_V i tf Cc< cf < .(^t«: tc c x< < tt?c.C m, CSLc x i C e c- 1 c «r KC C • X C . «■ «t « «f< < t ( X I X "X X X c t«C C>r-c. ^ C- u<<« < c« / • «;vf tc <«< c c <•<«£ <-C/C } i^rr ' C ( C«-f Ct ^ «C C X.cC.C x«><«^v-. C C ( C< * <«- c X « xCt t a (C x c< ■ a c CvlUXX «« _ <•'. c ; x « c« ^v, M «C-tc C<-tf V < «C XX ( A X- tx V c «C .X «t-c< , « « A ( c. o *; < ^ «TC xc . « « «r ««at* «# 1( # («a: « « CiXx a t' ' tCC ,,i '«■ x< cc i< ...t C< '5* -(«fe. xc c C* Ct ■ (V (' A <- ^ tC o g|:( / c (<«• « «« ££ cxc.I tc « ^c t«- < «« rr X vv (1 I tc XC X^a- CCXX < ce « y, \ ' <« o '*■<&* $ t < c«■ a < - m, - e Cx8t x a" i;xv«'CC < - W ‘Sf ■ «ce-' «'t-«.1 e v«.i v< <* ' xx ex t er x «C x vX C t ( 1 ^.C; ^e- v Kt - V^' C < f X> CC> tr^'«Kx (.t e X-:(C a (< e txc «5 rt- € C <-x«< C cx< «< ' Cx C x x. x 5 «t; • ( C AC- X < 5, exc x x «acet! t ts tfcC' x t C KC > '< C , 'C'«ir 1 c x •<_ c <■(■ (■ « 6 tf c < < (c tf jr re C r t( M r C '< \ • :•< C xf. r ;<*r c 'X ..oliavi. II. EDITION. 2 . 1. Orcus instead of ortus. Singna¬ tus instead of signatus. 2. Acuulo instead of aquilo, i.e. perfla, as in the first edition. No tree in the background behind the bridegroom. V.— 1. (7th.)* 1. Ille instead of illi. Pasitur in¬ stead of pascitur. 2. Covallim instead of convallium. Under the first scroll a tuft of grass instead of a stone. On the fore¬ ground, under the lily piant, aflower, as in the first edition. Tuft of grass instead of a flower in the foreground under the rock-work. 2 . 1. Monnlia instead of monilia. VI.— 1 . (8th.) At the feet of the bridegroom a tuft of grass instead of a flower. 2 . 5. Mure ’ instead of murus. Edifi- cumis instead of edificamus. 7. Enudaeio instead of emulatio. VII.—1. (1 Itii.) 1. Floruisset instead of floruisset. No wattle fenee around the gar- den ; the two companions of the bride are wanting ; two large trees instead of five; only one flower under the first scroll,—ali the others re- placed by rough delineations of four- teen tufts of grass. 2 . The two flowers before and after the bridegroom replaced by shadings and a tuft of grass. A small window in the shaft of the right hand pillar or small tower. The order of the pages in the Bodleian and Cracherode copies bein c °py> ve a( I ( I the number of each page as it occurs in the two copies. III. EDITION. 2 . 1. Orcus instead of ortus. Singna¬ tus instead of signatus. 2. Acuulo instead of aquilo. Pfla instead oipfla. No tree in the background. V.— 1. (7th.) 1. Ille instead of illi. Pasitur in¬ stead of pa scitur. 2. Couallim instead of convallium. A tuft of grass in the foreground, under the lily, instead of a flower, as in the two other editions. 9 //////////////////'////////^///////////y . GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00952 2240 35 »» •» >? J "»>"> 3 » *? > a’- a v >) ■!)'» » > >» i ■ » }>' > >JWB > f) '-» ts OTM J >' j>-> .3 > >■ > 3 » ■: ■ j T»t ) >; m u ) 9 V»U )J 5 »>: j))03>v)>:a 3'3J> 'Di ®ij!> X» WMvJvAw, zz^.zz^z