fi'l'l'l'iil'l'iVi'iVi'i THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY X 'c A A > - ' ’ *1^^- '■' ' ,v. ■ ■ '■;.M."V'sv-. ‘ ■ ' ""’f v'fc, ‘■. I.,, - ,T'^^'' ''*4 C'i';' S‘ ■•;J:S'4-.'viv^.' . ■ &?'»>• "'j'S • ,f ^ ,:% , r- V' ■•; "P 1%. • % ' ' h '4 «-VS^T/.n '. S- • r. . '. . i a ; '.S' .iy '4- jc., -r-Z, /^y^ tr ^ -C yZ J3 / /TY^, // f> :7; ^?ty. /^- ^ a.y- S ,/^ yy /^' ^%A ^ /yZt'^ Ay'A'^^AZ ^yt-c^AyZ A/z^ f^'r-yy^^ A A1ZL^^ ty Ac t-ct. 7 A.^ . /ZZ3 — A^Z ^ ^y'TcyZ^ AA/Ayz yr^^^' A^fyZ ^ A ZAZ yt^ y- Zc-e^xr ^ -'Z//\j^ /A , ZA^ A - At 7/^^ ZAA yt^yn^Ay 7^ f Z^ y\'A A*'^ , •■' AZt<'i.c>7 AZ , ZcZ/Y^ — 7^/ / A 7 Y 'P^yi c « — 7'yAz C ^ccZA-cJ , AZA*' 7. /^At^^zZ yAc^tc At^ ^y^ zZ'^-e^ AA . — ZA /A — AZy A ^yynZAcc^/7^-^c^ ^ /^'A AZ 2. ZZAZ> ^A/rcy Zy> — Z A/ Z> _ /At'} AAc^/y^ ZyA AZAA y- y»yZ zAZ z^z tcZtZZ aA^ccc . ZA// — ZaA y Y A J. 7 A Zyt ' ZyZe c-^xy/Zc-y^ Zf^j-t^A// — AAZA - /^ \ AaAt^ ytZy2 2yZZ~ Ay ATA'TzAeyAy , /Ayt, _ A Ay’ y^ ^AyT^^yA-A- ^ AT i- £^ A^ Yy ^ y^ZyAx ZA> ZZlZ-/ — At^JZ xAt^^yAc^ ^ yt A' /yCz c yZi<:^^ ,Ay^^y^^/Z.. - y ZA/ - C-S'z yr^/ y^2.t -'XS'y /6 ^ 77.^'^ ^<7 ^ /fZ^ . Z /C-^/- /L^-r-7^z^ y-^J^/i-7 . /f . /tz^ - Ijrz Jy:l7~7 Cde77^-^ 79^/". zsr - V/^/ . Z^f y^PA7X7^/^,^^^yS'’-/JZr~ 3ljr X<^r' £^77,7^7^77 u XX^'-Xiz/^ . . X4-7^.^ ■ - //^/ - 9/X '. ^.XX..Xz^ , //2/-^// A Catalogue or A most Sujierh and Distinguished Collection of Italian^ French^ Flemish, and Dutch P I C T U R E S, J SELECTION Formed with peculiar Taste and Judgment by JOHN TRUMBULL, ESQ, V During his late Residence in Paris, From some of the most CELEBRATED CABINETS in FRANCE. CONSISTING OF The undoubted Works of the following great Masters, in the highest State RAPHAEL, TITIAN, - PORDENONE, BASSAN, SPAGNOLETTO, GUERCINO, GUIDO, " Preservation : SALVATOR ROSA, MURILLO, POUSSIN, RUBENS, ^ V. DYCK, TENIERS, BERGHEM, WOUVERMANS, GER. DOUW, CH. V. WERFF, REMBRANDT, VERNET. Which will be Sold by Auction By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, On Friday, February lyth, 1797, and following Dav. AT ONE O’CLOCK. To be publicly viewed Two Days preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had as above, and at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhi [price one shilling.] r 7' CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. Mgheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed (halt be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6 d. And fo Van Romyn — T Maes — — Hobbima — 2 — — • Trcvifani ~ JLz. 7 ^^ Called Le Sceur Ommegank — FEBRUARY the 17th, 1797. 1 J^EAD of a faint; from the colledion of M. Jou- bert 2 Peafants at the door of an inn — dolledlion of M. Des Touches 3 Infde view of a church with figures hy Poelenburg ; from the colleftion of M. Des Touches 4 Buildings and cattle ; from the fame 5 A hoy with a young deer ; from the fame 6 Landfcape ; from the colleftion of M. Grandpre 7 The Holy Family 8 Madona and St. Francis; from the colledion of M. Joubert 9 The Magdalen . 10 Cattle^ finely painted I Poelemburg — “ ^ Adrian Van de Velde '7/7 Canaletti — — - — Ditto — — — >^_^PaulFerg — — ■ — 26 > Wynants — — ;5^vJ-R»yfdacl - - Cuyp _ _ — Vandermeulen — /f After Nicholo Pouffin D. Teniers — — /O Weenix — — 50 Teniers “ — Rubens — — 60 ^- Jordaens — — 20 Alexander Veronefe — /3J^ intoret — — 33 Paul Veronefe — 30 Alexander Veronefe WJi ( 6 ) 11 Rums and figures, delicately finiflied 12 A fmall winter Jcene, charmingly painted ; from the colledion of M. Des Touches 13 ^ view in Venice, fine 14 Ditto, ditto 15 A military Jcene 16 Ditto, companion. Thefe are two uncommonly fine fpecimens of Ferg, on copper 17 A very pleaftng landfcape, with figures by Lingelbach, finely painted and in the beft prefcrvation ; from i the colleftion of M.'Grandpre 18 A morning Jcene, the centre of this piilure is peculiarly fine ; from the colleftion of M. Grandpre 19 Cows, an early pidlure of this favorite maficr ; from the colle£l;ion of M. Des Touches 20 A battle, one of the capital pi£lures of this mafter, and in perf'e£l