S.W LLOYQ ■*■*: ■ vV - Si i m: m ^ r &S ■ ,fu ; «p w:,- #j ^ it*^ ^v C 4 4 fc>> ■Sfr-* r ----- - F^ 3 " f , •' ;.' LS 1 "*'".• &* ._.' A ?~]Mr~ -. >•>* / !\ ^S^^^v I » J '■&$;*■" OAT^A-J^OG-XXIB THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS & OTHER PICTURES, Chiefly of the Early English School, THE PROPERTY OF THOMAS PRICE, ESQ., Deceased, late of the Albany, Including the Portrait of Lady Caroline Price, one of the finest works of Sir Joshua Reynolds; ALSO THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, OF MRS. YOUNG, Deceased, late of Onslow Square ; Also PICTURES, the Property of the late C. J. NIEUWENHUYS, ESQ., THE LATE RT. HON. SIR WILLIAM GREGORY, K.C.M.6., The late W. PARKER HAMOND, Esq., and The late J. L GARDEN, Esq.: WHICH Mill fce £olo up auction, by Messrs. CHEISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TK&m (SBSAT BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAUE, On SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1893, AT HALF-PAST ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, atMessrs. Christie, Manbon and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. [ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. II. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5«. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. A . The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1893, AT HALF-PAST ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of T. PRICE, Esq., deceased, late of the Albany. (Sold by Order of the Executors). • SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A., 1791. £ / 37 Portrait of the Late Sir Robert Price, Bart., when a /^p^/z^-t^ Child — in chalk J. RUSSELL, R.A. 22 38 Lady Almeifa Carpenter, Daughter of the Earl of Tyrconnel, /£ S^v^^i and Sister to Lady Caroline Price — in crayons 2t>/r J. FERNELEY, 1848. J/J 39 "The Cloud King" J *J>£ 3& 40 "Steady," 1853 JO *3& ^co^<^. B 2 /A E. F. HOLE, 1866. 41 " Miss Snabs," favourite charger of Colonel E. Price, C.B., Koyal Horse Artillery /£. p< /4 W. WEBB. 42 Portrait of a Black Horse in a Landscape BEN MARSHALL. yy . //' 43 Barrington Price, about to mount his favourite horse " Mon- archy," his brother Major Price, with pigtail, standing outside the old house at Beckett Signed, and dated 1804 BEN MARSHALL. / •? / - 44 A Groom, with Grey Horse, at Beckett, near Shrivenham DE VLIEGER. £ /t 45 A Coast Scene, with shipping T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. y / j - 46 Uvedale T. Price, Esq., of Geeler, Denbighshire, and Foxley, Herefordshire Born 1685. Married Anne, daughter of Lord and Lady Arthur Somerset. Died 1764. /p ~/ T, GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. /? p/O J J' 47 Anne, wife of Uvedale T. Price, Esq., daughter of Lord Arthur Somerset ££ ^/Jy T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 2 / 48 Robert Price, of Geeleu and Foxlev, born 1717 W. HOGARTH. J 0-V 49 THE PRICE FAMILY fa °/l^^_ 40 in. by 62 in. Uvedale T. Price, Esq., of Foxley, Herefordshire, and Geeler, Denbigh, assisting his cousin Miss Rodd from a boat, his eldest son Robert leading another cousin Miss Greville, her sister Hester feeding swans, their brother called Jockey Greville fondling a greyhound, other relations and attendants around. 50 Arabella Hunt SIR G. KNELLER. The poet Congreve was in love with Miss Arabella Hunt, but her father would not give his consent to the marriage. " Were there on earth another voice like thine, Another hand so blest with skill divine ; The late afflicted world some hopes may have, And Harmony retrieve thee from the grave." — Congreve. SIR G. KNELLER. £ / 51 Lord Arthur Somerset, second son of first Duke of Beaufort Married Mary, daughter of Sir W. Russell, Bart., and widow of H. G. Cotton, Esq. / „ , M SIR G. KNELLER. /- ^ 5!2 Lady Arthur Somerset, daughter of Sir W. Russell, Bart., and widow of H. G. Cotton, Esq., of Coinbermere SIR G. KNELLER. £ g 53 Rorert Price, of Geeler and Foxley, Baron of the Court of Exchequer, born 1653, died 1732 J0 > JL0 S. LANE. SZ 54 Sib Rob Kit t Price, Bart., M.P. for Herefordshire /ya&*4 SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 2/ 55 Sir Uvedale Price, Bart., of Geeler and Foxley, born Yl\l Cto died 1829 JO xl4 J. OPIE, R.A. (After REYNOLDS). Y/J /,/} 56 Admiral the Hon. Samuel Barrington, son of Viscount Barrington, died 1800 j a xj.4 A. POND. a * ij~ 57 Sib Uvedale Price, Bart., of Geeler and Foxley, when a child A. POND. * / ZZ ^8 Sarah, wife of Robert Price, of Geeler and Foxley, daughtei/of Viscount Barrington, died 1759 JOy26~ SIR J. REYNOLDS. AwWu2£ ^ 69 THE LADY CAROLINE, WIFE OF SIR UVEDALE T. PRICE, BART., and daughter of the Earl of Tyrccnuel, born 1755, died 1828 30 in. by 25 in. Painted in November, 1786 Engraved by J. Jones and S. W. Reynolds CHEVALIER RUSCA. . M . / 60 Robert Prick, (aged 18), afterwards of Geeler and of Foxley, born 1717 J0Y-2.J* VAN DER BANK, 1822. 