ^A^AAAf^-< — IQ 8 '24 INFERIOR CLERGY. / /. / j //[ ■! 1 1 i k i i 1 1 y 1 y y c?|. /A i J / ' < i > } ■ J y 1 j ! i 4 ^ i 310 Edward Pickard, ly Fisher —Arthur St, George, Dean of Ross, scarce Di. Gregory Sharpe, ly V. Green —Samson Occom, by Spilsbury, proof Rev. W. Romaine, ly Houston, ditto, isfc. — — 341 William Puikis (of Magdalen College, Camb.) two different private plates— and various Etchings of Scotch Clergy, ly J. Kay, p. p. ifc. 342 W, Rastall, D, D, ly P. Maxell, proof—Dw T. Randolph, ly J. K. Sherwin —Jonathan Reeves, profile, p. p. —Samuel Rogers and James Relly (etchingsj —Dr. Gloster Ridley and Dr. Robertson, by Holloway, proofs, &c. 343 Abraham Rees, D. D. by IH, Holl —Dr. Richard Price, by Holloway Rev, Legh Richmond, ly J. CoUyer, tSfc. — — 344 Charles Rose, LL.D. ly Morrison —Ditto, etching, ly Cornish, a Painter of Oxford, 4to. very rare, (Vide MS. Note by Sir IP] MusgraveJ—T)T.W, Ras- teli, small etching, ly P, Maxwell— Dr. Shaw of Oxford, ditto, etched ly Tho. Reeve, Esq. p. p. — — 345 Dr. IFiUiam Robertson, after Sir Joshua, by J. Dixon, proof — 346 John Reynolds, S.T.B. after Ditto, by John Wesley, by Spilslury, £5’c.—George Whitefield, D. D. ly Faber and Greenwood, &c. 347 Dr. W. Smith, ly Freeman—Dx. Henry Stubbing, by Gardiner—Dx.WUYxam Stevens—Dr. Samuel Stennett, by Holloway —Dr. Samuel StillmsH, ly Trotter, ifc. — — ““ 348 Rev. Richard Southgate, proof —Dr. Henry Stebbing, by Roberts Stebbing Shaw, B.D.—Robert Sterry, by J. Co/Zyer-Lawrence Sterne, proof, i^c. 349 James Tattersall (Vicar of Tewkesbury) profile —Rev. W. Tasker James Townley, M. A. ly C. Townley, proof, ^c.—Dr. Richard Turner, ly Stanier, f5’c. — — — — 350 Isaac Tozer, jun. ly C. Penny —John Viscount Tracy, D. D, by C. Knight Dean Tucker, by R. Clamp—io\iX\ Watson, M. A. hy Basire—an<\ Stephen AVhisson, B. D. ly Trotter — — — 351 Richard Walker, etching, ly Lamlorn —Thomas West, D.D. W. L. ditto, by Ferdinand Warner, LL.D. rf/Z/o John Watson, ditto, by W. JFiUiams, Sbc. — — — — 352 Thomas Duisham Whitaker, ly IV. Holl and IF. Muddocks —Rev. Sir George Wheler, Knt. proof —Stephen Weston, ly Harding —and Dean Vincent, ly C. Turner, proofs, isfc. — — — 353 Joseph and Thomas Warlon, loth after Sir foshua, ly J. R. Smith and C. Hodges, puooFS—John Wilkinson, ly J. R. 5?«izA~Thnmas Wi!son,B.D. ly IF. Ward, proof - George Walker, F. R. S. hy G. Clint—and Gilbert Wakefield (Greek Inscription) 8vo. mez. — — — 35 i Rev. John and Charles Wesley—George Whitefield—Thomas Wills, A.B.— John Witherspoon, D.D.—Griffith Will'anis—Elhanan Winchester, 8:c. 355 G. A. Wachsel—C. G. Woide, iy Barlolorzi—l'. M. Zicgeuhagen—Count Zinzendorff, Nc. — — — — a 10 5 .-^’ 15 41 4L- 6-^^ V 9 10 12v^ 15 6i^ 25 7 2 ? /2 J. J /. I PORTFOLIOS. 356 Six Portfolios, with blue leaves, half bound, lettered English Pokxraits,Voi,. lto5 35/ Six Ditto Ditto, Vol. ^ to 12 358 Seven Ditto Ditto, Vol. 13 to 19 359 Two Ditto, that contained the larger Portraits 360 One Ditto, in morocco, 1. g. lettered British Portrait* 361 One Ditto, ditto, lettered British Portraits <2.-4/ END OP THIRD DAy’s SALE. H Fourth Day’s Sale — X/ •7 X / x^ / // X X / / X /ck FOREIGN PORTRAITS. roT I 362 I^ORTRAITS of Ladies, ly Jasper Isac j G. Huret, isfc. — — 363 Ninon de 1 Enclos, ly Wurlidge, Margaret d’Estampes, ly Mellan, isfc. 364 Duchesse de Longueville j Catharine de Neufville, ly Grignon, isfc. — 365 Catharine de Bourbon (Sister of Henry 4th) ly Joan JVierx, and Gabriel D Estrees, ly Jerome Wierx, Jine and scarce — — — 1 365 Pourtraict de Madame Fille Unique de Henry 4‘"*. W. L. with a Parrot, ly j T. de Leu, 0 \?l\ 4\.o, very Jine — _ _ _ I S 67 Margaret de Valois, ly L. Gualtier, Catharine de Medicis, ly J, Jf^ierx, Catherine de Bourbon, ly L. Cornells, i^c. _ _ _ 368 Franjoise d Aubigne Marquise de Maintenon, very neat, ly Ficquet, scarce 36il Louise Adelaide D’Orleans, Madame de Fontange, Anna Wake, phooi's, &c. 370 Louise Fran 9 oise Duchesse de la Valiere, in a rich ornamented oval, by N. De j Larmessin, h. sh. fine and scarce — _ _ _ 371 Madame de Maintenon, ly P. Gijfiart, and Madam de Montespan, ly S. Pi- cart, ditto — — _ _ _ _ 372 Adrian le Couvreur, ly P. Brevet, Charlotte Desmares and Catherine Du- fresne. Comedians, ly Lepicte — _ _ _ 373 Madame Clairon as Medusa, fs’c. Le Kain and J. B. Brizard, W. L's ; small Figures of French Comedians j and some drawings on vellum coloured — 14 __ 12 27 BRITISH PORTRAITS. A / 2 / ■' i /. /i / y/ / y 2 2 7/ d> /d> 2 - ’ . *X/1- •i /i- ! / / . // . / /. GENTRY. 374 Mordecai Abbot, Esq. ly R. IFhite —Sir Samuel Barnardiston, ly Ditto—and a drawing of Sir Samuel in black lead pencil, by R. White, fine — 375 Peter Bechford, Lieut. Governor of Jamaica, W. L. by J. Murphy, p. p. sh. mez. 376 Sir William Trumbull, Knt. by G. Vertue, tcarce —and Sir John Trenchard, by C. Beslland — — — — 377 Sir John Trenchard, Secretary of State, by J. Watson, proof —Sir Robert Southwell, by J. Smith —Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton, lyG. White, fine, SCc. 378 Walter Chetwynd, Esq. by R. White, rare —and Henry Powle (Speaker of the House of Commons) by G. Vertue — — 379 Sir John Fenwick, Bt. aetat. 52, 1696 , after Wissing, by R, White, fine AND VERY RARE - - - - 380 Sir Henry Goodricke, Kt. T. Hill pinx. J. Smith fee. very fine and scarce i 381 Sir John Bowyer, of Knyppersly, in Co. Stafford, Bart. T. Gibson pinx. by J. Smith, PROOF, RARE — — — — , 382 Sir Godfrey Copley, after Kneller, by J. Smith, 8vo. mez. very fine and rare 383 Sir William Jshurst, Knt. Lord Mayor of London, I 694 , by R. White, very i fine and scarce, from the Fothergill Collection — — j 384 Sir John Houblon, Knt, Lord Mayor of London, 1696 , j. Closterman I pinx, R. Williams fecit, h. s.mez. extra fine and rare — I 385 Sir Thomas Pilkington, Knt. Thrice Lord Mayor of London, j J. Linton pinx. R. White sculp. 169 I, very fine and rare — 386 Sir Richard Levett, Knt. Lord Mayor of London, 1700 , by Ditto, from the Fothergill Collection — — — — 387 Sir Bibye Lake and his Sister Mary, by R. White —Sir Josiah Child and the Kentish Petitioners, — — — 388 Sir John Chetwynd, of Ingestre, in Co. Stafford, and Mr. Sansom, obilt 1705, both by J. Smith, very fine and scarce — — — 389 Peter Hoet (Anonymous Portrait) hy Vandrebanc, scarce, afterwards altered to the Earl of Marr — — — — 390 John Ashton (Executed I 69 I) by R. lVhite,io \.—Christopher Rawlinson, Esq. large 4/o.—and Sir Henry Newton, hy B. Fariat,fine and scarce — 3gi Sir George Hamilton of Binnie and Barton, Bart. wtat. 51, I694, 7 . B. de Medina pinx. J. Smith fecit, extra fine and rare — 392 Edward Herbert of Packington, Virtuoso (called the Rough Diamond) drawing in colours, after the Picture of Carlo Maratti, 18 O 9 , now in the Inner Temple —and Tobias Buslat (omitted in the former Catalogue) ditto, by T. Athow GENTRY. 28 *■« ' 303 y p 394 ' iC 395 - // ■ 396 y O.v. 397 / ■ 393 1 ■ 399 • 1 400 y //.I 401 J' i t i 402 y *.A. j 403 y . y 404 y' 405 y '■J V t 405 * /J 407 J 4 OS 409 Sir Thomas Hanmer, ly IV. Bond and J. Schiavonelii—SW Edmund Tumor, by Filller —Sir Robert Walpole, by'J. C. Philips, G. Vertue, tSfc. -and Ditto addressing the House of Commons, by A. Fopg - William Bromley (Speaker of the House of Commons) and Edward South- well, Esq. by y. Smith —Thomas Hopkins, by Faber —John Methuen, &c. by IV. Humphrey—•and Sii John Crisp, by J. Smith, fine — Edward Winnington Jeffreyes, M. F. by J. Sympson —Charle's Moore, W. L. by P. Coombes —William Barker, Esq. by 'J. Faber, bsfc. ditto — Sir\Viniam Hodges, Ay y. Smith, proof- —and Sir John Blunt, Bt. by'y. Simon, Sir Thomas Rawlinson (Lord Mayor, J/OG) W. L. and Sir Philip Sydenham, by G. Vertue, scarce —and Sir John Cotton, by R. IVhite — David Bruce, W. L. by G. Vertue, sheet —the two Secretaries Craggs and Ed¬ ward Harley, Eiq. by Ditto —Sir W. Wyndham, by Houbraken, on India paper, b^c. — — — — — Charles Dartiquenave and Alexander Chocke, Esqrs. W. L. by Faber -the Knight Family, by Ditto —and Edw. Elliot with his Wife and Family, by G. Vertue — — — — — William Hucks and Thomas Rudge, Esqrs. by Faber —Dudley Woodbiidge, Devereux Knightley, and Henry Worster, by y. Smith —and John Moriey, by y. Simon, fne — —- — — Sir IVilliam Gordon of Afton, Bart. Oval, in armour, surrounded with Coats of Arm.s, fol. very scarce, from the Musgrave Collection — Ch'dstopher Codringtow, Esq. drawing in colours, from the Original, by Sir James Thornhill, at All Souls, Oxon. by S. Harding, fine — Sir Benjamin Keene (Ambassador to Madrid) drawing in colours, from the Original at Cambridge, by Gardiner, ditto — — Sir Francis Winnington, in a hunting dress, and the Right HouHe. Thomas Winnington, W. L. drawing in India ink, from Original Pictures, by James Ross, ISOO — — — — Edward Colston, Esq. by Vertue —Mississippi Law, by Langlois and Schmidt, Dawkins and Wood (Travellers to Palmyra) and William Hickes, Esq. (in the Marine Society Print) by Hall — — Andrew Fountain, by Pariset —Richard Graves, Francis Mundy and John Mor¬ iey, l>y Per/ue —Charles Leigh, by Baron —and Thomas Rowney, by J. Green, fne — — — — Luke Gardiner and William Lingen, Esqrs. by J. Brooks — Sir John Lister Kaye, Bart. Oval, 4to. mez. scarce —John Keeling, Esq. by APArdell, bsfe. Daniel Lock and Gerard Van Neck, Esqrs. by M'Ardell —Henry Pelham, by Houston —and Ditto with his Secretary, J. Roberts, Esq. by Ditto, fne Ihomas Penn, Esq. by D. Martin, proof —and William Shirley, Esq. hy M'AI dell, fne and scarce — ^ — Iff' 3 C . - tfVAU 4 1 2 '{/Ct'trfcfu » 6 n s GENTRY. 29 410 Sir John Percival, ly J. Smith —Philip Perceval, ly J. Faber —and Sir Arthur Rawdon and Sir John Rawdon, by Ditto, 8vo. mezzs. scarce — 411 Stephen Poyntz, Esq, ly Faber —Sir John Salter (Lord Mayor) by A. Miller, scarce, fs’c. — — — — — I 412 Thomas Sadler, ArnY. Bust, by A. Pond —Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, by Fertue —and Ditto, etchings, by J. Aberry and B. IFilson — 413 Mr. Ralph Allen, of Bath, by Faber —Aldermen Barber, &c. (Jour ovals in the same plate) by J. Simon, scarce, iffc. — — — i 414 Ralph Allen (profile etching) by IF. Hoare —John Adams, LL.D. by Hall, fSJ’c, 415 Sir Edward Astley, W. L. by IForlidge, proof —Alderman Barber, by G. v.Gucht —Sir John Barnard’s Statue, by Muller —and George Caswall, cctat. 8, profile etching, \2mo. — __ __ — i 416 Sir Edward Astley, after JFesl, by Earlom, proo/’—and Ynyr Burges, after Romney, ly Jones, p. p. — — —- — 4 17 Sir John Aubrey, proof, and Sir Joseph Banks, both after Sir Joshua, by Jortes and Dickinson — — — — I 418 Sir Joseph Banks, W. L. by J. R. Smith —William Bates, by F. Green, p, p. — ! and Thomas Browne, Garter King at Arms, W. L. by Dickinson — ; 419 Sir Joseph Banks, by Collyer, proof and letters —John Berkeley (etching) by j G. Powle, p. p. proo/’—Honble- John Beresford, by W. Sharp, ditto, iSfc. 420 Julian Beckford, W. L. in a masquerade dress, by Houston, scarce-, William Beckford (Lord Mayor) W, L. by Dixon; and Ditto with Aldermen Saw- bridge and Townshend, by Houston, fine — — — 421 Sir John Barnard, by Faber and M'Ardell-, Alderman Benn, by Ditto-, and I Alderman Benn’s Club, by Faber — — — — 422 Robert Baldy, Esq. by Fisher; John Beresford (proof); and William Brown- low, by Hodges; Sir William Burrell, small 4to. mex. proof, iyfc. — 1 423 Mark Beaufoy, Esq. by Fal. Gteen, p. p. ; John Brenchley, by Jones, proof; Frederick Bull, Lord'Mayor, ly J. Watson; and George Byng, M. P. by Groxer, proof — — — — — * 424 Sir Charles Bunbury and Edmund Burke, Esq. both after Sir Joshua, by J. Watson, the latter a proof — — — — 425 Francis Charleris, Esq. after Sir Joshua, by Houston, p. p. very fine and scarce 426 Nathaniel Chauncy, Esq. by Caroline Watson, on India paper, very fine; the same plate reduced to an oval ; and Ditto profile (two proots) by W. Nutter I 427 Charles Cholmondeley of Vale Royal, by T. Frye, p. p.; George Drummond j (Lord Provost of Edinburgh) by A. Bell, fife. — — — I 428 Sir John Cast, W. L. by J. Watson.; G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq. and Sir James Esdaile (Lord Mayor) by J. Jones, all proofs, after Sir Joshua — 429 William Conyngham, Esq. by Sekiuvonetti (two proofs) ; Stephen Croft (etching) after Sir Joshua, by Carter ; Welbore Ellis, by Car. Watson, See, I / 4 9 ^ 3 . 