A OP THE GENUINE COLLECTION OF VI. BEING A Selection of the moft Capital Performances of that efteemed Artiftg Mr. Joseph Wright, of Derby, DECEASED : COMPRISING A VIEW of ULLSWATER, feveral others In and near Rome, Naples, &c- *The Old Man and Death ; the Widow of an Indian Chief s AND A CAPITAL VIEW OF AN ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS*. Refides many other interefting Subjeds. id) totll be giolti bp auction,, r. CHRISTIE AT HIS ROOM, (N°. 118 , late the Royal Academy ) in Tall Mall \ On WEDNESDAY,. MAY the 6th, 1801, AT TWELVE o’CLOC'K, 3 > May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be- had . in, Pall Mali. >OoO <, O ft <3<>Q(>0 < >0 < '0<«S>'>0 <, 0 < '<& ! * < © K2w©<>i0<>0<>0<>© !- 7 i 8 6.0 • 43 X ^44 d /&6A-5 jsrt r y //.o& f O sty *M7