61 Mary Somerset, daughter of Lord Arthur Somerset, wife of the Honourable Algenon Greville, son of 5th Lord Brook B. WEST, P.R.A., 1808. Z J~ 62 The Hon. Mrs. Shute Barrington, second wife of Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham, daughter of Sir John Guise, Bart. ^ x ^ /cr£ UNKNOWN. !4? 63 The Hon. and Rt. Rev. Shute Barrington, D.C.L., Bishop ^o of Durham, son of Viscount Barrington, born 1734, died 1824 J y24 / 63a Dead Woodcock and Partridges —a pair FROM DIFFERENT COLLECTIONS. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 64 THE MARQUIS OP GRANBY, leaning on a mortar, an J&^&^ engagement in the background — whole length 92 in. by 57 in. Formerly at Stowe VAN DYCK. -/ O 65 THE MARQUIS DE VIEUVILLE, in a white dress, and /SU^t*^ black cloak, whole length — he was killed at the battle of Auburn Chase 83 in. by 47 in. Formerly at Stowe G. ROMNEY. h y J 0-D 68 MRS. ST. GEORGE AND HER SON, with laudscape back- ground Painted at Totteridge in 1791 // SIR. J. REYNOLDS. 67 The Infant Samuel J or ^ 4 /V X"/^>2 Signed " DE VRIES. , ^2 ^0 A. Woody River Scene, with overshot mill, and figures on a road, by Lingelbach ADRIAN OSTADE. . J'J'O 71 THE HURDY-GURDY PLAYER, with an audienco^oTa peasant, seated, and two figures at an open door of an inn, and twelve other figures, a dog, and poultry— signed 12£ in. by 10£ in. v^: The following are told by Order of the Executors oj C J. NIEUWENHUYS, Esq, deceased, late of Oxford Lodge, Wimbledon. T. GERARD. //) £ 72 Figures at a Fountain / *Z VAN DER MEULEN. 73 The Siegk, Tournay, with Louis XIV. and his staff in the fore- J^ ground j/ x /^ W. M1ERIS. 2 ' /— 74 A Huntress, with negro and two other attendants in a landscape m^Ji-CL. B. GAROFALO. 22 ^^ The Repose of the Holy Family J. C. SCHOTEL. 6> 76 The Beach at Soheveningen, with boats and figures H. KOEKKOEK, 1865. / ^ 11 A Coast Scene, with figures on a jetty and shipping N. BERCHEM. 2 L 78 A Herdsman Watering Cattle at a Fountain Engraved in the Poulain Gallery Smith's Catalogue, Vol. V. No. 58 B. VAN ORLAY. 2 $ 79 The Madonna and Child, with Angels and the infant St. John 2* >^/

**<^£ M. PALMEZZANO. /£? 82 The Baptism of Christ / VAN DER BERGHE, 1844 / / 83 Peasants Playing Cards / CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. * / J J " 84 The Madonna and Child, a view of a city in the background VAN TOL. - (9 85 A View at the Back of a Cottage, with a female servant A. PALAMEDES. // 86 A Garden Scene, with figures dancing K^S^ok^. il C. BEG A. J'^f 87 An Interior, with a peasant family and Boors Jfa £^rt^0fJL^ SALOME. / fl / 88 Head of a Girl /4 x/JL, C. R. LESLIE, R.A. £ 80 Diana and Action /^.x/^ From the picture by Titian in the Bridgwater Gallery L. M , 1866. 90 A Gleaner X y 92b Don Diego de Guzman ^^^4^^ Exhibited at the Vandyck Exhibition, Grosvenor Gallery, 1886-7 //x/^ 7 12 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of Mrs. YO UNG, deceased, late of Onslow Square, Bromvton. L. BACKHUYZEN. ^ j 93 The Febbt £ # ^z<> N. BERCHEM. ^ J 94 MlLKING-TIME /6y;ZO j£ai^< Signed £ y 95 Intebiob, with five boors, one searching for eggs, utensils and / poultry /6 x 2-0 F. BOUCHER. & D tf 96 A GlP8Y Encampment J^^j^ TVt-ety^ BRECKLENCAMP. c cffc^C^i*, 7 /W /Z B. DEJS'NER. 98 Head of an Old Woman , B. DENNEIi. 99 Head or an Old Woman 1; C. DUSART. p j" 100 A Party of Peasants, regaling before an inn door yk*j?&z^ ? S. FERRATO. 101 The Madonna and Child ?y7 e. GREUZE. 2^ 102 A Girl, with a bird /fyc/JL /^c^te^ 103 Pet Birds GREUZE. JL 104 The Duet METZU (After). /kc^t^^t J~ P. NEEFS. 105 Interior of Chapel, with figures — on copper J. OCHTERVELT. 10G Interior, with a lady in white satin dress, seated, nursing spaniel and reading a letter, a female servant with a silver basin and ewer at a table covered with a Persian carpet , nursing a / G. TERBURG. 107 Tntekior, with a Lady, seated, holding a glass of wiriefan officer at her side, his left arm resting on a table, on which is a bottle /4 >< /£. Signed ^/(^zJU^frl^f 14 A. VAN DEE fa £? 108 A Fkozkn Eiver Scene, with numerous figures, a town in the distance 2 J > J Signed A. DE VOYS. / x> 109 A Gentleman, seated at a table, holding a glass and pipe, his hat and sword on a table at his side E. DE WITTE. / j? 110 Interior of a Cuukch, with figures p/- ^c^^£/4i\. JO x-? £ 1 he following are Sold by Order of the Trustees of the late W. PARKER HAM ON D, Esq., of Pampisford Hall, Cambridge. T. GAINSBOROUGH, E.A. ^ //& J. HOPPNEE, E.A. >