prefervation ; from the colledlion of M. Le Rouge 21 An excellent old copy of one of his fineft landfcapes — colle£l;ion of M. Le Rouge 22 A road, with figures, iAc. an agreeable fmall fpecimen of this favorite mafter; from the colle£Hon of M. Des Touches 23 Head of a young artijl, very finely painted; from the colledfion of M. Le Rouge 24 Portrait of a lady with a negro fervant, a very fine pidure ; from the coljedlion of the Duke dePrallin, 25 Germanicus haranguing his troops, Iketch ; from the col- leSrion of M. Des Touches 26 The Holy Family, half figures the fize of life; a very capital pi£ture, equal to Rubens for colouring ; from the colleiftion of the Baron D’Ffpagnac 27 Cupid and Pfyche, on black marble 28 A female figure, half length, fize of life and finely coloured 29 The martyrdom of St Catharine, a fine pitfture ; from the colleftion of the Duke de Tallard 30 Diana and nymphs furprized bathing by A£teon ; from the colletftion of M. Le Rouge 6/sr V Sebaftian Bourdon ^^TTitian — Paris Bourdonne ^^Philip Champagne arlo Dolce — S/ Giorgione — 2C} Schidoni — /s, Dominico Fetti Louis Carrache Z$ Pietro da Cortona /O Dominichino y2 Stella — yj/t- Luca Tordano 23 Ditto - - Ditto — — ;2/ Ditto - - /do Sebaftian Bourdon Salvator Rofa ■( 7 ) 3t The Baptifm of Chriji, a fine compofition and in perfeft prefervation — colledion of M. Donjoux 32 Portrait of a lady, a fine half-length ; from the collec- tion of the Prince Carignan 33 Portrait of a lady, half-length^ fine as- Titian, and, in , perfed prefervation— -colledion of Prince Carignan 34 Portrait of the great Colbert, very finely painted and in perfed prefervation ; from the colledion of the Baron D’Efpagnac 35 The Magdalen, a very fine head ; from the colledions of the Duke de L’Alfaie and M. Donjoux 36 The Holy Family, a fine fpecimen and in excellent pre- fervation — colledion of M. Le Rouge 37 The Coronation of the Virgin, fmall, a fine compofition of twelve figures, in perfed prefervation, and from the very choice colledion of the Duke de '' Praflin 38 ^r/mj/i< 2 --colledion of M. Donjoux 39 The Holy Family, fmall, a charming little fpecimen'^ from the colledion of M. Donjoux 40 Fhe Adoration of the Jhepherds, a beautiful little fpeci- men of the mailer ; from the colledion of the Baron D’Efpagnac 41 The Virgin and child, fmall, a favourite compofition ' of this great mailer; in perfed prefervation ; from the colledion of M. Donjoux 42 Cupid and Pfyche, fmall, and fweetly painted ; from the colledion of M. Le Rouge 43 Fire', an allegorical compofition 44 FVater, ditto 45 Earth, ditto 46 Air, ditto. Thefe four pidures of the elements arc from the choice colledion of the Baron D’Efpagnac, and are juilly regarded as among the fineil works of the mailer 47 The daughters of Jethro, a very fine compofition, worthy of N. Pouflln, in high prefervation; from the colledion of the Baron D’Efpagnac 48 A landfcape, a fine romantic grand fcene, and in excellent prefervation ; from the colledion of M. Le Rouge ^il Spagnoletto ' Rembrandt mi ( 8 ) 49 St. Jerome and Angela a capital pifture, the body and head of the faint, worthy the pencil of Guido, in fine prefervation ; from the colleftion of M. Donjoux 50 Portrait of a lady^ half length, in his high finiflied manner, one of his fineft and moft extraordinary works; from the collection of M. Donjoux End of the Firft Day’s Sale. Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY the i8th, 1797. L. Titius — \ Hobbima — ^2 \ Teniers — v^uccarelli — Domin. Fetti 332 ^ Weenix — Vandyke — 4 ^ Sebaftian Bourdon 23 Rubens — /ZZ Ditto _ 2Z/ s^^JTeniers — ^ 2 /^ Ditto — — ■ Ditto — — Carl, du Jardin JW-~ 51 A High-finiped piSiure in the ftile of G. Douv^ 52 A landjcape 53 A village dance 54 Landfcape, one of his fine Italian pidlures 55 Dives and Lazarus, a fine pidture of the mailer 56 Dead game, a finely painted picture in his bell manner 57 The^ Virgin and child ; one of the favorite compofitions , of this great mailer, and in fine prefervation ; from the colleftions of the Duke de