THE mSTERPlECES OF ((^ TENIERS Tdegrapliie Addreui •♦GALERADA, LONDON." Telephone No. 1117, MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Miniature or Pastel, to the works of Mr. Edward Taylor, the acknowledged first Miniaturist of our time, and Mr. E. F. Wells, the clever painter of Portraits in Pastel. Attention is also directed to the work of Mr. Gregory Robinson, an exceptionally clever painter of Marine Pictures in Water Colour, and to the exception- ally fine Portraits of Horses by Mr. Lynwood Palmer, THE CARLTON GALLERY. PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S^W, PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored, Valuations made for Probate or otherwise. Collections Classified and Arranged. Where to get Gowans's . • Art Books abroad. . • • Prance.— A. Perche, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris. Belg'lum. — Sfineux & Cie, 3 Rue du Bois Sauvage, Brussels. Holland. — KiRBERGER & Kesper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam. A. Abrahams, The Hague. Italy. — Rosenberg & Selher, x8 Via Maria Vittoria, Turin. F. Casanova & Co., Piazza Carignano, Turin. B. Seeber, 20 Via Tornabuoni, Florence. Libreria W. Modes, Corso Umberto 146, Rome. G. Ricci & Co., Galleria Mazzini 43, Genoa, Libreria Stefano Serafin, Venice. Libreria L. Beltrami, Piazza Galvani, Via Farini, Bologna. Libreria E. BoNOMi, Galleria Vittoria Emanuele 84, Milan. U. Hoefli, Galleria De Cristoforis 59, Milan. Switzerland.— E. Frankfurter, 12 Grand-Chene, Laus- anne. Scandinavia. — A. & O. Schedin, Lund, Sweden. Spain and Portng'al.— Ferreira & Oliveira, Lda., Rua do Ouro, 132, Lisbon. Canada. — Musson Book Co., Ltd., 23 Richmond Street, West, Toronto. United States.— Frederick A. Stokes Co., 333 Fourth Avenue, New York. Germany. — Wilhelm Weigher, Inselstrasse 10, p.r., Leipzig, has commenced the publication of an edition with German text, as "Weichers Kunstbiicher." Finland. — Aktiebolaget Akademiska Bokhandeln, Helsingfors. India.— D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Bombay. 4<- Comer of old tt. Ann'o ehurolijfartf* **On« of th* most? rcm»rllable collections of ortlclee dear to tho; boarl of »j Connoisseur**'^ The . . . Connoisseur tttaU on att b\iBittt& infm&iins to toffector* anb |3crflons of cufture* THE aiticltts are written by acknowledged experts, and arc illustrated by unique photographs and drawings of im- portant examples and collections from every part of the wcwrld. The high standard (rf excellence by which the magazine has been distinguished during the three years of its publication is fully maintained, and when bound it forms a standard work of reference. If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production of a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and interesting publication. " ■■■ - Is. N«T. 12*. Pbm Annum, oi' all Bookskllkr*. 16*. Post Prbb for tmb Unitbo Kinodom. 17s. Post Prbb for Abroad. Publishers: * Carmelite House, E.G. AdTortising & Editorial Offices: 95 Temple Chambers, E.C Miscellaneous Sixpennies* COMMONSENSE CHRISTIANITY. An attempt to describe in simple words what Christianity as taught by Christ really is. Parohmsnt Covkrs, Sd. Nit i Postaok, 1o. THE PLEASURES of Mr. BRIGGS, Described and Illustrated By John Leech. These famous drawings from Punch. PAROMMBNT COVKRSt 6d. NbT| Postaor, Id. THE BOTTLE, In Sixteen Plates. Designed and Etched by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK; A very daintily produced little edition of those famous etchings, Parohmsnt CovKRt« 60. Nbti PorrAOSt In* GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd^ London & Glasgow CHEFS-D'CEUVRE DE POCHE Sous la direction de AUGUSTE DORCHAIN. This series has been inaugurated with the object of providing readers of French ali the world over with some of the great masterpieces of French literature in an attractive form. The cheap reprints that are published in France are not always neat, according to British tastes, and the publishers believe that their attempt to supply reprints, at once cheap and pretty, will be appreciated. Kend'y 1. BALZAC. Eugenie Grandet 2. A. DE MUSSET. La Confession d'un Enfant du Siecle. In Preparation 3 BALZAC. Ursule Mirouet. Others luiil folloiu Price of each volume : tlothf gilt top^ Is, net ; leather limpf gilt top, 2s. net ; i}ostage id. extra. LONDON ^ GLASGOW: GO WANS & GRAY, LTD. Gowans's Colour Prints "^(^ITH the object of encouraging really high-class artistic decoration of the home, Messrs. Go wans & Gray have commenced the issue of a series of coloured pictures by leading artists, painted specially for them- seWes, in neat brown paper frames, ready to hang on t)u 'wallj at the quite unprecedented pHce of One Shilling each. No. X. is "MY POOR DOG TRAY," by Charles Pears, in which the artist has been eminently successful in rendering the pathetic line from Thomas Camp- bell's well-known poem, Tbo Harper, *' Nor refused my last crumb to his pitiful face.*' No. 2. is *• APPLE BLOSSOM." by Jessie M. King, in which this remarkable artist's beautiful line is seen at its best. No. 3. is ♦•THE SCENE OF GRAY'S ELEGY," by Stephen Reid, being a view of Stoke Pogis Church- yard to which the famous elegy refers, painted on the spot by the artist. These prints can be had through any bookseller or printseller, or diroct from the publishers for 1/4 each, post free. A limited edition on large paper of One hundred signed and numbered Artist's proofs will be pulled of each print. These can be had at the price of One Guinea each. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd.. Lotidoij & Glasgow Gowans^s Nursery Pictures HE publishers bclierc that the complete noyelty of a scries of four coloured pictures by Mr. Stewart Orr, which they haye jttst published will ensure their immediate success. No similar scries is in existence, and the attractive appearance of the prints will delight erery child who is presented with them. They arc supplied la neat brown paper frames, ready /• hung at Sixpence each, net, Postage, threepence extra. THE FOUR SUBJECTS ARE: OLD MOTHER GOOSE HUMPTY-DUMPTY TOM THE PIPER'S SON THREE BLIND MICE The pictures arc to be had through any bookseller, printsellcr, or stationer, or direct from the publishers, GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd^ 58 Cadogan St, Glasgow The Children's Bookshelf pRETTY little Books with about a dozen coloured illustrations by well-known artists* No. 5.~HANSEL AND GRETHEL, by Grimm. Coloured illustrations by Arpad Schmidhammer. No. 4.— THE STORY OF CHANTICLEER. Re-told from Chaucer, by R. Brimley Johnson. Coloured illustrations by Stewart Orr. No. 3.— THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, by Robert Browning. Coloured illustrations by Charles Robinson. No. 2.-LITTLE KLAUS AND BIG KLAUS, by Hans Andersen. Coloured illustrations by Charles Pears. No. i.-THE UGLY DUCKLING, by Hans Andersen. Coloured illustrations by Stewart Orr, Price, 6d. kach in Parchment Covbrs. Post frek 7d. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd*, London & Glasgow. GowANs's Art Books, No. 6 The Masterpieces of Teniers CARSON & NICOL, LIMITED. PRINTERS, QtASQOW BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EDINBURGH PAPER BY ALEX. COWAN & SONS, LIMITED, EDINBURGH THE MASTERPIECES OF TENIERS THE YOUNGER (1610-1690) Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintings by F. Han/staengl^ affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artistes work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1912 First Edition, September^ 1903. Reprinted, December, iQOj, August, igo6. Second Edition, February, iQoy. Reprinted, August, igoy. Third Edition, Sepieinber, igo8. Reprinted, September^ igog^ March^ igi2. BEFORE printmg the third edition of this volume the Publishers siibmitted it Amsterdam^ by whose advice two of the old pictures were replaced by others^ and the selection now contains only paintings which that %vell-k7ioivn art critic C07isiders to be genuine. The Publishers beg to express their thanks to Mr. Hanfstaengl for the readiness with zuhich he has permitted thetn to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Jl/any lovers of Art will no doubt wish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures than those given in this little book, tuhich are necessarily very small. The Publishers beg to 7'ejer such readers to pages 6^ et. seq., for pa7'ticulars. to Mr. E. IV. Moes of the State Print-Rooin, 6 8 9 The Tooth-drawer L'Arracheur de Dents {Royal Gallery, Cosset) {Galerte royale, Cassel) Der Zahnarzt (Cassel, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaen^U Photo, lO J 12 Peasant Playing the Guitar Le Joueuu de Guitare {Liechtenstein Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie Liechtenstein^ Vienne) Gitarrespielender Bauer (IFien, Liechtenstein Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, i6 6' 5& 17 2 5^ a ft; > ^ 0 5 5s ^1 6 ^ § 5 I > ^ H -5 « -si » o Si 05 0 o PQ « 25 26 28 ►5? ><3 39 41 2 « . > £ 5^ 2, « 4« w O 1^. O OS o « I ^ 8 4 44 « ^ 47 48 > « *^ » 53 54 57 a ^* MALI W o U EINE GALE IRES 1 Ha » 2 2 ^ ft- 59 6o < OS ^ o 1 63 5 