5 30 GENTRY. / cP 1 C - y^ - •/ / y / 0 j 1 i ! ^ 1 1 yx^ \ • j /j\ J - f s \ y, y, 1 1 y. V y y. / - 430 Sir Francis Dashwood, ly J. Faber, p. p. and Robert Dingley, Esq. by Dixon, proof _ _ _ 431 Sir Francis Blake Delaval, Bart, fetching) by C. Blake. 1775 (with and with¬ out the mez. border) ; Sir John Dick, by G. Lapi, 8vo; and Ditto, W. L. by P. IF. Tomkins, p. p. proof _ _ _ _ 432 Andrew Drummond, Esq. (Banker) W. L. sitting in his Garden, after Ziojfany, ly J. Watson, p. p, very fine — — __ 433 Two Drummond’s (Sons of the Archbishop of York) W. L’s, ly Val. Green; Ihomas Fielder, ly Ditto, proof-, and Richard Ford of Chertsey, lu E. W. A. p.p. — _ __ __ _ 434 R* Hon‘'‘ Henry Dundas, Robert Dundas, &c. private etchings of celebrated Scotch Characters, l^ T. Kay — _ _ __ 435 Giles Earle, of Benningborough Hall near York, by C. Failed j Philip Eger- ton of Oulton fetching) by D. Gardiner-, and Paul Elers, Esq. fsmall mex.J by B. Clowes, private plates _ _ _ 436 Honble. Richard Edgecumbe (afterwards Viscount Valletort) after Sir Joshua, ly Dickinson —Sir John Fielding, by M‘Ardell—unCi Morgan Graves of Mickelton, ly Val. Green, p.p. _ _ _ _ 437 Sir Henry Englefield (profile Medallion) ly W. Evans, p. p. -, Mr. Green of Lichfield (Antiquary) etching, p. p. -, John Holland of Peter House (ditto) ly himself; Fulk Greville, Esq. ly J. Conde, &c. — __ 438 R. Hon’-' Charles James Fox, after Sir Joshua, by Jones ffirst plate)-, and Ditto (Busts from Nollekens) ly Pether and De Koster, proofs 439 C. J. Fox (Busts) ly H. Meyer, £fc. and Sir Philip Francis, from a Bust of J. Lochee, &c. — _ _ __ 440 Sir Crisp Gascoyne (Lord Mayor) W. L. proof, by M‘Ardell -, and Sir Robert Ladbroke (Ditto) ly J, Faber — __ __ __ 441 George Grenville and Henry Bilson Legge, ly Houston; Phillips Glover and Joseph Gulston, lyj. Watson 5 and Sir Harry Harpur, ly J. R. Smith, proof 442 Sir William Hamilton, W. L. after Sir Joshua, ly Hudson-, and'Jonas Hanway, Esq. W. L. by Dunkarton, proof _ _ _ 443 Jonas Hanway, Warren Hastings and John Howard, by Holloway, ts’e.— George and Nicholas Hardinge, Esqrs. by H. Meyer, ts’e. _ _ 444 Sir Thomas Harrison (Chamberlain of London) ly E. Fisher, proof-, John , Hely Hutchinson, ly J. Watson j and Soame Jenyns, Esq. ly W. Dickinson, all after Sir Joshua, fine _ __ 445 Sir James Harris (Lord Malmsbury) after Sir Joshua, by Car. Watson _ Warren Hastings, Esq. after Ditto, by T. Watson^znd Ditto, after , J. T. Seton, by J. Jones, p.p. — ^ __ 446 John Howard, Esq. ly E. Scott—and Samuel More, after West, ly W. Sharp, , fine — ^ 3 2 2 12 GENTRY. 3 ] ■447 Samuel Iieland (etching) after Hamilton, ly himself, and Benj, Ibbot, Esq. by Pariset, proofs David La Touche, Esq,, Gervase Leverland, Sir : Ashton Lever, &c. _ _ _ _ 448 Anthony Malone, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith— Edward Wortley Montagu, by Ditto, proofs _ _ _ 449 Hon. Edmond Malone, by M'. Evans, p. p. —James Mathias (etching) by Bre- ^ therton—hrae] Mauduit (proofj—Bacon Morritt (etching) by IF. Doughty I Sir Ralph Milbankc, after Sir Joshua, by Marcuard, p. p. isfe. _ : 450 Sir Joseph Mawbey, by Dixon—Sir William Meredith, by T. Watson -Sir William Musgrave, by Facius—Diiro (different states) by J. R. Smith, isfe. 451 John Orde, Esq. (etching) by Bretkerton—Charles Rogers, Esq. after Sir Joshua, by W. Ryland—Jonathan Raine—Richard Russell, of Bermondsey, &c. 452 Richard Oliver (Alderman) hy Dickinson—Hon. Thomas Orde, by Jones _ J. T. Paine, W. L. by J. Deatz—Daniel Race, W. L, by J. Watson _and Ihomas Raikes, Esq. by Hodges, proof _ __ b 453 John Paterson, Esq. after Sir Joshua, by T. JVatson—Sir John Philipps, by Faber —Governor Pownall, by Earlom, proof, fs'e. _ _ 454 Rt. Hon. William Pitt, after Gainsborough, by J. K. Sheruin-and after the same Picture, by Bartolozzi — _ 455 Sir M. W. Ridley, by Fittler—Sir George Savile (different states) by B. Wil¬ son—and Richard Brinsley Sheridan, after Sir Joshua, by J. Hall 456 Sir William Robinson, Bart, by J. Watson-and William Strahan, Esq. (King's Printer) after Sir Joshua, by J. Jones, p. p. _ 457 Sir John Smith, Bt. (etching) by E. Martin—Sir John Smith of Sydling, by J. Walker, proof—John Spink, Esq.—Hans Stanley, M. P. by S. C. Miger, I7fi5, &c. — __ __ _ _ 458 Sir George Savile (W. L. Statue) 5ar/otei-Sir John Taylor, by Hall, proof—John Horne Tooke, by Anker Smith —Richard Tyson, Esq. bi/ J. Collyer, isfe. — _ __ _ 459 William Strahan and Andrew Stuart, M. P. p.p. (proof) after Sir Joshua, by J. Jones and T. Watson — _ _ 460 John Stacpoole, Esq. by J. IVatson —Master W. Skinner, by Ditto—Hon, Charles Townshend, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon—and Anthony Todd, Esq. by Jones, p. p. proofs — _ . 461 Sir Edward Turner, Bart. (M.P. for Oxfordshire) W. L. in a flowered coat, by M‘Ardell, proof, p. p.—and Sir Barnard Turner, W. L, by J. Walker 462 P. Vignau, Esq. (etching) by Gardiner -Hon. W. Windham and Sir W. W. Wynne, by Basire, isfe. p. p.—Sir George Yonge, by E. Scott, tsfe. 463 Hon. Thomas Walpole (profile) by A. St. Aubin—Horace Walpole (ditto) by Pariset—and John Wilkes, by W. Hogarth, Car, Watson, Sfc. —, ' J g 8 ''. vrx-.e^ 'p /I 7 32 GENTRY. 464 Richard Whitworth, M, P. W. L. ly Laurie, p. p.—Sir Armine Wodehouse, ly C. Townley, ditto —John Wilkes, ly Dixon, Dickinson, J. Watson and R. Houston ^ — — 465 Hon. William Windham, after Sir Joshua, ly Jones, proof —William Wil- berforce. Esq. ly Hodges, ditto —Master Wynn, after Sir Joshua, ly J. Dean, ijc. — — — — — 466 Charles Abbot (Speaker of the House of Commons) ly C, Picart —and John Hatsell, Esq. W, L. ly Ditto, proofs — — — 467 Anonymous Portraits, proofs and private plates — — 468 Sir Edmund Antrobus, ly G. Clint, p. p. proof—Henry Beaufoy, Esq. W, L. ly W. Ward —Edward Cbamberkayne, Esq. ly J. Jacole, proof, tsfc. 46g Richard Barwell, Esq. W. L. sitting in his Library with his Son, after Sir Joshua, sheet met. proof, rare — — — 470 William Baker, M. P. ly M. Bovi —Horace Beckford, W, L. ly J. Conde— James Bruce of Kinnaird—John Bruce, Esq. ly E. Mitchell, isfc. 471 Owen Salusbury Brereton, ly W. Evans —John Brettell, Esq. ly Car. Watson —Jonas Byres, Esq. 8vo. me%. p p. Isfc. — — 472 Alderman Combe, ly W. Evans —William Cayley—P. A. Cayley and William Cunnington, ly Bnsire —Master Douglas, W. L. ly E. Harding, (sfc. 473 Sir William Curtis, Bart. W. L. after Sir Thomas Lawrence, ly W. Sharp, proof—and James Curtis, E.sq. mez. p. p, proof — — 474 Sons of Mr. Davison, W. L.’s, after Sir T. Lawrence, ly G. Clint, proof, p.p. —Sir Henry Fletcher, ly J. Young —Sir W. Forbes, ly J. Ward—Hon. John Foster, W. L. ly Hodges, isfc. — — — 475 Sir Henry Englefield (profile medallion) E. Scott del. W. Ewans sculp, with and without the border —and Ditto, after Edridge, ly Evans, private plates 476 William Garthshore, M. P. ly S. Freeman—Mr. Flood (the Irish Orator) profile etching —Hon. W. G. Hamilton, ly W. Evans, proof—Mr. Hector, drawing in colours, tSf c. - —— - 477 Ignatius Gahagan, of Soho Square, pro(f, p. p. —Joseph Harford, Esq. by Ruwle —Thomas Brand Hollis, ly Bocquet —and Arthur Hough, Esq, proof 478 James Harris, Esq. by Bartolo/xd, . 1776 ^Ditto, by W Evans, cetat. 60 (and two different) by C. Bestland — — — — 479 Filmer Honywood, M. P. and Mayow Wynell Mayow, oliit I 8 O 7 , ceL 53, both proofs, ly W. Sharp, p. p. — — — 430 Nathaniel Hillier (Collector of Prints) by Trotter, p. p —SirW. Lemon, M.P. ly A/t'yer—Hon. Charles Long, ly J. Heath, proof—Veier Ludgate, Esq. ly W. 2\ Fry, islv. — — — — 481 H. C. Jennings (Collector) by E, Dorrell —Thomas Jeyes (Head Teller of the Bank) by Thompson, proof—James Neild, Esq.—RichardlNeville, Esq. ly Basire and Tomkins, t5’c. — — 16 GENTRY. 33 - // S 2 / // !// I 2 /J JVJ. // . c)' /3 482 Henry Laurens, Esq. (President) W. L. hy F. Green, proq/'—Sir Roger Ker- rison, ly E. Bell, ditto —Sir John Macpherson, by S. IF. Reynolds, isfc. 483 Jonathan Munn, by Baldrey—AhT^h^m Newland—S'r Richard Philipps—— Hon. Spencer Percival—Anthony Storer (Collector of Portraits) profile etching, tsfc. — — — — — 484 Samuel Pybus, Esq. ly C.Wilkin —Richard Reynolds, ly H Meyer —Joseph Richardson, Esq, by W.J. Newton —Andrew Stone, Esq. Bust, ly C, Best- land, tsfc. — — — — — 485 David Scott, M. P. W.’L. ly fi. Young —William Smith, M. P. by Fal, Green Mark Sprott, Esq. ly IFard, proof—aad William Stiles, Esq. ly C. Townley 486 Thomas Storer, Esq. by Grozer, on India paper —and Sir Christopher Sykes (Bust) both private plates — __ _ — 487 George Tierney, M. P. by Nutter, STc.—John Trenchard, Esq.—Charles Towneley, Esq.—Samuel Tyssen, Esq.—Mr, Udney—Thomas Wallace, Esq. ly C. Bestland, isfc. — — — — 488 Thomas Wale, Esq. ly Facius, p, p. proof and letters —Thomas Walker, by W. Sharp —Daniel Wray, Esq. ly Meyer, isle. —Mr. Warren, drawing in colours, isfe. — — — — — 489 Caleb Whitefoord, Esq. after Sir Joshua, hy S. Reynolds, proof, p. p. - - Charles Wildbore, Esq.—Charles White, Esq. ly IF. IFard —Mr. Wright of Liverpool, ly Dunkarton, p. p. isic. — — — PORTFOLIOS. 490 Two Portfolios, with leaves, half bound, russia lacks, lettered Foreign Portrait: 491 One Ditto, in Russia, marlled leaves 492 One Capital Ditto, lettered Miscellaneous Prints 493 One Ditto, lettered Houghton Collection 494 Two ditto, without leaves END OP FOURTH DAy’s SALE. 34 Fifth Day’s Sale. FOREIGN PORTRAITS. . // i/^ ' ■ -^Z . / I LOT 495 495 497 49s 499 500 501 502 503 50-1 05 5UCi X^HILIP Comte de Belhune, Pontus de la Gardie, ly Fa/c^—Cortez— Pizarro, &c. — _ __ _ Louis Prince de Dombes, le Due de Noailles et Marquis de la Vrilliere, by DrevSt, f5’c. — „ _ _ _ Count Harcourt, by Edelinck —Count de Soissons, by Lombart, tsfe. _ Philip Due de Mercoeur, ly Jerome IFierx—Renatus Choppin, by T. de Leu, iS^c.Jine — — _ ^ Louis Due de Vendosme et Louis Count de Crecy, by Masson, isfe. ditto F. M. le Tellier, the Great Colbert, De Lamoignon, &c. by Nantueil, F.M. Due de Bouillon, ly Nantueil, and the large Marechal de Turenne, ly ditto, Jine and rare — — _ Ambrose Spinola, by J. Mtdler,fne—and George Frederick Elector of Bran denburgh, ly Lucas KUian — _ _ Alexander Fai nese, by Otto and Gislert Fan Veen—Henry Due de Montmo rency, ly M. Lasne, isfe. — _ _ Ernest Count Mansfield—Alexius Count Oxenstierne—Philip and Maurice Princes of Orange, &c. Z'j/— _ _ __ Charles Comte de Vergennes, ly Fangelisti—F. W. Borck, by Schmidt, is’e. Mnrechals de Saxe et Lowendal et le Marquis de Marigny, by J. Q. Wille — 2 m- ^ — or - (5 ^ 6 J 35 BRITISH PORTRAITS. LORD CHANCELLORS, JUDGES, &c. - 2 . /, ■ . 2 '-^ ; y /; I /r c y //\ /J J/J j 507 Lord Sommers, Sir John Holt and Sir Edward Ward, ly R. White y^vA Sir j John Powell, ly W. Sherwin — __ __ __ ' 507*Sir George Treby, Sir Thomas Trevor and Sir Nathan Wright (Lord Keeper) i all ly R, White — __ _ __ __ 508 Sir Creswell Levinz and Sir Edward Lutwyche, ly Ditto ; Sir Bartholomew Shower, ly Nutting j Sir James Steuart of Goodtrees, ly Vertue, tsfc. 50g Sir Henry Pollexfen, by J. Savage, h, sh. fine and scarce, from the Fothergill Collection — __ — — 510 Sir Henry Chauncy, ly Ditto, fine, and the Ckjpy, ly J. Thane — 511 Thomas Deane de Freefolke, of the Inner Temple, ly R. White, 16 q 7, fol. fine and scarce, from the Fothergill Collection _ _ _ 512 Henry Cutis, oj the Middle Temple, setat. 21, l6gi, ly J, Drapentier, fol. fine and rare, from Mr. Gulston’s Collection _ _ _ 513 Simon Lord Harcourt, ly Simon j William Lord Cowper, ly Smith-, and Sir Henry Hatsell, Knt. after Kneller, ly J. Gislorne — __ 514 William Lord Cowper, ly W. Sherwin, 17 O 8 , Oval, h. sh. and Sh-John I Turton, ly Ditto, loth fine and scarce — _ _ _ 515 Sir Richard Holford, oJ i-inro/n’j 7«n, Master in Chancery, aetat. 81, 1714 , after J. Richardson, ly G. Vertue, fine and scarce ^ — _ 516 Sir Francis Grant de Cullen, ly Samuel Taylor, h. sh. mex. and Alexander Bayne, Professor of Law in the University of Edinburgh, h. sh. circular mex. proof (not mentioned by Bromley) loth very scarce — _ 517 Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Chancellor, (two different); Peter Lord King (Ditto) ; Sir Robert Eyre, Sir John Bleucowe and Judge Denton, all ly G, Vertue, very fine —. __ • __ __ 518 Sir James Montague J B^ronVcxce (two difierentj Sir Joseph Jekyll and Sir Francis Page, ly Ditto _ _ _ _ 519 Sir Thomas Bury, by Smith-, Sir Jeffery Gilbert, ly Faber; William Fel- lowes, ly Smith ; Sylvester Pefyt, ly G. White, mex. 8cc. fine — 520 Silvester Petyt, ly G. White, 1/08, fol. ; Thomas Vernon and W. P, Wil¬ liams, lyG. Vertue-, Thomas Walker, ly Perry ; Sir Hew Dalrymple, ' ly A. Beil-, and Ditto and Sir Walter Pringle, by R. Cooper _ 521 Sir Laurence Carter, Sir Robert Raymond, Sir John Willes, Judge Reynolds and John Verney, M. R. ly G. Vertue ,- and Sir Thomas Reeve, by Baron 6 LORD CHANCELLORS, JUDGES, &C. y. y /. y y • yy' yy y y y^y V y • y O 6 5 22 Sir John Comyns and Sir John Strange, ly Houlraken, proofs •, Sir Michael Foster, ly Basire ; and Baron Smith, ly Ditto, proof and letters — 523 John Lord Fortescue, by Vertue •, James Grant, of Airth, scarce-, Thomas Barnardiston, by G. Bickham And. M'Douall, of Bankton, by T. IFor- lidge, isfc. . — — _ 524 Philip Lord flardwicke and Sir Thomas Denison, proof, ly M‘Ardell Sir Michael Foster, Sir William Thomson and Sir Dudley Ryder, W. L. by J. Faber — — — — _ 5i5 George Lee, LL.D, j Alexander Murray and Duncan Forbes, by J, Faber j William Grant, Esq. by M‘Ardell, &e. * — — — 526 Edward Lord Thurlow, after Sir Joshua, by Bartoloxzi, fine — — 527 Lord Loughborough, by Groxer Lord Kenyon, by Fittler •, and Lord Ash¬ burton, ly Bartoloxxi, proof — — — — 528 Lord Ashburton (Oval) l>y Bartoloxxi, bsfe.-, Earl Mansfield (when the Hon. W. Murray) by J. Basire, p. p. Ditto, after Grimaldi, by Jones, i!fc, 52Q Lord Northington, W. L. sitting in bis Robes (Caricature) ; Sir William Blackstone, by J. Hall, isfe.; Lord Monboddo, by C, Skerwin Baron Burgh, by C. Knight, iffc. — — _ _ 530 Judge Willes, by Heath •, and Robert Dundas, Lord President, by Sharp, both very f.ne — _ _ _ 531 Sir William Jones, ly J. Hall, W. Evans, one a proof, after Sir Joshua, is’e. 532 Lord Lifford, ly JV. Dickinson j Sir George Nares, ly Ditto-, Benj. Heath, LL.D. ly Dixon, W. L. ; and Judge Wilson, by Murphy — — 533 Benj. Heath (oval) by Dixon, proof Harry Harmood, inscribed Dr. Sharemo, by A. Miller, scarce ; Arthur Beardmore teaching his Son, by JJFatson, &Cc. 534 Sir James Burrow, W. L. by Basire ; Dr. Smallbroke (Bust) ly F, Perry j Dr. Ducarel, by Ditto, isfe. — — — _ 535 Harry Peckham, by J. R. Sherwin, p.p. j Joshua Peart Scrope (etching) IF. L. p. p .; Hon. Thomas Erskine (now Lord Erskine) by IF. Sharp, proof} Theobald Wolfe, by Bartoloxxi, SCc, — _ _ 536 B.o\>exiVaxAoe,byy. JFatson, p.p.-, IsaxicKeei, by Dickinson-, Joshua Sharpe, after Sir Joshua, by Hodges -, and Alex. Whitchurch (circular mex.) proof 537 John Lord Eldon, ly J. R. Smith, Cs’e. j Sir Richard Perryn, ly G. Dupont, and Judge Eyre, by Fal. Green, tsfe. — — — __ 538 Judge Ashurst, by Jones ; Sir Francis Buller, by Bartoloxxi, proof-, and Lord Eldon, by C. Picart — — _ 539 Hon. Sylvester Douglas, ly E. Harding-, Daines Barrington, by C. Knight-, G. M. Berkeley, ly IF. Skelton, See. some proofs — _ 540 Hon. Henry Dundas, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith j and Thomas Elder, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, by Earlom, p. p. — — — 10 4 /iyA-TT'' 4 ^ f o JUDGES, &C. 37 541 William Grant, ly J. R. Smith-, W. Melmoth, ly Schiavonetli John Symonds, LL.D. ly Singleton, &c. some private plates _ —. ! 542 Robert Lemon, etched by IF. Daniell-, George Lloyd (Barrister) by C. Turner, i proof j Hon. Robert Macqueen, by D. Lhars j and Edmond Malone, by ( JF. Evans, (proof and letters) — _ _ _ 543 Thomas Warren, by S. Rawle ; Sir John Eardley Wilmot, by Heath-, Ditto, after Sir Joshua, by Bartolozzi, p. p. -, Hon. Charles Yorke, by M. Bovi, &c, MILITARY CHARACTERS. [ ^'^‘^Anonymous Head of a Youth in armour. Motto, Fide et Fiducia, Oval of I Foliage, J. Riley pinx. P. Fandrelanc sculp, fol. fne and rare _ I 545 Thomas Maxwell, Charles Napier and Mitford Crowe, by J. Smith ; Michael : Richards, Jos. Sabine and Tho. Wentworth (Generals) ly Faher, Uc.fine 546 Generals Thomas Erie and Sir Charles Wills, ly Simon j George Wade, by j Faler -, James Oglethorpe, by Burford -, Richard St. George, by Brooks, &:c. ditto — ~ _ _ _ 547 John Armstrong and Sir Peter Halkett of Pitsarrane, ly M’ylrdell, p. p. -, and Clement Nevill, ly Brooks, fine and scarce — _ — I 548 Robert Dalziel, ly Petit, p. p. -, Major Gen, Gordon, 8vo. -, Daniel Parke, by j Fertue -, Col. W. Parsons (two different) ly S. Grilelin, &c. _ ; 549 Francis Columbine and his Lady, ly Faler ; Sir Philip Honeywood, ly M'Ardell -, C. Lempriere and Major Foubert, ly Faler _ _ 550 Sir Jeffery Amherst and Lord George Germaine, after Sir Joshua, by J. JFat- son and M‘Ardeil, fine proofs — — _ _ __ 551 Sir Charles Asgill, ly Chevillet; Sir Eyre Coote (etch'd at Calcutta) ly C. J. G. p.p.-. General Elliott, ly C. de Mechel-, General Wolfe, ly J. Barlie, after Sir Joshua, &c. — — _ 552 Capt. William Baillie, Daniel Brown (Cornet), John Golding (Grenadier) and Corporal Jones (etchings) ly Capt. Baillie — _ _ 1553 Col. Barre, ly Houston, proof-. General Kingsley, after Sir Joshua, by Ditto-, General Blakeney and Capt. Coram, ly M‘Ardell, &c. — _ ■554 Col. Barre, ly Hall-, Col. Cathcart, by IF. Sharp, p. p. -, Col. Campbell (Duke of Argyle) and General Conway (from Lord Orford’s Works) proofs 555 Col. Henry Barry, by IF. Nutter j Sir Robert Boyd, by Hall j Ditto, by C. IFatson, proof j General Burgoyne, W.'L. etching, &c. — _ 556 Capt. Coram, W. L. by Brooke j Price Campbell (small etching) p. p, - Sir 1 Harry Erskine (etching) by D. Martin, p. p .; Capt. Grose (ditto) proof. See. L (j 3 MILITARY CHARACTERS. A— •c> \ 38 557 Edmund Fanning, by B. Reading ; General Frazer, by IVorlidge \ Studholme Hodgson, by IV. Bond j Col, Kellett, by Capt. Baillie, Lord Ligonier, W, L. by P. Tanje, Sec. — _ — 558 General Aachmuty, by Cardon j Sir David Baird, by IVoolnoth, proof-. Major Hanger, Capt. Morris, &c. — _ _ __ 559 Col. Frazer of Lovat (profile medallion) by A. Smith Lieut. Riddell, by Bartoloxxi, proof ; Col. Stanley, by Ditto, p.p. — _ 560 General Thomas Musgrave, by G. S. Fucius, before the plate was altered j and the same, on India paper — _ _ _ 561 General Sberard with Capt. Tiffin, \V. L's. by J, Greenwood, p. p.; and Col. Henry Townshend (two different), by M‘Ardell, fine — _ 562 Col. Joseph Hanson, by G. Clint, proof j Col. John Hope of Craighall, by J. Young, p. p. J Gen. James Stuart, by Hodges ; and Gen. Charles Stuart, by Groxer, proof — _ _ _ 563 Military Characters and Caricatures (etchings) by Kay, Patch, SCc. _ 10 4 2 NAVAL CHARACTERS. -I ■ > ■ .V c7 564 Sir George Rooke and Sir Cloudesley Shovel, by J. Smith, fine, and Capt. Edw. Rigby, by Ditto, with the inscription, scarce — — 565 Sir John Leake, by Faber j Richard Gwynne of Taliaris, by Ditto, p. p. ; and Sir Richard Haddock, by TV. Faithorne _ _ _ 566 Admiral Lord Aylmer, h. sh. mex. fine and scarce ; and Sir Charles Wao-er after Dahl, by Faber, ditto — __ _ _ 567 Admirals Sir Charles Wager, Sir John Jennings and Sir John Norris, by Faber j and Sir Chaloner Ogle, by V. Verdlen, fine _ _ 568 Admiral Byng,. by M‘Ardell, proof ■, Admiral Griffin, by Ditto ■, and Sir Samuel Greig (Admiral of the Russian Fleet) by J. Walker _ _ 569 Admirals Nicholas Haddock ; Tho. Mathews and Charles Stewart, by Faber-, Admirals Vernon, by Ditto and M‘Ardell, and Cha. Watson, by Fisher, fine 570 Sir Peter Warren, by N. Parr j Admiral Mostyn and Capt. Tyrrel, by Wor~ lidge, proofs.-, Capt. Dampier, by C. Sherwin, Sec. ditto _ _ 571 Capt. Durell, who took the Princess, a Spanish man of war, small head, hold¬ ing a drawn sword in his hand in the centre of Armorial Bearings._Vessels blowing up. Sec.—Sold by Geo, Foster, 1740, large Ato. rare, not in Bromley 572 Lord Anson, by Grignion arid Houbraken, the latter a proof-. Lord Aubrey Beauclerk, by Vertue -, and Admiral Vernon, by C. Mosley _ 573 Admiral Boscawen, W. L. after Sir Joshua 3 and Admiral Hawke, by M‘Ardell, Sec. fine — — _ — NAVAL CHARACTERS, 39 - // V / / //// /. y z 1 / y ■ ' i ■ /y • 574 Admiral Affleck, W, L. ofter Penny ; Admiral Barrington, by Earlom j and Admiral Keppel, by Dickinson, proofs, &c. — — —- 575 Admiral Bligli, by Conde j Admiral Cornwallis, by F Hnward ; Sir Roger Curtis, by Caldivall, &c. — — — — 576 Captains Cock and King, hyJ.K. Sherwin, Barlolozzi, Basire, &cc one a proof 577 Edward Lord Hawke and Samuel Lord Hood, by Hall, &c.; Admiral Mac- bride, by Fittler ; Captain Hunter, by Orme, &c. — — 578 Augustus Henry (afterwards Earl of Bristol) W. L. after Gainsborough, by J. Watson ; and Sir Edward Hughes, ditto, after Sir Joshua, by Jones, fine 579 Admirals Augustus Hervey, John Lockhart and Lord Rodney, all after Sir Joshua, by Fisher, M'Ardell and J. Watson, fne — — 580 Sir George Pocock—and Admiral Sanders, by M‘Ardell ; Admiral Rowley, by Faber; Admiral Roddam, by Hudson, &c. — — — 581 Sir Nathaniel Dance, by C. Turner, proof ; Capt. John Harvey, by Murphy, proof 5 Sir Charles Saxton, by Reynolds, &c. — — — 582 Sir Edward Thornborough, by Fry ; Sir Heniy Trollope, by Nutter ; Lieut. Locker, proof ; Capt. Huddart, by Stow, ditto-, Capt. Wilson, by Heath, See. 583 Admirals Ld. Nelson—St. Vincent—Pasley—Thompson—Sir Edw. Berry, 8 cc. 584 Commemoration of the Four Great Naval Victories obtained by the English during the late War, published by Boivyer, 1803 , boards. — LITERARY PERSONS. 