L’Affaie and of M. Donjoux 58 The Burial of Chri/l, a fine clallical pidlure, in perfedi prefervation •, from the colledlion of M. De La Regniere 59 Head of a boy, Tmo beautiful Iketches, fize of life; 60 Ditto of a girl, /from the colledlion of M. Des Touches 61 Judith with the head of Holofernes, a very fine fpecimen of this favorite mailer, in the moll perfedl prefer- vation ; from the colledions of M. Collet and M. Des Touches 62 An exquifite little landfcape with figures, in his fineft manner ; from the colledlion of M. Le Rouge 63 A beautiful little landfcape, wcith gipfies telling the for- tune of an old man, of the very firll clafs of merit; companion to the foregoing 64 A peajant on horfeback driving cattle, an admirable pic- ture of this mafler ; the landfcape in the manner of Claude, and little inferior to him h Chev. Van der WerfF Gerard Douw - Vanderhuyden id Teniers Wouvermans Teniers > — — Z{}() - - /3S Teniers 6 / dd Ditto — John Both Teniers ' ( 10 ) 65 Children with a blreZ s nejl, a very exquifite little pic- ture of this admired mafter ; from the colledion of the Duke de Praflin 66 One of the fineft pictures of this great mafter, well known under the name of The Onion Cutter \ from the colledlions of the Countefs La Verrue and Grandpre 67 A landjcapcy with water and boats by William Vander- velde, and figures by Adrian; a curious and very fine fpecimen of thofe three admired mafters, and in perfeft prefervation ; well known in the cabinet of the Duke D’Ozincourt and M. Gagny 68 AJiahle with cowi, a milkmaid^ boy, iAc. 2 l very capital pidure of this admired mafter; from the collection of M. Le Rouge 69 A return from the chace ; the animals and dead game in this admirable piCture cannot be furpafled; and the whole forms, perhaps, the fineft fpecimen of the mafter in England ; formerly in the precious collec- tion of the Countefs La Verrue 70 Gamblers at Trldirac, an exquifite picture in perfeCl prefervation, and no way inferior to the bonnet rouge of M. Calonne ; formerly in the collection of M. Le Brun 1\ A landjcape with figures on horfiebach, a fcene in the vicinity of Rome; clear, brilliant, in perfeCt pre- fervation, and one of the fineft productions of this very great mafter; from the collection of M. Grandpre 72 A concert ivith portraits of hlmfief and family^ exquifitely painted in his fineft manner, and in perfeCt pre- fervation 73 A dance of peafiants, companion to the above, and of the fame clafs of merit 74 A landjcape^ fcarcely inferior to Claude Lorrain, and in the higheft prefervation; from the collection of M. Donjoux 75 A chymiji In his Elaboratory \ this piCture may juftly be called the fineft known fpecimen of the wonderful union of freedom and finifhing fo juftly admired in Teniers; from the collection of M. Le Brun 2^0 bassan /l^O Vernet Ditto — Salvator Rofa Bronfmo I /7^ Nicholo Pouffin I 270 2S0 Guido Nicholo Pouflin Guido { ti ) 76 THE MAGDALEN AT THE FEAST OF THE PHARISEE, wiping the feet of the Saviour with her hair; in perfedl prefervation, and one of the fined; works exifting of. the mafter ; from the col- leflion of the Duke de Tallard 77 A Jiorm and Jhipwreck, the mod capital and perfect pic- ture of the mafter in England 78 A view of the cajile and bridge of St. Angelo in Rome, with a fete on the Tiber; among the great number of fpedators are Vernet himfelf, his Wife and her Father, M. Parker; this pidufe is almoft equally capital as the former, its companion 79 A fublime landfcape, in perfedl prefervation ; from the colledlion of M. Le Rouge 80 The Madona, Child and St. Catharine, a very capital picture of this great mafter, in high prefervation ; from the colledtion of the Baron D’Efpagnac, where it was always efteemed to be from the hand of A. Carrache 81 yf Holy Family, a capital and claftic compofition of this great mafter, in the higheft prefervation, well known by the print engraved by Poilly ; from the choice colleftion of M. De La Regniere 82 Lucretia, one of the fineft fpecimens of this great mafter, in his greateft