b ti. g ^* |5 ^ s I "I ii A Complete List of Published Photograph, of TENIERS'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franx HanfstaengU 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS- F = Folio (lo" X 8") Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal (is^xii") - - " I = Imperial(2i''xi6'') - • ^^Z* Facs = Facsimile (18'' X2oV0 • " 3°/- E = Extra (34i"x*6") - " " Average Dimensions are quoted. In ^rderine U U essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as -well as the Stze. TlTLK or PiCTXJKI. The Annual Village Market, The Player*. - - • - A Country Scene, - The Guard, . . - • The Hour of Rcit, The Village Inn, - Panorama of Valenciennee, Flemi»h Drinkere, After Dinner, The Old Woman, • The Singer, • • - - The Artist and his Family, The Players, - • - - A Flemish Fair, - - • The Temptation ol St. Anthony, Peaeante mating, . - • The Guard HouM, A Flemiih Fair, - A Flemish Landscape, A Village Doctor, • The FiTe Seneee, - luterioi of a Picture Gallery, Temptation of St. Anthony, Giving to M arket, - - - A Leech binding up the foot of Peasant, . - - - The Bath Koom, - PeManti pUying owd*. 66 GALXiSRT* No. Sizx. « Z ^ i S3 Peasants drinking, ... Casdei 115 C F R p The Peasant with a Wheelbarrow, 161 C F R F Peasants dancing before ftn Inn, 164 C F R jr Peasants playing bowls, 169 C F F ** 187 C P p The Entrance of the Archduchess Isabella into Brussels, - " 281 F R P The Eatrauce of the Archducheu Isabella into Vilrorde, - 282 F R F Louis II. of Bourbon called the Grand Cond^, • • • • Chautilly V P The Villaf e Fair, - - . • Dresden 68 R F A Larjre Villaf e Fair, . • • 75 R F A Company of Smokers, ■ - '* 137 R F The Alchymlst, .... 138 R F In the Ian, 295 R F Chalkinc up the Account, • *' 296 R P Portrait of the Artist in an Inn, •* 297 R P Liberation of St. Peter from *• 298 R P Temptation of St. A»thony, 299 R P A Yeung Man holding fk Jug, seated on a tub, • • ' • V I Soldiers playing dice, « '* V I The Guard, . - - • - V I Peasants playing dice, - V I A Castle and its Owners, Dulwich 98 FR A Sow and her Young, - 99 F La bonne Aventure, . • . V F Landscape, . . . « . V F Dutch Boors drinking, Edinburgh V P Peasants playing skittles, - V F St. Jerome in the Desert, - Frankfort,Staedel V P V I Landscape, . . . . • V I Liandscape, . . ■ > . V 1 A Surgical Operatien, • • > Glasgow V r V F A Geod Kitchen, • . > . Hague 53 C F R P The AlcbyMlst, .... The Trie-trac Players, - 54 CFR P London, N. G. 261 F R F An Old Woman peeling a pear, - 262 F R P Teniers's Mansion at Perck, 265 F R F The Village F4te (F6te an ohan- drons), . - • . . ** 264 PRI P The Money Changers, . • . 289 P R F Spring — Summer, • ■ . 390 P R P Autumn — Winter, • • . 391 F R F The Surprise, . • • - 392 F R V A Musical Party, • • • - 500 F F Peasants eating, . • ■ . 501 F P Madrid, Prado V I F6te Champetre, • . - • V I Peasants dancing before % Country House, . - , V I F6te and Repast, - - - - V I The Kiag drinks, - M V P The Gracious Farm Mistress, V P An Ap*i painting. .... V F An Ape sculpturing. - V F Apes driuking and playing. M V r The Apes' School, M Y F 67 TlTM Of PlOTURB. Apes drinking and smoking, The Apei' Banquet, The Guafd, • - - . The Picttire Gallery of the Arch duke Leopold William at Brusiele, .... The Country Hoaae, Laudscai)e, with Gipsies in the foreground, - Temptation of the Abbot St. Anthony, Temptation of St. Anthony, Temptation of St. Anthony, Room in a Flemish Inn, Feasants dancing in a Flemish Inn, A Peasant Wedding, - Interior of a Flemish Peasant' Cottltge, .... Peasant playing the violin, . The Smokers. Interior of an Inn, CJats' Concert, ... Monkeys having a meal, A Party of ApeS, - • • A Peasant smoking, • • Two Drinkers singing. Lot and his Daughters, "Kneipe," - The Former Archducal Gallery at Brussels, I. Part, . Do. II. Part, . Do. III. Part, . Do. IV. Part, - The Prodigal Son, St. Peter denying Christ, . The Prodigal Son at table, - The Works of Pity, Temptation of St. Anthony, The Village F^te, . An Inn near a River, . Peasants dancing at ihe door of an Inn, .... Interior of an Inn, - • Interior of an Inh, ■ > Shooting Herons, • • > The Smoker, . • ■ • The Knife Grinder, • The Bagpiper, . • • Portrait of an Old Man, • Blowing Bubbles, - The Fair The Duet, .... Interior of a Smoking Room, An Interior, .... Village Fete. . Interior of a Smoking Room, Temptation of St. Anthony, A Smoking Room, The GuiUr Player, Le Qudteur, . . ■ • The Players, .... Madrid, Prado Paris, Louvre No. SiZB. s ^ F V F V F I B J V I F V I V F 20 C F R I 51 C F R I Facs. p 32 f! F H. T B"