585 Anthony Wood and Thomas Hearne, by M. Burghers, G. Vertue, &c. some rare j 586 Robert Nelson, by Vertue and Gucht-, William Black, by Van Hove, scarce; Richard Newcourt, by Sturt; John Locke, J. Savage, John Taylor, Henry i Maydman and Francis Bugg, by Van Hove, &c. — — 587 Capt. Robert Knox, by R. White-, John Disney, by Ditto -, Ralph Thoresby, by Vertue, See. — — — — — 588 Thomas Brodrick, by W. Sherwin; Parker of Leeds, by R. White, fne and scarce; Parker with the Hebrew Motto, by G. Vertue ; Thomas Tiyon, by R. White, See. — — — — — 589 Sir Isaac Newton, by Faber, Smith,. M'Ardell, i^c.fne — —^ 5 gO Sir Isaac Newton (profile medallion) etching by Hoare-, Ditto and Sir Hans Sloane (in a spiral line) by Jacob Smith; and Ditto with Henry Bridges, (in a sheet of mechanism) by R. Sheppard' — — — 591 John Bagford, William Baxter and Walter Nloy\e, by G. Vertue-, John Urry, by Pigne, iSfe. — — — — — i 592 Sir Rob. Atkyns, byM. v. Gucht, fol. from his History of Gloucestershire, scarce 40 literary persons. I / 'k/ 1 i • V j ! . // y /I i i Z? - //. / 7 1 7 7 /. ! Xi c/- 7 ■ 593 John Dunton, Daniel de Foe, William Walsh, Gabriel Briscoe, by W. Slier- win-, Joshua Squire, by Gucht, &c. _ _ _ 594 Richard Blome—Matthew I’indall—and Christopher Wren, by Fa^er—Hum phry Wanley, by Smith, &c. _ _ _ 595 Thomas Lediard; George Holmes j Cromwell Mortimer (SatiricnlJ ; Saunderson ; Ruben Horsall and Thomas Robinson (wood cuts) from Stukeley’s Abury, &c. _ _ _ 596 Abraham Sharp, by G. Fertue, scarce j Charles Leadbetter, proof, &c.; Henry Wilson Heniy Barham and James Puckle, by Ferine •, Maurice Shelton, by Gucht, &c. — _ _ _ 59; Joseph Ames (etchings) p. p. proof, &c. 5 F)\\io, mez. by Laurie Thomas Blackwell, by Record, &c. — _ _ _ 598 John MTver, alias Campbell, by S. Taylor, me%. scarce j Martin Folkes, ly Smith and Faber ■, and Edmund Halley, by Faber _ 599 Martin Folkes, by Folkema, &c. j Edmund Hailey 3 Edward Lisle, by Ravenet Maister Murray of Sacomb, &c two proofs _ _ _ 600 Ihomas Haselden, F. R, S. by Faber, scarce; Michael Maittaire—Cornelius Nary—Brook Taylor, by Earlom, 8cc. _ _ _ 601 John Thorley of Chipping Norton, W. L. by T. Loveday ; John Thorpe— John Toland—Woolston, by Gucht; Wollaston, proof, &c .; and Thomas Wright, by Fourdrinier __ _ _ _ 602 George Allan and William Hutchinson, by J. Collyer, p. p. • John Aber¬ crombie and Henry Baker, by Nutter ; Archibald Bower, by TFortidge, proofs. See. — _ _ _ _ 603 Tim Bobbin J f ranch Carter, by Basire; Peter Collinson j Alex. Cruden, &c. 604 William Buncombe, by Cook; Geo. Edwards (Ornithologist) etching, oval, surrounded with Birds, &c. scarce; Fr. Forster (sailed with Capt. Cook) by J. F. Bause, See. — _ _ _ 605 Francis Drake of York, by F. Green; James Ferguson, by F. Haward, See.; Theodosius Forest and Capt. Grose, as Friars, by N. Hone, See. — 606 Edward Gibbon—John Gillies, Dr. Goldsmith, Capt. Grose, etchings, &c. 607 David Hume, by D. Martin; Dr. William King and Samuel Richardson, M'Ardell, proof, &c. _ __ _ _ 608 Dr. Hawkesworth, after Sir Joshua, by J. JFatson; Dr. Samuel Johnson, by C. Townley ; and Boswell of Auchiulech, after Sir Joshua, by Jones, proof 609 Dr. Johnson (etchings and engravings) by different Artists _ _ 610 Dr. Johnson, by Hall, Heath, Holloway, &c. two proofs — __ 611 Dr. Johnson, after Sir Joshua, by IF. Doughty and /. JFatson, the former a proof 612 Samuel Ireland (etching) by Gillray; John Ireland, by JF. Skelton, proof; Eyles Irwin, by J. IValker; John Ives (three different etchings) ; Dr. Wil¬ liam Kemick, by IForlidge, &c. _ — 8 6 5 ^ • 7 •ilTERARV l^ERSoNS. 41 ^13 Edmund Malone, by Bartolozzi, Knight, &c. tivo proofs.; and Ditto, drawing 1 in colours, ly S. Harding — — — — 614 Janies Macpherson, after Sir Joshua, ly Sherwin ; Jeremiah Maikland, ly Caldtuall; Thomas Martin, F. A. S. proof, &c. — — — I 6 l 5 Thomas Paine, ly W. Sharp, proof, &c. ; William Pryce, ly Basire; and ] Peter Stephens, profile etching, after Dance, P- p. — — i Thomas Pennant, ly J. K. Sherivin, proof, and letters; and two copies of ' the same — — — — — — 617 Samuel Richardson, ly Car. JVatson, proof, See. ; Thomas Sheridan—Tho- t Snelling (etchings) ly J. Thane, See. — — — { 6 ] 8 Gilbert Stewart—Henry Swinburne—Philip Thicknesse—Edward Topham, I Thomas Tyers, &c. — — — — — 619 Thomas Tyrwhitt, ly Jones ; James Boaden, hy E. Bell, proof; Samuel Ly- ' sons, ,F. R. S. ly S. IF. Reynolds ; Joseph Planta, by Hudson, p. p. proof. See. 620 John Anderson, ly IF Evans.; James Anderson—Thomas Astle—Charles ; Bonnet, F. R. S.—Robert Boyd, LL. D. ly Trotter, &c. — — ;• 621 Jacob Bryant, proof; Sir J. B. Burges, by P, IF. Tomkins ; Thomas Camp- • bell and Alex. Dalrymple, proofs; Bryan Edwards, ly Holloway, See. 622 Octavius Gilchrist and Leigh Hunt, proofs.^ William, Thomas and Henry Hay ’ of Calcutta (on the same plate ); John Holt, W. L. etching, ly H. Rogers, I p. p.; W. Hutton, ly Basire, life, — ~ — ! 623 Thomas Johnes, M. P. ly Englekeart, Mr. Jerningham, ly P. Thompson, See, ' proofs ; Thomas Knight, ly Bond ; Colin Maclaurin, ly Freeman, See. 624 Mungo Park—John Pinkerton ; Geo. Paton, F. A. S. two satirical etchings of J. llitson, W. L’s. See. — — — — — 625 Thomas Ruddiman, ly Bartolozzi ; William Seward, John Stackhouse, George Stevens, and Joseph Strutt, proofs — — — 626 Sir John Sinclair (two different) by W. Skelton; C. B. Trye (lust) by Neagle; T.D. Whitaker—Joseph Wilcocks—Sir William Young, ly Collyer, Sec. y 5 4 10 10 s ^ 10 ,rr c^ c- 10 11 9 10 END OF FIFTH DAY’S SALE. M Sixth Day’s Sale. j i / w-w. y y/ yy / FOREIGN PORTRAITS. JLOT C27 JUSTUS Lipsius, by T. Galle, P. de Jode, isfc. and Alexander More, by C. de Pass, fine — _____ C 28 D Cassini (Aslron.l by L. Cossin C. Vorstius; P. Aretino, by Hollar-, Tavernier, by Hainxelrnan, See. — _ — _ 629 Magliabechi—Diderot—Rabelais—Haller, &c. •— — — 630 Gabrielli (Tragedian) by Carlo Biffi j Caesar Nostradamus, J. Vander Noot, &c. some curious _ _ _ _ _ 63 1 Malebranche, by N. Edelinck ; Patin, by Masson ; Brizieux (Architect) by IVtlle, &c. fine — — —- — _ 632 Olivier le Fevre, by Masson, and the Bp. of Paderborn, &c. by Edelinck, ditto 633 Guillaume de Brisacier {the Grey headed man) by Masson, extra tine 634 Small neat Portraits of Lewis 14 th, by Edelinck ; Maria Theresa, by Boulanger, &c. some scarce — — _ _ _ 635 A small Portfolio containing various Foreign Portraits _ _ 12-c^ 13 •- 15 28 i^^ ! i 0:5 /A BRITISH PORTRAITS. PHYSICIANS, &c. 636 Dr. Radcliffe, by Verlue ; Richard Morton, William Cole, James Drake, Nehemiah Grew, Dr. Charles Leigh, by Savage, &c. — — 637 John Nicholson Doctor of Physick, G. Lumley fecit. Eeor. Oval h. s. mez. fine and rare, from Sir JF, Musgrave's CoUectiou — 638 Dr. William Briggs, by Faber; Dr.s. Thomas Gill and William Cowper, by J, Smith; Dr. Robert Cony, by E, Euttrcll, scarce, isfe. — — 1 ■ 6 PHYSICIANS. 43 2 . 7 639 / /a ■ 1 64U i X 641 1 . 642 i { ■ 643 i 1 i y>^ - 644 1 I - 645 - : // 646 ; /J' 647 A- 648 ■ 64g ! 1 1 /J 650 /• 651 652 < 1 1 1 653 y- 654 655 / ^6 ! /. 2 - 6^7 1 // • 1 i ^58 1 Sir Richard Elackmore, ly R JVilliams, fine and rare — -- 'Ihomas Fuller, hy Fertue; Aichibald Pitcairn, by Strange, scarce; William Cotkburn and Sir John Fryer, ly R. IVkite; Joseph Browne, by Sherwin; Thomas Greenhill, ly Nutting, &c. — — — Thomas Tertius Okey, by M. v. Gurht, Oval 8vo. very fine and scarce, from the Musgrave Collection — — John Cole, M.P. (Oval), by R. Spofforth, and William Yvorth (Chymist) by Drapentier, 8vo. loth rare, from Ditto __ _ — Sir Benjamin Wrench—Dr. Cheyne and Dr. Pellet, by Faber-, Joshua Ward (with the Claret Face) ly Ditto j Dr Woodward, by IV. Humphrey, proof, &c, Drs. John Friend and Samuel Dale, ly Vertue, fine ; Dr. William Musgrave, ly Gucht; Dr, Henry Cope, by Ditto ; Sir Thomas Millington, by fVool- noth, proof, &c. — — — — —“ Gulielmus Watson de Stower in Com. Dorset, M. D. W. L. by R. Parr, p p. rare Daniel Turner, M. D. (two different) by Vertue; John Allen, M. D. by Gucht; Dr, Henry Prude, W. L. by Faber, &c. — — Roger Grant (Oculist)/o/. ,* Ambrose Godfrey, by Gucht and Vertue ; Tho. Eldridge, by T. Hi'tyard; James Smith (Artificial Eye maker) byj Pine, &c. Dr.^'d\Kex hdker, by Worlidge, proof) Dr, Arbuthnot, 127no. j Mr Harrison (Apothecary) by W. Aihman, scarce, &.c. — — — Dr, Cheselden, by Faber ; Henry Gale and Alex. Small, by Ditto ; Francia Donee, by M'Ardell; and Sir Edward Hulse, by J. Watson, proof — Dr. Richard Mead, by Baron, Houston, Pond and Richardson; Sir Hans Sloane and John 1 hoppe, M D by J. Bayly — — — Robert Adair, by Jones, proof and letters; Dr. John Armstrong, after Sir Joshua, by Fisher ; Dr. Cadogan, by Dickinson ; and Dr. Cullen, by Val. Green, proof — — — — — Joseph Allen, M. D. by C. Townley ; Sir J. Fitzpatrick, W. L. ly Barnard; Thomas Gibbes, by J. Young, p. p. proof Dr A. Hunter, by J R. Smith,, ditto; Dr. Heberden, by J Ward; and Dr. Heaviside, by Earlom — Dr. Cleghorn, by C. Sherwin ; Dr. Cuming, by Trotter, proof; Mr. Dickin¬ son (Surgeon) mez. by B. Clotres, p. p. proof; Dr. Dominicetti, &:c, Thomas Denman, by Skelton; and Dr. Robert Gl>nn, by Fadus, p. p. proof and letters — — — — — Baron Dimsdale, by Burke, and Dr. Fothergill, by V. Green, proofs; Dr. Hadley and Dr. Huxliam, by E. Fisher ; Dr. John Hill, by Houston, &c. Dr. William Hunter, (five ddferent ); Dr. J. Hooper, Dr. 'I'homas HowHl, William Ho.ulston, &:c. — — — — Dr John Hunter, after Sir Joshua, by W. Sharp; and Ditto, the pltite reduced Drs. James —Jebb—Leake—Lettsom, piooj's, Sec. — and James Johnston, M. D. by J. Ross, p. p. — . — — -- 1 ■ y i 8 6 oVf- 6 oAl'- 5 O- 3 6 11 SU. 44 PiiTSI.eiANS, / y/ f y. y y/ yy i / 1 ' 1 i 4 1 ! I / N) , ■ /J . / t 65g Dr. Jebb, bj/ J. Young, proof-, Dr. J. Mudgej by Dickinson f Dj W. Pitcairn, after Sir Joshua, by Jones -, and Petcivdl Polt, after Dance, p. p. scarce 660 Charles Lucas, M. D. by P. Hatpin, p. p. ; Dh. De Maihcdnc, by J. Record, p. p. ; Dr. Maty, by Barlolozzi, p. p. ; Jacobus Momisey, byG.F. Schmidt, He. 661 Dr. C. Lucas, by M'Ardell; Df. Edward Smyth and Dr. Benj, Stillingfleet, by Fal. Green, proofs, &c. — st;. 662 Theophilus Lobb, by J, Hulett; John Ldrimer, James Maddocks—H. Mes- siter, M. D. (etching) by R. Cosway, p, p. ;—Dr. A. Monro—Dr. Monsey, Dr. F. NichoHs, by Hall, See. — — — 663 Percival Pott, F. R. S. after Sir Joshua, by C, Townley j and Ditto, after Dance, by R. M. Paye, private plates — — 664 Dr. Russell (Author of the History of Aleppo) proof; Robert Simson, M. D. by A. Baillie —Sir W. Watson, by Ryder, See. — — — 665 Edward Spry, M. D.—John Spry and Edward Spry (Shipwright of Plymouth) by J. Jehner, p. p, proofs, rare and curious — — 666 John Taylor (Oculist) by P. Eiidlich; Ditto (Satirical) W. L. Death appear¬ ing to him with an Hour. Glass, etch'd at Florence by Patch, curious j and various small etchings of Medical Men, by Kay, &c. — — 667 Charles Chauncy, M. D. by Caroline fFatson, p. p. the square plate on India paper ; and the same reduced to an oval — __ _. 668 John Ash, M. D. W. L. by Bartolozzi; Drs. AitkitJ, Armstrong, &c.—Dr. William Baylies, by D. Bergh ; Dr. Buchan, by Migir and Sallitr (French Inscriptions) p. p. &c. — — — — —- 669 John Alcierson, M. D.—Thomas Arnold, M. D. by F. Legal; —Dr. Askew, by Hodgelts, mez. ; Sir-George Baker, ^ 5in^/e/on, &c. — — 670 Drs. Carpue, Cruikshank, Cogan, Downman, Eason, &c. some proofs — 671 The late Dr.. Combe sitting in his Study, high finished drawing in colours by S. Harding — — ^ 672 Jesse Foote—David Hartley—John Haygarth—William Hey, by W. Holl; Sir Everard Home, proofs, &c. — — — 673 Dr. Thomas Monro and Henry Monro, Esq. etchings by the latter, private plates ; Dr. Pulteney, by P. Roberts ; Dr. J. E Smith, by Pastorini, plate destroyed after a few impressions ; Dr. Robert Simson, proofs, &c. —• 674 Edmund Pitts, by G. Blake, p. p.; J. C. Saunders, by Cardon ; Dr. Janies Sims—J. Sheldon—Dr. Thornton— proofs, &c. — — 675 William Turnbull, M D, by W. Skelton ; Dr. Edward Waring, by Facius; Dr. Richard Wilkes- Dr. Willis, &c. and a drawing in pen and ink of Dr. John Wall of Worcester, by J. Ross 5 # — 2 12 8 10 iA,- ■? yA r. A C' S- ICh '1.4, 45 J: JT- J I .A, ): i ■■ 1 ■ I .' /i\- /\ji I /- , // POETS. 6;6 Sir Robert Howard, ly G. Vertue and R. White ; Matthew Prior, la Belle pinx. foL J George Farquhar, W. Congreve, &c. (head pieces) ; Tom Brown and Tom Durfey, ly Vertue, See. — — — _ G/S^Tom Durfey, with other convivial characters in a Toping Party at Knole, Min~ heer van Gought del. et sculpsit, ollong h sh. mez.; and the same with Verses underneath, inscribed A Winter Evening’s Conversation, ly J, Simon, rare 677 Matthew Prior, ly G. Vertue, proof; Alex. Pope, ly Ditto, h. sh. ; and Ditto, ly Houbraken, proof _ _ _ _ __ 678 Prior, ly Simon; Pope, ly Faler; Philip Frowde, by Ditto ; and Gay, ly Kyte,fne — — — — __ 679 Addison, by G. Vertue; Ditto and Sir Samuel Garth, by Houlraken, proofs ; and a drawing of the former in red chalk —- — — 680 John Philips, by Guchi ; John Dennis, ly Ditto ; D\i\.o (inscribed a Poet) W. L. satyrical print, scarce; James Gardiner and Edward Ward, by Vertue, proofs ; Rich. Gwinnett, by G, King ; Aaron Hill, by Hulslergh, See. 681 Alexander Pope, profile sketch, by Richardson; Various Etchings of Pope, by Ditto, See.; his Bust, ly Bovi; Lewis Theobald, after Hogarth, &c. 682 Pope, Dryden, Thomson, Gray, Young, See. small ovals, by Caroline Watson 683 John Hughes, by G. v. Gucht, See.; William Pattison, by J. v. Gucht and Fourdrinier; Allan Ramsay, ; and Sir Richard Steele, &c. 684 Allan Ramsay (etching) by R. Cooper and Francis Smart (engraving in a scroll) by A, Delsenlach of Vienna, rare — __ __ 685 Isaac Hawkins Browne, by Ravenet, proof; W. Hamilton of Bangor, by Strange, ditto; Stephen Duck, by Bickham ; Hildebrand Jacob, by Hou- Iraken ; Ambrose Phillips and Thomson, by Basire, Isfc. 6S6 Mark Akenside, by E. Fisher; J. F. Bryant, (Poetical Pipe maker) etching ; Richard Glover, by Holloway and Sherwin, proof ; Dr. Goldsmith (three etchings) ; Colman, Cumberland, &c. — — — 687 Thomas Gray (different etchings and engravings) by Basire, Doughty, Hen- shaw, Hopwood, Mason, tsfe. — — — 688 William Hayley, by J. Jacobe, proof; Robert Hill of Greenwich, profile ; William Huggins, after Hogarth, by Major, rare, &c. — — 689 George Keate, by Sherwin ; Hugh Kelly, mez. ; John Learmont; Rev. W. Mason, etched by himself, p. p.; Ditto, after Sir Joshua, by Doughty, proof, &c. ,* and Brockhill Newburgh, by J. Dixon, p. p. rare 690 Joseph Reed, by Halbway ; John Scott, by Hall, proof ; Shenstonc, by Ditto, ke. Christopher Smart, A. M. j Paul Whitehead, by Collyer, proof, fs’e. N *0 - ^ rob, by Hou- z' \ — — 7 ' 11 . 7 ■ — 7 10 4G POETS. / yy /y ^ yy ^ y/f yL ; / ■ \ /. y /. / ./, /y / /^ /- 7/y c? . c> 691 Christopher Ansty (projile etching) hy Hoare, p. p. ; Ditto, by J. Hiller I, Jun, p. p. proof i and Bryan of Bury (three satirical etchings) by Chatelain, &c, 692 Robert Bloomfield; Robert Burns ; the Cambrian Shakespeare—W. Cowper, by Bartolox,zi, See, —John Courtenay, Jun.—James Elphinston, p. p. &c. 8 6 g 3 Robert Jephson, proofs Robert Merry, by Colly er, ditto; W.'J. Mickle, by JV. Skelton ; Edward Moore, by Neagle; W. Somerville, See, — 9 694 Richard Owen Cambridge, Esq. by C. Bestland; John Penn, Esq. (Bust) by Schiavonetti; John Towneley, Esq. (Translator of Hudibras) by W, Skel~ ton, private plate; and Walter Scott, /. i/en/A — — 4 THEATRICAL PORTRAITS. 6 Q 5 Thomas Betterton, after Kneller, by WiUiams, very fine and rare 696 Cave Underhill, by Faber Jun. 8vo. mez. rare; and Griffin and Johnson, W. L’s. by Van Bleeck •— „ — 6g7 Robert Wilks, by Faber; Penkethman and Ant. Leigh, W. L. by J. Smith (jgS Robert Wilks, W. L. in Sir Harry Wildair, by J. Smith; Bullock (Comedian) after Hogarth, proof; Barton Booth, by G. v. Gucht; Colley Gibber, by J. S, Miller, See. — — — O99 Mrs. Cross and Arabella Hunt, by J. Smith; Anastatia Robinson (Countess of Peterborough) by Faber ; and Miss Fenton (Duchess of Bolton) by Ditto, fine 700 The Stage Medley, representing the Polite Tast of the Town and the match- '■ less merits of Poet G.—Polly Peachum and Capt. Macheath, fal. rare; and the Raree Sliow sung by Jemmy Laroch, ditto — — — 701 Walker in Macheath, by Faber; Berry in Dominick, by Houston; Blakes, . W. .L. by M'Ardell; and Francisco Bernard! (Senesino) by Kirhall 702 Carestini, by Faber; Farinelli—Senesino and Gizziello, by Vanhaecken; and Faustina and Cuzaoni, by Grignion, &c. — _ — 703 Colley Cibber as Lord Foppington, by J. Simon, fine and scarce — 704 Cibber as Ancient Pistol, W. L. 8 vo.; and tlie Stage Mutiny, containing Por- • traits of Wilks, the two Cibbers, &c. etching, rare — — —. 705 John Harper in Jobson, by And, Miller ; Richard Leveridge, by Pelher and Vander Myn; Benj. Hallet, W. L. by M'Ardell; and M‘Swiney and Monticelli, by Faber — — 706 Turbutt in Sosia, by A. Miller, scarce; Mrs. Oldfield, by Fisher ; and Peg Woffington as Phebe, by Van Bleeck — «_ __ 707 Mrs. Margaret Woffington, W. L. in the character of Mrs. Ford, by Faber, fine and rare; and Ditto, by M‘Ardell — — 708 Margaret Woffington, W. L. inscribed The Female Volunteer (two diff'erenl etchings) ; Ditto, with Garrick, &c. in the New Muster of Bays’s Troops, — 2 rare; and Nancy Dawson dancing to her Horn Pipe, fol, — — 4 /• /J] / / 1 1 /. /. /! ( 1 /: / /' ■ / / / // 1 i- y i i // 1 i \ // ' / ^ / / . / / / / I THEATRICAL PORTRAITS. 45r — 2 709 Mrs. Abington, after Sir Joshua, by E. Judkins, proof; and Ditto as Eoxo- lana, by J. K, Sherwin, proof and letters — —. ~ 710 Mrs. Baddeley and King as Lord Ogleby ; and Beard, Shuter and Dunstall, in Love in a Village, after Zoffany, by Earlom and- Finlay son, proofs 711 Beard, by Faber; HavarJ, by E. Fisher, proof; O’Brien, by J. Watson; Tenducci, by Finlayson, &c. — 712 Dodd and Mrs. Pope in Twelfth Night, and Foote and Weston in the Devil upon Two Sticks, after Zoffany, by J. R. Smith and Finlayson ’713 Mrs. Abington, after Cosway; Ditto, W. L. etching, as Scrub, &c.—Mrs. Cargill, Mrs. Crouch, Miss I>ecamp, &c. — — 1714 Mrs. Cibber, by Faber and Marrhand ; Ditto, W. L. in Cordelia, by P. van Bleeck, fne, before the plate was reduced ; Mrs. Clive as the Fine Lady j in Lethe, W. L. by IForlidge, &c. — — — “*• *715 Thomas Davis, by Schiavonelti, and Etchings and Engravings of Garrick in } various Characters — — •*“ “ 716 Samuel Foote, after Sir Joshua, by Blackmore; and Garrick in Hamlet, by M‘Ardell — — 717 Samuel Foote, by R. B. Godfrey, fol. and a Copy of the same, by Freeman, proof; and W. L. Caricature etchings of Foote, Macklin, G. A. Stevens, 1 &c. scarce — *718 Garrick in Tancred, W.L. etching, by Worlidge, scarce, &c. and Garrick and Miss Bellamy in Romeo and Juliet, by Ravenet — — — ■719 David Garrick, after Sir Joshua, by T. Watson;, and Ditto in Kitely, by Finlayson, both proofs — 720 Garrick rehearsing Macbeth, by Dickinson, proof; and Ditto as Steward of the Stratford Jubilee, by J. Saunders — 721 Garrick, after Pond and Lvotard; and Ditto in the character of an Auctioneer,. all by M’Ardell, fne — “ 722 Garrick in Richard the Third, W. L. after Dance, by Dixon, proof — ‘ 723 Garrick in King Lear, by M^Ardell, and Ditto between Tragedy and Comedy, . by Fisher, proofs — — “ 724 Garrick in Sir John Brute, after Zoffany, by Finlayson and Ditto, with Miss Bellamy, as JafBer and Belvidera, after Ditto, by M‘Ardell, proofs — 726 Garrick, Palmer .and Burton, in the Alchymist, after Ditto, by Dixon, and single figure of Garrick in Abel Drugger, by Ditto, proofs — 726 Henderson, Edwin, Holman, Johnston, Macklin, Munden, &c. some proofs 727 Henderson, by Jones; Moody,, by Hardy and .Ditto, W. L. as Foigard, by G. Marchi, proofs —- ~ 2^ and letters; Silvester Harding (etching) by Gardiner, p. p. proof; and ! W. Humphrey (profle mez) by Hodges, p. p. proof and letters — I 797 W. Lawranson (se ipse) 4 to. mez.; J. Menni (ditto) ; J. S. Muller (etching ditto) ; and Handyside of Cambridge (small oval mez.) all private plates 799 T. Major (se ipse); J. F. Martin (Engraver and Printseller in Lisle Street) and his Family (ditto) ; George Massey (etching ditto) private plates; ■ S. F. Ravenet, grave par lui meme, &c. — — _ 799 W. W. Ryland, by Pariset; J. K. Sherwin, by himself; Charles Smith, ditto; James Basire, Will. Byrne, and James Ross (drawing in India ink) by himself 800 F. Vivares, by Fivares and Caldwall; W. Woollett (small profile etching) by • Bartolozzi; Ditto, by Car. Watson J. K, Sherwin (proof); and Wor- lidge, etching by himself — — ^ /fa 2 6 ■ 5 53 I T I : X/// • . • I I : . /y ; i /j'T. I ^ ARCHITECTS AND SCULPTORS. 801 Sir Christopher Wren, 5 /«i/A,- Sir John Vanbrugh, 5i^o;2 j James Gibbs, dy M'Ardell ■, Francis Smith, by Vanhaecken ■, and Thomas Wright, j by T. Frye — _ _ _ __ i 802 Sir John Vanbrugh, (small etching in a square) ■, Gibbs, after Hogarth, by { Baron ; Kent, by Ravenet, proof •, Payne with Architectural Ornaments, ditto, &c. — _ _ _ _ 803 Charles Clive and his Father (Statuaries at Bath) spirited etchings, by C Clive, j private plates j and Peter Sheemaker (Statuary) profile etching, by IH. ] Hoare, p. p. _ _ _ _ _ I 804 Lawrence Delvaux, by Fankaecken j Michael Rysbrack, by Faber ; and Rou- j biliac, by D. Martin, proof — _ _ __ j 805 Robert Myine (profile medallion) by P’angeliste, p. p. ; and William Newton, (ditto) by J. Newton, p, p. — _ _ _ __ 800 J. Carr (Architect) by C. H. Hodges; Joshua Kirby, by Dixon-, and John Robinson, Esq. (Surveyor General) by IF Bond, proof, on India paper 607 Sir William Chambers, by Collyer, &c. ; Sir Robert Taylor, by Scott, p. p. W. Edwards, by Skelton ; Nat Smith (two aijfcrent etchings) ; and James Stuart, F. R. S. (Bust) by C. Knight — — — 808 Richard Holland (Architect) by J. Heath, p. p. proof-, Joseph Rose, by Bartolozzi, proof and letters ; John Smeaton, by Bromley -, James Wyatt, R. A. by Singleton j and John Venn, by J. K. Sherwin, p. p. __ 5 , WRITING MASTERS. J 609 Addyand Ayres,% 5 /wr/j Shelley and Snell, iy EWcr 3 Seddon and Wigan, j by Sturt; and Sm'wh, by Fandrebanc,fne _ _ _ j 810 Ayres, by IVhite-, Atwood, by Clowes, mez. p. p 5 Kippax and Langton, by I &.'c. 5 Edward Smith, by Gucht 3 Major Ralph Snow, by Fan- haecken 5 Thomas Weston, &c. _ _ _ _ 811 W. Brooks, J, Clark, and G. Shelley, by Bickham ; Champion, by Hulett -, j Abraham Nicholas 3 James Weston 3 T. Gurney—Ashby, by Hall, he. 10 10 P 54 PRINTERS, &c. j ^ - I 812 Andrew Brice of Exeter, by Woodman j Edward Cave, by Grignion, Worlidge and Basire j Thomas Gent of York, by Val. Green, proof, &c. j and Caslou, by J. Faber — _ _ _ _ 813 Baskerville, by Rothwell, p. p. proof ; William Bowyer, Seiu. and Jun^. by J. Basire, proofs and letters •, and Woodfall, by Jehner, proof _ 814 A. Foulis of Glasgow, W. L. etching-,’ Joseph Jackson (Letter Founder) ; Thomas Kirgate by Edwards, p.p.-. Ditto, by Birr ell-, Philip Luckombe, by Lawrie and Mutlow, proof, &c. — _ _ 815 John Nichols (different portraits) by Basire, Cook, C. Heath, and H. Meyer, proofs and private plates — ._ _ _ N, B. The latter presented to the late Mr. Bindley by his Friend Mr. Nichols on Christmas Day 1811 . 816 f Auctioneers.) Abraham Langford, h. sh. mex. proof; Greenwood, by Pether ; Christie and the late Mr. Leigh, by Swaine, p. p. proof — —. (Booksellers.) Jacob Tonson, by Faber; R, Dodsley, by RaveneI, proof; James Lackington ; John Millan, John Walker, and John Nicliolson of Cambridge, W. L. by J. Caldwall, proof — _ _ 818 Pinchbeck (etching) by Bretherton, p.p.; Christopher Sharp of Cambridge (four different) ; Solsuli (Maker of punches) ; R, Mount (Book binder) &c. 819 Roger Paine (Book binder) W. L. etching by S. Harding, proofs and letters, different stales on tinted paper, &c. _ _ _ 10 10 HERALDS. /J 820 Roderick Chalmers, Ross Herald and Painter in Edinburgh, hj G. Chalmers (his Son) scarce; and John Warburton, W, L. by Miller — _ 821 John Anstis—J. C. Brooke, and S. M. Leake, hy T. Milton; and Ralph Big- land (oval) proof and letters _ _ _ _ 822 Joseph Edmondson, by Bartoloxzi,fne; and Sir Isaac Heard, by C. Townley, p. p. proof — — _ _ _ 823 J. C, Brooke, by E. Bell; Peter Dore, by G. N.; and Joseph Edmondson, by J. Jones — — _ __ 55 y'-]/- - V / i - /J^ ■ ■ 1 t I . //. j . ; jy ! /r / ^ / MECHANICS, &c. 824 825 [ 82 G i ;828 .829 830 V t I .831 i 832 Francis HoJJ'mun, First Inventor of Shipping with Three Bottoms, designed and engraved by himself, fine and rare,Jrom the Fothergill Collection Thomas Tompion, by J. Smith ; George Graham, by Faber; John Ellicolt, by Dunbarton, and Thomas IMudge (Clock makers) by C. Townley, fine John Harrison (Inventor of the Time Keeper) by P. J. Tassaert, p. p. proof. Sec. and S. Audinet (Watchmaker) by P. Audinet, viez. ditto — Pinchbeck, by Faber and Humphrey ; John Bird, by V, Green; Charles Wray, by Earlom, p. p ,; and Matthew Boulton of Birmingham, by S. IV. Reynolds, proof — — — — — John Ellis (Deputy) after Frye, by Pether ; and Robert Browne (Clerk of the Tylers Company) by Fisher, proof — — — Lediard (Jeweller) and Palmer of Mitcham (Schoolmaster) by B. Clowes, mez. p. p. ; John May (Ship Builder) by Val. Green ; William Neild, by Jehner ; Thomas Nowell (Common Council Man) j Thomas Taylor (Mas¬ ter of Lloyd’s Coffee House) by JV. JVard, kc. — — — Lancelot Brown (Gardiner) by J. K. Sherwin, proof; Thomas Langdale (Distiller) by Wi C. Wilson-, Humphry Repton (Landscape Gaz'diner), by W. Holl, &c. — — — — — Robert Orchard (Grocer) W. L. &c (three different mez'.) ; James Sibbald (Gardiner) by J, R. Smith, W. L. ; James Thornton (ditto) by Houston, proofs; Tattersall, by Jones, &c. — — — — Frederick Atkinson—George Boyd—James Brindley—John Farley—George Packwood—George Smith—H. K. White, &c. —■ — — \ LADIES. 833 Lady Aylesbury and Lady Barbara Villiers (Daughter to the Duchess of Cleave- land by Charles 2 d) habited as a Nun, drawings in colours, by S. Harding . 834 Penelope D’Arcy, drawing in colours from the Original at Hengrave, by T. Athow 1835 Duchesses of St. Albans, Grafton and Ormond j and Dorothy Lady Brandon, ' by J. Smith, fine — — — — 836 Duchess of Dorset, by Williams-, Duchess of Newcastle, by F. Kyte-, Countess of Salisbury and Madame D'Auverquerck, by J, Smith — 837 Countess of Westmoreland, by Beckett j Lady Grace Gethin, by W. Faithorne ; and an Engraving of Ditto on her death bed, scarce — — 56 LADIES. / /.? / /A- c^.c^ > ■ /.>' I J // / 838 Countess of Essex, Lady Carteret, and the Ladies Copley, Cromwell and Essex Mostyn, all by J, Smith, fine — — — 839 Lady Mary Fenwich, after Dahl, by G. Lumley, fine and rare — — 8^0 Maria Edwin Lady Dering, Jngels suspending a Celestial Crown over her head] Motto, Cognato redita Cado ; Mallinaretlo pinx. R. If'hile sculp. Oval 8 vo, FINE AND RAV.E, from the Fothergill Collection 841 Dame Helen Balfour Lady of Sir George Hamilton of Binnie, 1694, after J. B. de Medina, by J. Smith, extra fine and rare — — 842 Elizabeth Lady Cutts, Baroness of Gowran, after Kneller, lyJ. Smith, 843 Duchess of Montagu, by Faber ; Duchesses of Bolton and Marlborough and Countesses of Marchmont and Ranelagh, by Smith, fine — — 844 Jemima Duchess of Kent (Daughter of Thomas Lord Crewe) and Jemima Wife of John Lord Crewe, drawings in colours, from the Originals at Wrest House, by T. ./ 4 thoiv — — 845 Countess of Bridgewater, by W. Faithorne •, Countess of Jersey, by J. Faber] Countess of Sunderland, and Ladies Hervey and North and Grey, by J, Simon, fine — — — 846 Besscy Countess of Rochford, Ann Lady Torrington and Mrs. Ann Roydhouse, by J. Smith 3 Lady Bradshaigh, by Faber 5 and Lady Walpole, by Simon, 847 Lady Sundon, drawing in colours, from the Original at Salisbury, by Gardiner, 8 :c 848 Countess of Orrery, Frances Lady Carteret, and Sophia Countess Granville, See. by Vertue 3 and the Countess of Clarendon, &c. head pieces, by G. v. Gucht 849 Sophia Countess Granville and Frances Lady Carteret, by T. Major, scarce] Lady Charlotte Finch, by Ditto 3 and Catherine Lady Walpole, by Vertue 850 Sophia Countess Granville and Dorothy Lady Euston, by J.Faber, fine and scarce 851 Sophia Countess Granville, by Ditto, on satlin ] Dorolliy Lady Euston Pan impression in bistre colour) ] and Amelia Countess of Yarmouth, by G. de Koning, ditto — —^ — — — 852 Lady Elizabeth Hastings, by J.Mynde] Lady Hervey, by S. Gribelin 3 Lady Wallace (small oval) 5 Lady Coventry Carew (profile etching) by IV. Fau.. quier, p. p. &c. — — — 853 Mary Countess of Macclesfield and two Countesses of Egmont, by Faber 3 Countesses of Essex, Hyndford and Lincoln, and Rhoda Lady Astley, p. p. all by M‘Ardell — — — — 854 Helena Lady Rawdon, by J. Brooks, p. p. 3 and three different Ladles Raw- don, by J. Fisher, 8 vo. me%s. rare — — — — 855 Henrietta Countess of Pomfret, Ladies Mary Pierpoint and Mary Wortley Montagu, by Car. Watson 3 and Ladies Hervey, &c. from Lord Orford’s Works, by Heath, See. proofs ~ / —- 1 1 — 2 — 3 6 2 6 .0 4. 4 ^ 2 — — 7 4 LADIES. 57 856 Ann Countess of Aldborough, ly S. Einslie ; Mary Countess of Andover, ly Faber •, Elizabeth Countess of Berkeley, by M’Ardell-, Lady Mary Bertie, by Dixon, p. p. — — ~ 857 Mary Duchess of Ancaster, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon, W. L. j and Ditto in an oval, by J, Watson, proofs — — —- 858 Mary Duchess of Ancaster, W, L. by APArdell ; Duchess of Argyle and Countess of Coventry, by Finlayson, proofs ; and Mary Lady Broughton, ditto 859 Frances Lady Bridges, by J. Watson; Lady Bingham, W. L. by Ditto j and Caroline Countess of Carlisle, after Sir Joshua, by J. Watson — 860 Elizabeth Duchess of Buccleugh, W. L. ajter Ditto, by J. Watson ; and Mary Lady Boynton, W, L. by Ditto — — — — 861 Lady Banks, by Collyer, Lady Helen Boyle, by Trotter, Lady Beauchamp, by Nutter, Daughters of Lady Beauclerk, proofs-, and Charlotte Viscountess Bute, W. L. by Bartolozxi, p.p. — “ — 862 Lady Mary Coke, VV. L. by M‘Ardell, proofs, in different states j Lady Ca- dogan and Lady Cathcart, after Sir Joshua, by- M‘Ardell, &c. — 863 Ladies Frederick and Augusta Campbell} Lady Almeria Carpenter, by F. Cecchini, p. p. ; Lady Georgiana Cavendish, W. L. by C. Knight j Vis¬ countess Crosbie, proof, &c, — — — “ 864 Jane Lady Cathcart (profile medallion) ; and the late Duchess of Devonshire (aquatinta etching) by Bartolozxi, proof — — — 865 Lady Cockburn with her three Sons, after Sir Joshua, by C, Wilhin j Duchess of Devonshire (when Lady Elizabeth Foster) after Ditto, by Bartolozxi ; Ditto (when Lady E. Lambert) by L. Guttenbrunn, See. — — 866 Ann Countess of Cork, by J. Watson ; Jemima Countess Cornwallis and Viscountess Dudley and Ward (when Miss Bosville) after Sir Joshua, by Ditto, proof, SiC. — — — — — 867 Maria Countess of Coventry and the Duchess of Hamilton (various etchings) by B. Wilson, &c. p. p. proofs — — — — 868 Caroline Lady Darner, after Sir Joshua, by J. R. Smith, proof; Lady Ann Dawson, Lady Day and Frances Countess of Essex, all after Ditto, by M‘Ardell — — — _ __ 869 Catherine Countess of Egmont, by KTArdell-,- Elizabeth Countess Harcourt, by V. Green; and Viscountess Grandison, by Finlayson, proofs, &c. — 8/0 Maria Duchess of Glocester, after Sir Joshua, by Finlayson and AVArdell, proofs 671 Jane Duchess of Gordon, after Ditto, by Dickinson ; and the present Countess De Grey with her Sister (Daughters of Lord Hardwitke) W. L’s. after Ditto, by Fisher, proof — — — 872 Elizabeth Duchess of Hamilton with her two Sisters in the same plate, by Houston-, and Selina Countess of Huntingdon, W.L.wea. after J, Russel,Sec. Q 2 4 7 ^ c-. y' 2 4 . 4 4 - . 2 - 3 y I ^ , 58 T.ADIES. • i j ! I . f \ : X r:/ i ^‘- i c^ 1 // ■'^1 J, f\ 873 Mary Lepelle Lady Hervev (pencil drawing) by J. Richardson ; Ditto (pro- Jilt etching) by H. IVatelet, p. />,; Countess of Harcuurt, by M. Ruolle; Countess of Inchiquin, after Sir Joshua, by CoUyer; Duchess of Kingston, W. L. by Chesham-, and four different of Lady Hamilton, by C, Hat- son, bsfc. — — — 874 Emily Countess of Kildare, after Sir’Joshua, by M'Ardell; Elizabeth Mar¬ chioness of Lothian, Lady George Lenox, and Lad) Caroline Montagu, all after Ditto, by M'Ardell, tfc. proofs — — — 875 Lady Elizabeth Lee, and Lady Mary Leslie, proofs, \V. L’s. after Sir Joshua, by Fisher and Spilsbury — — — — 876 Lady Sarah Lenox (when Lady Bunbury), W, L. after Sir Joshua, by Fisher, PKoor — — — — — 877 Lady Sarah Lenox, Lady Susan Strangeways, and the Hon. C. J. Fox, after Ditto, by J IVatson, ditto — — — — — 8/8 Elizabeth Countess of Marchmont, by Parisht; Sarah Countess of Mex- borough, &ic.. by IForlidge; Elizabeth Countess of Mexborough, by Duk- inson, proof; Elizabeth Countess of Pembroke (etching) by Bietherton, p. p.; and Lady Juliana Penn, by R. Franker, p. p. — — 679 Parsons Lady Maynard, W. L sitting on a Sofa, by IVdtson, and El z. Lady Melbourne, by Finlay son, proofs; and Ditto, W. L. after Sir Joshua, by T. IVatson —— — 8 S 0 Caroline Duchess 1 f Marlborough, after Sir Joshua, by J. IVatson, proof ; and Eliz. Countess of Northumberland, after Ditto, by R. Houston, W. L, and E. Fisher — — — — — 881 Elizabeih Countess of Pembroke with her Son, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon ; and Lady Beauchamp Proctor, by f IVatson, proofs — — 882 Maria Countess of Suffolk, by Ditto, p p.; Griselda Countess Stanhope, by M'Ardell; Mary Countess of Sarsfield and Lady Sondes, by T. Park, p. p, 683 Mary Marcliionessof Salisbury, by 3 . Smith and C. Watson; Isabella Countess of Sefton, VV. L proof ; Mary Duchess of Richmond, W. L. Ly Ryland, &c. and the Duchess of Rutland, by Bartolozzi, proofs, £s’c. — £84 Georgiana Countess Spencer, by T, If'atson, proof; Lady Charles Spencer, by Ditkinson ; and Lady Caroline Russell, by M'Ardell, all from Sir Joshua 885 Georgiana and Lavinia Countesses Spe..cer, by Bartolozzi; Ann Lady Stan¬ hope, W. L. by Basire, proof and letters •, Countess Talbot, by Granger; and Lady Winningtou (small oval), by J. Ross, p. p. proof — — SSS Elizabeth Marchioness of Tavistock, after Sir Joshua, by Fisher; and Anne Viscountess Townshend with her Sisters, after Ditto, by T. Watson, fne — -837 Lady St. Aubyn and her Daughters, etchings, by Miss C. St. Aubyn, after .Sir Joshua, b^c. private places — —- — ^ V ^ .fP V -V' — 3 ^ C! 1.ADIES. 59 888 Georgians Countess Bathurst, ly Barlolozzi, proof', Lady Georgiana Bathurst, p. p. Ditto ; and Lady Burges, by R. Cooper, ditto — — 889 Countess Cow per, by Bartolozzi, proof-, Lady Ann Egerton, by IV. Evans-, Countess of Kinnoull, W. L. by Car. Watson, (two proofs) one in colours ; Lady Catherine Howard, by C. Wilkin, proof, isfe. — _ 890 Lady Mulgrave, by G. Clint; Marchioness of Stafford, by C. Turner-, and Hi nrietta Countess of Stamford, by G Keating, p p. _ — 891 Lady Stanhope, after Sir Joshua, by Car. Watson, proof; Ann Lady Shef¬ field, W. L. by E Harding-, Lady Masterman Sykes, (from her own design), by J. Hilbert, private plate, icc. —• — ‘ — , V J 8 SND OF se;venth day’s sale. 00 Eighth Day’s Sale, FOREIGNERS, BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES. yL. I XOT 892 /'• c y G ODART Earl of Athlone, hy P. Schencl-, Prince Eugene, ly Simon j John Count Bothmar, ly Paler i Due de Nivernois and the Count de Guerchy, proofs, &c. 893 Counts Czernichew and JohnTamesz Grieve of Mosco, ly J. Watson, p. p itvo proofs — ““ 4 894 Maria, Daria and Natalia Petrowna, Countesses Czernichew, ly Pelher and Watson, p. p. very scarce — 895 Prince Serge Gagarin and Family, ly Car. Watson ; Christ, de Dreyer, ly Jones, &c. (four proofsj "T ” 896 Antiochus Prince Canterair—Marechal BelHsle—Major Bernardi—Count Lally —Thad. C. Burzinski, ly Pitteri, &c. ■— 897 Johannes Baggerus, S.ellandiae Episcopus, Saleman pinx. J. Smith fecit, ] /' ~ . ^ t 898 Johannes Witt, Mercator, after Warner HasselU, by J. Smith, 1707, ditto ■ «99 J. F. Laraarche Bishop of Leon, W. L. ly W. Skelton j Jean Philips. Seig- neur D’Alnierie, ly Ph. Endlich; Martin van Juchen, ly Bartolozzi; y . Philip Baron Stosch, ly Preisler, &c. ______ ' 9CO Dorn. Franciscus Cornaro, ly J. Smith; Paul Jones, h. sh. mez.; Thomas 1 Littledale, Esq. of Rotterdam, by T. Hardy, proofs. See. — -- ! 901 Signor D’Ageno, Vincent Martinelli, and N. T. Maggi, ly Bartolozzi ; j J. B. Clery, ly Audinet, Sec. — •“ ^ ■ j 902 Henri Chatelain, Tan/V; Pierre Varignon, /-y Ttfr/Kc; P. F. Courayer— Emanuel Swedenborg (three different) Sec. — 6 A 4 . /'«v, <-• P- yf y. y — 4 ^ — 6 10 ^ ( •. ■j. 'A- . /. A I I I 903 UAbbe Nolct—Carlo Denina—Petrus Camper—J. P. Tournefort—Rapin de Thoyras, &c. ^ ^ — — — — 904 Peter Bayle—Dr. Solander—Henri Justel—C. Linnaeus, by Facias, See. 905 Jt J. Rousseau—Montesquieu (three different) and three ditto of Voltaire 906 Voltaire, by various Artists—Visit of Mad“' Claison at Ferney Cetchings) See, 907 Voltaire (etchings) W. L*s, &c. (Le Vieux Malade de Ferney) scarce — 908 Voltaire (sheet of etchings) Busts of him at various Periods of his Life, dif¬ ferent states of the plate, curious _ — — 909 Voltaire, £y FicquSt, St. j^ubin, Sec. ; Chambre du Coeur de Mr. Voltaire, and two Views of his Chateau at Ferney — 910 Duchesse de Nivernois, by Bartolozzi ; Marquise de Deffand—Mad. de Genlis—Comtesse de la Motte—Le Chevalier D’Eon, &c. — “ 911 Baretti, after Sir Joshua, by J. Watts ; Marchi, after Ditto, by Spilslury y Louis Dutens and J. Punt, by M‘Ardell, proofs — — 912 J. B. Cirri (two different) ; F. M. la Cave (etching by himself) p. p. ; M. de Noverre, by J. K. Sherwih, See. — “ 913 Comte de Cagliostro, and various heads of Aeronauts, Blanchard—Lunardi— Pilatre de Rozier, &c. — — — 914 Chevalier Descazeaux (various whole lengths) ; Theodore Gardelie—Jean la Tour, W. L. by Bkkham, See. — — •— — 915 Mahomet and Hamet (Turks) by Worlidge ■, Ismael Aga, W. L. etching; lyo (Native of Canton) ditto, scarce. Sec. — — 916 Usuf Aguiah Effendi and his Suite, \V. L*s. by Schiavonetti, See. one a proof 917 Aaron (Indian Convert) by Vertue ; Aaron Hart, Rabbi, by HPArdell; Moses Henriques, by J. Greenwood, mez.; and Neophytus Archbishop of Philippi, by R. White — — — — 918 Job Son of Solliman High Priest of Bonda (etching) by W. Hoare Philip an Armenian 5 Olaudah Equiano—Ignatius Sancho (proof) by Bartolozzi ; Omai, W. L. by Ditto, Sec. — 919 Four Indian Kings (on the same plate) by Sutton NichoUs, rare ; Tan oc Lung, by Hainzelman, ditto ; and the Siamese Ambassadors, by De Larmessin 920 Tomo Chaci Mico and William Ansah Sessarakoo, by Faber ; Cunne Shote (Indian Chief) byM'Ardell; Soum Kiqua (Chinese) by Burford ; and Peter the Wild Boy, by Fal. Green, proof 921 Indian Chiefs (Temp. Queen Anne) W. Ls. by J. Simon — ” 12v <- • 10 ^ 5 ^ ^ , X CTc r s. 4.A. R 62 BRITISH PORTRAITS. • y/ . yA I i i / ■ 14 ^ i . yy\ Jj. . : j • C , > •/ _ ixr •/ \ / GENTLEWOMEN. Q 22 Madam D’Avenant, Mrs. Anne Kynnesman^ and Mrs. Rachel How, iy J. Smith 5 and Aladara Plowden, by IF. Failhorne, with variations — 923 Mariamne Herbert, by W. Failhorne, fine; Mrs. Elinor Copley and Mrs. Voss, by J. Smith j and Madam Mary Smith, by G, White — — 924 Mrs. C. Wilkinson, aetat. 35 , 1705 , after T. Hill, by J. Smith, very fine and scarce — — — 925 Lady Abbess of the English Nuns at Antwerp (said to be tlie Portrait of Mary Howard of the Holy Cross), by Faber j Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Howard, and Mrs. Winstanley, by Ditto, &c. — — — 926 Mrs. Jane Barker, Mrs. Martha Blount, Mrs. C. Cockburn, Miss Martin of Charter House Square, evtat. g, p.p-i Mrs. Sarah Phillips—Mrs. Eliz. Thomas, &c. — — — 927 Madame Auretti, W. L’s. by G. Scotin, &c. Mrs. Catherine Villa Real, after¬ wards Mrs. Mellish 5 Mrs. Pope (etching), by Carter-, Eliz. Rowe, by Venue 5 Mary Smith, by Worlidge, &c. — — — 928 Miss Atwood, by B. Clowes, 8vo. mez. p. p. j Mrs. Barrington, Mrs. Bastard, and Mrs. Bonfoy, after Sir Joshua, by Houston and M'Ardell and Mrs. Worlidge, afterwards Mrs. Ashley, 4 to. mex. proof — — 929 Mrs. Baldwin, W. L. by Bartoloxzi, proof-, Miss Bingham, by Ditto-, Miss Boyd, Mrs. Brooke, Eliz. Bentley, Miss Bliss, by Nutter, p. p. &c. — 930 Mrs. Annabella Blake, W. L. in the character of Juno, after Sir Joshua, by Dixon, PROOF — — — — _ 931 Mrs. Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe, W. L’s. after Sir Joshua, by James and Thomas Watson, proofs — —- _ 932 Miss Bover, by Car. Watson-, Mrs. Drummond, by Ditto, proof-, Mrs. Corbyn—Mrs. Cowley—Mrs. Curzon, by J. K. Sherwin, &c. — 933 Miss Brown, Miss Busby, Miss Elizabeth Bull, by J. Strutt, proof; and Mrs. Campbell (Widow of Col. Campbell) sitting reading, sheet, p.p. proof 934 Mrs. Callander of Craigfortli, and Mrs. Jane Davidson, by Dixon, proof, p, p. both after Sir Joshua — — — _ >935 Mrs. Chambers and Miss Greenway, after Ditto, by M‘Ardell znA Watson^ Mrs. Chelsum, by bF. Pether, p. p. proof and letters, &c. — — 936 Mrs. Crewe and her Son, W. L’s. after Sir Joshua, by M‘Ardell, proofs and Miss Elliott, W. L. in the character of Juno, by J, Watson, proof before the alteration of the plate — — a — 1 — 10 'V' GENTLEWOMEN. 63 ■/yj /r \ 937 Mrs, Donaldson of Dunkeld^ cctat, 84 , and Mrs. Mary Elers, by B. Clowes, 8 vo. mez. p. p. ■ Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. Gulston, by Earloin, proofs, See. g 38 Mrs. Dance and Mrs. Douglas, by Dance; Mrs. Gulston pin a circle). Miss Eloare, by TV. Hoare, &c. etchings and private plates — — 939 Miss Kitty Fisher, with the pearl, and Mrs. Trapaud, after Sir Joshua, by Houston and Fisher, proofs — — — _ 940 Mrs. Fitzherbert, by Collyer and Conde, W. L. j Mrs. Garrick—Miss Gul¬ ston, by Trotter, proof; Mrs. Harding (Mother of S, Harding), p. p. ditto, &c. — — — _ ; 941 Miss Gunning (inscribed the Fair Hibernian), by J. Palton, See,; Mrs. Frances Harris, W. L. after Sir Joshua, by J. Grozer, See, — 942 Mrs. Mary Hope, obit. 1767, aet. 25 , after Sir Joshua, by Fisher, p.p. proof 943 Mrs. Mary Keighley (etching), different states of the plate; Miss Fanny Murray, W. L. by J. June; and Mrs. Simond, W, L. inscribed The Beautiful Simone — —_ _ _ _ 944 Mrs. Lenox — Catherine Macaulay — Mrs, Montagu, and Mrs. Barbauld ; Miss Hannah Moore, proof; Mrs. O’Hara, ditto; Mrs. Piozzi, &c, _ 945 Miss Maepherson, small rnez. p. p,. Flora Macdonald, and Lady Mackintosh, by M’Ardell, See — —. — _ _ 946 Miss Macklin, W. L. by Bartolozzi; and the Children of Mr. Molteno, by Ditto, proof; Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Parkyns, by C. TFilkin, See. _ 947 Mrs. Mathew and Mrs, Parker, W. L’s. after Sir Joshua, by Dickinson and bVatson — — — _ _ 948 Mrs. Mary Morant, ajter Sir Joshua, by C. Townley, p. p. rare _ 949 Miss O’Brien, after Ditto, See. by Dixon and JVatson, proofs — — 950 Mrs. Pelham, W. L. feeding her Chickens, after Sir Joshua, by DICKINSON, P. P. very FINE AND RARE - - - 951 Teresia Const. Phillips CMree by Faber; 'Villiers Clara Pitt, Pene¬ lope Pitt, and the Promenade at Carlisle House, by J. R. Smith, proof _ 952 Miss Martha Ray—Mrs. Richards—Mrs, Sandby, &c. proofs _ g 53 Mrs, Palmer of Mitcham—Miss Reason of Highworth—Mrs. Staker and Mrs. Sullivan bsmall mezs.) by B. Clowes; Mrs, Blake De La Val (two different states) See, proofs and private plates — — _ Mrs. Perry, p. p. proof—Mrs. Robinson—Mrs, Ruspini—Mrs, Sheridan— Mrs. Spencer (etched by her husband) —Mrs. Tickell—Mrs. Wilbraham, See. Mrs. Sturt and Son, by J. Watson, proof; Mrs, Swinburne, by bV. Doughty, p.p.; the Wright Family, by Val. Green, See. — — _ Mrs. Tollemache, W. L. as Miranda, after Sir Joshua, by J. Jones; and Miss Winyard, after Ditto, by Finlay son, proof _ __ Mrs. Whatman, by J. Watson ; and Mrs, Catherine Wodhull, W. L. by Houston, fine — ,— — __ '.956 957 — (ja; . 5 c ■Af'e -a cT- / j I I I / I < 7 ! . - * < 64 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 058 Anonymous Female Portraits, mostly proofs and private plates — — 959 Ann Allan, by Collyer (printed in three different colours) ; Ann Holme and Eliz. Carter, by Car. Watson; and Mary Munn, lyj. Baldrey, p. p. — 960 Elizabeth Batty, engraved by her son Mr, Robert Batty ; Catharine Bruce of Clackmannan, aetat. 78 (etching in an oval), and Mrs. Chinnery, by Heath, proofs and private plates — 961 Miss Baker, by Ryder, proof-, Jane Bowdler, by Meadows-, Mary Ann Clarke, Mrs. E. Davidson, by E. Scott; Ann Mary Hodges, by J. Parke, &c. 962 Mrs. Ellis, by Woolnoth-, Miss M'Farlane, Mrs. F. A. Hoare, p. p. and Miss Metcalf, proofs j Mrs. E. Griffiths, Mrs. E. Hamilton, &c. —- 963 Mrs. Hammersley, p. p. -, Mrs. Parker, by W. Say, ditto ; Mrs. Mark Spott, by W. Ward, prooj, &c. — — — ““ 964 Mrs. and Miss Phillips, &c. (etchings) private plates-, and Mrs. Udney, W. L. by Bartolozzi, finished proof, ditto — — — 965 Mrs. C. C. Smith, by Orme-, Miss E. A. Strutt, by her Father-, Miss Turner (etching), by Fauquier-, Miss Vaslet (ditto), by Doughty-, Mrs. Williams (Wife of the Painter) and her Children, p.p. presented to the late Mr. Bindley, 1802, &c. — — ” / >7 <=< 'X* d- 10 6 5 ^ /MC/^ ' 7 REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. (j6d John Bigg the Dintou Hermit, W. L.—Thomas Baskerville, wtat. “0, oval in a hat—William Fuller (Impostor) 8vo. with the copy—and. William Aldridge, aged 112 •— — 967 John Gale, alias Dumb Jack, 4to. mez. See.—and a drawing of him on vel¬ lum in pen and ink, by J. Faber — — 968 Thomas Britton the famous Musical Small-coal Man, by Tho. Johnson, oval h. sh. mez. very fine and rare —Ditto in a square, ditto, and a copy of the same, by Grignion — — 969 Tregonweil Frampton, Henry Evans,

^7 ' ' z- 1 vK / 7 ^ ■ / / • i*—, /, c/ REMAKABLE CHARACTERS. d 9 9/4 975 976 977 978 979 980 93 > 982 983 f 984 i 985 986 987 988 James Sheppard, executed 17I8 (etching), ly Sir Jamet Thornhill•, Ditto oblong oval, Angels withdrawing a Curtain, and Ditto ovaUto. raez, by J, Faber, fine and scarce — — _ _ James Figg (Prize Fighter), and Mary Tofts (Rabbit Breeder), both by J. Faber, ditto ^ _ Duncan Campbell, by Gucht ■, and four different whole lengths of Dicky Dickinsoiij by J. Sympson, isfc. scarce •— — _ Richard Dickinson of Scarborough Spaw, W. L. with Verses, by G. f^eriue; and a Pair of W. L. etchings, by‘Ditto, fine and scarce — — John Alders—in the habit of a Pilgrim, ly P. R. Fremont, 1727, -Ito. * arid Patie Rirnie the famous Fidler of Kinghorn, six Scotch verses, k. sh. both very scarce etchings — — _ _ Samuel Chappel, alias Grater, by J, Faber, oval 4to. ine%. rare — John Keiling, alias Blind Jjtck, small Bvo, j Edward Bureli, by Le Clirc ; Maximilian Christopher Miller (Giant), W. L. by J. Clark ; and Owen Farrel (Irish Dwarf), ditto, by Huletl. _ — Matthew Buchinger, in a square surrounded by vignettes representing his extraordinary performances, ly Elias Beck, with a MS. letter of bis dated 12 Jan. 173O-I, rare and curious — — Matthew Buchinger (two different) with his Pedigree on a Genealogical Tree, written (y/iimrc//', 1/34, CKrt'oKf; and Characters who frequented Button’s Coffee-house, after Hogarth, by Ireland — Elizabeth Adams (Convict) j 1737, Eugene Aram (Ditto); Miss Molly Blandy,/C. L.etching; Henry Blacker (Giant); Thomas Brown (Dragoon at Dettingen); and Belgrade and her Dog Clumsy, W. L's. — Jacob Bales, the famous English Horse Rider, W. L. in a sheet of horse racing, engraved by G. P. Nusbiegel, at Nuremberg, 176S, rare —■ Monsieurs Brila and Le Gagneur, Posture Masters {sheet prints) TepTesicaisstg their various performances, and Mahomed Caratha, W. L. ditto, scarce Bright of Malden, and Timothy Bennett (Shoemaker), by M‘A.idcJl, &c. O Rare Ben Bradley, by Faber, &c. — — Miss Jenny Cameron sitting with the Pretender’s Portrait in her band, fol. the Young Pretender inscribed Ranaldo Mac Don; M, ly Robertson ; Ditto between Jenny Cameron and Miss Macdonald; and he^ds of Townley and Fletcher (executed 1/46), etdiing, 4to. scarce — — Janies Campbell the Highland Hero, W. L.—Thomas Carr (Attorney), exe¬ cuted 1737—John Coustos, by Truchy —Henry Cooke (Convicj), W.’L. 1/28—and Crazy Crow loaded with Musical Instr-umculs, V7. L. etching, 1754, rare — — •— — a,*. I y red ' 7 \ • / S % 4 ^ ^ — g C- V <- G -'C ^ ^2^ REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 66 - 989 Banipfylde Moore Carew, and John Dean, by J. Faber •, William Fittock (Mayor of St. Maws), and Esther Hammerton (Female Sexton), by M'Ardell — — — — — 990 William Dewell (executed 1 / 40 ) j Dolly of the Chop-house, by J. Smith, very rare-, and Margaret Finch, Queen of the Gipsies, by H. Roberts 991 Captain Samuel Goodere, Matthew Mahony, and Charles White (Convicts), f W. L’s. &c, fol. —Sir John Dincly Goodere carried on board his Ship, I etching, 8vo.—and James Hal! (P'oetman), executed for murder at the end of Katherine-street, Strand, W, L. with vignettes, fol. rare — ~ , 992 Non Common Groves, Grand Master of the Roils, etched by P. R, Fremont ; Richard Gurney (the Norwich Quaker), oval with emblems, both fine and rare ; and Philip Hermon (Quaker) wood cut, 4 to. (not in BromleyJ — 993 Jack Haugh, alias Mill Cushin, born in Mount Mellich, Dublin, W. L. etching, fol.; and Ann Mills, W. L. in Seaman's Apparel, holding a Frenchman's head in her hand, &c. viex. partly etched, h. sh, both very rare — — — — — 994 Matthew Flenderson (Convict), 1 / 46 , W. L. by J. Grimstone; Eliz. Jeffreys : and John Swan in prison, W. L’s.; William Johnson, (Distiller,) 1/36 j (bust in a circle), 12 r«o,; Jane Lee, cetat. 103 , 4 to. me%. &c. scarce — ; 995 Sally King (profle etching), 4 \.o. proof ; William Kitchiner, Beadle of Saffron j Hill, W. L.; John Lovell, W. L. etching by R. J. 1746 , &c. ditto — 996 Lebeck, by And. Aliller; Harry Morgan, cctat. 105 ; Maddox the Equi¬ librist, by Houston, and his performances at Sadlei’s Wells, W. L. etching, — — — — __ 99/ Stephen Mac Daniel, James M'Leane, and Daniel Malden (Convicts); and Sarah Malcolm, 4 to. snez. (partly etching) with the manner of her Exe¬ cution, &c. — — — — _ ftgS Dame Rachel Pasley, Inspectress of the Farm at Wentworth House, by J. Pine, rare, with a copy of the same (etching) by F. Atkinson, p, p. ; and Margaret Patten, aetat. 136 , by J. Cooper, h. sh, inez, fine _ 999 Margaret Patten, profile etching, 4 to.; William Parsons, Esq. (Convict), i W. L. by J. Brooke; Poor Blind Pig Man, W. L.; Henry Rogers, Pew- I terer (Convict) ; Rothmell, Keeper of a Coffee House in Covent Garden 1 (satirical etching), &c. — — — — I 1000 John Philips, Gent, aged 11/, Layton Smith, &c. by Faber; John Sturges, j by F. Kyte and G. White; and Grace Tosier, W. L. h. sh. mez. _ I 1001 Peter the Wild Boy, by Bartolozxi; Henry Simmons (Polish Jew), and William Taylor, by bP'orlidge; Smith, Butcher of Raleigh, Essex (oval), scarce; James Turner (Beggar), by Capt. Baillie; and Turpin (High¬ wayman), by J, Smith, small IF. L, — — _ / 5 .<5 • ■) 6 y . L O REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 67 1002 Robert Short, 4 /o.—Daniel Taintarier (Barrister)—Old Soldier—Cowper Thornhill (on horsebai k) performing a race. sAeet—Caiherine VVarnian— Samuel Wood—and Litile Will of the Turk's Head Chop House, W. L. 1003 John Alder, the Fortunate Cooper of Abingdon, by G. Roth, jun ,and James Ashley, Master of tlie London Punch House on Ludgate Hill, by T. lFo)lidge, both rare — — — —- 100-1 James Aitkea—Old Aldridge—Mrs. Allen (Female Satyr)—Bamfield (Giant), W. L.—William Banning—Francis Bell—James Bolland—Old Boots, &c. — — — — — 1005 Broughton and Slack fighting, by Pond, scarce; Tom Bentley, See. W. L. Caricatures, by Ditto; and various etchings. See. of Jedediah Buxton — 1006 Elizabeth Brownrig, W, L. etching, by Donee, scarce; Cornelius Caton, of the White Lyon at Richmond ; and Bainbridge, W. L’s. by Patch, See. 1007 Elizabeth Canning, by APjdrdell, and various etchings and historical prints of her and the Gipsey Squires, curious — — — 1008 Matthew Champion, aged 108 different etchings} > Thomas Collins, William Cox, Convivial Characters, after Dighton, by Laurie, ike. — 1009 Morgan Davis, John Dow (Soldier),. River Douglas, Etough (W. L. etcliings), by M. Tyson, tsfc ,; .Old Elwes, Mrs. Everitt and her Gigantic I ifint, Ac. — — — — — 1010 Enough for Nothing (Musical Beggar), W. L. etching ; Robin o Green (noted B.dlad Singer) etching ; Ditto (wood cut}, curious ; and Peter Garden, aged 131 , See. — — — — 1011 Hale, the Piper of Derby, W. L. witli the Music to his Hornpipe, rare; and Sylvanus Hibbert, 12/«o. — — — — 1012 Thomas Hardy—Ben. Holbrook, W. L. by Nixon —Sara House—Thomas Inglefield without hands or feet, See. — — — 1013 Wybrand Lolkes (Dwarf)—Masquerade Scenes (Mbs Chudleigh in Iphi- genia). See.—William Middleton , (Sheriff of Denbigh), W. L.—the Inimitable James Moss, Arc. — — — — 3 /f-Z/i'C} ,3/' . 9 " 5 t> ■A--*? . /"I- 7 , ^ 6 101 -1 Donald M'Leud, aged 102, W. L. &c.; Sir Edmund Mason (Knight of the Poker), by F. Jukes ; Ditto, small etching, p. p. —Mrs. Mary Marlow— Mendoza, Johnson and Perrins (^Pugilists), Ac. — — 8 ■' 1015 Mrs. Newsham (White Negress) —Margaret Nicholson—O'Brian (Irish Giant)—Tom Paine - Charles Price—Foster Powell (Pedestrian) — Robert ' y Powell (Fire Eater), Ac. _____ 101G Thomas Phelps, Ac. W. L’s. by J. JFalson ; Sir Richard Perrott, by Val. Green, proof; Nathan Potts (Door Keeper to the Robin Hood Society), by li. Clowes, scarce j Sarah Pouter, Queen of the Touters, by Pet her 5 and Edw'ard Scofield (Dw'arf), tetat. J\, W. L. — — 5 '^ ' ■ 68 REMARKABLE CHARACTER^. < I 1 1 i I ) i I I I 1 1017 Dorothy Pentreatb—Elizabeth Pollard—Margaret Rudd—Harry Rowe— Jack Robinson, W. L.—Robinson of York, etched by himself —and Jos. Randall, profile etching — — — — 1018 Sally of the Chop House—Singing Sam—Mother Shepherd (Shoe Cleaner), il 2 mo. Shoeblack at St. Peter’s Coll. Canib. (etchings) —Hannah Sparke, by Bartolozzi, &c. — — _ 1019 Hannah Snell, by Faber and Johnson} two etchings of Ditto, by B. Cole, &c.} and John Steel of Saint Duukeld, Perthshire (etching), by A. Rutherford, p. p. — — _ 1020 David Tyrie (executed 1782 )—Tiddy Doll—Thomas Thumb, of Bristol— •Isabella Tinkler (Bookseller in Richmond, Yorkshire) W. L. by G. Cuit, me*.—Isabel Walker—^John Woolderidge (Poet)—Woodhouse (Poetical Cobler)—Arthur Wentworth—Rynwick Williams, See. — — 1021 Elizabeth Alexander (two difierentJ^Aylett in the Pillory (ditto)—Joseph Beeton, Bellingham, Mrs. Blight, A. H. -Bowes, &c.; and Francis Bolton, a remarkable Pauper of Borough Bridge, W. L. 4 to mez. with curious MS. Description — — _ _ 1022 James Benwell, of the Physic Gardens, Oxford, W. L. aged 82 , by J. Skelton.; Richard Brothers, Prince of the Hebrews, by IV. Sharp, proof and letters, &c. — — ^ 1023 Celebrated Connoisseurs at Print Sales (three different) ; Cambridge Concert (oblong etching)'; Jack Creighton fldiot), &c. — — 1024 Captain Davis of Margate, 8 ic. (etchings) by Nixon —William Dal^in—Sir John Dinely (with his Address to the Ladies) John Dimond—Andrew Donaldson—David Downic, Dwarf Pyeroan — — — 1025 Daniel .Isaac Eaton—Dr. Ewin of Cambridge—Rev. Mr. Edridge—Sir Bobert Fagg—Johnny Ferguson—Benj. Flower, &c. — —. 1026 Farthing Giles (an Old Beggar who hoarded up Farthings), etching by the Rev. Mr. Wallis; Neil Gow j Griffith (Organist of Bagnigge Wells), Ac. and various heads of Jane Gibbs — — —. 1027 Governor Hill of Knaresborough Spa—Elias Hoyle of Sowerby—Libeity Hall—Hercules Humphrys—Isaac Ingall—W. H. Ireland—Ben Lawson of Hull, &c. — — — — _ 1028 John Lewis, Brewer at Richmond, by R. Field; Lackington stepping into his Carriage—Will Loader (Idiot)—Nicholson and his Wonderful Pig— Paisley (Priest) of Gretna Green, ly-J. Walker, &c. — — 1029 Simon Paap (Dwarf)—Queen of Paterdale, by Halfpenny, of York — Giles Pridden, executed at Ratcliffe Cross for nuirder, etching, p, p. — Elizabeth Perkins in a trance, by G. Roth, /», p. —Mary Phipoe—Mary Balphson, &c. — — — _ — 5 - 10 '7 A '7 >0 ' 1 y ./ 1 1 y i' f 7 7 /i- 7 3 1 1 1 remarkable characters. (li} 3030 William Smith (Woolly-headed Boy)-George Smith (O.tiei), &:c. W. L.— David Salmon, aged 108-Elizabcth Shaw, aged 117 —Robert Sbaw, aged 8 - 1 —David Sandes (Beggar)—Thomas Simmons (Convict)—Robert Street (Shoemaker), &c. _ _ _ _ 1031 John Tennant (Traveller)-Theod. de Verdion-Nack Wheeler, /y Mr. Cockayne, p. p .; Peter Wheeler (Count Fig), different etchings ; Elizabeth Woodcock, &c. _ _ _ 1032 Etchings of Remarkable Characters, ly Bretherton, Orde, Baldrey, Topham, J. Holland oj" Peter House, isfc, private plates — — _ 1033 Political Caricatures of Lord Chancellor Northington, Lord Chatham, Duke of Newcastle, Sir George Baker, &c. whole length etchings Ly Pryce Camplell, isfc, rare and curious — _ _ 1034 Caricatures relating to the Pitt and Fox Administrations (etchings) h J Sandby, {sfc. — _ _ _ 1035 Noble’s Continuation to Granger’s Biographical History of England. 3 vol (boards)-, and Bromley’s Catalogue of British Portraits, (aiUo) ‘ — IS 4 c. 1 I i MR. SOTHEBY will subniU to the Public the following Col¬ lections during the present Season, at No. 3, Wellington Street, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, where he is removed for the advantage of more extensh^e premises :— BINDLEY COLLECTION OF BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. Part 3 d Will comprize bis Select COI/LECTION of BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY and Valuable MISCELLANEOUS PRINTS, by the most esteemed Ancient and Modern Masters, the Portfolios that contained the Collection, a few valuable Pictures, &c. THE CHARDIN LIBRARY, consisting of a complete Collection of the Variorum Classics, and many of those printed at Oxford and Cambridge; together with a fine Selection of French, Italian and Spanish Literature, among which will be found, more particularly, most of the early Spanish Chronicles. The whole collected by the celebrated Amateur, Mr. Char¬ din, during a period of thirty years, and are in the finest possible condition. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS. A SUPERB CABINET of DRAWINGS, the Property of A NOBLEMAN, abounding in Choice Specimens of the Great Masters of all- the Schools, and compri¬ sing the Genuine and Estimable Productions of Raphael, M. Angelo, Polidore, Titian, Tintoret, Corregio, The Caracci, P. Veronese, A. Durer, M. Schaen, Rubens, Vandyck, Ostade Berchem, Both, C. Dusart, Rembrandt, P. Potter, C. du Jardin, A. and E Van de Velde, Vander Neer, Van Gayen, Teniers, Callop, &c.—The whole in high preservation. A PORTION of the Elegant LIBRARY of the late J. W. E. WHELER UNWIN, ESQ, Lieut.-Col. in his Maiesty’s Army, and of Wootton Lodge, Stafford. The Valuable MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY of the late SIR SAMUEL ROMILLY, Removed from bis House in Russell Square. BINDLEY COLLECTION OF PRINTS. (THIRD AND LAST PART.) A CATALOGUE OF THE MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF PRINTS, DRAWINGS, &e. OF THE LATE JAMES BINDLEY, ESQ. F.A.S. OF SOMERSET PLACE: CONSISTING OF HIS MMITISM TOPOGM^PMT, AMONG WHICH ARE Many Rare and Curious, interspersed with Drawings of Monuments, &;c. ENGRAVINGS BY ANTIENT & MODERN MASTERS: A CAPITAL ASSEMBLAGE of the WORKS OF HOGARTH; PRIVATE ETCHINGS BY AMATEUR ARTISTS ; of prints, A FEW PICTURES, Including the Original Portraits of the late GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. and 3fARGARET WOFFINGTON, BOTH BY ZOFFANY; &C. &C. ®KI)icI) totU ht ^olli hj) Auction, By Mr. SOTHEBY, Al his nexv and more extensive Premises, No. 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On THURSDAY, the I5lh Day of JULY, 1819, And Two follotving Days, at Twelve o'Clock. To be Viewed till the Sale, and Catalogues (at 3 s. each) had at the Place of Sale. Printed by J. DAVY', Queen Street, Seven Diale. ti ans aiieid #! r'■. r ? p tir li.igi 111(5 •-•’t t^uf Ph l^fe^