ftile, and in perfeft pre- fervation ; from the colleftion of M. Le Rouge 83 Chrif in the Mount of Olives, the vifionary part of this exquifite little pidlure is equal to any of the fineft works of this great mafter ; and the three Difciples fleeping on the foreground are very grand — it was brought from Italy by M. Joubert, and is now from the colle£lion of M. Le Rouge 84 The patron faints of Bologna ; in this ftile there is but one pitfture of this great mafter known in Europe, which can vie in excellence with this precious fpecimen, that of the Affumption of the Virgin at Bologna ; this pi£lure was long in the famous col- ledlion of M. Bramkamp in Holland— is now from that of M. Donjoux ^^0 Murillo ( «* ) PORDENONE — 4^0 GUERCINO BERGHEM — — 750 RAPHAEL ~ — if472~ 85 St. John with the Lamb; the fentiment of this admirable little picture is equal to the magic of its colouring and execution, and without prejudice to any other, it may fairly be pronounced the mojt lovely fpecimen of this admired mailer in England; it was one of the choicell ornaments of the very fine colledlion of the Duke de Prajlin 86 DEJANIRA AND THE CENTAUR purfued by Hercules, a moll capital pi6lure, equal in colour to Titian, and in compofition worthy of Annibal Carrache ; in the bell prefervation, and from the colleSion of a late noble Duke, whofe tafle and judgment were well known 87 ANGELICA AND MEDORA; figures the fize of life; one of the moll capital pidlures known of this great mafter, and in the bell prefervation ; formerly in the fame colledlion as the above 88 A LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND CAT- TLE, one of the fineft works extant of this great mailer, in which freedom and elegance of execution, and brilliancy of colouring are united, with won- derful grandeur of compofition. The admirable pi£lure, formerly in the Royal Colledlion, and now in the National Mufeum of France, is the only one known in Europe of this mafter, which can be held to be fuperior in any point to this ; in dignity of compofition it is however indifputably inferior; from the coIle£lion of M. Grandpre 89 THE VIRGIN, CHRIST, AND ST JOHN, known by the name of the Madona du Corfet Rouge; , an admirable pi£lure of the middle period of this Greateft of Painters; the drawing and compofition are worthy of him; the expreflions of all the heads fine, but that of the Madona fuperlatively fo, and the colouring is fuperior to almoft any of his works. This pi£ture was brought from Rome by Cardinal Mazarin, and (notwithftanding very high prices were offered for it, particularly by the Prince of Conde], was religioully preferved in the family, until the diftrelfes of the Revolution, in which Le Brun /SO Ditto — ( >3 ) M. Primodan, the late pofTeiTor, had his full fhare, determined him to part with it for a very ex- travagant fum. It was originally painted on wood, which beginning to decay, the painting was transferred upon cloth in 1767, by Hacquin, (as was alfo the Holy Family by the fame mailer, well known ia the Royal Colle£lion). It is in perfe£l prefervation.. 90 The battle of Confiantine and Maxentius 91 The triumph of Confiantine. Thefe admirable drawings are the originals from which the fine prints of Audran were engraved ; no pi£lures of thefe fub- jedls were ever painted by Le Brun ; and the im- portance of thefe drawings is very much enhanced* by the circumftance of their being all that exifts of thefe fubjedls by the hand of the Great Compofer;. they are from the cabinet of M. Le Brun, and until now have never been out of the family.. < V ^ • ■:o't ji ri,^iw 7 i '-- oJ, tti;''! i.'in _ „.' ■ .f '■■' - ^ •• ■■ , •' { v■^^. - >' •• t V'! -VrA' i . < ' • , // .■; .1 r::lV/ out ;^,u.i |..•-..•.■ :'. : , v^' ‘ •^'\: ■“ ■ ■ • ' .. • .' . '. ,V' -. 'J' i "S’* ■: '■ • ' ■'• ■■'•-' ’■• ' "'" r :■• .' e-? ^ ft "i 'X -r- -..i:'? ■' • brit i a^ivf ;:k '1 va !--,i [biu.t \T"-f ^ •. lir:'] lU: 'y:r;(;»a iij^ i >■> . > ''' : 3.1' 0'::. y'iiv,- .'jMuu ■.' ■•' •isvj , , I.) iv, '.u . .‘ti-J n-.'rf ;cl •» ! J>: